914-223 B85m 1887 tTflTII! ' |L';SL- Mii^m Llii9[f tslfi lilp™ l¥Ul^ l^$iS btSi ^tTi mgm The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft/ mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 L161— 0-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/memorialsofherneOObuch_0.. > , ’ •* ' *•- Av- ■o1^^7'}'' . 'y% VIEW OF CHURCH FROM VILLAGE, ^IDetnoinals of. Ikent HV The Rev. J. R. BUCHANAN. Vicar. SECOND EDITION. 5 . gormait ^ton^s in Irtrclj gCitiru. (See page 17.) LONDON ; ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSIT.R ROW, E.C CANTERBURY: N. GINDER, ST. GEORGE’S HALL. LONDON : PRINTED BY W. H. & L. COLLINGR IDGE, CITY PRESS, 148 S : 149, AI.DERSGATE STREET, E.C. MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. BY THE REV. J. R. BUCHANAN, Vicar of Herne, Ke^it. SECOND EDITION. LONDON : ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C. CANTERBURY : N. CINDER, ST. GEORGE’S HALL. 1887. W. H, AND L. COLLING RIDGE, CITY PRESS, T48 & 149, AIDERSGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. ? / V, i i?n TO THE |gon. Samts Eussell iLoSnell, HIL.©., (late united states minister at the court of ST. JAMES), WHOSE LOVE FOR THE ANCIENT AND BEAUTIFUL IS WELL KNOWN AND APPRECIATED IN THE MOTHER COUNTRY, THIS LITTLE BOOK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. J'-moI *' ' ' - '■^‘ -''n. ' n’*# -* ”% »vQj! ?«CW • J ' I'Wfl'nW •• - ^ . . -• 1 I- ‘-^ ■ I^lT— * ■ ,./: ‘ TPS ■4'W:S - » '' vA' ,4TjJflrn faXift • >1.' - ...‘\.iS L.'- i V 1-' ^ t 1 1 ^ .V: ,- , * " ': , - &'^W >i. J.r ? v.fJih/'34*^r ,^. ^ ^ -,r^. • , Jf ■'-, r ^5^ ' • - *) Deerfoot Farm, SOUTHBOROUGH, Massachusetts, Ja 7 i. 12 th, 1887. Reverend and Dear Sir, I accept with pleasure the dedication of your work, the Memorials of Herne, Kent, and feel highly honoured by it. I certainly do take great interest in your ancient buildings, not only for their own intrinsic worth, but also because they are a permanent link between our two countries. Your Churchyards are the richer for dust that belongs to us as well as you. Faithfully yours, J. R. LOWELL. The Rev. J. R. Buchanan. a »■' -vv £ .. "■ ^ ' ' '■■■■ ■'’:**>' .. • , . .Mr ■ - K-W' ^ ■ .m- yyji itCixiolit^B si IX ,r^ Ft"' - ■ / v’*^ ''V.rtli ■ ^' ' A. . . otijis^nd. 103 ’ f . loT' • P^:r '^ji, . ’-' ■f-^iitrfw6:i 07#j a -" , ^ V5I , , •: ¥^- '.3^ ■' \^^^f.. -JW, « T- , ' • '<■ w ?,i:iWfc>.f-',;r'<;i, t:,-/ < .-■ '■ . :'fc’ Ni*; ' -« f:'(i> • . ■*' y ' PREFACE. offering the Memorials of Herne to the public I do ^ not pretend to have very much knowledge of archaeology, including as that vast subject does in its legitimate sphere, palaeo- graphy, heraldry, and architecture. ' I have simply endeavoured to collect from various sources, a brief but comprehensive history of the parish, and to furnish the visitor with a guide to the Church which will indicate and explain its chief points of interest. I also earnestly hope (Herne Church being so well and widely known), by calling attention to the deplorable condition of the North Aisle — the only part now in need of repair — to obtain some assistance towards a new roof. I am indebted to Hasted’s account of Herne, in his “ History of Kent,’’ Buncombe’s “ History of Herne and Reculver ” (pub- lished in Nichol’s Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica), and a miscellaneous collection by the late Charles Devon (Public Record Office), kindly lent me by Mr. Edward White, of Herne Bay, for much valuable information. My thanks are due, and are here gratefully tendered, to the following gentlemen for advice and assistance : W. de Gray Birch, F.S.A., and G. K. Fortescue (British Museum), James Gairdner (Public Record Office), J. Challoner Smith (Somerset House), S. W. Kershaw, F.S.A. (Lambeth Palace Library), and Charles Welch (Guildhall Library). I am sure if the clergy knew the willingness of the learned in high places to help amateur authors, who have a good object in view, there would be many more and better parochial histories written. Mr. Kershaw has for some years been collecting information of 11 FJiEFACE. every kind relating to Kent, and as there is no fund for that purpose, he is glad to receive any gratuitous additions to his store. I also beg to thank Dr. Sheppard of Canterbury, for pointing out some very interesting particulars, and translating some, to me, difficult ancient manuscripts ; Francis Butler, architect, for the beautiful plates which embellish the work ; and Henry Grey, churchwarden, for assistance in translating the inscriptions on the Brasses, and careful revision for the press. And lastly, I beg most sincerely to thank the Lord Mayor, Sir Reginald Hanson, Bart., F.S.A., Alderman Sir John Staples, F.S.A., Deputy East, James Judd, and Major G. Lambert, F.S. A., for their kind and generous acknowledgment of the distinct claim which Herne Church undoubtedly has upon the citizens of London. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Reculver Its antiquity and destruction. CHAPTER H. Parish of Herne ... Places of note. CHAPTER HI. Church of Herne Tower — Porch — Baptistery — Font — North Aisle — Nave— South Aisle — South Chantry Chapel — Chancel — East Window — Monument of Sir W. Thornhurst — North Chantry Chapel — Brasses — Account of St. Martin. CHAPTER IV. Vicars of Herne and Chantry Priests... Parish Registers CHAPTER V. Extracts from Churchwardens’ Accounts. Tithes and Fees CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VII. Old Wills Robert Somersal — John Younge — Thomas Bysmer — William Philip— Sir Matthew Philip — Sir John Fyneux — Rev. John Warren — Lady Elizabeth Fyneux — Edward Monyngs— Wil- liam Fyneux — Thomas Terrye — John Church — Richard Terry — Sir William Sedley — George Hawlet or Howlet — Christopher Milles — Thomas Knowler. PAGE 8 17 46 52 57 60 Index .. 68 ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE View of Church from Village... ... ... ... ... Frontispiece Reculver Church Towers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Reculver Church, 1751, and Ground Plan 6 View of the Village of Herne ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Parish Church of Herne ... .. ... ... ... ... 16 Tower, and Ground Plan 18 Baptistery 19 North Chantry Chapel 20 ,, ,, showing proposed alteration 21 Ground Plan ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Old Screen ... 25 Picturesque Arch ... 26 Mural Monument of Robert Knowler ... ... ... 28 Chancel ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 30 Monument of Sir William Thornhurst 31 North Chantry Chapel, showing Hagioscope, Aumbry, Screen, &c — ... ... ... ... ... ... 34 Brasses — i. Sir Peter Halle and Wife ... 36 2. John Darley ... ... ... ... ... 38 3. Christina Philip ... ... ... ... ... 39 4. Elizabeth, Lady Fyneux 41 5. John Sea and his Wives ... 42 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. CHAPTER I. JSteculbcr. 8 EEPLY interesting as the Church at Herne undoubtedly is, it must be acknowledged at the outset that it yields place in most things to the Mother Church of Reculver, to which it has ever been, and is now, tributary. The two Churches are so intimately connected that, without some preliminary account oi Reculver, the history of Herne would be incomplete and even unintelligible. Reculver is famous, not only for its Early Christian Church, but also for its ancient Roman Camp, said to have been erected in the third century by the Emperor Septimius Severus.^' Among the time-worn ruins of the ancient castle is a fig-tree i^ficus carica) of Italian origin, which according to the traditions of the neighbourhood, was planted by the Romans, and must therefore be between 1385 and 1888 years old.f In Leland’s time (1530 — 7), the village of Reculver stood “ withyn a quarter of a myle or a little more of the se syde.”]; It is called by the Venerable Bede “ Raculfcestre, and Raculi- menstre.”§ * Roach Smith’s Antiquities of Reculver, p. 193. t Albion, 1833. + Bin. 3rd Ed. p. i. 0. $ Bede Eccles. Hist., i, 5, 9. B 2 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. While the earliest record of Herne Church dates only from A.D. 1236, that of Reculver, dedicated to St Mary, goes as far back as A.D. 669, when Egbert, King of Kent, “gave to one Basse, formerly one of his noblemen, now a priest, some land, “ whereupon to build a monastery dedicated to the Blessed Virgin “ Mary.”:^ “Berhtwald,” eighth Archbishop of Canterbury (A.D. 693), “was abbot of Reculver.” RECULVER CHURCH TOWERS. In A.D. 949 the Church of Reculver was annexed to Christ Church, Canterbury, by grant of King Edredf This grant is of considerable local importance, for appended to it is an enumeration of lands in the immediate neighbourhood and their boundaries, which in many instances have been identi- fied. It is also of historical interest, being prepared by the * Tanner’s Notitia, Kent, Ixviii. t Brit. Museum, MS. (Cotton, Aug. ii, Art. 57.) RECULVER. 3 celebrated Dunstan, Abbot of Glastonbury, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, who subscribes himself “ Indignus Abbas.” Although now in the Hundred of Blengate, Reculver, at the time of the Conquest, was a Hundred by itself, and in a flourishing condition.'^' Reculver was of old the Mother Church of Hoath, Herne, and (in Thanet) St. Nicholas, and All Saints. Upon these three last, “ in signum subjectionis ” (/.^., in token of subjection), an annual pension was imposed.f By the same decree it was enacted “ that “ the vicars of these parishes, together with their clergy and “ parishioners, should attend the customary processions, and “ office of the Mass, at Whitsuntide and Christmas, and that “ they should pay to the Vicar of Reculver, ‘ Obsequium con- veniens cum reverentia et honore ’ (suitable deference, with “ reverence and honour).” The Rev. Francis Green, a former vicar of Reculver, in a letter without date, but between 1695 and 1715, thus writes: — “ It is certain the Church of Reculver is one of the most ancient in Kent, and (if any credit is to be given to an inscription “ in the south-east part of the church) King Ethelbert was “ buried there. The Church of Reculver is lofty and well “ built ; it has two steeples in front, one of which contains “ four bells. It has two stately pillars to support its entrance, “ and a curious ascent to the Altar, J so that it is exceeded “ by few in Kent.” Further on he writes, “ My church, by 'The ill neighbourhood of the sea, and being too indulgent a ‘‘ mother in giving large portions to her two daughters, Herne “and St. Nicholas, is now the poorest of the three.”§ But although Reculver was without doubt (as Mr. Green states) “an indulgent mother,” it is humiliating for the Vicar of Herne to have to confess that his Parish was a very ungrateful and refractory daughter. Trifling and inadequate as were the imposts levied, both parson and people continually tried to evade them. In 1334 there was a dispute about the burial of the Archbishop’s tenants “in capite,” in which the decision was in favour of Reculver.il Twice, in 1335, the parishioners of Herne were * Domesday, i, 3, 6. t Reg. Winchelsey, f. 30. The Vicar of Herne still pays the pension imposed, “quadraginta solidos ” (40s.), the churchwardens 5s. + For full description, see Leland’s Itin. vii., 137. § Notitia Parochialis, No. 1,616, Lambeth Lib. II Reg. Stratford (Lambeth) Feb. 1334. B 2 4 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. threatened with excommunication because they refused to bear their proportion of the repairs of the Mother Church,^' and in 1637 Archbishop Laud was directed to proceed with all expedition “ in “ a cause pending between the inhabitants of Reculver and Herne, “ touching the repair of the Church and Steeple of Reculver.” f In the year 1809, under the pretext of the impossibility of resisting the encroachments of the sea, this Church was shame- fully destroyed by those who were its appointed guardians, and a miserable building erected in its place at Hillborough, so badly constructed that it only lasted 65 years. Mr. C. Roach Smith thus eloquently writes concerning its destruction : “This Church had special claims for preservation. “ The Roman architecture gave it a distinctive feature of remote “ antiquity, of which it would be difficult to find another example “ in this country. It stood as a monument of the downfall of “ Paganism and the triumph of Christianity ; upwards of a “thousand years our forefathers had preserved, endowed, and “ repaired it ; generation after generation had called it theirs, and “ within its walls had ratified the obligations of social life ; they “ had died, and were buried about it. Tradition hallowed it as “ the burial-place of Ethelbert, who received and protected “ Augustine. Monuments of rich and influential families, whose “ near relatives lay there interred, stood within and around its “ walls. “ The Church, at the commencement of the present century, “ though it had been neglected and was dilapidated, might have “ been easily repaired, but the gentry and clergy abandoned it to “ jobbers and speculators, who seized upon the venerable pile, “ tore it to pieces, and divided the spoil ; and old people, who “ remember the circumstances, tell how the bells fell to the share “ of one, the lead to another, recount the prices at which the “materials were sold, and relate how, ere long, the curse of “ Heaven fell on all the destroyers of the Church ; that nothing “ prospered with them, and that, at last, they and their families “ came to misery and ruin.” J Those who are inclined to go into the repulsive details of this shameful destruction should consult the “ Gentleman’s Magazine ” * Reg. Stratford (Lambeth) March, 1335- t Reg. Laud, p. i., fob 286 a. b. i Antiq. of Reculver, p. 200 RECULVER. 5 for the years 1808 — 1810 ; one contributor to which writes, “ Time “was, when a man was famous as he assisted in adorning the “ House of God ; but now they break down the carved work with “axes and hammers,” and another, “ Some beautiful brasses have “ been stolen within these two months ; ” and another (accompany- ing his remark by an illustration), “ The old vicarage house has “ been converted into a gin and beer shop, and christened ‘ The u Hoy.’”’^ These statements are further corroborated by the testimony of the Parish Clerk (in his own handwriting) : “ 1805, Reculver “ Church and Village stood in safetey; 1806, the sea begun to “make a little incroach on the willage; 1807, the farmers begun “ take up the seaside stonework, and sold it to the Margate “ Pier Compney for a foundation for the new peir, and the “ timber by action [auction], as it was good oak fit for their “hbame use, and than the willage became a total rack to the “ mercy of the sea. “Oct. 13th, 1802. — The Chapel house fell down [here some “ connecting remarks are wanting]. This being all dun and “ spread abroad, the people come from all parts to see the mines “ of village and the church. Mr. C. C. nailor been Vicar of the “ parish, his mother fancied the church was keep for a poppet “ show, and she persuaded har son to take it down, so he took “ it in consideration, and named it to the farmers in the parish “ about taking it down ; sum was for it and sum against it; than “ Mr. nailor wrote to the Bishop to know if he might have the “ church took down, and is answer was, it must be dun by a ma- “ jority of the people in the parish, so hafter a long time he got “the majority of one, so down come the Church. “ for it, Mr. Nailor, vicker, Mr. Tom denne, Reculver, Mr. “W. Staines, Brooke, Mr. Tom Fix, hilbrow : — Against it, Mr. “Wm. Brown, Reculver, Mr. Step. Sayer, Bishopstone, Mr. “ Brett, Clark to the old church 40 years. “ The last tax [text] that Mr. nailor took was these words. Let “your ways be the ways of rightness, and your path the peace, “ and down come the church, and whot wos is thoats about is “ flock that day no one knows.” f * “The Hoy and Anchor,” according to the late Mr. Frank Buckland, who states that he discovered the old signboard and saved it from destruction, Oct. 3rd, iS 6 ^. —Land and Water, May, 1871. t“ Reculver Church,” by George Dowker, p. 10. 6 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. Of this church, it is sad to record, little now is left from the hands of the destroyer. The towers, west doorway, with wall and gable above, a portion of the walls of the chancel, and little more than the foundations of the nave and aisles, are all that remain, in situ., of this ancient and interesting structure. For the preservation of these ruins even as they are, the country (for the in- terest is national) is indebted to the Corporation of Trinity House. In 1809 the Brethren arranged to expend ;£^5oo upon groynes “ to preserve the towers of the ancient church, as the most “ distinguishing landmark for that part of the coast.” In 1811 they purchased of the Vicar (Rev. C. Naylor) and the Churchwardens the towers V. C. for ;^ioo ; and in 1866, “to “ prevent the further fall of the cliff and the depredations of “ persons taking away the bones jutting thereupon ” [the writer has seen full-length skeletons, very long, exposed to view, probably ihose of the Danes or Jutes who perished in predatory incur- sions], “ covered the entire hill with granite.” But besides the ruins of Reculver, already described, and far exceeding them in archaeological (I should rather say national) interest, are the two Roman columns of the chancel arch (see RECULVER. 7 plate), part of the old Basilica, happily discovered uninjured by that distinguished labourer in the cause of science, Dr. Sheppard, which are now safely preserved in the precincts of Canterbury Cathedral.-^' Is it not to be regretted that these remarkable relics — I believe absolutely unique — are not restored to Reculver, and replaced upon their own foundations, which yet remain ? Arch. Cant., vol. iii., p. 135-6. CHAPTER II. f arisfj of ©erne. SfeERNE, or Hearn, is situated in the north part of Kent. The church, which is in the centre of the parish, is six miles north of Canterbury, on the high road, and two miles south of Herne Bay VIEW OF VILLAGE FROM CHURCH TORCH. It is also written in ancient documents “ Hierne,” “ Hyerne,” Huerne,” “ Heron,” “ Heren,” and “ Henn.” Hasted and Ireland f derive it from the Saxon Hyrne or Hurne, a corner ; Philpot “ from the breeding of Hernes J there.” * Vol. hi., p. 617. t Vol. ., p. 410. Villare Cantianum, Index, p. 397. PARISH OF HERNE. 9 It has an area of 4,829 acres, and a population of 4,259. Besides the Parish Church, there is another, Christ Church, with an ecclesiastical district assigned to it — the well-known and now rapidly improving and increasing watering place, Her 7 ie Bay. There is no doubt that in former times, when families of wealth and influence occupied the different mansions that then existed, the parish was both populous and flourishing. Archbishop Islip (1352) obtained a grant of a market and fair; “ the market to be held w'eekly, on a Monday, and a fair yearly, on the feast of St. Martin and the day afterwards.”^ Bishop Ridley, in his farewell to Herne, addresses it as “ thou worshipful and wealthy parish.” It is usually divided into five boroughs — “ Hampton,” “ Thorn- den,” “ Stroud,” “ Hawe,” and “ Beltinge associated, some of them, with the names of distinguished families, of which nothing now remains but memory. But besides these, there were other places of note, now almost forgotten. PLACES OF NOTE. Hawe . — The manor house of Hawe, or Haghe, situated in a valley, about a third of a mile east of the church, was one of the most remarkable. It was surrounded by a moat, which still exists. In the reign of Richard II. (1337 — 99) it was held by Sir William Waleys, whose only daughter Elizabeth carried it by marriage to Sir Peter Halle (See Brass, No. i) “ whose grandson, Matthew sold his interest to Sir John Fineux, who rebuilded the mansion and afterwards retired to it.” f “ Matthew Philip, Citizen, Goldsmith, and Mayor of the City of London,” also possessed it, together with the Manor of Under- down. (See Brass HI., and Old Wills.) The reason asigned by Leland for the selection of this spot by Sir John Fineux as his dwelling-place is interesting, and must be very- gratifying to the parishioners at the present time, as it corroborates the favourable testimony which the Registrar General has repeatedly given as to the healthiness of the locality. ‘‘ Olde “ Finioux buildid his faire house on purchasid ground for the comodite of preservinge his healthe, so that afore the physicians “ concludid that it was an exceeding helthful quarter.” J * Pat. Anno 25 Edw. III., N. 31. t Hasted, vol. iii., 617. f Itin., vol. vi., p. 8. 10 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. Of this manor nothing now remains but the moat, some out- buildings of interesting fifteenth century brickwork, and some pieces of a moulded doorway of the Tudor period, which, in all probability, belonged to the “ faire house ” of Sir John Fineux."^ Stroud, or Strode (formerly Seas or Atte-Seas Court) is situated in the park close by the church. Philpot, in his description of this manor (a.d. 1559), tells us that “for some ages it owned the “ name and interest of At Sea, till fate and time, that are the “ common sepulchre of families, by sale gave up the fee simple, an “ age or two since, to Knowler.”f The Knowlers were a family of great distinction, who ultimately became possessed of large estates, not only in Herne, but also in Hoath and Chislet. The family of “ Churche ” was also connected with this borough. “ James a Churche made a grant of sixteen pence a year at Le “ Platts, in Strode burgh, to the Hospital of Harbledown, 1 3th March, 1492,”! and on the 23rd of the same month and year, another bequest of “ eightpence yearly out of a messuage and “ 3 acres of land in Strode borough in Herne.”§ A view of the old house ( “ the seat of Gilbert Knowler, Esq.”) will be found in Buncombe’s “ History of Herne.” |1 Uiiderdown (at Eddington) is a manor of ancient date. “ In 1 335 “James Bate granted to Nicholas de Underdowne i acre 3 roods “ at Gateheye, in Herne.”^ It was at one time in the possession of the Sea, or At-Sea, family. “ John Atte Sea died possessed of it in the year 1458, as “did his descendant, William, in 1545.”^'^ His descendant John Sea (see Brass No. 5), dying in 1604, devised his manor of Underdown to his eldest son Edward, who afterwards disposed of it to Robert Knowler, whose family had been resident in this parish as early as King Henry the Seventh’s reign. Robert Knowler died, possessed of it, in 1635, and was buried in the Chantry Chapel of this church {j)ide Plate, p. 28), and his descendants continued to reside at it down to Gilbert Knowler, who resided at Stroud. It afterwards became the property of the * These now form a bridge over a dyke between Hawe and Broomfield, across the fields. t Villare Cantianum, p. 185. % Harbledown Private Deeds, No. 92. Harbledown Private Deeds, No. 93. II Bib. Top. Brit, xviii., p. 98. H Harbledown Private Deeds, No. 80. ** Hasted, vol. iii., p. 617. PARISH OF HERNE. 11 Oxendens (a very ancient family), one of whom (Sir George) rebuilt the house. In the several wills of this family in the Consistorial Court at Canterbury, the name of Sea is never mentioned, but will be found under the heading “ Manor of Underdown/’ Lotiinge, also written Loutmg, was formerly a small manor situated in the north-west part of the parish, belonging to the family of Greenshield, the last of whom, Henry, died without issue, and the property was sold in accordance with his will, to John Quekes, of Birchington. Makenbrooke . — The Manor of Makenbrooke (now almost for- gotten) was situated in the north-west part of the parish. It was formerly part of the ancient possessions of the See of Canterbury, and was held “by Knyte’s fee.” In the reign of William the Conqueror, “ Vitalis de Canterbury held 12 acres (agros) and half “ a suling in Macebroc of the Archbishop,”"^' after which it came into the possession of a family who assumed their name from it ; in A.D. 1290, Archbishop Peckham received homage from Hamo de Makenbroke. t “ In the year 1 544 Anthony See died seized (possessed) of it, held of the Archbishop by Knight’s Service.” Ridgway, situated on a ridge a little to the south-east of the church, was also a place of some importance. “ Edward Monins, “ of Waldershire, by his will, proved 1553, devised to his son “ Richard, and Catherine his wife, his manor, or messuage, called “ Reggeway.”J The family of Monins is very ancient, and intimately connected with Herne. Sir Simon de Monins came over with the Conqueror, and their arms (three crescents) are sculptured on one of the shields of the Font (wrongly ascribed in Simpson’s “ Series of Ancient Fonts ” to Holowe),§ and also, together with those of Stephen Knowler, on a stone slab in the nave. This Manor now belongs to the Bering family, also very ancient and distinguished. Thornden, situated about two miles and a half west of the Church, is a very ancient place, although there are no remains or records, except a few grants, of the families who lived there. * MS. cited by Somner, appendix p. 45, as Domesday Book. t Hasted, vol. iii. 619. f Hasted iii. 620. § Perpendicular Period. Herne Church Font. 12 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. In 1332, “ Richard Atte Brooke granted to Henry de Suthreye ‘‘ and Christian his wife, one acre of land in the Parish of Herne “and Burgh of Thorndenne.”^' In 1338, “Walter Bayli granted to Henry, son of Richard de “Suthreye, and his wife, two acres in Thorndenne Borough.” f In 1429, “John a Churche gave 8d. yearly and two acres “ and a-half at Stockgrove, in Thornden, in Herne, to the Prior “of Harbledown.”+ Beltinge . — Although very little is known about Beltinge, there is no doubt that its history, if it could be discovered, would be far more ancient and interesting than that of any other place in the parish. The name alone bespeaks its Pagan origin, being evidently derived from Bel, or Baal (the deity whose name is found in the composition of so many Tyrian and Carthaginian names. Sc. Baal- Bek.) and “ting,” or “thing,” an assembly, from the old Norse “tinga,” to speak, and allied with the English word “think.” The first syllable is found elsewhere, as in “ Waldershire,” (Baldershire, from the cognate Balder), and “ Balham.” The Northmen, according to Taylor, introduced the word “ ting ” into England, and it still exists among us, as in “ Hastings ” — “ House-things.”§ Mr. W. de Gray Birch thinks that “ some of the barrows, or other likely places, should be opened,” and believes that “careful investigation would lead to interesting results.” Rectory House “The Old Rectory” (according to Hasted), “ stood in the hamlet of Eddington, opposite to Underdown. It was once a place of considerable importance, in the form of a quadrangle, one side of which only remains.”l| The Milles family (now Earl Sondes) resided in it for several generations. They were, for a great many years, the Impropriators of the great tithes, and large benefactors to the church and parish.^ Ford House (the site of the oldest manor belonging to the See of Canterbury) is not in Herne, but in Hoath, being separated by the highway, which divides the two parishes. It is, however, such * Harbledown Private Deeds, No. 77. f Harbledown Private Deeds, No. 79. j Harbledown Private Deeds, No. 94. § Words and Places, p. 199. || Hasted, vol. iii. p. 623. % A view of the Old Vicarage House is in Duncombe’s Hist, of Herne. Bib. Top. Brit, xviii., p. 98. FAJUSH OF HERNE. 13 an ancient and remarkable place^ and so intimately connected with Herne, that a brief description cannot fail to be interesting. “ It consisted of about eight acres,” given by Ethelbert, King of Kent, upon which a spacious edifice was built, surrounded by a moat. “There was a park belonging to the manor, of i66 acres, and also two free commons,” “Hunter’s Borstal” (now Forstall) and “ Belting Green. It appears from the register-book of Reculver (why Reculver and not Hoath, does not appear) that the archbishop had a chapel at Ford, “ Francis, sonne of Sir Thomas Perryn, knight,” being baptized there Sept. 28th, i62o.f Another proof of this is furnished by the following entry in the register book of Herne : “ Thomas, son of John Knowler, baptized at Ford, 26 April, 1607.” The difference between the opinions of some of the archbishops, as to the healthiness of Ford, is very amusing. Morton and Parker considered it “low and unhealthy,” and the latter “petitioned to “ have it pulled down.” Cranmer evidently thought otherwise, as he frequently resided there, and was often visited by his friend Ridley, Vicar of Herne. In 1537, when the Plague raged at Lambeth, he spent a good deal of his time there, during which the Bible was first printed in English. In 1552 he was there again, and it is very remarkable that, although suffering from ague in the summer of that year, he removed to Ford in October. Whitgift also liked the place, and is said to have enjoyed hunting in the park.J Ford is further celebrated as having been visited by Royalty. In one of his excursions to the continent. King Henry VIII. went in his barge to Gravesend, landed there, and proceeded on horse- back to Ford, where he remained the night with the Archbishop (Cranmer), and continued his journey the next day to Dover, whence he embarked. § The place was demolished about the year 1658,11 and some idea of its grandeur may be formed from the fact that the bricks, timber, and other materials, which were sold to any purchaser, were valued at ;£84o.^ Some of the stones of the old house may^ 1 think., be still seen in the garde 7 i hji^nediately opposite. Legends and stories concerning the springs (one in the old * Chartce Miscellanese MS. Lib. Lambeth. Vol. i. 31. t Appointed keeper of the manor and palace by Archbishop Abbot. X Bib. Top. Brit., xviii. 112. § Ibid. II Harris’s “ Hist, of Kent,” p, 157. II Parliamentary Survey of 1647. 14 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. palace grounds, and another, ‘‘St. Ethelburga’s,” in a meadow behind the house opposite), the Vineyard, and the Fishpond, still linger in the neighbourhood. The visitor, besides enjoying a pleasant walk, will be amply repaid by a sight of the objects which still remain, the interest of which is increased by the halo of antiquity which surrounds them. Blean Union . — The Blean Union must certainly be classed with places of note. “ It was built by lease of charity lands, 24th June, “ 1791, the contracting parties being the Rev. Joseph Price, vicar, “ and eighteen parishioners, on the one part, and Thomas Reynolds “ — the highest bidder at a public auction — on the other. Mr. “Reynolds gave ^240 for the lease of ten acres of good land for “102 years, at the yearly rental of £2. 2s. The Charity Commissioners, in their report (26th June, 1836), urged that compensation should be made to the poor for the injury which this transaction effected, and the money invested in the funds on their behalf, and with this view they certified the case to the Attorney-General.^' A worse case of wrong could scarcely be found ; and this is only one among many ! At the last Inspection (1873), Commissioner expressed a fear that through the neglect of the authorities (vicars, churchwardens, and overseers), the value of the benefactions on behalf of the church and poor had dwindled down into a mere rent charge. (See Old Wills.) It ought further to be stated that the poor were not only defrauded of money, but also of light, for the Blean Union, as at first built, was absolutely without a window in the outside walls. In Queen Elizabeth’s reign a beacon was fixed in this parish on the hill where the Windmill now stands, as appears by a chart of the beacons in Lambard’s Perambulation, drawn by the direction of Sir William Brook, Lord Cobham, Lord Lieutenant of the county, t The parishioners of Herne, both gentle and simple, have ever been fond of sports and pastimes. It has been already stated that even an archbishop (Whitgift) enjoyed hunting, of which the parishioners are to this day very fond. In the middle ages archery was evidently practised. J Sometimes these pastimes *A. Kent, Herne Charities. t Bib. Top. Brit., xviii., 109. I See Parish Register 1572. PARISH OF HERNE. 15 were of an intellectual, and even dramatic character. Canon Scott Robertson, in his “ Passion Play and Interludes,” writes : ‘‘Few records in Kent give us so plain a proof of the “general prevalence, even in small parishes, of these Passion “ Plays, or Mysteries, as do the Archives of Romney and Lydd. “ . . . The distance of the parish of Herne did not prevent its “players from making their way to Romney and Lydd, where they “ knew that appreciative audiences would be found, and where “ the municipal authorities would not only pay the customary fee “ of 6s. 8d., but would be liberal in their distribution of wine, “ bread, beer, and other refreshments.”’^ The parishioners of Herne were equally disposed to acknow- ledge and remunerate the services of other actors, for in the records of the corporation of New Romney there is an item : — “ 7, 8 Hen. vi. (1429-30), Given to certain persons coming to “ Hyerne with a certain play, los. 8d.”t Three hundred years afterwards it would appear from the following advertisement that popular taste had somewhat de- generated : — “ To all Gentlemen of Diversion, &c. At Daniel Dering’s, at “the sign of ‘the Rose and Man of War,’ Hearn, on Thursday “ next, there will be a Hog dressed whole (barbecued) and given “ away ; with cock-fighting and other entertainments.’’^; The love of sport stills exists in the parish, but it is happily improved, owing, no doubt, to the benign influence of education. In 1866, in the face of great difficulties and discouragements. National Schools were built for the numerous children running about wild; and, as sympathetic, generous, and encouraging promoters, three names deserve to be recorded — William Richards, and Charles Jacomb, of Upper Clapton, and George John, Lord Sondes, all now no more. “ They rest from their labours, and their works do follow them.” * Arch. Cant., vol. xiii., p. 225. t Hist. MS. Comm., vol. v.,p. 437. J Kentish Rost, July 15th, 1747. 16 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. THE PARISH CHURCH, HERNF, KENT. CHAPTER III. ®f)e C&urcJj of ®erne. * HE church, “ dedicated to St. Martin of Tours” (see p. i6), consists of nave, north and south aisles, chancel, north and south chantry chapels, and tower at the north-west angle. It is in the Hundred of Blean, the Deanery of Westbere, and the Diocese of Canterbury. The Archbishop is patron, and it is exempt from the archdeacon’s jurisdiction. Its. value, in the king’s books, is -£20 i6s. 3d., and yearly tenths £^2 is. yfd.”'^' There was, without doubt, a much older church than that now existing, and some of its stones of Norman date, moulded and carved, may be seen in the walls of the porch and west front of the present nave. Besides the evidence afforded by deeds of gift of thirteenth century date, still extant, relating to church and churchyard, further proof of the existence of an earlier church is, I think, furnished by “ an archdeacon’s memoranda of offences and deficiencies in the churches of Herne, St. Nicholas, and All Saints, in the thirteenth century,” at least a century before any portion of the present church could have existed. The extract (indexed Herne) is very remarkable, and the severity of the arch- deacon’s rebuke has the ring of the prophet Isaiah ; with the exception of the last clause, which tends rather to justify the sarcasm of Erasmus, “a death-bed was a friar’s harvest.”! “ Books are deficient, chancels out of repair, executors remiss, “ and Agnes Curteys is a standing temptation to sin. One '•’‘parishioner has been allowed to die intestatei^% Bacon’s Liber Regis, p. 52. f Blunt’s “ Reformation,” p. 42. X Hist. MS. Commiss. v. 437. C 18 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. As the date of the present church cannot be earlier than the middle of the fifteenth century, the archdeacon must evidently be alluding to a much older church. The Tower , — One of the most imposing features of this church is its massive tower, of stone and faced flint, the oldest part now remaining. Its staircase is considered by Brandon “ very elegant Plate I.— TOWER, SHOWING CRACKS AND FISSURES. it, however, very greatly diminishes the strength of the tower, being built inside, and therefore taking the place of the two north-east angle buttresses, one of which is further weakened by a doorway being cut through it, leading from the staircase to the roof of the north aisle. (See plate i.) This is quite clear, from the threatening *Anal. of Gothic Archi., p. 15. THE CHURCH OF HERNE. 19 cracks and fissures in the north and east faces of the Tower, and the consequent subsidence has caused the crushing of some of the mouldings in one of the baptistery arches, also in the cills of the Plate 2. — THE BAPTISTERY. \See page staircase doorway, and windows. So ominous have these fissures and crushings at length become, that the architect has advised that the staircase doorway, and the short gallery leading into the c 2 20 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. Plate 3. — NORTH CHANTRY CHAPEL (PART OF THE NORTH AISLE, SHOWING PRESENT STATE OF ROOF). [See page 23. Sir Matthew Philip and his wife Christina are here buried. THE CHURCH OF HERNE. 21 ringing chamber should be blocked up solidly with masonry, and the pier of one of the windows in the ringing chamber rebuilt, and that, until this has been done, the bells should not be rung. Porch . — The Porch, which we will next describe, contains two stoups for Holy Water, built into the wall, one on each side of the entrance ; and besides the Norman stones (the remains of the older church referred to) it has a piece of the old porch cross built into Plate 4. — NORTH CHANTRY CHAPEL (PART OF NORTH AISLe), SHOWING PROPOSED ALTERATION. the front wall, just above the entrance doorway. Notice, that instead of being at right angles to the church, as is usual, and as all illustrations up to the present time describe it, this porch inclines greatly to the right, thus accommodating itself to the pathway leading to the village, which probably existed in the time of the Norman church. (See Ground Plan, p. 22.) Baptistery . — The Baptistery, which is formed by the lower stage 22 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. THE CHURCH OF HERNE. 23 of the tower, open to the church, is full of architectural beauty and interest. The groined roof — the characteristic corbel heads* — the large west window of Early Decorated work (described in Brandon) — the north window (remarkable as having double cuspings in the tracery), — the arches, with their fine mouldings and clustered shafts, — and last, but not least, the Font itself, are all worthy of particular notice. (See plate 2, p. 19.) Font . — This Font formerly stood at the west end of the nave, and is of corresponding date ; it is octagonal in form, with panel- ling and shields round the bowl, and its pedestal is enriched by delicate tracery. It was selected by Simpson (in his “ Series of Ancient Fonts ”) as a very fine and complete specimen of the Perpendicular period. The I St shield bears the arms of Henry IV., quarterly — i, 4, France (modern) \ 2, 3, England. The 2nd, the arms of the Monins family, three crescents. The 3rd, Saxton. Three wings erect. The 4th, Pelham. Three pelicans vulning themselves. The 5th, Loveryk (almost obliterated) on a chevron, three f leopards’ heads t The 6th, Halle. Barry of 6 pieces, 3 escutcheons, 2 and i. J The 7th, Archbishop Arundel. Per pale, dexter. See of Canterbury, sinister chequey, i.e., Arundel. The 8th, symbols of the Passion. Fabulous arms, ascribed by the heralds to our Lord Jesus Christ. By means of the first and seventh of these shields, we are enabled to fix the precise date of the font as between 1396 and 1414- North Aisle . — The North Aisle, immediately adjoining the bap- tistery, is the only part of the church not restored. The visitor has only to look up at the ceiling to see the pressing need of a new roof, in place of the present unsightly lean-to one of lath and plaster, through which the rain drips at every shower. (See plate 3, p. 20.) Two mural slabs of white marble on the tower buttress, in memory of Helen Grace Loughman (nee Brown) and Florence Gray (nee Lee), cousins, tell a sad tale of the frailty of human life. The two windows, deeply set, and splayed with heads like those in the * The head-dress of the one in the north-east angle closely resembles that of the wife of Sir Peter Halle. (See Brass No. I.) t See “ Brasses,” No. VII., Anthony Loveryk, p. 43. X See Brass No. I, Sir Peter Halle. 24 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. baptistery, are filled with stained glass ; one is in memory of Rosalind Aglaia Leaf, the other (by Clayton and Bell, and the best in the church), in memory of Eliza Pegg.'^ William Rogers (died 1773) and John Wood (died 1831), former vicars, are buried in this aisle. The chief point of interest in this part of the church is the fine old screen which separates the north aisle from the north chantry, or Milles’s Chapel. (See plate 5, p. 25.) Canon Scott Robertson, in a very interesting paper on Kentish Rood Screens, pronounces it to be a screen of remarkably good “ design, the top of which bears indubitable traces of a rood-loft.” “ We know,” he adds, “ that there were such rood-lofts in the side “aisles of some churches.”! This is undoubtedly true, but in this case I think he is mistaken. I am of opinion, after due consideration and consultation, that this is the original Rood-Screen which occupied the place of the modern Chancel-Screen, and the measurements and facts generally tend to prove it. Nave . — We now come to the Nave. This is very wide, and, together with the north and south aisles, forms an exact square. It has on the north side four pointed arches, including that of the tower ; and five on the south. The octagonal pillars, of Bethersden marble, are very light and graceful. The mouldings on the arches of the south arcade are different from those of the north. If the visitor will here notice a peculiar, but very picturesque, arch above the tower arch of the baptistery, opening into the west end of the nave, he will have another very clear proof of the existence of a church anterior to the present one. (See plate 6, p. 26.) The nave and north aisle are evidently built up to, and even carefully fitted to, the tower ; the difficulty with regard to the westernmost arch of the nave arcade (north side) being cleverly overcome in the manner described. There was, in all probability, first a Norman church, of which * The quality and design of the coloured glass throughout is much to be regretted in this as in so many other churches. Within the last fifty years, millions of money have been thrown away on glass of this kind, a great deal of which is now being replaced. The visitor has only to compare the Window of Clayton and Bell with some of the others, to see the truth of this. t Arch. Cant., XIV., 371. THE CHURCH OF HERNE. 25 the stones already alluded to formed a part. To this the present tower was added about a.d. 1350, and subsequently, when the old Norman church was pulled down, leaving the tower standing, the Plate 5. — OLD SCREEN. \See page 24. present church was built ; the date of which may be put as early in the 15th century. Brandon, Rickman, and Sir Stephen Glynne, are all incorrect 26 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. Plate 6. — PICTURESQUE ARCPI [See page 24. THE CHURCH OF HERNE. 27 in describing certain portions of the church as “ Early English.” As the late Mr. Street remarked in a paper read some years ago at the Royal Institute of British Architects,^' “ Mediaeval archi- “ tects occasionally closely imitated the styles of previous periods “ of architecture, chiefly the Early English or lancet styles.” The lancet windows in the tower and chancel and other parts certainly resemble Early English, but Early English they are not. At the western end of the nave there is a very large window, with five lights, known to archaeologists as Perpendicular, or third pointed. At the east end is a handsome modern Chancel Screen, boldly carved. The opening in the wall at the south-east corner of the nave was anciently the means of access to the old rood-loft; the narrow passage way behind, still bears, shoulder high on the plaster, work, the impress of those who passed through it more than 300 years ago. Three oak steps yet remain in the passage, and form a part of the old approach from below. Memorial stones with inscriptions and arms mark the vaults beneath of the ancient families of “ Knowler,” “ Monins, ”f “ Conyers,” and “ Fagg.” South Aisle . — The South Aisle contains a modern 3-light window at the west end, and along the side three ancient 2-light windows, similar to those in the north aisle, but of plainer character. These are filled with stained glass, one in memory of Edward Reynolds Collard, and two in memory of William Newton (a former Churchwarden, who took an active interest in the church), his wife, and two children. There are also mural tablets in memory of the families of “ May,” “Collard,” and “ Belsey,” and a stone statue of Bishop Ridley, “ some time vicar,” occupies a Gothic niche in the centre of the south wall. An old and very interesting Piscina (place for cleansing the Holy Vessels) formerly blocked up, will be noticed in the wall near the vestry door. It has a Tudor Rose carved in the bowl. Soicth Chantry Chapel . — The South Chantry Chapel (commonly called the “Knowler Chapel ”) is divided from the nave by an arch of simple but good proportions ; it has a Perpendicular, or third pointed, window of four lights on the east side, and two of two lights, of the same period, on the south. The old oak roof still remains. * 29th Nov., 1869. t With arms, three crescents, same as on font. 28 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT, This chapel literally teems with monuments of the Knowlers, and also of the Pembrooks and Fairmans, with whom they are connected by marriage. The following are a few of the most important : — 1. In the south-east corner, a very handsome Jacobean mural monument, in memory of Robert Knowler of Herne (died 1635), and Susan, his wife (died 1631). (See plate.) 2. Under the organ, a black marble slab, in memory of Thomas, son of the above, a bachelor, who died 1658. He was a great benefactor. (See Old Wills.) On his gravestone it is written that “he gave £\o to buy a pulpit cloth marked “T. K., “ and the communion table “cloth, and to be dis- “ tributed upon the day of his “ burial, unto the poor, and £,2 “ per annum for ever to repair “ the isle in which he lay, and “ ;^5 per annum for ever to “ clothe the poor of this parish, “ out of his farm at Belting, in “this parish. ‘The righteous “shall be held in everlasting “ remembrance.’ ” 3. Also under the organ, J ohn Knowler, another son (died 1655), Robert, son of John (died 1693), and Elizabeth his wife (died 1693), also of Catherine, their daughter (died 1708), and of Elizabeth, another daughter (died 1724). The epitaph is still visible. “ All must to their cold graves ; But the religious actions of the just Smell sweet in death, and blossom in the dust.” 4. On a black marble slab in the centre is an inscription in memory of Gilbert Knowler, of Stroud in Herne, Knight (great grandson of the first), and his three wives — Elizabeth, daughter of MURAL MONUMENT. In memory of Robert Knowler, died 1635, and Susanna, died 1631. THE CHURCH OF HERNE. 29 Elias Juxon; Honey wood, daughter of Vincent Denne, and Susanna, daughter of Martin Lister. The arms of all the families are duly incised. 5. In the north-west corner is a mural monument of sienna marble of Gilbert Knowler, son of last (died 1737), and Mary his wife (died 1735). On a flat stone, under the organ, is the following curious epitaph : — C “Here lies a piece of Christ, a star in dust, A vein of gold, a china dish which must i. Be used in heaven, when God shall feed the just.* Approved by all, and loved so well, Though young, like fruit that’s ripe he fell.” The fine organ (built by Mr. T. C. Lewis in 1870, by collec- tions and contributions) has been recently enlarged, remodelled, and re-voiced, by Messrs. Michell and Thynne, at the expense of Mrs. Pegg, in memory of her daughter Eliza. Chancel . — The Chancel in 1869 was quite bare, and open to the nave and north chantry chapel. The ancient choir stalls, called “ Miserere,” very fine, and beautifully carved, were scattered about the church, and the sedilia, or seats for the celebrant and his assistants, were completely defaced and blocked up by the large pyramidal monument in memory of Samuel Milles (died 1727). The end of the Subsellia (east of south side, see plate 7, page 30) struck the keynote of the restoration. By placing this in its present position, the architect, Mr. William White, was enabled to replace the other parts in their proper places, and what was missing was made good. The monument of Samuel Milles was removed (by kind per- mission, and at the expense of the late Lord Sondes) to the Milles chapel (see plates 3 and 4) ; and the seats of the sedilia, when restored, gave the levels of ascent (seven in number) from the nave to the Altar. The Chancel was repaved with encaustic tiles, and, in addition to the new Choir stalls, a new Altar, bishop’s chair, and lectern of carved oak, were provided by collection * The first three lines are copied from an epitaph for a godly man’s tomb in Wild’s Iter Boreale, &:c., p. 46. The following is the counterpart, for a wicked man’s tomb : — “ Here lies the carcase of a cursed sinner, Doomed to be roused for the devil’s dinner.” 30 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. and contribution. Miss Mary Baskerville gave a very handsome corona, in memory of her sister Jane ; the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners thoroughly restored the roof ; and Mrs. Frances Louisa Plate 7. — CHANCEL. Smith, of Herne Bay, crowned the whole by the munificent gifts of Reredos, stained glass East window, Chancel Screen, separating Chancel from North Chantry Chapel, two large brass candelabra. THE CHURCH OF HERNE. 31 one on each side of the Altar, and the stained glass windows and new oak benches in the porch, at the cost of nearly a thousand pounds. The architects for Mrs. Smith’s gift were Messrs. Goldie and Child ; the sculptor, Mr. Earp ; and the artist in glass, Mr. Wailes. East Window . — The East Window, of five lights, is noticeable for its cluster of circles in the upper part, which at first seems to be Early English, or first pointed work. It is, however, of the same date as the rest of the church (except the tower), viz., third pointed, or Perpendicular. The two other windows, of single lights (also resembling Early English) are both filled with stained glass, well executed; the North (“The Resurrection”) in memory of William Wood; the South (“The Ascen- sion ”) in memory of the Rev. John Wood, Vicar (died 1831, the father of the former), and Catherine Eliza- beth, his wife. The Sedilia (seats for the clergy) and Piscina (place for cleansing the holy vessels) are very interesting, and worthy of careful notice. MONUMENT OF SIR WILLIAM THORNHURST. Monume 7 it of Sir W. Thorfihurst. — The visitor cannot fail to observe an old monument, representing a warrior in armour kneeling on a cushion at a table, with gilded hel- met and crest (there was formerly also a banner) above. See plate. The following is the inscription : — “ Here lieth buried the body of Sir William Thornhurst Knight sonne and heire to Sir Stephen Thornhurst of Foorde in this countie, Knight, which Sir William married Ann daughter unto the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Howard Viscount Howard of Bindon and by her had issue one sonne named Gifford Thornhurst and two daughters named Frances and Grace. He dyed the 24th dayeofjuly 1606 and in the 31st year of his age.” 32 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. This monument is most beautifully executed in marble alabaster, coloured with gold, vermilion, and blue. It is otherwise very interesting. Sir William, as well as his father, was keeper of the Archbishop’s Palace at Ford (already described), and his great- granddaughter was the celebrated Duchess of Marlborough, who figured so long and prominently in the reign of Queen Anne. The following is the Pedigree : — Sir William Thornhurst, of Herne =f=Ann, daughter of Thomas, Lord I Howard of Bindon. I ' Sir Gifford Thornhurst, of 01d=pSusanna, daughter of Sir Alexander Romney, Bart. | Temple, Knight of Chadwell. I ' Frances Thornhurst =f=Richard Jenyns, of S. Albans, I Herts. I J Sarah Jenyns =f=John Churchill, first Duke of AMarlborough. The perforation in the wall beneath this monument is a Hagioscope (commonly called a squint) probably to enable the worshippers in the North Chantry Chapel to have a view of the High Altar. Table Tomb . — The Table Tomb of stone, let into the north wall, is an object of special interest, and from the peculiarity of its position as well as the absence of any inscription, cannot fail to arrest the visitor’s attention. Brandon says it is the Tomb of some distinguished person, probably the Founder. The three shields, bearing arms incised, and until recently covered with whitewash, seem to me clearly to indicate Sir John Fineux, who lived and died at Hawe (the “ olde Fineux ” already alluded to) as its owner. Sir John, whose arms are in the centre (a chevron between three eagles) married twice, and the arms of both his wives are incised on the same tomb. His first wife was Elizabeth, daughter of William Apuldrefield (a very ancient family), of Lynstead, Kent, whose arms are a cross voided, and his second wife, Elizabeth, widow of William Clere, and daughter of “Sir John Paston the younger, of Paston, Nor- folk,”^" whose arms are six fleur de lys a chief indented. It is true that Sir John devised to be buried in Canterbury Cathedral (see Old Wills), and that Somner declares that Sir John Fineux and his * Blomefield's Norfolk, vol. vi., p. 293 , note 4 . THE CHURCH OF HERNE. 33 second wife are there buried,"^ but people were not always buried according to their wills {e.g.. Sir Matthew Philip, see Old Wills). Gough tells us that local historians are often inaccurate. f I believe this to be the tomb of Sir John Fineux, and certainly of Elizabeth (Apuldrefield) his wife, who devised, by her will, to be buried in the “ high quyre in the church at Herne ” (see Old Wills), and in whose memory a very beautiful brass still remains. (See Brass IV.) North Chantry, or Milks Chapel. — The North Chantry, or Milles Chapel, is also called the “ Lady Chapel,”^ and ‘‘ Chapel of St. John the Baptist.”§ This, I think, admits of very easy explanation. It is evident from a mere glance at the north and south walls that there were two Altars, and therefore two Chapels ; one dedicated to St. John the Baptist, the other to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The present position of the Brasses (in the centre) is no proof to the contrary. At the first restoration of the church, in 1850, when the church was repewed, the west gallery removed, and a new roof put on the Nave and South Aisle, this Chapel was repaved, and I think it very likely that the positions of some of the Brasses were then altered. We know that Brasses have been removed, through ignorance or caprice, because, in the eyes of so- called restorers, they did not harmonise with the bright new tiles. Sometimes they are not even replaced. Some of the Brasses mentioned by Weever, Hasted, and Greenwood, as existing in this church cannot now be found. Not many months ago I myself discovered one of these — a very important one — and rescued it from the ignominious use to which it was being put. It was in a wind w, and on the back of it was written in chalk, “ Key of sandpit ai Mr. Rootd si' Some of the most distinguished ancestors of the Milles family are buried in this chapel. The following are the most important : * Antiq. of Canterbury, Appendix, xxii. t ‘‘Sepulchral Monuments,” vol. i., p. 7. “So inattentive are the resident describers of our monuments that Archdeacon Batteley mistook for Archbishop Islip’s in the nave of Canterbury Cathedral, an altar tomb or slab robbed of its brasses, which represented a man and wife.” Gostling, p. 205. X A chantry in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded in this church by Thomas Newe, Vicar of Reculver (“ Vir vere insigiiis.") He resigned a.d. 1356. Reg. Islip, fol. 237 a. Peter Halleland William Philip both devised, by will, to be buried in \ the Chapel of St. John the Baptist, Herne. Hasted, vol. iii. p. 617 — 619. D 34 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. VIEW IN NORTH CHANTRY CHAPEL, SHOWING HAGIOSCOPE, AUMBRY, SCREEN, 5 ? Given to Travellers taken by the French 00 I 6 )> 5> Given to the Ringers on the Day of Ringing for the Great Victory . . . 00 6 0 1706 17 day For Writing in the Register, p'^ Oath of Aprill. and to Mr. Lock for his Dinnor and keeping y*^ Rigister 00 10 0 PARISH REGISTERS. 55 1706 17 day Spent at ye Vizitation. at y'' of April. Parambleation. P'^ for ringing and other small things... ... ... 03 9 o „ P^^ for 2 foxe’s heads. P'* 10 Dussun of Sparrows’ Heads. P'^ 6 bottells of Wine for y® Communion ... 01 9 6 „ ,, P*^ for buring of 3 men by the Sea Side ... ... 00 6 o „ ,, P*^ To Bushell his yeare’s Dogwhip- ping ... ... ... ... 00 I o o „ „ P'^ To the Owld Churchwarden, that were out of yure sight at y® Parish Meeting ... ... ... ... 00 5 5 and 3 dusson of Sparrows heads ... 68 1707. May 22. P"^ to gode wofe when hir husband was gone ... ... ... ... i 6 „ „ Memorandum that the Churchwardens £ 8 d of Hearn pay the sum of 00. 05. o. to Church- warden of Reculver with- in the ^‘No^’th Po'^rch” of the said Church every Whitsun Munday. 1708. Ap. 20. Paid Mrs. Stevens for ile (oil) and half a bushel of Coles ... 0 0 0 0 roj 1710. May 10. Paid for several dousson of Sparrows, Four hedg Hoggs ... 00 04 03 1720. Sept.30. Gave a travelling woman, big with child, to depart y® place 00 01 0 5 ) Tho® Tanner for 2 doz sparrowes ... 00 00 4 • Paid Jo" Smith y® dog Whipper, his half yeares Wagges 00 05 0 Will’" Rothop for Drink for y® Ringers had on Coronation Day ... 00 05 0 JJ 11 For a form of Prayer for y® fast day 00 01 6 11 11 P’^ to Richard Mather for catching a fox 00 00 6 11 11 Gave three Travellers in want 00 00 6 11 11 Gave to Company of Slaves 00 00 5 11 11 P’^ for 1 Graye’s Head (Badger)... 00 02 0 11 11 Gave 2 aged Slaves ... 00 02 0 11 11 Paid for 3 hegg hogs ... 00 OT 0 11 11 Gave Ringers for Gunpowder Trea- son ... 00 05 0 56 MEMOJ^IALS OF HERNE, KENT. 1720. Sept. 30. P^ Richard Mather, his wife, for a fox h^^ & a Grays h^ 00 04 0 n ’) Smuggler’s Money. Totall... 07 2 6 May „ P*^ Contribution money at Reculver... 00 05 0 }• )) Spent there 00 03 0 5J JJ Gave to 13 men Turkey Slaves 00 05 0 1727. May 26. P*^ to Reculver Churchwardens 00 05 0 Spent at the same time 00 06 0 ?> -5 Gave the Ringers at Proclaiming the King 0 1 00 06 Oct. 16. Gave the Ringers at the Coronation 00 10 00 xA-pril I. Paid Jaurice Dadsman for a Bagor’s (Badger’s) head. ... 00 02 00 „ 20. P'^ Fran® Young for burying two men taken up by the sea 00 04 00 }) Spent at y® bounds of the Parish 03 03 0 1721. For carrying a poor Rashed Travailor in my cart to y® Pox (Small Pox) Officer, viz., to Mr. Ewells 2®, and I® I gave her to gett up my cart... ... ... ... ... 00 03 00 “ Form of the Receit for the payment of the five shillings at “ Reculver on Whitson Munday is as followeth : ” “May y® 28, 1705. Received then of John Kemp and “ Edward Webb, Churchwardens of the Parish of Hearne y® sume “ of five shillings which by an antient composition is yearely pay- “ able by y® Churchwardens of Herne above p^ to Y Church- “ wardens of Reculver upon this day being Munday in Whitson “ Weeke. Received in full for y® a bove said composition. s. d. by us J (3 f Church “ o 5 o R W ( Wardens.” CHAPTER VI. EitW ant( jfm. letter written by the Rev. John Hunte, curate of Herne, dated August loth, 1621, showing “the manner of paying “ the small tithes, and certain customs with regard to “ church fees,” is very interesting and amusing.*. Mr. Hunte declares this to be “ the ancient custom beyond “ the memory of man.” He had the books of Mr. Brydges (Vicar 1562), who had them of Mr. Johnson (1549). This letter throws light upon the words or the original Institution of the Vicarage.”! The vicar shall have tenths of hay, flax, wool, milk, honey, lambs, produce of gardens and meadows.”. . . “ Omnes que “ minutas decimas quae ad altaragium spectare dicuntur,J i.e., “ and all the small tithes which are said to belong to the altar.” It . 2^- for the milk of every cowe. Tt. The calfe, if it be sold, the vicar’s due is the tenth penny ; as, if it be sold for lo®- the vicar hath out of that due to him i2‘^' If the owner of the calfe kill it in his house, the vicar hath due the left shoulder thereof. It. For every 12 monthling bullocke, be it either heifor or steere, to be paid at Easter ; for every two yearing, 2"* ; for every three yearing, 3‘*-, if the heifore be not with calfe, for in this case shee is titheable as a cowe ; and if the steere hath usually wrought, he is thereby freed ; the like manner is observed for coultes. It. Wooll is due the tenth pound, or tenth quarter. * Lambeth Library, MS. Lewis, p. 226. t Reg. Winchelsea, f. 30 Lambeth Lib. i “ The word ‘ altaragium ’ signifies all tithes offerings belonging to the minister for officiating at the altar, and comprehends every titheable matter not expressly mentioned in the endowment.” — Bateman on Agistment Tithes. 58 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. It, Grasse hath usually been taken in grasse cockes, unlesse in curtesse the parishioners will make it good. It. Hempe, the tenth shote of thistle and seed hempe immediately when it is drawn. It. Of bees, the tenth measure of honey, and the tenth quantity of wax. It. Eggs, as the vicar and parishioners can agree, but if he will have eggs (the antient custom, as hath been reported), two eggs for every hen, and three for every cocke. The like for ducks and drakes. It. Geese and turkeys are to be taken for tith at such times as they may be made fitt for food. It. In gardens, onions, rootes, artichokes, and such, are paid the tenth, or tenth measure ; but for herebes and flowers, as the vicar and parishioners can agree, 3'^’ 4*^ or for the whole yeare (payed usually at Easter). It. Ffruits (as apples, pears, nutts, wardens, (walnuts ?) plumes, &c.), the tenth measure as they are gathered. It. Out of dove houses the tenth pigeon. It. For titheing of every deepware (fishery) 2®- ; of every landware, For theyr mullet netts I have compounded (and others before me) for 3® 4^^ ’ sometimes 5® ’ sometimes VP- S'*’ for the year.^' It. Tith of mill according to ancient custome is due to the vicar. The Finneauxes themselves who were farmers to the personage yet they have paid a composition to the vicar in particular. FEES. It. For a marriage cum licentia 2®- 6, sine licentia iS'*’ for a certificate of the banns ijs, (but the ancient duty was but i® vi., accordinge to the proverbef “the price of a goose.”) It. For a chrystning at the mother’s churchinge, if the childe then be living, half an ell of linen cloth ; and a penny if the child * This is very interesting, and throws light upon a statement which Leland makes, “ Yt (Heron) stondeth dim 2 myle fro the mayne shore, and ther is good pitching of nettes for mullettes.” — Itin. vol. vii., p. 144. t “ The price of a wife is the price of a goose.” TITHES AND FEES. 59 be departed ; i^' only at the mother’s comeing to give thanks But the antient duty for chrystning was a crysome (or the face cloth that covered the child at its baptisme), if it lived ; but, if the child died, the minister was to have ij. for the baptizing, and was to loose the face cloth (for that was to wind the child in). It For burialls nothing. CHAPTER VIL ©in Wtlfe. Robert Somersal, 1541. Robert Somersal by his Will (Consistorial Court of Canterbury, 1541 ) directed “ his body to be buried in the Parish Church of St. Martin Herne, next the sepulchre of John Maycott, being before John’s Altar in the said Church.” He gave “towards the buying of a Canopy, to bear over the Sacrament going a pro- cession, 20 shillings,” and “ towards the Cloth to lay over the Brides when they are married, 40 shillings.” “ To Sir William Michell Janntire (Chantry) Priest of Herne, 20 shillings.” He appointed William Fyneux Esq., and William Oxenden Gentle”’*’" Executors, and Lady Fyneux overseers, of his Will. John Younge, 1458. John Younge of Herne by his Will (Consistorial Court, Can- terbury, 1458) directed his “ body to be buried at Herne,” and “gave twelve pence to the High Altar of the Church,” and “10 marks towards making the seats called pwynge.” Thomas Bysmer, 1466. Thomas Bysmer of Herne by his Will (Consistorial Court, Canter- bury, 1466) directed his “ body to be buried at Herne,” and gave “ 8d. to the High Altar of the Church,” “ 26s. 8d. for one Peace- Kiss of Silver, for the use of the Church on high days,” and 13s. 4d. for a pyx to place the Sacrament on the Altar.” William Philip, 1458. William Philip of Herne, by his Will (Consistorial Court, Canterbury 1458) directed his “ body to be buried in the Chapel of St. John the Baptist Herne,” and left “ 3s. 4d. to each of the Parishes of Herne, Swalecliffe, and Whitstable.” OLD WILLS. 61 Sir Matthew Philip, 1475. Sir Matthew Philip,^' by his will (Prerogative Court, London, 1475), directed his body to be buried in the church of St. Vedast, London, “ that is, to witt, under the tomb there where as the body of Joan my wife lyeth buried, if it happen me to deceass in London.” He died at Herne, and is buried in the same vault as his wife, Christine. Among the bequests made is one “to the Wardens and Conaltie of the said Crafte of Goldsmythes for poor Almss people of the saide Crafte, £ioS And another of “33s. 4d. to the same crafte for an Obite or Anniversary to be kept yerely for evermore in the Church of Saint Vedast upon the day in which it shall fortune me to deceass, solemnly by note, for my soule, and for the soule of Joan, late my wife, and for all Christian Soules, one placebo and dirige on the Even, and Masse of requiem on the Morrow.” // would appear, from the words which follow, that the convi- viality which characterises the City Guilds is of very ancient date. “And I wolle that, at the saide yerely Obite, there be spente and paide, of the fore saide, 33s. qd., in a potacion, or recreacion, to be made at Goldesmythe’s Hall of London, for the Wardens, and men of the Lyvery of the same Crafte and for priestes, clerkes, of the saide Pish, such as will cum to the saide Obite and potacion in the saide Hall, 13s. qd.” Sir Matthew died possessed of the Manors of “Hawe” and “Underdowne” (Herne), which he left in trust to John Younge, Knight, Citizen and Alderman of London, Master John Tapton, Clerk, William Hussey, Esq., Thomas Frowyk, Esq., Robert Martyn, “ Esq., John Roper, Esq., Roger Brent, and John Andrews, for his wife {third wife) Beatrice, and at her death, to his son William.” Sir John Fyneux, 1525-6. Sir John Fyneux (Prerogative Court, London, by his will 1525), bequeathed “ to the Church Works of Hyrne, loo®- . . . and to every of the Vicars of Hyrne, Lynsted, and Sainte Dunstan, 40®-, to be prayed for.” “ Itejn. I bequethe to William my sonne my Coler of Golde to be delivered to him at his age of 24 ... ” think, son of the last, William, and not, as Stowe records, “son of Arnold Philip, of Norwich.” — Survey of London, vol. ii., p. 122. 62 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. “ Iteni. I will that my household be kept holy (wholly) an hole (whole) yeare next after my death to the intente that my family may provide in that meane tyme for theyr further lyving as they shall think best ...” “ Ite 7 n. I wille my saide wife have two basyns, and two ewers, two standyng cuppes, two saltes, and all my spoons, a powder box, a boll gilte, a pece of silver covered, and that pece of the best, at her own choyse ” . . “ And I give and bequethe to William Fyneux my sonne, and to every of my daughters nowe being on lyve and out of religion, to either of them a basyn and a ewer of silver.” He bequeathed to his wife his Manor of Hawe, and appointed the Prior of Christ Church (Sir John Morton), Lady Fyneux, John Hales (Baron), James Digge (his brother), and John Colman, Executors. Rev. John Warren, 1538. Rev. John Warren Vicar (Prerogative Court, London, 1538). “ Yf it shall chaunce me to dye in Herne, then I wille my body to be buried without the church porche of the north side of the said Parish Churche, as nygh unto the porche as conveniently may.” The very first step from the Porch into the Church is upon a very remarkable old coffin-shaped stone ! Lady Elizabeth Fyneux, 1539. Lady Elizabeth Fyneux by her Will (Consistorial Court of Canterbury, 1539) desired to be buried “in the high quyre on the south side of the high altar in the Church of Herne,” She gave “ one hundred marks to be disposed of at her burial and for the keeping of the months day in masses and money fyninge to poor people and other chari- table deeds ; ” and “ at her twelve months mind twenty marks ” — “to the poor of the parish of Herne, — “to the Vicar of Herne, Master Nicholas Ridley four marks.” “To her son William, one of her chalyses, one Mass book, one vestment of crymsyn damask whereupon be sette hers and her husbands arms, with an altar cloth of crymsyn damask and grene, — 13 silver spoons, whereof one beareth the pretense of Christe, and the other of the Apostles,” — to “Sir Richard Tyndell, her chaplain, the feather bed that he lyeth upon with all that belongeth to it, and OLD WILLS. 63 26*- S^‘ so that he be continually in her service and with her at the time of her decease, or else to have nothing,” She appointed as her executors “Master John Hales (one of the Barons of the King’s Exchequer), Henry Hubbert, Esq*'® ’ and Master James Hales.” Edward Monyngs, 1546.*^' Edward Monyngs (also spelt Monins) of Waldershare by his Will (Consistorial Court of Canterbury, 1546) devised to “ his Son Richard Monyngs, and Katheryne his Wife,” his Manor or Messuage “called Reggway (now Ridgway) in the Parish of Herne, and all other and tenements in the said Parish of Herne.” William Fyneux, 1557. William Fyneux, the Elder, of Herne, Esq. (son and heir of Sir John Fyneux, Consistorial Court of Canterbury, 1557), by his Will directed “ his body to be buried in the next convenient place of burial where it should please God he should decease.” He gave “to the Curate for his painstaking in laying him in the earth 6*- 8'^-,” and to each of “ them who should bear him to his burial 20^- To the vicar of Herne if he should die there 6® 8'^-, and to every clerk there 3®- 4^-” To his “ wife Frydeswide his Manor House of House of Hawe. To his son John, his lands in the Parishes of Herne, Chislet, Swingfield, Allkham, Lydden, Denton and Wootton, and all the ground sometime belonging to the Chauntry of Herne.” He also gave his lands at “St. Dunstan’s,- Canterbury, Harbledown, Hackington, Sturry, and St. Cosmus Blean, to his son Christopher Fyneux.” Thomas Terrye, 1564. Thomas Terrye, of Herne, Husbandman, by his will (Consistorial Court of Canterbury, 1564), directed his body to be buried in the Churchyard of Herne. He devised his lands in Herne to his son John at 21 years of age, and if he should die without heirs of his body, then he devised the same to Thomas Arnold of Herne fishermen and his heirs, he paying out of the same ^^3 yearly to the Churchwardens and four other substantial inhabitants, to be distributed by them to the poor people of the Parish. John Church, 1571. John Church, of Herne, by his Will (Consistorial Court 01 Canterbury, 1571), directed “his body to be buried in the * See p. II. 64 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. Churchyard of Herne.” He gave “ to the poor people of Herne two semes of wheat to be distributed amongst them to every one a bodye so far as it would amount.” He devised “ his lands and houses to his son William in tail and the remainder to his Nephew George in like manner. If both died without issue, he gave to the poor folks of Herne one half of the profits, and to the Parish Church the other half, to be paid at two several times of the year, viz., at Christmas and Easter.” Richard Terry, 1615. Richard Terry, of Herne, Yeoman, by his Will (Consistorial Court of Canterbury, 1615), devised “ if his two sons John and Thomas should die without heirs male, to the Churchwardens and Supervisors of the poor of this Parish, an annuity or yearly rent of ;£‘io in fee simple, for ever, issuing out of all the lands and tene- ments by him devised — the remainder to John Selby, the son of his son-in-law John Selby, his Mansion House, and certain premises • therein described in Sea Street in Herne, and in the borough of Hampton, and his then dwelling-house at Eddington, and the lands belonging to it, and his house and lands in the borough of Stroud, the one half of which he devised towards the reparations of the Parish Church, and the other half to the relief of the poor with liberty of distraining! And he devised “ one other Annuity or yearly rent of 30s. od. in fee simple for ever to be yearly paid on the feast of John the Baptist with liberty of distraining.” Sir William Sedley, 1617. By indenture bearing date 17th September, 1627, between Sir John Sedley, Bart., executor of Sir W. Sedley of the first part, John Welby of the second part, and Robert Knowler and twelve others of the third part, reciting that the said Sir W. Sedley, by his Will bearing date 29th October, 1617, “ directed his execu- tors to purchase to the use of the poor of the Parish of Herne an annuity of ;£'3 6s. 8d., and that the said Sir John Sedley, party thereof, had in lieu of the said annuity paid towards the purchasing of the lands thereafter mentioned for the use of the said poor, the said John Welby in consideration of £64, whereof the said £^55 was part, and the residue was paid by Robert Knowler and other parties of the third part, being part of a legacy of f^2o, theretofore given by Sir John Smith to the use of the poor OLD WILLS. 65 of the said parish, granted to the parties of the third part and their heirs two pieces of land, theretofore one piece, containing by estimation lo acres, in Chislet, butting on lands called Spittle Land, North, East, and South, and to the highway West, on trust that they and their heirs should see the rents and profits yearly be- stowed on the poor of the parish, according to the Will of the said Sir W. Sedley. “ It appears from Table of Benefactions, /z// up before 1791, that the lands in Chislet consisted of four closes., ccntaining ga. 2r. 29/. (an old map framed in the Vestry corroborates this) with a tene- ment and were let at ^7 a year.” — Charity Commissioners' Report^ 26th Nov., 1836. For particulars of the application of this Charity see Blean Union, p. 14. George Hawlet, 1625. (also Howlet). George Hawlet, of Herne, Yeoman, by his Will (Consistorial Court of Canterbury), 1625, directed his “body to be buried in the Churchyard of Herne near to the grave of his late wife Thomasine.” He gave “ 40 shillings to be distributed amongst the poor of Herne by the Churchwardens on the day of his burial, and charged his house and lands at Greenhill in the parish of Herne, with the payment of 3 a year towards the maintenance and relief of the poor for ever of the Parish of Her nef'' Of this bequest the Charity Commissioners report as follows: — “ It is stated on the Table of Benefactions that there was payable ;^3 yearly from the lands of Mr. Thomas Holbourn, at Green Hill, in Hampton Borough, bequeathed by Mr. George Howlet, 9th April, 1624. “ Search has been made for the Will of George Howlet without success, but a farm called Greenhill, in Hampton Borough., was purchased in 1835 of Henry Worrall, by William Wiggens, of Bridge Street, Blackfriars, on which occasion it was discovered that the premises were subject to this rent-charge, and compensation was made to Mr. Wiggens by a deduction from the purchase money. “ It does not appear from the Parish accounts up to what period the rent charge was paid, or, how, when received, it was disposed of. Mr. Wiggens has agreed to pay the amount for two years, viz., 1835; when he purchased the land, and 1836.” — Report, 2(ith Nov., 1836. 66 MEMORIALS OF HERNE, KENT. Christopher Milles, 1638] Christopher Milles of Herne Esq. by his Will (Consistorial Court of Canterbury, 1638) directed his ‘"‘body to be buried under a tombstone in the Parsonage Chancel of Herne* between the corpses of his late Wife and his Son Edward, with the less solemnity that the more may be bestowed on my Children the Poor. “ I will and bequeath to my children of Herne ;^3, of Reculver ^4, of Hoath ;^2, of Westbere ^1 a year, in all £10,” to be paid the last day of August every year, from year to year, after my decease which was the day of my birth, — to continue as long as it shall please his Grace and successors to continue the lease of the parsonage of Reculver, Hoath, Herne, to any of my surname that one after another shall succeed me in the said parsonage and tytheries, and I pray the Vicars and minis- ters of Reculver, Hoath and Herne and parsonage of Westbere for the time being and the chief of every parish it concerns, to be petitioners, as cause shall require to his Grace and suc- cessors for the poor, in that behalf, as under the well doing of their own children they shall leave here behind them, and would not the guilt of miscience they else shall hence carry with them for neglecting to gain the charity of the dead to7vards the living poor so adopted my children P Thomas Knowler, 1658. “ Thomas Knowler, by his Will, 1658, gave land for the use of the poor which is vested in Trustees the survivor unknown, and is of the annual produce of;^i los. 5d., likewise other land vested in like man- ner for the clothing of the poor the Annual produce of which is ^5.’' If those who are interested (and every right-minded parishioner ought to be interested) will carefully peruse the above extracts from Old Wills, the Benefaction Tables (certified copies of the old, taken and placed by the present vicar in the South Chantry Chapel) and also the Reports of the Charity Commissioners, 1836 — 1873, they will find that these charities have been shamefully neglected, disputed, and in the case of some, even lost That they remain even in their present unsatisfactory condition, is, in no small degree, owing to the energy and perseverance of Mr. J. Knowler Pembrook, a former churchwarden. * Commonly called the Milles Chapel, originally the “Lady Chapel” and “Chapel of St. John the Baptist.” OLD WILLS. 07 And here I conclude with the translation of a Deed of Gift, which proves the existence of a much older church than that now existing. I am conscious that as a history the work is incomplete ; the registers, churchwardens’ accounts, &c., being representative only, suited to the general reader. If, however, it meets with success, it will, perhaps, be followed by another, giving translations of deeds and documents of great antiquity and interest, and an Account of some Her?ie Worthies. Endorsed Josep xijd. “ Know all men present and to come that I Edmund son of Robert atter Halle of Herne have given and granted and by this my present charter have confirmed twelve pence sterling of my free and annual rent in pure and perpetual alms and for the maintenance of the light before the altar of St. Mary in the chancel of Herne which rent John surnamed Malyne has been used to pay, namely at Easter, from three rods or virgates of land with its appurtenances lying at Joseppeflode between the lands of the heirs of Robert atte Halle on the East and the land of Nicholas the Clerk on the West, heading towards the South to the high way, and towards the North to the land of the heirs of Stephen Under- down : To have and to Hold (for the healing of the souls of my- self of my parents of my kinsfolk and of all my benefactors) for the maintenance of the aforesaid light, freely entirely and peacably by hereditary right for ever. And I the aforesaid Edmund and my heirs will in all things warrant and acquit in all things and will defend the aforesaid rent with its appurtenances against the chief lords of the fee and against all men in the matter of all suits and services due therefrom and accustomed to be paid year by year. In witness and confirmation of which thing to this writing, lawfully drawn up in the month of April in the 25th year of King Edward of England (a.d. 1-05^, my seal is appended. These men being witnesses Richard of the Haghe Robert and John his sons Hamo of Mekymbroke*^' Nicholas the Clerk John Thomas Henry and Robert of Strode Philip of North wode Jacob Laurent John atte Weylete Thomas of Chylindenne Geoffrey of Chelde and others.” .See p. II. INDEX. Aisles of Herne Church ...23-24,27 All Saints, Thanet, Reculver Mother church of 3 Allyn, Mother, died 100 years old. 53 Altar of St. Mary, Lights before the 67 Altaragium, Meaning of 57 Andrews, John, trustee of Sir Matthew Philip’s will 61 Apuldrefield, Sir William 42 Archer, Elenry, Vicar of Herne ... 5° Archery at Herne 14 Arnold, Quid, buried 52 Arnold, Thomas ... .'. 63 Arundel, Abp., Arms on font ... 23 Atter Halle, Edmund, Deed of Gift 67 At-Sea family and Stroud and Underdown 10 Atte-Brooke, Richard, Grant of land by II-I2 Atte-Sea, John 10 Brass of 42-43 Atte Weylete 67 Atte-Sea, William 10 Atte-Seas Court 10 Attyoe, Widow 53 Austen, Clement, killed by light- ning 53 Badgers, Payments for 55 Ball, Robert, killed by thunder ... 53 Baptistery of Herne Church... 21-23 Baskerville, Miss Mary, gives Co- rona to Church 30 Basse, a priest. Land given to ... 2 Basset, Henry, Vicar of Herne ... 46 Bate, James, Grant of land by ... 10 Bayli, Walter, Grant of land by... 12 Beacon fixed in the parish of Plerne 14 Bedale, John, Vicar of Herne ... 46 Bede, Venerable, refers to Re- culver I Belsey family. Mural tablet in memory of 27 Belting Green 13 Beltinge 12 Benstede, Andrew, Vicar of Herne 47 Berhtwald, Abbot of Reculver ... 2 Birch, W. de Gray 38 Birch, W. de Gray, on the barrows at Beltinge 12 Blean Union . ... ... 14 Bonaventure, Richard, Vicar of Herne 46 Boys, John 35 Boys, Thomas 43 Boys, William, on the meaning of Chrysomer 52 Brandon on the tower of Herne Church 18 Brasses in Herne Church ...33, 35-44 Brasses stolen from Reculver Church 5 Brent, Roger, trustee of Sir Mat- thew Philip’s will 61 Brett, Parish Clerk, on destruction of Reculver Church 5 Broke, Thomas, Vicar of Herne... 49 Brown, Wm., votes against de- struction of Reculver Church ... 5 Brydges, Thomas, Vicar of Herne 49 Buchanan, James Robert, Vicar of Herne 50 Buckland, Frank, finds signboard of “ The Hoy & Anchor ” ... 5 Burke, William, Chantry priest ... 51 Bushell, dog whipper, Payments to 54 Bysmare, William, Brass of 43 Bysmer, Thomas, Will of 60 Canterbury, Ford House oldest Manor of the See of 12 Makenbrooke Manor held by the See of 1 1 Canterbury Cathedral, Roman columns from Reculver at 7 Capes, George, on the Brasses in Herne Church 35. 38> 43 Caton, John, Vicar of Herne ... 46 Chantry priest 51 Chancel in Herne Church ... 29-31 Chancel screen in Plerne Church.. 27 Chantry chapels in Herne Church. 27-29- 33*35 Chantry priests 50-51. Chapman, Alexander, Vicar of Plerne 50 Chert, John, Vicar of Herne ... 46 F't- 70 INDEX, Christ Church, Canterbury, Grant of Reculver Church to 2-3 Chrysomer, Meaning of 52 Church, John, Will of 63-64 Church, Valentyne, buried 52 Churche, James a, gifts to Ilarble- down Hospital by 10 Churche, John a, gift to the Prior of Harbledown by 12 Churche family and the borough of Stroud 10 Churchwardens’ accounts, Extracts from 54‘56 Clayton & Bell, Window made by 24 Cock-fighting at Herne 15 Coffin-shaped Stone in Herne Church porch 62 Colepepper, Sir Cheney 35 Colfe, Isaac, Vicar of Herne ... 50 Colfe, Jacob, Vicar of Herne ... 50 Colfe, Richard, Vicar of Herne ... 50 Collard, Edward Reynolds, Win- dow in memory of 27 Collard family. Mural tablet in memory of 27 ‘Colman John, executor of Sir John Fyneux’s will 62 Conyers family. Vault of 27 Cranmer, Abp., at Ford 13 Crek, Nich, Chantry priest ... 51 Crump, Stephen, Parish clerk, drowned 53 Curteys, Agnes 17 Curteyse, Thomas, Chantry priest 51 Dadsman, Jaurice, Payment to ... 55 Darley, John, Vicar of Herne .. 46 Brass of 37*39 Deane, Rev. Samuel, on the mean- of Chrysomer 52 Denne, Tom, votes for destruction of Reculver Church 5 Dering, Daniel ... 15 Dering family and Ridgway Manor 1 1 Digge, James, executor of Sir John Fyneux’s will 62 Diggs, James 42 Disborough, Samuel 35 Dodd, John 52 Dog whipping. Payments for 54*55 Dowker’s “ Reculver Church ” quoted 5 Duncombe, John, Vicar of Herne 50 mistakes in his “ History of Herne ” 38 Dunstan, Abbot of Glastonbury, Grant prepared by 3 Farp, Mr., sculptor for Mrs. Smith’s gift 31 Fast window in Herne Church ... 31 Ecclesiastical Commissioners restore roof in Herne Church 30 Eddington 10 Rectory House 12 Edred, King, Grant of Reculver Church by 2 Egbert, King, Grant of land at Reculver by 2 Epitaph, Curious ... 29 Ethelbert, King, buried in Recul- ver Church 3*4 gift of Ford House Manor by 13 Ewell, John, buried 53 Fagg family. Vault of 27 Fair at Herne 9 Fairman family. Monuments of 28 Farneham, Nicholas de. Vicar of Herne 46 Fees, Church 58-59 Ffowler, Richard, buried 53 Ffrench, John, Killed by a gun accident 53 Fig-tree at Reculver i Fineux, see Fyneux Fishpond at Ford 14 Fix, Tom, votes for destruction of Reculver Church 5 Foche Elizabeth, baptised 53 Foche, William, Vicar of Herne 50 Stone in memory of 35 Font of Herne Church ... 23 Ford House 12-14 Forstall 13 Foxes, Payments for 54*55 Frowyk, Thomas, trustee of Sir Matthew Philip’s will 61 Fyneux, Christopher, Bequest to 63 Fyneux, Elizabeth, Lady 49 Brass of 41 ‘42 OverseerofSomersarswili 60 Executrix of Sir John Fyneux’s will 62 Will of 62-63 Fyneux, John, Brass of ... 43*44 Fyneux, Sir John 42 bought and rebuilt Hawe Manor house 9 Probable tomb of ... 32*33 Will of 61-62 Fyneux, William, executor of Somersal’s will 60 Bequests to 61-62 Will of 63 Gascoyne, Robert, Vicar of Herne 50 “ Gentleman’s Magazine ” on des- truction of Reculver Church ... 4-5 Gillow, Ixichard 35 INDEX. 71 Goclynestre, Hugh de, Vicar of Herne 46 Goldie and Child, architects for Mrs. Smith’s gift 31 Goldsmiths’ brasses 39? 41 Goldsmiths’ Company, Bequests of Sir Matthew Philip to 61 Gosse, William, Vicar of Herne 46 Grauntj William, Vicar of Herne 46 Gray, Florence, Mural slab in memory of 23 Green, Rev. Francis, on Reculver Church 3 Greenshield, Henry 1 1 Greenshield family and Lottinge Manor ii Grey, Henry, Inscriptions trans- lated by 38? 44 Gryffythe, Richard ap. Chantry priest 51 Haghe, Richard of the, Robert and John 67 Hagioscope in Herne Church ... 32 Hales, James, executor of Lady P'yneux’s will 63 Hales, John (Baron), executor of Sir J. and LadyFyneux’s wills 62, 63 Hales, Sir Thomas 35 Hall, Henry, Vicar of Herne ... 50 Halle, Lady Elizabeth, and Hawe Manor 9 Halle, Matthew, sells Hawe Manor-house 9 Halle, Sir Peter 9, 33 Brassof ... 35-17 Halle arms on font 23 Hamo de Makenbroke pays hom- age Abp. Peckham 1 1 Hampton 9 Harbledown Hospital, Grant to... 10 Harward, Thomas, Vicar of Herne 50 Hasted on the derivation of Herne 8 Hawe, John, Vicar of Herne ... 46 Hawe Manor-house 9-10, 61, 62, 63 Hawlet (or Howlet), George, Will of 65 Heales, Major 38 Hedgehogs, Payments for ... 54,55 Henry IV., Arms on font of ... 23 Henry VH I. at Ford 13 Herne, derivation and different spellings of Parish of 815 Herne, Reculver Mother Church of i, 3 Inhabitants threatened with excommunication 4 Herne Church 17-44 — ^ Earliest record of... 2 Hillborough Church 4 Hoath, Reculver Mother church of 3 Hog roasted and given away at Herne 15 Holbourn, Thomas 65 Howlet (or Hawlet), George, Will of 65 Hoy Tavern, Reculver 5 Hubbert, Henry, executor of Lady Fyneux’s will 63 Human remains at Reculver ... 6 Hunt, Michael, baptized 53 Hunte, Rev. John, on the tithes... 57 Hunter’s Borstal 13 Hussey, William, trustee of Sir Matthew Philip’s will 61 Ireland on the derivation of Herne 8 Islip, Abp., obtains grant of a mar- ket and fair at Herne 9 Jacomb, Charles, promotes Herne National Schools 15 Jarvys, John, twin children of ... 52 Jesus Christ, Arms on font ascribed to 23 Kac, William, Vicar of Herne ... 46 Ketelby, Francis, Vicar of Herne 50 King, John, Payments to 54 Knowler, Gilbert 10 ■ Monument of 28-29 Knowler, John 13 Monument of ... 28 Knowler, Robert 10, 64 Monument of ... 28 Knowler, Stephen, Arms of ... ii Knowler, Thomas, baptized at Ford 13 Monument of 28 Will of 66 Knowler Chapel in Herne Church 27-29 Knowler family and Stroud and Underdown Manors 10 Monuments of 28-29 Vault of 27 Kyngg, John, Chantry priest ... 51 Lady Chapel in Herne Church 33, 66 Laud, Abp., to proceed in cause between Reculver and Herne ... 4 Lawson, Wyllyam, child of, chris- tened 52 Leaf, Rosalind Aglaia, Window in memory of 24 Lee, Isaiah 53 Leland’s description of Reculver i Lewis, T. C., builds organ in Herne Church 29 Lottinge Manor 1 1 Loughman, Helen Grace, Mural slab in memory of 23 Loverick, Anthony, Brass of ... 43 72 INDEX. Loveryk arms on font 23 Lydd, Players from Herne visit 15 Mackenbrooke Manor ii Hamo of ... 11-67 Margate Pier, Stones from Recul- ver used for 5 Market at Herne 9 Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of 32 Martyn, Robert, trustee of Sir Matthew Philip’s will 61 Mason the butcher ... 53 Mather, Richard, Payments to ... 55 May, James Six, Vicar of Herne ... 50 May family, , Mural tablet in memory of 27 Maycott, John, Sepulchre of ... 60 Medebourne, Richard, Vicar of Herne 46 Michell and Thynne renovate organ in Herne Church 29 Milles, Christopher, Will of ... 66 Milles, Samuel, Benefactions of ... 35 Monument of ... 29 Milles Chapel in Herne Church 33-35, 66 Milles family and Rectory House 12 — Monuments of ... 35 Moat at Hawe 9 Monins, Catherine ii, 63 Monins, Edward ii Will of Monins, Richard Monins, Sir Simon de ... Monins family, Vault of Arms of on font Morton, Abp., on Ford Morton, Sir John, executor of Sir John Fyneux’s will Moultrie, John Fergusson, grave- 63 63 27 23 13 62 stone of 44 Moultrie, Rev. John, Lines by ... 44 Mychill, Will, Chantry priest ... 51 Bequest to 60 National Schools built at Herne ... 15 Nave of Herne Church 24— 27 Naylor, Rev. C., destroys Recul- ver Church 5 sells the Towers to Trinity House 6 Newe, Thomas, Chantry founded ^ by - 33, 50 Newton, William, Window in memory of 27 Nicholas de Underdowne, Grant of land to 10 Nicholas the Clerk 67 Nicholson, Robert, buried 52 North aisle of Herne Church 23-23 North Chantry Chapel in Herne Church • ... 33-35 Northwode, Philip of ... 67 Nottyngha Joane, buried 52 Old wills 60-66 Organ in Herne Church ... ... 29 Oxenden, Sir George, rebuilds Underdown Manor-house 10 Oxenden, William, executor of Somersal’s will 60 Oxenden family and Underdown Manor 10 Palmer family. Mural slab in memory of 35 Parish registers 52-54 Parker, Abp., on Ford 13 Passion plays at Herne 15 Passion .symbols on font 23 Pastimes at Herne 14-15 Paston, Sir John, Arms of 32 Peckham, Abp., receives homage from Hamo de Makenbroke ... ii Pegg, Eliza, Organ renovated in memory of 29 Window in memory of 24 Pegg, Mrs., Organ renovated at expense of 29 Pelham arms on font 23 Pembrook, J. Knowler, and the charities 66 Pembrook family. Monuments of.. 28 Pensions paid to Reculver Church 3 Perryn, Francis, baptized at Ford. 13 Perryn, Sir Thomas 13 Philip, Christina, Brass of ... 39-40 Philip, Sir Matthew 33, 40-41 owned Hawe and Un- derdown Manors 6, 61 Will of 61 Philip, William 33 Will of 60 Philpot on the derivation of Herne 8 description of Stroud Manor 10 Piscina in Herne Church ... 27, 31 Polecats, Payments for 54 Porch of Herne Church 21 Coffin-shaped stone in... 62 Price, Rev. Joseph, Vicar of Herne 50 and Blean Union 14 Quekes, John, Lottinge manor sold to II Raculfcestre, ancient name of Reculver i Ramsey, John, Vicar of Herne ... 50 INDEX. 73 Reader, John, Vicar of Herne ... 50 Rectory House, Eddington 12 Reculver 1-7 Annual payment of Churchwardens of Herne to 54, 55 form of receipt 66 Reculver Vicarage converted into a Tavern 5 Registers of the parish of Herne 52-54 Reynolds, Thomas, and Blean Union 14 Richards, William, promotes Herne National Schools 15 Ridgway Manor iij 63 Ridley, Bishop Nicholas, Vicar of Herne 47 Account of ... 47-49 Bequest of Lady Fyneux to 92 Farewell to Herne 9, 49 Statue of 27 visits Cranmer at Ford 13 Ringers, Payments to 54 > 55 Robertson, Canon Scott, on Passion Plays 15 on screen in Herne Church 24 Robyn, John, Chantry priest ... 51 Rogers, William, Vicar of Herne 50 buried in aisle 24 Roman Camp at Reculver i Romney, Players from Herne visit 1 5 Roper, John 42 trustee of Sir Matthew Philip’s will 61 Rose and Man of War, Herne ... 15 Rothop, William, Payment to ... 55 Rouhall, Henry, Vicar of Herne... 46 Rowe, Widow 53 St. Ethelburga’s spring 14 St. John the Baptist’s Chapel 33, 66 St. Martin, Account of 45 St. Nicholas, Thanet, Reculver Mother Church of 3 St. Vedast’s Church, London ... 6i 1 Saunders, Robert 35 | Sawyer, Stephen 52 Saxton arms on font 23 Sayer, Steph., votes against de- struction of Reculver Church ... 5 Screen in Herne Church 24 f Sea, Edward 10 j Sea, John 10 I Brass of 42-43 Sea family and Stroud and Under- down Manors 10 Seas Court 10 ! Sedilia in Herne Church ... 29,31 ! Sedley, Sir John 64 Sedley, Sir William, Will of 64-65 See, Anthony, held Makenbrooke Manor ii Selby, John, Bequest to 64 Severus, Emperor, and Camp at Reculver i Seynclere, Sir John 37 Sheppard, Dr., discovers Roman columns at Reculver 7 Simpson’s “ Series of ancient fonts” ii» 23 Skinner, Henry 53 Slaves, Money given to 55 Small pox. Payment for a traveller suffering from 55 Smith, C. Roach, on destruction of Reculver Church 4 Smith, Mrs. Frances Elizabeth, gifts to Herne Church ... 30-31 Smith, John, dog whipper, Pay- ment to 55 Smith, Sir John 64 Smugglers’ money ... 55 Somersal. Robert, Will of 60 Sondes, Lord 12 promotes Herne National Schools 15 removes the Milles monument 29 South Aisle of Herne Church ... 27 Souih Chantry Chapel in Herne Church 27 29 Sparrows, Payments for ... 54-55 Sports at Herne 14-15 Squire, William, Vicar of Herne 50 Stacy, Robert, a musician 53 Staines, W., votes for destruction of Reculver Church 5 Stanley, Dean A. P., on epitaph at Herne 44 on Becket ... 49 Stephens, Eiizabeth, Stone in memory of 35 Stevens, Mrs., Payment to ... ., 55 Stroud Manor and house 10 ■ John, Tnomas, Hemy and 17 Robert of 67 Suthreye, Henry de. Grants of land to 1 1 -12 Sutton, Roger, Vicar of Herne ... 46 Table tomb in Herne Church 32-33 Tailor, Willyam, a musician’s boy, buried 53 Tanner, Thomas, payment to ... 55 Tapton, John, trustee of Sir Mat- thew Philip’s will 61 Terry, Richard, Will of 64 Terrye, Thomas, Will of 63 74 INDEX. Teynham, Lord 42 Thornden II 12 Thornhurst, Sir William, Monu- 1 ment of 31-32 Pedigree of 32 Tithes .. ••• 57-58 Tower of Herne Church 18-21 Trinity House, Reculver Church towers preserved by ... 6 Turkey slaves, Money given to ... 55 Twins baptized 52 1 Twyman, William 53 1 Tyndell, Richard, Bequest of Lady Fyneux to 62 Underdown Manor 10, II, 61 Stephen 67 Vicars of Herne 46-50 Vineyard at P'ord 14 Vitalis de Canterbury holds Maken- brooke Manor II Wailes. Mr., artist in glassforMrs. ' Smith’s gift 31 i Waleys, Sir William 37 ' owned Hawe Manor-house 9 Warinyngton, Christopher, Vicar of Herne 46 Warren, John, Vicar of Herne ... 47 Will of 62 Webb, John, Vicar of Herne ... 50 Welby, John 64 White, William, restores chancel of Herne Church 29 Whitgift, Abp., at Ford ... 13-14 Wiggens, William 65 Wild’s “Iter Boreale,” Epitaphs in 29 Wills 60-66 Windows in Herne Church 23-24,27,31 Wood, John, Vicar of Herne ... 50 buried in aisle ... 24 Window in memory of 31 Wood, Randall, buried 53 Wood, William, Window in memory of 31 Worrall, Henry 65 Wyreham, Richard, Chantry priest 51 Young, Francis, payment to ... 55 Younge, John, Will of 60 Younge, Old Sir John, trustee of vSir Matthew Philip’s will 61 SUBSCRIBERS TO THIS WORK. Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace the, Lambeth Palace. Adams, W. J., Victoria Terrace, Herne Bay. Ashenden, Thomas, Canterbury. Ayre, Edward, Blean Union, Canterbury. Banks, John Lindridge, Chatham House, Herne Bay. Barnes, Edwin, 109, Belsize Road, London, N.W. Barnwell, John, 53, William Street, Herne Bay. Barrow, James, 7, Beach Lawn, Waterloo, Liverpool. Bell, Capt. R.N., Hereford House, Herne Bay. Beynon, Rev. F. W., Chislet, Canterbury. Biggleston, W., William Street, Herne Bay. Boosey, Mrs. John, Mount Avenue, Ealing, London. Bowes, Dr. J., Marine Terrace, Herne Bay. Brabourne, The Lord, 3, Queen Anne’s Gate, Westminster, London, W. Browne, Rev. A. T., Beltinge, Herne Bay. Carr, Major Robert, i. West Pier, Wapping, London, E. (two copies). Clarke, William, The Rookery, Roehampton. Collard, Charles, jun.. Anchor Brewery, Park Street, Southwark, .S.E. Collard, Edward Denne, i, St. George’s Terrace, Herne Bay. Cope, Mrs., Mount Ararat, Richmond. Cotes, Major C., R.A., St. John’s House, Herne Bay. Crossley, Lady, Somerleyton, Lowestoft. Davis, Mi.ss, The Porch, Northampton Park, Canonbury, N. Dc Lasaux, Robt. Aug., Belmore Hall, Herne Bay. Devaynes, Miss, 3, West Cliff Mansions, Ramsgate (two copies). Dobson, C. M., The Vicarage, Herne (two copies). Dover, The Right Hon. the Bishop of, The Precincts, Canterbury. Douglas, A. Akers, M.P., Chilston Park, near Maidstone. Ellam, Rev. John, Vicarage, Plerne Bay. Fairbrass, F. W., Telford House, Herne Bay. Finlason, Thomas, 4, James’ Grove, Peckham, S.E. Finlason, Mrs. Mount Ararat, Richmond. Finch, Rev. C. J., Vicarage, De Beauvoir Town, N. Gertrude, Sister, The Limes, Herne. Glasgow, The Right Hon. the Earl of, ii, Hereford Gardens, . Grey, Henry, Ridley House, Herne. Guildhall, Library of the Corporation of the City of London. Hall, John R., 13, Burgate Street, Canterbury. Harris, The Lord, Huntingfields, Faversham. 76 SUBSCRIBERS. Haslewood, Rev. F. G., LL.D,, Chislet Vicarage, Canterbury (two copies). Herne Bay Press, Editor of, St. Helier’s, Herne Bay. Hilton, Mrs., Hunter’s Forstall, Herne Bay. Hogbin, John, Victoria House, Herne Bay. Hooper, C. Adams, Cranemoor, Herne. Hovenden, Robert, Heathcote Park, Hill Road, Croydon. Howis, Rev. C. W., Pleshey Rectory, Essex. Jacomb, Charles, Springfield, Upper Clapton. Jeffreys, Rev. H. A., Hawkhurst, Kent. Judd, James, J.P., East Knoll, Upper Norwood (two copies). Keen, J. W., William Street, Plerne Bay (two copies). Lambert, Major George, F.S.A., lo, ii, 12, Coventry Street, Piccadilly (two copies). Laroche, Thomas, Bolton House, Fopstone Road, Kensington, S.W. Latham, Albert, Margate. Layton, C. Miller, Shortlands, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone. Leaf, Mrs., Firwood, Herne. Lefeber, Alexander, New Southgate. Lindsey, John B., Eversfield, Tunbridge Wells. Longbotham, William, 9, William Street, Herne Bay. Lumley, L. C., 139, Westbourne Terrace, W. Mainwaring, Dr., 814, Old Kent Road, Peckham. Mason, Mrs., Albion House, Hammersmith. Martin, Alexander, 52, Lavender Grove, Dalston. Mercer, Wm. John, 12, Marine Terrace, Margate. Mobbs, S. Neal, Canterbury Road, Herne Bay. Mohun, Martin, William Street, Herne Bay. Moore, R., William Street, Herne Bay. Nickolls, G. A , Grosvenor House, Acol Road, West Hampstead. Owen, Edward, 35, The Gardens, East Dulwich. Palmer, Rev., Spring Grove, Hunsley, Leeds (two copies). Parker, Major, Westbere House, Canterbury. Pegg, Mrs., Satis House, Herne Bay. Philpot, A. W. G., Post Office, Herne Bay. Phillips, Mrs., The Burrs, Herne Bay. Postlethwaite, Theodore, Woodlands, Surbiton. Rayner, H. W., London House, Herne Bay. Rawlins, Dr., The Lodge, Herne Bay. Richards, Mrs., Springfield, Upper Clapton. Ridsdale, Rev. C. J., St. Peter’s Vicarage, Folkestone. Roper, Miss, Lotis liouse, Herne Bay. Robinson, S. T., 73, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. Royal Library, Windsor Casale, per T. Holmes. Rushworth, E. W., 22, Savile Row, London, W. (two copies). Russell, Miss E. Phillipps, 9, St. Leonard’s Terrace, Chelsea College, S.W. Safford, Mrs., Fern Lodge, Bedford Row, Clapham Rise. Scott, Henry, 16, King William Street, London, E.C. (two copies.) SUBSCRIBERS. 77 Skeffington, Martin S., 163, Piccadilly, London, W. Smith, R. Payne, The Very Rev., Deanery, Canterbury. Slocombe, Mrs., 12, St. George’s Terrace, Herne Bay. Sondes, The Right Honble. Earl, Lees Court, Faversham. Smith, Rev. A. T., Nackington Vicarage, Canterbury. Smith, Samuel, Lloyds’, London. Swain, Mrs., Charles Street, Herne Bay. Tassell, Bradbury, Hode Patrixbourne, Canterbury. Taylor, Jehu, Tower House, Herne Bay. Truscott, Aid. Sir Francis, Oakleigh, East Grinsted, Sussex (two copies). Tyhurst, Richard William, West View House, Herne Bay (two copies). Westcar, C. W. Prescott, Strode Park, Herne. White, Edward, High Street, Herne Bay. White, James S., New Dolphin, Herne Bay. Wilkinson, Miss, Blewbury Didcot, Berks. Wood, Rev. John, Wolverton Vicarage, Stoney Stratford. Wood, William, New Southgate. Young, F. R., 8, William Street, Herne Bay. W. H. & L COLLINGRIDGE, PRINTERS, CITY PRESS, 148 & I49i ALOERSQATE STREET. lONDON E C. » •