■ • ;/>fr i/| W. I *A.lb-4J / ffl' ; IJniv.'oT' IIi. Library 53 40 US Articles of Incorporation ^ZtsTD BY-LAWS —OF— Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, WITH A Historical Summary and Burial Service. Working Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand * Lodge* of * Minnesota, And Meeting in the City of ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA. ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA. POST STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. 1885 REVISED BY U. H. GOVE, C. A. WHITED, AND GEO. HEALY, BY DIRECTION OF ROCHESTER LODGE NO. 21, A, F. & A. M. January, A. D. 1885. ^Lptiolee of Tjx| eo^goi?atior| -OF— ROCHESTER LODGE NO. 2 i, A. F. & A. M. Whereas, We, the undersigned Members of Rochester Lodge No. 21, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, for the purpose of organizing said Lodge into a body politic and corporate, pursuant to Article III of Chapter XXXIV of the General Statutes of Minnesota, do make, ordain, sign and adopt the following Articles of Incorporation : First —The corporate name of this organization shall be Rochester Lodge Number Twenty-one Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Its general purpose and plan of operation, the promotion of literary and social culture and diffusive benevolence by means of meetings, consultations, organization, co-operation and dealings with other persons and organizations for the attainment of those objects ; and its place of location, the city of Rochester, Minnesota. Second —Persons may become members of said corpo¬ ration only upon a compliance with the ancient usages and established customs of the Order and in conformity to rules, regulations and requirements of the By-laws of said Rochester Lodge and the Grand Lodge of the State of Minnesota, and the fee for membership shall be $25.00, and the annual dues $2.00 in advance. Third —Said corporation may, in its corporate name, }sue and be sued, and the seal of said Lodge shall be its ^cprporate seal and may change the same at pleasure. 4 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. Fourth —Said corporation may take by gift, grant, de¬ vise, bequest, or purchase, real and personal property in its corporate name for the better carrying out the pur¬ poses of its organization. Fifth —The officers of this organization shall be a Wor¬ shipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Secre¬ tary and Treasurer. Sixth— The Worshipful Master, Senior Warden and Junior Warden, and their successors in office, ex-officio, shall constitute a Board of Trustees, whose duties may be defined by the By-laws of said organization to be proposed and adopted at any meeting called for that purpose, but until so defined shall have the usual powers of Trustees as defined by law, in the management of the affairs of said corporation. Seventh —The place of electing such officers aforesaid shall be the city of Rochester, and be held pursuant to notice, on the second Monday in December, in each year, at 7 o’clock p. M., at the place of meeting of said Rochester Lodge. As amended February 11, 1884. Eig-hth— The following named persons are constituted the officers to conduct the transactions of the said corpo¬ ration for the year ending December 27th, 1875—the date at which the annual election will next occur: Richard A. Jones, Worshipful Master; Benjamin Ayshford, Senior Warden ; Greorge E. Leonard, Junior Warden. Ninth—S aid corporation shall have power to establish By-laws, and make rules and regulations deemed expedi¬ ent for the management of the affairs of said corpora¬ tion, in accordance with law, and not incompatible with an honest purpose. Tenth —These Articles may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular summoned meeting ; provided, the proposed amendment be offered in writing at the preceding stated meeting, and after its adoption, a certificate setting forth such alteration or amendment, be recorded as the original Articles of Incor¬ poration are required to be by statute. In testimony whereof, we have caused these presents to be signed by our Worshipful Master, Senior Warden and Junior Warden, and to be attested by the Secretary and the seal of the said Lodge. The foregoing Articles of Incorporation were adopted by vote of Rochester Lodge No. 21, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, June 21st, A. D. 1875, A. L. 5875. Richard A. Jones, Worshipful Master. [seal.] Benjamin Ayshford, Senior Warden. GrEOROE E. Leonard, Junior Warden. Attest : Thomas Brooks, Secretary. TjTarr|e8 of (porgorate l^fexrioeps. A. Ozmun, H. B. Upinan, F. T. Olds, R. L. Van Dusen, N. J, Shannon, L E. Cowdery, T. L. Fishback, M. Pearce, D. A. Morrison, A. D. Robinson, Geo, C. Cook, L. S. Howe, L. Harris, J. F, Van Dooser, C. H. Kellogg, M. J. Daniels, F. J. Cressy, N. N. Hammond, O. F. Ostrander, J. Ostrander, A. B. Beach, J. E. Crane, A. V. Park, H. Galloway, D. H. Moon, Amos Hyatt, P. L. Dansingburg, W. W. Mayo, R. H. Gove, Past Master, Wm. Brown, Past Master, Aaron M. Ozmun, H. T. Hannon, M. Y. Boroughs, Jno. E. Culver, J. P. McClelland, E. A. Whiting, S. W. Eaton, Wm. P. Clough, H. S. Sage, W. H. McLard, S. J. Barlow, David Lesuer, S. Risker, B. F. Bulen, i Geo. R. Culver, N. S. Culver, J. H. Hill, E. Damon, | A. M. Ellithorp, , John Morrison, I Geo, Tilbury, I George Baihly, ' Archie Bamber, H. C, Butler, Peter Johnson. O. O. Baldwin,, Chas. M. Start, Thomas Brooks, Secretar S. B. Clark, Treasurer, M. W. Leland, T. B. Kellogg, | W. W. Ireland, I John Eberly, I A. J. Wright, J. P. Dibble, J. A. Leonard, J. D. Spaulding, C. H. Remington. G. IJargesheimer, Robert Turner, i A. D. Vedder, W. G. Bartley, H. Schuster, i Janies Aries, J. W. Duryea, J. G. Zimmerman, O. S. Drury, M. A. Ozmun, Geo. Healy, j D. A. Daniels, A. V. Daniels, J. D. Ostrom, H. A. Eckholdt, H. H. Couse, O. S. Lund, John R. Cook, I). Heaney, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA,) County of Olmsted, > Sfe * I, Thomas Brooks, Secretary of Rochester Lodge No. 21, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, do hereby certify that the foregoing Articles of Incorporation were adopt¬ ed by a unanimous vote of the members of said Lodge, duly summoned to act thereon June 21st, A. D. 1875, A. L. 5875, and that the persons named therein as Worshipful Master, Senior Warden and Junior Warden, are such offi¬ cers of said Rochester Lodge No. 21, and the names of members thereunto subscribed are actual members of said Lodge, and that they each and every one signed the same in my presence. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the said Lodge, the date aforesaid. [seal.] Thomas Brooks, Secretary. Office of Register of Deeds, > Olmsted County, Minn., ) * The within instrument was filed in this office for record, June 23d, A. D. 1875, at 8 o’clock a. in., and recorded in book tk D ” of Bonds, on pages 410, 411 and 412. L. E. Cowdery, Register of Deeds. State of Minnesota, ) Office of the Secretary of State.) I hereby certify that the within instrument was filed for record in this office, on the 26th day of June, A. D. 1875, and duly recorded in Book 14 0” of Incorporations, on pages 302, 303, 304 and 305. S. P. Jennison, Secretary of State. Ijlistomeal ^mr[Tr}ary —OF— ROCHESTER LODGE NO. 21, A. F. & A. M. Rochester Lodge No. 21, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, was organized August 24th, A. L. 5857, A. D. 1857, and the following named persons were officers for the years 1857 and 1858 : Worshipful Master—L. H. Kelley. Senior Warden—C. C. Jones. Junior Warden—J. M. Williams. Treasurer—Abram Ozmun. Secretary—David Lesuer. Senior Deacon—E. 0. Dorr. Junior Deacon—C. D. Houghton. Tyler—Peter Cassidy. The following named persons were officers for 1859 : Worshipful Master—C. C. Jones. Senior Warden—C. H. Lindsley. Junior Warden—P. Roberts. Treasurer—D. Lesuer. Secretary—L. Tucker. Senior Deacon—E. C Cross. Junior Deacon—E. Damon. Tyler—C D. Chase. The following named persons were officers for 1860 : Worshipful Master—C. H. Lindsley. Senior Warden—E. C.Cross. Junior Warden—E. Damon. Treasurer—D. Lesuer. Secretary—D. Heaney. Senior Deacon—M. W. Fay Junior Deacon—S. B. Clark. Tyler—L. Wynkoop. 8 HISTORICAL SUMMARY. The following named persons were officers for 1801 : Worshipful Master—E, C. Cross. Senior Warden—E. Damon. Junior Warden—D. Heaney. Treasurer—J. E. Ells, Secretary—0. A. Hadley. Senior Deacon—C. H. Lindsley. Junior Deacon—J. S. Wiles. Stewards J J - M> Williams, stewards, c Cole . (L. H. Kelley, Finance Committee, C. H. Lindsley, (L. Tucker. Tyler—L, Wynko@p. The following named persons were officers for 1862 : Worshipful Master—C. H. Lindsley, Senior Warden—O. A. Hadley. Junior Warden—S. B. Clark. Treasurer—W. P. Brooks. Secretary—L. Tucker. Senior Deacon—J. A. Leonard, Junior Deacon—D Leseur, (O. A, Hadley, Finance Committee, - stewards, -j L Harris Tyler—Geo. Tilbury. (M. A. Ozmun, Finance Committee, < J. Shaw, (S. B. Clark. The following named persons were officers for 1874: Worshipful Master—R. H. Gove. Senior Warden—J. Shaw. Junior Warden—Geo. E. Leonard. Treasurer—S. B. Clark. Secretary—Geo. Healy. Senior Deacon—Wm. Brown. Junior Deacon—A. V. Park. Stewart,, {gSS.Sf- a OF ILL. LIB. HISTORICAL SUMMARY. Master of Ceremonies—Benj. Ayshford. Tyler—Geo. Tilbury. (J. Shaw, Finance Committee, ■< Geo. E. Leonard, (S. B. Clark. The following named persons were officers for 1875 : Worshipful Master—R. A. Jones. Senior Warden—Benj. Ayshford. Junior Warden—Geo. E. Leonard. Treasurer—S. B. Clark. Secretary—Thos. Brooks. Senior Deacon—W. G. Bartley. Junior Deacon—A. V. Park, Chaplain—C. H. Remington . e^ ook ' Tyler—Geo. Tilbury. ***** (R. H. Gove, Finance Committee, ^ Benj Ayshford, (W. G. Bartley. The following named persons were officers for 1876 : Worshipful Master—Benj. Ayshford. Senior Warden—W. G. Bartley. Junior Warden—A. V. Park. Treasurer—S. B. Clark. Secretary—H. T. Hannon. Senior Deacon—R. L. Van Dusen. Junior Deacon— 1ST. J. Shannon. Stewards, Tyler—Geo. Tilbury. Master of Ceremonies—M. Pearce. f R. H. Gove, Finance Committee, < W. G. Bartley, IN. J. Shannon. Chaplain—C. H. Remington. The following named persons were officers for 1877 : Worshipful Master—R. H. Gove. Senior Warden—W G. Bartley. Junior Warden—R. L. Van Dusen. Treasurer—S. B. Clark. Secretary—H. T. Hannon. Senior Deacon—Benj. Ayshford. Junior Deacon—N. J. Shannon. Master of Ceremonies—M. Pearce. fW. G. Bartley, Finance Committee, { R. L. Van Dusen, IS. B. Clark. HISTORICAL SUMMARY. 13 Chaplain—C. H. Remington. f~R. A. Jones, Committee on Grievances, \ T. J. Templar, LM. Pearce. Tyler—Geo. Tilbury. f A. J. Wright, Stewards, { Geo. C. Cook, LGeo. Healy. The following named persons were officers for 1878 : Worshipful Master—W G. Bartley. Senior Warden—R. L. Van Dusen. Junior Warden—A. B. Beach. Treasurer—S. B. Clark. Secretary—H. T. Hannon. Senior Deacon—W. L Humason. Junior Deacon—H. A. Davis. Tyler—A. J. Wright. Master of Ceremonies—M. Pearce. f Geo- C Cook, Stewards, { Geo. Healy, LA. J. Wright. Chaplain—Rev. G. H. Deere. f R. H. Gove, Finance Committee, { S. B. Clark. LR. L. Van Dusen. The following named persons were officers for 1879 : Worshipful Master—W. G. Bartley. Senior Warden—R. L. Van Dusen. Junior Warden—A. B. Beach. Treasurer—S. B. Clark. Secretary—H. T. Hannon. Senior Deacon—F. M. Cornell. Junior Deacon—J. D. Spaulding. Tyler—A. J. Wright. Master of Ceremonies—C. H. Morrill. Claplain—Rev. G. H. Deere. (Geo. C. Cook, Stewards, Geo. Healy, (J. E. Crane. (S. B. Clark, Finance Committee, L R. L. Van Dusen, (A. M. Ozmun. (R. H. Gove, Committee on Grievances, F. T. Olds, (A. D. Robinson. The following named persons were officers for 1880 : Worshipful Master—R. H. Gove. HISTORICAL SUMMARY. Senior Warden—R. L. Van Dusen. Junior Warden—M. Y. Burroughs. Treasurer—S. B. Clark. Secretary—H. T. Hannon. Senior Deacon—F. M. Cornell. Junior Deacon—J. D. Spaulding. Tyler—Darwin Patterson. Master of Ceremonies—N. J. Shannon. Stewards, Chaplain—Rev. G. H. Deere. (R. L. Van Dusen, Finance Committee, -< S. B. Clark, (C, H. Morrill. (W. G, Bartley, Committee on Grievances, James Aries, (G. W. Van Dusen. The following named persons were officers for 1881 : Worshipful Master—R. H. Gove. Senior Warden—R. L. Van Dusen. Junior Warden—A. D. Vedder. Treasurer—S. B. Clark. Secretary—H. T. Hannon Senior Deacon—C. T Coerr. Junior Deacon—J. E, Crane. Chaplain—Rev. G. H. Deere. Tyler—Darwin Patterson. The following named persons were officers for 1882 : Worshipful Master—R. L. Van Dusen. Senior Warden—Thos. P. Hall. Junior Warden—A. L. Gove. Treasurer—S. B. Clark. Secretary—H. T. Hannon. Senior Deacon—W. I. Wellman. Junior Deacon—Thos. B. Chapman. Stewards, (R. H. Gove, Committee on Grievances, < A. D. Vedder, (H. C. Butler Tyler—Geo. Weber. The following named persons were officers for 1888 Worshipful Master—R. H. Gove. Senior Warden—A. L. Gove. Junior Warden—W. I. Wellman. HISTORICAL SUMMARY. 1 Treasurer—8. B. Clark. Secretary—C. A Whited, Senior Deacon—R. L. Van Dusen. Junior Deacon—H. A. Harris. Stewards i J - E - Crane, Stewards, jp eter Brown Tyler—Geo. Weber. (A. L. Gove, Finance Committee, W. I. Wellman, (C. A. Whited. (R. A. Jones, Committee on Charity, G. E. Leonard, (s. B. Clark. (Win. Brown, Committee on Grievances, M. G. Denton, (A. D Robinson, The following named persons were officers for 1884 : Worshipful Master—R. L. Van Dusen. Senior Warden—A. L. Gove. Junior Warden—W. H. Knapp. Treasurer—S. B. Clark. Secretary—C. A. Whited. Senior Deacon—A. T. Stebbins. Junior Deacon—H. A. Harris. Stewards, Tyler—Thos. P. Hall. (R. H. Gove, Committee on Grievances, ■< Wm. Brown, (R. A. Jones. (R. H. Gove, Committee on Charity, < A. D.Vedder, (C. H. Morrill. (S. B. Clark, Finance Committee,