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THE PROSE AND POETICAL WORKS or HEINRICH HEINE Translated tuith Introductions by CHARLES GODFREY LELAND IN TWENTY VOLUMES , .--.- \ vn ^f* 'V* ^B^ ^p* ^B* ^fr* ^p '5^ ^4^ ^ffl^ ^4^ "4'* ''ffl^ ^B'* ^ffl^ f"^ ^A^ ^ffl^ '^D^ ^o^ ''4^ 'w* ^'^ ^^ 5^- HEINRICH HEINE EMtlon Oe 3Luse T/iu Edition of the Worts of Heinrich Heine « limited to One Thoutand numbered and registered copies for America. j \ This is Copy No > ♦> t'-! r ..■^«??f*7W\'^ ^ y ! J SHAKESPEARi: From tlx Portrait b\ Martin Dioeslmtt THE WORKS Translated by Charles Godfrey Leld^nd ■^ ■&.--r: The Works of £1 einrich Heine Translated by Charles Godfrey Leland Florentine Nights VOLUME ONE ILLUSTRATED WITH PORTRAITS Printed for Subscribers only by CROSCUP AND STERLING COMPANY NEW YORK printed by Ballantyne, Hanson &' Co. Edinburgh LL.5 3 V. I INTRODUCTORY NOTE. It is much to say of a voluminous writer in prose as well as verse, that, though he may have left many a line which, for one reason or another, he might personally have wished to blot, he has left few that can be spared from the literature of the world. This may justly be said of Heine, but of how many others ? Let us apply the same severe test to greater names than even Heine's. Take the man whose mission on the whole most nearly resembled his — Voltaire. Voltaire was in some sense the mouthpiece of his generation ; he has through it produced the deepest efifect on all generations to come ; he has left immortal things behind him ; but the project of a complete trans- s^^ lation of Voltaire would kindle the enthusiasm of \\ no publisher and no public. Take the greatest C^' of German writers, Goethe, in whom we most ^ cheerfully acknowledge a greater than Heine, but b i /f vi INTRODUCTORY NOTE. who is totally unable to stand the test indicated in his poetical works even, to say nothing of his prose. There are other poets of Heine's calibre of whose writings we would not lose a word ; but Byron, Burns, and Shelley did not subject themselves to the test which Heine successfully underwent of writing undying things in prose : — philosophy, and criticism, and even politics. | If we must account for this singular distinction, we should say that Heine, more than any of the great men we have named, except Shelley, was a poet by the grace of God, and that he carried the happy instinct of his verse into his prose. As a poet he was essentially a Volksdichter — the same sort of person, that is to say, as the unknown musicians whose Border Minstrelsies and Spanish Cancioneros are the envy and admiration of an artificial age. Every such writer, besides the moral endowment of feeling and the sensuous en- dowment of melody, is necessarily equipped with two intellectual gifts, perfect lucidity and perfect proportion. Imagine such a man to be at the same time a most original and accurate thinker, and to possess in the discussion of grave matters the ease and brightness and symmetry which have constituted his charm as a lyric poet, and it INTRODUCTORY NOTE. ifl will be seen that his prose may be as well worth translating as his verse. To illustrate the mean- ing by an example on the contrary side, Words- worth's prose style, though noble and dignified, is not the style of the immortal part of his poetry. If he had been able to discuss the principles of poetical composition and the Convention of Cintra in the style of " Lucy Gray," he would have been not merely a fine essayist, but an unique figure in literature. No one, manifestly, could achieve this without a special, an almost miraculous gift. Heine actually possessed this gift ; and hence his prose disquisitions, descriptions, satires, and the rest, are as original in form as in substance. The same charm pervades all he wrote, and hence, what- ever judgment may be passed on the moral char- acteristics of his work, from a literary point of view there is absolutely nothing in it which a translator is not justified in rendering — if he can. If the foreign reader fails to enjoy, the fault is not in Heine, but in his own want of preliminary acquaintance with Heine's theme. Writing for a German public on themes of contemporary con- cern, Heine inevitably presupposes an amount of existing knowledge which the English reader will not always possess. It must be added, however ^ J^ ' t ' ▼iii INTRODUCTORY NOTE. — and this is one ^ery good reason for translating him — that Heine affords a very potent stimulus towards the acquisition of knowledge. The reader of his " Romantic School," for instance, who may not have previously heard of Tieck and Novalis, must be a dull sort of person if he does not hence- forth feel a curiosity respecting them. A still more important aspect of Heine is his relation to the creeds and circumstances of his century, and his influence in shaping European thought. The reader who would wish to deter- mine how far Heine will repay his attention in this respect is advised to consult the masterly criticism upon him in Matthew Arnold's essays. Mr. Arnold regards Heine as a great liberator, not a man of consummate achievement as a thinker, or one by any means to be implicitly followed or unreservedly extolled, but invaluable as a dis- solvent, breaking up and abolishing opinions and habits which have become mere petrified formulas, and thus preparing the way for new things which he did not create and did not always rightly con- ceive. He liked to be called the German Aris- tophanes, but he was even more of a Socrates, whose mission, apart from his poetical gift, it was to make men consider whether they really meant ■tv- INTRODUCTORY NOTE, what they said. It should be added that, perhaps in virtue of his supreme poetical endowment, his insight into the future was often startling; and that, if he has not solved the riddles of his time, no one has stated them so well. A com- plete translation of his works, then, seems as much the due of his intellectual significance as of his matchless literary genius. R. Gr. (■ ■j^jfi'vr'r:''"' ';i7 ^. " ; :?:rf?i.f:^ ■ «r:^'*^'^ -"SfjvrrS CONTENTS VOLUME ONE PAGE Florentine Nights i The Memoirs of Herr von Schnabelewopski . 93 The Rabbi of Bacharach 175 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Shakespeare Frontispitce From the Portrait by MARTIN Droeshout. Milan Cathedral To face page 18 William of Orange 1, >i 132 From a Portrait Engraved by W. HOLL. 'iit^Sk^- ,>-- •' -4 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. FIRST NIGHT. In the ante-room Maximilian found the physician, who was drawing on his black gloves. " I am in a great hurry," said the latter hastily ; " Signora Maria has not slept all day, and only just now has fallen into a little nap. I need not tell you that she must not be disturbed by any noise, and when she wakens she must not speak for her life ! She must lie still, not move in the least — the only movement permitted her is that of a mental nature. I beg you — tell her all or any kind of fanciful stories, so that she will only listen quietly." "Eest assured, doctor," replied Maximilian, with a mournful smile. " I have trained myself for a talker, and will not let her speak. And I will tell her fantastic stuff enough — as much as you will But how long will she live ? " " I am in a great hurry," replied the physician, and disappeared- Black Deborah with her acute ear had quickly r a FLORENTINE NIGHTS. recognised the step of the new comer, and softly opened for him the door. At his nod she as quietly left the chamber, and Maximilian found himself alone by his lady friend. The chamber was dimly lit by a single lamp, which cast half fearful, half inquisitive gleams on the face of the beautiful woman who, clad entirely in white muslin, lay sleeping calmly on a green-silk sofa. Silent, with folded arms, Maximilian stood a while before the sleeper and regarded the beauti- ful limbs, which the light garb rather revealed than hid, and every time when a strip of light fell on the pale face his heart throbbed : " In God's name ! " he murmured, " what is that 1 What memory is it that wakes in me ? Ah, I know now — this white form on the green ground — yes — now " At that instant the invalid awoke, and as if gazing from the depth of a dream, the soft dark violet eyes looked questioning — praying, on the friend. " Of what were you thinking just now, Maximilian?" she said, with that terrible, soft voice, such as is heard from those who suffer from lung complaint, and in which we seem to hear the prattle of a child, the chirping of a bird, and the death-rattle. " Of what were you thinking ? " she repeated, and raised her head so hastily that the long locks curled about it like gold serpents frightened up. FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 3 " For Grod's sake," cried Maxiniilian, as he softly pressed her down again on the sofa, "remain quiet, say nothing; I will tell you all that I think or feel — yes, even what I don't know. " In fact," he continued, " I do not know ex- actly what I just now thought and felt. Pictures from childhood swept like twilight dreams through my souL I thought of my mother's chateau ^ — of its garden run wild, of the beautiful marble statue which lay in the green grass. I called it my mother's chateau, but I beg you, of my life, do not understand by that anything magnificent or grand. I have always been accustomed to hear it so called. My father laid a curious emphasis on ' the castle,' and smiled oddly as he said it. It was not tUl a later time that I learned the meaning of this smile — when I, a boy of twelve, went with my mother to the chateau. It was my first journey. We drove all day through a thick forest, whose dark thrills I shall never forget, and it was not till twilight that we first paused at a long cross-bar which separated us from a great meadow. We were obliged to wait almost half- an-hour before a ' boy ' came from a mud hut hard by, who pushed away the impediment and let us in. I say ' boy,' because old Martha always ^ Sehloig — castle, chateau, a country yilla of a superior kind. Generally a castle, but not invariably. '■fy'^-^^-fy-f 4 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. called her forty-year-old nephew by this term. This youth, in order to receive ' the gracious quality,' * had donned the old livery of his late uncle, and we had been obliged to wait until he had brushed it clean. Could he have had more time he would have also put on his stockings ; but, as it was, his long bare legs were in good keeping with his scarlet coat. Whether he wore breeches under it I do not know. Our servant John, who, like me, had often heard of ' the chateau,' made a very strange face when the * boy ' led us to the little broken building where the late Herr had dwelt But he was startled indeed when my mother bade him bring in the beds. How could he suppose there were no beds at ' the chateau ' ? And the order of my mother to provide sleeping comforts he had either never heard or neglected it as superfluous trouble. " The little dwelling, just one storey high, which had not boasted in its best days more than five inhabitable rooms, was now a pitiful picture of the passed away. Wrecked furniture, ragged hangings and carpets, not one window-pane un- broken, the floor torn up here and there, and everywhere ugly traces of the most outrageous acts of the soldiery. * Die gnddige Merrsehaft. " Quality" is still used by D^roes in America, as it was in the time of Queen Anne, to signify aristocracy. /nw3?ti- ^'.^- rie/ \^*w ' '^ '^ FLORENTINE NIGHTS. j "'Those who were quartered on us amused themselves very much at our expense/ said the ' boy/ with a stupid smile. My mother made a aign to him that we would gladly be alone, and while he busied himself with John, I went to see the garden, which also wore the most inconsol- able air of ruin. The great trees were partly hacked away, partly felled, and spiteful, sneering parasites rose over the fallen trunks. Here and there one could recognise the way amid the box- bushes growing wildly out of trim. Here and there too stood statues, the most of which had lost their heads or at least their noses. I remember a Diana whose nether limbs were overgrown with dark ivy in a comical fashion, and also of a goddess of plenty from whose cornucopia flowed rank, poisonous weeds. One statue only had been spared — God knows how — from the mischief of man and Time. It had indeed been hurled from its pedestal into the high giass, but it lay there uninjured — a marble goddess, with the most exquisitely pure features, and with a finely chiselled noble breast which gleamed up from the high grass like a Greek Apocalypse. I was almost terrified at the sight; this statue inspired in me a strange, close, feverish terror, and a secret bashfulness kept me from gazing long at its lovely mien. " When I returned to my mother she stood by V - ' - ."I^"'.''. T^'Wlfl '5v9W*T-' 6 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. I ■ the window, lost in thought, her head resting on her right hand, while tears ran without ceasing down her cheeks, I had never seen her weep like this. She embraced me hastily and ten- derly, and made excuse that owing to John's neglect I could not have a proper bed. ' Old Martha,' she said, ' is very ill, and cannot give up her bed for you, my dear child. But John can arrange the cushions from the coach so that you can sleep on them, and you may take his cloak for covering. I will sleep here on straw ; this was the bedroom of my late ^ father — it looked far better once than it now does. Leave me alone.' And the tears ran more irrepressibly from her eyes. " Whether it was the not being used to such a bed, or to my excited feelings, I could not sleep. The moon shone so directly at me through the broken panes, that it seemed as if it would lure me out into the clear summer night. Whether I turned to the right side or the left, whether I opened or impatiently shut my eyes, I could think of nothing but the beautiful marble statue which I had seen in the grass. I could not understand the bashfulness which seized me when I first saw it; I felt vexed ' Sdig, blessed, is used for late or deceased. Hence, as Long> fellow observed, a German widow always speaks of ber departed husband as "her blessed man." 'tv-iW*^Jr!f!y^P^-: FLORENTINE NIGHTS. f at this childish feeling, and said to myself, ' To-morrow I will kiss thee, thou beautiful marble face; kiss thee on the lovely comer of the mouth where the lips melt into such a charm- ing dimple ! ' And then an impatience such as I had never before felt rippled through all my limbs, I could not resist the strange impulse, and at last I jumped up boldly and said: 'What does it matter if I kiss thee even now, beautiful form ! ' " I stole softly from the house, lest my mother should hear, which was aU the easier because the entrance, though it bore a great coat-of- arms, had no door, and hastily wound my way through the shrubbery of the wasted garden. There was not a sound — all rested silently and solemnly in the calm moonshine. The shadows of the trees seemed to be nailed to the ground. There in the green grass lay the beautiful god- dess, as immovable as all around ; but her lovely limbs seemed to be fettered, not by petrifying death, but by quiet slumber, and as I drew near I almost feared lest she might be wakened by the lightest sound. I held my breath as I bent over to behold her beautiful face ; a shuddering, troubled fear seemed to repel me from, and a youthful lustyhood to attract me to her; my heart beat as if I were about to commit a murder, and at last I kissed the beautiful goddess with a passion, a tendemesSj and a desperation such as I t-. 8 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. never felt in my life from any kiss. Nor can I ever forget the grimly sweet emotion which ran through all my soul as the comforting, blessing coldness of those marble lips touched mine. . . . And so, Maria, as I just now stood before you, and I saw you lying in your white muslin dress on the green sofa, your appearance reminded me of the white marble image in the green grass- Had you slept longer my lips could not have resisted " " Max ! Max ! " cried the woman from the depths of her soul. " Terrible ! You know that a kiss from your mouth " " Ah — only be silent ; I know that would be something terrible to you ! Do not look at me so imploringly ! I do not doubt your feelings, although their deepest ground lies hidden from me. I have never dared to press my lips to yours " But Maria did not allow him to conclude. She had grasped his hand, covered it with earnest kisses, and said, smiling : " Pardon ! pardon ! But go on and tell me more of your amour. How long did you love the marble beauty whom you kissed in the garden of your mother's chateau ? " " We left the next day," replied Maximilian, "and I never saw its beautiful form again. But a strange passion for marble statues ever afterwards inspired me, and I felt even to-day ^'WT^r?^^^''^7^^vT ■^^'i^^r^^^- FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 9 its irresistible power. I came from the Lorenzo, the library of the Medici, and found myself, I know not how, in the chapel where that most magnificent of the races of Italy has built itself a sleeping-place of gems, and rests in peace. A full hour I remained absorbed in gazing at the marble image of a woman whose powerful frame attests the bold skill of Michael Angelo, while the whole form is inspired with an ethereal sweetness such as we are not accustomed to expect in that master. All the realm of dreams, with all its silent blisses, is enchanted into this marble ; a tender repose dwells in the beautiful limbs, a soothing moonlight courses through its veins : it is the Night of Mifchael Angelo Buona- rotti. Oh ! how gladly would I sleep in the arms of this Night ! ^ * A strange book might be written on this subject of men who have literally loved statues, and Bonifacius has in his Bittoria Ludiera, or Strange Stories, collected a number of instances from antiquity of men thus inspired. There is a story current in Florence of an Englishman who was enamoured of the Venus di Medicis. Most remarkable of all the literature on this subject, which Heine seems to have studied thoroughly, is a chapter on Gli Amort SacriUgi, in a book entitled DdU Biz- tarerie Aeademiehe di Gio, Francesco Loredano, Venice, 1667. This monograph, which certainly inspired Heine in these pas- sages, is supposed to be a speech by Amides of Athens, defend- ing, or rather vindicating, himself from the accusation of having made love to a statue of Venus. It is a masterpiece of aesthetic cynicism. There are indications in other works by Heine that he had read this book. A reduetio ad ahturdum of this freak of v>? 10 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. " The painted forms of women," continued Maximilian, after a pause, "have never inter- ested me so deeply as statues. I was only once in love with a picture. It was a wonderfully beautiful Madonna in a church in Cologne. I was at that time a zealous church-goer, and all my soul was sunk in the mysticism of Catholicism. I would then, like the Spanish cavalier, have gladly fought every day for the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the Queen of the Angels, the fairest lady of heaven and of earth. I inter- ested myself in the whole Holy Family, and took oflf my hat with special friendliness before any image of Saint Joseph. But this state did not last long, and I left the Virgin almost without ceremony as soon as I became acquainted in a gallery of antiquities with a Greek nymph who kept me long a captive in her marble fetters." " And you always loved only chiselled or painted women ? " tittered Maria. " No ! I have loved dead women too," replied Maximilian, as a very grave expression came over his features. He did not observe that as he said this Maria seemed to shrink as if terrified, and he continued in a calm voice — love is furnished in Mr. F. Anstey's witty novelette, The Tinted Venus, where, instead of a man being enamoured of a statue, a statue, vivified, becomes enamoured of a man. The story of Pygmalion and Galatea is thus reversed with the happiest effect — Trandaior. '.?-,: =fT5 y"^^~S!f^ -'^ FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 1 1 " Yes, it is very strange how I once fell in love with a girl after she had been dead for seven years. When I first became acquainted with little Very, I was extremely pleased with her. For three days I was deeply interested in her, and took the greatest pleasure in all that she did and said, and in every expression of her piquant, exquisite self, without being in the least sentimentally inclined. Nor was I indeed moved to any extravagant grief when I learned, some months later, that she had suddenly died in consequence of a nervous fever. I forgot her entirely, and I am sure that for years I never thought once about her. " Seven years had passed away, and I found myself in Potsdam, determined to enjoy the whole beautiful summer in undisturbed solitude. I did not associate with any one ; my only company was the statues which are in the garden of Sans SoucL " It happened one day that certain features, and a strangely winsome voice and gesture, sud- denly recurred to me, without my being able to identify the person whom they characterised. Nothing is more annoying than such stumbling about among old memories, and I was therefore surprised as with joy when I, after a few days, all at once recalled little Very, and found that it was her charming and forgotten form which had la FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 80 strangely moved ma Indeed I rejoiced over this discovery like one who has quite unex- pectedly found again his most intimate friend. The faded lines gradually took colour, and at last the sweet little one seemed to be again before me — smiling, pouting, witty, and more beautiful than ever. From this time the darling image would not leave me, it filled all my soul ; wherever I went or staid, staid or went, it was by my side — spoke with me, laughed with me, always pleasantly and gently, yet without any special tenderness. But I was every day more and more enchanted by this form, which ever became more and more real to ma It is easy to call spirits, but hard to send them again to their dark Nothing — they look at us then so pitifully and imploringly that our hearts cannot resist such earnest prayers. And as I could not tear myself away, the end was that I fell in love with little Very, after she had been dead for seven years. I " So I lived for six months in Potsdam, com- pletely absorbed in this love. I avoided more carefully than ever any touch with the outer world, so that even if any one in the street came too near me I felt a most uncomfortable sen- sation. I had, as regards any rencontre with people, such a repulsion as night- wandering spirits feel, for it is said that when they meet a living ."«■<'•,■*'•**•» r -T • .<-^3-'~ •'■''H^.''rwT>»^xiir^^ v?:?^^;???^"'?. ■;■■■: ■•-•' ■•.- r.-''^-^' FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 13 human being they are as much terrified as the one who sees them. By chance there came through Potsdam a traveller whom I could not avoid — my brother. At seeing him, and hearing from him the last news of the day, I awoke as from a deep dream, and, as if shrinking with alarm, I suddenly felt in what a horrible soli- tude I had so long been living. I had during this time not even remarked the course of the seasons, and I regarded with amazement the trees, which, having long lost their leaves, were now- covered with autumnal hoar-frost. I soon left Potsdam and little Very, and in another city, where important business awaited me, I was, by means of sharp pressure and urgent circumstance, soon driven into harsh reality. " Ah, heaven ! " continued Maximilian, while a painful smile moved his upper lip, " how the living women with whom I then came into un- avoidable contact tormented me — delicately tor- mented me — with their pouting, jealousing, and gasping ! In how many balls was I obliged to trot around with them, in how much gossiping scandal must I be mingled ? What restless variety, what joy in lying, what kissing-treachery and poisoned flowers ! Those ladies knew ho\r to utterly spoil for me all joy and happiness and love, so that for a time I became a woman-hater, who damned the whole sex. It was with me "V. WV-T^ • ^-"f ""!■ "TBVf'Vv' ^ .7f 14 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. something as it was with the French officer who, during the Eussian campaign, was rescued with trouble from the icy trenches of the Beresina, but who from that time had such an antipathy for everything frozen that he repelled with horror even the sweetest and most delicious ices at Tor- toni's. Yes, the memory of the Beresina of love which I then passed made for a time detestable the daintiest dames — women like angels, girls like vanilla-sherbet " " I beg you," cried Maria, " do not abuse women ! That is the thrashed-out way of speak- ing among men — mere chaff and cant. After all. to be happy you must have women." " Oh ! " sighed Maximilian, " that is true, of course. But women have but one way to make men happy, and thirty thousand to torment them." "Dear friend," replied Maria, while she sup- pressed a smile, " I speak of the harmony of two souls in tune. Have you never felt this happi- ness ? But I see a strange blush on your cheeks — speak, Max ! " " It is true, Maria ; I feel Hke a boy at con- fessing to you the fortunate love which once made me infinitely happy. Its memory is not lost to me, and my soul often retreats to its cool shade when the burning dust and noonday heat of life become intolerabla But I am not in .•-veB?>?v;^'^ * . >' '^ ■ "^ ' ''^'^r^^^j'^^7 > " i*'~ 'X ..s' '■ ■ T^., ■ ■' : . - " ■ "r .^-, '^^rs»^ FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 15 condition to give you a clear idea of this loved one. She was of such ethereal nature that she could only appear to me in dreams. I think, Maria, that you have no commonplace prejudice against dreams, for these nightly phenomena have as much reality as those rougher images of the day which we can handle, and with which we are often defiled. Yes, it was in dreams that I saw that dear and lovely being, who, above all others, helped to make life happy. I can tell you little as to her appearance. I really cannot accurately describe her features. Her face was unlike anything which I ever saw before or since. So far as I can remember it was not white and rosy, but all of one tone — a softly crimsoned pale brunette, and transparent as crystal The charm of this face consisted neither in absolutely perfect symmetry nor in interesting liveliness ; its char- acter lay far more in an enchanting yet terrible truthfulness. It was a face full of conscious love and graceful goodness ; it was more a soul than a face, and therefore I have never been quite able to present it.^ The eyes were soft as flowers ; the lips somewhat pale, but winsomely curved. She wore a silk dressing-gown of corn- flower blue — this was aU her dress. The neck and feet were bare, and the delicate tenderness ^ Vergegenwdrtigen — " To bring it before (me)." Oegenwart is, however, " the present." To recall or realise it. 1 6 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. ■ of the limbs often peeped as if stealthily through the slight, soft garment. Nor can I clearly set forth the words which we spoke; I can only remember that we boimd ourselves to one an- other, and that we caressed and comforted one another, joyfully and happily, frankly and con- fidingly, like bridegroom and bride, or almost like brother and sister. And we often did not talk at all, but gazed into each other's eyes, and in this blissful beholding we remained for eter- nities. How I aiwke I know not, but I long revelled in the after-feelings of this happy love. I was long intoxicated with unheard-of delight ; the yearning depth of my heart was full of hap- piness ; a joy before unknown seemed to spread over all my feelings, and I remained glad and gay, though I never again saw the loved one of my dreams. But had I not enjoyed whole eter- nities in her glance ? And she indeed knew me too well not to know also that I love no repetitions." " Truly," cried Maria, " you are un homme d bonne fortune. But tell me, was Mademoiselle Laurence a marble statue or a picture, a dear girl, or a dream ? " " Perhaps all together," replied Maximilian, very seriously. " I can well believe, dear friend, that this love was of a rather doubtful substance. And when will you tell me this story ? " ! ^fv"-vr ■ FLORENTINE NIGHTS. «1 " To-morrow. It is long, and I am tired to- day. I have been in the opera, and have too much music in my ears." " You go a great deal to the opera, Max, and 1 1 believe that it is more to see than to hear." " You are quite right, Maria ; I really go to the opera to see the faces of the beautiful Italian women. True, they are pretty enough even out- side the theatre, and an investigator into history could, from the ideality of their features, easily trace the influence of the formative ^ arts on the forms of the Italian people. Here Nature has taken back from the artists the capital which she once lent ; and lo ! it has, in the most enrap- turing manner, paid compound interest. The sense of the Beautiful has penetrated all the people ; and as the flesh once acted on the spirit, so the spirit now works upon the flesh. And the devotions before those beautiful Madonnas, those lovely altar-pieces, which as Madonnas sink into the soul of the bridegroom while the bride is sensuously impressed by a handsome saint, are not in vain. From such elective affinities a race of human beings has sprung which is even more beautiful than the charming soil on which it springs, or the sunny heaven which flashes round ^ Der Einjluss der hildenden Kiinste. The fine or cultured arts which shape material and thereby mind. Plastic arts la the usual but less truthful equivalent. l8 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. i it like a golden frame.^ The men do not interest me much unless they are painted or sculptured, and I leave to you, Maria, aU possible enthusiasm for those handsome, supple Italians who have such wild black beards and noble aquiline noses, and such soft, crafty eyes. They say the Lom- bards are the finest men. I have never investi- gated them very closely ; I have only earnestly studied the Lombard women, and these I declare are really as beautiful as they are famed to be. But they must even in the Middle Ages have been fairly fair. It is said that the beauty of the ladies of Milan was the reason of the secret impulse which sent Francis the First on his ItaUan campaign. The knightly king was doubtless desirous of knowing whether his spiritual little cousins, the kinsfolk of his godmothers, were as beautiful as he had heard boasted. Poor rogue ! he paid dearly at Pavia for his curiosity. " But the full beauty of these Italian women is first seen when their faces are lighted up by music. I say lighted up, because the effect of music, as I have seen it in the opera, on the faces * This is very beautiful, but of doubtful truth. While there is much beauty and refinement among the more prosperous classes in Italy, it is unquestionably true that a majority of the Italian emigrants who come to the United States are altogether the worst and most degraded-looking foreigners in the country, being rivalled in this respect only by those from the Slavonian slums of Hungary and Austria. I have seen thousands of these emigrants, who come almost entirely from Southern Italy. — Trantlator. /cr FLORENTINE NIGHTS. If of beautiful women, is quite like those effects of light and shadow which astonish us when we see statues in the night by torchlight. Such marble images then reveal in the terrifying truth their indwelling spirit and awful silent secrets. In like manner the whole life of the beautiful Italians shows itself to us when we see them in the opera ; the varying melodies then waken in their souls an array of feelings, memories, wishes, and woes, which at once speak out in the movements of their features, in their blushing, their paleness, and even in their eyes. He who can read may then read in their beautiful faces many sweet and in- teresting things, stories as strange as the novels of Boccaccio, feelings as tender as the sonnets of Petrarch, whims as odd as the Ottaverime of Ariosto — often enough, too, frightful treachery and sublime evil as poetic as the Hell of Dante. Yes, it is worth while to look up at the boxes. If the men would only not meanwhile express their in- spiration with such frightful noise. This insane applause in an Italian theatre becomes annoying. But music is the soul of these people, their life, their national cause. In other countries there are certainly musicians who equal the greatest Italian celebrities, but there is no musical multi- tude like this. Music is represented here in Italy, not by individuals, but reveals itself in the whole population ; it has become the people itseli 20 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. i Among us in the North it is quite otherwise; there music has become individual, and is called Mozart or Meyerbeer. And, more than that, when we closely examine the best which such Northern musicians offer us, we find in it Italian sunshine and orange perfume which belong much more to beautiful Italy, the home of music, than to our Germany. Yes, Italy will ever be the home of music, even if its great Maestri sink into the grave or grow silent, even though Bellini die and Eossini is mute." - ! " True," said Maria, " Rossini has long been still ; if I am not mistaken, for ten years." " That is perhaps a jest of his," replied Maxi- milian. " He wishes to show that the name of the * Swan of Pesaro,' which has been given him, is utterly inappropriate. Swans sing at the end of their lives, but Eossini has become silent in the middle of his. And I think that there he did well, and proved himself to be a genius. An artist who has only talent feels to the end of his life the impulse to work it out ; he is goaded by ambition ; he feels that he is always short of per- fection, and he is impelled to attain to the highest. But genius has already given us his highest pos- sible work ; he is content ; he scorns the world and petty ambition, and goes home as Shakespeare did, or promenades, smiling and jesting, on the Boulevard des Italiens in Paris, like Joachim FLORENTINE NIGHTS. si KossinL If the genius enjoys fair physical health he may live in this fashion a long time after he has completed his masterpieces, or, as people say, has fulfilled his mission. It is a mere prejudice or fancy for men to imagine that genius must die young. I think that from thirty to forty years is believed to be the fatal limit of such lives. How often I have teased poor Bellini with this, and prophesied that he in his quality as genius must die as soon as he should attain the dangerous age. Strange, in spite of my jesting tone, he tormented himself over this prophecy ; he called me his jettatore^ and always made the sign of the jettaUira. He wished so much to live ; he had such a passionate antipathy to death that he would not hear it mentioned. He was afraid of it as a child who fears to sleep in the dark. He was a good, dear child himself, sometimes rather naughty ; but one only need threaten him with his early death, and he became at once whim- pering and praying, and made the jettaiura with his two uplifted fingers. . . . Poor BeUini ! " " Then you knew him personally ? Was he handsome ? " ^ Jettatore. One who has the evil eye, and casts {j'etta) its in- fluence on others. The sign to avert it is made in Southern Italy by grasping the middle and ring finger with the thumb and throwing out the fore and little finger to resemble horns. In Tuscany it is more commonly lafiea, or cattagna, that is, clos* ing the fist, so that the thumb protrudes between the third and middle finger. 1 aa FLORENTINE NIGHTS. " He was not plain. You see that we men also cannot answer affirmatively when such a question is put to us regarding one of our own sex. He was of tall, slender form, as one who had suddenly shot up, who moved and gestured daintily, I might say coquettishly, always d quatre 4pingles ; ^ regular features, rather long and pale ; light blonde, almost golden hair, frisid in little locks ; a very high and noble forehead, a straight nose, very light blue eyes, a beautifully proportioned mouth, and round chin. His traits had in them something vague, devoid of character or milk-like, and in this milk-face there often curled sweet-sourly an expression of pain. This anguished look supplied in Bellini's face the want of wit and spirit,^ but it was a pain without depth; it shone dimly and without poetry in his eyes, and quivered without passion on his lips. This flat, insipid suffering seemed to be affected by the young maestro after a bygone fashion. His hair was curled in such a dreamy-visionary, melan- choly manner, his clothes fitted his dainty form so yearningly and sentimentally, he carried his little bamboo cane so idyllically, that he always reminded me of those young, old-fashioned lovers whom we see in rococo-shepherd plays acting affectedly with ribboned crooks and light- ^ Tiri d quatre epingles. Said of one who has taken extreme pains to be well or showily dressed. ^ Oeitt, etprit. I FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 23 coloured jackets and beautiful little breeches! And his gait was so maidenly, so elegant, so ethereal ! The whole man looked like a sighing swain en escarpins. The ladies doated on him, but I doubt whether he ever inspired a great passion. To me his personal appearance always had in it something drolly unpleasant, the real reasOTi for which was perhaps his manner of speaking French. For though he had lived several years in France, he spoke its language so badly that its like was not to be heard even in England. I will not say that he spoke it ladly, for the word had would here be entirely too good. One must say outrageously, incestuously, world- destroyingly — as a cataclysm. Yes, when one was in society with him, and he like a public executioner broke the poor French words on the wheel, and without sign or trembling dealt out a tremendous coq d Vdrie, one felt as if the very world must split as with a thunder-crack. A deathly stillness then spread over the entire hall, for death himself seemed to be painting terror on every face with chalk and cinnabar; ladies knew not whether they should faint or fly; men looked in sudden amazement at their breeches to realise that they really wore such things ; and, what was worst of all, this horror awoke at the same time a convulsive, maddening desire to laugh which could hardly be repressed. t4 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. Therefore if any one sat by Bellini in society, his neighbourhood inspired a certain anxious appre- hension which was sure to excite a horrible interest at once attractive and repulsive. Very often his unconscious puns were simply amusing, and in their monkey-like unmeaningness re- minded one of the castle of his fellow-country- man, the Prince of Pallagonia, which is described by Goethe in his Italian journey as a museum of baroque eccentricities and rubbishy mon- strosities, huddled together without rhyme or reason. As Bellini always believed on such occasions that he had said something quite harmless and serious, his face formed the drollest contrast with his words. Then it was that that which was unpleasing in his expression came out most cuttingly. Yet what I did not like in it was not, however, of such a kind that it could be described as a defect, and it certainly was not unpleasing to ladies. BeUini's face, like his whole physique, had that physical freshness, that blooming sensuousness, that rose-colour which makes on me a disagreeable impression — on me, I say, because I like much better that which is death-like and of marble.^ It was not till a ^ Heine here speaks very sincerely. This was the tone, and indeed the cant, of the Romanticists in the Thirties. "Oh, I like to look gloomy and melancholy ! " said in those days in my hearing a young man who had been told that his dressing in black gave him a sombre appearance. i FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 2$ later time, when I began to know Bellini, that I felt a liking for him. This came from observing that his character was perfectly noble and good. His soul is certainly pure, and has remained un- spotted by contact with vile things. Nor was there wanting in him that harmless good-nature, or the childlike, such as is never wanting in genial men, even if they do not show it to every one. " Yes, I remember," continued Maximilian, as he sank on the seat by which he had so far stood upright, leaning on the arm. " I re- member a single instant during which Bellini appeared to me in such a charming light that I regarded him with pleasure, and determined to learn to know him more intimatelv. But it was unfortunately the last time I was destined to see him in this life. This was one evening after supper in the house of a great lady, who had the smallest foot in Paris, and when he had become merry, and the sweetest melodies rang from the pianoforte. I can see him now, the good Bellini, when, exhausted by the many mad Bellinisms which he had chattered, he sat on a seat — it was very low, almost like a foot- stool, so that he found himself at the feet of a fair lady who had reclined opposite him on a sofa, and with sweet mischievousness looked down on him, while he toiled away to entertain her with a few French phrases, getting ever 96 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. deeper into difficulties, commenting in his Sicilian jargon in order to prove that what he said was not foolish, but, on the contrary, the most refined flattery. I do not think that the beautiful lady paid much attention to Bellini's phrases. She had taken his little cane, where- with he often helped himself out of weak places in rhetoric, and calmly used it to disarrange the elaborate arrangement of the hair on both temples of the young maestro. This caprice well became the smile which gave her features an expression such as I have never seen on a living human face. It was one of those which belong far more to the dream-realm of poetry than to the rough reality of life — contours re- calling Da Vinci, that noble soul ! — with the naive dimples in the chin, and the sentimental pointed-out bending chin of the Lombard school. The colour was rather of a Roman softness, a mother-of-pearl gleam, aristocratic paleness — morbidezza. In short, it was such a face as can only be found in old Italian portraits, in which the masters of the sixteenth century depicted as a master-work the portraits of great ladies whom they loved — such as poets sang when they sang for immortality, and such as German and French heroes yearned for when they girded on their Bwords, and seeking great deeds rushed over the Alps. Yes, yes, it was such a face, in which there FLORENTINE NIGHTS. «7 played a smile of sweetest mischief and of aris- tocratic waywardness, while she, the fair lady, disarranged the blonde locks of good Bellini with the bamboo cane. At that instant Bellini seemed to be transfigured to some utterly strange apparition, and aU at once he became allied to my heart. His face shone in the reflected light of that smile ; it was perhaps the goldenest moment of his life. I shall never forget him. Fourteen days after I read in the newspapers that Italy had lost one of her most famous sons. " Strangely enough the death of Paganini was announced at the same time. I did not doubt this in the least, because the old faded Paganini always looked like a dying man, but the death of the young and rosy Bellini seemed incredible. And yet the announcement of the death of the first was simply an error of the press. Paganini is alive and well at Genoa, and Bellini lies in his grave in Paris." " Do you like Paganini ? " asked Maria. " This man," exclaimed Maximilian, " is a glory to his country, and certainly deserves the most distinguished mention if one will speak of the musical notabilities of Italy." " I have never seen him," said Maria, " but according to report his exterior does not perfectly set forth the beautiful I have seen portraits of him" .."'*'^V.*'? I..*' 28 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. " None of which were like him," said Maximilian. " They all make him too ugly, or else flatter him, and do not give his true character. I think that only one man ever succeeded in putting the true physiognomy of Paganini on paper. He who did it is a deaf painter named Leyser, who, in his in- spired frolicking, hit off with a few pencil strokes the head of Paganini so well that one laughs and is frightened at the truth of the portrait. ' The devil guided my hand,' said the artist to me, mysteriously laughing low, and nodding his head with good-natured irony as he was wont to do in his Owlglass reflections. This painter was always a queer owL In spite of his deafness he loved music enthusiastically, and he really understood it when he was near enough to the orchestra to read the music in the faces of the musicians, and judge of the more or less successfvil execution by the fingering ; and, in fact, he wrote criticisms of the operas for a distinguished journal in Ham- burg. What is there wonderful in that ? The deaf painter could, in the visible signature of the playing, see the tones. Are there not men to whom tones themselves are only invisible signatures in which they hear colours and forms ? " ^ ^ Heine was the first to make known in French this style of using aesthetic correspondences or signatures — to borrow a term from Swedenborg. It was carried to a ridiculous excess by hia imitators, one of whom, in speaking of a ballet-girl, said : " The colour of her dancing is pyramidaL" But Heine bimMlf in occasionally extravagant in its use. FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 29 *' Such a man are you ! " cried Maria. " I am sorry that I no longer possess the little drawing by Leyser ; it would perhaps give you an idea of Paganini's appearance. It was only in harsh, black, fleeting strokes that one could set forth those unearthly traits which seemed to be- long rather to the sulphurous realm of shadows than to the sunny world of Hfa ' Truly the devil guided my hand,' asserted the deaf painter, as we stood by Alster pavilion in Hamburg on the day when Paganini gave his first concert there. 'Yes, my friend, it is true, what the whole world declares, that he has given himself over to the devil, body and soul, in order to be- come the best violinist in the world, and fiddle millions of money, and finally to get away from the damned galleys where he had suffered many years.^ For, you see, friend, when he was leader of the orchestra in Lucca, he fell in love with a theatrical princess, became jealous of a little abb^, ^ It seems incredible that within my recollection Paganini (or his impresario) could have excited an extraordinary interest in the public by circulating such reports. Many laughed at them, but far more were moved or affected. " Who knows ; there might be something in it." It was commonly said that Paga- nini bad imprisoned the soul of his mother in his violin. This made a great impression on me, being at the time a small boy, and I can remember being detected by my mother in company with a younger brother engaged in killing a fly or bee in a toy violin — our intention being that its sool should eternally buzz in the instrument. — Trandator, FLORENTINE NIGHTS. was perhaps made cocu, stabbed his untrue Amata in good Italian fashion, went for that to the gal- leys in Grenoa, and at last sold himself to the devil to be delivered and to become the greatest violin- player, and be able to get out of us a tribute — of two thalers. . . . But, look ! " All good spirits praise God ! " ^ there he comes in the Avenue with his a.mbigvioua famulus / ' ! " In fact it was Paganini himself whom I be- held. He wore a dark-grey overcoat, which came to his feet, making him appear extremely talL His long black hair fell in tangled locks on his shoulders, forming a dark frame for the pale, corpse-like countenance, in which care, genius, and hell combined had graved their inefifaceable signs. By him capered along a short, comfort- able-looking figure, commonplace, showy in dress, with a rosy wrinkled face, light-grey short coat with steel buttons, greeting right and left with irresistible amiability, but all the time squinting sideways with anxious apprehension at the dark form which, serious and reflecting, walked by his side. It recalled the picture by Eetzsch, in which Faust is walking with Wagner before the gate of Leipzig. The deaf artist commented on both figures in his wild fashion, and bade me observe carefully the measured long step of Paganini ' Is it not,' he said, * as if he stiU had the iron ' An old German invocation against dreaded spirits, spectres, &c. FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 31 cross rod between his legs ? He has got the convict step and can never lose it See how contemptuously and ironically he often looks down at his companion when he bores him with his commonplace questions ; — and yet he cannot get rid of him — a bloody contract binds him to that servant, who is Satan himself. Ignorant people think, of course, that this companion is the writer of comedies and anecdotes, Harrys of Hanover, whom Paganini takes with him as busi- ness-manager for his concerts ; but the multitude does not know that the devil took the form of Mr. George Harrys, the soul he keeps locked up with other rubbish in a chest in Hanover, where it will remain till the devil restores its proper fleshly envelope, when he wiU probably accom- pany his master, Paganini, through the world in the more befitting form of a black poodle.' " But if Paganini seemed to me sufficiently incredible and wonderful as I saw him walking under the green leaves of the Hamburg Jung- fernsteig, what were my impressions of his fear- fully eccentric apparition that evening in the concert ! This was given in the Comedy Theatre of Hamburg, and the art-loving pubHc had assem- bled so early and in such numbers that it was with difficulty that I conquered a place by the orchestra. Though it was post-day I saw in the balcony-boxes the whole refined and cultured 3a FLORENTINE NIGHTS. I business world* — a whole Olympus of bankers and similar millionaires, the gods of coffee and sugar, with their plump wife-goddesses, Junos of the Wandrahm and Aphrodites of DreckwaU. There was a holy quiet in all the halL Every eye was turned to the stage, every ear prepared to hear. My neighbour, an old huckster in furs, took the cotton from his ears, the better to take in the expensive tones, which cost two dollars entrance-money. At last there appeared on the stage a dark figure, which seemed to have risen from the under- world. It was Paganini, in his black dress suit;^ the black evening coat and black waistcoat, of an appalling cut, were pro- bably such as are prescribed by infernal etiquette at the court of Proserpine, while the loose trou- sers flapped vexatiously on the thin legs of the maestro. His long arms seemed to grow yet longer, as he held the violin in one hand, the bow down in the other, and almost bowed to the ground as he bestowed on the public his unheard- of reverence. In the angular bending of his body there was a fearful woodenness, and at the same time something foolishly brute-Uke, which would have caused laughter at his salutation ; but 1 Die game gebildete Handelswelt. ^ At the time here in question an entire suit of black for any one not in mourning was unusual enough to attract attention. Dumas mentions it as something distingue in the Count of Monte Christo. FLORENTINE NIOHTS, ' J| his face, which, in the strong orchestral illumina- tion, seemed more corpse-like than ever, had in it something so bashfully modest that a shudder- ing pity suppressed our desire to laugh. Had he learned those bows from an automaton or a dog? Was that imploring look that of one in deathly illness, or was there lurking behind it the mockery of a crafty money-grubber ? Was that a living man, who knows that he is about to perish and who will delight the public in the arena of art, like a dying gladiator with his convulsions or a dead man risen from the grave, a vampire with a violin, who, if he does not suck blood from our hearts, will, come what may, draw the money from our pockets ? "Such questions crossed one another flitting in our heads while Paganini made his unceasing compliments in gesture, but all such thoughts flitted afar when the wondrous master set his violin to his chin and began to play. As for me, you know well my musical second sight — my gift of seeing with every note which I hear its corresponding figure of sound; and so it came that Paganini, with every stroke of his bow, brought visible forms and facts before my eyes ; that he told me in a musical picture-writing all kinds of startling stories ; that he juggled before me at the same time a show of coloured Chinese shadows, in all of which he with his violin was 34 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. chief actor. Even with the first note from his bow the scene changed; he stood all at once with his music-desk in a cheerful hall, which was gaily and irregularly decorated with curved and twining furniture in the Pompadour style, everywhere little mirrors, gilt cupids, Chinese por- celaia, an exquisitely charming chaos of ribbons, flower garlands, white gloves, torn laces, false pearls, diadems of gilt sheet metal, and similar celestial theatrical properties, such as one sees in the sanctum of a prima donna. Paganini's exter- nal appearance had also changed, very much indeed to his advantage ; * he wore knee-breeches of lilac satin, a silver embroidered white waist- coat, a coat of light-blue satin with buttons wound with gold ; and Uttle locks of carefully curled hair played round his face, which bloomed with the roses of youth and gleamed with sweetest ten- derness, when he eyed the pretty little dames who stood round his music-desk while he played his violin. i "Indeed I saw by his side a pretty young creature, in old-fashioned dress of white satin puffed out on the hips, the waist seeming for that aU the more piquantly narrow, the powdered hair frisked aloft, the pretty round face flashing ^ Heine called himself a romanticist, but as regards the practical art of life and its associations, his heart was really in the later Renaissance, or Baroque period of the Regency.— Translator. FLORENTINE NIGHTS. jf .'t out all the more freely with its dazzling eyes, its rouged cheeks, court plaster beauty-patches, and impertinent sweet little nose. She held in her hand a white scroll of paper, and by the move- ments of her lips, and the coquettish movements of her form, seemed to be singing, but I could not hear one of her tiills, and it was only by the playing of the violin with which the youthful Paganini accompanied the charming child that I coidd imagine what she sang, and what he him- self felt in his soul while she sang. Ah ! those were melodies such as the nightingale flutes in the twilight, when the perfume of the rose intoxi- cates her sympathetic heart, inspired by Spring with deepest longing. Ah ! that was a melting, voluptuous, deep-desiring happiness ! There were tones which kissed, and then, pouting, turned away, and again laughing, embraced and melted together, and then lost, enraptured, intoxicated, died away in one. Yes, the tones mingled in gay sport, like butterflies when one in jest flies from another, hides itself behind a flower, is found and hunted out, and finally, hght-hearted and trifling, flutters up with the other — up into the golden sunlight. But a spider — a vile spider — can bring about a dire tragedy for such enamoured butter- flies. Did the young heart divine aught like that ? A long melancholy sighing tone, like the premonition of a coming evil, slid slowly through $i FLORENTINE NIOHTS. ! the most enrapturing melodies which flashed from Paganini's playing ; his eyes became moist ; worshipping he knelt before his Amata — but oh I as he bowed to kiss her feet he saw beneath the bed — a little abb^ ! I do not know what he had against the poor man, but the Genoese became pale as death ; he grappled in rsige the little fellow, gave him boxes on the ear and not a few kicks, hurled him headlong out of doors, and then, drawing a stiletto from his pocket, plunged it into the breast of the young beauty. " At that instant cries of ' Bravo I Bravo ! * rang from every side. Hamburg's inspired men and women paid their tribute of the most roaring applause to the great artist, who had ended the first part of his concert, and who with more angles and contortions than before bowed before them. It seemed to me that in his face was a more imploring humility than ever, but in his eyes flickered a tormenting fear like a wretched sinner's. "'Divine!' cried my neighbour, the fur- dealer ; * that piece alone was well worth two thalers.' I " When Paganini began to play again it seemed to be dark before my eyes. The tones did not change as before into bright shapes and hues; the form of the Master wrapped itself in gloomy shadows, from whose depth his music came wail- ••■■^- FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 37 ing in the most cutting accjents of sorrow. Only from time to time, as a little lamp which hung over him cast a feeble light on his features, could I see his paUid countenance, which still retained traces of youtL His garb was strange indeed — divided in two parts, one red, one yellow. Heavy fetters hung to his feet. Behind him grimaced a f eice whose physiognomy indicated a jovial, he-goat nature ; and I saw long, hairy hands which seemed to belong to . it, moving now and then on the strings of the violin which Paganini played, often guiding his hand, whUe a floatmg, applauding laugh accompanied the tones which welled forth more painfully, and as if bleeding, from the violin. They were tones like the song of the fallen angels who had wooed and wantoned with the daughters of Earth, and been banished from the kingdom of the blest, and fallen, with cheeks burning with shame, into the under-world : tones in whose bottomless abyss there was neither comfort nor hope. Should the holy in heaven hear such music the praise of God would be mute on their pale lips, and they, weeping, would hide their pious heads. Ever and anon, when in the melo- dious torments of this piece the oUigato goat- laughter came bleating in, I saw in the back- ground a multitude of little female figures, who, spitefully-merry, nodded their horrible heads and rubbed their breasts in mocking mischief. 3S FLORENTINE NIGHTS. Then there came in hurried crowds from the violin sounds of pain, and a terrible sighing and gasping, such as no one ever heard on earth before, and perhaps will never hear again, unless it shall be in the Vale of Jehoshaphat, when the tremen- dous trumpets of the Last Judgment ring out, and the naked corpses creep from their graves to await their doom. But the tormented vio- linist suddenly drew his bow so madly and desperately that his rattling fetters burst, and the diabolical ally with the mocking demons disappeared. " At that instant my neighbour, the fur-dealer, said, * Pity ! pity ! he has burst a string. That comes of his constant pizzicato ! ' ^ " Had a string really burst on the violin ? I do not know. I only observed the transfigura- tion of the tones, and then it seemed to me as if Paganini and all his surroundings were again suddenly changed. I could hardly recognise him in the brown monk's dress, which rather disguised than clothed him. His wild and wasted face half-hidden by the hood, a rope round his waist, Paganini stood on a chff over- hanging the sea, and played his violin. It seemed to me to be twilight tide ; evening-flame flowed ! * Said to have been a trick of Paganini's, who could play admirably on three or two strings, or even one, as no one ever did before or since. ■'*'»•»«-*., ■mjtm FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 39 over the broad sea, which grew redder and redder, and rustled and roared more gaily and wildly in mysterious and perfect harmony with the violin. But the redder the sea became so much the more pallid grew the heaven, and when at last the waving water looked like bright scarlet blood, then the sky overhead became ghostly clear, aU corpse- white, and out came the stars — and these stars were black, black as shining anthracite. But the tones of the violin grew more stormy and bolder, and in the eyes of the terrible player there sparkled such a mocking delight in destroy- ing, and his thin lips moved with such appalling rapidity, that it was clear he was murmuring ancient forbidden witch-spells with which storms are called up and those evil spirits evoked who lie imprisoned in the sea's abyss. Many a time did he, when stretching forth his long, lean, bare arm, and sweeping the bow in the air, seem to be in sooth and truth a wizard who, with a magic staff, commanded the elements, for then there was a mad, delirious howling in the depths of the sea, and the furious waves of blood leaped up so furiously on high that they almost be- sprinkled the pale heaven and its black stars with their red foam.^ * In 1832-33 there was to be seen in every music-shop window 5 picture representing Paganini as a sorcerer fiddling among witches and imps. — Translator. 40 FLORENTINE NJOHTS. There was howling, crashing, cracking, as if the whole world was breaking to fragments, while the monk played more madly on his violin, as if he would, by the power of his raging will, burst the seven seals wherewith Solomon closed the iron jar in which he imprisoned the demons whom he had subdued. That jar the wise king cast into the sea, and it seemed as if I heard the voices of the demons when Paganini's vioHn growled out its angriest basso notes. But after a while I thought I heard the joyous cry of those set free, and I saw rising one by one out of the red waves of blood the heads of the unchained demons, monsters of incredible hideousness, crocodiles with bat's wings, serpents with stag's horns, monkeys capped with conch shells, seals with patriarchal long beards, women's faces with breasts instead of cheeks, green camels' heads, wild hybrids of inconceivable composition,^ all glaring greedily with cold crafty eyes, and grasp- ing, with long webbed feet and fingers, at the fiddling monk. Then in the raging zeal of in- vocation his capote fell back, and the ringlets flying in the wind curled round his head like black serpents. " It was all so maddening, that not to utterly ^ All of these monaters, excepting perhaps the green camels' beads, which I do not remember, are to be found in pictures by Qollen-Breughel and Callot. — Ttxmdator. *■■■,,■■!' ''^** ♦•***• ifi^ FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 41 lose my mind I stopped my ears and closed my eyes. Then the enchantment disappeared, and when I looked again I saw the poor Genoese in his wonted form making his usual bows, while the public applauded rapturously. ' " That is the celebrated performance on the G string,' remarked my neighbour, * I play the violin myself, and know what it is to have such mastery over the instrument!' " Fortunately the interval was not long, else my musical fur-dealer had certainly involved me in a tiresome talk on art. Paganini set his violin leisurely to his chin, and with the first touch of his bow, there began again the wondrous trans- figuration of tones. But now they were neither so startling in colour or so marked in form. They came forth calmly, majestically, waving and rising like those of an organ choral in a cathedral ; and all the surroundings seemed to have expanded to a colossal space, such as no bodily vision but only the eye of the spirit can grasp. In the midst of this space swept a burning ball, on which stood a man of giant stature and grand in pride, who played the violin. Was this sphere of light the sun ? I know not. But in the features of the man I recognised Paganini, ideally beautified, celestially refined, atoned for divinely, and smiling. This body was fresh and fair in vigorous manli- ness ; a light-blue garment was about his now far 42 FLORENTINE NIGHTS, nobler limbs, the black hair flowed in shining locks on his shoulders, and as he stood there, firm and confidently, like the sublime statue of a god, and played the violin, it seemed as if all creation obeyed his tones. He was the man- planet round whom the universe moved, ringing with measured joy and in happy rhythm. "Were those great lights which swept so calmly gleaming round him stars of heaven ? "Were those sweet- sounding harmonies which were caused by their motion, the music of the spheres, of which poets and seers have told so much that is bewildering and strange ? Sometimes when with an effort I looked forth and far into the dim distance, I seemed to see white waving garments, in which colossal pilgrims wandered in disguise, with staves in their hands ; and, strange ! the gold heads of their staves were those same great lights which I had taken for stars. These pilgrims went in a vast procession around the great player ; the heads of their staves fiashed reflected light from the tones of his violin ; and the chorals which rang from their lips, and which I had taken for the noise of the spheres, were really only the re- bounding echoes of his violin. An ineffable, nameless passion dwelt in these sounds, which often quivered almost inaudibly, like mysterious whispering on water, then again swelled up sweetly-terrible, like the tones of hunters' horns vw>,-. ,■.!<"• ,>,.-. /(•'•<•> FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 43 by moonlight,-^ and then burst out into unbridled rejoicing, as though a thousand bards were sweep- ing the strings and raising their voices in a song of victory. That was the music which no ear has heard, only the heart can dream it when by night it rests against the heart of the beloved. But it may be that the heart comprehends it even in the clear, bright daylight, when it rejoicing loses itself in the Hnes of beauty and ovals of a Greek work of art." " Or when a man had had a bottle too much of champagne," cried a laughing voice, which woke our narrator as if from a dream. As he turned he saw the doctor, who, with black Deborah, had softly entered the room to learn what eJBfect his medicine had had on the invalid. " I do not like this sleep," said the doctor, as he pointed to the sofa. Maximilian, who, sunk in the fantasies of his own speech, had not observed that Maria had long been asleep, bit his Ups as if vexed. "This sleep," continued the doctor, "gives the face an appearance which has all the char- acter of death. Does it not look like one of ^ This seems to have been suggested by a very wild and beantiful German song and melody : — " There is a hunter who blows his horn, And ever by the night ! He blows the deer from out the com, And ever by the night ! " '!!|,/P*, <•< 44 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. ] 1 those white masks, or plaster casts, in which we try to preserve the traits of the departed ? " "And I would like," whispered Maximilian, " to have such a cast of our friend. She will be very beautiful, even in death." " I advise you not to have it," replied the doctor. " Such masks lead astray our memories of the loved ones. We feel as if there was in them something of their Hves still kept, while that which is really retained is actually death itself. Features which are regular and beautiful then become hard and frozen, satirical, or repul- sive,^ by which they terrify us more than they please. But casts become complete caricatures when they are from faces whose charm was of a spiritual, refined nature, and whose features were less regular than interesting, for as soon as the graces of life are extinguished in them the actual departures from the ideal lines of beauty are no longer balanced by mental charms. One thing also is common to all these casts — it is a certain enigmatic expression which, the more we study them, the more it runs shivering like frost through the soul : they all look like people who intend to take a long journey." " And whither ? " asked Maximilian, as the doctor took his arm and led him forth. ' PataUt. Absolutely advene or destruotive. * ...•r^^£s:j FLORENTINE NIGHTS. SECOND NIGHT, " And why will you torment me with this horrible medicine, since I must die so soon ? " Maria had just said this, as Maximilian had entered the roonL The physician stood before her holding in one hand a vial of medicine, in the other a little cup, in which foamed a very unpleasant-looking brownish liquid. "My dearest friend," he said to Maxumliein, " your presence is very much needed just now. I beg you try to induce Signora to swallow these few drops. I am in a great hurry." " I beg you, Maria ! " said Maximilian, in the soft voice which was not often heard from him, and which seemed to come from a pained heart, so that the patient, deeply moved, almost forget- ting her own suffering, took the cup. But ere she put it to her mouth she said, smiling : " To reward me you will tell the story of Laurence ? " " All that you desire shall be done," assented Maximilian. The pale lady drank the contents of the cup, half smiling, half shuddering. " I am in a hurry," said the doctor, as he drew on his black gloves. " Lie down calmly, Signora 46 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. ' and move as little as possible. I am in a hurry." He left the room accompanied by black Deborah, who lighted him fortL When the two friends were alone they looked at one another for a long time in silence. There were thoughts in the souls of both which neither would express. Then the woman suddenly grasped the man's hand and covered it with burning kisses. ** For God's sake ! " said Maximilian, " do not exert yourself so much, and lie calmly on the sofa." As Maria obeyed him, he very carefully covered her feet with the shawl, which he first kissed. She must have seen this, for her eyes twinkled like those of a happy child "Was Mademoiselle Laurence very beauti- ful?" "If you will not interrupt me, dear friend, and promise to be calm and quiet, I will teU you circumstantially all that you wish to hear." Smiling at the assenting glance of Maria, Maximilian sat on the chair before the sofa, and thus began his story : — " It is now eight years since I went to London to learn the language and people there. The devil take the people with their language ! They take a dozer monosyllables in mouth, chew them, FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 47 crush them, and spit them out, and call that talking. But by good luck they are naturally tolerably taciturn, and though they always stare at us open-mouthed they at least spare us long conversations. But woe to him who meets a son of Albion who has made the grand tour, and learned to speak FrencL He will avail himself of the opportunity to practise the language, and overwhelm us with questions as to all subjects conceivable, and hardly is one answered before he begins with another either as to our age or home or how long we intend to remain where we are, and he believes that this incessant questioning is the best method to entertain us.^ One of my friends in Paris is perhaps right when he declares that the English learn to converse in French at the Bureau des passeports. Their conversation is most edifying at table when they carve their colossal roast beef, and with the most serious air ask us what part we prefer, rare or well done, from the middle or the brown outside, fat or lean ? But roast beef and mutton are all they have ^ There are many extraordinary conceptions in this work — that of comparing Paganini to Jehovah is not bad in its way — but for a tremendous perversion of truth this accusation of the English as impertinent questioners is unsurpassed. I have tra- velled much in my life and know the English fairly well, and consider that of all people on the face of the earth they mind their own business most, and are least given to such queries.— Translator, 48 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 1 which is good.^ Heaven keep every Christian from their gravies, which are made of one-third meal and two-thirds butter, or when a change is needed, one-third butter and two-thirds meal: And Heaven guard every one from their naive vegetables which, boiled away in water, are brought to the tables just as God made them ! But more terrible than the cookery of the Eng- lish are their toasts, with the obligatory standing speeches when the table-cloth is removed and the ladies departed, and so many bottles of port are in their place, which are supposed to be the best substitute for the fair sex; but I may weU say the fair sex, for English women deserve this name. They are beautiful, white, tall creatures, only the too great space between the mouth and nose, which is as common among them as with the men, often spoiled for me, in England, the most beautiful faces. This departure from the type of the beautiful impresses me more horribly when I see English people here in Italy, where their sparingly measured noses, and the broad space between them and the mouth, make a more startling contrast with the faces of the Italians, ^ " Maximilian," it wonid appear, while in London, had access only to the plainest City ordinaries. But in this style of descrip- tion be is far outdone by a noble French tonrist, who declaret^ in a recently published book of travels, that in aU the United States he fonnd nothing fit to eat. This is worse even than plain roasts. — TfxmtUUor. :./.- FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 49 whose traits are of a more antique regularity, and whose noses, either aquiline like the Koman or straight like the Greek, often go into e;xcess of length. It was very well remarked by a German that the English, when among Italians, look Hke statues with the noses knocked off. "Yes, when we meet English people in a J^Mneign country their defects first become striking by comparison. They are the gods of ennui, who, in shining, varnished coaches, drive extra- post through every country, and leave everywhere a grey dust-cloud of sadness behind them.^ Hence comes their curiosity without interest, their bedi- zened, over-dressed coarseness,'^ their insolent bash- fulness, their angular egotism, and their dismal delight in all melancholy things. For three weeks we have seen every day on the Piazza del gran Duca an Englishman who stands for hours gaping at the charlatan who, while seated on a horse, draws teeth. This spectacle is perhaps for the noble son of Albion an equivalent for the executions which he neglected to attend in his * It is very characteristic of nervous, frivolous natures that they cannot conceive of gravity or calmness except as associated with dulness and suffering. The North American Indians are the most imperturbable of mortals, but they certainly suffer less from ennui than any others. But Heine had in reality only a very second-hand stage-knowledge of the English. ' Geputzte Plumpheit. This implies rather a burly bluffness, not very much given to consider refined feelings. It is a little less than literal coarseness. D 50 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. I dear native land. For after boxing and cock- fighting there is no sight so delightful to a Briton as the agony of a poor devil who has stolen a sheep or imitated a signature, and who is ex- hibited for an hour before the fagade of the Old Bailey with a rope round his neck before he is hurled into eternity. It is no exaggeration to say that sheep-stealing and forgery in that abomi- nably cruel country are punished not less severely than the most revolting crimes, such as parricide and incest. I myself happening to come that way by mere chance, saw a man hung in London for stealing a sheep, and from that time forth lost all relish for roast mutton — the fat always put me in mind of the white cap of the poor sinner/ With him was hanged an Irishman, who had imitated the writing of a rich banker, and I think I can still see the naive deathly agony of poor Paddy, who before the assizes could not understand why he was so severely punished ^ Heine appears to be oblivious here to the fact that within his own lifetime criminals were publicly broken on the wheel in Germany. His sympathy for the Irishman who swindled " a rich banker " is but natural, if we may believe what is told in hia Lives, that he himself, when in England, having been in- trusted by his uncle with a letter of credit, on the express con- dition that be should only use a part of it, drew the whole. When his uncle found fault with him for this, the nephew asked him, with an audacious insolence that staggered the great banker, " My dear uncle, did you really expect not to have to pay for the honour of bearing my name 7 " — Translator. FLORENTINE NIGHTS. $t for imitating other men's signatures, when he was quite willing to let any mortal man imitate his own ! And these people talk always about Christianity, and go to church every Sunday, and flood the world with Bibles ! ^ " I must own, Maria, that if nothing was to my taste in England, neither men nor meat, the fault lay partly in myself. I had brought a good stock of ill-temper and discontent with me from home, and I sought to be cheered up by a race which can only subdue its own ennui in the whirlpool of pohtical and mercantile action. The perfection of machinery, which is there every- where applied to some purpose, and which executes so many human tasks, had for me something mysterious and terrible ; the artificial headlong action of wheels, shafts, cylinders, with a thousand small hooks, cogs, and teeth, which whirl so madly, filled me with dread. The de- finiteness, the exactness, the meted out and mea- suied punctuality of life, tormented me quite as much, for as the machines in England seem like men, so the men seem to me like mere machines. Yes, wood, iron, and brass, these seem to have usurped the spirit of humanity, and often to be raging with fulness of intelligence, while Man, ^ Hardly to be cited as inconsistent. Ananias and Sapphira were struck dead — very deservedly — for cheating the Christian community out of a small sum and lying. — Trandator. ^ 52 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. with his soul gone, attends like a machine to hia business and affairs ; eats at the appointed minute his beefsteak, delivers parliamentary speeches, brushes his naUs, mounts the stage-coach, or — hangs himself. " How my displeasure and discontent increased every day in this land, /ou may well imagine. But nothing could surpass the gloomy mood which once came over me as I, towards evening, stood on Waterloo Bridge and looked down into the Thames. It seemed to me as if my soul, with all its scars, was mirrored there, and looked up at me from the water. Then the most dis- tressing memories vexed my mind. I thought of the rose daily sprinkled with vinegar, which thereby paid penance with its sweetest perfume, and prematurely died; of the stray butterfly, whom a naturalist who once climbed Mont Blanc saw fluttering in solitude among blocks of ice; of the tame she-monkey, who was so familiar with men that she played and ate with them; but one day she recognised in the roast on the table her own little one, and, catching it up, rushed into the forest, and never came among mankind again. Ah ! I was so wretched and sad that the hot tears leapt from my eyes ; they fell into the Thames, and swam forth into the great ocean, which has already swallowed so many without observing them. FLORENTINE NIGHTS, 53 "It happened at this instant that a strange music woke me from my dark dreams, and, looking round, I saw a group of people who seemed to form a ring roimd some entertaining show. I drew near, and saw a family of artists consisting of these four persons. "Firstly, a little dumpy woman, dressed in black, who had a very little head, and before her a very big drum, on which she hammered away without mercy. " Secondly, a dwarf, who wore an embroidered coat like that of an old French marquis, and had a great, powdered head, but very slender limbs, and who, while skipping, beat a triangle. " Thirdly, a girl of perhaps fifteen years, who wore a short, close-fitting jacket of blue-striped silk, with fuU, wide trousers to match. It was an aerial and charming figure, the face of a perfectly beautiful Greek type. She had a noble, straight nose, beautifully curled lips, a dreamy, softly- rounded chin, her complexion sunny brown, with the shining black hair wound over the temples. Thus she stood, tall and serious, as it seemed out of tune or in Hi-temper, and looked at the fourth member of the troupe, who was engaged in an artistic performance. " This fourth person was a learned dog — a very promising poodle — who had, to the great delight of the English public, put together, from the •— :-* **«r \r.¥"' ■*"i -*:.*• -— ,* ^^-«:« Y^ « ,.-...;,w* ,-•»... W:^*,-^ . 54 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. I ■ wooden letters laid before him, the name of Lord Wellington, and added to it the very flattering word Hero. And as the dog, as one could easily see by his intelligent appearance, was no English bnite, but had come with the other three per- formers from France, the sons of Albion rejoiced that their great general had, at least from the dogs of France, that recognition of his greatness which was so meanly denied to him by the other creatures of that country. t "This company was in fact French, and the dwarf, who announced himself as Monsieur Tur- lutu, began to bluster and boast in French with such passionate gestures that the poor English gaped with their mouths, and lifted their noses higher than ever. He often, after a long sen- tence, crowed like a cock, and these cock-a-doodle- doos, and the names of many emperors, kings, and princes which he scattered here and there, were all that the poor spectators understood. He boasted that these emperors, kings, and princes had been his patrons and friends. Even when only eight years of age he had, as he declared, held a long conversation with his late majesty Louis XVL, who subsequently frequently con- sulted him in most important affairs. He had, like many others, escaped the storms of the Revolution, nor was it till the Empire that he returned to his dear native land to take part in the glory FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 55 of la grande nation. Kapoleon, he declared, had never liked him, but he had been almost idolised by His Holiness Pope Pius the Seventh. The Emperor Alexander had given him bon-bons, and the Princess Wilhelm von Kyritz always took him on her lap. His Serene Highness, Duke Karl of Brunswick, had let him ride many a time on his dog, and His Majesty King Louis of Bavaria had read to him his sublime poems. The princes of Reuss Schleiz-Kreuz and of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen loved him like a brother, and always smoked from the same pipe with him. Yes, from childhood, he declared, he had always lived only among sovereigns ; the contemporary monarchs had grown up familiar with him, he regarded them as his equals, and always wore mourning when one of them passed away. After these words of weight he crowed again like a cock. " Monsieur Turlutu was really one of the most curious dwarfs whom I had ever seen, for his wrinkled, ancient face formed such a comical contrast to his little, childlike body, and his whole person contrasted yet more funnily with his feats. For he next assumed the most defiant positions, and with an inhumanly long rapier stabbed the air right and left, while he incessantly swore on his honour that this carte or that tierce could not be parried by any one, that his parade was '**iffi?r'*:**'— v:"", "*■•■■■'■'— — ^-- — r t *»•.,. .^ ... — _ ^.., -...'.« ..*v. „^, 56 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. \ i unassailable, and that he challenged any one present to compete with him in the noble art of fencing. " After the dwarf had for some time amused the multitude in this manner, and found that no one would fight in public a duel with him, he bowed with old French grace, thanked his audi- ence for the favour with which they had received him, and took the freedom to announce to the highly honourable public the most extraordinary exhibition which had ever been admired on English ground. * You see this person,' he cried, as he drew on a dirty kid glove, and led the young girl of the troupe with respectful gallantry to the midst of the ring ; ' this lady is Mademoi- selle Laurence, the only daughter of the noble and Christian lady whom you see there with the drum, and who now wears mourning on account of the recent death of her deeply-loved husband, who was the greatest ventriloquist in Europe. Mademoiselle Laurence will now dance ! Ladies and gentlemen will please to admire the dance of Mademoiselle Laurence 1 ' After which he again crowed. "The young girl did not seem to pay the slightest attention to this speech, nor to the gaze of those around. As if lost in troubled thought she waited till the dwarf had spread a carpet before her and began to play his triangle in _«.-—• '■* ■■• •• - '-If -*'3 i« ,...^i*.«»^ ^vt/* -v-^ ^ FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 57 accompaniment with the great drum. It was strange music, a mixture of awkward ill-temper and voluptuous tickling, and I noted in it a pathetic, fantastic, mournfully bold and bizarre melody, which was, however, of the strangest simplicity. But I forgot the music as soon as the young girl began to danca " Both dancer and dance attracted my whole attention. It was not the classic dancing such as we still see in great ballets, where, as in classic tragedy, only sprawling unities and artificial effects flourish. It was not those footed Alex- andrines, those declamatory leaps, those anti- thetic entrechats, that noble passion which whirls in pirouettes so distractingly down on one foot that one sees nothing but heaven and stockinette — nothing but ideality and lies ! There is really nothing so repulsive to me as the ballet in the great opera in Paris, where the traditions of ' classic ' dancing have been most perfectly pre- served, while the French have overthrown the classic system in all other arts, poetry, music, and painting. But it will be hard for them to bring about a similar revolution in the art of dancing, unless it be that here, as in their poli- tical revolution, they fly to terrorism, and guillo- tine the legs of the obstinate male and female dancers of the old regime. " Mademoiselle Laurence was no great dansetise. *ff **•%.-* ^-' ^ ' 58 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. her toes were not very supple, her legs were not practised in all possible contortions ; she under- stood nothing of the art of dancing as Vestris teaches it, but she danced as Nature teaches ; her whole soul was in time with her steps ; not only did her feet dance, but her whole form and face. She often became pale, almost deadly pale ; her eyes opened spectrally wide, yearning and pain convulsed her lips, while her black hair, which in smooth ovals inclosed her temples, moved like two flapping ravens' wings. It was indeed no classic dance, but neither was it romantic in the sense in which a young Frenchman of the school of Eugene Kenduel would explain the word. It had neither anything Mediaeval nor Venetian, nor distorted and deformed, nor Macabre — there was in it neither moonshine nor incest. It was a dance which did not attempt to amuse by out- ward phases of motion, but by phases which seemed to be words of a strange language which would say strange things. But what did the dance say ? I could not understand it, however passionately it pleaded. I only felt that here and there something terribly, shudderingly pain- ful was meant. I who in other things grasp so readily the key of a mystery, could not solve this danced enigma, and that I sought in vain to find the sense was the fault of the music, which cer- tainly sought to lead me astray, which cunningly ^^Xa^.yidt^4»Uf;M FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 59 tried to bewilder me and set me wrong. The triangle of Monsieur Turlutu tittered many a time mockingly, while Madame the mother beat so angrily on her great drum that her face beamed out of the cloud of black hood round her face like a blood-red Northern light. "Long after the troupe had departed, I re- mained standing in the same place wondering what this dance could mean. Was it some national dance of the South of France or of Spain ? These were recalled by the irrepressible energy with which the dancer threw her body to and fro, and the wildness with which she often threw her head backwards in the mad manner of the bold Bacchantae whom we see with amazement on the reliefs of antique vasea Her dance had in it something of intoxicated unwilfulness, something gloomily inevitable or fatalistic, for she danced like destiny itself. Or was it a fragment of some primaevally ancient, forgotten pantomime ? Or a secret tale of life, set to motion ? Very often the girl bent to the earth, with listening ear, as if she heard a voice calling up to her. Then she trembled like an aspen leaf, Bprang quickly to the other side, and there in- dulged in her maddest gambols. Then she inclined her ear again to the earth, listened more anxiously than before, nodded with her head, grew sad and pale, shuddered, stood awhile ■•?:^.-., 6o FLORENTINE NIGHTS. straight as a taper, as if frozen, and finally made a motion as if washing her hands ! "Was it blood which she so carefully, with such terrible anxiety, washed away ? While doing this she cast to one side a glance so pitifully imploring, so soul-melting — and this glance fell by chance on ma^ " I thought all night long on this glance, on the dance, on the wild accompaniment, and as I, on the morrow, roamed as usual about the streets, I felt a deep longing to meet the beautiful dancer again, and I pricked up my ears to perceive if I could the sound of drum and triangle music. I had at last found in London something which interested me, and I no longer wandered aimlessly about in its gaping streets. " I had just quitted the Tower, where I had carefully looked at the axe with which Anne Bullen was beheaded, the diamonds of the British crown, and the Hens, when I beheld again Madame the mother with the great drum, and heard Monsieur Turlutu crowing like a cock. The learned dog again raked together the heroism of Lord "Wellington, the dwarf displayed his in- ^ Making due allowance for the manner of description, and the hand-washing fragment borrowed from the ballet of Macbeth, it would appear that Heine had seen somewhere a dance by some Hungarian or Russian gypsy girl, without knowing what it meant The listening to the speech of the Pchuw* or earth- spirit proves this. .♦:„, 0- -^ ■-.. . -~ ...-•- ^. .-•.- » •»»- .v/'.^- »'• ^,-»,~* .. T---' •-- FLORENTINE NIGHTS. . 6i vincible carte and tierce, and Mademoiselle Laurence began once more her wonderful dance. And there were again the same enigmatical movements, the same language speaking what I could not understand, the same impetuous casting back of the beautiful head, the same listening at the ground, the terror which relieved itself by mad leaps, again the listening to the voice below, the trembling, the growing pale, the frozen silence, the frightfully mysterious washing of hands, and at last the side glance, imploring and beseeching, which she cast at me, lasting this time longer than before. " Yes, women, girls as well as matrons, know at once when they have attracted the attention of a man. Although Mademoiselle Laurence, when not performing, always stood motionless and sad, and while she danced hardly looked at the public, from this time it was no longer by chance that her glance ever fell on me, and the oftener I saw her dance the more significantly she looked, but stUl more incomprehensible was her expression. I was as if bewitched by this glance, and for three weeks from morning till evening did I walk the streets of London, stop- ping wherever Mademoiselle Laurence danced. In spite of the great noise of the multitude I could catch at the greatest distance the sound of the drum and triangle, and Monsieur Turlutu. «a FLORENTINE NIGHTS. as soon as he saw me coming, raised his most friendly crow. And without ever speaking a word to him or with Mademoiselle Laurence, with Madame M^re, or with the learned dog, I seemed in the end to belong entirely to the troupe. When Monsieur Turlutu took up his collections, he always behaved with the most refined tact, as soon as he drew near me, and always looked away when I threw into the three-cornered hat a small coin. He had really an aristocratic manner ; he recalled the exquisite politeness of the past. One could see in the little man that he had grown up among monarchs, and so much the stranger did it seem and quite below his dignity when he crowed Hke a cock. " I cannot tell you how sad I felt when for three days I sought in vain for the little troupe in all the streets, and at last was certain they had left London. The blue devils held me once more in their leaden arms, and squeezed my heart together. At last I could endure it no longer, and bade adieu to the mob, the black- guards, the gentlemen, and the fashionables of England — the Four Estates of the realm — and travelled back to the civilised world, where I knelt down, devoutly praying, before the white apron of the first cook whom I met. Eor here I could once more dine like an intelligent human being, and refresh my soul by the contemplation of FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 63 unselfish faces. But I could never forget Made- moiselle Laurence. She danced a long time in my memory, and in idle hours I often reflected on the enigmatic pantomime of the beautiful child, especially on the listening at the earth with inclined eai*. It was long ere the imcanny triangle and drum melody faded away from my mind. " And that is the whole story ? " cried Maria, as she rose passionately excited- But Maximilian gently pressed her back, laid his forefinger significantly on his mouth, and whispered, " Still — be stiU — speak not a word. Be good and calm, and I will tell you the tail of the story; but, for life, do not interrupt me!" Then as he loUed back somewhat more com- fortably in his chair, he thus continued : — " Five years after aU this I came for the first time to Paris, and that at a very remarkable time. The French had put their Eevolution of July on the stage, and the whole world applauded. This drama was not so terrible as the previous tragedies of the Eepublic and the Empire. Only a few thousand corpses remained on the show- ground, with which the political romanticists were not very weU satisfied, and they announced a new piece in which more blood was to flow, and the executioner be much busier. 64 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. ' " Paris delighted me by the gaiety which is there manifested in everything, and which sheds its influence even on darkened souls. Strange, Paris is the stage where the greatest tragedies of the world's history are acted — tragedies of which the memory, even in most distant lands, makes hearts tremble and eyes weep — but to him who sees them here in Paris itself, it is as it once was with me when I saw the Tour de Nesle played at the Porte Saint Martin. For I was seated behind a lady who wore a hat of rose-red gauze, and this hat was so broad that it completely covered for me the whole stage- view, so that I only saw all that was being tragedied through the red gauze, and all the horrors of the Tour de Nesle appeared consequently in the gayest couleur de rose. Yes, there is such a roselight in Paris, which softens all tragedies for him who is close by, so that his enjoyment of life shall not be diminished. Even the terrors or troubles which one has brought to Paris in his own heart lose their power to tor- ment. There all sufferings are soothed. In the air of Paris all wounds heal more rapidly than elsewhere; there is something in it as grandly elevating, as soothing, as charming as in the people themselvea " What pleased me best in the Paris people was its polite manners and aristocratic mien. Sweet pine-apple perfume of politeness, how beneficently FLORENTINE NIGHTS. H didst thou refresh my sick and weary soul, which had imbibed in Germany so much tobacco nausea, smell of sauer-kraut, and vulgarity ! The delight- ful and apt excuses of a Frenchman who, on the day of my arrival, had by accident nm against me in the street, sounded to me Hke the melodies of Rossini I was almost frightened at such sweet politeness, I who was accustomed to German boorish knocks in the ribs without a word of apology. During my first week in Paris I sought intentionally to be run against by people, that I might enjoy this apologetic music. But it is not merely from politeness, but owing to their language itself, the French people have a peculiar coating of eminent refinement. For, as you know, by us in the North the French language is an attribute of the higher nobiUty, and from childhood the idea of aristocracy was always associated in my mind with French. And so a French market-woman ^ spoke better French than a German comtesse of sixty-four quarter- ings. " On account of their language, which gives them an aristocratic air, the French people have to me something delightfully romantic in all ^ Dame de la Halle. Women noted for their Paris patoit, or slang and vulgarity. A comparison recalling the remark of the English or American lady, who, in commenting on the superi- ority of the Gallic race to all others, remarked that in Paris even the lowest stable-boys wore French boots. »--■■■.: 66 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. their ways and words. This came from another reminiscence of mj childhood. For the first book in which I learned to read French was the Fables of Lafontaine, in which the naively sensible phrases made such an ineffaceable im- pression on my memory that, when I came to Paris and heard French spoken everywhere, I continually recalled the old stories. It seemed to me that I heard the well-known voices of the animals ; now the lion spoke, then the wolf, then the lamb, or the stork, or the dove — ever and anon master fox, and in memory many a time I heard — • Eh ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau I Que voua Stes joli ! que vous me semblez beau I ' "Such reminiscences of fables awoke in my soul much oftener when I in Paris frequented the higher regions, which men called the world. For this was specially the world which supplied Lafontaine with the types of his animal char- acters. The winter season began soon after my arrival in Paris, and I took part in the salon life in which that world moves more or less merrily. What struck me aa most interesting in this world was not the equality as regards refined politeness which prevails in it, so much as the difference in its elements. Very often, when I in a grand salon looked round on the FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 6f people assembled there on the most friendly footing, it seemed as if I were in a curiosity- shop, where the relics of aU ages are huddled higgledy-piggledy all together, a Greek Apollo by a Chinese pagoda, a Mexican VilzliputzU by a Grothic Ecce Homo, Egyptian idols with dogs' heads, holy horrors of wood, ivory, and metal, and so on. There I saw old mousquetaires who had once danced with Marie Antoinette, Eepublicans of nuld observance who were re- garded as gods in the Assembl^e Nationale, Montagnards without money and without re- proach, former members of the Directory who had been enthroned in the Luxembourg, bearers of great dignities under the Empire before whom all Europe had trembled, ruling Jesuits of the Kestoration — in short, actual faded and mutilated divinities of all eras, in whom no one any longer believed. The names howl on coming into con- tact, but the men looked peaceably and stood together in peace, Kke the antiquities of which I have spoken in the bric-k-brac shops of the Quai Voltaire. In Grermanic lands, where pas- sions are less amenable to discipline, such a social assemblage of such heterogeneous persons would be simply impossible. Neither is the need of conversation so great with us in the cold North, as in warmer France, where the bitterest enemies, when they meet in a salon, 68 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. cannot long maintain a gloomy silence. And the desire to please is there carried so far, that people strive earnestly to be agreeable not only to their friends but even their enemies. Hence a constant disguise and display of graces, so that women have their own time of it to surpass men in their coquetry — but succeed in it aU the same. " I mean indeed nothing wrong by this com- parison — and, on my life ! nothing in detraction of French women, and least of all the Parisiennea For I am their greatest adorer, and honour and admire them more for their defects than for their virtues, I know nothing so exquisitely to the point as a legend that the French women came into the world with all possible faults, but that a beneficent fairy took pity, and gave to every fault a magic by which it appeared as a fresh charm. This enchanting fairy is grace. Are all French women beautiful ? Who can tell ? Who hath seen through all the intrigues of the toilet, into whose heart hath it entered to decipher if that is real which the tulle betrays, or is that false which puffed-out silk parades ? And if it be given to the eye to penetrate the shell even as we are intent to examine the kernel, lo it covers itself in a new hull, and yet again in another, and by means of this incessant meta- morphosis of modes they mock mankind. Are FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 69 their faces beautiful? Even this is hard to determine. For all their features are in con- stant motion ; every Parisienne has a thousand faces, every one more laughing, more spirituelU, more charming than the other, and he would be well bewildered who under it all could detect the fairest, or the real face at alL Or are their eyes large ? What do I know ? We do not long examine the calibre of a cannon when its ball decapitates us. And even if they miss — these eyes — at least they dazzle us by their fire, and he is glad enough who can get out of shot-range. Is the space between the nose and mouth broad or narrow ? Very often broad, when they turn up the nose ; very often small, when they scorn- fully curl their upper Ups. Is her mouth great or small ? Who can tell where the lips leave off and laughing begins ? To form a correct judgment, the one judging and the object judged must be in a condition of repose. But who can rest by a Parisienne, and what Parisienne ever rests, herself ? There are people who believe they can see a butterfly quite accurately when they have fastened it with a pin on paper, which is as foolish as it is cruel, for a fixed and qidet insect is a butterfly no longer. It must be seen while it flutters among the flowers, and the Pari- sienne must not be studied in her domestic life, where she is pinned down, but in the salon. TO FLORENTINE NIGHTS. i at soirees . and balls, where she flies freely ■with the wings of embroidered gauze and silk among the flashing crystal crowns of delight and gaiety! Then is revealed in her an eager rapture in life, a longing for sweet sensuous oblivion, a yearning for intoxication, by which she is made almost terribly beautiful, and gains a charm which at once enraptures and shocks our souL " This thirst to enjoy life, as if in another hour death would snatch them away from the spark- ling fountain of enjoyment, or as if this fountain would be in another hour sealed for ever — this haste, this rage, this madness of the Parisiennes, especially as shown in balls, always reminds me of the legend of the dead dancing-girls who are called by us the Willis.^ These are yoimg brides who died before the wee' ding-day, but who still have the unsatisfied mania for dancing so deeply in their hearts, that they rise by night from their graves and meet in crowds on the highways, where they at midnight abandon them- selves to the wildest dances. In their bridal dresses, with wreaths of flowers on their heads, sparkling rings on their pale white hands, laugh- ' Not exactly by "u«," bnt by the Slavonian races, among whom the VUa is a sylvan spirit who assumes many forms. There is a rather old French ballet on this theme called Le$ WtUit. *T?'?'r*?r'. FLORENTINE NIGHTS. ft ing fearfully, irresistibly beautiful, the "Willis dfuice in the moonshine, and they dance the more impetuously and wildly the more they feel that the hour allowed them for dancing is drawing to an end, and they must again descend to the icy cold of the grave. "It was at a soiree in the Chauss^e d'Antin where this thought went deep into my souL It was a briUiant reception, and nothing was want ing in all available ingredients of social enjoy- ment — enough lights to be seen by, enough mirrors to see one's seK, enough people to squeeze among till one was warm, enough eau sucrd and ices to cool one. It began with music. Franz Liszt had allowed himself to be forced to the pianoforte, threw his hair up above his genial brow, and played one of his most brilliant battle- pieces. The keys seemed to bleed. If I am not mistaken, he played a passage from the Palingenesia of Ballanche, whose ideas he trans- lated into music, which was a great advantage for those who do not know the works of this celebrated author in the original. After this he played the March to the Gallows^ — la marche au supplice — that glorious composition of Berlioz which this young artist, if I do not err, composed on the morning of his wedding-day, " There were in the entire hall faces growing 1 Der Oang naeh der Hinriehtung. 7a FLORENTINE NIGHTS. \ pale, heaving bosoms, panting breaths during the pauses, and at last roaring applause. Women always seem intoxicated when liszt plays. With wild joy these Willis of the salon threw them- selves into the dance, and I had trouble to escape from the crowd into a side-room. Here play was going on, and a few ladies, reclining on great easy-chairs, took, or feigned to take, an interest in the game. As I passed by one of these dames, and her dress touched my arm, I felt a thrill pass from my hand to my shoulder like a slight electric shock. And such a shock, but with full strength, shook my heart when I saw the lady's countenance. Was it she — or not ? There was the same countenance which in form and sunny hue was like an antique ; only it was not so marbly-pure and marble smooth as before. A closely observant eye could detect on brow and cheeks faint traces as of small-pox, which exactly resembled the weather-marks which one sees on statues which have been for some time exposed to the rain. There were the same black locks which in smooth ovals covered the temples Mke raven's wings. But as her eye met mine, and that with the well-known side glance whose quick lightning shot so enigmatically through my soul, I doubted no longer — ^it was Mademoiselle Laur- ence. FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 73 "Leaning aristocratically, a bouquet in one hand, the other on the chair arm. Mademoiselle Laurence sat near a table, and seemed to give her whole attention to the cards. Her dress of white satin was becoming and graceful, yet quite simple. With the exception of bracelets and a brooch of pearls, she wore no omamenta A chemisette of lace covered her young bosom almost puritanically to the neck, and in this simplicity and modesty of dress she formed a touching, charming contrast with several older ladies, who, gaily ornamented and flashing diamonds, sat by her, and exposed the ruins of their former glory, the place where Troy once stood, in melancholy wasted nakedness. She stUl seemed wondrously lovely and charmingly sorrowful, and I felt irre- sistibly attracted to her, and finally stood behind her chair, burning with impatience to speak to her, but restrained by aggravating scruples of delicacy. '* I had stood a little while behind her when she suddenly plucked a flower from her bouquet, and, without looking around, presented it to me over Jier shoulder. Strange was its perfume, and it exerted in me a strange enchantment. I felt myself freed from all social formalities; I was as if in a dream, where one acts and speaks and wonders at one's self, and where our words have a childlike, confiding, and simple character. 74 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. i Calmly, indifferently, carelessly, as one speaks to an old friend, I inclined over the arm of the chair and softly said in her ear — " ' Mademoiselle Laurence, where is your mother with the drum ? ' " ' She is dead,' she replied, in the same calm, indifferent tone. After a little pause I again bent over the arm of the chair and whispered — 1 " ' Mademoiselle Laurence, where is the learned dog?' I " ' He has run away out into the wide world,* she answered, in the same calm tone. "And again after a pause I leaned over the arm of the chair and whispered in her ear — " ' Mademoiselle Laurence, where is Monsieur Turlutu, the dwarf ? ' " ' He is with the giants on the Boulevard du Temple.' These words were just uttered — in the same easy, indifferent tone — when a serious, elderly man of commanding military appearance approached her, and announced that the carriage was waiting. Slowly rising from her seat she took his arm, and, without casting a look at me, left the company. "When I asked our hostess, who had stood during the whole evening at the door presenting her smiles to the coming and parting guests, for the name of the young lady who had just left FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 75 with the elderly gentleman, she laughed gaily and said — " * Mon Dieu ! who can know everybody. I know as little who he is as' " She silenced suddenly, for she certainly was about to say * You ' — for she saw me that even- ing for the first time. "'Perhaps your husband,' I suggested, 'can give me some information. Where shall I look for him?' "'Hunting at St. Germain,' replied Madame, with heartier laughter. 'He left this morning early, and will return to-morrow evening. But — ^wait — I know some one who has frequently conversed with the lady of whom you speak. I forget his name, but you can easily learn it if you will only inquire for the young gentleman who was kicked by M. Casimir Perier — I forget where.' " Hard as it is to find a man who has been kicked out by a minister, I soon discovered mine, and begged him for some explanation of the mar- vellous being who so much interested me, and whom I depicted to him distinctly enough. " ' Yes,' said the young man ; ' I know her well. I have conversed with her at several soirees.' " And he repeated a lot of rubbish with which he had entertained the lady. What he had parti- 76 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. I cularly remarked was her earnest look whenever he had said anything agreeable. And he mar- velled not a little that she always declined his invitation to take place in a quadrille, assuring him that she did not know how to dance. He knew nothing of her name or family. Nor could anybody, so far as I could ascertain, give me any closer information in this respect. I ran in vain through all possible soirees seeking for information ; I could nowhere find Mademoiselle Laurence." " And that is the whole story ? " cried Maria, as she slowly turned and yawned as if sleepy. " That is your whole remarkable story ! And you never saw again either Mademoiselle Laur- ence, nor the mother with the drum, nor the dwarf Turlutu, nor the learned dog ? " ' " Lie calm and still," replied Maximilian. " I saw them all again — even the learned dog. But he was in a sad case, the poor rogue, when I met him in Paris. It was in the Latin Quarter. I came by the Sorbonne as a dog rushed from its gate, and after him a dozen students with sticks, who were soon joined by two dozen old women, who all screamed in chorus, ' Mad dog ! ' The wretched animal looked almost human in his agony of death ; tears ran like a stream from his eyes, and as he yelping rushed by me and his dimmed gaze fell on me, I recognised my old friend, the learned FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 77 dog, the eulogist of Lord "Wellington, who once caused the English people to wonder at his wis- dom. Was he really mad, though ? Had he overtaxed his intellect with sheer learning while pursuing his studies in the Latin Quarter ? Or had he in the Sorbonne offended by his scraping and growling dissent at the puffy-cheeked char- latanery of some professor, who had got rid of his disapproving auditor by declaring that he was mad ? Alas ! youth does not investigate carefully whether it is irritated pedantry or professional envy ^ which inspires the cry, * The dog is mad ! * but breaks away with thoughtless sticks — and of course all the old women are ready with their yells and howls, and they out- scream the voice of innocence and of reason. My poor friend had to succumb — before my eyes he was pitiably struck dead amid jeers and curses, and at last cast on a dunghill — a wretched martyr toleammg! " Nor was the condition of the dwarf. Mon- sieur Turlutu, very much better when I re-dis- covered him on the Boulevard du Temple. Made- moiselle Laurence had indeed said that he had gone thither, but whether I did not seriously attempt to seek him there, or the crowd of people was so great, it happened that some time passed before I observed the show place where ^ Brotneid. Rivalry of bread. 78 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. ' • ( the giants were found. Two tall knaves lay at ease on a bench, who jumped up and assumed the attitude of giants when I appeared. They were really not so large as their sign boasted, but only two overgrown rascals, clad in rose- coloured tricot, who had very black, and perhaps false, side-whiskers, and who swung immense but hollow wooden clubs over their heads. When I asked after the dwarf, who was also set forth on the sign, they replied that for four weeks he had been unable on account of increasing illness to appear in public, but that I might see him if I would pay an extra price of admission. How willingly one pays double to see an old friend ! Alas ! it was a friend whom I found on his death- bed ! This deathbed was really a child's cradle, and in it lay the poor dwarf, with his sallow, wrinkled old man's face. A little girl of perhaps four years sat by him, rocking the cradle with her foot, and singing in a comical babbling tone — "♦Sleep, Turlututy— sleep 1» "As the little man saw me he opened his glazed blue eyes as wide as possible, and a melancholy smile twitched about his white lips ; he seemed to recognise me at once, for he reached out his dried, withered little hand, and gasped softly, ' Old friend 1 ' FLORENTINE NIOHTS. 79 " It was indeed in sad, troublous case that I found the man who, when eight years of age, had had a long conversation with Louis XVI., whom the Czar Alexander had fed with bonbons, whom the Princess of Kyritz had held on her lap, to whom the King of Bavaria had read his poems, who had smoked from the same pipe with German princes, whom the Pope had apotheo- sised, and whom Napoleon had never loved ! This last fact troubled the wretched man even on his deathbed — I should say in his death- cradle — and he wept over the tragic destiny of the great Emperor who had never loved him, but who had ended his life in such lamentable circumstances at St. Helena — 'Even as I now die,' he added, ' rejected, neglected by aU kings and princes, a mere mockery of former glory.' "Though I could not quite understand how a dwarf who dies among giants could compare himself with a giant who dies among dwarfs, still the words of poor Turlutu and his neglected state in his dying hour moved me. I could not refrain from expressing my amazement that Mademoiselle Laurence, who had now become so grand, did not trouble herself about him. I had hardly men- tioned her name when the dwarf was seized with agonising cramps, and wailed with white Ups, 'Ungrateful child! She whom I brought up, and would have even made my wife, whom I 9o FLORENTINE NIGHTS. taught how one should move and conduct one's self among the great people of this world — how one should smile and bow at court and act with elegance — thou hast turned my teaching to good account; now thou art a great lady, and hast a carriage and lackeys, and much money, and no heart ! Thou leavest me to die here alone and miserable, like Napoleon at St. Helena. Oh, Napoleon, thou didst never love me ! ' What he then said I could not understand He raised his head, made passes with his hand, as if fencing with some one, and defending himself against some one, it may have been Death. But the scythe of this adversary can be resisted by none, be he Napoleon or a Turlutu, for with him no parade or guard avails ! Exhausted, as if over- come, the dwarf let his head sink, gazed at me with an indescribable spectral glare, crowed sud- denly like a cock, and died ! " I confess that this death troubled me all the more because the sufferer had given me no more accurate information as to Mademoiselle Laurence. I was not in love with her, nor did I feel any specially great inclination towards her, and yet I was spurred by a mysterious, irresistible desire to seek her everywhere, and if I entered a salon and looked over those present and did not find her familiar face, then I became quite restless and felt impelled to depart. FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 8l "Beflecting on this feeling I stood once at midnight in a side entrance of the Grand Opera, waiting wearily for a coach, for it rained hard. But no coach came, or rather coaches only which belonged to other people, who got in gaily enough and departed, until little by little I was left alone. " * Well, then, you must ride with me ! ' said a lady who, closely wrapped in a black mantilla, had also stood waiting by me for some time, and who was now about to enter a carriage. The voice thrilled through my heart ; the well-known side-glance exerted once more its charm ; and I seemed to be in a dream, when I found myself in a softly-padded warm carriage by Made- moiselle Laurence. We spoke no word to one another, perhaps we could not have understood if we had spoken, since that vehicle rattled with a fearful droning noise through the streets of Paris for a long time, till it at last stopped before a vast gateway. " Servants in brilliant livery lighted us up the steps through a suite of apartments. A lady's maid who with sleepy face approached us, stammered with many excuses, that the red room was the only one with a fire lighted. As she gave the maid a sign to leave us, Laurence said laughing, ' Chance or luck has brought you far indeed to-day; my bedroom is the only one whidi is warmed * 82 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. " la this bedroom, where we were soon alone, blazed a beautiful fire, which was the more agreeable because the apartment was immensely large and high. This great chamber, which might better be called a great hall, had in it something strangely desolate or empty. Its fumitare and decoration and architecture bore the impress of an age whose splendour is now so dusty, and whose dignity seems so sober and sad, that its relics awaken a feeling of discomfort, if not a subdued smile. I speak of the time of the Empire, of the days of golden eagles, high-flying plumes, Greek coiffures, the glory of grand drum-majors, military masses, ofl&cial immortality decreed by the Mbniteur, Continental coffee made from chicory, bad sugar from beetroot, and princes and dukes manufac- tured out of nothing at alL Yet it had its charm, this age of pathetic materialism. Talma declaimed, Gros painted, Bigottini danced, Grassini sang, Maury preached, Eovigo had the police, the Emperor read Ossian, and Pauline Borghese had herself modelled as Venus, and stark naked at that, for the room was quite warm, like that in which I found myself with Mademoiselle Laurence. " We sat by the fire conversing confidentially, and she told me sighing how she was married to a Buonaparte hero, who every evening before FLORENTINE NIGHTS. $3 retiring entertained her with the history of his adventures. A few days before his late depar- ture he had given her in full the battle of Jena ; but he was in very bad health, and would hardly survive the Eussian campaign. When I asked how long it was since her father had departed this life, she laughed, and said she had never known one, and that her so-called mother had never been married. " ' Not married ! ' I cried ; ' why, I myself saw her in London in deep mourning for her hus- band's death ! ' " * Oh ! ' replied Laurence, ' she wore mourning all the time for twelve years, to awaken compas- sion as a poor widow, and also to take in some simpleton who wanted a wife. She hoped that she would sail the sooner under the black flag into the port of matrimony. But death had pity on her, and she perished suddenly by bursting a vein. I never loved her, for she gave me many a beating and little food. I shoidd have starved if Monsieur Turlutu had not many a time given me a piece of bread on the sly j but for that the dwarf wanted me to marry him, and when his hopes were wrecked he allied himself to my mother — I say mother only from habit — and both tormented me cruelly. She was always saying I was a useless creature, and that the dog was worth a thousand times more than I with my $4 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. wretched dancing. Then they praised the dog at my expense, fed him with cakes, and threw me the crumbs. " The dog," she said, " was her best support ; he pleased the public, which did not take the least interest in me ; that the dog must maintain me by his work, and that I lived on the charity and refuse of the dog. Damn the dog!' " ' Oh ! you need not curse him again,' I inter- rupted the angry beauty. ' He is dead ; I saw him die' " ' Is the beast done for at last ? ' cried Laur- ence, as she sprang up with delight beaming in every feature. I " * The dwarf also is dead,' I added. " ' Monsieur Turlutu ? ' cried Laurence, also joyfully. But the expression faded from her face gradually, and with a milder, almost melan- choly tone, she sighed, * Poor Turlutu ! ' "As I did not conceal from her that the dwarf in his dying moments had complained of her bitterly, she burst into passionate protesta- tion that she had the fullest intention and desire to provide for the dwarf in the best manner, and that she had offered him an annual pension if he would live quietly and modestly, anywhere in the country. 'But with his habitual vanity and desire of distinction,' continued Laurence, 'he desired to remain in Paris and dwell in my FLORENTINE NIGHTS. •$ hotel, for thus he thought he could through me again resume his former acquaintance in the Faubourg Saint Germain, and his old brilliant place in society. And when I flatly refused this he called me a cursed goblin-ghost, a vampire, and a child of death ' " Laurence suddenly stopped and shuddering said, as she heaved a sigh from her very heart — " ' Ah ! I wish he had left me lying with my mother in the grave ! * "When I prayed her to explain these mys- terious words, a flood of tears burst from her eyes, and trembling and sobbing she confessed that the drummer woman in mourning whom she called ' mother * had once told her that a strange rumour current as to her birth was not a mere fable. 'For in the town where we dwelt,' continued Laurence, ' I was always called the Death Child. Old women said I was really the daughter of a Count of that place, who mal- treated his wife terribly, and when she died gave her a magnificent funeraL But she was far gone with child, and not really dead. Cer- tain thieves, tempted by the richness of her funeral attire, burst open the tomb and took out the Countess, whom they found in the pangs of parturition. She died while giving birth to Laurence. The thieves laid her body again in the tomb, closed it, and carried the babe to the :j€'i.- 86 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. receiver of their stolen goods, who was the wife of the great ventriloquist. " ' This poor child, who was buried before she was born,^ was everywhere called the Death- Child. Ah ! you cannot know how much misery I had even as a little girl, when people called me by this name. While the great ventriloquist was alive, and when he was discontented with me — as often happened — he always cried : *' Cursed Death-Child, I wish I had never taken you from the grave." As he was of great skill in his calling, he could so modulate his voice as to make any one think that it came from the ground, and so he would make me believe that it was the voice of my dead mother who related her story. He knew the terrible tale well enough, for he had once been a servant of the Count my father. It was his greatest pleasure to torture me with the awful terror which I, a mere infant, felt at hearing this. The words which came in spectral tones from the ground told things so dreadful that I could not alto- ^ Heine here very oddly, and certainly quite nnconsciorisly, repeats a line from an old English riddle on Eve — " In the garden there strayed A beautiful maid, Ab fair aa the flowers of the mom ; The first hour of her life She was made a wife, And vxu buried hefort the vat bom." i) ;. ••--.-_ L ■ . ■': ''^ :.. 1 :.*'.<■■ ••-!. ..•>-*. tt-'.^M FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 87 ♦ ■ getter understand them, but all of which, when I danced in after years, came vividly back into my mind.^ At such a time strange memories seemed to possess me. I forgot myself, and was another person tormented with all terrors and mysteries, but so soon as I ceased to dance all vanished from my mind.' " While Mademoiselle Laurence spoke, slowly and as if questioning, she stood before me by the fireplace, where the fire gleamed ever more and more agreeably, and I sat in the great arm- chair, which was probably the seat of her husband when he of evenings related his battles before going to bed. Laurence looked at me with her great eyes, as if asking me for counsel, nodding her head in so mournfully reflective a manner that she inspired in me a deep sympathy. She was so delicate, so young, so beautiful, this slender lily sprung from the grave, this daughter of ' Should this seem incredible to any reader, I wonld state that when I was a child not three years old, still suffering terribly from the results of a nervous fever, a very piona old lady was in the habit of frightening me in a manner every whit as cruel as that described by Laurence, and very much like it. Having made me believe that a " bugaboo " lived in a certain closet, she would dress herself up in a horrible fashion, come out of the closet, and approach me growling. I have often wondered that I survived the awful terrors of this d'acipline, which, by the way, was common enough in nurseries at that time. Heine forgets to mention that such torturing children was usual when the ■upematural was in fashion. J- ....Mil. 1 ti.u 88 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. j death, this ghost with the face of an angel and the body of a bayadere ! | "I know not how it happened — perhaps it was the influence of the arm-chair in which I sat ; but all at once it seemed to me as if I were the old general who the day before had been narrating the battle of Jena, and must continue my story, so I said — "'After the battle of Jena, within a few weeks, all the Prussian fortresses surrendered almost without a blow. First of these was Magdeburg,* the strongest of all, and it had three hundred cannons. Was not that disgraceful ? ' "Mademoiselle Laurence let me proceed no further. All melancholy had fled from her beautiful face. She laughed like a child and said, ' Yes ; that was disgraceful, and more than disgraceful. If / were a fortress, and had three hundred cannon, I would never surrender.' I "But as Mademoiselle Laurence was no for- tress, and had no three hundred cannons" Here Maximilian suddenly paused, and after a short pause asked softly — " Maria, are you asleep ? " " Yes, I sleep," replied Maria. ** I would say," added Maximilian, " that I sat by the Are in a red light, and it seemed to me as * Magdeburg meana the virgin fortress. — Trandatar. FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 89 if I were the god Pluto amid the glowing flames of hell, holding the sleeping Proserpine in his arms. She slept, and I studied her charming face, and sought in its traits some explanation of that sympathy which my soul felt for her. What was the meaning of this woman ? What signifi- cance lurked under the symbolism of this beauti- ful form ? I held this winsome riddle now as my possession in my arms, yet could not discover its solution. " Yet, is it not folly to endeavour to penetrate the inner meaning of a strange appearance or phenomenon when we cannot as much as solve the problems of our own souls ? Why, we are not even certain that these outer apparitions really exist. Many a time we cannot distinguish reality from faces seen in our dreams. Was it an image of my imagination, or was it a terrible reality, which I that night heard and saw ? I do not know. I can only remember that while the wildest thoughts streamed through my heart, a rustling, ringing noise sounded in my ears. It was a crazy melody, singularly slow. It seemed to be very familiar, and at last I recog- nised in it the sound of a triangle and a drum. This music, tinkling and buzzing, seemed to approach from afar, and at last when I looked up I saw near me, in the centre of the room, a well- known show, for it was Monsieur Turluto, the m^-m,, A..:, .V . 90 FLORENTINE NIGHTS. dwarf, who played the triangle, and Madame Mhe, who beat the great drum, while the learned dog scratched round on the ground as if seeking for his wooden letters. The dog seemed to move with pain, and his hair was spotted with blood. Madame M^re still wore her black mourning, but she had no longer her old plump, comical figure, and her face was not now red but pale. The dwarf, who still wore the embroidered coat of an old French marquis, with a powdered wig, seemed to be somewhat taller, probably because he had become so fearfully thin. He displayed as be- fore his skill in fencing, and seemed to be wheez- ing out his old boasts, but spoke so softly that I could not catch a word, and it was only by the movements of his lips that I could often observe that he was crowing like a cock. "While these laughably horrible distorted images moved before my eyes with unseeming haste, I perceived that Laurence breathed more restlessly. A cold shudder ran like frost through all her body, and her beautiful limbs twitched convulsively, as if with intolerable pain. But at last, supple as an eel, she slid and slipped from my arms, stood in a second in the centre of the room, and began to dance, while the mother with the drum and the dwarf with the triangle again raised their softly muffled music. She danced as she had done on the Waterloo FLORENTINE NIGHTS. 91 Bridge and on the crossings of London. There was the same mysterious pantomime, the same passionate leaps, the same Bacchic casting back of the head, many times the same bending down to the earth, as if listening to what was being said below, then the old trembling, the growing pale, the frozen stillness, and yet again the listening with the ear inclined. And she also rubbed her hands as if washing them. At last she seemed to again cast her deep, painful, imploring glance at me, but it was only in the features of her deathly pale face that I recog- nised the glance, not in her eyes, for they were closed. The music sounded ever softer, the drum-mother and the dwarf growing paler, dim- mer, and whirling away like mist, at last dis- appeared altogether, but Laurence remained as before, dancing with closed eyes. This dancing, as if blind, in the silent room by night, gave the beautiful creature such a ghostly air that I often shuddered, and was heartily glad when she ceased to dance, and glided and slipped, as softly as she had flown away, back into my arms. " Certainly the sight of this scene was not agreeable. But man accustoms himself to every- thing, and it is possible that the unearthly mys- tery of this woman gave her a peculiar charm, which mingled with my feelings a terrible tender- ness — enough that in a few weeks I was no fS FLORENTINE NIGHTS. ( I longer amazed in the least when by night I heard the ring of the drum and triangle, and my dear Laurence suddenly leaped up and danced a solo with closed eyes. Her husband, the old Buonapartist, commanded near Paris, and his duties allowed him to pass only his days in the city. As a matter of course he became my most intimate friend, and he wept bright tears when the day came for him to bid me for a long time adieu. He travelled with his wife to Sicily, and I have never seen either of them since." I As Maximilian finished this story he quickly took his hat and slipped out of the room. FROM THE MEMOIRS OF HERR VON SCHNABELEWOPSKL -M- CHAPTER I. My father was named Schnabelewopski, my mother Schnabelewopska. I was born as legiti- mate son of both, the 1st of April 1795, in Schnabelewops. My great aunt, the old lady von Pipitzka, nursed me as a child, and told me pretty tales, and often sang me to sleep with a song of which I have forgotten both the words and tune; but I can never forget the strange, mysterious way in which she nodded as she sang, and how mournfully her only tooth, the solitary hermit of her mouth, peeped out. And I can remember, too, much about the parrot, whose death she so bitterly bewailed. My old great aunt is dead now herself, and I am the only one in the world who still thinks of her parrot. Our cat was called Mimi, and our dog Joli He had a great knowledge of human 93 - M FROM THE MEMOIRS OP nature, and always got out of the way when I took down my whip. One morning our servant said that the dog kept his tail rather close be- tween his legs and let his tongue hang out much more than usual, for which reason poor Joli was thrown, with some stones which were tied to his neck, into the water ; on which occasion he was drowned. Our footman was called Prrschtz- ztwitsch. To pronounce this name properly one must sneeze at the same time. Our maid was called Swurtszska, which indeed sounds rather roughly in German, but which is musical to the last degree in Polish. She was a stout, low- built person, with white hair and blonde teeth. Besides these there was a pair of beautiful black eyes running about the house, which were called Seraphina. This was my beautiful, beloved cousin, and we played together in the garden, and watched the housekeeping of the ants, and caught butterflies and planted flowers. She laughed once like mad when I planted my little stockings in the earth, believing that they would grow up into a great pair of breeches for papa. My father was the best soul in the world, and was long regarded as a very handsome man. He wore powdered hair, and behind a neatly braided little queue, which did not hang down, but was fastened with a little tortoise-shell comb to one side. His hands were of a dazzling whiteness. HERR VON SCHNABELEWOPSKI. 95 and I often kissed them. It seems as if I could still smell their sweet perfume, which made my eyes tingle. I loved my father dearly, and it never came into my mind that he could ever die. My paternal grandfather was the old Herr von Schnabelewopski, and all I know of him is that he was a man, and my father was his son. My maternal grandfather was the old Herr von Wlrssrnski (sneeze again to pronounce this name correctly), and he is painted in a scarlet velvet coat, with a long sword, and my mother often told me that he had a friend who wore a green silk coat, rose-silk breeches, and white silk stock- ings, who swung his little chapeau-bas here and there in a rage when he spoke of the King of Prussia. My mother, Lady von Schnabelewopska, gave me as I grew up a good education. She had read much : before my birth she read Plutarch almost exclusively, and was probably deeply im- pressed by one of his great men, perhaps one of the Gracchi. Hence my mystical yearning to realise the agrarian law in a modern form. My deep sympathy for freedom and equality is pro- bably due to these maternal pre-lectures. Had she read the life of Cartouche I had possibly be- come a great banker.^ How often as a boy did ^ Cartouche. A famous French thief whose life has long been a popular chap-book. 96 PROM THE MEMOIRS OF , I play truant from school to reflect on the beauti- ful meadows of Schnabelewopska how to benefit all mankind. For this I was often well scolded and punished as an idler, and so had to suffer with grief and pain for my schemes for benefiting the world. The neighbourhood of Schnabelewops is, I may mention, very beautiful. There is a little river running there in which one can bathe in the summer-time very agreeably, and there are the most delightful birds' nests in the copses along the banks. Old Gnesen, the former capital of Poland, is only three miles distant. There, in the cathedral, Saint Adalbert is buried. There is his silver sarcophagus, on which lies his very image, the size of life, with bishop's mitre and crosier, the hands piously folded — and all of molten silver ! How often have I thought of thee, thou silver saint ! Ah, how often my thoughts go back to Poland, and I stand once more in the cathedral of Gnesen, leaning on the column by the grave of Adalbert! Then the organ peals once more, as if the organist were trying a piece from AUegri's Miserere ; a mass is being murmured in a distant chapel, the last rays of the sun shine through the many-coloured glass windows, the church is empty, only there lies before the silver shrine a praying figure — a woman of wondrous beauty — who casts at me a sudden side glance, which she turns as suddenly HERR VON SCHNABELBWOPSKL 97 again towards the saint, and murmurs with yearning, cunning lips, " I pray to thee ! " In the instant in which I heard those words, the sacristan rang his bell in the distance, the organ pealed as with extreme haste like a rising tide, the beautiful woman rose from the steps of the altar, cast her veil over her blushing face, and left the cathedral. v? " I pray to thee ! " Were these words ad- dressed to me or to the silver Adalbert ? Truly she had turned to him, but only her face. What was the meaning of that side-glance which she first threw at Tne, whose rays flashed over my soul like a loug ray of light which the moon pours over a midnight sea when it breaks from a dark cloud, and in an instant is seen no more ? In my soul, which was dark as such a sea, that gleam of light woke all the wild forms which lurk in the abyss, and the maddest sharks and sword-fish of passion darted upward and tumbled together, and bit one another in the tails for ecstasy, and over it all the organ roared and stormed more terribly, like a great tempest on the Northern Sea. The next day I left Poland. 98 FROM THE MEMOIRS OF CHAPTER II. Mt mother packed my trunk herself. With every shirt she put in a bit of moral advica In after times the washerwomen got away with all my shirts, and morals too. My father was deeply moved, and gave me a long slip of paper, on which he had written out, precept by precept, how I was to behave in the world. The first article announced that I was to turn every ducat ten times before I spent it. I followed this advice at first ; after a while the constant turning became tiresome. With every item of advice I received a ducat. Then he took scissors, cut the queue from his dear head, and gave it to me for a souvenir. I have it yet, and never fail to weep when I see the powdered delicate hair. The night before I left I had the following dream : — I wandered alone in a cheerful, beautiful place by the sea-side. It was noon, and the sun shone on the water, which sparkled like diamonds. Here and there on the beach grew a great aloe, which lifted its green arms, as if imploring, to the sunny heaven. There stood a weeping willow with its long hanging tresses, which rose and fell as the waves came playing up, so that HERR VON SCHNABELEWOPSKI. 99 it looked like a young water-spirit letting down her green locks, or raising them to hear the better what the wooing sprites of the air were whispering to her. And, indeed, it often sounded like sighs and tender murmurs. The sea gleamed more beautifully and tenderly, the waves rang more musically, and on the rustling, glittering waves rose the holy Adalbert, as I had seen him in the Gnesen Cathedral, with the silver crosier in his silver hand, the silver mitre on his silver head, and he beckoned to me with his hand, and nodded to me with his head, and at last, as he stood before me, he cried with an unearthly silver voice Yes ; but I could not hear the words for the rustling of the waves. I believe, however, that my silver rival mocked me, for I stood a long time on the strand, and wept till the twilight - came, and heaven and earth became sad and pale, and mournful beyond all measure. Then the flood rose — aloe and willow cracked and were wafted away by the waves, which ran back many times in haste, and came bursting up ever more wildly, rolling and embracing terribly in snow-white half rings. But then I began to perceive a noise in measured time, like the beat of oars, and there came a boat driven along by the waves. In it sat four white forms, with sallow, corpse faces, wrapped in shrouds, rowing 100 FROM THE MEMOIRS OF with energy. In the midst stood a pale but infinitely beautiful woman, infinitely lovely and delicate, as if made from lily-perfume, and she sprang ashore. The boat with its spectral row- men shot like an arrow back into the rising sea, and in my arms lay Panna Jadviga, who wept and laughed, " I pray to thee I " * CHAPTER III. My first flight after leaving Schnabelewops was towards Germany, and, indeed, to Hamburg, where I remained six months, instead of going directly to Leyden and applying myself, as my parents wished, to the study of theology. I must confess that during that half-year I was much more occupied with worldly than with heavenly affairs. Hamburg is a good city, all of solid, respectable houses. It is not the infamous Macbeth who governs here, but Banko.* The spirit of Banko rules and pervades this little free city, whose ^ The unexpected ending of this chapter referring to a beauti- ful woman and death, in a mysterious, uncanny manner, is a tour de force which Heine employs several times in the Reisebilder. — 2'ran»lator, , ^ Of course Banquo. Fun on bank. ' HERR VON SCHNABBLBWOPSKI. loi visible head is a high and well-wise Senate.* In fact it is a free state, and we find in it the greatest political freedom. The citizens can do what they please, and the high and well-wise Senate acts as it likes. Every one is lord of his own deeds — it is a true republic. If Lafayette had not been so fortunate as to find Louis Philippe he would certainly have recommended the Senate and supervisors of Hamburg to his French fellow-citizens. Hamburg is the best republic. Its manners are English, and its cookery is heavenly.^ There are, in sober truth, between the Wandrahmen and the Dreckwall, dishes to be found of which our philosophers have no conception. The Hamburgers are good people who enjoy good eating. They are much divided as regards religion, politics, and science, but they are all beautifully agreed as to cooking. Their theologians may quarrel as much as they like over the Lord's Supper,8 but there is no difference as to the daily dinner. Though there be among the Jews there one division who give grace or the prayer at table in German, while others chant it ^ Ein hock und wohttoeiter Senat. A formal expression often applied officially to such bodies. * Seine Sitten sind Englisch, und tein Esten iat himndiieh. Engliich has the doable meaning of English and angelic. Non Angli ted Angdi. * AhendmaJd. Literally evening or eve-meal; from Pass- over eve. .fc*:... ^._^. ■^.^.> V:^'^iMiakdiiSi« I02 FROM THE MEMOIRS OF in Hebrew, they both eat heartily and agree heartily as to what is on the table, and judge its merits with unfailing wisdom. The lawyers, the turnspits of the law, who turn and twist it till at last they get a roast for themselves, may dispute as to whether feeing and pleading shall be publicly conducted or not, but they are all one as to the merits of feeding, and every one of them has his own favourite dish. The army is naturally of Spar- tan bravery, but it will not hear of black broth. The physicians vary much in treating disorders, and cure the national illness — indigestion — as Brownists, by giving still greater helpings of dried beef ; or, as homeopathists, by administering lo^^th of a drop of absinthe in a great tureen of mock-turtle soup— but all practise alike when it comes to discussing the soup and the smoked beef themselves. Of this last dish Hamburg is the paternal city, and boasts of it as Mainz boasts of John Faust, or Eisleben of Martin Luther. But what is the art of printing or the Reformation compared to smoked beef! There are two parties in Germany who are at variance as to whether the latter have done good or harm, but the most zealous Jesuits are united in de- claring that smoked beef is a good invention, wholesome for humanity.^ ! ^ Rauc^fieiach, i,e., smoked meat, generally or always the bun beef known in the United States aa smoked, or, more HERR VON SCHNABELEWOPSKI. 103 Hamburg was founded by Charles the Great, and is inhabited by eighty thousand small people, none of whom would change with the great man who now lies buried in Aix la Chapelle. The popu- lation of the city may amount to one hundred thousand, I am not quite sure, though I walked whole days in its streets to look at the people. It is very possible that many men escaped my attention, as I was particularly occupied with looking at the women. The latter I found were by no means lean ; on the contrary, they were generally corpulent, and now and then charmingly beautiful — on the whole, of a flourishing, sensuous quality, which, by Venus ! did not displease me. If they do not manifest much wild and dreamy idealism in romantic love, and have little con- ception of the grand passion of the heart, it is not so much their fault as that of Cupid, who often aims at them his sharpest arrows, but from mischief or unskilfulness shoots too low, and in- stead of the heart hits them in the stomach. As for the men, I saw among them mostly short figures, calmly reasoning cold glances, low fore- heads, carelessly heavy hanging red cheeks, the eating apparatus being remarkably well devel- oped, the hat as if nailed to the head, and the hands in both breeches' pockets, as though their commonly, dried beef ; in Cuba as tasajo ; in Mexico, charq^ui. It ia also a standing dish at all suppers in Holland. ^t^t^t^tim. I04 FROM THE MEMOIRS OF owner would say, "How much must I pay, then ? " Among the lions of Hamburg we find — 1 . The old Council House, or Town Hall, where the great Hamburg bankers are chiselled out of stone, and stand counterfeited with sceptres and globes of empire in their hands. i 2. The Exchange, where the sons of Hammonia assemble every day, as did the Eomans of old in the Forum, and where there hangs overhead a black tablet of honour, with the names of distin- guished fellow-citizens.* 3. The Beautiful Marianne, an extremely handsome woman, on whom the tooth of Time has gnawed for twenty years. By the way, " tooth of time " is a bad metaphor, for Time is so old that by this time he cannot have a tooth left, while Marianne has all of hers, and hair on them at that. 4. That which was once the Central Treasury. 5. Altona. 6. The original manuscripts of Marr's Tragedies. 7. The owner of the Roding Museum. ' 8. The Borsenhalle or Stock Exchange. ^ A satirical reference to a black-board bung in the Exchange, bearing the tUHoea uf fraodolent or abaoonding memben of the association. I ■ 1,^. . • ." > .• .A ■ J aJj^ k - " '-•■ ' — . , ^ . .'. -J '-^V />;?,--'1»I . HERR VON SCHNABELEWOPSKI. 105 9. The Bacchus Hall. 10. And, finally, the City Theatre. This last deserves to be specially praised. Its members are all good citizens, honourable fathers of families, who never let themselves be substi- tuted or disguised,'^ and never act so as to deceive anybody for an instant — men who make of the theatre a church, since they convince the un- happy man who has lost faith in humanity, in the most actual manner possible, that all things in this world are not delusion and a counterfeit.^ In enumerating the remarkable things in Ham- burg, I cannot refrain from mentioning that in my time the Hall of Apollo, on the Drehbahn, was a very brilliant place. Now it has very much come down, and philharmonic concerts, and shows by professors of legerdemain, are there given, and professors of natural history are fed. Once it was different. The trumpets pealed, the drums rattled and rolled loudly, ostrich feathers fluttered, and Heloise and Minka ran the races of the Oginski polonaise, and everything was so perfectly respectable I Sweet time it was for me when fortune smiled. And this fortuTie was called Heloise. She was a charming, loving, pleasure-giving treasure, with ^ VerttdUn. To misplaoe, sham, disguise. ' By all this Heine simply means that nobody is " taken in *'* by the acting in question. io6 FROM THE MEMOIRS OP rosy lips, a little lily nose, warm, perfumed carnation lips, and eyes like blue mountain lakes, albeit there was something of stupidity on her brow, which hung there like a gloomy cloud over a brilliant spring landscape. She was slender as a poplar, lively as a dove, with a skin delicate as an infant's. Sweet time when Fortune ever smiled on me ! Minka did not laugh so much, not having such beautiful teeth ; but her tears were all the lovelier when she wept, which she did on all occasions for suffering humanity ; and she was benevolent beyond belief. She gave the poor her last penny — yes, for charity's sake, I have known her to be reduced to the last shift. She was so good that she refused nothing to any- body, save that which was indeed beyond her gift. This soft and yielding character contrasted charmingly with her personal appearance, which was that of a brave Juno — a bold, white neck, shaded by wild black ringlets, like voluptuous snakes ; eyes which flashed forth as if ruling the world from under glooming arches of victory ; purple, proud, high-curving lips ; marble white commanding hands, somewhat freckled ; and she had on her right side a mother-mark in the form of a small dagger. If I have brought you into so-called bad company, dear reader, console yourself with the reflection that it does not cost you so much as it HERR VON SCHNABELEWOPSKI. 107 did me. However, there will be no want, further on in this book, of ideal women — and just here I will give you a specimen, just to cheer you up, of two highly decent dames, whom I learned in those days to know and honour. These were Mrs. Pieper and Mrs. Schnieper. The first was a handsome woman in full maturity, with great blackish eyes, a great white forehead, false black hair, a bold, old Eoman nose, and a mouth which was a guillotine for every good name. Indeed there could be no contrivance equal to that mouth for the speedy execution and death of a reputa- tion. There was no prolonged struggle, no long- delayed preparation, if the best of characters once got between her teeth she smiled, but that smile was the fall of the axe, and honour was decapitated and the head rolled into the bag. She was always a pattern of propriety, honour, piety, and virtue. The same may be said in celebration of Mrs. Schnieper. She was a tender woman, with a little anxious bosom, generally curtained with a mournful thin gauze or crape, light blonde hair, and clear blue eyes, which gleamed in a frightfully crafty manner out of her white face. People said you could never hear her footfall, and indeed ere you knew it she often stood close by, and then vanished as silently as she came. Her smile, too, was death to any decent reputation, ■ r**if*f--^,: (.'■■ '■•■ . .;, . .' ■ ",'•■,, ,.,,'■'.': I08 FROM THE MEMOIRS OF but less like the fall of an axe than the poison wind of Africa, before whose breath all flowers perish; so in the breath of this woman's voice every good name perished miserably as she smiled. Also a pattern of piety, propriety, honour, and virtue. I shall not fail to exalt many of the sons of Hammonia,nor to praise in the highest certain men who are grandly esteemed — videlicet, those who are rated at several million marks banco — but just at present I will subdue my enthusiasm, that it may after a time flame up all the higher. For I have nothing less in my mind than to raise a temple of honour to Hamburg, according to the same plan which was sketched out some ten years ago by a celebrated man of letters, who with this intention requested every Hamburger to send him a specified inventory of his virtues and talents — with one dollar, specie — as soon as possible. I have never exactly understood why this temple of honour never appeared.^ Some ^ This kind of miserable swindle is still common in the United States. I have more than once received letters from unknown men, who informed me that they were preparing a volume of Sketches, or Lives of Distinguished Americans, asking me to ■end a memoir of myself, and especially my photograph, and fifty dollars to pay for engraving it. An examination of the list of those who were to appear in the work convinced me that " a distinguished American " meant any man living who was possessed of fifty dollars, and was willing to pay it to the pub* Usher. — Tramlator. HERR VON SCHNABELBWOPSKI. 109 say that the undertaker, or the man of honour who kept the temple, had hardly printed from A — Aaaron to Abendroth — and only got in his first quoins, before he broke down under the weight of copy or biography sent in ; others say that the high and well-wise Senate, moved by excess of modesty, prevented the project altogether, since they requested this architect of his own temple of honour to be out of Hamburg with all his virtues within four-and-twenty hours. Anyhow, from some cause or other, the work was never com- pleted ; and as I have an inborn yearning to do something great in this world, and have ever striven after the impossible, therefore I have revived this vast project, and will myself manufacture a great temple of honour to Hamburg, an immortal and colossal hook, in which I will describe with- out exception all its inhabitants — wherein shall appear noble traits of secret charity which were never mentioned in a newspaper, traits of such grandeur that nobody will believe a word of them, to be preceded by a magnificent portrait of myself, as I appear when I sit in the Jung- fernstieg before the Swiss Pavilion, and muse over the magnificence of Hamburg. This will be the vignette of my immortal work. 110 FROM THE MEMOIRS OP CHAPTER IV. For readers who do not know Hamburg — there are such, I suppose, in China or Upper Bavaria — I must remark that the most beautiful promenade of the sons and daughters of Hammonia bears the appropriate name of Jungfemstieg,^ and that it consists of an avenue of lime-trees, which is bounded on one side by a row of houses, and on the other by the Alster Basin, and that before the latter, and built out into the water, are two tent- like pleasant caf^s, called pavilions. It is nice to sit, especially before one called the Swiss Pavilion, of a summer day, when the afternoon sun is not too hot, but only smiles gaily and pours its rays as in a fairy dream over the lindens, the houses, the people, the Alster, and the swans, who cradle themselves in it. Yes, it is nice to sit there ; and even so I sat on many a summer afternoon and thought, as a young man generally does, that is to say, about nothing at all, and looked at what a young man generally looks at, that is, the girls — ^yes, there they fluttered along, the charming things, with their winged caps, and covered baskets, containing nothing ; there they tripped, the gay Vierlander maids, who provide all * Jungfemttieg. The Maidens' or Virgins' Walk. HERR VON SCHNABELEWOPSKI. iii Hamburg with strawberries and their own milk, and whose petticoats are still much too long; there swept proudly along the beautiful mer- chants' daughters, with whose love one gets just so much ready money ; there skipped a nurse bearing on her arm a rosy boy, whom she con- stantly kissed while thinking of her lover ; there wandered too the priestesses of Venus Aphrodite, Hanseatic vestals, Dianas on the hunt. Naiads, Dryads, Hamydryads, and similar clergymen's daughters ; and ah ! there with them Minka and Heloise ! How oft I sat in that pavilion fair and saw her wandering past in rose-striped gown — it cost four shillings and threepence a yard, and Mr. Seligmann gave me his word that even though washed, and that full many times, the colour would not fade. " What glorious girls ! " exclaimed the virtuous youths who sat by me. I remember how a great insurance agent, who was always bedecked like a carnival ox, said, " I'd like to have one of them for breakfast, and the other for supper, just at will, and I don't think I should want any dinner that day." " She is an angel ! " cried a sea-captain, so loudly that both the damsels at a glance looked jealously at one another. I myself said nothing, and thought my sweetest nothings, and looked at the girls and the pleasant gentle sky, and the taU Petri tower with its slender waist, and the calm blue Alster, 113 FROM THE MEMOIRS OF on which the swans swam so proud, and beautiful, and secure. IThe swans ! I could look at them for hours — the lovely creatures, with their soft, long necks, as they so voluptuously cradled them- selves on the soft flood, diving ever and anon, and proudly splashing till the heaven grew dark and the golden stars came forth yearning, hope- giving, wondrously and beautifully tender and transformed. The stars! Are they golden flowers on the bridal bosom of heaven ? Are they the eyes of enamoured angels, who with yearning mirror themselves in the blue streams of earth below and rival with the swans ? Ah ! that is all long, long ago. Then I was young and foolish. Now I am old and foolish. Many a flower has withered since that time, and many too been trodden into earth ; even the rose-striped stuff of Seligmann has lost the colour warranted to wash. He has faded him- self ; the firm is now Seligmann's late widow.^ And Heloise, the gentle creature who seemed to be made to walk only on soft Indian flowered carpets and be fanned with peacock's feathers, went down among roaring sailors, punch, tobacco- smoke, and bad music. When I again saw Minka she had changed her name to Katinka, and dwelt between Hamburg and Altona ; she ^ Sdigmann's selige Witttoe. Seligmann, " happy man," means also a deceased husband. Also a common Jewish name. HERR VON SCHNABELEWOPSKI. 113 looked like the temple of Solomon after it had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, and smelt of Assyrian Kanaster ; and as she told of Heloise's death, she wept bitterly and tore her hair in de- spair, and fainted quite away ; nor did she recover till she had swallowed a great glass of spirits. And how the town itself was changed ! And the Jungf ernstieg ! Snow lay on the roofs, and it seemed as if the houses had grown old and had white hair. The lime trees of the Jungfemstieg were dead trees and dry boughs, which waved ghost-like in the cold wind. The sky was cut- ting blue, and soon grew dark. It was five o'clock on Sunday — the general hour for fodder- ing — and the carriages rolled along. Gentlemen and ladies descended from them with frozen smiles upon their hungry lips. How horrible ! At that instant I was thrilled with the awful thought that an unfathomable idiocy appeared in all these faces, and that all persons who passed by seemed bewildered in a strange delirium. Twelve years before, at the same hour, I had seen them with the same faces, like the puppets of a town-hall clock, with the same gestures ; and since then they had gone on in the same old way, reckoning and going on 'Change and assisting one another, and moving their jawbones, and paying their pourhoires, and counting up tigain : twice two is four. Horrible ! I cried. Suppose that 114 FROM THE MEMOIRS OP I it should suddenly occur to one of these people while he sat on the office stool that twice two %» jwtt and that he consequently has been mul- tiplying wrongly all his life, and so wasted that life in an awful error. All at once a foolish delirium seized me, and, as I regarded the passers- by more nearly, it seemed to me as if they were themselves nothing but ciphers or Arabic numer- als. There went a crook-footed Two by a fatal Three, his full-bosomed, enceinte spouse ; behind them came Mr. Four on crutches, waddling along came a fatal Five, then with round belly and a little hood a well-known little Six, and the still better known Evil Seven ; but as I looked more closely at the wretched Eight as it tottered past I recognised in it the insurance agent who once went adorned like a carnival ox, but who now looked like the leanest of Pharoah's lean kine — pale, hoUow cheeks, like an empty soup-plate ; a cold, red nose, like a winter rose ; a shabby black coat, which had a pitiful white shine ; a hat into which Saturn with the scythe had cut air-holes ; but his boots polished like looking-glasses, and he no longer seemed to think about devouring Heloise and Minka for breakfast and supper, but to be longing very much more for a good dinner of common beef. And I recognised many an old friend among the mere ciphers who rolled along.* ' This conceit of representing a procession of haman beings M nomerals had been previously more fnlly worked oat, if I am HBRR VON SCHNABELSWOPSKl. iij So these and the rest of the numerical folk drove by hurried and hungry, while more grimly droll a funeral passed not far off, past the houses of the Jungfernstieg. As a melancholy, masquerading show there walked on after the hearse, stilted on their little, thin, black silk legs, the well-known council-servants, the privileged civic mourners, in a parodied old Burgundian costume, short black cloaks and black plumped breeches, white wigs, and cravats, out of which the red mercenary faces stared comically, short steel rapiers on their hips, with green umbrellas on their arms. But more uncanny and bewildering than these figures which went silently by were the sounds which rang in my ears from the other side. They were shrill, harsh, creaking, metallic tones, a crazy screeching, a painful splashing and despair- ing gulping, a gasping and tumbling, and groan- ing and wailing bitterly — an indescribable ice- cold cry of pain. The basin of the Alster was frozen up, only that near the shore was a large square cut in the ice, and the terrible tones which I had heard came from the windpipes of the poor white creatures which swam round in it, and screeched in horrible agony ; and oh, they were the same swans who once had cheered my heart 80 softly and merrilyj Ah ! the beautiful white not mistaken, in Oaekd und Oaekdeia, whose author had prob- ably taken it from a common groteaqae design. — Trtmdator. I ) ! i Ii6 FROM THE MEMOIRS OP 1 swans ! Their wings had been broken to prevent them from flying in the autumn to the warm South, and now the North held them fast bound, fast banned in its dark, icy grave, and the waiter of the Pavilion said they were all right, in there, and that the cold was good for them. But it was not true ; it is not good for anybody to be im- prisoned, powerless, in a cold pool almost frozen, with the wings broken so that one cannot fly away to the beautiful South, with its beautiful flowers, golden sunlight, and blue mountain lakes. Ah ! with me it was little better, and I under- stood the suffering of these poor swans, and as it ever grew darker and the stars came out bright above, the same stars who once so warm with love wooed the swans on fair summer nights, but who now looked down with frosty brilliancy, and almost scornfully, on them. Ah ! I now perceive that the stars are no living, sympathetic beings, but only gleaming phantasms of night, eternal delusions in a dreamed heaven — mere golden lies in dark blue Nothingness. I CHAPTER V. While writing the foregoing chapter I waa thinking all the time on something else. An old song was humming in my memory, and forms . N. HERR VON SCHNABBLEWOPSKI. iiy and thoughts confused themselves most intoler- ably, and, willy nilly, I must speak of it. Per- haps it really belongs here, and is right in forcing itself into my scribbling. Ah, yes ! now I begin to understand it, and also to understand the mysterious tone in which Xlas Hinrichson sang it. He was a Jutlander, and served as our groom. He sang it the very evening before he hung himself in our stable. At the refrain — Sir Vonved, look about thee ! he often laughed bitterly, the horses neighed in alarm, and the great dog in the courtyard howled as though some one were dying. It is the old Danish song of Sir Vonved, who rides out into the world, and adventures about till all his riddles are answered, and he in vexed mood returns home. The harp sings in it as refrain from beginning to end. But what did he sing first and last ? I have often thought thereon. Klas Hinrichson's voice was many a time subdued by tears when he began the ballad, and then became gradually as rough and growling as the sea when a storm is rising. It begins : Sir Yonved sits in his room alway, Well on his gold harp he can play ; He hides the gold harp beneath his cloak. His mother entered, and thus she spoke : " Sir Vonved, look about thee I* llS PROM THE MEMOIRS OF ^ That was his mother Adeline the Queen. She said to him, " My young son, let others play the harp. Gird on thy sword, mount thy horse, try thy courage, strive and strain, see the world ere thou turn again ! Sir Yonved, look ahout thee ! ' I Sir Vonved binds Ms sword to his side, To battle with warriors he will ride j Strange was his jonmey and intent, For no man knew the way he went. Sir Yonved, look about thee ! His helmet was blinking, His spurs were clinkin;^. His horse was springing, In saddle bow swinging ! Sir Yonved, look about thee I * He rode one day and then dajs three, Yet never a city could he see. " Ha ! " said the youth, " on either hand. Is there no city in this land t" Sir Yonved, look about thee ! And as he went the road along. There came to him Sir ThGle Ying, Sir Thtile Yang, with many a son ; They were good warriors every one. Sir Yonved, look about thee I , ** My youngest son, hear what I say ! Our armour we must change to-day ; My harness must be worn by thee, Before we fight this hero free." Sir Yonved, look about thee t ^ The metm obanges in tbb vene as in the Danish origindL HERR VON SCHNABELBWOPSKI. 119 Sir Vonved draws his sword from his side, Against the warriors he will ride ; Lord Thule first of all he slew, Then all of his twelve sons thereto. Sir Vonved, look about thee 1 Sir Vonved binds his sword to his side, and rides on. Then he meets a hunter, and will have half his game. But the man refuses, and must fight, and is slain. ^ And Sir Vonved binds his Bword to his side, And onward ever he will ride ; O'er mountain high, and river deep, To where a shepherd guards his sheep. Sir Vonved, look about thee I And to the herd as he drew near, Said, '' Whose the flock thou drivest heret And what is rounder than a wheel ? And where is the merriest Christmas meal t* Sir Vonved, look about thee I " Say where the fish rests in the flood t And where is the red bird so good t Where is the best wine made or sold f Where does Vidrich drink with his warriors bold t* Sir Vonved, look about thee 1 The herd was silent as could be. Of all of this no word knew he ; Then at a stroke the herd he slew, Liver and lung he cleft in two. Sir Vonved, look about thee ! ^ This man bad murdered his father. Omitted by Heine. — Traniiator. ia» PROM THE MEMOIRS OF i Then he came to another flock, and there sat another shepherd, whom he also questioned. This one answers wisely, and Sir Vonved takes a gold ring and puts it on the shepherd's arm. Then he rides further, and comes to Tyge Nold, and slays him with his twelve sons. And, further — With his hoTse he rode and ran. Sir Vonved, the young nobleman, Oer rocks can ride and rivers swim. But found no man to talk with him. Sir Vonved, look about thee 1 He came unto the third, and there Sat an old man with silver hair : " List thou, good shepherd, with thy herd, I deem thou'lt wisely speak a word." Sir Vonved, look about thee ! " Oh, what is rounder than a wheel 1 | Where is the merriest Christmas meal 1 | Where goes the sun across the sky ? > ■ And where do the feet of a dead man lie 1" I Sir Vonved, look about thee ! " What fiUeth up the valleys all 1 What garb is best in royal hall ? What crieth louder than the crane ? And what is whiter than the swan 1 " Sir Vonved, look about thee t ^ Who wears his beard on the back, or in I Who bears his nose beneath his chin 1 And what is blacker than a bolt t Or Caster than a frightened coltl " Sir Vonved, look about thee t HERR VON SCHNABBLEWOPSKL izt * Say where the broadest bridge may be^ And what do men most hate to see ; Where is the highest road alone ? And where the coldest drink that* s known ? " Sir Vonved, look about thee I " The snn is rounder than a wheel, In heaven the merriest Christmas meal ; The sua forever seeks the west, Towards east the feet of a dead man rest" Sir Vonved, look about thee ! " The snow fills up the valleys all, CJourage beseems a royal hall ; Thuuder is louder than the crane, And angels whiter than the swan.* Sir Vonved, look about thee 1 " The plover's beard on his neck hath grown. The bear hath his nose 'neath his chin, alone ; ^ Sin is blacker than a bolt, And thought flies faster than a colt." Sir Vonved, look about thee ! •* No broader bridge than ice can be. The toad is what man most hates to see ; To heaven's the highest road I think. And in hell they brew the coldest drink." Sir Vonved, look about thee ! « Thy answers are as shrewd, I see, As the questions which I put to thee ; I trust ^ee well, and will be bound Thou knowest where heroes may be found." Sir Vonved, look about thee ! laa FROM THB MEMOIRS OF ** The Sonderbnrg is over there, Where knights drink mead withouten fear ; There are many kemp^ and warriors known, Who well in little can hold their own." Sir Yonyed, look about thee 1 A golden armlet he unwound, It weighed, I ween, full tifteen pound ; He placed it in the shepherd's belt, For showing him where the warriors dwelt Sir Yonyed, look about thee ! Then he rode unto the castle, and slew first Bandulf and next Strandoll He slew strong Ege Under, another. He slew the Ege Earl his brother ; So right and left his sword blows fall. To right and left he slew them all. Sir Yonved, look about thee i i Sir Yonved puts his sword in the sheath. He rides afar o'er the gloomy heath ; In the wild mark he found, ere long, A warrior, and he was strong. Sir Yonved, look about thee I " Tell me, thou noble rider good, Where does the fish stay in the flood t Where is the noblest wine of all t Where does Yidrich drink with his lords in hall t ' Sir Yonved, look about thee i ** In the east the fish stays in the flood. In the north they drink the wine so good ; HERR VON SCHNABBLBWOPSKI. las In Holland thon findest Yidrich alone, With knights and warriors many a one.* Sir Vonved, look about thee ! From his breast he took an armlet bright, And gave it to the other knight : " Saj that thou wert the very last man. Who ever gold from Sir Vonved wan.* Sir Vonved, look about thee 1 Herr Vonved did to a castle ride, And bid the porter open wide ; He shut the gate, the bolt he drew, Over the wall Sir Vonved flew. - Sir Vonved, look about thee I His good horse with a rope he bound. His waj to the castle-hall he found ; He sat him at the table free ; Never a word to man spake he. Sir Vonved, look about thee 1 He ate, he drank, he broke his bread, Unto the king no word he said : ** Never I heaxd before a king, So much accursM chattering 1 " Sir Vonved, look about thee ! The king said to his knights all round, ** The crazy fellow must be bound ; Unless ye bind the stranger tight, I ween your service is but slight* Sir Vonved, look about thee ! "Take fire, take twenty, knights, I «iy, Come thou thyself into the f^y ; iJi^:- 124 FROM THE MEMOIRS OF A whoreson name I give to thee, I Unless by force thou bindest me." ' Sir Vonved, look about thee I I ** King Earner, the father mine, And my mother, proud Adeline^ Unto me have often told, With a knave eat not thy gold.* Sir Yonved, look about thee 1 " Was Esmer father then of thine, And thy mother proud Adeline, Then thou'rt Vonved, the knight well known. Also my own dear sister's son." [ Sir Vonved, look about thee ! •' Sir Vonved, wilt thou stay with me t Much honour shall be given thee ; But if away thou will'st to ride, Many a knight shall go beside." Sir Vonved, look about thee I ** All my gold to thee I give, If thou here with me wilt live." Sir Vonved would not have it so, Back to his mother he will go. Sir Vonved, look about thee 1 Sir Vonved rode along his way, Qrim he was in his soul that day ; Ere he to the castle rode. Witches twelve before him stood. j Sir Vonved, look about thee ! With their rock and reel they came befor% And imote him on the knee full sore ; HERE VON SCHNABELEWOPSKI. 125 He made his charger leap and spring, He slew the twelve all in a ring. Sir Vonved, look about thee 1 He slew the witches as they stood, From him they got right little good; He slew his mother with them all. Cut her in thousand pieces smalL Sir Vonved, look about thee ! In his hall sits Vonved bold, He drinks the wine so clear and cold ; He played on his gold harp so long, That all the strings asunder sprang. Sir Vonved, look about thee ! ^ CHAPTER VI. It was a charming spring day when I first left Hamburg. I can still see how in the harbour the golden sunrays gleamed on the tarry bellies of the ships, and think I still hear the joyous, long-drawn Ho-i-hA) ! of the sailors. Such a port in spring-time has a pleasant similarity with the feelings of a youth who goes for the first time out into the world on the great ocean of life. All his thoughts are gaily variegated, pride swells every 1 The Sphynx story appears to have been strangely repro- duced in many forms among the Northern races. In the Edda there is a game of questions and answers, ending in the petrifao- tioD of a defeated trolL In the Hervor's Saga, King Heidrek pats riddles to Odin in disgoise, and loses his life in conse- ■eqoence of breaking the conditions of the game. Several of It6 FROM THE MEMOIRS OF sail of his desires — ho-i-Ju) ! But soon a storm rises, the horizon grows dark, the wind's bride * howls, the planks crack, the waves break the rudder, and the poor ship is wrecked on romantic rocks, or stranded on damp, prosaic sandbanks ; or perhaps, brittle and broken, with its masts gone, and without an anchor of hope, it returns to its old harbour, and there moulders away, wretchedly unrigged, as a miserable wreck. i the verses of Sir Vonved r«oall an old English b»U»d, whioh ia probably of Danish origin : — " Oh, what is longer than the way T And what is deeper than the sea ! And what is louder than the horn T And what is sharper than the thorn T And what is greener than the grass f And what is worse than a woman was t ** AlTSWEB. " Oh, Love is longer than the way, And hell is deeper than the sea, And thunder is louder than the horn. And hunger sharper than the thorn, And poison is greener than the grass, And the devil is worse than a woman was." When she these questions answered had. The knight became exceeding glad. Vonved's mother (a witch) had sent him forth to revenge hia father's death. The last verse, which Heine omits, states that he was son of Siegfried the dragon-killer. This ballad made a great impression on George Borrow, who alludes to it in "Lavengro." ' Wind's bride. The breeze which precedes a tempest. This passage recalls one in Shakespeare, " How like a yonnker or a prodigaL" HERR VON SCHNABELBWOPSKl. m; But there are men who cannot be compared to common ships, because they are like steamboats. They cany a gloomy fire within, and sail against wind and weather ; their smoky banner streams behind, like the black plume of the Wild Hunts- man; their zigzagged wheels remind one of weighty spurs with which they prick the ribs of the waves, and the obstinate, resistant element must obey their will like a steed ; but sometimes the boiler bursts, and the internal fire burns us up ! But now I will escape from metaphor, and get on board a real ship bound from Hamburg to Amsterdam. It was a Swedish vessel, and be- sides the hero of these pages, was also loaded with iron, being destined probably to bring as a return freight a cargo of cod-fish to the aristoc- racy of Hamburg, or owls to Athens.* The banks of the Elbe are charming, especially so behind Altona, near Eainville. There Klop- stock lies buried. I know of no place where a dead poet could more fitly rest To exist there as a living poet is, of course, a much more difficult matter. How often have I sought thy grave, oh Singer of the Messiah, thou who hast sung with such touching truthfulness the sufiFerings of Jesus. But thou didst dwell long enough on ^ StoekfiseJie. Dried ood-fish ; also meaning stupid people. The American term, "a member of the cod-fish aristocracj," applies very well here to Hamburgers, as previously described by Heine. 128 FROM THE MEMOIRS OP the Kdnigstrasse behind the Jungfernstieg to know how prophets are crucified. On the second day we came to Cuxhaven, which is a colony from Hamburg. The inhabi- tants are subjects of the Bepublic, and have a good time of it.^ When they freeze in winter woollen blankets are sent to them, and when the summer is all too hot they are supplied with lemonade. A high or well-wise senator resides there as pro-consul. He has an income of twenty thousand marks, and rules over five thousand subjects. There is also a sea-bath, which has the great advantage over all others, that it is at the same time an Elbe-bath. A great dam, on which one can walk, leads to Eitzebuttel, which also belongs to Cuxhaven. The term is derived from the Phoenician, as Sitze and Bwttd signify in it the mouth of the Elbe. Many historians maintain that Charlemagne only enlarged Ham- burg, but that the Phoenicians founded it about the time that Sodom and Gomorrah were de- stroyed, and it is not unlikely that fugitives from these cities fled to the mouth of the Elbe. Between the Fuhlentwiete and the coffee factory men have found old money, coined during the reign of Bera XVL and Byrsa X. I believe that Hamburg is the old Tarsus whence Solomon received whole shiploads of gold, silver, ivory, * Haien a uhr gvX. I HERR VON SCHNABELEWOPSKI. 129 peacocks, and monkeys. Solomon, that is, the king of Judah and Israel, always had a special fancy for gold and monkeys. This my first voyage can never be forgotten. My old grand-aunt had told me many tales of the sea, which now rose to new life in my memory. I could sit for hours on the deck recalling the old stories, and when the waves murmured it seemed as if I heard my grand-aunt's voice. And when I closed my eyes I could see her before me, as she twitched her lips and told the legend of the Flying Dutchman. I should have been glad to see some mermaids, such as sit on white rocks and comb their sea- green hair ; but I only heard them singing. However earnestly I gazed many a time down into the transparent water, I could not behold the sunken cities, in which mortals enchanted into fishy forms lead a deep, a marvellous deep, and hidden ocean life. They say that salmon and old rays^ sit there, dressed like ladies, at their windows, and, fanning themselves, look down into the street, where cod-fish glide by in trim councillors' costume, and dandy young her- rings look up at them through eye-glasses, and crabs, lobsters, and all kinds of such common crustaceans, swarm swimming about . I could never see so deep ; I only heard the faint bells * Roche, the raj or roach. I I JO FROM THE MEMOIRS OP i of the sunken cities peal once more their old melodious chime. i Once by night I saw a great ship with out- spread blood-red sails go by, so that it seemed like a dark giant in a scarlet cloak. Was that the Flying Dutchman ? But in Amsterdam, where I soon arrived, I saw the grim Mynheer bodily, and that on the stage. On this occasion, in the theatre of that city, I also had an opportunity to make the acquaint- ance of one of those fairies whom I had sought in vain in the sea. And to her, as she was par- ticularly charming, I will devote a special chapter. CHAPTER VIL You certainly know the fable of the Flying Dutchman. It is the story of an enchanted ship which can never arrive in port, and which since time immemorial has been sailing about at sea. When it meets a vessel, some of the un- earthly sailors come in a boat and beg the others to take a packet of letters home for them. These letters must be nailed to the mast, else some mis- fortune will happen to the ship — above all if no Bible be on board, and no horse-shoe nailed to the foremast The letters are always addressed to people whom no one knows, and who have long HERR VON SCHNABELEWOPSKI. 131 been dead, so that some late descendant gets a letter addressed to a far away great-great-grandmother, who has slept for centuries in her grave. That timber spectre, that grim grey ship, is so called from the captain, a Hollander, who once swore by all the devils that he would get round a certain mountain, whose name has escaped me,* in spite of a fearful storm, though he should sail tni the Day of Judgement. The devil took him at his word, therefore he must sail for ever, until set free by a woman's truth. The devil in his stupidity has no faith in female truth, and allowed the enchanted captain to laud once in seven years and get married, and so find opportunities to save his soul. Poor Dutchman ! He is often only too glad to be saved from his marriage and his wife-saviour, and get again on board. The play which I saw in Amsterdam was based on this legend. Another seven years have passed ; the poor Hollander is more weary than ever of his endless wandering ; he lands, becomes intimate with a Scottish nobleman, to whom he sells diamonds for a mere song, and when he hears that his customer has a beautiful daughter, he asks that he may wed her. This bargain also is agreed to. Next we see the Scottish home ; the ^ Ab I have heard the story, Vanderdecken, the captain, swore that he would " make the Cape " of Grood Hope by a oer- tain time, or beat round it to all eternity. Vide Marryatt's novel 13* FROM THE MEMOIRS OP maiden with anxious heart awaits the bridegroom. She often looks with strange sorrow at a great, time-worn picture which hangs in the hall, and represents a handsome man in the Netherlandish- Spanish garb. It is an old heirloom, and according to a legend of her grandmother, is a true portrait of the Flying Dutchman as he was seen in Scotland a hundred years before, in the time of William of Orange. And with this has come down a warning that the women of the family must beware of the original. This has naturally enough had the result of deeply im- pressing the features of the picture on the heart of the romantic girl. Therefore, when the man himself makes his appearance, she is startled, but not with fear. He too is moved at behold- ing the portrait. But when he is informed whose likeness it is, he with tact and easy con- versation turns aside all suspicion, jests at the legend, laughs at the Flying Dutchman, the "Wandering Jew of the Ocean, and yet, as if moved by the thought, passed into a pathetic mood, depicting how terrible the life must be of one condemned to endure unheard-of tortures on a wild waste of waters — how his body itself is his living coffin, wherein his soul is terribly im- prisoned — how life and death alike reject him, like an empty cask scornfully thrown by the sea on the shore, and as contemptuously repulsed IVILUAM OF ORAXGF: 1-: ;r- ,1 l\ntmii Etigraved by W. Holi HERR VON SCHNABELEWOPSKI. 133 again into the sea — how his agony is as deep as the sea on which he sails — his ship without anchor, and his heart without hope. I believe that these were nearly the words with which the bridegroom ends. The bride re- gards him with deep earnestness, casting glances meanwhUe at his portrait. It seems as if she had penetrated his secret; and when he after- wards asks, "Katherine, wilt thou be true to me ? " she answers, " True to death." I remember that just then I heard a laugh, and that it came not from the pit but from the gallery of the gods above. As I glanced up I saw a wondrous lovely Eve in Paradise, who looked seductively at me, with great blue eyes. Her arm hung over the gallery, and in her hand she held an apple, or rather an orange.^ But in- stead of symbolically dividing it with me, she only metaphorically cast the peel on my head. Was it done intentionally or by accident ? That I would know ! But when I entered the Paradise to culti- vate the acquaintance, I was not a little startled to find a white soft creature, a wonderfully womanly tender being, not languishing, yet delicately clear as crystal, a form of home-like propriety' ^ Apfdsine. ' Ein BUd hdudicher Zwsht. " A creature not too good For human nature's daily food." •jii,«»^",» ,„^ ', r-'--'ii,\ .4%' ^ ,«%;^*.- ••.'■•■■; :JU;*H>»^r*** ii»r" ** « »i »i <»