THE JEWS’ TWO SHIPS. By DR. FRANK CRANE. - i '-“ (TVffw-rtght. 1019, by Prank Crane. )~ '-J. ' 0.1 73 I have just seen two pictures in the paper, and my heart C / is pounding. One is of the steamship Westward Ho being loaded with tons of grain, thousands of cases of condensed milk, and other life sustaining provisions, purchased with the American Jewish Relief Funds and American Polish Relief Funds, for the starving women and children of Poland. The port of destina- tion is Danzig, where the cargo will be transported overland to stricken communities. The cost of this cargo exceeds TWO MILLION DOLLARS. The other is of the steamship Pensacola starting on its long voyage to the Near East, bringing life and happiness to thousands in Palestine, Syria and Armenia. Ports of destina- tion are Constantinople and Beirut. .The provisions were pur- chased by the Joint Distribution Committee of the American Jewish Relief Funds and the American Committee for Relief in the Near East. The cost of this cargo is ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Jews mean nothing to me, nor do Gentiles, nor Baptists, nor Patagonians, nor Southerners, Mahometans, nor Irish. All these Classes, Races, Sects, Labels, Fences and Pigeon Holes are Holdovers of dead contentions. They are the Vermiform Appendices of Progress and the Body Politic would undoubtedly be better off for a surgical operation. Still, Classes linger, and will. We shall go on being proud of our Church, Pedigree, and Locality. And — If so — The one, only and wholly admirable way to justify our Class is by Superiority in Helpfulness. Heaven knows we have killed and hated enough because of our Differences. Let us now compensate History by a most strenuous rivalry in Charity, “for,” says Bacon, “in all things else there is danger of excess, but in Charity there can be no excess.” I love every Jew in the world for those two ships’ sake. I would kiss every pretty Jewish girl, salute every rich Jew, and take my hat off before every Synagogue, for those two ships' sake. Though not bom of this ancient race, I am sending along a little contribution to Nathan Straus, who called my attention to these ships (or rather to Arthur Lehman, Treasurer, 20 Ex- change Place, New York), and ask the reader to do likewise. We can justify ourselves by what George Ade says: “I have lived in several towns, but I cannot remember the names of a place in which Jews were exempted from contributing to Gen- tile funds.” (From the New York Globe) , \ I '