> 2.0744 N 4?5 or. 1916 19 lb- SUPPLEMENT TO Revised Ordinances of 1916 1916 -1921 Prepared by BENJAMIN B. BARNEY City Solicitor Dec., 1920 V THE ORDINANCES OF 1917, 1918, 1919 AND 1920 ARE NUMBERED 1—31 INCLUSIVE Sixteen of the same are amendments or repeals. The table and index on next pages indicate subjects referred to and afford a ready means of reference for use in connection with the Revision Volume of 1916. A Regulative Order of the Board of Aldermen con¬ cerning Pawnbrokers and interest charged upon loans on Liberty Bonds is appended. J u \ aI LU iP c=: VS\C® Sj->— o, INDEX AMENDMENTS AND REPEALS. Revised Ordinances Amending-or Repealing 1 of 1916. Ordinance. Section. Sec. 28 . No. 3. . 1 < < 30 . No. 3. . 2 i ( 41 . No. 12. . 1 i < 68 ^ / < < 69 | < i 70 ' l (( 71 1 }. No. 18. ./ 2 i i 72 1 1 ^ i < 73 j y < < 148 . No. 6. . i < < 154 . . No. 6. . 2 ( c 155 . No. 6. . 3 i l 158 . No. 6. . 4 l ( 158 , . No. 9. . 1 ( i 169 . No. 6. . 5 11 174 . No. 6. . 6 (( 178 . No. 6. . 7 l ( 180 . No. 6. . 8 (l 242 . No. 6. . 9 i l 247 . No. 6. . 10 4 4 248 . No. 6. . 11 4 4 256 . No. 6. . 12 4 4 257 . No. 6... . 13 4 4 261 .No. 6 . . 14 4 4 265 . No. 6. . 15 4 4 277 . No. 6. . 16 4 4 292 . No. 6 . . 17 4 4 374 . No. 6. . 18 4 4 376 . No. 6 . . 19 " 378 . No. 6 . . 20 “ 379 . No. 6. . 21 “ 382 . No. 31 . . 1 “ 387 . No. 14. . 1 ‘ ‘ 404 . No. 33. . 1 “ 429 .. No. 4. . 1 “ 466 . No. 32. .:. i “ 468 . No. 32. .V 2 “ 518 . No. 13. . 1 “ 592 . No. 25. . 1 “ 610 . No. 2. . 1 “ 610 . No. 23 . . 1 “ 623 . No. 2. . 2 “ 624 . No. 2. . 3 ‘ 1 630 to 654 inc. .. No. 22. “ 652 . No. 5. . 1 INDEX NEW SUBJECTS OF ORDINANCE. No. of Ordinances. Business Vehicles . 10-22-23-28 Fire Works, sale of. 7-11-16-26 Garages . 9-30 Hospital, Municipal, establishing Bd. of Management . 8 Interest, Liberty Bonds Loan — Pawnbroker . Regulation of Bd. of Aldermen Kwiatkowski Fund . 19-20 Liberty Bonds, Loans on, Pawn¬ brokers’ Interest . Regulation of Bd. of Aldermen Loans, Pawnbrokers, Liberty Bonds, Interest . Regulation of Bd. of Aldermen Lumber, Surveyors of, appointment of . 1 Mayor, salary established. 27 Municipal Hospital, establishment of Board of Management. 8 Pawnbrokers, Loans on Liberty Bonds . Regulation of Bd. of Aldermen Police Department, members’ leave of absence . 15-17 Pool Room, regulations of. 21 Public Vehicles, regulations.. 10-22-23-28 Street Lights, superintendent of, election . 12 Superintendent of Street Lights, election of . 12 Surveyors of Lumber, appointment of. 1 Vehicles, Business, regulation of... . 10-22-23-28 SUPPLEMENT TO Revised Ordinances of 1916 City of New Bedford Massachusetts As Prepared By BENJAMIN B. BARNEY CITY SOLICITOR Dec., 1920 NEW BEDFORD, MASS.: E, Anthony & Sons, Incorp., Printers 1921 REVISED ORDINANCES t H X No. 1. SURVEYORS OF LUMBER. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Annually in January, the Mayor and Aldermen shall appoint one or more surveyors of lumber. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, Jan. 26, 1917. No. 2. LICENSES: HAWKERS, PEDDLERS, ETC. AN ORDINANCE Amending Sections 610, 623 and 624 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916, so as to provide for the licensing of hawkers and peddlers of fish; and fixing certain fees. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 610 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by inserting after the words “To bea hawker and peddler of fruits and vege¬ tables/’ in the ninth line thereof, the words, ‘‘To be a hawker and peddler of fish,” so that said section shall read as follows: Section 610. The authority vested in the Mayor and Aldermen and the City Coun¬ cil, by statute, in the matter of granting and issuing the following named licenses and permits to wit: 4 As an auctioneer; To keep for hire, gain or reward, billiard, pool and sippio tables and bowling alleys: To sell, rent or lease firearms; To be a hawker and peddler of fruits and vegetables; To be a hawker and peddler of fish; To keep an intelligence office ; To collect junk, old metals, or any second hand articles; To deal in junk, old metals, or any second hand articles; As a pawnbroker; To act as a private detective; To keep a public lodging house; To take scallops within the waters of the city of New Bedford; To establish, keep open and maintain a skating rink for the amusement of roller skating, and carrousels, inclined railways, ferris wheels and outdoor exhibitions of fire fighting for the amusement of the public, for hire, gain or reward; To maintain a vehicle for the sale of food; is hereby delegated to the City Clerk, as permitted by chapter one hundred forty-one of the Acts of the Leg¬ islature of 1914. By virtue of such delegation, the City Clerk may, in his discretion, grant and issue such licenses, subject to the provisions of law and the regulations and restrictions set forth in this ordinance, or which may hereafter be made by law or ordinance. Section 2. Section 623 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by inserting, after the word “vegetables,” in the third line thereof, the words “and 5 fish”; and by adding at the end of said section, the following-: i i The fee to be collected by the city clerk for each license issued to a hawker and peddler of fruits and vegetables shall be twenty dollars; the fee to be collected by the City Clerk for each license is¬ sued to a hawker and peddler of fish shall be ten dol¬ lars ”; so that said section shall read as follows: Section 623. The City Clerk shall supply badges and wagon plates to junk collectors and to hawkers and peddlers of fruits and vegetables, and fish. He shall collect therefor, at the time of the issue of said licenses, the following sums: For each pair of wagon plates, fifty cents. For each badge, fifty cents and no* such licenses shall be issued until such payment is made. The fee to be collected by the City Clerk for each license issued to a hawker and peddler of fruits and vegetables shall be twenty dollars; the fee to be col¬ lected by the City Clerk for each license issued to a hawker and peddler of fish shall be ten dollars. Section 3. Section 624 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended, by inserting after the word “vegetables,” in the third line thereof, the words “and fish”; so that said section shall read as follows: Section 624. Every licensee as a junk collector, and every licensee as a hawker and peddler of fruits and vegetables and fish shall while exercising his license, wear the badge so provided, which badge shall state the character and number of the license. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. 6 No. 3. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES. AN ORDINANCE Amending Sections 28 and 30 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 28 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following: “except the Committee on Finance which shall consist of two Aldermen, three Councilmen, and the Mayor,” so that said section shall read as follows: Section 28. Each committee shall consist of two Aldermen, appointed by the Mayor, and three Councilmen, appointed by the President of the Common Council; Except the Committee on Finance which shall consist of two Aldermen, three Councilmen and the Mayor. Section 2. Section 30 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following: ‘ ‘ except the Committee on Finance, in which case the Mayor shall serve as chairman,” so that said section shall read as follows: Section 30. The Mayor shall designate one of the Aldermen ap¬ pointed by him to serve as chairman of each committee except the Committee on Finance, in which case the Mayor shall serve as chairman. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, Feb. 9, 1917. 7 No. 4. DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS. AN ORDINANCE Relative to Receipts into the City Treasury. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 429 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed, and the following section is substituted in its stead: Section 429. All receipts into the city treasury from all sources, except where otherwise provided by law, shall be regarded as unap¬ propriated funds; except the following which shall be credited as follows: To the police department: All fees of officers of the department, payable by them to the city, fines and for¬ feitures inuring to the city for any violation of the or¬ dinances or provisions of law. To the fire department: All moneys received for work done or services rendered for any individual, corporation, or any other department of the city; also for all sales of property of the department. To the street department: All moneys received for work done or services rendered to any individual, cor¬ poration, or other department of the city; also for sales of property of the department. To the street light department: All moneys received for sales of property of the department. To the poor department: All moneys received for work done and services rendered, materials furnished to any individual, corporation, or other department of the city. To the department of wharves: All receipts from wharves, wharf property or buildings thereon, as follows: First, to the payment of the interest due 8 semi-annually on the City of New Bedford wharf bonds now outstanding, or that may hereafter be issued; Second, to the sinking fund to be paid yearly toward the extinguishment of said bonds at maturity; and the balance to be applied to the management and repairs of said wharves. To the water department: All moneys received for the sale of property and services rendered, and as otherwise provided by ordinance. To the New Bedford Industrial School: All sums re¬ ceived by it on account of its various departments, the same to be applied and devoted to the purchase of supplies for the said school. An account thereof shall be kept, and a return thereof shall be made to the city auditor on the first day of each month. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, Feb. 24, 1917. No. 5. VEHICLES FOR HIRE. AN ORDINANCE Amending Section 652 of the Re¬ vised Ordinances. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 652 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by striking out the whole of the same and inserting in the place thereof a new sec¬ tion to read as follows: Section 652. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to vehicles used for the transportation of passengers, or goods, wares,, mer¬ chandise, or rubbish by means of any vehicle for hire, 9 or to the drivers of the same, if the vehicle is let by the hour, day, or job, on call, or by appointment. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, March 9, 1917. No. 6. BUILDING CODE. AN ORDINANCE Amending That Part of the Re¬ vised Ordinances of 1916, known as the Building Code. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 148 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section sub¬ stituted in its stead: Section 148. An applicant for a permit hereunder whose application has been refused may appeal there¬ from within thirty days, and a person who has been ordered by the superintendent to incur any expense may, within ten days after being notified of such order, appeal therefrom by giving to the superintendent notice in writing of his appeal. Such notice or copy thereof shall at once be transmitted by the superintendent to the Committee on Building Code. After notice given to such parties as the committee shall order, a hearing shall be had, and the committee shall affirm, annul or modify said refusal or order. The decision shall be filed in the office of the superintendent within ten days after the hearing. A certified copy shall be sent by mail or otherwise to the applicant, and a copy kept publicly posted in the office of the superintendent for two weeks thereafter. If the order or refusal of the superintendent is affirmed, or such order or refusal is 10 modified or annulled, the superintendent shall issue a permit in accordance with such decisions. Section 2. Section 154 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by inserting after the para¬ graph defining “Foundation/’ the following: “Oarage (Private) : A building designed to be oc¬ cupied by not more than four motor vehicles, charged with or containing a volatile inflammable liquid for £uel or power, which are the property of the applicant or of his immediate family and which are not let out for hire.” Garage (Public) : A building designed to be occupied by more than four motor vehicles, charged with or con¬ taining a volatile inflammable liquid for fuel or power, or wherein is conducted the business of repairing motor vehicles, or wherein the vehicles are let out for hire. Section 3. Section 155 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed. Section 4. Section 158 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead: Section 158. Every applicant for a permit for the erection, construction or alteration of a building used or intended to be used as a garage shall, before apply¬ ing for a permit to erect, construct or alter said build¬ ing, furnish a plan of the premises to and obtain from the Board of Aldermen a license to maintain and use said building for said purpose. No building shall be erected for or converted to use as a garage, unless such erection and use in previously authorized by the Board of Aldermen. Before the erection, construction or alteration of any building or part of any building 11 structure or part of any structure, wall or any -plat¬ form or flooring to be used for standing or seating purposes is commenced, the owner or lessee, or agent of either, or the architect, or builder employed by such owner or lessee in connection with the proposed erection or alteration shall, except for “ordinary re¬ pairs” as hereinafter defined, submit to the superin¬ tendent a detailed description of the location, purpose and construction of the proposed structure or work on proper blanks to be furnished by the superintendent, and full and complete copies of the plans of such pro¬ posed work and such structural detailed drawings as the superintendent may require. Such plans and de¬ tailed drawings shall be furnished in duplicate, and if approved by the superintendent, one set shall be kept at the building during the progress of the work open to the inspection of the superintendent or his represent¬ ative, the other shall be kept on file in the office of the superintendent. The superintendent may require an applicant for a permit to submit with the plans of a building or other structure detailed drawings and cal¬ culations of any portions thereof subjected to unusual stresses, or of complicated construction, or for steel frame or reinforced concrete construction, or of any type of construction not particularly described in this chapter. Such plans and calculations shall be made by a competent engineer, approved by the superintend¬ ent and paid for by the owner, and filed in the office of the superintendent with the plans of the building. The erection, construction or alteration of such build¬ ing, structure, platform, staging or flooring when pro¬ ceeded with shall be constructed in accordance with such approved plans and detailed descriptions, unless amended plans are filed and permit issued therefor. Nothing in this section shall be construed so as to pre¬ vent the superintendent from granting his approval for the erection of any part of a building, or any part 12 of a structure when the general plans and detailed descriptions have been filed for the same before the entire detailed plans have been submitted. Section 5. Section 169 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section sub¬ stituted in its stead: Section 169. No external wall, except as hereinafter provided, of any frame building shall be less than four feet from the line of any adjoining lot, nor less than eight feet from any frame building on any adjoining lot, nor less than eight feet from any frame building in the front of the same lot, nor less than sixteen feet from a frame building in the rear on the same lot, un¬ less the walls of such adjoining building are con¬ structed of brick; if said walls are constructed of brick and have all openings in the side walls protected by metal frame, sash and wired glass or fire-doors or shut¬ ters, they shall not be less than four feet from said building. No external wall of any frame building occupied or designed to be occupied by an independent family above the second floor shall be less than four feet from the line of any adjoining lot, nor less than fourteen feet from any frame building on any adjoin¬ ing lot, nor less than fourteen feet from any frame building on the front of the same lot, nor less than twenty feet from a frame building in the rear on the same lot, unless the side walls of such adjoining build¬ ing are constructed of brick. If the external walls of any brick or frame building be made of brick or hol¬ low terra cotta of the thickness required by the provi¬ sions of this chapter and are carried twelve inches above the roof and suitably capped, or carried to the roof boards provided the roof has an incombustible covering, and the boards are laid in mortar on such wall, they may be not less than four feet from the line 13 of any adjoining lot, and not less than eight feet from any similar external wall, unless all openings in such wall are protected by standard wired glass windows in metal frames and sash, or standard fire doors or shut¬ ters, as provided for by the rules and regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Wooden cornices, piazzas or other frame projections may be one foot nearer to the line of the adjoining lot or two feet nearer to similar projections on adjoining build¬ ings than is allowed for frame walls. Section 6. Section 174 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section sub¬ stituted in its stead: Section 174. No part of any structure except fire escapes, cornices, string courses, window caps and sills, shall project over the line of any street or public place. No cornice shall project more than three feet. No such projection shall be less than ten feet above the grade of the sidewalk. Section 7. That part of Section 178 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 defining Section B of the fire limits is hereby repealed and the following definition of the Section B of the fire limits substituted in its stead: Section B. Beginning at the point of intersection of Logan Street and Purchase Street; thence northerly in said Purchase Street to Weld Street; thence easterly to the east line of property of New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company; thence northerly in said east line of property of New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company to Cornell Place; thence easterly in said Cornell Place to Bowditch Street; thence northerly in said Bowditch Street to Cedar Grove Street; thence easterly in said Cedar Grove Street to Acushnet Avenue; thence northerly in said 14 Acushnet Avenue to the south line of Davis Street; thence easterly in said south line of Davis Street to North Front Street; thence southerly in North Front Street to Hicks Street; thence westerly in said Hicks Street to Acushnet Avenue; thence southerly in said Acushnet Avenue to Logan Street; thence westerly in said Logan Street to the place of beginning. Section B of the fire limits shall include all land bounded as above described and a distance of one hun¬ dred feet from the outside line of all streets bounding said fire limits, except the northerly limit, which shall extend only to the south line of Davis Street. In ad¬ dition to the limits above prescribed, said section (B) of the fire limits shall include Coggeshall Street from North Front Street to the harbor line as the same now is or may be established and one hundred feet from each line of said Coggeshall Street. Section 8. Section 180 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section sub¬ stituted in its stead: Section 180. Within the fire limits it shall not be lawful for the owner or owners of any brick dwelling house with eight-inch walls already erected that has a peaked roof, to raise the same or any part thereof for the purpose of making a fiat roof thereon,'unless such building or part of a building exceeded twenty-five feet in height to the peak of its roof before being raised, and unless the same be raised with the same kind of material as the building and such new roof be covered with fireproof material. No such raised building shall exceed in height the peak of the main roof as it existed before the said alteration and raising, and no such building shall exceed in any event forty feet in height to the highest part thereof. 15 Section 9. Section 242 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section sub¬ stituted in its stead: Section 242. Footings and foundation walls shall be laid in Portland cement mortar, except that the foundation walls of frame buildings, not over three stories or forty-five feet in height, may be laid dry if ledge-stone or its equal is used; provided that, in the case of dry foundation walls, a blind drain around the foundation walls shall be constructed of gravel. Section 10. Section 247 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead: Section 247. All concrete blocks shall be made of one part Portland cement to not more than six parts of properly graded aggregate, and the materials used shall be free from dirt and other foreign matter, and shall be properly mixed and manipulated. Whenever such blocks are used the thickness of the wall shall not be less than the required thickness for brick walls as provided in sections two hundred fifty-eight and two hundred sixty-two. Section 11. Section 248 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead: Section 248. No hollow cement blocks shall be used in any party or fire wall, except in a building occupied or designed to be occupied for the purpose of a store or stores and not more than a basement and one story in height. The dividing wall or walls in base¬ ment or cellar of such building may be built of hol¬ low cement blocks, provided the top course of blocks directly underneath the bottom of the floor joists are I 16 made of solid cement blocks, and provided that said walls are of the same thickness as required by this chapter for brick walls. The walls of a building used as a private garage may be built of hollow cement blocks of the same thickness as called for by this code for brick walls, provided that all walls of said garage* are at least eighteen inches from the lot line and at least ten feet from any wood frame building on the same lot, and provided that all openings in the outside walls, (excepting doors) are protected by standard wired glass windows in metal frames. Section 12. Section 256 of the Revised Ordinan¬ ces of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead: Section 256. The name of the manufacturer and the date of manufacture must be impressed in or otherwise permanently attached to each block. Section 13. Section 257 of the Revised Ordinan¬ ces of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead: Section 257. The expression “dwelling house class,” shall be taken to mean and include the fol¬ lowing buildings:— Apartment houses, apartment hotels, asylums, club houses, convents, dormitories, dwellings, hospitals, hotels, lodging houses, parish dwellings, schools, stables (private), studios, tenements, garages (private). Section 14. Section 261 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead: 17 Section 261. The expression “warehouse class” shall be taken to mean and include the following build¬ ings :— Armories, carriage houses, churches, court houses, fire stations, jails, libraries, manufacturing buildings, markets, museums, observatories, office buildings, police stations, printing houses, public assembly build¬ ings, pumping stations, railroad and railway buildings, refrigerating houses, slaughter houses, stores, stables (public), theatres, warehouses, garages (public). Section 15. Section 265 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead: Section 265. The external walls of any building not over two thousand square feet in area, and not more than two stories or thirty feet in height exclusive of gables, which under the provisions of this chapter might be built of ordinary frame construction, may be built of brick, not less than eight inches thick, laid in Portland cement mortar. The walls of the upper story of flat roofed buildings not exceeding two thou¬ sand square feet in ground area, and that part of a wall extended upward to form a gable end in any building of the warehouse class may be four inches less in thickness than called for in the upper story of its respective class. Section 16. Section 277 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead: Section 277. Material used for the facing of any building and known as ashlar, shall not be less than four inches thick, and shall be securely anchored to the backing. The backing shall be of such thickness as to make the walls, independent of the ashlar, con- 18 form as to thickness with the requirements of this chapter. In computing the thickness of walls, ashlar shall not be included unless the walls are at least six¬ teen inches thick, and the ashlar is at least eight inches thick, or alternate courses are at least four and eight inches to allow bonding with the backing. Ashlar shall be properly anchored by metal clamps to the backing or properly bonded to the same. Pro¬ posed methods of anchoring ashlar to backing walls shall be submitted to the superintendent for approval. Buildings allowed by this code to be built of wood frame, may be brick veneered provided they do not exceed two stories in height exclusive of gables and provided that the brick veneer is securely anchored through the boarding into every stud to the outside frame with a non-corrosive tie every sixth course, and provided that the outside boarding is covered with a good quality water-proofed paper before the brick veneer is started. Section 17. Section 292 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section is substituted in its stead: ' /. Section 292. Recesses for stairways or elevators may be left in foundation or cellar walls, but in no case shall the walls be of less thickness than the walls of the fourth story, unless reinforced by additional piers with iron or steel girders, or iron or steel columns and girders, properly insulated as provided in section three hundred sixty-six;, and securely anchored to walls on each side. Recesses for other purposes shall have not less than eight inches of brickwork at the back of such recesses, and such recesses shall be not more than eight feet in width, and shall be arched over or spanned with reinforced concrete, iron or steel lin¬ tels, and not carried up higher than eighteen inches below the bottom of the beams of the floor next above. 19 No chase for water or other pipes shall be made in any pier, and in no wall more than one-third of its thickness. The spaces around such pipe or pipes shall be completely filled with mortar or masonry for the space of five inches immediately above and below the floor beams of each story. No horizontal chase in any wall shall exceed four feet in length without permis¬ sion of the superintendent. The aggregate area of recesses and chases in any wall shall not exceed one- fourth of the whole area of the face of the wall in any story, no recess shall be made within a distance of six feet from any other recess in the same wall, without permission of the superintendent. Section 18. Section 374 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead: Section 374. All buildings hereafter erected, or al¬ tered, containing two or more tenements shall have not less than two inside stairways to reach every floor contain¬ ing living or sleeping rooms; the stairways to be placed as far apart as practical, or as may be directed by the superintendent. Public hallways therein shall each be at least three feet six inches wide in the clear and the stairs shall be at least three feet wide between the wall and the stair rails. Each stairway shall have an en¬ trance on the entrance floor from a street or alley or open passageway, or from an outer court, or from an inner court, which connects directly with a street or alley, or open passageway. All stairs shall be con¬ structed with a rise of not more than eight inches and with treads not less than nine inches wide and not less than three feet long in the clear; and the stringers of all wood stairs shall be of one and three-eighths inch stock at least. The front stairs leading to the street shall be platform stairs. Where winders are used, in rear stairs, all treads at a point eighteen inches from 20 the stringers on the wall side shall be at least ten inches wide. Section 19. Section 376 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead: Section 376. In every tenement house all stairways shall be provided with proper balusters and railings kept in good repair. In every tenement house occu¬ pied or designed to be occupied by not more than three separate families hereafter erected or altered, the stair halls may be inclosed with wood stud partitions, pro¬ vided such partitions around front and rear stair wells are fire-stopped with brick or other incombustible ma¬ terial from the bottom of floor joists to five inches above the top of floor joists at each floor, and provided said partitions are covered on the stair sides with metal lath and cement plaster or with a good quality plaster board not less than three-eighths of an inch in thick¬ ness, made of plaster and strong fibre. Plaster boards shall be covered by at least three-eighths of an inch of cement plaster. In such houses, the stairs may be of wood provided the cellar or basement stairs that occur directlv underneath the rear stairs shall be enclosed «/ with brick or masonry walls and shall have a door opening-in said masonry walls at the bottom of the basement stairs protected by a self-closing fire-door, and provided that all stairs above the basement are fire-stopped back of the stair stringers and are fire- stopped as called for in section three hundred sixty- seven, and that the soffits and underside of the landings are covered with metal lath and plastered with two coats of mortar. There shall be no closets under the stairs to the second and third stories. Section 20. Section 378 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead: 21 Section 378. The public hallways and stairs within every office building and every tenement house, four or more stories in height, shall have gas or electric lights so located that the stairs and landings shall be ade¬ quately lighted, and it shall be compulsory on the part of the owner of such building to keep said lights lighted from sunset to sunrise. Section 21. Section 379 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead : Section 379. No tenement house or apartment house nor any part thereof, shall be used as a place of stor¬ age for any article or material dangerous to life or health, nor for the storage of feed, hay, straw, excelsior, or cotton, nor for the storage or handling of rags, nor shall the cellars or basements be occupied for living or business purposes. Section 22. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, May 11, 1917. No. 7. FIREWORKS. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. The sale or use of fireworks in the City of New Bedford is hereby prohibited. 22 No. 8. MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL. AN ORDINANCE Establishing a Board of Trustees for the Management of a Municipal Hospital. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. The Board of Trustees of the Municipal Hospital shall consist of nine (9) members: the Mayor as chairman, one member of the Board of Aldermen appointed by the Mayor, the President of the Common Council and one member of the Common Council ap¬ pointed by the president, and five trustees, citizens of the city, of whom not more than two may be women— appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council in convention. The term of office of the trustees so appointed and confirmed shall be one year for the Mayor, Alderman and Councilmen; and the five others so arranged as to expire at the end of one, two, three, four and five years from the second day of January, 1917; and there¬ after annually on the second day of January a member shall be appointed for a term of five years. Any vacancy in the Board of Trustees caused by death, resignation, or removal may be filled in like manner as aforesaid, the term to be for the residue of the time for which the original appointment was made. Section 2. Said board of trustees shall have the care and control of said hospital agreeable to, and in conformity with such authority with respect thereto as may hereafter be conferred by law and ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, May 24, 1917. 23 No. 9. GARAGES. AN ORDINANCE Relative to the Erection, Construc¬ tion, Alteration or Conversion to Use of a Build¬ ing to Be Used as a Garage. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 4 of an ordinance passed by the City Council May 10th, 1917, and approved by the Mayor May 11th, 1917, amending Section 158 of the City Ordinances of 1916, is hereby amended by the striking out of the following words, to wit: Section 158. Every applicant for a permit for the erection, construc¬ tion, or alteration of a building used or intended to be used as a garage, shall, before applying for a permit to erect, construct or alter said building furnish a plan of the premises to and obtain from the Board of Aider- men a license to maintain and use said building for said purpose, 7 ’ and the substitution therefor of the following words to wit: ‘ 1 Section 158. Every appli¬ cant for a permit to erect, construct or convert to use a building as a garage shall, before applying for a permit to erect, construct, alter or convert to use said building, furnish a plan of the premises to and obtain from the Board of Aldermen an authorization there¬ for, 77 so that said section 4 shall read as follows: Sec¬ tion 4. Section 158 of the revised ordinances of 1916 is hereby repealed and the following section substituted in its stead. Section 158. Every applicant for a permit to erect, construct or convert to use a building as a garage shall, before applying for a permit to erect, construct, alter or convert to use said building, furnish a plan of the premises to and obtain from the Board of Aldermen an authorization therefor. No building shall be erected for or converted to use as a garage; unless such erec- 24 tion and use is previously authorized by the Board of Aldermen. Before the erection, construction or altera¬ tion of any building or part of any building, structure or part of any structure, wall or any platform or floor¬ ing to be used for standing or seating purposes is com¬ menced, the owner or lessee, or agent of either, or the architect, or builder employed by such owner or lessee in connection with the proposed erection or alteration shall, except for “ordinary repairs” as hereinafter de¬ fined, submit to the superintendent a detailed descrip¬ tion of the location, purpose and construction of the proposed structure or work on proper blanks to be fur¬ nished by the superintendent, and full and complete copies of the plans of such proposed work and such structural detailed drawings as the superintendent may require. Such plans and detailed drawings shall be furnished in duplicate, and if approved by the superintendent, one set shall be kept at the building during the progress of the work open to the inspection of the superintendent or his representative, the other shall be kept on file in the office of the superintendent. The superintendent may require an applicant for a permit to submit with the plans of a building or other structure detailed drawings and calculations of any portions thereof subjected to unusual stresses, or of complicated construction, or for steel frame or re¬ inforced concrete construction, or of any type of con¬ struction not particularly described in this chapter. Such plans and calculations shall be made by a com¬ petent engineer, approved by the superintendent and paid for by the owner, and filed in the office of the superintendent with the plans of the building. The erection, construction or alteration of such building, structure, platform, staging or flooring when proceeded with shall be constructed in accordance with such ap¬ proved plans and detailed descriptions, unless amended plans are filed and permit issued therefor. Nothing in 25 this section shall be construed so as to prevent the superintendent from granting his approval for the erection of any part of a building, or any part of a structure when the general plans and detailed descrip¬ tions have been filed for the same before the entire detailed plans have been submitted. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, May 25, 1917. No. 10. BUSINESS VEHICLES: SOUTH WATER STREET. AN ORDINANCE Regulating Traffic in South Water Street Between Potomska and Cove Streets. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. No business vehicle, other than light ex¬ press wagons and motor trucks of one and one-half tons capacity or less, shall be allowed the use of South Water Street between Potomska and Cove Streets in either direction, except for local business. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, May 25, 1917. No. 11. FIREWORKS. AN ORDINANCE rescinding an Ordinance passed May 10, 1917 and approved by the Mayor May 11, 1917, entitled “An Ordinance Prohibiting the Sale or Use of Fireworks.” Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: 26 Section 1. An ordinance passed by the City Council May 10, 1917 and approved by the Mayor May 11, 1917 entitled “An Ordinance Prohibiting the Sale or Use of Fireworks” is hereby rescinded and annulled. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, June 15, 1917. No. 12. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREET LIGHTS. AN ORDINANCE amending Section 41 of the Revised ~ ordinances of 1916. Be it ordained by the City Council of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 41 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by adding at the end, the following: ‘ 1 Said committee shall, annually in the month of April, elect a superintendent of street lights, who shall be the inspector of wires, and who shall, under the control of said committee, inspect the street lights and see that the contract for street lighting is properly performed according to contract provisions, and who shall act in an advisory capacity to said committee. The compensation of said superintendent shall be fixed by the City Council.” So that said section shall read as follows: Section 41. The committee on street lights shall have the direction and control of street lighting; it shall determine the location of lights and the form thereof; it shall have control of all city property used in connection with street lighting, and shall see that all contracts for street lighting in which the city is a party are properly performed. Said committee shall, annually in the month of April, elect a superintendent of street lights, who shall be the inspector of wires, and who shall, under the control of said committee, inspect the street lights and see that the contract for street lighting is properly performed according to contract 27 provisions, and who shall act in an advisory capacity to said committee. The compensation of said superin¬ tendent shall be fixed by the City Council. Section 2. For the purpose of placing this ordi¬ nance into immediate effect, the committee on street lights shall elect a superintendent of street lights to hold office and perform the duties as provided in sec¬ tion one, until his successor is duly elected and quali¬ fied in April following the passage of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, Nov. 9, 1917. No. 13. REMOVING SNOW FROM SIDEWALKS. AN ORDINANCE amending Section 518 of the Re¬ vised Ordinances of 1916. Section 1. Section 518 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by striking out, in the sec¬ ond and third lines thereof, the words “ covered with brick, stone, or concrete,” so that the said section as amended shall read as follows: Section 518. Every owner or occupant of a building or lot of land abutting upon a sidewalk in any street or public place in the city shall cause the snow to be removed from such sidewalk within a reasonable time after such snow has ceased to fall; except under unusual or extraordinary circumstances a reasonable time shall be held to be as follows: If snow falls in the day time, it shall be removed from the sidewalk within four hours from the time it shall have ceased falling; if in the night time, it shall be removed on or before eleven o’clock in the forenoon next succeeding. The provisions of this sec- 28 tion shall apply to snow falling from any building or accumulating upon such sidewalk from any other cause. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor Nov. 9, 1917. No. 14. FIRE DEPARTMENT. AN ORDINANCE amending Section 387 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916, relating to ‘ ‘Fire Depart¬ ment.” Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 387 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by inserting after the word 1 ‘ aldermen 7 7 in the fifth line thereof, the following: “All appointees to the fire department shall be resi¬ dents and citizens of the city of New Bedford.” So that said section, as amended, shall read as follows: Section 387. The Chief of the fire department under the provisions of civil service, shall, except as herein pro¬ vided, make all appointments and promotions in the fire department, subject, however, to confirmation by the Board of Aldermen; all appointees to the fire depart¬ ment shall be residents and citizens of the city of New Bedford; he shall have sole charge of the discipline of all men in the department, and shall be responsible therefor. Hearings on removals, suspensions and low¬ ering in rank of appointed men, shall be held before the chief, whose decision shall be final, subject how¬ ever, to the provisions of civil service. 29 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect npon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, June 14, 1918. No. 15. POLICE DEPARTMENT AN ORDINANCE relative to leave of absence of mem¬ bers of the Police Department. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Leave of absence, without pay, for a pe¬ riod covering less than three months, may be granted to any member of the police department by the chief of police, with the approval of the Mayor. All peti¬ tions for renewals of leave of absence shall come within the. provisions of Section 2 of this ordinance. Section 2. Leave of absence, without pay, extend¬ ing beyond a period of three months may be granted fc * . mg* by the Mayor and Aldermen under the following con¬ ditions : (a) If said member is actively engaged in the ser- I vice of the United States in time of war, in which case ^4 there shall be no limit to the length of leave. i C i 03 C\2 (b) If said member presents a certificate from the fz city physician that he is incapable for active duty be- • 2 cause of illness, and that, in the judgment of said city physician, said disability will not cease before the ex- f§ piration of the term of leave; said leave being limited to one year. Section 3. Absence from active duty for a period exceeding three months, excepting under the condi¬ tions named in Section 2 of this ordinance, shall be con- 30 sidered as voluntary retirement, and said member shall thereupon cease to be a member of the police depart¬ ment. Section 4. A member of the police department ab¬ sent on leave for a period exceeding three months, ex¬ cept as provided in Section 2, shall lose his rating in his grade, and shall remain at the foot of the list in ' said grade until he resumes active duty. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, June 14, 1918. No. 16; FIREWORKS. AN ORDINANCE prohibiting the sale or use of fire¬ works : Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. The sale or use of Fireworks in the City of New Bedford is hereby prohibited during the con¬ tinuation of the present war. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. In Common Council, June 13, 1918. Passed to be ordained notwithstanding the objections of His Honor the Mayor; yeas 14, nays 7. Charles P. Sawyer, Clerk. In Common Council, June 13, 1918. Passed to be ordained. James M. Hughes, President. 31 In Board of Aldermen, June 14, 1918. Passed to be ordained notwithstanding the objections of the Mayor; yeas 5, nays 1. W. H. B. Remington, City Clerk. In Board of Aldermen, June 14, 1918. Passed to be ordained. Chas. S. Ashley, Mayor. No. 17. POLICE DEPARTMENT. AN ORDINANCE amending “An Ordinance Relative to Leave of Absence of Members of the Police De¬ partment. ” Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. An Ordinance entitled “Relative to Leave of Absence of Members of the Police Department,' ’ passed to be ordained by the City Council, June 13, 1918, and approved by the Mayor, June 14, 1918, is hereby amended by striking out Section 4 of said ordi¬ nance. Section 2. This ordinance will take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, July 17, 1918. No. 19. KWIATKOWSKI FUND. AN ORDINANCE for the Creation of Trustees of the Charles Kwiatkowski Fund. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: 32 Section 1. A board of trustees, to be known as Trustees of the Charles Kwiatkowski Fund, is hereby created, said board to consist of the Mayor, the City Treasurer, and the City Auditor of the City of New Bedford, as the same may from time to time be. Section 2. Said trustees shall receive from the City of New Bedford money appropriated for the benefit of Stanislas Kwiatkowski and Stanislawa Kwiatkowski, parents of Charles Kwiatkowski, under the authority of Chapter 5, Special Acts of 1919, and shall deposit the same in some bank where the principal shall draw interest. Section 3. Said trustees shall pay to each of the parents of the said Charles Kwiatkowski, namely Stan¬ islas Kwiatkowski and Stanislawa Kwiatkowski, a sum not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25) per month, un¬ til the principal, with the interest which has accrued thereon, shall have been entirely exhausted. It is here¬ by provided that in the case of the death of either the said Stanislas Kwiatkowski or Stanislawa Kwiatkow¬ ski, a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25) per month shall be paid to the surviving parent of the said Charles Kwiatkowski, until the principal and interest aforesaid shall have been entirely exhausted. In the event of the death of both the said Stanislas Kwiat¬ kowski and Stanislawa Kwiatkowski, before said prin¬ cipal and interest is exhausted, then the amount remain¬ ing unexpended in the custody of said trustees shall be paid by said trustees into the City Treasury to and for the use of the City of New Bedford. Section 4. It is provided, however, that no payment shall be made by said trustees to either of the bene¬ ficiaries named in said Chapter 5 of the Special Acts of 1919, until they shall have both entered into agreement, in writing, with the City of New Bedford, to acknowl- 33 edge, agree, consent, and arrange with said City of New Bedford that the sum set aside for their benefit by said city may be placed in trust, and proportional payments of the principal and interest received by them, or either of them, from time to time, in accord¬ ance with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 5. When said trustees shall have completed their trust, as herein provided, they shall make report to the City Council of the City of New Bedford, and on the acceptance of said report by the City Council they shall be discharged from their trust. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. In Board of Aldermen, Feb. 27, 1919. Passed to be ordained. Chas. S. Ashley, Mayor. In Common Council, Feb. 27, 1919. Passed to be ordained. • Frank A. McNulty, President. Presented to the Mayor for approval, Feb. 28, 1919. Not having been approved by the Mayor, and not having been returned by the Mayor within ten days after presentation for his approval, the within Ordi¬ nance is now in force, under the provisions of Section 9, Chapter 26, Revised Laws. March 10, 1919. W. H. B. Remington, City Clerk. 34 No. 20. KWIATKOWSKI FUND. AN ORDINANCE amending An Ordinance for the Creation of Trustees of the Charles Kwiatkowski Fund. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New.Bedford as follows: Section 1. An Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance for the Creation of Trustees of the Charles Kwiatkow¬ ski Fund” passed by the City Council February 27, 1919, is hereby amended by striking out Sections 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of said ordinance, and inserting in place thereof a new section to be known as Section 2, which said section shall read as follows: Section 2. Said trustees shall receive from the City of New Bedford such money as may be appropriated for the relief of the parents of Charles Kwiatkowski, under the pro- * visions of Chapter 5, Special Acts of the Legislature of 1919, and shall pay over the same to Stanislas Kwi¬ atkowski and t Stanislawa Kwiatkowski, the mother and father of Charles Kwiatkowski, in such manner as they shall deem to be for their best interests. In the event of the death of either the said Stanislas Kwiatkowski or Stanislawa Kwiatkowski, then the funds, if any, remaining in the hands of the said trustees shall be paid to the surviving parent of the said Charles Kwiat¬ kowski in such manner as the said trustees shall deem best. In the event of the death of both the said Stan¬ islas Kwiatkowski and Stanislawa Kwiatkowski, any funds then remaining in the hands of the said trustees shall be paid to the legal representatives of the parent last deceased of the said Charles Kwiatkowski. Imme¬ diately following the final payment, said trustees shall make a detailed report to the City Council of their doings, and upon the acceptance of said report, by the City Council, said trustees shall be discharged from their trust. 35 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, April 11, 1919. No. 18. CITY DOCUMENTS. AN ORDINANCE Amending Revised Ordinances of 1916 Relative to Advertising and Printing the City Documents. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Sections 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 and 73 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 are hereby repealed. Section 2. Annual department reports shall be uni¬ form in size and style, and similar, in a general way to the City Documents of 1918. Each department head shall be charged with printing the report of his depart¬ ment. At the same time said reports are printed, the department head shall have printed, on machine fin¬ ished pure white paper, 60 pounds to the ream, extra sheets for the compilation of the reports known as the City Documents. The number of such extra sheets shall be ascertained by the heads of departments from the Clerk of Committees. Such printed extra sheets shall be delivered to the Clerk of Committees, or to the binder named by him, and shall be bound into the City Documents of the current year. Section 3. The City Documents shall include the Mayor’s inaugural address of the current year, a mu¬ nicipal register containing a list of all elected and ap¬ pointed officers and officials of the city as to the first day of June of the current year, with the amount of compensation received by each, and a copy of every 36 city ordinance passed since the last previous publica¬ tion of the City Documents. Such city ordinances shall be furnished to the Clerk of Committees by the City Clerk. The preparation, printing, binding and dis¬ tribution of the City Documents shall be under the full charge and control of the Clerk of Committees, and the cost thereof shall be charged to the accounts City Council. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, Feb. 28, 1919. No. 21. POOL ROOM HOURS. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Hours During Which Billiard, Pool and Sippio Tables and Bowling Alley Licenses May Be Operated. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. No billiard, pool or sippio table, and no bowling alley, operated under license provided for by law and issued under the provisions of section 610 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916, shall be used or per¬ mitted by the licensee to be used between the hours of twelve P. M. and seven A. M., except that on the night preceding a holiday (save when such holiday comes on a Sunday) such tables and alleys may be used until 2 o ’clock A. M. Section 2. A licensee who uses or permits the use of such tables or alley contrary to the provisions con¬ tained in Section 1 of this ordinance shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one nor more than twenty 37 dollars for each offence, and the license issued to him shall be revoked by the Mayor and Aldermen. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect May 1, 1919. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, April 11, 1919. No. 22. PUBLIC VEHICLES. AN ORDINANCE Repealing Sections 630 to 654 In¬ clusive of Revised Ordinances of 1916, Relative to Public Vehicles, and Substituting New Sections Therefor. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1: i Public Vehicles. Sections 630 to 654, inclusive, of the Revised Ordi¬ nances of 1916 of the City of New Bedford, in effect January 1st, 1917, relating to Public Vehicles, and any and all amendments thereof, are hereby repealed and the following provisions enacted in substitution there¬ for, to wit: Section 630. No person, association or corporation shall transport for hire passengers or goods, wares, merchandise or rubbish within the city by means of any vehicle unless licensed as herein provided. A ve¬ hicle as used in this chapter shall be held to be any hackney carriage, wagon, cart, sleigh, truck, automobile, motor car, motor hearse, motor ambulance or other con¬ veyance or apparatus used upon the public streets drawn by animals or propelled by steam or electric or gasoline or other power, but shall not include cars, engines or other 38 means of transportation running on tracks or rails owned and operated by any duly incorporated steam railroad or street railway company having locations in said city. Section 631. The authority vested in the Mayor and Aldermen to grant any license under Section 630 or any driver’s license under Section 642 is hereby dele¬ gated to the City Clerk as permitted by Chapter one hundred forty-one of the Acts of 1914. The City Clerk may, in his discretion, refer any application for such licenses to the Mayor and Aldermen as provided in Section 615. Section 632. The application for said license shall be on a blank furnished by the City Clerk, and the form of the application and the information to be furnished thereon by the applicant shall be such as shall be ap¬ proved by the Mayor and Aldermen. The application shall specify the class of license ap¬ plied for, as provided in Section 633, and in case of a license applied for under Class B shall definitely state the termini between which the vehicle is to be operated and one specific route over which it is to be operated as provided in Section 641. In the case of a license applied for under Class B the application must also be accompanied by a schedule of trips proposed to be run, which shall include a regular daily service between such hours as may be designated, but covering a period of not less than eight hours. The application in case of a license under Class A shall name the stand, or stands, or the stable, garage, office or other specific place at which persons may engage the vehicle. The City Clerk shall require such application to be signed and sworn to before an officer authorized to ad¬ minister oaths. Section 633. There shall be three classes of licenses for Vehicles for Hire. 39 Class A. Vehicles which are to be used for the transportation of passengers in the manner of cabs or hackney coaches, having designated stands or stables or garages, where they may be engaged in person or by telephone to carry passengers on special trips, or by the hour, to and from any parts of the city. Class B. Vehicles which are to be used for affording a means of street transportation by indiscriminately accepting and discharging such persons as may offer themselves for transportation along certain defined routes, com¬ monly known as Jitneys. Class C. Vehicles used for the transportation of goods, wares, merchandise or rubbish. Section 634. The licenses issued by the City Clerk shall be in such form as shall be approved by the Mayor and Aldermen and shall state the name, place of resi¬ dence, and post-office address of the licensee, who shall be a resident of the Commonwealth; a brief description of the vehicle licensed, the serial number of the license, the term of the license, the class of service for which said vehicle is to be used; and in case of vehicles under Class A the stand or stands or the stable, garage, office or other specific place at which persons may engage the vehicle; and in case of vehicles under Class B the route on which said vehicle- is to be used; and such other provisions as the Mayor and Aldermen may from time to time prescribe. Said licenses shall expire on the thirtieth day of June following the issuance thereof. A fee of ten dollars for each vehicle license of Class A and B and a fee of $1.00 for each license of Class C shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance thereof. Ve¬ hicles licensed for the transportation of passengers, Class A and Class B, shall have a metal seal bearing 40 the words “Licensed Vehicle No.-,” setting forth the serial number of the license and the date of its expira¬ tion, said seal to be attached to the vehicle so that it is conspicuously displayed whenever said vehicle is being used for hire. Said metal seals shall be furnished by the City Clerk and a fee of fifty cents shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance of the license. Ve¬ hicles licensed under Class B shall at all times when operated under said license carry a sign stating the main street or streets of the route, the termini of the route, and the fare to be charged, which sign shall be so attached or joined to the lower portion of the wind shield or on the dash of the vehicle, or if the vehicle is the enclosed type, on the sides there¬ of, so as to be plainly visible to persons on the street, The letters and figures contained on the sign shall be not less than 2*4 inches in height and shall have a stroke of not less than one-quarter of an inch in width, and shall be subject to the approval of the Chief of Police. No other advertising sign of any kind shall be placed or carried on any such vehicle, except as specifically permitted by the Chief of Police. Vehicles licensed for the transportation of goods, Class C, shall have wagon plates setting forth the serial number of the license and the date of its expiration. Said plates to be conspicu¬ ously displayed on each side of the body of the vehicle. Said wagon plates shall be furnished by the City Clerk and a fee of fifty cents shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance of the license. The color of said seals and wagon plates shall be changed annually. The City Clerk shall keep a record of all licenses issued un¬ der the provisions of the ordinances relating to public vehicles. Section 635. No license shall be issued to any per¬ son, association or corporation, to operate a vehicle un¬ der Class B until such person, association or corpora¬ tion shall have filed with the City Clerk, to be deliv- 41 ered by him to the City Treasurer, a bond in a sum equal in amount to two hundred fifty dollars for each and every passenger the licensee is authorized to carry in said vehicle. Said bond shall be signed by the licensee as principal, and by a corporation which shall have com¬ plied with all provisions of law as to transacting the business of a guaranty, fidelity and surety company within this Commonwealth as surety; or by such other sureties, not less than two, as shall be approved on the bond in writing by both the City Clerk and the City Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk and City Treasurer to ascertain by inquiry and investiga¬ tion so far as they are able that said sureties signed and executed said bond and that they severally have suffi¬ cient property within the Commonwealth to fulfill the obligations of the bond and therefore all persons whose names appear on said bonds shall be personally exam¬ ined by the City Clerk and sign said bonds in his pres¬ ence. If, at any time, during the term of the license, the City Clerk or City Treasurer have knowledge of any facts which render the responsibility of said sureties questionable, the City Clerk shall suspend the license and in that case he shall notify the Chief of Police who shall prohibit the use of the licensed vehicle until action under Section 653 is taken. Said bond shall name the City of New Bedford as obligee and said city shall be subrogated to the rights of .any person to whom the conditions of the bond apply. Said bond shall be conditioned to pay any final judg¬ ment against the person named as principal in said bond for any injury to person or property, or damages for causing the death of any person, by reason of any negligence or unlawful act on the part of the principal named in said bond, his or its agents, employes or drivers, in the use or operation of the vehicle so licensed. c<> < 42 Said bond shall be submitted to the City Solicitor and approved by him as to form before the same is ac¬ cepted. Section 636. No vehicle operated by motor power shall be licensed until the same has been inspected and tested by actual demonstration by the Chief of Police or some person designated by him, and until the Chief of Police has in writing reported to the City Clerk that said vehicle is in a safe and proper condition for use. A fee of one dollar shall be paid to the Police Depart¬ ment for said examination. The Chief of Police may examine or cause to be examined by a person desig¬ nated by him, without expense to the owner, any licensed vehicle at any time and it shall be his duty to examine the same whenever he deems it expedient and desirable for the safety of the public, and in case he deems the vehicle is in an unsafe or improper condition, or not equipped in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances relating to public vehicles he shall prohibit the further use of such vehicle and shall notify the City Clerk who shall suspend the license subject to the provisions of Section 653. Section 637. No vehicle licensed under Class A shall solicit or receive passengers on the streets except at the definite places named in the license, or such places as persons desiring service designate when engaging the same. Section 638. No vehicle licensed under Class B shall be driven or carry passengers on any other route than the route designated in the license, or on any streets other than the streets designated for said route, during the period of time covered by the schedule filed in the office of the City Clerk, except during holidays and days when there is a circus or some similar unusual event in the city. The schedule may be altered by the licensee of said vehicle from time to time upon 43 filing the alteration with the City Clerk, and the vehicle may at all times run such extra trips at such extra time as the licensee may desire, provided said trips are run between the specified termini and upon the prescribed route. Otherwise vehicles licensed under Class B shall not be driven or operated for the carriage of passen¬ gers for hire, except that a vehicle licensed under Class B, may apply for and receive a separate and additional license under Class A, which shall be operative only during such hours as are not covered by the schedule filed in connection with the license under Class B with the City Clerk. % Section 639. The stand or stands, and the stable, garage, office or other specified place at which persons may engage for hire vehicles licensed under Class A may be as specified by the applicant in the application for the license, unless the City Clerk, in his discretion, deems that such stands or places will be objectionable to general traffic in the streets, or inconvenient for the public desiring the service, unless the application is amended in this respect in a manner which he deems proper. Section 640. The stands for vehicles under Class B shall be as follows : No. 1. For vehicles licensed to operate over Route No. 1, as prescribed in Section 641, shall be on the west side of Pleasant Street, adjacent to the curb, between Mechanics Lane and Elm Street, facing south. No. 2. For vehicles licensed to operate over Route No. 2 and No. 3 shall be on the south side of Elm Street, adjacent to the curb, between Pleasant and Sixth Streets, facing east. No vehicle shall remain at said stands for a period ex¬ ceeding ten minutes, and the driver shall move the same at any time on direction of any police officer. 44 Section 641. The Routes for vehicles licensed under Class B shall be as follows: Route No. 1. From Stand No. 1 through Pleasant, Spring, Purchase, Weld Streets and Acushnet Ayenue to Lund’s Corner (Belleville Road), returning through Acushnet Avenue, Weld and Purchase Streets to Stand No. 1. Route No. 2. From Stand No. 2 through Pleasant, William, Purchase, Rivet, First and Cove Streets and Brock Avenue to Fort Rodman. Return through Brock Avenue, South Water, Rivet, Purchase, Union, Pleasant, Market and Sixth Streets to Stand No. 2. « Route No. 3. From Stand No. 3 through Elm, Pleas¬ ant, Middle, Purchase, Union, Pleasant, Mill, Kempton Streets to Dartmouth line; returning through Kempton, Mill, County, Middle, Sixth Streets to Stand No. 3. Section 642. No person shall drive, operate or be in charge of any vehicle requiring a vehicle license under the provisions of the ordinances relating to Public Vehi¬ cles in any street or public place in the city without first obtaining a Driver’s License. The application for a Driver’s License shall be on a blank furnished by the City Clerk and the form of the application and the in¬ formation to be furnished shall be such as shall be ap¬ proved by the Mayor and Aldermen. The application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant before an officer authorized to administer oaths. No license to operate on Routes No. 1 and No. 2 shall be granted to any person not a resident of New Bedford. No license shall be issued to any person not a citizen of the United States unless such person shall have filed first papers seeking naturalization or if having filed his first natur¬ alization papers he shall be required to become a citizen of the United States as soon as the law permits. No license shall be issued to any person under the age of eighteen years or who is in the discretion of the City Clerk physically or mentally unfit, or unable to 45 clearly speak and intelligently write the English language, or who is not a resident of the Common¬ wealth, and who does not also possess a chauffeur’s license issued to him by the Massachusetts Highway Commission and in force at the time when such appli¬ cation is made. The license shall contain the name, place of residence, postoffice address of the licensee, a brief personal de¬ scription of the licensee, sufficient for identification, in¬ cluding age, height, weight, color of hair, color of eyes, and any peculiarly distinguishing characteristic. Said license shall state the date of the expiration of the li¬ cense which shall be one year from the date of the issu¬ ance thereof. A fee of ten dollars for each such license shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance thereof. The City Clerk at the time of issuing such driver’s license shall deliver to the licensee a distinguishing badge made of metal or other similar material bearing the words “Vehicle Driver’s License No.-, New Bed¬ ford, Mass.,” setting forth the serial number of the li¬ cense. A fee of one dollar shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance thereof. Section 643. The driver of any licensed motor vehi¬ cle, whenever driving or in charge of a licensed vehicle in the streets or public places of the city, shall at all times have in his possession, ready to produce without delay and upon request by any police officer of the city the vehicle license, and his Driver’s license, and shall wear his badge upon the right breast of his outward garment. Section 644. Any driver who does not comply with the provisions of the ordinances relating to Public Ve¬ hicles or who carries passengers for hire on any vehicle licensed under Class B to or from any place or on any route other than the route specified in the license within the period of the schedule filed for such vehicle, or who 46 surrenders to any other person, except a duly qualified officer of the law, his driver’s license or badge, or lends the same to any person, shall be subject to fine as pro¬ vided in the ordinances relating to Public Vehicles, and any person who drives any vehicle which requires a li¬ cense without a driver’s license, or who, while driving has in his possession a driver’s license or badge not issued to himself, shall be subject to fine as aforesaid. Section 645. No licensed motor vehicle shall be driven or operated when used for the conveyance of passengers for hire, unless the same be equipped with proper non¬ skidding devices, in any street or public place where there is snow or ice or where the surface of the street is in such condition that travel by motor is dangerous, without the use of efficient non-skidding devices, and no such vehicle shall be equipped with a muffler cutout so called. Section 646. No licensed vehicle shall be driven or operated when used for the conveyance of passengers for hire, during the period from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, unless equipped for interior lighting, and whenever enclosed or whenever the top is up, the interior of said vehicle shall be lighted. No person shall stand or sit or ride on the running board or step or fender, dash, or door of a licensed vehicle when in motion. No greater number of passengers shall enter or be transported at one time in any licensed vehicle than such vehicle has seating capacity for, according to the manufacturer’s rating thereof, except that in addition thereto children under seven years of age may be carried in the arms and seated on the laps of adult persons accompanying them, but no passenger with a child in the arms or seated on the lap shall be admitted to any front seat beside the driver. Any driver who permits any person to disregard the foregoing provisions shall be subject to tine as provided in this ordinance. 47 Section 647. No driver or person in charge of any- licensed motor vehicle used for the conveyance of pas¬ sengers for hire shall stop the same to receive or dis¬ charge any passenger, except by the side of the vehicle next to the right hand curb of the street or permit any passenger to enter or leave the same except on the side thereof nearest the street curb, excepting in the case of a passenger on the front seat where the driver’s seat is on the side of the curb, in which event the driver shall exert the utmost care to save the passenger from injury from passing traffic; no licensed vehicle shall stop, to take on or deliver passengers, within fifteen feet of a street cross, or a hydrant, or a white pole designated as a street car stopping place. No person driving or in charge of, or in any way connected with any licensed vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers for hire shall solicit passengers by unreasonable outcry or oper¬ ate any noise or other device for the purpose of soliciting passengers. No driver or person in charge of any motor vehicle operating under the license given in Class B shall refuse to stop at the signal of a prospective pas¬ senger and allow such prospective passenger to board his vehicle unless said vehicle at the time is carrying as many passengers as its seating capacity according to manufacturer’s rating thereof. But any driver or per¬ son in charge of any licensed motor vehicle may refuse to accept as a passenger a person who is under the in¬ fluence of liquor, and if a person under the influence of liquor does obtain a seat in any licensed motor vehicle the driver or person in charge of the vehicle may order such objectionable passenger to vacate said vehicle. Section 648. Every person driving or in charge of a licensed vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers for hire shall report to the Chief of Police every article left therein by any passenger, in addition to fulfilling the requirements of chapter ninety-four of the Re¬ vised Laws. 48 Section 649. Every person owning or driving or in charge of a licensed vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers for hire shall observe and comply with all the laws of the Commonwealth relating to such ve¬ hicles, and all the rules and regulations of the Massa¬ chusetts Highway Commission, and all the traffic regu¬ lations and rules of the road of the City of New Bed¬ ford, and any such person not observing and complying with such laws and regulations, in addition to such other penalties as may be provided by law, shall be liable to fine under the provisions of this ordinance. Section 650. The provisions of the ordinances relat¬ ing to Public Vehicles shall not apply to vehicles used for the transportation of passengers, or goods, wares, merchandise, or rubbish by means of any vehicle for hire, or to the drivers of the same, if the vehicle is let by the hour, day, or job, on call or by appoint¬ ment. Section 651. The fares for the conveyance of pas¬ sengers in licensed vehicles used for the conveyance of passengers for hire shall be as follows: (1) For vehicles licensed under Class A, for convey¬ ing one or more adult passengers from one place to an¬ other within the portion of the city described here¬ after shall not exceed 50 cents for one passenger and 35 cents for each passenger when there are two or more passengers, except between the hours of nine o’clock p. m. and six o’clock a. m., when 75 cents for the first passenger and 50 cents for each passenger when there are two or more passengers may be charged; for each child between the ages of four and twelve years, one half of the above rates; for children not over four years of age, accompanied by their parents or guardians, no charge; for the charges aforesaid each passenger may carry a hat box, grip sack, portmanteau or other sim¬ ilar article; for one trunk accompanying a passenger fifteen cents; provided, however, that the city council 49 may, in its discretion, change any or all the rates estab¬ lished in this section, and the rates so established shall continue until changed by the City Council. The City Clerk shall supply rate cards showing plain¬ ly the fares which may be charged to owners of all vehicles licensed under Class A and such cards must at all times be displayed in each licensed vehicle of Class A where it can be plainly read by every pas¬ senger. The portion of the city included in the foregoing pro¬ vision shall be as follows, viz: Commencing at the river at the continuation of the East terminus of Belleville Road, thence running due west until said line intersects a line drawn north and south through Rotch Avenue, thence running due south until said last named line intersects a line drawn east and west through Cove Street, thence easterly by Cove Street to the river, and thence northerly by the river to the place of beginning. Fares from any place within said portion of the city to points beyond said limits shall not exceed twice the above rates. (2) For vehicles licensed under Class B for con¬ veying one or more adult passengers from any one place to another along the route and between the ter¬ mini specified in the license the rate of fare shall be five cents per passenger between the hours of six A. M. and eleven P. M.; if the schedule filed with the City Clerk provides for service after eleven o’clock the charge shall not exceed fifty cents. Rates for chil¬ dren between the ages of four and twelve shall be three cents, and for children under four years accom¬ panied by their parents or guardians, no charge. No extra charge for baggage shall be collected. Section 652. The Chief of Police may, and it shall be his duty if he deems the public interest and safety so requires, prohibit the operation of any licensed ve¬ hicle, or the exercise by any licensed driver of his 50 right to drive or operate a vehicle, and in case of the conviction in any court of the Commonwealth for the violation of any law of the Commonwealth or of any rules or regulations of the Massachusetts Highway Commission, or of any ordinance or rule or regulation of the City of New Bedford, he shall prohibit the opera¬ tion by the licensee or driver of any vehicle; and there¬ upon he shall notify the City Clerk of his action, stating his reasons, and the City Clerk shall thereupon suspend said license under the provisions of Section 653. Section 653. The Board of Aldermen may, without any notice or hearing, suspend any license issued under the provisions of this ordinance for any cause deemed by them sufficient. In case of the suspension of any license by the Board of Aldermen, or by the City Clerk, the suspension shall be for not more than thirty days. The Board of Aldermen may, after notice and hearing, said notice to be mailed to the licensee at the address given by him in his application, not less than five days prior to said hearing, revoke any such license for cause deemed by said Board to be sufficient, and they shall revoke such license if the licensee has been duly con¬ victed in any court of the Commonwealth for the vio¬ lation of any law of the Commonwealth, or of any rules or regulations of the Massachusetts Highway Commission, or ordinances or rules or regulations of the City of New Bedford, if they deem the public safety requires such action. And no new license shall be issued to such licensee until after the expiration of the term for which the revoked license was issued. And in case of the subsequent application for a license by any person whose license has been revoked by the Board of Aldermen, the City Clerk shall not issue the same without referring the application to the Board of Aldermen and a direct order thereon by said Board. Section 654. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to prosecute any person whom he deems guilty 51 of one or more infractions of any of the foregoing pro¬ visions of this ordinance relating to licensed vehicles used for the conveyance of passengers or goods for hire, and if the person is found guilty by a court of compe¬ tent jurisdiction, he shall in addition to all other penal¬ ties prescribed by law, be punishable for the infraction of the provisions of the ordinances relating to Public Vehicles by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for each several infraction. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 1919. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, March 28, 1919. No. 23. PUBLIC VEHICLES Whereas, an ordinance relating to public vehicles was duly adopted by the City Council of New Bedford on March 27, 1919, and approved by the Mayor March 28, 1919, in which among other provisions certain or¬ ders, rules and regulations were prescribed in respect to the operation of motor vehicles upon the public streets and ways for the carriage of passengers for hire in such a manner as to afford a means of transportation similar to that afforded by a street railway by indis¬ criminately receiving and discharging passengers along the route of which such vehicles are operated. Whereas, the Public Service Commission, acting under the provisions of Chapter 226 of the General Acts of 1918, has by a Decree dated April 3, 1919, ordered, That said orders, rules and regulations be and by said decree are amended by the insertion or sub¬ stitution of certain specific orders, rules and regulations prescribed in said Decree, except insofar as the same have already been prescribed by the City of New Bed¬ ford; and that all orders, rules and regulations in con- 52 diet therewith which have been adopted or prescribed by said City are by said Decree disapproved, substituted and annulled; and that all other orders, rules and regu¬ lations in respect to the operation of such motor vehicles which have been prescribed or adopted by the City of New Bedford are by said Decree approved. Now, therefore, in compliance with the order of said Decree, the city ordinance relating to Public Vehicles, adopted March 27, 1919, is revised by repealing the said ordinance and substituting the following:— AN ORDINANCE Repealing Section 630-654, inclusive, of Revised Ordinances of 1916 and an Ordinance Ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford, March 27, 1919, and Approved by the Mayor, March 28, 1919, and Substituting Therefor a Revision of the Same:— Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1: Public Vehicles Sections 630-654, inclusive, of Revised Ordinances of 1916 and an ordinance ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford March 27, 1919, and approved by the Mayor, March 28, 1919, relating to Public Vehicles, is thereby repealed and the following provi¬ sions ordained in substitution therefor, to wit:— Section 630. No person, firm or corporation shall transport for hire passengers or goods, wares, merchan¬ dise or rubbish within the city by means of any vehicle unless licensed as herein provided. A vehicle as used in this chapter shall be held to be any hackney carriage, 53 wagon, cart, sleigh, truck, automobile, motor car, motor hearse, motor ambulance or other conveyance or appa¬ ratus used upon the public streets drawn by animals or propelled by steam or electric or gasoline or other power, but shall not include cars, engines or other means of transportation running on tracks or rails or trackless trolley vehicles owned and operated by any duly incor¬ porated steam railroad or street railway company hav¬ ing locations in said City. Section 631. The authority vested in the Mayor and Aldermen to grant any license under Section 630 or any driver’s license under Section 642 is hereby dele¬ gated to the City Clerk as permitted by Chapter one hundred forty-one of the Acts of 1914. The City Clerk may, in his discretion, refer any application for such licenses to the Mayor and Aldermen as provided in Sec¬ tion 615. Section 632. There shall be three classes of licenses for Vehicles for Hire. Class A Vehicles which are to be used for the transportation of passengers in the manner of cabs or hackney coaches, having designated stands or stables or garages, where they may be engaged in person or by telephone to carry passengers on special trips, or by the hour, to and from any parts of the city. Class B Vehicles which are to be used for affording a means of street transportation by indiscriminately accepting and discharging such persons as may offer themselves for transportation along certain defined routes, com¬ monly known as Jitneys, as defined in the order of the Public Service Commission in relation to such vehicles dated April 3, 1919. 54 Class C Vehicles used for the transportation of goods, wares, merchandise or rubbish. Section 633. The application for said license shall be on a blank furnished by the City Clerk, and the form of the application and the information to be furnished thereon by the applicant shall be such as shall be ap¬ proved by the Mayor and Aldermen. The application shall specify the class of license ap¬ plied for, as provided in Section 632, and in case of a license applied for, under Class B shall definitely set forth: (a) The public highway or highways over which, and the fixed termini and the regular route which and over which the applicant intends to operate. (b) A schedule of operation showing the effective date thereof, the time of arrival and departure from and at all termini, and time of departure from import¬ ant intermediate points. The schedule of operation filed by the licensee with his application for said license shall provide for the regular operation of a motor vehicle be¬ tween the termini and over the route designated in the license for a period of not less than 12 consecutive hours out of every twenty-four hours, allowing a reasonable time, not exceeding two hours in the aggregate, for and from meals, and with intervals of not more than one hour between successive trips in the same direction where the distance between termini is five miles or less. The licensee shall regularly operate a motor vehicle in substantial accordance with the schedule of operation filed and in effect at the time except in cases of accidents, break-downs or other controlling emergency shall operate such motor vehicle to the terminus of the route before turning around, and shall not operate nor permit to be operated any such motor vehicle off or away from the route stated and fixed in the license for the operation 55 of such motor vehicle except in case of controlling emerg¬ ency. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the operation, in addition to the service described in the schedule on file and in effect at the time, of special or extra trips over said route and between said termini during certain hours or on special occasions. (c) A schedule or tariff showing the passenger fares to be charged between the several points or localities to be served. (d) The seating capacity, according to its trade rat¬ ing, of each motor vehicle which it is proposed to operate. If the motor vehicle has been adapted for use as a bus either by converting a freight-carrying truck into a passenger-carrying vehicle, or by reconstruction, modi¬ fying or adding to the body or seating arrangement of a passenger-carrying motor vehicle, a statement of the seating capacity shall be added. The application in case of a license under Class A shall name the stand, or stands, or the stable, garage, office or other specific place at which persons may engage the vehicle. The City Clerk shall require such application to be signed and sworn to before an officer authorized to ad¬ minister oaths. Section 634. The stand or stands, and the stable, garage, office or other specified place at which persons may engage for hire vehicles licensed under Class A may be as specified by the applicant in the application for the license, unless the City Clerk, in his discretion, deems that such stands or places will be objectionable to general traffic in the streets, or inconvenient for the public desiring the service. Section 635. The stands for vehicles under Class B shall be as follows: No. 1. For vehicles licensed to operate over Route No. 1 as prescribed in Section 636, shall be on the west side of Pleasant Street, adjacent to the curb, between Mechanics Lane and Elm Street, facing south. No. 2. For vehicles licensed to operate over Routes No. 2 and No. 3, on the south side of Elm Street, ad¬ jacent to the curb, between Pleasant and Sixth streets, facing east. No vehicle shall remain at said stands for a period exceeding ten minutes, and the driver shall move the same at any time on direction of any police officer. Section 636. The routes for vehicles licensed under Class B shall be as follows: Route No. 1. From Stand No. 1 through Pleasant, Spring, Purchase, Weld Streets and Acushnet Avenue to Lunds Corner (Belleville Road), returning through Acushnet Avenue, Weld and Purchase Streets to Stand No. 1. Route No. 2. From Stand No. 2 through Pleasant, William, Purchase, Rivet, First and Cove Streets and Brock Avenue to Fort Rodman. Return through Brock Avenue, South Water, Rivet, Purchase, Union, Pleas¬ ant, Market and Sixth Streets to Stand No. 2. Route No. 3. From Stand No. 2 through Elm, Pleas¬ ant, Middle, Purchase, Union, Pleasant, Mill, Kempton Streets to Dartmouth line; returning through Kemp¬ ton, Mill, County,- Middle, Sixth Streets to Stand No. 2. Section 637. No vehicle operated by motor power shall be licensed until the vehicle shall be inspected by a competent mechanician designated by the Board of Aldermen, and no license shall be issued until such inspection has been made and a report rendered to the City Clerk as to the strength, seating capacity and proper equipment of such vehicle for safe and efficient operation. After such license has been granted, a simi¬ lar inspection and report shall be made at least, once in six months. Every such vehicle shall be maintained 57 at all times in a safe and sanitary condition, and shall be at all times subject to the inspection of the Board of Aldermen or their duly authorized representatives. A fee of one dollar shall be paid for said examina¬ tion. The Chief of Police may examine or cause to be examined by a person designated by him, without ex¬ pense to the owner, any licensed vehicle at any time, and it shall be his duty to examine the same whenever he deems it expedient and desirable for the safety of the public, and in case he deems the vehicle is in an unsafe or improper condition, or not equipped in ac¬ cordance with the provisions of the ordinances relating to public vehicles he shall prohibit the further use of such vehicle and shall notify the City Clerk who shall suspend the license subject to the provisions of Sec¬ tion 653. Section 638. The licenses issued, by the City Clerk shall be in such form as shall be approved by the Mayor and Aldermen, and shall state the name, place of resi¬ dence, and postoffice address of the licensee, who shall be a resident of the Commonwealth; a brief descrip¬ tion of the vehicle licensed, the serial number of the license, the term of the license, the class of service for which said vehicle is to be used; and in case of vehicles under Class A the stand or stands or the stable, garage, office or other specific place at which persons may en¬ gage the vehicle; and in case of vehicles under Class B the route on which said vehicle is to be used; and such other provisions as the Mayor and Aldermen may from time to time prescribe. Said licenses shall expire on the thirtieth day of April following the issuance there¬ of. A fee of ten dollars for each vehicle license of Class A and B, and a fee of one dollar for each license of Class C shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance thereof. Vehicles licensed for the transporta¬ tion of passengers, Class A and Class B shall have a 58 metal seal bearing the words 11 Licensed Vehicle, No. -, ” setting forth the serial number of the license and the date of its expiration, said seal to be attached to the vehicle so that it is conspicuously displayed whenever said vehicle is being used for hire. Said metal seals shall be furnished by the City Clerk, and a fee of fifty cents shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance of the license. Vehicles licensed under Class B shall at all times when operated under said license carry a sign stating the termini of the route, the fare to be charged and the license number, which sign shall be so printed and attached to the vehicle as to be plainly visible to persons on the street, and with a printed sign thereon showing the schedule of service filed and in effect at the time, which sign shall be so printed and attached to the said vehicle as to be plainly visible to passengers boarding such vehicle. The let¬ ters and figures contained on the sign shall be not less than 2% inches in height, and shall have a stroke of not less than one-quarter of an inch in width, and shall be subject to the approval of a representative desig¬ nated by the Board of Aldermen. No other advertising sign of any kind shall be placed or carried on any such vehicles, except as specifically permitted by the Chief of Police. Vehicles licensed for the transportation of goods, Class C, shall have wagon plates setting forth the serial number of the license and the date of its ex¬ piration. Said plates to be conspicuously displayed on each side of the body of the vehicle. Said wagon plates shall be furnished by the City Clerk, and a fee of fifty cents shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance of the license. The color of said seals and wagon plates shall be changed annually. The license issued for the operation of such vehicles under Class A and B shall designate the number of passengers, exclusive of the operator, the licensee is authorized to carry in said vehicle, and no person 59 driving or in charge of said vehicle shall take on or suffer to permit any more persons to ride or to be car¬ ried thereon at any one time than the number desig¬ nated in the license, nor permit any person to stand inside, or to stand or sit upon the running board, step, fender, dash or hood thereof, or to permit any person to ride on such vehicle outside the body thereof; pro¬ vided, however, that in addition to the number of passengers which said vehicle, by the terms of its license is permitted to carry, children under seven years of, age may be carried therein, in arms, or seated on the laps of parents or adult persons accompanying them, but no passenger with a child in arms or seated on the lap shall be permitted on any front seat of the vehicle. The licensee shall not reconstruct, materially alter, modify or add to the body or seating arrangements of any motor vehicle after the license thereof is issued, without first applying for and receiving consent of the licensing authorities. No license shall be transferable or applicable to any other motor vehicle than those specified therein, or, in case of vehicles licensed under Class B, or between any other termini or on any other route or routes, pro¬ vided, however, that the Board of Aldermen may, upon the application filed with the City Clerk, revise said license in accordance with the provisions of these regu¬ lations, so that under said license as revised another motor vehicle may be substituted for the one previously covered, or either the termini or the route or routes set forth in the license may be changed. The City Clerk shall keep a record of all licenses issued under the provisions of the ordinances relating to public vehicles. SECTION 639. No vehicle licensed under Class A shall solicit or receive passengers on the streets except at the definite places named in the license, or such 60 places as persons desiring service designate when en¬ gaging the same. No vehicle licensed under Class B shall be driven or carry passengers on any other route than the route designated in the license, or on any streets other than the streets designated for said route, during the period of time covered by the schedule filed in the office of the City Clerk. No change shall be made by any licensee in the termini between which or the route over which such motor vehicle is operated, in the rates charged, or in the schedule of operation, except after seven days’ no¬ tice to the City Clerk. Otherwise vehicles licensed un¬ der Class B shall not be driven or operated for the carriage of passengers for hire, except that a vehicle licensed under Class B may apply for and receive a separate and additional license under Class A, which shall be operative only during such hours as are not covered by the schedule filed in connection with the license under Class B with the City Clerk. SECTION 640. No motor vehicle licensed under Class B shall be operated from one-half hour after sunset till one-half hour before sunrise, with the top and curtains of said vehicle up, or while said vehicle is otherwise enclosed, unless there be sufficient light provided to adequately light the whole of the interior of said vehicle, and all motor vehicles so licensed with a seating capacity of more than seven passengers shall come to a full stop immediately before crossing the tracks of any railroad at grade. Every such motor vehicle shall be equipped with a suitable horn or other similar warning device, with a standard speedometer, and with a liquid fire extin¬ guisher of a design or type approved by a representa¬ tive of the Board of Aldermen, and such horn, speed¬ ometer and fire extinguisher shall be kept in satisfac¬ tory condition at all times. Every such motor vehicle 61 shall, when leaving either terminus, be equipped with at least one extra serviceable tire, and shall at all times carry and maintain in good working order a set, of skid chains, which shall be applied to the rear wheels when such vehicle is operated in any streets or public place where there is snow or ice, or during other weather conditions when tbe application of such chains is necessary to prevent skidding. But no such vehicle shall be equipped with a muffler cut-out, so called. No person operating any motor vehicle so licensed shall collect fares, make change or take on or discharge passengers while such vehicle is in motion; nor shall he have a lighted cigarette or pipe in his possession while any passenger is being carried therein, nor drink any intoxicating beverage or use morphine, cocaine, opium or other harmful drug of any kind, or be under the influence thereof while engaged in operating such vehicle. No driver or person in charge of any licensed motor vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers for hire shall stop the same to receive or discharge any pas¬ senger, except, by the side of the vehicle next to the right hand curb of the street, or permit any passenger to enter or leave the same except on the side thereof nearest the street, curb, excepting in the case of a passenger on the front seat where the driver’s seat is on the side of the curb, in which event the driver shall exert the utmost care to save the passenger from injury from passing traffic; no licensed vehicle shall stop, to take on or deliver passengers, within fifteen feet of a street crossing, or a hydrant, or a white pole desig¬ nated as a street car stopping place. No person driving or in charge of, or in any way connected with any licensed vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers for hire shall solicit passengers by unreasonable outcry or operate any noise or other device for the purpose of soliciting passengers. No driver or person in charge of 62 any motor vehicle operating under the license given in Class B shall refuse to stop at the signal of a prospec¬ tive passenger to board his vehicle unless said vehicle at the time is carrying as many passengers as its seating capacity specified in the license. But any driver or person in charge of any licensed motor vehicle may refuse to accept as a passenger a person who is under the influence of liquor, and if a person under the in¬ fluence of liquor does obtain a seat in any licensed motor vehicle the driver or person in charge of the vehicle may order such objectionable passenger to vacate said vehicle. SECTION 641. No license shall be issued to any person, association or corporation, to operate a vehicle under Class B until such person, association or corpora¬ tion shall have filed with the City Clerk, to be delivered by him to the City Treasurer, security by bond or otherwise, approved by the City Treasurer, condition to pay any final judgment obtained against the prin¬ cipal named in the bond for any injury to person or property, or damage for causing the death of any person by reason of any negligent or unlawful act on the part of the principal named in said bond, his or its agents, employes or drivers, in the use or operation of any such vehicle. The security deposited under the provisions of this paragraph shall be in the sum of $2500 for a motor vehicle having a seating capacity of five persons or less, and for a motor vehicle having a seating capacity of six or more in the sum of $2500 and $500 additional for each passenger seat in excess of five, provided that any licensee who files with the City Clerk a certificate from a city or town clerk in any city or town in which said motor vehicle is duly licensed to operate, setting forth that said licensee has filed in said city or town a bond which is in accordance with the provisions of the order of the Public Service Com¬ mission dated April 3, 1919, shall be exempted from 63 filing any further bond. Said bond shall be signed by the licensee as principal, and by a corporation which shall have complied with all the provisions of law as to transacting the business of a guaranty, fidelity and surety company within the Commonwealth as surety; or by such other sureties, not less than two, as shall be approved on the bond in writing by both the City Clerk and City Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk and City Treasurer to ascertain by inquiry and investigation so far as they are able that said sureties signed and executed said bond and that they severally have sufficient property within the Common¬ wealth to fulfill the obligations of the bond and all persons whose names appear on said bonds shall be personally examined by the City Clerk and sign said bonds in his presence. If at any time, during the term of the license, the City Clerk or City Treasurer have knowledge of any facts which render the responsibility of said sureties questionable, the City Clerk shall sus¬ pend the license and in that case he shall notify the Chief of Police who shall prohibit the use of the licensed vehicle until action under Section 653 is taken. Said bond shall name the city of New Bedford as obligee and said city shall be subrogated to the rights of any person to whom the conditions of the bond apply. Said bond shall be submitted to the City Solicitor and approved by him as to form before the same is ac¬ cepted. SECTION 642. No person shall drive, operate or be in charge of any vehicle requiring a vehicle license unless under the provisions of the ordinances relating to public vehicles in any street or public place in the city without first, obtaining a special driver’s license. The application for a special driver’s license shall be on a blank furnished by the City Clerk and the form of the application and the information to be furnished shall be such as shall be approved by the Board of 64 Aldermen. The application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant before an officer authorized to ad¬ minister oaths. No such special license shall be granted to any person who is under the age of 21 years or who has not demonstrated to the satisfaction of a represen¬ tative of the Board of Aldermen, by them appointed, his ability to drive the vehicle proposed to be operated by him, and his familiarity with the motor-vehicle laws of the Commonwealth, with the rules and the orders of the Public Service Commission and the regulations and rules herein prescribed and with the street traffic regulations of the city or who has failed to pass such an examination as to his qualifications as said Board of Aldermen may require. SECTION 643. No license to operate on Routes No. 1 and 2 shall be granted to any person not a resident of New Bedford. No license shall be issued to any person not a citizen of the United States unless such person shall have filed first papers seeking naturaliza¬ tion or if having filed his first naturalization papers he shall be required to become a citizen of the United States as soon as the law permits. No license shall be issued to any person who is in the discretion of the City Clerk physically or mentally unfit, or unable to clearly speak and intelligently write the English language, and who does not also possess a chauffeur ? s license issued to him by the Massachusetts Highway Commission and in force at the time when such application is made. The license shall contain the name, place of residence, postoffice address of the licensee, a brief personal de¬ scription of the licensee sufficient for identification, including age, height, weight, color of hair, color of eyes, and any peculiarly distinguishing characteristic. Said license shall state the date of the expiration of the license which shall be one year from the date of the issuance thereof. 65 A fee of ten dollars for each such license shall he paid to the City Clerk before the issuance thereof. SECTION 644. The City Clerk at the time of issuing such driver’s license shall deliver to the licensee a distinguishing badge made of metal or other similar material bearing the words “Vehicle Driver’s License No. -“New Bedford, Mass,” setting forth the serial number of the license. A fee of one dollar shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance thereof. The licensee at all times, when driving or in charge of any such vehicle in any street or public place, shall wear said badge in a conspicuous place on his outer garment. The City Clerk at the time of issuing such driver’s license shall also deliver to the licensee an identification card, stating thereon the number of the license, the licensee’s age, height, color of hair, color of eyes and the term of the license. No such licensee shall permit any other person to wear such badge, nor shall any person wear the badge of any other licensee driving or in charge of any such motor vehicle while in any street or public place. Said identification card shall be car¬ ried by the licensee at all times while operating or in charge of any such motor vehicle in any street or public place. Every person while driving or in charge of any such motor vehicle while in any street or public place shall carry the license for such vehicle, and at any time when requested by any police officer, he shall show him such license and said identification card. SECTION 645. Every person driving or in charge of a licensed vehicle used for the conveyance of pas¬ sengers for hire shall report to the Chief of Police every article left therein by any passenger, in addition to fulfilling the requirements of chapter ninety-four of the Revised Laws. Any such licensee shall immediately report fully, in cr~ *ST 66 writing, to the City Clerk any fatal accident or any injury to a passenger or other person, and any acci¬ dent resulting in substantial damage to property, in which said vehicle is involved. SECTION 646. The provisions of the ordinances relating to Public Vehicles shall not apply to vehicles used for the transportation of passengers, or goods, wares, merchandise, or rubbish by means of any vehicle for hire, or to the drivers of the same, if the vehicle is let by the hour, day or job, on call or by appoint¬ ment. % SECTION 647. The fares for the conveyance of passengers in licensed vehicles used for the conveyance of passengers for hire shall be as follows: (1) For vehicles licensed under Class A, for con¬ veying one or more adult passengers from one place to another within the portion of the city, described here¬ after, shall not exceed 50 cents for one passenger and 35 cents for each passenger when there are two or more passengers, except between the hours of nine o’clock p. m. and six o’clock a. m., when 75 cents for the first passenger and 50 cents for each passenger when there are two or more passengers may be charged; for each child between the ages of four and twelve years, one- half of the above rates; for children not over four years of age, accompanied by their parents or guardians, no charge; for the charges aforesaid, each passenger may carry a hat box, grip sack, portmanteau or other simi¬ lar article; for one trunk accompanying a passenger 15 cents; provided, however, that the City Council may in its discretion change any or all the rates es¬ tablished in this section and the rates so established shall continue until changed by the City Council. The City Clerk shall supply rate cards showing plainly the fares which may be charged to owners of all vehicles licensed under Class A and such cards must 67 at all times be displayed in each licensed vehicle of Class A where it can be plainly read by every passenger. SECTION 648. The portion of the city included in the foregoing provisions shall be as follows, viz.: Commencing at the river at the continuation of the east terminal of Belleville Road thence running due west until said line intersects a line drawn north and south through Rotch avenue, thence running due south until said last named line intersects a line drawn east and west through Cove street, thence east¬ erly by Cove street to the river, and thence northerly by the river to the place of beginning. Fares from any place within said portion of the city to points beyond said limits shall not exceed twice the above rates. (2) For vehicles licensed under Class B for con¬ veying one or more adult passengers from any one place to another along the route and between the ter¬ mini specified in the license, the rate of fare shall be five cents per passenger between the hours of 6 A. M. and 11 P. M.; if the schedule filed with the City Clerk provides for service after 11 o’clock the charge shall not exceed fifty cents. Rates for children between the ages of four and twelve shall be three cents, and for children under four years, accompanied by their parents or guardians, no charge. No extra charge for baggage shall be collected. SECTION 649. No licensee shall charge, demand, collect or receive a greater, or less or different com¬ pensation for the transportation of passengers or for any service in connection therewith, than the rates, fares and charges applicable to such transportation as specified in the schedule filed and in effect at the time. SECTION 650. Any driver who does not comply with the provisions of the ordinances relating to Pub¬ lic Vehicles or who carries passengers for hire on any 68 vehicle licensed under Class B to or from any place or on any route other than the route specified in the license within the period of the schedule filed for such vehicle, or who surrenders to any other person, except a duly qualified officer of the law, his driver’s license or badge, or lends the same to any person, shall be subject to fine as provided in the ordinances relating to Public Vehicles, and any person who drives any vehicle which requires a license without a driver’s license, or who, while driving has in his possession a driver’s license or badge not issued to himself, shall be subject to fine under the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 651. Every person owning or driving or in charge of a licensed vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers for hire shall observe and comply with all the laws of the Commonwealth relating to such vehicles, and all rules and regulations of the Massa¬ chusetts Highway Commission and of the Public Ser¬ vice Commission, and all the traffic regulations and rules of the road of the City of New Bedford, and any such person not obeying and complying with such laws and regulations, in addition to such other penalties as may be provided by law, shall be liable to fine under the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 652. The Chief of Police may, and it shall be his duty if lie deems the public interest and safety so requires, prohibit the operation of any licensed vehicle, or the exercise by any licensed driver of his right to drive or operate a vehicle, and in case of the conviction in any court of the Commonwealth for the violation of any law of the Commonwealth or of any rules or regulations of the Massachusetts Highway Commission, or of any ordinance or rule or regulation of the City of New Bedford, he shall prohibit the opera¬ tion by the licensee or driver of any vehicle; and there¬ upon he shall notify the City Clerk of his action, stating 69 his reasons, and the City Clerk shall thereupon suspend said license under the provisions of Section 653. SECTION 653. The Board of Aldermen may, with¬ out any notice or hearing, suspend any license issued under the provisions of this ordinance for any cause deemed by them sufficient. In case of the suspension of any license by the Board of Aldermen, or by the City Clerk, the suspension shall be for not more than thirty days. The Board of Aldermen may after notice and hearing, said notice to be mailed to the licensee at the address given by him in his application, not less than five days prior to said hearing, revoke any such license for cause deemed by said Board to be sufficient, and they shall revoke such license if the licensee has been duly convicted in any court of the Commonwealth for the violation of any law of the Commonwealth, or of any rules or regulations of the Massachusetts High¬ way Commission, or ordinances or rules or regulations of the City of New Bedford, if they deem the public safety requires such action. And no new license shall be issued to such licensee until after the expiration of the term for which the revoked license was issued. And in case of the subsequent application for a license by any person whose license has been revoked by the Board of Aldermen, the City Clerk shall not issue the same without referring the application to the Board of Aldermen and a direct order thereon by said Board. SECTION 654. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to prosecute any person whom he deems guilty of one or more infractions of any of the fore¬ going provisions of this ordinance relating to licensed vehicles used for the conveyance of passengers or goods for hire and if the person is found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction, he shall in addition to all other penalties prescribed by law, be punishable for the infraction of the provisions of the ordinances re- 70 lating to Public Vehicles by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for each several infractions. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, May 8, 1919. No. 24. MINOR LICENSES. AN ORDINANCE Amending Section 610 of the Re¬ vised Ordinances of 1916, Relative to Minor Licenses. Be it ordained by the City Council of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 610 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by adding thereto a new para¬ graph, to read as follows: No person shall engage in any of the following named occupations within the limits of the City of New Bed¬ ford, without first having obtained a license or permit therefor from the City Clerk, viz: As an auctioneer (except as provided in Section 6 of Chapter 64, Revised Laws) ; to keep for hire, gain or reward billiard, pool or sippio tables or bowling alleys; to sell, rent or lease firearms; to be a hawker and peddler of fruits and vege¬ tables (unless exempted by law from procuring such license) ; to collect junk, old metals or any second hand articles; to deal in junk, old metals or any second hand articles; as a pawnbroker; to act as a private detective; to keep a public lodging house; to take scallops within the waters of the City of New Bedford; to establish, keep open and maintain a skating rink for the amuse¬ ment of roller skating, and carrousels, inclined rail¬ ways, ferris wheels and outdoor exhibitions of fighting 71 fire for the amusement of the public, for hire, gain or reward; to maintain a vehicle for the sale of food. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, April 26, 1919. No. 25. REGULATING SEWER ASSESSMENTS. AN ORDINANCE Regulating Sewer Assessments. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. To amend Section 592 of the Ordinances of 1916 by changing the eighth word in the third line to “benefited,” the eighth word in the fourth line to “one and one-half,” and the fourth and fifth words in the fifth line to “frontage assessed,” so that the section will now read: ‘ ‘ Seventy-five per cent of the cost of a sewer or drain shall be assessed upon abutting land in proportion to street frontage of the land benefited, but in no case shall such assessment exceed one and one- half dollars per linear foot of frontage assessed. All assessments levied under the provisions of this section shall exempt the land assessed to a depth of fifty feet from further assessment on account of sewers laid in cross streets. Nothing herein contained shall be con¬ strued to change or affect the exempted area under any former method of assessment.” Presented to and approved by the Mayor, May 9, 1919. 72 No. 26. RELATIVE TO FIREWORKS. AN ORDINANCE Repealing an Ordinance Prohibiting the Sale or Use of Fireworks. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. An ordinance prohibiting the sale or use of fireworks, passed to be ordained, June 14, 1918, is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage; Presented to and approved by the Mayor, May 9, 1919. No. 27. MAYOR’S SALARY. AN ORDINANCE Fixing the Salary of the Mayor at $7,500 a Year. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. The Mayor shall receive in full for all services compensation at the rate of seven thousand five hundred dollars per annum. • Section 2. The above to take effect upon its passage. Section 3. Section 21 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances incon¬ sistent herewith are hereby repealed. In Common Council, May 8, 1919. Passed to be ordained. - Frank A. McNulty, President. In Board of Aldermen, May 8, 1919. Passed to be ordained. 73 Chas. S. Ashley, Mayor. Presented to the Mayor for approval, May 9, 1919. City Clerk’s Office, May 20, 1919. The above ordi¬ nance, having been presented to the Mayor for ap¬ proval May 9th, and not having been signed or re¬ turned by him within 10 days, with his objections in writing, is now in full force and effect in accordance with law. W. H. B. Remington, City Clerk. No. 28. RELATIVE TO PUBLIC VEHICLES. AN ORDINANCE Amending an Ordinance Relating to Public Vehicles, Passed by the City Council and Approved by the Mayor, May 8, 1919. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 643 of an ordinance passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor, May 8, 1919, relating to Public Vehicles, is hereby amended by eliminating the last paragraph thereof and by add¬ ing in its place two new paragraphs, viz: “A fee of ten dollars shall be paid to the City Clerk for every license issued to a person to drive a public vehicle licensed under Class B of this ordinance. “Provision- is hereby made for the issue of special employers’ blanket drivers’ licenses, by the City Clerk, to any person, firm or corporation employing, in the aggregate, five or more drivers of public vehicles “licensed under either Class A or Class C of city 74 ordinance passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor, May 8, 1919. Under such blanket license the licensee may employ, in the driving of vehicles licensed under said Class A or Class C, and operated by said licensee, any suitable person, over 21 years of age, unless disapproved by the City Clerk, who pos¬ sesses a chauffeur’s license issued by the Massachusetts Highway Commission and in force at the time of such employment. A fee of ten dollars ($10) shall be charged for each of such special employers’ blanket drivers’ licenses, covering a group of every ten or any part of ten drivers so simultaneously employed. At the time of the issue of such special employers’ blanket drivers’ license, the City Clerk shall issue to the per¬ son, firm or corporation so licensed, without extra cost, specially designed badges, so marked as to indicate the identity of the employing licensee. Each driver em¬ ployed under a license issued under this section shall wear one of the badges herein described while driving any Class A or Class C vehicle as described in said ordi¬ nance. Within three days after the employment of a new driver, by the employer licensed under this sec¬ tion, he shall cause said driver to undergo examination by a representative of the Board of Aldermen, as pro¬ vided in Section 642 of the ordinance, and receive a certificate of fitness from said examiner, which he shall present to the City Clerk, who shall register his name, residence, personal description and the name of his em¬ ployer, and issue to him an identification card, as pro¬ vided in Section 644, which identification card said driver shall carry at all times while engaged in driving a licensed vehicle. No charge shall be made for such examination. The employer to whom such blanket drivers’ license is issued shall be required to keep, in his place of business, a list containing the name, resi¬ dence and a brief personal description of every driver 75 employed under such license, which list shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable times, and a copy of which shall be furnished to the City Clerk upon de¬ mand, ' ’ so that said Section 643, as amended, shall read as follows: Section 643. No license to operate on Routes No. 1 and 2 shall be granted to any person not a resident of New Bedford. No license shall be issued to any person not a citizen of the United States unless such person shall have filed first papers seeking naturalization, or if having filed his first naturalization papers he shall be required to become a citizen of the United States as soon as the law permits. No license shall be issued to any person who is, in the discretion of the City Clerk, physically or mentally unfit, or unable to clearly speak and intelligently write the English language, and who does not also possess a chauffeur’s license issued to him by the Massachusetts Highway Commission and in force at the time when such application is made. The license shall contain the name, place of resi¬ dence, postoffice address of the licensee, a brief per¬ sonal description of the licensee sufficient for identifica¬ tion, including age, height, weight, color of hair, color of eyes, and any peculiarly distinguishing characteris¬ tic. Said license shall state the date of the expiration of the license, which shall be one year from the date of the issuance thereof. “A fee of ten dollars shall be paid to the City Clerk for every license issued to a person to drive a public vehicle licensed under Class B of this ordinance. “Provision is hereby made for the issue of special employers’ blanket drivers’ licenses, by the City Clerk, to any person, firm or corporation employing, in the aggregate, five or more drivers of public vehicles licensed under either Class A or Class C of city ordi- 76 nance passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor, May 8, 1919. Under such blanket license the licensee may employ, in the driving of vehicles licensed under said Class A or Class C, and owned by said licensee, any suitable person, over 21 years of age, un¬ less disapproved by the City Clerk, who possesses a chauffeur’s license issued by the Massachusetts High- wav Commission and in force at the time of such em- ployment. A fee of ten dollars ($10) shall be charged for each of such special employers’ blanket drivers’ licenses, covering a group of every ten or any part of ten drivers so simultaneously employed. At the time of the issue of such special employers’ blanket drivers’ license, the City Clerk shall issue to the person, firm or corporation so licensed, without extra cost, specially designed badges, so marked as to indicate the identity of the employing licensee. Each driver employed under a license issued under this section shall wear one of the badges herein described while driving any Class A or Class C vehicle as described in said ordi¬ nance. Within three days after the employment of a new driver, by the employer licensed under this sec¬ tion, he shall cause said driver to undergo examination by a representative of the Board of Aldermen, as pro¬ vided in section 642 of the ordinance, and receive a certificate of fitness from said examiner, which he shall present to the City Clerk, who shall register his name, residence, personal description and the name of his employer, and issue to him an identification card, as provided in section 644, which identification card said driver shall carry at all times while engaged in driving a licensed vehicle. No charge shall be made for such examination. The employer to whom such blanket drivers’ license is issued shall be required to keep, in his place of business, a list containing the name, resi¬ dence and a brief personal description of every driver employed under such license, which list shall be open 77 to public inspection at all reasonable times, and a copy of which shall be furnished to the City Clerk upon demand. ’ ’ Section 2. Section 638 of an ordinance passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor May 8, 1919, relating to Public Vehicles, is hereby amended by striking out the following clause, beginning in the 23d line thereof, viz:—“A fee of Ten Dollars for each ve¬ hicle license of Class A and B, and a fee of One Dollar for each license of Class C shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance thereof,” and by inserting in place thereof the following paragraph, viz :— 11 The fol¬ lowing fees shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance of any license herein mentioned, viz:—Class A, One Dollar; Class B, Ten Dollars; Class C, One Dol¬ lar,” so that said section 638, as amended, shall read as follows: Section 638. The licenses issued by the City Clerk shall be in such form as shall be approved by the Mayor and Aldermen and shall state the name, place of resi¬ dence, and postoffice address of the licensee, who shall be a resident of the Commonwealth; a brief descrip¬ tion of the vehicle licensed, the serial number of the license, the term of the license, the class of service for which said vehicle is to be used; and in case of vehicles under Class A the stand or stands or the stable, garage, office or other specific place at which persons may en¬ gage the vehicle; and in case of vehicles under Class B the route on which said vehicle is to be used; and such other provisions as the Mayor and Aldermen may from time to time prescribe. Said licenses shall expire on the thirtieth day of April following the issuance there¬ of. The following fees shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance of any license herein mentioned, viz:—Class A, One Dollar; Class B, Ten Dollars; Class C, One Dollar. 78 Vehicles licensed for the transportation of pas¬ sengers, Class A and Class B, shall have a metal seal bearing the words “Licensed Vehicle No.-setting forth the serial number of the license and the date of its expiration, said seal to be attached to the vehicle so that it is conspicuously displayed whenever said ve¬ hicle is being used for hire. Said metal seals shall be furnished bv the City Clerk and a fee of fifty cents shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance of the license. Vehicles licensed under Class B shall at all times when operated under said license carry a sign stating the termini of the route, the fare to be charged and the license number, which sign shall be so printed and attached to the vehicle as to be plainly visible to persons on the street and with a printed sign thereon showing the schedule of service filed and in effect at the time, which sign shall be so printed and attached to the said vehicle as to be plainly visible to passengers boarding such vehicle. The letters and figures contained on the sign shall be not less than 2*4 inches in height and shall have a stroke of not less than one-cpiarter of an inch in width, and shall be subject to the approval of a representative designated by the Board of Aider- men. No other advertising sign of any kind shall be placed or carried on any such vehicles, except as speci¬ fically permitted by the Chief of Police. Vehicles li¬ censed for the transportation of goods, Class C, shall have wagon plates setting forth the serial number of the license and the date of its expiration. Said plates to be conspicuously displayed on each side of the body of the vehicle. Said wagon plates shall be furnished by the City Clerk and a fee of fifty cents shall be paid to the City Clerk before the issuance of the license. The color of said seals and wagon plates shall be changed annually. The license issued for the operation of such vehicles under Class A and B shall designate the number of passengers, exclusive of the operator, the licensee 79 is is authorized to carry in said vehicle, and no person driving or in charge of said vehicle shall take on or suffer to permit any more persons to ride or to be car¬ ried thereon at any one time than the number desig- nated in the license, nor permit any person to stand inside, or to stand or sit upon the running board, step, fender, dash or hood thereof, or to permit any person to ride on such vehicle outside the body thereof; pro¬ vided, however, that in addition to the number of pas¬ sengers which said vehicle, by the terms of its license is permitted to carry, children under seven years of age may be carried therein, in arms, or seated on the laps of parents or adult persons accompanying them, but no passenger with a child in arms or seated on the lap shall be permitted on any front seat of the vehicle. The licensee shall not reconstruct, materially alter, modify or add to the body or seating arrangements of any motor vehicle after the license thereof is issued, without first applying for and receiving the consent of the licensing authorities. No license shall be transferable or applicable to any other motor vehicle than those specified therein, or, in case of vehicles licensed under Class B, or between any other termini or on any other route or routes, provided, however, that the Board of Aldermen may, upon the application filed with the City Clerk, revise said license in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, so that under said license as revised another motor vehicle may be substituted for the one previously cov¬ ered, or either the termini or the route or routes set forth in the license may be changed. The City Clerk shall keep a record of all licenses issued under the provisions of the ordinances relating to public vehicles. Section 3. The City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make a refund to any licensee to whom a Public Vehicle License or a Special Driver’s License 80 has been issued, under the provisions of an ordinance passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor, May 8, 1919, previous to the date when this ordinance becomes effective, upon the receipt of a certificate from the City Clerk setting forth the kind of license and the amount to be refunded, which certificate the City Treasurer shall retain as his voucher for so doing. Section 4. Section 646 of an ordinance passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor, May 8, 1919, relating to Public Vehicles, is hereby repealed. Section 5. Section 647 of an ordinance passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor, May 8, 1919, relative to Public Vehicles, is hereby amended by striking out said section and substituting in place thereof the section following, viz:— Section 647. The fares for the conveyance of pas¬ sengers in licensed vehicles used for the conveyance of passengers for hire, shall be as follows: For vehicles licensed under Class A, for conveying one or more adult passengers from place to place with¬ in the portion of the city described hereafter, the fare shall not exceed fifty cents per passenger, except be¬ tween the hours of nine o’clock P. M. and six o’clock A. M., when the rate shall not exceed seventy-five cents per passenger; for each child between the ages of four and twelve years, one-lialf of the above rates; for chil¬ dren not over four years of age, accompanied by their parents or guardians, no charge; for the charges afore¬ said, each passenger may carry a hat box, grip sack, portmanteau, or other similar article; for one trunk accompanying a passenger, 15 cents; provided, how¬ ever, that the City Council may in its discretion change any or all the rates established in this section and the rates so established shall continue until changed by the City Council. . 81 Maximum hourly rates for the service of vehicles licensed under Class A shall not exceed the following: For shopping trips— 5-passenger car. 7-passenger car. 7-passenger limousine . For running around town 5-passenger car.$2.50 per hour 7-passenger car.$3.00 per hour 7-passenger limousine...$3.50 per hour At the above hourly rates the charge may be the same, whether there is one passenger or whether the entire carrying capacity of the car is used. The City Clerk shall supply rate cards showing plainly the fares which may be charged to owners of all vehicles licensed under Class A and such cards must at all times be displayed in each licensed vehicle of Class A where it can be plainly read by every pas¬ senger. $2.00 per hour $2.50 per hour $3.00 per hour / Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect on its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, July 25, 1919. No. 29. REGULATIONS FOR PAAVNBROKERS, JUNK DEALERS, ETC. AN ORDINANCE Making Regulations as to Pawn¬ brokers and Dealers in Junk, Old Metals and Any Second Hand Articles. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: 82 Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation, holding a license as a pawnbroker, or a license as a dealer in junk, old metals or any second hand articles, granted and issued by the Mayor and Aldermen or by the City Clerk, in accordance with the provisions of law, shall make a daily return to the Chief of Police, on blank forms to be obtained from said chief by said licensee, the form of said blank having first been approved by the Mayor and Aldermen, covering the particulars of all loans, purchases, sales or transactions of any nature involving property pawned, bought, sold or exchanged under said license. It shall be a condition of every license herein mentioned that the licensee shall immedi¬ ately notify the officer in charge of police headquarters of any attempt or suspected attempt on the part of any person entering the licensed premises toward the dis¬ posal of property by pawn, sale, exchange or by any other means, when the attending circumstances indicate any possibility that said property has been stolen, or is unlawfully in the possession of the person offering it for pawn, sale or exchange. Section 2. The holder of a license as a pawnbroker, or the holder of a license to deal in junk, old metals or any second hand articles, shall require the person who pawns, sells or exchanges any property upon the licensed premises to personally sign his name in full, and to add thereto his address in his own handwriting, upon a card which shall be furnished to said licensee by the Chief of Police. The licensee shall thereto add a personal de¬ scription of the person offering any article for pawn, sale or exchange, in form substantially as follows: Complexion, .; height,... ft.; ... in.; Weight .... lbs.; color of hair,.; color of eyes,.; any particularly distinguishing characteristic, . If the person offering said article for pawn, sale or exchange, cannot write, the licensee shall so state on said card, and shall witness his mark in place 83 of the signature required herein. Any person who makes a false statement regarding his inability to write his name, or who writes on the card herein described an address which is not his bona-fide address at the time of so writing, or who makes a false statement to the licensee regarding any of the items of data included in the per¬ sonal description herein required, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars; and any licensed pawnbroker, or licensed dealer in junk, old metals or any second hand articles who knowingly makes, on the card provided as herein mentioned and furnished by the Chief of Police, any false statement as to the inability to write or the personal description of any person who offers any articles for pawn, sale or exchange, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars. The card above described shall be preserved and filed by the licensee, and shall be displayed by him on request of any police officer of the City of New Bedford. Section 3. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceed¬ ing twenty dollars for each offence, and any license as a pawnbroker or as a dealer in junk, old metals or any second hand articles held by him shall forthwith be re¬ voked by the Mayor and Aldermen upon notification of conviction of such violation by the Chief of Police, who is hereby directed to notify the Mayor and Aldermen of every such conviction involving a person, firm or cor¬ poration holding such license from the City of New Bed¬ ford. Section 4. No new license as a pawnbroker, or as a dealer in junk, old metals or any second hand articles shall be granted or issued to a person, firm or corpora¬ tion whose license has been revoked, as set forth in sec¬ tion 3 of this ordinance, or to a firm or corporation in which any person whose license has been so revoked 84 is in any way financially interested, for the period ot' five years following such revocation. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, Sept. 25, 1919. No. 30. ERECTION OF GARAGES. AN ORDINANCE Regarding the Erection or Conver¬ sion of a Building for Use as a Garage. Be it ordained by the City Council of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. No building shall be erected or converted for use as a Garage within the limits of the City of New Bedford until a petition, signed by the owner thereof, or his agent, has been granted and approved by the Mayor and Aldermen and a permit therefor has been issued by the City Clerk; and such grant and ap¬ proval shall be subject to compliance by the owner thereof, or his agent, with all the requirements of the building laws and ordinances of the city. Section 2. Every petition for the erection or con¬ version of a building for use as a Garage within the limits of the City of New Bedford shall be filed in the office of the Inspector of Buildings. Under the direction of the Inspector of Buildings a plan shall be drawn to scale, showing the ground, size and shape of the build¬ ing, the location of the building with relation to the street, its location upon the lot on which it is now located or is to be built, the structures on this and sev¬ eral adjoining lots, and the names of the owners of all the several lots of land included in the plan. 85 Section 3. The Inspector of Buildings and the Chief of the Fire Department shall investigate and report in writing, to the Mayor and Aldermen, whether or not, in their judgment, the location of the garage, as peti¬ tioned for, is consistent with public interests and wel¬ fare ; they may recommend any change which in the opinion of either of them will better serve the public interest or welfare, clearly noting and indicating such changes on the plan referred to in Section 2. Section 4. The petition, report of the Inspector of Buildings and the report of the Chief of the Fire De¬ partment, accompanied by the plan hitherto referred to, and by one blue print copy of said plan, shall be filed with the Inspector of Buildings in the office of the City Clerk, and the City Clerk shall submit the same to the Mayor and Aldermen at the next meeting of said Board following such filing. Upon the action of the Mayor and Aldermen on said petition, the City Clerk shall issue a permit in accordance with such action, accompanying the same by the blue print copy of the plan herein mentioned, or shall notify the petitioner of the refusal of the Mayor and Aider- men to grant said petition, as the case may be. Section 5. The Inspector of Buildings, at the time of filing in his office of any petition for the erection or conversion of a building to be used as a Garage, shall collect a fee of Five Dollars to cover the cost of pre¬ paring plans, inspection and clerical service, which said fee shall be turned into the City Treasury forthwith. Section 6. Any permit issued under the provisions of this ordinance shall not in any way relieve the owner of any building to be erected or converted for use as a Garage, or his agent, from securing a permit from the Superintendent of Buildings as required by the building 86 code and set forth particularly in sections 141 to 162 of the Ordinances of 1916, or any amendment thereof. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect on the first day of January in the year 1920. */ «/ «/ Presented to and approved by the Mayor, Dec. 12, 1919. No. 31. FIRE DEPARTMENT. AN ORDINANCE Amending Section 382, Revised Ordi¬ nances of 1916, to Provide for a Fourth Assistant Engineer of the Fire Department. Be it ordained by the Citv Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 382 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by inserting in the third line thereof, the words “and fourth/’ so that said section shall read as follows : ‘ 1 Section 382. Annually in the month of April, the City Council shall elect, in con¬ vention, a chief, and a first, second, third and fourth assistant engineer of the fire department.” Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, May 13, 1920. No. 32. BIDS AND CONTRACTS. AN ORDINANCE Amending Sections 466 and 468 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Bedford as follows: 87 Section 1. Section 466 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by crossing out the words “one hundred dollars’ 7 in the third line thereof, and inserting the words “two hundred dollars”; so that said section shall read: “Section 466. All contracts made by the City Council, or either branch thereof, or by any department, board or committee, if the cost ex¬ ceeds two hundred dollars, shall be in writing, signed for and in behalf of the city by the Mayor and by the chairman of the board or committee or head of the department having the matter in charge, except as is otherwise provided.” Section 2. Section 468 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916, is hereby amended by substituting for the word “one” in the second line thereof, the word “two,” so that said section, as amended, shall read as follows: “Section 468. In all contracts made by any depart¬ ment, board or committee where the cost exceeds two hundred dollars, competitive bids shall be obtained as hereinafter provided. This provision shall be strictly construed to apply to all contracts in which the city is a party, except as follows: (a) Where, by reason of lat¬ ent rights or copyrights, fair and reasonable competi¬ tion cannot be obtained, (b) Where, by reason of nat¬ ural or actual monopoly, fair and reasonable competi- tion cannot be obtained, (c) In case of emergency, where promx^t action is required for the preservation of life, or the protection of proxmrt}^. (d) In case of election printing, where, in the ox3inion of the City Clerk, competition is not advisable, (e) Where, by reason of the peculiar or special nature of the article to be purchased, or work to be done, fair and reason¬ able competition cannot be obtained.” Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. 88 Presented to and approved by the Mayor, May 14, 1920. No. 33. RANKING OF POLICEMEN. AN ORDINANCE Amending Section 404 of the Re¬ vised Ordinances of 1916, Relative to the Ranking of Police Officers. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of New Bedford as follows: Section 1. Section 404 of the Revised Ordinances of 1916 is hereby amended by the insertion, after the word “named” in the fourth line thereof, of the words “ except that the rank of lieutenants and inspectors shall be the same,’ 7 so that said Section 404, as amend¬ ed, shall read as follows, viz: Section 404. The police department shall consist of a chief, deputy chief, cap¬ tains, chief inspector, lieutenants, inspectors, clerk, and sergeants, who shall rank in the order named, except that the rank of lieutenants and inspectors shall be the same, and such other officers as may be designated by the mayor. The number of employes in the depart¬ ment shall be determined by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. All appointees to the police force shall, be¬ fore entering upon their duties, be sworn to the faithful discharge thereof. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, Oct. 28, 1920. 89 REGULATION. CITY OF NEW BEDFORD, In Board of Aldermen. Dec. 13, 1918. Ordered, That in conformity with the direction of the Supervisor of Loan Agencies, and in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 727, Acts of 1911, the rates of interest fixed by the Mayor and Aldermen June 12, 1913, to be charged upon loans made by pawn¬ brokers be and the same are hereby amended to include the following provision, viz: That the interest charged for monev loaned on United States Libertv Bonds shall */ t, not exceed one per cent per month. In Board of Aldermen,. Adopted. Dec. 13, 1918. Presented to and approved by the Mayor, Dec. 14, 1918.