K b~ Yd-'-c* American Library Association Publishing board t (t UV>.SeW PRINTED CATALOG CARDS Revision of the List of Serials Chicago, June 1, 1915 TO THE SUBSCRIBERS: — The accompanying list of titles (sent in duplicate) comprises 231 serials for which the A. L. A. Publishing Board is prepared to issue analytical printed cards, provided a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained and suitable arrangements may be made for indexing. Returns to the circular dated December 29, 1914, indicate acquiescence by the present subscribers in the policy ofincluding principally monographic material, unless analyzed by the Library of Congress, and leaving other indexing to the various published indexes to periodicals. When no special title pages are issued, papers less than fifteen pages in length will not ordinarily be analyzed. The list of July, 1904, including 235 serials indexed by the A. L. A., has been cut down to 136 titles, indicated by the the letter A in the new list. Ninety-eight serials have been dropped and no cards will be made for issues dated later than 1914. In their place, 95 new serials — marked B — have been added upon recommendation of the collaborating libraries, and analytical cards are to be prepared for issues dated 1915 and later. The total number of titles annually to be expected from the serials retained (A), as printed on the list, is 1132; the number for the serials to be added cannot conveniently be given, but is estimated at 792, making a total of 1924 titles annually. The number printed in 1914-15 was 1917 titles. The indexing will be done by Columbia University Library, Harvard University Library, The John Crerar Library, The Newberry Library, University of Illinois Library and Yale University Library. Subscribers are requested to indicate as promptly as possible their choice of the serials for which they desire to receive analytical cards. One copy of the list may be checked and mailed to the Editor. The prices for complete and partial subscriptions will remain unchanged; but partial subscriptions will be accepted only to a selected list of the serials most in demand. This selected list will be compiled immediately, upon the basis of replies to the present inquiry. We wish to make clear (a) that all libraries receiving this list are requested to check the titles for which they wish analytical cards, whether they expect to become complete subscribers or only partial subscribers; (b) that no serial will ultimately be included that is not wanted by a considerable number of libraries; (c) that serials marked A, all of which are now on the list, will continue to be indexed pend- ing the consideration of the revised list by the libraries. WM. STETSON MERRILL, Editor A. L. A. periodical cards. C. W. ANDREWS, LL. D. Committee on A. L. A. periodical cards. GEORGE B. UTLEY Secretary American Library Association. Co Ucc^T, >, P.S. — Reply should be addressed to Wm. Stetson Merrill, The Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/revisedlistofserOOamer 03 7-35 /fSlS r A. L. A. Publishing Board Revised List of Series Analyzed Chicago, June 1, 1915. 1 Abhandlungen und Vortrage zur Geschichte Ostfricslands. Aurich. (B) 2 Acad6mie chablaisienne, Thonon. M^uioires. (Bl 5 Academic de la Val d'lsilrc, Mofl tiers. Recueil des m6moires et documents. (B) 4 Acad6mie de Ninies M6moircs. (B) 5 Acad6mie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Paris M6- 6 — Mji noires urcsciues pax divers oavaiUs i-A) 7 — Monuments et M6moires. (A) 8 — Notices et extraits des manuscripts de la Biblioth6quc nationale et autres biblioth^ques. (B) 9 Acad6mie des sciences, Paris. M£moires. None since 1910. (A) 10 —Memoires par divers savants. None since 1909. (A) 11 Acad<*inie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon M6moircs. Sciences et lettres. (B) 12 Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Savoie, ChambSry. Documents. (B) 13 Academic des sciences, des lettres et des arts d'Amiens M6moires. (B) 14 Acad6mie des sciences et lettres de Montpellier. Section des lettres. M6moires. (A) 15 — Section de m6decine. M6moires, (A) 16 — Section des sciences. M6moires. (A) 17 Acadcmie nationale des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Caen. M6moires. (B) IS Acad6mie nationale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Bordeaux. Actes. (B) 19 Academic royale d’arch6ologie de Belgique. Anvers. An- nales. (A) 20 Acadcmie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Brussels. M6moires. 4°. Classe des lettres. (A) 21 — M6moires. 4 a . Classe des sciences. (A) 22 — Mdmcires. 8°. Classe des lettres. (A) 23 — Mcinairpj. 8 . CUosc des sciences. v V' 24 — M6moires couronn6s et my moires des savants Strangers None since 1904. (A) 25 Acad6mie salesienne, Annecy. M6moires et documents. (B) 26 Academy of natural sciences. Phila. Journal. (A) i 27 Academy of sciences of St. Louis. Transactions. (A) 28 Accademia d’agricoltura, scienze, lettere, arti e commercio di Verona. Atti. (B) 29 Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti in Modena. Memorie. (B) 30 American academy of arts and sciences. Boston. Memoirs (A) 31 — Proceedings. (A) - 32 American antiquarian society, Worcester Proceedings (A) 33 American oriental society, New Haven. Journal. (A) 34 American philosophical society, Phila. Transactions. (A) 35 Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien. Mittheilungen (A) ... 1 36 Antiquarischc Gesellschaft, Zurich. Mittheilungen (A.) 37 Archiv fur Anthropologie. (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie. Ethnologic ur.d I'rgesehichte) Bruns- wick. (A) 38 Archiv fur exakte Wirtschaftsforschung, Jena. (B) 39 Archiv fur osterreichische Geschichte, Vienna. (A) 40 Archives nderlandaises des sciences exactes ct naturelles. (Hollandsche maatschappij der wetenschappen, Haar- lem) (A) 41 Asiatic society of Bengal, Calcutta. Journal. Part 1. History, antiquities, etc. (A) 42 Asiatic society of Japan, Yokohama. Transactions. (A) 43 Astronomische Abhandlungen als Erganzungshefte zu den astronomischen Nachrichten, Kiel. None since 1910. (A) . VT . , 44 Badischer historische Kommission, Heidelberg Neujahrs- blatter. Neue Folge. (B) 45 Baessler-Archiv. Beitrage zur Volkerkunde. Beiheft Leipzig. (B) 46 Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen, Batavia. Verhandelingen. (A) 47 Beitrage zur Landes und Volkeskunde von Elsass-Loth- ringen und den angrenzenden Gebieten. Strassburg (B) 48 Berlin. Universitat. Kriminalistisches Institut. Ab- handlungen. (B) 49 Biblioteca de derecho internacional y ciencias auxiliares (Revista de derecho internacional y politica exterior) Madrid. (B) 50 Biblioteca reformatoria neerlandica. (Cramer en Pijper) The Hague. lB) 51 Bibliothfcque de l'Ecole des chartes, Paris. (A) 1 52 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land-, en volkenkunde van Neder- landsch-Incjic. (A) 53 Bonn. Universitat. Sternwarte. Veroffentlichungen. None since 1909. (A) 54 Boston society of natural history. Memoirs. (A) 55 — Occasional papers. None since 1904. (A) 56 — Proceedings. (A) 57 British journal of psychology. Monograph supplement. Cambridge. (B) 58 British school at Rome. Papers. (A) 59 Cambridge philosophical society. Transactions. (A) 60 Canadian institute. Toronto. Transactions (A) 61 Catholic record society, London. Publications. (B) 62 Colorado scientific society. Proceedings. (A) 63 Columbia university, N. Y. Contributions to oriental history and philology. (B) 64 Comity flamand de France, Lille. Annales. (B) 65 Connecticut academy of arts and sciences Transactions. (A) 66 Davenport academy of natural sciences. Proceedings. (A) 67 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie. Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Correspondenzblatt. (A) 68 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Soziologie, Tubingen. Schriften. (B) 69 The Drama, Chicago. Only the plays. (B) 70 ficole poly technique, Paris. Journal. (A) 71 Egyptian hieratic texts. (Gardiner) Leipzig. 7? l'7n£!i5t^e r ^Ttrdb , r’,~LiMf'TTTT T rr t ■ » oo lv fA^ 73 Finska vetenskaps societet, Helsingfors. Acta. 74 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen. Erganzungsheft. Hamburg. (A) 75 Frankfurter historische Forschungen. Frankfort on the Main. (B) 76 Geologische und palaontologische Abhandlungen. Jena. (A) 77 Gesellschaft fur kieler Stadtgeschichte, Kiel. Mitteilungen. (B) 78 Gesellschaft fur vergleichende Mythenforschung, Leipzig. Mythologisehe Bibliothek. (B) 79 Gypsy lore society, Liverpool. Monographs. (B) 80 Hamburg-Naturhistorischcs Museum. Mitteilungen. (B) 81 Hale memorial sermon. (Western theological seminary) Chicago. (B) 82 Harvard studies in classical philology, Cambridge. (A) (B) I Taj" 83 Hcnnebergischer altcrtumsfoischender Verein, Meinungen. Neue Beitrage zur Geschichte deutschcn Altcrtums. (B) 84 Historischer Verein fUr die Grafschaft Ravensberg zu Bielefeld, Bielefeld. Jahresbericht. (B) 85 Historischer Verein fiir Mitulfrnnken, Ansbach. Jahres- bericht. (B) 86 Historischer Verein von Obcffalz und Regenburg, Regen- burg. Verhandlungen. (B' 87 Historischer Verein zu Brandenburg a. H Jahresbericht. ( B) 88 Illinois stare laboratory of, natural history. Bulletin. None since 1910. IA) 89 Imperial universits >f Japan. College of science. Journal. 90 Institut cg> plica, unu, Al^ uo i ms EBi 91 Institut gt-nfiral psychoIogiquL I’.m- M i' 92 Institut international de s|>ciolugic. Ann.ih - None since 1910. (A) 93 Internationales Archiv fiir Ethnographic, Leyden. Except Supplement. (A) 94 Jahrbuch der koniglich-preussischcn Kunstsammlungen, Berlin. (A) 95 Jahrbuch der kunsthistorisclien Sammlungen des Kaiser- hauses, Vienna. (A) 96 Jena. Universitat. Staatswissenschaftliches Seminar. Abhandlungen. (B) 97 Jewish historical society of England, London. Publica- tions. (B) 98 Journal fiir Psychologic und Neurologic. Erganzungsheft. (B) 99 Journal of Indian art and industry. London. (A) 100 Kaiserlich-deutsches archaeologisches Institut, Berlin Jahrbuch. Except Erganzungsheft- (A) 101 Kaiserlich-konigliche geographische Gesellschaft in Wien. Abhandlungen. (A) 102 Kaiserlich-konigliches naturhistorisches Hof-museum, Vienna. Annalen. (A) 103 Kaiserlich-leopoldinisch-carolinische deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Halle. Abhandlungen or Nova acta. (A) 104 Kaiserliche Akademie der V issenschaften, Vienna. Denk- schriften, mathemarisch-iiaturwissenschaftliche Klasse. i.1 lad been dropped Avrth-J^nT ' 105 Denkschriften, philosophise li Ih'I-tim he Kl 106 — Sitzungsberichte, philasophisch-historischc Klasse < A i 107 Kiel. Sternwarte. Publicationen. None since 1901 . iA) 108 Koniglich-bayerische Akademie der. Wissenschaften, Munich. Abhandlungen, historische Klasse. None since 1909. (A) 109 — Abhandlungen, mathematisch-physikalische Klasse. (Had been dropped with v. 24, 1907.) (B) 110 — Abhandlungen, philosophisch-philologische Klasse. (A) 111 Koniglich-bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich. Historische Commission. Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte des 16. Jahrhunderts. (B) 112 Koniglich-preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Abhandlungen. (A) 113 Koniglich-sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Leipzig. Abhandlungen, mathematisch-physikalische Klasse. (A) 114 — Abhandlungen, philologisch-historische Klasse. (A) 115 — Berirhte fiber die Verhandlungen. (A) 116 Kongelige danske videnskabernes selskab, Copenhagen. Skrifter. (A) 117 Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Gottingen. Abhandlungen. mathematisch-physikalische Klasse. (A) 118 — Abhandlungen, philologisch-historische Klasse. (A) 119 Konigliches zoologisches und anthropologisch-ethnogra- phisches Museum, Dresden. Abhandlungen und Benchte. (A) - 120 Kongeligt dansk videnskabernes selskab, Copenhagen. Skrifter. (A) 121 Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akademien, Stockholm. Handlingar. (A) 122 Koninklijk akademie van wetenschappen, Amst. Verhan- delingen. (Afd. Letterkunde) (A) 123 — Verhandelingen (Afd. Natuurkunde) ( A > 124 London topographical society. Publications. (B) 125 Lunds universitets arsskrift. (A) 126 Manchester literary and philosophical society. Memoirs and proceedings. (A) 127 Militar-Wochenblatt Beiheft. Berlin. (B) 128 Mitteilungen zur vaterlandischen Geschichte, hrsg. vom Historischen Verein in St. Gallen. St. Gall. (B) 129 Modern language association of America, Balt. Publica- tions. (A) 130 Modern language review. Cambridge. Texts only (B) 131 Mus6e Guimet. Paris. Annales, Biblioth£que d'6tudes. (A) 132 — Annales, Bibliothdque de vulgarisation. (A) 133 Mus6e Teyler, Haarlem. Archives. (A) 134 Museo nacional, Buenos Aires. Annales. (A) 135 Museum d'histoire naturelle, Paris. Nouvelles archives. (A) 136 Mus6um d'histoire naturelle de Lyon. Archives. (A) llv Museum of comparative zoql^gy, Cambridge. Memoirs. (A) 138 Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel. Verhandlungen. (A) 139 Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Luzern. Mitteilungen. None since 191 1 . (A) 140 Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Halle. Abhandlungen. (A) 141 Neujahrsblatter, hrsg. von der Historischen Kommission fUr die Provinz Sachsen. Halle a. S. (B) 142 New York academy of sciences. Annals. (A) 143 Nouvelles archives des missions scientifiques et littdraires. Paris. (A) 144 Nuttall ornithological club, Cambridge, Mass. Memoirs. (B) 145 Palaeontographica. Cassel, Stuttgart. (Aj 146 Palaeontographical society, London. Publications. (A) 147 Philological society, London. Publications. (B) 148 Philologus. Supplementband. (A) 149 Plainsong and mediaeval music society, London. Publica- tions. (B) 150 Pommerschc Jahrbficher. Greifswald. (B) 151 Reale academia de historia, Madrid. Memories. (B) 152 Reale accademia delle scienze, Turin, Memorie. (A) 153 Reale accademia di scienze, lettere e belle arti di Palermo. Atti. (B) 154 Reale accademia lucchese di scienze, lettere ed arti. Atti 155 Reale istituto lombardo (^"'scienze e lettere, Milan. Memorie, classe de lettere e scienze storiche e morale. (A) 156 —Memorie, classe di scienze matematichc e naturale. (A) 157 Reale istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, Venice. Memorie. (A) ... 158 Regia societas scientiarum upsaliensis. Nova acta (A) 159 Regia university de Genova. Atti. (A) 160 Rijks geschiedkundige publication. The I 161 — Kleine serie. (B) 162 Rochester academy of science. Proceedings. (A) 163 Romanische Forschungen, Erlangen. (A) 164 Royal astronomical society. London Memoirs. (A) 165 Royal Dublin society. Scientific transactions. None since 1909. (A) The Hague. (B) 166 Royal geographical society, London. Supplementary papers. (A) 167 Royal historical society, London, Transactions. (A) 168 Royal Scottish society of arts, Edinburgh. Transactions. (A) 169 Royal society, London. Philosophical transactions, series A. (A) > 170 — Philosophical transactions, series B. (A) 1 7 1 Royal society of Canada. Proceedings, memoirs and trans- actions. (A) 172 Royal society of Edinburgh. Transactions. (A) 173 Royal society of New South Wales, Sydney journal and Proceedings. (A) 174 Sacred Latin texts. London (B) 175 Schmollcrs Jahrbuch fiir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Vnlk*«wirrech*tr »m-f fflrrrschpn Reirh ,T,Ptp5?T