*« w * ^f • ^^JB^ mm Wm_ ^n^^Hu^y y^.: m^ mmm'nw'4 LI B RAR.Y OF THE U N IVER.5ITY or ILLINOIS 10 THE LAW OF RITUALISM, LONDON : PRINTED BY JOSEPH MASTERS AND SON, ALDERSGATE STREET. To the Rt. Eev. the Bishop op Veemont, Presiding Bishop of the Church in the United States. Et. Eev. Father : — As the question of Eitualism is extensively agitating the Church of England, and has already begun to make itself felt in our own Church, it would give us, and many others, pleasure to know your views of the subject in full : especially as to whether an increase of Eitualism would be advisable among us, or whether the ordinary average of present parochial practice would best carry forward the great work of the Church in such a country as ours. We are, Et. Eev. Father, Your obedient servants, and Sons in the Church, MOEGAN DIX, J. I. TUCKEE, J. FEEEMAN YOUNG, P. K. CADY, WM. CEOSWELL DOANE, C. W. MOEEILL, McW. B. NOYES, EOBT. B. MINTUEN, JOS. SANDS, WILLIAM A. CONSTANT, JOHN ABUETUS, JOS. P. PIESSON, JOHN F. MILLEE, CHAELES CONaDON, FEANCIS MANY. To the Eev. Des. Dix, Tuckee, and othees of the Cleegy AND Laity. My deae Beetheen and Feiends : — I thank you cordially for the value which you seem disposed to attach to my views on the vexed subject of Eitualism ; and cheerfully promise, under Divine favor, to comply with your request, as soon as I can command the necessary leisure from my official duties. Your faithful servant in Christ, JOHN H. HOPKINS. Burlington, Vermont, April 5, 1866. UIUC ADVERTISEMENT. The following pages are a proof that the present discussion toucMng " Eitualism" is not confined to England : they are an exact reprint (except as to type) of a remarkable book published late last year in New York ; its circulation in the United States has already led to the production of a second and cheaper edition.^ The author, Dr. Hopkins, Bishop of Vermont, is the Presiding Bishop of the American Church ; he is now seventy -five years of age, and has held the Episcopal Office for thirty-five years : this is some guarantee that he was not likely to write imprudently on a subject which has aroused strong prejudices and provoked sharp contention among our Transatlantic brethren, though not in the same degree as among ourselves. Bishop Hopkins, too, has long been well known both in America and in England as a leading anti-Eoman controver- sialist : the following are two of his principal publications in that character — 1. "The Church of Eome in her primitive purity compared with the Church of Eome of the present day," 1837. This was republished in England, with an Introduction by the Eev. Henry Melvill, in 1839. 2. " The End of Controversy controverted : a Eefutation of Milner's ^ This may also be had from the Publisher of this reprint, price 2s. vi Advertisement. End of Controversy ; in a Series of Letters addressed to the Roman Archbishop [Kenrick] of Baltimore," 1854. That one so antagonistic, as Bishop Hopkins always has been, to Roman claims and Roman teaching, should now- come forward to examine and to advocate " Ritualism," ought to be a sufficient answer to those who assert that Ritual practices are Romish in their origin, pernicious in their eifects, opposed to the principles of the English Reformation, and contrary to the Doctrine of the Church of England. It is in the hope of assisting to dispel these illusions that this publication on Ritual by the Bishop of Vermont is now brought under the notice of the English public in the present form. London, March, 1867. €Mt of eContents. IfntrotJuction. Necessity of Form and Order in the PMio Worship of the Church — What is proposed in this Work — Resemblance to Rome no Objection to Ritualism — No personal Inclination fotoards Ritual- ism Fp. 1 — 5 dTir^t Cl)apter. The Fivine Model of Ritual in the Tabernacle and Temple — Priestly Vestments — Embroidery — Precious Stones — Incense — Anointing Oil — The Golden Candlestick — Choral Service of the Temple — All this by Fivine Command — The Temple resorted to by owr Lord when on Forth Pp. 5 — 7 ^econtJ Cl)apter. Portions of the Mosaic System passed aioay — The rest of that System not abrogated — Our Lord Simself xvas the God of Ancient Israel — The Christian Church at first composed of Jews only — Fijfficulty of admitting the Gentiles to an Equality — The Council of Jerusalem did not free Israel from the Ceremonial Law — All Jeioish Christians zealous of the Latv — St. Paul and St. James — The Mosaic System not superseded but perfected — The Ordina/ry View not in accordance ivith Scriptu/re Pp. 8 — 13 Cftirtf Ci^apter. The Ordina/ry View, as set forth by Bishop Sarold Browne — Refutation of it — Proof that this Vieio consists of unauthorized assmnptions — Passages from the Fpistles to the Romans and the Galatians Pp. 13 — 19 viii Table of Contents. Continuation of the Reply to Bisliop Brotvne — The Epistle to tlie Hebrews — The Old Covenant and the New — The Old Covenant not restricted to the Ancient Ritual — Agar and Sarah, Mount Sinai and Jerusalem — The Old Covenant, the Moral Law — The Ceremonial Law a Part of the Covenant of Grace, though not yet fully developed — Misapplication of the Covenant of Works by the Jetvs — This View in Harmony loith Article VII. — The Scriptural position of converted Jews , . Pp. 19 — 27 dTiftf) Cijaptct:. Points of Voluntary Conformity to the Mosaic Ritual, on the Part of the Primitive Church — Orientation — Position of the Altar — The Atrium — Gates and Veils — Separation of Sexes — Texts — Altars — Altars not inseparable from the Notion of Animal Sacrifice — The Altar of Incense — Legs — Stone Altars — Candles or Lamps — Incense — Bowing towards the Altar— Chrism in Con- firmation — Vestments — Sticharia and Tunicles — Orarium — Alb — Dalmatic — No Black in the Mosaic Ritual — The Book of Revelation — White — The Reformation not caused by Ritual — Reasonableness of Variety and Beauty in Ritual — Black introduced by the Preach- ing Friars Pp. 27 — 41 ^ijrt]^ Ci)aptcr. Summary of Points of Conformity between the Gentile Church and the Mosaic System : 1. Threefold Ministry — 2. Three Great Festivals — 3. Psalms, Scriptures, and Liturgy — 4. Incense, Chrism, Lights — 5. Priestly Vestments — 6. Sacred Music, Chanting — 7. Magnificence of Church Edifices, Altars, Branches, Flowers, Processions, Consecrations, The Tables of Consanguinity and Affinity, and the Moral Law — The Jeidsh System Divine — Points of Difference from Rome : 1. No Pope in Israel — 2. No Saint Worship — 3. No Priestly Celibacy — 4. No Auricular Confession — 5. No Purgatory — 6. No Monasticism — 7. No adding of New Articles of Faith — Good Things not to be rejected because Rome retains them — This the Principle of the English Reformation — The Pope not Antichrist — The Roman Church still a Part of the Koly Catholic Church Pp. 4i — 48 Table of Contents. ix ^efteuti) Ci)apter. The Legal Position of Ritualism in the Church of England — The Tlnglish Huhrie concerning Ornaments — The Second Year of lEdtoard VI. — The Vestments used at the Consecration of Bishops Kooper and Poynet — Mitre, Cope, and Pastoral Staff — Consecration of Archbishop Parker in Scarlet, xvith Silk Copes, and singing the Litany — Queen Elizabeth favoring Ritual — Thomas Sampson" s Letter to Peter Martyr about Candles, Crucifix, and Vestments — Puritanical Opposition to the Queen — Surplice and Cap—Bishop Andrewes' daily Furniture for the Altar — Bishop Cosin's Notes on the Prayer- Book — His Opinion in favor of Vestments, Lights, Bowings and Crossings, Altars, Albs, Chasubles, Copes, — BurleigKs Chapel — Cosin in favor of the Credence and the Mixed Chalice, but not the Anointing of the Sick with Oil — This Anointing approved of, in Obedience to St. James — Legatine and Provincial Constitutions still in force : 1. The Mixed Chalice ordered — 2. No price to be demanded for Chrism, Oil, Baptism, Visiting or Anointing the Sick, Comr munion, or Burial — List of Matters then in use— None of these Things forbidden — Disused through the influence of Puritanism, but the Laio not obsolete — Dr. Lushington declares it to be Lato still — Burn^s Ecclesiastical Law — No condemnation of Chrism, Extreme Unction, and Prayers for the Dead — Act of Uniformity — The Thirtieth Canon — Modern Dress of Bishops destitute of all Legal authority, except as to the Rochet — No Legal Authority for the Black Goivn and Bands — Position of the English Ritualists justifi- able both in Law and Reason — Ritual does not lead to Popery, but the contrary — Personal preference for greater Simplicity, but allegi- ance due to the Written Word of God — A splendid Ritual cawnot be hostile to a pure faith or to a true Spirituality Pp. 48 — 65 (Qi%\)i\) Chapter. The State of the Question in our own Church — Preface to our American Book — Mere Omission not equivalent to Condemnation or Prohibition — The Common Laio continued after the Revolution — The same Principle applies to the Law Ecclesiastical — Positive Law requisite to abrogate ivhat was Law before — Application of this Principle : 1. Our Church free from the State, and our altered Prayer-Book alone obligatory — 2. The Athanasian Creed omitted, but not condemned — 3. Our Church has laid down no Law about Vestments ; the English Law therefore still binding ; the Black Gown only tolerated, being Popish in its Origin; Custom of no Authority, unless running back beyond Memory — 4*. Impossible to X Table of Contents. find out what our ^Ecclesiastical Vestments are, except from English Law ; Bishops' Costume as noio ivorn absolutely destitute of Legal Warrant ; change hy adopting the Forms of Alb and Surplice, and laying aside Bands and Blach Goivn ; change inform and color probable; not a Subject of indifference — 5. The Choral Service not forbidden — 6. Cathedrals, Crosses, Credences, ^Episcopal Chairs, AUar Cloths, Leans and Chapters, Archdeacons, Metropolitans, Archbishops, not prohibited, therefore laivful among us. — 7. Altar- lights, Chrism, Incense, the Mixed Chalice, Pictwed Windows, all equally lawful Pp, 65—72 mm)^ CI)aptcr. Two classes in the Primitive Church, the Jeios who " Icept the Loajo^^ and the Gentiles loho were Free — Fach respected the other — Fxpedi- ency justifies a similar Livision of Parties as to Ritual now — The Puritanical Flement at work to prevent Unity — Origin of it at Geneva — Better vieios of Luther, Melancthon, and Calvin — The Continental Systems running to Rationalism — This consequence not foreseen in the Sixteenth Century — Lefinition of High Chu/rch and Low Church — The Writer no Partisan of either — Christian Tolera- tion — Puritanism not to he reenacted — -We must not condemn the Bible — The Ritual Experiment to be fairly tried — No Legislor tion to infringe on present Liberty either Way — Ritualism to be proved hy Experience — Probable Growth and Prevalence of Ritual- ism Pp. 72—80 Approval of Ritualism begins and ends with the Bible — " Glory and Beamtf — A Question of Order, but not essential to Acceptance with Christ — A Living Faith — Ritualism not hostile to it — QuaJcers the straitest Formalists — They are disappearing — Personal Habits not likely to be changed — Ritualism may increase the Growth and Infiuence of the Church, if conducted in Union with true spiHtual Levotion Pp. 81—83 Entrotiuction. Necessity of Form and Order in Public WorsMp. The subject on which, several of my esteemed brethren are pleased to ask my opinion, has been familiar to my own mind for many years, although it is only of late that it has begun to excite any general attention. Amongst a large proportion of my fellow Christians, the ritual or ceremonial part of divine worship is thought to be a matter of perfect indifference. For, since true religion is acknowledged to be a spiritual life in the soul, granted to the humble disciple of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, through faith, they have concluded that its outward form has received no corresponding care from the Almighty. God looks on the heart. And if that be right, the external expression of devotion is left free to all the varieties of human taste and feeling. This, in the judgment of many, seems to be a very satis- factory conclusion. Yet I cannot assent to it, for several reasons. Pirst, because it stands in opposition to the wis- dom of the supreme Lawgiver, when He saw fit to dictate the ritual of the Church established for His own chosen people. Secondly, because it contradicts the analogy of all His other works, where we see that while the life is one thing and the form is another, yet both are ordained by the Word of God. The life of religion is indeed a spiritual principle, but that is no reason why the Lord should be indifferent to its for7n. The soul is spiritual, and yet the Creator has united it to a body, and that body is the work of His Almighty hand. Every thing which His wondrous 1 4 Introduction. mercy and surpassing love of her glorious Eedeemer, then arises the important inquiry, How shall this sublime duty be performed, in the/or;;^ and order which He has approved, and to which we have the best assurance that He will vouch- safe His blessing ? This, therefore, presents the subject embraced in the term " Eitualism." And in my. treatment of it, I propose to advance nothing which is not derived from the Bible — the written Word of God. For I hold that inspired record to be the divine standard of faith and practice. Our own Eeformed Church knows no other, while she adopts the judgment of the primitive Christians as the best and safest intei-preter. In accordance with this established principle, I shall first set forth the claims of the Ritual which the Lord gave to Israel, as being the only model entitled to our highest reverence. Secondly, I shall examine the common opinion that this Eitual has been entirely done away ; which I consider to be a very manifest error. Thirdly, I shall show how the Gentile Church, though free from the cere- monial law, yet took its whole system of Eitualism from the Jewish pattern. Fourthly, the existing law of our Mother Church of England will come under discussion. And lastly, I shall state the merits of the question, as it aifects the growth and prosperity of the Church in the United States. I am quite aware, that although my line of argument will be entirely Scriptural, yet the same objection may be made to my conclusions which has been so zealously urged against the English Eitualists, namely, that they are in danger of drawing too near to the Church of Eome. To this I can oidy reply, in advance, that our glorious Eeformation was directed, not against the Ritual'mn of Eome, so far as it retained the sanction of the Bible and the Primitive Church, but against those false and corrupt doctriiies by which she had so grossly innovated upon the pure Creed of the Gospel. The main labors of my ministerial life have been devoted to our controversy with Eome, to the defence of our martyred Eeformers, and to the vindication of our own Scriptural, Apostolic, and really Catholic system. I have nothing to retract or to alter, in aU my former publications on that Introduction. 5 subject ; nor is there a sentence in the present work which can justly be considered inconsistent with the position which I have hitherto maintained, as the uncompromising antagonist of Popery. That there are some features of Ritualism, in which the Church of Eome and the Oriental Churches are in closer accordance with the primitive practice than we are, may, indeed, be granted. But it will be seen, in the following pages, that it was otherwise at the time when our Reformation was established under Edward YI., and that these matters do not involve the slightest change in our Liturgy or Articles. Nor do I mean to be understood as recommending any alteration in our ordinary mode of wor- ship. To this, neither my habits nor my advanced age would lead me to incline. But my personal tastes and my life-long associations furnish no sufficient warrant for a judgment which condemns any of my brethren, either here or elsewhere, who seek for a closer accordance with what they regard as a better standard, on the highest authority. On the ground of law, I may be obliged to grant that their argument is entitled to confidence. Yet it does not follow from this that I should take any active part in their course, so long as I feel doubtful of its expediency. With these introductory remarks, I shall proceed to dis- cuss the claims of Eitualism, in the proposed order. The Divine Model of Ritual in Tabernacle and Temple. In every thing connected with the Church of our Divine Eedeemer, our first recourse should be to the Bible — the only unerring guide to the will of God. And therefore I take that sure Word of inspired truth as the best standard on the claims of Eitualism. Once only, since the beginning of time, has the Almighty condescended to give His people a minute detail of the rites 6 The Law of Ritualism. and ceremonies which He required in His public and authorized worship. The Church of the Jews was in all respects a divine institution. Its regulations were impera- tive, on the highest principle, that " Thus saith the Lord." Disobedience was punished by immediate judgments, as in the case of Nadab and Abihu, and Korah, Dathan and Abiram ; and in many of its minor rules so rigid was the law that the soul who transgressed was to be " cut off from his people." In that Church we have the first command to erect the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, succeeded by the Temple of Solomon ; and both, in all their parts, were ordered by specific direction from Heaven. In that Church we see the first institution of a regular priesthood, threefold in its order, — the High Priest, the Priests and the Levites. In that Church we see the complete system aiTanged for the sacrifices, which were all fulfilled in the grand atoning death of Christ, " The Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world." In that Church we have the principle established which admitted the infant of eight days to the Covenant of Grace by the same rite of circumcision that was administered to the adult proselyte. In that Church we see the utmost display of rich magni- ficence, adapted to produce the strongest emotions of awe and reverence and admiration in every beholder, — carving overlaid with gold in every part, elaborate embroidery, pre- cious stones : the chief workmen, Bezaleel, in the Tabernacle,^ inspired of God to perform his appointed functions, and Hiram, in the erection of the Temple,^ " filled with wisdom and understanding," to accomplish a result so far exceeding, in its wealth of splendor, all that the world had ever known. And, passing over many other details, in that Church we see the altar of incense and the golden censers, the holy anointing oil applied in the consecration of the priesthood, and the seven-branched golden candlestick kept ever burn- ing : while the Almighty orders, with the most minute pre- cision, the holy garments of Aaron and his sons, in which J Exod. xxxi. 2, 3. ^ 1 Kings vii. 13, 14. Ritualism of the Jewish Church. 7 they should stand to minister before Him. Here, again, we have the same magnificence, — for Aaron, a mitre, and a golden plate inscribed with "Holiness to the Lord;" a breastplate of jewels, a coat of fine linen, a robe of blue, a girdle of scarlet, gold, purple, &c., with other clothing as well for him as for his sons, but all expressly said to be " for glory and for beauty."^ Lastly, in that Church we see the largest provision for the praise of God accompanied by all the instruments of music, in the Psalms given by inspiration and chanted morning and evening, eveiy day, by trained and skillful choristers, in which the royal David sometimes bore his part. So that, on the whole, while the doctrine of the Lord was secured by the constant reading of His Word, the ritual and ceremonial order commanded were of the most grand and imposing character. And all this, be it well remembered, was the Law prescribed expressly by the Supreme Lawgiver — by Him who changeth not, but is "the same, yesterday, to-day, and forever." Here, then, in the Church established by the condescend- ing love of God for His own chosen people, we behold the great and the only divine model of all ritual worship. I need not remind the reader that it stood until the coming of the glorious Eedeemer; that He honored the Temple as "His Father's house;" that He made it His daily resort when in Jerusalem ; that He cast out, with the strong hand, those buyers and sellers who profaned it ; and that He came " not to destroy the law, but to fulfill." But it is commonly supposed that all this sublime display of the Jewish Church had no application after the Saviour's earthly mission was completed ; and that the whole of the system, so often pro- nounced by the Lord to be " an ordinance forever," was entirely done away by Apostolic authority, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, when the perfect doctrine of the Gospel was proclaimed "to every creature" in the Church of Christ. This common error must be next examined, and, if I do not much deceive myself, it can be thoroughly dispelled from every mind which is candid enough to be open to conviction. 1 Exod. xxviii. 2, 40. 8 The Law of Ritualism. ev. xix. 7, 8. 3 Dan. vii. 9. ^ St. Mat. xvii. 2. 5 Eev. iii. 4. ^ Ibid. iii. 5, &c. 7 Ibid. vii. 14. 38 The Law of Ritualism. Church should have a meaning, appropriate to His work of mercy to our fallen and perishing world. And hence the official garments of His ministers should remind the beholder of His purity and love, and express, as far as they can express, their relation to their divine Master. They are ambassadors from the King of Heaven ; and as the ambassadors of every earthly sovereign are expected to appear officially, on public occasions, in the insignia of their respective governments, much more should the repre- sentatives of Christ bear some plain mark of their distinc- tive character. • Thus the garments of the High Priest were all symbolical of Christ. The breastplate, contain- ing the TJrim and Tliummim, was a symbol of His divine judgment and omniscience : the purple and gold, of His royalty ; the crimson, of His atoning blood ; the blue, of His heavenly kingdom : and the white, of His perfect righteous- ness, extended to His faithful people. And this last, which presented the principle to be most constantly followed by the Church, whose union to Christ is the only ground of salvation, was therefore the chief mark in the garments of the sacred priesthood among the Jews, and passed from them, as we have seen, to the Gentiles, on the strongest ground of Scriptural consistency. There are many good and respectable Christians in our day, who regard this matter of distinctive ministerial gar- ments with contempt, and sometimes even with positive aversion, because they look upon it as one of the corrup- tions of Romanism, But the ancient Church of God is not to be regarded with contempt by any man who professes to believe the Bible. That sacred institution was divine, and was given by the Almighty Himself, to His own chosen and peculiar people. None but a fool would say that the Church of the Jews had any connection with the system of Popery. Nor will any sensible man pretend that the Reformation of the sixteenth century was occasioned by the dress or ecclesiastical order of the Church of Rome, which are in no respect more splendid or imposing than the usages of the Oriental Churches of Greece and Russia. It would have been mere madness to plunge the religion of Europe into confusion for a cause of no more consequence than No Reformation against Vestments. 39 this. It was not ministerial dress, but corruption in doc- trine, and government, and morals, which, called for Refor- mation. The despotic tyranny of the Pope, sustained by bloody wars of persecution ; the worship of the Virgin and the saints ; the adoration of the consecrated wafer and images and relics ; the irresponsible dominion of the priests in auricular confession; the usurpation of tradition over the Word of God; the moral abuses of sacerdotal and monastic celibacy; the exaction of property through the false delusions of purgatory and indulgences ; the marvellous presumption which undertook to add twelve articles to the Creed of the Apostles : these terrible invasions of divine truth and pure faith, were the real evils against which the Eeformation was directed. And the mind that fancies it to have made its assault against the priestly dress, or other harmless matters of outward ceremonial, had need to go to school, and learn the plainest lessons in ecclesias- tical history. In the view of reason, however, this contempt of minis- terial garments has no justification. Most certain, indeed, it is, that God looks on the heart, and that faith, in the heart changed and sanctified by the grace of the Holy Spirit, must be the animating principle of all acceptable worship. But does this interfere with a due correspondence in outward forms ? Did the Lord of heaven and earth make a mistake, when He ordered Aaron and his sons to make priestly gar- ments " for glory and for beauty ?" Can He be supposed indifterent to these things in His earthly sanctuary, when He has been pleased to spread " glory and beauty" through all His works ? The sun, traveling in light ; the moon walking in brightness ; the clouds of crimson and gold ; the rich and varied vegetation ; the gorgeous plumage of the birds ; the shining splendor even of the insects ; the brilliant hues of the flowers and the incense of their sweet perfume : aU prove that the Creator not only rejoices to spread abroad His works of "glory and of beauty," but that man, wlio was made in the image of God, and placed in the dominion over this wondrous world, should delight in the display of so much divine benevolence. Por to this end, the love of " glory and of beauty" was planted in our 40 The Law of Ritualism. nature ; and we are forced to admire them in every thing else, however a blind and absurd prejudice may have per- verted our common sense, by persuading us to exclude them from the duty of religion, Eeason itself, therefore, must approve the rule laid down in the Mosaic system as the only rule which is consistent with the majesty of God. Nay, it is the only rule con- sistent with the laws of human nature. Por men are not, and cannot be made, indifferent, to the outward dress. Take away the official dress from the army, and how would the " glory" of war disappear ? Take away the dress which taste requires in civilized society, and what substitute could make it attractive ? We all know that the dress is not the man or the woman, yet what man or woman can be in- sensible to its power ? The ritual given to Israel, therefore, in this matter, is in perfect harmony with reason ; and if in the Church of Eome, we find the principle associated with superstition and dangerous error, it is none the less our duty to take all that the Scripture and the reason of the case can justify, and thus preserve the good, while we cast the evil away. " Glory and beauty" were ordained by the Almighty for the sanctuary, and for the garments of His chosen priesthood. And " glory and beauty" ought still to be their characteristics in His Church on earth, as they will be, in a far more sublime sense, when the Bride of the Lamb, in her white linen garments, becomes the sharer of His felicity in the Church of Heaven. For myself, I must honestly confess that I regret the retention of any black whatever, in the dress of the Ministry. The white is Scriptural and of divine authority, having a clear symbolical reference to the Saviour and the righteous- ness of the saints. The use of black came in, at first, through the monks, and it was the authority of the Pope which introduced it into the Churches of Europe, when he gave his sanction to the Black Priars {Fratres Predicatores), and made them the preachers everywhere, long before the Reformation. This was the real origin of the custom which led the people throughout the whole Continent to look upon black as the proper color for the preacher. But it is totally unwarranted by Scripture and the Primitive Church. And Points of Conformity to the Jewish System. 41 it is equally unwarranted by riglit reason. For the ambas- sadors of Christ are the heralds of the Gospel, — " good tidings of great joy to all people." And their garments should be the emblems of purity and joy, and not those of sin and mourning. Stxtl) Cfjapter. Further' Points of Conformity and Contrast. I SHALL now proceed to present my readers with a sum- mary of the matters in which the Gentile Church conformed to the Jewish system. And this agreement will be found, substantially in the following particulars : — 1st. In the threefold order of the Ministry, the old Fathers regarding the Bishop, the priests, and the deacons, as corresponding to the High Priest, the priests, and the Levites. To the Jewish Hierarchy were committed the charge over the Sanctuary, the duty of instructing the people in the Word of God, the order of divine worship in praise and prayer, and the administration of the sacred ordinances, all of Avhich were placed under their entire control. And the Hierarchy of the Gentile Church occupied the same relative position, with which, in both cases, no other powers had the right to interfere. 2d. In the three great festivals of the year ; for the Easter service corresponded to the Jewish Passover, Whitsun-day to the Jewish Pentecost, and Christmas to the Jewish feast of Tabernacles. 3d. In worship, the Psalms of the Jewish ritual were continued in the Gentile Church ; the Scriptures were read according to a settled order, as in the Synagogue ; while the prayers were offered in the same form of a fixed Liturgy. And all these arrangements are still found in the Jewish system of the present day. 4th. In the use of incense, chrism and lights, the whole 42 The Law of Ritualism. Gentile Cliurch, for centuries before the great schism be- tween the East and the West, followed the Jewish model laid down for the Temple service. The Church of Eome and the Churches of Grreece and Eussia continue the ancient course. And it will be seen, in the ensuing chapters, that our own branch of the Church followed the same rule in the early years of the Reformation, and that the law of the English Prayer-Book remains unchanged. 5th. In the garments of the priesthood, the whole Gen- tile Church took the Jewish ritual for her pattern, and we retain the cardinal feature of that system without any essential variation. Modern practice has indeed laid aside some portions of its ancient splendor, but the main distinc- tion of the "white linen" continues the same. 6th. In the music of the Gentile Churches, the chanting of the Psalms has been adopted from the custom of ancient Israel, and their use of instruments to aid the voice justifies our organs, on the same principle. 7th. The magnificence of Church edifices, the altars, the branches and the flowers, the festal processions, the cere- mony of consecration, the table of consanguinity and affinity which regulates marriage, the reference to Isaac and Rebecca in the ceremony itself, as also the mode of burying the dead, are all derived from the Jewish original. And the great code of the moral law, given from Mount Sinai, is confessedly the same to Jew and Gentile. Por the whole of these particulars it is easy to account, when we remember that the Jewish system was Divine, and reaUy dictated by the same Son of God, whom we acknowledge as the incarnate Deity — the Lord and Saviour of the world ; that the Apostles of Christ were all Jews, and brought up in that very system ; that the Holy Spirit, by whom they were enlightened and fitted for their wondrous work, could not be supposed to depart from the previous plan of celestial wisdom without reason ; and therefore that every part of that plan, which was as suitable to the Gentiles as to the Jews, would of course be retained. Por if there be a maxim in religious truth which must be universally admitted, it is surely this : that we dare not, without His own express warrant, impute change to that glorious Creator, F The Jeiohli Church not Popish. 43 who declares that He " changeth not," but is " the same, yesterday, and to day, and forever !" But now, to show, on the negative side, the harmony of the principle which I advocate, it may be well to add a brief statement of those points in which the Mosaic system directly conflicts with Eomanism, or Popery. 1. There was no sacerdotal personage in the Jewish Church claiming to be the sole Vicar of God, asserting the right to dethrone kings and princes, dooming heretics to the flames, undertaking to deliver every departed soul from purgatory, canonizing those whom he chose to call the saints, and seating himself on the Altar as an object of worship. In a word, there was no Pope in Israel. Their system was a pure Theocracy. God was the Head of their Church, and He appointed no priestly viceroy. They had, indeed, a High Priest, possessed of a certain authority ; but his powers and duties were specifically defined, and the responses given by the Urim and Thummim placed in the breastplate, were ac- cepted as the answers vouchsafed by the God of Israel, and not as the dictates of the High Priest's official infallibility. We find, moreover, that the Urim and Thummim, signifying lights and perfections, disappeared after a season, through the unfaithfulness of Judah, while the office of the High Priest remained. And in the time of our Lord, we see that He was brought to trial before the Comicil ; and it was the voice of the Council, rather than the authority of the High Priest, by which He was pronounced to be "worthy of death." Thus, in the office of the High Priest, there is not the slightest warrant for the despotic sovereignty of the papal prerogative, to say nothing of the difference between the moderate authority vested in him as the chief priest of a single nation, and the monstrous assumption of the Pope, who calls himself the spiritual monarch of the whole world ! 2. We discover, secondly, in the Jewish Church, no trace of worship paid to men, however eminent. No prayers were ofl'ered to Abel, Enoch, Noah, nor even to Abraham, though he was called " the friend of God, and the father of the faith- ful." No act of canonization was allowed in favor of Moses, Aaron, David, Elijah, Elisha, and the other prophets, not- withstanding the fact that they were the special instruments 44 The Law of Ritualism. of the Lord, and, in many cases, the workers of stupendous miracles. This perilous species of idolatry, carried to such an awful extent in the worship of the Virgin Mary and the Saints in the Church of Home, is utterly condemned by the whole character of the system given to Israel. 3. I may next remark that the divine code of the Jewish Church yields no encouragement whatever to priestly or monastic celibacy. Marriage, on the contrary, was the rule, and celibacy was only the permitted and occasional excep- tion. 4. Neither do we find, in the Mosaic system, the least ap- proach to auricular confession, or private absolution, which forms so large a part of the priestly domination exercised by the Church of Rome. The confession of sin was indeed the duty of every Israelite, but only to God, the Searcher of hearts, and not to the priest, much less to any of the saints departed. And the absolution of sins was believed to be the prerogative of Grod alone. True, the Roman priest claims his warrant from the promise of Christ to. the Apostles, say- ing, "Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them ; and whosesoever sins ye retain, they are retained." But he ignores the important characteristics of this divine authority, 1st, That the Apostles were "filled with the Holy Ghost," inspired as no priest nor pope can pretend to be. 2d, That even the Apostles set no example oi private confes- sion and absolution, but exercised their powers in connection with the sacraments, remitting sins in baptism, excommuni- cating the unworthy from the Eucharist and the Church, and readmitting them on satisfactory repentance. 3d, That all this was public, and never buried in the secrecy of a confes- sional. And 4th, That St. Paul expressly commands Timo- thy, the first Bishop of Ephesus, to avoid privacy in this whole matter, saying, " Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear." The discipline thus exercised did not difi'er, in principle, from the system of Israel. The keys of the Church indeed were now transferred from the Jewish priests to the Apostles and their successors, by the supreme authority of Christ; but the mode in which they were ap- plied was substantially the same. Por the Jews had long practised a baptism, which they held to symbolize a cleansing Poi?its of Contrast. 45 from sin, when tliey circumcised a proselyte. They excom- municated the unworthy member from the Synagogue, and if repentant admitted him again. And therefore, while we may well maintain that a far higher spiritual grace attended the administration of the Sacraments under the perfect Gos- pel, yet there was a true accordance in the general adminis- tration of Church discipline, to Jew and Gentile. Nor is this strange when we remember the doctrine of our Seventh Article, which declares that " the Old Testament is not con- trary to the New, for both in the Old and New Testament, everlasting life is offered to mankind by Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and man." If then, the Faitk is really the same, there is surely the best possible reason to expect that the Ritualism should be, substantially, similar. And I need only add that the Primitive Church, as all the Fathers testify, observed the administration of ecclesiastical discipline precisely as I have stated it. Nor was it until after the lapse of many centuries that it became so sadly perverted by the priestly despotism of Eome. All that cor- ruption, also, was swept away from our Church by the Re- formation, and we have retained nothing but what is in true accordance with the original divine and Apostolic system. 5 . The Eomish invention of Purgatory, with all the super- stition that followed in its train, has not the slightest color of authority from the divine code of the chosen people. Nor was there any trace of it during the first four centuries in the Gentile Churches. 6. The formation of societies, bound together under a perpetual vow of poverty, celibacy, and obedience to a human superior, as in the Eomish system of monks and nuns, has quite as little warrant from the Jewish law. And St. Jerome testifies, in the fourth century, that it was then entirely unknown in the Church of Eome. Its principle, indeed, is clearly liable to the gravest objection, because it professes to set up a more perfect plan of human duty than the divine wisdom has required ; and thus, indirectly at least, seems to cast a censure on the Almighty, who had not established the best and highest rule of holiness in His earthly kingdom. 7. And lastly, the divine code of the Jews expressly for- 46 The Law of Ritualism. bids the presumption of Popery, in daring, by such unwar- rantable dictation, to prescribe its laws, as if it wielded the sceptre of celestial authority. For thus saith the legislator of Israel, " Ye shall not add unto the word which I com- mand you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God."^ It is by this awful assumption that the Pope has acquired among Protestants the name of Antichrist, " who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."^ Por my own part, however, I cannot adopt this opinion. I acknowledge the Church of Eome to be a true Church, so far as she has pre- served the essential faith of the Gospel, committed to us in the Scriptures, and summed up in the ancient pure and Catholic Creeds. And I hold her to have become a false and corrupted Church, by reason of the unlawful power she has assumed, in adding her traditions to those Holy Scrip- tures, and new Articles to those Creeds, acting as the sole Dictator to Christendom, and claiming the infallible and divine authority which belongs to the Lord alone, while she fulminates her anathemas against all who deny that " obedi- ence to the Pope is necessary to salvation."^ Towards my Eoman brethren, personally, I cherish no feelings but those of affection and respect, and I have known many of them, in whose integrity, piety, and worth I should be willing to place the highest confidence. But the peculiar 1 Deut. iv. 2. 2 2 Thes. ii. 4. 2 This statement, to some minds, may seem to be contradictory, for how can the same Church be true and false at the same time ? Yet the explanation is perfectly simple when we remember that the Church of Rome has never formally renounced the Scriptures, the ancient pure Creeds, or any part of the original Apostolic doctrine, government, and discipline. Thus far, she is a true Church, be- cause thus far she maintains the truth. But she has added to all this a monstrous mass of new doctrines, new government and new discipline, tyrannical, superstitious, idolatrous, perilous to the soul, and entirely unknown to the first pure ages of Christianity. In these she is false and corrupted. And therefore she exhibits a com- pound of saving truth and dangerous error. A true Church with reference to the one. A. false Church with respect to the other. Rome a True Ckwrd^ 47 dogmas of their Church, so different from the Word of God and the doctrine of the Primitive Christians, cannot for a moment be tolerated by any intelligent mind which rests its faith on the Bible. Those dogmas, with all their attendant corruptions, I repudiate with all my heart. Nevertheless, there would be no justice in rejecting what is good, because, in the case of Eome, it may be linked with what is evil. It is no argument against the Holy Scriptures, that they are retained in their inspired character by the Church of Eome. It is no argument against the Apostolic government, that there are Bishops in the Church of Eome. It is no argu- ment against a form of prayer that there is a Liturgy in the Church of Eome. And just as little argument can I see against the garments, the lights, the incense, and the chrism used in the ancient Gentile Eituals, because these also may be found in the Church of Eome. The true question should be, Did the divine Eedeemer, the true Head of the Church of Israel, appoint them ? Are they authorized by the su- preme authority of God ? If so, shall the Church of Eome deprive us of their proper use ? Must we give up any por- tion of the "glory and beauty" established by the Lord Himself for His earthly worship, because the Church of Eome may have associated them with superstition ? The answer seems to me too plain for hesitation. And it is in full accordance with the principles pursued, in the main, by our martyred Eeformers, that nothing which was right in itself should be abandoned, through hatred to Eomanism; that the Bible was the standard of aU religious truth ; and that the Primitive Church, which followed the Jewish model, should be taken as furnishing, on the whole, the best Eule of Eitualism. But, as I should be sorry to do injustice, even to the Papal Church, though she holds me for a heretic, I must add the reason why I do not subscribe to the prejudice so common among my Protestant brethren, in calling the Pope the great Antichrist of Scripture. The Apostle John expressly saith, " He is Antichrist, that denieth the Pather and the Son."^ Now the Pope has never uttered any such denial. St. Paul describes Antichrist as he " who » 1 Jo. ii. 22. 48 The Law of Ritualism. opposetli and exaltetli himself above all that is called God, 01- that is worshiped ; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.''^ But surely we cannot fairly apply this langua^^e to the Pope, who has never claimed any title higher than that of the sole Vicar of Christ, and has always rested his supposed rights on the interpretation which he gives to our Lord's own words, addre^ed to St. Peter. That this assumption is a monstrous error, and totally indefensible on every ground of Scripture and primitive authority, I hold most firmly. But so long as the Church of Eome maintains the Apostles' and the Nicene Creeds, and acknowledges the truth of the Bible, I must refuse to call the Pope Antichrist, in the sense for which so many learned writers have in- geniously contended. Notwithstanding the corrupt inven- tions which she has added to her Creed, her persecutions, her idolatry of the Virgin and the Saints, and her priestly despotism, she is still a part of the Holy Catholic Church, by reason of the original and universal truth which she retains, and in which we and all other Orthodox Churches agree with her. It was only her false and uncathoUc addi- tions which the Eeformation was intended to sweep away. Would to God that she could have her eyes opened to her real position, and return to the pure and undeiiled faith of her first love, when the Written Word was her standard of belief, and none but her heathen enemies had aught to say against her ! . ^ This word, heggarly, \a not authorized by the original G-reek, wjiich is -aruxK signifying poor, and Parkhurst, referring to the very verse, defines it truly, ^^ Poor, unahle to confer spiritual riches." (Gal. iv. 9.) But beggarly is an expression of contempt which we cannot suppose the Apostle felt toward the divine law, however wrong it might be for the Gentiles to assume it as need- ful to their salvation, after the Holy Spirit had pronounced them #ee. 2 History of Ref. vol. 3, p. 200. Episcopal Vestments Retained. 51 ment which gave such serious trouble to the Church of England at the commencement of the Eeformation, and still remains to the present day. But it is worthy of note that Bucer and Peter Martyr approved the doctrine of Cranmer and Eidley, and condemned the course of Hooper.^ As for him, he was suspended from preaching, in punish- ment of his contumacy. At last, however, he gave up his opposition, and in March, 1550, he was consecrated in the Eomish vestments, with the understanding that he must wear them when he preached before the King, or iu his Cathedral. At other times he was permitted to do as he pleased. 2 In the month of June following, John Poynet, D.D., was consecrated Bishop of Kochester, and Strype relates that the occasion was marked " with all the usual ceremonies and habits, probably for this reason, to give as little occasion to Papists as might be, and to keep close to the old usages, avoiding superstition." The mitre of the Archbishop, the cope, and the pastoral staff, are all specified, in his account of this consecration ; and thus we have another proof of the course pursued by the first Eeformers in this matter of Eitualism, two years before the second Book of Edward brought in a change.^ The accession of Queen Mary drove the Church back again to Popery. And the progress of the Eeformation seemed hopeless, until Elizabeth came to the throne, in November, A. D. 1558, to the general joy of the nation^. The Prayer-Book, with some few changes, was restored in accordance with the second Book of Edward, and aU things were put, for the most part, in the form which they still retain, yet with some difference in Eitualism. Eor we see this .plainly from the consecration of Archbishop Parker, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, which is thus described by Str3rpe : " He wore a long scarlet gown and a hood, with four torches carried before him ; Bishop Barlow had a silk cope, being to administer the Sacrament ; four archdeacons who attended him wearing silk copes also. The Bishop elect of Chichester sung the Litany, the choir answering him." But the historian says nothing about the pastoral > Ibid. 2 Ibid. p. 218. 3 Perry, p. 63. 53 The Law of Ritualism. staff being delivered to the Arclibishop, nor does it appear that any mitres were worn, and Miles Coverdale (formerly Bishop of Exeter), had no garment " but a long cloth gown."^ Here we perceive the result of Queen Mary's reign, the cruelties of which naturally intensified the hatred towards Popery, while the residence of many of the reformers on the continent, where they had fled to avoid the dangers of the time, inclined them, after their return, to confonn, in some degree, to the Calvinistic pattern. But the Ritual still retained much of its former state, and the Queen stood opposed to many of her Bishops, in her attachment to the ancient ceremonial. In proof of this, it may suffice to quote a single specimen out of many documents, viz., the letter written by Thomas Sampson, one of the Puritanical Protestants in England, to Peter Martyr, January, 1560 : — " my father," saith the writer, " what can I hope for, when the ministry of Christ is banished from Court, while the image of the crucifix is allowed with lights burning before it ? The altars indeed are removed, and images also throughout the kingdom : the crucifix and candles are retained at Court alone, and the wretched multitude are not only rejoicing at this, but will imitate it of their own accord. What can I hope, when three of our lately ap- pointed bishops are to officiate at the table of the Lord, one as priest, another as a deacon, and a third as sub- deacon, before the image of the crucifix, or at least not far from it, with candles, and habited in the goldeyi vestments of the Papacy, and are thus to celebrate the Lord's Supper, without any sermon ? What hope is there of any good, when our friends are disposed to look for religion in those dumb remnants of idolatry, and not in the preaching of the lively Word of God."2 Such was the general strain of Puritanical lamentation. But the judgment of the Queen was of another sort, and is thus stated by Collier : " She was not," saith the historian, " without a regard for the ancient appearance of religion ; she thought ornament and representation no unserviceable 1 Perry, 154. 2 peny, 159. Chapel of Bishop Andrewes. 53 circumstance ; slie was of opinion that the service of God in her brother's reign" (referring, I presume, to the latter part of it), " wanted something of beauty and magnificence to recommend it. In short, her aim was to settle both ceremonies and doctrine upon a temper, that there might be a due latitude for general approbation and belief. This she apprehended to be the best expedient to unite the nation, and preserve a great part of her subjects from going off to the Church of Rome."^ The spirit of the Puritans had now become so active ia the Church of England, that it was impossible for the best disposed among the Bishops to secure any uniformity in the performance of divine worship. The variety of practice is stated by Strype,^ but neither the " dissatisfaction of the Queen, nor the efforts of Archbishop Parker, could prevent it."^ The surplice and the cap next fell under Puritan cen- sure, and the Lutherans were said to be little better than the Papists themselves !^ The Queen, however, continued in the same mind, though the reverence even for her did not prevent the malcontents from addressing to the Parliament what they called " An Admonition," in which they charge the Eoyal Chapel with being "the pattern and precedent to the people of all superdition.'"^ The views of this subject entertained by Bishop Andrewes who occupied the See of Winchester in the subsequent reigns of James and Charles the First, may here be considered, as well worthy of attention. The list of matters established in his own chapel, among the " daily furniture for the altar," contains the following, viz : — 1. "Two candlesticks with tapers. 2. The silver and gilt canister for the wafers. 3. A linen napkin to cover the chalice, embroidered with colored silks. 4. A round ball with a screw cover, whereout issued three pipes for the water of mixture. 5. A side table on which the elements stand before com- munion, with two napkins. 1 Perry, p. 157. 2 Pe^ry, p. 201. 3 Ibid. p. 207. 4 Ibid. 5 Strype's Annals, quoted by Perry, p. 207. 54 The Law of Ritualism, 6. A basin and ewer, to wasli before consecration. 7. A triquertral censer, wherein the clerk putteth incense at the reading of the first lesson. 8. The navicula, out of which the frankincense is poured. 9. Pive copes. "^ We have here a close conformity with the old E,itual, though nothing appears about the chrism, which was cer- tainly the usage of the Church in TertuUian's time, namely, the close of the second century, and probably held its place in the second year of Edward VI. and three years after. The elaborate work of the Eev. T. W. Perry, on " Lawful Church Ornaments," quoted so frequently, gives some very interesting extracts from the learned Bishop Cosin's Notes on the Prayer-Book, which furnish many valuable statements on the subject. And I insert them here in full, as the work itself is rare among our clergy. That eminent prelate was the Dean of Peterborough, when the Puritans deprived him of his preferments, and even went so far as to impeach him on a charge of being inclined to Popery. This induced him to retire to Prance, where he remained until the restora- tion of Charles the Second. On his return, the King raised him to the Bishopric of Durham, and he retained his office until his death, in A. D. 1672. Speaking of Bucer's censure upon the first Prayer-Book of King Edward, Bishop Cosin saith : — " He likewise finds fault there with those ministers that still used vestments and lights in the Church, with the gestures of boAving and crossing ; with making clean the chalice ; taking the bread and wine into the priest's hand when he repeats the words of institution over them ; setting the table in the same place where the altar stood ; and with showing the bread and the cup (though they did not elevate) to old doting and superstitious persons, who were ready to adore them. All which he wished to have altered. And so it was, in the fifth of Edward VI." " But in the beginning of Queen Elizabeth, all the orna- ments of the Church were restored again, by the Act of Uniformity ; and the posture of the table where the altar stood, was specially appointed, by the Queen's injunction." 1 Perry, pp. 351, 352. Bishop Cosins Notes. 55 So too, in commeriting on the words " as were in use," in the Eabric of Elizabeth's Book, Bishop Cosin saith, *' There were in use, not a surplice and hood, as we now use, but a plain white alb, with a vestment or cope over it : and therefore, according to this rubric, we are all still bound to wear albs and vestments, as they have been so long time worn in the Church of God, howsoever it is neglected. Por the disuse of these ornaments, we may thank them that came from Geneva, and in the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's reign, being set in places of government, suffered every negligent priest to do what him listed, so he would but profess a difference and opposition in all things (though never so lawful otherwise) against the Church of Rome, and the ceremonies therein used." Again, speaking of the abolition of ornaments in Edward's second Book, Bishop Cosin remarks, that "by the Act of Uniformity (of Elizabeth) the Parliament thought fit not to continue this last order, but to restore the first again ; which since that time was never altered by any other law, and therefore it is still in force at this day." With regard to the two lights upon the altar, the Bishop writes as follows, viz. : — "Among other ornaments of the Church also in use in the second year of Edward VI. there were two lights appointed by his injunctions (which the Parliament had authorized him to make, and whereof they otherwhiles make mention as acknowledging them to be binding), to be set upon the high altar, as a significant ceremony of the light which Christ's Gospel brought into the world; and this at the same time when all other lights and tapers, superstitiously set before images, were by the same injunc- tions, with many other absurd ceremonies and superfluities, taken away. These lights were (by virtue of this present rubric of Elizabeth, refening to what was in use in the second year of Edward), afterwards continued in all the Queen's chapels during her whole reign, and so are they ' in the King's, and in many Cathedral churches, besides the chapels of divers noblemen, Bishops, and colleges, to this day." " It was well known that the Lord Treasurer, Burleigh 56 The Law of Ritimlism. (who was no friend to superstition or Popery), used them constantly in his chapel, with other ornaments of fronts, palls, and books, upon his altar. The like did Bishop Andrewes, wdio was a man that knew well what he did, and as free from Popish superstition as any in the kingdom besides." With respect to altars. Bishop Cosin saith, " It will be worthy of noting that no Cathedral church had any pulling down, removing, or changing the altar into a table, no more than in the Court, but in such places only where deans and bishops and prebends were preferred, that suffered themselves more to be led by the fashions which they had seen at Strasburg in Germany, and Greneva in Prance, and Zurich in Switzerland, than by the orders of the Church of England established and continued in her Majesty's family, the likeliest to understand the meaning of the Church and State. Therefore they that will not either endure that we should have, or they that will not believe we have, any Altar allowed and continued in our Church (howsoever as it is here, and as it is in most of the Fathers sometimes, called a table), let them go to the King's Court, and to most of our Cathedral churches, and inquire how long they have stood there, and kept that name only, as being indeed the most eminent and the most usual among Christians." That Bishop Cosin allowed a Credence Table, or ProtJiesis^ is plain by his quoting with approval the following passage from Bishop Andrewes : " Into his hands the priest, from a by-standing table on the south side, reacheth first the wafer bread, in a canister close covered, and lined with linen. Secondly, the wine in a barrel on a cradle with four feet. These the bishop offereth in the name of the whole congregation, upon the altar." Moreover this learned prelate did not consider the mixed chalice to be contrary to the law of the Church of England, for, after quoting some of the Pathers on the necessity of using wine, he proceeds to say, " This were enough to free our Church from any heinous offence, though it uses not commonly to mix water with wine, as the Church of Rome doth, and yet we must confess the custom is very ancient, consonant to the figures of the Old Testament, which St. Anointing the Sick. 57 Cyprian reckons up, and of tlie New, where water and blood issued out of Christ's side ; and agreeable (as there is great probability) to Christ's own practice, when He did first institute this Holy Sacrament. Our Church forbids it not, for aught I know ; and they that think fit may use it, as some most eminent among us do at this day." With respect to anointing the sick. Bishop Cosin saith, "If we anoint not now with the oil, it is because we doubt whether it be lawful to continue, that extraordinary and miraculous custom, that was well used in St. James's time." These copious extracts I have taken from the book of the Eev. Mr. Perry, pages 454-457. But I confess that I cannot understand the last paragraph, which does not ap- pear to me consistent with the language of Scripture. Por the anointing directed by St. James was 7iot miraculous. The healing of the sick is not attributed by the Apostle to the oil, but to the " prayer of faith," and that prayer is still used by the Church, for the same purpose. The learned Bishop says nothing of the chrism, or holy oil used by the Primitive Christians so early as the second century. But the same argument which justifies any other religious rite would apply to this : namely, that it had the warrant of divine command in the Church of Israel, and was plainly adopted by the Gentile Church, in the purest period of her history. The next important point, urged by our English brethren, who contend for the restoration of the Eitual as it stood in the second year of Edward VL, is derived from the Statute 25 Henry VIII. c. 19, § 2. And they quote the following passages from the high authority of Burn's Ec- clesiastical Law.i " Besides the foreign Canon Law, we have our legatine and provincial Constitutions." " Concerning this whole body of the Canon Law, it is enacted by the Statute 25 Henry VIII. c. 19, as followeth : — ' That such canons, constitutions, ordinances, and synodals provincial, being already made, which be not contrariant or repugnant to the laws, statutes, and customs of this realm, 1 Yol. I., Preface, p. xxiii., Phillimore's Ed. 1842. 18 The Law of Ritualism. nor to the damage or hurt of the king's prerogative royal, shall now still be used and executed as they were before the making of this act, till such time as they be -sdewed, searched or otherwise ordered and determined by the said two and thirty men (who were to be appointed to revise them), according to the tenor, form, and effect of this present act.' "^ The legal force of this is clearly set forth in Blackstone's Commentaries. For thus saith that learned Judge : — " There is also a kind of National Canon Law, composed of legatiim and provincial Constitutions, and adapted only to the exigen- cies of this Church and kingdom. Tlie legatine Constitu- tions were ecclesiastical laws, enacted in national synods, lield under the Cardinals Otho and Othobon, about the years 1220 and 1268. The provincial Constitutions are principally the decrees of provincial synods, held under divers Archbishops of Canterbury, from Stephen Langton in the reign of Henry III., to Henry Chichele in the reign of Henry V., and adopted also by the province of York, in the reign of Henry VI. At the dawn of the Eeformation, in the reign of Henry YIII., it was enacted in Parliament that a review should be had of the Canon Law, and till such review should be made, all canons, constitutions, ordinances and synodals provincial, being then already made, and not repugnant to the law of the land or the king's prerogative, should still be used and executed. And as no such review has yet been perfected, upon this statute now depends the authority of the Canon Law in England. "^ It becomes important, therefore, to ascertain whether this law enjoins those portions of the old ritual which are now sought to be revived, having undergone no change from subsequent legislation. The legatine and provincial Consti- tutions were translated by the learned Johnson, and from them I extract the following, viz. : — 1. The priest is expressly directed ''always to mingle water with the wine. Por the wine betokeneth our redemp- tion through Christ's blood, and the water betokeneth the people for whom He suffered."^ 2. " That no price be demanded for chrism, oi], baptism, » Ibifl. 2 Commentaries, Yol. I. p. 83. ^ Pen-y, 475. Lecjatine and Tromicial Conditutions. 59 visiting or anointing the sick, for the communion of the body of Christ, or for burial."^ And again, " We ordain and charge that the Sacraments of the Church, as also the holy oil and chrism^ be purely and devoutly administered by the ministers of the Church, with- out any spice of covetousness."^ In the list of matters stated as then in established use, we have these items, viz. : — 1. Processional Cross. 2. Two Lights on the Altar. 3. A Censer and Incense. 4. Altar Cross and Chancel-screen Cross. 5. Surplice. 6. Alb. 7. Girdle. 8. Stole. 9. Dalmatic. 10. Tunicle. 11. Chasuble or Vestment. 12. Cope. 13. Amice. 14. Cape or Tippet. 15. Maniple. 16. Hood. 17. Cassock. The question, therefore, resolves itself into this simple form : — Did the first Book of Edward YI., which was in force in the second year of his reign, and for three years after, forbid the use of those things ? Surely not ; for that Book nowhere pronounces any condemnation of the cere- monial or Eitual, as it previously existed in the days of Henry VIII. : and we have already seen, from the consecra- tions of Bishops Hooper and Poynet ; from the complaints of the Puritans against the retention of the crucifix, the lights and the vestments by Queen Elizabeth in the Eoyal Chapel ; from the scarlet robe, the torches and the copes used at the consecration of Archbishop Parker ; from the lights, the incense, and the garments retained by Bishop Andrewes, and from the testimony of Bishop Cosin ; how » Ibid. 485. 2 Ibid. 486. 60 The Law of RituaUsm. the judgment of tlie best and most learned minds in our Mother Church regarded the strictly legal aspect of the old ecclesiastical order. True, indeed, it is, that these ritual observances have disappeared for many generations, and it is only of late years that any effort has been made to revive them. True it is, that the increasing influence of Puritanism and Cal- vinism induced the Church of England to lay aside much of her " glory and beauty," in the vain hope of making an acceptable compromise with the spirit of dissent. And therefore it may plausibly be said that the order of these matters in the second year of Edward VI. has become obsolete, and that the rule of law has virtually passed away. But this notion is without any authority. Dr. Lushing- ton himself utterly repudiates it. " I wholly deny," saith he, " that the Statute of Edward the Sixth, passed in the second year of his reign, or the Statute of Uniformity, can be affected by non-usage. By the law of England, no etatute can fall into desuetude. It is true that a statute may become obsolete in one sense ; that is, not enforced. It is true that no call may be made on the judges of the land to enforce it ; that by common consent a statute may lie dormant. But if once a court is called upon to cany it into execution, it must do so."^ And the Prayer-Book of England furnishes a standing evidence that the law is unchanged, because the Rubric is still there, requiring, in express words, that " such orna- ments of the Church and of the Ministers thereof, at all times of their ministration, sJiall be retained and be in use, as were in this Church of England, by the authority of Parliament, in the second year of the reign of Edward the Sixth." I shall only add, from the Eighth Edition of Burn's Ecclesiastical Law, corrected and enlarged by Tyrwhitt, and published in 1824, a few paragraphs, to close this chapter. It is hardly necessary to remind my readers that this work stands in the rank of the highest authority. The writer states expressly that the first Book of Edward 1 Perry, p. 533. i Burn 8 Statement of the Law. 61 VI. belongs to the second year of liis reign, wliicli is in accordance with my own opinion as already given. ^ " Thus stood the Liturgy," saith our author, " until the fifth year of Edward VI. But because some things were contained in that Liturgy which showed a compliance with the superstition of those times, and some exceptions were taken to it by some learned men at home, and by Calvin abroad, therefore it was reviewed, in which Martin Bucer was consulted, and some alterations were made in it, which consisted in adding the General Confession and Absolution, and the Communion to begin with the Ten Commandments. Tlie use of oil in Confirmation and Extreme TJnction tvas left out, and also prayers for souls departed'"^ But here I would observe that although these were left out, yet there has been no condemnation of them. The case is much the same as that of Lay Baptism. The Church recognized its validity in the first Book of Edward VL, and directions were laid down for its performance when a priest could not be called in time. These directions were left out afterwards, but no proliihition was put forth, nor has any well-informed Churchman ever doubted that a layman may lawfully baptize, in the hour of extremity, just as before. The second Book of Edward was abolished by Queen Mary, and it was enacted that the service should stand as it was most commonly used in the last year of Henry VIII.^ Of course the old Sarum Liturgy was thus restored. Queen Elizabeth brought back the second Prayer-Book of Edward, and it was ratified with a few alterations, by Parliament. But the clause was then inserted that "such ornaments of the Church and of the Ministers thereof should be retained and used, as was in this Church of England in the second year of Edward," and such is the law at the present day.* The last Act of Uniformity is that which was passed in the reign of Charles II., when the same clause was retained. Some slight changes and additions were also adopted, and the whole result was made obligatory. But the Eubric referring to the second year of Edward VL, "makes it necessary," saith our author, "to recur to the 1 lb. p. 237. 2 lb. p. 239. 3 lb. p. 240. ^ ib. p. 244. 62 The Law of Ritualism. Prayer-Book, as then establislied." And here he sets forth the following extracts as the law prescribed therein : — " In the saying or singing of Matins and Even-songe, bap- tizing and burying, the minister in parishe churches and chapels annexed to the same, shall use a surples. And in all Cathedral churches and coUedges, the archdeacons, deanes, || provostes, maisters, prebendaries and fellows, being graduates, may use in the quire, beside their surplesses, such hoodes as pertaineth to their several degrees which they have taken in any universitie within this realm. But in all other places, every minister shall be at libertie to use any surples or no."i On this, the author observes, " that in manying, church- ing of women and other offices not here specified, it seemeth that a surplice is not necessary. And the reason why it is not enjoined for the Holy Communion in particular, is, be- cause other vestments are appointed for that ministration, which are as followeth : Upon the day, and at the time ap- pointed for ministration of the Holy Communion, the priest that shall execute the Holy Ministry shall put upon him the vesture appointed for that ministration, that is to say, a white albe plain, with a vestment, or cope. And where there be many priests or deacons, there so many shall be ready to . help the priest in the ministration, as shall be requisite, and shall have upon them likewise the vestures appointed for their ministry, that is to say, albes with tunicles.'"^ "Note, the alb differs from the surplice, in being close- sleeved."3 "And whensoever the Bishop shall celebrate the Holy Communion in the Church, or execute any other public ministration, he shall have upon him, besides his rochet, a surplice or albe, and a cope or vestment, and also his pas- toral staff in his hand, or else borne or holden by his chaplain."* Such seems to be the clear law of the Church of England concerning vestments, at this day, although it has been so long and so generally disregarded. Yet one cannot but observe how plainly the thirtieth Canon of that Church lays down the true principle, namely, that it was not " the pur- 1 Perry, p. 265. - Ibid. ' Ibid. " Ibid. The Thirtieth Canon, 63 pose of the Churck of England to forsake and reject the Churches of Italy, France, Spain, Germany, or any such like Churches," excepting "in those particular points wherein they were fallen both from themselves in their ancient in- tegrity, and from the Apostolic Churches which were their first founders." This was, undoubtedly, the original design of the Eefor- mation. Indeed, it was the only ground on which reforma- tion could be justified. And hence I confess myself unable to perceive the wisdom or the justice of any needless altera- tion. For why should we object to those solemn and im- pressive features in the worship of God which had their origin in the divine system given to Israel, — which were adopted by the early Chi'istian Gentiles, — which were in general use throughout the whole East and West before the sixteenth century, — which remained in the Eeformed Church of England during the first five years of Edward VI., and were then believed, by her best divines, to need no change ? It would require a veiy laborious examination to decide, with certainty, upon every distinct point of ritual order which our English brethren seem bent on reviving. But it cannot be denied that there is abundant room for improve- ment. The modern dress of the Bishops is destitute of aU legal authority, save only as it respects the rochet, nor can I find when or by whom the present fashion was introduced. It is equally certain that the garment worn in the adminis- tration of the Eucharist is not according to law, for that prescribes the cope, which has been so long discontinued, that few know any thing about its proper form. As to the black gown, worn by the preacher so generally, there is not a particle of English legislation to warrant it. And quite as little can be said in favor of that formal trifle, the bands. This queer invention, as Burn plainly declares, "forms no part of the canonical habit; being not so ancient as any Canon of the Church." But it "came in with the Puritans and other sectaries, upon the downfall of Episcopacy," and afterwards became the common habit of men of all denomi- nations and professions, which giving way in its turn, was yet retained by the gentlemen of the long robe (both ec- 64 The Laio of Ritualism. clesiastical and temporal), only because tliey would not follow every caprice of fashion. "^ We have just seen the express law of our Mother Church, directing- the pastoral staff in the ministration of the Bishop. And it is stated by Strype that the mitre was worn by Cran- mer and his colleagues, at the consecration of Bishops Hooper and Poynet. Both of these have disappeared, in spite of law, and are now found only in effigy, upon Episcopal chairs and seals — as a sort of fossilized memorial of what was once an expressive reality. Thank God, we still have the Bible, the Prayer-Book, the two great Sacraments, Con- firmation, and the Surplice derived from the linen garment of the priests 2 in ancient Israel! And doubtless the Church can live and grow with these, and fulfill the objects of her mission, although she has unhappily been led to put aside so much of her own prescribed order, and lost a large por- tion of the "glory and beauty" designed for the service of the Sanctuary by the wisdom and love of her divine Lord and Master ! To my mind, therefore, the legal position of our English brethren in this matter of Ritualism, is justifiable with respect to its main design, and stands on a far higher ground of Scripture, law, and reason, than that of their adversaries. So long as the great doctrines of the Reformation are faith- fully preached by the clergy, I can see no danger that a solemn, rich, and attractive ritual will ever lead any one to Popery. Is it not more reasonable to believe that the restor- ation of the old ceremonial, which existed in the second year of Edward the Sixth, would give our Church the advantage which now forms the most alluring characteristic of Rome ? Por what but her superior claim of outward grandeur and impressiveness, operates so powerfully to keep her own votaries steadfast in their allegiance, and to draw so many others into the snare of error ? Has not truth as good a right as falsehood, to be adorned with beauty ? And is it to be questioned that religion should favorably affect the senses, in order that it may better reach the soul ? 1 Burn's i:cc. Law, Vol. III. pp. 207, 208. 2 The general color of the ephod was white : though the " robe of the ephod," a separate garment, was blue. See Exod. xxviii. 31. Ritual m the Church of America. |65 I say not this because I feel tlie slightest inclination toward the old Eitual, which was certainly the established rule in the second year of King Edward VI. Personally, I pre- fer the more simple ceremonial to which I have been accus- tomed all my life, and men can hardly be expected to adopt new tastes and habits at the age of seventy-five. But I cannot condemn the ordinances which the wisdom of God appointed for His chosen people. I cannot argue against the Gentile Churches for taking the Church of Israel for their model, because that was the only model which was in truth divine. Whatever my individual taste and habits may be, I owe all my religious allegiance, in this and every other subject connected with the Gospel, to the Written Word OF God. And when I see that the Rubric of the English Prayer-Book is in accordance with that Word, substantially enjoining the same principles of "glory and beauty" in the outward ceremonial of the Sanctuary, my reverence for the Bible compels me to acknowledge that a splendid and im- pressive Eitual can neither be hostile to the doctrines of a pure faith, nor unfavorable to the exercise of a spiritual devotion. 3Eis{jtfj ffiljapter. TJie Law of Ritual in the Church of America, Having thus endeavored to prove, at least with candid impartiality, that the advocates for the old Ritualism in the Church of England have the Scriptures, the Primitive Church, and their own law upon their side, I come next to the important question, How far are we, an independent branch of the Holy Catholic Church, bound by the same principles ? And here I would first direct the reader to the language of the Preface to our American Book of Common Prayer, where we read that '* this Church is far from intending to 5 66 The Law of Rihialism. depart from the Churcli of England in any essential point of doctrine, discipline, or worship ; or farther than local cir- cumstances require." Whether this word '* essential" be understood to mean, essential to the attainment of salvation, or essential to the existence of the Church, or essential to the succession of her ministry, the purity of her faith, the administration of her sacraments, the exercise of her discipline, and the established form of her worship, there can be no question that in any and all of these senses our Church has not departed from the Church of England, but is, in all respects, substantially the same. But now the important inquiry is presented, namely : — Is the omission of certain other matters in the English system to be understood as a departure from it, in such a sense, that we are no longer at liberty to maintain any thing in doctrine, discipline, or worship, which, though fully estab- lished by law in the Church of England, is not specifically ordered in our own ? Here, undoubtedly, is a question to be settled. Eor it is certain that our Church does not enjoin or require many things which are enjoined and required in our Mother Church. Are we to suppose that those things, with us, are therefore to be held unlawful ? Or, in other words, do omission and prohibition bear the same meaning ? To maintain that these terms are synonymous, and that omission and prohibition are precisely equivalent, is an absurdity so gross, that I cannot suppose any reasonable man would deliberately adopt such a preposterous proposi- tion. Yet there are many in our Church whose attention has never been directed to the subject ; and hence their notions are unavoidably confused and indistinct, needing a plain explanation. In the hope of aiding them to form a clear and just conclusion on this important point, I ask their consideration of the following statements : — It is a well-settled rule, in all our courts of justice, that every part of the Common and Statute Laws of England^ which were in force throughout the Colonies, and adapted to their circumstances before the war of Independence (with the single exception of what concerned the rights of the Colonial Law continued. 67 Crown), continued to be the laws of the land, notwithstand- ing the Eevolution, and are still obligatory, unless changed and done away by subsequent acts of our own legislation. Of that proposition, there is, andean be, no doubt whatever. This well-known principle supplies the true legal founda- tion, on which our American Church can rest securely with- out danger of mistake. Before the Eevolution, the English Prayer-Book was the Prayer-Book of the Colonies, and the Rubric directing the ornaments of the Church and her Ministers to be in accord- ance with the usage of the second year of Edward VI., was as binding in America as it was in England, though, in both, that Rubric had long been practically disregarded. All the other rules of the Church of England belonged also to the Colonies, because the Church was the same Churchy having the same doctrines, the same forms, the same dis- cipline in every respect, notwithstanding the fact that the Colonial Churches, under the force of circumstances, were not enabled to carry them into full execution, having no Bishops, nor organized dioceses, nor Cathedral services. Nevertheless the law was there, and so far as law was con- cerned, there was no difference. If, then, the laws of England (with the single exception stated), continued to be the laws of the United States after the Revolution, save only so far as they were changed or superseded by actual legislation, much more does the prin- ciple apply to the Church of Christ, whose "kingdom is not of this world." Eor in the Church there was no Revolu- tion. The Church in the Colonies did not seek to separate her ministers or members from their Mother ; nor claim her independence by any revolt against the spiritual authority from which she derived her very being. And therefore when she asked for an independent ecclesiastical organiza- tion, she did it on the ground of necessity, after England had acknowledged the political independence of the United States, and a treaty of peace had been ratified between their respective governments. The request thus dutifully made was received most graciously. Our Mother Church not only admitted the validity of the plea, but cheerfully granted the application. The Parliament passed a law for the 68 Tlie Law of Ritualism. special purpose of consecrating our first three American Bishops : and thus with magnanimous kindness and true Christian sympathy, they enabled us to commence our new career. Having now become an independent Church, we acquired, of course, the power to legislate for ourselves, as completely as the United States possessed authority to make their laws, and alter them at pleasure. And as the law of England before the Eevolution continued to be the law of the United States after the Eevolution, until it was done away by the exercise of this independent power, even so the law of the Church of England continues to be our law to this day, so far as it has not been superseded by positive ecclesiastical legislation. For, as we have seen in the quotation from Dr. Lushing- ton himself,^ "No statute can be affected by non-usage.''' It needs the authority of the legislature itself to alter what the legislature has established. No other power but that which creates, can destroy the law. The omission to legis- late cannot alter the law. The neglect to obey it cannot alter the law. The creation of a prejudice ag-ainst it cannot alter the law. In a word, no law'can be deprived of its binding obligation, until some other law is passed which, of necessity, does it away. All this is so manifest to the slightest refl.ection, that I should be ashamed to set it forth in such detail, if the very common misconceptions of many amongst my most highly esteemed brethren did not seem to render the explanation necessary. The application of the principle to our actual position, however, may help to clear the truth of the case from the possibility of misconception. 1. Our Church in the United States, by virtue of the Act of Parliament which authorized the consecration of our first three Bishops without the acknowledgment of any relation to the civil power, is perfectly free from all those parts of the English law wherein the secular government was directly concerned ; while all that belonged to the doctrines, disci- pline, and worship of the Church herself considered as a 1 Perry, p. 78. Omission is not Prohibition. 69 spiritual society, remained in force, until a change sliould be made by our own independent legislation. This is the fundamental legal principle. And in accordance with it, we have re-arranged our Liturgy, our Offices, and Articles, agreeing in the main with the standard Book of our Mother Church ; in all of which, of course, our own law is alone obligatory. 3. We have omitted the Athanasian Creed from its place in our former English Liturgy, because some persons ob- jected to the damnatory clause, which saith, that this is the Catholic Faith, "which Faith, except every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish ever- lastingly.'' But our Church has nowhere prohibited the doctrine, nor passed any censure on our Mother Church for maintaining it. While it is true, therefore, that this Creed cannot be lawfully introduced into the public Lit- urgy, which is fixed by our legislative authority, yet it is no less true that every clergyman is at liberty to preach it, precisely as it stands in the English book, if he thinks it advisable. And were he inclined to enforce the damnatory clause itself from the pulpit, although very few, even amongst our English brethren, would praise his discretion, still it is most certain that our Church has set forth nothing that would justify any formal sentence of rebuke or con- demnation. 3. Our American standards have laid down no law for the vestments of the deacon or the priest, but our Church has simply continued her practice under the law of our venerated Mother which expressly enjoins the use of the surplice. This law we have never changed, and therefore it is still, and doubtless ever will be, binding : for it has its derivation from the Primitive Church, which adopted it from the divine law of Israel. The Church of England has never given any legal authority to the black gown, as the proper habit of the preacher^ But she has suffered it, ever since the Pope of Eome brought in the fashion by authorizing the Black Eriars {Fratres Predicatores) to preach wherever they pleased throughout Europe. This sifferance was continued, and our Church received the practice from her venerable Mother, both re- 70 The Law of Ritualism. maining in the same position to the present day, while very- few in either of the Churches, seem to remember that this dress — supposed to be especially evangelical, because it was favored by our Lutheran and Presbyterian brethren, — had its real origin from the Monks, and from the Papacy, long before the Eeformation. There are many, however, who plead in its behalf the authority of custom y not being aware, I presume, that no custom has the force of law, unless it be so old, that, in accordance with the legal phraseology, "the memory of man runneth not to the contrary."^ Strictly speaking, therefore, this matter has no right to be called custom, in the sense of legality. Por we know its beginning from the Monks and the Pope, and hence this common apology has no true foundation. 4. Our Church has set forth no rule for the vestments of her Bishops, save that the Ordinal mentions the rochet. The only law which includes the whole is the law of our Mother Church, referring to the second year of Edward VI., and that law is as binding on us as it is on them, until we think fit to make another. The present fashion, in both the Churches, is the same, but it is absolutely desti- tute of any legal warrant. It cannot claim authority from custom, for the reason already assigned. We know, from the historical account of Archbishop Parker's consecration, that this fashion was not introduced in the reign of Eliza- beth. When it came in, or by tohose agency, I doubt whether any man can tell. Most probably it was brought about by the influence of Puritanism, in the dangerous spirit of compromise with those zealous antagonists of the Church system ; who, however, as experience has fully proved, were never conciliated, but still continue to declaim against our supposed leaning towards Popery as persistently as ever. Many years ago, I took the liberty to improve my o^ti vestments by adopting the forms of the alb and the surplice, which are appointed by the law of the Church ; as also by laying aside the bands, and the black gown, in the sei'vice of the Sanctuary. This, however, so far as I know, was 1 Blackstone, Vol. I. p. 67. The Choral Service legal. 71 attributed, not to any reverence for ecclesiastical consistency, but rather to an affectation of singularity. But the time may come when the question will demand attention; and, then, if I am not much mistaken, a far more extensive change will be adopted by my respected brethren, not only in form, but in color also. Men may endeavor to make light of these matters, as being things of indifference. But nothing should be esteemed of indifference which stands connected with religious worship. And no Christian who reveres the Bible will undervalue the subject of ministerial costume, when he remembers that it was thought worthy of being specially regulated by the God of Israel. 5. Another instance where the law of our Mother Church is followed, presents itself in the chanting of the Psalms, the Eesponses, &c., although our Prayer-Book does not express the alternative " said or sung" as in the Church of England, but only prescribes that they shall be " said :" the words " or sung" being omitted. Yet this does not prevent our chanting them, nor does it hinder us from singing them as anthems, according to the established practice in the English Cathedrals. Eor our Church has used no terms of prohibi- tion. She directs that they shall be " said," and the words may certainly be said, i. e., pronounced audibly, whether with music or without it. But she has never decreed that they shall not be sung. And therefore singing them is no viola- tion of the law ; thus proving again that omission and prohibition are matters which are perfectly distinct, and never to be confounded with each other. 6. It may next be observed that nothing is said, in our American standards, to authorize Cathedrals, crosses, cre- dences, episcopal chairs, altar cloths, &c. Neither have we set forth any declaration approving Deans and Chapters, Archdeacons, Metropolitans or Archbishops. But on the other hand, nothing is said against them. They are all found in the records of the Primitive Church. They are all found in the Mother Church of England. And we have proclaimed to the whole Christian world, in the Preface to our Book of Common Prayer, that our Church did not intend "to depart from the Church of England any farther than local circumstances require." Whenever, therefore. 72 The Law of Ritualism. local circumstances do not require any departure from the established laws of the Church of England, have we not here virtually pledged ourselves to comply with them ? And as we have enacted no laws of our own in any of these matters, how can we be charged with a violation of law if we choose to introduce them ? 7. The same liberty exists with regard to lights upon or behind the Altar, the use of chrism and incense, the mixing of water with the wine of the Holy Eucharist, and the repre- sentation of figures and emblems in stained glass windows ; for all of these v^ere established by usage in the second year of Edward YI., and our Church has uttered no pro- hibition concerning any of them, but has merely omitted to notice them, directly or indirectly, in her whole legislation. It is certain that none of these things interfere with our Liturgy, because they may be used without deviating, in the slightest degree from our prescribed forms. And the plain result would seem to be that their introduction, whether expedient or not, can never be justly considered unlawful. Such, in my humble opinion, is the fair view which ought to be received on the legal aspect of the question. The last point to be considered is the very serious inquiry presented by ray respected brethren, namely, " Whether an increase of Eitualism would be advisable among us ; or whether the ordinary average of present parochial practice would best carry forward the great work of the Church in such a country as ours." And to this I shall devote my next and concluding chapter. Expediency of Mutual Toleration. I HAVE stated, at large, my reasons for believing that the divine law, which it pleased the Lord to bind upon His favored chosen people, has never been repealed : though Two FartieB in the Chwch. 73 the sacrifices ceased, being types of the Atonement accom- plished by the death of our glorious Eedeemer, and the priesthood passed from Aaron's sons to the Apostles, and baptism in the sacred name of the Trinity and the Sacra- ment of the Holy Eucharist were instituted by our Great High Priest ; all of which were not to be understood as an abrogation of the law, but rather as a further development of the sublime plan for its designed perfection, in accordance with the declaration of the Saviour Himself, that He " came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill." I have also shown that while the Gentile portion of the Church was pronounced to be free from the ceremonial law of Israel, by the Council of the Apostles, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit at Jerusalem, yet they adopted, as the only divine model, the principal features of the Mosaic system in their external order : the great principle of faith IN Cheist, with all its attendant graces, being of course, in both branches of the Church, precisely the same. This being understood, we see, under the administration of the inspired Apostles, two classes in the one undivided Church — the Jewish converts, who practised circumcision, and " walked orderly, and kept the ceremonial law ;" and the Gentile converts, who were free, and only borrowed from that law such parts as they deemed to be best adapted to edification. In the essential principles of sav- ing faith these two classes were perfectly united. They worshiped together. They lived together as friends and brethren, in mutual love and harmony, each respecting the distinctive position of the other with regard to the Mosaic system, while all maintained that the only requisites essential to salvation consisted in " repentance toward God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ." Here, therefore, as it seems to me, we have a plain guide in the question of expediency, with regard to the present controversy about Eitualism. Por it proves that there may be, with the approval of the Holy Spirit, different classes in the same Church of Christ ; even as there were in the far less comprehensive Church of Israel. That it must be so, to some extent, seems, indeed, inevitable. Our own Church has had, since the era of the Eefonnation, two 74 The Law of Ritualism. parties, more distinct in feeling, and sometimes, unhappily, more bitter in hostility, than the Jews and the Gentiles in Jerusalem and Antioch. The Church of England suffered grievously from their dissensions, in the time of Elizabeth. Their opposite partialities were in exercise even in the days of Edward VI., when that good man, Hooper, chose to be suspended from preaching for nine months, before he would consent to be consecrated, as Bishop, with the vest- ments used in the Church of Eome. The Puritanical element reached its height in the reign of the unfortunate Charles I., when Archbishop Laud and the King himself were doomed to the scaffold, and the Liturgy and the Epis- copate seemed to be banished from the land. And al- though, in the good providence of God, the Church re- tained the love both of her priests and her people, and was restored to honor under Charles 11. , yet the leaven has re- mained, which is always at work to prevent her perfect unity, and she continues to be more or less divided by party- spirit, to this day. The origin of this difference is well known to all who are familiar with the history of the Eeformation in the sixteenth century. That great movement began in Germany, under the celebrated Luther, in A. D., 1517, and he was quickly followed by Calvin and Zuinglius, while Henry VIIL was still a zealous partizan of Popery. All of these reformers were compelled by necessity, to proceed without the Apos- tolic system of Episcopal government, because they had no bishops in their party. Deprived of that restraining authority, they went to the extremes which usually attend a popular revolution, and discarded every thing which they saw in the Church of Eome, as a mark of Antichrist. Happily, however, they retained their reverence for the Bible, although they could not see why the precepts, which God Himself had laid down for the Church of Israel, should be accepted as a pattern for the Church of Christ. Yet their doctrines concerning the faith were, for the most part, thoroughly agreeable to the Scriptures. Their writings were admirable for their piety and learning, and were spread abroad in England with great success. And the whole work of the Eeformation, notwithstanding the quarrel be- i Evils from the Want of Bishops. 75 tween Henry and tlie Pope, remained in their hands, until the accession of Edward VI., in 1547 ; — full thirty years having thus elapsed from the beginning of Luther's labors, before the real commencement of the English Eeformation. Calvin, at Geneva, was then at the zenith of his fame ; and his great work, the " Institutes of the Christian Ke- ligion," was the favorite text-book with the vast majority of those who longed for a deliverance from the tyranny and corruption of the Papal system. And that majority were naturally led to take his society at Geneva as the best pattern of what the Church of Christ should be, and to submit, with entire confidence, to his dictation. But the leading English Eeformers were men of a dif- ferent stamp, and performed their arduous task with a wiser and more discriminating spirit. Cranmer and Eidley were Bishops, under no temptation to set aside the principles of Apostolic law and order. Their marvellous young king had too much respect for his father's memory to rush into extremes, and his counsellors had no desire to differ from the Church of Eome, except in those grave points of doctrine, government and M^orship wherein she differed from the Primitive Church, and from the Bible. While they felt aU due regard for the work of Luther and Calvin, they cherished a deeper reverence for the voice of Christian antiquity ; and therefore, in the Word of God, interpreted by the Fathers, they sought and found that true system, which they might have looked for at Geneva in vain. It would be unjust, however, to Luther and Melancthon, and even to Calvin himself, if we were to charge them with any positive hostility to Episcopal Government, or to a Scriptural and pure Liturgy. On the contrary they would wiUingly have retained them, if they could. Their error consisted in omitting to state their convictions on those points in their public confessions, with such clearness as should have established a skmding rule for their respective adherents. The plea of necessity might well have been admitted under their peculiar circumstances ; but it should have been plainly expressed, and accompanied with a dis- tinct proviso that the want of Episcopal Government should be supplied as soon as Providence might put it in their 76 Tlie Law of Ritualism. power ; and their Liturgy should have been made ohligatory on their ministers instead of leaving the use of it to every man's discretion. Unhappily, however, they chose to pre- sent their respective systems as sufficiently complete; and the consequence was what might have been expected. Their followers were led to believe that Church Government might be lawfully put into any form which human expediency chose to dictate, so that it was clear of Popery; that Episcopacy Avas neither obligatory nor desirable ; and that the extemporaneous mode of worship was preferable to a Liturgy, through its encouragement to zeal, and its freedom from formality. And the result has been that the faith of the Gospel lost all its ancient guards against innovation. The irruption of heresy, schism, neology, rationalism, panthe- ism, and infidelity, has devastated the heritage of Luther and Calvin to a fearful extent ; while the Church of England has preserved her integrity and orthodoxy without any serious inroad to the present day, and now exerts a more extended and salutary influence than ever. These consequences were not foreseen in the sixteenth century. If they had been, the German, Swiss, and French Keformers would doubtless have taken better care of the principles so essential to conservatism. But the two classes of English theologians who were then found to differ so widely in their ecclesiastical views, have come down to our own times ; and still continue to differ, under the modern phrases of High Church and Loio Church, the first being strongly attached to the primitive forms of government and worship, and the second being disposed to favor the license adopted by the Calvinistic school. These two parties, as is well known, sometimes talk very hardly of each other. But the Church embraces them both ; for, after all their occa- sional strifes and contentions, they are held together by the strong bonds of Apostolic system, agreeing, substantially, in the great doctrines of saving faith, and maintaining the authority of the Prayer-Book ; while men of unquestionable zeal, learning, and piety may be found on either side, equally conscientious and sincere, and quite convinced that their views are in perfect accordance with the Bible. As an humble member and office-bearer in the House The Spirit of Turitanism . .77 of God, I have avoided tlie names of party, content with being" a consistent Churchman, disposed to regard my breth- ren, whether High or Low, with true fraternal cordiality, but always ready to defend what I believed to be the truth, without fear, favor or affection, whether popular or unpopular, so that I had the testimony of my own conscience, and the wan-ant of the unerring guide in the Word of my Divine Master. For I hold it to be impossible, under the inevitable con- ditions of human infirmity, that all men should think alike, even in the best and purest Church existing. True, indeed, it is, that the great Apostle of the Gentiles condemned divi- sions. " I beseech you, brethren," saith he to the Corin- thians,^ "by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." And yet he saith to the .Eomans,^ " Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. Por one believeth that he may eat all things : another, who is weak, eateth herbs. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth : for God hath received him. Who art thou that judgest another man's servant ? To his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up : for God is able to make him stand. One man esteemeth one day above another : another esteem- eth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind Let us, therefore, follow after the things that make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another." Here we have from St. Paul himself, the true principle of Christian toleration in lesser things, so long as the essential faith of the Gospel, and the established laws of Church order, are not invaded. If indulgence in minor differences were thus allowed, even under the rule of an inspired Apostle, how much more must they be allowed in these days of re- ligious diversity ? Do we not all condemn the Puntan spirit which quarreled with our Mother Church about caps and surplices, and altars and crosses, as bearing, in their opinion, 1 1 Cor. i. 10. 2 jiom, xiv. 1-5, 19, 78 The Law of Ritualism. too close an affinity with Popery? And shall we imitate their course by quarreling with our brethren about their vestments, or their lights, or their incense, or their music, or their reverential bowings at the altar, merely for the same Puritanical reason, namely, that they have too close a resem- blance to the Church of Eome? Above all, shall Ave pre- sume to condemn any thing belonging to the worship of God, which He commanded in the Church of Israel, and which the Primitive Church of the Gentiles retained ? Must we quarrel with our Bible, censure the wisdom of the Al- mighty, and blame the very martyrs who died for the faith, because the Church of Eome and the Oriental Churches conduct some parts of their ceremonial worship on the same principle ? Surely, then, if ever there was a case of difference in lesser things which called for kindly toleration, the claim of liberty for our brethren who desire to restore the ancient Eitual would seem to have the strongest right of allowance. And this is the extent to which I should be willing to go, on the point of expediency. I have shown, at large, my reasons for believing, as I certainly do believe, that they have the latv of the Church on their side. But if I had the power, I would not seek to enforce that law, after it has been so long disused, — disused, indeed, until neither our ministers nor our people, for the most part, have any knowledge of its history or meaning. I regard the object of the Eitualists as legally defensible, and have sustained it accordingly. At this day, however, it must be considered an experiment, which I am quite willing to have fairly tried, but on whose beneficial results, upon the whole, I do not feel qualified to pronounce any positive judgment. If our Church consisted of Christian Israelites, I have already shown my reasons for maintaining that the old cere- monial law was still in force, and therefore, as Israelites, we should be bound by it, as we know that the Holy Apostles and the first Church in Jerusalem considered themselves to be. But we are a Church of Gentiles, and the same Apostles, guided by the Holy Spirit, declared that the Gentiles were free. We acknowledge ourselves bound, therefore, only by The Ritualists legally right. 79 wliat those Apostles instituted. We take the testimony of the old Fathers, who lived nearest to their time, as the best evidence next aftey the Scriptures, of what those inspired master-builders of the Church approved. Yet it may be reasonably said that this evidence, on the details of Kitual- ism, is not always sufficiently precise ; and that much of it is not sufficiently early to supply the lack of proof in the New Testament, so as to remove all doubt, and reduce the question to absolute certainty. And therefore, although I deem that the testimony of the Fathers is a fair warrant for a verdict in favor of the Ritualists, and that the rubric referring to the second year of Edward YI. is yet more authoritative in its character, I could not recommend any legislation which should infringe on the liberty which our Church has so long enjoyed ; nor would I disturb the peace of those who might be alarmed, and perhaps alienated, by any Conventional act that would appear to them, however erroneously, to favor Eomanism. Yet, on the other hand, I should not advocate any authoritative interference with those who desired to conform, in this matter of Eitualism, to the ancient standard. They do not propose to add or diminish, with respect to the doc- trines or the Liturgy of the Church. They only desire to present her solemn service in the manner that prevailed in the early years of the Reformation ; and this, in my opinion, they have a legal right to do. In England, they have found that many congregations have zealously sustained them. Nor can I doubt that many will sustain them amongst our- selves. It would probably become, therefore, only a more marked distinction between parties which already exist ; and as the Church has included these parties from the beginning of her history, I do not perceive that any danger would be incurred by allowing them to appear in a more decided form. Unity in the same faith, the same government, and the same Liturgy, need not, and, as it seems to me could not, be un- favorably affected by a richer ministerial dress, by two lights burning on the altar, by burning a little frankincense, or by a greater manifestation of outward reverence. And ijf these things are found to be attractive to many, and operate beneficially in bringing them to the House of Grod, and en- 80 The Law of Ritualism. abling tliem to take a pleasure in the forms of religion, why should not the Church most willingly allow instead of trying to repress them ? Time will decide, and nothing but time can decide, the question, " whether an increase of Eitualism is advisable, or whether the present average of parochial practice is best fitted to carry on the work of the Church, in such a country as ours." I doubt whether any man can estimate, with sufficient accuracy, the various elements which belong to such a subject, so as to form anything like a positive opinion. Success, after all, must be the ultimate standard. And that can only be determined by time, after a fair trial. I am willing, however, to state my impressions, and the reader may take them for what they may be worth, according to his own judgment. I incline, then, to regard it as most probable that this Eitualism will grow into favor, by degrees, until it becomes the prevailing system. The old, the fixed, and the fearful will resist it. But the young, the ardent, and the impressible will follow it more and more. The spirit of the age will favor it, because it is an age of excitement and sensation. The lovers of "glory and of beauty" will favor it, because it appeals with far more eftect to the natural tastes and feelings of humanity. The rising genera- tion of the clergy will favor it, because it adds so much to the solemn character of their Office, and the interest of their service in the House of God. And the opposition arising from its resemblance to Eomanism will die away, as men learn to understand that Popery does not consist in the Eitualism which it pleased the Lord to order for His own chosen people ; but in Papal and priestly despotism, in false doctrine, in the worship of the Virgin and the Saints, in Purgatory and Indulgences, in Transubstantiation and pre- tended miracles, in persecution and intolerance, and in all the other perilous corruptions which are in direct conflict with the unerring Word of God, These, and not matters of mere Eitual, are properly Eomanism, And these, and only these, called for the work of Eeformation. 81 Conclusion. Probable Increase of Ritualism. In conclusion, I would only say, that my approval of Eitualism begins and ends with the Bible. There I find the celestial guidance which, rightly intei-preted, can lead no man astray. And when I read the system of divine worship prescribed by the Lord HimseK for His chosen people, and see that He commanded the incense, and the holy anointing oil, and the seven-branched light, and the ministerial garments of " glory and beauty," for His minis- ters, how shall I doubt that these things must always be acceptable in His sight, when they stand connected with that pure faith which is the only animating spirit of devo- tion ? I reverence the Apostles, when I read that they held the law of the Almighty to be not abrogated, but fulfilled, ex- tended, and still binding upon those to whom it was given —the chosen Israel. I reverence the decree of the Holy Spirit, which, with kind indulgence, left the Gentiles free. I reverence the Primitive Church of those Gentiles, who, being free, piously and justly took their pattern from the divine system of the Old Testament. I reverence my Mother Church, when I behold her law preserving the main features of the original model, and directing her blessed Eeformation solely against those gross corruptions which needed to be reformed. But all this reverence refers to the only sure foundation of Christian faith and practice — the Word of God, which "maketh wise unto salvation." And I venerate our Church above all the Churches of the world, precisely because she is, so strongly and preemi- nently, the Church of the Bible, and is grafted surely upon the stock of Israel. Yet, while on strictly Scriptural grounds I approve this Eitualism, I do it as a matter of external order, in nowise essential to our acceptance with Christ. " By grace ye are saved through Paith," said the Apostle, " and that not of 82 The Law of Ritualism. yourselves, it is tlie gift of God." If the ceremonial law were essential to salvation, tlie Gentiles could not have been declared free. The heart must be changed and sanc- tified by the Holy Spirit, or outward forms can profit us nothing. Eor forms are but the Body of religion. The living, loving, animating Faith in the glorious Eedeemer is its Soul. I have no fear, however, that the advocates of Kitualism are in any danger of forgetting this fundamental principle of the Gospel. Nor can I comprehend the notion that the use of solemn, beautiful and impressive forms must be hostile to the spirit of Christian devotion. This Puritanical discovery was brought to full-blown perfection by George Fox, the favorite apostle of the Friends, or Quakers, who dismissed all the forms with which the wisdom of the Most High had invested religion, and set the women to preaching in the face of Scripture, and finally succeeded in making his followers, after their own fashion, the most formal sect in the world — formal in dress, formal in speech, formal in every thing which the Lord had left free, and only enemies to forms where He had expressly commanded them. But success was impossible in a scheme which stood in such manifest opposition to the Word of God, and the laws which He had given to humanity. The pure morals, the love of peace, the strict discipline, the quiet zeal, and the active benevolence of the Quakers, have always won for them a high degree of estimation. Yet the whole of these, admir- able as they were, could not secure a lasting, much less a growing, influence. They have gradually diminished, until comparatively few remain, even in the city of William Penn, once the stronghold of their society. And thousands of their descendants have found in the Church that true sys- tem where the worship of God is conformed to the nature of man, and the spirit and the form of religion are united together. Enough has been written, however, and perhaps more than enough, to be a satisfactory answer to the application of my respected brethren. I have only to state in conclu- sion, that I am an advocate for Eitualism, so far as it is Restoration of Ritual. 83 fairly warranted by the Bible and the law of the Church, and can make its way with the free choice of Ministers and people. It is not likely that I shall bear any active part in it, as my age is too advanced for my habits to be changed. But I have little doubt that my children will behold the " glory and the beauty" of our public worship brought back to the' first stage in the Eeformation, in accordance with the rule which has never been formally renounced, and still remains in the rubric of the English Prayer-Book. And I trust that the work, conducted as it should be, in the spirit of a pure and living Paith, and with the Christian grace of peace and charity, will add attractiveness to the cause of truth, and increase the influence of the glorious Gospel. THE END. JOSEPH MAS'JEES AKD SON, FBIJfTEES, ALDEESGATE STEEET, LOKDON.