It stitbttes e t NEVADA LAWS AND REGULATIONS FOR THE ERTIFICATION OF TEACHERS buiv'ER Compiled by the I 8 jgjg State Superintendent of Schools Under Authority of the State Board of Education September, 1918 CARSON CITY, NEVADA State Printing Office-Joe Farnsworth, Superintendent 1918 p I ¥ *fc WC. - V'vt^L/te 3 c J Tt ir ; 14 4 ^, 4 > 7 /. A/ l no. ;.B.E.—Form 1 CERTIFICATION OF TEACHERS IN NEVADA Announcement of State Board of Education As amended April 4, 1916. In effect on and after September 1, 1916. CERTIFICATION ON CREDENTIALS Men and women from other States who seek appointment in Nevada schools may apply for license to the State Board of Education, and certificates will be issued them in accordance with the general practice of such interchange between differ¬ ent Commonwealths of the Union; provided, each candidate furnishes satisfactory proof of good moral character, sound physical health, adequate liberal study and professional train¬ ing, evidence of successful teaching (in case the candidate has already served as a teacher elsewhere), and a certificate of the State from which the candidate comes showing that the candidate is duly licensed there for the grade of school in which he seeks an appointment in Nevada. —Resolution of State Board of Education. An applicant holding a standard college or normal diploma, or a life certificate of any State, may submit this in lieu of examination; and in the case of a college diploma there must be, in addition to the regu¬ lar college work, a proper showing of educational work. On such col¬ lege diploma a high-school certificate may be issued; on the normal diploma, a first-grade elementary certificate; and on the life certifi¬ cate, a certificate of appropriate grade, though not necessarily of the same grade; provided, “that no high-school certificate shall he granted upon any credential not equivalent to a diploma of graduation from a science course or the liberal arts course of the University of Nevada, together with the required training in educational subjects .” (Quota¬ tion from Section 30 of School Code.) In presenting a college or university diploma as a credential of application for a high-school certificate, the applicant must show that he has had sixteen semester units of education in a standard institution of learning. If a normal-school diploma is presented as a credential for a first-grade elementary certificate, it must be from a state-sup- / ported normal school, showing a full two-year course above a standard four-year high school. Limited certificates of other States, or city and county certificates > thereof, are not recognized for certification in Nevada. See “Special Certificates for Vocational Subjects.” No certificate will be issued to any person under 18 years of age. ELEMENTARY CERTIFICATES ON EXAMINATION The subjects in which applicants are required to pass satisfactory examinations for elementary certificates are: 42800 4 Mental arithmetic, physiology and hygiene, orthography, English grammar, written arithmetic, drawing, United States history, reading, general history, current events, geography, music, business forms and elementary bookkeeping, penmanship, civics, theory and methods. Examinations for teachers’ certificates are held semiannually in different parts of the State in June and December. These examina¬ tions are uniform and are all held under the authority of the State Board of Education. Applicants for the different grades of elementary certificates are all examined in the same subjects. The elementary certificate of the first grade issued on examination shall be valid for three years from the date of issuance. It shall not be issued to any person whose general average is less than 85 per cent or whose grade is less than 65 per cent in any one subject. The ele¬ mentary certificate, first grade, shall not be issued to any person under 1 20 years of age, nor to any person who has not had sixteen months of successful experience in teaching. Such certificate may be renewed by the State Board of Education according to such rules and regula¬ tions as the Board may prescribe. Credits Toward a First-Grade Elementary Certificate: An applicant for an elementary certificate who shall make in any regular examination a standing of 85 per cent in any subject shall receive credit in such subject toward a first-grade elementary certificate; and the State Board of Education may allow credit for satisfactory work done by applicants for certificates on examination, in a standard sum¬ mer school, in determining their per cent standing in any subject or subjects. The elementary certificate, second grade, shall be valid for two years from the date of issuance and shall be issued upon examination in all subjects required for the first-grade elementary certificate; provided, that no second-grade elementary certificate on examination shall be issued to any person whose general average is less than 75 per cent, or whose grade is less than 60 per cent in any one subject. In no case shall an elementary certificate of the second grade be renewed. No certificate will be issued to any person under 18 years of age. HIGH-SCHOOL CERTIFICATES ON EXAMINATION Examinations for high-school certificates will be given at each of the semiannuals; provided, that there are applicants therefor who have made application to the State Board of Education at least thirty days prior thereto, designating the subjects they will be prepared to present from groups B and C as shown below. For convenience of illustration, the subjects of examination may be placed in three groups classified as A, B, C. In group A, all are to be taken; in B, one only; in C, three. . A. English grammar, spelling, arithmetic, English literature, gen¬ eral history, history of the United States, civil government, algebra, plane geometry, physics, history and methods of teaching. B. Latin, French, German, Spanish. C. Rhetoric, English history, solid geometry, physical geography, chemistry, botany, zoology. i3Md 5 A high-school certificate issued on examination shall be valid for four years from the date of issuance; it will not be issued to any per¬ son whose general average is less than 90 per cent, or to any person who is under 20 years of age. It may be renewed by the State Board of Education according to such rules and regulations as the Board may prescribe. Credit toward a high-school certificate, to be obtained on examina¬ tion, may be allowed, in the discretion of the State Board, for any required high-school subject satisfactorily completed in a standard college; and credit may be allowed to applicants who hold a Nevada elementary certificate of the first grade for a standing of 90 or more made in any of the required subjects of examination for a high-school certificate, as shown on the certificate and in the record in the State Superintendent’s office. All examination papers are graded by the State Board of Educa¬ tional Examiners, at Carson City, Nevada, unless otherwise specified by the State Board of Education. Applicants will be notified of their success or failure by letter. SPECIAL CERTIFICATES FOR VOCATIONAL SUBJECTS The regular high-school certificates do not cover vocational and other special subjects. For these, special certificates are issued, based on training and experience satisfactory to the State Board of Education. (See sections 23 and 33 of the School Code; also Bulletin No. 2 of Vocational Education.) By special action of the State Board in December, 1917, the list of subjects for special certification was extended so as to include, in the discretion of the Board, such subjects as the needs of the schools might require during the period of the war, the same being warranted by paragraph 3 of section 23 of the School Code which was enacted subse¬ quent to section 33. LIFE DIPLOMAS For laws governing the issuance of life diplomas, see School Code, sections 28 and 29. Forty-five months of successful teaching is required of graduates of the Nevada four-year State Normal School, and for graduates of the two-year State Normal; for all other teachers, sixty months of suc¬ cessful teaching is required and twenty-four months of said teaching must have been in Nevada. Life diplomas are of two grades, high-school and elementary. Forms for application therefor are furnished by the State Superintendent of Schools. TEMPORARY CERTIFICATES Regulations of the State Board of Education 1. A temporary certificate should not be granted to any applicant who failed in the semiannual teachers’ examina¬ tion immediately preceding application therefor, or who was in the State and failed to take the examination, except as follows: (a) That such applicant in the interim, attended a stand¬ ard normal school or a standard summer school for a period of 6 not less than six weeks and made a satisfactory record therein, as officially attested by such school; or (b) That such applicant has done two or more years of study successfully in a standard college or university. 2. Temporary certificates should not be granted to appli¬ cants from other States after a semiannual teachers’ examina¬ tion, unless said applicants hold teachers’ certificates, state, county, or city, and have had some experience in teaching in this or other States, except as follows: (a) That the applicant or applicants shall have had one year or more of training in a standard normal school; or (b) Two or more years of successful work in a standard college or university. 3. A temporary certificate will not be issued to any teacher who is to act as principal of a high school or of an elementary school. 4. Temporary certificates are not to be issued on county certificates of other States until applicants’ credentials are filed with the Secretary of the State Board of Education. 5. In granting temporary certificates, Deputy Superinten¬ dents should fill them out properly, including specifications of credentials on back of certificates, sign and date them, and at once forward them to the State Superintendent for counter¬ signing and registering; and they shall at once notify the persons to whom such certificates are granted of the limita¬ tions and duration of said certificates. All temporary certifi¬ cates upon being countersigned by the State Superintendent will be returned to the Deputy Superintendent issuing them. 6. Temporary certificates should be issued to teachers 'whose credentials are, in the opinion of the Deputy Superintendent, probably sufficient for certification by the State Board with¬ out examination, but not clearly so, as the certificates thus issued are intended to bridge over probable favorable action by said Board. Temporary Certificates Not Necessary, When. In all cases where the credentials submitted are clearly sufficient for cer¬ tification by the State Board, Deputy Superintendents may consider the regular certificates as issued and place teachers on the legal list to receive salaries, pending formal action in the premises by the State Board. The first, second, fifth, and sixth of the foregoing resolutions for temporary certificates were adopted by the State Board of Education, August 27, 1913, and the third and fourth, January 25, 1915. They were designed to secure uniformity of requirement in all the super¬ vision districts, to promote reasonable efficiency of training, and to expedite the certification of teachers. THIRD-GRADE ELEMENTARY CERTIFICATES Note the following regulation as to third-grade elementary certifi¬ cates—granted only after the December examinations and good only in the school district in which the teacher has been employed up to said examinations on a temporary certificate. (See School Code, sec¬ tion 27) : Beginning with September 1, 1915, a third-grade certificate will not be granted to any teacher making less than seventy (70) per cent in general average or less than fifty (50) per cent in any subject*-.. State Superintendent of Schools.