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NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO THE UNITED STATES COMMISSION FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE TWO HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF GEORGE WASHINGTON President of the United States Chairman Vice President of the United States Speaker of the House of Representatives united states senate Simeon D. Fess Ohio. Vice Chairman Arthur Capper . Kansas. Carter Glass Virginia. Millard E. Tydings Maryland. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Willis C. Hawley Oregon. John Q. Tilson Connecticut. Joseph W. Byrns : Tennessee. R. Walton Moore Virginia. presidential commissioners Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook Pennsylvania. Mrs. John Dickinson Sherman Colorado. Henry Ford Michigan. C. Bascom Slemp . . . . r Virginia. Wallace McCamant Oregon. Albert Bushnell Hart Massachusetts George Eastman New York. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Representative Sol Bloom historian Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart V'l CONTENTS Page George Washington Bicentennial Celebration in 1932 1 The George Washington Bicentennial 8 Plans for the United States George Washington Bicenten- nial Celebration 15 Program Covers Wide Range 17 Unpublished Washington Letters 23 President Hoover Writes Foreword for "Writings of George Washington" 26 Every State, City, and Town to Participate in the Nine Months Bicentennial Celebration 31 Mr. Bloom Promises Cooperation 33 Massachusetts to Act as Host to Visitors in 1932 34 George de Benneville Keim Appointed New Jersey Chairman . 3 8 The Twelve George Washington Programs 40 Aid for Teachers in Bicentennial Work 42 Colleges Pleased with Washington Study Course 44 Educational Data on Washington 46 Make Washington Your Ideal 49 United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission Offers Material to Libraries 50 Library Idea Liked 54 Plays and Pageants for Schools 5 5 Reliving Washington's Life in Pageantry 57 Music Associated With Washington 59 A George Washington Atlas 61 Blind of America Will Celebrate Washington's Bicentennial 65 Radio Programs to Play Important Part in 1932 Celebration 66 Committee to Select Official Picture of Washington 67 Artists to Submit Designs for Washington Quarter 72 Design of Quarter Dollar to be Changed in Commemoration of George Washington 75 Original Washington Pictures to be Exhibited 77 Washington Pictures Available to Writers 80 Lasting Memorials to be Contributed by Government 82 Restoration of Wakefield 85 Wallpaper of Washington's Bedroom 88 Washington's Home Town 91 Yorktown Sesquicentennial Forerunner of Washington Bicen- tennial 96 Engineering Memorial to Washington 99 Broadway Plans to Honor Washington 105 President Hoover Notified World's Greatest Suspension Bridge Will be Named for George Washington 107 iii 821658 iv Contents Page D. A. R. Approves Name of "George Washington Memorial Bridge" for Hudson River Structure * 112 All America to Sing "America" 114 Society of the Cincinnati Will Honor Washington 116 War Mothers and George Washington 118 Scouts Distribute Mount Vernon Seeds 121 Listing Eighteenth Century Business 122 Helpful Suggestions 124 George Washington Bicentennial Celebration to be World- Wide 128 France and United States to Honor Memory of Washington at Paris Exposition 133 Plans are Started For Action Abroad 135 Other Nations Will Join in Honoring Washington 136 Latin America to Pay Homage During 1932 Celebration. ... 139 Foreign Cities Will Name Streets and Squares for Washington 143 Mount Vernon Walnut Seeds Planted Abroad 145 Americans Residing Abroad Organize for 1932 Events 146 Washington's Love for His Mother 150 George Washington Had to Overcome Obstacles as a Boy. . 154 Sea Voyage of Washington and Hoover 157 Washington Hunted Buffalo and Bear 159 Washington Hunted on Hoover Camp Site 160 Fort Necessity to be Rebuilt 161 Braddock's Defeat Brought Washington Fame as Fighter. ... 163 When Washington Ran for Office 165 George Washington Sees a Coal Mine 167 Declaration of Independence Hailed With Joy by Washington 171 Washington Elected Commander-in-Chief 174 That Glorious Christmas of '76 176 Washington's Only Fourth of July Address 181 Washington Assumed Command at Cambridge 184 That Winter at Valley Forge 186 Where Washington Crossed the Delaware 190 The Battle of Princeton 192 Washington Prevented Rout at Monmouth 196 How Washington Observed Christmas 199 British Fire Salute in Honor of Washington 204 Lee's Bravery Wins Washington's Praise 204 American Privateers Harass British During Revolutionary War 205 Battle of Kings Mountain 208 Washington and the Thirteenth Colony 211 Six Washington Birthdays Spent Near British Lines 214 General Washington's Important Headquarters 217 Contents v Page Patriotic Farmers Eager to Join Army 221 Public Health In Washington's Day 222 Medical Care of Washington's Soldiers 227 Soldiers Placated by Washington 230 Washington Was the Father of West Point 231 Washington Grateful for Gifts to Soldiers 234 Tories Conspired to Kidnap Washington 235 Shortage of Powder 237 Washington Had Many Narrow Escapes 238 Washington's Victories Master Strokes 241 Washington Indignant at Suggestion He Become "King". ... 245 Famous Speech 247 When the Revolution Ended 249 German Colonial Patriots 401 The Swedes in the American Revolution 407 Irish Colonial Patriots 413 Jewish Colonial Patriots 423 Von Steuben Revived Ragged Continentals 430 Honoring Von Steuben's Memory 432 American Patriotism Amazed Rochambeau 43 5 Polish Hero's Birthday Recalls War Exploits 437 First Flag Was Not "Stars and Stripes" 439 Many Striking Designs 439 Call on Betsy Ross 441 Our Flag is 154 Years Old! 441 London Excited by First View of Ship Flying "Old Glory" . . 444 Robert Morris Helped War of '76 With Own Money 446 Alexander Hamilton's Achievements 450 General Israel Putnam's Exploits 454 The Patriotic Thomas Paine 459 Versatile Benjamin Franklin 464 Activities of Thomas Jefferson 468 Story of "Mad Anthony" Wayne 471 Paul Revere's Midnight Ride 477 The Story of Nathan Hale 481 John Jay — First Chief Justice. 485 Anniversary of Patrick Henry's Birth 489 Hamilton and Jefferson Traded Votes in Selecting Capital Site 492 James Monroe Wounded at Trenton 494 Birthday Anniversary of Madison 496 President Adams First to Occupy White House 499 When the British Left New York 251 Washington's Memorable Farewell 253 George Washington Resigns Commission 255 vi Contents Page When Washington Became President 258 Washington's Last Visit to His Mother 262 The First Thanksgiving Proclamation 266 First President Did Not Fear Operation 270 Corner Stone of the Capital 271 Only Two Bills Vetoed by Washington 273 Muscle Shoals Worried Washington 276 Government Printing in Washington's Time and Now 277 University of Pennsylvania Conferred Honorary Degree on George Washington 279 Washington Received Degrees From Five Colleges 281 Washington's Tour of Southern States 283 "See America First" Was Washington's Advice 286 George Washington and Peace 288 An Indissoluble Union 292 Origin of "Father of Country" 294 Washington Twice Commander-in-Chief 295 Washington and the Constitution 298 First Law Under the Constitution 300 Letter From Monroe to Washington 304 Money in Washington's Day 307 Communication in Washington's Day 309 George Washington's Wedding 311 Martha Washington Gave Full Measure in Patriotic Service 316 George Washington, Fisherman 319 Washington Sent Money to Madame Lafayette in 1793 321 Washington Bought a Chariot by Mail 3 24 Secretary Hyde Tells About Washington's Plows 326 Senator Capper Discusses Washington's Farm Problems 329 George Washington Branded His Cattle 335 Farmer Washington Also Suffered From Drought 337 Washington Tried Siberian and South African Wheat 340 Mount Vernon Named for British Admiral 342 Washington as a Manufacturer 343 Washington's Fish Business 346 George Washington the Bookman 349 Washington Pleased by "Home Town" Ball 352 Mount Vernon Became a Mecca at End of War. '. 354 Friends Sent Washington Numerous Gifts 356 Washington's Last Birthday 358 Washington Wrote Will Without Legal Aid 362 Service Ships Toll Bells as They Pass Mount Vernon 3 64 The Coat From Washington's Own Back 365 Washington Spent Much Time in Independence Hall 367 Contents vii Page Dramatic History of Independence Hall 368 Independence Voted July 2, 1776 370 Liberty Bell May Ring Again 373 Richard Henry Lee's Independence Resolution 378 French Colonial Patriots 380 Polish Colonial Patriots 390 George Washington Was Interested In Orphans 502 Washington Was Pioneer in Public Schools 5 04 Washington's Belief in a Supreme Being 508 Washington's Religious Attitude 514 Washington Worshipped in 34 Churches 520 George Washington's Advice to a Young Lady 524 George Washington, Road Builder 527 Painters and Paintings of George Washington 529 A Rare Bust of George Washington 540 Athenaeum Portrait of George Washington 541 Houdon Bust Formally Dedicated in Virginia 543 First Congress Urged to Feed on "Wild Pigeons" 545 Twenty Lexingtons and Fifteen Concords 546 Army Officers Made "Naval Commanders" in First United States Fleet 548 Three Presidents Died on July 4 550 The "Old North State" in the Revolution 553 Anniversary of Vermont's Statehood 557 Virginia Ratified Constitution 143 Years Ago 562 Granite State Revolutionary Heroes 565 Unknown Soldier of the Revolutionary War 570 Maine in the Revolutionary War 574 Anniversary of Ticonderoga 578 Kentucky's Admission to the Union 579 Tennessee's Admission to the Union 582 First Washington's Birthday Celebration West of the Mis- sissippi 584 When Delaware Ratified 586 South Carolina's Heroes of the Revolution 591 New Hampshire Ratifies 598 "Molly Pitcher" To Be Honored in '32 601 Ancient Bell Clapper for Christ Church in Alexandria 602 First "Sub" Used in Revolution 604 Visitors Interested in Washington's Swords 605 Speculation and Worthless Money 606 George Washington and Aviation 609 United States Army's Two Washington Regiments 611 Introduction-* IN RESPONSE to an increasing number of requests for copies of newspaper articles and releases of his- toric interest prepared and issued by the Publicity De- partment of the United States George Washington Bi- centennial Commission, this material is being selected and re-edited for distribution to the newspapers and special writers of this and other countries. This First Volume of selected publicity material covers the period of the Commission's activities from March 1, 1930, to July 1, 1931. Volume Two will cover the period from July 1, 1931, to the end of the celebration, Thanksgiving Day, 1932. It is of special interest and significance that complete files of these releases are desired by newspaper editors for permanent reference. Probably never before have newspapers placed such value upon current publicity material furnished them. This is indeed a gratifying tribute to the experienced judgment and sound qualifi- cations of those responsible for the conduct of this im- portant service. When the United States Commission began the work of departmental organization, it was realized that nothing was of greater importance than the perfecting of processes for bringing the origin, purpose and plans of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission to the attention of the American people. Publicity was, of course, essential. But such publicity could hardly be along conventional lines. Strict histori- cal accuracy was mandatory, but beyond that, were problems never before encountered by publicity experts. ix Introduction Since this is the most original and comprehensive pro- gram of commemoration ever undertaken by any gov- ernment, it follows that its publicity campaign must also be original and upon a scale never before formu- lated. The publicity problems were many and required most careful study and the exercise of professional skill of the soundest character. Our subject was George Washington, and to make this great man live again and become a vital force in the minds and hearts of the American people, was a project of magnitude. The organization of the Publicity Department of the Commission began early in the Spring of 1930, when the Associate Directors selected Edgar P. Allen to head this important department of the Commission organization. Mr. Allen is a newspaper and magazine writer of superior attainments and public relations con- sultant of long experience, who has carried on his work with commendable industry and ability. The organi- zation of this department has gone forward upon a carefully prepared schedule that has culminated in what leading authorities agree, is the most complete service of its kind ever perfected. Our publicity work has, of course, included prac- tically every available channel of publicity approach. While we have taken advantage of such admirable op- portunities as are offered by radio, motion pictures, news reels, public addresses, service for the blind in Braille, magazines of all kinds, photography, posters, etc., the substantial foundation of the publicity cam- paign has been the American newspapers. It is also a pleasure as well as an obligation to acknowl- Introduction xi edge the unselfish and invaluable services of the entire publicity staff whose constant contact with the Ameri- can press has been a delight and inspiration. The per- sonnel: Edgar P. Allen, Director of Publicity M. E. GlLFOND Assistant Director of Publicity DIVISIONAL ASSISTANTS H. O. Bishop Col. H. S. Kimberly Historical Research Photographic Service Hazel B. Nielson Donald A. Craig School Activities Foreign Participation James Hay, Jr. Burton Kline Magazines Speaker's Material Col. Frank P. Morgan Tefft Johnson Records and Statistics Motion Pictures J. T. Brown L. Lowell Johnson Juvenile Organizations Special Activities D. K. Edwards Emma P. Lincoln Fraternal Publications Radio Programs Wm. M. Stuart ¥m. T. Saffell Editorial Research Clipping Service R. H. Bailey Dorothea E. Jennings Religious Publications Braille Service for the Blind H. C. Caulsen Mrs. Florence Phillips Cooperation with Municipalities Librarian E. L. FUEGEL Supervisor of Publications EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Mary E. Turner Peggy Griffith Matilda Frantz Mrs. Margaret A. Fair Mrs. Ruth B. Thompson Josephine Frdzdman Mrs. Wm. H. Clements Lois Wilson Alice Farnsworth xii Introduction We hope this compilation will be a modest reminder to the American journalistic fraternity of our acknowl- edgment and gratitude for that wonderful cooperation which has made the success of this great Celebration possible, and that this work will serve its primary pur- pose as a permanent reference book for writers. It should be pointed out that this compilation of pub- licity material represents but a small part of the varied activities of the Publicity Department of this Commis- sion. These articles are selected because of their his- torical value. They deal with episodes, personalities and interesting events of the time of George Washington, and as one distinguished editor has expressed it: "They constitute a complete history of the Colonial period in newspaper English — plain, authentic and comprehen- sive." Yet it must be borne in mind that no attempt has been made to write this history in chronological order or to duplicate the work of the historian. This book merely presents sketches without effort at sequence and prac- tically in the form in which they originally went to the newspapers. SOL BLOOM, Associate Director, United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. Note: Most of the publications, projects and plans, which are mentioned in the articles contained in this book as being in course of preparation at the time the articles were originally released, have been now completed. George Washington Bicentennial Celebration in 1932 To understand George Washington and what he means to America of today, we must think of him as a man and not as an ideal. As a man we can more nearly take his measure and estimate his greatness. The glamor that has sur- rounded his name has tended to obscure his human qualities. It is not my purpose to dwell upon the heroic side of our greatest American. I want to impress upon the people of this country that George Washington was a normal man, subject to normal temptations, normal perplexities, and normal sorrows. The greatness of George Washington lies in the fact that he surmounted tremendous obstacles and accom- plished his purposes through sheer force of character and perseverance. Let us consider George Washington's career in the order of his outstanding accomplishments. First, there is the boy, the son of a Virginia farmer, living in the country and having limited educational advantages. This boy, destined by Providence for such historic achievements, was a normal boy. He was in every sense a good boy, obedient and ambitious. Although he had scant opportunities for schooling, he made the most of what he had. At an age when other boys are mostly concerned in l Washington Bicentennial sports and play, George Washington was seriously de- voted to the study of a profession. When barely 16 years old, he was commissioned to perform a respon- sible piece of surveying work which sent him into the wilderness. There he encountered dangers and priva- tions that would have daunted a less sturdy soul. That he performed this work of surveying well has been shown by repeated resurveys along the lines he laid down. We find him again when not yet of age, commis- sioned to perform important military and diplomatic exploits into the frontier country. Inheriting the great estate of Mount Vernon while still a young man, George Washington showed un- usual interest in the subject of farming. He was the first scientific farmer in this country. He was the first student of methods of improving livestock, of rotating crops and of diversified agriculture. Had George Washington done nothing more than devote himself to the study of agriculture, he would have been America's pioneer authority on that subject. Not only was George Washington a farmer, but he was one of the foremost business men of his time. He knew how to make his farms profitable. He had a commercial vision far beyond his contemporaries. He organized corporations, opened mines and quarries, and did a considerable shipping business. George Washington was the first inland waterways advocate. He actually surveyed and planned water- way connections between the Ohio Valley and the At- News Releases lantic seaboard, which he was unable to complete be- cause of the stress of the times. George Washington looked beyond the boundaries of the original thirteen Colonies and his eyes rested upon the Pacific Ocean as the limits of the future Republic. To him, more than to any other man, is due that im- petus to foreign trade which has ever been America's outstanding business policy. But George Washington was too great a man to live in the peaceful security of his plantation home. The state of the Colonies demanded the resourcefulness, the calm judgment, and the character of its greatest men. George Washington had all of these qualities to a greater extent than any other man upon American soil. He was a natural leader, and instilled into his country- men that spirit of confidence and devotion which made the winning of the War of the Revolution a possibility. It was George Washington who realized more than any man of the time what the freedom of the Colonies meant to the men and women who were to come after him. It was his council, his judgment, and his sure knowledge of men that guided the infant Republic in the formation of our present system of Federal Government. In advocating American independence, George Wash- ington staked his life, his property and the interests of his family. He realized, perhaps more than any other man, the hazards and uncertainties of a war for independence. Great as were George Washington's achievements as Washington Bicentennial a soldier, far greater were his achievements as a states- man and a citizen. As the first President, he faced problems never before faced by any man. By his wisdom, by his patience, by his persistence, he molded the destinies of the young Republic and placed it upon a sure foundation for future growth. As we study the life of this great man, there develop new and interesting phases of his char- acter. Has America sufficiently honored the memory of George Washington? I unhesitatingly say it has not. It is gratifying to every American citizen to realize that the United States is preparing now to express in the most appropriate way possible the honor which is his due. The Congress of the United States, in recognition of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, which will be observed in 1932, has created a Commission to formulate plans fittingly to honor his memory. At the head of this Commission is the President of the United States. Other members of the Commission are the Vice President of the United States, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, four United States Senators, four members of the House of Representa- tives, and eight presidential commissioners. Congress has asked the governors of the various States to appoint State commissions to cooperate with the Na- tional Commission. It is the purpose of the associate director to make this celebration nation-wide and all- American. We have no exposition in mind. There will be no News Releases world's fair, no concentration of material evidences of the Nation's growth. The celebration will be in the hearts of the people themselves. It will be in the nature of a revival of knowledge of and appreciation for our greatest Amer- ican and the greatest human being in all history. The Federal Government has authorized the publi- cation of all of the definitive writings of George Wash- ington, which will be published as a memorial edition in approximately 25 volumes. The great Memorial Boulevard between Washington and Mount Vernon is under construction and will be one of the most beau- tiful highways in all the world. A regional park system for the National Capital, unsurpassed in America, is now authorized by Congress as a George Washington Memorial Parkway. This great parkway will include some of the beautiful and historic places with which George Washington has been identified. Congress has also established Wakefield, Washing- ton's birthplace in Virginia, as a national park and there has been erected upon the site a replica of the house in which George Washington was born. It is also pro- posed to build in the City of Washington a great George Washington Memorial Auditorium, which is most ur- gently needed. These are Federal projects contributed, or to be contributed, by the Government itself. It is the pur- pose of the associate director to bring the message of George Washington to every church, every home, every school, and every group of citizens in the United States. We want to offer an opportunity to each man, woman, Washington Bicentennial and child in America to participate in this national celebration. In our plans it is proposed to foster and encourage in all parts of the country local, regional, and State cele- brations. These celebrations the people themselves will organize and take part in them. It is hoped that in 1932 there will not be a school room or school building in the United States without its pictures of George Washington. It is hoped that there will not be a school or a church or a home that will not display the Ameri- can flag with appropriate reminders of what it means in our national life. It is proposed to hold essay con- tests, pageants, plays, and exercises of similar kinds in public schools. In like manner we want to enlist the cooperation of all the clubs, associations, fraternal organizations, and miscellaneous groups of people. Not only do we want to impress upon the Nation its debt to George Washington, but also our debt to other heroes associated with him. We want to remem- ber those splendid men and women, many of them of foreign birth, who offered their lives upon the altar of American independence. We want to remember Von Steuben, De Kalb, and the Muhlenbergs. We want to remember Carroll, Barry, Knox, and the host of other Irish patriots. We want to remember with gratitude Kosciuszko, Pulaski, and other Polish heroes. We want to remember Benjamin Nones, who has been called the "Jewish Lafayette," the Pintos and others of the Jewish race, who offered themselves and their fortunes to the cause of freedom. We want to remember Lafayette, Rochambeau, and all that other host of equally heroic men and women of the Italian, Swedish, Spanish, and News Releases other European races, who performed their parts so valiantly. Many of them came from across the seas to help the cause of the Colonies. George Washington was the magnet who drew all those brave men to him. George Washington was a man above all others who inspired confidence and de- votion among those ragged, hungry, and suffering troops who struggled bravely and triumphantly forward under his leadership. We Americans today still have our differences in origin and in character. We still have our different viewpoints and our different opinions. We still struggle for various ideals and principles, but we can all rally today under the leadership of George Washington, as did those splendid Americans of 1 5 years ago. In honoring the memory of George Washington there can be no division and no dispute. He is so transcendently great as to continue his influence down through the years. In all the records of his life, in every letter, speech and act, which can be traced to him, there is not one weakness or one mistake. Wherever the flag flies today, those under its protecting folds should re- member that it was George Washington who established that flag and what it stands for. In a world of bitter- ness, hostility, and oppression George Washington brought freedom and human liberty. Wherever people are free, they should remember those men who gave the world freedom. Wherever there is protection, peace, and security, a prayer of thanksgiving should be offered that George Washington lived and wrought. We of the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission have a tremendous responsibility. 8 Washington Bicentennial It is our duty to arouse throughout the Nation a proper sense of gratitude to the Founder of the Republic. In this task we can not act alone. It is for all Americans of all nationalities and creeds, of all conditions and cir- cumstances, to make the year 1932 a year of thought and reverence for the memory of George Washington. He was so intimately associated with all affairs of life, with the church, with statesmanship, with agriculture, with business, with education, with commerce, and, in fact, every phase of healthful citizenship, that no class of our people can disregard their debt to him. In the task before us we want the people themselves to give us suggestions upon various phases of the cele- bration. Please address your suggestions to the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. So let us now dedicate in our hearts the memory of this man. Let us resolve that we shall do him honor and reverence for what he was and what he has given to us. I leave with you this appeal as Americans all, in the freedom and enlightenment which George Washington brought into the world. The George Washington Bicentennial Created by special act of Congress and financed by the Federal Treasury, the United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission, with offices in the National Capital, is planning for 1932 a celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of Washington's birth- day, which will be unprecedented in extent and entirely original in character and method. News Releases For an event of this kind, it will be unprecedented in extent, because it will be world-wide and will last nine months, from February 22, 1932, through Thanks- giving of that year. From Alaska to Ceylon, from Vir- ginia to Japan, wherever Americans reside and human beings respond to the inspiration of a great man's ca- reer, honor will be paid to the Father of his country. According to the plans of the Commission, the whole United States is to become alive with pageantry, through which the figure of Washington will move as he was in life. Every school in America is to receive a picture of the Father of His Country. Every home that housed him, every building in which he spent but a night, is to be festooned with flags and bunting. The battle fields he lost and won are to echo oratory and resound to martial music. The trails he blazed and the roads he traveled are to be mapped and marked anew. Great bridges, buildings, and engineering projects will be named in his honor. In every American city and village, in the nation's singing, prayers, and preaching, time and time again throughout the celebration period, the principles and ideals of Washington, the peace-time and military achievements of Washington, the times and associates of Washington, will be emphasized, recreated and made a part of the people's thinking and feeling, so that love of country shall become a flaming and mighty force in their lives. The tribute will be original in character in that the Commission, instead of trying to attract the public to one central point by staging a world's fair, exposition or 10 Washington Bicentennial entertainment, will take the celebration directly to the people at large in their cities, villages, and homes. To appreciate how this unique commemoration will be accomplished, it is necessary to comprehend the machinery that is planning it. The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission is headed by the President of the United States as its chair- man, and its personnel consists of distinguished men and women representing all sections of the United States. Its duties, as set forth in the act of Congress which brought it into being in 1924, are to arouse in- terest in the 1932 celebration, to formulate and execute plans for its successful observance, and to collect and disseminate information about Washington and his times. Congress also stipulated that the States and ter- ritories of the Union be invited to cooperate in the celebration. All this work was begun under the management of two associate directors named by the executive com- mittee of the Commission — the Hon. Sol Bloom, mem- ber of Congress from New York, and Col. Ulysses S. Grant, 3rd, U. S. A. After serving a few months, how- ever, Colonel Grant presented his resignation, having found that the pressure of the work interfered with other official duties. Thus far his successor has not been named and Mr. Bloom is in sole charge. Thirty-three States of the Union* and the District of Columbia, Hawaii, and Alaska have appointed com- missions or representatives to cooperate with the Fed- eral commission and to plan the events and ceremonies * As of April, 1931. Since then commissions have been appointed in all States and Territories. News Releases 11 through which their respective populations will take part in the celebration. It is, of course, only a matter of time until all the States will have taken similar action. Secretary of State Stimson has designated Assistant Secretary William R. Castle, Jr., as the State Depart- ment official through whom Director Bloom will invite all foreign countries to join in the event and to plan their own special ceremonies. Unofficial advices to the Commission are that these invitations will be enthu- siastically accepted. To make the world "coverage" complete, all Amer- icans residing abroad will be asked to stage celebration rites and events. Already in London and Paris George Washington Bicentennial committees have been set up by resident Americans to secure large memberships and formulate appropriate plans. Similar bodies are being organized also in Germany, Poland, Italy, and other European countries. Moreover, to disseminate continuously throughout the world all the news of the celebration plans, the Com- mission has obtained permission from the State Depart- ment to send its publicity and other literature in the diplomatic mail pouches to all United States ambassa- dors, ministers, and consuls general. This same ma- terial also will be mailed to all American consuls and to all agents of the Departments of Commerce and Ag- riculture stationed abroad, who will give it the widest publicity possible. The Commission emphasizes that this is to be a coun- try-wide and globe-girdling celebration, with each country, state, and town selecting its own "key dates" — 12 Washington Bicentennial such as Decoration Day, Mother's Day, July 4, Labor Day — for climactic events in the form of pageants, plays, orations, parades, and community singing. The national ceremonies will begin on February 22 next year, when from the national capital President Hoover will broadcast an address on George Washing- ton. Following him on the air will come the United States Marine Band, an organization which, by the way, existed in Washington's day as a fife and drum corps. The plan is that, as this band plays "America," the people through their radios all over this country and in many foreign lands will hear it and sing the national anthem to its accompaniment. In that vision of all Americans simultaneously singing, is conveyed a dramatic picture of what the Commission means when it declares that it will carry the celebration to the people. The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission has adopted an ambitious program in order to stir the public's enthusiasm and to distribute infor- mation about Washington. It is making a motion picture of the life of Wash- ington which it regards not only as excellent entertain- ment but also as an absolutely accurate record of Wash- ington's acts and of the customs, costumes, and build- ings of his time. Because the Commission is a govern- ment agency which consistently refuses to be connected with any commercial or profit-making projects, it has been given access to places and dramatic "properties" that have never been, and probably never will again be, available to a maker of pictures. It is allowed, for instance, the unprecedented privilege of using the interior of Mount Vernon for some of the News Releases 13 picture scenes; and various museums have loaned for this work Washington's surveying instruments and some of the very garments worn by him and his wife. Copies of the film will be distributed in 1932 to the schools and colleges of the country. Among other features of the Commission's program are: 16 pamphlets, later to be combined in a book en- titled "Honor to Washington," dealing with the dif- ferent phases and activities of the man, such as Wash- ington the Business Man, the Religious Man, the Mili- tary Man, the Traveler, and so on. These pamphlets are either to be written or edited by Dr. Albert Bush- nell Hart, the eminent Harvard historian, who is in charge of the Commission's Historical Division. They will soon be available to libraries, students, and writers. A definitive, memorial edition, in 25 volumes, will be issued, of "The Writings of Washington," collected and edited by the well known Washington authority, Dr. John C. Fitzpatrick, of the Library of Congress, and containing many hitherto unpublished Washington letters and other papers. A Washington Atlas, containing maps showing many of the buildings with which he was closely associated, the roads he traveled and all the places he visited dur- ing his lifetime; A plan, in cooperation with the American Tree Plant- ing Association, to have ten million "Washington Trees" planted by cities, schools, churches, colleges, villages and fraternal organizations has already made considerable progress; Designing of a medal to be struck in commemoration 14 Washington Bicentennial of the celebration; distribution of 1,000,000 pictures of Washington to the country's schools; furnishing sample pageants, plays, and recitations to schools, colleges, and communities to be used in celebrating the Bicentennial; collection of the music that was played and sung in Washington's day, and giving writers and students ac- cess to the truly prodigious store of Washingtoniana in the Commission's offices in Washington. In further official recognition of this celebration, Congress has authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to make all quarter dollar coins in 1932 official George Washington Memorial coins, with a profile portrait re- lief on one side and appropriate inscription upon the reverse side. This is the first time that a memorial coin has ever supplanted a regular issue of United States coins. But the one thing which Associate Director Bloom and his assistants never cease to point out is that this celebration will be made a success by the people in their states, towns, and hamlets; that the Commission's duty is to give out information and suggestions; that every State and city will have its own commission which will determine the nature of its ceremonies and the type of its permanent memorial to Washington. The New York State Commission, for example, al- ready has before it three suggestions for such a memo- rial, one of which it will probably select. They are: a monument to Washington at the entrance to New York harbor, a park along the Palisades, and a building for Washingtoniana at Albany.* * Since this was written, the great new bridge across the Hudson from the vicinity of Fort Washington to Fort Lee has been named the George Washington Bridge. News Releases 15 "The people will do the celebrating," said Associate Director Bloom recently. "We shall take pleasure in offering them suggestions and giving them information whenever they want such cooperation." Plans for the United States George Washington Bi- centennial Celebration Hon. Sol Bloom, associate director of the United States Commission for the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of George Wash- ington in 1932, recently made public some of the fea- tures of the program for nation-wide participation in the great historic event which is to make the two hun- dredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. "We realize," said Congressman Bloom, "the serious responsibility which rests upon us in the program now under consideration. It is a work of such magnitude that it will require many more months to work out any- thing like a complete plan of operation. Yet I believe it is due to the public that such information as is now available shall be given out in order that the men, women, and children of America can devote some pre- liminary thought to their immediate interests in its various phases. "State, regional, and local organizations will furnish speakers for many occasions. They will use the radio whenever possible. Ministers will be asked to preach frequently upon the character and example of George Washington. In addition to this local work and in sup- port of it, we are now completing plans for reaching the school children of the land through cooperation with 16 Washington Bicentennial the national organization of State superintendents, teachers, and authorities of parochial schools, private schools, colleges, and universities. In this way it is pro- posed to conduct a nation-wide participation of school children not alone in the various essay, oratorical, and other contests, plays, and pageants, but by including during the school year of 1932 special instruction through additional patriotic features in the curricula. "The associate director is working out many sug- gestions and details that fit into the general program, and these will be announced as each divisional subject is rounded out. We believe that as these plans mature the public will be more and more interested in giving us suggestions and in cooperating with us, so that the exalted character and historic achievements of George Washington may be fittingly revived in the minds and hearts of the American people." Congressman Bloom further explained that, "while the entire year of 1932 will be a George Washington year, it is proposed to concentrate the patriotic observ- ances within the period from February 22 to Thanks- giving Day of that year. This will, of course, take in the vacation months, when it is to be expected that many people will wish to come to Washington to satisfy their curiosity as to their beautiful National Capital, which George Washington located and founded, the wealth of historic objects and material here, the many interesting phases of Government activities, and to take advantage of such an opportunity to visit the many stirring and inspiring shrines in the near-by States con- nected with his youth and adult life." To provide for these many visitors the local com- News Releases 17 mittee appointed by the district commissioners is being asked to make special arrangements, as well as to assist these gatherings and meetings of leading men and women in the fields of education, religion, science, and social service, already scheduled to insure a successful and enjoyable sojourn. "But," pointed out Mr. Bloom, "this is not to be misunderstood. No concentration of the celebration is proposed in any one locality. Washington was the father of the entire country and, as the happy effects of his wise and patriotic work extend to every corner of our far-flung land, so should the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of his birth." Program Covers Wide Range The comprehensive program of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, designed to bring to every State and Territory, every county, city, and town of the country a series of celebrations which begin on February 22, next year, and end on Thanksgiving Day of that year, is presented by the as- sociate directors of the Commission. It is thought that the present program, which will be constructively added to from time to time, will pre- sent to every individual in the United States, as well as thousands of Americans abroad a clear picture of George Washington, the inspiration of his example, and the power of his influence today. The entire program has been carefully mapped out, with great attention to detail, and is being pushed for- ward vigorously, so that the entire country may awaken 18 Washington Bicentennial spiritually to the noble example of Washington, and take part in the two hundredth anniversary of his birth. The wide scope of the work which the Commission is doing is shown by the following outline of its activi- ties, as taken from its organization chart: Educational Activities This classification visualizes the general and specific educational work of different departments of the or- ganization, through the preparation and distribution to educational institutions and to all organizations — patri- otic, social, religious, business, labor, etc. — of literature, study courses, programs for meetings, articles for pub- lication, address, papers, etc., all relating to George Washington and his time. Organization Contacts Patriotic societies. Parent-Teacher groups. Clubs and other organizations. Schools, all educational institutions and groups. Libraries. Assistance to Organizations Pamphlet of 12 programs. Papers, addresses, broadcasts. Special features. Washington bibliography. Washington chronology. Lantern slides. Articles for organization publications. Preparation of teachers' training course. Aid in illiteracy work. Contests. News Releases 19 Juvenile Activities Service for the blind. Kindergartens, elementary schools. Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts. Camp Fire Girls. Games. Contests. Special Activities Under this title are included activities of different de- partments not included in any of the other classifica- tions. These activities are among the most important functions of the Commission and are constantly expand- ing as the work proceeds. Motion Picture (Life of George Washington) . Art Loan Exhibit. Participation by Foreign Governments. Collection of Washingtoniana. Firms in Business Continuously Since Colonial Period. Oratorical and Essay Contest. Tree Planting. Office Historical Record. Contacts With Cooperating Organization as Follows: State Commissions. City and Town Committees. Patriotic and Veteran Societies controlling patriotic shrines, such as Mount Vernon, "Wakefield, Yorktown, etc. Churches and religious groups. Fraternal. Labor. • Business. 20 Washington Bicentennial Agricultural. Civic. Governmental. Etc. Plays and Pageants Under this title are included the writing, collection and selection of plays and pageants in the Life of Wash- ington for distribution to organizations everywhere, es- pecially schools of all grades and churches, fraternities, dramatic organizations and patriotic bodies. Plays Collection, selection and arrangement of all existing one-act and full-length plays. Writing of one-act plays and special plays for stage and radio production. Arrangement and direction of radio competition and prize competition for full-length plays. Distribution of all such plays to organization, com- munities, clubs, civic bodies, educational institution, etc., such as: Civic, Municipal and State, Schools and Colleges, Patriotic and Veteran, Agricultural and Horticultural, Dramatic and Literary, <• Fraternal and Labor, Business and Government, Women's and Social. Pageants Collection and selection of existing episodic scenes. Compilation of reference list of all pageants now pub- lished or to be published. News Releases 21 Production of special pageants. Distribution to organizations, communities and edu- cational institutions such as: Civic, Municipal and State, Schools and Colleges, Patriotic and Veteran, Agricultural and Horticultural, Dramatic and Literary, Fraternal and Labor, Business and Government, Women's and Social. Costumes Collection of all data and authentic costumes and ma- terial of the Colonial Period; uniforms of Revolution- ary War soldiers (American, British and French) ; types of civic dress of men and women for all occasions; re- production of illustrations of such costumes for use of organizations in production of plays and pageants. Historical This work includes the writing and editing of his- torical publications and assistance on historical subjects to other departments. "Honor to George Washington." Writings of George Washington. Research. Addresses. Editorial work. Assistance to other departments. Publicity All publicity material of the Commission is handled through the Department of Publicity. The work of 22 Washington Bicentennial this department includes the collection — alone, and in cooperation with all other departments — of news, in- formation and pictures, relating to George Washington and the Bicentennial Celebration, and its distribution throughout the world. It includes service to news- papers and press syndicates and assistance to writers, speakers and producers of moving picture news-reels. Publications Newspapers. Magazines. Miscellaneous. Bicentennial News. Clip Sheet. Editorial Contacts. Feature Writers. Syndicates. Braille Publicity. News Services. Maps and Layouts. Clippings. Foreign Language Press. Addressograph Lists. Editing Office Publications. Information Service. Radio Preparation of Addresses. Broadcasting Dates. Scheduling Features. Cooperating Stations. Governors, State Commissions. Motion Picture News Reels Publicity Shots. News Releases 23 Features. Pictures Selection. Collection. Disbursement. Files. Art Features Drawings. Reproductions. Novelties. Calendars. Cards, Menus, etc. Posters, etc. Contacts Organizations. Cooperating Agencies. Writers, Editors, Publishers. Editorial Associations. Advertising Agencies and Clubs. Schools and College Publications. Index Newspaper Articles. Magazine Articles. Press Releases. Pictures. Bicentennial News. Unpublished Washington Letters "Where are the unpublished letters of George Wash- ington?" That is the question which seems to be wor- rying Lieut. Col. U. S. Grant 3d, formerly associate 24 Washington Bicentennial director of the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission, these days. "By a specific act of Congress," explained the Colonel, "the 'Writings of George Washington' are being compiled under the direc- tion of Dr. John C. Fitzpatrick, of the Library of Con- gress, as a monumental tribute of the Republic to the leading American of all time. This undertaking, in my opinion, will be one of the most valuable features of the National Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anni- versary of the Birth of George Washington in 1932." "Washington wrote voluminously," continued the Colonel. "During war and peace, as a soldier and as a statesman, Washington found time to answer dili- gently all his correspondence and to propound his views on all the leading questions of the day. To study Wash- ington, one must study his writings. While Washing- ton's papers — letters, journals, orderly books, account books, and diaries — have been preserved in sufficient quantity to supply material for some 25 volumes, yet according to Dr. Fitzpatrick and other leading authori- ties of Washington and his period, only one-half of Washington's letters have ever been published in the 131 years since he died." And again Colonel Grant asked: "Where are the un- published letters of George Washington?" The Colonel then proceeded to answer, in part, his own question: "We know that some of Washington's letters have been wilfully destroyed and that some of them have been lost through negligence and careless- ness. Yet historians claim that there are many letters and papers — possibly hundreds of them — still in exist- ence which have never been published. Many of these News Releases 25 documents are in the possession of people who do not realize their value to history. Every now and then a letter is discovered which had been locked up in a gar- ret for generations. Because of the westward move- ment after the Revolutionary War, such letters are apt to turn up in any part of the United States. And," con- tinued Colonel Grant, "it is this 'hidden' material which the Commission is exerting every effort to obtain." "When Congress authorized the printing of the 'Writings of George Washington' it had in mind not only the compiling and editing of all the known papers of Washington but also a thorough search for all avail- able material heretofore unpublished. In brief, it was and is the aim of Congress and the United States Bi- centennial Commission to present to the people of our country as complete a written Washingtoniana as is possible to compile; to present to all Americans a com- posite picture of the Father of His Country through his writings — his physical appearance, his thoughts and actions, and his ideals." "Do you have any prospects of unearthing some new material on Washington?" the Colonel was asked. "Yes, we do," he replied. "My associate on the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Representative Sol Bloom, of New York, and I are hav- ing every possible source of material investigated by ex- perts, with some interesting results. Documents have come to the attention of the Commission which hereto- fore have not been open to historians. However, there are still many historically valuable documents extant which the Commission is keenly desirous of knowing about. Individuals and societies having such papers are 26 Washington Bicentennial requested to cooperate with us by permitting their ma- terial to be investigated, and, if authentic, to be used in this enterprise. The Commission will not ask any one to part with the original copies of such papers. All it desires is the privileges of making reprints of all un- published material to be found. All owners of such documents are asked to communicate directly with the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission, Washington, D. C." "When will these writings be completed?" the Colo- nel was asked. "I am informed by Dr. Fitzpatrick," he replied, "that the first volume will be ready for publication by De- cember of this year. The remaining volumes will go to press as they are completed. The work in its entirety will cover some 25 volumes. They are to be published by the Government Printing Office and will be made available to the people of every State in the Union through the libraries." President Hoover Writes Foreword for "Writings of George Washington" President Hoover has written the foreword to the first volume of the "Writings of George Washington," the great memorial edition which was authorized by a specific act of Congress to commemorate the two hun- dredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington in 1932. This first volume has been completed and will be ready for distribution in a few weeks, according to the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. News Releases 27 In a few printed pages the present engineer President, who is chairman of the United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission, pays his tribute to the first engineer President. This is the first volume of the memorial edition, which will be in an edition of about 25 volumes. The work is being edited by Dr. John C. Fitzpatrick, long a leading authority on George Washington and his time, for the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. The undertaking is one of the major projects of the Commission in connection with the com- ing bicentennial celebration of the birth of the Father of His Country. The foreword, as written by the President of the United States, is as follows: "The people of the United States are justly proud of their literary men and women. They likewise are proud of their outstanding statesmen. Literary power and statesmanship were combined in George Washington, the greatest political leader of his time and also the greatest intellectual and moral force of the Revolu- tionary period. Everybody knows Washington as a quiet member of the Virginia Assembly, of the two Continental Congresses, and of the Constitutional Con- vention. Few people realize that he was also the most voluminous American writer of his period, and that his principles of government have had more influence on the development of the American commonwealth than those of any other man. "Unfortunately, Washington for many years was interpreted to his countrymen chiefly through warped biographies written upon a great deal of legendary 28 Washington Bicentennial assumption. Until very recently no readable biography of George Washington in reasonable compass made him stand for what he was — the most potent human and intellectual force in a firmament of American intellect. Nowadays good biographies of Washington are avail- able, written from the sources. Many of them are de- voted to a particular phase of his activity — the military side, the political side, the personal side. Hence when the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission began its work, it did not attempt to inspire new biographies. It selected as its most important literary duty the making Washington better known, by spreading abroad his own thoughts and plans and hopes and inspirations in the exact form in which he framed them. "Thus one of the first decisions of the Commission was to provide an edition of Washington's writings as complete as possible, in a form which would make it available for the present generation and forever here- after. Of the two previous editions of Washington's Writings the first, a hundred years ago, was the 12- volume edition, edited by Jared Sparks, a pioneer in collecting and publishing historical documents. Proper canons in historical editing were not yet developed, and it hurt the feelings of Sparks if the great man misspelled or seemed to him ungrammatical. Therefore the Sparks edition can not be relied upon to tell us what Washing- ton actually did say. The edition of Worthington C. Ford, 40 years ago, was scholarly and carefully edited, but materials were then lacking for a complete edition, the production was limited by commercial considera- tions, and it is now out of print. News Releases 29 "The Commission has set out to publish a definitive edition of all the written and printed words of George Washington in the form in which they left his hands, including several volumes of General Orders, almost the whole of which up to now had remained in manuscript only. Most of his original writings of every kind are fortunately preserved in the Library of Congress. Other libraries and private owners of manuscripts have per- mitted photostats to be made for inclusion in the great publication. When this series is completed, therefore, almost the whole of his reported thoughts will be within the reach of readers, investigators, and writers. "The United States George Washington Commission takes great satisfaction in rendering this public service; for as the publication of the new series progresses it will become more and more clear that the reputation of George Washington as a soldier, statesman, and man is enhanced by the record of everything that he is known to have committed to pen and paper. "One deviation has been made from the plan of in- cluding all of Washington's writings in this edition. The Diary has been recently published by a skillful editor, enlivened by interesting notes. It has therefore been left out of the new set. On the other hand, the General Orders, which are of great significance for the history of the Revolution, are now for the first time made avail- able in print, and will be distributed in the order of their dates. "What is the message from Washington revealed by this complete and scholarly edition? First of all it in- cludes Washington's own graphic records of his experi- ences on the frontier while it was still in the possession 30 Washington Bicentennial of the Indians. Throughout the series will be found letters and documents showing that he was the Ameri- can of his time who had the liveliest sense of the abso- lute necessity of occupying the West and making it a part of an American commonwealth. "The materials on his activity as a man of affairs, which are here brought into relief, bring home to the reader the picture of Washington as a landowner, land developer, and land cultivator. A much neglected side of his character is Washington as an engineer. His coun- trymen have not realized how modern he was in his engineering operations — as reclaimer of the Dismal Swamp; as advisor and engineer of the Potomac and James River Canal; as the first advocate of a combined highway and waterway from the Atlantic Coast to the Ohio River; as a bank director; as an investor; as one of the earliest Americans to recognize the possibilities of power transportation by water; and the first to sug- gest that air navigation might be very useful to the people of the United States. "What Washington says for himself will also be the foundation of our appreciation of his great abilities and immense services as the leader of the Continental Army. He was a thoroughly modern soldier, intensely interested in drill and tactics and plans of campaign, but equally unwearied in recruiting and supply and officering and in maintaining the morale of his troops. All the efforts to show that Washington had no military genius will fade away under the searchlight of this publication of his military material, much of it for the first time. "If nothing had been written by others about Wash- ington's leadership in forming a new nation, his papers News Releases 31 and correspondence while President would forever es- tablish him as a great constructive statesman. His pri- vate virtues are set forth from the earliest boy's letters down to the last entry that he made in his diary. Wash- ington with his wife's children and grandchildren stands out as clearly as Washington at Yorktown. "The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission is undertaking to throw light upon the character of Washington in many ways. None will be more enduring than this collection of his own words and thoughts. The addresses, the pageants, the public meetings, and the memorials of every kind which the Commission will encourage and support, will call public attention to the most striking of the events in his life. But a hundred years after 1932 Washington will still be appealing to the sense, the interest, the public spirit, and the patriotism of that later age, by the great thoughts of his mind, by his great hopes for his country, and by the simple, straightforward, elevated, manly, and patri- otic spirit of which these Writings will be the imperish- able record." (Signed) Herbert Hoover, President of the United States, Chairman of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. Washington, D. C, November 19, 1930. Every State, City, and Town to Participate in the Nine Months Bicentennial Celebration These points should be emphasized with respect to the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington next year: 32 Washington Bicentennial 1. It is sponsored by the United States Government: Congress created the United States George Washing- ton Bicentennial Commission and the President of the United States is its chairman. 2. It will not be a world's fair or exposition, and it will not be held in any one place. 3. It will be a nation-wide, even a world-wide series of celebrations in which every state, city, and town — every organization and institution, every home and in- dividual — in this country, together with Americans and others in many foreign countries, will participate. Every community is expected to plan and carry out its own program of events, in cooperation with the United States Commission and the State Commissions. 4. It will last from Washington's Birthday, February 22, 1932, to Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 1932, with special local and national celebrations everywhere on all holidays, anniversaries, or other days which can be connected with the life of George Washington. 5. While the ceremonies on February 22 should be especially elaborate and impressive, as marking the ac- tual Two Hundredth Anniversary of George Washing- ton's Birth, arrangements also should be made for pub- lic gatherings, pageants, plays, processions, musical fes- tivals, tableaux, and other events at various times dur- ing the entire period of more than nine months. Every program should relate to the great life and work of the First President and Founder of the Republic. On Me- morial Day, Mothers' Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and other national and local holidays or anniversaries there should be spe- News Releases 33 cial programs, but the celebration should not be con- fined to these days. 6. It will take time to prepare the local programs and arrange for the local celebrations. The United States Commission urges mayors and other officials of every city and town in the country to appoint George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commissions or Committees, in or- der to prepare for the events of the Bicentennial Year. 7. All organizations and institutions of whatever character — civic, business, labor, educational, religious, fraternal, literary, social, and others — are urged to plan for a "George Washington Year" in 1932. 8. The United States George Washington Bicenten- nial Commission, Washington Building, Washington, D. C, will send literature and suggestions for local pro- grams to any committee, organization or group that will write for them. Mr. Bloom Promises Cooperation The Hon. Sol Bloom, Associate Director of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission, replied to Dr. Wirth's letter, expressing gratifi- cation that the Americans in Germany have already be- gun their preparations and promising that literature would be supplied to the Berlin Committee from Wash- ington. "We are glad to learn," said Mr. Bloom in his letter, "of the extensive plans which you and your assistants are making in this connection. It is the desire of this Commission that the Celebration in 1932 will be not only nation-wide, but world-wide." 34 Washington Bicentennial The George Washington Bicentennial Committee in Stuttgart, Germany, has decided that the most fitting way to commemorate the celebration there would con- sist in the presentation of an initial library of American books to the Technical High School at Stuttgart. Ac- cording to Leon Dominian, American Consul General in Charge, it is the intention of the committee that the collection of American publications to be presented now should form the nucleus of an American section in the library and that this collection should be known as "The George Washington Memorial Section." It is believed that a fund of about $10,000 can be raised for this purpose through the generosity of Amer- ican residents in Stuttgart, he says, one-half of the amount obtained to be spent immediately on the pur- chase of books by American authors. The other half will constitute the first fund in the establishment of an endowment, the proceeds of which will be used to in- sure yearly additions of new American publications to the Memorial Library. Massachusetts to Act as Host to Visitors in 1932 During the celebration next year of the two hun- dredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, the tourist traffic to the State of Massachusetts will be considerably augmented by many thousands of people who will visit the Bay State, attracted by the numerous places of historic interest in which this commonwealth abounds. This statement is justified by an estimate made by the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial News Releases 35 Commission on the basis of figures submitted by promi- nent road authorities of the United States, which indi- cate that 1932 will be an outstanding year in tourist traffic. Massachusetts is able to boast of many places closely connected with the life of George Washington, and to these shrines thousands upon thousands of Americans will direct their courses next year. Lexington and Con- cord, where the "shot heard around the world" was fired; Bunker Hill, the scene of a gallant resistance by raw militia lines against a British regular force; Boston, where the Revolutionary War began in earnest with General Washington's siege of that place in 1775; and the many other historic places and incidents of note in Massachusetts will attract numerous visitors in 1932. The Bay State's opposition to the measures by which the British ministries attempted to curb the spirit of freedom in the Colonies paved the way for the Declara- tion of Independence and the complete severance of colonial relations between England and her American dependencies. The names of John and Samuel Adams, the Warrens, and John Hancock stand preeminent among those whose activities and leadership directed the colonists toward independence. It was the attitude taken by Massachusetts that caused Great Britain to look upon the Colony as a hotbed of sedition. George Washington first visited Massachusetts in 1756, when he went to Boston to lay before Governor Shirley the troublesome question of military precedence raised by the action of the British Captain Dagworthy at Fort Cumberland. On this journey Colonel Wash- ington presented a gallant appearance, and the impres- 36 Washington Bicentennial sion he made on his countrymen was a lasting one. As the Commander in Chief of Virginia's militia and as the young officer who had distinguished himself at Brad- dock's defeat, his name was already well known through- out the Colonies, and he was given a flattering reception all along the way. The trip was made in February and Washington remained in Boston 10 days, during which time he attended sessions of the Massachusetts Legisla- ture and various social functions. The house in which Shirley received him still stands. The next time Washington saw Boston was when he assumed his position as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army early in July, 1775. At Cambridge he established headquarters first in what is now Wads- worth House, the official residence of the presidents of Harvard College. In a few weeks Washington moved to Vassall House, known later as the Craigie House, a very handsome colonial mansion, which he occupied until his departure for New York April 4 of the fol- lowing year. This building was afterwards the home of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and still is owned by the Longfellow family. When General Howe evacuated Boston March 17, 1776, after an occupation of nearly a year, the seat of operations was transferred to New York. Washington did not visit the State again until October, 1789, when, as President of the United States, he made a good-will tour of the New England States. On this good-will tour the first Massachusetts town which Washington visited was Springfield, where he was greatly interested in the arsenal. Other places which News Releases 37 welcomed the President were Leicester, Worcester, Marl- borough, Cambridge, and Charlestown. President Washington reached Boston on the morning of October 24 and remained in the city until the 29th. In his diary he notes the reception with which he was welcomed and which revealed the great esteem in which he was held by the people. They had not forgotten how much they owed to the former commander for the relief he brought to Boston when he forced the British to evacuate. While in the city at this time he attended an oratorio and an "Assembly," at which, he writes, **There were upwards of a hundred ladies." The diary goes on to say of the ladies, "Their appearance was elegant, and many of them very handsome." His stay in the future Hub City was most pleasant, according to the record he kept. George Washington never returned to Massachusetts — this was the last of his three journeys to the Bay State. Massachusetts has always played an important part in the history of the United States, and the people of the Bay State may well be proud of her record during the Revolutionary War. Among the leaders of that conflict the names of her citizens occupy a prominent place. Now that the time has come to honor the memory of the great founder of this country, Massa- chusetts has signified her intention to participate in the celebration next year of George Washington's two hundredth birthday anniversary. Acting in harmony with the suggestion and invita- tion of Congress, Gov. Frank G. Allen has appointed the following State Bicentennial Commission: Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, of Cambridge, chairman; Gen. Clarence ii Washington Bicentennial R. Edwards, of Westwood; Mrs. Charles Sumner Bird, of East Walpole; Mr. Thomas F. Ratigan, of Watertown; Mr. Alexander Brin, of Boston; Joseph Legare, of Lowell; Col. Robert E. Green, of Brookline; Gustave W. Everberg, of Woburn; Mrs. Stephen P. Hurd, of East Milton; Prof. Frank Vogel, of Jamaica Plain; Charles H. Hastings, of Lynn; Felix Forte, of Somer- ville; Francis Prescott, of Grafton ;Alphonse S. Bacho- rowski, of Salem; Mrs. Carl L. Schrader, of Belmont; Mrs. William G. D wight, of Holyoke; and Charles Fair- hurst, of Greenfield. Dr. Hart, chairman of the Mas; sachusetts Commission, is also historian of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. The Committee on Organization and Celebration, which is the active, everyday directing influence, is com- posed as follows: Col. Robert E. Green, Alexander Brin, Francis Prescott, and Mrs. Carl L. Schrader. This com- mittee is now requesting the State legislature to provide an adequate appropriation for the celebration. George de Benneville Keim Appointed New Jersey Chairman George de Benneville Keim, secretary of the National Republican Committee, governor general of the Gen- eral Society of Colonial Wars, and commissioner of the Port of New York Authority, has been appointed by Gov. Morgan F. Larson to head the New Jersey State Commission of 77 leading men and women for the cele- bration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington in 1932. Besides Mr. Keim, other nationally known appointees News Releases 39 are: Walter E. Edge, ambassador to France, Senator Dwight W. Morrow, Prof. Arthur Adams, Senator Hamilton Fish Kean, Thomas W. Lamont, Franklin W. Fort, John Grier Hibben, president of Princeton Uni- versity, Bishop Paul Matthews, Col. Franklin D'Olier, Bishop Wilson I. Stearly, David Baird, Jr., Bishop Thomas J. Walsh, Charles Lathrop Pack, Miss Mabel S. Douglass, A. Harry Moore, and Bishop John J. McMahon. Mr. Keim is admirably equipped to lead the New Jersey Commission in its celebration exercises honoring George Washington next year. A member of one of America's oldest families, Mr. Keim has for many years been associated with the leading State and national civic and patriotic organizations. Besides Mr. Keim's affiliation with the General Society of Colonial Wars, he is also associated with the Society of the Cincinnati, Sons of the Revolution, Society of the War of 1 8 12, and the Huguenot Society of America. Mr. Keim is also a member of the Welcome Society, the National Security League, the Navy League, the Pan American Society of the United States, and the New Jersey Historical Society. Congressman Sol Bloom, associate director of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission, when notified of Mr. Keim's appointment, said: "I know of no man better equipped, by birth, experience, and enthusiasm, to carry out the Bicenten- nial Celebration in the historic State of New Jersey. "I have known Mr. Keim personally for a long time, and I am looking forward with pleasure to begin work- ing with him in this great project. 40 Washington Bicentennial "The two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington will be celebrated throughout the Nation. The State of New Jersey, because of its his- toric heritage, must necessarily play a leading part in this celebration. With the appointment of Mr. Keim, I look for full cooperation and harmony between the New Jersey State George Washington Bicentennial Commission and the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission." The Twelve George Washington Programs Twelve elaborate programs, divided into 48 sub- topics, portraying the personality, character, and achievements of George Washington, have been com- pleted by the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission. These programs are now available to schools, colleges, and other educational institutions, as well as to patriotic societies, clubs, and organizations desiring to take part in the bicentennial celebration next year. They will be furnished upon request without charge. The programs are interesting and informative. Each of the 48 topics is complete in itself, with all of the papers supplementing each other. They bring out the sources of talents and qualities contributing to the har- monious union of intellectual and moral powers which George Washington possessed and show, step by step, their development. Speakers and writers who desire to prepare their own material will find these programs of great assistance as a basis for their presentation of the various subjects. News Releases 41 Following is a list of the papers prepared on subjects in the program: 1. Family Relationships of George Washington, — Family name of Washington — derivations and changes; paternal ancestry; maternal ancestry; brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews; stepchildren and step-grand- children. 2. Homes of George Washington. — Birthplace and early history of Wakefield and Mount Vernon; Wash- ington homestead on the Rappahannock River; Mount Vernon; migratory abiding places; military headquar- ters; presidential mansions. 3. Youth and Manhood of George Washington. — The boyhood of George Washington and his rules of civility; travels, pursuits, and ideals (pre-Revolu- tionary period) ; the man himself; George Washington, his friends and enemies. 4. The Mother of George Washington. — Mary Ball in early life; Mary Ball Washington as wife and mother; Mary Ball Washington in later life. 5. George Washington, the Man of Sentiment. — George Washington the son; George Washington the country squire; George Washington the husband. 6. George Washington, the Man of Action. — George Washington the surveyor; George Washington the sol- dier; through the French and Indian War; George Washington the commander in chief; George Wash- ington the farmer; George Washington the citizen. 7. George Washington, the Christian. — Inherited religious attitude; George Washington as a Christian: In military experience; George Washington as a Chris- tian: Revealed religious conviction. 42 Washington Bicentennial 8. George Washington, the Leader of Men. — George Washington: Patron of education; George Washington, Leader in advancement of civilization; George Wash- ington, President of the United States of America; George Washington, a leader in philanthropy. 9. The Social Life of George Washington. — Social life of childhood home; social life before the Revolu- tion: At Williamsburg and Mount Vernon; social life in later years. 10. George Washington, the Builder of the Nation. — Military experience under British rule; changing views on British rule; creation and organization of a new nation. 11. George Washington, the President (1789- 1797) . — Triumphant journey as President-elect; first term of the first President; the first presidential tours: New England, Long Island, and Rhode Island; the southern tour; second term of President Washington (1793-1797). 12. The Home Making of George and Martha Wash- ington. — Colonel and Mrs. Washington in residence be- fore the Revolution; war-time households; presidential households; last years at Mount Vernon. Aid for Teachers in Bicentennial Work The United States Commissioner of Education, Dr. Wm. John Cooper, is cooperating in a very practical manner with the United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission. At his request, Miss Florence C. Fox, office specialist in elementary educa- tion, is preparing a pamphlet for the use of the schools in celebrating the anniversary of Washington's birth. News Releases 43 Where to find appropriate material for the different phases of the work will be the problem confronting the teacher who attempts to arrange programs that will depict the life and character of Washington and at the same time will fit into the current work of the school. The Office of Education endeavors to do this by point- ing the way to sources of information on several topics. There is the reading matter that can be put directly into the hands of the pupils, books for the youngest readers from 6 to 9 years old, for the intermediate and upper-grade pupils from 10 to 14 years old, and for the high-school pupils from 15 to 18 years. Besides this reading material there are reference books for pupils with annotations, some of them about Washington and some about America at the time of Washington. Then there are the lists of songs and minuets from old colonial days, and the patriotic songs and marches used in the schools today. Several picture companies offer appropriate pictures, which schools may purchase, costing from 1 cent per copy for packets of 20 in small sizes, to 25 or 30 cents each in larger sizes. A few poems have been found and listed that may be used as recitations in celebration programs. Games and outlines for original plays and dramatizations are given as material for the use of teachers. One of the essentials in the modern school curriculum is the cor- related activity without which a Washington celebra- tion would be incomplete. Suggestions for these ac- tivities in graphic and plastic form and in the industrial arts are included. References are also added for the teacher's use in preparing lessons for pupils from origi- nal source material, which may be secured from 44 Washington Bicentennial the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. Colleges Pleased With Washington Study Course That the teachers of America will take a most important part in the coming celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Wash- ington is indicated by the enthusiastic response with which they are availing themselves of the offer of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission to furnish them with an "Appreciation Course" on the first President. This study course has been prepared particularly for teachers and deals with the life and achievements of George Washington; a history of the period in which he lived; a study of the area selected by Washington as the site for the Nation's Capital; and a correlation of this course with the other subjects of the elementary curriculum. In a letter sent recently to presidents of the normal schools and colleges of the Nation, an announcement of this course was made, setting forth its object, which is the development of an American consciousness of the bicentennial, a focusing of an active, nation-wide in- terest in the life and achievements of George Wash- ington and a proper interpretation and application of a higher conception of American citizenship. The responses to this letter have been most gratifying. They indicate a splendid spirit of cooperation and show the wide interest the colleges are exhibiting. Space per- mits extracts from only a few of the many letters of News Releases 45 acceptance of the appreciation course which have been received from practically every State in the Union. The president of a teachers' college in Virginia, the State in which Washington was born, writes: "I wish to express appreciation of the offer in your letter. We plan to give such a course in this school in the semester from September, 1931, to January, 1932." A prominent Ohio college president replies: "Of course, we shall observe the George Washington Bicentennial this year, and to that end we shall be pleased to receive a copy of your George Washington appreciation course and any other material you may have for free distribution." The head of a Montana normal college writes: "We are following the suggestion of your recent communication and including in our required American history courses for 1932 the George Washington appre- ciation course. Our catalogue copy is now being pre- pared, in which this announcement will appear. We are offering this specialized work to all students who take the course during 1932." The Keystone State is enthusiastic and carries the work into the practice school as well as the teachers' college. The president of a prominent college of that State writes: "We shall be glad to cooperate at State Teachers' College for the 1932 celebration. We shall want to em- phasize this in the college, junior high school, depart- ment of the training school, and the elementary school." A North Dakota college president says: "This institution is expecting to offer the George Washington course in our summer quarter and also next 46 Washington Bicentennial year. We shall be glad to be kept informed of every- thing that would interest instructors in this course. The announcement will appear in the annual catalogue of the institution when it is issued." Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, which has made a national reputation for its efficiency, writes: "You and your Commission are doing a work of the greatest service and effectiveness in the organization and promotion of this great observance. That is the only way to make the observance truly national in its sig- nificance and influence. Those of us who are directly concerned in the teaching and writing of our national history will welcome every opportunity to cooperate to the fullest in the splendid work of your Commission." A Montana college shows adaptability in arranging its schedule to embrace this opportunity. The presi- dent of this institution writes: "The head of our history department has made the brilliant suggestion that he change his early American history course which is offered for certificate purposes and is also accepted for normal school graduation, so it becomes really a George Washington course for this summer." Educational Data on Washington That the schools and colleges of the United States are availing themselves of the 12 programs just com- pleted by the United States George Washington Bi- centennial Commission, portraying the character, per- sonality, and achievements of George Washington, is indicated by the large number of requests received by News Releases 47 the Commission for these papers, which are furnished free of charge. The 12 programs are divided into 48 subtopics, each of them complete in itself, with all of the papers sup- plementing each other. They are characterized by .a strong educational value, as well as the merit of histori- cal accuracy, and should prove of unusual interest to all educational institutions. Each paper for each topic treats its subject as com- pletely as is possible within the average time allotted to a program address, thus giving to the reader or au- dience the benefit of more extensive and condensed data than is readily found in most of the books dealing with Washington, which usually touch upon his entire life rather than some particular portion of it or a special achievement. A particularly interesting document is that covering Washington's ancestral background on both sides of his family. Back into English records for more than 700 years the name of Washington has been traced to its first appearance. Its origin, the various changes in its spelling, the notable Washingtons, soldiers, churchmen, lawyers, and landowners who have kept it within the annals of English history in each century, show the family line and traits down to the great-grandfather of George, who came to America in 1657 and estab- lished the family homestead at Bridges Creek, Va. Inti- mate glimpses of the happy family life of George Wash- ington with his brothers and sisters, nephews, nieces, and step-children and step-grandchildren are revealed. With the same care the various homes and abiding places of George Washington are given in their proper 48 Washington Bicentennial place in his life, from Bridges Creek, his birthplace, to Mount Vernon, his last resting place. In these also are shown the limitations and exactions as well as the elegancies and social routine of the presidential households. Both adults and children will be thrilled with the stories of the boyhood, youth, and manhood of the first President. His playmates, pastimes, amusements, ath- letics, talks, school and home discipline, his rules of civility, his disappointment at his mother's veto on his going to sea, bring the reader to his first employment as a surveyor's assistant under Lord Fairfax's patronage. He is shown in his favorite role of the happy and contented farmer, when he introduced the newest meth- ods of planting, cultivating, and harvesting. He bought the most recently invented machinery of the time and experimented continually when he was at home. As a business man and engineer, he visualized the future greatness of the United States, and a section of the program shows in an interesting manner how he personally supported and assisted all enterprises that had for their objective the development of transporta- tion and communication between inland settlements and coastal towns for the advancement of colonization and commerce. Among other characteristics of Washington por- trayed by the programs are his attitude on religion, his experiences as a soldier, as a patron of education, as a leader in philanthropy, as President of the United States, and his last years at Mount Vernon. In addition to schools and colleges, speakers and writers desiring to prepare their own material will find News Releases 49 these programs of great assistance as a basis for their presentation of the various subjects. Make Washington Your Ideal That George Washington set an example which present-day citizens and public officials might well emulate is the opinion expressed by ¥m. John Cooper, United States Commissioner of Education. In discuss- ing the coming Bicentennial Celebration, he said: "Judging from current events there is reason to believe that this country is passing through a very serious crisis. Since we are not at war it is not likely to be considered seriously by the average citizen as was the crisis which threatened disunion. Because we have had nearly a century and a half of unparalleled growth and have reached a position of world leadership, we are unlikely to compare this situation with that which Washington's generation faced. Nevertheless, I am con- fident that our people confront a major crisis, ranking in seriousness with those faced by the generations of Washington and Lincoln and fraught with the conse- quences perhaps no less momentous. If our country is to survive this economic and social storm, we must have some careful thinking and patriotic activity. "It is well, therefore, that at this juncture we pause to consider carefully the principles upon which this Nation is founded, to analyze the qualities of citizen- ship which are required for its preservation, and to dis- cover the kind of leadership which successful adminis- tration of our democracy demands. An immediate occasion for making studies of these kinds is afforded by the approaching two hundredth anniversary of the 50 Washington Bicentennial birth of George Washington. In all of our schools and colleges, in our churches, through our press, effort should be made to enable the average citizen to recon- struct in his own thinking the situation which existed when the independence of this country was achieved. To do this Washington and his generation must be stripped of all the myth and legend which have been accumulated for nearly two centuries and their sterling human qualities allowed to appear. No one can se- riously doubt the value that could come to the Republic in this day of greatness from an imitation by its present- day citizens and its officials of those qualities which made the founders, and particularly the first President of this country, great. Obviously this is not possible if Washington is regarded as a demigod. Every leader in public life should aim to attain Washington's stature. In so doing he will increase his own stature. Every citizen should aim to achieve the independence and self-reliance of Washington's generation, otherwise government may become the master of a generation of weaklings or the "Great Father" of a race of depend- ents. Let us study Washington as our ideal and put forth every effort to realize that ideal." United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission Offers Material to Libraries Through the cooperation of the American Library Association with the Library Department of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, special service is tendered to libraries in making their selection of materials for use by organizations, schools, and homes in connection with the celebration in 1932 News Releases 51 of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. The Bicentennial Commission is prepared to furnish selected material, upon request, without cost, covering in condensed form practically every aspect of the life of George Washington. This material has been com- piled by the staff of the commission and by special writers, under the supervision of Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, historian of the Commission. Each library will be supplied with a complete set of material listed below for its reference room. Addi- tional sets, for circulation and branch libraries, will be supplied on request. Bibliography: Selected lists of books about George Washington, recommended by the American Library Association. These lists will be based upon the needs and scope of the small as well as the large libraries. Handbook: Prepared for use in the presentation of the George Washington Appreciation Course to be fur- nished to the Teachers' Colleges and Normal Schools of the Nation. This hand book contains the outline of the course covering a period of 12 weeks. Sources of the material for presentation are given to aid teachers of the United States in their participation in the nation- wide celebration in 1932. Honor to Washington: A series of 16 pamphlets, edited by Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, official historian, under the following titles: "Frontier Background of Washington's Career," "Washington the Man of Mind," "Tributes to Washington," "Washington the Farmer," "Washington the Business Man," "Washington as a Re- ligious Man," "Washington the Colonial and National 52 Washington Bicentennial Statesman," "Washington and the Constitution," "Washington as President," "Washington the Proprietor of Mount Vernon," "Washington the Military Man," "Washington the Traveler," "Washington as Engineer and City Builder," "Washington's Home and Fraternal Life," "Race Element in Washington's Time," "Classi- fied Washington Bibliography." Juvenile Department: Programs, playlets, dances, games, cantatas, historical maps, costume cut-outs, and Braille stories. Pageantry and Plays: Including pageants of different lengths adapted to the use of large and relatively small groups of participants, with instructions as to scenery, costumes, properties, organization, and production. Plays for radio broadcast will be furnished on request to responsible organizations, groups, dramatic societies, and schools. The materials furnished to consist of text dialogues complete in details, scenes, stage direction, instruction, and so on. Portraits of George Washington for display in libraries and schools. Posters calling attention to books about George Washington. Programs and supplemental papers for patriotic societies, clubs, and other organizations, and for educa- tional institutions, covering 12 main topics and 48 sub- topics, as follows: "Homes of George Washington," with six subtopics. "Youth and Manhood of George Washington," with four subtopics. "The Mother of George Washington," with three subtopics. "George Washington the Man of Sentiment," with three subtopics. "George Washington News Releases 53 the Man of Action in Military and Civil Life," with six subtopics. "George Washington the Christian," with three subtopics. "George Washington the Leader of Men," with three subtopics. "The Social Life of George Washington," with three subtopics. "George Washing- ton the Builder of the Nation," with three subtopics. "George Washington the President," with five subtopics. "The Home Making of George and Martha Washing- ton," with four subtopics. To augment the material now assembled, the Library Department of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission is seeking intimate bits of un- published history having a direct bearing upon scenes connected with the life and achievements of George Washington. Many incidents can be obtained only through family records and well-founded tradition, such incidents that have not been heralded in song or story but depict the courage and heroism of the men and women who have gone about their daily tasks in a quiet and matter of fact way, and have arisen, in times of stress, to meet unprecedented occasions. Just as Massachusetts had its Paul Revere, Virginia its Jack Jouett, and North Carolina its Mary Slocum, who sprang into action when occasion arose, so, too, did other localities have heroes and heroines whose services were of material aid in the carving out of a new coun- try, winning its independence, and organizing a well- ordered Government. Each community might well feature the ancestors of some of its residents in local plays or pageants, or in special scenes which can be embodied by the local dramatic committee into the texts that are being pre- 54 Washington Bicentennial pared under the supervision of the pageantry depart- ment of the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission. The Commission will welcome any suggestions that may be offered. Responses should be addressed to the Library Department, United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington Building, Wash- ington, D. C. Library Idea Liked It has been decided, he states, that there will be no limitation to the type of publication to be included in the Memorial Library and that any branch of human knowledge and endeavor about which American authors have written could be represented in the collection of the books thus formed. In conclusion, he writes: "The committee decided on this form of commemo- rating the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington after considering several proposals which included the sending of German young men to American schools and the exchange of teachers between the United States and Germany. All things considered, it was found that the erection of a library of American works in this city would constitute a permanent achieve- ment as well as insure the possibility of a wide diffusion of American thought and achievement among students in this section of Germany." Information is being forwarded to the Commission by the State Department from foreign countries in all parts of the world, telling of the plans of the Ameri- cans residing in these countries to participate in the News Releases 55 celebration by local ceremonies at various times during the year. Among the countries from which news of these ac- tivities has been received, either through the State De- partment or in correspondence received directly by the Commission, are: Great Britain, France, Italy, Aus- tria, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, India, China, French Indo-China, Japan, and most of the countries of Latin America. Plays and Pageants for Schools Of all the lives of great Americans, George Wash- ington's diversified career affords to the schools of the country an unusual opportunity for portrayal in pageantry. Because of the ever-growing tendency on the part of educational institutions and communities to use this form of drama not only for the reenactment of history but as a means of revelation of life itself, the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission has engaged a specially qualified staff to direct and to prepare pageants suitable for the various grades and different sized groups and for indoor and outdoor pro- duction that will depict with dramatic accuracy signifi- cant scenes from the life of Washington. The pageant, perhaps more than any other subject of education, calls for the coordinating and synthesizing of school activities working toward its production. Students in history, English, fine arts, domestic, practi- cal, and mechanical arts may all have a part, through their own skill and study, in the creation and in the expression of the allied arts inherent in the pageant. 56 Washington Bicentennial There is being prepared a set of 18 one-act plays which will cover the whole range of George Washing- ton's life from boyhood to manhood; the period when he founded the Nation; as President, statesman, farmer, and engineer. They will graphically portray the true character of our first President, and will be prepared for production on the stage as well as radio. A comprehensive reference list of all pageants and plays that have already been written on the theme of George Washington, along with those that are planned to be written and published during the present year, is being compiled. This list, as well as pageant scenarios, and the plays will be completed in the autumn and sent upon request, without charge, to superintendents and teachers desiring it. The list will include, among other information, the number of episodes or acts, length of performance, the number of characters and groups as related to sex and age, scenery requirements, and other data that will prove of service. A small manual on "How to Produce a George Wash- ington Pageant" will also be written and distributed. For this purpose Miss Esther Willard Bates, professor of drama at Boston University, has been engaged. She prepared a similar manual upon the occasion of the Mas- sachusetts Bay Tercentenary anniversary observance last year and is the author of "How to Produce a Pageant," a book of exceptional help to any teacher interested in this subject. In the last edition of the "Encyclopedia Britannica" Miss Bates wrote the article on pageantry. Percy MacKaye, the playwright, and outstanding exponent and writer of community drama in this coun- News Releases 57 try, has been engaged to write a pageant upon the theme of George Washington, which will lay particular stress upon the spiritual significance of his character and services. This will be ready for distribution in the autumn. Reliving Washington's Life in Pageantry The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission began its work of planning the celebration of Washington's two hundredth birthday anniversary in 1932 with the aim of carrying this celebration to the people rather than staging some one extensive central commemoration. In line with this aim, the Commis- sion early arranged the writing and publication, as well as the selection, of plays and pageants for groups and communities all over the United States. Nothing helps more to an understanding of the facts of history and the lives of great men than to see strik- ing incidents in their careers reenacted. Participation in these events intensifies interest and enthusiasm and makes more real and sincere the honor that is being accorded. In arranging these plays, playlets, and pageants the Bicentennial Commission has aimed to make them ac- curate yet simple, so that any and all members of a community may have a part and thus actually par- ticipate in the celebration. As study and care are needed to insure accuracy and completeness in these dramatizations of Washington's life and times, much thought has yet to be put upon them, but already the experts engaged by the Bicen- tennial Commission have received a great number of 58 Washington Bicentennial requests for these plays and pageants. It is gratifying evidence of the nation-wide interest already awakened in this commemoration of George Washington. To keep this interest alive and growing it is the desire of Percy J. Burrell, the authority on pageants engaged by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission to direct its Department of Pageantry, that all persons or groups in the United States, wherever they are, should notify this department of their plans, so that helpful material may be sent them as soon as it is ready. Members of various communities are writing original plays and pageants. This splendid initiative the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission wishes to encourage to the utmost. The names and addresses of these people are wanted at once. The one caution urged is that this material from the Bicentennial Commission be not expected before next autumn, as time is required in its preparation and organi- zation. Every care, for example, is being exercised in order that designs for costumes and settings shall be accurate to the last detail. The same attention is being paid to the dramatic material itself. All summer the artists and others in the Pageant Department will be engaged in this work, so that all that pertains to pre- senting Washington's career in pageant form may be complete and available in plenty of time for rehearsal and release during the bicentennial year. By autumn of 1931 all instructions regarding the various uniforms of the Revolutionary Army, and the costumes worn by the women of the time, will be ready in accurate plates, together with patterns for the making of this apparel. Nothing will be overlooked News Releases 59 in assisting toward the presentation of these enactments of incidents and events of these former colorful days. Even when this pageant material has been distributed and placed in rehearsal, the experts of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission will be ready at all times to offer suggestions and advice. Finally, helpful material pertaining to the proper staging of these revivals of historic people and scenes will be available in such quantity that no school, church, society, club, community group, or other gathering de- siring to enter into this reverent and yet entertaining activity need be without the means of carrying out their desires. Music Associated With Washington Representative specimens of popular and concert music which were in many ways associated with George Washington and his times have been collected by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission, and will at a later date be issued in booklet form, entitled "Music from the Days of George Wash- ington." The booklet will be of material assistance to those arranging musical programs in connection with the bi- centennial celebration in 1932. It should also be un- usually interesting to students of eighteenth century music which was in vogue at that time in the thirteen Colonies. All students of early American musical his- tory will probably be impressed by the large amount of music written by our first composers in honor of George Washington. His praise was sung in countless songs. There were but few patriotic poems in those days which 60 Washington Bicentennial did not end with the glorification of his outstanding personality, and the literature of musical compositions written in his honor is quite large. The first part of the collection is devoted to patriotic and military music of the Revolutionary and post- Revolutionary periods. It opens with the "President's March," written in honor of Washington at the time of his first inauguration in New York in 1789, and was played for the first time when he attended a per- formance at the John Street Theater. The march im- mediately struck the public fancy. In 1798 Joseph Hopkinson wrote an original song which was set to the music of the "President's March" and became immortal as "Hail Columbia." A typical specimen of early American "descriptive music," which will be available, is Hewitt's favorite historic military sonata, "The Battle of Trenton," a contemporary musical impression of Washington's victory. Washington was a devotee of concerts and operas. Among the concerts which he attended was one given in Philadelphia on June 12, 1787, by Alexander Reinagle, a composer-performer who became an influential figure in American musical life during the years which fol- lowed. The first movement of one of Reinagle's un- published piano sonatas, taken from the composer's autograph in the Library of Congress, is included in this pamphlet. Among the vocal pieces the Commission has selected is one of the "Seven Songs for the Harpsichord of Forte Piano," written and composed in 1788 by Francis Hop- kinson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- News Releases 61 pendence, who dedicated the songs to Washington as a token 01* affection and respect. In his gracious letter of acknowledgment, dated Mount Vernon, February 5, 1789, Washington says in part: "I can neither sing one of the songs nor raise a single note on any instrument to convince the unbelieving. But I have, however, one argument which will prevail with persons of true taste (at least, in America) , I can tell them it is the produc- tion of Mr. Hopkinson." The above letter destroys the legend that Washington knew how to "raise" the tones of the flute and violin. Another song selected by the Commission is "The Way-worn Traveler," a favorite of Washington's. He derived great pleasure in having Nellie Custis, his adopted daughter, play the song for him on the fine harpsichord which he bought for her, and which may still be seen at Mount Vernon. A George Washington Atlas The plans of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission for the publication of a com- plete atlas of all localities associated with the travels and activities of George Washington were launched today in Philadelphia with a meeting of the regional commit- tee for the States between New England and the Poto- mac in the rooms of the Philadelphia Geographical So- ciety. The meeting was presided over by Dr. H. M. Lyden- burg, assistant director, New York Public Library, chairman of the regional committee, and was attended 62 Washington Bicentennial by George K. Osborne, librarian of Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J.; Albert Cook Myers, Pennsyl- vania Historical Society, Philadelphia; George H. Ryden, State archivist, Newark, Del.; and Dr. Louis H. Die- land, executive secretary and librarian, Peabody Insti- tute, Baltimore. The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission was represented at the meeting by Col. Lawrence Martin, director of the Division of Maps, Li- brary of Congress, chairman of the Commission's Atlas Committee, and editor of the Atlas; and by Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, the Bicentennial Commission's official historian. The National Geographic Society, which is to publish the map, was also represented by A. H. Bum- stead, its chief cartographer. The atlas to be compiled and issued under authority of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission will be the first of its kind to present a complete graphic record of the movements and activi- ties, civil, military, and personal, of George Washington. As already planned in outline, the volume will be of great educational value and of absorbing interest. Of full atlas size, the book will contain 48 plates of maps, accompanied with a brief explanatory text, and with a prefatory guide to their study. Half of these 48 plates will be reproductions of maps made by George Washington himself. In the words of Colonel Martin, the editor, they "cover fifty years of map-making on the part of Washington." During the past year, in shaping the material for this atlas, Colonel Martin has unearthed 20 times the num- News Releases 63 ber of maps previously known to the Library of Con- gress as having been made by George Washington. These have been found in such scattered places of deposit as the British Colonial Office, the Huntington Library, the collections of the Virginia Historical Society, and in the ownership of private parties. By all odds the most interesting and historically valu- able of these George Washington maps is one which he made at the age of 1 5 years. This is a surveyor's sketch map, lettered in the youthful hand of the budding sur- veyor, "Map of Major Law. Washington's Turnip Field at Mount Vernon, as Surveyed by me this 27th Day of February, 1747/8. G. W." The form of dating, which seems to imply some uncertainty in the mind of young George, reflects his painstaking accuracy instead. The change in the calendar at that period obliged him, for the sake of exactness, to write the year in that man- ner. A still more youthful map made by Washington will be included in the Atlas — a sketch of lands at Mount Vernon made in 1746, when he was 14 years old. Colonel Martin believes that his continued searches will bring to light still other maps formerly unknown, made by Washington himself or associated with his life and times. Another feature of new and special interest in the atlas will be a map of the city of Philadelphia on which will be marked many spots linked with Washington's frequent visits there that have never before been in- dicated. For example, all the places where Washington is 64 Washington Bicentennial known to have lodged, first as a member of the Conti- nental Congress, then as General in Chief of the Army, and finally as President of the United States, will be shown on the map. So also will be marked the location of buildings or houses where he worked. Hitherto these have been restricted to Carpenters Hall, Independence Hall, and a few others. Now to these have been added the sites of other quarters where he conferred with other Revolutionary figures engaged in mapping out the fu- ture of the country. One place of outstanding historic interest to be in- dicated is the house where Washington talked with Betsy Ross on the design and making of the first Ameri- can flag. The site of stores visited by Washington will receive like attention, and one last point of particular interest — the spot where every day at 12 noon the methodical George Washington stopped to correct his watch from an especially reliable clock. At this first regional committee meeting in Philadel- phia Colonel Martin, editor of the atlas, outlined his plans for this definitive tracing of all Washington's places of residence, travels on business or matters of state, and all his military campaigns. The Representa- tives from this region embacing New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland were asked for their expert assistance in furnishing any rare and un- published material, so that the atlas may be complete to the last detail. Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, historian of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, ad- dressed the group on the Commission's plans and pub- News Releases 65 lications, within which this atlas falls, and the relation of these maps to the 1932 celebration of George Wash- ington's two hundredth birth anniversary. As assem- bled and distributed by the United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission, this permanent graphic record of Washington's birthplace and home, all the places of his temporary residence, the routes of all his travels, his battle maps, the lands he owned, and the land and city surveying that he performed in the course of a busy life, will not only lead to full understanding of the great man to be celebrated in 1932; it will be of lasting educational service to all posterity. Blind of America Will Celebrate Washington's Bicentennial In keeping with its purpose that no group of people, however small, shall be excluded from the 1932 celebra- tion, the United States George Washington Bicenten- nial Commission has established a Braille department to carry the fruits of its varied activities to the 100,000 persons in the United States who must read embossed print. Miss Hazel B. Nielson and Miss Emma Perley Lincoln, representing the United States George Washington Bi- centennial Commission at the 69 th Annual National Education Association convention, point out that this department has very many plans and projects under way. Of special interest to educators are those designed to make George Washington real to the sightless chil- dren; quite as real as to their normal playmates. The series of pamphlets "Honor to George Washing- ton," edited by Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, will be printed 66 Washington Bicentennial in Braille and distributed to the Braille Libraries and Schools for the Blind throughout the United States. It is hoped that a current issue may be published monthly in Braille with the beginning of the school term next fall, one for each classroom, bringing to the students news of the celebration participation of the sighted world and of their correlated schools; reprinting of Colonial musical selections; and descriptions of Colonial games especially adapted for their use. School committees will be organized to disseminate literature and information from the United States Com- mission. Bicentennial Tree Planting programs will fea- ture the individual Arbor Days of the several States in these schools for the blind. Pageants and plays will be made especially available for the students without sight and every effort is being made to help them participate with the sighted children in their planned festivities. Radio Programs to Play Important Part in 1932 Celebration Elaborate plans providing for the utilization of the country's radio systems during the nine months' cele- bration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, beginning February 22 and end- ing on Thanksgiving Day in 1932, have practically been completed by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. The major radio systems have enthusiastically volun- teered their services, and the Commission is assured of regular weekly broadcasts beginning next fall, when News Releases 67 the radio audiences will have an opportunity to hear dramatic playlets, historically authentic, depicting color- ful episodes in Washington's life, performed by leading radio actors, and supplemented with appropriate musical arrangements. The Commission is also arranging for a series of patriotic lectures by famous men and women on the various periods of Washington's life. In this connection it is planned to use electrical transcriptions for the many individual radio stations which are not connected with the major chains. In this way, every section of the United States will be reached and residents of the re- motest districts will enjoy the same program listened to by the people in the larger communities. One of the features of the patriotic radio program is a nation-wide song service, which will be broadcast with great soloists of the world as leaders. A special program has also been arranged, which should prove of the greatest benefit to schools and colleges whose stu- dent bodies are devoting special study to the life and career of George Washington. Committee to Select Official Picture of Washington From the many more or less authenticated portraits of George Washington known to exist, and which were painted by contemporary artists, some of them priceless both for their artistic as well as historic interest, it is proposed by the United States George Washington Bi- centennial Commission, acting specifically under the authority of Congress, to select the one portrait which will have official sanction and be issued in hundreds of thousands of copies as a part of the observance in 1932 68 Washington Bicentennial of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. Since the responsibility of making this selection is necessarily within the field of the best professional au- thority, the Commission has invited a committee of dis- tinguished art critics to undertake the work of designat- ing the official picture and of assisting in supervising its reproduction in colors. At the invitation of Lieut. Col. U. S. Grant 3d and Hon. Sol Bloom, associate directors of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, the members of this committee met in Washington recently for organization and to discuss plans of operation. Those present at the conference were: Hon. Charles Moore, Detroit, chairman of the Commission of Fine Arts; Mr. Ezra Winter, New York, member of the Commission of Fine Arts; Dr. John C. Fitzpatrick, chief of the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress; Dr. Leicester B. Holland, chief of the Di- vision of Fine Arts, Library of Congress; Col. Harrison H. Dodge, superintendent of Mount Vernon, and Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, Cambridge, historian of the Com- mission. Mr. Gari Melcher, the distinguished painter of Falmouth, Va., member of the committee, was unable to attend. On behalf of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Colonel Grant explained the general purposes of the United States Commission and the request was made of the members of the committee to undertake the selection of the official portrait by such methods as the committee might determine. The committee was organized with Dr. Holland as chairman. Several suggestions were discussed relative News Releases 69 to methods of procedure and it was decided that the various members of the committee would collect and identify as many examples of Washington portraiture as possible for the consideration of the committee at its next meeting, which will be held in the Fine Arts Division of the Library of Congress the morning of June 27. This is the first time that a national body of profes- sional critics has undertaken the work of choosing the most authentic likeness of George Washington, and the work will entail the examination of a great many por- traits, most of which, of course, are well-known. There are, however, other portraits in private ownership, which the committee is anxious to examine and an appeal has been made to the public generally to assist the commit- tee in securing an opportunity to inspect such portraits. It is desired that those having knowledge of authentic portraits of Washington, known to have been painted from life, get in touch with the chairman, Dr. Leicester B. Holland, of the Library of Congress, so that the com- mittee may take the necessary steps to include such pic- tures in its survey. The portrait finally selected will be used in the pub- lication of the books, pamphlets and posters of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission for distribution throughout the United States, and the stamp of approval by this committee to the selected portrait, will give it the highest authoritative endorsement and it is hoped bring to a satisfactory con- clusion the contention as to which is the best likeness of the first President, that has occupied artistic minds for more than a century and a half. 70 Washington Bicentennial Houdon Bust Official Washington Portrait The Houdon bust of George Washington, at Mount Vernon, has been chosen by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission as the subject for the official Washington portrait which it will distribute over the country in its plans for organizing the Nation's celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of Wash- ington's birth in 1932. In circulating this portrait of Washington, the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission will make known to Americans the work of a great French- man, recognized as one of the foremost portrait sculp- tors of all time. Thus a further contribution will be made toward payment of the debt which George Wash- ington owed to Lafayette and to the French for timely aid during the struggle for Independence. Jean Antoine Houdon lived from 1741 to 1828. Born the son of a domestic in the employ of a courtier, he rose like Moliere to be an outstanding figure of the eighteenth century and one of the glories of French culture. While Houdon is known also for imaginative sculpture, his fame rests chiefly on a series of 200 busts, a collection forming one of the monuments of world art. Besides his bust of Washington, he also made like- nesses of Benjamin Franklin, John Marshall, Rousseau, Moliere, and Voltaire. The circumstances of Houdon's selection to execute a likeness of Washington are themselves an interesting page in American history. On June 22, 1784, the year after the successful close of the Revolution, the legisla- ture of Virginia resolved "that measures be taken for procuring a statue of General Washington, of the finest News Releases 71 marble and best workmanship." After much consulta- tion, in which Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin took an active part, Houdon, already at the height of his fame, was selected as incomparably the most reliable and proficient artist. Washington himself has left a record in his diaries of Houdon 's stay at Mount Vernon for the purpose of modeling this bust from close observation and measure- ment of Washington's features and figure. He also made a life-mask of Washington, for correction of the bust. Both mask and bust served as models for the statue of Washington by Houdon ordered by the State of Vir- ginia and later erected in Richmond. The original bust was presented by Houdon to Washington and has been seen by every visitor to Mount Vernon. One especially interesting circumstance accounts for the lift which Houdon imparted to Washington's head. During the artist's visit at Mount Vernon, Washington had occasion to decline with some indignation a shady bargain offered him by a horsedealer. The passing mood impressed Houdon as so characteristic of the man that he immortalized it in his bust. The result, in the opinion of critics, is to give the likeness striking vigor and power. In reporting to the Hon. Sol Bloom, associate director of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, the committee of historians and artists ap- pointed to select this official portrait of Washington stated that all available likenesses of Washington had been studied. All had their individual merits, but the committee was unable to arrive at a majority vote on any one. Unanimous choice fell instead on the Houdon bust. 72 Washington Bicentennial Selection of this was further determined by the fact that, as modeled from the living figure of Washington, it has every guarantee of absolute accuracy in present- ing Washington at the prime of his life, and because the bust is beyond question a great artistic masterpiece in every respect. Finally the bust was chosen because, by being photographed from several angles, it provides a variety of portraits, all artistic and all authentic. In photographic form the Houdon bust will now be made familiar all over the country by the United States George Washintgon Bicentennial Commission during the celebration of the birth of George Washington, be- ginning on February 22 and lasting until Thanksgiv- ing, in 1932. Artists to Submit Designs for Washington Quarter Within the next few days, Andrew W. Mellon, Sec- retary of the Treasury, will invite prominent artists throughout the country to submit designs for the new quarter dollar which will be issued next year as part of the nation-wide celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. This will be the first United States coin of regular issue to bear the image of Washington. It is authorized by legislation enacted just before the adjournment of Congress. While the selection of the exact design for the George Washington quarter rests with the Secretary of the Treasury, Representative Sol Bloom, associate director of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, will be consulted before the decision is made. Mr. Bloom has furnished the Treasury with a News Releases 73 profile photograph of the bust of George Washington by Houdon, now at Mount Vernon, which has been se- lected by the Portrait Committee of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission as the best likeness of Washington in existence. This profile prob- ably will be used on the new 2 5 -cent piece. The portrait of the first President was used on a few coins made in 1783, but they were not issued or ap- proved by the government. Such approval might have been given but for Washington's modesty which no doubt made him feel that such honors were not for the living. Although issued to commemorate the bicentenary of Washington's birth, the quarter will not be a com- memorative coin in the true sense of the word. It will replace the 2 5 -cent piece which has been minted since 1916 as a coin of a regular issue, and as such will be cir- culated at face value. The true commemorative coin is issued to signalize some particular event and is sold at a premium. Only a comparatively small number of each issue is made. Commemorative coins have not been used as widely in the United States as in some other countries. The first to appear in this country was the Columbian half dollar made in 1892 with the bust of Columbus in honor of the immortal discoverer of America. Incidentally, the only commemorative quarter ever coined in the United States was made the following year. It bore the image of Isabella, of Spain, the beneficent sovereign whose as- sistance made it possible for Columbus to carry out his cherished project. 74 Washington Bicentennial The only coin of regular issue in the history of the United States, up to the present time, bearing the image of a President, is the Lincoln penny. This piece ap- peared in 1909 during the celebration of the centennial of the birth of the great Civil War President and was a result of popular demand. One of the reasons for the selection of the quarter dollar to carry Washington's image is the popularity of this coin. Also, officials of the Treasury have been in favor of changing the design of the 2 5 -cent piece now in use for other reasons as indicated by the fol- lowing statement by Secretary Mellon: "The design of the current quarter dollar has been the subject of considerable criticism. It wears very badly and is a difficult coin to manufacture; the design is too elaborate for the small surface, and it is almost impossible to bring the details into proper relief." The first quarters were coined in 1793, the year fol- lowing the act of Congress establishing the mint. Since that time, $161,483,091 have been produced in 2 5 -cent pieces. The annual issue of this coin in recent years in- dicates that its popularity is increasing. George Washington always took a keen interest in the mint, and he frequently visited it to supervise personally some of the work carried on there. Many of his mes- sages to Congress contain reference to the mint which show his solicitation for the institution. It has been said that Washington gave some of his private stock of silverware to produce half dimes because those small coins were in demand among the poorer people and the mint was unable to procure enough of the white metal News Releases 75 to supply the need. The female head which appeared on some of these pieces was popularly supposed to rep- resent Martha Washington, for she presumably sat for the artist who created the design. The coining of the George Washington quarter dol- lar during the bicentennial year, to be continued as a coin of regular issue, will be a notable event in the his- tory of the Treasury Department. Design of Quarter Dollar to be Changed in Com- memoration of George Washington With the approval of the Treasury Department and the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Representative Randolph Perkins, of New Jersey, chairman of the Committee on Coinage, Weights and Measures, today introduced in the House a bill to commemorate the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington by changing the design of the current quarter dollar so that the portrait of George Washington will appear on the obverse with appropri- ate designs on the reverse. A similar measure will be introduced in the Senate by Senator Fess, of Ohio, vice chairman of the United States George Washington Bi- centennial Commission. The purpose of the legislation is to issue the new coin in 1932 as a part of the Federal Government's partici- pation in the Bicentennial Celebration. The identical bills will be considered at an early day in the House and Senate, and are expected to be passed without opposition before the end of the present Con- gress March 4. 76 Washington Bicentennial This will not be a special coin to be sold at a premium, but will be a regular issue to replace the current quarter dollar and will be placed in general circulation through- out the country at face value, beginning in 1932. Secretary of the Treasury Mellon announced the Treasury Department's approval of the new coin and explained its purpose in a letter addressed to Senator Fess and to Representative Sol Bloom, of New York, associate director of the United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission. In his letter Secre- tary Mellon says: "Referring to your conversation concerning the mat- ter of commemorating the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington by the issue of spe- cial coins, I am enclosing draft of proposed legislation which has the approval of the Treasury Department. "In the attached bill it is proposed to commemorate the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington by changing the design of the current quar- ter dollar so that the portrait of George Washington shall appear on the obverse with appropriate designs for the reverse. The new quarter dollar could be issued in 1932 as a part of the Government's participation in the two hundredth anniversary celebration. Coins of the proposed new design would replace the current quarter dollar, and would be placed in general circulation throughout the country at face value, and not as a spe- cial coin to be sold at a premium. As the new coins would replace the present type of quarter dollar, the issue of the same would not be contrary to the objections set forth by the President in his veto message in connec- tion with the issue of special commemorative coins. News Releases 77 "In view of the provisions of Section 3510 of the Re- vised Statutes (Sec. 276, Tit. 31, U. S. Code) prohibit- ing the making of any change in the design or die of a coin oftener than once in 25 years without authority of Congress, and since the design of the current quarter dollar was adopted in 1916, this legislation will be re- quired, and will be sufficient to enable the Treasury, to make the change. No appropriation will be necessary beyond that already provided for the Mint Service. "The design of the current quarter dollar has been the subject of considerable criticism. It wears very badly and is a difficult coin to manufacture; the design is too elaborate for the small surface, and it is almost impossible to bring the details into proper relief." Original Washington Pictures to be Exhibited The astonishing feat of collecting the more important original portraits of George Washington is being under- taken by the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission. Through the generosity of the patriotic owners of these paintings which are being loaned to the Commis- sion, this rare and valuable collection will be placed in the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington as a public exhibition, and as one of the features of the George Washington Bicentennial Celebration in 1932. Nothing like this exhibition has ever been attempted in the history of America, and such an assemblage of these pictures may never be possible again. In art in- terest the exhibition will vie with its historical impor- tance, and the thousands of persons who visit the na- 78 Washington Bicentennial tional capital during the bicentennial celebration will have an opportunity to see them and remember a sight which should be prized the rest of their lives. More than 20 artists painted George Washington from life, and a number of these made numerous copies of their work. Thus Gilbert Stuart made about 70 copies of his famous Athenaeum portrait, perhaps the most familiar of all the Washington likenesses. Besides the portraits themselves the exhibition will include a large number of miniatures of George and Martha Wash- ington, together with silver, jewelry and other me- mentos. The idea of this collection and exhibit was first sug- gested some months ago by Hon. Sol Bloom, associate director of the United States George Washington Bi- centennial Commission. Mrs. Rose Gouverneur Hoes was asked to assume the task of organization. As many of the most valuable of the portraits are in the posses- sion of private owners, the difficulty of assembling this exhibition is great. But Mrs. Hoes reports a willing re- sponse from all owners of these Washington paintings, both public and private. Members of the diplomatic corps have already volun- teered the loan of several little-known Washington por- traits. It is probable that one by Adolf Wertmuller, which is now hanging in the Museum of Stockholm, Sweden, will be added to the collection. It is hoped to have in the collection the Gilbert Stuart portrait owned by the Boston Athenaeum, and such treasures as the es- pecially valuable portrait owned by Senator Freling- huysen, of New Jersey. In gathering these pictures and objects of art, and News Releases 79 arranging for their display, Mrs. Hoes has the assistance of an active committee, among whom are Mrs, McCook Knox, author of a work on Sharpies portraits of Wash- ington, Dr. Alexander Wilbourne Weddell, of Virginia House, Richmond, Va.; F. Lammot Belin, and George B. McClellan, of Washington. In addition to these authorities, Mrs. Hoes has the sponsorship of an honorary committee composed of the Vice President of the United States, Mrs. William Howard Taft, Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, Secretaries Stim- son, Mellon and Adams, the Speaker of the House, the Ambassadors of Italy, Germany, Poland, Great Britain and Sweden. Others on the committee are the governor of Mary- land, the governor of Virginia, Maj. Gen. Douglas Mc Arthur, chief of staff, United States Army; Adm. William V. Pratt, chief of naval operations; Maj. Gen. Commandant B. H. Fuller, United States Marine Corps; Hon. C. Bascom Slemp, commissioner general, Inter- national Colonial and Overseas Exposition; Dr. L. S. Rowe, director general, Pan American Union; Dr. Charles G. Abbot, secretary, Smithsonian Institution; Dr. Alexander Wetmore, assistant secretary, Smith- sonian Institution; Henry W. Kent, secretary of the Metropolitan Museum, New York; Frederic A. Delano, chairman, National Capitol Park and Planning Commis- sion; Miss Helen C. Frick, the Frick Reference Library, New York; Henry Ford; Mantle Fielding, of Philadel- phia, Pa. ; Miss Frances Benjamin Johnston, Washington, D. C. ; Mr. John F. Lewis, president of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Dr. Charles Moore, chairman, National Fine Arts Commission; Dr. John Hill Morgan, 80 Washington Bicentennial New York, N. Y.; Duncan Phillips, of the Phillips Me- morial Gallery, Washington, D. C. ; Potter Palmer, presi- dent of the Chicago Museum of Art; George A. Pope, president of the San Francisco Art Museum; Walter G. Peter, Washington, D. C., direct descendant of Martha Washington; Robert Wirt Washington, King George, Virginia, direct descendant of Augustine Washington, the father of George Washington. Washington Pictures Available to Writers During his lifetime George Washington escaped the ordeal of having to pose before innumerable cameras every time he stepped out of his house, but today hun- dreds of photographs are being made of the first Presi- dent. These photographs are being collected by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission and before the beginning of the nine-months, nation-wide celebration of the two hundredth anniver- sary of the birth of George Washington on February 22, 1932, the Commission expects to have the largest collec- tion of Washington pictures in existence. The collection at present numbers some 650 pictures of which the Commission has about 6,000 copies on hand. These pictures include portraits of Washington painted from life by such famous artists as Gilbert Stuart, Joseph Wright, John Trumbull, Adolf Wert- muller, Charles Willson Peale and Rembrandt Peale and others. There are portraits by artists from many foreign countries including France, England, Italy, Germany, Sweden and Denmark. In this collection are included photographs of oil paintings, pen and ink drawings, pastels, water colors, a portrait done in needle work, News Releases 81 statuary and the famous Rembrandt Peale portrait painted on stone. Hundreds of foreign artists have at some time or other tried their hand on a portrait or bust of George Wash- ington. He has been an inspiration for artists in every land. There is the famous Nollekens bust from England, the original of which Associate Director Sol Bloom has procured for the Commission; the rare tapestry work of Lyons, France; statuary from South America, and porcelain work from China. An interesting and valu- able portrait of Washington done on Chinese porcelain is now in the Metropolitan Museum in New York City. Arrangements are being made by the Commission to secure a photograph of this Oriental masterpiece. In the Bicentennial Commission's collection there are pictures of Washington in almost every walk of life. He is shown as a young surveyor, as a farmer, as colonel of the Virginia militia, as a Mason, as Commander in Chief of the Continental Armies and as President of the United States. There are pictures of his wedding, of fox hunts, various battles in which he was engaged, his inaugural and many other important events in his life. Among the pictures are copies of many Currier and Ives engravings. These engravings are now very valu- able due to the excellence of the work done by the craftsmen. A very interesting lithograph of Washing- ton in Masonic regalia, its value as yet undetermined, has recently been unearthed. The collection also includes portraits of Washington's associates in the early history of this country — men like Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams, Monroe, officers of the 82 Washington Bicentennial Continental Army and the heroes from foreign lands, such as Lafayette, Rochambeau, Von Steuben, Pulaski, and Kosciuszko, whose services proved so valuable to the Americans in the Revolution. New pictures are daily being added to the already large collection so that it is constantly growing. These pictures are all available to writers who wish to use them as illustrations for vairous articles and stories. Editors of magazines may secure copies, without charge, upon request, to illustrate articles in their publications on George Washington or the George Washington Bicen- tennial Celebration. This gallery of pictures, by the time it is completed at the end of the bicentennial celebration, will be one of the most valuable collections of its kind ever made. It will be turned over to the Federal Government to be preserved for future reference and used by students who will thus profit by the work now being done. Lasting Memorials to be Contributed by Government The United States Government has embarked upon a program in honor of the first President that will sur- pass in dignity and impressiveness similar events in the history of the Nation. Congress has decided that this celebration shall not be in the nature of an exposition or other centralized attraction. Instead of inviting the people to a physical memorial — a transitory gesture of homage — this cele- bration will be in the minds and hearts of the American people, in their own homes, churches, schools, fraterni- ties, clubs, and other appropriate groups. News Releases 83 Organization of celebration activities is going for- ward at this time in thousands of communities. The celebrations will be carried out by the people themselves in their own way and in such manner as seems most appropriate to them. The United States Government has taken official cog- nizance of its own obligation and opportunities to pre- pare for this great event. It is assisting in the restoration and preservation of patriotic shrines and completing its great building pro- gram in the Nation's Capital, the city planned and founded by George Washington and given his name by a grateful people. It is providing other impressive memorials of a last- ing character to mark the two hundredth anniversary of George Washington's birth. After a century and a half of neglect, the birthplace of George Washington is being rebuilt as nearly as possible to its original con- dition, and will be opened to the public as a National shrine on Washington's Birthday in 1932. The farmhouse in which Washington was born was built about 1720 by Augustine Washington, father of George, near Pope's Creek, Westmoreland County, Va., on the Washington plantation known today as Wake- field. The house was destroyed by fire in 1780. It is being reproduced by the Wakefield National Memorial Association, aided by the United States Gov- ernment. Like its prototype of long ago, the house is being con- structed of hand-made bricks of clay taken from the identical field from which the original material came. Among the other activities of the United States Gov- 84 Washington Bicentennial ernment contributing to the George Washington Bicen- tennial Celebration are: Twelve memorial postage stamps, of various denomi- nations, each bearing a different portrait of George Washington. These portraits are from authentic paint- ings from life by artists who became celebrated by reason of work in portraiture during the Colonial and Revo- lutionary periods. Recoinage of the quarter dollar in a George Wash- ington memorial design that will take the place of the present 2 5 -cent piece. The new coin will bear the pro- file bust of the first President. The distribution of this new coin, and substitution for the present quarter dol- lar, will begin January 1, 1932. Reproduction of the official portrait of George Wash- ington and distribution to the schools. It is the inten- tion of the United States George Washington Bicenten- nial Commission to place one of these portraits in every school building in the United States. An interesting feature of the Bicentennial Celebra- tion will be the issuing of a commemorative George Washington Medal. This design will be unusually at- tractive, both artistically and historically. Leading med- alists of the country submitted designs, which were judged by the foremost art and medal authorities in the country. One of the principal uses for the Commemo- rative Medal will be in the conferring of prizes for com- petition among school children. Under the auspices of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission an exhibition of fine arts, including sculpture, paintings, and relics per- taining to George Washington and his time, will be held News Releases 85 in the city of Washington during the celebration period of 1932. The exhibit has already attracted wide atten- tion and promises to bring together for the first time memorabilia of priceless value. The exhibit will occupy four rooms at the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Restoration of Wakefield After a century and a half of neglect, the birthplace of George Washington, restored as nearly as possible to the conditions of two centuries ago, will be opened to the public as a national shrine on Washington's birthday next year during the world-wide celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of the First Presi- dent. The original house in which Washington was born was built between 1718 and 1720 by Augustine Wash- ington, father of George, near Bridge's Creek, a small tributary of the Potomac River, in Westmoreland County, Va., on the Washington plantation known to- day as Wakefield. The house was destroyed by fire in 1780. It is being reproduced by the Wakefield National Me- morial Association, aided by the Federal Government and sponsored by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. Like its prototype of long ago, the house will be con- structed of hand-made bricks of clay taken from the identical field from which the original material came. Fidelity to history and tradition prescribes not only that the house shall be as nearly as possible an exact repro- 86 Washington Bicentennial duction of the original colonial home and made of bricks fabricated from native clay, but that the bricks shall be made as nearly as possible according to the original process. A primitive brick-making plant has been set up and is being operated by negro workmen in the ancient way. After the original home was burned, the very bricks were carted away to be used in building neighbors' houses. The lands between Bridge's Creek and Pope's Creek, which had been occupied by the Washington family for four generations, were sold, with the excep- tion of a plot 60 feet square, on which stood the house. This tiny square was conveyed by the Washington fam- ily first to Virginia and ultimately to the Federal Gov- ernment. Altogether the Federal Government acquired about 1 2 acres and erected a tall white monument on the house site. But the place for years was merely the unsightly wreck of a once attractive Virginia plantation. The graveyard of the Washingtons was overgrown with weeds and brambles. In addition to the restoration of the brick house in which George Washington was born, the site of a wooden house near Bridge's Creek, bought by John Washington in 1664, eight years after he came to Vir- ginia, and occupied by the Washington family, is be- ing excavated and will be suitably marked. The family graveyard will be restored with table-stones of colonial design properly inscribed. The rebuilding of the house in which Washington was born is an interesting story of patient research and unselfish devotion. The Wakefield National Memorial News Releases 87 Association, of which Mrs. Harry Lee Rust, Sr.,* is presi- dent, has assumed a heavy responsibility. With the ex- ception of an appropriation of $50,000 by Congress, every dollar is being raised by subscription. Seventy acres adjoining the Government reservation have been bought by the association, and also the land around the graveyard. Congress gave permission for the moving of the monument in order that the house might be re- built on the ancient site. The Wakefield National Memorial Association secured the improvement by the Federal Government of the road, about a mile long, between Pope's Creek and Bridge's Creek. Then finding that speculators had be- gun to purchase for exploitation purposes strategic por- tions of the ancient Washington properties, the associa- tion interested John D. Rockefeller, Jr., in the project, and he purchased for public use 267 acres at a cost of $115,000. The brick-making plant now in operation is upon land purchased by Mr. Rockefeller, and the plant itself and the crew of workmen have been lent by him and transferred from Williamsburg, Va., the ancient capital of Virginia, which he is restoring. The old kitchen near the house is being rebuilt, and the colonial gardens between the house and the river are being restored. Box plants of the period have been procured, and plants indigenous to the region are being used. The idea underlying the whole project is to reproduce the conditions prevailing at the time of the birth of George Washington, whose father was an active and substantial Virginia planter of the eighteenth century. * Now deceased. 88 Washington Bicentennial Wallpaper of Washington's Bedroom The bedroom which George Washington occupied at Mount Vernon will soon be covered with wallpaper identical in design with that which adorned the walls of the room during the lifetime of the first President, according to a statement issued by the Division of In- formation and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. The present smooth, white walls of this room will present a greatly altered and highly attractive appearance under the paper which has been reproduced from scraps of the original wall covering recently discovered by Col. Har- rison H. Dodge, superintendent of Mount Vernon, while making repairs to the General's bedchamber. The walls of this famous room are now covered with a smooth, white plaster, which naturally was supposed to be the original finish. Colonel Dodge's discovery, however, disclosed the fact that this plaster had not been applied until after the wallpaper had been first pasted to the brown plaster underneath and then later removed. A few pieces adhered so stubbornly to the walls as to defy removal and they were covered up. It is supposed that this later coat of plastering was ap- plied by Bushrod Washington, who inherited Mount Vernon after the death of Martha Washington in 1802. When George Washington came into possession of Mount Vernon in 1752, upon the death of his brother Lawrence, the house then standing was not the great mansion which exists today. At that time the building was a two-story affair with a gable roof, four rooms on each floor, a small porch in front and a chimney at each end. In 1775 Washington commenced additions News Releases 89 to the place which consisted of a large banquet hall on the north end and a library on the south wing with bed- rooms above. In the midst of these operations, Wash- ington was called to Philadelphia to attend the Con- tinental Congress. This body appointed him Com- mander in Chief of the American Army, and he imme- diately left for Boston to assume his new duties. It was at this time that Mrs. Washington, perhaps becoming impatient to occupy the new bedroom, or- dered it papered without waiting for the white finishing plaster to be applied. Bushrod Washington became the possessor of Mount Vernon in 1802, and immediately selected for his own use the bedroom which had been occupied by his illus- trious uncle. It is supposed that the original wallpaper may have become torn off or otherwise defaced. Either because of the difficulty of procuring paper to replace it, or because of his preference for simplicity, the new owner determined to remove this decoration and cover the walls with white plaster. The scraps which Colonel Dodge discovered were pieces so well applied that they could not be scraped off and consequently were plastered over. The feature pattern of this wallpaper was uncovered after some patient effort on the part of Colonel Dodge. The design was pieced together and photographed. This photograph was sent to Europe in an attempt to have the paper identified and, if possible, to obtain a reproduction of it. When these attempts proved un- successful, the paper was taken to some American wall- paper manufacturing companies for the purpose of having it reproduced in this country. In the office of one 90 Washington Bicentennial of these firms Colonel Dodge was greatly surprised to find a photograph of a well-preserved wallpaper which was an exact duplicate of that which had been used in George Washington's bedroom, except for the fact that the pattern was reversed. The paper from which this photograph was made had been removed from the walls of a house near Port- land, Me., which the owner said had been papered prior to 1800. Experts are agreed that the wallpaper in Washington's room is of French manufacture, so there can be no doubt as to the source of that which was found in Maine. In all probability it came to the United States about the same time as the paper which was used at Mount Vernon. None of the walls at Mount Vernon are covered with their original decorations, although the paper in the main hallway is an exact replica of that which was first used there. This paper was reproduced a number of years ago from a piece of the original, which Colonel Dodge discovered under a panel in the wall behind the clock. The colors in the paper which first decorated Washington's bedroom have been faithfully reproduced in the replica with which the walls will be covered. Sepia brown is the color of the paper itself, while the pattern is carried out in buff, blue, crimson, and vary- ing shades of brown. The feature design shows a mill at the edge of a pond which lies in the foreground. A tall tree rises at the side of the building and graceful swans are seen swimming on the placid water. In the background appear some mountains at the foot of which nestles a little church. From the horizon at the News Releases 91 mountain top the roseate sunset glow of the evening sky blends into a deep blue at the zenith. The whole is framed in an ornate and complicated border of buff. Under this picture is a smaller pattern, consisting of a lyre crossed with two trumpets and circled by a border similar to that which encloses the feature design above. Colonel Dodge is elated over the discovery and the success which he has had in obtaining a reproduction of his historically interesting wallpaper. It is indeed ap- propriate that the room in which George Washington died should be restored as nearly as possible to the con- dition and appearance it presented while the Father of his Country lived, and it is especially fitting that this should be done in time for the celebration in 1932 of the two hundredth anniversary of George Washington's birth. Washington's Home Town Patriotic ceremonies, including an address by Congressman James M. Beck, of Pennsylvania, on "Washington and the Constitution," and the presenta- tion of a portrait of George Washington by Hon. Sol Bloom, associate director of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, will feature the one hundred and thirty-first anniversary of the found- ing of the Washington Society of Alexandria, Va., to be held on January 14, at the old Presbyterian Meeting House in that city. This society was founded a month after the death of the first President by his friends and neighbors in Alex- andria to perpetuate the memory of the man they loved. And the society has existed ever since. 92 Washington Bicentennial George Washington was closely associated with the life and growth of the city of Alexandria. It has come to be known as George Washington's "home town." Here, a short distance from Mount Vernon, he main- tained a town house and office, did his trading and voting, and to all its citizens, high and low, he was affectionately known as "The General." He was made a trustee of the town in 1763 and served as such until public duties called him to a more active field. The citizens of Alexandria availed themselves of every op- portunity to honor him, a fact of which Washington was never unconscious, and to which he was always responsive. The first public celebration of his birthday to occur in Alexandria was featured by a formal "Birth-Night Ball," at which he was present. This was in February, 1798. On the following Fourth of July he attended a celebration in the town, the principal spectacle of which was a sham battle, after which he reviewed the partici- pating military forces. Alexandria was surveyed and planned by Washington in 1749, and this important specimen of his early work is to be seen in the Library of Congress. In this city he also recruited his first command in 1754, and in the following year was made a major on Braddock's staff in the old Carlyle House, which is still standing. In 1766 he was elected to the House of Burgesses from Fairfax, in which county both Mount Vernon and Alexandria are situated, and continued in this capacity until transferred to the Continental Congress in 1774. In 1766 he was elected a member of the town council, News Releases 93 and a little later a member of the magisterial court of Fairfax. In 1774, in conjunction with George Mason, of Gunston Hall, and other leading spirits, he recruited, organized, and equipped several companies of local militia or independent commands, and acted as their leader until he was commissioned as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. After the Revolution he renewed his Alexandria activities. He helped to organize and became a trustee of the Alexandria Academy, and subsequently estab- lished the first free school of northern Virginia as an adjunct of this educational institution. It may be ob- served that this little free school was the foster father of the free-school system in Virginia. It thrived until the establishment of the State system of free education in 1871. Washington became a director of the Bank of Alexandria when that institution was incorporated in 1792, while in 1785 he helped to incorporate the Poto- mac Company, the forerunner of the internal system of waterways in America. One of Washington's most important and outstand- ing actions while in Alexandria was the calling of the "Little Convention" in March, 1785, which consisted of representatives from Maryland and Virginia. The ostensible purpose of this conference was to regulate the impost and commercial duties between Maryland and Virginia, but the effect was far reaching. After con- ferring for three days in Alexandria, the commission- ers moved to Mount Vernon and continued their con- ference until March 29, 1785. The resolutions adopted 94 Washington Bicentennial by this conference led to the Annapolis Convention, which in turn was the forerunner to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. The news of George Washington's death was known in Alexandria within an hour or two after it occurred. Two of the three physicians in attendance were from that town, and all day long on that fatal December M, 1799, and into the night, messengers had been hurry- ing back and forth. Washington died at 20 minutes past 10 o'clock on Saturday night, and the following Wednesday was selected as the day for interment. A lodge meeting was held by the Masons of Alexandria on Monday, December 16, at which arrangements were perfected for the burial of their beloved member. The funeral was an Alexandria demonstration, and was conducted with striking dignity and solemnity. The program as carried out was prepared by Dr. Elisha C. Dick, Colonels George Deneale, Charles Little, and Charles Simms. Mrs. Washington had left the arrange- ments in the hands of the Masonic lodge, making but one request, which was that Col. Philip Marsteller, who was not a Mason, be included among the pall bearers. Of the four clergymen who participated, three were from Alexandria and one from the Maryland shore op- posite; the six honorary pall bearers, all colonels in the Revolution, the various military organizations and their officers, the officials and members of the two Masonic lodges in attendance, the town officials in a body, and the large majority of the citizens were Alexandrians. If anything was needed to demonstrate the esteem and affection in which Washington was held by the people of Alexandria, it was demonstrated by the fact News Releases 95 that the journey to and from Mount Vernon was made by most of them, citizens and military alike, on foot. Owing to the wintry conditions of the road, the march to Mount Vernon consumed so much time that the fu- neral was delayed several hours waiting their arrival. It is not surprising, therefore, that on January 14, 1800 — exactly one month from the day of Washing- ton's death — there appeared in The Columbia Mirror and Alexandria Gazette a notice of a meeting to be held that evening by subscribers to the "Washington Society of Alexandria." Still bowed with grief over the death of the Nation's outstanding hero, Washington's friends and admirers formed the society to promote and perpetuate the memory of the man who was the leader of the American armies and the first President of the United States. Chief Justice John Marshall was a member of the society and was also vice president of the organization at one time. Francis Scott Key was also a member, and delivered the oration before the society on February 22, 1814. The theme of his oration was the wisdom of Washington's admonition, in his Farewell Address, to "promote institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge." The author of the "Star-Spangled Banner," in this address, said of the Washington Society: "This day is here celebrated by a Society formed for no low or ordi- nary purpose, seeking no political distinction, or emolu- ment, seeking nothing for itself, but aiming with a sub- stantial and devoted patriotism, to promote the good of all our country, by actual work of beneficence. A society which, if these words were not true of its motives 96 Washington Bicentennial and views, would be put to shame by the name which it has assumed." The first officers of the organization were William Fitzhugh, president; E. C. Dick and R. West, vice presi- dents; Rev. W. Maffat, chaplain; Jonathan Swift, treas- urer, and George Deneale, secretary. Present officers are William Buckner McGroarty, president; Charles H. Callahan, first vice president; Howard W. Smith, second vice president; J. Barton Phillips, secretary-treasurer; Rev. William Jackson Mor- ton, chaplain, and John B. Gordon, chairman of the standing committee. Yorktown Sesquicentennial Forerunner of Washington Bicentennial One of the important celebrations which will precede the commemoration of the two hundredth anniversary of George Washington's birth in 1932 will be the Yorktown Sesquicentennial, to be observed in October, 1931, in honor of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Va. The sesquicentennial celebration of the British capitulation, which virtually ended the Revo- lutionary War, will be an auspicious event in its own right, but since the man who made the victory at York- town possible in 1781 is also the one whose birthday is being commemorated next year the two celebrations are closely associated. The observance of the surrender of Cornwallis, therefore, may be looked upon as a fore- runner of the 10 -month nation-wide George Washing- ton Bicentennial Celebration. News Releases 97 When the British troops, commanded by Lord Cornwallis, marched out of Yorktown and laid down their arms after enduring a severe bombardment from the French and American batteries the Revolutionary War was, to all intents and purposes, over. The Amer- ican victory over Cornwallis was most decisive and, al- though there was some desultory fighting after the British capitulation, the Yorktown triumph really ended the war. This important event, with its far- reaching effects, was the result of the foresight, cour- age, and perseverance of George Washington, and to him more than any other man belongs the credit for the American triumph. Representative S. O. Bland, of Virginia, secretary of the United States Yorktown Sesquicentennial Commis- sion, said in a speech before the House of Repre- sentatives: "The crowning event of Washington's military career was the victory which he won at Yorktown. . . . It is proper that the commemoration of Washington's final military achievement which established this Nation shall be of such proportions as to correspond with the celebrations which will commemorate his birth." For this reason the Congress of the United States created a national commission to prepare a plan and program in commemoration of the siege at Yorktown and the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. This commis- sion consists of the following members: From the Senate — Claude A. Swanson, of Virginia, chairman; David A. Reed, of Pennsylvania; Hiram Bingham, of Connecticut; John G. Townsend, of Dela- ware; and Robert F. Wagner, of New York. From the 98 Washington Bicentennial House of Representatives — Charles R. Crisp, of Georgia, vice chairman; Robert L. Bacon, of New- York; Roy G. Fitzgerald, of Ohio; George R. Stobbs, of Massachusetts; and Joseph W. Byrns, of Tennessee. Representative Schuyler Otis Bland, of Virginia, is sec- retary of the commission. The program, as outlined by this commission, will include, in addition to other provisions to be made later, the marking of historical sites; the issuance of special commemorative postage stamps; the preparation of the grounds in the vicinity of Yorktown; and the invita- tion of all States in the Union to participate in the exercises. The commemorative program will be a four-day event to be held at Yorktown. The feature will be an address by the President of the United States, which will take place on the opening day of the exercises. Among those who will be present on the occasion will be distinguished officials of this and other governments, descendants of those who participated in the siege, and many thousands of visitors from all parts of the United States. With the Yorktown Sesquicentennial Celebration only a few months away, the plans for the event are rapidly reaching a conclusion. Like the George Wash- ington Bicentennial Celebration, this commemoration is not to be in the form of an exposition. It will not cele- brate what Americans can do now, but what our fathers did to make possible the United States of the twentieth century. Its purposes are entirely patriotic and will be in keeping with the event it signalizes. News Releases 99 Engineering Memorial to Washington The American Engineering Council has recommended that, as its contribution to the observance of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Wash- ington, the engineering profession undertake to repair sufficiently to preserve the structure of the "Potowmac" Canal, which canal, about 1 mile in length and em- bracing five locks, was constructed in 1786 under the personal supervision of George Washington to pass boats around the Great Falls of the Potomac River. This structure is the only engineering project now in existence known to have been constructed by the first President. Little remains of this original engineering work, but the route is well defined. Old excavations are intact, except that there has been a great filling in of stone and soil, and trees and other vegetation have moved some of the stonework out of alignment. But enough remains, and enough reliable data is available, to enable the engineering profession to restore this great historical project for preservation. In the report of the War Department to the American Engineering Council, it is stated that: "As a whole, these structures are rather impressive, being in a wilderness and representing, prac- tically the first engineering work of any magnitude in this country. It is believed that this feature represents the first lock canal built in the United States." In order to ascertain just what will have to be done to restore this work to a status of preservation, the American Engineering Council asked Maj. Brehon Somervell, Corps of Engineers, district engineer, for a report of present conditions and the work that will be 100 Washington Bicentennial required. In this report it is stated that the canal ex- tends from above Great Falls about 6,000 feet on the Virginia shore, around them, and discharges into the gorge below. The entrance to the canal was formed by a short wing dam, which acted both to divert the water and as a mooring for the boats descending the river. Below the entrance the canal was built either as a ditch or else secured by retaining walls to a point about 1,000 feet above its lower end. The upper part of the canal contains no striking features which were directly connected with the canal itself. A low masonry rubble wall separates the canal from the upper part of the falls, and served to keep the water in the canal during times of low flow and keep it out during times of high flow. There is a wasteweir or spillway to a few hundred yards below the entrance and below this wasteweir are found the sites of a mill and an iron foundry. The ruins of both of these structures are very meager and do not form an imposing monument. Opposite the mill is a marker commemorating the build- ing of the canal erected by the D. A. R. of Fairfax County, Va. From the entrance to the mill there is still some water in the canal. Below the mill the definition or the trace of the canal is very faint, at times there being practi- cally nothing to indicate its existence. Furthermore, this section of the canal runs through an amusement park operated by the Potomac Electric Power Com- pany. Below the park proper, the canal, still largely in cut, extends across an open pasture, which was formerly intended as a basin at the head of the flight of locks leading down to the lower level of the river. News Releases 101 In this basin, where the canal is poorly defined and at times lost completely, there are two masonry struc- tures of some interest. The first, on the east side of the field, was evidently designed as a wasteweir. It consists of nothing more than two rubble walls and all indications of the gates which were between them have disappeared. It is believed also that these walls repre- sent what was originally intended to be the site of the flight of locks leading down to the river. It was found that the current of the river at this point was so swift and the turbulence so great as to make it difficult for boats to enter the river at this point. This location was therefore abandoned. The only other interesting feature in connection with this basin is the remains of what were formerly head gates leading to the flight of locks. No definite information as to the exact char- acter of this construction can be found. It was prob- ably used during the construction of the locks to cut off water from the lower part of the canal, during which time products were lowered down an inclined plane opposite the wasteweir to boats on the river below. The really interesting part of the canal lies below this set of gates. From this point to the place where the canal enters the river the canal is easily distinguishable. There were five masonry locks, the upper lock being 100 feet by 14 feet, with a lift of 10 feet. This lock is covered with trees and underbrush, whose roots have pushed out some of the masonry and disfigured the structures. Below this lock is another lock 100 feet by 11 feet, with a lift of 16 feet, similar in character to the one just described. Being of a greater lift, it is somewhat more impressive and, if anything, the 102 Washington Bicentennial masonry is in a better state of preservation. Adjacent to this lock and on the river side of it is a flat area enclosed by a rubble and earth wall in which are the remains of gates probably used as a wasteweir. This wall enclosed a basin for the supply of water to the lower set of locks. Below the basin and second lock is a third lock, which is in a very bad state of repair. This was evidently a wider lock and capable of holding two of the boats in use at that time. Below this structure is a deep rock cut in which there was a double lock 100 feet by 12 feet, with 12-foot and 21 -foot lifts, lead- ing down to the river. The cut is largely filled with debris, which will have to be removed, but what was evidently the sill between the upper and lower of these locks is plainly visible. Outline of Preliminary Project The general scheme is to set aside an area along the lower part of the canal, which would be cleared of underbrush and made accessible by roads and paths. The area selected for the reservation begins with the head gates at the basin just below Dickey's and follows the canal to the river. It is believed unwise and un- necessarily expensive to attempt to improve the upper part of the canal at this time, inasmuch as this part of the canal contains no striking features and as the improvement would require the demolition of certain of the buildings in the amusement park. The cost of this part of the land, if it could be obtained at all, would be unduly high. Access to the land will be secured by means of existing roads and by paths which will lead from the News Releases 103 entrance to the various structures on the canal and to the model. It will be desirable, inasmuch as the private roads running from the turnpike to the canal may be in bad repair, to secure an easement over these roads and to surface them so that the public, and engineers in particular, will not find the approach to the property unworthy of engineers. Roads within the reservation are purposely left out of the project, as it seems desir- able not to permit automobile traffic on the grounds. In the first place, the creation of a suitable road would introduce an artificial feature out of harmony with the project, and, in the second place, no suitable facilities could be provided within the limited area for any exten- sive automobile traffic. It is proposed to secure a better definition of the canal where it is cut by excavating the debris which has fallen in it. At the locks the debris is to be removed, and the masonry is to be put in such a state of repair as will prevent its further deterioration. To do this a large percentage of it will have to be torn down and relaid. It is thought also that it would be desirable to rebuild the gates on Lock 2 to give the public a better idea of the operation of the locks than could be obtained from the small working model. The most suitable location for the house to shelter the model is in the basin above the last flight of locks. In preparing estimates for this house it was found that a model of a sufficiently good scale to prove interesting could not be housed in a building of the size mentioned in the American Engineering Council's letter. For this reason the size of the house has been enlarged and, in addition to the retiring rooms suggested, two small 104 Washington Bicentennial rooms for offices have been added. This will permit a symmetrical design of the building. It is proposed to build the house of field stone with a stone floor and fireplaces, the roof to be of hewn timbers and covered with slate. The window and door frames will, of course, have to be hand made. The whole building will follow somewhat the general lines of those found along the old Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and in this part of the country, which were built contemporaneously with the canal. It is proposed to finish the interior of the stone- work exactly as on the outside and to whitewash both the interior and exterior, as was customary with the buildings of this type. The model will depict the entire canal, together with the surrounding topography, plant growth, rock out- crops, and old structures which were known to be in existence at the time of the construction of the canal. It will be equipped with gates and wickets and will have water supply for its actual operation. The portion of Great Falls adjacent to the canal will also be shown with running water. Using a scale of 100 the model will be 20 feet by 60 feet, and it will be sturdily constructed, having sheet lead lining for water areas and cement molded to show topography with as much natural rock as necessary to represent actual conditions. Growth and ground effects will be appropriately shown with miniature trees and colorings. Where necessary to bring out relief and to secure proper representation of struc- tures, the vertical scale will be enlarged. The layout necessary for the memorial will contain several acres and this valuable model. It will, therefore, be necessary for a permanent caretaker to be employed News Releases 105 to look after the property. For this reason a small house is provided for him near the entrance to the property. Bronze signs and plaques are provided at the locks and other major features of the works and also on the paths leading to the structures contained in the project. It is estimated that it will require about $150,000 to complete the restoration of this engineering work, and it is proposed that sum be raised within the engineering profession of the United States. Broadway Plans to Honor Washington New York's famous Broadway will next year stage a remarkable celebration in honor of one of the first and the greatest of all Broadwayites — George Washing- ton. The celebration will be as appropriate as it is unique. The most famous street in America had the honor to provide George Washington a home 142 years ago, when he went to New York to be the first Presi- dent of the United States. Now the street is to acknowl- edge this honor with honors in return, and on a scale that will be) historic. Broadway's celebration will be unique in many re- spects. In the first place, it is the first instance where a distinct section of a city has planned a George Wash- ington celebration of its own and separate from any commemorative activities that the municipality as a whole may undertake. In this respect, the initiative of Broadway may not remain unique very long, observes the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- 106 Washington Bicentennial mission. Other sections of other cities will not be long in following Broadway's lead. Already President Harriss, of the Broadway Associa- tion, is busy selecting a special committee to coordinate the activities of the historical societies and civic asso- ciations that have signified their eagerness to participate. Congressman Sol Bloom, associate director of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, has pledged the hearty cooperation of that national body. Mayor Walker has been invited to lend official prestige and guidance to the undertaking, and the Broadway Association has lost no time in drawing up tentative plans to be submitted to its members. The entire week of February 22, 1932, will be set aside to honor the first American on this two hundredth an- niversary of his birth. Parades, pageants, plays and moving pictures, dealing with Washington's life during his presidential activities on Broadway will be staged. It is planned to open the week with a monster night parade, with electrically illuminated floats portraying Broadway life from Colonial times to the present. Fol- lowing this will be other events, each vying with the other in splendor. A mammoth pageant representing "All Nations" is proposed for Madison Square, partici- pated in by New York's 1,000,000 school children. All Broadway's stores will be asked to make displays ap- propriate for the occasion. Throughout the week of celebration the theaters will play a prominent part, with special programs and the revival of historical plays of Washington's time. Noth- ing could be more appropriate, for George Washington was all his life a lover and patron of the theater. And News Releases 107 as Broadway is the Mecca of all America, this lead taken by the famous street will stimulate similar Washington celebrations all over the country, besides drawing to New York thousands of visitors eager to see how Broad- way honors one of its earliest residents. Other sections of New York City, similarly associated with the memory of Washington, are expected to ar- range suitable commemorations. And these festivities of the week of February 22 are to be but the beginning of ceremonies to be held on appropriate holidays until the final outpouring of gratitude to Washington on Thanksgiving Day. President Hoover Notified World's Greatest Suspen- sion Bridge Will Be Named for George Washington President Hoover, as chairman of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, was no- tified today by representatives of the Commission and of the Port of New York Authority that among the magnificent new memorials, which will mark the world- wide celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington during 1932, will be the most stupendous structure of its kind in the world — the great suspension bridge rapidly nearing completion over the Hudson River between Fort Washington, N. Y., and Fort Lee, N. J. The President was told that the Port of New York Authority has decided in favor of naming this giant structure the George Washington Memorial Bridge. This news was taken to the White House by Senator Simeon D. Fess, of Ohio, vice chairman; Representa- tive Sol Bloom, of New York, associate director, and 108 Washington Bicentennial members of the executive committee of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, and George deBenneville Keim, representing the New York and New Jersey members of the Port of New York Authority. This $70,000,000 bridge, whose two towers are higher than the famous Washington Monument in the Na- tional Capital, is being constructed by the Port of New York Authority upon the authorization of the legisla- tures of New York and New Jersey and with the ap- proval of Congress. The legislatures of both these States are expected to approve the plan to make the great bridge a bicentennial memorial to the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army and first President of the United States. The name of George Washington is peculiarly appro- priate for this bridge. It marks the scene of one of the most dramatic incidents of American history — -a defense by a portion of General Washington's Army that is un- surpassed for bravery in the annals of the Revolutionary War. The question of a name for the new bridge has been agitated for months. It has been the topic of wide- spread public discussion and a great many suggestions have been made. The decision of the Port of New York Authority — a body created by compact between the States of New York and New Jersey with the approval of Congress — in favor of making this structure a me- morial to George Washington will, it is believed, receive general approval. This action is expected to be followed by similar action in other States and cities. Doubtless many other News Releases 109 bridges, boulevards, and public works of various kinds, now under construction or projected, will be named in honor of the first President as a feature of the world- wide bicentennial celebration in the year 1932. The work on the new bridge over the Hudson River was begun in May, 1927. It is expected that the bridge will be opened for vehicular traffic in time for dedica- tion ceremonies next year. The dedication, it is ex- pected, will be one of the principal events in the series of world-wide celebrations in honor of George Wash- ington to be held from February 22, 1932, to Thanks- giving Day, 1932. The length of the bridge between anchorages is 4,760 feet, or nearly 1 mile. The main span is 3,500 feet long. The width of the main structure over all is 120 feet and the height of the towers above the water is 635 feet, or 80 feet higher than the Washington Monument on the Potomac River at Washington. Four great cables, each with a diameter of 35 inches and containing 26,474 wire strands, bear the weight of the main structure. The weight of this cable wire is 28,450 tons. The upper deck of the bridge will carry eight vehicular traffic lanes and two sidewalks. The lower deck will be for rapid transit lanes. The roadway is 250 feet above the river and the clearance beneath the lower deck at the center is 213 feet. The steelwork in the towers weighs 40,200 tons, and the structural steelwork in the main bridge with- out the lower deck weighs 73,000 tons. The new bridge is located on a line parallel to and between One Hundred and Seventy-eighth and One Hundred and Seventy-ninth Streets in New York City. 110 Washington Bicentennial It will form an important link in the highways planned for comprehensive development of transportation facili- ties at the Port of New York and provide a vital con- nection in the national highway routes. It will provide direct and expeditious access from northern New Jer- sey and the portions of New York State west of the Hudson River to New York City. It will serve traffic between New England and the Atlantic seaboard, af- fording a route that will avoid the more congested sec- tions of New York City. In conjunction with the Washington Bridge across the Harlem River and the proposed Triborough Bridge across the East River it will establish a new highway between Long Island and New Jersey. There is no spot in America more sacred to the memory of the gallant soldiers of the Revolution and to their Commander in Chief than this one. Fort Washington and Fort Lee were erected for the purpose of keeping the British warships from the upper reaches of the Hudson River. When General Wash- ington decided that Manhattan Island was no longer tenable, due to the large force of the enemy there under Lord Howe, and to the British war vessels in the river, he conducted his main army to the New Jersey side, encamping near Hackensack, but left a garrison of about 3,000 men to hold Fort Washington on the New York side. Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia riflemen in Fort Washington, under command of Colonel Magaw, aware that Howe was making preparations to wipe out the remaining American defenses on and about Manhattan, worked like beavers, cutting down trees, News Releases 111 throwing up earthworks, and placing cannons in hastily built redoubts. But on the night of November 2 Adjutant Demont, of the American garrison, deserted to the British, taking a plan of the fort and the dis- position of the American troops around it. With this advantage Lord Howe at once decided upon concerted action against the fort. The British infantry, artillery, and frigates in the river were placed in effective positions and a complete cordon drawn around the fort. Then Howe demanded that the Americans surrender. "The fort will be held to the end," replied the gallant Colonel Magaw. It was on the 12th of November that the British began to close in, with an army of more than 9,000 men, against less than one-third that number of Americans, who had to cover the fort itself and the several outlying redoubts. Washington kept in close touch with Colonel Magaw and directed the defense. On one occasion Washington crossed to the New York side in a small rowboat, virtually under the guns of the enemy fleet. Generals Greene and Putnam also crossed and conferred with Colonel Magaw. The brave stand of the heroic garrison is one of the glories of American arms. Every step of the British advance was a hard fight. Slowly the outposts were driven in by superior force. At last only 600 Ameri- cans remained in the fort when the main attack was made on November 16. The rest of the little American army was fighting out among the surrounding hills or the men were out of action, wounded, or dead. 112 Washington Bicentennial More than 4,000 Hessians, under General Knyp- hausen, charged against this little Spartan band of 600 Americans holding the fort on the heights. Three times they were driven back by the American riflemen. At length Knyphausen rallied the Hessians and led another charge in person. Meanwhile Captain Gooch was crossing the river in a small boat, under shell fire from the British vessels in the river, bearing a message from General Washington, who was watching the action from Fort Lee, asking whether the heroic garrison could hold out until night- fall, when help might be sent. Dodging bullets and bayonets, Captain Gooch gained the fort, but it was too late. The fighting American riflemen had been at last overwhelmed by superior numbers. Captain Gooch leaped from the parapet, escaped to his waiting boat, and took the news of the surrender to General Washington. It was an American defeat, but one of the most glorious defeats in the history of warfare. D. A. R. Approves Name of "George Washington Memorial Bridge" for Hudson River Structure Expressing its special interest in the George Wash- ington Bicentennial Celebration next year, the National Board of Management of the Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution, in session at Memorial Continental Hall in Washington, has gone on record in favor of giving the name "George Washington Memorial Bridge" to the new suspension bridge over the Hudson River, largest structure of its kind in the world, which is near- ing completion between Fort Washington, N. Y., News Releases 113 and Fort Lee, N. J. The new bridge will be opened for traffic in 1932, and will probably be dedicated dur- ing the 10 months' celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. The National Board of Management, which repre- sents the various State societies of the Daughters of the American Revolution, adopted a resolution this week requesting that the committee, which has been selected by the Port of New York Authority to recommend a name for the gigantic bridge, give "special considera- tion" to the name of George Washington. The matter was brought to the attention of the National Board by Mrs. C. Edward Murray, State regent for New Jersey, and Mrs. Frank H. Parcells, State regent for New York. The adoption of the reso- lution was moved by Mrs. Edward S. Moulton, State regent for Rhode Island, seconded by Mrs. Charles F. Bathrick, State regent for Michigan. The resolution is as follows: "Being especially interested in the Washington Bicentennial Celebration and in the perpetuation of the name of George Washington, we, the National Board of Management of the N. S., D. A. R., hereby respect- fully request the committee who are considering the name for the new bridge being built between New York and New Jersey give special consideration to the name George Washington Memorial Bridge, submitted by the New Jersey and New York Societies, N. S., D. A. R." A copy of the resolution will be sent to the Port of New York Authority, which is constructing the bridge by authority of the Legislatures of New York and New Jersey and with the approval of Congress. 114 Washington Bicentennial All America to Sing "America" One of the most interesting and dramatic suggestions yet proposed in connection with the observance of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington in 1932 has been brought to the attention of Col. U. S. Grant 3d, associate director of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. This suggestion is based upon the belief that no more appropriate honor could be paid to the memory of George Washington than to create a great national chorus, united at the same moment in every school- house, church, theater, auditorium, and home, in sing- ing the national anthem "America," to the leadership of the United Service Orchestra, composed of the Marine, Navy, and Army Bands, broadcasting from Washington. "Think of the thrilling grandeur of such an event," enthusiastically declared the author of this suggestion. "That wonderful old song, which has inspired the people of this country for generations, will ring out from mil- lions of hearts, a reverent tribute to the memory of the Founder of our Republic. I have been told by experts that the physical problems of such an undertaking can be solved easily and simply. "In accordance with custom, on February 22, 1932, the President of the United States will probably deliver an address at a joint meeting of the Congress in the House of Representatives. On the annual occasions besides the members of Congress, there are present mem- bers of the Supreme Court, the Cabinet, members of the diplomatic corps, and other high officials of our Government. It is customary also for the President to News Releases 115 begin his address at noon. Now, if the people of Amer- ica everywhere should take advantage of this greatest radio hook-up ever arranged, and should assemble in their churches, schools, auditoriums, and homes to listen to this historic address, what would be simpler, at the close of that address, than for the Nation, under the leadership of the great United Service Orchestra and the representatives of our Government, to join in song?" In commenting upon this suggestion, Colonel Grant said: "I do not know how many people listen to these great radio hook-ups. I have been told that a conserva- tive estimate is about 50,000,000. It seems probable that by working up this event in advance such an audience could be considerably augmented, for loud speakers could be placed in industrial plants, in institutions of all kinds and, in fact, it would be in effect the greatest audience ever assembled upon this earth. The fact that it will be divided into many units would be discounted by the common tie of radio, which would unite all. It is indeed a great and inspiring conception to think of most of the people of our vast country joining at the same moment in a great hymn of praise and thanks- giving, which would echo from every hill, prairie, city, hamlet, and countryside under the flag. We can almost imagine the song being borne through the air and made audible to those beyond the range of the radio. "I am not prepared to say just how this suggestion can be carried out, if at all, but it appears to have merit and perhaps will be an ideal project to usher in the period of the nation-wide celebration in honor of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George 116 Washington Bicentennial Washington, which will be ' celebrated from February 22, 1932, to Thanksgiving Day of that year." Society of the Cincinnati Will Honor Washington Among the patriotic orders planning participation in the nation-wide, nine-months' celebration of George Washington's two hundredth birthday anniversary next year, the Society of the Cincinnati, the oldest hereditary society in the United States and one which had for its first president, George Washington, is expected to play a prominent role. The descendants of George Washington's officers will rally at the celebration in 1932 for the General of their forefathers; and will cooperate with the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission to make this celebration the greatest and most far-reaching trib- ute ever accorded a national hero. The history of this organization reveals that no body of patriots had a more honorable or more touching rea- son for being. Yet when it was formed its purpose was completely misunderstood, and the organization was bitterly denounced. The eight years of the Revolution having come to a close, the officers of Washington's Army — those men who had fought, suffered and bled side by side — faced the prospect of bidding each other farewell, perhaps never to see each other again. In order to preserve some bond and means of com- munication among them, a group of representative of- ficers met at the historic Verplanck house near Fishkill, N. Y., on May 13, 1783, and adopted the following pre- amble: "To perpetuate, as well the remembrance of this vast News Releases 117 event as the mutual friendships which have been formed under the pressure of common danger, and, in many in- stances, cemented by the blood of the parties, the of- ficers of the American Army do hereby, in the most solemn manner, associate, constitute and combine them- selves into one Society of Friends, to endure as long as they shall endure, or any of their oldest male posterity, and in failure thereof the collateral branches who may be judged worthy of becoming supporters and mem- bers." The Society chose for itself the name of Cincinnati, after Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus, who left his plow to serve his country on the field of battle and then re- turned to his farm when the fighting was over. Most likely the founders of the Society recognized the simi- larity between the action of their Chief and that of Cincinnatus. At its first meeting the Society of the Cincinnati chose as its guiding principle, "To render permanent the cor- dial affection subsisting among the officers. This spirit will dictate brotherly kindness in all things and par- ticularly extend to the most substantial acts of benefi- cence, according to the ability of the society towards those officers and their families who unfortunately may be under the necessity of receiving it." Innocent and kindly as it was, this organization was instantly fought by Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Adams. Thomas Jefferson demanded that the order be annihilated. John Adams wrote from Paris that "the formation of the society was the first step taken to de- face the Temple of our Liberty." What is now the Tammany Society of New York was formed in 1789 118 Washington Bicentennial for the express purpose of antagonizing the "aristocratic Society of the Cincinnati," which was feared as an at- tempt to form a nobility. At the second meeting of the Society in 1783, on June 19, "His Excellency" George Washington was asked to become President General, and served until his death. Maj. Gen. Alexander Hamilton then succeeded him. The last survivor of the Revolution to hold the office was William Popham, of New York, who possessed the modest rank of brevet major in the Continental Line. The Society of the Cincinnati, with its 1,100 mem- bers, should assume a leading part in the coming cele- bration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of its first president and the first President of the Na- tion. War Mothers and George Washington The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, in its work of organizing the nation-wide celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of Wash- ington's birth in 1932, is to receive from the American war mothers cooperation at once most touching and fitting. No citizen needs to be reminded of the signifi- cance of the stars worn by these brave mothers — the blue star for those whose sons returned from service unscathed except for the searing experience of war; the silver star for mothers whose sons were wounded or dis- abled in battle; and the gold star for those whose sons made the supreme sacrifice and lie in heroes' graves. Last year Congress, at the instance of Senator David A. Reed, of Pennsylvania, and of Representative Sim- mons, of Nebraska, authorized a pilgrimage of these News Releases 119 gold star mothers to the graves of their sons on the battle fields of Europe. This pilgrimage, conducted by the War Department, was open to those mothers and widows who had not been previously overseas at their own expense on this reverent errand. This year Con- gress, through an amendment offered by Representative Simmons, has authorized another pilgrimage to include women who have previously visited these graves at their own cost, as well as those whose relatives have been left among the 4,384 "missing" — those men who were lost at sea, or buried without means of identification, or whose graves were afterward fought over in battle and obliterated. As part of this plan to omit none from the honors due to the heroic dead, the Nation, through Congress, has authorized the building of a chapel in each of the American battle-field cemeteries in Europe. On these chapels will be carved the name of each of these miss- ing men whose graves will never be found. Since the building of the chapels is in the care of General Persh- ing, this labor of love on his part means the tribute paid to these men by their Commander in Chief— an honor which should console every mother whose son may lie at a spot unknown, but whose name shall be known forever. As last year, this pilgrimage will be conducted in separate parties, the first contingent sailing most appro- priately on the U. S. S. George Washington on May 6, the last one on the President Roosevelt on August 19. On each voyage to Europe and back these gold star mothers will devote one or more days to services and exercises in commemoration of George Washington, 120 Washington Bicentennial Commander in Chief of the armies that made America free. So these mothers of this later day, who have laid this latest sacrifice of their loved ones on the altar of liberty, will link themselves in spirit with those mothers of that earlier time, whose sons fought loyally at Washington's side or gave their lives that the sacred cause he so heroically upheld might win to victory under his masterly hand. If it takes grief and sacrifice to bind us all in a common understanding, then the memory of George Washington could receive no finer tribute. For no one suffered more than Washington himself at the death and the suffering of his men, and no one better understood the sorrow of their mothers. These memorials to Wash- ington, as tendered by these modern mothers of sons who fought in France, are still more fitting as recalling Lafayette and the thousands of Frenchmen who came to Washington's aid in his hour of trial. These tributes to Washington by the pilgrim mothers will help to spread to all the corners of our land some knowledge of the celebration of Washington's two hun- dredth anniversary next year, as planned by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. Not only will these mothers learn for themselves of the coming celebration, but, being members and leaders in many patriotic organizations and outstanding citizens in their communities, their zeal may be aroused in help- ing to bring the entire Nation into the spirit of this tribute to Washington. The Bicentennial Commission is sending helpful and informative material to selected leaders in each of these News Releases 121 16 pilgrim groups, who will organize these memorial exercises on shipboards. As mothers of soldiers, they will be especially interested in Washington's military life, and as many of them will be greeted by Lafayette's descendants, they will wish to recall his loyal devotion to Washington. Scouts Distribute Mount Vernon Seeds The Boy Scouts of America, in cooperation with the American Forestry Association and the United States Department of Agriculture, are gathering walnut seeds from the trees of Mount Vernon, the historic home of George Washington, and are distributing them through- out the United States for planting in the State capitals, parks and other suitable places. It is hoped that a number of these trees will be planted in each State in time for the great celebration in 1932 of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. This walnut tree planting project is most timely and appropriate. During his entire lifetime, George Wash- ington ardently loved and cared for the trees which grew around his home. He frequently brought seeds from trees in different parts of the country to plant at Mount Vernon. As a result of his painstaking care, his estate became one of the most beautiful in America. It is not difficult for any one who sees Mount Vernon today to realize why Washington was so attached to his home and was never happy away from it. During the weary years of the Revolutionary War, when his stamina, cour- age and sound judgment alone kept the American Army together, he always longed for the quiet of his estate. 122 Washington Bicentennial Later, during his two terms in the Presidency which he had been called to fill by the unanimous voice of his countrymen, he frequently wrote of the happiness he expected to enjoy in retirement under his own "vine and fig tree." According to those in charge of the walnut tree plant- ing project, the black walnut has been selected from the many trees growing at Mount Vernon because it is adaptable to a greater range of territory than any other species in the United States. It is also among the most ornamental of American trees, and in addition has a practical market value as timber which makes it out- standing in tree usefulness- Listing Eighteenth Century Business What corporations, firms, partnerships, or directly inherited individual organizations of any kind, now do- ing business in the United States, can trace their his- tory back to George Washington's time? This is the interesting question now being asked in an informal survey of American business institutions by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission and a host of cooperating agencies. So far as can be learned the compilation of eighteenth century business firms, surviving to the present day, has never before been attempted. The suggestion has been enthusiasti- cally welcomed and now the whole country is being combed to make such a list complete. Representative Sol Bloom, who, with Lieut. Col. U. S. Grant III, is associate director of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, has hit upon an idea that seems to have caught the favorable News Releases 123 attention of business men everywhere. Thus it is found that chambers of commerce, banks, newspapers, his- torical societies, insurance companies, advertising clubs and many other organizations and individuals have joined in the quest. In discussing the subject recently, Mr. Bloom said, "I had no idea such interest would be aroused in this subject. Already scores of letters have been received, many of which list such business concerns. Others tell us where we might continue our search and we are fol- lowing up every clue that is given us. Many lists of old companies have been prepared by local chambers of commerce. Frequently dinners have been given in va- rious cities to representatives of these historic business establishments. There are doubtless hundreds of insti- tutions that are entitled to go on this unique roll of honor, and it is surprising to learn not only of the nu- merous business houses that have survived from the eighteenth century, but also that many of them are still doing business in the same locations and some of them in the same buildings in which they started. Undoubt- edly George Washington himself patronized some of these establishments. We know this to have been true of the Leadbeater Drug Corporation of Alexandria, Va., as well as the Alexandria Gazette of that historic city. "It is indeed odd to note, as I have done, that Euro- pean firms and other foreign business organizations take much pride in advertising the fact that they have been in business for many years. Age casts a glamor over such establishments and adds to their standing and reputation. In the United States the general rule is to advertise: 'This business has changed hands,' or 'This 124 Washington Bicentennial business under new management,' as if such busi- ness restlessness were a virtue. We want to show, if we can, by the number of American business organizations that have been in existence since the eighteenth century that, although we were a baby Nation then of only about three million people, the percentage of business houses in continuous existence since that time will com- pare favorably with foreign countries. "Chambers of commerce and newspapers are particu- larly interested in this project, and when the list is com- pleted we expect to give it wide circulation. If any one knows of a business concern that has been in con- tinuous existence since the eighteenth century, we shall be more than glad to have that information. Already it has been suggested that there be some sort of a meet- ing or even organization of these old establishments, and that their records be preserved and examined for their historical value. It is impossible to tell how long this inquiry will continue, but it has aroused so much atten- tion that we expect to follow it through until all reason- able sources have been searched. Thus far banks, in- surance companies, newspapers, lodges, and drug stores take the lead in historical records. We feel, however, that we have only begun the search and there are at the present time literally hundreds of helpers in this in- teresting and important project. Helpful Suggestions Each organization and institution in the country — local and national — will be best able to decide upon its own method of appropriate participation in the series News Releases 125 of events in 1932 in honor of George Washington. The following suggestions, which are necessarily incomplete, may assist those who are preparing programs and ar- ranging for their organization's part in the celebration: Adopt resolutions pledging cooperation in making the celebration the greatest of its kind in the history of the world. Organize committees at once to plan and carry out a Washington program in 1932. Adopt resolutions expressing your organization's faith in the teachings of Washington and gratitude for his work in founding the Nation. See that articles about George Washington and plans for the bicentennial celebration are published in local newspapers, magazines, and in the official publication of your organization. Display the American flag and a portrait or sculp- tured bust of George Washington in organization head- quarters and urge a similar display in every public and private office in your city or town in 1932. Present at as many meetings as possible the programs issued by the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission, depicting the life, character, and achievements of George Washington, and similar programs. Have special programs on all national and local holidays and anniversaries and other days which can be connected with the life of Washington. Stimulate in all possible ways the educational, inform- ative, cooperative, and demonstrative features of the celebration. Promote participation of students of schools, colleges, 126 Washington Bicentennial and universities in oratorical and essay contests based upon the life and character of George Washington. Conduct essay, playlet, pageant, and other contests. See that every library in the community adds standard books on the life of Washington from the bibliography of the American Library Association, which has the approval of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. Form reading and study groups of persons interested in the life and achievements of George Washington. Display conspicuously Washingtoniana, relics and art. Unite in a plan, in addition to all other plans for tree planting, to have a tree planted in the grounds of every school, or near by, during 1932, to be called "The George Washington Tree." Request every church to have frequent sermons during 1932 based upon the life, character, and services of George Washington. Plan to have an American flag and picture of Wash- ington displayed not only in every schoolroom but in every home. Arrange for cooperation between the bicentennial committees of various organizations and groups in plan- ning joint programs throughout the period of the celebration. Suggest that fraternal and other organizations, in which a large number of initiates may become members at the same time, that these "classes" be called "George Washington Bicentennial Classes." Suggest that programs for celebrations be printed in buff and blue, the colors of the Colonial Army, and that they be kept as permanent souvenirs. News Releases 127 Teach Sunday-school lessons about George Wash- ington's religious life, his prayers for the army and country, his precepts and examples, and "Washington's Rules of Civility." Promote the organization of "George Washington Bicentennial Clubs" to participate in the celebration and to help arouse the citizens of the community to honor the memory of Washington. Encourage the schools to teach the life of Wash- ington and inspire students to engage in individual research. In the primary grade suggest the preparation of scrapbooks of George Washington clippings, illus- trated with pictures and original drawings. Have all newspapers, magazines, and other publica- tions of schools and colleges devote special editions to George Washington and the Bicentennial Celebration. Arrange special meetings to be attended by school children, teachers, and parents to honor George Washington. Suggest to the faculties of all educational institutions that they set an example to the students by adopting resolutions embodying references to the character and achievements of Washington. Encourage chambers of commerce, other business organizations, trade and labor groups, and employes of industrial concerns to have their own bicentennial com- mittees and to assist in the celebration by holding meet- ings, distributing literature, encouraging the display of flags, and Washington's pictures everywhere, printing a George Washington bicentennial emblem on letters, envelopes, and other printed matter, displaying Wash- 128 Washington Bicentennial ington calendars, arranging for motion pictures, radio addresses, etc. Encourage railroads, banks, hotels, street railways, insurance companies, calendar publishers, industrial and manufacturing concerns, wholesale and retail houses, newspapers, magazines, trade journals, advertising groups, and every possible activity in your community to do their own part to insure the success of the world- wide celebration in honor of Washington. Pay special attention to arousing the interest of the children in the life of Washington and impressing them with the great value of the work he did for his country. Try in every way to arouse interest among the young and old in everything connected with the colonial and revolutionary periods of our history — music, dances, costumes, homes, furniture, pictures, customs, books, etc. George Washington Bicentennial Celebration to Be World-Wide The observance of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington in 1932 will be world-wide as a result of arrangements now being com- pleted by the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission. Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson has designated Assistant Secretary William R. Castle, Jr., to cooperate with the United States George Washington Bicenten- nial Commission in making plans for participation by foreign governments in the Bicentennial celebration. United States Ambassadors, Ministers, and Consuls in News Releases 129 other countries are assisting the hundreds of thousands of American citizens living abroad to arrange for their part in the world-wide celebration. Special American committees in London, Paris, and Berlin already have been created to prepare plans for the celebration and similar committees are being organ- ized in Poland, Italy, China, Japan, India, and many other countries, so that Americans in the remotest cor- ners of the world will be informed of the celebration. Plans have been completed whereby the Bicentennial Commission will furnish to the committees abroad as well as to individuals, the same service as that rendered to groups and individuals in the United States. That the people of the United States and the world at large are rapidly awakening to the significance of the celebration is indicated by the thousands of requests that are pouring into the offices of the Commission for all kinds of material relating to the celebration. Rapid progress is being made by the Commission in the preparation of one-act plays and pageant scenarios which will be available to interested individuals and or- ganizations throughout the country desiring to take part in the celebration. It is the plan of the Com- mission to make accessible to clubs, schools, colleges, churches, civil, fraternal, patriotic, and other organiza- tions, dramatic material for both indoor and outdoor presentations on either a large or small scale. The Commission is preparing 1 8 one-act plays on epi- sodes in the life of General Washington, which are to be broadcast in half -hour programs each week after Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 1931, and continue for one year. These plays will also be furnished, on re- 130 Washington Bicentennial quest without cost, to organizations, groups, dramatic societies, and schools. In its eagerness to have every man, woman, and child take part in the celebration, special arrangements have been made by the Commission for the blind. There has been established a Braille department, which has many projects under way to brighten the hearts of blind chil- dren. Character development stories from the life of Washington, playlets, games, and other printed matter is being transcribed into Braille, a system of reading for the blind. Bas-relief maps and various clay models are also being prepared and contests and programs arranged. Thus the spiritual rebirth of Washington will be as real to those who can only see with the "eye of the spirit" as to those whose physical eyesight is unimpaired. Three prominent books on the American Revolution, in Braille, are already available. They are "George Washington, the Man of Action," by Frederick Trevor Hill; "George Washington, the Image and the Man," by W. E. Woodward, and "The Four Great Americans," by James Baldwin. At this time 33 States, the District of Columbia, Alaska, and Hawaii, have already appointed State groups to cooperate with the Federal Commissions. In addi- tion, thousands of cities, towns and smaller communi- ties are naming committees for a similar purpose. [Later all State and territorial commissions were completed.] One of the outstanding contributions of the Federal Commission's plans, particularly from an educational standpoint, will be the publication of a definitive edi- tion of all the authentic writings of George Washing- ton that have been preserved, the perpetuation of his News Releases 131 entire life. This work is being done under the personal direction of Dr. John C. Fitzpatrick, one of the most distinguished authorities on George Washington and his times. President Hoover has written the introduction or foreword for this work and the first volume is expected to be completed within the next few weeks. It is es- timated that one-fourth of the letters of Washington in this volume have never before been printed. The Women's Division of the Commission has already prepared 12 elaborate programs for the use of women's organizations and 40 papers on Washington have also been compiled; copies of both are now available to women's organizations upon request. An interesting project now under way is the prepara- tion of a series of maps, tracing the activities of George Washington. These will show the homes of the first President, the roads he traversed as a soldier and the places he visited during his lifetime. This enterprise has a double significance. It will be a valuable contribution to the historian and it will be a direct aid to the millions of people who will visit historic Washington shrines in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, the District of Columbia, Virginia, and other places where Washington made his appearance. One of the most important phases of the celebration will be in connection with the public schools of the na- tion. To facilitate a program among the schools, the Commission has been in contact with leading educa- tional authorities of the country. One of the features considered is a nation-wide essay contest and similar con- tests in oratory and graphic arts. 132 Washington Bicentennial School superintendents, teachers, representatives of parochial and private schools, colleges, and universities are formulating plans whereby all educational institu- tions will participate in the celebration. The historical significance of George Washington's services to his coun- try and the spiritual value of his example as a citizen and an American have always been of special interest to schools and their students. The Commission is also assembling a library of pic- tures of George Washington and the people and places with which he was associated. This will be a valuable contribution to the Washingtoniana now in existence. Another important feature of the general program for the nation-wide celebration is the production of a great motion picture, in sound and colors, depicting the life and principal events in the career of Washington. Plans for this picture are now being worked out by the Eastman Films Company in collaboration with the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission. Through a special arrangement this picture will show scenes in the patriotic shrines of America, using material in Government and private museums which will make it unusually realistic. Through the courtesy of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union, some of the scenes will be laid in the historic home of Wash- ington at Mount Vernon. This will be the first time that interior pictures have ever been taken at Mount Vernon, and is the only time that a privilege of this kind has ever been extended. No private enterprise could possibly produce such an authentic, elaborate and unique picture, as no amount News Releases 133 of money could induce the Federal Government to per- mit the use of the priceless uniforms, costumes, dresses, furniture, and other possessions of the Washingtons for commercial purposes. The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission emphasizes the fact that it has at no time become, nor will it become in the future, affiliated with any commercial project. The Associate Directors are ready to cooperate with business firms, but at no time will they compromise the Commission with an of- ficial approval of, or responsibility for, any money- making enterprise. France and United States to Honor Memory of Washington at Paris Exposition France and the United States will join in honoring the memory of the patriots of both countries who helped to win independence for the American Colonies, and es- pecially in paying homage to the memory of George Washington during the six months of the International Colonial and Overseas Exposition, sponsored by the French Government, which will open near Paris May 1. The American exhibit at the exposition will help to bring the world-wide celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington in 1932 to the attention of all nations. To emphasize and cement the long-standing friend- ship of the United States and France, which began dur- ing the American Revolution, an exact and full-size re- production of Mount Vernon, home of George Wash- ington, is being constructed on the banks of the River 134 Washington Bicentennial Seine to serve as the administration building for the American exhibit. C. Bascom Slemp, of Virginia, who is Commissioner- General of the United States to the French exposition, is also a member of the executive committee of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commis- sion. He has just returned from Paris and is now busily engaged in arranging to have appropiate furnishings and other material sent from this country to be placed in the duplicate of Mount Vernon on the Seine, and to have the overseas possessions of the United States represented by appropriate exhibits at the exposition. The executive committee of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission has adopted a res- olution officially endorsing the reproduction of Mount Vernon in France. The building, in addition to being the headquarters of the American Commission to the French exposition, will be used as a museum in which will be placed articles connected with Washington and his time, loaned by the French and American Govern- ments and citizens of both countries. The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission is urging Americans to "join in this patri- otic endeavor" by contributing Washingtoniana to be exhibited in the Mount Vernon building. Among the many articles which the French govern- ment is lending to the United States Commission in Paris are an original miniature of General Washington and one of Martha Washington, a large topographic map of Yorktown painted in 1830 on the spot by order of Louis Philippe, a series of medals and documents per- taining to American-French friendship, an original bust News Releases 135 of Lafayette, taken from Versailles and very little known, autographed documents of Rochambeau, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette and numerous other articles of historic interest. The official hostess at the Mount Vernon building will be Miss Anne Madison Washington, a descendant of John Augustine Washington, nephew of George Wash- ington. The building will be furnished as nearly as pos- sible like Washington's home. Among the things which Mr. Slemp is taking to Paris to place in the building are the key to the Bastille and a copy of a picture of Louis XVI, both given to Washington by Lafayette; repro- ductions of silverware used at Mount Vernon, letters and portraits of famous Frenchmen and American colo- nists, and other articles appropriate to the time. Plans Are Started For Action Abroad In the summer of 1930, Honorable Sol Bloom, Rep- resentative in Congress from New York and Associate Director of the United States George Washington Bi- centennial Commission, spent six weeks in Europe ini- tiating the celebration abroad. Mr. Bloom went to London as a United States dele- gate to the Interparliamentary Union and later visited Paris. He took advantage of the opportunity afforded by this trip to bring to the attention of Americans re- siding in England, France and other European countries, the plans for the world-wide celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Wash- ington in 1932. He talked before leading American clubs, chambers 136 Washington Bicentennial of commerce and associations, as well as with many in- dividual Americans about the plans for the celebration and laid the foundation for the organization of com- mittees in London and Paris to plan participation in the Bicentennial events. He started movements for the or- ganization of similar committees in Italy, Germany, Poland and other countries. In England, as in other countries, Mr. Bloom found that George Washington is recognized as one of the world's greatest men, whose memory is becoming more illustrious with the passing years. He was enthusiastic over the spontaneous appreciation of Washington in France, which has been manifested ever since the days of Lafayette and Rochambeau. "I feel sure that all committees abroad will cooper- ate," said Mr. Bloom, "so that every American living in Europe as well as in other countries, will participate in what will probably be the greatest celebration in honor of one man that has ever been sponsored by any nation." Other Nations Will Join in Honoring Washington While the people of the United States of America at home and abroad are celebrating the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington next year, during the nine months' period from Washing- ton's Birthday, February 22, to Thanksgiving Day, No- vember 24, 1932, it seems certain that the peoples and governments of many other nations will join them in honoring the memory of Washington. Washington's place among the great figures of world News Releases 137 history was recognized very generally while he was still alive. His world fame has grown steadily with the passing of the years. When the Congress of the United States authorized the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, it recognized Wash- ington's world status by giving the following instruc- tions to the United States George Washington Bicenten- nial Commission: "If the participation of other nations in the com- memoration be deemed advisable, to communicate with the governments of such nations." Without waiting for official invitations from the Government of the United States, several governments have already indicated a desire to participate in the world-wide celebration next year. Diplomatic repre- sentatives of these governments in Washington have called at the offices of the United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission and conferred with the Honorable Sol Bloom, Associate Director, with regard to suitable methods of participation. It is too soon to state definitely what form the par- ticipation by various governments will take. Each gov- ernment will decide that for itself. From preliminary conferences it is learned, however, that this participa- tion will probably be extremely varied in character. As the celebration is to continue for nine months and is not to be an exposition and not to be concentrated in one place, the broadest scope is afforded not only to cit- izens of the United States of America, but to other na- tions in arranging for suitable participation. 138 Washington Bicentennial Some nations may send special delegations to the City of Washington and to the Tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon. Others may present appropriate statues or send paintings and other works of art, or col- lections of rare manuscripts relating to the life and times of Washington. Intimations have come from several countries that their governments might sponsor trips of large groups of teachers and students to the United States in 1932 to visit historic places in this country and study its development. Tributes to the life and achieve- ments of Washington in addresses by foreign rulers to be broadcast to the entire world by radio have also been suggested by representatives of some nations. Nations whose sons fought with George Washington's army to win the independence of the United States are taking a very special interest in the plans for the cele- bration. But participation is not to be confined to such nations. George Washington has been regarded through- out the world as an inspiration to all lovers of liberty and representative government. Present indications are that many nations whose peoples had no part in the American Revolution will participate in the world-wide celebration. Not only have various governments indicated a de- sire to participate in the celebration in the United States, but it is evident from unofficial conferences that some of them are planning also to honor the memory of Washington by ceremonies to be held at home. That will be entirely in keeping with the world-wide char- acter of the celebration as it has been planned by the IJnited States George Washington Bicentennial Com- News Releases 139 mission in accordance with the desire of the Congress of the United States. It is not the purpose of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission to suggest to other peoples either the extent or the form which their par- ticipation shall take. The Commission aims to acquaint them with the plans for the world-wide and nearly year- long observance by the citizens of the United States at home and abroad, with a cordial welcome to such par- ticipation by other nations as seems to them fit. Latin America to Pay Homage During 1932 Celebration All the nations of Latin- America are expected to join the people of the United States in celebrating the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Wash- ington in 1932. Among the plans that have been suggested for par- ticipation by Latin-American countries is a proposal for a Pageant of American Heroes, in which would ap- pear allegorical groups of the great national heroes of the independence period of the Republics of America. A series of tableaux has also been suggested, to be pre- sented at one of the large theatres in Washington and in the capitals of other countries of the Western Hemis- phere. These tableaux would dramatize the lives of the heroes of the independence period of all the Repub- lics of America and would be accompanied by appro- priate national music of each Republic. In arousing interest in these features and other phases of Latin-American participation the Pan-American 140 Washington Bicentennial Union, through Dr. L. S. Rowe, Director General, is cooperating with the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. The Republic of Chile will wholeheartedly join America in rendering homage to George Washington during the Bicentennial celebration in 1932, Carlos Davila, Ambassador of Chile to the United States, has informed the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission. In speaking of South America's conception of George Washington, Ambassador Davila said in a recent address: "In accomplishing the independence of the United States, George Washington created a fulcrum which the nascent organization of the countries of Latin America would need to raise their own independence. "Washington foresaw the exact shape that the polit- ical structure of American nations would assume; he was aware that new forms would evolve here, and he had a sad presentment of the strife and turmoil that this process would engender. The path which the de- velopment of the culture in the Western Hemisphere has followed may be perfectly traced in his work and in his writings. "He knew how to be heroic and how to be prudent; great with simplicity, wise without arrogance, and the democratic leader of a great mass with not one conces- sion to vulgarity. "In all his life and qualities there is a moving dignity, a greatness which even today absorbs our spirits. And these traits aggrandize his figure into a solemn charya- News Releases 141 tide standing on the threshhold of our history as the symbol of a new civilization: the guardian of American culture. "Washington convinced with justice, he charmed with the heroic, and captivated with his concept of dig- nity and public welfare. "In his life there is a continuing and iron logic; an unswerving loyalty to his ideas, to his nation, and to his conscience. His thought was truly the matrix of his acts. Agitator, soldier, statesman or citizen, his method is the same; loyalty, perseverance, order, boldness, and passion, but all subordinated ever to the stern discipline of the intellect and Christian morals. "Of none was it truer than of him that 'the way of duty is the way to glory.' "When, upon accepting the presidency, he said that all he could offer was rectitude and firmness, Washing- ton sacrificed to his modesty all his other brilliant quali- ties, but perhaps without imagining it he defined for history the two fundamentals of his character. It may be that he sought also to indicate what he considered the essential requisites of the Chief Executive in his epoch, and for the entire system of government which he brought to life — a system destined to expand to 20 other republics in this hemisphere. "Washington accomplished what from the very be- ginning he set out to do. In his existence there is noth- ing of those gifted personalities who arise from one or a series of strokes of fortune. "Neither can one find in him that element of tragedy which so often allures the historian and deceives pos- 142 Washington Bicentennial terity as to the real merits of men. No; history has found in Washington very little of the spectacular but much, very much, of inward greatness. Even today one may lose himself in the soul of Washington, with only delight for the spirit. "The heroes of our independence acted under very different circumstances and conditions, but their funda- mental characteristics were forged in the thought and personality of Washington. This was a nation already accustomed to liberty and even to self-government long before obtaining its political emancipation. Our colo- nies were oppressed nations without liberty or political culture. That is why, although the trust to rebellion was here and there identical, the process of stabilization was among us slower, painful, and turbulent. "The noble and majestic life of Washington is today the perfect symbol of the nation to which he gave life. There is in him something of lofty spirituality which removes him from other great soldier-statesmen of the past. He dignified men instead of oppressing them. He served his nation and did not make his nation serve him. "He made war, but he made things greater than war; he gave moral and political form to a republic. "He would rather take injustice than do injustice. "Always he did what he should, and not what he could. "For this, although his glory is great, his deeds are greater. "As Lord Byron so masterfully and beautifully has said: 'The fields where fought Leonidas and Washing- News Releases 143 ton are a consecrated land that tells of nations saved and not of worlds destroyed.' "The great forerunner of South American independ- ence, Gen. Francisco Miranda, on December 8, 1784, witnessed the entrance of General Washington in this city of Philadelphia. 'Children, men and women/ Miranda said in his diary, which is one of the most nota- ble historical documents of the Americas, 'expressed such delight and satisfaction as though the Redeemer had entered into Jerusalem.' 'Such is,' added Miranda, 'the sublime concept of this gifted and singular man which prevails in all the Continent.' "This concept remains in our South American coun- tries even in these days and seems each day to be more deeply rooted in the hearts of our people. "Washington has never been discussed among us; we want him to stand above the tribunal of our reason. "The George Washington Bicentennial Commission may be certain that in 1932 our peoples will join in rendering homage to this leader of men and founder of nations." Foreign Cities Will Name Streets and Squares For Washington The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission has been informed by the State Department that foreign cities in different parts of the world are planning to name important streets and squares in honor of George Washington during the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of his birth in 1932. Definite word has been received of the gracious act by 144 Washington Bicentennial which two important cities of Latvia will honor Wash- ington in this manner and official word of similar acts on the part of other foreign cities is expected soon. In a recent letter to the State Department, the Ameri- can Minister at Riga, F. W. B. Coleman, reports being advised by the Latvian Ministry for Foreign Affairs that the municipality of Riga, capital of Latvia, has resolved to change the name of "Hanza Square" to "Washing- ton Square." Further, the municipality of Jelgava, Lat- via, has determined to rename "Sluzu Square" to "Washington Square," and "Dambja Street" to "Wash- ington Street." Minister Coleman quotes the letter of the Latvian Foreign Minister as follows: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compli- ments to the American Legation and has the honor to advise that the Council of the Municipality of Riga — the capital of Latvia — on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the great American statesman and the first President of the United States, George Washing- ton, who is 'highly esteemed also in Latvia as a defender of the liberties of nations' — have resolved to name, in honor of George Washington, 'Hanza Square' as 'Wash- ington Square.' "Further, the Council of the Municipality of Jelgava (Mitsau) have resolved, on the same occasion, to name 'Sluzu Square' as 'Washington Square,' and 'Dambja Iela' as 'Washington Iela.' " In commenting on this graceful international gesture, Minister Coleman observes to the State Department: "It is worthy of attention that when this Legation's in- News Releases 14 J quiry was made, there was neither any natural feature in Latvia called Washington' nor any streets or squares so named in Latvian cities." In the name of the United States, and through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister Coleman extended thanks to these Latvian municipalities for their exceed- ingly gracious act in honoring George Washington, "whose name is esteemed wherever the liberties of na- tions are cherished." Every good American will echo that sentiment. Thus the nations of the world respond in touching sincerity to the invitation of our Government to join the Ameri- can people in honoring next year a 'man recognized all over the world not only as the greatest of Americans but one of the great liberators of mankind. Mount Vernon Walnut Seeds Planted Abroad Planting of Mount Vernon black walnut seeds on Government-owned grounds of American embassies and legations throughout the world, in connection with the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, is going forward with enthusiasm, according to reports received by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission from the State Department. Thomas H. Bevan, American consul general at Oslo, Norway, writes that, in compliance with the State De- partment's instruction, he has instructed the gardener of the legation to plant the seeds in large individual pots. He adds that the finest specimen of seedling resulting 146 Washington Bicentennial from these plantings will be set out next year with ap- propriate ceremonies. Minister Charles C. Eberhardt, at San Jose, Costa Rica, writes that the Mount Vernon walnuts sent to him by the State Department have been planted in pots, and one of the young trees will be planted next year in honor of George Washington on the grounds of the legation. Americans Residing Abroad Organize for 1932 Events That the hundreds of thousands of Americans resid- ing abroad are planning elaborate programs to honor America's first President on the two hundredth an- niversary of his birth, is indicated by letters being re- ceived by the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission. As the opening of the nine months' period of the celebration draws near, it is obvious that there is hardly a corner of the globe in which Americans reside that proper homage will not be paid to George Washington. Literature published by the Commission, explaining the purpose and scope of the celebration, is being sent by the State Department to Ambassadors, Ministers and Consular officers of the United States all over the world. This literature is being made available to Americans living in the various countries, and their interest is thereby being aroused. The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission is constantly receiving requests for addi- tional information and for suggestions as to how Ameri- News Releases 147 cans living abroad may join with their fellow citizens at home in honoring the memory of George Washington. These requests are being answered as rapidly as possible. George Washington Bicentennial Committees are be- ing selected by United States Ambassadors and Minis- ters and by American Clubs and Chambers of Com- merce in other countries. It will be necessary, of course, for these committees to plan the details of their own local celebrations. The United States George Washing- ton Bicentennial Commission in Washington, through the literature which it is distributing, is explaining the nature of the celebration in the United States in order that Americans abroad may parallel it as nearly as prac- ticable. No attempt can be made in this limited space to de- scribe everything that Americans are planning all over the world. Complete information on this subject is not available at this time either at the State Department or the offices of the United States George Washington Bi- centennial Commission. As typical of what is being planned in various coun- tries, however, the activity of United States Ambassa- dor Frederic M. Sackett and Americans in Germany may be cited. This will give to Americans residing in other countries an idea of what may be done to carry out the desire of Congress to make the celebration world-wide. Ambassador Sackett, in a recent letter to the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission in Washington, told how he launched the preparations for carrying out the celebration in Germany in his Washing- 148 Washington Bicentennial ton's Birthday address before the American Club of Berlin. "My address took the form of notifying the Ameri- can population of Germany," wrote Ambassador Sack- ett, "that the celebration would be held and that a com- mittee was to be organized for the purpose of directing and assisting the celebration not only of Berlin, but of various points throughout Germany where Americans are gathered. "First, a resolution general in terms was proposed to the Club to the effect that this organization should take the lead and make the carrying through of the celebra- tion its principal work the coming year. It approved the action of the Congress in undertaking the general celebration and declared that it would wholeheartedly support the movement. "A second resolution provided for the appointment of a committee, which resolution was finally adopted, carrying into effect the appointments as follows: "Honorary President, the Ambassador of the United States of America to Germany. "Honorary Vice President the Supervising Consul General of the United States of America at Berlin. "Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Frederick Wirth, Jr., President of the American Club of Berlin. Address: Lutzow Ufer 17, Berlin. "Arthur T. Dunning, Secretary of the American Chamber of Commerce of Berlin. Address: Care of American Chamber of Commerce, Friedrich and Leip- ziger Strasse, Berlin. "C. J. Warren, Secretary and Business Manager of the News Releases 149 American Church in Berlin. Address: Care of Ameri- can Church, Motzstrasse 6, Berlin. "Mrs. Claire Schandein Schlubeck, President of the American Women's Club of Berlin. Address: Care of American Women's Club, Bellevue Strasse 5, Berlin. "Dr. Hans Draeger, Business Manager of the Carl Schurz Vereinigung. Address: Care of Carl Schurz Vereinigung, Schloss, Portal III, Berlin. (The Carl Schurz Vereinigung is prepared to take over the activi- ties of the General von Steuben Society and add the name Von Steuben' to its corporate designation.) "All communications for the committee should be addressed to Dr. Frederick Wirth, Jr., the President of the Club. "This committee was directed to report and complete plans for German celebrations at the meeting of the Club to be held on Thanksgiving Day, 1931, and to in- clude therein not only celebrations in the City of Ber- lin, but in the headquarters of each Consular District in Germany. It was given power to create the necessary subcommittees, both in Berlin and in the Consular Dis- trict headquarters, and to provide for the local celebra- tions at each of these points. "The committee began its work at once and is most enthusiastic and will take in charge any matters that the Washington Committee sees fit to promulgate. "I would suggest that the names of the committee above be placed upon the mailing list for literature com- ing forth from the Washington organization, in order that each member may be fully informed of what is going on in the premises. 150 Washington Bicentennial "If there is any other matter which your organiza- tion desires to have acted upon, the committee is now formed and functioning and is ready to give its full co- operation and participation." Soon after receiving Ambassador Sackett's letter, the Commission received a letter from Dr. Wirth, chairman of the American George Washington Bicentennial Com- mittee in Berlin. In this letter Dr. Wirth says he is "extremely anxious to bring about an early meeting of the Executive Committee here." "I should be very pleased if arrangements could be made to forward to me a good supply of pamphlets, literature, etc., already published and which may sub- sequently be published," continues Dr. Wirth. "It might interest you to know that the Berlin Ex- ecutive Committee proposes arranging for the local committees in the chief centers of Germany who will arrange plans for local celebrations in addition to those arranged by the Executive Committee in Berlin. Any information and data which you can arrange to have forwarded to me will be very helpful in formulating our plans." Washington's Love for His Mother The approach of "Mothers' Day," with all of its tender significance to each individual, turns the thoughts also to the great men of the world in history, and the tribute of love and honor the world owes to the mothers who guided their uncertain steps through childhood and youth and brought them to fine upstanding manhood. Of all the mothers of America we owe unfailing News Releases 151 homage to the memory of Mary Ball Washington, the mother of our great national hero, for the sterling qualities she implanted in her son, according to the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. Together they gave to the world a beautiful example of filial love and respect. While life lasted he gave his mother loving homage, respected her wishes, obeyed her commands, and did his best to gratify her requests. She shared his triumphs, his troubles, and his disappoint- ments. To the honors he gained her comment was: "George deserves well of his country; he was always a good boy." No more beautiful picture can be found in the annals of history than is presented by the Peace Ball of Fredericksburg, Va., which General Washington at- tended with his frail and aging mother on his arm, garbed in her rich but simple black silk gown. Al- though she had never participated in the brilliant social functions of the courts of Europe, nor even the lesser gayeties of the large cities of America, she received the salutations of the elegant French generals with a poise and queenly dignity. Her composure and quiet reserve brought forth the tribute: "If such are the matrons of America, well may she boast of illustrious sons." So deep an impression did this colonial Virginia mother make upon the distinguished Marquis de Lafayette that, before departing for his own land, he journeyed again to Fredericksburg to bid her farewell and seek her blessing. In the hour when General Washington received the news of his election to the Presidency of the new Nation 152 Washington Bicentennial he had founded, he felt that he could not depart for New York to be inducted into office as its first Presi- dent until he had seen his mother. He traveled 60 miles to share his new honor with her, and to bid her farewell and get her blessing. He found her feeble in body and wracked with pain but clear minded and full of loving thoughts for him. This was indeed farewell, as her death occurred four months later, August 25, 1789, and at a time when her son, the President, was himself ill and unable to attend her funeral. She was laid to rest with all of the honors her towns-people could con- fer. Members of Congress wore the conventional mourning and orations and addresses sounded her virtues and her praise for many days. Her grave was long unmarked by any memorial. In the National Gazette, of Washington, D. C, May 13, 1826, was published a moving tribute to her life and her death by George Washington Parke Custis. This aroused much attention and interest and a project was started in Virginia to erect a monument over her grave, but it was not until seven years later that any actual progress was made, and then it was through the interest of Silas M. Burroughs, of New York, who offered to erect a monument to her memory at his own personal expense. As a result of his interest, on May 1, 1833, amid most elaborate ceremonies, the corner stone was laid with Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, officiating. Members of the Cabinet, of Con- gress, and many distinguished citizens journeyed to Fredericksburg to participate. The President made an appropriate address as he deposited the inscribed plate on the stone, and at the conclusion of the services a poem News Releases 153 written for the occasion was read by the author, Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney. The base of the monument was completed and the stone selected for the obelisk that was to complete the design, when Mr. Burroughs suffered financial reverses and went to China to recuperate them. He died abroad and before he had accomplished his mission. For more than 50 years thereafter Mary Washington's grave with its unfinished and deteriorating monument was neglected. Then the women of Fredericksburg arose in their united strength of purpose and interested the women of the land far and wide and saved the spot where the mother of Washington lay from auction sale. They set to work to erect to her memory a monument that should last to the end of time, and in 1894 the little city on the Rappahannock was again thronged with thousands of people who came to do honor to the mother of Wash- ington in the dedication of the monument erected to her memory by the women of America — the first monu- ment by women to a woman. President Grover Cleveland, Vice President Adlai Stevenson, with the Cabinet and members of Congress, the governor of Virginia and his staff were part of the long procession which marched to the music of the Marine Band. Addresses by the President, by the mayor, the gover- nor, and an oration by the gifted Senator Daniel, with solemn Masonic ceremonies, comprised the cere- monies that have given to the world, the Nation, Fred- ericksburg, the family, and to the women of America the right to point with pride at the shaft 50 feet high, 154 Washington Bicentennial similar to the one in the National Capital that honors George Washington, which in its simplicity of white marble expresses the simplicity, unwavering uprightness, and Christian purity and fortitude of "Mary, the Mother of Washington." George Washington Had to Overcome Obstacles as a Boy It is an old story that George Washington, master of Mount Vernon, Commander in Chief of the Revolu- tionary Army, and first President of the United States, was one of the richest men of his time. That is the George Washington as pictured to American school- boys in their history books. Most boys — and many of their elders — will be surprised, and perhaps inspired, by the reminder that as a boy George Washington was poor. Not only that, he had little schooling, and very early had to buckle down and prepare to earn his own living. His father, Augustine Washington, was a fairly rich man, as men were rated in those days; that is, he owned many acres of good Virginia land, but like nearly all others of his kind, he was "property poor." In line with the custom of the time, Augustine Washington, at his death, left the bulk of his property to his eldest son. Thus the estate passed into the hands of George's half- brother, Lawrence, 14 years his senior. George himself, a devoted son, willingly accepted for the best whatever his father had devised. His half- brother Lawrence came into possession of the now famous estate on the Potomac known as Mount Vernon. His other half-brother, Augustine, inherited "Wake- News Releases 155 field," the place where George himself was born. To George was left the farm at Fredericksburg, but sub- ject to his mother's control as long as he remained a minor. The Widow Washington had also some property of her own in the neighborhood, but she had little money. George was but 11 years old when his father died. There were five other children. And working the farm meant hard work and close management for Mary Ball Washington. Fortunately for herself and for George, she was a shrewd and able woman. Much of George's great char- acter is thought to have come to him from his mother. She early taught him to bear responsibility, and from the beginning he faced the world with the idea of earning his own living, if not the living of the family. But, just as fortunately, George's brothers were also men of unusual character. The younger of them, Au- gustine, took George to live for a while at "Wakefield," where tradition has it that George got some schooling of a business nature to fit him for a life of self-support. He turned out to be apt in a subject dreaded by most boys — mathematics. But, above all, he became inter- ested in surveying, an occupation which, it later turned out, was to open to him his future career. At the end of two years George returned to his mother at Fredericksburg and is said to have received a little more schooling at the hands of a Rev. Mr. Marye, although this also is a matter of tradition. Cer- tainly at this time he wrote out the famous "One Hun- dred Rules of Civility." For a time George was credited with having composed these rules himself, but it is known now that they were a sort of standard copybook, 156 Washington Bicentennial first issued in French and later translated into English. Whatever their origin, George faithfully copied them into his book — and into his life. The story of George's ambition to go to sea, and of his manfully giving it up at the earnest wish of his mother, is also well known. He set himself instead to earn money by his surveying. And here again was a test of his character, since George had been born into a social circle which thought it undignified for a man to earn his own living. Meanwhile George's half-brother, Lawrence, had taken a fancy to the boy and stood ready to help him in every possible way. For a time George lived at Mount Vernon, all the while devoting himself to his surveying. This warm-hearted brother wisely let him have his way, and did even better. He introduced George to Lord Fairfax, a near neighbor, who also in turn took a strong liking to George. Lord Fairfax at once employed the 1 6-year-old lad to survey his vast lands, and a year later got him appointed official surveyor of Culpeper County, an important job for a boy of 17. Even before George had attained his majority he was earning from $5 to $20 a day, a handsome rate of pay for the time. But he seems to have earned it, for such was the quality of his work that some of the lines he ran became afterward the recognized boundaries of counties and estates. The ability and character of George soon brought him to the attention of Dinwiddie, the governor of Virginia, and from surveying he was drawn into his first military excursions, first as a 21 -year-old major, then as a colonel of militia, and his career as we know News Releases 157 it was well begun. The point is, nevertheless, that George Washington as a boy was not afraid to face the prospect of earning his own way in the world, and that he never would have reached the door to his great future career if he had not buckled down as a boy with the determination of showing his mettle. Sea Voyage of Washington and Hoover President Hoover's visit to our island territories in the Caribbean creates an historic parallel to another voyage to those waters made 180 years ago by a young man destined also to be President of the United States and a world figure, although the young man was not then aware of it. The young man in question, then 19 years of age, was George Washington. Even at that early age Washington was the methodical man that he remained through life, and faithfully kept a day-to-day journal of this his first and only sea voyage. Of all the voluminous papers of George Wash- ington that have come down to us, this journal is the most cut and mutilated, says the Division of Informa- tion and Publication of the United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission. Whole pages of this priceless record are missing, and many of the surviving pages are mere shreds with but a word or a line of writing. What the young Washington does reveal of his experiences, however, stands in dramatic contrast with this voyage of the thirty-first President, whose day-to- day acts are radioed from the battleship that in 10 days will have taken him to the Virgin Islands and Porto Rico and return. 158 Washington Bicentennial The youthful George Washington set forth on a sailing vessel from the Potomac River on September 28, 1751, and it took him a month and five days to reach Bridgetown in the Barbados. His errand was to be a companion to his half-brother, Lawrence, who had been advised by medical counsel to try the climate of the West Indies as a possible cure for tuberculosis. The United States battleship which carried President Hoover was almost as safe as dry land itself. Note the difference in this experience of Washington who, in his nineteenth year, was observant enough to jot down this entry for October 19: "Hard squalls of wind and rain. Sea jostling in heaps occasioned by wavering wind which in 24 hours veered; the compass not remaining two hours in any point. The seamen seemed disheartened, confessing they never had seen such weather before. It was universally surmised there had been a violent hurricane not far distant. A prodigy in the west ap- peared toward the sun's setting about six p. m. remark- able for its extraordinary redness." On November 2 land was sighted unexpectedly and almost by accident, "when by our reckonings we should have been near 150 leagues to the windward." Had the land not been fortunately sighted, the vessel bearing Washington might have been three weeks or more in discovering the error. On December 22, 1751, young George records: "Took leave of my brother and embarked on the Industry, Capt. John Saunders for Virginia." It was March 4 before he reached Pope's Creek, Westmoreland County, near the place of his birth at "Wakefield." From there he went to Fredericksburg, and arrived at Mount News Releases 159 Vernon, then the property of his half-brother, Law- rence, with messages to Lawrence's wife. The doctors had held out hope for Lawrence's recovery. The hope was in vain. Lawrence Washington failed to recover. And as he had always been as much father as brother to George, he left Mount Vernon to his young half-brother, who there was to nourish the mind and spirit that dominated all discouragement during the struggles of the Colonies and finally founded the Nation and its line of Presidents, the present one of whom has steamed over the sailing route of the youth who was destined to be a maker of American Presidents. What a rounding of the circle, and what a mass of history and progress is enclosed within that ring of 180 years! Washington Hunted Buffalo and Bear Many people are under the impression that George Washington's hunting experiences were confined to foxes in the vicinity of his home in Virginia. Such is not the case. In the autumn of 1770 he hunted buffalo while on his trip to the Ohio with his friend, Dr. Craik. In his diary of November 2 of that year is found this interesting item on buffalo hunting: "We proceeded up the River (Kanhawa) with the Canoe about 4 Miles more, and then incamped and went a Hunting; killed five Buffaloes and wounded some others, three deer, etca. This Country abounds in Buf- falo and Wild game of all kinds as also in all kinds of wild fowl, there being in the Bottoms a great many small grassy Ponds or Lakes which are full of Swans, Geese and Ducks of different kinds." It will be observed that Washington modestly refrains 160 Washington Bicentennial from stating how many of the five buffaloes fell from bullets from his rifle. On New Year's Day, 1772, some friends called on Washington at Mount Vernon. Several days later he entertained them with a little hunting trip in the nearby forests which he tells about in his diary in this brief way: "Went a-Hunting with the above Gentlemen. Found both a Bear and Fox, but got neither." Washington Hunted on Hoover Camp Site George Washington, at the age of 16, often fished on the banks of the Rapidan and hunted wild turkeys on the ground now occupied by President Hoover's rest camp and summer lodge, near Orange, Va. In March, 1748, young Washington, in company with George Fairfax, started on his first journey beyond the Blue Ridge from Belvoir to help survey land owned by Lord Fairfax. They traveled 40 miles the first day, March 11, 1748. Starting from Belvoir, they crossed the Occoquan Ferry, striking into the old road leading from the head of Quantico to Prince William Courthouse on Cedar Run, and traveled west to George Neavil's small country tavern. On the following day they met James Genn, the surveyor of Prince William County, who was to help them get started on their surveying expedition for Lord Fairfax. Accompanied by Mr. Genn, they rode over the Blue Ridge, following the Shenandoah River to Capt. John Ashby's place, who kept the original Shenandoah Ferry where the Winchester road still crosses that river. From here they worked their way to the headspring of the News Releases 161 Potomac River, following the trail through what is now Fauquier over the route subsequently adopted for the Winchester road, and crossed the river at Ashby's Run. Washington's entire trip, including the surveying, took only from March 11 to April 13, a few days over a month. In his diary, describing the trip, numerous mention is made of killing "wilde turkies," and the out- door life is vividly portrayed. Fort Necessity to be Rebuilt Reconstruction of Fort Necessity, near Uniontown, Pa., the scene of General Washington's only capitula- tion, will be one of the features of the George Wash- ington Bicentennial Celebration by the State of Penn- sylvania in 1932. A total of $50,000 has been appropriated for the rebuilding of the fort and making it a national memo- rial. The British Government has expressed great interest in the project, and is expected to send an official delegation to the exercises dedicating the memorial. Officers of the famous Coldstream Guards, of which Braddock was once commander, attended the dedica- tion of Braddock's monument last July. It was the capture of Fort Necessity by the French on July 3, 1754, which brought on the Seven Years' War, our French and Indian War, fought here and in Europe, and which finally resulted in English domina- tion of the new continent. Washington was only 22 years old when he com- manded this expedition against the French. On March 15, 1754, he had been commissioned a lieutenant colonel of the Virginia regiment, whose colonel, Joshua Fry, 162 Washington Bicentennial was ordered to march to the fort of the Ohio Company, situated where the Monongahela and Allegheny unite to form the Ohio River. Washington began his advance through the wilder- ness, and at Great Meadows fortified a position which he named Fort Necessity. Presently he learned that the French were advancing against him. He did not wait for the attack. Instead he "set out in a heavy rain, and, in a night as dark as pitch," attacked a party of French and Indians, killed 10, including the French com- mander, Jumonville, and captured 21 prisoners. He continued his advance until he learned that a large force was moving against him. He returned to Great Meadows and resumed work at Fort Necessity. Mean- while Colonel Fry died at Will's Creek, and thus Wash- ington came to command the Virginia regiment. The enemy appeared before the fort on July 3. After fight- ing all day, the French called for a parley. They pro- posed that the Virginians should march out with their arms, on condition that they would not return to the Ohio for one year. As Washington was short of am- munition, he agreed to these terms and returned to Virginia with his troops. For his services, he received the thanks of the House of Burgesses. Despite the defeat, the youthful Wash- ington learned a principle at Fort Necessity, which was of decisive importance in the Revolution — he never again allowed himself to be surrounded and besieged. While it is not generally remembered, Washington, on December 6, 1770, acquired a tract of land of about 240 acres in Great Meadows on the site of Fort Neces- sity. This tract was the land in Pennsylvania retained News Releases 163 by Washington until his death, and is listed in the schedule attached to his will at $6 per acre, or at a value of $1,404. Braddock's Defeat Brought Washington Fame As Fighter One of the significant dates to be observed next year in connection with the Bicentennial Celebration of George Washington's birth is July 9, the anniversary of Braddock's defeat at the battle of the Monongahela. The battle, says the Division of Information and Pub- lication of the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission, materially affected the later history of this country and was an important factor in the early military life of its first President. The people of Pennsylvania, especially those living in Braddock on the actual site of the famous battlefield, appreciate the great historical interest attached to the place. In recognition of this, the 175th anniversary of the event was observed a year ago with appropriate cere- monies and a statue of George Washington as a young Virginia militiaman was dedicated. The battle of Braddock's Field, as the engagement is sometimes called, really was the beginning of the Seven Years War which cost France her possessions in Amer- ica and considerably altered the subsequent history of the New World. The question of taxation which helped bring about the Revolutionary War grew out of Eng- land's attempt to tax her colonies for revenue to pay the costs of the French and Indian War, as it is known iri American history. 164 Washington Bicentennial When General Braddock came to America to force the French from the territory claimed by England he brought an army of British regulars who were veterans of European battlefields. He possessed the Englishman's contempt for the fighting ability and methods of the provincial militiamen and the Indians. However, he in- vited Washington into his military family and his force included Virginia riflemen, some of whom had been with Washington at Fort Necessity the year before. Brad- dock's arrogant confidence in the superiority of his own men and European military tactics over the backwoods- man's method of fighting cost him his life and the battle of Monongahela. As Braddock neared Fort Duquesne on that July day of 1755, the French and Indians attacked his advance troops, drove them back and encircled his main body. The Britons in their battle formation of closed ranks presented a solid target into which their foes, hidden be- hind trees and in the underbrush, poured a leaden stream with deadly effect. There could be but one result. The redcoats, at- tacked by an unseen enemy, faced an unfamiliar situa- tion. Discharging their muskets at random they broke ranks and fled precipitately despite the valiant attempts of their officers to rally them. The indiscriminate fir- ing of the panic-stricken troops, Washington wrote, wrought havoc among their own companions and the Virginians. Young Colonel Washington was conspicuous in his courageous efforts to rally the Britons. As he rode fran- tically over the field he was an excellent target for the News Releases 165 bidden marksmen. That every effort was made to bring him down is attested by the fact that two horses were shot under him and his coat was pierced by four bul- lets. His bravery and valor were ever after recognized at home and abroad. It has been said that this battle was, in a way, part of the Revolutionary War. At any rate it was closely connected with subsequent events which precipitated that conflict. The war which commenced with Brad- dock's defeat helped bring to a head the irritating ques- tion of Britain's right to tax her American colonies. It also brought to the front the name of George Washing- ton — the man destined to lead the armies of his country to victory. When Washington Ran for Office The vision of George Washington that always rises before us at every mention of his name is the Washing- ton of later years, the Commander in Chief of the Revo- lutionary Army, the man who presided over the Con- stitutional Convention, the first President of the United States. We forget that even George Washington had to pass through an early day of small beginnings, and that there must have been a first occasion when George Washington had to "carry his district," like any small- town officeholder of today. In 1755 Washington had rushed back from Brad- dock's troops on an important errand. Braddock needed cash with which to pay off his men. His aide, Colonel Washington, volunteered to get the needed money at the Virginia capital, Williamsburg. Inci- dentally, he did obtain the 4,000 pounds needed, but he 166 Washington Bicentennial obtained it by borrowing, since the paymaster was absent. On his way back to Braddock he paused at Win- chester, in the Shenandoah Valley, and there wrote a letter to his brother, Jack, in which he toys with the idea of running as representative of Fairfax County in the Virginia House of Burgesses. Evidently a turn for politics had overtaken him, as it had other members of his family. In this letter to Brother Jack he reports that Major Carlyle had banteringly suggested that he run as burgess, but, before he will do so, Jack must first learn whether Colonel Fairfax has any intention of running for the same office. In December of that year Lieut. Col. Adam Stephen wrote a letter to Washington from Fort Cumberland, in which he refers to Washington having been "insulted" at the Fairfax election, a reference which leads some authorities to the conclusion that Washington may have seen his way clear to run for the office — but lost. How- ever, Washington's own poll list of the election for Fair- fax County does not include his name; but it is among those who did not succeed at the polls in Frederick County, the frontier county with Winchester as its courthouse. In 1758 Washington again offered himself as burgess from Frederick County, and this time he won by a count of 310 to 45. During both these elections Washington was away from his home county on public business, but in the final election this appears to have done no damage to his interests. It may be, also, that he owed some of his News Releases 167 success to a capable manager, Col. James Wood, for Washington wrote a letter to Wood in which he ex- presses the warmest appreciation and gratitude for the services rendered. Thereafter George Washington had little opposition to the part he played in the Virginia House of Burgesses. Students of history will be quick to compare the early political career of Washington with that of Abraham Lincoln. Each seems to have gained his first lesson in statesmanship from the chagrin of defeat. The difference between them begins with the fact that Lincoln was not the military man but almost wholly the statesman. As such he suffered more defeat than Washington, even though Washington was a candidate for office more often. The point is that both mastered the arts of statesman- ship, and learned it first in the hard school of winning votes against opposition. A simple operation in arith- metic discloses the fact that Washington entered the legislature of his State at the age of 27. Thus his beginnings in statecraft are almost parallel with his first military experiences. How quickly he grasped the prin- ciples of war and state a thousand biographies relate in the marvelous story of George Washington's after career. It is the oak that grew from the acorn days when at 23 he was a colonel and commander in chief of the military forces of his State and at 27 one of her legislators. George Washington Sees a Coal Mine George Washington, in the autumn of 1770, rode off to Pennsylvania with the primary purpose of in- 168 Washington Bicentennial specting a tract of 1,600 acres of land in that State, ob- tained for him by his agent, Captain Crawford. In his diary, Washington notes that on a certain Sunday, during this visit, he and Captain Crawford peered into a coal mine, out of idle curiosity. True to his love of detail, Washington further observes the coal as "burning freely, and abundance of it." With that, Washington seems to have forgotten coal, in the multiplicity of his other interests. Within five years the War of the Revolution was to absorb all his time and efforts; and after that, the building of the United States Constitution and the establishment of a permanent form of Government required his full at- tention. He never lived to discover what a world of meaning he unconsciously wrote into those final words of his diary — "Abundance of it." The world's reserves of all kinds of coal amounts to nearly seven and a half trillion metric tons, we learn from the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission. Of this mass of latent power, we have in the United States nearly four trillion tons, or nearly 52 per cent of all the known coal embedded in the earth. The possession and the use of that coal have utterly trans- formed the United States and the world since George Washington's day. In his time, America was a nation of farmers, small traders, and hand manufacturers. It now is the great- est and richest manufacturing Nation in all history. If, during the honors we are to pay him in 1932, Wash- ington could revisit the country that his labors in war and statesmanship made possible, these 48 States of to- News Releases 169 day, grown so rich through business and industry, would first amaze, and then delight him. It would take noth- ing from his greatness that he cut short his notice of the presence of coal in America with the brief words, "abundance of it." A few years after the death of Washington there oc- curred a combination of events such as not the farthest- sighted man could have foreseen. It was one of those turns, like the discovery of fire or the invention of the wheel, that almost overnight send humanity on new and upward nights of progress. The eighteenth century closed with Washington's death; the nineteenth imme- diately began with Watt's invention of the steam en- gine. The coal to fire it was there "in abundance." Power machinery, the railroad, the steamship followed. And within 25 years the world was a thing totally dif- ferent from what it was when Washington closed his eyes upon it. The very mine that Washington visited on that Octo- ber Sunday in 1770 was on the site of Connellsville, Pa., soon to become the greatest coke producing center in the world. Note, too, that he records having en- tered a mine, an indication that even then coal had been dug and used. But the steam engine had yet to be born from the brain of Watt. Such coal as was mined warmed a few houses round about, and Washington turned his back on the vein with a casual notation prob- ably reflecting his feeling that the people living near that bed were rather in luck. It happens that coal was in wider use during Wash- ington's lifetime than is usually supposed. Elsewhere in his diaries he records the purchase of this or that num- 170 Washington Bicentennial ber of barrels of coal. But its real importance was a secret of the future. But what an importance now! Glance at these con- trasts, and grasp, if you can, their meaning. The first discovery of coal in America was reported in 1 679 by a party of Jesuit explorers. They found it near what is now Ottawa, in Illinois. They probably cooked their venison with it. And over a recent 10- year period we mined, according to the United States Bureau of Mines, more than half a billion tons of bitu- minous coal every year, much of it from Illinois. In money it was worth a billion and a quarter dollars every year. What it was worth beyond that, you may figure for yourself, for it moved the industrial system of the greatest manufacturing Nation in history. Coal was known in Virginia as early as 1700. In 1750 a mine was opened 12 miles above Richmond, not much above 75 miles from Washington's home at Mount Ver- non. By 1789 this mine was shipping coal by water to Philadelphia, New York, and even to Boston. It was used to warm the homes and offices of human beings. From 1920 to 1929, the mines of Pennsylvania turned out every year nearly 80 million tons of anthracite. For that item of personal comfort we paid, every year, about 415 millions of dollars. The first Congress of the United States, in the first administration of President Washington, once appropriated a million and a quarter dollars — and frightened the country with its extrava- gance. Part of that appropriation was for fire-wood to warm the offices of the Department of State. Not a pound of coal was bought. Anthracite was first discovered, by the way, in Rhode News Releases 171 Island, in 1760. The great beds about Wilkes-Barre were first recorded in 1762. Since 1807, according to United States Government records, we have mined nearly four billion tons of it to warm Americans. In the same period we mined nearly 1 6 billion tons of bitu- minous coal to drive our machines, our ships, our rail- roads — and ourselves. Declaration of Independence Hailed With Joy by Washington Independence Day, in 1932, will be celebrated with a pomp and splendor which has never before been equaled in the United States since July 4, 1776, when that solemn and sublime document, the "Declaration of Independence," was enacted by the Continental Con- gress in Philadelphia. According to plans being completed by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, the glorious event will be one of the big features of the celebration commemorating the two hundredth anni- versary of the First President. From one end of the continent to the other, programs are being arranged by State, city, and town bicentennial commissions, which will include Fourth of July parades, military and naval pageants, patriotic music, games, sports, fireworks, and illuminations. Hundreds of prominent men and women, including governors of the various States, Senators, and Congress- men, mayors, and other city and town officials, have shown an enthusiastic cooperation in making this day one of the outstanding events in the history of the Nation. 172 Washington Bicentennial Tradition gives a dramatic effect to the announce- ment of the Declaration of Independence. It was known to be under discussion, but the closed doors of Congress excluded the populace. They awaited, in throngs, an appointed signal. In the steeple of the State House was a bell imported 23 years previously from London by the Provincial Assembly of Pennsylvania. It bore the portentous text from scripture: "Proclaim liberty throughout the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof." It was late in the afternoon of July 4, 1776. John Hancock, President of Congress, was seated in his place before a plain mahogany table desk on which rested a handsome silver inkstand. In a semi-circle in the body of the room were seated the delegates. Charles Thomson, the secretary, was seated near by at a similar desk, where he kept the official journal. The time had arrived for final action, and it was the deciding vote of John Morton, of Pennsylvania, swing- ing the Keystone State's delegation in favor of inde- pendence, that was the turning point. The manner in which the affirmative vote of Penn- sylvania was secured is one of the most dramatic episodes of the Revolution. The Pennsylvania delega- tion was instructed by the State Assembly, of which Morton was speaker, not to vote for independence. In a test vote, on July 1, 1776, a majority of the Penn- sylvania delegation followed these instructions, but not John Morton. He still insisted on independence. John Dickinson and Robert Morris, upright and courageous men, who misjudged the crisis, stayed away from the session. Morton, therefore, as chairman of News Releases 173 the delegation, agreed with Franklin and Wilson. The turning point in the success of that movement so im- portant for human liberty was Morton's casting his de- ciding vote for independence. Morton is said to have declared on his deathbed that "this was the most glorious service I ever rendered my country." A joyous peal from the Liberty Bell gave notice that the bill had passed. Thus was the sovereignty of the United States established and the knell of British domi- nation sounded. However, it was not until July 8 that the adoption by Congress of the Declaration was offi- cially proclaimed. This ceremony took place in the State House yard (Independence Square) at 12 o'clock noon, which was the first public proclamation of the document. On July 19, 1776, Congress ordered that the Declaration be fairly engrossed, but it was not until August 2, 1776, that it was signed as engrossed by the members of Congress present. No one felt the importance of the event more than the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. Washington hailed the Declaration with joy. It is true, it was but a formal recognition of a state of things which had long existed, but it put an end to all those temporizing hopes of reconciliation which had clogged the military actions of the country. On July 9, 1776, he ordered it to be read at the head of each brigade of the army. "The general hopes," said he in his orders, "that this important event will serve as a fresh incentive to every officer and soldier, to act with fidelity and courage, as knowing that now the peace and safety of his country depend, under God, solely on the success of our arms; 174 Washington Bicentennial and that he is now in the service of a State, possessed of sufficient power to reward his merit and advance him to the highest honors of a free country." The excitable populace of the city of New York were not content with the ringing of bells to proclaim their joy. There was a leaden statue of George III in Bowling Green in front of the fort. Since kingly rule was no more, why retain its effigy? On the same eve- ning, therefore, the statue was pulled down amid the shouts of the multitude, and broken up to be made into bullets to be used in the cause of independence. Some of the soldiers having been implicated in this popular demonstration, Washington censured it in gen- eral orders as having much the appearance of a riot and a lack of discipline, and the army was forbidden to indulge in any irregularity of this kind. It was his constant effort to inspire his countrymen in arms with his own elevated ideas of the cause in which they were engaged, and to make them feel that it was no ordinary warfare, admitting of vulgar passions and perturbations. "The general hopes and trusts," said he, "that every officer and man will endeavor so to live and act as be- comes a Christian soldier defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country." Washington Elected Commander in Chief June 15, 1775, was a turning point in the affairs of the thirteen Colonies and a red-letter day in the life of George Washington, for on that day the Second Continental Congress, meeting in the State House in Philadelphia, unanimously chose George Washington Commander in Chief of the Continental Armies. News Releases 17$ Examining the original Journal of Congress of that session, we read: "Resolved, that a General be appointed to command all the Continental Forces, raised or to be raised for the defence of American liberty. "That five hundred dollars per month be allowed for the pay and expences of the General. "The Congress then proceeded to the choice of a General by ballot, and GEORGE WASHINGTON, Esq., was unanimously elected." John Adams, delegate from Massachusetts and destined to succeed Washington as President of the United States almost a quarter of a century later, was the strongest advocate of making the "Gentleman of Virginia" Commander in Chief. We have his own words to prove this statement: "I had no hesitation to declare that I had but one gentleman in my mind for that important command, and that was a gentleman from Virginia, who was among us and very well known to all of us; a gentle- man, whose skill and experience as an officer, whose independent fortune, great talents, and excellent uni- versal character would command the approbation of all America, and unite the cordial exertions of all the colonies better than any other person in the Union." John Hancock, President of the Congress, officially notified Washington of his election on the next day; and the newly chosen General, standing in his place, made the following speech of acceptance: "Mr. President. "Though I am truly sensible of the high honor done me in this appointment, yet, I feel great distress from 176 Washington Bicentennial a consciousness, that my abilities and military experi- ence may not be equal to the extensive and important trust: However, as the Congress desire it, I will enter upon the momentous duty, and exert every power I possess in their service and for support of the glorious cause. I beg they will accept my most cordial thanks for this distinguished testimony of their approbation. "But, lest some unlucky event should happen un- favourable to my reputation, I beg it may be remem- bered by every Gentleman in the room, that I this day declare with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with. "As to pay, Sir, I beg leave to assure the Congress, that as no pecuniary consideration could have tempted me to accept this arduous employment, at the expence of my domestic ease and happiness, I do not wish to make any profit from it. I will keep an exact account of my expences. Those, I doubt not they will discharge, and that is all I desire." Thus began eight arduous years of fighting with Inde- pendence for the Colonies the prize. Many States will celebrate June 15, 1932, as one of the feature days of the nine -month celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. That Glorious Christmas of 76 In one of the greatest and most spectacular exploits of his military career, Gen. George Washington, on Christmas night, 1776, wrested a victory from the forces of Great Britain and in a few short hours lifted the spirits of his countrymen from the despair into News Releases 177 which they had been plunged by a series of defeats and reverses. With a sure swiftness that inspired terror in the hearts of his enemies, the American Commander in Chief, at the head of a small force of 2,400 Continentals, crossed the dangerous, ice-filled Delaware River, and, in a fury of desperation, fell upon the Hessian troops commanded by Colonel Rahl, at Trenton. The net re- sult of Washington's action was a thousand prisoners of war and a most convincing triumph for the Americans. The incidents leading up to and connected with the Battle of Trenton are recounted in a story of the ma- neuvers by which George Washington saved the cause of the Colonies at a time when all hope seemed to be lost. It was this movement which restored the confidence of the Americans and gave them the courage to continue the struggle for liberty in the face of all odds. The attack on Trenton had been planned by Wash- ington as a means of bolstering the rapidly declining hopes of his countrymen. The enlistment term of his most valuable and experienced soldiers would expire at the end of the year, and he knew that but few could be prevailed upon to reenlist under the unpromising conditions which then prevailed. It was not only im- perative that these troops be reenlisted, but it was just as essential that the morale of the entire population be improved. The whole country needed the tonic of an inspiring victory. While General Howe occupied New York in the sum- mer of 1776, he employed his army in inflicting a series of minor defeats on the Colonials in that vicinity. At Long Island, White Plains, Forts Washington and Lee on the Hudson and in numerous skirmishes, the British 178 Washington Bicentennial had beaten and discouraged the Americans. As winter approached and the weather became more and more dis- agreeable, Howe became less inclined to fight and gave most of his attention to preparing comfortable quarters in which to plan the spring campaign. To the English leader it appeared that the Revolution had been all but crushed, and he seems to have expected what spirit re- mained with the Colonists to wear itself out in the cold, freezing snows of winter. At any rate, he had appar- ently conquered New Jersey, and by the time spring came he would be ready to capture Philadelphia, the rebel capital. The British commander had stationed troops at sev- eral places in New Jersey to prevent the Americans from retaking that territory should they make an attempt to do so, although little concern was felt in this direction. Washington was just across the Delaware River in Penn- sylvania, but the condition of his men was such as to arouse but little apprehension on the part of the British. The entire Continental Army was suffering from a lack of food, clothing, guns, ammunition — in fact, nearly everything needed to maintain an army was lacking in the American camp. No self-respecting European sol- dier could entertain anything but contempt for such a nondescript body of troops. Among the soldiers which Howe had left in the Jer- seys was a regiment of Hessians under the command of Colonel Rahl. These troops numbered about 1,500, and were stationed at Trenton but a very short distance from the Delaware. They were hired out by their own monarch, without their own consent, to fight for other rulers. Many of these soldiers were used in the Revolu- News Releases 1 79 tion by Great Britain. Their lot was not a very happy one. Washington formed his plans with all possible secrecy and Christmas was selected as the day for the attack on Trenton, because it was believed that the Hessians would be wholly unprepared to resist an assault at that time. These suppositions proved to be correct, for the boister- ous celebration of the Yuletide was at its height when the Americans stormed the town in the dawn of that cold December morning. Washington assembled his men at McKonkey's Ferry, on the bank of the Delaware, after a march of nine miles through snow and biting sleet. The men were loaded into boats which had been gathered and prepared for the occasion, and the pitiful little army was soon moving across the stream. It was a perilous undertaking, for the river was filled with great blocks of ice which many times threatened to overturn the crowded craft. But the affair was so well planned and executed that not a man or gun was lost. There was some delay in getting the artillery up, so that by the time Washington was ready to move on his objective the night was far gone. The enterprise had progressed so far, however, that there could be no thought of turning back. From the ferry where the crossing had been made there remained another nine-mile march to Trenton. By this time the temperature had dropped far below freez- ing and the troops were in a sorry plight, but they cheer- fully resumed the march. The cold was so severe that two men froze to death that night. The suffering was intensified by the lack of suitable clothing, and a mes- senger to Washington was able to find the General by 180 Washington Bicentennial following the bloody footprints which his army left in the snow. Many of the muskets were so clogged with ice that they could not be fired, but by the time Trenton was reached the Americans, as one writer has suggested, would have charged with nothing but broomsticks. As it was, most of the fighting was done with the bayonet. The battle did not last long. Colonel Rahl had un- derestimated the mettle of his opponent and had failed to erect fortifications or otherwise to prepare for an at- tack. This mistake cost him his life and lost to Great Britain the services of a thousand hirelings. The Hes- sian commander bravely tried to form his men and re- sist the attack, but it was made so suddenly and so cour- ageously that his tardy efforts were of no avail. This time Washington's victory was certain, and after only a few minutes of fighting the Hessians surrendered. The American casualties consisted of two or three men wounded, one of whom was Lieutenant James Monroe, later to become President of the United States. Washington's hopes for the success of his enterprise were fully realized. His strategy and the heroism of his troops had the desired effect, for the waning spirits of the Americans were revived and the Revolution was saved. The British were forced to admit that they were opposed by a worthy foeman and from this time for- ward their respect for his ability increased. There is no doubt that this was a strategic and masterful stroke on the part of the American leader. No less an author- ity than Frederick the Great, of Prussia, on one occasion is supposed to have remarked that "Washington's cam- paign in the Jerseys was the outstanding military ex- ploit of the century." After his surrender at York- News Releases 181 town, Lord Cornwallis, while dining with General Wash- ington, said: "Fame will gather your brightest laurels rather on the banks of the Delaware than from those of the Chesapeake." It is entirely fitting that the American people should turn for a moment from the holiday spirit of the season and remember with gratitude the sacrifices made by these courageous men of the Continental Army and the genius of their indomitable leader in the Battle of Tren- ton. Surely the nation is deeply indebted to George Washington for what he accomplished on that cold, stormy Christmas in 1776. Washington's Only Fourth of July Address The only Fourth of July address ever made by George Washington was delivered at Lancaster, Pa., on Inde- pendence Day, 1791. This place, at that time, was the largest inland town in the United States. Washington, in his diary, thus describes the incident: "Monday, July 4, 1791. This being the Anniversary of American Independence and being kindly requested to do it, I agreed to halt here this day and partake of the entertainment which was preparing for the cele- bration of it. In the forenoon I walked about the town — at half past 2 Oclock I received, and answered an address from the Corporation and the complimts of the Clergy of different denominations — dined be- tween 3 and 4 Oclock — drank tea with Mrs. Hand." The address from the corporation was as follows: "To George Washington, President of the United States: "Sir: On behalf of the inhabitants of the borough of Lancaster, the members of the Corporation beg leave to 182 Washington Bicentennial congratulate you on your arrival at this place. On this jovial occasion, they approach the First Magistrate of the Union with hearts impressed with no less grateful respect than their fellow-citizens of the East and South. With them they have admired those talents, and that firm prudence in the field, which finally ensured suc- cess to the American arms. But at this time, reverence forbids the language which would naturally flow from the recapitulation of the events of the late glorious revo- lution. The faithful page of history will record your illustrious actions for posterity. Yet we cannot forbear to mention what we, in our day, have beheld and wit- nessed. We have seen you at the awful period, when the storm was bursting around us, and our fertile plains were deluged with the richest blood of America, rising above adversity, and exerting all the talents of the patriot and the hero, to save our country from the threatened ruin; and when, by the will of Heaven, these exertions had restored peace and prosperity to the United States, and the great object for which you drew the sword was accomplished, we have beheld you, adorned with every private, social virtue mingling with your fellow citizens. Yet that transcendent love of country, by which you have always been actuated, did not suffer you to rest here;— but when the united voice of myriads of freemen (your fellow citizens) called you from the repose of domestic life, actuated solely by the principles of true glory — not seeking your own aggrandizement, but sacrificing the sweets of retired life to the wishes and happiness of your country, we have beheld you, possessed of the confidence of a great people, presiding over their councils, and, by your happy administration, News Releases 183 uniting them together by the great political bond of one common interest. "It is, therefore, that the inhabitants of this borough seize with joy the only opportunity which has offered to them, to testify their approbation of, and their gratitude for, your services. "Long, very long, sir, may you enjoy the affections of your fellow-citizens. We pray for a long continu- ance of your health and happiness, and the choicest blessings of Heaven on our beloved Country — and on You — its Father and its Friend." Washington's reply to the above address was as follows: "To the Corporation and the Inhabitants of the Borough of Lancaster. "Gentlemen: Your congratulations on my arrival in Lancaster are received with pleasure, and the flattering expressions of your esteem are replied to with sincere regard. "While I confess my gratitude for the distinguished estimation in which you are pleased to hold my public service, a sense of justice to my fellow- citizens ascribes to other causes the peace and prosperity of our highly favored country. Her freedom and happiness are founded in their patriotic exertions, and will, I trust, be transmitted to distant ages through the same medium of wisdom and virtue. With sincere wishes for your social, I offer an earnest prayer for your individual welfare." At 3 o'clock the President and a very large number of citizens "sat down to an elegant entertainment, pro- vided for the occasion, in the Court House." 184 Washington Bicentennial Fifteen regular toasts were given, and finally Presi- dent Washington gave the toast, "The Governor and State of Pennsylvania" and retired, when the company arose and volunteered a toast, "The Illustrious President of the United States." Washington Assumed Command at Cambridge The people of Massachusetts will have special reason to celebrate the third and Fourth of July in connection with the nation-wide observance next year of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Wash- ington. Such is the statement of the Division of In- formation and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission commemorating the one hundred and fifty-sixth anniversary of the day upon which General Washington assumed command of the Army of the United Colonies at Cambridge, July 3, 1775. That Washington was appointed Commander in Chief of the American troops was due to the action of John Adams, delegate from Massachusetts to the Con- tinental Congress. Adams, in a speech before Congress, said that the provincial troops then gathering around Boston must be accepted as the national army and Washington placed at their head, if the Colonies were to have any hope of success against the arms of Great Britain. It is to the lasting honor of the New Eng- enders that they were able to recognize the ability, experience, and availability of George Washington and to accept him as leader of the armies over men of their News Releases 185 own locality who were justly entitled to consideration for the post. Washington received his commission from John Hancock, another leader from Massachusetts and Presi- dent of Congress, June 20, and the next day, accom- panied by Gen. Charles Lee, started for Cambridge, where the colonists were assembling. He stopped in New York long enough to arrange the military affairs of that colony, and then proceeded to Watertown, where he was received by the Provincial Congress of Massa- chusetts. He replied to the address of the congress in the following terms recognizing the loyalty of Massachusetts: "Your kind congratulations on my appointment and arrival, demand my warmest acknowledgments, and will be ever retained in grateful remembrance. In ex- changing the enjoyments of domestic life for the duties of my present honorable but arduous situation, I only emulate the virtue and public spirit of the whole Province of Massachusetts Bay, which, with a firmness and patriotism without example in modern history, have sacrificed all the comforts of social and political life, in the support of the rights of mankind, and the welfare of our common country. My highest ambition is to be the happy instrument of vindicating those rights, and to see this devoted Province again restored to peace, liberty, and safety." Washington arrived at Cambridge Sunday afternoon, July 2, and was received by General Ward, then in com- mand of the Americans, with every expression of friendship. That night a dinner was given in honor of the new commander and General Lee, and Washington 186 Washington Bicentennial received the military records from General Ward. The next day he formally took command of the troops, as is indicated by the first order from Washington, which is dated July 3, 1775. Significantly, this order was a call for every colonel to make a detailed report of his regiment and the ammunition in his possession. It was the beginning of a long and bitter struggle. No one realized this better than the new Commander in Chief. Had there been any weakness in him when he viewed the collection of farmers and militiamen that made up his new army, he must have quailed at the thought of confronting the military force of a great nation with them. But there was no shrinking in his acceptance of the trust his countrymen placed in him. Washington knew that his untrained army would fight for the liberty which was dearer than life. Given this spirit, he felt that it would compensate for lack of experience. In return, the men he was to lead gained faith in their commander. It was the combining of forces which were to win the freedom of this country and establish the United States. That Winter at Valley Forge One of the saddest, and yet most glorious dramas in the history of the American Revolution began 153 years ago when, on December 19, 1777, General George Washington established his winter camp at Valley Forge. Owing chiefly to the inefficiency of Congress, the or- ganization of supply broke down. Washington's sol- diers, steadily dwindling in numbers, marked their road News Releases 187 to Valley Forge by the blood from their naked feet. They were destitute and in rags. Napoleon Bonaparte's statement that "An army moves on its belly" was known, through bitter experience, by Washington more than 25 years before the "Little Corporal" made his fa- mous remark. In a letter to Governor Clinton, of New York, the Commander in Chief wrote from Valley Forge: "For some days past, there has been little less than a famine in camp. A part of the army has been a week with- out any kind of flesh, and the rest three or four days." This letter followed a previous communication to Con- gress, when, on December 23, 1777, Washington wrote: "I am now convinced beyond a doubt, that, unless some great and capital change suddenly takes in that line, (the commissary department) this army must in- evitably be reduced to one or other of these three things; starve, dissolve, or disperse in order to obtain subsistence in the best manner they can." Notwithstanding this deplorable condition of the army, the Pennsylvania Legislature remonstrated against the army going into winter quarters, expecting Wash- ington to keep to the open field, and even to attack the British, with his starving, ragged army, in all the severity of a northern winter. At this time, the whole num- ber of men in camp was 11,098, of whom 2,898 were unfit for duty "because they were barefoot and other- wise naked." In making this statement to Congress, and alluding to the remonstrance of the Pennsylvania Legislature, Washington said: "I can assure those gentlemen, that it is a much easier and less distressing thing to draw 188 Washington Bicentennial remonstrances in a comfortable room by a good fireside, than to occupy a cold, bleak hill, and sleep under frost and snow, without clothes or blankets. However, although they seem to have little feeling for the naked and distressed soldiers, I feel superabundantly for them, and, from my soul, I pity those miseries, which it is neither in my power to relieve or prevent." General LaFayette, who had joined Washington's staff, reported that "the unfortunate soldiers were in want of everything; they had neither coats, hats, shirts, nor shoes; that their feet and legs froze until they became black, and it was often necessary to amputate them. From want of money they could neither obtain provi- sions, nor any means of transport; the colonials were often reduced to two rations, and sometimes even one. The army frequently remained whole days without pro- visions, and the patient endurance of both soldiers and officers was a miracle which each moment served to re- new." Even while struggling against cold and hunger and destitution, General Washington was devising a new system for the organization and permanence of his forces. In his reports to Congress he kept insisting that his officers must have better provisions, for they had begun to resign, saying in effect: "You must appeal to their interest as well as to their patriotism, and you must give them half -pay and full pay in proper measure. You must follow the same policy with the men; you must have done with short enlistments." There is no doubt but that through the misery and suffering of that wretched winter, Washington felt su- premely sure of securing victory and independence. News Releases 189 Had it not been for his strenuous labor and fervent ap- peals, his army would have dissolved. He held it to- gether and slowly improved it. That he appreciated the hardships suffered by his soldiers is borne out by the following in Washington's orderly book of March 1, 1778: "The Commander in Chief again takes occasion to return his warmest thanks to the virtuous officers and soldiery of this army, for that persevering fidelity and zeal which they have uniformly manifested in all their conduct. Their fortitude, not only under the common hardships incident to a military life, but also under the additional sufferings to which the peculiar situation of these states had exposed them, clearly proves them worthy of the enviable privilege of contending for the rights of human nature, the freedom and independence of their country. The recent instance of uncomplain- ing patience during the scarcity of provisions in Camp, is a fresh proof that they possess in an eminent degree the spirit of soldiers and the magnanimity of patriots." The terrible breakdown of the commissary system came at Valley Forge when Washington was passing through the darkest hours of his military career. He had been defeated at Brandywine and Germantown and forced from the forts after a desperate struggle; he had seen Philadelphia and the river fall completely into the hands of the enemy; and, bitterest of all, he had been obliged to hold back from another assault on the British lines. And when the enemy withdrew, Washington was left to face again the harsh winter and the problem of existence, which will be remembered as one of the hard- est experiences ever suffered by an army. 190 Washington Bicentennial Where Washington Crossed the Delaware The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission notes with interest that the members of Congress from Pennsylvania and New Jersey are plan- ning to introduce a resolution for a Washington Me- morial Bridge, to be erected over the Delaware River above Trenton. This bridge would serve to commemo- rate that spectacular exploit, "Washington Crossing the Delaware," on Christmas night of 1776. If Congress passes this resolution, every effort will be made for the completion of the bridge by 1932, in time for the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. The last month of the year 1776 found General Washington at the head of a thoroughly discouraged and demoralized army. What was perhaps worse, the enthusiasm of the Colonies had waned, and throughout the land the hopes of the patriots were giving way to despair. The Continental Army had but a few victories to its credit, and a series of defeats had resulted in the general depression now extending alike to the country's citizens and soldiers. Washington was confronted with the loss of the greater part of his army by the termination of short- term enlistments on the last day of December. It appeared doubtful whether many of the men would reenlist, and the Commander in Chief had already ex- perienced the difficulty of obtaining new troops. With his unerring judgment he saw that the only thing which could save the cause of America in this dark hour would be a complete and convincing victory achieved by the American Army. He could not find it in his great News Releases 191 heart to shrink from any difficulty, so he set about to accomplish the all-important triumph. On the New Jersey side of the Delaware the British commander had stationed General Rahl with his three regiments of Hessian mercenaries. Washington cor- rectly gauged the German plans for celebration, when he supposed the Hessians would be enthusiastically ob- serving Christmas. Rahl had no idea that the rebel chieftain across the river would want to fight on such a holiday and felt perfectly secure in his Yuletide revelry. But he underestimated the abilities and de- termination of his antagonist, and his sad mistake re- sulted in the abrupt termination of his usefulness as a hireling warrior and deprived Britain of a considerable number of her Hessian troops. Washington began his own Christmas festivities by marching through deep snow and intense cold to a spot on the Delaware River 9 miles above Trenton, known as M'Konkey's Ferry. From this point the Continentals embarked in boats of every description for the New Jersey shore. It consumed 10 hours of soul- trying labor to get the 2,500 troops, under the General's personal command, across the storm-swept river in the inky blackness of that Christmas night, but neither a man nor a gun was lost in the crossing. After successfully negotiating the river, the Ameri- cans made an arduous march to Trenton. The Hessians were totally unprepared for the attack which fol- lowed and were able to offer but little resistance. General Rahl was mortally wounded, and the little patriot army captured 900 of the mercenaries, while themselves suffering the trifling casualties of four 192 Washington Bicentennial wounded. Among these was James Monroe, the future President of the United States. Washington's hopes were justified. His signal victory infused new hope into the Colonies, and the cause of American freedom was once more saved. After Corn- wallis had surrendered at Yorktown he paid tribute to the sagacity of the American Commander in Chief in effecting the downfall of the British Army, but he also added that history would pluck Washington's brightest laurels from the Jerseys. No less a personage than Frederick of Germany delighted in the strategy em- ployed by General Washington, and was said frequently to have referred to it as the outstanding campaign of the Revolutionary War. In the Battle of Trenton the Britons realized the temper of the man they had to fight. When they thought he was beaten, he wrested a victory from them on his own account and admin- istered a blow that convinced Howe that the war was not yet ended. The proposed project to memorialize this important event by the erection of a bridge across the Delaware River at the place of Washington's crossing is both appropriate and timely. Although the States of Penn- sylvania and New Jersey have built parks at the point of transit on their respective banks of the river, little else has been done adequately to mark this famous site. The proposed bridge could be built at an approximate cost of a million and a half dollars. The Battle of Princeton The name of George Washington is inseparably associated in the minds of the people of New Jersey News Releases 193 with the date January 3, for it marks the anniversary of the Battle of Princeton, which was personally planned and carried out by the great Commander in Chief of the American armies in the Revolutionary War. This was the culminating stroke in that brilliant campaign in New Jersey by which Washington drove the British from the Garden State, completely reversed the fortunes of the day, and established the fact that he was a mili- tary strategist possessed of remarkable ability. The very presence of such a famous battle ground within the borders of this little State adds all the more to the wealth of historic sites and mementoes of early Ameri- can history for which New Jersey is renowned. The Battle of Princeton, fought on January 3, 1777, was one of the most important engagements of the Revolutionary War, and as a stimulus to the fading hopes of the Americans in the early part of that struggle, its effect was invaluable. After General Washington had surprised and captured the Hessians at Trenton by his maneuver on Christmas night, 1776, he retired across the Delaware into Pennsylvania. Not content with this success, however, he determined again to assume the offensive, and on December 29 he once more crossed the Dela- ware into New Jersey and stationed his men at Trenton. Here he was joined by Generals Mifflin and Cadwal- lader in command of 3,600 militiamen, but even with this addition Washington's force did not exceed 5,000 troops. At this point the position of the American commander became critical, for on January 2 Lord Cornwallis advanced upon him with a magnificent and 194 Washington Bicentennial well-trained army. The Continentals and militiamen were, in everything but courage and determination, inferior to the British. Washington realized that he could not give battle at Trenton, and, as Cornwallis approached, he withdrew his troops across the As- sumpink Creek and placed his artillery so as to protect the fords across this stream. The Briton made some attempts to cross the creek, but the day was so far gone, his troops were so tired, and the American cannon gaped at him so discouragingly that he decided to postpone the battle until the next day. However, he felt sure that Washington could not escape him, and remarked to his officers: "At last we have run down the old fox, and we will bag him in the morning." But the "old fox" was not to be so easily trapped and immediately prepared to slip away. Leaving a few men in camp with instructions to keep campfires burn- ing and maintain a noisesome pretense of digging in- trenchments, Washington quietly withdrew his troops to the left of the redcoats and started in the night for Princeton. It was believed that the British force at this place was small enough to be quickly subdued, and, after defeating them, Washington planned to continue to Brunswick, where he intended to capture or destroy the stores which General Howe had collected at that place. This daring movement would place the enemy on the defensive and would force him to change his plan to attack Philadelphia. Early in the morning of January 3, as the Ameri- cans approached Princeton, they were seen by Colonel Mawhood, who was just leaving to join Cornwallis at Trenton. Mawhood, thinking the troops he saw were News Releases 195 a body of American stragglers, immediately attacked the van, which consisted principally of militia com- manded by General Mercer. In the sharp but brief action which ensued, Mercer was killed and confusion seized his troops. At this juncture Washington rode up with the Continentals and, with utter disregard for his own safety, he unhesitatingly assumed command and exposed himself to the enemy's fire in order to rally the militia. The Americans, taking heart, attacked with spirit, and Mawhood was forced to retire. He did so with alacrity, and continued on his way to join Corn- wallis, although part of his troops had fled toward Brunswick. Washington pushed on into Princeton where an enemy regiment was barricaded in the college. After only a show of resistance these troops surrendered, and the battle was over, having lasted less than 30 minutes. The Americans, however, were completely fatigued. Many of them had been without sleep for two nights. They had no blankets, their clothes were mere rags, and many of them were barefooted. Under these con- ditions it was impossible to proceed to Brunswick, and the attempt to capture the British stores at that city was abandoned. The weary soldiers had no opportunity to rest, however, for Cornwallis had by this time discovered Washington's plans and was already on his way to Princeton with a force large enough to crush the Amer- icans. Washington therefore immediately marched his troops to Pluckamin, where they were allowed to re- fresh themselves before moving on to Morristown. At 196 Washington Bicentennial the latter place Washington established his winter quarters. Any doubt as to George Washington's military ability that might have existed before this time was completely dispelled by this short New Jersey campaign of three weeks. The spectacle of an apparently beaten leader of a forlorn and sorry army, suddenly turning upon his pursuer and by superior strategy outgeneral- ing and beating him in turn was well nigh unbelievable. But it had actually happened, and Washington's daring genius had nullified the effect of the recent British victories. Nearly the whole of New Jersey was thus regained, and as Fortescue, the historian of the British Army has written, "the whole course of the revolution in America was saved by Washington's very bold and skillful action." Washington Prevented Rout at Monmouth George Washington is known to most people as a cool, reserved person, incapable of exhibiting any degree of emotion. That he was human enough, however, to be justly angry is pointed out by the Division of In- formation and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission in a story of the Battle of Monmouth, which occurred on June 28, 153 years ago. On that occasion Washington displayed a temper which marked him as a real human being. In the celebration next year of George Washington's two hundredth birthday anniversary, the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission intends to portray the true character of the first President. He News Releases 197 was not perfect — he was human and possessed of faults which in no wise detract from his greatness and the reverence which is his due. The people of America will honor the memory of a fellow man, not a demi-god. The Battle of Monmouth took place on a day of intense heat which affected both armies. The situation was highly favorable to an American victory. What- ever may have been the actual situation — and historians have taken varying attitudes — the failure of the Con- tinentals to secure the triumph which appeared within their grasp undoubtedly was directly due to the actions of Gen. Charles Lee. This officer did not carry out his orders, and through inadequacy or treachery, caused the retreat of the American troops, and was especially guilty in not giving his Commander in Chief informa- tion of the new conditions. Sir Henry Clinton evacuated Philadelphia June 18, and Washington was anxious to attack the entire British force, which was encumbered and seriously hampered by baggage. Lee opposed a general engagement, and it was his vehemence in expressing his opinion that led some of his fellow officers later to suspect him of will- fully disobeying orders. When Clinton left Philadelphia, General Washington followed him closely, awaiting an opportunity to attack. This opportunity appeared near Monmouth, and the American commander issued orders to proceed against the enemy on the morning of June 28. Lee, as senior major general, was to command the advance troops, and had explicit instructions from Washington to attack and sustain the action. At the head of the main body the Commander in Chief was to support the advance. 198 Washington Bicentennial The booming of cannon had hardly conveyed to Washington the fact that fighting had begun on the front before a rider informed him that the Continentals were retreating. The news seemed incredible, but con- firmation was soon received from troops in flight. Washington immediately started for the front, meeting more and more retreating soldiers as he rode. He began to suspect Lee's conduct, and his temper started to rise. By the time he reached Lee it was apparent that the latter had blundered or was guilty of misconduct, which had almost turned certain victory into ignominious defeat. Lafayette later said that Washington's countenance was terrible to behold. He took Lee to task in such severe terms that even that blundering officer was taken aback. Just what the Commander in Chief actually said to Lee probably never will be known, for at a sub- sequent trial so much conflicting testimony was sub- mitted that the truth is difficult to obtain. It seemed evident enough, however, that Washington spoke with some heat, which, under the circumstances, was entirely justified. Although denied the victory, which seemed within his grasp, Washington was able to stem the retreat and halt the advancing British. Heroic work by Greene, Wayne, Lafayette, and other officers was of immeasur- able value in saving the American troops. Night ended the battle, and before morning Clinton left the field and was many miles away when day broke on the weary Continentals. The British general had lost so many men that he was glad to take refuge in New York, where he remained for the rest of the year. News Releases 199 How Washington Observed Christmas There seems to be an appeal, universal in its extent, about Christmas which stirs in the heart of everyone a desire to celebrate that day at home with his family. It is an appeal which can be understood by all men for it is experienced by all in common. As the Christmas season approaches this year, with the celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington so imminent, the thoughts of all Americans are directed toward the founder of this country and the manner in which he observed the Yuletide during his lifetime. No man ever had more love for his home or a keener desire to be there with his family than George Washing- ton, and yet his duties kept him from this enjoyment to an extent, perhaps, experienced by few other men. This was especially true of Christmas. There are com- paratively few recorded instances after 1774 when the Father of his Country was able to observe this occasion in the happy quiet of his own home. On the contrary, this day often found him far from his estate under con- ditions hardly to be considered desirable. Once he was in the cold cheerless wilderness near Fort le Boeuf on the Ohio River when Christmas overtook him. Another time he was at Boston laying siege to the British in that city. Again he is found celebrating the day by attack- ing the Redcoats at Trenton, and the following year in Valley Forge, now one of America's dearest shrines. But regardless of the circumstances in which he found himself at Christmas time, Washington was always ready to meet the exigencies which arose. If he had to treat with the savages in their home, the forest, he did it; if 200 Washington Bicentennial a battle had to be fought as at Trenton, he unhesitat- ingly accepted the task; if he was cold and poorly sup- plied as at Valley Forge, he made the best of it and re- fused to become discouraged. Whatever the demand, Washington was prepared for it and he was never un- equal to the occasion. During his boyhood Washington experienced much the same Christmas joys which usually make that occa- sion so important to every young person, but the death of his father when George was but 1 1 years old left the boy with responsibilities which early developed and ma- tured him. He was soon facing a man's problems, and it may be assumed that many of these simple pleasures were prematurely displaced by other and more weighty considerations. When George was 19 years old he made the journey which took him out of this country the first and only time he ever left it. This was when he accompanied his brother Lawrence to the Barbadoes on the latter's futile quest for health. Incidentally, it was at this time that George Washington observed the only Christmas he ever spent outside the United States, and it was celebrated on the Atlantic Ocean aboard the ship "Industry," just three days out from Barbadoes. His diary contains the information that the dinner eaten that day consisted of an Irish goose which had been fattened for the occa- sion, "Beef &ca. &ca.," and states that all on board drank toasts to their absent friends. This was a Christmas so novel that it surely would have appealed to any youth, and young George no doubt thoroughly enjoyed it. Vastly different from this one was the Christmas which two years later found Washington on his way News Releases 201 home from Fort le Boeuf , where he had gone as a mes- senger to the French from Governor Dinwiddie of Vir- ginia. Washington's record of this journey places his little party in the forests of western Pennsylvania. The journal makes no mention of what was eaten or what festivities were observed this Christmas day, but certain it is that there could have been very little to furnish the men with Yuletide cheer. Washington was married on January 6, 1759. He had just returned from the expedition against Fort Duquesne, and his time during the holidays of 1758 was absorbed with the preparation of his report of the af- fair and his resignation from the army. With the date of his wedding so near it is not to be supposed that the young Virginia colonel was anything but all too im- patient to be with his fiancee to be very deeply con- cerned over the celebration of this Christmas. It was the last one he spent as a bachelor. In the summer of 1758 Washington was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses and he took his seat the following February. He served in this assembly until the meeting of the first Continental Congress and must have spent some Christmas days at Williamsburg or at Fredericksburg with his mother. At least one Yuletide found the young legislator together with Mrs. Washing- ton and the Custis children taking Christmas dinner in Fredericksburg with the Colonel's brother-in-law and sister, Colonel Fielding Lewis and Betty Washington Lewis, for Washington's diary records the event. This was in 1769 when the Washington family was on the way back to Mount Vernon from Williamsburg, where the House of Burgesses had been in session. 202 Washington Bicentennial During this period Washington enjoyed the pleasures of home life more fully than at any other time in his entire career. His records are filled with notes which reveal the interest he took in caring for his estate and the satisfaction that he obtained from this labor. In these years of comparative freedom from the cares of public duty, Washington no doubt found his happiest Christmas days. With a capable and efficient wife to preside over his home and to entertain his many guests he must have been superbly happy. But perhaps Christ- mas as a day of pretentious celebration did not mean as much then as it does now; or it may have been only be- cause there were fewer visitors to Mount Vernon during the Yuletide that Christmas Day itself was apparently so quiet and Sabbath-like. His diaries during these years merely state that he "Went to Pohick Church and re- turned to Dinner," or "At home all day." The latter entry was made in 1774. It was the last Christmas the Father of his Country observed "At home" for eight years. In 1775 the ominously darkening clouds of conflict between Great Britain and her Colonies broke in the fury of the Revolutionary War, and George Washing- ton left his beloved Mount Vernon to lead his country's armies to victory. That year, as has been seen, Christ- mas found him at the siege of Boston, holding the British at bay with an undisciplined army so inadequately sup- plied with ammunition that it would have been impos- sible for them to repel an attack had one been made by General Howe. After this there followed the memorable Christmas at Trenton when General Washington presented his News Releases 203 country with a victory that saved the Revolution. Then came the unforgettable Christmas at Valley Forge — a dark and gloomy day, heavy with suffering and priva- tion — when the Commander in Chief dined with his officers on a meagre supply of veal, mutton, "fowls" and a small quantity of potatoes and turnips. The General's baggage had not yet appeared, so that there was an in- adequate supply of utensils and tableware. There was nothing but water to drink at this dinner, and there was no dessert. A cheerless Christmas it was. On subse- quent Christmas days, at his winter quarters at Morris- town, New Windsor and Newburgh, the Yuletide season was undoubtedly brightened by the presence of Mrs. Washington. Only twice during the eight years of the war did General Washington enjoy a Christmas dinner outside his own camp. Once in 1778, when he was at Philadelphia; and again in 1781, when he and Mrs. Washington dined with Robert Morris at the same city. After the war was over, Washington returned to Mount Vernon in 1783 just in time to celebrate Christ- mas at home, and the happiness on that occasion must have been great. The diaries then tell of some more Christmas days "at home," and then comes his election to the Presidency of the new Republic. After eight years in this high office, George Washington in 1797 again returned to his estate. But his life was nearly done — spent as it had been in the glorious service of his country. Only two more Christmas days remained to him, and these were quiet days for the weary old Gen- eral. The last Christmas dinner he ate was shared by Gen. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney at Mount Vernon. In the story of George Washington's Christmas days 204 Washington Bicentennial is written an account of supreme devotion to ideals of freedom and liberty. The welfare of his country was always foremost in his thoughts and no personal consid- erations ever swerved him from what he conceived to be his duty. In the light of this knowledge every Amer- ican must feel grateful for the example of this great man whose achievements have accomplished so much for the United States. British Fire Salute in Honor of Washington The first complimentary salute fired by Great Britain in honor of an officer of the United States, and virtually the first salute to the Nation occurred on May 8, 1783. This event took place at the conference between Sir Guy Carlton and General Washington, following the cessation of hostilities in regard to the evacuation of the posts in the United States, in the position of the British troops, and other arrangements. On Thursday, May 8, the American party dined on board a frigate, where they were received with mili- tary honors and entertained with stately courtesy by Sir Guy Carlton. When Washington and General Clinton went on board the frigate, they were saluted with the firing of a number of cannon. When they left the boat, she fired 17 guns in honor of Washington's exalted military rank. Lee's Bravery Wins Washington's Praise Among the most gallant and dashing heroes of the American Revolution was a young Virginian, Capt. Harry Lee (Light Horse Harry), for whom General Washington had a great respect and admiration. Lee News Releases 205 was the father of Robert E. Lee, famous Confederate general. One of Captain Lee's brave exploits brought a per- sonal letter from Washington, highly praising the dash- ing Virginian. Lee had made himself very formidable to the enemy by harassing their foraging parties. On one occasion there was a flurry at the most advanced outpost where he was stationed with a few of his troops. An attempt was made to surprise him. A party of about 200 dragoons, taking a circuitous route in the night, came upon him at daybreak. He had but a few men with him at the time, and took a post in a large store- house. His scanty force was not even large enough to allow a soldier for each window. The dragoons at- tempted to force their way into the house. There was a warm contest. The dragoons were bravely repulsed, and sheered off, leaving two killed and four wounded. "So well directed was the opposition," Lee wrote to Washington, "that we drove them from the stables, and saved every horse. We have got the arms, some cloaks, etc., of their wounded. The enter- prise was certainly daring, though the issue of it was very ignominious. I had not a soldier for each window." Washington, whose heart evidently warmed more and more to this young Virginian, not content with noticing his exploit in general orders, wrote a note to Lee on the subject, expressed with unusual warmth. American Privateers Harass British During Revolutionary War As the two hundredth anniversary of George Wash- ington's Birth approaches, every detail of our First Pres- 206 Washington Bicentennial ident's military achievements becomes of interest and re- ceives due notice from historians. The winning of independence was not wholly achieved on land, and George Washington owed some measure of his final victor^ to the naval activities of the Colonies during the Revolution. No less an authority than Admiral Alfred T. Mahan lays down the theorem in one of his masterly volumes that the Battle of Saratoga and the surrender of Bur- goyne constituted "the decisive event of the war," and that the capture of Burgoyne's army was made possible by the shrewd operations of a tiny American navy on Lake Champlain. Most Americans will be astonished at the reminder that the directing genius of that little navy was, of all persons, Benedict Arnold. As Admiral Mahan points out, Burgoyne's surrender directly resulted in France's coming to the aid of the Colonies. And it was our "navy" which helped bring about this decisive British defeat. The British early noted the strategic value of the Hudson River and Lake Champlain. If the British could control both of these waterways the Colonies would be divided. Two wedges were to be driven into this natural barrier; one from the south, from New York, the other from Canada, by way of Champlain. Benedict Arnold with his little fleet of three schooners, a sloop, and five "gondolas," in 1776 delayed preparation and advance from Canada so long that Carleton from that end could not gain a position from which to co- operate with Howe, and their synchronization was post- poned for a year; a delay which proved fatal, and thus the river was never allowed to divide the Colonies. News Releases 207 Meanwhile Revolutionary scourings of the seas con- tributed greatly in the success of Washington's siege of Boston in 1 77 5 - 1 776, So many supply ships heading for the British garrison at Boston were captured, and their precious cargoes diverted to the hard-pressed colonial troops, that discouragement may easily have helped to wear down the British morale. On June 23, 1776, occurred the first battle of the Revolution in which ships engaged. This was the at- tempt of the British to take Fort Moultrie at Charles- ton, S. C. According to Admiral Mahan's account, it was Bunker Hill transferred to the sea, except that it was a more clear-cut success for the Americans. No British ships were sunk, but neither was the fortress taken. Instead the British fleet sailed away a good deal damaged, its commander persuaded that the Yankee prize was not worth the heavy price to be paid for its capture. The real glory of the Revolutionary naval history be- longs to the privateers that roved the sea in great num- bers. A great page in our record remains to be writ- ten. That page will deal with the important work of these privateers, and the adventurous conditions under which they operated. Massachusetts alone put into commission more than 2,000 of these privately owned and operated war vessels. And to most Americans their mission has been misin- terpreted. These privateers were not pirate ships. They were duly commissioned by the governments of the Colonies. Their commanders were put under heavy bond to maintain the customs of the seas as defined by international law. They were empowered to capture 208 Washington Bicentennial or sink British merchantmen, but only after humane treatment had been accorded to the crews. John Han- cock later signed the commissions of the Massachusetts privateersmen, and those of other Colonies did their work under equally good authority. During the eight years of the Revolution, privateers were responsible for the capture of 3,057 British ships, all with valuable prize cargoes. In fact, it became dif- ficult to recruit seamen for the real navy of the Colo- nies, because of this profitable business of privateering. It was not unusual for a common seaman to receive 550 pounds as his share of the prize money of a successful cruise, and the commanding officers shared accordingly. It was good business mixed with patriotism. And the embarrassment caused the British by these privateers was indeed great. The smaller privateers confined their operations to the West Indies or to our own coastal waters, but larger privateering vessels roamed in foreign seas to such good effect that one report from Banff, Scotland, in 1777, complains of the time as "so troublesome and our seas so full of American privateers, that nothing can be trusted upon this defenseless coast." Battle of Kings Mountain President Herbert Hoover will deliver the main address at the sesquicentennial celebration of the Battle of Kings Mountain, South Carolina, October 7 next. The President is scheduled to open the American Legion Convention at Boston on October 6, after which he will immediately proceed to North Carolina and then to Kings Mountain. News Releases 209 This news is particularly pleasing to the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, which is now making arrangements for the celebration in 1932 of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of the "Father of His Country." The Kings Mountain vic- tory, minor as it appears to be, brought encouragement to Washington and his followers when the spirits of the Americans were at a low ebb. Celebrations of this nature are appropriate fore- runners for the nation-wide celebation in 1932, when the American people will honor the memory of the great leader of those gallant forces of 150 years ago. The struggle on October 7, 1780, at Kings Mountain was sanguinary. It has sometimes been referred to by discerning historians as "the turning point of the Amer- ican Revolution." In the early part of 1780 things looked dark and discouraging for the Americans. Corn- wallis and his followers, flushed with victory, were marching through the South pretty much as they pleased. This situation worried Washington consider- ably. Many loyalists had joined Cornwallis's forces, and the South was being torn by the ravages of war, since the British regulars were aided by loyalist militia. The American forces, led by General Gates, had been com- pletely routed by the British at Camden, S. C, and so dispersed that it seemed as though Cornwallis might ac- complish the subjugation of the entire South. As he advanced, his flying forces, under Tarleton and Fer- guson, pursued Sumter, who commanded the only remaining organized body of colonial troops. Col. Patrick Ferguson's force was entirely American; 210 Washington Bicentennial it had a nucleus of regulars of the Provincial Corps and the rest were loyalist militia. He threatened to cross the mountains and raid the settlements at Watauga in present Tennessee and elsewhere. Under Shelby and Sevier the backwoodsmen of Virginia assembled in Sep- tember to protect their homes and families by an attack on Ferguson east of the mountains. They were a motley crew in frontier garb, but united by their determina- tion, and sharpshooters to a man. Ferguson, apprised of their purpose, took post on Kings Mountain with a force of 1,104 men. He con- sidered the position impregnable to an attack by an un- organized horde which had never faced the bayonet. The frontiersmen were reenforced by some Carolina militia and an advance party numbering 900 men, after an all-night ride, stormed up the four sides of the moun- tain on October 7. Several times driven back, each wave of the advance ran higher. Dodging behind rocks and trees, fighting Indian fashion, they advanced, pouring into the enemy's lines at the same time an accurate and deadly fire. The loyalists held out, in spite of their losses, until their leader, Colonel Ferguson, was killed. Those that remained immediately surrendered. The account for the day showed: For the British partisans, 225 killed, 163 wounded, and 716 prisoners, not one escaped; for the Americans, 28 killed and 62 wounded. It was a striking victory for the American backwoodsmen. This battle, though technically a minor event, had a great psychological effect. It renewed the courage of the Americans and helped demoralize the English. The News Releases 211 surrender at Yorktown a year later was the culmi- nation. Henry Cabot Lodge, in his book, "The English Colonies in America," said of this engagement: "The effect of this victory was electric. The Loyalist rising in North Carolina was checked, the patriots elsewhere began to take arms, the partisans under Sumter and Marion increased in numbers and activity, while Corn- wallis was forced to concentrate his army and move more slowly and less confidently." Well might the people of the Carolinas celebrate the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of this battle. That the President of the United States should make a speech for the occasion is a fitting honor to those men who fought and died there. Washington and the Thirteenth Colony In the year of George Washington's birth, 1732, a group of Englishmen, led by James Oglethorpe, secured from King George II a charter to found a Colony on the American territory belonging to the crown. The land selected for this enterprise lay to the south of the British Colonies and was north of the area claimed by Spain as part of Florida. Oglethorpe secured the per- mission of his sovereign to take as colonists deserving people whose misfortunes had caused their imprison- ment as debtors under the unjust laws of the time. This was the beginning of the thirteenth and last English Colony of the continental group in America. Its birth was coincident with the birth of America's Founder, and both were to take part in the great 212 Washington Bicentennial struggle which culminated in the establishment of the United States. In no Colony in America during the Revolution was a more bitter partisan warfare waged. The royal Governor Wright was able to command enough loyalists and Tories at the outset to jeopardize the pro- posed separation from England. By the time the Dec- laration of Independence was signed in 1776, the patriots had succeeded in driving out the obnoxious governor and had taken over the government of the Colony. However, the loyalists themselves were not subdued and a sanguinary conflict was maintained to the end of the war. In May, 1775, a group of patriots, led by James Habersham, Noble Jones, Edward Telfair, Joseph Clay, John Milledge, and others, broke into the powder maga- zine at Savannah and took powder, which was later put to good use by the Americans. A story still persists that part of this war-time commodity was sent to Mas- sachusetts and used at Bunker Hill. But the first armed clash in Georgia between the British and the patriots occurred in March, 1776, when the former attempted to seize rice-laden ships belonging to Ameri- cans at Savannah. At the beginning of the war military operations were for the most part confined to the northern Colonies, but, with the failure to secure a signal victory over Washington's army, the British directed their attention toward- the South. Charleston and Savannah were taken, and the latter was used as a base of operations against Virginia and the Carolinas. With the inauguration of the southern campaign, the News Releases 213 partisan warfare, which was waged relentlessly, was augmented by the well-directed movements of the trained British regulars. Washington was unable to weaken his own forces by detaching troops to the South, and the militia and partisans, led by such men as Col. John Baker, Maj. John Berrien, Gen. Elijah Clarke, Col. Samuel Hammond, Gen. Stephen Heard, Gen. Lachlan Mcintosh, and his nephew, Col. John Mcintosh, and Col. James Jackson, were called upon to oppose the enemy. These men were courageous and able fighters, but, like the rest of the American Army, were suffering from lack of supplies. As a result of such handicaps, Georgia and her sister States of the South suffered con- siderably from the ravages of the enemy before Corn- wallis was forced to retire to Yorktown. When the Constitutional Convention presented the document it had framed in 1787, Georgia was one of the first States to take action. With her ratification on January 2, 1788, of the Federal Constitution, the Em- pire State of the South became the fourth State to enter the Union. In April, 1791, when President George Washington made his tour of the Southern States he was received with great acclaim by the people of Georgia. Many of the officers of the Continental Army were then filling positions of responsibility, and they welcomed their great leader with every indication of their admiration and esteem for him. That Georgia will take her part in the celebration next year of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington is attested by her action in appointing a Georgia State Bicentennial Commission, 214 Washington Bicentennial which is arranging and preparing to direct the program for the occasion within the State. The committee is composed of the following: Mrs. Bun Wylie, chairman, Atlanta; Mrs. H. M. Franklin, Tennille; Hon. W. M. Frances, Atlanta; Mrs. Julius Talmadge, Athens; Mrs. J. W. Daniels, Savan- nah; Dr. J. L. Buson, Milledgeville; Senator Walter F. George; Representative W. W. Larsen; Dr. Thorn well Jacobs, Oglethorpe; Judge James Maddux, Rome. Six Washington Birthdays Spent Near British Lines George Washington was permitted to celebrate but few of his birthdays in the peaceful quiet of his beloved home at Mount Vernon, especially during the latter years of his life. He lived at a time when this country was in the throes of its birth, and fate had decreed that he should take an active part in its creation. His serv- ices were needed and he was not the one to shirk when duty called him into leadership of the armies or the Na- tion. During the Revolutionary War, Washington was Commander in Chief of the American armies, and in this capacity he faced the responsibility of defeating his country's enemies. That this was no small job he fully realized. On his shoulders rested the task of recruiting and maintaining an army composed of men who were untrained in warfare, and who only too often were with- out the courage and inspiration which animated the great General. From the beginning of the Revolution in 1775 until its close in 1783, when final articles of peace were signed, George Washington commanded the American troops. News Releases 215 During this period he had eight birthdays, all of which, except the last two, were spent in winter quarters but a short distance from the British lines and at times when he was in the midst of plans for spring campaigns. The first of Washington's birthdays which found him at the head of the Army was in 1776, and the General was directing the American operations at the siege of Boston. A trying time it was, for his soldiers were in- adequately equipped and supplied, while the army under General Howe was formidable in every respect. The following year Washington was iri winter quarters with the Army at Morristown, and from his correspondence of that time the distressing condition of the troops may be realized. The Commander in Chief was forced con- stantly to ask for supplies which were not always forth- coming. Despite the terrible hardships of the following year at Valley Forge, Washington's birthday did not pass un- noticed. The band from Proctor's Artillery celebrated the event by serenading their chief in front of his quar- ters, and the compliment was graciously received as is indicated by an item in Washington's expense book for that date. The band, members of which were listed as musicians, drummers and fifers, was rewarded with a gift of one pound 1 shillings in hard money. This was the first known public celebration of the event. In 1779, General Washington was at Pluckamin or Middlebrook, N. J., on his birthday, and the year fol- lowing he was again in winter quarters at Morristown. The year 1781 found him at New Windsor, Orange County, New York, unable to attend the celebration of his natal day which was held at Newport by the 216 Washington Bicentennial French allies under Count Rochambeau. The date of this commemoration was February 12, it having been postponed a day in the hopes that the man for whom it was given might be able to get there. February 11 had been selected for the fete, for the French soldiers seemed to prefer following the old style calendar. An- other important event happened that year, for on Feb- ruary 22, the date of Washington's birth according to the Gregorian calendar adopted in 1752, the Marquis de Lafayette left for Virginia on the campaign which ended the war at Yorktown. A noteworthy coinci- dence. After the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, it was generally believed that the war was virtually fin- ished, but Washington did not propose to disband the Army or relax into a state of carelessness as long as a definitive peace had not been signed. He therefore re- tained command of the troops and urged upon his coun- trymen the necessity for continued preparedness until peace was concluded at Paris in 1783. In 1782 he was in Philadelphia actively engaged in maintaining the American Army at as nearly its full strength as was pos- sible. The last birthday which Washington spent in the Army found him at Newburgh in 1783. His troops, es- pecially the officers, were almost in a state of revolt which culminated in the famous Newburgh Resolutions. The affair was favorably ended, however, in March when the Commander in Chief called the dissatisfied officers together and with an eloquent appeal to their patriotism, averted the impending trouble. The follow- ing December, Washington resigned his commission to News Releases 217 the Congress at Annapolis and retired to Mount Ver- non for only a few years' rest from public cares before being called to fill the office of first President of the United States. General Washington's Important Headquarters During the eight years of the Revolutionary War, Gen. George Washington used as his headquarters more than 100 places, stretching through seven States. These States are: Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. New Jersey possesses the greatest number of these head- quarters locations, with New York and Pennsylvania next. The first headquarters of the Commander in Chief was the Wadsworth House at Cambridge, Mass., built by Harvard College in 1726, for the use of its presi- dents, and generally known as the "President's House." At that time it was occupied by President Samuel Lang- don. A short time later the house of John Vassall, then a fugitive loyalist, was prepared for Washington's oc- cupancy. The house is now known as the Craigie-Long- f ellow House, from its owners, Dr. Andrew Craigie and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The headquarters re- mained here until Washington left Cambridge. Washington left Cambridge April 4, 1776, for New York City and established headquarters there in a house on Pearl Street. In June he moved his headquarters to the Motier house, which stood at what is now the cor- ner of Varick and Charlton Streets. After the retreat from Long Island and the decision to abandon New York, Washington's quarters were at 218 Washington Bicentennial Robert Murray's house near Thirty-second Street and Fourth Avenue. On September 15, he was at Mott's Tavern, Harlem Plains. After the battle of Harlem Heights, headquarters were established at the Roger Morris house, now better known as the Jumel mansion. Washington had numerous other headquarters in New York State, including White Plains, and as far up the Hudson as West Point. Of this large number of locations, eight are best known. Seven of these were winter quarters. They were: Cambridge, Mass.; Morristown and Middlebrook, • N. J.; Valley Forge, Pa.; New Windsor, West Point and Newburgh, N. Y. One of the most interesting of his headquarters was that established at Moore's house, near West Point, where Washington remained for four months. It is from this house that we have a rare description, from Washing- ton's own pen, of a dinner at headquarters. August 16, 1779, he wrote to Sur. Gen. John Cochran, invit- ing Mrs. Cochran and another lady, Mrs. Livingston by name, to dine with him, describing and apologizing in advance for the meal that would be served. He wrote: "I have asked Mrs. Cochran & Mrs. Livingston to dine with me tomorrow; but am I not in honor bound to apprize them of their fare? As I hate deception, even where the imagination only is concerned; I will. It is needless to premise that my table is large enough to hold the ladies. Of this they had ocular proof yesterday. To say how it is usually covered, is rather more essential; and this shall be the purport of my Letter. "Since our arrival at this happy spot, we have had a ham, (sometimes a shoulder) of Bacon, to grace the News Releases 2i9 head of the Table; a piece of roast Beef adorns the foot; and a dish of beans, or greens (almost imperceptible,) decorates the center. When the cook has a mind to cut a figure, (which I presume will be the case tomorrow,) we have two Beef -steak pyes, or dishes of crabs, in addi- tion, one on each side of the center dish, dividing the space & reducing the distance between dish & dish to about 6 feet, which without them would be 12 feet apart. Of late he has had the surprising sagacity to dis- cover, that apples will make pyes; and its a question, if, in the violence of his efforts, we do not get one of apples, instead of having both Beef -steaks. If the ladies can put up with such entertainment, and will submit to partake of it on plates, once Tin but now Iron — (not become so by the labor of scouring) , I shall be happy to see them." When the British fleet sailed from New York finally and into Chesapeake Bay, the Continentals hurried into position between the head of the Bay and Philadelphia. Washington's headquarters during these weeks of un- certainty were at Quibbletown, Morristown, and Pomp- ton Plains, N. J., and Smith's Tavern, Orange County, N. Y.; then the Army started on its rapid march to protect Philadelphia. Headquarters on the march were again at Ramapo, Pompton Plains, Morristown, and Coryell's Ferry, N. J., and Wilmington, Del. The Battle of Brandywine was fought on September 1 1 and the Army retreated by way of Germantown and Chester and skirmished again with the advancing British at Yellow Springs, Pa. From there on the locations of the headquarters were at Reading Furnace, Pottsgrove, Pennypacker's Mills, and Skippack. 220 Washington Bicentennial On October 4 came the action at Germantown in the defense of Philadelphia. The next day headquarters were at Perkiomen; next at Towamencin. On December 3, headquarters were moved to Mor- ristown, N. J., and remained there until the opening of the campaign of 1780, which started with the British raid on Springfield, June 7. Twenty-two headquarters were established during this summer and fall, of which the one at the house of Col. Theunis Day, at Preakness, N. J., was of the longest duration. From Preakness, which is now the city of Patterson, the headquarters moved successively to Paramus, N. J.; Peekskill, Ver- planck's Point and Stony Point, N. Y. The American Armies crossed the Hudson at King's Ferry, August 20, and between then and October 1, when the Commander in Chief's quarters were estab- lished before Yorktown, but seven headquarters were created. Among these were Haverstraw, N. Y.; Ram- apo, N. J.; Head of Elk, Md.; Williamsburg, Va.; and in the fields before Yorktown, October 1. Cornwallis surrendered October 19 and the next headquarters from which military orders were issued were in Philadelphia and Newburgh, N. Y., where Washington established headquarters in the Johnathan Hasbrouck House, which is still standing. It was here that Washington made his famous address to the dissatisfied Revolutionary War officers, and which has since been known in history as the Newburgh address. His last headquarters were established at Rocky Hill, N. J., 4 miles north of Princeton. It was from here that he issued his farewell orders to the armies of the United States on Sunday, November 2, 1783. Head- News Releases 221 quarters were here broken up near the middle of that month and Washington reached West Point November 14. Here he remained until, with about 1,000 troops, he marched into New York on November 25, 1783. Patriotic Farmers Eager to Join Army When it is remembered that the entire population of the thirteen Colonies was only about 2,600,000, it is not hard to realize what a bold stand the little hand- ful of Americans took when they declared their inde- pendence of Great Britain. It is all the more remarkable when it is taken into consideration that the Colonists had not even been en- tirely united, the men of New England having been so eager and determined to begin the battle for freedom that they had not waited for others to join them, but had gone ahead on their own responsibility. As soon as the result of the battle between the British and the Minute Men was known, the angry and patriotic Colonists rushed for Boston to join their bold fellow patriots. Israel Putnam had been plowing in the fields at Pomfret, Conn., when the report of the battle came to him. Instantly abandoning his task, he left word for the militia to follow him, and leaping upon the back of his horse, he rode so swiftly on his journey of 100 miles that in about 18 hours he arrived in Cambridge, where the Minute Men were assembled. At the same time John Stark came down from New Hampshire with the first company of men from that colony. Benedict Arnold, who was then a captain, had taken 60 men from the assembly of students and others from New Haven and also joined the little patriot army. 222 Washington Bicentennial From the farms and hillsides, from the villages and hamlets, the angry Colonists came, and so it was that in a very brief time General Gage and his soldiers found themselves besieged in Boston by an army that was made up of 16,000 poorly equipped, but very determined men. Apparently no one knew just what to do next. It was determined to hold the redcoats in the city, but what to expect, or what the next move was to be, there was no one to decide. On the 10th of May, two events occurred which did much to decide the future of the Colonies and of the war. One of these was the capture of Fort Ticonderoga by Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain boys; and the other was the assembling of the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, which was to decide among other prob- lems the appointment of a Commander in Chief for the Continental Armies. Public Health in Washington's Day By Sur. Gen. H. S. Cumming, United States Public Health Service While our present public health activities, with the exception of vaccination against smallpox and the use of quinine in the treatment of malaria, belong almost wholly to the past 50 or 60 years, a comparison of the prevalence and severity of disease and the state of the public health during the lifetime of George Washing- ton with such conditions of the present time is of in- terest. Such a study is particularly timely because of the arrangements being made by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission for the News Releases 223 celebration of our first President's two hundredth birth- day in 1932. Historical records indicate that the principal obstacles which the early American Colonists had to overcome were starvation, disease, and the Indians. These three things conspired to impose great hardships upon the early settlers and constant hazards to life. In some in- stances entire settlements were wiped out by disease and starvation. Though school histories do not mention the fact, it is on record that Jamestown was abandoned "because of epidemicals." The more prevalent diseases in the Colonies were smallpox, scurvy, intestinal condi- tions — diarrheas, dysenteries — and what is now recog- nized as typhoid fever. There were, of course, out- breaks of influenza and colds; and tuberculosis was not unknown. Smallpox was one of the most fatal and most com- mon diseases of the period. This disease was epidemic in Philadelphia in 1730, two years before the birth of Washington. Benjamin Franklin in his autobiography relates that in 1736 he lost a son, "a fine boy of four years old, by the smallpox." He adds that "I long re- gretted him, and still regret that we had not given it to him by inoculation." It was not until the latter part of the eighteenth cen- tury (1796) that Dr. Edward Jenner, an English physi- cian, published his observations on the value of vaccina- tion against smallpox and showed the world how the disease could be prevented. The practice of vaccina- tion was first introduced into the United States by Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, one of the early officers of the United States Public Health Service (then called Ma- 224 Washington Bicentennial rine Hospital Service) , in Boston, in 1800. He obtained some vaccine virus from England and vaccinated his own son, thus performing the operation in this country for the first time. Thomas Jefferson was greatly in- terested in vaccination and endeavored to encourage its widespread use. An act of Congress approved Febru- ary 27, 1813, entitled "An act to Encourage Vaccina- tion," provided for the distribution of vaccine virus throughout the United States. Despite the fact that more than a century has elapsed since the efficacy of smallpox vaccination was proved, universal vaccination is not yet practiced and the disease is still quite preva- lent in this country, although less severe than formerly. Measles seems at times to have raged very fatally in some of the Colonial towns. In 1740 and 1741 Con- necticut was swept by a severe epidemic of measles. In 1773 measles broke out in epidemic form in Philadel- phia. A very malignant epidemic occurred in New York in 1778. The type of measles which occurs now is quite mild as compared with that period. Epidemics of influenza prevailed throughout the Col- onies at various times. In 1747 influenza raged over North America, and again in 1761. A characteristic description of the condition is given by a physician of that time as follows: "It began with a severe pain in the heads and limbs. A sensation of coldness, shivering, succeeded by great heat, running at the nose and a troublesome cough. It continued for 8 or 10 days, and generally terminated by sweating." The disease was epidemic throughout the country in the spring of 1781, and was observed to leave a tendency to the develop- ment of pulmonary tuberculosis. The recurrence of News Releases 225 severe epidemic outbreaks of influenza unfortunately is still of common occurrence. In 1735 and 1736, Boston was visited by an epidemic of what was undoubtedly diphtheria, though the term "angina maligna" was used. A similar outbreak is de- scribed at about the same date as having occurred in New York. Numerous other outbreaks are also re- corded. The first aid to the control of this disease was the discovery of diphtheria antitoxin in 1894. The de- cline in the death rate from this disease has been very marked, from about 116 per 100,000 population in 1890 to 6.6 per 100,000 in 1929. At the beginning of the century prior to the birth of Washington, one writer refers to "fluxes, fever and the belly ache" as being common conditions. He re- lates the above-mentioned conditions to improper eat- ing. Dysentery appears to have been a rather common summer-time complaint in the Colonies. It was not until the beginning of the nineteenth century, however, that typhoid fever and typhus fever were differentiated. As late as 1 842 a writer on medical subjects in the United States classified the fevers under four headings — typhus, typhoid, periodic, and yellow fever. Today typhoid fever is a vanishing disease. Yellow fever visited the Colonies and States on sev- eral occasions, an outbreak of particular severity having occurred in Philadelphia in 1793. New York suffered from a severe epidemic of yellow fever in 1795. On the 19 th day of July, 1795, a ship, the Zephyr, arrived at New York from the West Indies. A boy in her crew died soon after she came into port. The health officer, a physician, boarded the vessel and viewed the corpse. 226 Washington Bicentennial He developed the fever and died on the 29 th day of July. Another ship which lay at anchor near the Zephyr soon developed cases of fever among her crew. Ten years before the birth of George Washington, the State of Virginia passed an "Act to Oblige Ships Coming from Places Infected with the Plague to Per- form their Quarantine." As early as 1716 a committee was appointed by the legislative body of Massachusetts to select a site for an isolation hospital for quarantine purposes. In 1730 an act was passed empowering courts to adjourn and re- move from towns appointed by law for holding courts, in case of sickness by the smallpox. A year later an act was passed "to Prevent persons Concealing Smallpox and Requiring a Red Cloth to be Hung Out in all Infected Places." The practice of surgery during the time of Washing- ton was in its early stages, and great advances have been made in that field as well as in the control of commu- nicable diseases. Blood letting and cupping were still popular. In fact, the records show that in the last ill- ness of Washington he was bled four times. Scurvy, which we now know to be due to a dietary deficiency, chiefly the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables, was common not only among persons on prolonged sea voyages, but among the people in the settlements on land. No doubt this condition was more prevalent dur- ing the winter season. The development of water purification as a practical measure may be said to date from the beginning of the present century, and the results of its application in public health constitute one of the greatest public health News Releases 227 achievements of the century. The history of water purification is clearly associated with the general prog- ress in sanitation and public health of the present and preceding centuries. Judged by our present-day stand- ards, the sanitary quality of the water supplies of the United States in Washington's time, or even as recent as 50 years ago was low. The great pestilences of Washington's time have either been practically eradicated from countries which have applied modern public health knowledge or have been reduced to a minimum. In addition to the elimination of the scourges of Colonial days, diseases which were undiagnosed in Washington's time have now been iden- tified, the source of the infection for man has been learned, and measures of preventing the condition have been made known. If the Father of Our Country should return to earth today, it may be that he would be most astounded and perplexed by the developments in the field of mechanics, because those developments would be at once the most obvious; but later he could not fail to be equally amazed at the new science of public health and at the modern sanitary methods and safeguards of health that are em- ployed in public health work and that have contributed so much to the health, happiness, and prosperity of our Nation. Medical Care of Washington's Soldiers How does the medical care received by George Wash- ington's army look to a man in the position of Maj. Gen. M. W. Ireland, surgeon general of the United States Army? It might be supposed that the ranking officer 228 Washington Bicentennial in the medical service of today would look back with a kind of sympathetic tolerance on the methods avail- able to Washington's surgeons. Quite the contrary is true. The sympathy is there, but it is a sympathy of entire respect. If you ask Gen- eral Ireland, you will find him full of admiration for the manner in which the surgeons under Washington met the problems with the means permitted by their times. "It is well to remember," says General Ireland, as quoted by the Division of Information and Publica- tion of the United States George Washington Bicenten- nial Commission, "that Washington's surgeons were, for their day, highly trained men. They stood in the fore- front of their profession. Most of them had received the finishing touches to their education at the best schools of Europe. So far as the science of medicine was then developed, they were masters, and bore them- selves with credit before the difficulties they faced. "In those days, we must remember, the handling of food was primitive and without our resources in re- frigeration. In addition to that, what food supply the Revolutionary forces had was always meager. Often Washington's soldiers were served with food badly spoiled, which they were forced to eat because it was that or nothing. No one can read without a wrench of the heart of the quality of provender served to the patriots at Valley Forge — when the garrison had any- thing at all to eat! "Under such conditions," said General Ireland, "di- gestive disorders were inevitable. Washington had fre- quently to complain of what was then called the News Releases 229 'bloody flux.' It was a term used then to cover what today we divide into a dozen varieties of dysentery, to- gether with ptomaine poisoning and appendicitis. To Washington's surgeons they were all phases of a single disorder. "At that," the General continued, "I doubt if Wash- ington lost a higher percentage of effectives through illness than were lost to the Allies during the recent war. If Washington had difficulties in his day, we have had even greater ones in ours. He also enjoyed certain ad- vantages. It must be remembered that Washington recruited his army from a race of farmers and woods- men, husky outdoor men, used to exposure, food short- ages, and every variety of hardship. The millions we drafted for the recent war were taken from the crowded and badly-ventilated conditions of office and factory. Against the epidemics of digestive troubles that raked Washington's forces, our soldiers were swept by influ- enza and meningitis. And I doubt if the future histo- rian will find us coping with these problems much better than Washington's surgeons handled their trials. "Where the modern army surgeon is in luck," said General Ireland, "is in the field of surgery itself. Dur- ing the Revolution anaesthesia was of course unknown. Operations were then almost as painful to the surgeon as they were to his patient. Many a wound that would be an easy problem to the modern surgeon was then regarded as hopeless. Yet the surgical feats success- fully attempted by Washington's medical corps were really remarkable. They accomplished much in avoid- ing septic poisoning. The germ theory was still many years in the future, yet instinct warned Washington's 230 Washington Bicentennial surgeons of the dangers of toxic poisons. Their only defense against them was the searing iron, but it did its work in its crude way. And Napoleon's surgeons in their day also used, for the purpose of controlling hemorrhage, the hot oil employed by Washington's surgical staff. "All in all," General Ireland concluded, "Washing- ton's doctors performed a splendid job. Of course they had tough and excellent material to work with, but with backward medical science what it then was, they did exceedingly well in keeping the Revolutionary Army in a condition that would match well with the armies of today." — Soldiers Placated by Washington One of the most critical situations ever faced by George Washington, either as a citizen or a soldier, oc- curred a short time after the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown and, strange as it may seem, it was with his own army, and not that of the enemy. In the leisure and idleness of the winter camp at New- burgh, the discontents of the army had time to ferment. The arrears of pay became a topic of constant and angry comment, as well as the question, whether the resolution of Congress, granting half pay to officers who should serve to the end of the war, would be carried into effect. Dissatisfactions rose to a great and alarming height, and combinations among officers to resign at a given period in a body were beginning to take place. The outlook was so threatening that Washington, who had intended to go to Mount Vernon, remained in camp, and by management and unusual tact thwarted these combinations and converted these dangerous movements News Releases 231 to an address to Congress from the officers, asking for their half -pay arrearages, and some other equally proper concessions. Still Congress did not stir. In March, 1783, a call was issued for a meeting of officers and an anonymous address, written with much skill, was circulated through the camp. The address was well calculated to inflame the passions of the troops; it advised a resort to force and there was no question but what the situation was full of peril. With cus- tomary straightforwardness, Washington took control of the whole movement himself. In general orders he censured the call and the address as irregular, and then appointed a time and place for the meeting. Another anonymous address thereupon appeared, quieter in tone, but congratulating the army on the recognition accorded by the Commander in Chief. When the officers assembled, Washington arose with a manuscript in his hand, and as he took out his glasses said simply: "You see, gentlemen, I have grown both blind and gray, in your service." The address was brief, calm and strong. The clear, vigorous sentences were charged with meaning, and with deep feeling. He exhorted them one and all, both of- ficers and men, to remain loyal and obedient, true to their glorious past and to their country. He appealed to their patriotism and promised them that which they had always had, his own earnest support in obtaining justice from Congress. Washington Was the Father of West Point Another project dear to George Washington will take on final form with the addition of 15,000 acres of land 232 Washington Bicentennial to the reservation of the United States Military Acad- emy, at West Point, thus rounding out the scope of the school as Washington desired it to be. The dedication of this additional land, it has been learned by the Divi- sion of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, has been most appropriately set for next year, 1932, the two hun- dredth anniversary of Washington's birth. Probably no military locality figured more often than West Point in Washington's mind during the War for Independence. He early had seen the importance of the Hudson River. Control of that waterway by the enemy would have cut the 13 warring Colonies in two. Command of the river by the patriots meant dominance of the military situation and was necessary to victory in the war. And West Point was the key position on the river. In full appreciation of this fact, Kosciuszko was com- missioned in 1778 to plan fortifications for West Point that would make it "the Gibraltar of the Hudson." Washington, however, saw in West Point a utility to his army beyond its immediate strategic importance. None knew better than the commanding general the scarcity of well-trained officers in his ranks, and the situation of West Point seems to have impressed him even then as a good one for the establishment of the needed military school. On Washington's recommendation, Congress ap- pointed a committee to draw up plans for such a school and in 1777 a corps of officers not able to perform field service was organized in Philadelphia. In 178 1 this body was sent to West Point "to serve as a military school for News Releases 233 young gentlemen previously to their being appointed to marching regiments." Congress had thus found time to act upon Wash- ington's idea, and such were the beginnings of West Point. Three rough buildings had been erected, to house a library, an engineers' school, and a laboratory. Pre- liminary practice in gunnery also was set up. That Washington had in mind the future development of West Point is shown by the fact that at Newburgh, in 1783, he laid before his generals further plans for a more extensive academy there, for artillerists, engineers, and cadets. But not until after the war, when he was Presi- dent, had he the time or the authority to give effect to his ideas. In 1794, during his administration, he recommended to Congress suggestions for the upbuilding of a school for thorough and complete military training at West Point. The school was not without its vicissitudes, how- ever. A fire destroyed what Congress had already ac- complished and the academy, as it then was, was wiped out and forgotten for six years. Still, Washington's idea survived, and in 1802 Presi- dent Jefferson took up the plan and rebuilt West Point. True to his own sense of the fitness of things, President Jefferson saw to it that July Fourth should be the date of reopening. On that day West Point as we know it today got down to its work with an enrollment of 10 cadets. Since then nothing has impeded its work but cramped quarters and not always ample appropriations. Certainly the American people have never lacked in- terest in West Point. Each year it is visited by more persons than any other Government military undertak- 234 Washington Bicentennial ing. Now the seventy-first Congress has authorized a move long indicated and urged, in order to carry out Washington's original purpose. General Washington had placed training in gunnery foremost in its teaching. At last, with 15,000 acres of additional land, the Acad- emy is to have this needed artillery range, and also a training field for aviation. And no one will question the fitness of opening this new and larger West Point during the year when the Nation pays its homage to Washington. Washington Grateful for Gifts to Soldiers General Washington was highly pleased as well as grateful when Mrs. Sarah Bache, daughter of Benjamin Franklin, and other prominent women of Philadelphia donated over 2,000 shirts and $300,634 in money for the aid of soldiers of the Continental Army. The Association of the Ladies of Philadelphia was formed in the summer of 1780 for the purpose of col- lecting contributions in aid of the soldiers. On July 4 of that year Mrs. Joseph Reed, then at the head of the organization, but who died the following Septem- ber, wrote to Washington that $200,580, and £625. 6. 8d., making the amount in paper money $300,634, had been collected, and requested directions how best to dis- pose of it. Of this sum the Marquis de Lafayette con- tributed 100 guineas in specie, in the name of his wife, and the Countess of Luzerne, $6,000 in paper money. On January 15, 1781, General Washington wrote the following letter to Mrs. Bache: "I should have done myself the pleasure to acknowl- edge the receipt of the letter you did me the favor to News Releases 23 5 write on the 20th of December, at the moment of its receipt, had not some affairs of a very unusual nature, which are too recent and notorious to require explana- tion, engaged my whole attention. I pray you now to be persuaded that a sense of the patriotic exertions of yourself and the ladies who had furnished so handsome and useful a gratuity for the army at so critical and severe a season will not easily be effaced, and that the value of the donations will be greatly enhanced by the consideration of the hands by which it was made and presented." Tories Conspired to Kidnap Washington "The unhappy Fate of Thomas Hickey, executed this day for Mutiny, Sedition and Treachery; the General hopes will be a warning to every Soldier, in the Army, to avoid those crimes and all others, so disgraceful to the character of a soldier and pernicious to his country, whose pay he receives and Bread he eats." The above quotation from Gen. George Washington's orderly book on June 28, 1776, brought to an end a conspiracy among the Tories in the City of New York and Long Island, to murder American general officers on the arrival of the British, and to capture General Washington and deliver him to Sir William Howe. A committee of the New York Congress, of which John Jay was chairman, traced the plot up to Governor Tryon, who, from his safe retreat on shipboard, acted through agents on shore. The most important of these was David Matthews, the Tory mayor of the city. He was accused of disbursing money to enlist men, pur- chase arms, and corrupt the soldiery. 236 Washington Bicentennial Corbie's Tavern, near Washington's quarters, was a rendezvous of the conspiators. It was here that Gilbert Forbes, a gunsmith, enlisted men, gave them money, and "swore them on the book to secrecy." From this house a correspondence was kept up with Governor Tryon on shipboard through a "mulatto colored negro dressed in blue clothes." At this tavern it was supposed Washington's bodyguard were tampered with. Thomas Hickey, one of the guards, was said not only to be enlisted, but to have aided in corrupting his comrades. According to the mayor's own admission before the committee, he had been cognizant of attempts to enlist Tories and corrupt Washington's guards, though he de- clared that he had discountenanced them. He had, on one occasion, also at the request of Governor Tryon, paid money for him to Gilbert Forbes, the gunsmith, for rifles and round-bored guns which he had already furnished, and for others he was to make. The mayor, with a number of others, was detained in prison to await trial. Thomas Hickey, the individual of Wash- ington's guard, was tried before a court-martial which found him guilty and sentenced him to be hanged. The sentence was approved by Washington and was carried promptly into effect in the most solemn and impressive manner to serve as a warning and an example in this time of treachery and danger. On the morning of June 28, all the officers and men off duty belonging to the brigade of Heath, Spencer, Sterling, and Scott, assembled under arms at their respective bar- racks at 10 o'clock and marched to the grounds. Twenty men from each brigade with bayonets fixed guarded the prisoner to the place of execution, which News Releases 237 was a field near the Bowery Lane. There he was hanged in the presence of almost 20,000 persons. Shortage of Powder When the Continental Army lay before Boston in 1775 the supply of powder was so low that General Washington became alarmed. With the enemy strongly posted on what was practically a 14-mile front, General Washington called a council of war to discuss the startling fact that the whole stock of powder in camp was only 9,937 pounds. On August 4, 1775, while at Cambridge, Washington, in a letter to Governor Cooke, of Rhode Island, said: "I am now, sir, in strict confidence, to acquaint you, that our necessities in the articles of powder and lead are so great, as to require an immediate supply. I must earnestly entreat, you will fall upon some measures to forward every pound of each in the colony, which can possibly be spared . . . No quantity, however small, is beneath notice, and should any arrive, I beg it may be forwarded as soon as possible." According to Elias Boudinot, who was commissary general of prisoners in 1777 and President of the Con- tinental Congress in 1782, Washington ordered that the firing of the evening and morning gun be discontinued. In describing the situation, Boudinot wrote in part: "One of the committee of safety for Massachusetts, who was privy to the whole secret, deserted and went over to Gen. Gage, and discovered our poverty to him. The fact was so incredible that Gen. Gage treated it as a strategem of war, and the informant as a spy, or coming with the express purpose of deceiving him and 238 Washington Bicentennial drawing his army into a snare, by which means we were saved from having our quarters beaten up. "We have only 184 barrels of powder in all, includ- ing the late supply from Philadelphia, which is not suffi- cient to give 25 musket cartridges to each man, and scarcely to serve the artillery in any brisk action one single day." Even as late as October 13, 1775, General Wash- ington wrote to John Augustine Washington: "Since finishing our own lines of defence, we, as well as the enemy, have been busily employed in putting our men under proper cover for the winter. Our advanced works, and theirs, are within musket-shot of each other. We are obliged to submit to an almost daily cannonade without returning a shot, from our scarcity of powder, which we are necessitated to keep for closer work than cannon-distance, whenever the red-coat gentry please to step out of their intrenchments." The situation was greatly alleviated when the Amer- ican schooner Lee, commanded by Capt. John Manley, captured the Nancy, a large British brigantine, loaded with ordnance and supplies for the British Army in Boston. This cargo made it possible to continue the siege and also prepared the way for the capture of Boston. Among other supplies of the captured vessel were 32 tons of leaden balls, 2,000 stands of arms, 100,000 flints, and a 1 5 -inch brass mortar. Washington Had Many Narrow Escapes From the time of his first mission to Fort Le Boeuf , in 1753, to the Battle of York town, which practically News Releases 239 ended the Revolutionary War, Gen. George Washington had many narrow escapes from death when under fire from enemy guns. Washington's war record may be said to have fairly begun in 1753 when Robert Dinwiddie, then governor of Virginia, assigned to him the task of warning the French trespassers away from military posts they were constructing on the Ohio, which involved a hazardous trip through the depths of the wilderness. While suc- cessful in this mission, he had a miraculous escape from death when a traitorous Indian, who had seemed friendly, fired point-blank at Washington from a dis- tance of about a dozen yards — but missed the mark. The Indians believed that the "Great White Chief" led a charmed life, and this belief was further strength- ened in the Battle of the Monongahela, where Braddock and his army met such disastrous defeat at the hands of the French and Indians at Fort Duquesne, near Pitts- burgh, Pa. In this battle Washington displayed incomparable bravery. With most of Braddock's senior officers killed or wounded, Washington galloped to and fro across the little plateau, hemmed in by ambushed ravines and a heavy timber growth, a shining mark for Indian bullets. Two horses went down to death under him; four bullets pierced his clothing; yet he remained unhurt. In describing this critical part of the battle, Dr. James Craik, Washington's personal friend and physician, who ministered to the dying General Braddock, said: "I expected any moment to see Washington fall; his duty and situation exposed him to every danger. Noth- 240 Washington Bicentennial ing but the superintending care of Providence could have saved him from the fate of all around him." Washington also had many narrow escapes while under fire at Princeton, Monmouth, Yorktown, and when ambushed at Brandy wine. According to Joseph Dillaway Sawyer's "Book on Washington," a bullet passed between his fingers at the Battle of Trenton. At the Battle of Princeton, Washington rode his horse at full speed between the lines in the heavy crossfire from both armies, ordering his men to charge. Colonel Fitzgerald, his aide on the field, covered his eyes that he might not see what he believed to the inevitable end of his heroic chief. But Washington, dauntless and resolute, rode unscathed along the line, while his falter- ing troops, electrified by his act, forgot their panic, plunged back into the fight with renewed ardor — and won. Washington's recklessness in times of peril was a source of uneasiness to his fellow officers — even to Con- gress, which received long-distance tidings of it now and again — but to Washington himself it was nothing. He gave no thought at any time to heroics; and his valorous action at Princeton was "all in a day's work." At Brandywine Washington had a narrow escape from being shot from ambush. Reconnoitering the enemy lines, with only one cavalryman in attendance, his tall figure caught the eye of Major Ferguson, of the Forty-third English Foot. Ferguson, seeing a Conti- nental officer riding by with an attendant, ordered three sharpshooters under cover to fire; but suddenly realiz- ing the enormity of killing a fellow white man — and an officer — from ambush* after the stealthy Indian News Releases 241 method, cancelled the order before the men could obey. Not until several days afterward, so the story runs, did Major Ferguson learn that it was the rebel chieftain whose life he had humanly spared. One escape is recorded at Trenton as a bullet struck the hilt of his uplifted sword, just missing his fingers, as he ordered his men to charge. During the assault on Yorktown, Washington stood in an embrasure of the grand battery, watching the ad- vance of his men. As usual when fighting was going on, he exposed himself recklessly. Here he was so much exposed to the enemy's fire that one of his aides, anxious and disturbed for his safety, told him that the place was perilous. "If you think so," was the quiet answer, "you are at liberty to step back." The old fighting spirit of Braddock's field was again unchained. He would have liked to head the American assault, sword in hand, and as he could not do so he stood as near to his troops as he could, utterly regardless of the bullets whistling in the air about him. He could have no thought of danger then, and when all was over he turned to General Knox and said: "The work is done, and well done. Bring me my horse." && - ®s&» :-:-•'•"":: -* — Washington's Victories Master Strokes George Washington's victories, as Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary armies, were outstanding master strokes. A study of them will show that they were not a matter of luck, but, on the contrary, dis- play generalship of the first order. Washington's mastery of the "element of surprise" was remarkable, and every time he put his forces in ac- 242 Washington Bicentennial tion he stressed the importance to the officers under his command of rapidity of execution, pointing out that it was a most important factor in war. One of the greatest and most spectacular exploits of his military career took place on Christmas, 1776, when he wrested a victory from the forces of Great Britain at Trenton, N. J. In a few short hours George Wash- ington lifted the spirits of his countrymen from the despair in which they had been plunged by a series of defeats and reverses, and sent fresh hopes and courage to the entire country. Frederick the Great is reported to have said that the battles in Jersey marked the most brilliant campaign of the century. Many historians now maintain that this was the decisive moment of the war; and it was because of the determined and fighting temper of Washington that the tide was turned in the darkest hour and the cause of the Revolution was saved. To the observant and trained eyes of Europe, even the defeat at German- town made it evident that there was fighting material among the untrained colonists, and that there were be- sides a powerful will and directing mind, capable on its part in bringing this same material into the required shape and condition. That mind was Washington's. When General Braddock arrived in Virginia, Wash- ington wrote him a diplomatically worded letter and was soon made a member of the staff with the rank of colonel. His personal relations with Braddock were friendly throughout, and in the calamitous defeat Wash- ington showed that fiery energy which always lay hidden behind his calm and unruffled exterior. He ranged the whole field on horseback, making himself the most con- News Releases 243 spicuous target for enemy bullets; and, in spite of what he called the "dastardly behavior" of the regular troops, he saved the expedition from annihilation and brought the remnant of his Virginians out of action in good order. In spite of his reckless exposure, he was one of the few unwounded officers. In August, after his return, he was commissioned commander of the Virginia forces, being then only 23 years old. For about two years his task was that of "de- fending a frontier of more than 350 miles with but 700 men." In the winter of 1757 his health broke down, but in the next year he had the pleasure of commanding the advance guard of the expedition under Gen. John Forbes, which captured Fort Duquesne, renaming it Fort Pitt. At the end of the year he resigned his commis- sion, the war in Virginia being at an end. So closed the first period in Washington's public career. It showed him an adventurous pioneer, a reck- less frontier fighter, and a soldier of great promise. He learned many things at this time, and was taught much in the hard school of adversity. He was commissioned Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary Armies on June 17, 1775, and set out at once for Cambridge, Mass., where, on July 3, he as- sumed command of the levies assembled there for action against the British garrison in Boston. The Battle of Bunker Hill had already taken place, news of it reaching Washington on his way North. Until the following March his work was to bring about some semblance of military organization and dis- cipline, to collect ammunition and military stores, to 244 Washington Bicentennial correspond with Congress and the colonial authorities, to guide military operations in widely settled parts of the country, to create a military system for a people entirely unaccustomed to such a thing, and impatient and suspicious under it, and to bend the course of events steadily towards driving the British out of Boston. "Washington's retreat through the Jerseys, the manner in which he turned and struck his pursuers at Trenton and Princeton, and then established himself at Morris- town, so as to make the way to Philadelphia impassable; the vigor with which he handled his army at Brandy- wine and Germantown, the persistence with which he held the strategic position at Valley Forge through the dreadful winter of 1777-78, in spite of the misery of his men, the clamors of the people, and the impotence and meddling of the fugitive Congress — all went to show that the fiber of his public character had been hardened to its permanent quality. The prompt and vigorous pursuit of Sir Henry Clinton across Jersey towards New York, and the Battle of Monmouth, in which the plan of battle was thwarted by Charles Lee, closed the military record of Wash- ington, so far as active campaigning was concerned, until the end of the war. The British confined their operations to other parts of the continent, and Wash- ington, alive as ever to the importance of keeping up connections with New England, devoted himself to watching the British in and about New York City. It was in every way fitting, however, that Wash- ington, who had been the mainspring of the war from the beginning and had borne far more than his share q£ its burdens and discouragements, should end it with News Releases 245 the campaign of Yorktown, conceived by himself, with the surrender of Cornwallis in October, 1781. Washington Indignant at Suggestion He Become "King" A remarkable episode of the Revolution, which Gen- eral Washington looked upon with surprise and aston- ishment, took place shortly after the Battle of York- town. It was while the Commander in Chief of the Conti- nental Armies was at Newburgh that the astonishing suggestion was made to him that a monarchial form of government be established in the Colonies, with Washington assuming the title of king. This startling proposal was submitted to General Washington in a let- ter written by Col. Lewis Nicola, a veteran officer, once commandant of Fort Mifflin, and an intimate friend of the Commander in Chief. The letter was written at the height of the discontent prevailing in the Army at that time, both among of- ficers and men. The neglect of the States to furnish their proportions of the sum voted by Congress for the prosecution of the war had left the Army almost desti- tute. There was scarce money sufficient to feed the troops from day to day; indeed, there were days when they were absolutely in want of provisions. The pay of the officers, too, was greatly in arrears; many of them doubted whether they would ever receive the half pay decreed to them by Congress for a term of years after the conclusion of the war, and fears began to be ex- pressed that, in the event of peace, they would all be disbanded with their claims unliquidated, and them- 246 Washington Bicentennial selves cast upon the community penniless and unfitted, by long military habits, for the gainful pursuits of peace. Underlying the general discontent there was a well- defined movement, which saw a solution of all diffi- culties, and a redress of all wrongs in a radical change in the form of government, and in the elevation of Washington to supreme power. This party was satisfied that the existing form of government was a failure, and that it was not, and could not, be made either strong, honest, or respectable. The obvious relief was in some kind of monarchy, with a large infusion of one-man power, and it followed as a matter of course that the one man would be the Commander in Chief. Colonel Nicola's letter was forcible and well written. He condemned a republican form of government as in- compatible with national prosperity and advised a mixed government like that of England. He set forth very clearly the failure and shortcomings of the existing government. Washington realized that Colonel Nicola was a man of character and standing, and that his letter could not be passed over lightly or in silence. He saw that Nicola was but the organ of a military faction, disposed to make the army the basis of an energetic government and to place him at the head. The suggestion, backed by the opportunity, might have tempted a man of selfish ambition, but from Washington it drew the following indignant letter: "With a mixture of great surprise and astonishment, I have read with attention the sentiments you have submitted to my perusal. Be assured, Sir, no occur- rence in the course of the war has given me more painful News Releases 247 sensations, than your information of there being such ideas existing in the army, as you have expressed, and I must view with abhorrence and reprehend with severity. For the present the communicatn. of them will rest in my own bosom, unless some further agitation of the matter shall make a disclosure necessary. "I am much at a loss to conceive what part of my conduct could have given encouragement to an address, which to me seems big with the greatest mischiefs that can befall my Country. If I am not deceived in the knowledge of myself, you could not have found a per- son to whom your schemes are more disagreeable. At the same time, in justice to my own feelings, I must add, that no man possesses a more sin- cere wish to see ample justice done to the army than I do; and, as far as my powers and influence, in a con- stitutional way, extend, they shall be employed to the utmost of my abilities to effect it, should there be any occasion. Let me conjure you, then, as you have any regard for your Country, concern for yourself or pos- terity, or respect for me, to banish these thoughts from your mind, and never communicate, as from your- self or anyone else, a sentiment of the like nature." Famous Speech In this famous speech, which went down into history as Washington's Newburgh address, the Commander in Chief, in part, said: "If my conduct heretofore has not evinced to you, that I have been a faithful friend to the army, my decla- ration of it at this time would be equally unavailing and 248 Washington Bicentennial improper. But, as I was among the first, who embarked in the cause of our common country; as I have never left your side one moment, but when called from you on public duty; as I have been a constant companion and witness of your distresses, and not among the last to feel and acknowledge your merits; as I have ever considered my own military reputation as inseparably connected with that of the army; as my heart has ever expanded with joy, when I have heard its praises, and my indigna- tion has arisen, when the mouth of detraction has been opened against it; it can scarcely be supposed, at this late stage of the war, that I am indifferent to its in- terests." . . . "While I give you these assurances," he observed in another part of his address, "let me entreat you, Gentle- men, on your part, not to take any measures, which, viewed in the calm light of reason, will lessen the dignity and sully the glory you have hitherto maintained. Let me request you to rely on the plighted faith of your country, and place a full confidence in the purity of the intentions of Congress, that, previous to your dis- solution as an army, that they will cause all your ac- counts to be fairly liquidated, as directed in their resolu- tions, which were published to you two days ago, and that they will adopt the most effectual measures in their power to render ample justice to you for your faithful and meritorious services. And let me conjure you in the name of our common country, as you value your sacred honor, as you respect the rights of humanity, and as you regard the military and national character of America, to express your utmost horror and detestation of the man, who wishes, under any specious pretences, to over- News Releases 249 turn the liberties of our country, and who wickedly attempts to open the flood-gates of civil discord, and deluge our rising empire in blood." . . . When he had finished he quietly withdrew. The of- ficers were deeply moved by his words, and his influence prevailed. Resolutions were passed, reiterating the de- mands of the army, but professing entire faith in the Government. This time Congress listened, and the measures granting half pay in commutation, and certain other requests were passed. Thus this very serious dan- ger was averted, not by the reluctant act of Congress, but by the wisdom and strength of the General who was loved by his soldiers after a fashion that few conquerors could boast. When the Revolution Ended The cessation of hostilities between the United States and Great Britain was proclaimed April 19, 1783, to the soldiers of the Continental Army by order of Gen. George Washington in headquarters at Newburgh. Congress had issued, a few days before, the official notifi- cation that the Revolutionary War was at an end. The one hundred and forty-eighth anniversary of Washington's proclamation is noted by the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission in a statement recalling the event. The Revolution had practically ended with the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown in October, 1781. It was generally realized throughout the two countries that there would be no more extensive cam- paigns, but both armies were retained under arms. A 250 Washington Bicentennial few skirmishes took place in 1782, occurring for the most part between foraging or scouting parties. In one of these minor fights in August some British soldiers at Saint James Island, S. C, were defeated by Captain Wilmott. At Fort Wheeling, Va., in the fol- lowing month, the last skirmish of the war was fought. It also was a victory for the Americans. While there was little to be gained by either side from this kind of fighting, it was an inevitable result of the proximity of armed men representing the two nations. It was unavoidable as long as Britain and the United States were officially at war. Despite this fact, Washington vigorously opposed any reduction in the army until the conclusion of peace. No one realized the cost of victory better than the man who had led America's armies throughout the war. He was unwilling that the fruits of victory should be lost by a relaxation of vigilance which might encourage the British ministry to continue the conflict. Washington's feelings on receiving official notice that hostilities were at an end may be seen in his proclamation at Newburgh. Preliminary articles of peace had been signed at Paris in November and January, and it was beginning to be apparent that the permanent treaty would be based on these stipulations. With consider- able relief, therefore, General Washington issued the following order: "The Commander-in-chief orders the cessation of hostilities, between the United States and the King of Great Britain, to be publicly proclaimed tomor- row at twelve at the New Building; and that the Proc- lamation, which will be communicated herewith, be News Releases 251 read to-morrow evening at the head of every regiment and corps of the army; after which the Chaplains with the several brigades will render thanks to Almighty God for all His mercies, particularly for His overruling the wrath of man to His glory, and causing the rage of war to cease among the nations. . . . "On such a happy day, which is the harbinger of peace, a day which completes the eighth year of the war, it would be ingratitude not to rejoice, it would be in- sensibility not to participate, in the general felicity. . . . "Happy, thrice happy, shall they be pronounced hereafter, who have contributed anything, who have performed the meanest office in erecting this stupendous fabric of freedom and empire on the broad basis of in- dependency, who have assisted in protecting the rights of human nature, and establishing an asylum for the poor and oppressed of all nations and religions." When the British Left New York It was a gala day for the people of New York City when, on Tuesday afternoon, November 25, 1783, Sir Guy Carleton and the British troops embarked from that place to end an occupation of more than seven years. As Gen. George Washington rode into the city at the head of a great procession on that memorable occasion his heart must have swelled with happiness at the realization that his task had now reached its glorious conclusion. From the time that the preliminary articles of peace were signed in Paris several months before, Washington had been waiting for Carleton to leave New York. As the Redcoats left their post in the Bowery, the 252 Washington Bicentennial Americans, who had marched from Harlem, continued on their way into the city. After the troops had taken possession of the army posts, General Washington and Governor Clinton rode into the metropolis at the head of an imposing cavalcade composed of military and civil authorities. In addition to the officials there were in the parade a number of American citizens who had been exiled from their homes in New York by reason of the British occupation. These people were now returning to repossess their property, and certainly none could have been more happy on this occasion than they. The newspapers of that day have described the Ameri- can repossession of New York in colorful terms. Ac- cording to an item in the Pennsylvania Packet, the tri- umphal possession was marshalled in gallant array, with General Washington and Governor Clinton and their suites at the head on horseback. Then followed the lieutenant governor and members of the council riding four abreast. Following these dignitaries was Major General Knox and the officers of the army, who rode eight abreast. The Packet notes further that "The pro- cession proceeded down Queen Street, and through the Broad-way to Cape's Tavern. The governor gave a public dinner at Fraunce's Tavern, at which the com- mander-in-chief and other general officers were pres- ent." The celebration continued several days, and numerous banquets were given — one of them by Governor Clinton in honor of Luzerne, the French Ambassador to the United States. The Remembrancer, a New York jour- nal, records that "On Friday (Nov. 28) at Cape's Tav- ern, the Citizens, who have lately returned from exile, News Releases 253 gave an elegant Entertainment to his Excellency the Governor, and the Council for governing the city; his Excellency General Washington, and the officers of the Army; about three hundred Gentlemen graced the feast." Washington's Memorable Farewell One of the most touching and picturesque events in the life of George Washington as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, took place 148 years ago. It was on December 4, 1783, that General Washing- ton, with tears in his eyes, and a choke in his voice, bade farewell to his officers and comrades-in-arms in the fa- mous Fraunce's Tavern, which still stands at the lower end of Manhattan, in New York City, before going to Annapolis, where Congress was then in session, to lay down his commission. With the evacuation of New York by the British on November 25, of that year, General Washington real- ized that his military duties were about to terminate. All was over now, and he could retire to Mount Vernon to reap the rewards of the peace and quiet to which he had always looked forward with joyful anticipation. In a long, low-ceilinged room in Fraunce's Tavern, his officers assembled to bid him farewell. As he looked about on his faithful friends his usual self-command and calm dignity deserted him, and he could not con- trol his voice. With glass in hand, he said simply: "With a heart full of love and gratitude, I now take my leave of you, most devoutly wishing that your latter days may be as pros- perous and happy as your former ones have been glori- 254 Washington Bicentennial ous and honorable." The toast was drunk in silence, and then General Washington added, "I can not come to each of you and take my leave, but shall be obliged if you will come and take me by the hand." His dear friend Gen. Henry Knox, being nearest, turned to him. Washington, incapable of utterance, grasped his hand and embraced him. In the same affectionate manner he took leave of each succeeding officer. Leaving the room, he passed the corps of light infan- try, accompanied by his officers, walked to White Hall, where a barge waited to convey him to Paulus Hook. Entering the barge, the word was given, and as the oars struck the water he stood up and lifted his hat. In solemn silence his officers returned the salute, and watched the noble and gracious figure of their beloved chief until the boat disappeared from sight behind the point of the battery. An interesting article, describing Washington's fare- well to his officers was published in Rivington's New York Gazette, in its issue of December 6, 1783, which follows in full: "At New York: Last Thursday noon (December 4) the principal officers of the army in town assembled at Fraunce's Tavern to take final leave of their illustrious, gracious and much loved commander, General Wash- ington. The passions of human nature were never more tenderly agitated than in this interesting and distressful scene. His excellency having filled a glass thus addressed his brave fellow-soldiers: " 'With a heart full of love and gratitude I now take leave of you. I most devoutly wish that your latter News Releases 255 days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable.' "These words produced extreme sensibility on both sides; they were answered by warm expressions, and fervent wishes, from the gentlemen of the army, whose truly pathetic feelings it is not in our power to convey to the reader. Soon after this scene was closed, his ex- cellency the Governor, the honorable the Council and citizens of the first distinction waited on the general and in terms the most affectionate, took their leave. "The corps of light infantry was drawn up in a line, the commander-in-chief, about two o'clock passed through them on his. way to Whitehall, where he em- barked in his barge for Powles Hook, (Jersey City) . He is attended by General le baron de Steuben; pro- poses to make a short stay at Philadelphia; will thence proceed to Annapolis, where he will resign his Commis- sion as General of the American armies, into the hands of the Continental Congress, from whom it was de- rived, immediately after which his excellency will set out for his seat, named Mount Vernon, in Virginia, emulating the example of his model, the virtuous Roman general, who, victorious, left the tented field, covered with honors, and withdrew from public life, in otium cum dignitate." George Washington Resigns Commission Gen. George Washington's surrender of his com- mission as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army on December 23, 1783, to Congress, which was then sitting at Annapolis, Md., was one of the memo- rable scenes connected with the Revolutionary War. 256 Washington Bicentennial Washington had left New York City on December 4, after bidding farewell to his officers at the famous Fraunce's Tavern in that city. As he approached the city of Annapolis, his coming was announced by the discharge of cannon, the ringing of bells, and the cheers of the inhabitants. He arrived at Annapolis on December 19, and was met on the outskirts of the city by Generals Gates and Smallwood, accompanied by leading citizens of the town. On the following day he dined with the President of the Congress, Gen. Thomas Mifflin, in company with members of that body and the principal military and civil officers of the State. On December 22 Congress tendered General Washington a public dinner, followed by a ball at the State House. The following day, December 23, 1783, George Washington appeared in the congressional chamber and, being seated, General Mifflin informed him that the United States, in Congress assembled, were prepared to receive his communication. General Washington arose and said, in part: "Mr. President: The great events upon which my resignation depended, having at length taken place, I have now the honor of offering sincere congratulations to Congress, and of presenting myself before them, to surrender into their hands the trust committed to me, and to claim the indulgence of retiring from the service of my country." In this characteristically simple fashion did George Washington lay down the reins of authority. These few, simple lines marked the termination of eight and a half years of devoted and unselfish service unsur- News Releases 257 passed in the history of the world. The storm and stress of military campaigning was over. Victory and independence had been won. The leader's task had been successfully carried out. Following the ceremonies at the State Capitol, General Washington departed for Mount Vernon, where he arrived on Christmas eve. It is not hard to imagine with what satisfaction and gratitude he, to whom home was the dearest place in the world, re- turned to Mount Vernon, which he had seen only once since the beginning of the Revolution more than eight years before. It must have been with a deep sigh of relief that he sat down once again by his own fireside, for all through the war the one longing that never left his mind was for the banks of the Potomac. He liked its quiet oc- cupations and wholesome sports, and the open-air existence. He felt that he had earned his rest and all the temperate pleasures and enjoyments that came with it, and he fondly believed that he was about to renew the habits which he had abandoned to become Com- mander of the Continental Army. Four days after his return he wrote to Governor Clinton, of New York: "The scene is at last closed. I feel myself eased of a load of public care. I hope to spend the remainder of my days in cultivating the affections of good men and in the practice of domestic virtues." Into the old life of the proprietor of a large estate he threw himself with zest and thankfulness, more than happy to straighten out the affairs of the estate, much disordered by his absence. In the midst of these em- ployments, too, he attended closely to his domestic 258 Washington Bicentennial duties. At frequent intervals he journeyed to Fred- ericksburg to visit his mother, to whom he was always a dutiful and affectionate son. He watched over Mrs. Martha Washington's grandchildren, and two or three nephews of his own, whose education he had under- taken, with all the solicitude of a father, and at the expense of much thought and time. However, with all his longing for repose and privacy, General Washington could not separate himself from the great problems which he had solved, or from the solution of the still greater problems, which he, more than any other man, had brought into existence. The new Nation needed the counsel and service of George Washington too much to allow him to remain in re- tirement. After only three and a half years of blissful happiness at Mount Vernon the country again called George Washington to preside at the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia. And shortly after the electors unanimously chose him to be the first President of the United States. Thus began eight more years of arduous labor and intense devotion to his country. When Washington Became President When the people of the United States turned to George Washington with the universal demand that he stand at the head of the new Government and fill the great office of first President of the Republic, he evi- denced the same diffidence which weighed upon him when he took command of the armies. In response to the suggestion that he be a candidate, he recognized the fact that he was likely to be again called upon to render public service, and added simply News Releases 259 that at his age it would involve a sacrifice which ad- mitted of no compensation. He maintained this tone whenever he alluded to the subject in replying to numerous letters urging him to accept. But, although he declined to announce any decision, he had resigned himself to the inevitable. Washington made it clear that he was not pursuing the office, and would only leave his farm to take it from a sense of duty. The electoral college gave him its unanimous vote on February 4, 1789. Neither the animosity of parties, nor the large number of enemies of the new Government in some of the States could deprive him of a single vote. The reluctance with which General Washington assumed his new position and that genuine modesty which was a distinguished feature of his character, are further illustrated by the following extract from a letter to Gen. Henry Knox: "I feel for those members of the new Congress, who hitherto have given an un- availing attendance at the theater of action. For my- self the delay may be compared to a reprieve; for in confidence I tell you, (with the world it would obtain little credit,) that my movements to the chair of gov- ernment will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a culprit, who is going to the place of his execu- tion; so unwilling am I, in the evening of a life nearly consumed in public cares, to quit a peaceful abode for an ocean of difficulties, without that competency of political skill, abilities, and inclination, which are nec- essary to manage the helm. I am sensible that I am embarking, the voice of the people, and a good name of my own, on this voyage; but what returns will 260 "Washington Bicentennial be made for them, Heaven alone can foretell. Integrity and firmness are all I can promise. These, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me, although I may be deserted by all men; for of the consolations, which are to be derived from these, under any circum- stances, the world can not deprive me." The official announcement of his election as Chief Magistrate of the United States was made to him at Mount Vernon on April 14, 1789, by Charles Thomson, the secretary of the Continental Congress. Accus- tomed to respect the wishes of his fellow citizens, Washington did not think himself at liberty to decline an appointment conferred upon him by the suffrage of an entire people. His acceptance of it, and his expres- sion of gratitude for this fresh proof of the esteem and confidence of his country were connected with declara- tions of diffidence in himself. "I wish," he said, "that there may not be reason for regretting the choice; for, indeed, all I can promise is only to accomplish that, which can be done by an honest zeal." As the public business required the immediate attendance of the President at the seat of the Govern- ment, he hastened his departure, and on the second day after receiving notice of his election, he took leave of Mount Vernon. In an entry in his diary, the feelings inspired by an occasion so affecting to his mind are thus described: "About ten o'clock I bade adieu to Mount Vernon, to private life, and to domestic felicity, and with a mind oppressed with more anxious and painful sensations than I have words to express, set out for New York in company with Mr. Thompson and Colo. Hum- News Releases 261 phreys, with the best disposition to render service to my country in obedience to its calls, but with less hope of answering its expectations." On his journey from Alexandria to New York Washington was everywhere received with the greatest demonstrations of affection by all classes of his fellow citizens, which were manifested by the most flattering marks of heartfelt respect and by addresses which evinced the unlimited confidence reposed in his virtues and his ability. At Philadelphia he was received with unusual splendor. In imitation of the triumphal exhibitions of ancient Rome an arch was erected at the bridge over the Schuylkill River, and on each side was placed laurel shrubbery. As Washington passed under the arch, a civic crown was let down upon him. The fields and avenues were crowded with people, through whom he was conducted into the city by a body of leading citizens. At night the town was illuminated. The next day, at Trenton, he was welcomed in a manner as new as it was pleasing. In addition to the usual discharge of cannon and the demonstrations of respect and attachment by military corps, and by pri- vate persons of distinction, the women of the city ar- ranged a tribute indicative of gratitude for their deliv- erance 12 years before from a formidable enemy. On a bridge over the creek which passes through the town was a triumphal arch, decorated with laurel and flowers and supported by 13 pillars. On the front of this arch was inscribed in large gilt letters, "December 26, 1776," and beneath, formed in the flowers, "The defender of the mothers will be the protector of the daughters." 262 Washington Bicentennial As Washington passed under the arch he was met by a party of matrons leading their daughters, dressed in white, who carried baskets of flowers in their hands and sang an ode composed for the occasion. At Bruns- wick he was joined by the governor of New Jersey, who accompanied him to Elizabethtown Point. A com- mittee of Congress received him on the road and con- ducted him with a military parade to the point, where he embarked for New York in an elegant 13 -oar barge, prepared for the purpose by the citizens of New York, and manned by 13 pilots. "The display of boats," said Washington in his private journal, "which was attended and joined on this occa- sion, some with vocal, and others with instrumental music on board, the decorations of the ships, the roar of the cannon, and the loud acclamations of the people, which rent the sky as I passed along the wharves, filled my mind with sensations as painful (contemplating the reverse of this scene, which may be the case after all my labors to do good) as they were pleasing." At the stairs of Murray's Wharf, which had been prepared and decorated for the purpose, he was received by the governor of New York, and was conducted, with military honors, through an immense concourse of people, to the apartments prepared for him. Wash- ington arrived in New York on April 23 and on the 30th the constitutional Government of the United States began with his inauguration as the first President. Washington's Last Visit to His Mother When George Washington was elected the first Presi- dent of the United States, one of the last things he did News Releases 263 before leaving for his inauguration in New York City was to visit his mother at her home in Fredericksburg. This was an indication of the filial devotion which Washington always exhibited, and had its foundation in his respect and love for the woman to whom he owed so much. Mary Washington gave to her children the best of training, and to these early teachings may be traced much of the firmness of character which was later shown by the Commander in Chief of the Ameri- can Armies and the Nation's greatest leader. As a boy, Washington was anxious to enter the British Navy. His aspirations were viewed with favor by his elder brother Lawrence, and an appointment was procured for him. Mrs. Washington frowned upon the project, but reluctantly gave her consent when the boys persisted. It is said that George's chest had been placed on a boat in the Potomac, and the boy was all ready to follow, when his mother received a letter from her brother in England which discouraged a career in the navy or in the merchant service. That settled the matter as far as Mrs. Washington was con- cerned, and she requested her son to have his things brought off the boat. It was a serious blow to the lad's hopes, but he complied with his mother's wishes. Mary Washington is represented as being an austere woman, whose attitude was somewhat awe-inspiring to the children. She was deeply religious, and during the years before her own children were placed in school she saw to it that they received proper training. George must have inherited some of her character, for through- out his life he manifested the same repression which characterized his mother. 264 Washington Bicentennial The mother of Washington was known for her aversion to a demonstration of deep emotion, and her illustrious son was of the same temperament. Accord- ing to one story, Washington was sitting for a portrait when despatches were hurriedly handed to him. He merely glanced at them and went ahead with the busi- ness of the moment. The letter contained news of the capture of Burgoyne. An anecdote similar to the one above has it that a messenger rode at top speed for some distance to deliver a letter from Washington to his mother in the latter part of the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Washington was found in her garden busily at work among her vege- tables. She interrupted her work long enough to take the letter, but made no move to open it. The rider waited until his impatience caused him to exclaim, "Madam, this whole community is interested in that letter." At that, she opened the letter which proved to be an announcement of a recent victory; but all the news she gave the messenger was the remark, "George generally carries through anything he undertakes." Tradition has it that Mary Washington could think of George only as "her boy." On one occasion her servant is supposed to have told her that "Mars George" had put up at the tavern. This so displeased his mother that she at once exclaimed, "Go and tell George to come here instantly!" In a few moments the general ap- peared, somewhat abashed, and explained that he could not feel sure that his stay with her would prove convenient. Mrs. Washington has been thought by some to have been a Tory because of her frequent plaints regarding News Releases 265 the Revolution. Her petulant outbursts, however, were due to the fact that she disliked George's neglect of his own affairs, which was occasioned by the war. She had never approved of his militaristic predilections and had ever sought to dissuade him from entering the army. As one writer has pointed out, the spirit which animated her utterances was Washington's best inheritance from his mother. "It is a fine omen on the world's horizon that its great commander was a man of peace." Although Washington urged his mother to come and live at Mount Vernon, she persisted in her desire to re- main at her home in Fredericksburg. Washington visited her there whenever it was possible for him to do so, and he saw to it that she was supplied with whatever she needed. At the time of Washington's election to the Presidency, his mother was suffering from a disease from which it was realized she could never recover. Knowing that it would be a long time before he could see her again under any circumstances, he was desirous of visiting her before taking up his residence in New York. On March 7, 1789, Washington was in Fredericks- burg with his mother. He knew that she would rejoice in the honor which had been conferred on her son, and with his characteristic respect for her feelings he called on her before assuming his position as the executive of the Nation. This was the last time Washington saw his mother, for the following summer she succumbed to the ravages of the disease from which she had been suffering for so long. Her death occurred on August 25, and Wash- ington mourned in her death the loss of one whose 266 Washington Bicentennial teachings, example, and encouragement had contributed so much to his success. The First Thanksgiving Proclamation Few Americans know that the original Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamation was lost for over a hundred years; that it was found at an auction sale in 1921; that it was bought by the Library of Congress for $300.00; and that it now reposes in the archives of that institu- tion — one of the most valuable documents in the world. On September 25, 1789, Elias Boudinot introduced the following resolution in the House of Representa- tives: "Resolved, That a joint committee of both Houses be directed to wait upon the President of the United States, to request that he would recommend to the people of the United States a day of public Thanksgiv- ing and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging, with grateful hearts, the many signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity to es- tablish a Constitution of government for their safety and happiness." Harmless as this resolution seems, there were objec- tions to it. In reading the Annals of Congress of that period, we find that Representative Aedanus Burke, of South Carolina, thought we should not mimic Europe "where they made a mere mockery of thanksgiving." Representative Thomas Tudor Tucker, also of South Carolina, argued that it was not the business of Con- gress to ask for a national day of Thanksgiving. "They (the people) may not be inclined to return News Releases 267 thanks for a Constitution until they have experienced that it promotes their safety and happiness." These objections, however, were overruled; the reso- lution was passed and sent to the Senate for concurrence. The Senate approved and appointed its committee to wait on the President. The joint committee was made up of Ralph Izard, of South Carolina, and William S. Johnson, of Connecticut, from the Senate; Elias Bou- dinot, of New Jersey, Roger Sherman, of Connecticut, and Peter Sylvester, of New York, from the House. Washington complied with the request and on Octo- ber 3, 1789, issued his proclamation, calling for a Na- tional day of Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 26. And then the document dropped out of sight. It apparently was misplaced or attached to some private papers in the process of moving official records from one city to another when the Capital was changed. How- ever it happened, the original manuscript was not in the official archives until 1921, when Dr. J. C. Fitz- patrick, then Assistant Chief of the Manuscripts Divi- sion of the Library of Congress, and now Editor of the forthcoming United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission series of Washington's Writings, "found" the proclamation. It was at an auction sale being held in the American Art Galleries of New York City. Dr. Fitzpatrick, an expert in Washingtoniana, ex- amined the document and found it to be authentic. It was written in long hand by William Jackson, Secretary to President Washington at the time, and was signed in George Washington's bold hand. Dr. Fitzpatrick pur- chased the document for $300.00 for the Library of 268 Washington Bicentennial Congress, where it is now kept as a treasure. And no amount of money could remove it. The original Proclamation of Thanksgiving, and, in- deed, the first Presidential proclamation ever issued in the United States, reads as follows: "By the President of the United States of America. "Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor — and Whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint committee requested me c to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by ac- knowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an op- portunity to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.' "Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thurs- day, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be — That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks — for his kind care and protection of the People of this country previous to their becoming a Nation — for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of his providence, which we ex- perienced in the course and conclusion of the late war — for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed — for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to es- News Releases 269 tablish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted — for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us. "And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions — to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually — to render our national government a blessing to all the People by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully exe- cuted and obeyed — to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us) and to bless them with good Government, peace, and concord. To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us — and generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best. "Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789. (signed) George Washington" Celebration of Thanksgiving Day in America can be traced back to the earliest days of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. From there the custom spread to all parts of the United States. 270 Washington Bicentennial First President Did Not Fear Operation George Washington, during his first year as President of the United States, was attacked by a severe illness that required a surgical operation. Great anxiety was felt in New York, the capital at that time, as the President's case was considered ex- tremely dangerous. He was attended by Dr. Samuel Bard and his son, who was also a physician. The elder Bard, being somewhat doubtful of his nerves, gave the knife to his son, bidding him "cut away — deeper, deeper still; don't be afraid; you see how well he bears it." This story appears in the memoirs of George Washington Parke Custis. The President was suffering from a malignant car- buncle, which, at one time, seemed to be incurable. He was attended day and night by Dr. Bard, who was con- sidered one of the most skillful physicians and surgeons of that day. The painful tumor was upon his thigh, and was brought on by the excitement and labor which he had undergone since his inauguration. To the suggestion of his friend, James McHenry, of Baltimore, that Dr. Craik be sent for, Washington re- plied that it would be a source of gratification to have his old friend with him, but since he could not enjoy that benefit he thought himself "fortunate in having fallen into such good hands" as Dr. Bard's. Dr. Mc- Vicker, in his "Life of Bard," alludes to the illness of the President and relates that, on one occasion, being left alone with him, the patient, looking the physician straight in the eye, desired his candid opinion as to the probable termination of his illness, adding with perfect News Releases 271 composure, "Don't flatter me with vain hopes; I am not afraid to die, and can bear the worst." Dr. Bard expressed a hope, but acknowledged his ap- prehension. Washington replied, with the same cool- ness, "Whether tonight or 20 years hence makes no dif- ference; I know that I am in the care of a good Provi- dence." Happily, the operation proved successful and the President's recovery removed all cause for alarm. Dur- ing the President's illness a chain was stretched across the street on which his residence stood, and the side- walks were laid with straw, to subdue any noise. Corner Stone of the Capitol On September 18, 1793, Washington, clothed in the symbolic regalia of the Ancient Order of Free Masons, and wearing the Masonic apron, made for him by the Marchioness de Lafayette, laid the corner stone at the southeast corner of the edifice which became the National Capitol of the United States. The ceremonies were attended with much pomp and rejoicing. The official opening of the event was announced by a discharge of artillery. Then a large silver plate was presented by the grand master. The plate bore the following inscription: "This southeast corner stone of the Capitol of the United States of America, in the city of Washington, was laid on the 18 th day of September, 1793, in the thirteenth year of American Independence, in the first year of the second term of the Presidency of GEORGE WASHINGTON, whose virtues in the civil adminis- tration of his country have been as conspicuous and 272 Washington Bicentennial beneficial as his military valor and prudence have been useful in establishing her liberties, and in the year of Masonry 5793, by the President of the United States, in concert with the Grand Lodge of Maryland, several lodges under its jurisdiction, and Lodge No. 22, from Alexandria, Va.; THOMAS JOHNSON, DAVID STEUART, and DANIEL CARROLL, Commission- ers; JOSEPH CLARK, Right Worshipful Grand Master pro tempore; JAMES HOB AN and STEPHEN HAL- LETTE, architects; COLLIN WILLIAMSON, master mason." This inscription was read to the audience after which the artillery discharged another volley. A compilation from the original records of the Alexandria Lodge of Masons describes what followed: "The plate was then delivered to the President, who, attended by the Grand Master pro tempore and three Most Worshipful Masters, descended to the cavazion trench and deposited the plate and laid it on the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States of America, on which were deposited corn, wine, and oil, when the whole congregation joined in reverential prayer, which was succeeded by Masonic chanting honors and a volley from the artillery. "The President of the United States and his attendent brethren ascended from the cavazion to the east of the corner stone, and there the Grand Master pro tempore, elevated on a triple rostrum, delivered an oration fitting the occasion, which was received with brotherly love and commendation. At intervals during the delivery of the oration several volleys were discharged by the artillery. The ceremony ended in prayer, Masonic News Releases 273 chanting honors, and a fifteen volley from the artillery. "The whole company retired to an extensive booth, where an ox of 500 pounds' weight was barbecued, of which the company generally partook, with every abun- dance of other recreation. The festival concluded with fifteen successive volleys from the artillery, whose mili- tary discipline and maneuvers merit every commenda- tion. Before dark the whole company departed with joyful hopes of the production of their labor." It was in this spirit of festivity and devotion that the corner stone of the National Capitol was laid. The spirit of festivity was occasioned by the progress of the American Republic. It was not so long ago that Amer- icans were still colonists of England and in 1793 Amer- ica stood as a free and independent Republic, a symbol of liberty and freedom. Devotion was occasioned by the spirit of thanksgiving for these bounties, the like of which no other nation enjoyed at that time. On June 10, 1929, Herbert Hoover laid the corner stone of the new Department of Commerce Building. In doing so the President used the same trowel that George Washington used when he laid the corner stone of the Federal Capitol in 1793, thereby linking up 136 years of American history. Only Two Bills Vetoed by Washington George Washington, during his two terms as President of the United States, used his power of veto on only two occasions. The first use of the President's veto was exercised by Washington in his disapproval of a bill providing for 274 Washington Bicentennial the apportionment of Representatives among the sev- eral States, according to the first enumeration. This measure was passed at the meeting of the Second Congress of the United States in 1791. The proposed legislation was based on a provision contained in the Constitution that the number of Rep- resentatives should not exceed 1 for every 30,000 per- sons. Accordingly the House passed a bill which allotted to every State one member for that amount of popula- tion. This ratio would leave a fraction of the popula- tion of each State unrepresented in the House. Inas- much as this would affect a State's representation in the popular chamber of Congress, it was felt that the situation must be remedied. The Senate sought to obviate this difficulty by adopting a new principle of apportionment. The entire population of the United States rather than the population of each State, was accepted as a basis upon which the number of Representatives should be deter- mined. Dividing this by 30,000, the quotient, 120, was obtained, and this was accepted as the number of Repre- sentatives of which the House should consist. This number was apportioned among the several States ac- cording to their population. After allowing one mem- ber for each 30,000, it was found that there were some eight residuary members. These were apportioned to the States having the largest fractions. When the bill came to President Washington for his approval, he took into consideration the constitutional- ity of it. Although the act advocated a new principle, yet it was believed by some to be entirely compatible with the Constitution. Washington submitted the mat- News Releases 275 ter to his Cabinet. Jefferson and Randolph considered the proposal unconstitutional. Knox was undecided and Hamilton approved the construction which Congress had given it. After thoroughly considering the matter, Washington decided to veto the bill on the grounds that it was unconstitutional. The reasons for his action which settled this important question pertaining to the Con- stitution were given by Washington in the following letter to the members of the House of Representatives: "I have maturely considered the act passed by the two Houses entitled 'An act for an apportionment of Rep- resentatives among the several States according to the first enumeration,' and I return it to your House, wherein it originated, with the following objections: "First. The Constitution has prescribed that Repre- sentatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, and there is no one proportion or divisor which, applied to the respec- tive numbers of the States, will yield the number and allotment of representatives proposed by the bill. Second. The Constitution has also provided that the number of representatives shall not exceed 1 for every 30,000, which restriction is by the context and by fair and obvious construction to be applied to the separate and respective numbers of the States; and the bill has allotted to eight of the States more than 1 for every 30,000." President Washington used the veto power for the sec- ond and last time on February 28, 1797, to disapprove "an act to ascertain and fix the military establishment of the United States." This measure originated in the 276 Washington Bicentennial House and had as its object the reduction of the cavalry- force of the Army. In his veto message, Washington pointed out the im- portant reasons for maintaining this branch of the mili- tary establishment, among which was the value of cav- alry in the frontier service against the Indians. Muscle Shoals Worried Washington The problem of Muscle Shoals is as old as the United States. George Washington, the first President, wrestled with it. In a letter to his Attorney General, in 1791, he said: "It is my wish and desire, that you would examine the laws of the general government, which have rela- tion to Indian affairs, that is, for the purpose of secur- ing their lands to them, restraining States or individuals from purchasing their lands, and forbidding unauthor- ized intercourse in their dealings with them; and, more- over, that you would suggest such auxiliary laws, as will supply the defects of those, which are in being, thereby enabling the executive to enforce obedience. "If Congress expect to live in peace with the neigh- boring Indians, and to avoid the expenses and horrors of continual hostilities, such a measure will be found indispensably necessary; for, unless adequate penalties are provided, that will check the spirit of speculation in lands, and will enable the executive to carry them into effect, this country will be constantly embroiled with and appear faithless in the eyes not only of the In- dians, but of the neighboring powers also. For, not- withstanding the existing laws, solemn treaties, and proclamations, which have been issued to enforce a com- News Releases 277 pliance with both, and some attempts of the govern- ment southwest of the Ohio to restrain their proceed- ings, yet the agents for the Tennessee Company are at this moment, by public advertisements under the sig- nature of a Zachariah Cox, encouraging by offers of land and other inducements a settlement at the Muscle Shoals, and is likely to obtain emigrants for that pur- pose, although there is good evidence, that the measure is disapproved by the Creeks and Cherokees; and it is presumed it is so likewise by the Chickasaws and Choc- taws, unless they have been imposed upon by assurances, that trade is the only object in view by the establish- ment." Government Printing in Washington's Time , and Now Facing the Union Station in Washington is a great brick building which must take the eye of every visitor to the National Capital. If the visitor inquires what it is, he will be told that it is the Government Printing Office, that here is printed the Congressional Record, all public documents, stationery for all the Government Departments and for Members of Congress. As be- fits a work so important, this printing is done in the largest and best equipped establishment and with the largest number of linotype and monotype machines in the world. That is Government printing as it is done today. With the Nation's celebration of George Washing- ton's two hundredth birthday imminent, it becomes of interest to inquire how the Government got its print- ing done during Washington's Administration when the 278 Washington Bicentennial United States began its career as a republic. On the au- thority of the Public Printer, George H. Carter, the Di- vision of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission is able to present some interesting facts on the origin and growth of Government publication and printing. The first mention of printing for the Government of the United States occurs in the very first session of Con- gress in 1789, in the form of recommendations to Con- gress that proposals be invited "for printing the laws and other proceedings of congress," both Houses having en- tered into an agreement to have their journals and acts printed. But not until 1794 do we find Congress or- dering an expenditure of $10,000 for "firewood, sta- tionery, and printing." Prior to this act, the cost of printing was paid out of the general contingent fund. In 1804 we find Congress instructing the clerk to ad- vertise for its printing and to award the contract to the lowest bidder, and for five years this contract system prevailed, with no great satisfaction, however. In 1818 the Senate and House appointed a joint committee to inquire into a better method. This committee reported unanimously and emphatically in favor of a govern- mental printing establishment, as the most economical and satisfactory, yet for more than forty years the re- port was ignored and Senate and House ballotted each year on the choice of a printer to handle its work. Finally the expense and impracticality of this policy led to an Act of Congress on June 23, 1860, which au- thorized governmental printing under a "Superintend- ent of Public Printing." In 1861, $135,000 was appro- priated for the purchase of an established printery. News Releases 279 Evidently this was, for the time, a modern plant, em- ploying 350 people, and there for the first time the Gov- ernment became its own publisher. President Lincoln appointed John D. Defrees of Indiana as Superintend- ent, who promptly reported decreasing the cost of our national printing at least 1 5 per cent below the old con- tract price. As the business of governing the nation grew, the government printery was enlarged, until 1899, when the present great building, to cost $2,430,000 was authorized. In the meantime the "Superintendent of Public Printing" had been named simply the Public Printer. Now this model plant employs 4,000 people, with an annual payroll of $7,647,000 and a total yearly expendi- ture of $1 1,834,000. Surely George Washington would approve the growth and efficiency of this institution and the immense advance it represents over the primitive methods of printing and handling Government docu- ments in use during his first presidency. University of Pennsylvania Conferred Honorary Degree on George Washington When the average American citizen thinks of George Washington, he has a conception of a great soldier and a great statesman, but rarely does he think of Wash- ington's other noble achievements and interests. George Washington was intensely interested in education. He was responsible for the founding of the Alexandria Academy in Alexandria, Va., and endowed it with a fund for free instruction; he left a bequest to what is now Washington and Lee University, and that institution, in honor of its benefactor, changed its name 280 Washington Bicentennial from Liberty Hall Academy to Washington Academy; many institutions for the promotion of knowledge elected him as an honorary member; and five of our oldest institutions of higher learning conferred on him honorary degrees. On July 4, 148 years ago, the University of Pennsyl- vania honored George Washington with the degree of LL.D. This event took place in 1783, the year which marked the end of hostilities between Great Britain and the American States. Unfortunately, George Washington either did not keep a diary at that time, or it has disappeared. We know, however, that the General did not receive the degree in person, for on that date he was at his head- quarters at Newburgh, N. Y. On June 26, 1783, the trustees of the university voted to award the degree of LL.D. to George Wash- ington; the formal award was made on Commencement Day, July 4, and the parchment was presented to Wash- ington in November, following his farewell address to his officers at Fraunce's Tavern in New York. George Washington had several contacts with the University of Pennsylvania. In 1781 the university sent him a message of congratulation on the Yorktown victory. Washington was present at the commence- ment exercises of the university in 1775 and 1782. In 1787, during the Constitutional Convention, he accom- panied his hostess, Mrs. Robert Morris, to the charity ball in College Hall, and in 1790 he was present when the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania was opened. July 4, 1932, therefore, should be a special day in News Releases 281 Pennsylvania for ceremonies in connection with the bi- centennial celebration of George Washington, for it not only marks the anniversary of America's Declaration of Independence, but it also marks the day when Penn- sylvania's leading educational institution honored him with an honorary degree. Washington Received Degrees From Five Colleges Impressive ceremonies paying homage to George Washington as a pioneer in education will feature the graduation exercises to be held in America's schools and colleges in June, 1932, as a part of their celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of the first President, according to plans being completed by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. In this connection it is recalled that George Wash- ington received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from five of the country's oldest colleges. The first of such degrees was conferred upon him by Harvard in 1776, which action was followed by Yale in 1781, the University of Pennsylvania in 1783, Washington College (Chester town, Md.) in 1789, and Brown University in 1790. George Washington was one of the original con- tributors to the fund which made the existence of Washington College possible, and also gave permission to call the college by his name. This is one of the few educational institutions to be given his name with his personal consent. At the commencement exercises on June 24, 1789, while Washington was President of the United States, 282 Washington Bicentennial he was made a Doctor of Laws by this college. His letter of acknowledgment and appreciation, dated from New York, July 11, 1789, follows: rr To the Corporation of Visitors and Governors and the Principal and Vacuity of Professors of Washing- ton College in the State of Maryland, "Gentlemen: Your very affectionate Address, and the honorary Testimony to your regard which accom- panied it, will call forth my grateful acknowledgment. "A recollection of past events, and the happy termi- nation of our glorious struggle for the establishment of the rights of Man cannot fail to inspire every feeling heart with veneration and gratitude toward the Great Ruler of Events, who has so manifestly interposed in our behalf. "Among the numerous blessings which are attendant upon Peace, and as one whose consequences are of the most important and extensive kind, may be reckoned the prosperity of Colleges and Seminaries of Learning. "As, in civilized societies, the welfare of the state and happiness of the people are advanced or retarded, in proportion as the morals and education of the youth are attended to; I cannot forbear, on this occasion to express the satisfaction which I feel on seeing the in- crease of our seminaries of learning through this exten- sive country, and the general wish which seems to pre- vail for establishing and maintaining these valuable institutions. "It affords me peculiar pleasure to know that the Seat of Learning under your direction hath attained to such proficiency in the Sciences since the Peace; and I sincerely pray the great Author of the Universe may News Releases 283 smile upon the Institution, and make it an extensive blessing to this country. "George Washington." George Washington was greatly interested in educa- tion, as is shown by the way in which he spent money, time, and thought upon the education of the young people for whom he was responsible, among them being the children and grandchildren of Martha Washington. He was a pioneer in the interests of universal education, primary, secondary, and collegiate. It engaged his at- tention and constructive thought even in his will; fully six pages of that historic document is devoted to setting forth his ideas in regard to it. One of the first free schools in America was founded by him and some other public-spirited men in Alex- andria, Va. This school was known as the Alexandria Academy, and was for the education of orphaned or poor children of that city. This building still stands, and is at present included in the school system of the State. In his will, among other gifts for educational purposes, he left a bequest to Liberty Hall Academy, now Washington and Lee University, thus showing that he was a patron of education in a material way. Washington's Tour of Southern States One hundred and forty years ago, on the morning of April 7, 1791, President George Washington left Mount Vernon on a tour of the Southern States. On this journey, the longest during his administration and perhaps the most extensive land trip he ever made, the first President covered a distance of 1,887 miles. The 284 Washington Bicentennial entire journey was made in his own coach and con- sumed a little more than two months. When he re- turned to Mount Vernon June 12, he noted in his diary that the same horses had been used throughout the entire journey. In calling attention to the anniversary of this tour, the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission notes that the journey which Washington made more than a century ago was not the simple matter such a trip would be under modern conditions. Today the same tour would take no more than three weeks, including the same delays incident to the celebrations which were held in honor of the President. Not only would modern travel facilities have increased the speed with which Washington journeyed — they also would have enabled him to make the trip with greater ease and comfort. Something of the hardships he ex- perienced may be seen from his diary record of the tour. The day he left Mount Vernon, while crossing the ferry at Colchester, Washington nearly lost his horses when they became excited and plunged into the water from the boat. The roads over which Washington traveled were rough and dusty in dry weather or seemingly bottom- less pits of mud after a storm. Many times both men and horses suffered from the effects of dust stirred up by beating hoofs and grinding wheels. Progress was so slow that to travel more than 40 miles a day was considered unusual. The story of Washington's journey is an account of continued ovation. Most of the people who attended News Releases 285 the functions held in honor of the President were see- ing Washington for the first time. By these he was received as enthusiastically as by his old friends. Admiration and esteem for him were universal. An interesting sidelight is thrown on the journey by Washington's comments in his journal. He nearly al- ways noted the number of ladies present at the social functions in his honor, and that their charms were not lost on the President is indicated by his references to their elegant gowns and handsome appearance. At most of the cities Washington was received by the military organizations and was greeted with a "Federal salute." In one small community, however, the people did not possess guns enough for this ostenta- tious welcome, and Washington somewhat dryly notes in his diary that "We were received by as good a salute as could be given by one piece of artillery." Washington considered his trip a success, and some time after his return to Philadelphia wrote of it: "I am much pleased that I have taken this journey, as it has enabled me to see with my own eyes the situa- tion of the country through which we travelled, and to learn more accurately the disposition of the people than I could have done by any information. "The country appears to be in a very improving state, and industry and frugality are becoming much more fashionable than they have hitherto been there. Tran- quillity reigns among the people, with that disposition towards the general government, which is likely to pre- serve it. They begin to feel the good effects of equal laws and equal protection * * * Each day's ex- perience of the government of the United States seems 286 Washington Bicentennial to confirm its establishment, and to render it more popular." "See America First" Was Washington's Advice "See America first!" This, in effect, was what George Washington said as early as 1771. Washington was well aware of the educational value of broad travel, and few Americans of his time saw more of this country than he did, according to the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. He was also aware of the educational value of trips abroad, but expressed the opinion, which holds good even to today, "that every man who travels with a view of observing the laws and customs of other countries should be able to give some description of the situation and government of his own." The above quotation is from a letter he wrote on July 9, 1771, to Dr. Boucher, in regard to a trip to England, which had been planned by John Parke Custis, Washington's stepson, whom Dr. Boucher was tutoring. In this letter Washington, in part, said: "My own inclinations were still as strong as ever for Mr. Custis's pursuing his travelling scheme . . . pro- vided, that it should appear, when his judgment is a little more matured, that he is desirous of undertaking this tour upon a plan of improvement, rather than a vague desire of gratifying an idle curiosity, or spending his money wantonly. For by the bye, if his mother does not speak her sentiments, rather than his, he is abun- dantly luke-warm in the scheme; and I can not help giving it as my opinion, that his education, from what I News Releases 287 have understood of his improvements, (however ad- vanced it may be for a youth of his age,) is by no means ripe enough for a tour of travelling; not that I think his becoming a mere scholar is a desirable edu- cation for a gentleman, but I conceive a knowledge of books as the basis upon which other knowledge is to be built, and that it is men and things more than books he is to be acquainted with by travelling. At present, however well versed he may be in the prin- ciples of the Latin language (which is not to be at all wondered at, as he began the study of it as soon as he could speak) , he is unacquainted with several of their classical authors, which might be useful to him to read. He is ignorant of the Greek, (which the advantages of understanding I do not pretend to judge) , knows noth- ing of French, which is absolutely necessary to him as a traveller; little or nothing acquainted with arithmetic, and totally ignorant of the mathematics, than which, so much of it at least relates to surveying, nothing can be more essentially necessary to any person possessed of a large landed estate, the bounds of some part or other is always in controversy. "Now, whether he has time between this and next spring to acquire a sufficient knowledge of these, or so much of them as are requisite, I leave you to judge of; and whether a boy of seventeen years old, which will be his age the last of November next, can have any just notions of the end and design of travelling? I have already given it as my opinion, that it would be pre- cipitating this event, unless he was to go immediately to the university for a couple of years, and in this case he could see nothing of America; which might be a dis- 288 Washington Bicentennial advantage to him, as it is to be expected that every man, who travels with a view of observing the laws and cus- toms of other countries, should be able to give some de- scription of the situation and government of his own." George Washington and Peace The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission feels that the coming celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Wash- ington will act as an impetus to the establishment of that world peace and security which all intelligent people hope and strive for. With the observance of Armistice Day, the Commission urges that George Washington be presented to the people of America as the lover of peace that he was. It points out that history has over-stressed Washington's war activities, and that his work toward making America the land of peace has been underestimated. The associate directors of the Commission have repeatedly emphasized, in their articles and speeches, that George Washington was an exponent of peace and not of war. They feel that the fame of George Wash- ington rests as much, if not more, on his activities dur- ing times of peace as it does on his war record. War did not hold the glamor for Washington, particularly in his later life, that is generally believed. He anxiously awaited the coming of peace and the time when he could retire to his home and reap the enjoy- ment afforded by security and quiet. His writings show the constant longing to return to his family and friends and to devote himself to the pursuits of peace. News Releases 289 As much as Washington loved peace, however, he loved his country more. As a last resort he would and did appeal to arms. Washington left his home for eight long years to win independence for the American Colonies and to give to the people of the United States their ideals of liberty and toleration. While President, in September, 1794, Washington sent troops to put down the "Whisky Rebellion" in western Pennsylvania. As late as 1798, a year before his death, at the age of 66, Washington once again left his beloved Mount Vernon, the place which for him meant peace and happiness, to go to Philadelphia to assume the duties of Com- mander in Chief of the United States Army. Luckily, the ill wind which almost brought war between France and America passed over and Washington could return home. But he was ready to fight, if necessary, for his country. In spite, however, of a long list of military achieve- ments George Washington, more than anyone else, kept the new Nation at peace. As soon as the war was over, Washington counseled peace. For eight years, as Presi- dent of the United States, he steered a course which avoided war. Throughout his correspondence we find him cautioning his fellow citizens to keep out of entan- glements which might lead to bloodshed. Early in 1782, when the Revolutionary War was coming to a close, Washington, by the slightest sign, could have become dictator of America. Not only did he refuse to do this, but, when the subject was broached to him, his indignation was so great and his denuncia- tion of the plot was so emphatic, that the conspiracy was scotched before it was well hatched. 290 Washington Bicentennial In answer to Col. Lewis Nicola, who hinted to Wash- ington that the General could become dictator, Wash- ington, on May 22, 1782, replied: "With a mixture of great surprise and astonishment, I have read with attention the sentiments you have submitted to my perusal. Be assured, Sir, no occurrence in the course of the war has given me more painful sensations, than your information of there being such ideas existing in the army, as you have expressed, and I must view with abhorrence and reprehend with severity. "... I am much at a loss to conceive what part of my conduct could have given encouragement to an address, which to me seems big with the greatest mis- chiefs, that can befall my Country. If I am not de- ceived in the knowledge of myself, you could not have found a person to whom your schemes are more disagreeable." By this reply Washington saved America from internecine war. We need but to glance over the his- tory of revolutions in foreign countries — in France, Russia, China, Mexico, and others too numerous to men- tion — to realize what America was spared because of George Washington's love for peace. When Washington bade farewell to his army on November 2, 1783, he warned his soldiers against war and pictured to them the blessings of peace: ". . . it is earnestly recommended to all the troops, that, with strong attachments to the Union, they should carry with them into civil society the most conciliating dispositions, and that they should prove themselves not less virtuous and useful as citizens, than they have been News Releases 291 persevering and victorious as soldiers . . . and let a con- sciousness of their achievements and fame still incite the men, who composed them, to honorable actions; under the persuasion that the private virtues of econ- omy, prudence, and industry, will not be less amiable in civil life, than the more splendid qualities of valor, perseverance, and enterprise were in the field." In his now famous Proclamation of Neutrality on April 22, 1793, Washington, as leader of America, bluntly told the world that America did not want war, by saying: "I have therefore thought fit by these presents to declare the disposition of the United States to observe the conduct aforesaid (neutrality) towards those powers respectively, and to exhort and warn the citizens of the United States carefully to avoid all acts and pro- ceedings whatsoever, which may in any manner tend to contravene such disposition." These words certainly showed Washington to be a man of peace. Whether or not America would have assumed this attitude if another man had been Chief Executive of the Nation, we can not say; but we can say that America was fortunate in having a man for its leader who abhorred war. And, finally, in his Farewell Address, issued on September 17, 1796, Washington sounded the note of peace, internal peace, as well as peace with foreign powers. In that message, which has since become a political classic, Washington said: *\ . . nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations and pas- sionate attachments for others should be excluded; and 292 Washington Bicentennial that in place of them just and amicable feelings toward all should be cultivated. — The Nation, which indulges towards another an habitual hatred or an habitual fond- ness, is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its ani- mosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. — Antip- athy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur. — Hence frequent collisions, obstinate, envenomed and bloody contests." And so, when we of today pay our respects to the Father of His Country, we are justified in claiming that, while George Washington was a soldier of the highest grade, he was even greater as a real leader for peace, a leader in teaching and practising the ideal that man's best self-expression and man's highest achievements come in times of peace. Beneath George Washington's military cloak flamed the idealism of peace. An Indissoluble Union One of Gen. George Washington's most outstanding acts, which again demonstrated his remarkable fore- sight, was his circular letter addressed to the governors of the States, urging the necessity of a better central government. The letter, which was as eloquent as it was forcible, was written on June 8, 1783, and was one of Washing- ton's last official acts before resigning the commission as Commander in Chief of the Continental Armies. News Releases 293 The letter was remarkable for its ability, the deep interest it manifested for the officers and soldiers who had fought the battles of their country, the soundness of its principles, and the wisdom of its counsels. He had learned by bitter experience, as no other man had learned, the vital need and value of union, the lack of which meant, to his mind, disaster. It was his wish to see a union of the States established upon liberal and permanent principles. In his letter to the governors, he said: "... There are four things, which, I humbly conceive, are essential to the well-being, I may even venture to say, to the existence of the United States, as an independent power. "First. An indissoluble union of the States under one federal head. "Secondly. A sacred regard to public justice. "Thirdly. The adoption of a proper peace establish- ment; and, "Fourthly. The prevalence of that pacific and friendly disposition among the people of the United States, which will induce them to forget their local prejudices and policies; to make those mutual concessions, which are requisite to the general prosperity; and, in some in- stances, to sacrifice their individual advantages to the interest of the community." The same appeal went forth again in his last address to the army when he said: "And, although the General has so frequently given it as his opinion in the most public and explicit manner, that, unless the principles of the Federal Government were properly supported, and the powers of the Union 294 Washington Bicentennial increased, the honor, dignity, and justice of the nation would be lost forever ; yet he can not help repeating, on this occasion, so interesting a sentiment, and leaving it as a last injunction to every officer and every soldier, who may view the subject in the same sensible point of light, to add his best endeavors to those of his worthy fellow citizens towards effecting these great and valuable pur- poses, on which our very existence as a nation so mate- rially depends." Origin of "Father of Country" The honor of having originated Washington's famous title the "Father of the Country" belongs to an old Pennsylvania German almanac, according to the Divi- sion of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. The name of the almanac was "Nord Americanische Kalender," and was printed in Lancaster, Pa., in 1779. The frontispiece — the full size of the page, small quarto, an emblematic design — presents in the upper portion of it a figure of Fame, with a trumpet in her right hand and in her left a medallion portrait laureated, inscribed "Waschington." From the trumpet proceed the words et Des Landes Vater" — the Father of the Country. Count Dumas, an officer of Rochambeau's army, leaves an additional record of the title. The General had appointed him as escort to attend Washington on his journey from Newport to Providence in March, 1781. He writes in his memoirs: "After having conferred with Count Rochambeau, as he [Washington] was leaving us to return to his headquarters near West Point, I received the welcome News Releases 295 order to accompany him as far as Providence. We ar- rived there at night [March 13] ; the whole of the pop- ulation had assembled from the suburbs, we were sur- rounded by a crowd of children carrying torches, re- iterating the acclamation of the citizens, all were eager to approach the person of him whom they called their father, and pressed so closely around us that they hin- dered us from proceeding. General Washington was much affected, stopped a few moments, and pressing my hand said, 'We may be beaten by the English; it is the chance of war; but behold an army which they can never conquer.' " Washington Twice Commander in Chief July 4, 1932, will have a special significance in the George Washington Bicentennial Celebration, for it was on that day in 1798 that George Washington, for the second time in his colorful career, was chosen Com- mander in Chief of the American Army. General Washington was the only man in the history of the United States to hold the commission as Commander in Chief twice. Trouble had been brewing with the French Republic ever since 1793, due to her resentment over Washing- ton's policy of neutrality, and especially over the Jay Treaty with Great Britain. The depredations com- mitted by her privateers and public vessels on Ameri- can commerce were as persistent, within their more lim- ited opportunity, as those of Great Britain; and when Washington in 1796 recalled Minister Monroe and ap- pointed Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, the French di- rectory not only refused to receive him officially but or- 296 Washington Bicentennial dered him out of its territory. President Adams, in a final effort for peace in 1797, sent a special mission of three — Pinckney, John Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry — of whom a bribe was demanded as preliminary to their recognition. Pinckney's spirited "not a sixpence" was later transformed by some unknown author into the phrase "Millions for defence but not one cent for trib- ute." As a crisis approached, all eyes were turned upon Washington, who for more than a year had been devot- ing his efforts to agriculture and who seemed quite con- tent with his life as a planter at Mount Vernon. Once the American Government had decided upon vigorous measures, Congress authorized President Adams to enroll 10,000 men as a provisional army, to be called by him into actual service, in case of hostilities. The American Nation demanded that General Washington take command of the army in this new crisis. On July 3, 1798, the Senate approved of the nomi- nation of General Washington as Commander in Chief of all the armies raised, or to be raised, and on the next day official appointment was made by President Adams. It was determined that Secretary of War, James Mc- Henry, should be the bearer of the commission to Mount Vernon, accompanied by a letter from the President. "The reasons and motives," wrote Mr. Adams in his instructions to the Secretary of War, "which prevailed with me to venture upon such a step as the nomination of this great and illustrious character, whose voluntary resignation alone occasioned my introduction to the office which I now hold, were too numerous to be de- tailed in this letter, and are too obvious and important News Releases 297 to escape the observance of any part of America or Europe. But as it is a movement of great delicacy, it will require all your address to communicate the sub- ject in a manner that shall be inoffensive to his feelings, and consistent with all the respect that is due from me to him. "If the General should decline the appointment, all the world will be silent and respectfully acquiesce. If he should accept it, all the world, except the enemies of this country, will rejoice." When Secretary McHenry delivered to the veteran commander his new commission as "Lieutenant General and Commander-in-Chief," Washington said that, so long as he was able he could never refuse to answer the call of duty. He accepted the appointment with two reservations; first, that the principal officers to be ap- pointed should meet with his approval; secondly, that he should not be called into the field until the army was in a condition to require his presence or until it be- came necessary by the urgency of circumstances. He immediately set about organizing his army and planning his campaign, with all the zest and eagerness of the Washington of yore. He advised the appoint- ment as major general, of Alexander Hamilton, who was to be inspector general and second in command. He also selected as major generals, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney and Henry Knox, both of whom had served with him in the Revolution, but General Knox declined his commission. The military measures taken in America caused the French rulers to assume a more pacific temper. They indicated a willingness to cooperate in affecting a 298 Washington Bicentennial friendly and equitable adjustment of existing differ- ences. Listening to these overtures, President Adams appointed three envoys extraordinary, and invested them with full powers to negotiate with the French govern- ment. When they arrived in Paris they found Napoleon Bonaparte at the head of affairs, who, having taken no part in the preceding disputes, and perceiving no ad- vantage in continuing them, readily assented to an ac- commodation. No event was more desired by Washington, but he did not live to participate in the joy with which the in- telligence was received by his countrymen. Washington and the Constitution One of the most momentous gatherings ever to con- vene in this continent assembled in Philadelphia May 25, 1787. It was the Constitutional Convention, which was called by the Continental Congress to consider the amendment of the Articles of Confederation or the creation of a new instrument of government by which the United States might be better consolidated and the public affairs more efficiently administered. The foremost men of the country were there, but conspicuous above all the rest was George Washington, the former Commander in Chief of the Continental Armies under whose leadership independence had been won. It was inevitable that he should take a leading part in erecting a suitable government for the country he had saved, and as soon as the convention could organize he was unanimously "called up to the chair as President .of the body." News Releases 299 The Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission notes the importance of this date in the history of this country, and calls attention to the fact that it is to be the occasion for suitable ceremonies in con- nection with the nation-wide celebration next year of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. The bicentenary observance of the birth of the first President has been planned to extend to every corner of the United States. It will begin on February 22 and continue until the following Thanksgiving Day. It will embrace every phase of Washington's life and include in its program the recognition of his great services to this country. The records of the convention, consisting of the official journal and the unofficial shorthand notes made by James Madison, record only one occasion when Washington made a suggestion in the convention as to a point in the Constitution. There can be no doubt, however, that he was in constant touch with the lead- ers of the convention and that his counsel was taken upon many important clauses of the document as finally completed. It is impossible to overestimate the influence George Washington wielded in the framing of the Constitution. The part he played in the creation of this great instru- ment of Government did not consist of impassioned oratory or specious argument. It was solely the silent influence of an unassailable character. When the delegates came to the convention many of them were determined not to surrender the author- 300 Washington Bicentennial ity of the separate States to any form of central gov- ernment, but the realization that George Washington would be the first Executive under the Constitution led them to abandon their objection and confer on the President more power than they at first had any idea of granting. It may be said that the Presidency of the United States was created with George Washington as the ideal type of man who should fill that office. First Law Under the Constitution Critical Americans who profess to be troubled by the multiplicity of our laws have consolation within easy reach. They have only to turn back, either in imagina- tion or in real research, to the day when our Nation had, not simply few laws, but no laws at all. The experience of turning back is guaranteed to furnish either a sigh of relief or a thrill of pleasure; for there was a day when the first Congress of the United States, at its first ses- sion, had to pass a first law, to be approved by the first President of the United States — George Washington. A representative of the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission has had the privilege and the thrill of reading the text of the first law ever passed under the Constitution of the United States, which Washington signed on June 1, 1789, as printed in a first volume of these laws that belonged to George Washing- ton himself. And very fitting you will find this first of our national laws. It lays down the form and the method of administering the oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, to be required of News Releases 301 every officer of the Government, elected or appointed, high or low. Incidentally, this first law ever passed by the United States Congress authorized and justified Calvin Coolidge in having himself sworn in as President by his father, a justice of the peace in a village in Vermont. This thin little calf -bound volume of 1 8 5 pages con- taining these acts of the First Congress, and bearing the flowing signature of "G. Washington," in token of his ownership, is one of the rare possessions of the Library of Congress. It bears on its title page, "Acts Passed at a Congress of the United States of America, Begun and Held in the City of New York the Fourth Day of March in the year 1789 and of the Independence of the United States the Eleventh." It was published by the firm of Hodge, Allen and Campbell, of New York, 1789. As a further incident of interest, this is probably the first observance of what is now fixed custom in dating Presidential proclamations and other state papers — that of adding the calendar date, A. D., also the years since American Independence. This volume of the first laws of the United States opens with the full text of the Constitution itself. Then follows the first law, under the caption of "Chapter I." The provision reads: "An Act to regulate the Time and Manner of Admin- istering certain Oaths "Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Repre- sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Oath or Affirmation required by the sixth article of the Constitution of the United States, 302 Washington Bicentennial shall be administered in the form following, to wit, e I, A. B., do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States.' The said oath or affirmation shall be adminis- tered within three days after the passing of this act, by any one member of the Senate, to the President of the Senate, and by him to all the members, and to the Secre- tary; and by the Speaker of the House of Representa- tives to all members who have not taken a similar oath, by virtue of a particular resolution of the said House, and to the Clerk: And in case of the absence of any member from the service of either House, at the same time prescribed for taking said oath or affirmation, the same shall be administered to such member when he shall appear to take his seat. "Section 2. And be it further enacted, That at the first session of Congress after every general election of Representatives, the oath or affirmation aforesaid, shall be administered by any one member of the House of Representatives to the Speaker; and by him to all the members present, and to the Clerk, previous to entering on any other business; and to the members who shall afterward appear, previous to taking their seats. The President of the Senate, for the time being, shall also administer the said oath or affirmation to each Senator who shall hereafter be elected, previous to taking his seat; and in any future case of a President of the Senate, who shall not have taken said oath or affirmation, the same shall be administered to him by any one member of the Senate. "Section 3. And be it further enacted. That the mem- bers of the several State legislatures, at the next session News Releases 303 of the said legislature respectively, and all executive and judicial officers of the several States, who have been here- tofore chosen or appointed, or who shall be chosen or appointed, before the first day of August next, and who shall then be in office, shall, within one month thereafter, take the same oath or affirmation, except where they shall have taken it before; which may be administered by any person authorized by the law of the State in which such office shall be holden, to administer oaths. And the members of the several State legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers of the several States, who shall be chosen or appointed after the said first day of August, shall, before they proceed to execute the duties of their respective offices, take the foregoing oath or affirmation, which shall be administered by the per- son or persons who by the law of the State shall be au- thorized to administer the oath of office; and the person or persons so administering the oath hereby required to be taken, shall cause a record or certificate thereof to be made in the same manner as, by the law of the State, he or they shall be directed to record or certify the oath of office. "Section 4. And be it further enacted, That all offi- cers appointed, or hereafter to be appointed, under the authority of the United States, shall, before they act in their respective offices, take the same oath or affirma- tion, which shall be administered by the person or per- sons who shall be authorized by law to administer to such officers their respective oaths of office; and such officers shall incur the same penalties in case of failure, as shall be imposed by law in case of failure in taking their respective oaths of office. 304 Washington Bicentennial "Section 5. And be it further enacted, That the Sec- retary of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House of Representatives for the time being, shall, at the time of taking the oath or affirmation aforesaid, each take an oath or affirmation in the words following, to wit, % A. B., Secretary of the Senate, or Clerk of the House of Representatives (as the case may be) of the United States of America, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will truly and faithfully discharge the duties of my office, to the best of my knowledge and abilities.' "Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg, Speaker of the House of Representatives. "John Adams, Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate. "Approved, June 1, 1789, George Washington, President of the United States." Thus stands the first recorded law of our country. It originated in the House of Representatives and was pro- posed by Representative Daniel Carroll, of Maryland. With little debate, the Senate concurred and George Washington, President of the United States, signed the billon June 1, 1789. Letter From Monroe to Washington A hitherto unpublished letter written by James Monroe when he was minister to France and addressed to President George Washington, has just come into the News Releases 305 possession of officials of the James Monroe Shrine of Fredericksburg, Va. The letter, which is a rather lengthy one, was written from Paris January 3, 1795. It refers to money, which General Washington, out of his own purse, had placed at the disposal of Madame Lafayette, against which Monroe had already advanced her $2,000; of his efforts to aid Count Lafayette, who was in an Austrian prison at Olmutz; and a vivid description of existing condi- tions of the French Revolution. Monroe had reached Paris during the Revolution just after the fall of Robespierre, and he learned the day after his arrival of the plight of the Lafayette family. Madame Lafayette, who was confined in the prison of La Force in Paris, was hourly expecting to be guillotined. Her grandmother, her mother, and her sister had been beheaded the day before. Through the energetic ef- forts of Mrs. Monroe, Madame Lafayette was released, and, accompanied by her two daughters, left almost immediately for Olmutz, in order to be near her husband. Declaring that Madame Lafayette "readily and with pleasure accepted" the money President Washington had sent, Minister Monroe wrote, in part: "I assured her when she left France that there was no service within my power to render her and her hus- band and family that I do not with pleasure render them; to count upon my utmost efforts and command them in their favor; that it was your wish and the wish of America that I should do so; to consult her husband as to the modes and means and to apprise me 306 Washington Bicentennial of his opinion thereon. She departed grateful to you and our country, and since I have not heard from her. . . . "What may be the ultimate disposition of France toward Lafayette it is impossible now to say. ... It is more than probable I may be able to serve him with those by whom he is confined and that I may do this without injury to the United States here; acting with candor and avowing the motive, since it is impossible that motive can be otherwise than approved, especially if the step be taken when their affairs are in great pros- perity. For this, however, I shall be happy to have an approbation, since if I do anything with the Emperor, it must be done in your name, if not explicitly, yet in a manner to make known to him the interest you take in the welfare of Mr. Lafayette." Referring to the French Revolution, Monroe says: "Both armies are in the neighborhood of Maylene, where the country is almost entirely devastated. In Italy the Austrians are completely routed, and their whole army nearly demolished." In this letter Monroe takes occasion to ask Wash- ington if he desired a table or some other articles of curiosity sent to him from Paris. In a postscript he added: "There are many articles of tapestry, the most beau- tiful that can be conceived, and which are intended for the walls of rooms, for chair bottoms, etc., some of which perhaps would be acceptable to the Commission- ers of the Federal Town, and which if permitted by you or them, I would immediately procure and forward." News Releases 307 Money in Washington's Day Most of us are so absorbed in collecting the coins of today that we take it for granted that money has al- ways existed in the United States. Currency of various sorts did early supplant our first settlers' methods of barter, but what, for example, was the sort of money in circulation during George Washington's Presidency? Many will be surprised to learn from the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission that the then new United States Government issued only what the people of that day called "hard money"; that is, cur- rency in gold, silver, and copper. They had good reason for this preference. The paper money issued by the Continental Congress during the Revolution had become deflated to the point where General Washington complained that it "took a wagon- load of money to purchase a wagon-load of provisions." In the day of deliverance, when the country was free and the new Government of the United States was set up, the people wanted no more of paper money. Curiously enough, these early "shin-plasters" of the Colonies has now, in the eyes of collectors, a value un- heard of in the days of its actual use. This modern value further grows from the fact that some of it came from the presses of Benjamin Franklin and Paul Revere, who had been commissioned by their respective Colonies to strike off such money. A typical specimen of this paper, issued by Connecti- cut during the Revolution, reads: "ONE POUND. The possessor of this Bill shall be paid by the Treasurer of 308 Washington Bicentennial the Colony of Connecticut TWENTY SHILLINGS, Lawful Money, by the First Day of January, A. D. 1781. By Order of the Assembly, Hartford, June 7th, 1776." In a word, it was a promissory note, and popular faith in the promise early waned, as probably none was ever redeemed in specie. By 1780 this paper had been issued in denominations of dollars and cents, as well as in shillings and pounds. This early dollar, by the way, was the Spanish peso, the silver "piece of eight" made famous in pirate yarns. Visitors to Washington during the George Wash- ington Bicentennial Celebration will see in the Smith- sonian Institution a full display of this early paper, along with the "hard money" of the Washington admin- istration. About three specimens are preserved from each of the Colonies, each specimen with its character- istic, "vignette" from which developed the conventional designs on the paper money of today. The mottoes on some of these decorations some- times expressed refreshing political candor. One three- dollar Continental bill carries the frank statement, "Exitus in dubio est." And so that the holder himself need be in no fog in the matter, an English translation was added: "The issue is in doubt." The holder was left in doubt, nevertheless, as to which issue was shaky, the War of Independence or the value of that particular bill. As to the "hard money" that officially replaced this paper, Robert Morris was ordered by Congress in 1782 to report on the foreign coins circulating in the United States, with a plan for an American coinage. Through the efforts of Morris, Jefferson and Hamilton a mint was News Releases 309 authorized, and in 1792, President Washington approved a bill establishing such a mint, the first in the United States, located in Philadelphia. The smallest coin then issued was the copper half- cent, with the figure of Liberty on one side, a wreath on the other. Next came the cent, a silver half-dime, the dime, quarter, half, and dollar as we know them to- day. On the silver coins an eagle was placed within the wreath on the back. Indeed visitors will be struck by the fact that our metal coins of today have changed so little from these first designs. The gold coins, by the way, the quarter-eagle, half- eagle, and eagle, took the name "eagle" from this first use of the national bird as a decoration or symbol. Communication in Washington's Day In 1753, Governor Dinwiddie, of Virginia, wished to communicate with the French commandant at Fort Le Boeuf, on the Ohio River. The distance between Virginia and the Ohio at this point is not considered very great today. A message can now be sent from the one place to the other in a minute or two. But in the middle of the eighteenth century the same happy con- ditions did not prevail. There was only one way for the governor to send his message — by a bearer who would have to make his way through a practically un- known wilderness as best he might. Dinwiddie asked George Washington, then 21 years old, to make the journey. The young man accepted the commission and started for the French outpost. Seventy-seven days later he was back in Virginia with the commandant's 310 Washington Bicentennial reply to the British governor. And it had been no pleas- ure trip for young Washington, either. In those two and a half months he had suffered numerous hardships and was constantly exposed to danger — in fact, his es- cape from death was in itself a great achievement. This is only one example of the difficulty with which messages were delivered in those days. It must be re- membered that a message, no matter how trivial, could be transmitted only by a personal call or by means of a letter sent by messenger, even if the communication was intended for a person in the same city. Today, when it is only necessary for a man to remove the re- ceiver from his desk telephone to communicate with any telephone subscriber in the city, or almost anywhere , else, it is difficult to realize the inconvenience which at- tended communication 200 years ago. The convenience of modern telephonic communica- tion is not limited to any localized area. Any part of the country may be reached by telephone within a few minutes. Long distance calls within the United States are completed in an average of two minutes. Indeed, the recent development of radio telephony now makes it possible to talk from any large city to nearly every other metropolis in the world. This stupendous achieve- ment allows a rapidity of communication which was not even dreamed of in Washington's day. Until the establishment of a postal system there was no agency other than the personal messenger by which communications could be transmitted. Before a man could get a letter to relative or acquaintance in some distant city it was sometimes necessary to wait until some friend who happened to be traveling to that city News Releases 311 could carry the missive. Even after the coming of the postal service, one could never be sure that his letter would be speedily delivered. In fact, there was no cer- tainty that it would ever reach the person to whom it was addressed. On one occasion a letter sent from Bos- ton to Washington at Mount Vernon on March 21, 1797, did not reach its destination until the early part of the following June. That such delay was not an uncommon occurrence is attested by Washington's own letters. In these he frequently accounts for his apparent neglect in answering some particular letter by the fact that it had been delayed in reaching him. Difficult as it was to communicate with people in the same country, it was even more difficult to send a message across the ocean. Many letters were entrusted to merchants or agents who traveled on slow sailboats. Today the undersea cable and the radio telephone have annihilated both time and distance. The world is no longer the appallingly large sphere it seemed to be to Washington and his contemporaries. Were the first President to return to the United States today he would find no occasion to regret his own efforts in establishing this country. He might well be proud of it as it is proud of him. The forthcoming celebration in his honor will demonstrate the love and esteem which all Americans hold for their illustrious countryman. George Washington's Wedding So much has been written on the more spectacular phases of George Washington's life that it is sometimes 312 Washington Bicentennial difficult to appreciate the really human qualities of the man. One of the finest stories ever told of Washing- ton is that of his courtship of Martha Custis and their subsequent marriage. In this story are revealed some of the best and most attractive qualities of America's greatest hero. The firm, strong-willed leader of men who unflinchingly would face death on the battle field found that he needed the companionship and helpful counsel of a woman. Fortunately, he met the sort of woman he wanted to preside in his home, and they were married on January 6, 1759. George Washington first met the Widow Custis at the home of Major Chamberlayne in May, 1758. The lady had then been a widow for about a year. She had married Col. Daniel Parke Custis when she was 17 years old, and was left at his death eight years later, with two small children and a considerable fortune. Although it is said that Washington was formally presented to Mrs. Custis for the first time by Chamberlayne, it is almost certain that the famous soldier and the charming widow had at least heard of each other before that time. Fate must have taken a hand in the events of that day in May when Colonel Washington was detained at William's Ferry over the Pamunkey River by his friend, Major Chamberlayne, who earnestly pressed upon the young man an invitation to stay his journey and enjoy the hospitality of the plantation. But Washing- ton was hastening to Williamsburg, where he intended to ask the governor in person for men and supplies for the frontier, which previous urgent letters had failed to obtain. Chamberlayne was insistent, however, and when it appeared that all his importunities must fail News Releases 313 to alter the plans of the Colonel, he informed the latter that he was then entertaining the charming Mrs. Custis. This argument, apparently, was potent enough to con- vince the young warrior where all others had been vain, and Washington consented to remain only long enough to partake of the meal which was then being prepared. Bishop, the personal servant of Washington, who had served under Braddock, was instructed to hold the Colo- nel's horse in readiness for a speedy departure as soon as dinner was over. The old soldier knew very well his master's reputation for punctuality, and since the busi- ness at Williamsburg was important, he fully expected that this wait would be a brief one. But the dinner hour passed, the sun sank lower into the west, and still Wash- ington lingered. At last in the warm dusk of the May evening, the faithful Bishop received orders to stable the horses for the night and the journey was postponed until the next day. There is something amusing in this scene of budding romance, although it is no wonder that Washington tar- ried. Martha Custis was beautiful, attractive and ac- complished. She has been described as being short, slightly plump and of engaging personality. Certainly the Colonel's interest in the lady was matched by her own interest in the renowned young soldier, and such mutual agreeableness was surely sufficient to crowd pro- saic business into the background. However, the governor had to be visited, so the next day found Washington on his way to Williamsburg. But as soon as the business which took him there was taken care of, the now fully smitten Colonel proceeded to the White House, the Custis home on the Pamunkey, 314 Washington Bicentennial where it appears Mrs. Custis expected him. When he left there he must have been in high spirits, for he took with him the lady's promise to marry him as soon as he should finish his military service on the Ohio. Washington did not see his betrothed again for sev- eral months, for it was December before he returned from this expedition. His duties fulfilled, the Colonel resigned from the army and hastened plans for the wed- ding. It was during Washington's absence on the fron- tier that he wrote the only letter to Martha which alone remains of his prenuptial correspondence with her. This dignified and gravely tender note is dated Fort Cumber- land, July 20, 1758: "We have begun our march to the Ohio. A courier is starting for Williamsburg, and I embrace the oppor- tunity to send a few words to one whose life is now in- separable from mine. Since that happy hour when we made our pledges to each other, my thoughts have been continually going to you as to another self. That All- powerful Providence may keep us both in safety, is the prayer of your faithful and ever affectionate friend, G. Washington." It still is uncertain whether the marriage occurred in Saint Peter's Church or at the bride's home, the White House. At any rate, the Reverend Mr. Mossom, rector of Saint Peter's, officiated at the ceremony. Jared Sparks, one of Washington's earliest biographers, is the authority for the date of the wedding, which he estab- lished as January 6. But no matter whether the wedding took place at the White House or in the Church, it was a notable event and was attended by a great number of Virginia's prominent people. The governor himself was News Releases 315 there with civil and military authorities, and many of the socially elite. Only a traditional account of the fes- tivities on that occasion exists today, but certainly the celebration left nothing lacking. Martha's wedding gown has been thus described by one writer: ". . . . a satin quilt, over which a heavy white silk, inter-woven with threads of silver, was looped back with white satin ribbons, richly brocaded in a leaf pattern. Her bodice was of plain satin, and the brocade was fastened on the bust with a stiff butterfly bow of the ribbon. Delicate lace finished the low, square neck. There were close elbow sleeves revealing a puff and frill of lace. Strings of pearls were woven in and out of her powdered hair. Her high-heeled slippers were of white satin, with brilliant buckles." The attractive appearance of the bride was equalled by that of the tall, well-built bridegroom. Always par- ticular over his dress, Washington, on this occasion, was elegantly arrayed and, according to all accounts, was the most gallantly magnificent figure in all that assem- blage. At last Mount Vernon had a mistress, but months elapsed after the wedding before the young bride saw her future home. Washington had just been elected to the House of Burgesses so the young couple remained in Williamsburg while that Chamber remained in ses- sion until May. When Washington did return with his wife to his beautiful estate on the Potomac, the place became home to both of them for the remainder of their lives. Washington's marriage was a singularly happy one. In Martha he found all those womanly qualities which 316 Washington Bicentennial were needed to supplement those of his own character. Who can measure the value of the encouragement she must have given him during the weary days of the Revo- lution? Certainly she was always a faithful and de- voted wife, and the Father of his Country owed a great deal to her for the measure of success he attained. Among the anniversaries of the many important dates in the life of George Washington, this one of his wed- ding holds an element of human interest which no doubt is appreciated by all his countrymen. Martha Washington Gave Full Measure in Patriotic Service Martha Washington deserves the homage of the people of the United States to the end of time for the gracious poise and calm, womanly dignity with which she con- ducted her own full measure of patriotic service as the wife of the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army and of the first President of the new republic. As the very first "First Lady of the Land" she set a wonderful example of tact, diplomacy, wisdom, kindli- ness, zealous patriotism, industry and economy for her successors to follow. Never was she known to blunder, possessing a perfect mastery of every situation, her poise and dignity never left her. History carries no record of any national, international or local embarrassment or complication ever caused by Martha Washington's act or speech. Never did she handicap her husband's efforts or interfere with his plans. Just as each stage in George Washington's colorful career seemed to eventuate for the purpose of prepar- News Releases 317 ing him for the more important service he was to per- form, so the pattern of his wife's life unfolded and adapted itself to support and supplement his own activi- ties, and their union of 40 years presents to the world a delightful picture of marital partnership and mutual devotion. Historians seem to differ as to her birthdate. Some say she was born in May, 1732, the same year that Wash- ington was born, while others give the date as June 2, 1731. However, she was the eldest of a family of sev- eral boys and girls born to Colonel John Dandridge and his wife. At the time Martha Dandridge was growing up, "Wil- liamsburg, Va., was the social center of the colony. Wil- liam and Mary College, the governor's mansion, Bruton Church and the Capitol building being the main points of attraction around which swept the social and cultural tides of the most aristocratic and most typically English social circle of America, made up of rich planters, many of whom sent their sons to England to be educated, had their daughters tutored at home and lived as became the King's most loyal subjects. In this atmosphere Martha Dandridge was reared. She is said to have been vivacious, impetuous, witty, and to have through life drawn to herself deep and dis- interested affection. Small and slender, like the women of her family, with light brown hair and hazel eyes, she presented a petite and dainty figure at the age of 15, in her debutante dress with its stiff bodice and flowered silken petticoat as she courtsied to the gentlemen and ladies of Governor Gooch's official family. She was a good dancer, played the spinet, was well 318 Washington Bicentennial versed in all of the intricacies of needlework and was trained to manage a substantial and well-ordered home with its slaves. In addition to being a fine horsewoman, she enjoyed the sports and frolics prevalent in social circles. Natural and gracious in manner, she enjoyed a belle- ship, with many suitors, that was crowned by her mar- riage at 17 to the wealthy Daniel Custis, 20 years her senior, who, according to the gossip of the day, was the most desirable matrimonial prize in the colony because of his great wealth and the importance of his family. Four children were born to them, two of whom died in infancy, and in 1757 death claimed the never robust Daniel Custis. He left his young wife, of 26 years, with two little children, John Parke and Martha, and one of the largest estates of the colony. A year later she met Col. George Washington at the home of a neighbor, Major Chamberlayne. It was a case of love at first sight for both of them, and soon after their betrothal was announced. They were mar- ried January 6, 1759, the wedding being one of the smartest social events of the colony. From the day of their marriage to the day of his death, Martha Washington devoted her life to the promotion of the comfort and welfare of her husband. His wishes were her law, and when harassed and driven to the breaking point by the problems of his official life, she was his confidant. In her calm sympathy and warm partisanship he found just the comfort and inspiration he needed and her ever-present practical common sense helped to clarify many complexities for him. Washington's appreciation of her never waned and, News Releases 319 after his death his servant removed her miniature from his neck. He had worn it for 40 years. George Washington, Fisherman The newspapers recently announced the publication of "A Remedy for Disappearing Game Fish," a book describing the delights of fishing, by our President, Her- bert Hoover. The Division of Information of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, the Com- mission established for the purpose of formulating plans for the National Celebration in 1932 of the Two Hun- dredth Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington, points out that the first President of the United States was also an ardent fisherman. Washington fished both as a sport, and as a business. While at Mount Vernon, he supervised the fishing for herring, white fish and shad. The Potomac River of- fered up these fish in great quantities. After removing a sufficient amount for the people on his plantation, Washington bartered the rest for other goods or sent them to market. But it was fishing as a sport which furnished Wash- ington with pleasure and relaxation. In his diaries we find numerous references to fishing parties. Under the date of August 29, 1768, we read: "Went into Macho- dack Ck. fishing." Again, on September 3, 1770, he records: "Went in the Evening a fishing with my Broth- ers Saml. and Charles." In September of 1784, Washington left Mount Ver- non on a business trip to his lands west of the Appa- 320 Washington Bicentennial lachian Mountains. As it was an extremely arduous journey, only the bare necessities for the trip were taken. But we find that his fishing lines were included in the equipment. When the Federal Convention, meeting in the sum- mer of 1787 in Philadelphia, recessed from July 26 to August 6, to give the special committee a chance to draft the Constitution as proposed in the Convention, Washington made plans for a fishing trip. Washington was President of the Federal Convention. For weeks the debates were heated and the wrangling was distressing. Washington's position as President was indeed a difficult and tiring one. Fishing would provide the necessary relaxation. So, we find in Washington's diary, of July 30, 1787: "In company with Mr. Govr. (Gouverneur). Morris and in his Phaeton with my horses, went up to one, Jane Moore's, [in whose house we lodged] in the vicinity of Valley Forge to get Trout." Again, on August 3: "In company with Mr. Robt. Morris and his Lady, and Mr. Gouvr. Morris I went up to Trenton on another Fishing party. In the Evening fished, not very successfully." In the fall of 1789, Washington was making a Presi- dential good-will tour of the Eastern States. On his way to view the harbor at Portsmouth, Washington was thinking of fishing, for he said in his diary: "Having lines, we proceeded to the Fishing banks a little without the Harbour, and fished for Cod; but it not being a proper time of tide, we only caught two, with w'ch, about 1 o'clock, we returned to Town." On May 10, 1790, Washington was taken with a se- News Releases 321 vere illness, due most likely, to excessive work. For a time it was not expected that he would live. Even the doctors had given up hope. But Washington once again showed his tremendous resistance power, and he "pulled through." A short vacation was mandatory, and what could be better for a convalescent than a sailing trip combined with the sport of fishing? On June 7, Wash- ington, accompanied by Thomas Jefferson and several other friends, set out. The Pennsylvania Packet, of June 12, 1790, reports the trip as follows: "Yesterday afternoon the President of the United States returned from Sandy Hook and the fishing banks, where he had been for the benefit of the sea air, and to amuse himself in the delightful recreation of fishing. We are told he has had excellent sport, having himself caught a great number of sea-bass and black fish — the weather proved remarkably fine, which, together with the salubrity of the air and wholesome exercise, rendered this little voyage extremely agreeable, and cannot fail, we hope, of being very serviceable to a speedy and com- plete restoration of his health." Washington Sent Money to Madame Lafayette in 1793 Of all the men whom the fortunes of war brought across George Washington's path there was none who became nearer to him than Lafayette. The generous, high-spirited young Frenchman, full of fresh enthu- siasm and brave as a lion, appealed at once to Washing- ton's heart. 322 Washington Bicentennial Washington quickly admitted the gallant Frenchman to his confidence, and the excellent service of Lafayette in the field, together with his invaluable help in securing the French alliance, deepened and strengthened the sym- pathy and affection which were entirely reciprocal. After Lafayette departed, a constant correspondence was maintained, and when the Bastille fell, it was to Washington that Lafayette sent its key, which still hangs on the wall of one of the rooms at Mount Vernon. As Lafayette rose rapidly to the dangerous heights of leadership in the French Revolution, he had at every step Washington's advice and sympathy. When the tide turned and Lafayette fell headlong from power, ending up in an Austrian prison, Washington spared no pains to help him, although his own position was one of ex- treme difficulty. Lafayette was not only the proscribed exile of one country, but also the political prisoner of another, and President Washington could not compro- mise the United States at that critical moment by show- ing too much interest in the fate of his unhappy friend. He nevertheless went to the very edge of prudence in trying to save him, and the ministers of the United States were instructed to use every private effort to se- cue Lafayette's release, or at least the mitigation of his confinement. All these attempts failed, but Washing- ton was more successful in other directions. Washington sent money to Madam de Lafayette who was absolutely without funds at the time, and repre- sented to her that it was in settlement of an account which he owed the Marquis. On January 31, 1793, he wrote to her, saying: "If I had words that could convey to you an adequate News Releases 323 idea of my feeling on the present situation of the Mar- quis de Lafayette, this letter would appear to you in a different garb. The sole object in writing to you now is, to inform you that I have deposited in the hands of Mr. Nicholas Van Staphorst, of Amsterdam, two thou- sand three hundred and ten guilders, Holland currency, equal to two hundred guineas, subject to your order. "This sum is, I am certain, the least I am indebted for services rendered to me by the Marquis de Lafayette, of which I never yet have received the account. I could add much, but it is best perhaps that I should say little on this subject. Your goodness will supply my defi- ciency. "The uncertainty of your situation, after all the in- quiries I have made, has occasioned a delay in this address and remittance; and even now the measure adopted is more the effect of a desire to find where you are, than from any knowledge I have obtained of your residence." When Lafayette's son and his own namesake, George Washington Lafayette, came to this country for a haven of safety, President Washington had him cared for in Boston and New York by his personal friends; George Cabot in the one case, and Alexander Hamilton in the other. As soon as public affairs made it appear proper for him to do it, he took the lad into his own household, treated him as a son, and kept him near him until events permitted the boy to return to Europe and rejoin his father. The sufferings and dangers of Lafayette and his fam- ily were indeed a source of great unhappiness to Wash- ington, and it is said upon the authority of Attorney 324 Washington Bicentennial General Bradford, that when the President attempted to talk about Lafayette, he was so much affected that he shed tears — a very rare exhibition of emotion in a man so intensely reserved. Washington Bought a Chariot by Mail "President Washington, with a team of horses and a chariot, visited more States than some Presidents have in automobiles," smiled Congressman Daniel A. Reed, of New York, while lunching with a group of news- papermen at the National Press Club in Washington. "What a traveler he would have been if he had had an auto!" Representative Reed is the man who gained fame some years ago as the coach of the Cornell football team, and also as the champion heavyweight amateur wrestler of the United States. "All of this newspaper material sent throughout the land by the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission telling about the celebration of Washington's two hundredth birthday next year, from February 22 to Thanksgiving Day, has aroused my in- terest in that great man," continued Reed. "Fve been reading everything I can find about him. Yesterday I found this letter written by him in 1768 ordering a chariot from London: " To Robert Cary & Co. " 'Gentlemen: My old chariot having run its race, and gone through as many stages as I could conveniently make it travel, is now rendered incapable of any further service. The intent of this letter, therefore, is to de- News Releases 325 sire you will bespeak me a new one, time enough to come out with the goods (I shall hereafter write for) by Captn. Johnston, or some other ship. " 'As these are kind of articles that last with care against number of years, I would willingly have the chariot you may now send me made in the newest taste, handsome, genteel and light; yet not slight, and conse- quently unserviceable; to be made of the best seasoned wood, and by a celebrated workman. The last importa- tion which I have seen, besides the customary steel springs, have others that play in a brass barrel and con- tribute at one and the same time to the ease and orna- ment of the carriage. One of this kind, therefore, would be my choice; and green being a color little apt, as I apprehend, to fade, and grateful to the eye, I would give it the preference, unless any other color more in vogue and equally lasting is entitled to precedency. In that case I would be governed by fashion. A light gild- ing on the mouldings (that is, round the panels) and any other ornaments, that may not have a heavy and tawdry look (together with my arms agreeable to the impression here sent) might be added, by way of deco- ration. A lining of handsome, lively colored leather of good quality I should also prefer, such as green, blue, or &c, as may best suit the color of the outside. Let the box that slips under the seat be as large as it conveniently can be made (for the benefit of storage upon a journey) , and to have a pole (not shafts) for the wheel horses to draw by; together with a handsome set of harness for four middle sized horses ordered in such a manner as to suit either two postilions (without a box) , or a box and a postilion. The box being made to fix on, and take 326 Washington Bicentennial off occasionally, with a hammel cloth &c, suitable to the lining. On the harness let my crest be engraved. " l If such a chariot as I have here described could be got at second hand, little or nothing the worse for wear, but at the same time a good deal under the first cost of a new one (and sometimes though perhaps rarely it happens so) , it would be very desirable, but if I am obliged to go near to the original cost, I would even have one made, and have been thus particular in hopes of get- ting a handsome chariot through your direction, good taste and management — not of copper, however, for these do not stand the powerful heat of our sun.' " Secretary Hyde Tells About Washington's Plows "The modern farmer, who is always trying new farm methods, can certainly claim kinship of spirit with George Washington," Secretary of Agriculture Hyde remarked with conviction. The Secretary had been consulted by a representa- tive of the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, for light on the workings of a certain plow which Washington mentions in his Diaries as of his own invention. The query had set Secretary Hyde to a new reading of Washington's journals and correspondence, with the result of convincing him that scientific re- search in agriculture had a firm friend and constant practitioner in the Nation's first President. "Washington," said Secretary Hyde, "was apparently moved to experiment on his broad acres partly because of dissatisfaction with farm practice then prevailing, and partly because he wanted so to farm his lands as News Releases 327 to leave them in better shape than when he acquired them. I find that in 1786 he wrote to Arthur Young, editor of the English Annals" of Agriculture, as follows: " 'The system of agriculture, if it deserves the epithet of system, which is in use in this part of the United States, is as unproductive to the practitioners as it is ruinous to landholders. Yet it is pertinaciously adhered to. To forsake it; to pursue a course of husbandry, which is altogether different, and new to the gazing multitude, ever averse to novelty in matters of this sort, and much attached to the customs of their forefathers, requires resolution, and, without a good practical guide, may be dangerous; because, of the many volumes which have been written on this subject, few have been founded on experimental knowledge; are verbose, contradictory, and bewildering. Your Annals, therefore, shall be this guide.' "Feeling as he did," Secretary Hyde continued, "and having no State or Federal agricultural research bodies to turn to, Washington conducted his own research, with his own farm as a laboratory. What he wanted to know about this or that new crop of machine or cul- tural method, he had to find out mainly for himself. From the Annals, and from a few other such sources, Washington derived many suggestions, but he accepted them with reservations, subject to actual test on his own farm. "Thus we find him, in the fall of 1764, sowing f a few Oats' to see if they would stand the 'winter,' and find- ing, of course, that they wouldn't. He made many experiments with Lucerne — which we know as alfalfa. He tried winter wheat and barley and spelt. He at- 328 Washington Bicentennial tempted to utilize marie, mud from the river bottoms, and composts of various sorts, as fertilizer. "But plows especially drew his attention, for the plows of Washington's day were cumbersome, inefficient, and altogether exasperating. In March, 1760, Wash- ington jotted down, for example, 'Fitted a two Eyed Plow instead of a Duck Bill Plow.' But this new model was on the whole a failure, so a little later we find him recording, 'Spent the greater part of the day in mak- ing a plow of my own invention.' The next day he tried the plow 'and found She answered very well.' "But a greater difficulty for Washington," Secretary Hyde went on, "was finding a machine to do what the modern grain drill does at planting time. Washington finally developed, evidently from hints gathered from his reading and correspondence with Arthur Young and others what he called a barrel plow. "At that time all grain seed had to be sown by hand, then covered with a harrow or a hoe. Washington wanted a machine for this purpose, both to save labor and to do the job more efficiently. His barrel plow con- sisted of a hollow cylinder of wood, mounted on a wheel plow, so arranged that as the plow moved forward the barrel turned. In this barrel Washington cut holes for the seed to run down the tubes into the ground. The thickness or thinning of the sowing he could determine, roughly, by the number of holes left open in the barrel. "Much experiment with this crude drill convinced Washington that it was necessary to make these holes larger on the outside than on the inside of the barrel, and that the barrel worked better if not kept too full News Releases 329 of seed. A harrow followed the drill, to cover the seed with soil. "The drill must have worked fairly well," Secretary Hyde smiled as he called up the picture of Washington's "own Invention," "even though at times it must have acted up and prompted the operator to indulge in a few expletives. Washington wrote to a friend that the drill would not 'work to good effect in land that is very full of either stumps, stones, or large clods; but, where the ground is tolerably free from these and in good tilth, and particularly in light land, I am certain you will find it equal to your most sanguine expectations, for Indian corn, wheat, barley, pease, or any other tolerably round grain, that you may wish to sow or plant in this man- ner.' "Though the modern farmer knows many things that Washington could not know," Secretary Hyde ended, "a rereading of his life and experiments as a farmer must be of constant interest and inspiration." Senator Capper Discusses Washington's Farm Problems Senator Capper pushed back his chair from a desk heaped with papers and repeated the question asked him: "What does the American farmer of today owe to George Washington, the farmer?" Few members of the Senate are better qualified to answer a question that should interest every farmer in the country, for Senator Capper is acquainted first hand with farmers and their problems and has been deeply interested in the legislation of the past two years in the farmer's interest. 330 Washington Bicentennial "Well," the farmer-legislator thought for a moment, "if you think of it, Washington did set the first example in American farming. The farmers of today, as I know them, are too everlastingly busy with current history to look back a century or two. I know that's the case with me. And yet," the Senator thought on, "they should do that. "The American farmer of today," he settled back to say, "has every reason to feel toward Washington, the farmer, an almost filial respect and duty. In his occu- pation, at least, he's a lineal descendant of the foremost farmer of a century and more ago. If modern inven- tion enables the farmer of today to improve on the methods of Washington's time, nevertheless Washing- ton's example in experiment and pioneering remains the same. It could hardly be improved upon," the Senator smilingly asserted, "but the modern farmer has carried on that pioneering spirit unabated." As his thought on the subject shaped itself, the Sena- tor went on, "The modern farmer can feel a sympathy for Washington because Washington's problems as a farmer sound like the problems, the aims of every farmer of the present. If memory serves me, Washington's ex- periences with one of the great farms of his time was not an unbroken record of successes. "To begin with, Washington's land was not the finest soil in the young country. Many a farmer of today has to face the same discouragement. And like Wash- ington, he does struggle against the handicap. That is one bond of sympathy between them. "But perhaps the closest parallel between Washing- ton and the modern American farmer is the fact that News Releases 331 both knew the worries and vexations of declining prices as the result of a production above the capacity of the market to consume. It sounds very modern to read in Washington's diary his complaints at the falling returns from his tobacco. His problems and those of the pres- ent day farmer may differ in technical detail, but in es- sentials they are the same. "After all, the farmer of today buys with his wheat or his corn what he wants and needs. He may first con- vert his grain into money; still, whatever the means of purchase, it's the farmer's product that supplies him with buying power. In Washington's day that was more directly the case. The Nation was then undevel- oped and without an efficient monetary system, and to- bacco itself had to serve in place of cash. So Washing- ton, as he himself complains, felt it when the value of his crops shrank, and he had to offer more of it for goods or for cash in return. If Washington were to return today, he and a hundred thousand of our farmers could talk in terms of perfect understanding. "Yes," the Senator said, to emphasize the point, "Washington would understand our farmers perfectly. Thousands of them may never have had time to read of Washington's farming experience, but they are go- ing through the same experiences today. As I recall it, Washington was a tireless experimenter. He sent to Europe for the newest books on the science and practice of agriculture. He imported new and better seeds and cuttings. He read up on new and better formulas for fertilizer. He even mixed experimental varieties of compost with his own hands. In every sense of the word he was a dirt farmer. 332 Washington Bicentennial "And today," the Senator brought out with convic- tion, "Washington would find his successors on the American farm just as progressive. The farmer of the present is just as eager and quick to adopt new and bet- ter methods. He no longer reads European authorities, because his own periodicals are as good or better. But the point is, he reads them. He forever experiments with the means to produce better crops. And in one respect he has an advantage that Washington never knew — the advantage of time and labor-saving ma- chinery." A new turn to his thinking amused the Senator. "Washington's efforts at advanced farming were not unvaryingly successful. The fact is, he had to com- plain of a rather high percentage of disappointments. It was only natural, of course. In Washington's day agriculture was still somewhat primitive. In the light of modern practice it was without benefit of the ac- cumulation of broad scientific knowledge and experi- ence that we enjoy today. If Washington were to re- turn today, the average American farmer could show him a thing or two — probably to Washington's mingled envy and delight. He might regret that he could not have profited by what we now know, but he would be the first to rejoice at the progress made. "But the thing that would most please Washington," said Senator Capper, "would be our epic conquest of the great West and the reduction of its wonderful soil to production. To me," the Senator mused, "there is something infinitely touching in Washington's hunger for as much of that fertile Western soil as he could pos- sess. The continental West as we know it he never saw, News Releases 333 but he had more than glimpsed the Ohio Valley, and sensed what lay beyond. He sent his agents to lay claim to as much as he could handle of the better land beyond the Alleghenies, and throughout his correspondence dur- ing the Revolution he returns again and again to his anxiety to safeguard his holdings. His heart and his business sense both lured him in that direction, in the conviction that there the great development of the country would center. "Today," the Senator observed with satisfaction, "the people of my section of the country would convince Washington that he was right! For every reason and in every sense of the word they would make him feel at home. He would be among people, too, who are after his own kind. As farmers, at least, they have had every experience that fell to Washington. "You have only to glance through Washington's diaries to see how quickly they would understand each other. Out of those intimate jottings speaks the real George Washington, farmer, and what a modern lan- guage he speaks!" The Senator referred to one of the volumes, price- less because so revealing, and read: "June 16, 1768. Be- gan to cut my Timothy Meadow at Doeg Run and did not finish it till the 8 th July — the weather being Rainy and bad — which almost spoiled 30,000 weight of Hay. "On July 25th he records that he found rust in a 28- acre field of wheat, and adds this note: Trom the most accurate experiments I could make this year upon Wheat seized with the Rust before it is fully formd and be- ginning to Harden, it appears to be a matter of very little consequence whether it is cut down so soon as it 334 Washington Bicentennial is seized with this distemper (I mean the parts of the field that are so) or suffered to stand; for in either case the grain perishes and has little or no flower in it.' He meant flour," the Senator interpolated, with a smile for Washington's spelling, and finished the quotation, 'That indeed which is suffered to stand may gain a little, and but a little, in respect to the grain, and the other in respect to the straw; so that I think it is nearly equal wch. of the two methods is followed.' "Many a farmer of today is as close a student," the Senator said, smiling as he leafed through the book. "And many a modern farmer will listen with sympathy to such a passage as this: 'Eliab Roberts, William Acres, Joseph Wilson and Azel Martin set into work today and I think worked but indifferently.' So Washington had his complaints against farmhands, too. But here, I think," Senator Capper exulted over his finds, "are two entries that reveal the man that Washington the farmer must have been — shrewd, observant, the instinctive busi- ness man, forever trying what would best serve his ad- vantage. " 'Noted,' " Senator Capper quoted from the book, ' 'that when Pease are sown the ground should be rolled smooth so that the pods can be raked up, with time saved from picking them up by hand.' There is the great man watchful of the minutest details. And here in another small detail is the inveterate experimenter. In an entry dated December 6, 1787, Washington re- cords: 'Three plows at work. In one I put the she mule which worked very well. The horse mule is intended also for this plantation.' "It's just such homely touches," the Senator leaned News Releases 33 5 back to say in concluding, "that would make Washing- ton a man among men if he could return today among the people of my section. When you think of it," Sena- tor Capper lighted up with sudden feeling, "what bet- ter tribute coulo! we pay the man than in saying so often to ourselves, 'If Washington could return today'? Isn't it a new measure of our respect and affection for the man that we wish so much he could come again, so that we might show him what we, as stewards, have done with the great trust he built up and placed in our hands. "We may have made mistakes in judgment," the Sena- tor finished, "we may not always wisely control the great economic forces we have unloosed with our mod- ern science and invention; but on the whole I believe Washington would approve what we have made of the country he fathered." George Washington Branded His Cattle Senator Tom Connally, who hails from Texas, the greatest cattle State in the country, has made, accord- ing to the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, an exhaustive study of George Washing- ton's experiences in producing and handling cattle. Recently while chatting on this subject with a group of Senators and Representatives, Connally declared that Washington in his day branded his cattle just as do the cattlemen of Texas and other sections of the West at the present time. A Representative from the East smiled at this state- 336 Washington Bicentennial ment and said he would like to have a little proof before he could swallow any Washington cattle-branding story. "Well," smiled the handsome six-footer from the Lone Star State, "I might know that a man from the effete East, whose knowledge of cattle is limited to the little jug of diluted cream on his breakfast table, would have no knowledge of matters of this kind." Walking over to his bookcase, Connally pulled down a volume of Washington's Diaries and read the follow- ing items as recorded by the hand of the famous Mount Vernon farmer and cattleman. " 'Nov. 1, 1765 — Sent one bull, 18 cows and 5 calves to Doeg Run in all — 24 head branded on ye but- tock GW. " 'Sent 5 cows and 29 yearlings and calves to the Mill, which with 4 there makes 27 head in all viz. 5 cows and 22 calves and yearlings branded on the right shoul- der GW. " 'Out of the Frederick cattle made the stock in the Neck up to 100 head — these branded on the right but- tock GW. " 'Muddy Hole cattle branded on the left shoul- der GW.' " "Butter," said Senator Connally, "always seemed to be a problem with Washington. Despite the fact that there were always several hundred cows roaming his pas- tures it was frequently necessary for him to buy butter. I notice from his diary that during the winter of 1760 he was often short of that important article. On Janu- ary 7th he writes: 'Accompanied Mrs. Bassett to Alex- andria and engaged a keg of butter of Mr. Kirkpatrick, News Releases 337 being quite out of that article.' And the next day he says: 'Got a little butter from Mr. Dalton.' On Sun- day, January 20, he not only received more butter but other supplies. Listen to this: 'My wagon, after leav- ing two hogsheads of tobacco at Alexandria, arrived here with three sides of sole leather and four of upper leather, two kegs of butter, one of which for Colonel Fairfax, and fifteen bushels of salt.' "Of course it must be remembered that they really used butter in Washington's time. They did not put a little dab of it on a piece of bread — they slathered it on in generous quantities. "Washington, I am convinced, was just as shrewd a trader in cattle as are any cattlemen of the present time. I note from his diary that in 1760 he 'went down to Occoquan, by appointment, to look at Colonel Cock's cattle, but Mr. Peake's being from home I made no agreement for them, not caring to give the price he asked for them/ "Twenty-six years later in 1786 he made a trade in which I am convinced he got a shade the best of the bargain. His diary tells the story in these words: 'Sent up to Abingdon for a young bull of extraordinary make, for which I have exchanged and given a young heifer of the same age.' " Farmer Washington Also Suffered From Drought Senator Morris Sheppard, of Texas, happened to fall into conversation the other day with a representative of the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission. The Senator represents the largest agricultural 338 Washington Bicentennial State in the Union, and quite naturally the subject of George Washington as a farmer came to his mind. "We're all inclined to look on our burdens as the first and worst of their kind," said the Senator. "And no doubt the disastrous drought of last year, that laid a blight over a great section of the country and caused distress and loss, might be set down as one of the out- standing afflictions in our history. But the records show that these cycles of rain deficiency are of fairly regu- lar recurrence. George Washington himself was a suf- ferer from these periodic failures in what the weather man calls precipitation. "He took a mighty hard blow," Senator Sheppard reflected. "The other day I came across a letter that Washington wrote from Mount Vernon to a friend of his. The letter was dated April 4, 1788, and it impressed me so that I had it copied. Here it is." The Senator drew from his pocket a typewritten sheet. "In this letter Washington discloses that he knew very well what it was to lose nearly the whole of his crops. It's an in- teresting revelation of the man and his trials. He says," the Senator read: " 'Dear Sir: I am very sorry I have not yet been able to discharge my account with the James River Com- pany, for the amount of which you presented me with an order. " 'The almost total loss of my crop last year by the drought, which has obliged me to purchase upwards of eight hundred barrels of corn, and my other numerous and necessary demands for cash, when I find it impos- sible to obtain what is due to me by any means, have caused me more perplexity and given me more uneasi- News Releases 339 ness than I ever experienced before from want of money. In addition of these disappointments which I have met with from those who are indebted to me, I have in my hand a number of indents and other public securities, which I have received from time to time as the inter- est of some Continental loan-office certificates, which are in my possession. . . "That was in 1788," the Senator continued. "Exactly eleven years later, in 1799, the last year of Washington's ' life, he suffered again from drought. What he has to say of that experience will interest every farmer of to- day. I had copied for me this letter that Washington wrote to a friend, dated Aug. 17, 1799." The Senator read it as follows: 'The drought has been so excessive on this estate that I have made no oats — and if it continues a few days longer, I shall make no corn. I have cut little or no grass; and my meadows, at this time, are as bare as the pavements; of consequence no second crop can be ex- pected. These things will compel me, I expect, to re- duce the mouths that feed on my hay.' "Doesn't that sound as if written last year?" Senator Sheppard remarked. "That last line in Washington's letter completes the parallel between his experience and the loss of our farmers who were compelled to sell their livestock for lack of the means to feed them. "So even George Washington, one of the wealthiest men of his time," the Senator reflected, "knew what it was to take a crippling loss at the hands of Nature. And in the first letter I read you," the Senator smiled, "Wash- ington sounds a note that will make him understandable to many a present-day American outside the farming 340 Washington Bicentennial circle. Even the Father of His Country knew what it was to be behind with his bills, and had to put up his own equivalent of a modern hard-luck story to ac- count for his lack of cash. It's just another one of those homely touches," the Senator ended, "that should en- dear George Washington to every American, and arouse deep interest in the celebration of his two hundredth birthday which will extend from February 22 until Thanksgiving Day of next year. Washington Tried Siberian and South African Wheat That George Washington remained at heart a farmer throughout his life we know from no less an authority than Washington himself, says the Division of Informa- tion and Publication of the United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission. The evidence exists on nearly every page of the long row of diaries in which Washington covered all his per- sonal activities almost without a break from young man- hood to the final days. He was not simply any kind of farmer, either, but an alert and progressive one. Even during the Revolu- tionary War he appears to have kept his eyes open to farming methods in various sections of the country, and came home with the belief that Virginia farming had much to learn from methods in use in other States. In more than one of his letters to friends he comments on the Virginia habit of working farms to death, and notes the Virginia farmer's failure to devote some of his land to meadow and grazing, for the raising of cattle, as he had seen this done in the northern regions. On his own plantations Washington was forever News Releases 341 reaching out for new and better seeds for planting. He imported new types of fruit trees and vines, even rare trees for the beautification of his grounds. He tried alfalfa, then known as Lucerne. But of chief interest was his effort to improve the quality of wheat grown in the United States. He reached into far quarters of the globe for experimental seeds. Thus, in an entry in his Diaries on April 10, 1768, we find: "Began also to sow the Siberian Wheat which I had obtained from Baltimore by means of Colo. Tilgh- man, at the Ferry Plantation in the ground laid apart there for experiments." This, by the way, he sowed with the famous "barrel plow" of his own invention, a combined plow, drill, and harrow. And he gives a mi- nute account of the care he used in giving this seed from far Siberia a chance to show what it could do in Vir- ginia. In 1785, after the Revolution, when he had returned to Mount Vernon and to his beloved farming, this zeal for experiment was with him still. In an entry in his Diary for August 30, that year, he records that "I planted in a small piece of ground which I had prepared below the stable (vineyard) about 1,000 grains of the Cape of Good Hope wheat (which was given to me by Colo. Spaight) , in Rows 2 feet apart, and 5 inches dis- tant in the Rows." On Saturday, August 31, 1785, he notes: "The Cape of Good Hope Wheat, which I sowed on Saturday, was perceived to be coming up today." On September 1, the following day, he "planted the remainder of the Wheat from the Cape of Good Hope, leaving 230 grains to replant the missing seeds, and some that had been 342 Washington Bicentennial washed up by the rain; the whole number of grains given me by Colo. Spaight amounting to 2476; which in measure, might be about half a Gill." The painstak- ing Farmer Washington had even counted the number of these rare grains of his gift! On October, 1785, he sowed about a pint of Cape of Good Hope wheat, this time sent him by Mr. Powell, of Philadelphia. By early November Washington "per- ceived that the Cape of Good Hope Wheat which I sowed on the 19th of last March had come up very well." For nearly two years he had his eye on this South Af- rican wheat. By September, 1786, "the hands at Dogue Run had been employed in putting in about a bushel and a half of the Cape Wheat raised below my Stables" — proving that the seeds there planted in August the year before had delivered the goods. What became of the new brand of wheat we do not know, for in not very long Washington was again called to the cares of state when a devoted people unanimously chose him to be their first President. But the evidence remains that when the destiny that directed his eventful and dramatic life did grant him the opportunity to farm his beloved fields, he was among the most progressive agriculturists of his day. Mount Vernon Named for British Admiral Mount Vernon, the home and estate of George Washington, undoubtedly the most famous shrine in American history, was named after Admiral Edward Vernon, of the British Navy, according to the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. News Releases 343 Lawrence Washington, half-brother of George, and owner of the estate, served in the British Army before Carthagena, where Admiral Vernon was naval com- mander. His admiration for the English admiral in- duced him to call his estate Mount Vernon. Lawrence Washington died in July, 1752, at the early age of 34 years, leaving a wife and infant daughter. The Mount Vernon estate was bequeathed to that daughter, and in the event of her decease without issue the property was to pass into the absolute possession of George, to whom, in his will, Lawrence had entrusted the chief care of his affairs, although he was the youngest executor. He was then only 20 years of age. The daughter did not long survive her father, and Mount Vernon became the property of George Wash- ington. In a letter to a friend in London, Washington wrote of his estate in 1793: "No estate in United America, is more pleasantly situated than this. It lies in a high, dry and healthy country * * * on one of the finest rivers in the world. Its margin is washed by more than ten miles of tide water. * * * It is situated in a latitude between the extremes of heat and cold. * * * Several valu- able fisheries appertain to the estate; the whole shore, in short, is one entire fishery." Washington as a Manufacturer While much has been written about George Wash- ington's ability as a farmer and agriculturalist, it is not generally known that on the vast estate at Mount Ver- non, housing more than 300 persons, he was also classed as a manufacturer and, incidentally, marketed large 344 Washington Bicentennial quantities of fish, according to the Division of Informa- tion and Publication of the United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission. The magnitude of the charge of such an estate can be better understood when the condition of a Virginia planter is realized. Before the Revolution, practically everything the plantation could not produce was or- dered yearly from Great Britain, and after the annual delivery of the invoices, the estate could look for little outside help. This system compelled each plantation to be a little world unto itself; indeed, the 300 persons on the Mount Vernon estate went far to make it an in- dependent and self-supporting community, and one of Washington's standing orders to his overseers was to "buy nothing you can make yourselves." Thus the planting and gathering of the crops were but a small part of the work to be done. A corp of workmen — some Negroes, some indentured servants, and some hired laborers — were kept on the es- tate. A blacksmith shop occupied some of them, do- ing not merely the work of the plantation, but what- ever business was brought to them from outside; and a wood burner kept them and the mansion-house sup- plied with charcoal. A gang of carpenters were kept busy, and their spare time was utilized in framing houses to be put up in Alexandria, Va., or in the "Federal City," as the City of Washington was called before the death of its namesake. A brickmaker, too, was kept con- stantly employed, and masons utilized the product of his labor. The gardener's gang had charge of the kitchen garden, and set out thousands of grapevines, fruit trees and hedge plants. News Releases 345 A water mill with its staff, not merely ground meal for the hands, but produced a fine flour that com- manded extra price in the market. In 1786 Washing- ton asserted that his flour was "equal in quality to any made in this country," and the Mount Vernon brand was of such value that some money was made by buy- ing outside wheat and grinding it into flour. The coop- ers of the estate made the barrels in which it was packed, and Washington's schooner carried it to the market. The estate had its own shoemaker and in time a staff of weavers were trained. Before this was obtained in 1760, though with only a modicum of the force he pres- ently had, Washington ordered from London "450 ells of Osnabrig, 4 pieces of Brown Wools, 350 yards of Kendall cotton and 100 yards of Dutch Blanket." By 1768 he was manufacturing the chief part of his re- quirements, for in that year his weavers produced 815 yards of linen, 365 yards of woolen, 144 yards of linsey and 40 yards of cotton, a total of 1,365 yards, one man and five Negro girls having been employed. When once the looms were well organized, an in- finite variety of cloths was produced, the accounts men- tioning "Striped woolen, woolen plaided, cotton striped, linen, wool-birdseye, cotton filled with wool, linsey, l M's and O's,' cotton India dimity, cotton jump striped, linen filled with tow, cotton striped with silk, Roman M., Janes twilled, huccabac, broadcloth, counterpane, birdseye diaper, kirsey wool, barragon, fustian, bed- ticking, herring box and shalloon." One of the most important features of the estate was its fishery, for the catch, salted down, largely served in place of meat in feeding some of the help. Of this ad- 346 Washington Bicentennial vantage Washington wrote: "This river (the Potomac) is well supplied with various kinds of fish at all seasons of the year; and, in the spring, with the greatest pro- fusion of shad, herring, bass, carp, perch, sturgeon, etc. Several valuable fisheries appertain to the estate; the whole shore, in short, is one entire fishery." Whenever there was a run of fish, the seine was drawn, chiefly for herring and shad, and in good years this not merely amply supplied the home requirements, but al- lowed of sales; four or five shillings the thousand for herring, and ten shillings the hundred for shad were the average prices, and sales of as high as 85,000 herring were made in a single year. Washington's Fish Business In one of his business-like ledgers, George Washing- ton records an entry for August 11, 1772: "Went with those Gentlemn. (naming certain guests at Mount Ver- non) a fishing, and dined under the bank at Colo. Fair- fax's near his White House." Near that White House formerly owned and occu- pied by "Colo." Fairfax now stands one of the important hatcheries of the United States Fish Commission, re- stocking the Potomac with the shad that formed a staple of George Washington's business of selling the catch of his "seins." And perhaps nothing would please Wash- ington more, could he return today, than this visible evidence of the development of the Nation's fishery in- dustry since his day. The business that Washington did in the sale of fish caught from his several landings will surprise those who carefully read his published ledgers and diaries, says the News Releases 347 Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. He made every inch of his extensive property yield its due, and he turned to the Potomac River which edged his lands, for all that it had to give up in salable products. Thus during the latter part of April and the beginning of May, in 1772, he sold over 11,000 fish, mainly her- ring. One page of his diary, that of July 10, 1772, re- cords the sale to James Tilghman of 30 barrels of shad, for which Washington received 40 pounds and 10 shil- lings. By 1758 he seems to have developed the trade so that we find an entry for April 6 that year: "Sent my Shad Sein and Hands to the Ferry to commence Fishing for Messrs. Douglas & Smith, who had engaged to take all the Shad and Herring I can catch in Season, the first at fifteen shillings a hundred, and the other at four shillings a thousand." Interested as he was in the industry of fishing, Wash- ington would be the first to take pride in the growth of American fisheries to the point where the annual catch for the United States and Alaska is now three billion pounds, or a value of $116,000,000 to the fishermen. Commissioner of Fisheries, Henry O'Malley, took great pride in laying before a representative of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission some of the totals marking the contrast between fishing in Washington's day and the vast industry that has now been built up by private enterprise, with scientific Government help in conservation arid replacement. 348 Washington Bicentennial For example the Chesapeake crab, in Washington's day ignored, but now a prized delicacy and article of diet, was caught, sold, and eaten to the tune of 60,000,- 000 in 1929. More recently still there has come into being the brine freezing process which has enormously expanded even the fishery industry of the past few years. This brine freezing process has made possible a package trade of 85,000,000 pounds annually. For not only has the annual sale of fish grown steadily, but the trade has taken on refinements unthought of even a few years ago. One such development is the filleting of haddock which began on a broad scale in 1921. The larger fish, such as cod and salmon, are steaked. Wrapped in treated paper, and subjected to the rapid brine freezing, these fillets and steaks can now be kept in perfect condition indefinitely, and so can be shipped to points where salt- water fish have never been used before. A man of Washington's prudence might be alarmed as well as pleased by this rise of fisheries to be one of our major indtistries. Our streams of coastal waters can not be farmed on any such scale unless fish are sown to furnish new crops. One of the chief activities of the Bureau of Fisheries is this very business of conserva- tion. In 1930 this Bureau stocked our streams with more than seven and a half billion fish and eggs, includ- ing both food and game species. At the Fort Hum- phreys hatchery, on the spot where George Washing- ton once dined after fishing, 70,000,000 young shad have been bred and released in the river. "All in all," says Commissioner O'Malley, "I think Washington would approve what we are doing to News Releases 349 broaden and enrich an industry in which he himself was so much interested." George Washington the Bookman Visitors to Mount Vernon, if they make the usual cursory tour of the house, come away with the belief that they have seen in the library the books of George Washington precisely as he left them. If they later learn that these books are, in many cases, simply other copies of volumes Washington is known to have pos- sessed, they are deeply disappointed and wonder why the Boston Athenaeum should own and keep such a large number of the original books from Washington's library. How many books did Washington really own, and how did he stand as a bookman among men of his day? This was the question asked of Dr. Herbert Putnam, librarian of the Library of Congress, by a representa- tive of the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. "Ah, you must not expect me to give you an offhand answer to a question of that importance," said Dr. Putnam. "Of course, Washington, man of action and affairs, was no such reader as Thomas Jefferson, and had no such collection of books as Jefferson's library, now safe in the Library of Congress. It is fortunate that we have had preserved for us the considerable remnants of Wash- ington's collection saved by a popular subscription raised in Boston to prevent their being scattered." In answer to the inquiry as to how this act of venera- 350 Washington Bicentennial tion came about, Dr. Putnam referred the interviewer to a learned assistant, who quickly placed him in touch with the authorities on this subject. These authorities show how many volumes went to Boston, but it is doubtful if posterity will know exactly how many books Washington did possess. It is known that he lent books, and doubtless he had the luck of the lender. That is, many a book borrowed was never returned. The curious may find on file in the Orphan's Court of Fairfax County, Va., the ap- praisers' exact list of the Washington library as it was after his death and probation of his will. But even these thousand or so titles represent but a part of the books Washington is thought to have owned. Volumes have been written on this question of Washington's inclinations as a reader. Most of these authorities give themselves up to rhapsody and specu- lation. The one fact that is indisputable is that on the death of Justice Bushrod Washington a number of books formerly belonging to the first President were be- queathed by him to his nephew, and from that nephew were bought by a Mr. Henry Stevens, of London, who meant to place them in the hands of the British Museum. There the Washington books might now be, but that a group of Boston patriots, members of the private library known as the Boston Athenaeum, clubbed together and bought for $3,750 this collection from time to time. Incidentally it was this same Boston institution which, in 1831, bought the most famed Stuart portraits of George and Martha Washington. These were ac- quired from the family of the artist for the sum of News Releases 351 $1,500, which stands recorded in the official records of the Athenaeum as "an absurdly small sum it now seems for these invaluable pictures." As every visitor to Boston knows, this pair of portraits, perhaps the best known in the country, has been lent by the Athenaeum authorities to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, so that they may be seen by thousands of admirers every year, where otherwise they would be visible only to the users of a private library. Returning to the known books of Washington, just what did he read? By the infallible test of the ap- praisers' list, he bought chiefly books of information. Naturally authorities on military science interested him. Next in importance he seems to have rated books on agriculture and husbandry. At the head of the ap- praisers' list stands the "American Encyclopedia" of that period in 1 volumes. One volume with a title cal- culated to amuse the sophisticates of the present day is a "Royal Grammer, for young Gentlemen and Ladies." Another striking title in the list is "Jefferies Aerial Voyages." Washington read Shakespeare and occasionally quoted him. He read Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey" in the Pope translation. He owned the "Letters of Junius," Gibbons' "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," the "Letters of Voltaire," "Chesterfield's Letters," Seneca's "Moral Essays," and the prose of Swift, Sterne, and Addison. Fiction seems to have entered very sparingly into Washington's reading. To repeat, he read for informa- tion rather than for entertainment. Nevertheless, we find among his books "Don Quixote," "Gulliver's 3 52 Washington Bicentennial Travels," "Hudibras," "Peregrine Pickle," and a book called "The History of a Foundling," which sounds very much like "Tom Jones." Whatever Washington did read, he regarded books as of sufficient importance to warrant the building of a wing to his house to serve as a library, and visitors to Mount Vernon come away with the opinion that it was the most interesting and attractive room in the house. And Washington is known to have passed much of his life at his work there. Washington Pleased by "Home Town" Ball The people of Alexandria, Va., George Washington's "home town," were never negligent in observing the birthday of their illustrious fellow citizen. After Washington returned to Mount Vernon upon his retirement from the office of Presidency of the United States, his natal day was fittingly observed in the little Virginia city on the two occasions that it occurred before the General's death in December, 1799. The date upon which these commemorations were held, however, was February 11, because of the hesitance of the people in fully accepting the Gregorian calendar, which had been adopted by most countries over 40 years before. In Washington's diaries, which were never volumi- nous, the entry for February 12, 1798, reads: "Went with the family to a ball in Alexandria given by the citizens of it and its vicinity in commemoration of the anniversary of my birthday." The 11th had fallen on Sunday, so the celebration was held on the 12 th of February. News Releases 353 In 1799, the year of Washington's death, his birthday was celebrated twice — once by the citizens of Alex- andria on February 11, and again at Mount Vernon on February 22, when Nellie Custis, Mrs. Washington's granddaughter, became the bride of Washington's nephew, Lawrence Lewis. Both events are briefly chronicled in the diaries. However reticent Washington himself may have been regarding his birthday, his admirers throughout the country were not restrained by the same diffidence. An interesting, quaintly written account of Alexandria's commemoration of the late President's birthday in 1799 is contained in the files of the Federal Gazette, of Balti- more, in the issue appearing on February 1 5 of that year. This item was dated "Alexandria, February 11," and after dwelling on the beauty of the day, tells of the salute fired at sunrise, the assembling of the militia which was to take part in the ceremonies and an enumeration of the companies participating. At 11 o'clock in the morning Washington himself rode into the town, escorted by three companies of dragoons. "Shortly after the general came into town, he passed the line in review, accompanied by several gentlemen. Agreeable to arrangements previously made, three com- panies of infantry were embarked on board the Nep- tune, the Trial and Mercury, in order to act as an invad- ing enemy. The remaining troops marched to the Mall, when the rifie men and a detachment of artillery were dispatched to protect the fort and act against the foe. When the Neptune came abreast of the fort, she re- ceived three rounds, which she returned, silenced the guns and passed up the river in order to effect a land- 354 Washington Bicentennial ing — the riflemen in the meantime running along shore endeavouring to pick the men off the shrouds, and the artillery keeping up a fire at her. When she came op- posite to Keith's wharf, the troops were landed on it, the Neptune covering the debarkation, where they were opposed by those on shore, and were eventually obliged to take to their boats. A landing was afterward effected on Ramsay's wharf, and the 'supposed' enemy marched up King Street, in which street, at the intersection of Fairfax Street, they were again opposed; and a heavy and continued street-firing kept up; until by an excel- lent maneuvre of the horse, who came upon their rear, they were obliged to surrender." At the end of this sham battle, which the former Commander in Chief watched with interest, the partici- pants disbanded to the several inns maintained in the town and partook of dinners which "were perfectly satisfactory to the guests," and at which "a number of toasts were drank by each party." The paper then notes: "The evening was concluded by a ball and supper given at Mr. Gadsby's which was much superior to any- thing of the kind ever known here. The company was numerous and brilliant; and beauty of person and excel- lency of taste, in the ladies, seemed to vie for a prefer- ence. The house was elegantly illuminated; and the ball room was adorned with a transparent likeness of General Washington, executed in masterly style." Mount Vernon Became a Mecca at End of War With the completion of the great Memorial high- way from the National Capital to Mount Vernon, 12 News Releases 35 5 miles south of Washington, in ample time for the beginning of the George Washington Bicentennial Cele- bration in 1932, it is anticipated that Mount Vernon will become a Mecca for the millions of visitors expected from every section of the United States. Mount Vernon has always been the outstanding shrine of the country and has been visited every year by many thousands of people, but record breaking figures are looked for during the nine months of the Bicentennial Celebration. Even when Gen. George Washington resigned his commission as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army and returned to Mount Vernon, his estate on the banks of the Potomac became an objective for every foreigner of any position who came to this country, as well as for prominent Americans. Although he had left his home eight years before as a distinguished Virginian, he had returned one of the most famous men in the world, and such celebrity brought its usual penalties. Hundreds of persons made the pilgrimage to Mount Vernon to visit America's greatest hero, and all were hospitably received, although they consumed many hours of Washington's time. In addition he was besieged by portrait painters and sculptors, and it was then that Peale, Gilbert Stuart, Savage, Pine, Sharpies, Trumbull, and other painters, as well as sculptors, such as Houdon and Ceracchi, came into their own to the upbuilding of their undying fame and the great enrichment of the world. Washington, in 1785, in a letter to Francis Hopkinson, somewhat quaintly writes: 356 Washington Bicentennial rf In for a penny, in for a pound, is an old adage. I am so hackneyed to the touches of the painter's pencil, that I am now altogether at their beck; and sit like Pa- tience on a monument,' whilst they are delineating the lines of my face. It is a proof, among many others, of what habit and custom can accomplish. At first I was as impatient at the request, and as restive under the op- eration, as a colt is of the saddle. The next time I sub- mitted very reluctantly, but with less flouncing. Now. no dray-horse moves more readily to his thill than I to the painter's chair." Friends Sent Washington Numerous Gifts The custom of sending gifts to the President of the United States by friends and admirers may well be said to have originated with the first inauguration of George Washington. Among the gifts received by our first President were dogs, jackasses, pigs, jennets, Chinese geese, golden pheas- ants, and many other feathered or furred creatures. In fact, toward the end of his life, George Washington had the nucleus for a small sized 200. A most interesting gift was sent to Washington by the Earl of Buchan, of Scotland. It consisted of a box made from an oak tree that sheltered the great Sir William Wallace, at the battle of Falkirk, with the re- quest to pass it to the man in the United States who should appear to merit it best. With characteristic modesty Washington, in his will, ordered this gift re- turned to the original owner, saying: "Whether easy or not to select the man who might News Releases 3 57 comport with his Lordship's opinion in this respect, it is not for me to say; but, conceiving that no disposi- tion of this valuable curiosity can be more eligible than the recommitment of it to his own cabinet, agreeably to the original design of the Goldsmith's Company of Edinburg, who presented it to him, and, at his request, consented that it should be transferred to me, I do give and bequeath the same to his Lordship; and, in case of his decease, to his heir, with my grateful thanks for the distinguished honor of presenting it to me, and in es- pecial for the favorable sentiments with which he ac- companied it." Washington, in his will, also disposed of another gift. This was a golden-headed cane left him by Benjamin Franklin. This cane Washington bequeathed to his brother Charles. Shortly after the Revolution the King of Spain gen- erously sent the American hero two jackasses and two jennets. One of the jacks died on the way over, but the other animals reached Mount Vernon safely. In 1786 Lafayette sent Washington from the island of Malta an- other jack and two jennets, besides some Chinese pheas- ants and partridges. A short time later, Gouverneur Morris sent him two Chinese pigs and two Chinese geese 9 which he referred to in his diary as "the foolishest geese I ever beheld, for they choose all times for setting but in the Spring, and one of them is even now (November) actually engaged in this business." In 1786 the King of France sent him 75 pyramidal cypress trees, while a short time before, Governor Clin- ton sent him ivy, limes and lindens. "Light Horse 3 58 Washington Bicentennial Harry" Lee sent him for his gardens some lilacs, oranges, aspen, mulberries, magnolia and horse chestnut trees. In addition to these, the key to the Bastille, a hunting horn, brass fire-dogs, and other gifts were given by La- fayette, who also sent a pack of French hounds of enor- mous size. Washington received a cane from King Louis the 1 6th of France, a cup and saucer from Count de Rocham- beau, a liqueur case from Lord Fairfax, and many other gifts too numerous to mention. Washington's Last Birthday Of all George Washington's 67 birthdays he seemed to have experienced enough real pleasure on that of Feb- ruary 22, 1799, his last one, to make up amply for the hardships, privations and anxieties that marked some of his previous birth anniversaries. While his birthday had been publicly observed with varying degrees of enthusiasm from the year 1784, every circumstance combined to make of February 22, 1799, a day of more than usual festivity. The principal factor in the joy of this birthday was that he was at home — at Mount Vernon — and enjoy- ing there the domestic life for which he had longed so earnestly while engaged in military and presidential duties. On retirement from public life, he expressed to a friend the desire never again to be more than 20 miles distant from his own beloved home. Congratulations and good wishes poured in from all parts of the United States and from many friends abroad News Releases 359 on this last birthday. Contentment must have absorbed his soul. He had won fame as Commander in Chief of the American Army. His victories had changed the map of the world as well as its history; and, as the Na- tion's founder and first President, he had tided the youthful republic through the uncertainties of its in- fancy into a national recognition by the world. He had established firmly the principles and rights of a people to self government and the tributes of the world were ringing in his ears. With the cares of State behind him, he was free at last to enjoy his life and to revel in the satisfaction of seeing the marriage of the two young people he loved so dearly. This he had brought about, although unaware of the fact that a romance between Nellie Custis, the belle of Mount Vernon, his beloved adopted daughter, and his young secretary and nephew, Lawrence Lewis, son of his sister, Betty Lewis, had gotten to the point of be- trothal. A letter from him to Bartholomew Dandridge, a nephew of Mrs. Washington, under date of January 25, 1799, indicates very plainly that he had not been consulted or even informed of the romance in his family circle. If the General felt that the betrothed pair had been at all remiss with their confidences he gave no sign, but proceeded at once to aid their plans. The follow- ing letter authorizing the license is copied from the orig- inal, which is addressed: "To Captain George Deneale, Clerk of Fairfax County Court" — Mt. Vernon 19th Feb., 1799. "Sir: You will please to grant a license for the mar- 360 Washington Bicentennial riage of Eleanor Parke Custis with Lawrence Lewis, and this shall be your authority for so doing. "From Sir Your very humble servant "G. Washington "Witness "Thomas Peter "George W. P. Custis." While documentary evidence is lacking to stamp its truth upon some one of the many legends that cluster around this love idyl of Mount Vernon, the standards, habits, customs, and prestige of the Washington, Custis, and Lewis families was such as to give quite naturally this wedding of Mrs. Washington's adored granddaugh- ter all of the beauty of setting and detail demanded of the social code of their day. Family tradition describes the lovely bride as gowned in elegant white satin brocaded in silver, her filmy veil held in place with a cluster of flowers and the handsome white plumes sent to General Washington from France. As the French fashions were just beginning to be popu- lar in America, the belief is that her wedding dress was of this short-waisted style with long straight lines to the skirt without hoop or heavy quilted petticoats such as was the mode when her grandmother married the General. Slippers, hose, and flowers naturally followed the proper order, and the General, distinguished, and majestic, attended her wearing — not the splendid new uniform recently ordered for his military service at President Adams' appointment — as commanding Gen- eral of the American Army, when war threatened, but News Releases 361 his beloved and famous old buff and blue Continental uniform. The Rev. Thomas Davis tied the nuptial knot, accord- ing to the day's entry of February 22, 1799, in the Gen- eral's diary. Consistent with his lifetime habit, this en- try recorded the weather conditions in detail, but only the barest facts of the wedding. It reads: "Feb. 22 Morning raining. Mer at 30. Wind a little more to the Northward. Afterwards very strong from the No.Wt. and turning clear and cold. The Revd. Mr. Davis and Mr. Geo. Calvert came to dinner and Miss Custis was married abt. Candle light to Mr. Lawe. Lewis." The wedding was witnessed by a large group of friends and relatives. The wedding supper in the ban- quet hall of the mansion was the extreme of perfection and elegance in silver, china, linen, and crystal. Cakes, bonbons, and all the dainties that comprised the menu of a wedding banquet of the day were supplied in abun- dance, and many toasts were drunk to the health and happiness of the young couple. Many stories have found publication regarding this romance which, after all, came about most logically. After General and Mrs. Washington returned to Mount Vernon upon his retirement from public life, they found the many social demands upon them too arduous; and, to help them entertain the many visitors, most of whom remained over night George Washington sent for his nephew, Lawrence Lewis, a son of his sister, Mrs. Betty Lewis, of Fredericksburg, Va. Lawrence was tall, like his distinguished uncle, good looking, and at once fell in love with Nelly. 362 Washington Bicentennial Many suitors had come, tarried and paid court to the belle of Mount Vernon, who loved all the graces of the Republican court. Legend accredits Mrs. Wash- ington with favoring the suit of a titled Englishman in Philadelphia, who sought Miss Custis' hand. Her brother, George Washington Parke Custis, is said to have favored Charles Carroll, of Maryland. Under the spell of Lawrence's presence, time acquired wings and car- ried romance upon them to their wedding, to the great happiness of the General, who had adopted the little two-year-old Nellie and her infant brother at the death of their father, his aide-de-camp and step-son, John Parke Custis, whose life flickered out as a result of camp fever just after the surrender of Cornwallis at York- town. Nellie was his favorite. She met his moods as no one else could do. Her beauty and grace satisfied his aes- thetic sense. Her nimble wit charmed and delighted him and her sweetness of disposition and graces of mind were a constant delight. She could divert, amuse, and send him into shouts of laughter with her gift of mim- icry and pantomime, soothe and cheer him with her music and songs in his darkest hours. Washington Wrote Will Without Legal Aid George Washington did not consult a lawyer when he decided it was time for him to make his will. It was a voluminous document, and he wrote every line of it himself, according to the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. In the last paragraph of that interesting document News Releases 363 he makes reference to the legal profession and the possibilities of disputes. It reads: "I constitute and appoint my dearly beloved wife Martha Washington, my nephews, William Augustine Washington, Bushrod Washington, George Steptoe Washington, Samuel Washington & Lawrence Lewis, & my ward, George Washington Parke Custis (when he shall have arr rived at the age of 20 years) , Executrix & Executors of this Will and testament, — In the construc- tion of which it will readily be perceived that no profes- sional character has been consulted or has had any agency in the draught — and that, although it has occupied many of my leisure hours to digest; & to through it into its present form, it may, notwithstanding, appear crude and incorrect — But having endeavored to be plain, and explicit in all its Devises — even at the expense of prolixity, perhaps of tautology, I hope, and trust, that no disputes will arise concerning them; but if, contrary to expectation, the case should be otherwise from the want of legal expression, or the usual technical terms, or because too much or too little has been said on any of the Devises to be consonant with law, my Will and direction expressly is, that all disputes (if unhappily any should arise) shall be decided by three impartial and intelligent men, known for their probity and good understanding; — two to be chosen by the disputants — each having the choice of one — and the third by those two. — Which three men thus chosen, shall unfettered by Law, or legal constructions, declare their sense of the Testators intention; — and such decision is, to all intents and purposes to be as binding on the Parties as if it had been given in the Supreme Court of the United States." 364 Washington Bicentennial Service Ships Toll Bells as They Pass Mount Vernon The precedent of ships tolling their bells when they pass the historic shrine of Mount Vernon goes back to the year 1814. In August of 1814, during our second war with England, seven British ships steamed up the Potomac River. What was their objective? Was Mount Vernon to be destroyed in retaliation for the English defeat by General Washington? Judge Bushrod Washington, the nephew to whom George Washington bequeathed his home at Mount Vernon, was entertaining a group of jurists and their wives at the time. Would they be injured? Would they be taken prisoners. Bushrod Washington anxiously watched the ships through large field glasses. Their home took on a deathly quiet. All was doubt. The ships kept up their steady approach. They were nearing Mount Vernon. They were now opposite Mount Vernon. The occupants of the house were resigned to their fate. A roar of guns was heard. But the guns were not pointed at the house. The boats kept sailing up the river. The English ships, General Gordon of the Royal Fleet commanding, had fired a salute in respect to our Commander in Chief, the first President of the United States. That incident set the precedent of saluting the home of George Washington whenever a service ship passes Mount Vernon. A bell is tolled and the colors are lowered to half mast. The bugle sounds "taps," and, while the guard presents arms, the officers and men on News Releases 365 board deck stand at attention and salute as the ship passes the hallowed spot. This spot is America's spiritual symbol of liberty! The Coat From Washington's Own Back Crowds of visitors to the National Capital have discovered the drawing power of six certain glass cases in the Smithsonian Institution. If this is a harbinger of the interest in relics of George Washington, sure to be more and more evidenced at the approach of the year of the two hundredth anniversary of Washington's birth, the six cases at the Smithsonian will have to be moved to a space where larger crowds can be accommodated. Recently a representative of the Division of Infor- mation and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission watched the throng one morning gathered about these glass walls through which all eyes were staring at the china that once graced Washington's dinner table, at his Sheraton and Heppelwhite dining chairs, at the extra-faced watch that he presented to his wife Martha, at all that the Smithsonian Institution possesses that once was inti- mately associated with the first President. These crowds on the outside of the cases were almost as much of a study as the objects within. They were a sign that the power of George Washington to capture the interest and the respect of these Americans of today, far from waning, is rapidly on the increase. In one case off by itself in another corner of the mu- seum, it might be said for the benefit of future visitors to the city of Washington, hangs the famed buff-and- 366 Washington Bicentennial blue uniform habitually worn by Washington and por- trayed in so many of his portraits. In this particular uniform he must have taken especial pride, for it was the one he donned for the occasion of his historic res- ignation as General of the Army. In the same case will be seen the flag of Washington's time as represented in this one of his ownership, con- sisting of the usual bars of red and white, but with the 1 3 stars in a circle in the blue of the "Union Jack." Also here are a gold-headed blackthorn cane, Washington's service sword, the sleeping tent he used during the Revo- lutionary War (presented to the institution by George Washington Parke Custis) , a larger field tent, and the poles, pegs and ropes that held them in position. But of an importance and an interest greater even than that of these strictly personal mementoes of Wash- ington, is a document that confronts the visitor to the Smithsonian Institution as he enters the very door. This is Washington's commission as General in Chief of the Revolutionary forces, awarded him by the Continental Congress and signed with the flourish of John Hancock, its president, and other officials. That not over-large slip of engrossed paper is almost as priceless as the Dec- laration of Independence itself, for it was this commis- sion which placed in power the one man of the time who was capable of putting the Declaration into prac- tical effect. If the awed visitor has attention for anything else in the same case that contains this article, he or she will see something almost as important to history. This is the white brocade robe in which the infant George Washington was christened, not long after his birth in News Releases 367 1732. Along with these two outstanding articles are the compass used by Washington as a surveyor in lay- ing out his lands about Mount Vernon, his shaving mir- ror and razor case, his medicine scales, his leather writ- ing case (used during the Revolutionary War and look- ing very much like a modern lawyer's briefcase) , trays of Sheffield silver from Washington's dining table, and various portraits, miniatures and medals. Here also are the spyglass and the larger field glass used by General Washington in his battles and his recon- noitering, the brass of both of them now battered and tarnished. With them, in the same case, is an object sure to attract, especially, the feminine eye — a piece of em- broidered velvet that once was the ornamented sleeve of one of Martha Washington's gowns. In a companion case adjoining is an array of the china service used by Washington and Martha, and by the un- ending line of guests entertained at their table. And with the dining chairs from the shops of Sheraton and Heppelwhite in another case are tables and a large wing chair which, the attendants at the Smithsonian will tell you, the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association would give much money to possess and restore to their former places in Washington's historic home beside the Potomac. Washington Spent Much Time in Independence Hall The life of George Washington was strangely inter- twined with Independence Hall in Philadelphia. In this building he served as a member of the Continental Congress. It was in this building that Congress received the news 368 Washington Bicentennial from General Washington of the defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown, which practically ended the war. It was in this building that Washington served as president of the convention which framed the Consti- tution of the United States. It was in this building that Washington spent the latter part of his first presidential administration and all of his second one. He was inaugurated President in this building March 4, 1793, for his second term. His first inauguration, it will be recalled, was in New York, April 30, 1789. It was in this building that Washington delivered his famous "Farewell Address" to the American people. It was in this building that Congress received official announcement of the death, of Washington. John Marshall, then a member of Congress from Virginia, offered the following resolution: "That a committee in connection with one from the Senate be appointed to consider the most suitable manner of paying honor to the memory of the man, first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his country." Marshall later amended the word "country" to read "countrymen." These famous words were incorporated in Richard Henry Lee's funeral oration in honor of Washington. Dramatic History of Independence Hall Independence Hall, which will be the scene of impressive ceremonies during the George Washington Bicentennial Celebrations in 1932, is, aside from its his- torical interest, one of the most outstanding archi- tectural monuments in the United States. News Releases 369 Independence Hall and its wings were designed and built by Andrew Hamilton, a lawyer of Philadelphia. After the Provincial Assembly of Pennsylvania had been compelled to "hire a house annually" in which to hold its meetings, the Journal records the fact that on the 1st of May, 1729, "the House took into consideration the necessity of a house of the Assembly for this Province to meet in, and it was unanimously resolved that £2,000 of the £30,000 then to be emitted in paper currency, should be appropriated towards building such a House." The State House was first occupied by the legisla- ture in October, 1736, when Andrew Hamilton was elected speaker for the seventh term and Benjamin Franklin was a clerk. It was not until 1750, however, that the assembly ordered a tower to be erected in which the famous old Liberty Bell was later placed. In 1759 a clock was also placed in the tower. Of the notable events that have taken place in Inde- pendence Hall, the following are of especial interest: On June 16, 1775, Washington accepted his appoint- ment as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted. The convention to form a new constitution for Pennsylvania met from July 15 to September 28, 1776, and unanimously approved the Declaration of Independence. The American officers taken by the British at the Battles of Brandy wine (September 11, 1777) and Ger- mantown (October 4, 1777) were held in the declara- tion chambers as prisoners of war. 370 Washington Bicentennial Continental Congress, which had left Philadelphia in December, 1776, reconvened in the east room March 4, 1777; they left again September 18, returned July 2, 1778, and continued to sit there until the close of the Revolution. On July 9, 1778, the Articles of Confederation and perpetual union between the States were signed in the declaration chamber by eight States. The five remain- ing signed later, the last (Maryland) on March 1, 1781. The Federal convention met there to frame a con- stitution for the United States from May 14 to Sep- tember 14, 1787, and, after final action and engrossing of the Constitution, those present affixed to it their signatures. The convention for the State of Pennsylvania ratified the Federal Constitution here on December 13, 1787. In 1802 the whole of the second floor of the State House was used as a museum by Charles Willson Peale, the portrait painter, he having been granted the use of* it free by the legislature. In 1824 Lafayette visited Philadelphia and was given a reception in the independence chamber. The bodies of John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court; Henry Clay (1852); Elisha Kent Kane, the Arctic explorer (1857) ; and Abraham Lincoln (1865) were among those which lay in state in Independence Hall. Independence Voted July 2, 1776 July 2 has been neglected as an anniversary date of importance by the American people, yet it is one of the most significant dates of our history, for it was on News Releases 371 July 2, and not on July 4, 1776, that American inde- pendence was really voted by the Continental Congress then in session. The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission calls the attention of the Nation to this fact and suggests that, when the people throughout the land celebrate Independence Day in 1932, during the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, July 2, as well as July 4, be recognized in the merry-making and thanksgiving which the anniversary of that great document brings forth. The story of how independence was voted is here briefly told. Before 1775, independence was not thought of by most of the American leaders or by the American public at large. The colonists were inter- ested in righting the wrongs inflicted by the British but not in breaking away completely from the mother country. Several attempts at conciliation were made, all with- out result. But many of the colonists were still anxious to close the breach rather than widen it. As late as January, 1776, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland instructed their members in Congress to vote against independence. As the months went on, led by the more radical colo- nial statesmen, the demand for independence began to crystallize. Soon it became the goal. Complete inde- pendence from England was to be the reward for American sacrifices. January, 1776, brought to Congress news of the burning of Norfolk, Va., by the order of Lord Dun- 372 Washington Bicentennial more. About that time Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" stirred the colonists to fever pitch. Also reports reached Philadelphia in May that England was hiring Hessians to coerce the Colonies. There was also the stigma of being proclaimed "rebels" and treated as such. All these events and conditions had their effect in arousing public opinion to the point of demanding independence. George Washington, at the head of the Continental forces, was urging the Colonies to declare independence. He thought that the time for parleying and compro- mises was past. Complete severance and independence from the mother country, he thought, would help bring the struggle to a successful end. On June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee introduced in Congress three famous resolutions. The first of these declared the United Colonies free and independent States, one of the most momentous resolutions ever introduced in Congress. Lee's resolution was tabled for the time being, but Congress created a committee, with Thomas Jefferson at its head, to draw up a declaration of independence. Lee's resolution for independence was brought up in Congress for debate on July 1. On the next day, July 2, 1776, the vote was taken and it showed 12 States in favor of independence, New York not voting. It was, therefore, on July 2, 1776, that independence was really declared. Thomas Jefferson's declaration of independence was then taken up and, after several changes were made, the Declaration of Independence as we know it was adopted by Congress on July 4, 1 77 G. The suggestion of the United States George Wash- News Releases 373 ington Bicentennial Commission that July 2, as well as July 4, be celebrated is a good one. Let the Nation prepare to have a three-day celebration next year instead of the usual one-day event. It will be particularly ap- propriate during the year when the man who made the Declaration of Independence a reality is being honored on the two hundredth anniversary of his birth. Liberty Bell May Ring Again The famous old Liberty Bell, which so joyously rang to announce the Declaration of Independence and which tolled so sadly when George Washington died at Mount Vernon, may again ring forth from Independence Hall in Philadelphia on Washington's next birthday, Feb- ruary 22, 1932. Efforts are being made by officials of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission to arrange for a nation-wide radio hook-up on this date and have President Hoover press an electric button in Washington which will start the Nation's most historic bell ringing again after a silence of almost 100 years. It is proposed to have the bell strike 13 times, once for each of the thirteen original States. According to noted Philadelphia historians, the last ringing of the bell was on July 8, 1835, in honor of the funeral services of John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, who died in Philadelphia on July 6, 183 5. While the bell was being solemnly tolled it suddenly cracked. An attempt was made to repair it in 1846 for the celebration of Washington's Birthday cere- monies, but this attempt failed. It is believed, however, that while the cracked bell will not give forth its once 374 Washington Bicentennial famous clarion notes, it will, nevertheless, ring suffi- ciently loud to be heard by all radio listeners, if it is tapped 13 times on the anniversary of Washington's birth next year. Before it cracked, the Liberty Bell had lived a life of 82 useful years and had become one of the most famous bells in the world. All through the Revolutionary War the Liberty Bell was used for the purpose of calling together the inhabitants of the city to learn news from the battle fields. At one time during the war, how- ever, it became necessary to remove the bell hastily from its fastenings and take it out of the city. This exciting event took place on September 18, 1777, when the news came that the British Army was about to occupy Phila- delphia. The bell was carefully loaded on a wagon and conveyed along with the heavy baggage of the Ameri- can Army in a supply train of 700 wagons, guarded by 200 North Carlina and Virginia Cavalry, to Allen- town, Pa., where it was hidden in Zion's Church until June 27, 1778, when it was taken back to Philadelphia and again placed in Independence Hall. Never from that time until 1835 did anything of importance happen that was not announced by the ringing of this historic bell. It was joyously rung when the news came of the surrender of Cornwallis to Gen- eral Washington, which ended the Revolution. The old bell is reverently preserved. It stands on the ground floor of Independence Hall, where it is viewed daily by thousands of visitors from all sections of this country. The Liberty Bell has been a great traveler in its day. In fact, it has seen more of the United States than a News Releases 375 vast majority of the people. In addition to its war- time trip to Allentown, it has made the following peace- time journeys: July 23, 1885: To New Orleans for the World's In- dustrial and Cotton Exposition. July 25, 1893: To the World's Columbian Exposi- tion at Chicago. October 24, 1895: To the Cotton States and Atlantic Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. January 6, 1902: Interstate and West India Exposi- tion, Charleston, S. C. June 15, 1903: Bunker Hill Celebration, Boston, Mass. June 15, 1904: Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, Mo. October 23, 1913: Historical Street Parade, Founders' Week Celebration, Philadelphia, Pa. July 4, 1915: To the Panama-Pacific Exposition at San Francisco, Calif. George Washington very often heard the ringing of the Liberty Bell, due to the fact that he spent more time in Philadelphia than in any other place, except his home State of Virginia. He first went there as a member of the Continental Congress. His next official visit was as the presiding officer of the convention which framed our Constitution. His longest stay in the City of Brotherly Love was as President of the United States from 1790 to 1797. The history of the Liberty Bell, even before the American Revolution, is an interesting one. In the year 1751 the Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania 376 Washington Bicentennial decided that the State House at Philadelphia (Inde- pendence Hall) needed a new bell. A resolution was passed instructing the superintendents of the building to secure one. The superintendents, Isaac Norris, Thomas Leech, and Edward Warner, wrote the follow- ing quaint letter to Robert Charles, the colonial agent at London: "Respected Friend, Robert Charles: "The Assembly having ordered us (the Superinten- dents of the State House) to procure a bell from Eng- land to be purchased for their use, we take the liberty to apply ourselves to thee to get us a good bell, of about two thousand pounds weight, the cost of which we assume may amount to one hundred pounds, sterling, or perhaps with the charges something more. "We hope and rely on thy care and assistance in this affair, and that thou wilt procure and forward it by the first good opportunity, as our workmen inform us it will be much less trouble to hang the bell before the scaffolds are struck from the building where we intend to place it, which will not be done 'till the end of next summer or beginning of the fall. "Let the bell be cast by the best workmen, and ex- amined carefully before it is shipped, with the following words, well shapen in large letters round it, viz: " 'By order of the Assembly of the Province of Penn- sylvania for the State House in the City of Philadel- phia, 1752/ "And underneath: 'Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof. — Lev. XXV. 10/ News Releases 377 "As we have experienced thy readiness to serve this province on all occasions, we desire it may be our excuse for this additional trouble, from thy assured friends, "Isaac Norris "Thomas Leech "Edward Warner "Let the package for transportation be examined with particular care and the full value insured thereon." The careful directions by the superintendents were duly carried out by the colonial agent at London. The bell was cast by Thomas Lister, of Whitechapel, Lon- don, and reached Philadelphia in August, 1752. It, however, was not a success. When placed on trusses in the State House yard for a trial ringing it was soon cracked. An American firm was now given a chance to see what it could do in the way of producing a satisfac- tory bell. The name of this firm was Pass & Stow, "two ingenious workmen" of Philadelphia. These two young men broke up the English-made bell, melted the mate- rial, added an ounce and a half of American copper to each pound of the old metal to make it less brittle, and recast it with all the original inscriptions on it, with the exception of the substitution of their own names for that of the London manufacturer and the date and place of manufacture. Certain defects made a second casting necessary. The bell as it now stands is the result of this second casting. The bell is considerably larger than most people imagine, it being 12 feet in circumference and with a clapper 3 feet 2 inches long. 378 Washington Bicentennial The early official ringers of this famous bell were Edward Kelly, from 1753 to 1755; David Edward, from 1755 to 1758; and Andrew McNair, from 1758 to 1776. It was McNair who had the honor of ringing the bell announcing the Declaration of Independence. Richard Henry Lee's Independence Resolution January 20, 1931, marks the one hundred and ninety- ninth anniversary of the birth of Richard Henry Lee, a leading statesman of America during and after the Revolutionary War, and a close personal friend of George Washington. It was Lee's famous resolution, introduced in Con- gress on June 7, 1776, that paved the way for the Decla- ration of Independence. His address to the people of British America, and the second address to the people of Great Britain, were also considered among the most effective papers of the time. In accordance with instructions given by the Virginia House of Burgesses, Lee introduced in Congress, the fol- lowing resolutions: (1) "That these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be totally dissolved;" (2) "that it is expedient to take the most effectual measures for forming foreign alliances," and ( 3 ) "that a plan of confederation be prepared and trans- mitted to the respective colonies for their consideration and approbation." After debating the first of these resolutions for three days, Congress resolved that further considerations News Releases 379 should be postponed until the first of July; but that a committee should be appointed to prepare a declara- tion of independence. The illness of Lee's wife pre- vented him from being a member of the committee, but his first resolution was adopted on the 2nd of July; and the Declaration of Independence, drafted princi- pally by Thomas Jefferson, was officially adopted two days later. Lee spent many years of his life as a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses and as a delegate from the old Dominion State to the Continental Congress. He distinguished himself both as an orator and statesman in both bodies. From 1784-86, he served as president of the Congress. When the Federal Constitution came up for ratifi- cation in the Virginia Legislature, Lee opposed it. In the bitter fight which ensued Lee sided with Patrick Henry against George Washington, James Madison, John Marshall, and other advocates of a strong federal government. Lee and Patrick Henry both fought the document on the grounds that it would infringe ma- terially on the independent powers of the several States. When Lee's side lost and the Constitution was ratified, he accepted the nomination for United States Senator with the hope of bringing about amendments to the Constitution which would limit the power of the United States Government. It was Richard Henry Lee, as Sen- ator from Virginia, who was responsible for the now famous Tenth Amendment which, in substance, re- served to the States, all power not specifically granted to Congress. As time went on, Lee became a warm supporter of 380 Washington Bicentennial Washington's administration, and his prejudices against the Constitution were largely removed. Although Lee was often on the other side of the po- litical fence, he was one of Washington's closest friends. He was a frequent guest at the Washington home and was one of the very few men who was really on intimate terms with the Father of his Country. Richard Henry Lee received an academic education in England and returned to Virginia in 1752, having come into possession of a fine estate left him by his father. When twenty-five years old, he was appointed Justice of the Peace of Westmoreland County. In the same year, he began his long and distinguished career in the Virginia House of Burgesses. Richard Henry Lee early allied himself with the Pa- triotic or Whig element in Virginia, and in the years immediately preceding the Revolutionary War was con- spicuous as an opponent of the arbitrary measures of the British ministry. In 1768 in a letter to John Dick- inson, of Pennsylvania, he suggested a private corre- spondence among the friends of liberty in different colo- nies, and in 1773 he became a member of the Virginia Committee of Correspondence. His distinguished services in Congress and in the Sen- ate mark him as one of the outstanding Americans of the eighteenth century. He retired from public life in 1792 and died at Chantilly, in Westmoreland County, on June 19, 1794. French Colonial Patriots To attempt to measure how much we Americans owe to France for the Independence of the United News Releases 381 States would be like trying to estimate the inestimable. The value of the help that France gave to the Ameri- can Colonies at the most critical period of their exist- ence — when that great question was being determined whether they would remain a chastised portion of the British Empire, and whether George Washington and his compatriots would be adjudged traitors or the patri- otic founders of a new Nation — can never be measured. What would have happened to the English Colonies in America, if France had not taken the part of the Americans with her friendship, her gallant army and her powerful fleet, no one is qualified to state. It is practically certain, however, that the Revolution would have been prolonged, and the outcome might possibly have been doubtful. France's help was of two kinds. She sent us volun- teer officers like Lafayette, who had been trained in the art of warfare far beyond anything that had been taught on this continent. Then the French Government de- cided to aid us with a trained army under Count de Rochambeau and with a fleet under Count de Grasse, without which it is probable Cornwallis and his Euro- pean veterans could have escaped across the narrow waters of the York River, and the decisive battle at famous little York town, Va., which practically ended the war, would not have been a victory for General Washington. Few Americans would probably admit that in the end they could not alone have somehow succeeded — as the British say of themselves, "blundered through," — but how and when, and at what cost of money, lives, and territory, no one can say. 382 Washington Bicentennial Let the figures of the Allied Army under General Washington speak for themselves: The besieging army at Yorktown consisted of an American wing and a French wing, both under the com- mand of General Washington as Commander in Chief. Marquis de Lafayette, having come across the Atlantic at his own expense long before France sent an army over to aid us, had been appointed a volunteer officer at once by Congress, even though he was then but a boy less than 20 years old, and at the siege of Yorktown he com- manded the Light Infantry Division of the American wing with the rank of Major General. He was then only 25 years old. The official rolls and registers show that the Conti- nental wing — that is, the American soldiers at the bat- tle of Yorktown, including 3,200 militia who were well known for their bravery but also for inability to with- stand the veteran troops of Europe that composed the British Army — amounted in all to 8,945; while the French wing, under Count de Rochambeau, with the rank of Lieutenant General, totaled 7,800 trained sol- diers. This force was besieging approximately 7,500 British regulars who had seen service on some of the severest battlefields of Europe. That number included some 2,000 German mercenaries, well known for their pro- fessional fighting qualities. The British also had elab- orate earthworks around the towns well manned with guns. These figures, which are not easily accessible in ordi- nary historical works, indicate in a startling manner what might have happened at Yorktown, if Rocham- News Releases 383 beau with his trained French Army had not been there to assist General Washington's Continentals, and the 3,200 militiamen, many of whom were raw recruits. These plain facts show how much the American peo- ple owe to French assistance in winning the battle that virtually gave them independence, especially when it is also taken into consideration that, had not the French fleet of the Count de Grasse bottled up the army of Cornwallis on the water side of the besieged town, the British army could easily have escaped and carried out its previous tactics, leading the army of Washington another merry chase through Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the other Colonies, with no end in sight. It is small wonder that the American troops that went to France in 1917 to help the Allies after the World War had been going on since August, 1914, had the name of Lafayette on their lips. To them Lafayette repre- sented the French help in the Revolution, because La- fayette was a romantic figure, and then, too, General Washington loved him and treated him as a son. Later, when Lafayette had a son of his own, he named him George Washington Lafayette, so close was the bond of friendship between the two men. When Lafayette visited the United States for the last time in 1824 — an old man, 77 years of age — he traveled through all parts of the Republic that he did so much to found, and he was given ovations such as had never before been equaled and seldom, if ever, have been equaled since, in this country. Unashamed, the veteran felt the tears roll down his face as he visited Mount Ver- non with his son — the home of his once beloved Gen- 384 Washington Bicentennial eral — and other places that he remembered so well, but which had already begun to take on the semblance of more civilized and closely built communities. To Amer- ica Lafayette on that visit represented all that was friendly to Americans in France and his name will al- ways be one to conjure with in the United States. But it is the story of the gallant army of Count de Rochambeau, and the timely arrival of the fleet of Count de Grasse that must not be forgotten in telling of the real aid that France as a Nation gave to the Colo- nies struggling to become a Nation. It was not hatred of the English that brought French- men into the American War of Independence. It was love of liberty. Although still a monarchy, France was on the brink of the French Revolution, the catch words of which were "liberty and equality." That is the reason largely why Benjamin Franklin was given such splendid receptions as the envoy of the new Republic in France — that, and his own unique and winning per- sonality. Many eager and able young Frenchmen went with Rochambeau when the King placed him at the head of the army that was to go to the other side of the At- lantic and fight for liberty — as J. J. Jusserand, recently and for so many years the popular Ambassador from France to the United States, put it — "Brothers in Arms" with the American Colonists. Volumes are required to tell in detail all of the ex- ploits in America of Rochambeau and his men, of La- fayette and other Frenchmen, including Maj. Pierre Charles L'Enfant, the brilliant French army engineer, who, under the supervision of General, then President, News Releases 385 Washington, drew the plans for Washington City, the Capital of the Nation — plans that are still being fol- lowed and are today making it one of the most beautiful capitals in the world. Rochambeau, after several successful campaigns in Europe, was sent in 1780 to help the American Colo- nists against the English. He was given 6,000 French troops and the rank of Lieutenant General. Landing at Newport, R. I., July 10, he was held there inactive for a year, owing to his reluctance to abandon the French fleet, which at that time was blockaded by the British in Narragansett Bay. In the next July Rochambeau joined Washington on the Hudson. That September the celebrated march of the combined forces began to the Virginia peninsula, where they formed a junction with the troops of La- fayette. General Washington decided upon this fa- mous movement when he learned that the French fleet under Count de Grasse was sailing for Chesapeake Bay and would be able to aid the army in the autumn. The result was the surrender of the British under Cornwallis at Yorktown, near the mouth of the York River, Va. 5 October 19, 1781, just 150 years ago next October. This surrender, which brought about peace, will be celebrated at a sesquicentennial celebration at Yorktown in October, 1931, which will be in a measure a fore- runner of the great bicentennial celebration of Wash- ington's birth that will begin February 22, 1932. Throughout the entire campaign Rochambeau dis- played admirable spirit, placing himself entirely under General Washington's command and handling his troops as a part of the American Army. Congress was so much 386 Washington Bicentennial impressed with the value of his services that it voted him and his troops the thanks of the Nation and pre- sented him formally with two cannon taken from the British. On his return to France Rochambeau was loaded with favors by King Louis XVI and was made governor of Picardy. In the French Revolution Rochambeau com- manded the Army of the North in 1790, but resigned two years later. Subsequently he was pensioned by Napoleon Bonaparte, having narrowly escaped the guil- lotine during the Reign of Terror. He died honorably at Thore May 10, 1807. Americans have never for- gotten his great assistance at the birth of their Nation. His statue stands at one corner of Lafayette Square, the beautiful park which faces the White House, in Wash- ington City, residence of the Presidents. The news that Count de Grasse was bringing his fleet to the Chesapeake to help the Colonists spread like wild- fire among the American soldiers and increased their morale tremendously. Their camps were merry with songs and the joy in Philadelphia was manifested by the crowds that passed before La Luzerne, representative of the French Government in the new Republic. He and France were cheered to the echo. "You have," wrote Rochambeau to Admiral de Grasse, "spread universal joy throughout America, with which she is wild." De Grasse, before leaving the West Indies, had great difficulty in obtaining the money needed for the naval campaign, although he offered to mortgage for it his castle of Tilly, and the Chevalier de Charitte, in com- mand of the man-of-war Bourgogne, made a like offer. News Releases 387 At last, with the aid of the Spanish governor of Havana, he obtained the desired amount of 1,200,000 francs. "It can truly be said," wrote the former French Am- bassador to the United States, J. J. Jusserand, in 1916, "that no single man risked more, or did more, for the United States than de Grasse, the single one of the lead- ers to whom no memorial has been dedicated." The chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo- lution located at and near Yorktown, is however, known as the "De Grasse Chapter," which is evidence that the American people never forgot his great services to their country. De Grasse brought more than his ships and sailors. With him came the Marquis de Saint-Simon with 3,000 regular French troops under his command. Marquis de Lafayette, for whom the American people have always had great affection that represents in large measure their love for France, was 19 and a captain of dragoons in France when the English Colonies in Amer- ica proclaimed their independence. "At the first news of this quarrel," he wrote after- ward in his memoirs, "my heart was enrolled in it." Through Silas Deane, then the American representa- tive in Paris, Lafayette arranged to enter the American military service as a major general in December, 1776. At the time that the young marquis was ready to sail for America news was received of grave reverses to the American arms — and even the American envoys, Benja- min Franklin and Arthur Lee, who had superseded Deane, withheld further encouragement, and the French king himself forbade his leaving. But finally, after many vicissitudes, the ardent young 388 Washington Bicentennial soldier and lover of liberty succeeded in evading British ships that had been ordered to capture him and landed at Georgetown, S. C. When this boy of 19 presented himself to Congress at Philadelphia with authority from Deane to demand the highest rank in the Continental Army next to the Commander in Chief, it must be ad- mitted that for a time his reception was somewhat chilly. Appreciating the difficulties of the new Gov- ernment, Lafayette offered to serve without pay and act as a volunteer. So different were these conditions from those asked by some other foreign officers who wanted to serve in the American Army that Congress hesitated no longer, but passed a resolution July 31, 1777, accepting his services, praising his zeal and mak- ing him a major general of the Continental Army. It was next day that the lad met General Washing- ton, whose lifelong friend he became. Congress had in- tended his rank to be purely honorary, but this did not suit the young French officer. In his first battle at Brandywine he showed great courage and was wounded. Soon thereafter Washing- ton gave him what he most desired, the command of a division of troops. He fought in numerous engage- ments and received the thanks of Congress for his brav- ery and zeal. After a mission to France in 1779 on behalf of the Colonies, which consumed about six months, he re- turned to America and was given charge of the defense of Virginia. He borrowed money on his own account to provide necessities for his soldiers. His part in the decisive battle of Yorktown was a very important and an honorable one. Thereafter he obtained leave from News Releases 389 the army and returned to France to use his influence in favor of a general peace, in which the Independence of the United States would be recognized by Great Britain and the other nations of Europe. The dramatic story of Lafayette's part in the events of the French Revolution, his military campaigns in Europe and his five years' confinement in Prussian and Austrian prisons is too well known to require repetition. After his memorable visit to the United States in 1824, he took his seat in the French Chamber of Deputies, a place which he held until his death at Paris, May 20, 1834. Lafayette's services to the United States and the love which the American people bore him is manifested in numerous statues throughout the land and the naming of many towns and cities for him. Like his distinguished father, his son, George Wash- ington de Lafayette, became a soldier and had a dis- tinguished military career in Europe. The French people, like those of so many other coun- tries, have always had a profound admiration for George Washington. On account of the close, father- and-son attitude of Washington and Lafayette, the aid of the French army of Rochambeau and of the French fleet under de Grasse, there has always been a closer relation- ship with France in commemorating George Washing- ton, than in the case of any other foreign nation. When the French Bastille fell — taken by the people at the beginning of the French Revolution — Lafayette sent the key of that notorious old prison as a present to George Washington. "It is a tribute," wrote Lafayette, "which I owe as a 390 Washington Bicentennial son to my adopted father, as an aide-de-camp to my general, as a missionary of liberty to its patriarch." The key — symbol of the downfall of despotism and the rise of freedom in France — is still at Mount Ver- non, where George Washington placed it. Polish Colonial Patriots The names of two great Poles will be associated with the name of George Washington and the founding of the American Republic, as long as history endures. They are: Tadeusz Kosciuszko and Kazimierz Pulaski. Kos- ciuszko was the first of that noted galaxy of foreign officers who volunteered for the cause of the Colonies. Of this noted group, only Pulaski and DeKalb gave their lives in the Revolution. Kosciuszko and Pulaski, while imbued with the same ideals, differed widely in their personalities and in their military specialties. Kosciuszko was a highly trained technician, while Pulaski, although regarded as a mili- tary genius, was more of the dashing type whom men would follow cheerfully to their deaths. Both men are credited, at different times, with saving the American cause. The beginning of the year 1777 was a dark period for the Continental Army. The troops were ill-clad, ill- fed, and had suffered one defeat after another. On top of this it was learned that General Burgoyne was coming down through New York State from the north. Gen. Horatio Gates commanded the American Army of the North. Kosciuszko, who had already demonstrated his ability in the fortification of Philadelphia, was con- News Releases 391 nected with Gates' army as an engineer. Kosciuszko recommended that a battery be placed on the summit of Sugar Loaf Hill. Unfortunately for the Colonial officers, General Gates was relieved of this command, after he had approved the Kosciuszko plan of defense. His successor vetoed the plan, with disastrous results. After the commander who relieved Gates began to sus- pect that he had made a mistake, he sent the same Colo- nel Wilkinson who later carried to Congress the report of the capture of Burgoyne to inspect the defenses. Wil- kinson promptly wrote: "For the love of God let Kos- ciuszko return here, and as quickly as possible." Un- fortunately, this belated recommendation of Kosciusz- ko's plan of defense was too late. The English, already on Lake Champlain, themselves followed Kosciuszko's idea. When Gates was restored to his command, he com- missioned Kosciuszko to devise a plan for the defense of Saratoga and to check the British advance. Kos- ciuszko fortified Bemis Heights. The Americans crushed Burgoyne's force in the Saratoga valley, and hope flamed anew in the hearts of the Colonists. Following this vic- tory at Saratoga, one of the decisive engagements of history, many European powers recognized the inde- pendence of the United States, even though the war had not been concluded. Historians point to Kosciuszko's part in this battle and in the preparation for it as showing his astounding worth to the American forces. A victory by Burgoyne at that time might easily have brought in its train com- plete defeat for the Colonists and might have placed an entirely new face upon subsequent world history. Gen- 392 Washington Bicentennial eral Gates eagerly acknowledged his indebtedness to Kos- ciuszko in his official report to Congress. Kosciuszko's next task was the fortification of the heights of West Point. Radiere, described as an "im- patient, petulant officer," was originally entrusted with the task. He planned it on too large a scale, accom- plished little, and Kosciuszko was dispatched to the scene. The young Polish military engineer made many changes in the original plans and the work was pushed rapidly, to the satisfaction of all. By 1778 Kosciuszko had finished the gigantic task, and military men re- garded West Point as impregnable. The importance of the fortification was that the Hudson River was the only passage by which the British could cooperate with an army from Canada, and General Washington re- garded this position as indispensable. He pointed out that upon its security depended America's chief supplies of flour for the armies. In 1780 Tadeusz Kosciuszko was appointed chief en- gineer of the Army of the South, then commanded by Gen. Nathanael Greene. Greene found this army lacked clothing, food and resources generally. He sent Kos- ciuszko to select a camp site. The Polish engineer picked out a spot at the head of navigation on the Pedee, in fertile country unspoiled by war. There the army rested and discipline and spirits were revived. Kosciuszko retained this post until the end of the war. His duties generally were to survey the field of operations, determine sources of water and food sup- ply, indicate strategic points of defense and attack, and devise means for rapid movement of troops and provi- sions. The difficulties of this assignment may be im- News Releases 393 agined when it is remembered that the army was operat- ing in marshy regions, frequently encountering great swamps. The fighting often of necessity became guerilla warfare, and at those times, despite his rank, the bril- liant young Polish engineer fought with the rest as a common soldier. Kosciuszko was not a soldier of for- tune by any means. He did not present himself to Washington under any assumed title, although that was frequently done at that time. He asked for no rank, demanded no pay. He was given the rank of Colonel- Engineer. Washington termed him "a gentleman of science and merit." Kosciuszko 's will, which he left with his friend Thomas Jefferson on his second and last departure from America, displayed a love of liberty extending to all peoples everywhere. While in Virginia he had seen slavery in all its phases. In his will he evidently fore- saw a broader scope of human freedom in America than that for which he was himself disinterestedly battling in an alien land. The famous Kosciuszko will is re- corded as one of the torches lighting the path of human progress. It follows: "I, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, being just on my departure from America, do hereby declare and direct that, should I make no other testimentary disposition of my property in the United States, I hereby authorize my friend, Thomas Jefferson, to employ the whole thereof in purchasing negroes from among his own slaves or any others, and giving them liberty in my name; in giving them an education in trade or other- wise; in having them instructed for their new condi- tion in the duties of morality, which may make them good neighbors, good fathers and mothers, husbands and 394 Washington Bicentennial wives, in their duty as citizens, teaching them to be de- fenders of their liberty and country, of the good order of society, and in whatsoever may make them happy and useful; and I make the said Thomas Jefferson execu- tor of this. 5th of May, 1798. " (Signed) T. Kosciuszko." After the war closed, on the recommendation of Washington, Kosciuszko was given the rank of Brigadier General for "long, faithful and honorable services." Ranking with the class of officers second only to Wash- ington and Greene, he with others was given a tract of land where the city of Columbus, capital of Ohio, now stands. Tributes and expressions of gratitude too nu- merous to detail were showered upon this foreign hero. Of the many foreign officers who fought in Washing- ton's army, Kosciuszko was one of three selected as a member of the Society of Cincinnati. Kosciuszko returned to his own country and in 1794 led a revolt to try to strike the shackles of alien gov- ernments from his own people, but failed, and spent his declining years, after a second visit to America, in Switzerland. Kazimierz Pulaski came to America with a record of military daring already established in Europe, al- though still a very young man. Before he reached his majority he was a member of the Guard of Duke Charles of Curland. When the Polish throne was vacant, Rus- sian forces moved toward Warsaw, and many Poles re- sented this means of intimidation. They found a leader in Count Joseph Pulaski, who, in 1768, organized the Confederation of Bar, whose object was to vindicate News Releases 395 the sovereign rights of Poland. The armed forces of the Confederation actively opposed the puppet king placed on the throne, but the leader of this revolt, the father of Kazimierz Pulaski, was betrayed by treachery and died in prison in 1769. Young Kazimierz had entered this fight at the age of 20 and on his father's death the chief command de- volved upon him. The forces under Pulaski finally went down to defeat and in 1772 Russia, Austria, and Prus- sia undertook the first partition of Poland. Although he emerged defeated from this long cam- paign, young Kazimierz Pulaski had established an enviable reputation as a soldier and leader of men. Hounded from his own country by alien enemies, Pu- laski sought out Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deane in Paris and engaged to enter the American cause to fight for the freedom denied his own people. A year passed before arrangements could be perfected, but in June, 1777, with Lieut. Col. Kotkowski, another Polish patriot, he sailed for America. Franklin wrote General Washington as follows: "Count Pulaski of Poland, an officer famous throughout Europe for his bravery and conduct in defense of liberties of his country against the three great invading powers of Russia, Austria and Prus- sia, will have the honor of delivering this note to Your Excellency's hands." Pulaski landed at Marblehead on July 23, 1777. When Pulaski first met Washington, the fortunes of the Colo- nists were at a low ebb. New York had been lost the previous year; a series of defeats, desertions and lapsing of enlistments had reduced Washington's forces to a pitiful ragged handful to oppose Lord Howe's army of 396 Washington Bicentennial 30,000 thoroughly equipped and well supplied soldiers. Washington sent a letter introducing Count Pulaski to the Continental Congress, urging that he be given a commission. Delays held up Congressional action, which did not at all suit the dashing Polish officer. Washington's army had gone to meet the enemy, so Pu- laski went also, although having no official standing. Washington wrote Hancock, introducing Pulaski's plan for a mounted corps. Two weeks later, before the letter could be considered by Congress, Count Pulaski received his American baptism of fire at the battle of Brandy- wine, although holding no command or commission. Howe, at the head of 20,000 troops, was marching to capture Philadelphia. Washington drew his poorly equipped and poorly trained men, numbering half as many, across the British advance. Howe and Corn- wallis flanked the Continental army, routing one wing, and forced Washington to retreat. The absence of a mounted force had left Washington in the dark so far as reliable and prompt information of British move- ments was concerned. In this engagement, at a critical time, Washington gave Pulaski command of his own bodyguard of 30 horses. Although this was a pitifully inadequate weapon, with his small detachment Pulaski charged the oncoming British, retarded their advance and checkmated an effort to cut off the American ave- nue of retreat and capture the American baggage. Four days after this, Congress named Pulaski "Commander of the horse, with the rank of Brigadier." In short, this dashing young Polish fighter was the first American chief of cavalry. Five days after the battle of Brandywine, on Septem- News Releases 397 ber 16, 1777, Pulaski saved the army of Washington from a surprise attack that might have proven disas- trous. Reconnoitering with his cavalry, he found a British army near Warren Tavern. Hastily apprising Washington of the situation, he harassed the enemy, im- peding their progress sufficiently to give Washington time to complete his preparations for battle. Pulaski saw little of the terrible winter at Valley Forge. The last day of 1777 he was ordered to Trenton to establish a camp to instruct and condition the soldiers for the next campaign. The latter part of February of the next year Pulaski with 50 men joined Gen. An- thony Wayne, who had 250 New Jersey militiamen. The combined forces, small though they were in num- bers, were ordered to thwart an attack by which the British planned to secure supplies from Philadelphia. On March 3, 1778, the British were met at Haddon- field, N. J. In this encounter Pulaski's horse was shot dead under him and he personally took seven prisoners. General Wayne, reporting the battle, said that "Pulaski behaved with his usual bravery." Pulaski was dissatisfied with the condition of the cav- alry he commanded, and also with the inadequate at- tention given his pleas for reorganization and strength- ening of this arm of the service. As he also felt the lack of cooperation on the part of some of his officers who objected to a leader relatively unacquainted with English, Pulaski resigned his command in March, 1778. He then requested Washington and the Continental Congress to permit him to organize an independent force which became famous later as the "Pulaski Le- gion." To the credit of the Continental Congress, it 398 Washington Bicentennial adopted a resolution retaining for Count Pulaski his rank of Brigadier General and giving him the permis- sion he desired. The next month Pulaski opened a recruiting office in Baltimore and by July of 1778 had raised, organized, and disciplined an independent corps made up of three companies of cavalry and three of infantry. The officers were chiefly Polish and French. Pulaski's Legion served as the model upon which General Lee's independent le- gions were organized in the following century during the Civil War. The famous banner made for his legion by the Moravian Nuns is still preserved by the Mary- land Historical Society of Baltimore. Far from seeking to enhance his own fortunes at the expense of the struggling Colonists, Pulaski spent a great deal of his own money in raising and equipping his own legion. Addressing Congress in September, 1778, he said he had expended at least $16,000 of his own money. This was only a few months after the in- dependent corps began its existence. Later Captain Baldesquin, paymaster of the Legion, told Congress Pulaski had spent for it at least $50,000 of his own money. In the fall of 1778 the Legion took the field, its first operations being at Egg Harbor, N. J., to pro- tect a privateer base. The infantry portion of the Le- gion was surprised there by the British on October 15, and Lieut. Col. Baron DeBose, a Pole, was slain. Pu- laski's cavalry rescued the infantry and drove back the invaders. After further service in Minisink region in New Jer- sey, Pulaski, with part of his force moved South, reach- ing Charleston, S. C, on May 8. Three days later the News Releases 399 remainder of the Legion arrived. The same day a Brit- ish force under General Provost crossed the Ashley River with 900 men and was sharply attacked by Pulaski's men. This engagement was of little importance except for the fact that this prompt and bold attack greatly raised the spirits of the people and inspired the inex- perienced troops then in the city with confidence. When the governor and council of Charleston were ready to surrender the city to the British, Pulaski, sec- onded by General Moultrie and Colonel Laurens, per- suaded them to reject the plan and that same night Gen- eral Provost retreated across the river, having learned that General Lincoln was marching toward Charleston with a force of 4,000 men. Savannah was a British stronghold and General Lin- coln intended to besiege it. Count Pulaski and General Mcintosh preceded the main army, to attack and harass British outposts. The siege of Savannah started Sep- tember 16, with Count d'Estaing with a French fleet aiding the siege from the sea. The French commander finally requested that the city be attacked by storm, to which plan General Lincoln consented after some hesitation. Accordingly, on October 9 the order went forth that the British ramparts were to be stormed. The cavalry of the French and the Americans was com- manded by Pulaski. He was to charge the embattle- ments and the infantry were ordered to storm the right of the British line. The well laid plans went wrong due to the treachery of an American soldier who deserted after the orders were announced. Consequently enemy troops were massed at point of attack and deadly fire repulsed the 400 Washington Bicentennial assailants. Count d'Estaing tried to advance directly across a swamp, but a deadly cross-fire wrought havoc among his men. Seeing the confusion and knowing that something had gone wrong with the plans, Pulaski, at the head of his cavalry, dashed to reinforce and en- courage the French, at the same time hoping to find an opening through which he could slip to the rear of the British. Riding through a withering flame of enemy shells, he was struck in the groin and fell to the ground mortally wounded. The heroic Polish commander was carried away by his own soldiers, placed on the American brig Wasp under the care of skilled French surgeons. However, gangrene had set in and two days later, on October 11, 1779, he was buried at sea. When the Wasp sailed into Charles- ton harbor with her flag at half mast and it became known that the gallant Pulaski was dead, the city went into general mourning. High honors were paid to the memory of the dashing cavalryman by the city, the State, and the Continental Congress. Thus ended, at the age of 31 years, the career of a gallant soldier who had made himself an heroic figure both in America and in Europe. On the 150th anniversary of the siege of Savannah, October 9-11, 1929, nation-wide tribute was paid to the memory of this fighter for freedom. President Hoover and the Congress of the United States designated a committee to head the national observance of the an- niversary of Pulaski's death, and cities and States from coast to coast united in paying the highest honors to the memory of this distinguished Pole who laid down News Releases 401 his life in the cause of the American Independence led by George Washington. German Colonial Patriots The part played by the Germans both in the Colo- nial wars and in the War of the Revolution is notable, not alone in the fact that practically all Germans liv- ing in America were loyal to the cause of American In- dependence, and that in the matter of bravery, disci- pline and military knowledge they contributed to sup- ply the important deficiencies that the Continental Army so sadly lacked, but the German element in all of the Colonies represented a solid leadership that gave confidence to the general public. The French and Indian War constituted the great school of military training for the Colonies. It was the experience gained in these operations that furnished the training and the skill which were the bases of Wash- ington's qualifications for military leadership and for the thousands of Colonists who, at one time or another, were brought into this service. It is true there existed in the Colonies a large number of German Sectarians — Mennonites, Quakers, Dunkards, Seventh-Day Baptists, and others whose religion forbade the use of arms. They, like the English Quakers, rep- resented the spirit of non-resistance which brought much suffering upon the frontier settlers during the French and Indian Wars. But if these religious groups did not bear arms, they were nevertheless beneficient cooperators in the cause of American Independence through generous money contributions and the willing 402 Washington Bicentennial payment of extra taxes imposed upon them in lieu of military service. The splendid achievements of the Germans of the Mohawk Valley in their resistance to the hostile advances of the French and Indian allies in the frontier campaigns is an epic in heroism and achievement. These opera- tions were under the direction of that staunch and courageous man, General Herkimer, and no other cam- paign in all the long list of Colonial exploits rivals for sheer heroism these engagements of the Germans of that great Valley. In like manner the large German population of the Valley of Virginia rose in militant defense of the cause of liberty. I can not let this occasion pass without ref- erence to that dramatic and effective gesture that was made by Peter Muhlenberg, the militant preacher of Woodstock, Va. He was most active in all the affairs of the Colonists in relation to the growing spirit of lib- erty, and it was his last sermon at Woodstock in Janu- ary, 1776, that Muhlenberg ended his sermon which was notable, by declaring that "there was a time for preaching and praying, but also a time for battle, and that such a time had now come." He pronounced the benediction, then threw off his clerical robes and be- hold, minister no more, he stood in the uniform of a Colonel of the Continental Army. As he slowly de- scended from the pulpit the drums were beaten outside the church for the mustering of soldiers in the cause of freedom. Four hundred men responded to that call. Colonel Muhlenberg served throughout the war with great distinction and effect. It is an interesting fact that the great State of Pennsylvania, of which Peter News Releases 403 Muhlenberg was a native, so signally honored his mem- ory as to give to him one of the two places assigned that State in Statuary Hall of the National Capitol. This beautiful marble statue depicts Muhlenberg in the act of throwing off his clerical robes and stepping from the pulpit, a Colonel of the Revolutionary Army. Let us consider, for a moment, the case of a more humble, but none the less patriotic man, one Christopher Ludwig, of Philadelphia, an aggressive patriot. He was a baker, but was early made a member of the "Powder Committee" and did effective work. When Governor Mifflin made a motion in a Philadelphia mass meeting that a collection be taken for the purchase of arms and ammunition and several voices were heard in opposi- tion, Ludwig rose and said in broken English: "Mr. President, I am of course only a poor gingerbread baker, but write me down for two hundred pounds." Later, after he had served energetically on the "Powder Com- mittee," he was put in charge of all the baking of the entire army. It was demanded of him that he furnish 100 pounds of bread for every 100 pounds of flour. "No," said he, "Christopher Ludwig does not wish to become rich by the war. He has enough. Out of one hundred pounds of flour one gets one hundred and thirty-five pounds of bread and so many will I give." Immediately after the surrender of Yorktown, Ludwig was ordered to bake bread for the army of Cornwallis. Ludwig baked 6,000 pounds of bread in one day. After it was discovered that treachery existed in the troops immediately surrounding the person of George Washington, it was decided to form a bodyguard for him, and this bodyguard was made up almost exclu- 404 Washington Bicentennial sively of Germans. Later Washington paid a signal tribute to these guardsmen for their fidelity and their courage. Before considering the outstanding services of Baron Steuben, I would like to recall the names of only some of that luminous list of heroes of the German race, whose services and sacrifices are written brilliantly upon the scroll of America's roll of fame. In the Valley of Virginia there were such men as H. M. Muhlenberg and his son Peter, before mentioned, Schlatter, and in Pennsylvania there were a few German Tories, but practically the whole mass of the great German element in that State were sympathetic with the cause of free- dom. Among the Philadelphia leaders mention has been made of the picturesque Christopher Ludwig. There were Schlosser, Engel, Hillegas, Hubley, Barge, Ross, Ferree, Slough, Erwin, Schultz, Potts, Kuchlein, Arndt, Weitzel, Hasenclever, Melcher, Wagner, and scores of others. In Georgia there were John Stirk, John Adam Treutlen, Jacob Waldhauer, John Fieri, and Christopher Cramer. Others leaders of the South were Samuel Stirk, William Holsendorf, and John Stork, who were officers under Wayne. There were several German battalions, commanded by German officers, and in almost every regiment there were entire companies of Germans, who acquitted them- selves in a manner that found commendation at the hands of General Washington. Of all the distinguished foreigners who aided the American cause none did more real service than Baron von Steuben, the drillmaster of the American forces. In the words of Hamilton: "He benefited the country News Releases 405 of his adoption by introducing into the army a regular formation and exact discipline, and by establishing a spirit of order and economy in the interior adminis- tration of the regiments." He had had long and arduous training in many Prussian campaigns and as aide of Frederick the Great. When on a visit to Paris he found a stirring atmosphere of sympathy with the American cause. He met many persons who were fired by enthusiasm, and finally had a talk with Benjamin Franklin, who was then in Paris representing the Colonies. Steuben was, perhaps, the greatest profes- sional soldier of his time. That he chose to give up his promising connections, his large income, and chances of advancement in Europe to come to America and enlist as a volunteer "for any duty which the Com- mander in Chief might assign him," and for no other pay than his actual expenses, speaks most eloquently of his love of liberty and devotion to the American cause. It happened that no greater need existed in the American Army than that which von Steuben could and did supply. The Americans were, for the most part, wholly inexperienced in military affairs. They were merely groups of patriots, undrilled, badly armed, almost unclothed, and utterly unfit to meet the cream of the British veterans. It was indeed a pitiful "army" that von Steuben saw when he came here. As one com- mentator put it, it was merely a "disspirited mob, with- out cohesion or discipline." The army was at the lowest ebb. Washington was at Valley Forge with little more than 5,000 effective men, and these poorly armed and clothed in rags. But Steuben saw possibilities in these men. He at once took charge and "created an army 406 Washington Bicentennial out of a mob, transferred farmers and tradesmen into soldiers," so that after infinite patience and the hardest kind of work, the American Army finally emerged from under his hand an organized, disciplined, and mobile body. His service can not be overpraised. Not only did he drill, drill, drill these men, but he effected economies that saved vast sums of money. One instance of the latter service will illustrate the point. The war office, instead of having to count upon an annual loss of from five to eight thousand muskets, could enter upon its records in one year of Steuben's inspectorship only three muskets missing, and even these three were accounted for. At Yorktown Steuben was the only American officer who had ever been present at a siege. His experience was of great value. He was actually in command at the time that overtures for surrender were made and when the enemy's flag was lowered. During the last two years of the war the discipline of the regular Amer- ican troops could well be compared to that of European soldiery. After the war von Steuben continued to serve this country in placing its military establishment upon a firm foundation. "If," says the Historian Faust, "men are classed according to their services, no one in the military history of the Revolution, after Washington and Greene, stands so high as Steuben." Another of the great fighting generals that Germany supplied in the Revolutionary forces was John Kalb, referred to as Baron de Kalb. He was a Bavarian and born soldier. He was employed as secret agent of the French Government in 1768 to inspect the condition of News Releases 407 the English Colonies. After his return to Europe he married a wealthy Dutch lady. Nevertheless, he de- cided to come to America again with Lafayette in 1777. He offered his services to Congress, saying that he would be willing to take any employment that General Wash- ington might give him. He rose rapidly because of his great ability. Indeed, fate seemed to have taken a hand in the languishing affairs of the Colonies, and for each particular need there arose a man fully qualified to meet it. In time of stress and dire necessity no men per- formed more heroically or were their performances more timely than those of the Germans. We in America to- day are proud to do them that high honor to which their noble and unselfish deeds entitle them. The Swedes in the American Revolution The observance next year of the two hundredth an- niversary of the birth of George Washington should appeal to all the people in the United States because it has been planned that this be a people's celebration. This celebration will be taken to the people — a procedure dif- fering from that of the usual celebration. To this end there has been no provision for a national exposition or any other similarly spectacular and localized display. The purpose behind the entire program is to create in the hearts of everyone who enjoys the liberty which pre- vails in this Nation, a greater appreciation for George Washington, the ideals typified in him and the ines- timable service he rendered in establishing the inde- pendence and prosperity of the United States. To direct and effect suitable plans for this nation-wide observance, the Congress of the United States created 408 Washington Bicentennial the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission. Actuated by the motive stated above, this Commission has constantly stressed the ideals involved and has prepared a great program entirely in harmony with the instructions of Congress to create adequate plans for the event in 1932. The projects now au- thorized and under way are designed for the participa- tion of every individual and every State, city and town in the country. George Washington belongs to all Americans whether native born or adopted. The country which he founded is now made up of men and women who themselves have come here from other countries, or whose ancestors, immediate or remote, left the lands of their birth to make homes in America. Among the finest citizens of the United States to- day are descendants of those hardy Vikings whose dis- covery of this continent antedated by several hundred years the journey and exploration made by the immortal Columbus. However, the first Swedish people who came to settle in America did not arrive until 1638 when New Sweden, a little colony on the Delaware, was es- tablished under the direction of Peter Minuit. The descendants of these people, together with those of later immigrants, have contributed many notable names to America's history. Among the heroes of the American Revolution were men who left their own homes to fight for the inde- pendence of a foreign country. The Frenchmen, Poles, Irish, and Germans who served in this manner have long been celebrated and acclaimed, but the Swedish volun- teers in the conflict have been neglected or confused News Releases 409 with the French. It was perhaps only natural that the identity of the Swedes should be lost in the forces of France, for it was under the flag of that country that most of them served. Many times the names of the Swedish officers were changed by the French, and this only added to the confusion. Despite the scrambled condition of old records, re- cent investigations have revealed the fact that Sweden contributed many officers to the French expeditionary forces during the Revolutionary War. Most of these men served in the navy, and that is perhaps another reason why they have not been given the recognition to which they are entitled; for only in the land service could a man hope for advancement and distinction. No foreigner could legally command a warship in the French service, and the Colonies had no navy of their own in which merit might be rewarded, previous to the Revolutionary War. In the army it was different. Here the Colonies had rank and position to offer, and many foreign officers secured enviable commissions in the Continental army. Those few who did enter the naval service deserve to be commended for their willing participation in a branch in which the subordinates of John Paul Jones and other naval heroes did not secure high rank. Although the army afforded the means for the more spectacular service, the successes which were won on land might never have been secured had it not been for the French navy. It has been the custom to narrow the entire Revolution to the battles which were fought on the American continent, but while these were cer- tainly important factors in the final outcome, it must 410 Washington Bicentennial not be supposed that the great conflict was confined to this restricted theater. Much of the foreign aid which the Colonies received was obtained through the French navy, which was re- sponsible for conveying men and supplies across the ocean to America. Whenever a British battleship was captured, disabled or sunk in any part of the world, the loss reduced by just that much England's chances to dominate the sea. Thus many of the Swedish officers who never saw Amer- ican soil, rendered no less heroic and valuable service than did other foreigners who participated in the im- portant military campaign in the Colonies. Something of the importance of the naval engagements is shown by the fact that the victory which de Suff ren won from the British in Far Eastern waters at the time peace ne- gotiations were being conducted in Paris, contributed not a little toward the favorable terms upon which peace was finally concluded. When France became the avowed ally of the Colonies and openly arrayed herself against England, the French were besieged with requests from other governments for commissions in the army destined for America. All these applications could not be accepted, but the French king did want men for his navy, as was indicated by a letter from the Swedish Minister at the court of Louis to his monarch, Gustavus III. This epistle states that Swedish naval officers "have distinguished themselves in such a marked way and shown such evident talent that they are eagerly sought, by preference, in all fields of naval activity." The fact that several of these Swedes who served in the Revolution later became admirals in News Releases 411 the Swedish navy may be taken as an indication of their abilities. Besides the assistance rendered the Colonies by these Swedish officers, there was the unofficial aid given by Sweden herself. Some historians have held that the geographical position of that nation proved the most serious obstacle to her entrance into the Revolution as an ally of France and America. As it was, the ships of the Colonies, whether privateers, warships or freight- ers, were allowed the use of Swedish ports, where they frequently sought shelter or refreshment. This assist- ance was valuable to the Americans, not only because of the material good enjoyed directly by the crews of these ships, but also because of the effect it produced on Great Britain. Despite Sweden's strong friendship for France, Swedish neutrality had to be maintained, al- though it was merely nominal most of the time. Swe- den was the first neutral country to recognize the inde- pendence of the United States, and, on April 3, 1783, signed a treaty of amity and commerce with the new Nation. In addition to the assistance which the Colonies re- ceived through these channels, there was the not incon- siderable factor which was supplied by the presence in the Continental Army, under the command of George Washington and his generals, of officers and men who were descendants of the Swedes of Delaware. Although it is difficult to fix definitely the nationality of many of these soldiers, yet there can be no reasonable doubt that the Swedish Americans furnished proportionately as many patriot volunteers as did any other group in the country at that time. A research conducted re- 412 Washington Bicentennial cently by a professor of a prominent university has dis- closed the fact that unmistakably Swedish names are noticably absent from the lists of deserters which were published by the newspapers during the Revolution. From all records now accessible, it appears that about 70 Swedish officers took some part in the American Revolution. The majority of these saw service in the United States or in North American waters. One of these, Count von Fersen, distinguished himself as an aide to Rochambeau, and took an active and responsible part in the preparations for the siege at Yorktown. This young nobleman, together with his countryman, Col. Curt von Stedingk, later made a count, were elected to the Order of the Cincinnati, of which society George Washington was the first president. Alongside these illustrious names are those of many Swedes who served in lesser capacities but whose contributions entitle them to recognition. Among these are Baron von Fock who distinguished himself at Yorktown; Baron Nordensk- jold, who participated in the siege at Savannah and later became vice admiral in the Swedish Navy; Magnus Dan- iel Palmquist, who fought at Pensacola and Yorktown; Carl Raab, killed at Savannah, and many more who can not here be named for lack of space. Among the descendants of the early Delaware Swedes who figured prominently in the Revolutionary War are John Hanson, president of Congress in 1781, and John Morton, signer of the Declaration of Independence. It was Hanson's signature, with that of Daniel Carroll, on the Articles of Confederation which put that docu- ment into effect in 1781. Oddly enough, it was John Morton who later cast the vote which made the neces- News Releases 413 sary majority in the Pennsylvania delegation for the Declaration of Independence. He placed his own name on that immortal instrument and earned for his State the soubriquet "Keystone State." Later, while Hanson was "President of the United States in Congress As- sembled," it became his duty to felicitate General Wash- ington on behalf of his country directly after the Brit- ish surrender at Yorktown. These facts indicate that Swedish subjects and de- scendants of Swedish immigrants to this country par- ticipated in a commendable manner in the American Revolution — that great struggle to which George Wash- ington gave his best, and to which the United States owes its freedom. That the achievements of the Swedish officers were less spectacular and not of as momentous consequence as those of some other participants, is agreed. The Swedes were men of valor and ability who contributed to the American cause all that was possible under the circumstances, and the Swedish people today may well be proud of the records made by their coun- trymen. Irish Colonial Patriots Throughout America, in the Colonial Wars and in the War of the Revolution, the Irish displayed a most notable and courageous loyalty in their fight for Amer- ican independence. The first of the Irish to reach America came over in 1621, landing in Massachusetts. In later periods, up until 1718, they came in scattered but large groups and thence on and during the War of the Revolution. Many of them found their way into the New England States, 414 Washington Bicentennial into Pennsylvania, and the Middle States, and then into the South. The American Colonies were almost wholly planted with the Irish as they came from Ulster. The disastrous circumstances of Irish history continued to drive great bodies of them to America to seek a home and to fight for the cause of liberty. Many of these Irish had military training and had seen service in other countries, which made them a valuable aid to the cause. The Irish from their circumstances were a very military body. They were eminently brave and susceptible to discipline. Records show that they furnished much of the military skill and training so badly needed at that time. It was generally conceded that the army of General Washington was at least 40 per cent Irish. One of the significant facts of the Revolutionary War is that the French and Irish troops sent here came upon their own request. The Irish regiments in the French Army, and more particularly the ones under command of Count Dillon, addressed a petition to the French war office asking to be sent to America to fight their so-called hereditary enemy. The request seems to have been willingly and quickly granted. Their first battle was at the siege of Savannah in 1779, where they fought with much heroism and sacrifice under Count Dillon, who was wounded and refused to leave the field. The Irish through their different societies contributed largely and generously of money in aid of the patriotic cause. So eager were they to fight in the cause of liberty that many large families of 6, 8 and 10 sons went with their father to battle. Conspicuous among these were the 10 sons of Judge Gaston, of the Carolinas. News Releases 415 General Washington, in 1776, expressed grave fear that, in any unfavorable turn in American affairs, the enemy might recruit soldiers faster than the Revolu- tionists. The enemy entertained a like expectation. But in the face of attempts of coercion and bribery, the Irish remained entirely loyal to the new country of their adoption. It was the hope of the enemy to sup- press the rebellion by sowing seeds of disaffection among the American troops. In this they were doomed to disappointment by the large desertion of many of the Irish from their ranks, who joined later the great army of Irish already here. In their native land the Irish manifested much sympathy for the American cause, not only welcoming the American privateers to their seaports and supplying them with provisions, but throwing every obstacle in the way of the enemy in raising troops to fight the American Revolutionists. It is true there existed in the Colonies many of other lands, but a very large part of the rank and file of the patriotic army was of Irish birth or descent. Sev- eral of the more prominent generals were of this blood, while Irish regimental commanders, minor officers, and privates ran well into the thousands. One-fourth of the commissioned officers in the army and navy were Irish or of Irish descent. The first general officer ap- pointed, General Montgomery, was killed in battle; the first officer of artillery; the first commodore commis- sioned, John Barry, to whom the British flag was struck at sea; and the first officer who surprised a fort by land, were all Irishmen. And with such enthusiasm did these emigrants from the Emerald Isle carry on the fight 416 Washington Bicentennial and espouse the cause of liberty that Lord Mountjoy declared in English Parliament, "You lost America by the Irish." The whole history of Irish participation in the Revo- lutionary War is replete with noble deeds, courage, and sacrifices. Commodore John Barry offered his services to Congress at the beginning of the Revolutionary War, giving up at that time one of the finest ships afloat to espouse the cause. He commanded an American cruiser in the first sea capture of the war. So highly creditable did General Washington think this exploit that he received the warmest commendation from him. Barry's conduct won him admiration from friend and foe alike. Sir William Howe, then commander in chief of the British forces, offered the daring officer 20,000 guineas and command of a British frigate if he would desert the service of the American Navy. Barry re- plied: "Not the value and command of the whole British fleet, can seduce me from the cause of my country." Throughout Barry's entire career in the navy his actions were filled with glorious deeds of heroism. Of the first four generals of the army to be appointed by General Washington, two of them were Irish. The first, General Montgomery, fell mortally wounded at the Battle of Quebec; the other, General Sullivan, one of the bravest of them all, fought at the Battle of Long Island, where the Hessians contended desperately against him, telling their men that the Americans would not suffer one of them to live and their sentiment was total extinction. General Wash- ington viewed this battle from the hills in South Brook- lyn and witnessed the slaughter of his troops. Wring- News Releases 417 ing his hands at sight of this, he cried: "Good God, what brave fellows I must this day lose." General Sullivan also participated in the Battles of Brandywine, Germantown, and at Trenton. Right here it would be well to mention that Col. Henry Knox, an Irishman, a warm friend of General Washington, should share equally with General Washington and General Sullivan the glory of Trenton. Colonel Knox also superin- tended bravely the passage of the army of General Wash- ington in the famous crossing of the Delaware River through darkness and floating ice, causing General Washington to enthusiastically refer to Knox as "a man of great military reading, sound judgment, and clear conception, and one of the most valuable officers in the service." The Moores, Rutledges, Jacksons, Polks, Calhouns, and many other able Irishmen distinguished themselves in the Carolinas. They became leaders of high reputa- tion, two of them becoming Presidents of the United States, and the others governors, Senators, and chiefs of the army and navy. Others of the Irish at that time in many sections of the country played important and daring parts in American history — Fitzgerald, Fitz- simmon, Shields, Sheridan, Emmett, O'Connor, Gilmor, Logan, Fulton, Gorman, Geary, Cavanagh, and Lynchs and Moores innumerable — all helped to establish and maintain the American Republic. The splendid achievements of the army at the Battle of Bunker Hill was largely due to the loyal spirit shown by the Irish, who comprised a large part of the Amer- ican Army. Poorly armed, undisciplined, without sup- plies, they took no time to consider chances of success, 418 Washington Bicentennial but rushed eagerly into the fray, without hope of pay for their dangerous service. They were kept together solely by virtuous patriotism. At the Battle of Fort Washington a humble woman, married to a young Virginian, who joined Col. Thomas Proctor's regiment, saw her husband fall in battle. He was killed at his gun. She was serving in the regiment as a volunteer nurse and jumped into his place, and so well did she serve his gun she is said to have caused terrible havoc among the enemy. General Washington at that time had been an interested spectator on the opposite side of the Hudson. Nothing encouraged him more than this gallant deed, and the style in which the troops fought, and that against a much superior force. But when this force was being cut down and bayoneted while begging quarter, he wept like a child. All during the War of the Revolution the women vied with the men in doing their share of the fighting and taking places in the fight for liberty. They, like the men, showed absolute indifference to danger. Virginia produced one of the most eloquent men of the entire Revolutionary period, Patrick Henry, who is entitled to a place of much honor in the part played by the Irish. He was of noble Irish birth and was one of the most powerful influences in the Revolution. His masterly eloquence, his words of fire, found their way into the most remote settlements, giving to the people the confidence they needed. Many credit him today, for the speech he made at the Virginia Conven- tion in March, 1775, with contributing more to inde- pendence than any battle of the Revolution. Foremost among the Irishmen who threw their News Releases 419 influences and fortunes on the side of independence was Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Like all great men, he never put forward his personality except in cases of emergency. While he was in the act of sign- ing the Declaration of Independence he was taunted with the remark that there were so many Carrolls he could sign his name with impunity. Stung by this remark, he immediately signed two additional words, "of Carrollton," after his name, thereby committing his whole life and fortune to the Revolution. Of what more gallant spirits in American annals than Capt. John Brady, the famous scout; Timothy Murphy, who turned the tide of battle at Saratoga; Maj. John Kelley, who destroyed the bridge over Assunpink Creek at the Battle of Trenton, preventing the capture of Washington's Army in its retreat across the Delaware; James Gibbons, who commanded the forlorn hope at the storming of Stony Point; Capt. William O'Neill and his gallant band, who held in check an entire regiment at the Battle of Brandywine. At this battle General Washington tearfully said: "God bless you boys; I thought I should never see you again." Here may be mentioned Matthew Lyon, who was one of the real fathers of this Republic. He helped plant, not only in Connecticut and Vermont, where he first settled, but throughout the Nation, the undying principles of liberty on which the institutions of our country are founded. Probably one of the most daring feats of arms of the Revolution was the release by Sergt. William Jasper, of South Carolina, of 12 American prisoners held by the guard of the enemy. The circumstances surround- 420 Washington Bicentennial ing this exploit were romantic in the extreme, and spoke warmly of the days of chivalry. Sergeant Jasper, being apprised of the capture of these soldiers by a Mrs. Jones, whose husband was among the captured and who was distracted over the incident, so appealed to the heart of this Irish lad, that he immediately took with him a private by the name of Newton and fol- lowed the enemy unarmed towards Savannah. When the enemy stopped at what is now known as Jasper Springs for water, they rested their firearms against the trees. By this time Jasper and Newton had seen them and hit in the brush. When some of them lay down for a rest, Jasper and Newton jumped from the brush, grabbed the guns, killed two with shot, and clubbed two to death with their guns. The others surrendered. He escorted them to the American Army at Purysburg and safely returned Jones to his wife and child. This, with another incident at the Battle of Fort Moultrie, brought Jasper's daring to the attention of the officers. He planted anew the Stars and Stripes after it had been shot from the fort, walking through a veritable hell of fire. This won for him the admiration of officers and his comrades, and inspired the brave defenders with more courage and loftier heroism. He was offered a commission by Governor Rutledge, but Jasper, being a poor scholar and of humble birth, replied: "Nay sir, I am not worthy of the trust, adversity has been my school-master and liberty my only school-mistress; I cannot mingle with those who are superior to my edu- cation and manners without exposing myself to de- served contempt. Let me alone; let me serve my coun- try in the way that suits me best, as an humble and News Releases 421 devoted laborer in the cause of liberty and freedom." Governor Rutledge, very much moved, yielded to this refusal, but presented him with the sword which he wore on his own person. During the latter days of the Revolution, the people of Vermont were deeply agitated by the progress of the enemy. Their Committee of Safety had already sent a most pressing demand on New Hampshire for assist- ance, and most heartily did that State, so largely settled by Irish, respond. The legislature, which had ad- journed, quickly assembled and took decisive steps for the defense of the country. Gloomy prospects pre- vailed, as there was no money in the treasury to raise or support troops and the enemy not many miles away. The forts were even dismantled. John Langdon met the situation when the legislature quickly convened. Arising from his seat, and speaking in a loud voice, he said: "I have three thousand dollars in hard money. I will pledge my plate for three thousand more. I have seventy hogsheads of Tobago rum. I will have the rum sold for what amount it will bring. These are at the service of the State. If we succeed in defending our firesides and our homes, I may be remunerated. If not, the property will be of no value to me. Our old friend, Stark, who so nobly maintained the honor of the State at Bunker Hill, may be safely entrusted with the con- duct of the enterprise, and we will check the progress of Burgoyne." These stirring words were received with acclaim and put new life into the members of the assembly. Gen. John Stark accepted the command of the forces and went in search of the enemy, meeting them close by. 422 Washington Bicentennial He said to his men: "Now, my men, there are the red coats! Before night they must be ours or Molly Stark will be a widow." The conflict was a hot one, Stark inspiring his men with his bravery led them to victory. Glowing through all the pages of American history in the early days of the Revolution are significant incidents of wonderful loyalty and devotion to the cause of Amer- ica. Rev. Dr. Hugh Knox, an Irishman who emigrated to America in 1751, after a few years went to the Island of Nevis, in the West Indies, on a pastoral duty. There he met young Alexander Hamilton. He became inter- ested in the boy, who at that time was almost penniless, due to his father's failure in business. Mr. Knox took him under his charge and personally taught him, and sent him to the schools in New Jersey and New York for further training and education. Hamilton speedily made his mark. Reverend Knox, taking further inter- est, interceded in having him made an aide-de-camp to General Washington. When Franklin gave up hope of the passage of the Stamp Act in 1784, an Irishman by the name of Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Con- gress from its inception to its close, cheered Franklin on and invigorated him with new life. Franklin wrote Thompson on one occasion saying: "The Sun of Liberty is set, and Americans must now light the lamps of In- dustry and Economy." Thompson replied: "Be assured, we shall light torches of another kind." At the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, Lieutenant Wilson, one of the seven sons of Robert Wilson in the American Army, received the surrendered flags. He was a nephew of Captain Gregg, the famous News Releases 423 Irishman, well known in the history of the Mohawk Valley. The surrender at Yorktown brought out vividly the achievements of a fighting race of people, the Irish. Their activities are vivid with deeds of courage, valor, loyalty, and sacrifice. Soon after the close of the war the Irish began to merge with others, who, in common, had ideas of building up a vast nation and immediately began contributing to the common stock of our citizenship. The late President Roosevelt so well said: "The immigrants, from Ireland and those alone, boldly pushed through the settled districts and planted themselves as the advance guard of the conquering civilization on the border of the Indian-haunted wilderness. The Irish people here proved themselves a masterful race of rugged character — a race the qualities of whose womanhood have become proverbial, while its men have the ele- mental, the indispensable virtues of working hard in times of peace and fighting hard in time of war." Jewish Colonial Patriots Upholding the hands of General Washington through the darkest and most discouraging years of the Revolu- tionary War as soldiers, financiers, and diplomats, the Jews in the American Colonies did their full share toward winning the independence of the United States. From the very beginning of the protests against the British Parliament's methods of dealing with the Col- onies, the American Jews were found in great majority on the side of the Colonials. When the contest became keen, and actual war broke out with the mother coun- 424 Washington Bicentennial try, the Jews on this side of the Atlantic were over- whelmingly on the side of the Revolution. As far back as 1765 on the Non- Importation Reso- lutions appear the following names of leading Jewish merchants: Benjamin Levy, Sampson Levy, Joseph Jacobs, Hayman Levy, Jr., David Franks, Matthias Bush, Michael Gratz, Bernard Gratz, and Moses Mordecai. The Jewish communities in America had been the dependent children of English Jewry, but when the break came their patriotism overcame their natural feelings toward their mother community on the other side of the Atlantic. During the Revolutionary War the service of the Jews covered many fields. There were many Jewish soldiers and officers in the Continental Army. They helped to finance the Continental Congress and the great political leaders of those days, often without thought of gain. They joined in the boycott of Eng- lish goods before the war began. Most of the American Jews came from the more educated and wealthier classes, and they furnished a number of efficient officers for Washington's Army. Among these Jewish Continental officers were four lieutenant colonels, three majors, and at least six captains. A few of these Jewish officers were outstanding figures, and received recognition for their services in a more public manner than often falls to the lot of patriots. Maj. Benjamin Nones has been called "the Jewish Lafayette." In 1777 he left France and came to Phila- delphia, enlisting at once in the Revolutionary cause as a volunteer private. He rapidly rose to the rank of an officer and eventually became a major. Major Nones News Releases 425 served on the staffs both of General Lafayette and of General Washington, Commander in Chief of the Con- tinental Army. At a later period in the war, at the head of 400 men, he was attached to the command of Baron de Kalb, in which there were a number of Jews. Three Jews carried de Kalb from the field when he fell. They were Major Nones, Capt. Jacob de la Motta, and Capt. Jacob de Leon. There was a Jewish family named Pinto in Connecti- cut, which had three, and probably four, brothers who took active parts in the Revolution. Abraham Pinto joined as a private Company Y of the Seventh Con- necticut Regiment. Solomon Pinto was a Revolutionary officer, and in the British attack on New Haven he was wounded. In the Revolutionary records William Pinto appears as a volunteer both in 1779 and in 1781. It has not been determined whether these were two different men. There was then a larger proportion of Jews in the South then there is today. The Jews of that section furnished their share of active Jewish soldiers against King George III. A corps of volunteer infantry, com- posed largely of Jews, took the field in Charleston, S. C. The officer in command of these soldiers was Captain Lushington. They saw service later at Beaufort under General Moultrie. One of the outstanding Jewish heroes of the Revolu- tion was Mordecai Sheftal, who was one of the first white children born in the Colony of Georgia. When hostilities began, he organized what was called the Parochial Committee, and as chairman of that body he regulated the internal affairs of Savannah. In July, 426 Washington Bicentennial 1777, Sheftal was appointed commissary general to the colonial troops of Georgia. The British captured Savannah and Sheftal was taken prisoner. He was placed on board one of the terrible prison ships of that period, where more than one patriot met his death. Sheftal was regarded as one of the most "dangerous" rebels by the British authorities. His name in 1780 was placed close to the top of the list of those who were anathematized by the British Government in the Disqualifying Act. Two years later Sheftal was in Philadelphia and the next year he received a grant of land in recognition of his services to the Colonies in the Revolution. Sheftal was active in several fields after the close of the war. He figured prominently in the early history of Freemasonry in the United States. He was one of the founders of the Union Society of Savan- nah, organized in 1786, which was one of Savannah's most representative organizations. Another American Jew who attained considerable rank in the Revolutionary Army was Isaac Franks. He enlisted at the age of 17. He was captured, and after three months made a daring escape. After he had been in the army two years he was made a f oragemaster, and three years after that he was appointed ensign in the Seventh Massachusetts Infantry. Isaac Franks was a friend of General Washington. The General stayed at his house in Germantown when yellow fever broke out in that vicinity in 1793. His portrait was painted by his friend, Gilbert Stuart, and was placed in the Gibson collection of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia. Another member of the same family who rose to News Releases 427 considerable prominence in the Revolution was Maj. David Franks, whose residence was in Montreal. In 1775 he was arrested for "speaking disrespectfully" of King George III. His was one of the names on a list of 29 prisoners, which was sent to the British ministry, "being the principal persons settled in the province who very zealously served the rebels in the winter of 1775-1776 and fled upon their leaving it." Because Maj. David Franks was an aide-de-camp to Benedict Arnold some persons sought to implicate him in Arnold's treachery to the revolutionary cause. He was not only completely exonerated, but was promoted in the public service. Robert Morris sent him in 1781 with dispatches to Jay at Madrid and to Franklin at Paris. Besides taking dispatches to these two famous diplomatic representatives of the colonies in Europe, David Franks on other occasions served the United States as a diplomatic agent in a confidential capacity. The records of the Jewish officers and men on the bat- tlefields of the Revolutionary War show the same energy, bravery, and enthusiasm for the new Nation as that displayed by any other racial group in the colonies. In supplying the sinews of war the aid of the Ameri- can Jews was of enormous value. Many American Jews gave freely to their country in the form of loans and voluntary contributions. One of these was Haym Salo- mon, a Polish immigrant Jew, who never received one penny in compensation for the fortune he generously placed at the disposal of the infant Republic. Haym Salomon was born in 1740 in Lissa, Poland. He had come to the American colonies four years be- fore the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. He was 428 Washington Bicentennial a man of considerable education, speaking a number of languages, including German, French, Italian and Rus- sian, besides his native Polish. In 1776 he was arrested by the British on a charge of espionage, but he managed to escape punishment, and on account of his linguistic accomplishments he was placed in the British Commis- sariat. This position he used to bring about the escape of a number of Americans who had been captured by the British Army. He himself escaped later and went to Philadelphia, where he became associated with Robert Morris, superintendent of finance for the colonies. Ac- cording to the documents afterward submitted to Con- gress he advanced to the Government $658,007.13, which was considered an enormous sum of money for that period, especially when commerce and business was largely prostrated. Salomon did not confine his financial aid to the Gov- ernment as such, but he financed some of the men who played leading parts in the formation of the new Nation. Jefferson, Madison, Lee, Steuben, Monroe, Mercer and others were released by Salomon from the worries of procuring a livelihood at the very time when their serv- ices were most needed by the public. Writing in 1783, Robert Morris declared that many of the Revolutionary leaders would have gone to jail for debt if they had not received financial assistance from private sources. Madison, in a letter written to the Virginia authori- ties, said: "I have for some time been a pensioner in the favor of Haym Salomon, a Jew Broker." Again Madi- son wrote: "The kindness of our little friend in Front Street (Haym Salomon) ... is a fund that will pre- serve me from extramities, but I never resort to it with- News Releases 429 out great mortification, as he obstinately rejects all re- compense." Haym Salomon had a way of giving his help "with equal generosity and delicacy," as one of the men of the time express it. It was the expressed opinion of Henry Wheaton that James Wilson, another of the dele- gates to the Continental Congress, and other men in- strumental in founding the Republic, would have been forced to retire from public service entirely, if they had not been helped in this gracious manner by Salomon. But it was not only Salomon's purse that was avail- able to aid the Republic at this critical time. He placed at the disposal of his adopted country all his financial acumen. It was largely due to his ability that the nego- tiations were successfully completed with France and Holland for war subsidies. The French Government showed the confidence it placed in him by making him treasurer of the French Army which came to the colonies to aid General Washington. He filled this po- sition without compensation. Salomon helped to win the secret support of King Charles III of Spain for the cause of the American colonies through Don Francisco Renton, secret Am- bassador of King Charles, whom he aided for several years. Salomon was the "financial link" between the United States and France. First he was broker to the French consul and afterward became fiscal agent to the French Minister to the United States, Chevalier de la Luzerne. He was also the principal depositor of the Bank of North America. Robert Morris kept a record of the financial trans- actions engaged in by Salomon that enabled the credit 430 Washington Bicentennial of the new Government to be maintained. There were no less than 75 separate transactions in this record. Neither Salomon nor his heirs ever received one penny in compensation. Because of their education and knowledge of Euro- pean languages, as well as their financial relations abroad, many American Jews were able to render in- valuable aid to the struggling country and the records show that they did so with enthusiastic patriotism. The list of Jewish financial sacrifices for the freedom of the Republic would contain many other names besides that of Haym Salomon. For instance, Benjamin Levy and Benjamin Jacobs are signers of the bill of credit for the Continental Congress. Isaac Moses, of Philadelphia, out of his private pocket donated $15,000 toward the colonial treasury. Another contributor was Herman Levy, of Philadelphia. In addition to serving as an assistant to General Washington, Manuel Mordecai gave $100,000 to help put the new Nation on its feet, and permit it to hold up its head before the world without shame. Von Steuben Revived Ragged Continentals One of the most remarkable achievements of the Rev- olutionary War was that of transforming a ragged, starving, and discouraged army into a well- drilled and effective fighting force. This feat was performed by Baron Frederick William von Steuben, who arrived in America to join the strug- gling colonists at a time when the outlook was indeed gloomy, according to the Division of Information and News Releases 431 Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. On February 23, 1778, a day after General Washing- ton's birthday, he reported at Valley Forge. It required but a few days for Von Steuben to demonstrate his abil- ity as a soldier and drillmaster, and he so impressed Washington that, on March 28, he was made Inspector General of the Continental Army. The Prussian nobleman was a soldier by birth. For many generations his fathers before him had been mili- tary men. Before coming to America, von Steuben, trained in the rigorous school of Frederick the Great, won military distinction on the Continent during the Seven Years War. When he reported for duty at Valley Forge he found conditions deplorable and the morale of the Army at its lowest possible ebb. These conditions are best described in a letter which von Steuben wrote from the camp: "The arms at Valley Forge were in a horrible condi- tion, covered with rust, half of them without bayonets, many from which a single shot could not be fired. The pouches were quite as bad as the arms. A great many of the men had tin boxes instead of pouches, others had cowhorns and muskets; carbines, fowling-pieces, and rifles were to be seen in the same company. The de- scription of the dress is most easily given. The men were literally naked, some of them in the fullest extent of the word. The officers, who had coats, had them of every color and make. I saw officers, at a grand parade at Valley Forge, mounting guard in a sort of dressing- gown, made of an old blanket or woolen bed cover. 432 Washington Bicentennial With regard to their military discipline, I may safely say no such thing existed." Honoring Von Steuben's Memory Wherever patriotic citizens will gather on November 15 of this year their thoughts should turn to Baron Frederick William Von Steuben. For that date marks the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of the fa- mous drillmaster of the American Army during the Revolutionary War. In 1777, Baron Von Steuben came to our shores to throw in his lot with a struggling army and a struggling Nation. What he accomplished in that momentous con- test is well known to everyone who is at all acquainted with our history. It is only proper and fitting for Amer- icans of today to honor him who did so much for Amer- ica 150 years ago. Many local Steuben societies are planning celebrations for November 15. The United States Government has signified its intention to cooperate. The Postmaster General has issued a commemorative stamp for the oc- casion. Representative Sol Bloom, associate director of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission, today issued this statement: "We of the United States George Washington Bi- centennial Commission will do everything we possibly can to aid in the celebration of the two hundredth anni- versary of the birth of Baron Von Steuben. He was one of the great leaders of the Revolutionary War and one of the men who helped establish American independence. It was men like Von Steuben, Lafayette, Kosciusko, Pu- laski, Rochambeau, De Kalb, Fersen and other gallant News Releases 433 soldiers from across the seas who won for the American cause that international sympathy and assistance which did so much to hasten victory. These heroes were ready to die for the American ideal, and we of today have not forgotten." Baron Von Steuben was born in Magdeburg, Prus- sia, on November 15, 1730. He was a soldier by birth; his fathers, for generations before him, were all military men. Trained in the rigorous school of Frederick the Great, he won distinction on the Continent during the Seven Years' War. When Baron Von Steuben arrived in Portsmouth, N. H., on December 1, 1777, to join his fortunes with those of the fighting Colonists, he was one of the best trained tacticians in the world. On February 23, 1778, Von Steuben arrived at Val- ley Forge, where the American Army was encamped. His coming brought forth from Washington, in a letter to the president of the Congress, these observations: "Baron Steuben has arrived at camp. He appears to be much of a gentleman, and, as far as I have had an op- portunity of judging, a man of military knowledge, and acquainted with the world." Von Steuben apparently more than lived up to this impression, for on March 28 he was made inspector gen- eral or drillmaster of the American Army. Steuben's task, to make disciplined soldiers of these raw Ameri- can troops, was stupendous. The obstacles in his path were innumerable. But let Steuben tell the story him- self. In a letter written by him shortly after assum- ing control, he has the following to say: "The arms at Valley Forge were in a horrible condi- tion, covered with rust, half of them without bayonets, 434 Washington Bicentennial many from which a single shot could not be fired. The pouches were quite as bad as the arms. A great many of the men had tin boxes instead of pouches, others had cow-horns and muskets; carbines, fowling-pieces, and rifles were to be seen in the same company. The de- scription of the dress is most easily given. The men were literally naked, some of them in the fullest extent of the word. The officers, who had coats, had them of every color and make. I saw officers, at a grand parade at Valley Forge, mounting guard in a sort of dressing- gown, made of an old blanket or woolen bed- cover. With regard to their military discipline, I may safely say no such thing existed." How far Steuben succeeded in his new position is attested by the results of the fighting after that disas- trous winter at Valley Forge. Besides drilling the men, Von Steuben played an active role in some of the major events of the war. He participated in the Battle of Monmouth; he was a member of the court martial which tried and convicted Major Andre as a spy; he com- manded in Virginia, later giving way to Lafayette; and, finally, he was one of the leaders in the siege of York- town, that great victory which, to all intents and pur- poses, ended the war. After the war, Major General Von Steuben retired to a tract of land now known as Steubenville, N. Y., which was presented to him as a gift, in recognition of the ap- preciation for his services, by the State of New York. In 1784, Congress gave him a vote of thanks and a pres- ent of a gold hilt sword. For the rest of his life, Von Steuben kept up a friendly relationship with George Washington. From Washington's diary we learn that News Releases 43 5 on November 30, 1789, the President sent Von Steuben a theater ticket; on December 3, December 31, 1789, and on April 1, 1790, Von Steuben dined at the home of George Washington, in New York City. In 1790, Congress authorized an annual pension of $2,500 a year to be paid to Steuben. His superior officer, George Washington, as President of the United States, signed that bill on June 4, 1790. Major General Von Steuben died on November 28, 1794, at his home in Steubenville, and another Revo- lutionary War hero passed from the scene. As the years go by, Von Steuben is constantly growing in the es- teem of the American people; and, now, at the two hun dredth anniversary of his birth, the whole Nation might very well honor his memory. American Patriotism Amazed Rochambeau In his memoirs of his sojourn in America during the last year of the Revolution, Rochambeau relates an in- teresting incident of a patriotic American wheelwright who got out of a sick-bed to repair Rochambeau's car- riage when informed that the Count had an engagement with General Washington. After Rochambeau had landed at Newport, R. I., in July, 1781, he made an engagement to confer with Gen- eral Washington. Both commanders were anxious to perfect plans for a concerted movement against the British, which, it was hoped, would result in a decisive triumph for the allies, but the military situation was such that neither could leave his army for the length of time required to effect the meeting. However, as the need for such a conference became imperative, a 436 Washington Bicentennial meeting was arranged to be held at Hartford, Conn., on September 20. The Count left Newport in a carriage which broke down when he was within a short distance of his desti- nation. An aide was dispatched to bring a wheelwright who lived about a mile from where the accident oc- curred. The man was found sick with the ague, and he informed the officer that he would not work that night for his hat full of guineas. Upon hearing this, Rochambeau asked to be taken to the man's shop. Upon arriving there he told the wheelwright that unless the carriage was repaired, it would be impossible for him to keep his appointment the following day with Gen- eral Washington. This argument proved effective, for the mechanic replied, "You are no liars, at any rate, for I read in the Connecticut papers that Washington was to be there to confer with you. As it is for the public service, I will take care that your carriage shall be ready for you at 6 o'clock in the morning." The wheelwright kept his word, and the party pro- ceeded to the conference with General Washington. After the meeting with General Washington, Rocham- beau started on his return to Newport. As he neared the locality of his previous mishap, another wheel on the carriage gave way. It seemed that the patriotism of the wheelwright whose name is unknown, was to be tried to the limit, for he was called upon to work in the night. The unsung hero was equal to the occasion, how- ever, and the Count able to resume his journey at an early hour the next morning. "I do not mean to compare all Americans with this good man," concludes Rochambeau, "but almost all the News Releases 437 inland cultivators and all the land owners of Connecti- cut are animated with that patriotic spirit which many other people would do well to imitate." Polish Hero's Birthday Recalls War Exploits One of the most picturesque and spectacular figures of the Revolutionary War was the Polish hero, Thad- deus Kosciuszko, who served in the American Army under Gen. George Washington. The one hundred and eighty-fifth anniversary of the birth of Kosciuszko will occur on February 12. When the Revolution began there were a number of foreign officers who wished to enlist in the American Army, if they could secure the rank to which they felt themselves entitled. A number of these men were ac- cepted on their merits and upon recommendations of Benjamin Franklin and other prominent Americans abroad. In 1776 many applied, but they could not all be accepted, because Washington did not want to officer his army with too many foreigners and because, in some cases, they were unable to speak English. At this juncture Kosciuszko appeared on the scene with a letter of recommendation from Franklin. When he presented this to Washington, the general asked him what he wanted. Kosciuszko replied that he had come to fight as a volunteer for American independence. "What can you do?" asked Washington. "Try me and see," replied the youthful Pole. Commissioned a colonel of engineers on October 18, 1776, Kosciuszko was assigned to the army under com- mand of General Gates. Here his remarkable ability as an engineer was soon in evidence, and he was charged 438 Washington Bicentennial with the responsibility of fortifying Bemis Heights near Saratoga. So well was this work done that General Burgoyne was unable to dislodge the Americans from this place after two well-fought actions. Subsequently, Kosciuszko was the principal engineer in executing the works at West Point. Later in the war, he became one of Washington's adjutants and was with Gen. Nathanael Greene during many of his southern operations. In October, 1783, Congress rewarded Kosciuszko with the brevet of brigadier general, and he was voted the thanks of that body. This action was taken upon the suggestion of Washington, whose intercession with Con- gress in the matter was one of his last official acts as Commander in Chief. The gallant Pole was also made a member of the Society of the Cincinnati. After the Revolution, Kosciuszko returned to his native country, where he lived in retirement for a few years before being appointed major general in the Polish Army which moved against the Russians. He was en- listed in a forlorn hope, however, and after gallant re- sistance for a few years he was defeated and imprisoned by the Russian Empress. Later he was released, and in 1797 returned to the United States for a short visit. While in this country he was received with every mark of esteem and was given a grant of land by Congress. However, he soon returned to France, where he lived until he moved to Switzerland in 1816. A year later he was killed in a fall from his horse. A gallant soldier of marked ability, Kosciuszko was one of the outstanding foreign officers to serve in the American Army during the Revolution. Admired and esteemed by Washington, he enjoyed the friendship of News Releases 439 the great general until the latter's death. His services in the war were such that America is still indebted to him, and his name is remembered with honor and respect. First Flag Was Not "Stars and Stripes" The first flag of this country was not the stars and stripes. General Washington felt keenly the lack of national colors on land and sea when he took command of the national forces. He had urged the adoption of a stand- ard flag, and as events swept on toward complete sever- ance from Great Britain, the need became more acute. Every military instinct told the Commander in Chief the need of a standard emblem for the new nation that was about to come into being. From the beginning of history, he knew that in all their struggles for dominion or against tyranny men had followed the flag. Facing his own tremendous problems, Washington was well aware of the influence of a flag on the mind of every soldier — its stimulus toward patriotism and loy- alty, its inspiration in the face of danger, privation, and discouragement . Many* Striking Designs At the start of the Revolution, different Colonies or sections had their own colors — and some of these dis- played such striking designs and mottoes that they con- tinued in service with modifications through a great part of the war. One was the "Pine Tree Flag" of New Eng- land, with the red cross of St. George and a green pine tree in the upper corner. Another was the "Rattlesnake 440 Washington Bicentennial Flag," which appeared in several designs — the most com- mon being a rattlesnake in the center, coiled and ready to strike, and under it the words, "Don't Tread on Me." A third was the flag designed by Col. William Moul- trie, of South Carolina — a large blue banner with a silver crescent in one corner. New York had a flag showing a black beaver on a white field. Rhode Island's design was a white field with a blue anchor, over which was the word "Hope," and occasionally a cluster of stars in the corner. On January 2, 1776, the "Grand Union" or "Cam- bridge" flag was hoisted over the camp before Boston. It consisted of 13 stripes with the British Union Jack in the corner. For 150 years the Colonies had been faith- ful to the mother country. The retention of the King's colors or Union Jack with its blended crosses of St. George and St. Andrew, represented the theory that the sovereign of England was not responsible for the acts of "wicked ministers." The alternate red and white stripes symbolized the union of the thirteen Colonies against the tyranny and oppression reflected by the action of Parliament. When Washington left New York and hurried to Philadelphia in response to the request of Congress, the flag problem was still on his mind. The Grand Union flag was not working out satisfactorily. Evi- dently the thoughts of the Colonies were concentrating too strongly on separation from England to permit the retention of the King's colors. Ship captains, in par- ticular, disliked them. Washington also was not satisfied with the Grand Union flag, and when he arrived in Philadelphia in 1776, News Releases 441 in response to the request of Congress, he sought oppor- tunity to discuss the question of a flag with individual delegates outside. Call on Betsy Ross Legend has it that to Robert Morris, the financier, and George Ross, a native of New Castle, Del., and a mem- ber of the Continental Congress, the Commander in Chief is believed to have confided his anxiety about a fitting national emblem to be used by the Army and Navy — and enlisted their aid. As a result this trio one day walked to the shop of Betsy Ross, the upholsterer, at Fourth and Arch Streets, only a square away. They were in quest of assistance which, they felt sure, she could render. George Ross had told his associates that if there was one woman in the city qualified more than another to help them in this emergency, it was his capa- ble niece. Washington showed Mrs. Ross a rough design of a flag with 13 stripes and 13 stars, asking her if she thought she could reproduce the same in bunting and secure an effective arrangement of the red, the white, and the blue. She inspected it for an instant and replied that she did not know, but would gladly try. On the following day she had finished the first sample of Old Glory, which was officially declared the national emblem by Congress, June 14, 1777. Our Flag Is 154 Years Old! June 14, Flag Day, will this year direct the thoughts of every good American to the future as well as to the 442 Washington Bicentennial past. The patriotic citizen will be reminded that June 14, 1931, marks the 154th anniversary of the day when the Continental Congress passed the resolution officially establishing, as the emblem of the United States, a flag "of thirteen stripes alternate red and white," and "that the union be 13 stars white in a blue field representing a new constellation." But every patriot will also look forward to next year, when Flag Day will take on a still deeper meaning as one of the key days in the 1 months' nation-wide cele- bration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. According to the plans of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commis- sion, every American, in every State and city of the country, will then be encouraged to honor the flag with appropriate ceremonies and with a new devotion, linked as it is with the life and labors of George Washington. Historians may regard as unsupported by fact the story of Betsy Ross' stitching the first American flag, but no one disputes the fact that the legend has become part and parcel of American folklore. In any case it is known that Washington had an intense personal in- terest in the creation of a national flag, and may have had a part in its design. And no one disputes the fact that he accomplished more than any other American in giving that flag a meaning and in unfurling it over a strong and united nation. In 1932 it will be the coun- try's privilege to render new honors to George Wash- ington's memory, and new loyalty to this immortal sym- bol of his greatness. Meanwhile, this year, it is well to recall some of the great dates in the flag's history. Its first display by the News Releases 443 Continental Army was on August 3, 1777, at Fort Stan- wix, the present city of Rome, N. Y., during an at- tack by the British. It was first carried into battle by George Washington's troops at Brandywine on Septem- ber 11, 1777. It was first saluted by the British at the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga on October 17, 1777. For the navy, John Paul Jones took the first salute to the Stars and Stripes on February 14, 1778, when he sailed his ship Ranger into the harbor of Quiberon, France. In the same ship he forced the first striking of colors to our flag by the British ship Drake on April 24, 1778. The ship Bedford, of Massachusetts, carried the first American flag into a British port on February 3, 1783. It was first carried round the world by the ship Columbia, sailing from Boston in September, 1787. Captain John Greene, in the Empress of China, had previously taken it to China in 1784. It was first flown in battle in the Pacific by the U. S. Frigate Essex, in 1813. The next year Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star Spangled Banner." In 1818 Con- gress decreed that henceforth a new star should be added on the admission of each new State to the Union; but, before that, on January 13, 1794, after Vermont and Kentucky had been admitted to the Union, the stars and stripes were increased to 15. The 1818 Act re- duced the stripes to 13 and decreed a new star for each new State, which made a jump at once to 20 stars. On April 6, 1909, Admiral Peary planted the first American flag at the North Pole. Within the last dec- ade, Admiral Byrd has carried it to both the Poles. Wherever it has gone it has meant achievement and new honors to our Nation. But next year Old Glory 444 Washington Bicentennial will float over the achievements of the greatest Ameri- can of all, the man who made both the flag and the Na- tion that flies it — George Washington. London Excited by First View of Ship Flying "Old Glory" In February, 1783, the inhabitants of London were greeted by a strange sight. There on the historic Thames River, docked at the London custom house, was a ship flying a flag which most people had never seen before but which was easily recognizable. It was "Old Glory," with its "thirteen rebellious stripes." The ship's cargo was whale oil and its captain was requesting the right of entry, to dispose of his merchandise and to load his ship with English goods for the folks back home. Ordinarily a strange ship on the Thames would not be a startling sight. Ships kept bobbing up there from all corners of the world. But when we consider that a definitive peace had not yet been signed, that the coun- tries were technically at war with each other, that feel- ing between the Americans and Englishmen was still strong and tense, then the appearance of the "rebel flag" in London was indeed a startling sight. King George III had recognized the independence of America in December of 1782. Upon hearing the news, American merchants and traders began fitting out their ships again. For eight long years the traders of the northern Colonies had been prevented from sending out their vessels. Now, not being versed in the technique of treaty making, and knowing only that King George had recognized and acknowledged the Independence of News Releases 445 America, they sent their ships out to all ports of the world. To set out for friendly though distant ports in France, Spain or Holland was natural enough; but to make a trip to the heart of the enemy's land was, to say the least, daring and surprising. Yet that is exactly what hap- pened in the case of one Yankee ship. The Bedford, fitted out in Massachusetts and commanded by Captain Moores, flying the stars and stripes, started straight across the Atlantic, headed for England. On February 4, 1783, the Bedford was sighted off the coast of Gravesend and two days later, on February 6, she reported with her heavy cargo of whale oil to the London custom house. To add to the incongruity of the situation, the Bedford was within view of the fa- mous Tower of London, where Henry Laurens and other Americans had languished as prisoners during the war. To say that the Londoners were surprised and could hardly believe their eyes would be putting it mildly. Here was a rebel ship, proudly flying the rebel flag, in their own port, while the British and American envoys were still wrangling in Paris over the terms of the peace treaty. For days the Bedford was the talk of the town. One magazine described the ship in this fashion: "She is American-built, manned wholly by American seamen, wears the rebel colors and belongs to Massachu- setts. This is the first vessel which has displayed the thirteen stripes of America in any British port." The number 1 3 in connection with American events was material for much English humor, 13 Colonies, 13 stripes, 1 3 this and that. The London Chronicle of Feb- 446 Washington Bicentennial ruary 7, 1783, surpassed itself with its humorous de- scription of the rebel ship. "There is a vessel in the harbor with a very strange flag. Thirteen is a number peculiar to rebels. A party of prisoners, lately returned from Jersey, say that rations among the rebels are thirteen dried clams a day. Sachem Schuyler has a topknot of thirteen stiff hairs which erect themselves on the crown of his head when he gets mad. It takes thirteen Congress paper dollars to equal one shilling sterling * * * "Every well-organized rebel household has thirteen children, all of whom expect to be major generals or members of the high and mighty Congress of the thir- teen United States when they attain the age of thirteen years * * * and Mrs. Washington has a tomcat with thirteen yellow rings around its tail. His flaunting it suggested to Congress the same number of stripes for the rebel flag." Robert Morris Helped War of 76 With Own Money Robert Morris, financier of the American Revolution and intimate friend of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock and other leaders in early American history, was one of the most brilliant and romantic figures in the War of Independence. This patriot, a signer of the Declaration of Independ- ence, helped to keep the Continental Army in the field out of his own purse and by pledging his private credit. It was through requisitions on the States, loans from France, and in a large measure through his own money advanced for the purpose, that the means was furnished News Releases 447 to transfer Washington's army from Dobb's Ferry, New York, to Yorktown, Va., in 1781. Robert Morris was the only man in the history of the Revolution who bore the title of "Superintendent of Finance." Born in Liverpool, England, January 31, 1734, he emigrated to America at the age of 14 to join his father at Oxford, Md. The elder Morris was the agent of a large firm of tobacco merchants, Foster Cun- liffe and Sons, of Liverpool. He was accidentally killed three years later, leaving Robert an orphan at the age of 17. Before his father's death, young Morris went to work in the mercantile house which two Englishmen, Charles and Thomas Willing, had established in Phila- delphia in 1726. He was put to work in the counting room and soon exhibited an adaptability for business which won the favorable attention of his employers, and resulted in his becoming a member of the firm in 1754. Morris first appeared active in public affairs in connection with the resistance to the Stamp Act. He signed the nonimportation agreement in 1765, and was on a committee of citizens to force John Hughes, col- lector of the stamp tax, to desist from the administra- tion of his office in October of that year. A year later, in 1766, Morris was made warden of the Port of Philadelphia. When the Revolution began, he was 41 years old. He took part in all of the great enterprises of the United States which were not military, and even in those his opinion was considered with profound respect. He was vice president of the Pennsylvania Com- mittee of Safety during 1775 and 1776, and a member of the Continental Congress from 1775 to 1778. He 448 Washington Bicentennial retired from Congress in 1778, but was at once sent to the State legislature, serving from 1778 to 1781. His greatest public service was the financing of the War of Independence. As chairman of various committees, he was in close touch with the financial operations of Con- gress, and in 1781 he was chosen by Congress to be superintendent of finance. With the able cooperation of his assistant, Gouverneur Morris (who was in no way related to him) , he filled this position with great efficiency during the trying years of 1781 to 1784. For the same period he was also agent of marine, and hence head of the infant Navy Department. There are times in the experience of every army when money is absolutely necessary to facilitate a military movement, and although General Washington relied upon the enthusiasm and patriotic ardor of his troops to a larger extent than any other great commander the world has ever seen, he found the military chest all but empty at Trenton in 1776. When a rider came in from the Commander in Chief's camp asking for a large sum of money which was required for immediate use, Morris was confronted with the task of his life. Washington had crossed the Delaware a second time with that unflinching courage that served him so well in the darkest hours. He prevailed upon the troops, who had not received any pay for some time, to remain six weeks longer on the promise of a bounty of $10 for each soldier. Washington wrote to Morris for the money to make this promise good, and the next day $50,000 was sent to the Commander in Chief. This money, it is said, Morris personally borrowed from News Releases 449 wealthy Quakers of Philadelphia, many of whom were his most intimate friends. When the Federal Government was formed in 1789, Morris was offered the secretaryship of the Treasury, but this he declined and urged the appointment of Alex- ander Hamilton instead. As United States Senator, he supported the Federalist policies and gave Hamilton considerable assistance in carrying out his financial plans. During this time he gradually disposed of his mer- cantile and banking interests and engaged extensively in land speculation. At one time or another he owned, wholly or in part, nearly the entire western half of New York State, 2,000,000 acres in Georgia, and about 1,000,000 acres in Pennsylvania, Virginia and South Carolina. The slow development of this property, the failure of the London bank in which he had funds invested, and other unfortunate investments finally drove him into bankruptcy, and he was confined in a debtor's prison for more than three years. At that time the imprisonment of debtors was a common practice. When, in 1800, Congress passed an act by which, on the petition of his creditors, a man could be adjudicated a bankrupt and thereupon released from prison, Morris was released after much formality and delay. He gained his freedom on August 26, 1801, when proof was brought into court of unpaid debts amounting to about $3,000,000. He became a not very cheerful pensioner upon his family and his friends, a humiliated and broken man. He spent the summer of 1802 at Morrisania with 450 Washington Bicentennial Gouverneur Morris, who was now a United States Sena- tor from New York. "He came to me, lean, low spirited, and as poor as a commission of bankruptcy can make a man whose effects will, it is said, not pay a shilling on the pound," Gouverneur wrote to a friend. "Indeed, the asisgnees will not take the trouble of look- ing after them. I sent him home fat, sleek, in good spirits and possessed of the means of living comfortably for the rest of his days." On May 7, 1806, not quite five years after his dis- charge from prison, Robert Morris died in Philadelphia, in a small house on Twelfth Street between Market and Chestnut Streets, where he had resided with his family. He was buried quietly in the family vault in Christ Church Yard. Alexander Hamilton's Achievements It is given to but few men to impress their individuality indelibly upon the history of a great nation, but Alexander Hamilton achieved even more than this. In calling attention to the one hundred and seventy- fourth anniversary of his birthday on January 11, 1931, the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commis- sion points out the extraordinary versatility of the man whom Chief Justice Marshall ranked next to George Washington in importance during those critical years of our history. The senseless sacrifice of this brilliant man, who was killed in a duel by Aaron Burr, caused an outburst of News Releases 451 bitter and indignant grief among men of all parties throughout the Nation that has seldom been equaled in the history of the country. Alexander Hamilton was born, as a British subject, on the island of Nevis, in the West Indies, on January 11,1757. At the age of 12, following his father's bank- ruptcy and his mother's death, he was thrown upon the care of maternal relatives at St. Croix, where he entered the counting house of Nicholas Cruger. In 1772 friends impressed by his astonishing poise and maturity of mind made it possible for him to go to New York to continue his education. Arriving there in the autumn of that year, he prepared for college at Elizabethtown, N. J., and in 1774 entered King's College, now Columbia Uni- versity, in New York City. His studies were inter- rupted by the Revolution. A visit to Boston seems to have thoroughly confirmed the conclusion to which reason had already led him, that he should cast his fortunes with the patriots rather than with the Tories. Into the cause he threw himself with ardor. Early in 1776 the New York Convention ordered a company of artillery to be raised. Hamilton applied for the command, and his examination quickly dispelled doubts of his fitness in those who suspected mere youthful presumption. The artillery company quickly showed the talent of its commander, who, by his proficiency and bravery in the campaign of 1776 around New York City, won the admiration of Generals Washington and Greene. Hamilton shared in the brilliant campaign of Trenton and Princeton and so distinguished himself as a dashing and gallant officer that, although he was barely 20 years 452 Washington Bicentennial old, Washington appointed him his aide de camp with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Hamilton, despite his other remarkable qualities, was unusually ambitious for military glory — an ambition he never lost. As a member of Washington's staff, his duties were various and highly responsible, but he longed for the field and firing line with an independent com- mand. In February, 1781, he seized upon a slight reprimand administered by Washington as an excuse for abandoning his staff position and later secured a field command, through Washington, and won laurels at Yorktown, where he led his column in the final assault against the British works. Whether as a soldier, lawyer, or statesman he was a master in every field that he entered. Hamilton, beyond a doubt, had an inborn genius for finance, and was be- yond question a pioneer in what has since become the most important department of practical government. He founded the financial system of the United States and converted the barren clauses of the Constitution into a living organism. When he became Secretary of the Treasury, he found there was a great mass of work to be done in organizing the collecting and disbursing force throughout the country. Congress immediately submitted to him a number of queries and problems for solution, and there came forth from his pen a succession of papers that have left their strong imprint on the administrative organi- zation of the National Government. Among them were two reports on the public credit, upholding an ideal of national honor higher than the prevalent popular principles; a report on manufactures, News Releases 45 3 advocating their encouragement; a report favoring the establishment of a national bank, the arguments being based on "implied powers" in the Constitution and on the applications that Congress can do anything that can be made, through the medium of money, to subserve the "general welfare" of the United States. Hamilton's doctrines, through judicial interpretations, have revo- lutionized the Constitution. The success of his financial measures was immediate and remarkable. Hamilton's plan to establish a national bank resem- bling in great measure the Bank of England aroused as great an interest in Congress as the proposal to assume the State debts had brought forth. The project was finally passed by both Houses in practically the form that Hamilton had suggested and came before President Washington for approval on February 14, 1.791. So heated had been the debates in the House on the constitutionality of a United States bank that the President felt doubts as to the power of Congress to incorporate such an institution. He called upon his four cabinet members for their opinions. Hamilton and Kn6x, Secretary of War, favored the bank; Jefferson and Randolph, Attorney General, opposed. Hamilton, Jefferson, and Randolph submitted written reports to the President. Those written by Jefferson and Hamilton remain to this day among the most important expositions of our constitutional law and practice. Hamilton's arguments convinced Washington of the constitutional propriety of the measure, which he approved on February 25, 1791. The subscription books were opened on July 4 follow- 454 Washington Bicentennial ing, and within two hours the whole capital was sub- scribed for, and many persons who had hoped to buy stock found themselves left out. Never in the course of history has there been so immediate and permanent a financial foundation laid for any country's prosperity as that which was built by Hamilton, the men of the First Congress, and President Washington. Gen. Israel Putnam's Exploits Among the leaders of the American forces during the Revolutionary War, the name of Israel Putnam is promi- nent as one of the officers who served under Gen. George Washington. Coming into the Continental Army with years of military campaigning behind him, "Old Put," as Washington affectionately referred to him, brought into the service an invaluable fund of experience in warfare. He was 57 years old when Con- gress commissioned him major general, but his advanced age in no wise impaired his patriotism, which called him to the field of battle when his country's freedom was at stake. The two hundred and thirteenth anniversary of General Putnam's birth, on January 7, 1931, is a most appropriate occasion for the people of Connecticut to honor the name of this man who brought renown to his adopted State, for, although he was born in Salem, Mass., Putnam rather early in life moved to the Nutmeg State, where he made his home until his death. Putnam was born in 1718, the tenth in a family of 1 1 children. His great-grandparents had come to Salem from England in 1634. This was the beginning of a large and prominent family from which came many News Releases 45 5 influential men and women. When Israel was 20 years old he married Hannah Pope, and some time later, with his brother-in-law, bought 514 acres in what is now Windham County, Conn. By 1741 Putnam had pur- chased Pope's interest in the tract, so that he became the sole owner of Mortlake Manor, as it was called. This farm, which was then considered one of the finest in New England, became the township of Brooklyn. At the time Putnam came to this place the vicinity abounded in wolves, which considerably annoyed the people by their frequent raids on the farmyards. It appears that all of these animals had been killed except an old female that continued her depredations. One night she killed 60 or 70 of Putnam's sheep. This so aroused the ire of the farmer that he determined to hunt down and destroy the beast. The hunt ended, according to an oft-told story, when the wolf was cor- nered in a dark, narrow cave into which Putnam imme- diately plunged to shoot the killer at close range and drag her forth in triumph. When Connecticut was asked for a thousand men to protect the northern approaches against an expected French invasion from Canada, Putnam was one of those who enlisted. As a captain in the British Army, he served with distinction and was promoted to the rank of major. He was a member of the Rangers who so seriously embarrassed the enemy. Noted for his per- sonal bravery, Putnam figured in several courageous exploits, one of which was the saving of Fort Edward from destruction by fire at the risk of his own life. His ability and courage were recognized, and he was ad- vanced to the rank of lieutenant colonel. In 1762 he 456 Washington Bicentennial participated in the arduous operations in the West Indies, at the end of which he was sent to the relief of Detroit. At the close of 1764 he returned to his home to end a 10 -year period of rough campaigning, with the rank of colonel. At this time Putnam joined the Sons of Liberty in Connecticut and became active in this organization. When General Gage was closing all entries to Boston as a punitive measure against the people of that city for their resistance to the authority of Parliament, Put- nam drove 130 head of sheep across the Neck to relieve the distress in that place occasioned by the British occupation and blockade. Immediately after the fight at Concord, a dispatch was sent to Pomf ret with news of the battle. The mes- sage reached Putnam on the afternoon of April 20 as he was plowing one of his fields. Leaving his plow in the furrow, the patriot mounted a horse without even waiting to put on his uniform, and early the next morn- ing rode into Cambridge, where he offered his services to the colonial army then forming. The same day he sent word to Pomf ret, directing the organization of the militia there, and then went to Hartford to confer with the Legislature of Connecticut. This body commis- sioned him brigadier and placed him in command of the forces of that State. At Bunker Hill Putnam was given his first oppor- tunity to face the British troops. Due to the action of Warren, who was the ranking officer on the field, in declining the command that day, Putnam himself be- came the ranking officer, although Stark and Prescott seem to have acted on their own initiative. However, News Releases 457 the question as to who was in command on that occasion has not the importance which some controversialists have attached to it, since no particular generalship was involved and the significance of the battle lay wholly in the moral effect it produced. When Congress organized the Continental Army in June, 1775, George Washington was appointed Com- mander in Chief and Putnam was named one of the four major generals. Following the capture of Boston, Gen- eral Washington sent the doughty Connecticut farmer to New York, where he assumed command. When Greene became ill, Putnam was placed in command at Brooklyn Heights just two days before the British at- tacked at that point. For the disastrous defeat of the Americans which followed, General Putnam has been blamed by some, but in justice to the man it should be pointed out that there is no need of blaming anyone for the defeat of 5,000 half-trained troops by 20,000 vet- erans. The wonder is that the colonists were able to make it so interesting for General Howe that he was forced to pause long enough to allow Washington to plan the successful withdrawal of his troops. By his stubborn resistance to the enemy both here and at Kip's Bay, General Putnam signally distinguished himself. It was about this time that Washington in a letter to the President of Congress wrote: "General Putnam is a most valuable man and a fine executive officer." In May, 1777, the Connecticut general was placed in charge of the defense of the highlands on the Hudson. Here an incident occurred which was characteristic of Putnam. A lieutenant in the loyalist regiment named Edmund Palmer was discovered in the American camp. 458 Washington Bicentennial He was arrested, tried, and sentenced to death as a spy. The British seemed to think that the Americans repre- sented no sovereignty and hence had no right to inflict the death penalty on anyone. Sir Henry Clinton ac- cordingly sent a flag of truce from New York and threatened dire punishment if Putnam dared injure Edmund Palmer, liege subject of the king. The old hero's reply was characteristically laconic: "Edmund Palmer, an officer in the enemy's service, was taken as a spy lurking within our lines; he has been tried as a spy, condemned as a spy, and shall be executed as a spy, and the flag is ordered to depart immediately. — Israel Putnam. P. S. He has accordingly been executed." At the end of the year 1777 Putnam went to Con- necticut to hasten the work of securing recruits. For the next two years he was engaged in the western part of the State and was cooperating with the troops in the highlands. The old general made a short visit to his family at Pomfret in December, 1779, when the army went into winter quarters at Morristown. Soon after starting for camp he had a stroke of paralysis, which forced him to return to his home, where he spent the remaining years of his life, succumbing to his illness at last on May 19, 1790. Fearless, loyal, and able, General Putnam was one of the leading commanders of the patriot army. As long as he was able, he devoted himself to his country's strug- gle for freedom. General Washington considered him a personal friend and always entertained the highest re- gard for the old soldier's abilities and patriotism. Al- though an adopted son, he is one of whom Connecticut may well be proud. News Releases 459 The Patriotic Thomas Paine In all the history of the American Revolution no other man, perhaps, occupies so singular a position as that held by Thomas Paine, prolific pamphleteer of the War of Independence. During the years of that bitter struggle, no pen in this country was more potent than his and none more definitely crystallized popular feeling behind the American leaders in the conflict. He has been credited with supplying the impetus to the movement toward separation from England which wrought its culmination in the Declaration of Inde- pendence, and there can be no doubt that the forceful appeal to the people contained in his pamphlets aroused hope and courage throughout the country. Thomas Paine was born in Thetford, England, on January 29, 1737, the son of a Quaker corseter, who taught him the art of stay-making. This trade did not appeal to the youth, however, and he soon left home to enter the excise service. This occupation likewise failed to hold him, and he went to sea. But the life of a sailor was entirely too unattractive, and Paine soon returned to England and once more became an exciseman. It was while he was in this service that he gained the first- hand knowledge of official corruption which made him the implacable foe of privileged officialdom. Paine 's skill as a writer early came into evidence, and he was selected by his associates to prepare a criticism of the British excise system and suggestions for its im- provement. This paper attracted the attention of Franklin, who immediately recognized the ability of its author and suggested that Paine might find America a more desirable field for his writings. Accordingly, 460 Washington Bicentennial Paine came to this country with letters from Franklin and soon became connected with Pennsylvania publica- tions. Shortly after his arrival here in 1774, the Penn- sylvania Journal printed a strong anti-slavery essay which he had written. In England Paine had been so consistently radical in his criticism of British governmental and political cus- toms that he seemed almost to hate his native land. In America he continued his attacks on King George, and early in 1776 was published his pamphlet, "Common Sense," in which he stated with singular clearness and force all the arguments that had been made in favor of the separation of the Colonies from the mother country. The effect this pamphlet had on the Americans was instant and electrifying. It was accorded a stupendous circulation both here and in Europe, where it was trans- lated into different languages and eagerly read by repub- licans in all nations. Contemporary colonial news- papers claimed that it influenced thousands of dubious Americans to embrace the cause of independence. Washington himself was impressed with the brochure, and some have gone so far as to say that the great gen- eral became converted to separation from England only after reading "Common Sense." Although Paine was opposed to war — his attitude being due in some measure to his early Quaker train- ing — he felt that America had been driven into an armed conflict by the tyranny and oppression of George III, and the name of Thomas Paine was early enrolled on the roster of the colonial forces as a protest against the policies of Britain's king. In the army Paine served under Gen. Nathanael Greene, another Quaker, News Releases 461 and he proved to be a courageous soldier and valorous patriot. Here the fiery writer was an eye-witness to the sufferings of the "ragged Continentals" — in fact, he suffered privation and hardship with the rest of these heroic troops. During the national depression, which became so acute in the winter of 1776, Paine produced his first "Crisis." This pamphlet, beginning with the famous words, "These are the times that try men's souls," was written by firelight on a drumhead which served as a desk. The demand upon Paine at this time was great, for by day he faced the enemy with his gun and by night brought into play the genius of his pen. He wrote this first pamphlet of the series on his own initiative with the purpose of proving that the Americans were in reality successfully resisting General Howe, and that this country was entirely too large for the British to run over. The "Crisis," written in Paine's characteristic, plain, forceful style, accomplished much of the purpose for which its author prepared it. His arguments were stated clearly and to the point. George Washington and the rest of the revolutionary leaders recognized the value of utilizing Paine's powerful pen, and the fiery little writer became the official propagandist of the revolt. At regular intervals other pamphlets appeared, and it is certain that they went far to create the public morale which supported the revolutionary soldiers. Throughout the entire war Paine proved to be one of the most loyal and devoted of all the patriots. Vigorous and active always, his great contribution to American independence can not be questioned. Even when hope 462 Washington Bicentennial seemed dim, he never gave up to despair. He con- tinually assailed King George and the policies of his gov- ernment. In one of his pamphlets directed at the Eng- lish monarch, Paine used the expression "United States of America," supposedly the first time this appellation was ever employed. His services were appreciated by the country, and New York gave him a large tract of land and Congress voted him $3,000. The congressional bequest was largely a result of the efforts of Washington, who had always admired Paine. Previously the Legis- lature of Pennsylvania had voted the author 500 pounds. After the Revolution, Paine turned his attention to science, for his ever- active mind could not allow him to be idle. He invented an iron bridge, which he tried to have adopted in this country. Meeting only with discouragement here, he took his model to Europe with the hope of greater success. But he had barely arrived in England when he became engaged in a verbal duel with Burke, to whose "Reflections on the French Revo- lution" Paine replied with his "Rights of Man." It created a stir among the government officials, who con- sidered the book seditious, and Paine was convicted of treason. But he escaped to France a few minutes before the officers sent to arrest him arrived on the scene. In France Paine found a situation which seemed to have been made expressly for him. Here were people struggling for their rights, and the champion of human liberty immediately plunged into the fight whole- heartedly. He was very popular with the revolutionists in France and several departments would have elected him to the National Convention. He chose to repre- sent Calais, and as a deputy from that place he op- News Releases 463 posed the execution of Louis XVI. This action aroused the distrust of the extremists in the Revolutionary Party and when Robespierre came into power he had Paine thrown into the Luxembourg Prison, where he was held for 11 months. During this time Gouverneur Morris, the American Minister to France, refused to claim Paine as an Ameri- can citizen, although the latter had become naturalized soon after coming to the United States. This unfortu- nate experience so embittered Paine that he was never able to forget it. When Monroe succeeded Morris, one of his first acts was to request his countryman's free- dom. Paine was set free, but was forced by the hos- tility of the British to remain in France until he was given protected passage to this country on an American gunboat. Once more in the United States, Paine found himself alienated from many of his old friends because of his "Age of Reason," which he had written in France, and which to many people appeared as an atheistic attack on all belief in God. He retired to his farm near New Rochelle, N. Y., and there spent the remainder of his days in seclusion. His life came to an end on June 8, 1809. Thomas Paine has been both praised and anathema- tized by biographers. Perhaps he never fully deserved the condemnation w^iich was heaped upon him during the later years of his life. Whatever his faults and mis- takes, lack of patriotism was not among them. Most certainly the United States still is indebted to him for his great service in moulding public opinion during the Revolutionary War. 464 Washington Bicentennial Versatile Benjamin Franklin Next to George Washington, Benjamin Franklin was the best known American of the eighteenth century. He was renowned wherever civilized men gathered, in the circles of philosophy, science, and politics, as one of the foremost men of his time. His personality was so delightful that everyone who met him was charmed. His versatility seems to have known no bounds, but it was through his sound judgment, common sense, and clear thinking that he was able to attain his striking success. So great and varied are his achievements that only a comprehensive work could do justice to his many accomplishments. This great hero of the Revolutionary War and warm friend of Washington was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. The service which Franklin rendered to his country during the struggle for liberty is invaluable. The aid which he obtained from France insured to the United States the lasting benefits of the victories which Washington won on the battle field. In fact, if Frank- lin had not been able to persuade the French to come to the assistance of the Colonies, perhaps Yorktown never would have taken place. When young Benjamin was 8 years old, his father sent him to a grammar school and later to a somewhat technical institution in Boston where he learned arith- metic. This was the extent of the boy's schooling, for when he was 10 his father set him to making candles. This was so distasteful to the lad that the elder Franklin became apprehensive lest he run away to sea. To fore- stall anything of this sort, Benjamin was apprenticed to his half-brother, James, who was a printer. Here his News Releases 465 mind developed rapidly. At his brother's shop he came in contact with the liberal element of Boston, and from his reading of Locke, Bunyan, Plutarch, Defoe, and Mather he imbibed a broadening philosophy. The New England Courant, published by James and Benjamin, was called the "first sensational newspaper in America." But trouble was brewing, and in 1723 the 17-year- old Benjamin quarreled with his brother and went to Philadelphia. Everyone is familiar with the story of Franklin's entrance into that city, which has been pic- tured in school books to the great amusement of many young readers. As he walked down the street eating from a loaf of bread carried under his arm, he must have presented an appearance far from suggestive of the famous man he was destined to become. Obtaining employment in the Quaker City, Franklin soon attracted the attention of William Keith, the gov- ernor of Pennsylvania, who persuaded him to go to London to study and to purchase equipment for a print- ing office. Keith promised the boy letters of introduc- tion and credit, but when Franklin arrived in London he found that the governor had not kept his word. Al- most penniless and without friends in that city, his condition was acute, but he soon obtained employment and made many friends. One of these was a wealthy Quaker merchant named Denham, who offered the youth a position in a store he was opening in Philadel- phia. Accordingly, Franklin returned to that city in 1726, after having spent nearly two years in London. Within a short time Denham died, and Franklin found himself out of a job, but this may have been a good 466 Washington Bicentennial thing for the youth, because his next step was an important one. In 1728 Franklin established a printing house with Hugh Meredith, and in 10 years had made it the most successful business of its kind in America. At this time he also purchased the Pennsylvania Gazette, a moribund newspaper, which under his management gained a cir- culation of about 10,000 and became one of the most prominent papers in the country. Soon afterward he began to publish his famous "Poor Richard's Almanac," containing the pithy maxims which retain their popu- larity to this day, and from which he made his fortune. He also became public printer of Pennsylvania, which added to his prestige, and in 1730 he married Deborah Read, with whom he had fallen in love some years before. During the next 20 years Franklin's popularity and activity steadily increased. He organized and became prominent in the Leathernapron Club, which he called the Junto and in which he learned the essentials of lead- ership. He organized the first fire company in Phila- delphia, founded the American Philosophical Society, became postmaster of Philadelphia, invented a stove, acquired interests in several of the Continental Colonies and in Jamaica, and became clerk of the Pennsylvania Assembly. In 1745 he began to experiment with a Ley den jar sent to him from England, and his investigations in this field led to the discovery which made him famous as a scientist. Every schoolboy is familiar with Franklin's experiments with a kite and key by which he made the identification of lightning and electricity, and which News Releases 467 he was the first to prove. He also framed the theory of two kinds of electricity, which he called negative and positive — a theory which still holds. With the lightning rod which he invented he was able to overcome to some extent the devastating effects of lightning, and this made him the best known scientist of the day. In the Pennsylvania Assembly Franklin had been prominent in the fight to obtain taxes from the pro- prietary interest of the Penns, and in 1757 he was sent to England to lay the case before the throne. Here he was received cordially by his old friends and he made many new ones. After five years he returned to the Colonies, only to be sent back to England to protest the imposition of the Stamp Act. He was called to testify in a famous examination before the House of Commons in which his tact and ability was largely responsible in having the obnoxious act repealed. He became the best known American in Europe and was popular every- where. Franklin returned to America in time to attend the First Continental Congress as a delegate from Pennsyl- vania. As a member of that body, he was appointed to the committee which drafted the Declaration of Inde- pendence. He was made Postmaster General of the Colonies, and soon afterward went to France to secure the aid of that nation. By the French he was received enthusiastically, and they regarded him as one of the four greatest men in all history. This popularity was so great that the British were irked by it, but it enabled him to obtain the much-needed money for the Ameri- can Treasury. When the war was over, he was called upon to act as one of the peace commissioners, and in 468 Washington Bicentennial framing the Treaty of Paris Franklin's activities were most eminent and useful. In 1785 he returned to Phila- delphia, but he had one more important service to per- form for his country. This was his participation, as a delegate from Pennsylvania, in the Constitutional Con- vention of 1787. Franklin was then 81 years old, and his age prevented him from taking part in the debates of that body. The influence he wielded in keeping the convention in order, however, is immeasurable. On April 17, 1790, three years after he had seen the government of his country firmly established, the life of Benjamin Franklin came to a close. Philosopher, states- man, philanthropist, writer, patriot, and scientist he was one of the most remarkable men of the age. He ad- mired and loved Washington, whose measure he seems to have accurately taken, for in his will he wrote: "My fine crab-tree- walking stick, with a gold head curiously wrought in the form of the cap of liberty, I give to my friend and the friend of mankind, General Washington. If it were a sceptre, he has merited it and would become it." Activities of Thomas Jefferson In the picturesque and dramatic period just before, during, and immediately after the Revolutionary War, there are probably but few figures who stand out in American history as does Thomas Jefferson, third Presi- dent of the United States, and the most conspicuous apostle of democracy in America. He was born at Shadwell, Albemarle County, Va., April 13, 1743. By a strange coincidence he died on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the News Releases 469 Declaration of Independence, on the same day as John Adams, the second President of the United States, and (with one interruption from 1795 to 1809) life-long friends. No American of this time had such versatility or such diversified interests. Jefferson was asked to draft the Declaration of Independence because of his reputation as a writer. Adams thus tells the story: "He brought with him a reputation for literary science and the happy talent for composition. Writings of his were handed about, remarkable for their peculiar felicity of expres- sion. It was the 'Summary View' which elicited the admiration of Edmund Burke." Jefferson was a student of William and Mary College at Williamsburg, Va. In addition to excelling in other studies, he had a good knowledge of Latin, Greek, and French, to which he soon added Italian and Spanish. He had an artistic temperament, loved music, and was an exceptionally good violinist. He was proficient in outdoor sports and an excellent horseman. Thorough- bred horses to him were a necessary luxury. Soon after leaving college, he entered a law office, and after five years of close study was admitted to the bar in 1767. His thorough preparation enabled him to compete from the first with the leading lawyers of the Colony. On January 1, 1772, he married Martha Wayles Skelton, a childless widow of 23, very handsome, accom- plished, and very fond of music. Their married life was exceedingly happy, and Jefferson never remarried after her early death. Of six children, two daughters alone survived infancy. Jefferson was emotional and very af- 470 Washington Bicentennial fectionate at home, and his generous and devoted rela- tions with his children and grandchildren are among the finest phases of his character. In 1779, at almost the gloomiest stage of the war in the Southern States, Jefferson succeeded Patrick Henry as governor of Virginia, being the second to hold that office after the organization of the Government. In his second term the State was overrun by British troops, and Jefferson, a civilian, was blamed for the ineffectual resistance. Most of the criticism of his administration was grossly unjust. His conduct being attacked, he declined reelection to the governorship, but was unani- mously returned by Albemarle as a delegate to the State legislature. From 1784 to 1789 Jefferson was in France, first under an appointment to collaborate with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams in negotiating treaties of commerce with European countries, and then as Frank- lin's successor as minister to France. He was exceed- ingly popular as a minister. During this time he as- sisted in negotiating a treaty of amity and commerce with Prussia and one with Morocco, and negotiated with France a "convention defining and establishing the rights and privileges of consuls and vice consuls." When Jefferson left France it was with the intention of soon returning, but President Washington tendered him the Secretaryship of State, and he reluctantly ac- cepted. Alexander Hamilton was Secretary of the Treasury. These two men, antipodal in temperament and political beliefs, clashed with irreconcilable hostility, first on the financial proposals of Hamilton, which were adopted by Congress against the protests of Jefferson, News Releases 471 then on the questions with regard to France and Great Britain, Jefferson's sympathies being predominantly with the former, Hamilton's with the latter. They formed about themselves two great parties, which took the names of Republican and Federalist. The schools of thought for which they stood have since contended for mastery in American politics. The name "Republican" was dropped at the time of the War of 1812. In 1853 it was revived for a new party of very different political principles. Jefferson was elected President, entering upon his duties March 4, 1801, and reelected in 1804. His ad- ministration was distinguished by the simplicity that marked his conduct in private life. When on March 4, 1809, he retired from the Presi- dency, he had been almost continuously in the public service for 40 years. He refused to be reelected for the third time, though requested by the legislatures of five States to be a candidate. Thus, following Washington's example, he helped to establish a precedent deemed by him of great importance for preserving a democratic spirit in the Presidency. When he died, he chose for his tomb the epitaph: "Here was buried Thomas Jefferson, author of the Dec- laration of Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia." Story of "Mad Anthony" Wayne To the people of Pennsylvania January 1 means more than the beginning of the New Year, for on that date in 1745 a baby boy was born in the Keystone State who 472 Washington Bicentennial was destined to achieve honor for himself and his com- monwealth by his distinguished service to the United States in the Revolutionary War. Anthony Wayne was the name given to the infant at his christening, but by the time he was 35 years old his exploits on many battle fields had earned for him the soubriquet of "Mad Anthony," and he was acclaimed by his countrymen as a national hero. Anthony Wayne was born in East town, Pa., on January 1, 1745. His father was the son of Anthony Wayne, an Englishman who had lived for some years in Ireland before coming to America. After removing to this country the family seems to have done very well, and young Anthony's father had built up a comfortable, if moderate, fortune by the time his only son was born. Fighting blood seems to have characterized the Wayne's, for the grandfather of young Anthony had served gallantly under the banner of William III, and the boy's father had taken an active part in the con- flict between France and England in America. In fact, this military ardor was so strong in the future hero of Stony Point that it nearly ruined his academic educa- tion. His uncle, who was Anthony's first school master, complained to the boy's father that his son would have to give more attention to his studies or leave the school. Anthony was more interested in playing soldier than he was in studying. From this school young Anthony was sent to the academy at Philadelphia which later became the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. Here he showed remarkable ability in mathematics and at the age of 18 he became a surveyor. Already he was following in the footsteps News Releases 473 of George Washington under whose military leadership he later served so brilliantly. Wayne was a member with Benjamin Franklin of the Pennsylvania Committee of Safety in 1775, and in that year he organized and drilled the Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment. He was commissioned colonel on January 3, 1776, and the following June was sent with the Penn- sylvania troops to reenforce the northern army before Quebec. At Three Rivers he impetuously attacked a superior British force and in this engagement received his first wound. From here he went to Ticonderoga, where he was placed in command. Chafing under the inactivity of this service, he wrote to Washington urging that he be assigned to active duty in the field. Wayne was commissioned brigadier general in February, 1777, and two months later joined Wash- ington in New Jersey. During the summer of that year he proved a constant threat to the British in that State and was commended for his bravery and good conduct by the Commander in Chief. At the Battle of Brandy- wine Wayne was charged with the defense of Chad's Ford, where his spirited resistance checked the advance of Knyphausen's Hessians and was largely responsible for preventing a rout. A short time later he was at- tacked at Paoli by a superior British force, and here he suffered a severe defeat, although he succeeded in bring- ing off his men. During the winter at Valley Forge Wayne was charged with a great deal of the responsibility of ob- taining supplies for the Continental Army. Much of this was obtained from raids into the British lines, and in these Mad Anthony was a sore trial to the enemy. 474 Washington Bicentennial When Clinton led his army from Philadelphia, Wayne hung on the rear of the English and wherever he went there was always a fight. This impetuous and cour- ageous young officer was indeed a dangerous foeman. In the heated engagement at Monmouth, Wayne's ef- forts, perhaps more than those of any other man except Washington, saved the Americans from disaster. The most daring and spectacular exploit of Mad Anthony's career occurred at midnight on July 15, 1779, when he stormed the British garrison at Stony Point, and at the bayonet point forced the surrender of a fort which had been considered impregnable. This Hudson River post, strongly fortified, commanded King's Ferry and was naturally protected by a marsh, which at high tide was covered by water so deep that the place became an island. General Wayne led his troops to within a mile and a half of the fort and there waited for midnight. At the appointed time the Americans moved forward in two columns. In order to insure absolute secrecy, the muskets were unloaded except for a few belonging to the men who were to distract the attention of the British from the attacking columns. It was a perilous under- taking, and, from letters which Wayne wrote before the attack, it is evident that he was determined to take Stony Point or die in the attempt. Mad Anthony led the charge up the slope until he was struck in the head by a ball which inflicted a severe wound and knocked him senseless. He soon regained consciousness, however, and directed the movements of his troops until the British surrendered. It was a glori- ous triumph and even the Redcoats paid tribute to the News Releases 475 valor and courage of the American soldiers and the gen- erosity toward the vanquished which was shown by the victors. General Wayne was warmly commended by Washington, Lafayette, Steuben, and all the rest of his fellow officers, and General Charles Lee called the affair the "most brilliant assault in history." In the disturbances among the American troops oc- casioned by the failure of Congress to provide them with money and supplies, Wayne proved that he could be diplomatic as well as impetuous. His influence with the men at this time was but an indication of the re- spect which the soldiers held for their leader, and his efforts secured a settlement of the difficulties. Early in 1781 Wayne was ordered to join Lafayette in Virginia, where he refused to be intimidated by Lord Cornwallis. Mad Anthony seriously hampered the Briton's movements, and in the engagement at Green Springs in which he was opposed by the entire British force he demonstrated his great ability as a general. At the siege of Yorktown, he opened the first parallel in the cordon which enclosed Cornwallis and was actively engaged during the entire investiture. Wayne received six wounds during his military ca- reer, one being inflicted by a shot from the gun of an American sentry at the camp of Lafayette. The guard was evidently nervous because of the proximity of the enemy and as Wayne approached his post on a dark night the man fired. The bullet struck the General in the thigh, glanced off the bone and lodged in the flesh. Mad Anthony excused the soldier, but his ire was aroused at the American commissary which had failed to put enough powder in the cartridge. "If the damned car- 476 Washington Bicentennial tridge had a sufficiency of powder the ball would have gone quite through in place of lodging," he expostulated. Following Yorktown, General Wayne was sent to the South, where he continued active until the British had been driven out. After the war he returned to Penn- sylvania and resumed his civil life. He was a member of the convention which ratified the Constitution. In 1792 President Washington commissioned Wayne General in Chief of the American Army with the rank of Major General, and he was sent to the northwest to subjugate the Indians, a task in which both Harmar and St. Clair had failed. He marched into a hostile terri- tory, built three forts and offered the Indians peace. The savages refused to lay down their arms and on Au- gust 20, 1794, they met Mad Anthony in the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Wayne defeated the redskins, and de- stroyed their villages for miles around. It was a chasten- ing the Indians long remembered and they gave the white warrior the name of "Black Snake," because that reptile will attack any other species and nearly always emerges victorious from its encounters. Mad Anthony returned to Pennsylvania from his last battle with "both body and mind fatigued by congest," but was soon appointed by Washington as commissioner to treat with the Indians. While on this mission he be- came ill and died at Presque Isle, now Erie, Pa., on De- cember 15, 1796. Loved and esteemed by all his countrymen, a warm and lifelong friend of George Washington, no man ren- dered more brilliant and distinguished service to his land than did this dashing, impetuous, fearless Pennsylvanian. Many times the Commander in Chief commended him News Releases 477 for his bravery and ability. This esteem and admiration was mutual, for during the long association of Wash- ington and Wayne, they often conferred and each re- spected the judgment of the other. Mad Anthony is said to have remarked on one occasion that he would storm the gates of hell if Washington would plan the assault. Paul Revere's Midnight Ride "Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere." In these famous words the beloved poet, Longfellow, began his own account of an important and colorful incident in American history. This excellent story- poem is universally known among the school children of the country, but it seems that the venerable bard al- lowed his sense of the dramatic to obscure the facts in the case, with the result that a somewhat fictitious story has been perpetuated in an interesting but inaccurate epic. For, instead of reaching Concord, as Longfellow relates, Paul Revere was captured by the English just outside of Lexington. The year 1775 opened upon a very critical situation in the American Colonies, and even the most hopeful were becoming convinced that an armed conflict with the mother country was inevitable. British troops were stationed in Boston, which was considered the hot bed of rebellion, but the presence of these soldiers only made worse an already hopeless condition. The citizens of Boston vigorously protested England's action in station- ing an army there, and committees were formed to keep 478 Washington Bicentennial a vigilant eye on the redcoats and all their movements. One purpose of these committees was to prevent the capture of John Hancock and Samuel Adams, whom the English regarded as seditionists and who were at that time really the leaders of the Massachusetts resistance to the authority of Parliament. Paul Revere, a Boston silversmith, whose father was a Huguenot refugee to the colonies, was a member of one of these committees which reported directly to Adams and Hancock. In the early part of April, 1775, the movements of the British troops aroused the suspi- cions of the patriot vigilantes, who became convinced that the capture of their leaders was intended. Revere had visited Lexington a few days before his memorable ride took place and on his way back to Boston had stopped in Charlestown to arrange with a friend the means to be employed in apprising the latter of the movements of the soldiers. Adams and Hancock were in Lexington and if their capture were intended the men had to be informed beforehand. On the night of April 18, Dr. Joseph Warren learned that 800 troops under Lieut. Col. Francis Smith were leaving with the double objective of capturing Hancock and Adams and destroying the military stores at Con- cord which the patriots had been collecting. The fu- ture hero of Bunker Hill immediately dispatched Wil- liam Dawes for Lexington, from which place he was to proceed to Concord. Warren then sent for Revere, whom he instructed to ride to these villages by another route. The patriot silversmith sought out a friend and requested him to place two lanterns in the tower of North Church as a signal to the watchers in Charles- News Releases 479 town, then proceeded to the Charles River, where a boat awaited him. In this craft, with muffled oar-locks, he was rowed to the opposite shore, passing under the guns of the British man-of-war, Somerset, and avoiding by- five minutes the soldiers who had been sent to detain him. In Charlestown Revere found that his signals had been seen, and procuring a horse, he immediately set off for Lexington. He had just passed Charlestown Neck when he saw two mounted British officers waiting under a tree. As these men rode toward him, Revere took flight and succeeded in eluding his would-be captors after one of them had been caught in a clay pond. In a letter written to a friend sometime later, Revere, describing his ride, said that from here on he "alarmed almost every House" until he reached Lexington. When he arrived at this place the courier patriot rode directly to the house of Rev. Jonas Clark, where Han- cock and Adams were staying. He apprised these men of their danger and after partaking of refreshments he started for Concord with Mr. Dawes, who arrived in the meantime, to warn the militia there of the British plans to capture the stores collected in that city. They were joined by Dr. Prescott, a young patriot of that vi- cinity, but after proceeding only a short distance the three Americans were accosted by a body of English soldiers. Prescott escaped by jumping his horse over a stone wall, but his two companions were captured and in this abrupt manner the "midnight ride of Paul Re- vere" was rudely terminated. Prescott alone of the three riders was able to reach Concord. Revere was not detained long by his captors, who re- 480 Washington Bicentennial turned with him to Lexington, where he was relieved of his horse. He then assisted Adams and Hancock to a more secluded retreat, after which he probably re- turned to his home in Boston. Despite the difference between the facts in the case and the picture drawn in Longfellow's immortal poem, Paul Revere remains none the less a patriot hero. Throughout the entire Revolution he was prominent in his service to his country. At first he acted as a mes- senger and made several trips from Boston to New York and Philadelphia to carry word to Congress of the situa- tion in Massachusetts. He was one of the leaders in the Boston Tea Party. But his most famous exploit was, of course, his ride to Lexington. A fact perhaps too little known is that Revere was "the most remarkable man to develop American indus- tries that the first 200 years of American history pro- duced." He was an expert gold-and-silversmith; he rolled copper for use on the Constitution; he was an engraver, a dentist and an iron molder. He manufac- tured bells which were among the finest in the country and over 75 of these bells are still in use in New England. The copper rolling industry he established in Canton, Mass., in 1801, is still in existence and is conducted to- day by direct descendants of its founder. When Paul Revere died on May 10, 1818, he was 83 years old and enjoyed the respect and esteem of all his countrymen. He had served his country well and hon- orably — his life had been long and useful. Today Amer- ica honors his memory in gratitude for his loyalty to the cause of independence. News Releases 481 The Story of Nathan Hale On September 22, 1776, there was enacted in the City of New York, then in the hands of the British, a scene which ended the life of one of America's most revered patriots. On that day, alone in the presence of enemies, with no friend to lend strength and courage in his last hours, young Nathan Hale, condemned as a spy, went to his death on a British gallows. In com- memoration of the one hundred and fifty-fourth anni- versary of this courageous youth's sacrifice to his coun- try the Information Division of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, organ- ized for the celebration in 1932 of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, calls attention to the facts connected with Hale's heroic mission, which terminated so unhappily. It will be recalled that after the British had evacuated Boston in the spring of 1776, the next place which became the point of dispute was New York City. Gen. George Washington correctly divined the plans of Lord Howe, who intended to capture that city and use it as a base for future operations against the so- called rebel army. In an effort to defend the metropolis, Washington endeavored to strongly fortify the place against attack, but as yet the Continental Army was little more than an untrained crowd, and the Com- mander in Chief was unable to obtain even the neces- sary supplies for the soldiers. Hampered by the lack of munitions and the neglect of Congress to supply his needs, Washington could hardly fail to appreciate the precariousness of his position. If the American Army was to be successful in the 482 Washington Bicentennial coming conflict, then it was of vital importance that no opportunity to gain the advantage of the enemy be lost. Howe seemed content to move warily, and Wash- ington felt that a secret service system of some kind would work to good advantage in obtaining advance information of the British plans. By being forewarned, the Americans could move in such a way that their own military inferiority would not be so serious a handicap. The Britons had won a victory at the Battle of Long Island, and Washington was forced to withdraw from New York. However, he was not content to leave the field entirely to his foe and determined to make it warm for the Redcoats. He felt the imperative need of intelli- gence from the enemy camp, and at this juncture called for a volunteer to enter the British lines and obtain the important information. The man who answered this call was the 21 -year-old Capt. Nathan Hale. Hale had enlisted in July, 1775, as a lieutenant. His first military experience had been gained at the siege of Boston, where he was advanced by a congressional commission to a captaincy. From here he accompanied the victorious army to New York, where he assisted in the preparations for the defense of that city. After serving for a time in his regular capacity, he became attached to Knowlton's Rangers, a body of light horse already becoming famous as scouts. When General Washington asked for some one to accept the dangerous mission of a spy, it is said that Captain Hale at first declined to volunteer because of a recent illness, but after considering the matter de- cided to offer his services. Although a brother officer sought to dissuade him upon the grounds that he had so News Releases 483 slight a chance for success and that failure meant only an ignominious death, the young patriot was not to be shaken when once his decision had been reached. From the Commander in Chief, Hale received his instructions and an order directing the boatmen along the East River to place themselves at his disposal. One of these, a Captain Pond, conveyed him across the stream, and Hale found himself, disguised as a Dutch schoolmaster, in the territory of the enemy. Naturally, the utmost secrecy attended his departure, but informa- tion later brought to light has fixed it at about Septem- ber 10 or 12. Only meager details have been discovered as to the activities of the youth from this time until the night of September 21, when he was apprehended and taken before Lord Howe. That he inspected the British forti- fications, made drawings, and recorded data concerning them is certain, because it was these papers, found on his person, that led the English commander to sum- marily order his execution as a spy. He was denied the formality of a trial, for, as if the papers in his possession were not evidence enough, he proudly stated to his captors that he was an American captain fighting for the freedom of his country, and without hesitation admitted the object of his mission. A story which gained credence among his associates laid his capture to betrayal by one of his Tory relatives, who, it is said, recognized him as he was about to return to the Amer- ican lines. But historians have since discredited this supposition. Hale was turned over to the provost marshal, an inhuman loyalist named Cunningham, whose cruelties 484 Washington Bicentennial had already marked him with infamy. The execution was to take place before sunrise and was to be effected in the mode usually accorded spies — by hanging. From subsequent reports given by the British it is certain that Hale received his sentence calmly and with that same courage which had long before made him a valu- able officer in Washington's army. Even the English- men were impressed with the unflinching bravery of their youthful prisoner, who so cheerfully offered his life for his country's liberty. The provost marshal, determined to make the hated patriot's death as shameful as possible, allowed no mili- tary dignity to be accorded him. The condemned man was denied the services of a chaplain, or even the solace of a Bible. He wrote letters to his sweetheart and brother, which were promptly destroyed before his very eyes by the despicable Cunningham. Even this in- human treatment failed to daunt the boy, and, as he mounted the scaffold, he said, "You are shedding the blood of the innocent; if I had ten thousand lives, I would lay them down in defence of my injured, bleed- ing country." With the immortal words, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country," Nathan Hale, patriot, went to his death in the performance of his duty. It was the spirit manifested here by Nathan Hale which lived in his countrymen and enabled them to triumph over the despotism of a misguided king. Only men of this indomitable character, united under the leadership of the incomparable Washington, could have achieved the ultimate victory. Although Nathan Hale met a tragic and miserable fate, his service, devotion, News Releases 485 and patriotism will never be forgotten. His name belongs with the immortals of the American Revolution. John Jay — First Chief Justice Many a man in official life has tried honestly to serve his country's interests only to find his action disapproved and misunderstood by the general public. It may de- velop later that his vision was far-sighted, and then he may receive belated approbation from his countrymen; or, perhaps, appreciation for him may even be left to another generation. One such man lived in America during the Revolu- tionary War period. This man was John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Jay is remembered by most Americans as the man who ne- gotiated the treaty agreement with England which has since been known by his name. It was this treaty, ne- cessitated by the British and American misunderstand- ings growing out of the Treaty of Paris, which made Jay so unpopular in this country for some time. Many Americans thought that the treaty made too many con- cessions to Great Britain, although it was approved by Washington and other officials of that time. An inter- esting fact in the matter is that Lord Grenville, who signed the papers on behalf of Great Britain, was also denounced by his countrymen as having been duped by the American minister. Jay was born in New York December 12, 1745. His father, a wealthy merchant of Huguenot descent, see- ing that the boy was of a serious-minded nature, sent young John to a private school for three years. At the end of that time the youth was placed under a tutor 486 Washington Bicentennial until he entered King's College, now Columbia Univer- sity, at the age of 14. In 1764 he graduated from that institution and immediately entered the office of Ben- jamin Kissam, a prominent lawyer of New York City. Young Jay agreed to work in this firm as an apprentice, bound for a service of five years. He was admitted to the bar in 1768, and soon became a prominent attorney and a partner of Robert R. Livingston. The public career of John Jay began in 1773 when he was appointed secretary to the Royal Commission to determine the boundary between New York and Canada. At this time he was 28 years old, and for the next 28 years he was to be active in his country's serv- ice. Oddly enough, Jay's life was thus divided into three periods of 28 years each, for when he retired from office in 1801 at the end of his second term as governor of New York, he enjoyed 28 years of private life until his death in 1829. When difficulties first began between England and her Colonies, Jay was opposed to separation from the mother country. However, when it was decided that a change of government was necessary, Jay was found to be as staunch and aggressive as any other patriot. He drafted the suggestion for the meeting of the Continental Con- gress, and was a member of that body when it first con- vened. A committee was appointed to "state the rights of the colonies in general," and Jay was designated to prepare an address to the people of Great Britain. He did this so well that the address was at once reported to and approved by Congress. When Jefferson read the paper, without knowing its authorship, he declared it "a production certainly of the finest pen in America." News Releases 487 At this time Jay was serving on so many congressional committees that his associates marvelled at his ability to perform the duties involved. Despite this activity, he still found time to write a great deal, and many look upon him as the most effective molder of public opinion of that period. Jay's life is lacking in the military exploits which have added such lustre to the names of Warren, Morgan, Greene, Sullivan, Knox, Wayne, .and all the other great soldiers of the Revolutionary War. The service he ren- dered was not on the field of battle but in the halls of Congress, in the field of foreign relations and on the bench of the judiciary. In these offices he served his country with as great distinction and honor as if he had been a warrior. It was because of his loyal response to the demands of his colony that the name of John Jay does not appear among those affixed to the Declaration of Independence. He was prevented from signing that great document because New York called him home to aid in the organi- zation of a government there. In 1777 he wrote the constitution which was adopted by the legislature with very few changes, and under the government thus formed, Jay was appointed chief justice of New York. In 1779 Jay served as President of Congress until Oc- tober of that year, when he became minister to Spain. In this position he confronted a difficult task. The Spanish government feared the ambitious new country and was reluctant to jeopardize her own interests in Europe and elsewhere by an open encouragement of the course of the colonies. While still in Spain, Jay was appointed to the commis- 488 Washington Bicentennial sion for general peace along with Franklin, Jefferson, John Adams, and Henry Laurens. Congress instructed these peace commissioners not to conclude a separate peace with Britain, for it was supposed that France would approve all the claims of the United States. Jay soon felt, however, that Talleyrand so feared the grow- ing power of the new nation that he was opposed to many of the American claims. Jay took the lead in the peace negotiations, and although he was at first opposed by Franklin, he negotiated a separate treaty with Eng- land which secured concessions that were far more liberal than had been hoped for by even the most san- guine. Returning to America, Jay was active in his advocacy of a strong Federal Government under a constitution. This activity was one of the factors which influenced New York to approve the Constitution. When Wash- ington was elected President, it is said that he offered Jay his choice of office in the new government. Jay selected the office of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, to which position he was appointed. In notifying him of the nomination, Washington said: "I not only acted in conformity with my best judg- ment, but I trust I did a grateful thing to the good citi- zens of these United States." It was in 1794 that Jay accepted the mission he knew would be so difficult and unpopular. Relations with Great Britain were strained at the time due to the fact that certain stipulations of the Treaty of Paris had never been carried out by that country. With a desire to avoid a rupture, Washington sent Jay to England as special minister to adjust the differences between the two coun- News Releases 489 tries. The result of these negotiations with Grenville, British secretary of foreign affairs, was the famous Jay's Treaty which Congress accepted. War sentiment was at such a height in this country, however, that Jay was everywhere denounced. It has already been noted that the people of England believed Grenville to have been inveigled by the American into making altogether too many concessions in the same treaty. When Jay returned to the United States again, it was to find that he had been elected governor of New York, the election having taken place before the results of his mission to England were known. As evidence that his undeserved unpopularity did not long remain, in New York at any rate, Jay was reelected to the gubernatorial chair by so large a majority as to constitute a personal triumph. During his occupancy of the Supreme Court bench as its first Chief Justice, Jay's services were invaluable in shaping the foreign policies of the new country and establishing the dignity and independence of the Fed- eral judiciary. Daniel Webster once said of him, "When the spotless ermine of the judicial robe fell on John Jay, it touched nothing less spotless than itself." To the end of the First President's life, Jay enjoyed the esteem and friendship of George Washington, who frequently sought and heeded his counsel. His long and useful life ended on May 17, 1829, at his home in Bedford, N. Y. Anniversary of Patrick Henry's Birth "Caesar had his Brutus, Charles the First his Crom- well, and George the Third— may profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it." 490 Washington Bicentennial What schoolboy is not familiar with these immortal words? Who has not read them and visualized the fiery and eloquent Patrick Henry making this irresistible appeal to his countrymen to resist the oppressive meas- ures of the British ministry, The undying fame that came to the young Virginia lawyer because of this speech was well deserved, as his later life proved, for no one in all the American Colonies was a stauncher patriot or more ardent advocate of liberty. Patrick Henry was born in Hanover County, Va., May 26, 1736, and the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission has issued a statement com- memorating the one hundred and ninety-fifth anniver- sary of his birth. This birthday is marked by the Bi- centennial Commission as one of the dates to be ob- served in connection with the nation-wide celebration next year of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, which will begin on February 22 and continue until the following Thanksgiving Day. Henry was one of the leaders of the patriot cause during the Revolutionary War. In fact, he was per- haps responsible, more than any other one man, except George Washington, for directing the sentiment of Virginia in favor of the complete separation of the Colonies from the mother country. Henry was always an admirer and personal friend of George Washington, although the two men differed widely in their political beliefs. Washington favored a strong central government, while Henry was decidedly averse to any serious encroachments on the authority of the States. While Washington advocated the adoption News Releases 491 of the Federal Constitution, Henry vigorously opposed its ratification in Virginia. He had served several terms as governor of the Old Dominion, and his influence in that State was so great that he was able to prevent the election of James Madison to the United States Senate. He opposed Madison because of his part in framing the Constitution. Despite the political differences between them, Washington always entertained the highest regard for Patrick Henry. In fact, Washington frequently ex- pressed himself as feeling greatly indebted to his fellow Virginian because of the personal friendliness he dis- played during the Revolutionary War. "When Wash- ington was at Valley Forge, with the Conway Cabal at its most threatening stage, Henry forwarded to the general letters he had received from some of the con- spirators. It was a friendly act by which he hoped to put Washington on his guard. Because of his devotion to the welfare of his country during the most trying period of her early existence, Patrick Henry rightly occupies a place of prominence on her roll of honor. He ardently desired the independ- ence of the United States, and to this end his whole- hearted efforts were fearlessly engaged. The esteem in which he was held by his associates in Virginia is attested by the many terms he was called to serve as governor of that State. When he died on June 6, 1799, he had just been elected to the Virginia House of Delegates. Virginia's regard for the great orator is today shared by the entire Nation. In the hearts of his countrymen will always burn his immortal statement: "Give me liberty or give me death!" 492 Washington Bicentennial Hamilton and Jefferson Traded Votes in Selecting Capital Site It is not easy to realize today the significance of the compromise which located the Capital of the United States on the banks of the Potomac and placed on the Federal Government the responsibility of paying the State debts incurred during the Revolution. Alexander Hamilton was the foremost advocate of the Federal assumption of State debts. It was linked up with the establishment of a national bank, the project most vital to his dreams of a great Union, and he was backed by the sentiment of the North. On the other hand, Jef- ferson and the agricultural South looked with abhor- rence upon what appeared to them the beginning of an oligarchy of wealth. The differences between these factions grew into an ever-widening division which threatened to wreck the Union before it was really under way, and a compromise became imperative. The leading parts in the closing of this rift were taken by Hamilton and Jefferson. The bill providing for the Federal Government's assumption of State debts had been defeated by a nar- row margin. Hamilton felt that the cause was not entirely lost. He believed that this rejection could be rescinded, and he set about securing the votes neces- sary to accomplish his purpose. Some of the Congress- men were threatening secession and dissolution, thoughts of which Hamilton was unable to tolerate. He went to Jefferson, who recorded the incident in his diary. "Hamilton was in despair," wrote Jefferson. "As I was going to the President's one day, I met him in the street. He walked me backwards and forwards before News Releases 493 the President's door for half an hour. He painted pathetically the temper into which the legislature had been wrought; the disgust of those who were called the creditor States, the danger of the secession of their mem- bers, and the separation of the States." Hamilton encouraged Jefferson to use his influence with his friends to secure the votes. In return he prom- ised to get enough votes to locate the Capital on the Potomac. Jefferson's diary continues: "But it was observed that this pill would be peculiarly bitter to the Southern States and that some concomitant measures should be adopted to sweeten it a little to them. There had been before a proposition to fix the Seat of Government either at Philadelphia or at Georgetown on the Potomac; and it was thotight by giving it to Philadelphia for 10 years and to Georgetown perma- nently afterwards, this might, as an anodyne, calm in some degree the ferment which might be excited by the other measure alone. So two of the Potomac mem- bers (White and Lee, but White with a revulsion of stomach almost convulsive) agreed to change their votes and Hamilton undertook to carry the other point. In doing this the influence he had established over the eastern members, with the agency of Robert Morris, with those of the Middle States, effected his side of the agreement, and so the assumption was passed." In the compromise thus effected the Union, so dear to the hearts of Hamilton and Jefferson, was perpetu- ated. Controversy, .of proportions difficult to appre- ciate today, was settled not only by the sagacity and patience of these two men, but by their shrewd knowl- 494 Washington Bicentennial edge of the political minds of their constituents and their personal desire to make the Union permanent. James Monroe Wounded at Trenton Overshadowed perhaps by his great accomplishments in later life, it is not generally known that James Monroe, the fifth President of the United States, was seriously wounded at the Battle of Trenton while serving under Gen. George Washington, and that he carried the bullet in his left shoulder during the rest of his life. James Monroe possessed all the requisites of the soldier, including courage, strength, skill, and robust health. Although barely out of his teens, this famous American patriot participated in the furious Battles of Harlem Heights, White Plains, Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth, and took a leading part in each of them. It was at the age of 17 that he left his home in West- moreland County, Va., for William and Mary College, at which time, it is stated, there were only about 60 students there. Most of them, however, represented the most distinguished families of colonial Virginia, and they shared with each other the never to be forgotten experiences of the spring and winter of 1775 and the first half of the year 1776. James Monroe joined the Third Virginia Regiment on June 24, 1776. Two months later he marched North under the command of Capt. William Washington, a kinsman of the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. At this time Monroe, who was barely 18 years old, acted as a first lieutenant. News Releases 495 The march to New York was a long one, and the Third Virginia Regiment arrived just in time to par- ticipate in the Battle o£ Harlem Heights. This was Monroe's "baptism of fire," fought in what is now the very heart of New York City, and it was the begin- ning for him of a series of battles at the rate of one a month. At the Battle of Trenton he played a highly creditable and even heroic part. It was on this memorable Christmas Eve that the American troops under the com- mand of General Washington crossed the Delaware during a severe snowstorm. Col. William Washington's men from time to time had been used for scout duty, and it is generally conceded by historians that his young lieutenant, James Monroe, was the first man to cross the Delaware. There is a record in existence which states that "Lieutenant Monroe, with a piece of artillery, was sent across the river to Pennington's Road, but joined the army the next morning." After rejoining his com- pany, he found himself among the first in the fight. In capturing some Hessian guns both Captain Washing- ton and Lieutenant Monroe were wounded, the captain being shot in both hands, and Monroe in the shoulder by a ball which cut an artery. It was his left shoulder, and the ball remained there as long as he lived. This gallant act on the part of these two officers helped materially to demoralize the enemy at a most critical time, and materially hastened the victory of the Amer- icans at the battle of Trenton. For "bravery under fire" Monroe was promoted by Gen. George Washington on the field to the rank of captain. Elaborate ceremonies will mark the unveiling of 496 Washington Bicentennial Monroe's statue on April 28, 1931, the one hundred and seventy-third anniversary of his birth, at Ash Lawn, Va., where he spent 26 years of his life. This is the famous "lost" statue of President Monroe, a titanic figure 11 feet high, carved from a solid block of marble 3 3 years ago for Venezuela. When it is erected it will be the first statue of Monroe, the original isolationist, author of the Monroe Doctrine and thrice an ambassador of the United States to foreign lands, to be erected in his native State. It will also be the largest figure of any statue now in Virginia. The gigantic figure of Monroe weighs 3 tons and was made by Attillio Piccirilli, New York sculptor, on the order of President Crespo, president of Venezuela, following a controversy between England and the Latin- American Republic, in which President Cleveland in- tervened under the Monroe Doctrine. President Crespo planned to place the statue before the capitol at Caracas, but before it could be shipped a revolution resulted in the overthrow of the government and Crespo died in jail. Birthday Anniversary of Madison One of the significant dates in the month of March is the birthday of James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution." Madison was born on March 16, 1751, at Port Conway, Va. Unlike the military services of Washington and his army officers, Madison's contribution to the establish- ment of the United States was spectacular in no respect. He was essentially a statesman and in the field of gov- News Releases 497 ernment and politics he had few superiors. In this sphere his services have proved to be of everlasting bene- fit to this country. At the College of New Jersey, now Princeton, Madi- son demonstrated a prodigious capacity for work, and he was graduated at an early age. He was deeply inter- ested in history and religion, and his studies along these lines formed a broad basis for the sound judgment which characterized his participation in public life. Madison's first venture in politics came with his elec- tion to the legislature of his own state. Here he revealed the results of his previous study. He evinced a pro- nounced antagonism toward any kind of religious in- tolerance and advocated the absolute separation of church and state. When a bill was introduced provid- ing that "all men should enjoy the fullest toleration in the exercise of religion," Madison so effectively opposed it that the clause was changed to read, "all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion." As a member of the Continental Congress in 1780, Madison strongly advocated the establishment of an impost law as part of a Federal tax system. No one real- ized better than he the need of a strong central govern- ment. He recognized that the weakness of the Confed- eration lay in its inability to raise money, and he was among the foremost to urge the adoption of efficient revenue measures. He opposed the issuance of paper money and his masterly reasoning against the evil was responsible for Virginia's escape from the craze which swept the country in 1786. The Annapolis Convention which resulted later in the Constitutional Convention in 1787, was Madison's 498 Washington Bicentennial proposal. Of all the delegates to the latter, Madison was perhaps the best informed. He had made an ex- haustive study of the history of confederacies and fed- eral unions, and he was ready with his own suggestion, which was known as the Virginia Plan. This was adopted as the basis of the Federal Government which was outlined in the Constitution. When the Constitution was ready, Madison worked with Hamilton and Jay in the preparation of the series of pamphlets called "The Federalist." These brochures were written to overcome the prejudice against the Con- stitution and to secure its adoption by the states. In Virginia, this great instrument was vigorously opposed by Henry Lee and Patrick Henry, but Madison argued so strongly in favor of it that he secured the old Domin- ion's ratification. Madison was defeated in his bid for the Senate largely because of the efforts of Henry. He was, however, elected to the House, where he offered 12 amendments to the Constitution embodying the sa- lient points of a bill of rights. The first 10 of these amendments were adopted in 1791. Madison left the House of Representatives and retired from public life at the close of Washington's second ad- ministration. Retirement in the strictest sense, how- ever, was impossible for him, and he attacked the ad- ministration's neutrality in the war between France and England. The Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798 led to the fall of the Federalist party and brought about the election of Jefferson to the Presidency. Madison had been Jefferson's friend for years, and now he accepted the portfolio of Secretary of State. After serving in complete harmony with Jefferson, News Releases 499 Madison, as the logical successor to the Sage of Monti- cello, was elected to the Presidency. Madison's career was one of illustrious service to his country, and Americans everywhere may well recall his contribution to the United States. mm _^___ President Adams First to Occupy White House The whimsical suggestion of Francis Hopkinson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and a member of the Continental Congress, that the "per- manent" capital of the new Nation be placed on wheels, so that it could be moved from place to place, is not hard to understand when it is realized that the Conti- nental Congress, from September 4, 1774, to October 21, 1788, was in session in no less than eight towns. The towns were Philadelphia, Pa.; Baltimore, Md.; Lancaster, Pa.; York, Pa.; Princeton, N. J.; Annapolis, Md.; Trenton, N. J., and New York City. The selection of a permanent capital for the United States proved to be one of the most vexatious problems that was, for more than 17 years, before both the Con- tinental and the United States Congress, and the matter was brought up and debated at practically every ses- sion until the District of Columbia was finally decided upon. The first meeting place of the new Congress was New York City, and the temporary capitol was the old city hall, which was renamed Federal Hall. Subscriptions amounting to $32,000 provided for the refurnishing of the building. It was a fine structure and a grand vestibule, paved with marble, prepared one for the Sen- 500 Washington Bicentennial ate Chamber with its azure ceiling from which shone the sun and 13 stars. From this room three windows opened upon a balcony whereon the oath of office was administered to George Washington by Chancellor Liv- ingston in full view of the people. Due to the short no- tice and bad traveling conditions, there were only a few Congressmen present on March 4, 1789, and it was a month afterward before there was a quorum to transact business. In July, 1790, Congress decided that for the next 10 years the seat of Government should be located at Phila- delphia. The executive officers moved to that city, and by December they were established in residence. George Washington lived at No. 190 High Street, near the southeast corner of Sixth Street, which house had been built by William Penn and in turn had been occupied by General Howe, Benedict Arnold and Robert Morris. Thomas Jefferson lived on the same street. It was while Congress was meeting in Philadelphia that the District of Columbia was settled upon as the permanent capital of the United States. On January 24, 1791, the President sent a message to Congress stat- ing that "in mature consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of the several positions within the limits described" he had by proclamation on the same date directed commissioners to "survey and limit a part of the territory of the ten-mile square on both sides of the river Potomac so as to comprehend Georgetown in Maryland and extend to the Eastern Branch." When the removal of the seat of the Government from Philadelphia to the city of Washington was be- News Releases 501 gun, more than one million dollars had been expended during the nine years of preparation and was apparently an event that attracted little attention. A few brief paragraphs in Philadelphia newspapers confined to an- nouncements about the change in address of mail mat- ter intended to reach the executive departments were practically all the contemporary notice given to the removal. The newcomers arrived before all the work of prepa- ration had been completed. The new city's streets and parks existed on paper only. New arrivals saw gangs of laborers making the first improvements since the clearing away of the forest trees on what has become the most famous historic street in the country, the broad stretch of Pennsylvania Avenue west of the Capitol to the President's house. The Capitol had been begun, but the Executive Man- sion was unfinished and the wife of President Adams used the audience room as a drying room for clothes. Congress could hardly find lodgings and sanitary condi- tions were bad. President Adams came to the city on November 1, 1880, and went at once to the partially finished Presi- dent's house. There were no bells in the house, a scarcity of firewood, and not a single apartment finished. Although the 17th of November was the date fixed upon for the meeting of Congress in the new city, when that day arrived a quorum of neither house was pres- ent. On the next day the House had a quorum, but the Senate did not have such a quota until the twenty- first. The following day the President met both Houses 502 Washington Bicentennial in the Senate Chamber and read his message, thus open- ing the first formal meeting of Congress in the Nation's new capital. George Washington Was Interested in Orphans Perhaps no one ever felt more keenly than George Washington the need for relief measures designed to ameliorate the distressing circumstances of orphans and children of parents who were too poor to provide for their families. He was always especially interested in the creation of educational facilities for this class of people, and his life furnishes many examples of worthy efforts in this field. The Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission, now completing plans for the celebration next year of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, which will begin on February 22 and end on the following Thanksgiving Day, cites three instances of the first President's interest in and sym- pathy for orphans. His beneficence is nowhere better displayed than in this respect. Perhaps the most notable of George Washington's contributions to orphans and children of the poor was his endowment of the Alexandria Academy. This school was founded in his home town by himself and other public-spirited men who wished to give unfortu- nate children the opportunity of obtaining an educa- tion. Washington laid the corner stone of the academy in September, 1785. The building still stands and is used by the public-school system of Alexandria. Washington established a fund for the school, the News Releases 503 interest only of which was to be used. His will provided for the permanent endowment of the institution in the bequest of 20 shares of stock in the Bank of Alexandria, then worth $4,000. At one time Washington main- tained in the school, in addition to the regular pupils, about 20 boys whose fathers had been killed in the Revolutionary War. In his diary for December 17, 1785, Washington wrote: "Went to Alexandria to meet the Trustees of the Academy at that place, and offered to vest in the hands of the said Trustees, when they are permanently estab- lished by Charter, the Sum of One Thousand pounds, the Interest of which only, to be applied towards the establishment of a charity School for the education of Orphan and other poor Children, which offer was accepted." During the first year of his initial term in the Presidency, Washington, then in New York City, wrote in his diary, November 22, 1789: "Went to St. Paul's Chapel in the forenoon — heard a charity sermon for the benefit of the Orphan's School of this city." Again, during his tour of the Southern States in the spring of 1791, he recorded a visit to the orphanage at Charleston, S. C. "Before Break (fast)," Washington wrote, "I visited the Orphan House at which there were one hundred and seven boys and girls. This appears to be a charitable institution and under good management." Never in his life did Washington turn a deaf ear toward the pleas which came from or in behalf of the orphans. He always responded to such requests for help 504 Washington Bicentennial with whatever assistance he could render. His benev- olence no less than his spectacular achievements on the field of battle or in the chair of government mark him as one of the world's truly great. Washington Was Pioneer in Public Schools George Washington's foresight and clear thinking is, perhaps, nowhere more definitely shown than in his attitude toward education. Realizing the important part education must play in a Republic, he was a pioneer in the interests of uni- versal education, primary, secondary, and collegiate. It engaged his attention and constructive thought even in his will, fully six pages of that historic document being devoted to setting forth his ideas in regard to it. Immediately after the Revolutionary War the problem of education became acute, and in 1785 Wash- ington and some other public-spirited men established the Alexandria Academy in Alexandria, Va., for the free education of orphaned or poor children of that city, and on September 7, 1785, he laid the corner stone of a modest building with the aid of the Alexandria Lodge of Freemasons, of which he was a member. This school was one of the first free schools in America, and is today included in the school system of the State. The idea of establishing such a school was not a new one with Washington. It had first taken form in his mind as a school for the orphans of those men who had been killed in the Revolutionary War, and it was his intention to make a gift to help maintain a school for these children. With the establishment of the Alex- News Releases 505 andria Academy, Washington thought that his purpose might best be served if he gave an endowment to that school and provided for its administration in behalf of the children who had first inspired his benevolence. He refers to this in his diary of December 17, 1785, as follows: "Went to Alexandria to meet the trustees of the Academy in that place, and offered to vest in the hands of the said trustees, when they were permanently established by charter, the sum of £l,000, the interest of which was only to be applied towards the establish- ment of a charity school for the education of orphans and other poor children, which offer was accepted." Washington's interest in education is shown in many ways. His daily records of his acts, as found in his diaries, give concrete evidence of some of the things he did to further educational enterprises in his day. His library is a living testimony to his interest in education. His own example of self -education is an inspiration to every youth and adult alike. The following appears in Washington's Diaries under date of July 25, 1769: "At home all day writing Letters and Invoices for England." Research shows that, "A long letter and several invoices of goods needed were written to Robert Cary & Co., London. Among the usual supplies for the plantation was included a rather formidable list of books for Master Custis, which included Greek and Latin classics as well as text books of geography, mathe- matics, and history." Here are other extracts from his Diaries which refer to education: 506 Washington Bicentennial "Wednesday, 31st, [Aug. 1785]. This day I told Doctr. Craik that I would contribute one hundred Dollars pr. ann. as long as it was necessary towards the Education of His Son, George Washington, either in this Country or in Scotland." It is further shown that Washington contributed to the education of several children of his various friends. Thomas Posey, son of a neighbor, was one of these. "Tuesday, 21st, [Feb. 1786]. A Mr. McPherson, of Alexandria, came and returned before dinner. His business was, to communicate the desires of a Neigh- bourhood in Berkeley County, to build a School and Meeting House on some Land of mine there, leased to one [ ]. My answer was, that if the tenant's consent could be obtained, and the spot chosen was upon the exterior of my Land, so as that no damage would result from Roads, etca., to it, mine should not be wanting." "Monday, 13th, [Nov. 1786]. Agreed to let the Widow Alton have the House used for a School by my Mill, if the school should be discontinued; . . ." Washington's library was outstanding in the number of volumes on education, such as: "Chesterfield's Let- ters," "Graham on Education," Locke on "Human Un- derstanding," Seneca's "Morals," and Chapman on "Edu- cation." When the last-named book was received by Washington, he wrote the author: "My sentiments are perfectly in unison with yours, Sir, that the best means of forming a manly, virtuous and happy people will be found in the right education of youth — without this foundation, every other means, in my opinion, must fail." News Releases 507 Washington was a careful reader of the best current literature of his time and subscribed to the new books and periodicals. He wrote a Philadelphia publisher, Mathew Carey, in 1788: "I entertain a high idea of the utility of periodical publications; insomuch that I could heartily desire copies of the Museum and Maga- zines, as well as common Gazettes, might be spread through every city, town and village in America. I consider such easy vehicles of knowledge more happily calculated than any other to preserve the liberty, stimu- late the industry, and meliorate the morals of an enlight- ened and free people." In his will he made a number of bequests for education as the following abstracts show: "Item. — To the trustees ... of the Academy in the town of Alexandria, I give and bequeath, in trust, four thousand dollars, or in other words, twenty of the shares which I hold in the bank of Alexandria, towards the support of a free school, established at and annexed to, the said Academy. . . ." "Item. — I give and bequeath, in perpetuity, the fifty shares which I hold in the Potomac company . . . towards the endowment of a University, to be established within the limits of the district of Columbia, under the auspices of the general government, if that government should incline to extend a fostering hand toward it." "Item. — The hundred shares which I hold in the James River Company, I have given and now confirm in perpetuity, to and for the use and benefit of Liberty Hall Academy, in the County of Rockbridge in the Commonwealth of Virginia." Thus it will be seen that Washington was a patron 508 Washington Bicentennial of education in a most material way, and the encour- agement he gave to it during his lifetime and the gen- erous gifts he left at his death should be an example and stimulation for all American educators of today. Washington's Belief in a Supreme Being Occasionally statements are made that George Washington was not a religious man. Such statements, usually emanating from obscure sources, are easily re- futed by reading Washington's own writings, according to the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. George Washington was reared in a religious home. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it," was an injunction believed in and practiced by the parents of our first President. John Marshall, the great Chief Justice of the United States, said of Washington: "Without making ostenta- tious professions of religion, he was a sincere believer in the Christian faith, and truly a devout man." At the age of 22, Washington, in a letter to Governor Dinwiddie, of Virginia, dated at Great Meadows, said: "We have been six days without flour, and there is none upon the road for our relief that we know of. We have not provisions of any sort enough in camp to serve us two days. Once before we would have been four days without provisions, if Providence had not sent a trader from the Ohio to our relief." All through his illustrious life Washington referred News Releases 509 to the providence of God. In a letter to his brother, written a few days after Braddock's defeat, he said: "By the all-powerful dispensations of Providence I have been protected beyond all human probability, or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, al- though death was levelling my companions on every side of me." In a letter to Governor Trumbull, of Connecticut, in 1775, he said: "As the cause of our common country calls us both to an active and dangerous duty, I trust that Divine Providence, which wisely orders the affairs of men, will enable us to discharge it with fidelity and success." About the same time he wrote General Gage, of the British Army, in answer to a letter from him: "May that God, to whom you then appealed, judge between America and you. Under his providence, those who influence the councils of America, and all the other inhabitants of the United Colonies, at the hazard of their lives, are determined to hand down to posterity those just and invaluable privileges, which they received from their ancestors." In a circular to his officers in 1775, Washington said: "* * * The success of such an enterprise depends, I well know, upon the All-Wise Disposer of events, and it is not within the reach of human wisdom to foretell the issue." A letter to Joseph Reed January, 1776, reads: "* * * How it will end, God, in His great good- ness, will direct. I am thankful for His protection to this time." 510 Washington Bicentennial During the same month he wrote General Schuyler: «* * * That the Supreme Disposer of every good may bestow health, strength, and spirit, on you and your army, is the fervent wish of your most affectionate and obedient servant." Replying to a communication from the General Assembly of Massachusetts, after the evacuation of Boston, he said: M * * * May that Being, who is powerful to save, and in whose hands is the fate of nations, look down with an eye of tender pity and compassion upon the whole of the United Colonies; may He continue to smile upon their councils and arms, and crown them with success, whilst employed in the cause of virtue and mankind. May this distressed colony and its capital, and every part of this wide extended continent, through His divine favor, be restored to more than their former lustre and once happy state, and have peace, liberty, and safety secured upon a solid, perma- nent, and lasting foundation." In expectation of an attack by the combined British forces, Washington, on July 2, 1776, issued the follow- ing order: "The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be Free- men, or Slaves, whether they are to have any property they can call their own, whether their Houses, and Farms, are to be pillaged and destroyed, and they con- signed to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will probably deliver them. The fate of un- known millions will now depend, under God, on the Courage and Conduct of this Army. Our cruel and unrelenting Enemy leaves us no choice but a brave re- sistance, or the most Abject Submission; this is all we News Releases 511 can expect — We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die. Our own Country's Honor, All call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world — Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the cause, and the Aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions." From Morris town, N. J., July 4, 1777, he wrote to General Armstrong: "The evacuation of Jersey at this time is a peculiar mark of Providence as the inhabitants have an opportunity of securing their harvests of hay and grain, the latter of which would, in all probability, have undergone the same fate with many farm houses, had it been ripe enough to take fire. The distress of many of the inhabitants, who were plundered not only of their effects, but of their provisions of every kind, was such that I sent down wagonloads of meat and flour to supply their present wants." Commenting on the surrender of Burgoyne, he wrote: "Should Providence be pleased to crown our arms in the course of the campaign with one more fortunate stroke, I think we shall have no great cause for anxiety respect- ing the future designs of Britain. I trust all will be well in His good time." Writing to Landon Carter, of Virginia, he uttered this trusting prophecy: "I flatter myself that a Superin- tending Providence is ordering everything for the best — and that, in due time, all will end well." Valley Forge, May 30, 1778, was the date line of a letter which read: "To paint the distresses and perilous situation of this army in the course of last winter, for 512 Washington Bicentennial want of cloaths, provisions, and almost every other nec- essary, essential to the well-being, (I may say existence,) of an army, would require more time and an abler pen than mine; nor, since our prospects have so miraculously brightened, shall I attempt it, or even bear it in remem- brance, further than as a memento of what is due to the great Author of all the care and good, that have been extended in relieving us in difficulties and distress." To Benjamin Harrison, Virginia, December 30, 1778, he wrote: "Providence has heretofore taken me up when all other means and hope seemed to be departing from me in this." In acknowledging the congratulations of the Conti- nental Congress on his success at Yorktown, Washing- ton said: "I take particular pleasure in acknowledging, that the interposing hand of Heaven, in the various in- stances of our extensive preparations for this operation, has been most conspicuous and remarkable." In his farewell address to the armies of the United States, the old warrior said: "A contemplation of the complete attainment (at a period earlier than could have been expected) of the object, for which we contended against so formidable a power, cannot but inspire us with astonishment and gratitude. The disadvantageous circumstances on our part, under which the war was undertaken, can never be forgotten. The singular in- terpositions of Providence in our feeble condition were such, as could scarcely escape the attention of the most unobserving." Washington was inaugurated President of the United News Releases 513 States, April 30, 1789. In his inaugural address made in New York, he said, among other things: "Such being the impressions under which I have, in obedience to the public summons, repaired to the pres- ent station, it would be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first official act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being, who rules over the universe, who pre- sides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benedic- tion may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States a government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes, and may en- able every instrument employed in its administration, to execute with success the functions allotted to his charge. In tendering this homage to the great Author of every public and private good, I assure myself that it expresses your sentiments not less than my own; nor those of my fellow-citizens at large, less than either. No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the affairs of men, more than the people of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of provi- dential agency. And, in the important revolution just accomplished in the system of their united government, the tranquil deliberations and voluntary consent of so many distinct communities, from which the event has resulted, cannot be compared with the means by which most governments have been established, without some return of pious gratitude, along with an humble antici- pation of the future blessings which the past seem to presage. These reflections, arising out of the present 514 Washington Bicentennial crisis, have forced themselves too strongly on my mind to be suppressed. * * * "Having thus imparted to you my sentiments, as they have been awakened by the occasion which brings us together, I shall take my present leave; but not without resorting once more to the benign Parent of the human race, in humble supplication, that, since he has been pleased to favor the American people with opportuni- ties for deliberating in perfect tranquility, and dispo- sitions for deciding with unparalleled unanimity on a form of government for the security of their union, and the advancement of their happiness; so his divine blessing may be equally conspicuous in the enlarged views, the temperate consultations, and the wise meas- ures, on which the success of this government must depend." Washington's Religious Attitude As a boy, George Washington probably thought as much about religion as did the average normal, healthy boy of that age. As he grew older, he steadily devel- oped a deeply religious turn of mind, according to the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. At the age of 23 he counted the bullet holes in his coat after Braddock's defeat, and acknowledged, with common-sense practicality, that a power higher than man had saved him. The Revolutionary War taught him lessons he was too honest to deny, and, as a result, Washington's belief in God became the simple faith of a child, confirmed and strengthened by the actual living experience of a man. News Releases 515 The personal record of church attendance, his estimate of the value of religious practices among the people at large, his desire and effort to encourage and to inculcate in the people a spirit of gratitude toward the Deity, and his own expressions of opinion respecting God give concrete evidence of his faith. His religious record practically starts with the time when he was commanding the Virginia troops on the western frontier after Braddock's defeat. At Fort Loudoun, Winchester, at the age of 24, this colonel of Virginia militia, on Saturday, September 18, 1756, or- dered that "the men parade tomorrow morning at beat- ing the long roll, with their arms and ammunitions clean and in good order, and to be marched by the Sergeants of the respective companies to the Fort, there to remain until prayers are over." After his marriage, Washington attended Pohick Church, at Pohick, Va., and later Christ Church, Alex- andria, Va. Both churches were distant from Mount Vernon, so that it was something of a journey to reach them by coach. An important point established by a close check-up of Washington's church attendance is that throughout his public life, in times of political stress and strain, he went to church of tener than he did in times of national calm and quiet. On October 19, 1765, there is record of his taking the oath to conform to the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England "as by law established," and during the year 1774, when political relations with the mother country were becoming dangerously strained, and no one in the Colonies was able to foresee the out- come, he went to church twice and sometimes three 516 Washington Bicentennial times a month. It was on June 1, 1774, the day the Boston Port Bill went into effect, that he "went to church and fasted all day." In the hectic days of the outbreak of the Revolu- tionary War, Washington, in the letter to his wife, stated that he "relied confidently on that providence which has heretofore preserved and been bountiful to me." In the manly speech with which he accepted the appointment of Commander in Chief of the Army he made no reference to God or to heaven; but one month after taking command of the army the matter of pray- ers and church service appears in the general orders for August 5, 1775, at Cambridge. These orders directed that "the Church be cleaned tomorrow and the Revd. Mr. Doyle will perform Divine Service therein at ten o'clock." Then comes a personal note of soul humility in his letter to Joseph Reed in January, 1776: "I have scarcely emerged from one difficulty," wrote Washing- ton, "before I have plunged into another. How it will end, God in His great goodness will direct. I am thank- ful for His protection to this time." One thing that speedily became clear in the mind of George Washing- ton was that the military and governmental difficulties of America were not, and could not, be properly met without the help of God. They were too great, and America was too feeble, in Washington's judgment, to admit of their successful solution without help from on high, and certainly the verdict of history as to the magnitude of these difficulties has confirmed Washing- ton's political judgment. And, also, instead of becom- News Releases 517 ing opinionated, instead of developing an ego, instead of becoming confident of his abilities, as he succeeded in surmounting one difficulty after another, George Washington became more and more convinced that the hand of God was in those triumphs, and greater and greater became his spiritual humility. This humility in success and willingness to accept failure without complaint is exemplified at the end of the siege of Boston. The seizure and fortification of Dorchester Heights are recalled, and how the British prepared for another Bunker Hill, for they attempted to cross the bay in order to storm the works, and Bunker Hill would have been child's play to the slaughter that would have ensued. It is also recalled that the red coats were prevented from crossing the water by a sudden and violent storm, which lasted so long that by the time it was over Howe felt that the works had become too strong for him, gave over the attempt, and evacuated the town. Here is Washington's comment to his brother, John, on the occurrence: "That this remark- able interposition of Providence is for some wise pur- pose, I have not a doubt." And this was rather an ex- traordinary thing to say, for with the preparations made, all contingencies provided for, and with a sufficiency of ammunition, none of which things were present at the affair of Bunker Hill, it is quite reasonable to assume that Howe's attempt would have resulted in the com- plete annihilation of the British Army. The setting up of the actual machinery of religion in the Continental Army is important as a part of Washington's religious record. The Congress author- ized the employment of chaplains, after Washington 518 Washington Bicentennial had urged it, and the general orders of July 9, 1776, when the army was in New York City, directed: "That Colonels or commanding officers of each regiment are directed to procure for Chaplains accordingly, persons of good character and exemplary lives. To see that all inferior officers and soldiers pay them a suitable respect and attend carefully upon religious exercises. The bless- ing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary, but especially so in times of public distress and danger. The General hopes and trusts, that every officer and man will endeavor so to live and act as becomes a Christian Soldier defending the dearest rights and Liberties of his country." In January, 1777, the Continental Army for the first time since the siege of Boston, established a permanent encampment base. This was at Morristown, N. J., and among the early things attended to was the practice of regular Sunday worship for the troops. On April 12, a Saturday, it was ordered that "All the troops in Morris- town except the guards, are to attend divine worship tomorrow at the second Bell; the Officers commanding the Corps, are to take special care to have their men clean and decent, and that they are to march in proper order to the place of worship." Next week it was or- dered: "All the troops in town (not on duty) to attend divine service tomorrow agreeable to the orders of the 12th instant." The convenience of a church building was an element in Morristown and the army paid due observance to Sunday. It may be noted, however, that only the troops in the town itself were ordered to church, for no building would have been large enough to hold the army encamped in the vicinity. News Releases 519 When the encampment was shifted to Middlebrook, the well-known order against profanity was issued on May 31. Washington characterized it as the "foolish and scandalous practice of profane swearing," and added: "As a means to abolish this and every other species of immorality Brigadiers are enjoyned to take effectual care, to have divine service duly performed in their respective brigades." At Middlebrook, also, on June 28, the orders were as follows: "All Chaplains are to perform divine service tomorrow and on every suc- ceeding Sunday, with their respective brigades and regi- ments, where the situation will possibly admit of it. And the Commanding officers of corps are to see that they attend themselves with officers of all ranks setting the example. The Commander in chief expects an exact compliance with this order, and that it be ob- served in the future as an invariable rule of practice. And every neglect will be considered not only as a breach of orders, but a disregard to decency, virtue and religion." On the day .after the surrender of Cornwallis, October 20, 1781, Washington's greatest military triumph of the war, he issued this order: "Divine serv- ice is to be performed tomorrow in the several brigades and divisions. The Commander-in-Chief earnestly rec- ommends that the troops not on duty should univer- sally attend with that seriousness of deportment and gratitude of heart which the recognition of such reiter- ated and astonishing interpositions of Providence demands of us." Here are Washington's words on the connection between religion and government as taken from his 520 Washington Bicentennial Farewell Address: "Morality is a necessary spring of popular government ... let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained with- out religion. Whatever may be conceded to the in- fluence of refined education on minds of peculiar struc- ture, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." On his deathbed, after nearly 24 hours of struggle for breath, he placed the final seal of courageous man- hood upon his life and went to his Maker with his brave faith unshaken. "I felt from the first," he whispered, "that the disorder would prove fatal . . . but I am not afraid to go." Washington Worshiped in 34 Churches With the churches of America, of every denomina- tion, preparing to take a leading part in the George Washington Bicentennial Celebration in 1932, it is re- called that George Washington attended services in at least 34 different churches of various denominations, ac- cording to a research just completed by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. He was exceptionally broadminded as to sectarian views, attending with equal reverence the services in the Dutch, Catholic, Quaker, Presbyterian and Congregational faith as well as his own, the Episcopalian. Every crisis in Washington's life found him turning to Divine Providence for help and guidance, and in thankfulness for the benefits he had received. He ex- pressed, on numerous occasions in his diary his thank- fulness for success in military exploits, and for preser- News Releases 521 vation from disaster. He attended church services wherever he happened to be, unless he was prevented from doing so by the press of official duties or by bad weather and worse roads. As vestryman, church warden and trustee, he ren- dered many practical services to the four churches in the parish of Truro. These were Pohick, Falls Church, Payne's Church and Christ Church, Alexandria, all in Virginia. His duties as vestryman were faithfully and conscientiously discharged. He made surveys, drew plans, interested himself in building estimates and costs, in church design, location and equipment. He attended 23 vestry meetings in 11 years and missed eight due to illness or absence from the vicinity. Beginning in 1785 he was a worshipper at Christ Church, Alexandria, where he bought a large family pew the day the church was turned over to the vestry. During his 16 years as a member of the House of Burgesses, he attended divine services with Mrs. Wash- ington and the family chiefly at Pohick Church, and Christ Church, Alexandria. When in Williamsburg, Va., during the sessions of the Burgesses, he attended Bruton Church, and sometimes went to St. Peter's at New Kent with Mrs. Washington. When visiting his mother, and his sister, Mrs. Fielding Lewis, at Fredericksburg, Va., he attended St. George's Church principally, as it was a church of tender memo- ries through childhood. His father had been vestryman and his parents and family had always been regular at- tendants. His wife's father and, later on, other of his relatives were buried in the churchyard. Among other churches of Virginia attended by Gen- 522 Washington Bicentennial eral Washington at various periods during both public and private life were: St. John's, at Richmond, where he also went to listen to the fiery oration of Patrick Henry; Yeocomico Church, the home church of his mother and known to her from childhood; Lamb's Creek Church, and St. Paul's of King George County; and Nomini of Westmoreland County, in addition to the four in Truro Parish. During the frequent visits to Annapolis, Md., he at- tended the services conducted by the Rev. Jonathan Boucher, who was a tutor for a time to Jacky Custis, and at times worshiped at St. John's, Broad Creek, Md. While President of the United States, during the time he lived in New York, he and the family seemed to di- vide their time between St. Paul's Church and Trinity, both Episcopal. During his travels through New England, which he started on October 15, 1789, he not only attended church whenever possible, but he noted in his diary the churches in the towns he visited. For example, of Stam- ford, Conn., he wrote: "In this town are an Episcopal Church and a meet- ing house. At Norwalk, which is 10 miles further, we made a halt to feed our horses. To the lower end of this town sea vessels come, and at the other end are mills, stores, and an Episcopal and Presbyterian Church." He also recorded of Fairfield: "two decent looking churches in this place, though small vis: and Episcopal and Pres- byterian or Congregationalist as they call themselves." While in New Haven he attended, October 18, 1789, two churches, Trinity, Episcopal, in the forenoon, and in the afternoon one of the Congregational Meeting News Releases 523 Houses. During this visit and his previous stay in this section during the Revolutionary War, he attended Queen Chaple of St. John's at Portsmouth; Trinity Church, and Christ Church, Boston; Christ Church, Cambridge; Trinity Church, Newport, and St. Michael's Church, Litchfield. General Washington's deep regard for church edifices, no matter how humble, was shown during the war when passing through Litchfield, he reprimanded some soldiers who had thrown stones at the Old Litchfield Church, by saying: "I am a churchman, and wish not to see the church dishonored and desolated in this manner." During his Presidency while living in Philadelphia, he attended Christ Church and St. Peter's, and also at- tended St. John's in York, Pa. While on his famous Southern tour he noted the churches, as well as the factories, all industries, schools and other contributing elements in the communities through which he passed or where he stopped. The prin- cipal churches which have found definite mention in his own record at attending Divine Service on this re- markable journey of 1,187 miles were St. Philip's and St. Michael's Church, in Charleston, S. C, and Christ Church, in Savannah, Ga. Frequent references are made by him in his corre- spondence as having gone to church without the desig- nation of the specific church being made. Thus while research has disclosed his presence at service on Sundays in 34 different churches, it is believed that the interest aroused in all of General Washington's movements by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission in its plans for the coming celebration in 524 Washington Bicentennial 1932 will bring to light authentic proof of other churches in which he worshiped at different periods during his busy life. George Washington's Advice to A Young Lady Senator Simeon D. Fess, of Ohio, who is the vice chair- man of the United States Commission for the Celebra- tion of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, has long been a student of the writ- ings of our first President. He has read practically everything written by that great man. When asked what he considered the most interesting letter Washing- ton ever wrote, the Senator smiled for a moment and said: "That is a difficult question to answer. Practically every letter he wrote was interesting. But the one he wrote to Harriot Washington, his niece, has always ap- pealed to me. You must remember that when Wash- ington took the time to write that kindly letter of ad- vice he was serving as President of the struggling young Republic and had more serious problems on his hands than any man in the country. I wish that every young woman in our fair land would read it. It is full of ex- cellent advice, that has a present-day appeal." The famous letter to which the Senator referred reads as follows: "Philadelphia, 30 October, 1791. "Dear Harriot, "I have received your letter of the 21st instant, and shall always be glad to hear from you. When my business will permit, inclination will not be wanting in me to News Releases 525 acknowledge the receipt of your letters; and this I shall do more cheerfully, as it will afford me opportunities at those times of giving you such occasional advice, as your situation may require. "At present I could plead a better excuse for cur- tailing my letter to you, than you had for shortening of yours to me, having a multitude of occupations before me, while you have nothing to do; consequently you might with equal convenience to yourself have sat down to write your letter an hour or two or even a day sooner, as to have delayed it until your cousin was on the point of sending to the post-office. I make this remark for no other reason, than to show you it is better to offer no excuse than a bad one, if at any time you should happen to fall into an error. "Occupied as my time now is, and must be during the sitting of Congress, I nevertheless will endeavor to inculcate upon your mind the delicacy and danger of that period, to which you are now arrived under peculiar circumstances. You are just entering into the state of womanhood, without the watchful eye of a mother to admonish, or the protecting aid of a father to advise and defend you; you may not be sensible, that you are at this moment about to be stamped with that character, which will adhere to you through life; the consequences of which you have not perhaps attended to, but be assured it is of the utmost importance that you should. "Your cousins, with whom you live, are well qualified to give you advice; and I am sure they will, if you are disposed to receive it. But, if you are disobliging, self- willed, and untowardly, it is hardly to be expected that 526 Washington Bicentennial they will engage themselves in unpleasant disputes with you, especially Fanny, whose mild and placid temper will not permit her to exceed the limits of wholesome admonition or gentle rebuke. Think, then, to what dangers a giddy girl of fifteen or sixteen must be exposed in circumstances like these. To be under but little or no control may be pleasing to a mind that does not reflect, but this pleasure cannot be of long duration; and reason, too late perhaps, may convince you of the folly of misspending time. You are not to learn, I am certain, that your fortune is small. Supply the want of it, then, with a well cultivated mind, with dispositions to industry and frugality, with gentleness of manners, obliging temper, and such qualifications as will attract notice, and recommend you to a happy establishment for life. "You might, instead of associating with those from whom you can derive nothing that is good, but may have observed everything that is deceitful, lying, and bad, become the intimate companion of, and aid to, your cousin in the domestic concerns of the family. Many girls, before they have arrived at your age, have been found so trustworthy as to take the whole trouble of a family from their mothers; but it is by a steady and rigid attention to the rules of propriety, that such con- fidence is obtained, and nothing would give me more pleasure than to hear that you had acquired it. The merits and benefits of it would redound more to your advantage in your progress through life, and to the person with whom you may in due time form a matri- monial connexion, than to any others; but to none would News Releases 527 such a circumstance afford more real satisfaction, than to your affectionate uncle." George Washington, Road Builder One more tribute to the many-sided character and solid achievements of George Washington will be paid by delegates from 62 nations, Colonies, and dependencies throughout the world, including also representation from the League of Nations, who will assemble in Wash- ington, D. C, on October 6 to hold the Sixth Session of the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses and the first World Highway Congress to be held on the Western Hemisphere. The tribute to George Washington as a road builder will take the form of an inspection trip over the Wash- ington Memorial Highway, now under construction be- tween the Capital City which bears his illustrious name and his beloved Mount Vernon. The trip will include a visit to Mount Vernon and the Washington Tomb. It is remarkable, indeed, says a statement from the United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission, in how many ways the founder of the Ameri- can Republic ranks first. In the matter of roads, we know that he began making land surveys at the age of 16, but it is not so well known that he was among the first to visualize and have connection with the general route which later became the great highway called the National Pike, or the National Old Trails Road, which is one of the most extensively used transcontinental routes today, and is embraced as No. 30 in the United States Highway System. During all of his travels in laying a permanent 528 Washington Bicentennial foundation for our country, the eyes of Washington often turned prophetically toward the West, and he used to refer to roads as "the channels of conveyance of the versatile and valuable trade of a rising empire." The National Road, utilizing sections of roads laid out by the first engineer President of the United States, has been in nation-building service for considerably more than a century, and entitles him to take high rank among the first civil engineers of America. A box of Washington's surveying instruments is said to be now in possession of the Department of Educa- tion, State of New York, on which appears a pen- written statement as follows: "The instruments contained in this box together with a case of protracting instruments in a shagreen case, two surveyors' chains and the wooden pins used with the same, were the property of General Washington, and used by him when a very young man. "These instruments descended to my father, Colonel William A. Washington (the General's oldest nephew), and from him to me, and by me presented to my son, Lewis W. Washington, February 10, 1854. "(Signed) G. C. Washington. "Georgetown, D. C., February 10, 1854. "This box contained compass, various instruments all of brass, surveyor's tripod, measuring iron chains and six oak marking pins." George Washington was not only a great general and a great statesman, but he was a great road builder in the sense that his plans, though perhaps not visualized in blue print, reached far into the future. In roads as in statecraft, and in so many other ways, we are only just News Releases 529 now beginning to touch the depths of his practical wisdom, and it is eminently fitting that delegates to the forthcoming World Highway Congress should pay homage at his tomb. Painters and Paintings of George Washington For the past 130 years artists, critics and historians have been interested in this question: which of the nu- merous paintings of George Washington, executed by his contemporaries, bears the closest resemblance to the man himself? This question has recently been revived with the appointment by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission of a Portrait Committee, for the express purpose of deciding on the best picture. As this committee is expected to arrive at a decision in the fall, and because of the eminence of the members, the whole country is anxiously looking forward to its selection. Will they decide on the popu- lar Athenaeum picture by Gilbert Stuart? Will Rem- brandt Peale receive the award? Will it be the picture of Edward Savage, John Trumbull or Charles Willson Peale? Will a "dark horse" win? Each artist has his devoted followers. Everybody is waiting for the de- cision of the Portrait Committee. Washington sacrificed much of his time sitting for painters. It can safely be said that there have been some 150 portraits of Washington, taken from life and repli- cas made by the original artists. More than 20 artists worked on this subject. In those days, photography was an unknown art. An artist had to produce quantity as well as quality. If a man made a good picture of a distinguished person, requests were made for likenesses 530 Washington Bicentennial or replicas from that person's friends. The rates varied with the eminence of the artist. For in those days, por- traiture combined the commercial with the artistic. It is alleged that Rembrandt Peale made 39 copies of his father's (Charles Willson Peale) pictures, and 79 of his own. Painting was in its infancy in America in Washing- ton's time. The two best known American artists were John Singleton Copley, of Boston, and Benjamin West, a transplanted American, living in London. While neither of these artists ever painted Washington, their influence on Washington's portraits is in evidence. Practically all the American artists who painted Washington studied with either Copley or West or with both. In view of the approaching decision of the Portrait Committee and in view of the heated discussion now being waged by art critics throughout the country, the associate directors of the United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission, Representative Sol Bloom, of New York, and Lieut. Col. U. S. Grant 3d, thought it advisable to present, in sketchy form, the stories of the men who painted these pictures, and the circumstances surrounding each. The heretofore most popular painting of Washing- ton is the one known as the "Athenaeum Portrait" exe- cuted by Gilbert Stuart in 1796, only three years before the General's death. Stuart was born in Narragansett, R. I., on December 3, 1755. He received his first instructions in painting from Cosmo Alexander, a Scotchman living in America. When Alexander was ready to return to Edinburgh he took Stuart, then 18 years of age, with him. Alexander News Releases 531 soon died and Stuart returned to America, where he painted pictures in Newport and Boston. At the outbreak of the American Revolution, Stuart moved to London where, like so many of his American contemporaries, he received kindly assistance and en- couragement from Benjamin West. Soon Stuart was doing very well in London, but his desire to paint a por- trait of George Washington was uppermost and so he again returned to America. Stuart made three, now famous, pictures of Wash- ington. The first was executed in September of 1795. This picture, however, was not to Stuart's liking. It eventually found its way into the hands of Samuel Vaughan, of London, and has since been known as the "Vaughan Painting" of Washington. On April 12, 1796, at the request of the famous beauty, Mrs. Bingham, Washington again consented to sit for Stuart. This picture, a full-length portrait, was made for the Marquis of Lansdowne, and has since been known as the "Lansdowne Portrait." Stuart, however, was still not satisfied. Stuart had his third opportunity the same year when Washington personally commissioned him to paint the pictures of both Mrs. Washington and himself. The picture of the General satisfied Stuart, so much so that he hated to part with it. He purposely left the back- ground unfinished so that he could make copies before presenting the original to Washington. Washington, somewhat impatient, informed Stuart that he would ac- cept a copy rather than wait so long for the completion of the original. So the original treasure remained with 532 Washington Bicentennial Stuart and upon his death, on July 27, 1828, it came into the possession of his wife. In October, 1831, this picture was sold by his widow for $1,500 to the Washington Association of Boston and was in turn presented to the Boston Athenaeum, where it is still housed. This is the picture which is known throughout the world as the "Athenaeum Portrait" of George Washington. It can unqualifiedly be said that this portrait is and always has been the best known and most popular painting of George Washington. The first painting of George Washington was made in 1772 by Charles Willson Peale. The elder Peale was one of the most colorful of all Colonial artists. Peale was born in Chestertown, Md., on April 15, 1741. As a boy he was apprenticed to a saddler. When he reached 2 1 years of age, he went into business for himself, com- bining with "saddling," coach making, clock and watch making, silversmithing and dentistry. Soon he gave up the whole repertoire for painting. He visited the renowned Copley, in Boston, and in the summer of 1768 he arrived in London, where he studied with Benjamin West for the next year. Upon his re- turn to the States in June, 1770, he settled in Mary- land, executing portraits in Annapolis and Baltimore. Soon Peale achieved a reputation which, at any rate, reached as far as Mount Vernon. For in May of 1772, we find Peale at Washington's home working on a three- quarter-length portrait of George Washington, dressed in the uniform of a colonel of the Virginia Militia. At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, Charles Willson Peale joined the American Army as a captain of volunteers. During the war his easel was as impor- News Releases 533 tant as his rifle, for he executed many pictures between battles. In the summer of 1776 he painted a half-length portrait of Washington for John Hancock; in 1777 he did a miniature for Mrs. Washington; in 1778 he started another portrait at Valley Forge which was finally com- pleted at Philadelphia; in 1778 he did another miniature, this one for Lafayette; and in 1778-79 he painted a full- length portrait of the General for the State of Pennsyl- vania. Peale painted his last picture of Washington in 1795, which portrait now hangs in the gallery of the New York Historical Society. This prolific artist died in Philadelphia on February 22, 1827. The Peale family is famous in relation to Washing- ton's portraits. Not only did Charles Willson Peale and his brother James work on the subject, but also his son, Rembrandt Peale. It is generally maintained that the son excelled both the father and the uncle as an artist. Rembrandt Peale, the second son of Charles Willson Peale, was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in 1778. Naturally he grew up with a great reverence for the General. At eight, he stood behind his father's chair while Peale senior was painting Washington. That Rem- brandt Peale soon developed a controlling desire to paint his hero himself was only normal. At the request of the elder Peale, Washington con- sented to sit for his son in September, of 1795. So nerv- ous was Rembrandt — he was then a mere boy — that his father went with him and painted a picture of the Gen- eral at the same time. On the other side of Rembrandt was his uncle James, who was executing a miniature. This experience of sitting for three artists at one time 534 Washington Bicentennial led to the alleged remark by the sitter that he was being "Peeled" from all sides. While Rembrandt Peale's picture gained some popu- larity — ten copies were sold in Charleston alone — it did not satisfy the artist. Nor was he satisfied with any other existing portraits of Washington. That Rem- brandt Peale's taste was higher than the average is evi- denced by this remark: "I had made during several years, sixteen of these attempts and tho' not equal to my own expectation, they all found satisfied possessors." In 1823, he finally succeeded in making a painting of Washington to his own liking. This picture was a composite of his own paintings and others. So pleased was he with it that he took it to Europe and exhibited it in London, Paris, Naples, Rome and Florence. He made and sold many copies of this picture. In 1832 the original was bought by the United States Govern- ment and found its final resting place in the capitoL Rembrandt Peale died on October 3, 1860 , having painted more pictures of George Washington than any other artist. John Trumbull was one of the most interesting of all of Washington's painters. Born in Lebanon, Conn., on June 6, 1756, the son of the Revolutionary War gov- ernor, Jonathan Trumbull, John entered Harvard Col- lege while still a boy. Leaving Harvard in 1773, he immediately began his career as a painter. When the war broke out he entered the army as adjutant of the First Connecticut Regiment. Dissatisfied with his rank, he left the army and in 1780 we hear of him in Paris. In 1781, he arrived in London to study with Benjamin West. There he was News Releases 535 imprisoned and, for a time, it looked as if serious trouble might develop for him. After seven months of confine- ment he was released, went to Amsterdam for a short stay and returned home in 1782. However, in 1783, he again went to London, where he stayed until 1789. In February of 1790 Trumbull painted a picture of Washington for the City of New York. That is the picture which shows Washington in full uniform stand- ing by a white horse. In 1792 he also did a picture for the City of New Haven. Later Trumbull fitted these pictures into historical settings. Such pictures as "Sur- render of Cornwallis," and "Washington's Resignation at Annapolis" are very well known. Trumbull held the post of President of the American Academy of Fine Arts from 1816 to 1825. He died in New York on Novem- ber 10, 1843. Another interesting portrait painter of the time was Joseph Wright. He was born in Bordentown, N. J., on July 16, 1756. His father died when he was a boy and his mother, who earned a livelihood by making wax figures, took him to London. Wright received a good education and also instructions in painting from Benja- min West. In 1782 he was in Paris and in 1783 he ar- rived in Boston with a letter of recommendation to Washington from Benjamin Franklin. Before Wright left London he had painted the Prince of Wales, which had "boosted his stock" considerably. In the fall of 1783 he painted Washington at his head- quarters at Rocky Hill, N. J. In 1783-84 Wright made another picture of Washington for the Count de Solms, paid for by Washington. Besides, Wright made several etchings of Washington which were remarkable for their 536 Washington Bicentennial likeness to the subject. It is said that Wright made an etching unknown to Washington, while the latter was attending services at St. Pauls Church in New York City. Wright was appointed draughtsman and die- sinker when the United States mint was established. He died soon after in 1793, from the fever which was then raging in Philadelphia. A fascinating portrait of Washington is the one by Adolph Ulric Wertmueller, a native of Sweden. He was born in Stockholm about the year 1750 and, while still a young man, he had gained an enviable reputation in Europe. The Royal Academies of sculpture and painting of Paris and Stockholm both honored him with membership. Wertmueller came to America in 1794. The next year Washington sat for him and Wertmueller is said to have made three pictures from those sittings. One of these, considered a remarkable likeness by those who have seen it, is in the possession of the Swedish Govern- ment at Stockholm. A photograph of this painting is owned by Dr. A. B. Hart, historian of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. Wert- mueller went back to Sweden, but returned to the United States in 1800. He married and settled in Dela- ware, where he lived until his death, which occurred on October 5, 1811. Robert Edge Pine was born in London in 1742 and came to the United States to paint portraits of the heroes of the American Revolution. His plan was later to incorporate these into historical settings. Unfortu- nately, death frustrated these plans. The Hon. Francis Hopkinson, of Philadelphia, wrote News Releases 5 37 to Washington requesting a setting for Pine. It was in answer to this request that Washington wrote his famous letter on May 16, 1785: "In for a penny, in for a pound, is an old adage. I am so hackneyed to the touches of the painter's pencil, that I am now alto- gether at their beck, and sit 'like patience on a monu- ment,' whilst they are delineating the lines of my face. ... At first I was as . . . restive under the operation, as a colt is of the saddle. The next time I submitted very reluctantly, but with less flouncing. Now, no dray moves more readily to his thill than I do to the painter's chair." Pine, however, was granted permission to paint Washington's portrait. He stayed at Mount Vernon for three weeks, where, besides painting the General, he also did the grandchildren of Mrs. Washington. Pine remained in the United States until his death in Philadelphia in 1788. Edward Savage made a painting of Washington which continues to this day to be very popular. Born in Princeton, Mass., in 1761, his first calling was that of a goldsmith. Washington sat for Savage, at the request of the president and governors of Harvard Col- lege in December of 1789 and January of 1790. This portrait was donated by the artist to Harvard in 1792, where it still remains. Later Savage went abroad and studied in London and Italy. He returned to the United States and died in his native State of Massachusetts in 1817. James Sharpless was born in England and educated in France. He came to America towards the end of the eighteenth century, where he traveled through the land 538 Washington Bicentennial making small-sized profiles of the leading people of his day. In Philadelphia, in 1796, Sharpless made a profile of Washington, which has received much favor- able criticism. Many people regard it as the best like- ness of George Washington ever executed. Perhaps the most significant portrait ever made was done by Jean Antoine Houdon, a sculptor and not a painter. So remarkable is his bust of Washington that it has been copied by painters and sculptors alike for more than a hundred years. Made late in life from direct sittings and, being in the round, Washington's countenance is fully portrayed. Stuart himself an- nounced that Houdon 's bust was the best head ever made of Washington, better even than his own "Athenaeum Portrait." In 1784 the General Assembly of Virginia passed the following resolution: "That the Executive be re- quested to take measures for procuring a statue of General Washington, to be made of the finest marble and best workmanship." Governor Harrison commis- sioned Charles Willson Peale to make a full-length portrait of Washington and send it to Thomas Jeffer- son, who was then stationed at Paris. Jefferson had made arrangements with Houdon to fashion the statue from this picture, but when the sculptor saw it he had a change of heart and decided to come to the United States himself to see his subject in the flesh. Houdon arrived in 1785 and stayed at Mount Vernon for two weeks. He made a cast of the face and took meticulous measurements of the body. Returning to France, he finished the statue in 1788. It remained in News Releases 539 France until the new capitol at Richmond was finished. The statue was finally placed in Richmond on May 14, 1796, where it still remains. This statue is life size — measuring 6 feet 2 inches in height. It is made of Italian marble and pictures Washington in the mili- tary dress of the Revolution. The original bust is at Mount Vernon. Houdon died in Paris in 1828 at the ripe old age of 87. His bust, always regarded as one of the best likenesses ever reproduced of George Wash- ington, is constantly gaining in popularity. It is from the above mentioned that the Portrait Committee of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission will make its selection. Be- cause of the caliber of the members of this committee, their decision will most likely be accepted as final. The portrait chosen will receive the widest distribution ever accorded a picture. Hundreds of thousands will be printed by the Commission in connection with the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. The members of the Portrait Committee of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission are: Charles Moore, chairman of the Fine Arts Commission of the District of Columbia; Dr. Leicester B. Holland, chief of the Division of Fine Arts, Library of Congress; Dr. John C. Fitzpatrick, Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress; Ezra Winter, Fine Arts Commission of New York; Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, historian, of Cambridge; Col. Harrison H. Dodge, superintendent of Mount Vernon; and Gari Melcher, artist, of Fal- mouth, Va. 540 Washington Bicentennial A Rare Bust of George Washington A rare bust of George Washington has found its way into the United States after an unknown existence of 130 years in England. When Representative Sol Bloom, associate director of the United States George Wasington Bicentennial Com- mission, returned from Europe last summer, he brought back with him an art rarity. It is a marble bust of George Washington by the great English sculptor of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, Joseph Nollekens. This bust was not executed from life, but from an original painting by Gilbert Stuart; and, in the 130 years or so of its existence, has been viewed by but few Americans. As a matter of fact, many American art critics have never even heard of it. Joseph Nollekens, one of the best known sculptors in all of Europe at the turn of the nineteenth century, was born in London, of Dutch parents, on August 11, 1737. In 1760 he went to Rome, where he soon made his mark in the world of art. Twelve years later, in 1772, at the early age of 3 5, Joseph Nollekens became a member of the London Royal Academy. His reputation rose steadily. He made busts of the leading people of his day. Included in his long list of patrons, to mention just a few, are: King George III, the Prince of Wales, Lord Grenville, Charles James Fox, Samuel Johnson, and Oliver Goldsmith. Washington's busts were even then commanding large prices both in America and in England. Allured by the prospect of a handsome profit and intrigued by the personality and reputation of General Washington, News Releases 541 Nollekens set to work and produced his bust, which is now coming into prominence. Representative Bloom is the possessor of the original Nollekens bust and hundreds of replicas have already found their way to all parts of the United States. Every United States Senator and Representative has been presented with one of these busts, and the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission is now making arrangements to present one to each of the 48 governors of the States. The original Nollekens bust of George Washington is now open to view at the headquarters of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington Building, Washington, D. C. Athenaeum Portrait of George Washington When looking at the picture of George Washington which adorns the dollar bill, few people know the in- teresting story connected with the famous portrait from which this picture is copied, or of the fascinating biog- raphy of the artist. According to the Division of Information and Pub- lication of the United States George Washington Bicen- tennial Commission, Gilbert Stuart was one of the lead- ing portrait painters of the eighteenth century. This colorful artist was born in Narragansett, R. I., on De- cember 3, 1755, and seemed destined, from the very first, to become a great artist. At the age of 20, Stuart found himself in London. His rise was rapid. Soon he was painting portraits of King George III of England, Louis XVI of France, the 542 Washington Bicentennial famous English actress, Mrs. Siddons, and many other notables of the day. His fame preceding him, Gilbert Stuart returned to his native land in 1790. As George Washington was one of the ranking figures of the world, and as Gilbert Stuart was one of the ranking portrait painters of the world, it was only natural that the latter should execute a portrait of the former. Gilbert Stuart made three, now famous, pictures of George Washington. The first was painted in Septem- ber of 1795, and turned out not to the artist's liking. This picture found its way into the hands of Samuel Vaughan, of London, and has since been known as the "Vaughan Painting" of George Washington. In April of 1796, Stuart had a second chance to paint the Father of His Country. This picture, a full-length portrait, was made for the Marquis of Lansdowne, and has come down in history as the "Lansdowne Portrait." Stuart, however, was still not satisfied. Stuart had his third and last opportunity that same year when the President personally commissioned him to paint the pictures of both Mrs. Washington and him- self. This picture of the General satisfied Stuart, to say the least. So pleased was he with this creation that he hated to part with it. He purposely left the back- ground unfinished so that he could make copies, and sell them, before presenting the original to the President. Washington, somewhat impatient, informed Stuart that he would accept a copy rather than wait so long for the original. So the original treasure remained with Stuart, and, upon his death, on July 27, 1828, it came into the possession of his wife. News Releases 543 In October of 1831, this picture was sold by Stuart's widow, for $1,500, to the Washington Association of Boston, which society presented it to the Boston Athe- naeum. There it has been housed ever since, and has come to be known as the "Athenaeum Portrait" of George Washington. It can unqualifiedly be said that the "Athenaeum Por- trait" is and always has been the best known and most popular painting of George Washington. Houdon Bust Formally Dedicated in Virginia Formal dedication of the famous Houdon statue of George Washington featured simple but impressive cere- monies held in the State capitol at Richmond, Va., hon- oring the first President of the United States. This was the first of a series of public exercises arranged to honor Virginia-born Presidents. Although this famous statue of Washington has stood in or near the capitol of Virginia for 13 5 years, this was the first official dedication. Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, for many years a professor of history at Harvard and now historian of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, was selected by Governor Pollard and the committee arranging today's ceremonies, as orator for the occasion. He preferred to assume that the dedication of the statue had not been delayed for 135 years but was tak- ing place on the original date of May 14, 1796, by a Massachusetts man, appropriately dressed for that pe- riod. The interesting history of the statue was related by Dr. Hart. This marble statue of Washington was pro- 544 Washington Bicentennial vided for by an act of the Virginia legislature in 1784. Thomas Jefferson, then diplomatic representative of the United States in Paris, procured the services of Jean Antoine Houdon to carry out the wishes of the State legislature. The famous sculptor insisted that he must come over and make the necessary statue from life. He was cor- dially received by Washington at Mount Vernon, spent a busy fortnight with the great American hero and car- ried away with him measurements and the model of Washington's bust of which the original is now believed to be in the hands of Mr. J. P. Morgan, of New York. It is also the source of the round bust of Washington, at present in Mount Vernon. Referring to the role he was playing, Dr. Hart as- sumed that Washington was at the moment in Phila- delphia as President of the United States, and that the great Virginians of the period were men engaged in the government of State and Nation, or were overseas as representatives of the United States. He praised the statue from the point of view of the leading men of Mas- sachusetts at that time headed by John Adams, Vice President of the United States, and deplored the fact that Washington himself was not present because of the weight of public duties. He highly praised the statue as a work of art and saw in it, not the General at the head of his troops, but the civilian Washington who had hung his sword upon the marble fasces which Houdon added, as an indication that Washington was a man of peace as well as war. The speaker quoted from letters and addresses of the year 1796. He pictured Washington as engaging at News Releases 545 that moment upon his farewell address and quoted a letter of Hamilton's of May 9, 1796, written "five days ago." The speaker laid great stress on Washington's interest in the West and as a landholder in Kentucky, separated from Virginia only four years ago. He char- acterized Washington as the first great Westerner, for he had in his mind in 1796 and in his correspondence such key places as Detroit at the head of Lake Michigan, the Lake of the Woods, the lower Mississippi River, and even a far distant land called California. He reminded the Virginians of the undeviating in- terest of Washington in his native State. At the same time he claimed for New England the right to look on Washington as their President and their hero. At the end, the speaker quoted from an early address of Abraham Lincoln, closing with the sentence "and that we improved to the last, that we remained free to the last, that we revered his name to the last, that dur- ing his long sleep we permitted no hostile foot to pass over or desecrate his resting place, shall be that which to learn the last trump shall awaken our Washington." First Congress Urged to Feed on "Wild Pigeons" A motion that the members of the first Continental Congress be fed on "wild pigeons," apparently the cheapest food on the market at that time, was made by a Virginia delegate in 1774 in a desire to put the country to the least possible expense in the maintenance of Con- gress. The motion was made by Richard Henry Lee, whose famous resolution in 1776 "that these united colonies are, and of a right ought to be free and independent 546 Washington Bicentennial states," paved the way for the Declaration of Independ- ence, according to his son, Ludwell Lee. When the first Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia in September, 1774, there had been no pro- vision made for the maintenance of the members while in the discharge of their public duties. A council be- ing held to determine the ways and means of affecting such an arrangement, Richard Henry Lee rose and ob- served that as he was assured that every member present was desirous of putting the country to the least pos- sible expense, in the maintenance of Congress, he would move, that, during the session, the honorable members be fed on "wild pigeons," that article appearing to be in very great abundance and certainly the very cheap- est food that could be purchased. It is said that Lee, in later life, often congratulated himself upon this motion, declaring it to have been, in purity of patriotism, not second even to his immortal resolve in 1776. Twenty Lexingtons and Fifteen Concords "By the rude bridge which arched the flood, Their flag to April's breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard round the world." America's beloved Emerson, inspired by the courage and determination of the immortal Minutemen, thus began his great tribute to those heroes who, on the morn- ing of April 19, 1775, so dramatically ushered in the Revolutionary War at Lexington and Concord. The Division of Information and Publication of the News Releases 547 United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission recalls that just as Massachusetts had been the starting place for much of the agitation which preceded the Revolutionary War, so the future Bay State was the scene of the opening conflict of that great struggle. In connection with the anniversary this year of this important event the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission suggests that plans may be started for special observances of this day throughout the United States next year as part of the celebration of Washington's birth. There are in the United States 15 cities and towns named Concord and 20 named Lexington. These com- munities could appropriately hold special ceremonies in commemoration of the events which had occurred more than 150 years ago. Without a doubt, the State of Mas- sachusetts, as the home of the original Lexington and Concord, will observe the anniversary by the reenact- ment of the famous battles. Kansas City has planned, as part of the bicentennial observance next year, to stage a ride of Paul Revere from that city to Lexington, Mo. This is an excellent sug- gestion which might also be carried out by other com- munities named after the renowned towns in Massachu- setts. In this connection it is interesting to note that of the 26 States with a town named either Lexington or Con- cord, nine have both. If in some of these States the two cities happen to be near each other the entire affair may be reenacted by using some nearby city as Boston, the starting place of Revere's famous ride as well as the march of the British soldiers. Where this is impossible, 548 Washington Bicentennial each town may hold its own celebration based on the events which took place in 1775. The clashes at Lexington and Concord were the final episode in the series of difficulties between England and her colonies which brought on the Revolution. They were the factors which convinced George Washington that war with the Mother Country was inevitable and caused him to enlist unequivocally in the cause of com- plete separation from Britain. Writing of the battles to a friend in England he said, "Unhappy it is to reflect that a brother's sword has been sheathed in a brother's breast; and that the once happy and peaceful plains of America are to be either drenched with blood or in- habited by slaves. Sad alternative! But can a virtuous man hesitate in his choice?" Army Officers Made "Naval Commanders" in First United States Fleet The extraordinary process of creating a naval force by giving army commissions to commanders of ships and putting on board detachments from the army as crews was resorted to by Gen. George Washington in 1775. During the siege of Boston in 1775-76, when Congress was still undecided as to the expediency of fitting out ships against the British, General Washington, with characteristic resourcefulness, took the matter into his own hands and created a force of public armed ships. He found in the Continental Army a regiment made up of trained sailors. This was the Essex County Regi- ment, commanded by Col. John Glover, of Marblehead, News Releases 549 which was composed chiefly of sailors and fishermen and the so-called amphibious. With this element to draw upon, Washington fitted out armed ships manned, as he himself wrote, by "soldiers who have been bred to the sea." The first of this fleet was the schooner, Hannah, com- manded by Capt. Nicholson Broughton, of Marblehead, and manned by a detachment from Colonel Glover's regiment. The status of this vessel was fixed beyond any question by Washington's order to Captain Brough- ton on September 2, 1775, to fit out and equip the ship with arms, ammunition, and provisions at continental expense. This became the first warship regularly commissioned by authority derived from the United Colonies and given definite orders to attack the enemy. Washing- ton's letter of instructions to Captain Broughton estab- lishing the status of the Hannah beyond any question reads as follows: "1. You being appointed a captain in the Army of the United Colonies of North America, are hereby directed to take command of a detachment of said Army and proceed on board the schooner Hannah, at Beverly, lately fitted out and equipped with arms, ammunition, and provisions at Continental expense. "2. You are to proceed as commander of said schooner immediately on a cruise against such vessels as may be found on the high seas or elsewhere bound in- wards or outwards, to and from Boston, in the service of the Ministerial Army, and to take and seize all such vessels laden with soldiers, arms, ammunition, or pro- 5 50 Washington Bicentennial visions, for or from such Army, or which you shall have good reason to suspect are in such service." The sequence of events made this act of Washington unquestionably the beginning of the United States Navy. He commissioned other armed ships in the same way, with the result that Congress was aroused, and on October 5, 1775, instructed Washington to fit out armed vessels. In addition a committee of Congress, called the "Naval Committee," consisting of John Adams, Silas Deane, and John Langdon, was appointed. The schooners Lynch, Lee, Warren, Washington, and Harrison were immediately equipped as armed vessels, and the little fleet proved of real value in the siege of Boston, capturing over 30 vessels. The first of these was the British vessel Unity, taken by the Hannah on September 6, 1775, the day after Captain Broughton and his crew sailed on the first cruise. The schooner Lee was the most successful of these vessels, with Capt. John Manley as captain. His ability won the esteem of Washington, who made him com- modore of the fleet on January 1, 1776. Among its prizes the Lee captured the Nancy, a large brigantine loaded with ordnance and supplies for the British Army in Boston. This cargo made it possible to continue the siege, and also prepared the way for the capture of Boston. Three Presidents Died on July 4 One historic fact relating to July 4 is seldom remembered in our usual observance of Independence Day, we are informed by the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washing- News Releases .551 ton Bicentennial Commission. This is especially strange because this historic fact has touching and dramatic meaning. July 4 is the day on which three Presidents of the United States died. Each of these three early Presidents played a prominent part in the formation of our Government, and each received, as a reward from the people, elevation to their highest office. Having performed great labors in planning the theory of our government, it fell to their lot to set noble examples in putting the theory into practical effect. These three Presidents were John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe. Indeed John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died almost at the same hour on July 4, 1826. After many sharp differences of opinion, which had divided them during a part of their lives, Adams and Jefferson became not only reconciled but closely attached friends. The correspondence of their final years is one of the glories of American letters. Adams lived to be 90, Jefferson 83. Neither knew how close to death was the other, and Adams' last words, when conscious that death was near, are said to have been, "Thomas Jefferson still lives." But Thomas Jefferson was already dead. Before their Presidency both these great men served as Vice President, and one of them as Vice President while the other was President. The older man, John Adams, was Vice President under George Washington himself. All three were closely associated with Wash- ington during our formative days, and to one of them, John Adams, goes the credit for playing a major part in throwing George Washington into the arms of destiny. 552- Washington Bicentennial It was largely the action of John Adams that led the Continental Congress to appoint George Washington as Commander in Chief of the revolutionary forces. Be- fore that time Washington had been an outstanding sec- tional figure, a man of the South. In command of the continental forces, he became a man of the country, and history knows full well how he played the part. James Monroe, a younger man, appeared on the scene of action after the great political groundwork of found- ing the Nation had been accomplished. But as a young man he played a gallant part on the field of battle as a follower of Washington. Strange to say, he at first opposed the Constitution of the United States and, as a member of the Virginia Convention, elected to act on adoption of the Consti- tution, he voted against it. Yet he lived to become the President who enunciated a doctrine that statesmen regard as no less a settled rule of American policy than the Constitution itself. James Monroe died on July 4, 1831, but the "Monroe Doctrine" is immortal. The older men, Adams and Jefferson, are forever linked with George Washington as leaders in the move- ment that made America independent. Washington was distinctly the man of action, the soldier, the director of affairs, and without him the Revolution might never have moved to victory. But just as necessary were the philosophy of Jefferson in shaping our principles of gov- ernment, and the abilities of Adams in waking and training popular opinion, a labor in which he had few peers. Both Adams and Jefferson served on the com- mittee to draft the Declaration of Independence. Both signed the Declaration, and to one of them, Thomas News Releases 553 Jefferson, belongs the immortal honor of having written that timeless instrument. In spite of their passing differences, these two giants of intellect and manhood were partners throughout their lives in one of the greatest achievements for the progress of humanity. On the very birthday of the new charter they had brought to mankind, when the entire Nation was celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, they died within a few hours of each other. Had they been allowed to select the day of their passing, neither could have picked one more to his liking, or more fitting to the record they have left on American history. As Independence Day is celebrated this year, the American people should spare a thought or two to this striking historic fact. In honoring the day as the begin- ning of their liberties and privileges, they should also honor the memories of these three men who died, full of years and full of honors, on this birthday of a govern- ment that has enriched the records of the past as it has enriched the lives of a living people. The "Old North State" in the Revolution To all North Carolinians April 12 is a significant date, for it marks the one hundred and fifty-fifth anniver- sary of the Old North State's resolution in favor of declaring the independence of the Colonies. This reso- lution, providing "that the delegates for this Colony in the Continental Congress be impowered to concur with the delegates of the other Colonies in declaring Inde- pendency," anticipated by three months the complete break with the mother country proclaimed by the Con- tinental Congress on July 4, and was the first action 554 Washington Bicentennial of the kind to be taken by the legislature of any colony. The Old North State played an important part in the events leading up to the Revolution, as well as in that great struggle itself, and many of her sons were among the leaders of the time. The names of Caswell, Davie, Iredell, Rutherford, Davidson, Ashe, Moore, and nu- merous others are conspicuous on that immortal roll of honor headed by the greatest of all, George Washington. That the sentiment of North Carolinians was early crystallizing in favor of complete separation from Eng- land is indicated in the famous Mecklenburg resolves of May 31, 1775. This proclamation, framed by the Meck- lenburg County Committee, assembled at Charlotte Town, stated "that all Laws and Commissions confirmed by, or derived from the authority of the King or parlia- ment, are annulled and vacated," and the "former civil Constitution of these Colonies" was declared suspended. Provision was made for the creation of a new civil gov- ernment and military organization. A committee was appointed to purchase powder and ammunition and the militiamen were ordered to equip themselves and stand in readiness for immediate service. The first clash of the Revolution on North Carolina soil occurred February 27, 1776, at Moore's Creek Bridge between a force of British loyalists and a body of Amer- ican militia. This skirmish is called the "Concord and Lexington of the South," for it aroused the colony to definite action as nothing else had done. It was a com- plete victory for the Americans, who killed or cap- tured the leaders of the Tories and dispersed the men. The patriots also captured 350 muskets, 150 swords, 1,500 new rifles, supplies of medicine, and a box of gold News Releases 555 containing 15,000 pounds sterling. The American commanders were Colonel Caswell and Colonel Lilling- ton, both of whom were to serve with conspicuous gallantry on other fields. Two of the Old North State's soldiers who attained particular eminence were Gen. James Moore and Gen. Robert Howe, each of whom served for a time in com- mand of the Department of the South. Moore was considered one of the outstanding leaders of the early part of the war, and his death at the age of 40 in Jan- uary, 1777, cut short a career which gave promise of brilliant achievement. Much of the warfare in the South was carried on by militia and partisan troops, commanded by men like Rutherford, Davie, Davidson, and Dixon. It would be difficult to overestimate the benefit to the American cause derived from the services of these men. They hung on the flanks of Clinton and Cornwallis to harass and destroy so that the movements of the British were seriously hampered. At Brandy wine and Germantown Nash led North Carolinians with distinguished bravery. Although Nash gave his life on the latter field, his men continued as a unit and were with Washington at Monmouth. Dixon and his corps of North Carolina Militia gave an excellent account of themselves at Camden, and, to- gether with the militia of other Southern States, struck the fatal blow at King's Mountain which dashed the hopes Cornwallis had of subjugating the South. In the great struggle for freedom which brought this Nation into existence the soil of North Carolina was drenched with the blood of her manhood, but the 556 Washington Bicentennial greatest engagement fought within the bounds of the Old North State took place at Guilford Court House. The details of that battle need no retelling, for its im- portance has been appreciated from the first. Corn- wallis rightly claimed the victory, but it cost him so dearly that he was obliged to withdraw immediately to a position of greater security. Besides those whose military achievements rank high, North Carolina produced men like James Iredell who, with Davie, led the fight for ratification of the Consti- tution and who was later appointed to the bench of the Supreme Court by President Washington; Joseph Hewes, legislator and shipper, who signed the Declara- tion of Independence, and whose ships were used to bring supplies from abroad; John Penn and William Hooper, also signers of the Declaration of Independence; and William Blount, Hugh Williamson, and Richard D. Spaight, who were delegates to the Constitutional Con- vention. It should be remarked that William R. Davie also contributed much to the framing of the Constitu- tion, but was prevented from signing that great instru- ment when called back to his State. As the twelfth State to ratify the Constitution, North Carolina was too late to vote for Washington in the first presidential election, but once in the Federal Union the old North State gave him the support which was inspired by the admiration and respect in which the first President was universally held by his countrymen. When Washington made his southern tour in April, 1791, he was received with great acclaim, and his progress through North Carolina was accompanied by enthusiastic ovations. News Releases 5 57 In preparation for the nation-wide celebration next year of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, North Carolina has appointed a State Bicentennial Commission to cooperate with the National Commission to carry out the great program which has been prepared. The men and women who are to organize the Old North State's tribute to the Father of His Country are: Gov. Angus W. McLean; Judge Francis D. Winston, of Windsor; Mrs. Sidney Cooper, of Henderson; Joshua L. Home, Jr., of Rocky Mount; Mrs. B. Frank Mebane, of Spray; Mrs. David H. Blair, of Winston-Salem; Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby; Mrs. E. D. Broadhurst, of Greens- boro; Col. Wade H. Harris, of Charlotte; John D. Bellamy, of Wilmington; and J. F. Hurley, of Salisbury. Anniversary of Vermont's Statehood The State of Vermont was admitted to the Union on March 4, 1791, as the fourteenth State in the federa- tion, and the first one to enter after the adoption of the Constitution. When George Washington became the first President of the United States in 1789 he found himself at the head of thirteen States, which before the Revolutionary War had been the Colonies of Great Britain. For a long time the people of Vermont had been seeking recog- nition on the same basis as the other commonwealths, but this had been denied them, due to the fact that the land controversy with New York over the New Hamp- shire grants had not been settled. At last the conflicting claims of the Empire State and the Green Mountain 558 Washington Bicentennial people were adjusted, and Vermont became the first State to enter the Union after it had been formed. In the Revolutionary War the people of this State figured prominently, and they contributed many patriots to the cause of independence. Something of the character of those who settled there may be realized from the statement of General Burgoyne, who called them "the most active and rebellious race on the con- tinent, that hangs like a gathering storm on my left." Among the early leaders of the people of Vermont, perhaps the most spectacular was Ethan Allen, the hero of Ticonderoga. In the disputes with New York over the land grants, Allen took a prominent part, and when it appeared that hostilities might develop, he helped to form a military establishment of which he was the leader with the rank of colonel. This regiment took the name of "Green Mountain Boys," in defiance of Governor Tryon, of New York, who later became a leader of the Tories. Tryon had threatened to drive back into the Green Mountains all who held their lands against the claims of New York. Allen had formed plans for the creation of a new colony in the disputed territory, when the Revolution commenced and put an end temporarily to his activities in that direction. As soon as hostilities broke out at Lexington and Concord, Colonel Allen immediately conceived the idea of capturing Ticonderoga, then held by the British. At the head of the mountaineers he commenced his march against the English post, but before arriving there he was overtaken by Benedict Arnold, who held a com- mission from the Committee of Safety. Arnold joined News Releases 559 the force as a volunteer and accompanied Allen at the head of the troops. When the Americans arrived at Lake Champlain opposite Ticonderoga on the night of May 9, they found there were not enough boats to transport the entire body across. As the morning of May 10 began to dawn, Allen found that he had only 83 men with him — the rest remained on the Vermont shore. There was no time to be lost, however, so he drew up his men, told them it was to be a desperate undertaking, and gave everyone who wished it a chance to withdraw. Every man remained. When the Americans reached the gate to the fort, they surprised the sentry there, who, it is said, aimed his rifle at Colonel Allen and pulled the trigger. Fortu- nately the gun failed to fire. The sentry was seized, and would have been put to death immediately had it not been for the intervention of Allen, who promised him his life on condition that he lead the attackers to the quarters of the commanding officer. Proceeding to these quarters, they found De La Place not yet dressed, and he was called upon to surrender. At first he re- fused, demanding upon what authority such a request was made. Colonel Allen stepped closer to him and in an imperious manner hurled at the Briton the immortal statement, "In the name of the great Jehovah and the Continental Congress." La Place concluded this was authority enough, and he turned the fort over to the Americans. This coup netted the Americans a not inconsiderable supply of guns and ammunition — articles of which they were in serious need. Later in the year the cannon which 560 Washington Bicentennial Allen captured were carried over the mountains and were used by General Washington at the siege of Boston. The success of this spectacular exploit convinced Ethan Allen that Canada might be entirely subjugated by the Americans if they were to take immediate action. Although he urged the plan on Congress and the mili- tary leaders, he received no encouragement. On his own initiative, he planned an attack on Montreal. Maj. John Brown was to cooperate with him in this enter- prise, but for some reason never explained the junction was not completed. Finding himself unsupported be- fore Montreal, Allen had either to fight or withdraw. The latter course appeared as dangerous as the former, so he determined to hold his ground as long as possible. The odds were overwhelming, however, and he was forced to surrender. Had it not been for this unfortunate affair, the name of Ethan Allen might have been placed among those of the leading generals of the American Army. Wash- ington wrote of him after their first interview, "There is an original something in him that commands atten- tion." As it was, his military career which promised so much was cut short in its beginning. He was taken to England, where he was offered various proposals to forsake his countrymen and serve under the British flag. Nothing, however, could induce him to change his allegiance, and at last, after a captivity of nearly three years, 'he was sent back to New York, where he was exchanged for Col. Alexander Campbell. Upon being released by the British, Allen proceeded to Valley Forge to meet Washington. He wrote a letter to Congress in which he offered his services in any capacity and re- News Releases 561 turned to Bennington. Thereafter his military activi- ties were confined to his own State. When Burgoyne attempted his invasion of the Colonies from Canada in the late summer and fall of 1777, he was opposed by troops consisting of a large number of militia from Vermont. At Bennington, the battle which contributed not a little toward Burgoyne 's ultimate defeat at Saratoga, one of the heroes was Col. Seth Warner, who had been at Ticonderoga with Allen. Warner continued in the army throughout the war as one of its outstanding officers. In addition to Allen and Warner, other men of Vermont took an active part in the Revolutionary War. Among these are such names as Robinson, Fay, Baker, Clark, Bayley, Carpenter, Safford, and Fletcher. All these men were active in the early history of the United States, and each one con- tributed to the greatness which this country has attained. On the anniversary of Vermont's entrance into the Union, the people of the Green Mountain State should remember with pride the achievements of those who helped form this commonwealth. From the beginning of her statehood, Vermont has been an important unit in the United States. Founded by freedom-loving pioneers, Vermont's constitution was the first instrument of that nature in modern times to put a ban on slavery. Unable to vote in the first presidential election, the* people of Vermont demonstrated their regard for George Washington by adding their electoral votes to those of the other states to make his second election unanimous also. The memory of that great man and the inestima- ble service he rendered his country can not but reawaken 562 Washington Bicentennial the spirit of patriotism that existed in the "Green Moun- tain Boys" of 1775 and inspire the tribute to Washing- ton's memory which he so eminently deserves. Virginia Ratified Constitution 143 Years Ago June 26 brings the 143rd anniversary of Virginia's ratification of the Constitution of the United States. And along with the rejoicings it justifies in George Washington's own State, the anniversary calls to mind the startling development of our country. Within this comparatively brief period of years the United States has executed one of the most dramatic changes in all history. In less than a century and a half our country has passed from a population of three and a quarter millions of farmers, mechanics, and small traders to become a world-power of 125 million people, organ- ized as the richest and most highly productive nation in the record of human progress. If, through all this sweeping alteration of life itself, any one thing among us has remained untouched in principle, it is the Constitution of the United States. With its guarantee of equal opportunity to every citi- zen, the instrument is widely credited with having made possible this tremendous material development. As a purely political document, Gladstone called it the great- est effort ever struck off from the human mind. Every American agrees with him. Nothing in our life is so profoundly revered today. Despite the solidity of this legal foundation, and the vast structure we have built upon it, the historic fact re- mains that when the Constitution was placed before the States for ratification, it was viewed, in many quarters, News Releases 563 as dangerous, risky, and unwanted. In Virginia it was bitterly fought by men like Patrick Henry, James Mon- roe, and George Mason— himself a member of the Con- vention in Philadelphia that drafted the document. We of today find it hard to believe that this tried and successful system of government so nearly failed of ap- proval in several of the States. Harder still to swallow is the fact that the Constitution itself was regarded as "unconstitutional." We assume that while the Phila- delphia Convention deliberated, an eager and single- minded American populace waited to hail and accept the product of its labors. Historic truth is exactly the opposite. The Philadelphia Convention, presided over by George Washington himself, had been authorized only to amend the original Articles of Confederation that bound the Colonies together. There was no public urge to organ- ize the States into a strong political Union. The States were all jealous of their rights and powers, and nothing further was wanted in the way of a central government beyond some stabilization that might facilitate the re- vival of trade and commerce in the war-shattered com- munities. It was largely business interests that led to the Philadelphia Convention. In drafting a wholly new political constitution for the States, the Convention vastly exceeded its powers. It met in secret; its records were given in custody to George Washington; and they remained unpublished for years. Hence at the time there was ample and logical reason why the Constitution it brought forth was re- ceived with surprise and misgiving. In due time Virginia elected a convention to deter- 564 Washington Bicentennial mine whether this "new plan" of government should be ratified. But the Old Dominion, a leading State in the Revolution, was nearly the last of the States to act on the Constitution. She did so then only after a battle of her intellectual giants. Jefferson was away, as Am- bassador to Paris, Washington was at Mount Vernon; but the little wooden hall in the new State capital of Richmond rang with the eloquence of every other Vir- ginian of importance. James Madison, James Monroe, Governor Edmund Randolph, John Marshall, George Mason, George Wythe, Patrick Henry — all were there, on one side or the other. For more than two weeks of continuous debate the issue hung in the balance. The Virginia Convention met on June 1, 1788. On June 26 the vote was taken, and the Constitutionalists won, after a titanic struggle. Eight members of the Convention flatly voted against the will of their constituents, and two ignored their in- structions. Patrick Henry rose to one of his heights of oratory in opposition. But a hundred miles away was a man whose weight ultimately settled the issue. When the decision to ratify had been made, William Grayson, himself in opposition, said from the floor that the vote was the result of the quiet pressure of George Wash- ington. "I think," said Grayson, "that were it not for one great character in America, so many men would not be for this (new) government." So George Washington, having fought through the Revolution, having seen the Constitution written, saw to it that his native State adopted the plan that has since lifted the United States to historic preeminence. Within a short time he was destined to be elected its first Presi- News Releases 565 dent, and finished his work by starting the new ma- chinery of government on its way. Next year, when again June 26 brings round the date of her ratifying the Constitution, Virginia will have a double reason for participating in the two hundredth anniversary of George Washington's birth, which occurs in 1932. There will be no division of opinion in Vir- ginia as to her part when the entire nation devotes 10 months of the year 1932 to honor her foremost son. Under the active and helpful leadership of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Virginia is rapidly shaping plans for the great com- memoration next year. As the birth State and the life- long home of America's greatest and best-loved man, Virginia will be, in a sense, the hostess to the Nation. It goes without saying that her people will nobly rise to the occasion. Already the State has given guarantee of that in form- ing a United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, headed by Governor John Garland Pol- lard, and composed of such names as: James H. Price, President of the Senate, Richmond; J. Sinclair Brown, Speaker, Salem; John H. Williams, Clerk of the House of Delegates, Richmond; Robert Lecky, Jr., Richmond; Robert O. Norris, Jr., Lively, Va. ; A. E. Shumate, Pear- isburg; Robert Gilliam, Jr., Petersburg; Ashton Dovell, Williamsburg; Charles E. Stuart, Montross; Charles W. Moss, Richmond. Granite State Revolutionary Heroes To the people of New Hampshire the names of John Stark and John Sullivan stand as symbols of patriotic 566 Washington Bicentennial service and achievement unexcelled in the annals of American history. Both of these men figured conspicu- ously in the Revolutionary War as officers of honor and merit, and they deservedly enjoyed the friendship and esteem of George Washington under whose leadership they assisted so materially in the establishment of Amer- ican independence. One of the factors which proved embarrassing to the leaders of the patriot cause was the existence through- out the Colonies of a tory or loyalist element which at first opposed separation from England and after inde- pendence had been declared, refused to forsake the mother country. No colony was entirely free from this element, and it continued to be a problem in one way or another for the duration of the war. There were perhaps fewer loyalists in New Hamp- shire than in any other Colony. One of the reasons for this was no doubt the fact that a vigorous, freedom- loving people had settled there, but certainly the action of the Colony itself was a factor in the situation. Fol- lowing the Declaration of Independence the inhabitants of New Hampshire were required by legislative edict to commit themselves in writing either in favor of or opposed to separation from England. As a result of this requirement toryism never was the problem in New Hampshire that it became Jn other Colonies. Even before the battles of Lexington and Concord, New Hampshire had signified her opposition to the measures of coercion which the British ministry had adopted against the American Colonies. In 1774, John Langdon and John Sullivan seized Fort William and Mary, at Portsmouth, together with the stores which News Releases 567 the English had collected at that place. The powder and ammunition taken in this exploit were later used to a good advantage by the Americans at Bunker Hill. After the Revolution formally began with General Washington's siege of Boston, which commenced in the summer of 1775, New Hampshire entered whole-heart- edly into the conflict and none of the Colonies was more loyal to the cause of liberty. Early in 1775 three regi- ments were formed under the command of John Stark, James Reed and Enoch Poor. Those commanded by the first two were at Bunker Hill — in fact, it is said that about half of the troops which took part in that historic battle were from New Hampshire. General Stark was one of the heroes of that occasion, and he ac- quitted himself with honor. In 1777, New Hampshire maintained in the field 17 regiments numbering 16,710 troops which, it is esti- mated, comprised all the able-bodied men of military age in the State. No other Colony could boast a better military record in the Revolution than this. Perhaps the most conspicuous service of the New Hampshire militia and troops of the line in any one cam- paign was their participation in the action against Gen- eral Burgoyne on the latter's invasion of the northern Colonies. At Freeman's Farm, known also as Bemis Heights, Poor's brigade was especially effective against the British. Two engagements occurred at this place in each of which Burgoyne suffered considerable loss. It was at Bennington, however, that the Briton received his most serious check in the blow which more than any other single incident brought about his capitulation at Saratoga. Again it was General Stark and men of New 568 Washington Bicentennial Hampshire who secured the victory. The old hero of Bunker Hill threw himself in Baum's rear and cut off all avenues of escape so that surrender became inevitable. Washington later referred to it as "the great stroke struck by General Stark near Bennington." Gen. John Sullivan, as famous as his compatriot, General Stark, was a son of New Hampshire by adop- tion, but his loyalty and devotion to the Granite State never wavered. In 1776 he assumed command of the army in Canada. He found the military establishment there in a deplorable condition and immediately set him- self to work improving it. Supplies of all kinds were al- most totally lacking and had to be obtained in a more or less hostile territory. Sullivan was equal to the task, however, and succeeded in bringing off the entire army without loss. For this remarkable exploit he was com- missioned major general. At the unfortunate engagement at Long Island, Gen- eral Sullivan held an important part of the line. Despite his gallant efforts he was surrounded and captured by the British. A short time later he was exchanged and Washington sent him on a punitive expedition against the Six Nations. Sullivan burned the Indians' villages, destroyed their crops and wrought a terrible vengeance for their depredations against the western New England settlers so that the danger of savage incursions was ended. Throughout the war New Hampshire troops con- tinued their service under General Washington. They were with the Commander in Chief in his battles at Trenton, Germantown and Monmouth, and spent the winter with him at Valley Forge. At Yorktown, men from the Granite State saw the finish of the war. One News Releases 569 of them, Alexander Scammell, then adjutant general under Washington, gave his life in one of the brave charges on the British redoubts. A noteworthy fact which is not universally known is that John Paul Jones, naval hero of the Revolution, outfitted and sailed one of his ships, the Ranger, from Portsmouth. In this craft the gallant American sea fighter met and defeated the British war ship Drake in an encounter off the coast of Ireland, and preyed upon English shipping with telling effect. Other ships were fitted out and commissioned as privateers in New Hampshire. Among these were the Enterprise and the McClary. From New Hampshire came Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple and Matthew Thornton, signers of the Decla- ration of Independence, and John Langdon and Nicholas Gilman, members of the Constitutional Convention. Other prominent men held positions of responsibility in the new government and their counsels in matters of state were of great value in shaping the early course of this Nation. Following the Revolution came Jeremiah Mason and Daniel Webster, two of America's foremost statesmen, and Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States — all sons of New Hampshire. It was New Hampshire's ratification of the Consti- tution that made that instrument effective. When the Constitutional Convention completed its work in the summer of 1787 it was provided that the Constitution would go into effect upon its acceptance by nine of the States. New Hampshire was the ninth State to ratify, and thus her vote made the fundamental law of the United States immediately operative. 570 Washington Bicentennial At the time of Washington's first election, John Lang- don was president of Congress. In this capacity he wrote Washington the letter of notification which was taken to Mount Vernon by Charles Thomson, then sec- retary of Congress. Washington's certificate of elec- tion also was signed by Langdon. When Washington made his good will tour of the New England States in 1789, he visited New Hamp- shire. The President arrived in Portsmouth on Saturday, October 31, and left there Wednesday morning, No- vember 4. During his stay in the city he was favorably impressed with the people, and records in his journal that he was "received with every token of respect and appearance of cordiality." His old friend and com- panion in arms, John Sullivan, was then president of the State. While in Portsmouth, President Washington in- spected the harbor and was surprised at its admirable situation. In his diary he notes that, "Having Lines, we proceeded to the Fishing banks a little without the Harbour, and fished for Cod; but it not being a proper time of tide, we only caught two." Unknown Soldier of the Revolutionary War In the churchyard of the Old Presbyterian Meeting House of Alexandria, Va., lies the tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the Revolutionary War. Few people out- side of the immediate vicinity of Alexandria know of the existence of this tomb or of the interesting story connected with it. But with the commemorating exer- cises, which are scheduled for Sunday afternoon, October 19, 1930, on the one hundred and forty-ninth News Releases 571 anniversary of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis to the French and American troops at Yorktown, this hitherto almost unknown tomb will receive the attention and recognition of America. It will be a notable gathering that will assemble this Sunday afternoon to honor the memory of the Revo- lutionary War dead by the outward manifestation of respect and reverence at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the Revolution. Patriotic societies of France and America, and officials from both countries, will participate in the ceremonies honoring this unknown follower of George Washington. The French Republic will be represented. In the name of France, our sister Republic, her representative will place a wreath on the tomb of this unknown hero of the Revolutionary War. This act will serve to com- memorate that glorious French-American alliance of 150 years ago, the alliance which aided so much in estab- lishing American independence. On behalf of the Children of the American Revo- lution, who raised the funds to erect the tomb of this Unknown Soldier, Ann Carter Waller, of the Ann McCarty Ramsay Chapter of the society, will also place a wreath on the grave. The Washington Society of Alexandria will be represented by a committee which includes the Hon. R. Walton Moore, Representative from Virginia and a member of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission by presidental appointment; William B. McGroarty, president of the Washington Society of Alexandria; and Charles H. Callahan, past grand master of the Masons of the State of Virginia. 572 Washington Bicentennial The Washington Society was formed by personal friends of George Washington soon after his death, and many of its members today are direct descendants of its founders. The grave of the Unknown Soldier of the Revolution has a thrilling history. The Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission presents here the high- lights of the story. St. Mary's Catholic Church bought some land adjoining the Presbyterian burial ground in Alexandria. In excavating to lay a foundation for an edifice, the workers unwittingly extended the line of excavation to include a small strip of the Presbyterian churchyard. While digging, workmen struck some- thing which obviously was not a rock. Examination showed that they had unearthed a wooden ammunition box the size of a coffin. Upon opening the box, to the great astonishment of the workmen, they found the body of a soldier dressed in the uniform of the Continental Army. Who was this soldier? How did he get there? The church had no record of such a burial. The remnants of his clothing revealed no mark of identification. All that was known was that he died wearing the uniform of the Continental Army. Here was an Unknown Soldier of the American Revolutionary War! Alexandria had been a hospitalization point during the Revolutionary War. The wounded were brought there either to recover or die. This soldier probably had been wounded and sent to Alexandria for treat- ment, where he died. Apparently he was buried hurriedly, an ammunition box being used for a coffin. News Releases 573 This Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution was reverently reintered near the spot from which his body had been exhumed. An entry marking the exact location of burial was made in the records of the Old Presbyterian Church, and thereafter it became the custom of the community to decorate the grave from time to time. A hundred years after the discovering of the body, the National Society of the Children of the American Revolution, under the leadership of Mrs. Josiah Van Orsdel, undertook to raise funds to erect a permanent monument over the grave of the Unknown Soldier of the Revolution. This monument was erected in April of 1929. The late James W. Good, then Secretary of War, delivered the dedicatory address. Thus 101 years after the discovery of the body, and some 150 years after the soldier's death, the grave and memory of this unknown hero were honored. Unlike the Unknown Soldier's tomb of the World War at Arlington, this tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the Revolution in Alexandria bears an inscription. This inscription, composed by the Hon. William Tyler Page, is an inspired sentiment, which reads as follows: "Here lies a soldier hero of the Revolution whose identity is known but to God. "His was an idealism that recognized a Supreme Being, that planted religious liberty on our shores, that overthrew despotism, that established a people's govern- ment, that wrote a Constitution setting metes and bounds of delegated authority, that fixed a standard of value upon men above gold, and that lifted high the torch of civil liberty along the pathway of mankind. 574 Washington Bicentennial "In ourselves his soul exists as a part of ours, his Memory's Mansion." A movement is now under way by the District of Columbia Chapter of the Sons of the Revolution to create a colonial environment for this tomb in order that it may stand as a national shrine for all time. It is expected to complete the final stages of this work in time for the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington in 1932. Maine in the Revolutionary War The story of Maine's participation in the Revolu- tionary War is an account of the devotion and patriotism of a people determined to be free. The future Pine Tree State, then a part of Massachusetts, responded to the call to arms with no hesitancy or delay, and many of her sons gave their lives on distant battle fields. Henry Knox, one of the most distinguished patriots of the Revolutionary War period, was born in Boston, but became a son of Maine by adoption. It was in Thomaston that he made his home upon retirement from public life. Engaged in his profession of bookseller in Boston, Knox was among the first to take up arms at the begin- ning of the war, and at Bunker Hill rendered distin- guished service as a private in the defense of the Ameri- can position. When Washington, with his commission as Commander in Chief of the Continental Armies, came to Boston to assume the leadership of the troops, Knox was there to offer his services in any capacity in which he was needed. News Releases 575 Perhaps the most spectacular exploit of the entire military career of the former bookseller was his trans- portation to Boston of the cannon taken by Allen and Arnold at Ticonderoga. Washington was seriously handicapped throughout the entire siege by lack of powder and artillery, and the value of the cannon he thus received can not be overestimated. The enterprise and courage which Knox displayed in dragging the captured guns over the snow-covered mountains and frozen Lake Champlain earned the respect and admira- tion of the Commander in Chief, and he was placed in command of the artillery. Knox may justly be con- sidered the father of this branch of the army. From Boston Knox accompanied the army to New York. After the defeats which the Americans suf- fered in the New York campaign, including the loss of Forts Washington and Lee, the American Army re- treated across the Jerseys and seemed likely to dissolve. Washington planned and carried out the attack on Trenton and Princeton as a means of bolstering the waning morale of the entire country. In these suc- cessful raids Knox was an important factor, for, with Glover, he supervised the transportation of the troops across the ice- jammed Delaware. His services were recognized by Congress, and he was advanced to the rank of brigadier general. At Monmouth Knox further distinguished himself, and at Yorktown, the final great battle of the war, he was in charge of the American artillery, which did so much damage to the town in which Lord Cornwallis had fortified himself. It was the well-directed bombard- ment, by both the French and Americans, of the British 576 Washington Bicentennial stronghold there that battered down the fortifications and made the place untenable. After the war General Knox was among the fore- most to advocate the establishment of a strong central government. His views were clearly expressed in a letter to Washington, in which he pointed out the inefficiency of a confederation such as the one under which the war had been carried on. When the Con- stitution was completed and presented to the States for ratification, Knox was one of its most earnest supporters. When Washington became the head of the new Government as its first President, he proceeded to the formation of hft Cabinet. Knox had been acting as the head of the War Department, and in that capacity he was retained by the President. In the controversies which divided the Cabinet he stood with Hamilton in the support of a national bank and other projects which came to be regarded as particular interests of the Fed- eralist Party. He was, however a friend of Jefferson, and, with him, helped to establish the United States Navy to put an end to the piracy which was seriously injuring American shipping in the Mediterranean. Knox may also be said to be the father of the present militia system of this country. From the moment of their first acquaintance a friendship sprang up between Washington and Knox, which terminated only with the death of the first Presi- dent. Their mutual esteem and admiration may be seen in the many letters which passed between them. Another son of the Pine Tree State, which till 1820 was a part of Massachusetts, who attained eminence in News Releases 577 the service of his country, although in a different sphere, was William Cushing, prominent lawyer of Lincoln County. Judge Cushing was appointed Asso- ciate Justice of the Supreme Court by Washington in 1789. He held this position until his death in 1810. From the bays and harbors of Maine many ships were built or equipped and sent out as privateers to wreak havoc on the British shipping. It is said, indeed, that the first English naval officer to lose his life in the Revo- lution was Captain Moore, killed in the harbor at Machias in a fight between the Margaritta and the American sloop afterward* known as the Liberty. It is impossible in a limited space to name all the sons of Maine who took part in various capacities in the Revolutionary War, but, if assembled, they would present an imposing list. They all combined their efforts under the leadership of George Washington to win the freedom of their country and establish its independence. In the celebration next year of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington a prominent part may, and undoubtedly will, be played by the great Pine Tree State. Her people rallied to the support of the man commissioned to lead the Revo- lutionary armies and the cooperation was continued when he was called to fill the presidential chair. The same spirit which actuated the country at that time, and which is the inspiration of the forthcoming com- memoration, can not but make itself evident in Maine as well as in all the other States of the Nation founded by George Washington. 578 Washington Bicentennial Anniversary of Ticonderoga Early in the morning of May 10, 1775, the "Green Mountain Boys" of Vermont, numbering less than 90 and led by Ethan Allen, surprised and captured the British garrison at Fort Ticonderoga. Included in the capture were 200 cannon, which Henry Knox later dragged over the mountains to Boston, where they were used to good advantage by General Washington in his siege of that city. The spectacular attack on Ticonderoga occurred less than a month after the opening gun of the Revolu- tionary War was fired at Lexington. It was carried out by men who appreciated the grim significance of the event, and who were determined not to turn back until independence had been won. The spirit which actuated the attackers was clearly shown in their re- fusal to forsake the enterprise when Allen gave each one the opportunity to withdraw just before the attack was made. When the Americans had forced their way into the fort, they proceeded to the quarters of the commandant, De La Place. Colonel Allen confronted the Briton with the demand for his surrender. According to Washington Irving in his "Life of Washington," La Place wished to know by what authority the demand was made and received the now immortal reply, "In the name of the great Jehovah and the Continental Con- gress." Resistance appearing futile, the garrison sur- rendered and Ticonderoga passed into the possession of the Americans. News Releases 579 Kentucky's Admission to the Union Kentucky, admitted to the Union June 1, 1792, was the second of three States to gain statehood during the administrations of President George Washington. It is, therefore, a matter of pride to the people of the Blue Grass State that Kentucky was one of those common- wealths which came into the Union in the first great expansion of the United States after the adoption of the Constitution. The bicentenary observance of Washington's birth will begin officially on February 22, next, and will con- tinue until Thanksgiving Day. During that time the most important dates in the history of this country will be signalized by special commemorative programs which will be linked up with the George Washington Bicen- tennial Celebration. It is in this connection that the anniversary of Kentucky's admission to statehood as- sumes its peculiar significance next year. The 140th anniversary of the entrance of the Blue Grass State into the Union thus coincides with the 200th anniversary of George Washington's birth, and will be a most ap- propriate occasion for the people of Kentucky to cele- brate. In the period preceding the Revolution and during the war itself, Kentucky was hardly more than an out- post on the edge of this country's western frontier. It formed a part of Virginia's possessions, and was roamed by trapper, hunter, and redskin, although settlers were streaming in from Virginia. At the close of the Revolution, the territory now in- cluded in the boundaries of the Blue Grass State was part of Virginia and was known as the Kentucky dis- 580 Washington Bicentennial trict. After the Constitution was approved and the United States adopted a full-fledged Federal Govern- ment, the people of Kentucky began to seek admission as a State. An agreement was made with Virginia in compliance with law, and Kentucky formally presented her petition for statehood in the closing months of 1790. In his message to Congress, December 8, 1790, Presi- dent Washington said: "Since your last session I have received communica- tions by which it appears that the district of Kentucky, at present a part of Virginia, has concurred in certain propositions contained in a law of that State, in con- sequence of which the district is to become a distinct member of the Union, in case the requisite sanction of Congress be added. For this sanction application is now made. I shall cause the papers on this very important transaction to be laid before you. The liberality and harmony with which it has been conducted will be found to do great honor to both parties, and the sentiments of warm attachment to the Union and its present Gov- ernment expressed by our fellow-citizens of Kentucky can not fail to add an affectionate concern for their par- ticular welfare to the great national impressions under which you will decide on the case submitted to you." The celebration next year of the two hundredth an- niversary of the birth of George Washington will be nation-wide in every sense of the word. It has been planned to include every person in the United States and will provide suitable programs for various occasions to be held in all schoolhouses, churches and other meet- ing places. It will not be concentrated in any form, in any locality. News Releases 581 In the Act of Congress which created the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, every State was invited to name its own local group to cooperate with the national body. Kentucky has as- sured the success of the commemoration of Washing- ton's birth so far as the people of the Blue Grass State are concerned by creating an executive committee con- sisting of: Hon. W. A. Thommason, Paris; Hon. W. B. Ardery, Paris; Judge John F. Hagar, Ashland; Col. Lorain Whiteley, Owensboro; Mrs. A. T. Hert, Louis- ville; Mrs. Stella Star key, Pikeville; Editor Woods, Mt. Sterling; Editor Thomas, Liberty; Colonel Forgey, Ash- land; Editor Chandler, Barbourville; Editor Alex B. Combs, Hazard; Col. Noel Gaines, Frankfort; Mrs. Hugh L. Rose, Louisville; and Mrs. Stanley Reed, Mays- ville. In addition, there is a citizens' committee of: R. C. Ballard Thruston, Louisville; Mrs. James Darnell, Frank- fort; Hon. John Deidrich, Ashland; Mrs. W. T. Laf- ferty, Lexington; Mrs. Jouett Cannon, Frankfort; Dr. William H. Townsend, Lexington; Miss Mary Mason Scott, Frankfort; Mrs. William L. Lyons, Louisville; Adm. Hugh Rodman, Washington, D. C; James L. Isenberg, Harrodsburg; Temple Bodley, Louisville; Mrs. George R. Hunt, Lexington; Mrs. W. T. Fowler, Lex- ington; Mrs. Edmond Post, Paducah; Mrs. Clyde E. Purcell, Paducah; Mrs. William Rhodes, Lexington; Mrs. Graham Lawrence, Shelbyville; Mrs. George Madden Martin, Louisville; Mrs. Mary Stallins Ray, St. Mat- thews; Rev. James D. Gibson, Covington; Ernest B. Dunkie, Covington; Dean Martha Tull, Georgetown; Frank L. McVey, Lexington; Mrs. Bos well Pierce, New 582 Washington Bicentennial Castle; C. Frank Dunn, Frankfort; H. H. Fuson, Har- lan; Col. William Monroe Wright, Lexington; Capt. Martin Rice, Carrollton. Tennessee's Admission to the Union Tennessee was one of the three States to enter the Union in the first expansion of the United States fol- lowing the adoption of the Federal Constitution, and therefore enjoys the distinction of being admitted under an enabling act approved by President George Wash- ington. The Volunteer State became a full-fledged unit of this Nation June 1, 1796. The great nation-wide commemoration in honor of George Washington, which will commence next year on February 22 and continue until Thanksgiving Day, has been planned to include every person in the United States and to reach even the remotest hamlet in the country. It will not be concentrated as an exposition or similar affair in any community, but will be the out- pouring of a nation's gratitude for its founder. The Volunteer State was formed out of the western part of North Carolina, and was settled before the Revo- lutionary War by pioneers, who, being far from the mother State, set up their own government under John Sevier, the most colorful figure in the early history of Tennessee. When the Revolution began, the territory was named Washington District, and the people pledged themselves for their share of the war expenses of the United Colonies. The battle of King's Mountain, which some histo- rians have termed the turning point of the war, was fought by a detachment consisting mainly of Tennes- News Releases 583 seans under the leadership of Sevier, Isaac Shelby, and William Campbell, against a force of loyalists com- manded by Col. Patrick Ferguson. The engagement was one of the most sanguinary conflicts of the entire war, and resulted in the death of Ferguson and the com- plete destruction of his command. Cornwallis was se- riously crippled by this loss of men who were counted on to augment the British regular army. Ferguson's sword and sash are now among the relics of the Tennessee Historical Society, at Nashville, to- gether with the gun with which he was killed. In 1784 North Carolina ceded to the United States all the territory now embraced in the State of Tennes- see, but no arrangements for government satisfactory to the frontiersmen being made, the people decided to take the matter in their own hands. There were then three counties in the district and each one sent delegates to a convention at Jamesborough. John Sevier was elected president of the body and another convention was called to form a constitution and put the machinery of the new government in motion. The constitution of North Carolina was adopted for the time and the new State was called Franklin. Sevier was named governor, and all other necessary officers were elected. At this point North Carolina took a hand in affairs and the people were ordered to return to the allegiance of the mother State. Sevier tried to persuade North Carolina to recognize the independence of the new State, and sought the approval of Congress. In both attempts he failed, and in 1788 his arrest resulted in the collapse of his government. A pardon was soon granted to all who had taken part in the formation of Franklin, and 584 Washington Bicentennial Sevier was elected to the North Carolina senate and re- stored to his former military rank. When North Carolina became a State, Tennessee was again ceded to the national government. After consid- erable difficulty with the Indians and Spanish traders, a constitution was formed, and the people asked admis- sion to the Union. Andrew Jackson was a member of the constitution committee, and is said to have suggested the name of Tennessee for the new State. President George Washington approved the enabling act admitting Tennessee to statehood on June 1, 1796. John Sevier was again selected to head the government, and became the first governor of the State. First Washington's Birthday Celebration West of the Mississippi The first public celebration of George Washington's birthday west of the Mississippi River took place in Saint Louis, Mo., 114 years ago. Although Washington's birthday was not made a legal holiday in the State of Missouri until 1879, public celebrations were held throughout the State every year as far back as 1817, the year of the first public celebra- tion. Floyd C. Shoemaker, of the Missouri State His- torical Society, is authority for this claim. Missouri was a territory in 1817; St. Louis was the leading city. On February 22 of that year the lead- ing citizens of the city met to honor the birthday of the Father of His Country. The master of ceremonies was William Clark, the man who, with Meriwether Lewis in 1804, made the famous expedition from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean, thereby News Releases 585 establishing the claim of the United States to the great Northwest. All the prominent men of St. Louis participated in the ceremonies. Henry S. Geyer, who played a promi- nent part as counsel in the historic Dred Scott Case, and who, in 1851, defeated Thomas Hart Benton for a seat in the United States Senate, was one of the toastmasters. Wilburn W. Boggs, who became governor of Missouri in 1836, also took part in the toasting exercises on that day. The building in which the public dinner was held was located on the southwest corner of Main and Pine Streets. This building was erected the year before, in 1816, and was the first brick building of St. Louis for public use. The "edifice" was two stories high. On the ground floor were store rooms; and the upper floor was occu- pied by a "hotel" or, what one writer referred to as "Kibby's new boarding house." It was in the rooms of this hotel or boarding house, have it which way you will, that George Washington's birthday was first cele- brated west of the Mississippi. Mary Alicia Owen, authority of Missouri social cus- toms, tells us how early Missourians celebrated Washing- ton's birthday. She wrote: "The Father of His Country, who was a great dandy in his time, . . . would feel honored if he knew how many hundreds of balls this State has given in his honor, and how many thousands of young Missourians have, for such revels, arrayed themselves in costumes which were copies of his and his Martha." 5 $6 Washington Bicentennial When Delaware Ratified To the people of the State of Delaware the date December 7 is of particular significance, for it is the anniversary of Delaware's ratification of the United States Constitution. The event assumes added impor- tance in the light of the fact that the Diamond State was the first of the original thirteen States to ap- prove this great document. Despite her small size, Delaware had loyally contributed to the Revolution in men and money. In the person of John Dickinson she presented one of the great statesmen of the period whose influence was to be felt throughout the Nation. After the War of Independence, when the erstwhile Colonies of Great Britain found themselves free from the mother country, they discovered that all their prob- lems were not yet settled. In fact, the question of what to do with their independence now appeared as a per- plexity, which, for a time, threatened to plunge the new Nation into the chaos of anarchy — a prospect far less inviting than subjection to the British crown. The leaders of political thought and philosophy were divided in opinion as to the form of government which should be attempted, although it was apparent to all that the old Articles of Confederation were wholly inadequate to meet the needs of the new Nation. The people them- selves were influenced in their opinions by sectional in- terests, while the States, with their jealousies and re- stricted ideas of local sovereignty, presented anything but an appearance of national unity. Men talked /much in those days of democracy, republics, and the rule of the people. America's enemies abroad, seeing the disorder, confidently pre- News Releases 587 dieted the collapse of what political structures the country did possess, and then sat back to await the crash. Some prominent statesmen here talked of monarchy and an American nobility. At one time, before the close of the war, George Washington was approached with a proposal to make him king, a sug- gestion so repugnant to him that he replied to it in such indignant terms as to leave no doubt with regard to his position in the matter. At last the situation became so acute that a convention was called to con- sider and effect a revision of the Articles of Confederation. This convention, growing out of the Annapolis Convention, which had been called by Virginia to settle trade disputes in 1786, met in Philadelphia in the sum- mer of 1787. It comprised in its personnel most of the luminaries of the country — it was a noteworthy assemblage of America's foremost talent and ability. George Washington, the great Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary forces, was elected President, and the momentous discussion was soon under way. Among the members of this great body were Benjamin Franklin from Pennsylvania, James Madison from Virginia, Alex- ander Hamilton from New York, William Patterson from New Jersey, Luther Martin from Maryland, and Charles Cotesworth Pinckney from South Carolina. Deleware sent the following delegates: George Read, Gunning Bedford, Jr., John Dickinson, Richard Basset t, and Jacob Broom. The story of that summer of bitter debate, of proposals, and compromises is so well known as to need no review. The convention was held behind closed 588 Washington Bicentennial doors, so that no one except the delegates themselves knew what was going on. It was taken for granted by the people that the Articles of Confederation were to be revised, and no one expected the formulation of an entirely new Constitution. But, after the deliberations began, the delegates soon realized that the strong cen- tral power now so definitely needed could never be built on the foundation of the old Confederation. Thus it was that out of the long weeks of mighty effort ap- peared the Federal Constitution — an innovation and an experiment in government. The completed document was sent to the States for ratification on September 28, 1787, and then began another great struggle, this time to secure the approval of at least nine of the States, which constituted the necessary majority to put the Constitution into effect. It was not at all certain that this approval could be readily obtained, for although the Constitution had been signed by delegates from 12 of the States, it was gen- erally known that opposition would be encountered in many localities. Therefore most of the men who had been members of the convention returned to their homes to battle for ratification. One of these delegates, as has been seen, was Delaware's own John Dickinson, who had taken a prominent part in the convention. He wrote a series of nine pamphlets, signed "Fabius," in which he dis- cussed the Constitution and urged its adoption. When George Washington read these pamphlets and before he knew the identity of their author, he wrote his ap- proval of the sound political thought and argument which they contained. Dickinson's efforts were an out- News Releases 589 standing contribution to the political literature of the time and undoubtedly went far to influence the popular mind in favor of the Constitution. There was some opposition to the work of the convention in all of the States, but it seems to have been negligible in Delaware, where the legislature met on October 24 and immediately adopted measures to call a convention for the purpose of adopting the Consti- tution. This conclave met at Dover the first week in December and acted with surprising dispatch. The resolution of ratification was unanimously passed on December 7, 1787, and Delaware became the first state to adopt the Federal Constitution. Only two other states, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, took action that year. Delaware's notification of approval read as follows: "We the deputation of the people of Delaware State in convention met, having taken into serious considera- tion the Federal Constitution proposed and agreed upon by the deputies of the United States in a general con- vention held at the city of Philadelphia on the seven- teenth day of September in the year of our Lord 1787, have approved, assented to, ratified and confirmed, and by these presents do, in virtue of the power and author- ity to us given for that purpose for and on behalf of our constituents, fully, freely, and entirely approve of, assent to, ratify, and affirm the said convention." Delaware, known as the Diamond State because of its small size and great value, held the first election under the new Constitution in January, 1789. At this time the presidential electors, Gunning Bedford, George Mitchell, and John Mitchell, were chosen. All three of 590 Washington Bicentennial these men cast their votes for Washington and John Jay. At the same election John Vining was selected Repre- sentative and George Read and Richard Bassett became the first Senators from Delaware. Always progressive and public spirited, Delaware was one of the first States to fall in line with the pro- gram outlined by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission for the great celebration in 1932 of the two hundredth anniversary of George Washington's birth. Acting on the invitation of Con- gress to appoint a State commission, Gov. C. Douglas Buck appointed the following to the Diamond State Commission: Hon. Robert P. Robinson, of Wilmington; Hon. Charles H. Grantland, of Dover; W. A. Speak- man, of Wilmington; D. M. Wilson, of Dover; Herman C. Taylor, of Dover; W. F. Allen, of Seaford; Leroy Cramer, of Wilmington; J. Gilpin Highfield, of Wil- mington; Hervey P. Hall, of Smyrna, Joseph H. Cox, of Seaford; William Winthrup, of Wilmington; Wm. E. Virden, of Wilmington; James W. Carrow, of Dover; W. O. Cubbage, of Wyoming; and Thomas C. Curry, of Greenwood. In order to effect the plans for State participation, the Legislature of Delaware authorized an appropria- tion of $5,000, again pointing the way, for this was one of the first instances of definite action on the part of any of the States. The history of Delaware is a source of pride to all her people. From the very first, this little State on the Atlantic seaboard played an active and important part in the forming of the United States. George Washington was a frequent visitor there during his long News Releases 591 career of public service, and his diaries contain particu- lar references to entertainments held in his honor in Wilmington and other cities. The significance of Dela- ware's prompt approval of the great instrument of government, which was framed under the direction of the Father of His Country, is noted with satisfaction on the occasion of the one hundred and forty-third anni- versary of that event. South Carolina's Heroes of the Revolution When Charles II granted to some of his nobles a great area south of Virginia, the recipients of this mag- nificent gift evinced their appreciation by naming the territory Carolina in honor of their monarch. If the unfortuate king could have foreseen the defiance of royal authority by some of the people of this new Colony in the American Revolution, perhaps he would have held back his charter. The vast territory included in this original Carolina grant has since been formed into several States of the Union, two of which, North and South Carolina, still bear the name first given in honor of the sovereign. The State of South Carolina contributed to the cause of independence some of the most active patriots of the Revolutionary period. Among those from the Palmetto State who were associated with George Washington in the establishment of this country were officers of merit and ability, statesmen of sagacity and foresight, and numerous loyal, devoted patriots who contributed their best in lesser capacities. Separation from the mother country was an issue upon which the people of South Carolina were divided. 592 Washington Bicentennial Along the coasts and in the larger communities senti- ment was generally in favor of a break with England, while in the interior such action was opposed. The patriots were so determined, however, that no obstacle could stop them. Despite the prevalent toryism the Palmetto State finally emerged, battered but trium- phant, from the bitter struggle of the Revolution. For some years prior to the Revolution, the govern- ment of South Carolina had been administered by a series of royal governors, the last of whom was Lord William Campbell. This official found his position diffi- cult, for the Colony was virtually in rebellion when he arrived in Charleston June 18, 1775. In November of the previous year the citizens of Charleston had held a tea party of their own similar to the celebrated affair in the harbor at Boston. On April 21, two days after the Battle of Lexington and Concord, and long before the news could reach the southern Colonies, when it appeared that hostilities were inevitable, the patriots seized public stores consisting largely of guns and am- munition. A short time later the Carolinians captured a British ship loaded with powder intended for the Indians, and part of this much needed article was sent to aid the patriots in the siege of Boston. When Governor Campbell attempted to execute the orders that he received from England, he encountered such intense opposition that he was forced to take refuge on a British warship. From this point he attempted to incite the Indians and Tories to form a combination against the patriots. September 15, 1775, Fort Johnson was occupied by the patriots and South Carolina had gone too far to turn back. In this exploit was displayed News Releases 593 the first American flag used in South Carolina — a silver crescent on a blue field. To the First Continental Congress the Palmetto State sent a very able delegation, including such leaders as John Rutledge, Henry Middleton, Thomas Lynch, Christopher Gadsden, and Edward Rutledge. Middle- ton was elected president of Congress after Randolph, of Virginia, had been forced to retire because of his illness. Of John Rutledge, Patrick Henry wrote that he was by far the best orator in the assemblage. Each of these men took a prominent and active part in the Congress, and Gadsden was one of the first to advocate drastic action against the forces of General Gage in Boston. Not until the latter part of the Revolution did the military situation in South Carolina become acute. During the earlier years of the war the British were kept at bay, but when operations were transferred to the southern Colonies, with the idea of striking a de- cisive blow in that quarters, affairs became critical in the Palmetto State. Charleston, after successfully re- sisting several attacks, was finally forced to surrender to the British in May, 1780, the year when hopes were darkest for the southerners. The royalists and Tories, emboldened by Clinton's success, took up arms against the patriots. The British and partisan troops of Lord Rawdon and Tarleton were left to maraud and plunder the country, and there was reason to fear that the South was doomed to subjugation. However, the situation soon changed. The success of the British was short-lived, for the exploits of Marion and Sumter soon turned the tide. No more 594 Washington Bicentennial gallant soldiers took part in the Revolution, and to their efforts must be given much of the credit for the failure of the English campaign in the South. Francis Marion is one of the most spectacular and romantic figures of the Revolution. He was universally admired for his integrity, ability, courage, and rare sweetness of disposition. From the commencement of hostilities he took an active part in the armies of South Carolina. He had learned military strategy in rough country as an Indian fighter. Later this experience was to prove exceedingly valuable to his State and to his country. Before the investment of Charleston was completed by the British in May, 1780, Colonel Marion was attend- ing a party with a number of friends, when the host turned the key on his guests in order that none might leave as long as the wine held out. The Colonel did not drink and, not wishing to disturb the party, he decided to leave quietly. When no one was looking, he opened the window and leaped from the room. In the dark- ness he was unable to gauge the distance to the ground and, as a result of his leap, he sustained a broken ankle. This proved a most fortunate occurrence, for it caused Marion's removal from the beleaguered city while there was yet a way out. Hence he was not captured, and his future services were saved for his country. Tarleton called Marion the "Swamp Fox," and this sobriquet stuck with him throughout the war. The Briton used this appellation because of Marion's meth- ods of fighting. He usually commanded a force which, if worsted in a fight, had the faculty of disappearing completely, only to reassemble at a point somewhat dis- News Releases 595 tant from the fray. It was this peculiar quality of rapidly disbanding and reorganizing that made Marion's corps so effective against the British. On one occasion, after having led the indefatigable Tarleton a long and fruitless chase, the British cavalry leader is said to have remarked: "Come, boys, let us go back and find the gamecock (Sumter) ; as for this d d swamp fox, the devil himself could not catch him." Marion continued in active service throughout the entire war and had a hand in nearly all the major battles in the southern Colonies. At the close of the Revolu- tion he was elected to the South Carolina State Senate and took part in framing a constitution for South Carolina. However, his private affairs had suffered severely during the war, and he was forced to retire from public life. Before he left the senate he was con- spicuous for his advocacy of humane measures toward the Tories, and he was energetic in his condemnation of the confiscation act of 1782. Marion's character was spotless, and he enjoyed the respect and admiration of all who knew him. An intrepid fighter, he was un- failingly kind and considerate, and no instance of cruelty or rapacity has ever been cited against him. He was an excellent example of American manhood. One of the most heroic military figures of South Carolina during the Revolutionary War was William Moultrie, the gallant defender of Fort Sullivan. Moultrie was one of the first to realize the important strategic position of this island outside of Charleston and was responsible for its fortification. In a great battle, June 28, 1776, Moultrie repulsed, with but a 596 Washington Bicentennial handful of men, an attack by a British fleet, which was badly damaged. It was this successful defense of Fort Sullivan that kept the South free from invasion until the later years of the war. The post was renamed Fort Moultrie in honor of its brave defender, who was also voted the thanks of Congress. Thomas Sumter, the "Carolina gamecock," was another partisan from the Palmetto State whose activi- ties distressed the British in the South. His methods were similar to those employed by Marion, and his spectacular exploits kept Cornwallis and Tarleton in continual difficulty. He lived to be 98, and at his death in 1832 was the last surviving officer of the Revolu- tionary War. One of the most important and spectacular battles of the Revolutionary War was the engagement at Kings Mountain on October 7, 1780. This battle has some- times been called the turning point of the American Revolution. Certainly it was one of the most potent factors in the withdrawal of Cornwallis to Yorktown, where the war practically ended. The American force was chiefly composed of men from the new West, later the State of Tennessee, under Shelby, Sevier, and Camp- bell. Their assault on the strong position held by the loyalist militia, commanded by Ferguson, is a striking example of American valor and courage. Ferguson himself was killed, and so severe was the loss sustained by the loyalists that they never again were able seriously to threaten affairs in South Carolina. No consideration of South Carolina in the Revolution would be complete without mention of the Pinkneys, News Releases 597 the Middletons, and Henry and John Laurens. The latter was the son of Henry Laurens, and his exploits earned him the title of the "Bayard of the Revolution." Washington once wrote of this young man: "He had not a fault that I could discover unless it were intrepid- ity bordering upon rashness." He served with com- mendable gallantry throughout the Revolution, but his life came to a tragic end in a minor skirmish with the British in 1782. Charles Cotesworth Pinkney also should be mentioned as one of the outstanding patriots of the Palmetto State. His character is indicated in the remark he made when the Directory of France intimated that trouble with that country might be averted if the United States were willing to pay. Pinkney's terse reply to this ignominious suggestion is said to have been: "Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute." Again he showed his true caliber when he received an appointment as major gen- eral next to Alexander Hamilton in the army which Washington was forming in 1798 for use against the French in case hostilities developed. When reminded that Hamilton had been his junior in the Revolution, Pinkey replied: "Let us first dispose of our enemies; we shall then have the leisure to settle the case of rank." It would be impossible to name and consider all the distinguished men from South Carolina who so admir- ably served the interests of their country in the Revolu- tion, but the name of John Rutledge, appointed by Washington to the highest tribunal in the Nation, must be mentioned. Certain it is that the people of the Palmetto State have every justification for pride in their 598 Washington Bicentennial contribution to their country in that great struggle for liberty. Acting on the invitation of the Congress of the United States in the statute creating the National Com- mission to all the States and territories to create State and local bicentennial commissions South Carolina, in 1930, appointed a commission, thus evincing the interest of the Palmetto State in the celebration of George Wash- ington's two hundredth birthday anniversary and promising cooperation from this southern common- wealth. The men who came from South Carolina to serve in various capacities associated with George Washington in the Revolution were respected and admired by the great first President. They greatly contributed to the establishment of this country and deservedly occupy prominent places in the annals of American history. New Hampshire Ratifies June 21 is a date of patriotic interest to New Hamp- shire and of importance to the whole United States, for on that date the Granite State ratified the new Con- stitution of the United States, thus making it the legal groundwork of the new American Government. Rati- fication by nine States was necessary before the Con- stitution could be put into effect and New Hampshire was the ninth State to come into the fold. By June 21, 1788, eight of the States of the original 13 had ratified the Constitution. New Hampshire was the ninth to hold its convention for its adoption or rejection, and all eyes were focused on the little New England State to see what her decision would be. If News Releases 599 New Hampshire ratified it, the Constitution would become the law of the land; if not, the situation would remain unsettled. When the New Hampshire Convention at last voted to ratify, it did so with a suggested set of amendments that were quite characteristic of the State. Prominent among these amendments was one vigorously opposing the creation of a standing army. At the end of the Revolution New Hampshire had had enough of blood- shed and warfare, and wanted no national government to keep itself in power by means of an armed force. Like the people of the other States in 1788, those of New Hampshire were greatly stirred up over the Constitution. They were aware that its fate, in a sense, rested in their hands, and they watched with keen atten- tion the proceedings of the State convention elected to consider the instrument. The convention met at Exeter on the second Wednes- day of February, 1788. It was presided over by Gen. John Sullivan, of Revolutionary War fame, and among the delegates were such well-known Revolutionary figures as John Langdon, Josiah Bartlett, John Taylor Gilman, John Pickering, Samuel Livermore, Joshua Atherton, and Joseph Badger. Joshua Atherton delivered a historic speech on the slavery clause of the Constitution, bitterly denouncing the traffic in human beings, in what was undoubtedly one of the earliest abolitionist utterances in a public body, nearly a hundred years before the outbreak of the Civil War. The delegates to the New Hampshire Constitutional Convention knew that in eight other States the instru- 600 Washington Bicentennial ment had passed, though by small majorities, and its deliberations were conducted with the utmost care. In- deed, so scrupulous were the State's representatives that by common consent they adjourned the convention from February to June of the same year, so that the decision arrived at might be one of cool judgment and to give the people time to weigh the Constitution and discuss it among themselves from every angle. When the convention did reconvene in June, four days were then enough to settle the issue. On June 21 the final vote was taken. By the count of 57 to 46 New Hampshire resolved to adopt, and the Constitu- tion of the United States thereupon became formally operative. Thus June 21 becomes an outstanding date in New Hampshire history. Next year, says the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, June 21 will be a date to be noticed by the entire United States. For then, in 1932, the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington, who presided over the Federal convention that wrote the Constitution will be in progress. Just as Washington's courage and char- acter had carried through the Revolution itself, so his weight and influence directed the shaping of the Con- stitution and its final adoption by the States. In this adoption New Hampshire played the pivotal part, and a Nation that has risen to greatness on the basis of this charter of our liberties owes a thought of gratitude to the State that insured the full fruition of Washington's labors. News Releases 601 "Molly Pitcher" To Be Honored in '32 June 28 will mark the 153rd anniversary of the battle of Monmouth, which brought into prominence a color- ful and heroic character of the Revolutionary War, "Molly Pitcher." When the nation-wide, nine-months' celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington takes place in 1932, the name of "Molly Pitcher" will be remembered and honored as one of the picturesque women of the Revolution. This tribute will be paid her not only in her native State of Penn- sylvania and in the State of New Jersey where she dis- tinguished herself as a "soldier" but throughout the en- tire Nation. "Sergeant" or "Captain Molly" was a nom de guerre given to the wife of a soldier whom she had followed to the war, which was not unusual at that time. This soldier was named John Caspar Hayes. Private Hayes was probably detailed on the battle field of Monmouth from infantry service to help with one of the batteries. His wife was aiding the cause by carrying pitchers of water to the hot and thirsty patriots. When John Hayes was wounded at the side of the cannon where he was serving, his wife rushed to the cannon, grasped the ramrod and sent home the charge, calling to the gunners to prime and fire. It was done. Then, plugging the ramrod into the smoking muzzle of the cannon, she performed admirably the duties of an artilleryman while loud shouts and cheers from the sol- diers rang along the line, and the fire of the battery be- came more vivid than ever. "Captain Molly" kept her post until night closed the 602 Washington Bicentennial action. There is a tradition that after the battle, Gen. Nathanael Greene complimented her upon her courage and conduct, and the next morning he presented her to General Washington, who received her graciously and assured the heroine that her services were appreciated, and would not be forgotten. This remarkable and intrepid woman long survived the Revolution* dying at Carlisle, Pa., in 1832. On the death of John Hayes after the war she married John Mc- Cauley, but until she died she never laid aside the appel- lation of "Captain Molly," which she had so nobly won. On February 27, 1822, the Pennsylvania Legislature granted her the sum of $40 and an annuity of the same amount. She died January 22, 1832, and is buried in the old Carlisle cemetery. On the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the city of Carlisle erected a monument over the heroine's grave. Ancient Bell Clapper for Christ Church in Alexandria An ancient 14-pound bell clapper, which called people to services during the rectorship of Lawrence Washington, great great grandfather of George Wash- ington, when he served as rector of All Saints Purleigh Church, Chelensford Essex, England, from 1633 to 1643, will be presented to Christ Church, Alexandria, Va., it was announced by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. The presentation to the famous Virginia Church of which congregation George Washington was a member, was made by William Proctor Remington, Bishop of News Releases 603 Eastern Oregon, who brought the clapper from Eng- land last summer. Bishop Remington was given the clapper by Frederick MacDonald, the present Rector of All Saints Purleigh Church. In a letter, accompanying the gift, Rector MacDonald said: "The clapper is certainly 294 years old, for it came out of the largest bell but one which was put up in the tower here in 1630. We had new clappers put in all five bells two years ago when we discovered that the smallest bell, (the treble) which bears the date of 1765, must have been the old treble bell recast, as it had a clapper exactly like the others which are still in their original condition. "If you look at the clapper which I am giving you, you will see on two places a polished surface where the clapper has struck the bell through three centuries. This information is to recall the almost certain fact that this old clapper has helped to ring joyous bells at the coronation of no less than thirteen sovereigns." Upon bringing this historic clapper to the United States, Bishop Remington wrote to Dr. William J. Mor- ton, present rector of Christ Church, expressing the sentiment that he would be glad to present it to Christ Church, in view of its historic as well as sentimental value in George Washington's family history. Christ Church was built in 1767, and the unaltered pew of George Washington brings back the plainer days when the great hero, after religious services, mingled with fellow worshipers and friends. It was here one Sunday morning in the summer of 1774, after services, surrounded by the congregation, every one of whom 604 Washington Bicentennial he well knew, that Washington advocated withdrawing allegiance to King George. Nine years after, when in- dependence had been established, he arrived at Mount Vernon on Christmas Eve. The next day found him once more in his accustomed seat in Christ Church to hear the tender message of good will and peace that was proclaimed like liberty throughout the land, and no one bowed in deeper gratitude than the great General who came as humbly as a little child to this, his Father's House. First "Sub" Used in Revolution What might be regarded as the nearest approach to the present-day submarine was used by the American forces during the Revolutionary War, when an attempt was made to blow up Admial Howe's flagship, the Eagle, which was anchored off the shore of Governor's Island. A young mechanic named David Bushnell, of Con- necticut, had invented what he called a "marine turtle," by which he was confident that a daring man could move under water, approach the hull of a ship and, by fastening his contrivance to the bottom and arranging the clockwork of the "turtle," have ample time to es- cape himself before the explosion followed, which it was confidently believed would blow the largest man- of-war into flinders. The plan approved, a daring patriot named Ezra Lee was selected to make the attempt. One midnight he entered the machine, left the dock at the foot of White- hall, and started on his perilous venture. Washington and several other officers who were in the secret waited all night long on the dock for the outcome of the at- News Releases 605 tempt, no one of them being hopeful of success, and, as the gray of dawn appeared, not even daring to believe that young Ezra would ever be seen again. Just at that time, however, suddenly a column of water was thrown into the air near the dim outline of the Eagle, and it was apparent that there was a great commotion both on board the flagship and on the near-by shore. No great damage had been done, that was evident, but what had become of Ezra Lee? For a long time the American officers waited, and, just as they were about to go back to their men, convinced that the attempt had failed and that the young man was drowned, he was discovered in the water near the dock. Friendly hands speedily drew him forth, and warm were the words of praise bestowed on him. The attempt had indeed failed, for the bottom of the flag- ship was covered with copper. It had been impossible to find a place to which the turtle could be fastened. Ezra's spirit and daring had appealed to Washington so strongly, however, that he was chosen by the Com- mander as one of his most trusty scouts and had an active part afterwards in the Battles of Trenton, Brandywine, and Monmouth. Visitors Interested in Washington's Swords It is doubtful if any of George Washington's posses- sions are as highly prized as his swords — symbols of his military leadership, according to the Division of Infor- mation and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. According to officials at Mount Vernon, Va., and at the National Museum at Washington, D. C, the thou- 606 Washington Bicentennial sands of persons who annually visit the two places al- ways pay unusual attention to these mute emblems of the weary years of patient and skillful service which the great Commander in Chief gave, without monetary reward, to make the dream of independence come true to the American Colonies. When General "Washington made his will, the bequest of his precious swords was a matter of careful thought, especially in view of the fact that he had several nephews. The children of Col. Fielding Lewis, who married Betty, Washington's only sister, were Fielding, George, Elizabeth, Lawrence, Robert, and Howell. George Lewis was one of the favorite nephews of Washington, and in his will he bequeathed to him one of his swords. The bequest was in these words: "To each of my Nephews, William Augustine Wash- ington, George Lewis, George Steptoe Washington, — Bushrod Washington and Samuel Washington, I give one of the Swords or Cutteaux of which I may die pos- sessed, and they are to chuse in the order they are named." The bequest was accompanied by an injunc- tion that the swords were not to be unsheathed for the purpose of shedding blood "except it be for self defence, or in defence of their Country and its rights; and in the latter case, to keep them unsheathed, and prefer falling with them in their hands, to the relinquishment thereof." Speculation and Worthless Money "War Profiteers" were numerous during the Ameri- can Revolution, and a rising tide of extravagance, dis- News Releases 607 sipation and folly became so pronounced as to draw caustic comment from Gen. George Washington. In December, 1778, Washington made a visit to Phila- delphia and was astounded at its luxury. He had in mind, no doubt, the underfed and ragged army at Val- ley Forge, when he wrote to Benjamin Harrison, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, the father of William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the United States, and the great-grandfather of Ben- jamin Harrison, the 23d President of the United States, describing conditions in Philadelphia. In this letter, dated December 30, 1778, Washington said: "If I was to be called upon to draw a picture of the times and of Men, from what I have seen, and heard, and in part know, I should in one wprd say that idle- ness, dissipation & extravagance seems to have laid fast hold of most of them. — That speculation — pecula- tion — and an insatiable thirst for riches seems to have got the better of every other consideration and almost of every order of Men. — That party disputes and personal quarrels are the great business of the day whilst the mo- mentous concerns of an empire — a great and accumu- lated debt — ruined finances — depreciated money — and want of credit (which in their consequences is the want of everything) are but secondary considerations and postponed from day to day — from week to week — as if our affairs wear the most promising aspect — after draw- ing this picture, which from my Soul I believe to be a true one, I need not repeat to you that I am alarmed and wish to see my Countrymen roused." That the matter of stock-jobbing and speculation weighed heavily on the mind of the Commander in 608 Washington Bicentennial Chief is further shown in a letter Washington wrote on March 31, 1779, to James Warren, president of the Pro- vincial Congress of Massachusetts. "Speculation, Peculation, Engrossing, forestalling, with all their concomitants, afford too many melancholy proofs of the decay of public virtue, and too glaring instances of its being the interest and desire of too many, who would wish to be thought friends, to continue the war. Nothing, I am convinced, but the depreciation of our currency, proceeding in a great measure from the foregoing causes, aided by stockjobbing and party dissensions, has fed the hopes of the Enemy, and kept the B. arms in America to this day. They do not scruple to declare this themselves, and add, that we shall be our own conquerors." The depreciation of Continental paper money was a source of great concern to Washington. This type of money began to depreciate early in 1777. On the first of January of that year the value of $100 in specie was $105 in Continental money, and so rapid was the de- pression that by May, 1779, it took $1,215 in paper to represent $100 in specie. In a communication to John Jay, April 23, 1779, Washington said: "Is there anything doing, or that can be done, to re- store the credit of our currency? The depreciation of it is got to so alarming a point, that a wagon-load of money will scarcely purchase a wagon-load of provi- sions." In a letter to Gouverneur Morris, on May 8, 1779, he said: "The rapid decay of our currency, the extinction of public spirit, the increasing rapacity of the times, the want of harmony in our councils, the declining zeal of News Releases 609 the people, the discontents and distresses of the officers of the army, and I may add, the prevailing security and insensibility to danger, are symptoms, in my eye, of a most alarming nature. If the enemy have it in their power to press us hard this campaign, I know not what may be the consequence. Our army, as it now stands, is but little more than the skeleton of an army; and I hear of no steps that are taking to give it strength and substance." However, it must be taken into consideration that these letters were written when Washington was passing through the darkest hours of his military career, and was particularly anxious for Congress and the public to awaken to the distresses of the army and the tremen- dous problems yet to be faced in accomplishing the glo- rious victory which was eventually to be theirs. George Washington and Aviation "While all the world is rejoicing at the wonderful ex- ploit of Dioudonne Costes and Maurice Bellonte in fly- ing from Paris to New York, we must not forget that this is not the fulfillment of a modern dream," said Hon. Sol Bloom, associate director of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, today. "That dream is almost as old as our country. George Wash- ington himself had a distinct vision of this great achieve- ment although he did not, of course, envisage the char- acter of the modern airplane. It was as early as 1794 that our first President, in a prophetic letter to Major General Duportail, friend of Lafayette, said: " 'Our friends in Paris in a little time will come fly- 610 Washington Bicentennial ing through the air, instead of ploughing the ocean to get to America!' "That prophecy was based upon the sensational aerial experiments in ballooning which were conducted in France by the Montgolfier brothers and other great French pioneer airmen. "George Washington was a man of most remarkable vision," continued Mr. Bloom. "He had a habit of look- ing far into the future. His was no reactionary spirit, but one of rational speculation and development. We are given to think of George Washington as a remote historical figure, without contact or relationship with Americans of the present day. Yet not only our Gov- ernment and political institutions, but almost every phase of modern life, is stamped by his influence. "Few of us know that George Washington was keenly interested in the development of the steamboat and wrote understandingly of the probabilities of steam navigation, although he did not live to see the success- ful demonstration of that great experiment. In many fields of progress he saw possibilities of advancement that were truly astonishing. "In order to realize what his prediction of trans- Atlantic flight meant, we must consider the time in which it was made. The only aerial experiments of a successful nature then were by hot-air balloons. But they appealed to the popular imagination to the same extent as did the Wright Brothers' trial flights at Kitty Hawk with the first successful airplane. George Wash- ington was not a mere enthusiast. He was not given to idle dreaming or fantastic forecasting. He had a sound and practical mind and when he predicted a News Releases 611 Paris-American air flight, it was not the result of ir- responsible exuberance which possesed most people of that time. He thought it out. He weighed all the ele- ments of success and failure as he saw them. And when he wrote that 'our friends in Paris in a little time will come flying through the air, instead of ploughing the ocean to get to America,' he expressed that amazing quality of a mind that knew no boundaries of achieve- ment either of time, place or character. How truly great was this First Citizen of our Republic! How well does everything he did and said stand the test of his- tory! And in 1932, upon the occasion of the two hun- dredth anniversary of his birth, no doubt further ad- vancement in the art of flying will show added sensa- tional accomplishments to confirm George Washington's beliefs and predictions." United States Army's Two Washington Regiments It will surprise most Americans to learn that in their regular army of today there are two regiments which have come down intact from their organization during the lifetime of George Washington. According to the Division of Information and Publication of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, both these regiments were formed undoubtedly with Washington's advice and counsel, and the establishment of one of them must have had his official signature as first President of the United States. What is now the Third United States Infantry was formed in 1784 as a Pennsylvania regiment, authorized by an act of the Continental Congress on June 7, 1784, and designated as "the Regiment of Infantry." This 612 Washington Bicentennial was six months or more after Washington's formal resig- nation as Commander in Chief of the Armies. But dur- ing his subsequent Presidency his hand may have left its imprint on the destiny of the regiment, in its official re- designations in 1789 and 1796, when it became the First Infantry. Afterward in its history it went through other redesignations, but it still was the same organiza- tion. As the Third Infantry in the United States Army of today, it is stationed at Fort Snelling, in Minnesota, be- tween Minneapolis and St. Paul. And are its officers proud of the ancient history of their outfit? The word Yes can hardly be expressed with sufficient emphasis for an answer. As a regiment of the United States Army is entitled to decorate its flagstaff with a silver band for every battle in which it has fought, the staff of the Third Infantry must be thickly plated with them, for the list of its battle honors tells a story of partici- pation in nearly all the heaviest fighting of our history. What is now the First Regiment of Infantry in the present United States Army was authorized by the new Congress of the United States in 1791, under Washing- ton's Presidency, and has another long list of battle honors to its credit in the Official Army Register. Its glories were chiefly acquired in early wars with the In- dians. Not an officer, not a man of these regiments but looks with justifiable pride, now and then, at its silver-banded staff, and at the streamer which, with the flag, floats from it as a marker to its ancient and honorable history of service. Form No. 200 P.B. CM— 1-13-32— B. L TBS LIBRARY SF TS5 ! Z 1 3 1932 UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS, ]Xi a> © o ° d Si" S.g ^.n^-d -° 2 2s* «* d*d C3 -H AjjO "r§l«.« .3 Jo ,2 fl-c e« 63 o S Z« 2 '43 is* W ©.I S Si U st si n gj u 0> - *T!^ ■73 ft 2 fl O.CJ cS jg xn > u g!2 cs'd £M.2 d re S « § •h 5 a ^ 9 S "^•^""^.wS re a> 2 n r-^ O it 03 & $-1 03 U -*' K- ^ -"■> ■-• O «W u °n^ >> ° d o W O W I> +J «W r^ «W SB-Si!™ £«««h«« a> el o .J p.. 4> ° 'ri H 03 43 -t* «H * H (UH-P d ft^a' 03"^ -d £? in . »44 iTS 2 cT j. o 43 « ft 02 03 d 03 ,-, o 'd.d o5 o 03 O £'43^2 oil] - ^ 05 2 "a d-d 43^d ^"'^m rf ^ M S«H teM *S*S 2 M 2 -«.^o^a ° ...as B I 2 ^ S-d P -M if 4) bfl N •d d«ya m +j 2 -d S d^ Ml "^ -» ' d « .2 5 "S M OS ^ fd o o 3 ^ fl (>. te « d * P.j§. ft .13 n fttHo;aj r« o M H W ^•SJ.d w W) d m d o ,q W) 03 |6 's3.h5oj +->-»-> oi Oj CO Q«M WW •3 «5 '■f 3 s 03*^ » lis 15 &S.2 *j to £i O oj sS°a Oi n3 o3 U ,S .2 d» o o * J3 tJ b d-d bbja 9 -< 1 ' S P to o W 03 rt 52 feS •g |^ u »8 .; -M °r5 03 s « - ^ •fH re re a UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT GEORGE WASHINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION CLIP SHEET Submitted to the Editors of newspapers with a request for thiir cooperation in making the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington in 1932 the j'reatest event of its kind ever held in America. shinglon Building II iSHTNGTON, D. C. 1CENTENNIAL COMMISSION'S PROGRAMMERS WIDE RANGE aborate Plan* Arranged Which Will Enable Etery Stale, City and Town in the Uniled Stales lo Take Part in Celebration Next Year RESTORATION OF WAKEFIELD IS GOINGJFORWARD RAPIDLY Washington's Birthplace is Being Reproduced as Nearly as Pos- sible to the Conditions of Two Centuries Ago First Flag Was Not "Stars and Stripes"