•e_o. lo su A GUIDE TO THE Current Periodicals and Serials OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA COMPILED BY HENRY ORMAL SEVERANCE LIBRARIAN UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AND CHARLES HARPER WALSH LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SUPPLEMENT Sept. 1, 1910 ANN ARBOR, MICH, GEORGE WAHR, Publisher 1910 m. i ' r'i ■ . „ A GUIDE TO THE Current Periodicals and Serials OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA COMPILED BY HENRY ORMAL SEVERANCE LIBRARIAN UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AND CHARLES HARPER WALSH LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SUPPLEMENT Sept. 1, 1910 ANN ARBOR, MICH. GEORGE WAHR, Pubi asher 1910 61 (o -05 A \ ‘b I 6 Copyright 1910 BY GEORGE WAHR Millard Press, Ann Arbor. Micb. PART I ALPHABETICAL LIST P 80720 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Part 1 Alphabetical List ABBREVIATIONS a=annual. s-m=semi-monthly. b-m=:bi-monthly. s-w=semi-weekly. b-w=bi-weekly. w=weekly. d=daily. f—fortnightly. 6 d—daily, six days in the week. irreg.=rirregular. m=rmonthly. The date refers to the time the periodical or serial was founded. The price is the publisher’s subscription price. ABC, 1908, m.:.3.00 A. B. C. printing establishment, Santiago De Cuba. ABC and manual of the club, market 1908, a. . Myron L. Weil, 51 Exchange Place, N. Y. Ability, 1910, m.50 Milwaukee, Wis. A. O. U. W. wolverine workman, m.50 Pub. susp. 1907. Academy of the Pacific coast history. Pub. 1909 (Jan.), per no. .10 Berkeley, Cal. Advance New England, 1909, rn.... . 1.00 Chamber of Commerce, Boston, Mass. Advertiser, 1909, w. 1.00 Charles W. Norton, Addington, Okla. Advertiser, 1908, w.••. 1.00 W. F. Schubert, Watts, Cal. Advertiser’s almanack, 1907, (May), m. . 34 Union sq., New York, N. Y. Advertising and selling, 1906, m. 2.00 Advertising and selling co., 71 W. 23rd st., New York, N. Y. Advertising results, 1909 (Aug.), m. 1.00 70 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. Advertising results, 1908 (Jun), irreg. . Bailey bldg., Phila., Pa. Aeronautics, 1907, m . % . 3.00 Aeronautics press, 1777 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Aetna, 1868, q. . Aetna life insurance co., Hartford, Conn. Aesculapian, 1908, q. 2.00 Albert T. Huntington, Brooklyn, N. Y. Afield and afloat, 1909, m.. 1.50 Dixie pub. co., 430 Common st., New Orleans, La. Agricultural review, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.00 Syndicate trust bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Air brake magazine, 1909, m. 1.50 Meadville, Pa. Air craft, 1910 (Mar.), m. . 37-39 E. 28th st., New York, N. Y. Alabama citizen, 1906, s-m. 1.00 Ala. anti-saloon league, Birmingham, Ala. Alaskan churchman, q. 1.00 St. Mathew’s mission, Fairbanks, Alaska. Albright’s farm and ranch, 1902, w.••.50 Pub. susp. Alberta homestead, 1908, w. 1.00 A. B. Watt, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Alumnus, q. .. . . •. 1.00 La. state university, Baton Rouge, La. Alumni register, m. dur. coll, yr. 2.00 Pub. susp. America (Spanish), 1908, m. 4.00 American co., Metropolitan tower, New York, N. Y. American aeronaut, 1909 (Aug.), m. 2.00 1926 Broadway, New York, N. Y. American architect, reg. ed., w.. American architect co., 238 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. American architect and building news, international ed. 1876, w.- Pub. susp. American ass’n of physio-medical physicians and surgeons’ journal, 1908, m.. .. 1.50 Charles Lewis, Chicago, Ill. American ass’n of electric motor mfrgs’. Journal, 1908 (Nov.) . - 29 w. 39th st., New York, N. Y. American ass’n of museums. Proc. 1907, a. 1.00 Pittsburg, Pa. American astronomer bulletin, 1908, m. 1.00 William D. McPherson, South Framingham, Mass. American bondsman, 1908, m.. . 1.00 941 Simpson st., Boston, Mass. American bankers’ convention. Year book, a. 6.00 Banking law journal, 27 Thames st., New York, N. Y. American banner, 1909, w. 1.00 James M. Freeman, Knoxville, Tenn. American beverage and food journal, 1906, m. 1.00 416 Elm st., Cincinnati, O. American bar association. Annual bulletin, 1908, a.50 Wm. W. Smithers, sec., St. Paul, Minn. American bulletin, 1908, m..... . GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 7 Amer. collection service, 115 State st., Detroit, Mich. American business man, 1907, m. 2.00 Pub. susp. American city, 1909, m... 1.00 Amer. city pub. co., 93 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. American coal journal, 1908, m. 1.00 Amer. coal journal pub. co., 502-3 Century bldg., K. C., Mo. American college, 1909, m. 2.50 Higher education ass’n, 42 Broadway, New York, N. Y. American cranberry growers’ ass’n. Proc. 1871, a.. A. J. Rider, Hammonton, N. Y. American district steam co. Bulletin. . Lockport, N. Y. American dressmaker, 1910 (June), m. . 41 W. 25th st., New York, N. Y. American economic ass’n. Pubs. 1886, q. 4.00 Cambridge, Mass. American fancier, 1893, s-m.50 L. W. Lott & co., 330 Church st., New York, N. Y. American farm magazine, 1909 (Jan.), m. 1.00. Des Moines, Iowa, and Chicago, Ill. American farm review, 1908, m.25 Leonard Darbyshire, 179 St. Paul st., Rochester, N. Y. American forestry, 1895, m. 1.00 Amer. forestry ass’n, Wash., D. C. American flag, 1909 (May), m. . Merchant’s marine league, Cleveland, O. American fruit and farm, 1908 (Dec.), m. 1.00 Paonia, Cal. American gas institute. . Proc. 1907, entrance fee $25.00 ; annual dues . 10.00 John W. Dunbar, sec., New Albany, Ind. American glance ahead, 1900. . Pub. susp. American golfer, 1908, m. fr. Oct. to June, s-m. July, Aug. & Sept 3.00 The American golfer, 49 Liberty st., New York, N. Y. American grange bulletin and scientific farmer, 1874, w. 1.00 Pub. susp. American gymnasia and athletic record, 1905, m. 1.50 Pub. susp. American hatter trade directory, U. S. and Canada, 1887, a. 5.00 Gallison & Hobron co., 13 Astor place, New York, N. Y. American Health, 1908, bi-m. 1.00 69 Church st., New Haven, Conn. American historical magazine, 1906, bi-m. 3.00 Contin. as Americana. American home, 1902, m.10 Pub. susp. American home magazine, 1905, m.25 Pub. susp. American institute of criminal law and criminology. Journal, 1910 (May), b-m . 3.00 8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 87 E. Lake st., Chicago, Ill. American institute of homeopathy. Journal, 1909, m. 3.00 -Transactions, 1844, a.:. 5.00 Med. century pub. co., 9 E. 42d st., New York, N. Y. American Israelite, w. 2.50 Leo Wise & co., Cincinnati, O. American journal of engenics, 1907, m.. 1.00 Moses Harmon, 500 Fulton st., Chicago, Ill. American journal of physiologic therapeutics, 1910 (May), b-m. 1.00 72 Madison st., Chicago, Ill. American kennel club stud book, 1884, a. . Amer. kennel club, 55 Liberty st., New York, N. Y. American law digest and legal directory, 1878, a. . Banker's pub. co., Wright bldg., St. Louis, Mo. American law register, 1852, m. 2.00 Contin. as University of Pa. law review and Amer. law register. American lawyer, 1893, m. 2.00 Pub. susp. American leather chemist’s ass’n. Journal, 1906, m. 7.00 Ridgeway, Pa. American magazine, 1876, m. 5.00 Pub. susp. American midland naturalist, 1909 (Apr.), b-m. 1.00 University press, Notre Dame, Ind. American mining congress. Monthly bulletin, m -Proceedings, 1897, a . Jas. F. Callbreath, jr., Denver, Colo. American motorists, 1909, m. 1.00 Amer. automobile ass’n pub. co., Stamford, Conn. American paint and oil dealer, 1908, m. 2.00 Allen W. Clark, St. Louis, Mo. American peat society. Journal, 1908 (Apr.), q. 3.00 Toledo, O. American penman (students’ ed., 1885, m.).65 -Professional ed., 1885, m. 1.00 A. U. Palmer co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. American poultry world, 1909, m.50 Buffalo, N. Y. American pure food & drug journal, 1909, m. 1.00 1092 Second National Bank bldg., Cincinnati, O. American railway & building ass’n -Proceedings, 1890, a. membership, $3.00; annual dues. . 2.00 -Contin. of ass’n of ry. supts. of bridges and buildings. S. F. Pattetrson, Concord, N. H. American real estate seller, 1907, m. . Real estate directory co., Fort Atkinson, Wis. American salesman, 1910 (May), m. 1.00 Valparaiso, Ind. American society of agricultural engineers Butler, Mo. Battens’ agricultural directory, a. . George Batten co., 11 East 24th st., New York, N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 9 -Transactions, 1907, a. 2.00 L. W. Chase, Lincoln, Neb. American society of church history. Proc. 1906, irreg. 3.00 Rev. Samuel M. Jackson, 11 Waverly place, New York, N. Y. American society of engineering contracting. Journal, 1909, m. . — 13 Park Row, New York, N. Y. American sports, 1908, m... — Iver Johnson sporting goods co., Washington st. and Cornhill, Boston, Mass. American stone trade, 1903 (Jan.), m. 1.00 Harvey pub. co., 355 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. American theosophist, 1908 (Apr.), m. 1.00 22 Green st., Albany, N. Y. American suffragette, 1909 (June), in.50 122 E. 23rd st., New York, N. Y. American woman’s review, 1889, m.25 Western magazine pub. co., 2807 Locust st., St. Louis, Mo. Americana, 1906, b-m. 3.00 Amer. society, 36 E. 23rd st., New York, N. Y. Amerika esperantisto, 1906, m. 1.00 Esperanto ass’n of N. A., Chicago, Ill. Amerikanische prosperitat, 1907 (Nov.), m. 1.00 Edgar Von Francken, 1412 Prospect ave., New York, N. Y. Anatomical record, 1906 (Nov.), m. 3j00 Wistar institute, Phila., Pa. Andiron magazine, 1910, a.10 The Andiron club, Columbia, Mo. Angelous monthly, 1908 m.50 Angelous pub. co., 527 5th st., Rockford, Ill. Angler and hunter, 1909, m. 1.00 Angler’s ass’n of Onondaga co., Syracuse, N. Y. Anti-mail order business, 1909 (Feb.), m. 1.00 220 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Anti-nicotine quarterly, 1907, q. Free Anti-nicotine co., Los Angeles, Cal. Anunciator, 1909, w. Free Ecolante & Costello, Manzanillo, Cuba. Apparel gazette, 1908, m. 1.00 Preston McKinney, 837 S. Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. Apprenticeship bulletin, 1907 (Nov.), m.25 20 Parmenter st., Boston, Mass. Apteiker journal, 1909, m.. 40 Stanton st., New York, N. Y. Arboriculture, 1902, m. 1.00 Pub. susp. Archaeological institute of America -Bulletin, 1909 (Nov.), q. 1.00 MacMillan co., New York, N. Y. Architects and builders journal, 1899, m.. 2.00 Contin. as National contractor and builder. Architects’, contractors’ and material dealers’ directory, 1886, a. 3.00 10 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS McDonough & co., 79 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Architectural review, 1891, m. 5.00 Bates & Guild co., Boston, Mass. Architectural league of N. Y. Year book, 1886, a.. Harvey W. Corbett, 215 W. 57th st., New York, N. Y. Archives of internal medicine, 1908, m. 4.00 Am. rned. ass’n, 103 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Archives of otology, 1879, b-m. 4.00 Pub. susp. 1908. Arena, 1898, m. 2.50 Pub. susp. Arizona university, University of Arizona record, 1908 (Apr.) . . - Tucson, Ariz. Arkansas sketch book, 1906, q. 1.00 Mrs. Bernie Babcock, Little Rock, Ark. Army and navy life and the U. S. service, m. 2.50 Pub. susp. Art and life, 1909 (May), irreg.,. 1.00 22 W. 33d st., New York, N. Y. Art and progress, 1909 (Nov.), m. 1.50 Amer. federation of arts, 1741, N. Y. and Wash., D. C. Art in buttons, 1908, m. Free German-Amer. button co., Rochester, N. Y. Art review and limner, 1909, q.50 Ernest* Knaufft, 435 Fourth ave., New York, N. Y. Art students’ magazine, m.. Augusta, Mich. Arts and decoration, 1910 (Nov.), m. 1.80 Adam Bridge, 110 W. 32d st., N. Y. Artisan, 1908, w. 1.00 Artisan pub. co., Holyoke, Mass. Aryan, 1909 (Sep.), m. 1.00 1200 Col. st., Denver, Colo. As others see us, 1908, s-m. Pub. susp. Association for international conciliation, New York. Free -Bulletin, m. Free -Monthly bibliographies, m. ' Association of life insurance presidents. Proc. 1907, a 1 Madison ave., New York, N. Y. Ass’n of state and national food and dairy depts. -Proceedings, 1897, a. R. M. Allen, sec’t’y, Lexington, Ky. Asterisk (revived), 1909, m.10 Asterisk & Andiron clubs, Univ. of Mo., Columbia, Mo. Astrolite, m. 2.50* L. H. Weston, box 201, Portland, Ore. Atlantic city informer, 1909, m. Free Atlantic City, N. J. Atlantic monthly, 1857, m. 4.00 Atlantic monthly co., Boston, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 11 Aus nah und fern, 1910 (Mar.), 3 nos..25 Chicago, Ill. Austria (German), 1909, w. 2.00 Austria pub. co., 344 Bowery, New York, N. Y. Author’s journal, 1909 (May), m.10 1915 Greenmount ave., Baltimore, Md. Auto magazine, 1909 (Apr.), m. 1.00 Oakland, Cal. Auto news of Washington, 1909 (Mar.). 1.00 Pub. susp. Automobile club of America. Tour book, irreg. 3.00 S. M. Butler, sec’t’y, 54th st., West Broadway, N. Y. Automobile trade directory, 1903, q. . . .;. 5.00 231 W. 39th st., New York, N. Y. Backbone monthly, 1910 (Jan.), m..50 Ravenswood, Chicago, Ill. Bacteriotherapy, 1910 (May), q. 1.00 New York, N. Y. Bagology, 1906 (Aug.), m. . Detroit, Mich. Baltimore city automobile journal, 1909 (Aug.), m. 1.00 612 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Bang, 1905, w. 3.00 Alexander Harvey, 41 W. 25th st., New York, N. Y. Bank depositor, 1910 (Feb.), m. Free Denver, Colo. Bankers’ and merchants’ informer, m.. Charles W. Reihl, 122 E. Duval st., “G,” Phila., Pa. Banking world, 1898, b-m. 5.00 W. Y. Barnet, 6430 Woodlawn ave., Chicago, Ill. Baptist, 1908, m.50 R. T. Marsh, Rock Hill, S. C. Baptist home mission monthly, 1878; m.50 -Continued in Missions. Baptist missionary magazine, 1803, m. 1.00 -Continued in Missions. Baptist women’s union (negro), 1908, s-m.75 Mound Bayou industrial coll., Mound Bayou, Miss. Bar and buffet, 1906, m. 1.00 -Continued as Amer. beverage & food journal. Barde (Der), 1908 (Aug.), m. 1.00 Weimann pub. co., 204 17th st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Barney’s information guide to St. Louis, 1902, a.25 Barney W. Frauenthal, St. Louis, Mo. Barnhart flyer, 1909 (May), m. . St. Louis printers’ supply co., St. Louis, Mo. Baseball magazine, 1908, m. 1.50 Baseball magazine, 158 Summer st., Boston, Mass. Bates bulletin, 1907 (Sep.), s-a. 1.00 Austinburg, O. Bates county (Mo.) public schools. Bulletin, irreg. . 12 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Beacon, 1908, w. 2.00 Henderwood press (inc.), 36-8 Barclay st., New York, N. Y. Bean-pot, 1909 (Jan.), m. 1.00 17 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Beautiful homes, 1908 , m.25 Lewis pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. Beaver, 1909, m. 1.00 E. T. Harvey, jr., 419 Carondelet st., New Orleans, La. Berks county law journal, 1908, w. 3.00 W. M. Bertolet & R. Stauffer, Reading, Pa. Berkshire world and cornbelt stockman, 1909, m. 1.00 L. E. Frost & L. J. Campbell, Springfield, Ill. Better fruit, 1906, m. 1.00 Hood River, Ore. Beverage trade news, 1906, w. 2.50 -(Contin. of Phila. liquor dealers’ journal.) Cornelius Dougherty, 1011 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Biblical educator, 1909, m. 1.00 S. O. Pool, Wenatchee, Wash. Big stick, 1909, f. . Jewish pub. & adv. co., 173 E. Broadway, New York, N. Y. Bird, lore, 1899, b-m. 1.00 Nat. ass’n of audubon societies, 525 Manhattan av., New York, N. Y. Bird news, 1909, b-m.75 Avicultural soc., 717 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. Birds and nature magazine, 1897, m. 1.50 Pub. susp. Black diamond express, 1897, m.50 Contin. as Transportation. Blue jacket, 1900, m. 1.50 Pub. susp. Blue mule, 1906, m.’.. Pub. susp. Board and trade printer, 1908 (Mar.), m. 147 Fourth ave., New York, N. Y. Body gaurd, 1909 (June), q. 3.00 150 Sixth ave., New York, N. Y. Bohemian, 1900, m. 1.00 Pub. susp. Bookbuyer, m. Free Scribner’s sons, 153 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. Book-keeper, 1888, m. 1.00 Book-keeper pub. co., Detroit, Mich. Book notes, m. Free D. Appleton & co., 55 W. 32d st., New York, N. Y. Book of Amer. municipalities, 1906, a. 3.50 Municipal information bureau, 95 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Border, 1908, m . 1.00 Border pub. co., Tuscon, Ariz. Boston Alaskan, 1906, m. 1.00 Pub. susp. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 13 Boston common, 1910 (Apr. 30), w. 2.00 18 Kingston st., Boston, Mass. Boston weekly review, 1909, w. 5.00 100 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Bowler, 1908, w. 1.50 D. J. Sweeney, 704 St. Charles st., St. Louis, Mo. Boy, 1909, m. 25 Columbus, Ohio. Boys’ best weekly, 1909, w.per copy .05 Authur Westbrook co., Cleveland, Ohio. Boys’ magazine, 1909, m. 1.00 Scott F. Redfield co., Smethport, Pa. Braille transcript, 1909, b-m.50 Jacksonville, Ill. Brick bats and bouquets, 1907 (Nov.), s-m. 2.50 510 12th st. N. W., Wash., D. C. Bridge, 1905, m. 1.00 L. J. Bruck, 506 W. 113th st., New York, N. Y. British Columbia building news, 1908, w. 2.00 E. W. Elkington, Vancouver, B. C. Broadway magazine, 1898, m. 1.50 Contin. as Hampton’s magazine. Brown’s directory of American gas companies, a. 5.00 -Gas statistics, 1887, a. 5 00 Progressive age pub. co., 280 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Brooklyn public library. Bulletin 1901, q. Free Brooklyn, N. Y. Brush and pail, 1909, m. 1.00 J. L. Hamilton, Grand Rapids, Mich. Builders’ bulletin, 1908, 6 ti-m. . J. Herbert Lauer, Montreal, Quebec. Builders’ weekly guide.. Law bldg., Baltimore, Md. Building age, (contin. of Carpentry and building), 1879, m.... 1.00 David Williams co., 14 Park place, New York, N. Y. Bulletin of bibliography, 1897, q. 1.00 Boston book co., 83 Francis st., Fenway, Boston, Mass. Bungalow magazine, 1909, m. 1.00 Henry C. Wilson, 412 Copp bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Burr McIntosh monthly, 1903, m. 3.00 Pub. susp., May, 1910. Business advance, 1908 (June), m.50 1831 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Business America, 1908, m. 1.50 League pub. co., 608 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Business arena, 1904, m..25 Fred. G. Kaessmann, 46 Park st., Lawrence, Mass. Business devices and aids for the office, 1910 (Mar.), m.50 Tribune bldg., New York, N. Y. Business man’s magazine and book-keeper, Contin. as Book-keeper. Business philosopher, 1904, m. 1.00 14 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Contin. as Sheldon’s business philosopher. Business woman’s magazine, 1903, m... 1.00 Contin. in Modern world, etc. Busy bible student, 1910, q...20 Cincinnati, O. Butter, cheese and egg journal, 1910, w. 1.00 Milwaukee, Wis. Buyers’ magazine, 1908, m. 2.00 Commercial pub. co., 47 W. King st., Toronto, Canada. Buyers’ index, b-m. Pub. susp. By archer road, 1906, m.10 358 E. 22d st., Chicago, III. Bystander, 1903, m. 1.00 Classic press, 244 Security bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Byways magazine, 1910 (Mar.), m. 1.50 1545 Broadway, New York, N. Y. California alumni weekly, 1909 (Jan.), w.50 Berkeley, Cal. California bungalow, 1909 (Mar.), m. 1.00 Contin. as Bungalow magazine. California electric medical journal, 1908, m.. 1.00 California electric medical college, Los Angeles, Cal. California home journal, 1909 (Apr.), m.50 330 Jackson st., San Francisco, Cal. California state library. News notes, see news notes. -Legislative reference bulletin, 1908 (Dec.), 1908 Sacramento, Cal. California. University. Publications. -Entomology, 1906. -modern philology, 1909 (May). Call of the loyal moose of the world, 1909, m. 1.00 Moose pub. co., Youngstown, O. Calumet region monthly railroad guide, 1908, m. Free Roscoe E. Woods, Hammond, Ind. Camp and trail, 1909 (Dec. 4), w.. Columbus, O. Campbell’s scientific farmer, 1906, m. 1.00 Campbell soil culture co., 1417 O. st., Lincoln, Neb. Campus, 1899, s-m. dur. coll. yr. Pub. susp. Canadian bookman, 1909, m. 1.00 McLean pub. co., 10 Front st., Toronto, Canada. Canadian farm, 1909, w. 1.00 Farm press, 12 Wellington st. e., Toronto, Canada. Canadian magazine, 1893, m. 2.50 Ontario pub. co., Toronto, Canada. Canadian miller & grain elevator, 1909, m. 1.00 Biggar-Wilson pub. co., 226-7 Confederation Life bldg., Toronto, Canada. Canadian wood-worker, 1908, m. 1.00 226-27 Conferation Life bldg., Toronto, Canada. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 15 Candy topics, 1903, m. Free D. Amerback & sons, 334 W. 39th st., New York, N. Y. Capital and investments, 1907, m. 1.00 Wm. R. Sanborn, Kansas City, Mo. Carnegie technical schools. Bulletin. Carnegie technical schools, Pittsburg, Pa. Carolina union farmer, 1908, w.75 J. Z. Green & L. E. Huggins, Marshville, N. C. Carpentery and building, 1879, m. 1.00 Contin. as Building age. Car review, 1909, m. 1.00 79-89 N. Third st., Columbus, O. Cartoon, Pub. susp. 1908. Catholic chronicle, 1909, w. 2.60 Harrison C. McDonald, Erie, Pa. Catholic herald, 1908, w. 2.00 T. A. Connelly, Sacramento, Cal. Catholic home journal, 1884, a.25 Benziger bros., 36 Barclay st., New York, N. Y. Catholic home journal, 1909, m...50 Greeley, Colo. Catholic mind, s-m. 1.00 Fordham university, N. Y. Catholic missions, 1907 (Jan.), b-m. 1.00 627 Lexington ave., New York, N. Y. Catholic monthly, 1909, m.50 Rockford ptg. co., Rockford, Ill. Catholic opinion, 1909, w. 1.00 H. W. Haswell, Lewiston, Me. Catholic school problems, 1909 (Oct.), q.25 123 E. 23rd st., New York, N. Y. Catholic school work, 1909, b-m.. . . 1.00 123 E. 23rd st., New York, N. Y. Catholic times, 1909, w. 2.00 277 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Catholic weekly, 1908, w. 1.00 Florence Crane, Tacoma, Wash. Cavalier, 1908, m. 1.00 F. A. Munsey co., 175 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. Caxton, 1909, m. 1.00 Pittsfield, Mass. Cement record, 1908, m. 1-00 How. H. Peters, Kansas City, Mo. Cement worker, 1909, m.25 Johnson pub. co., 414 Main st., Louisville, Kv. Center, 1909 (Aug.), m.50 30 Church st., New York, N. Y. Central Canada mining record, 1909, w. L50 Lake o’ the woods printery, Kenora, Ontario, Canada. Central New York motorist, 1910 (Jan.), b-m. 1.00 Lyons, New York. 16 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Central presbyterian, 1837, w. 2.00 Contin. as Presbyterian of the south. Ceska zena (Bohemian), 1908, m. 1.00 1625 S. Eleventh st., St. Louis, Mo. Chamber of commerce news, 1910, w. Free Chamber of commerce, Boston, Mass. Character, 1909, m.50 Griffith-Stillings press, Boston, Mass. Charities and the commons, 1897, w. 2.00 Contin. as Survey. Charities record, q.25 Pub. susp. Chat, 1909, w. 1.00 Lake Bluff woman’s club, Lake Bluff, Ill. Chauffeur, 1909 (Aug.), m. 1.00 20 Broad st., New York, N. Y. Chauffeur, 1909 (May), m. 1.00 Caxton bldg., Cleveland, O. Cheerful knocker, 1909 (July), m. 1.00 2126 Pacific ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Cheerful moments, 1909, m.50 927-929 Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Cheerful pessimist, 1908, q. 1.00 214 E. 23rd st., New York, N. Y. Chef magazine, 1910, m. 1.50 225 Fifth ave.. New York, N. Y. Chemical engineer, 1901, m. 2.00 355 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Chess weekly, 1908 (June), w. 4.00 4 Court st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago board of education. Bulletin, 1902 (Dec. 15), irreg. . . . Free Board of education, Chicago, Ill. Chicago illustrated review, 1908, w. 2.00 Saturday pub. co., Schiller bldg., Chicago, Ill. Chicago musical times, 1893, w. 2.00 203 Michigan boulevard, Chicago, Ill. Chicago school of civics & philanthropy. Bulletin, 1909 (Apr.), q. 3.00 35 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Chicago securities, 1891, a. 3.00 Chicago directory co., 141 Plymouth ct., Chicago, Ill. G. E. Slechert & co., New York, N. Y. Child love, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.00 Stebbins & Co., 1427 Union st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Child welfare magazine, 1907, m. 10 mos.50 147 N. 10th st., Phila., Pa. Children’s charities, 1909 (Mar.), m. 1.00 636 Unity bldg., Chicago, Ill. Children’s magazine, 1888, m. 1.00 S. E. Cassino co., Salem, Mass. Chorus, 1909 (Feb.), m. 4.00 Knickerbocker bldg., New York, N, Y, GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 17 Christian men, 1909, m.50 R. A. Long bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Christian socialist, s-m.50 Co-operative printing co., 5623 Drexel ave., Chicago, Ill. Christian student, 1900, q.25 Bd. of educ., M. E. church, 150 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. Christian world, 1848, w.. . Pub. susp. Church life, 1908, w. 1.00 Ed. J. B. Pense, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Church life, 1908, w.50 Wm. L. Peterson, Pitman, N. J. Church music, 1905, b-m. 1.50 Pub. susp. Sept., 1909. Church standard, 1830, w. Pub. susp. Citizen, 1906 (Aug.), w. .. Ala. anti-saloon league, Birmingham, Ala. City club bulletin, 1909 (Otc. 2), w. . City club of Phila., Pa. City club bulletin. . City club of Chicago, 228 S. Clark st., Chicago, Ill. City hall, 1899, m. 2.00 95 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. City of industry magazine, 1908 (Apr. 8). 2.00 The Bourse, Phila., Pa. Civic affairs, 1908, w. 2.00 44 Byrd bldg., Memphis, Tenn. Civic formum bulletins, 1907, irreg.per copv .10 23 W. 44th st., New York, N. Y. Civic journal, 1909, w. .*. 1.00 People’s institute, 318 E. 15th st., New York, N. Y. Civic league record, 1901, m.50 Christian civic league of Maine, Waterville, Me. Civilian, 1908, f. 1.00 P. O. box 484, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Civil progress© (Italian), 1909, w. 1.00 Commercial printing co., Youngstown, O. Clarion call, 1908, m.50 T. H. Blacklock, Weybourn, Saskatchewan. Clarkson bulletin, 1904, q... Clarkson school of tech., Potsdam, N. Y. Clark’s book herald, s-m. Free C. M. Clark pub. co., 211 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. Classic, 1906, m. Pub. susp. Claycrofter, 1910 (Mar.), b. m..« .50 Dayton, O. Cleveland engineering society. Trans., irreg.. Cleveland. O. Cleveland gas and electric fixture co. Bulletin, 1909 (May), irreg. Conneaut, O. 18 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Club journal, 1909, f. 2.00 Automobile club of America, 54th st., West Broadway, New York, N. Y. Club for colonial reprints, pubis 1903, irreg. . P. O. box 1275, Providence, R. I. Club life (clubwoman’s guild), 1903, m. . Pub. susp. Club life, 1907, m. 1.00 Club affairs pub. co., 333 4th ave., New York, N. Y. Club woman, 1910 (Apr.), m. 1.00 25 W. 42d st., New York, N. Y. Club woman’s magazine, 1908 (Oct.), m. 1.50 M. B. Corwin, Cincinnati, O. Coal analysis report, m... —— Fuel engineering co., 59 Pearl st., New York, N. Y. Cobalt investor, 1908, m. Free Thomas C. Dougherty, 44 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Cobalt news bureau, 1908, s-m. 2.00 Charles P. Smith, 33 Broadway, N. Y. Cold, 1909, m. 25 Watertown, N. Y. Collector’s journal, 1909, m.50 Linquist & Lauritzen, 3812 Langley ave., Chicago, Ill. College news, w... . Wm. Jewell college, Liberty, Mo. Collegian magazine, 1908, m. 1.00 Collegian pub. co., Portland, Ore. Collin’s bulletin, 1908, m. Free Frederick Collins, 54 Clinton st., Newark, N. J. Collin’s wireless bulletin, 1908 (Sept.), m.50 54 Clinton st., Newark, N. J. Colonist, 1909, m.50 J. P. Clarkson, Keystone, Fla. Colored American magazine, m. 1.00 Moore pub. & ptg. co., 7 Chatham sq., New York. Colored churchman (negro), 1908, w. 1.00 Rev. John H. Reed, Shenandoah, Va. Colored people’s magazine, 1910 (Mar.), m. 1.00 278 Mitchell st., Atlanta, Ga. Colorist, 1908, m. Free Sherwin-Williams co., 601 Canal road, N. W., Cleveland, O. Columbian magazine, 1909, m. 1.50 Columbian magazine pub. co., 1 Madison ave., New York, N. Y. Commerce, 1908, m. 1.50 123-25 Ellwanger bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Commercial engineering, 1910 (Mar.), m. 1.00 115 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. Commercial review (Greek), 1908, m. 2.00 Orient press, 104 Wall st., New York, N. Y. Common sense, 1908, m. 1.00 Electric controller & mfg. co., Cleveland, O. Common sense bible teacher, 1909 (Jan.), q.. 1,00 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 19 Endicott bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Commonwealth club of California. Trans., 1906, q. . San Francisco, Cal. Concerning municipal ownership. Pub. susp., 1909. Condensed reports of all corporations issuing bonds, 1907, m. . . 2.00 The Babson system, Wellesley, Mass. Conduct, 1908 (June), m... . 105 S. 42nd ave., Chicago, Ill. Confederate home messenger, 1907, m.per yr. .10 225 S. 5th st., Louisville, Ky. Congress street curb news, 1908, w. 1.00 M. C. Barnard & co., 35 Congress st., Boston, Mass. Conquest magazine, 1909, m. 1.00 416 Frear bldg., Troy, N. Y. Conservation. Contin. in American forestry. Construction, 1907 (Oct.), m. 3.00 Toronto, Canada. Continental agents’ record, 1904, m. Free 1208 Mich, ave., Chicago, Ill. Contract news. Contin. as Engineering-contracting. Co-operation, 1909 (Apr.), m. 1.00 Metropolitan Life bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Co-operative commonwealth, 1908, w. 1.00 Memphis, Tenn. Co-operative credit guide, 1905, a. . Wilcox agency, New Orleans, La. Co-operative magazine, m. 1.00 403 E. 22nd st., Chicago, Ill. Copper, 1908, w. Free Gay & Sturgis, 50 Congress st., Boston, Mass. Cornerstone, 1907, b-m. 1.50 Teachers’ educational league, Memphis, Tenn. Corporation manual, 1894, a. 115 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. Corporation searchlight, 1909, m. 18 Wall st., New York, N. Y. Cosmic world, 1908 (Sep.), m. 1.00 Pub. susp., 1908. Cosmopolitan annual, ,.1907, a, (membership). 2.00 Frank D. Mitchell, sec’t’y, 313 Eddy st., Ithaca, N. Y. Cotton shippers’ book, 1908, a. 5.00 Nelson pub. co., Savannah, Ga. Cottrell’s magazine, 1910, m. 1.00 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. County school champion, 1897, m.. .25 H. LI. Peyton, New Albany, Kan. Country life in America, 1901, s-m..•. 3.00 Doubleday, Page & Co., 133 E. 16th st., New York, N. Y. Crawford shoe horn, 1909, m f ... ....... Free 20 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Chas. A. Eaton co., Brockton, Mass. Crescendo, 1908 (July), m.. 1.00 Crescendo pub. co., 165 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. Crescent, 1910 (Mar.), m.. 1.50 174 E. 3rd st., St. Paul, Minn. Crest magician, 1907, m.. 1.00 Pub. susp. Crest musical bulletin, 1907, Oct. 1.00 Pub. susp. Cuba, capital and country, 1908 (Sept.), m.per mo. .05 Box 1242, Havana, Cuba. Cuba pedagogica, 1903, w. 6.00 Ramiro guerra, 8 Milagros, Havana, Cuba. J. E. Van Dyke, New York, N. Y. Curler and bowler, 1908, m. 1.00 W. J. Taylor, 5 King st., west, Toronto, Canada. Current events, index, q. 2.00 Wis. library commission, Madison, Wis. Current fiction, review, 1909 (June), q.25 Henry S. Haskell, 30 E. 20th st., New York, N. Y. Current Maryland digest, 1908 (May), m. 6.00 Chas. M. Clark, 207 Law bldg., Baltimore, Md. Custom cutters’ exchange, 1908 (Aug.), m. 2.00 853 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Dahlia News, 1907 (Mar.), m. . 5 Union st., Boston, Mass. Daily farm seller, 1907, m. 1.00 James Albert Tracy, Sioux City, la. Daily orders, 1908, m. 1.00 International committee Y. M. C. A., 124 28th st., New York. Dairy bulletin, irreg. Free Vermont farm machine co., Bellows Falls, Vt. Dakota jobber and retailer, 1908, m. 2.00 Aberdeen, S. Dakota. Darley engineering co. Bulletins, 1909, m. . Singer bldg., New York, N. Y. Delaware advocate (negro), 1908, w. 1.25 Rev. Hammond, 1124 Walnut st., Wilmington, Conn. Demiter, 1901, m. 1.00 Students of La. State University, Baton Rogue, La. Democracy, 1908 (Sept.), m.25 Democracy and civil service news, w.per copy .05 Democracy printing co., 132 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. Dentists’ magazine. Pub. susp. Denver medical times and Utah medical journal, 1882, m. 1,00 Medical times pub. co., Denver, Colo. Denver news letter and Colo, advertiser, 1909, w.10 Denver, Colo. Deseret farmer, 1904, w... Salt Lake City, Utah. 1.00 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 21 Designer, 1894, m...75 Standard fashion co., 12 Vandam st., New York, N. Y. Designing methods, reinforced concrete construction, 1908 (May), m. . 925 ’Frisco bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Diamond dust, 1896, m.. . 1047 Carmen ave., Chicago, Ill. Dictionary of electric railway material, a. . McGraw pub. co., 239 W. 39th st., New York, N. Y. Diplomatic and consular review, 1896 (Mar.), w.. W. C. Fox, ed., New York, N. Y. Direct buyers’ journal, 1910 (Apr.), m. 3.00 Birmingham, Ala. Director, 1909, m.50 Director pub. co., 212 Tribune bldg., New York, N. Y. Directory of portland cement mfgrs, gypsum and lime, 1907, a. . 1.00 Cement era, 842 Monadnock bldg., Chicago, Ill. Directory of special and advertising agents, 1908, a. 20.00 Publishers’ commercial agency, 200 Broadway, New York. Directory of the breeders and exhibitors of dogs in U. S. and Canada, 1909, a. 1.00 Field and fancy pub. co., 14 Church st., New York, N. Y. Dirt mover, s-m. 1.00 Contin. as Contract news. Disseminator, 1908 (Sept.), m. Free 219 S. 4th st., St. Louis, Mo. Dixie eagle, 1908, m. 1.00 Charlson & Vezolles, P. O. box 556, New Orleans, La. Dockham’s jobbing trade and dep’t stores, report and directory, 1908, a. 1.00 Dockham pub. co., 6 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Dog journal, 1908, m. 1.00 C. H. Jones, 414 Ellwanger bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Dolphin, 1902, m. Pub. susp. Domestic engineering directory of jobbers & mfg. of plumbing, heating, lighting, engine, mining and mill supplies, 1894, a. 5.00 49 No. Jefferson st., Chcago, Ill. Domestic science bulletin, 1906, m. . Pub. susp. Draugas (Lithuanian), 1909, w. 2.00 1908 Meade st., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Drexel institute bulletin, 1904, m. dur. coll. yr. Pub. susp. Druggists’ messenger, 1909, m. 74 Cortlandt st., New York, N. Y. Duas Americas, 1908 (July), m. 3.00 Pulitzer bldg., New York, N. Y. Duffy’s interurban guide and magazine, 1909, m. 150 Commercial bldg., Sacramento, Cal. Drift of the market, 1902, m. 1.50 22 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Drift of the market, 1902, a. 2.00 Mass pub. co., Everett station, Boston, Mass. Dutton’s monthly bulletin, m. Free E. P. Dutton & co., 31 w. 23d st., New York, N. Y. Earlhamite, s-m. dur. coll, yr. 1.25 Earlham college, Richmond, Ind. Eastern labor news, 1909, w. 1.00 Percy D. Hyer, Moncton, New Brunswick. Eastern slope, 1909, m. 1.00 Deckerd & Linebarger, Billings, Mon. East side, 1909 (Aug.), m. 1.00 338 E. 15th st., New York, N. Y. Ecclesiastical review, year book for priests, 1909, a:.not for sale 1305 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Echo (French), 1909, w. 1.00 Imprimerie canedienne, Granby, Quebec. Eco de America, 1909 (May), s-m. 1.00 New York, N. Y. Economic advertising, 1908, m. 1.00 Mail bldg., Toronto, Canada. Economic geologist, 1909 (Oct.), m. 1.00 7 Pine st., New York, N. Y. Edison monthly, 1908 (June), m.25 55 Duane st., N. Y. Editorial review, 1909 (Mar.), m. 3.00 Times bldg., New York, N. Y. Education that pays, irreg. Proctual text book co., Cleveland, O. Educational messenger 1904, w.50 Jnternat. pub. ass’n, Collegeview, Neb. Educational outlook, 1903, m. . Temporarily susp. Education press bulletin, m. . Springfield, Ill. Egyptian, 1908 (Nov.), q.50 Richmond Centre, Pa. Eldridge’s tide-book and marine directory, 1876, a.50 152 State st., Boston, Mass. Electric railway investments, 1910, Co-operating construction co., 77 Monroe st., Chicago, Ill. Electric railway journal, 1885, w. 3.00 (formerly St. ry. Journal.) McGraw pub. co., 114 Liberty st., New York, N. Y. Electric railway review. Pub. susp. Electrical review and western electrician, 1882, w. 3.00 Electrical review pub. co., 13 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Electricity, 1891, w. Pub. susp. Elite juveniles, 1910, q. 1.00 29 W. 23rd st., New York, N. Y. Ellsworth monthly, 1910 (Apr.), m.25 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 23 Winfield, L. I., N. Y. Embroidery book, m.per copy .05 Home pattern co., 615 W. 43rd st., New York, N. Y. Embroidery magazine, 1909, q.50 Pictorial review co., 853 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Emmanuel magazine, 1909, b-m. 1.50 202 Seventh st., Wash., D. C. Engelsman’s Oklahoma citator, 1908, s-a. Warden-Ebright ptg. co., Oklahoma City, Okla. Engineer, 162, s-m. Pub. susp. Engineering digest, 1907, m.*. 2.00 (formerly Technical literature.) (Contin. as Industrial engineering and the Eng. digest. Engineers’ club of central Pa. .Journal, 1909 (June), m. 3.00 Harrisburg, Pa. English foxhound kennel stud book, 1909, a. . Frank L. Wiles, 8 Pemberton st., Boston, Mass. Entertainer, 1907, m.50 205 Lemcke bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Entertaining, 1908, m. 1.00 Entertaining pub. co., 144 W. 37th st., New York, N. Y. Entomological society of America. Annals, 1908, m. 3.00 Biological bldg., O. S. U., Columbus, O. Entomological student, Pub. susp. Equality, 1909, m. 1.25 Progress pub. co., Basin, Montana. Equity farm journal, 1907 (Nov.), s-m. .. • Equity pub. co., Chicago, Ill. Equity farm news, 1909, m. 1.00 A. V. Swanson, Minot, N. Dakota. Esperanto bulletin, 1908 (Sept.), m.10 225 E. 40th st., Chicago, Ill. Esperanto student, m. . John Brown, 22 Meadow road, Rutherford, N. J. Espero, 1908, w.25 Ideal pub. co., Des Moines, la. Essex antiquarian, 1897, q. Pub. susp. Oct., 1909. European fashion service, 1908, a. 25.00 Nonotuck silk co., Florence, Mass. Evangel, 1908, m.25 Chas. Wayne Ray, Norfolk, Neb. Evening sky map, 1906, m. See Monthly evening sky-map. Everglade magazine, 1910 (May), m. 1.00 Majestic bldg., Chicago, Ill. Everybody’s guide of Cleveland and vicinity, 1909 (Mar.), m. . . Free 322 Williamson bldg., Chicago. Everyday housekeeping and American cooking magazine, 1909, m .50 Salem, Mass. Everyland, 1909 (Dec.), q .50 24 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Box 2, Fenway, Boston. Everyman, 1902, m. 1.00 La Canada, Cal. Evidence, 1908, m. Free Roberts, Johnson, and Rand shoe co., St. Louis, Mo. Exhaust pipe, 1908, m. Free Nye tool & machine works, 11 S. Jefferson st., Chicago, 111. Extension, 1908 (Jan.), m. dur. coll, yr. . Agricultural college, N. D. Extension, 1906, m. 1.00 Catholic church extension soc., drawer S, Chicago, Ill. F. S. B. magazine, 1908 (June), m.50 Frankfort sch’l of business, Phila., Pa . Facts, 1907, m. Pub. susp. Fairchild’s magazine, 1908 (Oct.). 1.00 Contin. as Gentleman’s journal. Fairchild’s men’s wear, directory, a.25 Fairchild’s co., 112 Worth st., New York, N. Y. Fair journal, 1909, m. 1.00 United fairs booking ass’n, 103 Randolph st., Chicago, Ill. Fancy fruit, 1907, m. Contin. as Wash, fruit grower. Far east, 1904, m. Pub. susp. Farfalla, ital-Americano, 1909 (Dec.), w. 2.00 150 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. Fargo college bulletin, m... Fargo, N. Dakota. Farm and fruit grower, Jacksonville, Fla. Farm press, 1877, nr.25 164 Ohio st., Chicago, Ill. Farmer’s helper, 1909, nr.25 G. A. Enrerich co., Greencastle, Ind. Farmers’ weekly news scimitar, 1902, w.50 Memphis, Tenn. Fedeeation directory of club speakers and entertainers, 1901, a. Helen A. Whittier, Trinity court, Boston, Mass. Federation review, 1907, nr.50 Nissin Belrar, 150 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. Feed knowledge, 1909 (Oct.), nr. 1.00 Kansas City, Mo. Fellowship, nr. Contin. in the Twentieth century magazine. Fertilizer review and buyers’ guide, 1910 (Jan.), w.. 1.00 1026 Filbert st., Plrila., Pa. Financial diagram, 1909, w. . Mass. pub. co., Everett sta., Boston, Mass. Financial digest, 1909, nr. 1.00 Cambridge bldg., New York, N. Y. Financial graphic, 1908, nr. . .. . GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 25 56 Pine st., New York, N. Y. Financial indicator, w...'. . C. Mont. Benton, 526 W. 28th st., New York, N. Y. Financial investigator, 1909, s-m. 1.00 61 Greenwich ave., New York, N. Y. Financial resume, 1908 (July), w.. . 41 Broad st., New York, N. Y. F i, jancial telegraph, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.00 15 Whitehall st., New York, N. Y. Fink’s magazine, 1908 (Mar.), m. 2.00 343 E. 85th st., New York, N. Y. Five and ten cent magazine, 1909, m.. 2.00 621 Main st., Cincinnati, O. Fleet review, 1910 (May), m. 1.50 Bond bldg., Wash., D. C. Floral life, 1903, m.50 Young & Bennett co., 22 S. Limestone st., Springfield, O. Florida Baptist (negro), 1908, w. 1.00 State Baptist pub. board, Jacksonville, Fla. Florida east coast and home seeker, 1908, m.50 St. Augustine, Fla. Florida fruit and produce news, 1908, w. 1.00 Tampa, Fla. Florida review, 1909, m. 1.00 J. Douglas, Jacksonville, Fla. Florida. University. Special studies, 1908 (June), irreg. Gainesville, Fla. Fly, 1908, m... .'. 1.00 Lawson & Kelly, Betz bldg., Phila., Pa. Folio magazine, 1908, m.35 26 State st., Hartford, Conn. Follia di New York, 1893, w. 2.00 190 Grand st., New York, N. Y. Ford times, 1901, m. Free Piquette and Beaubien sts., Detroit, Mich. Foreign trade, 1910 (Jan.), m. 2.00 2 Rector st., New York, N. Y. Forensic quarterly, 1909, q. 2.00 Lenawee, Tenn. Forerunner, 1909 (Nov.), m. 1.00 Charlotte P. Gilman, 61 Wall st., New York, N. Y. Forest, fish and game, 1901 (Apr.), b-m. 1.00 Athens, Ga. Forest leaves, 1904, q. . Athens, Ga. Forest leaves, 1904, q.. Sanatorium Gabriels, Gabriels, N. Y. Forestry and irrigation . .. . Cotin. as Conservation. Fort Wayne electrical works. Bulletin.. Fort Wayne, Ind. Fortnightly. 26 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Pub. susp. Forum, 1886, m. 2.00 Mitchell Kennerley, 2 E. 29th st., New York, N. Y. Forward, 1909, m. 1.00 226 Bailey st., Lawrence, Mass. Fostering business, 1908, m. . 100 Richmond st., Providence, R. I. Foundry news, 1910 (May), m. 2.00 50 Church st., New York, N. Y. Four seas, 1909 (Dec.), m.50 120 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. Fra magazine, 1908, m. 2.00 Elbert Hubbard, East Aurora, N. Y. Fraternal eagle, 1908, m. 1.00 J. D. Guillen, Anacortes, Wash. Fraternal messenger, 1909, m. 1.00 186 Remsen st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Freak, 1905, m.50 Pub. susp. Nov. 8, 1906. Free lance, 1907, w. 2.00 21 Henne bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Freight, the shipper’s forum, m. 3.00 P. O. box 879, New-York, N. Y. From everywhere magazine, 1909, m.50 Hamilton, N. Y. Furniture, 1909, q. 1.00 Grand Rapids record co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Future home journal, 1908 (May), m. 1.00 Future home pub. co., 43 W. 27th st., New York, N. Y. Galaxy, 1907 (Sept.), m.60 Norfolk, Va. Gargoyle, 1909, m. 1.00 Students of Mich, university, Ann Arbor, Mich. Gary library of law. Bulletin, 1909. Northwestern univ. law school, Chicago, Ill. Gavel, 1910 (Jan.), q.50 Nat. soc. of Delta sigma chi, 417 S. 6th, Columbia, Mo. Gavigan’s financial news, 1908, w. Free Marbridge bldg., New York, N. Y. Gazeta katolicka w canadzie (Polish), 1908, w.. 1.00 West Canada pub. co., Winnipeg, Canada. Gazetter and guide, 1902, m. . 72 Clinton st., Buffalo, N. Y. Gentleman’s journal, 1908, m. 1.00 112 Worth st., New York, N. Y. Georgia agricultural quarterly, 1908, b-m.50 Athens, Georgia. Georgia school of technology. Bulletin, 5 nos., Atlanta, Ga. Ghosts, 1910 (Feb.), b-m.60 3619 Thompson ave., Kansas City, Mo. Ghourki, 1901, m.25 Pub. susp. 1909. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 27 Gibson’s manual, 1908, a. 15 William st., New York, N. Y. Girl’s home, 1877, q. Children’s aid society of Me., Belfast, Me. Girl’s world, 1908, m. (in wk. parts). 1701 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Glass & pottery world, 1893, m. Contin. in Pottery world. Globe trotter, 1900, q. (membership). Cosmopolitan correspondence club, Milwaukee, Wis. Golden days for boys and girls, 1880, w. Pub. susp., V. 28, No. 27, 1907. Golden gate pocket guide and city map, m. James P. Chadwick, 50 Main st., San Francisco, Cal. Good government, m. Good government co., 161 Summit ave., Jersey City, N. J. Good housekeeping, 1885, m... Phelps pub. co., Springfield, Mass. Good road motorist, 1908 (Oct.), m. Salt Lake City, Utah. Good road advocate, 1909, m. Good road advocate ass’n, Lancaster, Pa. Goodwin’s weekly, w... 221 Commercial club bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Good work, 1894, m. Contin. in Missions. Gospel forum, 1909, m. Rev. C. Lewis Fowler, Clinton, S. C. Gospel of the kingdom, 1908 (Oct.), m. Bible house, New York, N. Y. Gotham weekly tipster, 1909, w. J. B. Robinson co., 52 Duane st., New York, N. Y. Gotham weekly visitor, 1909 (Feb.), w. 52 Duane st., New York, N. Y. Government, 1907, m. Pub. susp., V. 3, No. 5, 1908. Grafton magazine, 1908 (June), q. 70 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. Grain grower’s guide, 1908, w. Grain grower’s ass’n, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Granite exchange co. Confidential book, a. R. O. Oxnard, sec., Pemberton bldg., Boston, Mass. Gray goose, 1896, m. Pub. susp. v. 22, no. 6, 1909. Great northwest, 1908 (Feb. 6), av. Broad exchange bldg., New York, N. Y. Greater Colorado, 1909 (July),, m. :. Denver, Colo. Green bag, 1889, m. Brookline, Mass. Green book, 1908, m. Pub. susp., no. 12, 1909. .25 .30 2.00 Free 1.00 1.25 1.00 .50 2.00 .50 .50 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 28 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Green book album, 1909, m.. 1.50 154-164 State, Chicago, Ill. Green star weekly, w. .'.30 Green star co., Miller, Mo. Grizzly bear, 1907 (May), m. 1.00 Wilcox bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Grocer’s guide and holly journal.. Free McNeil & Higgins co., 3 State st., Chicago, Ill. Guide to nature, 1908, m. 1.00 Agassiz ass’n, Sound Beach, Conn. Gulf coast life, 190 (July), m. Miller bros., Falfurnias, Tex. Gulf state journal of medicine & surgery & Mobile med. & surg. journal, 1902, m... 2.00 Journal pub. co., Mobile, Ala. Gulf states banker, 1909, m. 1.00 706 Liverpool bldg., New Orleans, La. Half-moon, 1908 (May), m. 1.00 Pub. susp. Hamburg-American gazette, m. . Plamburg-American line, 41 Broadway, N. Y. Hammer and pen, irreg.50 91 W. 103rd st., New York, N. Y. Hampton’s magazine, 1898, m. 1.50 7 W. 22d st., New York, N. Y. Hand-book of securities, s-a. . Wm. B. Dana co., Front & Pine st., New York, N. Y. Handicraft, m. 1.00 The Dyke mill, Montague, Mass. Happiness, 1909, m.50 Happiness pub. co., 405 E. 22d st., Chicago, Ill. Happy hen, 1909, m.50 F. Vaughan Stapler, Pittsburg, Pa. Harlemite, 1908, w. 2.00 Carroll & Pyle, 101 Water st., New York, N. Y. Harmsworth self-education magazine, 1906, f. Pub. susp. Hartford agent, 1909 (June), m. Free Hartford, Conn. Hawkins county appeal, 1908, m.25 G. S. Stansill, Rogersville, Tenn. Health messenger, 1895, q.25 Lafayette, Ind. Herd register and breeders’ journal, q. 2.00 Am. guernsey cattle club, Peterboro, N. Y. Hiawatha, 1909, q. 25 Meriden, Conn. Hittite. Pub. susp. History teachers’ magazine, 1909 (Sept.), m. 1.00 McKinley pub. co., 5805 Germantown ave., Phila., Pa. Holiday, 1909 (July), m. . GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 29 Eagle bldg., Brooklyn, N. Y. Holland-American line monthly, m. Holland-American line, 36 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Holophane, 1907, m. . Holophane co., New York, N. Y. Home and office, 1910 (Apr.), m.50 Weiss manufacturing co., Monroe, Mich. Home and school visitor, 1901, q..20 Burdette S. Bayle, Smethport, Pa. Home builder, 1909, m. Free Myers U. Cooper, Union trust bldg., Cincinnati, O. Home life, 1892, m.25 Home life pub. co., 405 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Home-maker, m.50 Pub. susp., June, 1909. Home mission herald, 1908 (Jan.).60 Inman bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Home-seeker and pointer on real estate, 1908 (Oct.), m.. Koester & Zander, 69 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Horn and hoof, 1908, m. 1.00 317 Globe bldg., Seattle, Wash. Horseman and Spirit of the times. Chicago, Ill. * ♦ Hotel guest, 1908, w. Free Jas. Henry Niscon, 120 W. Court st., Cincinnati, O. Hotel news, 1908, w. 3.00 737-73 Pacific bldg., San Francisco, Cal. House and garden, 1901, m. 3.00 McBride, Winston & co., 449 Fourth ave., New York, N. Y. How to export, 1909 (fan.), m. 1.00 Buffalo, N. Y. How to know the books, 1903, m. Pub. susp. Human spheres, 1909 (Jan.), m. 5.00 Arcade annex, Seattle, Wash. Hustler, 1908, w. 1.00 W. B. Loehr, Lula, Ga. Hygiene, diet and long life, 1909, m. 1.00 Hygiene, diet pub. ass’n, Chicago, 111. Hygiene and physical education, 1909, m. Pub. susp. Idaho baptist awakener, 1909, m.50 T. G. Magruder, Elk City, Idaho. Idaho scimitar, Nov. 2, 1907, w. Pub. susp. Idaho student farmer, 1908, m.50 Agri. club of Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Ideal homes, 1909, m. . Smith pub. co., 530 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. Idler, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.00 57 Wash, st., E. Orange, N. J. Idun, 1908, m ...... ..50 30 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Northern book & music co., 857 W. North st., Chicago, 111. Illinois Central employees’ magazine, 1909, m. 1.50 Central station bldg., Chicago, Ill. Illinois illustrated review, 1908, w. 1-00 1201 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ill. Illinois state dental society. Monthly bulletin, 1905, m 114 West Broadway, Sparta, Ill. Illinois state historical society. Journal, 1908. Springfield, Ill. Illuminated world life, m. Pub. susp., v. 6, no. 4, 1909. Illumination, 1909, m. 1.00 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Illumination, 1909 (June) .25 Schofield bldg., Cleveland, O. Immigration, 1909 (Apr.), m. 1.00 Am. International college, Springfield, Mass. Improvement club news, 1909 (Oct.), m. 1.00 43 La Salle st., Chicago, Ill. In Adam’s garden, 1910 (Jan.), irreg.per mo. .10 Mattoon, Ill. Independent, 1848, w. 3.00 Clarence W. Bowen, 130 Fulton st., New York, N. Y. Independent farmer, 1859, w. Pub. susp. Independent farmer and western swinebreeder, 1808, w. 1.00 # State journal co., Lincoln, Neb. Indian craftsman, 1909 (Feb.), irreg. Contin. as the Red Man. Indiana state library bulletin, 1905, b-m. Indianapolis, Ind. 1 f Indiana state medical ass’n. Journal, 1908 (June), m. 1.00 Fort Wayne, Ind. Indicator chart, 1889, a. 50 F. H. Leavenworth co., 411 Stevens bldg., Detroit, Mich. Indicator, Otis elevator industry, 1908, m. . .. Free 17 Battery place, New York, N. Y. Industrial engineering, 1909, m. 3.00 Empire bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Industrial progress, 1909 (Jan.), m. 2.00 330 Clinton st., Milwaukee, Wis. Industrial review, 1908, s-m. 2.00 410 Walnut st., Phila., Pa. Industrious hen, 1909, m. 50 Industrious hen co., Knoxville, Tenn. Infantry journal, b-m. (1st yr. $3.00). .. 2.00 U. S. infantry ass’n, Wash., D. C. Information, 1910, m. 1.00 507 Main st., Camden, N. J. Ingraham’s U. S. yachting directory, 1901, a. 2.00 Bristol, R. I. Initials, 1908 (May), m... ..... 1.00 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 31 Philosophical pub. co., Allentown, Pa. Inland architect, 1884, m.. Contin. as Amer. architect. Inland chopper, 1908, m..50 Inland chopper pub. co., Spokane, Wash. Inland furniture dealer, 1909, m. 1.00 Eighth & Walnut sts., Kansas City, Mo. Inland stationer, 1908, m. 1.50 Inland trade press co., 120 Sherman st., Chicago, Ill. Institution quarterly, 1910 (May). Board of administration, Springfield, 111. Insurance library ass’n. Bulletin, 1909, b-m. 141 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Insurance society of New York. Bulletin, 1909 (Mar.), mo. 84 William st., New York,- N. Y. International exch. ass’n advertiser, 1910 (Mar.). 4.00 Anniston, Ala. Internationalist, 1909, q.25 Interlinguo pub co., Montera P. O., Seattle, Wash. International labor office, bulletin, q. 3.00 American ass’n or labor legislation, Madison, Wis. International motor cyclopaedia, year book, 1908, a. 10.00 Terminal bldg., New York, N. Y. International official travel review, 1909, m.. R. Addison Harrison, 38 Wash, st., New York, N. Y. International steam engineer, m. . .._. 1.50 77 Water st., Boston, Mass. International studio year book of decorative art, 1906, a. 3.00 John Lane Co., 114 W. 32nd st., New York, N. Y. International tax ass’n. Bulletin, irreg. . -Addresses and proceedings, a. 3.00 International tax ass’n, Columbus, O. International wood worker, 1890, m. Pub. susp. Inter state, 1909, m.25 Inter state farm co., Fort Recovery, O. Interstate schoolman, m.. . Hutchinson, Kan. Investments, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.00 253 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Investors’ pocket manual, 1909, m. . . ... Financial press, 419 Lafayette st., New York, N. Y. Iowa horticulture, 1908 (Jan.), m. 1.00 Des Moines, la. Iowa state register and farmer, 1856, m... 1.00 4th st. and Court ave., Des Moines, la. Iowa state university, Iowa City. -Contributions from dep’t of patheology & bacteriology, 1908, irreg. Iron city trades journal, 1908, w. 1.00 526 Fourth ave., Pittsburg, Pa, Iron moulders’ journal, m. 32 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Pub. susp. Iron trail, 1905, m. Pub. susp., Apr., 1909. Isolated plants, 1908, b-m.50 43 W. 34th st., New York, N. Y. Jacobs’ orchestra monthly, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.00 Boston, Mass. Jawbone, 1909 (Mar.), m. 1.00 83 Charles st., Springfield, Mass. Jeffersonian magazine, 1907, m. 1.00 Thomson E. Watson, Thomson, Ga. Jewelry buyers’ guide, 1908, s-a. . Gove adv. co., 41 Union sq., New York, N. Y. Jewish dramatic world, 1909, m.60 R. Perlmutter, 203 E. Broadway, New York, N. Y. Jewish farmer, 1908 (May), m. . New York, N. Y. Jewish future, 1908 (Aug.), m. 1.50 Worstman pub. co., 234 E. Broadway, New York, N. Y. Jewish independent, 1903, w. 1.00 501 Caxton bldg., Cleveland, O. Jewish labor world, 1908, w. 1.50 468 S. Halstead st., Chicago, Ill. Jewish record, 1909, w. 1.00 10 S. Ninth st., Richmond, Va. John Hancock satchel, irreg. John Hancock mutual life ins. co., Boston, Mass. Journal of current news and education, s-m.75 The Orville Brewer pub. co., Auditorium bldg., Chicago, Ill. Journal of education, m.. Toronto, Canada. Journal of educational psychology, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.50 Williams and Wilkinson, Baltimore, Md. Journal of engineering, 1905, a. Univ. of Colo., Boulder, Colo. Journal of engraving, irreg. Teachenor-Bartberger engraving co., Kansas City, Mo. Journal of home economics, 1909 (Feb.), b-m. 2.00 Am. Home economics ass’n, 30 Lincoln st., Geneva, N. Y. Journal of industrial and engineering chem., 1909, m. 6.00 American chemical society, Easton, Pa. Journal of mental pathology, m. 2.50 Journal of morphology, 1887, irreg. 9.00 Wistar institute of anatomy and biology, Phila., Pa. Journal of modern construction, 1907, m. Contin. in Keith’s magazine. Journal of mycology, 1885, b-m. -Contin. as Mycologia. Journal of ophthalmology and oto-laryngology, 1906, m. 2.00 W. O. Nance & A. H. Andrews, Chicago, Ill. Journal of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods, 1904, b-m...„ ... 3.00 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 33 The science press, Lancaster, Pa. Journal of pharm. & exper. therapeutics, 1909 (June), b-m. 5.00 Williams &z Wilkins pub. co., Baltimore, Md. Journal of physiological therapeutics, 1909, q.50 Phila., Pa. Journal of race development, 1910 (July), q. 2.00 Louis N. Wilson, Clark univ., Worcester, Mass. Journal of school music, 1908, m. 1.50 Eunice P. Brandt, 3778 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ill. Journal of the military servia institution, 1880. Pub. susp. Journal of weights and measures, 1908, m. 1.50 Troy, N. Y. Kansas banker, 1909, m. 1.00 Wells, Malone & Demons, Erie, Kan. Kansas City spirit, 1908, m. 1.00 Kansas City pub. co., Independence, Mo. Kansas magazine, 1909, m. 1.50 Kansas magazine co., Wichita, Kan. Kansas X-ray, 1897, w. 1.00 H. H. Peyton, New Albany, Kan. Karat 1910 (Apr.).per mo. .10 30 Church st., New York, N. Y. Kaskoupon, 1908, m.... .50 Coupon redemption agency, Racine, Wis. Kentucky odd fellow, 1908, m.75 Chas. Ed. Cooke, Middlesborough, Ky. Kentucky salesman, 1909, m.50 Joseph W. Britt, 328 W. Main st., Louisville, Ky. Keynote, 1909 (June), m. 1.00 317 W. 39th st., New York, N. Y. Keystone magazine of optometry, 1909, m. 1.00 Keystone pub. co., 811 N. Nineteenth st., Phila., Pa. Kinnikinnik, 1908, m. dur. coll, yr. 1.25 Students of Colo, college, Colorado Springs, Colo. Kirchenchor, m. 1.00 Lorenz pub. co., 216 W. 5th st., Dayton ,0. Knights of Daniel, 1909 (July), q.40 821 W. Division st., Chicago, Ill. Knowledge, 1903 (Oct.), m. The Business & Finance pub. co., New York, N. Y. Labor journal, 1908, w.. . 1-00 Max Andrew, Galveston, Tex. Labor record, 1908, w. 1.00 Labor record pub. co., 520 Poydras st., New Orleans, La. Labor standard, 1908, m. 50 Labor standard pub. co., 43 Brown st., Hartford, Conn. Ladies’ home journal, 1883, s-m. 1.50 Curtis pub. co., 421 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Ladies’ magazine, m. . Pub. susp. La Follette’s weekly magazine, 1909 (June), w. , .. 1.00 34 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Madison, Wis. Lake Placid conference of home economics, -Quarterly bulletin, 1908 (June), q. . Amer. home economics ass’n. Lamson service, 1908, m... Free 161 Devonshire st., Boston, Mass. Land market, 1908 (Apr.), m. Free Land market pub. co., Royalton, Minn. Landscape architecture, 1910, q. 2.00 103 Park ave., New York, N. Y. Large retail dry-goods and dep’t stores register of the U. S., 1908, a. 10.00 Thomas pub. co., 13 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Lasker’s chess magazine, 1904, m. Pub. susp. Latter rain evangel., 1908 (Oct.), m. 1.00 3554 Vernon ave., Chicago, Ill. Laundryman’s guide, 1908, m. 1.00 706 English-Amer. bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Law and order magazine, 1908 (June), m. 1.00 Syndicate trust bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Law of the physical triune, 1910 (Mar.), m. 2.50 Triune pub. co., Kansas City, Mo. Lawrence machine co. Bulletin, irreg.. Lawrence, Mass. Lawyer and banker, 1908, b-m. 2.00 Bench & Bar review co., Tacoma, Wash. League of American municipalities, 1899, m. See City hall. League of amateur driving clubs. Official year book, 1902, a. Geo. A. Schneider, 74 Frankfort st., Cleveland, O. League of right living, course of reading in psycho-therapy, 1908 (Nov.), m. membership.,. 18.00 League of right living, 67 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ill. Leland Stanford, Jr., university. . University series, 1897, irreg. Stanford University, Cal. Letters, 1905 (May), irreg. . H. M. Van Hoesen co., Chicago, Ill. Levy magazine, 1908, m.50 Beatric A. Levy (Ltd.), Vancouver, British Columbia. Lewis institute. Bulletin, 1903, q. Lewis institute, Chicago, Ill. Liberty bell, 1909 (Jan.), irreg. 50 Steinway hall, Chicago, Ill. Liberty college student, q.50 Students of Liberty college, Glasgow, Ky. Liberty magazine, 1909, m. . . . ..per copy .05 924 Republic bldg., Chicago, Ill. Life insurance manual, 1888, a. . A. J. Flitcraft, 609 Maple ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Light, m. .... .,..... .50 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 35 The Light, La Crosse, Wis. Link, 1909, m.25 West Wis. conference, New Richmond, Wis. Literary miscellany, 1909, q.50 42 W. 39th st., New York, N. Y. Little chronicle, 1900, w. Contin. in World’s chronicle. Little sermons on health, 1908 (Oct.), q. 1.00 Dr. L. L. Denny, Oklhoma City, Okla. Live stock tribune, 1895, m. —— Contin. as Pacific poultrycroft. Locomotive world, 1908 (May), m.50 Locomotive world pub. co., Lima, O. Loftis magazine, 1909 (Dec.), m.50 92 State st., Chicago, Ill. Long Island agronomist, 1907 (July 31), f. Free Long Island R. R. exp. station, Huntington, L. I. Long Island fea (1908 (Aug.), m.50 Babylon, N. Y. Lookout, 1908, w. 2.00 Zella Armstrong, Chattanooga, Tenn. Louisiana woodman, 1909, m. .50 430 Common st.. New Orleans, La. Lowell magazine, 1909 (Mar.), m. 1.50 Central bank, Lowell, Mass. Loyal order of the moose. Call. See Call. Lumber insurance, 1905, m. .. 34 William st., New York, N. Y. Lumberman’s bureau weekly exchange report, w. —— Lumberman’s pub. co., 920 Bank of commerce bldg., Nor¬ folk, Va. Lutheran church work, 1908, m.75 Lutheran pub. society, 1424 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Lyceum world, 1908, m. 1.00 Lyceum world co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lyre, 1909 (Mar.), m.. 1.00 491 Lake st., Aurora, Ill. M. A. C., 1908, m.. 1.00 Frank Thomson, 60 Franklin bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Mass. agri. college, Amherst, Mass. M. B. A. advocate, 1908, m.50 G. F. Peterson, Hibbing, Minn. Machinery news, 1909, m. 3.00 Steel-iron products co., 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. McGraw electrical directory, s-a. 5.00 McGraw pul), co., 239 W. 39th st.. New York, N. Y. McKeivie’s megaphone, 1905, m. (membership). 1.00 P. O. Box 480, Los Angeles, Cal. Machinery, 1894, railway ed., m. 1.50 Industrial press, 66 W. Broadway, New York, N. Y. Maga, 1909, b-m. dur. coll, yr.............. .. .75 36 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Students of Hamline univ., St. Paul, Minn. Magazine of the month, 1908, m. Free W. M. Clayton, 452 5th ave., New York, N. Y. Magic, 1910 (Jan.), b-m.60 Temple blk., Kansas City, Mo. Magnificant, 1907 (Nov.), m. 1.00 Manchester, N. H. Mahin advertising data book, 1901, a. 2.00 ' Mahin adv. co., 125 Monroe st., Chicago, Ill. Mail order man, 1908, q.50 Ross D. Breniser, 908 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Mail order monthly, 1898, m. Pub. susp. 1908. Mail order weekly, 1908, w. 1.50 Mail order pub. co., 536 North st., Pittsfield, Mass. Mail order world, 1908, m. 1.00 William A. Heacock, Lockport, N. Y. Maine bulletin, 1898, m. Free Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me. Maine campus, 1899, s-m. dur. coll, yr.. 1.50 Students of U. of M., Orono, Me. Maine law review. 1908, m. dur. coll, yr. 2.00 Orono Maine. Makegood’s bulletin, 1907, m. 5.00 213 Ellicott square, Bufifalo, N. Y. Makio, 1882, a. . Ohio state univ., Columbus, O. Man-o-warsman, 1908 (Nov.), m. 1.50 U. S. S. Franklin, Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. Manhattan quarterly, 1905, q. 1.00 Manhattan college, 131st st. and Broadway, New York, N. Y. Manlius Bulletin, 1905, q. . St. John’s school, Manlius, N. Y. Man’s book, 1908 (Oct.), m. 1.00 Fairchild co., 112 Worth st., Uew York, N. Y. Mantle, tile and grate monthly, 1906 (July), m. 1.00 Utica, N. Y. Manual of statistics, 1879, a. 5.00 Manual of statistics co., 20 Vesey st., New York, N. Y. Market growers’ journal, 1907, w. 1.00 508 Walker bldg., Louisville, Ky. Marsh’s magazine, 1908, m.50 10 Thacher st., Boston, Mass. Masonic bulletin, 1908, m.50 Heilhecher & Evans, 208 Marquardt bldg., Des Moines, la. Massachusetts cyclopedic quarterly, 1909 (Feb.), q. 1.00 St. Paul, Minn. Master builder (July), 1908), m. . 166 Devonshire st., Boston, Mass. Master, mate and pilot, 1908 (June), m. 2.00 21 State st., New York, N. Y. Master painters’ journal, 1910 (Mar.), m.... .. 1.50 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 37 Charles bldg., Denver, Colo. Mature medicine, 1910 (Mar.), q. Free 2100 Prairie ave., Chicago, Ill. Mechanical digest, 1909, m.50 John Breechting, 22 Livingston st., Grand Rapids, Mich. Mechanics’ institute. Bulletin, 1909 (Apr.), irreg.. Mechanics’ institute, Rochester, N. Y. Medcator, 1909 (jan.), m. 1.00 Cleveland, O. Medical bulletin, 1879, m. Pub. susp. Medical library and historical journal, 1903, q. 2.00 Contin. in Aesculapian, 1907. Medical notes and queries, 1905, m. 1.00 Medical notes and queries co., 1543 S. 12th st., Phila., Pa. Melting pot, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.00 Chicago flexible shaft co., 624 La Salle ave., Chicago, Ill. Memphis weekly amusement guide, 1908 (July), w. 1.00 118 S. Main st., Memphis, Tenn. Men and women, 1902, m. 1.00 Men and women magazine co., Cincin., O. Men and women, 1909, m.30 Men and women pub. co. (Inc.), 66 North Main st., Mem¬ phis, Tenn. Mental manger, 1909 (Feb.), m. 1.00 Toledo, Ohio. Merchant and manufacturer, 1892, m. 1.00 Robert L. Burch, Nashville, Tenn. Messenger, 1908, m.75 J. W. & M. A. Berson, Meridian, Miss. Messenger, 1908, w. 1.00 E. Charles McCarthy, Binghamton, N. Y. Mexico to-day, 1908, m. 1.00 Mexico to-day pub. co., San Antonio, Tex. Michigan churchman, 1896, m.50 Michigan churchman, 1896, m.50 Michigan churchman, 44 Campau bldg., Detroit, Mich. Michigan dairy farmer, 1909, w. 1.00 Dairy farmer co., 70 Larned st., w., Detroit, Mich. Milkman, 1908, m.... . 1.00 Dr. D. Champlain 3730 Park ave., Kansas City, Mo. Mill work magazine, 1909, m. 1.00 Crow pub. co., Masonic bldg., Louisville, Ky. Milwaukee normal school. Bulletin, 1905, q. . State normal school, Milwaukee, Wis. Mining financial news, 1908, w. 5.00 Nevada mining news bureau, Reno, Nev. Mining investor, 1896, w. 2.00 Mining investor pub. co., 1840 California st., Denver, Colo. Mining journal, 1908, m. 2.00 Charles A. Dinsmore, El Paso, Tex. Mining outlook, 1908, s-m.50 38 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Mining outlook co., Moscow, Idaho. Mining stock news, 1909, w. 3.00 Mining stock news co., 218 W. Superior st., Duluth, Minn. Minneapolis society of fine arts. Bulletin. Pub. susp. Pvlinnesota academy of social sciences. Papers and proceedings, 1907, a. 2.00 Dr. Frank L. McVey, sec., Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota and Dakota farmer, 1905, m.50 Farm poultry ass’n, Brookings, S. Dak. Minnesota engineer, q.. Eng. society, U. of M., Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota farm review, 1892, m.'. . . .40 Minn, farm review, St. Paul, Minn. Mirth, 1909, m.50 Mirth pub. co., 379 Summer ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Missions, 1910 (Jan.), m.75 Missions, 312 Fourth ave., New York, N. Y. Mississippi odd fellow (negro), 1908), w. 1.00 C. A. Greene, Holy Springs, Miss. Mississippi Sunday school herald, 1908, m.. .25 State executive committee, Jackson, Miss. Missouri dairyman, 1909, w. 1.00 Thomas S. Mosby, Jefferson City, Mo. Missouri farmer and breeder, 1908, m.50 Wm. Hirth, Golumbia, Mo. Missouri pythian, 1908, m.50 Bert E. Woolsey, Springfield, Mo. Missouri school of mines. Bulletin. Rolla, Mo. Missouri state normal school. Bulletin, 1909, 5 nos. Cape Girardeau, Mo. Missouri wesleyan college. Bulletin (1883), a. Modern catholic magazine, 1909 (May), s-m. 2.50 Albany, N. Y. Modern dyer and cleaner, 1908, m. 1.50 Juniper and Cherry st., Phila., Pa. Modern electric, 1908 (Apr.), m. 1.00 Modern electric pub. co., 233 Fulton st., New York, N. Y. Modern homes, 1909 (Feb.), m..'. 3.00 Memphis, Tenn. Modern poultry, 1910 (Mar.), m.50 Modern pub. co., Peoria, Ill. Modern Samaritan, 1908, m...50 Standard drug co., Cleveland, O. Modern world and the business woman’s magazine, m. Modern world pub. co., 616 Kittridge bldg., Denver, Colo. Money and banking, 1908 (Jan.), m. 2.00 Wellesley, Mass. Money talks, m. Free Savings bank, Chattanooga, Tenn. Montana magazine, 1908 (July), m. 1.50 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 39 Billings, Montana. Monthly book review, 1909, m.50 43 W. 27th st., New York, N. Y. Monthly evening sky map, 1906, m. ... 1.00 Leon Barrett, 150 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. Monthly list of new MacMillen books. The MacMillan co., 66 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. Montreal river news bureau, 1909 (Feb.), m. 1.00 Thos. C. Dougherty, 44 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Monthly guide to the latest news on railroads and corporation securities—supplement to Moodey’s manual, 1908, m, with manual . 10.00 Moodey’s manual, 33 Broadrvay, New York, N. Y. Moods, 1908 (Nov.), m. 1.50 106 W. 86th st., New York, N. Y. Moreland’s baseball records and percentage tables, 1906, a.10 Geo. L. Moreland, Park bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Morning star, b-m. 1.00 Students of Conception college, Conception, Mo. Mortgage indicator, 1909, q.:. 20.00 Realty records co., 11 E. 24th st., New York, N. Y. Motor boating, 1907, m. 1.00 Motor boating co., 138 Liberty st., New York, N. Y. Motor boating, 1909, m. 1.00 New publication co., 2 Duane st., New York, N. Y. Motor cycle, 1903, m. 1.00 Motor cycle pub. co., 299 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Motor cycling, 1909 (Dec.). 1.00 356 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Motor talk, 1905, m. Pub. susp. Mount Marty annual, 1908, a. Rosedale high school, Rosedale, Kans. Mountain magazine, 1909, m.50 W. H. Bargen, Keyser, West Va. Moving picture news, 1908, w. 2.00 Cinematograph pub. co., 30 W. 13th st., New York, N. Y. Mummy, 1909, m. 1.00 Mummy pub. co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Mundo de hoy, 1908, q. 1.00 World today co., 67 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ill. Municipal economist, 1909 (Jan.), m. 5.00 95 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Murray’s swine breeder, 1908, m. . ... 1.00 D. R. Murray, Fort Worth, Tex. Music news, 1909, w. 2.00 Chas. E. Wyatt, 822 Kimball Hall, Chicago, Ill. Music teachers’ nat. ass’n. Proceedings, 1896, a. 1.60 Ralph L. Baldwin, 81 Tremont st., Hartford, Conn. Musical medium. Pub. susp. Music trade credit ratings, a. 40 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Thompson reporting co., 10 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. Musical register, 1909 (Oct.), m. 1.00 134 Van Buren st., Chicago, Ill. Musical squibs, 1909 (Nov.), w. . 280 W. 130th st., New York, N. Y. Mustard seed monthly, 1908, m. 1.00 R. G. Bigelow, Seattle, Wash. Mycologia, b-w. 3.00 (Contin. of Journal of mycology.) Era pub. co., Lancaster, Pa. Myerson’s American family magazine, 1905, m. . Pub. susp. Nation, 1865, w. 3.00 The MacMillan co., 66 5th ave., New York, N. Y. National anti-prohibition monthly, 1908, m. J. Vernon Leigh, 1416 Syndicate bldg., St. Louis, Mo. National association circulation managers. Official bulletin, 1908, b-m. J. R. Taylor, sec., Grand Rapids, Mich. National congress of mothers magazine, 1.907, m., 10 nos.50 Contin. as Child welfare magazine. National contractor and builder, 1899, m... 1.00 301 N. Charles st., Baltimore, Md. National food magazine, m. 1.00 Pierce pub. co., Wash, st., Chicago. National homestead, 1908 (Apr.), m.50 National homestead ass’n, Los Angeles, Cal. National irrigation journal, 1909 (Dec.), m. 1.00 120 Sherman st., Chicago. National labor review, 1908 (Oct. 24), w. 1.00 National labor review pub. co., Wash., D. C. National medical ass’n. Journal, 1909, q.50 National medicine ass’n, Tuskogee, Ala. National monthly, 1909, m. 1.00 Norman E. Mack, Times bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. National new education, 1908 (Sept.), m. 10 nos.-. 1.00 National new education league, Milwaukee, Wis. National postcard journal, 1909, m.25 M. C. Stanton, Springfield, Ohio. National poultry journal, 1909 (Apr.), m...50 Harrisonburg, Va. National squab magazine, 1909 (Feb.), m. 1.00 220 Purchase st., Boston, Mass. National stationer, 1907 (Feb.)', m. 1.00 38 Murray st., New York, N. Y. Natural gas journal, 1908, m. 1.00 Periodicals pub. co., 267 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Nebraska school review, 1908, m. (ex. July & Aug.). 1.00 Review pub. co., Norfolk, Va. Needlecraft, 1909, m.20 Vickery & Hill, Augusta, Me. Negro agriculturist, 1909 (Feb.), m.50 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 41 Sandy Spring, Md. Nehama county teacher, m. . Auburn, Neb. Neighbor, 1910, m. . Caxton bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Neighborly dealing, 1908 (Sept.), m.25 Nevada mining news, 1907, w. 5.00 Nevada mining news bureau (inc.), Reno, Nev. Nevada school journal, 1909 (Sept.), m. 1.00 Reno, Nevada. New age magazine, 1908, q. . Box 2592, Boston, Mass. New America, 1909, m. . 42 Broadway, New York, N. Y. New Boston, 1910 (May), m. 1.00 6 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. New engineer, 1908, m.50 12 Pearl st., Boston, Mass. New England poultry journal, 1902, m..50 Consolidated pub. co., New Haven, Conn. New England railroad club, m., 8 nos. 100 Geo. H. Frazier, sec., 10 Oliver st., Boston, Mass. New Hampshire college bulletin, 1907, q. New Hampshire college, Durham, N. H. New Hampshire poultryman, 1909, m.25 Lloyd P. Barker, Antrim, New Hampshire. New ideas in fashions, 1908, q.60 New ideas pub. co., 636 Broadway, New York, N. Y. New Jersey magazine, 1907, m. 1.00 Pub. susp. with no. 1. New life magazine, 1908 (June), m. 1.50 82 N. Broad st., Phila., Pa. New magazine, 1909 (Apr.), m. 150 Pub. susps. May, 1909. New Mexico journal of education, 1905, m. 1.00 Rupert F. Asplund, Albuquerque, JN\ M. New star, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.00 Wilton, N. H. New theology magazine, 1908 (Jan.), q. Contin. as New age magazine, 1908. New west, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.50 Henry bldg., Portland, Ore. New world, 1909, q. 1.00 510 E. 5th st., New York, N. Y. New York chamber of commerce. Monthly bulletin, 1909 (Apr.),m. 65 Liberty st, New York, N. Y. New York charity directory, 1882, a. . Charity organization soc., 105 E. 22nd st., New York, N. Y. New York fashions, s-a. . Klee & Co., New York, N. Y. New York journal news, 1905, w. 1.00 220 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 42 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New York realty journal, 1905, w. . Contin. as New York journal-news. New Yorker, 1908, m. dur. coll yr. 1.50 Students of N. Y. univ., New York, N. Y. Newite magazine, 1909, m. 1.50 John E. New, New York, N. Y. Newsie monthly magazine, 1908 (Dec.), m. 1.00 Pittsburg, Pa. Nickelodeon, 1908, m. 2.00 Monadnock bldg., Chicago, Ill. Nineteen ten magazine, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.50 27 E 22nd st., New York, N. Y. Nobody’s magazine, 1908 (Apr.), m.50 Eugene, Ore. No. 8, 1905 (Sept.), m. . Wall st., New York, N. Y. North Carolina journal of education, m. 1.00 W. F. Marshall, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina journal of law, 1904 (Jan.), m. Pub. susp. North Carolina student farmer, 1908, m.50 Rural science club, A. & M. coll. West Raleigh, N. C. North German Lloyd bulletin, m. . North German Lloyd steamship co., New York, N. Y. Northward-ho, 1905, w. dur. July, Aug. & Sept. 1.00 Herbert L. Jillson, Journal bldg., Lewiston, Me. Northwest architect, 1909, m. 3.00 91 First st., Portland, Ore. Northwestern bulletin, 1906, m. . Chicago & Northwestern ry. co. ,Chicago, Ill. Northwestern dairyman and produce news, 1908, s-m.50 T. T. Bacheller, St. Paul, Minn. Northwestern good templar, 1908, m.50 Bower pub. co, Minneapolis, Minn. Northwestern stockman and farmer, 1884, s-m. 1.00 Helena, Mont. Nouveau Trois-Rivieres (French), 1908, w. 1.00 J. B. Meilleur Barthe, Tree Rivers, Quebec. Now and here, 1910 (May), m. 1.00 Youngstown, O. Oberlin monthly, 1908, m. dur. coll, yr.50 Students of Oberlin college, Oberlin, O. Observer-reflector, 1909, m.. . 154 W. 27th st., New York, N. Y. Oddfellows messenger, 1909, m.25 Billinghurst-Randall, La Grange, Ga. Office worker, 1909, m. 1.00 U. S. Clerk’s corporation, 15 Broad st., New York, N. Y. iilOIUi UU.VX WIUUU ill.pci uupj' .\JO J. H. Reynolds, Dallas, Tex. Official pythian lodge directory, 1900, a. 2.00 Hugh R. Richardson, Jacksonville, Fla. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 43 Ogniwo (Polish), 1909, m.75 Helen Stars, 1064 Milwaukee ave., Chicago, Ill. Ohio banker, 1908, m. 1.50 Ohio banker ass’n, 809 Wyandotte bldg., Columbus, O. Ohio mechanics’ institute. Bulletin, 1904, m. . Ohio motorist, 1908, m. 1.00 Ohio motorist pub. co., 1026 Franklin ave., Columbus, O. Ohio northern university. Bulletin, 7 nos. Ada, O. Ohio state university. Quarterly, 1909, q.. Columbus, O. Oil and gas man’s magazine, 1887, a. Oil men’s ass’n of western Pa. Oil field news, 1908, w. 1.00 Oil field news pub. co., 1218 Wright bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Oil industry, 1908, m. 1.50 Oil industry pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Oil investors’ journal, 1903, s-m. 2.40 910 Texas ave., Houston, Tex. Oklahoma farm journal, 1893, s-m.50 Farm journal co., Oklahoma City. Okla. Oklahoma geological survey. Bulletin, 1908 (Nov.), irreg. .. . - Norman, Okla. Oklahoma labor unit, 1908, w. 1.00 Labor unit pub. co., Okla. City, Okla. Old sleuth weekly, 1908, w.per copy .05 Arthur Westbrook Co., Cleveland, O. Olympian. Pub. susp. Ontario weekly notes, 1909 (Sept.), w.per vol. 5.00 Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Open door, 1908, m.50 Contin. as Opportunity magazine. (Allan Flaynes pub. co., 1408 Second ave., Seattle, Wash.) Open road 1908 (Sept.), m.50 Bruce T. Calvert, Griffith Lake co., Ind. Ophthalmologist, m. Pub. susp. Dec., 1909. Opinion Cubana, 1909 (Aug. 1), f...per no. .05 Havana, Cuba. Opportunities of to-day, 1904, m. Pub. susp. Opportunity, 1909, m. 50 Progress pub. co., 504 Rand McNally bldg., Chicago, Ill. Optical instrument monthly, 1905, m. Contin. as Optical journal. Oregon apple news, 1910 (Mar.), irreg.per no. .10 Corvallis, Ore. Orff’s farm and poultry review .. Western magazine pub. co., 2807 Locust st., St. Louis, Mo. Oriente medico, 1909, m. * Drs. Comas & Macia, Santiago, Cuba. 44 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Original rights magazine, 1910 (Mar.), m. 25 Charles Lenz, 25 W 22nd st., New York, N. Y. Our race quarterly, 1909 (Dec.), q. 1-00 New Haven, Conn. Our young folk’s future, 1909, m.*50 Bible directory pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. Overholts magazine, 1908, m. 1.00 Optimist pub. co., Dayton, Ore. Owensboro quarterly and review, 1908 (Dec.), q. 1.00 Owensboro, Ky. Owl, 1909 (Nov.), m.50 Rockville Center, N. Y. Pacific coast gazette, 1906 (Sept.), m. .. . A. W. J. Gibbs, San Francisco, Cal. Pacific era, 1907, m. Contin. as Far east. Pacific farmers’ union, 1908, w. 1.00 Pullman, Wash. Pacific garden, 1908, m. 1.00 Pacific garden pub. co., Pasadena, Cal. Pacific merchant marine, 1909 (Jan. 9), w. 4.00 95 Market st, San Francisco, Cal. Pacific monthly, 1898, m. 1.50 Pacific monthly pub. go., Portland, Ore. Pacific northwest. Pub. susp. 1904. Pacific poultrycraft, 1895, m. .150 Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific range bulletin, 1908, m.15 H A. Darnall, Gresham, Ore. Pacific short story club magazine, 1908 (Jan.), s-a.per no. .10 San Jose, Cal. Pacific weekly, 1908, w. 2.25 H. M. Ayres, Honolulu, Hawaii Islands. Palette and bench, 1908, a. 4.00 Lewis pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. Parcels post magazine, 1909, m.. 1.00 Ensley A. Weir, 118 Washington st., Oakland, Cal. Parish monthly, 1909, m. Sacred Heart church, Columbia, Mo. Park museum bulletin, 1909, b-m. Roger Williams park, Providence, R. I. Park review, 1899, q. Pub. susp. Passenger and ticket agents’ journal, 1909 (Sept.), m. 1.00 Mutual life bldg., Phila., Pa. Patent progress, 1908, w. 3.00 Manhattan tech. pub. co., 13 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Pattern makers’ journal, m. Pattern makers’ league, 403 Neave bldg., Cincin., O. Peace officers’ directory of the U. S., Pacific coast states edition, 1909, a. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 45 80 W. Park st., Portland, Ore. Peerless post card quarterly, 1909 (Oct.), q. . 77 E. 104th st., New York, N. Y. Penberthy engineer and fireman, 1894, m.50 Penberthy press co., Detroit, Mich. Pennsylvania dep’t of agri. Monthly bulletin. Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania good templar, 1908, M.40 Grand lodge, I. O. G. T. of Pa. & Delaware, McKeesport, Pa. Pennsylvania health bulletin, 1909 (July). State dep’t of health, Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania library notes, 1908 (Jan.), q. — Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania motor federation. Monthly bulletin, 1909 (Feb.), m. 2.50 Land title bldg., Phila. Pa. Pennsylvania redman’s review, 1909, m. 1.00 J. William Yeisley, Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania. University, Phila., Pa.varies Museum Authopological publications, irreg. People’s literary companion . . Contin. in Comfort. People’s national monthly, 1900, m.25 (formerly Home defender). Currier pub. co., 46 W. Monroe st., Chicago, Ill. People’s university bulletin. Lewis pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. Petaluma weekly poultry journal, 1895, w. 1.00 Frank H. Snow, Petaluma, Cal. Petters natural aid magazine, 1908 (Jan.), b-m.50 2177 Mercantile place, Los Angeles, Cal. Phi chi communicator, 1909 (Feb.), 4 nos. 2.00 Phila., Pa. Philadelphia suburban life, 1909, m. 1.00 201 W. end trust building, Phila., Pa. Philatelic esperanto, 1905, irreg.*..75 Park & Dougherty pub. co., 510 Delaware ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Philippine education, 1904, m... 1.00 F. R. Lirtz, Manila, P I. Philippine exporter and revista popular (Eng. & Spain), 1908, m. 1.00 Revista popular pub. co., Manila, P. I. Phillips academy. Bulletin, irreg. —— Andover press, Andover, Mass. Phonographic world & commercial school review, 1877, m. 1.00 E. N. Miner, 194 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Photo, 1909 (Sept.), m..50 Fort Worth, Tex. Photo-engraving art, 1908 (Nov.), m. 1.00 Hillside press, Richmond Hill, N. Y. Photographer, 1904, w. Contin. in Bulletin of photography. Photographic progress, 1909 (June), m. 1.50 46 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Lafayette bldg., Phila., Pa. Physical welfare journal 1908 (Apr.), m. 60 Personal health propagation, Pope bldg., Boston, Mass. Physicians’ drug news, 1906, m. 1.00 Physicians'* drug news co., 250 High st., Newark, N. J. Picturesque Florida, 1909 (Oct.), m. 1.00 Orlando, Fla. Piedmont industries, 1909, w. 1.00 Piedmont pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. Pink pill, 1909, m. 1.00 Eugene McKnight, Moore, Mont. Plate, 1909, m. Free Dow chemical mfg. co., Mansfield, O. Player monthly, 1910 (Apr.), m.... .50 1 Madison ave., New York, N. Y. Playground ass’n of America. Proceedings, 1907, m. 1.50 1 Madison ave., New York, N. Y. Playground, m. 2.00 Playground ass’n., 1 Madison ave., N. Y. Pocket monthly, 1909, m. 1.00 Pocket magazine co., York, Pa. Poet-lore, 1889, w. 5.00 Poet-lore co., 194 Boughston st., Boston, Mass. Pointed paper paragraphs, 1908, m.50 Paragraph co., 60 India st., Boston, Mass. Point of view, 1909, m. (ex. July & Aug.).50 Welland Hendrick, 74 S. Broadway, Nyack, N. Y. Pomona journal of entomology, 1909 (Mar.), q. Claremont, Cal. Poor’s handbook of investors’ holidings, 1908, a. . Poor’s R. R. manual co., 68 William st., New York, N. Y. Popular electricity, 1908, m. 1.00 Popular electricity pub. co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, Ill. Popular fashions, 1889, m.50 Phelps pub. co., Springfield, Mass. Popular mechanics shop notes quarterly, 1910, q. 1.00 Chicago, Ill. Portrait, 1909, m. Free Ansco co., Binghamton, N. Y. Post card collector, 1907, m.75 Pub. susp. Post card dealer, 1906, m. Pub. susp. Postal service magazine, 1909, m. 1.00 Castle Hall bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Postoffice bundy recorder, 1909, m..50 Postoffice clerks’ union No. 28, Seattle, Wash. Pottery and glass, 1908, m. 2.00 Pluott pub. co., 59 Park place, New York, N. Y. Pottery and glass, 1893, m.'.. 1.00 Porter Taylor & co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Poultry fancier, 1897, m..., .25 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 47 Poultry fancier pub. co., 357 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Poultry topics, 1891, m.... .25 State journal co., Lincoln, Neb. Practical education, 1909 (June), m. 1.00 350 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Practical farmer, 1908, m.25 Practical farmer pub. co., Sussex, New Brunswick. Practical health hints, 1908, m... Free Chas. H. Murray, Elgin, Ill. Practical world, 1909, m. 1.00 13th & Market sts., Phila., Pa. Presbyterian of the south, 1909 (Jan.), w. 2.00 (Consolidation of the central, southern and southwestern presbyterian). 104 Edgewood ave., Atlanta, Ga. President, 1907, b-m.. .50 Rockport, Ind. Principle applied, 1909 (Oct.).per no. .10 Allendale, N. J. Printing trade news, 1882, m.. 1.00 326 W. 41st st., New York, N. Y. Prism, 1894, a... 2.00 Students of U. of Me., Orono, Me. Prism, 1907 (June), m. Pub. susp. 1909. Professional memoirs, 1909 (Jan.-Mar.), q. 5.00 Engineer bureau, Washington Barracks, D. C. Profitable advertising, 1891, m. contin. as Advertising and selling. Progress, 1906, m. Pub. susp. Progress, 1909, m. 1.00 6 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Progress and profit, 1910 (Feb.), m.per no. .10 Electric bldg., Cleveland, O. Progress magazine, 1909 (Jan.), m. 1.00 Progress pub. co., 6 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Progressive banker, 1908 (Nov.), irreg.. Mobile, Ala. Progressive journal of education, 1908 (Nov.), m.50 Peyton Boswell, 180 Wash, st., Chicago, Ill. Progressive monthly, m.25 Contin. in Mail order man. Progressive papers, 1909, b-m. Free Amer. writing paper co., Holyoke, Mass. Progressive stenographer, 1908, m. 1.00 I. O. O. F. temple, Baltimore, Md. Progressive woman, 1907, m.35 619 E. 55th st., New York, N. Y. Promulgator, 1908 (Aug.), w. 2.50 C. L. Bodendieck, 567 Agate st., Los Angeles, Cal. Prophetic alarm 1908.,, ,..... . 48 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS W. A. Cuddy, Atlanta, Ga. Prosperity, 1908 (Oct.), m. . Security bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Psychic, 1909 (Jan.), m. 1-00 739 Board walk, Atlantic City, N. J. Psycho-occult digest, 1909 (Feb.), m. 1-00 Dayton, O. Psychological review, 1894, m. 4.00 41 N. Queen st., Lancaster, Pa. Psychophysics, 1909 (Mar.), m. 1.00 Seattle, Wash. Psychotherapy, 1908 (Dec.), m. 6.00 Centre pub. co., 30 Church st., New York, N. Y. Public observer, 1910 (Apr.), m. 1.00 203 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Public officials’ magazine, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.00 Indianapolis, Ind. Publicity, 1909, m. 1.00 E. W. Dietz, Downers Grove, Ill. Publicity, 1909 (Dec.), w. 1.00 Jenifer bldg., Wash., D, C. Purdue agriculturist, 1906, m. 1.00 Geo. M. List, W. Lafayette, Ind. Purity journal, m. 1.00 Rev. J. T. Upchurch, Arlington, Tex. Putnam’s magazine. Contin. in Atlantic monthly. Putnam’s monthly and reader, 1906, m. Ptlb. susp. Pythian world, 1909, m.50 Pythian pub. co., Columbia, S. C. Quaker city automobile journal, 1909 (Aug.), m. 1.00 612 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Quarterly forecast and review, 1908, q. and d. 75.00 Thos. Gibson, 329 Corn exchange bank bldg., New York, N. Y. Quest, 1908 (Feb.), m.50 P. O. Skaaden, 280 W. Erie st., Chicago, Ill. Quoin club .key, 1908, m. . 111 5th ave., New York, N. Y. Radium, 1908 (May), m.25 Rochester, N. Y. Railroad gazette, 1856, w. Contin. as Railway age gazette. Railroad wire and signal, 1907 (June), m. 1.00 1214 Filbert st., New York, N. Y. Rail splitter, 1910, q. 1.00 216 Clark st., Chicago, Ill. Railway age, 1876, w. Contin. as Railway age gazette. Railway age gazette, 1856, w. 5.00 83 Fulton st., New York, N. Y. Railway electrical engineer, 1909 (June), m.1.00 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 49 Signal engineer co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Railway journal, 1895, m. 1.00 Railway journal pub. co., 506 Royal insur. bldg., Chicago, Ill. Railway machinery, 1883, m. 1.50 Contin. as Machinery, Railway ed. Railway store keeper, 1908, m. 1.50 307 St. Clair ave., N. W., Cleveland, O. Railway storekeepers’ ass’n. Proceedings.. J. P. Murphy, sec., Box C. Collinwood, Ohio. Reactions, 1909, q. . Goldschmidt thermit co., 90 West st., New York, N. Y. Real estate national, 1909, m. 2.00 Harrison 'pub. co., Davenport, la. : Real estate register, 1908, w. 2.60 James M. Cox, Jamaica, N. Y. Real estate record and Industrial review, 1908, w.30 Record pub. co. (inc.), Charlotte, N. C. Real estate record and builders’ journal, 1909, w. 1.00 Cumberland presbyterian bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Real estate seller, 1907 (May), m. Contin. as Amer. real estate seller. Realty investors’ guide, 1909 (Jan.), m. 24.00 198 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Realty investor guide of Manhattan properties, 1909, m. 2.00 198 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Reason, 1909, m.. 1.50 Pub. susp. Record, 1909, w. 1.00 J. F. Stevens, Danville, Ill. Red and black, 1909, dur. coll, yr. 1.00 Students of Wash. & Jefferson college, Wash., Pa. Red book interstate automobile guide, 1905, a. 2.50 F. S. Blanchard & Co., Worchester, Mass. Red book textile supply directory, 1885, a. 1.00 Davison pub. co., 407 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Red cross messenger, 1908 (May), m..'. . - New Brunswick, N. J. Red polled herd book, 1888, a.. . Harley A. Gotham, Martin, Wis. Red man, 1909 (Feb.), m., 10 nos.. 1.00 Carlisle indian press, Carlisle, Pa. Reflector, 1907, q. .25 134 W. 377th st., New York, N. Y. Regular baptist, 1875, f.. Pub. susp. Remember, 1908 (Sept.), m. 1.00 Emporia. Kan. Republic magazine, 1908, m. Pub. susp. Ressurrection (Spanish), 1908, s-m. 1.80 Jos. Branyas, San Francisco, Cal. Reveille, 1896, w.. 1.00 50 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Students of La. state univ., Baton Rouge, La. Revista municipal y de intereses economicas, 1906 (Jan.), m. . . 10.00 Havana, Cuba. Ringer, 1909, m.per mo. .05 Los Angeles, Cal. Rio Grande valley life, 1909, m.50 Journal printing co., Brownville, Tex. Ro, 1908, m.25 The Ro co., 15 E. 7th st., Cincin., O. Roads and routes, 1909, w. 1.00 Phila., Pa. Rochester. University. Bulletin. Rochester, N. Y. Rock products, 1902, m. 1.00 Contin. as Amer. stone trade. Rocky mountain coal journal, 1908, m. 2.00 1824 Curtis st., Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain educator, 1893, m. 1.00 Sanford Bell, Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain resources, 1906, m. 1.00 Sunshine pub. co., Denver, Colo. Rod and reel, 1907, m.50 L. A. Rood, 1324 Prospect ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. Rowland park review, 1908 (Oct.), m. 1.00 Rowland Park, Ind. Romanul din America (Roumanian), 1909, s-m. 2.00 Aurora co., 204 W. 14th st., New York, N. Y. Roosevelterian lookout, 1907, b-m... Contin. as President, 1909. Rosenburg library. Bulletin, 1910 (Jan.), b-m. Galveston, Tex. Rotary, 1897, m.50 W. G. Crocker, Lisbon, N. D. Round table, 1909 (Aug.), m. 1.00 412 Main st., Cincin., O. Royer’s financial record, 1908 (Mar.), irreg. 2.00 Edgar Royer, No. 1123, Seattle, Wash. Rural life and farm stock journal, 1881, m.50 Elmer E. Reynolds, Rochester, N. Y. S. & H. bank directory, 1908, s-a. 5.00 S. & H. pub. co., 22 Pine st., St. Louis. Sacramento weekly and alta California, 1909, w. 3.00 Sacramento, Cal. Salesman, 1909, m.50 .Salesman pub. co., Erikson bldg., Seattle, Wash. Salt Lake outlook, 1908 (Oct.), m. 1.00 66 W. 2nd st., Salt Lake City, Utah. San Diego tourist, m. Free Browne-Flowers press, 841 5th st., San Diego, Cal. Sangamon school interests, 1906 (Dec.), m. 8 nos.25 Edgar C. Pruitt, Springfield, Ill. San Joaquin journal (German), 1908, w. .... 2.00 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 51 J. A. Schilling, Stockton, Cal. Sartorial gazette, 1906, s-q. 6.50 Croonborg Sartorical co., 1183 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Saskatchewan medical journal, 1909, m.. .'.. 1.00 Regina, Sask. Saturday review, 1909, w. 1.50 Miller & Peabody, 1840 Cal. st., Denver, Colo. Saturday review, 1904, w. 2.00 Nathan A. Cole, 123 N. Jefferson ave., Peoria, Ill. Scatology, 1908 (Jan.), m. 25 Buffalo, N. Y. School and college, 1908 (Nov.). 1.00 Ossining-on-Hudson, N. Y. School and home, 1908, m. 1.00 School and home pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. School book, 1909 (Oct.), m..50 Kittredge bldg., Denver, Colo. School century, 1905, m. 1.25 Geo. W. Jones, Oak Park, Ill. School-master, 1907, m. 1.00 Pub. susp. 1909. School music, b-m.50 P. C. Hayden, Keokuk, la. School physiology journal, 1893, m.60 Contin. as Scientific temperance journal. School problems, 1909 (Sept.), b-m. 1.00 123 E. 23rd st., New York, N. Y. School science and mathematics, 1901, m. 9 nos. 2.00 2583 Hermitage ave., Chicago, Ill. School teacher, 1909 (Sept.), in. 1.00 609 F. st., N. W., Wash., D. C. Science of Christianity, 1909, m.perno .50 32 Union square, New York, N. Y. Scientific farmer, 1906 (Jan.), m... . Denver, Colo. Scientific temperance journal, 1893, m..60 Mary H. Hunt, 23 Trull st., Boston, Mass. Searchlight, 1909, m. 1.00 We-Land pub. co., (Ltd.), Edmonton, Canada. Searchlight, 1908 (June), w. 2.00 Room 615, 528 Walnut st., Cincin., O. Seattle spirit, 1909 (Jan.), m.50 Seattle, Wash. Self-education in mechanical subjects, 1908, irreg.. Industrial press, 49 Lafayette st., New York, N. Y. Self-help, 1909, w.. San Juan, P. R. Selling magazine. Contin. in Advertising and selling. Semi-occasionally, 1908 (Apr.), b-m..50 Masonic temple, Chicago, Ill. Service, 1910, m : r . ...... 1.00 52 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Amer. baptist pub. soc., 1701 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Sheet metal shop and pattern cutters’ magazine, 1910, m. 1.00 Tribune bldg., New York, N. Y. Sheldon’s business philosopher and salesmanship, 1904 (Dec.), m. 1.00 Chicago, Ill. Sheperd’s journal, 1908, .75 E. C. Clark & co., 125 LaSalle st., Chicago, Ill. Shipmasters’ ass’n of the great lakes. Directory, a. . E. G. Ashley, grand sec., 207 Chamber of Commerce, Toledo, O. Shoeman, 1909 (Sept.), m. 1.00 183 Essex st., Boston, Mass. Shoe repairer and dealer, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.00 127 Federal st., Boston, Mass. Shop notes quarterly, 1910 (Jan.), q. 1.00 225 Washington st., Chicago, Ill. Short stories, 1890, m. 2.50 Doubleday, Page & co., New York, N. Y. Short stories about famous saddle horses, 1910 (Apr.), m. 2.50 Herbert J. Krum, Lexington, Ky. Sierra educational news, m. 1.50 50 Main St., San Francisco, Cal. Signal directory, 1908 (July), s-a. 1.00 Signal engineer co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, Ill. Signal engineer, 1908 m. 1.00 Signal eng. co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, Ill. Signet, 1905, m. 1.00 Alice M. Mackay 740J4 W. Adams st., Chicago, Ill. Simmons magazine, 1909 (Oct.), m. 1.00 150 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. Simplified spelling bulletin, 1909 (June), q.10 Simplified spelling board, 1 Madison ave., New York, N. Y. Sixth race magazine, 1910 (Mar.), m. l.£0 Orlando, Fla. Sketch book, 1909, m. 1.00 Arthur E. Vogel, Manchester, N. H. Skylight, 1901, m. Pub. susp., v. 13, no. 1, 1909. Smiles by Joe Sap, 1910 (Jan.), m.50 Temple, Tex. Smith’s iconoclast, 1907, m. 1.00 Pub. susp., no. 3, 1908. Social circle, 1909, w. Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Social education. Quarterly, 1907, q. 2.00 C. A. Scott, Boston, Mass. Social life, 1908 (May 28) w.. 5.00 68 Wall st., New York, N. Y. Socialist crusader, 1909, m.50 Contin. as Crusader. Socialist woman, 1907, m. ,35 Contin. as Progressive woman, GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 53 Society for the promotion of engineering education. Bulletin, 1910, m. 5.00 The society, Ithaca, N. Y. Society of American foresters, membership. 5.00 -Proceedings, 1905 (May), irreg. Geo. B. Sudeworth, sec., Atlantic bldg., Wash., D. C. Society of Amer. florists and ornamental horticulturists, -Proceedings, a. . W. N. Rudd, sec., Morgan Park, Ill. Society of Arts. Proc. Mass, institute of technology, Boston, Mass. Solar ephemeris, 1903, a. —— Keuffel & Esser co., 127 Fulton st., New York, N. Y. Solidarity, 1902, m..10 Workingmen’s literary soc., 61 Cliff st., New York, N. Y. Southern advertising journal, 1908 (Dec.), m. . Mutual bldg., Richmond, Va. Southern educational review, m.. Chattanooga, Tenn. Southern farmer, 1886, m.50 Starkville gazette, Starkville, Miss. Southern good roads, 1910 (Jan.), m. 1.00 Lexington, N. C. Southern highlander, 1908, 8 times a yr. 1.00 The Berry school, Rome, Ga. Southern horticulturist, 1909, m.50 Rooks bros. co., Humboldt, Tenn. Southern medical journal, 1908, m. 2.00 Nashville, Tenn. Southern medical ass’n. Journal, 1904, m. 2.00 Shreveport, La. Southern pharmaceutical journal, 1908, m. 1.00 416 Jackson st., Dallas, Tex. Southern poultryman, 1896, m.50 J. G. McReynolds, Dallas, Tex. Southern presbyterian, 1847, w. . Contin. as Presbyterian of the south. Southern woodlands, 1907 (Apr.), b-m. 1.00 Contin. as Forest, fish and game. South San Francisco banker, 1909 (Jan.), m. . South San Francisco, San Francisco, Cal. Southwest poultry journal, 1909, m.25 J. Hale Swindler, Bois d’ Arc, Mo. Southwest monthly, 1909 (May), m. . Pulaski, Va. Southwestern presbyterian, 1868, w. 2.00 Contin. as Presbyterian of the south. Spark, 1908 (Sept.), m. 1.00 P. E. pub. co.. Pacific electric bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Special libraries, 1910 (Jan.), m., 10 nos. 2.00 Special libraries ass’n, 54 Lafayette ave., New York, N. Y. Spectator, 1907, m. .50 54 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 17 E. Van Buren st., Chicago, Ill. Spectator, 1909, .. 2.00 Spectator pub. co., 724 Ivy st., E. S., Pittsburg, Pa. Sport in Dixie, 1909 (Apr.), m. New Orleans, La. Sportsman’s guide of N. Amer., m. Kezar Falls, Me. Stallion and jack news, 1908, ..50 Williamson bldg., Twelfth and Central sts., Kansas City, Mo. Standard, 1908 (Sept.), b-m.50 302 S. W. 6th st., Quincy, Ill. Standard business barometers, 1909, m. Roger W. Babson, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Star-light, 1908, m.50 Star-light pub. co., Meridian, Miss. Staten Island ass’n of arts and sciences, -Museum bulletin, 1908 (Aug.), m. . Statistics of the Amer. and foreign iron trade, a. . 261 S. 4th st., Phila., Pa. Staub’s theatre program, 1884, d L. B. Andigier, sec.-treas., Knoxville, Tenn. Steam, 1908 (Jan.) m. 2.00 114 Liberty st., New York, N. Y. Steam motor journal, 1907 (Apr.), m. . Contin. in American motor journal. (Denver, Colo.) Store, q. 1.00 System co., 151 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ill. Story hour, 1908 (Nov.), m, 10 nos. 1.00 406 5th st., N. W., Wash., D. C. Story of the Amer. bible society, q. . Bible house, New York, N. Y. Straus’ china and glass courier, 1908 (July), m. Free 42 Warren st., New York, N. Y. Street railway journal, 1885, w. Contin. in Electric railway journal. Street’s pandex of news 1903, w., m., q. Pub. susp. Strout’s monthly bulletin of farm bargains, 1909, m.25 E. A. Strout co., 47 W. 34th st., New York, N. Y. Student farmer, 1907 (Jan.), m. .50 Univ of Wis. agri. college Madison, Wis. Sunday afternoons, 1909 (Dec.), w.50 2129 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Sunday school missionary, m.. .10 Amer. S. S. union, 1816 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Sunlight, 1909, q.per no. .25 Los Angeles, Cal. Sunray magazine, 1909 (Nov.), m. 1.00 16 King st., Troy, N. Y. Supplemental lessons for the junior dep’t of Sunday school, 1908, a. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 55 Westminster press, Phila., Pa. Survey, 1897, w. 2.00 (Contin. of Charities and the commons.) E. T. Devine, 105 E. 22nd st., New York, N. Y. Swartz’ telephone siftings, 1908 (Nov.), m.50 Ira T. Swartz, New Odd fellow bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Sweet charity, 1908, b-m.50 Allentown, Pa. Symra, q. 1.00 Decorah, Iowa. Syndicate monthly, 1909, m.50 World press, 400 Cleveland ave., Chicago, Ill. Synopsis, 1909, m. 1.00 206 S. 4th st., Minneapolis, Minn. Syracusan, 1908, m. dur. coll, yr. 1.50 Alumni of Syracuse univ., Syracuse, N. Y. Syrian business directory, 1908, a. Mokarzel & Otash, 35 Broadway, New York, N. Y. System service reports, 1909, w. . . . 261 Broadway, N. Y. Tanglefoot magazine, 1908, m. 1.00 401 Swetland bldg., Portland, Ore. Taxpayer, 1909, w. 2.00 Tribune bldg., New York, N. Y. Teachers’ leaf, q.. . Cleveland, O. Technical harness and saddlery guide, 1909, m. 1.00 Olean, N. Y. Technical literature, 1907, m. 2.00 Contin. as Engineering digest. Technical world magazine, 1904, m. 2.00 Technical world co., 3321 Armour ave., Chicago, Ill. Technology quarterly and proceedings of the society of arts. Pub. susp. Tehama county school journal, m. Red Bluff, Cal. Telephone engineer, 1908 (Jan.), m. 2.00 Monadnock bldg., Chicago, Ill. Temperance, 1908, m.25 New Brunswick, N. J. Temperance review, 1907 (Nov.), m.60 Enid, Okla. Temple, 1909 (July 30), w. 1.00 312 W. Green st., Louisville, Ky. Temple Israel pulpit, 1908 (Oct. 16), w. 1.00 Temple Israel, St. Louis, Mo. Temple university bulletin, 1909 (Mar.), q. . Phila., Pa. Texas Israelite, 1908, m.-. 1.00 Texas Israelite pub. co., Fort Worth, Tex. Texas magazine, 1909, m. 2.00 Dallas, Texas. 56 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Texas magazine, 1909, m. 1-50 Texas pub. co., Scanlan bldg., Houston, Tex. Texas realty journal, 1908, m. 1-00 Clyde C. Buckingham, 306 % Main st., Houston, Tex. Theatre and world of sport, 1909, w.50 T. D. Eaton, 8-12 S. Ninth st., Richmond, Va. Theatre mirror and theatre friend (Hebrew), 1909 (Feb.), w. . . - 119 E. 92nd st., New York, N. Y. Theatre world, 1908 (Nov.), m.50 203 E. Broadway, New York, N. Y. Theological institute (negro), 1909, m.90 Bishop Turner, Atlanta, Ga. 35 Congress st., curb news, 1908 w. , . 1.00 M. C. Barnard & co., Boston, Mass. This week’s events, 1910 (Jan.), w. 2.00 Phila., Pa. This week in Chattanooga, 1908, w. Free 622 Market st., Chattanooga, Tenn. Thomas Gibson’s market letters, w. 35.00 Corn exchange bank bldg., New York, N. Y. Thorwell messenger, 1910 (Jan. 7), w. 1.00 Clinton, S. C. Timely helps for farmers, 1897, m. Free Univ. of Me., Orono, Me. Tips, 1907, m.'..25 Business service bureau, 1406 Security bldg., Chicago, Ill. Tipyn o’ Bob, 1904, m., Nov. to June. 1.75 Bryn Mawr college, Bryn Mawr, Pa. To-day’s magazine. Pub. susp. Todd’s scrap book of love, marriage and divorce, m. Pub. susp. Toledo magazine, 1908 (Oct.), m.50 Spitzer bldg., Toledo, O. Toledo university bulletin, 1909 (Mar.), q. . Toledo, Q. Tone, 1908 (Apr.), m..-. 1.00 110 W. 34th st., New York, N. Y. Tourists magazine, 1909 (Oct.), m.50 Evans bldg., Wash., D. C. Tower quarterly, 1909, q.50 Breathedsville, Md. Town development, 1909 (Dec.), m. 140 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Townsman, 1909 (Sept. 11 ), w. 1.00 Caxton bldg., Cleveland, O. Toys and novelties, 1909, m.50 Sporting goods pub. co., 810 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. Tra la filatelico, m. 75 Julian Park, 510 Delaware ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Trade journal advertiser, 1909 (May), m. 2.00 E. N. Farkas, 909-912 Manhattan bldg., Chicago, Ill. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 57 Traders, 1908 (Nov.), once in 3 wks. 1.00 Columbus, O. Traders’ encyclopedia of active securities, 1909, m.. C. Mont. Benton, 526 W. 28th st., New York, N. Y. Trades union, 1909, w.. 1.00 J. Martin, Pensacola, Fla. Tradesman classified directory of southern industries, 1879, a. . . 3.00 Tradesman pub. co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Traffic bulletin, 1908, w. 10.00 Contin. as Traffic world and traffic bulletin. (Traffic service bureau, Chicago, Ill.) Trail, 1908, m. 1.00 W. C. Bishop, 206 Colo, bldg., Denver, Colo. Trans-Pacific trade, 1907 (Jan. 3), w. Pub. susp. Trans-Missouri farmer & ranchman, 1909, m.25 W. S. Edmiston, Cheyenne, Wyo. Transportation, 1909, m. . .. 3.00 H. P. Webb, jr., Havana, Cuba. Transylvania university studies in English, 1910, irreg. Transylvania university, Lexington, Ky. Trappers’ world, m. 1.00 D. E. Allyn pub. co., Algona, la. Travel magazine, 1901, m.50 McBride, Winston & Co., 449 Fourth ave., New York, N. Y. Traveling man, 1908, m. 217 Manhattan bldg., Chicago, Ill. Tri-state merchant, 1908, m. 1.00 Tri-state merchant pub. co., Memphis, Tenn. Tropical and sub-tropical America, 1907, m. Pub. susp. Trowel, 1910 (Mar.), irreg.50 Jersey City, N. J. True woodman, 1908, m.50 R. B. Winn, White Hall, Ill. Trumbull cheer, 1907, m. . Trumbull electric mfg. co., Plainville, Conn. Truth, 1908, m. 1.00 J. T. Brady pub. co., 1820 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. Truth-seeker, 1909, m.25 J. D. M. Buckner, University place, Neb. Twentieth century magazine, 1909, m. 2.00 Twentieth century co., 5 Park square, Boston, Mass. Twin city commercial bulletin, w. 2.00 301 Boston block, Minneapolis, Minn. Twin city stageland, 1909 (Dec. 16), w. 1.00 45 Fourth st., Minneapolis, Minn. Typewriter and phonographic world, m.50 Contin. as Phonographic world, etc. Typewriter herald, 1905 (July), m. 5 . 1.00 Bible house, New York, N. Y. U. C. T. Red book gazetteer and guide, 1909 (Mar.). 1.00 58 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Boise, Idaho. U. C. T. transportation guide & directory, 1908, m.1.00 2003 1st ave., Seattle, Wash. Uncle Eli’s magazine, 1906, m.35 Elisha B. Southard, Toledo, O. Uncle Remus’s—The home magazine, nr. 1.00 Atlanta, Ga. Union Christian star (negro), 1909, m.50 J. A. Henderson, Henderson, N. C. Union farmers’ magazine, m. 1.00 Union farmers’ pub. co., Birmingham, Ala. Union labor bulletin, 1908, m.25 Fort Collins, Colo. Union labor journal, 1908, w. 1.00 Journal pub. co., Washington, Pa. Union leader, 1908, w. 1.00 J. E. Martin, Steubenville, O. Union university quarterly, 1904. Pub. susp., v. 4, no. 4, 1908. United nations, 1908, m. 1.00 Council Bluffs, la. United realty, 1908 (June). . Edw. A. Halsey, sec., Chicago, Ill. United service, 1879, m. Pub. susp. United Spanish war veterans’ journal, 1908 (Dec.), m. 1.00 Elmira, N. Y. United States banker and investor, 1909, m. 1.50 United States banker pub. co., Corn exchange bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. United States infantry ass’n. See Infantry journal. Universal educator, 1909, m. 1.00 Universal pub. co., Wescoesville, Pa. Universal engineer, 1902, m.. 1.00 Universal eng. pub. co., 106 Fulton st., New York, N. Y. Universal free mason, 1908, m.:. 1.00 Amer. masonic federation, Evanston, Wyo._ Universal portland cement bulletin, 1904, m. Free Commercial bldg., Chicago, Ill. University digest, 1906, m. Pub. susp. V. 2, No. 1, 1907. University missourian, 1908, d. 2.00 Students, Univ. of Mo., Columbia, Mo. University of Chicago magazine, 1908 (Oct.), 8 mos. 2.00 Alumni ass’n of U. of C., Chicago, Ill. Upper Iowa university. Bulletin, m.. Fayette, Iowa. Utah educational review, 1908, m. (except Aug. & July). 1.00 University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Utah genealogical and historical magazine, 1910, q. 1.50 60 E. South Temple st.. Salt Lake City, Utah. Vade mecum bulletin, 1908, m. 1.00 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 59 Alex. Nicholas Kahn, 140 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. Vaudeville, 1908, m. 20 Sime J. Silverman, 1402 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Vannorden magazine, 1906. Pub. susp. Varsity voice, 1908, w. (dur. coll, yr.). 1.00 Y. M. C. A. & Atletic ass’n, University, Miss. Veneers, 1901 (Jan.), m. 1.00 Veneers publishing Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Verdadero annuncio (Spanish), 1909, m.50 L. M. Beers, Banco de-Nueva Escocia, Havana, Cuba. Vermont Sunday school herald, 1904, m.25 Burlington, Vt. Veterinary notes, 1901 (Dec.), irreg... . Detroit,. Mich. Violinist, 1903, m. 1.50 Ada E. Taylor, 318 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ill. Virginia journal of education, 1901, m., 10 nos. 1.00 11 Bank st., Richmond, Va. Visiting nurse quarterly, 1909, q. 1.00 Visiting nurse ass’n, 501 St. Clair ave., Cleveland, O. Vita nova, 1908 (Oct.), s-m. 1.15 Rutherford, N. J. Voce cattolica (Italian), 1909, m. 1.00 35 Broadway ,New York, N. Y. Voice of freedom, 1909 (Apr.), m. 1.50 2963 Webster st., San Francisco, Cal. Volksstem (Hollandish.), 1908, m.40 H. Holkeboer, Holland, Mich. Wage earner, 1908, w. 1.00 Wage earner pub. co., 152 Purchase st., Boston, Mass. Wage slave, 1908, w.15 Tyomies pub. co., Hancock, Mich. Walter’s magazine. Wm. A. Walter & co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ward’s illustrated fashion magazine, s-a. F. L. Ward & co., 8 Vine st., Cincin., O. Washington chapel chronicle, 1908, m.25 Mrs. Robert Wood, Valley Forge, Pa. Washington city automobile journal, 1909 (Aug.), m. 1.00 612 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Washington fruit grower, 1901, m. 1.00 Granville Lowther, North Yakima, Wash. Washington investigator, 1909, m. Contin. as Washington advocate. 1421 F st., N. W., Wash., D. C. Washington university. Bulletin, chronicle, m., 8 nos., studies, irreg. St. Louis, Mo. Washingtonian, 1908 (Oct.), m. dur. coll, term. 1.00 Box 89, University station, Wash. Watch tower and herald of Christ’s presence, 1819, s-m. 1.00 Alleghany, Pa. 60 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Water proofing and fire proofing, 1907 (July), m. 1.00 Proofing pub. co., Detroit, Mich. Watson’s weekly Jeffersonian, w. 1.00 Thos. E. Watson, Thomson, Ga. Wedrowiec (Polish), 1908, m... 25 W. K. Missall, 964 Sycamore ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Weekly market letter, 1908, w. Free Ralph A. Belknap, 64 Wall st., New York, N. Y. Weekly underwriter, 1859, w. 5.00 Underwriter ptg. & pub. co., 58 Williams st., New York, N. Y. Week’s work, 1908, w.:. 2.00 A. V. Hoffman, Stockton, Cal. Welcome guest, m. F. J. Smith co., Portland, Me. Wells bijou theatre program, 1909, d. L. B. Andigier, sec.-treas., Knoxville, Tenn. West coast eagle, 1909, m. 1.00 West coast pub. co., Walla Walla, Wash. West coast reveille, 1910 (Feb.), m. 1.00 918 Fifth st., Chico, Cal. West-land, 1908, m. 1.00 West-land pub. co., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. West publishing co.’s. docket, irreg. . St. Paul, Minn. West Virginia. University studies, 1909, irreg., 6 nos. 1.50 Univ. of W. Va., Morgantown, W. Va. Westchester life, 1910, w. 3.00 Merbridge bldg., New York, N. Y. Western drawing & manual training ass’n. Proceedings, 1894, a. R. A. Kissack, sec., St. Louis., Mo. Western electrician, 1887, w. Contin. as Electrical review & western electrician. Western fisherman and packer, 1909, m. 2.00 R. M. Wood, San Francisco, Cal. Western intercollegiate magazine, 1909, m. 1.00 Madison, Wis. Western home journal. Pub. susp. Western world. Pub. susp. Western investors’ review, m. . . . Contin. as Western outlook. Western land and investment journal, 1908.50 1908 Curtis st., Denver, Colo. Western motor car, 1909, m. 1.00 Frank M. Fretwell, Central bldg., Seattle, Wash. Western music herald, 1906, m. 1.00 Wendell Heighton, 4th & Locust st., Des Moines, la. Western New York apple, 190*?, m. Barker, N. Y. Western normal school, bulletin, q. Western normal school, Kalamazoo, Mich. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 61 Western outlook, m. 1.00 Queen city print & pub. co., Denver, Colo. Western poultry advocate, 1909, m.25 Western poultry advocate pub. co., Lewiston, Idaho. Western trader, 1909, m.50 Western trader pub. co., Omaha, Neb. Western wage-earner, 1909, m.50 Vancouver, British Columbia. Westerner, 1904, m.50 Seattle, Wash. Westward ho! 1907 (July), m. 1.00 Vancouver, British Columbia. What to eat, 1896, m. Contin. in National food magazine. What’s in the magazines, (Sept.) 1910, m. H. W. Wilson Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Who is who in insurance, 1908, a. Singer co., 55 E. 20th st., New York, N. Y. Who’s who on the stage, 1908, a.,. B. W. Dodge & co., New York, N. Y. Wholesaler, 1908, w.50 Hutchinson wholesaler co., Hutchinson, Kan. Wholesome living, 1910, m. Free Republic bldg., Chicago, Ill. Widow, 1910 (Apr. 2), w. 5.00 334 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. Wild life, 1908, q.50 Endeavor, Wis. William Jewell student, 1895, mN. 1.00 William Jewell college, Liberty, Mo. Williams college bulletin, q. . WilHamstown, Mass. Wisconsin cumulative digest, 1908 (Mar.), m. 3.50 Springfield, Ill. Wisconsin equity news, 1908, s-m. 1.00 Wisconsin equity news pub. co., Madison, Wis. Wisconsin motorist, 1909 (Nov.), m. 1.00 Montgomery bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin spectator, 1908 (Oct.), m. 1.00 University of Wis., Madison, Wis. Wisconsin state normal school. Bulletin, q. Board of regents of normal schools, River Falls, Wis. Woman, 1908, w. 1.00 Woman pub. co., 301 Sheperd blk., Grand Rapids, Mich. Woman’s board of trade report, 1908, a.Membership 5.00 Woman’s board of trade, 501 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Woman’s era, New Orleans, La. Woman’s home journal, 1869, w. — Pub. susp. Word and the way, s-m. H. R. Lemen, Council Bluffs, la. .25 62 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Workman, 1908, ..50 Workman pub. co., Yonkers, N. Y. World wide, 1908, .. -25 1701 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Worth while, 1908 (Dec.), m.50 Pub. susp., No. 2, 1909. Wright county education, 1908, m.50 O. H. Benson, Clarion, Ind. Wyoming school journal, 1904 (Dec.), m. Sept.-June. 1.00 Laramie, Wyo. Y. M. C. A. of N. A. Year book, a. 124 E. 24th st., New York, N. Y. Yale monthly magazine, 1906, m. Contin. in Yale Courant. Ye clubbe, 1907, m.60 Mo. Athletic club, 4th & Washington ave., St. Louis, Mo. Year book motor cyclopaedia, 1909, a. 6.00 Automobile topics, 103 Park ave., New York, N. Y. Young man in business, 1908, m.50 10-14 S. Eleventh st., Richmond, Va. Young printer, 1908 (Sept.), m. 2.00 Evanston, Ill. Zion’s watch tower, 1879, s-m. 1.00 Contin. as Watch tower and herald of Christ’s presence. Zionist, 1907, m. Pub. susp., v. 3, no. 1, 1909. PART II CLASSIFIED LIST CLASSIFIED LIST \DVERTISING. Advertiser. Advertising and selling. Advertising results. Directory of special adv. agents. Economic advertising. Trade journal advertiser. International exchange ass’n advertiser. Mahin advertising data book. Mail order world. Make goods bulletin. Nat. ass’n circulation managers. Southern advertising journal. \ERONAUTICS. Aeronautics. Air craft. American aeronautics. Verdadero Anuncio (Spanish). AGRICULTURE. Agricultural review. Alberta homestead. American farm review. American fruit and farm. American society of agricultural engineers. Batten’s agricultural directory. Better fruit. Campbell’s scientific farmer. Canadian farmer. Carolina fruit and truckers’ journal. Carolina union farmer. Demeter. Desert farmer. Equity farm journal. Equity farm news. Farmer and fruit grower. Farmer’s helper. Farmers’ weekly news scimitar. Fertilizer review and buyers’ guide. Georgia agricultural quarterly. Grain grower’s guide. Horseman and the spirit of the times. Idaho student farmer. Independent farmer and western swine breed¬ er. Industrial hen. Interstate. Iowa state register and farmer. Long Island agronomist. M. A. C. bulletin. Market grower’s journal. Milkman. Minnesota and Dakota farmer. Minnesota farm review. Missouri farmer and breeder. Negro agriculturist. Northwestern dairyman and produce review. Northwestern farmer. Northwestern stockman and farmer. North Carolina student farmer. Oklahoma farm journal. Oregon apple news.. Pacific farmers’ union. Pacific range bulletin. Petaluma weekly poultry journal. Philippine exporter and revista popular. Poultry fancier. Practical farmer. Purdue agriculturalist. Rural life and farm stock journal. Scientific farmer. Southern poultryman. Southwest 'trail. Timely helps for farmers. Trans-Missouri farmer and ranchman. Union farmer’s magazine. Western New York apple. AMUSEMENTS. Memphis weekly amusement guide. Mirth. Nickelodeon. Player monthly. Theatre and world sport. This week in Chattanooga. Vaudeville. ANTI-SALOON. Alabama citizen. Beverage trade news. Citizen. T iberty magazine. National anti-prohibition monthly. ARCHAEOLOGY. Archaelogical institute of America. Bulletin. Philips academy. Bulletin. ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING. Architects’, contractors’ and material dealers’ directory. Architectural league of New York. Year book. British Columbia building news. Builder’s bulletin. Builders’ weekly guide. Building age. Bungalow magazine. Designing methods, reinforced concrete construction. Granite exchange company, confidential book. Tdeal homes. Master builder. National contractor and builder. Northwest architect. Real estate and builders’ journal. ARMY & NAVY. Marine journal. ART. Art and decoration. Art and life. Art and progress. Art students’ magazine. International studio year book of decorative art. ASTRO! OGY. A = tro1ife ASTRONOMY. America" astronomer bulletin. Solar enhetneris. ATHLETICS. M. A. C. Vp rlubbe. BAKERS. Pacific coast gazette. BANKING. American bankers convention, Year book.. Bank depositor. Bankers’ and merchants’ informer. Banking world. Capital and investments. Financial graphic. Kansas banker, lawyer and banker. Manual of stati=t?cs. Money and banking. Poor’s handbook of investors’ holdings. Roger’s financial record. S. & H. bank directory. 66 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS South San Francisco banker. Thomas Gibson’s market letters. States banker and investor. United BAPTIST. Baptist. Baptist Clarion Florida Girls’ Idaho Rock women’ call. baptist world. baptist Hill. s union (negro), (negro). Gazeta katolicka w canadzie (Polish). Messenger. Binghamton. Modern catholic magazine. Parish monthly. Romanul din America (Roumanian). (Italian). Voce cattolica CATTLE. Northwestern Herd register stockman and and breeders’ farmer. journal. Service. William Tewell student. Worldwide. BASEBALL. Baseball magazine. Moreland’s baseball records and tables BIBLE AND' BIBLE STUDY. Biblical education. Daily orders. Story of the American bible Supplemental lessons for the S. S. Vermont Sunday school herald. BIOGRAPHY. Who’s who on the stage. Who is who in insurance. BIRDS. Bird news. BLIND. Braille transcript. BONDS. Hand book of securities. BOOKS. Book notes. Canadian bookman. Clark’s book herald. Monthly ’Ft of new MacMillan Monthly book review. BOOTS AND SHOES. Crawford shoe horn. Dutton’s monthly bulletin. Evidence. Shoeman. Shoe repairer and dealer. BOTANY. Mveologia. BUSINESS. American salesmanship. Anti-mail order business. Business advance. America, arena. devices and aids for the magazine. . magazine. cement bulletin. society. Trans. books. Business Business Business Buyers’ F. S. B Letters. Salesman. Sheldon’s Store. Young man BUTTER. See dairying. CANDY. Gaudy topics. CATHOLIC. Beacon. Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic business philosopher, in business. Rockford. chronicle, herald. home journal, home journal, mind, missions, monthly, opinion. school problems, school work, times, weekly. Ceska zena (Bohemian). Draugas (Lithuanian). Ecclesiastical review, year Echo (French). Extension. N. Y. Greeley. Red polled herd book. CEMENT. Cement worker. Cement record. Directory of Portland cement mfgs. Rock products. percentage Universal portland CERAMICS. American ceramic CHARITIES. Institute quarterly. society. New York charity directory. Junior dept, of Sweet charity. CHEMISTRY. Americau leather chemists ass’n. Journal. Chemical engineer. Journal of industrial and engineering chem¬ istry. Survey. Sweet charitv. CHESS. Che c s weekly. CHILDREN. Child-lore. CHINA. Straus’ china and glass courier. CIVIL SERVICE. Civilian. Democracy a n d civil service news. Washington investigator. CIVICS. Cicic affairs. Civic forum, bulletins. Civic journal. Democracy and civil service news. Good government. Semi-occasion ally. Taxpayer. COAL. American coal journal. Coal analysis report. Pockv mountain coal journal. COT I FGFS AND SCHOOLS. Arizona. University of Arizona record. Carnegie technical schools. Bulletins. College magazine. Chicago. University of College news. I.iberty, Cosmopolitan annual. Earlhamite. Extension. Gargoyle. Georgia school of technology. Kinnikinnih. Liberty college student. Ohio state university quarterly. Maga. Maine campus. Makio. Manhattan quarterly. Manlino bulletin. New Yorker. Oberlin monthly. Prism. Red and black. 'Reveille. Baton Rouge. Southern highlander. Svracusan. Toledo university. Bulletin, Tiovn o’ Bob. University Missourian. Varsity voice. Washingtonian. Western intercollegiate magazine. William Jewell student. office. Chicago Mo. magazine. book for priests. * GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 67 AMERICAN REVO- Wisconsin spectator. Wisconsin. State normal school COLORADO. Greater Colorado. COMMERCE. Anunciador. Commerce. Commercial review (Greek). Dakota jobber and retailer. Diplomatic and consular review. Freight. Merchants’ guide. rNouveau Tiois-Kivieres (French). Pacific northwest commerce. Traveling man. Traffic bulletin. Wholesaler. Woman’s board of trade report. COPPER. Copper, Boston. COTTON. Cotton shippers’ book. CRANBERRIES. American cranberry grower’s ass’n. CRIMINOLOGY. * American institute of criminal law and crim¬ inology. DAIRYING. Ass’n of state and national food and dairy dep’t. Proceedings. Dairy bulletin. Michigan dairy farmer. Milkman. Missouri dairyman. DAUGHTERS OF THE LUTION. Washington chapel chronicle. DEBATING. Forensic review. Gavel. DENTISTRY. Illinois state dential society. Monthly bulletin. DIRECTORIES. American hatter trade directory. American law digest and legal directory. Architects, contractors and material dealers’ directory. Directory of portland cement mnfrs. Directory of special and advertising agents. Dockham’s jobbing trade and directory. Federation directory of club speakers and entertainers. Granite exchange company confidential book. McGraw electrical directory. Mahin advertising data book. Peace officers directory. Red book textile supply directory. S. & H. banking directory. Shipmasters’ association. Syrian business directory. Tradesman classified directory. DISCIPLES. Christian men. DOGS. American kennel club stud book. Directory of the breeders. Dog journal. English fox hound kennel stud book. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Chef magazine. Everyday housekeeping and American cooking. Journal of home economics. DRY GOODS. Tri-state merchant. DRAMA. Entertaining. Jewish dramatic world. Spectator. Theater mirror. Theater world DYEING. Modern dyer and cleaner. EAR AND EYE. Keystone magazine of optometry. EASTERN STAR. Signet. Bulletin. EDUCATION. Alexander’s magazine. American college American penman. American physical education review. Business educator. Chicago, Board of education. Bulletin. Christian educator. Christian student. Cornell rural leaflets. Corner stone. County school champion. Cuba pedagogics. Educational messenger. Educational press bulletin. Half moon. Hawkins county appeal. House and school visitor. Indian school journal. Intercollegian. Inter mountain. Interstate schoolroom. Journal of current news and education. Journal of education (Toronto). Journal of educational psychology. Journal of school music. Kindergarten—primary magazine. Kindergarten review. Manual training magazine. Monatshett for dent sprache u padagogik. Nebraska school review. Nemaha county teacher. Nevada school journal. New Mexico journal of education. North Carolina journal of education. Northwest journal of education. Posse gymnasium journal. Practical education. Practical world. Progressive journal of education. Rocky mountain educator. Rotary. Sangamon school interests. School and college. School and home. School century. School exchange. School music. School problems. School reporter. School teacher. Self education in mechanical subjects. Sierra educational news. Social education quarterly. Southern educational review. Teachers’ assembly herald. Teachers leaf. Technology review. Tehama county school journal. Universal educator. Utah educational review. Virginia journal of education. Western drawing and manual tr. assn. proc. Western journal of education. Wright county educator. Wright county education. Wyoming school journal. EGGS. Butter, cheese and egg journal. ELECTRICITY. American ass’n electric motor mnfrs. Common sense. Dictionary of electric railway material. Edison monthly. Electric railway journal. Holophone. Isolated plants. Popular electricity in plain English. EMBROIDERY. Embroidery book. Embroidery magazine. ENGINEERING. American soc. engineering contractors. Jour¬ nal. Cleveland engineering society. Trans. 68 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Commercial engineering. FORESTRY. Construction. American forestry. Contract news. Conservation. Darley engineering co. Bulletins. Forest fish and game. Domestic engineering directory of jobbers, etc.FOUNDRY. Engineering club of central Pa. Journal. Foundry news. International steam engineers. Reactions. Journal of engineering. FRATERNITIES. Minnesota engineer. New England engineer. Professional memoirs. Railway electrical engineer. Sheet, metal shop and pattern cutters maga¬ zine. Shop notes quarterly. Signal directory. Signal engineer. Telephone engineer. Universal engineer. ENGRAVING. Journal of engraving. ENTERTAIN MENTS. Entertainer. Lyceum world. ENTOMOLOGY. Entomological soc. of America. Annals. Pomo journal of entomology. ESPERANTO. Amerika esperantisto. Espero. Esperanto bulletin. Esperanto student. Green star weekly. Philatelic esperanto. Ro. ETHICS. Character. Self help. FAIRS. Fair journal. F. O. E. Dixie Eagle. Equality. Fraternal eagle. West coast eagle. F. & A. M. Masonic bulletin Universal free mason. FAMILY AND HOME. Beautiful homes. Cheerful moments. Farm press. Ideal hames. Modern homes. National homestead. Ogniwo (Polish). Wedrowiec (Polish). Welcome guest. FASHIONS. European fashion service. Gentleman’s journal. Man’s book. New ideas in fashions. Ward’s illustrated fashion magazine. FINANCIAL. See also Investments. See also Investments; Stocks and bonds. Condensed reports of all corporations issuingHATS. See also the names of fraternities. Beaver. Fraternal messenger. McKelvie’s megaphone. Signet. FREE THOUGHT. Bystander. FRUIT. American fruit- and farm. Better fruit. Carolina fruit and truckers’ journal. Farmer and fruit grower. Florida fruit and produce news. Washington fruit grower. FUEL. American peat society. Journal. FURNITURE. Furniture. Inland furniture dealer. GARDENING. Market growers’ journal. Natural gas journal. Oil and gas man’s magazine. GENEALOGY. Utah genealogical historical magazine. GEOGRAPHY. American geographical society. GEOLOGY. Economic geology. Oklahoma geological GIRLS. Girls’ world. GOLF. American golfer. GOOD ROADS. Good roads advocate. Southern good roads. GRAIN. Canadian miller and grain dealer. Feed knowledge. GROCERIES. Grocers’ guide and holly journal. Tri-state merchant. Twin city commercial bulletin. GUIDES. Barney’s information guide to St. Louis. Calumet region monthly railway guide. Co-operative credit guide. Everybody’s guide of Cleveland. Golden gate pocket guide. Laundryman’s guide. Northward-ho! Red book interstate automobile guide. Spaulding’s railroad guide to Idaho. HARDWARE. Western trader. HARNESS. Technical harness and saddlery survey bulletin. guide. stock bonds. 35 Congress street curb news. Financial indicator. Financial resume. Financial digest. Financial investigator. Financial telegraph. Gavigan’s financial news. Knowledge. FISHING. Rod and reel. Western field. Western fisherman and packer. FLORIDA. Picturesque Florida. FOOD. American pure food and drug journal. National food magazine. Wholesome living. American hatter trade directory. HISTORY. Academy of Pacific coast history. Americana. History teachers magazine. Utah genealogical-historical magazine. West Virginia universitv studies. HOGS. Berkshire world and corn belt stockman. Independent farmer and swine breeder. Murray’s swine breeder. Swine. HOMAEOPATHY. American institute of homaeopathy. Journal. FIORSES. Horseman and spirit of the times. Short stories about famous saddle horses. Stallion and jack news. HORTICULTURE. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 69 Iowa horticulture. Southern horticulturist. Society of Am. florists and ornamental horti¬ culturists. HOTELS. Hotel guest. Hotel news. HUMOROUS. Big stick. HYGIENE. American health. Forest leaves. Health messenger. Little sermons on health. Pennsylvania health bulletin. Practical health hints. IMMIGRATION. Immigration. I. O. O. F. Kentucky oddfellow. Mississippi oddfellow. Oddfellows messenger. I. O. O. G. T. Northwestern good templar. Pennsylvania good templar. I. O. O. R. Pennsylvania redmen’s review. Apteiker journal. Big stick. Federation review. Jewish dramatic world. Jewish farmer. Jewish future. Jewish labor world. Jewish record. Temple Israel pulpit. Texas Israelite. JOURNALISM. Editorial review. JR. O. U. A. M. American banner. JUVENILE. Angelons monthly. Author’s journal. Boy. Boy’s magazine. Boy’s best weekly. Child lore. Elite juveniles. Old sleuth weekly. Our boys and girls. KNIGHTS OF DANIEL. Knights of Daniel. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. INDUSTRY. Business America. Handicraft. Industrial review. Mexico today. Piedmont industries. INSURANCE. Aetna. Ass’n of life insurance presidents. Continental agents’ record. Co-operation. Eastern underwriter. Indicator chart. Insurance society of N. Y. Insurance library ass’n. Bulletin. John Hancock satchel. Life insurance manual. Lumber insurance. Weekly underwriter. INVESTMENTS. See also Stocks and bonds; Financial. ABC and manual of the curb market. American street railway investments. Capital and investments. Chicago securities. Cobalt investor. Cobalt news bureau. Condensed reports of all corporations issuing bonds. Copper. Curb prices record and manual. Financial diagram. Financial graphic. Financial indicator. Gavigan’s financial news. Gibson’s manual. Investments. Investors pocket manual. Manual of statistics. Mining financial news. Mining investor. Monthly guide to the latest news, etc. Nevada mining news. Poor’s handbook of investors’ holdings. Quarterly forecast and review. Roger’s financial record. Thomas Gibson’s market letter. Traders’ encyclopedia of active securities. Weekly market letter. Western land and investment journal. Western outlook. IRON AND STEEL. Western journal. Statistics of American and foreign iron trades. IRRIGATION. National irrigation journal. TEWELRY. Jewelry buyers’ guide. JEWISH. Official Pythian lodge directory. Pythian world. LABOR. Artisan. Civilta’e progresso (Italian). Co-operative commonwealth. Eastern labor news. Illinois central employees’ magazine. International labor office bulletin. International steam-engineer. Iron city trades journal. Labor journal. Labor record. Labor standard. Master sheet metal workers’ journal. Oklahoma labor unit. Patternmakers’ journal. Postoffice Bundy recorder. Record. Trades unionist, Pensacola. Union labor bulletin. Union labor journal, Washington, Pa. Union leader, Steubenville. Wage-earner. Western wage-earner. Workman, Yonkers. LAW. American law digest and legal directory. Annual bulletin—comparative law bureau of the American law ass’n. Berks county law journal. Corporation manual. Current Maryland digest. Engelsman’s Oklahoma citator. Gary library of law. Bulletin. Marine law review. Peace officers directory of the U. S. Wisconsin cumulative digest. LEATHER. Ame’-iran leather chemists ass’n. Tournal. LIBRARIES. Connecticut state library. Bulletin. Pennsylvania library notes. Rosenberg library. Bulletin. LIGHT. Illumination. LIQUORS. Beve r age trade news. LITERARY. Arkansas sketch book. Bang. Bonville’s western monthly. Cavalier. Cheerful pessimist. Chicago illustrated review. Columbian magazine. Current fiction review. Everyman. Folio magazine. ?() GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Green book album. Hampton’s magazine. Happiness. Kansas City spirit. Kansas magazine. Ladies magazine. Levy magazine. Literary miscellany. Marsh’s magazine. Men and women. Mountain magazine. Overholt’s magazine. Pacihc short story club magazine. Peoples national monthly. Progress monthly. Question. Remember. Searchlight. Spark. Story hour. Tanglefoot magazine. Twentieth century magazine. Washington investigator. Worth while. LIVE STOCK. Horn and hoof. Sheperd’s journal. L. O. of M. Call of the Loyal Moose of the world. LUMBER. Lumbermen’s bureau weekly exchange report. LUTHERAN. Lutheran church work. MACHINERY. Exhaust pipe. Indicator. Machinery news. MANUFACTURE. Art in buttons. MAIL ORDER. Co-operative magazine. Mail order weekly. Mail order man. Progressive monthly. MANUAL TRAINING. Western drawing and manual training ass’n. Proceedings. MECHANICAL. Canadian wood worker. Industrial engineering. Mechanical digest. Popular mechanics shop. MEDICINE. Aesculapian. American ass’n of physio-medical physicians and surgeons. Journal. American journal of physiologic therapeutics. Archives of internal medicine. California electric-medical journal. Creighton medical journal. Gulf states journal of medicine and surgery and Mobile medical and surgical journal. Hygiene, diet and long life. Indiana state medical ass’n journal. Journay of mental pathology. journal of opthalmology and oto-laryngology. Mature medicine. National medical ass’n. Journal. Oriente medico. Physicians drug news. Psychotherapy. Railway surgical journal. Red cross messenger. Saskatchewan medical journal. Southern medical ass’n. Journal. Southern medical review.. METALS. Copper. Melting pot. METHODIST. Church life. Link. Truth seeker. MILITARY. Infantry journal. Institute. MILLING. Canadian miller and grain elevator. Millwork magazine. MINING. Central Canada mining record. Los Angeles mining review. Mining financial news. Mining investor, Denver. Mining journal. Mining outlook. Mining stock news. Nevada mining news. MISSIONS. Home missions herald. Prophetic alarm. Sunday school missionary. MODERN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA. M. B. A. advocate. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. True woodman. MOTORING. American ass’n of electric motor mnfrs. Journal. American motorists. Auto magazine. Automobile club of America, tour book. Automobile trade directory. Baltimore city automobile journal. Central New York motorist. Chauffeur. New York. Chauffeur. Cleveland. Club journal. Ford times. Good road motorist. Internatior al motor cyclopedia. Year book. Motor boating. Motor cycling. Ohio motorist. Pennsylvania motor federation. Mo. bulletin. Quaker City automobile journal. Red book interstate automobile guide. Steam motor journal. Washington city automobile journal. Western motorist. Western motor car. Wisconsin motorist. Year book motor cyclopedia. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. American city. Book of American municipalities. City club bulletin. City hall. Municipal economist. MUSIC. American bandsman, New York. Chicago musical times. Chorus. Jacob’s orchestra monthly. Journal of school music. Kirchenchor. Music news. Music teachers’ nat. ass’n. Proceedings. Musical register. Musical squibs. Violinist. Thompson reporting co., music trade ratings. Western musical herald. NATURAL HISTORY. Americar' a c s’n of museums. Proc. NATURE STUDY. Sketch book. NEEDLE WORK. Needlecraft. NEGRO. Colored American magazine. Gazetteer and guide. NEW THOUGHT. Emmanuel magazine. Initiates. Psycho-occult digest. Psvchotheraphy. NEWSPAPERS. Nat. ass’n circulation managers. NURSING. Visiting nurse quarterly. O. E. S. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 71 Star light. OIL. American paint and oil dealer. Oil and gas man’s magazine. 0,il field news. Oil industry. Oil investors journal. PATHOLOGY. Tourral of mental pathology. ORATORY. Forensic quartely. PAINT AND PAINTING. Colorist. Master painters’ journal. PAPER. * Advertisers’ text-book. Pointed paper paragraphs. Progressive papers. PENMANSHIP. American penman. Students ed. PERIODICALS. Magazines of the month. What’s in the magazines. PHARMACY. Druggists’ messenger. Journal of pharmacology and exper. thera¬ peutics. Physician’s drug news. Southern pharmaceutical journal. PHOTOGRAPHY. Camera. Kansas X-ray. Moving picture news. Photo. Photo-engraving art. Photographic progress. Portrait. PHYSICAL CULTURE. Hygiene and physical education. Law of physical triune. Physical welfare. Playground. Plavground association of America. PHYSIOLOGY. Journal of phvsiolovical therapeutics. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Teffersnman magazine. POST OFFICE. Parcels post magazine. Postal service magazine. POSTAGE STAMPS. Chicago collectors monthly. Philatelic esperanto. Tra la filatelico. POST CARDS. National postcard journal. Peerless postcard quarterly. POTTERY. Claycrafter. Pottery and glass. POULTRY. American fancier. American poultry world. Happy hen. Industrious hen. National poultry journal. New England poultry journal. New Hampshire poultryman. Orff’s farm and poultry journal. Pacific poultry craft. Petaluma weekly poultry journal. Poultry fancier. Southern poultryman. Southwest poultry journal. Western poultry advocate. PRESBYTERIAN. Pre^bvterian of the south. PRINTING. Barnhart flyer. Board of trade printer. Graphic arts and crafts year book. Printing trade news. Made mecum bulletin. Your printer. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Alaskan churchman. Church life. PSYCHOLOGY. Journal of educational psychology. Journal of mental pathology. Psychological review. Psycho-occult digest. Psycho-physics. Psychotheraphy. Psychotherapy league of right living. Course of reading in psychotheraphy. RACING. League of amateur driving clubs. Official yearbook. RADIUM. Radium. Rochester. RAILROADS. Air brake magazine. American railroad bridge and building ass'n. Car review. Northwestern bulletin. Railway age gazette. Railroad journal. Railway storekeepers’ ass’n. Proceedings. REAL ESTATE. Daily farm seller. Homeseeker and pointer on real estate. Land market. Mortgage indicator. National homestead. Real estate national. Real estate record and industrial review. Real estate register. Realty investors guide of Manhattan prop¬ erties. Salt Lake outlook. Strout’s monthly bulletin of farm bargains. Texas realty journal. United realty. RED CROSS Red cross messenger. RELIGION AND THEOLOGY. American society of church history. Pro¬ ceedings and papers. P.usy bible student. Colored churchman (negro). Gospel forum. Gospel of the kingdom. Messenger. New age magazine. Newite magazine. Our young folk’s future. Service. Theological institute (negro). Union Christian star (negro). W est-Land. Word and the way. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Open door. SHIPPING. List of vessels belonging to district of Glou¬ cester and fishing vessels of other New England ports. Pacific merchant marine. Ship masters’ ass’n of the Great Lakes— directory. SHORTHAND. Phonographic world and commercial school review. Progressive stenographer. SOCIALISM. Christian socialist. Diamond dust. Original rights magazine. Promulgator. Socialist crusader. Volksstem (Hollandish). Wage slave. Watson’s weekly Jeffersonian. SOCIETY. Atlantic city informer. 72 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Club life. Lookout. Pacific weekly. Spectator. Saturday review. Social life. SOCIOLOGY Temperance review. TEXAS. Rio Grande valley life. Texas magazine. TEXTILE FABRICS. Red book—textile supply directory. THEOSOPHY. American institute of criminal law and crim- American theosophist. inology. Theosophy and new thought. Civic forum. Bulletins. THERAPEUTICS. Freelance. American journal of physiologic therapeutics. Minn, academy of social science. Papers Bacteriotheraphy. of N. America. and Proceedings. New York charity directory. Purity journal. Solidarity. SPELLING. Simplified spelling bulletin. SPORTS AND GAMES. Afield and afloat. American sports. Angler and hunter. Baseball magazine. Bowler. * Bridge. Curler and bowler. Grizzly bear. Rod and reel. Sport in Dixie. Sportsman’s guide Trappers’ world. Westchester life. Western field. Wild life. SQUABS. National squab magazine. STATIONERY. Inland stationer. National stationer. STREET RAILROADS. American street railway investments Official irterurban magazine. SUNDAY SCHOOL TOURNALS. Common bible teacher. Mississippi Sunday school herald. Social circle. Story of the American bible society. Supplemental lessons for the junior dep’t of S. S. Vermont Sunday school herald. TAILORING. Sartorial gazette. TAXATION. See also finance. International tax ass’n. TELEGRAPH. Collins wireless bulletin. TELEPHONE. Swartz telephone siftings. TEMPERANCE. T iberty magazine. National anti-prohibition monthly Scientific temperance journal. Searchlight. Temperance, TOBACCO. Anti-nicotine quarterly. TRADE JOURNALS. Five and ten cent magazine. Foreign trade. Fostering business Grain grower’s guide. T.amson service. Large dry goods and dep’t stores register of of U. S. Lawrence machine co. Bulletin. Make good’s bulletin. Mantle, tile and grate magazine. Philippine exporter and revista popular (Eng. and Span.). Tips. Toys and novelties. Tradesman classified directory of southern industries. Twin city commercial bulletin. TRAVEL. Globe trotter. Hamburg American gazette. Holland-American line monthly. International official travel review. North German Lloyd bulletin. Northward-ho. Passenger and ticket agents’ journal. San Diego tourist. Trail. Transportation—the standard guide of Cuba. Tourist magazine. TYPEWRITING. Typewriter herald. UNDERTAKERS. Director. Mummy. WOMAN. Chat. Woman. WOMAN SUFFRAGE. American suffragette. Conquest magazine. WOMEN’S CLUBS. Club woman’s magazine. WOODMAN OF THE WORLD. Inland chopper. YACHTS. Eldridge’s tide-book and marine directory. Ingraham’s U. S. yachting directory. YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Y, M. C. A. year-book. Grand Rapids. 1 1 S ' / #•