UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN No. 197 A STUDY OF THE RATE AND ECONOMY OF GAINS OF FATTENING STEERS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE INFLUENCE OF THE AMOUNT AND THE CHARACTER OF FEED CONSUMED BY H. W. MUMFORD, H. S. GRINDLEY, A. D. EMMETT, AND SLEETER BULL URBANA, ILLINOIS, MARCH, 1917 CONTENTS OP BULLETIN No. 197 PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION 567 2. THE EXPERIMENT 567 3. AMOUNTS OF FEEDS CONSUMED 569 4. TOTAL DRY SUBSTANCE CONSUMED 575 5. DIGESTIBLE DRY SUBSTANCE CONSUMED 577 6. DIGESTIBLE CRUDE PROTEIN CONSUMED 577 7. NET ENERGY CONSUMED 580 8. WEIGHTS AND GAINS v 584 9. INFLUENCE OF AMOUNT OF EATION UPON THE ECONOMY OF GAINS 589 10. INFLUENCE OF CHARACTER OF FEED UPON THE ECONOMY OF GAINS 592 11. SUMMARY 600 12. CONCLUSIONS . 603 A STUDY OF THE RATE AND ECONOMY OF GAINS OF FATTENING STEERS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE INFLUENCE OF THE AMOUNT AND THE CHARACTER OF FEED CONSUMED BY H. W. MUMFORD, CHIEF IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY H. S. GRINDLEY, CHIEF IN ANIMAL NUTRITION A. D. EMMETT, ASSISTANT CHIEF IN ANIMAL NUTRITION SLEETER BULL, ASSOCIATE IN ANIMAL NUTRITION 1 This bulletin is one of a series reporting the findings of an in- vestigation in regard to the effect of variations in the amount and character of feed consumed upon the nutrition of two-year-old steers. It gives the results relating to the effect upon the rate and economy of gains: (1) of variations in the amount of feed consumed ranging from maintenance to full feed rations; (2) of variations in the pro- portions of roughage and concentrates in the ration; and (3) of the substitution of a nitrogenous concentrate for a part of the grain of a ration of clover hay and ground corn in the ratio of 1 to 5. THE EXPERIMENT The Animals. The animals used were sixteen two-year old high- grade Hereford steers grading as choice feeders and weighing from 750 to 1,000 pounds. These animals were selected from the same herd and were similar in breeding. From birth to the time of purchase they had been treated very much alike. During a period of about two months preliminary to the experiment, they were kept in paved lots with access to open sheds. During the experiment proper, which be- gan May 27, 1908, and ended February 10, 1909, a period of thirty- seven weeks, eight of the steers were kept in ordinary stalls on con- crete floors, well bedded with pine shavings. The other eight steers were kept in digestion and metabolism stalls, and the digestibility of their rations was determined during the thirty-seven weeks of the ex- periment. 2 Each steer was weighed daily at 2 p. m. Rations and Feeds. During the first month of the period prelimi- nary to the experiment the ration consisted of corn silage, clover hay, l The authors take pleasure in acknowledging their great indebtedness to Pro- fessors L. D. Hall and H. O. Allison for their generous and helpful cooperation and assistance in the planning and conducting of this investigation. =111. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 172 (1914). 567 568 BULLETIN No. 197 [March, and alfalfa hay. At the beginning of the second month ground corn was added to the ration, and the feeding of alfalfa was discontinued. Four days later the feeding of corn silage was discontinued. During the first twenty-two weeks of the experiment proper the ration con- sisted of clover hay and ground corn, and during the last fifteen weeks, of clover hay, ground corn, and linseed oil meal. Half an ounce of salt, given daily, was taken very consistently by all of the steers. Water also was given twice daily, and an exact record was kept of the amounts drunk. The steers were fed twice daily, the rations for each feeding be- ing weighed out a week in advance. The refused feed, or "orts," was collected every day and the amount deducted in computing the amount of feed consumed. To determine the effect of variations in the amount of feed con- sumed, the sixteen steers were divided into four lots of four animals each, and each lot was given thruout the experiment an amount of feed different from that received by the other lots. One was given just enoiigh feed to maintain the weights of the steers about constant; another, as much as the steers would eat readily ; another, an amount of feed equal to the maintenance ration plus one-third of the differ- ence between the maintenance and the full-feed rations ; and another, an amount equal to the maintenance ration plus two-thirds of the difference between the maintenance and the full-feed rations. In this bulletin the first of the above-described lots has been designated as the "maintenance" lot; the second, as the "full-feed" lot; the third, as the "one-third-feed" lot; and the fourth, as the "two-thirds-feed" lot. Beginning with the 31st week, two steers each from the mainte- nance, the one-third-, and the two-thirds-feed lots were gradually put on a full-feed ration and continued thus until the end of the experi- ment. The lots were as similar as possible in regard to age, condition, and breeding of the animals. However, there was some difference in the initial weights of the lots, as shown m Table 12, page 586. To determine the effect of variations in the proportions of rough- age to concentrates in the ration upon the rate and efficiency of gains, and the effect of the introduction of linseed oil meal into the ration, the experiment was divided into five experimental periods. During the first experimental period the ration consisted of clover hay and ground corn in equal amounts; during the second, of one part of clover hay and three parts of ground corn ; during the third, of one part of clover hay and five parts of ground corn; and during the fourth and fifth, of one part of clover hay, four parts of ground corn, and one part of linseed oil meal. Thus the proportion of concentrates was gradually increased up to the third experimental period, and then maintained constant to the end of the experiment. These changes in the ration made from one experimental period to another were effected [1917 ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 569 very gradually in transitional periods. The first and third transi- tional periods were each two weeks in length; and the second and fourth, three weeks each in length. Table 1 gives the division of the experiment into periods and the proportion of roughage to concen- trates fed in each. TABLE 1. DIVISION OF EXPERIMENT INTO PERIODS, AND EATIOS OF HAY, CORN, AND LINSEED MEAL IN EATIONS Experimental period Experimental weeks Number of weeks in period Eatio of hay to corn to linseed meal 1 1-5 5 1:1:0 2 8-13 6 1:3:0 3 17-22 6 1:5:0 4 25-30 6 1:4:1 5 34-37 4 1:4:1 As previously stated, the digestibility of the rations of two steers of each lot was determined continuously for the thirty-seven weeks of the experiment. A detailed description, of the equipment, the meth- ods of weighing, sampling, and analyzing the feeds, and the collection, sampling, and analyzing of the refused feed and feces are given in Bulletin 172 of this station. AMOUNTS OF FEEDS CONSUMED The amounts of feeds consumed by each steer per period are given in Table 2. The average amounts of feeds consumed daily by each steer are given in Table 3. The average weights of feeds consumed daily per lot are given in Table 4. As previously noted, the refused feed, or orts, from the last feed- ing was cleaned out before each feeding and weighed. It was assumed that the feeds were present in the orts in the same proportions as in the ration. Accordingly, the amount of each feed refused was cal- culated from these data. Altho this is not strictly accurate, yet, in- asmuch as the amount of orts was usually small, only a slight error was thus introduced. The amount of each feed refused, subtracted from the amount of that feed offered, gave the amount of each feed actually consumed. Maintenance Lot. While it was planned originally to give the maintenance steers just enough feed to keep their weights practically constant, yet for various reasons this plan was not strictly followed and the animals of this lot made considerable gain during Periods 1, 4, and 5, altho they were practically on a maintenance ration during Periods 2 and 3. During the first period of the experiment (weeks 1-5), the ration consisted of 5.5 pounds of ground corn and the same amount of hay per day. The amount of corn was increased gradually 570 BULLETIN No. 197 [March, while the hay was decreased during the first transitional period (weeks 67), so that during the second experimental period (weeks 813) the steers received an average of 2.2 pounds of hay and 6.6 pounds of corn per head per day. During the second transitional period (weeks 14-16) the amount of hay was reduced still further while the corn was increased, so that during the third experimental period (weeks 17-22) the steers received an average of 1.4 pounds of hay and 6.8 pounds of corn per day per head. During the third transitional period (weeks 23-24) old-process linseed meal was gradually substituted for an equal amount of corn in the ration. During the fourth experimental period (weeks 25-30) the steers consumed 1.4 pounds of hay, the same amount of linseed meal, and 5.4 pounds of corn per head daily. In the fourth transitional period (weeks 31-33) Steers 653 and 650 were gradually placed upon a full-feed ration, so that during the fifth test period (weeks 34-37) they consumed 2.9 pounds of hay, the same amount of linseed meal, and 11.7 pounds of corn per head daily. Steers 656 and 658 which were continued on maintenance consumed 1.3 pounds of hay, the same amount of linseed meal, and 5.3 pounds of corn during this period. One-Third-Feed Lot. The steers of this lot were started on 7.9 pounds of ground corn per day per head and the same amount of hay. During the first transitional period the hay was decreased and the corn increased, so that during the second experimental period they consumed an average of 3.7 pounds of hay and 11.2 pounds of corn per head daily. During the second transitional period the hay was decreased still further and the corn was increased, so that during the third period the steers consumed an average of 2.2 pounds of hay and 11.1 pounds of corn daily. In the third transitional period linseed meal was substituted for some of the corn in the ration, so that dur- ing the fourth experimental period the steers consumed an average of 2.1 pounds of hay, 8.5 pounds of corn, and 2.1 pounds of linseed meal per head daily. In the fourth transitional period the rations of Steers 667 and 666 were gradually increased to full feed, so that during Period 5 they consumed 3.2 pounds of hay, the same amount of lin- seed meal and 12.7 pounds of corn per head daily. Steers 669 and 662 consumed 2.2 pounds of hay, the same amount of linseed meal, and 8.7 pounds of corn in this period. Two-Thirds-Feed Lot. The steers of this lot consumed an aver- age of 10.3 pounds of hay and the same amount of corn per head daily during the first experimental period. During the first transitional period the hay was decreased and the corn increased, so that during the second experimental period the steers consumed an average of 5.3 pounds of hay and 15.8 pounds of corn per head daily. During the second transitional period the proportion of corn to hay was increased Still further, so .that during the third .experimental jp.eriod .the s.tejers [1917 ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 571 consumed an average of 3.1 pounds of hay and 15.5 pounds of corn per head daily. As was the case in the other lots, some of the corn was replaced by linseed meal during the third transitional period, so that during the fourth experimental period the steers consumed an average of 2.9 pounds of hay, 11.5 pounds of corn, and 2.9 pounds of linseed meal per head daily. During the fourth transitional period Steers 668 and 652 were gradually placed upon a full-feed ration, so that during Period 5, Steer 668 consumed 3.5 pounds of hay, 13.9 pounds of corn, and 3.5 pounds of linseed meal. Steer 652 went off feed and was removed at the end of the 34th week. Steers 665 and 657 in this period consumed 3.0 pounds of hay, 12.1 pounds of corn, and 3.0 pounds of linseed meal. Full-Feed Lot. During the first experimental period the steers of the full-feed lot consumed an average of 12.1 pounds of hay and the same amount of corn per head daily. As in the other lots, their hay was decreased and their corn was increased during the first transi- tional period, so that during the second experimental period they con- sumed an average of 6.4 pounds of hay and 19.4 pounds of corn per head daily. During the second transitional period the proportion of hay in the ration was decreased, so that during the third experimental period the steers consumed an average of 3.5 pounds of hay and 17.6 pounds of corn per head daily. It will be noted that not only less roughage but also less grain was consumed in Period 3 than in Period 2. We are unable to explain why the steers did not eat more at this time, as they were given all the feed they would consume. The effect of this apparent slump in the appetites of the full-feed steers was transmitted to the one-third- and two-thirds-feed lots, as their rations were based upon the feed consumption of the maintenance and full- feed steers as already explained. During the third transitional period linseed meal was introduced into the ration and the amount of corn was decreased, so that during the fourth experimental period the steers consumed an average of 3.5 pounds of hay, 14.2 pounds of corn, and 3.5 pounds of linseed meal per head daily. Steers 663 and 659 went off feed so badly that Steer 663 was removed at the end of the 30th week and Steer 659 at the end of the 33d week. As a matter of fact, the amounts and proportions of the feeds offered the full-feed lot were not far different from what would have been offered them in a practical feeding operation conducted under the same conditions, altho in most instances the consumption of con- centrates in the latter part of the fattening period would have been greater in practical feeding operations. 572 BULLETIN No. 197 [March, QQ w - 5j H 5| SI tl 00 O o "cS o .9 a 3 > r^ rq-2 a c o o o w . . . oo o oo * ' to t>" eg' ; ; 10 co co 10 to oo to TH oo co eg rH 10 b- b- oo os oo oo eg TH to IH eg eg eg rH 10 tH tO OS rH 00 O OS eg co t- to b- rH OS OS U5 IO CO b- rH 1C . . . exi o co . CO t-' CO . >o co co rH IO to oo o o oo 10 0> o> -u 02 eg to TH co b- os OS 00 OS CO TH OO rH eg eg eg IH 10 r-i to to oo eg o TH eg 10 oo oo b- t- OS OS IO O CO t~ rH iO eg b- b- ! 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OS O OO CO O t~ O CO iH CO t^ O OO : I to CD O oq O IO t~ Tti oq co i i co CO CD OS CO 1 1 rH O OO OS t~ IO t^ CO CD OS OO O OS CO CO CO i-H 00 Oi 01 10 CO - co os oq * o oq oq os OS * >O co t- 00 CO i-H rH rH OS CO Oq t- OO co oq O OJ Tjt O O * CD oo oq co t- 10 oq i-H I-H oq t~ co oq oq co o 10 eo oq eo i-H oq' co eo' co ' rH rfl -2 ^ * B? o S 1-H CO IO Tfl TfH O O O rH rH O O O i-H rH i-H CO >O -* * i-H CO IO TjH T}< 3 1 oS -+J w la 1 co oq o t^ 10 i i oq co co I-H OO t- IO 4* rH Oq CO co oq O t^ IO rH Oq CO CO rH OO t- IO -^ rH Oq CO eo oq o t~ 10 I-H oq co co rH 00 t~ IO 4l rH O4 CO co oq o t~ rH OO t- IO 'T I-H oq co o 1 fH rH Oq CO ^ IO rH Oq CO -^ IO rH oq CO * IO rH oq co * w 574 BULLETIN NO. 197 [March, 3 03 0} .a s . . . m b- . . . iq t- " ' co' co' ! 3* 1 1 s O CO CM OS b- H CO CO i-l O 28 M Ol b- TJH in -i t 1 1 1 I 1 II i H i| g ^ o in co in b- 5 3- M CO CO CO CO -1 s 9 r3 o cj CO O CO Cd 00 O a M 13 G oi co' nd ' a Iff O} Ci "^ b* O P 1 p s o in m T-H cq 3 b o -1 O > O5 CO i-l CO " rt 0) 1 00 OC| Od CM O5 OO (M t-H in CO S /g ) cfi 3 co 'i H rH n 28 b- iH r-t OO OO iH i-l to > !! ji 5 3 H H > ^ r2 rfl OO ^^ CO CO b 00 t-; Od rH r- t-^ CO C<1 C<> od * in o .S } s CO q o> 5 DJ r "o 0) r-j m o5 CO PN rH Cvl CO * m '8 1 [1917 ECONOMY OP FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 575 TOTAL DRY SUBSTANCE CONSUMED Inasmuch as all the feeds were analyzed chemically every week, data are available from which the consumption of total dry substance may be calculated. These results, calculated on the basis of 1000 pounds live weight, are given in Table 5. An inspection of this table shows that altho there was considerable variation in the consumption of dry substance by the steers of the same lot, yet the differences be- tween lots were much greater than the individual differences within the lots. It is of interest to compare the consumption of dry substance with the amounts prescribed by the Wolff -Lehmann feeding standard 1 for maintenance and fattening of cattle. For maintenance, these feeding standards call for 18 pounds of dry substance per 1000 pounds live weight daily. The average consumption of dry substance by the four maintenance steers of this experiment varied from 8.0 pounds to 11.3 pounds, or approximately from one-half to two-thirds of the amount prescribed by the standard. During Periods 2 and 3, when the steers were practically on maintenance, the consumption of dry substance was 8 to 9 pounds. The Wolff -Lehmann feeding standard recommends from 26 to 30 pounds of dry substance for a 1000-pound fattening steer. The steers of the full-feed lot consumed on the average from 13.4 to 22.1 pounds of dry substance, or approximately one-half to two-thirds of the amounts prescribed in the standards. From this it seems safe to con- clude that the Wolff -Lehmann standards for dry substance are un- necessarily high in the cases of maintenance and fattening cattle. Of course, if large amounts of less digestible feeds, such as the roughages, are used they are more nearly correct, but even then they remain too high. Henry and Morrison 2 have recently published modifications of the Wolff-Lehmann standards for maintenance of cattle and for fat- tening of two-year-old steers. They recommend 13 to 21 pounds of dry substance for maintenance, as compared with the amounts used in this experiment, 8.0 to 11.3 pounds. For fattening two-year-old steers on full feed they recommend the following amounts of dry substance : First 50 - 60 days 22.0 - 25.0 Ibs. Second 50-60 days 21.0-24.0 Ibs. Third 50 - 60 days 18.0 - 22.0 Ibs. Comparing these values with those given in Table 5, it is seen that the steers in this experiment made good gains on considerably less dry substance than prescribed by the Henry-Morrison standards. J Henry and Morrison: Feeds and Feeding, 15th ed., (1915), page 667; or Bull: Principles of Feeding Farm Animals, (1916), page 355. "Feeds and Feeding, 15th ed., (1915), page 671 ? 576 BULLETIN No. 197 [Marcft, Average CD t- -^ CO ?. rH O OJ O cq in eo o o oi i-H rH i-H rH Average cq co cq o oj rH CO CD Cq CO cq" o in T)5 co' Cq cq rH rH rH S 00 * 00 co o oo oo cq s in ^j* in cq oj -t-5 O rH- -M CO CQ TJH co o oj' oJ rH rH i-H "o 2 CO 02 cq cq t> in co cq cq rH I-H I-H T3 CD r* rH m O> in oj Tj< co in OO Cq i-l O CO ^ M ^ O 00 rH in OO O in 00 T* rH i "3 _ -4-3 CO 02 ^* CO i-H C^ OJ l-H rH rH rH 02 * rH C^ ^* ^^ CO Cq OJ rH rH rH 2 M I CD PI O feco l 02 o cq o o oj in co I-H o co' rH i-H rH rH rH * CD CO O) CO t- CO OO OJ in oo oq in rH OO' CO" rH * OJ r-l rH i-H n i "i P OJ 1=1 g Sfc t- cq co to oo o oo t^ cq oj &OJ Mj t^ CO CO n ( 1 i 4-s CD 02 to co o o co rH rH rH rH rH co o co in oq oq I-H I-H if a s CD bO i cq oo ^ K^ so co oo o ff) oq i-5 oo' oo' t>: t-! 3 I-H in m CD in OJ in O rH CO oo' t-^ rj5 cq I-H s tH - ^ 4 S - a 5 * P | o ^ m rH t~ cq t~ OJ t- t>- tO i-H o oo t>^ t-^ t-^ -4-2 o fet- 35 m --a CO co oo cq oo * cq co t-; cs oj t-I CO CO' r-5 O 1 i a S S e- 3 rH 1 ^ c s> 1 " CD OJ '^ CO ^4 Oq i-H i-H rH rH S *2 CD to CM CO ni co oa Hi |S OS rH CO OS OO in O rH OO in flj Oi OS rH OO TH CD rH CO TH 9 4 I 02 r-l r-l rH is TH CO rH rH rH i-H i-H r-l 3 H * 3 s * S v O > ft ? a S) 1 Tj( O Tj< CO OS 00 OS CO CO_ CD t-^ co co' CD in 0) be i 8 I b- 00 CO TH rH O O CO rH CO oa oi o os 06 rH rH rH o B i passaadx o m OO S 10 00 b- (M CD -* in t-; I-H o m t^ CD co' CD in o Hi tw ^ o 10 +j CD 00 CO b- O OS rH O CM rH CO rH rH i-H O OO' OO' rH rH rH in to 1 otT 9 5 * I 1 2 ^-^ intenance feto 33 10 -M CO 02 in rjf o os in OS rH CD CO 00 b-' t-^ to to in rhirds-Fee feio 4^ 02 IO b- IO b- rH O OS CM O in CM rH O OS OO rH i-H rH to CO CO*' CO CD >t I i i feo o> m -w CD 02 CO OO b- in TjH b- o in Tt< oo tJ t-^ CD co' o rH 6 H 11 oo in b- co co os oo os oq b- i-5 rH OS OO OS rH r-l CD 0*" in CD eo" ! l i S3 o> in b- i-i in CM oo O CO O * OS o> oo CO Oq rH b- O CM CM O CM CO to 2 00 CD CD CO rH -M CO CO CO i-H O O "of M " ^ | ^CC i I 1 4 CS O .rH a M a 6 11 s| rH CO in * * i-H rH rH rH rH rH CO m TH TH rH I-H rH I-H rH A p=a * TH CO O oJ- CO CO CO S 0) e 0-2 rrj rrj rrj g g I i * -4J 1 1 CO (M O b- in rH cq co co rH OO b- in TH rH (M CO CO CM O b- in rH CM CO CO rH 00 b- in TH rH N CO o ns T3 TJ a, r> t* t* 1 2* S S S g C.J O O ^ t3 .2 5 I-H - CD IO Oi Oi TH CD CO CO OS O !>. TH O OS OO in CO 3 02 ooooo U O 02 rH O O rH rH TS CO r* fe ^ h a EH m OS co 4J CO 02 TH OS CO O OO i>- co in o os O O* O rH O* l-l "3 fe i-H co +-> CO 02 co m in os TH OS OO CD CO CO O o' O i-H rH i P O fe CD co -M CO 02 (M l^ TH OS TH oo cq in os co O O O O rH h ^ CO TH m co os . O OO CO i-H 13 .S CO PH .g gt- co -w co 02 TH rH CO CQ C^l oo t in o TH O' O O rH rH Jl 00 t~ in rH . o oo t- in rH O O r-i ' CO CO 3 o be 03 Ej O TH OS rH lj^) CO TH CO OO t~ 8. S o in m oo Jo OS OO CO rH i-H CO 4 OOOOO 1 O O O rH rH 0) P - ^ 0) 00 m -w co 02 OO CO t- OO TH in TH co t t 4* O t^ m -*J CO 02 CQ OS CO OS rH 00 t-. CO O rH O o' O i-H i-H in CO a 03 o n ed 4 o) CO in in m o oq t~ CO TH TH 00 t~ r o 03 fe m co o t- t~ o in OS OO CD (M rH CO CO P) 5 -*j a 02 * ooooo ,5 02 O O O rH rH CO t-T a Jl CO TH O CO t- in TH TH OO TH 6 Vi H 00 rH O (M i-H OO OO CO i-H CO O O O r-i rH CO cT m CD cr -, fl) CO m (M N t~ CO CO CO TH CO OO CO fe 00 co oo co os co m OS OS CO CO TH CD M 02 0000 rH 02 O O O rH rH CO CO OJ QO O o 03 4i co S g 'o 2S232 O O O i-H i-H rH CO U5 TH TH 5^3 rt TH co o aT CO CO CO f-i CO o o o ~*^ Is fl fl a jj en -M CO W | +i as co cxi co co OS O I t 1C rH <1 05 (M as t- cxi ic co as t~ cxi -^ oo rH * CO OS rH CXI 1C 1C I 1 CO s oo as as oo t- "o co c co TJ< ca rH rH i-H i-H rH 0> s r-t ^ ^f t^ 1C I-H Tj< CO t- CO ^t< t~ H-l 05 IH ^_, CO O 1C CXI CD Tj* cxi t~ cxi as h t/3 oo as as co co CXI CO O CXI i 1 g 13 03 p O k Oi CO -4-J tO OQ co o t~ t~ as Tj( OO OO CO Tt* as as co' oo i-i i-H i| OS t~ CO CXI 5O CO 1C 1C (M* CO' rH O * rH iH rH rH " m l> 05 CO CXI rH C CO O3 1C O 00 1C t~ !& CXJ CXI CO rH CO t~ CO CO rH O t~ Tj< O rn 05 1C t- as ic co oo rH 1C 1C CO 00 = 1 -jj CD OQ t~ t- CO CO CD H I s I-H cxi i-i o as rH rH rH rH ee So oo ic co as co as as t~ ic cxi H &fc 1C 1C CD O t- O C\J rH OS CM 4J CO OQ CD CO CO CO' CXI rH ^ 1C rH CXI rH OS i-H i-H i-H rH rH is co co ^^ t> as rH Tjf rH CO CO S^ CO CXI CO Cd rH i-l OS CO O CO rH -i-J gQ t- O CO D CXI rH CO CXI rH CXI H o 2*3 o i-H CO 1C * * rH CO iC ^ ^ rH i M 1 1 CO (M O t~ 1C rH (M CO CO rH CO t~ 1C 4< rH CXI CO CO (M O t- rH Cxi CO .2 E B rH (jq CO * 1C rH Cxi CO * 1C si I j <> o| t^ ft "a a S . > > > H g g S S S g [1917 ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOB FATTENING STEERS 583 I to co b- TH co HH OS OO rH ^ OS OS OO' OO b-^ f bD a K V iC 1C 1C * to O CO Tt< ^H CO CO' CO rH tH O co 02 1C b- rH EJ g 5 61 t* M O ^ ' intenance a! co ^ CO rH OS OO 1C. CO O CO rH rhirds-Fee fe 1C S to +J CO 02 1C CO tO OO OO CO CO OS kC OS rH Ud O OS' 00 rH rH rH 1 r*l - ' 'w o> . < .rH * -r o i 25 w 1 feo b- O . rH < P ^ I -2 CO 02 b- t- t- CO (M rH S c 02 50 rH co 1C O -<*l CO tO CO 00 -C fe 00 CO rH b- > > _ S S S o g 4> PH rH C UPPP 584 BULLETIN No. 197 [March, TABLE 11. SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIONS UPON THE ENERGY REQUIREMENTS OF CATTLE (Results expressed in therms of net energy per 1000 pounds live weight) Condition No. of No. of N et enei gy Investigator of animals ani- mals trials Maxi- mum Mini- mum Aver- age Remarks Arms by and fries Kellner Thin }) 3 7 7 7 7.06 7.32 4.86 5.31 6.11 6.20 Respiration experiment Respiration experiment Armsby n 3 10 7.60 6.62 7.02 Respiration experiment ; Armsby 3 3 6.26 4.88 5.62 fed roughage Respiration experiment; Haecker )> 8 5 6.45 5.30 5.71 fed much grain Live-weight experiment Eward 3 3 7.85 6.45 7.18 Live-weight experiment Evvard 1 1 8.09 Live-weight experiment Trowbridge et al. Trowbridge et al. Trowbridge et al. Kellner > > Good Fat Fat 10 7 4 8 13 9 5 3 7.84 8.68 6.73 9.58 5.31 6.28 6.05 7.75 6.55 7.42 6.39 8.59 Live-weight experiment Live-weight experiment Live-weight experiment Respiration experiment Evvard Partly fat 3 3 10.62 8.15 9.07 Live-weight experiment Average Thin 33 49 6.46 Weighted Average Good and fat 17 20 7.59 Weighted Average All 50 69 .... ... 6.78 Weighted WEIGHTS AND GAINS The steers of each lot were weighed individually at 2 p. m. every day of the experiment. The weights of the steers at the beginning of each period and at the end of the experiment are given in Table 12. The initial weights of Period 1 and the final weights of Period 4 are the averages of the first seven days and the last seven days, respect- ively, of the experiment. The other weights are the averages of five daily weights the last two days of the preceding transitional period and the first three days of the test period under consideration. The initial weights of the steers were quite variable, ranging from 762 pounds for Steer 653 of the maintenance lot to 1010 pounds for Steer 657 of the two-thirds-feed lot. There was also considerable varia- tion between the averages of the different lots themselves, the main- tenance lot weighing 814 pounds ; the one-third-feed lot, 873 pounds ; the two-thirds-feed lot, 897 pounds ; and the full-feed lot, 926 pounds. These variations in weight may have had some influence upon the re- sults of the experiment. The individual gains, the average gains per lot, and the total gains per lot, for each period and for the entire experiment are pre- sented in Table 13. The average daily gains are shown in Table 14. Altho it was the original intention to keep the weight of the main- tenance lot practically constant, yet considerable gain was made from the beginning to the end of the experiment. However, these steers [1917 ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 585 were practically on a maintenance ration during Periods 2 and 3. Beginning with the 31st week, Steers 653 and 650 of the maintenance lot, Steers 667 and 666 of the one-third-feed lot, and Steers 668 and 652 of the two-thirds-feed lot were gradually put on a full-feed ration. Consequently, their gains for the last period of the experiment were as a rule much greater than those of their respective lot mates. Disregarding the maintenance lot for obvious reasons, it is seen that the rate of gain with the exception of Steer 667 decreased regu- larly from Period 1 to Period 4, when linseed meal was introduced into the ration. After the introduction of the linseed meal, the gains increased considerably but again decreased in Period 5. In this re- spect the steers behaved in accordance with the prevalent idea of practical feeders regarding the addition of a nitrogenous concentrate near the end of the fattening period. As might naturally be expected, the steers on the larger rations made greater gains than those on the small rations, the average daily gains for the various lots being as follows: maintenance lot, 0.70 pound; one-third-feed lot, 1.32 pounds; two-thirds-feed lot, 1.79 pounds; and full-feed lot, 2.13 pounds. It should be remembered, however, that Steers 653, 650, 667, 666, 668, and 652 were on full feed in Period 5. A study of the data also shows that the individual daily gains of the steers of each lot for the entire experiment were quite uniform except in the case of the maintenance lot, in which two steers received considerably more feed than the others, as explained else- where. The data also show that the gains in each period were de- pendent upon the amount of feed consumed, altho in a few cases the individual gains of one lot overlap those of another lot. Considering the length of the feeding period and the amounts of feeds consumed, the full-feed lot made especially good gains in spite of the fact that two of the steers were in the digestion stalls contin- uously during the experiment. Also, the two-thirds-feed lot made fairly good gains for a feeding period of this length, 259 days. As a matter of fact, these steers made as good gains as the full-feed steers in Periods 1 and 3. The gains of the one-third-feed lot, of course, were smaller than one would expect in practical fattening. The question naturally arises as to what effect the digestion and metabolism experiment had upon the gains of the steers confined in the metabolism stalls. Steers 650 and 656 of the maintenance lot, Steers 666 and 669 of the one-third-feed lot, Steers 652 and 665 of the two-thirds-feed lot, and Steers 663 and 661 of the full-feed lot were in the metabolism and digestion experiment continuously. Their gains were practically as good as those of their lot mates confined in ordinary stalls. Consequently, it seems safe to conclude that the metabolism and digestion steers were under normal conditions and were at most only slightly affected by that phase of the experiment. 586 BULLETIN No. 197 [If a re h> 1 OOOJOlOOOOi 1 i I ^33S^S; -< O fa S CD -4-* ^0 O5OlOiOi-(i 1 i I(M(M(M ^ * 02 Oi O> O> T~< T~f O^ ^-1 CO ^ "^ I-J 4) 45 E is r sgssssags 1 M ^ tfj OOiOOJiHinOSOCOrH k rCl H 9 1 4 H i p O S3 o -4* CO Tfeocoaoocao-joococi ooaiasoiooooi IT-H Is ooosot-i.Hoacaco j I 02 I 1 4 fH ^ 45 O -4-> CO OOOOOOOSOOOiHiHrH II |SS3ig| : r | 02 * 5 J '*~ N 3 1 s bo E i (CO^COGOOOOOiHCOOi 45 bo c ooasoor-ii-i&cioacoco 5 p 1 <1 > > tn ti S S S g O 1 fe -*;"*- --------- f?P#? [1917 ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 587 TABLE 13. TOTAL GAIN BY EACH STEER PER PERIOD (Results expressed in pounds) Ratio of hay Maintenance Lot Period Weeks to corn to linseed meal Steer 653 Steer 650 Steer 656 Steer 658 Average Total 1 1-5 1:1:0 69 55 69 12 51.2 205 2 8-13 1:3:0 2 -5 3 0.0 3 17-22 1:5:0 -5 2 4 6 1.7 7 4 25-30 1:4:1 40 35 31 38 36.0 144 5 34-37 1:4:1 81 115 22 4 13.0 4 2ft* Total 1-37 229 273 125 95 180.5 5 722 s One-Third-Feed Lot Steer 667 Steer 666 Steer 669 Steer 662 Average Total! 1 1-5 1:1:0 59 88 69 75 72.7 291 2 8-13 1:3:0 81 56 55 83 68.7 275' 3 17-22 1:5:0 59 23 54 53 47.2 189' 4 25-30 1:4:1 91 57 63 66 69.2 277 5 34-37 1:4:1 25 59 25 -5 10.0 4 20* Total 1-37 359 348 319 337 340.7 5 1363 s Two-Thirds-Feed Lot Steer 668 Steer 652 Steer 665 Steer 657 Average Total 1 1-5 1:1:0 88 106 118 90 100.5 402 2 8-13 1:3:0 72 94 66 77 77.2 309 3 17-22 1:5:0 69 63 43 73 62.0 248 4 25-30 1:4:1 129 73 79 79 90.0 360 5 34-37 1:4:1 52 11 39 45 42.0 4 84* Total 1-37 467 417 462 469 453.7 s 1815 s Full-Feed Lot Steer 659 1 Steer 663 3 Steer 661 Steer 664 Average Total 1 1-5 1:1:0 106 119 89 103 104.2 417 2 8-13 1:3:0 110 90 82 101 95.7 383 3 17-22 1:5:0 69 89 38 56 63.0 252 4 25-30 1:4:1 120 76 109 107 103.0 412 5 34-37 1:4:1 56 53 54.5 109 Total 1-37 528 447 514 543 508.0 2032 'Removed at end of 33d week. 2 Rmoved at end of 30th week. 'Removed at end of 34th week. 4 Two steers only, as Steers 653, 650, 667, 666, 668, and 652 were on full feed in Period 5. 5 Steers 653, 650, 667, 666, 668, and 652 were on full feed in Period 5, 588 BULLETIN No. 197 [March, TABLE 14. AVERAGE DAILY GAIN BY EACH STEER PER PERIOD (Besults expressed in pounds) Ratio of hay Maintenance Lot Period Weeks to corn to linseed meal Steer 653 Steer 650 Steer 656 Steer 658 Average 1 1-5 1:1:0 1.97 1.57 1.97 0.34 1.46 2 8-13 1:3:0 0.05 -0.12 0.07 0.00 0.00 3 17-22 1:5:0 -0.12 0.05 0.10 0.14 0.04 4 25-30 1:4:1 0.95 0.83 0.74 0.90 0.85 5 34-37 1:4:1 2.89 4.11 0.78 0.14 0.46* Total 1-37 0.88 1.05 0.48 0.37 0.70 5 One-Third-Feed Lot Steer 667 Steer 666 Steer 669 Steer 662 Average 1 1-5 1:1:0 1.69 2.51 1.97 2.14 2.08 2 8-13 1:3:0 1.93 1.33 1.31 1.98 1.64 3 17-22 1:5:0 1.40 0.55 1.29 1.26 1.12 4 25-30 1:4:1 2.17 1.36 1.50 1.57 1.65 5 34-37 1:4:1 0.89 2.11 0.89 -0.18 0.37 4 Total 1-37 1.39 134 1.23 130 132 5 Two-Thirds-Feed Lot Steer 668 Steer 652 Steer 665 Steer 657 Average 1 1-5 1:1:0 2.51 3.03 3.37 2.57 2.87 2 8-13 1:3:0 1.71 2.24 1.57 1.83 1.84 3 17-22 1:5:0 1.64 1.50 1.02 1.74 1.48 4 25-30 1:4:1 3.07 1.74 1.88 1.88 2.14 5 34-37 1:4:1 1.86 1.57 1.39 1.61 1.50 4 Total 1-37 1.80 .1.75 1.78 1.81 1.79 s Full-Feed Lot Steer 659 1 Steer 663* Steer 661 Steer 664 Average 1 1-5 1:1:0 3.03 3.40 2.54 2.94 2.98 2 8-13 1:3:0 2.62 2.14 1.95 2.40 2.28 3 17-22 1:5:0 1.64 2.12 0.90 1.33 1.50 4 25-30 1:4:1 2.86 1.81 2.60 2.55 2.45 5 34-37 1:4:1 ... ... 2.00 1.89 1.95 Total 1-37 2.29 2.13 1.98 2.10 2.13 Removed at end of 33d week. 'Removed at end of 30th week. 'Removed at end of 34th week. 4 Average of two steers as Steers 653, 650, 667, 666, 668, and 652 were on full feed in Period 5. "Steers 653, 650. 667, 666, 668, and 652 were on full feed in Period 5, [1917 ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 589 INFLUENCE OF AMOUNT OF RATION UPON THE ECONOMY OF GAINS The practical cattle feeder assumes that the larger the amount of feed that fattening cattle consume, the more economical will be the gains. This assumption is based upon the fact that a certain amount of feed is required for maintenance under any condition. Conse- quently, the larger the proportion of feed above maintenance, the more there is above the maintenance requirement available for production, and for this reason the ration is assumed to be more economical. On the other hand, experiments at the Illinois, Missouri, and other stations show that large rations are not as completely digested as smaller ones, especially when there is a considerable amount of crude fiber in the ration. Consequently, if one considers only the digesti- bility of the ration, one would expect the economy to be lessened as the ration is increased. Thus in studying the influence of the amount of ration upon economy, both of these factors, working in opposite directions, must be considered. In studying the economy of gains, there are several measures by which we may determine it. The practical feeder usually measures the economy of gains by the amount of feed consumed per pound of gain. This is not strictly accurate, owing to variations in the chem- ical composition of the feeds, especially in the water content. Fur- thermore, when several feeds are used, as in this experiment, such a large amount of data is presented as to be confusing. The expression of the economy of the gains in terms of the consumption of dry sub- stance per pound of gain obviates both of the previous objections, but this alone is not entirely satisfactory, owing to the fact that the dry substance from some feeds is more digestible than that from others. To dispose of this difficulty the economy of the gains may be expressed also in terms of digestible dry substance consumed per pound of gain. However, this is not altogether satisfactory, as the animal does not necessarily utilize the energy of feeds in direct proportion to the amount of digestible nutrients in the feeds. The use of the net energy consumed per pound of gain disposes of this objection. Theoretically, at least, the net energy consumed per pound of gain is the most accu- rate measure of the economy of gains. However, the inaccuracies involved in the calculation of the net energy detract from its practical value. For the purpose of this investigation, the amounts of feed, of total dry substance, of digestible dry substance, and of net energy consumed per pound of gain have been used as measures of the econ- omy of the gains. The amounts of feeds consumed per pound of gain by the in- dividual steers are shown in Table 15. The amounts of feed consumed per pound of gain by the different lots are shown in Table 16. Dis- 590 BULLETIN No. 197 [March, > a) eg H IO IO O OO OS rH o os b- eg 10 b- CO CO * co eg Tj< oo b- CO OO OO rH OS CO E w rr CO . b- IO CD CO iH Tfrl CO iH -tJ rfa co' id o> o ' b-^ * 00 OS CD b- b- ^ OO Tj< (O b- OO w . o " eg o * eg o o 10 eg o eg o b- eg -eg b^ OS OO "^ b- IO OO ** b- O b- O OS OS IO OS CO Tj* Tj< CD TjH OS OS CO OS OS IO OS 00 5* rH ' co" t-5 r-i r-i * eg" ^ eg IH rH IH eg Tj< eg eg tH rH eg 13 fl * 00 00 b- . . OO CO O * eg b- co 10 * IO tH CO co oo eg . . . * oo b- o h ^ ^* 01 b- o oo oo eg b- 00 b- OO CO CO co tH oo * eg co CO OS b Tfl Tj* OO b- CO CD O "* O -^ tH IO tH CO OS CO rH CO 00 iH OS Tjl 00 * 00 OS PH 5* CO tH * eg IH IH eg eg co co co IH eg eg ^ co co IH tH eg oo p3 "^ k- P 1 CO rH OO . . CO b- CD t- o oo *** 10 co O CD rH O OS IO -co -eg 10 -co B O 02 ft a s t-i O O o r-5 t-i CD s r-i " o 8-9 ^ b^ 4* CD CO rf\ co -*j< eg eg -eg T}< o eg eg b- co" oo" b-^ co" * CD" & @s h CP S O " O CD rH O IO T}< CD b~ CO t-< b- M 1 IO b- o CO O b-; OO TjH IO IO !- H O5 Tj( OS O CO OS eg eg oo 10 os 10 i CO OO rt< CD -CD rtl CD * IO IO *; 5^ co* '. os i-5 o eg" co' eg co' r-i r-i eg* co" eg" i-i r-i r-i eg" co" eg' i-i r-i 'eg' 1 s 8w TJ 8 -a f S in tH oo CO O b- 00 CO OS OS 10 CD b- b- b- OS 00 CO -eg -os -co * w o a s r-i t-5 O o co' o o" t-i o i-i o' 'T 1 s CO LO T}( oo " o * oo b- CO TJH O CO CO oo b- co co eg co co co CD os eg eg ou CO co CO IO OS b~ O T}( rH iH rH OO IO \O IQ CO CO Tj( IO CD iH eg IH o eg -eg i o iH S eg" o id *' b-^ CO o 43 rH H ^ CO i-l m t^ i-H t- S h ^H GO CO ^ O5 t^ 5^ *< (M CM i-l rH o EH 5 CO CNI CM i-H CQ CM a g ~ j 'O 1 O5 03 CO to a> H 3 | ^ 13 g ' ' ' rH CO o 8.s o> 01 'o fl O5 IO 00 t- * t- OO OO i 1 CO S P s 1 3 S8 o CO CD O5 IO * *" a M gj * 1 8 H 6 n h Cl O> OO Oi OO t^ CM O5 p^ W ^ "^ OO Tj* 1C OO 00 03 of co 1 ^ 13 rHCM o CO* J q Is T)H " O CM t- t- CO CO CO CM O CO S a S o co' ' CM' co r-i CO i-H S S a> I i O -^ ^ ^* * " CM 00 Tff t- in o oo Oi & o eJ * 6^ co * CM' r-i oi CO CO o ic h 03 ^1 000 +j oo rt *" O S n-, rH CO 1C ^* ^ oo . oo .S *l rH i-H rH i-H i-H 1 CO CM O t- rH CM CO t- CO rH O oo o g "S i PM rH CM CO * U5 3 o P^ 592 BULLETIN No. 197 [March, cussion of these tables is omitted, since the discussion pertaining to the consumption of dry substance per pound of gain also applies to them. Dry Substance, Digestible Dry Substance, and Net Energy Con- sumed per Pound of Gain. The total dry substance, the digestible dry substance, and the net energy consumed per pound of gain are shown in Tables 17, 18, and 19, respectively. Considering the data for the one-third-feed lot, the two-thirds-feed lot, and the full-feed lot during the different periods of the experiment, there is no evi- dence that one lot was any more efficient than another. Taking the entire thirty-seven weeks of the experiment into consideration, there seems to be no reason to conclude that the amount of feed consumed had any effect upon the economy of gains, as indicated by the amount of dry substance, digestible dry substance, and net energy consumed per pound of gain. It is of interest to note that Steers 653 and 650 of the maintenance lot made much more efficient gains in Period 5 when put upon full feed than the steers which had been receiving full-feed rations previous to Period 5. On the other hand, Steers 667 and 666 of the one-third- feed lot, and Steers 668 and 652 of the two-thirds-feed lot made no more economical gains when put upon a full-feed ration than the steers of the full-feed lot. INFLUENCE OF CHARACTER OF FEED UPON THE ECONOMY OF GAINS The fact that the steers were fed different proportions of corn and hay during the first three periods of the experiment and the fact that in Period 4 linseed meal was substituted for a part of the corn in the ration, provide data for studying the influence of a decrease in roughage together with an increase in concentrates upon. the economy of gains, and also the effect of adding linseed meal to a ration high in concentrates and low in roughages. In this connection, however, it must be remembered that other factors such as the age and more es- pecially the condition of the animals may have had considerable effect upon the economy of gains in different periods. Influence of Change from Hay 1 Part and Corn 1 Part, to Hay 1 Part and Corn 3 Parts. In Period 1 the ration consisted of equal parts of clover hay and ground corn. In the transitional period after Period 1, the hay was decreased and the corn increased, so that in Period 2 the ration consisted of one part of hay and three parts of corn. From Table 5, page 576, it is seen that the total dry substance consumed daily was slightly reduced in Period 2, while the consump- tion of digestible dry substance was practically the same as shown in Table 6. Table 7 shows that there was a decrease in the amount of digestible crude protein consumed in Period 2, while Table 10 shows [1917 ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 593 UMED sed S e Z A O () O o> H -2 43 iH IO CO rH IO tO OS ^ OO b~ iH tO t^ G> tO rH iH CO OS o oo d 3J co os oo to o " -* t-; OO in to tc> os b-^ " oo to OS' 9 PH tj gp Os CO CQ OO O O O rH CO tO tO h-l "I b- O OS b- CQ tH iH tH 's Vi .- QJ CO in * o oo CQ CO IO CO b- OO CQ " I s IO OS O b* b (M OS fH .. a) b- b* b* IO OO OS tH in o TH in TH -J tO oo to oo o oo iH OS g CO O CO tO m to co b- to td . TH oo "*' b- rH iH TH is O CO OS CQ O CQ 00 CO CQ OS o & OO . O b-^ OO CQ in -* CQ ^ CO to . 10 oo co' O rH OO m CO o in *J to CQ oo m co to t-; >O TH CQ iq ^ m rH <* OS >- 03 "^ fi 000_ O T^min** .(H "S M W O> I CO CQ O b- in TH CQ co co iH OO b- IO 4l rH CQ CO b- co 3 1 5 tH CQ co * in "3 EH o co to IH Tt< in CO 00 -# tO iH CO to b- OS CQ b- O iH r-> os f_, QJ ^^ O 1O ^ rH CO tO CQ tD iH -* b- OQ * b- O m 00 O iH r-l tH O tH 2* 1-* iH to tO Tjf 00 b- O TH O 00 CO 00 CQ O b- OS TH CQ tH Jco ^o CQ IO << - t"* Oi c PL, 6 PI gco 35 CD OO Cvl "^ ^ QO OO tO OS CXI O b- t- Jeo B cxj oo co o m oo * co m os 8 PH 02 co co in CD in CD CD OQ co' cd in CD " 10 H r- b- OO CO O CO CO CO CO t~ iH OS O b- go> cxi in co oo b- tO CO rH CXI rH 02 H o OQ< m rj< CD eo -* co rH -2 to oc TI" in oo' in ' co' pq ^ CD i-H CO CO rH +3 5S o 10 -M CO 02 CO Tj* CO (M tO CO m IH in cxi co oq *' b-^ b-^ CD t^ CD < 00 w "3 PI 03 oj m rH rH in CXI OS (M * CO CO CO OO rj* g m 25 co rH OS rH tO CXI OO * O t- OS iH in 1 02 M PI .3 4s to 02 CO b- rH b- tO (M 00 CO rH 'S S 02 < CO OO rH in OO CO rH p 1 H OS s go 1 os " * in b- eo rH CO O b- CO MH rH b* CXI tO " CXI rH EH g ca O2 ^ co o Tt* co in oo to * in IH os -# <*' in b-' to b-' CD' S /> ^ co rH rH ** b- b- OS CO OO CO OS rH ^ oo o o * co to rt< CO CO rH OO CXI b- t. 00* rH -u to 02 CO b in CO t>- rH Tjl b- b- CO b- CO 3 m 03 .si O O O rH rH O O O rH rH EH O rH CO in ^^ ^^ rH CO in M^ HH O 3 M 5 i rl S CO (M O b- b- ?rHCj,COCO *? rH OO b- in TH rH rH CXI CO CO CXI O b- b- ln rH CXI CO CO CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 rH 00 b- in Tt< rH rH CXI CO 1 E o> PL. 'a rH CXI CO * in "g "rt IH exi eo * in -g 02 n"c 1-1 .r [191$ ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 595 e *H .& w Pi A (02 H Pi Pn + o cq o CD co o rH OS T)< 1C 1C cq C 1C b- -4-5 S3 cq < CD 4^ CO 02 ^ CO O OS Tt< >c oo' co' * 1C CO c b- o cq rH * CO i-H Cq 1C (H H s^ rH t^ i S3 CD a) CD O 1C CO 00 OS 1C rH CO CO O <*< CO b- CO CD CO rH ^ S3 1> Q> CO OS OO CO O rH O 00 1C Cq 00 OS ffi^ TH CD J, OS " b- b- OS Cq CO OS rH CO cq 5 <* co' CD cq Tt* rH rH OS o t- a3 90 S ic o " -cq o cq * *H cq cq oo ; cd co' os 1C cd rH i S3 co ic * oo co o oo cq co rH cq cq OS b- a io * CO OS 1C 00 b- OO CO cq rH 03 S3o oo H . co co os OS GO '^ C> CO | OS b- CO rH CO co CD' Q3 CO iH rH OS rH CO -2 CO 02 CO* rH ' 1C *' (M 1 1 1 5 o LJ fi O O O rH rH rH CO 1C ^^ ^ o o in 1 co cq o b- ic rH cq co co rH OO t~ 1C "4l rH (M CO 2 o V rH o H 5% BULLETIN No. 197 [March, a slight increase in the consumption in net energy. Thus these fig- ures reveal but little difference in the nutrients consumed in Periods 1 and 2 except that there was less protein consumed in Period 2 than in Period 1. As shown in Table 14, page 588, the gains made in Period 2 were much lower than those made in Period 1. Especially was this true in case of the two-thirds-feed lot, which dropped from an average gain of 2.87 pounds to 1.84 pounds. The full-feed lot decreased from 2.98 pounds per day to 2.28 pounds per day, while the one-third-feed lot decreased from 2.08 to 1.64 pounds. The decrease in the individual gains, with the exception of Steer 667, was just as marked as the de- crease in the average gains. A study of the individual data in Table 17, page 593, shows that the economy of gains as measured by the consumption of dry sub- stance was decreased in Period 2 with but one exception Steer 667. Table 18 shows that, with the exception just noted, the amount of digestible dry 'substance necessary to produce a pound of gain was much greater in Period 2 than in Period 1. Table 19 shows that the economy as measured by the consumption of net energy per pound of gain was much decreased in Period 2. One would not expect such marked differences in the rate of gain and the economy of gains between Periods 1 and 2 as were shown by the steers in this experiment. Of course, it is a well known fact that the economy of gains decreases with the increasing age and condition of the animal. However, it would not seem that the few weeks differ- ence between Periods 1 and 2 would have such a marked effect. It is possible that the decrease in consumption of digestible crude pro- tein may have been responsible for the decrease in the rate and econ- omy of gains. However, the decrease in protein consumption was not great, varying from 0.03 pound to 0.21 pound per day. As a matter of fact, there was no correlation between the decrease in protein con- sumption and the decrease in efficiency among the individual steers. Consequently, we are unable to explain these results which seem con- trary to general opinion. Influence of Change from, Hay 1 Part and Corn 3 Parts, to Hay 1 Part and Corn 5 Parts. During the second transitional period the hay of the ration was gradually decreased and the corn was increased, so that during Period 3 the ration consisted of hay 1 part and corn 5 parts. There was a considerable reduction in the consumption of total dry substance in Period 3 owing to the reduction of the roughage and the increase of the concentrates of the ration. These data are given in Table 5. The data of Table 6 show that there was a considerable reduction also in the amount of digestible dry substance consumed, altho there was not as great a difference between Periods 2 and 3 as [1917 ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 597 in the case of the total dry substance. The consumption of digestible crude protein in Period 3 was considerably lower than in Period 2, as is shown by the data in Table 7. As a matter of fact, the protein consumption of most of the steers was below, or no greater than, the ordinary standards for maintenance. Table 9, page 582, shows that the consumption of net energy in Period 3 was considerably lower than in Period 2. In general, the steers in Period 3 received less nutrients than in Period 2, the consumption of protein being espe- cially decreased. This was due to the slump in the appetites of the full-feed steers and the consequent reduction in the rations of the steers of the other lots. As one would naturally expect, there was a decrease in the rate of gains in Period 3, as shown in Table 14, page 588. This decrease was quite marked except in the cases of three steers, Nos. 669, 657, and 663. The decrease in rate of gains was greatest in case of the full- feed lot. In fact, the two-thirds-feed lot made as good gains in this period as the full-feed lot. In this connection it may be noted that there was little difference in the consumption of digestible protein and net energy between these two lots during this period. Referring to Table 17, page 593, it is seen that in general more total dry substance was required to produce a pound of gain in Period 3 than in Period 2. However, Steers 669, 668, 657, and 663 were ex- ceptions, making slightly more economical gains in this than in the preceding period. Table 18, page 594, shows that the consumption of digestible dry substance per pound of gain was greater in Period 3 than in Period 2. Furthermore, the exceptions noted above are not so noticeable in this case. By reference to Table 19, page 595, it is seen that the economy of the gains, as measured by the consumption of net energy per pound of gain, decreased in Period 3 in every in- stance except in case of Steer 663. In general, then, it seems safe to say that the efficiency of the ration was decreased in Period 3. This is what one would expect after comparing the feed consumption in Periods 2 and 3. Also the increased condition, especially of the full- feed steers, undoubtedly tended to decrease the rate and economy of gains. Furthermore, it seems probable that the small amount of pro- tein consumed in Period 3 may have adversely affected the rate and economy of gains. Influence of Change from Hay 1 Part and Corn 5 Parts, to Hay 1 Part, Corn 4 Parts, and Linseed Meal 1 Part. During the third transitional period the corn of the ration was gradually reduced and old-process linseed meal was gradually introduced into the ration, so that during Period 4 the steers received a ration the same as in Period 3 except that a part of the corn was replaced by linseed meal. There was little or no difference in the actual amounts of hay and of con- centrates eaten in Periods 3 and 4 (see Tables 3 and 4). However, 59& BULLETIN No. 197 [March, when the feed consumption is computed in terms of 1000 pounds live weight, it is evident that there was a slight reduction in the amount of feed consumed in Period 4, especially in case of the two-thirds- and full-feed lots, owing to the increased weight of the animals (see Table 5). The consumption of digestible dry substance per 1000 pounds live weight in Period 4 was nearly as great as in Period 3. Of course the digestible protein was increased considerably by the addition of linseed meal. In fact, the consumption of protein was almost doubled. The consumption of net energy, as given in Table 9, was also slightly lower in Period 4 in most instances. In general, the consumption of nutrients per 1000 pounds live weight was practically the same in Periods 3 and 4, except in case of the protein, which was almost twice as great in Period 4 as in Period 3 (see Tables 6, 7, and 9). The average daily gains (Table 14) show that the introduction of linseed meal into the ration affected the rate of gains quite ma- terially. In case of the one-third-feed lot and the two-thirds-feed lot, the gains of all steers increased considerably after the introduction of linseed meal. In the full-feed lot, the gains of three steers increased while the gain of one steer (No. 663) decreased after the addition of linseed meal. In this connection it should be noted that Steer 663, whose gains decreased after the linseed meal was introduced into the ration, went off feed quite badly during this period and was removed from the experiment at the end of the 30th week. Also, the increases in the gains of the other steers of the full-feed lot after the introduc- tion of linseed meal were much greater than those of the two-thirds- feed lot. In fact, the increase in the gains of the full-feed lot after the introduction of the linseed meal was quite marked. In this con- nection it is well to state again that in Period 4 slightly less total dry substance, slightly less digestible dry substance, and slightly less net energy were consumed than in Period 3. However, almost twice as much protein was consumed in Period 4 as in Period 3. Apparently the addition of protein to the nutrients was responsible for the in- creased gains. Why the increase in gains should vary with the amount of feed consumed is not explained by these data. A study of Table 16 shows that in case of the one-third-feed lot, about 54 percent more feed was required to produce a pound of gain in Period 3, when no nitrogenous concentrate was fed, than in Period 4, when linseed meal was substituted for an equal amount of corn. In the two-thirds-feed lot, 57 percent more feed was required to produce a pound of gain in the corn period than in the corn and linseed meal period. In the full-feed lot, 62 percent more feed was required to produce a pound of gain when corn was the sole concentrate than when linseed meal was also used. In this connection it should be re- membered that if the same ration had been fed in Periods 3 and 4, we should have expected that more feed would be required in Period [1917 ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 599 4, as the steers were older and more nearly finished in this period. However, before drawing any definite conclusions from these data, the data of the individual animals should be considered, especially in view of the small number of animals in each lot. It will simplify the study to speak in terms of dry substance per pound of gain rather than in terms of corn, hay, and linseed meal per pound of gain. Table 17, page 593, shows the individual data pertaining to the amount of dry substance per pound of gain. These data are more easily studied if the amount required to produce a pound of gain in Period 3 is calculated in percent of the amount required to produce a pound of gain in Period 4. Assuming the amount consumed in Period 4 as 100 percent, the amounts consumed by the different steers in Period 3 were as shown in Table 20. TABLE 20. DRY SUBSTANCE CONSUMED PER POUND OF GAIN IN PERIOD 3 EXPRESSED IN PERCENT OF THE AMOUNT CONSUMED PER POUND OF GAIN IN PERIOD 4 Steer No. One-third- feed lot Steer No. Two-thirds- feed lot Steer No. Full-feed lot 667 666 669 662 155.4 260.9 123.4 131.5 668 652 665 657 189.8 125.0 200.1 123.6 659 663 661 664 168.2 92.9 267.4 192.8 Average 167.8 Average 159.6 Average 180.3 Considering the individual steers of the one-third-feed lot, it is found that the rations of all four steers were more efficient after the addition of the linseed meal. Consequently, it seems safe to conclude that the introduction of linseed meal into the ration of the one-third- feed lot increased the efficiency thereof. Referring to the data concerning the steers of the two-thirds-feed lot, it is seen that the rations of all steers again were more efficient after the introduction of linseed meal. Taking this into consideration, it seems safe to conclude that the introduction of linseed meal into the ration of the two-thirds-feed lot materially increased the efficiency of the ration. Considering the steers of the full-feed lot, it is seen that the in- troduction of the linseed meal increased the efficiency of the ration to a marked degree in cases of Steers 659, 661, and 664. Steer 663 made less economical gains after the introduction of the linseed meal. This was doubtless due to the fact that this steer went off feed and scoured badly during the 28th, 29th, and 30th weeks of the experiment. In fact, at the end of the 30th week it was necessary to remove him from the experiment and put him on another ration. Taking this into con- sideration, it seems safe to conclude that the introduction of linseed meal into the ration of the full-feed lot caused a marked increase m the economy of the ration. 600 BULLETIN No. 197 [March, Referring again to Table 18, page 594, showing the amount of digestible dry substance consumed per pound of gain, and to Table 19, page 595, showing the amount of net energy consumed per pound of gain, it is seen that in the one-third-feed and two-thirds-feed lots all of the steers made more economical gains after the addition of lin- seed meal. In the case of the full-feed lot, this was also true of Steers 659, 661, and 664, but the gain of Steer 663 was less economical. How- ever, as previously noted, this steer was not in normal condition dur- ing this period. From these results, one concludes that the introduction of linseed meal into the ration caused the gains to be made more economically, as measured by the consumption of digestible dry substance and net energy. SUMMARY 1. Sixteen two-year-old, choice feeder steers were divided into four lots of four steers each. One lot was given a ration slightly above maintenance; another, an amount of feed equal to the maintenance ration plus one-third of the difference between the maintenance and the full-feed rations; another, an amount equal to the maintenance ration plus two-thirds of the difference between the maintenance and the full-feed rations ; and another, as much feed as the steers would eat readily. 2. The experiment lasted for thirty-seven weeks and was divided into five test periods. The first period was five weeks in length, the second, third, and fourth were each six weeks in length, and the fifth was four weeks in length. 3. The feeds used were clover hay, ground corn, and linseed oil meal. The ration of the first test period consisted of clover hay and ground corn in the ratio of 1 :1 ; that of the second, of clover hay and ground corn in the ratio of 1:3; that of the third, of clover hay and ground corn in the ratio of 1 : 5 ; and that of the fourth and fifth, of clover hay, ground corn, and linseed oil meal in the ratio of 1:4:1. 4. In Period 1, when the ration consisted of equal parts of clover hay and ground corn, the average daily gains of the different lots and the individual variations were as follows: Lot Average Variations Maintenance Its. 146 Ibs. 0.34-1.97 One-third-f eed 2.08 1.69-2.51 Two-thirds-feed 2.87 2.51-3.37 Full-feed 2.98 2.54-3.40 [1917 ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 601 The consumption of dry substance, digestible dry substance, and nci energy per pound of gain by the one-third-, two-thirds-, and full- feed lots was as follows: Lot Dry substance Digestible dry substance Net energy Average Variations Average Variations Average Variations One-third-feed . . Two-thirds-feed . Full-feed Ibs. 6.61 6.25 7.33 Its. 5.35-8.17 5.37-7.21 6.02-8.71 Ibs. 4.36 3.99 4.59 Ibs. 3.68-5.38 3.41-4.63 3.82-5.40 therms 4.12 3.76 4.32 therms 3.50-5.09 3.21-4.34 3.61-5.06 5. In Period 2, when the ration consisted of 1 part of clover hay to 3 parts of ground corn, the average daily gains of the different lots and the individual variations were as follows: Lot Average Variations Maintenance Ibs. 0.00 Ibs. -0.12-0.07 One-third-feed 1.64 1.31-1.98 Two-thirds-feed 1.84 1.57-2.24 Full-feed 2.28 1.95-2.62 The consumption of dry substance, digestible dry substance, and net energy per pound of gain by the one-third-, two-thirds-, and full- feed lots was as follows : Lot Dry substance Digestible dry substance Net energy Average i Variations Average Variations Average ' Variations One-third-feed . . Two-thirds-feed . Full-feed . . Ibs. 7.95 9.96 9.86 Ibs. 6.57-10.12 1 7.78-11.85 ' 8.27-12.06 Ibs. 5.71 6.85 6.36 Ibs. 4.73-7.20 5.40-8.09 5.35-7.24 therms 5.90 7.05 6.51 therms 4.88-7.45 5.54-8.33 5.47-7.40 6. In Period 3, when the ration consisted of 1 part of clover hay and 5 parts of ground corn, the daily gains of the different lots were as follows: Lot Average Variations Maintenance ... Ibs. 04 Ibs. -0 1 2-0 14 One- third-feed 1.12 0.55-1.40 Two-thirds-feed 1.48 1 02-1.74 Full-feed . . 1.50 0.90-2.12 602 BULLETIN No. 197 [March, The consumption of dry substance, digestible dry substance, and net energy per pound of gain was as follows : Lot Dry substance Digestible dry substance Net energy Average Variations Average | Variations j Average Variations One-third-feed . . Two-thirds-feed Pull-feed.. Ibs. 10.40 11.08 12.41 Ibs. 8.05-20.30 9.70-16.47 7.64-20.16 Its. Ibs. 7.91 6.10-15.24 8.15 7.14-11.71 8.63 5.66-13.16 therms 8.46 8.72 9.08 therms 6.53-16.33 7.63-12.53 6.04-13.65 7. In Period 4, when the ration consisted of 1 part of clover hay, 4 parts of ground corn, and 1 part of linseed meal, the daily gains were as follows : Lot Average Variations Maintenance Ibs. 85 Ibs. 74-0.95 One-third-feed 1.65 1.36-2.17 Two-thirds-feed 2.14 1.74-3 J07 Full-feed.. 2.45 1.81-2.86 The consumption of dry substance, digestible dry substance, and net energy per pound of gain was as follows : Lot Dry substance Digestible dry substance Net energy Average j Variations Average Variations Average Variations One-third-feed . . Two-thirds-feed . Full-feed Ibs. 6.81 7.06 7.64 n*. 5.18-7.78 5.11-8.28 6.94-8.22 Ibs. 5.24 5.30 5.79 Ibs. 3.98-6.04 3.83-6.22 5.50-6.50 therms 5.53 5.58 6.15 therms 4.20-6.38 4.04-6.55 5.56-6.87 8. Considering the entire experiment of thirty-seven weeks, the daily gains were as follows: Lot Average Variations Maintenance Ibs. 0.70 1 Ibs. 0.37-1.05 1 One-third-feed 1.32 1 1.23-1.39 1 Two-thirds-feed 1 79 1 1.75-1.81 1 Full-feed 2.13 1.98-2.29 'This average includes the data for two steers which were upon full feed from the 31st to the 37th week inclusive. The consumption of dry substance, digestible dry substance, and net energy per pound of gain was as follows : [1917 ECONOMY OF FEEDS FOR FATTENING STEERS 603 Lot Dry substance Digestible dry substance Net energy Average Variations Average j Variations Average Variations One-third-feed . . Two-thirds-feed. FuJl-f eed Ibs. 9.5P 9.40 1 9.63 Ibs. 9.17-10.04 1 8.95- 9.64 1 8.41-10.47 Ibs. | Ibs. 6.96 1 : (5.73-7.29 1 6.67* 6.48-6.86 1 6.60 ' 5.95-7.23 therms 7.22 1 6.90 1 6.73 therms 6.97-7.55 1 6.67-7.10 1 6.10-7.48 VThis average includes the data for two steers which were npon full feed from the 31st to the 37th week inclusive. CONCLUSIONS 1. Two-year-old steers may be maintained 011 8 to 9 pounds of dry substance, 0.39 to 0.44 pound of digestible crude protein, and 6.5 to 6.8 therms of net energy per 1000 pounds live weight. 2. Fattening two-year-old steers may make satisfactory gains over a period of thirty-seven weeks 011 14.3 to 22.1 pounds of dry substance, 0.72 to 1.44 pounds -of digestible crude protein, and 11.9 to 13.0 therms of net energy per 1000 pounds live weight. Fairly good gains may be made even on less amounts than these. 3. The rate of gains of two-year-old steers depends upon the amount of feed consumed. However, the amount of feed consumed between one-third feed and full feed apparently has no effect upon the economy of gains as measured by the consumption of feed, of total dry substance, of digestible dry substance, and of net energy per pound of gain. 4. When a ration consisting of clover hay and ground corn in equal parts is changed to a ration consisting of one part of clover hay and three parts of corn, the amounts of digestible dry substance and net energy remaining practically unchanged, but the protein being reduced 10 to 12 percent, the rate of gains and the economy of gains are considerably decreased. 5. When a ration consisting of one part of clover hay and three parts of ground corn is changed to one consisting of one part of clover hay and five parts of ground corn, the digestible dry substance, di- gestible protein, and net energy also being slightly reduced, the rate and economy of gains are decreased. 6. The substitution of one part of linseed meal for one part of corn in a ration of clover hay one part and ground corn five parts materially increases the rate of gains and the economy of gains. 7. Steers which have been kept 011 a low plane of nutrition (maintenance) for a considerable time make more economical gains when put upon a full-feed ration than steers which have been upon full feed for some time. HoAvever, steers receiving more than a main- tenance but less than a full-feed ration make no more economical gains when put upon full feed than steers which have already been on full feed. 604 BULLETIN No. 197 [March. 8. From the results obtained in this investigation, it seems safe to conclude that steers may be maintained or fattened with the ordi- nary rations of the corn belt on less digestible dry matter, on less di- gestible protein, and on less net energy than the amounts prescribed by the generally accepted feeding standards. The authors wish to acknowledge the efficient assistance rendered by J. J. Yoke and W. A. Balis in the feeding, weighing, and care of the animals; by F. W. Gill in the analytical work; and by P. A. Hoffman, W. J. Gage, Jr., and W. A. Hixson, in the weighing and sampling of the feeds, orts, feces, and urine, and in the keeping of many of the records. AUTHOR INDEX 605 AUTHOR INDEX PAGE .Allyn, O. M., and Burlison, W. L. Prices and Shrinkage of Farm Grains 11-26 Allyn, O. M., and Burlison, W. L. Yields of Different Varieties of Corn in Illinois. ... 1 .407-424 Allyn, O. M., and Burlison, W. L. Yields of Spring Grains in Illinois 497-508 Aumer, J. P., and Hopkins, Cyril G. Potassium from the Soil 1-10 Bauer, P. C., Hopkins, Cyril G., and Hosier* J. G. Summary of Illinois Soil Investiga- tions 449^84 Blair, J. C., Foglesong, L. E., Gunderson, A. J., Pickett, B. S., Ruth, W. A., and Wat- kins, O. S. Field Experi- ments in Spraying Apple Or- chards .... * 47-212 Bull, Sleeter, Emmett, A. D., Grindley, H. S., and Mum- ford, H. W. A Study of the Rate and Economy of Gains of Fattening Steers with Special Reference to the In- fluence of the Amount and the Character of Feed Con- sumed 565-604 Burlison, W. L., and Allyn, O. M. Prices and Shrinkage of Farm Grains . . . : 11-26 B'urlison, W. L., and Allyn, O. M. Yields of Different Varieties of Corn in Illinois 407-424 Burlison, W. L., and Allyn, O. M. Yields of Spring Grains in Illinois 497-508 Durst, C. E. Methods of Fertil- izing Sweet Potatoes 267-278 Edmonds, J. L. Feeding Pure- Bred Draft Fillies 425-448 Emmett, A. D., Bull, Sleeter, Grindley, H. S., and Mum- ford, H. W. A Study of the Rate and Economy of Gains of Fattening Steers with Special Reference to the In- fluence of the Amount and the Character of Feed Con- sumed 565-604 Foglesong, L. E., Blair, J. C., Gunderson, A. J., Piekett, B. PAGS S., Ruth, W. A., and Wat- kins, O. S. Field Experi- ments in Spraying Apple Or- chards 47-212 Forbes, Stephen A. A General Survey of the May-Beetles (Phyllophaga) of Illi- nois 213-257 Forbes, Stephen A. The Influ- ence of Trees and Crops on Injury by White-Grubs. .259-265 Grindley, H. S., Bull, Sleeter, Em- mett, A. D., and Mumford, H. W. A Study of the Rate and Economy of Gains of Fattening Steers with Special Reference to the Influence of the Amount and the Char- acter of Feed-Consumed. . 565-60 1 Gunderson, A. J., Blair, J. C., Foglesong, L. E., Pickett, B. S., Ruth, W. A., and Wat- kins, O. S. Field Experi- ments in Spraying Apple Or- chards .47-212 Hopkins, Cyril G., and Aumer, J. P. Potassium from the Soil 1-10 Hopkins, Cyril G., and Whiting, Albert L. Soil Bacteria and Phosphates 391-406 Hopkins, Cyril G., Bauer, F. C., and Mosier, J ; G. Summary of .Illinois Soil Investiga- tions 449-484 Hopkins, Cyril G. A New Lime- stone Tester 485-495 Lloyd, John W. Tests with Ni- trate of Soda in the Produc- tion of Early Vegetables. .27-46 AI osier, J. G., Bauer, F. C., and Hopkins, Cyril G. Summary of Illinois Soil Investiga- tions 449-484 Mumford, H. W., Bull, Sleeter, Emmett, A. D., and Grind- ley, 'H. S. A Study of the Rate and Economy of Gains of Fattening Steers with Special Reference to the In- fluence of the Amount and the Character of Feed Con- sumed . . .5(i5-604 606 VOLUME 13 PAGE Muncie, F. W. The Use of Com- mercial Fertilizers in Grow- ing Koses 509-5(54 Peltier, George L. Parasitic Ehizoctonias in America 279-390 Pickett, B. S., Blair, J. C., Fogle- song, L. E., Gunderson, A. J., Euth, W. A., and Watkins, O. S. Field Experiments in Spraying Apple Orchards 47-212 Euth, W. A., Blair, J. C., Fogle- song, L. E., Gunderson, A. J., PACE Pickett, B. S., and Watkins, O. S. Field Experiments in Spraying Apple Orchards. 47-2 12 Watkins, O. S., Blair, J. C., Fogle- song, L. E., Gunderson, A. J., Euth, W. A., and Piekett, B. S. Field Experiments in Spraying Apple Orchards. 4 7-2 12 Whiting, Albert L., and Hopkins, Cyril G. Soil Bacteria and Phosphates 391-406 INDEX 607 INDEX (The headings in capitals are subjects of entire bulletins) PAGE Acid phosphate, see Phosphate Agave rigida 308 Alfalfa, Bhizoctonia on 308-09 Attvum 328 ascalonicum 284 Alternanthera, Ehizoctonia on. . 310 Alyssum, Sweet, Ehizoctonia on 310-11 Alyssum odoratum 810 Amaranthus, Ehizoctonia on.... 311 Amaranthus albus 311 retroflexus 311 spinosus 311 Ammonium sulfate for roses 511, 541 Anna, 111., Spraying experiments 139-55 Tests of fertilizing sweet po- tatoes . . 269-78 Antioch experiment field, experi- ments on ". 479-80 Apium graveolens 320 Apple blotch, see Spraying exper- iments Apple flea-weevil 109 APPLE OECHAEDS, FIELD EXPEEIMENTS IN SP. BAYING 47-212 Apple scab, see Spraying experi- ments Apple trees, Diseases of foliage and fruit 49-50 Insects attacking foliage and fruit 49 Arachis liypogoea 308 Asparagus, Ornamental, Bhizoe- tonia on 311 Asparagus 'sprcngeri 311 Asters, China, Ehizoctonia on 311-12 Auburn, 111., Variety tests of corn 417 Barley, Price, 1904-13 19 Barley, grown at DeKalb 503 Fairfield 507 IJrbana 506-07 Beans, Bhizoetonia on 312-14 Beets, Nitrate of soda for. .33, 37, 43 Ehizoctonia on 31415 Begonias, Bhizoetonia on 315 Beta vulgaris .' 314 Bitter rot of apples, Spraying for 205 Blackberry, Ehizoctonia on 315 Bloomington experiment field, Experiments on 471-72 PAGE Bordeaux injury, see Spraying ex- periments Brassica olerace'a 316 Buckwheat, Ehizoctonia on 315 Byssothesium circinans 285 Cabbage, Nitrate of soda for. . . , 34, 40, 44, 45 Ehizoctonia on 316-17 Calcium required by crops 406 Callistephus hortensis 311 Candytuft, Ehizoctonia on 317 Carbon dioxid in soil 403-05 Carnations, Ehizoctonia on 283, 317-20 Inoculation of, see Ehizoctonia Solani Carrots, Ehizoctouia on 320 Cauliflower, Nitrate of soda for 35, 41, 45 Celery, Ehizoctonia 011 320-21 Centaurea gymnocarpa 321, 333 Centralia, 111., Spraying experi- ments 126-38 Chenopodium album 326 Citrus 307 Clover, Bed, Bhizoetonia on 321 Codling moth, see Spraying ex- periments Colons, Ehizoctonia on 310, 322 Coniferous seedlings, Ehizoctonia on 322 Cor chorus capsularis 308 Coreoipsis lanceolata 322 Corn Growing season in Illinois. . . . 409 Price, 1904-13 16 Prices necessary to compensate for shrinkage 23-24 Ehizoctonia on 323 Shrinkage 13, 21-23 Shrinkage experiments Illinois station 21-22 Ohio station 22 Varieties 422-24 COEN IN ILLINOIS, YIELDS OF DIFFEEENT VAEIE- TIES OF 407-24 Coronilla 307 Cortichim ocliralcucum . . . * .290, 376 vaffum 285, 287, 306, 308, 311, 316, 321, 322, 323, 325, 335, 376 Cotton, Ehizoctonia on 323-24 608 VOLUME 13 PAGE Croat* salinis 283 Crop production, Scientific discov- eries relating to 393 Curculio, see Spraying experi- ments Cyclocephala . . 2G1 Du-ucus carota 320 Decatur, 111., Variety tests of corn 417 DeKalb, 111., Tests : of spring grains . . . 499-503 Variety tests of corn 411, 411', 413 Dittnthus, Ehizoctonia' on 324 barbatns 324 earyophylhts 317 phimarnis 324 scqncri 324 Dolichos Lablab, Ehizoctonia on 308 Draft fillies, Feeding experiments 425-48 Redding 428 Feeds 427-28, 434 Composition 441 Cost 439-40 . Gains 435-36, 437, 438-39 Grooming 428 Plan of experiment 427 Shelter 428 DRAFT FILLIES, FEEDING PURR-BRED 425-48 Draft fillies used in feeding ex- periment 428-29,430-33, 442-48 Dried Mood for roses. .516, 517, 518, 520, 521, 523-24, 525-26, 527-28, 533-38 Analysis of 512 Dn Bois experiment field, Exper- iments on 477-78 Egg plant, Rhizoctonia on 325 Emmer grown at DeKalb 503 Euphorbia pulehcrrima 329 Experiment fields, University 454-458 Plan of investigations on. .459-462 Fago'pyrum eseitlentum 315 Fail-field, 111., Tests of spring grains 499, 507 Variety tests of corn.' 418-22 Fairfleld experiment field. Exper- iments on 478-79 Fertilizers Amount used in U. S 3 Commercial Analysis of 512 Experiments with roses. . .511-64 Complete 3 For roses Amount used 543, 544 Effect on production. . . .514, 541 Rinds needed 562-63 For sweet potatoes 269 Field-culture experiments . . .467-483 PAGE Fillies, sec Draft fillies Five finger, Rhizoctonia on 325 Flora, 111., Spraying experiments 104-17 Flyspeck on apples, sec Spraying experiments Foxtail grass, Rhizoctonia on... 3J5 Fungicides, sec Spraying experi- ments Galesburg experiment field, Ex- periments on 469-70 Glycine soja 308 Gossypium herbaccum 323 GRAINS, FARM, PRICES AND SHRINKAGE OF 11-26 GRAINS, SPRING, YIELDS OF, IX ILLINOIS 497-508 Green Valley experiment field, Experiments on 482-83 Griggsville, 111., Spraying experi- ments 118-25, 156-8(5 Gypsopliihi ,-< IK //* 325-26 Henry-Morrison feeding standard 575 Horses, sec Draft fillies Hypochnus Solani 285, 287 'violaceus 284, 286 Ibcris 317 Inoculation of plants nvith Rhi- zoctonia cultures 33764 Insecticides, sec Spraying exper- iments ' ' I nsoluble residue, ' ' potassium in , 4 l'sed in pot cultures 5-10 June-bugs, sec May-beetles Lactuca saiiva 326 Lamb's quarters, Rhizoctonia on 326 Lathams oflor3-64 Limestone samples 49495 LIMESTONE TESTER, A NKW 485-95 Cost 495 Diagram . . . . '486 Limestone tests 487-93 Lobelia, Rhizoctonia on 328 Lobelia eriniis . . . 328 L/icopcr.sicum erculcnlum 335 Manito experiment field, Experi- ments on 481-82 INDEX 609 PAGE Mascoutah experiment field, Ex- periments on . .475-77 Mat toon, 111., Variety tests of corn 417 M A V-KKKTLKS- (PHYLLOPH- AGA) OF ILLINOIS, GEN- ERAL SURVEY OF 213-57 Abundance of different species 249-50 Collections made in Illinois 215-19 At lights 238 Dates 243-48 Location 215-16 Methods 218 Numbers 216-18, 239 Distribution of species. .235-37, 256 Foods 252-56 Kinds of crops preferred by 262-65 Kinds of trees attractive to 250-51 Parents of white-grubs 261 Seasonal succession of species 240-42, 256 Species 219-35, 256 Mcdieayo sativa, Rhizoctonia on ;.".. 285, 308 Milk of lime, sec Spraying ex- periments Morns alba, Rhizoctonia on 308 Mvrtle, 111., Variety tests of corn 409-10 Neoga, 111., Spraying experi- ments 58-103 In 1910 58-71 In 1911 71-87 In 1912 ..88-103 \i ! i-tma, Rhizoctonia on 335 Nitrate of soda, Influence on early vegetables 2946 Amount used 32-35 Conclusions 4546 Plan of tests 29-32 Results of tests 35-45 Nitrite bacteria Importance and extent of ac- tion 405-06 Nitrogen oxidized, phosphorus and calcium made soluble.. 401 Oafs Characteristics of different va- rieties . . . . 507, 50, S Comparison of northern and home-grown seed 502 Price, 1904-13 18 Shrinkage 24-26 Shrinkage experiments at other stations 24-25 Oats grown at DeKalb . . .500-02, 508 Fairfield 499, 507, 508 Urbana 499, 503-05, 508 PAGE Onions, Nitrate of soda for.o3, 38, 39, 43, 44 Rhizoctonia on 328 Orchards, sec Spraying experi- ments Organic matter decomposed by soil bacteria 395-96 Ammonia production 396 Nitrite production 397-98 Nitrate production 398 Pansies, Rhizoctouia on 328 Permanent agriculture 483 Phaseolus, Rhizoctonia on 284 vulgaris 312 Phosphate, Acid, for roses.. 516, 517, 518, 521, 523-26, 528, 539, 540, 550-57, 564 Phosphate, rock 395 Phosphate, solubility Action of ammonia production 398-99 Action of nitrite bacteria. .399-403 Action of nitrate bacteria. .... 403 by carbon dioxid 403-05 by organic acids 405 Phtjllophagji of Illinois. .215-57, 261 anxia 227-28, 235 nrlcunsmia 234 balia 235 b'arda 235 bipartita . .228, 236 calccata 235 congrua 233 corrosa 232, 236 crassissima 233 crcnulata 231-32, 236, 237 dclata 233, 236 draUi 232, 236 fcrvida 230-31, 236 forbesi 226, 236 fnrstcri 233, 236, 237 fratcrna 228-9, 237 fusoa 223-24, 236, 257 fiitilis .225, 257 grandis 232 Tiirticula . . 219-21, 236 Mrtiventris . . 235 liorni 234 ilicis 230 implicita 221-23 inversa 224-25, 236 longitarsa 234 mlcans 227, 237 niiida 233, 235 nova 233 praetermisea 234, 237 profunda 229, 237 prunina 234 . rugosa 226-27, 235 tristis 229-30 vchemcns 231, 237 villifrons 234 610 VOLUME 13 PAGE l'l-7-"> VEGETABLES, TESTS WITH NITRATE OF SODA IN THE PRODUCTIO M OF EARLY 27-46 Vegetables used~in nitrate of soda tests ". 30 Vienna, experiment field, Soil of. 481 Vigna cat Jang, Rhi^gefeonia on.. 308 Viola odorata, RhizOcronia on . . . 336 tricolor, Rhizoctonia on. 328 Violet root felt fungus 284 Violets, Rhizoctonia on........ 336 Virginia experiment field, Exper- iments on 468-09 Wheat, Price, 1904-13 17 Shrinkage 24-26 Michigan station 24, 25 Ohio station 24 Utah station 25 Wheat, spring, grown at DeKalb 502-03 'Fail-field 499, 507 Urbana ... '.' 499, 506 WHITE-GRUBS, INFLUENCE OF TREES AND CROPS ON INJURY BY ... .259-65 Wolff -Lehmann feeding standard. 575 Yellow-leaf, sec Spraying experi- ments 56, 143 'Aca mays, Rhizoctonia on 323 I/ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA