N'ail . Oo. QifS THE NATIONAL SAFETY BRAKE LEVER (PATENTED) Circular No. 65 Manufactured and Sold Exclusively by The National Malleable Castings Company MALLEABLE IRON PLANTS CLEVELAND CHICAGO INDIANAPOLIS TOLEDO STEEL PLANTS SHARON, PA. MELROSE PARK, ILL. i s Copyright, 1914, by The National Malleable Castings Co. UNIVERSITY OF ILLIMOIS LIBRARY AT U R8ANA-GHAMPAIGN THE NATIONALEisiJfcEXiill'AtgKlfes COMPANY The National Safety Brake Lever Patented THE NATIONAL MALLEABLE CASTINGS COMPANY The National Safety Brake Lever Patented ^ I ^EARING off the brake beam, with consequent damage to the car and even a wreck, is frequently the result of the loss of the cotter in the brake lever pin. When the cotter is lost, as is often the case, the brake lever pin drops out and allows the brake lever to slide through the fulcrum and catch between the ties. In order to prevent such accidents we have designed the National Safety Brake Lever shown on the opposite page. This lever has two safety lugs, one cast on each side, just above the fulcrum pin hole, which strike against the edges of the fulcrum in case the fulcrum pin comes out, and so prevent the lever from slipping through it. In our Catalogue No. 22, a copy of which will be sent on request, we have listed over one hundred different sizes for which we have stock patterns, and which we are prepared to furnish in high grade malleable iron. The National Malleable Castings Co. THE COHDAY A GROSS COMPANY, CLEVELAND