:^-£l .^f^ ^ZlJ l^f^ ^; L I E) R.ARY OF THL U N lY t R5 ITY or 1 LLl NOIS RURAL DEANERY OF LEEDS. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE, 1851. •7 WHAT ARE THE BEST MEANS OF RECLAIMING OUR LOST POPULATION? A REPORT PRESENTED TO THE RURI-DECANAL CHAPTER OF LEEDS; A COMMITTEE OF THAT BODY, October 20th, 1851. |%bli0litli bt{ ^tttjinritt| nf tjiB ^^Ut. I-EEDS : THOMAS HARRISON, 55, BRIGGATE ; AND F. AND J. RIVINGTON, LONDON, 1852. LEEDS : T. HAREISON, PRINTER AND PUBLISHER. REPORT. The Committee appointed at the Ruri-decanal Chapter, held on Monday, September 1st, 1851, to take into consideration the best means of reclaiming that large portion of the popu- lation, who are unhappily lost to the Church and to religion, beg leave to present the following Report : — The Committee, when entering upon their deliberations, could not but be impressed with a deep sense of the momen- tous character of the questions and interests involved ; they could not but feel themselves on many grounds very incom- petent to the task committed to them, and their only, as it was their proper resource, was to ask His help, and guidance, and blessing, whose work they sincerely desired to advance, and whose Spirit they earnestly trusted would over-rule all their reflections, to the promotion of His glory, and the good of His Church. For your Committee could not take any other view of the present circumstances of the Church and the world, than one calculated to excite the most serious and thoughtful, and even alarmed attention, of all who care for the cause of truth and morality, of all who sincerely wish the welfare of their fellow- creatures, and believe that Christ's Gospel and His Church are the only efficient means of promoting either truth or morality. Everywhere your Committee can see a special call for exer- tion on the part of the Church ; whether they look at the workings of a refined infidelity, or to a revived and aggra- vated superstition, or at the widening dissensions in other religious communities, or at the large amount of population yet unprovided with the means of grace, it is evident that the present is a season for putting forth the energies of the Church, such as scarcely ever before has been witnessed. They are not unmindful of the great work which has been done in and through the Church of England during the last fifteen years ; they need to go no further than this dio- cese, or indeed this town, to perceive ample proof of this, and to find the most abundant reason for deep and earnest thankfulness to Almighty God. But yet is it very certain, that the results of the quickened life of the Church, whilst afi'ording abundant reason for gratitude and encouragement, do also shew more clearly than before the vast field of labour yet before us. The more we penetrate beneath the surface, the more do we perceive the absolute necessity of increased diligence and spiritual culture, if we would preserve a large portion of our country from being over-run with superstition or infidelity. Under the influence of these convictions, the Committee would strongly recommend, that, in an age so loudly calling for a better adaptation of the principles of the Church to new and increasing wants, every thing should be done on the part of the clergy to meet these requirements, and that in every way, in which they can lawfully come forward, they should be most ready to do so. Your Committee say, "law- fully come forward," for they would express in the outset, in the most emphatic manner for themselves, and they doubt not for the whole body of the clergy in this rural deanery, their settled conviction, that what is wanted is adaptation of means, and not change of principles, and that any departure from the mind and law of the Church, as embodied in her Liturgy and Articles, is as undesirable as it would be dangerous. u,uc But whilst keeping the principles and rules of the Church in the strictest sense inviolate, your Committee cannot but think, that much might be done to accommodate the per- formance of Divine Service, and the ministrations of the Church generally, to the wants and habits of the people. I. The evils or inconveniences which have occupied their attention are these : — 1. First of all, your Committee are aware of the strong feeling entertained by many, especially the young, the illiterate, and the infirm, as to the inconvenient and trying length of the Sunday Morning Service : that both physically and men- tally it is beyond the capabilities of a large portion of th« community. 2. They are also disposed to think, that for children there has been no adequate provision made, and that a service might be specially adapted for them, " much more suitable than the ordinary Morning and Evening Service of the Church.* 3. It has also been deeply impressed upon them, that the comparative paucity of attenders at the administration of the Holy Communion is in a considerable degree to be attri- buted to its celebration at a time of the day when it is most inconvenient to the humbler classes, and effectually prevents the attendance of the wives and mothers amongst our poorer brethren : for it is evident that where there is no domestic to take the charge, the parents cannot leave their children until the hour for their retiring to rest. 4. Your Committee have also had their attention power- fully arrested by the consideration of the vast numbers of the working classes who at present never frequent the House of God, and for whom an agency and an appeal are required beyond what the usual orderly and settled Services of the • See Note, A. 8 Church supply ; the call here seems to demand instant and zealous response from all who have heen charged by their Lord and Master with the cure of souls. 5. Nor can your Committee hide from themselves, that, in another important respect, the Church has not hitherto pro- vided for the spiritual wants of her members, especially the illiterate and the poor ; they allude now to the want of an authorised hymn-book in the Church. For any one who has studied the mental characteristics of children knows that whilst often disposed to regard reading as a drudgery, they will nevertheless look upon the learning of poetry, and especially of hymns, as a delightful task. These they will learn with alacrity and pleasure, and remem- ber for a long period almost without an effort : and who can estimate the influence for good of religious sentiments thus early and powerfully impressed upon the mind ? Surely by not having an authorised hymnology suited to the wants of the Church, for the rich and the poor, the old and the young, for divine service, as well as for domestic and private use, the Church of England abandons a great and powerful, as it is an acceptable and legitimate, instrument for good. 6. Another most important subject has also closely occupied the minds of your Committee, viz. : the necessity of a large increase of the staff of the clergy for the full and efi&cient work- ing of the parochial system ; and this with regard to all the three orders of the ministry, but especially the order of deacons. At present, in this town, notwithstanding a considerable sub- division of the original parish of Leeds into new parishes and districts, there is, in many populous localities, but a single clergyman, and in others not more than two, who are utterly incapable, from mere physical inability, of becoming personally acquainted with all the parishioners entrusted to their care, or of carrying on effectually many of the means necessary for the right organization and spiritual well-being of a parish. 9 7. And lastly, your Committee could not overlook^ that closely connected with the important subject, or subjects, on which they have to report, is the momentous and pressing one of the extension .of the education of the country, and along with it, the review of all such institutions of a literary and scientific nature, as are intended to enlarge the mind, and increase the intellectual advantages and enjoyments of the people. And here they felt they were on ground perhaps as much fraught with difficulties, and exposed to dangers, as any which the awakened and anxious member of the Church is called to occupy, in these days of new and press- ing responsibilities. II. On all the various points now stated, your Committee are prepared, in the discharge of the task imposed upon them, to offer such suggestions and recommendations as, after mature and serious consideration, appear to them best suited for the object in view ; whilst in submitting the result of their labours to the notice of their brethren, they have th© comfort of reflecting, that what they have thus done, before it can be productive of any serious consequences^ will have to receive the approval and sanction of the large and experienced body of clergy, who form the Euri-decanal Chapter of Leeds. 1. First, then, with regard to a better adaptation of the Church Services, — your Committee are disposed to think, that a separation of the Litany or Communion Service from the Morning Prayer on Sunday Mornings would be a great relief to many. They do not mean that any portion of the Church's prescribed service should be omitted, but only that the period of its taking place may be altered. For instance, in churches where there were three services on the Sunday, the Morning Service might consist of the Morning Prayer with the Litanv or Communion Office ; the Afternoon Service 10 of the Litany or Communion Office, whichever was omitted in the morning, or of both, should it be considered desirable to repeat either of them a second time; and the Evening Service might consist of the Evening Prayer, and occa- sionally the Communion Office also. Your Committee do not believe that by such an arrangement any rule of the Church would be infringed, whilst by it the extreme length of the present morning service would be avoided, an after- noon service peculiarly suitable for children and servants would be provided, and the occasional administration of the Lrord's Supper in the after part of the day, would allow many of the working classes who now are virtually debarred from that ordinance, to approach the table of the Lord. Your Committee, however, in making this and other recom- mendations of a like nature, would distinctly state, that they are for laying down no rule on the subject, nor for interfering in any way with the mode of conducting Divine service, when the clergy and their congregations are indisposed to effect any change. But it may be well with respect to authorities to state, that Wheatley is strongly for the separation of the services which are now used altogether in the morning, and that Bishop Sparrow is still stronger on the same point; whilst as regards present sanction, they cannot doubt that the allow- ance and approval of such a change by our own Diocesan would carry it with all the support and encouragement that are required ; and though the change might be opposed at first, on the mere ground of dislike to any alteration in what had been long the established usage, yet remembering, as your Committee well do, the strong resistance that was made when evening services were first proposed, and seeing the wonderful results wliich have followed tliat adaptation of the Church's ministrations to tlie requirements of the age, they confidently trust, that a great and happy effect would be produced by this concession also, and that by means of it 11 many aliens would be brought within the House of Prayer.* 2. Contingent upon this change your Committee conceive that a service much required might be framed for week-day evenings. The service here alluded to would consist of the Litany, with psalm or hymn singing, to be followed by a portion of Scripture, expounded in a plain and familiar man- ner ; and in this way, following in the track of some of the most eminent Fathers of the Church, as well as of others in later days, the parochial minister might go through a Gospel, or an Epistle, or a consecutive portion from the Old or New Testament history, much to the instruction and edification of many, especially of the working classes, who might be induced to attend a service so short and so suitable. 3. The subject of open-air preaching is one at present occupying much attention. Your Committee are aware that it is open to much objection, on the ground of inconvenience and irregularity, and that many of the most valuable among the clergy are not qualified for the work; yet they are of opinion that, under due regulation, such ministrations might be attempted with much advantage. Your Committee cannot but remember the effects produced by the sermons preached at St. Paul's Cross, which were among the main instruments for establishing the reformation of religion in this country three hundred years ago ; and they have a strong conviction that if men properly qualified were selected for this duty, they might, with the consent of the incumbent having the cure of souls, preach in places sufficiently public to call the attention of the multitude, and yet sufficiently retired to avoid distur- bance, and thus, by going out into the highways and hedges, and compelling men to come in, render essential service to the cause of religion, and extend the l