>"V ■■| 'f V - '' % ’ '■• '■ *'t' ''>1, ' r: i'"'’’'* ■&?'•'' >?■ '-3L •' ■ ! '/■' ,7 v♦ i^'ij ^.' ■ r;--- tj'’ '- i- !»-A o ' ■ " ■ .<•'' a» '■i’.V.:.* '\-'V *vS* fs-V *• '■ ■ . V' ' ‘■f V' ' " ■ • • ' , ^^| W I*' ■ • ; > I-:- '• ; va' .. ^-■■■- ?v2asaB:v V . v.-. *?vwJfcS,i?> 3 l ;.! < H' 2 i >■ ♦« * '* ■■ •fi •;.H ■ T»i '1 i' cr ■w. '- r ' . i i-^ ■ -jiT . ■ - '.i .iUd ;-1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS _ , ' Max„.g5i9il., -2; X THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE THESIS PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVISION BY Louis... Arnold. ..Slfigriat ENTITLED .Tho...Re.s.o.lu.ti.Qn .o.f...Amino.. .Ac.i.dj3...T.lar.Q.ui5)a....the .C. gwp.p.d.Q.r . . . .Su .1 .f. p.n.ara.i da. s. .* IS APPROVED BY ME AS FULFILLING THIS PART OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF L.a.Q.dalo.r...oi...S.c.lfcn.ce O Instructor in Charge Approved ; HEAD OF DEPARTMENT OF Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/resolutionofaminOOsieg Table of Contents Page Acknowledgment 1 I. Introduction 2 II. Theoretical and Historical Discussion 4 III. Experimental 6 Preparation of (a) Phenyl amino acetic acid 6 (b ) Camphor sulfonic acid 7 (c) Camphor sulfonyl chloride 7 (d) Camphor sulfonamide of 7 dl-phenyl anino acetic acid (e) Analysis of caiiphor sulfonamide 8 of dl-phenyl amino acetic acid (f) Rotation of camphor sulfonamide 9 of dl-phenyl anino acetic acid (g) Preparation of camphor sulfonamide 9 of aniline (h) Rotation ana analysis of camphor 9 sulfonamide of aniline (i) Hydrolysis of casnphor sulfonamide 10 of aniline (j ) Pre-paration of camphor sulfonaimide 10 of p-toluidine (k) Rotation and analysis of camphor 10 sulfonamide of p-toluidine (l) Camphor sulfonamide of secondary 11 butyl amine rr ',\W' H X' ^Y‘7^-#- ■• ’■ ‘7'^ •' iy.vi: -. ..J- . - ^ _-j. . ; - - V ^l«itS»•* 01 i - ■^’' ^ ti- "4 c,) tf {!^,t i 1 * . '. V^v' V^7r'- .’■"OX 7.' ‘ 'r'-)' : i;.C-,;;t .-u’T<>, ■ 7’ f' tl • ,^-s i. y '■; f. 'i * ^ •;? " 4V,* .* 4 H- -^J»:l —. V .- r ^fti:iV' XyMkJ •1 > . , - * • i *>' ■ mm Pa^e M Resolution of dl-phenyl amino 12 acetic acid (n) Sujaaraary 14 (o) Bibliography 16 ;'^ i> •:.;n 4ri .fl J'- ’ ■ if ?:v . : ,z^ :!v. Jf 33 „ « ■‘' ,t w S':‘>f - f-..' V/ 'H' '/"S TK^'‘'iKKf fas * ■' i.-»^''»% s ' ' ■ m%M H ti*i r.j- II i.«? 71*^ *• <*Ji fcv .S^ ■ > >• *>^ .. i. . ■. ■ ■ jKAa> ■ :■ -''''^'i' 5a> :i!^ ,p ■v«>' "i’ V .71 .?, 1 . ^ . iS i; V'.*^ '’C . . *A. i\* . MMWmi Hl ' . >'- ■ . -’l.*“'. "■• ‘ Jfil' ■• ■' “ r^i' AS ’ ■ I !^' -, ' <1 t# '• ^ t '. -O' ? . ■', ;' ■’'■ , ''^i - ' ■ ®‘ ''V>,,- ■ ■ ■ ' -:?,^>V! »"V ,', >|V:, :.i, ' ., -> - \f ^ if *•(.''’• . ’•* ‘ i-i • ' . *, ■;. ■ V .--■ > V , '(>■ .vaf>v‘ ' ;, ? - -,/ W.v-H.^. , , -;' '•,. ', ...', y^l-' .:^"^• V/ ?/?'’:■ '■ ' ■ ’"^j*.' 'Vi'.'l ,* ' .. '■'’‘'■■J 'k '‘y>5ii;i'» ■ vV '■■■' ?7t < ■ lot^l ....> ■4 A S i ., I .4 *^ •: T »- ’.V . ' i- 'J'* M * 4^ TT ",* - • ( •• ' '4. 1 isi ACKliOvrLEDGIvOtlJT The writer desiree to express his sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr* C*S, Marvel for his helpful suggestions and guidance during the course of this investigation . 2 THE RESOLUTION OF AMINO ACIDS THROUGH THE CAJ/iPHOR SULFCNAl-HDES . I. INTRODUCTION Pure, optically active aroino acids are of importance in the study and investigation of the protein minimum. The natural amino acids, however, differ from the synthetic acids in that the former are optically active, v/hereas the latter are inactive. Consequently, a short method of resolving amino acids is desirable . The method of resolving amino acids now in general use, is the so-called Fischer method. The amino group is first covered with some radical, such as the formyl or benzoyl radical. An active alEaloid salt of the amido acid is then prepared and submitted to fractional crystallization. The d-and 1- forms of the amino acid are then regenerated by de- composing the salt and hydrolysing off the protective group above mentioned. The present work was undertaken v^ith the hope of finding a shorter method of resolving amino acids. It was thought that if the amino group was covered with an acid radical containing an asymmetric carbon-atom, Fischer's method could be shortened by two steps. Cati'jphor sulfonyl chloride when condensed with an amino acid should yield a sulfonamide, easily crystallizable from suitable solvents. Phenyl amino acetic acid was used because it is easily and cheaply prepared. Also, since the rotations of the d-snd 1-acids are known, it was easy to check up the accuracy of this method. A condensation as above mentioned should yield, in the case of phenyl aroino r' • . '‘yy^''^i%^, . vc^ 't r. ._ ’ ■''^r^CTlfe'if *} • *;.'' . 4«n|&*|fe|f^^i5.«A'}:. .i^si ' sht:^ | i- .:■■'■ V' i’-f. . f •‘>5;T 1 i 'H%-3 f Tzh^aiiu:. ’; ft i*.v -L#* ■ ■'F^v -3 sO re ^ .; .^, . - ■ ■ ■■' ^8 '> ■;- , \r X.n.^c^ici>%v'«| 'ir6,>f ©aicwt t;.,1o ^ v/ v' '' , 1;«;1 ^ i 4' I- ,'.^ ,• /:3. ']/■’ 'i!'Se- !4 " T- - ■• ^ ' ',«4i ■ It JiW-"- ■ < .Jr ■; .*■ .-■ .Ai ■ '. ’ ’■.. ; ' i.i.A- T .’ ; l^-ir . ". ♦. 1.. ‘ . ••;.■.■< . ' . - y'- _ .- ' ' ! '■ ft — .., .' .• . .M.' * .. /»!j*L.F. ■£-- li.; ._. ' •'.vmJ' ' .<' ii>. ." r."' I .H., -f,:3 « ^rir?^«>TE ■ tivp'j ' ‘ bi «; ^<3^. ^ . •a-XOTg f ■ -Vr""' / v' ■' ' ' " g Fr>' t i ' •■ _•-. i H:' .'-I pjjf: •s-r>r ,'i^cw itri&a^'iiq £UfX.« .•is^jV-'f'. ' -' /” .! ';/.■ /■ I ■ ;_ • a’**- ,-*! .'. v;, “' ,( JC ■ vv't'*' ,f *’V/v, - »> . .. ^ ■■ . i- • ■*■ \ V.T ' '■ • •• ^•'. -!-’>• .'• . yj .tfc.jWvf k .-.y Xi3r>ia«-f i^ff’3^^00 - aHf "ti . |‘‘ '"-i •.3^ . "■ •■ '“■, '• ' % " ^ I ' ♦>.£ L c G • ' ‘ ' T3f{iQ.5l& v<¥.T^r;T?^a^. I VI ■ . ijSv'i . :>• \<< .Sea^i^'aiia ' ■ / v^'v. > '_• ■ v^■^ ; ■.-^'/' ; "■ ■v.'-/'^ m' \;f t5 i>XilctiO hit^, G/tJtcTf ^ ifs^-Xw ■-'■'■ f- '. .■'- . * vV.. • ' ' ■ •\' . ” r.'i’ '. I.M I ai.‘'GW rft.fa^'f£ce (tid't* F* ./,' '>? f^ - ,c“f* \'i,tV#€i f?i ^ioii:. I >v;»tjf ■ . VJitt.Ji ,'f^o i?rt> t4 tcnr y j^. ~ "' ' ’*'• . ’ <■■’■''' ' ■ ^ j^-n, .hoifs^ir* GlG^an^i cij \;wBj| %' .■■^ ''-'J ^ ^ i ■ , ' ' . ■ * V,. V. :'jWS / orUrtii'i>anoitVj4 //'cSift ej5,C< v’. ••. • ■ '' • ' ,' :• ■ ■■ ^ ra»wiW|<4pli^wijn <4 ■ ftt . I. ■ ii ■•); 3 1 acetic acid: d-camphor sulfonamide of 1-pdenyl amino acetic d-camphor sulfonamide of d-phenyl amino a.cetic wnich should be easily separated by fractional acid acid crystallization. f 4 II. THEORETICAL AND HISTORICAL DISCUSSION. The phenyl amino acetic acid was prepa.red according to the method of Zelinsky and Stadinoff^, as modified by Marvel and Noyes . No increase in the yield was obtained by substitut- ing benzene for methyl alcohol as the solvent for the benzalde- hyde in the preparation of the amino cyanide. However, by employing a mechanical stirrer, the time was cut from three days to about three hours. The yield varied between 30 and D1 phenyl airjino acetic acid has been resolved by two 3 different methods. Fischer effected the resolution by cover- ing the amine group with the formyl raaical and then preparing the quinine salt for crystallization. Betti and Mayer"^ effected the resolution by preparing the camphor sulfonic acid salt of the amino acid. We attempted to resolve the dl acid through the camphor sulfonamide. Equimolecular portions of dl-phenyl amino acetic acid, cajophor sulfonyl chloride and sodium hydroxide were O stirred, at 0, until everything dissolved and then the amide was precipitated v/ith hydrochloric acid. The camphor sulfonic acid and camphor sulfonyl chloride were prepared according to the method of Reychler'". His yields were duplicated in all cases. Attempts to prepare the camphor sulfonamide of the amino acid by a condensation in inert solvents, such as dry ether and dry benzene were without success. Even after refluxing a mixture of amino acid and camphor sulfonyl chloride twenty four hours, no trace of the amide could be found. This is >k'',i,l-‘-^' "' ;■■' i ■' 5o ' ' .'^ ■, '‘j- " U 'W' ■v-'‘ V ..; 'r{. obwwvi^^'jb'.i-::' Virjbb^’ F|l;^^ ;r ./■ • :/ .^0^^.;. ^ .; / \ '•.';/ ■^^;, ' '•' $ii>l«i5 ' l>5ifiQrj n sb y J!>t-' •’ *^-' ' ■> . ■ ' Vv,'-\'V W' V ‘ • '; ' ' \ ^ : : :’®‘ ?'":; [* '"^' • '■ " ■"'' ' ■' '' i‘ ■ . ■ ‘V ■ ^ ' -'' “ ■’ "'i ^■’‘^.•■'^ ■ i ' ’^oi to »i/^ » •■ ■■ ■■■■•■ ’■ ■■■',<«, ■,'i;*'2i<-''?^'i^’ ',:• ' •■ * ■ ■ ' ■■'^ *''■'• '- ■ ■' ‘-' ''•' •' 4 ' : /' 'C ' . . -V -r-- \ < - , - . B hXiiC:> 'ii\ ( . .-■•■, * ^ 1 i 5 Klv‘ ■ * •. . !' b further evidence of the theory tha.t amino acids form inner ring salts. 0 H-K-H H In this type of compound the nitrogen is pentavalent, and the hydrogens on the nitrogen are unreactive. In order to study the physical constants, rotations, and ease of hydrolysis of various camphor sulfonamides, we prepared the amide of aniline, p-toluidine , and secondary "butyl amine. They were prepared by condensing the amino acid (2 parts) with camphor sulfonyl chloride (Ipart) in dry benzene. The amide was obtained from the benzene solution. It was found that the camphor sulfonamide of aniline and p-toluidine could be readily hydrolysed with 48^^ hydrobromic acid. An attempt to hydrolyse the amide of d-phenyl amino acetic acid was Vi/ithout success, perhaps because of the small quantities of material at hand and the lack of time. The resolution of camphor sulfonamide of dl-phenyl amino acetic acid was effected in ' 70 % alcohol. The d-amide separ- J ates out first r. f-j • , * ^ . . > . . . .'. >5; ■•.*• » . 'a ■ ♦^ 'v : . '5- *:■•,■/ .-* t: f i ■> » f rT.vV-’ -* - I*. •*' t- 'ii 1 •*. ■X 4' ' f :.i»- i^"’''' • <}■ T" ' \ <■■'■' ’'i ^ * _:ln.:.,v ■■ • UNilrf a -■e “• ■si»»-4a*a -V itf 6 LI I . EXP3 HIMENT AL . Phenyl Amino Ac etic A cid. The method used was that of Zelinsky and Stadinoff^ as modified hy Marvel and Koyes^. One hundred ten gms. of sodium cyanide were dissolved in 200 cc. of water and 114 gms. of ammonium chloride were added. To this was added, with stirring, a solution of 212 gms. of henzaldehyde in 200 cc. of methyl alcohol, and the mixture was stirred for about five hours. The mixture becomes quite warm at first, cooling down, however, in the course of the reaction. After five hours the stirring was stopped and one liter of water was added which threw out the oily amino cyanide. This was collected in 1 liter of benzene and washed with water. The aminocyanide was extracted from the benzene by shaking tv/ice with oOO cc. of hydrochloric acid (3 parts acid to 1 part water). The acid solution was refluxed about fpur hours, in order to hydrolyse the amino cyanide, cooled, filtered from some tarry material, and the free an'jino acid precipita.ted with ammonium hydroxide. The amino acid was filtered off with suction, and washed with water and alcohol to remove color. The yield varied from 120 to 130 gms, (40-43^ of the calculated amount). The following method did not increase the yield of amino acid. One hundred ten gms, of sodium cyanide and 114 gms. of powdered ammoniuni chloride were placed in a. flask and 212 gms. of benzaldehyde dissolved in 500 cc, of benzene was added. Ten cc. of water was added to the mixture, and the flask was shaken vigorously. The reaction mixture was allowed to stand three days, being shaken occasionally. After three days, some -J ■ y V > . -v.- ^ V ,v '■■' V ■/ ■ ■ . ; ■' . ■■ ' .‘■■.'I'.'K ,mr ' w-’ '\- • > 'ii. ■’'*’ - -1 c ■ ft, 7^;" ■ u-’' ■ • y:4y:-^p*i^ . • .V y, •yV, ■•■' .:'■<> i"fy: i'lv. tf^OS Jl -t >. . .TpiHEii tX ]>a.’ *f ■ -Hi-. • . r* ♦ ‘V. ■•t» f;oi.-\\;.Lp;^'. , ,X'L ■{ 4 V &■ •yJ'Xff.C ■• ./f r-. V X', i . or^ V- V t'iisJ'Xiu; . jd'r . r 'i ;oif- s’f t'l r ■' ■ . il’-f* ' ' &i;j;i' _:. o hHv i ’ . . >v ■ ■ v'ali'O'p'V , J y^c.: . .■: V'-jc.-': ;:>i '^*7 12 -bo,' ?.iyK X'.ftl _.. 1 ‘ 7,iii V -'5. . * ' ' • , • I cl-:-: i- :> ; •! o 11 ' W'' ! ■ '- ■' '■ ■f ifv • / A ^ •V i L/O . .'.'■ A '■ ' -A " ; ■ •7 '-3'f^‘. •, .r.-. aoi; fo V’ V C -L . a ' . r^.j »')/ • t. .% A ^ri?' 1 .• '.'",1 tioxt .' y'j . a: * ir- ^ ' ■ ‘, #r Vt V»- w j-, ' .’.' -n £ .'’ r c v‘. j 3 Tc^ . , ■ . > ■ ■ - * ' ofui7ciiftf? .. -CvT ■i OX" '." ■■ , /. I ! ■• r ■\ i U.- .ii- ■■ ..■ r-k: 7 insoluble material was filtered off, the benzene shalcen v/ith hydrochloric acid ( 1:2. by volume ) and the acid layer reflux- ed abput two hours. After cooling the mixture, the free amino acid was precipitated Vi^ith ammonium hydroxide. The yield was 120 gms. or 41^ of theory. Longer hydrolysis did not improve the yiela in either of the two methods above outlined. The amino acid as purified by washing with alcohol still retains some color. An attempt to purify the acid further by boneblacking an alkaline solution, resulted in a decided loss of product. The best method of purification is recrystalliza- tion from hot water using a little boneblack. C amphor S ulfo nic A cid. -- The camphor sulfonic acid was prepared according to the method of Reychler^, duplicating his yields in all instances. In one instance, redistilled acetic anhydride was used, and from 227 gms. of cai^iphor a yield of 127 gms. or 55 ^^ of the sulfonic acid v/as obtained, althoutiii the average yields Vi/ere between of theory. These yields are based on the amount of camphor actually used. By pouring the filtrate, from the crystallized camphor sulfonic acid, into about three liters of cold water, v/e were able to recover from 70-80 gms. of camphor from each run. Camphor Sulfon vl Chloride The camphor sulfonyl chloride was prepared according to the method of Reychler^. The average yields were between 50-65^ of the calculated amount, although in one case 71^ v/as obtained. Camphor Sulfo namide of Dl- phenyl A mino Acetic A cid. - -Place 12.5 gms. of dl-phenyl amino acetic acid in a flask and add J I I ) f . V ■ r-i'> >^4*v* ■ !>; f xta ^fi: . '■ ** J.>..7j;-n' . . -0.. >Xi. Jii y v_:. -4 ?: •::•• > • (>T , •: :.r.ti;o fV6.:^; . .:. s • ■ •, . :>/ ■ !'•' ' ' ■• ', Xl i :• -=» X o -7 C'-a tw*-' t,U a« (> .'. y. -’- . tiu-- r..‘ n-'- ri-y'x . ii,,, v: rji V?; /-'/.•x - t.r^)‘ U '''^'•IXOyL ^ ^ iO ■>0; j..; .71, -.v*- *J4J- ...y A?(D« •■*' vjJYO'^ »'««i »• • '• ■ V ’ A' 1 ^0* 7j> ii ^ if <3 0 U Js,' n *>.< * »X:A (.'- ' '7 X#.* t ■ , 'I'Vf-: '.oV «.’ ' *♦* :. ■ V .' *' *jT* • rry*»yJ5» . »»»»^ •§ • 't \ *■ £)t\.t vi • ^ ; Y'/:i I . ••;}$<=- Ci XX© 'pi 7ri'.^ ;Xx. X - •- f i i ml i'.‘,r ■ 'MWi '.JW ; •- - • 'ctr-ij, ::T 5v*t. j. . . Mtr 'lev-. * . .,. ^^-;•■'*o' M< • ; X. ^ ■ .: 'X^'' ■ ^ .' f-i^r -Xv ;• ►'••'VT Ai, . ■ k/ ■ ;, r if- i.' 7 • . V' t i c- - j ni;< ' : ’i: 7 . • ..i' ' i ■■; ■ r * ' ?iX 0 . . ”i 7 i ■ i'.:a 0.. ■ • ■. ' i- fit ill' c,^' y Yyor?3i7 ,: ■■ t,.- T.»).[ucX^<' ' 'iO' ■•- ■--■ . f ’‘.-I . k.' >. jX.C> j - . . , ' ■'4*?. f; •■ '-Ij >»-;v '••L ' . 'j H i‘l • nx ©X'ii -yX ' < l.ti.,.; I' . t- 8 3.4 gms. of sodium hydroxide in 100 cc. of water. Stir and cool to 0^. Now add 25 , camphor sulfonyl chloride, and during two hours, add gradually 3.4 gms. of sodium hydroxide in 100 cc. water, keeping the mixture well agitated. After all the sodium hydroxide is added, continue the stirring for two hours, then filter and precipitate the camphor sulfonamide v.ith hydrochloric acid. Filter the amide and recrystallize from dilute alcohol (50^). The yields varied between 13-15 gms. or 40-50^ of the theoretical amount. The pure amide is a white crystalline product melting at 165-70°. An attempt was made to condense the amino acid writh canjphor sulfonyl chloride in dry benzene and dry ether but the results were negative. The sodium salt of dl-phenyl amino acetic acid was prepared and refluxed with camphor sulfonyl chloride in dry ether, but no amide was obtained. The rotation on the camphor sulfonamide of dl-phenyl amino acetic acid as freshly prepared varies with the number of crystallizations probably on account of the difference in solubility of the two isomers present. Analysis of the camphor sulfonamide of phenyl amino acetic acid for nitrogen (Kjeldahl) gave the following results I II weitiht of sample 0.15 g. 0.15 g. cc. HCl used (N.F. 0.1998) 10.2 10.2 ca:. NaOH used (N.F, 0.1115) 14.0 13.7 % nitrogen found 3.6^ % nitrogen calculated 3.8/^ 3.8^ 1 i%y tJillii ’ ■ 5 .' 4 ’> «; ■ * . V,' ^ V ■ 4 V ' /,v . . ; ; 'j J .: . . '-'i X'<^ ~ ■ f M • ■ '''X !'s ' , - - V ■ , ' fc.y r 1 ^ 1 4 r-rW ■ vjf gi»^/ ^ •■; n ,'■ ■•* r , . '* . ' ■ . • - I ’ . 'L'OU .'‘ i>tit ■'.■ k: ? ... ' C.i' •*’-'* X •;> i: •,'. 's;* - Cf-\ ric. ».;v ' -. . ,j:i • ■ ,' -r f .6 Ijl’i-. /J'ijX ■ . - ii V' • '-. - 1 ^ 14(5 ‘'4' . '■' *ij •.>..»*■■ , i’ .'.. tisir^:'4 . L,- /J .- •■l..’i-j »cs,4^ '»eri'; l'ao>' 'W' ; / t^- ' M Ji* c . ,■ i' V-' 'C-** 't'* Xf-r. ■ I'*,ai> ■ . ( ' I < ^ • ' . ; ^>'V' ' - ■ I: . c-sl-: ’ -j. V ‘M) • •••• pivta'Cri • . ;.. , :'x.-jrf/y T r V-; '>.x '■" ,Tf?r!; ••> Xy^ .<■. X \, j i L-d'.tl,W,\ ‘ , r,.: v‘'vaa>i^?'i 4>r.j :. ■] <•■ '. .y © _^4B3 r.3i ^ r... w J^ .: r^y ; ;r.-:j; . -o.. ) o.'. 'Vv V i ■:ij i i y, ‘.-r -1 ■- 'i c w ’- ‘ ‘ • fi C^'f-v •,, . -.. .- 4- ’ tsj^' '. .? u ^ • , .7 / 1 •V /■’ ; ‘ ' .1 ■ -^ .*■ . 1 • . y - .'• t.l 1 9 0.4000 gms. of substarice dissolved ir 12.2645 gms. of 95^ Camphor Sulfonamide of Aniline Five gms. of aniline and 7 gms. of campdor sulfonyl chloride were placed in a small flask and covered with 50 cc. of dry benzene. This mixture was allov/ed to stand over night or for several days (if more convenient), with occasional shaking. The solution was filtered from the aniline hydrochloride formed, and the benzene distilled off. The oily residue was taken up in hot dilute alcohol (50^) and allowed to crystallize. Upon recrystallization from 50^ alcohol, the amide melts at 117 .5-118. 5*^ (corrected) . The rotation in 95^ alcohol was determined. 0.8616 gras, of substance dissolved in o 12.1206 gms. of 95^ alcohol gave a rotation off-1.65 in a 1 dcm. tube for the sodium line, or . Analysis of the amide for nitrogen (K.jeldahl) gave the following results alcohol gave a rotation offO.S^* in a 1 dcm. tube for the sodium line, or C°,*T r7 V 0 ,Jb/ -ri'i-.',-*'* I;'. .' ;xi 'o t'r*. J- ■vXi ..^v d I ' 1 ‘ '■ i a • >i> • \ ri ' iv, f - ! • i;. £• ,. i’i 1 ' i.'j '.v; u\’;r( ■■-' :'.X i'-i i{£: .• iT.^;'x.i iJ'jr' >'t ■ _ ■ 'V ■ - .,-,.j,v*‘' I"; ^XxO . ■ ijt C-C .' '' vs* , •’C'. w.' .L::,JO’.. 4 .r. , > . ' : ' ■tiLxx^ , •.* ■ » l- lsI ■It’ ni, , fc ..vT^o- -•:< ^r’ ■ ’ ■ .■ ^ ' . , ' *' *• ■ 1 0 '• ■* 1 •• ^ .i .’^u'i'u « ■ .. i,r 1 I a 5 , 5 e ' -> )i /.i « 10 Hydr olysis o.f the Caiuphor Sulf onairjide of An Hire . Three gms. of the ajDide v.?ere refluxed for about two hours v.'ith 48^ hydrobronic acid. After cooling the solu- tion was made alkaline and extracted v/ith ether, and the ether evaporated. The oily residue had the odor of aniline, 0 The benzene sulfonyl chloride derivative melted at 95-100. Correct melting point 110°, C amph o r S ulfonamide p_f P-toluidine :-- Five gms. of p- toluidine end 5,7 gras, of camphor sulfonyl chloride were mixed in a small flask end covered with 50cc, dry benzene. This reaction mixture was v;orked up in a manner similar to the one described in the previous experiment. The pure amide melts at 137-138 (corrected), 0,2148 gms. of substaiice dissolved in 12.2333 gms, of 0 95^0 alcohol gave a. rotation of +0.32 in a 1 dem, tube for the sodium line, or R 7- +23.2 , D Analysis of the aiwiae for nitrogen (K.1eldahl) gave the following results :-- weight of sample 0 . 30g cc. HGl. used (II. F. 0.1998) 10.4 cc. NaOH. used (K.F. 0.1115) 10.6 % nitrogen found 4.1^ ^ nitrogen calculated 4.3^ The hydrolysis of a 1 gra . sample of amide v;as carried out in the same manner as described in the previous experi- ment. This amide was also readily hydrolysed. •V ' /’ . ••' -.f . ',; i • it i : : i ; .•: •' . I ■ , ■ . -. ...••:’ \.’i i jj|f.7.x.t< r 1>_ :C'ti ,'^9' I ^ . : nr ;> Vocj-j iX;, \ J* i , .nt .1:;' ' iO '/,■•.•'»' y*- •V' ' '■ ^ ' ' y*', . , ■ ..t t rf ^ ' i r ^ * ‘ 11 Camphor S ulfonamide of Secondary Butyl Amine;-- Three gms. of secondary "butyl amine and b.3 i^s. of camphor sulfonyl chloride v/ere placed in a small flask and covered with 30 cc. dry "benzene. The secondary butyl amine hydrochloride formed, being quite valuable, was filtered off and saved. The oil left after evaporation of the benzene was taken up in hot 50^ alcohol, and allowed to cool. But it was only after standing in a refrigerator for several hours that crystals, mixed v/ith an oily product appeared. The crystals were white needles, A second crop of crystals was obtained by placing the alcoholic solution of the oil in a. refrigerator for another twenty four hours. Since secondary butyl amine contains an asymmetric carbon-atom, it was thought that we could thus obtain the optical isomers of the amide. But due to the low melting point of the amide this v/as not further investigated. No rotation was .axen on the amide and no analysis v/as made. The first crop of crystals melted 40-46 (uncorrected}. [■.V’ , ... ].^-^ i Lrfrj^.p i t c; ik-^ :jt0<''W± • 'jS(ri,J!'mif% ’!^xf ' 2 4f ' Sn:J. , ?.W, •’'* f ,■ f^' _ .‘^ . 5''': >'j;' , ' ' •■, , ^ ■ Vi ‘ '. si:-'^^ ". '^■\\ „ ■„ «.,,.■ >'■■# ^ ,i ,^5-. :i 4«K^ ‘ i*'>? h ‘V'' n’- -^'4 ■ « •‘^' -^'^*‘-if< ' 't'> J ' 'y. •' T'Ut^B^^M' '■ ' * / MW»7Bt j .li^ n f^/• ♦ ^ - ' V . f ■V - s ••MWV4M I ‘•s.f • vk. . Jt •^h m' i.i f"i ,'p. 12 Resolution of Dl-Pinenyl Airano Acetic Acid Solubi lity of Carfluiior S ulfonainide o f Dl«Phenvl A mino Acetic Acid in Alcoholj-- Five gms. of the amide were dissolved in 100 cc. of hot alcohol (s.g. 0.88) and allow- ed to stand for 24 hours. 1.64 gms. of the amide separated out during this period. This crop of crystals had a specific O rotation of-t8.8 . After another 24 hours, a second crop of crystals (1.01 gms.) separated out, and these possessed a specific rotation of only +5.4°. In order to check the above solubility, if possible, an excess of the amide was allov/ed to stand in contact with lOcc. of 70^ alcohol (cold). After three days the undissolved amide was filtered off and the filtrate carefully evaporated. This yielded 0.1593 gms* of dry amide. Hence lOOcc. of cold 70^c alcohol will dissolve approximately 1.6 gms. of the camphor sulfonamide. Fractional Crystallization o f th e Camphor S ulfonamide of D l-Pheny l Airin o^Ace iic A cids i-- Fifteen gms. of camphor sulfonamide of dl-phenyl amino acetic acid v/ere dissolved in 100 cc. hot 70?"^ alcohol. After 24 hours, 11 gms. of amide were filtered off. 0.3980 gms. dissolved in 12.2190 gras. O 9b% alcohol gave a rotation of-tO.56 in a 1 dcrn . tube for 0 the sodium line, or [c< +13.8 . The filtrate was concec- trated one third its voluTne and after 24 hours 2 gms. of amide were filtered off. 0.3850 gms. of substance dissolved in 0 12.3480 gras. 95^ alcohol gave a rotation of -0.05 in a 1 dcm. tube for the sodium line, or [°<]^- -1.9 . 13 The second filtrate was again concentrated one third its volume and after 24 hours, 1 gm. of ainide was filtered off. 0.3080 gras, of substance dis :;olved in 12.S210 gms. of 9dfo alcohol gave a rotation of -0.24 in a 1 . dcm. tube for the sodium line, or[c(J~ -11.3 • T|tt,>. ^ tlH'^' / ry~Ij':^ ' '.‘■vfV^'^i^-i'*. »'-. -' a -I V;.'x V''*V?»^'i5VV' -iV:' ^ ■^" '*^^>; '5vM; ■■'/ r'»;i!^’fi ! P^i . " 1^3. it "'*'W * « .'* ^)m' ^ . ? > 4SSniM • .*.V;|t/,L ,-V* *--^ "' :m 14 SUIMARY 1. A shorter method of preparing dl-phenyl amino acetic acid was worked out. 2. The method of Reychler for preparing camphor sulfon- ic acid and aamphor sulfonyl chloride were studied and his yields duplicated. 3. The camphor sulfonamides of various primary amines were prepared and studied. They could be readily hydrolysed with hydrobromic acid, 4. The camphor sulfonamide of dl-phenyl amino acetic acid could not be prepared by condensing the amino acid with camphor sulfonyl chloride in an inert solvent, 5. The dextro and laevo rotatory amides of phenyl amino acetic acid were prepared but the free acids could not be isolated, 6. In the course of this investigation the follov/ing new compounds were prepared (a) d-camphor sulfonamide of aniline. (b ) d-camphor sulfonaaide of p-toluidine, (c) d-ca;;phor sulfonamide of secondary butyl amine. (d) d-caraphor sulfonamide of dl-phenyl amino acetic acid. r c: 'i ^ >-.r W.a>4WPTMi^ -i--4 “ii. \. * * *‘. ■ i- , .vvj .r ,, . r* «r^7^-frC' V ■.:,»; :r'^^ J f :':?C3>' ^u' 15 Camphor Sulfon- M.P. Specific Analysis Calcu- amide of Rot at i on for Nitro- lated gen found (a) secondary butyl amine 40-44° — (b ) aniline 117.5 -- 18.5" t28.8° 4.4f/^ 4, 5 fa (c )p-toluidine 137-8° +23. 2" 4,1 fa 4,3fo (d) dl-phenyl amino acetic acid 165-70° +11.4° z.efa ffiSSMB, '% , i.'icr ■ ',%■ . ■• H’ - ^ jt-^ i m w '• ' ‘ “sS .«■ ”, ^,'1'^ If >. iXi - ‘V^:i'yi'' ■ iis.fi J\iii!^;^i): jy,. ■,. iii '."* '.V.' ,* ' • -J - ^ i. -' . ■?* y* t U - * * "• • • V?c 'ii' -'• ’■• ;■’ ' * ‘«->r ■:■ i'i* • 'W' V 1 l 1 Z‘ '• " /■ • ’-f' ;5t • ' ?r ' f- ji .k ' *». *L a 16 BIBLIOGRi>J>HY 1. Zelinsky and Stadinoff, 2. Marvel and Noyes, 3. Fischer and Meichland, 4. Betti and Mayer, 5. Reychler, Ber., 39, 1725 (1906). J. Amer. Chem, 8oc., 42, 2264 (1920). Ber., 41, 1287 (1908). Ber., 41, 2072 (1908). Bull. Soc. Ohem,, (3) 19 , 120-128 (1898).