L I B RAR.Y OF THE U N IVER.SITY OF 1LLI NOIS oi6.9q74- cop. 2 £ ILLINOIS HISTORY SURVEY LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/guidetomanuscripOOmich GUIDE TO MANUSCRIPTS in the MICHIGAN HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN By Robert M. Warner and Ida C. Brown Ann Arbor 1963 Composition and Lithoprinted by BRAUN -BRUM FIELD, Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan Oil.. Ill* H INTRODUCTION The Michigan Historical Collections are a special library of The University of Michigan, con- taining the archives of the University and papers of individuals and organizations throughout Michi- gan. In the beginning there were two different projects. One, begun by Professor Lewis G. Vander Velde in 1934, was a program of collecting manuscript and printed materials relating to Michigan history, primarily for the use of graduate students in his seminar. The other program concerned the collecting and preservation of records of the University. To accomplish this purpose, President Alexander G. Ruthven appointed The Committee on University Archives, of which Professor Vander Velde was the secretary. Firmly convinced that a comprehen- sive collection of manuscripts dealing with the history of the University and the State would be use- ful for students and scholars, he began a vigorous campaign of letter writing and personal visits. Housed for a time in a room in the Clements Library, in 1938, needing more space, the papers were moved into the newly opened Rackham Building. In the same year the Regents established the Michigan Historical Collections and appointed Professor Vander Velde the Director. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 1960, when he was succeeded by Dr. F. Clever Bald, who had been Assistant Director since 1947. At present the Collections occupy six rooms in the Rackham Building and a building on the Willow Run Airport, which belongs to the University. Following the policy established by Professor Vander Velde to ask for manuscripts and printed matter as gifts, practically everything has been acquired in that way. Members of the faculties, alumni, and other friends of the University have been very generous in donating their own papers and those of their families and in making contacts with other persons. The holdings of the Collections and the use of them by researchers have increased immensely. At present the number of bound manuscripts is 12,350, of unbound manuscripts 3,255,000, of bound newspapers 535, of maps 1,561, of books and pamphlets 23,120, and of pictures 18,410. During the fiscal year 1962-63 the number of visitors to the Collections was 1,694, and scholars from thirty- nine colleges and universities used manuscript and printed materials in the reading room. These materials deal with nearly all phases of Michigan history and with many areas of na- tional and international affairs as well. For example, the Index contains under the heading Philip- pine Islands twenty- five entries. The reason is, of course, that a number of faculty men and alumni have been in the Islands, and their papers were given to the Collections. To name only a few: Pro- fessor Dean C. Worcester was Secretary of the Interior from 1901 to 1913; Professor Harley H. Bartlett and Professor Carl E. Guthe headed scientific expeditions there; George A. Malcolm was a Justice of the Supreme Court, 1917 to 1936; Frank Murphy was Governor General, 1933 to 1936; and Professor Joseph R. Hayden was Vice- Governor General. In 1941, the Guide to Manuscript Collections in Michigan, Volume I, Michigan Historical Col- lections, University of Michigan, prepared by the staff of the Manuscripts Division of the Michigan Historical Records Survey, was published. The number of entries was 427. Although it was soon inadequate because of the large number of accessions each year, it was useful to persons off the campus. For persons who visit the reading room, the manuscript catalog is a useful research tool. There are also other aids, such as a chronological index to diaries set up in five-year periods, with a descriptive page for each, and a special name and subject index to Civil War diaries and letters. Nevertheless, for the convenience of persons off campus a comprehensive guide is essential. Con- sequently, in 1954 we began the compilation. It has been a project in which all members of the staff participated, but the principal burden was assumed by Dr. Robert M. Warner, Assistant Direc- tor, and Miss Ida C. Brown, Curator. They have done an excellent job, taking whatever spare time they could find from their regular duties. The cut-off date was May, 1963. From time to time sup- plements to the guide will be published. iii IV This guide contains 2,950 entries under eight headings: (1) Personal Papers, (2) Church Rec- ords (most of these records are in the Collections on indefinite loan, but they are available for re- search), (3) Business Records, (4) County Records, (5) City and Town Records, (6) Organizations (Colleges, schools, clubs, civic and social groups, and military organizations), (7) The University of Michigan and (8) Addendum (Items acquired too late to fit into the alphabetical arrangement of the categories in which they belonged). The Table of Contents contains the list of categories with the inclusive numbers of each. The Index, in which the numbers refer to the entries, is a ready reference to names and subjects. We gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance of the Office of Research Administration of the University which made possible the publication of this volume. F. Clever Bald PUBLICATIONS OF THE MICHIGAN HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS Earl D. Babst and Lewis G. Vander Velde, editors, Michigan and the Cleveland Era: Sketches of University of Michigan Staff Members and Alumni Who Served the Cleveland Administrations — 1885-89, 1893-97. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1948. Pp. xi + 372. Bulletin No. 1. Lewis G. Vander Velde, Glimpses of the Early Dutch Settlements in Michigan. November 1947. Pp. 11. Bulletin No. 2. F. Clever Bald, Gabriel Richard, Didactor of Ennoeica. June 1948. Pp. 8. Bulletin No. 3. F. Clever Bald, The Michigan Historical Collections of The Uni- versity of Michigan. December 1948. Pp. 15. Revised August 1951 and June 1956. Bulletin No. 4. Vernon L. Beal, Promise and Performance: The Political Record of a Michigan Governor— Chase S. Osborn. September 1950. Pp. 19. Reprinted Janu- ary 1960. Bulletin No. 5. Carl E. Burklund, President as Poet: A Note on the Life of Henry Philip Tappan, D.D. December 1952. Pp. 14. Bulletin No. 6. F. Clever Bald, editor, The Staebler Papers. December 1953. Pp. 21. Bulletin No. 6 Supplement. Wirt M. Covert, Last Days of the Toledo Steamer. June 1954. Pp. [3] . Bulletin No. 7. Martha M. Bigelow, Michigan— Pioneer in Education. June 1955. Pp. 20. Bulletin No. 8. Ruth Bordin, Andrew Dickson White, Teacher of History. August 1958. Pp. 19. Bulletin No. 9. Ida C. Brown, Michigan Men in the Civil War. January 1959. Pp. 32. Supplement. October 1960. Pp. 26. Bulletin No. 10. Robert M. Warner, Chase Salmon Osborn, 1860-1949. January 1960. Pp. 31. Bulletin No. 11. Ruth Bordin, Michigan Historical Collections: The Vamler Velde Years. June 1961. Pp. 16. Bulletin No. 12. Russell F. Bidlack, John Allen and the Founding of Ann Arbor. December 1962. Pp. 34. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PERSONAL PAPERS 1 - 2148 CHURCH RECORDS 2149 - 2376 BUSINESS RECORDS 2377 - 2523 COUNTY RECORDS 2524 - 2584 CITY AND TOWN RECORDS 2585 - 2626 RECORDS OF ORGANIZATIONS 2627 - 2833 RECORDS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . . 2834 - 2877 ADDENDUM 2878 - 2950 INDEX vn PERSONAL PAPERS 1. ABBOT, WALDO (1888- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1940-44. 296 items. Director, The University of Michigan Broadcasting Service, Professor of Speech. Letters to Professor Abbot from service men and women who were his former students, tell- ing of their activities in World War II. Gift of Waldo Abbot, 1945. 2. ABBOTT, AMOS WHITNEY (1835-62). LETTERS, 1857-62. 9 items. Letters to relatives discussing studies at The University of Michigan in 1857-59, and service in the Ninth Michigan Infantry in the Civil War. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. George R. Allen, 1953-54. 3. ABBOTT, CALVIN. LETTER, 1873. 1 item. Letter from Abbott to James Fisher, writ- ten from Hillsdale College. Gift of Robert D. Aldrich, 1956. 4. ABBOTT, N. C. ADDRESS, 1938. 14 pages. Address delivered by Abbott before the Nebraska Historical Society entitled, "Morton: His Collegiate Days and Degrees," which dis- cusses this phase of the life of J. Sterling Morton. Gift of Karl F. Zeisler, 1944. 5. ABEL, JOHN JACOB (1857-1938). LETTER, 1937. 1 item. Pharmacologist; Professor, The University of Michigan and Johns Hopkins University. Let- ter from Abel to Dr. C. W. Edmunds describing his early work in pharmacology at The Univer- sity of Michigan. Gift of Dr. E. M. K. Geiling, 1958. 6. ABRAMS, EDWARD T. (1860-1918). PAPERS, 1884-1915. 5 items. Physician. Letter on the history and work of the Michigan State Board of Health (1915) and addresses by Dr. Abrams. Gift of Mrs. Ida Howe Abrams, 1942. 7. ADAMS, CHARLES. ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1863-90. 3 volumes. Clergyman, Utica. Account books record- ing daily business transactions with occasional brief notes on local events and daily activities. Gift of The Marquette County Historical Society, 1954. 8. ADAMS, CHARLES KENDALL (1835-1902). REPORTS, 1875-77. 2 items. Professor of History, The University of Michigan; President of Cornell University and of the University of Wisconsin. The two reports are on the faculty activities of Adams while he was at The University of Michigan. 9. ADAMS, HAMLET B. LETTERS, 1871. 3 items. The letters from Adams to his wife de- scribe the Chicago fire of 1871. Gift of Mrs. Andrew L. Ness. 10. ADAMS, HENRY CARTER (1851-1921). PAPERS, ca. 1860-1930. 20 feet. Professor of Economics, The University of Michigan; economist and statistician for the In- terstate Commerce Commission. Correspond- ence concerned with personal and family affairs and his academic and professional interests; cor- respondence, reports, and other papers (1906-11) on his work with the Interstate Commerce Com- mission; reports, pamphlets, files of foreign publications dealing with railroad legislation and finance. Gift of Henry Carter Adams, Jr., 1963. 11. ADAMS, PETER J. LETTER, 1851. 1 item. A letter from a farmer describing life in Tecumseh. 12. ADAMS, RANDOLPH GREENFIELD (1892- 1951). PAPERS, 1923-50. 325 items. Director of William L. Clements Library. Correspondence and manuscript copies of books and articles by Adams. Much of the correspond- ence covers the subject of procuring and pre- serving archival material relating to Michigan. Gift of Randolph G. Adams, 1940-50. 13. ADAMS, THOMAS C. PAPERS, 1826-35. 3 items. Physician. Letter (1835) to the Medical Society of Michigan; two letters certifying med- ical courses taken by Adams. Gift of Mrs. John T. Norton, 1955. 14. AGREN, ELIZABETH. STUDENT PAPERS, 1958-59. 2 volumes. Student seminar papers, "A History of the Redford Baptist Church," and "Kinsley Scott Bingham and the Slavery Question." Acquired, 1961. 15. AINSWORTH, ARTHUR SARDIUS (1862- ). JOURNAL, 1935. 1 volume. Businessman. Journal of a trip to Yellow- stone National Park and Alaska, and a brief au- tobiographical sketch of the writer. Gift of Shirley W. Smith, 1954. 16. AINSWORTH, CALVIN (1839-1916). DIARY, 1862-65. 1 volume, typewritten copy. A diary written while he was serving in the Twenty- fifth Iowa Infantry in the Civil War. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Shirley W. Smith, 1950. 17. AITON, ARTHUR SCOTT (1894-1955). PAPERS, 1922-51. 3 feet. Professor of History, The University of Michigan. Correspondence dealing with Aiton's professional activities, including scholarly writ- ings; his work in the Office of Strategic Serv- ices in World War n; manuscripts of published articles on Latin America; unpublished manu- script, "Rise of Latin American Nations." Correspondents include Walter Barnes, Arthur C. Bining, Herbert E. Bolton, Gray C. Boyce, Nels A. N. Cleven, Mortimer E. Cooley, William J. Donovan, Charles W. Hackett, Joseph R. Hayden, Allan Nevins, Charles E. Nowell, Herbert I. Priestley, James F. Rippy, Robert A. Taft, Marten ten Hoor, Henry R. Wagner, Alva C. Wilgus. Gift of Mrs. Arthur S. Aiton, 1948-60. 18. ALCOTT, RUSSELL H. (1825-62). CORRESPONDENCE, 1862. 2 items. Captain in Company A, First Michigan In- fantry, during the Civil War. Two letters to Mrs. Alcott describe the death of Alcott at Bull Run. Gift of Spencer Leonard, 1956. 19. ALDEN, BERNICE WRIGHT. STUDENT PAPER, 1935. 33, xv pages. Student seminar paper, "The Quakers in Michigan." Gift of Bernice W. Alden, 1949. 20. ALDRICH, FREDERICK A. PAPERS, 1888-93. 300 items. Correspondence and other papers of Al- drich are almost exclusively concerned with the activities of the Third Regiment of Michigan State Troops (later the National Guard), of which he was an officer. Gift of Mrs. Neil J. Berston, Sr., 1958. 21. ALEXANDER, FREDERICK (1870-1955). SCRAPBOOKS, 1909-43 8 volumes. Professor of Music, Eastern Michigan Uni- versity. These scrapbooks contain programs and clippings relating to Eastern Michigan University, particularly musical activites. Gift of Frederick Alexander, 1950. 22. ALEXANDER, HUGH BYRON (1847-1930). CORRESPONDENCE, 1865-68. 37 items, typewritten copies. Superintendent of Public Works, Chicago; business executive. Correspondence between Alexander and his parents, largely discussing his activities while he was a student at The Univer- sity of Michigan. Gift of Lewis Beeson, 1954. 23. ALEXANDER, KIRKLAND BARKER (1874- ). TRAVEL JOURNAL, 1907. 54 pages, mimeographed copy. Detroit newspaper writer. A journal kept on a trip on Lake Superior, from Michipicoten Island to Jackfish Bay and return to Sault Ste. Marie. The journal contains illustrations and a map. Gift of Chase S. Osborn estate, 1958. 24. ALFORD, GEORGE W. (1828-63). LETTERS, 1862-63. 9 items, typewritten copies. Letters written to members of his family while he was serving in Company D, Sixth Mich- igan Infantry in the Civil War. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of John K. Adams, 1959. 25. ALFORD, MAY F. (1837- ). SCRAPBOOK, 1894. 1 volume. Scrapbook of miscellaneous printed items with a few scattered notes, including letters of acknowledgement from James B. Angell and Raymond C. Davis. 26. ALGER, RUSSELL ALEXANDER (1836-1907). LETTER, 1888. 1 item. Governor of Michigan (1885-86); Secretary of War (1897-99); U.S. Senator (1902-07). Letter, December 13, 1888, expresses satisfaction with the results of the election of 1888. 27. ALLEN, C. EMERSON (1844- ). DIARY, 1864-65. 8 pages, typewritten. Excerpts from a diary kept by Allen while he was a member of Company B, Nineteenth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Charles A. Weissert. 28. ALLEN, HENRY CLAY (1835-1909). PAPERS, 1878-80. 14 items. Physician. Correspondence and petitions favoring the appointment of Allen to the chair of Materia Medica of The University of Michigan. 29. ALLEN, JOHN (1796-1851) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1825-50. 69 items, in part type- written, photostat and printed copies. Letters by John Allen, a founder of Ann Arbor, and his wife and children, mostly con- cerning family affairs, travel (including a jour- ney to California in 1850), and settlement pos- sibilities in Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois; letters about the Allen family, genealogical notes, reminiscences by James Turner Allen, and family histories. 30. ALLEN, JONATHAN ADAMS (1825-90). PAPERS, ca. 1852-90. 1 item and 1 vol- ume. Physiologist, The University of Michigan; President, Rush Medical College. Letter to J. Eastman Johnson concerning Allen's removal from the Chair of Physiology at The University of Michigan; scrapbook (largely printed) of items on Allen's European travels, Rush Medical College, The University of Michigan, and ad- dresses by Allen. 31. ALLEN, MARVIN (1800-61). CORRESPONDENCE, 1826-69. 5 items. Baptist minister, agent of American Bap- tist Missionary Union, trustee of Kalamazoo College (1851-61). There are two personal let- ters and one business letter by Allen; a letter from his daughter giving a biographical sketch; and a letter to Governor Barry about a bell for The University of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. David D. Hunting and Marvin Allen, 1936. 32. ALLEN, SILAS L. PAPERS, 1852-1901. 100 items. Insurance salesman. Papers contain as- sessments of Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Lenawee County (1864-98); tax re- ceipts (1858-96); legal papers (1852-1901). Gift of Dr. W. Burr Allen, 1942. 33. ALLMENDINGER, GEORGE FRANKLIN. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, ca. 1878. 1 volume University of Michigan student notebook on courses by Edward Olney and James C. Watson. 34. ALLURED, ALICE L. BRONSON and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1872-1925. 45 items. These papers include a Woman's Christian Temperance Union report (1903) and ten other items about W.C.T.U. work; a Sabbath observ- ance report (incomplete, 1895-96); a letter (1925) from Mrs. Norma F. Mudge; newspaper clip- pings, invitations, legal papers, notes pertaining to Boy and Girl Scout activities and to the Al- lured family. Gift of Paul Allured, 1940-41. 35. AMBERG, SAMUEL (1874- ). REMINISCENCES, jn.d.]. [15] pages. Physician, Mayo Clinic. Amberg's remi- niscences of Professor John Jacob Abel and his career at Johns Hopkins University, with some references to his career at The University of Michigan. Gift of Dr. E. M. K. Geiling, 1958. 36. AMES, HERBERT THOMAS. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1868-69. 1 volume. Lawyer. University of Michigan student notebook on lectures by James V. Campbell, Charles A. Kent, Charles I. Walker. Gift of Mrs. H. P. Haskin, 1936. 37. AMES, TRUMAN E. LETTER, 1921. 1 item. Letter by Ames to his father, recounting his personal history as a judge and lawyer in Illinois. Gift of F. T. Swan, 1949. 38. ANDERSON, DONALD K. STUDENT PAPER, 1935. 15 pages. Student seminar paper, "Thomas Medary Iden." Gift of Louis A. Hopkins, 1949. 39. ANDERSON, FA YE LOUISE. LETTERS, 1945-47. 12 items, mimeo- graphed copies. Letters from Faye Anderson to her par- ents, describing her experiences as a Red Cross assistant in New Guinea and the Philippines dur- ing World War n and in Germany and other European countries after the war. Gift of Faye Anderson, 1945-47. 40. ANDERSON, JOHN (1771-1840) and FAMILY PAPERS, 1796-1839, 1852, 1902. 44 items. Monroe trader, Judge, Colonel of Militia. Business and family letters, chiefly of John An- derson, his son Alexander D. Anderson, and other members of the family. The correspond- ence deals with family affairs, local politics in Monroe, War of 1812, the Canadian rebellion of 1837-38. There are autobiographical accounts by Anderson, a genealogical history (1902) of the Knaggs- Anderson family by B. R. Ross, and a sermon (1852). Correspondents include Lewis Cass and Charles Gratiot. Gift of Thomas M. Sawyer and Mrs. W. C. Jones, 1938, 1940. 41. ANDERSON, JOHN. NOTES, 1854-57. 2 volumes. Miscellaneous class notes, essays, verses, songs, written by Anderson while he was a stu- dent at The University of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. J. F. Viele, 1940. 42. ANDERSON, WILLIAM D. LETTER, 1854. 1 item, photostat copy. Student letter describing life at The Uni- versity of Michigan and mentioning the arrival of Professor Brunow, literary societies, and fraternities. Gift of T. B. Higginson, 1958. 43. ANDREWS, CHARLES. ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1869-92. 3 volumes. Business accounts of Andrews of Armada. Gift of Ralph G. Coulter, 1945. 44. ANDREWS, CHARLES LINCOLN (1864-1946). PAPERS, 1885-1939. 16 items. Librarian and Registrar, University of Denver. Correspondence and memoranda con- cerning The University of Michigan Club of New York City and directory of alumni living in the vicinity in 1900-03; biographical sketch, geneal- ogy and notes on members of his family; Uni- versity of Michigan student English themes and geometry notes (1885-86) prepared for courses given by Benjamin C. Burt, Isaac N. Demmon, Elisha Jones. Gift of Charles L. Andrews, 1939-41. 45. ANDREWS, ELISHA D. RECORDS, 1808-51. 5 volumes. General accounts of sales and work, kept by Andrews of Armada; recipe and account book of Mrs. Andrews; miscellaneous book of notes on the Andrews family. Gift of Ralph G. Coulter. 46. ANGELL, ALEXIS CASWELL (1857- 1932). LETTERS, 1868-76. 4 items. Judge. Letters from Angell to his grand- parents thanking them for gifts and mentioning family matters. 47. ANGELL, JAMES BURRILL (1829-1916). PAPERS, 1845-1916. 13 feet and 6 volumes. President, The University of Michigan and University of Vermont; U.S. Minister to Turkey and China; member of U.S. Commission on Ca- nadian Fisheries (1887) and U.S. Deep Water- ways Commission (1896). Correspondence (1866- 1916), notes, lectures, addresses, diaries, ac- count books and miscellaneous papers of Angell. These papers cover all of the important univer- sity and governmental positions he held and in- clude extensive material on all phases of Uni- versity of Michigan business, particularly his contacts with the State Legislature, the Board of Regents, faculty members, and the various schools, colleges, departments and divisions. Much correspondence and his diaries relate to his diplomatic missions, higher education in the United States, and family matters. Correspondents include John J. Abel, Charles K. Adams, Henry C. Adams, Alexander Agassiz, Alexis C. Angell, Avery A. Angell, Sarah Swoope Caswell Angell, Earl D. Babst, John J. Bagley, Charles Baird, Henry P. Baldwin, Levi L. Barbour, Frederick A. P. Barnard, Henry M. Bates, Thomas F. Bayard, Junius E. Beal, Rice A. Beal, William J. Beal, Josiah W. Begole, Wooster W. Beman, George G. Benedict, Henry D. Bennett, James G. Blaine, Austin Blair, James R. Boise, Campbell Bonner, William F. Breakey, Phillips Brooks, James Bryce, Matthew H. Buck- ham, Roger W. Butterfield, Samuel L. Caldwell, James V. Campbell, William W. Campbell, Henry S. Carhart, Alexis Caswell, Joseph Chamberlain, Thomas C. Chamberlain, Henry S. Cheever, Isaac P. Christiancy, Grover Cleveland, Benja- min F. Cocker, Cyrus B. Comstock, Theodore B. Comstock, Mortimer E. Cooley, Thomas M. Cooley, Jasper F. Cropsey, Alpheus B. Crosby, Byron M. Cutcheon, Sewell S. Cutting, Charles A. Davis, Raymond C. Davis, Isaac N. Demmon, Charles S. Denison, Paul R. B. De Pont, John Dewey, Donald M. Dickinson, George Dock, Mar- tin L. D'Ooge, Silas H. Douglas, Divie B. Duf- field, George Duffield, Edward S. Dunster, Timothy Dwight, George F. Edwards, John R. Effinger, Charles W. Eliot, Joseph Estabrook, William M. Evarts, Alpheus Felch, Thomas W. Ferry, David D. Field, Corydon La Ford, John W. Foster, Daniel C. French, Henry S. Frieze, George E. Frothingham, James A. Garfield, Charles M. Gayley, Norman Geddes, Frederic H. Gerrish, Thomas D. Gilbert, James G. Gilchrist, Daniel C. Gilman, Claudius B. Grant, Charles E. Greene, Ebenezer O. Grosvenor, James Hadley. John M. Harian, William R. Harper, Mark W. Harrington, Samuel S. Harris, Sir Robert Hart. Erastus O. Haven, John Hay, Rutherford B. Hayes, Rowland G. Hazard, George Hempl, Alfred Henne- quin, William J. Herdman, Eugene W. Hilgard, Arthur Hill, Charles E. Hill, Burke A. Hinsdale, Wilbert B. Hinsdale, Chester Holcombe, William H. Howell, William J. Hussey, Harry B. Hutch- ins, William L. Jenney, David H. Jerome, Mor- timer L. Johnson, Charles N. Jones, Elisha Jones, Samuel A. Jones, David S. Jordan, Fred- erick P. Jordan, James F. Joy, Charles A. Kent, Hermann Kiefer, Otto Kirchner, Loyal E. Knap- pen, Jerome C. Knowlton, Prince Kung, Robert P. Lamont, Victor H. Lane, John W. Langley, Li Hung Chang, Emil Lorch, George V. Lothrop, Seth Low, Cyrus G. Luce, Jonas H. McGowan, Andrew C. McLaughlin, Donald McLean, James McMillan, George L. Maltz, Lawrence Maxwell, Fred A. Maynard, William J. Mayo, George S. Morris, Eliza M. Mosher, James O. Murray, Charles B. G. de Nancrede, John S. Newberry, Frederick G. Novy, Edward Olney, Chase S. Os- born, Alice Freeman Palmer, Alonzo B. Palmer, Philo Parsons, Albert H. Pattengill, William H. Payne, Selim H. Peabody, Walter S. Perry, William W. Pethiek, William H. Pettee, Edward J. Phelps, Walter B. Pillsbury, Albert B. Prescott, Henry S. Pritchett, William L. Putnam, William E. Quinby, Caleb D. Randall, Henry W. Rogers, John C. Rolfe, Preston B. Rose, Charles Rynd, Lord Lionel Sackville-West, Abram Sager, Lucy Maynard Salmon, Alfred I. Sawyer, Andrew J. Sawyer, John M. Schaeberle, Fred N. Scott, Henry Sewall, George F. Seward, James Shearer, John M. B. Sill, Edwin E. Slosson, Albert A. Stanley, Joseph B. Steere, Madelon Louise Stock- well, Lucinda Hinsdale Stone, Clara H. Stranahan, John F. Swift, Jonathan Taft, Henry P. Tappan, Ernest T. Tappey, Andrew Ten Brook, Hugo P. Thieme, Calvin Thomas, William H. Trescott, Charles C. Trowbridge, James H. Tufts, Sir Charles Tupper, Herbert Tuttle, Moses C. Tyler, Jacob J. Van Riper, Philip T. Van Zile, Victor C. Vaughan, James H. Wade, Thomas F. Wade, Byron S. Waite, Charles I. Walker, Edward C. Walker, Samuel S. Walker, Fred M. Warner, James C. Watson, Charles K. Wead, Robert M. Wenley, Benjamin I. Wheeler, Andrew D. White, Peter Q. White, Charles J. Willett, Edwin Willits, Woodrow Wilson, Edwin B. Winans, Alexander Winchell, Max Winkler, Justin Winsor, DeVolson Wood. 48. ANGELL, JAMES ROWLAND (1869-1949). LETTERS, 1880-1945. 29 items. Professor at University of Chicago, Presi- dent of Yale University. Letters of James R. Angell written to relatives. They contain ob- servations on his father's diplomatic mission to China, journeys to Europe, comments on current events, and family affairs. Gift of Robert C. Angell. 49. ANGELL, ROBERT COOLEY (1899- ). REPORTS, 1924, 1926. 2 items. Professor of Sociology, The University of Michigan. Reports on student housing and stu- dent intellectual development at The University of Michigan. 50. ANGELL, SARAH SWOOPE CASWELL (1831- 1903). PAPERS, ca. 1850-1903. Ca. 350 items. Wife of The University of Michigan presi- dent, James B. Angell. Diaries written by Mrs. Angell deal with everyday events in Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan, church activities and social life, the Daughters of the American Revolution, family affairs, travels abroad and residences in Turkey and China. Mrs. Angell's letters discuss similar subjects. Gift of Robert C. Angell, 1938, 1947. 51. ANSCOMB, WILLIAM BODEN ( -1907). SCRAPBOOK, 1902-06. 1 volume. Scrapbook of photographs of Ann Arbor and student life at The University of Michigan. Gift of the Burton Historical Collection, 1960. 52. ANTIAU, CHESTER A. LETTERS, 1944-46. 22 items. Letters written by Lieutenant Antiau to F. Clever Bald, discussing work with the U.S. Army Information and Education Service during World War II and commenting on conditions in Italy and Germany. Gift of Chester A. Antiau, 1946. 53. AREY, ALBERT LLEWLLYN. LETTER, 1936. 1 item. Letter, by Arey, in which he reminisces about his experiences while he was a student at The University of Michigan in 1875. 54. ARMSTRONG, D. W. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1852-65. 1 volume. Physician in Parma. Armstrong's medical account book. 55. ARMSTRONG, LOUISE VOORHIS (1885-1948). PAPERS, 193--40. 1 foot. Author, sociologist, dramatist. Original typescript of Mrs. Armstrong's book, We Too Are the People , with notes, source material and correspondence relating to it; comments on the election of 1940; reports and papers on relief activities in Manistee County. Gift of Mrs. Armstrong, 1940. 56. ARMSTRONG, SOLOMON (1821-97). PAPERS, 1823-85. 40 items and 2 volumes. Carpenter, Ann Arbor. Contracts, legal papers, receipts, correspondence, work records of Armstrong. There are also two account books of Sylvester Armstrong of Saratoga Coun- ty, New York (1823-51). Gift of Mrs. Fernand Barbiaux, 1950. 57 ARTIAGA, SANTIAGO (1873- ). PAPERS, 1914-57. Ca. 500 items. City engineer of Manila, Mayor of Zam- boanga and Davao, Governor of Bukidon and Malaybalay provinces, Dean of Santo Tomos University of the Philippines. The papers con- sist largely of letters exchanged between Artiaga and Mortimer E. Cooley of The University of Michigan, with University of Michigan affairs and Artiaga' s work in the Philippines as the main topics discussed; official correspondence and papers (1940-41) of Artiaga's as governor of Bukidon; and papers of The University of Michigan Alumni Club of the Philippines. Correspondents include George G. Brown, Mortimer E. Cooley, Ivan C. Crawford, Joseph R. Hayden, James K. Pollock, Alexander G. Ruthven, Shirley W. Smith, T. Hawley Tapping. Gift of Lewis M. Gram, 1948, and Santi- ago Artiaga, 1959. 58. ASKIN, JOHN (1741-1818). LETTER, 1799. 1 item. Detroit merchant. A letter to Robert Ab- bott declining financial responsibility for a note. Acquired, 1958. 59. AtLEE, THOMAS S. (1816-84). MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, ^.d.-,. 21 pages. A history of "Kalamazoo in 1835 and 1855," by T. S. AtLee. Gift of Mrs. Charles A. Weissert, 1948. 60. ATWATER, OPAL G. STUDENT PAPER, 1943. 18 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Life and Po- litical Career of John Gibson Parkhurst." Gift of Miss Atwater, 1943. 61. AUDEN, WYSTAN HUGH (1907- ). PAPERS, 1939-41. 7 items. Two book lists and five letters to Louis Bredvold relative to Auden's lectureship in the English Department of The University of Michi- gan. Gift of Louis I. Bredvold, 1943. 62. AUDRAIN, PETER. RECORD, 1802. 1 item. Record signed by Audrain authorizing Wayne County courthouse repairs. 63. AVERILL, ELIAS MERRILL (1870- ). POEMS. 1 volume. "The Passing of the Pines and Other Poems," by E. M. Averill. Gift of E. M. Averill, 1939. 64. AVERY, LILLIAN DRAKE (1856- ). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, [ii.d.] . 2 pages. Article entitled "The Catholic Church of Pontiac." 65. AVERY, NEWELL. CORRESPONDENCE, 1865. 2 items. Letterpress copies of correspondence be- tween John F. Travers and Avery of Port Huron dealing with Travers' reaction to Lincoln's as- sassination. Gift of Mrs. Charles L. Gustin, 1960. 66. AYRES, JAMES NELSON ( -1922). LETTER, 1887. 1 item. Letter (June 15, 1887) to Dr. James Ayres from G. Van Hood detailing a case history of a patient. 67. BABBITT, FRANKLIN THAYER. PAPERS, 1883-85. 29 items. Miscellaneous receipts, scholastic exami- nation reports, and three letters, including one from James B. Angell appointing Babbitt to The University of Michigan faculty. Gift of Franklin T. Babbitt, 1941. 68. BABCOCK, ANGUS M. PAPERS, 1959. 10 items. Paper on Van's Marine Band of Ann Arbor; notes on Tappan School first grade (ca. 1908); etchings of scenes near Adrian. Gift of Angus M. Babcock, 1959. 69. BABST, EARL D. (1870- ). PAPERS, 1893-1953. 7? feet and 23 vol- umes. President, American Sugar Refining Com- pany. The Babst papers consist of correspond- ence, reports, addresses, and miscellaneous ma- terials relating almost exclusively to The Uni- versity of Michigan. Among the subjects covered are: Alumni Association, the Alumni Club of New York and the 1911 National Dinner, Green- land expedition, Michigan Union, Michigan League, Harry B. Hutchins memorial meeting, Marion L. Burton memorial endowment, Faculty salary en- dowment fund, the Class of 1893 reunions, and Michigan and the Cleveland Era . There are also three volumes of scrapbooks of University of Michigan memorbilia (1893-1953) consisting of programs, letters, clippings largely centered around the activities of Babst, two volumes of acknowledgements to Mr. Babst for his gift of Michigan and the Cleveland Era , and eighteen volumes of scrapbooks dealing with Babst's ca- reer with the American Sugar Refining Company. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Marion L. Burton, Thomas E. Dewey, Harry B. Hutchins, Joy Morton, Alexander G. Ruthven, Wilfred B. Shaw, Shirley W. Smith, T. Hawley Tapping. Gift of Earl D. Babst, 1939- 70. BACH FAMILY. PAPERS, 1850-1943. 27 items. The papers consist of nine letters from Waldo Bach written from army camps during the Spanish-American War; two World War I letters; a letter (1872) about Philip H. Van Schaick; let- ters and papers of Ellen Botsford Bach, mostly relating to Ann Arbor and The University of Michigan, including reminiscences of her early life in Ann Arbor before 1900, recipe book, two diplomas; deeds and mortgages of Bach- Botsford family lands in Ann Arbor township; photograph album. Correspondents include James B. Angell. Gift of Ellen Botsford Bach and the Bach estate, 1942-1960. 71. BACKUS, STANDISH. CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-39. 4 feet. Detroit businessman. Personal and busi- ness correspondence includes approximately eighty letters (1919-26) exchanged between Backus and Francis W. Kelsey, University of Michigan professor of Latin, for the most part discussing The University of Michigan research expedition to the Near East, also three letters from Harry B. Hutchins on the financing of the expedition. The bulk of the correspondence deals with the personal and business affairs of Backus. Gift of Mrs. Standish Backus, 1949, 1953. 72. BACKUS FAMILY. PAPERS, 1861-67. 6 items. Two membership certificates of drama clubs; military pass for Captain Backus (1862); offer of two squadrons of cavalry to the United States government (1861) by F. W. Backus; two letters to Mrs. Emily Backus about jobs for her son. 73. BAGLEY, DAVID MARION ( -1876). PAPERS, 1847-1922. 3 volumes. Letter copy book (1847) of Bagley family containing model letters; University of Michigan student notebook (1861) on lectures by James V. Campbell; precinct record book (1858) of Lansing containing lists of voters with annotations on their party affiliation. This volume was later used in 1883 and 1919-22 by W. D. Bagley as an account book. 74. BAGLEY, JOHN JUDSON (1832-81). PAPERS, 1843-81. 566 items. Governor of Michigan (1873-77). Personal and business correspondence of Bagley from friends, business associates, and state officials. Many concern affairs of state institutions, espe- cially the Boys' Vocational School, and Bagley's candidacy for U.S. Senator (1881); eleven letters (1881) to Mrs. Frances E. Bagley from various organizations, with resolutions on the death of Bagley; three drafts of letters by Bagley; three copies of speeches; Bagley's will; miscellaneous items. Gift of Mrs. John N. Bagley and Mrs. George Hosmer, 1935-38. 75. BAILEY, FRANKLIN H. (1845-1914). PAPERS, 1861-1912. 71 items and 21 vol- umes. Civil War soldier, astronomer, teacher. Letters about family affairs and army life to his parents in Adrian (see Bulletin No. 9 for details); letters to his wife Minerva while he was on a trip abroad in 1873; scrapbook of letters (1880- 91), many on educational matters; enlistment and discharge certificates; twenty diaries (1864-83) on his war service, student life at Hillsdale Col- lege, teaching, and scientific interests. Gift of Mrs. J. R. Inman, 1940-56. 76. BAILEY, IRA K. (1843-63). CORRESPONDENCE, 1861-65. 36 items, handwritten copies. Letters of Ira Bailey of the First Michigan Artillery, Edward G. Bailey of the Third Minne- sota Infantry, Lewis J. Rice of the Second Min- nesota Infantry, John F. Schermerhorn of the Eighteenth Michigan Infantry, O. Barnes, William Brophy, and Edward Hughes. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. Harry Dimmers, 1960. 77. BAILEY, THOMAS DOLAN (1838-1907). LETTERS, 1862-64. 35 items. Letters from Bailey to his mother written while he was serving in Company H, Fifth Mich- igan Infantry during the Civil War. See supple- ment to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. John E. Judson, 1960-61. 78. BAIRD, CHARLES (1870-1944). CORRESPONDENCE, 1892-1933. 2 1/3 feet. Banking and investment business. Personal correspondence (1892-1909) deals largely with University of Michigan athletics, particularly foot- ball. Much of the correspondence (1909-33) is between Baird and Keene Fitzpatrick. There is also considerable correspondence relating to alumni affairs of The University of Michigan. Gift of Charles Baird estate, 1953. 79. BAIRD, WILLIAM. EXPENSE ACCOUNT, 1812. 1 item. Expense account of Baird for a trip be- tween Buffalo and Sandusky to deliver dispatches to General Hull at Detroit. 80. BASINEE, JULES A. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, [n.d.j . 34 pages. Article entitled, "The Early Years of Ga- briel Richard." Gift of Albert Hyma, 1951. 81. BAITS, VERA BURRIDGE (1892-1963). ADDRESSES, 1950-57. 10 items. Regent of The University of Michigan. Addresses given by Mrs. Baits at various func- tions of The University of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. Baits, 1953-57. 82. BAKER, ELISHA. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1865-66. 1 volume. General store account book of Baker of Dryden. Gift of Lapeer Public Library, 1955. 83. BAKER, JOHN E. ( -1925). DIARY, 1904-17. 2 volumes. Tinker of Newaygo County. Diary of everyday events, the weather, and church affairs. Gift of George A. Slater, 1957. 84. BAKER, JOHN RANDOLPH. PAPERS, 1836-66, 1915. Ca. 100 items. Lawyer. Personal and business papers of Baker, including receipts, deeds, commissions, abstracts of title, and correspondence (1854-67). The latter consists of five letters dealing with business matters and nine letters discussing In- dian affairs in Michigan. Included in the latter group are two letters from Zachariah Chandler (1866), one from John Wilson (1854), Commis- sioner General Land Office, and one from J. P. Usher (1863), Secretary of the Interior. Three additional letters (1915) are about land patents. Gift of Miss Doris Robinson, 1951. 85. BAKER, LUTHER BYRON (1830-96). PAPERS, 1890? 1896? 2 items. Secret Service agent, army officer in the Civil War. Address by Baker on the capture of John Wilkes Booth in whose capture he partici- pated. There is also a biographical sketch of Baker. Gift of Mrs. Arthur Baker, 1939. 86. BALCH, NATHANIEL ALDRICH (1808-94). PAPERS, 1797-1893. 1100 items. Principal of Kalamazoo Literary Institute, State Senator. Papers include family letters of the Balch and Dungan families, with one letter (1813) reporting on the death and burial of Gen- eral Zebulon Pike; legal and business papers, some private and some connected with Kalama- zoo College; incomplete diaries, mainly legal notes and business accounts; miscellaneous post office and county records. Other papers include manuscripts (1834-35) during Balch's stay at Middlebury College; addresses on temperance, education, and other subjects; and the papers of Balch's son while at The University of Michigan (1865-66). Gift of Miss Gertrude den Bleyker, 1938. 87. BALCH, WALTER OMAR (1843-76). PAPERS, 1865-66. 9 items and 3 volumes. Essays, papers, and University of Michigan student notebooks on lectures by James V. Camp- bell, Thomas M. Cooley, Ashley Pond, and Charles I. Walker. Gift of Miss Gertrude den Bleyker, 1938. 88. BALD, FREDERICK CLEVER (1897- ). PAPERS, 1917-58. 3 feet. Director, Michigan Historical Collections. Manuscripts of published and unpublished works, including "The University of Michigan in World War II"; speeches; diaries of trips in Michigan; correspondence covering World War I service in the 28th Division in the United States and Europe and professional activities, particularly the Mich- igan Historical Collections and the Historical So- ciety of Michigan. Gift of F. Clever Bald. 89. BALD, FREDERICK WILLIAM (1901- ). LETTERS, 1944-45. 12 items. Physician. Letters written by F. W. Bald to his family while he was on duty as a medical officer in the U.S. Navy during World War H. The letters describe naval action and naval op- erations at Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Gift of F. Clever Bald. 90. BALDWIN, HADLEY. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1890-91. 3 vol- umes. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Joseph B. Davis as well as survey- ing notes. Gift of Miss Betty Baldwin, 1957. 91. BALL, A. R. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1897-1902. 1 volume. An account book recording fees charged, visits to patients, and some prescriptions dur- ing his practice as a physician among the indi- gent in Shiawassee County. Gift of Leah Belle Lyman, 1939. 92. BALL, ADELE. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY OF OWOSSO, p.d.] . 22 pages. 93. BALL, H. BELLE. PAPERS, 1878-1902. 9 items and 1 vol- ume. Physician in Jackson. Four statements and a receipt; account books recording medical fees charged, visits to patients, descriptions of cases, and prescriptions; University of Michigan student notebook on lectures by Edward S. Dun- ster. Gift of Leah Belle Lyman, 1939. 94. BALL, WILLIAM (1830- ). ADDRESSES, 1854-1900. 14 items. Teacher, farmer, State Representative and Senator. Addresses delivered before schools, the Epworth League, and other organizations on farming and farmers' clubs, success in life, taxation for higher education, other subjects. Gift of Julia Ball, 1941. 95. BALLARD, LUSINA. FAMILY HISTORY, 1950. 3 pages. History of the Ballard family and reminis- cences of members of the family on early Mich- igan. Gift of Miss Edna L. Nash. 96. BALLARD, MARY ETHEL. NOTEBOOK, 1911. 1 volume. Public school teacher, Grand Rapids. Notes on a trip by steamer to Niagara Falls from Ann Arbor and on a trip to Marquette to attend a Christian Endeavor convention. Gift of Miss Edna L. Nash, 1950. 97. BALLARD, RALPH. MANUSCRIPT HISTORIES, ca. 1957. 2 items. Historian, Niles. History of the ford, ferry and bridges across the St. Joseph River in Niles; history of the St. Joseph River area, including reminiscenes of the river, Ballard's boyhood near Niles, and the Ballard family. Gift of Ralph Ballard, 1958. 98. BALLOU, ISABEL A. STUDENT PAPER, p.d.] . 31 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Struggle for the Development of Transportation into the Sag- inaw Valley Prior to 1840." Gift of Miss Isabel A. Ballou, 1949. 99. BANKS, SARAH GERTRUDE (1839- ). PAPERS, 1871-1951. 11 items. Physician. The papers consist of receipts and class certificates; a letter (1906) from Anna Howard Shaw; and a letter (1951) containing bio- graphical information about Dr. Banks. Gift of James W. Clapp, 1951. 100. BARAGA, FREDERIC (1797-1868). BIBLIOGRAPHY, p.d.]. 2 pages. Roman Catholic Bishop of Marquette. Bib- liography of Baraga papers in the Diocesan chancery, Marquette. 101. BARBEAU, PETER. PAPERS, 1789-1909. 8 rolls of microfilm. Correspondence and business papers of Barbeau dealing with mining, fishing, shipping, fur trading, lumbering, and other businesses in the Northern Peninsula, particularly in Sault Ste. Marie. There are maritime papers consisting mostly of customs papers, ships' manifests from Michilimackinac and Sault Ste. Marie, miscel- laneous American Fur Company papers, and pa- pers on lighthouse administration, the Sault Ste. Marie Canal, and some Republican politics. Correspondents include Frederic Baraga, Hiram A. Burt, Samuel K. Haring, Stephen Mack, Thomas McKnight, John McMath, William P. Moore, James P. Pendill, Myron W. Scranton, William W. Scranton, Luther Trowbridge, Jacob A. T. Wendell, Peter White, Justin R. Whiting, Gideon O. Whittemore, William Woodbridge. Acquired, 1959. 102. BARBOUR, GEORGE W. (1841- ). DIARY, 1863-64. 2 volumes. Diary kept while he was serving in Com- pany D, Sixth Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. Much of his time was spent in Campbell General Hospital, Washington, where he described a visit by Mrs. Lincoln. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. K. A. Day, 1957. 103. BARBOUR, JOHN N. CORRESPONDENCE, 1845-46. 8 items. Boston businessman. The correspondence deals with mining interests in the Northern Pen- insula and includes three letters of Bela Hubbard. 104. BARBOUR, LEVI LEWIS (1840-1925). PAPERS, 1857-1926. 139 items and 4 vol- umes. Lawyer, Regent of The University of Mich- igan (1892-98, 1902-08). Papers of Barbour in- clude letters written from China, India, and the West Indies; letters relating to the Barbour es- tate; poems, articles, addresses, in part relat- ing to University of Michigan subjects; account 10 book; Delta Kappa Epsilon autograph book; let- terpress book (1883-84), much of which deals with prisons and jails in Michigan which Bar- bour inspected; a scrapbook of miscellaneous clippings and scattered correspondence pertain- ing to Barbour. Gift of Arthur Lyon Cross, 1935. 105. BARDWELL, JOSEPH. LETTER, 1865. 1 item, typewritten copy. Letter of Bardwell to Charles H. Butler written while Bardwell was serving with Battery I, First Illinois Artillery in the Civil War. Gift of Kermit V. Washburn, 1959. 106. BARKER, JACOB A. CORRESPONDENCE, 1835-50. 5 items, photostats. Letters written to Barker relative to his and others activities in the promotion of the Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad. Acquired, 1959. 107. BARLOW, ELIJAH PEASE (1821?- ). PAPERS, 1844-54. 4 items. Marriage certificate of Barlow and Jane Morrison (1850); three letters to Elijah Barlow from his brother discussing farming and other business matters. Gift of Mrs. Minnie M. Root, 1944. 108. BARLOW, LEICESTER. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1837-62. 1 volume. General account book of Barlow of Van Buren County. Gift of Mrs. Minnie M. Root, 1944. 109. BARNES, JOHN S. SCRAPBOOK, 1918-21. 1 volume. Scrapbook of photographs recording his student experiences in the School of Natural Re- sources, The University of Michigan. Acquired, 1958. 110. BARNES, WILLIAM M. LETTER, 1855. 1 item. Letter to Barnes from E. M. Kingsbury discussing family affairs and conditions in Eaton County. Gift of Mrs. Charles E. Barnes. 111. BARNEY, GEORGE LAWRENCE ( -1873). LETTER, 1862. 1 item. Letter written while he was a student at The University of Michigan. Gift of E. R. Butcher, 1949. 112. BARRETT, MYRON (1816-76). CHRONOLOGY, 1961. 12 pages. Chronological history of The Reverend My- ron Barrett, Presbyterian clergyman of Pontiac, prepared by his son Myron. Gift of Myron K. Barrett, Jr., 1961. 113. BARRY, ALEXANDER. LETTERS, 1942. 37 items. Letters from Barry to Professor and Mrs. William R. Leslie discussing personal matters and his experiences at various army air corps installations in the United States. Gift of Alexander Barry, 1944. 114. BARRY, JOHN STEWART (1802-70). PAPERS, [n.d.]. 2 items Governor of Michigan. Genealogical record and letter about Barry. Gift of E. Byron Thomas, 1941. 115. BARSTOW and LOCKWOOD. LETTER, 1843. 1 item. Letter from Barstow and Lockwood of De- troit to John Townsend describing property near Birmingham. Acquired, 1938. 116. BARTELME, PHILIP G. CORRESPONDENCE, 1916. 2 items. Director of outdoor athletics, The Univer- sity of Michigan. Letter from Bartelme to A. G. Hall with enclosure of a copy of a letter from R. W. Aigler to Mortimer E. Cooley about par- ticipation of University of Michigan athletes in professional sports. Acquired, 1959. 117. BARTLETT, ALICE ELINOR BOWEN (1848- 1920). POEM, f n.d.]. 1 item. Poem entitled "Gretchen," by Birch Arnold, pseud. 118. BARTLETT, HARLEY HARRIS (1886- 1960). PAPERS, 1908-60. 13 feet and 49 volumes. Chairman of the Botany Department and Director of the Botanical Gardens, The Univer- sity of Michigan. Forty-two volumes of diaries (1922, 1926-59); correspondence; manuscripts of articles; notes and miscellaneous papers; seven volumes dealing with his professional activities, his Philippine and South American expeditions, philately, and miscellaneous personal and busi- ness affairs. Gift of Harley H. Bartlett estate, 1961. 119. BARTLETT, JOHN WILBUR. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1876. 1 volume. University of Michigan student notebook on courses by Edward S. Dunster, Corydon La Ford, 11 George E. Frothingham, John W. Langley, Don- ald MacLean, Alonzo B. Palmer, Burt G. Wilder. Gift of Mrs. J. E. Crespo, 1953. 120. BARTON, LIZZIE. SCRAPBOOK, ca. 1878. 1 volume. Scrapbook of clippings and original poems. Gift of Mrs. Charles Weissert. 121. BASCOM, ERASTUS W. (1824- ). MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1909. 54 pages, typewritten copy. Manuscript history of Ypsilanti written by Bascom. He came to the city in 1833. 122. BASSETT, ARTHUR F. ADDRESS, 1925. 1 item. Officer, Detroit Trust Company. Manu- script address, "Management and Sale of Re- possessed Real Estate," delivered at the twenty- first annual convention of the Michigan Real Es- tate Association. Gift of Shirley W. Smith. 123. BASSETT, RAY E. SCRAPBOOK, 1914-19. 1 volume. City forester of Ann Arbor. Scrapbook of clippings and other printed materials about Bas- sett's work as city forester and his interest in the Boy Scouts, the Young Men's Christian As- sociation, and patriotic activities in Ann Arbor during World War I. Loaned by Mrs. Ray E. Bassett, 1960. 124. BASSETT, SARA WARE. LETTER, 1949. 1 item. Letter from Sara W. Bassett to Ethel J. Hastings telling of meetings with University of Michigan faculty members. Gift of Mrs. Ethel J. Hastings, 1949. 125. BATCHELDER [?], SOPHIE. LETTER, 1868. 1 item. Letter to Miss Converse Ward from Sophie Batchelder [?] of Ypsilanti describing Ypsilanti and her activities there. Gift of Russell E. Bidlack, 1958. 126. BATES, ANNA MAY LAMB (1877-1953). LETTERS, 1898. 3 items. Letters written by Anna Bates to her par- ents during her student days at The University of Michigan. 127. BATES, CHARLES FRANKLIN. PAPERS, 1878-88. 60 items. Farmer, Dexter. Correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Bates, Washtenaw Coun- ty Chairman of the Greenback Party. The papers deal with party activities, particularly the elec- tion of 1878. Correspondents include Grove S. Bartholo- mew, Albert F. Bruegel, Horatio Burch, H. E. J. Celuto, Moses W. Field, James Forsyth, Bradley F. Granger, Charles S. Hampton, W. C. Hullett, John H. Hummel, William P. Innes, William P. James, Arch McNichol, Daniel Markey, James H. Morrow, Samson Parker, John M. Potter, Ter- ence V. Powderly, N. C. Putnam, T. V. Quacken- bush, L. H. Thomas. Gift of Mrs. Eugene J. Mann, 1961. 128. BATES, GEORGE. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1888-90. 5 volumes. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Fleming Carrow, Edward S. Dunster, Conrad Georg, Heneage Gibbes, William J. Herd- man, Henry F. Lyster, James N. Martin, Charles B. G. de Nancrede, Albert B. Prescott, Victor C. Vaughan, Joseph W. Warren. Gift of Dr. George Bates, 1948. 129. BATES, HENRY MOORE (1869-1949). PAPERS, 1911, 1944-47. 50 items. Dean of The University of Michigan Law School. Book reviews; correspondence; and ma- terial used by Dean Bates in writing a sketch of Lawrence Maxwell for Michigan and the Cleve- land Era . Correspondence includes letters from Harry B. Hutchins. Gift of Henry M. Bates, 1947. 130. BATSAKIS, ANGELO. STUDENT PAPER, 1940. 12 pages. Student seminar paper, "Charles Michel Mouet de Langlade, the Unsung Hero of the French and Indian War." Gift of Angelo Batsakis, 1948. 131. BAUER, LAWRENCE JAMES (1894-1919). CORRESPONDENCE, 1917-20. 64 items. Letters from Bauer describing his pilot training and experiences in France as an Ameri- can aviator in World War I; letters from friends in France. Gift of Mrs. Charles Weissert, 1948, 1958. 132. BAUR, EMIL GOTTLOB ( -1894). LETTERS, 1863. 2 items, typewritten copies. High School German teacher. Letters to Baur from Erastus O. Haven and Alexander Winchell. Gift of Mrs. Lela Puffer, 1951 133. BAXTER, BENJAMIN L. (1815-1902). PAPERS, 1876, 1899. 4 items. Lawyer, University of Michigan Regent 12 (1858-64), State Representative (1869-70). Ad- dress given before the Lenawee County Histor- ical Society (1876); reminiscences of Baxter and the Foote family by Marion Foote Stone; copy of a poem by Baxter and an acrostic of him. Gift of Clara M. Waldron, 1953. 134. BAXTER, DOW VAWTER (1898- ). PAPERS, 1941-44. 6 items. Forest pathologist, The University of Mich- igan. Manuscript articles and book reviews by Baxter. 135. BEACH, WALTER PHELPS. PAPERS, 1849-92. 150 items. Business and legal papers of Beach in- clude twenty- six deeds to property in Michigan, largely Baraga County; twenty- one tax receipts and statements; thirty-five business letters, largely concerning lands in Michigan; scrapbook of clippings; other miscellaneous papers. Gift of Philip B. Sullivan, 1945. 136. BEADLE, WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON (1838-1915). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1860. 1 volume. President, South Dakota Normal School. University of Michigan student notebook on An- drew D. White's course in modern history. Gift of Mrs. F. G. Frink, 1942. 137. BEAL, JOSEPH O. CERTIFICATE, 1863. 1 item. Draft exemption certificate of Beal of Rollin. Gift of Miss Fannie E. Beal, 1959. 138. BEAL, JUNIUS EMERY (1860- 1942). PAPERS, 1879-1937. Ca. 250 items and 5 volumes. Publisher of the Ann Arbor Courier and Times , Regent of The University of Michigan. Papers include one hundred thirty- five letters and five letterpress books, largely about busi- ness affairs, politics, bicycling and the League of American Wheelmen, The University of Mich- igan, and Ann Arbor. In addition to correspond- ence, there are indentures, contracts, speeches, account books, and other miscellaneous papers. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Harry B. Hutchins, Chase S. Osborn. Gift of Mrs. Junius Beal, 1942. 139. BEAL, RICE ANER (1823-83). PAPERS, 1813-1902. Ca. 1700 items. Publisher of the Ann Arbor Courier ; chair- man, Executive Committee of Michigan Republi- can Party. Letters (1847-1902) mostly to Beal, Marble and Company; letter from Beal's wife Phoebe; four Civil War letters concerning en- listment of substitutes in the South from Alexan- der Ewing, Thirteenth Michigan Infantry; mate- rial relating to Dr. Alvin W. Chase's Receipt Book (published by Beal); bank book, indentures, leases, deeds and contracts, account book (1881- 83), and other business papers. Gift of Junius E. Beal, 1936-40. 140. BEATTIE, HOMER M. PAPERS, 1949. 5 items. Correspondence and miscellaneous material dealing with the British Fort Sandusky, destroyed in 1763, and with the early history of that region in Ohio. Gift of Homer M. Beattie, 1949. 141. BEATTY, KENNETH. STUDENT PAPER, 1960. 82 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Michigan Re- publican State Convention of 1912." Gift of Kenneth Beatty, 1960. 142. BECK, GEORGE (1835-1913). DIARY, 1856-60. 2 volumes. Student and teacher. Diary written while he was a student at The University of Michigan in which he discusses campus activities, aca- demic life and personalities. Gift of Mr. G. G. Beck, 1962. 143. BECKWITH, CHARLES (1825-1895). PAPERS, 1847, 1894, 1941. 5 items. Lawyer and Judge in Buffalo, New York. Receipt (1847) for room rent at The University of Michigan; biographical sketch of Beckwith and correspondence about him. Gift of Richard L. Paulson, 1940. 144. BECKWITH, CYRUS. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1825-68. 1 volume. Account book of a general store in Ann Arbor and of other business affairs. Gift of Richard W. Beckwith, 1940. 145. BEEBE, GRACE C. STUDENT PAPERS, 1942. 2 items. Librarian. Two seminar papers, "An An- notated Bibliography on Michilimackinac and Mackinac Island"; "John Jacob Astor and the American Fur Company at Mackinac Island, 1809-1834." Gift of Miss Grace C. Beebe, 1949. 146. BEEBE, JOSEPH E. (1810-72). PAPERS, 1844-71. 58 items and 3 volumes. Judge, Michigan State Representative and Senator. Personal and business papers, includ- ing five letters from Beebe discussing business 13 and family affairs and Michigan politics in the Civil War; legal documents and receipts; two account books pertaining to the State Prison of Southern Michigan, Jackson; account book of Beebe's drygoods store (ca. 1859-60). 147. BEEKMAN-GIDDINGS FAMILIES. PAPERS, 1846-86. 323 items. Papers include letters of the families deal- ing with family matters, settling in Minnesota Territory, and business affairs. There are also accounts and other business papers; draft of a debate on California independence; manuscript program of exercises in Rochester (1846). Correspondents include James Beekman, John H. Beekman, M. A. Giddings. Gift of Mrs. John J. Brewer, 1937. 148. BEHRINGER, CLARA M. STUDENT PAPER, 1949. 51 pages. Student seminar paper, "A History of the Theatre in Ann Arbor, Beginnings— 1870." Gift of Miss Behringer, 1949. 149. BELLAIRE, JOHN IRA (1871- ). PAPERS, [ii. d.]. 2 items. Manuscripts, one entitled, "Hiawathaland, The Upper Peninsula of Michigan," the other concerns logging in Michigan. Gift of Mr. Bellaire, 1954. 150. BELLAMY, HENRY H. (1837-62). LETTERS, 1862. 3 items. Two letters written while he was serving in First Michigan Engineers and Mechanics dur- ing the Civil War, and a letter to him from Charles E. Henry of the Third Michigan Infantry. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Acquired, 1952. 151. BELLENCOUR, FRANCOIS XAVIER (1743- ). POEM, 1805. 2 items. Notary. Copy of a jingle written in French by Bellencour and a note about Bellencour writ- ten by F. Clever Bald. Gift of F. Clever Bald. 152. BEMAN, WOOSTER WOODRUFF (1850-1922). PAPERS, 1865-1938. 177 items. Instructor, Kalamazoo College; Professor of Mathematics, The University of Michigan. Letters (1865-1922) to Beman from Marion L. Burton, Thomas M. Cooley, Edgar J. Goodspeed, William R. Harper, William J. Hussey, Harry B. Hutchins, Volney M. Spalding, and others, mostly about The University of Michigan and especially the Department of Mathematics; biographical sketches of James B. Angell, Edward Olney, and Volney M. Spalding; religious addresses; papers on reforms in Ann Arbor; memoranda on various trips; memorial on the death of Beman; miscel- laneous papers. Gift of Mrs. Helen E. Beman, 1936-45. 153. BEMENT, CONSTANCE. SCRAPBOOK, 1900-05. 1 volume. Scrapbook of printed items, largely pro- grams of plays and musical events seen in Eu- rope and at The University of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. Theodore G. Foster, 1956 154. BENFORD, GARDNER and BENFORD, EARL. LETTERS, 1913. 3 items. Seamen on the Great Lakes. Three letters written by the brothers to their mother, Mrs. T. A. Benford, about the destructive storm on the Great Lakes in 1913. Gift of Harry B. Benford, 1955. 155. BENJAMIN, JFANNETTE SMITH. REMINISCENCES, ca. 1930. 3 items. Reminiscenses of Mrs. Benjamin concern- ing her immigration to the United States from England, and genealogical notes on the family. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Benjamin, 1961. 156. BENNARD, GEORGE. PAPERS, 1938-39. 26 items. Interdenominational evangelist; publisher of sacred music. Personal and business letters to the Reverend George Bennard of Albion, author of The Old Rugged Cross , about his songs; mim- eographed invitations to concerts; programs, clippings, and other printed matter. Gift of George Bennard, 1940. 157. BENNETT, MRS. J. WILLIAM. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1938. 5 pages. History of school district number eight, Wheatland township, Hillsdale County. 158. BENTLEY, A. P. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1855-56. 1 volume. General store account book of Bentley and S. H. Davis. The name Stillman Wright is found in several places. Gift of Miss Elizabeth V. Briggs, 1950. 159. BERGER, MILTON M. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Physician. Letter to T. Hawley Tapping about Berger's assignment with a medical unit of of the U.S. Seventh Division, and an additional enclosure containing a description of the sur- render of a group of Japanese on the Island of Okinawa at the end of World War II. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 14 160. BETHUNE-DUFFIELD FAMILY. PAPERS, 1796-1887. 55 items and 22 vol- umes. Sermons by George Duffield (1794-1868) and George Duffield (1818-88); unfinished manu- script on Calvin and the Reformation by Duffield, Jr.; letter (1887) from Duffield, Jr. to G. A. Beattie; partial list of books in the Duffield li- brary; receipts for salary from the First Prot- estant Society of Detroit; business records of Duffield, Sr.; fourteen volumes (1796-1823) of daily devotions consisting of meditations, prayers, poems, notes of Divie Bethune, Presbyterian clergyman of Pennsylvania, and four similar volumes by his wife Joanna; her autobiography; one volume of devotions by an unknown author; a record of sermons; two volumes of meteoro- logical records of Detroit (1837-57) kept by Duffield. Gift of Henry D. Brown, 1938. 161. BEUKEMA, JOHN C. LETTER, 1945. 2 items. Letter of Beukema to F. Clever Bald con- cerning Muskegon's World War II effort, and a newspaer clipping concerning the same. Gift of F. Clever Bald. 162. BIDDLE, SOPHIA. PAPERS, 1838-44. 5 items, typewritten copies. Letters from Elizabeth Campbell to Sophia Biddle commenting on conditions in and near Detroit, including observations on the Canadian Rebellion (1837-38); a letter from Rose Bailly to Sophia Biddle. These letters are accompa- nied by extensive biographical notes on persons mentioned in the correspondence. Gift of Mrs. Louis P. Hall, 1944. 163. BIDLACK, RUSSELL EUGENE (1920- ). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLES, 1948-61. 6 items and 1 volume. Professor of Library Science, The Univer- sity of Michigan. University of Michigan Ph.D. thesis, "The University of Michigan General Li- brary: A History of Its Beginnings, 1837-1852"; articles and radio scripts on the General Li- brary, John Allen, and Michigan in the Civil War. Gift of Russell E. Bidlack. 164. BIGE LOW, MELVILLE MADISON ( -1921). PAPERS, 1866. 4 items. Letter written from Memphis, Tennessee, by Bigelow, discussing The University of Michi- gan from which he was graduated in 1866; mem- oir of Bigelow by William V. Kellen with two items of correspondence about it. Gift of Dr. D. L. Harris, 1942. 165. BIGGLE, LLOYD. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, p.d.]. 28 pages. Article entitled, "Musical Life in a Pioneer Town. Music in Ann Arbor Newspapers, 1829- 1844." Gift of Lloyd Biggie, 1949. 166 BILL, RENNSELAER. LETTER, 1833. 1 item. Letter written September 16, 1833 from Monroe describing a schooner he is building, to- gether with a complete list of materials needed for the rigging. 167. BINGAY, MALCOLM WALLACE (1884-1953). PAPERS, 1948. 11 items. Newspaper columnist and editor. Tele- grams and other papers containing reports on the 1948 Republican National Convention. Acquired, 1950. 168. BINGHAM, ABEL (1786-1865) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1822-1910. 1-1/3 feet and 8 vol- umes. Missionary. Papers include correspondence (1834-64), ministerial credentials and reports on the missionary activities of Abel Bingham at Sault Ste. Marie; correspondence, speeches, etc. (1860-1910) of Angelina Bingham Gilbert; scat- tered letters and papers of other members of the family: Sophia Buchanan, John Hulbert, Thomas Gilbert, and John Claude Buchanan, the latter while he was serving in the Eighth Michi- gan Infantry during the Civil War. There are three account books of the Bingham family (1845- 66); an account book of Aaron Bingham in Ver- mont (1822-50); four diaries of Hannah Bingham (1836-68) dealing with daily activities and reli- gion; and a descriptive list (1842) of pupils and teachers at the mission school. Acquired, 1955. 169. BINGHAM, KINSLEY SCOTT (1808-61). PAPERS, 1820-1909. Ca. 600 items. U.S. Congressman and Senator, Governor of Michigan (1854-59). Correspondence and pa- pers of the Bingham and Warden families. The correspondence includes letters from Kinsley, his wife Mary Warden, his son James (first lieutenant, Sixteenth Michigan Infantry, who died in 1862), and Robert Warden, Jr. The corre- spondence deals with family affairs, legislative matters, Bingham's inauguration in Lansing (1857), politics, and the Civil War. There are letters to Warden from friends in Scotland and Camillus, New York, including one from Henry S. Dinn about slavery and the Civil War. There are miscellaneous materials and genealogical data on the Bingham and Warden families and 15 a diary (1862-63) kept by Mrs. Bingham. Gift of Miss Janet Warden and Miss Emi- lie Comstock, 1938-1947. 170. BIRD, CHAUNCEY. PAPERS, 1837-57. 7 items. Five letters (1837-57) to Bird from rela- tives chiefly about farm life in Michigan, and an account of the flight of a family from Litchfield, Connecticut, to Verona, Oneida County, New York, to escape averred persecution by Masons in 1811. Gift of Major Bird, 1938' 171. BIRD, REUBEN E. PAPERS, 1835-53. 20 items. Seventeen letters to Bird of Truago (now Trenton) and to members of his family in Adrian and Grafton (Monroe Co.). Among them are eleven (1851-53) from Bird's nephew George Howe of Northampton, Massachusetts, on family matters, crops, politics, religion, and Louis Kossuth; two letters from John M. Bird discuss- ing Erie & Kalamazoo Railroad; a letter from J. W. Rood discussing the qualifications of Dan- iel Webster and Millard Fillmore as presidential aspirants in 1852; a certificate of membership in the Presbyterian Church (1835); a poem (1840). Gift of Major Bird, 1938. 172. BIRKETT, THOMAS. PAPERS, 1853-1913. Ca. 85 items and 3 volumes. Business correspondence of Birkett of Dexter, largely with his brother William con- cerning loans; a land contract; two account books of the Dover Mills of Dexter; a letter book of business and personal correspondence (1898-1900). Gift of Peter Bailey and Birkett Newkirk, 1946. 173. BITELY, E. LETTER, 1847. 1 item. Letter from E. Bitely to N. H. Bitely de- scribing the state of business in Paw Paw in 1847 Gift of Mrs. Howard B. Lewis, 1955. 174. BLACK, EDWARD DAVISON (1853- ). PAPERS, 1930-37. 16 items. Circuit Court Judge. The Black papers consist largely of correspondence relating to the Flint "sit-down" strikes of 1936; also papers re- lating to the case of Alfred Goetz vs. Edward D. Black. Correspondents include Chase S. Osborn and Ralph Spooner. Gift of Harry B. Black, 1939. 175. BLACKMAN, ANDREW and BLACKMAN, LAURETTA VAILL. CORRESPONDENCE, 1819-53. 27 items. Letters written by Laura Blackman, Lauretta Vaill Blackman, Albertus Knapp, G. W. Knapp, Elvina Norris, Mark Norris, and Roccina B. Norris discussing family affairs, with em- phasis on their religious interests. 176. BLACKMAN, RUTH. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, [n.d.]. 21 pages. History of the Hazel Park School District in Royal Oak township, Oakland County. 177. BLACKMAR, CHARLES BLAIR. ESSAY, 1874. 7 pages. An essay describing The University of Michigan campus in 1874. Gift of Harry B. Black, 1939. 178. BLAICH, C. GOTTLOB. PAPERS, 1853-1921. 35 items. Papers of the Blaich family of Ingham County consist largely of letters (1853-63) from relatives in Tazenhausen, Wurtemberg, Germany. They contain family news, but make occasional references to emigration to the United States, including Michigan and Ohio. (The letters are in German with English summaries.) Gift of Miss Geneva Kebler, 1959. 179. BLAICH, GEORGE. PAPERS, 1865-1910. 18 items. Business and legal papers, including re- ceipts, indentures, mortgages, building contract, and one business letter. Most of the papers ap- ply to property in Ann Arbor. Gift of Mrs. George Blaich, 1947. 180. BLAIR, AUSTIN (1818-94). PAPERS, 1862-82. 3 items. Governor of Michigan (1861-65); U.S. Con- gressman (1867-73). Letter by Blair (1862) sending his autograph; letter (1882) accepting an invitation; brief autobiographical account stress- ing Blair's political activities. There is men- tion of presidents Lincoln, Grant, and Hayes. Gift of Miss Ruth Foster, 1947; Emerson F. Greenman, 1948. 181. BLAKEMAN, EDWARD WILLIAM (1880-1963). PAPERS, 1933-47. 3 feet and 1 volume. Counselor in Religious Education, The Uni- versity of Michigan. Biographical data; corre- spondence; scrapbooks; scripts of radio broad- casts; manuscripts of books and articles; book reviews; other material relating to religion in student life and the administration of religion in 16 universities, including The University of Michi- gan; Ann Arbor Pastors' Conferences; the relo- cation of Nisei during World War II. Gift of Edward W. Blakeman, 1940-60. 182. BLANCHARD, JOHN C. PAPERS, 1898-1901. 17 items. Lawyer. Two legal documents from Chip- pewa Indians living on Walpole Island, Ontario, granting power of attorney to W. A. Elias to represent them in making claims against the United States for land; lists of Indians making claims; correspondence, including seven letters from Elias dealing with the Indian land claims. 183. BLISS, ALMOND L. BUSINESS PAPERS, 1869-98. 18 volumes. Daybook, account books, bank book, and eight letter books of business correspondence, mostly concerning real estate in .Adrian. Gift of Richard Goff, 1953. 184. BLISS, G. P. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1867-76. 1 volume. Account book of Bliss of East Saginaw containing a detailed record of personal and other expenses. Acquired, 1959. 185. BLISS, WALTER B. AUTOGRAPH ALBUM, 1880-85. 1 volume. Autograph album of Bliss at Orchard Lake Military Academy and The University of Michi- gan Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. Gift of Fred Dustin, 1956. 186. BLUM, HARRIET L. STUDENT PAPER, 1931. 31 pages. Public school teacher. Student seminar paper, "Congress and the Canadian Rebellion of 1837-1838." Gift of Miss Blum, 1949. 187. BLUME, WILLIAM WIRT (1893- ). MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1957. Mimeo- graphed copy. Professor of Law, The University of Mich- igan. Manuscript, "American Legal History: Territorial Period," by William Wirt Blume, as- sisted by Elizabeth G. Brown. Gift of Mrs. Elizabeth G. Brown, 1957. 188. BLUNT, MARTIN H. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, f n.d.]. 1 page. History of School District No. 4, Royal Oak township, Oakland County. 189. BOAK, ARTHUR EDV/ARD ROMELLY (1888-1962). PAPERS, pi.d.]. 2 items. Professor of History, The University of Michigan. Manuscript, "History of Rome to 565 A.D. ," published in 1923; manuscript article, "Christianity and the Fall of Rome." Gift of Arthur E. R. Boak, 1949. 190. BOARDMAN, WILLIAM EDWARD. PAPERS, 1848-50. 17 items. Representative of the American Sabbath School Union in Michigan. Papers consist of an annual report for 1849 and sixteen letters con- cerning the establishing of Sunday schools, trav- els, and the missionary work of Boardman in various Michigan towns. Acquired, 1938. 191. BODENSTAB, JOHN. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLES, t n.d.]. 2 items. Articles entitled, "Forrestville in Sanilac County Nearly a Hundred Years Old"; "Franken- muth, Michigan— A Century of Progress." Gift of John Bodenstab, 1946. 192. BOGARDUS, WILLIAM E. NOTEBOOKS, 1906-10. 6 items. Lecturer, entertainer, representative of the International Business College, Saginaw. Note- books record business calls. Acquired, 1958. 193. [BOGART, HARRY M.] PAPERS, 1934. 13 items. Secretary-Treasurer, Monitor Insurance Company, Pontiac. Papers, probably of Bogart, containing notes for speeches and programs mostly of a religious and inspirational nature. Gift of Harry Garling, 1959. 194. BOHN, WILLIAM EDWARD. LETTERS, 1910. 2 items. Professor of Rhetoric, The University of Michigan. Letter to President Hutchins forward- ing to him a copy of a letter Professor Bohn had sent to the Board of Regents in which he defends and explains his views on socialism ex- pressed in an address at Kalamazoo. 195. BOISE, JAMES ROBINSON (1815-95). CORRESPONDENCE, 1850-88. 18 items. Professor of Greek Language and Litera- ture, The University of Michigan. Correspond- ence about classical studies, University of Mich- igan affairs, and personal matters. Correspondents include Charles Kendall Adams, Henry S. Frieze, Elisha Jones. Gift of Mrs. Charles W. Lobdell, 1957. 17 196. BOND, JOHN. LETTERS, 1837-38. 4 items. Brewer. Letters from Bond to his brother discussing personal financial difficulties and the poor business conditions in Detroit exemplified in bank failures and scarcity of employment, and events taking place during the Canadian Rebel- lion of 1837-38. Acquired, 1951. 197. BONISTEEL, ROSCOE OSMOND (1888- ). PAPERS, 1920-62. 4 feet. Lawyer, Regent of The University of Mich- igan. Correspondence and other papers relating to the First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor, Rotary International, Republican Party politics and the National Convention of 1944, his election to and service in the Michigan Constitutional Convention of 1961-62. Gift of Roscoe O. Bonisteel, 1944-62 198. BOOTH, CAROL J. STUDENT PAPER, 1944. 21 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Branches of the University" [of Michigan] . Gift of Miss Booth, 1944. 199. BOSTON, WILLIAM (1836-1915). PAPERS, 1862-65. 38 items and 3 volumes. Two diaries and thirty- seven letters writ- ten while he was serving in the Twentieth Mich- igan Infantry during the Civil War, and his dis- charge certificate. See Bulletin No. 9 for de- tails of the diaries. Gift of Orlan W. Boston, 1938, 1963. 200. BOSWORTH, RICHARD (1832-1915). ADDRESS, 1857? 24 pages. Address delivered before the Medical So- ciety of Union City, Indiana, by Dr. Bosworth of The University of Michigan Medical Class of 1865. Gift of Fred M. Ruby, 1950. 201. BOUCKE, EWALD AUGUSTUS ( -1943). CORRESPONDENCE, 1953. 4 items. Professor at The University of Michigan and Heidelberg University, Germany. Letters in German (with translations of three) from former students and friends of Professor Boucke relat- ing their reminiscences of him and of his work at Heidelberg, particularly during the period of the Nazi regime. Gift of Fred C. Domroese, 1954 202. BOUGHTON, JOHN C. (1836-94). PAPERS, 1856-1910. Ca. 250 items. Businessman and Civil War soldier. Pa- pers of Boughton and family of Novi and Traverse City include correspondence, legal pa- pers, bills and receipts dealing with personal and business affairs and Boughton's service as an officer with the Second Michigan Infantry in the Civil War. Correspondents include Frederick Schneider. Gift of Mrs. Walter Spormen, 1960. 203. BOUGHTON, WILLIS A. (1854-1942). CORRESPONDENCE, 1888-90. 5 items. Largely letters of recommendation from University of Michigan professors. 204. BOUTWELL, WILLIAM THURSTON (1803-90). DIARY, 1832. 1 volume, photostat copy. Missionary. Journal of the Schoolcraft Ex- pedition, by Boutwell. This is a photostat of the copy made by J. Fletcher Williams for the Min- nesota Historical Society. Gift of Warner G. Rice, 1949. 205. BOWDISH, HAROLD. STUDENT PAPERS, 1941. 2 items. Student seminar papers, "A Brief Outline of United States History With Special Reference to the History of Michigan"; "Tales of Early Travel Through Michigan." Gift of Harold Bowdish, 1941. 206. BOWERS, ALFRED (1836-1932). PAPERS, 1863-65. 31 items. Biographical sketch, poem, and letters of Bowers written while he was serving in Com- pany C, 143rd New York Infantry during the Civil War. Gift of Mrs. Ethel Scott, 1962. 207. BOWERSOX, JESSIE RICE (1875- ). MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1954. 250 pages. Housewife. A history of Litchfield, Hills- dale County, written by Mrs. Bowersox. This manuscript includes many original documents such as letters, pictures, etc. Gift of Mrs. Bowersox, 1957. 208. BOYD FAMILY. PAPERS, 1761-1945. 534 items. The papers include school notes and lec- tures; addresses and notes on religious subjects; business and legal papers; manuscript history of the Presbyterian Church of Monroe; correspond- ence, largely relating to personal affairs of the family; account books, scrapbooks, and notebooks. Gift of Carrie L. Boyd, 1937-45. 209. BOYER, ROBERT S. STUDENT PAPER, 1941. 30 pages. Student seminar paper, "Plank Roads in Michigan, 1844-1861." Gift of Robert S. Boyer, 1949. 18 210. BOYLAN, MOSES M. PAPERS, 1831-68. 40 items and 2 vol- umes. Ann Arbor businessman. Receipts; ac- counts and lists of names and Ann Arbor ad- dresses of University of Michigan students, 1864- 66; account book (1848-61). Gift of Charles M. Davis, 1960. 211. BOYLES, EMERSON RICHARD (1881- 1960). PAPERS, 1879-1960. 9 feet and 11 vol- umes. Lawyer, Justice of Michigan Supreme Court. Correspondence, clippings and other pa- pers, for the most part in the years 1939-60, dealing with Michigan politics, the Republican Party, his associations with Governor Luren D. Dickinson, family matters and business affairs. There are also photograph albums, an account book, scrapbooks. Correspondents include Malcolm W. Bingay, John W. Blodgett, Roscoe O. Bonisteel, Wilber M. Brucker, George E. Bushnell, Henry M. Butzel, Bert D. Chandler, Luren D. Dickinson, Homer Ferguson, Frank D. Fitzgerald, Edsel B. Ford, August E. Johansen, Will K. Kellogg, Harry F. Kelly, Louis C. Miriani, Chase S. Os- born, Neil E. Reid, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Edward M. Sharpe, Kim Sigler, Floyd Starr, Raymond W. Starr, E. Blythe Stason, James J. Strang, Arthur E. Summerfield, Ar- thur H. Vandenberg, Howard M. Wiest, Charles M. Ziegler. Gift of Mrs. Henry Crouse, 1961. 212. BOYS, RICHARD C. (1912- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1942-44. 60 items. Instructor in English, The University of Michigan. Letters written to Boys by former University of Michigan English Department stu- dents telling of their experiences in the U.S. armed forces during World War II. Gift of Richard C. Boys, 1945. 213. BRADISH, CURREN. PAPERS, 1825-70. Ca. 100 items. Justice of the Peace. Business and legal papers of Bradish, including tax receipts, in- dentures, wills, and contracts applying to his af- fairs in various towns in Michigan. Gift of Mrs. George K. March, 1952. 214. BRADISH, DARIUS C. (1835- 1864). CORRESPONDENCE, 1862-63. 3 items. Two letters from Bradish and one about him mentioning his Civil War service. Gift of Mrs. George K. March, 1952. 215. BRADISH, JOSEPH. LETTER, 1819. 1 item, typewritten copy. Farmer. Letter from Bradish to his uncle John Bradish describing conditions in his settle- ment near Monroe. Gift of George H. Crane, 1954. 216. BRADSHAW, JAMES A. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 37 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Furniture In- dustry in Grand Rapids to 1880." Gift of James S. Bradshaw, 1949. 217. BRAIDWOOD, CHARLES D. STUDENT PAPER, [n.d.j. 52 pages. Student seminar paper, '"The Executive Re- moval of the Board of State Canvassers [in Michigan] in 1894." Gift of Charles D. Braidwood, 1949. 218. BRAIDWOOD, CHARLES M. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1896, 1898. 2 vol- umes. Physician. Student notebooks at the Almont High School and at the Detroit College of Med- icine. Gift of Mrs. Charles Braidwood, 1939. 219. BRAKEMAN, PETER. PAPERS, 1831, 1848-51. litem and 1 vol- ume. Personal and business accounts of Brake- man of Port Huron. Gift of Stanley Waterloo, 1938. 220. BREAKEY, WILLIAM FLEMING (1835- 1915). PAPERS, 1876-1909. 3 items and 1 volume. Professor, The University of Michigan Med- ical School. Scrapbook of letters and other items pertaining to the testimonial banquet given Dr. Breakey on the fiftieth anniversary of his grad- uation from The University of Michigan Medical School; three letters, including one from Abram Sager. Gift of Mrs. Robert Breakey, 1954. 221. BREDVOLD, LOUIS IGNATIUS (1888- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1924-57. 48 items. Chairman of the English Department, The University of Michigan. The Bredvold papers consist largely of correspondence with students and faculty members while they were serving in World War II. In addition, there is correspond- ence with Chester W. Nimitz and a description of a speech made by Justice Frank Murphy. Correspondents include John Arthos, Wystan H. Auden, Chester W. Minitz, Warner G. Rice, 19 James W. Robertson, Alan Seager, Fred Stock- ing. Gift of Louis I. Bredvold, 1944-60. 222. BREITENBACH, HAROLD PRELL. PAPERS, 1903-44. 41 items. Instructor in Rhetoric, The University of Michigan. Papers consist largely of correspond- ence with W. Rhys Roberts about an English dition of Dionysius of Halicarnassus . Other cor- respondents include James B. Angell, Walter B. Pitkin, Fred N. Scott, Louis A. Strauss. Gift of Harry P. Breitenbach, 1960. 223. BREWER, FRANCIS W. PAPERS, 1869-83. 4 items. Letter enclosing bestowal of knighthood on Brewer by the King of Portugal; appointment of Brewer as Consul of the Portugese and Italian governments in Southhampton, England. Gift of Miss Ellen B. Bach, 1942. 224. BRICKHEAD, LENNOX. REPORT, 1846. 1 item. Report of examination of land in Monroe County belonging to Brickhead. Gift of Christopher Van Deventer, 1959. 225. BRIDGES, D. L. HISTORICAL SKETCH, ^.d.y 7 pages. Sketch of Bangor covering the period 1872- 88, with special emphasis on the pig iron in- dustry. Gift of F. Clever Bald. 226. BRIDGES, ROBERT SEYMOUR (1844-1930). CORRESPONDENCE, 1923-24. 5 items. Poet Laureate of England. Letter written by Robert Bridges during the period he was lecturing at The University of Michigan; three letters of President Marion L. Burton regarding the visit of Bridges; one letter to Burton on the same subject. Acquired, 1951. 227. BRIGDEN, WHARTON W. PAPERS, 1862-65. 11 items. Letters and other papers of Brigden and his son written to other members of the family while Brigden served as a paymaster during the Civil War. See Supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Geneva Kebler, 1960. 228. BRIGGS, DEXTER. PAPERS, 1926. 3 items. Farmer. Biographical sketch of Briggs describing hardships of pioneer life in Michigan in 1826; one letter by Briggs; one letter about Briggs. Gift of Miss Emily W. Murphy, 1945. 229. BRIGGS, ROBERT R. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1827-62. 3 volumes. Farmer. The three volumes of business records of Briggs, of Romeo, include general store accounts. Gift of Miss Elizabeth V. Briggs, 1950. 230. BRINNIN, JOHN MALCOLM (1916- ). POEMS, 1941. 4 items. 231. BROCKWAY, DANIEL D. (1815-99). PAPERS, 1857-1923. 70 items and 3 vol- umes. Scrapbook of the Brockway family contain- ing obituaries of Galesburg and Keweenaw Pen- insula people and clippings on copper mining in the Keweenaw Peninsula; letterpress books (1857- 83) of Brockway and the Atlas Mining Company, dealing with his mining interests around Copper Harbor; miscellaneous papers. Gift of James B. Cooper and Wilvan Gard- ner, 1958. 232. BROCKWAY, E. W. LETTER, 1850. 1 item. Letter of E. W. Brockway to his son, H. A. Brockway, giving him advice on his college ex- penditures and news of the family and of events taking place around Hamburg. Gift of Mrs. Lillian C. Hadsall, 1938. 233. BROKAW, E. V. W. (1837- ). LETTER, 1862. 1 item. Musician, Company I, Twenty- sixth Michi- gan Infantry. Letter from Brokaw to E. P. Goodrich from Camp Jackson, Michigan. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1958. 234. BRONSON, ARTHUR. PAPERS, 1833-65. 43 items. Seven letters (1833-65) to Arthur and Frederick Bronson, New York attorneys, and copies of two letters from Frederick Bronson (1835) about real estate matters in Detroit, White Pigeon, and other places in Michigan; thirty-four indentures (1833-49). Gift of Mrs. Lillian C. Hadsall, 1937. 235. BROOKS, WILL E. DIARY, 1859-70. 1 volume. Farmer, railroad engineer. Diary tells of trips on the railroad, farming, church activities, and social life around Marshall. 20 236. BROWN, ADDISON MAKEPEACE and BROWN, MOLLIE E. PAPERS, 1882-96. 6 items. Expense account (1882-84) of Brown while he was a student at The University of Michigan; address (1896) to the Kalamazoo County Pioneer Society with list of persons deceased (1895-96); address by an unknown person to the Twentieth Michigan Infantry [n.d.j; composition and two poems by Mollie E. Brown. Gift of Ebenezer Brown, 1938. 237. BROWN, ALBERT EMERSON (1908- ). PAPERS, 1910-40. Ca. 200 items. Writer, editor of Verseland Press . Form letters and draft of a letter by Brown; manu- script articles on the Bible; drafts and typed copies, with notes to printers, of a collection of epigrams; poems and drafts of poems by Brown; original manuscript of a book How to Write and Revise Poetry ; draft for title page and preface of Poems to Please the Public , by Oscar Zilch; eighteen volumes of diaries giving daily ac- counts of Brown as a high school boy in Detroit and emphasizing his religious activities. Gift of Albert E. Brown, 1940-41. 238. BROWN, BENJAMIN. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1871-87. 1 volume. Businessman. Account book kept by Brown of Ann Arbor. Included are records of money paid for relief of paupers. 239. BROWN, DOUGLAS S. and BROWN, ELIZABETH G. PAPERS, 1930-52. 6 feet. Papers of Brown and his wife include cor- respondence, business papers, book purchase records, diaries, University of Michigan student notes, and correspondence and receipts of Alpha Omicron Pi. Gift of Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, 1957-58. 240. BROWN, EBENEZER LAKIN (1809-91). PAPERS, 1830-98. 33 items. State Representative and Senator, President of the Schoolcraft and Three Rivers Railroad. Correspondence, mostly in the period 1850-60, pertaining to the Schoolcraft and Three Rivers Railroad; copy of Brown's diary on his first trip to Michigan in 1830; addresses and legal papers; Brown's daybook for 1836-59, partially pasted over with clippings. 241. BROWN, EVERETT SOMERVILLE (1886- ). PAPERS, 1923-55. Ca. 350 items. Professor of Political Science, The Uni- versity of Michigan. The correspondence is primarily of a professional nature with historians and university officials. There are also book reviews and sketches of the lives of Don M. Dickinson, Jesse S. Reeves, Thomas C. True- blood. Correspondents include Marion L. Burton, Clarence E. Carter, William L. Clements, Max Farrand, Harry B. Hutchins, Clarence C. Little, Chase S. Osborn, Alexander G. Ruthven, Walter H. Sawyer, Arthur H. Vandenberg. Gift of Everett S. Brown, 1956. 242. BROWN, FOREST B. H. NOTES, 1903. 1 item. Geology field notes on Wayne County. Gift of Miss Josephine Sherzer, 1947. 243. BROWN, FRANK M. (1843- ). PAPERS, 1832-84. 370 items. Papers include receipts, indentures, and correspondence of Brown, his parents and others. Correspondence deals with the Mexican and Civil Wars. There is also miscellaneous material, in- cluding an address to the second annual meeting of the Michigan State Grange. Correspondents include Zachariah Chandler and Henry H. Crapo. 244. BROWN, GEORGE GRANGER (1896-1957). PAPERS, 1946. 7 items. Dean of the College of Engineering, The University of Michigan. Correspondence, charts, and reports on the Austin, Michigan gas fields. Gift of George G. Brown, 1956. 245. BROWN, HENRY BILLINGS (1836-1913). LETTER, 1891. 1 item. Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Letter from Justice Brown to the Treasurer of The University of Michigan, asking for money due him for lectures given at the University. 246. BROWN, JOHN WESLEY (1875- ). REMINISCENCES, t n.d.]. 3 pages. Dentist. Reminiscences, recorded by Michael Church, in which Dr. Brown describes his life in Bad Axe and the great forest fire of 1881. Gift of Michael Church, 1960. 247. BROWN, JOSEPH W. (1793-1880). LETTERS, 1835, 1837. 2 items. Sawmill operator, county judge, Regent of The University of Michigan. Letter (1835) from Brown to Major D. S. Bacon requests a state- ment of the pay due soldiers serving under Major Whipple during the "Toledo War"; one letter (1837) is a recommendation for Colonel D. Pitt- man. Gift of Roger L. Waring, 1949. 21 248. BROWN, MARTHA A. LETTER, 1856. 1 item. Account by Mrs. Brown of the death of her husband at the hands of a pro- slavery mob in Kansas in 1856. Gift of Mrs. Charles A. Weissert, 1948. 249. BROWN, SIDNEY S. PAPERS, 1833, 1836, 1878. 2 items and 1 volume. Methodist minister. Certificate to preach (1833); postcard concerning the teaching of mu- sic in Clarendon; notebook containing personal accounts and lecture notes on theology taken in Professor C. G. Finney's class at Oberlin Col- lege. 250. BROWN, POEMS, WARD RILEY. 1945. 7 items. 251. BROWN, WILLIAM ANSON (1840-62). DIARY, 1862. 1 volume. Diary containing very brief entries of daily activities as an officer in Company H, Eighth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. 252. BROWNELL, NATHAN. PAPERS, 1851-67. 118 items. Purchasing agent at Detroit for Sutliff and Case, wool merchants, Cleveland, Ohio. Letters and telegrams (1851) to Brownell from Sutliff and Case and from underagents and wool brokers at Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Marshall, Pontiac, and Ypsilanti on the purchase of wool; receipts, notes, bills (1851-67); letter and three business papers(1866-67) of Ira Brainard; business arithmetic papers of Frank Brownell. 253. BROWNELL, ROY E. (Collector). PAPERS, [ii.d.]. 2 items, typewritten copies. Attorney. Biographical sketch of Josiah W. Begole (1815-96); extracts from the 1864 diary of Sarah Cushman Miles Case, sister of Begole, making frequent mention of Begole and the Be- gole family. Gift of Roy E. Brownell, 1960. 254. BRUCKER, WILBER MARION (1894- ). PAPERS, 1919-61. 40 feet. Attorney General of Michigan; Governor of Michigan; Secretary of the Army. Correspond- ence, scrapbooks, speeches, and other papers dealing especially with his primary and general election campaigns for the governoship (1930 and 1932) and the U.S. Senate (1936), his guberna- torial administration, Michigan politics, the American Legion. There are also motion pictures, tape recordings, pictures, and a daily appointment register for his term as Secretary of the Army. Correspondents include Frank D. Fitzgerald and Herbert C. Hoover. Gift of Wilber M. Brucker, 1961. 255. BRUNNOW, RUDOLPH E. LETTER, 1889. 1 item. Letter of thanks for the gift of a scarab with comments about it. 256. BRUSH, ELIJAH (1772-1813). PAPERS, 1805-11. 3 items. Lawyer; Treasurer (1806-13) and Attorney General to 1809 of the Territory of Michigan. Petition (1805) of Brush, Robert Abbott, Charles Moran, James May, and James Henry to Joseph Forsyth and other justices of the town of King- ston, Ontario, requesting relief and assistance after the Detroit fire; a report (1811) to judges of the Michigan territory on handling of terri- torial financial matters; receipt (1807) for thirty- four lots in Detroit. Acquired, 1958. 257. BRYAN, JOHN (1794?- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1826-33, 1854. 6 items. Farmer, mechanic, early settler in Wash- tenaw County. Letters of J. B. Bryan of Pen- field, New York, to his brother John in Washte- naw County, discuss family affairs, the abduction of William Morgan and anti- Masonic politics in New York, his property in Michigan, and news he hears about Michigan. A typewritten copy of a letter, published in the Ann Arbor Washtenaw Whig , March 22, 1854, from John Bryan, de- scribes his coming to Michigan in 1823, early Detroit, Woodruff's Grove and the surrounding country, and the founding of Ann Arbor and the establishment of the county seat there. 258. BRYANT, JOHN M. LETTER, 1860. 3 pages, typewritten copy. Letter written by Bryant giving his opinion of the city and surrounding area of Ann Arbor, and describing the makeup of the student popula- tion of The University of Michigan in 1860. Gift of Miss Elsie M. Murray, 1941. 259. BUCHANAN, RUTH BACON (1882-1953). PAPERS, 1928-53. 4 feet. Museum assistant, The University of Mich- igan. The papers consist of letters from United States service men and women with whom she corresponded during World War II and after; miscellaneous correspondence, including a letter 22 (1928) from Jane Addams; material on covered bridges. Gift of Mrs. Buchanan, 1945-53. 260. BUCHANAN FAMILY. PAPERS, 1847-1927. Ca. 500 items. These family papers consist of correspond- ence and miscellaneous business papers. The correspondence includes Civil War letters ex- changed between John Claude Buchanan and his wife (see Bulletin No. 9 for details); letters from J. Irwin Beaumont of Mississippi and Min- nesota to Angie Bingham; letters from Claude Buchanan while he was a student at The Univer- sity of Michigan; various other letters from members of the family and friends. Other pa- pers consist of notebooks, speeches, business papers, and a diary of a trip to the South in 1884 made by Claude Buchanan. Gift of Erwin E. Overbeck and Robert E. Wear, 1945, 1950. 261. BUCHNER, WILLIAM E. STUDENT PAPER, 1961. 29 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Grand Rapids Furniture Strike of 1911." Gift of William E. Buchner, 1961. 262. BUCKLEY, PAUL. LETTER, 1927. 1 item. General manager of the Michigan Union, Ann Arbor. Letter concerning the New York visit of The University of Michigan Union Opera in 1927. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 263. BUCKLEY, SARA CRAIG (1858-1942). PAPERS, 1881-1941. 32 items. Physician. These papers consist of stu- dent receipts at The University of Michigan; let- ters of recommendation (1885), including letters from James B. Angell and Russell A. Alger; correspondence pertaining to the Women's League at The University of Michigan; report of the forty-fifth reunion of the Medical Class of 1884; biographical sketch of Mrs. Buckley. Gift of Sara Craig Buckley, 1938, 1946. 264. BUELL, BARBER G (1823- 1900). PAPERS, 1857-99. 2 feet. Farmer, Little Prairie Ronde. Business papers and very extensive diaries which contain a daily account of the weather and farm life, in- cluding livestock and fruit costs, cost of labor- ers, and comments on agricultural methods. Gift of Miss Flora G. Buell, 1947. 265. BULLARD, GEORGE A. LETTER, 1909. 1 item. Letter from Eugene Carpenter to Bullard concerning possible courses of action to effect the closing down of the American Seating Com- pany in Michigan. 266. BURD, ZENAS. LETTER, 1881. 1 item. Letter to Mrs. Burd expressing thanks for her gift of a baptismal font to the Ann Arbor Methodist Church. 267. BURDGE, EMMA S. PAPERS, 1891-1933. 26 items. The papers of Mrs. Burdge consist of per- sonal letters and papers relating to materials in the Battle Creek Public Schools Historical Mu- seum. Gift of Mrs. H. G. Burnham, 1938. 268. BURKE, DANIEL ROBERT. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1886-87. 2 vol- umes. Lawyer. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Levi T. Griffin, Harry B. Hutchins, Henry W. Rogers, Charles I. Walker. 269. BURKHOLDER, CLARENCE MILLS. SONG, 1939. 1 item. Manuscript of the song, "Easter Beatitudes," by Clarence M. Burkholder and William A. Harvey. 270. BURMEISTER, BYRON (1852-1923). PAPERS, 1900-20. 8 items. Owner of a general store. Autobiograph- ical and biographical sketch of Burmeister and his family, six stock certificates, and a scrap- book of clippings, many of which pertain to Great Lakes shipping. Gift of Miss Norma Burmeister, 1951. 271. BURNETT, HENRY DARLING (1861- 1955). PAPERS, 1916-55. 9 items. Civil engineer for General Electric Com- pany of Canada. Notes on Burnett's life by his daughter Marguerite, and correspondence relat- ing to The University of Michigan. Correspondents include Winthrop Chamber- lin, Mortimer E. Cooley, Henry E. Riggs. Gift of Miss Marguerite Burnett, 1957. 272. BURNETT, MARY ANNE (Mrs. William K. Meade). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, ca, 1914. 1 volume. Student field notes taken in a University of Michigan geology course. Gift of Mrs. C. A. Ornbaum, 1944. 273. BURR, MAYNARD AARON (1816-91). PAPERS, [n.d.j. 2 items. 23 Detroit businessman. Eulogy; article on the future of woman by Julia Maynard. Gift of Mrs. Dorothy K. Earle, 1959. 274. BURROWS, FRANCES S. PECK. DIARIES, 1860, 1867. 2 volumes. Wife of U.S. Senator Julius Caesar Bur- rows. Diary (1860) of two months at Prairie Seminary; account of a trip to Europe in 1867. Gift of Alfred B. Connable, Jr., 1948. 275. BURROWS, JULIUS CAESAR (1837-1915). DIARY, 1867. 1 volume. U.S. Senator from Michigan. Diary (May 29 to June 25, 1867) noting, briefly, places visited in Europe, particularly in England and Germany. 276. BURSLEY, JOSEPH ALDRICH (1877-1950). PAPERS, 1909-50. 900 items. Dean of Students, The University of Mich- igan. Approximately 850 letters are included in this collection relating to the Class of 1899 of The University of Michigan, particularly class reunions. Other items relating to the class in- clude bills, receipts, lists of class members. There is a manuscript article on student loan funds at the University (1927-28). 277. BURT, HORACE ELDON (1841- ). PAPERS, 1928. 2 items. Lawyer, Detroit. Biographical data on Burt and a letter concerning this data. 278. BURT, WILLIAM AUSTIN (1792- 1858). NOTEBOOK, 1841. 1 volume. Surveyor, inventor of the solar compass. Notes on the geology, topography, and meteor- ology of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan. Gift of Miss Helen M. Martin, 1958. 279. BURTLE, FRANCES. STUDENT PAPERS, 1941. 2 items. Student seminar papers, "History Stories of Early Grand Rapids," and "The Story of Transportation Through Michigan History," [an outline] . Gift of Miss Frances Burtle, 1941. 280. BURTON, CLARENCE MONROE (1853-1932). CORRESPONDENCE, 1904-23. 16 items. Lawyer. Fourteen communications to Bur- ton concerning The University of Michigan Class of 1873; letter (1907) from Burton describing his research in France on Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac; letter (1907) to R. C. Davis requesting information. Gift of Shirley W. Smith, 1946; George H. Crane, 1954. 281. BURTON, FRANK HAYCOCK. PAPERS, 1890-1927. 17 items and 1 vol- ume. Major in the Thirty-third Michigan Infan- try and in the Thirtieth United States Infantry. The scrapbook of newspaper clippings contains news of the activities of various Michigan units and men in the Spanish- American War and in the Philippines, as well as national news items deal- ing with the war. There are seventeen commis- sions and officials papers. 282. BURTON, MARION LeROY (1874-1925). PAPERS, 1896-1928). 2 feet. President of Smith College, University of Minnesota, The University of Michigan. Com- munications concerning Burton's speech in nomi- nation of Calvin Coolidge in 1924; letters of con- gratulation on being appointed President of The University of Michigan; letters and telegrams of condolence on the death of Burton, including tele- gram and memorial from President Coolidge and letters from Arthur H. Vandenberg. There are notes on University of Michigan faculty meetings; manuscript speeches and sermons delivered by Burton, including manuscript of speech nominat- ing Coolidge for President; five scrapbooks of programs and clippings covering Burton's life from 1896 to World War I, and one (1917-20) kept by Josephine M. Fredericks; signature book of those attending Burton's inauguration as Presi- dent of Smith College. Correspondents include Calvin Coolidge, Royal S. Copeland, Sherwood Eddy, Victor M. Gore, Wilbert B. Hinsdale, Alice Freeman Pal- mer, George H. Palmer, Alexander G. Ruthven, William O. Thompson, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Ray L. Wilbur. Gift of Mrs. Marion L. Burton, 1954. 283. BURY FAMILY. PAPERS, 1831-1931. 21 items. Letter (1838) from Theodore Bury; com- munications from Edward Gregory; three family letters; three items (1885) on the arrest of Thomas J. Navin, absconding mayor of Adrian; copy of appointment (1831) of Richard Bury (1792-1875), Episcopal clergyman of Detroit and Cleveland and trustee of the Catholepistemiad or University of Michigania; copy of memorial tribute to Bury; travel diary (1853) of Richard Augustus Bury (1830-1901) of a trip from De- troit to Mackinac and Eagle River, with com- ments on copper mining; letter (1931) of David A. Thompson enclosing a manuscript poem by Richard Albert Bury, describing the razing by fire of the Pitman Hotel at Sand Lake. Gift of Richard Albert Bury, 1938-39. 24 284. BUSH, CHAUNCY. MINUTE BOOK, 1837. 1 volume. Journal of proceedings at a council held in Washington, D.C., with a delegation composed of the chiefs and braves of Indians from the Mis- sissippi River, with Bush as Secretary, Joel R. Poinsett, U.S. Commissioner, and C. A. Harris. Gift of Mrs. Minnie Bush Tompson, 1938. 285. BUTLER, CHARLES. CORRESPONDENCE, 1862-64. 13 items. Copies of the originals. Letters written by friends and a cousin, to Butler, while they were serving in the Civil War. Correspondents include Joseph Bardwell, Horace Charles, Heman S. Parrish, Charles J. Pierce, Hiram Saxton, Milo C. Webb, Edson Woodman. Gift of Kermit V. Washburn, 1961. 286. BUTLER, HARRY J. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, [ii.d.]. 454 pages. Physician, Deckerville. "John Sanilac III of Michigan. A Brief Narrative of the Settle- ment and Development of a Typical Agricultural Region of Michigan, With an Orderly Description of the Progress Made During Its Century of Ownership By Three Generations." Gift of Dr. Harry J. Butler, 1959. 287. BUTLER, ORMA FITCH (1874-1938). PAPERS, 1843-1936. 135 items. Professor of Latin and Curator of the Archaeology Museum, The University of Michi- gan. Correspondence, unpublished manuscripts, and genealogical records of Miss Butler include letters (1887-1911) from Ferris S. Fitch, draft and typescript of "That Summer, A Story" (263 pages), genealogical information of the Fitch, Bailey, Brown, Burr and Nichols families, mis- cellaneous notes, indentures, deeds, family and student records, and other papers. Gift of Shirley W. Smith, 1939. 288. BUTTERFIELD, ELEANOR. QUESTIONNAIRE, pi.d.]. 4 pages. Librarian. The University of Michigan Alumnae Council questionnaire containing per- sonal recollections of Miss Butterfield's college days at The University of Michigan. 289. CABLE, BEN J. LETTER, 1898? 1 item. Letter to President James B. Angell con- cerning the presentation of two statuary groups to The University of Michigan. 290. CAMPAU FAMILY. PAPERS, 1794-1878. 13 items, in part photostats. The papers of Joseph and Barnabe Campau include eleven documents, largely land grants and orders of pay in the A. M. Campau Realty Of- fice, Detroit, a bill for drawing up documents in the transfer of Hog Island (Belle Isle), rendered by Walter Roe, and a letter from Halmer H. Emmons. 291. CAMPBELL, CAROLINE. PAPERS, 1912-16. 100 items. Grand Rapids civic leader. Correspond- ence and papers dealing with the state seal of Michigan, the restoration of the original docu- ment of the Michigan constitution of 1835, and the replacement of the Michigan plaque in the Washington monument. 292. CAMPBELL, CHARLES HOTCHKISS. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1879-80. 1 volume. Lawyer, Detroit. University of Michigan student notebook on President James B. Angell's courses in political economy and international law. 293. CAMPBELL, EDWARD DeMILLE (1863-1925). PAPERS, 1882-95. 2 volumes. Professor of Chemistry, The University of Michigan. University of Michigan student note- book on Otis C. Johnson's course in chemistry, and a research book kept by Campbell while he was a junior professor of chemistry at The Uni- versity of Michigan. Gift of Philip J. Elving, 1957. 294. CAMPBELL, HENRY M. ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1832-47. 2 volumes. Account books containing bank and miscel- laneous accounts of the Detroit Female Seminary. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hays. 295. CAMPBELL, JAMES H. (1850- ). ACCOUNT BOOK, 1877-1923. 1 volume. Lawyer, State Representative, 1878. Ac- count book of Campbell of Marshall. Acquired, 1950. 296. CAMPBELL, JAMES VALENTINE (1823-90) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1830-1925. 2-2/3 feet and 8 vol- umes. Justice of Michigan Supreme Court; Univer- sity of Michigan Professor. The Campbell pa- pers include correspondence, much of which con- cerns family affairs, and student letters of Hen- ry M. Campbell while at The University of 25 Michigan (1872-76); a journal of a trip to San- dusky in 1844 by James V. Campbell; papers of the Soldiers' Aid Society of Detroit, including correspondence and business records; records of the United States Sanitary Committion (1863- 66), including papers of the Detroit Soldiers' Home; manuscript of ode for University Hall dedication at The University of Michigan; four notebooks and scrapbooks. Correspondents include Mary Barstow, Cornelia Hotchkiss Campbell, Douglass Camp- bell, Henry M. Campbell, James V. Campbell, Lois Bushnell Campbell, Valeria Campbell, Elizabeth Campbell Douglass. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hays, 1937-1958. 297. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM AULLS (1859-1931). STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1879-80; 1891-92. 3 volumes. Physician; Professor of Anatomy, The Uni- versity of Michigan. Campbell's University of Michigan student notebooks contain notes on bi- ology, botanical laboratory, and physiological laboratory. Gift of William C. Steere, 1950. 298. CAMPFIELD, JOHN ALEXANDER. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1860-61. 1 volume. University of Michigan student notebook on courses by Silas H. Douglas, Corydon La Ford, Moses Gunn, Alonzo B. Palmer. Gift of Mrs. Mildred Robinson, 1941. 299. CANDLER, HENRY ERNEST. PAPERS, 1794-1864. 25 items and 1 vol- ume, in part typewritten copies. Miscellaneous family papers include gen- ealogical information on the Candler family, bi- ographical data on Mayor William W. Wheaton, and family letters, as well as a diary of William Robert Candler (1832-1909), consisting of a few personal accounts and entries which include a discussion of his decision to leave England for America. Gift of Henry E. Candler, 1959. 300. CANFIELD, ARTHUR GRAVES (1859-1947). PAPERS, 1888-1947. 200 items. Professor of Romance Languages, The University of Michigan. Miscellaneous papers, notes, manuscripts, and one hundred eighteen letters to Canfield which discuss France and French literature. Many of the letters are writ- ten in French. Gift of Mrs. Arthur G. Canfield, 1949. 301. CANNON, REPORT, jn.d.]. HOWARD B. 1 page. Report of a story told by Frederick Doug- lass at a lecture in Ann Arbor (1890-1891). Gift of T. Hawley Tapping, 1958. 302. CARAH, JOSEPH H. ( -1958). CORRESPONDENCE, 1953-57. 4 items. Automobile engineer, Flint. Scattered cor- respondence, including letter (1953) describing copper mining in the Northern Peninsula in the 19th century. Gift of Mrs. Elsie M. Carah, 1959. 303. CARGO, PAUL M. CHURCH HISTORY, 1960. 10 pages, mim- eographed. The history of the Northville Methodist Church. 304. CARGO, RUTH E. STUDENT PAPER, 1952. 28 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Western Methodist Protestant." Gift of Miss Cargo, 1952. 305. CARHART, HENRY SMITH (1844-1920). PAPERS, 1875 7-1920. 20 items. Professor of Physics, The University of Michigan; Von Helmholz Colleague. The papers consist of seven articles on leading scientists, international standards of measurement, and vo- cational training; some biographical material; six letters (1920) written to Mrs. Carhart and to George A. Damon on Carhart's death; two photostat copies of letters (1893, 1905) from William Thomson Kelvin to Professor Carhart; student notebook. Gift of Margaret S. Carhart, 1937. 306. CARLETON, JOHN H. PAPERS, t n.d.]. 2 items. Farmer near Hudson. Letter from Carle- ton to his sister Jane discussing family affairs and his farm; genealogical record of the Carle- ton family. Gift of Mrs. Leon R. Abbe, 1944. 307. CARLETON, WILL (1845-1912). PAPERS, 1871-88. 4 items. Poet. Manuscript poem, "The Christmas Tree" (1881); manuscript entitled, "Sights and Scenes in the City of Bologna" (1888) letter to Charles S. May (1871); manuscript couplet [n.d.] . 308. CARLISLE FAMILY. PAPERS, 1860-1945. 3 feet. Correspondence and other papers of the Daniel Carlisle family of Buchanan. The papers include letters from Hannah Carlisle written while she was a nurse in Kentucky and later a 26 teacher with the Freedman's Bureau during the Civil War, also her correspondence from Dead- wood, South Dakota during the 1890's; World War II correspondence of William, Vivian, and Phyllis Carlisle; student letters from The Uni- versity of Michigan; a few Spanish- American War and World War I letters. Gift of Mrs. Daniel Carlisle, 1960. 309. CARPENTER, CHARLES A. (1813-87). ACCOUNT BOOK, 1846-82. 1 volume. Farmer and President of the Pontiac, Ox- ford and Port Austin Railroad. Account book of Carpenter of Orion recording personal expendi- tures and money owed him. Gift of Harry Garling, 1959. 310. CARPENTER, DANIEL. PAPERS, 1857-84. 105 items. Correspondence and business papers of Carpenter of Warfield, Massachusetts. Corre- spondence, originating from agents in Michigan, particularly Livonia, Detroit, and Ann Arbor, deals with lumbering, real estate, and business conditions generally. 311. CARPENTER, HIRAM BEACH (1892-1955). PAPERS, 1929-55. 3 feet. Vice President, American Sugar Refining Company. Correspondence, accounts, and mis- cellaneous papers relating to The University of Michigan alumni activities, particularly in New York City. There is also material on the Class of 1914 reunions, Michigamua reunions, and fund raising activities for The University of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. H. Beach Carpenter, 1956. 312. CARPENTER, ORLANDO E. (1833-99). DIARY, 1864-65. 1 volume. Civil War soldier; blacksmith, Manchester. Diary kept while he was serving in the Fourth Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. On loan from Mrs. Ida Carpenter Rogers. 313. CARR, LOWELL JULLIARD (1885- ). POSTCARD, 1944. 1 item. Professor of Sociology, The University of Michigan. Postcard sent to Professor Carr by Pat Avery on social workers in Ann Arbor. 314. CARR, ORLOW WARREN (1882- ). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, [ii.d.]. 2 pages. Clergyman, Decatur, Michigan. Biograph- ical sketch of O. W. Carr. 315. CARROLL, WILLIAM J. (1842-1902). PAPERS, 1861-65. 46 items, typewritten copies. Civil War diary (1864-65) and letters of Carroll written while he was serving in Com- pany I, Thirteenth Michigan Infantry. See sup- plement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. Dorothy Dalrymple, 1959. 316. CARROW, FLEMING (1853-1928). PAPERS, 1878-1920? 44 items. Physician in China and Michigan; Profes- sor, The University of Michigan. The papers of Doctor Carrow include thirty addresses and lec- tures on diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat; memorandum of medical terms; certifi- cates of membership and diplomas; two letters (1878) to Carrow from H.T. Hancs, British act- ing consul in Canton, China, about Carrow' s ap- pointment as medical attendant in Canton; copy of a letter (1878) to Hancs from William Cart- wright, British Commissioner of Customs, rec- ommending the above appointment; memorandum of Chinese maritime service. Gift of Mrs. Fleming Carrow, 1940. 317. CARTER, CHANDLER. LETTER, 1831. 1 item. Letter written from Ann Arbor giving a good description of the schools, shops and churches of the town. Gift of Miss Susan E. Glover, 1959. 318. CARTON, JOHN JAY (1856-1934). PAPERS, 1884-1920. 18 feet and 3 vol- umes. Lawyer, Flint; State Representative (1899- 1903); President of the 1907-08 Constitutional Convention. Extensive correspondence chiefly dealing with his law business, particularly with General Motors Corporation and other automo- bile firms. There is also some correspondence and other papers relating to various elections, the Republican Party in Michigan, politics, Freemasons, as well as three volumes of rec- ords on his law practice. Correspondents include Russell A. Alger, James B. Angell, Standish Backus, Albert J. Beveridge, Aaron T. Bliss, David D. Buick, Julius C. Burrows, Mortimer E. Cooley, Royal S. Copeland, William W. Crapo, Gerrit J. Diek- ema, J. Dallas Dort, William C. Durant, Wood- bridge N. Ferris, Claudius B. Grant, A. B. C. Hardy, Lawton T. Hemans, Patrick H. Kelley, James H. Lynch, Thomas R. Marshall, Robert M. Montgomery, Charles W. Nash, Chase S. Osborn, Perry F. Powers, Albert E. Sleeper, Samuel W. Smith, William A. Smith, Orla B. Taylor, Charles E. Townsend, Arthur H. Vanden- berg, Fred M. Warner. Gift of Harry G. Gault, 1950. 27 319. CARTWRIGHT, GEORGE WASHINGTON. PH.D. THESIS, 1951. 1 volume. University of Illinois Ph.D. thesis of Cart- wright entitled, "The Rhetorical Practice and Theory of Edgar DeWitt Jones," discusses chief- ly Jones' sermons during his pastorate (1927-47) at Central Woodward Christian Church, Detroit. Acquired, 1959. 320. CASE, CHARLES M. (1859 7-1940). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLES, 1925. 3 items. Bank president. One article on Dr. George W. Earle; two historical accounts of Hermans- ville. Gift of G. Harold Earle, 1947. 321. CASE, JOSEPH C. POEMS, 1944-45. 42 items. Poems of Joseph Case, many of which are reflections on the death of his son who was killed in action during World War II. Gift of Joseph Case, 1946. 322. CASE, WILLIAM L. (1856-1933). PAPERS, 1860-1937. 85 items. State Senator; partner in Case Brothers Lumber Company. Papers of Case include cor- respondence about family, church, and business affairs, and Benzonia College; business and legal papers and account books; historical sketches and addresses on various topics. Gift of Mrs. William L. Case, 1939. 323. CASMER, NANCY. STUDENT PAPERS, 1959. 2 volumes. Student seminar papers, "The History of the Development of Education in Dearborn School District No. 7 Prior to 1926"; "First Presby- terian Church of Dearbornville." Acquired, 1961. 324. CASS, LEWIS (1782-1866). CORRESPONDENCE, 1812-62. 11 items, in part photostats and transcripts. Governor of Michigan Territory; Secretary of War; Secretary of State; Senator; Presidential candidate. Letters from Cass concern the War of 1812, affairs in Michigan, the Democratic Party, and other subjects; letter from Samuel Ingham about the naming of Ingham County; let- ter to President Pierce in which Cass pledges his support and mentions Robert McClelland. 325. CAVANAGH, ELEANOR I. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 22 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Department of Insurance of the State of Michigan Life Insur- ance Supervision, 1906-1911." Gift of Mrs. Hugh E. Wrigglesworth, 1949. 326. CHADWICK, ELIHU P. (1836- ). DIARY, 1864-66. 1 volume. Diary kept while he was serving in Com- pany D, Third Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War and on the Mexican border after the war. Gift of Rollin E. Drake, 1962. 327. CHAMBERLAIN, J. G. LETTERS, 1854-55. 4 items, photostats. Letters of Chamberlain discussing activi- ties in Marquette. Gift of Marquette County Historical So- ciety, 1959. 328. CHAMBERLAIN, WINTHROP BURR. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1883-84. 1 volume. University of Michigan student notebook on lectures by James B. Angell. Gift of Robert H. Dott, 1950. 329. CHAMBERLIN, EDWIN J. INTERVIEW, 1960. 15 pages. Dentist. Transcript of tape recorded in- terview with Chamberlin concerning dental legis- lation in Michigan. Gift of Dr. Edwin J. Chamberlin, 1962. 330. CHAMBERLIN, JULIA. PAPERS, 1828. 2 items. Letter from Julia Chamberlin of Indian Vil- lage in which she discusses family affairs; brief genealogical sketch of the Chamberlin family. 331. CHANDLER, ELIZABETH MARGARET (1808-34). CORRESPONDENCE, 1793-1933. 155 items. Anti-slavery author, departmental editor of the Genius of Universal Emancipation. The cor- respondence consists of letters by Miss Chandler, her brother Thomas, and their aunts Ruth Evans and Jane Howell, largely in the period 1830-44. Subjects discussed are pioneer life in Michigan, family affairs, Quakers, anti- slavery agitation, Ohio— Michigan boundary, Andrew Jackson's fiscal policies, and other topics of national in- terest. There is some correspondence about these papers. Correspondents include William Bliss, Thomas Chandler, Isaac E. Crary, Ruth Evans, Jane Howell, Darius C. Jackson, Benjamin Lundy, William M. Sullivan, Matthew F. Whittier. Gift of Mrs. Minnie Chandler Merritt Fay, 1941, and Charles Merritt Drake, 1960. 332. CHANDLER, GEORGE MOSELEY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1943. 4 items. Two letters from Chandler to T. Hawley Tapping and two from Tapping to Chandler con- cerning various alumni of The University of 28 Michigan and the dedication of army hospitals to Michigan men, among them Dr. Victor C. Vaughan. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 333. CHANDLER, ZACHARIAH (1813-79). CORRESPONDENCE, 1875. 4 items, type- written copies. U.S. Senator from Michigan, Secretary of the Interior. Letters exchanged between James A. Garfield and Burke A. Hinsdale on the ap- pointment, by President Grant, of Chandler as Secretary of the Interior. Gift of Calvin Goodrich. 334. CHAPIN, CHARLES A. SCRAPBOOK, ca. 1848-1903. 1 volume. Scrapbook of clippings and programs to- gether with a few scattered business papers, legal documents, and items of correspondence largely concerning Ann Arbor. 335. CHAPIN, LUCY E. PAPERS, 1835-1910. Ca. 100 items and 8 volumes. The Chapin collection largely contains pa- pers collected by Lucy Chapin and includes re- ceipts, legal documents and business papers re- lating to Washtenaw County, early Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan, and the law practice of James Kingsley; legal documents signed by John and Ann Allen (May 13, 1834); scrapbooks containing similar items and news- paper clippings; and a manuscript, "Ann Arbor's Earliest Select School," by Miss Chapin. Gift of the Lucy Chapin estate. 336. CHAPIN, MARSHALL WRIGHT (1829-73). LETTER, 1851. 1 item, typewritten copy. Letter of Chapin to his sister Louise de- scribing his work assisting Professor Douglas in the laboratory at The University of Michigan. 337. CHAPIN, ROY DIKEMAN (1880-1936). PAPERS, 1886-1943. 30 feet and 8 vol- umes. President of Hudson Motor Car Company, Secretary of Commerce (1932-33). Extensive correspondence, speeches, articles, interviews, business papers, volumes of receipts, scrap- books, miscellaneous items of Chapin, his wife, and his biographer John C. Long. These papers deal with family matters and a variety of other subjects, particularly roads, highway transporta- tion, automobile industry, general economic con- ditions, foreign trade, World War I and national defense, state and national politics, the Repub- lican Party, The University of Michigan, and his service as Secretary of Commerce. The subject most extensively covered is the Hudson Motor Car Company, including information on manage- ment policies, production and labor organizing. Correspondents include Frederick M. Alger, Bernard M. Baruch, Henry M. Bates, Frederick O. Bezner, Wilber M. Brucker, William L. Clements, James J. Couzens, John D. Dingell, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Harvey S. Firestone, Carl G. Fisher, Arthur Fleming, Edsel B. Ford, Samuel Gompers, Warren G. Harding, Paul G. Hoffman, Herbert C. Hoover, Joseph L. Hudson, Cordell Hull, Harry B. Hutchins, Pyke Johnson, Henry B. Joy, Frank Knox, Albert D. Lasker, Henry M. Leland, Clarence C. Little, James O. Murfin, Truman H. Newberry, Chase S. Osborn, George P. Putnam, Alfred L. Reeves, Edward V. Rickenbacker, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., George A. Romney, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Alfred P. Sloan, Lewis L. Strauss, Julian L. Street, Ar- thur H. Vandenberg, Albert E. White, Leonard Wood, William H. Woodin, Fielding H. Yost. Gift of the Chapin Family, 1945-61. 338. CHAPIN, VOLNEY. SCRAPBOOK, ca. 1835-68. 1 volume. Scrapbook of family genealogy, business and legal papers, many of which relate to Ann Arbor. 339. CHAPLIN, ADDIE F. DIARY, 1880-83. 1 volume. Diary records the daily events in the life of a young girl in Dowagiac. The entries are scattered. Gift of Michael Church, 1955. 340. CHAPMAN. HOWARD R. PAPERS, 1921-36. 31 items and 1 volume. Baptist clergyman. University of Michigan student notebook on a course by LeRoy Water- man and other courses in religion; notes on courses given by Chapman for the Ann Arbor Baptist Church. Gift of Mrs. H. R. Chapman, 1943. 341. CHAPMAN, J. P. BUSINESS RECORDS, ca. 1872-85. 19 vol- umes. Lumberman. Various lumber business records of Chapman of Bay City. Gift of Mrs. Malcolm Vosburgh, 1948. 342. CHAPMAN, LUCIUS W. (1820-95). DIARY, 1864. 1 volume. Presbyeterian clergyman in Pennsylvania and Ohio and Bay City and Jackson, Michigan. Civil War diary of Chapman kept while he was serving as chaplain of the 110th Ohio Infantry. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Benjamin, 1961. 29 343. CHARLEVOIX. CORRESPONDENCE, 1944-45. 1/3 foot. Letters from Charlevoix service men and women written from throughout the world to the Editor of the C harlevoix Courier during World War II. Gift of Lawrence E. Towe, 1946. 344. CHASE, ALVIN WOOD (1817-85). PAPERS, 1936-38. 13 items. Editor; author of Recipe book. Partial manuscript by Fred N. Kerwin on Dr. Chase and his Recipe book; list of editions of Dr. Chase's books in the Michigan Historical Collections and General Library of The University of Michigan; correspondence about the Recipe book, largely with Randolph G. Adams of William L. Clements Library. 345. CHASE, CORNELIA (1815-1905). DIARY, 1863. 1 volume. Housewife and mother. Diary of daily ac- tivities and fears of a mother for her two sons who are in the Civil War. Gift of George F. Chase, 1958. 346. CHASE, FRANK R. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1860. 1 volume. General account book of Chase of Kalama- zoo kept when he was attending Gregory College. Gift of Peter Bailey, 1942. 347. CHASE, GEORGE WILLEY (1840- ). PAPERS, 1862-65. 80 items and 1 vol- ume. Civil War soldier; Justice of the Peace. Diary (1862) containing brief notes on daily ac- tivities of farm and community life and first months service in the Fourth Michigan Cavalry in the Civil War; letters written to his parents during his war service. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Lew A. Chase, 1951. 348. CHASE, JOSIAH G. LETTER, 1860. 1 item. Letter of Chase of Algansee township, Branch County, describing his farming activities and agricultural conditions in the township. Gift of Mr. W. J. Peterson, 1960. 349. CHASE, LEW ALLEN (1879-1957). PAPERS, 1820-1955. Ca. 200 items and 1 volume. Professor of History, Northern Michigan College. Scattered correspondence (1895-1955) of Chase dealing with his work and family af- fairs; nine letters (1927) between James Cochran and Chase on southern and northern attitudes toward Negroes; letters of Chase's mother Delia, to Clara and Mary Noyes; thirteen letters of the Chase— Beach family; genealogical papers; manu- scripts and miscellaneous papers of the family, including manuscript of "Personal Recollections of the Civil War," by D.A. Chase; scrapbook of clippings, letters, pictures and other papers re- lating to the Chase family. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Harriet Bates, Alberta Chase, Cornelia Chase, George Willey Chase, Edna Ferber, Archibald McLeish, Thomas Mann, Ambrose M. Shotwell, Shirley W. Smith, Isabel Van Tyne, Alexander Woolcott. Gift of George F. Chase, 1958. 350. CHASE, MARGARET BIRD. POEMS, [ii.d.]. 3 items. Manuscript poems by Margaret Chase: "A Little Acorn and a Drop of Water"; "Dear Pent- water"; "Translation." Gift of Carl E. Burklund, 1941. 351. CHASE, WILLIAM D. PAPERS, 1948. 4 items. Librarian, Flint. Papers pertaining to his participation in the 1948 campaign of the Pro- gressive Party. Gift of William D. Chase, 1962. 352. CHAVIS, JOHN. BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1959. 21 pages. A brief survey of theses on Michigan his- tory compiled by Chavis and Theresa Lebryk. Gift of Miss Estell M. Reid, 1959. 353. CHEEVER, ADELIA NOBLE. PAPERS, 1855-59. 7 items. Two poems and five brief essays by Adelia Noble Cheever. 354. CHEEVER, NOAH (1839-1905). PAPERS, 1858-1905. 2 feet and 18 vol- umes. Lawyer. Most of the papers in this col- lection are legal and business papers relating to the administration, by Cheever, of the estate of Hiram Arnold of Ann Arbor. Some additional material relates to other business affairs of Cheever. Also in the collection are papers of E. W. Morgan of Ann Arbor, relating to his legal business and the Ann Arbor Forest Hill Cemetery Association. Likewise there are ledgers, journals, records of law cases, bank books and other business volumes of Cheever. Gift of Francis C. Shiel, 1948. 30 355. CHIPMAN, MARGARET MacGREGOR. LETTER, [ii. d.]. 1 item. Letter containing family genealogy of Margaret Chipman, including biographical infor- mation on Judge James May (1756-1829). Gift of Miss Chipman, 1959. 356. CHOATE, WAYNE. SCRAPBOOK, 1873-74. 1 volume. Store owner and operator Scrapbook con- taining programs and other items of The Uni- versity of Michigan in 1873-74. 357. CHRISTENSEN, JOHN CORNELIUS (1874- 1953). PAPERS, 1912-48. 6 feet. University of Michigan Comptroller. Cor- respondence, financial studies, articles, speeches, reports and miscellaneous papers pertaining largely to the Business Office of The University of Michigan, the Financial Service of the Ameri- can Council of Education, and the National Com- mittee on Standard Reports For Institutions of Higher Education. The papers include financial studies made by Christensen of various colleges and institutes. Correspondents include Milton Eisenhower, Beardsley Ruml, William Allen White, George F. Zook. Acquired, 1952. 358. CHRISTIAN, DAVID PALMER (1885-1947). PAPERS, 1841-1953. 1-1/3 feet and 1 vol- ume. Professor of Music and Organist, The Uni- versity of Michigan. Correspondence, clippings, concert programs and other papers, principally of Palmer Christian, but also a few papers of other members of his family. There is one Civil War letter of Isaac H. Eastburn of Com- pany E, Seventy-sixth Illinois Infantry, letters (1936) from Pablo Horns about the Spanish Civil War, and letters from students in the armed forces during World War II. The Christian col- lection deals with his teaching, concert career, student days in Europe, and University of Mich- igan School of Music affairs. There is one photograph album. Correspondents include Edwin S. Barbour, Marion L. Burton, Eric D. DeLamater, Thor Johnson, Eugene Ormandy. Gift of Mrs. Palmer Christian, 1960. 359. CHRISTIANCY, ISAAC PECKHAM (1812-90). PAPERS, 1840-80. 1-1/3 feet. Michigan State Senator, United States Sen- ator, Michigan Supreme Court Justice, United States Minister to Peru. Correspondence of Christiancy contains personal letters to his children, business letters from his law partner Robert M. McClelland (Governor of Michigan, U.S. Secretary of the Interior), Catholic Bishop Peter P. Le Fevre, Nathaniel L. Christiancy, and others. There are also receipts, deeds, legal documents, a Civil War address, Michigan Supreme Court docket book, and miscellaneous papers Acquired, 1957. 360. CHURCH, MICHAEL. PAPERS, 1934-56. 1 foot. Assistant Director, Extension Service, The University of Michigan. The Church papers in- clude correspondence, addresses, and reports on National Youth Administration in Michigan, American Youth Commission, Michigan Young Democrats and Democratic politics in general. Correspondents include Prentiss M. Brown, Tom C. Clark, Frank Murphy, Eleanor Roosevelt, Murray D. Van Wagoner, G. Mennen Williams Gift of Michael Church, 1949- 361. CHUTE, WALTER. MANUSCRIPT ARITHMETIC BOOK, ca. 1836. 48 pages. 362 CLARK, CHAUNCEY. CERTIFICATE, 1865 1 item. Certificate signifying that Clark has en- rolled a substitute for service in the Civil War. 363. CLARK, EDWARD (1807- ). PAPERS, [ii d.] . 6 items. Biographical sketch of Clark (copied from Ann Arbor Argus ); copies of reminiscences of Clark on the Territorial Road, Washtenaw court house square, wild cat banks, and Ann Arbor's only duel. 364. CLARK, GEORGE. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1815-67. 1 volume. Account book of Clark of Lapeer contain- ing the Journal of Rebecca Beech Clark in which she describes her voyage from England to Amer- ica in 1834. Gift of Fred Morley, 1938. 365. CLARK, GRACE McKIBBIN. PAPERS, 1918. 2 items. Christmas card and part of a letter from H. A. Clark, written from France, describing his military duties. Gift of Miss May E. McKibbin, 1946. 366. CLARK, MARY ELIZABETH. PAPERS, ca. 1881-85. 5 items and 18 vol- umes. Physician. Five essays on subjects in 31 ancient history, and miscellaneous notes, includ- ing a course by Isaac N. Demmon, written while she was a student at The University of Michigan, Class of 1885. Gift of Mrs. Mary R. Pressly and Fred Morley, 1938. 367 CLARK, MARY H. (1813-75). PAPERS, 1850-61. 6 items and 1 volume. Headmistress of a private school for girls, Ann Arbor. One letter (1861) from Garibaldi thanking her for flowers; another (1850) from Edward Everett, Unitarian clergyman and ora- tor, thanking her for her comment on a speech; three other letters (n.d.) include one from Wil- liam C Bryant; essay (1852); scrapbook of flowers. Gift of Mrs. Mary R. Pressly, 1938. 368. CLARK, NATHAN (1838-63). PAPERS, 1861-65. 4 items. Letter (1861) from James W. Armstrong and Allen F. Bloof of the Sixth Michigan Infan- try about army life; note from Clark on a card bearing a picture of Colonel F. W. Curtenius; letter (1862) and diary (1862-63) of Clark writ- ten while he was serving in the Sixth Michigan Infantry. (See Bulletin No. 9 for details.) Also in the diary are two entries by Clark's wife and four pages of household accounts. Gift of Mrs. Mary R. Pressly, 1937. 369. CLARK, THADDEUS. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1833-41. 1 volume. Personal account book of Clark of Tecum- seh. Gift of Mrs. Eva Davis House, 1958. 370. CLAUS, MRS. ELEANOR E. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, [n.d.]. 7 pages. History of the Soldiers' Monument at Tipton. 371. CLAYTON, E. B. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1869-70. 1 volume. Tailor. Account book of tailoring orders, Muskegon. Acquired, 1940. 372. CLEAVELAND, HOLBROOK G. SCRAPBOOK, ca. 1889-94. 1 volume. Scrapbook of programs, clippings, and a few business papers of Cleaveland while he was a student at The University of Michigan. 373. CLEAVELAND, JOHN P. (1799-1873). PAPERS, 1837-44. 100 items. Presbyterian clergyman. Correspondence and other papers, many of which deal with business affairs of Marshall College and the disposal of its assets. A frequent correspond- ent is John M. Ellis, a fellow clergyman from Lebanon, New Hampshire. 374. CLEMENTS, SAMUEL (1836- ). MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1874. 30 pages. History of the town of Lima, Washtenaw County, with a genealogy of the Clements family, read by the Reverend Samuel Clements before the Washtenaw County Pioneer Society in 1874. Gift of Caroline Clements, 1939. 375. CLEVELAND, CHARLES MONROE (1836- 95). PAPERS and DIARIES, 1854-93. 34 volumes. Grocer and general merchant, Adrian. Twenty- nine volumes of diaries contain interest- ing comments on his school days, marriage, life in Adrian, weather, current events, particularly the Civil War, business interests, and personal reflections on life. He mentions trial and fail- ure of the Atlantic cable, Mormon "war," and a balloon ascension at Adrian in 1851. There are three notebooks, account book, and autobiographi- cal account. Gift of E. F. Cleveland, 1941. 376. CLEVELAND, EDWARD F. LETTERS, 1882. 2 items. Letters of introduction for E. F. Cleveland of Adrian. Gift of E. F. Cleveland, 1942. 377. CLEVELAND, GEORGE H. PAPERS, 1837-54. 17 items. Physician. Four deeds, two addresses, eleven items of business correspondence of Cleveland of Pentwater, Michigan, and Chicago. Gift of Allen E. Cleveland, 1953. 378. CLEVELAND, J. H. LETTER, 1855. 1 item. Letter from Cleveland to Lewis Cass re- garding subscription to the Congressional Globe ; notation on the letter by Cass. Gift of E. P. Koiecz, 1954. 379. CLEVELAND, MILLIE BROADWELL. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1874. 1 volume. Student notebook for an organic chemistry course at Hillsdale College. Gift of the Dunn-Slayton estate, 1958. 380. CLINTON, ANNA. REMINISCENCES, [n.d.]. 2 pages. Schoolteacher. Reminiscences, recorded by Michael Church, in which Miss Clinton de- scribes Ann Arbor in the 1870's. Gift of Michael Church, 1960. 32 381. CLOYES, ARVIN. TAX RECEIPTS, 1840-78. 28 items. Tax receipts of Cloyes of Pontiac for lo- cal taxes paid. Gift of Mrs. Cyril B. Lewis, 1959. 382. CLUBB, HENRY S. (1827-1921). PAPERS, 1849-1920. 500 items. Minister, editor. Correspondence (1849- 54) between Anne B. Henderson (later Mrs. Henry S. Clubb) and her sister Elizabeth Nichols; 1855 letters are mostly courtship letters; let- ters (1856-57) are Anne's letters to her family; 1862-66 letters are Civil War letters of Anne and Henry, almost entirely in Pitman shorthand. Non-family letters start in 1876 and include let- ters from James B. Angell, John H. Kellogg, and A. B. Pullman. Six documents relate to the Northern Michigan Agricultural and Mechanical Society. 383. COATS, WILLIAM H. PAPERS, 1859-68. 26 items. Letters (1860-68) to Coats, chiefly from fellow students at the Connecticut Literary In- stitution; three letters from his mother in North Stonington, Connecticut; report card (1859); no- tice of enrollment in the Forty-fourth Regiment, Binghamton, New York (1864). Gift of Dewey H. Hesse, 1939. 384. COBB, ANITA SMITH. STUDENT PAPER, 1958. 49 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Negro in the Inkster Village Council." Acquired, 1961 385. COBB, DANIEL J. (1833- ). LETTERS, 1862-65. 12 items. Letters written to his sister while he was serving in the Third Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. 386. COCKER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1821-83). REPORTS, 1875-77. 2 items. Two reports covering the faculty activities of B. F. Cocker as Professor of Philosophy at The University of Michigan. 387. CODY, HIRAM SEDGEWICK. PAPERS, 1909-19. 300 items and 1 vol- ume. A scrapbook and correspondence of Cody relating to The University of Michigan's Mich- igan Union building campaign committee activi- ties in the Chicago area. Gift of Hiram S. Cody, 1958-60. 388. COLE, MARTHA KNAPP (1831- 1901). PAPERS, 1837-1910. Ca. 150 items and 30 volumes. The papers consist of correspondence re- garding family affairs, business matters, and farewell cards from schoolmates in Maine on her coming to Jackson in 1837; diaries (1870-90) in which trifling events of the day are recorded; various legal and business papers. Gift of Gladys Allen, 1935. 389. COLE, MINER T. (1839-1911). PAPERS, 1863-1911. 23 items. Civil War officer, Michigan State Repre- sentative. The Cole papers include five letters (1865-1901) about Civil War activities, and a letter each from Charles M. Croswell, Governor of Michigan, listing superintendents of Michigan copper mines, and Fred M. Warner, Governor of Michigan; Cole's record of labor accounts (1872- 75); military service papers. Gift of Mrs. Henry Bowen, 1940. 390. COLE, NELSON. PAPERS, 1849-72. 6 items and 1 volume. The papers of Cole and his family of Ann Arbor include four personal letters and one business letter; receipt; account book. Gift of Andrew S. Baker, 1939. 391. COLEMAN, HIRAM. PAPERS, 1870-1901. 4 items and 33 vol- umes. Farmer. Diaries recording comments on the weather and daily farm activities around Johnstone, Barry County; an account book; a will and miscellaneous business papers. Gift of Mrs. Carrie C. Coleman, 1953. 392. COLLINS, BESSIE E. CRAVEN. PAPERS, ca. 1892-1910; 1954. 1 item and 1 volume. Article entitled, "History of Saline News- papers" (2 pages); scrapbook of programs of events in Saline, Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor. These programs largely relate to Saline High School, Eastern Michigan University, and The University of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. Bessie Collins, 1950, 1954. 393. COLLINS, JUDSON DWIGHT (1821-52). PAPERS, 1845-52. 1 item and 4 volumes. Methodist minister, teacher, missionary to China, member of the first graduating class of The University of Michigan. The Collins' diaries contain comments on religious activities in Mich- igan, teaching at Albion College, journey to China and his missionary service there, medi- tations on his own religious life, and his return 33 to Michigan. There is also a manuscript poem by Collins which he read at the first University of Michigan commencement exercises. Gift of Mrs. Emmett L. Page, 1960. 394. COLMAN, FRANCIS. LETTERS, 1857-63. 8 items. Six of the letters pertain to recruiting dur- ing the Civil War. 395. COLMAN, HUTSON. LETTERS, 1876-81. 3 items. A letter from F. D. Haskell describes his work at The University of Michigan in 1876; an- other describes frontier life in Newton, Kansas in 1876; the third describes life in Marinette, Wisconsin in 1881. 396. COLT, GEORGE (1848-78). PAPERS, 1866-77. 4 items and 1 volume. Artist. Two letters of Colt to his mother; letter to Colt from a friend; diploma from Ann Arbor High School (1868); diary recording every- day activities of a schoolboy in Kalamazoo, with notes on weather, school work, reading, church activities, and a few comments on current events. Gift of Mrs. C. S. Campbell, 1948. 397. COMFORT, ELLWOOD (1822- ). PAPERS, 1837-48. 5 items and 2 volumes. Three letters from Aaron and Ann Com- fort of Falls Township, Beaver County, Pennsyl- vania, to their son Ellwood at school in West- town, Pennsylvania (1837-38); letter from George Munro of Jonesville on the sale of some land, with a bill for labor added (1848); diary of a journey on horseback from Tecumseh to Phila- delphia, by Ellwood Comfort (1848); diary of accounts with a description of a trip from Michigan to the East (1840); account book. Gift of Mrs. D. S. Birdsall, 1940. 398. COMIN, JOHN (1869-1947). PAPERS, 1894-1945. 120 items and 21 volumes. Presbyterian clergyman, Stated Clerk of Michigan Synod. Papers of John Comin include approximately sixty-five letters dealing with the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. (1897-1945). Thirty of these letters are from H. S. MacAyeal, clergyman of Omaha and St. Louis. There are also two sermons; miscellaneous notes and pa- pers relating to Presbyterian church history, particularly in Michigan; four diaries while he was a student in Germany; student notebook (1894-95); record of travels through Michigan in connection with church work; origianal manu- scripts of his books, History of the Presbyterian Church in Michigan and The Synod of Michigan and the Slavery Question . Gift of John Comin and Mrs. Ava Comin Case, 1938-1948. 399. COMSTOCK, ADDISON J. (1802-67). PAPERS, 1826-32, 1925. 4 items. One of the promotors of the Erie and Kal- amazoo Railroad. Papers consist of one letter and two business notations of Comstock, and one letter (1925) from C. H. Comstock telling the origins of the two business notations. Gift of Adrian Public Library, 1944. 400. COMSTOCK, CHARLES C. (1818-1900). MEMOIR, 1887. 1 reel of microfilm. Mayor of Grand Rapids, U.S. Congressman. Personal memoir of Comstock covering his con- gressional experiences, the furniture business, his term as mayor, and Greenback and Demo- cratic party politics. There are also recollec- tions of his wife Cornelia telling of her family's coming to Michigan in 1837 via the Great Lakes. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell, 1962. 401. COMSTOCK, LORIN L. (1825-63). PAPERS, 1847-87. 45 items. Papers of Comstock and his wife Lucia and other members of the family. Many are pension papers or papers that relate to Corn- stock's service as an officer in the First Mich- igan Volunteers in the Mexican War and the Seventeenth Michigan Infantry in the Civil War. A letter from Lieutenant Charles D. Todd tells of sending Comstock's body home to Adrian from Knoxville, Tenn. Gift of Mrs. Herbert C. Sadler, 1960. 402. COMSTOCK, WILLIAM ALFRED (1877-1949). PAPERS, 1894-1949. 16 feet and 38 vol- umes. Businessman, University of Michigan Re- gent, Governor of Michigan (1933-34). Corre- spondence, diaries, business papers, and other items. The correspondence is with members of his family, with leaders of the Democratic Par- ty, and with businessmen on real estate and fi- nancial transactions. Some correspondence re- lates to The University of Michigan and Zeta Psi Fraternity. Bound volumes include diaries (1902-12), account books of the Democratic Par- ty (1924-28), two scrapbooks, audit report of the Liquor Control Commission (1933-34), report on the marketing and supply of natural gas in Mich- igan in 1934. Correspondents include Andrew W. Com- stock, Harriet J. Comstock, Kirk W. Comstock, Frank W. Fletcher, Fred W. Green, Jesse H. Jones, Chase S. Osborn, James Schermerhorn, 34 Alfred E. Smith, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Gift of William A. Comstock, 1940-41, 1953. 403. COMTE, VICTOR E. (1833-64). PAPERS, 1853-78. 60 items. Papers of Comte of Detroit include fifty Civil War letters to his wife Elise, written while he was serving in the Fifth Michigan Cav- alry; his marriage certificate; miscellaneous items. The letters are in French with English translations. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. 404. CONANT, LUTHER (1844- ). REMINISCENCES, f n.d.]. 2 pages. Reminiscences of The University of Mich- igan in 1862-64. 405. CONDICT, ANNA. LETTER, 1911 1 item. Letter of Anna Condict, of Adrian, to Alice Condict, of Morenci, about family affairs. Gift of Mrs. A. A. Thompson, 1960. 406. CONDON, WILLIAM and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1900-23. 34 items. Personal correspondence and scattered business papers of the Condon family of Han- cock and Ann Arbor. Correspondents include Emmet Hall Pom- eroy. Gift of David S. Coon, 1960. 407. CONNER, MAMIE E. DIARIES, 1890-1937. 42 volumes. Housewife and bookkeeper in Plymouth. The diaries primarily contain accounts of social activities, weather, and trips to Detroit and other nearby towns. 408. CONNOR, MICHAEL. CORRESPONDENCE, 1837-93. 35 items. Personal correspondence of Connor of Plymouth largely dealing with family affairs and business matters. 409. COOK, ALICE. STUDENT PAPER, 1947. 21 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Katokoh Trial." Gift of Miss Cook, 1947. 410. COOK, FANNY READ. PAPERS, 1843-86. 21 items and 3 volumes Ten deeds and other legal papers dealing with land (1843-77); eleven receipts and certif- icates of merit; three student notebooks kept by Fanny Read Cook and her sisters Hattie M. and Minnie R. Read while they were students at the Michigan Female Seminary in Kalamazoo. Gift of Mrs. Justin T. Cook, 1938-50. 411. COOK, GEORGE. FIELD BOOK. 1844-49? 1 volume. Surveyor Field book of survey notes of lands in Washtenaw County. Gift of Geneva Kebler, 1956. 412. COOK, HENRY (1831-1919). AUTOBIOGRAPHY, 1919? 8 pages. Autobiography of Henry Cook who came to Michigan from The Netherlands in 1846. He de- scribes his trip to Detroit and St. Clair, the settlement of Holland, and conditions in Allegan County. Gift of Herman Cook, 1940. 413. COOK, JABEZ SMITH ( -1858). LETTER, 1851. 1 item. Letter from Cook to Gilbert Trusler de- scribing his trip to Ann Arbor where he enrolled as a student in The University of Michigan. Gift of Norton A. Stuart, 1947. 414. COOK, MARSHALL L. and COOK, WILLIAM RANDOLPH. PERSONAL and BUSINESS PAPERS, 1880- 1945. 9 feet and 51 volumes. Editors and publishers of The Hastings Banner. Correspondence (1893-1941) relating to the operation of The Hastings Banner , personal affairs, business enterprises, Michigan Republi- can politics, prohibition, World War I service- men, and University of Michigan students. There are forty- nine volumes of business records of The Hastings Banner , one volume of Cook Broth- ers wood- lot business, and one student notebook (1880) of Marshall Cook of Albion College. Correspondents include Edmund O. Dewey, Cassius Glasgow, Edward L. Hamilton, Frank Knox, Chase S. Osborn, Kim Sigler, Shirley W. Smith, William A. Smith, Charles E. Townsend, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Fred M. Warner. Gift of Richard M. Cook, 1957, 1959. 415. COOK, WILLIAM WILSON (1858-1930). LETTERS, 1910, 1926, 1928. 3 items. Lawyer, donor of the Martha Cook Resi- dence and the Law Quadrangle. Letters concern the Class of 1880 of The University of Michigan and a forthcoming publication of his Gift of Edwin S. Sherrill, 1941 and Miss Laura Cook, 1960. 416 COOKE, GENEVA M. STUDENT PAPER, 1956. 14 pages. Student seminar paper, "The School News- paper of Michigan State Normal College, 1893-1905. 35 417. COOKE, LUCY M. (1870- ). PAPERS, 1945-60. 9 items. Reminiscences of Mrs. Cooke of Lapeer, including an account of her son Ray C. Cooke's World War I experiences; a letter (1945) from her youngest son, Robert E. Cooke, on his World War II experiences. Gift of Mrs. Lucy M. Cooke, 1958-60. 418. COOLEY, CHARLES HORTON (1864-1929). PAPERS, 1872-1939. 5 feet and 18 vol- umes. Professor of Sociology, The University of Michigan. Correspondence of Cooley and his family include letters (1881-84) written by Cooley from Europe; letters exchanged between Cooley and his parents, Mary E. and Thomas M. Cooley, and between Cooley and his wife; correspondence regarding the Cooley genealogy, scholarly activ- ities, and other matters. In addition to the cor- respondence, there are addresses, notes, essays, book reviews, notes and material for Cooley 's sociology courses, one University of Michigan student notebook (1893-94) on courses by John Dewey, and a memorial volume. Seventeen di- aries contain an account of Cooley's personality development, with many religious reflections of an introspective nature. They trace the develop- ment of his ideas on sociology and democracy. Gift of Robert C. Angell and Mary E. Cooley, 1938, 1942-55. 419. COOLEY, DENNIS. PAPERS, 1840-55? 16 items. Physician, Romeo. The papers include a letter from T. J. Hale to Cooley about exchang- ing plants; fragment of a diary covering four days in 1854; botanical notes, memo books (1894- 55), case book (1840-52), record of Cooley's pa- tients, notes, accounts, receipts, and other busi- ness papers. Gift of Sarah E. Thompson, 1935. 420. COOLEY, ERNEST LINWOOD (1856-1928). PAPERS, 1875-1927. 5 feet. Engineer in Chicago. Personal and busi- ness papers, notes, reports, and correspondence of Cooley. Much of the correspondence is of a personal nature, two frequent correspondents being Mortimer E. Cooley and Chase S. Osborn. Many subjects are discussed in the correspond- ence such as vacation plans, Cooley family gen- ealogy, water engineering projects, the St. Lawrence seaway, M. E. Cooley's race for the U.S. Senate in 1924. 421. COOLEY, LYMAN EDGAR (1850-1917). PAPERS, 1865-1917. 3-1/2 feet. Engineer in Chicago. Correspondence, mostly of a business nature, with men in the engineering profession; letters on politics, par- ticularly in Illinois; love letters from Lucy McMillan, later Mrs. Lyman Cooley. There are some miscellaneous papers pertaining to geneal- ogy, personal business affairs, reports on water engineering projects, and one notebook. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Mortimer E. Cooley, Shelby M. Cullom, C. S. Harrison, William Lorimer, Martin B. Madden, John T. Morgan, James A. Waddell. Acquired, 1947-48. 422. COOLEY, MORTIMER ELWYN (1855- 1944). PAPERS, 1889-1944. 162 feet and 15 vol- umes. Dean of the College of Engineering, The University of Michigan. Correspondence, includ- ing twelve letterpress books; addresses; reports; notes; manuscript articles; lectures; legal papers; personal property records; genealogical records and other papers. This collection deals exten- sively with Cooley's professional interests in en- gineering, The University of Michigan College of Engineering, the Western Athletic Conference, football, railroad and public utility regulation, Michigan Naval Brigade, the Public Works Ad- ministration in Michigan, state and national poli- tics, and other topics. There is some personal and family correspondence, and three volumes (1 photostat) of the log of the U.S.S. Yosemite kept during the Spanish- American War. Correspondents include Henry C. Adams, Earl D. Babst, Charles Baird, Junius E. Beal, Marion L. Burton, William A. Comstock, Edwin Denby, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Charles H. Fes- senden, David Friday, Benjamin S. Hanchett, Warren G. Harding, William C. Hoad, Ira N. Hollis, Herbert C. Hoover, Harry B. Hutchins, Chase S. Osborn, Henry E. Riggs, Alexander G. Ruthven, William B. Sears, Talbot Smith, Charles W. Spooner, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Murray D. Van Wagoner, William F. Verner. 423. COOLEY, RUTGER HORTON (1893- ). DIARY, 1914. 1 volume. Journal of a trip to Great Britain in the summer of 1914, with comments on plays and well-known points of interest visited. Gift of Mary E. Cooley. 424. COOLEY, THOMAS McINTYRE (1824-98). PAPERS, 1850-98. 7-1/4 feet and 16 vol- umes. Lawyer; Professor of Law and American History, The University of Michigan; Michigan Supreme Court Justice; Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission. Correspondence, notes, addresses, lectures, diaries of Cooley. These 36 papers relate to personal and family affairs, lecture engagements, publications, the Interstate Commerce Commission, The University of Mich- igan, state and national politics, and American history and constitutional questions. Correspondents include Henry C. Adams, Russell A. Alger, Alexis C. Angell, James B. Angell, Henry P. Baldwin, Simeon E. Baldwin, Levi L. Barbour, B. F. Baxter, Charles F. Beach, Jr., Josiah W. Begole, E. H. Bennett, John Bersey, Melville M. Bigelow, Austin Blair, James R. Boise, W. L. Bragg, Henry B. Brown, James Bryce, Richard A. Bury, Henry M. Camp- bell, James H. Campbell, James V. Campbell, Lewis Cass, John W. Champlin, Zachariah Chandler, Henry A. Chaney, Salmon P. Chase, G. C. Christiancy, Isaac P. Christiancy, James Clements, Grover Cleveland, Lemuel Clute, Charles C. Cole, Charles H. Cooley, Edgar A. Cooley, Shelby M. Cullom, Byron M. Cutcheon, W. D. Dabney, Donald M. Dickinson, Jacob P. Dunn, Richard T. Ely, Elong Farnsworth, Albert Fink, William F. Ford, Daniel C. Gilman, Wash- ington Gladden, Claudius B. Grant, B. F. Graves, Israel Hall, William G. Hammond, Benjamin Harrison, John S. Hawks, Edward O. Hinkley, John Hinkley, Henry Hitchcock, George Hoar, Oliver W. Holmes, Jr., Charles C. Hopkins, Fred S. Hubbard, Harry B. Hutchins, Albert P. Jacobs, David H. Jerome, Harry D. Jewell, Charles N. Jones, Charles A. Kent, Edward D. Kinne, Otto Kirchner, Daniel S. Lamont, William Mackenzie, Isaac Marston, Andrew C. Maxwell, Elijah W. Meddaugh, Martin V. Montgomery, Thomas C. Moore, William R. Morrison, Ed- ward A. Moseley, D. C. Newton, Thomas J. O'Brian, Warren Olney, Russell C. Ostrander, Walter H. Page, Thomas W. Palmer, Allen B. Pond, Elihu B. Pond, Eugene B. Prussing, Roger A. Pryor, J. R. Rauch, Francis Rawle, John T. Rich, Henry W. Rogers, Alfred Russell, Andrew J. Sawyer, Augustus Schoonmaker, Carl Schurz, Edwin R. A. Seligman, William H. Seward, W. H. Stevenson, Ralph Stone, Moses Taggart, Henry P. Tappan, Harriet A. Tenney, J. B. Thayer, A. G. Thurman, Lyman Trumbull, Moses C. Tyler, W. A. Underwood, Philip T. Van Zile, Aldace F. Walker, Bryant Walker, George P. Wanty, William F. Warren, William D. Washburn, E. B. Washburne, C. R. Wells, Andrew D. White, Moses Wisner. 425. COOPER, DAVID MACK (1827-1908) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1812-1908. 1 item and two vol- umes. Clergyman. Two scrapbooks of Cooper, one, largely relating to business activities of his father a prominent Detroit merchant, contains many receipts, business accounts of general merchandise sales, a tax roll for Detroit roads in 1812, petition for War of 1812 damages, doc- uments signed by John Q. Adams, and some cor- respondence, including two letters from William Woodbridge and one from Henry Schoolcraft sent from Washington, D.C. (1819) via the Walk- in- the Water . The second scrapbook contains mostly clippings pertaining to the ministerial activities of Cooper plus scattered manuscript articles. A letter (1848) from Cooper to his father lists his expenses for one term at The University of Michigan. Gift of Everett Soop, 1942. 426. COOPER, ISAAC S. ■ PAPERS, 1887-1924. 113 items. Employee, Buick Motor Company. Papers consist of business papers (1887-90), largely receipts and lists of purchases of food and dry goods; picture post cards sent from Michigan towns; one letter (1919) recognizing Cooper's service in selling Liberty Bonds. Gift of Miss Helen S. Cooper. 427. COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1857). DEEDS, 1837, 1850. 3 items. American author. Photostat copies of deeds to property in Kalamazoo County owned by Cooper. Acquired, 1961. 428. COOPER, JOHN. CORRESPONDENCE, 1837. 2 items. Copies of letters to Cooper, one from Manley Birchard the other from Dixon Birchard, concerning family matters and describing land and farm conditions in Washtenaw County. 429. COOPER, JOHN S. LETTERPRESS BOOK, 1886-90. 1 volume. Detroit lawyer. Letters from Cooper largely concerning legal affairs, including cases being tried before the U.S. Supreme Court. Acquired, 1956. 430. COOPER FAMILY. PAPERS, 1834-52. 5 items. Marriage license of I. W. Baker to Lydia Cooper (1840); letter from Baker to Lydia Coop- er Baker's parents telling of her death while traveling to California; deeds. Gift of Miss Elsie Cooper, 1942. 431 COPELAND, ROYAL SAMUEL (1868- 1938). PAPERS, 1889-1948. 1 foot and 37 volumes. Ophthalmologist; President New York City Board of Health; U.S. Senator from New York (1923-38). Correspondence, addresses and other 37 papers deal with many subjects including poli- tics, the Merchant Marine, farm relief, home- opathy, medicine, housing, loans, court reform, crime. There are also business papers and reports, biographical data, scrapbooks. Correspondents include Calvin Coolidge, Royal S. Copeland, Jr., Herbert C. Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Gift of Mrs. Royal S. Copeland, 1938, 1940. 432. COPLEY, ALEXANDER (1790-1842). PAPERS, 1814-81. 260 items and 7 vol- umes. The Copley papers consist of one hundred and eight letters (1814-42) dealing with Masonry, New Jerusalem Church, spinning industry, school statistics, personal and business matters, and other subjects; two drafts of letters [n.d.] on politics and Zachariah Chandler; Volinia town- ship, Cass County district school record (1855); three essays of Copley; fragments of diaries and day books, including travel diary (1856-57) of Napoleon Eugene Copley of a trip by covered wagon from Little Prairie Ronde, Michigan, to the site of Emporia, Kansas; miscellaneous pa- pers. Correspondence of Copley's son, Alex- ander B. Copley, includes forty- one letters (1840-81) about Little Prairie Ronde, Michigan State Agricultural College, Paw Paw Railroad, and other subjects. Gift of Allen B. Copley, 1939. 433. CORDEN, JOHN (1821- ). LETTERS, 1861-65. 60 items. Letters of Corden of Saline written to his wife while he was serving in Company F, Sixth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Gift of Victor Corden Knowles, 1962. 434. CORNELIUS FAMILY. PAPERS, 1812-1939. 22 items. Papers of the Cornelius family include three letters, one of which is from Colonel Richard Cornelius of New York (1844); papers relating to William Cornelius of Adrian; diary of a trip around the world (1925); miscellaneous items; also papers relating to Nathaniel Mead and his wife and daughter. Gift of John C. Dayton, 1950-51. 435. CORSELIUS, CORNELIA. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, t n.d.]. 2 pages. An article entitled, "Washtenaw County Court House." 436. CORSELIUS, GEORGE (1806-49). PAPERS, 1833-65. 9 items and 5 volumes. Librarian, The University of Michigan; Editor, Western Emigrant. Five diaries dealing with Corselius' reading and intellectual life, politics, University of Michigan affairs, and the Western Emigrant ; letters (photostats) of Edward Corselius written while he was serving in Com- pany A, First Michigan Cavalry, and Fred Cor- selius in the Fifth Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. (See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details.) Other letters are from George Corselius describing Ann Arbor. Gift of Miss Helen Corselius, 1959. 437. CORWIN, RICHARD W. REPORTS, 1875-77. 2 items. Reports of the faculty activities of Corwin as assistant in The University of Michigan Chemical Laboratory. 438. COSBY, MABEL A. STUDENT PAPER, ^.d.-, . 15 pages. Student seminar paper, "Women at Michi- gan," dealing with the history of the admission of women to The University of Michigan. Gift of Claude Eggertson, 1952. 439. COULTER, RALPH G. PAPERS, 1935, 1944. 2 items. Certificate of membership in Sigma Delta Chi; letter (1944) from Captain John A. Wright in which he describes the fighting during the in- vasion of Normandy and his being wounded. Gift of Ralph G. Coulter, 1945. 440. COURTER, HOWARD. PAPERS, 1940. 3 items. Historical data and population study of Tawas City by Howard Courter and Marie Krueger. 441. COUSINO, PAUL KENNETH. STUDENT PAPER, 1936. 40 pages. Student seminar paper, "History of Michi- gan State Prison at Jackson, Michigan, from 1838-1850," with bibliography and appendices. Gift of Paul K. Cousino, 1949. 442. COUZENS, JAMES JOSEPH (1872-1936). CORRESPONDENCE, 1924; 1934-35. 4 items and 1 volume. U.S. Senator. Letters between former Gov- ernor of Michigan Chase S. Osborn and Senator James Couzens regarding Couzens' stand on prohibition; volume of correspondence between Couzens and William M. Hauser regarding bank- ing legislation. 443. COVENTRY, HELEN BRANNACK. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, [n.d.]. 2 pages. History of Stone schoolhouse, district num- ber two, Groveland township, Oakland County. 38 444. COVEY, HIRAM F. ( -1865). LETTER, 1862. 1 item, typewritten copy. Letter of Covey of Waverly, Michigan, written while he was serving in Company C, Seventieth New York Infantry during the Civil War. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for de- tails. Gift of Kermit V. Washburn, 1959. 445. COWELL, ROBERT B. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1850-63. 1 volume. Farmer, Grand Rapids. Personal accounts and farm expenditures. Gift of Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe, 1961. 446. COWIE, DAVID MURRAY (1872-1940). PAPERS, 1924-40. 1038 items. Physician; Professor, The University of Michigan Medical School. Correspondence and reports of Doctor Cowie pertain almost entirely to the iodizing of salt and its effects. Gift of Mrs. David M. Cowie, 1942. 447. COX, EDWARD. ARTICLE, 1878. 2 pages, typewritten copy. Article originally published in the Battle Creek Journal entitled, "Physicians of Calhoun County." Gift of Mrs. James M. Redfield, 1937. 448. COX, MURRELL HOWARD. PAPERS, 1915-18. 3 feet. Detroit branch office manager of the Fafnir Bearing Company. Business correspondence and miscellaneous papers dealing with the Fafnir Bearing Company and the Ainsworth Manufactur- ing Company of Detroit. Gift of W. Howard Cox, 1958. 449. CRAIG, JAMES ALEXANDER. PAPERS, 1912. 7 items. Professor, The University of Michigan. Six religious articles [n.d.] written by Craig, and a letter (1912) written to President Hutchins in which Craig submits his resignation from the faculty of The University of Michigan. 450. CRAIG, ROBERT and ALLEN, SHIRLEY W., compilers. SCRAPBOOK, 1910-23. 1 volume. Professors, The University of Michigan. Scrapbook containing correspondence, clippings, typescripts of speeches relating to the career of Filibert Roth as chairman of The University of Michigan Department of Forestry. Gift of Robert Craig, 1957. 451. CRAMER, DENSMORE. LETTER, 1852. 1 item. Letter from Cramer to The Reverend Mr. James Dubuar, written from Lodi, discussing the possibility of attending school at Hanover, Indiana, or The University of Michigan. Gift of James F. Dubuar, 1957. 452. CRANE, A. LETTER, 1855. 1 item. Letter from Crane of Bridgewater, to his son, describing the Palmyra and Jackson Rail- road. Gift of Helen M. Crane, 1951. 453. CRAPO, HENRY HOWLAND (1804-69) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1820-1907.- 8-3/4 feet and 78 volumes. Michigan State Senator; Governor (1865-69); land speculator and lumberman. The Crapo pa- pers consist of letters, letterpress books, notes, diaries, memorandum books, speeches, business and legal records, and miscellaneous papers of Crapo and his son William Wallace Crapo (1830- 1926), advisor to his father and Congressman from Massachusetts (1875-83). Much of the cor- respondence and other papers deal with Crapo's Michigan career as land speculator, lumberman, and Michigan politician between 1855-69. There are also scattered papers on his early years in Massachusetts, deeds and other papers relating to his land speculations in Ohio, Iowa and Mich- igan, his farming activities, and papers pertain- ing to the business activities of his son. The papers contain some mention of Massachusetts Republican politics, and information on traveling, living, and labor conditions and towns in Michi- gan and the midwest. Correspondents include Nelson W. Aldrich, Daniel S. Bacon, Orrin Baker, Isaac P. Christi- ancy, David Crapo, Stanley T. Crapo, William W. Crapo, John F. Driggs, William S. Driggs, Divie Bethune Duffield, William M. Fenton, Orrin N. Giddings, Daniel C. Gilman, Noah K. Green, James F. Joy, John R. Kellogg, DeWitt C. Leach, Henry Ledyard, Charles B. Mears, William Mer- cer, Zina Pitcher, Gerrit Smith, Humphrey H. H. C. Smith, Jared Sparks, John H. Standish, Row- land E. Trowbridge, James Turner, Eber B. Ward, William Warner, Harvey Williams, Alexander Winchell, Solomon L. Withey, Jonathan J. Wood- man Gift of the Crapo family, 1936, 1940. 454. CRARY, ISAAC EDWIN (1804-54). CORRESPONDENCE, 1836, 1915. 4 items. Delegate from Michigan Territory to Con- gress. Letter (1836) from Crary concerns the admission of Michigan to the Union; letter (1915) from Edgar F. Waterman, Treasurer of Trinity 39 College, gives information about Crary; letter to Benjamin Silliman and reply concerns Silliman as Chancellor of The University of Michigan. 455. CREASER, MOIRA. STUDENT PAPER, 1644. 22 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Iosco County Gazette, 1868-1878." Gift of Miss Creaser, 1944. 456. CRESSY, ALONZO. ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1840-90. 3 volumes. Physician, Clinton and Hillsdale. Two vol- umes of records of patients, noting calls and charges; notes on his practice (1852-77). Acquired, 1940. 457. CRESWELL, CORDELIA (1868 ?- 1950). CORRESPONDENCE, 1886-1932. 1300 items. Public school teacher; Supervisor of Spe- cial Education, Grand Rapids. Most of the let- ters deal with education, particularly relating to the public schools of Grand Rapids and the ed- ucation of retarded children. Gift of Mrs. Charles Rawley, 1952. 458. CRITCHETT, MARY. STUDENT PAPER, 1935. 12 pages. Student seminar paper, "Bibliography for Isaac E. Crary." 459. CRITTENDEN, ALBERT ROBINSON (1867- 1933). PAPERS, 1868-1933. 1300 items. Professor of Classics at Olivet College and The University of Michigan. The collection consists largely of letters concerning Olivet College and The University of Michigan. Other papers include Crittenden's lecture notes, un- published manuscripts, account books. There are two manuscripts by Lisla Crittenden. Correspondents include C. H. Crittenden, Ernest Crittenden, Lisla Crittenden, Washington Gardner, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, Martin L. D'Ooge, Francis W. Kelsey. Gift of V. V. Crittenden, 1938. 460. CROCKER, MARTIN (1858- ) and CROCKER, THOMAS. PAPERS, [n.d.]. 3 items. A list of the children of Thomas M. Crocker; biographical sketch of both Martin and Thomas Crocker, of New Baltimore, by Sabin Crocker. Gift of Sabin Crocker, 1948. 461. CRON, ANTON C. PAPERS, 1917-21. Ca. 400 items. Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army. Official orders and letters to his wife covering his serv- ice in three divisions in the A.E.F. during World War I and in the Army of Occupation. Gift of Mr. F. W. Cron, 1961. 462. CROPSEY, JASPER FRANCIS (1823-1900). SKETCH BOOK, 1855. 1 volume. Artist. Sketch book of scenes along the St. Lawrence River and of The University of Michigan campus. Cropsey was commissioned by the Board of Regents to make paintings of the campus and the observatory. Gift of Mrs. Max Winkler, 1937. 463. CROSBY, ALPHEUS BENNING ( -1877). LETTER, 1871. 1 item. Letter of resignation of Crosby as Profes- sor of Surgery at The University of Michigan. 464. CROSBY, ELIZABETH CAROLINE (1888- ). TAPE RECORDING, ^.d.] . 1 reel. Professor Emeritus of Anatomy, The Uni- versity of Michigan. Recording of a program awarding an honorary degree to Doctor Crosby from the University of Groningen. Gift of Willard C. Wichers, 1960. 465. CROSIER, EDWARD STOKOE ( -1891). LETTERS, 1856. 3 items. Letters from Crosier to members of his family about Ann Arbor and The University of Michigan, Detroit, and Windsor, Canada. 466. CROSS, ARTHUR LYON (1873-1940). PAPERS, 1898-1940. 18-1/2 feet and 51 volumes. Professor of History, The University of Michigan. Correspondence, manuscripts of books and articles, lecture notes, student records, business papers, personal account books, diaries (1938-40) with comments on world events, and miscellaneous papers. Much of the correspond- ence is with European and American historians, publishing houses, editors of learned journals, members of his family, and friends. Correspondents include Randolph G. Adams, James B. Angell, Robert C. Angell, Levi L. Barbour, Henry M. Bates, Arthur E. R. Boak, Solon J. Buck, Roy D. Chapin, William L. Clem- ents, Mortimer E. Cooley, James Couzens, Ver- ner W. Crane, Heber D. Curtis, Ralph H. Curtiss, Dwight L. Dumond, John R. Effinger, John A. Fairlie, Guy S. Ford, George N. Fuller, Albert C. Furstenberg, Esson M. Gale, Moses Gomberg, Albert B. Hart, Mary L. Hinsdale, Mildred Hins- dale, William H. Hobbs, Lucius L. Hubbard, Harry B. Hutchins, Albert Hyma, Francis W. Kelsey, Theodore W. Koch, Clarence C. Little, 40 Alfred H. Lloyd, Warren P. Lombard, Andrew C. McLaughlin, Lois A. McLaughlin, Earl C. Mich- ener, Charles Moore, James O. Murfin, H. Wirt Newkirk, Chase S. Osborn, George W. Patterson, Milo M. Quaife, Jesse S. Reeves, Alexander G. Ruthven, Walter H. Sawyer, Wilfred B. Shaw, John M. B. Sill, Charles Sink, Preston Slosson, Shirley W. Smith, Thomas M. Spaulding, T. Haw- ley Tapping, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Claude H. Van Tyne, Robert M. Wenley, Andrew D. White, Lee A. White, Fielding H. Yost. Received by bequest of Arthur L. Cross, 1940. 467. CROSS, JAMES. PAPERS, 1836-55. 7 items. Farmer in Concord, Jackson County. Per- sonal family letters with mention of agriculture and the area around Concord. Gift of Conrad Bult, 1961. 468. CROSWELL, CHARLES M. (1825-86). PAPERS, 1851 ?-84. 12 items and 5 vol- umes. State Senator, Governor of Michigan (1877- 81). Letters (Nov. 1879) to Croswell on the se- lection of a successor to Senator Zachariah Chandler, bound in one volume; letter (1851) to Croswell from Benjamin S. Baxter on private matters; two letters (1884) from Croswell to his son, written from Adrian; eight letters (1851- 57) from various people to Thomas M. Cooley, Croswell's law partner (1855-59); and a letter (185- ) from Cooley to Croswell; Crosswell's diary (Jan. to Aug. 1851); notes (1874?) for his address on retiring from the Legislature (2 vols.); and notes for other addresses (1 vol.). Gift of Mrs. Henry Bowen, 1938. 469 CULVER, FRANK HOPKINS (1855-1934). PAPERS, 1928-29. 45 items. Manuscript article, "There is No Univer- sity of Michigan"; correspondence about the founding date of The University of Michigan. Correspondents include Harry B. Hutchins, Chase S. Osborn, Shelby B. Schurtz, William A. Spill, T. Hawley Tapping. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 470. CULVER, LEWIS FRANKLIN. LETTER, 1876. 1 item. Letter from Culver to Milton Kanouse writ- ten while Culver was a student at The Univer- sity of Michigan. Gift of Miss Bessie Kanouse, 1959. 471. CUMING, FRANCIS H. LETTER, 1841. 1 item. Episcopal clergyman. Letter from Cuming to The Reverend Mr. D. Whittingham, of Balti- more, Maryland, asking financial help for re- building St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Ann Arbor. The letter is written on a two page printed circular dealing with the same subject. 472. CUMINGS, PHILIP and FAMILY. DIARIES, 1840-47, 1854-58, 1885, 1887-88. 5 volumes. Diary of Philip Cumings (1799-1850) de- scribing farm life in New York and settlement in Kent County, Michigan; diary of his son Ed- win (1823-1888) recording farm and church ac- tivities, local affairs, and weather in Sparta and Alpine townships in Kent County; diary of his daughter Grace (1866- J describing a trip by rail to Florida. Gift of Mrs. Roy Holmes. 473. CUMMINGS, ELIZABETH. CORRESPONDENCE, 1836-66. 6 items. Family letters including one (1836) which describes conditions, food prices, etc. around Centreville. Gift of Mrs. William M. Hoad, 1941. 474. CURTIS, FRED E. CORRESPONDENCE, 1848-57. 39 items. The letters of F. E. Curtis and D. A. Cur- tis are mostly of a personal nature, but they contain references to Albion Seminary (College), and one (1856) describes Hillsdale College. Gift of Louis S. White, 1943. 475. CURTIS, HEBER DOUST (1872-1942). LETTERS, 1921-41. 190 items. Professor of Astronomy, The University of Michigan, and Director of the Detroit Observa- tory. The letters to his family describe his work in astronomy, trips to Mexico, Sumatra and Europe, and comment on current events with frequent references to personal family matters. Acquired, 1950. 476. CURTIS, WALTER T. (1874- ). PAPERS, 1887-1901. 43 items and 1 vol- ume. Correspondence, largely with Frederick N. Stocking, contains a description of Pullman, Illi- nois, and comments on bicycling and other sports. There are student letters written by Curtis while he was attending The University of Michigan. A diary (1887) records school work, chores, play, church attendance. Gift of Walter T. Curtis, 1956. 477. CURTISS, RALPH HAMILTON (1880-1929). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, t n.d.j. 8 pages. Professor of Astronomy, The University of 41 Michigan. A sketch of the life of Curtiss by an unknown author. 478. CUSHING, GEORGE (1888- ). PAPERS, 1942-55. Ca. 250 items and 10 volumes. Radio announcer. Correspondence (1946- 55) contains letters from listeners to his radio program and carbons of letters from Cushing to Arthur H. Vandenberg (senior and junior). There are miscellaneous scripts and rolls of tape recordings of the WJR radio program In O ur Opinion, a biographical sketch of Cushing, a manuscript article on 1904 Detroit automo- biles, and ten scrapbooks of newspaper clip- pings. Gift of George W. Cushing, 1955. 479. DACRE, H. J. MANUSCRIPT NEWSPAPERS, 1845. 2 items. Two manuscript newspapers entitled "Ma- sonian Times," written by Dacre and relating events of Mason in 1845. Gift of Marquette County Historical So- ciety, 1954. 480. DAHLEM, JOHN ALLEN. LETTER, 1961. 1 item. Lawyer, Jackson. Letter discussing plans for the fifty- fifth reunion of his University of Michigan Law School class. Gift of Mrs. Susan Barry, 1961. 481. DANA, CYRUS. LETTER, 1846. 1 item. Letter written by Dana of Niles to his uncle in New Hampshire about prospects in the legal profession. Acquired, 1951. 482. DANIELS, FRANCIS POTTER (1869- ). PAPERS, 1894-1944. 2 feet and 22 vol- umes. Professor of Latin, Georgia State College for Women. Papers consist of approximately 145 letters, largely of a personal nature but in- cluding letters from travelers in Europe and persons connected with various colleges and uni- versities. There are thirteen letters (1935-39) from former Governor Chase S. Osborn. The largest portion of the papers consists of notes and writings of Professor Daniels on Romance languages, three volumes of manuscript poems, three volumes of notes on European travels, sixteen student and miscellaneous notebooks. 483. DANIELS, LETTER, MARTIN L. 1837. 1 item. Letter from Daniels, a farmer of Mottville, to Isaac Arnold, describing his journey by ox wagon from Steuben County, New York, to Mott- ville. 484. DARLING, ROBERT B. PAPERS, 1911-53 54 items. Chauffeur to Governor Chase S. Osborn (1911-12) Correspondence, driver's licenses, letter of recommendation and other papers of Darling. Most of the correspondence is with Osborn. Gift of Robert B. Darling, 1957. 485. DAVENNY, WILSON IMBRIE (1859-1917). PAPERS, 1879-1917. 6 feet. Newspaperman, Republican politician, Spanish- American War veteran. Correspondence, scrapbooks, personal accounts, and miscellaneous papers of Spanish- American War veterans groups and the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, a waterways lobby. Correspondents include Charles W. Fair- banks, Samuel W. Smith, Booker T. Washington. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Adams, 1953. 486. DAVIDSON, MRS. O. C. CHRONOLOGY, 1914. 18 pages. Chronology of the Northern Peninsula with special reference to Dickinson County, prepared by Mrs. Davidson for the Iron Mountain Woman's Club. Gift of the Iron Mountain Library, 1949. 487. DAVIDSON, MRS. SYLVIA. PAPERS, 1848-1918. 12 items. Papers include manuscript of reminiscences of pioneer life around Tecumseh; indenture (1852); military order (1865); two letters and a postal card; miscellaneous notes Mrs. Davidson was the wife of Jehial Davidson. Gift of Miss Edith King, 1947. 488. DAVIS, ADA E. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1882. 1 volume. Notes on lectures by Reverend Ransom Dunn, Sr., on doctrinal theology, delivered at Hillsdale College. Gift of Miss Louise Hawkes, 1961. 489. DAVIS, CALVIN OLIN (1871-1954). PAPERS, 1913-41. 1-1/2 feet and 6 vol- umes. The Davis papers consist of letters largely relating to Professor Davis' activities in the School of Education, The University of Michigan; diary of European trip (1931); manuscripts, lec- ture notes and articles, including "The Junior 42 High School," "History of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club," and manuscript autobiography entitled "A Country Lad." Gift of Calvin O. Davis, 1944. 490. DAVIS, CHARLES ALBERT (1861-1916). PAPERS, 1900-03. 38 items. Instructor in Forestry, The University of Michigan. The Davis papers include lecture notes, manuscripts, and thirty- one letters to Davis discussing geology and problems of for- estry. 491. DAVIS, MRS. E. E. PAPERS, 1771-1865. 7 items. Papers of Mrs. Davis and her family in- clude indentures and correspondence, of which five are Civil War letters of Patrick and Frank Moran of a New York regiment and John Mclsa- acs of the Fifth Michigan Infantry. Gift of Mrs. Frank N. Wilson, 1959. 492. DAVIS, EBENEZAR. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1840-50. 1 volume. Personal account book of Davis of Clinton. Gift of Mrs. Eva Davis House, 1958. 493. DAVIS, FERDINAND (1840- ). AUTOBIOGRAPHY, 1904. 2 volumes. Autobiographical account dealing with his Civil War service in the Seventh New Hampshire Infantry. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. John T. Norton, 1955. 494. DAVIS, JOSEPH BAKER (1845-1920). PAPERS, 1911-18. 151 items. Associate Dean, Department of Engineering, The University of Michigan. Papers collected by Davis contain three letters (1912-13) on the resurvey of the Washington- Idaho boundary; 145 items on the Albert Kahn memorials to Charles S. Denison (1849-1913) and DeVolson Wood (1832-97); letter about Camp Davis; biographical sketch of Stillman W. Robinson and bibliography of Robinson's writings. Gift of Mortimer E. Cooley, 1936. 495. DAVIS, LORENZO. PAPERS, 1822-99. Ca. 500 items. Superintendent of the Poor, Washtenaw County. Manuscript histories, recollections, ad- dresses, biographical sketches, and other papers mostly relating to Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County; sermons; miscellaneous business and legal papers; eighteen letters (1822-86) pertain- ing to members of the Davis family. 496. DAVIS, MARY P. LETTERS, 1861, 1864. 2 items, typewrit- ten copies. Letters of Miss Davis to Mrs. S. E. Mead. They were written while she was teaching school in Illinois and as matron of the Detroit House of Correction. Both include comments on the Civil War. Gift of Charles M. Miller, 1960. 497. DAVIS, RAYMOND CAZALLIS (1836-1919). PAPERS, 1850-1917. 9 feet. Librarian, The University of Michigan. The Davis papers consist of business, legal, and miscellaneous papers; correspondence, much of which deals with library affairs and includes material on book orders, opening a new library in 1883, and exhibition of The University of Michigan professors' books at the 1893 World's Fair; family correspondence, including letters discussing foreign ports, travel to California, and Civil War service. There are annual re- ports of The University of Michigan Library for 1885, 1892, 1903, 1905. Correspondents include James B. Angell, James R. Boise, Byron Davis, Ferdinand Davis, Frederick Davis, George Davis, Isaac N. Dem- mon, Melvil Dewey, Byron A. Finney, [George A.?] Flanders, Henry S Frieze, John Hay, James McMillan, Henry W. Rogers, Andrew Ten Brook. Gift of Mrs. John T. Norton, 1955-57 498. DAVIS, WILLIAM ROBERT (1872-1959). AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, 1944. 8 pages. Dentist; Director of Dental Bureau, Michi- gan Department of Health. Acquired, 1961. 499. DAVISON, EBENEZER ( -1885). ACCOUNT BOOK, 1839-70. 1 volume. Account book and daily work record of Davison, a farmer of Manchester. Gift of Edward Wisner, 1955. 500. DAVISON FAMILY. PAPERS, 1848-62. 6 items. Papers of the Davison family of Atlas in- clude two family letters (1856); a Civil War let- ter (unsigned) from Nashville, Tennessee, June 15, 1862; a tax receipt (1848); mortgage (1860); notice of foreclosure (1861). Gift of Mrs. George H. Bradt, 1938. 501. DAWSON, JEANNETTE M. ( -1883). PAPERS, 1864-66. 17 items. The letters from Jeannette M. Dawson to her mother discuss current events and activities 43 at The University of Michigan. One letter is from Charles C. Dawson. Copies of the obitu- ary notices of Jeannette and Charles Dawson are included. 502. DAY, AGNES. PAPERS, 1860- 192S. 27 items and 3 vol- umes. Twenty-five letters of Agnes Day, mostly of a personal nature, include two letters from Moses Coit Tyler but the majority are written by Charlotte Finley. Other papers are a manu- cript on Anna E. Dickinson, one entitled "Foot- prints on Piety Hill," and a translation of Zrin y (1894). Gift of Miss Edith Day Robinson, 1939. 503. DAY, EDMUND EZRA (1883- ). LETTER, 1927. 1 item. Letter to The University of Michigan Board of Regents pertaining to the possible ap- pointment of Day as Dean of Administration at the University. 504. DAY, HARVEY S. PAPERS, 1831-1935. 737 items and 4 vol- umes. Dairy farmer of Willis and officer of the Holstein- Frisian Association. Correspondence and business papers of Day include ninety-two letters (1842-92), principally personal and fam- ily correspondence. Among them is a letter from Matthew Day written from Joe Holt Hos- pital (1865). There are 256 letters (1892-1935) relative to Holstein- Frisian cattle and Holstein- Frisian Association matters and Day's dairy farm; bills, receipts, cattle transfer certificates, and records of milk poundage; account books; a few poems, recipe book and other miscellaneous papers. Gift of Day estate, 1938. 505. DAY, WILLIAM RUFUS (1849-1923). TELEGRAM, t n.d.]. 1 item. Secretary of State, Justice of United States Supreme Court. Copy of a telegram written by Day to Fitzhugh Lee, Consul General at Havana, Cuba, referring to the battleship "Maine." 506. DEADMAN, RICHARD HECTOR (1872- ). REMINISCENCES, 1956. 2 pages. State Representative, lumberman. Remi- niscences of Deadman of Alpena describing early lumbering experiences in Michigan. 507. DEAM, WILLIAM L. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, t n.d.]. 96 pages. "Miss Jessie Bonstelle, 1869-1890," a bio- graphical sketch of this nineteenth century actress. Gift of William L. Deam, 1961. 508. DEAN, ELIAS. PAPERS, 18 18- 6-. 53 items and 3 vol- umes. Receipts and three account books of Dean of Northfield township, Wayne County, show prices of articles of the period. One of the books covers Dean's accounts at a store in Plym- outh in 1841. Acquired, 1956. 509. DEAN, HENRY STEWART (1830-1915). PAPERS, 1862-1916. 35 items and 2 vol- umes. Officer in the Twenty- second Michigan In- fantry, Regent of The University of Michigan. Records and diaries (1864-65) of Dean's Civil War service, legal documents, citations, and commissions. Gift of Miss Elizabeth W. Dean, 1960, and Mrs. John B. Waite, 1962. 510. De COU, HERBERT FLETCHER (1868-1911). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, t n.d.]. 12 pages. Professor of Archeology, The University of Michigan. Biographical sketch of De Cou by an unknown author. 511. DeKLEINE, WILLIAM (1877-1957). PAPERS, 1900-55. 6 feet and 3 volumes. Physician and public health official. Cor- respondence, speeches, articles, memoirs, and miscellaneous papers concerning DeKleine's career as health officer in Flint and Saginaw and as medical director of the American Red Cross and Michigan Health Commission. Public health is the principal subject discussed. Correspondents include Paul De Kruif, Charles S. Mott, Arnold Mulder. Gift of Dr. William DeKleine, 1956-57. 512. DELAFORCE, ANNA E. ( -1959). MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1941. 13 pages. Manuscript history of Milan. Gift of Anna E. Delaforce, 1941. 513. DeLAND-CRARY FAMILY. PAPERS, 1842-1913. 200 items. Personal correspondence of the DeLand- Crary family includes nine Civil War letters (1862-65), chiefly by Charles V. DeLand, and correspondence relating to the genealogy of the two families. In addition to correspondence, there are two manuscripts pertaining to the early history of Jackson, indentures, school rec- ords, temperance material, and miscellaneous items. Gift of DeLand Crary, 1954. 44 514. DELANO FAMILY. PAPERS, 1830-1929. 40 items and 2 vol- umes. Diary (1830) of Mortimer F. Delano re- cording a trip to France and Italy; memoirs of Frederick M. Delano and a manuscript newspa- per (1864-65) written by him as an employee organ of the Detroit Railroad; biographical in- formation, poems, scattered correspondence and miscellaneous papers. Correspondents include Frederick M. De- lano and Frederick M. Delano, Jr. Gift of Mrs. Luther S. Trowbridge, 1962. 515. DEMING, DAVID E. (1796-1879). AUTOBIOGRAPHY, [ii.d.]. 9 pages. Teacher, physician, farmer, State Senator. Autobiographical account of Deming in which he describes the trip to Michigan in 1833 and his life in Kalamazoo County. 516. DEMMON, ISAAC NEWTON (1842-1920). PAPERS, 1858-1920. Ca. 500 items and 4 volumes. Professor of English, The University of Michigan. Correspondence of Demmon and mem- bers of his family about family affairs, Hiram College, The University of Michigan, with many letters from professors of English about stu- dents desiring to study at The University of Michigan; Demmon's student letters from Butler University and The University of Michigan, and two Civil War letters (1864) written while he was serving with 132nd Indiana Infantry. There are lecture notes and other papers pertaining to his teaching duties; three volumes of personal accounts (1899-1920); a diary (1869) kept while he was a professor at Alliance College, Ohio, in which he mentions Mark Twain and John A. Bingham. Correspondents include James B. Angell, William L. Clements, Martin L. D'Ooge, Karl E. Guthe, Henry B. Joy, James McMillan, Moses C. Tyler. Acquired, 1937-1960. 517. den BLEYKER FAMILY. PAPERS, 1828-1936. 7 feet and 14 volumes. Papers (mainly in Dutch) of Paulus den Bleyker (1804-72) who came to America in 1850 from the Island of Texel, The Netherlands, and carried on an extensive business, chiefly in real estate, in Kalamazoo and Ottawa counties; papers (many in Dutch) of his son John (b. 1839) who was a farmer and cattle breeder and direc- tor of the Kalamazoo National Bank; and papers of Anna Balch den Bleyker, wife of John. For the years 1828-51 there are some 500 pieces, many on affairs in Holland and the den Bleyker settlement near Kalamazoo. For the following six years (1851-56) there are approximately 375 letters and over 1000 other items. The corre- spondence deals with personal affairs, the build- ing of a flour mill and a saw mill and land transactions. For the years 1856-57 there are over 1000 letters, including correspondence with family and friends but chiefly correspondence pertaining to his real estate dealings. For 1872- 1936 there are some 600 letters, among them correspondence of den Bleyker's wife and chil- dren, but chiefly business correspondence of John den Bleyker. There are four account books of John den Bleyker (ca. 1851-73); ten notebooks of Martha den Bleyker, including an account of a trip to Europe in 1872. • Acquired, 1938. 518. DENBY, EDWIN (1870-1929). PAPERS, 1880-1929; 1845-46. 2-1/3 feet. U.S. Congressman; Secretary of the Navy. Papers contain correspondence, mostly to Denby (1880-1927), which concerns personal matters, business affairs, his activities in the govern- ment, and letters to Mrs. Denby regarding Denby's death. In addition to correspondence, there are articles, speeches, notes and memo- randa on various topics including the Panama Canal, Boxer Indemnity, United States Navy, oil leases, and photostats of letters exchanged be- tween Nathaniel Denby and George Bancroft (1845-46). Correspondents include Joseph G. Cannon, Calvin Coolidge, James J. Couzens, Fred W. Green, William H. Hobbs, Herbert C. Hoover, Truman H. Newberry, Chase S. Osborn, Elihu Root, Arthur J. Tuttle, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Henry C. Wallace. Gift of Mrs. Edwin Denby, 1941. 519. DENISON, CHARLES HALBERT ( -1911). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, ca. 1860. 1 volume. University of Michigan student notebook on mathematics course of George P. Williams. Gift of William H. Roever, 1941. 520. DENISON, CHARLES SIMEON (1849-1913). PAPERS, 1875-95. 125 items and 4 vol- umes. Professor of Engineering, The University of Michigan. Papers of Denison include report on his faculty activities (1875-77); approximately one hundred items on the Washington- Idaho boundary survey; paper entitled "Engraving and Etching" (1884); materials used by Denison in teaching. There is also a diary and log, in four volumes, of a summer trip to Canada, taken by several University of Michigan faculty members and led by James B. Angell. 45 Gift of Miss Grace Denison, 1942, and Dr. Walcott Denison, 1960. 521. DENNIS FAMILY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1832-63. 8 items. Letters of members of the Dennis family describe pioneer life in Ann Arbor and Saginaw. One letter discusses the supplying of Fort McHenry during the Civil War. Correspondents include Cody Burnett, Frederick Dennis, James Dennis, Eunice Gifford, Arthur Henderson, John Henderson. Gift of John K. Rich, 1961. 522. DENTON, SAMUEL (1803-60). NOTEBOOK, i-n.d.]. 1 volume. University of Michigan Regent and Profes- sor of Medicine. Notebook kept by Denton, probably as a student. It contains various de- scriptions of diseases and remedies. Gift of Mrs. G. Carl Huber. 523. DePONT. PAUL ROUSSEAU BELLOW (1840-1906). REPORTS, 1875-77. 2 items. Professor of French. Two reports on the faculty activities of DePont at The University of Michigan. 524. DePUY, E. CORA. PAPERS, [ii. d.]. Ca. 500 items. Original manuscripts of speeches, articles, and poems collected by Cora DePuy. They in- clude Rose Hartwick Thorpe's "Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight," Marie Frink's "Poem" and "An- swered Prayer," George Ade's "Passing of Ladies Hall," Fred Carlisle's "The First Con- gress." Other manuscripts include some by Robert Gibbons and George P. Goodale. 525. De PUY FAMILY. PAPERS, 1848-1909. 74 items and 3 vol- umes. Correspondence and papers of the Knight- Reynolds— De Puy families (all related) of Jack- son County include letters about the affairs of Hillsdale College and one about the Civil War, Grindal Reynolds estate papers, diary (1895) of Almena R. De Puy, account book, notebook and scrapbook. Gift of Almena R. De Puy, 1937. 526. DESOTELLE, WILLIAM E. STUDENT PAPER, 1961. 26 pages. Student paper, "Iron Ore in Orbit," pre- pared for the Gogebic Range Community Re- sources Workshop. Gift of Victor F. Lemmer, 1961. 527. DEW, GWENDOLYN JANET (1903- ). PAPERS, t n.d.]. 2 items. Letter to the "Editor" and manuscript ar- ticle entitled, "Around the World on Fifty Dol- lars," by Gwendolyn Dew, probably written in 1937 or 1938. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 528. DEWEY, JOHN (1859-1952). LETTER, 1939. 1 item. Philosopher, author, professor at various universities. Letter to Lewis G. Vander Velde describing certain activities at The University of Michigan and the condition of his personal papers. Gift of Lewis G. Vander Velde. 529. DeWITT, CLYDE A. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Lawyer. Letter from DeWitt to Roy E. Finerty describing DeWitt's experiences in the Philippine Islands during the Japanese occupa- tion (1942-44). Gift of Roy E. Finerty, 1946. 530. DEXTER, WIRT. CONTRACT, 1853. 1 item. Contract to furnish wood to the Michigan Central Railroad. 531. DIBBLE, C. LETTER, 1840. 1 item, typewritten copy. Letter from Dibble of Webster township, Washtenaw County, to his brother Horace in New York state, describing agricultural condi- tions in Michigan. Gift of Herbert H. Schoen, 1960. 532. DIBBLE, MRS. FRED A. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1922. 32, 6 pages. Article entitled, "Early History of Plymouth, Michigan ... to which is added a History of the Presbyterian Church of Plymouth." Gift of Mrs. Fred A. Dibble, 1938. 533. DICE, LEE RAYMOND (1887- ). PAPERS, 1938-56. 6 feet. Professor of Zoology, The University of Michigan. Largely correspondence dealing with The University of Michigan's Department of Zoology and Institute of Human Biology, with some miscellaneous papers. Gift of Lee R. Dice, 1958. 534. DICKEY, CHARLES (1813-79). ADDRESS, 1874. 6 pages. Lawyer, judge. An address by Dickey which contains reflections on pioneer life around Kalamazoo. 46 535. DICKINSON, DONALD McDONALD (1846- 1917). PAPERS, 1884-1903. 23 items, 9 volumes and 1 roll of microfilm. Lawyer, U.S. Postmaster General. Photo- stat copies of nineteen letters from Dickinson to W. F. Vilas, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin; letter (1903) from J. P. Irish to Dickinson about affairs in El Salvador; eight volumes of records and documents on arbitration between the United States and El Salvador (1895-1900); microfilm of correspondence of Dickinson, Grover Cleve- land and Daniel S. Lamont. Included are let- ters to James B. Angell, W. Q. Gresham, Daniel Magone, Lawrence Maxwell, Don M. Montgomery, J. Sterling Morton, C. M. Pritchard, William B. Sears, Hoke Smith, Francis L. Stetson, Henry T. Thurber. There is one scrapbook of news- paper clippings on Dickinson's political career. Gift of Donald M. Dickinson, Jr. 536. DICKINSON, LUREN DUDLEY (1859-1943). LETTER, 1939. 1 item. Governor of Michigan. Letter from Dick- inson to William O. Uraneck concerning young men wishing to enter public service. 537. DICKINSON, MONROE. PAPERS, 1839-95. 34 items. Papers of Dickinson and his family of Ottawa County, Michigan, and New York state, consist largely of correspondence dealing with family affairs. Included is a letter (1842) de- tailing a journey by boat from New York to Michigan. Papers (ca. 1890) of Sherman Dick- inson relate to his service with the Michigan State Troops. Gift of Mrs. Fred E. Hickey, Jr., 1959. 538. DICKINSON, ZENAS CLARK (1889- ). MANUSCRIPT BIOGRAPHY, [ix.d.]. 500 pages. Professor of Economics, The University of Michigan. Manuscript biography entitled, "Fred Manville Taylor, Teacher of Economics." Taylor was professor of economics at Albion College (1879-92) and The University of Michi- gan (1892- 1929). On loan by Z. Clark Dickinson, 1954-59. 539. DICKMAN, ROBERT NEIL. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1885-86. 1 volume. Notes on lectures by Byron Cheever on metallurgy. Acquired, 1961. 540. DIETERLE, ENOCH (1865- ). ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1879-1919. 9 volumes. Account books of Dieterle's funeral home in Ann Arbor. Gift of Miss Gertrude Fiegel, 1957. 541. DIETRICH, KATE K. LETTER, 1865. 1 item. Letter from Kate Kirk, of Pennsylvania, to Kate K. Dietrich, of Ottawa County, discuss- ing family affairs. Gift of Mrs. L. Charles Rowley, 1950. 542. DINGLE Y, CHARLES AUSTIN. PAPERS, 1875-76. 5 items and 1 volume. Expense account kept by Dingley while he was a student at The University of Michigan; certificates. Gift of Miss Emily U. Dingley, 1941. 543. DOCK, GEORGE (1860-1951). MEDICAL NOTEBOOKS, 1899-1908. 17 vol- umes. Professor, The University of Michigan Med- ical School. Notebooks containing clinical ob- servations of patients in clinics at The Univer- sity Hospital. Gift of Dr. George Dock, 1947. 544. DODGE, ELISE F. STUDENT PAPER, 1932. 37 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Ohio- Michigan Boundary Dispute." Gift of Miss Dodge, 1949. 545. DOLL, LOUIS WILLIAM (1911- ). PAPERS, t n.d.]. 2 items. Professor of History, Delta College. Gal- ley sheets of History of St. Thomas Parish, Ann Arbor ; unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Univer- sity of Michigan, "Secular Aspects of the Eng- lish Episcopate During the Reigns of Henry in and Edward I, 1216-1307," 258 p. Gift of Louis Doll, 1941. 546. DOLPH, RAY A. PAPERS, 1925. 5 items. Papers of Dolph include two letters of thanks from Mrs. Nina Burton, wife of Marion L. Burton, and two letters concerning Dolph's contribution to the Burton Endowment Fund with a declaration of trust for it. Acquired, 1958. 547. DONNELLY, JOHN, Jr. PAPERS, 1864-89. 17 items. Baptist clergyman. Eight letters, four written by Donnelly and four to him, and nine bills, receipts, and legal papers. Most of the papers are connected with activities of the Bap- tist Church in Michigan. Gift of C. H. Loucks. 47 548. DONOVAN, RICHARD. RECEIPTED BILL, 1805. 1 item. A bill from Donovan to the Michigan Ter- ritory for writing materials. Acquired, 1959. 549. D'OOGE, IDA J. SCRAPBOOK, 1906-07. 1 volume. Scrapbook containing miscellanea of Uni- versity of Michigan student affairs. Acquired, 1944. 550. D'OOGE, MARTIN LUTHER (1839- 1915). PAPERS, 1862-77. 6 items. Professor of Greek, The University of Michigan. Two reports on the faculty activities of D'Ooge (1875-77); two notes to D'Ooge; man- uscript article on James B. Angell; manuscript book review. 551. DOOLEN, RICHARD MINER (1933- ). STUDENT PAPER, 1959. 27 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Partisan Press in Barry County, Michigan." Acquired, 1961. 552. DOO LITTLE, DORIS. STUDENT PAPER, jn.d.p 12 pages. Student seminar paper, "National Measures Discussed By Our First United States Senators From Michigan." Gift of Miss Doolittle, 1949. 553. DOREMUS, FRANK E. (1865-1947). SCRAPBOOK, ca. 1935-47. 1 volume. U.S. Congressman, Mayor of Detroit. Scrapbook of newspaper clippings of obituaries and letters to the editor. Gift of Mrs. F. E. Doremus, 1958. 554. DORSCH, EDWARD (1822-87). PAPERS, 1852-1914. 137 items and 3 vol- umes. Physician, member of the State Board of Education. Papers (in German) of Dorsch in- clude record of calls and charges (1852-55); a memorandum of expenses of trips from Monroe to Ypsilanti and Detroit, other accounts, pre- scriptions, poetry and miscellaneous notes (1861- 76); a comedy written by Dorsch (1875); per- sonal correspondence (1886-1914), largely in German, to relatives in Germany from Edward Dorsch and his family. Acquired, 1941. 555. DOTT, RICHARD MILLARD. PAPERS, 1880-83. 6 items. Two manuscripts describing The Univer- sity of Michigan's first baseball and football trips; four receipts for courses at The Univer- sity of Michigan. Gift of Robert H. Dott, 1950. 556. DOTY, ALVAN (1788-1866). FAMILY REGISTER, ^.d.] . 2 items. Family register of the Alvan Doty family of Raisin township, Lenawee County, accompanied by an explanatory note by Florence S. Whelan (1949). Gift of Mrs. Hoyt E. Whelan, 1949. 557. DOTY, DUANE. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1873. 3 pages. Copy of an account appearing in the De- troit Free Press about Ann Arbor. The sketch was prepared by Doty from materials supplied by Miss Mary Clark. Gift of Russell E. Bidlack, 1961. 558. DOTY, WILLIAM A. DIARIES, 1867-94. 65 pages, typewritten copy. Excerpts taken from Doty's diaries record- ing daily activities and events in Raisin town- ship, Lenawee County. Gift of Mrs. Hoyt E. Whelan, 1949. 559. DOTY, WIRT P. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1916-35. 6 volumes. Pharmacist, Detroit. Pharmacy notebook (n.d.) containing recipes for remedies of com- mon ailments; three volumes of Doty Land Com- pany records, Detroit; two volumes of pharmacy accounts. Gift of Wirt P. Doty, 1948. 560. DOUGHERTY, PETER (1805-94). DIARIES, 1838-42; May, 1850. 2 volumes. Presbyterian clergyman engaged in mis- sionary work among the Indians. Diaries record trips from New York City to Detroit, Mackinac Island and Chicago via the Erie Canal and the Great Lakes. There are descriptions of Detroit, Mackinac Island, and other towns and places in Michigan, of Indian customs, and of Dougherty's missionary activities. Deposited by the Presbyterian Synod of Michigan, 1938. 561. DOUGLAS, LLOYD CASSEL (1877-1951). PAPERS, 1900-54. 4 feet and 18 volumes. Novelist; former minister of the First Congregational Church of Ann Arbor. Extensive correspondence with his family, publishers, and others in which he discusses his work, family matters and public affairs, including frank and witty comments on national politics, Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, 48 and World War II. There are also manuscripts of addresses, articles, sermons, and novels as well as scrapbooks. Correspondents include Pearl Buck, James B. Clark, Virginia Douglas Dawson, Cecil B. DeMille, Thomas E. Dewey, Alan S. Gray, Besse Io Douglas Wilson Herman, John H. Holmes, J. Edgar Hoover, Rupert Hughes, Thomas A. Pea- body, William L. Phelps, Mary Pickford, Gifford Pinchot, Ginger Rogers (Virginia Katherine McMath), Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., William Saroyan, Halstead S. Seeley, William L. Shirer, Robert A. Taft, Ray L. Wilbur, Horace L. Wil- gus, Wendell L. Willkie, J. Weldon Wilson. Gift of Mrs. Carlos E. Herman, Mrs. Thomas A. Peabody, and Houghton Mifflin Com- pany, 1959-60. 562. DOUGLASS FAMILY. PAPERS, 1812-1911. 2-1/2 feet and 70 volumes. The papers of Benjamin Douglass and his two sons, Samuel T. (1814-98) a lawyer and De- troit judge, and Silas H. (1816-90) a member of Douglass Houghton's Northern Michigan survey party and professor at The University of Mich- igan, include correspondence and eleven letter- press books, business and legal papers and mis- cellaneous items. Much of the Benjamin Doug- lass correspondence is of a personal nature with Lucy Townson Douglass. Silas Douglass' cor- respondence deals with family affairs, business matters and, in large part, with The University of Michigan. Samuel T. Douglass' correspond- ence covers chiefly his legal business in De- troit with some items about politics, his farm and family affairs. There is also correspond- ence of Helen Welles Douglass and her parents John and Sarah Welles, Alice Helen Douglass, Marie Louise Douglass, Kate Douglass, Lily C. Douglass, Sarah Douglass, and Cathrine Hulbert Douglass. Other papers include account books, Silas Douglass' copy of Douglass Houghton's field notes, notebooks, legal records, scrapbooks, autograph albums, genealogical records, and papers relating to the estate of Henry W. Welles and John A. Welles. Other correspondents include James V. Campbell, Henry H. Crapo, Douglass Houghton, Jonathan Kearsley, Lois Angell McLaughlin, Zina Pitcher, Joseph Sibley, Henry P. Tappan. 563. DOWNEY, DAVID (1859- ). NOTEBOOKS, ca. 1900-32. 18 items. Timber- cruiser notebooks kept by Downey while working for the Wisconsin Land and Lum- ber Company. Gift of David Downey, 1947. 564. DOWNS, LUCINDA GOODRICH. QUESTIONNAIRE, f n.d.j. 4 pages. Public school teacher. The University of Michigan Alumnae Council questionnaire contain- ing personal recollections of college days (Class of 1877) of Lucinda Downs. 565. DOWNS, TOM (1916- ). PAPERS, 1949-62. 10 feet. Correspondence and other materials per- taining to his campaign for election and his service as delegate to the Michigan Constitutional Convention of 1961-62, and as a member of the Michigan Employment Security Commission, 1949- 61. Gift of Tom Downs, 1962. 566. DRACHLER, NORMAN. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1948. 26 pages. Manuscript history entitled, "Religion and The University of Michigan, 1837-1875." Gift of Norman Drachler, 1948. 567. DRAKE, ROLLIN EDWARDS. SCRAPBOOK, t n.d.]. 1 volume. Professor of Dentistry, The University of Michigan. Scrapbook compiled and written by Drake on the Chequamegon Band and Orchestra, a University of Michigan student organization of the 1880's. Gift of Rollin E. Drake, 1960. 568. DRAKE, THOMAS J. (1799-1875). PAPERS, 1828, 1835. 2 items, typewritten copies. Letter from Lewis Cass to Drake and one from Drake to Stevens T. Mason concerning the formation of a regiment of riflemen in Michigan Territory. 569. DRUMMOND, WILLIS. LETTER, 1873. 1 item. Land Commissioner. Letter of Drummond concerning the history and types of land surveys done in Michigan. 570. DUBUAR, CHARLES L. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1930. 35 pages. Manuscript history entitled, "A Hundred Years of Northville, Michigan, and its First Presbyterian Church." Gift of Paul Dubuar, 1947. 571. DUBUAR, JAMES (1813-86). PAPERS, 1834-92. 2-1/3 feet. Teacher, Presbyterian clergyman in In- diana, New York and Michigan. Sermons, ad- dresses and parish papers of Dubuar, for the 49 most part written in Northville or pertaining to the Presbyterian Church there. There is also a history of the Presbyterian Church in Web- ster, Washtenaw County, scattered items of cor- respondence, miscellaneous notes and memos. 572. DUFF, LELA A. PAPERS, 1956-58. 8 items and 1 volume. Ann Arbor High School teacher. Letters to Miss Duff from Katherine Steeb Groomes, Florence Hodge, Ruth Lovejoy, Carl E. Perry, Marie Wanzick Schneider, Ralph R. Tinkham, and Ethel Jocelyn Watt, containing reminiscences of Ann Arbor High School; manuscript history of Ann Arbor High School by Miss Duff. Gift of Miss Duff, 1958. 573. DUNBAR, WILLIS FREDERICK (1902- ). PH.D. THESIS, 1939. 1 volume. Professor of History, Western Michigan University. Chapters III and V from, "The In- fluence of the Protestant Denominations on High- er Education in Michigan, 1817-1900," an un- published thesis, The University of Michigan. These two chapters deal with the early organ- ization of The University of Michigan. 574. DUNCAN, M. M. LETTERS, 1900. 2 items. Letters to Duncan from Alex Wagner and Jacob Houghton discussing early iron discover- ies and operations in Michigan. Gift of Carl R. Anderson, 1946. 575. DUNDAS, MRS. ARTHUR (1869-1956). TAPE RECORDED INTERVIEW, 1956. Transcript. School teacher, housewife. Reminiscences of education, pioneer life, and the fire of 1881 in Huron County. 576. DUNHAM, ARTHUR LOUIS. PAPERS, ( n.d.]. 9 feet. Professor of History, The University of Michigan. Notes and manuscripts of The Anglo- French Treaty of Commerce of 1860 and The Industrial Revolution in France, 1815-1848 . Gift of Arthur L. Dunham, 1956-57. 577. DUNN, NEWELL RANSOM (1818-1900) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1835-1900. 18 feet and 39 vol- umes. Free Will Baptist clergyman in New Hamp- shire, Ohio, Kansas and Michigan; Professor and President of Hillsdale College. Corre- spondence and other papers of Dunn and his wife, Cyrene Emery, deal chiefly with his Free Will Baptist evangelical activities and his connections with Hillsdale College, with brief mention of his anti- slavery and Republican Party activities. There are Civil War letters from his sons Francis Wayland (1843-74) and Newell Ran- som (1841-63); a diary of Newell Ransom (1859- 60) kept while he was a student at Oberlin and Hillsdale Colleges and a teacher at Wheatland; nineteen diaries of Francis Wayland (1860-72) kept while he was a student and teacher at Hills- dale College, a soldier in the Sixty-fourth Illi- nois Infantry during the Civil War, and during his travels in Europe, the Near East and west- ern America. Gift of members of the Dunn-Slayton fam- ily, 1957. 578. DUNSTER, EDWARD SWIFT (1834-88). PAPERS, 1872-88. 10 items and 3 vol- umes. Physician, Professor in The University of Michigan Medical School. Lecture notes and miscellaneous material on medical subjects; five letters to Dunster on medical topics. 579. DURAND, GEORGE HARMON (1838-1903). PAPERS, 1862-1912. 29 items and 4 vol- umes. Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court. Papers concerning the presentation of Judge Durand's portrait to the Michigan Supreme Court; business and legal papers; manuscript address; scattered correspondence (1876) dealing with Democratic politics; scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on Durand's legal business, politics, and his death. Gift of Roscoe O. Bonisteel, 1950. 580. DURKEE, HENRY ROGERS (1848-1916). PAPERS, 1864-67. 2 items and 5 volumes. Letter (1866) from Henry Durkee to his father concerning his activities at The Univer- sity of Michigan; one page of a diary (1867) recording a trip with Professor Alexander Win- chell, of The University of Michigan, to Lake Superior; five volumes of diaries containing ac- counts of various hunting trips taken in Pepsin, Wisconsin, and description of a trip by raft to Burlington, Iowa. Gift of Mrs. Herbert F. Perkins, 1944. 581. DUSENBERRY, WILLIAM. STUDENT PAPER, 1939. 34 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Michigan State Police Communication System." Gift of William Dusenberry, 1949. 582. DUSTIN, FRED (1866-1957). PAPERS, 1901-32. 12 items and 1 volume. Businessman, archeologist. Papers relating 50 to Dustin's mail delivery route in Saginaw; cor- respondence about Fort Saginaw; 1903 oil in- spector report; one page of notes on old boom houses on the Tittabawassee River and Saginaw areas. Gift of Fred Dustin, 1956. 583. DWELLE, MARGARET. STUDENT PAPER, 1943. 22 pages. Student seminar paper, "Charles Moore." Gift of Miss Dwelle, 1943. 584. EARL, JOHN. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1838. 1 volume. General store account book, Galesburg. Gift of Mr. E. L. Brown, 1937. 585. EARLE, G. HAROLD. NOTES, 1886. 2 pages. Lumberman. Copy of notes on lumber land in Wisconsin. Gift of G. Harold Earle, 1947. 586. EARLE, HORATIO SAWYER (1855-1935). DIARIES, 1870-1934. 51 volumes. Salesman; President of Earle Equipment Company; Michigan State Highway Commissioner. Diaries contain comments on selling farm and road equipment, the good roads movement, League of American Wheelmen, and Michigan politics throughout the period. Gift of Horatio S. Earle II, 1953. 587. EASLICK, KENNETH ALEXANDER (1893- ). PAPERS, 1917-18, 1940-61. 2 feet. Professor of Dentistry and Public Health, The University of Michigan. The papers consist of correspondence, lecture notes, clippings and other materials dealing with his professional activities in dentistry; a scrapbook of photo- graphs and clippings, reunion publications and miscellaneous papers dealing with Ambulance Unit No. 591, U.S. Army Medical Corps, which served in France during World War I and which was composed of University of Michigan students and Ann Arbor residents. Gift of Dr. Easlick, 1961-62. 588. EATON, JOHN WALLACE (1886-1948). PAPERS, 1938-45. 10 items. Professor of German, The University of Michigan. Manuscript entitled, "Heinrich Heine, Political Prophet," with three items of corre- spondence pertaining to it; manuscripts of ar- ticles published in The Michigan Alumnus Quar- terly Review. 589. EBERLY, J. L. STUDENT PAPER, [ii.d.]. [8] pages. Student paper entitled, "A Check List of Michigan Men and Women Represented in the Dictionary of American Biography." 590. ECKER, BEATRICE. STUDENT PAPER, [ii.d.]. 18 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Story of the James W. Helme Candidacy For Nomination in the Famous Senatorial Election of 1918." Gift of Mrs. Terry Waters, 1943. 591. EDISON, THOMAS ALVA (1847-1931). DRAWING, [P.d.]. 1 item. Inventor. Line drawing of Edison, by an unknown artist, bearing Edison's autograph. Acquired, 1957. 592. EDMONDS, JOHN. STUDENT PAPER, 1940. 17 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Rise of the Student Progressive Movement t at The Univer- sity of Michigan], First Phase: The Round Table Club, 1929-1931." Gift of John Edmonds, 1949. 593. EDMONSON, JAMES BARTLETT (1882-1954). PAPERS, 1919-54. 3 feet. Dean, The University of Michigan School of Education. Correspondence and other papers dealing with Edmonson's professional activities, the School of Education, the First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor, the NRA in Ann Arbor, and manuscripts of various books and articles by him. Gift of Mrs. James B. Edmonson, 1961. 594. EDMUNDS, CHARLES WALLIS (1873- 1941). PAPERS, 1926-39. 85 items. Professor, The University of Michigan Medical School. Lists of members and corre- spondence of members of The University of Michigan Medical School, Class of 1901. 595. EDMUNDS, JAMES M. (1810-79). CORRESPONDENCE, 1861-66. 173 items. Michigan State Representative and Senator, Commissioner of U.S. Land Office. Correspond- ence consists largely of letters of acknowledge- ment for Land Office and U.S. Census reports from congressmen and other government officials and letters about U.S. Land Office business. It includes a letter from John Hay (1864) concern- ing Lincoln's meeting with the Baltimore Con- vention committee; letters from Austin Blair and Henry H. Crapo to Lincoln concerning an army appointment for George S. Clark, Jr., and letters of autograph value only. Correspondents include J. C. Abbot, William B. Allison, Oakes Ames, Austin Blair, Schuyler 51 Colfax, Henry H. Crapo, John Hay, Rutherford B. Hayes, Jacob M. Howard, Oliver C. Howard, William A. Howard, John W. Longyear, John Sherman, Andrew Ten Brook, Lyman Trumbull, Gideon Welles. Gift of Mrs. John N. Bagley, 1940. 596. EDWARDS, JULIA ELIZABETH KNIGHT. QUESTIONNAIRE, t n.d.]. 4 pages. Housewife. First woman freshman at The University of Michigan. The University of Michigan Alumnae Council questionnaire contain- ing recollections of college days at The Univer- sity of Michigan, 1870-71. 597. EFFINGER, JOHN ROBERT (1869-1933) and FAMILY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1910-22. 30 items. Professor of French and Dean of the Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts, The University of Michigan. Letters of the Effinger family of Ann Arbor are mostly of a personal nature between Mrs. Margaret Thain Effinger and her daughter Margaret. Included are letters written on an European trip (1910-11). 598. EFTY, MURIEL. STUDENT PAPER, 1947. 11 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Kindergarten Movement in Michigan History." Gift of Miss Efty, 1948. 599. EGGERLING, MAGDALEN HELEN. STUDENT PAPER, 1959. 43 pages. Student seminar paper, "Emma Amelia Hall, Enlightened Pioneer." Acquired, 1961. 600. EGGLESTON, JEAN MARIE. MASTER'S THESIS, 1934. 67 pages. Northwestern University M.A. thesis en- titled, "A Study of the Development of Dr. Anna Howard Shaw— Reformer and Orator." 601. EHRMANN, EMMA SANDILANDS GREET BOYD. REPORT, 1950. 35 pages. "The Function and Scope of International Affairs at the University of Michigan," a report researched by Henry L. Bretton and written by Mrs. Ehrmann. Gift of Mrs. Howard Ehrmann, 1961. 602. EISELE, GEORGE J. ADDRESS, 1923. 13 pages. "History of the Chapin Mine," an address given at Iron Mountain. Gift of George J. Eisele, 1949. 603. ELDRIDGE, ISAAC NEWTON. PAPERS, 1947. 4 items. Resolution honoring Dr. Eldridge passed by the American Institute of Homeopathy; two let- ters pertaining to the resolution; manuscript his- tory of Homeopathy in Michigan by Eldgridge. Gift of George H. Mains, 1941. 604. ELLIOTT, ADELLE. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, [ii.d.]. 12 pages. "History of Sack Bay." Gift of Miss Elliott, 1941. 605. ELLIOTT, JACK C. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, f n.d.]. 1 volume. Student notebook of Elliott contains notes on a course in Animal Biology at Albion College. Gift of Mrs. Zoe Wright. 606. ELSWORTH, RALPH HENRY (1872-1947). SCRAPBOOKS, 1893, 1898-1903. 5 volumes. Scrapbooks of newspaper articles, written for Grand Rapids and Ludington newspapers, on The University of Michigan and its students. Acquired, 1961. 607. ELWOOD, ISAAC NEWTON (1843-1887). PAPERS, 1867 7-87. 2-1/3 feet. Methodist clergyman. Papers of The Rev- erend Isaac Newton Elwood, pastor of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church of Flint, contain 78 ser- mons [n.d.]; 112 sermons (1867-85) delivered at Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Flint, Marquette, Port Huron and other places in Michigan; 231 outlines and notes for sermons; two essays; a letter (1887) to Mrs. Elwood from E. L. Miller about a biography of Elwood. Gift of Alice M. Elwood, 1939. 608. ENGLISH, ALBERT D. PAPERS, 1890-1910. Ca. 75 items. Papers contain an account of the beginning of the Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Club, given in a speech probably delivered by English ca. 1900; miscellaneous papers on schools, roads, and agriculture in Manchester township, Wash- tenaw County. Gift of Edward Wisner, 1955. 609. ENOS, HENRY M. PAPERS, 1863-68. 12 items. Papers of Enos of Brooklyn include Civil War letters written to Enos by Alfred W. Wright, Company A, Seventeenth Michigan Infantry, and George Blashfield, Company E, Sixth Michigan Infantry (supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for de- tails); program of the Fairview Union School for 1863; miscellaneous correspondence. Gift of Mrs. Laura J. Wulfman, 1959. DIVERSITY OF 52 610. ERMATINGER, CHARLES O. BOND, 1828. 1 item. Bond of Ermatinger and Robert Stuart to pay duties to the Collector at Mackinac on im- ported goods. 611. ESTABROOK, ALBERT CHENEY (1846- ). PAPERS, 1931-40. 22 items. Department Commander, G.A.R. in Michi- gan. Papers consist of letters to Ruth B. Bu- chanan about G.A.R. activities and personal mat- ters, and five speeches and notes. Gift of Mrs. Ruth Bacon Buchanan, 1949-50. 612. EVANS, EDWARD PAYSON (1831-1917). LETTER, 1870. 1 item. Letter of resignation of Evans as Profes- sor of Modern Languages at The University of Michigan. 613. EVANS, JOHN SNYDER. PAPERS, 1880-83. 4 items. Papers consist of letters written by Evans to his family while he was a student at The University of Michigan and a license to practice law in Michigan. Gift of Robert G. Evans, 1940. 614. EVANS, OSCAR (1878- ). LETTER, 1958. 1 item. Forester. Letter to F. Clever Bald giving brief autobiographical data. Gift of Oscar Evans, 1958. 615. EVERSON, HILLARY J. STUDENT PAPER, [li.d.]. 27 pages. Student seminar paper, "Fifteenth Michigan Regiment Infantry, 1861-1865." Gift of Hillary J. Everson, 1948. 616. EWELL, MARSHALL DAVIS (1844- 1928). STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1866-68. 3 vol- umes. Lawyer, founder of Kent College of Law, handwriting expert. University of Michigan stu- dent notebooks on courses by James V. Camp- bell, Thomas M. Cooley, Ashley Pond, Charles I. Walker. 617. FAIRBANKS, AVARD TENNYSON (1897- ). PAPERS, 1938-46. 11 items. Professor, The University of Michigan and University of Utah; sculptor. The papers con- sist of genealogical information about the Fair- banks family, including five letters; a 1946 Christmas greeting; booklet of prints of some of his work. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1955. 618. FAIRBANKS, ERASTUS. LETTER, 1864. 1 item. Letter to R. M. Richardson describing pine lands owned by the Saint Marys Falls Ship Canal Company. 619. FAIRBANKS, LULU M. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1951. 25 pages. Historical sketch of the Saline schools by Lulu M. Fairbanks, a member of the Saline High School class of 1906. Gift of Mrs. Bessie Collins, 1951. 620. FARLEY, ALBERT WILLIAM ( -1887). DIARY, 1864-65. [5] pages. Excerpts from Farley's diary, kept while he was a student at The University of Michigan, recounting daily activities. 621. FARNSWORTH, ELON (1799-1877). PAPERS, 1877, 1939-51. 10 items and 1 volume. Chancellor of Michigan, banker, University of Michigan Regent. Genealogy of Elon Frans- worth; nine letters of George E. Farnsworth about his father Elon Farnsworth, The University of Michigan, and the Michigan Central Railroad; an article of three pages entitled "The Michigan Central Railroad," by George Farnsworth; scrap- book of obituary notices. Gift of Mrs. George E. Farnsworth, 1952- 53. 622. FARRAR FAMILY. PAPERS, 1817-86. 110 items and 4 vol- umes. Farrar family papers include correspond- ence, business papers, account books of Charles S. Farrar of Armada, Cyrus S. Farrar of Romeo, and other members of the Farrar family. Cor- respondence largely discusses personal and re- ligious affairs. There are twenty- eight letters written by Cynthia Farrar, missionary to India, containing news of the mission and reflections on religion. Gift of Gilbert W. Farrar, 1940. 623. FASQUELLE, LOUIS (1808-62). PAPERS, 1859, 1861, 1951. 4 items. Professor of Modern Languages and Liter- ature, The University of Michigan. Letter to Colonel James Taylor from Fasquelle; letter of recommendation for George Mason; two sketches of the Fasquelle family. 624. FAXON, JOHN HARVEY (1827- ). PAPERS, 1848-66. Ca. 200 items and 4 volumes. Farmer and soldier. Three Civil War 53 diaries and supply record book of Faxon's kept while he was serving with the First Michigan Cavalry (see Bulletin No. 9 for details); corre- spondence between Faxon and his wife and other members of the family covering his Civil War service, family affairs, the Rochester Colony (1851-52), a trip from Adrian to Duplain (1851), and Mount Clemens (1849). Gift of Mrs. Gertrude Faxon Hillyer, 1958. 625. FELCH, ALPHEUS (1806-96). PAPERS, 1794-1894. 2-1/3 feet and 11 volumes. Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, 1842-45; Governor of Michigan, 1846-47; U.S. Senator, 1847-53; Professor of Law, The Uni- versity of Michigan, 1879-83. The Felch papers consist of 600 items of correspondence, legal documents, speeches, and other papers dealing with family affairs, business, state and national politics, particularly the election of 1848, and the Felch estate. Much of this collection (in- cluding correspondence, claims, court records) relates to Felch's work as president of the Commission to adjust Spanish and Mexican land claims in California, 1853-56. There is also a biographical sketch of Felch by Theodore A. Felch. Correspondents include John J. Adam, Wil- liam Anderson, James B. Angell, John Ball, John Barry, George C. Bates, Alexander W. Buel, Lewis Cass, Isaac E. Crary, Caleb Cush- ing, Samuel Denton, Henry M. Dodge, Silas H. Douglas, Samuel T. Douglass, Robert P. El- dridge, Elon Farnsworth, Theodore A. Felch, George R. Griswold, Thomas A. Hendricks, Jacob M. Howard, Calvin C. Jackson, Lucius Lyon, Robert McClellan, William W. Murphy, David A. Noble, Horace A. Noyes, Andrew Ten Brook, Charles W. Whipple, Robert S. Wilson, Warner Wing. 626. FELION, PHEBE. DIARY, 1925-27. 1 volume. Housewife. Diary of daily events, remi- niscences, and visits from friends, kept by Phebe Felion of Mount Morris. Gift of Miss Beryl Bishop. 627. FENNER, STEPHEN HENRY. DIARY, 1865-66. 1 volume. Diary of his Civil War service in Com- pany A, 185th New York Infantry. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. Chase S. Osborn. 628. FERGUSON, FENNER (1814-59). PAPERS, 1857-1939. 5 items, typewritten copies. Judge, delegate to Congress from Nebraska. Letter and various printed items about Ferguson; letter (1939) about these materials. Gift of N. C. Abbott. 629. FERRIS, CARLETON GILLESPIE (1876- ). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, ^.d.-j. 37 pages. Unfinished preface to a biography of Wood- bridge N. Ferris. Gift of Carleton G. Ferris, 1946. 630. FERRIS, WOODBRIDGE NATHAN (1853-1928). PAPERS, 1912-40. 100 items and 8 vol- umes. Governor of Michigan (1913-17), U.S. Sena- tor (1923-28). About seventy-five extracts from letters of W. N. Ferris (1912-28) to his family, containing information on state and national poli- tics; copies of ten letters from Ferris to Roy C. Vandercook concerning the 1913 copper strike; two letters (1940) to C. G. Ferris; memorial to Helen G. Ferris by W. N. Ferris; manuscript autobiography of Ferris; seven scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on Ferris' political activi- ties; miscellaneous items. Gift of Carleton G. Ferris, 1946. 631. FERRY FAMILY (WILLIAM MONTAGUE FERRY, 1796-1867). PAPERS, 1822-1911. 169 items and 3 vol- umes. Presbyterian missionary on Mackinac Island, lumberman, founder of Grand Haven. Let- ters from Ferry and his wife Amanda White Fer- ry describing their trip from Ashfield, Massa- chusetts, to Mackinac Island and their work among the Indians there; letterbook (1823-37) of personal correspondence (140 pages); four let- ters to Hannah White; letter (1865) to the Ferry children; sermon and address by Ferry; letters (1862-1901) of Colonel William M. Ferry (1820- 1905), University of Michigan Regent, most of which were written to his wife and other rela- tives while he was serving in the Fourteenth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War (see Bulletin No. 9 for details), also addresses by him; letters from eminent contemporary states- men and others to Thomas White Ferry (1827-98), lumberman and congressman; two scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on the Ferry family. Correspondents include Susan B. Anthony, Henry P. Baldwin, Zachariah Chandler, Schuyler Colfax, William M. Evarts, Hamilton Fish, Rutherford B. Hayes, Whitelaw Reid, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Gift of Mrs. E. C. Anderson and Mrs. Hol- lister Hancock, 1939: Mr. M. A. Anderson, 1961. 54 632. FEY, CHARLES. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1954. 2 volumes. Manuscript history entitled, "The City of Royal Oak, Michigan, 1817-1954." Gift of Charles Fey, 1957. 633. FIELD, FREDERICK N. (1841- ). PAPERS, 1862-65. 7 items. Six letters by Lieutenant Field describing his activities while serving in Company A, First Michigan Cavalry, and Company D, Tenth Mich- igan Cavalry in the Civil War. One letter (1863), from Captain George W. Lee, is about Field. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. R. Campbell. 634. FIELD and BUCK FAMILIES. PAPERS, 1835-1923. 2 feet. Business correspondence and papers and family correspondence of Abby Field (1844-1901), church worker of the Church of Christ in Eng- lishville and Grand Rapids; family correspond- ence and business papers of various members of the Field and Buck families related by mar- riage. Included are papers of Myron Buck, chiefly about lumbering, ninety- six Civil War letters (1862-65) of Andrew Buck, Company F, Seventh Michigan Cavalry, and Curtis Buck, Battery B, First Michigan Light Artillery, with one from John Bettis, Company D, Michigan En- gineers and Mechanics. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. On loan from Mrs. Myrtle Field Holmes, 1940. 635. FINNEY, BYRON ALFRED (1849-1938). PAPERS, 1838-1929. 9 items and 6 vol- umes. Librarian, The University of Michigan. Letters concerning collection of royalties on Washtenaw County History , edited by Finney, and University of Michigan business; one volume of survey notes on Bean Creek, Lenawee County, made by A. A. Finney in 1838; A. A. Finney account book (1845-58); four volumes of Univer- sity of Michigan student notebooks (1869-71) on courses by Jules F. Billard, Benjamin F. Cock- er, George S. Morris, as well as miscellaneous notes. Correspondents include Martin L. D'Ooge, Erastus O. Haven, Henry H. Hoare. Acquired, 1940. 636. FINNEY, JARED WARNER (1841-1929). BIOGRAPHY, 1962. 13 pages. Detroit judge. The biography of Finney was prepared by a history class of the Jared Finney Junior High School in Detroit. Gift of Miss Linda Weber, 1962. 637. FISHBURN, JUNIUS M. (1830-58). PAPERS, 1856, 1919-24. 23 items and 1 volume. Professor of Languages, Washington Univer- sity. Sixteen letters giving information about Fishburn; four biographical accounts; diary of travels in Europe in 1856, with comments on re- ligion, churches, condition of land, architecture and art. Fishburn was a traveling companion of Henry S. Frieze. Gift of Orma Butler, 1936. 638. FISHER, FREDERICK BOHN (1882-1938). SERMONS, 1937-38. 6 items. Minister of the Central Methodist Church of Detroit. Gift of the Church, 1938. 639. FISHER, J. C. LETTER, 1923. 1 item. Letter from Fisher to Ernest P. Goodrich asking him to attend The University of Michigan Law School lectures on jurisprudence and take notes for him. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1958. 640. FISHER, JAMES SAMUEL (1826-1913). PAPERS, 1850-63, 1949-55. 13 items and 4 volumes. Farmer, lawyer. These papers consist of eight letters of recommendation for Fisher; typescript of excerpts from Fisher's diary de- scribing a boat trip from Detroit to Ontonagon via Sault Sainte Marie in 1850 and student days at The University of Michigan in 1860; three letters (1949-55) concerning these materials; diary of an overland trip to California in search of gold and the return trip by sea, with com- ments on mining; three University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by James V. Camp- bell, Thomas M. Cooley, Charles I. Walker; notes on the James Fisher family by Max Fisher. Gift of Max M. Fisher, 1949, 1955. 641. FISHER, STANLEY A. LETTERS, 1944. 2 items. Letter from J. M. Dreyfuss written from Saipan Island; letter from Leonard Robinson written from Holland. Both recount World War II experiences. Gift of Stanley A. Fisher, 1946. 642. FISK, CLINTON BOWEN (1828-90). CORRESPONDENCE, 1862, 1960. 3 items. Civil War officer, founder of Fisk Univer- sity. Two letters (photostat copies) from Fisk to his mother, written while he was a member of the Missouri Volunteers in the Civil War; a letter (1960) about Fisk. Gift of Lawrence M. Bailey, 1960. 55 643. FITCH, ABEL F. ( -1851). LETTERS, 1851. 14 items. Letters from Fitch to his wife Amanda, of Michigan Center, written from Lansing and De- troit about the arrest and trial of Fitch and others accused of setting fire to the Michigan Central Railroad depot in Detroit. 644. FITCH, CHAUNCEY M. LETTER, 1841. 1 item. Clergyman and teacher. Letter from Fitch to Benjamin Hale, President of Geneva College, applying for a teaching position in the college. He also discusses the bad financial condition of the Detroit branch of The University of Michi- gan which necessitates its closing. 645. FITCH, GEORGE A. PAPERS, 1865-67. 11 items. Nine letters concerning disposal of cotton in New Orleans and alleged frauds connected with it following the Civil War; two powers of attorney of Fitch. 646. FITCH, MILFORD L. DIARY, 1911-15. 1 volume. Diary of Fitch of Grand Rapids contains mostly his reflections on life. 647. FITZGERALD, WAYNE ROBERT. PAPERS, 1943. 2 items. Letter and citation pertaining to Fitz- gerald's air force service in World War II. Gift of Lionel Van Kersen, 1959. 648. FLANDERS FAMILY (EDWIN P. FLAND- ERS). PAPERS, 1859-1925. Ca. 200 items. Papers include family correspondence be- tween E. P. Flanders and his wife Mary about family matters, farm affairs and local news; phonotype correspondence (with key) (1859-64) between Flanders and William C. Swaddle who was serving in the Michigan Engineers and Me- chanics during the Civil War; manuscript bio- graphical sketch of Mary Smith Flanders; letter (1875) containing Flanders family geneaology; miscellaneous material. Gift of James Buckley, 1958. 649. FLESHIEM, ROBERT STEPHENSON. LETTER, 1954. 1 item. Businessman. Letter from Fleshiem re- lating to the early history of the Vulcans of The University of Michigan. Gift of the Vulcans. 650. FLETCHER, FRANK WARD (1853-1922). PAPERS, 1871-1922. 1-1/4 feet and 4 volumes. Alpena lumberman, Regent of The Univer- sity of Michigan. Letterpress book (1885-98) of Fletcher and his father George N. Fletcher; let- ter book of six letters (1871) of George Fletcher; two account books of Frank Fletcher; correspond- ence of Fletcher, largely with his father, about lumbering and paper manufacturing business in Alpena and Detroit; letters on state politics and The University of Michigan affairs; personal fi- nancial papers and miscellaneous business pa- pers. Gift of Philip K. Fletcher, 1936. 651. FLETCHER, WILLIAM ASA (1788-1852). BIOGRAPHY, 1935. 40 pages. Lawyer, first Chief Justice of Michigan Supreme Court. Biography (original and type- script) of Fletcher by Horace L. Wilgus. 652. FLITCRAFT, PEMBROOK REEVES ( -1908). LETTERS, 1903. 2 items. Letter of Flitcraft to Harry B. Hutchins concerning an address by Hutchins to the St. Louis Bar Association, and one to L. J. Williams concerning alumni activities of The University of Michigan chapter of Phi Delta Theta. Gift of Mrs. Leonard M. Morton, 1960. 653. FLORER, WARREN WASHBURN (1869-1958). PAPERS, 1877-1941. 3-2/3 feet. German professor, The University of Mich- igan; insurance agent. Correspondence, lecture notes, manuscripts, documents of Florer relating to his activities and scholarly interests at The University of Michigan and elsewhere, particu- larly in the field of Germanic languages and lit- eratures. Some papers pertain to the Lutheran and Evangelical churches in Michigan. There are also papers of and pertaining to Dr. Her- mann Kiefer (1825-1911), chairman of the revo- lutionary mass meeting at Freiburg, Germany, 1848, and, later, physician and civic leader in Detroit and Regent of The University of Michi- gan. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Wilber M. Brucker, Fred W. Green, Harry B. Hutchins, Harry F. Kelly, Ernest P. Schilling. Gift of W. W. Florer, 1937-52. 654. FOLLO, CHARLES L. (1905- ). PAPERS, 1961-62. 2 feet and 1 volume. Assistant Director, The University of Mich- igan Extension Service; delegate to the Michigan Constitutional Convention of 1961-62. Corre- spondence with constituents and interest groups regarding the work of the Convention; some ma- terials on his campaign, his work with The Uni- versity of Michigan and with the Michigan Li- brary Association; diary of his convention ex- periences. 56 Correspondents include Alvin M. Bentley, Prentiss M. Brown, Neil Staebler. Gift of Charles L. Folio, 1961-62. 655. FOOTE, CHARLES S. ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1884-98. 2 volumes. Personal account books of Foote of Ridge- way. Gift of Mrs. Ellsworth D. Robison, 1960 656. FOOTE, EZRA M. (1820- ). PAPERS, 1857. 3 items. Professor, Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti. Three testimonials to Foote. 657. FORBES, DARWIN C. (1871- ). PAPERS, 1866-1938. 335 items and 1 vol- ume. Engineer, pioneer surveyor of northern Michigan. Papers of Forbes and of his wife, Nina Morris Forbes, include souvenir post cards, business and legal papers, school papers, notes on Mexico and Brazil, autograph book, biograph- ical and genealogical notes, and other family papers. Gift of D. C. Forbes, 1940. 658. FORBES, LEVI L. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1865-82. 1 volume. Farmer, carpenter. Personal accounts of Forbes of Mason. Gift of Darwin C. Forbes, 1939. 659. FORBES, SOLOMON. DIARY, 1853-54. 1 volume. Partial copy of a diary, kept by Forbes, relating incidents of an overland trip from Mich- igan to California and the return journey by sea. Gift of Mrs. Charles A. Weissert. 660. FORD, CORYDON LA (1813-94). PAPERS, 1873-1900. 2 feet. Professor of Anatomy, The University of Michigan. Reports on the faculty activities of Ford, scattered correspondence, lecture notes, syllabi, plates, and other papers relating large- ly to his work in the Medical School. 661. FORD, DOROTHEA. POEMS, 1940. 3 items. Three poems by Dorothea Ford: "Michigan the Beautiful," "Winter," and "Our Old Folks." 662. FORD, EDWIN (1837-65). LETTERS, 1864. 6 items, photostat copies. Letters written to his family while he was serving in Company D, Eighteenth Michigan In- fantry during the Civil War. Gift of Jack C. Northrup, 1961. 663. FORD, HENRY (1863-1947). LETTER, 1911. 1 item. President, Ford Motor Company. Letter from Ford to William B. Mershon, favoring a bill providing for a resident hunter's license for Michigan. 664. FORDNEY, JOSEPH WARREN (1853-1932). PAPERS, 1919-27. 11 items and 1 volume. Lumberman, U.S. Representative (1899- 1923). Papers consist of notes on the family, scattered personal and business correspondence, notebook of addresses and expense memoranda, volume of notes on lumbering. Gift of Mrs. Robert B. Tatham, 1941. 665. FORSHEE, EVELYN. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 7 pages. Student seminar paper, "Bibliographical Report on the Attitude of Woodbridge N. Ferris Toward the National Prohibition Laws, 1922- 1928." Gift of Mrs. Raymond E. Somers, 1949. 666. FORSYTHE, WARREN ELLSWORTH (1885- 1960). PAPERS, 1933-48. 100 items. Director of The University of Michigan Health Service. Correspondence and related pa- pers dealing with Forsythe's work in obtaining recognition of Henry Sewall's contributions in immunology. Acquired, 1962. 667. FOSTER, MARY ELIZABETH (1825-1910). LETTER, 1934. 1 item. Letter from Mrs. Mary Haskell Howe to William W. Bishop concerning Mary E. Foster, one of the first women graduates of The Univer- sity of Michigan Law School. 668. FOSTER, RUTH M. STUDENT PAPER, 1945. 55 pages. Student seminar paper, "Early Settlement and Travel on the Old Territorial Road." Gift of Miss Foster, 1945. 669. FOSTER, THEODORE (1812-65). PAPERS, 1835-62. 40 items and 5 vol- umes. Co- editor of Signal of Liberty , Superintend- ent of State Industrial School for Boys, editor of Lansing State Republican . One scrapbook and twenty antislavery papers of Foster include man- uscripts on the Liberty Party, the Colonization Society, the slave trade and other aspects of slavery. There are four volumes of account books which include subscription lists for Signal of Liberty. The additional papers are on 57 philosophical, sociological and religious topics. Gift of Charles W. Foster, 1935. 670. FOSTER, THEODORE G. CORRESPONDENCE, 1944. 17 items. Correspondence regarding The Carrier Boy's Annual New Year's Address. Gift of Mrs. Theodore G. Foster, 1956. 671. FOSTER, THOMAS REESE. LETTER, 1889. 1 item. Letter from Foster to Kate Foster written from Ann Arbor while he was attending The Uni- versity of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. Thomas R. Foster, 1947. 672. FOX, EMMA AUGUSTA (1847-1945). PAPERS, 1894-1945. 1 foot and 3 vol- umes. Teacher of parliamentary law, author. The papers largely consist of letters exchanged between Mrs. Fox and various women and women's organizations, particularly state feder- ations of women's clubs, and concern club ac- tivities; a letter (1903) from Jane Addams; three volumes of names of guests at functions honoring Mrs. Fox. Gift of Maurice W. Fox, 1942. 673. FOX, HENRY (1854-1933). AUTOBIOGRAPHY, 1933. 37 pages. Great Lakes ship captain. Fox tells of his life on the lakes, Beaver Island, and in the Northern Peninsula. Gift of Mrs. Raymond H. Millbrook, 1961 674. FOX, ORSON S. LETTER, 1875. 1 item. Letter from Fox discussing various pro- fessors at The University of Michigan Medical School. Gift of Dr. F. E. Chidester, 1941. 675. FOX, WILLIAM H. LETTERS, 1862, 1863. 2 items. Two Civil War letters written to Fox by Wesley N. Hower and Elijah Reed, Company D, Twenty- fifth Michigan Infantry, and Solomon Shirey, Company E, Eleventh Michigan Infantry. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details Gift of Mrs. Etna C. Fox Heiss and Mrs. Edith L. Fox Behner, 1960. 676. FOX FAMILY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1863-66. 10 items. Four letters by Major Perrin V. Fox and five by his son Newton, written while they were serving in Michigan Engineers and Mechanics in the Civil War. There is also a letter to Major Fox from Captain W. A. Naylor. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. 677. FRANCK, HARRY ALVERSON (1881- ). PAPERS, 1910-39. 7 items and 10 volumes. Six typescripts of the published works of Harry Alverson Franck: Four Months Afoot in Spain (incomplete), Vagabond in Sovietland, Trail- ing Cortez Through Mexico (incomplete), Sky Roaming Above Two Continents, Lure of Alaska , Rediscovering South America . There is also a typescript of I Married a Vagabond , by Rachel Latta Franck, and ten volumes of travel notes (1912-15) by Franck. Gift of Harry A. Franck, 1939-40. 678. FRANK, COLEMAN D. (1876-1954). PAPERS, 1919. Ca. 75 items. Professor of The University of Michigan, member of the Permanent International Armis- tice Commission. Commissions, traveling orders, billeting orders of Major Coleman D. Frank. Gift of Dr. Herbert M. Cobe, 1954. 679. FRANKLIN, LEO MORRIS (1870-1948). SERMONS, t n.d.]. 3 volumes. Bound volumes of manuscript sermons and discourses of Rabbi Franklin of Detroit. Gift of Leo M. Franklin, 1944. 680. FRASER, JAMES. LETTERS, 1841-61. 15 items. Letters of Fraser, largely to D. H. Fitz- hugh, discuss Bay City and Saginaw. They con- tain information on road building and transporta- tion. Gift of Ann Ballou McCarthy, 1954. 681. FREDSELL, HAROLD F. STUDENT PAPERS, m.d.]. 2 items. Presbyterian clergyman. Student seminar papers, "The History of the Presbyterian Church in Michigan, a Bibliography," and "The Need of Publishing a History of the Presbyterian Church in Michigan." Gift of Lewis G. Vander Velde, 1961. 682. FREELAND, A. C. LETTER, 1854. 1 item. Letter written to relatives in Michigan in which he describes the journey he and his party made to California. Gift of Ray H. Walton, 1961. 683. FREELAND, MATILDA. LETTERS, 1851. 4 items, typewritten copies. Housewife. Letters of Matilda Freeland to her husband, largely about family matters and 58 farming near Leoni. Gift of Orrin Blackmail, 1942. 684. FREITAG, ALFRED J. STUDENT PAPERS, 1947, 1948. 2 items. Student seminar papers, "The Detroit Ga- zette and Emigration to Michigan, 1817-1830"; "The Detroit Young Men's Society, a Brief His- torical Survey." Gift of Alfred J. Freitag, 1948. 685. FRENCH, WILLIAM A. (1849-1903). LETTER, 1895. 1 item. Commissioner, Michigan State Land Office. Letter from French, countersigned by Governor John T. Rich, to Congressman Thomas A. Wea- dock, urging passage of a bill relating to the sale of public lands. Gift of Mrs. Hazel Weadock, 1945. 686. FRIES, CHARLES CARPENTER (1887- ). PAPERS, 1940-55. 1 foot. Correspondence and other papers of Fries largely relate to his professional activities as first director of the English Language Institute, University of Michigan affairs, linguistic organ- izations, the Red Cross, and some personal matters. Correspondents include Esson Gale, Louis A. Hopkins, Edward H. Kraus, Hans Kurath, Albert H. Marckwardt, Kennth L. Pike, Alexan- der G. Ruthven, Clarence S. Yoakum. Acquired, 1957. 687. FRIEZE, HENRY SIMMONS (1817-89). PAPERS, 1854-1920. Ca. 550 items and 18 volumes. Professor of Latin, Acting President of The University of Michigan. The Frieze papers consist largely of correspondence in the years 1855-1903. Letters (1855-56), mostly from Frieze to his wife, describe his travels and ex- periences in Europe. Much of the other corre- spondence pertains to affairs at The University of Michigan, including thirty-four letters from Andrew D. White of Cornell University. There is also biographical and genealogical material on Frieze, two reports on his faculty activities, addresses, notes and miscellaneous items, two letters of Carrie J. Frieze (1920), sketch book, and eighteen volumes of records of European travels. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Levi Barbour, James R. Boise, Phillips Brooks, Francis Brunnow, Thomas M. Cooley, Byron M. Cutcheon, Silas H. Douglas, James A. Garfield, Samuel S. Harris, Erastus O. Haven, Whitelaw Reid, Randolph Rogers, Carl Schurz, Henry P. Tappan, Julia Tappan, Moses C. Tyler, George P. Williams. 688. FRINK, FRED GOODRICH (1862-1929). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1884. 1 volume. Civil engineer. University of Michigan stu- dent notebook on a surveying course. Gift of Mrs. F. G. Frink, 1942. 689. FRINK, JOSEPH C. (1809-72). PAPERS, 1872-1937. 3 items, typewritten copies. Banker. Obituary of Frink; two letters about the Frink family of Marshall by Mrs. Joseph C. Frink (1902) and Mrs. Amelia Frink Redfield (1937). Gift of Mrs. James M. Redfield, 1937. 690. FROST, JOSEPH. LETTER, 1838. 1 item, typewritten copy. Letter of Frost to his sister Parmelia de- scribing Marshall. 691. FROTHINGHAM, GEORGE EDWARD (1836- 1900). REPORTS, t n.d.]. 2 items. Professor, The University of Michigan Med- ical School. Reports of the faculty activities of Frothingham. 692. FUGATE, JAMES R. ( -1938). CORRESPONDENCE, 1937-39. 17 items. Governor of Sulu Province, Philippine Islands. Correspondence of Fugate with Colonel H. F. Cameron, and letters from Cameron to I. T. Fugate after James Fugate's death. Gift of Dr. I. T. Fugate, 1955. 693. FULLER, EDWARD L. (1810-51). ADDRESS, 1884. 1 item. Ann Arbor businessman. Transcript of a memorial address on Fuller's life published in the Ann Arbor Register , September 11, 1884. Gift of Russell E. Bidlack, 1961. 694. FULLER, JAMES H. (1815?- ). MANUSCRIPT AUTOBIOGRAPHY, [n.d.]. 39 pages, photostat copy. Farmer. Autobiography of Fuller in which he gives the history of the Fuller family and de- scribes his early life in New York State and his settlement (1833) in York township, Washtenaw County. Acquired, 1958. 695. FULTON, JOHN I. LETTER, 1846. 1 item. Baptist clergyman. Letter from Fulton reporting on his activities in the Tecumseh area. 696. FYFE FAMILY. PAPERS, 1864-1954. 33 items. 59 Letters (May, 1864-June, 1866) from Jennie Fyfe, Civil War nurse in Paducah, Kentucky, and teacher in a Negro school there, to her sister Mrs. Ellen Mott. (See Bulletin No. 9 for de- tails). Genealogical notes and correspondence relate to the families of John Fyfe, John Strong, John Perry, Robert Gray, John Gilbert, John Miles, and James Prescott. Acquired, 1955. 697. GAGE, JOHN L. PAPERS, 1856. 2 items, typewritten copies. Letter from Gage of Flint discussing per- sonal affairs and legal business; geneaology of the Gage family. Gift of the Flint Public Library. 698. GALE, EDWARD. LETTER, 1861. 1 item. Student, The University of Michigan. Let- ter from Gale to W. J. G. Nutting describing a boat trip from Detroit to Chicago. Gift of E. P. Nutting, 1952. 699. GALE, ESSON McDOWELL (1884- ). PAPERS, 1930-55. 2 feet and 5 volumes. Orientalist, government official, Director of International Center, The University of Mich- igan. Correspondence; biographical material; original manuscript for Salt For the Dragon and manuscript, "The University of Michigan in World Affairs." Much of the material relates to China and the Far East. Gift of Esson M. Gale, 1956-1962. 700. GALE FAMILY. BUSINESS PAPERS and RECORDS, 1836- 77. 91 items and 3 volumes. The papers and records of the Gale Fam- ily of Moscow, Jonesville, and Albion concern chiefly the Gale Manufacturing Company, founded in 1844 by George Gale and his son Orlando Charles Gale (1823-1912). They consist of nine items of business correspondence (1852-76); three cashbooks (1848-51, 1848-57, 1853-77), one of which (1848-57) contains two pages of ac- counts with the Union City Iron Company be- lieved to be the first furnace in Michigan pro- ducing iron from bog iron ore; miscellaneous business papers, including accounts, receipts, and notes (1844-73); legal papers (1844-60); resolutions and list of subscribers (1871) for raising funds for the Northern Central Michigan Railroad; invoice book of George Gale's hard- ware store in Albion listing goods purchased from A. P. Gardner (1836). Gift of O. H. Gale, 1941. 701. GALL, JOHN N. CASHBOOK, 1857-67. 1 volume. Cashbook of Gall's general store, Ann Arbor [?]. 702. GALLAGHER, FREDERICK R. JOURNAL, 1855-56. 3 items and 1 volume. Prebyterian clergyman, Hillsdale. Diary kept by Mrs. Gallagher while her husband was a student at Lane Seminary in Cincinnati and at the beginning of his ministry before coming to Michigan. There are also three letters written to Gallagher. Gift of Mrs. Francis Miller, 1960. 703. GAMBLE, E. F. LETTER, 1898. 1 item. Letter from Gamble to George Howell of Tecumseh (a physician and member of the State Legislature) discussing the need for regulation of medical practice in Michigan. Gift of Clara M. Waldron, 1960. 704. GAMBLE, MARGARET ELIZA. QUESTIONNAIRE, [n.d.] . 4 pages. Librarian. The University of Michigan Alumnae Council questionnaire containing Miss Gamble's recollections of college days, Class of 1922. 705. GARDNER, JOAN GEISEL. POEMS, rn.d.]. 165 pages, typewritten copy. Manuscript of Jo Gardner Book of Verse , published in 1945. Gift of Mrs. Joan G. Gardner, 1945. 706. GARDNER, NANNETTE BROWN ELLING- WOOD (1828-1900). PAPERS, 1871-89. 3 items and 2 volumes. Woman suffrage leader. Two letters about art classes and a letter of invitation to the Houghton public school examination (1871); scrap- books containing biographical sketch of Mrs. Gardner and members of her family; two pages of a diary on voting in Detroit (1871); miscel- laneous papers which largely relate to woman suffrage. Gift of Miss Marie E. Perry, 1952. 707. GARDNER, WASHINGTON (1845-1928). PAPERS, 1897-1912. 17 items and 2 vol- umes. Michigan Secretary of State, U.S. Repre- sentative. Papers of Gardner consist of two letterpress books (1897-99); miscellaneous pa- pers and monthly statements of Albion Malleable Iron Company (1911-12); nine letters to Gardner; abstract of title. Many of the letters in the 60 letterpress books concern Michigan politics for the period. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 708. GARFIELD, CHARLES WILLIAM (1848- 1934). PAPERS, 1899-1929. 50 items, and 1 vol- ume. President of the Michigan Forestry Com- mission, member of the State Board of Agricul- ture. Correspondence of Garfield dealing with the Michigan Forestry Association and conserva- tion and forestation in Michigan; eight drafts of speeches or articles on forestry and conserva- tion, probably written by Garfield; biographical sketch of Garfield; letter book (1900-03) of the Michigan Forestry Commission, of which Gar- field was president, containing ca. 630 letters. Correspondents include Julius C. Burrows, Burke A. Hinsdale, Alfred C. Lane, William B. Mershon, Gifford Pinchot, Hazen S. Pingree, Filibert Roth, Volney M. Spalding. Acquired, 1954. 709. GARNER, LEAH BEACH. PAPERS, 1927, 1935. 2 items. "United States Military Road," a paper read by Mrs. Garner at Flint at the dedication of a tablet commemorating the road; a manu- script article entitled, "Pioneer Women of Gen- esee County." 710. GARRICK, WILLIAM (1819-83). LETTER, 1862. 1 item. Railroad bridge inspector. Letter from Garrick of Grand Rapids to his brother David in Scotland. He describes his family, Grand Rapids, food prices, housing, and the Civil War. Gift of Mary Armstrong, 1958. 711. GARRISON, ABRAM E. (1843- ). LETTER, 1863. 1 item. Letter from Garrison to Edward P. Good- rich telling about the seige of Port Hudson during the Civil War. Garrison was a sergeant in Company G, Sixth Michigan Infantry and first lieutenant in First Corps d'Afrique. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1958. 712. GARRISON, WRIGHT H. (1839- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1864-65, 1871-77. 23 items. Eighteen letters written by Garrison while he was serving in Company L, Eighth Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. (See Bulletin No. 9 for details.) There are also five miscel- laneous items of correspondence. Gift of Mrs. Charles A. Weissert, 1948. 713. GASKILL, SILAS B. (1828- ). BUSINESS PAPERS, 1833-77. 18 items and 2 volumes. Lawyer, Lapeer. Accounts and bills for Gaskill and Geer Law Firm; account books (1833- 39, 1864-70). Gift of Louis C. Cramton. 714. GEER, HARRISON. PAPERS, 1865-95. Ca. 235 items and 2 volumes. Lawyer. Correspondence and papers of Geer mostly relate to Republican Party pol- itics in Lapeer (1889-92); account book of a so- cial club (1875). Correspondents include William R. Bates, James McMillan, John T. Rich. Gift of Louis C. Cramton. 715. GEIGER, TRACY E. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, f n.d.]. 36 pages. Article entitled, "A New Two- Particle Theory On the Mechanics of Nature." Gift of Tracy E. Geiger, 1957. 716. GELSTON, CAROLINE FANNING. LETTER, 1851. 1 item. Presbyterian clergyman's wife. Letter from Mrs. Gelston of Albion to her family in Rushville, New York, describing her trip on Lake Erie from Buffalo to Detroit. Gift of Mrs. Ernst Wiecking, 1957. 717. GEORGAKAS, DAN. BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1961? 1 item. Bibliography of materials on the life of Richard Trevellick. Gift of Dan Georgakas, 1961. 718. GERISH, ARTHUR. ADDRESS, 1945. 10 pages. Copy of an address by Gerish entitled, "How Michigan Men Helped Make the Treaty of Greenville." 719. GERRISH, FREDERIC HENRY (1845-1920). LETTER, 1875. 1 item. Letter of resignation of Gerrish as profes- sor of therapeutics, materia medica and physiol- ogy at The University of Michigan. 720. GESELL, ROBERT (1886-1956). PAPERS, 1923-53. Ca. 500 items. Chairman, Physiology Department, The University of Michigan. Correspondence, arti- cles, speeches, lectures of Gesell, primarily dealing with his professional activities in the field of physiology. 61 Correspondents include Albert C. Fursten- berg, Louis A. Hopkins, Edward H. Kraus, Shirley W. Smith. Acquired, 1956. 721. GESSNER, ROBERT (1907- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1931-32. 16 items. Professor, author. Correspondence con- sists largely of letters exchanged between Gess- ner and Professor Louis A. Strauss concerning Gessner's work and prospects for employment at The University of Michigan; letter (1932) con- taining Gessner's views on Russia after a visit there. 722. GIFFORD, W. W. LETTER, 1892. 1 item. Letter from Gifford to S. W. Williams concerning publishing Gifford's book, Laws of the Soul . 723. GILBERT, JAMES W. PAPERS, 1862. 2 items. Letter from Gilbert of Coldwater to Cap- tain M. Mayer, U.S. Mustering Officer at Jack- son, concerning services rendered the Nineteenth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War and pre- senting a bill for those services. Gift of Burdette Harris, 1959. 724. GILBERT, N. M. LETTER, 1866. 1 item. Letter from Gilbert of Ypsilanti to his son James in which he discusses personal and business matters. Gift of Mrs. A. R. Welch, 1947. 725. GILBERT, THOMAS DWIGHT (1815-94). LETTERS, 1879, 1881. 14 items. Regent of The University of Michigan, state legislator. Letters of Gilbert to his wife Angie Bingham Gilbert, written while he was traveling to Tucson, San Francisco and the west coast in 1879, and to Washington, D.C. for the inauguration of President Garfield in 1881. Gift of Mrs. L. Langdon McKee, 1960. 726. GILCHRIST, JAMES GRANT ( -1906). REPORT, 1876-77. 1 item. Professor, The University of Michigan. Report on the faculty activities of Gilchrist. 727. GILL, ROBERT L. STUDENT PAPER, 1939. 57 pages and appendix. Student seminar paper, "The Booker T. Washington Trade Association" [in Detroit.] Gift of Robert L. Gill, 1948. 728. GILLEN, MARTIN JAMES (1872-1943). BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES, 1957. 1 volume. Lawyer, businessman, financier, World War I industrial mobilization planner. A booklet, containing biographical material on Gillen, was compiled by Victor F. Lemmer. Gift of Victor F. Lemmer, 1957. 729. GILLMAN, HENRY. LETTER, 1880. 1 item. Letter of Gillman of Detroit to D. Curry, editor of the National Repository of Cincinnati, concerning the publication of three poems by Gillman. 730. GILPIN, ALEC R. STUDENT PAPERS, 1947. 2 items. Student seminar papers, "The State Census of Michigan," and "A Bibliography of Michigan History." 731. GINGERICH, SOLOMON F. CORRESPONDENCE, 1931-32. 8 items. Letters pertaining to the dismissal of Gingerich from the faculty of The University of Michigan English Department. 732. GITCHEL, SQUIER L. PAPERS, 1846-63. 14 items. Tax receipts of Jamestown, including first tax paid there by the first settler, James Cronk- wright; history of Gitchel school, Jamestown township, Ottawa County; Gitchel's commission as postmaster in Jamestown. Gift of Mrs. Altha M. Fitch, 1948. 733. GODDARD, EDWIN CHARLES (1865-1942). PAPERS, 1886-1940. 400 items and 12 volumes. Professor of Law, The University of Mich- igan. Addresses and essays on various subjects by Goddard and his wife Lillian R. Goddard; miscellaneous letters; notes and letters on Eu- ropean trip (1908-09); family genealogy; outline of an algebra course; University of Michigan law thesis; original manuscript and manuscript ma- terial for his history of The University of Mich- igan Law School; Ann Arbor High School and University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Henry C. Adams, James B. Angell, Isaac N. Demmon, John Dewey, Henry S. Frieze, Charles M. Gayley, Richard Hudson, Elisha Jones, Andrew C. McLaughlin, George S. Morris, Albert B. Prescott, Jacob E. Reighard, Volney M. Spalding, Victor C. Vaughan. Gift of Edwin C. Goddard estate, 1943. 734. GOMBERG, MOSES (1866-1947). PAPERS, 1890-1936. 9 items and 1 volume. 62 Chairman, Chemistry Department, The Uni- versity of Michigan. A volume of letters (1936) of greeting to Gomberg from his colleagues and former students on the occasion of his seventieth birthday; diplomas and citations. Gift of Mrs. C. S. Schoepfle, 1959. 735. GOOD, R. ALLEN. STUDENT PAPER, 1937. 35 pages plus bibliography. Student seminar paper, "Transportation in the Copper Country of Michigan." Gift of R. Allen Good, 1949. 736. GOODALE, WARNER WRIGHT. PAPERS, 1839-83. 11 items and 1 vol- ume. Personal correspondence and miscellane- ous papers of Goodale, of Lapeer and Mayfield, include genealogical table of the Goodale family, marriage certificate of Goodale, two indentures, personal account book, and letters largely re- lating to family affairs and the Mormon reli- gion. One of the letters (1842) mentions a ser- mon preached by Joseph Smith. Gift of Miss Blanche Goodale, 1953. 737. GOODELL, [?> DIARY, 1837. 1 volume. A Mr. Goodell's diary concerning a trip by horse and wagon from New York to Michigan and on to Chicago. Gift of Miss Louise Potter, 1960. 738. GOODING, MARIA MOORE. HISTORICAL SKETCH, [ii.d.]. 6 pages. History of Mooreville School District, Saline township, Washtenaw County. Gift of Mrs. Lucille Wilcox, 1940. 739. GOODISON, BERTHA ( -1938). PAPERS, 1938. 2 items. Head of the Department of Fine Arts, Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti. Res- olution passed by the faculty of the College upon the death of Miss Goodison, together with a let- ter of transmittal to Miss Goodison's sister. 740. GOODMAN, REUBEN S. PAPERS, 1881. 2 items. Clergyman. Newspaper account of a me- morial sermon preached in Kendallville, Indi- ana, upon the death of President Garfield; man- uscript song by Mary Elizabeth Goodman en- titled, "A Garfield Memorial." Gift of Mrs. George B. Kingston, 1949. 741. GOODRICH, CALVIN (1874- ). PAPERS, 1938-46. Ca. 150 items and 1 volume. Newspaperman; Curator of Mollusks, The University of Michigan Museums. The main part of the papers consists of letters from W. N. Weech to Goodrich describing conditions in Eng- land during World War II. Additional papers are manuscript articles and notes on various topics and a manuscript of an unpublished book by Goodrich entitled, "Immigrant Michigan," with sections on transportation, newspapers, pioneer life, and immigration. Acquired, 1946, 1961. 742. GOODRICH, EDWARD PAYSON (1842-1935). PAPERS, 1865-1922. 17 items and 2 vol- umes. Presbyterian minister. Two letters from Charles A. Sanford regarding the assassination of Lincoln; manuscript of Goodrich's published history of the First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor; deeds and other documents relating to his real estate holdings in Allegan; pastor's re- port (1873) from Decatur; pastor's register (1869-79) listing sermons, baptisms, marriages, etc.; University of Michigan student notebook on surveying. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1956-60. 743. GOODRICH, ENOS (1813-97). PAPERS, 1844-77. 9 items. Postmaster at Goodrich, State Representa- tive and Senator. Papers contain six letters (1844-49) from Lewis Cass, William M. Fenton, J. B. Hunt, and the Post Office Department; two deeds (1850, 1877); an appointment (1857) of Mrs. Goodrich as judge of the Genesee County Fair. Gift of Mrs. George H. Bradt, 1938. 744. GOODRICH, ERNEST PAYSON (1874-1955). PAPERS, 1940. 10 items. Construction engineer. Letter from Thomas E. Dewey; biographical notes on Goodrich. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1956. 745. GOODRICH, FRANCIS LEE DEWEY (1877- 1962). PAPERS, ca. 1902-07. 2 items and 3 vol- umes. Librarian. Article entitled, "The Michigan — Wisconsin Boundary," which is a review of the documents and articles in the Library of The University of Michigan (1907); biographical sketch of Frederick Parker Jordan; University of Mich- igan student notebooks on courses by Robert M. Wenley, ca. 1902. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich. 746. GOODRICH, FREDERICK S. SCRAPBOOK, 1895-1911. 1 volume. Professor, Albion College. Scrapbook of programs, broadsides, and a few scattered items 63 of correspondence, including one letter from Chase S. Osborn (1911). Gift of Frederick S. Goodrich, 1942. 747. GOODRICH, OSMAN DEWEY (1808-87). PAPERS, 1835-83. 75 items. Physician, Allegan. These miscellaneous papers of Goodrich are mostly deeds and tax receipts, but include a manuscript history of Allegan. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1958. 748. GOODYEAR, J. J. PAPERS, 1878-1928. 17 items. Physician, Ann Arbor. Thirteen letters, several pertaining to Humane Society activities; four certificates. Gift of E. A. Gallup, 1941. 749. GORDON, JAMES WRIGHT (1809-53). PAPERS, 1794-1862. 106 items. Governor of Michigan in 1841. Family correspondence consists of one hundred four let- ters by or sent to James Gordon and wife while they lived in Plainfield, Connecticut, and other eastern towns, and from James Wright Gordon, their son. One letter (1837) concerns Michigan politics. There is also a record (1799) of mili- tary supplies and military regulations of the Thirteenth Regiment, New York Militia. Gift of Lawrence E. Gordon, 1939. 750. GORHAM, CHARLES T. (1812-1901). CORRESPONDENCE, 1861-99. 60 items and 1 volume. Bank president, Minister to The Nether- lands, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. Pa- pers include forty-three letters from friends and political associates, four letters from Zachariah Chandler (1860-70), a letter from Queen Emma (1871) and one from Prince William of Orange (1874), six letters on affairs in Marshall (1870- 75), two letters from Governor Henry P. Bald- win, and a letter from General William T. Sher- man (1878). There is also a scrapbook of invitations to official functions and calling cards covering ministry to The Netherlands. Gift of Mrs. Amelia Frink Redfield, 1937. 751. GOSS, LEVI. PAPERS, 1844-88. 14 items, typewritten copies. Church certificate; correspondence con- sisting of letters of Goss of Morenci and his family, largely about personal and family affairs with emphasis on their religion. 752. GOULD, LAURENCE McKINLEY (1896- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1928-29. 2 items, typewritten copies. Professor of Economic Geography, The Uni- versity of Michigan; President of Carleton Col- lege. Letter from Gould to President Clarence C. Little requesting leave of absence in order to accompany the Byrd Antarctic Expedition; tele- gram from Admiral Richard E. Byrd to Little thanking him for leave granted Gould. 753. GOULD, WILLIAM CROZIER (1880- ). PAPERS, 1948. 2 items. Manuscript entitled, "College Days, 1903- 1907," containing reflections on Gould's student days at The University of Michigan, together with a letter of transmittal from Gould to T. Hawley Tapping. Gift of William C. Gould, 1950. 754. GRAHAM, FREDERICK J. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1896-97. 1 volume. Physician. Record of medical practice of Graham of Sumner. 755. GRAIN, MURRY. STUDENT PAPER, 1958. 27 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Incorporation of the Township of Livonia." Acquired, 1961. 756. GRAMBAU, HARRY. STUDENT PAPER, 1938. 14 pages. Student seminar paper, "Michigan County Organization. A Study of the Creation and De- velopment of Michigan Counties to 1840." Gift of Harry Grambau, 1949. 757. GRANGER, JOHN A. DIARY, 1827. 18 pages, typewritten copy. "Journal of a Tour to Detroit, Saut de Sainte Marie, Lake Superior, Mackinac and Green Bay in 1827." Gift of Robert A. Granger, 1940. 758. GRANGER, LEWIS. DOCKET BOOK, 1872-93. 1 volume. Justice docket book of Granger, Justice of the Peace of Armada township, Macomb County. Gift of Mrs. A. W. Tiffany, 1947. 759. GRANT, CLAUDIUS BUCHANAN (1835-1921). PAPERS, 1855-1905. 11 items and 5 vol- umes. State Representative, Regent of The Uni- versity of Michigan, Justice of the Michigan Su- preme Court. Letter concerning the election of 1856; two letters about University of Michigan affairs; a letter each from his mother and his brother; five letters and five diaries covering his Civil War service with Company D, Twentieth 64 Infantry; paper read by Grant on the Battle of Horse Shoe Bend, Kentucky. (See Bulletin No. 9 and supplement for details.) Gifts of Mrs. Chester D. Barnes, C. Grant Barnes, Mrs. Earl W. Dow, Miss Katherine C. Murray, 1949-1959. 760. GRANT, JOHN H. (1857- ). PAPERS, 1896-1913. 2 items and 1 vol- ume. Personal law account book (1901-13); cor- respondence of Grant with Michigan Trust Com- pany. Gift of Mrs. John H. Grant, 1939. 761. GRATZ, DELBERT L. STUDENT PAPER, 1945. 4 pages. Student seminar paper, "Outline For the History of the Mennonites in Michigan," with maps. Gift of Delbert Gratz, 1945. 762. GRAVES, EMMA L. AUTOGRAPH ALBUM, 1878. 1 volume. Autograph album containing autographs of her friends in Ypsilanti. Gift of Mrs. Myrl G. Underwood, 1957. 763. GRAVES, JAMES C. PAPERS, 1928-30. 9 items. Correspondence and other papers dealing with the change of date on the seal of The Uni- versity of Michigan and with the acquisition of music for the University. Gift of Thomas G. Caley, 1960. 764. GRAVES, THERESA M. SCRAPBOOK, ca. 1920's and 1930's. 1 volume. Scrapbook of newspaper clippings on Ypsi- lanti events and people and Eastern Michigan University. Gift of Harold R. Leverett, 1955. 765. GRAY, EUGENE. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1878-95. 1 volume. Personal account book of Gray containing detailed accounts of daily expenditures and re- ceipts. Gift of Mrs. Grover Sweet, 1939. 766. GRAY, GORDON YOUNG ( -1920). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1863-64. 1 volume. University of Michigan student notebook on a course by Thomas M. Cooley. 767. GRAY, HAROLD STUDLEY (1894- ). LETTER, 1942. 1 item, mimeographed copy with original signature. Pacifist leader, businessman. Letter from Gray to U.S. Attorney General, Francis Biddle, stating his reasons for being a conscientious ob- jector and refusing to register for the draft. Gift of Harold S. Gray, 1958. 768. GRAY FAMILY. PAPERS, 1849? 2 items. Incomplete paper (45 pages) by Fanny Gray, of Grosse He, describing a trip by boat from Detroit to Milwaukee, Wisconsin; letter from Lydia F. Gray written while she was traveling by boat from Detroit to Virginia. Gift of R. A. Berry, 1940. 769. GREEN, FRED WARREN (1872-1936). PAPERS, 1899-1932. 122 items and 4 vol- umes. Governor of Michigan (1927-31). Corre- spondence of Green while at Santa Clara, Cuba (1899), and covering the period 1926-32; pro- ceedings of a general court martial at Santa Clara (1899); report, by Green, of 1904 Michigan National Guard encampment; sixty- one notes and addresses; scrapbooks of clippings of election returns, tickets, and political campaigns from 1881 to 1927. Gift of Mrs. Fred Green, 1940. 770. GREEN, GRACE HELEN. STUDENT PAPER, 1958. 21 pages. Student seminar paper, "A History of the Public Two Year College in Michigan." Acquired, 1961. 771. GREEN, JENNIE LOVAN. PAPERS, 1851-1952. 34 items and 8 vol- umes. Schoolteacher. Miscellaneous business and legal papers of Jennie Green and her family, in- cluding two way bills on Green's Line of Mail Stages (1879); six absence excuses for children in Miss Green's classes; book of religious re- flections; account book of James Litchfield, cab- inet maker (1851-56); three volumes of notes on teaching kindergarten; notes on a trip to Wash- ington, D.C. (1876); two account books. 772. GREENE, ALBERT EMERSON (1872- ). REMINISCENCES, t n.d.] . 2 pages. Professor of Engineering, The University of Michigan. Reminiscences, recorded by Michael Church, in which Greene tells of his life as the son of a University of Michigan fac- ulty member in the late 19th century. Gift of Michael Church, 1960. 773. GREENE, CHARLES EZRA (1842-1903). PAPERS, 1872-1905. 49 items. 65 Dean, Department of Engineering, The Uni- versity of Michigan. Papers of Greene include five letters (1872) from President James B. Angell on the offer of a professorship in engi- neering, twenty- nine letters on engineering (1872- 77), a balance sheet, twelve receipts (1883-1905), two reports of the faculty activities of Greene (1875-76). Gift of Albert E. Greene, 1938. 774. GREENE, MARIAN PALMER. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1940. 53 pages. Article entitled, "Reflections in the River Raisin." Gift of Miss Ruth Ladd, 1940. 775. GREENE, MARY THERESA. PAPERS, 1910-48. 125 items and 2 vol- umes. Physician. Correspondence and scrapbooks of Dr. Greene, most of which pertain to The University of Michigan Medical School, Class of 1890; biographical sketch of Dr. Delia P. Pierce. Gift of Mary T. Greene, 1948. 776. GREENLY, WILLIAM L. (1813-1883). DOCKET BOOK, 1859-65. 1 volume. Lawyer, Justice of the Peace. Justice docket book of cases tried before Greenly in Lenawee County. Gift of Miss Grace G. Millard, 1939. 777. GREENSHIELDS, WILLIAM (1838-1913). ACCOUNT BOOK, 1876. 1 volume. Physician. Account book of medical prac- tice of Greenshields of Romeo noting visits, prescriptions, etc. Gift of Dr. R. M. Greenshields, 1937. 778. GREGG, PHINEAS. PAPERS, 1849-74; 1925. 4 items and 7 volumes. Physician. Three deeds, docket book, pre- scription book, medical account book, and mar- riage records of members of Saunders Colony of freed slaves in Calvin township, Cass County, among whom Gregg worked. There is also an undated and incomplete manuscript reminis- cences of this Negro settlement by Gregg's son William C. Gregg; an incomplete manuscript bi- ography of Abdulah, a Moslem neighbor of Wil- liam Gregg; and a manuscript by Frank C. Gregg (1925). Gift of Mrs. Janet Gregg Polacheck, 1960- 61. 779. GREGORY, A. S. ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1861-70. 2 volumes. Watch repairman, Cuba, New York. Account books record watch repairs. Some sheets from December, 1867, are marked Flint [Michigan?] Gift of Louis C. Cramton. 780. GREGORY, DAVID. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1847-56. 1 volume. Physician. Account book recording pre- scription charges, house calls, and general ex- penses of Gregory of Northville. 781. GREVE, ESTHER B. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 18 pages. Student seminar paper, "Highlights of the Educational Philosophy of John D. Pierce." Gift of Miss Greve, 1948. 782. GRIBBENS, WILLIAM DUFFIELD. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1831-46. 1 volume. Cobbler. Account book of Gribbens of Tekonsha recording the shoe repairs he made. Gift of Mrs. E. W. Randall, 1949. 783. GRIDLEY, ELEANOR. PAPERS, 1837-1939. Ca. 400 items. Political and private correspondence, ar- ticles, and papers of Judge G. Thompson Gridley, of his daughter Eleanor Gridley, and of other members of the family. Some subjects covered in the papers are the centennial celebration in Philadelphia (1876), the Republican Party, Abra- ham Lincoln, and the elections of 1932 and 1936. Correspondents include James J. Couzens, Hamilton Fish, Fred W. Green, Arthur H. Van- denberg. Gift of Eleanor Gridley, 1938-40. 784. GRIFFIN, ELI AUGUSTUS (1833-64) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1836-82. Ca. 250 items and 4 volumes. Niles businessman and Union army office* . A diary (1853) of a trip to the California gold fields; diary (1856) of a trip from Council Bluffs to Salt Lake City; brief diary (1859) of a trip from St. Joseph, Missouri, to the Pikes Peak gold fields; two diaries describing the military service of Griffin in the Sixth and Nineteenth Michigan Infantry Regiments during the Civil War. Extensive correspondence of Griffin, his wife, and his father Samuel Hayes Griffin, covers these same subjects as well as affairs in Niles. (See Bulletin No. 9 for details.) There are letters on Griffin's fatal wounding, and a letter by his son Edwin in which he describes the Grand Army of the Republic convention held in Detroit (1882). Other papers include Griffin's commissions, resolutions, and miscellaneous items. Griffin's 1862 diary includes a brief diary written by his son Edwin in 1869. 66 Correspondents include John Bennett, Ed- win C. Griffin, Isaac Griffin, Samuel H. Griffin, Paschal A. Pullman, Lucius M. Wing, John Woodruff. Gift of Miss Jeanne Griffin, 1958. 785. GRIFFIN, LEVI THOMAS (1837-1906). PAPERS, 1875-1904. 37 items and 2 vol- umes. Professor, The University of Michigan; U.S. Representative (1893-95). Correspondence, chiefly letters of recommendation; papers, in- cluding part of Griffin's lectures on federal jurisprudence; two volumes of law lectures on mining law and international law. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Don M. Dickinson, Harry B. Hutchins. Gift of Mrs. C. K. Latham, 1936. 786. GRIFFIN, W. L. ( -1935). PAPERS, 1935. 2 items. Manuscript article entitled, "The Indians of Michigan," together with a letter from his wife concerning publication of the manuscript. Gift of William H. Phelps estate, 1938. 787. GRIFFIS [GRIFFIN], JOHN S. (1829-64). LETTERS, 1862-64. 20 items. Letters written while he was serving in Company A, Nineteenth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Gift of Mrs. Leonard E. Ganzel, 1962. 788. GRIFFITH, WALTER T. PAPERS, [n.d.]. 26 items. Twenty photostat copies of drawings of scenes of late nineteenth century Detroit, to- gether with attached explanatory notes; six man- uscripts containing Griffith's reminiscences of Detroit and the surrounding area and of the ear- ly automobile industry. Gift of Walter Griffith, 1946. 789. GRIFFITHS, MARTHA WRIGHT (1912- ) PAPERS, 1956-1963. 12 feet. Congresswoman, Seventeenth Michigan Dis- trict. Correspondence and other papers dealing with all phases of her congressional career in the 84th, 85th, 86th and 87th Congresses. Closed collection. Gift of Mrs. Griffiths, 1962. 790. GRIGGS, EARL LESLIE (1899- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1928-31. 53 items. Professor of English, The University of Michigan. Correspondence pertaining to his se- curing a position on the faculty of The Univer- sity of Michigan and his subsequent scholarly activities. 791. GRIMES, JOHN ODUS. PH.D. THESIS, 1929. 237 pages. University of Michigan Ph.D. thesis, "A History of the Academies of the State of Michi- gan Prior to 1872." Gift of Mrs. Carl Lassen, 1937. 792. GRIMES, LUCIA VOORHEES. PAPERS, 1912-32. 3 feet and 1 volume. The Grimes papers include a scrapbook, correspondence, minutes, notes, a bill proposed to the Michigan Legislature, and miscellaneous material on Woman Suffrage and women's polit- ical activities in Michigan. Gift of Mrs. George L. Grimes, 1948. 793. GRIMES, WELLINGTON V. V. STUDENT PAPER, 1944. 26 pages. Student seminar paper, "A History of the Detroit University School." Gift of Wellington Grimes, 1944. 794. GRINGHUIS, RICHARD H. (1918- ). MANUSCRIPT BOOK, ^.d.-,. 2 volumes. Author, illustrator. "Lure of the Turtle" and "Danny O'Hara— Voyageur," manuscript ver- sions of The Young Voyageur (New York, 1955). Acquired, 1956. 795. GRINKE, BARBARA V. STUDENT PAPERS, 1958-59. 2 volumes. Student seminar papers, "Austin Blair, Governor of Michigan, 1861-1864," and "The Royal Oak Tribune and the Daily Tribune, 1902- 1952." Acquired, 1961. 796. GROAT, ANNE L. STUDENT PAPERS, 1943, 1944. 2 items. Student seminar papers, "Theodore Foster, An Early Michigan Liberal," and "A Study of Washtenaw Presbytery, Michigan, in Relation to Historical Developments in the United States," an outline and bibliography only. Gift of Miss Groat, 1943, 1944. 797. GROOMES, KATHERINE S. TAPE RECORDED INTERVIEW, 1959. 22 pages, typewritten copy. An interview with Mrs. Groomes and Miss Anna L. Clinton in which they reminisce about Ann Arbor life and times in the latter part of the nineteenth century. 798. GROSS, FRANK (1844- ). DIARY, 1864-65. 1 volume, typewritten copy. Diary kept by Gross while he was a mem- ber of Company M, Sixth Michigan Cavalry. Gift of Mrs. George W. Griebe, 1961. 67 799. GRUBBS, SAMUEL BATES (1871-1942). PAPERS, 1918, 1940-42. 2 items. Copy of a journal kept by Grubbs from June to August 1918 describing the voyage over- seas and his military service in France as a member of the U.S. Army Medical Corps; letter from Grubbs, enclosed with the journal which he sent to Wilfred B. Shaw, giving background ma- terial on the journal. 800. GRUETT FAMILY. GENEALOGY, 1959. 1 item. Geneaology of the James and Peter Gruett families. Gift of H. W. Moll, 1959. 801. GUEST, EDGAR ALBERT (1881-1959). PAPERS, ca. 1900-31. 1 foot. Poet. Papers of Guest include copies, with typed drafts attached thereto, of radio talks delivered in 1926; congratulatory telegrams from radio listeners (1926); testimonial letters from prominent Detroiters (1926); manuscript scores of various composers with words by Guest (1900- 31); some inscribed presentation copies of Guest's poems set to music; galley proofs of poems. Gift of Edgar A. Guest, 1938. 802. GUNDRY, E. D. LETTER, 1958. 1 item. Letter from Gundry to F. Clever Bald con- taining biographical material and references on Mary Elizabeth Lowry Foster (1825-1910). Gift of F. Clever Bald, 1958. 803. GUNN, MOSES (1822-87). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, t n.d.j. 1 volume. Professor of Medicine, The University of Michigan. Article entitled, "The Ganglionic Sys- tem of Nerves," by Moses Gunn. Acquired, 1961. 804. GUSTAFSON, WAINO V. STUDENT PAPER, 1936. 13 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Secretary of State [Of Michigan] as Publisher and Distributor of the Laws," with bibliography and appendix added. Gift of Waino V. Gustafson, 1948. 805. GUTER, LAWRENCE J. STUDENT PAPER, 1947. 5 pages and bibliography. Student seminar paper, "Father Gabriel Richard, S. S." 806. GUTHE, CARL EUGEN (1893- ). PAPERS, 1922-42. 2-1/4 feet and 11 vol- umes. Anthropologist; Director, The University of Michigan Museums; Director, New York State Museums. The Guthe papers consist of corre- spondence, archeological notes, financial records, and other materials on The University of Mich- igan expedition to the Philippine Islands. There is also material on other University of Michigan subjects, including the centennial celebration and various committees. Gift of Carl E. Guthe, 1944. 807. HAASS, CHARLES WILHELM FREDERICK (1825-1913). PAPERS, 1898. 5 items and 2 volumes. Lutheran clergyman. Church program, prayer and notes in German. Two scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on Charles and Julian H. Haass. Gift of Walter F. Haass, 1938. 808. HAASS, WALTER F. ( -1941). PAPERS, 1936-41. 4 items. Letter from Haass to Warren W. Florer (1940) concerning banking in Detroit in 1900; two letters concerning Haass' father (1936); order of the funeral service for Haass (1941). 809. HADLEY, FREDERICK SEWARD. LETTER, 1935. 1 item. Letter by Hadley, with reminiscences of the administration of James B. Angell at The Uni- versity of Michigan and comments on the New Deal. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 810. HAENSEL, CHARLES W. PAPERS, 1946. 2 items. Letter and report on World War II produc- tion in Saginaw. Gift of F. Clever Bald. 811. HAGAMAN, ARDATH. STUDENT PAPER, 1941. 69 pages. Student seminar paper, "Women of the Old Northwest in the Anti- slavery Movement." Gift of Miss Hagaman, 1941. 812. HAGER FAMILY (PHINEAS A. HAGER, 1820-64). CORRESPONDENCE, 1857-87. 202 items. The Hager family correspondence consists mainly of letters to Mrs. Sabra Hager, of Otsego, discussing personal and family affairs and the Civil War. There is also mention of neighbors leaving for the Pikes Peak gold rush. Ninety letters are from her husband, Phineas A. Hager, of Company B, Nineteenth Michigan Infantry, twenty-five from her son, William H. White (1840-62), of Company G, Sixth Michigan Infantry, 68 and three from Henry Stark of Company G, Sixth Michigan Infantry. (See Bulletin No. 9 for details.) Gift of Robert Klinger, 1943. 813. HAIGH, HENRY A. (1854- ). PAPERS, 1834, 1922. 2 items, photostat copies. Memorandum (1922) and contract (1834) pertaining to building the Haigh house in Dear- born in 1834. The contract is signed by Colo- nel Joshua Howard, builder of the house. Gift of Floyd L. Haight. 814. HAIGHT FAMILY. PAPERS, 1919-45. Ca. 250 items and 4 volumes. Miscellaneous papers of the Haight family of Dearborn are mostly farm accounts, trade cards, valentines, poems, and a manuscript gen- ealogy of the family. Gift of Floyd L. Haight, 1958. 815. HAKALA, D. ROBERT. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1953. 54 pages and bibliography. Isle Royale National Park ranger. An ar- ticle entitled, "Isle Royale— Primeval Prince, a History." Gift of Ola Hylton Marsh, 1954. 816. HALL, ABRAM SAGER. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, ca. 1876. 1 volume. Professor of Natural Science, Washington College, Maryland. University of Michigan stu- dent notebook on Benjamin F. Cocker's course on psychology. Gift of Abram S. Hall, 1938. 817. HALL, ARTHUR GILLESPIE (1856-83). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, t n.d.] . [10] pages. Student, The University of Michigan; teacher, Cazenova, New York. Biographical data and memorial comments about Hall. 818. HALL, DANIEL ( -1887). PAPERS, 1852-1904. 35 items and 11 vol- umes. Physician, Saline. Ten prescription books, daybooks and ledgers recording charges for medical service and medicines; twelve papers on medical subjects; University of Michigan stu- dent notebook (1852) on courses by Samuel Den- ton, Silas H. Douglas, Moses Gunn, Abram Sager; copy of a letter (1859) from a classmate to Hall; seventeen letters (1878-1903) from various Uni- versity of Michigan officials and professors, recommending Hall's son, Abram S. Hall; two copies of a genealogical record of the Jacob and Peter Cook families. Gift of Abram S. Hall, 1938, and Louis S. White, 1958. 819. HALL, EMMA AMELIA (1837-84). PAPERS, 1866-1935. Ca. 150 items and 7 volumes; 1 reel of microfilm. Superintendent, Michigan State Training School for Girls. These papers consist of re- ports (1871-84), minutes (1880), and expense ac- counts of the school; four volumes of diaries (1879-84) noting everyday events and happenings; correspondence of Miss Hall; manuscript history of the Detroit Presbyterian .Home Mission So- ciety; obituary notes, notebooks, sermons, mis- cellaneous papers; one reel of microfilm of di- aries and superintendent's reports (1881-84). Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1938. 820. HALL, FRANCIS EVERETT (1840-66). LETTERS, 1862-65. 33 items. Civil War soldier. Letters describing Hall's war experiences in Company I, Eighteenth Michigan Infantry, including a brief account of his imprisonment at Cahaba Prison, Alabama. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1958. 821. HALL, MORRIS STUART (1839-1931). PAPERS, 1860-1912. 51 items. Ypsilanti businessman. Autobiographical sketch and reminiscences by Hall (1908) contain- ing an account of his experiences as a soldier in the Eighteenth Michigan Infantry and an officer in the Forty-fourth U.S. Infantry (Colored) during the Civil War; correspondence and papers relat- ing to his war service and subsequent efforts to receive a government pension. (See Bulletin No. 9 and supplement for details.) There is also a deed to property. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1949-59. 822. HALL, REUBEN LORD (1805-76). PAPERS, 1842-55. 45 items. Business and legal papers of Hall as ad- ministrator of the estates of John Craft and Gilbert Bloomer of Raisin township, Lenawee County. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1936. 823. HALL FAMILY (WILLIAM E. HALL). BUSINESS PAPERS, 1876-1904. 14 items and 3 volumes. Account books, cash books, time books, and other business papers of the Hall family of Mount Clemens. Gift of Mrs. Denzil Hollingsworth, 1956. 69 824. HALLIDAY, E. W. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1865. 1 volume. Major in the Confederate army. Account book kept by Halliday at Gainsville Junction, Mississippi, of supplies issued and work done. It also contains some records of the Forty- sixth Illinois Infantry. Gift of the Kalamazoo Public Library, 1939. 825. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER ( -1881). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1880-81. 1 volume. University of Michigan student notebook on courses by James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Charles A. Kent, Charles I. Walker. 826. HAMILTON, JOHN F. STATEMENT, 1934. 27 pages. Statement of Hamilton's reasons for re- signing from the Home Owners Loan Corpora- tion in Michigan in 1934. Gift of Shirley W. Smith. 827. HAMILTON, ROLLAND BURRITT (1869- ). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1890-91. 1 volume. Lawyer. Notes on a University of Michi- gan Law School course contained in a book by D. G. Lube on equity pleading. 828. HAMLIN, SARAH DIX. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, 1886. 19 pages. Biographical sketch of Olive San Louie Anderson, The University of Michigan Class of 1875 and author of An American Girl , or , Four Years in a Boy's College , published under the pseudonym, Sola. 829. HAMMOND, CHARLES G. LETTERS, 1842-43. 3 items. Auditor General of Michigan. Letters to Hammond concerning finances of the State of Michigan. Gift of Augustus Hendelman, 1951. 830. HAMMOND, JASON E. (1862- ). PAPERS, 1896-1945. Ca. 275 items and 1 volume. Michigan State Superintendent of Public In- struction. Correspondence of Hammond and his wife, mostly of a personal nature, containing many congratulatory letters on birthdays, etc. Correspondents include John T. Rich and Edwin Arlington Robinson. There is the manuscript of an address given by Hammond (1942) upon the fiftieth anniversary of Central Michigan Univer- sity, and a volume of manuscript poems written by him or dedicated to him. Gift of Jason Hammond, 1946-47. 831. HAMPTON, WILL E. (1864-1959). PAPERS, 1859-1959. Ca. 500 items and 3 volumes. Newspaper editor, Charlevoix. Scattered Civil War papers of his father Carlos D. Hamp- ton, a surgeon in the Fourth Michigan Infantry; Civil War reminiscences of his mother in Texas; correspondence regarding Indians, various Mich- igan communities, Knights of Pythias; reminis- cences of Charlevoix and Harbor Springs; poetry; three scrapbooks of clippings and poems; miscel- laneous papers. Correspondents include Alben W. Barkley, Bruce Catton, Edgar A. Guest, Carlos D. Hamp- ton, Chase S. Osborn. Gift of Victor Hampton, 1960. 832. HAMPTON FAMILY. PAPERS, 1827-91. 156 items. Letters to Oliver Hampton and his wife, Rachel Good Hampton, from relatives and friends in New York and Pennsylvania; five letters (1840- 58) to Benjamin Stevens from his parents in New York. The letters chiefly concern family and church (Society of Friends) matters. A few con- tain remarks about the Civil War. There are also a diary and account book of Hampton, and genealogy of the Hampton and Good families. Gift of Mrs. Nellie D. Finley, 1937-38. 833. HANSEN, CATHERINE E. STUDENT PAPERS, 1941. 22 and 34 pages. Student seminar papers, "A Unit of Work in Community Civics Correlated With Michigan History," and "Character Sketches of Men in Muskegon and Michigan History." Gift of Miss Hansen, 1948. 834. HANSEN, THOMAS E. STUDENT PAPER, 1941. 13 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Founding and Organizing of the [University of Michigan] School of Religion [1925-1927] ." Gift of Thomas E. Hansen, 1948. 835. HANTULA, JAMES N. STUDENT PAPER, 1958. 23 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Michigan School of Religion." Acquired, 1961. 836. HARDY, MARGARET B. STUDENT PAPER, 1943. 38 pages. Student seminar paper, "Michigan Politics and the Disposal of the Public Domain, 1837- 1841." Gift of Miss Hardy, 1943. 837. HARPER, IDA HUSTED. MANUSCRIPT BIOGRAPHY, t n.d.]. 363 pages. 70 Biography of Anna Howard Shaw written by Mrs. Harper. Gift of Lucy E. Anthony, 1939. 838. HARPER, MARY McKIBBIN. PAPERS, 1938-41. 4 items and 1 volume. Physician. Letters to Dr. Harper con- cerning her proposed presidency of the American Medical Women's Association and her book, The Doctor Takes a Holiday ; scrapbook containing autobiographical notes. Gift of Dr. Harper, 1950-52. 839. HARRIES, ELOISE STREET. GENEALOGICAL NOTES, p.d.]. 2 items. Genealogical notes on the Street and White families, ancestors of Mrs. Harries and pioneer settlers in British Columbia, Canada. Gift of Mrs. Harries, 1959. 840. HARRINGTON, MARK WALROD (1848-1926). ASTRONOMICAL CHART, [n.d.]. litem. Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Observatory, The University of Michigan. Chart, "Midnight Planisphere," by Harrington. 841. HARRIS, GEORGE CALVIN. CORRESPONDENCE, 1870, 1916. 8 items. Letter (1870) from Alexander Winchell, seven letters concerning The University of Mich- igan Class of 1866. Gift of Dr. D. L. Harris, 1949. 842. HARRIS, GEORGE DeWITT ( -1918). SCRAPBOOK, 1898-99. 1 volume. Lawyer, Second Lieutenant in World War I. Scrapbook of University of Michigan items, in- cluding scattered items of correspondence. Gift of Dr. D. L. Harris, 1949. 843. HARRIS, JENNIE M. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1909-11. 2 vol- umes. University of Michigan student notebooks on lectures by Claude Van Tyne and on a course in hygiene. Gift of Verner W. Crane, 1959. 844. HARRIS, SAMUEL SMITH (1841-88). PAPERS, 1878-89. 2-1/2 feet. Protestant Episcopal Bishop. Ten items of correspondence, including a letter from Phillips Brooks; five miscellaneous business papers; manuscript sermons of Bishop Harris. Gift of William P. Harris, 1946. 845. HARRIS, WILLIAM P. (1859-1942). PAPERS, 1914-37. 44 volumes. Manager of the Huron Portland Cement Company mill and the Michigan Alkali Company quarry at Alpena. Four memorandum books and forty diaries covering Harris 1 daily activities in the cement industry, with comments on the weather and family business. Gift of Mr. C. P. Harris, 1959. 846. HARRIS FAMILY. PAPERS, 1831-56. 39 items. The collection includes twenty-three letters, chiefly from members of the Austin Family of New York, to Harry W. Harris and his wife, Eleanor Austin Harris, of Albion. There are also indentures and business papers (1838-54) of Harry Harris, minutes (1844-47) of the Albion School Board, a teacher's contract (1856), and a copy book of Anna A. Harris. Gift of Don S. Rousseau, 1941. 847. HARROW, ALEXANDER (1755-1811). PAPERS, 1779-1800, 1923-24. 18 items. British naval officer, farmer. Typescript of Log Book of His Majesty's Arm'd Sloop, "Welcome," 1779-1795; photostats of eight mis- cellaneous naval records of ships on the Great Lakes; typescripts of letters and notes from Harrow's journal (1791-1800); two biographical sketches of Harrow by W. L. Jenks, and four letters (1923-24) concerning Harrow which were sent to Jenks; typescript of will of Harrow's father; two petitions (1792-93) of Harrow. Gift of Mrs. Carl Lassen, 1937. 848. HART, CLARISSA. LETTER, 1840. 1 item. Letter from Clarissa Hart of Marshall to Mary Thayer telling of the illness and death of her mother. Gift of Mrs. James M. Redfield, 1942. 849. HART, LOVIRA. CORRESPONDENCE, 1837-53. 48 items. Correspondence of Hart and his wife Emeline of Tuscola describing their journey from New York state to Michigan, settling on the Cass River, and pioneer life there. Good records of agricultural prices and yields, road taxes, and other subjects are included. Gift of Laurence B. Johnson, 1958. 850. HART FAMILY. PAPERS, 1858-92. Ca. 500 items and 4 volumes. The Hart family papers consist of two hundred forty-four letters of Rodney G. Hart, Arthur H. Hart, Alvin N. Hart, and other mem- bers of the family. They concern personal and business affairs in Lapeer and North Lansing. The remaining items in the collection are 71 indentures, accounts, bills, receipts, other busi- ness papers, and four account books. Gift of Louis C. Cramton, 1945, 1957. 851. HARTER, GEORGE. LETTER, 1854. 1 item. Letter from Harter to his father Andrew Harter written while he was attending The Uni- versity of Michigan and thanking him for the gift of a barrel of flour. Gift of Don W. Harter, 1959. 852. HARTER, MATTHIAS (1826-1906). PAPERS, 1846-64. 13 items. University of Michigan student commence- ment oration of Harter (1855); miscellaneous pa- pers; six Civil War letters written while he was serving in the Ninth Iowa Infantry. (See supple- ment to Bulletin No. 9 for details.) Gift of Don W. Harter and James H. Har- ter, 1959. 853. HARTSHORN, ALBERT HARVEY (1869- ). PAPERS, 1959. 6 items. Papers of Hartshorn of Monroe include reminiscences of his Klondike experiences and a poem written by his mother, Elizabeth Hickok, on her graduation from Monroe Seminary. Gift of Albert H. Hartshorn, 1959. 854. HARTSUFF FAMILY. PAPERS, 1839-1930. 60 items and 7 vol- umes. Obituaries; news clippings; scattered cor- respondence; genealogical notes on the family and the Banning and Elliott families; diary (1908- 15) of Alice Hartsuff, covering her travels in Europe; diary (1882) of Albert Hartsuff, written while he was stationed with the army in New Mexico; diaries (1884-90) of Florence Hartsuff Bethell, kept while she was a Detroit school girl and on a trip to Europe. Correspondents include Albert Hartsuff, George L. Hartsuff, William Hartsuff. Gift of Mrs. Luther S. Trowbridge, 1962. 855. HARVEY, NATHAN ALBERT (1860- ). ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1902-34. 10 volumes. Professor of Pedagogy, Eastern Michigan University. Personal account books of Harvey. 856. HAS, HENRY F. A. JOURNAL, 1891-97. 1 volume. The journal, largely in German, contains copies of articles and poems. 857. HASCALL, CHARLES C. PAPERS, 1833-60. 3 volumes. Receiver of public moneys, Genesee. Two volumes of copies of letters (1836-40) sent by Hascall and connected with the administration of his office; daybook (1833-60) of a general store in Flint. Gift of Mrs. Angeline Burrington, 1941. 858. HASTINGS, WALTER E. (1888- ). PAPERS, 1921-50. 100 items and 3 vol- umes. Michigan Department of Conservation of- ficer. Correspondence, scrapbooks, and other papers covering Mr. Hastings work as conserva- tion officer, photographer, and naturalist. Correspondents include Fred W. Green, John A. Hannah, Clarence C. Little, Frank Murphy, Alexander G. Ruthven. Gift of Roscoe O. Bonisteel, 1961. 859. HATCH, EDWARD WALKER (1843-1916). PAPERS, 1865-1930. 25 items and 2 vol- umes. Carpenter, Detroit and Ann Arbor. Civil War pass; four miscellaneous items concerning Hatch's status as a Civil War veteran; account books of carpentry work done by Hatch; corre- spondence (1927-30) of his son Edward W. Hatch, largely with the U.S. Patent Office, and papers relating to the improvement of projectiles and airplane wings. Gift of Mrs. Fernand Barbiaux, 1950. 860. HATCH, JENNIE LUCILE. PAPERS, 1931-35. 4 items and 1 volume. Three letters from A. Bently of England, one of which contains a description of the funeral of George V; one letter from the Veterans Ad- ministration concerning Miss Hatch's father; photograph album. Gift of Mrs. Fernand Barbiaux, 1950. 861. HATCH, OSCAR R. ( -1870). PAPERS, 1871-79. Ca. 200 items. Two resolutions and a letter upon the death of Hatch; receipts and bills of Mrs. O. R. Hatch; invitations to weddings and other social events. 862. HATCHER, HARLAN HENTHORNE (1898- ). PAPERS, 1944, 1958. 3 items. President, The University of Michigan. Original manuscript of The Great Lakes ; state- ment concerning the University of Michigan budget (1958); letter from Representative Charles A. Boyer on the Michigan Legislative Committee on Higher Education. 863. HATHAWAY, BENJAMIN (1822-96). POEMS, ca. 1890-95. 17 items. Sixteen poems by Hathaway and set in type by him. Six were published in The Finished 72 Creation and one has some manuscript correc- tions. An undated postscript to a missing let- ter refers to strikes and a poem just written. There is also a biographical sketch of Hathaway. Gift of Miss Helen Hathaway, 1939. 864. HAUGHEY, WILFRID H. and FAMILY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1917-55. 3 feet. Physician. Correspondence of the Haughey family includes personal family letters; letters of Haughey to his wife and children written while he was serving as an army surgeon in France in World War I; letters of members of the family attending The University of Michigan; extensive correspondence of the Haughey children written from throughout the United States and the world during World War II. Gift of Dr. Wilfrid Haughey, 1955. 865. HAVEN, ERASTUS OTIS (1820-88). PAPERS, 1838-73. 8 items and 4 volumes. Methodist Bishop, Chancellor of Syracuse University, President of Northwestern University and of The University of Michigan. Papers con- sist of a letter (1838) from Haven to his par- ents written from Wesleyan University; three letters from Haven about The University of Michigan; a letter asking Haven to lecture in Saginaw; letterpress book of 285 pages (1864-65), chiefly official correspondence of Haven as president of The University of Michigan; type- script copies of articles appearing in the Mich- igan Argus for 1869, condeming and defending President Haven for speaking in a Unitarian Church in Detroit; scrapbooks. 866. HAVILAND, LAURA SMITH (1808-98). PAPERS, 1882-96, 1933. 10 items. Anti- slavery and temperance leader. Bio- graphical sketch of Mrs. Haviland by Adda Camburn Church; nine letters of Mrs. Haviland concerning her publications and the origins of the Coldwater State Home and Training School. Gift of Randolph G. Adams. 867. HAWLEY, ELIZABETH. STUDENT PAPER, 1945. 29 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Roles of Laura S. Haviland and Caleb D. Randell in the Establishment of the Michigan State Public School For Dependent Children." Gift of Miss Hawley, 1946. 868. HAWLEY FAMILY (ASA HAWLEY). PAPERS, 1834-75. 81 items. Personal papers of the Hawley family of Union City contain scattered items of corre- spondence, receipts, deeds, and two personal account books. Gift of Mrs. A. W. Diack, 1957. 869. HAYDEN, GEORGE WARREN. LETTERS, 1873. 2 items, typewritten copies. Lawyer. In the two letters, Hayden de- scribes Marquette and Ishpeming. Gift of Mr. J. E. Hayden, 1949. 870. HAYDEN, JOSEPH RALSTON (1887-1945). PAPERS, 1854-1945. 67 feet. Chairman, Department of Political Science, The University of Michigan; Vice Governor Gen- eral of the Philippines, 1933-35. There are scattered Hayden family correspondence and pa- pers relating to Hayden's World War I service in the Michigan Naval Militia, but the main body of papers, consisting of correspondence, lecture notes, manuscripts of books and articles, speeches, reports, files of newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous papers, deals with the period 1920-41. They include Hayden's activities at The University of Michigan, but the great bulk of the papers relates to the Philippine Islands, particularly in the period 1933-35. Nearly all phases of Philippine government and politics, foreign relations, education, health, agriculture, industry, and important Philippine personalities are discussed. Correspondents include James R. Fugate, Edgar Guest, J. Weldon Jones, Jose Laurel, Frank Murphy, Sergio Osmeha, Frank Parker, Jesse Reeves, Carlos Romulo, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Manuel Roxas, Francis B. Sayre, Mathew Tomlinson, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Leonard Wood. Gift of Mrs. Joseph R. Hayden, 1955. 871. HAYDEN FAMILY (ELISHA HAYDEN). PAPERS, 1826-1901. 77 items. Seventeen personal letters of the Hayden family (1833-1901), including three Civil War letters (1865) of Jasper Hayden; contracts, re- ceipts, indentures, and other business papers (1826-60). Gift of Augustus Hendelman, 1953. 872. HAYDON, ARTHUR W. PAPERS, 1865-1915. 2 feet. Sheep raiser, Decatur. Account books and farm records. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ruff, 1962. 873. HAYDON, CHARLES B. (1834-64). PAPERS, 1852-64. 22 volumes. Lawyer, army officer. Seventeen Civil War diaries describe Haydon's army career in the Second Michigan Infantry. (See Bulletin No. 9 for details.) There are also University of Michigan student notebooks (ca. 1854), including one on a history course by James R. Boise, a sketch book, and a personal account book. 73 Gift of Miss lone Haydon, 1950, and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ruff, 1962. 874. HAYDON, IONE. PAPERS, 1892-1948. 39 volumes. Personal account book and diaries cover- ing student life at The University of Michigan (1893-97) and farm life and everyday happenings around Decatur. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ruff, 1962. 875. HAYES, CLARISSA L. H. LETTERS, 1873? 2 items, typewritten copies. Letter of Clarissa Hayes telling about the death of her mother in 1840; letter in which she reminisces about Marshall in the 1830's. Gift of Mrs. James M. Redfield, 1942. 876. HAYES, HARRY G. LETTER, 1929. 1 item. Letter from Hayes to Mrs. James M. Red- field concerning the early history of Hastings. Gift of Mrs. James M. Redfield, 1942. 877. HAYES, HECTOR (1804- ). AUTOBIOGRAPHY, 1881-86. 1 volume. Farmer. Autobiography recording boyhood and youth in New York and later life in the vi- cinity of Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids. On loan from Mrs. Foss O. Eldred, 1946. 878. HAZE, CHARLES W. (1820- ). PAPERS, 1849-1938. Ca. 300 items. Physician. Sixty-three items of corre- spondence of Haze, his wife and daughter, and others, largely about family affairs. One of the letters (1850) discusses a trek to California to join the gold rush. The remaining papers are swamp land certificates, land tax receipts, five small account books, indentures and other legal papers. Gift of Mrs. N. D. Potter, 1952. 879. HAZZARD, FLORENCE WOOLSEY. PAPERS, 1920-41. 7 items and 2 volumes. Correspondence and papers dealing with Anna Howard Shaw; two manuscript biographies entitled, "Heart of the Oak; The Story of Eliza Mosher," and "Alice Freeman Palmer, 1855- 1902." Gift of Mrs. Albert S. Hazzard, 1943-44. 880. HEATH, HOMER L. PAPERS, 1913-16, 1954. 35 items and 1 volume. Correspondence and papers dealing with fund raising for The University of Michigan Union. The principal correspondent is Chester H. Lang. There is also a scrapbook of pictures, probably used in the fund raising campaign. Gift of Homer L. Heath, 1961. 881. HEDGPETH, JOEL W. LETTERS, 1959. 3 items. Letters to Lewis G. Vander Velde contain- ing biographical data on Edward Carey Walker and Charles Irish Walker. Gift of Joel W. Hedgpeth, 1959. 882. HEINEMAN, DAVID EMIL (1865-1935). PAPERS, 1899-1912. 18 volumes. Detroit city official, state legislator, busi- nessman. Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on Michigan and Detroit politics; volume of memo- rial resolutions; album of photographs of the Heineman home. Gift of Mrs. John T. Norton, 1947. 883. HELFMAN, HAROLD M. PH.D. THESIS, 1947. 643 pages. University of Michigan Ph.D. thesis entitled, "A History of Penal, Correctional and Reforma- tory Institutions in Michigan, 1839-1889." Gift of Harold M. Helfman, 1952. 884. HELLE, WILLIAM F, PAPERS, 1864. 3 items. Diary of Helle, written in German, kept while he was serving in Company I, First Mich- igan Engineers and Mechanics during the Civil War; his army discharge and pension claim. 885. HELME, JAMES W. (1860-1938). PAPERS, 1844-1938. Ca. 550 items and 8 volumes. Lawyer; editor, Michigan Patron ; state of- ficial. Correspondence and business papers of Helme concern farm affairs, legal business, Michigan politics, including material on the 1918 U.S. senatorial campaign in which Helme was a Democratic nominee in the primary election, copies of articles and speeches, diary of every- day events (1882), scrapbooks of clippings on campaign activities, with notes by Helme. Papers of his father James W. Helme (1817-83), include correspondence with his brothers and with Laura S. Ha v Hand. Gift of Mrs. James W. Helme, Jr., 1938. 886. HEMANS, LAWTON THOMAS (1864-1916). MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, ca. 1906. 339 pages. Manuscript of Heman's History of Michigan , published in 1906 by the Lawton Publishing Com- pany of Lansing. Gift of Charles Hemans, 1961. 74 887. HEMPL, GEORGE (1859-1921). PAPERS, 1866-1937. 9-1/3 feet. Professor, The University of Michigan and Stanford University. Philological papers of Hempl contain 1,187 replies from various local- ities of the United States and Canada to eighty questions concerning the meaning of certain words as used by persons without college edu- cation (data for a semantic map and dictionary of American dialects); three unpublished manu- scripts; notes; about ninety items of correspond- ence, largely relating to Hempl's scholarly ac- tivities. Gift of Mrs. George Hempl, 1940. 888. HEMPSTEAD, HENRY MORTIMER (1832- 1916). DIARY, 1861-65. 2 volumes. Civil War soldier, insurance salesman. A copy and typescript of the copy, with additions, of Hempstead's Civil War diaries kept while he was serving as an officer in the Second Michi- gan Cavalry. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Miss Helen E. Hempstead, 1956. 889. HENCH, GEORGE ALLISON (1866-99). LETTER, 1896. 1 item. Professor of Germanic Languages and Lit- eratures, The University of Michigan. Letter from Professor Hench to Lilian W. Johnson de- scribing his stay in Switzerland. Gift of Lilian W. Johnson, 1948. 890. HENCH, PHILIP SHOWALTER (1896- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1944. 3 items. Physician. Letters exchanged between Dr. Hench and Dr. George Dock concerning the death of George Allison Hench, professor at The University of Michigan. Gift of Dr. George Dock, 1947. 891. HENDELMAN, AUGUSTUS. (Collector). LETTERS, 1887. 2 items. The letters concern personal matters and farming and are written from Lake and Huron counties. One is written by Luther Totten. Gift of Augustus Hendelman, 1952. 892. HENDERSON, RAYMOND F. STUDENT PAPERS, 1948. 2 volumes. Student seminar papers, "Jackson, Michi- gan in Civil War Days," and "Growth of the First Methodist Church of Jackson, Michigan, 1830-1870." Gift of Raymond F. Henderson, 1949. 893. HENNEQUIN, ALFRED ( -1914). PAPERS, 1876-77, 1888. 3 items. Professor of Modern Languages, The University of Michigan. Report on the faculty activities of Hennequin at The University of Michigan; application to the Board of Regents requesting reinstatement in the University; letter to Isaac N. Demmon about teaching a course in dramatics at the University. 894. HERBERT, J. JOSEPH (1894-1956). PAPERS, 1917-56. 2 feet and 6 volumes. Lawyer, Regent of The University of Mich- igan. The papers consist of correspondence (1943-56) largely dealing with University of Mich- igan affairs, three student notebooks on courses by Edgar N. Durfee and Willis G. Stoner, a scrapbook of pictures, and two scrapbooks (1954- 56) kept by Mrs. Herbert. Gift of Mrs. J. Joseph Herbert, 1959-60. 895. HERDMAN, WILLIAM JAMES (1848-1906). PAPERS, 1875-1940. 14 items. Professor of Anatomy, The University of Michigan. The papers are notes and letters col- lected by Warren R. Austin containing informa- tion on Professor Herdman, two reports on the faculty activities of Herdman (1875, 1877), a copy of Herdman's will, and a biographical sketch of Dr. Samuel G. Armor by Herdman. 896. HERRICK, JAMES B. PAPERS, 1878-82. 5 items. Note from James B. Angell requesting Herrick to see him, two absence excuses and two examination reports for Herrick while he was attending The University of Michigan. Gift of Dr. James B. Herrick, 1948. 897. HERRIMAN, SIDNEY H. (1843- ). DIARY, 1866. 1 volume. Diary of Herriman's activities as a mem- ber of the Third Michigan Cavalry stationed at San Antonio, Texas, his return to Michigan, and his school work at Albion College. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Acquired, 1955. 898. HERSHEY, ADDISON S. (1847-1925) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1874-1900, 1961. 8 items. Diplomas, certificates, biographical sketch of Addison Hershey, graduate of The University of Michigan Law School in 1876. Other papers are of the Hershey family of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Gift of Miss Lucille Brackbill, 1962. 899. HESS FAMILY. PAPERS, 1774-1936. 44 items. Eleven letters (1845-61) to Moses B. Hess about business matters, including one from Lewis 75 Cass; letter from George McDonald to his sister Deborah from Rio de Janeiro (1830); inventory of tobacco stores at Michilimackinac signed by John Jacob Astor (1816); page from Ramsay Crook's letter book of 1817, with copies of let- ters to John Jacob Astor, Colonel James Thomas, and Robert Armor; two statements of account (1774); petition (1847) for construction of a rail- road from Lake Michigan to the Pacific; land grant certificates, appointments, receipts, mis- cellaneous business papers; biographical sketch of the Hess— Nugent families by William B. Mershon (1936). Gift of Mrs. Josselyn Van Tyne, 1936. 900. HETHERINGTON, MARY ELIZABETH. M.A. THESIS, 1933. 90 pages and an ap- pendix. Northwestern University thesis entitled, "A Study of the Development of Journalism During the Lumbering Days of the Saginaws, 1853-1882." Gift of Miss Hetherington, 1942, 901. HEUSEL, FRED. SCRAPBOOKS, 1930-58. 1 foot. Scrapbooks of clippings on Ann Arbor. Gift of Mrs. Fred Heusel, 1959. 902. HEWITT FAMILY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1841-45, 1937. 6 items. Two letters from Prentice S. Hewitt; let- ters (1844 and 1845) from Henry K. Hewitt mention Ann Arbor and The University of Mich- igan; two letters from Mrs. Amelia Frink Red- field about the Hewitt family. Gift of Mrs. Amelia Frink Redfield, 1937. 903. HIBBARD, JOHN D. LETTER, 1922. 1 item. Letter from Hibbard to Louis P. Jocelyn regarding The University of Michigan Class of 1887 reunion and personal matters. 904. HICKEY, PRESTON MANASSEH (1865-1930). PAPERS, 1931. 2 items. Roentgenologist. Letter containing bio- graphical information on Hickey; a list of his publications. 905. HICKEY FAMILY. PAPERS, 1818-75. 26 items and 1 volume. Twenty-one certificates (1818-42) authoriz- ing James Hickey to preach in Michigan accord- ing to the order of the Methodist Episcopal Church; a letter (1850) from James Hickey on family affairs and religion; papers of Reverend George S. Hickey, including his University of Michigan notebook with notes on Edward Olney's course (1865-66) and a letter from Erastus O. Haven. Gift of Paul Hickey, 1940. 906. HICKS, HENRY W. LETTERS, 1910-11. 5 items. Methodist clergyman. Letters of Hicks to his niece. They contain family news and remi- niscences of his boyhood on a farm near Holly in the 1840's and 1850's. Gift of Miss Minnie E. Gordon, 1961. 907. HIGGINS, SYLVESTER W. DRAWINGS, 1840? Ca. 75 items. Surveyor. Drawings of geological forma- tions and fossils of Michigan. Acquired, 1954. 908. HIGGINSON, FRANCIS JOHN (1804-72). PETITIONS, 1841. 2 items. Two petitions to Governor Woodbridge rec- ommending Higginson for the position of Super- intendent of Public Instruction in Michigan. Gift of J. Blinn Stone, 1950. 909. HILDNER, JONATHAN AUGUST CHARLES ( -1952). POEMS, f n.d.]. 1 volume. German professor, The University of Mich- igan. "The Book of Adoration," a manuscript book of verse by Professor Hildner. Gift of the Flint Public Library, 1958. 910. HILL, C. F. STOCK CERTIFICATE, 1870. 1 item. Stock certificate for two shares in the De- troit, Hillsdale and Indiana Railroad Company. Gift of Miss Ada B. Hill, 1947. 911. HILL, LEWIS (1869-1929). EXPENSE ACCOUNT, 1888-93. 1 volume. Expense account noting expenditures while he was a student at The University of Michigan. Gift of William H. Hottinger, 1949. 912. HILL, NORMAN H. SCRAPBOOKS, 1933-36. 15 volumes. Secretary to Frank Murphy. Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings collected by Hill. They concern Frank Murphy's term of office as gov- ernor of Michigan and as governor general and high commissioner of the Philippines. Gift of Norman H. Hill, 1954. 913. HILLS, ELIPHALET. LETTERS, 1861-62. 3 items. Clerk. The letters from Hills describe mining operations and living conditions around Eagle Harbor. Acquired, 1952. 76 914. HINDMAN, JEAN E. STUDENT PAPER, fii.d.]. 15 pages. Student seminar paper, "Federal Aid and Road Building in Michigan." Gift of Mrs. Hindman, 1948. 915. HINES, CHARLES PHELPS. PAPERS, 1944. 2 items, typewritten copies Two accounts by Hines of his World War II experiences in the Pacific. Gift of Charles P. Hines, 1945. 916. HINMAN, EDWARD CHAUNCEY (1852-1920). SCRAPBOOK, 1869-77. 1 volume. Scrapbook of University of Michigan mem- orabilia. Gift of Miss Gertrude Lammers, 1950. 917. HINMAN, JOHN FLAVEL (1858-1921). SCRAPBOOK, 1877-80. 1 volume. Scrapbook of programs, handbills, and in- vitations connected with student activities at The University of Michigan. Gift of Miss Gertrude Lammers, 1950. 918. HINSDALE, ALBERT (1809-82). PAPERS, 1849. 3 items. Letter from Jane Ragan Stone to Emily Ragan; letter from Mary Reeves Ragan to her mother; note on the connection of three persons with the Hinsdale family. 919. HINSDALE, BURKE AARON (1837-1900) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1857-1960. 2-1/3 feet and 7 vol- umes. Professor of Education, The University of Michigan; President of Hiram College. The Hinsdale family papers consist of correspond- ence of Burke A. Hinsdale dealing with family affairs, business and professional activities, Hiram College, European travels, and The Uni- versity of Michigan. There is one original let- ter (1858) and copies of correspondence with James A. Garfield, and a letter (1896) from Benjamin Harrison. The papers of the three daughters, Ellen Clarinda (1864-1958), Mary Louise (1866-1946) and Mildred, concern their professional activities, publications, travels (in- cluding a 1928 trip to the U.S.S.R.). There are original manuscripts of books and articles, ci- tations and honors of the family. Correspondents include Randolph G. Adams, John R. Alden, James B. Angell, Dennis W. Brogan, Nicholas M. Butler, Donald J. Cowling, William E. Dodd, James A. Garfield, Lucretia Rudolph Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, Albert B. Hart, Burke A. Hinsdale, Ellen C. Hinsdale, Mary Louisa Hinsdale, Mildred Hinsdale, Anne O'Hare McCormick, Alice Freeman Palmer, Theodore Roosevelt, Henry L. Stimson, Charles Sumner. Gift of the Hinsdale Family, 1949-60. 920. HINSDALE, WILBERT BARTLETT (1851- 1944). PAPERS, 1895-1934. 70 items and 10 vol- umes. Professor of Homeopathy, The University of Michigan. The Hinsdale papers consist of notes on archeology and homeopathy; sixty-three letters; diary of a trip through the British Isles (1905); notebook of callers at his home; eight scrapbooks, mostly printed items but with some manuscript items on The University of Michigan Homeopathic Hospital. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Fred W. Green, Warren G. Harding, Ethel F. Hussey, Harry B. Hutchins, William O. Thompson. Gift of Misses Ellen and Mildred Hinsdale, 1944-53. 921. HITCHCOCK, LAMBERT. LETTER, 1835. 1 item, photostat copy. Maker of "Hitchcock Chairs." Letter from Hitchcock to Araba Alford containing a descrip- tion of Detroit and Michigan in 1835. Gift of Miss Marjorie E. Case, 1954. 922. HOAD, WILLIAM CHRISTIAN (1874-1962). POEMS, 1934-39. 8 pages. Professor of Civil Engineering, The Uni- versity of Michigan. A volume of poems en- titled, "On the Au Sable." Gift of William C. Hoad, 1959. 923. HOBBS, WILLIAM HERBERT (1864-1953). PAPERS, 1915-47. 1 foot and 11 volumes. Professor of Geology, The University of Michigan. Correspondence in the Hobbs papers concerns geological problems, with communica- tions from Vilhjalmur Stefansson, and the Na- tional Security League, both nationally and its Ann Arbor branch, and letters from Leonard Wood and Charles E. Townsend. There are manuscripts of articles by Hobbs, lecture notes, eleven diaries containing notes on University of Michigan expeditions to Greenland and to the Pacific Ocean, and notes on other trips made by Hobbs. Acquired, 1953. 924. HODGE, JOHN EUGENE. LETTER, 1936. 1 item. A letter from Hodge to Professor Riggs with reminiscences of his college days in the 1880's at The University of Michigan. 77 925. HODGES FAMILY. GENEAOLOGY, t n.d.] . 25 pages, type- written copy. The Hodges family genealogy dating from 1633. Gift of George Hodges, 1941. 926. HODSKIN, CHARLES HORACE (1837-1905). DIARY, 1864. 1 volume. Diary kept while Hodskin was a captain in the Second Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Gift of Mrs. Robert H. Cook, 1961. 927. HOFFMAN, SAMUEL J. (1843- ). CORRESPONDENCE, [ii.d.]. 3 items. Two Civil War letters of Hoffman of Com- pany G, Seventh Michigan Infantry, and one tell- ing of the wounding of Hoffman. Gift of Louis C. Cramton. 928. HOLBROOK, CHARLES. PAPERS, 1837-48. 9 items. Miscellaneous items, including transporta- tion receipts when Holbrook moved to Ingham County in 1848. Gift of Clarence O. Skinner, 1957. 929. HOLBROOK, EVANS (1875-1932). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1899-1900. 1 vol- ume. Professor of Law, The University of Mich- igan. University of Michigan student notebook on a course by Victor H. Lane. 930. HOLBROOK, JOHN CERTIFICATES, 1861-79. 8 items. Teacher. Seven second grade teacher's certificates and one certificate of attendance at the State Teachers' Institute in Lansing in 1872. Gift of Clarence O. Skinner, 1945. 931. HOLBROOK, STEWART HALL (1893- ). PAPERS, 1892-1939. 22 items. Author. Source material for and typescript of his book, Iron Brew, a Century of American Ore and Steel , including fifteen letters (1938) on miners, mining and related subjects; notes and jottings on the same subjects; list of deaths re- sulting from the Homestead Riots, furnished by Pinkerton Headquarters (1892); mimeographed copies of two reports on surveys of Northern Lakes States Regional Committees, convened in October, 1938, to U.S. Department of the Inte- rior. Gift of Stewart H. Holbrook, 1940. 932. HOLDEN, PAPERS, EUPHEMIA G. [•n.d.]. 3 items. Outline entitled, "Inventions in the United States," poem "To Edwin Booth," notes on De- troit by Miss Holden's mother. Gift of Miss Holden, 1950. 933. HOLLAND, ALLEN A. STUDENT PAPER, 1942. 23 pages and bibliography. Student seminar paper, "The Negro and the Industrial Workers of the World." Gift of Allen A. Holland, 1948. 934. HOLLISTER, EMILY JANE GREEN (1839- 1918). DIARY, 1888-1911. 2 volumes. Diary of the nursing experiences of Emily Jane Green Hollister in Ann Arbor. A typed copy of this diary has been edited by her son, Richard Dennis Teall Hollister, and includes a biographical sketch. Gift of Richard D. T. Hollister, 1957. 935. HOLLISTER, MRS. MARY CHAMBERLIN. PAPERS, 1846-84. 13 items. Eight personal letters (1846-58) from Mrs. Hollister to her daughter Jeannette; four per- sonal letters (1856-66) to Mrs. Hollister from members of the Chamberlin family; biographical sketch of Gad Chamberlin of Romeo. Gift of Richard D. T. Hollister, 1940. 936. HOLLISTER, RICHARD DENNIS TEALL (1878- ). PAPERS, 1897-1960. 2 feet and 1 volume. Professor of Speech, The University of Michigan. Papers of Hollister consist of lec- tures, manuscripts, clippings, and correspond- ence relating to the activities of The University of Michigan Speech Department, public lectures, recitals, dramatic activities, and The University of Michigan debating team. Correspondents include Thomas E. Black, Marion L. Burton, John R. Ef finger, Edward H. Kraus, J. Raleigh Nelson, James M. O'Neill, Theodore Roosevelt, Alexander G. Ruthven, Thomas C. Trueblood. Gift of Richard D. T. Hollister, 1957-61. 937. HOLMES, PRICILLA. PAPERS, 1867, 1877. 3 items. Letter from J. I. Fletcher; copy of a rem- iniscence (1867) of a boat trip from Detroit to Lake Superior through the Sault; memorandum book of a trip to New York. Gift of Dr. C. Howard Ross, 1959. 938. HOLMES, ROY HINMAN (1882-1949). PAPERS, ca. 1930-39. 2 feet. Professor of Sociology, The University of 78 Michigan. Correspondence and papers relating to his professional activities. The papers in- clude a number of studies of Michigan rural communities made by his students in 1933-34. Gift of Mrs. Roy H. Holmes, 1953-62. 939. HOLTON FAMILY. PAPERS, 1871-76. 30 items and 1 volume. The papers of the Holton family of Jackson consist of a diary (1871), letters, patent of Ella M. Holton (1876); twenty-nine sketches and drawings of ideas for inventions. Acquired, 1946. 940. HOOKER, CORTEZ PERRY (1814-86). PAPERS, 1838-1931. 22 items and 28 vol- umes. Farmer, businessman, Michigan State Sen- ator. The papers consist of five letters (1849- 80); docket book of Hooker as Justice of the Peace in Macomb County (1843); three notes on family genealogy; thirteen legal papers (1838- 1931); diaries commenting on routine daily events, weather, and farming. Gift of Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon Smith, 1948. 941. HOOKER, JOHN (186--1938). PAPERS, 1886-1938. 19 items and 42 vol- umes. The notes and papers of Hooker concern business, largely conducted in New Baltimore. There are forty-two diaries containing comments on daily routine events, costs of farming tools and labor, and local events. Gift of Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon Smith, 1948. 942. HOOPER, ARTHUR H. (1863- ). CERTIFICATE, 1885. 1 item. Membership certificate in the Sons of In- dustry. Gift of Merlin D. Williams. 943. HOOPER, LEWIS EDWIN (1895- ). PAPERS, 1931-48. Ca. 250 items and 1 volume. Dentist, President of the Michigan State Dental Association. Papers of Hooper include correspondence and other papers relating to his dental career in Michigan; manuscript of his presidential address to the society; biographical sketch of Hooper; minutes and other papers of the Southern Wayne County Dental Club; scrap- book, compiled by Hooper, containing examples of unethical dental advertising and dental prac- tices and extensive correspondence relating to his fight for legislation to control dentistry (1931-32). Gift of Dr. Lewis E. Hooper, 1959. 944. HOPKINS, CLARK. NOTEBOOK, 1944. 1 volume, typewritten copy. Professor, The University of Michigan. The notebook contains eye-witness accounts of World War II battles by Camp Ellis veterans. Gift of Clark Hopkins, 1945. 945. HOPKINS, GEORGE HIRAM (1842-1906). LETTERPRESS BOOKS, 1902-13. 2 vol- umes. Detroit attorney. The letterpress books contain correspondence, together with a few fam- ily letters of Hopkins and his brother Charles who was administrator of his estate. Acquired, 1959. 946. HOPKINS, JAY PAUL. PAPERS, 1924, 1927. 2 items. Biographical sketch of Hopkins and a let- ter from him (1927) relating experiences as an officer with an American anti-aircraft unit in France during World War I. Gift of Mrs. Charles A. Weissert, 1948. 947. HOPKINS, LOUIS ALLEN (1881- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1906-32. Ca. 375 items. Professor, The University of Michigan. Correspondence concerns church work and his scholarly activities and publications in the fields of mathematics and astronomy. Correspondents include S. B. Barrett, Miner Lee Bates, Mortimer E. Cooley, Cloyd Goodnight, Thomas C. Howe, Edward Kraus, Joseph W. Mauck, Shirley W. Smith. 948. HOPPER, A. G. LETTER, 1850. 1 item, photostat copy. Letter from A. G. Hopper of Beaver Island to James Hopper concerning the death of Thomas Jefferson Cary. Gift of Mrs. Herbert H. Johnston, 1943. 949. HORINE, CHARLOTTE C. STUDENT PAPER, 1935. 14 pages. Student seminar paper, "Bibliographical Report on the Canal Movement in Michigan, 1835-1855." Gift of Miss Horine, 1949. 950. HOSKINS, LEWIS M. STUDENT PAPERS, t n.d.]. 38 pages and 1 volume. Student seminar paper, "The Michigan Daily and the World War [1]," and one volume of notes for this paper. Gift of Lewis M. Hoskins, 1949. 79 951. HOTCHKISS, EVERITT S. (1857- ). REMINISCENCES, [ii.d.]. 88 pages type- written copy. Lumber supplier, Bay City. Reminiscences of Hotchkiss describing his boyhood and youth in Bay City in the 1860's and 1870's. Gift of Lawrence E. Hotchkiss, 1962. 952. HOTCHKISS, GEORGE W. (1831-1926). PAPERS, 1857-1927. Ca. 50 items and 1 volume. Lumberman, Bay City and Saginaw; editor of the Lumberman's Gazette . Autobiography dealing with his experiences in the Bay City— Saginaw area (1862-78); miscellaneous clippings and other materials relating to his career, es- pecially his experiences in the California gold rush. Gift of Lawrence E. Hotchkiss, 1962. 953. HOUGHTON, DOUGLASS (1809-45). PAPERS, 1829-45. 100 items and 2 vol- umes. Physician, scientist, first state geologist of Michigan. Letterpress book (1841-45) con- taining copies of Houghton's letters written to prominent Michigan citizens; field notes, includ- ing maps drawn by Houghton; other correspond- ence (in large part photostats); notes and papers on Houghton collected by Mrs. John Ehlers. 954. HOUGHTON, JACOB (1827- ). PAPERS, 1844-99. 10 items and 2 vol- umes. Mining and civil engineer. Letterpress book (1884-85) containing thirty- eight letters, chiefly about copper mineral lands. They in- clude letters to Louis Agassiz, mining engineer and president of the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company, and to members of the Houghton fam- ily. A letter (1845) on Detroit and The Univer- sity of Michigan, from Houghton to his aunt Sarah Douglass, is written in journal form (Oct. to Dec. 1844). There are two reports on Isle Royale, two hand drawn diagrams of the McKeon shaft, and miscellaneous papers. Gift of Mrs. Theodosia Houghton Thode, 1938. 955. HOUSE, EDWARD BISHOP. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, ca. 1896. 3 vol- umes. Professor of Engineering, Colorado Agri- cultural College. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Edward D. Campbell and Henry S. Carhart, and on a physics course. Gift of Colorado A. & M. College Li- braries, 1953. 956. HOVEY, HOWARD. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1879-90. 1 volume. University of Michigan student notebook on courses by James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Charles A. Kent, Charles I. Walker, William P. Wells. Gift of Howard Hovey, 1939. 957. HOVEY FAMILY. PAPERS, 1833-89. 503 items. Merchants. Fourteen items of correspond- ence pertain to Hiram W. Hovey (1870-81); eighty- six records of land transactions, mostly in Shiawassee County (1833-87), are connected with the Hovey brothers, Hiram, Horace, and Andrew; miscellaneous business and legal papers (1839-89). Gift of Frederick G. Hamil, 1936. 958. HOWARD, BURTON JAMES. PAPERS, 1893-1910. 5 items. The papers consist of two certificates of admission to The University of Michigan, form letter from Volney M. Spalding (1910), poem, diary and notes on student life at The University of Michigan. Gift of Miss Bertha Howard, 1951. 959. HOWARD, GENE FRANK. LETTERS, 1945-51. Ca. 150 items. Letters of Howard of Flint written to his parents while he was serving in the Navy in World War II and others from post war years. Closed collection. Gift of Mrs. F. Clever Bald, 1961. 960. HOWARD, GRACE. STUDENT PAPER, ca. 1943. 43 pages and bibliography and appendix. Student seminar paper, "The Life and Ac- complishments of Liberty Hyde Bailey." Gift of Arthur D. Moore, 1943. 961. HOWARD, HENRY (1801-78). LETTER, 1839. 1 item. Letter from Isaac G. Cash to Howard re- ferring to a loan negotiated by Governor Stevens T. Mason. Gift of Augustus Hendelman. 962. HOWARD, SAN FORD. LETTER, 1866. 1 item. Letter from Howard to S. L. Goodale con- cerning the recommending of a Mr. Johnson. 963. HOWARD, SUMNER. LETTERS, 1942-53. Ca. 500 items. Letters of Howard of Flint written to his parents while he was attending Culver Military 80 Academy and The University of Michigan, serv- ing in the Navy in World War II, and working in Jakarta (1951-53). Closed collection. Gift of Mrs. F. Clever Bald, 1962. 964. HOWARD, WILLIAM ALANSON (1813-80). PAPERS, 1856-95. 45 items and 1 volume. U.S. Representative from Michigan, Repub- lican political leader, Governor of Dakota Terri- tory. Papers include photostat copies of twenty- two items of correspondence, twenty-three mis- cellaneous papers, one scrapbook (1856-80), all largely dealing with political affairs in which Howard was involved. Gift of Earl D. Babst and Marshall M. Uhl, 1955-58. 965. HOWE, G. L. CORRESPONDENCE, 1938. 2 items. Letters to Howe from Edwin Goddard and Ethel J. Hastings, giving information on Byron, Henry, and Noah Cheever. Gift of De Volson Wood, 1955. 966. HOWE, ISAAC W. (1835-86). ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1876-85. 6 volumes. Physician. The account books record fees for visits and for medical services performed at Ashton. Gift of Mrs. Susan J. Griggs, 1954. 967. HOWE, JULIA WARD (1819-1910). LETTER, 1871. 1 item. Reformer, poet (Battle Hymn of the Re- public). The letter from Mrs. Howe concerns prospective trips. 968. HOWE, MARY HASKELL. HISTORICAL SKETCH, t n.d.]. 6 pages. "Marshall Main Street, 1865," a paper de- scribing Marshall at the end of the Civil War. Gift of Mrs. James M. Redfield, 1937. 969. HOWELL, SEYMOUR (1841-1909). PAPERS, 1864-1912. 26 items and 22 vol- umes. Union officer, U.S. Army paymaster, busi- nessman. The papers contain diaries, a receipt book, ten letters, company fund and roll book of the Sixth Michigan Heavy Artillery Regiment, Civil War orders and commissions. There are three Civil War papers and a naturalization pa- per of Charles S. Howell. Gift of Howell Taylor, 1945. 970. HOWLAND, CHARLES E. PAPERS, 1848-68. 6 items. Physician at Tecumseh. The papers consist of family letters and a certificate for internal revenue service. Gift of Mrs. C. T. Darnton, 1961. 971. HOWSER, DAVIS. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1874-96. 1 volume. Personal account book, probably of Howser. Place is unknown. Gift of Harry Garling, 1959. 972. HOYT, ANNA (1869- ). NOTEBOOK, ca. 1884. 1 volume. Notebook containing manuscript poems and arithmetic problems of Miss Hoyt of Mount Morris. Gift of Miss Beryl Bishop, 1955. 973. HOYT, JOHN A. LETTER, 1847. 1 item. Letter from Hoyt to his daughter Harriet Elizabeth, written from Bellevue, in which he discusses the health of the family. Gift of Miss Gertrude Lammers, 1950. 974. HOYT, MARY LOUISE. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 1 volume. Student seminar paper, "Bibliography of County Histories in Michigan." Gift of Mary Louise Hoyt Krebs, 1949. 975. HUANG, RAY. STUDENT PAPER, 1959. 23 pages. Student seminar paper, "Public Opinion and the Sit-down Strike Against General Motors Cor- poration in 1937." Acquired, 1961. 976. HUBBARD, BELA (1814-96). PAPERS, 1835-93. 11 items and 69 vol- umes. Lumberman, real estate operator, geologist. The Hubbard papers consist of notebooks contain- ing field notes, sketches and maps; private jour- nals covering Michigan geological expeditions and other trips, including the peninsula coast survey, the Lake Superior and Upper Peninsula surveys, and surveys of Wayne, Monroe and other coun- ties; weather memoranda (1835-64); miscellaneous accounts; miscellaneous papers largely relating to geology. Acquired, 1947, 1958. 977. HUBBARD, LUCIUS LEE (1849-1933). PAPERS, 1871-1935. 4 feet and 38 volumes. Michigan State Geologist, University of Michigan Regent. Personal and business papers of Hubbard and his estate include approximately 3,000 letters and three letterpress books on per- sonal matters, Hubbard's literary and book il collecting interests, geology and mining, publica- tion of his writings, and The University of Mich- igan affairs, particularly its Board of Regents. In addition to correspondence, there are ad- dresses, geological and University of Michigan reports, twenty- seven volumes of notes and di- aries on the Moosehead Lake region of Maine, diary (1893) of activities around Houghton Lake, account book kept while he was a Harvard Uni- versity student (1871), notebooks of class work and of research abroad. Correspondents include Rolland C. Allen, Henry M. Bates, Junius E. Beal, William W. Bishop, Aaron T. Bliss, Julius C. Burrows, Marion L. Burton, William L. Clements, Morti- mer E. Cooley, Charles A. Davis, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Fred W. Green, William H. Hobbs, Jacob Houghton, Harry B. Hutchins, Francis W. Kelsey, Frank Knox, Theodore W. Koch, Ed- ward H. Kraus, Alfred C. Lane, Clarence C. Little, James O. Murfin, Chase S. Osborn, Gif- ford Pinchot, John T. Rich, Filibert Roth, Israel C. Russell, Alexander G. Ruthven, Walter H. Sawyer, Albert E. Sleeper, Shirley W. Smith, William A. Smith, Ralph Stone, Marshman E. Wadsworth, Fred M. Warner, Peter Q. White, H. Olin Young. Gift of Mrs. Charlotte Hubbard Goodell, 1941. 978. HUBBELL, JULIAN BERTINE (1847-1929). PAPERS, 1881-83, 1948. 33 items, in part photostat and typewritten copies. Twenty- five letters from Hubbell to Clara Barton discussing activities at The University of Michigan and the Michigan forest fire of 1881; four letters from Clara Barton; one letter from M. J. Bunnell to Clara Barton; two excerpts from Clara Barton's diary and copy of an ad- dress delivered by her; letter (1948) concerning the location of the Barton manuscripts. Gift of Miss Saidee F. Riccius, 1948. 979. HUBER, GOTTHELF CARL (1865-1934). PAPERS, 1874-1943. 10 feet and 11 vol- umes. Professor of Anatomy and Dean of the Graduate School, The University of Michigan. The Huber papers consist largely of correspond- ence. Most of the letters written before 1900 are of a personal nature between Huber and his wife Lucy Parker Huber, and include correspond- ence of her family. Huber wrote many letters from Berlin (1891-92). The personal letters continue, but most of the later correspondence is with professors and doctors in the United States and abroad and reflects Huber's profes- sional interest in medicine and scholarly writ- ing. Besides correspondence there are manuscript addresses and University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Edward S. Dun- ster, Alonzo B. Palmer, Volney M. Spalding, Joseph B. Steere, Victor C. Vaughan. Gift of Mrs. Carl G. Huber, 1936, and the Alumni Association, 1945. 980. HULBERT, H. B. DIARY AND ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1863-69. 4 volumes. Merchant, Alma. Account books of general store merchandise and sales, and a diary noting weather and trips. Gift of Mrs. Alta Lau, 1956. 981. HULL, JEAN. STUDENT PAPER, 1950. 20 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Operation of the Michigan State Supreme Court." 982. HULL, LAWRENCE C. AUTOGRAPH BOOK, 1876-77. 1 volume. Autograph book of Hull containing signa- tures of University of Michigan classmates and faculty members. 983. HULST, CORNELIA STEKFTEE (1865-1957). PAPERS, 1898-1949. 178 items and 1 vol- ume. High School English Literature teacher, Grand Rapids. Mrs. Hulst's papers consist of correspondence relating to her classical studies and publications; four manuscripts on classical subjects and on Rasmus B. Anderson; excerpts from reviews and comments on her writings; one volume of manuscript poems. Correspondents include Rasmus B. Ander- son, Harry B. Hutchins, John A. Scott. Gift of Mrs. Henry Hulst, 1950. 984. HULST, HENRY. CASE BOOK, 1893. 1 volume. Physician, Grand Rapids. Case book of patients hypnotized by Dr. Hulst. 985. HUME, CHARLES W. (1838- ). DIARY, 1864. 16 pages. Fragment of a diary kept by Hume, a hos- pital steward in Company C, Second Michigan In- fantry during the Civil War, in which he tells of events occurring on the way home on re- enlist- ment furlough. Gift of Mr. A. P. Vierheller, 1962. 986. HUMPHREY, GEORGE. DEEDS, 1837. 2 items. Deeds conveying land in Logan, Lenawee County, to Humphrey from Joseph Rickey, and from Humphrey to Josiah L. Hooke. Gift of Mr. R. W. G. Vail, 1958. 82 987. HUNGERFORD, EDWARD C. LETTER, 1855. 1 item, photostat copy. Letter of Hungerford to Charles T. Har- vey reporting on mineral lands he had explored in the Upper Peninsula. Gift of Marquette County Historical So- ciety, 1959. 988. HUNT, CHARLES G. (1843- ). LETTER, 1862. 1 item. Letter from Hunt, of Company F, First Michigan Engineers and Mechanics, to Miss L. Herritt. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. James M. Redfield, 1938. 989. HUNT, ESTELLE LOUISE. QUESTIONNAIRE, t n.d.]. 4 pages. Supervisor, Home Finding Department, Humane Society, Cleveland. Questionnaire con- taining Miss Hunt's recollections of The Uni- versity of Michigan, ca. 1904-05. 990. HUNT, HENRY J. LETTER, 1879. 1 item. Major General. Letter from Hunt declin- ing an invitation to the Army of the Cumberland reunion. Gift of Olin Norwood, 1949. 991. HUSSEY, RUTH. LETTER, 1943. 1 item. Letter from Ruth Hussey concerning the motion picture "The Uninvited." Gift of Mrs. Elizabeth A. Leslie, 1944. 992. HUSSEY, WILLIAM JOSEPH (1862-1926). PAPERS, 1879-1926. 5 feet and 20 vol- umes. Astronomer; Professor at Stanford Univer- sity, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argen- tina, and The University of Michigan. Corre- spondence of Hussey, his wife Ethel Fountain Hussey, members of their family, and friends, pertains to personal matters, astronomical work, travel abroad, and affairs at the universities where Hussey held appointments, particularly The University of Michigan. There are two letterpress books, two University of Michigan student notebooks containing notes on John Wil- liam Langley's course in physics and notes on mathematics, reports, account books, scrapbooks, diaries of Argentina and South Africa travels and activities in The University of Michigan Observ- atory. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Levi L. Barbour, Luther Burbank, Marion L. Burton, William W. Campbell, William L. Clem- ents, Ralph H. Curtiss, David Starr Jordan, Robert P. Lamont. Gift of Lieut. Allis F. Hussey, 1941, and the Astronomy Department, 1949-50. 993. HUSTON, R. B. LETTER, 1916. 1 item. Letter from Huston to McDonald Reid de- scribing a party held by the University of Mich- igan honorary society, Michigamua. Gift of McDonald Reed, 1955. 994. HUTCHINS, HARRY BURNS (1847-1930). PAPERS, 1897-1930. 22 feet and 3 vol- umes. Dean of the Law School and President of The University of Michigan. The papers consist of extensive correspondence, addresses, reports, student notebooks, and miscellaneous items. The principal subject is The University of Michigan, dating from Hutchins' student days at the Uni- versity to his retirement. The main body of these papers covers the years when he was President (1910-20) and almost every phase of University activities, including dealings with alumni, the Board of Regents, faculty and ad- ministrative officers. In addition, there is cor- respondence with educators and public figures on the national scene. Correspondents include Charles K. Adams, Henry C. Adams, Ralph Aigler, Alexis C. Angell, James B. Angell, James R. Angell, Earl D. Babst, Levi L. Barbour, Henry M. Bates, Junius E. Beal, Edward W. Bok, Campbell Bonner, Claude G. Bowers, William J. Bryan, William L. Bryan, Harry C. Bulkley, Julius C. Burrows, Marion L. Burton, Nicholas M. Bulter, Hugh Cabot, Henry W. Carey, Carrie Chapman Catt, Roy D. Chapin, William L. Clements, William A. Comstock, William W. Cook, Charles H. Cooley, Mortimer E. Cooley, Royal S. Copeland, Edward S. Corwin, Louis C. Cramton, Caroline B. Crane, Josephus Daniels, Isaac N. Demmon, Charles Denby, Alice Chipman Dewey, Martin L. D'Ooge, Lloyd C. Douglas, Earle W. Dow, William E. B. DuBois, John R. Effinger, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Abraham Flexner, Guy S. Ford, Moses Gomberg, Claudius B. Grant, John H. Grant, Levi T. Grif- fin, Alexander J. Groesbeck, Karl E. Guthe, Granville S. Hall, Benjamin S. Hanchett, Albert B. Hart, Wilbert B. Hinsdale, William H. Hobbs, Herbert C. Hoover, Lucius L. Hubbard, Richard Hudson, Charles E. Hughes, Cornelia Steketee Hulst, Ethel Fountain Hussey, William J. Hussey, Percy Ives, Elias F. Johnson, Jenkin L. Jones, David S. Jordan, Myra Beach Jordan, John H. Kellogg, Francis W. Kelsey, Loyal E. Knappen, Theodore W. Koch, Joseph Labadie, Robert P. Lamont, Clarence C. Little, Alfred H. Lloyd, Francis E. McGovern, Andrew C. McLaughlin, James C. McLaughlin, George A. Malcolm, Carl 83 E. Mapes, James O. Murfin, William H. Murphy, Charles B. G. de Nancrede, Truman H. New- berry, Chase S. Osborn, Walter H. Page, George H. Palmer, William H. Pettee, Walter B. Pills- bury, Gifford Pinchot, Hazen S. Pingree, Manuel L. Quezon, Jesse S. Reeves, Jacob E. Reighard, Henry W. Rogers, Theodore Roosevelt, Alexan- der G. Ruthven, Lucy Maynard Salmon, Walter H. Sawyer, William A. Smith, Henry L. Stimson, Ralph H. Stone, Walter R. Stubbs, Henry Tat- lock, Myron C. Taylor, Charles E. Townsend, Edward R. Turner, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Charles R. Van Hise, Claude H. Van Tyne, Vic- tor C. Vaughan, George E. Vincent, Marcus L. Ward, Fred M. Warner, Booker T. Washington, Leroy Waterman, William W. Wedemeyer, Rob- ert M. Wenley, Andrew D. White, Myrtle E. White, Stewart E. White, Woodrow Wilson, Leonard Wood. 995. HUTCHINS, RICHARD G. STUDENT PAPER, 1959. 61 pages. Student seminar paper, "King Strang in the Michigan Legislature." Acquired, 1961. 996. HUTCHINSON, HENRY. PAPERS, 1821-85. 12 items. Eleven legal papers of Hutchinson of Oak- land County, and a manuscript by James Shearer II containing information about the Hutchinson, Shearer, Sullivan, Marston, and LeFavour fam- ilies. Gift of James Shearer II, 1940, 1943. 997. HUTCHINSON, S. J. PAPERS, 1873, 1888. 2 items. Letter from L. G. Norton asking Hutchin- son to organize a "Command" of the Union Vet- erans' Union; membership certificate in the Michigan State Pomological Society. Gift of Mrs. Winifred Schroeder, 1939. 998. HYDE, MRS. DONALD F. LETTERS, 1939. 2 items. The letters concern the seal of the city of Detroit. 999. INGLIS, ELIZABETH H. (Mrs. James Inglis). RECORD, 1912-58. 1 volume. Record of entertaining at the Inglis home, Ann Arbor. Guests and menus are listed. Gift of Mrs. Inglis, 1961. 1000. INNES, ROBERT S. (1834- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1862. 2 items. Two letters to Innes expressing sorrow of the officers and men of First Michigan Engineers and Mechanics at his decision to leave the regi- ment. Gift of Charles R. Sligh, Jr., 1959. 1001. IRWIN, D. MAITLAND. CHRONOLOGY, 1933. 1 item. "Chronological Order of Emergency Bank- ing Measures [in Michigan^ Since February 14, 1933." Gift of D. Maitland Irwin, 1959. 1002. JACKLIN, JAMES E. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1930. 107 pages. Methodist clergyman. History of "The Old Peoples Home of the Detroit Annual Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church," located at Chelsea. Gift of Rev. R. E. Meader, 1940. 1003. JACKSON, CHARLES T. LETTER, 1848. 1 item, photostat copy. Geologist and mine manager. Letter of Jackson discussing his geological surveys in the Upper Peninsula, including comments on Bela Hubbard. Gift of Marquette County Historical So- ciety, 1959. 1004. JACKSON, WALTER HINCKLEY (1840- 1930). Ann Arbor dentist. (See entry 2914.) 1005. JACOBS, EDWARD S. STUDENT PAPER, fii.d.] . 11 pages and bibliography and appendix. Student seminar paper, "History of the Wisconsin- Michigan Boundary Dispute, 1885- 1936." Gift of Edward S. Jacobs, 1949. 1006. JAQUESS, W. T. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, t n.d.]. 9 pages. "The Presbyterian Church in Michigan." Gift of Mrs. Ava Comin Case, 1961. 1007. JELLEY, EDWARD (1839-1917). LETTERS, 1861-75. 14 pages, typewrit- ten copies. Letters of Jelley largely deal with his service in Company C, Third Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. Gift of Mrs. Louis Longcore, 1961. 1008. JENKINS, GUY HUGH ( -1957). PAPERS, 1932-57 1 foot Newspaper writer and political columnist for Booth newspapers. Correspondence and mis- cellaneous items concerning Michigan politics, his newspaper column, business affairs, and the 84 awarding of an honorary M.A. degree by The University of Michigan. Correspondents include William A. Corn- stock, Grover C. Dillman, John A. Hannah, George M. Humphrey, William B. Mershon, George S. Osborn, Frank E. Robbins, Alexander G. Ruthven. Gift of Mrs Guy H. Jenkins, 1957. 1009. JENKINS, HARRY. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, f n.d.]. 5 pages. Manuscript article entitled, "Old College Days," in which he reminisces abount student life at The University of Michigan ca. 1887. Gift of Redick B. Jenkins, 1948. 1010. JENKS, WILLIAM LEE (1856-1936). PAPERS, 1779-1936. Ca. 360 items and 7 volumes. Lawyer and author, Port Huron. The pa- pers consist of correspondence, notes, docu- ments, drafts, sketches, and monographs on Michigan history, eminent men, institutions of Michigan. Subjects discussed in the letters and papers include Michigan newspapers, banks, street railways, and The University of Michigan and its branches. There are seven volumes of notebooks on various subjects, including banks of St. Clair County. Gift of Mrs. Carl Lassen, 1937. 1011. JENNEY, WILLIAM Le BARON (1832-1907). REPORT, 1876. 1 item. Architect; Professor, The University of Michigan. Report on the faculty activities of Jenney. 1012. JERMAIN, GEORGE W. PAPERS, 1840-42. 3 items. Two letters to Jermain concern business affairs. There is also a notice of unpaid taxes in Hillsdale County. 1013. JEROME, W. W. S. LETTER, 1914. 1 item. Letter of Jerome to Frank B. Anderson discussing the history of the Presbyterian Church in Pontiac. 1014. JESSUP, JOSEPH (1840- ). LETTERS, 1861-65. 19 items. Letters of Jessup written while he was serving in Company B, Second Michigan Infantry, and Company H, Fifth Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Acquired, 1960. 1015. JEWELL, OGDEN. SCRAPBOOK, 1893-96. 1 volume. Scrapbook containing programs, photo- graphs, and letters largely relating to The Uni- versity of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. Roscoe B. Huston, 1944. 1016. JOCELYN, GEORGE B. LETTER, 1868. 1 item. Clergyman, President of Albion College. Letter from Jocelyn to Poe and Hitchcock ask- ing that a correction be made in a report sub- mitted by him on Albion College. 1017. JOHN, ARTHUR. STUDENT PAPER, [ii.d.]. 42 pages and bibliography. Student seminar paper, "A History of the Labadie Collection of Labor and Radical Litera- ture in The University of Michigan Library." Gift of Arthur John, 1949. 1018. JOHN, WALDEMAR ALFRED PAUL (1895- ). LETTERS, 1918. 2 items. Letters to Morris Levinkind concerning John's experiences with the U.S. Army in France during World War I. Gift of Morris Levinkind, 1956. 1019. JOHNSON, AUGUSTUS S. (1799-1876). AUTOBIOGRAPHY, [ii.d.]. 56 pages. Businessman. Johnson tells of settling in Michigan in 1836. Gift of Richard C. Moore, 1951. 1020. JOHNSON, AXEL PETRUS (1878-1952). PAPERS, 1908-12; 1939. Ca. 250 items. Newspaper editor, writer. Correspond- ence and papers dealing with his position as ad- vertising manager of the Chicago Record- Herald and publisher- owner of the Grand Rapids Times . Included are five letters from Arthur H. Vanden- berg. There is a manuscript drama for Masonic use, written by Johnson, entitled "Sons of Aryus," and a syllabus for a creative writing class. Gift of Mrs. A. P. Johnson and Miss Dorothea Johnson, 1958-60. 1021. JOHNSON, CHARLES W. STUDENT PAPERS, 1959. 2 items. Student seminar papers, "Public Reaction to Justice Murphy's Opinions in the Japanese- American Cases," and "The History of the 32nd Signal Company, 46th Infantry Division: 1940- 1958." 1022. JOHNSON, DAVID. LETTERS, 1847. 2 items, typewritten copies. The letters from P. C. Lawrence to 85 David Johnson concern the incorporation of Leoni Theological Institute. Gift of Orrin Blackman, 1943. 1023. JOHNSON, ELIAS FINLEY (1861-1933). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1888-89. 1 vol- ume. Professor of Law, The University of Michigan and University of the Philippines. Uni- versity of Michigan student notebook on courses by Levi T. Griffin, Henry W. Rogers, William P. Wells. 1024. JOHNSON, F. O. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, 1949. 1 page. Biographical sketch of Louis Sands (1825- 1905), Manistee lumberman. 1025. JOHNSON, FRANCIS MARION. PAPERS, 1862-80. 9 items. Lawyer. Memorandum (12 pages) on legal matters; letter (1880) informing Johnson of his admission to the Illinois bar; paper on habeas corpus; University of Michigan student notes. Gift of Mrs. F. M. Johnson, 1941. 1026. JOHNSON, HORACE. PAPERS, 1864-78. 8 items. Farmer. Letters from Johnson and his wife to relatives in Vermont describe Benzonia Colony, its early settlement and difficulties, and Benzonia College. Family affairs, religion, farming conditions, and the election of 1864 are also discussed. 1027. JOHNSON, JOHN BUTLER. AUTOGRAPH BOOK, 1877. 1 volume. The autograph book contains names of his classmates and friends at The University of Michigan. 1028. JOHNSON, LILLIAN W. LETTER, 1923. 1 item. The letter from Richard Hardy, president of the Dixie Portland Cement Company, to Lil- lian Johnson, concerns members of The Univer- sity of Michigan Class of 1891. 1029. JOHNSON, LOTHROP. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1859-64. 1 volume. Account book of Johnson of Gainesville recording wool purchases. Gift of Mrs. A. W. Tiffany, 1947. 1030. JOHNSON, MARVIN L. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.] . 17 pages. Student seminar paper, "Henry Ford's Primary Campaign." Gift of Marvin L. Johnson, 1948. 1031. JOHNSON, OTIS COE ( -1912). REPORTS, 1875-77. 2 items. Assistant in Qualitative Analysis, The University of Michigan. Reports on Johnson's faculty activities. 1032. JOHNSTON, GENEVA M. STUDENT PAPER, 1943. 16 pages. Student seminar paper, "Michigan Pioneer, Alexander B. Copley." Gift of Mrs. Herbert Johnston, 1943. 1033. JONES, EDWARD DAVID (1870-1944). PAPERS, 1953-55. 11 items. Professor of Commerce and Industry, The University of Michigan. Seven letters seek- ing information about Jones and five notes con- taining information concerning him. Acquired, 1955. 1034. JONES, ELISHA (1832-88). PAPERS, 1875-85. 5 items. Professor of Latin, The University of Michigan. The papers consist of two reports on the faculty activities of Jones as acting assistant professor of Latin at The University of Michigan and three letters to Henry S. Frieze about art purchases and travel in Europe, including men- tion of Randolph Rogers. 1035. JONES, HOWARD MUMFORD (1892- ). PAPERS, 1927-34. 45 items. Professor, The University of Michigan and Harvard University. There is correspond- ence (1932-34) with William L. Clements regard- ing establishing a fellowship in American liter- ature at The University of Michigan, a report on the resources of William L. Clements Library in American literature, and thirty- seven letters pertaining to a series of lectures to be given by Jones at The University of Michigan, with cor- respondence relating to his position there. 1036. JONES, LUCIAN F. PAPERS, 1836-63. 29 items. The papers consist chiefly of correspond- ence between Jones, his relatives, and business acquaintances. Many of the letters are written from Michigan, especially Grass Lake, Pontiac, Jackson, and Olivet. They deal with family and business affairs and mention politics and anti- slavery organizations. A manuscript by Cora Benster contains reminiscences of early days in Michigan. Gift of Mrs. Georgiana Rohr, 1942, 1945. 1037. JONES, SAMUEL ARTHUR ( -1912). 1875-77. 2 items. Professor of Medicine and Dean of the Homeopathic Medical College, The University 86 of Michigan, tivities. Two reports on his faculty ac- 1038. JONES, SAMUEL B. PAPERS, 1845-67. 1 item and 1 volume. Account book of Jones of Ronald township, Ionia County, showing his agricultural accounts, and an indenture (1857). Gift of Mrs. Carolyn Myers Cook, 1958. 1039. JONES FAMILY. PAPERS, 1781-1831, 1935. 11 items. Papers of the Jones family of Jonesville consist of a manuscript history (1935) of the family, written by Vivian L. Moore, and photo- stat copies of seven letters and parts of letters of members of the family (1781-1831). 1040. JOY, HENRY BOURNE (1864-1936). PAPERS, 1887-1937. 12 feet and 28 vol- umes. President, Packard Motor Car Company. Correspondence and two letterpress books, mostly in the years 1927-36, concern Joy's business activities in Detroit, particularly with the Packard Motor Car Company, his campaign against the Eighteenth Amendment and the Fed- eral Council of Churches and in support of the American Liberty League, the Lincoln Highway Association, and reducing Allied war debts. There are twenty- six scrapbooks on a variety of subjects. Correspondents include James J. Couzens, Elizabeth Dilling, Warren G. Harding, Charles E. Hughes, Edward Hunter, Harry A. Jung, Alfred M. Landon, Andrew W. Mellon, Truman H. New- berry, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roose- velt, Elihu Root, William H. Slayton, William H. Taft. Gift of Mrs. Henry B. Joy, 1946. 1041. JUDSON, HELEN G. GENEALOGY, 1961. 19 pages. Genealogy of the George Dolan Bailey family in America, 1805-1960. Gift of Mrs. John E. Judson, 1961. 1042. KANOUSE, BESSIE BERNICE (1889- ). LETTERS, 1944, 1945. 2 items. The letters from Sergeant Lucile E. Turnquist, of the Women's Army Corps, to Bes- sie B. Kanouse, tell of her wartime experiences in New Guinea. Gift of Bessie B. Kanouse, 1945. 1043. KANOUSE, JOHN G. SERMON, 1842. 10 pages. Presbyterian clergyman. Sermon preached at the dedication of the First Presby- terian Church of Saline. 1044. KANOUSE, MILTON. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1878. 1 volume. Notebook prepared for a class in botany at Quincy High School. Gift of Miss Bessie B. Kanouse, 1961. 1045. KARPINSKI, LOUIS CHARLES (1878-1956). PAPERS, 1901-56. 2 feet. Professor of Mathematics, The University of Michigan. The papers include letters from Karpinski to his parents (1901-03), written from Europe while he was a student there; correspond- ence with various universities; correspondence about University of Michigan affairs; letters con- nected with his scholarly interests in mathe- matics and cartography; notes; lists of his pub- lications. Correspondents include Randolph G. Adams, William W. Bishop, William L. Clements, Wil- liam G. Frost, Thomas M. Spaulding. Gift of Louis C. Karpinski, 1949. 1046. KAUSLER, FRED. REMINISCENCES, 1909. 5 pages, type- written copy. Reminiscences of Hancock in its early days. Kausler went to Hancock in 1855. Gift of Marquette County Historical So- ciety, 1959. 1047. KAVISH, ROBERT. REMINISCENCES, f n.d.]. 20 pages. Kavish describes his experiences with the First Marine Division in the invasion of Guadal- canal during World War II. Gift of Robert Kavish, 1948. 1048. KAW-GAY-GE-WAW-NO. LAND GRANT, 1871. 1 item. A United States land grant to Kaw-gay-ge- waw-no of land in Michigan. Gift of Mr. C. A. Harris, 1947. 1049. KAY, JOHN B. (1841-64). DIARY, 1863-64. 1 volume, handwritten copy. Sergeant in Company G, Sixth Michigan Cavalry. A diary account of his life as a Con- federate prisoner of war in Libby, Belle Isle, and Andersonville prisons. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Douglas Roberts, 1958. 1050. KEBLER, GENEVA. LETTER, 1960. 1 item. The letter discusses at length materials in the Michigan Historical Commission Archives relating to the 1885 strike in the Saginaw lumber mills. 87 1051. KEDNEY, EMMA E. STUDENT PAPER, f n.d.]. 9 pages and bibliography. Student seminar paper, "The Michigan College of Mining and Technology, 1885-1899." Gift of Miss Kedney, 1949. 1052. KEDZIE, ROBERT C. LETTER, 1900. 1 item, facsimile. Letter from Dr. Kedzie to W. C. Ward relating to David Ward's Medical School days at The University of Michigan. Gift of Peter C. Finn, 1958. 1053. KEECH, THOMAS J. LETTER, 1881. 1 item. Manager of a telephone exchange. The letter from Keech to the University of Michigan Board of Regents proposes connecting various buildings of the University with the Ann Arbor telephone exchange. 1054. KEEFER, KARL H. ADDRESS, 1958. t 9] pages, mimeo- graphed copy. Clergyman. Address entitled "The House of Miracles," delivered by Keefer in Ann Arbor in honor of Dr. Harley A. Haynes, director emeritus of The University of Michigan Hospital. Acquired, 1959. 1055. KEELER, DEXTER D. (1836- ). PAPERS, 1862-1920. 11 items. The Keeler papers relate to his Civil War service in the Twenty-third Michigan In- fantry. They include a leave request, field or- ders, enlistment and discharge papers, notes on military service, documents relating to his pen- sion, and one letter to his father (1863) telling of some of his activities. Gift of Miss Gladys F. Blakely, 1950. 1056. KEENEY, SALMON. PAPERS, 1827-38. 2 items. Postmaster at Bay Settlement (now Erie). The papers consist of a typewritten copy of Keeney's account of a trip from Pennsylvania to Monroe and return, June to August, 1827, and a post office account book kept by him. It con- tains names of many of the residents of Bay Settlement and the newspapers they received. Gift of Mrs. Florence D. Kirtland, 1944. 1057. KELLEN, WILLIAM VAIL. PAPERS, 1922. 3 items. Memoir of Melville Madison Bigelow, by Kellen, with two items of correspondence about the manuscript. 1058. KELLEY, A. H. LETTERS, 1864-76. 10 items. Five letters from Charles A. Kelley to his father, A. H. Kelley of Brighton, relating to his Civil War experiences in Company I, Ninth Michigan Infantry. There are also two personal letters and three business letters. 1059. KELLOGG, C. J. DIARY, 1850. 1 volume, typewritten copy. Diary of a trip from Michigan to Cali- fornia, via Panama, in search of gold. Gift of Walter K. Sumner, 1950. 1060. KELLOGG, DWIGHT. BUSINESS PAPERS, 1841-42. 6 items. Bills written from Ann Arbor and signed by several Kelloggs about flour shipped from Ann Arbor to New York. 1061. KELLOGG, JOHN HARVEY (1852-1943). PAPERS, 1873-1942. 15 feet and 78 vol- umes. Superintendent and surgeon of Battle Creek Sanitarium. The papers consist of corre- spondence; household accounts (1897-1900); lec- ture notes; transcripts of informal question and answer sessions; manuscripts of speeches, books, and articles; notebooks containing brief comments on trips in the United States and abroad; and student notebooks of The University of Michigan and Bellevue Hospital. Gift of Miss Gertrude W. Goodwin, 1960- 62. 1062. KELLY, LEONORA. LETTERS, 1877. 2 items. Two letters from Leonora Kelly to Mary Hellen Light about Ann Arbor. Gift of Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 1937. 1063. KELSEY, FRANCIS WILLEY (1858-1927). PAPERS, 1894-1927. 1 foot and 28 vol- umes. Professor of Latin, The University of Michigan. The papers consist of extensive cor- respondence, diaries (1901-27), and other papers largely relating to affairs of The University of Michigan, particularly memorials to Henry S. Frieze, the University Musical Society, papyri acquisitions of the University Library, and Uni- versity archaeological expeditions in the Near East. Some papers relate to personal matters. Correspondents include Charles K. Adams, D. L. Askren, Earl D. Babst, William W. Bishop, Arthur E. R. Boak, Ernest A. W. Budge, Marion L. Burton, H. Dunscombe Colt, Edgar Fletcher- Allen, Sir Frederick G. Kenyon, Enoch E. Peter- son, Oliver L. Spaulding, Jr. 1064. KEMP, EDWARD GEARING (1887-1962). PAPERS, 1920-62. 1 foot. Detroit attorney and aide of Frank Mur- phy. Correspondence and other papers dealing with personal and professional affairs, particu- larly his work with Governor Murphy in the Philippines and service as an assistant U.S. at- torney general. Correspondents include Henry M. Bates, Thomas E. Dewey, Arthur S. Flemming, J. Ed- gar Hoover, Charles E. Hughes, Cordell Hull, Robert H. Jackson, J. Weldon Jones, George A. Malcolm, Frank Murphy, Chase S. Osborn, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harold D. Smith, Robert A. Taft, G. Mennen Williams. Gift of Mrs. Walter Shaw, 1962. 1065. KEMPF, REUBEN (1835- ). LETTERS, 1915. 3 items. State senator from Ann Arbor. Three letters from James B. Angell to Kempf thanking him for his support of the University's bills in the legislature. Gift of Henry J. Cupper, 1958. 1066. KENESSON, EVELYN. LETTERS, 1942-43. 18 items. The letters to Evelyn Kenesson contain reminiscences and information on James B. Angell. Correspondents include James R. Angell, Lloyd C. Douglas, Andrew C. McLaughlin. 1067. KENNEDY, CHARLES S. PAPERS, 1934-61. 20 feet. Physician, University of Michigan Regent. The papers consist of correspondence and other material largely pertaining to his service on the Board of Regents. Gift of Dr. Charles S. Kennedy, 1962. 1068. KENNEDY, MYLLICENT. STUDENT PAPER, 1958. 30 pages. Student seminar paper, "The 'Soo' and its First Water Power Companies in the Rapids.' Acquired, 1961. 1069. KENNY, MUNNIS. JOURNAL, 1828. 35 pages, typewritten copy. In the journal he describes his trip from Putney, Vermont, to Ann Arbor. Gift of Bert Kenny, 1942. 1070. KENT, CHARLES ARTEMAS (1835- 1917). REPORT, 1876-77. 1 item. Professor of Law, The University of Michigan. A report of his faculty activities. 1071. KENT, DANIEL (1836- ). LETTERS, 1862-63. 20 items. Letters written while he was serving in Company D, Twenty-fifth Michigan Infantry dur- ing the Civil War. See Bulletin No. 9 for de- tails. 1072. KEPHART, JOHN EDGAR. PH.D. THESIS, 1960. 238 pages. Librarian. University of Michigan Ph.D. thesis, "A Voice For Freedom; the Signal of Liberty, 1841-1848." Gift of John E. Kephart, 1960. 1073. KETCHUM, GEORGE. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1843-44. 1 volume. Account book of Ketchum, a miller [?] of Marshall. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wright, 1938. 1074. KEYES, JANICE. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, t n.d.] . 6 pages. Biographical sketch of Elizabeth Cole who came to Alpena in 1877. The sketch was written by her granddaughter, Janice Keyes. Gift of Matt Legerburg, 1960. 1075. KEYES, LANGLEY CARLETON. PH.D. THESIS, 1935. Microfilm copy. Harvard University Ph.D. thesis, "Caro- line M. Kirkland; a pioneer in Realism." Acquired, 1958. 1076. KIDDER, CLARA E. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, jn.d.] . 3 pages. History of School district No. 6, Royal Oak township, Oakland County. 1077. KIEBLER, EMMETT WILLIAM. RECORDS, 1952, I960, 1962. 2 items and 1 tape recording. Two manuscript articles, "The School in Brooklyn, Michigan, Fifty and More Years Ago," with an added list of school board members and faculty (1950-59), and "Early Survey of Southern Michigan," with a manuscript map dealing with the survey of 1815. There is also a tape re- cording made at the Golden Club banquet at Central Michigan University. Gift of Emmett W. Kiebler, 1956-62. 1078. KIEFER, HERMANN (1825-1911). LETTER, 1908. 1 item. Physician, Detroit. Letter to Theodore W. Koch, University of Michigan librarian, about a gift to the library. Acquired, 1956. 89 1079. KILLION, MEAD W. M.A. THESIS, 1941. 106 pages. University of Michigan M.A. thesis, "A History of Spring Arbor Seminary and Junior College." Gift of Mead W. Killion, 1942. 1080. KILPATRICK, WILLIAM MARVIN ( -1919). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1864-65. 1 vol- ume. University of Michigan student notebook on courses by James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Charles I. Walker. 1081. KIMBALL, SAMUEL H. LETTER, 1842. 1 item, typewritten copy. The letter from Kimball of Jackson to Auditor General Alpheus Felch contains a state- ment of the claims left with Kimball in favor of the State Bank against Ford & Son and W. Bud- ington. Gift of Orrin Blackman, 1943. 1082. KIMBALL and BREWSTER FAMILY. PAPERS, 1789-1864. 24 items. Legal papers, mostly from Shiawassee County, and four letters discussing family af- fairs. Gift of Mrs. W. B. Campbell, 1951. 1083. KIMMELL, SAMUEL B. PAPERS, 1861-75. 2 volumes. Methodist Episcopal clergyman. A diary (1875) contains a description of a trip to Niag- ara Falls and a religious meeting in the East, and notes on sermons; a scrapbook (1861-63) is made up of newspaper clippings on the Civil War. Acquired, 1960. 1084. KING, HAROLD. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1939. 38 pages, hectographed copy. Article entitled, "Thumb Tour." It de- scribes a hitchhiking trip taken in 1939 through Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin by Hal and Peggy King. Gift of Harold King, 1939. 1085. KING, JULIA ANNE (1838-1919). PAPERS, 1893-1908. Ca. 250 items. Educator, school administrator, Eastern Michigan University. The papers consist of lec- ture notes, manuscript articles, student papers, course outlines, and a notebook (1872) kept by Miss King while she was a teacher at Flint High School. The notebook contains lectures and per- sonal accounts. Gift of Miss Charlotte King, 1958. 1086. KING, PAUL HOWARD (1879-1942). PAPERS, 1926-35. 11 items. Detroit lawyer, Secretary of the Michigan Constitutional League. Letters from King, J. Lee Barrett, Harvey Campbell, and Martin J. Cavanaugh concern the Michigan Constitutional League. There is also a program of the League. Gift of Paul King, 1939. 1087. KING, ROBERT. PAPERS, 1905-26. 3 items. Two reports on mines in the Ironwood district and notes on mines near Hurley, Wis- consin. Gift of Mrs. William G. Cloon, 1953. 1088. KING, WILL. LETTER, 1859. 1 item. Letter from King to his brother describ- ing his farm activities in Berrien County. Gift of Harold King, 1961. 1089. KINGSBURY, O. R. LETTER, 1879. 1 item. Secretary, American Tract Society. Let- ter from Kingsbury to David Thompson concern- ing a law suit. Gift of Burdette Harris, 1959. 1090. KINGSLEY, LUCY ANN CLARK. POEMS, ca. 1826-27. 1 volume. Notebook of manuscript poems written by friends of Lucy Kingsley in New Haven, Connec- ticut. 1091. KINGSLEY, SALMON ( -1838). LETTER, 1838. 1 item. Letter from G. M. Barker to Kingsley discussing Port Sheldon and the Ottawa Indians. Gift of Lucia Brown, 1944. 1092. KINGSLEY FAMILY. PAPERS, 1830-1901. 16 items. Twelve letters, several of which discuss the death of Frank Kingsley who was killed in action at Spotsylvania, Va., in 1864; marriage license (1830) of James Kingsley; two war rec- ords of Frank Kingsley; one legal document. Gift of Thomas H. Kingsley, 1942. 1093. KINGSTON, IRENE McFADDEN. PAPERS, 1909-43. 1 item and 1 volume. The papers are a poem entitled "Tunisia," and a scrapbook of printed and manuscript items pertaining to Cercle Francais at The University of Michigan, 1909-12. 1094. KINGSTON, THOMAS SMITH (1861- 1950). PAPERS, 1883-1946. 4 items and 5 volumes. 90 Physician. Three letters about members of The University of Michigan Medical School Class of 1886; letter from Dr. R. O. Fisher (1897) concerning medical treatment; University of Michigan student notebooks (1883-86) on courses by Edward S. Dunster, Corydon La Ford, George E. Frothingham, Donald McLean, Alonzo B. Palmer, Albert B. Prescott, Henry Sewall, Charles H. Stowell, Lucius L. Van Slyke, Victor C. Vaughan. Gift of Mrs. George B. Kingston, 1951. 1095. KINIETZ, WILLIAM CHARLES. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1896-99. 6 vol- umes. Dentist. University of Michigan student notebooks on bacteriology, botany, biology, chem- istry, embryology, zoology. Gift of William C. Kinietz, 1939. 1096. KINKEL, GOTTFRIED. PAPERS, 1852-57. 12 items. German revolutionist of 1848. The pa- pers relate to the activities of Dr. Kinkel on a visit to the United States, including Detroit, dur- ing which he attempted to raise money on be- half of the German- American loan. Gift of Warren W. Florer. 1097. KINNEY, MARY McKAIN. LETTER, 1904. 1 item, typewritten copy. The letter is about the death of a rela- tive in a fire in Hart. Gift of John K. Adams, 1961. 1098. KINSEY, LYLE C. STUDENT PAPER, 1959. 42 pages. Student seminar paper, "The History of Redford Union School, District No. 1." 1099. KIRCHMAIER, GUSTAVUS ALBERT. PAPERS, 1882-84. 1 item and 6 vol- umes. The papers consist of notes made by Kirchmaier for a speech and University of Mich- igan student notebooks on courses by Byron W. Cheever, John W. Langley, William H. Pettee, Volney M. Spalding, Victor C. Vaughan. Gift of Mrs. Willis Day, Jr., 1956. 1100. KIRCHNER, OTTO (1846-1920). PAPERS, 1910-20. 3 items. Detroit attorney. The papers are an ac- knowledgement of Kirchner's services as chair- man of the State Custer Monument Commission, an obituary, and a cartoon. Gift of Mrs. Dorothy K. Earle, 1959. 1101. KJRKPATRICK, CLIFFORD (1855- ). BUSINESS RECORDS, 1882-95. 2 volumes. Physician. The ledger and daybook deal with Kirkpatrick's medical practice in Adrian. Gift of Howell Taylor, 1946. 1102. KLEINSTUCK, FRIEDA. CORRESPONDENCE, 1909-10. 35 items. Lawyer, Civic leader in Kalamazoo. The correspondence deals primarily with the efforts of the Women's League of The University of Michigan to raise money for Palmer Field and for a women's dormitory at The University of Michigan. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Myrtle E. White. Gift of Mrs. Carl C. Blankenburg, 1957. 1103. KLUMPH, JEREMIAH. ACCOUNT, [n.d.]. 1 item, photostat copy. Account by Klumph of his activities as a courier in the Revolutionary War. Gift of Mrs. Frank N. Wilson, 1956. 1104. KNAPP, MARK STEVENS (1872-1948). PAPERS, 1887-1948. Ca. 250 items and 1 volume. Physician. Papers of Knapp and members of his family mostly concern the Rackham Fund of The University of Michigan and include cor- respondence and reports for the period 1934-36 when Knapp was director; letters (1887-88) to his father, Leonard E. Knapp, containing some news of Fenton; a few papers of the Genesee County Medical Society (1932); student account book (1891-96) recording Knapp's expenses at The University of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. Arthur H. Schlanderer, 1958. 1105. KNAPP, MYRON E. (1820- ). LETTER, 1897. 1 item, typewritten copy. The letter from Knapp to his grandson tells of his early life and of his coming to Mich- igan in 1834. Gift of Dr. Mark S. Knapp, 1944. 1106. KNICKERBACKER, CHANCY W. (1824-84). PAPERS, 1846-81. 23 items and 12 vol- umes. Clergyman, Wayne. The papers consist of three letters (1881) of Knickerbacker, one of which describes President Garfield's inaugura- tion; a high school commencement address; two addresses upon the death of Knickerbacker; business and legal papers; sermons; diaries not- ing preaching engagements, itinerary, and mar- riages performed; marriage record books; and personal account books. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hubbell, 1955. 1107. KNOTT, KATE JEFFREY. QUESTIONNAIRE, [n.d.]. 1 item. 91 Singer, private tutor, writer. Recollec- tions of University of Michigan college days ca . 1900. 1108. KNOWLES, HENRY A. LETTER, 1849. 1 item. A letter from Knowles of Raisin to Mary A. Knowles discusses family affairs, religious matters, current prices, and various people in the community. Acquired, 1951. 1109. KNOWLTON, JEROME CYRIL (1850-1916). AUTOGRAPH BOOK, 1892. 1 volume. Professor of Law, The University of Michigan. Autograph book containing signatures of many members of The University of Michigan faculty. Gift of Philip Bursley, 1950. 1110. KOBAYASKI, VICTOR NOBUO. STUDENT PAPER, 1962. 15 pages. "From 'Germ Theory' to Bacteriology," a seminar paper discussing the dismissal of Heneage Gibbes from The University of Michi- gan. Gift of Victor N. Kobayaski, 1962. 1111. KOCH, THEODORE WESLEY (1871-1941). SCRAPBOOK, 1930-47. 1 volume. Librarian, The University of Michigan and Northwestern University. The scrapbook contains largely printed items about Koch, with some let- ters from him and his wife which were collected by F. L. D. Goodrich. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1956. 1112. KOHN, STUART M. LETTER, 1904. 1 item. The letter from Kohn to Shirley W. Smith concerns University of Michigan alumni activities in California and a reception for James B. Angell. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 1113. KORTESOJA, ARTHUR H. STUDENT PAPER, 1947. 9 pages. Student seminar paper, "Dickinson County Records; an Evaluation." Gift of Arthur H. Kortesoja, 1948. 1114. KRAUS, EDWARD HENRY (1875- ). PAPERS, 1914-45. 2-1/3 feet. Professor of Mineralogy, Dean of the Graduate School, The University of Michigan. The papers consist of correspondence (1914-33) exchanged between Kraus and various professors and officials in colleges and universities in the United States and abroad concerning mineralogy and related subjects; correspondence on Univer- sity of Michigan affairs; a few papers and ad- dresses by Kraus. Correspondents include Charles Baird, Marion L. Burton, Lucius L. Hubbard, Alfred C. Lane, Alexander G. Ruthven, Charles E. Town- send. 1115. KRUEGER, PAUL. STUDENT PAPER, [ii.d.]. 13 pages. Student seminar paper, "Legislation in the Development of the County Normal Training Classes." Gift of Paul Krueger, 1949. 1116. KUHNE, CHARLES W. PAPERS, 1883-87. 14 volumes. The volumes consist of a law record book, largely on cases in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Edward P. Dunster, Levi T. Griffin, Harry B. Hutchins, Charles A. Kent, Otto Kirch- ner, Henry W. Rogers, Charles H. Stowell, Vic- tor C. Vaughan, Charles I. Walker, William P. Wells. Gift of Mr. A. W. Suelzer, 1945. 1117. KUYPER, GEORGE ADRIAN. CORRESPONDENCE, 1920. 7 items. The correspondence relates to Kuyper's acceptance of an instructorship in the English Department of The University of Michigan. 1118. La CHAMBRE, ROMAINE. LAND GRANT, 1841. 1 item. U.S. land grant to La Chambre for prop- erty in Washtenaw County. The land was in turn conveyed to Gabriel Godfrey. Gift of Mrs. Richard A. Weir, 1957. 1119. LACY, ARTHUR JAY (1876- ). PAPERS, 1928-48. 22 items. Lawyer. The papers consist of corre- spondence regarding reunions and members of The University of Michigan Law School Class of 1898 and a list of members. Correspondents include Henry M. Bates, Harry B. Hutchins, Alexander G. Ruthven. Gift of Arthur J. Lacy, 1949. 1120. LAGERBERG, MATT. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, f n.d. -,. 8 pages. A biographical sketch of Herbert King of Alpena. Gift of Matt Lagerberg, 1962. 1121. LAING, LIONEL HASSELL. CORRESPONDENCE, 1943-44. 26 items. Professor of Political Science, The 92 University of Michigan. The letters to Laing were written by University of Michigan service men during World War II. Acquired, 1948. 1122. LAMB, JAMES. LETTER, 1853. 1 item. The letter from Lamb describes his work in the Medical School of The University of Michigan. 1123. LAMBORN, CHARLES BURLEIGH ( -1902). NOTEBOOK, 1858. 1 volume. The notebook contains summaries of var- ious lectures delivered by University of Michi- gan professors and visiting lecturers. Gift of Miss Gertrude Brinckle, 1951. 1124. LAMONT, ROBERT PATTERSON (1867- \ CORRESPONDENCE, 1906-21. Ca. 400 items. Industrialist, Secretary of Commerce. Correspondence exchanged between Lamont and William J. Hussey of The University of Michi- gan concerns personal matters, astronomy, and University of Michigan affairs. Acquired, 1949. 1125. LAMPINEN, LILY GAY. STUDENT PAPER, 1960. 71 pages. Teacher, Detroit. Student seminar paper, "Liquor, Ladies and the War of 1912," deals with women's rights movement in Michigan, 1912-13. Gift of Miss Lampinen, 1960. 1126. LAMPORT, WARREN WAYNE (1855-1948). POEMS, 1917-18. 1 volume. Clergyman. A volume of manuscript poems, written by Lamport, with Frankfort as their setting. 1127. LANE, ALFRED CHURCH (1863-1948). PAPERS, 1890-1936. 338 items. Michigan State Geologist, Professor at Tufts College. The Lane papers include corre- spondence with Charles A. Davis, Lucius L. Hubbard, and Bryant Walker, and a biographical sketch of Hubbard. Geology, University of Mich- igan affairs, and personal matters are among the subjects covered in the correspondence. Gift of Alfred C. Lane, 1937. 1128. LANE, VICTOR HUGO (1852-1930). PAPERS, 1897-1929. 4-1/2 feet and 1 volume. Lawyer; judge; Professor of Law, The University of Michigan. The Lane papers consist largely of correspondence, together with some reports, wills, bank statements, tax notes and receipts, insurance papers, and miscellane- ous items. There is one volume of notes and pictures (1897) of the First Presbyterian Sab- bath School of Adrian. Most of the correspond- ence deals with legal and business matters, in- cluding discussions of law books, points of law, property in Ann Arbor and elsewhere, estates handled by Lane, and investments. A large body of correspondence deals with University of Michigan affairs, including the Law Library, Michigan Law Review , Alumni Association and Fund, Tappan Fund and Association, Student Christian Association, and Intercollegiate Ath- letic Association (1906-07). Also dealt with in the correspondence are Lane's interests in the Presbyterian Church, particularly in Ann Arbor, and in the Michigan Y.M.C.A. Included in the correspondence are a few letters relating to Michigan politics, some letters from members of the Lane family, and personal letters from friends. Correspondents include Charles Baird, Henry M. Bates, Aaron T. Bliss, Roy D. Chapin, Frank W. Fletcher, Claudius B. Grant, Harry B. Hutchins, Loyal E. Knappen, Joseph B. Moore, Gustavus Ohlinger, Walter H. Sawyer, Albion W. Small, Henry C. Smith, Ralph Stone, Frederick J. Turner. 1129. LANE, WILLIAM A. CORRESPONDENCE, 1919. 2 items. Correspondence between Lane and Mrs. Justin Cook concerns cemeteries and the Terri- torial Road in Calhoun County. 1130. LANGLEY, JOHN WILLIAMS (1841-1918). PAPERS, 1859-1917. Ca. 250 items and 2 volumes. Professor of Chemistry, The University of Michigan and Case Institute. Correspondence, manuscripts, legal and patent papers, notes of Langley deal largely with metallurgy, particular- ly the mercury pump and armor plate. Also in- cluded are papers of Samuel Pierpont Langley (1834-1906), astronomer and physicist. They contain letters chiefly valuable for autographs from Alexander Agassiz, Edward E. Hale, Oliver W. Holmes, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Rudyard Kipling, Robert T. Lincoln, Samuel S. McClure, Herbert Spencer, Gideon Welles. There are two manu- script Christmas stories by John Langley. Gift of Samuel P. Langley, 1937. 1131. LANSING, NELLIE MAYNARD. LETTERS, 1919. 2 items. Letters to O. R. Mayer from Nellie Lan- sing concern her father William S. Maynard 93 and his home in Ann Arbor. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 1132. LARDNER, RINGGOLD WILMER (1885- 1933). PAPERS, ca. 1900-33. 6 items. Writer. The items are unpublished man- uscripts by Ring Lardner. Gift of Mrs. Ring Lardner, 1938. 1133. LARNED, SYLVESTER. LETTER, 1861. 1 item. A letter from Larned to Abraham Lincoln protests the appointment of William L. Stoughton as district attorney for Michigan and requests the position for himself. Acquired, 1956. 1134. LARSON, ARVID. STUDENT PAPER, 1950. 16 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Railroad Aid Decision; Public Reaction in the Case of People Versus Salem." 1135. LARSON, MARTIN A. CORRESPONDENCE, 1930-31. 5 items. Professor of English, Eastern Michigan University and University of Idaho. Two letters from Larson to O. J. Campbell criticizing American capitalism; replies by Campbell; let- ter from A. G. Webber concerning Larson's radical speeches to the unemployed. 1136. )• La RUE, GEORGE ROGER (1882- PAPERS, 1908-51. 4-3/4 feet. Professor of Zoology, The University of Michigan. The papers consist largely of corre- spondence, mostly of a professional nature, with students and scholars in the field of zoology. In addition to correspondence there are manu- script addresses, lecture notes, and other papers. Gift of George R. La Rue. 1137. LAUB, LAURA. STUDENT PAPER, 1959. 39 pages. Student seminar paper, "Education for Service," a study of social action groups in Marygrove College, Detroit. 1138. LAUBENGAYER, JACOB. HOUSE SPECIFICATIONS, ca. 1887. 11 pages. Specifications for a house being built for Laubengayer of Ann Arbor. Gift of Mrs. Benjamin Wheeler, 1958. 1139. LAWSON, D. W. PAPERS, t n.d.]. 2 items. Historical sketch of Heck School, Monroe County, and inventory of its early records. Gift of D. W. Lawson, 1942. 1140. LAWTON, CHARLES DeWITT (1835-1909). PAPERS, 1890-1906. 5 items. Papers on the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Com- pany, the Republic Mine, the Quincy Mining Company, and William R. Todd. 1141. LAWTON, F. C. LETTER, 1888. 1 item. A letter from Albert A. Stanley to F. C. Lawton concerns the possible appointment of Lawton to The University of Michigan School of Music. Gift of Chester Lawton, 1960. 1142. LEACH, M. L. LETTERS, 1882-84. 5 items. Physician. Letters from Leach to Walden and Stowe concerning the publication of his book, Foamville . 1143. LEE, ROBERT E. ADDRESS, 1958. 4 pages. Staff member, Detroit Historical Museum. Address by Lee on the occasion of the presenta- tion of the Michigan Historical Commission his- torical marker commemorating interurban de- velopment in Michigan. Gift of Detroit Historical Commission, 1958. 1144. LEECH, CARL ADDISON. PAPERS, 1928-40. Ca. 475 items and 26 volumes. The papers consist largely of notes on various Michigan topics, including Deward, Muskegon, and other cities, lumbering in Michi- gan, and "Silver Jack"; personal account book; address books; £a. one hundred letters, many containing reminiscences of early days in Mich- igan; and a manuscript on lumbering, by Bert Harcourt. Gift of Carl A. Leech. 1145. LEENHOUTS, ABRAHAM (1866- ). MANSUCRIPT AUTOBIOGRAPHY, ^.d.-, 358 pages. Physician. Autobiography of Leenhouts covering his boyhood years near Holland, student days at Hope College, medical study at The Uni- versity of Michigan, practice in Holland, World War I service, and retirement. Gift of Dr. Leenhouts, 1949. 1146. LEETE, A. E. PAPERS, 1835-51. 5 volumes. Physician, Romeo. Four medical account 94 books and one notebook of medical recipes of Dr. Leete. Gift of Dr. R. M. Greenshields, 1937. 1147. LEHMANN, CHARLES F. STUDENT PAPER, 1948. 12 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Gazetteer of the State of Michigan of 1838, a Review." Gift of Charles F. Lehman, 1948. 1148. LEMISH, JANE THOMPSON. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1944. 2 volumes. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Everett S. Brown, George Kish, Preston Slosson, William B. Willcox, and mis- cellaneous other notes. Gift of Mrs. John Lemish. 1149. LENEWEAVER, C. F. (Collector). PAPERS, 1833-57. 12 items. Miscellaneous correspondence and other papers, mostly from Michigan communities of Adrian, Branch County, Detroit, Howell, and St. Joseph, with comments on the work of the 1839 Legislature. Gift of Mr. C. F. Leneweaver, 1962. 1150. LENNANE, ELIZABETH. STUDENT PAPER, 1952. 15 pages. Student seminar paper, "Mackinac: From Military Post to Summer Resort." Gift of Miss Lennane, 1952. 1151. LEONARD, NEWTON F. (1828-64). PAPERS, 1863, 1901. 4 items. Commissions and pension records of Leonard's service in the Third Michigan Infan- try during the Civil War; a brief biographical sketch of Leonard by his grandson. Gift of Spencer Leonard, 1958. 1152. LERICH FAMILY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1832-67. 39 items. Letters to the Lerich family of Utica, Michigan, from relatives and friends. Politics, including the election of 1848, and personal, family, and business affairs are discussed. There are six Civil War letters of Isaac N. Lerich of Company B, Fifth Michigan Infantry and Company I, Third Michigan Infantry, and Wil- liam F. Lerich, Company B, Fifth Michigan In- fantry. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Anthony M. Lewis, 1943. 1153. LeROY, JAMES A. (1875-1909). PAPERS, 1901-05. 3 items. United States Consul. Travelogs of Philippine trips with William H. Taft in 1900-01 and 1905; letter (1905) concerning The University of Michigan Union. Acquired, 1943. 1154. LESLIE, WILLIAM RAYMOND. PAPERS, 1944. 4 items. Professor of History, The University of Michigan. University of Michigan Ph.D. thesis, "The Constitutional History of the Fugitive Slave Clause, 1787-1842," together with early drafts; two personal letters to Leslie (1944). Gift of William R. Leslie, 1945. 1155. LEWIS, ANTHONY MARCUS. PAPERS, 1940, 1946. 2 items. Student seminar paper, "Michigan Corpo- rations and Jacksonian Democracy," and Univer- sity of Michigan Ph.D. thesis, "Jefferson and the American Union, 1769-1781," (512 pages). Gift of Anthony M. Lewis, 1948. 1156. LEWIS, C. H. LETTER, 1891. 1 item, photostat copy. Letter from Lewis, with the superscrip- tion "Legend of Thunder Mountain," concerns a treasure supposedly buried at the foot of Thun- der Mountain near Coloma. 1157. LEWIS, HARRY. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1841-53. 1 volume. Personal account book of Lewis of Nan- kin township, Wayne County. Acquired, 1952. 1158. LEWIS, HOWARD BISHOP (1887-1954). PAPERS, 1930-54. 12 feet. Chairman of the Department of Biological Chemistry, The University of Michigan. The papers consist largely of correspondence, re- ports, notes, and other papers dealing with de- partmental affairs, Lewis' professional activities, Michigan Memorial- Phoenix project, and the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 1159. LEWIS, JAMES H. LETTER, 1864. 1 item. A letter from James William Piatt to Lewis describes mining and general conditions in Virginia City, Montana. Gift of Miss Floy Warner, 1953. 1160. LICHTY, DAVID MARTIN (1862-1942). PAPERS, 1891-1920. 3 volumes and 100 items. Professor of Chemistry, The University of Michigan. Lectures notes and personal ac- count books. Gift of Mrs. Warren C. Lichty, 1962. 95 1161. LIGHTNER, F. W. LETTER, 1909. 1 item. Letter to The University of Michigan Alumni Association offering to sponsor a con- test for a new college song or yell. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 1162. LIMBARKER [LIMBOCKER] WILLIAM E. (1835-63). DIARY, 1861-62. 1 volume. A diary kept while he was serving with the Fourth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. Genevieve S. Reilly, 1948. 1163. LIMPERT, KASPAR (1808-79). LETTER, 1835. 1 item. Letter, in German, from Limpert to Wilhelm Goering, Wurzburg, Germany, in which he writes about Ann Arbor and conditions of the time. Gift of Robert R. Dieterle, 1938. 1164. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM (1809-65). CORRESPONDENCE, 1856, 1864. 3 items. Sixteenth President of the United States. Letter (photostat copy) to H. G. Wells making arrangements for Lincoln's 1856 Kalamazoo speech; letter from Mrs. Hattie Knight to Lin- coln, with a note on the back of the letter signed by Lincoln. 1165. LINCOLN, MARTHA H. LETTER, 1839. 1 item. Letter from Martha Lincoln of Goodwins- ville to Mrs. Olive Lincoln in which she dis- cusses family affairs, particularly deaths of friends and relatives. 1166. LINCOLN, PHILIP T. STUDENT PAPER, 1956. 7 pages. Student paper, "Attitudes Toward General William Hull, a Survey." Gift of Philip T. Lincoln, 1956. 1167. LINDHOUT, WILLIAM P. PAPERS, 1944-45. 6 items. Official history and miscellaneous papers relating to U.S. Naval Torpedo Squadron 82 in World War II. Gift of William P. Lindhout, 1945. 1168. LIPPEN, JOHN. REMINISCENCES, jii.d.] . 9 pages. Reminiscences of the cereal industry in Battle Creek. Gift of Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe, 1959. 1169. LIST, JOHN ADAM. PAPERS, 1848-72. 79 items. The papers consist of business papers, records, correspondence, and miscellaneous items pertaining to the German community of Frankenmuth, including the community charter drawn up in 1848. Gift of Lorenz C. List, 1952. 1170. LISTER, WILLIAM M. LEDGERS, 1895-1901. 3 volumes. Druggist. Ledgers of a Saline drugstore. Gift of William Lister, 1939. 1171. LITTLE, CLARENCE COOK (1888- ). PAPERS, 1925-29. 59 items. President, University of Maine and The University of Michigan. The papers concern the appointment and inaugural of Little as President of The University of Michigan, relations with Alumni and Alumni University, correspondence with and about Avard Fairbanks, a letter (1927) about America First Foundation, and an address. 1172. LITTLEJOHN, FLAVIUS J. (1804-80). PAPERS, ca. 1862-75. 9 volumes. Lawyer, State Representative and Senator, Circuit Court Judge. There are eight volumes of lectures and addresses, literary, political, and historical essays, and a scrapbook of newspaper clippings with manuscript comments by Littlejohn. Gift of Mrs. A. S. Butler, 1939. 1173. LLOYD, ALFRED HENRY (1864-1927). PAPERS, 1879, 1915-26. 1 foot and 14 volumes. Philosopher, Dean of the Graduate School of The University of Michigan. The papers con- sist of correspondence concerning Lloyd's schol- arly activities, addresses, manuscript articles, notebooks, including three volumes of history notes compiled while he was a student at An- dover, Mass., and ten volumes of lecture notes for classes in philosophy. Gift of Mrs. Alfred H. Lloyd, 1947. 1174. LLOYD, ALICE CROCKER (1893-1950). PAPERS, 1931-50. Ca. 150 items. Dean of Women, The University of Mich- igan. There are five biographical manuscripts, a letter (1947) concerning University of Michigan housing, two memorial statements about Miss Lloyd, and five press releases. The remaining items are addresses delivered by Miss Lloyd. Acquired, 1950, 1953. 1175. LOBDELL, GEORGE HENRY. PH.D. THESIS, 1954. Microfilm copy. Professor of History, Ohio University. University of Illinois Ph.D. thesis, "A Biography of Frank Knox." Acquired, 1958. 96 1176. LOCKWOOD, ALBERT (1871-1933). LETTER, 1913. 1 item. Pianist, Professor of Piano, The Univer- sity of Michigan. Letter from Lockwood asking postponement of a recital date. 1177. LOCKWOOD, SAMUEL PIERSON. LETTER, 1923. 1 item. Professor of Violin, The University of Michigan. Letter from Lockwood to Otto Stahl discussing The University of Michigan School of Music. Gift of Mrs. Clara R. Stahl, 1960. 1178. LOMBARD, WARREN PLIMPTON (1855- 1939). PAPERS, ca. 1865-1939. 1-2/3 feet and 3 volumes. Professor of Physiology at Clark Univer- sity and The University of Michigan. Letters, addresses, and other papers of Lombard deal largely with Ann Arbor Red Cross, etching and art exhibitions of Lombard, University of Mich- igan affairs, and physiology. There are three volumes of notes for classes in physiology and thirty-five letters from Albert A. Stanely. Gift of Albert H. White, 1939-40. 1179. LONG, OSCAR RUSSELL ( -1914). LETTER, 1895. 1 item, typewritten copy. Physician; Medical Superintendent at Michigan Asylum for Insane Criminals (now Ionia State Hospital). In a letter to President James B. Angell, Long declines a position in the Homeopathic Medical School at the University. 1180. LONGYEAR, EPHRAIM (1827-89). PAPERS, 1847. 14 items. School essays of Longyear (brother of Judge John W. Longyear) and copies of moralis- tic essays and poems typical of mid- 19th cen- tury education. Gift of Marquette County Historical So- ciety, 1958. 1181. LONGYEAR, JOHN MUNRO (1850-1922). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, t n.d.]. 4 pages. Sketch of A. Lanfear Norrie and the Norrie iron mine. Gift of Mrs. Carroll Paul, 1950. 1182. LONGYEAR, JOHN WESLEY (1820-75). PAPERS, 1846-75. 2 feet. U.S. Representative, U.S. District Judge. The papers consist of correspondence, some business and legal papers, manuscript addresses, and miscellaneous items. Much of the corre- spondence concerns Michigan politics and the Civil War activities of Longyear while he was a member of Congress. A journal (1871) con- tains a few brief entries on business matters. Correspondents include Levi L. Barbour, Austin Blair, Thomas M. Cooley, Rowland E. Trowbridge. Gift of Mrs. Carroll Paul, 1941. 1183. LOOMIS, ELISHA (1799-1836). PAPERS, 1830, 1831. 2 items. Diary (Oct. -Nov., 1830) of a journey from Rochester, New York, to Mackinac, Michigan; letter from Loomis commenting on a talk by Robert Stuart in which he described his trip to the Columbia River and the establishment of a fur post there. Gift of Miss Albertine Loomis, 1951. 1184. L'ORANGER FAMILY. PAPERS, 1813-63. 12 items. There are legal papers mostly dealing with land transactions, a history of the L'Oranger family in Michigan, and an invoice of Indian goods sent to La Saline from Detroit. Gift of Robert H. Larson, 1950. 1185. LORCH, EMIL (1870-1963). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLES, 1956. 3 vol- umes. Professor of Architecture, The University of Michigan. The articles are entitled, "The Ann Arbor Art Association, 1909-1934," "Collec- tions of the College of Architecture of The Uni- versity of Michigan, 1906-1936," and "Musical Activities in Ann Arbor, 1903-1933." Gift of Emil Lorch, 1956. 1186. LORION, VAYLE. FAMILY HISTORIES, f n.d.]. 60 pages. Historical notes, collected from various printed sources, on forty Farmington families. Gift of Mrs. C. G. Lorion, 1962. 1187. LOUD, HENRY NELSON (1850-1938). LETTERPRESS BOOK, 1901-04. 1 volume. Letterpress book of Loud, a lumberman of Au Sable. The letters discuss conservation, cur- rent problems, Michigan State Library matters, politics, and appointments to state posts. 1188. LOUD, MARIAN V. MANUSCRIPT BIOGRAPHY, ^.d.-,. 446 pages. "No Winter Came," a biography of Henry Nelson Loud, Au Sable lumberman. Gift of Miss Loud, 1944. 1189. LOVE, JOHN C. (1840-75). LETTERS, 1861-64. 26 items. Farmer. Civil War letters written while 97 he was serving in the Ninth and the Eleventh Michigan Infantry. See Bulletin No. 9 for de- tails. 1190. LOVE, WILLIAM A. LETTERPRESS BOOK, 1897-99. 1 vol- ume. Lawyer in Marshall. The correspondence is largely with other lawyers regarding legal cases in which Love had an interest. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1946. 1191. LOVELL, EDWARD COULTAS ( -1902). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1860. 1 volume. County judge of Kane County, Illinois. University of Michigan student notebook on lec- tures by Henry S. Frieze. Gift of Miss Margaret E. Lovell, 1960. 1192. LOVELL, VINCENT SMITH (1846-92). PAPERS, 1867-73. 9 items and 7 vol- umes. The Lovell papers relate largely to Uni- versity of Michigan affairs, including essays, notes, three volumes of student notebooks on courses by Edward P. Evans, Louis Fasquelle, Edward Olney, and others, and three diaries commenting on student life as well as travels in Great Britain. Gift of Miss Gertrude L. Price, 1948. 1193. LOWING, STEPHEN LAMPMAN (1817-91). PAPERS, 1861-64. 7 items and 1 vol- ume. The papers consist of letters written while he was serving in the Third Michigan In- fantry during the Civil War and a scrapbook con- taining transcripts of clippings, documents per- taining to Georgetown township in Ottawa County, the Civil War, and the Lowing family. Gift of Almond T. Skinner, 1962. 1194. LUCAS, HENRY STEPHEN (1889-1961). PAPERS, 1846-1930. 14 reels of micro- film. Professor of History, University of Wash- ington. Papers collected by Lucas for his book, Netherlands in America , include manuscripts, pamphlets, maps, pictures, newspapers, and other materials dealing with the Dutch migra- tion to America. Gift of Henry S. Lucas, 1959. 1195. LUDERER, AUGUST WILLIAM. LETTER, 1894. 1 item. Letter to James Shearer concerning photo- graphs of Zina Pitcher. Gift of James Shearer, 1947. 1196. LUNNY, MARY E. STUDENT PAPER, 1937. 70 pages. Student seminar paper, "History of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Ann Arbor." Gift of Mary E. Lunny, 1948. (Mrs. Clark T. Norton.) 1197. LUTHER, GEORGE E. PAPERS, 1922-24. Ca. 300 items. The papers are a collection of riddles, conundrums, puzzles, notes on Michigan history, and scattered correspondence. Gift of Mr. E. W. Luther, 1946. 1198. LUTZ, GEORGE J. (1859-1946). REMINISCENCES, 1935. 16 pages. Head of Paint Division, Buildings and Grounds Department, The University of Michigan. Reminiscences of The University of Michigan campus development (1888-1943) and of faculty members. Gift of Lewis M. Gram, 1943. 1199. LYMAN, PLINY S. ( -1868). PAPERS, 1859-1909. 12 items and 4 vol- umes. Founder of the Corunna Woollen Factory, local official. Two records of Corunna, business papers, report cards, three wool- carding day- books (1864-66) containing labor accounts, with some records of payment in kind, a diary and cashbook (1867) make up this collection. Gift of Leah Belle Lyman, 1939. 1200. LYNCH, JAMES H. (1859-1944). NOTEBOOK, [ii.d.}. 1 volume. Judge, Oakland County Democratic poli- tician. The notebook contains reminiscences and accounts of people, places, institutions, and or- ganizations in Oakland County. Gift of Mrs. Mary Lynch Burdick, 1957. 1201. LYON, LUCIUS (1800-51). PAPERS, 1826-51. 72 items. Territorial delegate, U.S. Representative and Senator. The papers consist of two letters (1844) exchanged between Lyon and O. Hunger- ford, a letter from Lyon to Jonathan White con- cerning purchase of timber land, seventeen let- ters from Lyon to his sister Lucretia, papers of Esther Lyon Tabor and Julia Holmes, genealog- ical notes, and miscellaneous papers. 1202. LYON, SOLOMON T. (1835-90). PAPERS, 1860-72. 36 items. Soldier from Howell. There are twenty- three letters and service records of Lyon as an officer in the Fifth Michigan Infantry during the 98 Civil War, as well as family letters and papers, including death notices of William C. Rumsey, father of Mrs. Lyon. Gift of Mrs. George Wheeler, 1961. 1203. LYONS, WILLIS L. PAPERS, 1900. 2 items. Lawyer, Howell. The papers relate to the loss of a watch and other items when he was returning from Cuba after serving in Company G, Thirty-fourth Michigan Infantry, in the Span- ish-American War. Gift of Willis L. Lyons, 1960. 1204. LYSTER, WILLIAM NARCISSUS. PAPERS, 1839-61. 1 reel of microfilm. Protestant Episcopal clergyman. Ser- mons, poems, reports, and drafts of letters to his family in Ireland, Bishop McCoskry, and other colleagues. In the letters he discusses his work and communities to be visited. Acquired, 1961. 1205. McAllister, roland. PAPERS, 1933, 1939. 2 items. Article entitled, "A Brief History of Ben- zonia Academy," by McAllister, together with a letter concerning the manuscript. 1206. McARTHUR, REUBEN. CORRESPONDENCE, 1862-64. 6 items. Letters from George H. Kilborn to McArthur written while Kilborn was serving in Company F, First Michigan Cavalry, and one letter from Martin B. Payne written while he was serving in Company C, Tenth Michigan In- fantry during the Civil War. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. Arthur McArthur, 1960. 1207. McCALLUM, GEORGE PORTERFIELD (1871-1952). PAPERS, 1899-1952. 14 items and 5 vol- umes. Ann Arbor lawyer, Michigan State Sena- tor. The papers consist of two letters (1939) from McCallum to Warren W. Florer concerning Washtenaw County Young Republican Club; two scrapbooks containing manuscripts of McCallum's speeches and political activities; citations; and three volumes of diaries (1951-52) containing notes on everyday events. 1208. McCAMLY, SANDS ( -1864). LETTER, 1845. 1 item, photostat copy. State Representative and Senator. Letter from McCamly to Henry Price about Battle Creek. 1209. McCartney, eugene stock (1883- ). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1932. 1 volume. "Folklore Heirlooms," with manuscript annotations, published by Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. Acquired, 1961. 1210. Mccarty, j. h. LETTER, 1873. 1 item. Letter from McCarty of Adrian to Rever- end S. W. Williams concerns the correction of errors in a manuscript. 1211. McClelland, robert (1807-80). PAPERS, 1829-70. 4 items and 2 vol- umes. Governor of Michigan, U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Regent of The University of Mich- igan. The papers consist of the Latin salutatory for the opening of Dickinson College (1829), bio- graphical sketch, letter (1861) in which he af- firms to Augusta McClelland his strong loyalty to the Union, two notebooks containing campaign speeches and notes on the Civil War, and an ap- pointment (1837) of McClelland, by Stevens T. Mason, to The University of Michigan Board of Regents. Gift of Robert McClelland Brady, 1939. 1212. McCLELLANE, J. M. LETTERS, 1843. 3 items. Captain, U.S. Topographical Engineers. Letters from McClellane to W. G. Williams re- garding the survey of the boundary line between Wisconsin and Michigan at Green Bay. 1213. McCLURE, GRACE (1884-1961). REMINISCENCES, 1958-59. 75 pages. State librarian, civic leader. The remi- niscences of Mrs. Charles McClure of Saginaw describes her life in Saginaw, prominent fam- ilies there, Republican politics, Theodore Roose- velt, and the woman suffrage movement. Gift of Mrs. McClure, 1959. 1214. McCOLLUM FAMILY. PAPERS, 1831-90. 49 items and 1 vol- ume, in part copies. The letters of the McCollum family, par- ticularly Levi and David T. McCollum and Caro- line W. Gridley, are written from various towns in southern Michigan about family and business affairs. There are also legal documents and certificates, and a justice of the peace docket book of David T. McCollum. Gift of George L. McCollum, 1946. 99 1216. Mccracken, russell elliott. PAPERS, 1925-31. 9 items and 4 vol- umes. Manuscripts of plays and poems by McCracken and notes on them; comments on well-known poets and playwrights written while he was a student at The University of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. C. A. Ornbaum, 1944. 1217. McDOUGALL, GEORGE ( -1842). ACCOUNT, 1805-06. 1 item. An account of McDougall with the Terri- tory of Michigan. Acquired, 1958. 1218. McFADDEN, IRENE. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1909-12. 14 vol- umes. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Arthur G. Canfield, Martin L. D'Ooge, Earle W. Dow, Francis W. Kelsey, Clarence L. Meader, Thomas E. Rankin, Fred N. Scott, Frank G. Tompkins, Claude H. Van Tyne, Charles B. Vibbert, Robert M. Wenley. Gift of Mrs. George B. Kingston (form- erly Miss McFadden), 1949. 1219. McGARRY, ELEANOR. STUDENT PAPERS, ^.d.] . 2 items. Student seminar papers, "An Annotated Bibliography for Michigan History," and "A Course of Study in Michigan History." Gift of Miss McGarry, 1941, 1949. 1220. McGRAW, ALEXANDER COOEY (1809-93). LETTERS, 1842-71. 54 items, typewrit- ten copies. Detroit shoe merchant. The letters from McGraw to his son Edward Walker McGraw deal mostly with family affairs, with some references to The University of Michigan in 1855-59 when Edward was a student there, and to President Henry P. Tappan, a family friend. One letter covers a European trip in 1860-61. Gift of Joel W. Hedgpeth, 1959. 1221 McGRAW, ALEXANDER H. (1840- PAPERS, 1862. 2 items. Discharge certificate of McGraw from the Fifth Michigan Infantry and a letter from Colonel John Gilbert introducing McGraw. Gift of Harrison B. McGraw, 1939. 1222. McGRAW, AUGUSTUS CARPENTER (1848- ). GENEALOGY, 1893. 33 pages. Shoe merchant and real estate dealer. "In Memory of Alexander C. McGraw," a gen- ealogy of the McGraw family and biography of Alexander C. McGraw, also a Detroit shoe mer- chant . Gift of Harrison B. McGraw, 1941. 1223. McGUIRE, CHARLES LINCOLN. POEM, t n.d.]. 1 item. Lawyer. "Our Bell Crown Hat," a poem written while he was a University of Michigan Law School student. 1224. McINTYRE, DONALD (1807-91). PAPERS, 1858, 1863. 2 items. University of Michigan regent. An ad- dress delivered at the inauguration of Erastus O. Haven as president of The University of Michi- gan; typescript copies of correspondence with Horace Mann regarding coeducation. 1225. McKEE, JAMES HENRY (1823- ). DIARY, 1840. 1 volume. Student. Diary noting daily activities of student life in Vermont and Massachusetts before McKee came to Michigan in 1849. Gift of Mrs. J. Langdon McKee, 1957. 1226. McKENZIE, WILLIAM DEXTER (1873- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1909-13, 1917. 80 items. Correspondence dealing with The Univer- sity of Michigan's return to the Western Athletic Conference. Correspondents include Philip G. Bartelme, Henry M. Bates, Victor H. Lane, James O. Mur- fin. Gift of William D. McKenzie, 1948. 1227. McKIBBIN, MAY E. PAPERS, 1861-97. 3 items. The items consist of a school certificate of Emily A. Barnes, a Civil War letter (1864) of John A. Elder (1836-89) of Company E, Eighth Michigan Infantry, a school certificate and rec- ommendation (1897) of May McKibbin by Henry R. Pattengill. See Bulletin No. 9 for details of the Elder letter. On loan from May E. McKibbin, 1946. 1228. McKINNEY, FRANCIS F. (1891- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1955. 4 items. Author. Correspondence about the cap- ture of Jefferson Davis. Gift of Francis F. McKinney, 1955. 1229. MacLACHLAN, JAMES ANGELL (1891- ). LETTER, 1909. 1 item. Lawyer, Professor of Law at Harvard. Letter from MacLachlan to his father Andrew C. McLaughlin, telling of his student activities at The University of Michigan. Gift of Robert C. Angell, 1953. 100 1230. Mclaughlin, Andrew Cunningham (1861-1947). PAPERS, 1872-1919. 123 items and 8 volumes. Professor of History, The University of Michigan and University of Chicago. The pa- pers consist of correspondence concerning his scholarly interests, six essays and a law thesis written while he was a student at The University of Michigan, eight volumes of lecture notes on lectures delivered by McLaughlin at The Univer- sity of Michigan, and correspondence of Mrs. Lois Angell McLaughlin with her father James B. Angell and other members of the Angell fam- ily. About half of this latter correspondence was written from China (1880-82). Correspondents include Charles K. Adams, James B. Angell, J. Franklin Jameson, Pierre Margry, John T. Morse, Ira Remsen, Claude H. Van Tyne. Gift of Mrs. Elmer Donahue, 1947, and Robert C. Angell, 1938 and 1947. 1231. Mclaughlin, Rowland h. LETTER, 1918. 1 item. Letter from First Lieutenant McLaughlin of the A.E.F. in France to his mother. Gift of Robert C. Angell, 1953. 1232. MacLEAN, DONALD (1839-1903). PAPERS, 1796, 1862-1902, 1938. 14 items and 1 volume. Professor of Surgery, The University of Michigan. The papers consist of a report, man- uscript article, thirteen items of correspondence concerning MacLean and the practice of medi- cine, one letter (1796) to MacLean's grandfather, and a scrapbook of newspaper clippings on mis- cellaneous subjects. Correspondents include James B. Angell, William J. Mayo, James Syme. Gift of Mrs. Alexander M. Campbell, 1936-49. 1233. McLEAN, JOHN ( -1911). PAPERS, 1835-1912. 454 items and 5 volumes. Physician, lecturer at Michigan Union College and Rush Medical College. There are seventy- one letters about land sales and other business affairs, personal matters, and the pro- fessional activities of McLean; fifty-one lectures; four account and notebooks; orders for medicine and other legal and business papers; an expense book of Charles M. McLean, father of John; and a scrapbook (1889). Gift of Mrs. Harriet McLean, 1940. 1234. McLOUTH, WILLIAM B. PAPERS, 1810-61. 50 items. Farmer in York township, Washtenaw County. The papers are bills, receipts, con- tracts, astronomical calculations, and a few let- ters, including one in 1835 in which he describes his land holdings in York township. Gift of Miss Beth L. McLouth, 1960. 1235. McMATH, ROBERT RAYNOLDS (1891- 1962). PAPERS, 1931-48. 6 feet. Astronomer and Professor, The Univer- sity of Michigan. Correspondence concerns the scholarly activities of McMath at The University of Michigan, largely in the field of astronomy. There is also a copy of "The History of the McMath- Hulbert Observatory of the University of Michigan From its Inception to April 1949." Correspondents include Randolph G. Adams, Carl Eckart, Henry S. Hulbert, Donald H. Menzel, Paul W. Merrill, Alexander G. Ruthven, Shirley W. Smith, E. Blythe Stason, Julius F. Stone. Gift of the Astronomy Department and Robert R. McMath, 1949-1962. 1236. McMICHAEL, MRS. MILDRED S. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, ^i.d.y 10 pages. An article entitled, "Historical Trail, Monroe City." Gift of Mrs. McMichael, 1951. 1237. McMORRAN, DAVID WILLIAMS. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1903, 1914-44. 1 vol- ume. Port Huron businessman, owner of Franck & Sons chicory factory. Account book of McMor- ran contains personal accounts showing income and obligations. Gift of Gordon McMorran, 1959. 1238. MACOMBER, ALBERT EVERETT (1837- ). NOTE, [n.d.] . 1 item. Lawyer and businessman. The note gives biographical data on Macomber. 1239. McPEEK, JACOB L. (1848- ). PAPERS, 1861-85. 3 items and 2 volumes. County judge, Charlotte. An autograph book, account book, and manuscripts of McPeek's patriotic addresses. Gift of Mrs. Russell McPeek, 1946. 1240. McPEEK, RUSSELL ROY. SCRAPBOOK, 1916-26. 1 volume. Scrapbook of newspaper clippings and other printed items pertaining to America's par- ticipation in World War I. Gift of Mrs. Russell McPeek, 1950. 1241. MACUMBER, BENJAMIN C. (1822- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1862-65. 19 items. 101 Civil War letters from Macumber of Company G, Twenty-third Michigan Infantry, to his wife Ann. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. There are also letters from C. N. Seehill to Macumber. Gift of Miss Ora B. Peake, 1958. 1242. McVEAN, DONALD S. M.A. THESIS, 1947. 76 pages. University of Michigan education thesis, "Teaching of History in the Private Schools of Michigan, 1830-1900." Gift of Donald McVean, 1947. 1243. McWILLIAMS, VERA. MANUSCRIPT BIOGRAPHY, c n.d.]. 504 pages. Original manuscript of the biography of Lafcadio Hearn, which was published in 1946. Gift of Mrs. McWilliams, 1946. 1244. MACY, GEORGE F. LETTER, 1848. 1 item. Letter from the land firm of Macy and Driggs of Detroit dealing with land and tax prob- lems. Acquired, 1956. 1245. MAES, JOTHAM WARD. PAPERS, 1864-1927. 5 items. Civil War veteran. There are two dis- charges from the Union Army, a membership certificate in the Sultana Survivors Association, and two letters concerning Sultana survivors. Gift of Mrs. Minnie M. Root, 1944. 1246. MAGDOL, EDWARD. STUDENT PAPER, 1939. 43 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Press of Michigan in the 1933 Election (exclusive of De- troit)," written by Edward Magdol and Robert Perlman. Gift of Edward Magdol and Robert Perl- man, 1939. 1247. MAINES, GEORGE. LETTER, 1918. 1 item. A letter to his mother written from Camp Custer during World War I. Gift of Mrs. Warren Wood, 1962. 1248. MALE, GEORGE A. STUDENT PAPER, 1939. 18 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Stevens Family and the Civil War." Gift of George A. Male, 1949. 1249. MALPASS, WILLIAM. PAPERS, 1880-83. 15 items. Businessman. The correspondence and business papers deal with the establishment of an iron foundry in East Jordan, with one letter discussing immigration to the United States. Gift of Richard W. Malpass, 1961. 1250. MALTMAN, JOHN S. (1840-1922). LETTER, 1863. 12 pages, typewritten copy. The letter to his brother, written while he was serving in the Seventeenth Michigan In- fantry during the Civil War, is in diary form. Gift of William M. McKee, 1960. 1251. MANDELSTAMM, ALLEN B. STUDENT PAPER, jn.d.]. 44 pages. Student seminar paper, "Henry Carter Adams, Accountant, Philosopher and Economist." Gift of Z. Clark Dickinson, 1962. 1252. MANDERS, WILLIAM G. NOTES, 1937-40. 3 feet. Lawyer. Notes accumulated by Manders while he was a student in The University of Michigan Law School. Gift of William G. Manders, 1960. 1253. MANNY, FRANK ADDISON (1868-1954). PAPERS, 1890-1946. 9 feet. Educator, University of Chicago and West- ern Michigan University. The papers consist of extensive personal correspondence concerning his professional interests, including letters from many distinguished authors and educators, a manuscript journal which includes reminiscences, extracts from correspondence, notes on current literature and other subjects, scrapbooks of Manny's publications, manuscript articles, and miscellaneous papers. Included are letters of Delos Franklin Wilcox, written while he was a student at The University of Michigan ca. 1894- 95. Correspondents include Louis Adamic, Henry C. Adams, James B. Angell, James R. Angell, Ray S. Baker, William W. Bishop, Van Wyck Brooks, Pearl S. Buck, Nicholas M. Butler, James B. Conant, Jonathan Daniels, Isaac N. Demmon, John Dewey, Martin L. D'Ooge, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Felix Frankfurter, Frank P. Graham, William R. Harper, Granville Hicks, Stewart H. Holbrook, Ernest M. Hopkins, Harold J. Laski, Max Lerner, David E. Lilienthal, Robert M. Lovett, Archibald MacLeish, Karl Menninger, James Morgan, Francis B. Sayre, Fred N. Scott, Henry K. Sherrill, Upton Sinclair, Shirley W. Smith, Ida M. Tarbell, Oswald G. Villard, Booker T. Washington, C. Vann Wood- ward. Gift of the Manny estate, 1956. 102 1254. MANWARING, JOSHUA (1824-1903). PAPERS, 1867-1905. 50 items and 3 vol- umes. State Senator, farmer, lumberman. Gen- ealogical accounts of the Manwaring family, three letters concerning genealogy, forty-five legal documents, business papers, school and other certificates, and two scrapbooks of news- paper clippings and programs dealing largely with Michigan politics (1880-1905) and the Man- waring family make up most of this collection. There is also a diary of a trip to the Pikes Peak region of Colorado in 1859. This is a longhand copy of the original made by his son George in 1869. Gift of Mr. J. T. Manwaring, 1951-53. 1255. MAPES, CARL EDGAR (1874-1939). SCRAPBOOK, 1908-39. 1 volume. State Senator, U.S. Congressman (1913- 39). The scrapbook of newspaper clippings and other material largely relates to Mapes' death. Gift of Mrs. John P. Mapes, 1957. 1256. MARCH, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1899- 1934). PAPERS, 1934. 2 items. Curator, The University of Michigan Mu- seum of Anthropology. Booklet of sketches and children's verse. 1257. MARCH, EDWIN J. CORRESPONDENCE, 1862-66. 49 items. Civil War officer. Correspondence re- lating to Civil War activities, particularly re- cruiting. Most of the letters are from Dorus M. Fox. Other correspondents are Governor Austin Blair, and John C. Boughton, Timothy Fish, and Frederick Schneider of the Second Michigan In- fantry. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. George K. March, 1952. 1258. MARK, EDWARD L. PAPERS, ca. 1871. 2 items. Class notes taken by Mark at The Uni- versity of Michigan. Gift of Dr. Edward L. Mark, 1947. 1259. MARKLEY, JOSEPH LYBRAND (1859- 1930). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, f n.d.] . 6 pages. Professor of Mathematics, The Univer- sity of Michigan. A biographical sketch of Pro- fessor Markley signed by Walter B. Ford, Peter Field, Alfred H. White. 1260. MARKOS, MARY. STUDENT PAPERS, 1958, 1959. 2 items. Student seminar papers, "Austin Blair and Reconstruction, 1865-1873," and "The Develop- ment of the Southfield High School." Acquired, 1961. 1261. MARKS, ERNEST S. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1933. 5 pages. An article entitled, "Michigan and the Christian Endeavor Society." Gift of Ernest S. Marks, 1942. 1262. MARSH, THEODORE and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1831-1909. 80 items and 6 vol- umes. Presbyterian clergyman. The papers con- sist of correspondence concerning family affairs, religion, student life at The University of Mich- igan and Auburn Theological Seminary, pastoral work in Colorado towns in the 1860's; an auto- biography of Theodore Marsh and eight essays by him; miscellaneous papers; a photograph album of classmates and teachers of Augustus Marsh ca. 1860; a volume of daily religious re- flections~of Florella D. Marsh (1845-47); auto- graph books of Florella D. Marsh (1848) and Mattie S. Hewitt (1861); and a manuscript history of the Presbyterian Church in Michigan by Theo- dore and Augustus Marsh. Gift of Mrs. Leroy Cram, 1946. 1263. MARSHALL, MRS. O. K. PAGEANT, 1940. 12 pages. A pageant commemorating the fiftieth an- niversary of the Grand Rapids district of the Women's Home Missionary Society. 1264. MARSTON, ISAAC (1839-91). PAPERS, 1869-87. 5 items and 1 volume. Attorney and Michigan Supreme Court Justice. The items are a scrapbook of newspa- per clippings dealing with Republican politics and a letter (1884) of Charles A. Towne protest- ing Marston's attacks on James G. Blaine, three manuscript addresses of Marston and a legal opinion by him, a letter inviting Governor John J. Bagley to Bay City. Gift of Mr. T. T. Marston, 1938. 1265. MARTIN, ELLEN ANNETTE. PAPERS, 1882, 1885. 5 items. Attorney. A list of women attorneys in the United States and letters concerning women in the legal profession. Gift of Mrs. M. T. Strickland, 1937. 1266. MARTIN, WAYNE S. STUDENT PAPER, 1947. 17 pages and a bibliography. Student seminar paper, "Alger, Luce and Schoolcraft Counties— An Examination and 103 Evaluation of the Materials in the Michigan His- torical Collections Gathered and Filed by the Michigan Historical Records Survey of County Archives." Gift of Wayne S. Martin, 1948. 1267. MASON, LAURA TALMADGE (1824- ). JOURNAL, 1838. 1 volume, typewritten copy. A journal describing a journey to Mich- igan via the Erie Canal and the lakes and the beginnings of the Mason family's life in Mar- shall. Gift of Mrs. James M. Redfield, 1939. 1268. MASON, MARY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1850-52. 7 items. Five personal letters exchanged between Mary Mason and her husband, and two letters from Mary Mason's family. 1269. )■ 3 vol- MASON, PHILIP PARKER (1927- STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1952-53. umes. Archivist, Wayne State University. Uni- versity of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Sidney Fine and Lewis G. Vander Velde. Gift of Philip P. Mason, 1953. 1270. MASON, STEVENS THOMSON (1811-43). PAPERS, 1827-42. 74 items. First governor of Michigan. The Mason papers consist of nine letters from Lewis Cass to Mason; twenty drafts of Mason's letters, in- cluding two to Andrew Jackson and ten to Sec- retary of State John Forsyth; additional corre- spondence; draft of Mason's inaugural address (1838) and drafts of nine other messages to the Legislature; membership certificates, business and miscellaneous papers. A principal subject covered by these papers is the Toledo War. There is also material on Indian problems, pur- chase of books for The University of Michigan, and appointment of Mason as Secretary of the Territory. Correspondents include Lewis Cass, John Norvell, George W. Owen, Aaron Vail. Gift of Peter Bailey, 1942, Augustus Hendelman, 1956, Charles Hemans, 1961. 1271. MASON, XENIA. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.-|. 27 pages. Student seminar paper, "Cultural Devel- opment in the Early Nineteenth Century in Mich- igan as Illustrated by the Lyceum Movement." Gift of Miss Mason, 1948. 1272. MASTICK, MARGARET ROWE. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, [n.d.]. 1 page. Biographical sketch of Reverend George Wilson, Methodist minister in Michigan in the 1860's. Gift of Mrs. Earl Mastick, 1959. 1273. MATTERN, DAVID EARL (1890-1959). PAPERS, 1930-49. 2 feet. Professor of Music, The University of Michigan. Papers relating to The University of Michigan School of Music and Mattern's profes- sional interest in music. Gift of Mrs. David Mattern, 1959. 1274. MAURER, WESLEY HENRY (1897- ). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1932. [67] pages. Article entitled, "The Cost of Medical Care in Michigan." 1275. MAXWELL, AMBROSE J. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Manager, Bay City Chamber of Commerce. Letter from Maxwell to F. Clever Bald concern- ing Bay City's contribution to the war effort. Gift of F. Clever Bald. 1276. MAY, CHARLES SEDGWICK (1830-1901). CORRESPONDENCE, 1853-61. 37 items. Lawyer, Kalamazoo; Lieutenant Governor of Michigan (1863-65). Letters from Joseph R. Williams concern the Toledo Blade and Michigan Agricultural College; letters from Frederick B. Porter are about legal matters, events in Mich- igan, and politics. 1277. MAY, DWIGHT (1822-80). PAPERS, 1848-80. 4 items. Lawyer, Brigadier General in the Union Army. The papers consist of two receipts, a letter to May, and resolutions passed by the Kalamazoo County Bar upon the death of May. Gift of Mrs. Evans Holbrook, 1943. 1278. MAY, GEORGE SMITH (1924- ). PAPERS, 1946, 1952. 1 item and 2 vol- umes. Research Archivist of Michigan. Student seminar paper, "Ann Arbor During the Civil War,' and two volumes of University of Michigan stu- dent notebooks on courses by Dwight L. Dum- mond, Samuel J. Eldersveld, Sidney Fine. Gift of George S. May, 1959. 1279. MAY, JAMES (1756-1829). ACCOUNT, 1806-07. 1 item. Marshal of Michigan Territory. Account of May with the Territory of Michigan for serv- ices rendered. Acquired, 1958. 104 1280. MAYNARD, EZRA. LETTERS, 1824-27. 3 items. Letters copied from the Michigan Argus for November 20, 1874, describing the settle- ment of Ann Arbor. Gift of Russell E. Bidlack, 1962. 1281. MAYNARD, FRED AUGUSTUS (1852-1950). SCRAPBOOK, 1893-1900. 1 volume. Michigan Attorney General. Scrapbook of newspaper clippings and scattered items of cor- respondence relating to his political career, Michigan Republican politics, and elections. Correspondents include Thomas M. Cool- ey, Thomas W. Ferry, Claudius B. Grant, Mark A. Hanna, Walter J. Hunsaker, William McKin- ley, James McMillan, Chase S. Osborn, John Patton, John T. Rich, William A. Smith. Gift of Bradford Johnson, 1945. 1282. MAYNARD, JOHN W. RECORD BOOK, 1853-96. 1 volume. Ann Arbor businessman. Account, recipe, and notebook which also contains a few diary entries and list of persons attending the six- tieth wedding anniversary of the Maynards. Gift of Mrs. Bertha H. Mason, 1942. 1283. MAYNARD, WILLIAM SUMNER (1802-66). CORRESPONDENCE, 1843, 1932. 5 items. Ann Arbor businessman. Letter (type- script) to William Woodbridge describing The University of Michigan in 1843, and correspond- ence with Milo M. Quaife, Frank Robbins, and others about the Maynard letter. 1284. MAYO, WILLIAM JAMES (1861-1939). PAPERS, 1937. 2 items. Surgeon. Letter from Mayo to Dr. T. S. Stewart enclosing a copy of Mayo's recollections of the Medical School of The University of Mich- igan in 1880-83. 1285. MAYO, WILLIAM L. STUDENT PAPER, 1958. 38 pages. "William B. Mayo and Henry Ford, 1912- 1932," a paper written by William L. Mayo while he was a student at The University of Michigan. Gift of William L. Mayo, 1958. 1286. MEAD, JAMES A. LETTERPRESS BOOKS, 1890-94. 2 vol- umes. Grand Rapids businessman. The letter- press books contain business correspondence relating to the Michigan Marble Company. Gift of Miss Geneva Kebler, 1957. 1287. MEADS, MORDECAI LOUIS ( -1891). LETTER, 1856. 1 item. Physician. A letter in which he de- scribes his activities as a student in The Uni- versity of Michigan Medical School. Gift of Robert W. Lull, 1942. 1288. MEAKER, MERRITT F. STUDENT PAPER, 1947. 37 pages. Student seminar paper, "A History of the Northville Schools." Gift of Merritt Meaker, 1947. 1289. MEALLY, JOHN E. PAPERS, 1893-1949. 1-1/3 feet. Methodist clergyman. The papers con- tain correspondence, reports, records, legal pa- pers and certificates of Meally, mostly relating to his Methodist church activities. There is also a scrapbook of congratulatory messages he received at the time of his retirement. Gift of John E. Meally, 1946, 1949. 1290. MEARS, CHARLES (1814-95). PAPERS, 1822-76, 1945. 40 items and 20 volumes. Sawmill operator, State Senator. The papers consist of correspondence, a report, legal and business papers, a sketch of the vil- lages of Mears and Lincoln, a diary, biograph- ical sketch of Mears (1945), and twenty volumes of business records such as day books, inven- tories, time books, ledgers from various camps and mills owned by Mears, including an account book (1837-43) which shows Mears' expenditures in his first lumbering venture in the White Lake area. Gift of Miss Carrie E. Mears. 1291. MEDDAUGH, ELIJAH WOOD (1833-1903). PAPERS, 1862-95. 9 items. Detroit attorney. Miscellaneous papers, including three letters to his wife on personal affairs. Gift of Mrs. Dorothy Earle, 1959. 1292. MEIGS, RETURN JONATHAN (1764-1825). PAPERS, 1812-23. 2 items, photostat copies. Governor of Ohio, U.S. Senator, Post- master General. An order for Meigs to appear at the court martial of Brigadier General Wil- liam Hull, and a statement concerning expenses incurred by Meigs during the War of 1812. Gift of Alec R. Gilpin, 1949. 1293. MELCHERS, GARI (1860-1932). CORRESPONDENCE, 1928-32. 6 items. An artist (born in Detroit). Personal 105 correspondence of Melchers and his wife with Dr. Charles Moore. Gift of McAllaster Moore, 1940. 1294. MERSHON, WILLIAM BRIGGS. PAPERS, 1917-40. Ca. 250 items. Correspondence and business papers re- lating to Mershon's congressional campaign (1931), his property in Georgia, and the Atlas Oil Company; World War I letters from Mershon and his brother Edward L. Mershon, written from France. Gift of William B. Mershon estate, 1944. 1295. MERSHON, WILLIAM BUTTS (1856-1943). PAPERS, 1887-1925. 78 feet and 195 vol- umes. Saginaw lumberman and businessman, State Tax Commissioner (1912). Correspond- ence, including sixty-three letterpress books dealing with Michigan wildlife conservation, Michigan Sportsmen Association, Michigan Man- ufacturers Association, Michigan State Tax Com- mission, Michigan politics and the Democratic Party, personal business investments, lumbering and mining interests, and personal affairs. There are four volumes of diaries and a book of notes on hunting and fishing trips, and vol- umes of business records, including cash books, time books, ledgers, journals, and other business volumes covering his personal accounts, invest- ments, and the lumbering business. Correspondents include Waldo A. Avery, William F. Baker, Aaron T. Bliss, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Joseph W. Fordney, Charles W. Gar- field, Alexander J. Groesbeck, Emerson Hough, George M. Humphrey, Watts S. Humphrey, Walter J. Hunsaker, George B. Morley, William R. Oates, Chase S. Osborn, Filibert Roth, Robert H. Shields, Albert E. Sleeper. Gift of the Mershon estate, 1944. 1296. MEYER, CHARLES F. NOTEBOOK, 1917. 6 volumes. First Lieutenant, U.S. Army Motor Trans- port Corps. Notes on military science and tac- tics instruction at Meaux, Seine- et-Marne, France. Gift of Charles F. Meyer. 1297. MEYER, EDWARD. LETTER, 1864. 1 item. Episcopal clergyman. Letter from Meyer of Lansing discussing his different Pastorates and the death of his son at Antietam. 1298. MICKLES FAMILY. PAPERS, 1839-99, 1923. 98 items. Miscellaneous papers of the Mickles family of Saginaw County include business and legal documents relating to land transactions in Livingston, Shiawassee, and Saginaw counties and a copy of Philip Mickles' certificate of enlist- ment (1861). Gift of Allis F. Hussey, 1947. 1299. MIDGLEY, JESSIE EDITH. QUESTIONNAIRE, ,-n.cl.]. 1 item. Nurse. Recollections of a lecture given by Mrs. Annie Jenness Miller, pioneer dress reformer, to students at The University of Mich- igan, ca. 1895. 1300. MILES, FABIUS (1814- ). LETTER, 1844. 1 item. Teacher, sawmill operator, State Repre- sentative. A letter from Miles to his wife de- scribes the route and transportation she must take to travel from Watertown, New York, to Hartford, Michigan. 1301. MILES, MURIEL. MANUSCRIPT SONG, 1936. 1 item. Graduation song dedicated to the graduates of Washington Gardner High School in Albion. 1302. MILLARD, ALFRED L. (1814-1900). BUSINESS RECORDS, 1856-95. 4 volumes. Attorney and local official, Adrian. Two law registers (1856-75, 1873-95), an account book and a ledger. Gift of Miss Grace G. Millard, 1939. 1303. MILLER, ALBERT EDWARD (1861-1939). PAPERS, 1882-89, 1938. 20 items. Lawyer. Eleven letters from Moses Coit Tyler to his nephew A. E. Miller, together with eight explanatory notes by Miller; one letter from Mrs. M. C. Tyler to Miller's mother. Gift of A. E. Miller, 1938. 1304. MILLER, ANNA COBB. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1954. 5 pages. Article entitled, "History of the Saline Woman's Club, 1904-1954." 1305. MILLER, CRAIG C. PAPERS, 1914-42. 7 items and 1 volume. Attorney. The papers consist of a cer- tificate of admission to the Massachusetts bar, six letters including one from Alexander J. Groes- beck and one from Murray D. Van Wagoner, and a scrapbook of correspondence and other material relating to World War I work done by Miller and his wife in Marshall. Gift of Craig C. Miller, 1944. 106 1306. MILLER, ELIZABETH. STUDENT PAPER, [n.d.j. 13 pages. Student seminar paper, "Bibliography for Michigan History." Gift of Miss Miller, 1948. 1307. MILLER, WALTER (1864-1949). STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1883-84. 3 vol- umes. Professor of Latin, The University of Michigan; Dean of the Graduate School, Univer- sity of Missouri. University of Michigan stu- dent notebooks on courses by Martin L. D'Ooge, Henry S. Frieze, George S. Morris, Calvin Thomas. Gift of Walter Miller, 1948. 1308. MILLER, WILLOUGHBY DAYTON (1853- 1907). PAPERS, [ii.d.]. 5 items. Professor of Dentistry. Paper on dental practices among the East Indians, and corre- spondence with D. D. Bode of Bombay, India. Acquired, 1956. 1309. MILLS, RUEL W. LEDGERS, 1874-94. 2 volumes. Two ledgers containing accounts of Mills' livery business and other items on Saline. 1310. MILLS, VESTA. PAPERS, 1883-98, 1921. 34 items and 1 volume. Recipes and recipe book, certificates, and autograph book of Saline friends. Gift of Howell Taylor, 1949. 1311. MILLS, WILLARD (1808- ). PAPERS, 1896. 2 items and 1 volume. Deacon, Galesburg. Notes on the Bible, an autobiographical sketch recalling pioneer days in southern Michigan, and a volume of sermon notes. Gift of Mrs. Mable M. McCormick, 1938. 1312. MILLSPAUGH, DAVID (1832-65). DIARY, 1862-63. 1 volume. Daily account of his Civil War service as a member of Company E, Eighteenth Mich- igan Infantry. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. 1313. MITCHELL, ANDREW STUART. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1885. 1 volume. Pharmacist, U.S. Food and Drug Inspec- tor. University of Michigan student notebook on a course in chemistry by Albert B. Prescott. Gift of Dr. Frederick G. Novy, 1947. 1314. MITCHELL, C. T. CORRESPONDENCE, 1895-97. 8 items. Correspondence of Mitchell of Hillsdale, mostly about the election of 1896. Gift of Thomas Mitchell. 1315. MIX, ELISHA (1818-98). LETTER, 1889. 1 item. Brigadier General, Union Army. Letter mentioning the reunion of the Eighth Michigan Cavalry. Gift of Olin Norwood, 1949. 1316. MOEHLMAN, ARTHUR BERNARD (1889- 1952). PAPERS, 1933-52. Ca. 100 items. Professor in the School of Education, The University of Michigan. Correspondence, mostly concerning educator William Mc Andrew, a man- uscript address on Mc Andrew, and the profes- sional record of Moehlman. Gift of Arthur B. Moehlman and Herbert D. Watkins, 1950-53. 1317. MOFFITT, JOHN T. (1862- ). PAPERS, 1884-1947. Ca. 350 items. Attorney. Miscellaneous papers and cor- respondence, largely relating to The University of Michigan Law Class of 1886. Gift of John T. Moffitt, 1942-43. 1318. MOLDENHAUER, ELSIE. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.] . 10 pages. "The Great Lakes Region," a bibliography prepared for a seminar. 1319. MONROE, NATHAN (1838- ). LETTER, 1862. 1 item. Letter of Monroe of Shiawassee County written while he was serving in Company F, Fourteenth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Gift of Mrs. Robert S. Tubbs, 1962. 1320. MONROE, WILLIAM BURDETTE (1839- ). LETTERS, 1862-63. 4 items. Letters of Monroe of Shiawassee County written while he was serving in Company E, Fourteenth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Gift of Mrs. Robert S. Tubbs, 1962. 1321. MONTEITH, EDWIN HARRIS (1843-1904). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, f n.d.]. 13 pages. Biographical sketch of Abigail Harris Monteith, wife of John Monteith who was a Pres- byterian clergyman and first President of The University of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn Monteith MacGilvra, 1962. 1322. MONTEITH, JOHN (1788-1868). PAPERS, 1797-1871. Ca. 350 items and 25 volumes. 107 Presbyterian minister in Elyria, Ohio, and Detroit and Blissfield, Professor at Hamil- ton College, first President of The University of Michigan. Letters from Monteith to members of his family and others (1820-50) discussing current events, his work, travels, places visited, temperance reform, slavery, and bank failures. There are also letters of Monteith's wife Abi- gail, his daughter Sarah, his sons George, John Jr., Charles, and Edwin, and scattered letters from other relatives and friends. George's let- ters cover his service as an officer in the Fourth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. (See Bulletin No. 9 for details.) Besides the letters there are diaries kept by Monteith (1815- 38), notes on his library, sermons and a volume of sermon outlines, speeches, notes on class lectures and other subjects, personal account books, a notebook (1820) containing Chippewa— English vocabulary, student notes (1797-98) taken by Alexander Monteith at Dickinson Col- lege, a manuscript play by John Jr. entitled, "The Raging Firelands." Gift of Caroline Monteith and Mrs. George Stevens, 1938. 1323. MOODY, ARTHUR EDSON BLAIR (1902- 1954). PAPERS, 1930-54. 30 feet and 38 vol- umes. Detroit News writer, U.S. Senator. Ex- tensive files of personal correspondence, includ- ing letters from Moody to his wife, mother, and other members of his family, as well as corre- spondence covering his 1952 senatorial cam- paign and his newspaper work in the United States and abroad during World War II. There are manuscript addresses, notes, newspaper ar- ticles, and miscellaneous papers; appointment books while U.S. Senator; three volumes con- taining Moody's voting record in the Senate; thirty-four volumes of scrapbooks of newspaper articles by Moody, for the most part published in The Detroit News and Barron's Weekly ; tape recordings and films. Correspondents include Bernard M. Baruch, William Benton, Chester Bowles, Harry L. Hopkins, Estes Kefauver, William F. Know- land, John J. Sparkman, Harry S. Truman, G. Mennen Williams, Charles E. Wilson. Gift of Mrs. Blair Moody, 1956. 1324. MOODY, DWIGHT LYMAN (1837-99). LETTERS, 1872. 2 items. Evangelist. Letters of Moody to the Bad Axe Presbyterian Church concern contributions to the Illinois Street Mission in Chicago. Gift of Rev. Lester L. Williams, 1939. 1325. MOORE, CHARLES (1855-1942). PAPERS, 1901-40. 1 foot and 5 volumes. Chairman, National Commission of Fine Arts. The papers consist of correspondence from artists, editors, and learned societies; ar- ticles, addresses and miscellaneous papers; di- aries (1889-1903) in which he comments on his activities as clerk of the Senate Committee on the District of Columbia and on U.S. senators, architects, artists, and Washington, D.C. Correspondents include James T. Adams, William W. Bishop, Daniel H. Burnham, James Bryce, Alexander Calder, James B. Conant, Frederic A. Delano, Avard T. Fairbanks, Belle da Costa Greene, Frederick P. Keppel, Emil Lorch, Theodore W. Noyes, Frederick L. Olm- stead, Herbert Putnam, Mary Roberts Rinehart, Fred A. Willis. Gift of Charles Moore, 1939-41. 1326. MOORE, JAMES GEOFFREY. PH.D. THESIS, 1951. 1 reel of micro- film. Michigan State University Ph.D. thesis, "The Activities and Contributions of Henry R. Pattengill to Education in Michigan." Acquired, 1959. 1327. MOORE, JAMES MARTIN (1834-1913). PAPERS, 1856-1913. 139 items. Farmer and businessman of Ypsilanti. Chiefly personal correspondence with friends and family, including records and three Civil War letters of Samuel R. Moore of the Twentieth Michigan Infantry. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. James P. LoCoco, 1952. 1328. MOORE, JOSEPH B. (1845-1930). LETTER, 1912. 1 item. Justice of Michigan Supreme Court (1896- 1905). Letter from Tobias West to Moore con- cerning business, with a note added by Moore. Gift of Louis C. Cramton, 1951. 1329. MOORE, ORLANDO HURLEY (1827-90). PAPERS, 1856-94. 4 items. Colonel, Twenty-fifth Michigan Infantry. Records relating to his Civil War activities. Gift of Mrs. H. C. Loveridge, 1939. 1330. MOORE, VIVIAN ELSIE LYON (1887- ). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLES, ca. 1936-39. 3 items. Professor, Hillsdale College. Articles entitled, "Hillsdale County's Pioneer of Pioneers [Moses Allen] ," "Early Hillsdale," and "The Jones Family of Jonesville." 108 1331. MORALES, ALFREDO T. (1916- ). PAPERS, 1944. 2 items. A letter (Dec. 7, 1944) to Professor Louis I. Bredvold mentioning General Carlos P. Romulo, and copies of radio scripts sent by short wave to the Philippine Islands during World War II by Morales. Gift of Louis I. Bredvold. 1332. MORAN, FLORA MABEL POTTER. QUESTIONNAIRE, t n.d.]. 1 item. Housewife. Reminiscences of student life at The University of Michigan ca. 1888-90. 1333. MOREY, JOHN R. (1844-97). DIARY, 1863-64. 1 volume, typewritten copy. Diary of Morey written while he was serving in Company M, Fifth Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. Gift of Mrs. Arthur R. Dunlap, 1961. 1334. MORGAN, ELIJAH WILLIAM (1805- ). LETTER, 1872. 1 item. Ann Arbor businessman. Letter to Mor- gan from Hugh Mc Curdy of Corunna about rail- road construction on his property. Gift of Mrs. Herbert S. Hicks, 1961. 1335. MORGAN, MRS. ELIJAH WILLIAM. LETTER, 1831. 1 item, photostat copy. Housewife. Detailed description of the housekeeping equipment and duties of Mrs. Mor- gan in Ann Arbor and of pioneer life of this city and Jackson. Acquired, 1955. 1336. MORGAN, JOHN COLEMAN ( -1889). PAPERS, 1876-77. 3 items. Homeopathic physician; Professor, The University of Michigan. Two reports on the faculty activities of Morgan, and a statement of Morgan on The University of Michigan exhibit at the U.S. Centennial Exposition. 1337. MORGAN, MILDRED. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 39 pages. Student seminar paper, "Journeys and Opinions of Women Foreign Travellers in the Northwest Territory, 1820-1850." Gift of Miss Morgan, 1948. 1338. MORLEY, C. F. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1854-67. 1 volume. Account book of Morley of Milford noting sales of food, farm equipment, and other items. Gift of Fred Morley, 1942. 1339. MORLEY, FRED (1856-1942). PAPERS, 1850-1940. Ca. 350 items and 64 volumes. Civil engineer, Ann Arbor. Legal and business papers, notes, and correspondence of the Morley and Clark families. Much of the correspondence is from Mrs. Morley to her hus- band. There are fifty-four diaries containing daily accounts of engineering projects, travel, and everyday events; nine Eastern Michigan Uni- versity student notebooks of Morley and his wife, and one University of Michigan student notebook kept by Morley. Gift of Fred Morley, 1941-42. 1340. MORRIS, GEORGE SYLVESTER (1840-89). PAPERS, 1852-1935. 1 foot. Professor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University and The University of Michigan. The papers consist of correspondence, lecture notes, compositions, essays, orations, a diary kept dur- ing his student days, and memorials after his death. Also there are papers relating to his son Roger S. Morris, three diaries of European trips, notebooks of class lectures and other notes, and a volume of notes on Professor F. A. Trend- elenburg's lectures on psychology (Berlin, 1867- 68). Correspondents include Charles K. Adams, James B. Angell, John Dewey, Daniel C. Gilman, Moses C. Tyler, Frederick Uberwer, Robert M. Wenley. Gift of the estate of Mrs. G. S. Morris, 1936. 1341. MORRIS, WAYNE E. (1836- ). PAPERS, 1860-65. 250 items. Letters written while he was serving in Company C, Twenty-third Michigan Infantry dur- ing the Civil War, with some miscellaneous pa- pers. Gift of Mrs. Floyd W. Morris, 1962. 1342. MORRISON, JOHN HOWARD (1880-1959). PAPERS, 1952-58. 1 item and 6 volumes. Scrapbooks and manuscript history of Scio township, Washtenaw County, including Dex- ter, Chelsea, and the surrounding area, and the Hurondale Farm; typewritten copy of "A History of the Detroit, Jackson & Chicago Railroad." Gift of John H. Morrison, 1946-58. 1343. MORRISON, MINNIE L. PAPERS, 1920-57. Ca. 150 items and 4 volumes. The papers include scattered correspond- ence, three scrapbooks, reminiscences of Redford 109 and Detroit, histories of various Detroit organ- izations, especially women's clubs and St. Paul's and St. Christopher's Episcopal churches, and an autograph book. Gift of Minnie L. Morrison, 1956-58. 1344. MORRISON, ROGER LEROY (1883- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1943-46. 56 items. Professor, The University of Michigan. Letters from former students serving in World War II. Gift of Roger L. Morrison. 1345. MORROW, HENRY A. (1829-91). LETTER, 1889. 1 item. Colonel in the Twenty- fourth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. The letter con- cerns his health. 1346. MORSE, ALLEN BENTON (1839-1921). PAPERS, 1885-98. Ca. 200 items and 1 volume. Michigan Supreme Court Justice, U.S. Consul. The papers are mostly letters of con- gratulation upon his defeating Judge Thomas M. Cooley for the Supreme Court in 1885, with some miscellaneous correspondence, business and legal papers, and a manuscript address. Gift of Mrs. G. Lee Gates, 1942. 1347. MORTON, HUDSON T. PAPERS, 1939-42. 100 items. Correspondence, reports, and other pa- pers relating to The University of Michigan Club of Ann Arbor. Gift of Mrs. Hudson T. Morton, 1962. 1348. MOSHER, ELIZA MARIA (1846-1928). PAPERS, 1846-1934. 3-2/3 feet and 4 volumes. Physician; first Dean of Women, The University of Michigan. The papers consist of correspondence, largely of a personal nature, with her niece Sarah Searing, and some early family correspondence; legal documents; bio- graphical information; outlines of lectures; man- uscript articles; notes on trips abroad; a man- uscript biography of Doctor Mosher by Florence Hazzard, with correspondence and other papers relating to it; and four volumes of scrapbooks with notes and letters about places visited in the United States and abroad and about her work. Correspondents include James B. Angell and Oliver W. Holmes. Gift of Mrs. Sarah Searing, 1942. 1349. MOSS, HARRY L. STUDENT PAPER, 1942. 27 pages. Student seminar paper, "A History of Olivet Institute, 1844-1858." Gift of Harry L. Moss, 1948. 1350. MOTT, JOHN (1783-1848). PAPERS, 1843-50. 4 items. Farmer, Jackson County. There are two letters to Mott from Philadelphia which discuss anti- slavery activities, a genealogy of the Mott family, and a copy of a printed testimonial upon the death of Mott. 1351. MOULTON, CHARLES HENRY (1838-1916). PAPERS, 1861-1914. 83 items. Correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Moulton include seventy- six letters written while he was a member of Company B, Sixth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. On loan from Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Davis, 1959. 1352. MOYLE, JAMES HENRY (1858-1946). REPORT, 1946. 44 pages. Lawyer, Assistant Secretary of the Treas- ury, Commissioner of Customs. A report of the funeral services held in honor of Moyle in Salt Lake City, Utah. Gift of Henry D. Moyle, 1946. 1353. MUCK FAMILY. GENEALOGY, 1958. 57 pages. Genealogy of the Philip Muck family com- piled in large part by Emmett W. Kiebler. Gift of Mr. & Mrs. J. G. Mack, 1961. 1354. MULDER, ARNOLD (1885- ). MANUSCRIPT, [n.d.]. 435 pages. Manuscript of his book, "Americans From Holland." Gift of Arnold Mulder, 1947. 1355. MULVANY, PETER. PAPERS, 1856-1900. 159 items. Assessor, Marengo township, Calhoun County. Accounts and recipts for building a schoolhouse in Marengo township in 1867-68, account book (1862), account of Mulvany with the Depot Association, and private business papers (1856-1900). Gift of Mrs. Peter Mulvany, 1937. 1356. MUMFORD, MRS. ADA. CORRESPONDENCE, 1889-1935. 19 items. Houswife, Adrian. Correspondence re- garding the Women's Christian Temperance Union. 1357. MUMMERY, ARTHUR E. PAPERS, ca. 1884-1910. 19 volumes. 150 items and 110 Ann Arbor pharmacist. Legal and busi- ness papers, including indentures, receipts, a few items of correspondence, nineteen volumes of personal and business accounts and accounts of organizations. Gift of Arthur E. Mummery, 1948. 1358. MUNDY, EDWARD (1794-1851). LEGAL DOCUMENTS, 1835. 4 items. Lieutenant Governor (1835-40). Docu- ments pertaining to an assault and battery charge against Mundy brought by Mark Howard in Wash- tenaw County. The case grew out of an alter- cation over the admission of Michigan to the Union. 1359. MUNGER, EDITH GARNETT CUSHAWAY GOTTS (1862-1945). PAPERS, 1907-45. Ca. 300 items and 1 volume. President, Michigan Audubon Society. Correspondence and addresses, largely relating to the Michigan Audubon Society. The volume contains lists of birds observed by Mrs. Munger (1907-27). Correspondents include Woodbridge N. Ferris, William B. Mershon, Chase S. Osborn. Gift of Miss Geneva Smithe, 1946. 1360. MUNGER, MELVIN. LETTER, 1864. 1 item. A letter written from McClelland Hos- pital during the Civil War. 1361. MUNROE, GEORGE CLINTON. LETTER, 1850. 1 item. Letter from Munroe of Jonesville to John Townsend concerning the sale of land in the area. Acquired, 1951. 1362. MUNROE, JOHN. LETTER, 1847. 1 item. Letter from Munroe of Elbridge to John Townsend discussing the bad conditions of rail- roads in Michigan. Acquired, 1956. 1363. MUNSON, JOHN MAURICE (1870-1950). PAPERS, 1904-51. 3 feet and 4 volumes. President of Northern Michigan Univer- sity and Eastern Michigan University. The cor- respondence and miscellaneous papers deal with his campaign for Michigan Superintendent of Public Instruction, activities as editor of Mod- erator Topics , college presidencies, and personal business affairs. Correspondents include Jesse H. Ames, D. A. Anderson, Harry D. Lee, Ray B. MacLean, George A. Selke Acquired, 1950-51. 1364. MURFIN, JAMES ORIN (1875-1940). PAPERS, 1903-40. 8-1/3 feet. Michigan Senator, Circuit Court Judge, Regent of The University of Michigan. Corre- spondence and related papers of Murfin regard- ing affairs of The University of Michigan. The correspondence is with University regents, suc- cessive University presidents, deans of depart- ments, members of the faculty, alumni, state governors, senators, and others. Gift of Mrs. James O. Murfin, 1940. 1365. MURPHY, FRANK (1890-1949). PAPERS, 1905-60. 96 feet and 20 vol- umes. Mayor of Detroit, Governor of Michigan, Governor General of and U.S. High Commis- sioner to the Philippines, U.S. Attorney General, Justice of U.S. Supreme Court. Reports, pic- tures, notes, speeches, scrapbooks, extensive correspondence, and miscellaneous papers cover- ing personal matters, the administration of the various public offices he held, Detroit, the Philippine Islands, state and national politics, the sit-down strike of 1937, international affairs, and all phases of the New Deal. There is ex- tensive material on the operation of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1939-49. Correspondents include Dean G. Acheson, Roger M. Andrews, Thurman W. Arnold, Henry F. Ashurst, Warren R. Austin, Newton D. Baker, Alben W. Barkley, Russell Barnes, Ethel Barry- more, Henry M. Bates, Harry H. Bennett, Nicholas Biddle, Malcolm W. Bingay, Hugo L. Black, William E. Borah, Louis D. Brandeis, Earl Browder, Prentiss M. Brown, Eleanor M. Bumgardner, Harold H. Burton, Pierce Butler, James F. Byrnes, Albert B. Chandler, Walter P. Chrysler, Champ Clark, Thomas C. Clark, Ed- mond D. Coblentz, Benjamin V. Cohen, William A. Comstock, Mortimer E. Cooley, Thomas G. Corcoran, Charles E. Coughlin, James J. Couzens, Joseph Creighton, Willis Crittenberg, James H. R. Cromwell, Charles E. Cropley, Homer S. Cummings, James M. Curley, Josephus Daniels, Joseph E. Davies, Paul De Kruif, George H. Dern, Earn on De Valera, Paul A. Dever, Thomas E. Dewey, Luren D. Dickinson, John D. Dingell, Joseph P. Donnelly, William O. Douglas, Stephen Early, Dwight D. Eisenhower, James A. Farley, Bonner Fellers, Frank D. Fitzgerald, Edsel B. Ford, Henry Ford, Byron C. Foy, Jerome N. Frank, Felix Frankfurter, Glenn Fuller, Michael J. Gallagher, John N. Garner, Amadeo P. Gian- nini, William Green, Eugene Gressman, William Haber, John A. Hannah, Harry B. Hawes, Ill J. Ralston Hayden, Arthur G. Hays, William R. Hearst, Norman L. Hill, Sidney Hillman, Clare E. Hoffman, Alexander Holtzoff, J. Edgar Hoover, Harry L. Hopkins, Louis M. Howe, Charles E. Hughes, Cordell Hull, Patrick J. Hurley, Harold L. Ickes, Robert H. Jackson, Jesse H. Jones, Edward G. Kemp, Joseph P. Kennedy, Frank Knox, William S. Knudson, Arthur Krock, Robert M. La Follette, Philip F. La Follette, Fiorello H. La Guardia, Margaret Le Hand, Herbert H. Lehman, James H. Lewis, John L. Lewis, Mrs. Estes Lincoln, Ernest K. Lindley, Norman M. Littell, Henry C. Lodge, Breckinridge Long, Clare Boothe Luce, William G. McAdoo, Douglas MacArthur, Kenneth MacDonald, Joseph P. McEvoy, James H. McGrath, Matthew F. McGuire, Frank McKay, Kenneth D. McKellar, Brien McMahon, Paul V. McNutt, James C. McReynolds, George A. Malcolm, Francis Maloney, John C. Manning, George C. Marshall, Samuel L. A. Marshall, Thurgood Marshall, Frank X. Martel, Elsie Mershon, Sherman Minton, Arthur B. Moehlman, Raymond L. Moley, Gilbert H. Mon- tague, Blair Moody, Edward Mooney, James W. Moore, Henry Morgenthau, George Murphy, Wil- liam F. Murphy, Philip Murray, George W. Nor- ris, Leo J. Nowicki, John J. O'Brien, Oscar G. Olander, Culbert L. Olson, Chase S. Osborn, Sergio Osmena, Francis L. Parker, Robert P. Patterson, George S. Patton, Drew Pearson, Claude D. Pepper, Frances Perkins, Frank A. Picard, Gifford Pinchot, Key Pittman, James K. Pollock, Russell B. Porter, Lee Pressman, Manuel L. Quezon, Elpidio Quirino, Louis C. Rabaut, Stanley F. Reed, Owen J. Roberts, Oetzie John Rogge, Carlos P. Romulo, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, Dorothy Kemp Roosevelt, Elliott Rossevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, G. Hall Roosevelt, James Roosevelt, Daniel C. Roper, Manuel Roxas, Alexander G. Ruthven, Wiley B. Rutledge, George G. Sadowski, Carl Sandburg, Francis B. Sayre, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr., Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Morrison Shafroth, Fulton J. Sheen, Edmund C. Shields, Kim Sigler, Alfred P. Sloan, William H. Smathers, Alfred E. Smith, John W. Snyder, Francis Spellman, Lloyd C. Stark, Raymond W. Starr, Edwin B. Stason, Edward R. Stettinius, William L. Stidger, Henry L. Stimson, Harlan F. Stone, Nathan Straus, Hatton W. Sumners, Herbert B. Swope, Myron C. Taylor, Rudolph G. Tenerowicz, Norman M. Thomas, Daniel J. Tobin, Maurice J. Tobin, Daniel J. Topping, Harry S. Truman, Millard E. Tydings, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Neil Vanderbilt, Murray D. Van Wagoner, Frederic M. Vinson, Henry A. Wallace, Burton K. Wheeler, Walter White, William A. White, G. Mennen Williams, Wendell L. Willkie, Walter Winchell, Fielding H. Yost. Gift of the Murphy family, 1954-62. 1366. MURPHY, GEORGE (1897-1961). INTERVIEWS, 1957. 1 item. Judge of Recorder's Court, Detroit. Typescript of interviews concerning his brother Frank Murphy and particularly his role in the sit-down strike of 1937. Gift of George Murphy, 1957. 1367. MURRAY, NICHOLAS F. PAPERS, 1856-58. 10 items. Indian teacher at Cheboygan. Reports, correspondence, and other papers, including re- ports of the Indian school at Cheboygan, three notes from Frederic Baraga, letters from Au- gustus Hamlin and Michael McCarty, and a man- uscript travel account of journeys through the United States and Europe, including a trip through the Sault Ste. Marie Canal and an ac- count of the weather in Cheboygan. Acquired, 1957. 1368. MUTTON, CHARLES A. ( -1956). DIARIES, 1899-1956. 38 volumes. Lumber dealer, Millington. The diaries contain brief entries of everyday events, includ- ing notations on the weather. The locale of the earlier diaries is Flushing. Gift of Miss Helen F. Mutton, 1960. 1369. MUTTON, WILLIAM WATTS (1854-1942). DIARIES, 1875-1942. 62 volumes. Farmer, auctioneer, dealer in farm im- plements, Flushing. The diaries record the daily activities of a self-educated farmer and businessman, people and events of interest in Flushing, his participation in various organiza- tions, notes on extensive travels in the United States, Europe, Egypt, and Palestine in 1912 and 1936, and socialism and travels in the U.S.S.R. Gift of Miss Helen F. Mutton, 1948. 1370. MUZIK, EDWARD J. STUDENT PAPER, 1949. 3 items. Student seminar paper, "The Influence of the Crosswhite Case on the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850"; two manuscripts used in its prepara- tion. 1371. NANCREDE, CHARLES BEYLARD GUFRARD de (1847-1921). PAPERS, 1904-16. 14 items and 1 vol- ume. Professor of Surgery, The University of Michigan. One volume of lecture notes on med- icine and surgery (chiefly printed), and corre- spondence of Nancrede, largely with Dr. Astley P. C. Ashhurst about The University of Michigan Medical School; family genealogical charts. Gift of Mrs. Bradley M. Patten, 1938. 112 1372. NASH, AARON M. PETITIONS, 1848. 2 items. Petitions to James K. Polk soliciting the appointment of Nash of Washtenaw County as captain in the U.S. Army. Gift of Mrs. Lillian F. C. Durell, 1949. 1373. NAVARRE FAMILY. PAPERS, 1791-1858. 300 items. Business papers, legal documents, corre- spondence of the Navarre family of Monroe. One petition relates to Gabriel Richard. The corre- spondence deals with personal affairs and busi- ness matters and includes letters from Joseph and Jacques Navarre, Gabriel Godfroy, George McDougall, and Thomas Smith. Gift of Clem J. Navarre, 1948, and others, 1951. 1374. NEEB, ELIZABETH A. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 13 pages. Student seminar paper, "Bibliography of Early Germans in Michigan." Gift of Miss Neeb, 1949. 1375. NELSON, HENRY (1844- ). SCRAPBOOK, 1868-72; 1929-30. 1 vol- ume. Scrapbook concerning his student life at The University of Michigan in 1868-72, and ar- ticles by him recording his journey from Cali- fornia via Panama and New York to Michigan. 1376. NELSON, JOSEPH RALEIGH (1873-1961). PAPERS, 1893-1954. 6 feet and 2 vol- umes. Professor of English and Director of In- ternational Center, The University of Michigan. Correspondence, manuscripts of publications, and other papers relating to Nelson's profes- sional activities in Engineering English, the In- ternational Center, Comedy Club, and Masques. Two account books (1913-28) are of Sweet Briar Farm, Ironton. Gift of Mrs. J. Raleigh Nelson, 1961. 1377. NELSON, KAISA. LETTER, 1905. 1 item. Photostat of a letter in Finnish from Mrs. Nelson of Crystal Falls to her family in Fin- land, telling of the burning of her house and death of her two sons. Gift of Mr. Eino Nelson, 1962. 1378. NELSON, REBECCA JEWEL FRANCIS (1846- ). LETTERS, 1901-04. 250 items. Letters written by Mrs. Nelson to her son J. Raleigh Nelson. They cover family affairs and everyday life in Ann Arbor. Gift of J. Raleigh Nelson, 1961. 1379. NEVUE, WILFRED (1886- ). PAPERS, t n.d.]. 9 items and 1 volume. Lumberman. Manuscript history entitled, "Logging in the Huron Mountains," a detailed de- scription and history of the lumbering industry in the Huron Mountains region of the Northern Peninsula, with particular attention to the Oconto Company. There are also miscellaneous manu- scripts dealing with lumbering and biographical information on Nevue. Gift of Wilfred Nevue, 1959-60. 1380. NEWBERRY, JOHN STOUGHTON (1826-87). LETTER, 1846. 1 item. A letter from Newberry to his brother in which he discusses student life at The University of Michigan and employment possibilities after graduation. Gift of Franklin T. Chapman, 1943. 1381. NEWBERRY, MARIE AMNA. PAPERS, 1915-27. 19 items. Librarian, Dundee, Michigan and Toledo, Ohio. Largely correspondence about Miss New- berry's interest and work in secondary school libraries, the offering of library training in pub- lic schools, organization of an association of school librarians, and the library section of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club. Gift of Miss Newberry, 1959. 1382. NEWCOMB, ROLAND B. C. CORRESPONDENCE, 1844-78. 13 items. Physician. Miscellaneous family corre- spondence, including a letter (1878) describing a demonstration of the newly- invented phonograph. Gift of Mrs. Hazel Clark Bernard, 1953. 1383. NEWCOMBE, FREDERICK CHARLES (1858-1927). PAPERS, 1894. 3 items and 1 volume. Professor of Botany, The University of Michigan. A journal of notes on botanical sub- jects and three letters relating to the organiza- tion of a state natural history society in Mich- igan. 1384. NEWKIRK, HENRY WIRT (1854-1946). PAPERS, 1844-1936. 50 items and 2 vol- umes. Ann Arbor lawyer and U.S. Congressman. The papers consist of correspondence and mis- cellaneous material largely concerning Michigan politics, with some items relating to the Newkirk family genealogy. There are poems and stories and two scrapbooks containing manuscript 113 addresses on historical and patriotic subjects, including woman suffrage in Michigan in 1912. Correspondents include James B. Angell, William J. Bryan, Joseph G. Cannon, Byron M. Cutcheon, Frank Knox, William A. Smith, Ben- jamin R. Tillman, Charles E. Townsend, Fred M. Warner, Booker T. Washington, John S. Wil- liams. Gift of Birkett Newkirk, 1946. 1385. NEWMYER, GEORGE W. JOURNAL, 1862. 1 volume. Mimeographed copy of Newmyer's Civil War journal. Newmyer was a member of a Pennsylvania regiment but there is mention of Michigan men. Gift of Russell E. Bidlack, 1958. 1386. NEWNAN, WILLIAM LORING (1917- ). BOOK MANUSCRIPT, 1945. 76 pages. Manuscript and galley sheets of Escape in Italy , by Newnan. Gift of Frank E. Robbins, 1948. 1387. NEWTON FAMILY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1847-89. 12 items. Correspondence of the Newton family of Avon consists of letters to Helen Newton from her mother and grandmother, Civil War letter of George H. Newton written while he was serv- ing in Company B, Fifth Michigan Infantry, and an unidentified Civil War letter. Gift of Angus M. Babcock, 1960. 1388. NICHOLS, HENRY ALONZO (1836-99). PAPERS, 1859-60. 3 volumes. Lawyer. Autograph book containing sig- natures of the law faculty and members of the law class of 1862 of The University of Michigan, and diaries describing a trip from western New York to Detroit in 1860. Gift of Henry W. Nichols, 1938, 1955. 1389. NICHOLS, HERVEY BRAYTON. LETTERS, 1850. 3 items. Letters written by Nichols while he was a student at The University of Michigan. He describes the expulsion of some fraternity mem- bers. Gift of Mrs. Eleanor F. Richards, 1S61. 1390. NICHOSON, JOHN WILLIAM (1842- ). PAPERS, 1862-88. 37 items. Soldier, farmer, register of deeds for Lake County. The papers consist of thirty-four letters from Nichoson to his wife Mary, written while he was serving in Company F, Tenth Mich- igan Cavalry in the Civil War in 1865, a letter to his daughter Clara (1888), and two diaries (1862, 1865) covering his daily activities around Whitmore Lake and his Civil War service. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Elmer Nichoson, 1957. 1391. NOBLE, ALICE W. LETTER, 1859. 1 item. Housewife, Bradley. Letter discussing family affairs. 1392. NOBLE, HENRY G. (1842- ). PAPERS, 1862-65. 94 items and 5 vol- umes. Letters and diaries of Noble written while he was serving in Company B, Nineteenth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Gift of Mrs. James E. Thomas, 1961. 1393. NOGGLE, ROY L. (1887-1920). CORRESPONDENCE, 1898-1919. 43 items. Army officer. Mostly correspondence from Noggle to his parents, written while he was in service during the Spanish- American War and in World War I. Acquired, 1944. 1394. NOLL, CONRAD (1836- ). PAPERS, 1863-1917. 3 items and 2 vol- umes. Diaries (1863-64) of Noll of Ann Arbor written while he was serving in Company D, Twentieth Michigan Infantry in the Civil War, a citation for the Congressional Medal of Honor, and clippings. Gift of Miss Lena L. Noll, 1S61. 1395. NORRIS, MARK (1796-1862) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1815-91. 1-2/3 feet and 1 vol- ume. Ypsilanti businessman. Correspondence of Mark Norris, his wife Roccina B. Norris, his son Lyman D. Norris (Grand Rapids lawyer), and other members of the Norris and Whittelsey families. It concerns the post office, banking, railroads, and other business affairs of Ypsilanti; family affairs; education for women; religion; student life at Marshall Academy, The University of Michigan, and Yale University in the late 1830's and early 1840's; St. Louis, Missouri, Dred Scott, and the Civil War. (See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details of Civil War letters.) There are also some business and legal papers. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Mrs. Elmina Brainerd, John Burgoyne, Lewis Cass, Isaac E. Crary, Byron M. Cutcheon, Don- ald M. Dickinson, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Doug- lass Houghton, Caroline M. Kirkland, Andrew B. Knapp, Lucius Lyon, John Norvell, Thomas W. Palmer, Mrs. Laura Plumb, Electa M. Sheldon, Jonathan Taft. 114 Gift of members of the Norris family, 1936-62. 1396. NORRIS, MARK (1857-1943) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1875-1960. Ca. 250 items and 4 volumes. Lawyer, Grand Rapids. Correspondence, speeches, citations, record book, account book, and other papers dealing with the legal and masonic career of Mark Norris who was Grand Master of Knights Templar in the United States, a University of Michigan scrapbook of student life (1875-76), and a student notebook on Charles K. Adams' lectures of 1877. There is also the political correspondence of Abbott L. Norris with Prentiss M. Brown, Homer Ferguson, Carl E. Mapes, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Burton K. Wheeler. Gift of Abbott L. Norris, 1960, and Miss Margaret Norris, 1962. 1397. NORRIS, ROXINA. WATERCOLORS, t n.d.]. 8 items. Watercolors of Michigan scenes, includ- ing the Ypsilanti and Charlevoix areas. Gift of Miss Ellen B. Bach estate, 1960. 1398. NORTHROP, HENRY HORATIO (1814-1905). NOTES, [ii.d.]. 2 items. Presbyterian clergyman, Regent of The University of Michigan. Notes copied from Northrop's Bible largely recording his preach- ing engagements, and photostats of genealogical tables. 1399. NORTHROP, STEPHEN JOSEPH. LETTER, 1856. 1 item. Letter concerning his studies and activ- ities at The University of Michigan. Gift of Paul T. Kilborn, 1942. 1400. NORTON, ALBERT JAMES. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1875-76. 2 vol- umes. Lawyer. University of Michigan student notebooks on lectures by Charles K. Adams and notes on a French course. Gift of Warner G. Rice, 1949. 1401. NORTON, CLARK F. STUDENT PAPER, 1936. 55 pages and bibliography. Professor of History, DePaw University. Student seminar paper, "Early Movements For the St. Mary's Falls Ship Canal." Gift of Clark F. Norton, 1948. 1402. NORTON, HAROLD E. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.] 52 pages. Student seminar paper, "Governmental and Administrative Steps Taken by the State of Michigan to Meet the Panic of 1837." Gift of Harold E. Norton, 1948. 1403. NOVY, FREDERICK GEORGE (1864-1957). PAPERS, 1882-91. 1 item and 13 vol- umes. Physician, Bacteriologist at The Univer- sity of Michigan. Examination paper on pathol- ogy written by Novy at The University of Mich- igan, also his University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by William F. Breakey, Fleming Carrow, Walter S. Christopher, Heneage Gibbes, William J. Herdman, Otis C. Johnson, John W. Langley, James N. Martin, Charles B. G. de Nancrede, John H. Pettis, Albert B. Pres- cott, Alexander Winchell. Gift of Frederick G. Novy. 1404. OAKFS, MRS. RUTH ANN. CORRESPONDENCE, 1943-45. 24 items. Letters exchanged between Mrs. Oakes and University of Michigan men in the armed services during World War II. Gift of Mrs. Oakes, 1945-46. 1405. O'BEIRNE, MAMIE (Mrs. Nelson M. O'Beirne). PAPERS, 1932-55. 28 items. The papers of Mrs. O'Beirne of Clarks- ville consist largely of correspondence with Chase S. Osborn about Frank D. Fitzgerald and other persons. Gift of Mrs. O'Beirne, 1959. 1406. O'BRIEN, PATRICK HENRY (1868-1959). TAPE RECORDED INTERVIEW, 1957. 30 pages, typescript. Lawyer, judge, Attorney General of Mich- igan (1937-38). Judge O'Brien reminisces about Calumet and mining in the area, Democratic pol- itics, particularly 1912, and the copper strike of 1913. 1407. O'BRIEN, THOMAS JAMES (1842-1933). PAPERS, 1877-1922. 33 items and 22 volumes. Lawyer, U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Italy and Denmark. The papers consist of addresses, notes, and correspondence, largely concerning Italy and Japan and U.S. embassy business there, ten volumes of personal accounts (1877-1912), and scrapbooks of dinner menus, programs, in- vitations, photographs, and clippings, chiefly of his service in Japan. Gift of Howard O'Brien, 1946. 115 1408. O'DELL, RICHARD. STUDENT PAPER, 1941. 25 pages. Student seminar paper, "Governor Crapo's Vetoes of Michigan Railroad Legislation." Gift of Richard O'Dell, 1949. 1409. O'KFEFE, ALICE C. LETTER, 1916. 1 item. Letter to the Pioneer Society discussing, in detail, the location of Ann's arbor and other early Ann Arbor landmarks. 1410. O'KEEFFE, GEORGE A. LETTER, 1835. 1 item. Judge. The letter concerns arranging the passage of Miss Ellen O'Keeffe from Cork, Ireland, to the United States. 1411. OKKELBERG, PETER OLAUS (1880- ). PAPERS, 1910-50. 3 feet. Biologist and Dean of The University of Michigan Graduate School. The papers consist of correspondence dealing with Okkelberg's pro- fessional activities at Adrian College and The University of Michigan, a biographical sketch, and a copy of the history of the Hesselberg family. Gift of Peter O. Okkelberg, 1959. 1412. OLDFIELD, BERNICE E. A. STUDENT PAPERS, 1943. 2 items. Student seminar papers, "The Railroad Conspiracy Case," and Public Sentiment , a news- paper dealing with the Railroad Conspiracy Case. Gift of Miss Oldfield, 1943. 1413. OLDS, JAMFS. LETTER, 1840. 1 item. A letter from Olds of Jonesville to the Auditor General of Michigan concerning local financial affairs. 1414. OLDS FAMILY. PAPERS, 1911-27. 27 items. Correspondence and papers relating to the genealogy of the Olds family. Most of the correspondence is with Edson Baldwin Olds. 1415. OLIVER, ROBERT L. STUDENT PAPER, [n.d.] . 15 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Degree to Which the Michigan Pioneer and Historical So- ciety Profited Successfully From its Precursor, The Historical Society of Michigan." Gift of Robert L. Oliver, 1948. 1416. OLIVER, WILLIAM P. (1913-44). DIARY, 1942-44. 1 volume, typewritten copy. Captain, U.S. Army. The diary records his experiences as a prisoner of war of the Japanese in the Philippines during World War n. Gift of Miss Margaret Best, 1946. 1417. OLMSTEAD, FREDERICK LAW (1870-1957). REPORT, 1916. 1 item. Landscape architect. Preliminary report on the development of sections of University of Michigan property. 1418. OLNEY, EDWARD (1827-87). LETTERS, 1869. 2 items, typewritten copies. Professor of Mathematics, The University of Michigan. Letters of Olney to Martin B. An- derson urging him to accept the presidency of The University of Michigan, particularly because of the danger of Unitarian influence. The second letter is also signed by N. S. Burton, Andrew TenBrook, Henry S. Frieze, W. J. Erdman, Benjamin F. Cocker, Henry L. Hubbell. Gift of Russell E. Bidlack, 1958. 1419. OLNEY, WILLIAM. ACCOUNTS, 1894. 2 items. Two sheets of work and expense accounts kept in Ann Arbor for January and February of 1894. 1420. OLSAVER, WILLIAM E. (1843- ). WAR BOUNTY BOND, 1864. 1 item. Volunteer war bounty bond issued to Olsaver by Green Oak township, Livingston County. Gift of Green Oak Township Board. 1421. ONDERDONK, FRANCIS SKILLMAN. CORRESPONDENCE, 1933. 3 items. Instructor in Architecture, The Univer- sity of Michigan. Correspondence relating to the employment of Onderdonk by The University of Michigan. 1422. )• ORR, HIRAM WINNFTT (1877- PAPERS, 1892-1949. 4 volumes. Physician. Three personal account books (1892-99) kept while he was a student at The University of Michigan and Nebraska, and a scrapbook containing pictures, letters, and printed items relating to The University of Michigan Med- ical School Class of 1899. Gift of Dr. H. Winnett Orr, 1949. 1423. ORVIS, JOSIAH S. LETTER, 1838. 1 item. Farmer. The letter discusses the bad financial conditions, the weather, and farming around Port Huron. Acquired, 1955. 116 1424. OSBORN, CHASE SALMON (1860-1949). PAPERS, 1889-1949. 179 feet and 267 volumes. Author, newspaper editor, University of Michigan Regent, iron prospector, explorer, Governor of Michigan (1911-12). The Osborn papers are an extremely comprehensive collec- tion of correspondence, diaries, business papers, scrapbooks, addresses, manuscripts of books, and miscellaneous papers. Osborn was an ac- tive correspondent with nearly every major Re- publican political leader in Michigan during the period covered by his correspondence. There is also correspondence with many minor leaders of the Michigan Republican Party, prominent Democratic political leaders, newspaper men, and members of his own family. Business and politics are the principal subjects of these pa- pers, but there are also many others. There are letters from every president from McKinley to Harry S. Truman, those of Theodore Roose- velt being of special value. Correspondents include Henry C. Adams, Russell A. Alger, Roger M. Andrews, Carleton W. Angell, James B. Angell, Junius E. Beal, Albert J. Beveridge, Aaron T. Bliss, Edmund Booth, Ralph O. Brewster, Wilber M. Brucker, Julius C. Burrows, Roy D. Chapin, George P. Codd, William A. Comstock, Mortimer E. Cooley, Calvin Coolidge, William Cotter, James J. Couzens, Charles Curtis, Gilman M. Dame, O. Conrad Davidson, Charles G. Dawes, Murl H. De Foe, Paul De Kruif, Edwin Denby, Edmund O. Dewey, Thomas E. Dewey, Luren D. Dickin- son, Dorothy Dix, Edward H. Doyle, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Frank W. Fletcher, Henry Ford, Joseph W. Fordney, Fred W. Green, Alexander J. Groesbeck, Edgar A. Guest, Benjamin S. Hanchett, Warren G. Harding, William D. Hoard, William H. Hobbs, Herbert C. Hoover, George B. Horton, Emerson Hough, Lucius L. Hubbard, Watts S. Humphrey, Walter J. Hunsaker, Harry B. Hutchins, Patrick H. Kelley, John H. Kellogg, Edward G. Kemp, Frank Knox, Robert M. La Follette, Alfred M. Landon, Emil Lorch, Amy Loveman, William McKinley, James McMillan, James McNaughton, Carl E. Mapes, William G. Mather, Thomas May, Henry L. Mencken, Wil- liam B. Mershon, Robert M. Montgomery, George B. Morley, James O. Murfin, Frank Murphy, Amos Musselman, Truman H. Newberry, William R. Oates, Calvin A. Palmer, Westbrook Pegler, William L. Phelps, Gifford Pinchot, Hazen S. Pingree, Perry F. Powers, Ernest T. Pyle, John T. Rich, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Kermit Roose- velt, Theodore Roosevelt, Richard B. Russell, Alexander G. Ruthven, Walter H. Sawyer, James Schermerhorn, Fred N. Scott, John C. Shaffer, Robert H. Shields, Kim Sigler, Charles A. Sink, Albert E. Sleeper, Charles R. Sligh, Shirley W. Smith, William A. Smith, Frank M. Sparks, Ed- ward D. Stair, Ralph Stone, Mark Sullivan, Wil- liam H. Taft, Eugene Talmadge, Charles E. Townsend, Harry S. Truman, Frederick D. Under- wood, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Charles R. Van Hise, Woodrow Wilson, Leonard Wood, Fred R. Zimmerman. Gift of Mrs. Chase S. Osborn, 1950. 1425. OSBORN, STELLA BRUNT (1894- ). PAPERS, 1918-57. 6 feet. Author, widow of Chase S. Osborn. The papers consist of manuscripts, including a par- tial biography of Osborn, poems, miscellaneous papers, and extensive correspondence dealing with Chase S. Osborn, Sugar Island as a possible United Nations headquarters site, personal af- fairs, and the Atlantic Union movement. Correspondents include Alben W. Barkley, Marion L. Burton, William Clayton, Fred L. Crawford, Thomas E. Dewey, John F. Dulles, Homer Ferguson, Gerald R. Ford, Walter F. George, Alfred M. Gruenther, Clare E. Hoffman, Hubert H. Humphrey, Lord Ismay, Edward J. Jeffries, Estes Kefauver, Harry F. Kelly, Victor A. Knox, Clare Boothe Luce, Blair Moody, Frank Murphy, Richard M. Nixon, Chase S. Osborn, Charles E. Potter, Owen J. Roberts, Alexander G. Ruthven, Wiley B. Rutledge, E. Blythe Stason, Robert A. Taft, Herman E. Talmadge, Elbert D. Thomas, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Jesse P. Wolcott, G. Mennen Williams. Gift of Mrs. Chase S. Osborn, 1958. 1426. OSTAFIN, PETER A. CORRESPONDENCE, 1941-46. 60 items. Professor of Sociology, The University of Michigan. Letters to Ostafin from University of Michigan students serving in the U.S. armed forces during World War II. Gift of Peter A. Ostafin, 1949. 1427. OTIS, CHARLES HERBERT (1886- ). PAPERS, 1913-58. 50 items. Author of Michigan Trees , Curator, The University of Michigan Arboretum (1910-13), Professor, Bowling Green University. The pa- pers consist of correspondence with Leo Gold- berg and others concerning the sighting, by Otis, of a flotilla of flying saucer- like objects near Ann Arbor, correspondence about Michigan Trees , other publications of Otis, and University of Mich- igan Arboretum and School of Natural Resources, and miscellaneous papers. Gift of Charles H. Otis, 1958-59. 1428. OTIS, ROBERT BURNS (1879- ). AUTOBIOGRAPHY, 1955. 3 pages. 117 Teacher, mechanical engineer in Michigan, Illinois, Colorado, Wisconsin. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1960. 1429. OUTWATER, E. OLNEY (1887- ). GENEALOGY, 1961. 1 item. Farmer. Genealogy of the Outwater fam- ily of Portland, Michigan. Gift of E. Olney Outwater, 1962. 1430. OVERPACK, ROY M. LETTER, 1953. 3 items. Manistee businessman. Letter and two enclosures discussing the Michigan logging wheels manufactured by S. C. Overpack of Man- istee. Gift of Roy M. Overpack, 1953. 1431. OWEN, HENRY E. CORRESPONDENCE, 1874-78. 70 items. Letters to Owen from his parents and friends from Adrian during the period when he was a student at Michigan Agricultural College (Michigan State University). Gift of Richard Goff, 1953. 1432. PABLO, WINIFRED O'CONNOR. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. A letter describing the occupation of Manila by the Japanese in World War II. 1433. PAGE, DAVID. DEED, 1838. 1 item, typewritten copy. A deed from Page to Washtenaw County of the jail lot in Ann Arbor. Gift of Mrs. R. Wallace Teed, 1945. 1434. PAGE, WILLIAM. LETTER, 1892. 1 item, photostat copy. Clergyman. Letter from Page to Absalom Peters in which he discusses religious affairs in Ann Arbor. Gift of Miss Olive Searle, 1948. 1435. PAINE, De FOREST. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1871-72. 1 vol- ume. University of Michigan student notebook on courses by James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Charles A. Kent, Charles I. Walker. Gift of De Forest Paine, 1941. 1436. PAINE, VALOROUS ROBERT (1796-1865). PAPERS, 1845-65. 27 items, in part typewritten copies. Farmer, Morenci. Biographical data and correspondence consisting largely of family let- ters and letters from Philo Wilson, attorney and politician. Legislative matters, roads, and Democratic politics are discussed. Gift of Gaylord L. Paine, 1959. 1437. PALMER, ALICE ELVIRA FREEMAN (1855-1902). CORRESPONDENCE, 1874-1900. 10 items. Educator. Correspondence of Alice F. Palmer includes a letter written while she was a student at The University of Michigan, letters to James B. Angell and to Eliza Mosher. There is also a note from Ella Freeman Talmadge mentioning Mrs. Palmer. Gift of Mrs. Sarah M. Searing and Karl Karsian, 1943, 1953. 1438. PALMER, ALONZO BENJAMIN (1815-87). PAPERS, 1875-91. 3 items. Professor, The University of Michigan Medical School. Two reports on the faculty ac- tivities of Palmer and a personal letter from Mrs. Palmer. 1439. PALMER, ARTHUR ARMSTRONG. PAPERS, 1917-44. 24 items and 1 vol- ume. Captain, U.S. Army. Scrapbook and mis- cellaneous papers, including citations and clip- pings dealing with Palmer's service as an offi- cer in World War I, in the reserve corps after the war, and in World War II. Gift of Mrs. A. A. Thompson, 1960. 1440. PALMER, CHARLES HENRY (1814-87). CORRESPONDENCE, 1875-79. 66 items. Regent of The University of Michigan. Largely letters dealing with personal matters written from Detroit and Pontiac by Palmer to his son. They contain some references to the stock of the Eastern Railroad Company. Gift of Elizabeth Palmer Bradfield, 1939. 1441. 1911). PALMER, CHARLES HENRY ( PAPERS, 1860-80. 4 volumes. Two volumes of personal accounts and two volumes of University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Andrew D. White and DeVolson Wood. Gift of Mrs. Oliver L. Beaudette, 1957. 1442. PALMER, DAVID WHEELER (1807- ). PAPERS, 1838, 1846-64, 1940. 3 items. School teacher and farmer. Biographical sketch and reminiscences of Palmer by his son Ara (1940), military orders (1838), and a diary of Palmer mainly recording farm life and activ- ities near Bridgewater. 1443. PARKE, HFRVEY COKE (1827-98). LETTERS, 1853. 2 items. 118 Founder of Parke, Davis & Company. Two letters written from Pontiac concern prop- erty surveys. 1444. PARKER, ACHSA SNOW (1866-1942). PAPERS, 1924-42. 2 items. Teacher in high schools and colleges in Michigan, Minnesota, and Colorado. Letter of recommendation of Miss Parker from Briton Hadden of Time magazine and a volume of man- uscript poems containing a biographical sketch. Gift of Miss Phebe Parker, 1949. 1445. PARKER, EDWARD F. CORRESPONDENCE, 1905-06. 3 items. Correspondence exchanged between Parker and Wilfred B. Shaw concerning athletics at The University of Michigan. 1446. PARKER, FRANKLIN LEONIDAS (1820-94). PAPERS, 1850-97. 33 volumes. Lawyer and real estate investor. Letter- press copies of extensive business correspond- ence dealing with real estate, investments, and other matters in Ann Arbor. Included are oc- casional family letters. Acquired, 1961. 1447. PARKER, OREN. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1931-32. 1 vol- ume. University of Michigan student notebook on a course by Ralph W. Hammett. Gift of Mrs. C. A. Ornbaum, 1944. 1448. PARKER, SARA. PAPERS, 1897-99. 2 volumes. A volume of manuscript notes on art and architecture and a personal account book. 1449. PARKHURST, JOHN GIBSON (1824-1906). PAPERS, 1834-1914. 15 feet and 4 vol- umes. Lawyer, Coldwater; Civil War officer; U.S. Marshal of Eastern District of Michigan; Minister to Belgium. Personal correspondence of Parkhurst from friends and relatives, includ- ing letters describing President Buchanan, French- Italian relations (1867), President Grant, the Chicago fire, Paris exposition (described by Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, uncle of Theodore Roosevelt); 105 Civil War letters describing Parkhurst's service as Colonel of the Ninth Michigan Infantry and other units; correspond- ence relating to his appointments, speaking en- gagements, newspaper writing, business affairs, military matters, and Democratic politics. There are three volumes of business records, about 100 legal and business papers of Stephen Parkhurst (John Parkhurst's father) of Oneida Castle, New York, and a diary (1868) of Mrs. Parkhurst noting daily household events. Correspondents include Donald M. Dickin- son, Andrew Johnson, Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, General George H. Thomas, William H. Wilkin- son. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940, and Mrs. Andrew Ness, 1941. 1450. PARMELEE, ABNER CORNELIUS (1806- 89). PAPERS, 1835-1934. 103 items. State Representative. Correspondence and private papers of Parmelee of Hastings and Marshall, of his daughter Delia Parmelee Phelps, and of other members of the family. The Mich- igan Legislature of 1844 and business affairs are among the subjects covered. Other papers in- clude legal documents, genealogical notes and sketches of members of the family, and miscel- laneous papers. Correspondents include Charles T. Gor- ham, Henry E. Phelps, Charlotte Parmelee Weld. Gift of Mrs. Charlotte Parmelee Weld, 1941. 1451. PARRISH, C. CORRESPONDENCE, 1858, 1862-64. 7 items. The letters from C. Parrish to his broth- er Lester Parrish are largely about his activi- ties in Company G, Thirty- fifth Iowa Infantry during the Civil War. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. 1452. PARRISH, J. LETTER, 1863. 1 item. A letter describing business and living conditions in Saginaw. 1453. PARSHALL, ANNA M. PAPERS, 1937. 3 items. A letter of Anna Parshall to H. B. Ear- hart containing information on Orin White and other early settlers in Ann Arbor and Washte- naw County, and biographical sketches of Charles Thayer and Colonel Orin White. Gift of Lucy E. Chapin estate. 1454. PARSONS, HENRY BETTS ( -1885). PAPERS, 1876-82. Ca. 200 items and 14 volumes. Pharmacist. The papers consist of a re- port of the faculty activities of Parsons at The University of Michigan, manuscript of a book on chlorophyll, pharmaceutical notes, and fourteen volumes containing personal accounts and notes and data on scientific experiments. 119 1455. PARTRIDGE, FRANCIS C. STUDENT PAPER, 1953. 28 pages. Student seminar paper, "Contributions Toward a Bibliography of Government Documents on Beaver Island, Michigan." Gift of Everett S. Brown, 1956. 1456. PARTRIDGE, SARAH. DIARY, 1881-86. 1 volume. Diary of Sarah Partridge describes Lan- sing and the capitol in 1881 and her activities as a farmer's daughter. Sarah was the daughter of Benjamin Partridge, a farmer near Bay City and a State Representative. Acquired, 1960. 1457. PATTEN, BRADLEY MERRILL (1889- ). PAPERS, 1935-58. 3 feet. Chairman of the Department of Anatomy, The University of Michigan. Correspondence, class cards, and miscellaneous papers of Patten largely relating to the Anatomy Department and University of Michigan affairs. Gift of Bradley M. Patten, 1958. 1458. PATTENGILL, ALBERT HENDERSON (1842-1906). REPORTS, 1875-77. 2 items. Professor of Greek, The University of Michigan. Reports on the faculty activities of Pattengill at The University of Michigan. 1459. PATTENGILL, CAROLINE (1877-1962). MANUSCRIPT BIOGRAPHY, [ii.d.]. 128 pages and appendices. Manuscript biography entitled, "Elisha Jones." Acquired, 1958. 1460. PATTENGILL, HENRY ROMAINE (1852- 1918). PAPERS, 1896-1913. 13 volumes. Michigan Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion. The papers consist of scrapbooks of pro- grams largely of teachers' association meetings, the Michigan Press Association trip to Canada (1898), autograph books, notes on a trip to Mex- ico (1896) and the Panama Canal (1913), and miscellaneous notes. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Fos- ter, 1945-56. 1461. PATTERSON, FRANCES TODD. DIARIES, 1892-94. 3 volumes. Official at the World's Columbian Expo- sition, Chicago, 1893. The diaries record do- mestic and social activities, visits to Ann Arbor, and participation in the Columbian Exposition. Gift of H. H. Frisinger, 1947. 1462. PATTERSON, JOHN C. (1838-1910). PAPERS, 1838-1924. 164 volumes and 47 feet. Attorney, Marshall; State Senator, 1878- 1882. The papers consist of diaries, memobooks, account books, letterpress books, legal records of Patterson and his partner William H. Brown, extensive correspondence, speeches, and other papers of Patterson, members of his family and his law partners which deal with family matters, politics, Hillsdale College, The University of Michigan, and other topics. There are nine Civil War letters of Philo D. Patterson written while he was serving in Company H, Ninth Michigan Infantry. (See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details.) Correspondents include William H. Brown, Frank D. Patterson, George L. Patterson, Philo D. Patterson. 1463. PATTERSON FAMILY. PAPERS, 1825-1931. 2-2/3 feet. Letters and papers of George Washington Patterson, Sr., Lieutenant Governor of New York (1848-50), G. W. Patterson, Jr., their immediate families, and G. W. Patterson III, Professor at The University of Michigan. There are about 1500 letters on family affairs, genealogy of the Patterson and related families, New York and national politics, including Whig Party affairs, life in Washington, D.C. (ca. 1878), letters from Europe (1884-98), and correspondence relating to the scholarly interests of G. W. Patterson in. Besides correspondence, there are account books, business, legal, and miscellaneous papers, a bio- graphical sketch of G. W. Patterson III, and two scrapbooks of G. W. Patterson IV covering Yale University days and World War I service. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Roscoe Conkling, John A. Dix, William Patterson, William H. Seward, Richard W. Thompson, Thur- low Weed. Gift of Mrs. George W. Patterson III, 1937. 1464. PATTON, FRANCIS F. LETTER, 1937. 1 item. Letter from Arthur H. Vandenberg declin- ing a speaking invitation in Chicago. Gift of Francis F. Patton, 1962. 1465. PATTON, JOHN (1850-1907). PAPERS, 1888-1905. Ca. 200 items. Lawyer, U.S. Senator. Manuscript speeches mostly on patriotic or political subjects, scattered items of correspondence, and newspaper clippings concerning his political activities in the Repub- lican Party. Correspondents include Junius E. Beal, 120 Henry Billings Brown, Joseph M. Carey, Cush- man K. Davis, James McMillan, Orville H. Pratt, John T. Rich, William R. Shafter, Francis B. Stockbridge. Gift of James Shearer II, 1958. 1466. PAYNE, JENNIE PERRY. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, ^.d.-,. 3 pages. A history of early education in Groveland township, Oakland County. 1467. PAYNE, WILLIAM HAROLD (1836-1907. PAPERS, 1853-1933. 1-2/3 feet and 12 volumes. Professor, The University of Michigan; Chancellor, University of Nashville; President, George Peabody College. Correspondence and other papers of Payne and his family. The majority of the letters are from Payne to Eliza- beth Clark Payne and concern his activities in education, particularly at the University of Nash- ville and Peabody Normal College. Other papers include addresses, autobiographical and bio- graphical volumes, lecture notes, personal ac- count books, and miscellaneous papers. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Lloyd C. Douglas, Elizabeth Clark Payne. Gift of Mrs. Frank R. Payne, 1937. 1468. PEABODY, SHERWOOD RAYMOND ( -1879). SCRAPBOOK, ca. 1872. 1 volume. Scrapbook of printed and manuscript ma- terial relating to student activities of The Uni- versity of Michigan Class of 1873. 1469. PEARCE, WEBSTER HOUSTON (1876- 1940). PAPERS, 1929-41. 11 items. Michigan Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, President of Northern Michigan College. Notes for an address, resolutions upon Pearce's death, and eight items of correspondence, in- cluding letters from Governor Fred W. Green. 1470. PEARSON, CHARLES BIRDSALL (1863- 1948). REMINISCENCES, t n.d.]. 5 pages. Physician. Reminiscences of The Uni- versity of Michigan ca. 1886. Gift of Dr. Pearson, 1944. 1471. PEASE, D. H. LETTER, 1851. 1 item. Letter from Pease to S. S. Keeney con- cerning the Michigan "Railroad Conspiracy," with descriptions of William H. Seward and Lewis Cass. 1472. PECK, ANNIE SMITH. QUESTIONNAIRE, t n.d.] . 1 item. Author and lecturer. Recollections of college days at The University of Michigan ca . 1878-81. 1473. PECK, EDWIN SPENCER ( -1950). NOTEBOOKS, 1891-96. 4 volumes. Teacher. Notes on the Columbian Expo- sition and diary of everyday happenings and church activities (1892-96); three University of Michigan student notebooks on philosophy courses, including John Dewey's. Gift of Edwin S. Peck, 1950. 1474. PECKHAM, HOWARD HENRY (1910- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1943-44. 15 items. Director of the William L. Clements Li- brary. World War II letters from University of Michigan service men. Gift of Howard H. Peckham, 1945. 1475. PEEL, CHARLES. PAPERS, 1864. 6 items. Five letters and a two- page diary written while he was serving in Company H, Engineers and Mechanics during the Civil War. Gift of Lee Peel, 1950. 1476. PEKAREK, JOSEPH. STUDENT PAPER, 1959. 28 pages. Student seminar paper, "Newburgh Village." Acquired, 1961. 1477. PELLOWE, WILLIAM CHARLES SMITH- SON (1890- ). BOOK MANUSCRIPT, 1941. 229 pages. Clergyman, author. Original manuscript of The Sky- Lines of Paradise , a novel with a Michigan setting published in New York in 1941. Gift of William C. S. Pellowe, 1944. 1478. PELTIER, ANTOINE (1744- ). POWER OF ATTORNEY, 1809. Power of attorney granted to Claude Bernard Campau by Antoine and James Peltier of Detroit. Acquired, 1958. 1479. PENOYER, JAMES. PAPERS, 1841-75. 20 items. The papers of the Penoyer family of Saginaw consist of correspondence, mostly from relatives in the East; clippings; and obituaries. Acquired, 1960. 1480. PEPPER, SAMUEL D. PAPERS, 1916-19. 7 items. The papers consist of a diary of Lieutenant 121 Colonel Pepper in which he writes of Mexican border duty (1916-17) and World War I service in France; orders; and a manuscript on the end- ing of hostilities in World War I. Gift of Colonel Pepper, 1957. 1481. PERRY, DOROTHY M. STUDENT PAPER, [n.d.]. 30 pages. Student seminar paper, "Kinsley Scott Bingham." Gift of Mrs. Charles R. Perry, 1948. 1482. PERRY, WALTER SCOTT (1831-97) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1879-1926. 82 items. Superintendent of Schools, Ann Arbor (1870-97). Correspondence and notes of Perry and his wife and children relate largely to fam- ily affairs. Fifteen letters were written from Europe by Mrs. Perry in 1905. Acquired, 1952. 1483. PERRY, WILLIAM R. LETTER, 1848. 1 item. The letter discusses family affairs and The University of Michigan commencement ac- tivities of 1848. Gift of Mrs. William B. Stratton, 1941. 1484. PERRY, [Unknown] (1803- ). AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, [n.d.]. 7 pages. Farmer. Incomplete autobiographical sketch of Perry, a free Negro, who escaped from kidnappers and settled in Cass County. Gift of Mrs. Charles A. Weissert. 1485. PERUSKI, CASS. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1911-19. 1 volume. Farmer, Minden City. Account book re- cording financial status of various farm opera- tions such as milk account, inventory of horses, etc. Gift of Miss Marylee Gravelle, 1953. 1486. PETAJA, AUDREY G. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 30 pages. Student seminar paper, "The History of School District No. 7, Royal Oak Township, Oak- land County, Michigan, 1840-1946." Gift of Miss Petaja, 1948. 1487. PETERSEN, EUGENE THOR (1920- ). WRITINGS, 1952-60. 2 items. Director, Mackinac Island State Park Mu seum. University of Michigan Ph.D. thesis, "The History of Wild Life Conservation in Mich igan, 1859-1921," and "Readings and Documents in Michigan History." Gift of Eugene T. Petersen, 1952, 1960. 1488. PETERSON, ENOCH E. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, [n.d.]. 25 pages. Director of the Near East Expedition. Manuscript of an article on the excavation of Karanis in Egypt. Gift of John G. Winter, 1958. 1489. PETERSON, REUBEN (1862-1942). PAPERS, 1905-40. 2-1/2 feet. Professor of Obstetrics, The University of Michigan. The papers consist of correspond- ence, manuscript articles, notes and papers re- lating to the professional interests of Dr. Peter- son at The University of Michigan, particularly to the University Hospital and Medical School. Correspondents include Carleton W. An- gell, Junius E. Beal, George Dock, Warren E. Forsythe, Albert C. Furstenberg, William J. Mayo, Norman F. Miller, Frank E. Robbins, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Alexander G. Ruthven. 1490. PETERSON, ROY THEODORE. STUDENT PAPER, 1929. 12 pages and a collection of photographs and programs. Student paper, "Architect George D. Mason and His Works." 1491. PETTEE, WILLIAM HENRY (1838-1904). PAPERS, 1865-83. 17 items. Professor of Mineralogy, The University of Michigan. Correspondence, reports, and mis- cellaneous documents relating to Professor Pet- tee's scholarly interests and activities at The University of Michigan. Correspondents include Alvah Bradish, Frank W. Clarke, Henry S. Frieze, Israel Hall, George S. Morris. Gift of Mrs. Earle W. Dow, 1956. 1492. PETTIBONE, DARWIN A. (1827-94). SURVEY NOTES, [n.d.]. 1 volume. A handwritten copy in ink made by C. S. Woodard, with annotations, of Pettibone's survey notes of Washtenaw County townships. Gift of Miss Gertrude E. Woodard, 1953. 1493. PETTIBONE, SAMUEL (Collector). ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1829-49. 3 volumes. Two account books of unknown firms in Ann Arbor (probably general stores), and one account book of O. I. Field's general store of Novi. The accounts contain entries for almost all the prominent early settlers in the area. Acquired, 1958. 1494. PHELPS, MRS. H. E. REMINISCENCES, 1921. 9 pages. Reminiscences of Marshall. 122 1495. PHELPS, JESSIE (1870-1957). PAPERS, 1832-1951. Ca. 200 items and 20 volumes. Professor of Physiology, Eastern Mich- igan University. Diaries and notebooks (1885- 1951, not continuous) describing her life as a student at Pontiac High School, travel in the United States and Europe, and her life as a retired teacher. Correspondence and other pa- pers of Miss Phelps and her family concern family affairs, agriculture, trips to the Califor- nia gold rush and Kansas in 1857-58. Gift of Miss Geneva Smithe, 1957. 1496. PHELPS, MARY MERWIN (1865-1944). PAPERS, 1926-56. 1 foot and 2 volumes. Author, Ypsilanti. The papers include correspondence with publishers and others about her book Kate Chase, Dominant Daughter , and other manuscripts; manuscripts of several un- published books and articles, including "Sphinx of the Forest," which is about Douglass Hough- ton; scrapbook of materials on Kate Chase; and a personal record book of manuscripts sent to publishers. Correspondents include Bertha G. Buell, Albert B. Hart, Allan Nevins, Chase S. Osborn, Jessie Phelps, Oswald G. Villard. Gift of Miss Geneva Smithe, 1959. 1497. PHELPS, WILLIAM HENRY (1872-1939). PAPERS, 1875-1939. 2 feet. Methodist clergyman, editor of the Mich- igan Christian Advocate . The papers consist in large part of sermons and sermon notes. In addition there are school papers, manuscript notes and articles, a Master's thesis, two stu- dent notebooks (Albion College), a volume of records of marriages, and correspondence. The correspondence deals with family affairs, Meth- odist church activities, the Michigan Christian Advocate , and economic and labor problems, particularly the "Sit-down" strike in Flint in 1937. Gift of Mrs. William H. Phelps, 1938-39. 1498. ). PHILLIPS, ALBERT JAMES (1899- PAPERS, 1930-60. 4 feet. Executive Secretary, Michigan Education Association, 1936-58. Correspondence, clippings, articles, speeches and other materials, primar- ily relating to his work with the Michigan Edu- cation Association. Gift of Albert J. Phillips, 1962. 1499. PHILLIPS, HORACE (1846-1917). DIARY, 1863-65. 1 volume. Clerk for an army sutler, student, teach- er in Ypsilanti and Napoleon. An account of travels in Kentucky and Tennessee with com- ments on Michigan regiments visited, his stu- dent experiences in Ypsilanti and teaching in Napoleon. Acquired, 1941. 1500. PHILLIPS, JULIA MacGRUDER. SCRAPBOOK, 1891-1904. 1 volume. Scrapbook of activities, including mate- rials relating to her life as a student at The University of Michigan. Gift of Laurence P. Dowd, 1960. 1501. PIERCE, DARIUS (1801- ). PAPERS, 1810-1901. 1 foot and 4 vol- umes. Farmer, local county official, State Rep- resentative (1846-47). Business and legal pa- pers with scattered items of correspondence, mostly about Washtenaw County politics, includ- ing a letter (1850) from Alpheus Felch. There are also manuscripts on agriculture and various other topics and four personal account books. Gift of Mrs. L. A. Seamons, 1941. 1502. PIERCE, EDWARD HARTLEY (1855- ). REMINISCENCES, 1926. 25 pages. Reminiscences of Pierce of Ann Arbor and genealogy and family history of the Saunders and Pierce families. Acquired, 1962. 1503. PIERCE, JOHN DAVIS (1797-1882). CORRESPONDENCE, 1823-78. 47 items. First Michigan State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Personal letters of members of the Pierce family, written from New England and Virginia, in which schools are frequently discussed. There are two letters (1848) from his son James about his travels with the army in Mexico. Gift of Joseph Emerson, 1936. 1504. PIERCE, MRS. N. H. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1878. 11 pages, typewritten copy. A brief history of the Ann Arbor Ladies' Decoration Society organized to decorate graves of Civil War soldiers. 1505. PIERCE, NATHAN (1790-1862). PAPERS, 1842-62. 25 items. Farmer, State Representative. Five let- ters from Daniel Arnold about the panic of 1857, the slavery question, and politics; miscellaneous business papers; two account books (1842-61 and 1848-60) noting sales of farm products, wages paid and other expenditures. Gift of Albert Graham, 1937. 123 1506. PILLSBURY, WALTER BOWERS (1872- 1960). PAPERS, 1898-1960. 3 feet. Professor of Psychology and Chairman of the Department, The University of Michigan. Correspondence, lecture notes, manuscripts of writings, examination questions. The papers of both a personal and professional nature include the working papers of the Psychological Labora- tory and the Psychology Department after its organization in 1929. Correspondents include Henry C. Adams, Fayette W. Allport, James R. Angell, George F. Arps, Henry M. Bates, Edwin G. Boring, Nor- man A. Cameron, Moses Gomberg, Clark L. Hull, Clarence T. Johnston, Charles H. Judd, Kurt Lewin, Norman R. F. Maier, Carl Murchi- son, Carl E. Seashore, Edward B. Titchener, Edward C. Tolman, Robert M. Wenley, Lloyd S. Woodburne, Robert M. Yerkes, Clarence S. Yoakum . Gift of Walter M. Pillsbury, 1960. 1507. PINGREE, HAZEN SMITH (1840-1901). PAPERS, 1869, 1901. 2 items. Mayor of Detroit and Governor of Mich- igan. Report of Mayor Pingree to the Detroit Common Council; passport (1901). Acquired, 1946, 1960. 1508. PISTORIUS, FREDERICK. LETTER, 1862. 1 item. First lieutenant, Ninth Michigan Cavalry. A letter in German written to the Reverend Mr. Hildner concerning the impending draft. Gift of Jonathan A. C. Hildner, 1938. 1509. PITCHER, ZINA (1797-1872). PAPERS, 1829-80. 11 items, in part copies. Physician. Correspondence relating to University of Michigan affairs, Dr. Abram Sager, and Pitcher's scholarly interests; a letter from Asa Gray to Mrs. Pitcher about her husband's botanical collection; a biographical sketch; three papers relating to property in Detroit. Acquired, 1955. 1510. PITTS, WILLIS N., JR. STUDENT PAPER, 1940. 28 pages. Student seminar paper, "A Brief Expla- nation of the Agreement Between Presbyterian and Congregational Churches in America With a Study of Their Attitude Toward Slavery, 1774- 1860." Gift of Willis N. Pitts, 1949. 1511. PLANTZ, MRS. MYRA GOODWIN (1856- 1944). PAPERS, 1889. 2 items. Manuscript poem with accompanying let- ter by Mrs. Plantz of Detroit. 1512. PLATT, MYLES M. STUDENT PAPER, 1954. 106 pages. Student seminar paper, "Frank Murphy: Detroit's Liberal Mayor, 1930-1933." Gift of Myles Piatt, 1958. 1513. PLATZ, DONALD I. PAPER, [n.d.]. 6 pages. Paper recounting Platz's World War II experiences as a sergeant in the Southwest Pa- cific area with the Thirty- second Division. Gift of Clark Hopkins, 1947. 1514. POLGLASE, WILLIAM A. DIARY, 1895. 140 pages. The diary contains brief entries describ- ing Polglase's first months as Superintendent of Lapeer State Home and Training School. Gift of Miss Beryl Bishop, 1959. 1515. POLLOCK, JAMES KERR (1898- ). PAPERS, 1947-49. 8 feet. Professor of Political Science, The Uni- versity of Michigan. Correspondence and other papers dealing with Pollock's service with the Hoover Commission on reorganization of gov- ernment. Correspondents include Dean G. Acheson, George D. Aiken, Joseph W. Alsop, Arthur S. Fleming, James Forrestal, Herbert C. Hoover, Joseph P. Kennedy, Henry C. Lodge, George Meader, Sidney A. Mitchell, Raymond L. Moley, Gerald P. Nye, James H. Rowe, John R. Steel- man, Arthur H. Vandenberg. Gift of James K. Pollock, 1961. 1516. POLSHCER, ANDREW A. PAPERS, 1941-42. Ca. 50 items. Correspondence, mostly with Howard Peckham, relating to publication of Domesday Book by Polscher, and drafts and notes concern- ing this publication and his booklet on Father Richard. Gift of Andrew A. Polscher, 1951. 1517. POMEROY, T. W. PAPERS, 1837-51. 12 items. Farmer. The papers consist of letters, largely to T. W. Pomeroy of Palmyra, Michigan, from his brother George of Albany, New York. He discusses settling in Palmyra, farming in Michigan, and family affairs. Also included are four non- family letters on business affairs. Gift of Mrs. Henry Bowen, 1938. 124 1518. POND, CORNELIUS V. R. (1836- ). REPORT, 1885. 1 item, photostat. Michigan Commissioner of Labor. Re- port of Pond to Governor Russell A. Alger on the strike in the Saginaw sawmills. Acquired, 1961. 1519. POND, ELIHU BARTLIT (1826-98) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1841-1939. 5-1/3 feet and 15 volumes. Newspaper editor, State Senator. Corre- spondence and papers of Pond and his wife Mary Barlow Allen Pond, their daughter Mary Louise, and their sons Irving Kane (1857-1939) and Al- len Bartlit (1858-1929), architects of buildings in Ann Arbor and Chicago. The family corre- spondence (4835 letters) discusses personal and family affairs, Ann Arbor and The University of Michigan, architecture, the Civil War, and other subjects. There are diaries of E. B. Pond, poems, albums, addresses, manuscript ar- ticles, sketches, scrapbooks and other papers, and an autobiography of I. K. Pond (on micro- film). Gift of Irving K. Pond, 1940. 1520. POOLE, W. H. LETTERS, 1882, 1884. 2 items. Clergyman, Methodist Episcopal Church. Letters relate to publication of a manuscript by Poole. 1521. PORTER, FREDERICK BISSELL (1831- 1905). JOURNALS, 1848-54. 2 volumes. Detroit attorney, real estate agent. Vol- ume of notes, essays, addresses, letters, auto- biographical comments, written while he was a student at The University of Michigan, Class of 1851; diary (1854) commenting on law practice, politics, current events. 1522. PORTER, GEORGE BRYAN (1791-1834). PAPERS, 1765-1837, 1842-82, 1940-50. 79 items. Territorial Governor of Michigan. Cor- respondence, official papers, commissions, receipts of Porter and the Porter family. Much of the correspondence deals with family affairs, but five letters from James Buchanan and one from George Dallas deal with national politics. Correspondence with Andrew Jackson and Ed- ward Livingston concerns the territorial gover- norship. There are also miscellaneous corre- spondence and other papers (1940-50) dealing with the Porter collection. Correspondents include James Buchanan, George M. Dallas, Samuel D. Ingham, Andrew Jackson, Edward Livingston, David R. Porter. Acquired, 1959. 1523. POST, C. V. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1851-84. 1 volume. Veterinary. Account book kept by Post while practicing veterinary medicine. Gift of C. V. Post, 1956. 1524. POST, CHARLES WILLIAM (1854-1914). PAPERS, 1912-13, 1947. 42 items. Founder and President of Post Cereals. Miscellaneous papers concerning the various pro- motional activities of Post, including his rain- making experiments in Battle Creek in 1912; a biographical sketch (1947). Gift of Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe, 1958. 1525. POSTLE, KATHLEEN R. STUDENT PAPER, [n.d.j. [143 pages. Student seminar paper, "Bibliography: A Checklist of Books and Periodicals Dealing With the Whitewater Canal and Indiana History, 1820- 1860." Gift of Lewis G. Vander Velde. 1526. POTTER, HENRY ALBERT (1840-1933). PAPERS, 1862-1908. Ca. 100 items and 5 volumes, typewritten copies. Four diaries, a personal account book, correspondence, service record, and a few mis- cellaneous papers relating to his Civil War serv- ice as an officer in the Fourth Michigan Cavalry. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. S. G. Palmer, 1958. 1527. POTTER, LOUISE. PAPERS, 1912-42. 5 items and 1 volume. University of Michigan student paper in history, letters from Alfred Lloyd and Myra B. Jordan, and a scrapbook of University of Mich- igan memorabilia. Gift of Miss Louise Potter, 1961. 1528. POTTER, WILLIAM W. (1860-1940). PAPERS, 1895-1924. Ca. 200 items. State Senator. Correspondence and other papers dealing with Republican politics in Hast- ings. Correspondents include Julius C. Burrows, John Patton, William A. Smith. Gift of Richard M. Cook, 1961. 1529. POTTS, JAMES HENRY. PAPERS, 1864-98. Ca. 225 items and 8 volumes. Methodist clergyman. The papers consist of four items of correspondence, miscellaneous sermons, poems, manuscript articles, and eight 125 notebooks of manuscript addresses and sermons. Gift of J. Riston Potts, 1942. 1530. POUND, ARTHUR (1884- ). PAPERS, 1935-57. Ca. 250 items. Novelist, historian. The papers consist of the original manuscript of Lake Ontario , cor- respondence dealing with Pound's publications, personal affairs and business matters, a man- uscript entitled "Volume and Victory," outlining General Electric Company's contribution to the war effort, partial manuscript on post-war in- dustrial planning, and an address list for Pound's Christmas cards. Gift of Arthur Pound, 1947, 1957. 1531. POUND, JAMES H. PAPERS, 1922. 2 items. Lawyer, Detroit. Legal brief drawn up by Pound and a note about him. 1532. POWER, NATHAN (1801-74). JOURNAL, 1826-73. 1 volume, photostat copy. The "Book of Record," kept by Power of Farmington, contains notations on farming, con- struction of farm buildings, climate, family af- fairs, politics, Quaker meetings and anti- slavery activities, and travels, including a journey to Michigan from New York in 1826. 1533. POWER, NATHAN H., Jr. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1929. 8 pages. Historical sketch of Farmington written by Power and read at a Pioneer banquet. Gift of Myles Piatt, 1957. 1534. POWERS, JOHN R. PAPERS, 1813-1933. 29 items and 1 vol- ume. Farmer. Miscellaneous papers of Pow- ers and the Powers family of Assyria, Barry County, include genealogical notes, a teacher's contract (1874) for Maple Grove, Barry County, family letters, deeds, miscellaneous papers, and a diary of Powers recording everyday events (1879, 1894, 1896). Gift of Miss Martha Marsh, 1959. 1535. POWERS, PERRY FRANCIS (1857-1945). PAPERS, 1945. 10 itelns. Newspaper editor, Auditor General. Mis- cellaneous papers and biographical material. Gift of Edward F. Powers, 1957. 1536. POWERS, RIDGLEY CEYLON. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, 1910. 1 page. Governor of Mississippi, civil engineer. Brief biographical sketch of Powers by Isaac N. Demmon. 1537. PRATT, HENRY SHERRING (1859-1946). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, ca. 1882. 1 vol- ume. Professor of Biology, Haverford College, Pa. University of Michigan student notes on history and literature. Gift of Henry S. Pratt, 1938. 1538. PRATT, LEWIS A. CORRESPONDENCE, 1897- 1900. 5 items. Miscellaneous correspondence concerning activities of Piatt relating to University of Mich- igan affairs, and a contract regarding change of ownership of University of Michigan publication, Inlander . Gift of Miss Helen Pratt, 1955. 1539. PRAY, GEORGE WASHINGTON ( -1890). DIARY, 1844. 1 item, photostat copy. Physician. Portions of Pray's diary covering student life at The University of Mich- igan where he was a member of the first grad- uating class. 1540. PRAY FAMILY. PAPERS, 1826-1910. Ca. 100 items. Indentures, insurance policies, receipts of Watson, Thomas, Julia, Clara, and Mary Geer, and Sally, Joseph, and George Pray of Superior township, Washtenaw County, and three items of correspondence. Gift of Willard Geer, 1956. 1541. PRESCOTT, ALBERT BENJAMIN (1832- 1905). PAPERS, 1865-77. 10 items. Professor of Chemistry, The University of Michigan. Reports on his faculty activities, two letters from Silas H. Douglas about Pres- cott's position at The University of Michigan, and Civil War orders and papers. On loan from Mr. L. H. Prescott, 1945. 1542. PRESCOTT, WILLIAM RAY. M.A. THESIS, 1920. 79 pages. Northwestern University M.A. thesis, "The Rise of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Michigan From its Inception to Eighteen Hundred Fifty-six." Gift of William R. Prescott, 1940. 1543. PRESTON, JACOB. PAPERS, 1841-71. 28 items." Correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Jacob Preston of Grass Lake, his son Theo- dore who was serving with Company B, Second U.S. Sharpshooters in the Civil War, his cousin DeForest Litchfield who served with the Ninth Pennsylvania Infantry, and letters (1871) of Ed- ward Preston from Nevada City, California. Gift of Miss Maggie Preston, 1960. 126 1544. PROCTER, EDWARD. LETTER, 1842. 1 item. Letter from Procter of Franklin to his father about family affairs and the organization of a temperance society. 1545. PROCTOR, JOSEPH F. (1835-1925). RECORDS, 1868-1925. 44 volumes. Lumber sawyer and scaler, farmer of Hersey, Osceola County. Diaries discussing ac- tivities in the lumber camps and mills, farming, weather, with occasional comments on politics and current events. There are two account books (1872-1915). Gift of Mrs. Anna J. Proctor, 1960. 1546. PUFFER, FRANK L. LETTER, 1873. 1 item. The letter from Puffer describes his first days at The University of Michigan and in- cludes comments on student hazing. 1547. PURDY, ROBERT. FAMILY HISTORY, 1853. 1 volume. History of the Purdy, Yerkes, and Dun- lap families who moved from New York state to Northville, Plymouth, and Lyon, Michigan in the 1820's and 1830's. Gift of Harold F. Fredsell, 1962. 1548. QUA, JULIA KIMBALL. QUESTIONNAIRE, jn-d.]. 1 item. Physician. Recollections of student days at The University of Michigan, ca. 1900. 1549. RAMSDELL, WILLETT FORREST (1890- 1951). PAPERS, 1943-44. 28 items. Professor of Forest Land Management, The University of Michigan; Major, U.S. Army. Correspondence and other papers relating to Ramsdell's World War II service in the Army Civil Affairs Training Program at The Univer- sity of Michigan. 1550. RANDALL, CALEB DWINELL (1831-1903). PAPERS, 1855-1902. Ca. 325 items and 13 volumes. State Senator, banker, founder of State School for Dependent Children at Coldwater. The papers consist largely of correspondence on family affairs, the State School for Dependent Children, prison congresses, travels in Europe, particularly Great Britain, France and Russia, and manuscripts on various subjects, including child welfare, the Coldwater school, prison sys- tems, and Russia. There are two scrapbooks, largely of clippings of poems and manuscript epitaphs from graves in the Coldwater cemetery, and eleven volumes of personal account books. Gift of Miss Mary A. Kenney, 1940. 1551. RANKIN, THOMAS ERNEST (1872-1953). CORRESPONDENCE, 1915-28. Ca. 650 items. Professor of Rhetoric, The University of Michigan. Correspondence of Rankin concerns his scholarly activities and interests at The Uni- versity of Michigan. Much is with book publish- ing houses. Correspondents include Wilford M. Aikin, William W. Bishop, Marion L. Burton, Lloyd C. Douglas, John R. Effinger, George N. Fuller, Walter H. Sawyer, Fred N. Scott. 1552. RASMUSSEN, AUGUST. LETTER, 1856. 1 item, typewritten copy. Farmer, Montcalm County. A letter to his brother in Denmark urging him and his friends to come to Michigan. He describes the favorable working conditions in the state. Gift of Wyman C. Bock, 1948. 1553. RATHBUN, EARLE HENRY. PAPERS, 1902-57. Ca. 200 items. Horse breeder. The papers consist of correspondence relating to University of Mich- igan affairs, particularly its football teams, the 1902 Rose Bowl game, and alumni activities, reminiscences of Rathbun concerning Battle Creek, including one on "Post, Kelloggs and the San," and copies of newspaper articles about Frank Rathbun, father of Earle and mayor of Battle Creek. Correspondents include Ralph W. Aigler, Charles Baird, William M. Hollenback, Everett M. Sweeley, T. Hawley Tapping, Fielding H. Yost Gift of Earle H. Rathbun, 1954- 1554. RATHBUN, SELDEN. LETTER, 1834. 1 item. A letter inquiring of the Ann Arbor post- master as to the whereabouts and financial re- sources of Rathbun. Acquired, 1960. 1555. RAYMOND, URI. PAPERS, 1848-1910. 31 items and 6 vol- umes. Manager of a general store, schoolteach- er, Port Sanilac. The papers consist of account statements, a manuscript newspaper, "The Bark Shanty Times," later The Port Sanilac Times , three letterpress books (1859-68, 1894-99) con- taining information about the general store busi- ness and a few letters about the Methodist church, account book (1864-72), and two daybooks of the store (1860-61, 1864-65). Gift of Oliver Raymond, 1948. 127 1556. READ, FANNY K. (Mrs. Justin T. Cook). STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1887-90. 18 vol- umes. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by John Dewey, Charles M. Gayley, Burke A. Hinsdale, Richard Hudson, Calvin Thomas. Gift of Mrs. Justin T. Cook, 1942. 1557. READ, GILBERT E. (1822-98). PAPERS, 1855-1903. 254 items. Michigan State Representative and Sena- tor, businessman of Richland. The papers con- sist of three letters to members of the Read family, including one from Zachariah Chandler (1866), twelve indentures, land grants, deeds and other legal papers, and 239 bills for hardware. 1558. REED, LAFAYETTE M. (1832-64). LETTER, 1864. 1 item. Letter of Reed to Samuel Starmer in which he describes his experiences with Com- pany F, Tenth Michigan Infantry in the battle of Atlanta. Gift of Harold Best, 1959. 1559. REED, LOUISA MARIA. AUTOGRAPH ALBUM, 1876-77. 1 vol- ume. Album of University of Michigan class- mates' signatures. Acquired, 1957. 1560. REED, MINNIE. NOTEBOOK, t n.d.]. 1 volume. Notes on botany taken by Miss Reed while she was attending Kalamazoo Female Seminary. 1561. REED, SETH (1823-1924). PAPERS, 1848-1923. 61 items and 2 vol- umes. Methodist clergyman. Correspondence of Reed includes congratulatory letters and com- munications on Methodist church activities and anniversaries. Other papers include a sermon delivered the Sunday after Lincoln's assassina- tion, an address about Reed, autobiographical material by Reed and his wife, a volume of records of marriages performed by Reed (1856- 95), miscellaneous papers, and a diary of his service as a member of the U.S. Christian Com- mission in Tennessee and Alabama. In the di- ary he discusses wartime destruction, slavery and education of slaves, hospitals, and aid to soldiers. Gift of Mrs. Waldo G. Keenley, 1938. 1562. REED, THOMAS ( -1896). LETTERS, 1863-64. 18 items. Letters of Reed (Read, Reid) written to members of his family while he was serving in the Fifth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Acquired, 1962. 1563. REEVES, JESSE SIDDALL (1872-1942). PAPERS, 1853-1942. 17 feet and 5 vol- umes. Chairman, Department of Political Sci- ence, The University of Michigan. The Reeves papers consist largely of correspondence. In addition there are reports, manuscript articles, book reviews, lecture notes, and miscellaneous papers. Though covering Reeves' family affairs, for the most part these papers deal with Reeves' academic interests in political science and in- ternational law. Subjects covered include a trip to Panama and Nicaragua in 1897, World War I, publication activities, lecture engagements, job placement of students, national and international scholarly committees and conferences, including the 1927 International Commission of Jurists in Buenos Aires, University of Michigan affairs and the Department of Political Science in particular. There is some correspondence about state and national politics, political issues and interna- tional affairs. Various colleagues and friends traveling abroad often wrote in some detail of the countries they visited, making comments on Italy under Mussolini, the Stavisky affair in France, the early months of the Hitler regime, and the Philippines in the 1930's. Correspondents inclue Randolph G. Adams, William P. Anderson, James R. Angell, Newton D. Baker, Henry M. Bates, Samuel W. Beakes, Junius E. Beal, Samuel F. Bemis, George H. Blakeslee, Campbell Bonner, Edwin Borchard, Van Wyck Brooks, Everett S. Brown, Philip M. Brown, Prentiss M. Brown, Wilber M. Brucker, Charles C. Burlingham, Wilbur J. Carr, William L. Clements, William M. Collier, William A. Comstock, Charles H. Cooley, Edward S. Corwin, Frederic R. Coudert, James J. Couzens, Robert T. Crane, John R. Fffinger, Carl Eggert, Max Far rand, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Oliver P. Field, Emerson D. Fite, Henry Ford, Harry A. Gar- field, James W. Garner, Moses Gomberg, Karl E. Guthe, Albert B. Hart, J. Ralston Hayden, Will H. Hays, Amos S. Hershey, Mary Louise Hinsdale, Stanley K. Hornbeck, Manley O. Hud- son, Charles E. Hughes, Cordell Hull, Edward V. Huntington, Harry B. Hutchins, John F. Jame- son, Allan C. Johnson, Frank B. Kellogg, Francis W. Kelsey, William S. Knudsen, Theodore W. Koch, Baron S. H. Korff, Alfred Korzybski, Ed- ward H. Kraus, Harold J. Laski, John H. Latane, Stephen B. Leacock, Clarence C. Little, Alfred H. Lloyd, Walter W. McLaren, Andrew C. McLaughlin, Clarence J. McLeod, Charles E. Merriam, Earl C. Michener, William B. Munro, 128 James O. Murfin, Frank Murphy, Edward R. Murrow, Truman H. Newberry, Frederick A. Ogg, Dexter Perkins, James K. Pollock, Law- rence Preuss, Perley O. Ray, Charles F. Remer, Elihu Root, Leo S. Rowe, Alexander G. Ruthven, Henry A. Sanders, Francis B. Sayre, Bernadotte E Schmitt, Count Carlos Sforza, James T. Shot- well, Shirley W. Smith, Ralph Stone, Charles E. Townsend, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Hendrik W. van Loon, Claude H. Van Tyne, C. V. Vollen- hoven, Sumner Welles, William A. White, George W. Wickersham, George G. Wilson, John G. Winter, Quincy Wright, Hessel N. Yntema. Gift of Frank E. Robbins and the Reeves family. 1564. REGAL FAMILY. PAPERS, 1834-1905. Ca. 250 items and 8 volumes. Correspondence, sermons, land patents, receipts, and miscellaneous papers of Eli Regal (Baptist clergyman), his wife Sarah Jane, their children Ellen, Abel and Eli Jr., and other mem- bers of the family. The correspondence largely deals with personal affairs and church matters in Michigan and Ohio. There is a diary of Abel Regal (1854), four diaries of Eli Regal (1849-72, not continuous), a diary (1857) and an appoint- ment book of Ellen Regal, and an account book (1834-40). Correspondents include Raymond C. Davis and Isaac N. Demmon. Gift of Mrs. John R. Norton, 1957. 1565. REHOR, DANIEL. STUDENT PAPERS, 1959. 2 items. Student seminar papers, "Public Opinion Concerning the Negro and Emancipation During the Civil War as Expressed in the Adrian Watch- tower," and "Poor Relief in Washtenaw County, 1836-1870." Acquired, 1961. 1566. REICHLE, LEWIS. PAPERS, 1885-1945. 53 items and 3 vol- umes. Instructor in Latin, The University of Michigan. The papers consist of biographical sketches, poems, and notes of Flora Slayton Reichle, letters to Reichle about Mrs. Reichle's book, Rimes From the Great Lakes , and other subjects, a manual on teaching Latin, miscel- laneous letters, grade reports from East Sagi- naw public schools (1881, 1886-89), and three volumes of personal account books (1887-1908). Gift of Lewis Reichle, 1950, 1956. 1567. REID, ROBERT D. STUDENT PAPER, c n.d.] . 24 pages. Student seminar paper, "Contemporary Opinion in Michigan of the Polk Administration in the Prosecution of the Mexican War." Gift of Robert D. Reid, 1948. 1568. REIGHARD, JACOB ELLSWORTH (1861- 1942). PAPERS, 1889-1938. 20 feet and 6 vol- umes. Professor of Zoology, The University of Michigan. Approximately half the Reighard pa- pers consists of correspondence, for the most part of a professional nature, with colleagues and students at The University of Michigan and with other scholars throughout the world inter- ested in zoology. Additional papers consist of lecture notes, manuscript addresses and articles, notes, miscellaneous papers, two volumes of field notes (1901), a notebook, a diary (1901), and a diary of Reighard's son Paul Roby (1905). Correspondents include James B. Angell, John Dewey, Lucius L. Hubbard, Harry B. Hutchins, David S. Jordan, John H. Kellogg, Alfred C. Lane, Alexander G. Ruthven, Henry B. Ward, Dean C. Worcester. Acquired, 1945. 1569. REIMANN, LEWIS CHARLES (1890-1961). PAPERS, 1931-58. Ca. 250 items. Author, Ann Arbor. Correspondence con- cerning the Thomas M. Iden portrait and gift fund, and correspondence and other papers per- taining to Reimann's books The Game Warden and the Poachers and Incredible Seney , with original manuscript of the latter book. Gift of Lewis C. Reimann, 1958. 1570. RENNELLS, CHARLES STEPHEN (1873- 1962). PAPERS. 1852-1958. 60 items and 2 vol- umes. Wesleyan Methodist clergyman. Scattered personal papers; miscellaneous papers collected by Rennells (in part photostat copies) on Wesley- an Methodist churches in Michigan; the manu- script of his book History of the Michigan Con- ference, Wesleyan Methodist Church of America (1940); a history of the Rennells family; sermon record; photograph album. Gift of Charles S. Rennells, 1940-58. 1571. REYNOLDS, GEORGE RENSSELAER ( -1904). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1866-67. 1 volume. Physician. University of Michigan student notebook on courses by Samuel G. Armor, Silas H. Douglas, Moses Gunn, Alonzo B. Palmer, Abram Sager. Gift of Mrs. Maud R. Houghton, 1952. 129 1572. REYNOLDS, WILLIAM HARVEY (1835- 1919). PAPERS, 1857-63, 1962. 1 volume and 3 items. Teacher. Diary (1857) covering his stu- dent life at Hillsdale College, including mention of anti- slavery meetings, and his experiences as a school teacher; extracts (typewritten copies) from a diary kept while he was at Hillsdale during the Civil War; biographical sketch of Reynolds prepared by Jack C. Northrup in 1962. Gift of Jack C. Northrup, 1962. 1573. RICE, JUSTIN. CORRESPONDENCE, 1824-88. 20 items. Correspondence of Mr. and Mrs. Rice of Detroit largely about personal and family affairs. 1574. RICE, MRS. N. B. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1908. 12 pages. Manuscript entitled, "Early History of Portland." 1575. RICH, JOHN TREADWAY (1841-1926). PAPERS, 1884-95. 10 items and 57 vol- umes. Governor of Michigan (1891-95). Two letters from Rich and one from A. P. Avery en- closing a letter from J. H. Palmer which con- cerns Michigan political activities; six speeches by Rich on various topics; thirty- six volumes of diaries containing comments on the weather, his daily schedule as Governor, social events and routine matters of everyday life; receipt books; scrapbooks on Rich's political activities; and two letterpress books (1905-14). Correspondents include Julius C. Burrows, Chase S. Osborn, Hazen S. Pingree, William A. Smith, Fred M. Warner. Gift of Mrs. John T. Rich, 1937. 1576. RICHARD, GABRIEL (1767-1832). PAPERS, 1796-1826. 24 items. Catholic priest, Vice President of The University of Michigan, Michigan delegate to Congress. Letter from Richard to Bishop Plessis of Quebec concerning sale of property in De- troit (photostat); biographical sketch of Richard; seven letters from Richard and fourteen from Father Levadoux to Bishop John Carroll (micro- film); memorial to the Legislature requesting donation of land in Detroit for education (photo- stat). Gift of F. Clever Bald and Albert Hyma. 1577. RICHARDS FAMILY. PAPERS, 1833-75. 6 items, photostats of typewritten copies. Letter of William Richards (1833) to his brother. He describes his arrival in the United States, settling on a farm in Saline, and com- ments on life and customs in the United States, including a good description of agricultural methods and prices. There are four letters of Charlotte A. Richards of Grand Rapids, one of which describes the reaction in Grand Rapids to Lincoln's assassination, and a letter of Alfred S. Richards expressing his hope of being mus- tered out of the army where he is serving in Company D, Engineers and Mechanics. Acquired, 1958. 1578. RICHARDSON, JONAS D. (1839-64). PAPERS, 1843-65. Ca. 200 items. Civil War letters of Richardson written while he was serving in Company D, Fourth Michigan Infantry, together with genealogical in- formation on the Root and Colgrove families and miscellaneous papers. Gift of Mrs. D. S. Bickford, 1961. 1579. RICHARDSON, LAURA. MANUSCRIPT POEMS, 1829-49. 1 vol- ume. 1580. RICHMOND, REBECCA L. REPORT, 1881. 1 item. Report to the Union Benevolent Associa- tion on the industrial sewing school in Grand Rapids. 1581. RICHMOND, WILLIAM A. LETTER, 1851. 1 item. Letter from Richmond to Charles Taylor, Michigan Secretary of State, concerning sale of state lands. 1582. RICKEY, JOSEPH. PAPERS, 1850-62. 5 items. Detroit businessman. Four business pa- pers and a letter from Lewis Cass (1850) on action by territorial legislatures on the slavery issue. Gift of Mrs. Victor Brasher, 1S50-51. 1583. RIDOUT, J. E. DAYBOOK, 1876-78. 1 volume. Pharmacist at Hanover. Daybook record- ing prescriptions filled and other drugstore items sold, noting price and purchaser. Gift of Robert D. Aldrich, 1954. 1584. RIEGELMAN, CHARLES A. LETTER, 1917. 1 item. Letter from Riegelman concerning alumni affairs at The University of Michigan. 130 1585. RIGGS, HENRY EARLE (1865- ). PAPERS, 1914-42. 1-1/3 feet. Civil Engineer. The Riggs papers con- tain correspondence dealing with University of Michigan civil engineering alumni killed in World War I, and addresses on various topics, particularly those relating to civil engineering projects and University of Michigan affairs. The majority of the papers pertain to the investiga- tion of the Detroit United Railroad and contain correspondence of Mortimer E. Cooley, Lawton T. Hemans, and William M. Smith. There are two manuscripts, "The Ann Arbor Railroad 50 Years Ago" (71 pages), and "Thirty Years De- velopment in Public Utility Valuation" (213 pages), as well as three volumes of lectures, articles, notes, and testimony. Gift of Finley B. Riggs, 1955. 1586. RIGLEY, CHARLES E. PAPERS, 1882-1905. 187 items. Vice president, secretary, treasurer of Estey [furniture] Manufacturing Company of Owosso. The Rigley papers consist of letters to Rigley on business and personal affairs, and notes, receipts, and statements. 1587. RISDON, GERTRUDE BETSY JUDD. COOKBOOK, 1870. 1 volume. Gift of Miss Gertrude Lammers, 1950. 1588. RISDON, LEWIS CASS (1824-84). PAPERS, 1850-62. 3 items. Deed and two personal letters to Mrs. Risdon, one from her mother Susan W. Judd, the other from Risdon. Gift of Miss Gertrude Lammers, 1950. 1589. RISDON, ORANGE (1786-1876). PAPERS, 1825-31. 5 items. Surveyor of much of southern Michigan. Personal letters exchanged between Risdon and his wife, a letter from Joseph Jennings asking about conditions in Michigan, and a composition by Risdon' s daughter. Gift of Miss Gertrude Lammers, 1950. 1590. ROBBINS, FRANK EGGLESTON (1884- 1963). PAPERS, 1907-52. Ca. 200 items and 1 volume. Assistant to the President, The Univer- sity of Michigan. Letters to Robbins and Presi- dent and Mrs. Harry B. Hutchins are mainly brief notes of thanks from scholars, authors, and political figures, including Wilber M. Bruck- er, Willa Cather, Robert Frost, Charles E. Hughes, Sinclair Lewis, Frank Murphy, and Wil- liam L. Phelps. There are seven letters from Brazil, Chile, and Peru. The rest of the papers includes poems, articles, addresses, notes, sketches, charts of University of Michigan foot- ball games (1932-50), correspondence about novels with an Ann Arbor setting, and a geneal- ogy of the Eggleston family. Gift of Frank E. Robbins. 1591. ROBBINS, JEROME JOHN (1841-1921). PAPERS, 1861-1913. 9 volumes and 40 items. Physician in Michigan and Missouri. The diaries and correspondence cover his Civil War service as medical steward and assistant sur- geon with the Second Michigan Infantry. Clip- pings and other papers are connected with his war time experiences of later date. The corre- spondence includes two letters (1863) from Sarah E. Edmonds Seelye alias Frank Thompson. Gift of Mr. A. P. Vierheller, 1962. 1592. ROBE, JAMES T. (1807-88). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, m.d.]. 6 pages. Methodist clergyman. Biographical sketch of Robe. Gift of R. E. Meader, 1942. 1593. ROBERTS, ALPHEUS J. PAPERS, 1933-36. 3 items. Three manuscripts on scientific and re- ligious subjects. 1594. ROBERTS, THOMAS BROCKWAY. ADDRESS, [n.d.]. 3 pages. Address by Roberts on the "Little Brown Jug," football trophy of The University of Mich- igan—University of Minnesota rivalry. Gift of Thomas B. Roberts, 1947. 1595. ROBERTS, WILLIS READ. CORRESPONDENCE, 1923-27. 5 items. Letters contain reminiscences of college days at The University of Michigan and refer- ences to later alumni activities. 1596. ROBINSON, MAUDE (1875-1959). PAPERS, 1957-58. 30 items. Reminiscences, clippings, and other pa- pers dealing with Vicksburg and Fulton. Gift of Mrs. Charles Robinson, 1959. 1597. ROBINSON, ORRIN W. (1834-1925). PAPERS, ca, 1917-18. 2 volumes. State Representative and Senator, Lieu- tenant Governor of Michigan (1899-1902). Man- uscript articles and reminiscences of Robinson about pioneer life and mining in the copper country of Michigan's upper peninsula. Gift of Miss Ethel Robinson, 1938, 1950. 131 1598. ROBINSON, STILLMAN WILLIAMS (1838- 1910). CORRESPONDENCE, 1870, 1906, 1908. 6 items. Professor of Mining Engineering, The University of Michigan. A letter of resignation from the faculty of The University of Michigan, letters concerning the 1908 reunion of The Uni- versity of Michigan Class of 1863, and a letter and accompanying autobiographical sketch. 1599. ROCK, ELLA. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, 1954. 20 pages. Biographical sketch of Heinrich Fried- rich Bernhard Rock (1849-1918) of Wexford County. Gift of Mrs. Clayton L. Arnold, 1955. 1600. ROCKWITH, FRANK AUGUSTUS ( -1904). REPORT, 1877. 1 item. Lecturer in the Homeopathic Medical College, The University of Michigan. Report on the faculty activities of Rockwith at The Univer- sity of Michigan (1876-77). 1601. ROGERS, FLORENCE. STUDENT PAPER, 1937. 34 pages and bibliography. Student seminar paper, "A Social and Economic Survey of Keweenaw County, 1840- 1860." Gift of Mrs. Howard W. Christenson, 1948. 1602. ROGERS, HENRY WADE (1853-1926). PAPERS, 1873-98. 60 items and 1 vol- ume. Professor of Law, The University of Michigan, President, Northwestern University. Scrapbook containing programs and invitations largely connected with Northwestern University, with some from The University of Michigan, University of Chicago, and other institutions; miscellaneous letters to Rogers while he was a professor at The University of Michigan, many relating to speaking engagements; a manuscript article by Thomas M. Cooley on the U.S. Su- preme Court. Correspondents include Thomas F. Bayard, George Biddle, Henry B. Brown, Grover Cleve- land, Thomas M. Cooley, Henry S. Frieze, Mel- ville W. Fuller, Joseph E. Gary, John M. Harlan, James McMillan, Samuel Maxwell, Samuel F. Miller, John P. Newman, George P. Putnam, John H. Vincent, Alexander Winchell. Gift of Miss Dorothy Winner, 1945. 1603. ROGERS, OBADIAH (1791-1873). PAPERS, 1831-59, 1889. 1 item and 1 vol- ume. Farmer. Account and notebook (1831-59) containing brief comments on trip to Michigan (1831), clearing land, and farm work near Te- cumseh; a letter (1889) from Obadiah Rogers, Jr. about his father. Gift of Mrs. Hoyt E. Whelan, 1939. 1604. ROGERS, RANDOLPH (1825-92). PAPERS, 1853-1925. 38 items. Sculptor, Ann Arbor. The papers include scattered correspondence of Rogers (1853-84) mostly dealing with his work; correspondence (1892-1925) of Roger's son John R. about his father; letterpress copy of a biography of Rogers, probably written by his wife; articles of agree- ment for commissioning various Roger's works; sketches by Rogers; accounts and miscellaneous papers. Gift of Mrs. Harry A. Torson, 1958. 1605. ROMINGER FAMILY (Carl Ludwig Ro- minger, 1820-1907). PAPERS, 1838-1945. 1 foot and 7 vol- umes. Physician, State Geologist. The papers consist of extensive correspondence mostly writ- ten from Germany, genealogical information, scrapbooks, an account book covering Doctor Rominger's medical practice, and historical sketches of Ann Arbor by Marie Rominger. Gift of Miss Marie Rominger, 1937, and Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Haskill, 1961. 1606. RONAN, ELIZABETH COTTER. QUESTIONNAIRE, fii.d.]. litem. Librarian. Recollections of college days at The University of Michigan ca. 1901. 1607. ROOD, ARTHUR RAYMOND (1858-1902). PAPERS, 1847, 1876-1902. 24 items and 3 volumes. Grand Rapids lawyer and Republican poli- tician. The papers consist of correspondence and two scrapbooks covering his University of Michigan career and later political activities in Grand Rapids; University of Michigan Master's thesis, "The Development of Political Parties in England"; deeds; an essay; a biographical sketch; manuscript addresses, including notes for a speech on the eight hour day movement. Gift of Robert H. Dott, 1950. 1608. ROOD, FRED A. (1872-1950). PAPERS, 1884-98. 14 items. Restaurant operator, Lapeer. School pa- pers; letters to his parents from Chicago and Paris. Gift of Robert H. Dott, 1950. 132 1609. ROOT, MRS. MINNIE MAES. PAPERS, 1928-42. 11 items. Music publisher, Ann Arbor. Correspond- ence and notes concerning publication of college and patriotic songs. Gift of Mrs. Root, 1944. 1610. ROSE, HENRY MARTIN (1858- ). LETTER, 1916. 1 item. Grand Rapids newspaper publisher, sec- retary and parliamentarian of U.S. Senate. Let- ter from Rose to an unnamed clergyman offer- ing to lecture on Washington, D.C. at a church function. 1611. ROSE, JOSEPH. PAPERS, 1846, 1849. 2 items. Naturalization certificate of Rose; land survey of Rose's property on Lake St. Clair. 1612. ROSE, STEPHEN (1817- ). REMINISCENCES, 1830. 9 pages, type- written copy. Genealogy and Rose's reminiscences of his family's settlement in the Detroit area and later on the Indian reserve at Swan Creek. It is a good description of French- Canadian life in the Detroit area, including material on the In- dians. Gift of C. Rowland Anderson, 1959. 1613. ROSEBERRY, ISAAC (1832- ). DIARY, 1861-65. 1 reel of microfilm. Diary recording Roseberry's service in Company D, Michigan Engineers and Mechanics in the Civil War. Acquired, 1962. 1614. ROSENTHAL, BERTHA. QUESTIONNAIRE, t n.d.]. 1 item. Business woman. Recollections of col- lege days at The University of Michigan ca. 1904, and particularly of the Andrew C. McLaughlin family. 1615. ROSS, ANDREW. LETTER, 1953. 1 item. Letter of Ross to John A. Duffy, includ- ing a five page enclosure on the history of the organization of the Grocery Manufacturers' As- sociation. One of the founders was the Kellogg Company. Gift of Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe, 1959. 1616. ROTH, FILIBERT (1858-1925). PAPERS, 1911-14. Ca. 100 items and 2 volumes. Professor of Forestry, The University of Michigan. The papers consist of ten letters from Roth to President Harry B. Hutchins con- cerning the University of Michigan School of Forestry; drafts of speeches on forestry and conservation; notes and manuscripts by Roth and Robert Craig on various research projects and courses in forestry; a bound volume of letters written by Roth's friends and former students on his retirement (300 pages); and a memorial upon his death. 1617. ROTHMANN, ALICE ELEONORE. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1893-94, 1901. 5 volumes. Teacher, Ann Arbor. University of Mich- igan student notebooks on courses by Ewald A. Boucke, Earle W. Dow, George A. Hench, An- drew C. McLaughlin. 1618. ROUSH, ARELYNE H. STUDENT PAPER, 1937. 52 pages. Student seminar paper, "Plank Roads in Michigan, 1836-1900." Gift of Mrs. Ernest A. Shellman, 1948. 1619. ROWE, JAMES DELOS (1838-1925). REMINISCENCES, ca. 1912. 89 pages. Reminiscences of Rowe as a soldier in the Second Michigan Infantry and First Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. (See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details.) Rowe was a stu- dent at Kalamazoo College when he enlisted. Gift of Mrs. G. S. Rowe, 1953. 1620. ROWE FAMILY. PAPERS, 1852-1946. Ca. 350 items. Scattered items of correspondence, notes, reports, articles, sermons, Civil War papers, and business papers of members of the Rowe family. Some of the papers concern Highland township in Oakland County and the town of Milford. Gift of Mrs. G. S. Rowe, 1950. 1621. ROWLEY, HENRY KIRK. LETTERS, 1861-62. 2 items. Letters written by Rowley while he was a student at The University of Michigan. Gift of Charles G. Lampman, 1939. 1622. ROYSE, ISAAC HENRY CLAY ( -1909). PAPERS, 1867-68. 6 volumes. University of Michigan Law School thesis, "The Mortgagee's Interest," and University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Ashley Pond, Charles I. Walker. Gift of Mrs. Guy M. Walker, 1946. 133 1623. RUMSEY, ELISHA WALKER ( -1827). LAND PATENTS, 1824-25. 3 items, photostat copies. Co-founder of Ann Arbor. Land patents for the first land taken up in Ann Arbor. Gift of Russell E. Bidlack, 1960. 1624. RUSSELL, ALLIE (1872- ). REMINISCENCES, t n.d.]. 4 pages. Reminiscences, recorded by Michael Church, in which Miss Russell tells of her childhood and youth in Ann Arbor in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Gift of Michael Church, 1960. 1625. RUSSELL, CURRAN NORTHRUM (1873- 1961). PAPERS, 1957-60. 6 items. Director, Manistee Museum. Articles on Captain John Smith and Patrick Noud, both of Manistee, and typescripts of tape recordings on lumbering and Great Lakes shipping around Manistee. Gift of Curran N. Russell, 1958-60. 1626. RUSSELL, FRANCIS GRANGER (1837- ). SCRAPBOOK, 1861-65. 1 volume. Scrapbook of clippings chiefly about the Civil War, many of them letters by Russell to the Livingston Republican . Gift of Mrs. Elvira Jones, 1946. 1627. RUSSELL, MRS. HUNTLEY. ENGAGEMENT BOOKS, 1903-35. 24 vol- umes. Grand Rapids civic leader. Engagement and account books with brief notes on daily events. Gift of Mrs. Charles Russell, 1958-62. 1628. RUSSELL, ISRAEL COOK (1852-1906). PAPERS, 1883-1904. 20 items and 1 vol- ume. Professor of Geology, The University of Michigan. The papers consist of correspondence on various topics, usually of a scientific nature, biographical information on Bela Hubbard, cor- respondence and papers relating to Portland Cement companies, notes on the Dead Sea, and a photograph album with notes illustrating U.S. Geological Survey of 1883. Correspondents include Clarence M. Bur- ton, William M. Davis, Charles Dufour. 1629. RUSSELL, SARA J. LETTERS, 1874-77. 5 items. Teacher in Detroit. Letters of Miss Russell containing personal and school news. Gift of Wilfred B. Shaw, 1948. 1630. RUTHVEN, ALEXANDER GRANT (1882- ). PAPERS, 1904-51. Ill feet and 52 vol- umes. President, The University of Michigan. Manuscript addresses, articles, testimonials, and extensive correspondence which, for the most part, covers every phase of the University's ac- tivities. This includes faculty and staff, regents, students and their parents, Michigan educators, officials and others. Correspondents include Henry C. Adams, Randolph G. Adams, Joseph Ames, Carleton W. Angell, James R. Angell, Earl D. Babst, Newton D. Baker, Ray S. Baker, Thomas Barbour, Har- ley H. Bartlett, Henry M. Bates, Junius E. Beal, William W. Bishop, William B. Bizzell, Camp- bell Bonner, Evangeline Booth, Edward G. Bor- ing, Omar N. Bradley, Prentiss M. Brown, Wil- ber M. Brucker, John L. Brumm, William L. Bryan, Joseph A. Bursley, Orma F. Butler, Hugh Cabot, Lowell J. Carr, Alexis Carrel, Emanuel Celler, David Palmer Christian, William L. Clements, Wilford L. Coffey, Lotus D. Coffman, Martha Guernsey Colby, Frederick A. Coller, John Collier, Arthur H. Compton, Karl T. Comp- ton, William A. Comstock, James B. Conant, Calvin Coolidge, Royal S. Copeland, James J. Couzens, David L. Crawford, Samuel T. Dana, George H. Denny, George H. Dern, John Dewey, John D. Dingell, George A. Dondero, Tom Downs, James B. Edmonson, John R. Effinger, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Edgar N. Eisenhower, Edward C. Elliott, Frank C. Emerson, Donald M. Ferris, Dexter M. Ferry, Frank D. Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Edsel B. Ford, Richard C. Foster, Glenn Frank, William A. Frayer, Burton L. French, Robert L. Frost, George N. Fuller, Fred W. Green, Joseph C. Grew, Clare E. Griffin, Edgar A. Guest, William J. Hale, J. Ralston Hayden, Harley A. Haynes, Will H. Hays, Wil- liam D. Henderson, Lewis B. Hershey, Lister B. Hill, Paul Hollister, Richard D. T. Hollister, Herbert C. Hoover, Ernest M. Hopkins, Harry L. Hopkins, Louis A. Hopkins, Hu Shih, Lucius L. Hubbard, G. Carl Huber, Charles E. Hughes, Henry S. Hulbert, Cordell Hull, Hussein Ala, Harry B. Hutchins, Robert M. Hutchins, Harold L. Ickes, Thomas Elsa Jones, Reuben L. Kahn, Louis C. Karpinski, David Kinley, Paul J. Kvale, Fiorello H. La Guardia, Robert P. Lamont, Alfred C. Lane, Robert P. Lane, George R. La Rue, Rensis Likert, Charles A. Lindbergh, Clarence C. Little, Emil Lorch, Edgar O. Lovett, George P. McCallum, William L. Mackenzie King, Joseph E. Maddy, George A. Malcolm, Carl E. Mapes, George C. Marshall, William B. Mershon, Earl C. Michener, Frederick A. Middlebush, James O. Murfin, Frank Murphy, Edward R. Murrow, Philip C. Nash, J. Raleigh Nelson, 134 Peter O. Okkelberg, Willard C. Olson, James M. O'Neill, Chase S. Osborn, Thomas Parran, Frederic L. Paxson, Enoch E. Peterson, Ulrich B. Phillips, Irving K. Pond, Horace H. Rackham, Jesse S. Reeves, George W. Rightmore, Kenneth L. Roberts, John D. Rockerfeller, Edith Nourse Rogers, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Walter H. Sawyer, Richard M. Scam- mon, Walter D. Scott, Carl E. Seashore, Robert P. Shorts, Alfred P. Sloan, Harold D. Smith, Richard R. Smith, Matthew L. Spencer, Robert G. Sproul, E. Blythe Stason, Henry L. Stimson, Ralph Stone, Louis A. Strauss, Edson R. Sunder- land, John Sundwall, T. Hawley Tapping, Fred M. Taylor, William O. Thompson, Louis Unter- meyer, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Henry F. Vaughan, Bryant Walker, Henry A. Wallace, Marcus L. Ward, LeRoy Waterman, Carl M. Weideman, Grover A. Whalen, Burton K. Wheeler, Albert E. White, Stewart E. White, Ray L. Wilbur, Roy Wilkins, Jesse L. Williams, Wendell L. Willkie, John G. Winter, John S. Wood, Harry H. Wood- ring, Roy O. Woodruff, Fielding H. Yost, James F. Zimmerman. Gift of Alexander G. Ruthven, 1936-61. 1631. RYMAN, DEAN ERNEST (1887- ). PAPERS, 1909-10. 4 items. Lawyer. Poems collected by Ryman; a history of The University of Michigan and espe- cially of the Alpha Nu Literary Society; corre- spondence with Byron A. Finney. 1632. RYON, FRED. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, ca, 1928. 1 vol- ume. Notes on a University of Michigan anat- omy course contained in a syllabus prepared by Rollo E. McCotter. 1633. SAFLEY, BENJAMIN. PAPERS, 1901-19. 11 items. Correspondence and miscellaneous papers concerning alumni activities of The University of Michigan Class of 1876. Gift of Mrs. Earl A. Mosley, 1957. 1634. SAGE, JAMES A. LETTER, 1865. 1 item. Letter to the Slayton family of Hillsdale describing the death of William Lambert Slayton while he was serving in the Twenty-fifth Mich- igan Infantry during the Civil War. Gift of Miss Louise Hawkes, 1961. 1635. SAGER, ABRAM (1810-77). PAPERS, 1838-76. 28 items. Dean of The University of Michigan Med- ical School. Business papers, biographical sketch, and correspondence of Sager. The cor- respondence deals with his professional interests and The University of Michigan Medical School. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Silas H. Douglas, Moses Gunn, Douglass Hough- ton, Zina Pitcher. Gift of Mrs. Edward L. Adams, 1945. 1636. SAIER, EDWARD HERBERT. SCRAPBOOK, 1909-16. 1 volume. Scrapbook containing memorabilia of Saier's activities as a student at The University of Michigan, including pictures and other mate- rial on the Michigan Union, intramural baseball, the Union opera, fooball, University buildings, fraternity houses, and the J- Hop. Gift of Edward H. Saier, 1958. 1637. ST. CLAIR, ALANSON. PAPERS, 1840-52. 12 items and 1 vol- ume. Occasional preacher and anti- slavery agitator. The letters from St. Clair are written from places in the East and Illinois. One (1845) was written on board the Lake Erie steamboat Chesapeake and describes Toledo, Cleveland, and Detroit. A diary (1840-46), author unknown but probably of this family, contains chiefly re- ligious reflections. Gift of Mrs. George Baldwin, 1940. 1638. SAMPLE, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1868- 1945). PAPERS, 1896-1910. 5 volumes. Circuit Judge of Washtenaw County. The papers consist of three account books and two letterpress books (1896-97, 1896-1905) contain- ing official correspondence written while Sample was county treasurer of Van Buren County, Iowa, and business correspondence from Ann Arbor. Gift of Paul V. Sample, 1945. 1639. SANDS, MARY EDWARDINE. STUDENT PAPERS, 1942-44. 3 items. Roman Catholic Sister. Student seminar papers on John Ball of Grand Rapids (14 pages), Lewis Cass (12 pages), William B. Mershon and the Lumberman's Memorial (39 pages plus 14 pages of bibliography). Gift of Sister M. Edwardine, 1942, 1943. 1640. SANGER, H. K. LETTER, 1839. 1 item. Letter from Sanger of Detroit to J. Roly discussing business affairs and bad financial conditions in Michigan. Acquired, 1953. 135 1641. SARASOHN, STEPHEN BEISMAN (1924- 55). PH.D. THESIS, 1953. 421 pages, micro- film. Professor of Political Science, Wayne State University. Columbia University Ph.D. thesis, "The Regulation of Parties and Nomina- tions in Michigan." 1642. SATTERTHWAITE, DANIEL (1830-1910). DIARY, 1856. 1 volume. Farmer, Tecumseh. Daily account of student life at The University of Michigan, re- ligious activities in college, farming during the summer months, and comments on current events. Gift of Mrs. F. A. Leslie, 1936. 1643. SATTERTHWAITE, J. N. PAPERS, ca. 1887-1912, 1930. 2 items and 1 volume. Letters to Satterthwaite of Tecumseh from J. W. Dodge about Dodge's father, J. E. Dodge of Tecumseh, and a scrapbook of miscel- laneous clippings on Tecumseh, ca. 1887-1912. 1644. SATTERTHWAITE, JOSEPH C. PAPERS, 1835-85. Ca. 100 items and 44 volumes. Proprietor of flour and lumber mill, Tecumseh. The papers consist of business pa- pers, including receipts, deeds, thirty-four vol- umes of grain mill records and three volumes of records kept by Satterthwaite as railroad freight agent, two personal letters to Satter- thwaite from his brother, obituary of William Satterthwaite, recipe book, two notebooks, two scrapbooks, constitution and minute book (1859) of the Tecumseh Reading Room Society, teach- er's record book (1873) of Libbie Satterthwaite, and miscellaneous papers. Gift of J. N. Satterthwaite and Miss Elizabeth Satterthwaite, 1940, 1947. 1645. SAVAGE, MARY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1845-87. 27 items. Personal correspondence from relatives. Most of the letters are from towns in New York. Gift of Charles Kuhlemeier, 1946. 1646. SAWYER, ALFRED ISAAC (1828-91) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1836-1919. 1-2/3 feet and 83 volumes. Homeopathic physician, Masonic official, Mayor of Monroe. Correspondence and papers of the Sawyer and Toll families include twenty- one letterpress books and other letters of Sawyer, in part about Masonic business, Monroe civic affairs, and the Homeopathic Medical College of The University of Michigan; correspondence of his wife Sarah G. Toll Sawyer, his daughter Jennie, and other members of the family; thirty- four volumes of A. I. Sawyer diaries and twenty- one volumes of Jennie Toll Sawyer diaries; mis- cellaneous business and legal papers, notes, speeches, and reports of Masonic affairs and homeopathy; a manuscript history of homeopathy in Michigan; recipe books; and other material. Gift of Jennie Toll Sawyer, 1937. 1647. SAWYER, CARL J. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1949. 43 pages. Article entitled, "History of Lumbering in Delta County." Gift of Carl J. Sawyer, 1957. 1648. SAWYER, EDWARD A. CORRESPONDENCE, 1845, 1863. 4 items. Personal letters from Sawyer's brothers, including one Civil War letter written from Murfreesboro by Franklin Sawyer, Company D, Fourth Michigan Cavalry. See Bulletin No. 9 for details of this letter. 1649. SAWYER, FRANKLIN. LETTER, 1841. 1 item. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Let- ter to the County Clerk of Barry County listing amount of primary school money to be distributed in the townships of that county. 1650. SAWYER, WALTER HULME (1861-1931). PAPERS, 1904-31. 5-1/2 feet. Hillsdale physician, member of the Mich- igan State Board of Registration in Medicine, member of the Republican State Central Commit- tee, Regent of The University of Michigan. Cor- respondence, notes, reports, addresses, and mis- cellaneous papers of Sawyer relating to the of- fices he held, state medical affairs, Michigan politics, Hillsdale, and family matters. By far the largest section of the papers covers Univer- sity of Michigan affairs, particularly the choos- ing of successors to James B. Angell, Harry B. Hutchins, LeRoy M. Burton, and Clarence C. Little, and affairs of the Medical School, Home- opathic Medical School, University administration, and the William W. Cook gifts. Correspondents include James B. Angell, James R. Angell, Levi L. Barbour, Junius E. Beal, Stratton D. Brooks, Elmer E. Brown, Julius C. Bur- rows, Marion L. Burton, William L. Clements, Wil- liam W. Cook, Mortimer E. Cooley, J. B. Draper, Livingston Farrand, John H. Finley, Frank W. Fletcher, James A. Garfield, E. F. Gay, Charles Gayley, Claudius B. Grant, James P. Hall, Ben- jamin S. Hanchett, Beverly D. Harrison, Albert 136 R. Hill, Arthur Hill, David J. Hill, Charles E. Hughes, Walter J. Hunsaker, Harry B. Hutchins, Jeremiah W. Jenks, Frederick P. Keppel, Loyal E. Knappen, Frank Knox, Victor H. Lane, Clarence C. Little, Joseph W. Mauck, Thomas May, James O. Murfin, Chase S. Osborn, Bliss Perry, Alexander G. Ruthven, Wilfred B. Shaw, Charles E. Townsend, Claude H. Van Tyne, Victor C. Vaughan. 1651. SCHAUB, THERESA. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.] . 15 pages. Student seminar paper, "A History of the Ladies' Library Association of Ann Arbor, 1866- 1872." Gift of Miss Schaub, 1951. 1652. SCHERER, OTTO. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1886. 1 volume. Physician. University of Michigan stu- dent notebook on a course by Theodore J. Wrampelmeier. Gift of Dr. Frederick G. Novy, 1947. 1653. SCHMALZRIED FAMILY. PAPERS, 1853-1900. 50 items. Forty-two letters of the Schmalzried family, including twenty Civil War letters of Frederick written to his family while he was serving in the First Michigan Cavalry (see Bul- letin No. 9 for details), and letters from vari- ous other members of the family written from or to Germany, largely about family matters. There are also miscellaneous papers and a land contract. All of the correspondence is in Ger- man with accompanying English translations or summaries. Gift of Philip E. Bedient, 1958. 1654. SCHMALZRIEDT, FREDERICK R. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, ca. 1895. 7 vol- umes. Detroit high school student notebooks of Schmalzriedt in American history, English, zool- ogy, physics, and mathematics. Gift of Fred R. Schmalzriedt, 1944. 1655. SCHMID, FREDERICK (1807-83). NOTEBOOK, [ii. d.] . 1 volume. First Lutheran clergyman in Michigan and Ann Arbor. Notebook (in German) kept by Schmid while he was a theological student in Basel, Switzerland. Gift of Mrs. Alma Schmid Holland, 1957. 1656. SCHMIDT, JAY H. CORRESPONDENCE, 1943, 1948, 1951. 6 items. President, Special Toiletries Corporation. Letter from Schmidt to Major Irving H. Hare concerning variable pitch propellers and Hare's reply; letter concerning the presentation of a special edition of Michigan and the Cleveland Era to Earl D. Babst; miscellaneous correspond- ence. Gift of Jay H. Schmidt, 1951. 1657. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY ROWE (1793- 1864). PAPERS, 1826-41. 6 items and 1 vol- ume, mostly photostats and typewritten copies. Author, Indian agent, ethnologist. The papers consist of a letter to President Zachary Taylor urging an appointment for Schoolcraft, a letter from Schoolcraft to John Torrey about Douglass Houghton and the Indians around Sault Ste. Marie, a letter concerning taxable inhabi- tants of Chippewa County, a letter of invitation from Mrs. Schoolcraft, an original letter (1836) to J. P. Cleveland about an Indian treaty, and Literary Voyageur or Mas-ae-ni-e-gun, a man- uscript newspaper published at Sault Ste. Marie by Schoolcraft. 1658. SCHORLING, RALEIGH (1887-1950). RESOLUTION, 1950. 1 item. Professor of Education, The University of Michigan. Resolution concerning the professional services and activities of Schorling at The Uni- versity of Michigan. Gift of Warren R. Good, 1950. 1659. SCOTT, EVART H. PAPERS, 1869-99. 4 items and 1 volume. Proprietor of Elm Fruit Farm. A poem and three miscellaneous items of correspondence, a University of Michigan student notebook con- taining notes on a mathematics course by Ed- ward Olney (1869), and general accounts of Scott (1875-85). Gift of Evart H. Scott, 1946. 1660. SCOTT, FRED NEWTON (1860-1931). PAPERS, 1904-39. 2-1/3 feet and 36 volumes. Professor of English and Rhetoric, The University of Michigan. C_a. 2000 letters, mostly written to Scott from friends, colleagues, stu- dents, publishers, editors, authors, and learned societies. They deal mainly with literary and language questions and with Scott's lecture en- gagements, book reviewing, and other writings. There are also poems, articles, addresses, re- views, and miscellaneous papers of Scott, includ- ing biographical sketches of Erastus O. Haven, Harriet M. Scott, Henry P. Tappan, and James O. Watson; lecture notes; twenty-nine miscellaneous 137 memorandum books; five diaries (1903-16, 1920- 22) noting University of Michigan activities and travels; and his University of Michigan Ph.D. thesis. Correspondents include Ray S. Baker, Robert S. Bridges, James W. Burns, Albert M. Cooley, John W. Cunliffe, Joseph V. Denney, James M. Dent, Lloyd C. Douglas, Nelson C. Field, Henry W. Fowler, Willard C. Gore, Claudius B. Grant, Karl E. Harriman, Avery Hopwood, James F. Hosic, William G. Howard, Lucius L. Hubbard, Albert Kahn, James Keeley, Clarence B. Kelland, John H. Kellogg, William K. Kellogg, Milton A. McRae, Edwin L. Miller, Edgar A. Mowrer, Allan Nevins, Chase S. Os- born, Emory Park, William L. Phelps, Arthur Pound, Alexander G. Ruthven, James Schermer- horn, Georgia Jackson Scott, James E. Scripps, Joel E. Spingarn, Raymond G. Swing, Samuel Van Valkenburg, Claude H. Van Tyne, Lee A. White, Charles E. Whitmore. Gift of Mrs. Fred Newton Scott, 1940-41. 1661. SCOTT, GEORGE. PAPERS, 1914. 2 items. Drawings and specifications for the J. F. Schaeberle residence in Ann Arbor; reminis- cences of Ann Arbor, 1879-1914. Gift of Robert H. Dott, 1950. 1662. SCOTT, GEORGE L. RECORDS, 1922. 4 volumes. Rural letter carrier. Records of Scott's route in Quimby. Gift of Richard M. Cook, 1961. 1663. SCOTT, HAROLD PHILIPPI. POEMS, [Xi.d.]. 7 items. Manuscript poems with University of Michigan persons for their subject. Gift of Harold P. Scott, 1946. 1664. SCOTT, WINFIELD (1786-1866). LETTER, 1839. 1 item, typewritten copy. General, U.S. Army. Letter from Scott to Secretary of War Poinsett recommending that arms be given the Michigan State Guards to de- fend the Canadian frontiers. 1665. SEARS, WILLIAM BARNARD (1831-1922). DIARIES and NOTEBOOKS, 1852-1915. 82 volumes. Chief engineer of Flint and Pere Mar- quette Railroad. Fifty-two diaries noting per- sonal matters, surveying and construction of railroads, topography and flora of central Mich- igan, with a few comments on political affairs, and thirty volumes of personal account books and notebooks. Gift of Mrs. John Kagay, 1957. 1666. SEAVOY, RONALD E. STUDENT PAPER, 1961. 48 pages. Student seminar paper, "Isaac P. Chris- tiancy and the Formation of the Republican Party in Michigan." Gift of Ronald E. Seavoy, 1961. 1667. SEEL, GELLART A. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1942. 1 volume. University of Michigan student notebook on a course by Lewis G. Vander Velde. Gift of Gellart A. Seel, 1948. 1668. SEELEY, DELOS A. REPORT, 1941. 1 item. Report on the Navy burials at Oahu Cem- etery, Hawaii, during the week of December 7, 1941. Gift of DeLos A. Seeley, 1947. 1669. SEGER, D. LETTER, 1849. 1 item. Letter (in German) from Seger of Clar- ence, to N. W. Wagner of Ann Arbor, telling of sickness and poor crops. Gift of Louis S. White, 1944. 1670. SEGER, NED [Elbert ? } (1873-1947). HISTORICAL SKETCH, [ii.d.]. 6 pages. Incidental history of Brighton, 1885-86. Gift of Mrs. Elbert E. Seger, 1949. 1671. SELKIRK (Selkrig), JAMES (1790-1877). PAPERS, 1844-52. 3 items and 2 vol- umes. Episcopal clergyman, missionary in Alle- gan County. A journal contains an autobiograph- ical account by Selkirk in which he notes a trip to Europe (1790), a trip to and in Michigan, re- ligious activities, pioneer life, and the establish- ment of the mission to the Indians, with addi- tional notes about Selkirk by Thelma E. Shinville. The journal also contains the diary (1851-52) of his fifteen year old son, Charles T. Selkirk, and a record of weather kept by Alexander J. Sheldon. In addition there are biographical sketches jn.d.] of Selkirk by Mary M. Lewis Hoyt and Charles A. Weissert. Gift of Mrs. Charles A. Weissert, 1948. 1672. SELMON, BERTHA EUGENIA LOVELAND (1877- ). PAPERS, 1932-49. 2 feet and 2 volumes. Physician, Battle Creek. Correspondence largely with women colleagues in the medical profession in Michigan on various subjects, in- cluding the Medical Women's National Associa- tion, early women physicians in Michigan, and birth control. Over half the papers are notes and manuscripts on pioneer women in medicine, 138 particularly in Michigan. In addition there are one notebook of clippings and notes and one portfolio of biographical sketches of Michigan women physicians. Gift of Bertha L. Selmon and Mrs. Wil- liam A. Cos, 1949. 1673. SENDLER, SIMSON. STUDENT PAPER, E n.d.] . 57 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Municipal Aid Movement in Michigan." 1674. SENGPIEHL, PAUL M. STUDENT PAPER, 1960. 28 pages. Student seminar paper, "Initiative and Referendum Issues in Grand Rapids, A Study of 1950 Through 1959," written for a political sci- ence course at Michigan State University. It contains biographical sketches of Frank D. McKay and George W. Welsh. Gift of George W. Welsh, 1961. 1675. SESSIONS, CLARENCE WILLIAM (1859- 1931). PAPERS, 1905, 1931. 2 items and 3 vol- umes. U.S. District Court Judge for Western Michigan. Testimonial to Sessions from his Muskegon law firm; resolutions upon the death of Sessions; three scrapbooks of newspaper clippings about the judicial career of Sessions, including the Newberry trial. Gift of Judson Bennett, 1942. 1676. SESSIONS, VIVIAN SIEMON. STUDENT PAPERS, 1946. 2 items. Student seminar papers, "The Political Equality Club of Ann Arbor, Michigan," and "Ezra C. Seaman." Gift of Mrs. Sessions, 1946. 1677. SETRIGHT, JOHN T. (1839- ). LETTERS, 1861-62. 4 items. Civil War letters from Setright to Tim- othy Keating about the Second Michigan Infantry, including its participation in the first battle of Bull Run. Acquired, 1946. 1678. SEVERENS, HENRY F. (1835-1923). PAPERS, 1895-1926. 8 items and 1 vol- ume. Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals. The pa- pers consist of two resolutions concerning Severens, three items of correspondence, includ- ing a letter from President William H. Taft, a certificate, genealogical notes, and a volume of six letters from prominent justices and Presi- dent Taft containing tributes to Severens upon his retirement in 1911 and a copy of remarks by Loyal E. Knappen. Correspondents include William R. Day, Arthur C. Dennison, Loyal E. Knappen, Horace H. Lurton, William H. Taft, John W. Warrington. Gift of Miss Catherine Severens, 1945. 1679. SEWALL, HENRY (1855-1936). LETTER, 1896. 1 item. Professor of Physiology, The University of Michigan. Letter from Sewall to William H. Pettee thanking him for a message. Gift of Mrs. Earle W. Dow, 1956. 1680. SEYMOUR FAMILY. PAPERS, 1845-98. 38 items. Correspondence and business papers of Henry and William Seymour concerning their business affairs in Lansing, Flint, and Reed City. Gift of Miss Mary Stewart Seymour, 1960. 1681. SHAFFER, JOHN RINGS. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1874-75. 2 vol- umes. Physician. University of Michigan stu- dent notebooks on courses by Silas H. Douglas, Edward S. Dunster, Corydon La Ford, George E. Frothingham, Frederic H. Gerrish, Donald MacLean, Alonzo B. Palmer. 1682. SHAFTER, WILLIAM RUFUS (1835-1906). PAPERS, 1862-1916. 42 items, in part typewritten copies. Major General, U.S. Army and Commander of U.S. Army in Cuba in the Spanish- American War. Military orders and correspondence con- cerning Shatter and his Civil War and post Civil War service; manuscript address (1902) by Shafter reminiscing about his Civil War service, and another address about the Santiago campaign; correspondence about Shafter from his friends and from his daughter Mary Shafter McKittrick. 1683. SHARP, JOSEPH SAMUEL (1816-77). LETTER, 1838. 1 item. Letter from Saginaw written by Sharp to his parents describing his arrival in Michigan, the location of Saginaw, and working conditions there. Gift of E. Kimball Morseman, 1958. 1684. SHARTEL, BURKF WOODS (1889- ). PAPERS, 1901-59. 2 feet. Professor of Law, The University of Michigan. Correspondence and other papers dealing with personal matters and University of Michigan affairs, particularly the University's decision to re-enter the Western Athletic 139 Conference in 1913, the Law School, and Shar- tel's professional activities. There are some letters from former students serving in World War II. Correspondents include Wilber M. Bruck- er, Homer Ferguson, Felix Frankfurter, Martha Wright Griffiths, J. Joseph Herbert, Donald S. Leonard, George Meader, James O. Murfin, Marcus Plant, Roscoe Pound, Allen F. Smith, Edwin B. Stason, Hessel N. Yntema. Gift of Burke W. Shartel, 1959. 1685. SHATTUCK, GEORGE STEPHEN (1840- 1930). BIOGRAPHICAL DATA, t n.d.] . 3 items. Detroit dentist. Chronology and bio- graphical data on Shattuck. Gift of Leslie L. Hanawalt, 1962. 1686. SHATTUCK, JESSE CORNELL. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1883-87. 18 vol- umes. Merchant, Owosso. University of Mich- igan student notebooks on courses by Charles K. Adams, Henry C. Adams, James B. Angell, George H. Howison, Richard Hudson, George S. Morris, Calvin Thomas, Victor C. Vaughan, William P. Wells. Gift of The Clarke Historical Collection, 1962. 1687. SHATTUCK, LUCIUS (1836-63). LETTER, 1863. 1 item. A letter written while he was serving with the Twenty- fourth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Gift of Marquis E. Shattuck, 1961. 1688. SHAW, BRACKLEY (1913- ). ARTICLES, 1938. 3 items. Lawyer. Articles discussing University of Michigan student publications. 1689. SHAW, CORNELIUS G. DIARY, 1847-48. 1 volume. Miner and businessman. Diary contain- ing comments on the weather, fishing, and pros- pecting and mining operations on Isle Royale. 1690. SHAW, DAVID RIPLEY. PAPERS, 1843-49, 1909. 2 items and 1 volume. Schoolteacher and storekeeper. Letters (1909) containing autobiographical information and reminiscences of early Michigan, particular- ly around Almont and Romeo, and an account book of a general store in Almont owned by John W. Dyar. Gifts of Mrs. Katharine McLean Steele and Mrs. R. S. Donaldson, 1939. 1691. SHAW, HORATIO WATSON (1822-1910). LETTERS, 1845-48. 6 items. Letters from Shaw to his brother written from Ann Arbor while he was a student at The University of Michigan. Gift of Wilfred B. Shaw, 1948. 1692. SHAW, WILFRED BYRON (1881-1959). PAPERS, 1900-54. 1-1/3 feet and 5 vol- umes. Director, The University of Michigan Alumni Association and editor of the Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review . The Shaw papers consist of personal correspondence; manuscript articles and speeches; original drawings and plates for etchings; notes and miscellaneous ma- terial dealing with a variety of subjects, for the most part connected with Shaw's work at The University of Michigan; autograph book of promi- nent American and world figures; scrapbooks (ca. 1949) of University of Michigan buildings and personalities; two volumes (1900-01) of Uni- versity of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Henry C. Adams, James B. Angell, Richard Hudson, Fred N. Scott. Correspondents include James R. Angell, Earl D. Babst, Marion L. Burton, James L. Morrill, Chase S. Osborn, Alexander G. Ruthven, Harold J. Smith, Ralph Stone, Mark Sullivan, Arthur H. Vandenberg. Gift of Wilfred B. Shaw, 1953-59. 1693. SHAWANESE, JONAS. MANUSCRIPT PAPER, 1956. 150 pages. Manuscript pertaining to the Indians of Cheboygan and Grand Traverse area of Michigan. A speech of twenty-three pages comprises the first part of the manuscript, and the remaining pages are copies of documents relating to Indian treaties and affairs. Gift of Jones Shawanese, 1957. 1694. SHAY, EPHRAIM (1839-1916). PAPERS, 1875-1914. Ca. 185 items. Postmaster at Waring, inventor of the Shay locomotive. The collection consists of pa- pers relating to business affairs and construc- tion activities at Little Traverse Bay, Waring, and Harbor Springs; notes on his locomotive; deeds, contracts, mortgages, tax papers, and miscellaneous items. Correspondents include Austin Cary, Ray Melton, Elihu Root. Gift of Mrs. Lette Shay, 1939. 1695. SHEARER FAMILY. PAPERS, 1867-1946. Ca. 100 items. The papers of the Shearer family of Bay City include four personal letters (1874-86) from James Shearer to his son, World War II papers 140 of Colonel Alfred M. Shearer and First Lieuten- ant Alfred M. Shearer, Jr., an abstract of Bay City property (1867), and miscellaneous papers. Gift of James Shearer. 1696. SHEARMAN, FRANCIS WILLETT (1817-74). PAPERS, 1839-78. 108 items. Editor of the Marshall (Democratic) Ex- pounder, judge, Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion. The papers consist of correspondence; business papers; a manuscript on the Cawood patent swage block (for repairing railroad rails); letters from Robert M. T. Hunter, William Woodbridge on the University of Michigan, and Thomas C. Fitzgibbon of the Fourteenth Mich- igan Infantry; thirty-five manuscripts of speeches and addresses on patriotic and political subjects, the Civil War, Indians, and Isaac Crary; and miscellaneous papers. Gift of William Page, 1938. 1697. SHELDON, MARY DOWNING. LETTER, 1872. 1 item. A letter from Mary Sheldon to Miss Alice Williams describing examinations in Latin and Greek at The University of Michigan in 1872. Gift of James E. Dunlap, 1958. 1698. SHELDON, RANSOM. SCRAPBOOK, 1873. 1 volume. Scrapbook of newspaper clippings on Northern Peninsula mining activities. Gift of Mrs. Mary Sheldon Barry, 1950. 1699. SHEPARD, JAMES HENRY (1850- ). LETTER, 1876. 1 item. School superintendent, Holly. Personal letter from Shepard to Mrs. Hattie M. Reynolds. 1700. SHEPARD, JOHN FREDERICK. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, ca. 1903. 11 volumes. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Alfred H. Lloyd and Walter B. Pillsbury, and notebooks on philosophy courses at the University of Chicago by James R. Angell and James H. Tufts. Gift of John F. Shepard, 1947. 1701. SHERZER, WILLIAM HITTELL (1860- 1932). PAPERS, 1874-1929. Ca. 250 items. Professor of Natural Science, Eastern Michigan University. Correspondence, manu- script articles, notes and other papers of Sherzer, largely relating to his interest and scholarly activities in the field of geology. These papers also include scattered items of correspondence of Bela Hubbard, five volumes of geological field notes (1896) on Monroe and Wayne counties, and a University of Michigan M.A. thesis. Correspondents include James Hall, Bela Hubbard, Lucius L. Hubbard, Alfred C. Lane, Filibert Roth. Gifts of Mrs. Charles Lamb, Miss Jose- phine Sherzer, Miss Geneva Smithe, 1948, 1954. 1702. SHETTERLY, SETH K. (1820- ). PAPERS, 1829-1934. 1-2/3 feet. Attorney, State Representative. Approxi- mately 1400 letters of Shetterly and his wife and children, relatives, and friends, including letters from Shetterly's father Henry B. Shetterly and Samuel Smith and family. The correspondence deals with family matters, Grand Traverse and Macomb County affairs, legal cases, Democratic Party activities, legislative affairs, the Alpha- delphia Association, and other topics. There are miscellaneous business and legal papers, school papers, poems and essays, and notebooks. Correspondents include Charlotte Adams, Edward F. Adams, Thomas Adams, R. J. Aldrich, Zachariah Chandler, George B. Clark, Donald M. Dickinson, Silas H. Douglas, Divie B. Duffield, James B. Eldridge, D. N. Lowell, Zina Pitcher, Ephraim Smith, Samuel R. Smith, Sidney J. Smith, James Stephens, John Stephens. Gift of Arthur Van Duren, Jr., 1939. 1703. SHETTLER, REUBEN. STATEMENT, 1936. 1 item. Statement of Shettler describing his con- tribution to the growth of Lansing through his relationship with Olds Motor Works and Ransom E. Olds. 1704. SHIELDS, EDMUND CLAUDE (1871-1947). PAPERS, 1854-1948. 37 items and 5 vol- umes. Lawyer, University of Michigan Regent, Chairman of the Democratic State Central Com- mittee. The papers consist of biographical sketches, citations, and correspondence (includ- ing a one volume scrapbook of correspondence) largely relating to his campaigns for regent and his service on that board and in the Democratic Party. There is also scattered correspondence and papers of Shields' father Dennis Shields. Gift of Mrs. Francis Shields and Edmund C. Shields, 1951. 1705. SHIELDS, FRANCIS J. PAPERS, 1941-56. 1-1/2 feet and 2 vol- umes. Attorney, Howell. Correspondence and other papers dealing with personal and business affairs, including letters from servicemen in 141 World War II, and two volumes of reminiscences about Howell and Whitmore Lake, student life at The University of Michigan, and the 1896 Demo- cratic National Convention. Correspondents include Edmund C. Shields. Gift of Mrs. Francis J. Shields, 1960. 1706. SHILLINGER, JACK. LETTERS, 1942-43. 12 pages. Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps. Excerpts from letters in which he tells of daily experi- ences with the U.S. Marines on Guadalcanal in World War II. 1707. SHILLITO, GEORGE MILLER. LETTER, 1863. 1 item. Letter written from Ann Arbor while he was a student at The University of Michigan. Gift of Miss Jessie Todd, 1936. 1708. SHIRIGIAN, JOHN. PH.D. THESIS, 1960. 246 pages. University of Michigan Ph.D. thesis, "Lucius Lyon: His Place in Michigan History." Gift of John Shirigian, 1960. 1709. SILL, JOHN MAHELM BERRY (1831-1901). PAPERS, 1894-1901. 240 items. Educator in Michigan, U.S. Minister to Korea. The papers consist largely of letters written from Korea by Sill, his wife (the chief correspondent), and his son Joseph, describing that nation and the functioning of the American legation there (1894-97), with added descriptions of Japan. Other papers include manuscript poems, notes, and a partial biographical sketch of Sill by Shirley W. Smith. 1710. SINK, CHARLES ALBERT (1879- ). PAPERS, 1907-57. 23 feet. State Senator, President of The Univer- sity of Michigan Musical Society. Correspond- ence and other papers covering personal affairs, Michigan politics, The University of Michigan and musical activities in particular. Correspondents include Henry M. Bates, Junius E. Beal, Roscoe O. Bonisteel, Emerson R. Boyles, Wilber M. Brucker, Marion L. Bur- ton, Nina Burton, Hugh Cabot, William L. Clem- ents, William A. Comstock, Mortimer E. Cooley, James J. Couzens, Luren D. Dickinson, Frank D. Fitzgerald, Fred W. Green, Alexander J. Groesbeck, Harry B. Hutchins, James Inglis, Clarence C. Little, Albert Lockwood, Frank D. McKay, George A. Malcolm, Earl C. Michener, Earl V. Moore, John Munn, James O. Murfin, Frank Murphy, Chase S. Osborn, Walter H. Sawyer, Shirley W. Smith, Albert A. Stanley, William F. Turner, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Merlin Wiley. Gift of Charles Sink, 1961. 1711. SKARSHAUG, PAULINE WAITE (1901-50). PAPERS, 1896-1949. 1-1/3 feet and 27 volumes. Librarian, The University of Michigan. The papers consist largely of personal letters (1909-49) received by Mrs. Skarshaug as well as scattered items of correspondence and miscel- laneous papers of the Waite family. Some cor- respondence relates to The University of Mich- igan. There are diaries with comments on the weather, daily routine in high school, housework, and work in The University of Michigan Library. Gift of Emory C. Skarshaug, 1951. 1712. SLAUSON, HERBERT MINER. PAPERS, 1880-1927. 18 items. Superintendent of Schools, Ann Arbor. Miscellaneous notes and personal correspondence largely with or about Ann Arbor residents. Gift of Mrs. C. A. Ornbaun, 1944. 1713. SLAYTON, ASA WALKER (1830- ). PAPERS, ca. 1853-1907. 3 feet and 1 volume. Farmer and teacher. Extensive corre- spondence plus some business and legal papers of Slayton. The correspondence consists of per- sonal letters written to Slayton by relatives and business letters from various firms, particularly book companies. There are letters written from Hillsdale College (1860), student letters from Ann Arbor (1864, 1895-96), correspondence concerning the Slayton family genealogy, Slayton's Civil War journal and letters, and one letter (1865) from Au- gustus Whitman Slayton, one (1864) from Charles Wood Slayton, and two (1865) from Chester Met^alf Slayton. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9. Gift of Lewis Reichle, 1942, 1950. 1714. SLAYTON, WILLIAM CLARK (1823-97) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1870-1940. 12 feet and 40 vol- umes. Farmer. The Slayton family papers in- clude twenty-nine diaries of William C. Slayton, two by his second wife Julia A. Slayton, and a diary of his son William L. Slayton written while he was serving in Company B, Twenty-fifth Mich- igan Infantry. The large bulk of the papers con- sists of personal family correspondence, with some mention of Hillsdale College matters. Members of the family included are George A. Slayton (son of William C), his wife Sarah Abbie Dunn Slayton, her sisters Helen Dunn 142 Gates and Nettie Dunn, and the children of George and Sarah: Lewis Dunn, Helen Elizabeth, Abbie Cyrena, George Francis, and Sarah Au- gusta. There are seven diaries by Sarah Au- gusta and an autobiography (64 pages) of George A. Slayton. (See entry under Asa Walker Slay- ton for additional material.) Gift of the Slayton- Dunn Estate, 1957. 1715. SLEEPER, ALBERT E. (1862-1934). CORRESPONDENCE, 1919. 614 items. Governor of Michigan, 1917-21. Letters of gratitude (in French) written by Belgian chil- dren to Governor Sleeper who was president of the Dollar a Month Club For the Relief of Bel- gian Children. Gift of Mrs. Albert E. Sleeper, 1938. 1716. SLIGH FAMILY. PAPERS, 1825-1960. 21 feet and 125 volumes. The Sligh family papers consist of the papers of James Wilson Sligh (1821-63), Grand Rapids businessman and officer in Engineers and Mechanics in the Civil War; James May Sligh (1844-1921), physician and also an officer in Engineers and Mechanics; Charles Robert Sligh (1850-1927), Grand Rapids furniture man- ufacturer, Michigan political leader, state sena- tor, gubernatorial nominee; Charles Robert Sligh (1906- ), Grand Rapids businessman, past president and executive vice-president of the National Association of Manufacturers. The James W. Sligh papers include correspondence and three diaries relating to his Civil War service, fourteen volumes of business records (1825-65), and notebooks on Masonic affairs. The papers of James M. Sligh consist of letters dealing with his Civil War service. The papers of Charles R. Sligh senior, covering the period 1871-1927, include seven volumes of account books and ledgers, three scrapbooks, one letter- press book, forty- nine diaries and small note- books, four feet of correspondence, speeches, clippings, pamphlets, legal documents, and bio- graphical notes dealing with the furniture indus- try, family affairs, Grand Rapids, business en- terprises in California, Arizona, and elsewhere, World War I activities (preparedness movement, Plattsburg training camp, National Security League, and airplane production), and politics on the local, state and national level, especially bimetallism (1893-97), election of 1896, Michi- gan Senate (1922-24), and Michigan primary election of 1924. The papers of Charles R. Sligh, Jr., covering the years 1940-60, consist of one foot of correspondence and speeches, forty- seven volumes of scrapbooks, two feet of tape recordings, pamphlets, and clippings dealing with family affairs, the National Association of Manufacturers, the furniture industry, and poli- tics. See sup. to Bulletin No. 9 for Civil War. Correspondents include Civil War soldiers Sidney Abbott, Charles H. Cudney, Edson P. Gifford, Enos Hopkins, William P. Innes, David A. Jewell, Dow L. Lighthall, John W. McGrath, Clement F. Miller, William S. Nevins, George D. Walker, Walter Warner, Albert Wells, George W. White. Other correspondents include Russell A. Alger, Frederick A. Baker, William P. Belden, Aaron T. Bliss, Wilber M. Brucker, William J. Bryan, Julius C. Burrows, Marion L. Burton, Martin J. Cavanaugh, William E. Curtis, Byron M. Cutcheon, Richard L. Drake, John G. Emery, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Thomas W. Ferry, Mark Foote, Clyde H. Geerlings, John A. Hannah, Ebenezer G. D. Holden, Samuel W. Hopkins, Frank Knox, Cyrus G. Luce, James McMillan, Lee Mantle, George Meany, Henry Morgenthau, Allen B. Morse, Chase S. Osborn, Hazen S. Pingree, D. A. Reynolds, John T. Rich, George F. Richardson, Alexander C. Sly, William A. Smith, Francis B. Stockbridge, Arthur E. Sum- merfield, Charles A. Towne, James M. Turner, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Fred M. Warner, Charles W. Watkins, Erwin C. Watkins, Frederick M. Wheeler, Justin R. Whiting. Gift of Charles R. Sligh, 1958-60. 1717. SLINGERLAND, GERTRUDE. STUDENT PAPER, 1935. 10 pages. Student seminar paper, "Bibliography t of] Women on the [University of Michigan] Campus, 1870-1920." Gift of Miss Slingerland, 1949. 1718. SLOCUM, JAMES E. (1863-1935). SCRAPBOOK, 1881-85. 1 volume. Scrapbook of programs, clippings, and miscellaneous material relating to Slocum's stu- dent activities at The University of Michigan. 1719. SLOSSON, PRESTON WILLIAM (1892- ) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1938-49. 60 items. Professor of History, The University of Michigan. Letters written by Slosson and mem- bers of his family from Europe, western United States (particularly Wyoming), and Ann Arbor; manuscripts of articles by Slosson. Gift of Preston W. Slosson, 1939-1959. 1720. SMITH, ANDREW WILLIAM (1886-1959). LETTERS, 1941-42. 2 items. Colonel, U.S. Army, Commanding Surgeon, Hickham Field, Hawaii, 1941. Extracts from Colonel Smith's letters containing daily account of a trip from Honolulu to the Philippines and 143 return, October 27— December 17, 1941, and de- scribing the beginning of hostilities in World War II. A letter from Colonel Smith's brother D. M. Smith to Fielding Yost accompanied these extracts. 1721. SMITH, ANITA LOUISE. STUDENT PAPER, 1957. 55 pages. Student seminar paper, "The History of the Ledger Star and Its Influence in Inkster." Acquired, 1961. 1722. SMITH, BEATRICE ERDINE. QUESTIONNAIRE, f n.d. ,. litem. Librarian, Detroit. Reminiscences of college days at The University of Michigan ca . 1922. 1723. SMITH, BENJAMIN NOBLE ( -1921). ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1882-1909, and NOTE- BOOKS, 1861-64. 6 volumes. Personal and farm account books of Smith of Pittsfield township; one volume of ac- counts pertaining to the estate of Stephen Smith; two volumes of University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Silas H. Douglas and Adam K. Spence; notes on a lecture by John M. Gregory, superintendent of public instruction; manuscript verses. Gift of Miss Lucille Aprill, 1958. 1724. SMITH, BRAYTON WILMARTH. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1868. 1 volume. Merchant. University of Michigan stu- dent notebook on courses by Charles K. Adams and Edward Olney. Gift of Mrs. J. W. Elliott, 1952. 1725. SMITH, CHARLES. CORRESPONDENCE, 1889-97. Ca. 100 items. Correspondence of Smith and Myrta Hor- ton giving accounts of social activities in Pontiac. 1726. SMITH, CLEMENT A. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1923-25. 1 vol- ume. University of Michigan student notebook on courses by Oscar J. Campbell and Frederick G. Novy, and miscellaneous notes. Gift of Shirley W. Smith, 1938. 1727. SMITH, CLEMENT McDONALD (1844- 1923). PAPERS, 1860-1922. 1 item and 15 vol- umes. Lawyer in Hastings, Nashville, Charlotte. The papers consist of three diaries of everyday happenings, a letter describing a trip from Detroit to Philadelphia to attend the Centennial Exposition, nine account books, one scrapbook, and two volumes of University of Michigan stu- dent notebooks on courses by James V. Camp- bell, Thomas M. Cooley, Ashley Pond, Charles I. Walker. Gift of Shirley W. Smith, 1938. 1728. SMITH, DONALD B. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Secretary, Iron Mountain Chamber of Commerce. Letter to F. Clever Bald regarding Iron Mountain's contribution to World War II effort. Gift of F. Clever Bald. 1729. SMITH, GEORGE NELSON (1807-81). DIARIES, 1833-45. 2 volumes. Presbyterian clergyman and missionary to Michigan Indians. In his diary, Smith com- ments on his religious activities, dealings with the Indians of his mission and Indian agents, missionary activities, weather, his school and family matters. There is a diary of his wife Arvilla Almira Smith noting the trip to Michigan, family matters, and religion. The last pages of Smith's diary contain constitution, organizational proceedings, and minutes of the Congregational Association of Michigan (1837-41). Gift of Mrs. B. H. Vanden Belt, 1942. 1730. SMITH, HENRY DANIEL ( -1909). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1863-64. 1 vol- ume. University of Michigan student notebook on courses by James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Charles I. Walker. Gift of Marquette County Historical So- ciety, 1954. 1731. SMITH, HENRY PARKER (1826-98). PAPERS, 1823-93. 22 items and 23 vol- umes. Storekeeper and farmer of Schoolcraft. Twenty-three diaries (1846-93) and other papers of Smith, his father Thaddeus, his daughter Isa, and his wife Harriet, describing early settlement and activities of Schoolcraft and Prairie Ronde, school teaching in Maumee, Ohio (1853), Lincoln's Kalamazoo speech (1856), secession in Missouri and other Civil War subjects. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Smith 1953, 1963. 1732. SMITH, HERBERT CALDWELL. PAPERS, 1900-02. 27 items and 1 vol- ume. A scrapbook of newspaper clippings large- ly dealing with athletic activities at The University 144 of Michigan, especially football; miscellaneous papers concerning Smith's activities as a sports- writer for several newspapers while he was a student at The University of Michigan. Included is a note from James B. Angell on Rhodes scholarships. Gift of Burton Historical Collection, 1951. 1733. SMITH, JOSEPH ROWE (1831-1911). PAPERS, 1869-1935. 22 items. Brigadier general and surgeon, U.S. Army. The papers consist of Smith's reminiscences about early Detroit, an account of a trip to the Arkansas River in 1850, scattered correspond- ence, biographical sketch of Smith, a paper on the Smith family by Susan Wegg Smith (1935), and a typewritten copy of a record of Smith's father's military operations against the Florida Seminole Indians in 1837. 1734. SMITH, JOSIE. PAPERS, 1887-98. 102 items and 13 vol- umes. Personal letters of Miss Smith of Adrian together with a few scattered items of business correspondence and thirteen personal account books. Gift of Richard Goff, 1953. 1735. SMITH, LESTER A. LETTER, 1860. 1 item. A letter from Smith to his sister Eunice describing student life at The University of Michigan. Gift of Miss Louise S. McDowell, 1960. 1736. SMITH, NELLIE G. (1867-1953). SCRAPBOOK, 1886-1930's. 1 volume. Housewife. Scrapbook containing obitu- aries and accounts of weddings of citizens of Livingston County. Gift of Mrs. Newton Beech, 1961. 1737. SMITH, PHILBERT. NOTEBOOK, 1877. 1 volume. Notebook on land and business affairs of Smith of Ogemaw County. 1738. SMITH, PHILIP G. (1920- ). DIARY, 1942-43. 1 volume. U.S. Army Air Corps gunner. Diary re- counting Smith's World War II experiences with the Army Air Corps in Australia and New Guinea Gift of Philip G. Smith, 1945. 1739. SMITH, RALPH LAWES (1900-61), col- lector. PAPERS, 1928-61. 4 feet and 22 vol- umes. Grand Rapids journalist. The papers consist exclusively of materials collected by Smith on the career of Senator Arthur H. Van- denberg. They include a complete file of Van- denberg's remarks as they appeared in the Con- gressional Record, press releases, copies of speeches and campaign literature, twenty letters from Vandenberg and other letters about him, and twenty- two volumes of scrapbooks containing nation-wide newspaper coverage for Vandenberg's senatorial years. Gift of Mrs. Ralph L. Smith, 1962. 1740. SMITH, ROY BURNETT. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1893-99. 11 vol- umes. Nine University of Michigan student note- books on courses by Robert M. Wenley, Albert B. Prescott, and on unidentified courses; two Ann Arbor High School student notebooks. Gift of Colgate University, 1960. 1741. SMITH, SHIRLEY WHEELER (1875-1959). PAPERS, 1881-1959. 4 feet and 18 vol- umes. Vice President and Secretary, The Uni- versity of Michigan. Manuscript articles, ad- dresses, notes, scrapbook, and correspondence in which The University of Michigan is the prin- cipal subject; account book of poultry sales (1881-90); diary of the operations of his office at The University of Michigan (1926-29); original manuscript on James B. Angell entitled, "An American Influence"; eleven University of Mich- igan student notebooks (1895-97) on courses by Henry C. Adams, James B. Angell, Charles H. Cooley, Isaac N. Demmon, Burke A. Hinsdale, Richard Hudson, Andrew C. McLaughlin, Lawr- ence A. Mc Louth, and notes on sermons and lectures; diary of a bicycle trip through Europe in 1896. Gift of Shirley W. Smith. 1742. SMITH, SIDNEY (1800-44). PAPERS, 1826-67. 23 items. Personal correspondence of Smith, his wife Laura Richardson Smith, and other members of his family. One of the letters (1853) de- scribes a large fleet of ships off Detroit and the convention of the "Female State [New York] Temperance Society" addressed by Susan B. Anthony and Lucy Stone. Another is a Civil War letter of Albert S. Smith, written while he was serving in Company B, Engineers and Mechanics. There are also seven miscellaneous legal and business papers. Acquired, 1955. 145 1743. SMITH, STILLMAN H. LETTER, 1863. 1 item. Letter from Smith to his cousin describ- ing life as a medical student at The University of Michigan. Gift of Mr. C. C. Curtis, 1958. 1744. SMITH, TALBOT (1899- ). PAPERS, 1960. 2 items. Justice of Michigan Supreme Court. Speech made at the dedication of the Frank Murphy Memorial at Harbor Beach, and a copy of the dedication program. Gift of James H. Lincoln, 1960. 1745. SMITH, WILLIAM G. CORRESPONDENCE, 1854. 2 items. Clergyman. Letter to Smith from Cort- landt Van Rensellaer expressing concern over the training of ministerial students at The Uni- versity of Michigan; letter from John McLean, President of Princeton University, on admission standards to Princeton University. Gift of James F. Dubuar, 1957. 1746. SMITH, WILLIAM VERNON (1857- ). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLES, f n.d.]. 1-2/3 feet. Manuscripts on the North American In- dians. Acquired, 1945. 1747. SMITHE, GEORGE CORNELIUS ( -1910). PAPERS, 1863-1954. Ca. 125 items. The papers consist of Civil War papers; miscellaneous business and legal papers, includ- ing Smithe's will; genealogical notes; and per- sonal correspondence of Smithe and his daughter Geneva Smithe. The correspondence of Geneva Smithe includes letters on indexing History of Washtenaw County, Michigan, 1881 . Gift of Miss Geneva Smithe, 1948. 1748. SMITTER, WESSEL (1894- ). PAPERS, 1938. 3 feet. Author. Manuscript of F.O.B. Detroit , Another Morning , and articles and short stories. Gift of Mrs. Faith Smitter, 1961. 1749. SMOYER, LEVI ( -1909). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1864-66. 1 vol- ume. University of Michigan student notebook on courses by Thomas M. Cooley. 1750. SNOW, R. G. LETTER, 1833. 1 item. Physician. The letter describes Ann Arbor and refers to the Michigan- Ohio boundary dispute. Acquired, 1954. 1751. SOMMER, AARON. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1953. 10 pages. "History of Stone Schoolhouse, District Number Seven Fractional, 1853-1953." It in- cludes a description of the first schoolhouse. Gift of Sydney P. Cook, 1953. 1752. SOMMER, ANNA LOUISE. STUDENT PAPERS, jiui.]. 2 items. Student seminar papers, "Indian Legends and Folk Lore," and "Michigan For Sixth Grad- ers." Gift of Miss Sommer, 1949. 1753. SOULE, HARRISON (1832-1922). PAPERS, 1856-1925. Ca. 250 items and 3 volumes. Union Army officer, Treasurer of The University of Michigan. Correspondence and manuscripts of Harrison and Annan May Soule. The greater part of the papers is letters from Harrison Soule to his wife written while he was serving as an officer in the Union Army during the Civil War. In addition there is his Civil War diary (1863-65) and a letter to him from Byron Stoddard of the Sixth Michigan Infantry. (See Bulletin No. 9 and supplement for details.) Other papers include correspondence (1890-1904) with J. C. Leonard who collected materials for The University of Michigan Museums throughout the western part of the United States, and a lit- erary manuscript of Annah May Soule. Gift of Mrs. L. L. Clarke, 1944. 1754. SOURIS, THEODORE. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1946-47. 6 vol- umes. Michigan Supreme Court Justice. Univer- sity of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Dwight L. Dumond, Howard M. Ehrmann, Wil- liam Haber, Lewis G. Vander Velde, William B. Willcox. Gift of Theodore Souris, 1947-48. 1755. SPAFFORD, LYSANDER E. PAPERS, 1842-86. 9 items. Baptist clergyman. Miscellaneous papers of Spafford relating to his work as minister of the Bellevue Baptist Church. Gift of Mrs. Don Murray, 1960. 1756. SPALDING, EDWARD BARTLETT (1868- 1960). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1890-92. 1 volume. Dentist. University of Michigan student 146 notebook on courses by Cyrenus G. Darling, Nelville S. Hoff, Jonathan Taft. Gift of Dr. Edward B. Spalding, 1959. 1757. SPALDING, VOLNEY MORGAN (1849- 1918). PAPERS, 1876-1918. 14 items. Professor of Botany, The University of Michigan. Biographical material, correspond- ence, and reports on the faculty activities of Spalding. Correspondence largely concerns his scholarly interests in botany. 1758. SPALDING, WILBUR F. (1834-64). LETTERS, 1862-64. 58 items, photostat copies. Letters written to his wife while he was serving in Company I, Sixth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War, and a diary (Sept.- Dec. 1862) with brief entries describing the trip from Detroit to Washington and on to New Orleans. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Lyle Walsh, 1959. 1759. SPALDING, WILLIAM P. (1822- ). REMINISCENCES, t n.d.] . 13 pages, type- written copy. Storekeeper. Reminiscences of Spalding's early life and later experiences in Sault Ste. Marie and Michigan's Northern Peninsula from ca. 1847-62. Gift of Edward B. Spalding, 1956. 1760. SPALDING, WILLIAM WITTER (1820- 1901). DIARY, 1844-48. 1 volume. Miner, storekeeper, hotel manager. A diary of his journey from Iowa up the Mississip- pi River to the Lake Superior region in search of minerals. He comments on Indians, mode of travel, weather, and mining copper in the North- ern Peninsula of Michigan. Gift of Roy L. Muskatt, 1949. 1761. SPARKS, WILLIAM D. (1845-1916). PAPERS, 1895, 1916. 3 items. Obituary of William D. Sparks, notice of a family reunion, and a Sunday School certificate. Gift of Mrs. Roy C. Brigham, 1962. 1762. SPAULDING, OLIVER LYMAN (1833-1922). PAPERS, 1861-1921. 3 feet and 11 vol- umes. Union Army officer, Regent of The Uni- versity of Michigan, teacher, lawyer, U.S. Rep- resentative, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. The Spaulding papers include correspondence dealing with his Civil War service, election to Congress, Republican Party and general politics, Hawaiian mission, U.S. Treasury Department as special agent and assistant secretary, and Ma- sonic affairs. Other papers include a diary cov- ering his Civil War service in the Twenty-third Michigan Infantry, two letterpress books, four scrapbooks, a genealogy, speeches, memoirs, and miscellaneous items. Scattered papers of Spaulding's wife's family (Mary Cecilia Swegles Spaulding) include a brief diary (1870) of Edwin Cyrus Swegles as a cadet at West Point, remi- niscences (ca. 1903) of Mrs. Spaulding on the early history of St. Johns, and her illustrations for books, calendars, and manuscript poems. (See Bulletin No. 9 for details of Spaulding's Civil War papers.) Correspondents include Russell A. Alger, William B. Allison, John J. Bagley, Henry P. Baldwin, Henry B. Brown, Julius C. Burrows, Zachariah Chandler, Grover Cleveland, Thomas M. Cooley, Byron M. Cutcheon, Charles G. Dawes, William R. Day, Donald M. Dickinson, John F. Driggs, George Duffield, Stephen B. Elkins, Charles W. Fairbanks, Thomas W. Ferry, John W. Foster, William P. Frye, Curtis Guild, Eugene Hale, Mark A. Hanna, Samuel S. Harris, Benjamin Harrison, Joseph B. Hawley, John Hay, David B. Henderson, Anthony Higgins, Ethan A. Hitchcock, Harry B. Hutchins, David H. Jerome, Julius Kahn, William E. Lewis, Henry C. Lodge, John D. Long, Cyrus G. Luce, Donald Mclntyre, William McKinley, James McMillan, William H. Moody, James O'Donnell, John Patton, George C. Perkins, Orville H. Piatt, Matthew S. Quay, Henry W. Raymond, John T. Rich, Theodore Roosevelt, Joseph D. Sayers, Leslie M. Shaw, Carlos D. Sheldon, John Sherman, William A. Smith, Francis B. Stockbridge, R. S. Sutherland, Edward C. Swegles, John Swegles, William H. Taft, John Wanamaker, Edwin B. Winans. Gift of Miss Edna C. Spaulding, 1936, and Col. Thomas M. Spaulding, 1959. 1763. SPAULDING, THOMAS MARSHALL (1882- ). PAPERS, 1901-59. 1-2/3 feet and 2 vol- umes. Colonel, U.S. Army (retired). Corre- spondence, manuscript articles, notes, and mis- cellaneous papers. The correspondence relates to Spaulding's scholarly interest in rare books and particularly to gifts presented to The Uni- versity of Michigan Library. There is also mention of current affairs, national politics, and the Cosmos Club of Washington, D.C. Two vol- umes of diaries (1941-44) comment on the con- duct of World War II, emphasizing United States participation as viewed from Washington. Correspondents include Randolph G. Adams, William W. Bishop, William R. Castle, Avard T. Fairbanks, Louis C. Karpinski, Irving A. Leonard, 147 Samuel W. McAllister, Douglas C. McMurtrie, Allan Nevins, Howard H. Peckham, Julius W. Pratt, Warner G. Rice, Frank E. Robbins, Al- exander G. Ruthven, Wilfred B. Shaw, Robert A. Taft, George M. Trevelyan, Lewis G. Vander Velde, Charles Warren, Clarence S. Yoakum. Gift of Colonel Thomas M. Spaulding, 1942-59. 1764. SPEAR, PHILIP B. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1882. 7 pages, typewritten copy. Professor, Colgate University. An ar- ticle by Spear, probably written for a newspaper, contains reflections on the past and present of Mackinaw, Mackinac Island, and Saint Ignace. Gift of Mrs. Frank B. Spear, 1955. 1765. SPENCE, ADAM KNIGHT ( -1900). PAPERS, 1870, 1937. 2 items. Professor of French, The University of Michigan; President of Fiske University. Resig- nation of Spence from The University of Mich- igan faculty; manuscript history by Spence of the founding of the Young Men's Christian As- sociation at The University of Michigan, with an introductory note (1937) by Mary Elizabeth Spence. 1766. SPENCE, JAMES K. (1833- ). LETTER, 1861. 1 item. Letter from Spence to John P. Cook writ- ten while he was serving in Company E, Fourth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Miss Laura C. Cook, 1944. 1767. SPENCER, NATHAN (1824-97). PAPERS, 1842-52, 1890. 7 items. Miscellaneous papers, including attend- ance certificate at the Tecumseh branch of The University of Michigan, school teacher's certif- icate, letter of advice from his father, and three pages of Justice of the Peace records of Spencer for Lenawee County. Gift of Mrs. Hoyt E. Whelan, 1959. 1768. SPENCER, URIEL. PAPERS, 1836-53. 1 volume. Justice of the Peace records and accounts of Spencer of Lucas County, Ohio. Gift of Mrs. Hoyt E. Whelan, 1959. 1769. SPENCER FAMILY. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, t n.d.]. 14 pages. Family history of the Spencer family particularly of Michael Spencer (1792-1855) and Joseph Vining Spencer (1824-88). 1770. SPILL, WILLIAM AMBROSE (1876-1941). LETTER, 1928. 1 item. A letter to Francis L. D. Goodrich on the early history of The University of Michigan with frequent references to The Reverend John Monteith. 1771. SPOTTSWOOD, MARY JUSTINA. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1898-1901. 12 volumes. University of Michigan student notebooks on lectures by George P. Coler, Charles H. Cooley, Earle W. Dow, George Rebec. 1772. SPRINGER, GEORGE BOWDITCH. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1889. 1 volume. Civil engineer. University of Michigan student notebook on a course in surveying. 1773. SQUIER, GEORGE OWEN (1856-1934). PAPERS, 1884-1934, 1944-45. 4 feet and 43 volumes. Major General, U.S. Army; physicist. The papers consist of correspondence, personal ac- count books, reports, military orders, student notebooks (U.S. Military Academy and Johns Hopkins University), notes and other material largely related to his scientific interests partic- ularly telegraphy and trans- oceanic cables. Some correspondence deals with family affairs. There are diaries which he kept while he was a West Point cadet one of which contains a family history and autobiography. Also there is a Johns Hopkins Ph.D. thesis in physics and five items about Squier (1944-45). Correspondents include James R. Angell, Newton D. Baker, Daniel C. Beard, Roy D. Chapin, Howard E. Coffin, James J. Couzens, Louis C. Cramton, James Forrestal, Edward M. House, Arthur E. Kennelly, Robert Lansing, Henry Norman, Jonathan M. Wainwright, Orville Wright, Robert M. Yerkes. Gift of Mrs. Lorena Babcock, 1945. 1774. STACKWELL, C. A. NOTEBOOKS, 1845. 2 volumes. Notes on anthropology and cosmogony by Stackwell. 1775. STADLER, DONALD. STUDENT PAPERS, 1958. 2 volumes. Student seminar papers, "Prominent Mich- igan Railroads in the 1830's," and "East Ypsi- lanti." Acquired, 1961. 1776. STAEBLER, EDWARD W. (1872- ). PAPERS, 1926-39. 5 feet. Ann Arbor businessman and mayor. 148 Correspondence and reports dealing largely with Ann Arbor affairs, including the mayor's office, the Board of Education, and the Police Depart- ment, and other scattered business and personal correspondence. Gift of Neil Staebler, 1948. 1777. STAEBLER, NEIL (1905- ). PAPERS, 1929-61. 170 feet. Chairman of the Democratic Party, Dem- ocratic National Committeeman, U.S. Congress- man. Correspondence, reports, campaign ma- terials and other papers dealing with the Demo- cratic Party in Michigan and the administrations of G. Mennen Williams, and miscellaneous per- sonal papers. Correspondents include Patrick V. McNa- mara, Blair Moody, G. Mennen Williams. Gift of Neil Staebler, 1948-62. 1778. STAEBLER- MINER FAMILY. PAPERS, 1820-68. 40 items. This collection consists of correspond- ence and a few miscellaneous papers. Most of the letters are from New York state, including five Civil War letters. One letter (1847) from Allegan, Michigan, is on road building and lum- bering. Gift of Mrs. Walter P. Staebler, 1953. 1779. STANARD, WILLIAM N. (1842- ). LETTERS, 1862-65. 4 items. Civil War letters written while he was a musician in Company B, First Michigan Infantry. 1780. STANARD- PARRISH FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE, 1850-69. 93 items. Personal letters of members of the Stan- ard-Parrish family, including Civil War letters of William B. Stanard of Company E, Engineers and Mechanics, and Hercules Stanard of Com- pany R, Second Michigan Infantry. 1781. STANLEY, ALBERT AUGUSTUS (1851- 1932). PAPERS, 1904-25. 1-2/3 feet. Professor of Music, The University of Michigan. Autobiography (500 pages), lectures, notes, addresses, and miscellaneous manuscripts on subjects dealing with music and the history of musical instruments in particular. 1782. STARR, ELI LAKE (1841-62). PAPERS, 1861-62. 16 items. Correspondence and obituaries of Starr of Centreville who served in Company C, Fourth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. One letter is from Daniel H. Knipple of Company G, Second Michigan Infantry. Gift of Hawley S. Simpson, 1961. 1783. STARR, THOMAS IRWIN. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, 1930. 1 vol- ume. Genealogical record of the Whitney family and biographical sketches, compiled by Starr, of Luther Day Whitney, pioneer Methodist circuit rider in Michigan, and of George C. Whitney, Luther's nephew, who was a soldier in the First Michigan Cavalry in the Civil War. 1784. STEARNS, FREDERICK KIMBALL (1831- 1907). PAPERS, 1897-1905. Ca. 200 items. Manufacturing chemist, Detroit. Corre- spondence, notes, and miscellaneous papers largely relating to the Stearns' collection of mu- sical instruments given to The University of Michigan and to the Stearns' music fellowship. Included is correspondence from Francis W. Kelsey and Albert A. Stanley. 1785. STEARNS, SAMUEL SEYMOUR ( -1886). PAPERS, 1874-77. 11 items. Physician. Receipts and cards pertaining to his courses in The University of Michigan Medical School. 1786. STEBBINS, FRANCIS REUBEN (1818-92). PAPERS, 1838-96. 15 items. Businessman and newspaper editor, Adrian. The papers consist of four letters (1856-58) on national political issues from Lewis Cass, Zachariah Chandler, Schuyler Colfax, Henry Waldron; notes from Horace Greeley recommend- ing Thomas Conroy for employment; note (1892) to a Mr. Rice from William Everett; note (1896) to Dr. A. W. Smith from William McKinley; and three legal and business papers. Gift of E. J. Stebbins, 1941. 1787. STEERE, JOSEPH BEALE (1842-1940). REPORTS, 1875-77. 2 items. Professor of Zoology, The University of Michigan. Reports on the faculty activities of Steere at The University of Michigan. 1788. STEERE, WILLIAM CAMPBELL (1907- ). PAPERS, 1942-45. Ca. 100 items. Professor of Botany, The University of Michigan; director of New York Botanical Garden. Correspondence, reports, and other papers relat- ing to Steere's activities with the U.S. Office of Economic Warfare in search of cinchona in Guatemala, Columbia, and Ecuador during World War II. Gift of William C. Steere, 1945-50. 1789. STEPEHNSON, WILLIAM W. STUDENT PAPER, 1959. 26 pages. 149 Student seminar paper, "The Colored Schools of Detroit, 1839-1869." Acquired, 1961. 1790. STERN, JACQUELINE LEE. STUDENT PAPER, f n.d.]. 16 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Civil War Life of Harrison Soule." Gift of Miss Stern, 1945. 1791. STEVENS, BENJAMIN. PAPERS, 1840-75. 4 items. Three personal letters of Stevens of Albion and a legal document. 1792. STEVENS FAMILY. PAPERS, 1861-1921. 1 foot and 18 vol- umes. The Stevens family papers include cor- respondence, official papers, speeches, and di- aries. The correspondence is primarily between William C. Stevens and his family at Whitmore Lake and deals with his military service in the Third and the Ninth Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War as well as local Michigan politics. One letter is from Dr. William Fleming Breakey assist- ant surgeon with the Sixteenth Michigan Infantry. (See Bulletin No. 9 for details of Civil War letters.) Gift of Mrs. W. C. Stevens and Nelson Stevens, 1938. 1793. STEVENSON, FRANCIS LESLIE. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1886-88. 6 vol- umes. Engineer, International Harvester Com- pany. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Henry C. Adams, James B. Angell, Edward Olney, and courses in English history and mathematics. Gift of George W. Lindquist, 1952-53. 1794. STEVENSON, THOMAS. PAPERS, 1856-1909. 66 items. The papers consist largely of letters written by Stevenson from Portsmouth and Bay City to Henry Hayden of Hartford, Connecticut, discussing the weather, crops, railroads, busi- ness conditions, and local and national politics. Gift of Russell E. Bidlack, 1959. 1795. STEWART, ALVAN (1790-1849). LETTER, 1836. 1 item. New York abolitionist and prohibitionist. Letter from Stewart to his wife commenting on the widespread immigration into Michigan, Illi- nois, and Indiana, and the founding of a temper- ance society in Toledo, Ohio. 1796. STEWART, CLARA PIERCE. SCRAPBOOK, ca. 1865-1910. 1 volume. Scrapbook largely of newspaper clippings of Civil War and Spanish- American War poetry and of the Labadie homestead in Detroit. Gift of Douglas S. Brown, 1940. 1797. STEWART, JOHN A. PAPERS, 1836, 1861. 2 items. President, Second National Bank, Saginaw. $1,000 State of Michigan bond signed by Stevens T. Mason; Civil War bond signed by Austin Blair. Gift of John A. Stewart, 1961. 1798. STEWART, JOHN ALEXANDER (1852- 1914). DIARIES, 1868-77. 4 volumes. School teacher and administrator. Diaries recording student activities at the Union School in Ann Arbor and later at The University of Michi- gan, and comments on teaching, church activities, and personal reading. Gift of Mrs. William M. Hoad, 1948. 1799. STEWART, MARGARET. PAPERS, 1924. 2 items. Secretary. Questionnaire and letter con- taining reminiscences of The University of Mich- igan ca. 1869. 1800. STILES FAMILY. FAMILY HISTORY, 1933. 13 pages. Manuscript history of the Zebediah Stiles family by various members of the family. 1801. STOCKING, CHARLES HOWARD. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, t n.d.]. 13 pages. "A History of Pharmacy at the Univer- sity of Michigan." 1802. STOCKWELL, MADELON LOUISA (1845- 1924) (Mrs. Charles K. Turner). CORRESPONDENCE, 1870, 1918-21, 1954. 13 items. First woman student, The University of Michigan. Letter from E. P. Evans to Anna E. Dickinson concerning the admission of Miss Stockwell to The University of Michigan; letter (1954) from Mrs. Carl Blankenburg to F. Clever Bald giving her recollections of Miss Stockwell; letters to Miss Stockwell from Edwin I. Ayer pertaining to round robin letters of The Univer- sity of Michigan Class of 1872 and her reply (1919) in the form of reminiscences. 1803. STODDARD, ASA WILLIAMS (1790-1868). PAPERS, 1838-62, 1942. 8 items. Biographical sketch of Stoddard (1942); family letters of various members of the Stod- dard family, including a letter (1838) describing 150 conditions around Plymouth. Gift of Mrs. Jane S. Hagle, 1945. 1804. STODDARD, JOHN PARKER. REMINISCENCES, 1930. 4 pages. Physician. Reminiscences of The Uni- versity of Michigan and President Henry P. Tappan. 1805. STODDARD, MRS. LYNN. PAPERS, 1956-57. 4 items. Reminiscences and history of the settle- ment of Assyria township, Barry County. Gift of Mrs. Stoddard, 1960. 1806. STONE, JAMES ANDRUS BLINN (1810- 1888). LETTERS, 1860. 3 items, typewritten copies. President of Kalamazoo College. Let- ters from Stone to his sons written while he was traveling in Europe. He mentions Andrew Ten Brook, the library for Kalamazoo College, and the casting of Randolph Rogers* capitol doors. Gift of Russell E. Bidlack, 1959. 1807. STONE, RALPH (1868-1956). PAPERS, 1895-1955. 1-1/3 feet and 16 volumes. Officer, Detroit Trust Company; Regent of The University of Michigan. Correspondence, speeches, manuscripts, and other papers. Much of the correspondence deals with various activi- ties connected with The University of Michigan, including athletics, alumni activities, Board of Regents, University Development Council, stu- dent publications, and other publications, partic- ularly Michigan and the Cleveland Era . Other correspondence and papers concern Alien Prop- erty Custodian in World War I, Detroit city government, recollections of Hazen Pingree and Chase S. Osborn, genealogical material, and miscellaneous papers. There are sixteen vol- umes of scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on Stone and his father, six of which deal with Governor Hazen Pingree's administration. Correspondents include Earl D. Babst, Alan McCarthy, John C. Rolfe, Alexander G. Ruthven, Shirley W. Smith, T. Hawley Tapping, Arthur H. Vandenberg. Gift of Ralph Stone, 1944-56. 1808. STONER, JAMES M. STUDENT PAPER, 1950. 13 pages. Student seminar paper, "Thomas M. Cooley and the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion." 1809. STORMS, GEORGE. CORRESPONDENCE, 1873-88. 5 items. Personal correspondence exchanged be- tween Storms of Portland and his friends. Gift of Augustus Hendelman, 1952. 1810. STOWELL, LOUISA MARIA REED. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, ca. 1876. 1 vol- ume. University of Michigan student notebook of microscopic drawings by Miss Reed. 1811. STRANG, JAMES JESSE (1813-56). LETTER, 1851. 1 item, photostat copy. Mormon leader, Beaver Island. Letter from Strang to Governor John S. Barry request- ing protection for the Mormons on Beaver Island. 1812. STUART, CHARLES E. LETTER, 1880. 1 item, photostat copy. Letter attacking the high taxes imposed in Kalamazoo for the support of the high school. 1813. [STUDENT]. DIARY, 1867. 1 volume. Diary of an unknown University of Mich- igan student, describing his work in the Medical School. 1814. STUDLEY, WILBER A. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, 1907. 8 pages. Dentist. Biographical sketch of Ezra Sprague Holmes (1819-1914), early Grand Rapids dentist. Gift of the Grand Rapids Public Library, 1958. 1815. SUE, JOHN B. LETTER, 1862. 1 item. Letter of application from Sue to the Board of Regents of The University of Michigan asking for an appointment as French teacher. 1816. SUNDWALL, JOHN (1880-1950). PAPERS, ca. 1920-39. 6 feet. Professor in The University of Michigan Medical School. Correspondence and other pa- pers on his professional career. 1817. SUSSELES, IDA S. PH.D. THESIS, 1939. 426 pages. New York University Ph.D. thesis, "Burke Aaron Hinsdale as Educator." Gift of James B. Edmonson, 1941. 1818. SUSSELL, EDWARD. STUDENT PAPER, jii.d.,. 83 pages. Student seminar paper, "An Outline of 151 the Life of Austin Blair From 1818 to 1860." Gift of Edward Sussell, 1948. 1819. SUTTON, ELI RANSOME (1869-1934). SCRAPBOOKS, 1898-1934. 3 volumes. Secretary to Governor Hazen S. Pingree, Science editor of the Los Angeles Times. The scrapbooks contain clippings about the Spanish- American War; articles by Sutton on scientific subjects; manuscript material, mainly telegrams from Theodore Roosevelt and Russell A. Alger containing official orders for Michigan military contingents in the Spanish-American War; two unimportant letters from Roosevelt; and manu- script articles by Sutton, including "In the Land of Revolution," dealing with a trip made by Pin- gree and Sutton to Venezuela. Gift of Mrs. E. R. Sutton, 1937. 1820. SUTTON FAMILY. PAPERS, 1836-88. 250 items. Farmer. Papers of various members of the Himan Sutton family, including several let- ters written in the 1850's and 1860's by Susan Sutton Kirtland of Allegan County. Gift of Frederic K. Wykes, 1961. 1821. SWAIN, GEORGE ROBERT (1866-1947). PAPERS, 1896-97, 1920-25. 50 items and 3 volumes. Photographer, educator. The papers con- sist of correspondence and notes largely relat- ing to The University of Michigan Near Eastern Expedition (1923-25), including a volume of let- ters written to his family; a diary of camping trips on the Au Sable River and in Ogemaw County (1904-08); manuscript poems; and a Uni- versity of Michigan student notebook of English composition. Gift of Mrs. D. W. Hayne, 1950, 1952. 1822. SWAINSON, JOHN BURLEY (1925- ). PAPERS, 1954-62. 169 feet. Governor of Michigan. Correspondence, speeches, reports, memoranda and notes dealing with the Democratic Party, state and national politics, and elections of 1954 through 1962. The major portion of the papers covers his governorship (1961-62), but they also include ma- terials on his service as State Senator (1954-58) and Lieutenant Governor (1959-60). The papers are closed for research at the present time. Gift of John B. Swainson, 1962. 1823. SWAN, HENRY HARRISON (1840-1916). LETTER, 1900. 1 item. Judge, lecturer on the Law faculty of The University of Michigan. Letter to James B. Angell transmitting a copy of Constitutional Dem - ocrat containing an account of the founding of The University of Michigan. 1824. SWART Z, HIRAM BUEL. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1868-71. 3 vol- umes. Lawyer, Mayor of Wooster, Ohio, Probate Judge of Wayne County, Ohio. University of Mich- igan student notebooks on courses by James V a Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Charles A. Kent, Charles I. Walker. Gift of Hiram B. Swartz, 1938. 1825. SWEELEY, EVERETT MARLIN. CORRESPONDENCE, 1952-53. 12 items. Lawyer, University of Michigan football player, Class of 1904. Correspondence of Sweeley, largely with Earle H. Rathbun and T. Hawley Tapping, in part concerning University of Michigan football. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 1826. SWEENY, JAMES H. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1833-47. 1 volume. Physician in New York state and Michigan. Account book covering his practice in New York and in Salem township, Washtenaw County, Mich- igan. Gift of Miss Geneva Kebler, 1962. 1827. SWOPE, VERNA. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1960. 5 pages. "Oddfellowship in Litchfield, Michigan, 1910-1960." Membership lists are included in the history. Gift of Miss Swope, 1960. 1828. TABOR, JOSEPH and ESTHER. DIARY, 1883. 1 volume. Farmers. Diary of daily activities of the Tabor family of Elsie. Gift of George F. Chase, 1958. 1829. TAFT, JONATHAN (1820-1903). REPORTS, 1875-77. 2 items. Dean of the College of Dental Surgery, The University of Michigan. Reports on the fac- ulty activities of Taft at The University of Mich- igan. 1830. TAGGART, GANSON and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1850-1956. 4 feet and 19 vol- umes. Grand Rapids attorney. Personal and business papers relating to Taggart, his father Moses Taggart who was attorney general of Michigan (1885-89), and the law firm of Taggart and Taggart; correspondence dealing largely with 152 G. Taggart's activities as city attorney of Grand Rapids; miscellaneous papers; speeches; account books; fifteen scrapbooks on Grand Rapids taxation and the Michigan Pipe Line Com- pany; University of Michigan student notebook (1865-66) of Moses Taggart on courses by James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Ashley Pond, Charles I. Walker; and University of Michigan student notebook of Ganson Taggart (1895-96) on a course by Levi T. Griffin. Correspondents include Gerald R. Ford, John D. Hamilton, Carl T. Hayden, Bartel J. Jonkman, Harry F. Kelly, Robert R. McCormick, Carl E. Mapes, William W. Potter, Edward V. Rickenbacker, Arthur E. Summerfield, Moses Taggart, Arthur H. Vandenberg. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Ganson Taggart, 1958-60. 1831. TALBOT, FANNIE SPRAGUE (1874- ). PAPERS, 1907-53. 15 items and 1 reel of microfilm. Battle Creek journalist. Notes on health foods, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, and Post City, Texas, and reminiscences of her childhood on a LeRoy township, Calhoun County farm. Gift of Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe, 1959-61. 1832. TAPPAN, HENRY PHILIP (1805-81). PAPERS, 1840-1936. 1 foot and 4 vol- umes. President, The University of Michigan (1852-63). The Tappan papers include addresses, lectures, sermons, poems, biographical material, list of books in the Tappan library, and corre- spondence. The correspondence deals with his scholarly interests particularly in philosophy and education, travels in Eruope, The University of Michigan, and personal matters. There is also correspondence about Tappan particularly between Charles M. Perry and graduates and officials of The University of Michigan, a testi- monial in praise of Tappan from The University of Michigan Class of 1858 sent to Mrs. Julia L. Tappan (1883), and three volumes of manuscript poems by Tappan. Correspondents include James B. Angell, James Clements, William L. Clements, Victor Cousin, Edward P. Evans , Alpheus Felch, Sam- uel F. B. Morse, Charles H. Palmer, J. B. Ruggles, Julia Livingston Tappan, Baron Alex- ander von Humboldt, Andrew D. White. 1833. TAPPING, THEODORE HAWLEY (1889- ). PAPERS, 1908-61. 1 foot and 8 volumes. Secretary, The University of Michigan Alumni Association. The papers consist of cor- respondence concerning gift of land by the Von Platen- Fox Company to The University of Michigan, letters from service men during World War II, correspondence and papers relating to his activities on the staff of Silliman University in the Philippine Islands, scrapbooks of Iowa University and University of Michigan programs, pictures, calling cards, and miscellaneous ma- terial ca. 1908-15. Correspondents include George Meader, Irene Ellis Murphy, Alexander G. Ruthven. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 1834. TATLOCK, HENRY (1848-1942). REMINISCENCES, 1936. 8 pages. Episcopal clergyman. Reminiscences of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church of Ann Arbor. 1835. TAYLOR, CHARLES COFFIN (1805-55). CORRESPONDENCE, 1846. 2 items. Episcopal clergyman, Regent of The Uni- versity of Michigan. A letter from Taylor to Samuel Farmer Jarvis making a tentative offer of the Chancelorship of The University of Mich- igan, and the negative reply of Jarvis. 1836. TAYLOR, CLAIR. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Secretary, Alpena Chamber of Commerce. Taylor's letter to F. Clever Bald giving produc- tion figures of Alpena industrial firms engaged in World War II production. Gift of F. Clever Bald. 1837. TAYLOR, DAVID B. REMINISCENCE, 1917. 1 item. Taylor's reminiscence of a speech against slavery made by Wendell Phillips in Ann Arbor in 1862. 1838. TAYLOR, FRED MANVILLE (1855-1932). PAPERS, 1885-1949. 1-1/3 feet and 3 volumes. Professor, Albion College and The Uni- versity of Michigan. The papers consist of man- uscript articles, lecture notes, biographical ma- terial, including reminiscences (1949) of Taylor by his daughter Margaret C. Taylor Farrell, correspondence on economics and political sci- ence, and letters of recommendation. The pa- pers largely relate to Taylor's professional in- terests at Albion College and The University of Michigan in the field of economics. Correspondents include Henry C. Adams, James B. Angell, Albert B. Hart, Burke A. Hins- dale, Edmund J. James, A. Lawrence Lowell, Shirley W. Smith. 1839. TAYLOR, HOWELL (1888-1957). PAPERS, 1907-56. Ca. 250 items. Architect and engineer, Adrian and 153 Ann Arbor. Correspondence and other papers dealing with his possible service in World War I, his career as an architect, as a participant in the survey of historic American buildings, and as a teacher in Beirut, and miscellaneous pa- pers and papers relating to his personal affairs. Gift of Mrs. Howell Taylor. 1840. TAYLOR, ISAAC (1811-87). LETTERS, 1848-85. 8 items. Letters written from Liverpool, England, and Unadilla and Chelsea, Michigan in which he discusses family affairs and farming conditions. Gift of Orla B. Taylor, 1942. 1841. TAYLOR, JOHN W. PAPERS, 1853-66. Ca. 250 items and 8 volumes. General storekeeper, Kalamazoo. Ac- count books of general store sales and personal accounts of Taylor. Additional papers include letters dealing with personal and family affairs, receipts, and invoices of Taylor's men's fur- nishing business. One letter (1859) describes Leavenworth, Kansas gold seekers and immigra- tion. Gift of Mrs. C. S. Campbell, 1948. 1842. TAYLOR, ORLA BENEDICT (1865- ). PAPERS, 1831-82, 1921-43. Ca. 150 items. Lawyer. Correspondence and other pa- pers on the genealogy of the Richard Church family and the Benedict family, ancestors of Taylor. Included are four letters (1831-32) from members of the Benedict family. Gift of Orla B. Taylor, 1942-43. 1843. TAYLOR FAMILY. PAPERS, 1827-1908. 3-1/3 feet and 18 volumes. The Taylor family papers include corre- spondence of Barton Stout Taylor (Methodist clergyman), his wife Elizabeth Gurney Taylor, and Ralph Wendell Taylor. The correspondence deals with family affairs, religious matters, especially the Methodist Church, and letters of R. W. Taylor on the Philippine Islands (1901-08). Additional papers include twelve volumes of Elizabeth Gurney Taylor's diaries of everyday activities; an autograph album; personal account book; legal record book (1828-42) containing record of proceedings before Philo Taylor as Justice of the Peace in Wayne County; a note- book of Wallace Taylor; sermons, articles, and addresses on various topics, including slavery, temperance, prohibition party, woman suffrage, and the Methodist Church; reminiscences; bio- graphical material; and school papers. Gift of Clarence Wochholtz, 1938. 1844. TEABOLT, ELIZABETH. M.A. THESIS, f n.d.]. 50 pages. M.A. thesis, "A History of the Naming of the Streets of Ypsilanti." Gift of Mrs. Teaboldt, 1951. 1845. TEED, MRS. FLORENCE S. (1901-54). PAPERS, 1924-54. 6 feet. Minister and Ann Arbor civic leader. Sermons, notes for sermons, addresses, student papers, and miscellaneous papers. Most of the material relates to the rights and status of women and to religion. Gift of Dr. Wallace Teed, 1956. 1846. TEN BROOK, ANDREW (1814-99). PAPERS, 1854-1935. 65 items. Professor and University of Michigan li- brarian. Original manuscripts of Ten Brook in- cluding The Story of Our City and Its Schools [Ann Arbor] and a typewritten revised edition of the same by Byron A. Finney; correspondence on Ten Brook's publications, personal matters, and University affairs, particularly book pur- chases for the library; typewritten copies of letters originally published in the New York Baptist Register describing a trip he made in 1854 through eastern United States and Michigan, noting the towns and cities of Dexter, Jackson, Albion, Marshall, Kalamazoo, Adrian, Fairfield, Saline, Ann Arbor, Centreville, Battle Creek, Glaesburg, Clinton, and Detroit, as well as Bap- tist church work and railroad travel. 1847. TENNY, EDWARD (1823-1901). DIARY, 1846-50. 1 volume. Diary of Tenny describing his student life at The University of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. T. D. McDonald, 1960. 1848. THAYER, CHARLES (1801-90). PAPERS, 1825-58, 1890. 4 items. Farmer, postmaster, businessman in or near Ann Arbor. Biographical sketch by Mrs. Anna M. Parshall and a typescript of one from the Ann Arbor Register of December 18, 1890; personal letter to Thayer from his sisters and mother in Durham, New York (1825); letter to Colonel J. Taylor concerning possessions left by Taylor's son at the Thayer home. Gift of Mrs. James M. Redfield, 1939-46, and Russell E. Bidlack, 1961. 1849. THOMAS, MRS. DIARY, 1845. 1 volume. Diary of a Mrs. Thomas of London, Eng- land, containing a daily record of a middle class English woman's activities. Mrs. Thomas was a relative of the Candler family of Michigan. Gift of Henry E. Candler, 1959. 154 1850. THOMAS, CALVIN (1854-1919). PAPERS, 1838-1940. 3 feet and 13 vol- umes. Professor of German, The University of Michigan and Columbia University. Diaries, correspondence, scrapbooks, lecture notes, speeches, and other papers of Thomas and his family. They cover his European travels and his activities as a student at The University of Michigan and the University of Leipzig and as a faculty member at The University of Michigan and Columbia University. Much of the material deals with his professional interests, including the German language and literature, attitude of the academia towards Germans in World War I, and correspondence with his publishers. There is one Civil War letter of Stephen V. Thomas written while he was serving in the Tenth Mich- igan Cavalry. Correspondents include James B. Angell, William W. Bishop, Nicholas M. Butler, Morti- mer E. Cooley, John Dewey, John R. Effinger, John Erskine, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Virginia C. Gildersleeve, Edmund W. Gosse, William D. Howells, Harry B. Hutchins, William L. Phelps, Harlan F. Stone. Gift of Prof. Harold A. Thomas and Dr. Harold A. Thomas, 1961. 1851. THOMAS, ELLA. QUESTIONNAIRE, t n.d.]. 1 item. Teacher. Reminiscences of The Univer- sity of Michigan ca. 1871-75. 1852. ). THOMAS, EZRA BYRON (1901- M.A. THESIS, 1935. 112 pages. Teacher and Superintendent of Schools. Northwestern University M.A. thesis, "Political Ideas and Activities of John Stewart Barry, 1831-1851." Gift of Ezra B. Thomas, 1941. 1853. THOMAS, FRANCIS ( -1917). LETTERS, 1864-65. 3 items. Physician. Letters from Thomas to Beulah L. Haines written from Ann Arbor. They describe the town and his work as a medical student at The University of Michigan. He also comments on the Civil War. 1854. THOMAS, HENRY TRACY. PAPERS, 1882-95. 4 items. The papers include three cretificates and a letter offering a position in the Detroit and Mackinac Railway Company. Gift of Miss Helen S. Cooper, 1945. 1855. THOMAS, NATHAN MACY (1803-87). PAPERS, 1818-89. 1-2/3 feet and 4 vol- umes. Physician in Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, and Schoolcraft, Michigan; Quaker abolitionist. The Thomas papers include correspondence of his wife Pamela S. Brown Thomas, his children Ella, Malcolm, and Stanton, and relatives, friends, public leaders, abolitionists, and publishers. It deals largely with family affairs, land transac- tions, medical discoveries, woman suffrage, the Liberty Party, and particularly anti- slavery ac- tivities. In addition to the correspondence there are manuscript addresses, articles, essays, a petition, medical, school, legal, business, and miscellaneous papers, a manuscript autobiogra- phy of Thomas, and three account books (1832- 79). Correspondents include James G. Birney, Erastus Hussey, Lucius Lyon, S. B. Thayer, Jesse Thomas (father of Nathan), Jesse Thomas (brother of Nathan), Jonathan Thomas, Seymour B.Treadwell. Gift of Malcolm Thomas, 1936. 1856. THOMAS, STANTON BROWN. LETTER, 1861. 1 item. Student letter from Thomas describing the expulsion of Lewis S. F. Pilcher from The University of Michigan. 1857. THOMPSON, AUGUSTA LOUISE ROSEN- THAL (1850- ). PAPERS, 1940-47. 10 items. Physician. Personal letters of Mrs. Thompson written to Dr. Bertha L. Selmon; bio- graphical sketch of Dr. Thompson; poem. Gift of Mrs. Albert S. Hazzard, 1949. 1858. THOMPSON, BENJAMIN. ACCOUNT BOOKS and NOTEBOOKS, 1865-86. 8 volumes. Physician. Personal account books of Thompson relating to medical practice in Plain- well, Allegan County, and University of Michigan student notebooks (1865-66) on courses by Sam- uel G. Armor, Silas H. Douglas, Corydon La Ford, Moses Gunn, Alonzo B. Palmer, Abram Sager. Gift of Alexis Praus, 1956. 1859. THOMPSON, NELLIE M. PAPERS, 1960. 3 items. Letter and notes on the history of the Morenci House; Morenci Lodge No. 95 of Free- masons; the Condict family; and Eliza Baldwin Green. Gift of Mrs. A. A.. Thompson, 1960. 1860. THOMPSON, THOMAS P. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1849-98. 1 volume. Account book of Thompson of Adrian con- taining building material accounts, record of 155 deeds and morgages, and some personal ac- counts. Gift of Mrs. W. E. Thompson, 1938. 1861. THOMPSON, WILLIAM (1785- ). LETTER, 1843. 1 item, copy. A letter written from Rose, Oakland County in which he describes travel and general conditions in Michigan, The University of Mich- igan, and discusses the reaction locally to Mrs. Caroline M. Kirkland's book. Gift of Alexander G. Ruthven, 1958. 1862. THORNTON, WILLIAM E. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1866-70. 1 volume. Printer, Albion. Book of accounts of printing bills. 1863. THURBER, HENRY THOMAS ( -1904). PAPERS, 1893-97. 15 items and 1 vol- ume, photostat copies. Secretary to President Grover Cleveland. A letter from William E. Quinby commenting on Thurber's appointment as Secretary to President Cleveland, and fourteen clippings and a scrap- book on the appointment. Gift of Mrs. Edwin Denby, 1944. 1864. THURSTIN, E. B. DIARY, 1880. 1 volume. Farmer. Diary noting daily routine of farm life in Oakland County. Gift of Mrs. Clarence Anderson, 1939. 1865. TIBBET, WARD E. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.] . 27 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Grand Rapids Furniture Strike, April 19, 1911-August 19, 1911." Gift of Ward E. Tibbet, 1948. 1866. TINKHAM, RELAND (1798-1854). LETTER, 1831. 1 item, copy. Letter from Tinkham to his brother Fos- ter describing a journey from Perrysburg, Ohio, to St. Louis, Missouri, with stops at Detroit, Tecumseh, White Pigeon, Niles, Saranac, Bailly, and Chicago. 1867. TITCOMB, WILLIAM C. CORRESPONDENCE, 1932-33. 12 items. Professor, School of Architecture, The University of Michigan. Correspondence pertain- ing to Titcomb's resignation from the faculty of The University of Michigan. 1868. TITUS, SAM W. MARRIAGE RECORD BOOKS, 1845-1907. 3 volumes. Baptist clergyman. Record of marriages performed by Titus in Flint, Grand Rapids, and Detroit. Gift of Miss Lucy W. S. Chase, 1946. 1869. TODD, ALBERT M. LETTER, 1905. 1 item. Letter concerning money to be used for prizes at The University of Michigan. Acquired, 1960. 1870. TODD, CLARA PATTERSON. PAPERS, ca. 1920-62. 1 item and 1 vol- ume. Scrapbook of clippings and other materials dealing with the Michigan Woman's Christian Temperance Union and Phoebe E. Patterson, first woman justice of the peace in Michigan; "Remi- niscences of Plymouth Fairs," by Clara Todd (21 pages). Gift of Mrs. Todd, 1962. 1871. TOLLEN, GUSTAVE. SCRAPBOOK, 1898. 1 volume. Scrapbook of Gustave and Laurene Tollen containing newspaper clippings on Michigan men in the Spanish- American War. Gift of Barrett McGregor, 1961. 1872. TORREY, GEORGE D. (1842-62). CORRESPONDENCE, 1862. 6 items. Letters written by Torrey while he was serving in Company A, Thirteenth Michigan In- fantry during the Civil War. One letter, written by Chaplain Henry H. Northrop, is about Torrey's death. Gift of Mr. J. C. King, 1961. 1873. TOWAR, JAMES DeLOSS (1863- ). MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1933. 133 pages. "History of the City of East Lansing." Gift of Michigan State Library, 1949. 1874. TOWNE, JOHN DEMPSTER (1842-1910). PAPERS, 1862-1910. 6 items. Musician, Grand Rapids. Biographical sketch; recommendations from Joseph Estabrook, Henry S. Frieze, Edwin F. Uhl, Alexander Win- chell; a letter of sympathy to Mrs. Towne. 1875. TOWNSEND, CHARLES ELROY (1856- 1924). LETTER, 1904. 1 item. U.S. Representative and Senator. Letter from Townsend to Harry Soule regarding a fish- ing trip. 1876. TOWNSEND, FREDERICK MARTIN (1860- 1940). 156 SCRAPBOOK, 1894. 1 volume. Superintendent of Schools, Marshall and Coldwater. Account of a European trip illus- trated with pictures and sketches. Gift of Miss Geneva Kebler, 1957. 1877. TOWNSEND, PETER. PAPERS, 1836-55. Ca. 100 items. Romeo businessman. Receipts and two letters (1854-55) from Francis Honck and E. W. Honck on family matters. Acquired, 1945. 1878. TRAVIS, HELEN I. STUDENT PAPER, 1935. 23 pages. Student seminar paper, "Report and Evaluation of Theodore Foster's 'Miscellaneous Thoughts.' " Gift of Miss Travis, 1949. 1879. TREADWELL, SEYMOUR BOUGHTON (1795-1867) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1818-69. Ca. 400 items. Editor, Michigan Freeman . Addresses, clippings, broadsides, land records, and exten- sive correspondence of Treadwell, his son Jer- ome, and other members of the family. The correspondence covers personal and business affairs, firsthand views of the South and slavery in 1859-60, the anti-slavery movement in Mich- igan and elsewhere, Hamilton Institute of New York, temperance, and politics. Correspondents include John P. Cleave- land, George Dawson, George W. Eaton, Arthur L. Porter, Gerrit Smith, Alvan Stewart, Charles H. Stewart, Electa Maria Sheldon Stewart, Sam- uel N. Sweet, Jerome Treadwell. Gift of Mrs. John Towne, 1937, and James P. Lovekin, 1961. 1880. TREAT, LUCRETIA WILLARD. NOTEBOOKS, [ii.d.]. 6 volumes. Lecture notes and plan books of the Grand Rapids Kindergarten Training School. Gift of Mrs. C. J. Olsen, 1962. 1881. TREGO, DAVID R. (1835- ). LETTERS, 1863-64. 8 items, photostat copies. Letters describing Trego's service in the Civil War as a member of Company K, Sixth Michigan Cavalry. Acquired, 1959. 1882. TRILL, SAMUEL (1838- ). MILITARY RECORDS, 1865. 2 items. Trill's appointment as corporal in Com- pany E, Tenth Michigan Cavalry, and his dis- charge certificate. Gift of Spencer J. Trill, 1961. 1883. TROWBRIDGE, CHARLES CHRISTOPHER (1800-83). PAPERS, ca. 1823-40. 6 items and 11 volumes. Indian agent, banker, Mayor of Detroit, Regent of The University of Michigan. The pa- pers consist of seven manuscript volumes on the history and traditions of Indian tribes; four manuscript volumes on Indian languages; record of minutes (1830?) of the office of the Indian agency at Sault Ste. Marie; Trowbridge's tran- scripts of two speeches (1830) delivered by In- dian chiefs at the agency; two letters (1840, photostat copies) from Francis J. Higginson and Trowbridge's reply on University of Michigan business; manuscript address on early Univer- sity of Michigan history; and autobiographical material (photostat copy). Gift of Mrs. William Mitchell, 1938. 1884. TROWBRIDGE, LUTHER STEPHEN (1836- 1911). PAPERS, 1842-90. Ca. 200 items. Civil War general; lawyer. Extensive correspondence and other papers of Trowbridge and members of his family dealing with Birming- ham and Detroit, college life at Yale, and the Civil War. Correspondents include Russell A. Alger, George Duffield, Hoyt Post, Charles C. Trow- bridge, Rowland E. Trowbridge, Stephen V. R. Trowbridge, Moses C. Tyler. Gift of Mrs. Brace Krag, 1961. 1885. TRUEBLOOD, THOMAS CLARKSON (1856- 1951). PAPERS, 1886-1946. 1-1/3 feet and 1 volume. Professor of Speech, The University of Michigan. The papers consist of correspondence, travel diaries, an autobiography, and other pa- pers of Trueblood relating to his activities at The University of Michigan and other schools and to his travels around the world; speeches, lecture notes, articles, essays, reviews, mostly relating to oratory and debate; one volume of congratulatory letters to Trueblood (1942) on the fiftieth anniversary of the Department of Speech. Correspondents include Jane Addams, Clinton P. Anderson, Albert J. Beveridge, Wilber M. Brucker, Princess Cantacuzene, Edgar A. Guest, Chase S. Osborn, Lieutenant Governor Sir Robert Stout (New Zealand), William Howard Taft. Gift of Thomas Trueblood. 1886. TU, HENGTSE. STUDENT PAPER, 1947. 23 pages. Student seminar paper, "A Comparison Between the Constitutional Conventions of 1850 157 and of 1907 in Regard to Their Membership." Gift of Hengtse Tu, 1948. 1887. TUCKER, JOHN (1840-62). LETTERS, 1861-62. 5 items. Letters of Tucker written while he was serving in Company A, Fifth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Acquired, 1961. 1888. TUCKER, STEPHEN DAVIS (1818-1902). PAPERS, ca. 1845-98. 59 items. Manufacturer of printing presses, New York City. The papers consist of biographical and genealogical information, deeds, wills and other legal papers, and correspondence concern- ing business affairs and the Civil War. One letter is from his brother Charles an inmate of the Elmira prison for Confederate prisoners. Gift of Col. Thomas M. Spaulding. 1889. TUFTS, CHARLES WELLINGTON. LETTER, 1876. 1 item. Letter from Tufts to his mother telling of student activities at The University of Mich- igan where he was enrolled as a freshman. He mentions bodies of two robbers being brought to the University for the use of the Medical School. Gift of Lewis M. Gram, 1945. 1890. TULLER FAMILY. PAPERS, 1793-1883, 1937. 50 items. Papers of the Tuller family, particularly Artimedorus Tuller of Tecumseh and Jonesville, include six letters (1848-55, 1937), deeds, mort- gages, receipts, and other business and legal papers. Gift of Mrs. J. B. Ladd, 1941. 1891. TURNBULL, RUTH L. STUDENT PAPER, 1943. 29 pages. Student seminar paper, "Michigan's Progress Under John Judson Bagley, Reform Governor, 1873-1877." Gift qf Miss Turnbull, 1943. 1892. TURNER, JAMES MUNROE (1850-96). PAPERS, 1850-98. 108 items and 4 vol- umes. Farmer, Lansing businessman and mayor, Republican nominee for Governor (1890). Scrap- books on Turner's gubernatorial and mayorality campaigns and Michigan politics, and miscellan- eous deeds, indentures, land grants of his real estate holdings, including a few items of corre- spondence. Gift of Marquette County Historical So- ciety, 1958. 1893. TURNER, SARAH E. (1834-1939). PAPERS, 1849-61, 1934. 5 items. The papers consist of two letters from Benjamin Turner, a letter from Franklin D. Roosevelt congratulating Mrs. Turner on her one- hundredth birthday, memoir of Mrs. Turner, and a letter from G. C. Turner, grandson of Mrs. Turner. Gift of Mrs. W. H. Turner, 1939. 1894. TURNER, SCOTT (1880- ). PAPERS, 1897, 1957. 2 items and 10 volumes. Civil engineer. Two news releases an- nouncing the award of the Hoover medal for 1957 to Turner; two photograph albums of geo- logical studies in Idaho and Oregon; two high school (Lansing) student notebooks in chemistry and physics; two University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Edward D. Campbell and others. Gift of Scott Turner, 1956-57. 1895. TURNER, MRS. W. H. SCRAPBOOKS, ca. 1873-76. 2 volumes. Two scrapbooks containing clippings of general interest, including a history of Adrian. The clippings are pasted in account books of H. M. Palmer of Brooklyn (1849-59). 1896. TUTTLE, ARTHUR J. (1868-1943). PAPERS, 1889-1943. 155 feet and 226 volumes. United States District Judge for Eastern Michigan. The Tuttle papers consist of 139 let- terpress books and 144 feet of correspondence covering his legal business, personal and busi- ness affairs, Michigan Republican politics, his duties as Ingham County prosecutor (1899-1902), State Senator (1907-10), and particularly his United States judgeship. There are published legal briefs, miscellaneous papers, fifty- two volumes of scrapbooks, volumes of personal ac- counts, a University of Michigan Law School thesis, and student notebooks on courses by James B. Angell, Levi T. Griffin, George Hempl, Burke A. Hinsdale, Richard Hudson, Jerome C. Knowlton, Alexis F. Lange, Floyd R. Mechem, Albert A. Stanley, Bradley M. Thompson, Thomas C. Trueblood, Lucius L. Van Slyke. Correspondents include Burt Annis, Julia M. Baldwin, Julius C. Burrows, William A. Com- stock, James J. Couzens, Edwin Denby, John D. Dingell, Frank D. Fitzgerald, Alexander J. Groesbeck, Clare E. Hoffman, Paul H. King, Frank Knox, Arthur F. Lederle, George A. Marsten, Earl C. Michener, John Miner, James O. Murfin, Harry S. New, Truman H. Newberry, Chase S. Osborn, Hazen S. Pingree, Jack Robinson, 158 Samuel W. Smith, William A. Smith, Max Stephan, Eli R. Sutton, William H. Taft, Ruth Tuttle, Wellington Van Camp, Murray D. Van Wagoner, Paul W. Voorhies, Fred M. Warner, Clyde I. Webster, Roy O. Woodruff. Gift of Mrs. Thomas J. Bailey, 1945-55. 1897. TUTTLE, HERBERT (1846-94). PAPERS, 1892. 2 items. Lecturer on International Law, The Uni- versity of Michigan. A speech made at the University of Virginia and a manuscript book entitled, "The Study of Politics." 1898. TUTTLE, JAMES GILMORE (1839-1906). REMINISCENCES, 1901. 34 pages. Civil War reminiscences of Tuttle's serv- ice with the Fourth Michigan Infantry from April 1861 to June 1862. Most of this time he was a prisoner of the Confederacy confined in Richmond and Charleston. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Fred C. Hirzel, 1959. 1899. TWEEDY, MARY ALICE BELCHER. QUESTIONNAIRE, jn.d.j. 1 item. Writer, housewife. Recollections of col- lege days at The University of Michigan £a. 1874. 1900. TYLER, MOSES COIT (1835-1900). PAPERS, 1870-81. 9 items. Professor, The University of Michigan and Cornell University. Correspondence of Tyler regarding speaking engagements and his resignation from the faculty of The University of Michigan; reports on his faculty activities; a let- ter concerning his book, A History of American Literature (N.Y., 1878). Gift of Frank E. Robbins. 1901. UHL, EDWIN FULLER (1841-1901). PAPERS, 1878-1917. 115 items. Grand Rapids businessman, Ambassador to Germany, U.S. Undersecretary of State. Cor- respondence of Uhl, his wife, and his son Marshall, includes eleven letters from Grover Cleveland and sixty-three telegrams of condol- ence upon the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Uhl. The papers also include a guest book, notebook, man- uscript address, biographical sketch, resolutions, and legal papers. Gift of Marshall M. Uhl, 1943. 1902. UMPHREY, JAMES RAYMOND. M.A. THESIS, 1954. 79 pages. University of Michigan Speech Depart- ment M.A. Thesis, "A History of the 'Nell Gwyn's Company' of Ann Arbor, Michigan." Gift of William P. Halstead, 1956. 1903. UNDERWOOD, WILLIAM THOMAS ( -1910). SCRAPBOOK, 1868-81. 1 volume. Scrapbook of clippings, programs, and miscellaneous items largely relating to Under- wood's student activities at The University of Michigan. Gift of Harrison Randall, 1958. 1904. UNGER, PAUL. PH.D. THESIS, 1954. 1 reel of microfilm. University of Michigan Ph.D. thesis, "The Attitude of Three Patriotic Societies To- ward Education in Michigan, 1870-1950." Acquired, 1962. 1905. UNKNOWN WRITER. DIARY, 1882. 1 volume. Farmer. Diary written in Albion and Clinton by a twenty- one year old man in which he discusses the weather, daily farm activities, expenses, and prices of farm products. Gift of Genevieve Reilly, 1949. 1906. UPHAM, LUCILLE W. SCRAPBOOKS, 1939-61. 12 volumes. Business manager, University of Michigan Lecture Course. Clippings and other papers re- lating to the Ann Arbor Drama Seasons and the University lecture series. Gift of Mrs. Upham, 1961-62. 1907. UPJOHN, WILLIAM (1807-87). LETTER, 1856. 1 item. Regent, The University of Michigan. Let- ter from Henry P. Tappan to Upjohn concerning the date of a meeting of the Regents of The Uni- versity of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. Leo Smith, 1959. 1908. VAN BENSCHOTEN, HARVEY E. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1937-38. 1 vol- ume. University of Michigan student notebook on a course by Arthur L. Cross. Gift of Robert Carson, 1943. 1909. VAN BUREN, DePUY (1822- ). PAPERS, ca. 1843-84. 1-2/3 feet. Schoolteacher and businessman in Gales- burg. Manuscript articles, addresses, notes, school records, minute book of Galesburg Tem- perance Society, personal correspondence, and miscellaneous manuscripts of Van Buren. They deal with personal affairs, events in Kalamazoo County, particularly Galesburg, and other topics. There is also a journal (ca. 750 pages) in which he discusses the weather, school teaching, local politics, and his scholarly interests. 159 1910. VANCE, AARON. DAYBOOK, 1836-40. 1 volume. Daybook of Vance of Dexter containing accounts of his wagon repair business. 1911. VAN CLEVE, FRANK H. CORRESPONDENCE, 1868. 1 item, type- written copy. Copy of correspondence, originally printed in the Michigan Argus , concerning the expulsion of Van Cleve from The University of Michigan for alleged improper student activities and his later reinstatement. Gift of Russell E. Bidlack, 1958. 1912. VAN DEMAN, ESTHER BOISE (1862-1937). PAPERS, 1901-02. 2 items. Archeologist; Research Professor, Amer- ican Academy in Rome. Manuscript, "Historical Roman Monuments and Architecture," (129 pages), and lecture notes on prehistoric archeology. Gift of the estate of Esther B. Van De- man, 1939-40. 1913. VAN DEN BERG, LAWRENCE H. STUDENT PAPER, 1941. 20 pages. Student seminar paper, "A Critical Esti- mate of the Brewer Collection." These busi- ness records are in the Michigan Historical Collections. Gift of Lawrence H. Van den Berg. 1914. VAN DEN BROEK, JOHN ABRAHAM (1885-1959). PAPERS, 1905-55. Ca. 250 items. Professor of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Michigan. Correspondence dealing with University and departmental busi- ness, World War II research projects, the American Society of Civil Engineering, and re- search projects of the Hamilton Watch Company and Hayes Wheel Company. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Van den Broek, 1959. 1915. VANDENBURGH, W. JOSEPH. LETTER, 1865. 1 item. Letter from Vandenburgh of Texas to his brother in Grand Rapids asking for reconcilia- tion with the family. He had fought with the Confederate First Texas Cavalry in the Civil War. Gift of Tim Vandenberge, 1962. 1916. VANDERCOOK, ROY C. (1874-1960). PAPERS, 1900-57. 200 items and 2 vol- umes. Michigan State Police Commissioner, National Guard Commander, businessman. Diary (1920) kept while he was police commissioner. It includes notes on the "red" raids of the 1920's and Alexander J. Groesbeck. There is an order book (1905-12) for First Battery of Artillery, Michigan National Guard, and newspa- per clippings and scattered correspondence deal- ing with the National Guard, the copper strike of 1913-14, Jackson prison riot of 1912, and Wood- bridge N. Ferris' inauguration. One letter (1915) is from Arthur H. Vandenberg. Gift of Mrs. Roy C. Vandercook, 1961. 1917. VANDER MEY, FRANCES. STUDENT PAPERS, 1943. 4 volumes. Teacher. Student seminar paper, "A Study of Holland, Michigan, From October 11, 1848 to April 25, 1849, as Reflected in the Min- utes of the People's Assembly ," and three vol- umes of notes used by Miss Vander Mey, includ- ing copies of the Minutes of the People's Assem- bly of Holland , 1848-49, with annotations. Gift of Miss Vander Mey (Mrs. John Braaksma), 1949. 1918. VANDERPOOL, GEORGE. PAPERS, 1868-70. 50 items. Businessman. Correspondence and legal papers relating to the murder of Herbert Field of Manistee and the trial of George Vanderpool. 1919. VAN DER SCHALIE, HENRY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1943. 3 items. Professor of Zoology, The University of Michigan. Letter from Van der Schalie and three other University of Michigan faculty mem- bers to Robert D. Howse, president of Interna- tional Industries of Ann Arbor, discussing prac- tices and operations of the company, with two letters about the letter to Howse. Gift of Henry Van der Schalie, 1943. 1920. VANDER VEEN, ANGIF. STUDENT PAPER, 1932. 28 pages. Student seminar paper, "Tendencies in Indian Administration Under Lewis Cass as Sec- retary of War, 1831-1836." Gift of Miss Vander Veen, 1949. 1921. VANDERVELD, ANTHONY. POEMS, t n.d.]. 8 items. Grand Rapids businessman. Miscellane- ous poems. Gift of Anthony Vanderveld, 1960. 1922. VANDER VELDE, LEWIS GEORGE (1890- ). PAPERS, 1933-49. 22 items. Professor of History, The University of Michigan; Director, The Michigan Historical 160 Collections. Manuscript articles, book reviews, addresses, and seven items of miscellaneous correspondence. 1923. VAN DERWERKER, NETTIE IDELL SCHEPELER (1866- ). PAPERS, ca. 1945. 6 items. Manuscript history of The University of Michigan and Ann Arbor, and five items of cor- respondence pertaining to the manuscript. Gift of Mrs. Van Derwerker, 1952. 1924. VAN ETTER, OLIVER. LETTER, 1919. 1 item. Letter of Van Etter written from the U.S. General Hospital at Fort Sheridan, Illinois. Gift of Robert D. Aldrich, 1960. 1925. VAN GORDEN, LOUIS CLARE. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, ca. 1889. 1 vol- ume. Druggist, Albion. University of Michigan student notebook on a course by Julius O. Schlotterbeck. Gift of Harry H. Milbourn, 1959. 1926. VAN KERSEN, LIONEL. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1930. 1 volume. Librarian. University of Michigan stu- dent notebook on a course in Fine Arts. Gift of Lionel Van Kersen, 1959. 1927. VAN KOEVERING, ADRIAN (1874-1961). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLES, 1956. 2 items. Editor- manager, Zeeland Record . His- torical sketch of the Zeeland Record and a man- uscript, "The Dutch Colonial Pioneers of West- ern Michigan: the Story of a Mass Movement of 19th Century Pilgrims," (764 pages and appen- dices). Gift of Adrian Van Koevering, 1957. 1928. VAN PELT, SUTTON. CORRESPONDENCE, 1933. 3 items. Engineer. Correspondence between Van Pelt and Professor Louis A. Strauss concerning Mortimer G. Barnes and University of Michigan professor Joseph B. Davis. 1929. VAN RAALTE, ALBERTUS CHRISTIAN (1811-76). PAPERS, 1837-75. 23 items, photostat copies, and 3 reels of microfilm. Clergyman, founder of Holland, Michigan. Correspondence of Van Raalte, much of it from The Netherlands, minutes, deeds, land grants, and other papers dealing with Van Raalte and the Dutch settlements in Michigan. 1930. VAN RIPER, JAMES C. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1838-52. 1 volume. Merchant, Dexter. General store ac- count book. Gift of Miss Jennie Lovan Green, 1947. 1931. VAN TYNE, CLAUDE HALSTEAD (1869- 1930). PAPERS, 1896, 1911, 1927. 15 items and 1 volume. Professor of History, The University of Michigan. Newspaper clippings (1896) of pub- lished letters of Van Tyne describing a voyage down the Danube; four items of correspondence concerning The University of Michigan History Department and general University affairs. 1932. VAN TYNE, HELEN BELFIELD BATES. PAPERS, 1944-54. Ca. 300 items. Correspondence, reports, minutes, and miscellaneous material, primarily dealing with the Michigan League For Planned Parenthood and the Michigan Council on Women in Business and Industry. Gift of Mrs. Van Tyne, 1955. 1933. VAN VLACK FAMILY. PAPERS, 1862-65, 1961. 12 items. Civil War letters of Jacob M. Divine, Sherman Ruport, Alonzo A. Van Vlack, and Wil- liam W. Wilson of the Eighteenth Michigan In- fantry, and George Ploughman of the Sixth Mich- igan Infantry, with notes on the letters. There is also a manuscript genealogy on the Van Vlack family of Reading, Cambria, Quincy, and Mich- igan City, Michigan. Gift of Jack Northrup, 1961-62. 1934. VAN WAGONER, MURRY DELOS (1898- ). LETTER, 1942. 1 item. Governor of Michigan. Form letter to University of Michigan alumni asking their vote in the election of 1942. 1935. VARNUM, CYRUS A. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1889. 1 volume. Hillsdale College student. Notes taken on lectures in homiletics by Ransom Dunn. Gift of Jack Northrup, 1962. 1936. VAUGHAN, VICTOR CLARENCE (1851- 1929). PAPERS, 1876-79, 1904. 4 items. Dean of the Department of Medicine and Surgery, The University of Michigan Medical School. The papers consist of a report on the faculty activities of Vaughan at the University; a letter to James B. Angell accepting a position; 161 manuscript article; and a letter (1904) to Charles D. Lawton on old medical buildings and hospitals at The University of Michigan. Gift of Frank E. Robbins. 1937. VELIMESIS, GEORGE. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Lieutenant, U.S. Navy Reserve. Letter written by Velimesis on the U.S.S. Wampaca describing conditions in Tokyo and Yokohama at the end of World War II. Gift of William Tinker, 1946. 1938. VESTAL, MEADE. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1887-89. 17 vol- umes. Circuit Judge in Indiana. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Mel- ville M. Bigelow, Henry B. Brown, Levi T. Griffin, William G. Hammond, Harry B. Hutch- ins, Jerome C. Knowlton, Henry W. Rogers, Charles I. Walker, William P. Wells. 1939. VINCENT, JAMES TURRILL. PAPERS, 1878-1942. 7 items and 1 vol- ume. Miscellaneous personal and business cor- respondence and papers; autographs (1878-81) of classmates at the Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake. Gift of Louis C. Cramton. 1940. VOLIN, LAZAR. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, m.d.]. 17 pages. "Henry Carter Adams on the Relation of State to Industrial Action," by Lazar Volin. Gift of Z. Clark Dickinson, 1962. 1941. VOORHEIS, P. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, f n.d.]. 8 pages. History of Independence Township, Oak- land County, and some of its early settlers. 1942. VORHES, MRS. ABRAM H. LETTER, f n.d.]. 1 item. Letter from Mrs. Vorhes to her husband describing a trip from Michigan to New York. 1943. VREELAND, RUTH. SCRAPBOOKS, 1885-1928. 5 volumes. Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on a wide variety of subjects, including Brighton residents and other well-known Michigan resi- dents. Gift of Mrs. Elvira Jones, 1946. 1944. WAGNER, ROBERT E. STUDENT PAPER, [ii.d.,. 16 pages. Student seminar paper, "Cooley and Civil Liberties, 1860-1895." 1945. WAIT, CLARA HADLEY. PAPERS, 1893-1919. 15 volumes. Family photograph albums; notes on Eu- ropean travel (1893-94) by Mrs. Wait and her husband William Henry Wait; notes on art lec- tures; scrapbooks of Mrs. Wait's articles and her civic activities, particularly with the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, with a few let- ters and clippings on University of Michigan af- fairs; and a scrapbook of letters, papers, and other material relating to World War I activities of the Daughters of the American Revolution under Mrs. Wait's direction. Gift of Rolland C. Stewart, 1949. 1946. WAIT, STEVEN EDWIN (1834-1919). PAPERS, [n.d.]. 2 items. Manuscript article, "First School in the Grand Traverse Region," and a biographical sketch of Wait. Gift of Mrs. Clayton L. Arnold, 1955. 1947. WAKEFIELD, WILLIAM ( -1918). STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1881-82. 2 vol- umes. Physician. University of Michigan stu- dent notebooks on courses by Edward S. Dunster, George E. Frothingham, John W. Langley, Donald MacLean, Alonzo B. Palmer, Charles H. Stowell, Victor C. Vaughan. Acquired, 1942. 1948. WALDRON, HENRY CLAY. PAPERS, 1865-1909. 3 items and 1 vol- ume. Attorney and farmer. Poem; a letter describing the assassination and funeral of Lin- coln; and a diary with accounts of farm life, church affairs in Ann Arbor, and politics. Gift of Miss Ellen B. Bach, 1942. 1949. WALKER, BRYANT (1856-1936). PAPERS, 1830-1931. 8-1/4 feet and 21 volumes. Detroit lawyer. The Walker papers con- sist largely of letters beginning in 1873, chiefly from conchologists throughout the world, and include copies of drafts of Walker's letters; cor- respondence of members of the Walker family; a letterpress book (1877-86); one volume of typescript copies of Walker family letters (1830- 41) written from Buffalo, New York, Grand Rapids, Detroit, and other places; volumes of notes on conchology; a University of Michigan student notebook (1874) on a physics course; and miscellaneous papers. Gift of Calvin Goodrich, 1937. 1950. WALKER, CHARLES IRISH (1814-95). LETTERS, 1875-76. 3 items. Kent Professor of Law, The University of 162 Michigan. Application for leave of absence and two letters of resignation from The University of Michigan faculty. 1951. WALKER, EDWARD CAREY (1820-94). CORRESPONDENCE, 1863-81. Ca. 750 items. Regent, The University of Michigan (1864- 82). The Walker correspondence concerns The University of Michigan, particularly its Board of Regents. Much of the correspondence is with James B. Angell. Other correspondents include James H. Burleson, Thomas M. Cooley, Silas H. Douglas, Corydon La Ford, Henry S. Frieze, Thomas D. Gilbert, Erastus O. Haven, Alonzo B. Palmer, C. M. Stockwell, Andrew Ten Brook, James C. Watson, DeVolson Wood. 1952. WALKER, HENRY NELSON (1811-86). PAPERS, 1900. 2 items. Detroit lawyer and postmaster, Michigan Attorney General (1843-45). Biographical ac- count of Walker by his nephew S. S. Walker, and a letter about the manuscript. 1953. WALKER, ROBERT JAMES (1801-69). LETTER, 1847. 1 item. U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. A let- ter from Walker to the Collector of Customs at Michilimackinac about the wintering of the war- ship U.S.S. Michigan. Gift of Mrs. J. Joseph Herbert, 1957. 1954. WALTER, MRS. DIARY, ca. 1849-50. 1 volume. Housewife, Kalamazoo. Diary describing daily activities of a housewife. The Methodist church is mentioned several times. 1955. WALTER, EDWARD LORRAINE (1845-98). CERTIFICATE, 1863. 1 item. Professor of Romance Languages and Literature, The University of Michigan. Dis- charge certificate of Walter from the Fourth Michigan Infantry. 1956. WALTER, FREDERICK WILLIAM. EXPENSE ACCOUNT, 1891-92. 1 item. Lawyer. Statement of expenses of Walter while he was a student at The University of Michigan Law School. Gift of Mrs. John F. Heron, 1958. 1957. ). WALTER, SYDNEY (1842- LETTER, 1861. 1 item. A letter written while he was serving in Company F, Fifth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Acquired, 1961. 1958. WALTON, IVAN. PAPERS, ca. 1940-60. 2 feet. Professor of Engineering English, The University of Michigan. Notecards on Michigan folklore and traditions and recordings of folk songs and tales. Gift of Ivan Walton, 1962. 1959. WANTY, GEORGE PROCTOR (1856-1906). PAPERS, 1900-06. 100 items and 3 vol- umes. Judge, U.S. District Court for Western Michigan. The papers consist of seven memorial addresses and a biographical sketch on Wanty; correspondence with John Patton concerning me- morial services for Wanty; twelve items of cor- respondence on the Michigan railroad tax case; scrapbook containing telegrams and letters con- cerning Wanty's appointment as U.S. Judge; two scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on Wanty, Michigan politics, and Grand Rapids. Correspondents include Julius C. Burrows, Byron M. Cutcheon, Henry S. Dean, Benjamin F. Graves, Harry D. Jewell, Loyal E. Knappen, Robert M. Montgomery, Amos S. Musselman, William A. Smith, William H. Taft, Edwin F. Uhl, James R. Wylie. Gift of George Wanty, 1956. 1960. WARD, MARCUS LLEWELLYN (1875-1963). PAPERS, 1908-62. 3 feet. Dean of The University of Michigan School of Dentistry. Correspondence, reports, addresses, and miscellaneous papers relating to the Michigan State Dental Association, The University of Mich- igan School of Dentistry, American dental edu- cation and other topics related to Ward's pro- fessional career. Gift of Dr. Marcus L. Ward, 1958-63. 1961. WARING, ELOISE. NOTEBOOKS, 1899-1904. 7 volumes. Teacher, Alma College and Grand Rapids Junior College. Four University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Benjamin L. D'Ooge, Joseph H. Drake, Francis W. Kelsey, and three volumes of notes for use in teaching the classics at Alma College. Gift of Miss Dorothy Bean, 1962. 1962. WARNER, FRED MALTBY (1865-1923). PAPERS, 1832-1918. 420 items and 6 volumes. Michigan Secretary of State, Governor of Michigan (1904-10). Letters, legal documents, and business papers of P. Dean Warner and his adopted son, Fred M. Warner; cash account book of P. Dean Warner (1881-95); a volume record- ing customers of Warner's cheese business; four 163 volumes of scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings on Fred Warner's political activities. 1963. WARNER, HARVEY L. (1834-64). LETTERS, 1861, 1864. 2 items. Letters of Warner to his brother Henry written while he was serving in Company B, Fourth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Acquired, 1959. 1964. WARNER, MAXWELL DUDLEY. PAPERS, 1932, 1937. 3 items. Lumber merchant, Lakeview. Poem, "Pipe Dream," reminiscing of college life at The Uni- versity of Michigan, and correspondence about the poem. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping, 1958. 1965. WARNER, OTIS E. ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1880-94. 7 volumes. Farmer, Wayne. Accounts showing grain yield and value. Acquired, 1952. 1966. WARREN, EDWARD KIRK (1847-1919) and FAMILY. SCRAP BOOK, ca. 1900-24. 1 volume. Scrapbook of obituaries, historical ma- terial, pictures, clippings, etc., about Three Oaks and the families of Edward K. Warren and James L. McKie. Acquired, 1958. 1967. WARRINER, EUGENE CLARENCE (1866- 1945). PAPERS, 1888-1908. 23 items. President, Central Michigan University (1918-39). Journal and scrapbook of a trip to Europe (1907); miscellaneous business papers; letters of introduction. Gift of Mrs. Ellen C. Warriner, 1948. 1968. WARTHIN, ALDRED SCOTT (1866-1931). PAPERS, 1914-30. 6 feet. University of Michigan pathologist. Cor- respondence, articles, and other material relat- ing to The University of Michigan Medical School and medical practice in general. Most of the correspondents are physicians. 1969. WARTMAN, CHARLES J. STUDENT PAPER, [ii.d.;,. 18 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Railroad Conspiracy Case, 1849-1851." Gift of Charles J. Wartman, 1949. 1970. WASHBURN, HOMER CHARLES (1876- ). LETTERS, 1960. 2 items. Organizer and Dean of the College of Pharmacy, the University of Oklahoma and the University of Colorado. Letters from Washburn to his niece, Mrs. Herbert Dahlstrom, reminis- cing about his Michigan boyhood, the Spanish- American War, and his first year in Oklahoma. Gift of Mrs. Herbert Dahlstrom, 1960. 1971. WATERMAN, JENNIE A. LETTERS, 1913. 3 items. Copies of three letters written by Miss Waterman and published in the Charlevoix Coun- ty Herald in which she describes an automobile trip from East Jordan, Michigan, to New York and return. Gift of Mrs. Clayton L. Arnold, 1955. 1972. WATKINS, LYDIA HARBAUGH LEWIS (1819-1909). PAPERS, 1863-65. 69 items. Housewife near Grass Lake in Kent Coun- ty. A biographical sketch of Mrs. Watkins and correspondence between her and her son Benton Lewis, a soldier in the Eighth Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. Mrs. Watkins discusses the war and everyday happenings around Grass Lake; Lewis discusses his army experiences and mentions viewing the remains of President Lincoln. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn Stickley, 1950. 1973. WATLING, JOHN ANDREWS (1839-1919). REPORTS, 1875-77. 2 items. Professor of Dentistry, The University of Michigan. Reports of the faculty activities of Watling at The University of Michigan. 1974. WATSON, EDWARD MICHAEL (1840-1906). PAPERS, 1858-1902. Ca. 200 items. Captain, Ninth Michigan Cavalry, in the Civil War; businessman, Marquette. Largely Civil War letters of Watson describing in detail, army life and training and the various engage- ments in which he participated. (See Bulletin No. 9 for details.) There is also some corre- spondence written after the war, and correspond- ence concerning the Watson family genealogy, with some manuscripts relating to Watson's ex- periences in the Lake Superior region. Gift of Mrs. Frank V. Burrows, 1951, 1956. 1975. WATSON, HAZEN E. PAPERS, 1954-55. 2 items. Engineer. A chart, drawn by Watson, showing the origin and development of the auto- mobile industry in Michigan, and a paper on the same subject. Gift of Hazen E. Watson, 1955. 164 1976. WATSON, JAMES CRAIG (1838-80). PAPERS, 1857-81. 1-1/3 feet and 9 volumes. Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Observatory, The University of Michigan and University of Wisconsin. Correspondence of Watson and his wife, mostly with scholars, about astronomy and observatories, world travel (1874-75), particularly in China and Egypt, the piano exhibit at the 1876 Centennial Exhibition, and the invention of the telephone. In addition to correspondence there are notes, articles, and miscellaneous manuscripts on Watson's scien- tific interests, three diaries (1871-75), two let- terpress books, a log book of a journey abroad, and three volumes of notes. Gift of Miss Agnes Alta Waite, 1949. 1977. WATTLES, JOHN M. PAPERS, 1863-93. 68 items. The correspondence of Wattles of Lapeer and members of his family largely concerns family affairs and business matters. There are also nine miscellaneous business papers. Gift of Louis C. Cramton, 1957. 1978. WATTS, CARRIE. PAPERS, 1837-44. 1 item and 1 volume. An article [n.d.] on early Ann Arbor schools, and a scrapbook of miscellaneous news- paper clippings ca. 1837-44. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich. 1979. WATTS, RICHARD A. (1838-1920). REMINISCENCES, jn.d.] . 26 pages. Reminiscences of the incarceration, trial, and execution of the alleged conspirators in the assassination of President Lincoln. Watts, a captain in the Seventeenth Michigan Infantry, was acting assistant adjutant general at the time of the trial. Gift of Richard P. Watts, 1942. 1980. WEAD, CHARLES KASSON (1848-1925). PAPERS, 1840-1924. 101 items. Professor of Physics, The University of Michigan; Assistant Examiner, U.S. Patent Of- fice. The papers consist of correspondence dealing with University of Michigan affairs and scientific subjects, particularly in physics, and a collection of thirty- seven autographs. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Alexander G. Bell, Raymond C. Davis, Samuel P. Langley, Walter H. Page, Edward C. Picker- ing. Gift of Miss Eunice Wead, 1951-56. 1981. WEAD, MARY EUNICE (1881- ). CORRESPONDENCE, 1930-48. 4 items. Librarian, The University of Michigan. Letters to Miss Wead from Chester Bowles, Wilbur L. Cross, Bliss Perry, Harold C. Urey. Gift of Miss Eunice Wead, 1956. 1982. WEADOCK, GEORGE WILLIAM (1853- ). PAPERS, 1881-1901. 11 items. Lawyer, Saginaw. Miscellaneous personal and business correspondence, including letters from Josiah W. Begole, Grover Cleveland, and John W. McGrath. McGrath discusses his cam- paign for re-election to the Supreme Court of Michigan in 1895. Gift of Mrs. Hazel Weadock, 1949. 1983. WEADOCK, THOMAS ADDIS EMMET (1850- 1938). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1873. 1 volume. Lawyer, Representative from Michigan (1891-95), Professor in the Detroit College of Law, Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court. University of Michigan student notebook on courses by James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Charles A. Kent, Charles I. Walker. Gift of Thomas A. E. Weadock, 1936. 1984. WEBSTER, MARIE R. STUDENT PAPER, 1941. 25 pages and bibliography. Student seminar paper, "The Tax Re- forms of Hazen S. Pingree." Gift of Miss Webster, 1948. 1985. WEDEMEYER, WILLIAM WALTER (1873- 1913). PAPERS, 1890-1913. 2 feet. Lawyer, Congressman (1911-13). About 475 items of correspondence are on Wedemeyer's speeches, his appointment as American Consul to British Guiana, the Chelsea State Savings Bank, and other business matters. The main body of the collection consists of addresses and notes on political and patriotic subjects, railroad legislation, Lincoln, Central and South American affairs, and nominating speeches for Frank P. Glazier, Edward D. Kinne, and Fred M.Warner for various offices. Gift of the Wedemeyer Family, 1941. 1986. WEED, THURLOW (1797-1882). LETTER, 1881. 1 item. New York newspaperman and politician. Letter from Weed to James A. Garfield giving advice on carrying out the duties of his office, particularly in regard to the mail frauds. 1987. WEISSERT, CHARLES ADAM (1878-1947). PAPERS, 1845-1947. 1-2/3 feet and 4 volumes. 165 Journalist, Kalamazoo. The Weissert papers contain his correspondence (1893-1947); legal and business papers; speeches, notes, and writings mostly on Michigan history; two scrap- books of newspaper clippings on local history in southwestern Michigan; one volume of obitu- ary items on Barry County residents; and one volume (collected by Weissert) containing gen- eral accounts and justice of the peace records (1845-58). Correspondents include Joseph Bailly, Clarence M. Burton, Gurdon S. Hubbard, Chase S. Osborn, Albert E. Sleeper, George Van Pelt. Gift of Mrs. Charles A. Weissert and Mrs. Margaret Platner, 1948. 1988. WEISSERT, JOHN (1828-83). CORRESPONDENCE, 1861-65. 291 items. Two hundred sixty letters written to his wife and son while he was serving in Company C, Engineers and Mechanics during the Civil War. There are also thirty-one letters (1861- 62) written to Wissert and his family by John M. Bessmer while he was serving in Company F, Eighth Michigan Infantry. These letters written in German have been translated. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Mrs. Charles A. Weissert, 1958. 1989. WELCH, MARY. LETTER, 1866. 1 item. Personal letter from Mary Welch of Marion to her sister Annie Welch in Ann Arbor. 1990. WELCH, MARY (Mrs. A. R. Welch). PAPERS, 1953. 3 items. Letters of Ralph Stein to Mrs. Welch about the Welch car, and a poem. Gift of Mrs. A. R. Welch, 1958. 1991. WELCH, SAMUEL. LETTER, 1863. 1 item, typewritten copy. Letter describing the battle of Stone River written by Welch while he was serving in an Ohio regiment during the Civil War. 1992. WELCH FAMILY. PAPERS, 1864-1944. 1 foot. The Welch family papers consist largely of letters to Mrs. Eldred N. (Lulu) Welch from Mrs. Fred (Florence) Meno of Port Huron and Detroit, and from relatives in other parts of Michigan. Much of the correspondence concerns every day happenings and family affairs. 1993. WELLINGTON, HORACE. LETTER, 1847. 1 item. Language instructor. Letter of Welling- ton to William C. Keys describing Michigan Central College at Spring Arbor, predecessor of Hillsdale College. Gift of Warren P. Osborne, 1962. 1994. WELLS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1835- 1925). CORRESPONDENCE, 1861-69. Ca. 125 items, typewritten copies. Correspondence largely between Wells of the Eleventh Michigan Infantry in the Civil War and his wife Melissa of Fabius. The letters deal with everyday happenings in Fabius, per- sonal reflections, and Wells' military activities. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Carlton B. Wells, 1955. 1995. WELLS, CARLTON FRANK. PAPERS, 1940-41. 150 items. Professor of English, The University of Michigan. Correspondence and other material relating to a petition circulated among The Uni- versity of Michigan and Wayne State University faculties urging total war against Germany. Gift of Carlton F. Wells, 1962. 1996. WELLS, WILLIAM PALMER (1831-91). PAPERS, 1879. 2 items and 4 volumes. Kent Professor of Law, The University of Michigan. Communication to The University of Michigan Board of Regents from Wells re- questing a leave of absence; a doctor's report on Wells; four volumes of notes for his lectures on law. 1997. WELSH, GEORGE W. (1883- ). PAPERS, ca. 1950's. 17 items. Lieutenant Governor of Michigan, Mayor of Grand Rapids. Biographical sketch, clippings, and miscellaneous papers dealing with Welsh's career as mayor. Gift of George W. Welsh, 1961. 1998. WENLEY, ARCHIBALD GIBSON (1898- ). STUDENT NOTEBOOK, ca. 1921. 1 volume. Director of Freer Gallery of Art. Uni- versity of Michigan student notebook containing geology field notes. Gift of Mrs. Herbert C. Sadler, 1937. 1999. WENLEY, ROBERT MARK (1861-1929). PAPERS, 1879-1929. 7 feet and 39 vol- umes. Professor of Philosophy at Glasgow Uni- versity and The University of Michigan. The Wenley papers include notes, bibliographies, drafts of books and articles, speeches, class lecture notes, and about 750 items of corre- spondence largely dealing with his scholarly in- terests in philosophy and The University of 166 Michigan. There are three diaries (1896-1927) of his travels in Europe and activities at The University of Michigan, twenty-one volumes of notebooks on philosophical subjects, and five notebooks of Kate Gibson Wenley. Correspondents include George P. Adams, James B. Angell, James R. Angell, James M. Baldwin, Frederic H. Britton, Marion L. Burton, Nicholas M. Butler, Edward Caird, W. S. Chang, John Dewey, James Donaldson, Robert A. Duff, Robert Flint, Alexander C. Fraser, Robert L. Frost, Michael J. Gallagher, Emma Goldman, Harry B. Hutchins, George T. Ladd, Oscar Levi, Alfred H. Lloyd, David Masson, Henry L. Mencken, J. Clark Murray, Chase S. Osborn, George J. Romanes, Bertrand Russell, Marten ten Hoor, Charles B. Vibbert, Robert S. Wood- ware. 2000. WENZLICK, ROY. ADDRESS, 1937. 1 item. Real estate businessman, Detroit. Ad- dress by Wenzlick delivered before the Detroit Real Estate Board and Detroit Mortgage Bank- ers' Association. Gift of Shirley W. Smith. 2001. WEST, NATHANIEL ( -1906). ADDRESS, 1906. 1 item. Clergyman. Address by West given at The University of Michigan Alumni banquet, Washington, D.C., containing reminiscences of student days at The University of Michigan ca. 1842-46. 2002. WEST, WILLIAM W., III. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Lieutenant colonel, U.S. Army. The let- ter describes the flag- raising ceremony and the history of the flag raised in Tokyo at the end of World War II. It mentions several U.S. sol- diers from Saginaw, namely Urcell L. Bell, John W. Feeley, Jr., William B. Mershon. Gift of W. W. West III, 1945. 2003. WESTERHOF, A. LETTER, 1880. 1 item. Letter written in Dutch by Westerhof to Reverend C. Van der Veen, calling him to the pastorate in Grand Haven. Gift of Lewis G. Vander Velde, 1955. 2004. WETHERELL, HAROLD O. STUDENT PAPER, 1941. 18 pages. Student seminar paper, "Early History of Mendon, Michigan, and Vicinity." Gift of Harold Wetherell, 1941. 2005. WHEDON, HELEN M. (Mrs. Wm. W. Whedon). PAPERS, 1859-99. 14 items and 4 vol- umes. Housewife. Diaries (1859-69) noting church activities, meetings with friends, the weather, and everyday happenings in Chelsea; manuscript addresses and poems relating to the Ladies' Aid Society of the Ann Arbor Methodist Church. Gift of Levi Wines and Susan Whedon Coan, 1938-39. 2006. WHEDON, SARA. PAPERS, 1889. 4 items and 1 volume. English teacher, Ann Arbor. Four items relating to the Ann Arbor Methodist Church, and a scrapbook of University of Michigan Class of 1889 memorabilia. Gift of Levi Wines, 1938. 2007. WHEDON, WILLIAM TURNER. CORRESPONDENCE, 1881. 9 items. Manufacturer, Norwood, Mass. Letters of recommendation from Charles K. Adams, Isaac N. Demmon, Henry S. Frieze, Volney M. Spalding, Edward L. Walter, Alexander Winchell, and others. 2008. WHEELER, CLARA MARIAN (1861-1946). PAPERS, 1874-1945. 5-1/2 feet and 7 volumes. Grand Rapids educator. Correspondence, reports, notes, lectures of Miss Wheeler dealing with personal affairs, kindergarten education, parent teacher associations, and public school education in general. There are four miscel- laneous notebooks, two combination notebooks and scrapbooks on general subjects and Grand Rapids, and an autograph book. Gift of Mrs. C. J. Olsen, 1946. 2009. WHEELER, EMILINE. LETTERS, 1847. 2 items. Personal letters to Mrs. Wheeler in Hamburg, Michigan, from her husband in Illinois. Gift of Calvin Hooker, 1958. 2010. WHEELER, FRANK WILLIS (1853-1921). PAPERS, 1888-1917. Ca. 100 items and 1 volume. U.S. Congressman, Bay City shipbuilder. Newspaper clippings and scattered manuscript items largely relating to shipbuilding on the Great Lakes and Wheeler's firm at Bay City in particular and his political career. There are a few letters from James G. Blaine (1890) and a photograph album of Great Lakes shipping and the Wheeler home. Gift of Mary Wheeler Clark, 1938. 167 2011. WHEELER, FREDERICK M. (1862- ). PAPERS, 1859-1941. 1 foot and 21 vol- umes. President, Michigan Forestry Association. The Wheeler papers consist of business papers, articles, and correspondence. The early papers pertain to the Wheeler family. Much of the later papers deal with family affairs, conserva- tion, Michigan Forestry Association, and Wheel- er genealogy. There are also twenty- one vol- umes of miscellaneous notebooks. Gift of Mrs. C. J. Olsen, 1946. 2012. WHEELER, MISS L. O. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1845. 1 volume. Seamstress. Personal account book of Miss Wheeler of Saline recording everyday ex- penses. Gift of Mrs. Bessie Collins, 1949. 2013. WHEELER, LEVI LOCKWOOD. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1871-74. 1 volume. Civil Engineer. Personal account book of Wheeler recording expenses while he was a student at The University of Michigan. Gift of Miss Mabel Wheeler, 1952. 2014. WHEELER, LORENZO D. PAPERS, 1836-1904. 51 items. Legal and business papers of Wheeler and family of Blackman township, Jackson County. Gift of Miss Mabel Wheeler, 1952. 2015. WHEELER, MILO THATCHER (1821-78). SCRAP BOOK, 1878-84. 1 volume. County Treasurer, Barry County. An account book (ca. 1873) of Milo T. Wheeler used as a scrapbook for newspaper clippings about the Wheeler family of Hastings and other items of general interest. Gift of Shirley W. Smith, 1950. 2016. WHEELER, REUBEN. ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1835-66. 2 volumes. Account books recording labor records and purchases in Amherstburgh (1835-36), De- troit (1836-37), and Grand Rapids (1837-38). Gift of Mrs. C. J. Olsen, 1946. 2017. WHIPPLE, CHARLES WHILEY (18057-55). LETTER, 1831. 1 item, photostate copy. Michigan Supreme Court Justice. Letter from Whipple in Detroit to John Torrey in New York in which he mentions Henry R. School- craft and Douglass Houghton. 2018. WHITCOMB, WINFRED FOSTER. PAPERS, 1896-1925. 6 items and 5 vol- umes. The Whitcomb papers relate to Univer- sity of Michigan affairs, including a brief diary of student life (1900), account books of student expenses (1896-1900), two student notebooks on courses by Henry C. Adams and Andrew C. McLaughlin, examination papers in American history and sociology, a manuscript article on Fielding H. Yost, notes on alumni, and student notes on Carl Schurz's biography of Henry Clay. Gift of Winfred F. Whitcomb, 1950. 2019. WHITE, ALBERT EASTON (1884-1956). PAPERS, 1939-61. 75 items. Director of The University of Michigan Engineering Research Institute. The papers consist of congratulatory letters on his retire- ment, a radio speech, and other miscellaneous items. Gift of Mrs. Albert E. White, 1960-62. 2020. WHITE, ALFRED HOLMES (1873-1953). NOTES ON FAMILY HISTORY, 1949. [35] pages. Notes on the family history of Thomas White and the Patterson, McLaren, and Ballan- tine families. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1959. 2021. WHITE, ALMA. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 21 pages. Student seminar paper, "Governor War- ner and Conservation." Gift of Miss White, 1948. 2022. WHITE, ANDREW DICKSON (1832-1918). PAPERS, 1857-1918. 82 items and 8 rolls of microfilm. Professor of History, The University of Michigan; President of Cornell University; Min- ister to Russia; Ambassador tc Germany. Eighty-two letters from White, written for the most part to Professor and Mrs. Edward P. Evans. Many subjects are discussed in these letters, particularly national politics, American colleges and universities, travels in Europe, and various scholarly interests. The microfilm ma- terial includes letters to and from White and members of his family, personal accounts, and miscellaneous material. Many of the papers concern The University of Michigan and Ann Arbor during the 1857-67 decade covered by the microfilm. Correspondents include Charles K. Adams, James B. Angell, Levi Bishop, Charles H. Brig- ham, Datus C. Brooks, Francis Brunnow, James V. Campbell, Isaac P. Christancy, Grover Cleve- land, Thomas M. Cooley, Elizabeth E. DuBois, Edward P. Evans, Corydon La Ford, Henry S. Frieze, Benjamin Harrison, Erastus O. Haven, 168 Theodore Roosevelt, John Sherman, William Sin- clair, William H. Taft, Henry P. Tappan, Moses C. Tyler, James C. Watson, Alexander Winchell, DeVolson Wood. Acquired, 1958. 2023. WHITE, EBER (1798- ). GENEALOGY, t n.d.]. 1 page. Farmer, Ann Arbor. Genealogical in- formation on the New York ancestors of White. Gift of Mr. L. W. McOmber, 1958. 2024. WHITE, ENOCH J. (1814-78). PAPERS, 1836-77. Ca. 450 items and 2 volumes. Merchant, civil engineer, banker of Lapeer. Business papers and 165 items of cor- respondence of White. Much of this collection deals with real estate transactions in Michigan. There are also two volumes of personal and general store accounts. Gift of Louis C. Cramton. 2025. WHITE, JANET. STUDENT PAPER, 1948. 23 pages. Librarian, The University of Michigan. Student seminar paper, "William Montague Ferry and the Protestant Mission on Mackinac Island." Gift of Miss White, 1948. 2026. WHITE, JOHN PATRICK (1926- ). STUDENT PAPER, 1950. Ca. 150 pages. History Professor, Northern Illinois Uni- versity. Student seminar paper, "The Strike of Michigan Copper Workers 23 July 1913 - 12 April 1914." Gift of John P. White, 1950. 2027. WHITE, LEVI. LETTER, 1836. 1 item. Clergyman, Green County, Ohio. Letter (signature missing) to White describing settling in Lakeville, Oakland County. 2028. WHITE, MYRTLE E. (Mrs. Dean E. God- win). CORRESPONDENCE, 1909-11. 5 items, photostat copies. Correspondence relating to raising funds for women's dormitories for The University of Michigan. Gift of Mrs. Godwin, 1938, 1955. 2029. WHITE, ORIN (1794-1864). PAPERS, 1841. 2 items. Farmer and early settler in Michigan. Biographical sketch of White and his wife Ann Thayer White, and a letter from White to E. P. Hastings on business affairs. Gift of Augustus Hendelman, 1952. 2030. WHITE, PETER QUINTARD (1830-1908). PAPERS, 1849-1915. 23 feet and 74 vol- umes. Marquette businessman, State Senator, Regent of The University of Michigan. Twenty- nine letterpress books and extensive correspond- ence files include some personal family letters and considerable political correspondence relat- ing to the Democratic Party in Michigan partic- ularly in the Northern Peninsula, the state legislature, and state and national elections (1876-96). The chief subject of the correspond- ence, however, and of the forty- five volumes of bound records, legal documents, and miscellane- ous papers is White's extensive business inter- ests which include Northern Michigan iron, in- surance, banking, and general investments. In addition, after 1900 there is considerable corre- spondence with and about The University of Michigan. Correspondents include Henry C. Adams, James B. Angell, Henry P. Baldwin, Levi L. Barbour, Orlando M. Barnes, Henry B. Brown, Donald M. Dickinson, Jacob M. Dickinson, Clau- dius B. Grant, Robert Graveraet, Hugh H. Hanna, Marcus A. Hanna, Charles T. Harvey, Charles D. Lawton, Horace H. Lurton, Andrew C. McLaughlin, James McMillan, William G. Mather, Chase S. Osborn, Hazen S. Pingree, Henry F. Severens, Samuel W. Smith, Henry T. Thurber, Fred M. Warner, Ralph D. Williams, Edwin B. Winans. 2031. WHITE, SAMUEL HOLMFS (1830-82). PAPERS, 1874, 1937. 7 items. Educator, President of the National Edu- cation Association. An invitation for the Na- tional Education Association to hold its 1874 convention in Detroit, and two letters from James B. Angell on speaking at this convention; two letters from John Lord; and two letters (1937) about these items. 2032. WHITE, STEWART EDWARD (1873-1946). PAPERS, 1901, 1912, 1941. 2 items and 2 volumes. Author. The papers consist of a letter concerning the historical accuracy of the main episode in The Riverman , manuscripts of The Blazed Trail (1902) and The Riverman (1908), and a letter (1912) to Charles Fletcher Lummis, declining an invitation to visit him and comment- ing on his work. Gift of Stewart Edward White, 1939. 169 2033. WHITEHEAD, ASA S. (1825-97). ADDRESS, 1896. 1 item, photo offset copy. Address delivered by Whitehead at the Genesee County pioneer picnic in which he rem- inisces on Michigan pioneer life. Gift of Mrs. Otis I. McCarthy, 1961. 2034. WHITEHEAD, EVERETT JEROME (1858- 1901). NOTES, t n.d.]. 1 item. Physician. Biographical notes on White- head. Gift of Mrs. O. M. McCarthy, 1957. 2035. WHITMAN, JOSIAH (1777-1871) and FAMILY. GENEALOGICAL RECORD, 1944. 5 pages. Farmer, Jackson County. Biographical sketch of Whitman and genealogical record of the Whitman family copied by Phyliss Botruff from the Whitman family Bible. Gift of Floyd L. Haight, 1948. 2036. WHITMARSH, S. P. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1886-97. 1 volume. Account book of Whitmarsh of Palmyra with weather data. 2037. WHITNEY, ALBERT WURTS. PAPERS, 1904. 25 items. Instructor in Mathematics, The Univer- sity of Michigan. Questionnaires regarding stu- dent organizations at various universities. 2038. WHITNEY, ALLEN SISSON (1857-1944). PAPERS, 1885-1939. 156 items. Dean of The University of Michigan School of Education. Manuscript papers and addresses, school records, and 148 items of correspondence dealing largely with Whitney's work in The University of Michigan School of Education. Correspondents include James B. Angell, James R. Angell, Marion L. Burton, Harry B. Hutchins, Clarence C. Little, Eugene C. War- riner. Gift of Mrs. Allen S. Whitney, 1944. 2039. WHITNEY, ANDREW G. INVENTORY OF PROPERTY, 1820. 1 item, photostat copy. Detroit lawyer. Inventory filed in pro- bate court in Wayne County in the matter of the estate of A. G. Whitney, showing his library and household furnishings. 2040. WHITNEY, CLARENCE WRIGHT ( -1940). PAPERS, 1894-99. 13 items. Engineer, exporter. Miscellaneous note- books, notes and papers of Whitney mostly re- lating to his expenses at The University of Mich- igan. Gift of C. Mason Whitney, 1952. 2041. WHITTAKER, EVA L. STUDENT PAPER, 1947. 25 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Kalamazoo Case," concerning opposition to the support of the high school by taxation. Gift of Miss Whittaker, 1948. 2042. WHITTEMORE, GIDEON OLIN (1800-63) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1817-1938. 3 feet. Business and personal correspondence of Gideon O. Whittemore, his wife, their son James Olin Whittemore, and other members of the Whittemore, Mack, and Abram Mathews families. There are also business and legal records, ser- mons, and miscellaneous papers. These papers cover family matters, Tawas City (which the family founded), lumbering, the journey of the Mormons across the United States and settle- ment in Salt Lake City, The University of Mich- igan and its branches, and family genealogy. Correspondents include James Coonent, Henry Hatch, Rufus Hatch, DeWitt C. Leach, John M. Mack, Stephen Mack, Temperance Mack, Stevens T. Mason, Abram B. Mathews, Harriet F. Mathews, Ira Mayhew, Gilbert Morgan, Zina Pitcher, Hyrum Smith, Rowland E. Trowbridge, Charles W. Whipple, Charles H. Whittemore, George Whittemore, James O. Whittemore, W. Frank Whittemore, William B. Whittemore, Moses Wisner. Gift of Harlow O. Whittemore, 1958. 2043. WIESE, FLORENCE C. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 15 pages. Student seminar paper, "Early Transpor- tation in Michigan." Gift of Miss Wiese, 1949. 2044. WIEST, HOWARD M. (1864-1945). ADDRESSES, ca. 1912-19. 13 items and 26 volumes. Michigan Supreme Court Justice (1921- 45). Addresses, articles, and notes by Wiest on legal, fraternal (Elks), and religious subjects. Gift of Mrs. Howard Wiest, 1946. 2045. WILCOX, EDGAR N. LETTERS, 1857-58. 6 items. Letters written by Wilcox to his cousin Lucius Brown while he was a student at The University of Michigan. In one he tells of a storm in the Straits of Mackinac. 170 2046. WILCOX, HAROLD B. STUDENT PAPER, 1931. 26 pages. Student seminar paper, "When Lewis Cass Was Minister to France: 1836-1842." Gift of Harold B. Wilcox, 1948. 2047. WILDER, BURT GREEN (1841-1925). PAPERS, 1876-81. 7 items, photostat copies. Lecturer on Physiology, The University of Michigan; Professor, Cornell University. Letters written from Ann Arbor by former stu- dents of Wilder describing their work in The University of Michigan Medical School; a letter from George A. Hendricks, curator of the Med- ical Museum of the University, asking for in- formation on museum practices; and a report (1876-77) on the faculty activities of Wilder at The University of Michigan. Acquired, 1958. 2048. WILDER, D. G. DIARIES, 1851, 1867, 1872. 3 volumes. School teacher, lawyer. The 1851 diary records the daily life of Wilder as a teacher in Tuscola County; the other diaries contain brief notations on the weather, accounts, and law cases. Gift of Grace Wilder Harris, 1957. 2049. WILDER, OSHEA ( -1846). DIARY, 1831. 1 volume. Civil engineer, lumberman, land specu- lator. Diary of a journey, via boat, from Buf- falo to Detroit and nearby areas in southern Michigan. Gift of Mrs. Van Antwerp Lepper, 1942. 2050. WILGUS, HORACE LAFAYETTE (1859- 1935). PAPERS, 1879-1935. 4-2/3 feet and 3 volumes. Professor of Law, The University of Michigan. The Wilgus papers consist of corre- spondence dealing with the city of Ann Arbor, including many local organizations and groups; University of Michigan affairs, particularly Wilgus' scholarly interests in the law (especial- ly trusts and corporation law); the Law School; publications; Ohio State University; and social reform and political movements, including Mich- igan Anti- Saloon League, anti- trust movement, and the 1912 Progressive Party. There are also speeches, clippings, manuscripts of books and articles, lecture notes, and other papers. Correspondents include Charles F. Adams, James B. Ames, James B. Angell, Newton D. Baker, Thomas A. Bogle, William E. Borah, J. W. Bradshaw, William J. Bryan, Lyman E. Cooley, Raymond C. Davis, Amasa M. Eaton, Abram Flexner, James R. Garfield, J. Mills Gelston, Henry George, Joseph L. Hudson, Harry B. Hutchins, Charles F. Kent, Walter S. Logan, Floyd R. Mecham, Earl C. Michener, Eliza M. Mosher, Chase S. Osborn, Carl S. Patton, Wil- liam W. Potter, Wilfred B. Shaw, Henry Tatlock, William W. Wedemeyer. Gift of Mrs. Stanley D. Dodge, 1940-60. 2051. WILKINSON, ARCHIE (1865-1956). REMINISCENCES, [n.d.-j. [52, pages. Lawyer, Chelsea. Reminiscences of Chelsea during the period 1868-85. Acquired, 1941. 2052. WILLARD, GEORGE W. and WILLARD, CARRIE MAY THURSTON. SCRAPBOOKS, ca. 1870-1910. 3 volumes. Scrapbooks of clippings of a general na- ture on Detroit, St. John's Episcopal Church and other churches, governors of Michigan, and mis- cellaneous subjects. Gift of Miss Charlotte Brewer, 1935. 2053. WILLCOX- DAVIS FAMILY. PAPERS, 1826-69, 1912. 35 items. Letters of the Willcox- Davis family of Chicago and Detroit discussing everyday events and Chicago (ca. 1840-50), and letters (1869) from Richard Mason to his wife written during a European trip. Correspondents include Julia Davis Mason, Richard Mason, Eben Willcox. Gift of Carl Brewer, 1959. 2054. WILLIAM, EDGAR MORGAN. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, ca. 1916-17. 1 volume. University of Michigan student notebook containing miscellaneous Law School notes. Gift of Phi Delta Theta, 1940. 2055. WILLIAMS, EDWARD. PAPERS, 1838-78. Ca. 50 items. Miscellaneous receipts, deeds, and other business papers of Williams of Detroit. Gift of Clare E. Milliman, 1952. 2056. WILLIAMS, GERHARD MENNEN (1911- ). PAPERS, 1911-63. 850 feet and 27 vol- umes. Governor of Michigan (1949-60); Under Secretary of State For African Affairs. Corre- spondence, speeches, reports, memoranda, notes dealing with the Democratic Party, state and national politics, elections of 1948 through 1960, all the operations of the state government of Michigan, trips through the United States and 171 abroad, personal and family matters of G. Men- nen Williams and Mrs. Nancy Quirk Williams, plus twenty- seven volumes of scrapbooks of newspaper clippings and other materials. Correspondents include Dean G. Acheson, Paul L. Adams, Sherman Adams, Hugh J. Ad- donizio, Konrad Adenauer, Anthony Akers, Carl Albert, Miguel Aleman, Hugh Q. Alexander, Frederick M. Alger, Jr., Stephen V. P. W. Allen, James L. Almond, Jr., Herve Alphand, Carlyle E. Anderson, Clinton P. Anderson, Eugenie An- derson, Sigurd Anderson, Victor E. Anderson, Charles L. Anspach, John Hugo Aronson, Jacob M. Arvey, William V. Astor, James C. Auchin- close, Gene Autry, Nnamdi Azikwe, George Backer, Paul D. Bagwell, Cleveland M. Bailey, Howard H. Baker, Walter S. Baring, Alben W. Barkley, R. H. Barnes, Frank A. Barrett, Ed- ward L. Bartlett, John S. Battle, James Glenn Beall, John V. Beamer, William S. Beardsley, Dave Beck, Lindley Beckworth, Joseph A. Beirne, David Ben-Gurion, Charles E. Bennett, Ezra T. Benson, Alvin M. Bentley, William Benton, Helen Berthelot, Alan Bible, A. J. Drexel Bid- die, Hugo L. Black, William W. Blackney, Wil- liam M. Blair, Thomas C. Blaisdell, Jr., John A. Blatnik, Iris F. Blitch, Thomas H. Boggs, Richard W. Boiling, Frances Payne Bolton, John W. Bonner, Chester Bowles, Frank W. Boykin, William Boyle, Jr., John Brademas, Joseph E. Brady, Charles F. Brannan, John W. Bricker, Styles Bridges, Overton Brooks, Donald F. Brown, Edmund G. P. Brown, Prentiss M. Brown, Sanford A. Brown, Herbert Brownell, Jr., Gordon Browning, Wilber M. Brucker, Clarence N. Brunsdale, Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, Charles A. Buckley, Ralph J. Bunche, Robert W. Bur- gess, Robert J. Burkhart, Leroy E. Burney, John Burroughs, Hugh A. Butler, John M. But- ler, Paul M. Butler, Harry F. Byrd, Jr., Rich- ard E. Byrd, James F. Byrnes, Clarence Can- non, Eddie Cantor, Homer E. Capehart, Frank Carlson, John A. Carroll, Elfor A. Cederberg, Anthony J. Celebrezze, Emanuel Celler, Charles E. Chamberlain, Albert B. Chandler, Oscar L. Chapman, Dennis Chavez, Kit F. Clardy, Joseph S. Clark, Thomas C. Clark, Clinton A. Clauson, Lucius D. Clay, Frank G. Clement, Earle C. Clements, Robert Clifford, George D. Clyde, Albert E. Cobo, Frank M. Coffin, Wilbur Cohen, William L. Coleman, LeRoy Collins, Bert T. Combs, Henry S. Commager, Matthew J. Con- nelly, John S. Cooper, Thomas G. Corcoran, Charles E. Coughlin, George S. Counts, Henri Courtemanche, Norman Cousins, Arthur G. Crane, Fred L. Crawford, Robert B. Crosby, Burton M. Cross, Glenn C. Cunningham, Harlow H. Curtice, Thomas D'Alesandro, Richard J. Daley, M. Price Daniel, Jimmie H. Davis, John E. Davis, Charles B. Deane, Christopher Del Sesto, Winfield K. Denton, Carmine G. De Sapio, Alexander P. De Seversky, Paul A. Dever, Thomas F. Dewey, John G. Diefenbaker, Charles C. Diggs, Jr., Richardson Dilworth, John D. Dingell, Sr., John D. Dingell, Jr., Everett M. Dirksen, Michael V. DiSalle, Leland I. Doan, George Docking, Harold W. Dodds, Joseph M. Dodge, Jesse M. Donaldson, George A. Dondero, Philip M. Donnelly, F. Joseph Donohue, Paul H. Douglas, William W. Downey, James H. Duff, Angier B. Duke, John F. Dulles, Martin P. Dur- kin, Lane Dwinell, Abba Eban, Herman P. Eber- harter, Ed Edmondson, James H. Edmondson, Henry N. Ehrlich, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Arthur A. Elder, Allen J. Ellender, Buford Ellington, Carl A. Elliott, Eugene B. Elliott, Lee E. Emer- son, Albert J. Engel, Clair Engle, Samuel J. Ervin, Jr., Oscar R. Ewing, Clinton M. Fair, Paul J. Fannin, James A. Farley, Orval E. Fau- bus, Homer Ferguson, Antonio M. Fernandez, John S. Fine, Thomas K. Finletter, James A. Finnegan, John J. Flynt, Jr., John E. Fogerty, Edward H. Foley, James E. Folsom, Marion B. Folsom, Aime J. Forand, Benson Ford, Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Henry Ford II, James Forrestal, Joseph J. Foss, Felix Frankfurter, Queen Fred- erika of Greece, Orville L. Freeman, Leslie M. Frost, James W. Fulbright, Foster Furcolo, J. Kenneth Galbraith, Erie Stanley Gardner, Dave Garroway, Dan A. Garvey, Thomas S. Gates, Jr., Edwin O. George, Walter F. George, Daniel F. Gerber, Guy M. Gillette, Whitney Gillilland, Mrs. Louis S. Gimbel, Barry M. Goldwater, Samuel Goldwyn, Lloyd Goodrich, John F. Gordon, Thomas S. Gordon, Albert A. Gore, William F. (Billy) Graham, Ulysses S. Grant III, Georgia Neese Clarke Gray, Gordon Gray, Edith Starr ett Green, Theodore F. Green, William J. Green, Jr., Hugh Gregg, Joseph C. Grew, Marvin Griffin, Martha Wright Griffiths, Giovanni Gronchi, Ernest Gruening, Edgar A. Guest, John Gunther, Geroge J. Haering, Harlan Hagen, Frederick L. Hall, Oscar Hammerstein II, Harold W. Handley, John A. Hannah, Peter B. Hanson, William Averell Harriman, Donald Harrington, Oren Har- ris, Seymour E. Harris, Burr P. Harrison, Gilbert A. Harrison, Philip A. Hart, William B. Hartsfield, Harlan H. Hatcher, Mark O. Hatfield, Carl T. Hayden, Donald Hayworth, William R. Hearst III, Donald R. Heath, Thomas C. Hennings, Francis A. Henson, A. B. Herrington, Ralph Herseth, Lewis B. Hershey, Christian A. Herter, Theodore M. Hesburgh, Charles Heymans, John Joseph Hickey, George C. Higgins, Clarence B. Hilberry, Lister Hill, Robert Hinkley, John C. W. Hinshaw, Oveta Culp Hobby, Luther H. Hodges, Leo A. Hoegh, Clyde R. Hoey, James R. Hoffa, Clare E. Hoffman, Paul G. Hoffman, Elmer J. 172 Holland, Spessard L. Holland, Ernest F. Holl- ings, Mark R. Holloran, Otis H. Holmes, Robert D. Holmes, Herbert C. Hoover, Arthur A. Houghton, Jr., Katherine Graham Howard, Charles R. Howell, T. Jefferson Hoxie, Edwin Palmer Hoyt, Orville L. Hubbard, William R. Hull, Jr., George M. Humphrey, Hubert H. Humphrey, Jr., H. E. Humphries, Lester C. Hunt, King Hussein ibn Talal, Frank N. Ikard, Henry M. Jackson, Beauford H. Jester, August E. Johansen, Byron L. Johnson, Edwin C. John- son, Joseph B. Johnson, Lester R. Johnson, Louis A. Johnson, Lyndon B. Johnson, Walter W. Johnson, Eric A. Johnston, Olin D. Johnston, Richard L. Jones, Robert E. Jones, Jr., Walter H. Judd, Edgar F. Kaiser, Frank M. Karsten, Robert W. Kean, Estes Kefauver, Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, Augustine B. Kelly, George F. Kennan, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin H. Kennelly, Robert F. Kennon, Eugene J. Keogh, Robert S. Kerr, Leon H. Keyserling, Harley M. Kilgore, James R. Killian, Jr., Cecil King, Alvin P. Kitchin, Goodwin J. Knight, John S. Knight, William F. Know land, Victor A. Knox, Walter J. Kohler, Jr., John Kroll, Ann Landers (Mrs. Jules Lederer), Joseph R. Lane, William P. Lane, Jr., Arthur B. Langlie, Arthur Larson, Frank J. Lausche, David L. Lawrence, Marjorie McKenzie Lawson, George M. Leader, J. Bracken Lee, Herbert H. Lehman, John Lesinski, Sr., John Lesinski, Jr., John L. Lewis, Trygve H. Lie, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., John D. Lodge, Earl K. Long, Oren E. Long, Russell B. Long, Katherine Louchheim (Katie Scofield), Joe Louis, Herschel C. Loveless, Robert A. Lovett, Thomas J. Lynch, Melvin J. Maas, Thomas J. Mabry, Thaddeus M. Machrowicz, Archibald MacLeish, Harold Mac- millan, Eugene J. McCarthy, John L. McClellan, Matthew H. McCloskey, John W. McCormack, David J. McDonald, Ross McDonald, Neil H. McElroy, Ernest W. McFarland, J. Howard McGrath, J. Harry McGregor, Matthew F. McGuire, Robert J. Mcintosh, Douglas McKay, Theodore R. McKeldin, Kenneth D. McKellar, Brien McMahon, Sidney S. McMath, Patrick V. McNamara, Robert S. McNamara, Stephen L. R. McNichols, Ray J. Madden, Warren G. Magnuson, Ramon Magsaysay, George W. Malone, Michael Mansfield, Luis M. Marin, William C. Marland, George C. Marshall, Thurgood Marshall, Joseph W. Martin, Paul Martin, Mrs. William Thomas Mason, Francis P. Matthews, William H. Maul- din, George Meader, George Meany, Fdwin L. Mechem, John B. Medaris, Gaganvihari Lallubhai Mehta, Golda Meier, Karl A. Menninger, William C. Menninger, Cord Meyer, Robert B. Meyner, Earl C. Michener, George T. Mickelson, Wilbur D. Mills, Hugh B. Mitchell, James P. Mitchell, Stephen A. Mitchell, A. S. Mike Monroney, Joseph M. Montoya, Blair Moody, Thomas E. Morgan, Hans J. Morgenthau, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Ann Scott Morningstar, deLesseps S. Mor- rison, True D. Morse, Wayne L. Morse, Harold R. Moskovit, Morgan M. Moulder, Abraham J. Multer, Frank Murphy, James E. Murray, John- ston Murray, Philip Murray, Edward R. Murrow, Edmund S. Muskie, Francis J. Myers, James R. Naughton, Braj Kumar Nehru, Gaylord A. Nelson, Richard L. Neuberger, James Q. Newton, Jr., Reinhold Niebuhr, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald P. Nye, Charles G. Oakman, Edward F. O'Brien, George D. O'Brien, Thomas J. O'Brien, Basil O'Connor, Kenneth O'Donnell, James G. O'Hara, Joseph C. O'Mahoney, C. William O'Neill, Chase S. Osborn, G. Bromley Oxnam, Frank Pace, Jr., George A. Padmore, John O. Pastore, Wright Patman, John M. Patterson, Paul L. Patterson, Frederick G. Payne, Drew Pearson, Lester B. Pearson, Claude D. Pepper, John A. Perkins, Gordon Persons, F. Valdemar Peterson, James A. Pike, Vail Pitman, Morris Pizer, William R. Poage, Charles O. Porter, Charles E. Potter, Wesley Powell, Joseph Prendergast, William Proxmire, Howard Pyle, Donald A. Quarles, Michael J. Quill, Edward C. Quinn, William F. Quinn, Louis C. Rabaut, Prince Stanislaw Radzi- will, Asa P. Randolph, Edward L. Rankin, John E. Rankin, Sam Rayburn, Arthur J. Reaume, Daniel A. Reed, Edward H. Rees, Oscar Renne- bohm, Henry S. Reuss, Roy L. Reuther, Victor G. Reuther, Walter P. Reuther, Abraham A. Ribicoff, Ralph J. Rivers, Dennis J. Roberts, Owen J. Roberts, A. Willis Robertson, Charles A. Robins, Howard W. Robison, Peter W. Rodino, Jr., William P. Rogers, George A. Romney, Carlos P. Romulo, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., James Roosevelt, Oren Root, Elmo B. Roper, Albert D. Rosellini, Anna M. Rosenberg, Charles H. Russell, Richard B. Russell, Eero Saarinen, George G. Sadowski, Robert W. Sarnoff, Dalip S. Saund, Grant Sawyer, Dore Schary, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Henry F. Schricker, Frederick D. Schwengel, Errett P. Scrivner, Herbert B. Scudder, Frederick A. Seaton, Haile Selassie, Paul W. Shafer, Harry A. Sheppard, Allan Shivers, Robert S. Shriver, Jr., Kim Sigler, Milward L. Simpson, Richard M. Simpson, Spyros P. Skouras, George A. Smathers, Forrest Smith, Frank E. Smith, H. Alexander Smith, Neal A. Smith, Robert E. Smylie, John J. Sparkman, Brent Spence, Lawrence E. Spivak, Neil Staebler, Robert T. Stafford, Thomas B. Stanley, Frank Stanton, John R. Steelman, Robert T. Stevens, Roger L. Stevens, Adlai E. Steven- son, Michael W. Straight, William G. Stratton, Lewis L. Strauss, Edward V. Sullivan, Arthur H. Sulzberger, Arthur E. Summerfield, James P. Sutton, John B. Swainson, W. Stuart Symington, 173 Harold E. Talbot, Herman E. Talmadge, John Millard Tawes, Olin E. Teague, Danny Thomas, Elbert D. Thomas, Lowell Thomas, Frank Thompson, Jr., Ruth Thompson, Vernon W. Thomson, Dan Thornton, J. Strom Thurmond, Maurice J. Tobin, James W. Trimble, Juan T. Trippe, Harry S. Truman, William M. Tuck, Kenneth H. Tuggle, Rexford G. Tugwell, Albert C. Ullman, Cecil H. Underwood, Arthur H. Van- denberg, Hoyt S. Vandenberg, James A. Van Fleet, Charles A. Vanik, Murray D. Van Wagon- er, John D. Voelker, Wernher Von Braun, Robert F. Wagner, Monrad C. Wallgren, Lawr- ence P. Walsh, Francis E. Walter, Earl Warren, Fuller Warren, Charles J. Wartman, Jr., Arthur V. Watkins, Don C. Weeks, Sinclair Weeks, Lawrence W. Wetherby, Justin R. Whiting, Willard C. Wichers, Charles C. Williams, Henry P. Williams, Jr., Mrs. Henry P. Williams, Richard E. Williams, Robert C. Williams, Wil- liam A. Williams, Jr., Charles Edward Wilson, Charles Erwin Wilson, Leonard Woodcock, W. Stewart Woodfill, Roy O. Woodruff, Tighe E. Woods, Sidney Woolner, Fielding L. Wright, Ralph W. Yarborough, Sidney R. Yates, Milton R. Young, Stephen M. Young, Bernard J. Young- blood, Luther W. Youngdahl, Clement J. Za- blocki, Herbert Zelenko, Charles M. Ziegler, Paul Ziffren. Gift of G. Mennen Williams and Nancy Quirk Williams, 1960-61. 2057. WILLIAMS, HORACE R. PAPERS, 1880. 20 items. Congregational clergyman. Papers of Williams and his wife include manuscripts of speeches and other papers prepared chiefly for the missionary society of the Almont Congrega- tional Church. 2058. WILLIAMS, J. MOTT. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1847-68. 1 volume. Account book (1847) belonging to Com- pany H, First Regiment, Michigan Volunteers in the Mexican War, of which J. Mott Williams was captain; and his personal accounts (1850-68). Gift of Mr. E. A. Gallup, 1958. 2059. WILLIAMS, JEREMIAH D. (1815- ) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1808-1904. 70 items and 16 volumes. State Representative. School papers, legal and business papers, reminiscences, obitu- aries, a manuscript history of Webster town- ship, and correspondence, much of which is be- tween Williams and his wife while he was a member of the State Legislature in 1855. There are sixteen diaries (1841-42, 1878-96) of Williams noting family activities, events at The University of Michigan, and a trip from Mich- igan to Washington, D.C. in 1842. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping and Mrs. Viola Blair. 2060. WILLIAMS, JOHN R. (1782-1854). PAPERS, 1799-1816. 99 items. Contractor's agent to U.S. troops. Cor- respondence of Williams deals with supplying U.S. troops from Wilkinsonville on the Ohio River. One letter to Governor Cass (1816) is about a bill for printing the territorial laws of Michigan. There are also reports, inventories, receipts, and other papers relating to Williams' supply work. Correspondents include Colonel John F. Hamtramck, Oliver Ormsby, Colonel David Strong, William Wusthoff. 2061. WILLIAMS, JOSEPHINE. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, ca. 1899. 1 item. Brief sketch of the life of Lucinda Hins- dale Stone (1814-1900). Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1960. 2062. WILLIAMS, MRS. MARIA D. STOWELL. POEMS, ca. 1858. 1 volume. Housewife. Book of clippings of the orig- inal poems of Mrs. Williams of Webster town- ship, Washtenaw County. Gift of Miss Jessie E. Williams, 1949. 2063. WILLIAMS, MARY ALICE (1855-1933). PAPERS, 1871-91. 41 items, in part photostat copies. Correspondence of Mary Alice Williams with her mother, classmates, and friends, much of it concerning student life at The University of Michigan. There are also two student papers. Correspondents include Alice Freeman Palmer, James H. McDonald, Mary D. Sheldon, Joseph H. Steere (Michigan Supreme Court Jus- tice). Gift of Mrs. Roscoe B. Huston, 1944. 2064. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM BROWN (1849-1928). PAPERS, 1889-1920. 41 items. Attorney, Lapeer. Miscellaneous papers and scattered items of correspondence about the Peninsular Society, business affairs, and politics. Correspondents include Joseph B. Moore and John T. Rich. Gift of Louis C. Cramton. 2065. WILLISON, HENRY CLAY (1846-1906). PAPERS, 1865, 1870. 2 volumes. Physician. Autograph book and photograph 174 album of Willison who attended The University of Michigan Medical School in 1870-71. Gift of Miss Nel Frances Willison, 1960. 2066. WILLISON, NEL FRANCES. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, ca. 1960. 2 pages. Sketch of the life of Dr. Henry Clay Wil- lison (1846-1906) who received his medical training at The University of Michigan and prac- ticed in Washington, D.C. Gift of Miss Willison, 1960. 2067. WILLISTON, LIDA T. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 10 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Attitude of the Ann Arbor Argus Towards the Spanish- American War." Gift of Miss Williston, 1948. 2068. WILLSON, JAMES CALDWELL (1833- 1912). PAPERS, 1863-1912, 1939. 6 items and 43 volumes. Physician, Flint. Diaries commenting briefly on his daily schedule, Civil War service, trips in the United States and Europe, and med- ical practice; records of his medical practice; five addresses by him; and a letter (1939) about him. Gift of Mrs. Jay C. Thompson, 1950. 2069. WILLSON, LOUISE. SCHOOL RECORD BOOKS, 1864-66. 2 volumes. Poetry and diary entries concerning the Morenci area. Gift of Mr. L. L. Forsythe, 1962. 2070. WILSON, ALBERT C. (1843- ). LETTER, 1863. 1 item. A letter to Edward P. Goodrich written while he was serving in Company A, Third Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. He de- scribes the trip from Allegan, Michigan to Corinth, Mississippi, and skirmishes with gueril- las. Gift of Francis L. D. Goodrich, 1958. 2071. WILSON, BETHANY (Mrs. Hugh E. Wilson). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLES, t n.d.]. 2 items. Articles entitled, "Mason of Michigan; a Play For Television," and "It's an 111 Wind" (concerning the Michigan forest fire of 1881). Gift of Mrs. Wilson, 1956. 2072. WILSON, GEORGE (1836-81). PAPERS, 1857-67. 1 item and 6 volumes. Methodist clergyman. A letter, two diaries, a student notebook, and other records covering his Illinois seminary work, religious work in England, and circuit rider activities in the Port Huron area. One diary contains some personal financial records. Acquired, 1959-62. 2073. WILSON, JACOB. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1851-52. 1 volume. Farmer in Erie, Michigan. Account book recording work and wages of hired help on the farm and the sale of farm products. It also contains accounts of the sale of History of the United States of America , by John Frost. Gift of Mrs. Genevieve S. Reilly, 1950. 2074. WILSON, JOHN H. STUDENT PAPER, 1958. 33 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Life of Dr. Oliver W. Van Osdel and the Influence of His Ministry at the Wealthy Street Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan." Acquired, 1961. 2075. WILSON, LOIS MAYFIFLD. PH.D. THESIS, 1954. 1 reel of micro- film. Stanford University Ph.D. thesis, "Henry P. Tappan's Conceptions of the Structuring of University Functions." 2076. WILSON, MARYLAND WALLER. PH.D. THESIS, 1952. 293 pages. University of Michigan Ph.D. thesis, "Broadcasting by the Newspaper-Owned Stations in Detroit, 1920-1927." Gift of Miss Wilson, 1952. 2077. WILSON, ROSANNA. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, 1939. 3 pages. Biographical sketch of William Allen (1832-1925) by his granddaughter. Allen was of mixed Indian, Negro, and white blood, and a prosperous citizen of Cass County. Gift of Miss Wilson, 1940. 2078. WIMER, EDWARD J. ADDRESS, 1940. 6 pages. Presbyterian clergyman. Manuscript ad- dress by Wimer, "Sesquicentennial of Christian Education," delivered at Brooklyn, Michigan at a meeting celebrating the sesquicentennial of Presbyterian churches in America. Gift of Miss Ruth Ladd, 1944. 2079. WINANS, EDWIN B. (1826-94). LETTER, 1892. 1 item. Governor of Michigan. Letter from Winans to William A. Campbell stating his 175 inability to attend the opening of the University Hospital in Ann Arbor. 2080. WINCHELL, ALEXANDER (1824-91). PAPERS, 1837-91. 8-3/4 feet and 188 volumes. Professor of Geology, Zoology, and Bot- any, Syracuse University, Vanderbilt University, The University of Michigan, and Chancellor of Syracuse University. Letters, drafts of letters, letterpress books of Winchell, members of his family, friends, colleagues, and universities. The correspondence concerns Winchell's schol- arly interests in the natural sciences, family affairs, personal business ventures, The Uni- versity of Michigan, and other institutions where he taught. In addition to the correspondence there are forty- one diaries (1846-91), notebooks of his trips with expense accounts, scientific reports, notes, lecture notes, addresses, edi- torials, personal and business account books, articles and essays on philosophical, religious, educational, and scientific (geology, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, paleontology, biology) subjects. Correspondents include Louis Agassiz, Spencer F. Baird, Amos Binney, William G. Binney, Austin Blair, James R. Boise, Datus C. Brooks, Lewis Cass, George B. Catlin, Isaac P. Christiancy, Davis W. Clark, Thomas M. Cooley, Joseph Cummings, James D. Dana, William Darlington, Silas H. Douglas, George Engelman, John Farmer, Louis Fasquelle, Corydon La Ford, Henry S. Frieze, James A. Garfield, Au- gustus A. Gould, Asa Gray, James Hall, Erastus O. Haven, Gilbert Haven, Ferdinand V. Hayden, Eugene W. Hilgard, Nathaniel Holmes, John L. Le Conte, Joseph Le Conte, Joseph Leidy, Sir William E. Logan, Sir Charles Lyell, George G. Meade, Fielding B. Meek, Thomas Nuttall, Alonzo B. Palmer, John G. Park, William B. Rogers, Abram Sager, Thomas Say, Benjamin Silliman, Sr., Benjamin Silliman, Jr., George W. Swallow, Henry P. Tappan, John Torrey, Charles C. Trowbridge, Luther S. Trowbridge, Stephen M. Vail, Andrew D. White, Charles A. White, Joseph D. Whitney, Moses Wisner, DeVolson Wood. Gift of Alexander N. Winchell and the Minnesota Historical Society. 2081. WINCHELL, MARTHA L. NORTON. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, 1959. 3 pages. Biographical sketch by his wife of George Pray Winchell of The University Michigan Med- ical School Class of 1904. Gift of Dr. Frederick Coller, 1959. 2082. WINDER, JOHN (1804- ). PAPERS, 1825-34. 29 items. U.S. Receiver of public lands, Detroit (1826-28); bookkeeper, American Fur Company, Mackinac Island (1828-29); clerk of Territorial Supreme Court (1829). The papers consist of twenty- seven business letters from various per- sons to Winder, including Isaac S. Rowland, Henry R. Schoolcraft, John R. Williams, and William Woodbridge; communication [n.d.] to Woodbridge from the grand jury of Wayne Coun- ty; and a circular letter (1831) from the Depart- ment of State— An Act to Amend the Act For Taking the Fifth Census. Gift of Mrs. Henry W. Watson, 1937. 2083. WINDT, VALENTINE (1901-55). PAPERS, 1922-55. Ca. 250 items and 1 volume. Professor, The University of Michigan Department of Speech. Correspondence, articles, notes, and other material largely relating to University of Michigan dramatic and speech ac- tivities with which Windt was connected, with a list of all plays produced by Windt. Gift of William P. Halstead, 1956. 2084. WING, AUSTIN ELI (1792-1849) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1817-1905. 130 items. Lawyer, Representative in Congress, U.S. marshal, Regent, The University of Michigan. Four compositions; business and family letters of Wing, his wife, his daughter, and other rela- tives. Seventy- seven letters are from Kate E. Mitchell, granddaughter of Wing, written from Vassar College. Some of Wing's letters discuss Washington, D.C., Congress, and national poli- tics (1826-33). Gift of Thomas M. Sawyer and Mrs. W. C. Jones, 1938. 2085. WING, WARNER (1805-76). PAPERS, 1837-78. 89 items. Lawyer, State Legislator, Michigan Su- preme Court Justice. Family letters of Warner Wing, his wife Eliza Anderson Wing, their daugh- ter May Wing, and other relatives. Many of the letters are written from Monroe and Detroit, and there is mention of Wing's activities as judge. There are two biographical sketches of Wing and an abstract (1878) of the Wing home- stead. Gift of Thomas M. Sawyer and W. C. Jones, 1940. 2086. WINKLER, MAX (1866-1930). LETTER, 1914. 1 item. Professor of German, The University of Michigan. Letter from Winkler to President Harry B. Hutchins regarding Winkler's work in 176 the German Department of The University of Michigan. 2087. WINSHIP, SAMUEL. CASHBOOK, 1826, 1841. 1 volume. Winship's cashbook recording names of workers and other information concerning the slate quarry workers at Atlas. There is also a record of a marriage (1841) performed by Winship as justice of the peace. Gift of Mrs. Mary L. Stockley, 1957. 2088. WINTER, JOHN GARRETT (1881-1956). PAPERS, 1901-51. 1-2/3 feet. Professor of Latin, The University of Michigan. The Winter papers consist of corre- spondence and some clippings and other material mostly relating to his work in the Department of Latin, as director of the Division of Fine Arts, and other affairs of The University of Michigan. Correspondents include James P. Adams, Mehmet Aga Oglu, James B. Angell, Arthur E. R. Boak, Campbell Bonner, Marion L. Burton, Martin L. D'Ooge, John R. Effinger, Moses Gomberg, William H. Hobbs, Charles E. Hughes, Louis C. Karpinsky, Francis W. Kelsey, Hay- ward Keniston, Edward H. Kraus, Alfred H. Lloyd, Albert H. Pattengill, Jesse S. Reeves, Frank E. Robbins, Alexander G. Ruthven, Henry A. Saunders. Gift of Mrs. John G. Winter, 1958. 2089. WISE, MARGARET E. TURNER (Mrs. Charles H. Wise) (1865- ). REMINISCENCES, 1956. 1 item. Housewife. Reminiscences of Mrs. Wise of early lumbering days near Alpena where she was a cook in the lumber camps and where her husband also worked. Gift of Mrs. Wise, 1956. 2090. WISNER, MOSES (1815-63). PAPERS, 1836-67. 18 items and 5 vol- umes. Governor of Michigan (1859-60). Civil War letters written from Kentucky to his wife Angelina and their children (see supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details); a letter from A. E. Martin; three account books and records of law cases of George W. and Moses Wisner (1843- 62); one volume of records of the governor's office expenditures and other accounts (1859-60); and one volume of Genesee County tax records kept by Wisner and accounts of his estate (1836- 67). Gift of Mrs. Florence Wallace, 1935. 2091. WISNER, WILLIAM. STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, ca. 1952-53. 3 volumes. Lawyer. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Verner W. Crane and Lewis G. Vander Velde. 2092. WITHINGTON, WILLIAM HERBERT (1835-1903). PAPERS, 1861-1909. 191 items and 39 volumes. Officer in the Civil War, banker, State Representative and Senator from Jackson. The papers consist of correspondence, special orders, notes, business papers, and miscellaneous items. Most of the papers relate to his Civil War serv- ice as Colonel of the Seventeenth Michigan In- fantry (see Bulletin No. 9 for details), to the Grand Army of the Republic, and to a possible appointment to the U.S. Senate in 1894. There are also notes on the management of the With- ington & Cooley Manufacturing Company (1895- 1903), diary of a European trip (1897), and twenty- eight personal account books one of which contains a manuscript address. Correspondents include Russell A. Alger, John J. Bagley, Benjamin B. Baker, Jonathan Bevier, Austin Blair, Mrs. Austin Blair, Julius C. Burrows, John Jones, Constant Luce, G. Col- lins Lyon, George S. Newman, Delos Phillips, Hazen S. Pingree, Christian Rath, John T. Rich, Rowland E. Trowbridge, John Tyler. Gift of Winthrop Withington, 1951. 2093. WITTUM, MARION (1843- ). LETTERS, 1862. 5 items. Letters he wrote to Lester and Marian Parrish while he was serving in Company A, Tenth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. 2094. WIXSON, WILLARD WENDELL. SCRAPBOOK, 1915. 1 volume. University of Michigan student scrapbook containing photographs, clippings, programs, and memorabilia. Gift of Mrs. Willard Wixson, 1961. 2095. WOLCOTT, NELSON J. LETTER, 1853. 1 item, copy. Letter from Wolcott to his mother de- scribing a journey to Melbourne, Australia, and the living conditions there. 2096. WOOD, DeVOLSON (1832-97). CORRESPONDENCE, 1840, 1872, 1888. 3 items. Founder of The University of Michigan College of Engineering. A letter from E. Cheever to Julius Wood describing St. Charles, Illinois; Wood's letter of resignation from The University of Michigan, and his letter to Morti- mer E. Cooley on scientific subjects. 177 2097. WOOD, JAMES CRAVEN (1858-1948). PAPERS, 1937, 1942. 3 items. Homeopathic physician. Letters of Uni- versity of Michigan reminiscences, including comments about the Homeopathic Medical School; the manuscript of An Old Doctor of the New School . Gift of Dr. James C. Wood, 1937, 1943. 2098. WOOD, JULIA NEWTON (Mrs. James Wood) (1827- ). DIARY, 1853. 1 volume, typewritten copy. Housewife. Diary telling of a trip to California in which she emphasizes the hard- ships of the journey. Gift of Mrs. Van Lieu Minor, 1942. 2099. WOOD, LEONARD (1860-1927). LETTER, 1918. 1 item. U.S. Army general. Letter from Wood mentioning receiving an honorary degree from The University of Michigan. Acquired, 1954. 2100. WOOD, NORMAN ASA (1857-1943). PAPERS, 1848-1957. Ca. 150 items and 5 volumes. Curator of Birds, The University of Michigan Museum. The papers of Wood and his family of Lodi township and Ann Arbor include much genealogical material on the Wood and Phelps families; some correspondence, includ- ing six letters from Alexander G. Ruthven; ma- terial concerning The University Museum; scrapbooks of miscellaneous items, including obituaries, news of the Wood family, sheep breeding in Washtenaw County, and ornitholog- ical affairs; and one volume of flock records of Wood's merino sheep. Gift of Mrs. Peter Kivi, 1958. 2101. WOOD FAMILY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1862-63. 5 items, typewritten copies. Three letters from Sally S. Wood of Elm Isle, Minnesota, to her brother Nathaniel P. Drake of Hanover, Michigan, about trouble with the Indians; letters from S. S. Wood and Wil- liam H. Wood to relatives in Minnesota on the same subject. 2102. WOODARD, C. S. SURVEY NOTES, 1894. 1 volume. Copy of Whipple's surveying notes of Lima, Freedom, Bridgewater, Lyndon, Sylvan, and Sharon townships in Washtenaw County. Gift of Miss Gertrude E. Woodard, 1960. 2103. WOODARD, SADIE G. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1960. 25 pages. Article entitled, "The Grand River Road With Particular Reference to its Northern Branch." Gift of Mrs. Lee L. Woodard, 1962. 2104. WOODBRIDGE, WILLIAM (1780-1861). PAPERS, 1827-50. 5 items. Governor of Michigan. Genealogy of the Woodbridge family, and four letters from Wood- bridge two of which discuss University of Mich- igan affairs. Acquired, 1941, 1952. 2105. WOODBURNE, LLOYD STUART (1906- ). MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, 1948. 1 volume. Associate Dean, University of Michigan College of Literature, Science and the Arts. "College and University Staff Problems," a study by Woodburne of recruitment problems and other phases of university staff arrangements in forty- six institutions. Gift of Dr. Charles S. Kennedy, 1962. 2106. WOODBURY, DWIGHT A. (1825-62). PAPERS, 1861-66. 9 items. Colonel in the Fourth Michigan Infantry. The papers consist of two letters from J. H. Fountain to Woodbury about supplies for his regiment, two telegrams from Simon Cameron to Governor Austin Blair, three general orders, and two letters on the death of Woodbury. 2107. WOODFILL, WILLIAM STEWART (1896- ). ADDRESS, 1957. 1 item. Manager, Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island. Manuscript address by Woodfill at the Grand Hotel anniversary dinner. The address contains an historical sketch of the financial operation of the hotel under the management of Mr. Woodfill. Gift of W. Stewart Woodfill, 1957. 2108. WOODFORD, HOWARD J. PH.D. THESIS, 1959. 1 reel of micro- film. Princeton University Ph.D. thesis, "Frank Murphy: a Liberal's Creed." 2109. WOODHAMS, JOHN WALTER. REMINISCENCES, t n.d.]. 1 item. School superintendent. Reminiscences of complications arising from a 1902 University of Michigan student "smoker." Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 2110. WOODRUFF, DAVID OLIPHANT and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1837-83. 1 foot and 2 volumes. 178 Correspondence of David O. Woodruff and of the Woodruff and Hurd families of Niles covering family affairs, events in Niles, the California gold rush, politics, and the Civil War service of Woodruff's son Charles in the Twenty- fifth Michigan Infantry. There are also two di- aries kept by Charles. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. Correspondents include Charles Dun- combe, Aaron P. Hammond, William Hurd, Thomas O'Callaghan, Charles Woodruff, Claris- sa Hurd Woodruff, Edgar Woodruff, John Wood- ruff, Mary Ann Woodruff. Gift of Miss Jeanne Griffin, 1958. 2111. WOODRUFF, WILLIAM SCHUYLER (1838-64). PAPERS, 1853-60. 5 items and 5 vol- umes. Teacher. Student papers and diaries recording his experiences as a student from Marshall, attending a preparatory school at Ni- agara Falls and The University of Michigan Class of 1858, and his teaching experiences in Tuscaloosa, Alabama in 1860. He comments interestingly on his travels, school experiences, politics and public affairs, and social and re- ligious activities. Gift of Mr. C. V. Perrett, 1962. 2112. WOODWARD, ROBERT SIMPSON (1849- 1924). PAPERS, 1921. 3 items. Engineer, astronomer, geographer, Presi- dent of Carnegie Institute of Washington. Bio- graphical data on Woodward and two items of correspondence about it. 2113. WORCESTER, DEAN CONANT (1866-1924). PAPERS, 1900-24. 3 feet. Professor of Zoology, The University of Michigan. Correspondence, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, and pictures dealing with Worces- ter's activities in the Philippine Islands and pub- lications concerning the Islands. Correspondents include William H. Taft and Leonard Wood. Gift of Mrs. Kenneth B. Day, 1957. 2114. WORDEN, CARRIE HUTCHINS. SCRAPBOOK, ca. 1920-43. 1 volume. Sister of The University of Michigan President, Harry B. Hutchins. Scrapbook con- taining newspaper clippings, letters, and other material pertaining to University of Michigan history, Harry B. Hutchins, and other Univer- sity personalities. Gift of Mrs. William J. Lowstuter, 1958. 2115. WORTHINGTON, AMELIA LONGWORTHY ARNOLD (1846-1929). REMINISCENCES, [ii.d.]. 5 pages, mim- eographed copy. Reminiscences of pioneer days in early Michigan around Grand Traverse Bay about 1855. 2116. WRAY, JOHN. LETTER, 1859. 1 item, copy. Letter from Wray of Buchanan to Eliza- beth Wray Mills telling of sickness and hard- ships in his family. Gift of Mrs. Bert Mitchell, 1948. 2117. WRENTMORE, CLARENCE GEORGE (1867-1919). PAPERS, 1879-1920, 1938. 4 items and 7 volumes. Professor of Civil Engineering, The Uni- versity of Michigan. The papers consist of a letter (1938) enclosing Wrentmore's contract (1920) with the government of the Philippines; a paper (1894) on "The Launhardt-Weyrauch Form- ulae"; notes on the same subject and on bridge construction; a paper on machines; four volumes of miscellaneous notes; and three volumes of University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by Joseph B. Davis and on surveying. Gift of Mrs. Clarence G. Wrentmore, 1938. 2118. WRENTMORE, MARGARET M. REMINISCENCES, t n.d.] . 19 pages. Reminiscences of University of Michigan student activities and affairs ca. 1895. Gift of T. Hawley Tapping. 2119. WRIGHT, ALLEN G. PAPERS, 1845, 1850-77, 1891. 425 items. Farmer and school teacher in Virginia, Illinois, and Marshall, Michigan. Correspond- ence of Wright with his wife, various brothers and sisters, other relatives, pupils, friends, and business acquaintances. Most of the letters are about prices of farm commodities and farm land, weather, crop conditions, and family affairs. A few relate to politics and the Civil War. Some miscellaneous papers include tax receipts and school papers. Correspondents include Edwin B. Wright, Enoch and Mary Wright, Grove Wright, Harriette E. Wright, Julia Ann Wright, Myron Wright, Simeon Wright. Gift of Herbert Wright, 1938. 2120. WRIGHT, BENJAMIN. LETTERS, 1858-60. 3 items. Letters from Wright of Marquette and Houghton to his brother Andrew in Springfield, 179 Massachusetts, mentioning Great Lakes shipping and community activities. 2121. WRIGHT, DEAN C. LETTER, 1862. 1 item. Chaplain, Seventh Ohio Infantry. A letter to his mother in which he describes Washington, D.C. and the battle at Port Republic in which he served as volunteer aide to General Tyler. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Duren, 1950. 2122. WRIGHT, H. LEE. PAPERS, 1929-30. 6 items. Correspondence and reminiscences about Austin Corners School, Oakland County. 2123. WRIGHT, PHILO ELIZAR (1828-76) and FAMILY. PAPERS, 1829-1939. 3 feet and 7 vol- umes. Captain of the lake vessel Neptune. The Wright papers consist largely of personal corre- spondence of Fannie E. Pettibone Wright with her husband Philo, her brother Sherman Petti- bone, her daughters Virginia, Maude, and Evelyn, her son Philo Sherman, and other members of the family. This correspondence primarily con- cerns family affairs and the genealogy of the Wright and Pettibone families. There are fifty- seven volumes of Fannie E. Wright's diaries (1863-1925) recording family news, social events, and home activities in Detroit. Family business papers include a book of bills (1864-65) of Philo E. Wright, account books of the Sherman Petti- bone farm of Tallmadge, Ohio, and account books of Philo S. Wright (1893-1913). Correspondents include William W. Col- lier, Samuel B. Pettibone, Sherman Pettibone, Fannie E. Pettibone Wright, Evelyn Wright, Maude Wright, Philo S. Wright, Virginia Wright. Acquired, 1958. 2124. WRIGHT, STILLMAN. LETTERS, ca. 1840, 1845. 2 items. Two letters from Wright to his sister, written from Lexington (near Port Huron), in which he discusses family affairs and mentions the Canadian Rebellion. Acquired, 1950. 2125. WRIGHT, ZENOS RUSSELL. DIARY, 1864-65. 1 volume. Diary kept by Wright while he was serv- ing in Company G, Merrill Horse, during the Civil War. Gift of Mrs. Charles E. Tugh, 1962. 2126. WUGGAZER, THEODORE, Jr. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 8 pages. Student paper, "The Reform Movement," concerning temperance reform in Birmingham. With this are notes on St. James Episcopal Church in Birmingham. Gift of Rev. Theodore Wuggazer, 1949. 2127. WURSTER, C. VICTOR. REMINISCENCES, t n.d.] . 4 pages. Reminiscences, recorded by Michael Church, in which Wurster describes social events and customs among Ann Arbor's German com- munity. Gift of Michael Church, 1960. 2128. WURSTER, NINA BELLE. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1945. 7 pages. History of Chelsea covering the period from 1849-1901. Gift of Ida C. Brown, 1951. 2129. WYATT, ELEANOR EMILIA. DIARY, 1896. 1 volume. Housewife. Diary of Mrs. Wyatt, who lived near Ypsilanti, noting weather, family visits, and daily routine. Gift of Miss Geneva Smithe, 1955. 2130. WYKES, FREDERIC K. SCRAPBOOK, 1930's. 1 volume. Grand Rapids businessman. Scrapbook of early aviation advertising. Gift of Frederic K. Wykes, 1961. 2131. WYKES, ROGER IRVING (1875- ). PAPERS, 1905-42. 3 feet. Attorney General of Michigan (1912). Briefs and other legal papers relating to the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railroad case and the Grand Rapids Gas Company case; cor- respondence (1907-08) on Wykes' campaign and activities in the Michigan Constitutional Conven- tion; scrapbooks on the Constitutional Convention and Michigan politics (1907-20). Correspondents include Charles A. Blair, Chase S. Osborn, Arthur H. Vandenberg. Gift of Frederic K. Wykes, 1958. 2132. YATES, ALBERT (1842-1929). PAPERS, 1856-89. 11 items and 4 vol- umes. Physician. Receipts and miscellaneous correspondence; three account books of Yates' medical practice in Washington, Michigan (1871- 79); scrapbook of clippings, largely historical, on Detroit, Three Rivers, Ann Arbor and The University of Michigan, Saginaw and salt manu- facturing there, and other towns. Gift of Dr. H. W. Yates, 1939. 180 2133. YATES, JOHN B. (1833- ). MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1866. 5 pages. Military history of Yates' service as an officer in Company A, First Engineers and Me- chanics during the Civil War. See supplement to Bulletin No. 9 for details. Gift of Charles R. Sligh, Jr., 1959. 2134. YORK, EMOGENE ANDERSON. HISTORICAL SKETCH, f n.d.]. 2 pages. History of Vicksburg Mill, Vicksburg, Michigan. Gift of George E. York, 1938. 2135. YOUNG, ABRAM VAN EPS (1853-1921). REPORTS, 1876-77. 2 items. Instructor in Chemistry, The University of Michigan. Reports on the faculty activities of Young at the University. 2136. YOUNG, JAMES H. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.] . 36 pages. Student seminar paper, "The Editorial Attitudes of Ann Arbor Newspapers Toward Lincoln and the Civil War, 1856-1865." Acquired, 1961. 2137. YOUNG, JOHN NELLES (1844-1921). STUDENT NOTEBOOKS, 1867-69. 5 vol- umes. Attorney, Berkley, California. Univer- sity of Michigan student notebooks on courses by James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Charles A. Kent, Ashley Pond, Charles I. Walker, Wil- liam P. Wells. Gift of Mrs. J. N. Young, 1938. 2138. YOUNG, JON L. STUDENT PAPER, t n.d.]. 3 pages. Student seminar paper, "Selected Biblio- graphical Aids Taken From the General Bibli- ography of The Pioneer Physician, Medical Cures and Theories in Relation to Society in the Early Nineteenth Century ." Gift of Jon L. Young, 1949. 2139. YOUNG, LEIGH JARVTS (1883-1960). PAPERS, 1908-60. 250 items and 6 vol- umes. Professor of Forestry, The University of Michigan; Director of the Department of Con- servation (1927). Correspondence and other pa- pers dealing with his work at The University of Michigan, in the Department of Conservation, and as mayor of Ann Arbor. There are six volumes of his student notebooks on University courses in botany, economics, geology, psychol- ogy, forest engineering, entomology, and dendrol- ogy. Correspondents include William B. Mer- shon, Chase S. Osborn, Gifford Pinchot. Gift of Mrs. Leigh J. Young, 1961. 2140. YOUNG, ROBERT. PAPERS, 1881-84. 1 item and 7 volumes. University of Michigan student notebooks on courses by James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Alpheus Felch, Charles A. Kent, Wil- liam P. Wells, and a temperance certificate sponsored by The University of Michigan Tem- perance Association. 2141. ZEVIN, SIDNEY. STUDENT PAPER, [ii.d.]. 5 pages. Student seminar paper, "Bibliography For a Study of Hazen S. Pingree's Potato Patches." Gift of Sidney Zevin, 1949. 2142. ZIEGLER, CHARLES M. (1888-1959). PAPERS, 1929-59. Ca. 250 items and 7 volumes. State Highway Commissioner, 1943-57. Seven volumes of scrapbooks, and correspond- ence, clippings, speeches, miscellaneous papers and memorabilia dealing with Ziegler's engineer- ing and highway career and his political activi- ties. Included are personal accounts and obitu- aries. Correspondents include Frederick V. Bradley, Wilber M. Brucker, Earl C. Michener. Gift of Mrs. Charles M. Ziegler, 1959-62. 2143. ZIENTEK, JOSEPH. DIARY, 1944. 1 volume. Diary, April 14 - October 4, 1944, de- scribing Zientek's participation, as a member of the crew of the U.S.S. McCook, in the D Day in- vasion of Europe. Included in the diary is the combat log of his vessel. Acquired, 1960. 2144. ZIMMERMAN, M. LETTERS, 1864, 1867. 2 items. Farmer of Union, Mich. Letters of Zim- merman to his mother and brother discussing family affairs and farming. Gift of Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe, 1960. 2145. ZIMMERMAN, MINNIE FULLER. HISTORICAL SKETCHES, 1893, 1925. 2 items. Historical sketches of the Albion Public Schools. Gift of Minnie F. Zimmerman, 1938. 2146. ZINKEISEN, MAX. LETTER, 1938. 1 item. University of Michigan graduate (1880). 181 Letter to E. J. Van Lennep discussing poetry and philosophy. Gift of Randolph G. Adams, 1943. 2147. ZINN, FREDERICK WILLIAM. DIARY, [n.d.]. 1 volume. War correspondent. Diary of a voyage on a troop ship from the United States to North Africa during World War II. Gift of Frederick W. Zinn, 1945. 2148. ZWIER, EFFA. PAPERS, 1941-42. 36 items. Correspondence on publication of articles; report on translation of the Van Raalte letters; translations of Den Bleyker— Van Raalte letters. Gift of Miss Zwier. CHURCH RECORDS MISCELLANEOUS 2149. INTERDENOMINATIONAL ALBION. CHURCH. RECORDS, 1887-88. 1 volume. Constitution and minutes of the Bible Study Class. 2150. AMERICAN HOME MISSIONARY SOCI- ETY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1825-53. 4 items and 6 rolls of microfilm. Letters (1848-53) describing the Dexter Congregational Church and other churches there, the Congregational Church at Saginaw, and mis- sionary activities at Howell; microfilm contain- ing correspondence of the Society (1825-46). Correspondents include Calvin Clark, Louis Mills, Robert Robinson. 2151. ANN ARBOR. UNITED CHURCH WOMEN. PAPERS, 1941-60. 4 volumes and 50 items. Secretary's minutes, draft of self survey, miscellaneous reports and papers. 2152. DETROIT. THE PEOPLE'S TABER- NACLE. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, 1878. 1 item. 2153. GRAND RAPIDS ELEMENTARY SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. RECORDS, 1902-13. 2 volumes. Constitution, class rolls, minutes of this organization, in part kept by Clara M. Wheeler. 2154. JOHNSTON. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH. MINUTES, 1891-1901. 1 volume. Sunday School minute book. 2155. LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE OF MICHIGAN. RECORDS, 1921-32. 1 volume. Constitution, reports, financial statements, minutes of this interdenominational organization which promoted Sabbath observance. 2156. MICHIGAN COUNCIL OF CHURCHES AND CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. REPORT, 1938. 1 item. Report and notes of the Department of Comity. 2157. YOUNG MEN'S- YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRIS- TIAN ASSOCIATIONS, ANN ARBOR. RECORDS, 1895-1955. 25 volumes and 200 items. The records consist of scrapbooks, finan- cial records, minutes of the Y.M.C.A. (1902-32); minutes of the Y.M.C.A. Auxiliary; minutes of the Y.W.C.A. (1895-1919); miscellaneous records, clippings, correspondence, and reports. 2158. YPSILANTI. COUNCIL OF CHURCH WOMEN. RECORDS, 1917-31. 2 volumes. Minutes of the Ypsilanti Council of Church Women, formerly Ypsilanti Missionary Federa- tion. BAPTIST 2159. FREE BAPTISTS. MICHIGAN ASSOCIA- TION. RECORDS, 1838-1953. 16 volumes and 49 items. Volumes containing constitutions, minutes, financial records of the yearly meeting (1838-91), of the Michigan Association (1889-1953), and of the Ministers' Conference of the yearly meeting (1869-1916); financial record of the State Young People's Organization (1891-93); records of the Women's Missionary Society (1890-91); sketch of Hillsdale College, indentures and miscellaneous business and legal papers. 2160. ALPINE-SPARTA. FREE BAPTIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1847-64. 1 volume. Minutes and financial records. 2161. ANN ARBOR. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1837-1960. 59 volumes and 1-1/3 feet. Historical records, including history of the church (1828-1928) by Helen E. Beman and one by Florence M. Bancroft (1942-50); histor- ical information (1928-38); reports of the histo- rian (1938-42); scrapbook of church activities (1951-58); treasurer's and other financial rec- ords (1874-1914); minutes of the Congregation and Board of Trustees (1837-1948); women's so- cieties records (1863-1938), including records of the King's Daughters (1901-38); Reverend N. S. Burton's marriage records book (1865-79); Sun- day School records (1871-79, 1905-06, 1915-17); 182 183 records of the young people's groups (1895-1940) The unbound records include reports of commit- tees and general reports (1894-1942), corre- spondence (1881-1939), financial records, Youth Guild records (1910-18), and miscellaneous papers. 2162. BUTLER TOWNSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH (Branch County). ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, 1860. 1 item, photostat copy. 2163. CLINTON. BAPTIST CHURCH. MINUTE BOOK, 1832-42. 1 volume. The volume contains the organization covenant, minutes and membership roll. 2164. DEARBORN. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1924-46. 2 volumes, type- script copies. Membership rolls and lists of officers, and minutes of the organizational meeting and first services. 2165. GALESBURG. BAPTIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1849-93. 1 volume. Minutes of the congregation, financial and other records. 2166. HIGHLAND. BAPTIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1884-93. 1 volume. Constitution and minutes of "Band of Helpers" Society. 2167. HILLSDALE. COLLEGE BAPTIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1864-1941. 1 volume and ca . 300 items. Minutes of the Hillsdale area Women's Missionary Society (1864-87), and correspond- ence, reports, membership rolls, and miscel- laneous papers. This church was originally a Free Baptist church. 2168. MANCHESTER. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. MINUTES, 1841-1917. 1 volume. Membership roll and minutes (1841-1910) with one entry for 1917. 2169. MILFORD. BAPTIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1844-92. 1 volume. Minutes of the congregation, membership rolls, and history of the church by H. H. Hewitt (1838-84). 2170. SALINE. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1830-1920, 1956. 4 volumes and 6 items. Minutes of the congregation, membership rolls, minutes of trustees (1845-68), and histor- ical sketches by Bessie Collins and Andrew J. Warren. 2171. VERONA. BAPTIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1840-1947. 6 volumes and 23 items. Membership rolls, minutes of the trustees and the congregation (1845-1947). The first vol- ume of minutes contains minutes (1840) of the Shiawassee Baptist Missionary Board. Other items include receipts, indentures and other business records, and a manuscript history of the church by Mrs. J. S. Spring (1895). 2172. YORK. BAPTIST CHURCH. TREASURER'S RECORD, 1915-22. 1 vol- ume. Treasurer's record of the Baptist Young People's Union of the church. CATHOLIC 2173. ANN ARBOR. ST. MARY'S STUDENT CHAPEL. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1924. 1 item. 2174. ANN ARBOR. ST. THOMAS THE APOS- TLE CHURCH. INVENTORY, c n.d.]. 1 item. Inventory of the church records, prepared by Louis Doll. 2175. BUCHANAN. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCH, ca. 1947. 16 pages. Sketch prepared by Ray Travis. 2176. DEARBORN. ROMAN CATHOLIC CEM- ETERY. RECORDS, 1944. 1 item. Records as taken from the tombstones (1944) of the cemetery located on Cherry Hill Road near Outer Drive. 2177. DEARBORN, SACRED HEART PARISH. RECORDS, 1916-38. 1 item. Typewritten copy, made in 1944 of Liber Animarum. 2178. DEARBORN. ST. ALPHONSUS CATHOLIC CHURCH. RECORDS, 1935-45. 4 volumes, type- written copies. Confirmation, baptismal and other records. 2179. HARTFORD TOWNSHIP (Van Bur en County). CATHOLIC CHURCH. 184 PAPERS, 1936. 3 items. Notes and a clipping on the history of the church. 2180. SALINE. ST. ANDREW'S MISSION. NOTES, jn.d.]. 1 item. Notes and list of references on the de- velopment of St. Andrew's of Saline as a mis- sion of St. Francis of Assisi Parish of Ann Arbor. CONGREGATIONAL 2181. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES IN MICHIGAN. JACKSON ASSOCIATION. RECORDS, 1842-1960. 9 volumes and 34 items. Clerk's records containing constitutions, treasurer's reports, rosters of ministers, min- utes of Association meetings (1842-1934); three volumes of minutes and three of scrapbooks of the Women's Division (1898-1960); minutes and register of delegates (1915-34) of the Southern Michigan Association which merged with the Jackson Association; financial records and cor- respondence largely relating to business affairs; scattered minutes of various boards, including records of the Southern Michigan Association. 2182. ANN ARBOR. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1847-1944. 62 volumes and 1-1/3 feet. Manuscript history of the church by C. O. Davis; clerk's records (1847-1926) containing membership rolls, minutes, and constitution; financial records and other reports (1870-1944); Church Society records (1869-1909); women's societies records (1847-1916); King's Daughters records (1899-1927); Men's Association records (1908-1926); records of the Children's Mission- ary Band (1884-1904); membership rolls and marriage records (1873-1906); correspondence, annual reports, and miscellaneous papers. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Lloyd C. Douglas, Shirley W. Smith. 2183. BAY CITY. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORD BOOK, 1846. 1 volume. Record book of the church of Lower Sagi- naw, containing articles of faith of the congre- gation. 2184. CARSONVILLE. FIRST CONGREGATION- AL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1887-1930. 10 items and 3 volumes. Treasurer's records (1892-1927); clerk's records containing minutes of the congregation (1887-1930); correspondence and other papers relating to church finances and business. 2185. CHELSEA. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1849-1949. 18 volumes. Financial records (1914-49); clerk's rec- ords containing minutes and membership rolls (1849-1916); Society records (1872-1924); Young People's organization records (1882-1901). 2186. CLINTON. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1833-1952. 8 volumes and 7 items. Clerk's records containing minutes and membership rolls; Church Society records and records of the merged First Presbyterian Church; programs and records (1903-52) of the Women's Fellowship. 2187. COMMERCE. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1838-54. 1 item, typewritten copy. Minutes and membership lists. 2188. FRANKFORT. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1868-88. 1 volume. Constitution, membership roll, financial records, minutes, and lists of meetings of the church. 2189. GRANDVILLE-JENISON. FIRST CON- GREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1838-1936. 9 volumes and 34 items. Clerk's records (1838-1934) containing constitution, membership rolls, minutes; Church Society records (1868-91); Sunday School records (1868-85, 1908-09)-all of Grandville Church; clerk's records (1903-36) containing constitution, membership rolls and minutes of the Jenison Church; scattered correspondence, receipts, business papers, historical sketch, articles of association, and other papers. 2190. LIMA. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1830-75. 3 volumes. Church Society records (1857-75); clerk's records containing minutes and membership rolls (1830-68); Women's Society records (1856- 63). 2191. MARSHALL. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1832-1906. 5 volumes. Clerk's records containing minutes and 185 and constitution (1832-45); financial records (1869-87, 1897-1906). 2192. NORTH HAMBURG. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1913-25. 1 volume. Clerk's records containing minutes and membership rolls. 2193. PINCKNEY. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1853-1924. 4 volumes. Clerk's records containing minutes and membership rolls (1870-1923); records of the Church Society (1853-1924); women's socieities records (1870-80, 1893-99). 2194. PONTIAC. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1848-1941. 13 volumes. Clerk's records containing minutes and reports (1848-69, 1917-41); Prudential Commit- tee records (1867-84); financial records (1892- 1925), one volume of which contains the 1914 minutes and membership rolls of two Boy Scout troops; Sunday School records (1862-99); min- utes of the Board of Deacons (1928-30); records of the Plymouth Club (1903-09); records of the Boys' Club (1919-20). 2195. SOLON. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1869-95. 1 volume. Clerk's records containing membership rolls and minutes. 2196. SOUTHFIELD. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1831-45. 1 volume. Minutes, lists of members, and other church data. 2197. STANTON. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1888-1900. 3 volumes. Financial records (1890-92), and records of the Young People's Society. 2198. WEBSTER (Washtenaw County). CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1834-1912. 1 volume, type- written copy. Records, compiled by Elizabeth Smith James in 1957, consist of membership rolls, minutes of the congregation, and other records. 2199. WHITTAKER. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1889-98. 1 volume. Constitution and minutes of the Women's Missionary Society. 2200. YPSILANTI. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1886-1944. 9 volumes and 4 items. Clerk's records containing constitution, minutes, membership rolls (1886-1939); mem- bership records (1892-1912); women's societies records (1915-40); two historical sketches. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST 2201. 2202. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. UPPER ROOM. ACCOUNT BOOK, ca. 1916-31. 1 volume. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. RECORDS, 1876-1949. 13 volumes. The records include state convention books of record, Board of Managers minutes, North- western Corporation minutes, Second District minutes, Sixth District minutes, Central District convention minutes, and a volume of statistics. 2203. ANN ARBOR. MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH. MEMBERSHIP ROLL, 1941. 1 volume. EVANGELICAL 2204. DEARBORN. FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1914-43. 2 volumes. Typescript copies made by Phyllis Bortuff (1945) of the records of the church, including historical sketch and membership rolls. 2205. FREEDOM TOWNSHIP (Washtenaw County). BETHEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1940. 7 pages. Sketch written by Walter F. Baumann, pastor of the church. LUTHERAN 2206. LUTHERAN CHURCH. MISSOURI SYNOD. DISTRICTS. MICHIGAN. PAPERS, 1921-26. 70 items. Correspondence, minutes and other papers of the Lutheran Schools Committee's campaign to combat a Ku Klux Klan inspired move to pro- hibit parochial schools in Michigan by constitu- tional amendment. 2207. FRANKENLUST. ST. PAUL EVANGEL- ICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1923. 1 item. Sketch written by Reverend J. G. Nuech- terlein. 186 2208. SALEM. LUTHERAN CHURCH. CEMETERY RECORDS, 1835-1900. 1 item, typewritten copy. METHODIST EPISCOPAL 2209. ADRIAN DISTRICT. WOMEN'S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1887-97. 1 volume. Minutes and financial statements of the annual meetings. 2210. ANN ARBOR. FIRST METHODIST EPIS- COPAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1916-36. 200 items. Minutes, correspondence, reports of the Wesleyan Guild Board (1916-17), the Methodist Educational Advance (1922-28), and the Wesleyan Foundation (1926-36). 2211. BATTLE CREEK. FIRST MFTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, ca. 1907. 10 pages. Historical sketch and list of pastors, compiled by Charlotte D. Pittee. 2212. BATTLE CREEK. MAPLE MFTHODIST CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCH, ca. 1938. 6 pages. 2213. DEARBORN. FIRST METHODIST EPIS- COPAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1945. 2 volumes. Typewritten copies, made by Phyllis Bortuff, of the records and membership rolls of the church. 2214. DETROIT. FIRST METHODIST EPIS- COPAL SOCIETY. CONSTITUTION, 1822. 1 item, photostat copy. 2215. DUNDEE. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH CIRCUIT. RECORDS, 1837-56. 1 volume. Minutes, financial records, baptismal records of the circuit. 2216. EVART. METHODIST- PRESBYTERIAN COOPERATIVE CHURCH. PAPERS, 1919-22. 18 items. Plan of cooperative union of the churches, correspondence, and other documents. 2217. GARDEN CITY. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. PETITION, 1841. 1 item. Petition of the congregation for the with- drawal of Nankin (Garden City) from the Metho- dist Church because of the failure of the denom- ination to condemn slavery. 2218. HASTINGS. FIRST METHODIST EPISCO- PAL CHURCH. FINANCIAL RECORDS, 1919-24. 1 vol- ume. 2219. ISABELLA INDIAN MISSION. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. HISTORY, ^.d.]. 21 pages. Typescript of a manuscript history of the missionary activities of the Methodist Episcopal Church among the Chippewa Indians in Isabella County and vicinity (1841-90). 2220. MILFORD. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1878-1914. 3 volumes. Reports (1885-1914) of the Women's Mis- sionary Society and lists of members; minutes and financial records of the Sunday School (1878- 82). 2221. MORENCI. MFTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. MINUTES, 1910-25. 1 volume. Minutes of the Women's Home Missionary Society. 2222. MOUNT MORRIS. MFTHODIST EPISCO- PAL CHURCH. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, 1938. 4 pages. History of the church compiled by the members. 2223. PINCKNEY. MFTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1871-91. 1 volume. Constitutions, membership rolls, minutes of the Women's Missionary Society. 2224. SALINE. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. PETITION, 1842. 1 item. Petition of some of the members of the church for transfer to the Wesleyan Methodist Church. 2225. STONY CREEK. MFTHODIST EPISCO- PAL CHURCH. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, ca. 1939. 9 pages. Historical sketch and list of members. 2226. YPSILANTI. FIRST MFTHODIST EPIS- COPAL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1831-1960. 73 volumes and ca. 250 items. 187 Minutes of the Quarterly Conference (1847-1909); membership rolls (1858-1922); fi- nancial records (1864-67, 1939); minutes of the Board of Trustees (1865-1911); bound and un- bound minutes of the Official Board (1831-34, 1903-1920, 1945-54); women's societies records and miscellaneous papers (1864-1960); church programs (1935-38); King's Guards records (1922-24); scrapbook of clippings on the history of the church; historical pageants; historical sketches; subscription list (1836); pew assign- ments; bulletins. PRESBYTERIAN 2227. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. SYNOD OF INDIANA. MINUTES, 1846-69, 1878-81. 1 volume (Mimeograph copy of 654 pages). Minutes contain records of Michigan churches in the St. Joseph Presbytery under the jurisdiction of the Synod of Indiana. 2228. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. SYNOD OF MICHIGAN. RECORDS, 1834-1960. 6 volumes and 3 feet. Minutes of the Synod (1834-84); treas- urer's record and minutes of the Evangelistic Committee (1912-13); minutes, bulletins and other papers of Presbyterian Youth. 2229. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. DETROIT. RECORDS, 1828-1940. 14 volumes. Minutes and rosters of ministers of the presbytery (1828-1940); statistical record (1829- 1928); financial record (1929-36). 2230. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. FLINT. RECORDS, 1905-58. 6 volumes. Minutes (1905-45); treasurer's records (1918-58); notes on dissolved churches of the presbytery. 2231. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. GRAND RAPIDS. RECORDS, 1870-1944. 7 volumes and 1 item. Minutes (1870-1944); treasurer's records (1889-1944); historical sketch of the presbytery, compiled by George Ransom, and of the women's work, compiled by Mrs. Frank E. Stroup. 2232. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. GRAND RIVER VAL- LEY. MINUTES, 1857-70. 1 volume. 2233. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. KALAMAZOO. RECORDS, 1839-1944. 9 volumes. Minutes; history of the presbytery and biographical sketches of its ministers, compiled by F. Z. Rossiter (1896). 2234. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. LAKE SUPERIOR. RECORDS, 1857-1961. 13 volumes and 9 items. Minutes of the presbytery (old school, 1857-61); minutes of the presbytery; treasurer's records (1895-1931); registers; manuscript his- tories of the presbytery; scattered reports and other papers. 2235. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. LANSING. RECORDS, 1870-1961. 10 volumes. Minutes (1870-1961) and correspondence, reports and other papers (1957-61). 2236. 2237. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. MARSHALL. MINUTES, 1838-70. 3 volumes. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. PETOSKEY. RECORDS, 1888-1961. 10 volumes. Minutes, registers of churches, and fi- nancial records. 2238. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. SAGINAW. MINUTES, 1856-1935. 5 volumes. 2239. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. ST. JOSEPH. MINUTES, 1833-40. 1 volume. The minutes include some Indiana churches as well as Michigan. 2240. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. PRESBYTERIES. WASHTENAW. RECORDS, 1837-70. 3 volumes and 1 item. Minutes and a historical sketch. 2241. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NORTH AMERICA. PRESBYTERIES. DETROIT. Minutes, 1852-1948. 4 volumes. 2242. ALBION. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1839-1957. 22 volumes, 3 feet, and 1 reel of microfilm. Financial records (1893-1957); trustees 188 minutes (1911-16, 1929-55); minutes of deacon- esses (1918-21); record of dismissals (1920-34); women's societies records (1882-1957); minutes of a Sunday School class (1938-47); scrapbook of materials relating to the church (1936-37); cor- respondence and annual reports; microfilm rec- ords (1839-1954) of church register, session minutes, and other records. 2243. ANN ARBOR. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. PAPERS, 1883-1959. 7 volumes and 3 feet. Minutes of the Church Society (1883-1908); minutes of the Women's Missionary Society (1915-26); correspondence and other papers deal- ing with fund raising for the church building; extensive correspondence and minutes of the Presbyterian Corporation of The University of Michigan, formerly known as the Tappan Pres- byterian Association; constitution and member- ship roll of the Young People's Society (1894- 1905). 2244. ARENAC. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1899-1947. 1 volume. Membership lists and scattered minutes of the session. 2245. AU SABLE and OSCODA. FIRST PRES- BYTERIAN CHURCH. DEED TO CHURCH PROPERTY, 1873. 1 item. 2246. BAY CITY. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1931. 10 pages. "Historical Resume of First Presbyterian Church of Bay City, Michigan, Read at the 75th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday Evening, Oc- tober 25th, 1931," by A. H. McMillan. 2247. BIG RAPIDS. WESTMINSTER PRESBY- TERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1890-1940. 7 volumes. The women's societies records, including constitutions, minutes and financial records. 2248. BLISSFIELD. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1845-1941. 4 volumes and 2 items. Minutes of the session (1845-68); records of congregational and trustees meetings (1879- 1941); records of the women's societies (1852- 61, 1893-1909), the first volume of which in- cludes the constitution, financial reports and minutes of the Soldiers Aid Society of Blissfield (1861-64); deed to church property (1884); letter of transfer of membership. 2249. BLOOMFIELD. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1831-51. 1 volume. Minutes, membership roll, and financial records of the church. 2250. BRIDGEHAMPTON. FIRST PRESBYTE- RIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1894-1947, 1954. 3 volumes and 4 items. Minutes and financial records; historical notes and miscellaneous papers. 2251. BUCHANAN. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1847-1925. 3 volumes and 1 item. Minutes, membership rolls, financial rec- ords, historical sketch. 2252. CALEDONIA. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL DATA SHEET, 1933. 1 item. 2253. CARO. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL DATA SHEET, 1933. 1 item. 2254. CASEVILLE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1891-1927. 1 volume. Minutes, membership rolls, miscellaneous records. 2255. CASS CITY. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL DATA SHEET, [1933]. litem. 2256. CHANDLER. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1940. 10 pages. History of the Chandler Presbyterian Church, 1889-1940. 2257. COLUMBIA. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. PAPERS, 1887, 1904-39. 1 volume and 2 items. Membership roll (1904-37); deeds (1887, 1939). 2258. CONSTANTINE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1856-85. 1 volume. Minutes, membership rolls, notes on the history of the church from 1836-56, and miscel- laneous records. 2259. CORUNNA. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1844-1909. 2 volumes. Minutes, membership rolls, miscellaneous records. 189 2260. CROSS VILLAGE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1887-1959. 1 volume. Minutes of the session, membership list, baptismal roll and other records. 2261. 2262. 2263. DEARBORN (DEARBORNVILLE). FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1834-81. 1 volume. Minutes and membership rolls. DECATUR. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL DATA SHEET, [1933]. 1 item. DETROIT. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1929-43. 3 volumes. Membership rolls, minutes and reports of the Session and the Board of Trustees. 2264. DETROIT. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL DATA SHEET, [1933]. 1 item. 2265. DETROIT. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1817-1933. 7 volumes and 300 items. Financial records of the First Protestant Society (1821-47); minutes and financial records of the Board of Deacons (1872-88); Sunday School accounts (1923-33); pew records, deeds, constitution, scattered correspondence and min- utes of various church groups and of the ses- sion, receipts and other financial records. Correspondents include Marcus A. Brown- son, James V. Campbell, John P. Cleaveland, Divie Bethune Duffield, George Duffield, William A. Howard. 2266. DETROIT. FORT WAYNE PRESBYTE- RIAN CHURCH. MEMBERSHIP REGISTER, 1906-24. 1 volume. 2267. DETROIT. MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1854-1938. 42 volumes and ca . 175 items. Minutes (1881-1938); membership records; church library records (1862-69); Women's So- ciety records; Sunday School attendance records; financial records; minutes of special trustees (1913-18); records of the Clinton Avenue Mis- sion of Memorial Church, including minutes (1866-80), Sunday School records, Russell Street Sunday School records (1858-62), correspondence and reports. 2268. DETROIT. OLIVET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1933-45. 2 volumes. Minutes and membership rolls. 2269. EAST JORDAN. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTOR 1 item. HISTORICAL DATA SHEET, [1933] 2270. EAST TAWAS. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1915-25. 1 volume. Minutes, membership roll, historical sketch. 2271. ECKFORD. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1839-1921. 4 volumes and 53 items. Minutes, financial records, letters of transfer, church trials. 2272. ELK. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. PAPERS, ca. 1941. 7 items. Manuscript histories and historical notes on the church. 2273. ELKTON. PREBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1896-1925. 1 volume and 16 items. Historical sketch, financial records, min- utes, membership roll. 2274. EVART. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1872-1917. 2 volumes and 1 item. Membership roll; minutes (1872-78); con- stitution and minutes (1912-17) of the Women's Missionary Society. 2275. FAIRGROVE. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1933. 2 items. History of the church by Gladys Davis, and a letter about this item from Reverend Ar- thur K. Korteling. 2276. FARMINGTON. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. MINUTES, 1855-72. 1 volume. 2277. FILION. COMMUNITY (PRESBYTERIAN) CHURCH. RECORDS, 1932-55. 1 volume and 4 items. Minutes, membership rolls, financial rec- ords, historical sketch by Mrs. Albert Nelson. 2278. FLINT. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL DATA SHEET, [1933]. 1 item. 190 2279. FLINT. PARKLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL DATA SHEET, [1933] . 1 item. 2280. FLINT. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL DATA SHEET, il933]. 1 item. 2281. GARDEN CITY (NANKIN). PRESBYTE- RIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1840-1956. 8 items and 9 volumes. Minutes of the Garden City Presbyterian Church and of its predecessors in Nankin and East Nankin, including trustees minutes, mem- bership register, constitutions and minutes of the Young People's Society and Literary Society (1877-86), historical sketches, subscription list, mortgage, and programs of special events. 2282. GLADSTONE. WESTMINSTER PRESBY- TERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1887-1930. 2 volumes. Church register; minutes of the session and treasurer's reports (1921-30). 2283. GRAND MARAIS. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. MINUTES OF THE SESSION, 1896-1928. 1 volume. 2284. GRAND RAPIDS. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. SUBSCRIPTION LIST, [1840?]. 1 item. Subscription list for erecting the church and listing reasons for building, one of which was to prepare the way for the establishment of a branch of The University of Michigan. 2285. GRAND RAPIDS. HOLLANDISCHE PRES- BYTERIAANISCHE. RECORDS, 1905-07. 1 volume. Minutes (in Dutch) and financial records. 2286. GRAND RAPIDS. WESTMINSTER PRES- BYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1931-33. 1 volume and 4 items. Historical accounts and extracts from the records of the church, compiled by Florence McCutcheon McKee (Mrs. S. Wallace McKee) and others; report (1932) on the conditions of the church. 2287. GRAND RAPIDS. WYOMING PARK TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1923-24. 1 volume. Brief historical record, membership roll, and minutes. 2288. GRAND TRAVERSE BAY. PRESBYTERIAN MISSION CHURCH. MINUTES, 1843-70. 1 item. Minutes as written by Peter Dougherty. 2289. GROSSE POINTE. MEMORIAL PRESBY- TERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCHES, 1933. 2 items. Sketches written by Mrs. Mattie Wood- bridge Metcalf (Mrs. Charles H. Metcalf). 2290. HARBOR BEACH. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCHES, 1933. 2 items. Sketches compiled by J. N. Wilson. 2291. HASTINGS. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1934. 1 item. Sketch compiled by Lemuel Severance. 2292. HOLT. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1933. 1 item. Sketch compiled by Rose Thorburn. 2293. HOMER. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1844-1920. 2 volumes and 1 item. Minutes, membership rolls, and other records. 2294. IONIA. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCHES, [1932?]. 2 items. 2295. IRON COUNTY. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. PAPERS, 1951. 10 items. Papers dealing with the dissolution of i;he Iron County Presbyterian Church. 2296. IRON MOUNTAIN. FIRST PRESBYTE- RIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1884-1950. 3 volumes. Minutes, membership roll, list of church officers, marriages, and baptisms, minutes and records of the Women's Missionary Society. 2297. JACKSON. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. PAPERS, ca. 1933. 2 items. Historical sketch and list of contents of the corner stone. 2298. JONESVILLE. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1836-1936. 9 volumes and 24 items. 191 Minutes, membership rolls (1836-95); minutes of the church society and trustees (1837- 1906); financial records (1878-1905); correspond- ence relating to the work of the church and pew rental; material on the 1936 centennial celebra- tion. 2299. KENDALL. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1874-93. 1 volume. Minutes, financial records, historical sketch. 2300. KINDE. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1948-58. 1 volume. Minutes of the trustees. 2301. LANSING. FRANKLIN AVENUE PRES- BYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1863-1909, 1933. 5 volumes and 10 items. Minutes and historical sketch of the ses- sion (1865-97); minutes (1866-1909); minutes of the Presbyterian Society (1863-68); membership register; historical notes; biographical sketches of prominent members. 2302. LODI. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1836-57. 1 volumes. Membership roll and minutes. The Lodi church was an offshoot of the Presbyterian Church of Saline. 2303. 2304. 2305. LUDINGTON. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1917-25. 1 volume. Minutes and membership roll. MACON. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1915-27. 1 volume. Membership roll and scattered minutes. MANISTIQUE. WOODS COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1942-1952. 1 volume. Minutes, membership rolls, and other records. 2306. MAPLE RIDGE TOWNSHIP. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1886-1915. 1 volume. Minutes and membership roll. This church was near Alpena. 2307. MARLETTE. FLYNN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1909-40. 1 volume and 12 items. Minutes and membership roll (1909-22); historical data sheet; miscellaneous papers. 2308. MENOMINEE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1918. 1 item. 2309. MERIDIAN. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. MINUTES, 1843-53. 1 volume. 2310. MONROE. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1911-40. 1 volume and 6 items. Membership roll of the Cradle Roll Sunday School class (1911, 1925); copied extracts of ear- ly church records; historical sketch and other papers relating to the history of the church. 2311. MUIR. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCHES, 1906, t 1932?]. 2 items. Historical sketches of the church and of the Christian Endeavor Society. 2312. 2313. MUNDY. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1844-87. 1 volume. Minutes and membership roll. NILES. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL SKETCHES, 1934. 2 items. Copies of historical addresses; historical data sheet. 2314. NORTHVILLE. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1842-99. 3 volumes and 1 item. Historical record (1900?) containing rem- iniscences, extracts from letters, membership roll, and miscellaneous notes on the church from 1829 to 1899; minutes and membership roll (1842- 95); minutes of the First Presbyterian Society (1845-49); Sunday School record book (1878-83). 2315. ONTONAGON. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL DATA SHEET and SKETCH, [1933?] 2 items. 2316. PEWAMO. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1865-82. 1 volume. Minutes of the church and society. 2317. PINCKNEY. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. MINUTES, 1840-70. 1 volume. 2318. PINNEBOG. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1905-26. 1 volume. Minutes and membership roll. 192 2319. PLYMOUTH. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1829-52. 5 items. Membership records, lists of ministers and church officers. 2320. PONTIAC. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1823-1937. 49 volumes and 300 items. Minutes, membership rolls, financial ac- counts, historical sketch (1824-1931); register of members; financial records (1913-37); minutes of the trustees (1904-18); minutes of the Church Society (1870-1903); women's societies records (1908-28); minutes of Sunday School teachers (1927-28); minutes, correspondence and other papers of the Building Committee (1914-25); Men's Society records (1928-29); scrapbooks (ca . 1882-93); files of unbound financial records, sermons, reports, correspondence; historical sketches; material on the International Council of Religious Education; deed to the church (1823). 2321. 2322. POPPLE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1893-1936. 1 volume. Membership roll and scattered minutes. PORT HOPE. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1934-50. 11 items. Scattered minutes, membership roll, mis- cellaneous papers. 2323. 2324. SAGINAW. WASHINGTON AVENUE PRES- BYTERIAN CHURCH. HISTORICAL DATA SHEET, t 1933] . 1 item. ST. LOUIS. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. MINUTES, 1932. 1 item. One page of minutes and an attached clip- ping containing a history of the church. 2325. SALINE. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1831-1956. 17 volumes and 18 items. Minutes and membership rolls; Church Society minutes (1837-97); Young People's So- ciety minutes (1885-95); Sunday School records (1933-37); women's societies records (1865- 1950); financial records (1880-1912); guest reg- ister, correspondence, historical sketches and other papers relating to the 125th anniversary celebration. 2326. SAND HILL. BROWNSTOWN and TAYLOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1894-1901. 2 volumes. Church register (1894-1901); minutes and membership rolls (1899-1901). The church was located in Wayne County. 2327. SASHABAW. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1846-1923. 2 volumes and 52 items. Minutes and membership rolls, business correspondence, other records and miscellaneous papers. The church was located in Independence township, Oakland County. 2328. SAULT STE. MARIE. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1906-18. 1 volume. Minutes and financial records. 2329. SHINGLETON. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1941-61. 2 volumes and 13 items. Minutes, membership rolls, baptismal records, reports, scattered correspondence. 2330. SOUTH LYON. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1838-1953. 5 volumes and 1 item. Minutes; membership register; historical data sheet. 2331. SOUTH ONEIDA. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1898-1952. 8 volumes. Minutes (1924-46); trustees' minutes (1924- 41); financial records (1898-1952). The church was near Grand Ledge. 2332. SOUTHFIELD. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. MINUTES, 1836-1929. 1 volume. 2333. STONY CREEK. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1833-1904. 3 volumes and 1 item. Minutes and membership rolls; constitu- tion and minutes of the Presbyterian Society (1835-88) and of the Female Benevolent Society (1835-40). 2334. TAWAS CITY. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1911-19. 1 volume and 3 items. Minutes and membership roll; historical sketch; miscellaneous papers. 193 2335. TECUMSEH. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1828-69. 2 volumes. Minutes and membership rolls; historical sketch. 2336. VICKSBURG. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. MINUTES, 1916-26. 1 volume. 2337. WHITE LAKE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. SUNDAY SCHOOL RECORD BOOK, 1884. 1 volume. 2338. WING LAKE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1847-80. 2 volumes. Minutes; membership rolls; financial rec- ords. 2339. YPSILANTI. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1830-1950. 22 volumes and 100 items. Minutes (1856-1944); membership regis- ters; minutes, financial records, annual reports, constitution, and other papers of the women's societies; minutes of the trustees (1906-43); minutes (1830-46) of the First Congregational Society, the forerunner of this church; miscel- laneous business papers, historical notes, record of church trials. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL 2340. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. MICHIGAN (DIOCESE). RECORDS, 1830-1959. 5 feet and 37 vol- umes. Minutes of the Executive Council; com- mittee reports; records of ordinations, dismis- sals, confirmations; treasurer's reports; histo- rical sketches; scattered correspondence; deeds; biographical notes of ministers of the Diocese; records of Batchelder Hall (1926-31); records of the following individual churches:- Allen Park. St. Luke's; Alpena. Trinity; Ann Arbor. St. An- drew's; Au Sable. St. John's; Bad Axe. St. Paul's; Bay City. Grace Church; Belleville. Grace Mission; Big Rapids. St. John's; Birming- ham. St. James'; Bridgehampton and Decker- ville Chapels; Brighton. St. Paul's; Brooklyn. All Saints'; Cambridge Junction. St. Michael's and All Angels'; Carsonville. St. David's; Cheboygan. St. James'; Clinton. St. John's; Corunna. St. Paul's; Dearborn. Christ Church; Detroit:- All Saints', Christ Church, Church of the Good Shepherd, Church of the Incarnation, Epiphany, Mariners', St. Andrew's, St. George's, St. Joseph's, St. Luke's, St. Mark's, St. Matthew's, St. Matthias', St. Paul's, St. Philip's and St. Stephen's, St. Thomas'; Dexter. St. James'; East Tawas. Christ Church; Escanaba. St. Stephen's; Ferndale. St. Luke's; Flint. St. An- drew's; Flint. St. Paul's; Gagetown. Grace Church; Gladstone. Trinity; Grass Lake. St. Mary's Mission; Grosse lie. St. James'; Ham- burg. St. Stephen's; Harsens Island. St. Paul's; Hazel Park. St. Margaret's; Henrietta. Christ Church; Highland Park. St. Alban's; Hillman. Calvary; Hillsdale. St. Peter's; Howell. St. John's; Hudson. Trinity; Jackson. St. Paul's; Jonesville. Grace Church; Lapeer. Grace Church; Linden. Church of the Messiah; Long Rapids. Grace Church; Mackinac Island. Trin- ity; Marine City. St. Mark's; Marlette. Church of Christ the Carpenter; Menominee. Trowbridge Mission; Monroe. Trinity; Mount Clemens. Grace Church; Oakley Park. St. Anne's; Otter Lake. St. John's; Port Crescent. All Saints'; Port Huron. Grace Church; River Rouge. St. Hilda's; Rochester. St. Philip's; Romulus. St. Andrew's Mission; Royal Oak. St. John's; Saginaw. Cal- vary; St. Clair Shores. Trinity; St. Louis. Em- manuel; Sandusky. St. John's; Sault Ste. Marie. St. James'; Stockbridge. Christ Church; Tecum- seh. St. Peter's; Vassar. St. John's; Wayne. St. John's; Wyandotte. St. Stephen's; Ypsilanti. St. Luke's. 2341. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. DETROIT. RECORDS, 1885-1933. 5 volumes. Incomplete records of the monthly meet- ings of the Detroit clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 2342. ADRIAN. CHRIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1908-35. 2 volumes. Minutes, membership roll, financial rec- ords of the Women's Auxiliary. 2343. ANN ARBOR. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH. RECORDS, 1885-1928. 15 volumes. Financial records (1896-98); scrapbook of church activities; Women's Association minutes and records (1916-28); Men's Association min- utes and records (1914-17); records of Hobart Guild (1885-1915), the college young people's association, including minutes, registers of mem- bers, library records, financial records, and a scrapbook containing a letter (1886) from Bishop Samuel S. Harris. 2344. BAD AXE. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. RECORDS, 1888-1924. 1 volume. Records of baptisms, marriages, burials. 194 2345. CARO. TRINITY MISSION. RECORDS, 1887-1929. 5 volumes. Incomplete minutes (1906-27) of the ves- try meetings of the church, and records of mar- riages, baptisms, burials. 2346. CHESANING. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. RECORDS, ca. 1919. 1 volume. Record of families attending the church. 2347. 2348. COLEMAN. ST. ANDREW'S MISSION. RECORDS, 1907-26. 1 volume. Records of baptisms, marriages, burials. DEARBORN. CHRIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1903-44. 2 volumes. Typewritten copies of records containing rosters of members, membership roll, confir- mation and baptismal records. 2349. DEARBORN. ST. BARTHOLEMEW'S MISSION. REPORT, 1928-30. 1 volume. Report of the financial condition of the Mission. 2350. DETROIT. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. RECORDS, 1891-1914. 1 volume. Records of baptisms and burials. 2351. DETROIT. EPHPHATHA MISSION. RECORDS, 1914, 1918-28. 3 volumes. Minutes of vestry meetings and other records. 2352. DETROIT. MARINERS' CHURCH. RECORDS, 1848-1907. 1 volume. Typewritten copy of a history of the church and of the official acts of Board of Trus- tees. 2353. DETROIT. REDEEMER CHURCH. RECORDS, 1928-52. 3 volumes. Records of baptisms, marriages, burials, membership; and treasurer's reports. 2354. DETROIT. ST. BARNABAS' CHURCH. RECORDS, 1908-40. 1 volumes. Records of baptisms, marriages, burials. 2355. DETROIT. ST. CHRISTOPHER'S CHURCH. RECORDS, 1958. 3 items. Papers relating to the dedication of the church. 2356. DETROIT. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. RECORDS, 1885-1935. 5 volumes. Records of baptisms, confirmations, membership, burials. 2357. DETROIT. ST. LUKE'S MEMORIAL CHAPEL. RECORDS, 1900-05. 1 volume. Records of baptisms, marriages, burials. 2358. FORESTER. ST. PETER'S- BY-THE- LAKE. HISTORICAL SKETCH, ca. 1952. 10 pages. 2359. GRASS LAKE. ST. MARY'S CHAPEL. RECORDS, 1894-1919. 1 volume. Records of baptisms and confirmations, and notes on church history. 2360. HOWELL. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. RECORDS, 1837-1935. 3 volumes. Records of baptisms, marriages, burials; minutes of the Board of Trustees (1837-80); record of church services. 2361. MARLETTE. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST THE CARPENTER. RECORDS, 1955-57. 2 volumes. Records of baptisms, membership, bur- ials, church services. 2362. SAGINAW. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. RECORDS, 1887-95. 1 volume. Records of baptisms, confirmations, bur- ials, church services. 2363. ST. LOUIS. EMMANUEL CHURCH. RECORDS, 1886-1941. 10 volumes. Financial reports and records of baptisms, confirmations, burials, vestry meetings, and the Triangle Club. 2364. SALINE. THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY CROSS. RECORDS, 1957-58. 2 volumes. Register of church services and records of baptisms and confirmations. 2365. TECUMSEH. ST. PETER'S CHURCH. RECORDS, 1830-1944. 3 volumes and 16 items. Minutes, correspondence, subscription list for construction of the church, historical sketches, other papers. 2366. VALENTINE. CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. RECORDS, 1946-52. 2 volumes. Records of church services, baptisms, confirmations. The church is also known as Valentine Community Mission. 2367. VASSAR. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. RECORDS, 1887-1911. 1 volume. Records of baptisms, confirmations, burials. 195 2368. YPSILANTI. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH. RECORDS, 1836-1934. 20 volumes. Minutes (1837-1926); women's societies records (1863-69, 1891-1934); finaicial records (1906-13); minister's register (Henry P. Powers, 1838-47); membership registers (1839-1934). REFORMED CHURCH 2369. GRAFFSCHAP. REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA. PAPERS, 1857-79. 16 items. Largely correspondence (in Dutch) con- cerning the obtaining of a minister from The Netherlands. 2370. HILLSDALE COUNTY. REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA. RECORD BOOK, 1852-65. 16 pages, typewritten copy. Consistory book containing minutes and marriage and financial records. 2371. RIDGEWAY. REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA. RECORDS, 1843-55. 1 volume and 9 items. Brief historical sketch of the church, membership roll, minutes of the congregation; notes on the church cemetery, transfer of mem- bership letters, subscription list for the pas- tor's salary. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS 2372. BATTLE CREEK. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. RECORDS, 1921? 1 item. Burial records and historical notes on the Friends meeting house and burying ground. UNIVERSALIST 2373. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. VITAL STATISTICS, 1843-48. 1 item. Vital statistics for various Michigan counties, copied from the paper The Expounder of Primitive Christianity . 2374. PLYMOUTH. FIRST UNIVERSALIST SO- CIETY. CONSTITUTION, 1834. 1 item. WESLEYAN METHODIST 2375. WESLEYAN METHODIST CONNECTION (OR CHURCH) OF AMERICA. CONFER- ENCES. MICHIGAN. RECORDS, 1852-1942. 8 volumes. Minutes, financial records, membership statistics, biographies of ministers of the yearly conferences; minutes and constitution of the As- sociation for Ministerial Improvement of the Michigan Conference (1871-1917) with minutes of the Leoni Wesleyan Church (1857-60). 2376. ALTON. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH. RECORDS, 1891-1906. 1 volume. Minutes and membership rolls. BUSINESS RECORDS 2377. ALBION EXCHANGE AND DEPOSIT BANK. CASH JOURNAL, 1882-85. 1 volume. Cash journal of the bank, J. M. Peabody, proprietor. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 2378. ALBION MALLEABLE IRON COMPANY. ACCOUNTS, 1911-12. 25 pages. Record of monthly statements. 2379. AMERICAN BOILER AND FOUNDRY COMPANY, Milan. LETTER, 1938. 1 item. Letter to Representative Earl C. Mich- ener, describing wage policies and working con- ditions in the plant and opposing the Black -Con- nery Bill. Gift of Mr. F. E. Ross, 1939. 2380. AMERICAN FUR COMPANY. BUSINESS RECORD, 1830. 1 item. One page taken from a journal of the Company on Michilimackinac. Gift of Mrs. George P. McCallum, Sr., 1952. 2381. ARMADA GENERAL STORE (Firm name unknown). LEDGER, 1850-60. 1 volume. Gift of Mrs. A. W. Tiffany, 1947. 2382. ARMSTRONG (Rollo S.) GROCERY AND DRUG STORE, Chelsea. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1882-84. 2 vol- umes. Journal and account book. 2383. BALLARD, ARDEN H. PAPERS, 1830-65. Ca. 250 items. Scattered business correspondence, re- ceipts, legal documents, account and miscel- laneous papers of his blacksmith shop and gen- eral store in Ypsilanti. Gift of Mr. B. C. Thompson, 1953. 2384. BELKNAP WAGON COMPANY, Grand Rapids. RECEIPTS, 1897. 2 items. Gift of Dr. Clark F. Norton, 1951. 2385. BLAKE AND KEITH GENERAL STORE, Galesburg. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1852-53. 3 volumes. Ledger and two daybooks. Gift of Harold C. Brooks, 1946. 2386. BOHR (Joseph) LUMBER AND GRAIN MILL, Westphalia. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1850-66. 2 volumes. Daybook and ledger. 2387. BOHR (Theresa) MILLINERY AND DRESS- MAKER SHOP, Westphalia. DAYBOOK, 1878-84. 1 volume. 2388. BORDEN (Charles) AND BROWN (Z. C.) GENERAL STORE, South Lyon. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1835-75. 13 vol- umes. Gift of Miss Janet Warden, 1958. 2389. BOSTON AND LAKE SUPERIOR MINING ASSOCIATION. PAPERS, 1845-47. 96 items. Bills, receipts, shipping manifests, arti- cles of association, indentures, accounts, and fourteen items of correspondence relating to the company, including information on travel to Mich- igan, shipping on the Great Lakes, and living conditions in the copper mining towns of the Keweenaw area. 2390. BOTSFORD AND WARNER GENERAL STORE, Farmington. CASHBOOK, 1851-54. 24 pages. Gift of Howard Warner and Mrs. Fred M. Warner, 1939. 2391. BRENNAN (John) AND COMPANY, Battle Creek. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1894-1916. 1 volume. Boilermaker's account book. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 2392. BREWER (Chauncey M.) AND GORHAM (Charles T.), Marshall. BUSINESS PAPERS, 1836-1926. Ca. 350 items and 639 volumes. Business records of a Marshall general store, stores absorbed by it, and allied enter- prises including farming. Records include day- books, ledgers, cashbooks, inventories, three letterpress books (1889-1902), scattered corre- spondence and other business papers. Gift of Mrs. C. E. Gauss. 196 197 2393. BROUGHTON, HAZE & WILCOX, Pinckney. PAPERS, 1856-66. 35 items and 2 vol- umes. Receipts, accounts and other business pa- pers of this investment and money-lending firm. Gift of Mrs. N. D. Potter, 1952. 2394. BROWN (B.) GENERAL STORE, Walled Lake. DAYBOOK, 1856-57, 1865. 1 volume. Contains account (1865) of Commerce township's subscriptions to Lincoln's call (Dec. 19, 1864) for $300,000. 2395. BROWN (Ebenezer Lakin) AND SCOTT (A. H.) GENERAL STORE, Schoolcraft. DAYBOOK, 1837-39. 1 volume. Gift of E. L. Brown, 1937. 2396. BROWN (H. D.) GROCERY STORE, Albion. CASHBOOK , 1924-32. 1 volume. 2397. CARPENTER AND STONE GENERAL STORE, Blissfield. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1852-55. 3 volumes. Two daybooks and a ledger of the store. 2398. CARVER (Oscar P.) GENERAL STORE, Summit City. DAYBOOK, 1875-79. 1 volume. Gift of Miss Eleanor M. Hickin, 1952. 2399. CHAMBERLAIN AND McKIE GENERAL STORE, Three Oaks. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1864-70. 2 volumes. 2400. CHAPMAN (Darius) GENERAL STORE, Coldwater. LEDGER, 1853-58. 1 volume. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 2401. CHESBROUGH (A.) LUMBER COMPANY, Thompson. LEDGER, 1891-93. 1 volume. Gift of Mrs. J. Joseph Herbert, 1960. 2402. CHICAGO AND GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. PAPERS, 1880-86. 5 items. Letter requesting information on freight rates, and receipts. Gift of Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe, 1955. 2403. CHICAGO AND WESTERN MICHIGAN RAILROAD. PAYROLL BOOKS, 1879-81, 1898-99. 3 volumes. Gift of Miss Geneva Kebler, 1959. 2404. CHRYSLER CORPORATION. PAPERS, 1929. 4 items. Correspondence and papers relating to the CIO slowdown in the plants. Correspondents include K. T. Keller and Herman L. Weckler. 2405. CLINTON GENERAL STORE (Firm name unknown). ACCOUNT BOOK, 1845-46. 1 volume. Gift of Erwin C. Overbeck, 1946. 2406. COE AND PARKHURST, Coldwater. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1852-61. 3 volumes. Two ledgers and a daybook of the law firm of Coe and Parkhurst. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 2407. COE AND TURNER, Coldwater. COLLECTION BOOK, 1849-58. 1 volume. Collection book with credit ratings for Branch County. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 2408. COLDWATER GENERAL STORE (Firm name unknown). ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1834-37. 3 volumes. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 2409. COLDWATER INSURANCE FIRM. BUSINESS RECORD, 1865-68. 1 volume. Fire abstract underwriter book of the firm operated at various times by F. V. Smith, A. Halsted, Halsted and Pond, C. V. R. Pond, and Fortu and Van Ness. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 2410. COMSTOCK GENERAL STORE (Firm name unknown). ACCOUNT BOOK, 1831-88. 1 volume. Gift of James Buckley, 1958. 2411. CONCORD GENERAL STORE (Firm name unknown). ACCOUNT BOOK, 1871-72. 1 volume. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 2412. COON (Ira) AND COMPANY, Coldwater. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1849-52. 2 vol- umes. Ledger and daybook of Coon of Milan, Ohio(1849-50) and Coldwater, Michigan (1851-52). Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 2413. CRAM (J.) GENERAL STORE, Northville. DAYBOOKS, 1841-47. 4 volumes. 198 2414. DAVIS & BROTHERS COMPANY, Dexter. ACCOUNTS, 1893-94. 5 items. Miscellaneous accounts of a grocery store. Gift of Mrs. Royal S. Copeland, 1956. 2415. DETROIT POST AND TRIBUNE COM- PANY. PAPERS, 1861-86. 18 items and 1 vol- ume. Record book containing articles of incor- poration and Board minutes, and miscellaneous papers. Gift of Mrs. Henry B. Joy, 1946. 2416. DODGE BROTHERS. CONTRACT, 1903-06. 3 items. Copy of an agreement between Dodge Brothers and the Ford Motor Company; price lists. 2417. DOUGLASS HOUSE, Houghton. REGISTER, 1861-65. 1 volume. Register of hotel guests and dates of arrival and departure of ships. Gift of Mrs. Mary Sheldon Barry, 1950. 2418. DUSTIN (Fred P.) HARDWARE COM- PANY, Saginaw. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1892-1910. 5 vol- umes. Four volumes of hardware business rec- ords; one volume of miscellaneous business and personal accounts. Gift of Miss Geneva Kebler, 1958. 2419. EAGLE RIVER GENERAL STORE (Firm name unknown). ACCOUNT BOOK, 1863. 1 volume. The book mentions accounts of several copper mining companies. 2420. EASTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. INDENTURE, 1843. 1 item. Copy of an indenture concluded between the Railroad and the Lewis Wharl Company on provisions for running rails on adjoining prop- erty. 2421. EATON RAPIDS UNDERTAKERS (Firm name unknown). ACCOUNT BOOK, 1881-96. 1 volume. Record of prices paid for caskets and purchasers' names. Gift of Miss Geneva Kebler, 1959. 2422. ERIE AND KALAMAZOO RAILROAD BANK, Adrian. RECORDS, 1836-38. 1 volume. Records of accounts and captialization. (For Railroad, see 2682.) Gift of Louis F. Kaiser, 1937. 2423. FAIRBANKS SCALE COMPANY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1835-57. 15 items. Scattered correspondence from Fairbanks Scale Company agents in Michigan to the home office in Vermont, mostly about business mat- ters but occasionally giving good descriptions of Michigan towns. Gift of Miss Cornelia T. Fairbanks, 1957. 2424. FARGO (James H.) AND BROWN GEN- ERAL STORE, Tecumseh. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1835-38. 2 vol- umes. Daybook and account book. 2425. FARGO (James H.) AND FARGO (W. G.) GENERAL STORE AND FLOUR MILL, Manchester. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1833-41. 4 volumes. Daybook and ledgers of a general store and flour mill. Gift of William G. Fargo, 1951. 2426. FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK, De- troit. PAPERS, 1836-51. 10 items. Papers are mostly correspondence of John A. Wells to J. and I. Townsend. 2427. FIELD (O. I.) GENERAL STORE, Walled Lake. LEDGER, 1845. 1 volume. 2428. FISH (B. P.) AND FISH (S. W.) GROCERY STORE, Saginaw. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1865-76. 4 volumes. Three daybooks and a ledger. Gift of Fred Dustin, 1954. 2429. FISHER AND MONROE, Big Rapids. PAPERS, 1869. 13 items. Invoices and bills of a general store. Gift of Mrs. Warren Wood, 1960. 2430. FLETCHER (Addison) LUMBER COM- PANY, Alpena. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1868-1925. 13 vol- umes. Ledgers, journals, cashbook and check- book of the Addison Fletcher Lumber Company. Gift of Philip K. Fletcher, 1950. 2431. FLETCHER, PACK AND COMPANY, Alpena. RECORDS, 1879-98. 25 volumes and 200 items. 199 Correspondence on taxes and land rec- ords; ledgers and daybooks covering their lum- ber business. Gift of Philip K. Fletcher, 1950. 2432. FLINT AND PERE MARQUETTE RAIL- ROAD. PAPERS, 1859-78. 4 items. Negative photostats of railroad clear lists and two miscellaneous items. 2433. FLINT GAS COMPANY. RECORD BOOK, 1904. 1 volume. Articles of association and proceedings of meetings of the Flint Gas Company. Gift of Harry G. Gault, 1950. 2434. FLINT WOOLEN MILLS. PAYROLL ACCOUNTS, 1874. 22 items. 2435. GALESBURGH GENERAL STORE. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1852-55. 1 volume. The account book also contains obituary notices of William R. Shatter and Henry U. Upjohn. Gift of Harold C. Brooks, 1946. 2436. GERBER PRODUCTS COMPANY, Fremont. VISITORS' REGISTER, 1935-42. 1 vol- ume. Gift of Gerber Products Company, 1958. 2437. GOODRICH GENERAL STORE, Goodrich. LEDGERS, 1866-76. 2 volumes. Ledgers of Enos Goodrich flour, lumber and general merchandise store at Goodrich. 2438. GOODRICH (R.) GENERAL STORE, Traverse City. DAYBOOK, 1869. 1 volume. Gift of Miss Geneva Kebler, 1962. 2439. GRAND RAPIDS GENERAL STORE (Firm name unknown). DAYBOOK, 1855-57. 1 volume. Gift of Miss Geneva Kebler, 1962. 2440. GREAT LAKES SHIPPING. MANIFESTS, etc., 1803, 1830. 4 items. Shipping manifest (1830) of the schooner LaGrange from Mackinac to Detroit; two esti- mates [ii. d.] for transporting goods by canoe from Montreal to Mackinac; clearance papers for the schooner Wilkinson bound from Detroit to Mackinac and signed by Mathew Ernest; man- ifest of the steamer London from Sault Ste. Marie to Cleveland [n.d.] . Gift of Mrs. George P. McCallum, Sr., 1952. 2441. GRISWOLD (Roger W.) FARM AND GEN- ERAL STORE, Vermontville. LEDGER, 1852-83. 1 volume. Gift of Mr. F. D. Brinton, 1949. 2442. HADLEY TELEPHONE COMPANY, Lapeer. MINUTES BOOK, 1908-25. 1 volume. Gift of the Hadley Telephone Company, 1943. 2443. HALE, SMITH AND DUNHAM GENERAL STORE, Grass Lake. DAYBOOKS, 1841-46. 3 volumes. Gift of Clare Bostedor, 1951. 2444. HANCHETT GENERAL STORE, Coldwater. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1849. 1 volume. 2445. HANNAH AND LAY COMPANY, Traverse City. RECORDS, 1852-1919. 28 feet and 250 volumes. Correspondence, vouchers, daybooks, in- voices, cashbooks, journals, ledgers and other records of the lumber company. 2446. HARRISON (Nathan) AND PERRINE (Ira) GENERAL STORE, Schoolcraft. LEDGER, 1836. 1 volume. Gift of Mrs. Andrew L. Ness, 1941. 2447. HASKINS (Thomas) WAGON REPAIR SHOP, Scio. DAYBOOK, 1844-47. 1 volume. 2448. HASTINGS UNDERTAKER (Firm name unknown). FUNERAL EXPENSE BOOK, 1896-1913. 1 volume. Record of funeral expenses and place of interment of people in the Hastings area. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walldorff, 1961. 2449. HINMAN (John F.) GENERAL STORE, Battle Creek. CASHBOOK, 1847-53. 1 volume. Gift of Miss Gertrude Lammers, 1950. 2450. HOLTON AND WEATHERWAX GENERAL MACHINE SHOP AND FOUNDRY, Jackson. RECORD BOOK, 1903-19. 1 volume. Record book containing articles of asso- ciation and minutes of meetings. 2451. JOHNSON AND THOMPSON HARDWARE STORE, Ionia. DAYBOOK. 1866-68. 1 volume. 200 2452. KEFAUVER'S UNDERTAKING PARLORS AND FURNITURE STORE, Manistique . LEDGER, 1892-1902. 1 volume. Gift of Mrs. J. Joseph Herbert, 1960. 2453. LANSING ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY. MINUTES, 1883-92. 23 pages. 2454. LAPHAM (Jared S.) AND LAPHAM (Am- brose S.) GENERAL STORE, Northville. ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1852-82. 49 volumes. Account books of Lapham brothers gen- eral store and succeeding firms. 2455. MACK & COMPANY, Ann Arbor. RECORDS, 1859-1939. 1 foot and 84 volumes. Journals, ledgers, daybooks, cashbooks, invoices, legal papers, business correspondence, reports and miscellaneous papers of their dry- goods store. Gift of Christian Mack. 2456. 2457. 2458. 2459. McMORRAN MILLING COMPANY, Port Huron. MINUTES, 1889-1920. 1 volume. Gift of Gordon McMorran, 1959. MANCHESTER BLACKSMITH SHOP (Own- er unknown). LEGER, 1854-61. 1 volume. Gift of Mrs. Jane Palmer, 1955. MANCHESTER CANNING FACTORY. MINUTES, 1902-07. 1 volume. Gift of Mrs. Franklin M. Reck, 1959. MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE. RECORDS, 1868-ca. 1880. 5 volumes. Four specimen books containing samples of job printing work done by the Enterprise; ac- count book (1871-73) of the Enterprise which also contains records of the Manchester Liter- ary and Lecture Association (1867-68) and the Washtenaw Baseball Club. Gift of Mrs. Franklin M. Reck, 1959. 2460. MANCHESTER PAINT AND HARDWARE STORE (Firm name unknown). LEDGERS, 1860-77. 2 volumes. Gift of Mrs. Jane Palmer, 1955. 2461. MARQUETTE, HOUGHTON AND ONTON- AGON RAILROAD. STOCK CERTIFICATES, t n.d.]. 4 items. 2462. MEAD (James) LUMBER COMPANY, Saginaw. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1872-74. 2 volumes. Account book (1872-74) of Mead Lumber Company; ledger (1873) of Mead, Lee & Company. Gift of Fred Dustin, 1956. 2463. MERRILL LUMBER COMPANY. RECORDS, 1854-1922. 5 feet and 198 volumes. Correspondence, daybooks, ledgers, jour- nals, cashbooks, invoices and miscellaneous records. 2464. MICHIGAN AIRLINE RAILROAD. PAPERS, 1868-90. Ca. 350 items. Correspondence concerning elections to approve aid to the railroad, management, financ- ing and construction of the line, relations with other railroads; also legal papers, receipts, no- tices, articles of association and subscription lists. Correspondents include Charles W. Haze. Gift of Mrs. N. D. Potter, 1952. 2465. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD COM- PANY. PAPERS, 1846-47, 1853-72. 27 items and 8 volumes. Eight time books (1853-72) recording names of workers, their wages, hours, etc., on the Detroit- Chicago section of the railroad; mis- cellaneous receipts. Gift of Mrs. Travis R. Cash, 1943. 2466. MICHIGAN CEREAL COMPANY, Port Huron. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1904-21. 1 volume. Articles of association and minutes of the Michigan Cereal Company, coffee substitute processors. Gift of Gordon McMorran, 1959. 2467. MICHIGAN LAKE SHORE RAILROAD, Grand Haven. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1875-78. 7 items. Indentures and miscellaneous papers. 2468. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD. PAPERS, 1865-69. 32 items. Receipts, passes and miscellaneous pa- pers; scattered correspondence concerning rail- road passes, lost baggage and other matters. Much of the correspondence is with Charles F. Hatch. Another correspondent is Erastus O. Haven. 2469. MICHIGAN SUGAR COMPANY, Bay City. RECORDS, 1898-1914. 14 volumes and 100 items. 201 Bylaws, prospectus, records of ship- ments, records of sugar beet purchases, payroll accounts, general accounts and miscellaneous papers. There are also scattered records of its successor, the Iowa Sugar Company of Wa- verly, Iowa. Gift of Dan Gutleben, 1957. 2470. MICHIGAN UNITED RAILROAD. PAPERS, 1907-11. Ca. 200 items. Time tables, payrolls, inventories, annual reports, contracts, daily financial statements, and scattered business correspondence dealing with the operations of this interurban and city railroad. Gift of Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe, 1955. 2471. MILBOURNE DRUG COMPANY, Eaton Rapids. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1895-1936. 22 vol- umes. Gift of Harry H. Milbourne, 1959. 2472. MILFORD GENERAL STORE (Firm name unknown). ACCOUNT BOOK, 1854-60. 1 volume. General store accounts with lists of building materials and medicines. 2473. MILFORD TIMES. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1886-1902. 6 vol- umes. Printing orders, subscription and general account books of the Times . Gift of Mrs. G. S. Rowe, 1950. 2474. MILLEN AND HARLOW WAGON SHOP, Ann Arbor. DAYBOOK, 1853-60. 1 volume. Account book (1853-54) of the wagon shop of Millen and Harlow, and accounts of the Home Insurance Company (1860) of which C. H. Millen was agent. 2475. MINING COMPANIES STOCK CERTIFI- CATES. 1846-90. 36 items. Companies represented are Barasa Iron Mining Company— Cincinnati & Lake Superior Copper & Silver Mining Company— The Dacotah Mining Company— The Deseret Silver Mining and Smelting Company— The Detroit and Marquette Silver Lead Company— The Detroit City Silver Mining Co.— The Gogebic Mining Company— Ham- ilton Copper Company— Iron River and Lake Su- perior Copper and Silver Mining Company— Isa- bella Silver Lead Mining Company— Keweenaw Silver Mining Company— Milton Copper Company — Milwaukee and Lake Superior Mining Company- Mystic Silver Mining Company— Nevada Silver Mining Company— New England and Lake Superior Silver Mining Company— North Silver Lake Min- ing Company— North Star Mining Company— Phila- delphia & Boston Mining Company— Pioneer Silver and Lead Company— The Porcupine Mountain Mining Company— Portage Lake Mining Company- Silver Lake Mining Company— The Winona Min- ing Company. 2476. MINONG MINING COMPANY. CORRESPONDENCE, 1875-77. 8 items. Correspondence about the operation of the Company; comments on the unsettled condi- tions occasioned by the Hayes- Tilden disputed election. Correspondents include A. C. Davis, C. M. Garrison, William H. Stone. Gift of Forest H. Sweet, 1941. 2477. MITCHELL AND McCLURE LUMBER COMPANY, Saginaw. RECORDS, 1889-1927. 33 feet and 71 vol- umes. Correspondence, deeds, work reports, timber cutting reports, contracts, patents, tax statements and other papers of the Company. Gift of Mrs. Charles W. McClure, 1954. 2478. MONITOR MUTUAL INSURANCE COM- PANY, Pontiac. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1870-1959. 1 foot and 14 volumes. Ten volumes of the Board of Directors minutes (1870-1950), record of policies, annual statements, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers. Gift of Harry Garling, 1959. 2479. MONROE (George C.) GENERAL STORE, Jonesville. LEDGER, 1844-52. 1 volume. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 2480. MORENCI HOUSE. HOTEL REGISTER, 1863-74. 1 volume. Gift of Mrs. A. A. Thompson, 1960. 2481. MOUNT ALBION CEMETERY, Albion. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1859-80. 1 volume. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Adams. 2482. MULLEN (C. H.) GENERAL STORE, Ann Arbor. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1871-75. 1 volume. 2483. MULLER (E. B.) AND COMPANY, Port Huron. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1910-37. 9 volumes. 202 Records of the Muller Company, chicory processors of Port Huron, include three jour- nals, three ledgers, drying record, manufactur- ing record, farmers' accounts, and warehouse inventories. Gift of Gordon McMorran, 1959. 2484. MUSKEGON LAKE RAILROAD COMPANY. PAPERS, 1879-80. 2 items. Articles of incorporation; Board of Di- rectors resolution. 2485. NORTHVILLE WOOLEN MILLS (Firm name unknown). DAYBOOKS, 1850-66. 4 volumes. The volumes show wool purchases, cus- tomer accounts, shipping records. 2486. OLIVER TRACTOR COMPANY, Battle Creek. RECORDS, 1873-1930. 175 items and 30 volumes. Minutes of the stockholders and directors meetings, ledgers, journals, price lists, scat- tered correspondence and miscellaneous records reflecting the operations of the Company and its predecessor, the Nichols-Shepard Company. Gift of Louis Ryason, 1963. 2487. PARSONS GENERAL STORE, Saline. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1866-72. 3 vol- umes. Ledger, daybook and account book of Cornelius Parsons' General Store. Gift of Fred Nissley, 1948 and Mrs. Bes- sie Collins, 1958. 2488. PERE MARQUETTE RAILROAD COM- PANY. INSURANCE SCHEDULES, 1903-04. 1 volume. Insurance schedules containing descrip- tion of property. Gift of Miss Geneva Kebler, 1959. 2489. PONTIAC COOPERATIVE CREAMERY COMPANY. RECORD BOOK, 1910-17. 1 volume. Record book containing bylaws and min- utes of Board of Directors meetings. Gift of Jayno W. Adams, 1939. 2490. POSTUM COMPANY, Battle Creek. RECORDS, 1896-1943. 230 volumes. Payroll records, production records, and general accounts of the Company. Gift of Charles Lent, 1958. 2491. ROGOVIN'S RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, Flint. RECORDS, 1948-50. 1 volume. Records of requests for workers and the agency's attempt to fill them. 2492. RUGGLES, RADEMAKER LUMBER COM- PANY, Manistee. RECORDS, 1881-1907. 49 feet and 239 volumes. Letter books, invoices, ledgers, daybooks, account books, land records, maps and miscel- laneous records. Gift of Charles F. Ruggles Estate, 1955. 2493. SAGINAW ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY. TIME BOOK, 1882. 1 volume. Gift of Fred Dustin, 1955. 2494. SAGINAW SUGAR COMPANY. LEDGER, 1900-02. 1 volume. Gift of Michigan Sugar Company, 1957. 2495. SAGINAW VALLEY AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, 1877-87. 1 volume. Correspondence of L. P. Merrill, agent, of Saginaw. Gift of Michael Church, 1953. 2496. ST. MARY'S FALLS SHIP CANAL COM- PANY. LETTER, 1857. 1 item. Letter from George S. Frost, land agent for the Company, describing Northern Peninsula tracts to a prospective buyer in Maine. 2497. SALLING- HANSEN LUMBER COMPANY. RECORDS, ca. 1887-1927. 250 volumes. Business records of the Company, operat- ing near Grayling, consist largely of a variety of account books covering the operations of the firm. Gift of John Brunn, 1955. 2498. SANDS, LOUIS (1825-1905). BUSINESS RECORDS, 1863-1933. 262 volumes. Lumberman. 109 volumes of Sands and Burr, bankers of Manistee, and the Manistee National Bank (1886-1929); 116 volumes of Louis Sands Salt and Lumber Company and other firms with which he was connected (1863-1933), con- taining ledgers, journals, stock books, and thirty- seven volumes of letterpress books (1901-29), largely of George M. Burr, trustee. Gift of Mrs. Lottie B. Smith, 1947. 2499. SCIDMORE, WHIGHTMAN AND CRAMER GENERAL STORE, Hastings. 203 BUSINESS RECORDS, 1856-69. 3 volumes One daybook and two ledgers. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walldorff, 1957. 2500. SNITGEN BROTHERS GENERAL STORE, Westphalia. RECORDS, 1862-1910. 36 volumes. Records of the Snitgen Brothers store include twenty daybooks, four ledgers, five pur- chasing journals, and seven inventories. Gift of Snitgen Brothers, 1961. 2501. SOUTHERN MICHIGAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Adrian. RECORDS, 1850-55. 4 items and 1 vol- ume. Record of shareholders and directors meetings; reports and minutes. Gift of W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1940. 2502. STAEBLER, MICHAEL (1843-1928) and FAMILY. BUSINESS PAPERS, 1872-1928. 9 feet and 112 volumes. Ann Arbor businessman. Unbound cor- respondence, twenty-one letterpress books, jour- nals, ledgers, invoice books and other business papers of Staebler and Sons of Ann Arbor, deal- ing largely with the firm's business in coal, seed, farm machinery, bicycles and automobiles. Gift of Walter P. and Herman A. Staebler, 1953. 2503. STEARNS SALT & LUMBER COMPANY, Ludington. RECORDS, 1885-1925. 250 volumes. Ledger, account books, general business records reflecting the operations of the firm. Gift of Harold King, 1949. 2504. STONE, OREN. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1851-1910. 195 volumes. Records of a general store at Stony Run (later South Grand Blanc), Genesee County, and Flint; extensive records of Stone's woolen mill company at Flint (known successively as the Flint Woolen Mills, Stone Woolen Mill, and Stone, Atwood and Company), and miscellaneous records of other Stone business enterprises. The records include daybooks, journals, time books, inventories, cashbooks, order books, letterpress books, and similar materials. Gift of Dwight F. Stone, 1940. 2505. STURGEON RIVER LUMBER COMPANY, Hancock. RECORDS, 1872-1902. 13 items and 1 volume. Articles of association, proxies, minutes of directors, list of stockholders. 2506. THOMPSON, BENJAMIN. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1836-91. 14 vol- umes. Carriage maker, Ypsilanti. Ledgers and daybooks (1838-86) of Thompson, and two miscel- laneous account books of Mrs. Thompson (1883- 91). Gift of Mr. B. C. Thompson, 1953. 2507. THOMPSON (O. E.) CARRIAGE AND PAINT SHOP, Ypsilanti. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1842-71. 4 vol- umes. Miscellaneous account and work books, including accounts of wheat purchased in 1842 and logs in 1845-53. Gift of Mr. B. C. Thompson, 1953. 2508. THOMSON AND HOUSTON ELECTRIC COMPANY, Ann Arbor. REPORT, 1896. 1 volume. Report of the renovation of the Thomson and Houston Electric Light Station in Ann Arbor, by Charles W. Ellis and Richard E. Sack. 2509. THORNHILL (John) AND BROTHERS GEN- ERAL STORE, Milford. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1873-84. 3 vol- umes. Ledger and two daybooks. Gift of Mrs. Earl Mastick, 1958. 2510. THUNDER BAY BOOM COMPANY, Alpena. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1868-1912. 28 vol- umes. Cashbook, daybooks, logbooks, time books, journals, ledgers, constitution and bylaws, and miscellaneous book of the Company. Gift of Philip K. Fletcher, 1950. 2511. TIBBETS (J. F.) LUMBER AND HARD- WARE STORE, Ravenna. LEDGER, 1880-93. 1 volume. Gift of Miss Marie L. Estabrook, 1946. 2512. TITTABAWASSEE BOOM COMPANY, Saginaw. RECORD BOOK, 1864-81. 1 volume. Record book containing articles of asso- ciation and minutes of meetings. Gift of Mrs. Rockwell Kempton, 1952. 2513. TOLEDO, THORNTON AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. PAYROLL LISTS, 1872. 2 items. 204 2514. TRADE CARDS, ca. 1860-1930. Ca . 400 items. These trade cards cover all types of businesses and are arranged by towns. 2515. UNITED STATES CUSTOMS, Mackinac Island. IMPOST BOOK, 1802-58. 1 volume. Included in this volume is a record of shipping (1802-16). 2516. UPJOHN COMPANY, Kalamazoo. PAPERS, 1887-1934. 9 items. Historical sketch, typewritten copy of minutes of three Board of Directors meetings, photostats of patent, articles of incorporation and other papers. 2517. WASHTENAW BROADCASTING COMPANY, Ann Arbor. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1945. 2 items. Historical sketch and attached program schedule for radio stations WPAG and WGUM, operated by the Washtenaw Broadcasting Com- pany. 2518. WEED'S DRUG STORE, Pontiac. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1891-1908. 2 vol- umes. Prescription file book and miscellaneous memoranda; scrapbook. 2519. WESTPHALIA ICE CREAM PARLOR. RECIPE BOOK, t n.d.]. 1 volume. Gift of Miss Geneva Kebler, 1960. 2520. WHITTEMORE (George O.) AND WHIT- TEMORE (James O.) GENERAL STORE AND LUMBER COMPANY, Tawas City. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1854-58. 4 volumes. Daybooks and ledger of general store and lumbering accounts. Gift of Harlow O. Whittemore, 1958. 2521. WILCOX (John C. and George H.) FLOUR MILL, Plymouth. LEDGER, 1902-07. 1 volume. 2522. WILCOX BROTHERS GENERAL STORE, Northville. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1840-67. 32 vol- umes. Ledgers and daybooks. 2523. WICONSIN LAND AND LUMBER COM- PANY. RECORDS, 1871-1914. 16 feet and 492 volumes. Business records of H. A. Jewell Com- pany, William Mueller Company, Fond du Lac division, Hermansville division, C. J. L. Meyer division of the Wisconsin Land and Lumber Com- pany. The records contain correspondence, ledgers, daybooks, letterpress books, journals and other materials. Gift of G. Harold Earle, 1947-48. COUNTY RECORDS 2524. ALLEGAN COUNTY. GUNPLAIN TOWN- SHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1912-27. 1 volume. Minutes of school district No. 6. 2525. BARRY COUNTY. HASTINGS TOWNSHIP. RECORDS, 1842-64. 1 volume. Minutes of township meetings and pro- ceedings of the township board; record of oaths filed; record of Battle Creek and Hastings Rail- road. 2526. BERRIEN COUNTY. NILES TOWNSHIP. REPORT, 1839. 1 item, photostat copy. Report of the commissioners of highways, giving needs for the coming year. Gift of Augustus Hendelman, 1955. 2527. BRANCH COUNTY. SHERWOOD TOWN- SHIP. PAPERS, 1854-64. 44 items. Miscellaneous school records, including teachers' reports and school inspectors' reports. Gift of Bernard W. Ansley, 1958. 2528. CALHOUN COUNTY. PENNFIELD TOWN- SHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1849-1944. 1 foot, 54 volumes. Teachers' contracts, attendance records, board meeting minutes, reports to inspectors, school census records, scattered correspondence, bills, receipts, check books and stubs, and mis- cellaneous records. On loan by the Pennfield School Board, 1949. 2529. CASS COUNTY. CALVIN TOWNSHIP. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLES, 1939. 2 items. "History of the Colored People of Calvin Township," with miscellaneous notes on town- ship history; "Biographical Sketches of Pioneers of Calvin Township." Gift of Mrs. Rosanna Wilson, 1940. 2530. CHARLEVOLX COUNTY. BOARD OF SU- PERVISORS. MINUTES, 1936. 62 pages, copy. 2531. DELTA COUNTY. PAPERS, 1862-1938, 1940. 2 volumes. Copy of a digest of the Board of Super- visors proceedings (1862-1938); history of the county and inventory of the county archives. 2532. GENESEE COUNTY. BURTON TOWNSHIP. RECORDS, 1869-80. 2 volumes. Minutes, treasurer's records, and other records of the township. Gift of Mrs. Herman Pierson, 1938. 2533. GENESEE COUNTY. FLUSHING TOWN- SHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1857-65. 1 item, typewritten copy. Miscellaneous school records of district No. 6. 2534. GENESEE COUNTY. GRAND BLANC SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 5. RECORDS, 1835-84. 1 reel of microfilm. Minutes, contracts and financial records of the school district. 2535. GOGEBIC COUNTY. PLANNING COM- MISSION. MINUTES, 1962. 1 volume. Minutes of the minerals committee of the Commission, discussing the mineral resources and distressed economic conditions of the County. Gift of Victor F. Lemmer, 1962. 2536. HILLSDALE COUNTY. FAYETTE TOWN- SHIP. FINANCIAL RECORDS, 1894-1904. 1 vol- ume. 2537. HILLSDALE COUNTY. WHEATLAND TOWNSHIP. TAX ASSESSMENT ROLL, 1903. 1 volume. 2538. INGHAM COUNTY. PAPERS, 1850-64. 2 items and 1 volume. Partial journal of the committee on build- ing the Ingham County courthouse (1857); receipt for $40,000 for Ingham County railroad loan (1864); copy of the federal census of 1850 for the county. 2539. INGHAM COUNTY. BUNKER HILL TOWN- SHIP. RECORDS, 1837-1906. 2 items and 5 volumes. Supervisors minutes, financial records and other township records; school orders; apprentice agreement. Gift of C. V. Post, 1956. 205 206 2540. JACKSON COUNTY. RECORDS, 1840, 1851-95. 1 item and 1 volume. Official canvass of the election of 1840, Jackson County; minutes of school district No. 2, Spring Arbor. 2541. KALAMAZOO COUNTY. ALAMO TOWN- SHIP. RECORDS, 1838-44, 1853. 1 volume. Minutes and general records of the town- ship. Gift of Ross Kitzmiller, 1936. 2542. KALAMAZOO COUNTY. SCHOOLCRAFT TOWNSHIP. TAX ASSESSMENT ROLL, 1874. 1 vol- ume. Gift of Mr. E. L. Brown, 1937. 2543. LAPEER COUNTY. MARATHON TOWN- SHIP. RECORDS, 1920-30. 4 volumes. The records deal with highway repairs and schools. 2544. LENAWEE COUNTY. PAPERS, 1827-1947. 81 items and 11 volumes. Notice of a school district meeting (1838); canvass of votes for elections of 1833 and 1835; miscellaneous tax receipts and other business papers for Adrian and Palmyra; minutes of the Lenawee County convention in August, 1836 to select delegates to the statehood convention at Ann Arbor; volume of tax records (1827-34); ten volumes of scrapbooks of newspaper clip- pings on Lenawee County men in the U.S. Armed Forces (1944-47). 2545. LENAWEE COUNTY. BLISSFIELD TOWNSHIP. RECORDS, 1841-57. 1 volume. Minutes and general records of the town- ship. Gift of Richard Goff, 1953. 2546. LENAWEE COUNTY. TECUMSEH TOWN- SHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1885-1908. 1 vol- ume. Minutes and financial records of school district No. 1. Gift of Mrs. Ellsworth D. Robison, 1960. 2547. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. MARRIAGE RECORDS, 1836-50. 1 vol- ume, typewritten copy. 2548. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. IOSCO TOWNSHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1851-1903. 44 items and 8 volumes. List of pupils; class registers; assess- ment roll for teacher's salary; teachers' con- tracts; contract for constructing a school; re- ceipts for school business for district No. 4. Gift of Miss Francis Lister, 1949. 2549. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. MARION TOWN- SHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1840-1947. Ca. 250 items and 10 volumes. Teachers' contracts, school board min- utes, financial records, business correspondence, annual reports of Woll School district No. 7, and a manuscript history of the school by Charles P. Reed. Gift of Woll School, 1951. 2550. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. TUSCOLA [Cohoctah] TOWNSHIP. RECORDS, 1838-1900. 3 volumes. Minutes of township meetings and highway records. Gift of John Rigglesworth, 1962. 2551. MACOMB COUNTY. JEFFERSON TOWN- SHIP. RECORDS, 1835-41. 1 volume. Minutes, road reports and other records of the township. 2552. MACOMB COUNTY. STERLING TOWN- SHIP. RECORDS, 1838-1911. 16 volumes. General township records (1842-1904); primary school records (1838-65); library rec- ords (1878-1904); justice of the peace docket (1863-77); voting records (1868-1911); road rec- ords (1842-1905); clerk's accounts (1882-1902); treasurer's records (1871-1907). 2553. MACOMB COUNTY. WASHINGTON TOWN- SHIP. ACCOUNTS, 1827-55. 1 item. Typescript extracts of accounts from a Washington township account book, noting amount of taxes collected and expenditures. Gift of Mrs. Elizabeth Adams. 2554. MARQUETTE COUNTY. ALAIEDON TOWNSHIP. ROAD WARRANT, 1845. 1 item. Road warrant which notes one day's work by J. W. Longyear and assessment of other resi- dents. Gift of Marquette County Historical So- ciety, 1959. 207 2555. MASON COUNTY. RECORDS, 1947. 1 volume. Copies of articles and reminiscences on the history of Mason County and its townships, notable events and pioneer settlers. Most of the articles were copied from the Ludington Daily News . 2556. MASON COUNTY. FREE SOIL TOWN- SHIP. SCRAP BOOKS, 1924-33. 2 volumes. Scrapbooks on the activities of the Darr School Parents and Teachers Association. Gift of Mrs. H. L. Darr, 1951. 2557. MONROE COUNTY. PAPERS, 1819-1903. 375 items and 11 volumes. Registrations, poll lists and election re- turns (1820-88); assessment and tax records (1819-43), six of which pertain to highway taxes; assessment roll of Milan township (1902-03); lists and abstracts of sales of state lands (1860- 99); tavern permits (1836-38); abstracts of per- mits, occupations and new establishments (1830- 40); bonds (1822, 1841-92); drain survey (1861); certificates of sales of swamp lands (1867); census report of Port Lawrence township (1827) and Ida township (1837); military lists (1869-86); contracts of Monroe County Detecting Society (vigilance committee) for 1848 and 1853; school reports (1835-83); school census (1914, 1920); miscellaneous papers. 2558. MONROE COUNTY. MILAN TOWNSHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1898-1910. 3 vol- umes. Schedule of studies and student registers. Gift of Mrs. Grover Sweet, 1939. 2559. OAKLAND COUNTY. BOARD OF SUPER- VISORS. RECORDS, 1827-44. 1 volume. 2560. OAKLAND COUNTY. BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1837-74. 1 item, typewritten copy. Extract of minutes and other papers of school district No. 7. 2561. OAKLAND COUNTY. GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE DOCKET BOOK 1842-1909. 1 volume. 2562. OAKLAND COUNTY. HIGHLAND TOWN- SHIP. RECORDS, 1851-63, 1890. 1 item and 3 volumes. Health records; assessment rolls; regis- ter of electors (1890). 2563. OAKLAND COUNTY. ORION TOWNSHIP. HISTORICAL NOTES, t n.d.]. 4 items. Notes on the history of various schools in the township. 2564. OAKLAND COUNTY. ROYAL OAK TOWN- SHIP. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, ^.d.-,. 3 pages. History of school district No. 2. 2565. OAKLAND COUNTY. WATERFORD TOWNSHIP . RECORDS, [ti.d.]. 1 volume. Brief historical sketch and typewritten copies of school records of district No. 7. 2566. OTTAWA COUNTY. EASTMAN TOWN- SHIP. PETITION, 1856. 1 item. Petition to the State Legislature asking for the organization of Eastman township. 2567. OTTAWA COUNTY. ROBINSON TOWN- SHIP. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1856-1956. 1 vol- ume. Gift of Mr. C. Szopinski, 1959. 2568. SANILAC COUNTY. MARION TOWNSHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1867-96. 5 volumes. Teachers' registers (1870-74, 1882-83); minutes of school district meetings (1867-96), which also contain financial reports and other records. 2569. SANILAC COUNTY. SANILAC TOWNSHIP. RECORDS, 1848-1910. 4 volumes. Minutes of the township clerk (1848-55); justice of the peace records (1861-75); highway commissioner records (1860-1910); school dis- trict records (1859-1908). Gift of Oliver Raymond, 1948. 2570. SCHOOLCRAFT COUNTY. RECORDS, 1893-95. 1 volume. Records of visits to the schools of the county. 2571. SHIAWASSEE COUNTY. CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1859-66. 17 pages. Minutes and other records of school dis- trict No. 1. Gift of Miss Leah Belle Lyman, 1939. 2572. WASHTENAW COUNTY. RECORDS, 1827-1942. 12 feet and 79 vol- umes. 208 Washtenaw County records include a va- riety of materials on various county offices and activities. Among these papers are census rec- ords for 1827, 1835, 1845, 1850, 1870, 1880, 1884; Civil War records and items relating to World War II; papers of the county infirmary (1848-1942); poll lists (1837-44); various prop- erty and tax records (1839-68); county fair rec- ords (1871-89); and miscellaneous papers. 2573. 1941. WASHTENAW COUNTY. BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP. BOARD OF AUDITORS RECORDS, 1833- 47. 1 volume. Gift of Mrs. Marian Palmer Greene, 2574. WASHTENAW COUNTY. LIMA TOWN- SHIP. RECORDS, 1851-1936. 383 items and 30 volumes. School records including teachers' regis- ters, contracts, financial records, minutes of the board, specifications on schoolhouse construction (1875); records of taxable property, including assessment roll (1865-67); miscellaneous papers. 2575. WASHTENAW COUNTY. PITTSFIELD TOWNSHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1837-1928. 14 vol- umes and 23 items. History of the rural schools of the town- ship; records of Stone School, including annual reports (1837-1904), minutes of the school board (1864-92, 1894-1903), financial reports (1910-29), school registers (1877-1921); correspondence, constitution and minutes of the Parent Teachers' Association (1921-28). 2576. WASHTENAW COUNTY. SALEM TOWN- SHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1847-1906. Ca. 60 items. Reports to school inspectors; teachers' contracts; receipts and financial records of school districts No. 4 and 6. Gift of John K. Rich, 1961. 2577. WASHTENAW COUNTY. SALINE TOWN- SHIP. FINANCIAL RECORDS, 1896-1903. 1 vol- ume. 2578. WASHTENAW COUNTY. SCIO TOWNSHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1839-63. 2 volumes. Minutes and financial records of school districts No. 5 and 8. Gift of Miss R. R. Solar, 1939. 2579. WASHTENAW COUNTY. SYLVAN TOWN- SHIP. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1834-1910. 4 vol- umes. School board minutes; teacher's register; receipt book; contracts; financial records. Gift of Mrs. Edna R. Faulkner, 1953. 2580. WASHTENAW COUNTY. YORK TOWNSHIP. RECORDS, 1830-1900. 2 items and 2 vol- umes. Reminiscences of the township by an un- known early pioneer; poll list (1852); minutes and financial records of school district No. 1 (1830- 1900); records of the post office (1854-55). 2581. WASHTENAW COUNTY. YPSILANTI TOWNSHIP. RECORDS, 1827-38, 1876. 2 items and 9 volumes. Deed; agreement between Edwin C. Warn- er and school district No. 5 for building a school (1876); assessment rolls (1827-38); rec- ords of the inspector of elections (1827-33); minutes of the township (1828-33); highway com- missioner's records (1827-31). 2582. WAYNE COUNTY. NANKIN TOWNSHIP. SCHOOL RECORD, 1836-38. 1 item. Lease of land for school purposes and notes on the formation of a school district in Nankin township. 2583. WAYNE COUNTY. ROMULUS TOWNSHIP. SCHOOL RECORD, 1856. 1 item. Assessment list for paying the teacher's salary in Romulus township. Gift of Clare E. Milliman, 1952. 2584. WAYNE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S DEPART- MENT. RECORDS, 1796-99. 10 items, photostat copies. Documents, mostly signed by Peter Au- drain, asking for custody of various persons. CITY AND TOWN RECORDS 2585. ADRIAN. PAPERS, 1899-1924. 5 items and 1 vol- ume. Typewritten copies of newspaper clip- pings, an address and two letters about the city of Adrian, its history, and its fire department; scrapbook of newspaper clippings on local peo- ple and events. Gift of Richard Bury, 1936-40. 2586. ANN ARBOR. PAPERS, 1830-1945. Ca. 200 items and 4 volumes. Tax assessment roll (1830); scrapbook of newspaper clippings on Ann Arbor topics (1934- 44); minutes of the Athletic Board of Control of Ann Arbor High School (1909-17); minutes of the Eagle Fire Company (1850-64); plats of wards (1912); proceedings of the meeting to plan for an art museum (1931); copy of abstract of title to original site of Ann Arbor High School (1918); proposed city charter (1920); correspond- ence and miscellaneous material on the Ann Ar- bor Drama Season (1929-31); correspondence re- lating to naming a navy warship for Ann Arbor (1940-45); minutes, constitution, notes and cor- respondence of the Ann Arbor Council for Inter- national Conciliation (1944); five typewritten pages of reminiscences of early days in Ann Arbor; list of many of the original settlers of Ann Arbor. 2587. BENTON HARBOR. RESOLUTION, [ii.d.]. 1 item. Resolution passed by the Board of Edu- cation prohibiting gambling on high school foot- ball games. 2588. BROOKLYN. SCHOOL CENSUS, 1878, 1886. 2 items. Gift of Emmett W. Kiebler, 1961. 2589. CARSONVILLE. RECORDS, 1917-20. 15 items and 1 vol- ume. Minutes, financial records, and miscel- laneous papers of the Carsonville Red Cross chapter. Gift of Miss Laurene Wallace, 1954. 2590. COLDWATER. RECORDS, 1845, 1861-1918. 1 item and 4 volumes. School records containing photographs, drawings, and examination papers of the Cold- water Public Schools (1876); financial records (1861-82); justice of the peace docket (1896- 1918); tax assessment roll (1845). Gift of Burdette Harris, 1957. 2591. CORUNNA. RECORDS, 1836-75. 2 volumes. Plat book (1836-66); minutes and financial records of Corunna school district No. 1 (1861- 75). Gift of Miss Leah Belle Lyman, 1939. 2592. DEARBORN. PAPERS, ca. 1941. 4 items. Miscellaneous notes on Dearborn, £a. 1840; bibliography of material on Dearborn; list of names on tombstones in old cemeteries in Dearborn. Gift of Floyd L. Haight, 1944. 2593. DETROIT. PAPERS, 1775-1888, 1933. 5 items and 1 volume. Detroit meteorological summary, Oct.- Nov. 1888; petition of Detroit citizens for a naval recruiting office (1864); photostat of an agree- ment among Detroit merchants to regulate sale of liquor to Indians (1775); photostat of Detroit census (1796); tax roll for the city of Detroit (1818); report of the Mayor's (Frank Murphy) Non- Partisan Committee on Industrial Disputes concerning the strike at the Briggs Manufactur- ing Company. 2594. DEXTER. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1883-1917. 600 items. School registers; class rolls; teachers' contracts; insurance policies; bills, receipts and other business papers; correspondence, largely with Royal S. Copeland who was then secretary of district No. 9 school board. Gift of Mrs. Royal S. Copeland, 1956. 2595. EDEN. POST OFFICE REPORT, 1868. 1 item. Gift of Miss Alice C. Chapin, 1941. 2596. ESCANABA. RECORDS, 1907-32. 34 volumes. Precinct registration records (1907-32); record of expenditures for the poor. Gift of George M. Harvey, 1957. 209 210 2597. EVART. MANUSCRIPT NEWSPAPERS, 1920's. 5 items. Gift of Reverend Paul J. Allured, 1940. 2598. FARWELL. LAND CONTRACTS, 1870-83. 1 volume. Gift of Mrs. Hazel Littlefield Smith, 1962. 2599. FENTON. RECORDS, 1839-64. 2 volumes. Records of the proceedings of the school inspectors (1839-55); records of highway com- missioners (1841-64). Gift of Mr. J. C. Peck, 1960. 2600. FLINT. SCHOOL RECORDS, 1837-1912. 2 items and 9 volumes. Minutes of school district No. 3 (1837- 68); class registers, receipts, contracts and rec- ords of proceedings of school district No. 16 (1867-1912). Gift of Harry C. Hill, 1945. 2601. FORT MACKINAC. LETTER BOOK, 1855-66. 1 volume. Official correspondence of the command- er of Fort Mackinac. Gift of Bruce Dixon, 1958. 2602. FORT WILK3NS. RECEIPTS, 1846. 18 items. Subsistence receipts for the Fort. 2603. GRAND RAPIDS. RULES, 1864. 1 item. Rules of the Recorders Court. 2604. GRATTAN. MANUSCRIPT NEWSPAPER, 1871. 1 vol- ume. Five issues of The School Mirror, a man- uscript newspaper written by pupils of school district No. 4. 2605. GRINDSTONE CITY. MANUSCRIPT HISTORIES, t n.d.]. 1 item. Histories of Grindstone City, Eagle Bay, and New River. Gift of Miss Marylee Gravelle, 1953. 2606. GROSSE ILE. DEED, 1776. 1 item, photostat copy. Indian deed of Grosse He. Gift of F. Clever Bald. 2607. HADLEY. VIGILANCE SOCIETY. RECORDS, 1859-1918. 2 volumes. Constitution, bylaws, membership rolls, financial records, and minutes of the Society. On loan from the Society, 1945. 2608. HASTINGS. SCHOOL CENSUS RECORDS, 1883. 1 volume. 2609. HOLLAND. REPORTS, 1945-46. 20 items. Report on World War n industrial pro- duction in Holland. Gift of F. Clever Bald. 2610. ISLE ROYALE. PAPERS, 1921-55. 2-1/3 feet. Correspondence, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous papers relating to the Detroit News campaign to make Isle Royale a National Park and to secure land for it; manuscript and notes of an article by Martha M. Bigelow (1955). Correspondents include Arno B. Cameron, William P. F. Ferguson, Harold L. Ickes, Chase S. Osborn, Alexander G. Ruthven, Albert Stoll, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Lee A. White. Gift of the Detroit News, 1952, and Martha M. Bigelow, 1955. 2611. JACKSON. MANUSCRIPT NEWSPAPER, 1851. 1 vol- ume. Four issues of The Olive Branch, a man- uscript journal edited by Charles V. DeLand, LB. Gridley, W. E. Boardman. 2612. KALAMAZOO. RECORDS, 1828-50, 1873-74. 1 volume, typewritten copy, and 2 reels of micro- film. Extracts of Circuit Court records, news- paper accounts and other papers (1873-74) cover- ing the "Kalamazoo Case" affirming the legality of tax- supported secondary education; microfilm of biographical file compiled by Edward J. Stev- ens, covering Kalamazoo city and county pioneers (1828-50). 2613. LAPEER. PAPERS, 1845-95. 38 items. Subscription list, floor plan of a school, and miscellaneous other papers of the Lapeer Seminary (1858-64); receipts and miscellaneous items relating to Lapeer. Gift of Louis C. Cramton, 1957. 2614. MACKINAC ISLAND STATE PARK. ANNUAL REPORT, 1899. 4 pages, type- written copy. Annual report of Superintendent S. B. Poole, of the Mackinac Island State Park, covering the 211 period 1898-99. Gift of Mrs. John Lemish, 1949. 2615. MILFORD. RECORD, 1911-13. 1 item. Record of contagious diseases in Milford. Gift of Mrs. G. S. Rowe, 1950. 2616. NORTHVILLE. PAPERS, [ii. d.]. Ca. 200 items. Reminiscences, notes, and typewritten copies of newspaper articles on Northville, its citizens and its institutions, including the Thayer family, Yerkes family, William Dunlap, Marcus Swift, the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, Ladies' Library Association, Company D, Fifth Michigan Cavalry, transportation facil- ities, and other features of the community. In- formation, for the most part, covers the period 1873-89. 2617. PINCKNEY. PAPERS, 1880-84. 30 items. Correspondence and legal papers pertain- ing to litigation of Joseph Kirkland and citizens of Pinckney to win possession of the public square. This land had been given to the town- ship of Putnam by William Kirkland. Gift of Mrs. N. D. Potter, 1952. 2618. PRAIRIE RONDE. SCHOOL RECORD, 1829. litem. Articles of agreement for building a school in Prairie Ronde. Gift of Mrs. Andrew L. Ness, 1941. 2619. SALINE. RECORDS, 1837-83. 4 volumes. Minutes of school district No. 4, subse- quently No. 8 (1837-64); minutes of the Board of Health (1864-83); justice of the peace docket (1849-50). Gift of Mrs. Julia Catey, 1955. 2620. SAULT STE. MARIE. CITY ORDINANCES, f n.d.]. 2 items. Two ordinances providing gas works for the city. Gift of Chase S. Osborn. 2621. SOUTH LYON. RECORDS, 1853-65. 2 volumes. Records of magazine and newspaper sub- scriptions and postal accounts. Gift of Miss Janet Warden, 1938. 2622. TECUMSEH. RECORDS, 1832-1954. 29 volumes and 3 items. Minutes and financial records of school district No. 6 (1837-85); assessment rolls (1872- 1900); report on the Musgrove Evans house; two miscellaneous school records. 2623. UNION CITY. PLATS, 1871-77. 5 items. Plat of Lee's addition to Union City, two of other small additions, and two plats of the Union City cemetery. Gift of Ralph J. Burr, 1957. 2624. VERMONTVILLE. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE RECORDS, 1878-81. 1 volume. 2625. WESTPHALIA. U.S. POST OFFICE. RECORDS, 1899-1927. 14 volumes. Miscellaneous records. Gift of Robert J. Trierweiler, 1961. 2626. YPSILANTI. RECORDS, 1831-1904. 26 volumes and 2 items. Minutes and financial records of school district No. 1 (1834-97); court records, including justice, criminal and civil dockets (1877-1910); legal document (1831) relating to discontinuance of a road; typewritten extracts from Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti newspapers recording dramatic activities in Ypsilanti (1879-1904). RECORDS OF ORGANIZATIONS 2627. ADRIAN COLLEGE, Adrian. MINUTES, 1863. 1 item. Minutes of the organizational meeting of a college literary society. Gift of Wilfred B. Shaw, 1941. 2628. ADRIAN WOMAN'S CLUB. PAPERS, 1887-1928. 26 items. Annual reports (1891-93); manuscript history (1895); financial papers; scattered cor- respondence. This Club was first called the Ladies' Study Club of Adrian. 2629. ALBION COLLEGE, Albion. RECORDS, 1929. 2 items. Manuscript historical sketch by an un- known author on Albion College in the 1860's; petition from the College for the establishment of a chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia fraternity on the campus. 2630. ALBION CONSUMER COOPERATIVE. RECORDS, 1937. 1 volume and 20 items. Minutes, weekly bulletins and miscellan- eous papers. 2631. ALMA COLLEGE, Alma. PAPERS, 1939, 1945. 2 items. Plea for funds for the College, sent by Frank Knox; report on World War II activities of the College. 2632. ALPHADELPHIA ASSOCIATION. RECORDS, 1844-48. 6 volumes and 600 items. Constitution, census, membership records, reports of committees, labor records, financial accounts, minutes of directors, correspondence and miscellaneous papers. On loan from James Buckley, 1958. 2633. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVER- SITY PROFESSORS. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN CHAPTER. PAPERS, 1935-59. 2 feet. Correspondence, reports, membership lists, financial records, and other papers of the Association. Gift of Miss Lucille Brackbill, 1962. 2634. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVER- SITY WOMEN. ANN ARBOR- YPSILANTI BRANCH. RECORDS, 1902-58. 13 volumes and 300 items. Minutes, membership lists, financial rec- ords, records of the scholarship loan fund, cor- respondence, committee and other reports, scrap- book. 2635. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVER- SITY WOMEN. MICHIGAN DIVISION. RECORDS, 1919-57. 12 volumes and 1 item. Minutes, financial records, historical sketches, reports on chapters, committee re- ports, miscellaneous reports, printed and mimeo- graphed news letters and other publications (1930- 36). 2636. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. MICH- IGAN SECTION. RECORDS, 1900-52. 50 items and 3 vol- umes. Correspondence and other papers, mostly dealing with the support of a French orphan; minutes, treasurer's reports, other records of the organization. 2637. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING. WASHTENAW COUNTY CHAPTER. HISTORICAL NOTE, t n.d.]. 1 item. The item was written by John R. Meadows. 2638. AMERICAN LEGION. MICHIGAN. FORT DEARBORN POST No. 364. RECORDS, 1935-48. 9 volumes. Rosters and history of the Post, compiled by Floyd L. Haight, 1949. 2639. AMERICANIZATION COMMITTEE OF DETROIT. PAPERS, 1914-31. 200 items. Correspondence, minutes, reports cover- ing the Committee's activities in preparing im- migrants for naturalization examinations, includ- ing a report on the immigrant in Detroit. 2640. AMPHICTYONIC CIRCLE OF ANN ARBOR MINUTES AND MEMBERSHIP ROLL, 1885-89. 1 volume. Gift of Miss Caroline Pattengill, 1958. 2641. ANDREWS UNIVERSITY, Berrien Springs. REPORT, 1945. 1 item. Report on World War n activities of Em manuel Missionary College, now Andrews Uni- versity. 212 213 2642. ANKENBRANDT, STEPEHEN W., comp. SCRAPBOOKS, 1916-40. 11 volumes. Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on the activities of locals of the National Association of Letter Carriers and the Michigan Federation of Post Office Clerks. Gift of Stephen W. Ankenbrandt, 1942. 2643. ANN ARBOR ART ASSOCIATION. RECORDS, 1909-57. 7 volumes and 200 items Membership book, constitution, presi- dent's reports, minutes, financial records, mis- cellaneous material, and a scrapbook. 2644. ANN ARBOR BOOK AND THIMBLE CLUB MINUTES, 1930-49. 1 volume. Gift of the Club, 1961. 2645. ANN ARBOR CITIZENS' COUNCIL. MINUTES, 1937-42. 2 volumes. 2646. ANN ARBOR COMMUNITY FUND. PAPERS, 1923-24. 40 items. Correspondence, chiefly by Alfred H. White; financial records; other papers. Gift of Alfred H. White, 1944. 2647. ANN ARBOR COOPERATIVE SOCIETY. PAPERS, 1936-47. 250 items. Minutes, financial statements, audit re- ports, manager's reports, bylaws, news sheet, correspondence regarding membership applica- tions and other topics. 2648. ANN ARBOR DRAMA SEASON. SCRAPBOOKS, 1938-51. 8 volumes. Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, pic- tures and correspondence relating to actors and plays of the Drama Season. Gift of William B. Halstead, 1956. 2649. ANN ARBOR GARDEN CLUB. RECORDS, 1930-60. 14 volumes and 250 items. Minutes, financial records, membership lists, president's and various committees' re- ports, scrapbooks, and other records of the Club's activities. 2650. ANN ARBOR GRANDMOTHERS'S CLUB. RECORDS, 1920-52. 7 volumes. Six volumes of minutes and one scrap- book. 2651. ANN ARBOR LIBRARY CLUB. PAPERS, 1903-43. 73 items and 2 vol- umes. Minutes (1903-32); treasurer's records (1903-36); correspondence and miscellaneous papers. 2652. ANN ARBOR MEDICAL CLUB. RECORDS, 1899-1912. 3 volumes and 60 items. Scrapbook of correspondence (1901-10) concerning speaking arrangements for the Club; minutes; programs; scattered correspondence. 2653. ANN ARBOR PLAYMAKERS. RECORDS, 1924. 3 items. Membership list and financial record. 2654. ANN ARBOR ROD AND GUN CLUB. PAPERS, 1896-97. 30 items and 1 vol- ume. Financial papers, membership lists, shoot- ing records, miscellaneous items. 2655. ANN ARBOR SCHOOL OF RELIGION. RECORDS, 1909-11. 1 volume. Constitution and minutes. 2656. ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY AND COL- LEGE BUSINESS OFFICERS. PAPERS, 1909-10, 1926-44. 300 items. Correspondence and papers of Shirley W. Smith and John C. Christensen with other offi- cers of the Association; history of the Associa- tion written by Shirley W. Smith. 2657. BRANCH COUNTY COMMUNITY CORPO- RATION. PAPERS, 1938. 4 items. Two versions of the bylaws; letter de- scribing the project. 2658. BRICKLAYERS', MASONS' AND PLAS- TERERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA. ANN ARBOR. RECORDS, 1901-51. 7 volumes. Membership lists, minutes, financial rec- ords. Gift of Louis Hackbarth, 1951, 1961. 2659. ords. 2660. BROTHERHOOD OF PAINTERS, DECO- RATORS AND PAPERHANGERS OF AMERICA. ANN ARBOR, LOCAL 514. RECORDS, 1899-1942. 21 volumes. Membership lists, minutes, financial rec- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB OF ANN ARBOR. PAPERS, 1921-58. 3 volumes and 1 foot. Scrapbooks of materials relating to the activities of the Club; histories, constitution, minutes, correspondence and miscellaneous pa- pers. 2661. CALVIN COLLEGE, Grand Rapids. REPORT, 1945. 1 item. 214 Report of Henry Schultze on World War II activities of Calvin College. 2662. CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY, Mount Pleasant. REPORT, 1945. 1 item. Report on World War II activities of Central. 2663. CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF ANN ARBOR. PAPERS, 1920-33. 175 items and 2 vol- umes. Reports, financial records, minutes, mem- bership lists, contracts, scattered correspond- ence of the Society and its predecessor Matinee Musicale. Gift of Emil Lorch, 1956. 2664. CHEBOYGAN INDIAN SCHOOL. REPORTS, 1857-65. 20 items, photostat copies. Quarterly reports of the school. 2665. COMMITTEE ON CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL RESOURCES. MICHIGAN. RECORDS, 1941-44. 200 items. Reports, minutes, correspondence of this World War n effort to protect historical and cultural objects and papers from possible de- struction. Lewis G. Vander Velde, chairman, was the principal correspondent. 2666. CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZA- TIONS. RECORDS, 1945. 2 volumes. Mimeographed records of negotiations be- tween UAW-CIO and General Motors Corpora- tion, November 9 and 16, 1945. 2667. CONSUMER'S COOPERATIVE COUNCIL OF DETROIT. PAPERS, 1935-37. Ca. 100 items. Financial records and extensive minutes of the Council. 2668. CORNELIA CHAUTAUQUA LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC CIRCLE, Brooklyn. RECORDS, 1893-96. 1 volume. Constitution and minutes. Gift of Mrs. Maude Smith, 1939. 2669. COUNTY TEACHERS* INSTITUTE. MICH- IGAN. RECORDS, 1890. 1 volume. Record of activities and of persons at- tending the County Teachers' Institute through- out the counties of Michigan. 2670. DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVO- LUTION. MICHIGAN. RECORDS, 1900-58. 40 volumes. Minutes and official proceedings of the Michigan State Conference of the D.A.R. The minute books, beginning in 1931, also contain reports on local chapters. 2671. DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVO- LUTION. MICHIGAN. SARAH CASWELL ANGELL CHAPTER, Ann Arbor. RECORDS, 1896-1960. 17 volumes and 3 and 2/3 feet. Minutes and official records (1896-1940); membership rolls (1905-06); library record; scrapbooks of clippings and programs; marriage records in Washtenaw County (1827-57); corre- spondence files; speeches; regents reports; gen- ealogical records; cemetery records; miscel- laneous papers. 2672. DELTA GAMMA KAPPA SOCIETY. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, t n.d.]. 22 items. Biographical sketches of Michigan women leaders in education. Gift of Miss Helen S. Cooper, 1945. 2673. DEMOCRATIC PARTY. MICHIGAN. PAPERS, 1932-34. 8 items and 2 vol- umes. Advertising proposal for 1932 election publicity; membership lists and scattered corre- spondence of the Federation of Democratic Women's Clubs (1934); statement [n.d.] summar- izing state expenditures under Democratic ad- ministrations in Michigan (1835-54). 2674. DETROIT BOARD OF COMMERCE. PAPERS, 1916-43. Ca. 85 items. Correspondence, mostly mimeographed, and miscellaneous papers concerning the activi- ties of the Board. Correspondents include Harvey J. Camp- bell and Edwin Denby. 2675. DETROIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. REPORT, 1945. 1 item. Report of the World War II activities of the Institute. 2676. DETROIT OPTICAL INSTITUTE. NOTES, 1898. 39 pages, typewritten copy. Notes on physical optics, prepared by John S. Owen for the Institute. 2677. DICKINSON INSTITUTE, Romeo. PAPERS, 1855-68. 22 pages, photostat copy. 215 Articles of association and proceedings of the Institute. 2678. 2679. DRAMA LEAGUE OF AMERICA. ARBOR CENTER. RECORDS, 1913. 29 items. Minutes and correspondence. ANN EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY, Ypsilanti. PAPERS, 1896, 1945. 2 items. Articles of incorporation of the Student Christian Association (1896); report on the World War II activities of Eastern. 2680. EATON COUNTY PIONEER AND HIS- TORICAL SOCIETY. RECORDS, 1872-1920. 2 volumes. Constitution, minutes of meetings, bio- graphical sketches, obituaries. This Society was first called the Pioneer Society of Eaton and Ingham Counties. 2681. ELIOT CLUB OF ANN ARBOR. PAPERS, 1918-20. 36 items. Correspondence, poetry, program notes, minutes. 2682. ERIE AND KALAMAZOO RAILROAD. PAPFRS, 1834-1952. 10 feet and 51 vol- umes. Correspondence relating to dividends and other business matters; legal papers, receipts, account books, bank statements and other finan- cial papers; minutes of the Board of Directors (1834-1919); reports to the Interstate Commerce Commission and Michigan and Ohio regulatory agencies. 2683. FARMFR- LABOR PARTY. PAPERS, 1934-37. 90 items. Correspondence, brochures, reports of party activities, particularly in Wayne and Wash- tenaw Counties. Gift of Mentor L. Williams, 1945. 2684. FARMER'S CLUB OF SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 73, Kent County. RECORDS, 1885-88. 1 volume. Constitution and minutes. 2685. FERRIS INSTITUTE, Big Rapids. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Letter from Merle S. Ward on the World War n activities of the Institute. 2686. FLUSHING ANTI-THIEF AND PROTEC- TION COMPANY. RECORDS, 1864-86. 1 volume. Minutes, constitution, membership list. 2687. FREEMASONS. MORENCI, LODGE No. 95. LEDGER, 1864-72. 1 volume. Financial records of the Lodge. Gift of Mrs. A. A. Thompson, 1960. 2688. FROEBEL STUDY CLUB, Grand Rapids. RECORDS, 1895-1953. 19 volumes. Scrapbooks, minutes, and other records of the Club. Gift of Mrs. C. J. Olsen, 1962. 2689. GERMAN CHRISTIAN AGRICULTURAL AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF ORA ET LABORA. RECORDS, 1850-1949. 3 volumes and 32 items. Record book (1862-68) containing consti- tution, minutes, correspondence, accounts, lists of members, and resolutions; financial records; map of colony lands; scattered correspondence; historical sketches; legal papers; newspaper clippings. Gift of Mrs. Robert E. Morse, 1958. 2690. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. DEPT. OF MICHIGAN. C. J. DICKFRSON POST, HILLSDALE. RECORDS, 1879-1936. 10 volumes and 35 items. Minutes, financial records, membership roster, constitution and bylaws, miscellaneous notes and clippings. 2691. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. DEPT. OF MICHIGAN. ESTABROOK WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS, ANN ARBOR. SCRAPBOOKS, 1939-41. 2 volumes. Clippings on activities of the G.A.R. in Michigan and of the Estabrook Woman's Relief Corps . Gift of Mrs. Ruth Buchanan, 1949. 2692. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. DEPT. OF MICHIGAN. LAPEER POST No. 144. RECORDS, 1907-28. 2 volumes. Minutes, financial records, membership lists. Gift of Louis C. Cramton, 1961. 2693. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. DEPT. OF MICHIGAN. WELCH POST No. 137. ANN ARBOR. RECORDS, 1883-1940. 6 volumes. Minutes, constitution, membership rolls, financial records, memorial record of deceased members. 2694. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. NATIONAL ENCAMPMENTS. 216 RECORDS, 1891. 1 volume. Visitor's register of the twenty-fifth Na- tional Encampment, meeting in Detroit. 2695. GRAND RAPIDS CONSUMER'S COOPERA- TIVE ASSOCIATION. PAPERS, 1938. 3 items. Stock certificate and notices. 2696. GRAND RAPIDS KINDERGARTEN TRAIN- ING SCHOOL. RECORDS, 1891-1919. 108 volumes. Articles of incorporation and minutes; student registers and alumni rosters; perform- ance records of students; student and teacher's notebooks, mostly those of Clara Wheeler; pat- terns and other teaching devices; financial rec- ords. Gift of Mrs. B. W. Olsen, 1946. 2697. GRAND RAPIDS TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL. MINUTES, 1926-27. 1 item. Gift of Mrs. Edward A. Kosten, 1963. 2698. GREENVILLE SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY. MINUTES, 1890-91. 2 volumes. 2699. HARMONY ALLIANCE No. 49. RECORDS, 1890-96. 1 volume. Membership lists, financial notes, min- utes of meetings of a Marion township, Living- ston County farmers' alliance. 2700. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC COMMITTEE OF MICHIGAN. RECORDS, 1899-1906. 1 volume. Minutes and rules adopted by the Com- mittee. 2701. HIGHLAND PARK CIVIC ASSOCIATION. PAPERS, 1950-51. 70 items. Correspondence, articles of incorpora- tion, property restriction agreements, member- ship blanks, and other related papers of the or- ganization which sought restrictions on property occupancy and transferral. 2702. HILLSDALE COLLEGE, Hillsdale. PAPERS, 1903, 1945. 1 volume and 1 item. Letter from Harvey L. Turner on World War II activities of the College; scrapbook of clippings relating to its history and semi-cen- tennial celebration. 2703. HILLSDALE PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RECORDS, ca. 1874. 1 item. Biographical sketches and sketches of the state and county. 2704. HILLSDALE STAR GUILD. PAPERS, 1913-16. 30 items. Historical sketch, correspondence, re- ceipts. 2705. HILLSDALE WOMAN'S CLUB. RECORDS, 1890-1945. 16 items and 19 volumes. Minutes, financial records, and other pa- pers of the Club. Gift of Miss Louise Hawkes, 1962. 2706. HILLSDALE YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIAL AND LITERARY GUILD. MINUTES, 1891-97. 1 volume. Minutes of this literary society devoted to reading and analysis. Gift of Miss Louise Hawkes, 1961. 2707. HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY. MICH- IGAN. PAPERS, 1936-41. 195 feet and 1 vol- ume. Records of the Historical Records Survey of Michigan consist of transcripts of land patents and board of supervisors proceedings from many Michigan counties and townships which were used in compiling the Inventory of County Archives . Many of the proceedings date back to the 1850's. There are also correspondence, rough drafts of guides, field reports of workers, and other ma- terials, including a History of the Negro in Michigan (85 pages). On deposit. 2708. HUMANE SOCIETY OF ANN ARBOR. PAPERS, 1901. 7 items. Correspondence and legal papers regard- ing a mortgage assigned to the Society. Gift of Mrs. James K. Pollock, 1944. 2709. HURON HILLS GOLF CLUB, Ann Arbor. PAPERS, 1924-28. 150 items. Articles of association, membership lists, correspondence, minutes, and financial papers. 2710. INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF CADETS OF HONOR AND TEMPERANCE, Hillsdale. MINUTES, 1861-64. 1 volume. Gift of Miss Louise Hawkes, 1961. 2711. INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF KING'S DAUGHTERS AND SONS. PHOEBE BEAL CIRCLE, Ann Arbor. RECORDS, 1911-53. 10 volumes. Minutes, treasurer's reports, other records. Gift of the Circle, 1961. 217 2712. IRON MOLDERS' UNION. GRAND RAP- IDS, LOCAL 213. RECORDS, 1878-1940. 23 volumes. Minutes and financial records of the Union. The minutes terminate in 1909. Gift of Mrs. Edward A. Kosten, 1963. 2713. JACKSON COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. PAPERS, 1929. 3 items. Sketch of early Jackson County doctors; two letters about the Medical History of Mich- igan . 2714. JACKSON JUNIOR COLLEGE, Jackson. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Letter describing World War II activities of the College. 2715. KALAMAZOO COLLEGE, Kalamazoo. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Letter from Dean Edward B. Hinckley describing World War II activities of the Col- lege. 2716. KALAMAZOO COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. PAPERS, 1847-48. 56 items. Receipts and other financial papers. 2717. KALAMAZOO HARNESS MAKERS. PRICE FIXING AGREEMENT, 1854. 1 item. Cooperative agreement, signed by four Kalamazoo harness makers, to standardize prices on various services. Gift of Mrs. T. R. Walter, 1938. 2718. LADIES' LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF ANN ARBOR. RECORDS, 1866-1916. 31 items and 4 volumes. Minutes (1866-1908); correspondence (1906-17); legal documents; bylaws; clippings. Correspondents include Byron A. Finney and Harry B. Hutchins. 2719. LADIES' LITERARY CLUB, Ypsilanti. RECORDS, 1894-1956. 20 volumes and 75 items. Minutes, scrapbooks, financial records, reports, miscellaneous papers. On loan from the Club. 2720. LADIES' TEMPERANCE UNION OF ADRIAN. MINUTES, 1874. 1 volume. Gift of Mrs. C. A. Howell, 1945. 2721. LAPEER COUNTY AGRICULTURE SO- CIETY. TREASURER'S REPORTS, 1858-74. 1 vol- ume. 2722. LAWRENCE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOL- OGY, Highland Park. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Letter written by E. G. Lawrence, pres- ident of the Institute, describing the World War II activities of the Institute. 2723. LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF ANN ARBOR. PAPERS, 1924. 8 items. Correspondence and attendance lists. 2724. LEONI NORMAL SCHOOL, Leoni. COS- MIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. PAPERS, 1879-80. 2 items. Constitution, minutes of the meeting of the Society. Gift of Lewis A. Garred, 1943. 2725. MANCHESTER VILLAGE LYCEUM. RECORDS, 1836-37. 1 volume. Constitution, membership rolls, minutes, financial records, and questions for debate. Gift of Norman E. Leslie, 1957. 2726. MARSHALL COLLEGE, Marshall. PAPERS, 1857-67. 5 items. Letters dealing with the disposal of the assets of the College, including suggestions that its charter be used by a medical school to be founded in connection with Harper Hospital in Detroit— probably the forerunner of Wayne State University. 2727. MICHIGAN (Ter.). RECORDS, 1805, 1812. 2 items. Extract of proceedings of Governor and Judges of the territory about land for Detroit jail and courthouse (1812); list of import taxes (1805). 2728. MICHIGAN. SCRAPBOOK, ca. 1843-75. 1 volume. Scrapbook of newspaper clippings col- lected by an unknown person. The clippings re- late to Michigan history, Detroit, Three Rivers, The University of Michigan, State Historical So- ciety, Andrew Ten Brook, and other subjects. 2729. MICHIGAN. AUDITOR GENERAL'S OF- FICE. PAPERS, 1830-34, 1894-1901. 275 items. Correspondence, primarily with the treas- urers of The University of Michigan about uni- versity finances; vouchers sent to the University; two licenses to trade in Ann Arbor and Ypsi- lanti (1830, 1834). 218 2730. MICHIGAN CAVALRY. 4th REGIMENT, 1862-65. RECORD, 1862-65. 1 volume. Record, compiled by David H. Haines, of the regiment's activities, including official re- port of the capture of Jefferson Davis. 2731. MICHIGAN CAVALRY. 5th REGIMENT, 1862-65. SERVICE RECORDS, 1862-65. 4 items. Service records of Victor E. Comte, Francis Defer, Xavier Salgat, and Solomon Stegris, of Company C. 2732. MICHIGAN CAVALRY. 7th REGIMENT, 1862-65. COMPANY A. MUSTER ROLL, 1862-63. 1 item. Gift of Historical Society of York County, Penn., 1958. 2733. MICHIGAN. CIVIL SERVICE STUDY COMMISSION. RECORDS, 1935-42. 4 feet and 1 volume. Correspondence, reports, minutes, finan- cial records, drafts of bills, clippings, etc. of the Commission whose members were Haskell L. Nichols, Edmund C. Shields, James K. Pol- lock, chairman. Included is the report of 1936 of the Public Administration Service on existing conditions in Michigan. Correspondents include Arthur W. Brom- age, William A. Comstock, Charles C. Diggs, Frank D. Fitzgerald, Fred W. Green, William Haber, J. Ralston Hayden, George Meader, Frank Murphy, Chase S. Osborn, Frank A. Picard, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Murray D. Van Wagoner, Leonard D. White. 2734. MICHIGAN. COLDWATER STATE HOME AND TRAINING SCHOOL. PARENTS' COUNCIL. PAPERS, 1949-62. 300 items. Constitution, history, reports, minutes, correspondence of the Council. Gift of the Council. 2735. MICHIGAN COUNCIL FOR UNESCO. RECORDS, 1950-54. 200 items. Minutes, reports, programs, scattered correspondence. Gift of Miss Sarita I. Davis, 1956. 2736. MICHIGAN FEDERATION OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN. PAPERS, 1923-41. 3 feet. Correspondence, program and convention materials. 2737. MICHIGAN FEMALE SEMINARY, Kalama- zoo. RECORDS, 1866, 1892-1907. 5 volumes. Subscription lists (1866), minutes, finan- cial records. 2738. MICHIGAN FORESTRY ASSOCIATION. PAPERS, 1905-42. 1 volume and 250 items. Financial records, constitution, member- ship lists, reports, correspondence. Correspondents include Robert Craig, Jr. Gift of Mrs. Robert Craig, Jr., 1958. 2739. MICHIGAN INFANTRY. 1st REGIMENT, 1861-65. MUSTER ROLL, 1862. 1 item, photostat copy. 2740. MICHIGAN INFANTRY. 1st REGIMENT, 1861-65. COMPANY F. QUARTERMASTER RECORDS, 1862-63. 162 items. Gift of Mrs. George K. March, 1952. 2741. MICHIGAN INFANTRY. 4th REGIMENT, 1861-65. COMPANY H. RECORDS, 1861-64. 3 volumes. Company clothing records, morning re- ports, descriptive roll. 2742. MICHIGAN INFANTRY. 6th REGIMENT, 1861-65. RECORDS, 1861-65. 200 items and 6 vol- umes. Quartermaster records; military record of companies C and F; company orders and de- scriptive roll (1861-63) of company I. 2743. MICHIGAN INFANTRY. 11th REGIMENT, 1862-65. QUARTERMASTER RECORDS, 1864. 13 items. 2744. MICHIGAN INFANTRY. 16th REGIMENT, 1862-65. QUARTERMASTER RECORDS, 1863. 1 volume. 2745. MICHIGAN INFANTRY. 20th REGIMENT, 1862-65. RECORDS, 1867-85. 1 volume. Minutes and rosters of the regiment's Veterans Association. 2746. MICHIGAN INFANTRY. 27th REGIMENT, 1863-65. CERTIFICATES, 1863-64. 8 items. Certificates of volunteer enlistments. 219 2747. MICHIGAN. LAPEER STATE HOME AND TRAINING SCHOOL. PAPERS, 1893-1904. 300 items. Correspondence on the location and con- struction of the school; correspondence of Dr. William Polglase, first superintendent of the school, regarding the erection of the buildings, supplies, staff, purchasing, admissions. Correspondents include John Havener, Julian Hess, Cyrus G. Luce, John T. Rich, James Schermerhorn, John C. Sharp, Loren A. Sherman. Gift of Miss Beryl Bishop, 1959. 2748. MICHIGAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. RECORDS, 1891-1948. 9 volumes and 8 feet. Correspondence, committee reports, min- utes, programs, scrapbooks and other materials. 2749. MICHIGAN MERIT SYSTEM ASSOCIATION. PAPERS, 1937-38. 200 items. Correspondence, programs, and publicity of this association's activities to promote civil service reform in Michigan. Correspondents include Edward H. Litch- field. 2750. MICHIGAN. NAVAL MILITIA. RECORD, 1897. 1 volume. Complete record of the Second Division from Saginaw on their week's tour of duty aboard the U.S.S. Michigan. Included is a de- scription of the ship and training routine. 2751. MICHIGAN. NAVAL MILITIA. 3rd REGIMENT. COMPANY J. RECORD, 1917. 1 volume. Gift of Shirley W. Smith, 1950. 2752. MICHIGAN. PUBLIC DOMAIN COMMIS- SION. RECORDS, 1911-13. 1 volume. Minutes, reports, extracts of the Com- mission and financial records. Gift of Mrs. Junius Beal, 1944. 2753. MICHIGAN SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTS. COMMITTEE ON MICHIGAN ARCHITEC- TURE. RECORDS, 1945, 1947. 2 items. Survey of Michigan architects and the war; list of registered architects. 2754. MICHIGAN SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' ASSOCIATION. RECORDS, 1872. 2 items. Minutes and constitution. 2755. MICHIGAN. STATE BOARD OF DENTIS- TRY. RECORDS, 1883-1957. 1 reel of micro- film. Minutes of the Board (1883-1932); regis- ter of licensed dentists (1907-57). 2756. MICHIGAN. STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. METEOROLOGICAL RECORDS, 1880-93. 1 volume. Daily weather records for the Ann Arbor area kept for the Board. Records for January 1880-July 1881 were kept by Mark W. Harring- ton. 2757. MICHIGAN. STATE EMERGENCY WEL- FARE RELIEF COMMISSION. PAPERS, 1934-38. 1 foot. Directives of the state relief administra- tor, William Haber, containing information on the operation of all New Deal agencies in Michigan. 2758. MICHIGAN STATE FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS. PAPERS, 1898-1951. 2 feet. Minutes; financial records; annual, sec- retary's and Board of Managers reports; mate- rials on state conventions; correspondence; mis- cellaneous papers. 2759. 2760. MICHIGAN. STATE LAND OFFICE. NEWAYGO AND NORTHPORT ROAD SUR- VEY, 1859. 1 volume. Gift of George J. Blazier, 1959. MICHIGAN. STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. EIGHTH DISTRICT. ADDRESS, 1904. 1 item. Address by Dr. Beverley D. Harison ad- vocating the removal of the University of Mich- igan Medical School to Detroit. 2761. MICHIGAN. STATE PRISON OF SOUTH- ERN MICHIGAN, Jackson. RECORDS, 1903-07. 2 items and 4 vol- umes. Papers on building a new cell block; mis- cellaneous accounts of expenditures and labor records. 2762. MICHIGAN. STATE TAX COMMISSION. REPORTS, 1900. 9 volumes. Reports of the comprehensive Michigan Railroad Appraisal, directed by Mortimer E. Cooley for the Commission at the behest of Gov- ernor Hazen Pingree. There are also appraisals of plank roads and canals built in Michigan. 220 2763. MICHIGAN TRUDEAU SOCIETY. RECORDS, 1916-40. 1 volume. Constitution and minutes of the Society devoted to stimulating the interest of physicians in the problem of tuberculosis. Gift of Dr. William De Kleine. 2764. MICHIGAN TURNPIKE AUTHORITY. REPORT, 1955. 77 pages. Civil engineering report of the Michigan Turnpike project No. 1, prepared by the Turn- pike Authority. Gift of Justin R. Whiting, 1962. 2765. MICHIGAN. YPSILANTI STATE HOS- PITAL. ACCOUNT BOOK, 1878-81. 1 volume. Account book of the Eastern Michigan Asylum, later Ypsilanti State Hospital listing articles of clothing, private possessions, etc., brought by the inmates from home and those given them by the State. 2766. MILFORD SOCIAL CLUB. MINUTES, 1874. 1 volume. 2767. MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. MICHIGAN COMMANDERY. RECORDS, 1885-1951. 16 volumes and 26 items. Membership applications containing bio- graphical data and summary of military record; index to membership applications; membership register; minutes (1901-27); financial records (1885-1931); library records; twenty-six remi- niscences and papers of Union veterans who were members of the Michigan Commandery. 2768. MONROE CIVIC IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. PAPERS, 1902-24. 20 items and 2 vol- umes. Minutes of the Society (1902-13) and scattered correspondence. Correspondents include Charles E. Town- send. 2769. NATIONAL CONGRESS OF PARENTS AND TEACHERS. MICHIGAN BRANCH. PAPERS, 1918-54. 16 feet. Convention books, district books, bulletins, minutes, treasurer's reports. 2770. NATIONAL DEFENSE COMMITTEE OF ANN ARBOR. PAPERS, 1940-42. 300 items and 1 vol- ume. Correspondence, minutes, scrapbook of this organization and its predecessor the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, which promoted national defense and aid to Great Britain. Correspondents include Henry M. Bates, Prentiss M. Brown, Wallace Campbell, George A. Dondero, J. Ralston Hayden, Clare E. Hoff- man, Frank Knox, Earl C. Michener, T. Reardon Peirsol, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Roy O. Woodruff. Gift of Howard M. Ehrmann. 2771. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES IN AMERICA. MICHIGAN. PAPERS, 1898-1959. 4 feet. Historian's reports, certificates, minutes, miscellaneous papers. On loan from the Chapter. 2772. pers. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF DAUGHTERS OF FOUNDERS AND PATRIOTS OF AMERICA. MICHIGAN CHAPTER. RECORDS, 1956-60. 4 volumes. Scrapbook, genealogical notes, other pa- On loan from the Society. 2773. NELL GWYN'S COMPANY, Ann Arbor. PAPERS, 1930-56. 300 items. Programs, clippings, financial records, scattered correspondence, scripts, and draft of James Umphrey's thesis on the Company. 2774. NORTHEASTERN MICHIGAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. FINANCIAL RECORDS, 1854. 1 volume. Gift of Dr. R. M. Greenshields, 1939. 2775. ciety. 2776. OAKLAND COUNTY PIONEER AND HIS- TORICAL SOCIETY. ADDRESSES, ca. 1929. 3 items. Addresses by Jayno W. Adams to the So- ODD- FELLOWS, INDEPENDENT ORDER OF. BATTLE CREEK, QUEEN CITY LODGE . RECORDS, 1904-29. 11 volumes. Financial records (1905-22); membership records and applications for membership (1904- 29); officers' roster (1904-11); minutes (1918-27). 2777. OLIVET COLLEGE, Olivet. CORRESPONDENCE, 1843-44. 6 items, photostat copies. Correspondence regarding financing and other college business. Gift of Harry L. Moss, 1942. 2778. ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR. TENAW COUNTY ASSOCIATION. MINUTES, 1907-52. 3 volumes. On loan from the Association. WASH- 221 2779. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. FAWN RIVER GRANGE. RECORDS, 1875-78. 1 volume. Minutes and financial notes. 2780. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. MICHIGAN STATE GRANGE. RECORDS, 1873-1961. 5 items, 8 vol- umes, 1 reel of microfilm. Minutes of the executive committee (1874- 1907); minutes and proceedings of the state con- ference (1873-80); financial and other records; roster of all lodges. Gift of the Grange, 1962. 2781. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. YPSILANTI GRANGE No. 56. PAPERS, 1873-1959. 16 volumes and 450 items. Constitution, bylaws, roster of members, minutes (1873-89, 1903-06, 1940-59); financial records, membership appliations, quarterly re- ports, receipts, scattered correspondence. Gift of Mrs. Walter C. Gale, 1962. 2782. PENINSULA FARMERS CLUB. RECORDS, 1883-1903. 1 volume. Manuscript and printed (newspaper ac- counts) minutes of this Club in the Grand Trav- erse Region. 2783. POLITICAL EQUALITY CLUB, Ann Arbor. MINUTES, 1894-1900. 2 volumes. Gift of Miss Louise George, 1944-45. 2784. PORT HURON JUNIOR COLLEGE, Port Huron. LETTER, 1945. 1 item. Letter describing World War II activities of the College. 2785. PRAIRIE SEMINARY, Richland. RECORDS, 1853-93. 1 volume and 28 items. Constitution; subscription list; minutes; receipts; leases of Richland Academy, the name being changed to Prairie Seminary in 1856. Gift of Mrs. Justin T. Cook, 1938. 2786. PROHIBITION PARTY. MICHIGAN. PAPERS, 1930-44. 50 items. Mimeographed directives, sample ballots, campaign literature. Gift of William J. Persons, 1942-48. 2787. RAISIN VALLEY SEMINARY, Adrian. RECORDS, 1890-1944. 6 volumes and 12 items. Minutes (1893-1918); alumni records (1910-44), including rosters and minutes of re- unions; contracts; scattered correspondence; his- torical sketch. On loan from the Seminary. 2788. RED CROSS. LENAWEE COUNTY CHAP- TER. SCRAPBOOKS, 1920-45. 4 volumes. Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on the activities of the Chapter. Gift of the Chapter, 1947. 2789. RED CROSS. WASHTENAW COUNTY CHAPTER. RECORDS, 1916-30. 5 volumes. Records include correspondence, minutes, clippings, reports of the Public Health Nursing Association, and a scrapbook of form letters from the Central Division Headquarters to county chapters. On loan from the Chapter. 2790. REDFORD TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. RECORDS, 1832-48. 1 volume. Minutes, membership rolls, constitution. Gift of Charles L. Dubuar, 1943. 2791. REPUBLICAN PARTY. MICHIGAN. PAPERS, 1881-1949. 80 items and 1 vol- ume. Reminiscences on the founding of the Party (ca. 1891); minutes of the Lapeer County Republican Committee (1881-87); constitution, re- ports, and miscellaneous papers of the Republi- can Woman's Club of Alma (1941-46); certificate of presidential electors (1940); correspondence and papers of the Ann Arbor Republican Com- mittee (1948-49). 2792. RIVER RAISIN MONUMENT COMMISSION. RECORD, 1903-04. 1 volume. Record of the activities of the Commis- sion in erecting a monument commemorating the River Raisin massacre in 1813. 2793. ROTARY CLUB. ANN ARBOR. PAPERS, 1931-48. 300 items. Membership list, correspondence, and other papers relating to the Club's activities. Correspondents include Randolph G. Adams and Wilfred B. Shaw. 2794. ST. JOSEPH COUNTY SOCIAL BENEFIT CLUB. MINUTES, 1903-30. 3 volumes. Gift of Bernard W. Ansley, 1953. 2795. ST. JOSEPH'S MERCY HOSPITAL, Ann Arbor. HISTORICAL SKETCHES, [n.d.]. 2 items. 222 2796. SALINE WOMAN'S CLUB. MINUTES, 1941-50. 2 volumes. Gift of Mrs. Bessie Collins, 1955. 2797. SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY OF GRAND HAVEN. RECORDS, 1861-65. 1 volume. Records of donations and work of the Society. Gift of Miss Hollister Hancock, 1939. 2798. SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY OF KALAMA- ZOO. FINANCIAL RECORD, 1861-66. 1 item, typewritten copy. 2799. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. MICHIGAN SOCIETY. WASHTENAW CHAPTER. SCRAPBOOK, 1914-36. 1 volume. Scrapbook of clippings, letters, programs of the Chapter's activities. Gift of Warren W. Florer, 1937. 2800. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICH- IGAN. PAPERS, 1898-1950. 75 items. Minutes, financial reports, correspond- ence, address. 2801. SUNRISE FARMING COOPERATIVE, Sag- inaw. RECORDS, 1933-36. 2 reels of micro- film. Bulletins, newspapers, minutes, financial reports, report of legal proceedings against the community, and other papers of this cooperative society located in Saginaw Valley. 2802. TOWN AND GOWN CLUB, Ann Arbor. POEM, 1894. 1 item. Poem commemorating the first anniver- sary of the Club. Gift of Frederick McOmber, 1957. 2803. U.S. ARMY. MUSTER ROLLS, 1832. 6 items, photostat copies. Muster rolls for United States troops stationed at Fort Crawford, Michigan Territory. 2804. U.S. AUTOMOBILE LABOR BOARD. RECORDS, 1934-35. 5-1/2 feet. Stenographic reports of hearings before the Board. 2805. U.S. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS. LANSING CENSUS of 1860. 1 volume. Copy, typewritten and indexed by George L. Hammell. 2806. U.S. COUNCIL OF NATIONAL DEFENSE. PAPERS, 1918-19. 27 items. Correspondence, report, and other papers of the Women's Committee of the Washtenaw County unit. Correspondents include Caroline Bartlett Crane, Mary E. B. Markley, Albert E. Sleeper. Gift of Mrs. Markley, 1942. 2807. U.S. FUEL ADMINISTRATION. PAPERS, 1918-19. 85 items. Directives, records, miscellaneous papers of this World War I group in Michigan, William K. Prudden, administrator. 2808. U.S. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD. PAPERS, 1937-38. 300 items. Briefs and extensive newspaper clippings on the Ford Motor Company case before the Board as well as other Michigan cases. 2809. U.S. OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION. RECORDS, 1943. 3 volumes. Miscellaneous records of the OP A activi- ties in Washtenaw County during World War II. Gift of Mentor L. Williams, 1945. 2810. U.S. TREATIES, ETC., 1809-1817 (Madi- son). INDIAN TREATY, 1807. 1 item. Treaty concluded in 1807 at Detroit be- tween Ottoway, Chippeway, Wyandot, Poutewatomy Indians and the United States, locating sections of lands on the St. Clair River for Indian reserves and signed by President James Madison, 1809. Gift of Mrs. Edgar H. Durfee, 1953. 2811. U.S. TREATIES, ETC., 1817-1825 (Monroe). TREATY OF SAGINAW, 1819. 1 item. Photograph of the treaty between the United States and the Chippewa Indians. Gift of William R. Longstreet, 1938. 2812. [U.S. TREATIES, ETC., 1853- 1857 (Pierce)] . LAND REGISTER, 1854-55. 1 volume. Volume recording land holdings of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians and others in Michigan, granted under treaty of September 30, 1854; July 31, 1855; and August 31, 1855. 2813. UNIVERSITIES COMMITTEE ON POST- WAR INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS. PAPERS, 1943-44. 119 items. Minutes, correspondence, resolutions of the Ann Arbor unit; twenty-nine printed items of the National organization. Correspondents include Joseph H. Ball, Harold H. Burton, Z. Clark Dickinson, Homer 223 Ferguson, Carl A. Hatch, Ralph B. Perry, Ar- thur H. Vandenberg. 2814. UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT. REPORT, 1945. 1 item. Report on World War II activities of the University. 2815. VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION OF ANN ARBOR. RECORDS, 1896-1962. 1 foot and 19 vol- umes. Constitutions; case work, committee, an- nual, and financial reports; minutes; miscellan- eous records of the Association which was for- merly known as the Public Health Nursing Association and originally established as the Hospital Circle of the King's Daughters. Gift of the Association, 1948-62. 2816. WJR (radio station) DETROIT. SHELLAC RECORDINGS, ca. 1940's. 13 cartons. Recordings of interviews of prominent people, presented on George Cushing's radio program. 2817. WASHTENAW COUNTY FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS. RECORDS, 1916-52. 4 volumes and 21 items. Historical sketch and correspondence (1916); minutes and other records (1916-21, 1948-52). Correspondents include Caroline Bartlett Crane and Mary E. B. Markley. 2818. WASHTENAW COUNTY MEDICAL SO- CIETY. PAPERS, 1847, 1866-1921. 250 items and 1 volume. Correspondence, largely with Dr. James F. Breakey, about public health matters; pro- gram notes and other papers dealing with the activities of the Society; fee bills for 1847, 1867, 1875, the earliest of which contains a code of ethics; reports on Ann Arbor water (1907-10); case reports; volume containing roster of members and minutes. Correspondents include Levi L. Barbour, Shirley W. Smith, Victor C. Vaughan. 2819. WASHTENAW COUNTY MEDICAL SO- CIETY. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY. RECORDS, 1938-58. 3 volumes and 300 items. Minutes of the Washtenaw County Med- ical Society (1938-56); "Twenty Year History of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Washtenaw County Medical Society, 1938-1958," compiled by Mrs. Howard Cummings, Mrs. Leonard E. Himler, Mrs. Emery Sink; constitution, program notes, reports, correspondence, miscellaneous papers. Gift of Mrs. Russell DeJong, 1959. 2820. WASHTENAW HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PAPERS, 1825-1955. 5 volumes and 2-2/3 feet. Papers of this organization and its pred- ecessor, the Washtenaw County Pioneer Society, fall into two categories: papers relating to the activities of the organizations which include register of members and minutes (1873-1955); papers collected by them which include a wide variety of manuscripts and other papers relating to Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County and their people and institutions. Included are quarter- master records of the 6th Michigan Heavy Ar- tillery Regiment and muster rolls of the 4th Michigan Infantry during the Civil War; deeds to property; a scrapbook of newspaper clippings on early Ann Arbor collected by Lucy Chapin; obit- uaries and miscellaneous papers. 2821. WEST SIDE WOMAN'S CLUB, Ann Arbor. MINUTES, 1921-47. 6 volumes. 2822. WOLVERINE COOPERATIVE, Lansing. PAPERS, 1937-38. Ca. 100 items. Constitution, scattered correspondence, price lists, publications, advertisements, and other papers. 2823. WOLVERINE CYCLERS, Ann Arbor. RECORDS, 1890-96. 2 volumes. Minutes and financial records. Gift of Walter P. Staebler, 1953. 2824. WOMAN'S AMERICAN PROTECTIVE AS- SOCIATION. MICHIGAN. RECORDS, 1893-95. 1 volume. Constitution, minutes, financial records. Gift of Father Mark Foley, 1945. 2825. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION, Ann Arbor. LETTER, 1884. 1 item. Letter to the University of Michigan Board of Regents on student drinking. 2826. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION, Evart. MINUTES, 1887, 1900-05. 1 volume and 5 items. 2827. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION, Michigan. HISTORICAL SKETCH, [ii.d.] . 1 item. 224 Historical notes on various Michigan WCTU groups, with special reference to Ann Arbor . 2828. ence. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION, Osceola County. RECORDS, 1897-1900. 1 volume and 6 items. Minutes, roll book, scattered correspond- 2829. WOMAN'S CLUB OF ANN ARBOR. RECORDS, 1906-60. 10 volumes and 1 foot. Minutes, annual reports, financial rec- ords, scattered correspondence, scrapbooks. On loan from the Club. 2830. YOUNG MEN'S LITERARY SOCIETY OF ANN ARBOR. MINUTES, 1836-37. 1 volume. 2831. YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY OF LANSING. RECEIPT BOOK, 1868-79. 1 volume. Receipt book contains autographed re- ceipts of "Josh Billings," Samuel Clemens, Bret Hart, Wendell Phillips, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Gift of Robert Y. Larned, 1953. 2832. YPSILANTI CHILD STUDY CLUB. RECORDS, 1926-46. 3 volumes. Minutes and membership rolls. On loan from the Club. 2833. YPSILANTI FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS. TREASURER'S RECORDS, 1914-44. RECORDS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 2834. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. BUSINESS RECORDS, 1837-1955. 1 foot and 75 volumes. Included are twelve treasurer's reports and sixty volumes of records (1837-1915); fifteen Chemical Laboratory records (1870-79); records of the Dental College (1883-84); 500 items of correspondence and other papers of the Account- ing Office (1913-58); 250 items of miscellaneous business and financial records (1837-1930), in- cluding material on the University interest fund and gifts to the University, such as the Elizabeth Bates estate. 2835. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, 1890-1942. 15 volumes and £a. 250 items. Eleven volumes and ten items of general history; four volumes concerning the Burton Tower fund; memorials; twenty-five letters (1933) from department chairmen and deans on faculty loss occasioned by the depression; twenty-four reports and miscellaneous items on the mar- riage relations course (1936-40); reports on honorary degrees (1925-27, 1942); twenty- five reports and items of correspondence on student loan funds and scholarships (1890-1926); fifteen items of correspondence regarding Hopwood awards (1932-36). Correspondents include Franklin P. Adams, Henry Hazlitt, Arthur Pound, Webb Waldron. Other papers include a report on the Henry Russel award; two reports on the Middle English Dictionary; two memoranda on the Near Eastern Expedition (1925-26); receipt record of the Pasteur Institute (1903-07); three reports of the School of Mines (1876-79); thirteen items of correspondence of the Office of Educa- tional Investigations (1940-43); three items of legislation: act (1837) establishing the Univer- sity of Michigan, act (1838) granting a loan, ap- propriation act of 1893; and minutes of the Con- ference of University Social Science Research (1934-36). The 1936 meeting was held at the University. 2836. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. ADMINISTRA- TION. RECORDS, 1852-1949. 26 volumes and 20 feet. Seven volumes of admissions records (1856-1913); nine volumes of registration, at- tendance, examination, and other records (1852- 1925); three volumes of scrapbooks and reports of the Dean of Women (1920-49); two volumes of correspondence of the Auditing Committee ( 19 11- 17); one volume of janitor's records (1851-56); four volumes of scholarship records (1897-1939); eighteen feet of correspondence, financial rec- ords, and papers (1919-55) of the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, including correspondence on student aid, Latin American students, fraternities, so- rorities, World War H veterans affairs, and the Harmon foundation; 200 items of minutes and related papers of the Conference of Deans (1920- 42); report of the Committee of Instructors on Salaries (1920); report of the Committee on Cor- respondence Courses (1923); report of the Com- mittee of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts (1879); reports of the Committee of Non- Athletic Organizations (1910-14); report of the Committee on the Articulation of High School and College English (n.d.); report of the Com- mittee on College Entrance Requirements (1934); correspondence and reports of the Committee on Tax Survey (1928-29); correspondence and re- ports of the Committee on Theatre Policy and Practice (1930-36); report of the Committee on Traveling Expenses (1931); reports of the Com- mittee on University Calendar Revision (1920-26); reports of the Committee on Senate Reception (1911); minutes of the Committee on Near East Research (1929-31); reports of the Committee on Faculty Research Funds (1928-41); report of the Committee on Discipline (n.d.); minutes, corre- spondence and report of the Committee on Spe- cial Needs (1926-29). 2837. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. ALUMNI AS- SOCIATION. RECORDS, 1859-1960. 332 feet and 22 volumes. Correspondence, reports, registration registers, and miscellaneous records covering all aspects of the Alumni and Alumnae Associa- tions activities, both on campus and clubs or- ganized in various cities throughout the world; correspondence of The Michigan Alumnus Quar- terly Review (1951-59); and records of various classes and their reunions. Included are College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts, Class of 1849 (2 items, 1899), 1858 (2 items, 1908, 1944), 1861 (4 items, 1910- 11), 1863 (50 items, 1887-1910), 1865 (150 items, 1910-14), 1867 (1 item, 1917), 1871 (5 items, 1886-1906), 1872 (300 items, 1872-1930), 1873 (6 items, 1873-74, 1930), 1875 (10 items, 1930- 41), 1876 (450 items and 1 volume, 1876-1938), 1877 (1 foot, 1887-1927), 1878 (11 items, 225 226 1876-1928), 1880 (75 items, 1905-38), 1881 (400 items, 1881-1938), 1883 (5 items, n.d.), 1888 (1 item), 1889 (25 items, 1914-27), 1892 (25 items, 1927), 1893 (2 items, 1893), 1896 (130 items, 1906-41), 1902 (1 volume and 2 items), 1903 (1 item, 1953), 1908 (1 item, 1908), 1916 (2 items, 1919); Medical School, Class of 1864 (1 item, 1907), 1874 (1 item, 1874); Law School, Class of 1868 (1 item, ca. 1909), 1886 (500 items, 1896-1941), 1887 (50 items, 1937), 1888 (7 feet, 1900-45), 1894 (100 items, 1945-49), 1898 (300 items, 1916-48), 1902 (1 volume and 200 items, 1940-52); College of Engineering, Class of 1904 (1 item, 1914), 1907 (3 items, 1932), 1927 (4 items, 1931). 2838. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY- ATHLETICS. PAPERS, 1879-1955. 25 volumes and 72 feet. The papers consist primarily of corre- spondence of football coaches and athletic direc- tors, particularly Fielding H. Yost; also reports, petitions, account books, scrapbooks, contracts, and other papers; minutes of the Board in Con- trol of Intercollegiate Athletics (1914-47); track and field records; papers of the Athletic Man- agers' Club; scholarship loan fund papers; cor- respondence and papers of the Athletic Associa- tion (1879-91); historical sketch of the Women's Athletic Association and women's physical edu- cation. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Charles Baird, Philip G. Bartelme, William A. Comstock, Herbert O. Crisler, Edwin Denby, Fred W. Green, Ring Lardner, Frank Murphy, Chase S. Osborn, Philip C. Pack, Knute K. Rockne, Alexander G. Ruthven, Arthur H. Van- denberg, Fielding H. Yost. 2839. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. AUDIO- VISUAL EDUCATION CENTER. REPORT, 1948. 1 item. Report and history of the Center. 2840. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. BOARD OF REGENTS. RECORDS, 1837-1943. 6 volumes and 350 items. Two volumes of Regents Proceedings (1837-70); minutes (1923, 1929-35); "Inside Stuff," a parody on a Board of Regents' meet- ing (ca. 1920); Regents' Executive Committee minutes (1845-51); receipt book (1838-54); re- ports of Regents' committees; petition from the Young Men's Society of Detroit regarding litiga- tion on University property (n.d.); legal docu- ments covering court action (1850) of Jonathan Kearsley against the University; correspondence and legal papers (1908-09) concerning James H. Wade; tentative bylaws of the University (1920); scattered correspondence and recommendations for degrees; correspondence on choosing a suc- cessor to President Marion L. Burton. Correspondents include William L. Clem- ents, Byron M. Cutcheon, Alpheus Felch, Cory- don La Ford, Henry S. Frieze, Harry A. Gar- field, Alexander J. Groesbeck, Herbert C. Hoover, Charles A. Kent, John W. Langley, Andrew C. McLaughlin, William J. Mayo, Chase S. Osborn, Alonzo B. Palmer, Ulrich B. Phillips, Henry Sewall, James Shearer, Joseph B. Steere, Ralph Stone, Jonathan Taft, Calvin Thomas, Alexander Winchell. 2841. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS DEPARTMENT. RECORDS, 1853-1935. 4 volumes and 1 foot. Reports, contracts, films, proposals and specifications for various University buildings and campus improvements; historical notes on buildings; summaries of New Deal federal aid projects; inventories of University property, 1879-80; miscellaneous papers; records of vari- ous fund-raising campaigns for buildings. 2842. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. BUREAU OF BROADCASTING. PAPERS, 1913-59. 2 feet and 48 volumes. Correspondence, reports, log book, radio scripts and other papers of University radio station WUOM and its pioneer predecessor WCBC. 2843. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. BUREAU OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. PAPERS, 1944-59. 250 items. Membership lists; correspondence in ref- erence to the conferences sponsored by the Bu- reau. 2844. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICES. RECORDS, 1875-1932. 5 volumes and 100 items. Five volumes of the Committee on Di- ploma Schools (1884-1907), giving detailed re- ports on high schools in Michigan and throughout the nation; reports on diploma students (1875-79); school inspection reports (1904-29); minutes of Accrediting Committee (1930-32); minutes of committees on relations with secondary schools and on cooperation with educational institutions and institutions of higher education. 2845. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. CATHOLEPIS- T EMI AD. RECORDS, 1817-69. 2 items and 4 vol- umes. 227 A volume of laws and ordinances of the University of Michigania (1817-18), signed by John Monteith; a volume of miscellaneous let- ters and documents (1817-69), collected by Charles I. Walker, relating to the University and including Woodward's draft of the act establish- ing the Catholepistemiad, a table listing profes- sorships, other documents, a report on govern- ment and organization of the University (1838), a report of the Monroe Branch of the Univer- sity, and a brief history of the University by Charles I. Walker (1869). Other items are Minutes of the Trustees (1821-37); receipt No. 1 (1817) for University Subscription Fund; first annual report of President Monteith (1818). Correspondents include James V. Camp- bell, John Monteith, Henry R. Schoolcraft, Charles I. Walker, William Woodbridge, Augus- tus B. Woodward. 2846. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY- CEREMONIES. PAPERS, 1887-1955. 5 feet and 4 vol- umes. Commencement addresses by Clinton P. Anderson (1946) and Justice Earl Warren (1955); correspondence, invitations, replies to invita- tions, and other papers relating to the inaugura- tions of presidents Marion L. Burton in 1920 (300 items and 4 volumes), Clarence C. Little in 1925 (150 items), and Harlan H. Hatcher in 1951 (600 items); memo on the College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts centennial (1940); correspondence and papers on the James B. Angell quarter centennial celebration in 1896 (7 items); correspondence and other papers of the Honors Convocation of 1936-37 (40 items); photostat of a letter to U Nu from Burmese students at The University of Michigan (1955); correspondence and other papers of the reunion in 1930 of the students of the Tappan adminis- tration (85 items); correspondence and other papers of the semi-centennial celebration in 1887; four feet of commencement correspond- ence, reports, and other material (1910-43); four volumes on the seventy- fifth anniversary celebration. 2847. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. PAPERS, 1873-1939. 60 feet and 1 vol- ume. Correspondence, reports, and other pa- pers from the Office of the Dean of the College of Engineering; Engineering Council records; papers on Willow Run Airport; manuscript his- tory of the College; a volume of drawings made by students in engineering shops. 2848. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. RECORDS, 1846-1945. 36 volumes and 230 feet. Twelve volumes of drafts and final ver- sions of minutes of the faculty (1846-1920); four volumes of records of the Administrative Board (1893-1922); five volumes of Executive Commit- tee minutes (1934-45); one volume of minutes of the Committee on the Deanship (1944-45); thir- teen volumes of miscellaneous records of depart- ments, including one volume of orations and es- says of the classes of 1858, 1860, 1861, 1863; one volume and 300 items of the 1941 centennial papers; 100 feet of correspondence, records of appointments, and other papers of the deans which deal with the College; 130 feet of records of the counselors offices of the dean of the Col- lege (1928-51). 2849. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. DEPARTMENTS. RECORDS, 1856-1959. Astronomy , 1885-1949. 16-1/2 feet. Cor- respondence, reports, budgets, and working pa- pers of the department and of The University of Michigan Observatories: McMath-Hulbert at Lake Angelus, Lamont-Hussey at Bloemfontein, and Detroit at Ann Arbor. Correspondents include Ralph H. Curtiss, William J. Hussey, Robert R. McMath. Botany , 1879-1913. 100 items. The rec- ords include reports, correspondence, financial papers, miscellaneous items on the department and the Botanical Gardens. Chemistry , 1856-1921. 37 items. Re- ports, correspondence, recommendations of the department and especially the chemical labora- tory. Correspondents include Charles K. Adams, Edward D. Campbell, Silas H. Douglas, John W. Langley. English , 1919-57. 250 items. The papers include correspondence on the faculty and ad- ministration of the department. Correspondents include William W. Bishop, Van Wyck Brooks, Marion L. Burton, Oscar J. Campbell, Lucius L. Hubbard, Clarence C. Little, Alfred H. Lloyd, Louis A. Strauss. Fine Arts , ^n.d.]. 1 item. Report on the pioneering nature of fine arts courses developed by Alva Bradish. History , 1927-52. 5 feet. Correspond- ence, largely regarding faculty appointments, the 1952 directory of the History Department's Doc- tors of Philosophy, and other operations of the department. Correspondents include Arthur E. R. Boak, Arthur L. Cross, John R. Effinger, Howard M. Ehrmann, Frank E. Robbins, Lewis G. Vander Velde. 228 Mineralogy and Petrography , 1915-33. 50 items. Correspondence and reports of the department. Edward H. Kraus is a correspond- ent. Physics , 1875-1947. 300 items. Corre- spondence, budget sheets, and other papers cov- ering departmental staff members, plans, or- ganization, buildings, research, and the impact of World War I. Correspondents include Marion L. Burton, Henry S. Carhart, James M. Cork, Horace R. Crane, Enrico Fermi, Albert C. Furstenberg, Karl E. Guthe, Fred J. Hodges, John W. Langley, Ernest O. Lawrence, Robert A. Millikan, Robert Oppenheimer, Harrison M. Randall, John O. Reed, Lewis Reichle, Walter L. Stevens, George E. Uhlenbeck. Speech , 1924-59. 85 volumes and 3 itema Seventy- four scrapbooks (1928-59) covering va- rious phases of play production and dramatic activities at The University of Michigan; a his- tory of plays at the University (1909-56); eleven volumes of materials (1938-51) pertaining to the Repertory Players; a letter from Ray Immel discussing needs of the Speech Department (1926); a letter on the need for a University theater (1924). 2850. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. DIVISION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE. PAPERS, 1937-51. 275 items. Correspondence, reports, and minutes particularly concerned with research projects. 2851. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES. PAPERS, 1930-39. 275 items. Correspondence, reports, minutes, and miscellaneous papers. Correspondents include Arthur W. Brom- age, Carl E. Guthe, Charles F. Remer. 2852. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. ENGLISH LAN- GUAGE INSTITUTE. PAPERS, 1941-57. 6 feet. Papers and correspondence of the Insti- tute, the correspondence being largely with the Director Charles C. Fries and Robert Lado. 2853. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. EXTENSION SERVICE. PAPERS, 1900-60. 100 feet. Correspondence, reports, records. 2854. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. FACULTY. RECORDS, 1875-1961. 4 feet and 71 volumes. Reports of faculty publications, 1904-05 (100 items); minutes, biographical materials, programs, and other papers of the following social and research clubs: Apostles Club, 1909- 36 (18 volumes and 40 items); Faculty Women's Club, 1921-61 (10 volumes and 600 items); Katholepistemiad Club, 1918-42 (10 items); Mathematics Society, 1890-92 (10 items); Quad- rangle Club, 1900-32 (15 volumes and 100 items); Research Club, ca. 1900-51 (2 feet); Scientific Club, 1875-86 (1 volume and 300 items); Univer- sity Club, 1890-1932 (100 items); Women's Re- search Club, 1902-54 (7 volumes and 300 items). 2855. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. FACULTY AD- MINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATIONS. RECORDS, 1880-1951. 25 volumes and 1 foot. Notes, correspondence, financial records, reports, related papers, and nine volumes of minutes of the University Senate (1880-1951), two volumes of Senate Council minutes, and cor- respondence and reports (1909-16), seventeen volumes and 200 items of the University Council, including minutes, financial records, and accom- panying documents and reports (1928-42), min- utes of the Committee of Scholarly Publications (1935), and a petition (ca. 1920) for a faculty forum. 2856. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL SCHOOL. PAPERS, 1866-1923. 200 items. Petitions urging the establishment of the School; correspondence and reports, mostly deal- ing with relations between the School and the regular Medical School. 2857. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN ADJUSTMENT. PAPERS, 1936-55. 4 feet. Correspondence, reports, and papers on various University departments, institutes, and research projects. 2858. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH. PAPERS, 1931-37. 19 items. Minutes and other papers of the Institute. 2859. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. INTERNATION- AL CENTER. RECORDS, 1924-45. 12 feet and 3 vol- umes. Minutes of the Committee on Intercultural Relations (1943-45); correspondence and rosters of alumni in foreign countries (1924-37); roster of International Center men in service during World War II; twelve feet of correspondence, reports, and other papers. 229 2860. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. LAW SCHOOL. PAPERS, 1852-1950. 46 items and 19 volumes. Petition, reports, minutes, reports of students, and correspondence of the Law School; minutes of the Law Class of 1908 (1905-08); case book recording mock cases and courtroom procedures used in law school teaching (1895). Correspondents include Henry M. Bates, James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley, Charles A. Kent, Charles Rynd, William P. Wells. 2861. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY. PAPERS, 1837-1945. 450 items and 51 volumes. Correspondence and reports, particularly in the years 1910-15 and ca. 1946. The papers cover book purchases of the Library, gifts, ap- pointment of librarians, various library build- ings, and circulation reports. Correspondents include William W. Bishop, Theodore W. Koch, Frank Murphy, Warner G. Rice. 2862. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. MEDICAL SCHOOL. RECORDS, 1850-1952. 47 feet and 1265 volumes. Four volumes of faculty minutes (1850- 1903); student registers; reports; miscellaneous accounts; scrapbook of proposed removal of clinical work of the Medical School to Detroit (1889); correspondence, particularly for the years 1895-1903, 1915-50; 200 items (1892-1952) of bills, receipts and other business papers of the Physiology Department, and a manuscript history of the Anatomy Department (1947); 1250 volumes of Medical School theses (1851-77). Correspondents include Byron M. Cutcheon, Corydon L. Ford, Abram Sager. 2863. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. MICHIGAN HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS. RECORDS, 1935-62. 4 feet and 12 vol- umes. Minutes of the Committee on University Archives; diaries; registers; manual; accession books; business records; catalogs; miscellaneous papers; correspondence and other materials per- taining to Michigan and the Cleveland Era . 2864. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. MICHIGAN MEMORIAL- PHOENIX PROJECT. RECORDS, 1950's. 4 feet and 2 volumes. Correspondence and other papers dealing with fund-raising campaigns for the project. Correspondents include Brooks Atkinson, Charles E. Beard, Omar N. Bradley, Homer Ferguson, John Hersey, C. B. S. Lewis, George C. Marshall, Lewis Mumford, Chester W. Nimitz, Vincent Sheean, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Fred M. Waring, Orson Welles. 2865. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. MILITARY and WAR RELATED ACTIVITIES. RECORDS, 1917-45. 75 feet and 15 vol- umes. Six volumes of records and scattered cor- respondence (1920-26) of Richard N. Hall V.F.W. Post (University of Michigan students); one vol- ume of records of the Committee on International Problems; two scrapbooks of World War II ar- ticles; six volumes of diaries kept by Robert H. Sherlock of Engineering Science Management War Training Operations in World War n; one volume on the Reserve Officers Training Corps (1937- 39); seventy-five feet of records collected by the University War Historian on World War II activ- ities of The University of Michigan; 100 items of the University World War II veterans agencies; twenty- seven lectures and scattered correspond- ence about them by University professors on the war aims of World War I; records of World War I training activities (Students' Army Training Corps); history and company records of Section 590 of the U.S. Army Ambulance Service, May 1917 to June 1919. 2866. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. MUSEUMS. PAPERS, 1863-1955. 3 feet. Correspondence (1916-55), budgets, ex- hibit publicity and other materials on expeditions, staff, and projects; reports and correspondence on the Art Museum and other museums (1863- 97). Correspondents include William L. Clem- ents, Robert E. Peary, Joseph B. Steere. 2867. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. NEWS SERV- ICE. PAPERS, 1920-60. 67 feet. General correspondence of the News Service (1920-43) and miscellaneous papers. Correspondents include Donald K. Ander- son, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Murray D. Van Wagoner. 2868. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. OFFICE OF REGISTRATION AND RECORDS. BIOGRAPHICAL RLE, t n.d.]. 4 feet. Biographical file of University of Mich- igan faculty members for the years 1835-1942. 2869. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY. PAPERS, 1877, 1908-54. 260 feet and 12 volumes. Official correspondence and records 230 covering the President's office from 1920-29; extensive correspondence from the Vice Presi- dent-Secretary's office with units, schools, de- partments within the University and with colleges, universities and other institutions throughout the nation (1908-44); ten volumes of records (1954) which relate to the suspension of three faculty members; report on the University for 1919; re- ports on financial needs of the University and correspondence on the legislative appropriation for 1920; miscellaneous reports of the President for 1877, 1920-24. Correspondents include James B. Angell, Marion L. Burton, Robert L. Frost, Harry B. Hutchins, Clarence C. Little, Alexander G. Ruth- ven, Shirley W. Smith. 2870. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. PAPERS, 1915-60. 10 feet. Correspondence, press releases, news- paper clippings, programs about various per- formances sponsored by the Association. Much of the correspondence is of autograph value from persons prominent in public affairs and the arts during the period. 2871. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. RELATED GROUPS. RECORDS, 1890-1950. 154 feet and 146 volumes. Ann Arbor Drama Season, 1949-50. 100 items, including correspondence with Valentine Windt. Ann Arbor School of Religion and its predecessor the School of Sacred Literature, 1891-1933. 150 items. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, 1894-1937. 6 volumes and 3 feet. Min- utes, financial records, correspondence, and other papers. Michigan Political Science Association, 1893-1907. 1 foot. Correspondents include Henry C. Adams, Charles H. Cooley, John A. Fairlie, Harry B. Hutchins, Herman Kiefer, Theodore Roosevelt, Peter Q. White. Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, 1918-44. 1 volume and 28 items. Correspondence and other papers. National Music Camp, Interlochen, ca. 1920-49. 80 feet and 2 volumes. Correspond- ence, films, slides, scrapbooks, recordings, and miscellaneous materials relating to the Camp. University Musical Society, 1890-1940. 70 feet and 60 volumes. Reports, correspond- ence, financial records, miscellaneous papers of the Society. 2872. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. STUDENT LEC- TURE ASSOCIATION. PAPERS, 1854-56, 1901. 24 items. Articles of association (1901); correspond- ence regarding invitations to speak at The Uni- versity of Michigan. Correspondents include Louis Agassiz, George W. Bethune, William C. Bryant, Lewis Cass, George W. Curtis, Ralph W. Emerson, Edward Everett, Parke Godwin, Oliver W. Holmes, William H. C. Hosmer, William A. Howard, T. Starr King, John Lord, Horrace Mann, Wendell Phillips, John G. Saxe, Charles Sumner, Bayard Taylor, Benjamin F. Taylor, Edwin P. Whipple, Robert C. Winthrop. 2873. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY- STUDENT LIFE AND CUSTOMS. RECORDS, 1842-1962. 10 feet and 360 volumes. Student government : Student Government Council and its pred- ecessors, Student Council and Student Senate, 1912-61. 200 items and 4 volumes. Departmental, Political, Special Clubs : American Society of Engineers (student branch), 1914-24. 1 volume and 200 items. American Student Union (Michigan branch), 1940. 18 items. Cosmopolitan Club, 1918-21. 1 volume. Engineering Council, 1956-61. 30 items. Engineering Society of the University of Michigan, 1879-1918. 5 volumes. International Relations Club, 1943. 2 items, including its constitution. Michigan Party, 1940. 1 volumes and 20 items, including a letter from J. Edgar Hoover. Ohio Club Court, 1869-76. 1 volume. Philosophical Society, 1884-92. 1 volume. Fraternities and Sororities: Acacia, 1927. 1 item. Alpha Delta Phi, 1847-61. 3 items. Alpha Omicron Pi, 1920. 1 volume [n.d.] and 1 item. Beta Theta Pi, 1850-1930. 200 items and 4 volumes. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Omicron chapter, 1855-1927. 8 volumes. Delta Upsilon, 1876-1935. 28 volumes. Gamma Delta Nu, 1901-19. 1 volume. Gamma Phi Beta, 1893. 1 item. Interfraternity Council, 1912-30. 1 volume. Phi Delta Theta, [n.d.] . 51 volumes and 400 items. Phi Gamma Delta, 1908-56. 50 items. Pi Kappa Alpha, 1916-33. 300 items. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1922. 1 item. Sigma Phi, 1887-93. 65 items. 231 Honor and Recognition Societies: Michigamau, 1902-33. 5 volumes and 300 items. Michigan Toastmasters' Club, 1902-56. 75 items. Phi Beta Kappa, 1907-30. 2 volumes and 200 items. Tau Beta Pi, 1936. 1 item. Triangle, 1910-32. 3 volumes. Vulcans, 1904-27. 1 volume. Housing : General, 1913-38. 25 items. Reports and papers on dormitory life and activities. Abe Lincoln Cooperative House, 1940-41. 350 items. Adelia Cheever House, 1924-36. 1 vol- ume and 3 items. Alumnae House, 1935-44. 25 items. Helen Newberry Residence, 1920-49. 5 feet. Lawyers' Club, 1933. 1 item. Martha Cook Building, 1915. 4 items. Mary Markley Hall, 1917-50. 4 volumes and 300 items. Michigan Wolverine Cooperative Boarding House, 1932-39. 200 items. Socialist House, 1932-47. 9 volumes and 100 items. Winchell House, 1948-60. 70 items. Literary, Speech, Dramatic Societies : Alpha Nu Literary Society, 1843-1923. 54 volumes and 100 items. Jeffersonian Society, 1866-72. 1 volume. Literary Adelphi, 1857-1929. 16 volumes and 200 items, including minutes and correspond- ence. Literary Adelphi Hesperian, 1857-64. 3 volumes. Lyceum Club, 1908-09. 1 volume. Northern Oratorical League, 1890-1921. 35 items. Omega Phi, 1954. 1 item. Phi Phi Alpha, 1842-55. 2 volumes. Philological Association, 1883-84. 1 vol- ume. Poetry Society, 1932. 50 items. Student Lecture Association (See entry No. 2872). Webster Debating Society, 1868-82. 1 volume. Musical Organizations : Friars, 1899-1907. 1 volume. Men's Glee Club, 1929-58. 1 volume (1936) and 300 items. Michigan Union Opera, 1923-26. 3 vol- umes. Minstrels, 1891. 30 items. Student Volunteer Band, 1914-55. 1 vol- ume. Publications : Board in Control of Student Publications, 1937-56. 4 volumes and 3 feet. Chimes, 1919-21. 1 volume. Inlander, 1920's. 1 volume and 5 items. Michigan Daily, 1901. 2 items. Palladium Board, 1892. 1 volume. Panorama, 1937. 30 items. Sibyl, 1833-66, 1931. 8 volumes and 5 items. Religious Organizations : Office of Religious Affairs and its pred- ecessors, the Student Christian Association and Student Religious Association, 1857-1959. 6 feet and 80 volumes. These include the Christian Library Association, 1858, 1 volume; Y.M.C.A., 1895-1935, 19 volumes and 1 item; and the Y.W.C.A., 1916-26, 3 volumes. There is also one volume of Chapel attendance records for the 1860's. Social Groups : J-Hop, 1913-23. 25 items. Michigan League, 1890-1934. 1 foot and 34 volumes. Michigan Union, 1911-56. 10 volumes and 200 items. Temperance Societies : Student Temperance Union, 1865-67. 1 volume. Young Women's Christian Temperance Union, 1880-81. 1 volume. 2874. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. SUMMER SES- SION. RECORDS, 1894-1933. 8 feet and 5 vol- umes. Two volumes of lists of students (1894- 1912); one volume of faculty minutes (1896-1900); two volumes of miscellaneous records; corre- spondence and other papers on Camp Davis and the Biological Station (1908-33), and Camp Fili- bert Roth. 2875. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. PAPERS, 1927-29. 250 items. Correspondence, minutes of committees, and reports on the attempts to establish a Uni- versity College. 2876. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY- WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY. INSTITUTE OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. 232 TAPE RECORDED INTERVIEWS, 1959- 61. 94 volumes. Typescripts of interviews of leaders in labor movements in Michigan, particularly the U.A.W. from its organization to date, and cover- ing all phases of organizational arrangements, internal disputes, union activities, strikes, and attitudes towards business and government. Those interviewed were George F. Addes, Louis H. Adkins, John W. Anderson, John Bar- tee, Charles K. Beckman, Stanley W. Brams, Norman W. Bully, Arthur R. Case, James M. Cleveland, Richard Coleman, Charles Conway, Alexander Cook, James G. Couser, Lawrence S. Davidow, Nick Digaetano, Joseph B. Ditzel, James F. Doherty, Tracy Doll, Dominic Dornet- to, John Eldon, Jess Ferrazza, Joseph Ferris, Bert Foster, Everett Francis, Elmer Freitag, Mort Furay, Daniel M. Gallagher, Nat Ganley, Catherine Gelles, William L. Genske, Adolph F. Germer, Josephine Gomon, Carl Haessler, Fred V. Haggard, Edward Hall, Matthew B. Hammond, Richard E. Harris, Joseph Hattley, William Humphreys, Jack R. Hurst, R. C. Ingram, Mar- tin Jensen, Clayton E. Johnson, Lester Johnson, Thomas Klasey, Leonard E. Klue, Theodore LaDuke, Russell Leach, Ed Lee, Al Leggat, Elizabeth McCracken, John K. McDaniel, John McGill, Frank Manfred, Michael J. Manning, Frank Marquart, Joseph Mattson, Lewis H. Michener, Paul E. Miley, Andrew Montgomery, Wyndham Mortimer, Stanley Nowak, Cyril O'Halloran, Patrick J. O'Malley, Joseph F. Pagano, E. R. Palmer, John Panzner, William Payne, Orrin H. Peppier, Joseph Piconke, Leon Pody, Adam Poplawski, Ed Purdy, Walter Quil- lico, Philip Raymond, Herbert H. Richardson, John F. Ringwald, Arthur E. Rohan, James A. Roland, Harry L. Ross, Paul Russo, Samuel Sage, Walter Schilling, Leo D. Shaffer, Bud Simons, Samuel D. Smith, William Stevenson, Carl A. Swanson, Shelton Tappes, I. Paul Taylor, Frank B. Tuttle, Art Vega, Ray Vess, Frank L. Wallemann, Jack Wilse, Elmer Yenney, Lawrence Yost. 2877. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. WORKERS ED- UCATION SERVICE. PAPERS, 1944-49. 100 items. Report, radio scripts, scattered corre- spondence, clippings, and other papers. Correspondents include Albert K. Stevens. ADDENDUM PERSONAL PAPERS 2878. ABBOTT, OLIVE RUTH. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, ca. 1942. 1 item. Biographical sketch of Nathan Abbott, former professor of law at The University of Michigan. 2879. ADAMS, CHARLES OSCAR (1831- ). LETTERS, 1861-62. 13 items. Letters written by Adams of Fentonville to his wife while he was serving in Company I, Third Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Acquired, 1962. 2880. ALLEN, MARY MOORE. MANUSCRIPT ARTICLE, ca. 1961. 12 pages. An article entitled, "Origin of Names of Army and Air Corps Posts, Camps and Stations in World War II in Michigan." Acquired, 1962. 2881. ANONYMOUS. PAPERS, 1880. 2 items. Letter by "George" of Kalamazoo de- scribing The University of Michigan Law School, and a poem, "The Unionist's Daughter." 2882. BACHMANN, WERNER EMMANUEL (1901-51). PAPERS, 1927-48. 6 volumes and 20 items. Professor of Chemistry, The University of Michigan. Professional notes, including notes on chemical preparations, laboratory experi- ments, and chemical literature; two letters, stu- dent papers, and miscellaneous items. Acquired, 1963. 2883. BAIRD, WILLIAM (1840-1914). REMINISCENCES, 1911. 1 volume. Farmer and teacher, St. Clair County. Reminiscences of his parentage, schooling, teaching, farming, and particularly his Civil War experiences as a member of the Sixth Michigan Cavalry. Gift of Mrs. Ralph Muncy, 1963. 2884. BROWN, WILLIAM E. PAPERS, 1945-62. 2 feet and 5 volumes. Ann Arbor businessman and Mayor (1945- 55). The papers consist of correspondence, re- ports, scrapbooks, and other papers primarily dealing with his mayorality and the city of Ann Arbor. Gift of William E. Brown, 1962. 2885. BURGWIN, RICHARD. PAPERS, 1959-60. 150 items. University of Michigan Ph.D. candidate in speech. Correspondence in response to requests for information about Valentine Windt (1901-55) from Windt' s students and colleagues in the theatre. Gift of Richard Burgwin, 1962. 2886. BURR, MARY L. LETTER, 1860. 1 item. Letter of Mary Burr of Standish to her brother William describing everyday occurrences. Gift of Ralph J. Burr, 1963. 2887. CARMAN, GEORGE NOBLE (1856-1941). PAPERS, 1875-1929. 9 feet and 3 vol- umes. High school principal in Michigan and elsewhere; Professor, University of Chicago; Director of Lewis Institute. Student diaries kept while he was at The University of Michigan, correspondence, and other papers of a personal nature. 2888. CLARK, CHLOE A. (1817-80). DIARY, 1836. 1 volume. Ann Arbor schoolmistress. Diary describ- ing her journey with her family from New York State to Michigan. Gift of Carl B. Boyd, Jr., 1963. 2889. CLEARY, OWEN J. (1900-60). PAPERS, 1935-59. 10 feet and 2 vol- umes. Lawyer, educator, Michigan Secretary of State. The correspondence, speeches, clippings, scrapbooks, and other papers deal principally with his activities as State Chairman of the Re- publican Party (1949-53), elections, his own and other campaigns for office, and patronage. There is some material concerning the American Le- gion and Michigan State University centennial. Correspondents include Clare E. Hoffman and Robert A. Taft. Gift of Mrs. Owen J. Cleary, 1962. 2890. COLE, SAMUEL PARKER. JOURNAL, 1852-53. 36 pages. 235 236 Physician. Cole was a student from Oswego, New York. Excerpts from his journal tell of the courses he took and operations wit- nessed while he was attending The University of Michigan Medical School. Acquired, 1963. 2891. CONELY, EDWIN F. SCRAPBOOK, 1882. 1 volume. Superintendent of Police in Detroit. Clip- pings on Detroit police matters in which he was involved. Gift of Forrest V. Patch, 1962. 2892. CONELY [CONLEY], THOMAS JEFFER- SON (1836-99). PAPERS, 1855-1934. 250 items. Personal correspondence, primarily of T. J. Conely of Jackson, covering his Civil War service in Company K, Ninth Michigan Infantry, and letters to him from Albion, Erie, Mason, and Brighton. There are some papers of the Langdon family whose daughter Lottie married Conely, and two Civil War letters of David P. Ingraham of Company A, Ninth Michigan Cavalry. Gift of Forrest V. Patch, 1962. 2893. COWDEN, ROY WILLIAM (1883-1961). PAPERS, ca. 1920-50. 3 feet. Professor of English, The University of Michigan. Correspondence and other papers pertaining to the English Department, the Hop- wood Awards, and his own writings and scholar- ly interests. On loan from Mrs. Roy E. Cowden, 1963. 2894. CRAMTON, LOUIS CONVERS (1875- ). PAPERS, ca. 1913-51. 6 feet. Michigan Representative, U.S. Represent- ative. Correspondence, speeches, and clippings pertaining to his service in Congress (1913-31), particularly relations with the Interior Depart- ment and the National Park Service, and Mich- igan politics and the one-man grand jury sys- tem in the state. Correspondents include Wilber M. Bruck- er, Herman Dehnke, Kim Sigler. Gift of Louis C. Cramton, 1942-62. 2895. DEARDOFF, NEVA RUTH (1887-1958). PAPERS, 1932-58. 2 feet. University of Michigan graduate, New York Social Worker. Correspondence (1952-58), speeches, reprints of articles, and tape record- ings covering her professional activities in so- cial work. Gift of Miss Harriet G. Russell, 1962. 2896. DeJONG, RUSSELL NELSON (1907- PAPERS, 1920-60. 4 feet. )• Professor of Neurology, The University of Michigan. Minutes of the Executive Faculty of The University of Michigan Medical School (1947-60); financial records of the Department of Neurology; correspondence regarding residents (1940-56) and the Journal of Neurology (1950-59). Gift of Dr. Russell DeJong, 1962. 2897. DESKINS, DONALD R. M.A. THESIS, 1962. 1 volume. University of Michigan M.A. thesis, "Ne- gro Settlement in Ann Arbor, 1860-1962." Acquired, 1963. 2898. DEXTER, SAMUEL WILLIAM (1792-1863). PAPERS, 1826-44. 3 items. Lawyer, pioneer settler of Washtenaw County, Regent of The University of Michigan. The papers include a letter concerning a govern- ment publishing order for the Western Emigrant . 2899. DRYER, REGINALD (Rex) PEACOCK. REMINISCENCES, 1951. c 7] pages. Reminiscences of student life at The Uni- versity of Michigan, particularly the Delta Upsi- lon fraternity athletics and Arthur H. Vanden- berg. 2900. ECKERT, OTTO E. (1890- ). PAPERS, 1941. 4 items. Lansing businessman, Regent of The Uni- versity of Michigan. The Eckert papers pertain to the Orlando Barnes house in Lansing. Gift of Otto E. Eckert, 1962. 2901. ELSWORTH, RALPH HENRY (1872-1947). PAPERS, 1899-1901. 43 items. Student papers of Elsworth dealing with women graduates of The University of Michigan, particularly those who became missionaries. 2902. FORBES, WILLIAM. LETTER, 1835. 1 item, typewritten copy. Surveyor, farmer. Letter to James Forbes, Peterhead, Scotland, giving a full ac- count of the settlement and agricultural condi- tions in Allegan County. Gift of Mrs. Alan H. Colcord, 1963. 2903. FOSTER, JAMES C. PAPERS, 1918-19. 400 items. Directives and reports of the War Pre- paredness Board of Luce County; scattered per- sonal correspondence on World War I, including letters from Albert E. Sleeper. Gift of Sidney D. Foster, 1962. 2904. GILLIS, GAYLORD WILSON (1873- ). PAPERS, 1893, 1934. 2 items. 237 Detroit merchant. Letter of Gillis dis- cussing University of Michigan chapel exercises in the 1890's, and a notice (1893) from James B. Angell for a chapel service. 2905. GILLMORE, ROBERT HARRIS (1851-1923). PAPERS, 1873. 4 items. Lawyer. Diplomas, and genealogical in- formation on the Gillmore- Granger family. 2906. GONICK, SAMUEL. LETTER, 1962. 1 item. Letter containing brief reminiscence of the Sunrise Co-operative Farm Community which operated in the Saginaw Valley in the 1930's. Gift of Samuel Gonick, 1962. 2907. GREENE, WILLIAM M. (1840-63). LETTERS, 1858, 1862-63. 6 items. Five of the letters were written to his sister while he was serving in Company A, Twentieth Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John Macfie, 1963. 2908. GREENMAN, ALBERT THAYER. STUDENT NOTEBOOK, 1909. 1 volume. Student notebook for University of Mich- igan physics laboratory. 2909. GRIFFIN, ANNIE E. LETTER, 1886. 1 item. Letter from an unknown University of Michigan student to Miss Griffin discussing stu- dent pranks. Gift of William E. Hamaker, 1953. 2910. GRIFFIN, CLARE ELMER (1892- ). PAPERS, 1933. 2 items. Dean of the School of Business Adminis- tration, The University of Michigan. Report and covering letter on student expenses at The Uni- versity of Michigan. 2911. HALSEY, LAWRENCE WOODRUFF. LETTER, 1896. 1 item. Circuit Judge, Milwaukee. Letter dis- cussing the history of the Jeffersonian Literary Society of The University of Michigan Law School. Gift of the Law School, 1963. 2912. HOWELL, SADIE. CORRESPONDENCE, 1872-73. 5 items. Letters to Sadie Howell from Lydia New- comb and Albert Chesterfield Pearson. Pear- son, a University of Michigan student, comments on student life. 2913. HUSTON, WILSON BOYLE (1828-63). LETTER, 1862. 1 item. A student letter describing his daily rou- tine, housing, and the campus of The University of Michigan. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John Huston, 1963. 2914. JACKSON, WALTER HINCKLEY (1840- 1930). PAPERS, 1852-1936. 250 items. Civil War veteran and Ann Arbor dentist. Correspondence on family matters, business af- fairs, professional activities; genealogies of the Jackson and Samuel Williams families; legal and business papers; poems; clippings; typewritten copy of a Civil War diary covering his service in the 130th New York Infantry and Nineteenth New York Cavalry as chief trumpeter (1862-65). Gift of Donald Limpert, 1963. 2915. JAMES, WILLIAM STUART. REMINISCENCES, ca. 1915. 1 volume. Ann Arbor dentist. Reminiscences of James' activities in South Africa as a dental assistant during the Boer War, with a few notes on lectures in The University of Michigan School of Dentistry. Gift of Mrs. Joseph Schnebelt, 1963. 2916. JONES, DALLAS LEE. M.A. THESIS, 1952. 1 volume. Professor of Industrial Relations, The University of Michigan. Cornell University M.A. thesis, "The Survey and Sale of Public Land in Michigan." Acquired, 1963. 2917. JOY, JAMES FREDERICK (1810-96). PAPERS, 1834-1937. 9 feet and 5 vol- umes. Lawyer, railroad magnate, Regent of The University of Michigan. The papers consist of materials compiled by research associates of Joy on mid- western railroads before the Civil War, chiefly the Illinois Central and the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, and for a biography of Abraham Lincoln. There is also a biography of Joy written by M. C. McConkey. Gift of Mrs. Henry B. Joy, 1946. 2918. KEELER, ALONZO MERRILL (1826- ). PAPERS, 1853-89. 60 items and 4 vol- umes. Teacher. Personal correspondence, large- ly Civil War letters of Alonzo Keeler and his brother Ezra of Macomb County covering their service in the Twenty- second Michigan Infantry. Four diaries kept by Alonzo are chiefly concerned with his life in Confederate prisons. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil S. Morrow, 1962. 238 2919. KERN, FRANK J. STUDENT PAPER, 1947. 13 pages. Student seminar paper, "Willow Run Recreation," describing its summer program. 2920. KOSTEN, EDWARD A.( -1954). PAPERS, 1913-54. Ca. 200 items. Grand Rapids labor official. Correspond- ence, dues book, radio scripts, and other ma- terials on Michigan labor unions, the aged, job discrimination, the Community Chest, and school integration in Grand Rapids. There is also a typescript of a recorded interview with Mrs. Kosten describing her work as a state factory inspector in the Grand Rapids area in 1937-51. Gift of Mrs. Edward A. Kosten, 1963. 2921. LINDEMER, LAWRENCE B. PAPERS, 1957-61. 250 items. Lawyer, State Chairman of the Republican Party. Correspondence and speeches dealing with his activities as state chairman, particular- ly in 1957. Correspondents include Wilber M. Bruck- er. Gift of Lawrence B. Lindemer, 1962. 2922. LODGE, JOHN C. LETTER, 1928. 1 item. Letter to Lodge from John J. Pershing declining an invitation. 2923. MALCOLM, GEORGE ARTHUR (1881- 1961). COURT DECISIONS, 1917-36. 18 volumes. Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. Gift of Mrs. George A. Malcolm, 1962. 2924. MARTIN, MARGARET NICKERSON ( -1960). PAPERS, ca. 1937-44. 150 items. Poetess, Jackson. Essays, articles, poems, biographical material containing reflec- tions on her activities, personal philosophy, and topics of general interest. There is also mate- rial about her career which was collected by Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe. Gift of Mrs. Martin, 1939-41, and Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe, 1962. 2925. MICHIGAN SCRAPBOOK, 1843-75. 1 volume. Scrapbook of newspaper clippings collect- ed by unknown persons regarding Michigan his- tory, including Detroit, Three Rivers, the His- torical Society of Michigan, The University of Michigan, and Andrew Ten Brook. 2926. MILHOUS, DOROTHY Z. GENEALOGY, 1962. 1 volume. Genealogy of the descendents of David Steere and Phebe Milhous. Gift of Mrs. Hazel A. Stewart, 1963. 2927. NOY, THOMAS. PAPERS, 1849, 1882-1902. 4 volumes. Farmer, Kent County. Diaries of Noy and his wife Elizabeth describing their voyage from England to America in 1849, and memoran- dum books of their farming activities in Kent County. On loan from Mrs. Joseph Schnebelt, 1963. 2928. PAGE, HERMAN (1866-1942). PAPERS, 1900-40. 49 items and 1 vol- ume. Portestant Episcopal Bishop of Michigan. Correspondence and scrapbook of letters largely relating to his retirement but including some earlier personal papers. Correspondents include Frank Murphy, George C. Stewart, Henry P. Williams. Gift of the Michigan Diocese, 1963. 2929. ROSE, LEVI. ORDER, 1812. 1 item. Order of Rose for supplies for Lewis Cass' Ohio Volunteers. Gift of Mrs. Paul Adams, 1963. 2930. RUFUS, MRS. MAUDE. LETTER, 1916. 1 item. Wife of University of Michigan Professor, Carl Rufus. Letter from Seoul, Korea, describ- ing their educational work there. Gift of Mrs. Ralph Muncy, 1963. 2931. SAWTELL FAMILY. NOTEBOOK, ca. 1850-70. 1 volume. Notebook of quotations and notes on the status of women, kept by a member of the Saw- tell family, probably a member of the staff of Michigan Female College. Gift of Dr. Arch W. Diack, 1963. 2932. and SHAW, BRACKLEY (1818- FAMILY. PAPERS, 1840-1938. 1 foot. Correspondence of Brackley Shaw, his son Horatio W., and his brother Horatio, regard- ing missionary activities, family affairs, and particularly the political interests of Brackley as a member of the Michigan Legislature, 1869- 70, 1881-84. 239 Correspondents include Henry P. Baldwin, Thomas W. Ferry, Emma Amelia Hall, Horatio Shaw, Horatio W. Shaw, Frank (George "Kid") Stephens. Gift of Mrs. Roger Palpant, 1963. 2933. SMITH, ANSELLARY BROOKS ( -1962). PAPERS, 1932-62. 54 items. Grand Rapids physician. Largely corre- spondence between Arthur H. Vandenberg and Mrs. Vandenberg and Smith, who was their per- sonal physician. They discuss health and other personal matters with some mention of politics and the 1948 Republican nomination. Gift of A. Brooks Smith, Jr., 1963. 2934. STROEBEL, RALPH W. LETTER, 1962. 4 items. Letter and enclosures relative to the Tittabawassee Boom Company. Gift of Ralph W. Stroebel, 1962. 2935. SUTTON, JOHN A. (1840-62). CORRESPONDENCE, 1859-62. 10 items. Letters of Sutton to Emma Sutton and Mrs. Charles Wood written largely while he was serving in the First Michigan Infantry during the Civil War, and a letter from Arthur Ed- wards, chaplain, announcing Sutton's death. Gift of Orlan W. Boston, 1963. 2936. TRAVIS, DeHULL N. (1882-1960). PAPERS, 1940-60. 2 feet. Secretary to Governor Chase S. Osborn; Assistant Secretary General of Nuremberg trials. Correspondence and other papers largely relat- ing to his activities with the war crimes trials. Gift of Mrs. Katherine Travis, 1963. 2937. VISSCHER, WILLIAM WALLACE. MANUSCRIPT HISTORY, E n.d.] . 6 pages. Lawyer, Detroit. History of The Univer- sity of Michigan Law School Class of 1918. Gift of the Law School, 1963. 2938. VOELKER, PAUL FREDERICK (1875- 1959). PAPERS, 1925-59. 8 items and 1 volume. Michigan Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion. Speeches, clippings, and miscellaneous papers concerning Voelker's career in education. Gift of Mrs. Katherine Morsink, 1963. 2939. WALTER, ERIC ALBERT (1897- ). PAPERS, 1941-52. 50 items. Assistant to the President, The Univer- sity of Michigan. Correspondence and papers dealing with student counseling services and faculty evaluations at The University of Michigan. 2940. WHISTLER, JOHN ORDER, 1799. 1 item. Order from Captain Whistler to the quar- termaster at Fort Wayne for two panes of win- dow glass for Major Hunt's quarters. Gift of Mrs. Paul Adams, 1963. 2941. WOLFE, GUSTAVE ADOLPH. THESIS, 1878. 1 item. "Payment by Negotiable Paper," a thesis submitted as a graduation requirement for the law degree from The University of Michigan. 2942. WOOD, MAY DAISY. REPORT, 1891. 1 item. Report of the National Christian Endeavor Society Convention, by Miss Wood of Battle Creek. Gift of Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe, 1963. 2943. )• WOODBURY, GEORGE E. (1840- LETTERS, 1862-63. 3 items. Civil War letters written to Belle Tread- well while he was serving in Company I, Sixth Michigan Infantry. See Bulletin No. 9 for details. CHURCH RECORDS 2944. LAPEER. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RECORDS, 1833-54, 1874-1913. 3 vol- umes. Covenant, minutes, membership roll, fi- nancial records, and records of the Women's Missionary Society. BUSINESS RECORDS 2945. CONSOLIDATED COAL COMPANY, Sagi- naw. RECORDS, 1912-37. 11 volumes. Business records of the Company as kept by Oswald Joseph Harrod. Gift of Miss Winifred Harrod, 1963. 2946. HUDSON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. PAPERS, 1910-43. 20 items and 2 vol- umes. Articles of incorporation, stockholders reports, employee contracts, minutes of various company committees, and general order file. RECORDS OF ORGANIZATIONS 2947. DUNWORKIN CLUB, Ann Arbor. RECORDS, 1944-61. 5 volumes. Records of the Dunworkin Club for retired 240 businessmen and University of Michigan faculty. Gift of Miss May Goodrich, 1963. 2948. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. GLASS CREEK GRANGE, No. 425. RECORDS, 1874-1905, 1920-25. 5 vol- umes. Minutes and other records of the Grange. Gift of Mrs. Harry Dunn, 1963. 2949. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. STONE Y CREEK GRANGE, No. 51. RECORDS, 1873-1947. 7 volumes and 1 item. Minutes, treasurer's records, member- ship roll books, and articles of association. On loan from the Grange, 1963. 2950. THREE QUARTER CENTURY CLUB, Battle Creek. PAPERS, 1906, 1915-40. 400 items. Minutes, membership lists and other pa- pers of this organization of men and women seventy- five years and older. Gift of Mrs. Stanley T. Lowe, 1963. INDEX Abbot, J. C , 595 Abbot, Waldo (1888- ), 1, 2842 Abbott, Amos Whitney (1835-1862), 2 Abbott, Calvin, 3 Abbott, N. C, 4 Abbott, Nathan (1854-1941), 2878 Abbott, Olive Ruth, 2878 Abbott, Robert, 256 Abbott, Sidney (1826- ), 1716 Abel, John Jacob (1857-1938, 5, 35, 47 Abrams, Edward T. (1860-1918), 6 Acacia, 2873 Academies, 791 Account books— Personal, 7, 45, 54, 56, 73, 108, 138, 168, 184, 208, 210, 211, 219, 236, 238, 264, 295, 309, 346, 364, 369, 371, 375, 390, 397, 445, 456, 459, 466, 485, 492, 499, 508, 516, 517, 525, 542, 554, 622, 635, 655, 658, 736, 754, 760, 765, 771, 777, 778, 779, 780, 782, 824, 832, 855, 859, 868, 872, 873, 874, 911, 966, 971, 977, 992, 1029, 1038, 1085, 1101, 1104, 1144, 1146, 1160, 1237, 1239, 1295, 1322, 1355, 1357, 1396, 1407, 1419, 1422, 1441, 1448, 1454, 1463, 1467, 1501, 1505, 1523, 1526, 1545, 1550, 1564, 1566, 1603, 1605, 1627, 1638, 1665, 1723, 1727, 1734, 1773, 1826, 1841, 1843, 1855, 1858, 1860, 1896, 1962, 1965, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2018, 2022, 2024, 2036, 2058, 2080, 2092, 2123, 2132, 2142 Acheson, Dean Gooderham (1893- ), 1365, 1515, 2056 Adam, John J. (1807-1888), 625 Adamic, Louis (1899-1951), 1253 Adams, Charles, 7 Adams, Charles Francis (1835-1915), 2050 Adams, Charles Kendall (1835-1902), 8, 47, 195, 994, 1063, 1230, 1340, 1396, 1400, 1686, 1724, 2007, 2022, 2849 Adams, Charles Oscar (1831- ), 2879 Adams, Charlotte, 1702 Adams, Edward F., 1702 Adams, Franklin Pierce (1868-1940), 2835 Adams, George Plimpton (1882- ), 1999 Adams, Hamlet B., 9 Adams, Henry Carter (1851-1921), 10, 47, 422, 733, 994, 1251, 1253, 1424, 1506, 1630, 1686, 1692, 1741, 1793, 1838, 1940, 2018, 2030, 2871 Adams, James Pickwell (1895- ), 2088 Adams, James Truslow (1878-1949), 1325 Adams, Jayno W., 2775 Adams, Paul Lincoln (1908- ), 2056 Adams, Peter J., 11 Adams, Randolph Greenfield (1892-1951, 12, 344, 466, 475, 919, 1045, 1235, 1563, 1630, 1763, 2793 Adams, Sherman (1899- ), 2056 Adams, Thomas, 1702 Adams, Thomas C, 13 Adcraft Club of Detroit, 1343 Addams, Jane (1860-1935), 259, 672, 1885 Addes, George F. (1910- ), 2876 Addonizio, Hugh Joseph (1914- ), 2056 Adenauer, Konrad (1876- ), 2056 Adkins, Louis H. (1900- ), 2876 Adrian, Mich., 68, 283, 331, 375, 401, 453, 468, 776; First Presbyterian Church, 1128; 1149, 1204, 1302, 1431, 1565, 1653, 1734, 1846, 1860, 1879, 1893, 1895; Christ Episcopal Church, 2342; 2422, 2501, 2544, 2585; Adrian Woman's Club, 2628; 2720, 2878, 2932 Adrian College, 2627 Adrian District. Women's Home Missionary So- ciety. Methodist Episcopal Church, 2209 Aeronautics, 337, 2130 Aga Oglu, Mehmet, 2088 Agassiz, Alexander (1835-1910), 1130 Agassiz, Jean Louis Rudolphe (1807-1873), 2080, 2111, 2872 Agren, Elizabeth, 14 Agriculture, 73, 97, 107, 170, 235, 264, 306, 331, 348, 382, 428, 445, 453, 467, 472, 504, 517, 531, 608, 648, 683, 849, 872, 874, 891, 938, 940, 941, 1026, 1036, 1038, 1088, 1199, 1204, 1369, 1376, 1436, 1442, 1456, 1485, 1495, 1501, 1505, 1545, 1577, 1603, 1642, 1669, 1723, 1731, 1741, 1828, 1831, 1840, 1855, 1864, 1896, 1905, 1948, 1965, 2050, 2073, 2110, 2119, 2123, 2144, 2684, 2689, 2699, 2716, 2721, 2779, 2780, 2781, 2782, 2801, 2902, 2927, 2948, 2949 Aigler, Ralph William, 116, 994, 1553 Aiken, George David (1892- ), 1515 Aikin, Wilford Merton, 1551 Ainsworth, Arthur Sardius (1862- ), 15 Ainsworth, Calvin (1839-1916), 16 Ainsworth Manufacturing Company, Detroit, 448 Aiton, Arthur Scott (1894-1955), 17 Akers, Anthony, 2056 Ala, Hussein, see Hussein Ala Alabaster, Mich., 2042 Alaska, 15, 1762 Albert, Carl (1908- ), 2056 Albion, Mich., 425, 700, 707, 746, 846, 1301, 1846, 1862, 2145, 2149, 2242, 2377, 2378, 2396, 2481, 2630, 2892 241 242 Albion College, 393, 414, 474, 605, 746, 1016, 2629, 2892 Alcona County, 2707 Alcott, Russell H. (1825-1862), 18 Alden, Bernice Wright, 19 Alden, John Richard (1908- ), 919 Aldrich, Frederick A., 20 Aldrich, Nelson Wilmarth (1841-1915), 453 Aldrich, R. J., 1702 Aldrich, Truman, 1949 Aleman, Miguel, 2056 Alexander, Archibald, 1322 Alexander, Frederick (1870-1955), 21 Alexander, Hugh Byron (1847-1930), 22 Alexander, Hugh Quincy (1911- ), 2056 Alexander, Kirkland Barker (1874- ), 23 Alford, George W. (1828-1863), 24 Alford, May F. (1837- ), 25 Alger, Frederick Moulton (1907- ), 337, 2056 Alger, Russell Alexander (1836-1907), 26, 263, 318, 424, 1424, 1518, 1716, 1762, 1819, 1884, 2030, 2092, 2415 Alger County, 1266, 2707 Allegan, Mich., 742, 747, 1987 Allegan County, 308, 382, 412, 2524, 2707, 2902 Allen, C. Emerson (1844- ), 27 Allen, Charles Thompson (1841-1904), 2226 Allen, Henry Clay (1838-1909), 28 Allen, John (1796-1851), 29, 163 Allen, Jonathan Adams (1825-1890), 30 Allen, Marvin (1800-1861), 31 Allen, Mary Moore, 2880 Allen, Moses (1786-1929), 1330 Allen, Richard (1760-1831), 331 Allen, Rolland Craten (1881-1948), 977 Allen, Shirley W., 450 Allen, Silas L., 32 Allen, Stephen V. P. W. (1921- ), 2056 Allen, W. D., 2392 Allen, William (1832-1925), 2077 Allen Park, Mich. St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 2340 Alliance College, Ohio, 516 Allied Theaters of Michigan, 654 Allison, William Boyd (1829-1908), 595, 1762 Allmendinger, George Franklin, 33 Allport, Fayette Ward (1893-1958), 1506 Allured, Alice L. Bronson, 34 Alma, Mich., 980, 2791 Alma College, 1262, 1961, 2631 Almond, James Lindsay (1898- ), 2056 Almont, Mich., 1690, 2057 Alpena, Mich., 318, 650, 845, 1836, 2089, 2340, 2430, 2431, 2510 Alpena County, 2707 Alpha Delta Phi, 2873 Alpha Omicron Pi, 239 Alphadelphia Association, 1702, 2632 Alphand, Herve' (1907- ), 2056 Alpine, Mich., 1820, 2160 Alsop, Joseph Wright (1910- ), 1515 Alton, Mich. Wesleyan Methodist Church, 2376 Amberg, Samuel (1874- ), 35 Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay Railroad Company, 850, 2042 Amenia Seminary, New York, 2080 American Academy in Rome, 47 American Association of University Professors. University of Michigan Chapter, 2633 American Association of University Women. Ann Arbor- Ypsilanti Branch, 2634 American Association of University Women. Michigan Division, 654, 2635 American Automobile Association, 337 American Bar Association, 1896 American Boiler and Foundry Company, Milan, 2379 American Chemical Society. Michigan Section, 2636 American Council of Education, 357 American Engineer , 421 American Engineering Council, 422 American Federation of Labor, 337, 2712 American Federation of Labor. Carpenters' Local No. 512, Ann Arbor, 2050 American Fur Company, 101, 145, 168, 425, 899, 976, 2380, 2515 American Historical Association, 47 American Home Missionary Society, 2150 American Institute of Banking. Washtenaw County Chapter, 2637 American Institute of Homeopathy, 431 American Irish Society, 1365 American Legion, 254, 1904 American Legion. Michigan. Fort Dearborn Post No. 364, 2638 American Legion. Michigan. Richard N. Hall Post, 2865 American Liberty League, 211, 1040 American Missionary Society, 947 American Red Cross, 511, 978, 1178 American Seating Company, 265 American Society of Civil Engineers, 422, 1914 American Society of Engineers (student branch), 2873 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 422 American Student Union. Michigan Branch, 2873 American Vigilant— Intelligence Federation, 1040 Americanization Committee of Detroit, 2639 Ames, Herbert Thomas, 36 Ames, James Barr (1846-1910), 2050 Ames, Jesse Hazen (1875-1957), 1363 Ames, Joseph, 1630 Ames, Oakes, 595 Ames, Truman E., 37 Amphictyonic Circle of Ann Arbor, 2640 Anderson, Carlyle Elmer (1909- ), 2056 243 Anderson, Clinton Presha (1895- ), 1885, 2056, 2846 Anderson, D. A., 1363 Anderson, Donald K., 38, 2867 Anderson, Eugenie (1900- ), 2056 Anderson, Faye Louise, 39 Anderson, John (1771-1840), 40 Anderson, John, 41 Anderson, John W. (1906- ), 2876 Anderson, John Wendell, 1063 Anderson, Olive San Louie (1842-1886), 828 Anderson, Rasmus B., 983 Anderson, Sigurd (1904- ), 2056 Anderson, Victor Emanuel (1902- ), 2056 Anderson, William (1843- ), 625 Anderson, William D., 42 Anderson, William P. (1888- ), 1563 Andrews, Charles, 43 Andrews, Charles Lincoln (1864-1946), 44 Andrews, Elisha D., 45 Andrews, Roger Mercein (1874-1943), 1365, 1424 Andrews University, Berrien Springs, 2641 Angell, Alexis Caswell (1857-1932), 46, 47, 424, 994 Angell, Avery Aldrich, 47 Angell, Carleton Watson (1887-1962), 1424, 1489, 1630 Angell, James Burrill (1829-1916), 25, 47, 50, 67, 69, 70, 138, 152, 222, 263, 276, 292, 318, 328, 349, 382, 421, 424, 466, 497, 516, 520, 535, 550, 625, 653, 687, 733, 773, 785, 809, 919, 920, 978, 992, 994, 1065, 1066, 1112, 1230, 1232, 1253, 1340, 1348, 1384, 1395, 1424, 1463, 1467, 1568, 1635, 1650, 1686, 1692, 1732, 1741, 1793, 1807, 1832, 1838, 1850, 1896, 1951, 1980, 1999, 2022, 2028, 2030, 2031, 2038, 2050, 2088, 2182, 2838, 2846, 2869 Angell, James Rowland (1869-1949), 48, 994, 1066, 1253, 1506, 1563, 1630, 1650, 1692, 1700, 1999, 2038 Angell, Robert Cooley (1899- ), 49, 459, 466 Angell, Sarah Swoope Caswell (1831-1903), 47,50 Anglo-Saxon Federation, 1497 Ankenbrandt, Stephen W., 2642 Ann Arbor, Mich., 29, 47, 50, 51, 70, 123, 138, 139, 142, 152, 179, 238, 257, 258, 310, 317, 334, 335, 338, 354, 363, 380, 413, 436, 465, 495, 521, 540, 557, 748, 772, 797, 901, 934, 999, 1062, 1063, 1131, 1163, 1185, 1278, 1280, 1335, 1339, 1342, 1357, 1378, 1384, 1409, 1433, 1434, 1446, 1453, 1461, 1482, 1493, 1502, 1519, 1605, 1623, 1624, 1638, 1661, 1710, 1712, 1750, 1776, 1846, 1853, 1948, 2022, 2050, 2080, 2111, 2127, 2132, 2136, 2139, 2502, 2586, 2634, 2729, 2756, 2818, 2820, 2871, 2884, 2897 Ann Arbor, Mich.— Amphictyonic Circle of Ann Arbor, 2640 Ann Arbor, Mich.— Bricklayers', Masons' and Plasterers' Inter- national Union of America, 2658 Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Pa- perhangers of America, 2659 Business and Professional Women's Club of Ann Arbor, 2660 Chamber Music Society of Ann Arbor, 2663 Charters, 2050 Churches, 335 D.A.R. Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter, 2671 Drama League of America. Ann Arbor Center, 2678 Dunworkin Club, 2947 Eagle Fire Department, 2586 Eliot Club, 2681 First Baptist Church, 2161 First Congregational Church, 561, 1710, 2050, 2182 First Methodist Episcopal Church, 266, 431, 1196, 2005, 2006, 2210, 2711 First Presbyterian Church, 197, 593, 742, 1128, 1467, 2050, 2243 First Unitarian Church, 1495, 1850, 2022 G.A.R. Estabrook Woman's Relief Corps, 2691 G.A.R. Welch Post No. 137, 2693 Humane Society of Ann Arbor, 2708 Huron Hills Golf Club, 2709 International Order of King's Daughters and Sons. Phoebe Beal Circle, 2711 Ladies' Library Association of Ann Arbor, 1651, 2718 League of Women Voters of Ann Arbor, 2723 Mack and Company, 2455 Memorial Christian Church, 2203 Michigan Argus , 1519, 2067 Millen and Harlow Wagon Shop, 2474 Mullen General Store, 2482 Music, 165 National Defense Committee of Ann Arbor, 2770 Nell Gwyn's Company, 2773 Political Equality Club, 1676, 2783 Rotary Club, 2793 St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 335, 466, 471, 1834, 2022, 2111, 2340, 2343 St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, 2795 St. Mary's Student Chapel, 2173 St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 545, 2174 Schools, 335, 1798, 1846, 1978 Theater, 148 Thomson and Houston Electric Company, 2508 Town and Gown Club of Ann Arbor, 2802 United Church Women, 2151 U.S. National Recovery Administration, 593 Universities Committee on Post-War Interna- tional Problems, 2812 Washtenaw Broadcasting Company, 2517 West Side Women's Club, 2821 244 Ann Arbor, Mich.— Wolverine Cyclers, 2823 Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 2825, 2827 Woman's Club of Ann Arbor, 2829 Young Men's Literary Society of Ann Arbor, 2830 Ann Arbor Academy, 1843 Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Electric Railroad, 138 Ann Arbor Art Association, 1178, 1185, 2643 Ann Arbor Book and Thimble Club, 2644 Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, 2050 Ann Arbor Citizens' Council, 2645 Ann Arbor Community Fund, 2646 Ann Arbor Cooperative Society, 2647 Ann Arbor Council For International Concilia- tion, 2586 Ann Arbor Drama Season, 1906, 2083, 2586, 2648, 2871 Ann Arbor Garden Club, 2649 Ann Arbor Grandmothers' Club, 2650 Ann Arbor High School, 572, 1568, 1740, 2586 Ann Arbor Ladies' Decoration Society, 1504 Ann Arbor Library Club, 2651 Ann Arbor Medical Club, 2652 Ann Arbor Playmakers, 2653 Ann Arbor Republican Committee, 2791 Ann Arbor Rod and Gun Club, 2654 Ann Arbor School of Music, 47 Ann Arbor School of Religion, 2655, 2871 Annis, Burt, 1896 Anscomb, William Boden ( -1907), 51 Anspach, Charles Leroy (1895- ), 2056 Anthony, Susan Brownell (1820-1906), 631 Antiau, Chester A., 52 Anti-Saloon League, 453 Antrim County, 2707 Archaeological expeditions, 1063; see also Mich- igan. University. Expeditions Archaeology, 920, 1063 Arenac, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2244 Arenac County, 2707 Arey, Albert Llewellyn, 53 The Argentine, 992 Arithmetic book (manuscript) 361 Armada, Mich., 43, 45, 622, 2381 Armor, Samuel Glasgow (1819-1885), 895, 1571, 1858 Armstrong, D. W., 54 Armstrong, James W. (1840- ), 368 Armstrong, Louise Van Voorhis (1885-1948), 55 Armstrong, Solomon (1821-1897), 56 Armstrong Grocery and Drug Store, Chelsea, 2382 Arndt, Albert F. R. (1830- ), 2767 Arnold, Birch, pseud, see Bartlett, Alice Elinor Bowen (1848-1920) Arnold, Thurman Wesley (1891- ), 1365 Aronson, John Hugo (1891- ), 2056 Arps, George Frederick (1874-1939), 1506 Arthos, John, 221 Artiga, Santiago (1873- ), 57 Arvey, Jacob M. (1895- ), 2056 Ashhurst, Astley Paston Cooper (1876- 1932), 1371 Ashurst, Henry Fountain (1874-1962), 1365 Askin, John (1741-1818), 58 Askren, D. L, 1063 Association of University and College Business Officers, 2656 Astor, John Jacob (1763-1848), 145, 899 Astor, William Vincent (1891-1959), 2056 Astronomy, 840, 947, 1235 Athletics, 2700 Atkinson, Brooks (1894- ), 2864 Atlas, Mich., 2087 Atlas Mining Company, 231 Atlas Oil Company, 1294 AtLee, Thomas S. (1816-1884), 59 Atwater, Opal G., 60 Auburn Theological Seminary, 1262 Auchincloss, James Coats (1885- ), 2056 Auden, Wystan Hugh (1907- ), 61, 221 Audrain, Peter, 62, 2584 Augusta, Mich., 1987 Au Sable, Mich. St. John's Episcopal Church, 2340 Au Sable and Oscoda, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2245 Au Sable River, 1821 Austin, Warren Robinson (1877- ), 1365 Austin, Mich., 244 Australia, 2095 Automobile Club of Michigan, 654, 1343 Automobile Labor Board see U.S. Automobile Labor Board Automobile Manufacturers Association, 337 Automobiles and Automobile Industry, 318, 337, 478, 788, 1975, 2502, 2804, 2946 Autry, Gene (1907- ), 2056 Averill, Elias Merrill (1870- ), 63 Avery, Lilliam Drake (1856- ), 64 Avery, Newell, 65 Avery, Waldo A., 1295 Aviation see Aeronautics Ayres, James Nelson, 66 Azikwe, Nnamdi, 2056 Babbitt, Franklin Thayer, 67 Babcock, Angus M., 68 Babst, Earl D. (1870- ), 47, 69, 422, 994, 1063, 1630, 1656, 1692, 1807 Bach, Ellen Botsford (1877-1960), 70 Bach, Waldo, 70 Bach- Botsford Family, 70 Bachmann, Werner Emmanuel (1901- 1951), 2882 Backer, George, 2056 Backus, Standish (1875- ), 71, 318 Backus Family, 72 245 Bacon, Daniel S. (1839-1866), 453 Bad Axe, Mich., 246, 1324, 2340, 2344 Bagley, David Marion ( -1876), 73 Bagley, Frances E. Newberry, 74 Bagley, John Judson (1832-1881), 47, 74, 1264, 1550, 1762, 1891, 2092 Bagwell, Paul Douglas (1913- ), 2056 Bailey, Charles Eliphalet (1822-1894), 322 Bailey, Cleveland Monroe (1886- ), 2056 Bailey, Edward G., 76 Bailey, Franklin H. (1845-1914), 75 Bailey, Ira K. (1843-1863), 76 Bailey, Liberty Hyde (1858-1954), 960 Bailey, Thomas Dolan (1838-1907), 77 Bailey Family (George Dolan Bailey, 1805-1849), 1041 Bailly, Joseph, 1987 Bailly, Rose, 162 Bailly's trading station, 1866 Baird, Charles (1870-1944), 47, 78, 422, 1114, 1128, 1553, 2838 Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 2080 Baird, William, 79 Baird, William (1840-1914), 2883 Baisnee, Jules A., 80 Baits, Vera Burridge (1892-1963), 81 Baker, Benjamin B. (1836- ), 2092 Baker, Elisha, 82 Baker, Eugene, 2047 Baker, Fred, 2047 Baker, Frederick A. (1846- ), 1716 Baker, Howard Henry (1902- ), 2056 Baker, John E. ( -1925), 83 Baker, John Randolph, 84 Baker, Lydia Cooper, 430 Baker, Luther Byron (1830-1896), 85 Baker, Minnie Dell Sprague (1858-1934), 1672 Baker, Newton Diehl (1871-1937), 1365, 1563, 1630, 2050 Baker, Orrin, 453 Baker, Ray Stannard (1870-1946), 1253, 1630, 1660 Baker, William F., 1295 Balch, Nathaniel Aldrich (1808-1894), 86 Balch, Walter Omar (1843-1876), 86, 87 Bald, Frederick Clever (1897- ), 88, 151 Bald, Frederick William (1901- ), 89 Baldwin, Hadley, 90 Baldwin, Henry Porter (1814-1892), 47, 424, 631, 750, 1762, 2030, 2932 Baldwin, James Mark (1861-1934), 1999 Baldwin, Julia M., 1896 Baldwin, Simeon E., 424 Ball, A. R., 91 Ball, Adele, 92 Ball, H. Belle, 93 Ball, John (1794-1884), 625, 1640 Ball, Joseph Hurst (1905- ), 2812 Ball, William (1830- ), 94 Ballard, Arden H., 2383 Ballard, Lusina, 95 Ballard, Mary Ethel, 96 Ballard, Ralph, 97 Balloons and ballonists, 337, 375 Ballou, Isabel A., 98 Bancroft, George (1800-1891), 518 Bangor, Mich., 225, 1987 Banks, Sarah Gertrude (1839- ), 99 Banks and banking, 318, 442, 625, 808, 1001, 1010, 1807, 1896, 1985, 2030, 2422, 2426 Banning Family, 854 Baptist Church, 547, 1564 Baptist churches- Records, 2159-2172 Baraga, Frederic (1797-1868), 100, 101, 1367, 2030 Baraga County, 2707 Barasa Iron Mining Company, 2475 Barbeau, Peter, 101 Barbour, Edwin Scott, 358 Barbour, George W. (1841- ), 102 Barbour, John N., 103 Barbour, Levi Lewis (1840-1925), 47, 104, 424, 466, 687, 945, 992, 994, 1182, 1650, 2030, 2818 Barbour, Thomas (1884-1946), 1630 Bardwell, Joseph H., 105, 285 Baring, Walter Stephan (1911- ), 2056 Barker, Jacob A., 106 Barkley, Alben William (1877-1956), 1365, 1425, 2056 Barlow, Elijah Pease (1821- ), 107 Barlow, Leicester, 108 Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter (1809- 1889), 47 Barnes, John S., 109 Barnes, Mortimer Grant (1867-1930), 1928 Barnes, Orlando M. (1824-1899), 2030, 2900 Barnes, R. H., 2056 Barnes, Russell (1897- ), 1365 Barnes, Walter, 17 Barnes, William M., 110 Barney, George Lawrence ( -1873), 111 Barrett, Frank A. (1892- ), 2056 Barrett, J. Lee (1881- ), 1086 Barrett, Myron (1816-1876), 112 Barrett, S. B., 947 Barry, Alexander, 113 Barry, John Stewart (1802-1870), 31, 114, 625, 1852 Barry, Thomas B. (1852- ), 1518 Barry County, 391, 551, 976, 1528, 1534, 1649, 1727, 1805, 1987, 2525, 2707 Barrymore, Ethel (1879-1959), 1365 Barstow, Mary, 296 Barstow and Lockwood, 115 Bartee, John (1904- ), 2876 Bartelme, Philip G., 116, 1226, 2838 Bartholomew, Grove S., 127 246 Bartlett, Alice Elinor Bowen (1848-1920), 117 Bartlett, Edward Lewis (1904- ), 2056 Bartlett, Harley Harris (1886-1960), 118, 1630 Bartlett, John Wilbur, 119 Barton, Clara (1830-1912), 978 Barton, Lizzie, 120 Baruch, Bernard Mannes (1870- ), 337, 1323 Bascom, Erastis W. (1824- ), 121 Bassett, Arthur F., 122 Bassett, Ray E., 123 Bassett, Sara Ware, 124 Batchelder, Sophie, 125 Bates, Anna May Lamb (1877-1953), 126 Bates, Charles Franklin, 127 Bates, George, 128 Bates, George C. (1813-1886), 625 Bates, Harriet, 349 Bates, Henry Moore (1869-1949), 47, 129, 337, 466, 977, 994, 1064, 1128, 1226, 1365, 1506, 1563, 1630, 1710, 1931, 2770, 2860 Bates, Miner Lee (1869-1930), 947 Bates, Octavia Williams ( -1911), 994 Bates, William R., 714 Batsakis, Angelo, 130 Battle, John Stewart (1890- ), 2056 Battle Creek, Mich., 1061, 1168, 1208, 1524, 1846, 2119; First Methodist Church, 2211; Maple Methodist Church, 2212; 2372, 2391, 2449, 2470; Oliver Tractor Company, 2486; Postum Cereal Company, 2490; 2707, 2776, 2950 Battle Creek and Hastings Railroad, 2525 Battle Creek Sanitarium, 337, 1850 Bauer, Lawrence James (1894-1919), 131 Baur, Emil Gottlob ( -1894), 132, 2689 Baxter, B. F., 424 Baxter, Benjamin L. (1815-1902), 133, 468 Baxter, Dow Vawter (1898- ), 134 Bay City, Mich., 341, 680, 951, 952, 1275, 1456, 1518, 1794, 2010; First Congregational Church, 2183; First Presbyterian Church, 2246; Grace Episcopal Church, 2340; Mich- igan Sugar Company, 2469; 2707 Bay County, 2707 Bay Settlement see Erie, Mich. Bayard, Thomas Francis (1828-1898), 47, 1602 Beach, Charles F., Jr. 424 Beach, Walter Phelps, 135 Beach Family (Luman Beach), 349 Beadle, William Henry Harrison (1838- 1915), 136 Beakes, Samuel Willard (1861-1927), 1563 Beal, Joseph O., 137 Beal, Junius Emery (1860-1942), 47, 138, 344, 422, 977, 994, 1424, 1465, 1489, 1563, 1630, 1650, 1710, 2752 Beal, Phoebe Beers ( -1900), 2005 Beal, Rice Aner (1823-1883), 47, 139 Beal, William James (1833-1924), 47 Beall, James Glenn (1894- ), 2056 Beamer, John Valentine (1896- ), 2056 Bean Creek, Mich., 331, 635 Beard, Charles Edmund (1900- ), 2864 Beardsley, William S. (1901-1954), 2056 Beattie, Homer M., 140 Beatty, Kenneth, 141 r Beaumont, J. Irwin, 260 Beaver Island, 211, 673, 1455, 1811 Beck, Dave, 2056 Beck, George (1835-1913), 142 Beckman, Charles K., 2876 Beckwith, Charles (1825-1895), 143 Beckwith, Cyrus W., 144 Beckworth, Lindley (1913- ), 2056 Beebe, Grace C. (Mrs. Tully Scott), 145 Beebe, Joseph E. (1810-1872), 146 Beechville, Mich. Episcopal Church, 2340 Beekman, James, 147 Beekman, John H., 147 Beekman— Giddings Families, 147 Beets and beet sugar, 2469 Begole, Josiah W. (1815-1896), 47, 253, 424, 1982, 2932 Behringer, Clara M., 148 Beirne, Joseph Anthony (1911- ), 2056 Belden, William P., 1716 Belknap Wagon Company, 2384 Bell, Alexander Graham (1847-1922), 1976, 1980 Bell, Urcell L., 2002 Bellaire, John Ira (1871- ), 149 Bellamy, Henry H. (1837-1862), 150 Bellencour, Francois Xavier (1743- ), 151 Belleville, Mich. Grace Mission, 2340 Bellevue, Mich. Baptist Church, 1755 Beman, Wooster Woodruff (1850-1922), 47, 152 Bement, Constance, 153 Bemis, Samuel Flagg (1891- ), 1563 Bender, John H. (1844-1862), 1820 Benedict, George Grenville (1853-1907), 47 Benedict Family, 1842 Benford, Earl, 154 Benford, Gardner, 154 Ben-Gurion, David (1886- ), 2056 Benjamin, Jeannette Smith, 155 Bennard, George, 156 Bennett, Charles Edward (1910- ), 2056 Bennett, E. H., 424 Bennett, Harry Herbert (1892- ), 1365 Bennett, Henry De Witt, 47 Bennett, Mrs. J. William, 157 Bennett, John Bonifas (1905- ), 2056 Benson, Ezra Taft (1899- ), 2056 Benster, Cora, 1036 Bentley, A. P., 158 Bentley, Alvin Morell (1918- ),654, 2056 Benton, William (1900- ), 1323, 2056 Benton Harbor, Mich., 2587 Benzie County, 2707 Benzonia Academy, Benzonia, Mich., 322, 1026, 1205 247 Berger, Milton M., 159 Berrien County, 976, 1088, 2526, 2707 Berrien Springs, Mich., 2641 Bersey, John, 424 Berthelot, Helen, 2056 Bessmer, John M. (1839- ), 1988 Beta Theta Pi, Lambda chapter, University of Michigan, 1763, 2873 Bethell, Florence Hartsuff, 854 Bethune, Divie (1771-1824), 160 Bethune, George Washington (1805-1862), 2872 Bethune, Joanna Graham (1770-1863), 160 Bethune- Duff ield Family, 160 Bettis, John T. (1839- ), 634 Beukema, John C., 161 Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah (1862-1927), 318, ,1424, 1885 Bevier, Jonathan, 2092 Bezner, Frederick O., 337 Bible, Alan (1909- ), 2056 Biddle, A. J. Drexel (1896- ), 2056 Biddle, Francis (1886- ), 1064 Biddle, George, 1602 Biddle, Nicholas, 1365 Biddle, Sophia, 162 Bidlack, Russell Eugene (1920- ), 163 Big Rapids, Mich., 2247, 2340, 2429, 2685 Bigelow, Martha Mitchell (1921- ), 2610 Bigelow, Melville Madison ( -1921), 164, 424, 1057, 1938 Biggie, Lloyd, 165 Bill, Rensselaer, 166 Billard, Jules Frederick ( -1912), 635 Billings, Josh (Henry Wheeler Shaw) (1818- 1885), 2831 Bingay, Malcolm Wallace (1884- 1953), 167, 211, 1365 Bingham, Abel (1786-1865), 168 Bingham, James W. (1840-1862), 169 Bingham, Kinsley Scott (1808-1861), 14, 169, 625, 1481 Bingham, Mary Warden, 169 Bining, Arthur Cecil (1893-1957), 17 Binney, Amos, 2080 Binney, William G., 2080 Birchard, Dixon, 428 Birchard, Manley, 428 Bird, Chauncey, 170 Bird, Reuben E., 171 Birds, 858, 2100 Birkett, Thomas, 172 Birmingham, Mich., 1884, 2126, 2340 Birney, James Gillespie (1792-1857), 1855 Bishop, Levi (1815-1881), 2022 Bishop, William Warner (1871-1955), 977, 1045, 1063, 1253, 1325, 1551, 1630, 1763, 1850, 2849, 2861 Bitely, E. H., 173 Bizzell, William Bennett (1876-1944), 1630 Black, Edward Davison (1853- ), 174 Black, Harriet Petts (1812-1904), 1966 Black, Hugo La Fayette (1886- ), 1365, 2056 Black, Thomas E., 936 Blackman, Andrew, 175 Blackman, Laura, 175 Blackman, Lauretta Vaill, 175 Blackman, Ruth, 176 Blackmar, Charles Blair, 177 Blackney, William Wallace (1876- ), 2056 Blaich, C. Gottlob, 178 Blaich, George, 179 Blaine, James Gillespie (1830-1893), 47, 1264, 1465, 2010 Blair, Austin (1818-1894), 47, 180, 424, 595, 784, 795, 1182, 1257, 1260, 1465, 1797, 1818, 2080, 2092, 2110 Blair, Mrs. Austin (Sarah L. Ford), 2092 Blair, Charles A., 2131 Blair, William McCormick (1884- ), 2056 Blaisdell, Thomas Charles (1895- ), 2056 Blake and Keith General Store, Galesburg, 2385 Blakeman, Edward William (1880-1963), 181 Blakeslee, George Hubbard (1871-1954), 1563 Blanchard, John C, 182 Bland Silver Bill, 1463 Blashfield, George (1840- ), 609 Blatnik, John Anton (1911- ), 2056 Blinn, D. C, 1518 Bliss, Aaron Thomas (1837-1906), 318, 977, 1128, 1295, 1424, 1716 Bliss, Almond L., 183 Bliss, G. P., 184 Bliss, Walter B., 185 Bliss, William, 331 Blissfield, Mich., 2248, 2397 Blitch, Iris Faircloth (1912- ), 2056 Blodgett, John Wood (1860- ), 211 Bloemfontein Observatory, 992 Bloof, Allen F., 368 Bloomfield, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2249 Bloomingdale, Mich., 1987 Blum, Harriet L., 186 Blume, William Wirt (1893- ), 187 Blunt, Martin H., 188 Boak, Arthur Edward Romelly (1888-1962), 189, 466, 1063, 2088, 2849 Boardman, William Edward, 190, 2611 Bode, D. D., 1308 Bodenstab, John, 191 Bogardus, William E., 192 Bogart, Harry M., 193, 2478 Boggs, Thomas Hale (1914- ), 2056 Bogle, Thomas Ashford (1852-1921), 2050 Bohn, William Edward, 194 Bohr Lumber and Grain Mill, Westphalia, 2386 Bohr Millinery and Dressmaker Shop, West- phalia, 2387 248 % Bois Blanc Island, 1201 Boise, James Robinson (1815-1895), 41, 47, 195, 424, 497, 687, 873, 2080 Bok, Edward William (1863-1930), 994 Boiling, Richard Walker (1916- ), 2056 Bolton, Frances Payne (1885- ), 2056 Bolton, Herbert Eugene (1870- ), 17 Bond, John, 196 Bonisteel, Roscoe Osmond (1888- ), 197, 211, 1710 Bonner, Campbell (1876-1954), 47, 994, 1563, 1630, 2088 Bonner, John Woodrow (1902- ), 2056 Bonstelle, Laura Justine (Jessie) (1869-1932), 507 Booker T. Washington Trade Association, Detroit, 727 Booth, Carol J., 198 Booth, Edmund, 1424 Booth, Evangeline (1866-1950), 1630 Booth, John Wilkes (1838-1865), 85 Borah, William Edgar (1865-1940), 1365,2050 Borchard, Edwin (1884-1951), 1563 Borden and Brown General Store, South Lyon, 2388 Boring, Edwin Garrigues (1886- ), 1506, 1630 Boston, William (1837-1915), 199 Boston and Lake Superior Mining Association, 2389 Bosworth, Richard (1832-1915), 200 Botany, 1383 Botsford and Warner General Store, Farming- ton, 2390 Boucke, Ewald Augustus ( -1943), 201, 1617 Boughton, John C. (1836-1894), 202, 1257 Boughton, Willis A. (1854-1942), 203 Boutwell, William Thurston (1803-1890), 204 Bowdish, Harold, 205 Bowers, Alfred (1836-1932), 206 Bowers, Claude G. (1878-1958), 994 Bowersox, Jessie Rice (1875- ), 207 Bowles, Chester (1901- ), 1323, 1981, 2056 Boy Scouts of America. Ann Arbor, 123 Boyce, Gray Cowan (1899- ), 17 Boyd, Carrie L., 208 Boyd, Irving, 208 Boyd, William Augustus (d. 1854), 208 Boyd, William Hart (1811-1898), 208 Boyer, Robert S., 209 Boykin, Frank William (1885- ), 2056 Boylan, Moses M., 210 Boyle, William, Jr., 2056 Boyles, Emerson Richard (1881-1960), 211, 1710 Boys, Richard C. (1912- ), 212 Brademas, John (1927- ), 2056 Bradish, Alvah (1806-1901), 1491, 2849 Bradish, Curren, 213 Bradish, Darius C. (1835-1864), 214 Bradish, Joseph, 215 Bradley, Frederick Van Nest (1898- ), 2142 Bradley, Omar Nelson (1893- ), 1630, 2864 Bradshaw, James A., 216 Bradshaw, John W., 2050 Brady, Joseph E., 2056 Br add, W. L., 424 Braidwood, Charles D., 217 Braidwood, Charles M., 218 Brainerd, Mrs. Elmina, 1395 Brakeman, Peter, 219 Brams, Stanley W. (1910- ), 2876 Branch County, 308, 348, 976, 1149, 2407, 2527, 2707 Branch County Community Corporation, 2 If 7 Brandeis, Louis Dembitz (1856-1941), 1365 Brannan, Charles Franklin (1903- ), 2056 Breakey, James F., 2818 Breakey, William Fleming (1835-1915), 47, 220, 1403, 1792 Bredvold, Louis Ignatius (1888- ), 61, 221 Breitenbach, Harold Prell, 222 Brennan and Company, Battle Creek, 2391 Bretton, Henry L., 601 Brewer, Charles Dickey, 2392 Brewer, Chauncey M. (1814-1889), 2392 Brewer, Edgar Gregory, 2392 Brewer, Francis W., 223 Brewer Family (Marshall, Mich.), 1913 Brewer and Gorham, Marshall, 2392 Brewster, Ralph O., 1424 Brewster Family, 1082 Bricker, John William (1893- ), 2056 Brickhead, Lennox, 224 Bricklayers', Masons' and Plasterers' Interna- tional Union of America. Ann Arbor, 2658 Bridgehampton, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2250 Bridgehampton and Deckerville Chapels, 2340 Bridges, D. L., 225 Bridges, Robert Seymour (1844-1930), 226, 1660 Bridges, Styles (1898- ), 2056 Bridges, 97, 259 Bridgewater, Mich., 1442 Brigden, Wharton W., 227 Briggs, Dexter, 228 Briggs, Robert R., 229 Briggs Manufacturing Company, 2593 Brigham, Charles H., 2022 Brighton, Mich., 1670, 1943, 2340, 2892 Brinnin, John Malcolm (1916- ), 230 British Isles, 920 Britton, Frederic H., 1999 Brockway, Daniel D. (1815-1899), 231 Brockway, E. W., 232 Brockway, Zebulon Reed (1827-1920), 883 Brogan, Dennis W., 919 Brokaw, A. H., 395 249 Brokaw, E. V. W. (1837- ), 233 Bromage, Arthur Watson (1904- ), 2733, 2851 Bronson, Arthur, 234 Bronson, Eugene H. (1836-1863), 648 Bronson, Frederick, 234 Bronson, Titus (1788-1853), 1987 Bronson, Mich., 1987 Brooklyn, Mich., 774, 1077, 2340, 2588, 2668 Brooks, Datus Chase ( -1901), 2022, 2080 Brooks, Overton (1897- ), 2056 Brooks, Phillips (1835-1893), 47, 687, 844 Brooks, Stratton Duluth (1869-1949), 1650 Brooks, Van Wyck (1886- ), 1253, 1563, 2849 Brooks, Will E., 235 Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paper- hangers of America. Ann Arbor Local 514, 2659 Broughton, Haze & Wilcox, Pinckney, 2393 Browder, Earl, 1365 Brown, Addison Makepeace, 236 Albert Emerson (1908- ), 237 Benjamin, 238 Donald F., 2056 Douglas S., 239 Ebenezer Lakin (1809-1891), 240, 2395 Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown 1148, 1563 Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown 654 Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Edmund Gerald Pat (1905- Elizabeth Gaspar, 187, 239 Elmer Ellsworth (1861-1934), Everett Somerville (1886- ), 2056 1650 ), 241, Forest B. H., 242 Frank M. (1843- ), 243 George Granger (1896-1957), 57, 244 Henry Billings (1836-1913), 245, 424, 1465, 1602, 1762, 1938, 2030 John Mason (1900- ), 2885 John Wesley (1875- ), 246 Joseph W. (1793-1880), 247 Martha A., 248 Mollie E., 236 Philip Marshall, 1563 Prentiss Marsh (1889- 360, 561, 1365, 1396, 1563, 1630, 2056, 2770 ), 2056 Sanford Abbott (1909- Sidney S., 249 Ward Riley, 250 William Anson (1840-1862), 251 William E., 2884 William H. (1812- ), 1462 Brown (B.) General Store, Walled Lake, 2394 Brown (H. D.) Grocery Store, Albion, 2396 Brown and Scott General Store, Schoolcraft, 2395 Brownell, Herbert (1904- ), 2056 Brownell, Nathan, 252 Brownell, Roy E., 253 Browning, Gordon (1889- ), 2056 Brownson, Marcus A., 2265 Brucker, Wilber Marion (1894- ), 211, 254, 337, 653, 1424, 1563, 1590, 1630, 1684, 1710, 1716, 1885, 2056, 2142, 2894, 2921 Bruegel, Albert F., 127 Brumm, John Lewis (1878- ), 561, 1630 Brummelkamp, Anthony (1811-1888), 1927 Brunnow, Francis ( -1891), 687, 2022 Brunnow, Rudolph E., 255 Brunsdale, Clarence Norman (1891- \ 2056 Brush, Elijah (1772-1813), 256 Bryan, John (1794- ), 257 Bryan, William Jennings (1860-1925), 994, 1384, 1705, 1716, 2050 Bryan, William Lowe (1860-1955), 994, 1630 Bryant, John M., 258 Bryant, William Cullen (1794-1878), 367, 2872 Bryce, James (1838-1922), 47, 424, 1325 Buchanan, Claude Robinson, 260 Buchanan, James (1791-1868), 1449, 1522 Buchanan, John Claude (1823- ), 168, 260 Buchanan, Ruth Bacon (1882-1953), 259 Buchanan, Sophia Bingham, 260 Buchanan, Mich., 308, 1987, 2175, 2251 Buchner, William E., 261 Buch, Andrew Newton (1839- ), 634 Buck, Curtis (1841- ), 634 Buck, Myron, 634 Buck, Pearl Sydenstriker (1892- ), 561, 1253, 2056 Buck, Solon Justus (1884- ), 466 Buckbee, Edward J., 513 Buckham, Matthew Henry (1832-1910), 47 Buckland, Benjamin Isaac Coman ( -1918), 2047 Buckley, Charles Anthony (1890- ), 2056 Buckley, Paul, 262 Buckley, Sara Craig (1858-1942), 263 Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis (1857-1934), 1063 Buel, Alexander W. (1813-1868), 625 Buell, Barber G. (1823-1900), 264 Buell, Bertha Grinnell (1874-1951), 432, 1495, 1496 Buffalo, New York, 1322 Buhl, C. N., 2415 Buick, David D., 318 Bulkley, Harry Conant (1870-1943), 994 Bullard, George A., 265 Bully, Norman W. (1912- ), 2876 Bumgardner, Eleanor M., 1365 Bump, Orrin (1843-1907), 2767 Bunce, Henry, 517 Bunche, Ralph Johnson (1904- ), 2056 Burbank, Luther (1849-1926), 992 Burch, Horatio, 127 Burd, Mrs. Eliza (1811-1898), 2005 Burd, Zenas, 266 Burdge, Emma S., 267 Burgess, Robert Wilber (1887- ), 2056 Burgoyne, John (1841- ), 1395 Burgwin, Richard, 2885 250 Burke, Daniel Robert, 268 Burkhart, Robert J., 2056 Burkholder, Clarence Mills, 269 Burleson, James H., 1951 Burlingham, Charles Culp (1858-1959), 1563 Burmeister, Byron (1852-1923), 270 Burnett, Cody, 521 Burnett, Henry Darling (1861-1955), 271 Burnett, Marguerite, 271 Burnett, Mary Anne, 272 Burney, Leroy E. (1906- ), 2056 Burnham, Daniel Hudson (1886- ), 1325 Burnips, Mich., 1987 Burns, James Wright, 1660 Burr, George M., 2498 Burr, Mary L., 2886 Burr, Maynard Aaron (1816-1891), 273 Burr Oak, Mich., 308 Burroughs, John (1907- ), 2056 Burrows, Frances S. Peck, 274 Burrows, Julius Caesar (1837-1915), 275, 318, 708, 977, 994, 1424, 1528, 1575, 1650, 1716, 1762, 1896, 1959, 2092 Bursley, Joseph Aldrich (1877-1950), 276, 1630 Burt, Benjamin Chapman ( -1915), 44 Burt, Hiram Austin (1839- ), 101, 2030 Burt, Horace Eldon (1841- ), 277 Burt, William Austin (1792-1858), 278 Burtle, Frances, 279 Burton, Clarence Monroe (1853-1932), 280, 1628, 1987 Burton, Frank Haycock, 281 Burton, Harold Hitz (1888- ), 1365, 2812 Burton, Marion LeRoy (1874-1925), 69, 152,226, 241, 282, 422, 546, 936, 977, 992, 994, 1063, 1114, 1425, 1506, 1551, 1650, 1692, 1710, 1716, 1741, 1821, 1999, 2038, 2088, 2846, 2849, 2869 Burton, Nina Leona Moses, 1710 Bury, Richard Augustus (1830-1901), 283, 424 Bush, Chauncey, 284 Bushnell, George Edward (1887- ), 211 Business and Professional Women's Club of Ann Arbor, 2660 Business records, 43, 82, 144, 158, 160, 172, 183, 219, 229, 238, 294, 322, 341, 402, 504, 540, 559, 584, 650, 669, 700, 701, 713, 779, 782, 818, 819, 823, 850, 857, 980, 1029, 1073, 1170, 1199, 1290, 1295, 1302, 1309, 1338, 1357, 1376, 1449, 1462, 1485, 1493, 1555, 1583, 1644, 1659, 1662, 1690, 1716, 1723, 1741, 1841, 1860, 1862, 1910, 1913, 1930, 1987, 2024, 2030, 2042, 2073, 2080, 2087, 2090, 2100, 2123, 2377-2523, 2682, 2717, 2945, 2946 Butler, A. G., 2393 Butler, Charles, 285 Butler, George D., 2392 Butler, Harry J., 286 Butler, Hugh Alfred (1878-1954), 2056 Butler, John Marshall (1897- ), 2056 Butler, Nicholas Murray (1862-1947), 919, 994, 1253, 1850, 1999 Butler, Orma Fitch (1874-1938), 287, 1630 Butler, Paul M. (1905- ), 2056 Butler, Pierce (1866-1939), 1365 Butler Township (Branch County). Baptist Church, 2162 Butterfield, Eleanor, 288 Butterfield, Roger Williams (1844-1920), 47 Butzel, Henry M., 211 Byrd, Harry Flood (1887- ), 2056 Byrd, Richard Evelyn (1888-1957), 2056 Byrnes, James Francis (1879- ), 1365, 2056 Cable, Ben J., 289 Cabot, Hugh (1872-1945), 994, 1630, 1710 Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe (ca. 1656-1720), 280 Cahaba Prison, Ala., 820 Caird, Edward, 1999 Calder, Alexander (1898- ), 1325 Caldwell, Daniel M., 1792 Caldwell, Samuel Lunt (1802-1889), 47 Caledonia, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2252 Calhoun County, 447, 976, 1129, 1462, 1505, 1831, 2528, 2707 California, 29, 497 California gold rush, 784, 952, 2110 California— Michigan Land and Water Company, 1716 Calumet, Mich., 1406 Calvin College, Grand Rapids, 2661 Cambridge, Mass., 1322 Cambridge Junction, Mich. St. Michael's and All Angels' Episcopal Church, 2340 Cameron, Arno, 2610 Cameron, Norman Alexander (1896- ), 1506 Campau, Barnabe, 290 Campau, Joseph (1769-1863), 290, 425 Campbell, Caroline, 291 Campbell, Charles Hotchkiss, 292 Campbell, Cornelia Hotchkiss, 296 Campbell, Edward DeMille (1863-1925), 293, 955, 1894, 2849 Campbell, Elizabeth, 162 Campbell, Harvey J. (1890- ), 1086 Campbell, Henry M., 294 Campbell, Henry Munroe (1854-1926), 296, 424 Campbell, James H. (1850- ), 295, 424 Campbell, James Valentine (1823-1890), 36, 47, 73, 87, 296, 424, 562, 616, 640, 825, 956, 1080, 1435, 1622, 1727, 1730, 1824, 1830, 1983, 2022, 2137, 2140, 2265, 2340, 2845, 2860 Campbell, Lois Bushnell, 296 Campbell, Oscar James, 1726, 2849 Campbell, Robert H. (1836- ), 2767 251 Campbell, Valeria, 296 Campbell, Wallace (1878-1950), 2770 Campbell, William Aulls (1859-1931), 297,2079 Campbell, William Wallace (1862-1938), 47, 992 Campfield, John Alexander, 298 Canadian boundary dispute, 1987 Canadian Fisheries Commission, 47 Canadian rebellion of 1837-38; 40, 162, 186, 196, 625, 2124 Canals, 949, 2762 Candler, Henry Ernest, 299 Candler, William Robert (1832-1909), 299 Canfield, Arthur Graves (1859-1947), 300, 1218 Cannon, Clarence (1879- ), 2056 Cannon, Howard B., 301 Cannon, Joseph Gurney (1836-1927), 518, 1384 Cantacuzene, Princess, 1885 Cantor, Eddie (1892- ), 2056 Capehart, Homer Earl (1897- ), 2056 Capital punishment, 2050 Capper, Arthur (1865-1951), 357 Carah, Joseph H. ( -1958), 302 Carey, Henry Westronae, 994 Carey, Joseph Maull (1845-1924), 1465 Cargo, Paul M., 303 Cargo, Ruth E., 304 Carhart, Henry Smith (1844-1920), 47, 305,955, 2849 Carleton, John H., 306 Carleton, Will (1845-1912), 307 Carlisle, Mrs. Hannah L., 308 Carlson, Frank (1893- ), 2056 Carman, George Noble (1856-1941), 2887 Carnegie, Andrew (1835-1919), 47 Caro, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2253 Caro, Mich. Trinity Mission, 2345 Carpenter, Charles A. (1813-1887), 309 Carpenter, Daniel, 310 Carpenter, Eugene, 265 Carpenter, Hiram Beach (1892-1955), 311 Carpenter, Orlando E. (1833-1899), 312 Carpenter and Stone General Store, Blissfield, 2397 Carr, Lowell Julliard (1885- ), 313, 1630 Carr, Orlow Warren (1882- ), 314 Carr, Wilbur John (1870-1942), 1563 Carrel, Alexis (1873-1944), 1630 Carriages and carts, 2506, 2507 The Carrier Boy's Annual New Year's Ad- dress, 670 Carroll, John Albert (1901- ), 2056 Carroll, William J. (1842-1902), 315 Carrow, Fleming (1853-1928), 128, 316, 1403 Carson, Christopher (1809-1868), 784 Carsonville, Mich., 1992, 2184, 2340, 2589 Carter, Chandler, 317 Carter, Clarence Edwin (1881- ), 241 Carton, Augustus C, 2752 Carton, John Jay (1856-1934), 318 Cartwright, George Washington, 319 Carver General Store, Summit City, 2398 Cary, Austin (1865-1936), 1694 Cary, Thomas Jefferson ( -1850), 948 Case, Arthur R. (1900- ), 2876 Case, Charles M. (1859-1940), 320 Case, Joseph C, 321 Case, Leverette N. (1842- ), 2767 Case, Sarah Cushman Miles, 253 Case, William L. (1856-1933), 322 Caseville, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2254 Cash, Isaac G., 961 Casmer, Nancy, 323 Cass, Lewis (1782-1866), 40, 324, 378, 424,453, 568, 625, 743, 899, 1270, 1395, 1471, 1521, 1582, 1640, 1786, 1920, 2046, 2060, 2080, 2265, 2872 Cass City, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2255 Cass County, 778, 976, 1484, 2077, 2529, 2707 Cassopolis, Mich., 1987 Castle, William Richards (1878- ), 1763 Caswell, Alexis (1799-1877), 47 Cather, Willa Sibert (1876-1947), 1590 Catholepistemiad see Michigan. University Catholic churches-Records, 2173-2180 Catlin, George Byron (1857-1934), 2080 Catt, Carrie Chapman (1859-1947), 994 Cattell, James McKeen (1860-1944), 1506 Cavanagh, Eleanor I., 325 Cavanaugh, Martin J. (1866- ), 1086, 1716 Cederberg, Elfor Alfred (1918- ), 2056 Celebrezze, Anthony J. (1910- ), 2056 Celler, Emanuel (1888- ), 1630, 2056 Celuto, H. E. J., 127 Cement industry, 845 Cemeteries, 2481, 2592 Census records, 2572 Centreville, Mich., 473, 1843, 1846, 1987 Cereals, Prepared, 1168 Ceresco Mills, 2392 Chadwick, Elihu P. (1836- ), 326 Chaffee, C. T., 609 Chalmers— Detroit Motor Company, 337 Chamber Music Society of Ann Arbor, 1185, 2663 Chamberlain, Charles Ernest (1917- ), 2056 Chamberlain, J. D., 327 Chamberlain, Joseph (1836-1914), 47 Chamberlain, Thomas Chrowder (1843-1928), 47 Chamberlain, Winthrop Burr, 271, 328 Chamberlain and McKie General Store, Three Oaks, 2399 Chamber lin Edwin J., 329 Chamberlin, Gad, (177- ), 935 Chamberlin, Julia, 330 Champlin, John Wayne (1831-1901), 424 Chandler, Albert Benjamin (Happy) (1898- ), 1365, 2056 252 Chandler, Bert D., 211 Chandler, Elizabeth Margaret (1808-1834), 331, 811 Chandler, George Moseley, 332 Chandler, Thomas (1806- ), 331 Chandler, Zachariah (1813-1879), 84, 169, 243, 333, 424, 631, 750, 919, 1521, 1557, 1702, 1762, 1786, 2030, 2932 Chandler, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2256 Chaney, Henry A., 424 Chang, W. S., 1999 Chapin, Charles A., 334 Chapin, Lucy E., 335, 2820 Chapin, Marshall Wright (1829-1873), 336 Chapin, Roy Dikeman (1880-1936), 337, 466, 994, 1128, 1424 Chapin Volney, 338 Chaplin, Addie F., 339 Chapman, Howard R., 340 Chapman, J. P., 341 Chapman, Lucius W. (1820-1895), 342 Chapman, Oscar Littleton (1896- ), 2056 Chapman General Store, Coldwater, 2400 Charles, Horace, 285 Charlevoix, Mich., 343, 831 Charlevoix County, 2530, 2707 Charlotte, Mich., 1987, 2707 Chase, Alberta, 349 Chase, Alvin Wood (1817-1885), 12, 139, 344 Chase, Cornelia (1815-1905), 345, 349 Chase, Delia M. Bates, 349 Chase, Frank R., 346 Chase, George Willey (1840- ), 345, 347, 349 Chase, John Smith, 345 Chase, Josiah G., 348 Chase, Lew Allen (1879-1957), 349 Chase, Margaret Bird, 350 Chase, Salmon Portland (1808-1873), 424, 1496 Chase, William D., 351 Chautauquas, 2640, 2668, 2704 Chavez, Dennis (1888- ), 2056 Chavis, John, 352 Cheboygan, Mich., 1367, 1693, 2340, 2707 Cheboygan Indian School, 2664 Cheever, Adelia Noble, 353 Cheever, Byron William (1841-1888), 539, 965, 1099, 1850 Cheever, Henry Sylvester (1837-1890), 47, 965 Cheever, Noah (1839-1905), 354, 965 Chelsea, Mich., 1342, 1460, 1840, 2005, 2051, 2128, 2185, 2382 Chelsea Methodist Home, 1002 Chequamegon Band and Orchestra, 567 Chesaning, Mich. St. John's Episcopal Church, 2346 Chesbrough Lumber Company, Thompson, 2401 Chicago, 1449, 1866, 2053, 2837 Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway, 2402 Chicago and Western Michigan Railroad, 2403 Chicago Drainage Canal, 421 Chicago fire of 1871, 9 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, 2917 Chicago Record-Herald , 1020 Chicago Sanitary District, 420, 421 Chicago World's Fair see Columbian Exposi- tion of 1893 Chicory industry, 2483 The Chimes , 2873 China, 47, 50, 393, 699, 1230 Chinese students in the United States, 1551 Chipman, Margaret MacGregor, 355 Chippewa County, 2707 Chippewa Indians, 182, 2809, 2810, 2811 Choate, Wayne, 356 Christensen, John Cornelius (1874- 1953), 357, 2656 Christian, David Palmer (1885-1947), 358, 1630 Christian Endeavor Society, 1261 Christian Front, 1365 Christiancy, G. C, 424 Christiancy, Isaac Peckham (1812-1890), 47, 359, 424, 453, 1666, 2022, 2080 Christiancy, Nathaniel L., 359 Christopher, Walter Shield ( -1905), 1403 Chrysler, Walter Percy (1875-1940), 1365 Chrysler Corporation, 2404 Church, Adda Camburn, 866 Church, Michael, 360, 380 Church Family, 1842 Church records, 2149-2376 Chute, Walter, 361 Cincinnati & Lake Superior Copper & Silver Mining Company, 2475 Circuit rider, 2072 Cities and towns, 2423, 2585-2626, 2707 Civil Service, 2022, 2733, 2749 Civil War, 2, 18, 77, 85, 137, 139, 150, 163, 168, 202, 206, 214, 227, 233, 251, 296, 326, 342, 345, 349, 358, 359, 362, 368, 394, 401, 433, 444, 453, 496, 516, 521, 525, 615, 625, 627, 675, 676, 710, 712, 723, 795, 854, 871, 884, 897, 926, 927, 1000, 1007, 1014, 1049, 1055, 1182, 1193, 1248, 1257, 1327, 1333, 1462, 1475, 1558, 1565, 1626, 1634, 1714, 1731, 1779, 1780, 1820, 1850, 1915, 1933, 2030, 2042, 2119, 2125, 2739, 2740, 1151 1152, 1162, 1221 1241, 1245, 1319 1320, 1322, 1394 1420, 1449, 1519 1541, 1543, 1578 1613, 1620, 1682 1687, 1696, 1759 1766, 1778, 1790 1796, 1797, 1881 1882, 1887, 1972 1979, 1987, 2090 2093, 2106, 2572 2731, 2732, 375, 382, 389, 497, 500, 509, 633, 645, 648, 824, 831, 852, 969, 985, 988, 1058, 1083, 1211, 1297, 1387, 1508, 1577, 1653, 1747, 1783, 1872, 1963, 2070, 2394, 2742-2746, 1202 1278 1360 1495 1572 1648 1742 1782 1853 1957 2068 2136 2741 253 Civil War (cont.), 2820, 2879, 2907, 2914, 2943, Civil War-Battles, 16, 24, 75, 76, 102, 199, 220, 243, 260, 312, 315, 385, 403, 436, 491, 493, 577, 609, 624, 634, 696, 711, 759, 784, 787, 821, 873, 888, 1071, 1092, 1189, 1206, 1250, 1329, 1341, 1392, 1449, 1451, 1526, 1619, 1677, 1713, 1716, 1753, 1758, 1762, 1792, 1884, 1888, 1974, 1988, 1991, 2110, 2121, 2133, 2730, 2767, 2883, 2892, 2935 Civil War— Hospitals and hospital care, 24, 75, 76, 102, 19S, 308, 347, 493, 577, 634, 696, 798, 812, 820, 821, 873, 1227, 1341, 1390, 1395, 1526, 1561, 1562, 1591, 1619, 1713, 1753, 1988, 1994, 2092 Civil War— Negroes, Attitude towards, 16, 27, 169, 199, 285, 308, 312, 347, 493, 577, 609, 624, 631, 696, 784, 812, 820, 821, 873, 888, 1312, 1341, 1351, 1385, 1390, 1526, 1561, 1591, 1716, 1753, 1762, 1792, 1974, 1988, 2092 Civil War— Prisoners and prisons, 662, 1898, 1988, 2092, 2883, 2918 Civil War-Slavery, Attitude towards, 75, 260, 347, 403, 513, 631, 634, 642, 784, 812, 820, 1312, 1341, 1753, 1762, 1792, 1988, 2092 Civil War-Societies, 611, 784, 1644, 1747, 1904, 2690, 2691, 2692, 2693, 2694, 2797, 2798 Clardy, Kit Francis (1892- ), 2056 Clare, Mich., 318 Clare County, 2707 Clark, Calvin, 2150 Champ (1850-1921), 1365 Chauncey, 362 Chloe A. (1817-1880), 2888 Davis Wasgatt (1849-1935), 2080 Edward (1807- ), 363 George, 364 George B., 1702 Grace McKibbin, 365 James Beauchamp (1850-1921), 561 Joseph Sill (1901- ), 2056 Mary Elizabeth, 366 Mary H. (1813-1875), 367 Nathan B. (1838-1863), 368 Rebecca Beach, 364 Thaddeus, 369 Thomas Campbell (1899- ), 360, 1365, Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark 2056 Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth (1847-1931), 1491 Classer, J. A., 1591 Classical studies, 195 Claus, Mrs. Eleanor E., 370 Clauson, Clinton Amos (1895- ), 2056 Claxton, William C, 2767 Clay, Lucius D. (1897- ), 2056 Clayton, E. B., 371 Clayton, William, 1425 Cleary, Owen J. (1900-1960), 2889 Cleaveland, Holbrook G., 372 Cleaveland, John P. (1799-1873), 373, 1879,2265 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (1835-1910), 2831 Clement, Frank Goad (1920- ), 2056 Clements, Earle C. (1896- ), 2056 Clements, James, 424, 1832 Clements, Samuel (1836- ), 374 Clements, William Lawrence (1861-1934), 241, 337, 466, 516, 977, 992, 994, 1045, 1563, 1630, 1650, 1710, 1832, 2840, 2866 Cleveland, Charles Monroe (1836-1895), 375 Cleveland, Edward F., 376 Cleveland, George H., 377 Cleveland, Grover (1837-1908), 47,400, 424, 535, 577, 1462, 1602, 1762, 1863, 1901, 1982, 2022 Cleveland, J. H., 378 Cleveland, James M. (1911- ), 2876 Cleveland, Millie Broadwell, 379 Cleveland, Ohio, 1637, 2837 Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company, 101, 231, 976, 1140 Cleven, Nels A. N., 17 Clifford, Robert, 2056 Climax, Mich., 1987 Clinton, Anna, 380, 797 Clinton, Mich., 456, 938, 1846; Baptist Church, 2163; First Congregational Church, 2186; St. John's Episcopal Church, 1204, 2340, 2405 Clinton County, 976, 1762, 2707 Clisbee, Charles W. (1833-1889), 1987 Cloyes, Arvin, 381 Clubb, Henry S. (1827-1921), 382 Clubs, 1676, 2628, 2640, 2644, 2649-2654, 2660, 2673, 2681, 2684, 2688, 2698, 2705, 2709, 2719, 2758, 2766, 2782, 2783, 2791, 2793, 2794, 2796, 2802, 2817, 2821, 2829, 2832, 2947, 2950 Clute, Lemuel, 424 Clyde, George Dewey (1898- ), 2056 Coats, William H., 383 Cobb, Anita Smith, 384 Cobb, Daniel J. (1833- ), 385 Coblentz, Edmond David (1882-1959), 1365 Cobo, Albert Eugene (1893-1957), 2056 Cocker, Benjamin Franklin (1821-1883), 47, 386, 635, 816 Codd, George Pierre (1869-1927), 1424 Cody, Hiram Sedgewick, 387 Coe and Parkhurst, Coldwater, 2406 Coe and Turner, Coldwater, 2407 Coeducation, 1717 Coffey, Wilford L., 1630 Coffin, Frank Morey (1919- ), 2056 Coffman, Lotus Delta (1875-1938), 1630 Cohen, Benjamin Victor (1894- ), 1365 Cohen, Joseph Jacob (1878-1953), 2801 Cohen, Wilbur, 2056 Colby, Martha Guernsey, 1630 Coldwater, Mich., 1449, 1550, 1893, 1987, 2400, 2406-2409, 2412, 2444, 2590, 2734 254 Cole, Charles C, 424 Cole, Elizabeth Ann Newcomb (1860- 195- ), 1074 Cole, Martha Knapp (1831-1901), 388 Cole, Miner T. (1839-1911), 389 Cole, Nelson, 390 Cole, Samuel Parker, 2890 Colegrove Family, 1578 Coleman, Hiram, 391 Coleman, Richard (1909- ), 2876 Coleman, William L., 2056 Coleman, Mich. St. Andrew's Mission, 2347 Coler, George P., 1771 Colfax, Schuyler, 595, 631, 1786 Colleges, see Universities and colleges Coller, Frederick Amasa (1887- ), 1630 Collier, John, 1630 Collier, William Miller (1867-1956), 1563 Collier, William Wallace, 2123 Collins, Bessie Craven, 392 Collins, Judson Dwight (1821-1852), 393 Collins, LeRoy (1909- ), 2056 Colman, Francis, 394 Colman, Hutson, 395 Coloma, Mich., 1987 Colorado and the Colorado gold rush, 784, 1254, 1262 Colt, George (1848-1878), 396 Colt, H. Duncombe, 1063 Columbia, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2257 Columbia University, New York, 1850 Columbian Exposition of 1893, 422, 1461, 1473, 2030 Combs, Bert T., 2056 Comfort, Ellwood (1822- ), 397 Comin, John (1869-1947), 398 Commanger, Henry Steele (1902- ), 2056 Commerce, Mich. Congregational Church, 2187 Committee on Conservation of Cultural Re- sources. Michigan, 2665 Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, see National Defense Committee of Ann Arbor Communist Party, 1396, 2683 Compton, Arthur Holly (1892- ), 1630 Compton, Karl Taylor (1887-1954), 1630 Comstock, Addison J. (1802-1867), 399 Comstock, Andrew W., 402 Comstock, Charles C. (1818-1900), 400 Comstock, Cyrus Ballou (1831-1910), 47 Comstock, Darius (1768-1845), 331 Comstock, Harriet J., 402 Comstock, Kirk W., 402 Comstock, Lorin L. (1825-1863), 401 Comstock, Theodore Bryant (1849-1915), 47 Comstock, William Alfred (1877-1949), 276, 402, 422, 994, 1008, 1365, 1424, 1563, 1630, 1710, 1896, 2733, 2838 Comstock General Store, 2410 Comte, Victor E. (1833-1864), 403, 2731 Conant, James Bryant (1893- ), 1253, 1325, 1630 Conant, Luther (1844- ), 404 Conchology, 1949 Concord, Mich., 467, 2411 Condict, Anna, 405 Condict Family, 1859 Condon, William, 406 Conely, Edwin F., 2891 Conely [Conley], Thomas Jefferson (1836-1899), 2892 Conference of University Social Science Re- search, 2835 Congregational Association of America, 1729 Congregational Church, 1026, 1510 Congregational churches— Records, 2181-2200 Congregational Churches in Michigan. Jackson Association, 2181 Congress of Industrial Organizations, 2404, 2666 Congressional Medal of Honor, 1394 Conkling, Roscoe (1829-1888), 1463 Connelly, Matthew J. (1907- ), 2056 Conner, Mamie E., 407 Connor, Michael, 408 Conover, James F„ , 2340 Conscientious objector, 768 Conservation, 708, 858, 1136, 1187, 1487, 1568, 1716, 1896, 2011, 2021, 2139, 2738, 2752, 2758 Consolidated Coal Company, Saginaw, 2945 Constantine, Mich., 1987, 2258 Consumers' Cooperative Council of Detroit, 2667 Consumers Power Company, 654 Conway, Charles T. (1907- ), 2876 Cook, Alexander (1901- ), 2876 Cook, Alice, 409 Cook, Dana G. (1855-1932), 1672 Cook, Fanny Read, 410 Cook, George, 411 Cook, Henry (1831-1919), 412 Cook, Jabez Smith, 413 Cook, Marshall L., 414 Cook, William Randolph, 414 Cook, William Wilson (1858-1930), 415, 994, 1650, 2860 Cook Family (Jacob and Peter), 818 Cooke, Geneva M., 416 Cooke, Lucy M. (1870- ), 417 Cooke, Ray C, 417 Cooke, Robert E., 417 Cookery, 1587 Cooley, Albert M. (1908- ), 1660 Cooley, Charles Horton (1864-1929), 349, 418, 424, 994, 1563, 1741, 1771, 2871 Cooley, Dennis, 419 Cooley, Edgar Arthur (1852-1914), 424 Cooley, Ernest Linwood (1856-1928), 420 Cooley, Lyman Edgar (1850-1917), 421, 2050 Cooley, Mary Elizabeth Horton (1830-1890), 418 255 Cooley, Mortimer Elwyn (1855-1944), 17, 47, 57, 271, 318, 420, 421, 422, 466, 947, 977, 994, 1365, 1424, 1585, 1650, 1710, 1850, 2762, 2847 Cooley, Rutger Horton (1893- ), 423 Cooley, Thomas Mclntyre (1824-1898), 47, 87, 152, 418, 424, 468, 616, 640, 687, 766, 825, 956, 1080, 1182, 1281, 1346, 1435, 1602, 1622, 1727, 1730, 1749, 1762, 1792, 1808, 1824, 1830, 1944, 1951, 1983, 2022, 2080, 2137, 2140, 2860 Coolidge, Calvin (1872-1933), 282, 431, 518, 1424, 1630 Coon and Company, Coldwater, 2412 Coonent, James, 2042 Cooper, David Mack (1827-1908), 425 Cooper, Isaac S., 426 Cooper, James Fenimore (1789-1857), 427 Cooper, John, 428 Cooper, John S., 429 Cooper, John Sherman (1901- ), 2056 Cooper, Margaret Cochrane (1835-1907), 1672 Cooper Family, 430 Cooperative societies, 1702, 2630, 2632, 2647, 2667, 2689, 2695, 2801, 2822, 2906 Copeland, Royal Samuel (1868-1938), 282, 318, 431, 994, 1630, 2594 Copeland, Royal Samuel, Jr., 431 Copley, Alexander (1790-1842), 432 Copley, Alexander Bennett (1822-1899), 432 Copley, Helen Hathaway, 432 Copley, Napoleon Eugene, 432 Copper Harbor, Mich., 231, 2389 Copper mining, 283, 302 Copper ores, 954 Copper strike of 1913, 630, 1406, 1916, 2026 Corcoran, Thomas Gardiner (1900- ), 1365, 2056 Corden, John (1821- ),433 Cork, James M. (1894-1957), 2849 Cornelia Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, Brooklyn, 2668 Cornelius, Richard, 434 Cornelius, William R. (1859- ), 434 Cornell, Katharine (1898- ), 2083 Corporations, 2050 Corselius, Cornelia, 435 Corselius, Edward (1843- ), 436 Corselius, Fred, 436 Corselius, George (1806-1849), 436 Corunna, Mich., 1199, 2259, 2340, 2591 Corwin, Edward Samuel (1878- ), 994, 1563 Corwin, Richard W., 437 Cosby, Mabel A., 438 Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C., 1763 Cotter, William, 1424 Coudert, Frederic Rene (1871-1955), 1563 Coughlin, Charles Edward (1891- ), 1365, 2056, 2683 Coulter, Ralph G., 439 Counts, George Sylvester (1889- ), 2056 County Normal training classes, 1115 County records, 2524-2584, 2707 County Teachers' Institute. Michigan, 2669 Courtemanche, Henri (1916- ), 2056 Courter, Howard, 440 Couser, James G. (1903- ), 2876 Cousin, Victor (1792-1867), 1832 Cousino, Paul Kenneth, 441 Cousins, Norman (1912- ), 2056 Couzens, James Joseph (1872-1936), 337, 442, 466, 518, 783, 1040, 1365, 1424, 1563, 1630, 1710, 1896 Coventry, Helen Brannack, 443 Covert, Mich., 1987 Covey, Hiram F. ( -1865), 444 Cowden, Roy William (1883-1961), 2893 Cowell, Robert B., 445 Cowie, David Murray (1872-1940), 446 Cowling, Donald J., 919 Cox, Edward, 447 Cox, Murrell Howard, 448 Craig, James Alexander, 449 Craig, Robert, Jr., 450, 2738 Cram General Store, Northville, 2413 Cramer, Densmore, 451 Cramton, Louis Convers (1875- ), 994, 2894 Crane, A., 452 Crane, Arthur Griswold (1877-1955), 2056 Crane, Caroline Bartlett ( -1935), 994, 2816, 2817 Crane, Horace Richard (1907- ), 2849 Crane, Robert Treat, 1563 Crane, Verner Winslow (1889- ), 466, 2091 Crapo, David, 453 Crapo, Henry Howland (1804-1869), 243, 453, 562, 595, 1408 Crapo, Stanley T., 453 Crapo, William Wallace (1830-1926), 318, 453, 850 Crary, Isaac Edwin (1804-1854), 331, 454, 458, 625, 1395, 1696 Crawford, David L., 1630 Crawford, Fred Lewis (1888-1957), 1425, 2056 Crawford, Ivan Charles (1886- ), 57 Crawford County, 2707 Creaser, Moira, 455 Creighton, Frank W., 2340 Creighton, Joseph, 1365 Cressy, Alonzo, 456 Creswell, Cordelia (1868-1950), 457 Crisler, Herbert O., 2838 Critchett, Mary, 458 Crittenberg, Willis, 1365 Crittenden, Albert Robinson (1867-1933), 459 Crittenden, C. H., 459 Crittenden, Ernest, 459 Crittenden, Lisla Van Valkenburg, 459 Crocker, Martin (1858- ), 460 256 Crocker, Thomas (1825- ), 460 Cromwell, James Henry Roberts (1898- ), 1365 Cron, Anton C, 461 Cronkwright, James, 732 Cropley, Charles Elmore (1894-1952), 1365 Cropsey, Jasper Francis (1823-1900), 47, 462 Crosby, Alpheus Benning ( -1877), 47, 463 Crosby, Elizabeth Caroline (1888- ), 464 Crosby, Robert B., 2056 Crosier, Edward Stokoe ( -1891), 465 Cross, Arthur Lyon (1873-1940), 466, 1908, 2849 Cross, Burton M., 2056 Cross, James, 467 Cross, Wilbur Lucius (1862-1948), 1981 Cross Village, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2260 Croswell, Charles M. (1825-1886), 389, 468 Cudney, Charles H. (1824-1904), 1716 Cullom, Shelby Moore (1829-1914), 421, 424 Culver, Frank Hopkins (1855-1934), 469 Culver, Lewis Franklin, 470 Cuming, Francis H., 471 Cumings, Edwin (1823-1888), 472 Cumings, Grace G. (1866- ), 472 Cumings, Philip (1799-1850), 472 Cummings, Elizabeth, 473 Cummings, Homer Stille (1870-1956), 1365 Cummings, Joseph, 2080 Cunliffe, John William (1865-1946), 1660 Cunningham, Glenn Clarence (1912- ), 2056 "The Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight," 524 Curley, James Michael (1874-1958), 1365 Curtice, Harlow Herbert (1893- ), 2056 Curtis, Charles (1860-1936), 1424 Curtis, Dwight A., 474 Curtis, Fred E., 474 Curtis, George William (1824-1892), 2872 Curtis, Heber Doust (1872-1942), 466, 475 Curtis, Walter T. (1874- ), 476 Curtis, William Eleroy (1850-1911), 1716 Curtiss, Ralph Hamilton (1880-1929), 466, 477, 992, 2849 Cushing, Caleb, 625 Cushing, George (1888- ), 478, 2815 Custer, George Armstrong (1839-1876), 403, 1202 Cutcheon, Byron Mac (1836-1908), 47, 424, 687, 1384, 1395, 1716, 1762, 1959, 2840, 2862 Cutting, Sewell S., 47 Cycling, 138, 476, 586, 2823 Dabney, W. D., 424 Dacotah Mining Company, 2475 Dacre, H. J., 479 Dahlem, John Allen, 480 Daily Advertiser , Detroit, 465 Dairying, 504 Dakota Territory, 964 D'Alesandro, Thomas (1903- ), 2056 Daley, Richard J. (1902- ), 2056 Dallas, George Mifflin (1792-1864), 1522 Dame, Gilman M., 1424 Dana, Cyrus, 481 Dana, James Dwight, 2080 Dana, Samuel Trask (1881- ), 450, 1630 Danforth, George, 401 Daniel, Marion Price (1910- ), 2056 Daniels, Francis Potter (1869- ), 482 Daniels, Jonathan (1902- ), 1253 Daniels, Josephus (1862-1948), 994, 1365 Daniels, Martin L., 483 Darling, Cyrenus Garritt (1856-1933), 1756 Darling, Robert B., 484 Darlington, William, 2080 Darwin, Charles Robert (1802-1882), 2111 Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America see National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America. Michigan Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, 50, 1904, 1945 Daughters of the American Revolution. Michigan, 2670 Daughters of the American Revolution. Michigan. Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Chapter, Kalamazoo, 517 Daughters of the American Revolution. Michigan. Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter, Ann Arbor, 2671 Davenny, Wilson Imbrie (1859-1917), 485 Davidow, Lawrence S., 2876 Davidson, Mrs. O. C, 486 Davidson, O. Conrad, 1424 Davidson, Mrs. Sylvia, 487 Davies, Joseph Edward (1876-1958), 1365 Davies, Thomas F., 2340 Davis, A. C, 2476 Davis, Ada E., 488 Davis, Byron, 497 Davis, Calvin Olin (1871-1954), 489, 2182 Davis, Charles Albert (1861-1916), 47, 490, 977, 1127 Davis, Cushman Kellogg (1838-1900), 1465 Davis, Mrs. E. E., 491 Davis, Ebenezar, 492 Davis, Ferdinand (1840- ), 493, 497 Davis, Frederick, 497 Davis, George, 497 Davis, Jefferson (1808-1889), 312, 1228, 2730 Davis, Jimmie H., 2056 Davis, John Edward (1913- ), 2056 Davis, Joseph Baker (1845-1920), 90, 494, 1928, 2117 Davis, Lorenzo, 495 Davis, Mary P., 496 Davis, Raymond Cazallis (1836-1919), 25, 47, 497, 1564, 1980, 2050 Davis, S. H., 158 257 Davis, William L., 2340 Davis, William Morris (1850-1934), 1628 Davis, William Robert (1872-1959), 498 Davis & Brothers Company, Dexter, 2414 Davison, Ebenezer ( -1885), 499 Davison Family, 500 Dawes, Charles Gates (1865-1951), 1424, 1762 Dawson, Charles Carroll (1833-1916), 501 Dawson, George (1813-1883), 1879 Dawson, Jeannette M. ( -1883), 501 Dawson, Virginia Douglas, 561 Day, Agnes, 502 Day, Edmund Ezra (1883- ), 503 Day, Harvey S., 504 Day, Matthew, 504 Day, William Rufus (1849-1923), 505, 1678, 1762 Dead Sea, 1628 Deadman, Richard Hector (1872- ), 506 Deadwood, South Dakota, 308 Deam, William L., 507 Dean, Elias, 508 Dean, Henry Stewart (1830-1915), 509, 1959 Deane, Charles Bennett (1898- ), 2056 Dearborn, Mich., 323, 813, 814, 2592; Churches, 323, 2164, 2177, 2178, 2204, 2213, 2261, 2340, 2348, 2349; Roman Catholic Cemetery, 2176 Deardorff, Neva Ruth (1887-1958), 2895 Debates and debating, 936 Decatur, Mich., 432, 742, 872, 874, 2262 DeCou, Herbert Fletcher (1868-1911), 510 Defer, Francis (1836- ), 2731 De Foe, Murl H., 1424 Dehnke, Herman (1887- ), 2894 DeJong, Russell Nelson (1907- ), 2896 DeKleine, William (1877-1957), 511, 2763 De Kruif, Paul (1890- ), 511, 1365, 1424 Delaforce, Anna E., 512 De Lamater, Eric Doan (1912- ), 358 DeLand, Charles Victor (1828-1903), 513, 2611 DeLand— Crary Family, 513 Delano, Frederick Adrian (1863-1953), 1325 Delano, Frederick M. (1842- ), 514 Delano, Frederick M. (1897- ), 514 Del Sesto, Christopher (1907- ), 2056 Delta County, 1647, 2531, 2707 Delta Gamma, 81 Delta Gamma Kappa Society, 2672 Delta Kappa Epsilon, 497, 2873 Delta Sigma Rho, 1885 Delta Upsilon, 466, 1692, 2873, 2899 De Mille, Cecil Blount (1881- ), 561 Deming, David E. (1796-1879), 515 Demmon, Isaac Newton (1842-1920), 44, 47, 366, 497, 516, 733, 994, 1253, 1536, 1564, 1741, 2007 Democratic Party, 318, 324, 360, 400, 402, 422, 579, 625, 654, 885, 1295, 1323, 1365, 1406, 1436, 1522, 1702, 1704, 1716, 1777, 1794, 1822, 2030, 2042, 2056, 2673 den Bleyker, Paulus (1804-72), 517 den Bleyker Family, 517, 2148 Denby, Charles (1861-1938), 994 Denby, Edwin (1870-1929), 422, 518, 1424, 1896, 2674, 2838 Denby, Nathaniel, 518 Denison, Charles Halbert ( -1911), 519 Denison, Charles Simeon (1849-1913), 47,494, 520 Denney, Joseph Villiers (1862-1935), 1660 Dennis, Frederick, 521 Dennis, James, 521 Dennison, Arthur C, 1678 Denny, George Hutcheson (1870-1955), 1630 Densmore, Gail Ernest (1894- ), 2083 Dent, James M., 1660 Dentists and dentistry, 329, 498, 943, 1308, 1685, 1814, 2755, 2914, 2915, 2932 Denton, Samuel (1803-1860), 522, 625, 818 Denton, Winfield Kirkpatrick (1896- ), 2056 Denver Water Union, 421 De Pont, Paul Rousseau Bellow (1840-1906), 47, 523 De Puy, Almena R., 525 De Puy, E. Cora, 524 Dern, George Henry (1872-1936), 1365, 1630 De Sapio, Carmine G. (1909- ), 2056 Deseret Silver Mining and Smelting Company, 2475 De Seversky, Alexander P. (1894- ), 2056 Deskins, Donald R., 2897 Desotelle, William E., 526 Desplaines River bridges, 420 Detroit, Mich., 88, 162, 196, 237, 256, 257, 310, 393, 402, 412, 425, 448, 465. 537, 553, 560, 636, 706, 788, 794, 882, 921, 932, 954, 1064, 1149, 1204, 1220, 1323, 1343, 1365, 1521, 1532, 1576, 1612, 1637, 1640, 1733, 1742, 1846, 1866, 1868, 1896, 1949, 1992, 2052, 2076, 2082, 2084, 2085, 2123, 2132, 2593, 2707, 2727, 2728, 2837, 2925 Detroit, Mich.— Booker T. Washington Trade Association, 727 Churches, 319, 819, 1343, 2050, 2052, 2152, 2214, 2263-2268, 2340, 2350-2357 Consumer's Cooperative Council of Detroit, 2667 Farmers and Mechanics Bank, 2426 Lancasterian School, 425 Marygrove College, 1137 Mayor, 1512, 2593 Politics and government, 1807 Public schools, 1629, 1789 Seal, 998 University of Detroit, 2813 Wayne State University, 1995, 2050, 2876 Detroit and Marquette Silver Lead Company, 2475 Detroit and Pontiac Railroad, 2042 Detroit Board of Commerce, 2674 258 Detroit Citizens League, 1343 Detroit City Plan Commission, 1343 Detroit City Silver Mining Company, 2475 The Detroit Club, 1896 Detroit Economic Club, 337 Detroit Engineering Society, 1343 Detroit Female Seminary, 294 Detroit Gazette , 684 Detroit, Hillsdale and Indiana Railroad Com- pany, 910 Detroit House of Correction, 599 Detroit Institute of Technology, 2675 Detroit, Jackson & Chicago Railroad, 1342 Detroit Medical College, Class of 1881, 1672 The Detroit News , 2610 Detroit Optical Institute, 2676 Detroit Orpheus Club, 1064 Detroit Police Department, 2891 Detroit Post and Tribune Company, 2415 Detroit Railroad, 514 Detroit Soldiers' Home, 296 Detroit United Railroad, 1585 Detroit University School, 793 Detroit Young Men's Society, 684 De Valera, Eamon (1882- ), 1365 Dever, Paul Andrew (1903-1958), 1365, 2056 Dew, Gwendolyn Janet (1903- ), 527 Deward, Mich., 1144 Dewey, Alice Chipman, 994 Dewey, Edmund O., 414, 1424 Dewey, John (1859-1952), 47, 528, 733, 994, 1253, 1340, 1473, 1556, 1568, 1630, 1850, 1999 Dewey, Melvil (1851-1931), 497 Dewey, Thomas Edmund (1902- ), 69, 561, 744, 1064, 1365, 1424, 1425, 2056 DeWitt, Clyde A., 529 Dexter, Samuel William (1792-1863), 2898 Dexter, Thomas, 694 Dexter, William, 694 Dexter, Wirt, 530 Dexter, Mich., 172, 1342, 1846, 1910, 1930; churches, 2150, 2340; 2414, 2594, 2898 Dibble, C, 531 Dibble, Mrs. Fred A., 532 Dice, Lee Raymond (1887- ), 533 Dickey, Charles (1813-1879), 534 Dickinson, Donald McDonald (1846-1917), 47, 241, 400, 424, 535, 785, 1395, 1449, 1702, 1762, 2030 Dickinson, Jacob McGavock (1851-1928), 2030 Dickinson, Luren Dudley (1859-1943), 211, 536, 1365, 1424, 1710 Dickinson, Monroe, 537 Dickinson, Zenas Clark (1889- ), 538, 2812 Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., 1322 Dickinson County, 486, 1113, 2707 Dickinson Institute, Romeo, 2677 Dickman, Robert Neil, 539 Diefenbaker, John George (1895- ), 2056 Diekema, Gerrit John (1859-1930), 318, 2008 Dies Committee, 1365 Dieterle, Enoch (1865- ), 540 Dietrich, Kate K., 541 Digaetano, Nick (1893- ), 2876 Diggs, Charles Coles (1922- ), 2056, 2733 Dilling, Elizabeth, 1040 Dillman, Grover C, 1008 Dilworth, Richardson (1898- ), 2056 Dingell, John David (1894-1955), 337, 1064, 1365, 1630, 1896, 2056 Dingell, John David (1926- ), 2056 Dingley, Charles Austin, 542 Dirksen, Everett McKinley (1896- ), 2056 DiSalle, Michael Vincent (1908- ), 2056 Disciples of Christ, 319, 947 Disciples of Christ churches- Records, 2201-2203 Disciples of Christ. Upper Room, 2201 Ditzel, Joseph B., 2876 Divine, Jacob M. (1842- ), 1933 Dix, Dorothy, 1424 Dix, John Alden (1860-1928), 1463 Doan, Leland Ira (1894- ), 2056 Dock, George (1860-1951), 47, 543, 890, 1489 Docking, George (1904- ), 2056 Dodd, William Edward (1869-1940), 919 Dodds, Harold Willis (1889- ), 2056 Dodge, Elise F., 544 Dodge, Henry M., 625 Dodge, Joseph Morrell (1890- ), 2056 Dodge Brothers, 2416 Doherty, James F. (1912- ), 2876 Doll, Louis William (1911- ), 545 Doll, Tracy M. (1897- ), 2876 Dolph, Ray A., 546 Donaldson, James, 1999 Donaldson, Jesse Monroe (1885- ), 2056 Dondero, George Anthony (1883- ), 1630, 2056, 2770 Donnelly, John, Jr., 547 Donnelly, Joseph Peter (1905- ), 1365 Donnelly, Philip M., 2056 Donohue, F. Joseph, 2056 Donovan, Richard, 548 Donovan, William Joseph (1883-1959), 17 D'Ooge, Benjamin Leonard (1860-1940), 459, 635, 1961 D'Ooge, Ida J., 549 D'Ooge, Martin Luther (1839-1915), 47, 459, 516, 550, 994, 1218, 1253, 1307, 1538, 2088 Doolen Richard Miner (1933- ), 551 Doolittle, Doris, 552 Doremus, Frank E. (1865-1947), 553 Dornetto, Dominic, 2876 Dorsch, Edward (1822-1887), 554 Dort, J. Dallas (1861-1925), 318 Dott, Richard Millard, 555 Doty, Alvan (1788-1866), 556 259 Doty, Duane, 557 Doty, William A., 558 Doty, Wirt P., 559 Dougherty, Peter (1805-1894), 560 Douglas, Lloyd Cassel (1877-1951), 561, 994, 1066, 1467, 1551, 1660, 2182 Douglas, Paul Howard (1892- ), 2056 Douglas, Silas Hamilton (1816-1890), 47, 298, 336, 562, 625, 687, 818, 1541, 1571, 1635, 1681, 1702, 1723, 1858, 1951, 2080, 2849 Douglas, William Orville (1898- ), 1365 Douglass, Columbus C. (1812-1874), 976 Douglass, Elizabeth Campbell, 296 Douglass, Frederick (1817-1895), 301 Douglass, Samuel Townsend (1814-1898), 562, 625 Douglass Family, 562 Douglass House, Houghton, 2417 Dover Mills, Dexter, 172 Dow, Earle Wilbur (1868-1946), 994, 1218, 1617, 1771 Dowagiac, Mich., 339 Downey, David (1859?- ), 563 Downey, William E. (1896-1954), 2056 Downs, Lucinda Goodrich, 564 Downs, Tom (1916- ), 565, 1630 Doyle, Edward H. (1849-1919), 484, 1424 Drachler, Norman, 566 Drake, Joseph Horace (1860- ), 459, 1961 Drake, Ludlum C. (1839- ), 2767 Drake, Richard L., 1716 Drake, Rollin Edwards, 567 Drake, Thomas J. (1799-1875), 568 Drama, 507, 936 Drama- Societies, 1902, 2648, 2773 Drama League of America. Ann Arbor Center, 2678 Draper, J. B., 1650 Driggs, John F. (1813-1877), 453, 1762 Driggs, William S., 453 Driscoll, John ( -1895), 1144 Drug Companies, 2516 Drummond, Willis, 569 Dryden, Mich., 82, 1773 Dryer, Reginald (Rex) Peacock, 2899 DuBois, Elizabeth E., 2022 DuBois, William Edward Burghardt (1868- ), 994 Dubuar, Charles L., 570 Dubuar, James (1813-1886), 571 Duck Lake, Mich., 1290 Duff, James Henderson (1883- ), 2056 Duff, Lela A., 572 Duff, Robert A., 1999 Duffield, Divie Bethune (1821-1891), 47, 453, 1702, 2265 Duffield, George (1794-1868), 47, 160, 2265 Duffield, George (1818-1888), 160, 1762, 1884, 2265 Dufour, Charles, 1628 Duke, Angier Biddle (1915- ), 2056 Dulles, John Foster (1888-1959), 1425, 2056 Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railroad, 2131 Dumond, Dwight Lowell (1895- ), 466, 1278, 1754 Dunbar, Willis Frederick (1902- ), 573 Duncan, M. M., 574 Duncombe, Charles, 2110 Dundas, Mrs. Arthur (1869-1956), 575 Dundee, Mich. Methodist Episcopal Church Circuit, 2215 Dunham, Arthur Louis, 576 Dunlap Family, 1547, 2616 Dunn, Francis Wayland (1843-1874), 577 Dunn, Jacob Piatt (1855-1924), 424 Dunn, Newell Ransom (1818-1900), 488, 577, 1935 Dunn, Newell Ransom (1841-1863), 577 Dunster, Edward Swift (1834-1888), 47, 93, 119, 128, 578, 979, 1094, 1116, 1681, 1947 Dunworkin Club, Ann Arbor, 2947 Duplain, Mich., 624 Durand, George Harmon (1838-1903), 579 Durant, William Crapo (1861-1947), 318 Durfee, Edgar Noble (1882- ), 894 Durkee, Henry Rogers (1848-1916), 580 Durkin, Martin P. (1894-1955), 2056 Dusenberry, William, 581 Dustin, Fred (1866-1957), 582 Dustin Hardware Company, Saginaw, 2418 Dutch in Michigan, 517, 983, 1194, 1429, 1917, 1927, 1929 Dutch in the United States, 1354 Dwelle, Margaret, 583 Dwight, Timothy (1828-1916), 47 Dwinell, Lane (1906- ), 2056 Eagle Bay, Mich., 2605 Eagle Harbor, Mich., 913 Eagle River General Store, 2419 Eakins, Thomas (1844-1916), 2932 Earl, John, 584 Earle, G. Harold, 585 Earle, George Washington, 320 Earle, Horatio Sawyer (1855-1935), 586 Early, Stephen (1889-1951), 1365 Easlick, Kenneth Alexander (1893- ), 587 East Jordan, Mich., 1249, 2269 East Lansing, Mich., 1873 East Saginaw, Mich., 900 East Tawas, Mich., 2270, 2340 Eastburn, Isaac H., 358 Easter Beautitudes (song), 269 Eastern Railroad Company, 2420 Eaton, Amasa Mason (1841-1914), 2050 Eaton, George Washington (1804-1872), 1879 Eaton, John Wallace (1886-1948), 588 Eaton County, 110, 2707 Eaton County Pioneer and Historical Society, 2680 260 Eaton Rapids, Mich., 700, 2421, 2471 Eban, Abba (1915- ), 2056 Eberharter, Herman Peter (1892-1958), 2056 Eberly, J. L., 589 Eckart, Carl (1902- ), 1235 Ecker, Beatrice, 590 Eckert, Otto E. (1890- ), 2900 Eckford, Mich., Presbyterian Church, 2271 Eddy, Sherwood (1871- ), 282 Eden, Mich., 2595 Edison, Thomas Alva (1847-1931), 591 Edmonds, John, 592 Edmondson, Ed (1919- ), 2056 Edmondson, James Howard (1925- ), 2056 Edmonson, James Bartlett (1882-1954), 593, 1630 Edmunds, Charles Wallis (1873-1941), 594 Edmunds, James M. (1810-1879), 595 Education, 75, 176, 188, 318, 323, 357, 457, 517, 575, 577, 593, 598, 654, 738, 770, 771, 781, 791, 793, 1010, 1076, 1077, 1098, 1115, 1137, 1139, 1260, 1288, 1326, 1363, 1460, 1462, 1466, 1486, 1572, 1580, 1692, 1731, 1751, 1789, 1798, 1850, 1904, 1909, 1946, 1978, 2008, 2041, 2048, 2069, 2122, 2145, 2563, 2565, 2590, 2604, 2612, 2664, 2672, 2688, 2696, 2700, 2769, 2787, 2844, 2938 Edwards, George Franklin (1828-1919), 47 Edwards, Julia Elizabeth Knight, 596 Effinger, John Robert (1869-1933), 47, 459, 466, 597, 936, 994, 1551, 1563, 1630, 1850, 2088, 2849 Efty, Muriel, 598 Eggerling, Magdalen Helen, 599 Eggert, Carl, 1563 Eggleston, Jean Marie, 600 Eggleston Family, 1590 Ehlers, Mrs. John, 953 Ehrlich, Henry N. (1912- ), 2056 Ehrmann, Emma Sandilands Greet Boyd, 601 Ehrmann, Howard Meredith (1898- ), 1754, 2849 "The Eight Hour Day," 1607 Eighteenth Amendment, 1040 Eisele, George J., 602 Eisenhower, Dwight David (1890- ), 1365, 1630, 2056 Eisenhower, Edgar N. (1889- ), 1630 Eisenhower, Milton (1899- ), 357 Elder, Arthur A., 2056 Elder, John A. (1836-1889), 1227 Eldersveld, Samuel James (1917- ), 1278 Eldon, John, 2876 Eldridge, Isaac Newton, 603 Eldridge, James B., 1702 Eldridge, Robert P. ( -1884), 625 Elections, 318, 337, 453, 577, 579; (1820-49), 625, 1152, 1358, 1522, 1879, 2540, 2544; (1850-79), 127, 146, 759, 1026, 1395, 1856, Elections (cont.) 1884, 2030, 2092, 2110, 2111; (1880-99), 26, 769, 1281, 1314, 1424, 1462, 1465, 1575, 1705, 2030; (1900-29), 141, 420, 769, 994, 1125, 1281, 1406, 1424, 1650, 1710, 1896, 1916; (1930-40), 55, 254, 783, 1246, 1365, 1424, 1710, 1739, 2683; (1941-62), 197, 351, 1323, 1424, 1777, 1822, 2056, 2889 Electric railroads, 422 Elias, W. A., 182 Eliot, Charles William (1834-1926), 47 Eliot Club of Ann Arbor, 2681 Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 1322 Elk, Mich., Presbyterian Church, 2272 Elkins, Stephen Benton (1841-1911), 1762 Elkton, Mich. Prebyterian Church, 2273 Ellender, Allen Joseph (1891- ), 2056 Ellington, Buford, 2056 Elliott, Adelle, 604 Elliott, Carl Atwood (1913- ), 2056 Elliott, Edward C, 1630 Elliott, Eugene B. (1896- ), 2056 Elliott, Jack C, 605 Elliott Family, 854 Elsie, Mich., 345, 347, 349, 1828 Elsworth, Ralph Henry (1872-1947), 606, 2901 Elwood, Isaac Newton (1843-1887), 607 Ely, Richard T., 424 Elyria, Ohio, 1322 Emerson, Frank Collins (1882-1931), 1630 Emerson, Lee E., 2056 Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882), 2872 Emery, John G., 1716 Emmanuel Missionary College see Andrews University, Berrien Springs Emmet County, 2707 Emmons, Halmer H. (1814-1877), 290 Employment agencies, 2491 Emporia, Kansas, 432 Engel, Albert Joseph (1888-1959), 2056 Engelman, George, 2080 Engineering Society of the University of Mich- igan, 2873 England, 741, 860 Engle, Clair (1911- ), 2056 Engleman, Babcock and Sailing, 2498 English, Albert D., 608 Enos, Henry M., 609 Equal rights amendment, 792 Erie, Mich., 1056, 2892 Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad, 106, 2682 Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad Bank, Adrian, 2422 Ermatinger, Charles O., 610 Erskine, John (1879-1951), 1850 Ervin, Samuel James (1896- ), 2056 Escanaba, Mich., 654, 994, 2340, 2596, 2707 Escape in Italy , 1386 Estabrook, Albert Cheney (1846- ), 611, 2691 Estabrook, Joseph (1820-1894), 47, 1874 Evangelical Church, 653 261 Evangelical churches— Records, 2204-2205 Evans, Edward Payson (1831-1917), 612, 1192, 1832, 2022 Evans, John Snyder, 613 Evans, Oscar (1878- ), 614 Evans, Ruth, 331 Evart, Mich., 2216, 2274, 2597, 2826 Evarts, William Maxwell (1818-1901), 47, 631 Eveleth, William S. ( -1818), 1987 Everett, Edward (1794-1865), 367, 2872 Everson, Hillary J., 615 Ewell, Marshall Davis (1844-1928), 616 Ewing, Alexander, 139 Ewing, Oscar Ross (1889- ), 2056 Explorers and explorations, 953 Fabius, Mich., 1994 Fafnir Bearing Company, Detroit, 448 Fair, Clinton Mahan (1909- ), 2056 Fairbanks, Avard Tennyson (1897- ), 617, 1171, 1325, 1763 Fairbanks, Charles Warren (1852-1918), 485, 1762 Fairbanks, Erastus, 618 Fairbanks, Lulu M., 619 Fairbanks Scale Company, 2423 Fairfield, Edmund Burke (1821- ), 577 Fairfield, Mich., 453, 1846 Fairgrove, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2275 Fairlie, John Archibald (1872-1947), 466, 2871 Fairs, 1870 Fannin, Paul Jones (1907- ), 2056 Fargo and Brown General Store, Tecumseh, 2424 Fargo and Fargo General Store and Flour Mill, Manchester, 2425 Farley, Albert William ( -1887), 620 Farley, James A. (1888- ), 1365, 2056 Farmer, John (1798-1859), 425, 2080 Farmer— Labor Party, 2683 Farmer's Alliance, 2699 Farmers and Mechanics Bank, Detroit, 2426 Farmer's Club of School District No. 73, Kent County, 2684 Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 32 Farming see Agriculture Farmington, Mich., 1186, 1532, 1533, 2276, 2390 Farnsworth, Elon (1799-1877), 424, 621, 625 Farnsworth, George E., 621 Farrand, Livingston (1867-1939), 1650 Farrand, Max (1869-1945), 241, 1563 Farrar, Charles S., 622 Farrar, Cynthia, 622 Farrar, Judson S. (1836- ), 2767 Farwell, Mich., 2598 Fasquelle, Louis (1808-1862), 623, 1192,2080 Faubus, Orval Eugene (1910- ), 2056 Faxon, John Harvey (1827- ), 624 Faxon, Mary A., 624 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S. of A., see National Council of the Churches . . . Federation of Democratic Women's Clubs, 2673 Feeley, John W., 2002 Felch, Alpheus (1806-1896), 47, 625, 1501, 1832, 2140, 2840 Felch, Theodore A. (1847- ), 625 Felion, Phebe, 626 Fellers, Bonner, 1365 Fenner, Stephen Henry, 627 Fenton, William M. (1808-1871), 453, 743 Fenton, Mich., 453, 1104, 2599 Ferber, Edna (1887- ), 349 Ferguson, Fenner (1814-1859), 628 Ferguson, Homer (1889- ), 211, 1396, 1425, 1684, 2056, 2812, 2864 Ferguson, William Porter Frisbee (1861-1929), 2610 Fermi, Enrico (1901-1954), 2849 Fernandez, Antonio M. (1902-1956), 2056 Ferndale, Mich. St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 2340 Ferrazza, Jess (1916- ), 2876 Ferrer, Jose' Vicente (1912- ), 2885 Ferris, Carleton Gillespie (1876- ), 629 Ferris, Donald M., 1630 Ferris, Helen Gillespie (1853-1917), 630 Ferris, Joseph, 2876 Ferris, Woodbridge Nathan (1853-1928), 318, 329, 337, 422, 629, 630, 665, 792, 920, 977, 994, 1295, 1359, 1363, 1395, 1424, 1563, 1716, 1916, 2026 Ferris Institute, Big Rapids, 2685 Ferry, Amanda White, 631 Ferry, Dexter Mason (1872- ), 1630 Ferry, Thomas White (1827-1896), 47, 631, 1281, 1716, 1762, 2932 Ferry, William Montague (1796-1867), 631,2025 Ferry, William Montague (1824-1905), 631 Fessenden, Charles Horace (1885-1934), 422 Fey, Charles, 632 Field, David Dudley (1805-1894), 47 Field, Frederick N. (1841- ), 633 Field, Moses W. (1828-1889), 127 Field, Nelson C, 1660 Field, Oliver Peter (1897-1953), 1563 Field and Buck Families, 634 Field (O. I.) General Store, Novi, 1493 Field (O. I.) General Store, Walled Lake, 2427 Filer, Tyson and Company, Manistee, 2498 Filion, Mich. Community Church, 2277 Fine, John S., 2056 Fine, Sidney (1920- ), 1269, 1278 Fink, Albert, 424 Finletter, Thomas Knight (1893- ), 2056 Finley, Charlotte, 502 Finley, John Huston (1863-1940), 1650 Finnegan, James Aloysius (1906-1958), 2056 262 Finney, Byron Alfred (1849-1938), 497, 635, 1631, 2718 Finney, Jared Warner (1841-1929), 636 Fires, 256, 575, 1097; see also Forest Fires Firestone, Harvey Samuel (1868-1938), 337 Fish, Hamilton (1888- ), 631, 783 Fish, Timothy R. (1839-1866), 1257 Fish and Fish Grocery Store, Saginaw, 2428 Fishburn, Junius M. (1830-1858), 637 Fisher, Carl G., 337 Fisher, Dorothy Canfield (1879-1958), 1253, 1850 Fisher, Frederick Bohn (1882-1938), 638 Fisher, J. C., 639 Fisher, James Samuel (1826-1913), 640 Fisher, Stanley A., 641 Fisher and Monroe, Big Rapids, 2429 Fishing, 101, 673, 976, 1569 Fisk, Clinton Bowen (1828-1890), 642 Fitch, Abel F. ( -1851), 643, 1969 Fitch, Chauncey M., 644 Fitch, Ferris S., 287 Fitch, George A., 645 Fitch, Milford L., 646 Fite, Emerson David (1874-1953), 1563 Fitzgerald, Frank Dwight (1885-1939), 211, 254, 1365, 1405, 1630, 1710, 1739, 1896, 2733 Fitzgerald, Wayne Robert, 647 Fitzgibbon, Thomas C. (1834- ), 1696 Fitzpatrick, Keene, 78 Flanders, George A. (1833-1885), 497 Flanders Family, 648 Flat Rock, Mich., 938 Flatt, Anna Hall Steward, 1672 Fleming, Arthur, 337 Flemming, Arthur Sherwood (1905- ), 1064, 1515 Fleshiem, Robert Stephenson, 649 Fletcher, Frank Ward (1853-1922), 402, 650, 1128, 1424, 1650, 2028 Fletcher, George N., 650 Fletcher, William Asa (1788-1852), 651, 2050 Fletcher Lumber Company, Alpena, 2430 Fletcher, Pack and Company, Alpena, 2431 Fletcher- Allen, Edgar, 1063 Flexner, Abraham (1866- ), 994, 2050 Flint, Robert, 1999 Flint, Mich., 174, 318, 453, 511, 625, 1085, 1456, 1680, 1868, 2068, 2433, 2491, 2504, 2600, 2707; Churches, 1497, 2278-2280, 2340 Flint and Holly Railroad, 453, 1665 Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad, 453, 1395, 1665, 2432 Flint Woolen Mills, 2434, 2504 Flitcraft, Pembrook Reeves ( -1908), 652 Florer, Warren Washburn (1869-1958), 653 Flour mills, 1073, 1644, 2425, 2521 Flushing, Mich., 318, 1369 Flushing Anti- Thief and Protection Company, 2686 Flying Saucers, 1427 Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 1630 Flynt, John James (1914- ), 2056 Fogarty, John Edward (1913- ),2056 Foley, Edward H. (1905- ), 2056 Folklore, 1209, 1958 Folio, Charles L. (1905- ), 654 Folsom, James E. (1908- ), 2056 Folsom, Marion Bayard (1893- ), 2056 Fond du Lac Company, 2523 Football, 78, 1590, 1594, 2838 Foote, Charles S., 655 Foote, Ezra M. (1820- ), 656 Foote, Mark (1882- ), 1716 Foote Family, 133 Forand, Aime Joseph (1895- ), 2056 Forbes, Darwin C. (1871- ), 657 Forbes, Levi L., 658 Forbes, Solomon, 659 Forbes, William, 2902 Ford, Benson (1919- ), 2056 Ford, Corydon La (1813-1894), 47, 119, 298, 660, 1094, 1681, 1858, 1951, 2022, 2080, 2840, 2862 Ford, Dorothea, 661 Ford, Edsel Bryant (1893-1943), 337, 1365, 1630 Ford, Edwin (1837-1865), 662 Ford, Gerald R. (1913- ), 1425, 1830, 2056 Ford, Guy Stanton (1873- ), 466, 994 Ford, Henry (1863-1947), 590, 663, 1030, 1285, 1365, 1424, 1563 Ford, Henry (1917- ), 2056 Ford, William F., 424 Ford Motor Company, 2416, 2807 Fordney, Joseph Warren (1853-1932), 664, 1295, 1424 Forest fires, 47, 246, 978, 2030, 2071 Forest Hill Cemetery Company of Ann Arbor, 354 Forester, Mich. St. Peter's- by-the- Lake (Epis- copal Church), 2358 Forests and forestry, 708 Forrestal, James (1892-1949), 1515, 2056 Forrestville, Mich., 191 Forshee, Evelyn, 665 Forsyth, James, 127 Forsythe, Warren Ellsworth (1885-1960), 666, 1489 Fort Crawford, 2803 Fort Mackinac, 2601 Fort Michilimackinac, 1987 Fort Saginaw, 582 Fort Sandusky, 140 Fort Wayne (Detroit), 2940 Fort Wilkins, 1987, 2602 Foss, Joseph J., 2056 Foster, Bert, 2876 Foster, James C, 2903 Foster, John Watson (1836-1917), 47, 1762 Foster, Mary Elizabeth Lowry (1825-1910), 667, 802 263 Foster, Richard Clarke (1895-1941), 1630 Foster, Ruth M., 668 Foster, Theodore (1812-1865), 669, 796, 1878 Foster, Theodore G., 670 Foster, Thomas Reese, 671 Foundries, 1249 Fountain, Allis, 992 The 4-H Club Foundation of Michigan, 654 Fowler, Henry Watson, 1660 Fowlerville, Mich., 1736 Fox, Dorus M. (1817-1901), 1257 Fox, Emma Augusta (1847-1945), 672 Fox, Henry (1854-1933), 673 Fox, Newton P. (1847- ), 676 Fox, Orson S., 674 Fox, Perrin V. (1821-1910), 676 Fox, William H., 675 Foy, Bryon Cecil (1893- ), 1365 France, 300 Francis, Everett (1901- ), 2876 Franck, Harry Alverson (1881- ), 677 Franck, Rachel Whitehill Latta, 677 Frank, Coleman D. (1876-1954), 678 Frank, Glenn (1887-1940), 1630 Frank, Jerome H. (1889-1957), 1365 Frankenlust, Mich. St. Paul Evangelical Luther- an Church, 2207 Frankenmuth, Mich., 191, 1169 Frankfort, Mich., 459, 1126, 2188 Frankfurter, Felix (1882- ), 1253, 1365, 1684, 2056 Franklin, Leo Morris (1870-1948), 679 Franklin, Mich., 1544 Fraser, Alexander Campbell, 1999 Fraser, James, 680 Frayer, William Alley, 1630 Frederika, Queen of Greece, 2056 Fredsell, Harold F., 681 Free Baptists, 577 Free Baptists. Michigan Association, 2159 Free Soil Party, 1532 Free Will Baptists see Free Baptists Freedman's Bureau, 308 Freedom, Mich., 1987 Freedom Township (Washtenaw County). Bethel Evangelical Church, 2205 Freeland, A. C, 682 Freeland, Matilda, 683 Freeman, Orville Lothrop (1918- ), 2056 Freemasons, 170, 257, 318, 432, 1646, 1716, 1762, 1859 Freemasons. Knights Templar, 1396 Freemasons. Morenci Lodge No. 95, 2687 Freeport, Mich., 1987 Freitag, Alfred J., 684 Freitag, Elmer, 2876 Fremont, Mich., 2436 French, Burton Lee (1875-1954), 1630 French, Daniel Chester (1850-1931), 47 French, William A. (1849-1903), 685 French in Michigan, 1987 Friday, David, 422 Friends, Society of, 19, 331, 397, 832, 1350, 1532, 1855, 2787 Fries, Charles Carpenter (1887- ), 686, 2852 Frieze, Henry Simmons (1817-1889), 47, 195, 497, 637, 687, 733, 1063, 1123, 1191, 1307, 1491, 1602, 1874, 1951, 2007, 2022, 2080, 2840 Frink, Fred Goodrich (1862-1929), 688 Frink, Joseph C. (1809-1872), 689 Froebel Study Club, Grand Rapids, 2688 Frontier and pioneer life, 228, 521, 534, 575, 741, 849, 906, 1019, 1037, 1074, 1105, 1144, 1281, 1311, 1335, 1532, 1597, 1866, 2033, 2115 Frost, George S., 2496 Frost, Joseph, 690 Frost, Leslie Miscampbell (1895- ), 2056 Frost, Robert Lee (1874-1963), 1590, 1630, 1999, 2869 Frost, William Goodell (1854-1938), 1045 Frothingham, George Edward (1836-1900), 47, 119, 691, 1094, 1681, 1947 Frye, William Pierce (1831-1911), 1762 Fugate, James R. ( -1938), 692, 870 Fulbright, James William (1905- ), 2056 Fuller, Edward L. (1810-1851), 693 Fuller, George Newman (1875-1957), 466, 1551, 1630 Fuller, Glenn, 1365 Fuller, James H. (1815- ), 694 Fuller, Melville Weston (1833-1910), 1602 Fulmer, Charles W. (1842-1863), 927 Fulton, John I., 695 Fulton, Mich., 1596 Fur trade, 101, 2515 Furay, Mort (1910- ), 2876 Furcolo, Foster (1911- ), 2056 Furniture industry and trade, 216, 261, 400, 1586, 1716, 1865 Furstenburg, Albert Carl (1890- ), 466, 720, 1158, 1489, 2849 Fyfe, Jennie, 696 Fyfe Family, 696 Gage, John L., 697 Gagetown, Mich. Grace Episcopal Church, 2340 Gainesville, Mich., 1029 Galbraith, John Kenneth (1908- ), 2056 Gale, Edward, 698 Gale, Esson McDowell (1884- ), 466, 686, 699 Gale, Orlando Charles (1823-1912), 700 Gale Family, 700 Galesburg, Mich., 231, 584, 648, 1311, 1846, 1909, 1987, 2165, 2385, 2435 Galesburg Temperance Society, 1909 Gall, John N., 701 Gallagher, Daniel M. (1908- ), 2876 264 Gallagher, Frederick R., 702 Gallagher, Michael James (1866-1937), 1365, 1999 Gamble, E. F., 703 Gamble, Margaret Eliza, 704 Gamma Delta Nu, 2873 Gamma Phi Beta, 2873 Ganges, Mich., 1987 Ganley, Nat (1903- ), 2876 Garden City, Mich. Methodist Episcopal Church, 2217 Garden City (Nankin), Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2281 Gardner, A. P., 700 Gardner, Erie Stanley (1889- ), 2056 Gardner, Joan Geisel, 705 Gardner, Nannette Brown Ellingwood (1828-1900), 706 Gardner, Washington (1845-1928), 459, 707 Garfield, Charles William (1848-1934), 708, 1295, 2011 Garfield, Harry Augustus (1863-1942), 1563, 2840 Garfield, James Abram (1831-1881), 47, 333, 687, 725, 740, 919, 1106, 1650, 1986, 2080 Garfield, James Rudolph, 2050 Garfield, Lucretia Rudolph (1832-1918), 919 Garibaldi, Giuseppe (1807-1882), 367 Garner, James Wilford (1871-1938), 1563 Garner, John Nance (1868- ), 1365 Garner, Leah Beach, 709 Garrick, William (1819-1883), 710 Garrison, Abram E. (1843- ), 711 Garrison, C. M., 2476 Garrison, Wright H. (1839- ), 712 Garroway, Dave (1913- ), 2056 Garvey, Dan A. (1886- ), 2056 Gary, Joseph Easton (1821-1906), 1602 Gas, Natural, 244 Gaskill, Silas B. (1828- ), 713 Gates, Thomas Sovereign (1906- ), 2056 Gay, E. F., 1650 Gayley, Charles Mills (1858-1932), 47, 733, 1556, 1650 Gazetteers-Michigan (1838), 1147 Geddes, Norman (1823- ), 47 Geer, Harrison, 714 Geerlings, Clyde H. (1904- ), 1716 Geiger, Tracy E., 715 Gelles, Catherine, 2876 Gelston, Caroline Fanning, 716 Gelston, J. Mills, 2050 General Electric Company, 1530 General Foods Corporation, Battle Creek, 2490 General Motors Corporation, 975, 2666 General stores, 2381, 2383, 2385, 2388, 2390, 2392, 2394, 2395, 2397-2400, 2405, 2408, 2410, 2411, 2413, 2419, 2424, 2425, 2427, 2429, 2435, 2437-2439, 2441, 2443, 2444, General stores (cont.) 2446, 2449, 2454, 2472, 2479, 2482, 2487, 2499, 2500, 2504, 2509, 2520, 2522 Genesee County, 453, 709, 857, 2033, 2090, 2532-2534, 2707 Genesee County Medical Society, 1104 Genesee Prairie, 2150 Genske, William L. (1911- ), 2876 Geological surveys, 1003 Geology, 242, 907, 953, 954, 976, 1127, 1701, 2080 Georg, Conrad, 128 Georgakas, Dan, 717 George, Edwin Ordell (1905- ), 2056 George, Henry (1862-1916), 2050 George, Walter Franklin (1878-1957), 1425,2056 George Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn., 1467 Gerber, Daniel F. (1898- ), 2056 Gerber Products Company, Fremont, 2436 Gerish, Arthur, 718 German Christian Agricultural and Benevolent Society of Ora et Labora, 2689 Germans in Michigan, 653, 1096, 1169, 1374, 1605, 2127 Germantown, Pa., 1322 Germer, Adolph F. (1881- ), 2876 Germfask, Mich., 938 Gerrish, Frederic Henry (1845-1920), 47, 719, 1681 Gesell, Robert (1886-1956), 720 Gessner, Robert (1907- ), 721 Giannini, Amadeo Peter (1870-1949), 1365 Gibbes, Henneage ( -1912), 128, 1110, 1403 Giddings, M. A., 147 Giddings, Orrin N. (1814- ), 453 Gifford, Edson P. (1832- ), 1716 Gifford, Eunice, 521 Gifford, W. W., 722 Gilbert, James W., 723 Gilbert, N. M., 724 Gilbert, Thomas Dwight (1815-1894), 47, 725, 1951 Gilchrist, James Grant ( -1906), 47, 726 Gildersleeve, Virginia C, 1850 Gill, Robert L., 727 Gillen, Martin James (1872-1943), 728 Gillette, Guy Mark (1879- ), 2056 Gillilland, Whitney (1904- ), 2056 Gillis, Gaylord Wilson (1873- ), 2904 Gillman, Henry, 729 Gillmore, Robert Harris (1851-1923), 2905 Gilman, Daniel Coit (1831-1908), 47, 424, 453, 1340 Gilpin, Alec R., 730 Gimbel, Mrs. Louis, 2056 Gingerich, Solomon F., 731 Gish, Lillian, 2083, 2885 Gitchel, Squier L., 732 Gladden, Washington (1836-1918), 424 265 Gladstone, Mich. Trinity Episcopal Church, 2340 Gladstone, Mich. Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2282 Gladwin, Mich., 938 Gladwin County, 2707 Glasgow, Cassius L., 414 Glazier, Frank P. (1862-1922), 1985 Goddard, Edwin Charles (1865-1942), 561,733, 965 Godfroy, Gabriel, 1373 Godwin, Parke (1816-1904), 2872 Goebel, Paul Gordon (1901- ), 2920 Gogebic County, 2707 Gogebic County. Planning Commission, 2535 Gogebic Mining Company, 2475 Gold rush (1859), 1841 Goldberg, Leo (1913- ), 1427 Goldman, Emma (1869- ), 994, 1999 Goldwater, Barry Morris (1909- ), 2056 Goldwyn, Samuel (1882- ), 2056 Gomberg, Moses (1866-1947), 466, 734, 994, 1506, 1563, 2088 Gomon, Josephine, 2876 Gompers, Samuel (1850-1924), 337 Gonick, Samuel, 2906 Good, R. Allen, 735 Good roads movement, 586 Goodale, Warner Wright, 736 Goodell, [?], 737 Gooding, Maria Moore, 738 Goodison, Bertha ( -1938), 739 Goodman, Reuben S., 740 Goodnight, Cloy (1881-1932), 947 Goodrich, Calvin (1874- ), 741 Goodrich, Edward Payson (1842-1935), 742 Goodrich Enos (1813-1897), 743, 2437 Goodrich, Ernest Payson (1874-1955), 744 Goodrich, Francis Lee Dewey (1877-1962), 745, 1171 Goodrich, Frederick S., 746 Goodrich, Lloyd (1897- ), 2056 Goodrich, Osman Dewey (1808-1887), 747 Goodrich General Store, Goodrich, 2437 Goodrich General Store, Traverse City, 2438 Goodrich, Mich., 2437 Goodspeed, Edgar J., 152 Goodyear, J. J., 748 Gordon James Wright (1809-1853), 749 Gordon, John Franklin (1900- ), 2056 Gordon, Thomas Sylvy (1893-1959), 2056 Gore, Albert Arnold (1907- ), 2056 Gore, Victor Michael (1858- ), 282 Gore, Willard Clark, 1660 Gorham, Charles T. (1812-1901), 750, 1450,2392 Goss, Levi, 751 Gosse, Edmund William (1849-1928), 1850 Gould, Augustus Addison, 2080 Gould, Laurence McKinley (1896- ), 752 Gould, William Crozier (1880- ), 753 Graafschap, Mich. Reformed Church in America, 2369 Graham, Frank Porter (1886- ), 1253 Graham, Frederick J., 754 Graham, William Franklin (Billy) (1918- ), 2056 Grain, Murry, 755 Grambau, Harry, 756 Grand Army of the Republic. Dept. of Michigan, 611, 784, 1644, 1747, 1904 Grand Army of the Republic. Dept. of Michigan. C. J. Dickerson Post, Hillsdale, 2690 Grand Army of the Republic. Dept. of Michigan. Estabrook Woman's Relief Corps, Ann Arbor, 2691 Grand Army of the Republic. Dept. of Michigan. Lapeer Post No. 144, 2692 Grand Army of the Republic. Dept. of Michigan. Welch Post No. 137, Ann Arbor, 2693 Grand Army of the Republic. National Encamp- ments, 2694 Grand Haven, Mich., 631, 2467, 2797 Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, 2107 Grand Junction, Mich., 1987 Grand Ledge, Mich., 1987 Grand Marais, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2283 Grand Rapids, Mich., 260, 279, 445, 676, 710, 1201, 1281, 1396, 1465, 1577, 1607, 1627, 1674, 1742, 1850, 1868, 1901, 1949, 1959, 1997, 2011, 2439 Grand Rapids, Mich.— Belknap Wagon Company, 2384 Calvin College, 2661 Churches, 168, 398, 2074, 2284, 2285, 2287 Education, 457, 2008 Ezra Sprague Holmes, 1814 Froebel Study Club, 2688 Furniture industry, 216, 400 Furniture strike, 261, 400, 1865 Gas Company case, 2131 Iron Molder's Union, 2712 John Ball, 1639 Recorders Court rules, 2603 Schools, 1580 Sligh Family, 1716 Taggart Family, 1830 Grand Rapids Consumer's Cooperative Associa- tion, 2695 Grand Rapids Elementary Sunday School Associa- tion, 2153 Grand Rapids Kindergarten Training School, 1880, 2696 Grand Rapids Times , 1020 Grand Rapids Trades and Labor Council, 2697 Grand River, Mich., 1201, 1987 Grand River Road, 2103 Grand Traverse Bay. Presbyterian Mission Church, 2288 Grand Traverse County, 206, 2707 266 Grand Traverse Region, 560, 1693, 1702, 1946, 1987, 2115, 2782 Grandville— Jenison. First Congregational Church, 2189 Granger, Bradley F., 127 Granger, John A., 757 Granger, Lewis, 758 Grant, Claudius Buchanan (1835-1921), 47, 318, 424, 759, 994, 1128, 1281, 1650, 1660, 2030 Grant, John H. (1857- ), 760, 994 Grant, Ulysses Simpson (1881- ), 2056 Grass Lake, Mich., 1037, 2340, 2359, 2443 Gratiot, Charles, 40 Gratiot County, 2707 Grattan, Mich., 2604 Gratz, Delbert L., 761 Graveraet, Robert, 2030 Graves, Benjamin F., 424, 1959 Graves, Emma L., 762 Graves, James C, 763 Graves, Theresa M., 764 Gray, Alan E., 561 Gray, Asa (1810-1888), 1509, 2080 Gray, Elisha (1835-1901), 1976 Gray, Eugene, 765 Gray, Georgia Neese Clark, 2056 Gray, Gordon (1909- ), 2056 Gray, Gordon Young ( -1920), 766 Gray, Harold Studley (1894- ), 767 Gray Family, 768 Grayling, Mich., 2497 Great Lakes, 154, 270, 847, 862, 1318, 1625, 1953, 2123, 2440 Greeley, Horace (1811-1872), 1786 Green, Camilla B., 287 Green, Edith Starrett (1910- ), 2056 Green, Eliza Baldwin (1807- ), 1859 Green, Fred Warren (1872-1936), 402, 518, 653, 769, 783, 920, 977, 1424, 1469, 1630, 1710, 2011, 2139, 2733, 2838 Green, Grace Helen, 770 Green, Jennie Lovan, 771 Green, Noah K. (1808-1886), 453 Green, Theodore Francis (1867- ), 2056 Green, William (1870-1952), 1365 Green, William Joseph (1910- ), 2056 Greenback Party, 127, 400, 717 Greene, Albert Emerson (1872- ), 772 Greene, Belle de Costa, 1325 Greene, Charles Ezra (1842-1903), 47, 773 Greene, Marian Palmer, 774 Greene, Mary Theresa, 775 Greene, William M. (1840-1863), 2907 Greenfield, Levi (1836-1865), 75 Greenly, William L. (1813-1883), 776 Greenman, Albert Thayer, 2908 Greenshields, William (1838-1913), 777 Greenville Shakespeare Society, 2698 Gregg, Frank C, 778 Gregg, Hugh (1917- ), 2056 Gregg, Phineas, 778 Gregg, William C, 778 Gregory, A. S., 779 Gregory, David, 780 Gregory, John M. (1822- ), 1723 Gresham, W. Q., 535 Gressman, Eugene, 1365 Greve, Esther B., 781 Grew, Joseph Clark (1880- ), 1630, 2056 Gribbens, William Duffield, 782 Gridley, Caroline W., 1214 Gridley, Eleanor, 783 Gridley, G. Thompson (1812-1889), 783 Griffin, Annie E., 2909 Griffin, Clare Elmer (1892- ), 1630, 2910 Griffin, Edwin C, 784 Griffin, Eli Augustus (1833-1864), 784, 2110 Griffin, Isaac, 784 Griffin, Levi Thomas (1837-1906), 268, 785,994, 1023, 1116, 1830, 1896, 1938 Griffin, Marvin, 2056 Griffin, Samuel Hicks, 784 Griffin, W. L. ( -1935), 786 Griffis [Griffin], John S. (1829-1864), 787 Griffith, Walter T., 788 Griffiths, Martha Wright (1912- ), 789, 1684, 2056 Griggs, Earl Leslie (1899- ), 790 Grimes, John Odus, 791 Grimes, Lucia Voorhees, 792 Grimes, Wellington V. V., 793 Grindstone City, Mich., 2605 Gringhuis, Richard H. (1918- ), 794 Grinke, Barbara V., 795 Griswold, George R. ( -1857), 625 Griswold Farm and General Store, Vermont- ville, 2441 Groat, Anne L., 796 Grocery manufacturers' associations, 1615 Grocery stores, 2382, 2396, 2414, 2428 Groesbeck, Alexander J. (1873-1953), 994, 1295, 1305, 1424, 1710, 1896, 1916, 2840 Gronchi, Giovanni (1887- ), 2056 Groomes, Katherine S., 797 Gross, Frank (1844- ), 798 Grosse He, Mich., 2340, 2606 Grosse Pointe, Mich., 337, 2289 Grosvenor, Ebenezer Oliver (1820-1910), 47 Grubbs, Samuel Bates (1871-1942), 799 Gruening, Ernest (1887- ), 2056 Gruenther, Alfred M. (1899- ), 1425 Gruett Family, 800 Guest, Edgar Albert (1881-1959), 575, 801, 870, 1424, 1630, 1885, 2056 Guild, Curtis (1860-1915), 1762 Gundry, E. D., 802 Gunn, Moses (1822-1887), 298, 803, 818, 1571, 1635, 1858 267 Gunther, John ( 1901- ), 2056 Gustafson, Waino V., 804 Guter, Lawrence J., 805 Guthe, Carl Eugen (1893- ), 806, 2851 Guthe, Karl Eugen (1866-1915), 516, 994, 1563, 2849 Haass, Charles Wilhelm Frederick (1825-1913), 807 Haass, Walter F. ( -1941), 808 Haber, William (1899- ), 1365, 1754, 2733, 2757 Hackett, Charles Wilson (1888-1951), 17 Hadley, Frederick Seward, 809 Hadley, James (1821-1872), 47 Hadley, Mich., 1783, 2607 Hadley Telephone Company, Lapeer, 2442 Haensel, Charles W., 810 Haering, George John (1895- ), 2056 Haessler, Carl (1888- ), 2876 Hagaman, Ardath, 811 Hagen, Harlan (1914- ), 2056 Hagen, Uta (1919- ), 2885 Hager, Phineas A. (1820-1864), 812 Haggard, Fred V. (1904- ), 2876 Haigh, Henry A. (1854- ), 813 Haight, Floyd L. (1897- ), 814, 2638 Haight Family, 814 Haines, Blanche Moore (1865-1944), 1672 Haines, David H. (1845- ), 2730 Hakala, D. Robert, 815 Hale, Edward Everett (1822-1909), 1130 Hale, Eugene (1836-1918), 1762 Hale, T. J., 419 Hale, William J. (1876-1955), 1630 Hale, Smith and Dunham General Store, Grass Lake, 2443 Hall, Abram Sager, 816, 818 Hall, Arthur Gillespie (1856-1883), 817 Hall, Daniel ( -1887), 818 Hall, Edward (1887- ), 2876 Hall, Emma Amelia (1837-1884), 599, 819,883, 2932 Hall, Francis Everett (1840-1866), 820 Hall, Frederick L. (1916- ), 2056 Hall, Granville Stanley (1846-1924), 994 Hall, Israel, 424, 1491 Hall, James, 1701, 2080 Hall, James Parker (1871-1928), 1650 Hall, Morris Stuart (1839-1913), 821 Hall, Reuben Lord (1805-1876), 822 Hall Family (William E.), 823 Halliday, E. W., 824 Halsey, Lawrence Woodruff, 2911 Hamburg, Mich., 232, 2340 Hamilton, Alexander ( -1881), 825 Hamilton, Edward La Rue (1857-1923), 414 Hamilton, John Daniel Miller (1892- ), 783, 1830 Hamilton, John F., 826 Hamilton, Rolland Burritt (1869- ), 827 Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y., 1322, 1879 Hamilton Copper Company, 2475 Hamilton Watch Company, 1914 Hamlin, Sarah Dix, 828 Hammerstein, Oscar (1895- ), 2056 Hammett, Ralph Warner (1896- ), 1447 Hammond, Aaron P., 2110 Hammond, Charles G., 829 Hammond, Jason E. (1862- ), 830 Hammond, Matthew B. (1904- ), 2876 Hammond, William Gardiner ( -1894), 424, 1938 Hampton, Charles S. (1856-1917), 127 Hampton, Oliver (1807-1860), 832 Hampton, Will E. (1864-1959), 831 Hampton Family, 832 Hamtramck, John Francis (1756-1803), 2060 Hamtramck, Mich., 2707 Hanchett, Benjamin Sawtell (1868- ), 422, 994, 1424, 1650 Hanchett General Store, Coldwater, 2444 Hancock, Mich., 406, 1046, 2505 Handley, Harold Willis (1909- ), 2056 Hanna, Hugh Henry (1848-1920), 2030 Hanna, Marcus Alonzo (1837-1904), 650, 1281, 1762, 2030 Hannah, John Alfred (1902- ), 1008, 1365, 1716, 2056 Hannah and Lay Company, Traverse City, 2445 Hanover, Mich., 1583 Hansen, Catherine E., 833 Hansen, Thomas E., 834 Hansen, Peter B., 2056 Hantula, James N., 835 Harbor Beach, Mich., 1365, 2290 Harbor Springs, Mich., 831 Harcourt, Bert, 1144 Harding, Warren Gamaliel (1865-1923), 337,422, 920, 1040, 1424 Hardware stores, 2451 Hardy, A. B. C, 318 Hardy, Margaret B., 836 Hardy, Richard, 1028 Harian, John Marshall, 47 Haring, Samuel K., 101 Harison, Beverley Drake (1855-1924), 2760 Harlan, John Marshall (1833-1911), 1602 Harmony Alliance, 2699 Harper, Ida Husted, 837 Harper, Mary McKibbin, 838 Harper, William R. (1841- ), 152, 1253 Harper, William Rainey (1856-1906), 47 Harries, Eloise Street, 839 Harriman, Karl Edwin (1875-1935), 1660 Harriman, William Averell (1891- ), 2056 Harrington, Donald, 2056 Harrington, Mark Walrod (1848-1926), 47, 840, 2756 268 Harris, George Calvin, 841 Harris, George DeWitt ( -1918), 842 Harris, Jennie M., 843 Harris, Oren (1903- ), 2056 Harris, Richard E. (1902- ), 2876 Harris, Samuel Smith (1841-1888), 47, 687, 844, 1762, 2340 Harris, Seymour Edwin (1897- ), 2056 Harris, William P. (1859-1942), 845 Harris Family, 846 Harrison, Benjamin (1833-1901), 424, 919, 1762, 2022 Harrison, Beverly D., 1650 Harrison, Burr Powell (1904- ), 2056 Harrison, C. S., 421 Harrison, Gilbert A. (1915- ), 2056 Harrison, William Henry (1773-1841), 40, 2265 Harrison and Perrine General Store, School- craft, 2446 Harrod, Oswald Joseph, 2945 Harrow, Alexander (1755-1811), 847 Harsen Island, Mich. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 2340 Hart, Albert Bushnell (1854-1943), 466, 919, 994, 1496, 1563, 1838 Hart, Alvin N., 850 Hart, Arthur H., 850 Hart, Clarissa, 848 Hart, Emeline Abby, 849 Hart, Francis Bret (1839-1902), 2831 Hart, Lovira, 849 Hart, Philip A. (1912- ), 2056 Hart, Sir Robert (1835-1911), 47 Hart, Rodney G., 850 Hart, Mich., 1097 Harter, George, 851 Harter, Matthias (1826-1906), 852 Hartford, Mich., 1987 Hartford Township (Van Buren County). Catholic Church, 2179 Hartsfield, William Berry (1890- ), 2056 Hartshorn, Albert Harvey (1869- ), 853 Hartsuff, Albert (1837-1908), 854 Hartsuff, Alice, 854 Hartsuff, George L. (1830-1874), 854 Hartsuff, William (1835- ), 854 Harvey, Charles Thompson (1829-1912), 2030 Harvey, Nathan Albert (1860- ), 855 Harvey, William A., 269 Has, Henry F. A., 856 Hascall, Charles C, 857 Haskell, Francis Dwight ( -1923), 395 Haskins Wagon Repair Shop, Scio, 2447 Hastings, Ethel J., 965 Hastings, Walter E. (1888- ), 858 Hastings, Mich., 414, 876, 1528, 1727; postmas- ters (1839-1937), 1987; 2015; churches, 2218, 2291; 2448, 2499, 2608 The Hastings Banner, 414 Hatch, Carl A. (1889- ), 2812 Hatch, Charles F., 2468 Hatch, Edward Walker (1843-1916), 859 Hatch, Henry, 2042 Hatch, Jennie Lucile, 860 Hatch, Oscar R. ( -1870), 861 Hatch, Rufus (1785-1825), 2042 Hatcher, Harlan Henthorne (1898- ), 862, 2056, 2846 Hatfield, Mark O. (1922- ), 2056 Hathaway, Benjamin (1822-1896), 863 Hattley, Joseph (1904- ), 2876 Haughey, Wilfrid H., 864 Hauser, William M., 442 Haven, Erastus Otis (1820-1881), 47, 132, 516, 635, 687, 865, 905, 1224, 2022, 2080, 2468 Haven, Gilbert, 2080 Havener, John, 2747 Haviland, Laura Smith (1808-1898), 811, 866, 867, 885 Hawaii, 1762 Hawes, Harry Bartow (1869-1947), 1365 Hawkes, John S., 424 Hawley, Elizabeth, 867 Hawley, Joseph Boswell (1826-1905), 1762 Hawley Family (Asa), 868 Hay, John (1838-1905), 47, 497, 595, 1762 Hayden, Carl Trumbull (1877- ), 1830, 2056 Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer, 2080 Hayden George Warren, 869 Hayden, Jasper, 871 Hayden, Joseph Ralston (1887-1945), 17, 57, 870, 1365, 1563, 1630, 2733, 2770 Hayden Family (Elisha), 871 Haydon, Arthur W., 872 Haydon, Charles B. (1834-1864), 873 Haydon, lone, 874 Hayes, Clarissa L. H., 875 Hayes, Harry G., 876 Hayes, Hector (1804- ), 877 Hayes, Rutherford Birchard (1822-1893), 47, 595, 631, 964 Hayes Wheel Company, Jackson (now Kelsey- Hayes), 1914 Haynes, Harley Armand (1875- ), 1054, 1630 Hays, Arthur Garfield (1881-1954), 1365 Hays, Will H. (1879-1954), 1563, 1630 Hay worth, Donald (1898- ), 2056 Hazard, Rowland Gibson (1855-1918), 47 Haze, Charles W. (1820- ), 878, 2464 Hazel Park, Mich. St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, 2340 Hazlitt, Henry (1894- ), 2835 Hazzard, Florence Woolsey, 879, 1348 Hearn, Lafcadio (1850-1904), 1243 Hearst, William Randolph (1863-1951), 1365, 2056 Heath, Donald R. (1894- ), 2056 Heath, Homer L., 880 269 Hedgpeth, Joel W., 881 Heineman, David Emil (1865-1935), 882 Helfman, Harold M., 883 Helle, William F., 884 Helme, James W. (1817-1883), 885 Helme, James W. (1860-1938), 590, 885 Hemans, Lawton Thomas (1864-1916), 318, 886, 1585 Hempl, George (1859-1921), 47, 887, 1896 Hempstead, Henry Mortimer (1832-1916), 888 Hench, George Allison (1866-1899), 889, 1617 Hench, Philip Showalter (1896- ), 890 Hendelman, Augustus, 891 Henderson, Anne B., 382 Henderson, Arthur, 521 Henderson, David Brenner (1840-1906), 1762 Henderson, James D., 382 Henderson, John, 521 Henderson, Raymond F., 892 Henderson, Thomas D., 1988 Henderson, William D. (1866-1944), 1640 Henderson— Ames clothing scandal, 1896 Hendricks, George A. ( -1899), 2047 Hendricks, Thomas A., 625 Heney, M. Alice (1867-1941), 1672 Hennequin, Alfred ( -1914), 47, 893 Hennings, Thomas Carey (1903- ), 2056 Henrietta, Mich. Christ Episcopal Church, 2340 Henry, Charles E. (1838- ), 150 Henry, James, 256 Henry Russel lectures, 1506 Henson, Francis A., 2056 Herbert, J. Joseph (1894-1956), 894, 1684 Herdman, William James (1848-1906), 47, 128, 895, 1403 Herman, Besse Io Douglas Wilson, 561 Hermansville, Mich., 318, 2523 Herndon House Hotel, Marshall, 2392 Herrick, James B., 896 Herriman, Sidney H. (1843- ), 897 Herrington, A. B., 2056 Herseth, Ralph (1909- ), 2056 Hersey, John (1914- ), 2864 Hersey, Mich., 1545 Hershey, Addison S. (1847-1925), 898 Hershey, Amos Shartle (1867-1933), 1563 Hershey, Lewis Blaine (1893- ), 1630, 2056 Herter, Christian Archibald (1895- ), 2056 Hesburgh, Theodore Martin (1917- ), 2056 Hess, Julian, 2747 Hess Family, 899 Hetherington, Mary Elizabeth, 900 Heusel, Edith Frances (1884- ), 901 Heusel, Fred, 901 Hewitt Family, 902 Heymans, Charles, 2056 Hibbard, John D., 903 Hickey, George S., 905 Hickey, James, 905 Hickey, John Joseph (1911- ), 2056 Hickey, Preston Manasseh (1865-1930), 904 Hickey Family, 905 Hickok, Elizabeth (1840- ), 853 Hicks, Granville (1901- ), 1253 Hicks, Henry W., 906 Higgins, Anthony (1840-1912), 1762 Higgins, George C, 2056 Higgins, Sylvester W., 907, 976 Higginson, Francis John (1804-1872), 908, 1883 High School Athletic Committee of Michigan, 2700 Highland, Mich. Baptist Church, 2166 Highland Park Civic Association, 2701 Highland Park, Mich. St. Alban's Episcopal Church, 2340 Highway Users Conference of Michigan, 654 Hilberry, Clarence Beverly (1902- ), 2056 Hildner, Jonathan August Charles ( -1952), 909 Hilgard, Eugene Woldemar (1833-1916), 47, 2080 Hill, Albert R., 1650 Hill, Arthur (1847-1909), 47, 1650 Hill, C. F., 910 Hill, Charles E., 47 Hill, David Jayne (1850-1932), 1650 Hill, Lewis (1869-1929), 911 Hill, Lister (1894- ), 1630, 2056 Hill, Norman H., 912 Hill, Norman Llewellyn (1895- ), 1365 Hillman, Sidney (1887-1946), 1365 Hillman, Mich. Calvary Episcopal Church, 2340 Hills, Eliphalet, 913 Hillsdale, Mich., 456, 577, 700, 994, 1330, 1650, 2042; College Baptist Church, 2167; St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 2340; G.A.R., 2690; Pioneer and Historical Society, 2703; Star Guild, 2704; Woman's Club, 2705; Young Peo- ple's Social and Literary Guild, 2706; Inter- national Order of Cadets of Honor and Tem- perance, 2710 Hillsdale College, 3, 75, 474, 488, 525, 577, 1462, 1572, 1650, 1713, 1714, 2159, 2702 Hillsdale County, 157, 938, 976, 1330, 1413; Reformed Church, 2370; 2536, 2537, 2707 Hindman, Jean E., 914 Hines, Charles Phelps, 915 Hinkley, Edward O., 424 Hinkley, John, 424 Hinkley, Robert, 2056 Hinman, Edward Chauncey (1852-1920), 916 Hinman, John Flavel (1858-1921), 917 Hinman General Store, Battle Creek, 2449 Hinsdale, Albert (1809-1882), 918 Hinsdale, Burke Aaron (1837-1900), 47, 333, 516, 708, 919, 1556, 1741, 1817, 1838, 1896 Hinsdale, Ellen Clarinda (1864-1958), 919 Hinsdale, Mary Louisa (1866-1946), 466, 919, 1563 270 Hinsdale, Mildred (1871- ), 466, 919 Hinsdale, Wilbert Bartlett (1851-1944), 47, 282, 920, 994 Hinsaw, John Carl Williams (1894- ), 2056 Hiram College, Ohio, 516, 919 Historical Records Survey. Michigan, 1266, 2707 Historical Society of Michigan, 88, 1415, 2728, 2925 History-Societies, 88, 1415, 2680, 2703, 2775, 2800 History, Teaching of, 1242 Hitchcock, Ethan Allen (1835-1909), 1762 Hitchcock, Henry (1829-1902), 424 Hitchcock, Lambert, 921 Hoad, William Christian (1874-1962), 422, 922 Hoar, George Frisbie (1826-1904), 424 Hoard, William Dempster (1836-1918), 1424 Hoare, Henry Hamilton, 635 Hobbs, William Herbert (1864-1953), 466, 518, 923, 977, 994, 1424, 2088 Hobby, Oveta Culp (1905- ), 2056 Hodge, John Eugene, 924 Hodges, Fred Jenner (1895- ), 2849 Hodges, Luther Hartwell (1898- ), 2056 Hodges Family, 925 Hodskin, Charles Horace (1837-1905), 926 Hoegh, Leo Arthur (1908- ), 2056 Hoey, Clyde Roark (1877-1954), 2056 Hoff, Nelville Soule (1854-1926), 1756 Hoffa, James R., 2056 Hoffman, Clare Eugene (1875- ), 1365, 1425, 1896, 2056, 2770, 2889 Hoffman, Paul Gray (1891- ), 337, 2056 Hoffman, Samuel J. (1843- ), 927 Holbrook, Charles, 928 Holbrook, Evans (1875-1932), 929 Holbrook, John, 930 Holbrook, Stewart Hall (1893- ), 921, 1253 Holcombe, Chester (1844-1912), 47 Holden, Ebenezer G. D. (1845-1912), 1716 Holden, Euphemia G., 932 Holland, Allen A., 933 Holland, Elmer Joseph (1894- ), 2056 Holland, Spessard Lindsey (1892- ), 2056 Holland, Mich., 412, 517, 1145, 1917, 1927, 1929, 2609 Hollenback, William M., 1553 Hollings, Ernest Frederick (1922- ), 2056 Hollis, Ira Nelson (1856-1930), 422 Hollister, Emily Jane Green (1839-1918), 934 Hollister, Mrs. Mary Chamberlin, 935 Hollister, Paul, 1630 Hollister, Richard Dennis Teall (1878- ), 934, 936, 1630 Holloran, Mark Richard (1905- ), 2056 Holly, Mich., 906, 938 Holmes, Ezra Sprague (1819-1914), 1814 Holmes, John Haynes (1879- ), 561 Holmes, Nathaniel, 2080 Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809-1894), 1130,2872 Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1841-1935), 424, 1348 Holmes, Otis Halbert (Hal) (1902- ), 2056 Holmes, Pricilla, 937 Holmes, Robert D., 2056 Holmes, Roy Hinman (1882-1949), 938 Holstein— Frisian Association, 504 Holt, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2292 Holton Family, 939 Holton and Weatherwax General Machine Shop and Foundry, Jackson, 2450 Holtzoff, Alexander (1886- ), 1365 Home Insurance Company, Ann Arbor, 2474 Home Owners Loan Corporation, 826 Homeopathy, 431, 603, 920 Homer, Mich., 700, 2293 Hooker, Cortez Perry (1814-1886), 940 Hooker, John (186—1938), 941 Hooper, Arthur H. (1863- ), 942 Hooper, Lewis Edwin (1895- ), 943 Hoover, Herbert Clark (1874- ), 254, 337, 422, 431, 518, 994, 1424, 1515, 1630, 2056, 2840 Hoover, John Edgar (1895- ), 561, 1064, 1365, 2873 Hoover Commission see U.S. Commission on the Organization of the Executive Branch of Government Hope, Mich., 2948 Hope College, Holland, Mich.— Student life and customs, 1145 Hopkins, Charles Clark ( -1916), 424, 945 Hopkins, Clark, 944 Hopkins, Enos (1821-1896), 1716 Hopkins, Ernest M. (1877- ), 1253, 1630 Hopkins, George Hiram (1842-1906), 945 Hopkins, Harry L. (1890-1946), 1323, 1365, 1630 Hopkins, Jay Paul, 946 Hopkins, Louis Allen (1881- ), 686, 720, 947, 1630 Hopkins, Samuel W. (1845- ), 1716 Hopper, A. G., 948 Hopper, George C. (1831- ), 2767 Hopwood, Avery (1884-1928), 1660 Horine, Charlotte C, 949 Hornbeck, Stanley Kuhl (1883- ), 1563 Horton, George B. (1845- ), 1424 Horton, Myrta, 1725 Hosic, James Fleming (1870-1959), 1660 Hoskins, Lewis M., 950 Hosmer, William Howe Cuyler (1814- 1877), 2872 Hospital Circle of the King's Daughters see Visiting Nurse Association of Ann Arbor Hospitals, 2795 Hotchkiss, Everitt S. (1857- ), 951 Hotchkiss, George W. (1831-1926), 952 Hotels and taverns, 2103, 2417, 2480 Hough, Emerson (1857-1923), 1295, 1424 Houghton, Arthur Armory (1906- 2056 271 Houghton Douglass (1809-1845), 562, 953, 976, 1395, 1496, 1635, 1657, 2017 Houghton, Jacob (1827- ), 574, 954, 977 Houghton, Mich., 2120, 2417 Houghton County, 2707 House, Edward Bishop, 955 Hovey, Hiram W., 957 Hovey, Howard, 956 Hovey Family, 957 Howard, Burton James, 958 Howard, Gene Frank, 959 Howard, Grace, 960 Howard, Henry (1801-1878), 961 Howard, Jacob M. (1833- ), 595, 625 Howard, Katherine Graham (Mrs. Charles P.) (1898- ), 2056 Howard, [Oliver Otis] , 595 Howard, Sanford, 962 Howard, Sumner, 963 Howard, William Alanson (1813-1880), 595, 964, 1521, 2265, 2872 Howard, William Guild, 1660 Howe, G. L., 965 Howe, George, 171 Howe, Isaac W. (1835-1886), 966 Howe, Julia Ward (1819-1910), 967 Howe, Louis McHenry (1871-1936), 1365 Howe, Mary Haskell, 968 Howe, Thomas Carr (1904- ), 947 Howell, Charles Robert (1904- ), 2056 Howell, Charles S., 969 Howell, Jane, 331 Howell, Sadie, 2912 Howell, Seymour (1841-1909), 969, 2820 Howell, William Henry (1860-1945), 47 Howell, Mich., 906, 1149, 1202, 1705, 2150; St. John's Episcopal Church, 2340, 2360 Howells, William Dean (1837-1920), 1850 Hower, Wesley N. (1843-1863), 675 Howison, George Holmes ( -1917), 1686 Howland, Charles E., 970 Howser, Davis, 971 Hoxie, T. Jefferson, 2056 Hoyt, Anna (1869- ), 972 Hoyt, Edwin Palmer (1897- ), 2056 Hoyt, John A., 973 Hoyt, Mary Louise, 974 Hu Shih, 1630 Huang, Ray, 975 Hubbard, Bela (1814-1896), 103, 953, 976, 1003, 1628, 1701 Hubbard, Fred S., 424 Hubbard, Gurdon Saltonstall (1802-1886), 1987 Hubbard, Leonidas (1872-1903), 1741 Hubbard, Lucius Lee (1849-1933), 466, 977, 994, 1114, 1127, 1424, 1568, 1630, 1660, 1701, 2849 Hubbard, Orville L., 2056 Hubbard, Samuel M. (1829- ), 812 Hubbell, Julian Bertine (1847-1929), 978 Huber, Gotthelf Carl (1865-1934), 979, 1630 Hudson, Joseph Lowthian (1846-1912), 337, 2050 Hudson, Manley Ottmar (1886- ), 1563 Hudson, Richard (1845-1915), 733, 994, 1556, 1686, 1692, 1741, 1896 Hudson, Mich. Trinity Episcopal Church, 2340 Hudson Motor Car Company, 337, 2946 Hudson's Bay Company, 420 Hughes, Charles Evans (1862-1948), 485, 994, 1040, 1064, 1365, 1563, 1590, 1630, 1650, 2088 Hughes, Rupert (1872- ), 561 Hulbert, Edwin (1829-1910), 2030 Hulbert, H. B., 980 Hulbert, Henry S., 1235, 1630 Hull, Clark Leonard (1884-1952), 1506 Hull, Cordell (1871-1955), 337, 1064, 1365, 1563, 1630 Hull, Jean, 981 Hull, Lawrence C, 982 Hull, William (1753-1825), 1010, 1166, 1292 Hull, William Raleigh (1906- ), 2056 Hullett, W. C, 127 Hulst, Cornelia Steketee (1865-1957), 983, 994 Hulst, Henry, 984 Humane Society of Ann Arbor, 748, 2708 Humboldt, Alexander, Baron von (1769-1859), 1832 Hume, Charles W. (1838- ), 985 Humphrey, George, 986 Humphrey, George Magoffin (1890- ), 1008, 1295, 2056 Humphrey, Hubert Horatio (1911- ), 1425, 2056 Humphrey, Watts S., 1295, 1424 Humphreys, William (1907- ), 2876 Humphries, H. E., 2056 Hungerford, Edward C, 987 Hunsaker, Walter Jerome (1857-1939), 1281, 1295, 1424, 1650 Hunt, Charles G. (1843- ), 988 Hunt, Estelle Louise, 989 Hunt, Henry J., 990 Hunt, James B. (1799-1857), 743 Hunt, Lester Callaway (1892-1954), 2056 Hunter, Edward (1902- ), 1040 Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro (1809-1887), 1696 Hunting, 1569 Huntington, Edward Vermilye (1874-1952), 1563 Hurd, William, 2110 Hurley, Patrick Jay (1883- ), 1365 Huron County, 575, 2707 Huron Hills Golf Club, Ann Arbor, 2709 Huron, Lake, 976 Huron Portland Cement Company, 845 Hurondale Farm, 1342 Hurst, Jack R. (1906- ), 2876 Hussein Ala, 1630 Hussey, Arthur W., 992 272 Hussey, Edgar P., 992 Hussey, Erastus, 1855 Hussey, Ethel Fountain (1865-1915), 920, 994 Hussey, John Milton, 992 Hussey, Ruth, 991 Hussey, William Joseph (1862-1926), 47, 152, 992, 994, 1124, 2849 Huston, R. B., 993 Huston, Wilson Boyle (1828-1863), 2913 Hutchins, Harry Burns (1847-1930), 47, 69, 71, 129, 138, 152, 241, 268, 337, 422, 424, 466, 469, 653, 785, 920, 945, 977, 983, 994, 1116 1128, 1424, 1563, 1568, 1630, 1650, 1710, 1741, 1762, 1850, 1931, 1938, 1999, 2028, 2038, 2050, 2114, 2718, 2869, 2871 Hutchins, Richard G., 995 Hutchins, Robert Maynard (1899- ), 1630 Hutchinson, Henry, 996 Hutchinson, S. J., 997 Hyde, Mrs. Donald F., 998 Hyma, Albert (1893- ), 466 Ickes, Harold L. (1874-1952), 1365, 1630, 2610 Iden, Thomas Medary (1856-1933), 38, 1569 Ikard, Frank Neville (1914- ), 2056 Illinois Artillery. First Regiment. Battery I, 105, 285 Illinois Central Railroad, 2917 Illinois Infantry. 11th Regiment, 285 Illinois Infantry. 35th Regiment, 2119 Illinois Infantry. 52nd Regiment, 2767 Illinois Infantry. 64th Regiment, 577 Illinois Infantry. 76th Regiment, 358 Imlay City, Mich., 1254 Immigration and emigration, 47, 318, 684, 741, 1249, 2265, 2639, 2927 In Our Opinion (radio program), 478 Independence Day, (1846), 1847 Indiana— History, 1525 Indians, 84, 101, 182, 204, 284, 331, 432, 560, 625, 786, 831, 854, 976, 1010, 1091, 1184, 1270, 1376, 1612, 1657, 1671, 1693, 1696, 1729, 1733, 1746, 1752, 1760, 1764, 1883, 1920, 1927, 1987, 2030, 2101, 2664, 2809, 2810, 2811 Industrial Workers of the World, 933 Ingham, Samuel D., 324, 1522 Ingham County, 287, 324, 1896, 2538, 2539, 2707 Inglis, Elizabeth H. (Mrs. James), 999 Inglis, James (1864- ), 1710 Ingraham, David P. (1836- ), 2892 Ingram, R. C. (1899- ), 2876 Inkster, Mich., 384, 1721 The Inlander , 1538, 2873 Innes, Robert S. (1834- ), 1000 Innes, William Powers (1826-1893), 127, 1716 Insurance, 325, 2030, 2478 Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, 1128 Interlochen, Mich., 2871 International Council of Religious Education, 2320 International Deep Waterways Commission, 421 International Industries, Inc., Ann Arbor, 1919 International Order of Cadets of Honor and Temperance, Hillsdale, 2710 International Order of King's Daughers and Sons. Phoebe Beal Circle, Ann Arbor, 2711 Interstate Commerce Commission, 10, 422, 424, 1808 Interurbans, 318, 1143, 1342, 2470 Ionia, Mich., 593, 769, 2294, 2451 Ionia County, 976, 2707 Iosco County, 2707 Iosco County Gazette , 455 Iowa Infantry. 9th Regiment, 852 Iowa Infantry. 25th Regiment, 16 Iowa Infantry. 35th Regiment, 1451 Iowa Sugar Company, Waverly, 2469 Iron County, 2295, 2707 Iron industry and trade, 225, 700, 2378 Iron mines and mining, 574 Iron Molders' Union. Grand Rapids Local 213; 2712 Iron Mountain, Mich., 1728, 2296 "Iron Ore In Orbit," 526 Iron River and Lake Superior Copper and Silver Mining Company, 2475 Ironton, Mich., 1376 Irwin, D. Maitland, 1001 Isabella County, 2707 Isabella Indian Mission (Methodist Episcopal Church), 2219 Isabella Silver Lead Mining Company, 2475 Ishpeming, Mich., 869, 2030 Isle Royale, 815, 858, 954, 1689, 2610 Isle Royale Mining Company, 453 Ismay (Lord), 1425 Italy, 1407 Ives, Percy (1864-1928), 994 Ivey, Paul Wesley (1890- ), 561 Iwo Jima, 89 Jacklin, James E., 1002 Jacklin, Rufus W. (1842- ), 2767 Jackson, Andrew (1767-1845), 1522 Jackson, Calvin C. (1814-1883), 625 Jackson, Charles T., 1003 Jackson, Darius C, 331 Jackson, Henry Martin (1912- ), 2056 Jackson, Robert Houghwout (1892-1954), 1064, 1365 Jackson, Walter Hinckley (1840-1930), 1004,2914 Jackson, Mich., 388, 513, 783, 892, 1036, 1335, 1846, 1879, 2450, 2470, 2611, 2707, 2892, 2924; churches, 892, 2297, 2340; Junior Col- lege, 2714; State Prison of Southern Michigan, 146, 441, 1233, 2761 Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Railroad, 453 Jacobs, Albert Poole (1853-1909), 424 273 Jacobs, Edward S., 1005 James, Edmund Janes (1855-1925), 1838 James, William P., 127 James, William Stuart, 2915 Jameson, John Franklin (1859-1937), 1230, 1563 Jamestown, Mich., 732 Jamison, Andrew, 2340 Janes, Theron E. (1842- Japan, 1407, 1709, 1937 Jaquess, W. T., 1006 Jeffries, Edward J. (1900- Jelley, Edward (1839-1917), ), 624 ), 1425 1007 Jenkins, Guy Hugh ( -1957), 1008 Jenkins, Harry, 1009 Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple (1856-1929), 1650 Jenks, William Lee (1856-1936), 847, 1010 Jenney, William Le Baron (1832-1907), 47, 1011 Jensen, Martin, 2876 Jermain, George W., 1012 Jerome, David Howell (1829-1896), 47, 424, 1762 Jerome, W. W. S., 1013 Jessup, Joseph (1840- ), 1014 Jester, Beauford H., 2056 Jewell, David A. (1828- ), 1716 Jewell, Henry D., 424, 1959 Jewell, Ogden, 1015 Jewell Company, 2523 Jews in Michigan, 994 Jocelyn, George B., 1016 Johansen, August Edgar (1905- ), 211, 2056 John, Arthur, 1017 John, Waldemar Alfred Paul (1895- ), 1018 Johns Hopkins University, 1773 Johnson, Allan Chester (1881-1955), 1563 Johnson, Andrew (1808-1875), 1449 Johnson, Augustus S. (1799-1876), 1019 Johnson, Axel Petrus (1878-1952), 1020 Johnson, Byron Lindberg (1917- ), 2056 Johnson, Charles W., 1021 Johnson, Clayton E. (1907- ), 2876 Johnson, David, 1022 Johnson, Edwin Clifford (1882- ), 2056 Johnson, Elias Finley (1861-1933), 994, 1023 Johnson, F. O., 1024 Johnson, Francis Marion, 1025 Johnson, Horace, 1026 Johnson, John Butler, 1027 Johnson, Joseph B., 2056 Johnson, Lester (1895- ), 2876 Johnson, Lester R. (1901- ), 2056 Johnson, Lillian W., 1028 Johnson, Lothrop, 1029 Johnson, Louis Arthur (1891- ), 2056 Johnson, Lyndon Baines (1908- ), 2056 Johnson, Marvin L., 1030 Johnson, Mortimer Lawrence (1842-1913), 47 Johnson, Otis Coe ( -1912), 293, 1031, 1403 Johnson, Pyke, 337 Johnson, Thor (1913- ), 358 Johnson, Walter W., 2056 Johnson and Thompson Hardware Store, Ionia, 2451 Johnston, Clarence T., 1506 Johnston, Eric A. (1896- ), 2056 Johnston, Geneva M., 1032 Johnston, Olin Dewitt (1896- ), 2056 Johnstown, Mich., 391, 2154 Jones, Charles Nelson (1848-1913), 47, 424 Jones, Dallas Lee, 2916 Jones, Edgar DeWitt (1876-1956), 319 Jones, Edward David (1870-1944), 1033 Jones, Elisha (1832-1888), 44, 47, 195, 733, 1034, 1459 Jones, Howard Mumford (1892- ), 1035 Jones, James Weldon (1896- ), 870, 1064 Jones, Jenkin Lloyd (1843-1918), 994 Jones, Jesse Holman (1874-1956), 402, 1365 Jones, John (1818-1887), 2092 Jones, Lucian F., 1036 Jones, Richard Lee (1893- ), 2056 Jones, Robert Emmett (1912- ), 2056 Jones, Samuel Arthur ( -1912), 47, 1037 Jones, Samuel B., 1038 Jones, Thomas Elsa (1888- ), 1630 Jones Family, 1039 Jones Family (of Jonesville), 1330 Jonesville, Mich., 1330, 1890; churches, 2298, 2340; 2479 Jonkman, Bartel J. (1884- ), 1830 Jordan, David Starr (1851-1931), 47, 992, 994, 1568 Jordan, Frederick Parker (1857-1946), 47, 745 Jordan, Myra Beach (1860- ), 994, 1527 Journalism, 900 Joy, Henry Bourne (1864-1936), 337, 516, 1040 Joy, James Frederick (1810-1896), 47, 453, 2415, 2917 Judd, Charles Hubbard (1873-1946), 1506 Judd, Walter Henry (1898- ), 2056 Judson, Helen G., 1041 Jung, Harry A., 1040 Justice of the Peace records, 2552, 2561, 2569, 2590, 2619, 2624 Kahn, Albert (1869-1942), 1660 Kahn, Julius (1861-1924), 1762 Kahn, Reuben Leon (1887- ), 1630 Kaiser, Edgar Flosburg (1908- ), 2056 Kaiser— Fraser Corporation, 864 Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1130 Kalamazoo, Mich., 59, 86, 318, 396, 427, 517, 534, 1671, 1731, 1812, 1841, 1846, 1954, 1987, 2041; Michigan United Railroad, 2470; 2612, 2707; Soldiers' Aid Society 2798 Kalamazoo and Schoolcraft Railraod, 453 Kalamazoo College, 86, 357, 517, 1619, 1806, 1987, 2715 274 Kalamazoo County, 453, 515, 1311, 1729, 1855, 1909, 1987, 2541, 2542, 2707 Kalamazoo County Agricultural Society, 2716 Kalamazoo County Pioneer Society, 236 Kalamazoo Female Seminary see Michigan Female Seminary, Kalamazoo Kalamazoo Harness Makers, 2717 Kalkaska County, 2707 Kanouse, Bessie Bernice (1889- ), 1042 Kanouse, John G., 1043 Kanouse, Milton, 1044 Kansas, 1495, 2932 Kansas— Nebraska Act, 1463 Kansas State College, 357 Karpinski, Louis Charles (1878-1956), 1045, 1630, 1763, 2088 Karsten, Frank Melvin (1913- ), 2056 Katokoh Trail, 409 Kausler, Fred, 1046 Kavish, Robert, 1047 Kaw-gay-ge-waw-no, 1048 Kay, John B. (1841-1864), 1049 Kean, Robert Winthrop (1893- ), 2056 Kearsley, Jonathan (1786-1859), 562, 2840 Kebler, Geneva, 1050 Kedney, Emma E., 1051 Kedzie, Robert C, 1052 Keech, Thomas J., 1053 Keefer, Earl H., 1054 Keeler, Alonzo Merrill (1826- ), 2918 Keeler, Dexter D. (1836- ), 1055 Keeler, Ezra (1840- ), 2918 Keeler, Mich., 2110 Keeley, James (1867-1934), 1660 Keeney, Salmon, 1056 Kefauver, Estes (1903-1963), 1323, 1425, 2056 Kefauver's Undertaking Parlors and Furniture Store, Manistique, 2452 Kekkonen, Urho Kaleva (1900- ), 2056 Kelland, Clarence Budington (1881- ), 1660 Kellen, William Vail, 164, 1057 Keller, K. T., 2404 Kelley, A. H., 1058 Kelley, Charles A. (1840- ), 1058 Kelley, Patrick Henry (1867-1925), 318, 1424, 2008 Kellogg, C. J., 1059 Kellogg, Dwight, 1060 Kellogg, Frank Billings (1856-1937), 1563 Kellogg, John Harvey (1852-1943), 382, 994, 1061, 1424, 1553, 1568, 1660, 1831 Kellogg, John R. (1793-1868), 453 Kellogg, Margaret M. McCauley (1852-1938), 1672 Kellogg, Will Keith (1860-1951), 211, 1553, 1660 Kellogg Toasted Corn Flakes Company, Battle Creek, 1615 Kelly, Augustine Bernard (1883-1957), 2056 Kelly, Harry Francis (1895- ), 211, 653, 894, 1425, 1830 Kelly, Leonora, 1062 Kelly, William, 2752 Kelsey, Francis Willey (1858-1927), 71, 459, 466, 977, 994, 1063, 1218, 1563, 1710, 1784, 1961, 2088 Kelvin, William Thomson, 305 Kemp, Edward Gearing (1887-1962), 1064, 1365, 1424 Kempf, Reuben (1835- ), 1065 Kendall, Mich., First Presbyterian Church, 2299 Kenesson, Evelyn, 1066 Keniston, Hayward (1883- ), 2088 Kennan, George Frost (1904- ), 2056 Kennedy, Charles S., 1067 Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-1963), 2056 Kennedy, Joseph Patrick (1888- ), 1365, 1515 Kennedy, Myllicent, 1068 Kennedy, Robert F., 2056 Kennelly, Martin H. (1887- ), 2056 Kennon, Robert Floyd (1902- ), 2056 Kenny, Munnis, 1069, 2059 Kent, Charles Artemas (1835-1917), 36, 47, 424, 825, 956, 1070, 1116, 1435, 1794, 1824, 1983, 2050, 2137, 2140, 2840, 2860 Kent, Charles Foster (1867-1925), 2050 Kent, Daniel (1836- ), 1071 Kent, Ira Rich (1876-1945), 561 Kent County, 472, 976, 1830, 2684, 2707, 2927 Kenyon, Sir Frederick George (1863- ), 1063 Keogh, Eugene James (1907- ), 2056 Kephart, John Edgar, 1072 Keppel, Frederick Paul (1875-1943), 1325, 1650 Kern, Frank J., 2919 Kerr, Robert Samuel (1896- ), 2056 Kerwin, Fred N., 344 Ketchum, George, 1073 Keweenaw County, 1601, 2707 Keweenaw Peninsula, 231, 976, 1406, 2389 Keweenaw Silver Mining Company, 2475 Keyes, Janice, 1074 Keyes, Langley Carleton, 1075 Keyserling, Leon H. (1908- ), 2056 Kidder, Clara E., 1076 Kiebler, Emmett William, 1077, 1353 Kiefer, Harmann (1825-1911), 47, 653, 1078, 2871 Kilborn, George H. (1821- ), 1206 Kilgore, Harley Martin (1893-1956), 2056 Killian, James R. (1904- ), 2056 Killion, Mead W., 1079 Kilpatrick, William Marvin ( -1919), 1080 Kimball, Samuel H., 1081 Kimball Family, 1082 Kimmell, Samuel B., 1083 Kinde, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2300 Kindergarten movement, 2008 King, Cecil (1898- ), 2056 King, Harold, 1084 King, Herbert (1881- ), 1120 King, Julia Anne (1838-1919), 1085 275 King, Paul Howard (1879-1942), 1086, 1896 King, Robert, 1087 King, Thomas Starr (1824-1864), 2872 King, Will, 1088 Kingsbury, E. M., 110 Kingsbury, O. R., 1089 Kingsley, Frank (1843-1864), 1092 Kingsley, James (1797-1878), 335 Kingsley, Lucy Ann Clark, 1090 Kingsley, Moses, 2059 Kingsley, Salmon ( -1838), 1091 Kingsley Family, 1092 Kingston, Irene McFadden, 1093 Kingston, Thomas Smith (1861-1950), 1094 Kinietz, William Charles, 1095 Kinkel, Gottfried, 1096 Kinley, David (1861-1944), 1630 Kinne, Edward De Witt (1842-1921), 424, 1985 Kinney, Mary McKain, 1097 Kinsey, Lyle C, 1098 Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936), 1130 Kirchmaier, Gustavus Albert, 1099 Kirchner, Otto (1846-1920), 47, 424, 1100, 1116 Kirkland, Caroline Matilda Stanbury (1801-1864), 1075, 1395, 1861 Kirkland, Helen Marie Upjohn (1839-1901), 1672 Kirkpatrick, Clifford (1855- ), 1101 Kirtland, Susan Sutton, 1820 Kish, George, 1148 Kitchin, Alvin Paul (1908- ), 2056 Klasey, Thomas (1896- ), 2876 Kleinstuck, Freida (Mrs. Carl C. Blankenburg), 1102 Klue, Leonard E., 2876 Klumph, Jeremiah, 1103 Knapp, Albertus, 175 Knapp, Andrew B., 1395 Knapp, G. W., 175 Knapp, Mark Stevens (1872-1948), 1104 Knapp, Myron E. (1820- ), 1105 Knappen, Loyal Edwin (1854-1930), 47, 994, 1128, 1650, 1678, 1959 Knickerbacker, Chancy W. (1824-1884), 1106 Knight, Goodwin Jess (1896- ), 2056 Knight, John Shively (1894- ), 2056 Knight Family, 525 Knights of Labor, 127, 1518 Knights of Pythias, 831 Knipple, Daniel H. (1840-1861), 1782 Knott, Kate Jeffrey, 1107 Knowland, William Fife (1908- ), 1323, 2056 Knowles, Henry A., 1108 Knowlton, Jerome Cyril (1850-1916), 47, 1109, 1896, 1938 Knox, Frank see Knox, William Franklin Knox, Victor Alfred (1899- ), 1425, 2056 Knox, William Franklin (1874-1944), 337, 414, 977, 1175, 1365, 1384, 1424, 1650, 1716, 1896, 2631, 2770 Knudsen, William S. (1879-1948), 1365, 1563 Kobayaski, Victor Nobuo, 1110 Koch, Theodore Wesley (1871-1941), 466, 977, 994, 1111, 1563, 2861 Kohler, Walter Jodok (1904- ), 2056 Kohn, Stuart M., 1112 Korea, 1709 Korff, Baron S. H., 1563 Kortesoja, Arthur H., 1113 Korzybski, Alfred, 1563 Kosten, Edward A. ( -1954), 2920 Kosten, Mrs. Laurel L., 2920 Kraus, Edward Henry (1875- ), 686, 720, 936, 947, 977, 1114, 1563, 2088, 2849 Kress, Lauretta Eby (1863- ), 1672 Krock, Arthur (1886- ), 1365 Kroll, John, 2056 Krueger, Marie, 440 Krueger, Paul, 1115 Ku Klux Klan, 994, 2206 Kuhne, Charles W., 1116 Kung, Prince, 47 Kurath, Hans (1891- ), 686 Kuyper, George Adrian, 1117 Kvale, Paul John (1896-1960), 1630 Labadie, Joseph, 994 Labadie collection, 1017 Labadie homestead, Detroit, 1796 Labor and laboring classes, 261, 318, 654, 717, 933, 994, 1050, 1323, 1365, 1366, 1497, 1518, 1865, 2050, 2379, 2404, 2666, 2697, 2712, 2804, 2807, 2876, 2920 La Chambre, Romaine, 1118 Lacy, Arthur Jay (1876- ), 1119 Ladd, George Trumbull (1842-1921), 1999 Ladies' Library Association of Ann Arbor, 1651, 2718 Ladies' Library Association, Northville, 2616 Ladies' Literary Club, Ypsilanti, 2719 Ladies' Study Club of Adrian see Adrian Woman's Club Ladies' Temperance Union of Adrian, 2720 Lado, Robert (1915- ), 2852 LaDuke, Theodore (1900- ), 2876 Lafayette, Marie Joseph, Marquess de (1757- 1834), 1522 La Follette, Philip Fox (1897- ), 1365 La Follette, Robert Marion (1855-1925), 1424 La Follette, Robert Marion (1895-1953), 1365 Lagerberg, Matt, 1120 La Guardia, Fiorello H. (1882-1947), 1365, 1630 Laing, Lionel Hassell, 1121 Lake County, 2707 Lake Odessa, Mich., 938 Lakes to Gulf Waterway, 421 Lakeview, Mich., 938 Lakeview Oil Company, 1716 Lakeville (Oakland Co.) Mich., 2027 276 Lamb, James, 1122 Lamborn, Charles Burleigh ( -1902), 1123 Lamont, Daniel Scott (1851-1905), 424, 535 Lamont, Robert Patterson (1867- ), 47, 992, 994, 1124, 1630 Lamont— Hussey Observatory, 2849 Lampinen, Lily Gay, 1125 Lamport, Warren Wayne (1856-1948), 1126 Land, 453, 685, 976. 1184, 1298, 1581, 1589, 2030, 2042, 2916 Land grant, 1118 Landers, Ann (Mrs. Jules Lederer) (1918- ), 2056 Landon, Alfred Mossman (1887- ), 1040, 1424 Lane, Alfred Church (1863-1948), 708, 977, 1114, 1127, 1568, 1630, 1701 Lane, Joseph R., 2056 Lane, Robert Porter (1891-1953), 1630 Lane, Victor Hugo (1852-1930), 47, 929, 1128, 1226, 1650 Lane, William A., 1129 Lane, William Preston (1892- ), 2056 Lang, Chester H., 880 Lange, Alexis Frederick (1862-1924), 1896 Langlade, Charles Michel Monet de (1729-C.1801), 130 Langley, John Williams (1841-1918), 47, 119, 992, 1099, 1130, 1403, 1947, 2840, 2849 Langley, Samuel Pierpont (1834-1906), 1130, 1980 Langlie, Arthur Bernard (1900- ), 2056 Lansing, Nellie Maynard, 1131 Lansing, Mich., 318; Plymouth Congregational Church, 322; 1456, 1680, 1703, 1892; 2150; Franklin Avenue Presbyterian Church, 2301; Michigan United Railroad, 2470; census of 1860, 2805; Wolverine Cooperative, 2822; Young Men's Society, 2831; Orlando Barnes house, 2900 Lansing and Saginaw Railroad, 453 Lansing Electric Light and Power Company, 2453 Lapeer, Mich., 364, 417, 625, 713, 714, 736, 850, 1850, 1977, 2024; Grace Episcopal Church, 2340; Hadley Telephone Co., 2442; 2613; G.A.R., 2692; First Presbyterian Church, 2944 Lapeer County, 976, 1254, 1773, 2543, 2707 Lapeer County Agricultural Society, 2721 Lapeer County Republican Committee, 2791 Lapeer Seminary, 2613 Lapeer State Home and Training School, 2747 Lapham and Lapham General Store, Northville, 2454 Larabee, Augustus W. (1833-1903), 1758 Lardner, Ringgold Wilmer (1885-1933), 1132, 2828 Larned, Sylvester, 1133 Larson, Arthur (1910- ), 2056 Larson, Arvid, 1134 Larson, Martin A., 1135 La Rue, George Roger (1882- ), 1136, 1630 Lasker, Albert Davis (1880-1952), 337 Laski, Harold Joseph (1893- ), 1253, 1563 Latane, John Holladay (1869-1932), 1563 Laub, Laura, 1137 Laubengayer, Jacob, 1138 Laurel, Jose, 870 Lausche, Frank John (1895- ), 2056 Law enforcement, 1896, 2686 Lawrence, David Leo (1889- ), 2056 Lawrence, Ernest Orlando (1901-1958), 2849 Lawrence Institute of Technology, Highland Park, 2722 Lawson, D. W., 1139 Lawson, Marjorie McKenzie, 2056 Lawton, Charles DeWitt (1835-1909), 1140,2030 Lawton, F. C, 1141 Lawyers, 211, 295, 296, 318, 481, 562, 713, 760, 945, 1116, 1190, 1265, 1302, 1446, 1449, 1462, 1521, 1702, 1705, 1727, 1879, 1896, 2406, 2917 Leach, DeWitt C. (1832- ), 453, 2042 Leach, M. L., 1142 Leach, Russell (1917- ), 2876 Leacock Stephen Butler (1869-1944), 1563 Leader, George Michael (1918- ), 2056 League of American Wheelmen, 138, 586 League of Women Voters, 654 League of Women Voters of Ann Arbor, 2723 Leavenworth, Kansas, 1841 Le Conte, John Lawrence, 2080 Lederle, Arthur F. (1887- ), 1896 Ledyard, Henry (1812-1880), 453 Lee, Ed (1905- ), 2876 Lee, Harry D. (1878- ), 1363 Lee, Joseph Bracken (1899- ), 2056 Lee, Robert E., 1143 Leech, Carl Addison, 1144 Leelanau County, 2707 Leenhouts, Abraham (1866- ), 1145 Leete, A. E., 1146 LeFevre, Peter P. (1804-1869), 259 Leggat, Al (1914- ), 2876 Le Hand, Margaret, 1365 Lehman, Herbert Henry (1878- ), 1365, 2056 Lehmann, Charles F., 1147 Leidy, Joseph, 2080 Leland, Henry Martyn (1843-1932), 337 Lemish, Jane Thompson, 1148 Lemke, William (1878-1950), 2683 Lenawee County, 306, 331, 453, 558, 776, 822, 976, 1204, 1436, 1767, 2544-2546 Leneweaver, C. F., 1149 Lennane, Elizabeth, 1150 Leonard, Donald S., 1684 Leonard, Irving Albert, 1763 Leonard, J. C. (1838- ), 1753 277 Leonard, Newton F. (1828-1864), 1151 Leoni Normal School, Leoni. Cosmian Literary Society, 2724 Leoni Theological Institute, Leoni, 1022 Leonidas, Mich., 1987 Lerich, Isaac N. (1842- ), 1152 Lerich, William F., 1152 Lerner, Max (1902- ), 221, 1253 LeRoy, James A. (1875-1909), 1153 Lesinski, John (1885-1950), 2056 Lesinski, John (1914- ), 2056 Leslie, William Raymond, 1154 Leslie, Mich., 657, 1896 Levi, Oscar, 1999 Lewin, Kurt (1890-1947), 1506 Lewis, Anthony Marcus, 1155 Lewis, Benton W. (1844- ), 1972 Lewis, C. B. S., 2864 Lewis, C. H., 1156 Lewis, Harry, 1157 Lewis, Howard Bishop (1887-1954), 1158 Lewis, James H., 1159 Lewis, James Hamilton (1863-1939), 1365 Lewis, John Llewellyn (1880- ), 337, 1365, 2056 Lewis, Sinclair (1884-1951), 1590 Lewis, William Ely (1839-1864), 1762 Lexington, Mich., 2124 Li Hung Chang, 47 Liberty Party, 1855, 1879 Libraries, 1381 Lichty, David Martin (1862-1942), 1160 Lick Observatory, 992 Lie, Trygve Halvdan (1896- ), 2056 Lighthall, Dow L. (1809- ), 1716 Lighthouses, 101 Lightner, F. W., 1161 Likert, Rensis (1903- ), 1630 Lilienthal, David Eli (1899- ), 1253 Lima, Mich. Congregational Church, 2190 Limbarker [Limbocker], William E. (1835-1863), 1162 Limpert, Kaspar (1808-1879), 1163 Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865), 65, 101, 202, 513, 742, 783, 1164, 1577, 1731, 1948, 1979, 2110, 2136, 2917 Lincoln, Mrs. Estes, 1365 Lincoln, Martha H., 1165 Lincoln, Philip T., 1166 Lincoln, Robert Todd (1843-1926), 1130 Lincoln, Mich., 1290 Lindbergh, Charles Augustus (1902- ), 1630 Lindemer, Lawrence B., 2921 Linden, Mich. Church of the Messiah, 2340 Lindhout, William P., 1167 Lindley, Ernest Kidder (1899- ), 1365 Lindsay, Katherine (1842-1923), 1672 Lippen, John, 1168 List, John Adam, 1169 Lister, William M., 1170 Litchfield, DeForest, 1543 Litchfield, Edward Harold (1914- ), 2749 Litchfield, James, 771 Litchfield, Mich., 207, 700, 1827 Literary societies, 2627, 2668, 2698, 2706, 2719, 2830 Littell, Norman Mather (1899- ), 1365 Little, Clarence Cook (1888- ), 241, 337, 466, 977, 994, 1171, 1563, 1630, 1650, 1710, 1741, 2038, 2050, 2846, 2849, 2869 "The Little Brown Jug," 1594 Little Prairie Ronde, Mich., 308, 432 Littlejohn, Flavius J. (1804-1880), 1172 Livingston, Edward (1764-1836), 1522 Livingston County, 938, 1298, 1626, 1736, 2547- 2550, 2699, 2707 Livonia, Mich., 310 Lloyd, Alfred Henry (1864-1927), 466, 994, 1173, 1527, 1563, 1700, 1999, 2088, 2849 Lloyd, Alice Crocker (1893-1950), 1174 Lobdell, George Henry, 1175 Lockwood, Albert (1871-1933), 1176, 1710 Lockwood, Samuel Pierson, 1177 Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924), 1762 Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902- ), 1365, 1515, 2056 Lodge, John C, 2922 Lodge, John Davis (1903- ), 2056 Lodi, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2302 Lodi Academy, Lodi, Mich., 2100 Logan, Walter Seth (1847-1906), 2050 Logan, Sir William Edmund, 2080 Lombard, Warren Plimpton (1855-1939), 466, 1178 Long, Breckinridge (1881-1958), 1365 Long, Earl Kemp (1895- ), 2056 Long, John Davis (1838-1915), 1762 Long, Oren Ethelbirt (1889- ), 2056 Long, Oscar Russell ( -1914), 1179 Long, Russell Billiu (1918- ), 2056 Long Rapids, Mich. Grace Episcopal Church, 2340 Longyear, Ephraim (1827-1889), 1180 Longyear, John Munro (1850-1922), 1181 Longyear, John Wesley (1820-1895), 595, 1182, 1892, 2554 Loomis, Cyrus O. (1821- ), 1449 Loomis, Elisha (1799-1836), 1183 L'Oranger Family, 1184 Lorch, Emil (1870-1963), 47, 1185, 1325, 1424, 1630 Lord, John (1810-1894), 2031, 2872 Lord's Day Alliance of Michigan, 2155 Lorimer, William, 421 Lorion, Vayle, 1186 Lothrop, George Van Ness (1817-1897), 47 Louchheim, Katherine (Katie Scofield) (1903- ), 2056 Loud, Henry Nelson (1850-1938), 1187, 1188 278 Loud, Marian V., 1188 Louis, Joe (Joseph Louis Barrow) (1914- ), 2056 Louis Sands Salt and Lumber Company, Manis- tee, 2498 Love, John C. (1840-1875), 1189 Love, William A., 1190 Lovell, Edward Coultas ( -1902), 1191 Lovell, Vincent Smith (1846-1892), 1192 Loveless, Herschel Cellel (1911- ), 2056 Loveman, Amy (1881-1955), 1424 Lovett, Edgar Odell (1871-1957), 1630 Lovett, Robert Abercrombie (1895- ), 2056 Lovett, Robert Morss (1870-1956), 1253 Low, Seth (1850-1916), 47 Lowe, John N., 1949 Lowell, Abbott Lawrence (1856-1943), 1838 Lowell, D. N., 1702 Lowing, Stepehn Lampman (1817-1891), 1193 Lucas, Henry Stephen (1889-1961), 1194 Luce, Clare Boothe, 1365, 1425 Luce, Constant (1821-1903), 2092 Luce, Cyrus Gray (1824-1905), 47, 1716, 1762, 2747 Luce County, 1266, 2707, 2903 Luderer, August William, 1195 Ludington, Mich., 2303, 2503 Lumber and lumbering, 101, 149, 310, 320, 322, 453, 506, 553, 585, 650, 657, 664, 850, 900, 951, 952, 1050, 1144, 1200, 1290, 1379, 1430, 1518, 1545, 1625, 1647, 1694, 2042, 2089, 2510, 2511, 2512, 2934 Lumber companies, 2401, 2430, 2431, 2445, 2462, 2463, 2477, 2492, 2497, 2498, 2503, 2505, 2520, 2523 Lumber mills, 1644, 2386 Lumberman's Memorial, Huron National Forest, 1295, 1640 Lundy, Benjamin (1789-1839), 331, 1855 Lunny, Mary E. (Mrs. Clark T. Norton), 1196 Lurton, Horace Harmon (1844-1914), 1678,2030 Luther, George E., 1197 Lutheran church, 653 Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. Districts. Michigan, 2206 Lutheran churches- Records, 2206-2208 Lutz, George J. (1859-1946), 1198 Lyceums, 2725 Lyell, Sir Charles, 2080 Lyman, Pliny S. ( -1868), 1199 Lynch, James H. (1859-1944), 318, 1200 Lynch, Thomas J. (1899- ), 2056 Lyon, G. Collins (1837-1890), 2092 Lyon, Lucius (1800-1851), 552, 625, 1201, 1395, 1708, 1742, 1855 Lyon, Solomon T. (1835-1890), 1202 Lyons, Willis L., 1203 Lyons, Mich., 1201 Lyster, Henry Francis (1837-1894), 128 Lyster, William Narcissus, 1204, 2340 Maas, Melvin Joseph (1898- ), 2056 Mabry, Thomas Jewett (1884- ), 2056 McAdoo, William Gibbs (1863-1941), 1365 McAllister, Roland, 1205 McAllister, Samuel Wilson (1890- ), 1763 McAndrews, William (1863-1937), 1316 MacArthur, Douglas (1880- ), 1365 McArthur, Reuben, 1206 MacAyeal, H. S., 398 McCallum, George Porterfield (1871-1952), 1207, 1630 McCamly, Sands ( -1864), 1208 McCarthy, Alan, 1807 McCarthy, Eugene Joseph (1916- ), 2056 McCartney, Eugene Stock (1883- ), 1209 McCarty, J. H., 1210 McClellan, John Little (1896- ), 2056 McClelland, Robert (1807-1880), 324, 359, 625, 1211 McClellane, J. M., 1212 McCloskey, Matthew H., 2056 McClure, Grace (1884-1961), 1213 McClure, Samuel Sidney (1857-1949), 1130 McCollum, David, 1214 McCollum, Levi, 1214 McConkey, M. C, 2917 McCormack, John W. (1891- ), 2056 McCormick, Anne O'Hare, 919 McCormick, Robert Rutherford (1880-1954), 1830 McCoskry, Samuel Allen (1804-1886), 1215,2340 McCracken, Elizabeth, 2876 McCracken, Russell Elliott, 1216 McCrath, John W. (1837- ), 1716 McDaniel, John K. (1902- ), 2876 McDonald, David John (1902- ), 2056 McDonald, James Henry (1853-1934), 2063 MacDonald, Kenneth (1905- ), 1365 McDougall, George ( -1842), 1217, 1373 McElroy, Neil H. (1904- ), 2056 McEvoy, Joseph Patrick (1895-1958), 1365 McFadden, Irene, 1218 McFarland, Ernest William (1894- ), 2056 McGarry, Eleanor, 1219 McGill, John (1906- ), 2876 McGovern, Francis E., 9S4 McGowan, Jonas Hartzell (1837-1909), 47 McGrath, James Howard (1903- ), 1365, 2056 McGrath, John W. (1837- ), 1716, 1982 McGraw, Alexander Cooey (1809-1893), 1220, 1222 McGraw, Alexander H. (1840- ), 1221 McGraw, Augustus Carpenter (1848- ), 1222 McGraw, Edward Walker ( -1921), 1220 McGregor, J. Harry (1896-1958), 2056 McGuire, Charles Lincoln, 1223 McGuire, Matthew F. (1921- ), 1365, 2056 Machrowicz, Thaddeus Michael (1899- ), 2056 279 Mcintosh, Robert John (1922- ), 2056 Mclntyre, Donald (1807-1891), 1224, 1762 Mclsaacs, John (1842-1902), 491 Mack, John M., 2042 Mack, Stephen (1762-1826), 101, 425, 2042 Mack, Temperance (1771-1850), 2042 Mack & Company, Ann Arbor, 2455 McKay, Douglas (1886- ), 2056 McKay, Frank D., 1365, 1674, 1710 McKee, James Henry (1823- ), 1225 McKeldin, Theodore Roosevelt (1900- ), 2056 McKellar, Kenneth Douglas (1869-1957), 1365, 2056 Mackenzie, William, 424 MacKenzie, William Dexter (1873- ), 1226 Mackenzie King, William Lyon, 1630 McKibbin, May E.,1227 McKie, James L. ( -1915), 1966 Mackinac Bridge, 422 Mackinac County, 2707 Mackinac Island, 101, 145, 560, 610, 631, 794, 976; history, 1150; 1183, 1365, 1657, 1764; Protestant Mission, 2025; 2082; Trinity Epis- copal Church, 2340; 2440; U.S. customs, 2515 Mackinac Island State Park, 2614 Mackinac Island State Park Commission, 2030 Mackinaw City, Mich., 1764 McKinley, William (1843-1901), 1281, 1424, 1762, 1786 McKinney, Francis F. (1891- ), 1228 McKittrick, Mary Shatter, 1682 McKnight, Thomas, 101 MacLachlan, James Angell (1891- ), 1229 McLaren, Walter Wallace, 1563 McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham (1861-1947), 47, 466, 733, 994, 1066, 1230, 1563, 1614, 1617, 1741, 2018, 2030, 2840 McLaughlin, James Angell see MacLachlan, James Angell McLaughlin, James C. (1856- ), 322, 994 McLaughlin, Lois Thompson Angell, 466, 562, 1230 McLaughlin, Rowland H., 1231 MacLean, Donald (1839-1903), 47, 119, 1094, 1232, 1681, 1947 McLean, John ( -1911), 1233 MacLean, Ray Butts (1873-1947), 1363 McLeish, Archibald (1892- ), 349, 1253, 2056 McLeod, Clarence John (1895-1959), 1563 McLouth, Lawrence Amos (1863-1927), 1741 McLouth, William B., 1234 McMahon, Brien (1903- 195- ), 1365, 2056 McMath, John Watson (1824- ), 101 McMath, Robert Raynolds (1891-1962), 1235, 2849 McMath, Sidney Sanders (1912- ), 2056 McMath- Hulbert Observatory, 1235, 2849 McMichael, Mrs. Mildred S., 1236 Macmillan, Harold (1894- ), 2056 McMillan, James (1838-1902), 47, 497, 516, 714, 1281, 1424, 1465, 1602, 1716, 1762, 2030, 2415 McMorran, David Williams, 1237, 2456, 2483 McMorran Milling Company, Port Huron, 2456 McMurtrie, Douglas Crawford (1888-1944), 1763 McNamara, Patrick Vincent (1894- ), 1777, 2056 McNamara, Robert Strange (1916- ), 2056 McNaughton, James, 1424 McNichol, Arch, 127 McNichols, Stephen L. R. (1914- ), 2056 McNutt, Paul Vories (1891-1955), 1365 Macomb County, 453, 758, 976, 1702, 2551-2553, 2707 Macomber, Albert Everett (1837- ), 1238 Macon, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2304 McPeek, Jacob L. (1848- ), 1239 McPeek, Russell Roy, 1240 McRae, Milton Alexander (1858-1930), 1660 McReynolds, James Clark (1862-1946), 1365 Macumber, Benjamin C. (1822- ), 1241 McVean, Donald S., 1242 McWilliams, Vera, 1243 Macy, George F., 1244 Madden, Martin Barnaby (1855-1928), Madden, Ray John (1892- ), 2056 Maddy, Joseph Edgar (1891- ), 1630 Maes, Jotham Ward, 1245 Magdol, Edward, 1246 Magnuson, Warren Grant (1905- ), 2056 Magone, Daniel (1829-1904), 535 Magsaysay, Ramon (1907-1957), 2056 Maier, Norman Raymond Frederick (1900- ), 1506 Maine, 977 The Maine (battleship), 505 Maines, George, 1247 Malcolm, George Arthur (1881-1961), 994, 1064, 1365, 1630, 1710, 2923 Male, George A., 1248 Malleable Iron Company, Albion, 707 Malone, George Wilson (1890- ), 2056 Maloney, Francis (1894-1945), 1365 Malpass, William, 1249 Maltman, John S. (1840-1922), 1250 Maltz, George Lewis (1842-1910), 47 Manchester, Mich., First Baptist Church, 2168; 2425, 2457, 2458, 2460 Manchester Enterprise , 2459 Manchester Literary and Lecture Association, 2459 Manchester Village Lyceum, 2725 Mandelstamm, Allan B., 1251 Manders, William G., 1252 Manfred, Frank, 2876 Manistee, Mich., 1430, 1625, 1918, 2492, 2498 Manistee County, 55, 2707 280 Manistee River Improvement Company, 2498 Manistique, Mich., 2305, 2452 Mann, Horace (1796-1859), 1521, 2872 Mann, Thomas (1875-1955), 349 Manning, John Charles (1893- ), 1365 Manning, Michael J., 2876 Manny, Frank Addison (1868-1954), 1253 Mansfield, Michael Joseph (1903- ), 2056 Mantle, Lee (1851-1934), 1716 Manual Labor School, Ann Arbor, 625 Manual Labor School, Monroe, 625 Manufacturers and manufacturing, 225, 318, 432, 845, 2030, 2378, 2379, 2391, 2404, 2434, 2436, 2458, 2466, 2469, 2483, 2485, 2486, 2490, 2494, 2516 Manwaring, Joshua (1824-1903), 1254 Mapes, Carl Edgar (1874-1939), 994, 1255, 1396, 1424, 1630, 1830 Maple Ridge Township. United Presbyterian Church, 2306 Marathon, Mich., 453 Marcellus, Mich., 1987 March, Benjamin Franklin (1899-1934), 1256 March, Edwin J., 1257 Marckwardt, Albert Henry (1903- ), 686 Marengo, Mich., 1505 Margry, Pierre, 1230 Marin, Luis Munoz, 2056 Marine City, Mich. St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 2340 Marinette, Wisconsin, 395 Mark, Edward L., 1258 Markey, Daniel P. (1857- ), 127 Markley, Joseph Lybrand (1859-1930), 1259 Markley, Mary Elizabeth B. (1864-1956), 2816, 2817 Markos, Mary, 1260 Marks, Ernest S., 1261 Mar land, William Casey (1918- ), 2056 Marlette, Mich. Church of Chrsit the Carpen- ter, 2340, 2361 Marlette, Mich. Flynn Presbyterian Church, 2307 Marquart, Frank (1900- ), 2876 Marquette, Mich., 101, 327, 869, 1974, 2030, 2120, 2707; Northern Michigan College, 349, 1363, 2030 Marquette and Ontonagon Railroad, 453 Marquette County, 2030, 2554, 2707 Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon Railroad, 2461 Marsh, Florella D., 1262 Marsh, Theodore, 1262 Marshall, George Catlett (1880-1959), 1365, 1630, 2056, 2864 Marshall, Mrs. O. K., 1263 Marshall, Samuel Lyman Atwood (1900- ), 1365 Marshall, Thomas Riley (1854-1925), 318 Marshall, Thurgood (1908- ), 1365, 2056 Marshall, Mich., 235, 373, 689, 690, 750, 875; in 1865, 968; 1073, 1267; World War I, 1305; Crosswhite case, 1370; 1462, 1494, 1727, 1846, 1913, 2111, 2119; Congregational Church, 2191; Brewer and Gorham, 2392 Marshall College, Marshall, 373,1262, 1395, 2726 Marsten, George A., 1896 Marston, Isaac (1839-1891), 424, 1264, 1792 Martel, Frank X., 1365 Martin, Ellen Annette, 1265 Martin, James Nelson ( -1913), 128, 1403 Martin, Joseph William (1884- ), 2056 Martin, Margaret Nickerson ( -1960), 2924 Martin, Paul (1903- ), 2056 Martin, Wayne S., 1266 Martindale, Frederick C. (1865- ), 2752 Martineau, Harriet (1802-1876), 625 Marygrove College, Detroit, 1137 Mason, George D. (1856- ), 1490 Mason, Julia Davis, 2053 Mason, Laura Talmadge (1824- ), 1267 Mason, Mary, 1268 Mason, Philip Parker (1927- ), 1269 Mason, Richard, 2053 Mason, Stevens Thomson (1811-1843), 324, 961, 1270, 1797, 2042, 2071 Mason, Mrs. William Thomas, 2056 Mason, Xenia, 1271 Mason, Mich., 479, 2892 Mason County, 2555, 2556, 2707 Masonian Times , 479 Masson, David, 1999 Mastick, Margaret Rowe, 1272 Mathematics, 947 Mather, William Gwinn (1857-1951), 1424, 2030 Mathews, Abram B., 2042 Mathews, Harriet Frances ( -1866), 2042 Matinee Musicale see Chamber Music Society of Ann Arbor Mattern, David Earl (1890-1959), 1273 Matthews, Francis Patrick (1887-1952), 2056 Mattson, Joseph (1901- ), 2876 Mauck, Joseph William (1852-1937), 947, 1650 Mauldin, William H. (1921- ), 2056 Maurer, Wesley Henry (1897- ), 1274 Maxwell, Ambrose J., 1275 Maxwell, Andrew C, 424 Maxwell, Lawrence (1853-1927), 47, 129, 535 Maxwell, Samuel (1826-1901), 1602 May, Charles Sedgwick (1830-1901), 1276 May, Dwight (1822-1880), 1277 May, George Smith (1924- ), 1278 May, James (1756-1829), 256, 355, 1279 May, Thomas (1860-1927), 1424, 1650 Mayfield, Mich., 736 Mayhew, Ira (1814-1894), 2042 Maynard, Ezra, 1280 Maynard, Fred Augustus (1852-1950), 47, 1281 281 Maynard, John W., 1282 Maynard, Julia, 273 Maynard, William Sumner (1802-1866), 1131, 1283 Mayo, William Benson (1866-1944), 1285 Mayo, William James (1861-1939), 47, 1232, 1284, 1489, 2840 Mayo, William L., 1285 Mead, James A. , 1286 Mead, Nathaniel, 434 Mead, Lee and Company, 2462 Mead Lumber Company, Saginaw, 2462 Meade, George Gordon, 2080 Meader, Clarence Linton (1868- ), 1218 Meader, George (1907- ), 1515, 1684, 1833, 2056, 2733 Meads, Mordecai Louis ( -1891), 1287 Meaker, Merritt F., 1288 Meally, John E., 1289 Meany, George (1894- ), 1716, 2056 Mears, Charles B. (1814-1895), 453, 1290 Mears, Mich., 1290 Mechem, Edwin Leard (1912- ), 2056 Mechem, Floyd Russell (1858-1928), 1896, 2050 Mecosta County, 2707 Medaris, John Bruce (1902- ), 2056 Meddaugh, Elijah Wood (1833-1903), 424, 1291 Medical Women's National Association, 1672 Medicine and medical practice, 66, 159, 316, 431, 447, 511, 522, 543, 578, 603, 703, 831, 838, 854, 864, 979, 994, 1061, 1145, 1232, 1274, 1371, 1462, 1489, 1591, 1650, 1672, 1857, 1968, 1987, 2066, 2097, 2138, 2652, 2676, 2713, 2760, 2763, 2774, 2814, 2818, 2819, 2856, 2890, 2896 Medicine and medical practice— Physicians' ac- count books and case records, 54, 91, 93, 419, 456, 554, 754, 777, 778, 780, 818, 966, 984, 1101, 1146, 1233, 1605, 1826, 1855, 1858, 2068, 2132 Meek, Fielding Bradford, 2080 Mehta, Gaganvihari Lallubhai (1900- ), 2056 Meier, Golda (1898- ), 2056 Meigs, Return Jonathan (1764-1825), 1292 Melcher, Louis (1838- ), 403 Melchers, Gari (1860-1932), 1293 Mellon, Andrew William (1855-1939), 1040 Melton, Ray, 1694 Men and Religion Forward Movement, 2050 Mencken, Henry Louis (1880-1956), 1424, 1999 Mendon, Mich., 1987, 2004 Menninger, Karl Augustus (1893- ), 1253, 2056 Menninger, William Claire (1899- ), 2056 Mennonites— Michigan, 761 Menominee, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2308 Menominee, Mich. Trowbridge Mission, 2340 Menominee County, 2707 Menzel, Donald Howard (1901- ), 1235 Mercer, William (1824- ), 453 Meridian, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2309 Merriam, Charles Edward (1874-1953), 1563 Merrill, L. P., 2495 Merrill, Paul Willard (1887- ), 1235 Merrill Horse Cavalry Regiment, 2125 Merrill Lumber Company, 2463 Merrill Palmer School, Detroit, 1213 Mershon, Edward Lowry, 1294 Mershon, Elsie, 1365 Mershon, William Briggs, 1294, 2002 Mershon, William Butts (1856-1943), 708, 899, 1008, 1200, 1295, 1359, 1424, 1630, 1640, 2139 Meteorology, 160 Methodist Episcopal Church, 393, 607, 905, 1289, 1497, 1542, 1561, 1783, 1843, 2072 Methodist Episcopal churches— Records, 2209- 2226 Methodist Episcopal Church. Detroit Conference. Marysville Circuit, 2072 Methodist Protestant church, 304 Mexican War see War with Mexico, 1845- 1848 Meyer, Adolph (1866-1950), 1506 Meyer, Charles F., 1296 Meyer, Charles, J. L., 2523 Meyer, Cord, 2056 Meyer, Edward, 1297 Meyner, Robert Baumie (1908- ), 2056 Michener, Earl Cory (1876-1957), 466, 1563, 1630, 1710, 1896, 2050, 2056, 2142, 2379, 2770 Michener, Lewis H. (1908- ), 2876 Michigan (Territory), 256, 454, 548, 1217, 1270, 1522, 2060, 2727 Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, 1158, 2871 Michigan Agricultural College see Michigan State University Michigan Airline Railroad, 2464 Michigan Alkali Company, 845 Michigan and the Cleveland Era , 69, 129, 2863 Michigan Argus , 1519, 2067 Michigan Association of Christian Churches, 2202 Michigan Attorney General (1894-1896), 1281 Michigan Audubon Society, 1359 Michigan Auditor General's Office, 2729 Michigan Authors' Association, 322 Michigan Automobile Dealers Association, 654 Michigan Bar Association, 1462 Michigan— Bibliography, 730 Michigan— Biography, 589 Michigan. Board of State Canvassers, 217 Michigan-Boundaries— Indiana, 1987 Michigan-Boundaries-Ohio, 324, 544, 1270, 1750 Michigan— Boundaries— Wisconsin, 745, 1005, 1212 Michigan. Boys' Training School, Lansing, 74 Michigan. Capital and capitol, 625, 660, 1456, 2042 282 Michigan Cavalry. 1st Regiment, 436, 624, 633, 634, 1206, 1619, 1653, 1783, 1974 Michigan Cavalry, 2d Regiment, 888 Michigan Cavalry. 3rd Regiment, 326, 385, 453, 897, 1007, 1792, 1820, 2070 Michigan Cavalry. 4th Regiment, 75, 312, 347, 648, 1526, 1648, 2730 Michigan Cavalry. 5th Regiment, 243, 403, 436, 1014, 1333, 1884, 2616, 2731, 2767 Michigan Cavalry. 6th Regiment, 102, 798, 1049, 1881, 2883 Michigan Cavalry. 7th Regiment, 634, 2732 Michigan Cavalry. 8th Regiment, 712, 1315, 1972 Michigan Cavalry. 9th Regiment, 1792, 1974, 2892 Michigan Cavalry. 10th Regiment, 633, 1390, 1850, 1882, 1884, 2767 Michigan Central College, Spring Arbor, 1993 Michigan. Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, 1077, 1363, 2662 Michigan Central Railroad, 530, 621, 625, 643, 2111, 2465 Michigan Cereal Company, Port Huron, 2466 Michigan Christian Advocate , 1497 Michigan Christian Herald, 31 Michigan Christian Missionary Society, 947 Michigan. Civil Service Study Commission, 2733 Michigan. Coldwater State Home and Training School, 599, 866, 867, 1550, 2734 Michigan College of Mining and Technology, Houghton, 1051, 2030 Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers, 654 Michigan. Constitution (1835), 291, 1010 Michigan. Constitutional Convention (1850), 1886 Michigan. Constitutional Convention (1907-08), 318, 1886, 2131 Michigan. Constitutional Convention (1961-1962), 197, 565, 654 Michigan Constitutional League, 1086 Michigan. Convention of Dissent (1836), 2544 Michigan Coordinating Council on Civil Rights, 654 Michigan Council for UNESCO, 2735 Michigan Council of Churches and Christian Education, 2156 Michigan Council on Women in Business and Industry, 1932 Michigan. Counties, 756, 974, 2524-2584, 2707, see also individual counties Michigan. Courts, 2894 The Michigan Daily , 950, 2873 Michigan Dental Association see Michigan State Dental Association Michigan. Department of Conservation, 858, 1295, 1568, 2139 Michigan— Description and travel, 205, 240, 257, 921, 1665, 1861 Michigan. Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, 21, 392, 416, 648, 764, 1363, 1495, 1710, 2679 Michigan Education Association, 654, 1460, 1498 Michigan. Emergency Welfare Relief Commis- sion, Ingham County, 2142 Michigan Employment Security Commission, 565 Michigan Engineering Society, 422 Michigan Engineers and Mechanics, 150, 634, 648, 676, 884, 988, 1000, 1475, 1577, 1613, 1716, 1742, 1780, 1988, 2133 Michigan Farm Bureau, 654 Michigan Federation of Business and Profes- sional Women, 2736 Michigan Federation of Post Office Clerks, 2642 Michigan Federation of Teachers, 654 Michigan Female College, Lansing, 2931 Michigan Female Seminary, Kalamazoo, 410, 1262, 1560, 2233, 2737 Michigan- Finances (1842-1843), 829 Michigan. Forestry Commission, 708, 1295, 2011, 2738 Michigan Good Roads Federation, 654 Michigan. Governor (1835-1840), 1270 Michigan. Governor (1845-1847), 625 Michigan. Governor (1855-1858), 169 Michigan. Governor (1859-1860), 2090 Michigan. Governor (1865-1868), 453 Michigan. Governor (1877-1880), 468 Michigan. Governor (1893-1896), 1575 Michigan. Governor (1905-1910), 1962, 2021 Michigan. Governor (1911-1912), 1424 Michigan. Governor (1913-1916), 630 Michigan. Governor (1931-1932), 254 Michigan. Governor (1933-1934), 402 Michigan. Governor (1937-1938), 1365 Michigan. Governor (1949-1960), 1777, 2056 Michigan. Governor (1961-1962), 1822 Michigan Historical Commission, 1710, 1987 Michigan- History, 95, 205, 352, 833, 1010, 1155, 1197, 1219, 1271, 1306, 1402, 1487, 2728, 2925 Michigan Infantry. 1st Regiment, 1779, 2092, 2739, 2740, 2767, 2935 Michigan Infantry. 2nd Regiment, 202, 873, 926, 985, 1014, 1257, 1591, 1619, 1677, 1780, 1782 Michigan Infantry. 3rd Regiment, 150, 1151, 1152, 1193, 2879 Michigan Infantry. 4th Regiment, 831, 1162, 1322, 1578, 1766, 1782, 1898, 1963, 2106, 2741, 2767, 2820 Michigan Infantry. 5th Regiment, 77, 491, 1152, 1202, 1387, 1562, 1887, 1957, 2767 Michigan Infantry. 6th Regiment, 24, 368, 433, 609, 711, 784, 812, 969, 1351, 1753, 1758, 1790, 1933, 2742, 2820, 2943 Michigan Infantry. 7th Regiment, 927 Michigan Infantry. 8th Regiment, 168, 251, 260, 1227, 1988, 2767 283 Michigan Infantry. 9th Regiment, 2, 285, 513, 1058, 1189, 1449, 1462, 2892 Michigan Infantry. 10th Regiment, 1206, 1558, 2093 Michigan Infantry. 11th Regiment, 675, 1189, 1994, 2743 Michigan Infantry. 12th Regiment, 75 Michigan Infantry. 13th Regiment, 139, 285, 315, 1872 Michigan Infantry. 14th Regiment, 631, 1319, 1320, 1395, 1696, 2767 Michigan Infantry. 15th Regiment, 615 Michigan Infantry. 16th Regiment, 2744 Michigan Infantry. 17th Regiment, 401, 609, 1250, 1979, 2092 Michigan Infantry. 18th Regiment, 76, 662, 820, 821, 1312, 1713, 1933, 2767 Michigan Infantry. 19th Regiment, 27, 723, 784, 787, 812, 1392 Michigan Infantry. 20th Regiment, 199, 236, 759, 1327, 1394, 2745, 2907 Michigan Infantry. 21st Regiment, 784 Michigan Infantry. 22nd Regiment, 509, 2090, 2918 Michigan Infantry. 23rd Regiment, 1055, 1241, 1341, 1762 Michigan Infantry. 24th Regiment, 1687 Michigan Infantry. 25th Regiment, 675, 1071, 1329, 1634, 1713, 1714, 2110 Michigan Infantry. 26th Regiment, 233, 2767 Michigan Infantry. 27th Regiment, 2746 Michigan Infantry. 31st Regiment, 769 Michigan Infantry. 34th Regiment, 1203 Michigan. Insurance Department, 325 Michigan Investment in Mental Health Sweep- stakes Plan, 654 Michigan Junior Chamber of Commerce, 654 Michigan Lake Shore Railroad, Grand Haven, 2467 Michigan. Lapeer State Home and Training School, 1514, 2747 Michigan Law Review , 1128 Michigan League For Planned Parenthood, 1932 Michigan. Legislature, 287, 318 (1905-1909), 453 (1863), 995, 1149 (1839), 1436 (1850), 1450 (1844), 1462 (1878-1882), 1505 (1850-51), 1702, 1710, 1987, 2030, 2042 (1847), 2059 (1855), 2476 (1876-77), 2894, 2932 Michigan Library Association, 654, 2748 Michigan. Lieutenant Governor, 1710 Michigan Light Artillery. 1st Regiment, 76, 634 Michigan Manufacturers Association, 654, 1295 Michigan Marble Company, 1286 Michigan Merit System Association, 2749 Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake, 1762, 1939 Michigan Militia, 20, 537, 1664 Michigan National Guard, 1916 Michigan Naval Brigade, 422 Michigan Naval Militia, 870, 2750, 2751 Michigan. Northern Michigan College, Marquette, 349, 1363, 2030 Michigan. Northern Peninsula, 101, 103, 149, 278, 486, 602, 654, 673, 735, 1003, 1597, 1688, 1759, 1760, 2026, 2030, 2496 Michigan. One-man Grand Jury system, 2894 Michigan Pastors' Conference, see Michigan. University. Michigan Pastors' Conference Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society, 1415, 2030 Michigan Pipe Line Company, 1830 Michigan Political Science Association, 2871 Michigan— Politics and government, see Politics Michigan Press Association, 414 Michigan. Public Domain Commission, 2752 Michigan— Public lands, 2816 Michigan Railroad Tax Case, 1959 Michigan Retail Hardware Association, 654 Michigan. School For the Blind, Lansing, 349 Michigan School of Religion, 834, 835, 2050 Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, 466, 1381, 2871 Michigan. Secretary of State, 804 Michigan. Senate, 1528 Michigan Sharpshooters. 1st Regiment, 513, 2767 Michigan Society of Architects. Committee on Michigan Architecture, 2753 Michigan Soldiers' and Sailors' Association, 2754 Michigan Soldiers' Relief Association, 625 Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad, 2468 Michigan Sportsmen Association, 1295, 1896 Michigan State Agricultural College, see Mich- igan State University, East Lansing Michigan. State Board of Dentistry, 2755 Michigan. State Board of Education, 1363 Michigan. State Board of Health, 6, 1650, 2747, 2756 Michigan State Chamber of Commerce, 654 Michigan. State Civil Service Commission, 1064 Michigan State Dental Association, 329, 943, 1814, 1960 Michigan. State Emergency Welfare Relief Com- mission, 2757 Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs, 2758 Michigan State Fire Fighters Association, 654 Michigan State Grange, see Patrons of Hus- bandry Michigan State Guards, see Michigan Militia Michigan. State Highway Department, 2142 Michigan. State Industrial School for Girls, Adrian, 599, 818 Michigan. State Land Office, 2759 Michigan. State Library, 1187 Michigan State Medical Society, 1158, 1650, 2760, 2818 Michigan State Normal College, see Michigan. Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti 284 Michigan. State Police, 581, 1916 Michigan. State Prison of Southern Michigan, Jackson, 146, 441, 1233, 2761 Michigan. State Tax Commission, 1295, 2762 Michigan State Troops, see Michigan Militia Michigan State University, East Lansing, 169, 318, 418, 432, 1276, 1873, 1896, 2042 Michigan Sugar Company, Bay City, 2469 Michigan. Supreme Court, 211, 359, 625, 981, 1264 Michigan. Teachers' Retirement Fund Commis- sion, 1710 Michigan Toastmasters' Club, 2873 Michigan Trudeau Society, 2763 Michigan Turnpike Authority, 2764 Michigan Union College, Leoni, 1233 Michigan Union Opera, see Michigan. Univer- sity. University of Michigan Union. Michigan Union Opera Michigan United Railroad, 2470 Michigan. Washington Bicentennial Commission, 1710 Michigan Youth Commission, 260 Michigan. Ypsilanti State Hospital, 2765 Michigan, Lake, 976 Michigan. University, 10, 30, 50, 138, 152, 153, 164, 177, 245, 263, 283, 289, 356, 392, 402, 424, 436, 454, 621, 635, 759, 809, 842, 902, 916, 919, 954, 1127, 1230, 1322, 1364, 1417, 1470, 1630, 1650, 1741, 1770, 1804, 1832, 1833, 1861, 1869, 2022, 2104, 2132, 2633, 2728, 2834-2877, 2913, 2925 Michigan. University- Abe Lincoln Cooperative House, 2873 Accounting Department, 2834 Adelia Cheever House, 2873 Adelphi Society, 2022 Administration, 2836 Alpha Nu Literary Society, 1521, 1631, 2873 Alumnae Council, 288 Alumnae House, 2873 Alumni, 78, 81, 422, 1112, 1585, 2018, 2873, 2901 Alumni Association, 47, 69, 311, 1128, 1489, 1584, 1692, 2050, 2837 Alumni fund, 1807 Alumni Memorial Hall, 1650 Angell Hall, 936 Apostles Club, 2854 Ars Islamica, 2088 Athletic Association, 2838 Athletic Managers' Club, 2838 Athletics, 47, 78, 555, 1128, 1650, 1684, 1732, 1807, 1833, 2838 Audio- Visual Education Center, 2839 Auditing Committee, 2836 Autographs, 1027, 1559 Band of Broken Pipes, 2042 Barbour fellowships, 181 Michigan. University- Baseball, 555, 1636 Beal-Steere Collection, 1762 Biological Station, 1136, 2874 Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, 2838 Board in Control of Student Publications, 2873 Board of Regents, 625, 650, 653, 894, S77, 992, 1067, 1364, 1424, 1650, 1704, 1807, 1951, 2022, 2030, 2042, 2840 Botanical Gardens, 118, 2849 Branches, 198, 1010, 1767, 1909, 2042, 2845 Buildings and grounds, 462, 994, 1198, 1519, 1636, 2841 Bureau of Broadcasting, 2842 Bureau of Industrial Relations, 2843 Bureau of School Services, 2844 Business Office, 357 Business records, 2834 Burton Memorial Tower, 2835 Camp Davis, 494, 2874 Camp Filibert Roth, 2874 Catholepistemiad, 2845 Centennial celebrations, etc., 47, 2837, 2846, 2848 Cercle Francais, 1093 Ceremonies, 2846 Chapel, 2873, 2904 Chemical Laboratory, 336, 437, 687, 2834, 2849, 2882 Chrisitan Library Association, 2873 Class of 1845, 393 Class of 1849 2837 Class of 1858 2837, 2848 Class of 1860 2848 Class of 1861 2837, 2848 Class of 1863 1598, 2837, 2848 Class of 1865 2837 Class of 1866 841 Class of 1867 2837 Class of 1871 2837 Class of 1872 1802, 1903, 2837 Class of 1873 280, 1468, 2837 Class of 1875 2837 Class of 1876 1633, 2837 Class of 1877 1595, 2837 Class of 1878 2837 Class of 1880 415, 2837 Class of 1881 1607, 2837 Class of 1883 2837 Class of 1884 271 Class of 1887 903 Class of 1888 , 2837 Class of 1889 2006, 2837 Class of 1891 , 1028 Class of 1892 , 2837 Class of 1893 , 69, 2837 Class of 1896 , 2837 Class of 1897 , 1741 285 Michigan. University- Class of 1899, 276 Class of 1902, 2837 Class of 1903, 2837 Class of 1904, 2050 Class of 1908, 2837 Class of 1909, 549 Class of 1914, 311 Class of 1916, 2837 Coeducation, 438, 596, 2840 College of Architecture and Design, 1185 College of Engineering, 47, 57, 271, 422, 494, 520, 773, 947, 1585, 1914, 2117, 2847 College of Engineering. Class of 1904, 2837 College of Engineering. Class of 1907, 2837 College of Literature, Science and the Arts, 17, 1850, 2836, 2848 College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Departments, 2849 College of Natural History, 2042 College of Pharmacy, 1114, 1801 College Temperance Society, 2042 Comedy Club, 1376 Commencement, 393, 852, 1483, 1521, 1850 Committee of Instructors on Salaries, 2836 Committee of Non- Athletic Organizations, 2836 Committee on College Entrance Requirements, 2836 Committee on Correspondence Courses, 2836 Committee on Diploma Schools, 2844 Committee on Discipline, 2836 Committee on Faculty Research Funds, 2836 Committee on Intercultural Relations, 2859 Committee on International Problems, 2865 Committee on Near East Research, 2836 Committee on Scholarly Publications, 2855 Committee on Senate Reception, 2836 Committee on Special Needs, 2836 Committee on Tax Survey, 2836 Committee on the Articulation of High School and College English, 2836 Committee on the Deanship, 2848 Committee on Theatre Policy, 2836 Committee on Traveling Expenses, 2836 Committee on University Calendar Revision, 2836 Conference of Deans, 2836 Cosmopolitan Club, 2873 Dean of Women, 2836 Department of Anatomy, 2862 Department of Astronomy, 475, 992, 994, 1235, 1976, 2849 Department of Botany, 118, 2080, 2849 Department of Chemistry, 734, 2636, 2849 Department of Classical Studies, 287, 459, 550, 687, 994, 1063, 2088 Department of Economics, 239, 1838 Department of English Language and Litera- ture, 516, 2849, 2893 Michigan. University- Department of Fine Arts, 1171, 2088, 2849 Department of Geology and Mineralogy, 923, 1114, 2080, 2849 Department of Germanic Languages and Lit- eratures, 653, 1850, 2086 Department of History, 17, 239, 466, 1931, 2849 Department of Mathematics, 152, 562, 994 Department of Mineralogy, see Department of Geology and Mineralogy Department of Pharmacology, 5 Department of Philosophy, 386, 1173, 1999 Department of Physics, 994, 1980, 2849 Department of Physiology, 2862 Department of Political Science, 870 Department of Psychology, 1506 Department of Sociology, 418 Department of Speech, 936, 1660, 1885, 2083, 2849, 2885 Department of Zoology, 533, 1568, 2080 Detroit Branch, 644 Division of Biological Science, 2850 Division of Social Sciences, 2851 Dormitories, 1102, 1364, 2028, 2050 Dramatics, 2083, 2849 Expeditions, 71, 973, 1063, 1364, 1488, 1821, 2835 Engineering Council, 2873 Engineering Science Management War Training Operations, 2865 Engineering Society, 2873 English Language Institute, 686, 2852 Extension Service, 654, 936, 2853 Faculty, 1109, 1506, 1663, 2854, 2855, 2868 Faculty Evaluation Program, 2939 Faculty Women's Club, 2854 Finances, 1710, 2729 Football, 422, 555, 994, 1553, 1636, 1732, 1807, 1825 Foregin Service preparation, 601 Fraternities, 994, 1389, 1636, 2873 Friars, 2873 Gifts, 2873 Harmon Foundation, 2836 Hazing, 994 Helen Newberry Residence, 2873 Henry Russel award, 2835 Henry Russel lectures, 1114 Hill Auditorium, 358 Hillel Foundation, 994 History, 17, 469, 566, 573, 625, 763, 1198, 1283, 1631, 1692, 1823, 1846, 1883, 1923, 2022, 2114, 2835, 2845 Homeopathic Hospital, 920 Homeopathic Medical School, 47, 282, 1646, 1650, 2068, 2097, 2856 Honor societies, 2873 Honorary degrees, 2835 Hopwood awards, 2835, 2893 286 Michigan. University- Horace H. Rackham fund, 1104 Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Stud- ies, 1173 Housing, 2873, see also Dormitories Institute For Human Adjustment, 2857 Institute of Archaeological Research, 806, 1063, 2088, 2858 Institute of Human Biology, 533 Interfraternity Council, 2873 International Center, 699, 1376, 2859 International Relations Club, 2873 J-Hop, 1636, 2873 Jaywalkers Club, 1741 Jeffersonian Society, 2873, 2911 Jerome lectures, 2088 Junior Exhibition (1868), 1911 Katholepistemiad Club, 475, 2854 Law Library, 1128 Law School, 47, 625, 994, 1128, 1252, 1364, 1375, 1602, 1650, 1684, 1830, 1896, 2050, 2860, 2881 Law School. Classes, 408, 1119, 1317, 1388, 2837, 2860, 2937 Lawyers' Club, 2873 Library, 47, 163, 337, 497, 745, 994, 1063, 1270, 1563, 1846, 2861 Literary Adelphi, 497, 2873 Literary Adelphi Hesperian, 2873 Literary societies, 2873 Lyceum Club, 936, 2873 Martha Cook Building, 2873 Mary Markley Hall, 2873 Masques, 1376 Mathematics Society, 2854 Medical Museum, 2047 Medical School, 47, 316, 463, 543, 562, 625, 660, 674, 979, 1061, 1122, 1145, 1284, 1287, 1371, 1462, 1489, 1509, 1635, 1646, 1650, 1743, 1785, 1813, 1817, 1853, 1889, 1968, 2047, 2080, 2760, 2840, 2862, 2890, 2896 Medical School. Classes, 263, 594, 775, 1094, 1422, 2837 Medical School. Department of Anatomy, 1457 Medical School. Department of Biological Chemistry, 1158 Medical School. Department of Physiology, 666, 720, 1178 Men's Glee Club, 2873 Michigamua, 311, 993, 2873 Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review , 1692, 2837 Michigan Historical Collections, 88, 2863 Michigan League, 69, 263, 992, 1102, 1364, 2873 Michigan Memorial- Phoenix Project, 118, 1158, 2864 Michigan Party, 2873 Michigan. University- Michigan Pastors' Conference, 181 Michigan Toastmasters' Club, 2873 Michigan Union, 69, 387, 880, 994, 1153, 1364, 1636, 2873 Michigan Union Opera, 262, 1636, 2873 Michigan Wolverine Cooperative Boarding House, 2873 Middle English Dictionary, 686, 2835 Military and war related activities, 2865 Minstrels, 2873 Museum of Art, 2866 Museums, 47, 994, 1753, 2022, 2088, 2100, 2866 Musical organizations, 567, 2873 Near East Research Expedition, 1821, 2835 New Orleans Exposition, 1467 News Service, 2867 Nichols Arboretum, 1427, 2080 Northern Oratorical League, 2873 Observatory, 1124, 1220, 1235, 1976, 2022, 2849 Office of Educational Investigations, 2835 Office of Registration and Records, 2868 Office of Religious Affairs, 181, 2050, 2873 Office of Student Affairs, 2836 Ohio Club Court, 2873 Omega Phi, 2873 Oratorical Association, 1906, 2870 Palladium Board, 2873 Palmer Field, 1102 Pasteur Institute, 2835 Phi Phi Alpha, 2873 Philological Association, 2873 Philosophical Society, 2873 Poetry Society, 2873 Power Plant, 1650 President: Angell, 47; Burton, 282; Haven, 865; Little, 1171; Monteith, 1322, 1418, 1563; Ruthven, 1630; 1650, 1835, 2840, 2869 Quadrangle Club, 2854 Recognition societies, 2873 Related groups, 2871 Religion, 566 Religious organizations, 2873 Research Club, 466, 2050, 2854 Reserve Officers Training Corps, 2865 Rose Bowl game (1902), 1553 Round Table Club, 592 Scholarships and fellowships, 994, 2835, 2836 School of Dentistry, 2834, 2840, 2915 School of Education, 489, 593, 1467, 2038 School of Mines, 2835 School of Music, 358, 994, 1177, 1273, 1710, 1781 School of Natural Resources, 109, 450, 562, 708, 1427, 1616, 2139 Scientific Club, 1506, 2088, 2854 287 Michigan. University- Seal, 763 Secretary, 2869 Senate, 466, 1563, 2855 Socialist House, 2873 Sororities, 994, 2873 Stearns collection of musical instruments, 1784 Student Christian Association, see Student Religious Association Student Counseling Services, 2939 Student diaries, 620, 1642, 1192, 2887 Student Government Council, 2873 Student Lecture Association, 2872 Student letters, 42, 111, 126, 260, 337, 395, 413, 465, 470, 476, 497, 501, 580, 613, 671, 674, 698, 851, 864, 978, 1229, 1253, 1287, 1380, 1389, 1395, 1399, 1437, 1621, 1691, 1697, 1707, 1713, 1735, 1743, 1853, 1856, 1884, 1889, 2042, 2045, 2047, 2059, 2063, 2909, 2912, 2913 Student life and customs, 2, 22, 31, 42, 47, 51, 53, 70, 86, 109, 126, 142, 210, 236, 288, 308, 335, 337, 372, 395, 413, 501, 549, 564, 596, 606, 613, 620, 640, 704, 753, 851, 874, 880, 911, 916, 917, 924, 958, 989, 994, 1009, 1015, 1104, 1107, 1192, 1216, 1220, 1253, 1262, 1299, 1332, 1375, 1380, 1389, 1395, 1396, 1399, 1422, 1472, 1500, 1521, 1527, 1539, 1546, 1548, 1595, 1606, 1607, 1614, 1642, 1646, 1697, 1705, 1717, 1718, 1722, 1735, 1743, 1745, 1798, 1799, 1807, 1814, 1833, 1847, 1850, 1851, 1853, 1884, 1889, 1899, 1903, 1911, 1956, 1964, 2001, 2013, 2018, 2037, 2040, 2046, 2063, 2094, 2109, 2111, 2118, 2825, 2873, 2887, 2899, 2904, 2909, 2910, 2912 Student loans, 276, 2835 Student notebooks, 33, 90, 136, 239, 292, 293, 305, 328, 340, 366, 418, 482, 519, 539, 635, 688, 733, 742, 745, 816, 843, 873, 905, 992, 994, 1095, 1148, 1191, 1192, 1218, 1269, 1278, 1307, 1313, 1339, 1396, 1400, 1441, 1447, 1473, 1537, 1556, 1617, 1652, 1659, 1667, 1686, 1692, 1700, 1723, 1724, 1726, 1740, 1741, 1754, 1771, 1772, 1793, 1810, 1821, 1894, 1896, 1908, 1925, 1926, 1949, 1961, 1998, 2018, 2091, 2117, 2139, 2140, 2908 Student notebooks- Law, 36, 73, 87, 268, 616, 640, 766, 825, 827, 894, 929, 956, 1023, 1080, 1116, 1435, 1622, 1727, 1730, 1749, 1824, 1830, 1938, 1983, 2054, 2137 Student notebooks- Medical, 119, 128, 297, 298, 522, 818, 955, 979, 1061, 1094, 1099, 1403, 1571, 1681, 1756, 1858, 1947 Student notebooks (other than U of M), 218, 379, 398, 410, 414, 605, 1044, 1173, 1339, 1495, 1497, 1654, 1700, 1740, 1773, 1894 Michigan. University- Student organizations, 2042 Student Progressive Movement, 592 Student publications, 1521, 1538, 1688, 1807, 2873 Student Religious Association, 47, 992, 1569, 2873 Student Temperance Union, 2873 Student Volunteer Band, 2873 Students, 258 Students' Army Training Corps, 422, 2865 Summer Session, 1114, 1551, 2874 Summer Session. Medical School, 720 Tappan Fund, 1128 Triangle, 2873 Trustees, 1010 University Club, 2854 University College, 1563, 2875 University Council, 466, 2855 University Hall, 296 University Hospital, 47, 1489, 1650, 2818 University Musical Society, 2080 University of Michigan— Wayne State University Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, 2876 Vulcans, 649, 2873 War Historian, 2865 Waterman Gymnasium, 47 Webster Debating Society, 2873 William L. Clements Library, 1035, 1763 Winchell House, 2873 Women's Athletic Association, 2838 Women's League, see Michigan League Women's Research Club, 2854 Women's residence halls, 2028 Workers Education Service, 2877 World War, 1914-1918, 653, 1563 World War, 1939-1945, 1914, 1995, 2836,2865 Young Men's Christian Association, 2873 Young Women's Christian Association, 2873 Young Women's Temperance Union, 2873 Michilimackinac, 101, 145, 899, 2380 Mickelson, George Theodore (1903- ), 2056 Mickles family, 1298 Middlebury College, Middlebury, Va., 86 Middlebush, Frederick Arnold (1890- ), 1630 Middlesex, Mich., 1290 Midgley, Jessie Edith, 1299 Midland County, 2707 Milan, Mich., 512, 2379 Milbourne, Harry H., 2471 Milbourne Drug Company, Eaton Rapids, 2471 Miles Fabius (1814- ), 1300 Miles, Muriel, 1301 Miley, Paul E. (1907- ), 2876 Milford, Mich., 938, 1338, 1620; Baptist Church, 2169; Methodist Church, 2220; 2472, 2509, 2615 Milford Social Club, 2766 288 Milford Times , 2473 Milhous, Dorothy Z., 2926 Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Michigan Commandery, 2767 Millard, Alfred L. (1814-1900), 1302 Millen and Harlow Wagon Shop, Ann Arbor, 2474 Miller, Albert Edward (1861-1939), 1303 Miller, Anna Cobb, 1304 Miller, Clement F. (1830- ), 1716 Miller, Craig C, 1305 Miller, Edwin Lillie (1868-1934), 1660 Miller, Elizabeth, 1306 Miller, Norman Fritz (1894- ), 1489 Miller, Samuel Freeman (1816-1890), 1602 Miller, Sidney Trowbridge, 2340 Miller, Walter (1864-1949), 1307 Miller, Willoughby Dayton (1853-1907), 1308 Millikan, Robert Andrews (1868-1953), 2849 Mills, Julia H., 2340 Mills, Louis, 2150 Mills, Ruel W., 1309 Mills, Vesta, 1310 Mills, Wilbur Daigh (1909- ), 2056 Mills, Willard (1808- ), 1311 Mills, see flour mills, lumber mills, woolen mills Millspaugh, David (1832-1865), 1312 Milton Copper Company, 2475 Milwaukee and Lake Superior Mining Company, 2475 Miner, John, 1896 Miner Family, 1778 Mines and mineral resources, 101, 103, 168, 231, 602, 913, 931, 954, 976, 977, 987, 1087, 1140, 1406, 1597, 1689, 1698, 1759, 1760, 2030, 2087, 2389, 2535 Mining companies, 2389, 2475, 2476 Minnesota Infantry. 2nd Regiment, 76 Minnesota Infantry. 3rd Regiment, 76 Minong Mining Company, 2476 Minton, Sherman (1890- ), 1365 Miriani, Louis C, 211 Missaukee County, 2707 Misses Clark's School, Ann Arbor, 335 Missions and missionaries, 47, 168, 181, 190, 393, 560, 622, 631, 1010, 1204, 1657, 1671, 1729, 2025, 2901, 2932 Missouri Engineers and Mechanics. 1st Regi- ment, 2767 Mitchell, Andrew Stuart, 1313 Mitchell, C. T., 1314 Mitchell, Hugh Burnton (1907- ), 2056 Mitchell, James Paul (1900- ), 2056 Mitchell, Kate E., 2084 Mitchell, Stephen Arnold (1903- ), 2056 Mitchell, Sydney Alexander (1895- ), 1515 Mitchell and McClure Lumber Company, Sagi- naw, 2477 Mix, Elisha (1818-1898), 1315 Mizner, Henry R., 2767 Moderator- Topics , 1363 Moehlman, Arthur Bernard (1889-1952), 1316, 1365 Moffit, John T. (1862- ), 1317 Moldenhauer, Elsie, 1318 Moley, Raymond L. (1886- ), 1365, 1515 Monitor Mutual Insurance Company, Pontiac, 2478 Monroe, Nathan (1838- ), 1319 Monroe, William Burdette (1839- ), 1320 Monroe General Store, Jonesville, 2479 Monroe, Mich., 40, 215, 359, 554, 1056, 1236, 1373, 1646, 1987, 2085; churches, 1204, 2310, 2340 Monroe Civic Improvement Society, 2768 Monroe County, 224, 331, 453, 976, 1139, 1701, 2557, 2558, 2707 Monroe County Detecting Society, 2557 Monroney, Aimer Stillwell Mike (1902- ), 2056 Montague, Gilbert Holland (1880- ), 1365 Montcalm County, 1545, 1552, 2707 Monteith, Abigail Harris (1801-1880), 1321, 1322 Monteith, Alexander, 1322 Monteith, Charles (1827-1848), 1322 Monteith, Edwin Harris (1843-1904), 1321, 1322 Monteith, George (1839- ), 1322 Monteith, John (1788-1868), 1321, 1322, 1770, 2845 Monteith, John (1833- ), 1322 Monteith, Sarah Sophia (1823-1893), 1322, 2265 Montgomery, Andrew B., 2876 Montgomery, Don M., 535 Montgomery, Martin V., 424 Montgomery, Robert M. (1849-1920), 318, 1424, 1959 Montmorency County, 2707 Montoya, Joseph Manuel (1915- ), 2056 Moody, Arthur Edson Blair (1902-1954), 1323, 1365, 1425, 1777, 2056 Moody, Dwight Lyman (1837-1899), 1324 Moody, William Henry (1853-1917), 1762 Mooney, Edward (1882-1958), 1365 Moore, Charles (1855-1942), 466, 583, 1293, 1325 Moore, Earl Vincent (1890- ), 1710 Moore, James Geoffrey, 1326 Moore, James Martin (1834-1913), 1327 Moore, James William (1905- ), 1365 Moore, Joseph B. (1845-1930), 1128, 1328,2064 Moore, Orlando Hurley (1827-1890), 1329 Moore, Samuel Randal (1844-1910), 1327 Moore, Thomas C, 424 Moore, Vivian Elsie Lyon (1887- ), 1039, 1330 Moore, William P. (1787-1850), 101 Morales, Alfredo T. (1916- ), 1331 Moran, Charles, 256 Moran, Flora Mabel Potter, 1332 289 Moran, Frank, 491 Moran, Patrick, 491 Morenci, Mich., 751, 1436, 1859, 2069; Metho- dist Church, 2221; Freemasons, 2687 Morenci House (hotel), 2480 Morey, John R. (1844-1897), 1333 Morgan, Elijah William (1805- ), 1334 Morgan, Mrs. Elijah William, 1335 Morgan, Gilbert, 2042 Morgan, James, 1253 Morgan, John Coleman ( -188.9), 1336 Morgan, John Tyler (1824-1907), 421 Morgan, Mildred, 1337 Morgan, Thomas Ellsworth (1906- ), 2056 Morgan, William, 257 Morgenthau, Hans Joachim (1904- ), 2056 Morgenthau, Henry (1891- ), 1365, 1716, 2056 Morley, C. F., 1338 Morley, Fred (1856-1942), 1339 Morley, George Bidwell (1857-1935), 1295, 1424 Mormons and Mormonism, 673, 736, 1811, 2042 Morningstar, Ann Scott, 2056 Morrill, James Lewis (1891- ), 1692 Morris, George Sylvester (1840-1889), 47, 635, 733, 1307, 1340, 1491, 1686 Morris, Wayne E. (1836- ), 1341 Morrison, deLesseps Story (1912- ), 2056 Morrison, John Howard (1880-1959), 1342 Morrison, Minnie L., 1343 Morrison, Roger Leroy (1883- ), 1344 Morrison, William Ralls (1825-1909), 424 Morrow, Henry A. (1829-1891), 1345 Morrow, James H. (1845- ), 127 Morse, Allen Benton (1839-1921), 1346, 1716, 1982 Morse, John Torry (1840-1937), 1230 Morse, Samuel Finley Breese (1791-1872), 1832 Morse, True Delbert (1896- ), 2056 Morse, Wayne Lyman (1900- ), 2056 Mortimer, Wyndham (1884- ), 2876 Morton, Hudson T., 1347 Morton, Joy (1855-1934), 69 Morton, Julius Sterling (1832-1902), 4, 535, 1521 Morton, Richard T. (1817- ), 1988 Moseley, Edward Augustus (1846-1911), 424 Mosher, Eliza Maria (1846-1928), 47, 879, 1348, 2050 Moskovit, Harold R., 2056 Moss, Harry L., 1349 Motion Picture Industry, 561 Mott, Charles Stewart (1875- ), 511 Mott, John (1783-1848), 1350 Mott Foundation Children's Dental Clinic, 1960 Moulder, Morgan Moore (1904- ), 2056 Moulton, Charles Henry (1838-1916), 1351 Mount Albion Cemetery, Albion, 2481 Mount Clemens, Mich., 624, 823; Grace Episco- pal Church, 2340 Mount Morris, Mich., 626; Methodist Episcopal Church, 2222 Mount Pleasant. Central Michigan University, 1077, 1363, 2662 Mount Pleasant, Ohio, 1855 Mowrer, Edgar Ansel (1892- ), 1660 Moyle, James Henry (1858-1946), 1352 Muck Family, 1353 Muir, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2311 Mulder, Arnold (1885- ), 511, 1354 Mullen General Store, Ann Arbor, 2482 Muller and Company, Port Huron, 2483 Multer, Abraham Jacob (1900- ), 2056 Mulvany, Peter, 1355 Mumford, Mrs. Ada, 1356 Mumford, Lewis (1895- ), 2864 Mummery, Arthur E., 1357 Mundy, Edward (1794-1851), 1358 Mundy, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2312 Munger, Edith Garnett Cushaway Gotts (1862- 1945), 1359 Munger, Melvin, 1360 Municipal aid movement, 1673 Munising Paper Company, 945 Munn, John, 1710 Munro, William Bennett (1875-1957), 1563 Munroe, George Clinton, 1361 Munroe, John, 1362 Munson, John Maurice (1878-1950), 1363 Murchison, Carl (1887- ), 1506 Murfin, James Orin (1875-1940), 337, 466, 977, 994, 1226, 1364, 1424, 1563, 1630, 1650, 1684, 1710, 1896 Murphy, Frank (1890-1949), 57, 221, 360, 870, 912, 1021, 1064, 1213, 1365, 1366, 1424, 1425, 1512, 1563, 1590, 1630, 1710, 1744, 2056, 2108, 2593, 2733, 2838, 2861, 2928 Murphy, George (1897-1961), 1365, 1366 Murphy, Irene Ellis, 1833 Murphy, William F. (1885-1950), 1365 Murphy, William H., 994 Murphy, William W. (1844-1886), 625 Murray, J. Clark, 1999 Murray, James Edward (1876- ), 2056 Murray, James Ormsbee (1827-1899), 47 Murray, Johnston, 2056 Murray, Nicholas F., 1367 Murray, Philip (1886-1952), 1365, 2056 Murrow, Edward R., 1563, 1630, 2056 Music and musicians, 2663 Muskegon, Mich., 161, 833, 1144 Muskegon County, 2707 Muskegon Lake Railroad Company, 2484 Muskie, Edmund Sixtus (1914- ), 2056 Musselman, Amos S., 1424, 1959 Mutton, Charles A. ( -1956), 1368 Mutton, William Watts (1854-1942), 1369 Muzik, Edward J., 1370 Myers, Francis John (1901-1956), 2056 Mystic Silver Mining Company, 2475 290 Nancrede, Charles Beylard Guerard de (1847- 1921), 47, 128, 994, 1371, 1403 Nankin, Mich., see Garden City, Mich. Napoleon, Mich., 1499 Nash, Aaron M., 1372 Nash, Charles W., 318 Nash, Philip Curtis (1890-1947), 1630 Nashville, Mich., 1987 National Association For the Advancement of Colored People, 1365 National Association of Immigration Officials, 2752 National Association of Letter Carriers, 2642 National Association of Manufacturers, 1716 National Committee on Standard Reports For Institutions of Higher Education, 357 National Conference of Christians and Jews, 1365 National Congress of Parents and Teachers. Michigan branch, 2769 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S. of A., 1040 National Defense Committee of Ann Arbor, 2770 National Guard, see Michigan Militia National Labor Relations Board, see U.S. Na- tional Labor Relations Board National Lawyers Guild, 1365 National Music Camp, Interlochen, 2871 National Rivers and Harbors Congress (1912- 17), 485 National Security League, 923 National Society of Colonial Dames in America. Michigan, 2771 National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America. Michigan chapter, 2772 National Union For Social Justice, 2683 Naughton, James R., 2056 Navarre, Francois (1767-1826), 1373 Navarre, Jacques (1760- ), 1373 Navarre, Joseph (1795-1862), 1373 Navin, Thomas J., 283 Naylor, William A., 676 Neeb, Elizabeth A., 1374 Negroes in Michigan, 127, 211, 349, 384, 778, 933, 994, 1484, 1789, 2077, 2529, 2701, 2707, 2897 Nehru, Braj Kumar (1909- ), 2056 Nell Gwyn's Company, Ann Arbor, 1902, 2773 Nelson, Gaylord Anton (1916- ), 2056 Nelson, Henry (1844- ), 1375 Nelson, Joseph Raleigh (1873-1961), 936, 1376, 1378, 1630 Nelson, Kaisa, 1377 Nelson, Rebecca Jewel Francis (1846- ), 1378 The Netherlands, 750 Neuberger, Richard Lewis (1912-1960), 2056 Nevada Silver Mining Company, 2475 Nevins, Allan (1890- ), 17, 1496, 1660, 1763 Nevins, William S. (1829- ), 1716 Nevue, Wilfred (1886- ), 1379 New, Harry Stewart (1858-1937), 1896 New Baltimore, Mich., 940, 941 New Deal, 593, 809, 1365, 2757, 2841 New England and Lake Superior Silver Mining Company, 2475 New Hampshire Infantry. 7th Regiment, 493 New Jerusalem Church, 432 New River, Mich., 2605 New York, N.Y., 1322 New York Cavalry. 19th Regiment, 2914 New York Infantry. 35th Regiment, 1747 New York Infantry. 36th Regiment, 2767 New York Infantry. 70th Regiment, 285, 444 New York Infantry. 130th Regiment, 2914 New York Infantry. 143rd Regiment, 206 New York Infantry. 160th Regiment, 2767 New York Infantry. 185th Regiment, 627 New York National Dinner (U of M Alumni), 69 Newaygo County, 2707 Newberry, John Stoughton (1826-1887), 47, 1380 Newberry, Marie Amna, 1381 Newberry, Truman Handy (1864-1945), 337, 518, 590, 994, 1040, 1424, 1563, 1675, 1896 Newburgh Village, 1476 Newcomb, Roland B. C, 1382 Newcombe, Frederick Charles (1858-1927), 1383 Newkirk, Henry Wirt (1854-1946), 466, 1384 Newman, George S. (1840- ), 2092 Newman, John Philip (1826-1899), 1602 Newmyer, George W., 1385 Newnan, William Loring (1917- ), 1386 Newspapers; Western Methodist Protestant , 304; 331; Saline, 392; Hastings Banner , 414; Mich- igan State Normal College, 416; Iosco County Gazette , 455; 465; Barry County, 551; Detroit Gazette , 684; 741; Royal Oak Tribune , 795; 900; Lumberman's Gazette , 952; 1010; Grand Rapids , 1020; Signal of Liberty , 1072; 1246; "The Bark Shanty Times," 1555; "Literary Voyageur," 1657; Inkster Ledger-Star , 1721; Michigan Freeman , 1879; 1987, 2030; Mich- igan Argus , 2067; Detroit, 2076; Ann Arbor, 2136; Manchester Enterprise , 2459; Milford Times , 2473; Evart, 2597; 2604; The Olive Branch , Jackson, 2611; 2898 Newton, D. C, 424 Newton, James Quigg (1911- ), 2056 Newton, George H. (1840- ), 1387 Newton Family, 1387 Newton, Kansas, 395 Nichols, Haskell Linton (1896- ), 2733 Nichols, Henry Alonzo (1836-1899), 1388 Nichols, Hervey Brayton, 1389 Nichoson, John William (1842- ), 1390 Niebuhr, Reinhold (1892- ), 2056 Niles, Mich., 97, 784, 1671, 1702, 1866, 2110; First Presbyterian Church, 2313 Nimitz, Chester William (1885- ), 221, 2864 291 Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913- ), 1425, 2056 Noble, Alice W., 1391 Noble, David A. (1806-1896), 625 Noble, Henry G. (1842- ), 1392 Noggle, Roy L. (1887-1920), 1393 Noll, Conrad (1836- ), 1394 Norrie, A. Lanfear, 1181 Norrie Iron Mine, 1181 Norris, Abbott L., 1396 Norris, Elvina, 175 Norris, George William (1861-1944), 1365 Norris, Lyman Decatur (1825-1894), 1395 Norris, Maria Whittlesey (1856-1938), 1672 Norris, Mark (1796-1862), 175, 1395 Norris, Mark (1857-1943), 1396 Norris, Roccina B. Vaill, 175, 1395 Norris, Roxina, 1397 North Central Association of Colleges, 47 North Hamburg, Mich. Congregational Church, 2192 North Silver Lake Mining Company, 2475 North Star Mining Company, 2475 Northeastern Michigan Medical Association, 2774 Northern Central Michigan Railroad, 700 Northern Michigan Agricultural and Mechanical Society, 382 Northern Peninsula, see Michigan. Northern Peninsula Northrop, Henry Horatio (1814-1905), 1398, 1872 Northrop, Stephen Joseph, 1399 Northville, Mich., First Methodist Church, 303, 2616; First Presbyterian Church, 570, 571, 2314, 2616; 780; public schools, 1288; 1547; general stores, 2413, 2454, 2522; Baptist Church, 2616; 2914 Northville Woolen Mills, 2485 Norton, Albert James, 1400 Norton, Clark F., 1401 Norton, Harold E., 1402 Norton, L. G., 997 Norvell, John (1789-1850), 1270, 1395 Norwood, Mich. Episcopal Mission, 2340 Noud, Patrick (1845-1925), 1625 Novi, Mich., 1493 Novy, Frederick George (1864-1957), 47, 1403, 1726 Nowak, Stanley (1903- ), 2876 Nowell, Charles Edward (1904- ), 17 Nowell, John (1789-1850), 552 Nowicki, Leo J. (1904- ), 1365 Noy, Thomas, 2927 Noyes, Elizabeth E. ( -1892), 2005 Noyes, Horace A. (1810-1877), 625 Noyes, Theodore William (1858-1946), 1325 Nurses and nursing, 934 Nuttall, Thomas, 2080 Nye, Gerald Prentice (1892- ), 1515, 2056 Oakes, Mrs. Ruth Ann, 1404 Oakland County, 394, 976, 1200, 1532, 1864, 2033, 2707 Oakland County- Austin Corners School, 2122 Board of Supervisors, 2559 Bloomfield township, 2560 Green Oak township, 2561 Groveland township, 443, 1466 Highland township, 1620, 2562 Independence township, 1941 Orion township, 2563 Royal Oak township, 176, 188, 1076, 1486, 2564 Waterford township, 2565 Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society, 2775 Oakley Park, Mich. St. Anne's Episcopal Church, 2340 Oakman, Charles Gibb (1903- ), 2056 Oates, William R., 1295, 1424 O'Beirne, Mamie, 1405 Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 577, 1762 O'Brian, Thomas J., 424 O'Brien, Edward F., 2056 O'Brien, George Donoghue (1900-1957), 2056 O'Brien, John Joseph (1869-1936), 1365 O'Brien, Patrick Henry (1868-1959), 1406 O'Brien, Thomas James (1842-1933), 1407 O'Brien, Thomas Joseph (1878- ), 2056 O'Callaghan, Thomas (1825- ), 2110 Oceana County, 2707 O'Connor, Basil (1892- ), 2056 The Oconto Company, 1379 Oddfellows, Independent order of, 308, 1827, 2776 O'Dell, Richard, 1408 Odessa, Mich., 453 O'Donnell, James (1840-1915), 1762 O'Donnell, Kenneth, 2056 Office of Price Administration, see U.S. Office of Price Administration Ogemaw County, 1737, 1821, 2707 Ogg, Frederick Austin (1878-1951), 1563 O'Halloran, Cyril (1901- ), 2876 O'Hara, James Grant (1925- ), 2056 Ohio Infantry. 7th Regiment, 2121 Ohio Infantry. 110th Regiment, 342 Ohio State University, 2050 Ohlinger, Gustavus (1877- ), 1128 O'Keefe, Alice C, 1409 O'Keeffe, George A., 1410 Okinawa, 89, 159 Okkelberg, Peter Olaus (1880- ), 1411, 1630 Olander, Oscar G., 1365 Oldfield, Bernice E. A., 1412 Olds, Edson Baldwin (1857- ), 1414 Olds, James, 1413 Olds, Ransom Eli (1864-1950), 1703 292 Olds Family, 1414 Olds Motor Works, Lansing, 1703 Oldsmobile Division. General Motors Corpora- tion, 337 Oliver, Robert L., 1415 Oliver, William P. (1913-1944), 1416 Oliver Tractor Company, Battle Creek, 2486 Olivet, Mich., 1036 Olivet College, 318, 459, 2777 Olivet Institute, 1349 Olmstead, Frederick Law (1870-1957), 1325, 1417 Olney, Edward (1827-1887), 33, 47, 152, 905, 1192, 1418, 1659, 1724, 1793 Olney, Warren, 424 Olney, William, 1419 Olsaver, William E. (1843- ), 1420 Olson, Culbert L., 1365 Olson, Willard Clifford (18S9- ), 1630 O'Mahoney, Joseph Christopher (1884- ), 2056 O'Malley, Patrick J., 2876 Omena, Mich., 560 Onderdonk, Francis Skillman, 1421 Oneida Castle, New York, 1449 O'Neill, C. William (1916- ), 2056 O'Neill, James Milton (1881- ), 936, 1630 Ontonagon, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2315 Ontonagon County, 2707 Opera houses, see Theaters Oppenheimer, Robert (1904- ), 2849 Ora et Labora, Huron County, 2689 Orangeville, Mich., 1987 Orchard Lake Military Academy, see Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake Order of the Eastern Star. Washtenaw County Association, 2778 Organizations- Records, 2627-2833 Orion, Mich., 309 Ormandy, Eugene (1899- ), 358 Ormsby, Oliver, 2060 Orr, Hiram Winnett (1877- ), 1422 Orvis, Josiah S., 1423 Osborn, Chase Salmon (1860-1949), 23, 47, 138, 174, 211, 241, 318, 337, 402, 414, 420, 422, 442, 466, 469, 482, 484, 518, 650, 746, 977, 994, 1064, 1281, 1295, 1359, 1365, 1405, 1424, 1425, 1496, 1575, 1630, 1650, 1660, 1692, 1710, 1716, 1807, 1885, 1896, 1987, 1999, 2030, 2050, 2056, 2131, 2139, 2610, 2733, 2838, 2840 Osborn, George A., 1008 Osborn, Stella Brunt (1894- ), 1425 Osceola County, 1545, 2707, 2828 Oscoda County, 2707 Osmeria, Sergio, 870, 1365 Ostafin, Peter A., 1426 Ostrander, Russell Cowles (1851-1919), 424 Otis, Charles Herbert (1886- ), 1427 Otis, Robert Burns (1879- ), 1428 Otsego County, 2707 Ottawa County, 537, 631, 732; Georgetown town- ship, 1193; Eastman township, 2566; Robinson township, 2567; 2707 Otter Lake, Mich. St. John's Episcopal Church, 2340 Outwater, E. Olney (1887- ), 1429 Outwater, Eva J. Shedd (1856-1908), 1672 Overpack, Roy M., 1430 Owen, George W., 1270 Owen, Henry E., 1431 Owosso, Mich., 92, 347, 1586 Oxnam, Garfield Bromley (1891- ), 2056 Pablo, Winifred O'Connor, 1432 Pace, Frank (1912- ), 2056 Pack, Philip Clarkson (1896- ), 2838 Packard Motor Car Company, 1040 Padmore, George Arthur (1915- ), 2056 Pagano, Joseph F., 2876 Page, David, 1433 Page, Herman (1866-1942), 2340, 2928 Page, Walter Hines (1855-1918), 424, 994, 1980 Page, William, 1434 Paine, DeForest, 1435 Paine, Valorous Roberts (1796-1865), 1436 Palmer, Alice Freeman (1855-1902), 47, 282, 879, 919, 994, 1437, 2063 Palmer, Alonzo Benjamin (1815-1887), 47, 119, 298, 358, 979, 1094, 1438, 1571, 1681, 1858, 1947, 1951, 2080, 2840 Palmer, Ara H., 1442 Palmer, Arthur Armstrong, 1439 Palmer, Calvin A., 1424 Palmer, Charles Henry (1814-1887), 1010, 1440, 1832 Palmer, Charles Henry ( -1911), 1441 Palmer, David Wheeler (1807- ), 1442 Palmer, F. R. [Jack] (1908- ), 2876 Palmer, George Herbert (1842-1933), 282 Palmer, Thomas Waverly (1860- ), 2028 Palmer, Thomas Witherell (1830-1913), 424,1395 Palmyra, Mich., 2544 Palmyra and Jackson Railroad, 452 Panama Canal, 1563 Panama vs. Nicaragua Canal, 421 Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, 654 Panic of 1837, 1402, 1640 Panic of 1857, 1505 Panic of 1873, 2030 Panorama , 2873 Panzner, John (1883- ), 2876 Park, Emory, 1660 Park, John Grubb, 2080 Parke, Hervey Coke (1827-1898), 1443 Parker, Achsa Snow (1866-1942), 1444 Parker, Edward F., 1445 293 Parker, Francis L., 1365 Parker, Frank Wilson (1897- ), 870 Parker, Franklin Leonidas (1820-1894), 1446 Parker, Oren, 1447 Parker, Samson (1818- ), 127 Parker, Sara, 1448 Parkhurst, John Gibson (1824-1906), 60, 1449, 2406 Parmelee, Abner Cornelius (1806-1889), 1450 Parran, Thomas (1892- ), 1630 Parrish, C, 1451 Parrish, Heman S. (1841- ), 285 Parrish, J., 1452 Parshall, Anna M., 1453 Parsons, Henry Betts ( -1885), 1454 Parsons, Philo, 47 Parsons General Store, Saline, 2487 Partridge, Francis C., 1455 Partridge, Sarah, 1456 Pastore, John Orlando (1907- ), 2056 Patman, Wright (1893- ), 2056 Patrons of Husbandry. Fawn River Grange, 2779 Patrons of Husbandry. Glass Creek Grange, 2948 Patrons of Husbandry. Michigan State Grange, 2780 Patrons of Husbandry. Stoney Creek Grange, 2949 Patrons of Husbandry. Ypsilanti Grange No. 56, 2781 Patten, Bradley Merrill (1889- ), 1457 Pattengill, Albert Henderson (1842-1906), 47, 1458, 2088 Pattengill, Caroline (1877-1962), 1459 Pattengill, Henry Romaine (1852-1918), 1227, 1326, 1460 Patterson, Frances Todd, 1461 Patterson, Frank Dean ( -1920), 1462 Patterson, George Leo, 1462 Patterson, George Washington (1799-1879), 1463 Patterson, George Washington (1864-1930), 466, 1463 Patterson, John C. (1838-1910), 1462 Patterson, John Malcolm (1921- ), 2056 Patterson, Paul L. (1900-1956), 2056 Patterson, Philo D. (1844- ), 1462 Patterson, Phoebe Ely (1857-1931), 1870 Patterson, Robert Porter (1891-1952), 1365 Patterson Family, 1463 Patton, Carl Safford (1866-1939), 2050 Patton, Francis F., 1464 Patton, George Smith (1885-1945), 211, 1365 Patton, John (1850-1907), 1281, 1465, 1528, 1762, 1959 Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich (1894- ), 1061 Paw Paw, Mich., 173, 432, 1987 Paw Paw Railroad, 432 Paxson, Frederic Logan (1877-1948), 1630 Payne, Elizabeth Clark (1871-1938), 1467 Payne, Frederick George (1900- ), 2056 Payne, Jennie Perry, 1466 Payne, Martin B. (1832-1902), 1206 Payne, William (Tiny) (1905- ), 2876 Payne, William Harold (1836-1907), 47, 1467 Peabody, Selim Hobart (1829-1903), 47 Peabody, Sherwood Raymond ( -1879), 1468 Peabody, Thomas A., 561 Peabody College, see George Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn. Pearce, Webster Houston (1876-1940), 1469 Pearson, Albert Chesterfield ( -1917), 2912 Pearson, Charles Birdsall (1863-1948), 1470 Pearson, Drew Andrew Russell (1897- ), 1365, 2056 Pearson, Lester Bowles (1897- ), 2056 Peary, Robert Edwin (1856-1920), 2866 Pease, D. H., 1471 Peck, Annie Smith, 1472 Peck, Edwin Spencer ( -1950), 1473 Peckham, Howard Henry (1910- ), 1474, 1516, 1763 Peel, Charles (1839- ), 1475 Pegler, James Westbrook (1894- ), 1424 Peirsol, Thomas Reardon, 2770 Pekarek, Joseph, 1476 Pellowe, William Charles Smithson (1890- ), 1477 Peltier, Antoine (1744- ), 1478 Pendill, James P. (1812-1885), 101 Peninsula Farmers Club, 2782 Pennsylvania Infantry. 9th Regiment, 1543 Penoyer, James, 1479 Pentwater, Mich., 1290 Pepper, Claude Denson (1900- ), 1365, 2056 Pepper, Samuel D., 1480 Peppier, Orrin H. (1899- ), 2876 Pere Marquette Railroad, 1794, 2488 Perkins, Dexter (1889- ), 1563 Perkins, Frances (1882- ), 1365 Perkins, George Clement (1839-1923), 1762 Perkins, John Alanson (1914- ), 2056 Perlman, Robert, 1246 Perry, Bliss (1860-1954), 1650, 1981 Perry, Dorothy M., 1481 Perry, Ralph Barton (1876-1957), 2812 Perry, Walker Scott (1831-1897), 47, 1482 Perry, William R., 1483 Perry, [Unknown] (1803- ), 1484 Pershing, John Joseph (1860-1948), 2922 Persons, Gordon, 2056 Peruski, Cass, 1485 Petaja, Audrey G., 1486 Petersen, Eugene Thor (1920- ), 1487 Peterson, Enoch E., 1063, 1488, 1630 Peterson, Frederick Valdemar Erastus (1903- ), 2056 Peterson, Reuben (1862-1942), 1489 Peterson, Roy Theodore, 1490 294 Pethiek, William W., 47 Pettee, William Henry (1838-1904), 47, 994, 1099, 1491 Pettibone, Darwin A. (1827-1894), 1492 Pettibone, Samuel, 1493 Pettibone, Samuel B., 2123 Pettibone, Sherman, 2123 Pettis, John Hibbard, 1403 Pewamo, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2316 Pharmacy, 559, 1170, 1357, 1583, 2382, 2471, 2518 Phelan, John, 418 Phelps, Edward John (1822-1900), 47 Phelps, Mrs. H. E., 1494 Phelps, Henry Egbert, 1450 Phelps, Jessie (1870-1957), 1495, 1496 Phelps, Mary Merwin (1865-1944), 1495, 1496 Phelps, William Henry (1872-1939), 1497 Phelps, William Lyon (1865-1943), 561, 575, 1424, 1590, 1660, 1850 Phi Beta Kappa, 2873 Phi Delta Theta, 2873 Phi Gamma Delta, 2873 Philadelphia & Boston Mining Company, 2475 Philadelphia National Dinner (U of M Alumni), 2873 Philippine Islands, 39, 57, 118, 281, 529, 692, 806, 870, 994, 1064, 1153, 1331, 1365, 1416, 1432, 1563, 1568, 1710, 1720, 1833, 1843, 2113, 2123, 2820, 2923 Phillips, Albert James (1899- ), 1498 Phillips, Delos (1840-1887), 2092 Phillips, Horace (1846-1917), 1499 Phillips, Julia Macgruder, 1500 Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell (1877-1934), 1630,2840 Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884), 1521, 2111, 2831, 2872 Phonograph, 1382 Phonotype, 648 Pi Kappa Alpha, 2873 Picard, Frank A. (1889-1963), 1365, 2733 Pickering, Edward Charles (1846-1919), 1980 Pickford, Mary (Smith) (1893- ), 561 Piconke, Joseph, 2876 Pierce, Adella Priscilla, 775 Pierce, Charles J., 285 Pierce, Darius (1801- ), 694, 1501 Pierce, Edward Hartley (1855- ), 1502 Pierce, Franklin (1804-1869), 324 Pierce, John Davis (1797-1882), 781, 1503 Pierce, Mrs. N. H., 1504 Pierce, Nathan (1790-1862), 694, 1505 Pike, James Albert (1913- ), 2056 Pike, Kenneth L., 686 Pikes Peak, 1254 Pilcher, Lewis Stephen Fiske (1845-1934), 1856 Pillsbury, Walter Bowers (1872-1960), 47, 994, 1506, 1700 Pilsbry, Henry Augustus (1862-1957), 1949 Pinchot, Gifford (1865-1946), 561, 708, 977,994, 1365, 1424, 2139 Pinckney, Mich., 2393, 2617; churches, 2193, 2223, 2317 Pine lands, 618 Pingree, Hazen Smith (1840-1901), 708, 830,994, 1424, 1507, 1575, 1716, 1807, 1819, 1896, 1984, 2030, 2092, 2141, 2762 Pinnebog, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2318 Pioneer life, see Frontier and pioneer life Pioneer Silver and Lead Company, 2475 Pioneer Society of Eaton and Ingham Counties, see Eaton County Pioneer and Historical So- ciety Pistorius, Frederick, 1508 Pitcher, Zina (1797-1872), 453, 562, 1195, 1509, 1635, 1702, 2042 Pitkin, Walter Boughton (1878-1953), 222 Pitman, Vail, 2056 Pittman, James E., 2340 Pittman, Key (1872-1940), 1365 Pitts, Willis N., Jr., 1510 Pizer, Morris (1904- ), 2056 Plank roads, see Roads Plant, Marcus, 1684 Plantz, Myra Goodwin (1856-1944), 1511 Piatt, James William, 1159 Piatt, Myles M., 1512 Piatt, Orville Hitchcock (1827-1905), 1762 Platz, Donald I., 1513 Ploughman, George (1840- ), 1933 Plumb, Mrs. Laura, 1395 Plymouth, Mich., 407, 408, 508, 532, 1547, 1803, 1870; First Presbyeterian Church, 532, 2319; First Universalist Society, 2374; Wilcox Flour Mill, 2521 Poage, William Robert (1899- ), 2056 Pody, Leon (1903- ), 2876 Poetry, 41, 63, 117, 120, 133, 206, 236, 237, 250, 283, 307, 350, 353, 482, 514, 524, 554, 661, 705, 801, 814, 830, 831, 853, 856, 863, 909, 922, 932, 972, 983, 1090, 1093, 1126, 1180, 1216, 1223, 1256, 1384, 1444, 1511, 1519, 1529, 1566, 1579, 1590, 1659, 1660, 1663, 1702, 1709, 1723, 1796, 1821, 1832, 1857, 1921, 1948, 1964, 2005, 2062, 2069, 2681, 2802, 2881, 2914, 2924 Point Detour, Mich., 604 Polglase, William A., 1514, 2747 Political Equality Club of Ann Arbor, 1676, 2783 Politics, 73, 74, 127, 138, 141, 146, 211, 254, 351, 359, 400, 402, 414, 422, 424, 431, 432, 436, 453, 561, 579, 586, 630, 650, 707, 714, 749, 750, 769, 783, 789, 836, 882, 885, 1008, 1149, 1182, 1187, 1207, 1211, 1213, 1246, 1264, 1281, 1295, 1323, 1384, 1406, 1424, 1436, 1462, 1501, 1505, 1519, 1521, 1522, 1528, 1532, 1575, 1607, 1641, 1650, 1702, 1704, 295 Politics (cont.)-1716, 1739, 1742, 1762, 1763, 1786, 1794, 1822, 1892, 1948, 1959, 1962, 1985, 2030, 2056, 2059, 2476, 2791, 2884, 2889, 2894, 2921, 2932 Pollock, James Kerr (1898- ), 57, 1365, 1515, 1563, 2733 Pollock, Oliver, 1010 Polscher, Andrew A., 1516 Pomeroy, Emmet Hall, 406 Pomeroy, George, 1517 Pond, Allen Bartlit (1858-1929), 424, 1519 Pond, Ashley (1827-1910), 87, 616, 1622, 1727, 1830, 2137 Pond, Cornelius V. R. (1836- ), 1518 Pond, Elihu Bartlit (1826-1898), 424, 1519 Pond, Irving Kane (1857-1939), 1519, 1630 Pontiac, Mich., Catholic Church, 64; 381; First Presbyterian Church, 1010, 1013, 2320; 1036, 1495, 1725, 1884, 2042; First Congregational Church, 2194; Monitor Mutual Insurance Com- pany, 2478; Weed's Drug Store, 2518 Pontiac Cooperative Creamery Company, 2489 Poole, W. H., 1520 Poplawski, Adam (1908- ), 2876 Popple, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2321 Porcupine Mountain Mining Company, 2475 Porcupine Mountains, 976 Port Austin, Mich., 575 Port Crescent, Mich. All Saints' Episcopal Church, 2340 Port Hope, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2322 Port Huron, Mich., 219, 1010, 1423, 1992; Grace Episcopal Church, 2340; McMorran Milling Company, 2456; Michigan Cereal Company, 2466; Muller and Company, 2483 Port Huron Gas Company, 138 Port Huron Junior College, 2784 Port Sanilac, Mich., 1555 Port Sheldon, Mich., 1091 Portage Lake Mining Company, 2475 Porter, Arthur Livermore (1798-1845), 1879 Porter, Charles Orlando (1919- ), 2056 Porter, David R., 1522 Porter, Frederick Bissell (1831-1905), 1276, 1521 Porter, George Bryan (1791-1834), 1522, 2082 Porter, Russell B., 1365 Portland, Mich., 1429, 1574 Portland Cement Company, 1628 Portsmouth, Mich., 1794 Post, C. V., 1523 Post, Charles William (1854-1914), 1524, 1553, 1831, 2490 Post, Hoyt ( -1912), 1884 Postal service, 1662, 2625 Postle, Kathleen R., 1525 Postum Cereal Company, Battle Creek, 1524, 2490 Potter, Charles Edward (1916- ), 1425, 2056 Potter, Henry Albert (1840-1933), 1526 Potter, Henry C. (1823- 1909), 1213 Potter, John M., 127 Potter, Louise, 1527 Potter, William W. (1869-1S40), 1528, 1830,2050 Potts, James Henry, 1529 Pound, Arthur (1884- ), 1530, 1660, 2835 Pound, James H., 1531 Pound, Roscoe (1870- ), 1684 Powderly, Terence Vincent (1849-1924), 127 Powell, Wesley (1915- ), 2056 Power, Nathan (1801-1874), 1532 Power, Nathan H., Jr., 1533 Powers, John R., 1534 Powers, Perry Francis (1858-1945), 318, 1424, 1535 Powers, Ridgley Ceylon, 1536 Prairie fires, 331 Prairie Ronde, Mich., 264, 1731, 2618 Prairie Seminary, Richland, 274, 2785 Pratt, Henry Sherring (1859-1946), 1537 Pratt, Julius W., 1763 Pratt, Lewis A., 1538 Pratt, Orville H., 1465 Pray, George Washington ( -1890), 1539 Pray Family, 1540 Prendergast, Wesley (1915- ), 2056 Presbyterian Church, 373, 560, 571, 681, 1006, 1262, 1510, 1729, 1745, 2078, 2932 Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbyteries. 796, 2227, 2229-2240 Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Synod of In- diana, 2227 Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Synod of Michigan, 398, 2228 Presbyterian churches— Records, 2227-2339, 2944 Presbyterian Corporation of the University of Michigan, 2243 Prescott, Albert Benjamin (1832-1905), 47, 128, 733, 1094, 1313, 1403, 1541, 1740 Prescott, William Ray, 1542 Presque Isle, Mich., 2030 Presque Isle County, 2707 Pressman, Lee, 1365 Preston, Edward, 1543 Preston, Jacob, 1543 Preston, Theodore (1838-1862), 1543 Preuss, Lawrence (1905-1956), 1563 Priestley, Herbert Ingram (1875-1944), 17 Princeton University, 1745 Prisons and reformatories, 104; Jackson, 146, 441, 1233, 2761; 211, 318, 883, 1550, 2030, 2932 Pritchard, Benjamin D. (1835- ), 1830 Pritchard, C. M., 535 Pritchett, Henry Smith (1857-1939), 47 Procter, Edward, 1544 296 Proctor, Joseph F. (1835-1925), 1545 Professional organizations, 2636 Progressive Party, 351, 1424, 2050 Prohibition, 442, 665, 994, 1040, 1204, 1384, 1462, 1742, 17S5, 1895, 1896, 2042, 2050, 2932 Prohibition Party, 1843, 2786; see also Tem- perance and Temperance Organizations Protestant churches in Michigan, 573 Protestant Episcopal Church, 1297, 1671 Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. Mich- igan (Diocese), 2340, 2928 Protestant Episcopal churches— Records, 2340- 2368 Protestants and Other Americans United For Separation of Church and State, 654 Proxmire, William (1915- ), 2056 Prussing, Eugene B., 424 Pryor, Roger Atkinson (1828-1919), 424 Psi Upsilon, 1903 Public domain, 836 Public health, 511, 2763, 2789, 2815, 2818 Public Health Nursing Association, see Visiting Nurse Association of Ann Arbor Public School Defense League, 2206 Public Sentiment (newspaper), 1412 Public utilities, 422, 514, 2131 Puffer, Frank L., 1546 Pullman, A. B., 382 Pullman, Paschal A. (1836- ), 784 Pullman Company, Pullman, 111., 476 Purdy, Edward (1914- ), 2876 Purdy, Robert, 1547 Purdy Family, 1547 Putnam, George Palmer (1887-1950), 337, 1602 Putnam, Herbert (1861-1955), 1325 Putnam, N. C, 127 Putnam, William, 2767 Putnam, William Le Baron (1835-1918), 47 Pyle, Ernest T., 1424 Pyle, Howard (1906- ), 2056 Qua, Julia Kimball, 1548 Quackenbush, T. V., 127 Quaife, Milo Milton (1880-1959), 466, 1283 Quakers, see Friends, Society of Quarles, Donald Aubrey (1894-1959), 2056 Quay, Matthew Stanley (1833-1904), 1762 Quezon, Manuel Luis (1878-1944), 994, 1365 Quill, Michael Joseph (1905- ), 2056 Quillico, Walter H. (1916- ), 2876 Quimby, Mich., 1662 Quinby, William Emory (1835-1908), 47, 1863 Quincy Mining Company, 1140 Quinn, Edward Charles (1903- ), 2056 Quinn, William Francis (1919- ), 2056 Quirino, Elpidio (1890-1956), 1365 Rabaut, Louis Charles (1886- ), 1365, 2056 Rackham, Horace H. (1858-1933), 1630 Radio- Stations, 478, 2517, 2815, 2842 Radio broadcasting, 2050, 2076, 2815 Radziwill, Prince Stanislaw, 2056 Railroad aid decision, 1134 Railroad conspiracy, 643, 1412, 1471, 1969 Railroads, 10, 235, 318, 331, 422, 514, 593, 899, 1362, 1395; legislation, 1408, 1985; 1665, 1694, 1696, 1775, 1794, 2030, 2111, 2762, 2932 Railroads- Battle Creek and Hastings, 2525 Chicago and Grand Trunk, 2402 Chicago and Western Michigan, 2403 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, 2917 Detroit and Pontiac, 2042 Detroit, Hillsdale and Indiana, 910 Detroit, Jackson & Chicago, 1342 Detroit Railroad, 514 Detroit United Railroad, 1585 Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railroad case, 2131 Eastern Railroad Company, 2420 Erie and Kalamazoo, 106, 2682 Flint and Holly, 453, 1665 Flint and Pere Marquette, 453, 1395, 1665, 2432 Illinois Central, 2917 Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw, 453 Kalamazoo and Schoolcraft, 453 Lansing and Saginaw, 453 Marquette and Ontonagon, 453 Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon, 2461 Michigan Airline, 2464 Michigan Central, 530, 621, 625, 643, 2111, 2465 Michigan Lake Shore, 2467 Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana, 2468 Michigan United, 2470 Muskegon Lake, 2484 Northern Central Michigan, 700 Palmyra and Jackson, 452 Paw Paw Railroad, 432 Pere Marquette, 1794, 2488 Saginaw Valley and St. Louis, 2495 Schoolcraft and Three Rivers, 240 Toledo and Northern, 1646 Toledo, Thornton and St. Louis, 2513 Rain making, 1524 Raisin, Mich., 1108 Raisin Valley Seminary, Adrian, 2787 Ramsdell, Willett Forrest (1890-1951), 1549 Randall, Caleb Dwinell (1831-1903), 47, 867, 1550 Randall, Harrison McAllister (1870- ), 2849 Randell, Joseph, 485 Randolph, Asa Philip (1889- ), 2056 Rankin, Edward L., 2056 Rankin, John Elliott (1882- ), 2056 Rankin, Thomas Ernest (1872-1953), 1218, 1551 Rasmussen, August, 1552 297 Rath, Christian (1832- ), 2092 Rathbun, Earle Henry, 1553, 1825 Rathbun, Selden, 1554 Rauch, J. R., 424 Ravenna, Mich., 2511 Rawle, Francis, 424 Ray, Perley Orman, 1563 Rayburn, Sam (1882-1961), 2056 Raymond, Henry Warren (1847-1925), 1762 Raymond, Philip, 2876 Raymond, Uri, 1555 Read, Fanny K., 1556 Read, Gilbert F. (1822-1898), 1557 Read, Hattie M., 410 Read, Minnie R., 410 Reaume, Arthur J., 2056 Rebec, George (1868-1944), 1771 Red Cross. Lenawee County Chapter, 2788 Red Cross. Washtenaw County Chapter, 2789 Redford, Mich., 14, 1343 Redford Temperance Society, 2790 Reed, Daniel Alden (1875-1959), 2056 Reed, Elijah (1843- ), 675 Reed, John Oren (1856-1916), 2849 Reed, Lafayette M. (1832-1864), 1558 Reed, Louisa Maria, 1559 Reed, Minnie, 1560 Reed, Seth (1823-1924), 1561 Reed, Stanley Forman (1884- ), 1365 Reed, Thomas ( -1896), 1562 Reed City, Mich., 1653, 1680 Rees, Edward Herbert (1886- ), 2056 Reeves, Alfred L. (1873- ), 337 Reeves, Jesse Siddall (1872-1942), 241, 466, 870, 994, 1563, 1630, 2088 Reform and reformers, 1845 Reformatories, see Prisons and reformatories Reformed churches in America— Records, 2369- 2371 Regal Family, 1564 Rehor, Daniel, 1565 Reichle, Flora Slayton (1876-1941), 1566 Reichle, Lewis, 1566, 2849 Reid, Neil E., 211 Reid, Robert D., 1567 Reid, Whitelaw (1837-1912), 631, 687 Reighard, Jacob Ellsworth (1861-1942), 733, 994, 1568 Reighard, Paul Roby, 1568 Reimann, Lewis Charles (1890-1961), 1569 Religion, 181, 573, 593, 607, 622, 947, 1026, 1083, 1204, 1262, 1311, 1497, 1745, 1845, 2050, 2072, 2080, 2265 Remer, Charles F. (1890- ), 1563, 2851 Remsen, Ira (1846-1927), 1230 Rennebohm, Oscar (1889- ), 2056 Rennells, Charles Stephen (1873-1962), 1570 Repentigny, Louis le Gardeur de, 1987 Republican convention, Jackson (1854), 1521 Republican Party, 74, 101, 141, 167, 197, 211, 318, 337, 414, 453, 485, 577, 586, 650, 714, 783, 894, 964, 1207, 1213, 1264, 1281, 1384, 1465, 1501, 1521, 1528, 1532, 1607, 1650, 1666, 1710, 1716, 1739, 1762, 1763, 1786, 1879, 1892, 1896, 1962, 1985, 2010, 2022, 2030, 2111, 2131, 2142, 2791, 2889, 2921, 2932 Republican Woman's Club of Alma, 2791 Reserve Officer Association. Dept. of Michigan, 1987 Reuss, Henry Schoellkopf (1912- ), 2056 Reuther, Roy L., 2056 Reuther, Victor G. (1912- ), 2056 Reuther, Walter Philip (1907- ), 2056, 2666 Revolutionary War, 1103 Reynolds, D. A., 1716 Reynolds, George Rennsselaer ( -1904), 1571 Reynolds, William Harvey (1835-1919), 1572 Reynolds Family, 525 Rhodes scholars and scholarships, 47, 1732 Ribicoff, Abraham A. (1910- ), 2056 Rice, Justin, 1573 Rice, Lewis J., 76 Rice, Mrs. N. B., 1574 Rice, Warner G. (18S9- ), 221, 1763, 2861 Rich, John Treadway (1841-1926), 424, 685, 714, 830, 977, 1281, 1424, 1465, 1575, 1716, 1762, 2064, 2092, 2747 Richard, Gabriel (1767-1832), 80, 805, 1576 Richards, Alfred S. (1834- ), 1577 Richards, Charlotte A., 1577 Richards, William, 1577 Richardson, George F. (1850-1923), 1716 Richardson, Herbert H. (1898- ), 2876 Richardson, Jonas D. (1839-1864), 1578 Richardson, Laura, 1579 Richland, Mich., 274, 1521, 2785 Richland Academy, see Prairie Seminary, Richland Richmond, Rebecca L., 1580 Richmond, William A., 1581 Rickenbacker, Edward Vernon (1890- ) 337, 1830 Rickey, Joseph, 1582 Ridgeway, Mich. Reformed Church in America, 2371 RiDout, J. E., 1583 Riegelman, Charles A., 1584 Riggs, Henry Earle (1865- ), 271, 422, 1585 Rightmire, George Washington (1868-1952), 1630 Rigley, Charles E., 1586 Rinehart, Mary Roberts ( -1958), 1325 Ringwald, John F. (1904- ), 2876 Rippy, James Fred (1892- ), 17 Risdon, Gertrude Betsy Judd, 1587 Risdon, Lewis Cass (1824-1884), 1588 Risdon, Orange (1786-1876), 1589, 1839 River Raisin, 331, 774 298 River Raisin Monument Commission, 2792 River Rouge, Mich. St. Hilda's Episcopal Church, 2340 Rivers, Ralph Julian (1903- ), 2056 Roads, 209, 337, 453, 586, 624, 680, 709, 914, 1436, 1618, 1710, 1778, 1987, 2042, 2103, 2142, 2526, 2543, 2550, 2551, 2554, 2569, 2581, 2599, 2759, 2762, 2764 Robbins, Frank Egleston (1884-1963), 1008, 1283, 1489, 1590, 1763, 2088, 2837, 2849 Robbins, Jerome John (1841-1921), 1591 Robe, James T. (1807-1888), 1592 Roberts, Alpheus J., 1593 Roberts, Dennis Joseph (1903- ), 2056 Roberts, Kenneth Lewis (1885-1957), 1630 Roberts, Owen Josephus (1875-1955), 1365, 1425, 2056 Roberts, Thomas Brockway, 1594 Roberts, W. Rhys, 222 Roberts, Willis Read, 1595 Robertson, A. Willis (1887- ), 2056 Robertson, James W., 221 Robins, Charles A. (1884- ), 2056 Robinson, Edwin Arlington (1869-1935), 830 Robinson, Jack, 1896 Robinson, Maude (1875-1959), 1596 Robinson, Orrin W., (1834-1925), 1597, 2505 Robinson, Robert, 2150 Robinson, Stillman Williams (1838-1910), 494, 1598 Robison, Howard Winfield (1915- ), 2056 Rochester, Mich., 147, 1987, 2340 Rochester colony (1851-52), 624 Rock, Ella, 1599 Rock, Heinrich Friedrich Bernhard (1849-1918), 1599 Rockefeller, John Davison (1874-1961), 337, 1630 Rockne, Knute Kenneth (1888-1931), 2838 Rockwith, Frank Augustus ( -1904), 1600 Rodino, Peter Wallace (1909- ), 2056 Rogers, Edith Nourse (1881-1960), 1630 Rogers, Florence, 1601 Rogers, Ginger (Virginia Katherine McMath) (1911- ), 561 Rogers, Henry Wade (1853-1926), 47, 268, 424, 497, 994, 1023, 1116, 1602, 1938 Rogers, Obadiah (1791-1873), 1603 Rogers, Randolph (1825-1892), 687, 1034, 1604, 1806 Rogers, William Barton, 2080 Rogers, William Pierce (1913- ), 2056 Rogge, Oetje John (1903- ), 1365 Rogovin's Reliable Employment Service, Flint, 2491 Rohan, Arthur E. (1891- ), 2876 Roland, James A. (1911- ), 2876 Rolfe, John Carew (1859-1943), 47, 1807 Romanes, George J., 1999 Romeo, Mich., 147, 229, 419, 622, 777, 1690; Dickinson Institute, 2677 Rominger, Carl Ludwig (1820-1907), 1605 Rominger, Frederika (1826-1814), 1605 Rominger, Louis (1859-1936), 1605 Rominger, Marie, 1605 Romney, George A. (1907- ), 337, 2056 Romulo, Carlos P. (1901- ), 870, 1365, 2056 Romulus, Mich. St. Andrew's Mission, 2340 Ronan, Elizabeth Cotter, 1606 Rood, Arthur Raymond (1858-1902), 1607 Rood, Fred A. (1872-1950), 1608 Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor (1884-1962), 211, 360, 1365, 1630, 2056 Roosevelt, Dorothy Kemp, 1365 Roosevelt, Elliott (1910- ), 1365 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945), 211, 337, 402, 431, 561, 870, 1040, 1064, 1365, 1424, 1489, 1630, 1893 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1914- ), 2056 Roosevelt, G. Hall, 1365 Roosevelt, James (1907- ), 1365, 2056 Roosevelt, Kermit (1888-1943), 1424 Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell (1829-1906), 1449 Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919), 318, 919, 923, 936, 994, 1040, 1213, 1424, 1762, 1819, 2022, 2871 Roosevelt, Theodore (1887-1944), 561 Root, Elihu (1845-1937), 518, 1040, 1563, 1694 Root, Minnie Maes, 1609 Root, Oren (1911- ), 2056 Root Family, 1578 Roper, Daniel Calhoun (1867- ), 1365 Roper, Elmo Burns (1900- ), 2056 Roscommon County, 2707 Rose, Etienne (1790- ), 1612 Rose, Henry Martin (1858- ), 1610 Rose, Joseph, 1611 Rose, Levi, 2929 Rose, Preston Benjamin (1834-1912), 47 Rose, Stephen (1817- ), 1612 Rose— Douglas controversy, 195 Roseberry, Isaac (1832- ), 1613 Rosellini, Albert D. (1910- ), 2056 Rosenberg, Anna A. (1902- ), 2056 Rosenthal, Bertha, 1614 Ross, Andrew, 1615 Ross, Harry L., 2876 Rotary Club. Ann Arbor, 489, 1710, 2793 Rotary International, 197 Roth, Filibert (1858-1925), 450, 708, 977, 1295, 1616, 1701 Roth, Linda Gage (1873-1944), 1672 Rothmann, Alice Eleonore, 1617 Roush, Arelyne H., 1618 Rowe, James Delos (1838-1925), 1619 Rowe, James Henry (1909- ), 1515 Rowe, Leo S. (1871-1946), 1563 Rowe Family, 1620 Rowland, Isaac S., 2082 Rowley, Henry Kirk, 1621 Roxas, Manuel (1892-1948), 870, 1365 299 Royal Oak, Mich., 632, 795, 2340 Royse, Isaac Henry Clay ( -1909), 1622 Rufus, Mrs. Maude, 2930 Ruggles, J. B., 1832 Ruggles, Rademaker Lumber Company, Manistee, 2492 Ruml, Beardsley (1894- ), 357 Rumsey, Elisha Walker ( -1827), 1623 Rumsey, William C. (1811-1893), 1202 Ruport, Sherman (1841-1865), 1933 Rush Medical College, 30, 1233 Russell, Alfred (1830-1906), 424 Russell, Allie (1872- ), 1624 Russell, Bertrand (Arthur William) (1872- ), 1999 Russell, Charles Hinton (1903- ), 2056 Russell, Curran Northrum (1873-1961), 1625 Russell, Francis Granger (1837- ), 1626 Russell, Huntley, 2752 Russell, Mrs. Huntley, 1627 Russell, Israel Cook (1852-1906), 977, 1628 Russell, Richard Brevard (1897- ), 1424, 2056 Russell, Sara J., 1629 Russia, 721, 2022 Russo, Paul (1908- ), 2876 Russo-Japanese War, 1563 Rutherford, Frances Armstrong (1842-1922), 1672 Ruthven, Alexander Grant (1882- ), 57, 69, 241, 282, 422, 466, 686, 936, 977, 994, 1008, 1114, 1235, 1365, 1424, 1425, 1489, 1563, 1568, 1630, 1650, 1660, 1692, 1741, 1763, 1807, 1833, 1949, 2088, 2100, 2610, 2838, 2869 Rutledge, Wiley Blount (1894-1949), 1365, 1425 Ryman, Dean Ernest (1887- ), 1631 Rynd, Charles (1836-1884), 47, 2860 Ryon, Fred, 1632 Saarinen, Eero (1910- ), 2056 Sack Bay, Mich., 604 Sackville-West, Lord Lionel (1827-1908), 47 Sadowski, George Gregory (1903-1961), 1365, 2056 Safley, Benjamin, 1633 Saganing, Mich., 938 Sage, James A. (1836- ), 1634 Sage, Samuel (1905- ), 2876 Sager, Abram (1810-1877), 47, 220, 818, 1509, 1571, 1635, 1858, 2080, 2862 Saginaw, Mich., 511, 521, 680, 810, 899, 900, 952, 1295, 1452, 1456, 1683, 2132 Saginaw, Mich.— All Saints' Episcopal Church, 2362 Calvary Episcopal Church, 2340 Congregational Church, 2150 Consolidated Coal Company, 2945 Dustin Hardware Company, 2418 Saginaw, Mich.— Fish and Fish Grocery Store, 2428 Mead Lumber Company, 2462 Mitchell and McClure Lumber Company, 2477 Naval Militia, 2750 St. Mary's Hospital, 1213 Sawmills strike, 1050, 1518 Tittabawassee Boom Company, 2512 Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church, 2323 Saginaw County, 1298, 2707 Saginaw Courier- Herald , 1424 Saginaw Electric Light Company, 2492 Saginaw Sugar Company, 2494 Saginaw Valley, 98, 2801, 2837 Saginaw Valley and St. Louis Railroad, 2495 Saier, Edward Herbert, 1636 St. Clair, Alanson, 1637 St. Clair, Mich., 412 St. Clair County, 2707, 2883 St. Clair Shores, Mich. Trinity Episcopal Church, 2340 St. Ignace, Mich., 1764 St. Johns, Mich., 1762 St. Joseph, Mich., 1149 St. Joseph County, 2707 St. Joseph County Social Benefit Club, 2794 St. Joseph River, 97, 1987 St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor, 2795 St. Lawrence Seaway, 322, 420, 421 St. Louis, Mich. Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 2340, 2363 St. Louis, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2324 St. Louis Exposition and World's Fair, 47 St. Mary's Falls Ship Canal Company, 2496 Salem, Mich. Lutheran Church, 2208 Salgat, Xavier (1840- ), 2731 Saline, Mich., 392, 1170, 1309, 1310, 1577, 1589, 1653, 1839, 1846, 1987, 2012, 2619 Saline, Mich.— The Church of the Holy Cross, 2364 First Baptist Church, 2170 First Presbyterian Church, 1043, 2325 Methodist Episcopal Church, 2224 Parson's General Store, 2487 Public Schools, 619 St. Andrew's Mission, 2180 Saline Woman's Club, Saline, 1304, 2796 Sailing— Hansen Lumber Company, 2497 Salmon, Lucy Maynard (1853-1927), 47, 994 Salt, 446, 453, 976, 2042, 2132, 2498, 2503 Sample, Chester Harris (1850- ), 1213 Sample, George Washington (1868-1945), 1638 San Juan de Austria (ship), 422 Sand Hill, Mich. Brownstown and Taylor Pres- byterian Church, 2326 Sand Lake, Mich., 283 Sandburg, Carl (1878- ), 1365 Sanders, Henry Arthur (1868-1956), 1563 300 Sands, Louis (1825-1905), 1024, 2498 Sands, Mary Edwardine, 1639 Sands and Burr (bankers), Manistee, 2498 Sandusky, Mich. St. John's Episcopal Church, 2340 Sanford, Charles Addison, 742 Sanger, H. K., 1640 Sanilac County, 286, 2568, 2569, 2707 Saranac, Mich., 1866 Sarasohn, Stephen Beisman (1924-1955), 1641 Sarnoff, Robert W. (1918- ), 2056 Saroyan, William (1908- ), 561 Sashabaw, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2327 Satterthwaite, Daniel (1831-1910), 1642 Satterthwaite, J. N., 1643 Satterthwaite, Joseph C, 1644 Satterthwaite, Libbie, 1644 Satterthwaite, William, 1644 Saugatuck, Mich., 1987 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 101, 168, 640, 976, 1068, 1424, 1657, 1759, 1883; churches, 2328, 2340; 2620 Sault Ste. Marie Canal, 101, 1376, 1401, 2030 Saund, Dalip Singh (1899- ), 2056 Saunders, Henry Arthur, 2088 Savage, Mary, 1645 Sawtell Family, 2931 Sawyer, Alfred Isaac (1828-1891), 47, 1646 Sawyer, Andrew Jackson (1834- ), 47, 424 Sawyer, Carl J., 1647 Sawyer, Edward A., 1648 Sawyer, Franklin (1831- ), 1648 Sawyer, Franklin, 1649 Sawyer, Grant (1918- ), 2056 Sawyer, Walter Hume (1861-1931), 241, 466, 977, 994, 1128, 1424, 1551, 1630, 1650, 1710 Saxe, John Godfrey (1816-1887), 2872 Saxton, Hiram G. (1834- ), 285 Say, Thomas, 2080 Sayers, John Draper (1841-1929), 1762 Sayre, Francis Bowes (1885- ), 870, 1253, 1365, 1563 Scales Prairie blockhouse, 1987 Scammon, Richard Montgomery (1915- ), 1630 Schaaf, Marcus, 2752 Schaeberle, John Martin (1853-1924), 47 Schary, Dore (1905- ), 2056 Schaub, Theresa, 1651 Scherer, Otto, 1652 Schermerhorn James (1865-1942), 402, 1424, 1660, 2747 Schermerhorn, John F. (1831-1864), 76 Schilling, Ernest Peter, 653 Schilling, Walter E. (1912- ), 2876 Schlesinger, Arthur Meier (1888- ), 1365 Schlesinger, Arthur Meier (1917- ), 1365, 2056 Schlotterbeck, Julius Otto (1865-1917), 1925 Schmalzried, Frederick (1823-1863), 1653 Schmalzried Family, 1653 Schmalzriedt, Frederick R., 1654 Schmid, Frederick (1807-1883), 1655 Schmidt, Jay H., 1656 Schmitt, Bernadotte Everley (1886- ), 1563 Schneider, Frederick (1840- ), 202, 1257 School of Sacred Literature, Ann Arbor, 2871 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe (1793-1864), 204, 425, 560, 976, 1657, 2017, 2082, 2265, 2845 Schoolcraft, Mary E. Howard ( -1878), 1657 Schoolcraft, Mich., 1731, 1987, 2395, 2446 Schoolcraft and Three Rivers Railroad, 240 Schoolcraft County, 1266, 1855, 2570, 2707 Schools- History of, etc., 176, 188, 443, 738, 791, 793, 1076, 1077, 1098, 1139, 1260, 1288, 1486, 1580, 1649, 1751, 1789, 1812, 1946, 1978, 2041, 2122, 2145, 2206, 2563, 2565, 2570, 2590, 2604, 2613, 2664, 2785, 2787 Schools- Records, 157, 2524, 2527, 2528, 2533, 2534, 2539, 2540, 2543, 2546, 2548, 2549, 2552, 2556-2558, 2560, 2565, 2568, 2569, 2571, 2574-2576, 2578-2580, 2582, 2583,2588, 2591, 2594, 2599, 2600, 2608, 2618, 2619, 2622, 2626 Schoonmaker, Augustus, 424 Schorling, Raleigh (1887-1950), 1658 Schricker, Henry Frederick (1883- ), 2056 Schuman, Frederick Lewis (1904- ), 221 Schurtz, Shelby Brewer (1885-1939), 469 Schurz, Carl (1829-1906), 424, 687 Schwendener, Hattie Galentin (1858-1942), 1672 Schwengel, Frederick Delbert (1907- ), 2056 Scidmore, Whightman and Cramer General Store, Hastings, 2499 Scientific expeditions, 71, 1063, 1364 Scio, Mich., 2447 Scott, Dred, 1395 Scott, Evart H., 1659 Scott, Fred Newton (1860-1931), 47, 222, 1218, 1253, 1424, 1538, 1551, 1660, 1692 Scott, George, 1661 Scott, George L., 1662 Scott, Georgia Jackson, 1660 Scott, Harold Philippi, 1663 Scott, John A., 983 Scott, Walter Dill (1869-1955), 1630 Scott, Walter Quincy, 2050 Scott, Winfield (1786-1866), 1664 Scranton, Myron W., 101 Scranton, William W., 101 Scripps, James Edmund (1835-1906), 1660 Scrivner, Errett Power (1898- ), 2056 Scudder, Herbert Baxter (1888- ), 2056 Seage, Henry S. ( -1899), 2767 Seager, Alan (1906- ), 221 Seaman, Ezra Champion (1805-1880), 1676 Sears, William Barnard (1831-1922), 422, 535, 1665 Seashore, Carl Emil (1866-1949), 1506, 1630 301 Seaton, Frederick Andrew (1909- ), 2056 Seavoy, Ronald E., 1666 Secession, 1463 Seehill, C. N., 1241 Seel, Gellart, 1667 Seeley, Delos A., 1668 Seeley, Halstead H., 561 Seelye, Sarah Emma Edmonds (1841-1898), 199, 1591, 2110 Seger, D., 1669 Seger, Ned [Elbert?] (1873-1947), 1670 Selassie, Haile, 2056 Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson (1861-1939), 424 Selke, George Albert (1888- ), 1363 Selkirk, Charles T. (1837- ), 1671 Selkirk (Selkrig), James (1790-1877), 1671, 1987 Selmon, Bertha Eugenia Loveland (1877- ), 1672 Seminole War (1835-1842), 1733 Sendler, Simson, 1673 Sengpiehl, Paul M., 1674 Seoul, Korea, 2930 Sessions, Clarence William (1859-1931), 1675 Sessions, Vivian Siemon, 1676 Setright, John T. (1839- ), 1677 Severens, Henry F. (1835-1923), 1678, 2030 Seversky, Alexander P. de, see De Seversky, Alexander P. Sewall, Henry (1855-1936), 47, 666, 1094, 1679, 2840 Seward, George Frederick (1840-1910), 47 Seward, William Henry (1801-1872), 424, 1463, 1471 Seymour Family, 1680 Sforza, Count Carlos, 1563 Shafer, Paul Werntz (1893-1954), 2056 Shaffer, John Charles (1853-1943), 1424 Shaffer, John Rings, 1681 Shaffer, Leo D., 2876 Shairoth, Morrison (1888- ), 1365 Shafter, John N. (1839- ), 812 Shaffer, William Rufus (1835-1906), 1465, 1682, 1987, 2435 Sharp, John C. (1843-1907), 2747 Sharp, Joseph Samuel (1816-1877), 1683 Sharpe, Edward M., 211 Shartel, Burke Woods (1889- ), 1684 Shattuck, George Stephen (1840-1930), 1685 Shattuck, Jesse Cornell, 1686 Shattuck, Lucius L. (1836-1863), 1687 Shaw, Anna Howard (1847-1919), 99, 600, 837, 879 Shaw, Brackley (1818- ), 2932 Shaw, Brackley (1913- ), 1688 Shaw, Cornelius G., 1689 Shaw, David Ripley, 1690 Shaw, Horatio Watson (1822-1910), 1691, 2932 Shaw, Horatio Watson (1847-1918), 2932 Shaw, Leslie Mortier (1848-1932), 1762 Shaw, Wilfred Byron (1881-1959), 69, 466, 1445, 1650, 1692, 1763, 1923, 2050, 2793, 2837 Shawanese, Jonas, 1693 Shay, Ephraim (1839-1916), 1694 Shay locomotive, 1694 Shearer, James (1823-1896), 47, 1695, 2840 Shearer, James II, 996 Shearer Family, 1695 Shearman, Francis Willett (1817-1874), 1696 Sheean, Vincent (1899- ), 2864 Sheen, Fulton John (1895- ), 1365 Sheldon, Alexander J., 1671 Sheldon, Carlos D., 1762 Sheldon, Flecta Maria ( -1902), 1395 Sheldon, Mary Downing, 1697, 2063 Sheldon, Ransom, 1698 Shepard, James Henry (1850- ), 1699 Shepard, John Frederick, 1700 Sheppard, Harry Richard (1885- ), 2056 Sherlock, Robert H., 2865 Sherman, John (1823-1900), 595, 1762, 2022 Sherman, Loren Albert, 2747 Sherman, William Tecumseh (1820-1891), 750 Sherrill, Henry Knox (1890- ), 1253 Sherwood, Mich., 1987 Sherzer, William Hittell (1860-1932), 1701 Shetterly, Henry B., 1702 Shetterly, Seth K. (1820- ), 1702 Shettler, Reuben, 1703 Shiawassee Baptist Missionary Board, 2171 Shiawassee County, SI, 957, 976, 1082, 1298, 2571, 2707 Shields, Edmund Claude (1871-1947), 1365, 1704, 1705, 2733 Shields, Francis J., 1705 Shields, Robert Hazen (1905- ), 1295, 1424 Shillinger, Jack, 1706 Shillito, George Miller, 1707 Shingleton, Mich. First Presbyterian Church, 2329 Shipbuilding, 2010 Ships and shipping, 101, 673, 847, 952, 1625, 1759, 2030, 2042, 2120, 2123, 2440, 2515 Shirer, William Lawrence (1904- ), 561 Shirey, Solomon (1834- ), 675 Shirigian, John, 1708 Shivers, Allan (1907- ), 2056 Shorts, Robert Perry (1879- ), 1630 Shotwell, Ambrose M., 349 Shotwell, James Thomson (1874- ), 1563 Shriver, Robert Sargent (1915- ), 2056 Shurly, C. R. P., 2767 Sibley, Joseph, 562 Sibyl, 2873 Sigler, Kim (1894-1953), 211, 414, 1365, 1424, 2056, 2894 Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1896, 2873 Sigma Phi, 2873 302 Signal of Liberty (newspaper), 669, 1072 Sigourney, Lydia H. (1791-1865), 1503 Sill, John Mahelm Berry (1831-1901), 47, 466, 1709, 1741 Silliman, Benjamin (1779-1864), 454, 2080 Silliman, Benjamin (1816-1885), 2080 Silver Jack, see Driscoll, John Silver Lake Mining Company, 2475 Simons, Bud (1905- ), 2876 Simpson, Milward L., 2056 Simpson, Richard Murray (1900- ), 2056 Sinclair, Upton (1878- ), 1253 Sinclair, William, 2022 Singapore, Mich., 1987 Single tax, 2050 Sink, Charles Albert (1879- ), 466, 1424, 1710 Skarshaug, Pauline Waite (1901-1950), 1711 Skouras, Spyros P. (1893- ), 2056 Slauson, Herbert Miner, 1712 Slavery and antislavery movements, 14, 248, 331, 577, 669, 778, 811, 1036, 1072, 1154, 1350, 1370, 1395, 1505, 1510, 1532, 1561, 1565, 1572, 1582, 1637, 1795, 1837, 1843, 1855, 1879, 1987, 2092, 2159, 2217, 2236, 2248 Slayton, Abbie Cyrena (1884- ), 1714 Slayton, Asa Walker (1830- ), 1713 Slayton, Augustus Whitman (1843-1900), 1713 Slayton, Charles Wood (1841- ), 1713 Slayton, Chester Metcalf (1843- ), 1713 Slayton, George A. (1847- ), 1714 Slayton, George Francis (1877-1940), 1714 Slayton, Lewis Dunn (1890- ), 1714 Slayton, Sarah Abby Dunn (1853-1926), 1714 Slayton, Sarah Augusta (1886- ), 1714 Slayton, William Clark (1823-1897), 1714 Slayton, William H., 1040 Slayton, William Lambert (1844-1863), 1634, 1714 Sleeper, Albert E. (1862-1934), 318, 977, 1295, 1424, 1715, 1987, 2816 Sligh, Charles Robert (1850-1927), 1424, 1716 Sligh, Charles Robert (1906- ), 1716 Sligh, James May (1844-1921), 1716 Sligh, James Wilson (1821-1863), 1716 Sligh, Mary Stowell Conger (1854-1903), 1716 Sligh, Robert Burns (1856-1879), 1716 Sligh Furniture Company, Grand Rapids, 1716 Slingerland, Gertrude, 1717 Sloan, Alfred Pritchard (1875- ), 337, 1365, 1630 Slocum, James E. (1863-1935), 1718 Slosson, Edwin Emery (1865-1929), 47 Slosson, Preston William (1892- ), 466, 1148, 1719, 1931 Sly, Alexander C. (1863- ), 1716 Small, Albion Woodbury (1854-1926), 1128 Smathers, George Armistead (1913- ), 2056 Smathers, William Howell (1891-1955), 1365 Smith, Albert S. (1838- ), 1742 Smith, Alfred Emanuel (1873-1944), 402, 1365 Smith, Allen F., 1684 Smith, Andrew William (1886-1959), 1720 Smith, Anita Louise, 1721 Smith, Ansellary Brooks ( -1962), 2933 Smith, Arvilla Almira (1808-1895), 1729 Smith, Beatrice Erdine, 1722 Smith, Benjamin Noble ( -1921), 1723 Smith, Brayton Wilmarth, 1724 Smith, Charles, 1725 Smith, Clement A., 1726 Smith, Clement McDonald (1844-1923), 1727 Smith, Donald B., 1728 Smith, Ephraim, 1702 Smith, Forrest, 2056 Smith, Frank Ellis (1918- ), 2056 Smith, George Nelson (1807-1881), 1729, 1927 Smith, Gerrit (1797-1874), 453, 1879 Smith, H. Alexander (1880- ), 2056 Smith, Harold Dewey (1898-1947), 1064, 1630 Smith, Harold J., 1692 Smith, Henry Casserte (1859-1911), 1128 Smith, Henry Daniel ( -1909), 1730 Smith, Henry Parker, 1731 Smith, Henry W., 2030 Smith, Herbert Caldwell, 1732 Smith, Hoke (1855-1931), 535 Smith, Humphrey Henry Howland Crapo, 453 Smith, Hyrum, 2042 Smith, John (1850-1925), 1625 Smith, Joseph Rowe (1831-1911), 1733 Smith, Josie, 1734 Smith, Laura Richardson, 1742 Smith, Lester A., 1735 Smith, Neal Edward (1920- ), 2056 Smith, Nellie G. (1867-1953), 1736 Smith, Philbert, 1737 Smith, Philip G. (1920- ), 1738 Smith, Ralph Lawes (1900-1961), 1739 Smith, Richard Root (1869-1933), 1630 Smith, Roy Burnett, 1740 Smith, Samuel D. (1902- ), 2876 Smith, Samuel R., 1702 Smith, Samuel William (1852-1931), 318, 485, 1896, 2030 Smith, Shirley Wheeler (1875-1959), 57, 69, 349, 414, 466, 720, 947, 977, 1235, 1253, 1424, 1563, 1709, 1710, 1741, 1807, 1838, 2182, 2656, 2818, 2869 Smith, Sidney (1800-1844), 1742 Smith, Sidney J., 1702 Smith, Stillman H., 1743 Smith, Talbot (1899- ), 422, 1744 Smith, Thomas, 1373 Smith, William Alden (1859-1932), 318, 414, 923, 977, 994, 1281, 1384, 1424, 1528, 1575, 1716, 1762, 1896, 1959 303 Smith, William G., 1745 Smith, William Vernon (1857- ), 1746 Smith Guard of Monroe (Michigan Infantry. 4th Regiment, Co. A), 359 Smithe, Geneva (1891- ), 1747 Smithe, George Cornelius ( -1910), 1747 Smitter, Wessel (1894- ), 1748 Smoyer, Levi ( -1909), 1749 Smylie, Robert E. (1914- ), 2056 Snitgen Brothers General Store, Westphalia, 2500 Snow, R. G., 1750 Snyder, John Wesley (1895- ), 1365 Social life and customs, 1627. See also Fron- tier and pioneer life Society For International Law, 1563 Society of Friends, see Friends, Society of Soldiers' Aid Society of Blissfield, 2248 Soldiers' Aid Society of Detroit, 296 Soldiers' Aid Society of Grand Haven, 2797 Soldiers' Aid Society of Kalamazoo, 2798 Soldiers' Aid Society [Owosso?], 345 Solon, Mich. First Congregational Church, 2195 Sommer, Aaron, 1751 Sommer, Anna Louise, 1752 Sons of Industry, 942 Sons of the American Revolution. Washtenaw chapter, 653, 2799 Soule, Annan May (1859-1905), 1753 Soule, Harrison (1832-1922), 1753, 1790 Souris, Theodore, 1754 South Africa, 992 South African War (1899-1902), 2915 South America, 118 South Haven, Mich., 960, 1987 South Lyon, Mich., 2330, 2388, 2621 South Oneida, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2331 Southern Michigan Prison, see Michigan. State Prison of Southern Michigan, Jackson Southern Michigan Telegraph Company, Adrian, 2501 Southern Washtenaw Farmers Club, 608 Southern Wayne County Dental Club, 943 Southfield, Mich., 1260, 2196, 2332 Southwestern Michigan Dental Society, 1960 Spafford, Lysander E., 1755 Spalding, Edward Bartlett (1868-1960), 1756 Spalding, Volney Morgan (1849-1918), 152, 708, 733, 979, 1099, 1757, 2007 Spalding, Wilbur F. (1834-1864), 1758 Spalding, William P. (1822- ), 1759 Spalding, William Witter (1820-1901), 1760 Spanish- American War (1898), 70, 281, 308, 422, 485, 769, 994, 1203, 1393, 1682, 1796, 1819, 1830, 1871, 1970, 1987, 2067 Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), 358 Sparkman, John Jackson (1899- ), 1323, 2056 Sparks, Frank Melville (1877-1950), 1424 Sparks, Jared (1789-1866), 453 Sparks, William D. (1845-1916), 1761 Spaulding, Mary Cecilia Swegles, 1762 Spaulding, Oliver Lyman (1833-1922), 1762 Spaulding, Oliver Lyman (1875- ), 1063 Spaulding, Thomas Marshall (1882- ), 466, 1045, 1763 Spear, Philip B., 1764 Spellman, Francis (1889- ), 1365 Spence, Adam Knight ( -1900), 1723, 1765 Spence, Brent (1874- ), 2056 Spence, James K. (1833- ), 1766 Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903), 1130 Spencer, Joseph Vining (1824-1888), 1769 Spencer, Matthew Lyle (1881- ), 1630 Spencer, Michael (1792-1855), 1769 Spencer, Nathan (1824-1897), 1767 Spencer, Uriel, 1768 Spencer Family, 1769 Spill, William Ambrose (1876-1941), 469, 1770 Spingarn, Joel Elias (1875-1939), 1660 Spivak, Lawrence Edmund, 2056 Spooner, Charles Willett, 422 Spooner, Ralph, 174 Spottswood, Mary Justina, 1771 Sprague, Katharine Chase ( -1899), 1496 Spring Arbor Academy, 577, 1079 Springer, George Bowditch, 1772 Sproul, Robert Gordon (1891- ), 1630 Squier, George Owen (1856-1934), 1773 Stackwell, C. A., 1774 Stadler, Donald, 1775 Staebler, Edward W. (1872- ), 1776, 2502 Staebler, Herman A., 2502 Staebler, Michael (1843-1928), 2502 Staebler, Neil (1905- ), 654, 1777, 2056 Staebler, Walter P., 2502 Staebler- Miner Family, 1778 Stafford, Robert Theodore (1913- ), 2056 Stair, Edward Douglas (1859- ), 1424 Stanard, Hercules (1841-1890), 1780 Stanard, William B. (1829- ), 1780 Stanard, William N. (1842- ), 1779 Stanard- Parrish Family, 1780 Standish, John H. (1816- ), 453 Stanford University, 992, 2022 Stanley, Albert Augustus (1851-1932), 47, 1141, 1178, 1710, 1781, 1784, 1896 Stanley, Thomas Bahnson (1890- ), 2056 Stanton, Edward McMasters (1814-1869), 453 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815-1902), 631, 2831 Stanton, Frank (1908- ), 2056 Stanton, Mich. Congregational Church, 2197 Stark, Henry (1816- ), 812 Stark, Lloyd Crow (1886- ), 1365 Starr, Eli Lake (1841-1862), 1782 Starr, Floyd, 211 Starr, Raymond Wesley (1888- ), 211, 1365 Starr, Thomas Irwin, 1783 Starr Commonwealth for Boys, Albion, 211, 1710 304 Stason, Edwin Blythe (1891- ), 211, 1235, 1365, 1425, 1630, 1684 State School For Dependent Children, see Mich- igan. Coldwater State Home and Training School State Historical Society of Michigan, 2800 State University of Iowa, 1833 Stearns, Frederick Kimball (1831-1907), 1781, 1784 Stearns, Samuel Seymour ( -1886), 1785 Stearns Salt & Lumber Company, Ludington, 2503 Stebbins, Francis Reuben (1818-1892), 1786 Steelman, John Roy (1900- ), 1515, 2056 Steere, David (1786-1877), 2926 Steere, Joseph Beal (1842-1940), 47, 979, 1787, 2840, 2866 Steere, Joseph Hall (1852-1936), 2063 Steere, Phebe Milhous (1785-1868), 2926 Steere, William Campbell (1907- ), 1788 Stefansson, Vilhjalmur (1879- ), 923 Stegris, Solomon (1840-1863), 2731 Stein, Ralph, 1990 Stephan, Max, 1896 Stephens, Frank (George "Kid") (1859-1935), 2932 Stepehns, James, 1702 Stephens, John, 1702 Stephenson, William W., 178S Stern, Jacqueline Lee, 1790 Stetson, Francis Lynde (1846-1920), 535 Stettinius, Edward R. (1865-1925), 1365 Stevens, Albert K., 2877 Stevens, Benjamin, 1791 Stevens, Robert Ten Broeck (1899- ), 2056 Stevens, Roger L. (1910- ), 2056 Stevens, Walter Le Conte (1847- ), 2849 Stevens, William Collin (1837-1921), 1792 Stevens, William N. (1813-1904), 1792 Stevens Family (Ann Arbor and Whitmore Lake), 1248, 1792 Stevenson, Adlai Ewing (1900- ), 2056 Stevenson, Francis Leslie, 1793 Stevenson, Thomas, 1794 Stevenson, W. H., 424 Stevenson, William (1901- ), 2876 Stewart, Alvan (1790-1849), 1795, 1879 Stewart, Charles Henry, 1879 Stewart, Clara Pierce, 1796 Stewart, Electa Maria Sheldon (1817- ), 1879 Stewart, George Craig (1879-1940), 2928 Stewart, Hazel Amy Bear (1897- ), 2926 Stewart, John A., 1797 Stewart, John Alexander (1852-1914), 1798 Stewart, Margaret, 1799 Stidger, William Leroy (1885-1949), 1365 Stiles Family, 1800 Stimson, Henry Lewis (1867-1950), 919, 923, 994, 1365, 1630 Stockbridge, Francis Browne (1826-1894), 1465, 1716, 1762 Stockbridge, Mich. Christ Episcopal Church, 2340 Stocking, Charles Howard, 1801 Stocking, Fred, 221 Stockwell, C. M., 1951 Stockwell, Madelon Louisa (1845-1924), 47, 1802 Stoddard, Asa Williams (1790-1868), 1803 Stoddard, Byron (1841-1863), 1753 Stoddard, John Parker, 1804 Stoddard, Mrs. Lynn, 1805 Stoll, Albert, 2610 Stone, Harlan Fiske (1872-1946), 1365, 1850 Stone, James Andrus Blinn (1810-1888), 1806 Stone, Julius F., 1235 Stone, Lucinda Hinsdale (1814-1900), 47, 2061 Stone, Marion Foote, 133 Stone, Or en, 2504 Stone, Ralph (1868-1956), 424, 977, 1128, 1424, 1563, 1630, 1692, 1741, 1807, 2640 Stone, Ralph Herbert (1894- ), 994 Stone, William H., 2476 Stone, Atwood and Company, Flint, 2504 Stone, Ransom and Swinter Company, Flint, 2504 Stone Woolen Mill, Flint, 2504 Stoner, James M. , 1808 Stoner, Willis Gordon, 894 Stoney Creek, Mich., Churches, 1847, 2225, 2333; 2949 Stony Run, Mich., 2504 Storms, George, 1809 Stoughton, William L. (1827-1888), 1133 Stout, Sir Robert, 1885 Stowell, Charles Henry (1850-1932), 1094, 1116, 1947 Stowell, Louisa Maria Reed, 1810 Straight, Michael Whitney (1916- ), 2056 Stranahan, Clara H., 47 Strang, James J., 211 Strang, James Jesse (1813-1856), 995, 1811 Stratton, William Grant (1914- ), 2056 Straus, Nathan (1848-1931), 1365 Strauss, Lewis Lichtenstein (1896- ), 337, 2056 Strauss, Louis A. (1872-1938), 222, 721, 1630, 1928, 2849 Street, Julian Leonard (1879- ), 337 Strikes and lockouts, 174, 261, 337, 630, 931, 975, 1050, 1365, 1366, 1406, 1497, 1518, 1865, 1916, 2026, 2404, 2593, 2876 Stroebel, Ralph W., 2934 Strong, David, 2060 Strong, Martha Cochrane (1843-1926), 1672 Stuart, Charles E., 1812 Stuart, Robert ( -1848), 610 Stubbs, Walter Roscoe (1858-1929), 994 [Student], 1813 Studley, Wilber A., 1814 Sturgeon River Lumber Company, Hancock, 2505 Sue, John B., 1815 305 Sugar beets, see Beets and beet sugar Sullivan, Edward Vincent (1902- ), 2056 Sullivan, Mark (1874-1952), 1424, 1692 Sullivan, William M., 331 Sultana (ship), 1245 Sulzberger, Arthur Hays (1891- ), 2056 Summerfield, Arthur Ellsworth (1899- ), 211, 1716, 1830, 2056 Summit City, Mich., 2398 Sumner, Charles (1811-1874), 169, 919, 2111, 2872 Sumner, Mich., 754 Sumners, Hatton William (1875- ), 1365 Sunderland, Edson Read (1874-1959), 1630 Sundwall, John (1880-1950), 1630, 1816 Sunfield, Mich., 1987 Sunrise Farming Cooperative, Saginaw Valley, 2801, 2906 Superior, Lake, 23, 976 Surveying, 569 Susseles, Ida S.. 1817 Sussell, Edward, 1818 Sutherland, R. S., 1762 Sutliff and Case, Cleveland, Ohio, 252 Sutton, Eli Ransome (1866- 1934), 1819 Sutton, James Patrick (1915- ), 2056 Sutton, John A. (1840-1862), 2935 Sutton Family, 1820 Swaddle, William C. (1835-1864), 648 Swain, George Robert (1866-1947), 1821 Swainson, John Burley (1925- ), 1822, 2056 Swallow, George Clinton, 2080 Swan, Henry Harrison (1840-1916), 1823 Swanson, Carl A., 2876 Swartz, Hiram Buel, 1824 Sweeley, Everett Marlin, 1553, 1825 Sweeny, James H., 1826 Sweet, Samuel N., 1879 Swegles, Edward Cyrus, 1762 Swegles, John (1819- ), 1762 Swift, John F., 47 Swift, Marcus, 2616 Swift, Theodore John, see Wrampelmeier, Theodore John Swinford, Alfred P. (1836- ), 2030 Swing, Raymond G. (1887- ), 1660 Swope, Herbert Bayard ( -1958), 1365 Swope, Verna, 1827 Syme, James (1799-1870, 1232 Symington, William Stuart (1901- ), 2056 Syracuse University, 2080 Tabor, Esther Lyon (1811-1889), 1201 Tabor, James W. (1807- ), 1201 Tabor, Joseph and Esther, 1828 Taft, Jonathan (1820-1903), 47, 1395, 1756, 1829, 2840 Taft, Robert Alphonso (1889-1953), 17, 561, 1064, 1425, 1763, 2889 Taft, William Howard (1857-1930), 318, 1040, 1153, 1424, 1678, 1762, 1885, 1896, 1959, 2022, 2113 Taggart, Ganson, 1830 Taggart, Moses (1843-1914), 424, 1830 Tailors, 371 Takai, Shigao William, 181 Talbot, Fannie Sprague (1874- ), 1831 Talbot, Harold E. (1888- ), 2056 Talmadge, Eugene (1884-1946), 1424 Talmadge, Herman Eugene (1913- ), 1425, 2056 Tappan, Henry Philip (1805-1881), 47, 424, 562, 687, 1123, 1220, 1804, 1832, 1907, 2022, 2075, 2080, 2111 Tappan, Julia Livingston, 687, 1832 Tappan Presbyterian Association, 2243 Tappes, Shelton (1911- ), 2876 Tappey, Ernest Taylor (1853-1948), 47 Tapping, Theodore Hawley (1889- ), 57, 69, 332, 466, 469, 1553, 1630, 1807, 1825, 1833, 2837 Tarbell, Ida Minerva (1857-1944), 1253 Tariff, 2030 Tatlock, Henry (1848-1942), 994, 1834, 2050 Tau Beta Pi, 2873 Tawas City, Mich., 440, 2042, 2334, 2520 Tawes, John Millard (1894- ), 2056 Taxation, 318, 2762 Taylor, Barton Stout, 1843 Taylor, Bayard (1825-1878), 2872 Taylor, Benjamin Franklin (1819-1887), 2872 Taylor, Charles Coffin (1805-1855), 625, 1835 Taylor, Clair, 1836 Taylor, David B., 1837 Taylor, Elizabeth Gurney, 1843 Taylor, Fred Manville (1855-1932), 538, 1630, 1838 Taylor, Howell (1888-1957), 1839 Taylor, I. Paul (1887- ), 2876 Taylor, Isaac (1811-1887), 1840 Taylor, John W., 1841 Taylor, Myron Charles (1874-1959), 994, 1365 Taylor, Orla Benedict (1865- ), 318, 1842 Taylor, Philo, 1843 Taylor, Ralph Wendell, 1843 Teaboldt, Elizabeth, 1844 Teachers' institutes, 2669 Teague, Olin Earl (1910- ), 2056 Tecumseh, Mich., 11, 369, 487; Baptist Church, 695; 1603, 1643, 1644, 1767, 1866, 1890; First Presbyterian Church, 2335; St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 2340, 2365; Fargo and Brown General Store, 2424; 2622 Teed, Mrs. Florence S. (1901-1954), 1845 Tekonsha, Mich., 782 Telephone, 1976 Temperance and temperance organizations, 1544, 1855, 1879, 1909, 2126, 2710, 2720, 2790, 2825-2828. See also Prohibition 306 Ten Brook, Andrew (1814-1899), 47, 497, 595, 625, 1806, 1846, 1951, 2728, 2925 Tenerowicz, Rudolph Gabriel (1890- ), 1365 ten Hoor, Marten (1890- ), 17, 1999 Tenney, Harriet A., 424 Tenny, Edward (1823-1901), 1847 Territorial Road, 363, 668 Texas Cavalry. First Regiment, 1915 Thayer, Charles (1801-1890), 1453, 1848 Thayer, J. B., 424 Thayer, S. B., 1855 Thayer Family, 2616 Theaters, 507 Thessalon, Mich., 1987 Thieme, Hugo Paul (1870-1940), 47 Thomas, Mrs., 1849 Calvin (1854-1919), 47, 1307, 1556, 1850, 2840 Danny (Amos Jacobs) (1914- ), 2056 Elbert Duncan (1883-1953), 1425, 2056 Ella, 1851 Ezra Byron (1901- ), 1852 Francis ( -1917), 1853 George Henry (1816-1870), 1449 Henry Tracy, 1854 Jesse, Sr., 1855 Jesse, Jr., 1855 Jonathan, 1855 L. H., 127 Lowell (1892- ), 2056 Nathan Macy (1803-1887), 1855 Norman Mattoon (1884- ), 1365 Pamela S. Brown, 1855 Stanton Brown, 1856 Stephen Van Rennslaer (1831-1905), Thomas 1686, Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas 1850 Thompson 1857 Thompson Thompson Augusta Louise Rosenthal (1859- ), Benjamin, 1858 Benjamin, 2506 Thompson, Bradley Martin (1835-1917), 1896 Thompson, Frank (1918- ), 2056 Thompson, Franklin, see Seelye, Sarah Emma Edmonds Thompson, Nellie M., 1859 Thompson, Richard Wigginton (1809-1900), 1463 Thompson, Ruth (1887- ), 2056 Thompson, Thomas P., 1860 Thompson, William (1785- ), 1861 Thompson, William Oxley (1855-1933), 282, 920, 1630 Thompson Carriage and Paint Shop, Ypsilanti, 2507 Thompson, Mich., 2401 Thomson, Vernon Wallace (1905- ), 2056 Thomson and Houston Electric Company, Ann Arbor, 2508 Thornapple River, 1987 Thornhill and Brothers General Store, Milford, 2509 Thornton, Dan, 2056 Thornton, William E., 1862 Three Oaks, Mich., 1966, 1987, 2399 Three Quarter Century Club, Battle Creek, 2950 Three Rivers, Mich., 2132, 2728, 2925 Thunder Bay Boom Company, Alpena, 2510 Thunder Mountain, 1156 Thurber, Henry Thomas ( -1904), 535, 1863, 2030 Thurman, A. G., 424 Thurmond, James Strom (1902- ), 2056 Thurstin, E. B., 1864 Tibbet, Ward F., 1865 Tibbets Lumber and Hardware Store, Ravenna, 2511 Tillman, Benjamin Ryan (1847-1918), 1384 Tinkham, Reland (1798-1854), 1866 Tipton, Mich., 370 Titchener, Edward Bradford (1867-1927), 1506 Titcomb, William C, 1867 Tittabawassee Boom Company, Saginaw, 2512, 2934 Titus, Sam W., 1868 Tobin, Daniel J. (1875-1955), 1365 Tobin, Maurice Joseph (1901-1953), 1365, 2056 Todd, Albert M., 1869 Todd, Charles D. (1841- ), 401 Todd, Clara Patterson, 1870 Toledo, Ohio, 1637 Toledo and Northern Railroad, 1646 Toledo Blade , 1276 Toledo, Thornton and St. Louis Railroad, 2513 Toledo War, 331, 544, 1270, 1750 Toll Family (Charles), 1646 Tollen, Gustave, 1871 Tolman, Edward Chace (1886- ), 1506 Tomlinson, Mathew, 870 Tompkins, Frank Gerow, 1218 Topping, Daniel J., 1365 Torrey, George D. (1842-1862), 1872 Torrey, John, 2080 Towar, James DeLoss (1863- ), 1873 Town and Gown Club of Ann Arbor, 2802 Towne, Charles A., 1264, 1716 Towne, John Dempster (1842-1910), 1874 Townsend, Charles Elroy (1856-1924), 318, 414, 923, 994, 1114, 1384, 1424, 1563, 1650, 1875, 2768 Townsend, Frederick Martin (1860-1940), 1876 Townsend, Peter, 1877 Township records, see County records Trade associations, 1343 Trade cards, 2514 Trade Unions, 2642, 2658, 2659, 2920 Transportation, 97, 98, 279, 318, 331, 337, 608, 624, 680, 735, 741, 771, 1010, 1143, 1563, 1879, 1987, 2030, 2043, 2103, 2440, 2762. See also Railroads; Roads Travel and travelers, 15, 29, 30, 75, 104, 274, 275, 283, 358, 364, 393, 397, 400, 412, 423, 307 Travel and travelers (cont.)- 434, 472, 475, 482, 483, 489, 497, 514, 520, 527, 537, 577, 597, 537, 640, 657, 659, 677, 682, 687, 698, 716, 725, 733, 737, 757, 768, 784, 849, 854, 919, 920, 937, 992, 1045, 1056, 1059, 1069, 1083, 1084, 1153, 1183, 1192, 1220, 1262, 1267, 1300, 1337, 133S. 1340, 1348, 1369, 1375, 1388, 1460, 1495, 1506, 1532, 1543, 1550, 1563, 1603, 1646, 1671, 1710, 1719, 1727, 1733, 1741, 1760, 1773, 1806, 1819, 1832, 1846, 1850, 1866, 1876, 1884, 1885, 1931, 1942, 1945, 1967, 1971, 1976, 1999, 2030, 2042, 2049, 2056, 2068, 2080, 2095, 2098, 2110, 2111, 2888, 2915, 2927 Travellick, Richard (1830-1895), 127, 717 Travers, John T., 65 Traverse City, Mich., 202, 2438, 2445 Travis, DeHull N. (1882-1960), 2936 Travis, Helen I., 1878 Treadwell, Jerome (1823-1863), 1879 Treadwell, Seymour Boughton (1795-1867), 1036, 1855, 1879 Treat, Lucretia Willard, 1880 Treaty of Greenville, 718 Treaty of Saginaw (1819), 2810 Trego, David R. (1835- ), 1881 Trescott, William Henry, 47 Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876- ), 1763 Trill, Samuel (1838- ), 1882 Trimble, James William (1894- ), 2056 Trippe, Juan Terry (1899- ), 2056 Trowbridge, Charles Christopher (1800-1883), 47, 1883, 1884, 2080 Trowbridge, Luther Stephen (1836-1911), 101, 1884, 2080, 2767 Trowbridge, Rowland E. (1821-1881), 453, 1182, 1884, 2042, 2092 Trowbridge, Stephen V. R. (1874-1959), 1884 Trueblood, Thomas Clarkson (1856-1951), 241, 936, 1885, 1896 Truman, Harry S. (1884- ), 561, 1323, 1365, 1424, 2056 Trumbull, Lyman, 424, 595 Tu, Hengtse, 1886 Tuck, William Munford (1896- ), 2056 Tucker, Charles ( -1864), 1888 Tucker, John (1840-1862), 1887 Tucker, Stephen Davis (1818-1902), 1888 Tufts, Charles Wellington, 1889 Tufts, James Hayden (1862-1942), 47, 1700 Tuggle, Kenneth Herndon (1904- ), 2056 Tugwell, Rexford Guy (1891- ), 2056 Tuller, Artimedorus, 1890 Tupper, Sir Charles (1821-1915), 47 Turkey, 47, 50 Turnbull, Ruth L., 1891 Turner, Edward Raymond (1881-1929), 994 Turner, Frederick Jackson (1861-1932), 1128 Turner, James (1820-1869), 453 Turner, James Munroe (1850-1896), 1716, 1892 Turner, Sarah E. (1834-1939), 1893 Turner, Scott (1880- ), 1894 Turner, Mrs. W. H., 1895 Turner, William F., 1710 Turnquist, Lucile E., 1042 Turtle Creek Dam project, Kansas, 357 Turtle Lake Club, 1896 Tuscola, Mich., 849 Tuscola County, 2048, 2707 Tuttle, Arthur J. (1868-1943), 518, 1896 Tuttle, Frank B. (1885- ), 2876 Tuttle, Herbert (1846- 18S4), 47, 1897 Tuttle, James Gilmore (1839-1906), 1898 Tuttle, Ruth, 1896 Tweedy, Mary Alice Belcher, 1899 Tydings, Millard E. (1890- ), 1365 Tyler, John (1841-1889), 2092 Tyler, Moses Coit (1835-1900), 47, 424, 502, 516, 687, 1303, 1340, 1884, 1900, 2022 tlberweg, Frederick (1826-1871), 1340 Uhl, Edwin Fuller (1841-1901), 535, 1874, 1901, 1959 Uhlenbeck, George Eugene (1900- ), 2849 Ullman, Albert Conrad (1914- ), 2056 Umphrey, James Raymond, 1902 Unadilla, Mich., 1840 Underground railroad, 1855, 1987 Underwood, Cecil H. (1922- ), 2056 Underwood, Frederick Douglass ( -1942), 1424 Underwood, W. A., 424 Underwood, William Thomas ( -1910), 1903 Unger, Paul, 1904 Union City, Mich., 1987, 2623 Union City Iron Company, 700 Union Hotel Association of Monroe, 1646 Union Veterans' Union, 997 United Auto Workers, 337, 654, 2807, 2876 United Presbyterian Church of North America. Presbyteries. Detroit, 2241 U.S. Army, 2803 U.S. Army. Medical Corps. Ambulance Unit No. 590, 2865 U.S. Army. Medical Corps. Ambulance Unit No. 591, 587 U.S. Army. Signal Corps, 1773 U.S. Attorney General, 1064, 1365, 1896 U.S. Automobile Labor Board, 2804 U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2805 U.S. Christian Commission, 1561 U.S. Commission on the Organization of the Executive Branch of Government. (Hoover Commission), 1515 U.S. Conciliation Commission, 1896 U.S. Congress (1907), 318 U.S. Council of National Defense, 2816 U.S. Customs, 101 U.S. Customs, Mackinac Island, 2515 308 U.S. Department of Commerce, 337 U.S. Department of Justice, 1365, 1896 U.S. Department of State, 47 U.S. Federal Emergency Relief Administration, 55 U.S. Fuel Administration, 2806 U.S. Geological survey (1883), 1628 U.S. House of Representatives, 28S4 U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1896 U.S. Military Academy, 1762, 1773 U.S. Military Road, 709 U.S. Narcotics Bureau, 1896 U.S. National Labor Relations Board, 2807 U.S. National Park Service, 2894 U.S. National Recovery Administration. Ann Arbor, 593 U.S. National Youth Administration, 360 U.S. Navy Department, 518 U.S. Office of Price Administration, 2808 U.S. Office of Strategic Services, 17 U.S. Public Works Administration, 422 U.S. Sanitary Commission, 296, 308 U.S. Sharpshooters. 2nd Regiment, 1543 U.S.S. Michigan, 1953, 2750 United States Steel Corporation, 2050 U.S. Supreme Court, 47, 1365 U.S. Treasury Department, 1762 U.S. Treaties, etc., 2809, 2810, 2811 United Thoroughbred Trainers of America, 654 Universalist Church, 1106, 2373 Universities, colleges, etc.— Michigan Adrian College, 2627 Albion College, 393, 414, 474, 605, 746, 1016, 2629, 2892 Alma College, 1262, 1961, 2631 Andrews University, 2641 Ann Arbor Academy, 1843 Benzonia Academy, 322, 1026, 1205 Calvin College, 2661 Central Michigan University, 1077, 1363, 2662 Detroit Female Seminary, 294 Detroit Institute of Technology, 2675 Detroit Optical Institute, 2676 Detroit University School, 793 Dickinson Institute, 2677 Eastern Michigan University, 21, 392, 416, 648, 764, 1363, 1495, 1710, 2679 Ferris Institute, 2685 Hillsdale College, 3, 75, 474, 488, 525, 577, 1462, 1572, 1650, 1713, 1714, 2159, 2702 Hope College, 1145 Jackson Junior College, 2714 Kalamazoo College, 86, 357, 517, 1619, 1806, 1987, 2715 Lapeer Seminary, 2613 Leoni Normal College, 2724 Marshall College, 373, 1262, 1395, 2726 Marygrove College, 1137 Universities, colleges, etc. (cont.)— Michigan Central College, 1993 Michigan College of Mining and Technology, 1051, 2030 Michigan Female College, 2931 Michigan Female Seminary, 410, 1262, 1560, 2233, 2737 Michigan Military Academy, 1762, 1939 Michigan State University, 169, 318, 418, 432, 1276, 1873, 1896, 2042 Misses Clark's School, 335 Northern Michigan College, 349, 1363, 2030 Olivet College, 318, 459, 2777 Olivet Institute, 1349 Port Huron Junior College, 2784 Raisin Valley Seminary, 2787 Spring Arbor Academy, 577, 1079 University of Detroit, 2813 University of Michigan, see entries under Michigan. University. Wayne State University, 1995, 2050, 2876 Universities Committee on Post-War Interna- tional Problems, 2812 University Musical Society, Ann Arbor, 1063, 2871 University of Chicago, 2022 University of Detroit, 2813 University of Michigan Club of Ann Arbor, 1347 University of Michigan Club of New York, 33 University of Nashville, 1467 University of Vermont, 47 Unknown writer (1861- ), 1905 Untermeyer, Louis (1885- ), 1630 Upham, Lucille W., 1906 Upjohn, Henry U. (1843- ), 2435 Upjohn, Millie Kirby (1852-1920), 1672 Upjohn, William (1807-1887), 1907 Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, 2516 Upper Peninsula, see Michigan. Northern Peninsula Urey, Harold Clayton (1893- ), 1981 Usher, John Palmer (1816-1889), 84 Utica, Mich., 1702 Vail, Aaron, 1270 Vail, Stephen Montfort, 2080 Valentine, Mich. Church of the Holy Spirit, 2366 Van Benschoten, Harvey E., 1908 Van Buren, DePuy (1822- ), 1909 Van Buren, Martin (1782-1862), 359 Van Buren County, 2707 Van Camp, Wellington, 1896 Vance, Aaron, 1910 Van Cleve, Frank H., 1911 Van Deman, Esther Boise (1862-1937), 1912 Vandenberg, Arthur Hendrick (1884-1951), 57, 211, 241, 282, 318, 337, 414, 422, 466, 518, 783, 870, 994, 1020, 1365, 1396, 1424, 1425, 1464, 1515, 1563, 1630, 1692, 1710, 1716, 309 Vandenberg, Arthur Hendrick (cont.)- 1739, 1807 1807, 1830, 2056, 2131, 2610, 2733, 2770, 2812, 2838, 2864, 2867, 2899, 2933 Vandenberg, Hazel H. Whittaker ( -1950), 2933 Vandenberg, Hoyt Sanford (1899- ), 2056 Van den Berg, Lawrence H., 1913 Van den Broeck, John Abraham (1885-1959), 1914 Vandenburgh, W. Joseph, 1915 Vanderbilt, Neil, 1365 Vanderbilt University, 2080 Vandercook, Roy C. (1874-1960), 1916 Vander Mey, Frances, 1917 Vanderpool, George, 1918 Van der Schalie, Henry, 1919 Vander Veen, Angie, 1920 Vander Veen, Arand (1840- ), 2767 Vanderveld, Anthony, 1921 Vander Velde, Lewis George (1890- ), 1269, 1667, 1754, 1763, 1922, 1923, 2091. 2665, 2849 Van Derwerker, Nettie Idell Schepeler (1866- ), 1923 Van Etter, Oliver, 1924 Van Fleet, James Alward (1892- ), 2056 Van Gorden, Louis Clare, 1925 Van Hise, Charles Richard (1857-1918), 994, 1424 Vanik, Charles Albert (1913- ), 2056 Van Kersen, Lionel, 1926 Van Koevering, Adrian (1874-1961), 1927 van Loon, Hendrik Willem (1882-1944), 1563 Van Osdel, Oliver W., 2074 Van Pelt, George W., 1987 Van Pelt, Sutton, 1928 Van Raalte, Albertus Christian (1811-1876), 517, 1917, 1927, 1929, 2148 Van Riper, Jacob J. (1838-1912), 47 Van Riper, James C, 1930 Van Sickle, John (1838- ), 1014 Van Sylke, Lucius Lincoln (1859-1931), 1094, 1896 Van Tyne, Claude Halstead (1869-1930), 466, 843, 994, 1218, 1230, 1563, 1650, 1660, 1931 Van Tyne, Helen Belfield Bates, 1932 Van Valkenburgh, Samuel (1891- ), 1660 Van Vlack, Alonzo A. (1843-1896), 1933 Van Vlack Family, 1933 Van Wagoner, Murray Delos (1898- ), 360, 422, 1305, 1365, 1896, 1934, 2056, 2867 Van Zile, Philip Taylor (1843-1917), 47, 424 Van's Marine Band of Ann Arbor, 68 Varnum, Cyrus A., 1935 Vassar, Mich. St. John's Episcopal Church, 2340, 2367 Vassar College, 2084 Vaughan, Henry Frieze (1889- ), 1630 Vaughan, Victor Clarence (1851-1929), 47, 128, Vaughan, Victor Clarence (cont.)- 332, 733, 979, 994, 1094, 1099, 1116, 1650, 1686, 1936, 1947, 2818 Vega, Art (1910- ), 2876 Vegetarianism, 382 Velimesis, George, 1937 Vermontville, Mich., 2441, 2624 Verner, William Frank (1883- ), 422 Verona, Mich. Baptist Church, 2171 Vess, Ray, 2876 Vestal, Meade, 1938 Veterinary medicine, 1523 Vibbert, Charles Bruce, 1218, 1999 Vicksburg, Mich., 1596, 2134, 2336 Villard, Oswald Garrison (1916- ), 1253, 1496 Vincent, George Edgar (1864-1941), 994 Vincent, James Turrill, 1939 Vincent, John Heyl (1832-1920), 1602 Vinson, Frederic Moore (1890-1953), 1365 Virginia City, Montana, 1159 Visiting Nurse Association of Ann Arbor, 2789, 2815 Visscher, William Wallace, 2937 Voelker, John Donaldson (1903- ), 2056 Voelker, Paul Frederick (1875-1959), 2938 Volin, Lazar, 1940 Volinia, Mich., 432 Vollenhoven, C. V., 1563 Von Braun, Wernher (1912- ), 2056 Voorheis, P., 1941 Voorhies, Paul Warren (1875-1952), 1896 Vorhes, Mrs. Abram H., 1942 Vreeland, Ruth, 1943 Vulcans, 2873 WCBC (radio station), 2842 WJR (radio station), 478, 2815 WUOM (radio station), 2842 Waddell, James Alexander Low (1854-1938), 421 Wade, James Henry (1834-1924), 47, 2840 Wade, Thomas Francis (1818-1895), 47 Wadsworth, Marshman F., 977 Wadsworth, Adams and Company, Manistee, 2498 Wagner, Alex, 574 Wagner, Henry Raup (1862-1957), 17 Wagner, Robert E., 1944 Wagner, Robert F. (1910- ), 2056 Wait, Clara Hadley, 1945 Wait, Steven Edwin (1834-1919), 1946 Wait, William Henry (1854-1939), 1945 Waite, Byron Sylvester (1852-1930), 47 Waite Company, Manistee, 2498 Wakefield, William ( -1918), 1947 Waldron, Henry Clay, 1948 Waldron, Webb (1882-1945), 2835 Walker, Aldace F. (1842-1901), 424 Walker, Bryant (1856-1936), 424, 1127, 1630, 1949 Walker, Charles Irish (1814-1895), 36, 47, 87, 310 Walker, Charles Irish (cont.)- 268, 616, 640, 825, 881, 956, 1080, 1116, 1220, 1435, 1622, 1727, 1730, 1824, 1830, 1938, 1950, 1983, 2137, 2845 Walker, Edward Carey (1820-1894), 47, 881, 1951 Walker, George D. (1820-1863), 1716 Walker, Henry Nelson (1811-1886), 1952 Walker, Robert James (1801-1869), 1953 Walker, Samuel Snow (1841-1909), 47 Wallace, Henry Agard (1888- ), 1365, 1630 Wallace, Henry Cantwell (1866-1924), 518 Walled Lake, Mich., 2394, 2427 Wallemann, Frank L. (1902- ), 2876 Wallgren, Monrad Charles (1891-1961), 2056 Walsh, Lawrence P., 2056 Walter, Mrs., 1954 Walter, Edward Lorraine (1845-1898), 1955,2007 Walter, Eric Albert (1897- ), 2939 Walter, Francis Eugene (1894- ), 2056 Walter, Frederick William, 1956 Walter, Sydney (1842- ), 1957 Walton, Ivan, 1958 Wanamaker, John (1838-1922), 1762 Wanty, George Proctor (1856-1906), 424, 1959, 1982 War crimes trials, 2936 War of 1812, 40, 79, 324, 425, 1292, 1522, 1987, 2929 War with Mexico (1845-1848), 243, 401, 625, 1503, 1567, 1847, 1987, 2058 Ward, David (1822-1900), 1052 Ward, Eber B. ( -1873), 453 Ward, Henry Baldwin (1865-1945), 1568 Ward, Lester Frank (1841-1913), 418 Ward, Marcus Llewellyn (1875-1963), 994, 1630, 1960 Warden Family, 169 Waring, Eloise, 1961 Waring, Fred M. (1900- ), 2864 Warner, Fred Maltby (1865-1923), 47, 318,389, 414, 977, 994, 1384, 1575, 1716, 1896, 1962, 1985, 2021, 2030 Warner, Harvey L. (1834-1864), 1963 Warner, Maxwell Dudley, 1964 Warner, Otis E., 1965 Warner, P. Dean (1822-1910), 1962 Warner, Walter (1816- ), 1716 Warner, William (1812-1868), 453 Warren, Charles, 1763 Warren, Earl (1891- ), 2056, 2846 Warren, Edward Kirk (1847-1919), 1966 Warren, Fuller (1905- ), 2056 Warren, Joseph Weatherhead (1849-1916), 128 Warren, William F., 424 Warriner, Eugene Clarence (1866-1945), 1967, 2038 Warrington, John W. (1846-1921), 1678 Warthin, Aldred Scott (1866-1931), 1968 Wartman, Charles J., 1969 Wartman, Charles J., Jr., 2056 Washburn, Homer Charles (1876- ), 1970 Washburn, William Drew (1831-1912), 424 Washburne, E. B., 424 Washington, Booker Taliaferro (c. 1858-1915), 485, 994, 1253, 1384 Washington, D.C., 624, 2084, 2121 Washington, Mich., 2132 Washtenaw Baseball Club, 2459 Washtenaw Broadcasting Company, Ann Arbor, 2517 Washtenaw County, 257, 411, 428; courthouse, 435; 495, 694, 1384, 1453, 1492, 1501, 1519, 1540; poor relief, 1565; 2100, 2102, 2572, 2671; Farmer-Labor Party, 2683; 2707; SAR, 2799; OPA, 2809 Washtenaw County. Townships- Augusta, 2949 Bridgewater, 2573 Lima, 374, 2574 Manchester, 608 Pittsfield, 1723, 1751, 2575 Salem, 1826, 2576 Saline, 738, 2577 Scio, 1342, 2578 Sylvan, 2579 Webster, 571, 2059 York, 1234, 2580 Ypsilanti, 2581 Washtenaw County Federation of Women's Clubs, 2817 Washtenaw County Medical Society, 2818 Washtenaw County Medical Society. Woman's Auxiliary, 2819 Washtenaw County Pioneer Society, see Wash- tenaw Historical Society Washtenaw County— U.S. Council of National De- fense, 2816 Washtenaw Historical Society, 2820 Water power, 1068 Waterman, Edgar F., 454 Waterman, Jennie A., 1971 Waterman, Leroy (1875- ), 340, 994, 1630 Watkins, Arthur Vivian (1886- ), 2056 Watkins, Charles W. (1844- ), 1716 Watkins, Erwin C. (1839- ), 1716 Watkins, Lydia Harbaugh Lewis (1819-1909), 1972 Watling, John Andrews (1839-1919), 1973 Watson, Edward Michael (1840-1906), 1974 Watson, Hazen E., 1975 Watson, James Craig (1838-1880), 33, 47, 1951, 1976, 2022 Wattles, John M., 1977 Watts, Carrie, 1978 Watts, Richard A. (1838-1920), 1979 Wayne, Mich., 1106, 2340 Wayne County, 242, 976, 1701, 1843; sheriff's 311 Wayne County (cont.)— dept., 2584; Farmer- Labor Party, 2683; 2707 Wayne County. Townships- Livonia, 755 Nankin, 2582 Redford, 14, 1098 Romulus, 2583 Wayne State University, Detroit, 1995, 2050, 2876 Wead, Charles Kasson (1848-1925), 47, 1980 Wead, Mary Eunice (1881- ), 1981 Weadock, George William (1853- ), 1982 Weadock, Thomas Addis Emmet (1850-1938), 1983 Weather, 976, 1524, 1532, 2080, 2756 Webb, Milo, 285 Webber, William L. (1825-1901), 1213 Webster, Clyde I., 1896 Webster, Marie R., 1984 Webster Congregational Church, 2198 Weckler, Herman L. (1888- ), 2404 Wedemeyer, William Walter (1873-1913), 821, 994, 1985, 2050 Weed, Thurlow (1797-1882), 1463, 1986 Weed's Drug Store, Pontiac, 2518 Weeks, Don C, 2056 Weeks, Sinclair (1893- ), 2056 Weideman, Carl May (1898- ), 1630 Weissert, Charles Adam (1878-1947), 1987 Weissert, John (1828-1883), 1988 Welch, Mary, 1989 Welch, Mrs. Mary, 1990 Welch, Samuel, 1991 Welch Family, 1992 Welch Motor Car, 1990 Weld, Charlotte Parmelee, 1450 Welles, Gideon (1802-1878), 595, 1130 Welles, John and Sarah, 562 Welles, Orson (1915- ), 2864 Welles, Sumner (1892- ), 1563 Wellington, Horace, 1993 Wells, Albert (1835- ), 1716 Wells, Benjamin Franklin (1835-1925), 1994 Wells, C. R., 424 Wells, Carlton Frank, 1995 Wells, William Palmer (1831-1891), 956, 1023, 1116, 1686, 1938, 1996, 2137, 2140, 2860 Welsh, Geroge W. (1883- ), 1674, 19&7 Welton, Alanson W., 2340 Wendell, Jacob A. T. (1826-1879), 101 Wenley, Archibald Gibson (1898- ), 1998 Wenley, Kate Gibson, 1999 Wenley, Robert Mark (1861-1929), 47, 466, 745, 994, 1218, 1340, 1506, 1740, 1999 Wenzlick, Roy, 2000 Wesleyan Methodist churches, 1570 Wesleyan Methodist Connection (or Church) of America. Conferences. Michigan, 2375 Wesleyan University, 2080 West, Nathaniel ( -1906), 2001 West, William W. Ill, 2002 West Side Woman's Club, Ann Arbor, 2821 Westerhof, A., 2003 Western Athletic Conference, 422, 977, 1226, 2838 Western Emigrant (newspaper) 436, 2898 Western Intercollegiate Conference, 1684 Western Methodist Protestant , 304 Westphalia, Mich., 2386, 2387, 2500, 2519, 2625 Wetherby, Lawrence Winchester (1908- ), 2056 Wetherell, Harold O., 2004 Wexford County, 2707 Whalen, Grover A. (1886- ), 1630 Wheatland, Mich., 577 Wheaton, William Wallace (1833- ), 299 Whedon, Helen M. (Mrs. Wm. W. Whedon), 2005 Whedon, Sara, 2006 Whedon, William Turner, 2007 Wheeler, Benjamin Ide (1854-1927), 47 Wheeler, Burton Kendall (1882- ), 1365, 1396, 1630 Wheeler, Clara Marian (1861-1946), 598, 2008, 2011, 2153, 2696 Wheeler, Cyrus B. (1838-1864), 1392 Wheeler, Emiline, 2009 Wheeler, Frank Willis (1853-1921), 2010 Wheeler, Frederick M. (1862- ), 1716, 2011 Wheeler, Miss L. O., 2012 Wheeler, Levi Lockwood, 2013 Wheeler, Lorenzo D., 2014 Wheeler, Milo Thatcher (1821-1878), 2015 Wheeler, Philip, 2011 Wheeler, Polly, 2059 Wheeler, Reuben, 2016 Whig Party, 101, 2265 Whipple, Charles Whiley (1805 9-1855), 625, 2017, 2042 Whipple, Edwin Percy (1819-1886), 2872 Whistler, James Abbott McNeil (1834-1903), 2932 Whistler, John, 2940 Whitcomb, Winfred Foster, 2018 White, Albert Easton (1884-1956), 337, 1630, 2019, 2847 White, Alfred Holmes (1873-1953), 2020, 2646 White, Alma, 2021 White, Andrew Dickson (1832-1918), 47, 136, 424, 466, 687, 9S4, 1441, 1832, 2022, 2080 White, Ann Thayer ( -1871), 2029 White, Charles Abiathar, 2080 White, Dexter (1819-1903), 2020 White, Eber (1798- ), 2023 White, Enoch J. (1814-1878), 2024 White, George W. (1828- ), 1716 White, Janet, 2025 White, John Patrick (1926- ), 2026 White, Lee A. (1886- ), 466, 1660, 2610 White, Leonard Dupee (1891-1958), 2733 White, Levi, 2027 312 White, Myrtle E., 994, 2028 White, Orin (1794-1864), 1453, 2029 White, Peter Quintard (1830-1908), 47, 101,231, 977, 2030, 2871 White, Samuel (1794-1871), 2020 White, Samuel Holmes (1830-1882), 2031, 2080 White, Stewart Edward (1873-1946), 994, 1630, 2032 White, Walter, 1365 White, William Allen (1868-1944), 357, 1365, 1563 White, William H. (1840-1862), 812 White Family (Thomas), 2020 White Lake, Mich., 1290, 2337 White Pigeon, Mich., 1866, 1987 White River, Mich., 1290 Whitehead, Asa S. (1825-1897), 2033 Whitehead, Everett Jerome (1858-1901), 2034 Whitewater Canal, 1525 Whiting, Justin Rice (1847-1903), 101, 1716 Whiting, Justin Rice (1886- ), 2056 Whitman, Josiah (1777-1871), 2035 Whitmarsh, S. P., 2036 Whitmore, Charles Edward, 1660 Whitmore Lake, Mich., 1390, 1705, 1792, 2059 Whitney, Albert Wurts, 2037 Whitney, Allen Sisson (1857-1944), 2038 Whitney, Andrew G., 2039 Whitney, Clarence Wright ( -1940), 2040 Whitney, George Cephos (1837-1865), 1783 Whitney, Joseph Dwight, 2080 Whitney, Luther Day (1810-1876), 1783 Whittaker, Eva L., 2041 Whittaker, Mich. Congregational Church, 2199 Whittelsey Family (Connecticut), 1395 Whittemore, Charles Hanover (1833- ), 2042 Whittemore, George O., 2042, 2520 Whittemore, Gideon Olin (1800-1863), 101, 2042 Whittemore, James Olin (1828-1889), 2042,2520 Whittemore, W. Frank, 2042 Whittemore, William B. (1835- ), 2042 Whittemore and Whittemore General Store and Lumber Company, Tawas City, 2520 Whittier, Joseph, 1213 Whittier, Matthew Franklin, 331 Wichers, Willard C, 2056 Wickersham, George Woodward (1858-1936), 1563 Wiese, Florence C, 2043 Wiest, Howard M. (1864-1945), 211, 2044 Wilbur, Ray Lyman (1875-1949), 282, 561, 1630 Wilcox, Delos Franklin (1873-1928), 1253 Wilcox, Edgar N., 2045 Wilcox, Harold B., 2046 Wilcox and Wilcox Flour Mill, Plymouth, 2521 Wilcox Brothers General Store, Northville, 2522 Wildcat banks, 363 Wild life- Conservation, 858, 1295, 1487 Wilder, Burt Green (1841-1925), 119, 2047 Wilder, D. G., 2048 Wilder, Oshea ( -1846), 204S Wiley, Merlin (1875- ), 1710 Wilgus, Alva C, 17 Wilgus, Horace Lafayette (1859-1935), 561, 651, 2050 Wilkins, Roy (1901- ), 1630 Wilkinson, Archie (1865-1956), 2051 Wilkinson, William H. (1819- ), 1449 Wilkinsonville, 2060 Willard, Carrie May Thurston, 2052 Willard, George W., 2052 Willcox, Eben, 2053 Willcox, William Bradford (1907- ), 1148, 1754 Willcox- Davis Family, 2053 William Mueller Company (lumber), 2523 Willett, Charles Joseph (1849-1917), 47 Williams, Charles C, 2056 Charles D., 2340 Edgar Morgan, 2054 Edward, 2055 George Palmer (1802-1881), 497, 519, Williams Williams Williams Williams 687 Williams 1064, Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams ), 360, Gerhard Mennen (1911- 1323, 1365, 1425, 1777, 2056 Harvey (1812-1867), 453 Henry P., 2928 Henry P., Jr., 2056 Mrs. Henry P., 2056 Horace R., 2057 J. Mott, 2058 Jeremiah D. (1815- ), 2059 Jesse Lynch (1871- 192S), 1630 John R. (1782-1854), 2060, 2082 John Sharp (1854-1932), 1384 Joseph R. (1808-1861), 1276 Josephine, 2061 Mrs. Maria D. Stowell, 2062 Mary Alice (1855-1933), 2063 Nancy Lace Quirk, 2056 Ralph D., 2030 Richard E., 2056 Robert C, 2056 Theodore (1808-1871), 2082 William A., Jr., 2056 William Brown (1849-1928), 2064 Willis, Fred A., 1325 Willison, Henry Clay ( -1906), 2065, 2066 Willison, Nel Frances, 2066 Williston, Lida T., 2067 Willits, Edwin (1830-1896), 47 Willkie, Wendell Lewis (1892-1944), 561, 1365, 1630 Willow Run, 2869, 2919 Willow Run Airport, 2847 Willson, James Caldwell (1833-1912), 2068 Willson, Louise, 2069 Wilse, Jack (1906- ), 2876 Wilson, Albert C. (1843- ), 2070 313 Wilson, Bethany (Mrs. Hugh E. Wilson), 2071 Wilson, Charles Edward (1886- ), 2056 Wilson, Charles Erwin (1890-1961), 1323, 2056 Wilson, George (1836-1881), 1272, 2072 Wilson, George Grafton (1863-1951), 1563 Wilson, J. Weldon, 561 Wilson, Jacob, 2073 Wilson, John, 84 Wilson, John H., 2074 Wilson, Lois Mayfield, 2075 Wilson, Maryland Waller, 2076 Wilson, Robert S. ( -1883), 625 Wilson, Rosanna, 2077 Wilson, William W. (1830- ), 1933 Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924), 47, 318, 994, 1424 Wimer, Edward J., 2078 Winans, Edwin B. (1826-1894), 47, 1762, 2030, 2079 Winchell, Alexander (1824-1891), 47, 132, 453, 580, 841, 1403, 1602, 1874, 2007, 2022, 2080, 2840 Winchell, George Pray (1873-1954), 2081 Winchell, Martha L. Norton, 2081 Winchell, Walter (1897- ), 1365 Winder, John (1804- ), 2082 Windsor, Ontario, 465 Windt, Valentine (1901-1955), 2083, 2648, 2871, 2885 Winegar, William (1827- ), 2092 Wing, Austin Eli (1792-1849), 2084, 2085 Wing, Lucius M. (1840- ), 784 Wing, Warner (1805-1876), 625, 2084, 2085 Wing Lake, Mich. Presbyterian Church, 2338 Winkler, Max (1866-1930), 47, 2086 Winona Mining Company, 2475 Winship, Samuel, 2087 Winsor, Justin (1831-1897), 47 Winter, John Garrett (1881-1956), 1563, 1630, 2088 Winthrop, Robert Charles (1809-1894), 2872 Wisconsin Land and Lumber Company, 2523 Wise, Charles H., 2089 Wise, Margaret E. Turner (1865- ), 2089 Wisner, Moses (1815-1863), 424, 453, 2042, 2080, 2090 Wisner, William, 2091 Witherell, James (1759-1838), 1010 Withey, Solomon L. (1820-1886), 453 Withington, William Herbert (1835-1903), 2092 Wittum, Marion (1843- ), 2093 Wixon, Willard Wendell, 2094 Wolcott, Jesse Paine (1893- ), 1425 Wolcott, Laurens W., 2767 Wolcott, Nelson J., 2095 Wolfe, Gustave Adolph, 2941 Wolverine Cooperative, Lansing, 2822 Wolverine Cyclers, Ann Arbor, 2823 Woman suffrage and women's rights, 104, 318, 706, 792, 994, 1125, 1213, 1384, 1843, 1845, 1855, 2758, 2931 Woman's American Protective Association. Michigan, 2824 Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 34, 1365, 1870, 2825-2828 Woman's Club of Ann Arbor, 2829 Women as physicians, 1672 Women's Home Missionary Society. Grand Rapids District, 1263 Women's organizations, 672, 1304, 1343, 2628, 2634, 2635, 2644, 2649, 2650, 2660, 2673, 2688, 2698, 2704, 2705, 2711, 2718-2720, 2723, 2736, 2758, 2771, 2772, 2791, 2794, 2796, 2816, 2817, 2821, 2824-2829, 2832, 2833 Women's rights, see Woman suffrage and women's rights Wood, DeVolson (1832-1897), 47, 494, 1441, 1951, 2022, 2080, 2096 Wood, James Craven (1858-1948), 2097 Wood, John Stephens (1885- ), 1630 Wood, Julia Newton (1827- ), 2098 Wood, Leonard (1860-1927), 318, 337, 870, 923, 994, 1424, 2050, 2099, 2H3 Wood, Lillian Delbert Phelps Andrews (1860- 1934), 2100 Wood, May Daisy, 2942 Wood, Norman Asa (1857-1943), 2100 Wood Family, 2101 Woodard, C. S., 2102 Woodard, Sadie G., 2103 Woodbridge, William (1780-1861), 29, 101, 335, 425, 1696, 2082, 2104, 2845 Woodburne, Lloyd Stuart (1906- ), 1506, 2105 Woodbury, Dwight A. (1825-1862), 2106 Woodbury, G. T., 1888 Woodbury, George E. (1840- ), 2943 Woodcock, Leonard, 2056 Woodfill, William Stewart (1896- ), 2056, 2107 Woodford, Howard J., 2108 Woodhams, John Walter, 2109 Woodin, William Hartman (1868-1934), 337 Woodman, Edson (1846- ), 285 Woodman, Jonathan J. (1825- ), 453 Woodring, Harry H., 1630 Woodruff, Charles (1843-1868), 2110 Woodruff, Clarissa Hurd, 2110 Woodruff, David Oliphant, 2110 Woodruff, Roy Orchard (1876-1953), 1630, 1896, 2056, 2770 Woodruff, William Schuyler (1838-1864), 2111 Woodruff Family, 2110 Woodruff's Grove, 257 Woods, Tighe Edward (1910- ), 2056 Woodward, Augustus Brevoort (d. 1827), 1010, 2845 Woodward, Comer Vann (1908- ), 1253 Woodward, Robert Simpson (1849-1924), 2112 Woodware, Robert S., 1999 Wool, 252, 1029, 1199 Woolcott, Alexander (1887-1943), 349 314 Woolen mills, 2434, 2456, 2485, 2504 Woolner, Sidney H., 2056 Worcester, Dean Conant (1866-1924), 1568,2113 Worden, Carrie Hutchins, 2114 World War (1914-1918), 70, 88, 123, 131, 308, 318, 337, 365, 414, 417, 461, 514, 587, 678, 799, 864, 870, 946, 950, 994, 1018, 1145, 1240, 1247, 1294, 1296, 1304, 1393, 1439, 1480, 1506, 1545, 1563, 1585, 1715, 1716, 1807, 1839, 1850, 1924, 1945, 2636, 2806, 2816, 2849, 2865, 2869, 2903 World War (1939-1945), 1, 17, 39, 52, 57, 88, 89, 113, 159, 161, 181, 211, 212, 221, 259, 308, 343, 358, 417, 439, 478, 529, 561, 593, 641, 647, 741, 810, 864, 915, 944, 959, 963, 1021, 1042, 1047, 1121, 1167, 1275, 1323, 1331, 1344, 1386, 1404, 1416, 1426, 1432, 1439, 1474, 1495, 1513, 1530, 1549, 1605, 1668, 1684, 1695, 1705, 1706, 1720, 1728, 1738, 1763, 1788, 1833, 1836, 1914, 1937, 1995, 2002, 2143, 2147, 2544, 2572, 2609, 2631, 2641, 2661, 2662, 2665, 2675, 2679, 2685, 2702, 2714, 2715, 2722, 2770, 2784, 2808, 2812, 2813, 2859, 2865, 2880, 2936 Worthington, Amelia Longworthy Arnold (1846- 1929), 2115 Wrampelmeir, Theodore John, 1652 Wray, John, 2116 Wrentmore, Clarence George (1867-1919), 2117 Wrentmore, Margaret M., 2118 Wright, Alfred W. (1838- ), 609 Wright, Allen G., 2119 Wright, Benjamin, 2120 Wright, Dean C, 2121 Wright, Edwin B., 2119 Wright, Enoch and Mary, 2119 Wright, Fannie E. Pettibone (1836-1925), 2123 Wright, Grove, 2119 Wright, H. Lee, 2122 Wright, Harriette E., 2119 Wright, John A., 439 Wright, Julia Ann, 2119 Wright, Luther Lamphere (1856-1922), 2008 Wright, Myron W., 2119 Wright, Philo Elizar (1828-1876), 2123 Wright, Philo Sherman (1862- ), 2123 Wright, Quincy (1890- ), 1563 Wright, Simeon, 2119 Wright, Stillman, 158, 2124 Wright, Zenos Russell, 2125 Wuggazer, Theodore, Jr., 2126 Wurster, C. Victor, 2127 Wurster, Nina Belle, 2128 Wusthoff, William, 2060 Wyandotte, Mich. St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 2340 Wyatt, Eleanor Emilia, 2129 Wykes, Frederic K., 2130 Wykes, Frederick Kirtland and Family, 1820 Wykes, Roger Irving (1875- ), 2131 Wylie, James R., 1959 Wyoming Park Trinity Presbyterian Church, see Grand Rapids, Mich. Wyoming Park Trinity Presbyterian Church Yale University, 1884 Yankee Springs Memorial, 1987 Yantick (USS— Michigan training ship), 422 Yarborough, Ralph Webster (1903- ), 2056 Yates, Albert (1842-1929), 2132 Yates, John B. (1833- ), 2133 Yates, Sidney Richard (1909- ), 2056 Yellowstone National Park, 15, 453 Yenney, Elmer, 2876 Yerkes, Robert Mearns (1876-1956), 1506 Yerkes Family, 1547, 2616 Yntema, Hessel N., 1563, 1684 Yoakum, Clarence Stone (1879-1945), 686, 1506, 1763 York, Emogene Anderson, 2134 York, Mich. Baptist Church, 2172 Yosemite (U.S. cruiser), 422 Yost, Fielding Harris (1871-1946), 337, 422, 466, 1365, 1553, 1630, 2018, 2838 Yost, Lawrence (1915- ), 2876 Young, Abram Van Eps (1853-1921), 2135 Young, Horace Olin (1850-1917), 977 Young, James H., 2136 Young, John Nelles (1844-1921), 2137 Young, Jon L., 2138 Young, Leigh Jarvis (1883-1906), 2139 Young, Milton Ruben (1897- ), 2056 Young, Robert, 2140 Young, Stephen Marvin (1889- ), 2056 Young Men's Christian Association, 1128 Young Men's Christian Association. Ann Arbor, 123, 2157 Young Men's Christian Association. Michigan. University, 1765 Young Men's Literary Society of Ann Arbor, 2830 Young Men's Society of Detroit, 2840 Young Men's Society of Lansing, 2831 Young People's Christian Endeavor Society, 2942 Young Women's Chrisitian Association. Ann Arbor, 2157 Youngblood, Bernard J., 2056 Youngdahl, Luther W. (1896- ), 2056 Ypsilanti, Mich., 121, 125, 392, 762, 764, 1384, 1395, 1495, 1499, 1775, 1844, 2129, 2383, 2506, 2626, 2729, 2820 Ypsilanti, Mich.— American Association of University Women, 2634 Council of Church Women, 2158 Eastern Michigan University, 21, 392, 416, 648, 764, 1363, 1495, 1710, 2679 First Congregational Church, 2200 315 Ypsilanti, Mich, (cont.)— First Methodist Episcopal Church, 2226 First Presbyterian Church, 2339 Ladies' Literary Club, 2719 Patrons of Husbandry, 2781 St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 2340, 2368 Thompson Carriage and Paint Shop, 2507 Ypsilanti Child Study Club, 2832 Ypsilanti Federation of Women's Clubs, 2833 Ypsilanti State Hospital, 2765 Ypsilanti Union School, 516 Zablocki, Clement John (1912- ), 2056 Zelenko, Herbert (1906- ), 2056 Zevin, Sidney, 2141 Ziegler, Charles M. (1888-1959), 211, 2056,2142 Zientek, Joseph, 2143 Ziffren, Paul (1913- ), 2056 Zimmerman, Fred R. (1880-1954), 1424 Zimmerman, James Fulton (1887-1944), 1630 Zimmerman, M., 2144 Zimmerman, Minnie Fuller, 2145 Zinkeisen, Max, 2146 Zinn, Frederick William, 2147 Zook, George F., 357 Zoology, 1136 Zwier, Effa, 2148