LIST OF BOOKS IN THE SCHOOLROOM LIBRARIES OF THE FIRST SIX GRADES IN THE EASTERN ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL SCHOOL \ : t CHARLESTON 1909 LIST OF BOOKS IN THE SCHOOLROOM LIBRARIES OF THE FIRST SIX GRADES IN THE I Uni Wots — EASTERN ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL SCHOOL CHARLESTON 1909 Contents Page Preface 3 Catalogue by grades Grades 1 and 2 6 Grades 3 and 4 9 Grades 5 and 6 14 Author and title index 21 Preface \ !L C *M The purpose in printing this pamphlet is to pro- vide for the pupil teachers of this school a list of the books in the three schoolroom libraries, comprising grades 1-6. The books, for the mosb part, are those of general literature and do not include the ones used in supplementary geography, history, or nature study, as these are shelved in the general library for the use of all the grades. The books for grades 7-9 are kept in the general library and, while circulated mainly among the pupils of these grades, are accessible to any stu- dent of the Normal School. It has not seemed wise to include these in the list. Some of the books intended for certain grades may seem too old for the average child; these are intended for the brighter pupils of the grade or for reading aloud. On the other hand, some of the books are too easy for the average child; these are intended for the pupil for whom reading is difficult. In many cases cheaper editions than the one indicated may be ob- tained. Charging System The charging system is modeled after that in use in the public library of Oak Park, Illinois, for school- room libraries. The books are all charged on the reg- ular book card to whatever room the books are sent and these cards are fhed in the general library. Each book of the schoolroom library has, in addition to the regu- lar book card, a manila book card. These manila book cards, arranged alphabetically, are sent in a charg- ing case to each room. When a book is withdrawn the name of the child withdrawing it is written on the 3 PREFACE manila card by the teacher. The card is then filed with the cards of the books which are in circulation. The system is simple and necessitates little work on the part of the teacher. Purchase of Books Experience has shown that it is cheaper to buy books for a schoolroom library from a firm dealing in the books of all publishers than to buy from the pub- lisher direct. In buying books from one firm a saving is effected in postage and transportation charges as well as in the larger discounts given. If the books are intended for a schoolroom library, this fact should be stated in the order and larger discounts will usually be obtained. Lists of Books The following are a few of the best lists of children’s books, which should prove useful in the selection of books for a school library. Inasmuch as these lists are prepared by librarians who have made a study of the best books for children they should be used in selecting books rather than publishers’ catalogues and announcements or the representations of book agents. Dayton— Library board. Dayton public library and museum manual; containing* a selected list of six hundred of the best books for children to be found in the Dayton public library; and a list of stories for children under twelve. Dayton public library, Dayton, Ohio. 1907. 36p. $.10. Arranged by grade with a few short annotations. Hewins, Caroline Maria. Books for boys and girls. A. L. A. Publishing Board, 1 Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois. 1904. 56p. $.15. Classified by subject with short annotations. Has valuable suggestions in regard to children’s books. Moore, Annie Carroll. List of books recommended for a children’s ary; com piled for the Iowa library commission. .v a library com- mission, Des Moines, Iowa. n. d. 22p. $. A 0. A classified subject list with no annotations. The suggestions for the selection and purchase of children’s books are excellent- PREFACE 5 Pittsburg— Carnegie library. Catalogue of books annotated and arranged and provided by the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh for the use of the first eight grades in the Pittsburgh schools. Pittsburgh, Carnegie library. 1907. 331p. $.50. “The admirable notes will be found especially valuable”. Catalogue of books in the children’s department. Pitts- burgh, Carnegie library. 1909. 604p. $1.00. “It is in three parts; author list, subject index, title list. Class num- bers, notes, date, publisher and price are given in the author list and the titles chosen as best reading have a star prefixed.” A. n. A. Book- list. March 1909; 5:82. If anyone organizing a school library wishes addi- tional information he may obtain it by writing to the librarian of the Eastern Illinois State Normal School. Grades 1 and 2 R^lborg, Ottilia. Clean Peter and the children of Grubbylea. Longmans, $1.25. Baldwin, James. Fifty famous stories retold. American Book Co., $.35. Baum, Lyman Frank. Marvelous land of Oz. Reilly, $1.25. Wonderful wizard of Oz. Bobbs, $1.25. Beckwith, Mary Helen. In mythland. 2v. Educational Publishing Co., $.80. Brown, Abbie Farwell. In the days of giants; a book of Norse tales. Houghton, $ 1 . 10 . Browne, Frances. Wonderful chair and the tales it told. Heath, $.30. Cooke, Flora J. Nature myths and stories for little children. Flanagan, $.35. Cox, Palmer. Brownies around the world. Century, $1.50. Brownies; their book. Century, $1.50. Crane, Walter. Baby’s opera. Warne, $1.50. Baby’s own HCsop. Warne, $1.50. Beauty and the beast picture book. Lane, $1.25. Deming, Edwin Willard, & Deming, Mrs T. O. Indian child life. Stokes, $2.00. Little Indian folk. Stokes, $1.25. Little red people. Stokes, $1.25. Gaynor, Mrs Jessie L. Songs of the child world. Church, $1.00. Grimm, Jakob Ludwig, & Grimm, W. K. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs E. Lucas. Lippincott, $1.50. Fairy tales; ed. by Sara E. Wiltse. 2v. Ginn, $.70. Jackson, Mrs Helen Hunt. Cat stories. Little, $2.00. Jordon, David Starr. Book of Knight and Barbara. Appleton, $1.50. 6 GRADES 1 AND 2 7 Kipling, Rudyard. Just so stories. Doubleday, $1.20. Lang, Andrew, ed. Cinderella; or, The little glass slipper, and other stories-, based on the tales in the Blue fairy book. Longmans, $. 20 . History of Jack the Giant-killer, and other stories; based on the tales in the Blue fairy book. Longmans, $.20. History of Whittington, and other stories; based on the tales in the Blue fairy book. Longmans, $.20. * Little Red Riding-hood, and other stories; based on the tales in the Blue fairy book. Longmans, $.20. Prince Darling, and other stories; based on the tales in the Blue fairy book. Longmans, $.40. Princess on the glass hill, and other stories; based on the tales in the Blue fairy book. Longmans, $.30. Sleeping Beauty in the wood, and other stories; based on the tales in the Blue fairy book. Longmans, $.20. Lindsay, Maud. More mother stories. Bradley, $1.00. Mother stories. Bradley, $1.00. Litchfield, Mary Elizabeth. Nine worlds; stories from Norse mythology. Ginn, $.50. Lucas, Edward Verall. Book of verses for children. Holt, $1.00. ivjabie, Hamilton Wright. Norse stories, retold from the Eddas; ed. by Katharine L. Bates. Rand, $.40. MacDonald, George. At the back of the north wind. Dutton, $1.50. May, Mrs Georgiana Marian (Craik). So Fat and Mew Mew. Heath, $.20. Newell, William Wells, ed. Games and songs of American children. Harper, $1.50. Potter, Beatrix. Tale of Peter Rabbit. Warne, $.50. Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. Warne, $.50. Poulsson, Emilie. Finger plays for nursery and kindergarten. Lothrop, $1.25. R^amasvami Raju, P. V., ed. Indian fables. Dutton, $1.50. R-icKe^rds, Mrs Laura Elizabeth (Howe). Five minute stories. Estes, $1.25. 8 GRADES 1 AND 2 Smith, Eleanor. Songs for little children. 2 v. Bradley, $2.00. Smith, Gertrude. Arabella and Araminta stories. Small, $2.00. Boggie and Reggie. Harper, $1.50. Smith, Mary Emily Estella. Eskimo stories. Rand, $1.00 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Child’s garden of verses; illus. by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Scribner, $2.50, Cheaper editions published by Rand, McNally & Co., A. Flanagan Co., and Scribner. Stockton, Frank Richard. Fanciful tales. Scribner, $.50. Stoneroad, Rebecca. Gymnastic stories and plays for primary schools. Heath, $.75. Walker, Gertrude, & Jenks, H. S. Songs and games for little ones. Ditson, $2.00. White, Eliza Orne. When Molly was six. Houghton, $1.00. Wiggin, Mrs Kate Douglas. Kindergarten chimes. Ditson, $1.25. Williston, Teresa Peirce. Japanese fairy tales. Rand, $.75. Grades 3 and 4 Aesop, Fables; told anew and their history traced by Joseph Jacobs. Macmillan, $1.50. Alden, Raymond Macdonald. Why the chimes rang. Bobbs-Merrill, $1.25. Anderson, Hans Christian. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs E. Lucas. Dutton, $2.50. Andrews, Jane. Each and all. Ginn, $.60. Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. Ginn, $.60. Stories Mother Nature told her children. Ginn, $.75. Stories of my four friends. Ginn, $.40. Arabian nights’ entertainments. Arabian nights’ entertainments; ed. by Andrew Lang. Longmans, $2.00. Ayrton, Mrs Matilda (Chaplin). Child life in Japan and Japanese child-stories; ed. by W .E. Griffis. Heath, $.40. Baldwin, James. Wonder book of horses. Century, $.75. Baylor, Frances Courtenay, afterward Mrs Barnum. Juan and Juanita. Houghton, $1.50. Burgess, Gelett. Goops, and how to be them. Stokes, $1.50. More Goops, and how not to be them. Stokes, $1.50. Burnett, Mrs. Frances (Hodgson). Little Lord Fauntleroy. Scribner, $1.25. Burroughs, John. Squirrels and other fur-bearers. Houghton, $1.00. Carroll, Lewis {pseud, of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Macmillan, $1.00. Through the looking glass. Macmillan, $1.00. Carryl, Charles Edward. Davy and the goblin. Houghton, $1.50. Church, Alfred John. Iliad for boys and girls. Macmillan, $1.50. Odyssey for boys and girls. Macmillan, $1.50. Pictures from Roman life and story. Appleton, $1.50. Stories from Livy. Dodd, $1.25. 9 10 GRADES 3 AND 4 Creak, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock). Adventures of a brownie. Harper, $.00. Fairy book. Macmillan, $1.00. Little lame prince. Harper, $.60. Cram, William Everett. Little beasts of field and wood. Small, $1.25. Defoe, Daniel. Life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Russell, $1.50. De Garmo, Charles. Tales of Troy. Public School Publishing Co., $.35. Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes). Hans Brinker; or, The silver skates. Scribner, $1.50. Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes), comp. Baby days. Century, $1.50. New baby world. Century, $1.50. Ewing, Mrs Juliana Horatia (Gatty). Jackanapes; Doddy Darwin’s dove cot and other stories. Crowell, $.50. Foster, Mary H. & Cummings, M. H. Asgard stories. Silver, $.36. Grimm, Jakob Ludwig, A Grimm, W. K. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs E. Lucas, Lippincott, $1.50. Hale, Lucretia Peabody. Peterkin papers. Houghton, $1.50. Harris, Joel Chandler. Uncle Remus and his friends. Houghton, $1.50. Uncle Remus; his songs and his sayings. Appleton, $2.00. Harrison, Elizabeth. In story land. Chicago Kindergarden College, $1.00. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood tales for girls and boys. Houghton, $2.50. Wonder book for girls and boys. Houghton, $3.00. Jackson, Mrs Helen Hunt. Cat stories. Little, $2.00. Nelly's silver mine. Little, $1.50. Jewett, Sarah Orne. Betty Leicester. Houghton, $1.25. Betty Leicester’s Christmas. Houghton, $1.00. Jordon, David Starr. Book of Knight and Barbara. Appleton, $1.50. Kingsley, Charles. Madame How and Lady Why. Macmillan, $1.25. Water babies. Macmillan, $1.00. Water babies; ed. by J. H. Stickney. Ginn, $.35. GRADES 3 AND 4 11 Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle book. Century $1.50. Just so stories. Doubleday, $1.20. Second jungle book. Century, $1.50. Lstboulaye, Edouard. Fairy tales of all nations. Routledge, $1.25. La Fontaine, Jean de. Select fables. Gorham, $1.50. Lang, Andrew, ed. Blue fairy book. Longmans, $2.00. Book of romance. Longmans, $1.75. Crimson fairy book. Longmans, $1.75. Green fairy book. Longmans, $2.00. Grey fairy book. Longmans, $2.00. History of Whittington and other stories; based on the tales in the Blue fairy book. Longmans, $.20. Red fairy book. Longmans, $2.00. Violet fairy book. Longmans, $1.60. Yellow fairy book. Longmans, $2.00. Long, William Joseph. School of the woods. Ginn, $1.50. Secrets of the woods. Ginn, $.50. Ways of wood folk. Ginn, $.50. Wilderness ways. Ginn, $.45. Wood folk at school. Ginn, $.50. Lucas, Edward Verrall, ed. Book of verses for children. Holt, $2.00. Macbie, Hamilton Wright. Norse stories retold from the Eddas. Dodd, $1.80. Mabie, Hamilton Wright, ed. Fairy tales every child should know. Doubleday, $.90. Myths every child should know. Doubleday, $.90. MacDonald, George. Princess and the goblin. Lippincott, $1.50. Morley, Margaret Warner. Bee people. McClurg, $1.25. Mother Goose melodies. Mother Goose’s melodies; or, Songs for the nursery; ed. by W. A. Wheeler. Houghton, $1.50. Only true Mother Goose melodies; ed. by E. E. Hale. Lothrop, $.60. Peter Newell Mother Goose; ed. by C. S. Bailey. Holt, $1.50. Page, Thomas Nelson. Two little Confederates. Scribner, $1.50. 12 GRADES 3 AND 4 Parker, Francis Wayland, & Helm, N. L. On the farm. Appleton, $.42. Uncle Robert’s visit. Appleton, $.30. Peary, Mrs Josephine (Diebitsch). Snow baby; a true story with true pictures. Stokes, $1.20. Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner, $3.00. Richards, Mrs Laura Elizabeth (Howe). Captain January. Estes, $.50. Five minute stories. Estes, $1 25. Ruskin, John. King of the golden river; or, The black brothers. Page, $.50. Saunders, Margaret Marshall. Beautiful Joe; autobiography of a dog. American Baptist Publication Society, $.60. Schwatka, Frederick. Children of the cold. Educational Publishing Co., $1.25. Scudder, Horace Elisha. Book of legends told over again. Houghton, $.50. Fable and folk stories. Houghton, $.40. Scudder, Horace Elisha, ed. Children’s book. Houghton, $2.50. Seton, Ernest Thompson. Biography of a grizzly. Century, $1.50. Lives of the hunted. Scribner, $2.00. Two little savages; the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians and what they learned. Doubleday, $1.75. Wild animals I have known. Scribner, $2.00. Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty, his grooms and companions; the “Uncle Tom’s cabin” of the horse. Page, $1.25. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Child’s garden of verses; illus. by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Scribner, $2.50. Cheaper editions published by Rand, McNally & Co., A, Flanagan Co., and Scribner. Stockton, Frank Richard. Ting-a-ling tales. Scribner, $1.00. Swift, Jonathan, dean. Gulliver’s travels; ed. by T. M. Balliet. Heath, $.30. Thackeray, William Makepeace. Rose and the ring. Estes, $.50. GRADES 3 AND 4 13 White, Eliza Orne. Borrowed sister. Houghton, $1.00. Little girl of long ago. Houghton, $1.00. Only child. Houghton, $1.00. When Molly was six. Houghton, $1.00 Whittier, John Greenleaf, ed. Child life in prose. Houghton, $2.00. Child life; poems. Houghton, $2.00. Wiggin, Mrs Kate Douglas. Bird’s Christmas Carol. Houghton, $.50. Story of Patsy. Houghton, $.60. Wiggin, Mrs Kate Douglas & Smith, N. A. comps. Golden numbers. McClure, $2.00. Posy ring. McClure, $1.25. Story hour; a book for the home and the kindergarten Houghton, $1.00. Wyss, Johann David. Swiss family Bobinson; ed. by W. H. G. Kingston. Dutton, $2.50. Grades 5 and 6 Alcott, Louisa May. Eight cousins. Little, SI. 50. Jo’s boys and how they turned out. Little, $1.50. Little men. Little, $1.50. Little women. Little, $1.50. Old fashioned girl. Little, $1.50. Under the lilacs. Little, $1.50. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Story of a bad boy. Houghton, $1.25. Andrews, Jane. Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. Ginn, $.60. Arabian nights’ entertainments. Arabian nights’ entertainments; ed. by Andrew Lang. Longmans, $2.00. Six stories from the Arabian nights’ entertainments; ed. by Samuel Eliot. Lothrop, $.30. Baker, Ray Stannard. Boys’ book of invention; stories of the wonders of modern science. McClure, $ 2.00. Boys’ second book of inventions. McClure, $1.60. Baldwin, James. Fairy stories and fables retold. American Book Co., $.35. Fifty famous stories retold. American Book Co., $.35. Horse fair. Century, $1.50. Story of Roland. Scribner, $1.50. Story of Siegfried. Scribner, $1.50. Story of the golden age. Scribner, $1.50. Baylor, Frances Courtenay, afterward Mrs Barnum. Juan and Juanita. Houghton, $1.50. Beard, Daniel Carter. What to do and how to do it; the American boys’ handy book. Scribner, $2.00. Beard, Lina, & Beard, A. B. Handicraft and recreation for girls. Scribner, $1.60. How to amuse youself and others; the American girl ’shandy book. Scribner, $2.00. What a girl can make and do; new ideas for work and play. Scribner, $1.60. Bennett, John. Baranaby Lee. Century, $1.50. Master Skylark. Century, $1.50, 14 GRADES 5 AND 6 15 Bouvet, Marguerite. Sweet William. McClurg, $1.25. Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. Boyhood in Norway. Scribner, $1.25. Modern Vikings. Scribner, $1.25. Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. Boy of the first empire. Century, $1.50. Brooks, Elbridge Streeter, & Alden, John. Long walls. Putnam, $1.25. Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants. Scribner, $1.25. Boy settlers. Scribner, $1.25. Boys of Fairport. Scribner, $1.25. Tales of the Maine coast. Scribner, $1.00. Brown, John. Rab and his friends. Houghton, $1.00. Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s progress. Puritan ed. Revell, $1.50. Burgess, Gelett. Goops and how to be them. Stokes, $1.50. More Goops and how not to be them. Stokes, $1.50. Burnett, Mrs Frances (Hodgson). Editha’s burglar. Caldwell, $.50. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Scribner, $1.25. Sara Crewe, Little Saint Elizabeth, and other stories. Scribner, $1.25. Carroll, Lewis, (pseud, of Charles Lutwidge Hodgson). Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Macmillan, $1.00. Through the looking glass. Macmillan, $1.00. Chapman, Frank Michler. Bird life; a guide to the study of our common birds. Appleton, $2.00. Church, Alfred John. Odyssey for boys and girls. Macmillan, $1.50. Cooper, James Fenimore. Afloat and ashore. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Deerslayer. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25 Last of the Mohicans. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Miles Wallingford. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Pathfinder. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Pilot. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Pioneers. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. 16 GRADES 5 AND 6 Prairie. Mohawk ed. Putnam, S1.25. Red Rover. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Spy. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Water witch. Mohawk ed. Putman, $1.25. Wing and wing. Mohawk ed. Putman, $1.25. Cotes, Mrs Sara Jeanette (Duncan). Story of Sonny Sahib. Appleton, $1.00. Craik, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock). Fairy book. Macmillan, $1.00. Little lame prince. Harper, $.60. Crothers, Samuel McChord. Miss Mullet’s Christmas party. Houghton, $1.00. Davis, Richard Harding. Bar sinister. Scribner, $1.00. Defoe, Daniel. Life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Russell, $1.50. Diaz, Mrs Abby (Morton). William Henry letters. Lothrop, $1.00. Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes), Donald and Dorothy. Century, $1.50. HansBrinker; or, The silver skates. Scribner, $1.50. Dole, Nathan Haskell, ed. Book of adventure. Young folks’ library. Hall, $2.00. Eggleston, Edward. Hoosier school boy. Scribner, $1.00. Hoosier school master. Judd, $1.25. Ewing, Mrs Juliana Horatia (Gatty). Jan of the windmill. Little, $1.00. Eyster, Nellie Blessing. Colonial boy. Lothrop, $1.25. Greene, Homer. Coal and coal mines. Houghton, $.75. HaJe, Edward Everett. Man without a country. Little, $1.50. Hale, Lucretia Peabody. Peterkin papers. Houghton, $1.50. Hall, Jennie. Viking tales. Rand, $.35. H arris, Joel Chandler. Nights with Uncle Remus. Houghton, $1.50. Uncle Remus and his friends. Houghton, $1.50. Uncle Remus; his songs and his sayings. Appleton, $2.00. GRADES 5 AND 6 17 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood tales for girls and boys. Houghton, $2.50. Wonder-book for girls and boys. Houghton, $3.00. Holder, Charles Frederick. Ivory king. Scribner, $1.75, Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown at Oxford. Macmillan, $1.00. Tom Brown’s school days. Houghton, $1.00. Jacobs, Joseph, ed. Celtic fairy tales. Putnam, $1.25. James, George W. Indian basketry. Malkan, $2.00. Jewett, Frances Gulick. Good health. Ginn, $.40. Jewett, Sara Orne. Betty Leicester. Houghton, $1.25. Betty Leicester’s Christmas. Houghton, $1.00. Play days. Houghton, $1.50. Johnston, Mrs Annie (Fellows). Little colonel. Page, $1.25. Two little knights of Kentucky. Page, $1.25. Kipling, Rudyard. Captains courageous; a story of the Grand Banks. Century, $1.50. Jungle book. Century, $1.50. Just so stories. Doubleday, $1.20. Second jungle book. Century, $1.50. Lang, Andrew, ed. Blue fairy book. Longmans, $2.00. Crimson fairy book. Longmans, $1.75. Grey fairy book. Longmans, $2.00. Red fairy book. Longmans, $2.00. Red true story book. Longmans, $2.00. True story book. Longmans, $2.00. Violet fairy book. Longmans, $1.60. London, Jack. Call of the wild. Macmillan, $1.50. White Fang. Macmillan, $1.50. Long, William Joseph. Beasts of the field. Ginn, $1.75. School of the woods. Ginn, $1.50. Secrets of the woods. Ginn, $.50. Ways of the wood folk. Ginn, $.50. Wilderness ways. Ginn, $.45. Woodfolk at school. Ginn, $.50. 18 GRADES 5 AND 6 Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Norse stories retold from the Eddas. Dodd, $1.80. Mabie, Hamilton Wright, ed. Heroes every child should know. Doubleday, $.90. Mac Donald, George. At the back of the North wind. Dutton, $1.50. Light princess, and other fairy tales. Putnam, $1.75. Princess and Curdie. Lippincott, $1.50. Miller, Oliver Thorne. Bird ways. Houghton, $1.25. First book of birds. Houghton, $1.00. Second book of birds. Houghton, $1.00. Molesworth, Mrs Mary Louisa. “Carrots,” just a little boy. Burt, $.75. Munroe, Kirk. Flamingo feather. Harper, $.60. Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, son of Battle. Doubleday, $1.50. Otis, James (pseud, of James Otis Kaler). Mr Stubbs’s brother, Harper, $.60. Tim and Tip. Harper. $.60. Toby Tyler; or, Ten weeks with a circus. Harper, $.60. Page, Thomas Nelson. Among the camps. Scribner, $1.50. Two little Confederates, Scribner, $1.50. Pyle, Howard. Men of iron. Harper, $2.00. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner, $3.00. Otto of the silver hand. Scribner, $2.00. Story of Jack Ballister’s fortunes. Century, $2.00. Story of King Arthur and his knights. Scribner, $2.50. Story of the champions of the round table. Scribner, $2.50. Wonder clock. Harper, $2.00. Ramee, Louisa de la. Dog of Flanders. Lippincott, $.50. Richards, Mrs Laura Elizabeth (Howe). Captain January. Estes, $.50. Roberts, Charles George Douglas. Kindred of the wild. Page, $2.00. Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe. Ginn, $.60. Kenilworth. Macmillan, $.60. Quentin Durward. Ginn, $.50. Talisman. Ginn, $.50. GRADES 5 AND 6 19 Scudder, Horace Elisha, ed. Children’s book. Houghton, $2.50. Seton, Ernest Thompson. Animal story book. Young folks’ library. Hall, $2.00. Biography of a grizzly. Century, $1.50. Lives of the hunted. Scribner, $2.00. Trail of the sandhill stag. Scribner, $1.50. Two little savages; the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians and what they learned. Doubleday, $1.75. Wild animals I have known. Scribner, $2.00 Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty, his grooms and companions; the “Uncle Tom’s cabin” of the horse. Page, $1.25. Sidney, Margaret, (pseud, of Mrs Harriet Mulford (Stone) Loth- rop.) Five little Peppers and how they grew. Lothrop, $1.50. Spyri, Johanna. Heidi; a story for girls. Burt, $1.00. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Black arrow. Scribner, $1.25. Child’s garden of verses; ill us. by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Scribner, $2.50. Cheaper editions published by Rand, McNally & Co., A. Flanagan, Co., and Scribner, David Balfour. Scribner, $1.50. Kidnapped; being memoirs of the adventures of David Balfour. Scribner, $1.50. New Arabian nights. Scribner, $1.25. Treasure island. Scribner, $1.25. Stockton, Frank Richard. Story of Yiteau. Scribner, $1.50. Stoddard, William Osborne. Among the lakes. Scribner, $1.00. Little Smoke. Appleton, $1.50. Saltillo boys. Scribner, $1.00. Winter fun. Scribner, $1.00. Stowe, Mrs Harriet (Beecher). Dog’s mission. Houghton, $1.25. Uncle Tom’s cabin. Houghton, $1.50. Swift, Jonathan, dean. Gulliver’s travels; ed. by T. M. Balliet. Heath, $.30. Taylor, Bayard. Boys of other countries. Putnam, $1.25. 20 GRADES 5 AND 6 Tinsley, Laura Robbins. Practical and artistic basketry. Kellogg, $1.00. Trowbridge, John Townsend. Chance for himself. Coates, $1.25. Cudjo’s cave. Lothrop, $1.50. Doing his best. Coates, $1.25. Fast friends. Coates, $1.25. Jack Hazard and his fortunes. Coates, $1.25. Peter Budstone. Lothrop, $1.25. Young surveyor. Coates, $1.25. Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Harper, $1.75. Vaiie, Mrs Charlotte Marion (White). Orcutt girls. Wilde, $1.50. Sue Orcutt. Wilde, $1.50. Verne, Jules. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Burt, $1.00. Waterloo, Stanley. Story of Ab; a tale of the time of the cave man. Double- day, $1.50. Wells, Carolyn. In the reign of Queen Dick. Appleton, $1.50. Wesselhoeft, Lily Foster (Pope). Flipwing, the spy. Little, $1.25. Old Rough, the miser. Little, $1.25. Sparrow, the tramp. Little, $1.25. Wheeler, Charles Gardner. Woodworking for beginners. Putnam, $2.50. Wiggin, Mrs Kate Douglas. New chronicles of Rebecca. Houghton, $1.25. Polly Oliver’s problem. Houghton, $1.00. Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. Houghton, $1.25. Summer in a canon. Houghton, $1.25. Timothy’s quest. Houghton, $1.00. Winthrop, Theodore. John Brent. Dodd, $1.25. Wright, Mabel Osgood. Four footed Americans. Macmillan, $1.50. Wyss, Johann David. Swiss family Robinson; ed. by W. H. G. Kingston. Dutton, $2.50. Zollinger, Guielma, (pseud, of William Zachary Gladwin). Widow O’Callaghan’s boys. McClurg, $1.50. Author and Title Index Giades Adelborg. Clean Peter 1, 2 Adventures of a brownie. Craik 3, 4 Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Twain 5, 6 iEsop. Fables 3, 4 Afloat and ashore. Cooper 5, 6 Alcott. Eight cousins 5, 6 Jo’s boys ... 5, 6 Little men 5, 6 Little women 5, 6 Old fashioned girl . .... — .5, 6 Under the lilacs 5, 6 Alden. Why the chimes rang 3, 4 Aldrich. Story of a bad boy 5, 6 Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Carroll 3, 4, 5, 6 American boys’ handy book. Beard, D. C 5, 6 American girl’s handy book. Beard, L., & A. B 5, 6 Among the camps. Page 5, 6 Among the lakes. Stoddard. 5, 6 Anderson. Fairy tales 3, 4 Andrews. Each and all 3, 4 Seven little sisters 3, 4 Stories Mother Nature told 3, 4 Stories of my four friends 3, 4 Ten boys 5, 6 Animal story book. Seton 5, 6 Arabella and Araminta. Smith, Gr 1, 2 Arabian nights’ entertainments. Arabian nights’ en- tertainments; ed. by Lang 3, 4, 5, 6 Six stories from the Arabian nights’ entertain- ments; ed. by Eliot 5, 6 Asgard stories. Foster 3, 4 At the back of the north wind. Mac Donald 1, 2, 5, 6 Ayrton. Child life in Japan 3, 4 Baby days. Dodge 3, 4 Baby’s opera. Crane 1, 2 Baby’s own iEsop. Crane 1, 2 Baker. Boys’ book of inventions 5, 6 21 22 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Grades Baker — co ntinued. Boys’ second book of inventions.. 5,6 Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables 5, 6 Fifty famous stories retold 1, 2 Horse fair 5, 6 Story of Boland 5, 6 Story of Siegfried 5, 6 Story of the golden age 5, 6 Wonder book of horses 3, 4 Bar sinster. Davis . . 5, 6 Barnaby Lee. Bennett 5, 6 Baum. Marvelous land of Oz 1, 2 Wonderful wizard of Oz 1, 2 Baylor Juan and Juanita 3, 4, 5, 6 Beard, D. C. American boys’ handy book. , , 5, 6 Beard, L., & A. B. American girl’s handy book .5, 6 Handicraft and recreation for girls 5, 6 What a girl can make and do 5, 6 Beasts of the field. Long. 5, 6 Beautiful Joe. Saunders 3, 4 Beauty and the beast picture book. Crane 1, 2 Beckwith. In mythland 1, 2 Bee people. Morley 3,4 Bennett. Barnaby Lee 5, 6 Master Skylark 5, 6 Betty Leicester. Jewett, S. 0 3, 4, 5, 6 Betty Leicester’s Christmas. Jewett, S. 0 3, 4, 5. 6 Biography of a grizzly. Seton . ..3, 4, 5, 6 Bird life. Chapman 5, 6 Bird ways. Miller 5, 6 Bird’s Christmas Carol. Wiggin 3, 4 Black arrow. Stevenson 5, 6 Black Beauty. Sewell 3, 4, 5, 6 Blue fairy book. Lang 3, 4, 5, 6 Bob, son of Battle. Ollivant 5, 6 Book of adventure. Dole 5, 6 Book of Knight and Barbara. Jordan 1, 2, 3, 4 Book of legends. Scudder 3, 4 Book of romance. Lang 3, 4 Book of verses for children. Lucas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Borrowed sister. White 3,4 Bouvet. Sweet William. . . 5, 6 Boy emigrants. Brooks, N 5, 6 Boy of the first empire. Brooks, E. S 5, 6 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 23 Grades Boy settlers. Brooks, N 5, 6 Boyesen. Boyhood in Norway 5, 6 Modem Vikings 5, 6 Boyhood in Norway. Boyesen 5, 6 Boys’ book of inventions. Baker 5, 6 Boys of Fairport. Brooks, N 5, 6 Boys of other countries. Taylor 5, 6 Boys’ second book of inventions. Baker 5, 6 Brooks, E. S. Boy of the first empire 5, 6 Brooks, E. S. & Alden. Long walls 5, 6 Brooks, N. Boy emigrants 5, 6 Boy settlers 5, 6 Boys of Fairport 5, 6 Tales of the Maine coast. 5, 6 Brown, A. F. In the days of giants 1,2 Brown, J. Bab and his friends 5, 6 Browne. Wonderful chair 1,2 Brownies around the world. Cox 1,2 Brownies; their book. Cox 1, 2 Bunyan. Pilgrim’s progress 5, 6 Burgess. Goops , 3, 4, 5, 6 More Goops 3, 4, 5, 6 Burnett. Editha’s burglar 5, 6 Little Lord Fauntleroy . . .3, 4, 5, 6 Sara Crewe 5, 6 Burroughs. Squirrels and other fur bearers 3, 4 Call of the wild. London 5, 6 Captain January. Bichards 3, 4, 5, 6 Captains courageous. Kipling 5,6 Carroll. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland 3, 4, 5, 6 Though the looking glass 3, 4, 5, 6 ‘‘Carrots”. Molesworth 5, 6 Carryl. Davy and the goblin 3, 4 Cat stories. Jackson 1, 2, 3, 4 Celtic fairy tales. Jacobs 5. 6 Champions of the round table. Pyle 5, 6 Chance for himself. Trowbridge .5, 6 Chapman. Bird life 5, 6 Child life in Japan. Ayrton. 3, 4 Child life in prose. Whittier 3, 4 Child life; poems. Whittier 3, 4 Children of the cold. Schwatka . .3, 4 Children’s book. Scudder 3, 4, 5, 6 24 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Grades Child’s garden of verses. Stevenson 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Church. Iliad for boys and girls. . . 3, 4 Odyssey for boys and girls 3, 4, 5, (> Pictures from Roman life and story ___3, 4 Stories from Livy , , 3, 4 Cinderella. Lang 1, 2 Clean Peter. Adelborg 1, 2 Clemens, see Twain. Coal and coal mines. Greene 5, 6 Colonial boy. Eyster 5, 6 Cooke. Nature myths. . , 1, 2 Cooper. Afloat and ashore 5, 6 Deerslayer 5, 6 Last of the Mohicans 5, 6 Miles Wallingford 5, 6 Pathfinder 5, 6 Pilot 5, 6 Pioneers 5, 6 Prairie 5, 6 Red Rover.. 5, 6 Spy 5, 6 Water witch.. 5, 6 Wing and wing 5, 6 Cotes. Story of Sonny Sahib 5, 6 Cox. Brownies around the world 1,2 Brownies; their book 1, 2 Craik, Mrs D. M. (M.) Adventures of a brownie 3, 4 Fairy book 3, 4, 5, 6 Little lame prince 3, 4 Craik, G. M., see May. Cram. Little beasts of the field and wood 3, 4 Crane. Baby’s opera 1, 2 Baby’s own ^Esop .1, 2 Beauty and the beast picture book. 1, 2 Crimson fairy book. Lang 3, 4, 5, 6 Crothers. Miss Muffet’s Christmas party 5, 6 Cudjo’s cave. Trowbridge. ... 5, 6 David Balfour. Stevenson 5, 6 Davis. Bar sinister 5, 6 Davy and the goblin. Carryl 3, 4 Deerslayer. Cooper 5, 6 Defoe. Life of Robinson Crusoe... .3, 4, 5, 6 De Garmo. Tales of Troy 3, 4 * AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 25 Grades 9 Deming, E. W. & Mrs T. O. Indian child life 1, 2 Little Indian folk 1 , 2 Little red people 1, 2 Diaz. William Henry letters ... 5, 6 Dodge. Baby days 3, 4 Donald and Dorothy. 5, 6 Hans Brinker 3, 4, 5, 6 New baby world. . 3, 4 Dodgson, see Carroll. Dog of Flanders. Ram4e 5, 6 Dog’s mission. Stowe 5, 6 Doing his best. Trowbridge 5, 6 Dole. Book of adventure 5, 6 Donald and Dorothy. Dodge 5,6 Duncan, see Cotes. Each and all. Andrews 3, 4 Editha’s burglar. Burnett 5, 6 Eggleston. Hoosier school boy 5, 6 Hoosier school master 5, 6 Eight cousins. Alcott .5, 6 Eskimo stories. Smith, M. E. E 1, 2 Ewing. Jackanapes 3, 4 Jan of the windmill 5, 6 Eyster. Colonial boy T 5,6 * Fable and folk stories. Scudder 3,4 Fables. ^Esop 3,4 Fairy book. Craik 3, 4 Fairy stories and fables. Baldwin 5, 6 Fairy tales. Anderson 3, 4 Fairy tales; tr. by Lucas. Grimm 1, 2, 3, 4 Fairy tales; ed. by Wiltse. Grimm 1, 2 Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie 3, 4 Fairy tales of all nations. Laboulaye 3, 4 Fanciful tales. Stockton 1, 2 Fast friends. Trowbridge 5, 6 Fifty famous stories retold. Baldwin 1, 2, 5, 6 Finger plays. Poulsson 1,2 * First book of birds. Miller .5, 6 Five little Peppers. Sidney. 5, 6 Five minute stories. Richards 1, 2, 3, 4 f Flamingo feather. Munroe 5, 6 Flipwing, the spy. Wesselhoeft 5, 6 Foster & Cummings. Asgard stories 3, 4 26 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Grades Four footed Americans. Wright 5, 6 Games and songs of American children. Newell 1, 2 Gaynor. Songs of the child world 1, 2 Gladwin, see Zollinger. Golden numbers. Wiggin & Smith 3, 4 Good health. Jewett, F. G 5, 6 Goops. Burgess 3, 4, 5, 6 Green fairy book. Lang 3, 4 Greene. Coal and the coalmines 5, 6 Grey fairy book. Lang 3, 4, 5, 6 Grimm, J. L. & W. K. Fairy tales; tr. by Lucas 1, 2, 3, 4 Fairy tales; ed. by Wiltse 1, 2 Gulliver’s travels. Swift 3, 4, 5, 6 Gymnastic stories and plays. Stoneroad 5, 6 Hale, E. E. Man without a country . . .5, 6 Hale, L. P. Peterkin papers 3, 4, 5, 6 Hall. Viking tales 5, 6 Handicaft and recreation for girls. Beard, L., & A. B 5, 6 HansBrinker. Dodge 3, 4, 5, 6 Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus 5, 6 Uncle Remus and his friends ... 3, 4, 5, 6 Uncle Remus; his songs and his sayings 3, 4, 5, 6 Harrison. In story land 3, 4 Hawthorne. Tangle wood tales 3, 4, 5, 6 Wonder book 3, 4, 5, 6 Heidi. Spyri. 5, 6 Heroes every child should know. Mabie . . .5, 6 History of Jack the Giant-killer. Lang 1, 2 History of Whittington. Lang 1, 2, 3, 4 Holder. Ivory king 5, 6 Hoosier school boy. Eggleston 5, 6 Hoosier school master. Eggleston 5. 6 Horse fair. Baldwin . . 5, 6 How to amuse yourself. Beard, L., & A. B 5, 6 Hughes. Tom Brown at Oxford 5, 6 Tom Brown’s school days 5, 6 Iliad for boys and girls. Church 3, 4 In mythland. Beckwith . . 1, 2 In story land. Harrison 3, 4 In the days of giants. Brown, A. F 1, 2 In the reign of Queen Dick. Wells 5, 6 Indian basketry. James 5, 6 Indian child life. Deming, E. W., & Mrs T. O 1, 2 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 27 Grades Indian fables. Ramasvami Raju I, 2 Ivanhoe. Scott 5, 6 Ivory king. Holder 5, 6 Jack Ballister’s fortune. Pyle 5, 6 Jack Hazard and his fortunes. Trowbridge 5, 6 Jack the Giant-killer. Lang 1, 2 Jackanapes. Ewing 3, 4 Jackson. Cat stories 1, 2, 3, 4 Nelly’s silver mine 3, 4 Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales 5,6 James. Indian basketry 5, 6 Jan of the windmill. Ewing 5, 6 Japanese fairy tales. Williston 1, 2 Jewett, F. G. Good health .5, 6 Jewett, S. O. Betty Leicester . . .3, 4, 5, 6 Betty Leicester’s Christmas 3, 4, 5, 6 Play days 5, 6 John Brent. Winthrop 5, 6 Johnston. Little colonel 5, 6 Two little knights of Kentucky 5, 6 Jordan. Book of Knight and Barbara 1, 2, 3, 4 Jo’s boys. Alcott, 5, 6 Juan and Juanita. Baylor 3, 4, 5, 6 Jungle book. Kipling 3, 4, 5, 6 Just so stories. Kipling 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Kaler, see Otis. Kenilworth. Scott 5. 6 Kidnapped. Stevenson 5, 6 Kindergarten chimes. Wiggin 1, 2 Kindred of the wild. Roberts 5, 6 King Arthur and his knights. Pyle 5, 6 King of the golden river. Ruskin 3, 4 Kingsley. Madam How and Lady Why 3, 4 Water babies 3, 4 Water babies; ed. by Sickney. 3, 4 Kipling. Captains courageous 5, 6 Jungle book. 3, 4, 5, 6 Just so stories 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 Second jungle book., 3. 4, 5, 6 Laboulaye. Fairy tales of ail nations 3, 4 La Fontaine. Select fables 3, 4 Lang. Arabian nights’ entertainments 3, 4, 5, 6 Blue fairy book 3, 4 28 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Grades L a n g— co nt inued . Book of romance 3, 4 Cinderella 1, 2 Crimson fairy book 3, 4, 5, 6 Green fairy book 3, 4 Grey fairy book 3, 4, 5, 6 History of Jack the Giant-killer 1,2 History of Whittington 1, 2, 3, 4 Little Red Riding-hood 1, 2 Prince Darling 1, 2 Princess on the glass hill 1, 2 Red fairy book 3, 4, 5, 6 Red true story book 5, 6 Sleeping Beauty in the wood 1, 2 True story book 5, 6 Violet fairy book 3, 4, 5, 6 Yellow fairy book 3, 4 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper 5, 6 Life of Robinson Crusoe. Defoe 3, 4, 5, 6 Light princess. MacDonald 5, 6 Lindsay. More mother stories 1, 2 Mother stories 1, 2 Litchfield. Nine worlds ...1,2 Little beasts of the field. Cram 3, 4 Little colonel. Johnston 5, 6 Little girl of long ago. White 3, 4 Little Indian folk. Deming, E. W., & Mrs T. 0 1, 2 Little lame prince. Craik 3, 4, 5, 6 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett 3, 4, 5, 6 Little men. Alcott 5, 6 Little red people. Deming, E. W., & Mrs T. O 1, 2 Little Red Riding-hood. Lang 1, 2 Little Smoke. Stoddard 5, 6 Little women. Alcott 5, 6 Lives of the hunted. Seton 3, 4, 5, 6 London. Call of the wild 5, 6 White Fang 5, 6 Long. Beasts of the field 5, 6 School of the woods 3, 4, 5, 6 Secrets of the woods 3, 4, 5, 6 Ways of wood folk 3, 4, 5, 6 Wilderness ways 3. 4, 5, 6 Woodfolk at school 3, 4, 5, 6 Long walls. Brooks, E. G., & Alden 5, 6 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 29 Grades Lothrop, see Sidney. * Lucas. Book of verses for children 1, 2, 3, 4 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know 3, 4 Heroes every child should know 6, 6 * Myths every child should know 3, 4 Norse stories 3, 4, 5, 6 Norse stories; ed. by Bates 1, 2 MacDonald. At the back of the north wind 1, 2, 5, 6 Light princess 5, 6 Princess and Curdie 5, 6 Princess and the goblin 3, 4 Madam How and Lady Why. Kingsley 3, 4 Man without a country. Hale, E. E 5, 6 Marvelous land of Oz. Baum 1,2 Master Skylark. Bennett 5, 6 May. So Fat and Mew Mew 1, 2 Men of iron. Pyle, 5, 6 Merry adventures of Bobin Hood. Pyle 3, 4, 5, 6 Miles Wallingford. Cooper 5, 6 Miller. Bird ways 5, 6 First book of birds 5, 6 Second book of birds 5, 6 Miss Muffet’s Christmas party. Crothers 5, 6 Mr Stubbs’s brother. Otis .5, 6 Modern Vikings. Boyesen 5, 6 Molesworth. •‘Carrots’’ ....5, 6 More Goops. Burgess 3, 4, 5, 6 More mother stories. Lindsay 1, 2 Morley. Bee people 3, 4 Mother Goose melodies. Mother Goose’s melodies; ed. by Wheeler . . .3, 1 Only true Mother Goose melodies; ed. by Hale 3, 4 Peter Newell Mother Goose; ed. by Bailey 3, 4 Mother stories. Lindsay 1, 2 Mulock, see Craik, Mrs D. M. Munroe. Flamingo feather 5, 6 My four friends. Andrews... 3, 4 I Myths every child should know. Mabie 3,4 Nature myths. Cooke 1, 2 Nelly’s silver mine. Jackson 3, 4 New Arabian nights. < Stevenson ...5, 6 * New baby world. Dodge 3, 4 New chronicles of Bebecca. Wigg n 5, 6 30 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Grades Newell. Games and songs of American children 1, 2 Nights with Uncle Remus. Harris . 5, 6 Nine worlds. Litchfield 1,2 Norse stories. Mabie 3, 4, 5, 6 Norse stories; ed. by Bates. Mabie 1, 2 Odyssey for boys and girls. Church 3, 4, 5, 6 Old fashioned girl. Alcott , 5, 6 Old Rough, the miser. Wesselhoeft 5, 6 Ollivant. Bob, son of Battle 5, 6 On the farm. Parker & Helm 3, 4 Only child. White 3, 4 Only true Mother Goose; ed. by Hale. Mother Goose melodies 3, 4 Orcutt girls. Yaile 5, 6 Otis. Mr Stubbs’s brother 5,6 Tim and Tip. 5, 6 Toby Tyler 5, 6 Otto of the silver hand. Pyle 5,6 Page. Among the camps 5, 6 Two little Confederates 3, 4, 5, 6 Parker & Helm. On the farm .3, 4 Uncle Robert’s visit ,, 3, 4 Pathfinder. Cooper . .5, 6 Peary. Snow baby 3, 4 Peter Budstone. Trowbridge 5, 6 Peter Newell Mother Goose; ed. by Bailey. Mother Goose melodies 3, 4 Peter Rabbit. Potter.. 1, 2 Peterkin papers. Hale, L. P 3, 4, 5, 6 Pictures from Roman life and story. Church. 3, 4 Pilgrim’s progress. Bunyan 5, 6 Pilot. Cooper. 5, 6 Pioneers. Cooper 5, 6 Play days. Jewett, S. O 5, 6 Polly Oliver’s problem. Wiggin 5, 6 Posy ring. Wiggin & Smith .3, 4 Potter. Tale of Peter Rabbit 1, 2 Tale of Squirrel Nutkin 1, 2 Poulsson. Finger plays 1. 2 Practical and artistic basketry. Tinsley 5, 6 Prairie. Cooper 5, 6 Prince Darling. Lang 1, 2 f Princess and Curdie. MacDonald. . 5, 6 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 3L Grades Princess and the goblin. MacDonald 3, 4 Princess on the glass hill. Lang 1, 2 Pyle. Men of iron 5, 6 Merry adventures of Robin Hood 3, 4, 5, 6 Otto of the silver hand 5, 6 Story of Jack Ballister’s fortunes 5, 6 Story of King Arthur 5, 6 Story of the champions of the round table 5, 6 Wonder clock 5, 6 Quentin Durward. Scott 5, 6 Bab and his friends. Brown, J 5, 6 Ramasvami Raju. Indian fables 1, 2 Ramee. Dog of Flanders 5, 6 Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. Wiggin 5, 6 Red fairy book. Lang. 3, 4, 5, 6 Red Rover. Cooper 5, 6 Red true story book. Lang 5, 6 Richards. Captain January 3, 4, 5, 6 Five minute stories 1, 2, 3, 4 Roberts. Kindred of the wild 5, 6 Robin Hood. Pyle 3, 4, 5, 6 Robinson Crusoe. Defoe 3, 4, 5, 6 Roggie and Reggie. Smith, G . . 1, 2 Rose and the ring. Thackeray ... 3, 4 Ruskin. King of the golden river 3, 4 Saltillo boys. Stoddard 5, 6 Sara Crewe. Burnett 5, 6 Saunders. Beautiful Joe 3, 4 School of the woods. Long 3, 4, 5, 6 Schw T atka. Children of the cold. 3, 4 Scott. Ivanhoe 5, 6 Kenilworth 5, 6 Quentin Durward .... 5, 6 Talisman 5, 6 Scudder. Book of legends 3, 4 Children’s book 3, 4, 5, 6 Fable and folk stories 3, 4 Second book of birds. Miller 5,6 Second jungle book. Kipling 3,4,5, 6 Secrets of the woods. Long 3, 4, 5, 6 Select fables. La Fontaine 3, 4 Seton. Animal story book 5, 6 Biography of a grizzly — 3, 4, 5, 6 32 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Grades Seton — continued. Lives of the hunted . . .. 3, 4, 5, 6 Trail of the sandhill stag 5, 6 Two little savages 3, 4, 5, 6 Wild animals I have known 3, 4, 5, 6 Seven little sisters. Andrews 3, 4 Sewell. Black Beauty — 3, 4, 5, 6 Sidney. Five little Peppers .. 5, 6 Six stories from the Arabian nights; ed. by S. Eliot. Arabian nights’ entertainments 5, 6 Sleeping Beauty. Lang 1, 2 Smith, E. Songs for little children... . 1, 2 Smith, G. Arabella and Araminta 1, 2 Roggie and Reggie 1, 2 Smith, M, E. E. Esquimo stories 1, 2 Snow baby. Peary 3, 4 So Fat and Mew Mew. May. 1, 2 Songs and games for little ones. Walker 1, 2 Songs for little children. Smith, E 1, 2 Songs of the child world. Gaynor 1, 2 Sonny Sahib. Cotes, 5, 6 Sparrow, the tramp. Wesselhoeft 5, 6 Spy. Cooper. 5, 6 Spyri. Heidi 5, Squirrel Nutkin. Potter 1, 2 Squirrels and other fur-bearers. Burroughs 3, 4 Stevenson. Black arrow 5, 6 Child’s garden of verses. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 David Balfour 5, 6 Kidnapped 5, 6 New Arabian nights 5 ,6 Treasure island 5, 6 Stockton. Fanciful tales 1, 2 Story of Yiteau 5, 6 Ting-a-ling tales — 3, 4 Stoddard. Among the lakes 5, 6 Little Smoke. 5 6 Saltillo boys 5, 6 Winter fun 5, 6 Stoneroad. Gymnastic stories 1, 2 Stories from Livy. Church 3, 4 Stories Mother Nature told. Andrews 3, 4 Stories of my four friends. Andrews 3, 4 Story hour. Wiggin & Smith 3, 4 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 33 Grades Story of a bad boy. Aldrich — 5, 6 Story of Ab. Waterloo 5, 6 Story of Jack Ballister’s fortunes. Pyle 5. 6 Story of King- Arthur. Pyle 5, 6 Story of Patsy. Wiggin 3, 4 Story of Roland. Baldwin 5, 6 Story of Siegfried. Baldwin 5, 6 Story of Sonny Sahib. Cotes 5, 6 Story of the champions of the round table. Pyle 5, 6 Story of the golden age. Baldwin 5, 6 Story of Viteau. Stockton..... 5,6 Stowe. Dog’s mission 5, 6 Uncle Tom’s cabin 5, 6 Sue Orcutt. Yaile 5, 6 Summer in a canon. Wiggin ... 5, 6 Sweet William. Bouvet 5, 6 Swift. Gulliver’s travels 3, 4, 5, 6 Swiss family Robinson. Wyss 3, 4, 5, 6 Tale of Peter Rabbit. Potter 1, 2 Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. Potter 1, 2 Tales of the Maine coast. Brooks, N 5, 6 Tales of Troy. De Garmo 3, 4 Talisman. Scott 5, 6 Tanglewood tales. Hawthorne 3, 4, 5, 6 Taylor? Boys of other countries 5, 6 Ten boys. Andrews 5, 6 Thackeray. Rose and the ring 3, 4 Thompson, see Seton. Through the looking glass. Carroll 3, 4 ,5, 6 Timothy’s quest. Wiggin 5, 6 Ting-a-ling tales. Stockton 3, 4 Tinsley. Practical and artistic basketry 5, 6 Toby Tyler. Otis 5, 6 Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes 5, 6 Tom Brown’s school days. Hughes 5, 6 Tom Sawyer. Twain 5, 6 Trail of the sandhill stag Seton 5, 6 Treasure island. Stevenson 5, 6 I Trowbridge. Chance for himself 5, 6 Cudjo’s cave 5, 6 Doing his best 5, 6 Fast friends 5, 6 * Jack Hazard and his fortunes 5, 6 34 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Grades Tro wbrid ge— continued. Peter Budstone 5, 6 Young surveyor 5, 6 True story book. Lang 5, 6 Twain. Adventures of Tom Sawyer 5, 6 Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Verne 5, 6 Two little Confederates. Page .... 3, 4, 5, 6 Two little knights of Kentucky. Johnston 5, 6 Two little savages. Seton 3, 4, 5, 6 Uncle Remus and his friends. Harris 3, 4, 5, 6 Uncle Remus; his songs and his sayings. Harris 3, 4, 5, 6 Uncle Robert’s visit. Parker & Helm 3. 4 Uncle Tom’s cabin. Stowe 5, 6 Under the lilacs. Alcott, 5, 6 Vaile. Orcutt girls 5, 6 Sue Orcutt 5, 6 Verne. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea 5, 6 Viking tales. Hall 5,6 Violet fairy book. Lang 3, 4, 5, 6 Viteau. Stockton 5, 6 Walker & Jenks. Songs and games for little ones 1, 2 Water babies. Kingsley 3, 4 Water babies; ed. by Stickney. Kingsley 3, 4 Water witch. Cooper 5, 6 Waterloo. Story of Ab 5, 6 Ways of wood folk. Long 3, 4, 5, 6 Wells. In the reign of Queen Dick 5, 6 Wesselhoeft. Flipwing, the spy 5, 6 Old Rough, the miser ,...5, 6 Sparrow, the tramp 5, 6 What a girl can make and do. Beard L., & A. B 5, 6 What to do. Beard, D. C 5, 6 Wheeler. Woodworking for beginners 5, 6 When Molly was six. White 1, 2, 3, 4 White. Borrowed sister. . . 3, 4 Little girl of long ago 3, 4 Only child 3, 4 When Molly was six 1, 2, 3, 4 White Fang. London 5, 6 Whittier. Child life in prose 3, 4 Child life; poems 3, 4 Whittington. Lang 1, 2, 3, 4 Why the chimes rang. Alden 3,4 35 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX * Grades • Widow O’Callaghan’sboys. Zollinger 5, 6 Wiggin. Bird’s Christmas Carol — 3, 4 Kindergarten chimes 1, 2 New chronicles of Rebecca 5, 6 Polly Oliver’s problem 5, 6 Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm 5, 6 Story of Patsy 3, 4 Summer in a canon 5, 6 Timothy’s quest 5, 6 Wiggin & Smith. Golden numbers 3, 4 Posy ring 3, 4 Story hour 3, 4 Wild animals I have known. Seton 3, 4, 5, 6 Wilderness ways. Long 3, 4, 5, 6 William Henry letters. Diaz 5, 6 Williston. Japanese fairy tales 1, 2 Wing and wing. Cooper 5, 6 Winthrop. John Brent 5, 6 Winter fun. Stoddard 3,4 Wonder book. Hawthorne 3, 4, 5, 6 Wonder book of horses. Baldwin 3, 4 Wonder clock. Pyle 5, 6 Wonderful chair. Browne 1, 2 Wonderful wizard of Oz. Baum 1, 2 Wood folk at school. Long 3, 4, 5, 6 Woodworking for beginners. Wheeler 5, 6 Wright. Four-footed Americans 5, 6 Wyss. Swiss family Robinson. 3, 4, 5, 6 Yellow fairy book. Lang 3, 4 Young surveyor. Trowbridge 5, 6 Zollinger. Widow O’Callaghan’s boys 5, 6 * t T f State Reformatory Print