g>atnt Clatr County Belleville, Illinois, . Published by James Allan Reid. ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY , Jnsurtmf f , Hotms, tinft Jntetwnts. FARM LANDS. Choice Farms in St. Clair and Adjoining Counties. NO. 201 EAST MAIN STREET, BELLEVILLE. ....gtotiifoftion THE GREATER BELLEVILLE is>atnt Clatr Count? ILLUSTRATED SEQUEL TO "BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS, ILLUSTRATED' Published by J. A. REID, Book Maker SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI, AND BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. 1910 COI'VkUUIT. 1910. HV J. A. KKII). HKLLKViLLK, ILLIN'OIS. ALT, KICHTS K KSICK VK1 FRED. J. KERN, MAYOR. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Top Line--). P. Sriehl, Heironimu. Mauterer, Jame, Taylor. Conrad Schildroth, Henry Adler. Centre Line-Fred. A. Hartnagel. Joseph L. Herrmann. Loui. G. Wetelau. Fred. Winter, r Line- Walter Neibit. William S. Campbell. Christ. Knebelkamp. Philip Geminn. Thomas Fi. THE GENERAL OFFICERS. L. L. Harper. City Engineer. Frank R. Di^es, Fire Chief. William H. Snyder. City Attorney. August H. Bauer. Corporati, a, G. H. Bdneke. City Clerk. John V. Br.uch. Superintendent of Streets, William Nebgen. Chief of Police. This a One of the Fi, ST. CLA1R COUNTY COURT HOUSE. South Side of The Public Square. Court Houses in the State. The Front Was Built About I860, an Addition Made in 1891 ery Large Addition in 1910. It is Headquarters For All the County Officers. The Circuit Court, the County Court and the Probate Court Each Have Fine Rooms Within Its Walls. THE CITY HALL, BELLEVILLE. South Illinois Street. The Mayor, the City Clerk, the Treasurer The Board ol Aldermen H , the Chief ol Police, and the City Engineer Have Offices i This Buildins. Fine Chamber Here For Their Meetinss. HE dream of the visionary of the past, the battle-cry of the progressive enthusiast of yesterday, the realization even of the con- servative of today, this is the theme of our story. A wonderful theme indeed. Prosaic it may seem to the idealist delving in the musty past, and whose imagination clothes with the imagery of fancy the deeds of men gone by. But the heroic is found today. The achievement of mind over matter, the bursting asunder of bonds of con- servative prejudice, the awakening of a people to the demands of progress, the onward march of a conquering municipality, even though all be tinged with the com- mercialism of our day, is as worthy of record as any deeds heroic of the days of long ago. Belleville of the Forties and Belleville of today would form the basis of an in- teresting comparison. To Charles Dickens Belleville of the Forties presented a " small collection of wooden houses, huddled together in the very heart of bush and swamp, its main street a forest path nearly knee deep in mud and slime." Greater Belleville, could the spirit of the departed English chronicler again re- visit the scenes of his " American Notes," would be found to be a thriving metrop- olis of thirty thousand souls, of solid structures, paved streets, pulsating with the energies of the very highest of American progress and endeavors. What a commentary on the fallibility of human judgment, especially when GEORGE B. ROGERS, President BELLEVILLE COMMERCIAL CLUB. A GLIMPSE OF THE WORKS OF THE AMERICAN BOTTLING COMPANY. This is One of The Most Important Industries of The City of Belleville, Employinn Over One Thousand Men and Boys. Its Smoke-Stacks and Chimneys Are Very Noticeable Objects of Interest to The Visitor Just Entering The Populous Sections of The City Over The Suburban Tracks. EAST MAIN STREET FROM THE PUBLIC SQUARE. ThU Section of One of The Principal Husinrss Thoroughfare, of The City i. Headquarter, for Many of The Leading Department Store.. The Belleville Savings Bank. The Jeweler.. Clothier.. Grocer,. Real Ea.te Dealer.. Druggist.. Milliner.. &c. untrammeled by the prejudices begotten of centuries of Old World conservatism. The Great American Bottom, with its alluvial deposits vicing in richness with that of the Nile, to Dickens was but " an ill-favored black hollow," " an unbroken slough of mud and water " with " a deadly atmosphere " that rendered habitation well nigh impossible, while the great prairies that environed the western village were but the same "desolate kind of waste." For it was this very "slough of mud and water," and more especially the small " desolate kind of waste " that made it possible for the pioneer spirits to lay the foundation for an evolution of this " small collection of wooden houses huddled I 3*1 together in the very heart of brush and sage " into the Greater Belleville of today. Our theme is not the yesterday, but the today. Yet today's triumphs are but the fruitage of yesterday's sacrifices. Would we find the "why" of the " what " of today we must search for it in the yesterday. What to the novelist were scenes of discour- agement and depression, to the far- seeing pioneer opened as vistas of brightest promise. Disguised in the " swamp and brush " Ceres had hid- den riches untold, the development of which at- tracted to early Belle- ville the choicest spirits from far and near And it was to these the triumphs of the Greater Belleville of today are trac e a ( b 1 e. Environ- ment may be the potter moulding and fashioning the plastic material of mankind, but the value of the finished product depends upon the character of the material. America is great today not simply because of its wonderful natural advantages, but rather because of its men. And these are great because upon the parent stem of Plymouth Rock the choicest twigs of different mould and vintage have been grafted; and in the blood of the progressive American flows commingled the very choicest streams of blood of all the nations of the earth. PAGE EIGHT GEORGE H. BUSIEK. Superintendent of Schools. The Public School System of Belleville Ra With The Highest In The Stale. EAST MAIN STREET, LOOKING TOWARDS THE PUBLIC SQUARE. The Main Avenues of The Gly of Belleville Were Mostly Laid Out on a Liberal Basis, and The Main Street. Running East and West, is a Broad. Well-Paved Thoroughfare Centreing at The Public Square. This is especially true of Belleville, and the success of Greater Belleville is but the fruitage of the commingling of the choicest fruitage of our own land, Sturdy New Eng- land with Cavalier Virgini an, as well a s those of France and Germ any. Here found they the Land of Promise, the Mecca of their fon- dest hopes and antici pat ions. What to the eyes of the possessions : HOME. attest to the healthfulness of the great Eng- 1 i s h m a n was hidden to them was rev e a 1 e d , the wonder- ful riches of the future region of which Belleville was the centre. En- tering upon the land of promise they found the richest of human And today, after long stretches of years, many still live to THE NEW RAAB SCHOOL BUILDING. A Fine. Modern Structure. Located on One of The Moil Delightful. Elevated Spots in The West End Section of The City of Belleville, at Union Avenue deadly atmosphere " of Dickens, and to the EAST MAIN STREET, LOOKING WEST TOWARDS "THE SQUARE." "Romeiser's," " Feuss-FischerV "Horn's," " SaengerV "KrebV " Puderer's," " Knapp Bros. V' and Many of The Leading RetaUers and Business People Are Located Along This Section of The Street. economic value of the " ill-favored sloughs " and " desolate kinds of waste." And there were " giants in those days." Along side of the hardy pioneer blaz- ing his way through the trackless prairies we find the cultured products of Euro- pean universities. As a result Belleville from its earliest days was noted for its educational and cultural advantages. For these men recognized that "man c a nnot live by bread alone," and whilst delving and toiling found time for the development of the higher amenities of life, leaving to their descendants an inherent love for culture and for music that at times seemed to impede the on- ward march toward great- ness, but which in reality has made it possible for Greater Belleville to be- THE BELL TELEPHONE BUILDING, NORTH ILLINOIS STREET. Belleville Demands The Best Service In Every Department Of Human Endeavor and Intends ' Have The Best. The Spirit Of Progress Is Evident In All Lines. THE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL. SOUTH ILLINOIS STREET. ion Room;. Beside The Assembly Hall and come greater economically without the loss of the love for the higher things that alone make a people truly great. Long before the little red school house dotted the land Belleville provided f o r the education of its youth. And with the earliest pion- eer was the schoolmaster of that day. But with the advent of the German ele- ment c ame the real foun- dation of the ADAM KARR, Splendid edu- Former President of The Belleville Commercial Club. Catioll faC i 1 j- BRIDGE OVER THE R1CHLAND CREEK. t Granitoid Structures of the Kind Buill in the United States. ties of today. For the real elemental sources of strength in the educational life of today were found in Belleville from the very earliest times. Steadily has the school life been builded upon these foundations deep and strong. The truths taught by Froebel and the great educational leaders were incorporated in the public school sys- tem by the Bunsens and Raabs years before the general educational world realized their scientific value. Avoiding frills and foibles, with the steadiness naturally to be expected from the Teutonic strain so prominent in Belleville's life, the public school system has grown, affording at all times to every child the opportunity of an education in the es- sentials that make life and character. School NEW BRIDGE AT CENTREVIL1.E AVENUE. Approach to this Recently Thoroughfare. NORTH ILLINOIS STREET FROM THE PUBLIC SQUARE. Another of the Main Arteries. The First National Bank Building, on the Left. I. An-Up-To-Date Modem Edifice. Club Occupies the Upper Floor as its Quarters. houses built for comfort and use have been provided as the needs grew. Greater Belleville today has ten commodious public schoolhouses, a very fine struc- ture having been erected within the last two years, and plans being under way for others. A corps of seventy- five teachers is employed, the schools running for ten months each year. The en- rollment runs over three thousand. All this pertains to public- schools alone. In addition to these the Catholics main- tain their parochial schools and the Luthera n s one, these providing for over fif- JOSEPH FUESS. Late President First National Bank. As might naturally be ex- pected Belleville is and al ways has been a musical cen- tre, with flourishing societies cultivating both vocal and instrumental music. Of the latter the Philharmonic So- ciety, an orchestral organi- zation, occupies a high rank amongst these organizations of our land. It ante-dates most of these, having lately rendered its two hundred teen hundred more. and third concert. Amongst the vocal organizations are the Liederkran/, Kroan- thal-Liedertaffel, Choral Symphony, and the West Belleville Harmonic. The indebted not only for much of its musical life, but for years to the main- tenance of the higher lit- erary culture. For years it kept up a Library which became the nu- cleus for THE BELLEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY, an insti- tution of which the city may well be proud. Housed in a commodious JACKSON STREET FIRE STATION. The Rre Department of Belleville U Modern in Every Respect. ThU Station Has a Permanent Force of Fiie Fighters and is Equipped with an Engine. Hose Reel and Udder Truck. Drills Take Place Daily at the Noon Hour and at Seven O'Clock in the Evening. are products of the recent Greater Belleville years, while the former are direct descendants of organiza- tions that kept alive the Germanic spirit of song from the earliest days of the settlement. Chief of these was The Saengerbund, an organization to which the city is GOLD STREET FIRE STATION. This West End Station is Similarly Equipped to the Jackson Street Station. The Men Are Employed Permanently and Devote All Their Service to the Gty. THE MONUMENT AT WALNUT HILL TO THE MEMORY OF THE LATE FIRE CHIEF FRED. B. PHILLIPS. structure, erected by the citizens of Belleville long before the Carnagie libra- ries dotted the country, this library ranks high amongst the libra- ries of the country, serv- ing not only as a fitting monument to those who, midst the pressing duties of early pioneer life kept alive the germs of intel- lectual culture, but in its ST. PETER'S CATHEDRAL, BELLEVILLE. With Residence of Bishop Janssen on the Lett. This Magnificent Structure Has For Years Been the Centre of Catholic Interest, Not Only For Belleville, But For the Whole of present state a living testimonial to the fact that Greater Belleville of today is a worthy descendant of the intellectual spirit of the fathers. On its shelves is found a well selected, popular Library of more than 25,000 volumes ; not pop- ular in the sense of modern popularity, the rush for the ephemeral foam that floats on the crest of true literary waves, but popular inasmuch as it supplies all classes with the very best of modern as well as ancient literature, the Library having helped much to develop a taste for the eternals. With the development of the intellectual and cultural Belleville has not overlooked the religious. HGE FIFTEEf PAGE SIXTEEN To the casual observei% accustomed to consider the religious as synonymous with the emotions, and to look for its fruitage only in certain customs indigenous to American soil, the religious development may seem to have lingered in compari- son with the culture progress already refer- redto. But, upon deeper study, under- neath the calm, philo- sophical surface there will be found the sub- stratum of a true re- ligious heart culture emphasizing the " do- i 11 g the work of the Father." Belleville is known for its benevo- lence. In no city is the brotherhood of man more truly exem- plified. The needs of Rt. Rev. JOHN JANSSEN. Bishop of the Belleville Dlocew. other communities in calamity here have al- ways touched a respon- sivechord, and her treasures were poured forth with a lavish hand to sue cor the needy in the hour of disaster. The seat of the Belle- ville Diocese, Catholo- cism flourishes with a host of adherents. Its stately Cathedral and other churches furnish homes for thousands of its members, whilst its orphanages and hospitals minister to the afflicted in the name of Him whose cross they adore. Protestanism in all of its various denominations is also strongly rep- resented, and has made its impress felt on the city since its earliest inception. The earliest Protestant churches of the West were planted in its n e i g hborhood, and the leaders have ever been forward in t h e religious life of the city and State. The public- press of a city is a barometer of i t s intellectual, civic, comm e r - Louis and the mighty met- cial, and social r op o lit an presses hourly life. Belleville pour their editions into its lies within a few borders. But notwithstand- miles of S a int ing this, the public press of this'thriving city nourishes and reveals, as no one other thing, the remarkable vi- tality, progress, and energy, civic, industrial, commercially, and socially of the PAGE EIGHTEEN REV. FATHER GOUGH. St. Luke's Church. REV. FATHER SCHLARMANN. St. Peter'. Cathedral. BELLEVILLE SAVINGS BANK. BELLEVILLE. ILLINOIS. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS. $500,000. Prnidtni, L. D. TURNER. Vi-Prod,t, PETER J. KAERCHER. DIRECTORS : n. P. J. Kaerchw. A. F. Miller. LouU Opp. A Richard W.n & Q > I il DEMONSTRATION DEPARTMENT ST. CLA1R COUNTY GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 93 North III OFFICES ST. CLAIR COUNTY GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. 93 North Illinois Street. 1 i 1 1 THE DRY GOODS. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR GOODS. AND CARPET STORE OF FUESS. FISCHER c COMPANY. 110-112 But M.in Street. Belleville. < Q 111 \\i li l! g. li II PI i p EMIL GEIL, Prudent. BELLEVILLE HOSIERY MILLS. PAUL F. VOCEL, Vice-President and Manager. GEO. K. ANDEL, Secretary and TK Manufacturer, of Men's Fine Gauge Mercerized Hose, 605 lo 61 7 East Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. LENGFELDER STOVE AND HARDWARE COMPANY. 41*3. 415. 501 East Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. One of the Oldest and Leading Business House, of Its Kind. Hi : i N : B Ti'S RESIDENCE OF WILLIAM A. TWENHOEFEL, President of The Twenhoefel Company, Real Estate. 900 South Church Street. RESIDENCE OF E. W. TWENHOEFEL, Secretary and Treaiurer of The Twenhoefel Compa Rral Estate, RESIDENCE OF R. E. DUVALL, RESIDENCE OF EMIL CEIL. Portland Avenue. RESIDENCE OF W. J REICHERT. Corner Eiehth and Church Strrrts. PLANT OF THE REICHERT MILLING COMPANY. The Home of White Rc.e Flour. W. ]. REICHERT, - - - PRESIDENT. RESIDENCE OF J. C. JACOBS, 3 1 7 Lebanon Avenue. RESIDENCE OF HENRY BIEN, With the Plant of Messrs. Bien & Peten, Lincoln Street, Near the Tracks of the Illinois Cenlral Railroad. RESIDENCE OF EDWARD LEOPOLD, 421 South Jackson Si ml. \PARTMENT HOUSE AND RESIDENCE OF P. J. RALPH. PortUod Avenue and Olive Street. With Plumbing E.t.blistmer.l to the Left in the Distance. RESIDENCE OF T. C. T1SCH, RESIDENCE OF EDWARD N. JOSEPH. Wab.,h Avenue. BELLEVILLE CHAPTER HOUSE AMERICAN WOMAN'S LEAGUE, Sautcr Heighli, West Main Stint.- -Rock Road. Mrs. Carrie Alexander Bahrenburg. President. Mrs. C. A. Highfield, Vice-President. Mrs. Henrietta M. Herman. Tr< Miss Johanna T. Lorey, Secretary. RESIDENCE OF HUBERT HARTMANN. Et Fint Street. Former Redence of JOHN BRANCH. North Illinois Street. EBSEN'S SWIMMING SCHOOL. Lebanon Avenue. Ill Attractions to be Enlarged and Enhanced in Nineteen Hundred and Eleven SECTION OF THE PLANT OF THE STANDARD BRICK COMPANY, Smithton Road and Illinoii Central Railroad. One of the Large.! Manufacturer, of All Grade, of Building Brick in Illinois, and Has a Capacity for Producing 1 2.000.000. President. Charles H. Slarkel. Secretary and Trea.urer. William Schmidt. General Manager. L. H. AUip. GREATER BELLEVILLE. (dtfrtt The Commercial Club. President. GEO. B. M. ROGERS. Vice-Presidenl. J. M. RAUCH. Tre. EM1L J. KOHL. GEO. W. STANLEY. President Manufacturers Association. Manufacturers Association. Preudent. GEO. W. STANLEY. Vice-President. A. W. ANDEL. Secretary. C. T. MULLEN. LEE HARRISON. C. T. MULLEN, Secretary Manufacturers Asso< The Retail Merchants Association. Master Builders Association. President, FRED. TEUFEL. SiDOLPH KNEBELKAMP. Meets First and Third Tuesdays of Each Month. PETER FELLNER. r President Retail Merchants Associa F. J. WOTTOWA. Vice- President, CHARLES PELKUS. Secretary. A. E. KREBS. A. J. SCHUESSLER. .n the Second and Third Wednesday of Each Month, UJ JO QC (J 1 o s S Q < : i The Commercial Building.. owners--it is essentially a monument to the " Greater Belleville "-a tribute to the new spirit of progress and entr,, hi new era of ad- vancement- -an inspiration to every business man and loyal citizen of Belle- ville. With this thought at its inception it is not remarkable that in all de- tails of construction the motto has been " The Best." and " The Best Only " from the s,-l.-<-ti.,,, of luc,ili,m. tli,- .-hoi, < .urliitM-ti. and discrim- ination in the materials used,--moreover a critical judgment in securing the best representative concerns having control of the essential elements of con- struction. An adherence to this determination for highest standards led to the selection of the firm of RIESTER & RUBACH, who are justly regarded as the leading architects of this that the quality of material: highest quality obtainable. Naturally the selection of THE BRICK used was of prime considera- tion, and yean of experience and practical knowledge led to the choice of THE HYDRAULIC PRESS BRICK COMPANY as the house best fitted for fu.ni.hing the high quality of material demanded in the building which is to set the standard for business buildings in Greater Belleville for the next decade The technical designation of the Brick employed is known as - NO. 110 DARK SHADE," and Mr. E. E. OEHLER, Manager of the Illinois Branch of this Company at the offices in the Missouri Trust Building, St. Louis, gave his personal attention to prompt deliveries of these High-Grade Bricks, so that no delays were experienced at any stage of building. This Company has two plants at Collinsville, Illinois, and are ampl dipped for promptly supplying materials in any quantity at briefest notice. It was the selection of this Brick that renders the Commercial Building not only actually enduring but gives il the air of great solidity. coupled with pleasing appearance, both of which are necessary in the modern skyscraper of every metropolis. BAUER BROTHERS, Contractors, Carpenters, and Builders, NO. 319 NORTH AIRY STREET, - - BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. Kinloch Phone 238. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. We take pleasure in callintj attention to three or four of our recently. put-up Structures : The Commercial Bulld- inii. the Addition to the Saint Clalr County Court House, the Elks Building, and amond Residences thai of Geortje C. Rebhan, Esq. Interstate Contracting & Supply Co. BOTH PHONES. Successors to H. F. Gruetzemacher & Co.. H. F. GRUETZEMACHER. Jr.. President. E. G. GRUETZEMACHER, Vice-president and General Manager. A. G. GRUETZEMACHER, Secretary and Treasurer. CONTRACTORS OF STONE WORK, GRANITE, MARBLE AND TILE WORK, Saint Louis Office, 14O8 Liggett Building. East St. Louis Office and Works. 19th Street and Illinois Avenue. Some of Our Recent Contracts Covered the Marble Used In The St. Clalr County Court House and the Elks Building, Belleville, the City Hospital and the Central Bank Building. Saint Louis. [F. R. ROMER. Manager, , , 1 24 Virrfinla Avenue. BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. F. R. Romer Granitoid Company SIDEWALKS. COPING. TILE FLOOR. -AND MANTLE WORK A SPECIALTY- ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PHONES; -hml.M I, 1<7- .Bell 178- GEO. HIRTH, SANITARY PLUMBING. Es^fmateTche'erfuTly Given. 1 " 1 19 South High Street, Belleville, Illinois. Phones: Kinloch 362. Bell 362. John B. Bohlsen, Pleasant Hill Grocer, Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries. Fruits and Kinloch 595. 316 Jarrott Street. Belleville. Illinois. ^Prompt Attention and honest treatment Call on Sundlach and Company: ^Undertakers , ^funeral directors. jftigh and 31 Streets. . . . Sloth Phones. ^S^^S^^C^^C^^S 5 ^^?^ ^Wilharmil Coal and Coke Co. , Belleville, Illinois. Operating Sioyal and Sffassie SKines. 3>aily Capacity , 17OOUons. Coal for JEocal delivery. 3ot/i Phones. P J SOUCY, President. GEO. W. DETHARDING, Treasure!-. DONOVAN-GUIGNON LAND TITLE CO., E. W. MERTZ, Manager and Notary Public. Abstracts and Certificates of Titles. CONVEYANCING A SPECIALTY. OFFICE : No. 16 South Illinois Street, Belleville, Illinois. . . . Room 12 Arcade Building, East St. Louis, Illin FRANK P. RIESTER. OTTO W. RUBACH. Sliester and Siubach, ARCHITECTS AND SUPERINTENDENTS. Rooms 9 and 12 West Building, Belleville, Illinois. Main Office, Rooms 211 and 212 Insurance Building, East St. Louis, Illinois. The Geo. W. Stanley Company, SMALL NAILS, ' D. P. TACKS, STAPLES, RIVETS. Long DUtance, Bell 109- A. BELLEVILLE, . . ILLINOIS. FERDINAND WINKLER, Manufacturer of All Kinds of Soda and Mineral Waters. All Orders Promptly Attended to. 119 South Spring Street, Belleville, Illinois. George Eidman Implement Company, Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Faim Machinery of all kinds. Binders, Mowers, Buggies, Wagons, ;$*aS^ For Brick and Stone Work, Brick and Granitoid Paving, ^jgs Concrete Work, Cementing and Sewering, I 3toeffken Pumps, Drills, ^1P ..Brother*.. riers.Corn Plan- /$F$\ ^ General Contractors and Builders, Dealers in Building Material, Office and Warehouse, Race and C Streets. BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. Kinloch Phone 317. H ' Machines, &c. 18-20 North High Street, Belleville, 111. John Kreher, . . . Practical Horseshoer, 24 NORTH HIGH STREET, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. BELL, 371 M. KINLOCH, 147. A. M. WOLLESON, Pre Phon: Bell 98',, Ki,,lo,-l,4V,. W. C. WOLF. Secretary. Wolleson-Wolf Abstract Company, FURNISH ABSTRACTS AND CERTIFICATES OF TITLE TO REAL ESTATE IN ST. CLAIR COUNTY. SPECIALTIES : Surveying and Flailing of Lote, Farms, Minel, tc. Writing of Deeds, Wills. Mortgage.. Lewes. &c. Taxes Paid for Non-Residen 18 SOUTH ILLINOIS STREET, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. C. WO/./ , -Sun f.\< A. M. WOLLESON, Manager. Notary I'uhlk. Kinloch 280. Bell 502. CLAUS GROCERY CO., Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour ana Feed. 715 South Jackson Street, Belleville, Illinois- The South=End Cash Grocery, J. A. GRUNEWALD, Manager. Both Phones. 622 Freeburg Avenue, Belleville, Illinois. Vitrified Sewer Pipe, Both Standard and Double Strength. Vitrified Drain Tile. Vitrified Wall Coping. Fire Clay Flue Lining. Fire Clay Chimney Tops. Fire Clay Chimney Pipe. Blackmer & Post Pipe Co SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI. 9 Peter J. Zulauf, Bricklayer and Contractor, No. 505 Abend Street, Belleville, Illinois. JNE, KINLOCH 766. Adolph Engel & Brother, CONTRACTORS BUILDERS. A* Nos. 801 and 807 Park Avenue, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. fyt JMebtlle DAILY. ESTABLISHED IN 1839. SEMI- WEEKLY. THE LEADING REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER IN ST. CLAIR COUNTY. Best Advertising Medium. Brief Work Done. Job Work of Quality. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN G. A. SAHLENDER, Harnesses, Trunks, Valises, No. 126 Main Street, = = = Belleville, Illinois. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH Ebe Boullbotel J. BOUL, Proprietor, ==Lebanon Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. lllilllll!llllllll!lllll!lll!!lllll!llllllllll!l!llll!!!IH Staple and 3aney Groceries, 5io. 110 South Illinois Street, Belleville, J//inois ..... Uhe Jiinloeh Phone. Louis Weyhaupt, 722 Freeburg Avenue, Fine Wines, Liquors* and Cigars. Phone, 'Bell 661. THE Streets of Greater Belleville Should be Paved with The Greatest Paving Blocks In the World. Experience Everywhere Shows that the Best Paving Block Made is The Culver Block. Manufactured by The Wabash Clay Company Of Veedersburg, Indiana. JOHN GANNSMANN, Common and Select Stock Brick, A Specialty of Brick to Contractors at Lowest Prices. North Illinois Street and Louisville * Nashville Railroad. Swansea. Illinois. Thos. R. Mould, Attorney =at- Law, Notary Public, No. 32 Public Square, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. Stoves and Hardware, Standard Warm Air Furnaces. 320 Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. Telephone, Kinloch 465. on ^Dentists. Established Ten Years. 18 East Main Street, Over Belleville Savings Bank. GEORGE J. FORESTNER, = = = PROPRIETOR- T. J. Price, f Dealer in Pianos, Organs, Player Pianos, and Talking Machines, Sewing Machines, Musical Instruments, Stationery, &c. The New Home Machine Leads All Others. Sewing Machines Repaired. ===15 West Main Street=== OPEN ALL NIGHT. The Wide= Awake Restaurant, T. F. PH1NNEY, .... Proprietor. Short Orders. Regular /Heals. Everything in Season. Northwest Corner Public Square, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. Storrs===Sirns.. 1223 West Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. Kinloch Phone, 793. LEUNIG-RHEIN SHOE COMPANY, BELLEVILLE'S GREATEST SHOE HOUSE, Where You Will Always Find the CORRECT STYLES. 102 East Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. Phone, Kinloch 258. FRICK Feed Company, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in the Celebrated Cream and Cella Flour. Also Hay, Oats, Corn and Chicken Feed. All Orders Promptly Delivered. 623 South Illinois Street, Belleville, Illinois. .Wm. E. Siefert. "Real Estate, LOANS, INSURANCE, Rents Collected. Notary Public. Phone, Kinloch 3 1 1. Room No. 2, Court House, Belleville, Illinois. - West End Lumber Yard- JACOB CHRISTIAN, Proprietor. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Contracts Taken for All Kinds of Buildings. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished on Application. Shop, No. 301 North Silver Street. Lumber Yard, No. 200-220 North West Street, Kinloch Phone 469. BELLEVILLE. ILLINOIS. CUT FLOWERS, FUNERAL DESIGNS, And All Kinds of Pot Plants. No. 721 East Seventh Street, Belleville, Illinois. PHONE, KINLOCH 192. Bdl. 571 A. ^eibelberger jpal). Kinlcch. 498. FARM YARD Boarding House and Saloon Leonard Birkner & Son, Props. Choice H^ines, Liquors and Cigars. No. 119 West Main Street, Belleville, Illinois, ALPH. GASS. GASS BROS., CONTRACTORS. CEMENT WALKS, BASEMENTS, STEPS. ETC. Office, 23 South Race Street. Kinloch Telephone 278. PETER GASS, Jr. Belleville, Illinois M. G. Gannon, DEALER IN Fresh Meats, Sausages, Etc. No. 318 East Main Street, Belleville. Ilium \ F. J. Schaeffler, Proprietor of the IMPERIAL BAR J ANDJ > OOL ROOM. Kinloch Phone 654. 200-202 West Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. Kinloch 227. Bell 289-M. HENRT FORCADE & CO, LOCAL AGENTS GOLD MEDAL and WHITE ROSE FLOVR, F. Q WEHRLE THE LEADING Setoeler Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry SOLID SILVER TEA and SOUVENIR SPOONS IN GREAT VARIETY. THE BEST at the LOWEST PRICES No. 16 EAST MAIN STREET CHRIS. DIETZ, The TAILOR. Jressed men in the community. i invariably reasonable. ve a Department in which Suits are Cleaned and Dyed 204 West Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. OMMHTCS C The Largest Stock of Marble and Granite Monuments and Tombstones in the County. All Work Guaranteed First-Glass. . The Owl Saloon. C. J. KUNTZMANN, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 20 West Main Street. Belleville, Illinois. Ten Years' Experience as a Master Painter. Adolph C. Spies, Painter anb Paper ganger Kinloch Phone 586. Cor. Glen Avenue and Monroe Street. Belleville, Illinois. Louis Kuhn Shoe Co. 1013 West Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. Have a Complete Line of .SHOES. At Moderate Prices. Try them. Fred.DabbCo, Louisville and Portland Cement, Plaster Paris, Lime, Sand, An- thracite and Soft Coal. Kinloch Phone. 700 South Illinois St. Belleville, Illinois, PATRONIZE The Belleville Steam Bakery And Work for (he Advancement of a Greater Belleville. MARTIN GRADL, Prop. George J. Kissel, Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Etc., Fancy and Toilet Articles, Brushes, Perfumery, Stationery, Etc., Etc. WE GU Schwartz... . . Confectionery. . Candies, bruits, See Cream, &e. 5jt'xt 3leeommodationt in Down. Bell Phone 990. Kinloch 596. 122 EAST MAIN STREET, BELLEVILLE. The St. Clair Title Office, IN COURT HOUSE, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. HENRY G. C. SCHRADERo, Manager. Investigators of Titles. Furnish Abstracts and Certificates of Title, Plats, Wills, Deeds, Mort- gages, and Any Information Regarding Land in St. Clair County, Illinois. TELEPHONES: BELL 171. KINLOCH 424. 3)ouglas Pharmacy, ROY BRIDGES, Proprietor. Successor to HARTNAGEL & GRUNEWALD. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. EAST MAIN STREET AND DOUGLAS AVENUE, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. GEO. GAUSS , SONS, Dealers in Yarns, Dry Goods, Hosiery, Underwear, NO. 209 NORTH ILLINOIS STREET, BELLEVILLE, .... ILLINOIS. Fred. Daab Companjr 700 South Illinois Street, Dealers in Portland and Louisville Cement, Wall Plaster, Plaster Paris, Sewer Pipe, Anthracite Coal, &c. Sole c/lgents for Glencoe Black Lime. Wm. Voellinger 1 STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, 425 North Illinois Street. KINLOCH PHONE 583. JOHN 'BUX, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Havana and Domestic CIGARS, Factory JVo. 22, 229 South Illinois Street, "Belleville, Illinois. Herzler & Henninger Machine Works Manufacturers of Coal Mining Machinery, Founders, and Machinists, 226 CENTERVILLE AVENUE, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. Office Phone, Bell 400. Residence. Bell 638. 51. 8. Suvall, Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent, Penn Building, . . . Belleville, Illinois. -Grafs Laundry HUGO GRAF, Proprietor, 823-825 West Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. J. B. R.eis Lumber Co., Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, and Stair Work, 700-708 West Main Street Belleville, Illinois. BOTH|;PHONES 190. WATC Gold plete 17 WS: (^s/ f SMV'NOTetlieV!"iRrpaiIi'n8*a's'plciaity" FINE WATCH REPAIRING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. JOHN KLOCK, Jr., Watchmaker and Jeweler, Southeast Corner Main and Race Streets, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. Louis Reuther, COAL ==AND ICE- Office, Lebanon Avenue, . Belleville, Illinois. Telephones, Kinloch No. 422. Bell 1030. AUTO ACCESSORIES. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. THE Belleville Garage, GEO.W. SAHLENDER. Proprietor. 228 West Main St., Belleville, 111. KINLOCH PHONE 384. PHONE. BELL 513 M. Up-To-Date Music Mayr's Concert Band : Frick and Jac. Hearst. Clarinets. John Battler, Jr.. FiSJe^Vro^rTune?. CarM-indow', John Ficher, A Belleville, Illinois ll, Frank Fischer, Frank Andrews, Theo. Fischer, Fred 522 East B Street INSTRUMENTATION OF THE BAND : Co , . , r.. Walter Hearst and Adolph Lindow. Piccolo and Flute. , , Arthur Slider and'Kennu Fra'nkenberg. '"Ba'rttoSa, j"c. KH- lian and Geonje Stokes. Bass, Rob. Coxan and Joe. Schmidt. Bass Drum, Aoton Peters. Drums and Traps. Herbert Stokes. EDWIN MAYR. Bandmaster. One of the finest bands in Southern Illinois, with an enormous repertoire, and talented musicians well drilled under the able direction of Prof. Edwin Mayr. It has the most thoroughly equipped band room in the country. where weekly rehearsals are held with twenty-five of the best musicians. The Band Is open for any engagement. Parties wishing Musk will do well to call on, or Ph0 " e ' EDWIN MAYR, Bandmaster, 522 East B St. Bell Phone 840. Kinloch Phone 655. 3/ie Wick jewelry Company, 124 EAST MAIN STREET. Watches, Gold and Silver Jewelry, Silverware, Etc. Watch Repairing and Engraving KANZLER'S CHOICE GROCERIES. CHAS. F. KANZLER, PROPRIETOR. PHONES 86. Rhein Feed Company. Hay, Grain, aud Feed. Distributors of PHlsbury's " Best " Flour. 212-214 EAST B STREET, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. KINLOCH 727. BELL. 397 NATIONAL DENTAL PARLORS, THE LEADING, MOST UP-TO-DATE, AND LARGEST DENTAL ESTABLISHMENT IN THIS CITY. 21 East Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. Bell Telephone 131. J. M. HKK HI. Kit. J. P. BUCHHOLZ. A. P. BKICHLER. W. G. BUCHHOLZ. MICHAEL FREES, SUCCESSOR TO PETER KNAPP, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Harnes.es, Blanket., Robes, Collars, Saddles, Whips, Trunks, Valises, &c. 302 East Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. H. P. LIESE. BRICHLER-BUCHHOLZ POMP A NY --vl/lur/Yn I -- UNDERTAKERS AND ....FUNERAL DIRECTORS.... LIVERY AND BOARDING. 109-117 North Illinois Street, Belleville. BOTH PHONES. Belleville Steam Laundry, ...INCORPORATED. . CHAS. LINK, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. Northwest Corner Public Square. Henry Reis & Sons Lumber Company SUCCESSORS TO M. & H. REIS. Everything in LUMBER and MILLWORK. BEST QUALITY- LOW PRICES. BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. GEORGE R^IUSCHKOLB, Grocer, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries. A and Walnut Streets, Belleville. Phones : Bell 4O2 M. Kinloch 335. WILL TAYLOR, Candy and Fruit Store, Belleville Pure Milk Ice Cream. Corner of Main and Church Streets, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. larket. . SEALSHIPT ....CHRISTINE HERRMANN.... ...Latest Styles in Millinery... Up-To-Date Headgear. Bridal Veils and Ornaments a Specialty. Mourning Orders Given Prompt Attention. 114 South Illinois Street, Belleville, Illinois. C. P. BORN, I John L. Woelfle's Bicycle Repairing. Rubber Tires. Solid Cushion Bicycle Tires. Rubber Tire Repairing. \> li.-.-U ( limiu.-il from St,-fl lircs to Rubber Tires. All Work Guaranteed. Auto Tires Repaired. Kinloch, 213 L. 6 North Church Street. MODEL MARKET, 523 South Illinois Street, Belleville, Illinois. Fresh and Smoked Meats. Home- Made Sausage a Specialty. PHONES: Kinloch 122. Bell 122. REEB BROS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS, Have Handled Some Heavy Contracts Recently. Among Them : Belleville, Illinois, . $1,OOO,OOO.OO Du Quoin, " . . 3O,OOO.OO Lebanon, " . 17,OOO.OO Harrisburg, " . . 27,OOO.OO Metropolis, " . 6O,OOO.OO East St. Louis," . . 25,OOO.OO Greenville, " . 5O,OOO.OO Albion, " . . 85.OOO.OO Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal Cof^e, Wood, and Cement, Office, - - - 341 CenterVille AVenue, 'Belleville, Illinois. THE LEADING GERMAN PAPERS IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS. ..Tageblatt and Arbeiter-Zeitung.. DAILY, flnb g>t Clair DolteblatWiaeefcls. PUBLISHED BY THE ST. CLAIRj PRINTING AND NEWS COMPANY. The Best Advertising Mediums In the City. Job Printing Promptly and Neatly Done. 302 NORj/TH ILLINOIS STREET, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. ...Mold's Pharmacy... 423 North Illinois Street. * Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints, Glass and Sundries. GEO. W. NOLD, Prescription Druggist. Phone : Kinloch 500 L. Bell 790. ...Jos. Martin, JWoVer... jlnd HeaVy Hauler. Also Contracts Taken for All Kinds oj GRAVING. Phones : Bell 106, Kinloch 203. Office, 100 Jouth Illinois Street. MO NIC ^5 Man r of the Fines Photographs from which the 1T1 \J 1 1 1Y MO Engravings in " The Greater Belleville " 1 m f* |Jw are Reproduced were Productions of Implement Company, & 213 East Main Street, fc ^HttlU^l QL Belleville, Illinois, ^ FARM MACHINERY, VEHICLES, Gasoline Engines, Gasoline Gas Lights, Cream Separators, Sewing Machines, *g | ] |_ 2 SOUTH HIGH STREET, Vulcanite Roofing, &c. Wt d !^t BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. Totsch & "Bub, 'Barber Shop and 'Bath *Rj3oms N. E. Corner Public Square, 'Belleville, , . Illinois. Distinctive JeWelry: In other words. Jewelry of character and quality, at prices usually asked for the common- place kind. LA VALLIERES are much in vogue, and we are showing many patterns let with precious stones. We hae BRACELETS. NECKLACES, LOCKETS. FOBS. CUFF BUTTONS, SCARF PINS. HAT PINS, Etc. Everything up to date. F. G. WEHRLE, 16 East Main Street. The Best Goods for the Price, no Matter What the Price. L. F. Dintelman, Smithton Turnpike, "Belleville. Kinloch Phone 614. Albert G.Diller, fainter and "Paper Hanger, "Brackett Street, - . - Swansea, Illinois. ROBERT HILL & SON, 2101 WEST MjilF STREET. Ale and "Porter, Fine Whiskies, Wines, "Brandies, Liquors, and Cigars. ...THE BELLEVILLE BALER CO.. : with less labor than any other press on the market. If you bale for profit this is the baler you want. Patented June Mth. 1904; March 21,1. 1905 : June 5lh. 1906; February I2lh. 1907 ; March 8th. 1907 : April 7th, The BELLEVILLE SELF-FEED HAY PRESS will bale ing effected by our patented fork device will soon pay for the pre BELLEVILLE BALER COMPANY, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. HARRISON MACHINE WORKS, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS, Sole Licensees. GEORGE BARNES, Contractor and "Builder, Grand Vue Avenue, .....-. "Belleville, Illinois. TELEPHONE, SELL, EAST 1247. Perfect Stove and Manf g Company, MANUFACTURERS OF STOVES AND RANGES HEATING AND LAUNDRY STOVES, Office and Works, I. C. Tracks and South Lincoln Street, Belleville, niinois. Kinloch Phone 360. Send for Catalogue and Price List. M. C. RODENBERGER ....& SON.... ...Manufacturers and Dealers.. GRANITE AND MARBLE ....MONUMENTS.... Mausoleums and Heavy Monumental Work a Specialty. Works and Office Opposite Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Belleville, Illinois. P.O. Address Edgemont Station. East St. Louis. Telephone, Bell, East 1773. MR. N. SHERWOOD D'WOLF, 5858 PLYMOUTH AVENUE, ST. LOUIS, MO., -F. S. BURNS- DEALER IN GROCERIES AND NOTIONS, 201 SOUTH CHESTNUT STREET, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. Phone. : Kinloch 297. Bell 619 M. KIM'S Hotel, Restaurant and Buffet... A FIRST-CLASS PLACE. NO. 27 WEST MAIN STREET, BELLEVILLE... Everything In Season on Hand. Fine Fish. Lobsters. Poultry. Oysters on the Half Shell, and Delicacies of All Kinds. Fine Ladies' Restaurant Up-Stairs. Your Trade Kindly Solicited. PHONES : Bell 214. Kinloch 183. JOHN W. DENNIS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, We Do All Kinds of Building and Repairing. Estimates Cheerfully Given. Jobbing Promptly Attended To. Office and Residence Signal Hill Station, Belleville Electric Line ' Post Office Address R. R. No. 1, Edgemont Station, East St. Louis, Illinois. TELEPHONE, BELL, EAST 2219. Judging The Performance of a Car. The test of performance is not a day, month or year, but a number of years of constant service, reli- ability, and freedom from repairs. Simplicity of construction is the best guarantee against repairs, skillful workmanship and excellent material used, have unquestionably proven that the IS BUILT TO LAST. FRANK B. SMILEY, Representative, Belleville, HI., B and Jackson Streets. Phones: Bell 25. Kinloch 777. FINK & HOPPE INSURANCE, Financial and Bond Brokers, PUBLIC SQUARE, . . . BELLEVILLE. This Wagon Contains 1 2,068 Pounds of Our No. One Lump Coal. Illini Ice (&> Fuel Company Successors to Fischer Coal 8, Ice Company, and City Ice C& Fuel Company, O. A. KRoUSE, President and General Manager. Office and Yards West A Street, Between Richland and Race Streets, Belleville, Illinois. PHONES: Bell 127, Kinloch 440. KIRCHER & SON, HARDWARE m 21 WEST MAIN STREET, BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. THEO. E. KIRCHER, President. H. B. KIRCHER. Secretary and Treasurer. ADAM KARR. Praident of Th. Kan Supply Company Who Ceneroush Financed " The Greater Belleville " and " Belleville Illustrated. " She ^Progressive Sflen Of the City of Belleville, with the publisher, are entitled to what of credit may be due for the issue of this elegant production. It gives a true picture of many interesting and picturesque phases of life in a busy, growing, ambitious community. It justifies a laudable pride in present accomplishments, and is an inspiring incentive for further efforts. It indicates a milestone on the road of progression, and shows what intelli- gent, persistent strivings for betterment will do. Every lover of " GREATER BELLEVILLE," after taking his bearings right now, will be more than ever a believer in its destiny to be one of the favored cities of this great Mississippi Valley an up-to-date modern city of the new times. THE ST. CLAIR COUNTY COURT HOUSE AND THE CITY HALL, BELLEVILLE, FEBRUARY, 1911. The Car Their I SrliMtfic Metbod. of Ex.min * of Practical Expcriom Absolute Suf*> ftnftn ftrtirt of tif (Brrot Industrial of tljf Ration. It gtmt&s at ttf IFoitfront Offtr IHtJnufdfturing (Spntr? s of ttt GR/ R.J.DAWSON Invalid Supply Co., 520 Pine Street, St. Louii, Mo. ADAM KARR. of The Ka.r Supply Company. ffhe ^Progressive Sften Of the City of Belleville, with the publisher, are entitled to what of credit may be due for the issue of this elegant production. It gives a true picture of many interesting and picturesque phases of life in a busy, growing, ambitious community. It justifies a laudable pride in present accomplishments, and is an inspiring incentive for further efforts. It indicates a milestone on the road of progression, and shows what intelli- gent, persistent strivings for betterment will do. Every lover of " GREATER BELLEVILLE," after taking his bearings right now, will be more than ever a believer in its destiny to be one of the favored cities of this great Mississippi Valley an up-to-date modern city of the new times. THE ST. CLAIR COUNTY COURT HOUSE AND THE CITY HALL. BELLEVILLE, FEBRUARY, 1911. 201 East Main Street, Belleville, Illinois. Watches, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, Repairing of Fine Watches a Specialty. 3Bttarrtratrt-- The Careful Consideration That Their Importance Demands ? My Scientific Method* of Exmintion Will Renal the Slight ..t Defect in Your Eye*, Man, Yen f Prtic.l Experience Enable. Me To Fit You Witb Proper Gluee*. Bruiting of dltum a pf rialt?. Prompt Srtirf . 55rora