HfSiSifflfflfflSUHaiL -SURVEY 3 3051 00005 8770 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/trendinfuelusesi06vosk ;.; ■ ■ ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL f SURVEY LIBRARY JUL 19 1957 y \ ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Urbana, Illinois John C. JTrye, Chief ) \ILLINC1S INDUSTRIAL MINERALS NOTES Number' 6, July 15; 1957 L This issue of Industrial Minerals Notes deals with mineral economics and relates to a comparison of fuels consump- tion in 19^7 and 195^+ in three industries whose raw materials are industrial minerals, namely cement, glass products, and brick and hollow tile. The following material is based on nation-wide data and has been calculated from reports of the U. S. Bureau of Census. The information has been brought together as of interest to Illinois industries. TREND IN FUEL USES IN SELECTED INDUSTRIAL MINERAL PRODUCTS, 19*+7 AND 195 1 * Walter H. Voskuil Principal Mineral Economist The Census of Manufacturers, in the years 19^7 and 195^, gathered detailed reports on the quantity and cost of fuels and electric power used in manufactures. From the data presented in the Census reports on manufactures, an analysis has been made showing the quantity and cost of each fuel used, the quantity of fuel used per man employed, and the change from 19^7 to 195^, the cost of each of the fuels used (expressed in b.t.u. 's), the re- lation of fuel costs to wages and salaries paid, and the number of kilowatt-hours used per employee and the change from 19*+7 to 195*+. Three industrial mineral products have been selected for analysis — cement, glass products, and brick and hollow tile. Fuels Consumption in Cement Manufacture, 19*+7 and 195^ Cement manufacture is one of the industries which uses a large quantity of fuel relative to the number of persons employed, Table 1 shows that cement production in 195^ was ^3.7 percent greater than in 19*+7. During the same period, number of employees increased 11.5 percent whereas average $fteomes Increased 5o percent. URBANA -2- Coal, fuel oil, and natural gas are all used as fuels. Coal showed a slight decline, fuel oil showed a modest gain, and natural gas a gain of 77 percent. The over-all gain in fuel use was 17.9 percent, but fuel consumption per barrel of cement declined 18 percent during the 19*+7 to 195*+ interval. The relation of fuel costs to wages and salaries dropped from 63.5 percent in 19*+7 to 58.3 percent in 195^. Natural gas. the lowest cost fuel, has shown the most increase in cost from ±9*+7 to 195^. Electric power used per worker increased 2*+. 5 percent. Table 1. - NATIONAL TRENDS IN CEMENT MANUFACTURE Item No. of employees Payroll, $1,000 Average income per employee Fuels used, trillion b.t.u. 's coal coke fuel oil gas Total Cost of fuels, $1,000 Percent fuel cost of payroll B.t.u. 's per worker, millions KW hrs. per worker Fuel costs, cents per million b. t.u. r s coal coke fuel oil gas Barrels of cement produced B.t.u. f s used per barrel Average cost per barrel 19^7 35,662 $98,626 $ 2^766 209.7 .20 25.7 70.7 •306.3 $62,507 63.5 115,6^-1 21.1+2 195*+ Percent change 39,769 A1.5 $167,659 /70.0 $■ ^-,216 /56.0 201.8 -33726^-^ 3C.2 /33.01 125.2 /77.12 361.2 /17.9 1.97,^19 /56.1 ^8.3 9,082 / 5.7 1M+, 007 /2^.5 26.15 /22.1 32. ho 51.26 /58.2 13.07 21.66 /65.7 189,^70,^65 272,352,557 A3. 7 1 616 616 1,326,180 -18.0 $ 1.90 $ 2.76 A5.3 Fuel Consumption in Glass Products Manufacture, 19^-7 and 195^ Glass industries in this report include "flat glass, glass containers, and pressed and blown glassware," as classified by the Census. It does not include "products of purchased glass." Both employment and fuel consumed declined slightly in the glass making industries in the interval from 19^7 to 195^, (table 2.). Consumption of coal and fuel both lost heavily whereas gas gained in consumption. Fuel used per worker in the 19*+7 to 195*+ interval declined slightly. Use of electric power per worker showed a gain of ¥+.7 percent. Fuel cost changes were varied. Fuel oil remained almost unchanged at a high level; coal gained less than oil and was the lowest cost fuel of the three. -3- Table 2. - TRENDS IN FUEL CONSUMPTION IN GLASS PRODUCTS MANUFACTURE, 19^7 and 195*+ 1^2 19^7 195W Percent change No. of employees 116, 5^3 115,893 - .56 Payroll, f 1,000 $31^ 35^ SW 076 /5^o9 Fuels used, trillion b. t.u. 's coal 30.00 18.58 -38.1 coke #?0 50 fuel oil 2o!98 9*.01 -57.1 T S as 100.29 121.70 /21.35 al 151 77 l*+9 79 - 1 ^ Cost of fuels $1,000 $ kh/$2k $ 53,510 /17.00 Percent fuels cost of payroll H+.2 1&.9 -1 B.t.u. »s per worker, millions 1,302 1,281+ _ 1# 1+ KW hrs. per worker 13,008 18,819 /Mf.7 Puel costs, cents per million 1 ' b. t.u. f s $ oa } , n 20.S+ 23.83 /Ik.k fuel oil 1,9.96 5 g #1 ^ gas 26.58 35.25 Z32.62 Fuel Consumption in Brick and Hollow Tile Manufacture, 19^-7 and 195*+ in +v,p m a ™J he <- brick * an ? hollow tile industry is engaged primarily " ^ e , m anufacture of clay building brick, vitrified paving brick, and hollow structural tile. ' the us^ of not ~ S ? ° f °? al declined sharply from 19^7 to 195^ and; oil accosts for a L!f +^ Cr ?| Sed correspondliigly (table 3.). Fuel fuels in^LoS i SS *J han 15 P ercent of all fuels used. Cost of costs 1p« ?S ? v h ? n Wages and salaries during this period. Gas ?or Ls ?han ^SSi^V*! °??V S going up at a ffiore ra P id rate coal and gls. * ' Fuel oil is more than double the c ° st of both the Deriod Shfif«o S ?2 pGP ™°l ke * increased about 10 percent during percent. Whereas the use of electric power increased more than $0 Table 3. - NATIONAL TRENDS IN FUEL CONSUMPTION IN BRICK AND HOLLOW TILE MANUFACTURE Item 191+2 12^ Percent change Ml*! ftKJ wages 29 ' 617 32 ^ 26 ' ^ Aver^e S ^r r o?? | 6 f^ f«° 'M'P Fuels used, trillion b.t.ul's ' 3,?3 ^ ' coke ^-^ 2 ?-, 2 7 "39.29 gaS 23.31 53.20 /128.26 Table -t- 3. (Cont'd) Item ISfcZr . 19^ Percent change Total fuels 80.63 96.8 /20.10 Cost of fuels $1,000 $21,160 $29, 88^- Al.23 Cost of fuels, cents per million b.t.u. 's • coal &*'.Th 27.95 /15.8 fuel oil 51.38 56.89 /10.7 gas 18.27 23.60 /29.2 Percent fuel cost of payroll 30.1+9 26.0^ B.t.u. f s per worker, Jk 9H millions used 2,722 -229f86 / 9.70 KW hrs. used per worker 8|¥tl 11,997 A2.13