REVISED PRICE HARNESS, ETC Manufacturing Co. 51, 53, 55, 57, 59 & 61 West Washington Street, CHICAGO. *i Printed by Skeen & Stuart Stationery Co., Chicago. No. 17. May 10, 1884. REVISED PRICE LIST OF HARNESS MANUFACTURED BY Ejaifield Manufacturing do., MANUFACTURERS OF *HARNESS,+ HORSR GLOTHING, COLLARS AND WEBBING, Fine Leather and Turf Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. OFFICE AND FACTORY: CHICAGO, ILL. ESTABLISHED IN 1869 BY A. G. GARFIELD. INCORPORATED 1877. GARFJELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Harness. Machine Stitched. \ o. O. Gig Saddle, No. 109 Seat and jockeys, japanued; flaps, patent leather; plain harness leather loop. Bellybands Single leather. Bridle Cheeks, f in., with narrow loops, flat side checks, fancy front, X C ring bit. Lines Black; f in., forepiece; handparts, web. Breast Collar and Neck Strap Folded bodies, with layers. Traces H inch. Breeching Folded with layers; hip -straps, f in. Breeching Straps f in. Martingale and Rum Straps are not furnished with this harness. We make this in X C only. XC, trimmed $5 50 Wo. 1. Gig Saddle, No. 109 Seat and jockeys, japanned; flaps, patent leather; plain harness leather loop. Bellybands, single leather. Bridle Cheeks, f in., with narrow loops, flat side checks, fancy front, X C ring bit. Lines Black, f in. Breast Collar and Neck Strap Folded bodies, full layers. Traces 1 inch. Breeching Folded body with layer; hip-strap, f in. ; side-straps, f in. Full japanned $6 00 X C, plated hook and terrets, balance japanned, 6 00 With collar and hames. . . 7 00 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Harness. Continued. Gig Saddle, No. 114 Japanned seat and jockeys; flaps, patent leather; backhands cut from heavy har- ness leather, single thickness, imitation stitched; Stender's loops; enameled drill pad. Bellybands Single leather. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched. Bridle Cheeks, | in., with long box loop; bal- ance, i in.; blinds, A, patent leather; flat overcheck and winker brace; fancy front, BC, and fine tinned rosettes; bit, C plate. Lines Either No. 101, 102 or 103. See pages 46 and 47. Breast Collar and Neck Strap Folded bodies; full layers. Traces 1 inch; two pieces solid leather. Breeching Folded body; full layer; tugs, double and stitched; hip-strap, f in. flat; side straps, f in.; back-strap, lined and stitched; round dock. Full japanned trimmed ..................... $6 50 Fine tinned hook, terrets, trace and shaft tug buckles, balance japanned .......... 6 50 Bon-ton trimmed saddle, balance japanned. 6 75 Oreide trimmed saddle, balance japanned. . . 6 75 Nickel trimmed saddle, balance japanned.. . 6 75 If with flat side checks, no extra charge. Extras. H in. traces, 3 in. saddle 50 Round side checks 25 Round hip-straps 25 Martingale 25 Hitching- strap 20 With hames and collar 1 00 Hand stitched, with heavy No. 10 thread, 6 to the inch 1 50 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Harness. Continued. No. 4. Gig Saddle, No. 115 Seat and jockeys japanned; flaps, patent leather; back-bands, double and stitched; Stender's japanned loops; rubber drill pad, stuffed to end of billet. Bellybands Inside folded, outside single; buckle to shaft tug. Bridle Cheeks, f in., with long box loop; balance | in. ; blinds, C, patent leather; two rows imitation stitching; flat overcheck and winker brace; front, D, patent leather; rosettes, nickel plated. Lines Either No. 105, 106 or 107. See page 47. Traces 1 inch; two pieces solid leather. Breeching Folded body; full layer; tugs round- ed; hip-strap, f in. flat; side-straps, in.; back- strap scalloped, lined and stitched; dock, round. Martingale Single thickness solid leather; hitch- ing strap, f in., with loop. Full japanned trimmed, band pattern $8 50 Full X C trimmed, band pattern 8 50 With nickel terrets, hook and chain front, balance japanned 9 00 Japanned with bon-ton terrets and hook 9 00 Oreide terrets, hook, trace and shaft tug buckles 9 25 Hard finish, oreide lined 9 50 If with flat side-checks, no extra charge. Kxtras. Round side-checks 25 Round hip-straps With H i n - trace and 3 in. saddle 50 With 1^ in. trace and 3 in. saddle, balance made in proportion 2 50 Hames and No. 4 collar 2 00 Hand stitched, 7 to the inch 1 50 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Harness. Continued. HTo. 18. Gig Saddle, No. 116 Seat and jockeys japanned; flaps, patent leather; back-bands, double and stitched; Stender's japanned loops; harness leather facings; rubber drill pad; stuffed to end of billet. Bellybands Inside folded, outside single; buckle to shaft tug. Bridle Cheeks, f in.; long box loop on cheeks; blinds, D, patent leather; two rows inside stitching; flat overcheck; round winker brace; front, chain; rosettes and bit nickel plated. Lines No. 4. See page 46. Breast Collar and Neckstrap Folded bodies; full layers; neckstrap billet lined and stitched. Traces 1 inch, two pieces solid leather. Breeching Folded body; full layer; tugs flat, with two rows stitching; hip-strap, f in. flat; side-straps, in.; back-strap scalloped, lined and stitched; round dock. Hitching-Strap | in. with loop. This harness is made from good and selected stock, workmanship the best for machine-made har- ness, and will give satisfaction. Full nickel trimmed, band pattern $10 75 Oreide terrets, hook, trace and shaft tug buckles, balance trimmings japanned 10 75 Nickel terrets, hook, trace and shaft tug buckles, balance tip-tongue 10 75 Hard finish, oreide lined 11 25 Extras. 1| in. trace and 3 in. saddle 50 H in. trace and 3i in. saddle 2 50 Round side checks 25 Round hip-straps 25 Full japanned names and No. 4 collar 2 00 Nickel band O spot hames, leather covered, and No. 4 collar 2 75 Hand stitched, 7 to the inch 1 50 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Harness. Continued. X o. 30. . Hand Stitched, 8 to the inch. Gig Saddle, No. 235 Japanned seat; patent leather jockeys and flaps; two rows false stitching on jockeys; back-band straight and wave stitched; Stender's loops; enameled leather pad; tufted, laced by hand. Bellybands Inside .folded; one row stitching; outside, single leather, and attached to inside by two loops. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched. Pollywog. Bridle Cheeks, f in.; balance, 4- in; long box loops; patent leather blinds, D, two rows figured stitching; flat overcheck; round winker brace; fancy leather front; nick el rosettes; tie strap, f in. Breast Collar Folded body; full layer; waved, raised and stitched; box loops. Neckstrap Folded; full layer; waved, raised and stitched. Traces 1 inch; made of two pieces of heavy leather; stitched 8 to the inch. Lines Either No. 6i, 16| or 26f See page 46. Breeching Folded body; full layer; waved, raised and stitched; tugs, double and stitched; side- straps, | in. solid leather; hip-strap, f in.; back- strap, raised, waved and stitched, 14 in.; round stitched crupper dock. Martingale Flat; rubber rings. Full nickel trimmed, hook and terrets band pattern, balance sensible $15 75 Full nickel trimmed, wire pattern , 16 00 Davis hard finish 16 25 Rubber trimmed, wire pattern 20 75 Rubber trimmed, oval pattern 21 10 Extras. With H in. trace and 3 in. saddle 1 00 With l| in. trace and 3 in. saddle, balance made in proportion 2 50 Round side check 25 Round hip-strap 25 Hames and No. 3 half patent leather buggy collar. . . ... 3 00 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Harness. Continued. Wo. 33. Description same as No. 30, except has enameled leather folds. Nickel trimmed, band pattern $16 75 Nickel trimmed, wire pattern 17 00 Davis hard finish 17 25 Rubber, wire pattern 21 75 Rubber, oval pattern, hook and terrets 22 10 ISO. 34. Hand Stitched, 8 to the inch. Gig Saddle, No. 349 Japanned seat; patent leather jockeys and flaps; two rows false stitching on jockeys; back-band straight, rounded above loop; Phillips' loops; enameled leather pad; tufted, laced by hand. Bellybands Folded; one row stitching through center. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched. Bridle Cheeks, either $ in. or | in. ; balance | in. ; long box loops; patent leather blinds, Ex, two rows figured stitching; flat overcheck; round winker brace; fancy leather front; nickel rosettes; tie strap, f in. Breast Collar Folded body; full layer; waved, raised and stitched, box loops. Neck-strapFolded; full layer; waved, raised and stitched. Traces 1 in.; made of two pieces heavy leather; stitched 8 to the inch. Lines Either No. 7* or 27*. See page 46. Breeching Folded body; full layer; waved, raised and stitched; tugs, double and stitched; side-straps, | in. solid leather; hip-strap, f inch; back-strap, raised, waved and stitched, 14 inches; round stitched crupper dock. Martingale Flat; rubber rings. GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Harness. Continued. Wo. 34. Continued. Extra care is taken in selection of stock for this harness, as well as in making same; made of best Pittsburgh oak leather. Breast collar loops stamped " Garfield M'fg Co., 34." Folds are oiled with pure neatsfoot oil, and boarded to force same in, to make leather soft. Full nickel trimmed; hook and terrets; band pattern; buckles, sensible $19 25 Full nickel, wire pattern 19 50 Oriental, band pattern 20 00 Rubber, wire pattern 28 00 Rubber, oval pattern 28 35 Centennial trimmed, all small buckles, oriental 26 50 Centennial trimmed, all small buckles, rubber, 29 25 Extra*. With li in. trace and 3 in. saddle 1 00 With 1 in. trace and 3 in. saddle, balance made in proportion 3 00 Round side check 25 Round hip-strap 25 Hames and No. 3 half patent leather buggy collar, with folded martingale, no ring piece 5 00 10 GARFIELD MFG. Co , CHICAGO. Single Harness. Continued. Wo. 40. Hand Stitched, 10 to the inch. Gig Saddle, No. 249 Japanned seat; flaps, heavy split skirting; back-bands straight, wave stitched, with figures; Stender' sloops; pad made of enameled leather, tufted and laced by hand. Bellybands Inside, folded; one row stitching; outside, single leather; attached to inside by two loops. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched. Pollywog. Bridle Cheeks, f in.; long box loops; patent leather blinds, Ex, two rows false stitching; flat overcheck; round winker brace; chain or fancy leather front; nickel rosettes; tie strap, f in. Breast Collar Folded body; full layer; waved, raised and stitched; box loops; neck-strap folded; full layer; waved, raised and stitched; billets lined. Traces 1 in.; two pieces firm leather; waved and stitched 9 to the in. Breeching Folded body; full layer; waved, raised and stitched; tugs, double and stitched; side- straps, | in. solid leather; hip-strap, fin.; back-strap waved, raised and stitched, 14 inches; round stitched crupper dock. Martingale Single leather; rubber rings. Lines Either No. 6i 16| or 26|. See page 46. Is made of best Pittsburgh oak leather, in best style, and equal to any custom-made harness. Nickel trimmed, sensible pattern $21 50 Nickel trimmed, wire pattern 21 75 Orientalband 2200 Full rubber wire pattern 28 50 Full rubber oval pattern, hook and terrets. . . 28 85 Extras. H in. trace and 3 in. saddle 1 25 l| in. trace and 3 in. saddle, balance made in proportion 3 50 Round side checks 25 Round hip-straps 25 With hames and No. 3 half patent leather buggy collar, with folded martingale. 5 00 OARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 11 Single Harness. Continued. No. 42. Hand Stitched, 10 to the inch. Gig Saddle, No. 259 Covered seat; flaps, heavy split skirting; back-bands, straight, wave stitched with figures; Stender's loops; pad made of enameled leather, tufted and laced by hand. Bellybands Wide folded body, with layer made same as for track use, with Griffith's patent buckles. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched. Bridle Either | in. or with f in. cheeks; long box loops; blinds Rx, two rows false stitching; flat overcheek; round winker brace, chain or fancy leather front; tie-strap, f in. Breast Collar Folded body; full layer; raised, waved and stitched; box loops; neck-strap, folded; full layer; waved, raised and stitched. Traces 1 in.; two pieces firm leather; waved and stitched, 9 to the in. Breeching Folded body; full layer; raised, waved and stitched; tugs, round; side-straps, % in. solid leather; hip-strap, f in. ; back-strap waved, raised and stitched, 14 inches; round stitched crupper dock. Martingale Folded; rubber rings. Lines Either No. 7 or 27|. See page 46. Folds are made of best breeching leather; balance best Pittsburgh oak. Breast collar loops are stamped "Garfield Mfg. Co., 42." Nickel trimmed, wire ball pattern $23 75 Nickel trimmed, band pattern 24 25 Oriental, hard finish 24 25 Oriental, nickel or gilt (solid), raised center hook and terrets, trace and shaft tug buckles 25 75 Rubber, wire pattern 30 75 Rubber, oval pattern, hook and terrets, trace and shaft tug buckles 31 75 Rubber, band pattern 34 25 Rubber, double seam pattern 35 25 Rubber, imperial pattern 36 60 12 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Harness. Continued. Xo. 42. Continued. Extras. H in- trace and 3 in. saddle $1 25 l| in. trace and 3 in. saddle, balance made in proportion 3 50 Hames and No. 3 half patent leather buggy collar, with folded martingale 5 00 Round hip-strap, with lined and stitched billets 50 Round side checks 25 No. 43. Description same as No. 42, except has enameled leather folds, which are filled with heavy sail canvas, making them very strong, are easily kept clean, and when rubbed off with a chamois will always look new. Breast collar loops not stamped. With either No. 42 or 43 we will give the ordinary girths, if preferred, without extra charge. Nickel trimmed, wire ball pattern $23 75 Oriental, hard finish 24 25 Oriental, nickel or gilt (solid), raised center hook and terrets, trace and shaft tug buckles , 25 75 Rubber, wire pattern 30 75 Rubber, oval pattern, hook and terrets, trace and shaft tug buckles 31 75 Rubber, band pattern 34 25 Rubber, double seam pattern 35 25 Rubber, imperial pattern 36 60 Extras. H in- trace and 3 in. saddle 1 25 li in. trace and 3 in. saddle, balance made in proportion 350 Hames and No. 3 half patent leather buggy collar, with folded martingale 5 00 Round hip-strap, with lined and stitched billets 50 Round side checks. . 25 GAKFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 13 Single Harness. Continued. No. 44. Hand Stitched, 12 to the inch. Gig Saddle, No. 360 Covered seat; flaps, heavy grain skirting; jockeys, two rows false stitching; back-bands figured below loops; Phillips' loop ; pad enameled leather; tufted and laced bv hand. Bellybands Folded ; straight layer. Track- girth, or will give long girth with billets, if desired. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched. Bridle | inch; long box loops; patent leather blinds, Rx, two rows false stitching; flat overcheck; round winker brace ; nickel chain or fancy leather front; reflecting rosettes; tie strap, f inch. Breast Collar Folded body; full layer; raised, waved and stitched; box loops; neck-strap, folded; full layer; waved, raised and stitched. Traces 1 inch; two pieces firm leather; stitched straight, 10 to the inch; trimmed round edge. Breeching Folded body; full layer; raised, waved and stitched; tugs, round; side-straps, in. solid leather; hip-strap, in.; back-strap, waved, raised and stitched; round stitched crupper dock. Martingale Folded with layer; rubber rings. Lines Either No. 11 or 12. See page 46. Is made of best Pittsburgh oak leather, in best style, and equal to any custom-made harness. Folds of best breeching leather. Loops are all hand creased. Rubber, oval pattern $39 50 Rubber, band pattern 42 00 Rubber, double seam pattern 43 50 Rubber, wire ball pattern 40 75 Rubber, imperial pattern, 45 00 Extras. inch trace and 3 inch saddle 1 50 inch trace and 3 inch saddle 5 00 14 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Harness. Continued. Hand Stitched, 12 to the inch. Made of best Moffat leather throughout; other- wise description same as No. 44. Rubber, oval pattern ...................... $47 50 Rubber, band pattern ...................... 50 25 Rubber, wire ball pattern .................. 49 00 Rubber, double seam pattern ............... 51 25 Rubber, ribbon pattern .................... 51 75 Rubber, imperial pattern .................. 53 00 No. 45. Hand Stitched, 14 to the inch. Description same as No. 44. This is as good a harness as can be made; will send either side or over check with this harness for same price. Made of best Moffat leather throughout. Rubber, band pattern $57 00 Rubber, wire ball pattern 55 75 Rubber, double seam pattern 58 00 Rubber, ribbon pattern 58 50 Rubber, full imperial, with trace and shaft tug buckles 59 50 GARPIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 15 Single Strap Harness. Xo. 48. Gig Saddle, No. 2 Harness leather flaps and leather pad. The best saddle of the kind in the market. Bellybands Single; outside made with billets to buckle around shaft. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched. Bridle Cheeks, f in.; long box loops; patent leather blinds, D, three rows stitching; round winker brace and check rein; nickel plated bit and rosettes; nickel chain front. Breast Collar Wave creased. Traces 1 in. ; waved and stitched to breast collar. Breeching Wave creased; layers on end; side- strap, | in.; hip-strap, f in. flat; back-strap, waved, raised and stitched; round dock. Lines | in. ; all black or russet; made to loop in bit. No martingale with this harness. This is the best single strap harness for the money ever put in the market by any house; only needs a trial to prove what we say. You should send for at least one of this number as a sample. Full japanned tipped tongue, buckles, terrets and hook-lined $12 00 Nickel band, terrets and hook, balance ja- panned, tipped tongue 12 00 Nickel wire terrets and hook, balance tipped tongue 1200 16 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Strap Harness. Continued. \o. 49. All Hand Made. Gig Saddle, No. 3 Harness leather flaps; wave stitched back-bands; leather pad. Bellybands Inside, If in., solid leather; outside, 1 in., single leather; attached to inside by two loops. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched. Pollywog. Bridle Cheeks, f in.; long box loops; patent leather blinds, D, three rows stitching; round winker brace; flat over-check; fancy enameled front and rosettes: nickel plated bit. Breast Collar Body, If in., solid leather; fancy creased; layers on end, raised, waved and stitched; neck-strap solid leather; fancy creased. Traces l^in.; single leather; waved and sewed to breast collar. Breeching Body, If in., solid leather; fancy creased; layers on end, raised, waved and stitched; side-straps, 1 in., solid leather; hip-strap, f in. ; back- strap, raised, waved and stitched, 11 in.; round stitched crupper dock. Lines No. 4. See page 46. Martingale li in., solid leather; rubber rings. Hitching Strap f in. wide, with loop. Full japanned, tipped tongue, terrets and hook lined $13 00 Nickel on composition, sensible pattern 13 50 Nickel on composition, wire pattern 13 75 Davis' hard finish 14 00 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 17 Single Strap Harness. Continued. No. 5O. Hand Stitched, 8 to the inch. Gig Saddle, No. 235 Japanned seat, patent leather jockeys and flaps; jockeys two rows false stitching; back-band straight and wave stitched; Stender's loops; enameled leather pad, tufted to end of loop, laced by hand. Bellybands Inside, If in., solid leather; outside, | in. single leather; attached to inside by two loops. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched. Pollywog. Bridle Cheeks f in.; long box loops; patent leather blinds, D, three rows stitching; round winker brace; flat over-check; fancy enameled front and rosettes; nickel plated bit. Breast Collar Body, If in., solid leather; fancy creased; layers on end, raised, waved and stitched; box loops; neck-strap, solid leather; fancy creased. Traces H in., single leather; points lined and stitched. Breeching Body, If in., solid leather; fancy creased; layers on end, raised, waved and stitched; side-straps, in., solid leather; hip-strap, f in. ; back- strap, raised, waved and stitched, 11 in.; round stitched crupper dock. Lines Either No. 6i 16i or 26. See page 46. Martingale 1 in., solid leather; rubber rings. Hitching Strap | in. wide, with loop. Full japanned, tipped tongue, terrets and ' hook lined $15 50 Nickel on composition, sensible pattern 16 00 Nickel on composition, wire pattern 16 25 Davis' hard finish. . 16 75 18 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Strap Harness. Continued. Mo. 55. Same description as No. 50, except traces are stitched to breast collar. Be careful to order No. 55 if you wish traces stitched to breast collar. Full japanned, tipped tongue, terrets and hook lined $15 00 Nickel on composition, sensible pattern 15 50 Nickel on composition, wire pattern 15 75 Davis' hard finish. . 16 25 \ o. 56. This harness is perfectly plain, without any creas- ing, otherwise same as No. 55. Full japanned, tipped tongue, terrets and hook lined $15 75 Nickel on composition, sensible pattern 16 25 Nickel on composition, wire pattern 16 50 Davis' hard finish.. 17 00 GrARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 19 Single Strap Harness. Continued. No. 65. Hand stitched, 10 to the inch. Gig Saddle, No. 269 Covered seat; flaps, heavy split skirting; back-bands, straight, wave stitched, with figures; Stender's loops; pad made of enameled leather; tufted and laced by hand. Bellybands Inside, If in., solid leather; outside, | in., single leather; attached to inside by two loops. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched. Pollywog. Bridle J in.; long box loops; patent leather blinds, Rx, three rows stitching; round winker brace; flat over-check; fancy enameled front and rosettes; steel bit, nickel plated. Breast Collar Body, If in., solid leather; fancy creased; neck-strap, solid leather; fancy creased. Traces Hin.; stitched to breast collar. Breeching Body, If in., solid leather; fancy creased; layers on end, raised, waved and stitched; side straps, in., solid leather; hip-strap, f in.; back -strap, raised, waved and stitched, 12 in.; round stitched crupper dock. Lines Either No. 11, 12, 15, 15| or 17. See page 46. Martingale If in., solid leather; rubber rings. Hitching Strap | in. wide, with loop. This harness is made of best Pittsburgh oak leath- er, and is used for both road and track. Full nickel trimmed, wire pattern $22 00 Davis' hard finish 22 50 Full rubber trimmed, oval pattern, hook and terrets 28 50 Rubber, band pattern 30 25 Rubber, double seam pattern 30 85 Rubber, wire ball pattern 30 25 Rubber, imperial pattern 32 50 20 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Strap Harness. Continued. Wo. 76. Hand Stitched, 12 to inch. Gig Saddle, No. 269 Covered seat; flaps, heavy split skirting; back-bands, straight, waved stitched, with figures, 14 to inch; Stender's loops; pad made of enameled leather, tufted and laced by hand. Lines Either No. 11, 12, 15, 15| or 17. See page 46. Bridle i in.; long box loop; Rx blinds, made of best buff winker leather, 3 rows silk stitched; round winker brace; fine leather front; flat over- check; steel Dexter bit, nickel plated. Breast Collar Solid leather; fancy creased. Traces H in-, stitched to breast collar. Breeching Solid leather; fancy creased; layers on ends, raised, waved and stitched; side-straps, | in., solid leather; hip-strap, f in. ; back-strap, waved and stitched, 12 in. ; round stitched crupper dock. This harness is made of the best Pittsburgh oak leather. Rubber, oval pattern $34 00 Rubber, band pattern 35 50 Rubber, wire ball pattern 35 75 Rubber, full double seam pattern 36 25 Rubber, full ribbon pattern 37 00 Extra. Above harness with "hand-creased" loops, extra. . 2 00 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 21 Single Harness. Continued. Wo. 77. Best Moflat Leather, Stitched 12 and 14 to the inch. Gig Saddle, No. 279 Flaps and jockeys best heavy grain skirting; jockeys two rows stitching, stitched with silk; seat covered; back-bands, straight, waved and stitched, with figure. Back-bands stitched, 14 to the inch; billets lined and stitched, 12 to the inch. Balance of harness made same in style as No. 76. Full rubber, oval pattern $38 25 Full rubber, band pattern 40 00 Full rubber, ribbon pattern 41 40 Full rubber, double seam 40 60 Full rubber, wire ball 40 15 Full rubber, imperial 42 25 22 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Track Harness. Wo. SO. Track Saddle, No. 300 Either 2f or 3 in. tree; covered seat and long jockeys; back-band, 1 in., running over the tree to make it secure and prevent it from breaking at terret holes. Lines Regular track; either No. 15, 15 or 17. See page 46. Bridle Either $ in. throughout or with f m. cheek; long box loop; best grain leather track blinds, 3 rows stitching, with either side or over- checks; steel Dexter bit, nickel plated. Breast Collar If in., solid leather. Traces H in., stitched to breast collar. Breeching Solid leather; I in. side-strap; f in. back strap. This harness is perfectly plain, without any creas- ing. All stitching is sunk in channels and hidden from sight, except in certain parts where channel- ing would prove detrimental to neatness and dura- bility. Made of best Pittsburgh oak leather. Centennial, small buckles, rubber $38 50 Full rubber, oval pattern 8 75 Full rubber, band pattern 9 25 Full rubber, wire ball pattern 39 35 Full rubber, double seam pattern 40 75 Full rubber, ribbon pattern 41 65 \ o. 82. Description same as No. 80, except is creased same as No. 76. Centennial, small buckles, rubber $38 50 Full rubber, oval pattern 38 75 Full rubber, band pattern Full rubber, wire ball pattern 39 35 Full rubber, double seam pattern 40 75 Full rubber, ribbon pattern 41 65 GABFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 23 Single Strap Track Harness. Made of best Moffat Leather. Xo. 85. Description same as No. 80, except that all patent leather is best grain; first quality steel bit. Centennial, small buckles, rubber $48 25 Full rubber, oval pattern. 48 25 Full rubber, band pattern 49 25 Full rubber, wire ball pattern 50 00 Full rubber, double seam pattern 50 50 Full rubber, ribbon pattern 51 25 No. 87. Description same as No. 85, except is creased same as No. 76. Centennial, small buckles, rubber $48 25 Full rubber, oval pattern 48 25 Full rubber, band pattern 49 25 Full rubber, wire ball pattern 50 00 Full rubber, double seam pattern 50 50 Full rubber, ribbon pattern 51 25 24 GARFTELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Double Harness. Machine-Made. Xo. 97. Pads Plain folded, with housing, pad hook and tenets; harness leather flaps, with flat trace loops. Bellybands Single leather. Bridles Cheeks, f in., balance | in.; either flat side checks or over-checks; patent leather blinds; silvered rosettes; X C ring bits. Lines f in., flat. Traces H in., raised; stitched by machine. Hame Tugs Plain harness leather; japanned iron hames. No pole-straps or hitching- straps with this har- ness. We do not sell this harness without collars. XC or japanned, with collars $13 00 Extras. Pole-straps, per pair 40 Hitching-straps, each 20 GARPIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 25 Double Harness. Continued. Xo. 98. Pads Patent leather tops; japanned pad plates; housing under pad. Bridles Cheeks, -f in., balance | iii. ; either flat side checks or over-checks; patent leather blinds; silvered rosettes; XC ring bits. Lines Round, with russet or web hand-parts. Traces H in., raised; stitched by machine. Hame Tugs Plain harness leather, with box loops; japanned iron hames. Backstraps Scalloped; round dock. No pole-straps or hitching-straps with this har- ness. We do not sell this harness without collars. X C or japanned, with collars $16 00 Extras. Pole-straps, per pair 40 Hitching-straps, each 20 26 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Double Harness. Continued. No. I oo. Pads Patent leather tops; two rows imitation stitching; japanned pad plates; housing under pad; flaps, straight with round trace loops. Bellybands Folded. Bridles Cheeks, f in., with long box loops, bal- ance i in. ; patent leather blinds, C, two rows imita- tion stitching; flat over-check and winker brace; nickel chain front; nickel rosettes; ring bits. Lines Either No. 28, 28 or 29. See page 47. Traces 1 in., raised and stitched by machine. Balance of harness hand stitched. Hame Tugs Plain harness leather; box loops; full japanned hame. Back-straps Scalloped; round dock. Pole-straps and martingales are furnished w r ith this harness, but no ring pieces to martingales. X C hooks and terrets and trace buckles; bal- ance tipped tongue, without collars. . $17 50 Full XC trimmed, without collars 17 50 Full japanned trimmed, without collars 17 50 Nickel hooks, terrets and hames, nickel bits, balance tipped tongue, without col- lars 21 00 Extras. With li in. trace 1 00 With H in. trace 200 Flat hip-straps 75 Round hip-straps 1 25 If with breast collars 3 50 i Round side checks 50 (' TRACES, HAND STITCHED 1 35 j For collars, see page 53. GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 27 Double Harness. Continued. Vo. 101. All Hand-Made, Stitched 7 to the inch. Pads Patent leather tops; two rows imitation stitching; japanned pad plates; housing under pad; flaps, straight, with round trace loops. Bellybands Folded. Bridles Cheeks, f in., with long box loops, bal- ance i in. ; patent leather blinds, C, two rows imita- tion stitching; flat over-check and winker brace; nickel chain front; nickel rosettes; ring bits. Lines Either No. 28, 28- or 29. See page 47. . Traces li inch, raised and stitched, 6 to the inch. Hame Tugs Plain harness leather; box loops; wood coach hames, 2 spot. Back-strapsScalloped; round dock. Pole-straps and martingales are furnished with this harness, but no ring pieces to martingales. XC hooks andterrets and trace buckles, bal- ance japanned, without collars $20 75 Full japanned, trimmed, without collars 20 75 Extras. Flat hip-straps 75 Round hip-straps 1 25 Round side checks 50 For collars, see page 53. 28 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. l>ouble Harness. Continued. Wo. 110. Hand-Made, Stitched 10 to the inch. Pads Chicago straight or swell; patent leather tops and two rows false stitching; patent leather bottom; housing under pads; trace loops, rounded. Bridles Cheeks, f in., with long box loop, with D blinds, two rows false stitching; flat over-checks; nickel chain fronts, rosettes and bits. Lines No. 30|. See page 47. Traces 1 in. ; made of two pieces heavy leather stitched 8 to the inch. Hame Tugs Patent leather points, box loops, covered hames. Back-straps Scalloped; round dock. Martingale Folded body; no ring pieces to mar- tingales. Pole-straps and rum-straps with this harness. Full nickel trimmed, band pattern, no col- lars $25 00 Full nickel trimmed, wire pattern, no collars, 26 50 Davis' trimmed, band pattern, no collars. ... 26 50 Extras. H in- trace 1 50 1 in- trace, balance in proportion 3 50 Round hip-straps 2 00 Round side checks 50 If with breast collars, witli japanned irons. . 4 15 Spotted silver, oreide or nickel 8 50 For collars, see page 53. GARFIELD MFG. Co , CHICAGO. 29 Double Harness. Continued. \o. 10. Hand-Made, Stitched 10 to the inch. Description same as No. 110, except has Excelsior coach pads; trace loops, flat, with figures in center. Full nickel trimmed, band pattern, no col- lars $31 50 Full nickel trimmed, wire pattern, no collars, 32 50 Full Davis' trimmed, band pattern, no collars, 32 50 Extras. 1 in. trace 1 50 l| in. trace, balance in proportion .... 3 50 For collars, see page 53. Balance extras same as No. 110. 30 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. .Double Harness. Continued. No. 125. Hand-Made, Stitched 10 to the inch. Best Pittsburgh Oak Leather. Pads Excelsior; best patent leather tops and pad bottoms; flaps, heavy; single thickness; creased nicely to appear as being double; trace loop raised j and figured; a good patent leather housing under | the pad. Bridle Cheeks, f in., with either side or over- [ head checks; good patent leather blinds, Ex. ; chain i fronts. Lines Either No. 30|, 33| or 34|. See page 47. Traces 1 in., waved or straight, and stitched, 10 ji to the in. Hame Tugs Best patent leather points; box f, loops; safe under buckle, covered hame. Back-strapsScalloped, with figures; fine stitched dock. Martingales Folded; lay through center. Pole and rum-straps are furnished with this har- ness. Hame Tug loops; stamped "Garfield Mfg. Co., 125." Full nickel, band-pattern, no collars $37 50 Full nickel, wire pattern, no collars 39 50 Davis' hard finish, no collars 39 50 Extras. li in. traces 1 50 li in. traces, balance in proportion 4 00 Breast collars; spotted silver, oreide or nickel irons 4 50 Breast collars; full silver, oreide or nickel irons 6 00 For collars, see page 53. GARPIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 31 l>ouble Harness. Continued. \o. ISO. Hand-Made, Stitched 12 to the inch. Pads Excelsior; best patent leather tops and pad bottoms; flaps, heavy; single thickness; creased nicely to appear as being double; trace loop raised and figured; a good patent leather housing under the pad. Bridle in. throughout, with either side or over- head checks; good patent leather blinds, Rx; chain fronts; steel bit, nickel plated. Lines Either No. 31, 32 or 33*. See page 47. Traces 1 in., waved and stitched, 11 to the in. Hame Tugs Best patent leather points; box loops; safe under buckle; covered hame. Back-straps Scalloped, with figures; fine stitched dock. Martingales Folded; lay through center, with frog. Pole and rum-straps are furnished with this har- ness. Full nickel, wire pattern, no collars $46 00 Davis' hard finish, no collars 48 25 Centennial, small buckles, rubber, no collars 65 75 Full rubber, no collars, wire pattern 65 75 Full rubber, no collars, oval pattern 67 85 Full rubber, no collars, band pattern 71 25 Extras. li in. traces 1 50 li in. traces, balance in proportion 4 00 Breast collars, for rubber harness, with leather covered irons, no extra charge Breast collars, irons spotted silver, oreide or nickel 5 00 Breast collars, irons full silver, oreide or nickel 6 50 For collars, see page 53. 32 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Double Harness. Continued. No. 135. Description same as No. 130, with following ex- ceptions: Back-strap Lined and stitched, 36 in. Extra care is taken in selection of stock, as well as in making same; made of best Pittsburgh oak leather. Hame-Tug loops stamped "Garfield Mfg. Co., 135." Rubber, wire pattern, no collars $77 50 Rubber, oval pattern, no collars 79 75 Rubber, band pattern, no collars 83 25 Rubber, wire ball pattern, no collars 85 75 Rubber, double seam pattern, no collars 85 75 Rubber, ribbon pattern, no collars 88 75 For collars, see page 53. No. 136. Pads All hand-made; all loops hand creased; back-strap lined and stitched; otherwise description same as No. 130. Made of Moffat leather throughout. Centennial trimmed, no collars $120 00 Rubber, oval, plain trimmed, no collars. . . . 108 25 Rubber, band trimmed, no collars Ill 75 Rubber, wire ball trimmed, no collars 114 25 Rubber, double seamed trimmed, no collars 114 25 Rubber, ribbon trimmed, no collars 117 00 For collars, see page 53. GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Carriage Harness. \o. 15O. Pads Excelsior, best patent leather top and pad bottoms; flaps, heavy; single thickness; trace loops raised and stitched; a good leather housing under pad. Bridle Cheeks f in. ; balance, f in. ; round side checks; nickel plated swivels, with chain at outside. Lines Flat, heavy; either black or russet. Traces If or 1-J in. ; raised and stitched, 8 to in. Hame Tugs Patent leather points, box loops. Back-strapScalloped; hip-strap, flat, with frog outside. Martingales Plain, folded, without ring piece. Pole straps are not furnished with this harness. Nickel baud, without collars $ 6050 Extras. Fly terrets 60 Coach bits $2 00 to 4 50 For collars, see page 53. 34 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Carriage Harness. Continued. Wo. 160. Best Pittsburgh Oak Leather. Pads Excelsior; best patent leather top and bottom; flaps, heavy; single thickness; trace loops raised and stitched; a good leather bousing under pad. Bridle Cheeks in. ; balance i in. ; round side checks; nickel plated chain swivels on outside; fly terret on crown piece; nickel plated coach bits. Traces If or H in.; raised and stitched, 10 to the in. Lines Flat, heavy; either black or russet. Hame Tugs Patent leather points; box loops; hames, either for hame straps or links and rings. Martingales Folded, with layer and frog; no ring piece. Pole-straps are not furnished with this harness. Nickel, sensible pattern, O spot hames, no collars $68 25 Nickel, sensible pattern, full plated hames, no collars 74 25 Nickel, wire pattern, O spot hames, no collars 69 25 Nickel, wire pattern, full plated hames, no collars 75 50 Full silver plated on German silver, full plated hames, no collars 93 25 Extras. Silver plated fly terrets 3 50 Nickel fly post hooks 1 50 Nickel chain housings 1 50 Silver chain housings 7 00 We also make this harness with brass trimmings. For collars, see page 53. GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 35 Carriage Harness. Continued. Bfo. 170. Best Pittsburgh Oak Leather. Traces Stitched 10 to inch. Balance 12 to inch. Pads All hand-made; best patent leather top and bottom; flaps, heavy, single thickness; trace loops, raised and stitched; chain housing under pad. Bridle ^f in. cheeks, balance | in. ; round side checks; nickel chain swivels; fly terrets on crown pieces; nickel plated Liverpool coach bits. Lines Flat, heavy, either black or russet. Hame Tugs Patent leather points; box loops; hames, full plated, either for hame straps or links and rings. Martingales Folded, with layer and frog; no ring piece. Pole-straps not furnished with this harness. Nickel wire, full plated, no collars $ 93 75 Silver, full plated, no collars 114 00 For collars, see page 53. We also make this harness with brass trimmings. Extra. If with hip-strap with large frog 4 00 GAKFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. English Long Tug Carriage Harness. Wo. 45. Best Pittsburgh Oak Leather. Pads Hand-made; best patent leather tops; bil- lets on side to buckle to hame tug; folded girth with lay; silver chain housing under pad. Bridle f in. cheeks, with long box loops; coach blinds with rim around edge; heavy chain swivels on either side of crown pieces; heavy chain fronts; large rosettes; good nickel plated Liverpool bits. Hame Tugs Patent leather points; long box loops; hames, full plated. Back-strap Made to turn back and buckle at hip; hip-strap with frog between point and center, also one on end to cover trace loop; monograms or orna- ments can be used on both frogs. Martingales English, with frog. Lines Either black or russet. Pole-straps are not furnished with this harness. Full silver plated, no collars $126 25 Extras. For French collars 9 00 For coach Kay collars 17 00 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 37 English Long Tug Carriage Harness. ContM. Wo. 25O. Best Pittsburgh Oak Leather. Pads Hand-made; best patent leather tops; bil- lets on side to buckle to hame tug; folded girth with lay; silver chain housing under pad. Bridle f in. cheeks, with long box loops, hand- creased; coach blinds with rim around edge; heavy chain swivels on either side of crown pieces; heavy chain fronts; large rosettes; good nickel plated Liverpool bits. Hame Tugs Patent leather points, long box loops, hand-creased; hames, full plated, with long plated clips on outside of patent leather points; best English tug buckle. Back-strap Made to turn back and buckle at hip ; hip-strap with frog between point and center, also one on end to cover trace loop; monogram orna- ments can be used on both frogs. Martingales English, with frog. Lines Either black or russet. Pole-straps are not furnished with this harness. Full silver plated, no collars $143 75 Extras. For French collars 9 00 For coach Kay collars 17 00 We make, in connection with the above, more elaborate harness, which run in numbers and prices as follows: No. 260. . . 225 75 No. 270 278 00 No. 280 420 75 We also make the above harness with brass trim- mings. GARPIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Coupe Harness. \o. 4O5. Coupe Saddle, No. 1 1 4 or 4 in. ; flaps and jock- eys, best heavy split skirting; covered seat; running back-band, waved and stitched 12 to in. ; Stender's loops; billets are single, waved and imitation stitched; pad is made of enameled leather, and tufted on edge to billet. Bellybands Folded; long girth, with long billets. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched Bridle-|-f in. throughout; long box loops; winker leather blinds, Ex; round winker brace and check- rein; fancy rosettes and fronts; steel bit. Hame Tugs Patent leather points; nickel har- ness have full plated hames. Traces H in., stitched 10 to in. Breeching Folded body; full waved layer, stitched 10 to in.; tugs, f in., double and stitched; side-straps, f in.; hip-strap, f in. Martingales Folded, with layer; no ring piece. Lines Either No. 11 or 12. See page 46. This harness is made of good Pittsburgh oak stock. Nickel, wire ball pattern $41 75 Rubber, oval pattern 52 50 Extra. If with French collars . . 4 50 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Coupe Harness. Continued. No. 41O. Coupe Saddle No. 7; coupe loops. Bellybands Folded with lay. Breeching Folded; lay stitched 12 to in., or made double of solid leather. Otherwise description same as No. 405. Rubber, oval pattern $66 75 Silver. . 66 75 Extra. If with French shaft tug buckles. 3 50 We make more elaborate harness than the above, which run in numbers and prices as follows: No. 415. . . . $5 00 to 90 00 No. 420 123 00 No. 425. . . 175 00 40 GARPIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Express Harness. Wo. 5. Express Saddle No. 5, 4$ in., machine made, japanned seat and jockeys; flaps, patent leather; back-bands, good heavy harness leather; pad, ker- sey lined and sewed in by machine. Bellybands Folded. Shaft Tugs Double and stitched. Bridle f in. throughout; patent leather blinds, C; round side check; silver rosettes; fancy leather fronts; XCbit. Lines Flat, | in. Traces U in., stitched by machine; clipped cockeye. Hame Tugs 1 in., box loops; low top wood names. Breeching Folded; straight layer; side-straps, 1 in.; hip-strap, $ in.; round dock. Collar No. 3 team. XC or japanned trimmed $16 15 If with 5 in. saddle, 1| in. trace, and bal- ance in proportion 18 25 Wo. 10. All Hand-made. Express Saddle, No. 10 4| in., seat covered; flaps and jockeys, heavy harness leather; backhands raised and stitched, 7 to inch; pad is lined with heavy ker- sey, sewed in with a heavy wax thread by hand. Traces H in. Collar No. 2 team. Description same as No. 5. X C or japanned trimmed $21 75 If with 5 in saddle, H in- trace, and balance in proportion 25 75 GAKFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 41 Express Harness. Continued. No. 15. Express Saddle, No. 15 4|in., seat, covered; flaps and jockeys, patent leather; backbands raised and stitched, 8 to inch; pad lined with heavy kersey, sewed in with a heavy wax thread by hand. Trace 1J in. Collar Concord wool or imitation Scotch. Scalloped layer on breeching; hollow hames. Otherwise description same as No. 10. Full band, nickel or brass trimmed $27 75 With 5 in. saddle, 1-J- in. trace, and balance in proportion; heavy Concord bolt hames; hame tugs sewed in hames; with either buckles on hame tugs or chains on heel ends of traces. Full band, nickel or brass 37 00 Single Lumber or Truck Harness. Saddle 5| or 6 in. Traces 2 in., stitched into hame bolt, with chain at heel. Hames Heavy bolt, made extra strong. Full japanned $39 50 42 GAKFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Farm Harness. Pads Plain housings; otherwise same as Concord, with ends to buckle to trace buckle, making an easy pad for plowing or teaming; no hooks or terrets. Bridles Long cheeks, in., with square patent or harness leather blinds; flat check reins to hook over hames; X C ring bits. Lines Flat, | in. x 18 feet. Traces H inch; stitched by machine. Hame Tugs H inch; X C champion trace buckles. Overtop hames, varnished. Back-strap and Hip-strap $ in. wide. Bellybands Folded; sewed through center. Breaststraps 1| inch. Martingales H inch. Collars Good team. This harness, furnished with snaps and breast- strap slides $21 25 Bfo. C. Pads No. 5, XC team; our own patent; billets on ends to buckle to trace buckle. Bridles Long cheeks, f inch, with patent or har- ness leather blinds, either round or square; round check reins to hook to pad; X C ring bits. Lines Flat, | in. x 22 feet. Traces 1 i Q -> stitched by machine; clip cockeyes. Hame Tugs \\ in. Champion XC trace buckles; overtop hames, varnished. Back-straps and Hip-straps J inch. Bellybands Folded. Breaststraps and Martingales \\ inch. Collars No. 2 team. This harness, furnished with snaps and breaststrap slides $23 00 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 43 Farm Harness. Continued. No. I. Pads No. 2, known as "Perfection," X C or japanned. Bridles Long cheeks, in. ; with patent or harness leather blinds, either Concord or square; round check reins and winker braces; either XC or ja- panned snaffle or ring bits. Lines Flat, in. x 22 feet. Traces H inch. Good, heavy hand sewed, 5 to inch. Hame Tugs 1-J in- Champion X C trace buckles. Back-straps and Hip-straps J inch. Breaststraps and Martingales H inch. Collars No. 2 team. This harness is all hand sewed, 6 to inch, except traces, which are sewed 5 to inch. Price.. .. $25 50 Farm or Concord Harness. \ o. i:. Pads Concord, with re*d Concord housings. Bridles f in. throughout; Concord blinds. Lines Flat, in. x 22 feet, with snaps. Traces 2f inch; heavy single strap. Hame Tugs H inch, sewed in staples of names. Backstraps Double, $ in., running to hames; XC champion trace buckles. Hipstraps | inch. Breaststraps H in., with snaps and slides. Martingales li inch. Collars No. 2 team. Price. . . - $24 50 44 GARPIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Double Team Harness, with Breeching. Ho. II . Stitched 7 to inch. Pads Fancy Concord housing, or regular Con- cord pads. Bridles Long cheeks, f in., with patent or har- ness leather blinds, either round or square; round check-reins; fancy leather front; good X C bits. Lines Flat, | in. x 22 feet. Traces 1 in., best oak leather; stitched 6 to inch. Hame Tugs 1| in.; XC champion trace buckles; Concord X C top hames. Breechings Folded, with lay; double hip-straps; back-straps running to hames. Martingales 1 inch. Breaststraps 1-J inch. Rumstraps | inch. Collars Either imitation Scotch or Concord wool. Price .. $37 50 No. II . If inch Trace. Description same as No. H, except traces are If in., and balance in proportion. . . . $41 00 GAKFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 45 Cart Harness. No. S. Cart Saddle No. 5; housing, single harness leather; pad, cotton canvas; girth, leather, H in-; 2 in. shaft bellyband. Bridle J in. throughout; harness leather blinds; flat check-rein to hook over hames. Lines Flat, in. Breeching 3 in., cut from solid leather. Collars Ho. 2 team. Hames Overtop. Full japanned, trimmed $13 50 No. T. Cart Saddle No. 6; housing, double leather; pad, sheepskin; girth, leather, If in.; line ring; double link chain backhand. Bridle f in. throughout; harness leather blinds, either Concord or square. Lines Flat, 1 in. Breeching 3| in., with hip and kidney straps. Hames Concord, with hook. Collar Either imitation Scotch or Concord wool. Full japanned : $16 50 No. U. Cart Saddle No. 6, with double-link chain back- band. Bridle Cheeks, either or 1 in.; patent leather blinds, either Concord or square; round winker brace and check-rein; fancy front; XC bit. Lines 1 in. Breeching 4 in., folded with lay; good heavy hip and kidney straps. Hames Concord, with hook. Collar No. 2 case. X C or japanned, trimmed $22 50 46 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Flat Lines. No. Per pair. 4, Stained; handparts l/g in- in width; forepieces in. in width ; wave creased; buckles imitation covered; billets have spring hooks $1 25 4, Splices hand stitched; otherwise same description as No. 4 1 35 5-J, Stained; handparts and forepieces 1 in. in width; forepieces wave creased, with loops; all hand stitched 1 55 6, Stained; handparts li in. in width; forepieces ff in. in width; wave creased; buckles imitation covered; billets have spring hooks; splices hand stitched 1 70 7, Best russet oak leather; handparts li in. in width; forepieces J| in. in width; all hand stitched 2 10 11, Best oak tanned leather, stained; hand- parts li in. in width; forepieces 1 in. in width; buckles leather covered; billets have spring hooks; splices are hand stitched 3 00 12, All black; otherwise same as No. II... 3 00 14|, Black forepieces; russet handparts; otherwise same as No. 4. . .- 1 35 15, Track line, li in.; heavy throughout, black harness leather; handparts boarded; made to loop in bit 3 00 15|, All russet; buffed; description same as No. 15 3 00 16, Black forepieces; otherwise same de- scription as No. 6i 1 70 17, All russet; stained; description same as No. 15 3 00 24, All black; otherwise same as No. 4i . . 1 45 26l, All black; otherwise same description as No. 6 1 70 27|, All black; otherwise same description as No. 7| 2 10 101, All black, % in. wide, hand stitched, made to loop in bit 85 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 47 Single Flat Lines. Continued. No. Per pair. 102, Black forepieces; russet liandparts; otherwise the same as No. 101 $ 85 103, All russet; otherwise same as No. 101, 85 105, All black; in. wide; hand stitched, with buckles and billets 1 00 106, Black forepieces and russet handparts; otherwise the same as No. 105 1 00 107, All russet; otherwise same as No. 105. 1 00 Double Flat Lines. No. Per set. 28, Russet stained; | in. wide, with billets and X C buckles $1 85 28, Black forepieces and russet handparts; otherwise same as No. 28 1 85 29, Black; otherwise same as No. 28 1 85 30, Splices machine stitched; otherwise same description as No. 6|, single line 2 80 30|, Same description as No. 6i single line. 2 90 32, Stained; same description as No. 11, sin- gle line 4 40 33, Black forepieces and russet handparts; otherwise same as No. 30| 2 90 34|, All black; otherwise same as No. 30|. . . 2 90 35, Russet, stained; $ inch forepieces; H in. handparts; imitation russet covered buckles; billets without spring hooks; loop before and back of buckle 3 25 36, Russet; best oak leather; russet covered buckles, made up in best style; buffed handparts; otherwise same descrip- tion as No. 35 4 75 37, Best oak leather; stained; otherwise same description as No. 36 4 75 40, 8 feet handparts; otherwise same as No.30 2 90 40, 8 feet handparts; otherwise same as No.30i 3 00 48 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Single Bound Buggy Lines. No. Per pair. 50, Machine stitched; stop at billet; XC or japanned buckles; one loop; without handparts $1 15 51, Hand stitched; otherwise same as No. 50 140 Stitching on handparts 12 For handparts, see page 51. 55, Machine stitched; swell stop and loop before buckle; splice stitched, 8 to inch; nickel, Davis or tip- tongue buckles; without handparts 1 50 56, Hand stitched; otherwise same as No. 55 175 For stitching on handparts 12 For handparts, see page 51. 57, Has spring hook; otherwise same des- cription as No. 56 1 65 For handparts, see page 51. 60, Hand stitched; billet made with swell to form stop; narrow loop before and box loop back of buckle; splices stitched 10 to inch; either nickel, Davis or tip-tongue buckles; without handparts 3 25 Stitching on handparts 15 65, Hand stitched; best oak leather; splice 7 inches long; stitched 12 to inch; other- wise same description as No. 60; with- out handparts 4 00 Stitching on handparts. 25 For handparts, see page 51. 70, Best Moffat leather; stitched 14 to inch; billet made with swell, lined and stitched; splice 9 inches long; rubber buckles; without handparts 6 50 Stitching on handparts 35 For handparts, see page 51. The above Lines are made either Russet or Black. GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 49 Double Round Lines. Team. Machine Stitched. No. Per set. 100, Billet,! inch ; coupling 1 in., lined and stitched; buckles, XC or japanned; made to buckle to handpart; without handparts $2 50 With 1 inch black handparts 3 15 Buggy. Machine Stitched. Per pair. 109, Billets, either | or f inch, as desired; nickel, Davis or tip-tongue buckles; loop before and back of buckle; bil- lets stitched 8 to inch; coupling lined and stitched by machine; made with splice to stitch to handpart; without handparts $325 Stitching on handparts 15 For handparts, see page 51. no. Hand stitched, 10 to inch, otherwise same description as No. 109. Per pair. Without handparts $3 75 Stitching on handparts 15 For handparts, see page 51. 50 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Double Round Lines. Continued. 115. Hand stitched, 12 to inch. Best oak leather, box loop back of buckle, coupling lined and stitched. Without handparts $5 75 Stitching on handparts 25 For handparts, see page 51. 1O. Best 31 o flat Leather. Hand stitched, 14 to inch. Rubber buckles, box loop creased by hand. Without handparts $11 50 Stitching on handparts 35 For handparts, see page 51. The above Lines are made either Russet or Black. Check Lines. LENGTH. WIDTH. 15 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. % inch, per dozen set $1600 $1850 % inch, per dozen set 18 00 20 50 $22 50 $-24 50 1 inch, per dozen set 21 00 23 50 24 50 27 00 All of our Check Lines are doubled and stitched at couplings. GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 51 Handparts. Cut Handparts. No. Ft. Per pair. 10, 6|, H i n - stained and wave creased.. . $0 60 10, 7, H in., stained and wave creased.. . 65 20, 6|, H in-, stained and wave creased, with billet and imitation russet covered buckle 65 20, 7, H in., same description as 6 feet. . 70 40, 6|, H in-> same as No. 20, except heavier leather 70 40, 7, H i n -> same description as 6 feet.. 75 50, 6i l{ in., buffed with buckle and kop on end 70 50, 7, Same description as 6| feet 75 30, 6|, li in., best oak leather, not stained or creased 85 30, 7, H in., same as 6i feet 90 Folded Handparts. Feet. Per pair. 64 Russet $1 00 Stained 1 00 gf' Drab 1 05 ^1 ' Wine 1 05 g|' Black , 1 05 gi' Coffee 1 05 ' Pieced 90 1, Russet 1 15 7, Stained .... 1 15 7 Drab . ... 1 20 7, Wine 1 20 7, Black 1 20 7 Coffee 1 20 7 Russet chain stitched 1 40 l t Russet with layer 1 50 Russet with wine layer . . 1 50 3 52 GABFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Horse Collars. Draft Collars. No. Per doz. IX Broad welt thread, hand sewed $22 00 1, Team, thong sewed 19 00 1, Team, thong sewed, wool faced (new collar) 20 00 2, Team, thong sewed 18 00 2, Team, thong sewed, wool faced (new collar) 19 00 1, Team, thread sewed 19 00 1, Team, thread sewed, wool faced (new collar) 20 00 2, Team, thread sewed '. 17 50 2, Team, thread sewed (new collar) 18 50 3, Team, thong sewed (new collar). 16 50 3, Team, thong sewed, wool faced (new collar) 17 50 3, Team, thread sewed 16 00 3, Team, thread sewed, wool faced (new collar) 17 00 3, Hog bellies 16 00 3, Kersey bellies 16 00 4, Hog, Kersey bellies 12 00 5, Full Kip (new collar) 14 50 6, Full Kip, shoulder thong sewed (new collar) 15 00 7, Sweeny draft 21 50 8, Sweeny draft 19 00 9, Imitation case 26 00 10, Imitation case 23 00 11, Imitation case 19 00 11, Imitation case, wool faced (new collar). . 20 00 12, Wool faced, otherwise same as No. 10. .. 24 00 1, Concord wool 27 00 2, Concord wool 22 00 1, Scotch, hair faced 38 00 1, Scotch, Kersey belly, hair faced (new collar) 38 00 2, Scotch, hair faced 33 00 GARFIEL.D MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 58 Draft Collars. Continued. No. Per doz. 2, Scotch, Kersey belly, hair faced (new collar) $33 00 All duck, leather welt and chafe, one buckle 6 00 Duck, split rim, one buckle 6 75 Duck, split rim and shoulder 7 75 23, Chicago dray 30 00 Plain Leather Collars. No. Coach. Gig. Buggy. 2, Per dozen $26 50 $24 00 $22 00 3, Per dozen 22 50 20 50 19 00 4, Per dozen 1600 15, Per dozen 1200 Half Patent Leather Collars. No. Coach. Gig. Bu| 2, Per dozen $30 00 $25 50 3, Per dozen 2300 2050 1950 Full Patent Leather Collars. No. Coach. Gig. Buggy. 2, Per dozen $35 00 $31 00 $28 50 3, Per dozen 27 00 25 00 23 00 Kay Collars All Patent Leather. Coupe. Coach. Gig. Buggy. Measure around dra'ft, 12 in. 11 in. 10 in. 9 in. Each $9 00 $ 8 50 $8 00 $7 50 English Kay 10 00 French Imitation Kay. 4 50 Case Collars All Patent Leather. Coupe. Coach. Gig. Buggy. Measure around draft, 11V in. 10& in. 9V4 in. 8 1 /, in. Each $500 $475 $425 $400 Prices quoted on collars are for sizes running from and including 17 to 21 inches. For extra large col- lars extra charge will be made. 54 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Bridle Cheeks. Wo. 30. Per doz. pair. D blinds, f inch cheeks, box loops, nickel on composition buckles ................ $11 00 Japanned and tipped tongue buckles ....... 10 75 With round winker braces, add ............. 2 00 ' . Wo. 4. Rx blinds, 1 or f inch cheeks, box loops, rub- ber buckles ......................... $18 00 Nickel buckles ............................. 13 50 Round winker braces, add .................. 2 00 Buggy Harness Bridles. No. Each. 2, Japanned buckles, XC bit $1 35 4, With nickel chain front and rosettes 1 65 30, Nickel buckles, chain front, rosettes and bit 2 55 42, Rx blinds, nickel wire buckles, chain front, forged bit nickel plated 3 75 If with rubber buckles, gilt front and rosettes, nickel bit 4 55 Round side checks, extra 25 Plow Bridles. These styles of Plow Bridles are generally used in the South and frontier. No. Per doz. 40, Made of good leather, inch cheeks and lines; large blinds $10 50 41, f inch cheeks and lines 8 35 42, See Catalogue, page 50 7 20 43, See Catalogue, page 50 615 44, See Catalogue, page 50 6 15 46, See Catalogue, page 49 5 50 47, See Catalogue, page 50 4 75 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 55 Team Bridles. No. Per doz. 54, See Catalogue, page 50 $10 50 55, See Catalogue, page 50 12 75 57, Without swivels. See Catalogue, page 51, 1800 58, With swivels. See Catalogue, page 51 .. 18 35 65, Round reins. See Catalogue, page 51.. . 24 50 Breast Collars with Neckstraps. No. Per doz. 4, Machine stitched $1 4, Hand stitched 16 00 18, Machine stitched 13 25 18, Hand stitched 17 75 30, Hand stitched 24 00 Breechings. No. Per doz. 4, Machine stitched $ 9 00 4, Hand stitched 11 50 18, Machine stitched 10 50 18, Hand stitched 13 00 30, Hand stitched... 18 00 Breeching or Side Straps. Per doz. pair. f inch, with XC sensible buckles $ 4 75 | inch, with XC sensible buckles 5 40 | inch, with box loop and nickel buckles. . . | inch, with box loop and rubber buckles. . . 11 00 Traces. Per pair. 4, Machine stitched, 1 in. 6 ft $1 30 4, Machine stitched, H in. 6 ft 1 40 4, Machine stitched, 1* in. 6 ft 1 50 Hand stitched, extra 65 30, Hand stitched, 1 in. 6 ft 2 25 80, Hand stitched, H in. 6 ft 2 50 30, Hand stitched, 1} in. 6 ft 2 75 40, Waved hand stitched, 10 to in., 1 in 3 50 40, Waved hand stitched, 10 to in., H in 3 75 40, Waved hand stitched, 10 to in., U in.'. . . 4 00 56 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. Team Traces. Hand Stitched, 6 to inch. Per pair. 1| inch wide, 6 feet long $3 00 If inch wide, 6 feet long 3 25 1| inch wide, 6| feet long 3 50 If inch wide, 6i feet long 3 75 Machine Stitched. H inch wide, 6 feet long, with clip cockeye, 2 40 If inch wide, 6 feet long, with clip cockeye, 2 55 Team Breast Straps. Per doz. pair. li inches $8 50 If inches 9 75 Wagon Martingales. Per doz. pair. 1^ inch, common : $8 00 1| inch, with neck-yoke straps 13 00 Hame Straps. Per doz. $- inch, Buggy or Carriage $ 1 35 f inch, Buggy or Carriage 1 50 No. 5, I inch, Team . 1 10 No. 5, 1 inch, Team 1 25 No. 5, U inch, Team 2 00 No. 10, | inch, Team 90 No. 10, linch, Team 1 05 Spreader Straps. For Double Buggy Harness. Per doz. i inch, with either nickel or Davis buckles . . $ 1 25 1 inch, with either nickel or Davis buckles. . 1 35 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. 57 Rum Straps. Russet, for Riding Bridles. Per doz. | inch, with loops $2 50 | inch, with loops 2 75 Black Rum Straps. Per doz. $ inch, with loops $2 25 f inch, with loops 250 f inch, with snaps, riveted 2 25 inch, with snaps, riveted 2 50 | inch, buckles and billets 2 75 f inch, buckles and billets 3 00 No 1 extra, f inch best oak leather, round edge, not creased, with loops 3 00 No. 1 extra, f inch best oak leather, round edge, not creased, with buckles and billets 3 50 No. 1 extra, f inch best oak leather, round edge, not creased, with loops 3 25 No. 1 extra, f inch best oak leather, round edge, not creased, with buckles and billets 3 75 Rein Holders. See Catalogue, page 42. Per pair. Plain, folded $060 Chain stitched Russet, with russet layer 75 Buckskin.. 135 58 GARFIELD MFG. Co., CHICAGO. PATENT ROPE TRACES, For the use of Horse Railways, Farmers, Canal Towing, Artillery Service, etc. From their durability and cheapness they are especially adapted to farm use and heavy teaming. Rope Traces, with couplings, per set (of four) $4 25 Rope Traces, with couplings, bellybands and backhands, per set (of four) 5 75 ROPE TRACE HARNESS, COMPLETE, Consists of the following: 1 pair backhands. 1 pair bridles. 1 set lines. 1 set rope traces, with couplings. 1 set hames. 1 set hame straps. 1 pair collars. Price of harness, complete $13 00 IN ORDERING GOODS, State whether you wish them shipped by Express or Freight. Be careful to give Number and Description as per Price List. Sixty days net. A discount of 3 per cent, will be allowed for cash, if received within ten days from date of in- voice. All bills subject to "sight draft," with exchange, if not paid when due. Prices subject to change without notice. Mail orders will be carefully filled, shipped as promptly as possible, and invoiced at prices ruling at date of shipment, whether higher or lower than those quoted in this list. GARFIELD MANUFACTURING Co. CHICAGO, May loth, 1884.