338.7 iI£6Uru, r^x \ STATE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF ILLINOIS RULES Establishing Standards of Service for Gas and Electric Utilities. Adopted by the Commission and Effective November 1, 1914. x ■^ :f. ^ lir I CENTRAL CIRCULATION BOOKSTACKS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its renewal or its return to the library from which it was borrowed on or before the Latest Dot* stamped below. You may be charged a minimum fee of $75.00 for each lost book. Th*ft, mutilation, ond undcrllnlna of b*«k( or* rMitont for dlMlpliMory octton and mmy rasult In diuaJifoJ from ttto Unlvorslty. TO RENEW CAU TELEPHONE CENin, 3a3-l4O0 UNIVEKSITY Of IlllNOIS lIBRAtY AT UUANA-CHAMPAIGN JUN 2 5 I99S MAY 3 1 1995 When renewing by phone, write new due date below previous due date. LI 62 ^-■-^.^.1 4 a')>w%i)i 0> (H£ frtSlTYOFRJJNOB STATE PtS^ElC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF ILLINOIS RULES Establishing Standards of Service for Gas and F^lectric Utilities. Adopted by the Commission and F^ffective November 1, 1914. Springi-ield. III. ScHNEpp & Barnes, State Printers 1914 J. RULES ESTABLISHING STANDARDS OF SERVICE ^ FOR GAS AND ELECTRIC UTILITIES IN 3 THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. PRELIMINARY. I. Statutory. The Illinois Public Utilities Law, Act of 1913, contains the followinf^ I »i'o visions : § 10. Definitions. — The term "service," when used in this Act, is used in its broadest and most inclusive sense, and includes not only the use or accommodation afforded consumers or patnuis. but also any prorhict and the plant, ei,iiiiLiM_\ jn > i\ im' 'ii> m ^ ■> ■. .iii'i and l)e- conie efiFecti\e on N'ovember 1, 1914. ^ III. Application of Rules. * ^ These lilies shall appl>' to any public utility' defined as such by ihe Illinois Publie Utilities Commission Law, which is now or liert-aftei- n)ay be engaged in the production, sale or distribution 2 VCR of gas ov electricity and wliicli coDies uiidci- tlic jiiiisdiction of tlie comtnissiuii. IV. Saving Clause. The aduption of these rules shall in nu way iireclude the com- mission from altering or amending the same, in whole or iu part, or from requiring any other oi- additional service, equipment, facility or standard, either upon complaint or upon its own motion, or upon the application of any utility: and, furthermore, tlu'se rules shall iu uo way relieve any utility from any of its duties under the laws of this State. If any utility has been supplying or is under contract to sui)i)ly a quality of service of greater value to the consumer than that which these rules require, no reduction in such quality of service shall be made by the utility before a determination by the commis- sion of the proper rate to be charged the consumer for the lower grade of service. Such a rate shall, in general, be based upon the cost of furnishing the grade of service i-eipni-ed by these rules. V. Definitions . The word "utilitj^" used in these rules, shall be construed to mean public utility. The word ' ' commission, ' ' used in these rules, shall be construed to mean the State Public Utilities Commission of Illinois. The word "consumer," used in these rules, shall be construed to mean any person, firm or corporation supplied by any utility with gas or electricity. GENERAL SERVICE RULES. Rule 1. Records and Reports. All iv ears after they are made. Such records shall be kept withiu thi' State, at an office or offices of the utility located in the territory served by it. and shall be open for exaiiiinatiou by the commission or its representative. Each utility shall notify the commission <»f the office or offices at which the various cla.sses of records ar*^- kept and shall file with the commission such reports as the commission may from time to time require. Rule 2, Testing Facilities. til: Each ulilil\ .shall, unless specifically excused by the com- mission, provide such laboratory, meter-test injr shop and other equipment and facilities as may be necessary t(» nuike the tests required by these rules or other orders of the eonimi.ssion. The ap])aratus and equipment so provided shall be at all times avail- able for the inspectittn or^y^v of any member or aulh'>ri/.cd repre- sentative of tKe commissionr (b) Each utility shall make such tests as are j)rescribed under these rules with such frequency and in such manner and at such places as may be approved by the commission. Rule 3. Bequest Tests. Each utility furnishing metered service shall make a test of the accuracy of any meter, u|)on written request l»y a consumer: Provided, first, that the meter in question has not been tested bv the utility or by the eommissi(»n within six months previous to such ree made to the consuniei-. Rule 4. Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error. If on any test of a service meter, either by the utility or by the commission, such meter shall be found to have a percentage of error greater than that allowed in Rule 11 (c) for gas meters, or Rule 22 (e) for watt-hour meters, the following provisions for the adjustment of bills .shall be observed : (a) Fast Meters. — If the meter is faster than allowable, the utility shall refund to the consumer a percentage of the amount of his bills for the six months jtrevious to the test or for the time the meter was installed, not exceeding six months, corresponding to the percentage of error of the meter. No part of a minimum, service or demand charge need be refunded. (b) Slow Meters. — It the meter is found not to register or to run slow, the utility may render a bill to the consumer for the 6 estimated consumption during the preceding six months, not cov- ered by bills previously rendered, but such action shall be taken only in cases of substantial imi)ortanfe where the utility is not at fault for allowinsf the incorrect meter to be in service. Rule 5. Records of Tests and of Meters. (aj Service Test Record. — A complete record of the quality and condition of service shall be kept by each utility. The record so kept shall contain complete information concernintr each test, including the date and hour when and the place where the test was made, the name of the inspector conducting the test, the result of the test and such other information as may be required by these rules, or as the commission may from time to time direct, or as the utility making the test may deem desirable. (b) Meter Test Record. — Whenever any service meter is tested, the original test record shall be preserved containing the information necessary for identifying the meter, the reason for making the test, the reading of the meter upon removal from service and the result of the test, together with all data taken at the time of the test in sufficiently complete form to permit the con- venient cheeking of the methods employed and the calculations. (c) Meter Record. — A record shall also be kept, numerically arranged, giving for each meter owned or used by any utility, the date of purchase, its identification, and the repairs and tests to which it has been subjected, with dates and general results of all tests. (d) Tabulation of Meter Tests. — Monthly and annual tabula- tions of the results of all meter tests shall be made, arranged according to types of meters and intervals of test. Rule 6. Meter Readings on Bills. Bills rendered periodically to consumers for metered service shall show the readings of the meter at the beginning and end of the period for which the bill is rendered, the number and kinds of units of service supplied, the dates of the meter readings and the price per unit of service. On all bills which are computed on any other basis than a definite charge per unit of service, the other factors used in computing the bill shall be clearly stated so that the amount may be readily computed from the information appear- ing upon the bill. Rule 7. Complaints. Each utility shall make a Avritten acknowledgment to consum- ers of the receipt of all complaints: shall make a full and prompt investigation of all such complaints, and shall keep a record which shall show the name and address of the complainant, the date and nature of the complaint, and the adjustment or disposal thereof. Rule 8. Interruptions of Service. Each utility shall inakc all reasonable effoi-ts t(t diiMijiate in- terruptions of service and when such interru]~)tious occur shall eiuieuvor to re-establish service with the shortest possil.h- dehiv . Wlieuever the service is interrupted for the purpose of wcrkin^ on the distril)uti(»u svstem or the station equipment, this sliall l>e done at a time which will cause the least inconvenience to consumers and those most seriously affected by such interruption shall, it possilile. be notitled in advance. SPECIAL GAS SERVICE RULES. Rule 9. Definition of a Cubic Foot of Gas. For testing purposes, a cubic foot of gas shall be taken t<; be the amount of gas in a volume of one cubic foot when saturated with water vapor, at sixty degrees Fahrenheit, and at a pressure of thirty inches of mercury. For purpose of measurement to a consumer, a cubic toot oi gas shall be the amount of gas in a volume of one cubic foot under the conditions existing in such consumer's meter as and where installed ; provided consumer's meter shall not be set so close to any source of artificial heat as to subject them to a temperature exceeding seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit. Rule 10. Meter Testing Equipment. Each utility furnishing metered gas service shall own an approved meter prover of not less than five cubic feet capacity, and shall maintain the same in proper adjustment to register the accu- racy of the meters to within one-half per cent (><7f''. The meter prover shall be so placed as to be shielded from excessive tempera- ture variations and shall be equipped with suitable thermometers and other necessary accessories. The accuracy of all pro vers and methods of operating same may be established from time to time by a representative of the commission. All alterations, accidents or repairs which might affect the accuracy of a prover or the method of operating same shall be promptly reported in writing to the commission. Rule 11. Gas Meter Accuracy. (a) Method of Testing. — All tests to determine the accuracy of registration of a gas service meter shall be made Avith a suitable meter prover. At least two test runs shall be made <>n each meter, the results of which shall aeree with each other Avithin one-half per cent (j^^f). (b) Installation Test. — Every gas service meter, whether new, repaired, or removed from service for any cause, when in- stalled for the use of any consumer shall be in good order and shall have been adjusted to be not more than one per cent (1%) in error when passing gas at six (6) cubic feet per hour per rated light capacity. Each such meter shall be marked by the utility testing it with the date of the last test made on that meter. (c) Allowable Error. — Whenever a meter is tested to deter- mine the accuracy with which it has been registering in service, it may be considered as correct if found not more than two per cent (2%) in eiTor, and no adjustment of charges sliall be entailed unless the error is greater than this amount. (d) Prepayment Meters. — No utility shall use prepayment meters geared or set so as to cause a rate or amount higher than 9 woulil be paitl if a stau«lai-(l nu'ter wa.s in use, miU'Ss the eonstMit of I Ik* coininissiou is lii'st <»l>tained iu wi-itiner cent of all meters now in service, those longest in service beint' remnved first. Rule 13. Referee Tests. L'pou written api)licatiou to the commission by a consumer a test will be nuide of said consumer's meter, as soon as practicable, by an inspector employed by the commission. The appli'-ation for such test shall be accompanied by a remittance of the amnunt fixed below as the fee for such test. If the meter is found t*> be more than two per cent (v% ) fast, this fee shall be paid to the consumer by the utility. The fees for referee meter tests are: Not exceeding ten lights capacity, each -t-.W Exceeding ten lights, but not exceeding forty- five liglils capacity, each 4.(X) Exceedinjr f<>ity-flve litrhts capacity, each 8.(X) This rule shall not interfere with the practice of a utility in its tests of gas .service meters, except that in the event of a written apj>lication to the commi.ssion by a consumer for a referee test the utility shall not remove or interfere with said meter Avithout the consent previously given in writintr of the consumer. Rule 14. Calorimeter Equipment. Each utilit.N whose tras output exceeds twent\ million cid>ic feet per year shall ('<|uip itself with a complete standard calorimeter outfit of a type approved by the commission and shall test ti'.c heating val.ue of gas supplied, using methods of test in acc<»rdance with the best practice. The heating value of manufactured gas shall be determined on at least three days eacli week and of natural gas at least three times a year. Rule 15. Heating Value. Each utilit.N furnishing manufactured gas shall supply gas which at any point at least one mile from the plant, and tested in the place where it is consumed, shall have a monthly average total heating value of not less than 5G.") Briti.sh thermal units i)er cubic foot, and at no time shall the total heating value of the gas at such point be le.ss than 530 British thermal units per cuhic foot. To arrive at the monthly average total heating value, the re- sults of all tests made on anv one dav shall be averagfed and the 10 average of all such daily averages shall be taken as the monthly average. Provided, further, that in ease gas is carried by mains at five pounds pressure or over per square inch, there shall be an allow- ance in the service of such high pressure district of 35 British ther mal units per cubic foot in the monthly average, and the minimum heating value shall not fall below 520 British thermal units per cubic foot. No utility shall lower its present standard heating value without first obtaining in writing the consent of the commis- sion. Rule 16. Purity of Gas. (a) Hydrodgen Sulphide. — Manufactured gas distributed in this State shall not contain more than one grain of hydrogen sul- phide per hundred cubic feet. Any test approved by the commission may be used for the determination of hydrogen sulphide. This puritj^ requirement will be considered as satisfied if a strip of white filter paper, recently moistened Avith a solution of 100 grains of lead acetate in 100 cubic centimeters of water, be exposed to the gas for one and one-half minutes in an apparatus previously purged through which the gas is floAving at the rate of approximately tive cubic feet per hour, the gas not impinging directly from a jet upon the test paper, and after this exposure the test paper be found not distinctly darker than a second paper freshly moistened with the solution and not exposed to the gas. Test papers shall be kept for one year by a safe and secure method, and shall be available to the commission if and when desired in that period. (h) Total Sulphur. — Manufactured gas distributed in this State shall not contain more than thirty grains of total sulphur per hundred cubic feet. (c) Tests of Gas Purity. — Each utility supplying manufac- tured gas shall, for the purposes of record, daily test the gas leav- ing its holders for the presence of hydrogen sulphide in the manner specified. Each utility supplying manufactured gas Avhose sales exceed fifty million cubic feet of gas per year shall provide and maintain such approved apparatus and facilities as are necessa.r.y for the determination of total sulphur; and each such utility shall at least once a week determine and put on record the amount of total sul- I)hur in the gas distributed by it. Rule 17. Pressure of Gas. ( aj I'kessuke \'ariatiox. — The pressure of gas supplied by any utility, as measured at the outlet of any consumer's meter, shall not be less than two inches nor more than eight inches of water pressure except where greater pressure is specified and provided for in the contract between the utility and the consumer, and pro- vided there be no unfair and unreasonable discrimination or prefer- ences. Within said limits the daily variation of pressure at the outlet of any one meter on the system shall never be greater than one hundred per cent of the minimum pressure at that outlet, pro- vided that variations in pressure entirely beyond the control of the ulilitv shall not be considered as a violation of this rule. 11 (b) Pressure Slrvevs. — Each gas utility shall provide itself with oue or more portable graphic recording pressure gauges aiin its entire system ^r on any portion thereof, which record >hn]\ contain the time, cause if known, extent and duration of the in- terruption. Rule 19. Extension of Mains. {HI i>£i-iMnuNs. — lor the purpose of this rule, a high pres- sure system shall be taken to mean one in which the gas is carried at a pressure of two pounds or over per square inch to the consum- er's premises where a service gON'ernor is installed to obtain a reduced pressure on such f»remis«*s. A low pressure system shiiil mean Extensions Above Free Limit. — If the main extension requireil in order to furni.sh service at any point within the cor- porate limits of any city or village, or for any adjacent suburb of a city or village, is greater than the free extension specified above, such an extension shall be made under the following conditions: The utility may require a deposit of the cost <»f the extension above the free limit and shall, in such a ea.se, refund an amount t^pial to the cost of the free main extension for each adtlitional consumer whose service shall be taken off <»f the entire extension within a period of t»*n years from the making of such an extension, but at no time shall the rebate made exceed the original deposit. If the extension is of such length and the prospective business which may be developed by it is so meager as to make it doubtful whether the business from the extension would ever pay a fair return on the investment, the facts shall be reported to the commission for investigation and determination as to the reasonableness of .such extension. This lule shall not be eonstrued as prohibiting any utility from making free extensions of lengths greater than above specified, or from providing a method of return of de|)Osits for extensions more favorable to c«)nsumers. so long as no di.scrimination is practiced between eonsumers whose service requirements are similar. (d) Contr.\ct For Service. — l^tilities will not be required to make street main extensions as deseri])ed in this rule imless those served by such extensions shall contract to use the service for at least one vear. 13 SPECIAL ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES. Rule 20. Meter Testing Equipment. (a) Working Standards. — Each utility furnishing metered electric service shall provide for and have available, suitable aud adequate facilities for testing its service watt-hour meters. These facilities shall be satisfactory to and approved by the commission and shall, in general, include a test bench fitted with the necessary apparatus and such working standards as are needed. Such work- ing standards will consist of portable indicating instruments and watt-hour meters known as "rotating standards." \\'orking stand- ards shall be calibrated periodically by reference to secondary standards of known accuracy and shall either be maintained accu- rate to within one-half per cent (j^%) or the proper correction be applied to their readings. (b) Secondary Standards. — Secondary standards of some approved type shall be owned and maintained by each utility hav- ing more than one thousand meters in service. Utilities not requii'ed to possess such secondary standards shall have their working stand- ards tested and calibrated in any properly equipped labi oratory of recognized standing. (c) Check Meters.— Utilities not required to possess secondary standards shall make the following provision for checking their rotating standards: For each kind (alternating or continuous cur- rent) of rotating standard a check meter of suitable type and capacity shall be provided and the rotating standards shall l)e checked thereby at least once a week while in service. Such cheek meter may be of the service type and shall be mounted permanently on the test bench. These meters shall be adjusted and .sealed by an inspector of the commission and shall be considered the refer- ence standard for the utility. If this cheek shoAvs the standard to be in error, it shall be calibrated in some laboratory of recognized standing. (d) Calibration Cards. — Each working or secondary standard shall be at all times aecom[)anied by a certificate, signed by the proper authority, giving the dat<^ it was last nnlibrjitod ;nid tho corrections to be applied. Rule 21. Meters — Method of Determining Average Error. 'I'he average error of a service watt-honr meter sliall be deter- mined as follows: The error at light load — here defined as apjiroxi- mately ten per cent (10%) of the rated capacity of the meter — shall be determined ])y taking the average of at least two errors, deter- mined from as many separate tests on the same light load, which errors must agree within one-half per cent (^%). The test runs .shall be at least thirty seconds long. In the same manner the error at heavy load — here defined as a load of a])pi'oximately seventy-five per cent (75%) of the rated capacity of the meter — shall be determined. 13 The average error of the meter shall then be determined by taking the average of the error at light load and the error at heavy load, proper account being taken of the sign of these two ci-rors: Provided, that where tiie consumer's connected load does not equal seventy-five per cent (75%) of the rated capacity of the metei-. the full connected load may be considered as heavy load for the |)ur- pose of test. Rule 22. Meter Accuracy. (a) Creeping. — No watt-hour meter which registers on "no load" when the applied voltage is less than one hundred and ten per cent (110%) of standard service voltage shall be placed in ser- vice or allowed to remain in service. (b) Inspection and Test Before Installation. — No watt-hour meter shall be placed in service which is in any way mechanically defective or which has inct)rrect constants or which has not hem tested for accuracy of measurement an HKniths. u {b I 'i\\(t and three-wire commutatiug type and iiieieui> i,\p^* meters of over tifty (50) amperes rated capacity of meter element, shall be tested at least once every twelve (12) mouths. "^. (c; Two and three-wire single phase induction type meters, up to and including tweuty-five (25) amperes rated capacity of meter elrnicMt. slndl be t(^st(-(] rit least once evei-y thirt> ''30; months. 1/ (d) Two and three-wire single phase induction type meters of over twenty-five (25) amperes rated capacity' of meter element, shall be tested at least once every tAventy-four (24) mouths. .^ (e) Self-contained polyphase meters, up to and including fifty (50) kw. rated capacity, shall be tested at least once every eijyhteeu (18) months. '" (f) Self-contained polyphase meters of over fifty (50) kw. rated eapaeily shall be tested at least once every twelve (12) months. ,' (g) Polyphase meters, connected through current transform- ers or current and potential transformers, to circuits up to and including tifty (50) kw. rated capacity, shall be tested at least once every twentj'-four (24) months. (h) Polyphase meters, connected through current iransfuiin ers, or current and potential transformers, to circuits of over fifty (50) kw. rated capacity, shall be tested at least once every eighteen (18) months. Rule 25. Referee Test. Any service watt-hour meter Avill be tested by an inspector employed by the commission upon written application by the con- sumer. For sncli a test a fee shall be forwarded to the eommissiou by the consumei- when making application, which fee shall be }-efunded to tlie consumer by the utility if tlie meter be found more tlian four per cent (4%) fast, the average error in measurement being calculated as specified in Rule 21. The schedule of fees for i-eferee 1<'sls ol' watt-houi- meters is as follows : (a) For continuous current and single phase nu'ters oper- ating on 600 volts or less, up to antl inclmiing twenty-five (.25) amperes rated capacity of the meter element, each ^2.00 (h) For each additional fifty (50) amperes or fraction thereof 50 (c) For single phase meters alxnt- (iOO volts, aud for poly- phase meters, with or without instrmnent trans- formers, up to and includinj^ twenty-five ( 25 ) kw. rated capacity of the circuit S3.fX) ( d; I'or each additional twenty-five {25) kw. rated eaj)aeity, or tVa('ti«»n thereof 3.0U Rule 26. Voltage Variation. Each utility supplying electrical energy from a constant poten- tial system shall adopt a standard service voltage for each locality suj»j»lied from such .system, the snitahility and adecjuacy of which volta«:e may he determined at any time by the commission, and every rea.sonahle effort shall be made by the use of proper e<|uip- ment and operation to maintain such voltage practically constant at all times during w hich service is supplied. For service rendereii under a lighting contract, or primarily for lighting purposes, the variations of voltaj^e as measured at each consumers cutout shall not exceed five per cent (5%), plus or minus, of the. standard ser- vice voltage for that locality, for a hmger period than one minute at each instance, at any time during' which service is supplied. For service rendered undei- a power eontract, or primarily for power pur])oses, voltage \ariations as measured at the service terminal^ shall not exceed ten per cent flO'; ), phis or minus, of the standard service voltage for that locality, fni- a li.nLrer porind tlufu at least one of these instruments in continuous service at the plant, office or some consumer's premises. Rule 28. Standard Frequency. Each utility supplying alternating current shall adopt a stand- ard frequency, the suitability of which may be determined by the commission, and shall maintain this frequency within five per cent (5%), plus or minus, of standard at all times during which service is supplied: Provided, liowevcr. that momentarv variation> of fre- quency of more than five per cent (.5^P. which are clearl> due to no lack of proper equipment or reasonable care on the part of the utility, shall not be considered a violation of this rule. 16 Rule 29. Station Records. Eaeli utility shall keep a station record, which shall show : The time of starting and shutting down all generating units ; the time of starting and disconnecting all street lighting circuits; the read- ings of such instruments at each generating station and at such intervals as are necessary to determine the character of the load; all interruptions to service affecting the busbars or distribution system, Avith the time, duration, extent and the cause, when known, of the interruption. An interruption is here defined, for the pur- pose of record only, as the interval of time during which the voltage falls below fifty per cent (50%) of the standard voltage. Rule 30. Grounding of Secondaries. The rules contained in the current edition of the National Electrical Code regarding the grounding of secondaries shall be observed in all new construction. Each utility shall adopt a plan whereby existing construction shall be made to conform to the rules as expeditiously as possible. Rule 31. Extension of Lines. (a) Free Extensions. — Each utility shall upon written request for service by a prospective consumer, or a group of prospective consumers located in the same neighborhood, make free of charge a line extension necessary to give service and furnish free service connection ; provided, that such line extension does not require more than twice as many poles at standard spacing as there are individual api>licants. (b) Extensions Above Free Limit. — If the line extension required in order to furnish service at any point within the corporate limits of any city or village, or for any adjacent suburb of a city or village, is greater than the free extension specified above, such an extension shall be made under the following condi- tions: The utility may require a deposit of the cost of the exten- sion above the free limit and shall, in such a case, refund an amount equal to the cost of the free main extension for each additional consumer whose service shall be taken off of the entire extension within a period of ten years from the making of such an extension, but at no time shall the rebate made exceed the original deposit. If the extension is of such length and the prospective business Avhich may be developed by it is so meager as to make it doubtful Avhether the business from the extension would ever pay a fair return on the investment, the facts shall be reported to the commission for investigation and determination as to the I'easonableness of such extension. This rule shall not be construed as prohibiting any utility from making free extensions of lengths greater than above specified, or from providing a method of return of deposits for extensions more favorable to consumers, so long as no discrimination is practiced betAveen consumers Avhose service requirements are similar. (c) Contract for Service. — Utilities will not be required to 17 make line extensions us described in this rule unless those to be served by such extensions shall contract to use the service for at least one year. By order of the Commission, this 24th day of September, 1914. Dated at Springfield. Illinois. R. V. Prather, fSE.^L.l Acthii^ Srcrctarx UNWEBSfTY OF 'U-'»*0»^nB*NA 3 0112 084208948