c Slow 11 J0 MRffIMWft m m mmr\ m The Kennedy School of Missions PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE FIFTH YEAR, 1915-16 The work of the school will begin Thursday morning, September 30. Some of the courses will begin that morning and the remainder as soon as the schedule can be completed. It is expected that all students will be present and have made all needful adjustments of rooms by that time. The list of courses printed in the Year Book for 1914-15 presents the courses offered in 1915-16, except for the follow- ing modifications and additions, which should be carefully noted. Page 142 The main courses in the New Testament will be given by Prof. Waldo S. Pratt of the Theological Seminary. As thus arranged, the courses are as follows: New Testament A. A study of the teaching of Jesus in order, preceded by a survey of the origin and character of the Gospels and followed by a sketch of the first Christian evangelism. (Acts I-XII.) 20 hours. Term 1. Prof. Pratt, No. 50. New Testament B. A study of the propagation of Christianity among Gentiles, with a survey of the Epistles in their relation to the formation of Christian churches in the Greek and Roman world. 20 hours. Term 3. Prof. Pratt, No. 51. Ethical Teachings of Jesus. A study of the main lines in the ethical teachings of Jesus as reported in the Gospels. 15 hours. Term 2. Dr. Johnstone, No. 50. Page 142 The course in Old Testament History and Introduction will be given in two sections, to be elected as a unit, as follows : A. 10 hours. Term 1. Dr. Fennell, No. 50a. B. 20 hours. Term 2. Dr. Fennell, No. 50b . % School of Missions Page 150 Mrs. Dwight E. Potter will be associated with Mrs. Platt (Mrs. Labaree) in the work of Missionary Practice, and Prof. John Douglas Adam of the Theological Seminary will co- operate in the case of the men students. As revised, the fol- lowing courses will be offered : Community Studies. Lectures by the instructor and by experts on organization and conduct of, and co-operation with, social, religious, and civic institu- tions; visits to institutions. Primarily designed to meet the needs of students in the affiliated schools, but elective under certain cir- cumstances for students in the School of Missions. 15 hours. Term 3. Mrs. Potter, No. 50. Missionary Practice. Weekly lectures on methods of missionary work. Observation of various forms of philanthropic and religious work. Supervised service among foreign-speaking peoples, such as conduct of sewing schools, Camp-fire Clubs, visits to homes and hospitals, and teaching English to foreigners. Personal conferences with students by means of which their practical experiences are criticised and translated into terms of their tasks in their respective fields. Required of all women students, except missionaries on furlough. One lecture weekly and an afternoon of work in Hartford, New Britain or vicinity. The placing of students and supervision of work under Mrs. Potter; the lectures by Mrs. Platt (Mrs. Labaree) and frequent personal conferences with her. A. 30 hours. Term 1. Mrs. Platt, No. 50. B. 30 hours. Term 2. Mrs. Platt, No. 51. C. 30 hours. Term 3. Mrs. Platt, No. 52. Advanced Missionary Practice. For students who have completed courses 50-52 under Mrs. Platt. More responsible social or religious work and a course of readings assigned for examination. Under joint supervision of Mrs. Platt and Mrs. Potter. If arranged for in advance, students engaged in remuner- ative social work may, under certain circumstances, receive credit in this course. Hours to he arranged. Terms 1, 2, 3. Mrs. Platt, Nos. 55a, b , c. Clinical Class. Weekly conferences regarding the practical problems arising out of the religious and social work of the students. During the first half year practical religious problems are discussed; during the second half year practical social problems. Required of all men students except missionaries on furlough. A. 15 hours. First Half Year. Prof. Adam, No. J h B. 15 hours. Second Half Year. Prof. Adam, No. 5. 2 Continued on Page 5 School of Missions TABLE First Term Adam 4 a Clinical Class A 20 Conduct of Religious Meetings Ananikian 50a Elementary Turkish A 52 a Elementary Armenian A Barret 50a Elementary Sanskrit A Baxter 20a Food and Dietetics A 25 Simple Cookery (15 hrs.) Capen 50 General Sociology 54a Social Movements A 56 History of Missions 58 Non-Christian World Chuan 50a Chinese A Dawson 20 Neurology 26 Genetics Fennell 50a O. T. History and Intro. A Galpin 50 a Elementary Spanish A Gillett 5 Nature of Religion Jones 50 India A, Country, etc. Mackenzie 20a Christian Doctrine A Medical Instruction a Course A Platt ( Labaree ) 50 Missionary Practice A 55 a Ad. Missionary Practice A Pratt 7 a Sight-singing A 8 a Chorus-singing A 9a Harmony A 50 a New Testament A St. John 20a Fund Principles A 21a Principles A 23a History of Education 24 Story Telling 28a S. S. Curriculum A Wetzel 50a Elocution A Worrell 50 Phonetics A 54a Classical Arabic A COURSES Second Term Adam 4 b Clinical Class A (Continued) 5 5 a Clinical Class B 10 Ananikian 50 h Elementary Turkish B 30 52 b Elementary Armenian B 30 Barret 50 b Elementary Sanskrit 20 Baxter 20 b Food and Dietetics B 20 Capen 51 Ethnology 30 54 b Social Movements B 10 57 Methods of Missions 30 59 Missionary Message 15 Chuan 50 b Chinese B 20 Dawson 21 Habit 30 27 Racial Psychology 30 Fennell 50 b O. T. History and Intro. B 20 Galpin 50 b Elementary Spanish B 30 Geer 50 History Latin America 15 51 Roman Catholicism ,15 Gillett 50 History of Religion 30 Johnstone 50 Ethical Teachings of Jesus 15 Jones 51 Missions in India 25 53a Religions of India 15 Macdonald 50a Elementary Islam A 30 Mackenzie 20 b Christian Doctrine B 10 Medical Instruction b Course B 10 Plait ( Labaree ) 51 Missionary Practice B 30 53 Bible in Missionary Work 10 55 b Ad. Missionary Practice B Pratt 7b Sight-singing B 30 9b Chorus-singing B 10 St. John 20 b Fundamental Principles B 30 21 6 Principles B 15 236 History of Education B 10 25 Education of Emotions 10 286 S. S. Curriculum B 10 Thayer 50a Business Methods A 10 Wetzel 506 Elocution B 10 Worrell 51 Phonetics B 20 52 Special Phonetics 10 546 Classical Arabic B 30 OF 10 10 30 30 20 20 5 30 10 30 15 20 30 30 10 30 30 25 10 10 30 15 10 20 20 30 15 10 10 10 10 20 30 3 School of Missions TABLE Third Term Adam 5b Clinical Class B (Continued) Ananikian 50 c Elementary Turkish C 52 c Elementary Armenian C Barret 50c Elementary Sanskrit C Capen 52 Missionary Sociology 53 Practical Sociology 54c Social Movements C Chuan 50 c Chinese C Dawson 22 Intellect 28 Psychology of Religion Gal pin 50c Elementary Spanish C Geer 51 History of Mexico Jones 52 Missionary Problems, India 53& Religions of India (Continued) Knight 24 Pauline Epistles Macdonald 50 b Elementary Islam B Mackenzie 20c Christian Doctrine C 50 Christology Medical Instruction c Course C Paton 50 Rabbinic Hebrew Platt ( Labaree ) 52 Missionary Practice C 54 Bible in Mission Work 55c Ad. Missionary Practice C Potter 50 Community Studies Pratt 9 b Harmony 51 New Testament B St. John 22 General Method 23c History of Education C 27 Spec. Meth. Elem. Grades 28c S. S. Curriculum C Thayer 50 b Business Methods B 51 Business Methods C Wetzel 50 c Elocution C Worrell 53 Language Study 54c Classical Arabic C 55 Modern Arabic COURSES Not Assigned To Any Particular Term Given, Time Permitting, As Called For Ananikian 51 Advanced Turkish, per term 30 53 Adv. Armenian, Classical, per term 30 54 Adv. Armenian, Modern, per term 30 55 Elementary Persian 60 56 Turkish Literature 15 57 Armenian Literature 20 58 Turkish History 30 59 Armenian History 20 Barret 51 Advanced Sanskrit, per term 10 Capen 55 Sociology Seminar (as required) 60 Missions Seminar (as required) Gal pin 51 Advanced Spanish, per term 15 Macdonald Sp. Advanced Arabic (as required) Sp. Advanced Islam (as required) Sp. Advanced Hebrew (as required) Neeld 50 North India 15 Worrell 56 Syriac 60 57 Coptic 60 58 Ethiopic 60 59 Amharic 60 OF 10 30 30 20 30 30 10 20 30 30 30 15 15 10 30 30 10 10 10 30 30 10 15 20 20 30 20 10 . 10 10 10 10 20 30 30 4 School of Missions > 'FV*fTy AUq Hilton,* ,. 2 0 Page 153 J 9l5 Owing to the absence of Professor Mitchell for the year 1915-16, the courses offered by him will be omitted. Pages 154, 155 The course on Missionary Problems in India (Professor Jones, No. 52) will be reduced to 15 hours. The course on The Religions of India (Professor Jones, No. 53) will be increased to 25 hours and continue into term 3. Page 156 The courses in Spanish will be given by Prof. Stanley L. Galpin, Ph. D., Professor of Romance Languages in Trinity College, as follows : Elementary Spanish. The purpose of the course is the practical acquisition of the lan- guage, based upon a thorough understanding of its grammatical structure. A. SO hours. Term 1. Dr. Galpin, No. 50a. B. SO hours. Term 2. Dr. Galpin, No. 50b. C. SO hours. Term S. Dr. Galpin, No. 50c. Advanced Spanish. An advanced course will be arranged to meet the needs of those already acquainted with Spanish. Fifteen hours each term. Dr. Galpin, No. 51. Page 157 Arrangements are being made for lecture courses upon China, Japan, Africa, and Latin America. Such courses are given only when called for. Those desiring such courses should report to the Secretary as early as possible. Details will be announced later. Page 159 Examinations on lectures and assigned readings will be given on the sections of the course on the Care of Health in additional periods. Note in table of courses, changes in the terms when a few courses are to be given. 5