yah habe: Project No. One TO ACCOMPANY BOOK I THE UNITED Y.M.C.A. SCHOOLS STANDARD COURSE IN SALESMANSHIP ASSOCIATION PRESS New York: 347 MapDIsoON AVENUE 1922 , we wt U ‘ oe ‘yt ab , ee I he's, . Lye i are iy) Ne = lee Mba. Ve" or ‘.. a ry . - > “~F Go if : 7). S-eSa ue = y ’ (he) ese To, . + CopyRIGHT, 1921, By THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF Younc Mewn’s CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS V5 Me Ta V, | ens P PROJECT 1 Instructions In order to get uniformity in the papers which contain solutions of the project, and so to assist the instructor in examining and grading the papers, you will please follow these instructions carefully: 1. Write your solution of the project on paper of commercial letter size, 81% x 11 inches. Write on one side of the paper only, and allow a margin of 1% inches on each side of the written matter for the instructor’s use in making corrections. 2. Number each sheet of paper consecutively, and write at the top of the first sheet information corresponding to the following: ieee cor No. 1, Salesmanship, Date o> 22... @entral Y. M. C.A., Chicago, Ill. (Group you are in) (City) Wiliam B. Merchant, (Your name) (Your address) At the top of all sheets except the first, write your name only. 3. Solve this project as soon as Textbook I is completed and hand or mail your papers to the instructor within a week, or as quickly as possible. They will be returned to you with corrections. 1 Data for the Project ape purpose of these projects is to furnish the groundwork for the student of salesman- ship so that he can utilize the information given in the textbook in working out imaginary cases in marketing or selling goods. Necessarily, the project must deal with a specialty of some sort, because the principles of salesmanship are prac- ticed in fullest measure in specialty selling. For the first project you are to imagine that you have been made sales agent of a company just beginning the manufacture of a newly pat- ented appliance, to be attached to the grate of a stove or furnace for the purpose of using crude oil as fuel instead of coal or wood. There are already on the market several appli- ances designed to utilize kerosene for the purpose of heating and cooking. ‘These appliances are, like this one which you are to market, placed in- side of the stove or furnace. The advantages of your appliance are as follows: 1. It can be installed by any man with a mon- key wrench and a screw driver, in any coal or wood stove or furnace. It can also be attached to a gas stove for baking purposes, but a plumber will have to attach it. 2. The cost to you of the burners, F. O. B. Detroit, Mich., where they are manufactured, in- 2 f cluding oil tank and the necessary piping, is as follows: $7.50 for the No. 1 size $9.50 for the No. 2 size Su 0eror the No; .3.Size $15.00 for the No. 10 size $20.00 for the No. 12 size $30.00 for the No. 14 size The sizes from 1 to 3 are designed for cooking or heating stoves. ‘The sizes from 10 upward are for furnaces in cottages. You will have to pay freight charges from Detroit to your points of delivery, cartage charges from railroad station to your warehouse, and delivery charges to place of installation; and you are under contract to buy a minimum of 300 burners per month and pay cash for them. 3. Each appliance costs for operation about half as much as the average coal bill for the stove or furnace in which it is to be placed. 4. Your sales territory contains 1,000,000 in- habitants, and it will have its normal growth each year. The city in which you now live is to be your headquarters, as the centre of your territory. What You Are to Do With the foregoing data in mind, this 1s what you are to do: 1. Assuming that your appliance works per- fectly and that it is covered by basic patents, 3 insuring a monopoly for the present, determine how many appliances of the various sizes should be sold in the territory mentioned during the next five years. 2. Determine the progressive rate of sales for each six months’ period of the five years, begin- ning with the sale of 10 appliances a day within one month from today. 3. Fix the selling price, installed, for each size after calculating your overhead—that is, your own ofhice expenses and any other expenses which you decide are necessary. 4. Which method of marketing the appliance, or which combination of methods, should you use? In answering this question, give the number of salesmen you will employ from time to time dur- ing the five years. Whatever method you adopt, give full reasons for choosing it, the way you pro- pose to conduct your sales campaign, and the commission, or salary, or discounts allowed to salesmen, jobbers, or retailers. 5. Name the obstacles which you anticipate as likely to arise in marketing the appliance, and how you plan to overcome them. 6. To what faculty or faculties of man’s mind will you make your appeal in selling this appliance? 7. What traits of character do you look for in the salesmen you need for this particular spe- cialty ? S 8. Now write out your program of marketing the burners so as to cover the points outlined in the 7 foregoing paragraphs. ‘This will be your plan of selling, and it should be complete. Get all the facts you can from all possible sources in order to make your report complete and con- clusive. Read page | again before you begin writing. 2 An Optional Specialty If you prefer to substitute some other specialty for the appliance mentioned, you may do so; but you must answer questions concerning it similar to those given in the 8 preceding paragraphs. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS— URBANA N36112165465816A