URBANA ''-.'-INO/S STA T E GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00003 5240 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/agstoneusedinill119vosk State of Illinois Dwight H. Green, Governor Department of Registration and Education Frank Go Thompson, Director Division of the STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVE M. M. Leighton, Chief Urbana Illinois No. 119 CIECULAE June 19^5 AGSTONE USED IN ILLINOIS IN l$kk Preliminary Annual Report By Walter H. Voskuil and Douglas F Stevens PRELIMINARY REPORT AGSTONE USED IN ILLINOIS IN 1941+ Reports of producers to the Illinois State Geological Survey show that the amount of agstone (ground limestone, dolomite, and marl) used for soil improvement in Illinois during 1944 amounted to more than 4,210,000 tons. This was abouc 31 percent more than that used in 1943 and establishes a new all-time high record. a/ Table 1. - Agstone Used in Illinois, 1943 and 1944 1943 1944 Tons Value Tons Value Produced in Illinois Limestone 1,986,512 $2,127,407 2,500,261 $2,709,514 Dolomite 1,137,108 928,828 1,561,956 1,546,597 Marl 7,310 6,950 10,832 10,596 Total produced in Illinois 3,130,930 $3,063,185 4,073,049 $4,266,707 Less marketed in other states 75,971 73,692 173,211 181,500 Produced and used in Illinois 3,054,959 $2,989,493 3,899,838 $4,085,207 Produced in other states and used in Illinois 166,518 163,115 31^,762 303,679 Total agstone used in Illinois 3,221,477 $3,152,608 4, 214, 600 $4,388,886 a/ From canvass made by Illinois Geological Survey, in cooperation with Illinois Ag- ricultural Association and Midwest Agricultural Limestone Institute. This remarkable increase in production of agstone resulted because a few larger producers concentrated on agstone and really made it "big business." Out of 25 plants, each of which reported more than 50,000 tons sold during the year, 19 plants sold considerably more than during the previous year. Out of 90 plants, each of which reported less than 50,000 tons sold, 70 plants made small increases. Many (3) producers, large and small, suffered from scarcity of labor and difficulty in secur- ing truck transportation and repairs, due to wartime conditions. The progressive increase of the use of agstone on Illinois farms during the years for which figures are available is shown in Table 2. sJ Table 2. - Agstone Used in Illinois Annually, 1927 -1°M Year Tons Value Av. Year Tons Value Av. 1935 379,555 $ 268,139 $0.71 1936 l,lll+,l+66 871,862 .78 1927 61+7,155 $ 579,639 $0.90 1937 1,310,513 1,279,981 .97 1928 565,001 511,005 .91 1938 1,251,263 1,21+7,150 1.00 1929 9^7,798 81+3,693 .89 1939 l,l+97>58 1,318,173 .88 1930 868,1+26 7^0,785 .86 19^0 2,365,663 1,999,850 .81+ 1931 268,871+ 21+1,376 .90 19^1 3,08U,855 2,873,536 .93 1932 16U,933 11+0,969 .86 19^2 3,866,568 3,600,313 .93 1933 227,1+66 165,667 .73 19^3 3,221,1+77 3,152,608 .98 193*+ 1+91,61+1+ 319,601+ .65 19^ l+,2li+,6oo l+, 388, 886 1.0U a/ U.S. Bureau of Min^a, 1927-29; 111. Agr. Assoc, 1930; 111. Geol. Survey, 1931-^. During 19^, agstone was produced in 1+8 of the 102 counties of the State. Of the total amount used during the year, 92.5 percent was produced in Illinois. Table 3 gives the use of agstone by counties in Illinois during 19*+^, showing the amounts produced in Illinois and in other states. It also shows the arable land in each county and the average quantity of agstone used, in pounds per acre of arable land. These data are from producers who reported sales of agstone in specific counties, or are estimates by county farm advisers, whichever is the larger Pro- duction not accounted for in either of the above figures is given at the bottom of the table marked "counties not specif ied„" The total amount used in Illinois is based on actual deliveries in Illinois reported by producers. Table 1+ gives the total amount of agstone produced in other states but marketed in Illinois. Table 5 gives the total amount produced in Illinois which was marketed in other states. a/ Table 3 - Agstone Used in Illinois, by Counties, 194 3 and 1944 County Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Total used in I9U3 (Tons) 65,551 8,374 20,080 12,342 15,000 32,862 15,906 3^,800 14,096 26,869 56,176 52,300 23,083 5^,732 37,059 39,140 38,755 19,413 25,910 4,797 10,519 26,790 35,281 19,524 36,019 29,6o4 20,531 23,556 12,492 13,325 20,622 27,098 14,184 44,015 7,651 Tons used in 1944 Produced in Illinois 49,000 9,200 39,100 15,700 10,000 95,800 16,000 33,000 25,000 29,700 51,700 4o,300 13,000 35,500 30,000 46,4oo 24,600 30,000 50,000 4,500 4,000 26,100 30,000 8,500 32,500 18,000 20,000 13,000 7,900 30,000 17,700 18,000 9,600 43,000 31,300 Produced in other states 900 5,500 300 17,100 1,500 5,400 8,4oo 7,000 2,500 4,200 3,ioo 6,100 4,ooo Total Used in Illinois 49,000 9,200 40,000 15,700 10,000 101,300 16,000 33,000 25,000 30,000 51,700 40,300 30,100 37,000 30,000 46,400 30,000 30,000 50,000 4,500 4,000 26,100 30,000 16,900 39,500 20,500 20,000 17,200 11,000 30,000 17,700 18,000 15,700 47,000 31,300 Acres of arable land (1939 census) 252,446 49,866 122,224 115,849 71,549 352,777 62,607 151,498 137,405 487,052 317,469 147,721 147,932 184,463 204,186 174,178 129,019 111,117 300,180 178,758 203,651 98,841 255,054 79,811 153,841 207,106 235,032 101,537 267,772 102,638 164,814 193,637 126,415 265,043 21,367 Pounds used per acre 1943 519 336 329 213 419 186 508 459 205 110 354 708 312 377 363 449 601 349 173 54 103 542 277 489 468 286 175 464 93 260 250 280 224 332 716 1944 388 370 655 272 282 572 510 435 363 123 320 546 407 4oi 294 532 464 54o 314 50 39 530 235 423 516 198 170 338 83 580 215 187 248 354 2940 a/ Table 3 - Agatone Uaed in Illinois, by Counties, 19I+3 and 1944 - Continued County Total used in 19^3 (Tons) Tons used in 1944 Produced in Illinois Produced in other states Total used in Illinois Acres of Arable land (1939 census) Pounds used per acre 19^3 1944 Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan McDonough McHenry McLean Macon Macoupin Madison Marion Marshall Mason Massac Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie 30,600 5t, 67,633 75, 75,273 56, 21,71*5 21, 42,923 50, 57,022 22, 12,300 17, 25,300 29, 10,687 9, 21,445 71, 81,355 64, 30,588 30, 35,05^ 29, 7,858 9, 71,965 125, 10,052 11, 77,018 125, 34,927 87, 21,617 79, 20,267 29, 27,407 4o, 102,245 75, 36,074 33, 25,009 16, 26,106 4o, 58,733 17, 13,896 lw, 21,231 33, 20,180 11, 15,526 21, 20,429 17, 55,712 39, 53,955 35, 9,300 20, 32., 926 16, 700 100 900 100 300 200 500 200 000 000 000 000 600 600 000 600 000 700 700 700 200 000 600 200 000 200 600 000 000 400 300 400 100 000 100 700 14,900 3,100 49,800 800 27,600 4,000 300 200 600 20,400 2,700 1,600 700 55 90 60 21 50 72 17 30 9 71 64 30 57 9 125 15 125 87 79 30 40 75 33 16 4o 37 10 33 11 21 20 39 36 20 16 400 000 000 100 300 000 500 000 000 000 000 000 200 600 000 600 000 700 700 000 200 000 800 800 000 600 600 000 000 400 000 400 700 000 800 127 327 536 147 174 146 104 144 59 210 300 150 253 108 506 122 317 522 305 225 211 557 263 263 256 171 158 225 56 128 190 144 248 220 154 291 034 438 931 186 453 793 530 742 186 39 1 * 326 753 847 546 007 176 760 432 530 577 076 970 157 470 481 414 281 294 492 779 235 350 358 204 542 407 276 144 284 165 486 134 142 180 259 367 273 190 204 342 452 440 028 176 13 1 * 535 188 293 261 717 391 395 242 332 569 214 210 902 493 544 528 434 297 259 84 182 637 426 218 • 900 550 224 286 620 984 334 415 301 675 422 400 452 176 493 253 790 336 522 267 380 269 254 128 311 a/ Table 3 - Agstone Used in Illinois, by Counties, 1943 and 1944 - Concluded County Total used in 19^3 (Tons) Tons used in I9I+I+ Acres of arable land Poun pe Is used Produced Produced in Total used c acre in Illinois other states in Illinois (1939 census) 1943 1944 Ogle 40,134 60,000 60,000 309,633 259 388 Peoria 52,807 75,000 75,000 203,084 520 740 Perry 16,170 10,500 6,300 l6,800 126,300 256 267 Piatt 11,655 19,600 1+00 20,000 210,1+51 111 190 Pike 14,547 1+0,000 1+0,000 232,1+60 125 343 Pope 7,856 6,500 6,500 52,202 301 249 Pulaski 7,158 12,500 12,500 53,830 266 464 Putnam 7,852 11,800 11,800 56,11+8 278 420 Eandolph 1*5,876 1+3, U00 6,600 50,000 196,1+1+2 467 510 Richland 16,686 10,900 13,500 24,1+00 132,767 252 368 Rock Island 30,107 7^,300 700 75,000 127,185 474 1180 St. Clair 73,599 78,1+00 78,1+00 229,600 641 680 Saline 20,581 23,700 23,700 99,227 415 477 Sangamon 1+2,922 60,500 60,500 358,668 239 337 Schuyler 7,100 2,500 2,500 123,785 115 41 Scott 4,138 15,000 15,000 87,070 95 345 Shelby 33,731 36,500 36,500 283,990 238 258 Stark 11,676 10,300 2,500 12,800 121,264 192 212 Stephenson 1+2,000 50,000 50,000 212,702 395 470 Tazewell 16,958 30,000 30,000 265,832 128 226 Union 19,130 24,700 24,700 94,11+0 407 525 Vermilion ^3,750 50,000 50,000 390,901 224 256 Wabash 8,705 6,900 3,100 10,000 80,345 217 250 Warren 58,930 74,700 300 75,000 210,953 559 710 Washington 38,281 23,700 31,300 55,000 211,504 362 517 Wayne 1+8,1+86 18,500 1+1,500 60,000 215,527 450 558 White 2l,oi+9 1+9,200 6,200 55,1+00 189,016 222 570 Whiteside 75,636 82,500 2,500 85,000 274,505 551 618 Will 55,229 39,100 39,100 345,147 321 227 Williamson 15,920 24,500 500 25,000 86,222 369 581 Winnebago 35,000 25,000 25,000 180,603 388 277 Woodford 19,021+ 21,200 21,200 222,776 171 190 County not 125,970 1+05,300 6,000 1+11,300 — specified Av. Av. Total 3,221,1+77 3,899,800 314,800 l+,2ll+,600 20,201,195 318 417 a/ Compiled from can-vass made by Illinois Geological Survey, in cooperation with Illinois Agricultural Association and Midwest Agricultural Limestone Institute. 8 Table k - Agstone Produced In Other States and Used a/ in Illinois, 1939-19 ! + 1 + (in tons) Amount Percent of Year sold in total Illinois Illinois consumption 1939 71,775 5.1 19*+0 106,912 5.9 19^1 95,226 3.2 19^2 171,035 h.5 19U3 166,518 5-3 19M 3ll+,800 7.5 a/ From canvass made by Illinois Geological Survey, Table 5 - Agstone Produced in Illinois and Marketed a in Other States, 1939-19^ (in tons) Year Wisconsin Iowa Missouri Kentucky Indiana Other States Total 1939 kkl V5l 3,527 19A50 28,169 19^0 950 353 5,*+50 3,800 15,225 25,778 19A1 100 86? 9^0 1,800 1,125 l+,832 19^2 14-50 203 9,700 28,811 19,853 59,017 19^3 11,000 1,192 1,000 3^,579 28,200 75,971 19^ 7,683 8 8,900 U6,302 110,318 173,211 a/ From canvass made by Illinois Geological Survey. AVERAGE IN POUNDS PER ACRE Less than 20Q 200 - 299 300 - 399 400 - 499 |j 500 and over Seal* of Mile* o io ao JO 40 SO AGSTONE USED IN 1944 County averages are given in pounds per acre of arable land