THE NEW-YORIv CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. SYSTEM , | i i \ I ^ P ' : £ [ \} \ * OF AUDITING THE ACCOUNTS, AND OF PURCHASING THE SUPPLIES OF THE COMPANY, AND PLAN FOR THE ORGANIZATION WOOD DEPARTMENT. ALBANY : WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1856 . Kfi^nn m It , 5^5- V- N V's'fe s ^O^S^s. *\vt\jv\g \m ft THE NEW-YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the New-York Central Railroad Company, held at the Directors’ Room in the Exchange, in the city of Albany, on the twentieth day of May, 1856 : The Standing Committee on Accounts sub- mitted to the Board a Report in writing, relative to defects stated by the said Committee to exist in the present mode of auditing the accounts and of purchasing the supplies of the Company, and proposing certain changes in the system, which Report was accepted and, ordered to be placed on file : whereupon, it was Resolved , That the said Report, together with Regolutior he outlines of a plan for the organization of a oftheBoard ^ 12,05 i 2 wood department, as drafted by the Comptroller, and heretofore submitted to the Executive Com- mittee, be referred to a Select Committee, con- sisting of the Standing Committee on Accounts, and Messrs. Faile, Chedell and Schoolcraft, with power to perfect and put in operation a general system of auditing the accounts and of purchasing the supplies of the Company, and a plan for the organization of a wood depart- ment, and that the said Committee be authorized to make such appointments as the system adopt- ed by them may require. [A copy.] Gilbert L. Wilson, Secretary . REPORT. In pursuance of the authority vested in the Special Committee, appointed by the Board of Directors of the New- York Central Railroad Company, by a resolution passed on the 20th day of May, 1856, of which annexed is a copy, the said Committee met at the room of the Directors of said Company, in the Exchange in the city of Albany, on the 30th day of May, 1856, and agreed upon the following general system of auditing the accounts and of pur- chasing the supplies of the Company, and plan for the organization of a wood department. 1. The office of Auditor is hereby abolished Office of J Auditor from and after the 1st day of July next. abolished. 2. In addition to the powers and duties of the Powers and Comptroller, he shall possess all the powers and ferred on 1 perform all the duties now possessed and per- Comptloller - formed by the Auditor. 4 Money, how paid by Treasurer. Exceptions. Comptrol- ler’s requisi- tion, when to be drawn. Auditing of accounts. 3. No money shall be paid or advanced by the Treasurer, other than the expenses of the Treasurer’s department, without the requisition of the Comptroller therefor, except such as may be required to meet the permanent obliga- tions of the Company, and except also such other payments as may be directed, from time to time, by the Board of Directors or the Ex- ecutive Committee. The Comptroller shall not draw any requisition on the Treasurer, for the payment of any money or the acceptance of any draft, unless the bills, vouchers and ac- counts therefor shall have been first audited and allowed by the said Comptroller, in con- juction with one or more members of the Com- mittee on Accounts appointed by the Board, which Committee shall meet with the said Comptroller on the second Thursday of each month for that purpose, and who shall make out two certificates showing the amount of money required by each Paymaster for the ex- penditures of the previous month, one of which shall be delivered to the Treasurer and another to the Paymaster with a requisition upon the Treasuier, to pay the amount thereof to the said Paymaster. No requisition shall be made by the Comptroller upon the Treasurer, with- out being accompanied by a statement of the names of the persons to whom the moneys called for by the said requisition are to be paid, 5 and the amount to be paid to each person respectively. But requisitions may be made by Exception the Comptroller upon the Treasurer for suffi- cient monies to pay for contingencies, upon estimates furnished to, and approved by the Comptroller and one or more members of said Committee on Accounts, and also for any pur- chases made and duly certified by the Commit- tee on Supplies, and for acceptances required for such purchases. There shall be three officers known as Pay- Paymasters masters, one on each of the following divisions of the Company’s road : First Division. That part of the road east of Syracuse ; Second Divi- sion. That part of the road between Syracuse and Rochester; Third Division. That part of the road west of Rochester. Their appointment shall be made by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee, and they shall possess the powers and perform the duties mentioned in the tenth by-law of the Company ; but the said Paymasters shall pay no money, save for bills or accounts which shall have first been audited and allowed by the Comptroller, and one or more members of the Committee on Accounts, as herein provided, except in cases where the Comptroller may give an order to the Paymaster to pay the wages of employees leaving the ser- vice of the Company, or discharged therefrom. 6 Reports of 4. The foremen of all shops and of each sec- necessary # # L supplies. tion of track repairs, and of every department, shall report monthly in writing, to their respec- tive Assistant Superintendents, such supplies as they will require for the ensuing month, speci- fying, as near as may be, the purpose of such supplies. The Assistant Superintendents shall carefully examine into the necessity of such supplies, and send such monthly reports, with their respective certificates of approval or dis- approval, in whole or in part, to the General Superintendent, who shall examine the same, and shall lay them all, with such comments and suggestions as he may deem proper, before a Committee on Supplies to be selected from the Board of Directors. Committee 5. The Committee on Supplies shall consist on Supplies. r r of three, by whom, or by whose authority all supplies shall be purchased. The said Com- mittee shall consist of Edward G. Faile, John L. Schoolcraft and Joseph Field, who shall hold their places during the pleasure of the Board of Directors, and until their places are supplied by others, and any vacancy in said Committee shall be filled by the Board of Di- rectors, by ballot. Contracts for 6. All contracts for the supplies of articles to supplies. . r r be delivered in the future, shall be in writing, 7 and no purchase shall be made without an in- voice, or bill of sale being made, in detail, at the time of the purchase, and stating the place of delivery. 7. The Committee on Supplies shall keep Records and r * 1 reports of records of all their transactions, and shall, once Committee on Supplies in each quarter, place before the Board of Di- rectors, a detailed report of all their purchases, showing the amount of purchases, dates, places of delivery, names of persons from whom they have purchased, prices paid, the articles and description of articles purchased. 8. The Committee on Supplies shall keep Oher duties rr r of Commit- their records in the office of the Comptroller, tee. and shall also file with the Comptroller the fore- mens’ monthly reports of necessary supplies, mentioned in article fourth, together with the Assistant Superintendents’ certificates of appro- val or disapproval, all of which shall be sub- mitted to the inspection of the Committee on Accounts. 9. Whenever any emergency shall arise under Immediate * . purchases. which the Superintendent or Assistant Super- intendent, or heads of other departments, shall find it necessary to make immediate purchases without awaiting the action of the Committee on Supplies, they are authorized to make such 8 Depot for supplies. purchases; but shall, as soon thereafter as pos- sible, report the same to the Committee on Supplies, together with a statement of the cir- cumstances under which said purchases were made, which purchases may be approved by the said Committee, and be so certified by them to the Comptroller. 10. The Committee on Supplies are authorized to employ such assistance as they shall deem necessary to carry out the objects of their ap- pointment, and also to establish a depot for the storage, care and delivery of supplies, for the use of the Company. Assistant H. The Assistant Superintendent upon each dents^o^re- division shall make a report monthly to the port * Comptroller, in such form as may be prescribed by him, of the employees upon his di\ision, the nature of their services, and their compensation respectively. WOOD DEPARTMENT. Wood Agent 1 . There shall be a department for the pur- and Inspec- . _ . . n tor and Mea- chase, measurement and inspection of wood, Wood. which shall be under the charge of two persons, both of whom shall be appointed by the Board of Directors, one of whom shall be designated the Wood Agent, and the other the Inspector and Measurer of Wood. 9 2. The Wood Agent shall have authority to Powers and make and to cause to be made all purchases of wood required by the Company for fuel. The Inspector and Measurer of Wood shall inspect all wood purchased for fuel, and shall measure or cause the same to be measured. The said Wood Agent and Inspector and Measurer of Wood may employ such assistance as the per- formance of their respective duties may render necessary. 3. All contracts for the purchase of wood Contracts to r be in writing shall be in writing, and be approved by the recor- Wood Agent, and when made shall be forward- ed or delivered to the Comptroller, to be re- corded by him in books, on the margin of which shall be minuted and carried forward the amount of wood purchased up to that date in that fiscal year. 4* At the time of the making of such record, Evidence of ° 5 * 7 record to be the contract itself shall have endorsed thereon endorsed on contracts. the page and date of its record, and as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, shall be delivered to the Inspector and Measurer of Wood. 5. No wood shall be inspected or measured, inspection r and mea- unless the Measurer or his assistant shall have, surement. at the time, in his possession, a written contract therefor, duly recorded in the Wood Book, with 10 the date arid page of the record endorsed there- on. » Accounts, 6- No bill for wood shall be audited until the howjmdi- or jgi na ] contract therefor shall have been re- turned, with a certificate of inspection and mea- surement, by the Inspector and Measurer, to the Comptroller, unless said contract shall have been only partially fulfilled, in which case the Inspector may send to the Comptroller a copy thereof, stating the page and date of the record of the original, and also the amount of wood delivered and paid for, on the original contract, up to that date. Restrictions 7. No wood shall be bought as mixed. No onpurcim contraet s h a ]] ma de for wood in the tree; and no payments on wood contracts by way of esti- mates or advances shall be made without the permission of the Board. Measure- 8. All the wood, sawed and unsawed, which woodon belongs to the Company, shall be measured in the month of September in each year, and the amount thereof, together with the amount found at each station, shall be submitted to the Board, on the first Tuesday of October in each year. Return of 9. Whenever any contract, or copy of con- Comptroller, tract, shall be returned by the Measurer to the Comptroller, the Comptroller shall note on the 11 Record Book the extent to which said contract has been fulfilled. 10, The Comptroller shall, on the first Tues- Report by r , . Comptroller. day of October, January and April, in each year, make out a full written statement giving the name of each Wood Contractor, his resi- dence, the date of his contract, the number of cords and kind of wood contracted for, its price and place of delivery, which statement shall be submitted to the Directors of the Company at their next meeting held thereafter. 11. All vouchers for wood must be accom- Vouchers - earned by the certificate of the Measurer who has superintended the delivery and measurement thereof, as to the actual measurement, delivery, quality and kind of wood included in the voucher, and under what contract, and when and where the same was delivered. [Signed.] RUSSELL SAGE, JOHN F. SEYMOUR, SCHUYLER LIVINGSTON, JOHN L. SCHOOLCRAFT, JOHN H. CHEDELL, EDWARD G. FAILE. ' i