L I E) R. A R. Y OF THE U N 1VER.SITY or ILLINOIS 610 . V.6 _ no \'^ cop. 2 KLMUIL JdIONAGE J Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/melanoblastsmela63zimm UMIVtv The Isocortex of Man By PERCIVAL BAILEY and GERHARDT VON BON IN Urbana, 1951 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS 610. V.6 no. 3 Melanoblasts and Melanocytes in Fetal Negro Skin ARNOLD A. ZIMMERMANN, Dr. es Sc, and SAMUEL W. BECKER, JR., M.D. Departments of Anatomy and Dermatology College of Medicine, University of Illinois ILLINOIS MONOGRAPHS IN MEDICAL SCIENCES, Vol. VI, No. 3 ^'^^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS URBANA, 1959 \m 2o m^. u UQtCHai. ILLINOIS MONOGRAPHS IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES is a general title used to comprehend a series of contributions from the fundamental and clinical departments of the Chicago colleges of the University — College of Medicine, College of Dentistrj-, and College of Phannacy. Each issue is an independent publication. For the convenience of bibliographers and librarians, each year's output is called a volume. Each volume consists of approximately 450 pages, priced at four dollars (by subscription) for paperbound copies. A volume may consist of one, two, three, or four individual monographs. Prices of individual numbers are indicated in the list of titles given on the back cover. Requests for exchanges should be addressed to the Exchange Department, University of Illinois Library, Urbana, Illinois. All communications concerning sale or subscription should be addressed to the Director, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois. Volumes I, II, and III of this series were issued under the title Illinois Medical and Dental Monographs. Melcnwhlasts and Mclauocytcs 111 Fetal Negro Skni © 1959 BY THE BOAKI) OK TRUSTKKS OK THK I NIVKHSITV OK ILLINOIS. MANUFACTURED IX THE UNiTEi) STATES OK AMERICA. Board of Editors: ERNST R. KIRCH, .lOIlN I'. MARBARCIER, SA.MUEL R. M. REYNOLDS, ISAAC SCHOUR, AND RICHARD .1. WINZLER. TMK l.mUMd 111' lONCHKSS IIA.-. CAT M.DI^Kll rH\S I'l Kl.UATlO.N AS FOLLOWS: ZlM MLIIMAN N. .\nNOLI) .\lHKI1T. 1895- Mil:iiiol)l:isL< :iiul iii('l:iiu)cyt('s in fetal Nf'(!''<) skin |l>yl .Xinold .\. Zilii- liiiiliianii Miul Saiiiiirl W. Hi'ckcr. .Ir. I'rballa, rni\ iM-sily of lllinoi.* Frpss, 1959. ,59 p. illu>. '.'7 iiii ( llliii(ii> MioM(ii;iai'lis In nualii-al .Ticnrcs, v. 6, no. 3) 1. ( 'liriiiiiaio|ilioii s. 2. I'jiilirviilony. Unman. 3. Ni'Kio racr. L Hockcr, .S.'iiiiiii'l William. 1921 iiiilil aiitlior. {^M1,SI.Z5 tUl.77 58-63808 t I.iliraiy iif ( 'niinri'ss 1- '- o Contents I. Introiluc'tii)n 1 II. Litoraturo 4 III. Materials ami Methods 13 IV. Mi'laiKihlasts and Molaiuicytes in tlic Fetal DiTinis 16 V. The Development of Distribution Patterns of Ejiidennal ^lelanoeytcs During the Fetal Perioil 20 VI. Regional Differences in the Frequency Distribution of Epidermal Melanocytes in the Negro Fetus 26 ^'II. Individual Variability in the Population Densities of Melanocytes During the Fetal Period 29 VIII. Discussion 30 IX. Summary 34 X. Literature Cited 36 Plates 39 I. Introduction During the past decade, important changes have occurred in the basic concepts of the origin and functional rehitionships of mannnalian and human cutaneous pigment cells. Twenty to 30 years ago, the dominating view was based mainly on Bloch's theory that ordinary basal cells of the epidermis were the pigment producers under appropriate stimuli, and that any true pigment cells encountered in the dermis could have attained their location onlj' by a descent or Abtropjung either in early or later develop- mental periods. Pigment formation in man and other mammals thus was placed in a separate category. The essential biological events were said to be different from those known to occur in other vertebrates. That theory failed to account for pigmentary conditions in certain primates and rodents in which the dermis is heavily pigmented and the overlying epidermis re- mains practically free of pigment cells. Adherents to Bloch's theses were inclined or compelled to consider certain normally occurring pigmentary features, such as the so-called Mongolian spots, either as histological curiosities or as having developed from the embryonic epiblast (somatic ectoderm) at a very early period. Xo evidence had ever been given for the latter supposition. The newer and most widely accepted views deny that the skin- ectoderm has any pigment-forming potentiality. It has long been known that in other vertebrates, especially amphibians and birds, the source ma- terial for the cutaneous pigment cells resides in the neural crests. These structures constitute paired strands of cells that develop as neurectodermal derivatives on the dorsal sides of the closing neural tube, very early in embryonic life. They are of an evanescent, transitory nature, never exist- ing through the full length of an embryo, but differentiating into several types of cells of which the future cutaneous pigment cell is only one. The potentialities of the neural crest are indeed impressive. The credit for experimentally proving that in mammals, too, the pig- ment cells are derived from the neural crest belongs to Rawles ( 1947, 1948). Her ingenious grafting experiments showed conclusively that in order to produce pigment, the mammalian epidermis or its hair follicles are wholly dependent on a migratory cell that enters the somatic ectoderm secondarily. Rawles never actually identified the migratory forms of the later pigment cells. Zimmermann and Cornbleet (1948) observed the first potential pig- This investigation was supported by a research grant (RG 4436, RG 4436C) from the Division of Research Grants, United States Public Health Service. 2 ZIM.MKKMANN AM) UKCKKll meiit cells of tlic tVtal Xcfiio opidermis early in the third luoiith. Thej' are not luorlified basal cells, wliicli hefiin to reveal melanin granules late in the fit'tli or in the sixth months — lonj^ after the true pigment producers or melanocytes begin to elaborate melanin. But no one had yet shown that the prenatal human dermis contains any migratory cell stages of future melanocytes. If the derivation of iiigment cells from the neural crest was to hold true also for man it obviously became a primary, logical, and challenging task to attempt the identification of their precursor stages in the dermis. This report deals in part witli the differentiation of melanoblasts in the dermis, beginning at 10 and 11 fetal weeks, to melanocytes in the dermis and epidermis. On the basis of extensive material, consisting exclusively of Xegro fetuses, we were able to study a pigmentary cell type that hith- erto had not been, demonstrateil to exist throughout the dermis in the human prenatal period. Tlie develoiinient of distribution jiatterns and population densities of pigment-producing cells in the fetal epidermis was also followed in greater detail and with more reliable methods than had been applied before. Cer- tain corrections of published data were made. A strictly statistical treat- ment of the numerical data, however, was not intended. Instead, we deliberately placed the emphasis on new and detailed evidence for the concept that iMgment cells invade the epidermis secondarily. We therefore established their time of arrival at ultimate destinations in various cuta- neous regions. This naturally led to cell counts. In the early fetal periotl. the migration and arrival of melanocj'tes at the dermo-epidermal junction was found to be iiregular. The variability in cell counts of melanoblasts and innnature melaiK)cytes in the tlermis of the third anil fourth fetal months reflects their migration in scattered groups or "swarms." This, in turn, affects the earliest distribution patterns and population densities of melanocytes in the epidermis. A reliable biometrical evaluation of such (lata appeared to be imjiossiljle. The pertinent conditions in the most interesting developmental peiiod were found to be in a highly fluid state (see legend to Talkie 1 ). Since a standardized nomenclature for cellular elements concerned with pigmentation is not yet established, we define our terms: A "mel- aniiblast" is strictly an einbiyonic type of cell, potentially capable of proijucing melanin i)ut not containing the fully elal)orate(l pigment. Melanoblasts exist only in the dermis and are first detectable early in the third fetal month. Their round or ovoid cell bodies contain granules that have a specific affinity for reduced silver but cannot be impregnated with ordinary silver nitrate. This is generally accepted to mean that such cells contain a form of "premelanin." Melanin is capable of reducing silver nitrate directly. MELAXOBLASTS AND MELANOCYTES IN FETAL NEGRO SKIN 3 The melaiioblasts, recognized by us from the tenth to twelfth weeks of human development, should be considered as the end stages of a chain of precursor cells that are derived from the neural crest. The earliest migra- tory forms in that chain are undistinguishable from ordinary mesenchymal cells. Since the neural crest of man develops in a cephalo-caudal direction during the second embryonic month, a gap of several weeks remains in the demonstration of the ultimate origin of pigment-producing cells. That gap has been filled by experimentation with mammals (Rawles). There is no reason to doubt that the events are the same in man as they were proved to be in mouse embryos. Certainly there is no evidence to the contrary. Melanoblasts rapidly develop one to three short, stubby extensions, the precursors of the future denchitic processes. Thereby they begin to differentiate into melanocytes. Various transitional forms of fusiform and young stellate cells, containing increasing amounts of premelanin granules, make it difficult sharply to distinguish between melanoblasts and melano- cytes. Our definition of the former is definitely more restrictive than that implied by the original term "melanoblasf as introduced by Ehrmann (1885). Whether melanocytes begin to elaborate melanin while still in the dermis cannot be used as a criterion for a valid definition. In white skin. for example, the melanin-producing tyrosinase system of melanocytes is generally or temporarily inhibited, except in the sacral region (Mongolian spots). In conditions of vitiligo, the suppression of pigmentary activity is even more pronounced and it is well known that in albinism there is a total lack of the enzyme, althougli the melanocytes are present. Billing- ham (1948, 1949) and Billingham and Medawar (1953) designated such inhibited cells of white skin as "white" or "non-pigmentary" melanocytes. Obviously, a broad definition of melanocytes must rely on purely morpho- logical features. Whether immature or fully differentiated, they usually have fusiform or stellate cell bodies and several processes. Their potential melanin-producing faculty may or may not become apparent. All melanocytes are temporarily in the dermis. Some remain there until birth, or, as in the sacral region, until later childhood. The great majority, however, become epidermal melanocytes by an active invasion of the epidermis. In the Xegro. this process begins in the eleventh and twelfth weeks of intrauterine development. While still in the dermis, the fusiform or stellate cells may be designated as immature "dermal" melano- cytes. This working term, of course, is not meant to imply in any way that such cells are of dermal (mesodermal) origin, any more than the epidermal melanocytes would represent a modified epidermal cell. The adjectives "dermal" and "epidermal" are merely used for the sake of 4 ZIMMKHMANN AM) BEIKKH brevity ami imlicatc U)catioii as one of the major characteristics of the cells concerned. II. Literature Tlic vast literature on prohlcins and concepts of cutaneous pipmenta- tioii ill man contains relatively few contributions that deal specifically witii prenatal conditions. We limit our review to studies that concern (a) tlie liistolojiical iilentification of pijjment cells in the pre- and post- natal dermis of man; (b) similar comparative data in other mannnals. particularly in primates; (c) the recognition of prenatal melanocytes in the human epidermis; dli data nii population densities and gradients of distril)iiti()n of such cells; and (e) the experimental evidence for the origin of manunalian melanocytes fiom the neural crest. (a) Piyiiieiit cells in the pre- and postnatal dermis of man. The presence of such cells was first established by Baelz (1885), who identified them as early as the fifth fetal month in the sacro-coccygeal region of a Japanese fetus. Baelz consideied the macroscopically visible pigmentation of that area as an important characteristic of the Mongolian race. Hence- forth these pigmented, bluish areas became known as the so-called Mon- golian spots. (Irossly. they had been noticed by Japanese medico-popular writers for some hundred years liefore Baelz's study, and many supersti- tious notions liad been attached to them. Baelz noted also that similar pigmented cells had characteristic relationships to hair follicles, in which they formed a "regular network" innnediately above the pajnlla. The first mention in modern science of blue sacral skin areas was by Eschricht (1849 1, who had obtained second-hand information of their occurrence in a full-term Eskimo fetus. An important study of pigment cells in the normal corium of Jai)anese fetuses, newborns, and children was made by tirimm (1805). Grossly, he found the blue spots in the sacral region of all newborn Japanese and noticed that the pigmentation in the spots increased during the first post- natal months and began to faile in the second .year. In the dermis of the sacral region Grimm detected the earliest pigment cells in the third and fourth fetal months. In the Mongolian spot of newborns they were large, plump, or elongated fusiform cells, sometimes provided with several proc- esses. The ])rocesses often connected with tho.se of similar iieighi)t)ring cells, and wiiolc "trains" were tiius interconnected, (iiinuu emphasized the irregular tlistrilnition of these cells, often in dense "swarms," located in the deeper two-thirds of the dermis, never in the pajiillary zone. Their length varied between "JO and 50 /i. Earliest cell forms of llie tliinl and fonrtii fetal months were round or MELANOBLAST.S AXD MKLAXOCVTES IX FETAL XEGRO SKIX O oval, coarsely granular. Some measured 13 ," in the long axis and 7 /t in width. Grimm conjectured that they originate in very young embryos. He found no evidence for their derivation from connective tissue cells, as had been postulated, and cautiously left the question of their origin open for further embryological and comparative studies. Grimm found that dermal pigment cells did not invade any eiMilermal derivatives (sudoriferous and sebaceous glands, root sheaths of hair fol- licles). Although he confirmed Baelz's observation on the arrangement of pigment cells in hair papillae, he could not prove that they were ilirectly derived from the dermis. Grimm's study contains no illustrations of microscopic sections but shows the gross appearance of the blue spots in Japanese children, Adachi i lilU3) was the first to identify pigment cells in the dermis of the sacral region in infants and children of the white race. He thereby disproved the opinion that blue spots in the sacral region are characteristic of a specific (Asiatic) race. The development of pigment in the corium of localized ( sacral) areas was recognized as a normal occurrence during the later developmental stages of man in general. Adachi studied sacral skin specimens of 76 white individuals, ranging from the fetal period to old age. He made freehand sections of alcohol- fixed material and obtained satisfactory results with unstained prepara- tions. He could not detect any blue spots in fetuses of Europeans and was unable to identifj- dermal pigment cells in white fetuses or in white new- borns. The earliest spots were grossly recognized in one- to three-day-old white infants and dermal pigment cells were numerous in the sacral re- gions of a six-month-old infant and of a 20-month-old child. Adachi de- scribed the pigmented cells in the deeper dermis as fusiform or stellate, measuring 40-80 /<. in length and 4^10 m in thickness. Some cells attained a length of 130 m- He considered them as connective tissue elements and believed that the pigmented cells of the dermis could not reach or pene- trate the epidermis. He was puzzled by a constantly pigment-free (papil- lary) zone between the epidermis and the pigmented layer of the dermis. Adachi distinguished two types of connective tissue pigment cells: (a) small cells in the upper layer of the dermis, which obviously corre- spond to the macrophages of modern interpretation, and (b) large cells in the deeper layer. The latter unquestionably correspond to our melanocytes of the dermis and represent the crucial elements of his study. Besides "dermal " pigment cells, Adachi described epidermal "chroma- tophores" that are similar in most respects to the dendritic cells or epi- dermal melanocytes. He believed that they were artifacts produced by the arrangement of intercellular pigment granules. In holding this view, Adachi evidently was infiuenced by Schwalbe, in whose laboratory he I) ZIMMCHMANN AND HKCKKH worked in Strassl)!!!": and who. with I'nna. Cohn. HaM. and Krouicyer. was one of the protajioiiists of the thi'orv that cpidciinal "chroniatopiiores" arc not cells at all. Hanvicr. Ilhiinann. i{ichl, and others held, instead. that the epidermal pifinient cells ("chroniatopiiores") were fixed connec- tive tissne cells that had penetrated the epidermis and existed in it inde- jiendently. Khnnann hail introdnced the term ■'melanoblast." refuting thai it i(|)i(s(iitcd either a modified leucocyte, connective tissue cell, or an epidermal cell. .Vccordinji to I'".luinann"s orijiinal definition, "melanoblasts" were dcrixed from the early emhryoiiic mesodermal layer. .\da(lii refuted the view that llic .Mongolian spot is an atavistic occur- rence. Since it is found in many colored races and since European children. too. have pigment cells in the corium. the potential blue spot or Kinder- fli'ck had ne\'er been lost in tlie exolution of human pigmentary conditions. Bloch (1901 I, ill a highly siicciilat ivc report unsupported by evidence, had maintained that "the spot is a sort of rudimentary organ which gives clues for the skin color of the ancestors of the yellow race and which one may call a stigma of atavism." .Vdaclii licM, instead, that liliic spots are of a i-udimeiitary. regressive character and that this type of ])igmentatioii occurs in all races during a certain period of development. His comjiarative anatomical findings on dermal and epidermal ]Mgmentatioii in jirimates are reviewed under a separate heading. Kato (I'.K).")) studied .Mongolian s]iots grossly in r)nn .Japanese children from biith to 1.'^ years, lie gathered statistical data on their localization^ form, size, color, and rate of disappearance. The spots were also studied histologically. He recognized the earliest pigment cells in the dermis of an eight-month fetus. In some skin specimens of children he found pigment cells often adjacent to blood vessels. The cells of a dee]i blue .Mongolian spot ill a iiiiie-iiioiitli-iild chilli were rdiiiid, oxal. nr tiisifdrm. and of a brown color. .Many branched cells ap])eai-ed connected with each other, and though the papillary zone was mostly free of jngment cells. Kato obser\'e(l tluMii occasionally at the (lerinii-e]iiileiiiial junction. He made one of the Hist histological studies of a liliie nexus (adult .lapanese) and identified fusiform, branched, or serpentine cells of brown color in the ileeper two-thinls of the cutis vera. He considered the characteristic jiig- meiit cells ill the dermis of the sacral areas of children and of the blue nexus ill ailiills as iileiitical. (Iriiiiiii had expressed a similar oi>inion xxithiMil gixiiig histological ex'idence. Pile gradual disappearance of llie .Mongolian sjiols in later chililhood was e\])iaiiied by I lie disiiit egi at loll of pigment cells and the absorjition of |)iginent granules by dermal lymphatics and venules. In the blue nevus of adults the cells xvere said to remain functional and to i(>tain their characteristic form. MELAXUIiLASTS AM) MKLANorVTKS IN KKTAL NKliHO SKIN 7 Bloch (1921) also attempted to fiiul the site and time of the earliest pigment formation in white fetuses. His material consisted of 12 speci- mens ranging from the third to the nintli month. Pigmentary elements within the dermis were encountered in the sacral legion of a fetus of about five months. Bloch described them as "peculiar cells which are not re- lated to the normal pigmentation of the epidermis." These dopa-positive melanocytes in the dermis remained "a puzzle as to their origin and sig- nificance." They were the only exception to Bloch's conccjit of the local- ization of pigment production in strictly ei)itlielial cells of ectodermal origin. Since he detected them only in the sacral area (Mongolian si)ot), Bloch designated them as Mongolenzellen. Nonetheless, he was aware that a complete answer could not be expected from his limited material. El Bahrawy (1922) studied under Bloch and tabulated the published reports of Mongolian spots according to their geographical and racial dis- tribution. They were seen macroscopically in newborn and children: 100 per cent in Japanese and other Mongolians, SO per cent in Negroes anfl 2 to 4 per cent in Europeans. In white children without visible sacral spots the pigment cells in the dermis were pale, scarce, and easily missed. He made histological observations on sacral skin of 112 European cadavers (unstainerl. stained sections, and silver impi-egnations accorrling to Biz- zozzero). Pigment cells in the sacral dermis were first identified in a few white fetuses of four to fiv(> nn)nths and in all specimens from five fetal months to nine-year-old children. In specimens from 12 to 82 years of age, dermal pigment cells were seen in only four, none over 21 years old. The irregular distribution of these cells was noted in many preparations. Oval, pear-shaped, fusiform, or irregularly wa-^'y cells measured 5-10 by 30-50 M. The argentaffin cells of the dermis were shown to be dopa j^ositive and were recognized, therefore, as true pigment producers or "melanoblasts." Their normal occurrence in European children was considered as a histo- logical or racial curiosity. Bahrawy recognized that phylogenetically such cells might represent "a temporary remnant of generalized pigmented areas in animals, where they exist throughout life." In a biopsy sj^ecimen from the forearm of a rhesus monkey, Bahrawy found numerous fu.siform pigment cells in the deeper layers of the dermis. These dopa-positive cells were believed to correspond to those of the Mongolian spot in man. The typical cells of a blue nevus and tlic "Mon- golian cells." as well as the dermal pigment cells of certain monkeys, were thought to be of the same nature. This was an important advance in the direction of a broader concept. Bahrawy speculated, however, that the cells in question might be of early ectodermal origin and had migrated into the dermis during embryonic life. This represents an attempt to support his teacher's theory. I 8 ZIMMKIIMANN AMI BKCKKH Isliikawa (1!)24) searched for the characteristic piKiiicnt cells of the sacral derinis in 32 Japanese fetuses. The earliest ones were found in two sppcinions (of a ^roup of ton fotusos) of tlic early part of the third month. Tlicy wi'ic rt)un(l oi' o\;d cells, nica.'^uiinf; lO-lo n. rarely 23 /i. and showinjj lui processes, (leneially lliey were hifihly scattered and contained yellow- ish-brown pigniont fj''i"iilpsi. Similar cells were identified in the deeper layers of the sacral corinm in four of eijiht fetuses of the fourth month. Tlieie were numerous i)ijimeiit {'ells in the .Monjiolian spot areas of fetuses ranginii fidiii the lit'tli to tlie tenth iiidiith. In specimens older than six months they wei'e mostly spindh'-shaju'd and measured 4-10 by 30-80 f^. Ito (l!).")^) reported on dermal piunient cells of the Monjiolian spot. tlie l)lue nevus, and the nevus fusco-coeruleus (of Ota). He stated that they were i)roiUK'e(l l)y "mesenchymal melanohlasts.'" Definite affinities with the nervous system ("sugfjestiuii eiido- or iiei'inevnium"' ) were postulated. Tins concept is reminiscent of Weidenreich's obsolete theory. Ito believed that during its gradual disappearance the Mongolian sjiot becomes es- tranged from the nerxous system, whereas the more localized conditions of the blue nevus and nevus of Ota retain their nervous coimections for life. In his studies of Mongolian spots in Japanese fetuses of varying ages. Ito reported results almost identical witli those obtained by Kato and Ishikawa. As late as 1957 (second report on melanin studies) Ito stiU maintained that melanogenous dendritic cells were derived from peripheral nerve fibers. Barry (1952) was the first to report dermal pigment cells in other than the sacral region of man. Working in a French laboratory at Hanoi. Indo- china, he studied fetuses of the yellow race and some scalji specimens of newborn and adult individuals. The earliest dermal melanocytes were identified in silver-impregnated head sections of a 5 cm fetus. We calcu- lated its age to be almost three months. The cells containcMl jiremelanin: some had short processes and were located in the reticulopajnllary zone with their long axis lying parallel to the basement membrane. Some ap- peared to lie migrating toward th(> e])idei'inis. witli processes extending to the baseuKMit membrane. Tliere were as yet no demlritic cells in the epidermis. (French authors persistently designate the latter cell type as "Langerhans cells.") Scalp sections of a fetus of 3.5 months (8.5 cm C.R.L.) showed a few dendritic cells in the epidermis and some dermal melanocytes. In silver-stained scalp sections of a fetus of 4.8 months ( 14.5 cm C.H.L.) there were numerous e)M(lermal dendritic cells and vari- ous forms of dernial nielano('\tes. '{"here \\v\v also dendritic cells and dermal melanocytes in the lumbodorsal-gluteal region. The illustrations of the latter cells resemble our own photomicrographs of similar cell stages in younger Negro fetuses. At five months tlie dendritic melanocytes of the MELAXOBLASTS AND MELANOCYTES IX FETAL XEfiRO SKIX 9 epidermis were numerous in the lumbar legiou but the basal cells con- tained no pigment granules detectable with silver. There were many branched pigment cells in the dermis of the scalp, often associated with blood vessels. A similar perivascular arrangement was noted in the scalp of a newborn. The basal cells now contained fine pigment granules, seen both in unstained and silver-treated sections. Xo dermal melanocytes were found in the adult scalp, but the basal cells were now crowded with melanin granules capable of reducing silver nitrate. Barry concluded that the dermal melanocytes are the forerunners of the dendritic "Langerhans cells." At first they are without processes and contain only premelanin. Later, branched forms appear, some of which he presumed to become the "dendritic melanoblasts" of hair follicles. In all races pigment granules appear in the basal cells of the epidermis long after the "Langerhans cells" have reachefl their destination. Barry noted that the melanocytes disappear in the dermis when the population of dendritic cells within the epidermis attains a certain density. This is the first suggestion of a puzzling "barrier" effect that seems to regulate the number of invading epidermal melanocytes per unit skin area. Barry believed that the dermal melanocytes were derived "probably from the ectomesoderm." without specifically mentioning the neural crest and without being aware of Rawles's work. He postulated that the pig- ment cells of the Mongolian spot, blue nevi, hair follicles, and the dendritic cells of the epidermis originate from the same source. He strongly opposed the theory of Bloch and adduced valid evidence for his plea that it should be abandoned. (b) Comparative anatomical data on dermal and epidermal pigmenta- tion in primates and other tnammals. Adachi (1903) made important con- tributions to our knowledge of jjigmentary conditions in the skin of apes and monkeys. In primates, cutaneous pigmentation exists both in the epidermis and in the dermis (orang, chimpanzee), sometimes only in the epidermis (gibbon, spider monkey), or only in the dermis (baboon, bar- bary ape). There were variable amounts of melanin in either layer and the type of cutaneous pigmentation was unrelated to the animal's syste- matic position. In some anthropoid apes (orang and chimpanzee) Adachi observed great numbers of pigment cells in the dermis of practically all body regions. They were spindle- or star-shaped cells, measuring 80-150 by 5-10 /i. Similar cells were characteristic for the dermis of various species of Macacus (rhesus monkeys), which have a bluish skin and little epidermal pigmentation. In general the extensor side of the extremities was richer in pigmentation, in either epidermis or dermis, than the flexor side. In the chimpanzee the dermal pigment cells in the extremities often were adjacent to blood vessels. It) ZIMMKUMAN.N AM) Hi:< KKIi Since ill adult man the dcjirco of opidcinial pifinipiitaf ion \'ari('s {jroatly wilii ract', ami the coiium is tree of laifio pijinient cells, Adaclii considered "Homo" as an independent piffmeiitary type. Miescher (1922) identified similar pi^nK'nt cills in certain dermal areas of the mouse. They were iiuiikmous around the \il)rissae. where they formed a collarlike network at the upper end of the follicles. Blood vessels were also aecompaiiicd by dermal pigment cells, wliich Miescher described as threadlike, elongatetl, sometimes branched or star-shaped. Their dopa reaction was positive but variable. He therefore recognized them as "autochthonous pigment-producers" and likened them to the pigment cells of the chorioid of the eye. Assuming that the pigment cells in the cutis vera of the mouse, apes, and some monkeys, and those of the chorioid and of the Alongolian spot were of mesodermal origin, Miescher acknowledged that the principle of an ectodermal pigment formation could no longer be maintained or, at least, appeared questionable, Daniieel and Cleffnianu (1954) showed that various species of rodents liave pigmentary conditions similar to those in apes and monkeys: the dermis, the epidermis, or the hairs may be the only pigmented structures. They studied embryos and skin specimens of newborn mice. rats, and rabliits. The earliest dermal melanoblasts were identified in mouse em- bryos of 14 to 15 days. The cells were relatively scarce and located near the dermo-hypodermal junction. None were directly beneath the epi- dermis. This had been construed to mean that there is no relationship between dermal and epidermal pigmentary elements. Danneel antl C'let^"- maiin believed, however, tliat dermal melanoblasts rapidly ascend and ])cnetrate the epidermis. They observed that in the ear of mice and rats such migrations occur relatively late, one to three days after birth. In the ear the tlermis retains some pigment cells throughout, whereas in other body regions they tlisappear. On the backs of rabbits only hair follicles contain melanocytes. Danneel and Cleffniaiiii never .^aw a ilirect migration of dermal melanolilasts into developing iiair follicles. The follicles receive their pigment cells from the epidermis during development by migration along the outer root sheath. The migratory process of melanocytes stops soon after birth, and tlic increase in iiuinber of cells dccurs liy rejieated cell di\isioii in thi' papillae^. Tliese investigators were aware of Rawles's ex- l)erimeiital evidence and agree(l witli tlie view that all pigment-producing cells of vertebrates are derived froni ihe neural crest. Weissenfels (195(5) contributed interesting details on the earliest jihases of melaiiogenesis in embryos of .Japanese "silky" fowl. The epi- dciinis and featiiers of aduil "silkies" are devoid of i)igiiieiit, l)ut the uiMlcrlyiiig tissues coiilain iiunicrous pigiiuMil-pro(hiciiig cells. Without gi\iiig (liicct cxidi'iicc. the aiillior staled tlial in carlx' ciiilirvonic stages MELAXOBLASTS AXD MELANOCYTES IX FETAL XEGRO SKIX 11 "spindle-shaped cells migrate from the neural crest into almost all body regions. " In tissue cultures he observed the origin of premelanin granules within specific cytoplasmic centers of melanoblasts. Granules were pro- duced periodically in waves. The centers were not identical with the Golgi apparatus. Preparatoiy to mitosis the melanoblasts became more spherical. Some processes, crowded with granules, remained connected by slender plasma bridges. After the nuclear events of mitosis, one of the daughter nuclei usually migrated into one of the retained cell processes. No flow of pigment granules could be obser\ed from mother to daughter melanoblasts. The latter, instead, soon began to produce their own premelanin granules from newly arising cell centers. They often formed budlike evaginations of the cell contour from which the demhitic processes arose. These events were observed both in vivo and in vitro, with the phase contrast and the electron microscope. (c) Data on prenatal melanocytes in the human epidermis. Pigment- producing cells in the epidermis of Negroes before birth were discovered relatively late in the history of pigment research. The prevailing opinion had been that Negroes were born white and that pigment appeared only during the first few postnatal days, especially at the nail folds, areola of the nipples, and the external genitalia. The concept was based in part on the dicta of renowned histological authorities, e.g., Kolliker, Unna, and in part on careless examination of the hyperaemic, pink skin of the newborn. Morison (1889) was one of the first to state that Negro children were born with some cutaneous pigment. In skin sections from the arm of an eight-month Negro fetus he observed pigment in the deepest layer of the epidermis. Thomson (1891) identified pigment, in unstained sections of the scalp, in a five-month Negro fetus. He also observed the curved character of hair follicles as well as "interlacing pigment cells" in the hair bulbs. Grimm (1895) had seen small amounts of pigment in the rete mal- pighii of Japanese newborn. Adachi (1903) corroborated this and further observed that newborn whites often had a lightly pigmented epidermis. His concept of the epidermal "chromatophore" as a non-cellular structure has been discussed above. Bloch (1921) obtained the earliest dopa reactions in the skin of a five- month white fetus. No true pigment was detectable in either epidermis or dermis, but certain melanoblasteiiartige Zellen within the basal layer re- vealed a gray-brown hue. In another specimen of the same age, the matrix of hair bulbs contained "a few cells with processes that looked like 'melano- blasts' and gave a weak, positive dopa reaction." Neither the papillae nor the hair shafts contained any pigment as yet. Fully formed melanin was first identified in a few hair Inilbs of the fifth fetal niontli and in the 12 ZIMMKKMANN AND IIKIKKH cpidorinis i)roper of sppcimcns of the sixth to seventh iiioiith. The dopa- positive cells within the basal layer were descritjed as typical "inelaiio- blasts" (in the sense of lihrniann's definition): irregular, star-shaped cell ixxlies with l)ranch('(i inoccsscs. Bloch compared them with "ganglion cells of the brain cortex." He stre.-Jsed again that all pigment was produced by cells of ectodermal origin (basal layer of the epidermis and hair matrix). Ziinmciiiiaiin timl ( '(iriil)leet (1!)4S) recognized dendritic melanocytes within tiie ("jjidermis of Negroes early in the third fetal month. They ob- taineil jiositive dopa reactions, exclusively in tliese cells, from the fourth fetal month on. The transfer of melanin granules from melanocytes to neighboring epithelial cells was first noticed late in the fifth fetal month. The papillae of lanugo hairs were seen to contain dendritic melanocytes whose ])rocesses extended directly into the ba.«e of the hair shafts. The melanizatioii of hairs occurred independently of the so-called epithelial matrix, which itself became pigmented later on. The ''interlacing pigment cells" noticed in' Tliomson evidently correspond to the dendritic melano- cytes, which lie between ordinary matrix cells of the hair bulb. These conditions were further studied by Zinnnermann (1954). who also attempted the first evaluation of the numerical density of melanocytes in the fetal epidermis of Negroes. The intercellular distances of 200 con- secutively encountered melanocytes were measured in serial sections. These distances decreased by api^roxiniatcly one-iialf Ijetween the fourth and the fifth months. It was concluded tiiat the munber of tlendritic cells had doublet! during that interval. Becker and Zimmermaim (1955) canied tiuit numerical analysis fur- ther, ("ell counts weie made in spreads of separated epidermis. In the newborn Negri) they found apjiroximately 1.000 doiia-iK)sitive melanocytes per nun'-. This figure compares favorably with similar counts made by Szabo (1954) in adult white skin. Clold chloiide impregnations revealed the earliest dentritic melanocytes in the epitlermis of white fetuses at six luonths. In Negro fetuses of the third month the first mature melanin gianules were identified in melanocytes of ihe eyelids, the exteriud audi- tory meatus, and s])ecific ai'eas of tlie oi'al nuicosa. Ilu. Staricco, I'inkus, and Ft)snaugh (1957) made observations on melanocytes of the prepuce of white and Negro infants. Their illustrations of cells in tissue cultures show many types resemtiling those described in the present study. They found thai "the iclal i\-el\- small ]iiginent cells in I he outgrowth of normal skin explant resemble the early melanoblasts of fetal life rejiorted i)y Zinunermann and ('orni)leet. ' Young pigment cells were recognized in the cultures as bipolar or stellate cells. .\s they maturetl they became strongly dopa positive and showed riclier dendritic ramifica- tions. There were no transitional forms ijetwceii onhnarx' ei)ithelial cells antl melanocytes. Kach cell type gave rise to daughter cells of its own kind. MELAXOBLASTS AND MELANOCYTES IN FETAL NEGRO SKIN 13 (d) Evidence of gradients in the devclop)iient of cutaneous piynienta- tion. Although the migration of nielanoblasts from the neural tube to various body regions had been well established for certain vertebrates, there is only fragmentary information on the rate at which they arrive at ultimate destinations. Hopkins-Fox (1041)) first determined such a schedule in embryos of barred Plymouth Rock chicks. The migratory nielanoblasts could not be identified with certainty in histological prepa- rations. The evidence, therefore, was based on the end results of grafting experiments. Of more than 2.000 transplants, about 1,000 were successful. The earliest migration of nielanoblasts from the neural tube occurred at the level of the mesencephalon, in chick embryos of 8 to 10 somites. In embryos with more than 27 somites "the epidermis overlying all somites tended to yield nielanoblasts upon transplantation." Roughly, an antero- posterior sequence in the migration of nielanoblasts was revealed. In the limb-buds there was a proximo-distal gradient as well as a dorso-ventral migration. The migration was not limited to the epidermis, but nielano- blasts also reached visceral structures along blood vessels (coelomic lining, mesorectum, testes). (e) Experimental evidence for the origin of mammalian melanocytes from the neural crest. The fundamental woik by Rawles (1947, 1948) was briefly referred to in the introduction. The pigment-forming potency of various body regions of mouse embryos of a black strain was tested by transplanting them into the coeloni of white Leghorn (albino) chick embryos. Only tissue grafts that contained presumptive or definitely identified neural crest were able to differentiate melanocytes. A medio- lateral spread in that pigment-forming capacity occurred, first at cranial and later at caudal levels. By several hundred grafting experiments Rawles proved conclusively that the somatic ectoderm or its hair follicles are incapable of producing their own melanin. In mammals, too, that faculty belongs exclusively to nielanoblasts and melanocytes, which are derived from the neural crest. Such experimental proof is not feasible in man. A search for the earliest phases of melanogenesis by histological means, therefore, appears to be the only possible approach. The results of our own endeavors are presented in the following pages. III. Materials and Methods One hundred and seven Negro fetuses were collected through the courteous co-operation of various hospitals and institutions: the Depart- ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Illinois Research and Educa- tional Hospitals (Dr. W. F. Mengert), the Department of Pathology of 14 /.IMMKU.MANN ANt) Hl;< KKK the University of Illinois. College of Medicine (Dr. C A. Krakower); Cook County Hospital. Departnient of I'atludogy. Chicago (Dr. P. H. Szanto): tiie Carnegie Institution of Washington. Department of Embry- ology, Baltimore (Dr. C Corner); Tulanc liiiversity. New Orleans. De- jiartment of .\natomy (Dr. II. Cununins) and tlie Department of Medicine {Dv. \. l)erl)es); Los Angeles County General Hospital. DeiJartment of Surgical Pathology (Dr. W. Hullock): the Chicago Maternity Center (Dr. Beatrice Tucker), and tlic .Molinc City Hospital. Illinois (Dr. X. T. Braatelien). We extend our sincere thanks to all those wiio made this material available to us. Al)out (K) specimens were particularly well preservetl. All were formalin-fixed. Detailed records were kept concerning the findings on melanocytes in the dermis and e])idermis. Other specimens were dis- carded liecause tliey were too yoiuig. sIiowcmI varicMis flegrees of maceration, or were otherwise inadequate for our study. Age determinations were made from careful measurements of crown- rump length and by applying the formulae of Scammon and Calkins (1929): C.R. Length = .(i(j C.H. Length (cm)-|-.5 cm and . fC.H. cm ,,.-,. I " , -, Age= j — ^g -|-L2o| +./4 These rules give menstrual age in lunar months of 2S days. The ages of several yoimg fetuses obtained from the Carnegie Institu- tion of Washington had been established according to the rigorous criteria of that laboratory. Our own calculations coincided with theirs. We were able to obtain only skin specimens from several older fetuses (twenty- sixth to twenty-eighth week) and newborn Negroes from Cook County Hospital. Chicago. We accepted tlie ages given by the hospital's Depart- ment of Pathology. Where\('r feasil)le we made skin shavings from 21 selected body regions of each fetus: two from scalji and cheek, seven areas from the trunk, six dorsal and volar areas of the ujiper limb including the palm, and six posterior and anterior regions of the lower limb, including the sole. In fetuses of the thin! and fourtli months, the fidl thickness of the delicate skin could be usc(|. in older t'cluses, two horizontal slices usually were made, one containing tiie e!)idermis with the upper portion of the dermis and another one consisting of the tleeper dermal layer. By stretching the skin areas of the sjiecimens it was jiossible to make the slices by hand. nicii'ly using a la/or blade, .\fter staining, the jireparations were mounted as spreads, alternately willi tlie dermal or tiie epidermal surfaces upper- MELAXOBLASTS AND MELAXOt'YTES IN FETAL XE(iRO SKIX 15 most. Surface examinations of such spreads clearly revealed the number and manner of arrangement of melanocytes. Population densities per mm- could be determined more accurately than is possible in sectioned material. Our extensive slide collection was prepared by Dr. Hans J. Knoblich. We are glad to acknowledge our indebtedness for his fine technical assist- ance and faithful co-operation. StainiiH/ Tfcliiiiquc. The best results were gained by modifying Masson's impregnation method of ammoniacal (reduced) silver nitrate. After thoroughly washing the formalin-fixed skin slices in distilled water, we placed them in a freshly prepared and filtered solution of 10 per cent ammoniated siher nitrate. Masson's original procedure required 6-8 hours impregnation time at room temperature. We incubated our prepa- rations at 55' C from 10 to 30 minutes. Frequent checking of the speci- mens (in distilled water, under the microscope) prevented overstaining. Usually a sepia-brown tint of the skin slices indicated that the incubation could be terminated. Even in such non-cleared preparations the epidermal melanocytes could be readily detected by low power examinations. The quality of the fixation appeared to affect the staining time. Adequately impregnated skin spreads, usually about 1 cnr in size, were then treated with a (3 per cent solution of sodium hyposulfite. Gold toning was omitted. The preparations were then dehydrated in an alcohol series, placed in xylol, and mounted in "Permount" as spreads. The study of vertical skin sections was accessory. Sections were used mainly for the accurate determination of the depth at which melanoblasts and incompletely differentiated melanocytes were found in the dermis. These sections also were impregnated with ammoniated silver nitrate and incubated at 55° C. The stain was no better, but much faster than that produced by the original ]\Iasson technique. After gold shading, the prep- arations were finished routinely. Cell Counts. Cell counts were made in over 500 microscopic fields of epidermal anrl dermal melanocytes. All counts were obtained by means of camera lucida projections. The standard fielcl measured (0.33 mm)-^ 1/9 mnr. Each observed melanocyte was traced, and after the field was completely surveyed the sketched-in cells were counted. Their number was then multiplied by nine to obtain an estimate of their population density per mm". Obviously, any error in counting was also multiplied by nine. However, checks were niade by tracing and counting the cells of one particular field on ten different plots. At other times the cell counts in a given field were made by dift'erent observers. In either case the errors were negligible, primarily because the silver impregnations were of high quality and the melanocytes easily identified. A comparison of cell counts in any two fields appeared justified and reliable. 16 ZIMMKHMANN" AMI HKCKKH The senior autlmr is responsil)k' fur practically all cell counts and for the analj'sis of the data. The photoniicrojiraphs wore inarlc by Mr. Lawroncp Toricllo. Illiistra- tioii Studios, I'liiversity of Illinois. His skillful work is greatlj- appreciated. IV. Melanoblasts and Melanocytes in the Fetal Dermis \\ c si'arclu'il for i)rccursor stages of melanocytes in many body regions of n-l selected specimens. Many of these fetuses were also used for the study of epidermal melanocytes reported on in succeeding sections. Questions of nomenclature were discussed in the introduction. We are using the term "melanoblast" for an embryonic type of cell, potentially able to produce melanin. A "dermal" melanocyte is a more highly differ- entiated cell, fusiform or stellate in shape, containing prenielanin or melanin, and is located in the dermis. It is also designated as an immature melanocyte. An "epidermal melanocyte" is the fully differentiated, dendritic type of cell, also elaborating melanin aiul located exclusively in the epidermis. "Dermal" melanocytes become visible in uiisfaiued fetal skin spreads as early as the fourth month (figure 7), Their granules are undistinguish- able from melanin and have affinity for reduced silver nitrate (Masson). Doi)a reactions were not feasible in our formalin-fixpd material. Tenth and Eleventh Weeks of Fetal Dei'elopment. The earliest melanoblasts were identified in skin specimens of ten Xegro fetuses of this developmental period. Their crown-rump length ranged from 3.4 to 4.5 cm. Preparations from various body regions were obtained by stripping small pieces of the delicate skin. In eight fetuses of this group the melano- blasts were found only in the scalp, in others also in the nape and in the saci'al r(>gion. 'i'hey wei'e identified as round cells oi from S to 12 /i di- ameter. Their eccentric nucleus usually contained one or two nucleoli. Fine argentaffin granules were disseminated throughout the cytoplasm. Due to the spherical shape of these cells, they appearcil to be more densely arranged at the jierijilieiy. The relatively large melanoblasts were widely tlispersed in the con- nective tissue. .\t that stage of development a true dermis cannot be distinguished from tiie hypoderniis. Cell counts were not made because of the scarcity and wide scatter of these elements. The earliest precursors of future ])igment cells were also recognized in strijiped skin pieces simply mounted in water and examined under the microscope. Such cells contain refractile granules which make tiiem readily iilentifial)le. The size of the refractile granules corresjionded to that of the argentaffin granules seen after im]ir(^gnation with reduced silver nitrate. MELAXOBLASTS AND MELANOCYTES IX FETAL XEGRO SKIX 17 Changes in form of the round nielanoblasts occur ah-eady during the tenth week of development. Some were ovoid, assuming the shape of fall- ing drops or of lemons with two small projections at each pole. Gradually more and more fusiform cell types appeared, often of 20 n length. The argentaffin granules tended to accumulate in the tips of the cell processes, giving the impression of active "growth points," Some ovoid cell bodies had two processes at one pole, foreshadowing a tripochil arrangement of future dendritic processes. Common to all forms were the argentaffin granules of very fine, even size. Their presence and the continuous series of cell shapes fi'om round to stellate forms were the cytomorphogenic features indicating a single lineage. In scalp spreads of the eleventh week some spindle-shaped cells measured between 30 and 45 m as compared with an average diameter of only 15 /i of the overlying epidermal cells. In general, the differentiating melanocytes of the dermis were conspicuously larger than fibroblasts or fibrocytes of their surroundings. During the tenth and eleventh weeks of development, melanocytes in the epidermis were rare. Round nielanoblasts and immature melano- cytes in the fetal dermis, therefore, precede the first appearance of epi- dermal melanocytes (in numbers) by about two weeks. Twelfth Week. In nine fetuses of this period, nielanoblasts and im- mature melanocytes were identified in many body regions. We consider this as an indication of the rapid migration or arrival of pigmentary precursor cells from their presumptive source in the neural crest. The crown-rump length of the specimens varied from 5.0 to 6.7 cm. Since the skin was still very delicate, full-thickness strips could be used. ]\Ielano- blasts and transitional forms of "dermal" melanocytes were observed in the scalp, cheek, nape, interscapular, and sacral regions, in dorsal areas of the forearm, of hand and foot, anterior aspect of the leg, and even in the palm and sole. The first cell counts of dermal nielanoblasts and of incompletely differentiated melanocytes were feasible. The distribution of "dermal" melanocytes, however, was not uniform through a given field. They ap- peared in groups or "streams" of considerable accumulations. Often the long axes of the spindle-shaped cells were parallel to each other, indicating, perhaps, a directional flow through the connective tissue spaces. The cell counts given in Table 1 cannot be taken as an absolute meas- ure of population densities. They merely indicate the relative frequencies with which nielanoblasts and "dermal" melanocytes were encountered at this early age. The table contains the calculated number per mnr of both "derniar' and epidermal melanocytes. The great variability in the number of epidermal pigment-producing cells is due to their irregular distribution pattern at this early age. 18 ZIM.MKK.MANN AM) HKIKKU Table 1. Cell Counts of Melanohlast.s anu Kauly Epidermal Melanocytes in the Twelfth Week l?(uly regions Mclanohlasts and "dermal melanocytes per mm- Epidormal melanocytes per mni- in corresponding areas Scalp 03, 182, 198, 387 ' — . 189 Interscapular 198 90, 144, 180, 315 Forearm, dorsum 4o, 1G2 171 Hand, dorsum 144, 2.J2 90, 13.j Palm 198 234, 279, 351 Leg, ant. region 126 90, 36 Foot, dorsum 378 18 Sole 162 63, 72, 153, 243 The wide range of cell counts in a given region is due partly to the migration and arrival of melanocytes in irregularly scattered groups or "swarms." Stabilized and more typical distrihution iiattcnis of mclandcytes become established in the fourth and fifth fetal months. Numerous mieronietric measurements were made with high power magnification. The spherical melanubhists measured from S to 10 m. teardrop or lemon-shaped forms from 12 to 16 ti-. Cells with stubby processes varied between 20 and 25 n. Spindle-shaped forms of immature melanocytes measured from 30 to 45 n in length. Figures 3 to (i siiow high power pliotomicrogiaphs of a roinid melano- blast and of early tonus of "deiinal" melanocytes (twelfth week). Obvi- ously, sharp focussing of these cells in the dermis of skin spreads is more (Ufficult than in sections. Thirteenth and Fourteenth \\'( el.s. The six fetuses of this fetal period varied in crown-rump length from 7.0 to 0.5 cm. Melanoblasts and "dermal" melanocytes now were present also in the pectoral region and on the anterior aspects of arm and thigh. Figure illustrates early forms of melanoc\'tes in tlie dennis of a lumbosacral spread. Cell counls varied gencrall.N' helween 200 and 4(11) jier mm-'. In one fetus, however, the counts wcvv nuicli higher in the sacral region and in the dorsum of hand and foot. Specifically, the comits were ()S4 and 1.305 for the sacral region, 003 and 1.101 for the dorsmn of the hand, and 855 in the ilnrsuiii (it tlie foot, ('nunts of tiic sanu' cell types in the palm and sole were the lowest for tlmt specimen: lOS and 201, respectively. During the thirteenth week yoimg ei)idermal melanocytes appear in many skin regions. Sudi juvenile forms usually are slender, fusiform cells with long |)riniary dendritic processes. They are easily recognized in a liiglici' focal plane lli:in llial of the "dernial" inelan(ie>'tes. The latter also MELANOBLASTS AND MELANOCYTES IN FETAL NEGRO SKIN 19 teiul to be spindle-shaped with cell processes just beginning to form. Fusi- form "dermal" melanocytes from the dorsum of the foot are shown in figure 8. Fifteenth and Sixteenth Weeks. The seven fetuses of this develop- mental period, terminating the fourth month of pregnancy, varied in crown-rump length between 9.5 and 11.7 cm. The population density of "dermal" melanocytes, in general, was higher than in the preceding weeks, although there still was considerable variation. This may have been due partly to technical procedures. If surface shavings are too thin the prep- arations may reveal only part of the population of dermal melanocytes. Cutaneous areas from the scalp, and dorsum of the hand and foot, some- times contained 500 to 700 melanoblasts and "dermal" melanocytes per mm-. Spindle-shaped forms usually were predominant, although in one fetus of 16 weeks many round melanoblasts were typical of various regions, particularly in the dorsum of hand and foot. During this developmental period, "dermal" as well as epidermal melanocytes become visible in u)}stai})ed preparations. Figure 7 shows spindle-shaped cells in the dermis of an unstained scalp spread (fifteenth week.) The presence of true melanin in those cells was proved by impreg- nations with ordinary silver nitrate (Bizzozzero's method). Relatively young forms of "dermal" melanocytes from the dorsum of the hand are shown in figure 10. Seventeentli to Twentieth Weeks. Split-skin preparations were made of 15 fetuses of the fifth month of pregnancy. Their crown-rump length varied between 12.5 and 16.5 cm. Cell counts of "dermal" melanocytes remained high in most regions. There were over 1000/mm- of such cells in the sacral region (Mongolian spot) of two specimens (figure 11). Counts of epidermal and "dermal" melanocytes of a preparation usually were lower by one-half or two-thirds for the latter type of cells, except in the sacral region. Cell counts in preparations impregnated with reduced silver were consistently higher than those in unstained skin spreads. This agrees with the generally ac- cepted view that ammoniacal silver nitrate reveals precursor stages as well as fully elaborated melanin granules. In unstained preparations presum- ably only the latter are visible. In some fetuses of this period, the spindlc-shapetl melanocytes in the dermis were the most characteristic cell type. They had become longer and measured from 40 to SO /i. In other specimens the majoiity of the "dermal" melanocytes were of the round or ovoid form. They may have been "young arrivals" in the particular regions (lumbosacral, dorsum hand, dorsum foot). During this developmental period, immature melanocytes also tended 20 Zl\lMi:iiM.\N.\ AMI HK(Ki;H to becuint' adluTcnl Ui small Ijluud vessels. Whole chains clearly outlined the course of caijillaries. The cells often had the ajipeaiance of silver- impregnated "pericytes." Figure 12 ]ioi trays such an arrangement in the dermis of the scalp. Migratory melanocytes may also follow the course of nerves in the dermis. Such migration, however, seems to be incidental rather than essential. Similar observations by Ehrmann may have induced him to bclicNc lliat melanoblasts were derived from the adventitia of blood vessels. Sixtli Muidlt to Birth. The mateiial for this period consisted of three specimens of the twenty-sixth and twenty-eighth weeks and of four full- term fetuses, ill llic full-term fetuses the epidermis was sloughed; the dermis, however, was well pieserved and excellent silver impregnations of "dermal" melanocytes were obtained. Characteristic of this late fetal j^eriod is the disappearance of the melanoblasts and melanocytes from the dermis of most skin areas. Per- haps the cells merely lose the active enzyme system that is necessary for the elaboration of melanin. They would then become undetectable with (lur present methods. They may disappear entirely, though we cannot be sure. E(iually characteristic, however, is the fact that "ilermal" melanocytes remain a constant feature of the scalp, the sacral region, and the dorsum of the hand and foot. In the last two regions their number varied between 500 and (iOO cells at six months as well as at birth. In the sacral region of several newborn specimens we counted from 900 to 1,400 "dermal" mela- nocytes per mm.- Figure 13 shows such cells from the dorsum of the hand (if a iiewlioru Negro. V. The Development of Distribution Patterns of Epidermal Melanocytes During the Fetal Period It has been known for some years {Zimmermann and Cornbleet, 194S) that the first epidermal dendritic cells appear early in the third fetal month. Beckei' and Zinuiieiiuaim (10.").")) had also establisluHl that in the iiewliorii Xegro theie are approximate]}' l.UOO melaimcNies per mm'" of epideiinis. But only incomplete information has been available concerning the i)o])ulation density of such cells at different fetal periods and in various skin areas. Previous data wnv based on skin sections in which the mean distance between 200 consecutively encountered melanocytes hail been measured. The ])roi)ai)le number of melanocyt(>s jier nun" was then estimated. It is difficult to identify fuiictidiially immature dendritic cells in skin sections of earlv fetal months, in trviiig In avoid llial the same cells were counted MELAXOBLASTS AXD MELANOCYTES IX FETAL XEGRO SKIX 21 ill adjacent sections, we had measured only alternate sections. This pre- caution led to cell counts that were too low. Our more reliable, present method calls for correction of the figures published in our 19.55 study. Forty-three fetuses of our material had been aborted between the tenth and twentieth weeks of development. This developmental period proved to be an important one for the differentiation of epidermal mela- nocytes and the establishment of their regular distribution pattern. No intraepidermal dendritic cells could be seen before the tenth week (fetuses with a C.R.L. of 40 mm or less). In the twentieth week, however (C.R.L. of over IBO mm) the population density of epidermal melanocytes in most skin areas already resembled the conditions at birth (800-1,100 per mnr). The following is an account of the development of distribution patterns of dendritic cells until birth. Tenth Week. The earliest epidermal melanocytes were identified in the interscapular region of a fetus measuring 34 mm in crown-rump length. Its age was calculated at 2.7 lunar months or 10 3/7 weeks. Widely scat- tered dendritic cells were observed, some with fairly long, branched proc- esses. Figure 14 shows one of these earliest intraepidermal cells. Three dendritic processes extend through a total distance equal to about ten ordinary epidermal cells. Argentaffin granules of premelanin became vis- ible with Masson's reduced silver technique. They could not be seen in unstained preparations nor after treatment with ordinary silver nitrate (Bizzozzero). Fully elaborated melanin, therefore, was not present. The dermis contained numerous round melanoblasts, e.g., in the sacral region. Counts of the sporadically appearing, earliest melanocytes of this stage would be meaningless. Eleventh Week. Scattered intraepidermal melanocytes were observed in various cutaneous areas of eight fetuses of this period. Their crown- rump length varied between 37 mm and 55 mm. Scalp, cheek, and nape revealed dendritic cells in most of these specimens, although never in high numbers. A few cells were also identified in the interscapular, para- umbilical, and gluteal regions. Even the epidermis of the delicate limbs, on the dorsum of the arm and the posterior region of the thigh, contained a few young dendritic cells. In most areas there were fewer than ten early melanocj'tes per mm'. Cell counts were not reliable. The youngest forms were fusiform with slender, drawn-out cell bodies and two dendritic proc- esses. Some were triangular, with indications of three processes, or even with secondary branches. Some of the processes measured 50 p. in length. The total length of the fusiform cells usually ranged between 50 and 75 n. The distal limb segments were still devoid of dendritic cells. TiceJfth Week. Epidermal melanocytes now appeared also in palm and sole. The distribution of early dendritic cells was regular enough to 22 ZIMMKUMANN AM) HKCKKK allow coll (tiiiiits ill five of the seven available fetuses of this period. Their ciowii-niiiii) Iciifitlis \aiii'(l Ix'twecii .">() and ()7 imn. Tlip cell coiiiifs ranged from •'iO to L'(M). In two specimens, however, the population density of youufi dendritic cells already was remarkably high, e.g.. 576 cells per mm' in the nape and 738 cells per mnr in the sole of one. (503 cells in scalp and 513 in the palm of the other specimen. Since the distribution pattern was uneven, tiiese counts convey at least an impression of the rapid migration of melanocytes into specific epidermal areas. Transitional cell forms be- tween young dendritic cells and ordinary ejiithelial cells were not seen. Each of the 20 .skin areas contained .some dendritic cells at this early age. Their cytodif!'erentiation occurred rapidly. Figures 15 and 16 represent early cell forms and distribution patterns of epidermal melanocytes of a twelfth week fetus. The fusiform cell bodies of the sole, showing long primary dendritic processes, were characteristic of young dendritics in all cutaneous areas. In the sole they had just appeared at this age; in the nape (figure 16) they had already attained a higher degree of differentiation. Figures 17 and IS re))resent cell stages encountered in full-tiiickness skin spreads of two fetuses obtained from the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Depaitment of Embryology (Baltimore). Their respective ages hail been determined in that laboratory as 12 weeks (Carnegie speci- men Xo. 9014) and 12 3/7 weeks (Carnegie specimen No. 8613). Figure 17 shows highly differentiated melanocytes in the epidermis of the scalp and figure 18 of the anterior region of the leg. The surface views of these spreads show the nuclei of ordinary epidermal cells and permit a com- parison with the length of the dendritic processes. The dendritic cells reveal accumulations of argentaffin granules to the tips of their processes. Figures li) and 20 portray conditions of melanocyte differentiation in the najie and in the dorsum of the arm. The cells are of a uniform type in the formei- liut varialile in the latter region. The fusiform, slender cell forms prol)al>!y had recently "aniveii" in the epidermis on the dorsum of the arm. A relative "timetable of arrival" of ejiidermal melanocytes in differ- ent skin areas of an individual is siu)wn liy cell counts. During the twelfth week they were consistently higher in the palm than in the .«ole. e.g.. 351:72; 234:63 per nun-'. Thirteeiilh mid Fourteenth W'icLs. A markeil increase in tlie numl)er of epidermal nielanoc^'tes chaiacterized lliis jiiTind. In the palm api^eared the first indications of rete ridges (ejiidermal crests). We studied six fetus(>s ranging from (it) to 75 nun C.H.L. in the thirteenth week and from S5 to 133 nun in the fourteenth week. Tiie distrii)Ution of Nounu dendritic cells was more imiform and cell MELAXOBLASTS AND .MELANOCYTES IN FETAL NEGRO SKIX 23 counts became reliable. Cell distribution remained irregular in only a few skin areas. The orientation of melanocytes often indicated a directional flow or migration ( figuie 20). Population densities of tlie dendritic cells varied, both regionally and individually, between 300 and 1,000 per mnr. In the scalp, cheek, dorsal trunk regions and dorsum of forearm the counts were between 800 and 1,000 cells. Great waves of rapidly differentiating dendritic cells thus appear to arrive at their destination during a short period of only two or three weeks. Their population density ([uickly ap- proached that of the newborn. Since nuclear events in epidermal mela- nocytes cannot be observed after sih'cr impregnations, we are unable to say whether the increase in cells was due, in part, to mitotic divisions. Figure 21 illustrates the distribution pattern in the scalp of a Negro fetus of 131/2 weeks (75 mm C.R.L.). We counted 936 dendritic cells per mm- of that area. The distrilnition features in palm and sole were of special interest. When they first appear the melanocytes are fairly evenly scattered throughout the epidermis of palm and sole. Figure 23 shows that pattern in the palm at 13 weeks. It changed rapidly with the differentation of rete ridges (epidermal cristae) between the thirteenth and seventeenth weeks. This occurs first in the palm. Figure 24 shows the dendritic cells located almost exclusively on the rete ridges. Palm and sole contain some melanocytes until birth and even to adult life. Their potentiality to form melanin, however, appears more inhibited than elsewhere in the body. Fifteenth and Sixteenth Weeks (end of fourth month). Our material consisted of three fetuses of the fifteenth week (95 to 105 mm C.R.L.) and of four fetuses of the sixteenth week (107 to 117 mm C.R.L.). In general, the distribution patterns of the dendritic cells were regular and uniform in all skin areas, except in the palm. Cell counts were higher than in preceding periods. This reflects a continued infiltration of the epidermis by melanocytes from the dermis. At 15 weeks the population density of dendritic cells varied between 600 and 1,200 per mm-. Figure 22 shows a characteristic distribution pattern of epidermal melanocytes in the inter- scapular region at that time. In unstained spreads of scalp specimens of the fifteenth and sixteenth weeks, the dendritic melanocytes were faintly visible. The degree of their differentiation corresponded to that shown by impregnations witli am- moniacal silver nitrate. Unstained dendritic cells were also identified at the palpebral fusion plate. Impregnations by Bizzozzero's method proved that they contained fully elaborated melanin. We had previously shown that melanin is first formed in melanocytes of certain head regions early in the fourth month. The rete ridges in the jialmar epidermis become well established during 24 ZIMMKUMANN AM) MIOCKKU the fifteenth week. The previously scattered luehiiiocytes now were located on the ridges and their nunil)er decreased to l.")()-20() cells per mm-". This may he due lo a loss of staiiiahilily or to actual disappearance of the dendritic cells. Duiiiiii ihc fit'tccntli week tlie sole usually has no rete ridges as yet. During the sixteenth week, cell counts of epidermal melanocytes varied between 700 and 1,200 per nun'. The palmar and plantar areas were again the excei)tions. In the palm all tlie dendritic cells were on the rete ridges and nunil)cr(Hi between loO and 2.")() cells per luni". In the sole, instead, the epidermal cristac were just bciiinning to form and tiie number of the evenly scatter('(| melanocytes remained lelatively high: 37.) to 450 per mm-. Sev€iit(ciitli and Eiyhtcenth H'crA*-. There were no important changes in this developmental period. Specimens of the seventeenth week meas- ured between 125 and 129 nun in C.R.L. and lietween 130 and 137 mm C.R.L. in the eighteenth week. In general, the po]nilation density of melanocytes was similar to that at the end of the fourth month of development (600-1,200 cells per mm"). There were two exceptions. Counts in skin spreads of a 130 mm fetus were consistently low (300-700 cells). There were some signs of relatively poor preservation and the counts may not be reliable. I'nusually high cell counts were obtained in preparations from a fetus of 17 weeks; manj' ex- ceeded 1,000 per mm-'. I'ixation and silver impregnation were good. We ascribe such high counts of dendritic cells to individual variation, which will be discussed in a subsecjuent section. During the seventeenth and eighteenth weeks, the development of rete ridges in palm and sole had further ])rogressed and constituted very characteristic features. The melanocytes were locatetl exclusively on the ridges. Theii' number was consistently higher in the .st)le than in the palm. Cell counts in both areas were higher in specimens of the seventeenth than in the eighteenth week. In the palm the average number per mnr de- creased from about 200 to 100. in the sole from al)out 400 to 175 cells. This may l)c due to a loss in functional activity with resulting unstain- altility, or it may mean an actual decrease in the numlier of melanocytes. Figure 24 shows the arrangement t)f the melanocytes on the epitiermal ridges in the palm of a Negro fetus of 17 weeks. There were 126 dendritic cells per mm' (compare with figures 23 and 26). X'nu'Ueiith and 'rwcnlicth Weeks (end of fifth month). Split-.^kin ])re])arations were ol)tained from five fetuses l)elonging to the nineteenth week of development (145 to l.")!) mm C.R.L.) and of two fetuses of the twentieth week (165 nun C.R.L.). Cell counts fiom one fetus of the twenty-first week were included in this jteriod. MELAXOBLASTS AXD MELANOCYTES IX FETAL XEGRO .SKIX 25 The population densities of epidennal melanocytes varied between 500 and 1,000 cells per mm'-. In one fetus it ranged from 700 to 1,100 and in another between 800 and 1.400, The impression gained from an analysis of cell counts in the seven- teenth and eighteenth weeks was sustained: the great influx of melano- cytes into the epidermis had occurred before the end of the fourth month. There was now a distinct slowing of that process, A degree of stabilization appeared to be attained, although various cutaneous areas still contained melanocytes in the dermis, Barry ( 1953 ) had noticed it but nothing is known of the causes. We can merely state that the period of penetration of the epidermis by melanocytes is relatively short and occurs essentially before the midpoint of pregnancy. Figure 25 shows a typical distribution pattern of epidermal melano- cytes in the anterior abdominal wall at 19 weeks. The population density was 873 cells per mm'-. The gradual decrease in the number of melanocytes on the epidermal cristae of the sole is shown by the following figures: 531 per nmi" at 17 weeks, 360 at 19. and 270 at 20 weeks. Twenty-Sixth Week. We were able to obtain skin specimens of various body regions from two fetuses of 6.6 months. The counts of epidermal melanocytes from 10 cutaneous areas of one fetus (220 mm C.R.L.) varied between 700 and 1.100 per mm-. In the sole there were only 81 dendritic cells per mnr, all located on the rete ridges. In the other fetus of this period (225 mm C.R.L. ), the cell counts from seven cutaneous areas ranged between 1.000 and 1,485. These counts are in good accord with our findings from the end of the fifth fetal month and with those in the newborn. They indicate that no additional wave of melanocyte "arrivals" occurred during the second half of the fetal period. Scattered melanocytes from the dermis may neverthe- less enter the epidermis in small numbers. Full-Term and Negro Injants oj the Xeonatal Period. The epidermis had been sloughed off in skin specimens of four full-term fetuses. In the palm of one specimen we were able to count 288 melanocytes per mm". Figure 26 shows their arrangement on epidermal ridges, between openings of the sweat pores. In the sole of another specimen there were 171 den- dritic cells per mm-. Although unsatisfactory for an over-all study of pig- ment cells in the epidermis, the four fetuses nevertheless revealed great numbers of melanocytes in the dermis of special areas. Reference to those findings was made in another section. Reliable counts of melanocytes in the newborn had been previously reported from the abdominal wall (Becker and Zimmermann, 1955). Epi- dermal spreads had been obtained by trypsin digestion. They were fixed 2() ZIMMKHMANX AM) HKCKKH ill 2 i)cr cent tnriiialiii tnr t'oiii' Ikiius ami llicii iiiciibatecl in a 1 per cent (lojja solution for three hours. Counts ranged between 083 and 1.152 dopa- positive denthitic cells per nini". In a ten-day-old Xegro infant, the dopa- treated ejiiderinis contained between ()17 and S14 melanocytes per iiinr of abiloiiiiiial surface area. VI. Regional Differences in the Frequency Distribution of Epidermal Melanocytes in the Negro Fetus A total of 412 field counts of ejMdernial melanocytes were made. Only such preparations were used in which the melanocytes were well impreg- iialed witii rerjuced silver nitrate. There were differences in the intensity witii which iii(H\iihial cells took up the silver. Since all preparations were made with ceiual care, our numerical data are considered adeiiuate for an estimate of regional tlifferences in population densities. They represent a first attempt at determining the time of arrival of fetal melanocytes in various body regions. Wherever feasible 20 cutaneous areas of each fetus were studied. Figure 1 graphically illustrates tlie pooled data for two developmental periods: (a) the twelfth week, when the epidermis is being invaded by melanocytes in numbers, and (b) a longer interval from the thirteenth to the twenty-first weeks (end of fifth fetal month). During that time occurs a stabilization of the cell counts. ( 'onsec|uently. the population density of epideinial melanocytes leinaiued relatively constant diu'ing the second half of pregnancy. During the twelfth week, cell counts in ilifl'erent regions varied from about 20 to 400 dendritic cells per mnr (see Table 1). A total of 50 counts were made. Tlie highest counts were obtainetl from the scalp, cheek, nape, and interscapular regions. The counts for various cutaneous aieas of the upper limb were higher than tho.^e of the lower limb. .Surprisingly high numbers of dendritic cells were obtained for palm (351/mnr) and sole (243/nmr). Since the head region of an embryo and young fetus grows earlier and faster, and the anterior limb differentiates ahead of the jiosterior limb, the population densities of nielaiiocytes appear to conform with the general seas. Tlieir in\-asion of tiie ei)ideiniis and differentiation into ileiidritic c(-lls may occur at a high rate. The iiopiilation density in tiie palm and sole increased liuriiig the thirteenth week but decreased tliereafter. .V dorso-ventral difference in the iiiiiiilier o\' iiielaiiocN'les was iml e\id('ii1 in the Iwcltth week. MELAXOBLASTS AND MELANOCYTES IN FETAL NEGRO SKIN 27 COMBINED AVERAGE COUNTS OF DENDRITIC MELANOCYTES PER MM HOG 1000- 900- 800- 700- 600- 500- 400- 300- 200 100 Heod ond Trunk 13th -21 St fetal week (TOTAL COUNTS^ 270) Upper Limb I2th fetal week Lower Limb J„ Figure 1. Population densities of ejiidermal melanocytes in various loody regions. The lower curve shows average counts of melanocytes per mm- during the twelfth fetal week. The upper curve represents pooled frequencies between the thirteenth and twenty-first fetal weeks. Tlie number of melanocytes in palm and sole dro]3s sharply after tlie thirteenth week. The top portion of the graphs in figure 1 shows the average frequency distribution of epidermal melanocytes in 20 areas of fetuses between the thirteenth and twenty-first week. It is based on 270 field counts of den- dritic cells. The data were first plotted separately for the thirteenth week (25 counts), for the fourteenth to sixteenth week (149 counts) and for the nineteenth to twenty-first week (96 counts). Since there was an overlap of population densities in corresponding areas we pooled the entire group of data. The graph portrays the main trend of regional cell frequencies dur- ing the fourth and fifth fetal months. In fetuses of the thirteenth week the counts of epidermal melanocytes were significantly lower for the lower limb as compared with those of the upper limb. This agrees with the slower or delayed rate of development of the hind limb. In the following few weeks that difference in population densities became rapidly erased. Between the thirteenth and twenty-first weeks the average counts of 28 ZIMMKH.MANN AM) HKIKKK luclaiiocytt's ltd' all culaiicuus icfiitjiis xaiied ht'twciMi <).")() anil it.jU iimi". The greatest influx of epklennal inelanoeytes into any of these areas had occurred Ix'twccn the twclt'ih ami fouitccntli weeks of intrauterine (levelopnicnt. The most characteristic features were the gradual disapiiearance of a cephalo-cauilal gradient, and the clear emergence of a dorso-ventral gra- dient ill jxipulatidn densities, tor the trunk. ui)i)er and lower limb. Till' cdunts (if melanocytes ilid luit icmain significantly higher in the (■(>plialic portions of the fetus. High counts were obtained from the sacral region. The number of dendritic cells in dorsal areas of both limbs was also approaching the previously higher counts in the head region. The ])ool('d axcragc counts fiDin the doisal areas of trunk and limbs (littered from those of corresjionding ventral areas. They were significantly higher in the sacral area, dorsum of arm, forearm and hand, posterior region of thigh, and in the calf, than those of the paraumbilical and pec- toral regions, or of anterior areas of arm, forearm, thigh, and leg. This is clear evidence of a dorso-vential giadient in tlie pojudation densities of melanocytes at that fetal period. The high counts in the sacral legion (average: !)47/mm-) are of special interest since that area corresponds to the caudal end of the neural tube and of the neural crests. Great numbers of pigmentary precursor cells accumulate in the dermis of that area. They constitute tlie substrate foi' the so-call('(i .Mongolian s])ot. .Many of tiies(> cells may later penetrate the epideiniis and thus lead to a liigh po])ulation density of dendritic cells in the sacral area. All the epidermal melanocytes of the lower limb, inci- dentally, must also be derived from the dermal pool of melanoblasts in that area. Sjiecial features prevailed in the epidermis of palm and sole of the fourth and fiftli months. The first epideiinal cristae or rete I'idges appear ill the i)alni about two weeks earlier than in the sole. They were easily identified in both areas during the eighteenth week. None were present elsewhere in the skin of that period. During the formation of rete ridges, the counts of palmai' and jilantar melanocytes dropped sharply. Their dis- li'iliutioii ])att('in changed from one of cNciily scattered cells to one of restricte(| alignments on the rete ridges. There remained only rare den- dritic cells Ijetween the epidermal crests. This decrease is perhaps more simulated than real; if the enzymatic activity necessary for melanin pro- duction lu'canie inhibited, the cells would not be revealed by our impreg- nation techniciue. Inliiliition of tyrosinase activity by SH groups has been j)roved to occur in adult wiiite skin. In tlu' jialm and sole of Negroes it begins ])erhaps as early as the fourth fetal month. MELANOBLASTS A\D MELANOCYTES IX FETAL NEdRO SKIN 29 VII. Individual Variability in the Population Densities of Melanocytes During the Fetal Period The poohng of cell counts tluough a relatively extensive develop- mental period, as done in the foregoing section, has the advantage of diminishing the effects of minor technical errors and of bringing out the major trends of conditions under study. Such a procedure has the dis- advantage, however, of erasing iiuUvidual differences in the population density of melanocytes. The "average truth" is not the whole ti'uth in these matters, any more than in many others. A possible source of error resides also in relationship between the degree of differentiation of a specimen and its age as determined by exter- nal body dimensions. Streeter showed in his "horizons of human develop- ment" that an identical degree of interior differentiation may be attained in embryos of different external dimensions. During fetal development that discrepancy probably is less significant. Our age determinations ac- cording to Scammon and Calkin's formulae are valid for comjiarisons, but they do not necessarily reflect absolute age. Any errors in this respect probably would affect age determinations by not more than one week. Already in the twelfth week we encountered one specimen in which the average count of melanocytes per mm- was much higher (540) than the entire range for other individuals of that period (50-200). A similar difference between specimens of practically identical crown-rump lengths was noted at 15 weeks. The discrepancy in cell counts was especially apparent in corresponding skin areas of the lower limbs. Again in the eighteenth week we obtained range variations in cell counts from 300-700 in one individual and from 600-1,000 in another. The range of variability generally was between 500-1,000 melanocytes/mm- in specimens of the nineteenth week. In one individual of the twentieth week the counts varied from 700 to 1.100 cells and in another fetus of the twenty-first week from 500 to 900. In two fetuses of the twenty-sixth week the cell counts (disregarding palm and sole) were between 675 and 1,100 per nmr in one specimen, and between 1,000 and 1,485 in the other. Counts in skin speci- mens of newborn Negroes averaged 1,035 melanocytes per nun-. Unfor- tunately we were not able to obtain material from many cutaneous areas of that age. The above-reported individual differences might be considered char- acteristic only for fetal stages. Our data do not extend far into postnatal life and we cannot say whether such differences persist. It is well estab- lished, however, that they exist both in white and Negro adults. 30 ZIMMKHMANN AND HKCKKli VIII. Discussion 111 the ])ast, cutaiioous pifiincnt cells and their precursor stapes have been known !)>■ \'ari()us names. To the jn'oponents of a theory that preceded Hloch's. tlu\\- were tixcd conncri ivc tissue cells that had penetrated the epidermis. Accordinji to Mlirmann. pigiiieiit-i)roducinf;- cells were "melaiio- blasts," located in the dermis or in the epidermis and presumed to be derived from embryonic mesoderm. But Bloch insisted that they were of ectodermal origin, arising in the basal layer of the e]Mdennis. Biologists generally jireferred the terms chromatophores or melano])liores. evidently disregarding the fundamental difference between carrying melanin and actively producing it. Adachi, with other distinguished authors of his time, believed that "epidermal chromatophores'" were an illusion. ^Melanin of the mammalian and human epidermis was not contained in cells at all but in intercellular spaces. Others, i)articularly P>ench authors, designated the epidermal pigmentary elements as "Langerhans cells." Paul Langerhans (1868) had discovered stellate cell forms in adult white skin by means of gold imjireg- iiations. He believed them to be nerve cells and did not associate them with pigment ]iroduction. Later these elements were considered either as artifacts oi- identical with the true ]5igment-prii(lucing dendritic cells of the epidermis. According to Masson (1!)48), "Langerhans cells" represent effete melanocytes that have lost their ability to produce melanin and are ajiproaching desciuamation. Billingham and Medawar (1953) emphasized tliat only "high level" branched cells in the epidermis are identical with "Langerhans cells" and that the latter did not occur in the basal layer. In adult heavily pigmented skin the high level dendritic cells never are ilojxi positive. They have either lost or discharged their pigment and are an exhausted type of cell. In fetal Negro skin no distinction can be made between branchetl cells in superficial or deep layers of the epiilermis. All are functionally active as pigment producers. Consequently, there are no "Langerhans cells" in fetal Negro skin. This confirms the interpretation that in adult skin they represent "spent" melanocytes. Hence we have not usetl the term. Masson (1948) designated the pigment-producing elements of the epidermis as "clear cells" or "cellules claires." Tlie term staiuls for cell bodies (perikarya) that lie mostly in the basal layer and usually show some pigmentary activity. They were even described as lymphocytes penetrating the epidermis. Billingham and Medawar (19.13) ha\e drawn attention to that erroneous interpretation. liloch (1917) and Beckei- (1927) called the dopa-]iosili\e biancluMl cells I)( iiilrlh iizi ll( II nv (lench'ilic cells. These leiins were ])arl icularly MELAXOBLASTS AND MELANOCYTES IN FETAL NEGRO SKIN 31 useful in the earlier days of pigment research when neither their origin nor true nature was known. "Dendritic cell" now is a widely used term (Billingham. 1948). It is descriptive, noncommittal, and applicable to all epidermal stellate cells, whether they have pigmentary activity or not. In this bewililering array of more or less synonymous terms — which naturally has led to confusion — the best name for pigment cells is "mel- anocytes." We have applied it both to immature, branched forms of pigment-producing cells in the fetal dermis and to the highly differentiated dendritic cells of the epidermis. Pigmentary as well as inhibited dendritic cells are melanocytes. Alelanoblasts, instead, are early embryonic cell types, round or ovoid, and re\'eal the first signs of their j^igment-producing potentiality. During the past 75 years a bi'oad concept has evolved relative to melanocytes in the human dermis. At first recognized only in the sacral region of Japanese fetuses and children, then in the dermis of certain primates, the same cells were subsequently described in the sacral region of whites, in blue nevi, and finally in the dermis of several body regions of early fetuses of the yellow race. We have shown that during early fetal months, immature melanocytes are present in the dermis of all body regions of Negro fetuses. j\Ieasurements of the characteristic cells corre- spond closely to those given by previous authors for the so-called Mon- golian cells. Barry (1953) postulated that "dermal melanocytes are the forerunners of dendritic Langerhans cells." He fuither emphasized that the pigment cells of the Mongolian spot, of the blue nevi, of the hair matrix, and the dendritic cells of the epideimis are cytogenetically related to each other. In general, we agree with this conclusion. We have found that in later fetal life and at biith, "dermal" melano- cytes remain identifiable only in certain skin areas: in the scalp, the sacral region, and the dorsum of the hand and foot. Temporarily, all cutaneous areas of Xegro fetuses contain some pignient-j^roducing cells in the dermis. These melanocytes appear in every way homologous to the permanently present pigment cells in the dermis of certain anthropoid apes and monkeys. Their gradual disappearance from the dermis of most skin areas needs further investigation. The present methods did not permit us to establish whether many of the melanocytes degenerate or whether their enzyme system merely becomes inactive. Possibly some of the cells ascend to the dermo-epidermal junction and mature into highly branched epidermal melanocytes. Figure 2 shows our interpretation of the paths followed by melano- blasts and melanocytes. Since melanoblasts were not seen before the tenth week of menstrual age, parts A and B of the diagram remain hypothetical. 32 ZIMMKHMANX AND HKCKKIi yt ■p ', ,. 1, 1 7^ r' Q 1. «i c «■ -^ ^ ^ 5 5 "S ■ J -^ 6 melanin c eos (Mong> Blue Nevi ;- X ^ ^ ^ ^ 005 ^ c ;s E ^ X ^ X = 1 ^■5 1 «, , ^ d) ■*? c ^ S-s-§ ;i •I! 1 «j »^ 1 1! ^ ^ ^ ^ tt. a> ■a S ■^ en CA: ■- s (sixteiMith to nine- teenth weeks), but some melanocytes remain on the ridges until i)irth. Population densities of ejiideiinal melanocytes remained fairly stabilized after the fifth fetal nmnlh. in the newborn Negro there were approxi- mately' l.Oiv") dopa-])osil i\e dendritic cells per iinn-'. Regional and in(li\idual dilTerences in poimlation densities of fetal MELANOBLASTS AND MELANOCYTES IN FETAL NEGRO SKIN 35 melanocytes were observed. An early cephalo-caudal gradient later dis- appeareil. It probably expressed different times of "arrival" of epidermal melanocytes in various body regions. The earliest fully elaborated melanin first appeared in certain head regions (third month). Gradually a dorso- ventral gradient in population density of epitlermal melanocytes emerged and remained until birth, especially in the trunk and upper limb regions. Individual differences in jiopulation densities were noticed as early as the fourth fetal month. 30 ZIMMKIIMANN AM) Hi;( KKK X. Literature Cited AiiA< 111. \'>. IW.'i. ll:iui|iifiiiifiit In'iiii .Mi-nscla'ii uiid Ijfi ik'ii AftVn. Zcilsclir. f. Mdipli. u. .\ntlii(i|i. li: 1-131. Baklz. K. 1885. Die krupcrliclicn Eisicnscliafteii (Icr .lapaiK r. Mittcilp. DcTitst-li. (it'.-:i'li.-^cli. f. Natur-u. \'olkc'rkun(it' O^-tasion.s. 4:40. 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All except that shown by figure 7 were impregnated with reduced silver by a modified Masson technique. Figure 7 represents an unstained preparation. The magnification varies between 700 and 800 X . 39 PLATE 1 Furt'aiiii. 12 wciks. Full-thickness skin spreads. Early precursur ^tai^c^: oi nu'lanocytcs in the dermis. 3 Round nu'lanublast, 8-10 /i diauR'tcr. 4 Early iiinnature niclaiidcytt' t'drniing three ])roc- esscs. 12-16/1. 5 Early fusilorni iiiiniature melanocyte, 20-25 {i. 6 Highly fusiform immature melanocyte 40-50 /i. 40 ;SPf;- 'jw^ 41 PLATE 2 7 Scalp, 15 weeks. Uiistaiiu'il. Two spindle-shaped, iiuniaturc melanocytes in the dermis. A small hldud vessel is coursing between them. 8 Dorsum of foot, 14 weeks. Fusiform melanocytes in the dennis. 9 Lvuiibdsacral region, 13 weeks. Fusiform and early stellate forms of iniiiiature melanocytes in the dermis. 42 43 PLATE 3 10 Dorsum of liaiul, IG weeks. \'ari(ius forms of im- mature melanocytes. 11 Sacral region (Mongolian spot I, 19 weeks. Round and fusiform, immature melanocytes. 44 45 PLATE 4 12 Scalp, 18 weeks. AlelaiKR'vtes adjacent to a small Ijlood vessel. 13 Dorsum of hand, full-term fetus. Round, fusiform and stellate types of melanocytes in the dermis. 4(1 47 PLATK 5 14 InttTscainilar legion, 10' i; wt'ck.s. Earlici^t oi)iikT- mal melanocyte witli three ])roeesses. Neighboring nuclei are of basal epidermal cells. 15 Sole, 12 weeks. Some of tlie earliest melanocytes appealing in the e])i(leniiis are highly fusiform, usually showing two long processes. 16 Nape, 12 weeks. Early epidermal melanocytes with 2-3 dendritic ])rocesses. 48 49 PLATE 6 17 Scalii. 12 weeks. Earliest epiileniial melanocytes in small groups, irregularly scattered tludugh the epi- dcnnis. Cell counts are unreliable. 18 Anterior region of leg, 12 weeks. Large, heavily stained melanocytes appear here and there. The majority of epidermal melanocytes are smaller and relatively uniform in size. Neighboring nuclei rep- resent basal cells. 50 51 PLATE 7 19 Nape, I2Y2 weeks. Tlic uiuqual degree of silver impregnation of various melanocytes probably re- flects uncfiual maturity or functional activity. 20 Dorsum of arm, 12 weeks. Fusiform anil stellate, early dendritic cells. 52 53 PLATE 8 KifliiT distribution i);itl(.Tiis of I'piilfiiiial uiflaiio- cytos. 21 Scalp, 13^0 weeks. Regular distribution and fairly even size of ciiidcrmal melanocytes in an intcrfol- licular field. 22 Interscapular reiiion, 1.5 weeks. The luelanoeytes appear to be oriented with their long axes ruiniing parallel to each other. 54 55 PLATE 9 23 Palm, 13' j weeks. Fairly i'\'en ilistrihiitidii of ei>i- dei'iiial iiiclanoeytes hi'lore retc ritlges (ei)i(lcrnial crests I are dc^'i'liiiuMJ. 24 Palm, 17 weeks, ^^■itll the development of rcte ridges the melanocytes come to lie on the crests. Note the de\elo|)inir sweat pores. 56 ■ --^ ,- ■'■■ ik 23 57 PLATE 10 25 Anterior ahildiiiinal wall, 19 wuek?. Rich pattern of intracpidt'rmal dendritic cells. 26 Palm, newborn. Epidermal melanocytes and sweat pores are recognizable on the rcte ridges. 58 ^ w 'S --10: \ .0 y 59 ILLINOIS MONOGRAPHS IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES Vol.1 No. 1. The Magdalenian Skeleton from Cap-Blanc in the Field Museum of Natural History. By Gerhaedt von Bonin. $1.00. No. 2. Studies in Infant Speech and Thought. Part I. The Development of Sen- tence Structure in Infancy from the Viewpoint of Grammar. A Quanti- tative Analysis of the Continuous Speech Record of Two Infants. By Abraham A. Low. $L00. No. 3. Classification of Yeasts and Yeast-like Fxmgi. 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