UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ,__ " AGRICULTURE LIBRARY _ Q Effects^ BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION ON CORN PRODUCTION H. P. BATEMAN AGRICULTURE LIBRARY SEP ? b 1390 Bulletin 645 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION This moldboard plow, when used with the clodbuster, produced a satisfactory seedbed for corn in one operation. ILLINOIS A6RICULTURAI M "' : EXPERIMENT STATION CONTENTS Page PART I EFFECTS OF NEW TILLAGE TREATMENTS 3 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON TILLAGE 4 PLAN AND CONDITIONS OF TILLAGE STUDY 4 PERFORMANCE OF MACHINES 11 Seedbed Preparation 11 Cultivation 16 Physical Conditions in Seedbeds and Rootbeds 17 Crop Growth Response 18 Harvestability 20 Yield Response 22 PART II EFFECTS OF COMPACTION AND EXTRA DISKINGS 27 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON COMPACTION 27 PLAN AND CONDITIONS OF COMPACTION STUDY 28 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS IN SEEDBEDS AND ROOTBEDS 29 SUMMARY 33 LITERATURE CITED. . ..34 The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of many people whose generous cooperation made this study possible. Special acknowledgment is due members of the Agronomy Department for their help with the agronomic and statistical design of the treatments and the analysis of the results. Both machinery companies and private individuals provided special machines and assisted with selecting the most desirable adjustments. One machine, designed, built, and op- erated by Russel Acton contributed to the success of the study. Mem- bers of the Agricultural Engineering Department also provided many kinds of assistance. Fieldmen Kenneth Umbarger and Roy Brockett made helpful suggestions and carefully operated the machines and gathered the data. Their excellent cooperation is also deeply appreciated. Urbana, Illinois June, 1959 Publications in the Bulletin series report the results of investigations made or sponsored by the Experiment Station Effects of Basic Tillage Methods and Soil Compaction on Corn Production H. P. BATEMAN, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering SOIL TILLAGE requires a major amount of the cost of labor, power, and machinery for producing a corn crop. The cost of these items per acre of corn in Illinois for the six years 1948-1954 averaged $14.25, or a fourth of the total cost of $57, according to estimates of the Department of Agricultural Economics. 18 * If the costs of tilling the 9.2 million acres planted to corn in Illinois can be re- duced, farmers will be able to make enormous savings in the produc- tion of a crop that in both 1954 and 1955 was estimated to be worth $670 million. 11 Studies of new methods of tillage are needed to develop specifica- tions for new machines and to improve methods of using existing machines so that profits for present farmers can be increased without the profits of those of the future becoming endangered. Evaluation of the tolerance of soils and plants to compaction from tillage and from the heavy tractors used on farms is important in the design and operation of farm machines. For this reason, a study was made of the effects of applying high pressures on the soil before plow- ing and of the effects of extra diskings afterwards. The results of these two studies are reported here as Parts I and II. Part I Effects of New Tillage Treatments These new systems of tillage were designed to: (1) reduce the number of hours required to put in and cultivate the crop; (2) find out what type of operation lessens weed hazards; (3) lower soil compaction from tractors and machinery; (4) hold more rainfall in the soil for crop growth; and (5) reduce erosion by retarding water runoff. * Superior figures refer to literature cited. 4 BULLETIN No. 645 [June, REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON TILLAGE Although many new systems of corn tillage have been studied, 1 most attention has been focused on minimum tillage methods in which conventional machines were used but fewer operations performed. These methods provide a seedbed much less compact than that provided by following former recommendations for a "firm" or "well settled" seedbed. A less compact seedbed has often produced yields equal to those produced on a firm seedbed, as studies at Michigan and Ohio have shown. 6 - 7i 19 Schaller and Evans, 17 reviewing the literature on mulch tillage, indi- cated that the mulch improved the soil structure near the surface, reduced water loss, and thus tended to keep the moisture content of the soil at a higher level. But it also lowered the temperature of the soil and often decreased the availability of nitrogen and potassium. 2 ' 3< 4 Studies have shown, however, that corn yields with this mulching system can often be maintained near those of conventional systems if enough fertilizers, especially nitrogen and potassium, are applied. The limitations of conventional machines to operate satisfactorily under this system have been demonstrated by earlier studies. 16 McAllister 13 re- ported that "mulch farming" is being accepted in the Southeast where the agronomic and economic advantages appeal to farmers, but that better planting machines are still needed. Machinery adaptations for a mulch and ridge system have been developed at Iowa by Buchele, Collins, and Lovely. 5 Rotary tillage methods permit preparing a seedbed in a once-over- the-field operation with crop residues mixed through the soil. These methods, however, have normally produced the same or lower yields than methods using present machines that require fewer horsepower hours per acre, as studies at Michigan and Ohio have shown. 6 ' 7> 19 A number of studies have shown that growing forages in the corn either with or without modified row-spacings gave soil conservation advantages, but yields could be maintained only when adequate fertility and water were available for both crops. 12 ' 14 PLAN AND CONDITIONS OF TILLAGE STUDY The tillage treatments studied during the 4-year period 1953-1956 were basically determined by the methods of handling crop residues. Three methods were used: (1) Turning residues under; (2) leaving them on the ground as a mulch; and (3) mixing them throughout the 1959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION tilled layer. In addition, various amounts of tillage were applied to residue disposition. Treatments were studied for two methods of spac- ing the rows at two levels of nitrogen and for the effects of the weather conditions prevailing in the four years. Description of machines When the residues were turned under, a moldboard plow was used for the primary tillage with the clodbuster (made by Valley Tiller) pulled behind the plow (Fig. 1). Machines for secondary tillage in- cluded a tandem disk and spike tooth harrow. Residues were left on the ground as a mulch between rows with a new type of planter called a till-planter. This machine prepared a Appearance of seedbed prepared in a once-over-the-field operation, using a plow and clodbuster. Crop residues were turned under. (Fig- 1) BULLETIN No. 645 [June, Lft (Top) the till-planter used to prepare the seedbed, place fertilizer, and plant the corn in one operation. Crop residues were left on the surface as a mulch be- tween rows. Planter unit is shown in Fig. 5. (Bot- tom) the sweeps and rotary hoe wheels used to prepare the seedbed. (Fig. 2) .',' J 1959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION 7 seedbed, band-placed the fertilizer, and drilled the corn in one opera- tion (Fig. 2). Poynor 15 first described this machine in 1950. This till- planter was equipped with two large sweeps for each corn row to prepare a seedbed about 18 inches wide. The lower 18-inch sweep operated 7 to 8 inches deep, and the upper 30- or 36-inch sweep oper- ated just under the surface to remove the residues and move them to the space between the rows where the residues acted as a water- absorbing mulch. Removing the mulch cleared a path for the planter shoe. Behind the sweeps a section of 4 rotary-hoe wheels broke up the soil. A 2-row planter was mounted on the rear of the tractor. Fertilizer from the front fertilizer hoppers was band-placed 2 or 3 inches under the seed. A second type of fertilizer was metered from the rear hoppers mounted on the planter and band-placed about 3 inches to the side and at seed level. In the third general method of treatment, mixing the residues throughout the tilled layer, a sweep-rotary machine was used. This machine, like the till-planter, was a mulch type. The mulch was left between the 20-inch strips prepared for the rows. With this machine, the soil was cut loose at the 7- or 8-inch depth with a 14-inch sweep. Residues and soil were then mixed by power-driven blades (Fig. 3). A planter was pulled behind the tractor to complete planting and fertilizing in one operation. A second kind of rotary machine, a rotary tiller 7 feet wide, was used to mix the residues throughout the tilled layer. This machine used power-driven rotary blades to cut the soil loose and mix the residues with the pulverized soil. This tiller was operated with a separate engine of about 100 horsepower and pulled by a tractor (Fig. 4). Row spacings Tillage treatments were compared on plots planted in the normal 40-inch rows and on two methods of managing a 40-and-90-inch spac- ing. An alfalfa strip 50 inches wide was grown in the 90-inch space between pairs of corn rows. On one series of plots in these 40-and-90- inch-spacing studies, the corn rows were located in the same place each year, while on another series the rows were rotated to the alfalfa strip each year. Soil description The soil types were Brenton, Proctor, and Flanagan silt loams and Drummer silty clay loam. These medium- to fine-textured soils are dark and developed under moderately good to poor natural drainage. BULLETIN No. 645 {June, (Top) this sweep-rotary machine performed the same operations as the till- planter in one trip over the field. The crop residues were mixed throughout the tilled layer in half the width of the row and left on the surface on the other half. (Bottom) the sweep that was used to shear and lift the soil, and the power-driven blades that broke up the soil and mixed the residues in it. (Fig. 3) 7959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION (Top) rotary tiller that mixed the residues throughout the tilled layer in one trip over the field. (Bottom) power-driven blades used to prepare the seedbed. (Fig. 4) 10 BULLETIN No. 645 [June, Soil tests indicated that the pH was 5.7 to 6.0, and that the soil con- tained 170 to 220 pounds of phosphorus (P 2 O 5 ) and 230 to 280 pounds of potassium (K 2 O) to the acre. Fertilizer program To avoid any possibility that yields might be limited by lack of fertility, enough fertilizers were applied to provide an adequate amount of fertility for maximum yields in a continuous corn system. The object of applying fertilizers was to make it more nearly possible to attribute differences in yield to variations in tillage treatments. Enough starter fertilizer was applied to provide 35 to 40 pounds of phosphorus and potassium to the acre. This fertilizer was applied in a band to the side of the seed. When the corn was planted, granular nitrogen was band-applied below seed level the full length of the plot at the rate of 75 pounds of elemental nitrogen to the acre. At the time the corn was first cultivated, enough more nitrogen to bring the level up to 150 pounds an acre was applied to half the length of each plot. Plot location and design The studies were conducted on the Agricultural Engineering Ex- periment Field and were located on the same plots in each of the four seasons. The plots were 300 feet long, making it possible to operate machines at normal speeds. On the plots where the rows were 40 inches apart, the plots were 6 rows wide and on the skip-row plots (40-and-90-inch rows) they were 4 rows wide. The plot design was a complete block with split plots. Treatments were repeated 4 times to give a total of 176 plots in the 10 acres used in the study. Since the 4 main plots for each treatment were split as to nitrogen levels, the final averages for yields and for other determinations were derived from '8 readings. Weather conditions Rainfall was below the average of 14.1 inches for May through August in each year of the study, but was especially low in 1953. For 1953, 1954, 1955, and 1956 rainfall totalled 8.7, 13.3, 13.0, and 13.1 inches respectively. In the 123-day growing season, maximum tempera- tures of 90 F. were recorded on 45, 46, 36, and 21 days respectively. Operations, labor, and power used Only the number of operations and the amount of tillage used in preparing the seedbed varied. To prepare a seedbed, plant, and culti- vate the corn, 4 to 6 operations were used instead of the 8 to 10 that Illinois farmers commonly use. In all treatments, cornstalks were tandem disked. Other machines and operations used to prepare a 7959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION 11 seedbed and plant the corn and the disposition of the residues in the various methods are given in Table 1. After it was planted, the corn was cultivated twice for each treat- ment. In the 40-and-90-inch rows, additional operations were used to clip the alfalfa strips. For the six treatments studied, labor used to grow corn in 40-inch rows under farm conditions ranged from 18 to 25 hours per 10 acres (Table 1). (Labor used on farms in a typical series of operations averages 38 hours. For these time comparisons, the corn planter and cultivator were 2-rows wide since some of the experimental machines were of this width.) For the 40-and-90-inch skip-row-planting pattern, the labor required was only about two-thirds that required for the crop grown in 40-inch rows, or 12 to 16 hours, but the time required to clip the alfalfa brought the total number of hours to about that required on the 40-inch rows (Table 1). PERFORMANCE OF MACHINES Under the soil conditions of the study, a number of observations were made on the performance of the machines, their proper adjust- ment, and on their effects on soil and weed conditions. Seedbed Preparation Residues turned under, 40-inch rows No serious difficulty was encountered in the operation of the planter when planting was done on freshly plowed, undisked soil. The soil was leveled and the air pockets removed by the clodbuster pulled behind the plow. In 1956, after this treatment had been used for 3 years, the plow pulverized the soil enough to make using the clodbuster unnecessary. The tractor wheels made deeper-than-normal tracks in this loose soil, so the rows were planted on small, flat ridges. When cultivating, it was harder to move soil into these ridged rows than it was to move it into rows planted in a level seedbed or in a shallow furrow. The use of furrow openers on the planter helped to reduce the ridging effect. Residues left on surface as a mulch, 40-inch rows The till-planter, equipped with its normal 18- and 30-inch sweeps, required relatively high amounts of power. Therefore, the machine was equipped with 10- and 20-inch sweeps and results of treatments made with sweeps of these widths were compared with those made with sweeps of 18- and 30-inch widths. The power required to oper- 12 BULLETIN No. 645 [June, 8 ilg C g O O 00 tfi g g "S I b li 2 a IN IN PO '3 s | ^ S* "2 11 ? O y | 62 a "5 tN es CN rq ^- rr ^ " U l-i O 1 111 PH CN 2 2 2 S T3 i l ^ 2 C R> h M "S co _o ^ ^ U 00 u^ CS 00 00 00 * t-i O 3 62 J3 <*) (N cs - - ^3 ^^ T3 OS 0, ^ ^-N*^ ' - O ^ ^. CT3 oj?^ -6"? ri'g g'g T3-0 c rt S 3 ^ 3 . , O 3 *Q^*J y C^ CU "T3 "O 4; Cd flj Cd 4; C3 4; ^_ rt ft _o C T3 J= T3 2 T3^. K > S t " f * 5 a>< *> M f^ M g o J2 C E a) i E u u o rt < 1! -Bg ^ . -^ fc O '^ S'S -0 3 PsP o^-o" -g-g o'-g 2"ag .2 "3. .2 "a *O "^ *O v- ^ .2 "a .2^-^ O 4-1 11 3 erations Perf Tillage Trea T3 rt O O Number and nam used to prod I) Stalks tandem d: plowed and harn ground tandem d: tandem disked ai corn planted; (7) i (8, 9, and 10) cor I) Stalks tandem d plowed and brok and Valley Tiller dem disked and h planted; (5 and 6 P - a e "s P "= . Ss"2 o-o o-o-o.>-o-a.> Pi!cjcdccu.uecuz; cd u ,-.>cdhr:cd;3'7: *-. Cd -* *J Co 3 *_ Cy -3 asSa a u a <-> .32i.- 3 J3pJS2;p n afc ~13 a o-rt Q o 1P|||| s 52 e"""' 3 ' IjjliB a 5 3 a c 5 5cd"35 a" sllal^ r G ii K i c/i'2^^"S T} , M "*""* *^ ' N^- *^s ^-^ v.^ l o U Iri *O ii rt W "> 5^1 O o j^ V o c c *J "5 o CO at c .C J? 1 u c x W CO 0) U i-i a w "S a *^ *^ P ^ "r- E o P 1 .s b s< rt Pi rt t/> S a D.JS 0- O C cd M A i- .SP - " S ^^tJ c u g a CL) W T3 o c 52 ~i O ^ rt V fc oi "" -C " PT3 "^ rfg O w ^ E E H H w oi *o c o 2 2 ft i '. 55 s x 3 I O to "~ K-P _c c - V "a 3fc o 5 !2 4^ 'a j< a U X 1 *- u I ib* -ii-'S^^ T3 4; Cd >^ ^ u ^ i "o tj'jj'O 5 fe C3 g ^ O ^ 4J t-H .0 i s 1 "c < g C 3 " ~ "o S JJ 3 '5 3 Cd t! _ 3 M .S c 5 I TJ^ D V A "2 If c 1 "5 "2 5 " "^ H Q "g 3 385 | H j i 'S^5 . S o 1 *> * 1959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION 13 ate this machine with the narrow sweeps would be reduced 15 to 20 percent, according to estimates made from vacuum gage readings on the tractor engine. However, the 20-inch top sweeps did not move enough soil to cover weeds and forage, nor cut enough of them to delay their growth until first corn cultivation. Consequently, use of the narrow top sweeps often created a serious weed problem. The sweeps on the till-planter moved the soil aside and the till- planter planted the corn, usually in a furrow. The depth of this fur- row could be regulated most easily when planting was made in soils that were easy to break up and that were not held together by sod roots (Fig. 5). This furrow made it possible to move soil into the row to smother the weeds without making too high a ridge during cultivations. This machine often left a rough surface in the row so that there was less soil crusting. Weeds started to grow later in this soil than in a well-pulverized seedbed and fewer weed seeds germinated. The operation of the rotary-hoe wheels on the till-planter was improved by removing every other tooth. The teeth were then able to penetrate the soil more deeply than before and break it up more completely. This deeper penetration gave more constant turning, which provided a more positive drive for the fertilizer hoppers. The disks used on the till-planter to band-place the starter fertilizer put the band well away from the seed and deeper in the soil than the original split-boot applicators supplied with the machine. When they were operated in moist soil, the split boots tended to clog the seed tubes. A wheel 10 inches in diameter with a 0-pressure tire operated im- mediately behind the furrow opener to press the seed into the soil before it was covered (Fig. 6). This small press wheel operated satisfactorily except when excessively wet soil stopped the wheel and soil packed in the seed tubes. Some seeds also passed by the round tire. For this reason, a flat or concave cross-section might be an improvement. Residues mixed, 40-inch rows The sweep-rotary machine mixed residues and cover crops through- out the top 4 to 5 inches of soil in a strip 20 inches wide for each row. This dry residue often caused lower-than-average germination. The machine would be improved with sweeps that would remove some of the residues and cover crops before the soil is tilled. The sweep- rotary machine did a better job of pulverizing the soil than the till- planter and could be operated at the same ground speed with a tractor of the same size. For the best use of both the till-planter and the sweep-rotary (Top) appearance of seedbed and depth of furrows when corn was planted with till-planter in sod and (bottom) appearance of soil and corn at time of first cultivation. Note absence of weeds in the rows. (Top, next page) appearance of seedbed and depth of furrows when corn was planted in corn- stalks with the same machine. (Fig. 5) EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION 15 (Left, Fig. 5 continued) A press wheel 10 inches in diameter with a 0-pressure rubber tire located behind the seed tube. This wheel was used to press the seed into the soil before the seed was covered. (Fig. 6) 16 BULLETIN No. 645 [June, machine, disking the cornstalks should be delayed until a short time before planting, because later disking retards the beginning growth of weeds in the nontilled area between the rows. To prepare the seedbed with the rotary tiller in one operation over the field, a low rotor speed and a faster-than-normal travel speed were used to keep the seedbed from being too finely pulverized and to distribute a few small clods over the surface. But even with this coarse tilling, the travel speed of the rotary tiller was slower than that of any of the other machines. Machinery operations in skip-row (alternate 40-and -90-inch) spacings When the plow-and-disk method of tillage was used, open furrows were left along the alfalfa strips that were not reseeded each year in the nonrotated-row system. A narrower disk than the usual one was needed to prepare the seedbed in the strips that were 2 rows wide. The other machines were better adapted to this method of spacing the rows than the plow and disk because with them a seedbed 2 rows wide could be prepared without damaging the alfalfa strip. The 90-inch rows had to be accurately spaced so that the tractor axles would not break off the corn when the alfalfa was clipped. To reduce the competition for moisture, the alfalfa was clipped 4 times in 1955 and 5 times in 1956. The 90-inch strip not only gave each row more sunlight, but made it possible to go through the field with a tractor of normal size to spray late in the season or make an early fall seeding. Corn lodging during the clipping season did not prevent travel through the field. One advantage of not rotating the rows is that the alfalfa need not be seeded each year. Cultivation Methods The usual cultivator sweeps could be used in all treatments except the mulch treatments planted in sod. When clover sod was left on the surface, it was necessary to use disk hillers. For the first cultivation, the front hillers on each side of the row were angled to move the soil away from the row and to act as fenders. Behind the front hillers, a second set of hillers was placed farther from the row and angled to move soil into the row. The use of a sweep to remove weeds in the space between the two hillers on each side of the row was found desirable. The sweep could be located back of either the front or rear hillers. For the second cultivation, both front and rear hillers were adjusted to move soil into the row. 1959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION 17 Effectiveness In the 40-inch rows, cultivations were equally effective for each of the tillage methods. Cultivations were less effective, however, in the alternate 40-and-90-inch rows, especially where mulch methods were used in sod. The spacing no doubt allowed more sunlight to get be- tween the rows and permitted more weeds to mature seed in the alfalfa strips. Treatments that left a rough soil surface at planting time delayed and reduced the amount of weed growth. More volunteer corn was found in the plots prepared by both types of rotary machines than in the other plots because the rotary machines shelled the ears lost by the picker the previous fall and the other machines did not. The shelled corn was distributed in the newly planted rows and could not be culti- vated out. Physical Conditions in Seedbeds and Rootbeds Condition of soil at planting time Continuous use of each of these treatments over a 4-year period brought about no observable deterioration in the physical condition of the soil. It was noticeable that after minimum tillage treatments had been used for 1 or 2 years the soil broke up more completely. A com- bination of factors, including applications of adequate amounts of fertilizers, tillage when soil moisture was at a level to prevent excessive compaction, and less tillage no doubt account for this improvement. In 1956, corn had been grown 4 to 6 years continuously in the different replicates. At planting time, the amount of soil moisture at seed level varied little for the various treatments. However, during seasons of limited rainfall, the content was lowered when a forage crop was allowed to grow until planting time. The moisture at seed level also changed very little during the 6- to 7-day germination period. For most of the treatments, there was a sufficient amount of soil moisture as shown by uniform seed germination. In some plots and in some years, however, germination was lower in plots prepared by the sweep-rotary machine than in the other plots. Mixing dry residues and cover crops in a 4- to 5-inch layer of soil no doubt prevented some kernels from making good contact with the soil, a fact which accounts at least in part for some of this lower germination. Condition of soil following cultivation Bulk density, soil moisture, and penetrometer readings of soil resistance in August, 1956, indicated the influence of tillage treatments 18 BULLETIN No. 645 [June, on soil conditions. Three determinations were obtained from the same soil sample by driving a tube into the soil to collect cores 1 inch in diameter. The tube was forced into the soil by dropping a 10-pound weight a distance of 18 inches, giving 15 foot-pounds of energy per blow. In the tilled layer, the resistance and bulk density of the soil in the corn row was significantly lower in the plots prepared with the plow and clodbuster than in those prepared by the rotary tiller (Table 2). In the conventionally prepared plots (check plots plowed and disked) and in those prepared with the till-planter, resistance and bulk density fell in between results for the first comparison. For all practices, only the penetrometer showed a layer of greatest resistance at the 10- to 13-inch depth. Resistance at this depth under the rotary-tilled soil was significantly greater than resistance in a similar layer in the plots pre- pared with the plow and clodbuster and the plots conventionally prepared. Resistance readings for different soil-moisture contents indicated that the range in moisture did not have enough effect to change the relative significance of the treatments. The trend was toward lower soil-moisture content at lower depths. For various treatments and depths, moisture varied from 23 to 28 percent. The soil between the rows was compacted by the tractor wheels during planting and cultivating. A comparison of soil resistance in the row and between the rows indicated the change in soil compaction resulting from 6 passes of the rear tractor wheel during planting and cultivating. The results showed that the rear wheels caused greater changes in the tilled layer than in the soil at lower depths. As would be expected, this increase in soil resistance or compaction was greatest in the seedbeds that gave the lowest soil resistance in the row. The highest resistance at the 4-inch level was in the soil prepared with the till-planter that did not disturb the soil in the wheel tracks when the seedbed was prepared. At other depths, soil resistance in the tracks for the various treatments did not differ (Table 2). Bulk density due to wheel compaction increased for some treatments, but there was no difference between treatments at various depths. Crop Growth Response Measurements of the rate of growth made in 1955 and 1956 indi- cated that differences due to tillage occurred during the early stages and until the corn was 14 to 18 inches tall. After the corn reached this height, the rate of growth was more nearly the same for the 1959} EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION 19 1 = 8 1 i 4-1 *5 00 * 10 3 S $15 OOOOO ^ H ~H ^H rt c JS- 3 c i ||j il i ^-,f>rr,J iO O\ 00 ^H JS U O 1"^ 1~ ' fO V ^ u ^ rt . t^-T^iO^ 1 i ii ii i i i >OOOOO\ CN CN CN CS lOt-Os^O 'o n 4, C/3 c -"*<=> 2 *H CtJ o ^ ^ < ^^ ^1 %^^ O C I s IO ^* IO ^* ^H ^H ^ O ^ O ^O O 3 j., o 1 a "aJ 0) J4 o * ioo\ O J= u JS U i I i I I-H CN ^^ -J VD CS xrj o 1 "S Ig ^ \Or^lOTj< d> ^~ t 1-H * 11 1 **\O*-HTi< CNCNCNCN-4-> ^Ot ON*~- <0 jg o ^^ . ~ U u TO s .5 fl :nts on Phj Cultivations, preparing se Experiment C c^ ja H ii 2 aJ *^ ^ o -H in -i o a. .^ ^ " ^ 1 f K 1 L. _^ H 4 | 3 | ^ 5 5 "S OJ 0) J^ 3 g ^> ^ ~ ^ ^ i ns i c XI 3 ^c ^ ICMN^N g~ H l^oS^ ca *< '?< "D J2 'w 3 H u T3 S A. H fc s CS 2 oo-HOvO ^ 2 **" <+i ^ 8 o "0 . co ^~^ O ro ^j 5 ^ u t*> O^^flft I-HI-H vOOOCM^O CS CM (M O O 0> to W J3 | QJ K^ lOO^ro OJ -^ g U O 1-1 n CN ^ r i.2 * C OOt^'O-* rt ^H T-H ^ OOOOO>O ^*5 C c * J CN CN CN CN ^ _c , ^ OJ 4 I O H < J2 C !i )"a c o c C o -* in o> ^ t^vOvort 1 FH^HI-I 00 O (N in c ^ CMCM*- bJO O I - 1 S rt > > 2 Bi <5f 5 t - g. M I * s SJ3T3 C rtT3, S - H J J3 D u M .S.2fc *.23 c-oES .s s" "J-eS-H-oS tJ E a .S M<~ JS s 2 ||S Mi Mi 24 BULLETIN No. 645 [June, MACHINES USED TO PREPARE SEEDBED BUSHELS PER ACRE 40-INCH ROWS 40- AND 90-INCH ROWS 2 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 PLOW, CLOOBUSTER PLOW, CLODBUSTER, DISK, HARROW TILL- PLANTER, SWEEPS I8"-30", I0"-20" ROTARY TILLER SWEEP- ROTARY MACHINE 111111 iiiii ^W.:-..^,-^ , --:..: ':',1V*4 1 ' "'"-'" - TM-*J i"1 3 **..-^i -.17. :.;.. ;-?>' f^ : - :; '-v;:: r ..^l --; '.. ' ^ : :'!-. ' --^ '.'-.'** --^ -.;.;-;' ~~^ -."';';; V - :; ^t :\ - ; *" ^;:] + 1953 * 1954 I955 "1956 D AVERAGE, 1953-1956 Tillage methods had less effect on corn yields than seasonal conditions or the two methods of spacing the rows. (Fig. 7) Yields on plots prepared with 10- and 20-inch sweeps on the till- planter were significantly higher in 1 year than the yields on plots prepared by the same machine equipped with 18- and 30-inch sweeps, and the yield trend was higher in the other 3 years. In another study in 1955, however, yields on plots prepared with the normal 18- and 30-inch sweeps had the advantage. In 1956, the yields differed little for plots prepared with the lower sweeps in widths of 18 inches, 10 inches, and with no sweep on the center shank. For this separate study, a 30-inch top sweep was used for all treatments. The ear population at harvest showed some differences, but showed no general trend for a given treatment (Table 4). Tandem disking On the check or conventionally prepared plots, the ground was tandem disked only once. In the compaction study made in 1955 and 1956 on ground in good physical condition, yields were as high on ground disked only once as they were on that disked 4 times (Table 6) . Rotation as against continuous corn The rotation consisted of corn, corn, oats (alfalfa). Plots were prepared by plowing and disking. In 1 year, average yields were higher on the plots where this rotation was used than they were on the plots planted continuously to corn. In other years, there was no differ- ence. Plots in the rotation received the same amount of commercial fertilizer as those in continuous corn. Yields on rows 40 and 90 inches apart On these plots where the rows were spaced 40 and 90 inches apart, only two-thirds of the area was in corn. In the first 2 years, this 1959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION 25 spacing lowered average yields for all tillage treatments 35 percent and in the last 2 years IS percent (Table 5). Part of the reason yields were relatively higher in the last 2 years is that the alfalfa strips between the rows were clipped earlier and oftener during the season to reduce the competition between crops for moisture. Comparisons of tillage treatments showed that plowing the soil gave higher yields in all years than mixing the residues in the soil or leaving them on the surface. In these comparisons, average yields of plots where rows were rotated and not rotated were considered. The till-planter treatment increased yields over the average of the rotary- type treatments in all years. Further comparisons, however, showed that in 3 of the 4 years yields were lower on the plots prepared by the sweep-rotary machine than they were on the plots prepared by the rotary tiller. Yields were higher on plots prepared by the till- planter than they were on those prepared by the rotary tiller in only 1 year. In this row-spacing method, varying the width of the sweeps had no effect on yield (Table 5 and Fig. 7). In 2 of the 3 years, planting the corn in the same row each year gave significantly higher yields than planting it in rows rotated with the alfalfa strips. Individual treatments, however, did not always fol- low the trend of the average yields of rotated and nonrotated rows (Table 5). The corn population was lower in 40-and-90-inch-row plots than in the 40-inch-row plots because less corn was planted per acre, but the spacing of the kernels in the rows was about the same on both sets of plots. Increasing the planting rate beyond that used on the 40-and-90- inch rows did not increase yield, as another study showed. Even though the yield was reduced 1 5 percent in the 40-and-90-inch planting system, over 25 percent more corn was produced on a given land area than was produced in a rotation of corn, corn, oats (alfalfa). While two-thirds of the land area was used for corn in each system, the extra corn in the new planting system would normally have a greater value than the oats produced in the rotation system. The new method also provided alfalfa strips to help hold the soil and lowered harvesting losses. The system did, however, present machinery problems. Nitrogen fertilizers Adding nitrogen at the rate of 150 pounds per acre as compared with a rate of 75 pounds increased yields very little. In the 4-year period, 64 nitrogen-rate comparisons were made for both row-spacing methods. Applying nitrogen at the rate of 150 pounds per acre in- creased yields significantly only 4 times. 26 BULLETIN No. 645 [June, 2 gig 5 +J 32 w~ H , C -5 !: 2 CO *"" CO >rS -5 P5 rt r . OJ w S f> O I> ^ E E S || a : ^ u "Soaj ? "SoJ SToiog S^ojj ^rt^c-^rt^c -gn^CwSrt^c J --C o : { ^ r V'V |-cQ E 5 |||5 5 " 5 " 5 | |C 1959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION 27 Nitrogen was required to prevent large yield reductions when corn was planted in a sod with the till-planter. This fertilizer was not needed for seedbeds prepared with a plow and disk, as shown by the first-year corn comparisons given below. For second-year corn, using starter fertilizer maintained yields for both methods in a limited num- ber of comparisons. Relative yields Machines used and type of fertilizer applied- Plow and disk P ercL P erct - No fertilizer ...................................... 103 80* Starter ........................................... 93 102 Starter and nitrogen ............................... 100 100 Till-planter No fertilizer ...................................... 60* 66* Starter ........................................... 65* 95 Starter and nitrogen ............................... 100 100 B Starter fertilizer was applied at the rate of 30 pounds per acre of phosphorus and potas- sium and nitrogen fertilizer at a rate to give 80 pounds of elemental nitrogen per acre. Note: An asterisk indicates a significant difference at the S-percent level. Part II Effects of Compaction and Extra Diskings This study was made on a group of plots in 1955 and 1956. Its purpose was to determine the effects of compacting the soil by applying high pressure to it before it was plowed and the effects of compact- ing by extra diskings and wheel traffic after it was plowed. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON COMPACTION Studies on the effects of soil compaction as related to crop yields have been limited, but those on the physical changes in the soil have been more extensive. Doneen and Henderson 9 found that the infiltra- tion of irrigation water was reduced by tractor wheel traffic and that the reduction was greater when the compaction was made when the moisture content of the soil was high. Free 10 found that compaction from tractor wheels between potato rows reduced infiltration and that at the 8- to 12-inch depth there was a resistant layer. These tractor wheel tracks could be detected by a soil penetrometer even after winter weathering. While the pressure inside the rear tractor tires is normally about 28 BULLETIN No. 645 [June, 15 pounds per square inch, the tires can produce much higher pressure on the soil when only the tire lugs are in contact with the soil. Cooper and others 8 determined that one tractor of large size operating on a dense soil so that only the lugs were in contact with the soil developed a pressure of 54 pounds per square inch at the surface and 12 pounds per square inch at the 10-inch depth. PLAN AND CONDITIONS OF COMPACTION STUDY This study was made in Drummer silty clay loam, which is con- sidered one of the most difficult soils to prepare for a seedbed. The plots were located on the Agricultural Engineering Experiment Field in a low depressional area that maintained a higher percentage of soil moisture than did the surrounding areas. A randomized block design with split plots was used. Individual subplots were 4 rows wide and 40 feet long so arranged that machines could operate at normal speeds. Treatments were replicated 6 times in 1955 and the compacted plots were replicated 3 times in 1956. Soil tests indicated that pH was 6.0, the phosphorus (P 2 O 5 ) 270 pounds, and the potassium (K 2 O) 220 pounds to the acre. Starter fertilizer was band applied at the same rate and in the same location as it was in the tillage studies. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at the rate of 125 pounds to the acre. The soil was compacted before it was plowed by the rubber tires of a truck that was loaded to apply 75- to 85-pounds of pressure per square inch, or greater pressures than most tractor tires would apply. This pressure was applied 4 times to all the soil in the plot just before it was plowed. Some of the effects of compaction were thus removed by the pulverizing action of the plow. This compaction was applied to the 6 replications in 1955 and to 3 in 1956. The plots not recom- pacted in the 3 replications in 1956 indicated the carry-over effects of the 1955 compaction. While this compaction was excessive, it gave an indication of the effects of excessive packing by livestock or machinery at a time after which there would be no winter freezing or thawing. Comparisons of 1 and 4 tandem diskings were made on soil that had been and had not been packed before it was plowed. The 1 and 4 disk- ings indicated the amount of secondary tillage required on the com- pacted and uncompacted soils, and produced different amounts of soil packing after plowing. 7959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION 29 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS IN SEEDBEDS AND ROOTBEDS The large clods and slabs (Fig. 8) turned up by the plow was the most striking soil condition that resulted from compaction before plow- ing. This condition made planting and cultivating difficult, especially on the plots that were disked only once. Plow draft Data on draft were obtained by measuring the draft of a 1 -bottom moldboard plow that had been mounted on a tractor for soil testing purposes. Data are for pulling only the colter and 12-inch bottom through the soil. Compaction greatly influenced draft, as the draft in the packed and unpacked soil shows. Soil moisture, Plow draft, pounds Comparisons P ercent per square inch 1955 1956 1955 1956 Effect of packing before plowing Soil unpacked 29.8 27.8 8.9 8.2 Soil packed 1955, 1956 29.1 25.7 16.8 16.4 Difference -.7 -2.1 +7.9* +8.2* Effect of packing and carry-over to next spring Soil unpacked 25.2 30.6 9.5 8.0 Soil packed, 1955 29.5 30.2 16.8 8.6 Difference +4.3 -.4 +7.3* +.6 Carry-over effect of disking unpacked soil 1 tandem disking, 1955 29.2 7.5 4 tandem diskings, 1955 29.4 7.9 Difference +.2 +.4 Carry-over effect of disking soil packed in 1955 1 tandem disking, 1955 31.2 7.9 4 tandem diskings, 1955 28.9 8.3 Difference 2.3 .... +.4 Note: An asterisk indicates the difference is significant at the 5-percent level. In packed soil, the draft increased an average of 92 percent. Neither packing nor extra diskings had a carry-over effect to the next spring, indicating that freezing and thawing had removed the compac- tion effects in one season. These results were obtained on a soil in a high state of fertility. Lower fertility or a different soil type may give different results. Soil moisture at planting time When the soil was disked once, soil moisture at seed level at plant- ing time was lowered each year because of compaction. Four diskings 30 BULLETIN No. 645 [June, The soil in the foreground was compacted before it was plowed and that in the background was undisturbed. (Fig- 8) as compared to 1 conserved moisture on the packed soil in 1 of the 2 seasons and showed no effect on the unpacked soil. During the 6-day germination period that was free of rain in 1956, soil moisture did not change for any of the treatments. Soil resistance and bulk density Measurements of soil resistance and bulk density were made in August, 1956, after all tillage operations had been completed. They did not reveal that packing the soil before plowing or changing the number of diskings made any significant differences. The changes in the readings from near the surface to below the plow layer were sim- ilar in this study to the readings for the conventionally prepared (check plots) in the tillage study (Table 2). In this study also a layer of 7959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION maximum resistance was encountered at the 11- to 12-inch depth, but the resistance of this layer was not increased by either the packing or the extra diskings. The packing by the rear tractor wheels increased the soil resistance only in the tilled layer. Crop growth Compaction before plowing delayed plant emergence and reduced the rate of growth until the plants were about 12 inches tall (Fig. 9). After the plants reached this height, the corn in the compacted soil Plant emergence in the compacted soil in the foreground was later than emergence in the uncompacted soil in the background. This is the appear- ance of the compacted soil after it was broken up by diskings before the corn was planted and following a rain a few days after planting. (Fig. 9) grew faster than that in the uncompacted until it reached its mature height. Even with this faster growing rate, corn in the compacted soil was always shorter than corn in the noncompacted soil. The number of days required to reach a given height in 1956 and the growing rates (see page 32) also indicate that the extra diskings increased the grow- ing rate during the early stages of growth only in the compacted soil. 32 BULLETIN No. 645 [June, Time required to Treatment Disking reach height, before after inches* plowing plowing 12 24 48 108 None 1 None 4 Packed 1 Packed . . 4 16 16 27 23 days 27 37 27 37 34 45 31 42 66 66 70 67 Rate of growth in given ranges, inches b 0- 12- 24- 48- 12 24 48 108 inches per day .7 1.1 2.4 2.1 .7 1.1 2.4 2.1 .4 1.7 2.2 2.4 .5 1.5 2.2 2.4 * Time based on planting date of corn. b Trends in 1955 were the same. Plant population Each year fewer kernels germinated in the compacted soil than germinated in the uncompacted, but a larger percent germinated in 1956 than in 1955. Disking the compacted soil 4 times increased the number of plants on that soil, but did not affect the number on the noncompacted soil (Table 6). Table 6. Effects on Ear Populations and Corn Yields From Compaction Before Plowing and Disking After Plowing, 1955-1956 (Compaction of 75 pounds per square inch) Num- ber of disk- ings Ear population per acre Yield per acre No compac- tion Com- pac- tion Differ- ence No compac- tion Com- pac- tion Differ- ence 1955.. 1 14,800 14,200 -600 14,600 14,600 7,100 11,600 +4,500* 11,500 13,000 + 1,500* -7,700* -2,600* bu. 93.1 87.6 -6.5 122.9 128.4 5.5 bu. 59.8 82.3 +22.5* 107.2 117.8 + 10.6* bu. -33.3* -5.3 1955 4 Difference. 1956 1 -3,100* -1,600* -15.7* -10.6* 1956 4 Difference. Note: An asterisk indicates the difference is significant at the S-percent level. Corn yield When the soil was tandem disked once, compaction before plowing limited yield 37 percent in 1955 and 13 percent in 1956. When the compacted soil was disked 4 times, however, yield was not reduced in 1955 but was reduced 8 percent in 1956. After winter freezing and thawing, 1955 compaction before plowing had no effect on 1956 yield. Yield in neither year was affected by disking noncompacted soil an extra 3 times (Table 6). These results were obtained on a soil of high fertility, where ferti- 1959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION 33 lizer was band-placed at planting time and when the water table was higher than usual during the growing season. It would be desirable to learn the effects of these and other compaction variables under other growing conditions and under milder winter weather than Illinois normally has. Summary Three basic tillage treatments turning residues under, mixing them throughout the tilled layer, and leaving a mulch on the surface were studied. Two methods of spacing the rows at 2 levels of nitrogen 75 and 150 pounds to the acre under weather conditions in 4 seasons were also studied. These tillage treatments required fewer operations and fewer hours of labor than have normally been used to grow a corn crop in Illinois. The till-planter prepared the seedbed and planted the corn success- fully in soil where the crop residues were dead, but where growing forage was heavy, it presented problems in both planting and cultivating. The sweep-rotary machine more completely pulverized compacted soil and sod growth than did the sweeps on the till-planter. Mixing the forage in the soil, however, appeared to cause some reduction in germination. The rotary machine pulverized the soil most thoroughly, but such thorough pulverization did not prove necessary on the soils used in the tests. When a sod mulch was left at planting time, disk hillers were used successfully to cultivate the corn. Standard cultivator sweeps were used for all other treatments. Leaving the soil rough at planting time reduced the weed problem. When the corn was planted, various amounts of tillage produced little difference in soil moisture at seed level, and soil moisture changed little during the germination period. Soil resistance to penetration by a metal probe was least in the seedbed prepared by the plow and greatest in that prepared by the rotary-tiller. The penetrometer detected a layer of maximum density at the 10- to 13-inch depth. This layer was not revealed by bulk density determinations. Soil resistance was increased by the compaction of the rear tractor wheels. After this compaction, resistance was about the same for the various treatments. Loss of plant population due to cultivation or barren stalks was not affected by variation in tillage treatments. Tillage treatments also had little influence on the amount of corn lost in machine harvesting. Less 34 BULLETIN No. 645 [June, corn was lost, however, in the rows spaced 40 and 90 inches apart than in those spaced 40 inches apart, and less was lost in standing corn than was lost in lodged corn. Corn yields produced by using minimum tillage treatments were equal to or greater than those produced by more intensive tillage. Plow- ing normally produced higher yields than other methods. Yields on plots prepared by the till-planter more often equalled or approached yields on the plowed plots than did yields on plots prepared by the two types of rotary-tillage machines. Least tillage was used on those plots prepared by the till-planter, which left a mulch on the surface. Using narrower sweeps on the till-planter gave yields equal to those produced with sweeps of normal width. Rotary tillage of all the soil produced more corn than rotary tillage of half the soil. Yields on the plots where rows were spaced 40 and 90 inches apart were below those on plots where rows were spaced 40 inches apart, but not below them in proportion to the one-third reduction in the area planted to corn. Yields were higher where the rows were not rotated each year to the alfalfa strips than where they were. Using 150 pounds of nitrogen to the acre rather than 75 had little effect on yield or harvest loss. Compacting the soil before plowing, using pressures of 75 to 85 pounds per square inch, increased the plow draft 92 percent. The effect of compaction, however, did not carry over to the next season. When the soil was disked 4 times after it had been compacted, there was less loss of both plant population and yield than there was when the ground was disked only once. The 1956 yield was not in- fluenced by the compaction made in 1955. Disking noncompacted ground 4 times after it was plowed rather than only once did not change either yield or ear population. Literature Cited 1. Aldrich, S. R. New styles in seedbeds. Crops and Soils 9, 12-15. 1956. 2. Bower, C. A., Browning, G. M., and Norton, R. A. Comparative effects of plowing and other methods of seedbed preparation on nutrient element deficiencies in corn. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 9, 142-146. 1944. 3. Browning, G. M., and Norton, R. A. More seedbed studies. Farm Sci. Rptr. 7, 10-13. 1946. 4. Browning, G. M., and Norton, R. A. Tillage practices on selected soils in Iowa. Soil Sci. Amer. Proc. 10, 461-468. 1945. 7959] EFFECTS OF BASIC TILLAGE METHODS AND SOIL COMPACTION 35 5. Buchele, W. F., Collins, E. V., and Lovely, W. G. Ridge farming for soil and water control. Agr. Engr. 36, 324-329, 331. 1955. 6. Cook, R. L., and Peikert, F. W. A comparison of tillage implements. Agr. Engr. 31, 211-214. 1950. 7. Cook, R. L., Turk, L. M., and AlcColly, H. F. Tillage methods influence crop yields. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 17, 410-414. 1953. 8. Cooper, A. W., Vanden Berg, G. E., McColly, H. F., and Erickson, A. E. Strain gage cell measures soil pressure. Agr. Engr. 38, 232-235, 246. 1957. 9. Doncen, L. D., and Henderson, D. W. Compaction of irrigated soils by tractors. Agr. Engr. 34, 94-95, 102. 1953. 10. Free, George R. Traffic soles. Agr. Engr. 34, 528-531. 1953. 11. Illinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service. 111. Agr. Stat. Ann. Sum. 111. Dept. Agr. and U. S. Dept. Agr. Bui. 56-1. 1956. 12. Kurtz, T., Melsted, S. W., and Bray, R. H. Importance of nitrogen and water in reducing competition between intercrops and corn. Agron. Jour. 44, 13-17. 1952. 13. McAllister, T. T. Mulch farming gains favor in Southeast. Agr. Engr. 38, 312-315. l"957. 14. Pendleton, J. W., Jackobs, J. A., Slife, F. W., and Bateman, H. P. Establish- ing legumes in corn. Agron. Jour. 49, 44-48. 1957. 15. Poynor, R. R. An experimental mulch planter. Agr. Engr. 31, 509-510. 1950. 16. Ryerson, G. E. Machinery requirements for stubble mulch tillage. Agr. Engr. 31, 506-508, 510. 1950. 17. Schaller, F. W., and Evans, D. D. Some effects of mulch tillage. Agr. Engr. 35, 731-734, 736. 1954. 18. Wilcox, R. H., and Hinton, R. A. Field crop costs and returns, 1948-1954. 111. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 609. 1957. 19. Willard, C. J., Taylor, G. S., and Johnson, W. H. Tillage principles in pre- paring land for corn. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Cir. 30. 1956. 6M 6-59 68257 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 30112018403540