2 . 85-8 G3S K [r. r . Henry F. Gibbs. History of the Congre- — gational Church, Crystal Lake, Ill. - k 1842-1900. (1900) ' LIBRARY OF THE ' UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 285.8 G35h Ill. Hist. Survey yVTW] gQ ^BnfliS * C1 1 i 8Qe^ m BtC fip pj - m BKPV ttf ’' ^ ^ r A Bn BL VHv 1 s ♦ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AND CHAPEL. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/historyofcongregOOgibb HISTORY -OF THK CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS. 1842-1900 BY HENRY F. GIBBS. PRICE, FIFTY CENTS. NUNDA. ILLINOIS: PRESS OF THE NUNDA HERALD 1900 PREFACE The committee who arranged a programme for the semi-centennial celebration of the organ¬ ization of this church in January, 1892. requested me to examine the records of the church for the fifty years of its existence, and write a “Chapter of Church History," as a part of the programme for that occasion. A careful examination of the records showed them to be very incomplete, and in some of them the ink was fading so as to be almost illegible, and the binding was giving away so that the leaves were liable to fall out and be entirely lost. These facts, with the possibility of the en¬ tire records being destroyed^by fire, or other un¬ foreseen accident, make it seem desirable that whatever historical facts can be gathered from our records, and from other available sources, should be compiled, and printed in pamphlet form, for the benefit of all who still cherish the memories of the church membership of “other days," and would be a valued keepsake hereafter for all the membership of the church today. The Chapter of Church History as given in 1892, with such additional facts as have since Q35fj been obtained, is here reproduced, and such items of interest as have since been recorded up to the close of the year 1899 have been added, with a chronological list of all who have been members of the church, in the order in which they united, and an alphabetical and family list of members, with whatever information has been obtained in regard to them, and also a list of all the Ministers, Deacons, Clerks, Treasurers and Trustees of this church from 1842 to 1900 ; also the Articles of Faith, Covenant and Rules of the Church. I trust that the desire to preserve our re¬ cords permanently will lead our readers to over¬ look all defects in the performance of the diffi¬ cult task I have attempted to accomplish. Our sincere thanks are hereby tendered to all our membership of today, as well as to all former members and friends, who have contrib¬ uted either financially or otherwise toward in¬ suring the success of this work. H. F. GIBBS. Crystal Lake, III., Jan. 1, 1900. CONTENTS — m A Chapter of Church History. 9 Monthly Church Meetings. 10 Building Their First Church. 10 Ministers 5 Salaries Fifty Years Ago. 12 Organization of a Society in 1851. 13 Church and Society Business Ways. 14 Organization of the Elgin Association. 14 How Sextons Were Appointed in “Ye Olden Time 55 . 15 Dedication of the Church in 1868.. 15 The Church Bell. 16 List of Ministers for Fifty Years . 17 Slavery and Liquor.. 18 Amusements. 18 List of Church Officers Jan. 10, 1892. 19 Conclusion. 20 Semi-Centennial Celebration... 22 Organization of a Society in 1869. 24 Organization of the Barreville Church. 25 Items of Interest. 26 Chronological list of Members. 30 Alphabetical and Family List of Members. 44 List of Ministers. .... 79 List of Deacons. 80 List of Church Clerks . 83 List of Treasurers. 84 List of Trustees. 85 Articles of Faith. 89 Covenant. 89 Church Covenant. 90 Rules of the Church. 90 List of Church Officers Jan. 1, 1900. 94 A Chapter of Church History JAN. 10th. 1893. • January 10th, 1842- at a meeting' of a num¬ ber of the religious residents of Crystal Lake and vicinity pursuant to notice, for the purpose of organizing a Christian Church, Rev. N. C. Clark and Rev. C. L. Hall being present, the meeting was opened with singing and prayer. It was Resolved, That it is expedient to form a church at this place, at this time. Resolved, That this church shall be called The Congregational Church of Crystal Lake. The church was organized with the following eight members, viz: Reuben Jenne, Mrs. Susan Jentie, John VV. Salisbury, Mrs. Eliza A. Salis¬ bury, Allen Baldwin, Mrs. Julia Baldwin, George W. Dike and James T. Pierson. None of them are now members of this church, and only two of them are now living— Deacon J. W Salisbury, of Elgin, Ill., who is unable to be with us today, and George W. Dike, who is still a resident of this village. All of them united by letters from eastern churches except Mr. Baldwin, who united by profession. 10 Crystal Lake Congregational Church Mr. and Mrs. Jenne were dismissed to El¬ gin, Ill., in 1844. Mr. and Mrs. Raldwin were dismissed by general letters in 1868. George W. Dike was dismissed to the Free Methodist Church at Crystal Lake in 1867. James T. Pierson was dismissed to Clinton, Iowa, in 1872. and died there in 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury were dismissed to Elgin, Ill., in 1886. Mrs. Salisbury died there in 1890. Monthly Church Mootings. In the early days of the church's history the monthly meetings were usually held at the residences of some of the members—sometimes in one part of the parish and sometimes in an¬ other, and occasionally in the schoolhouse at Crystal Lake, or in the one in the Dike district. /s v /v vO A v /v v Building Their First Church. There is nothing in the records by which we can determine exactly the time of the buildino- £*5 5 or of the dedication of the first church edifice. At a meeting of the church, held at the house of J. T. Pierson, March 8tli, 1845, it was voted that this church build a house for public worship Crystal Lake Congregational Church 11 this season. J. T. Pierson, H. C. Wells and G. W. Dike be, and are, hereby constituted a build¬ ing committee. At a meeting of the church, held at the house of Allen Baldwin, April 4th, 1846, a change was made in the building committee, showing that the church was not then finished. At a meeting of the church, May 2nd, 1846, voted that J. T. Pierson and Allen Baldwin be a committee to draft resolutions for the examin¬ ation of this church, relative to selling the meet¬ ing house now in building, for the use of an academy. At a church meeting, July 22nd, 1846, voted that we appraise the seats in the meeting house and offer them for sale to the highest bidder for the purpose of defraying the expense of build¬ ing the house. If the church building was ever dedicated the fact could not be proved by the church records. (I have since been informed that the church was dedicated June 14th, 1849.) Eighteen years later the church had so far outgrown their first meeting house that it was deemed necessary to dispose of it and erect a larger one in its place. It was sold to the Methodists of Nunda in 1867 for $400, moved to Nunda, and used as their house of worship until they built the church which they now occupy in 1874, and was then sold to Mr. Josiah Walkup, and trans- 12 Crystal Lake Congregational Church formed into a dwelling - house, and is now a part of the Pingry Hotel, at Nunda. Ministers' Salaries Fifty Years Ago. From an examination of the records of this church we would naturally infer that the first two or three ministers were not expected to put on any great amount of style, or be guilty of very much financial extravagance in any way. At a church meeting in March. 18+2, it was resolved that this church take measures to em¬ ploy a minister of the gospel Whereupon the labors of Rev. E G. Howe were engaged for one-fourth of the time, commencing in April and ending with the close of the year, for the consid¬ eration of $37.00. At a meeting of the church, held March 8th, 1845, voted that the clerk extend a call to Rev. Spencer Baker to preach for this church once in two weeks for one year and that we pay him $100.00 for the same. May 5th, 1851. a call was extended to and accepted by Rev. George Langdon to be pastor of this church, and a committee of three was appointed to guarantee the payment of his sal¬ ary, which was to be $150 00 a year. Mr Langdon was installed over this church Crystal Lake Congregational Church 13 Aug. 13th, 1851, and resigned after one year’s service. Two of our ministers were ordained here. Henry E. Barnes in 1862 and James H. Harwood in 1863 Both are now D. D.’s. About ten years later than the call to Mr. Langdon, or Sept. 27th, 1861, the church voted unanimously to extend a call to Rev. Henry E. Barnes to be the pastor of this church for one year, at a salary of $400 00. Mr. Barnes re¬ signed Aug. 29th, 1862, as he had been ap¬ pointed a Chaplain in the 72nd Regiment of Ill¬ inois Volunteers. As we find no evidence to the contrary, we conclude that our Pastors have been comfortably provided for by the church, as, whatever may be the fate of the present incumbent (Rev. O. M. Van Swearingen) there is nothing in our records to show that any of the others ever starved to death while in our employ. Organization of a Congregational Society, March 8th, 1851, at an adjourned meeting, it was resolved that it is expedient to take measures to organize a Congregational Society in connection with this church. Voted that we have a committee of four 14 Crystal Lake Congregational Church appointed to draft a constitution for this society, to be presented at our next meeting. March 29th, 1S51, at a regular church meet¬ ing, the committee presented a constitution for the purpose of forming a society in connection with this church, and it was adopted. There is no record of the constitution, the electicn of any society officers, or records of society meetings, or of formally abolishing the society, and with one or two exceptions all business seems to have been done entirely by the church. The wav the church and societv transacted «/ business in those days is shown by the following record. Aug. 28th, 1852, voted that there be a committee of two from the church and one from- the society to invite a minister of the gospel to preach to this church, on trial, with a view of being Pastor. Voted that J. W. Salisbury and Allen Baldwin, for the church, and Jonathan Dike, for the society, be that committee. Organization of the Elgin Association* THIS CHURCH SENDS A DELEGATE. At a meeting of the church, Aug. 28th, a report was made by William Reed, our Crystal Lake Congregational Church 15 delegate to the meeting at Elgin, Ill., convened for the purpose of organizing an ecclesiastical body, called The Elgin Association of Congre¬ gational Churches. The report was accepted. How Sextons Were Appointed in u Ye Olden Time.” Our church members of thirty years ago had rather queer ideas as to the best method of appointing sextons to have charge of their house of worship. There was no gambling about it— at least no playing cards, no shaking dice or flipping pennies to see who should build the fire, and light, and sweep the house, but simply cast lots, as we find by the records of Nov. 28th, 1862. “Voted that the names of heads of families of this church be put on slips of paper and put in a hat, and when a name is drawn out by the clerk, said person is to make a fire and sweep the house of worship two Sabbaths.” As this vote was rescinded Dec. 26th, 1862 —in less than a month—the probability is that the plan didn’t work any better than they ex¬ pected. Dedication of This Church. This church building was dedicated July 19th, 1868. Rev. Joseph E. Roy, of Chicago, 16 Crystal Lake Congregational Church delivered the dedicatory sermon. One thousand dollars was raised at that time to finish paying for the building. The History of McHenry County says it cost $7,000. If any of the pres¬ ent members of this church know what it cost the) 7 know more than can be proved by our records. (I have since ascertained that the lots cost $400; the foundation, $178; builders' contract, $6,100; stained glass for the windows, $85; paid architect for plan, $100; total, $6,863. Toward the payment of this amount the old church was sold for $400, and the Congregational Union — now the Congregational Church Building Societv—gave the church $500 on condition that a collection be taken annually for that society.) The Church Bell. The bell which calls us to this house of worship every Sabbath was placed in its present position July 10th, 1875, by Mr. B L. Pomeroy. It was 48 inches in diameter, and weighed 1,586 pounds, and cost over $600. The price was 37 J 2 cents per pound at the foundry at Troy. N. Y., and with the freight added would make the ex¬ pense more than the amount mentioned. It was a present to the church from Mr. Franklin Dike, Crystal Lake Congregational Church 17 who was a much esteemed resident of this village at that time. /v Vr yv \/ , #' N, V‘ A,r V/' List of Ministers for Fifty Years. Rev. E. G. Howe.1842 Rev. Hiram Kellogg.1843 Rev. Spencer Baker.1844 Rev. J. V. Downs.1847 Rev. I. C. Beach.1848. Rev. George Langdon... .1850 Rev. Elkanah Whitney... 1853 Rev. J. V. Downs.1854 Rev. Francis L. Fuller... 1856 Rev. Henrv E. Barnes... .1861 t j Rev. James H. Harwood.. 1863 Rev. N. A. Millard.1864 Rev. J. H. Harwood.1865 Rev. Samuel C. Hay.1867 Rev. William F. Rose... .1868 Rev. Robert Hay.1869 Rev. E. N. Andrews.1872 Rev. S. C. Hay.1875 Rev. E. D. Bailey.1877 Rev. C. J. Adams.1879 Rev. R. B. Wright.1880 Rev. A. E. Allaben.1883 Rev. Henry Willard.1884 Rev. J. R. Kaye.1885 Rev. E. F. Wright.1887 Rev. O.M.VanSwearingenl890 From this list we find that during the fifty years since the organization of this church, it has had twenty-six pastorates — twenty-three different ministers. Three of them, viz: Rev. - J. V. Downs, Rev. J. H. Harwood and Rev. S. C. Hay, were each of them employed twice as pastors of this church. The use of a little arithmetic here shows us that the average pastorate has been less than two years each, showing conclusively that our Congregational ministers are not a whit behind their Methodist brethren in their ability— to pack up and move. 18 Crystal Lake Congregational Church Slavery and Liquor. The position of this church on the slavery and liquor questions is shown by their by-laws, adopted eight years after the organization of the church, viz: Our Savior’s brief and incom¬ parable exposition of moral law, “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them,” is regarded by the mem¬ bers of this church as general law: 1st—In regard to the fulfillment of promises. 2nd—In regard to buying and selling. 3rd—In regard to the payment of debts. 4th—In regard to slavery as it exists in the Southern states. N. B. This law—the Golden Rule—is still in the Bible, and also in our church records. Their temperance platform was this, and it is the same today: “No member of this church shall use or vend distilled alcoholic spirits, except for neces¬ sary medicinal or chemical purposes.” 41 r Amusements. Their rule in regard to amusements, if strictly obeyed by every church member in the United States, would not weaken the influence Crystal Lake Congregational Church 19 of the church over those who are not Christians, * but it might possibly lessen the revenues of county fairs, as they are conducted at the pres¬ ent day. This is the rule: “No member of this church shall associate with parties convened for ungodly and worldly amusements, some of which are dancing, card parties, the theater, the circus, horse racing, &c.” The first minister who was a member of this church was Rev. Robert Hay, in 1869— twenty-seven years after the organization of the church. OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH, JANUARY 10th, 1892. Rev. O. M. Van Swearingen, Pastor. William W Dike, Clerk. Henry P. Gibbs, Treasurer. DEACONS. William Reed. Silas S. Rollins. Charles P. Dike. 20 Crystal Lake Congregational Church OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. TRUSTEES. E. L. Pomeroy. W. W. Dike S. H. Nash. H. H. Ford. C. F. Dike. M. Peterson. E. L. Pomeroy, President. W. W. Dike, Clerk. Conclusion. Who will take our places in the Centennial' celebration services, fifty years from now ? Upon whose shoulders will the mantles of these fathers and mothers in Israel fall, when they shall have laid down life’s weary burdens and gone to their reward ? I wish I had prophetic vision, so that I could speak their names here today. But God only knows the future. Some of our younger members will probably live to see the year of our Lord 1942. They may not be here, but God grant that wherever their lot may be cast, they may always faith¬ fully perform their duties to their God, to the Crystal Lake Congregational Church 21 church, to the state and to their fellow-men, and be a blessing to all with whom they asso¬ ciate. Long before the next half century celebra¬ tion many of us who are here today will have passed away to that “bourne from whence no traveler e’er returns.” May God help us to so live that we may be like “shocks of corn, fully ripe, ready for the harvest.” H. F. G. Crystal Lake, III., Jan. 10th, 1892. Semi-Centennial Celebration Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 1892, dawned clear and bright, but quite cold. The preparations for the anniversary had gone forward, and at the hour appointed the people assembled in the church. The pro¬ gramme, as arranged, was taken up. The ad¬ dress of welcome bv Miss Lyra E. Dike was well presented and interesting. The response by Rev. S. C. Hay was also able and of great interest. Fraternal greetings were brought by Rev. Hale, of Ridgefield; Rev. Hamilton, of the M. E. church, and Rev. Cannon, of the Christian Church, of Xunda. The greetings were very cordial and felicitous. Rev E. F. Wright, of Huntley, pronounced the benediction, and the meeting adjourned for dinner. All were cordially invited to step over to the chapel and partake of a bountiful dinner, made ready by the entertainment committee. Nearly all remained, and a very pleasant social time followed. The afternoon session was better attended, and the programme carried out in full, except the responsive reading, which was omitted. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 23 Letters from former pastors and members were first read, and proved very interesting— some of them quite touching in their expressions of affection for this church and people. The paper by Mrs. Hay, “The Memory of the Just,” was a touching and worthy tribute to many of those who for many years were the pillars of the church, and have entered into rest. The “Chapter of Church History” by H. F. Gibbs was as complete as a careful study of the records, which proved to be very incomplete, and information gathered from other sources, could make it. The people were again invited to the chapel for supper, and the time passed pleasantly until the evening service. Bro. Wright complained that his thunder had been stolen by the addresses of the day, and gave a stirring, practical address on church work. “Crystal Lake Fifty Years Ago,” by Deacon Anson Thompson, of the Baptist church, was a very interesting address on the early days of our village. It was listened to with great interest and considerable amusement. Opportunity was given for short addresses from any one in the audience, and was responded to by Bro. Elihu Hubbard, of the M. E. church, also by our venerable Deacon Reed, who gave his early experience in this county, and Rev. Henry Willard, a former pastor. 24 Crystal Lake Congregational Church The music was mostly by Miss Fannie Crow and a quartet of male voices. The benediction was pronounced by the pastor, Rev. O. M. Van Swearingen, after one of the most delightful days ever enjoyed by those who attended the services. A SOCIETY ORGANIZED* Feb. 9th, 1869, a society in connection with this church was organized, with a constitution and by-laws and officers, consisting of six trustees, a treasurer and a clerk ; the church, which had formerly elected the trustees and treasurer, having no officers except the deacons and a church clerk. The main object in forming the society was to interest wealthy residents (who were not members of any church) in our church affairs, as signing the constitution gave them the right to vote on certain questions Only two or three obtained the right of suffrage in this way, and then seldom if ever used it. The society proved to be a useless appendage. For instance: A church meeting would be called to vote on the calling or dismissal of a pastor; then a society meeting would be called, and the same people would reassemble and solemnly vote to concur Crystal Lake Congregational Church 25 with the church in its action of a few days be¬ fore. Prom the organization of the church all deeds and other property, insurance, &c., has been in the name of the Trustees of the Crystal Lake Congregational Church. For twenty-five years the church had no trustees—no one to legally hold the property. March 3rd, 1894, the society was abolished, and the officers were all elected by the church. ORGANIZATION OF THE BARREYILLE CHURCH. During the winter of 1894 and 1895 Rev. John E. Evans, then pastor of this church, went to Barreville every Sunday afternoon, no matter what kind of going, or how inclement the weather, and preached in the schoolhouse to the people of that neighborhood, and July 30th, 1895, he organized a Union Congregational Church there of twenty-one members, and a formal re¬ cognition meeting was held Aug. 1st. Items of Interest The photograph from which the cut of the church and chapel was made was taken by Miss Nettie Lewis specially for this work. The church was papered by Elgin parties in August, 1887. The furnace now in use was purchased in the fall of 1894. It cost $190. The church was reshingled with red cedar shingles, from Washington, in the spring of 1897, by John Darby, L. Grover and H. P. Gibbs. The two chimneys were taken down and made into one larger one, forty feet high. These and some other repairs cost nearly $175. The chapel was papered by Leroy Beckley in Julv, 1897. «/ The hymn books now in use were purchased in the summer of 1897. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 27 The church was ceiled overhead with Georgia pine, in the fall of 1898, by John Darby and L. Grover, which, with some other neces¬ sary repairs, cost nearly $200. The church was papered by Mr. Bolt, of Elgin, in December, 1898. The melodeon now in the chapel was pur¬ chased of Mr. S. N. Tower, of Greenwood, Ill., in August, 1857, for $75, of which Mr. Tower donated to the church $12.50. The first organist was Miss Frances Ford. She will be remembered as one of the most faith¬ ful servants of the church, although not a mem¬ ber. She was a sister of Mr. Park Ford, our present faithful and efficient chorister. The organ now in use in the church was purchased via Leroy S. Beckley in May, 1886, for $150. The pulpit and stand, costing $32, were presented to the church by Mrs. Sylvia D. Gates in June, 1886. The church was painted in July, 1891. The work cost $65. The ladies furnished the paint. 28 Crystal Lake Congregational Church The envelope system was adopted by the church July 27, 1874. The twelve sheds near the chapel were built in December, 1885. Nov. 15. 1891, it was so cloudy and dark in the church that the minister requested the jan¬ itor to light the pulpit lamp for the morning service. Prom the Alphabetical List the church his¬ tory of any member may be found as readily as one can find the definition of any word in the dictionary. The figure (7) shows that the name given is not the same as when that person united. Find in the Alphabetical List the name and number referred to, and their record will be found. From the corresponding number in the Chronological List may be readily found how many, and who, united at the same date as any particular member, and also from this list may be found the number of additions to the church during any one year, or term of years, or during the pastorate of any minister. Rev. Frances L. Fuller was pastor of this church from April, 1856, to April, 1861. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 29 In 1856 the church raised $272 The H. M. society gave $130. Total $402. In 1857 the church raised $319. The H. M. society gave $130. Total $449. In 1858 the church raised $238. The H. M society gave $100. Total $338. In 1859 the church raised $267. The H. M. society gave $100. Total $367. In I860 the church raised $264. The H. M. society gave $100. Total $364. Since 1860 the church has been self support¬ ing, and twenty-five years ago paid a pastor $1,000 and a janitor $100 salary. This history would not be complete without a brief mention of our old sexton, Henry Ford, who was one of the neatest, most faithful, most painstaking janitors any church ever had, and who faithfully served this church nearly twenty vears. He died Dec. 4, 1897, at the age of 72 vears. I Chronological List of members of the Crystal Lake, Ill., Congregational Church. The church was organized Jan. eight charter members: . 1 Reuben Jenne. 2 Mrs. Susan Jenne. 3 John W. Salisbury. 4 Mrs. Eliza Ann Salisbury. 5 George W. Dike. 6 Allen Baldwin. 7 Mrs. Julia Baldwin. 8 James T. Pierson. 9 Horace Wells. 10 Mrs. Lavinia Wells. 11 Mrs. Elizabeth Dike. 12 Solomon Keyes. 13 Mrs. Elizabeth Keyes. 14 Ephraim S. Durfee. 15 Mrs. Lucy Durfee. 10 John Harder. 17 Miss Catherine Harder. 10, 1842, with the following Jan. 10. 1842. L. Jan. 10, 1842. L. Jan. 10, 1842. L. Jan. 10, 1842. L. Jan. 10, 1842. L. Jan. 10, 1842. Prof. Jan. 10, 1842. L. Jan. 10, 1842. L. Apr. 17. 1842. L. Apr. 17, 1842. L. Mar. 20, 1843. L. Mar? 20, 1843. L. Mar. 20, 1843. L. Apr. 16, 1843. P. Apr. 16, 1843. P. May 14, 1843. P. May 14. 1843. P. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 31 18 Robert Sedgwick. July 22, 1843. L. 19 Mrs. Sarah Sedgwick. July 22, 1843. L. 20 Mrs. Jane P. Foster. Julv 22, 1843. L. 21 Mrs. Permelia Smith. May 25, 1844. L. 22 Mrs. Malinda Jackman. May 25, 1844. L. 23 Pbineas G. Stanton. July 20, 1844. L. 24 Mrs. Elizabeth Stanton. July 20, 1844. L. 25 Stephen Bradley. Aug. 17, 1844. L. 26 Miss Betsey Bradley Aug. 17, 1844. L. 27 Mrs. A. Baker. Nov. 9, 1844. L. 28 Miss Rodelia Baker. Nov. 9, 1844. L. 29 Wright Warren. Feb. 1, 1845. L. 30 Mrs. Cynthia Warren. Feb. 1, 1845. L. 31 Miss Electa Warren. Feb. 1, 1845. L. 32 Miss Abigail Warren. Feb. 1, 1845. L. 33 Solomon Keyes. Apr. 9, 1845. L. 34 Mrs. Elizabeth Keyes. Apr. 9, 1845. L. 35 Mrs. Cvnthia Pratt. •j Apr. 26, 1485 L. 36 Isaac Brainard. June 1, 1845. L. 37 Mrs. Arvilla Brainard. June 1, 1845. L. 38 Mrs. Lucy C. Stanton. June 28, 1845. L. 39 Mrs. Volnev Pinkerton. •v July 13, 1845. L. 32 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 40 William Reed. Jan. 2, 1847. L. 41 Mrs. Elvira Reed. Jan. 2, 1847. L. 42 Chester Bennett. Mar. 27, 1847. L. 43 Mrs. Orah Bennett. Mar. 27, 1847. L. 44 Henry D. Adams. Jan. 10, 1849. L. 45 Mrs. Priscilla Adams. Jan. 10, 1849. L. 46 Miss Sarah Reed. May 4, 1850. P. 47 Horatio P. Pond. July 28, 1850. P. 48 Mrs. Esther Pond. July 28, 1850. P. 40 Miss Eliza Salisbury. July 28, 1850. P. 50 Harvey Bunker. Mar. 27, 1852. L. 51 Mrs. Clarissa Bunker. Mar. 27, 1852. L. 52 Allen Baldwin. Apr. 3, 1852. L. 53 Mrs. Julia Baldwin. Apr. 3, 1852. L. 54 Mrs. Elizabeth P. Downs. Feb. 12. 1854. L. 55 Miss Betsey Bradley. Feb. 12, 1854. L. 56 Miss Mary L. Bennett. Feb. 12, 1854. P. 57 James S. A met. June 4, 1854. L. 58 Allen Lamb. Apr. 1, 1855. L. 59 Mrs. Mary Lamb. Apr. 1, 1855. L. 60 Dr. William J. Wilson. Sep. 23, 1855. L. 61 Mrs. Huldah M. Wilson. Apr. 1. 1855. L. 62 Silas Olmstead. Sep. 23, 1855. L. 63 Mrs. Peninnah Olmstead. Sep. 23, 1855. L. 64 Mrs. Harriet Fuller. June 1. 1856. L. 65 66 •67 68 69 TO 71 72 73 71 - +» 240 .Mrs. Mary J. Walkup. July 1, 1877. L. 241 Miss Eva M. Walkup. July 1, 1877. L. 242 Miss Ada Wallace. July 1, 1877. P. 243 Miss Carrie P. Wallace. July 1, 1877. P. 244 Aaron Notestein. Jul v 1, 1877. L. •4 •-»- 245 Miss Elsie A. Hibbard. Sep. 2, 1877. P. — 246 Charles L. Teckler. Jan. 4, 1880. P. - 247 Dr. Lorenzo D. Lowell. May 8, 1881. P. 248 Mrs. Sarah E. Lowell. May 8. 1881. P. 249 Mrs. Hannah Miller. May 8, 1881. P. 250 Mrs. Ada Conover. May 8, 1881. P. 251 Miss Jennie Knox. May 8, 1881. P. 252 William Knox. May 8, 1881. P. 253 Kev. Reuben B. Wright. May 8, 1881. L. 254 Mrs. Alice Wright. May 8, 1881. L. 255 Mrs. Katie Ingersoll. May 7, 1882. L. 256 Mrs. Helen Johnson. Jan. 7, 1883. P. 257 Rev. A. E. Allaben- July 15, 1883. L. 258 Mrs. Sarah Allaben. July 15, 1883. L. 259 Frank Allaben. July 15, 1883. L. 260 Wilson Allaben. •July 15, 1883. L. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 40 261 Edwin Allaben. Jan. 6, 1884. L. 262 Frank W. Miller. Jan. 6, 1884. L. 263 Miss Jennie Torrence. Mar. 2, 1884. P. 264 Miss Angie Allaben. Mar. 2, 1884. P. 265 Mrs. Louise Brown. Feb. 29, 1885. L. 266 Miss Jennie Ashton. Feb. 29, 1885. L. 267 Rev. Henrv Willard. t j Feb. 29, 1885. L. 268 Mrs. Jennie W. Willard. Feb. 29, 1885. L. 269 Miss Emma Willard. Feb. 29, 1885. L. 270 Miss Sarah P. Ashton. Feb. 29, 1885. P. 271 Mrs. Sarah Wingate. May 3, 1885. L. 272 Miss Fannie E. Gibbs. May 9, 1886. P. 273 Miss Lyra E. Dike. . May, 9, 1886. P. 274 Miss Mattie Ingersoll. May 9, 1886. P. 275 Miss Louise Morris. May 9, 1886. P. 276 Leroy S. Beck ley. May 9, 1886. P. 277 Frank Pomeroy. May 9, 1886. P. K, 00 Mrs. Ellen M. Gibbs. Mav 9. 1886. P. 279 Rev. James R. Kay. May 9, 1886. L. 280 Benjamin M. Ford. May 9, 1886. P. 281 Mrs. Svlvia D. Gates. Nov. 7, 1886. L. 282 Miss Carrie A. Dike. Nov. 7, 1886. P. 283 Miss Grace Mae Dike. Nov. 7, 1886. P. 284 Miss Louise Pomeroy. Nov. 7, 1886. P. 285 Mrs. Mary Jane Ford. Nov. 7, 1886. P. 286 Mrs. Christina Stewart. Sep. 4, 1887. L. 287 Rev. Eugene F. Wright. Sep. 4. 1887. L. 288 Mrs. E. F. Wright. Sep. 4, 1887. L. 289 Miss Florence A. Sessions. Nov. 6, 1887. L. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 41 290 Mons Peterson. Jan. 8, 1888. P. 291 Miss Mary Lizzie Martin. ^ ^ ^ July 8, 1888. P. 292 Hubbard Pendleton. Nov. 4, 1888. P. 293 Mrs. Jane Mary Dike. Mar. 3, 1889. P. 294 Miss Christine Oberg. ^ ^ Mar. 3, 1889. P. 295 Thomas H. Rowlands. Mav 5, 1889. L. 296 Stephen Burton Ford. July 7, 1889. P. 297 George Hammond Dike. July 7, 1889. P. 298 Miss Elizabeth W. Dike. July 7, 1889. P. 299 Miss Zora C. Morris. Sep. 1, 1889. L. 300 Miss Mary E. Helligas. Sep. 1, 1889. P. 301 Mrs. Martha Allen. Nov. 3, 1889. P. 302 Harrv P. Wilbur. t j Nov. 3, 1889. P. 303 - 4 - Rev. Otho M. Van Swearingen. Nov. 2, 1890. L. 304 Mrs. Mattie A. Van Swearingen. Nov. 2, 1890. L. 305 Miss Bertha Van Swearingen. Nov. 2, 1890. L. 306 Miss Elsie Van Swearingen. Nov. 2, 1890. L. 307 Charles E. Nash. Feb. 1, 1891. P. 308 Clarence Hill. Feb. 1, 1891. P. 309 Miss Etta Hibbard. Feb. 1, 1891. P. 310 Gardner R. Ford. Feb. 1, 1891. P. 42 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 311 James B. Ford. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 312 Mrs. Lucia D. Ford. Mar. 1. 1891. P. 313 Miss Charlotte A. Ford. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 314 Miss Mary P. Dike. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 315 Miss Edith L. Dike. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 316 Miss Maude E. Conover. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 317 Miss Gertrude M. Geer. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 318 Miss Josephine Oberg. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 319 Miss Addie J. Miller. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 320 Miss Mabel G. Ford. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 321 Harry R. Ford. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 322 George E. Ford. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 323 Paul H. Dike. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 324 Mrs. Maria R. Hale. May 3, 1891. L. 325 - » »— Benjamin M. Ford. Jan. 3, 1892. L. 326 Rev. Winfield R. Gaylord. Mar. 3, 1894. L. 327 Mrs. Olive S. Gaylord. Mar. 4, 1894. L. 328 Miss Nettie M. Lewis. Mar. 4, 1894. P. 329 George H. Miller. Mar. 4, 1894. P. 330 -» ■»»— Miss Mary E. King. Julv 7, 1895. L. 331 Rev. Charles E. Enlow. Julv 5, 1896. L. 332 -» Mrs. Susan M. Enlow. Sep. 6, 1896. L. --— 333 Lyman Harrison. July 5, 1896. L. 334 Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison. July 5, 1896. L. -— 335 Miss Rose E. Miller. Oct. 4, 1896. L. 336 - ^ » - Dr. John R. Burr. Jan. 2, 1898. L. 337 Mrs. Clara B. Burr. Jan. 2, 1898. L. 43 4 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 338 Miss Bessie England. 339 Miss Blanche England. •340 Miss Alice Teckler. 341 Alfred G. Goldsmith. 342 Mrs. Ada F. Goldsmith. 343 Frank R. Goldsmith. 344 Rev. J. Vincent Willis. 345 Mrs. Helen M. Willis. --S—* 346 Mrs. Dora Ford. July 3, 1898. July 3, 1898. Sep. 4, 1898. P. Mar. 5, 1899. L. Mar. 5, 1899. L. Mar. 5, 1899. L. Nov. 5, 1899. L. Nov. 5, 1899. L. Jan. 7, 1900. L. 0. CL, Alphabetical and family list of church members from Jan. 10, 1842, to 1900. - • - A 44 Henry D. Adams. Received Jan. 10, 1849. 'Letter. Dismissed Sep. 29, 1849. 45 Mrs. Priscilla Adams. Jan. 10, 1849. L. Dis. Sep. 29, 1849. 57 James S. Arnet. June 4, 1854. L. From Fitchville, Huron Co., Ohio. Dis. Feb. 28, 1862. General letter. -- <>►- 198 Rev. Edwin N. Andrews. Sep. 1, 1872. L. Dis. Sep. 4, 1875, to St. Charles, Ill. 199 Mrs. Mary E. Andrews. Nov. 3, 1872. L. Dis. Sep. 4, 1875, to St. Charles, Ill. 205 Miss Sophia Allbright. Mar. 1, 1874. Prof. Deceased. 257 Rev. A. E. Allaben. July 15, 1883. L. From Plainfield, Ill. Dis. Feb. 15, 1885, to Payson, Ill. 258 Mrs. Sarah Allaben. July 15, 1883. L. From Plainfield, Ill. Dis. Feb. 15, 1885, to Payson, Ill. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 45 259 Prank Allaben. Prom Plainfield, Ill. Dis. Feb. 15, 1885, to Payson, Ill. July 15, 1883. L. 260 Wilson Allaben. Prom Plainfield, Ill. Dis. Peb. 15, 1885, to Payson, Ill. July 15, 1883. L. 261 Edwin Allaben. Prom Oberlin, Ohio. Jan. 5, 1884. L. Dis. Oet. 31, 1885. General letter. Married Miss Jennie Torrence, July 6, 1887. 264 Miss Angie Allaben. Dis. Feb. 15, 1885, to Payson, Ill. Mar. 2, 1884. P. -- 266 Miss Jennie Ashton. Prom Ogden, Utah. Feb. 29, 1885. L. 270 Miss Sarah P. Ashton. Married Seth H. Nash, Oct. 19, 1899. Feb. 29, 1885. P. 301 Mrs. Martha Allen. Deceased July 17, 1897. Age 85 yrs. Nov. 3, 1889. P. B 6 Allen Baldwin. Jan. 10, 1842. P. 7 Mrs. Julia Baldwin. No record when they were dismissed. Jan. 10, 1842. L. 46 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 52 Allen Baldwin. Apr. 3 } 1852. L. Dis. Feb. 28, 1868. General letter. 53 Mrs. Julia Baldwin. Apr. 3, 1852. L. Dis. Feb. 28, 1868. General letter. 25 Stephen Bradley. Aug. IT, 1844. L. From Churchville, Monroe Co., N. Y. Dismissed, but no date given. 26 Miss Betsy Bradley. Aug. 17, 1844. P. Dismissed, but no date given. 27 Mrs. A. Baker. Nov. 9, 1844. L. Wife of Rev. Spencer Baker, from Dundee, Ill. Dis. Oct. 19. 1845. General letter. 28 Miss Rhodelia Baker. Nov. 9, 1844. L. From Dundee, Ill. Dis. Oct. 19, 1845. General letter. 36 Isaac Brainard. June 1, 1845. L. From Big Woods, DuPage Co., Ill. Dropped, but no date given. 37 Mrs. Arvilla Brainard. June 1, 1845. L. From Big Woods, DuPage Co., Ill. Dropped Mar. 28. 1856. 42 Chester Bennett. Mar. 27, 1847. L. From Portage, N. Y. Dis. Sept. 18, 1859. General letter. 43 Mrs. Orah Bennett. Mar. 27, 1847. L. From Portage, N. Y. Dis. Sep. 18, 1859. General letter. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 47 50 Harvey Bunker. Mar. 27, 1852. Deceased July 22, 1854. Mrs. Clarissa Bunker. Mar. 27, 1852. Dis. June 20, 1861, to Pres. Ch., Ridgefield, Ill. Deceased Sep. 9, 1891. Miss Betsy Bradley. Feb. 12, 1854. From Homer, Mich. Dis. Dec. 25, 1857. General letter. 56 Miss Mary L. Bennett. Dis. as Mrs. Mary Hall, Sep. 25, 1859. 65 Richard Bushnell. Oct. 5, 1856. From Cong. Ch., Dundee, Ill. Deceased Dec. 23, 1880. Age 72 yrs. Feb. 12, 1854. General letter. 51 55 L. L. L. P. L. 66 Mrs. Actaline Bushnell. Oct. 5, 1856. L. From Cong. Ch., Dundee, Ill. Deceased Aug. 9, 1881. Age 59 yrs. -- 4 - - ♦- 67 Miss Armenia Bowen. Oct. 5, 1856. P. Dis. July 5, 1857. General letter. —«+► -> ■+►— 70 Stephen Burton. Apr. 23, 1857. L. From Cong. Ch., Blandford, Mass. Dis. Aug. 28, 1868, to Springfield, Mo. Died at Geneva, Neb., Dec. 22, 1889. Age 76 yrs. 71 Mrs. Charlotte J. Burton. Apr. 23, 1857. L. From Cong. Ch., Blandford, Mass. Deceased Feb. 24, 1868. Age 55 yrs. 72 Miss Catharine A. Burton. Apr. 23, 1857. L. From Cong. Ch., Blandford, Mass. Married Henry F. Gibbs, Feb. 10, 1859. Deceased Sep. 2, 1859. Age 21 yrs. 48 Crystal Lake Congregational Church Miss Mary E. Burton. See Mrs. Myron A. Smith, No. 101. 102 Miss Margaret J. Burton. Dec. 1, 1861. P. Married Alfred P. Harwood, Nov. 23, 1864. Dis. Aug. 28, 1868, to Springfield, Mo. 146 Charles J. Burton. Feb. 3, 1867. P. Dis. Aug. 28, 1868, to Springfield, Mo. 0 Miss Lucia D. Burton. See Mrs. George Ford, No. 312. -- 111 Mrs. Hannah Buck. June 8, 1862. P. Deceased Jan. 23, 1868. Age 65 yrs. 81 Miss Mary Elizabeth Buck. July 2, 1858. P. Married L. Prentice Smith, Nov. 18, 1870. 108 Miss Martha J. Buck. June 8, 1862. • P. Married Rev. James H. Harwood, Oct. 5, 1863. Dis. Nov. 10, 1867, to Chicago, Ill. 112 Miss Adaline Buck. June 8, 1862. P. Dis. Apr. 2, 1870, to St. Paul, Minn. Returned (no date given.) Dis. Mar. 23, 1873, to Pontiac, Ill. Deceased Sep. 25, 1873. Age 38-yrs. (•) Miss Julia Buck. See Perkins, No. 113. 84 Dr. Edwin A. Beers. May 1, 1859. P. Dis. May 2, 1862, to Ringwood, Ill. Died at McHenry, Ill., Nov. 26, 1879. Q Mrs. Esther Beers. See Pond, No. 48. Dis. May 2, 1862, to Ringwood, Ill. 85 Thomas F. Buck. Mav 1. 1859. P. 4 / / Dis. Dec. 30, 1859. General letter. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 49 86 Mrs. Hester L. Buck. May 1, 1859. P. Dis. Dec. 30, 1859. General letter. 107 Robert G. Benton. June 8, 1862. P. Suspended Feb. 10, 1877. Dropped Sep. 7, 1880. 93 Mrs. Lydia Ann Benton. Jan. 6, 1861. L. Dis. Nov. 2, 1882, to Oakland, Cal. 200 Miss Fannie M. Benton. Nov. 3, 1872. P. Married Jesse A. Baldwin, Jan. 29, 1879. Dis. Nov. 11, 1883. General letter. 224 Silas Benton. Mar. 5, 1876. P. Deceased Mar. 27, 1877. Age 14 yrs. 225 Joseph A. Benton. Mar. 5, 1876. P. Dis. Jan. 5, 1884, to Oakland, Cal. 115 Mrs. Mary Ann Beers. June 8, 1862. P. Dis. Mar. 9, 1866, to Homer, LaSalle Co., Ill. 116 Mrs. Louise Brown. From Pres. Ch., Buffalo, N. Y. Dis. July 30, 1869, to Buffalo, N. Y. 265 Mrs. Louise Brown. From Pres. Ch., Buffalo, N. Y. Deceased Feb. 2, 1898. Age 87 yrs. 142 Calvin Bushnell. From Cong. Ch., Westbrook, Conn. Dis. Apr. 2, 1870, to Cherokee, Iowa. June 8, 1862. Feb. 29, 1885. Nov. 4, 1866. 143 Mrs. Mary A. Bushnell. Nov. 4, 1866. From Cong. Ch., Westbrook, Conn. Dis. Apr. 2, 1870, to Cherokee, Iowa. Died at Aurelia, Iowa, Nov. 20, 1896. L. L. L. L. 50 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 144 Henrv Bushnell. •/ Dis. Apr. 2, 1870. to Cherokee, Iowa. Feb. 3, 1867. P. * 147 James Burton. Apr. 28, 1867. L. From Cong. Ch., Albany-, N. Y. • Dis. June 1, 1878, to Woodstock. Ill. Died at Albany. X. Y., Mar. 26, 1885. Age 73 yrs. 148 Mrs. Margaret Burton. From Cong. Ch., Albany, X. Y. Apr. 28, 1867. L. Died at Crystal Lake, Ill., Aug. 18. 187 0 . 149 Miss Emma S. Burton. Apr. 28, 1867. L. From Cong. Ch., Albany, X. Y. Married Dr. Charles W. Hayes, July 2 Died at Albany, X. Y., Dec. 12, 1885. 7, 1875. / 150 Miss Margaret H. Burton. Apr. 28, 1867. L. From Cong. Ch., Albany, X. Y. • Married William H. Dwight, Apr. 10, Dis. May 2. 1874, to Woodstock, Ill. 1872. 171 Miss M. E. Bradley. Jan. 1, 1870. L. Dis. Mar. 1, 1872. General letter. • 160 Miss Clara Bennett. July 14, 1867. P. Dis. Xov. 5, 1870, to Xorth Topeka, Kansas. 184 Miss Agnes Bennett. Apr. 30, 1870. P. Dis. Apr. 18, 1872. to Xorth Topeka, Kansas. 204 Mrs. Esther A. Bridges. Sep. 7, 1873. L. From South Haven, Mich. Dis. Jan. 1, 1876, to South Haven, Mich. 157 Sherwood S. Ball. Apr. 28, 1867. Dis. Jan. 6, 1872, to Fort Atkinson, Wis. • P. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 51 276 Leroy S. Beckley. May 9, 1886. P. Married Miss Anna Lora Schromyer, Dec. 5, 1894. 336 Dr. John R. Burr. Jan. 2, 1898. L. From First Cong. Ch., Chicago, Ill. 337 Mrs. Clara B. Burr. Jan. 2. 1898. L. From Western Ave. Bap. Ch., Chicago, Ill. c 73 Zebulon Carey. Apr. 23, 1857. L. From Fort Wayne, Ind. Dis. Oct. 1, 1857. General letter. 74 Mrs. Asanette Carev. «s From Fort Wayne, Ind. Dis. Oct. 1, 1857. General letter. 96 Mrs. Sarah A. Crow. From Pres. Ch., Chicago, Ill. 231 Miss Sarah Louise Crow. May 7, 1876. P. 232 Miss Fannie G. Crow. May 7, 1876. P. 125 Miss Sarah M. Corbin. May 3, 1863. L. From Paris Hill, N. Y. Died while a missionary among the Freedmen. 182 Mrs. Caroline E. Crosby. Apr. 30, 1870. P. Dis. Oct. 5, 1878, to First Cong. Ch., Chicago, Ill. Apr. 23, 1857. L. Dec. 1, 1861. L. UNIVERSITY OF Illinois LIBRARY 52 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 183 Miss Nellie Crosby. Apr. 30, 1870. P. 233 Miss Anna Maria Crosby. May 7, 1876. P. Dis. Oct. 5, 1878, to First Cong. Ch., Chicago, Ill. -- 201 Mrs. Sarah Clow. Mar. 2, 1873. P. Deceased Apr. 28, 1876. 236 Miss Marian Clow. July 2, 1876. P. Deceased Feb. 23, 1878. (T) Mrs. Lyra E. Clow. See Dike, No. 273. --- 190 Jay L. Conover, Jr. Mar. 1, 1872. P. Dropped Jan. 2, 1892. 250 Mrs. Ada Conover. May 8, 1881. P. Dis. Apr. 4, 1887, to Bap. Ch., Crystal Lake, Ill. 316 Miss Maude E. Conover. ^ Mar. 1, 1891. P. Dropped Dec. 30, 1893. -«»■- 195 Benjamin Carpenter. July 13, 1872. L. From New England Cong. Ch., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Apr. 9, 1881. 196 Mrs. Abigail Carpenter. July 13, 1872. L. From New England Cong. Ch., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Nov. 15, 1883. 197 Miss Charlotte M. Carpenter. July 13, 1872. L. From New England Cong. Ch., Chicago, Ill. Deceased May 6, 1874. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 53 D 5 George W. Dike... Jan. 10, 1842. L. Dis. May 31, 1867, to F. M. Ch., Crystal Lake, Ill. Deceased Feb. 23, 1894. Age 82 years. 11 • Mrs. Elizabeth Dike. Mar. 20, 1843. L. Deceased Dec*. 21, 1866. Age 57 years. 105 William W. Dike. June 8, 1862. P. Dis. Mar. 29, 1868, to Battle Creek, Mich. Returned. No record of uniting. Married Miss Mary M. Merritt, Oct. 20, 1869. 173 Mrs. Mary M. Dike. Jan. 1, 1870. P. 273 Mrs. Lyra E. Dike. May 9, 1886. P. Married Fred Clow, Dec. 12, 1893. Dis. Mar. 31, 1894, to Pres. Ch., Highland Park, III. 323 Paul H. Dike. Mar. 1, 1891. P. Dis. Jan. 5, 1897, to Pres. Ch., Highland Park, Ill. 162 Charles F. Dike. Jan. 5, 1868. P. Married Miss Frances Hammond, Jan. 21, 1868. 165 Mrs. Frances H. Dike. Jan. 3, 1869. L. 297 George Hammond Dike. July 7, 1889. P. 298 Miss Elizabeth W. Dike. July 7, 1889. P. Dis. Dec. 2, 1895, to Pilgrim Cong. Ch., Worcester, Mass. 314 Miss Mary P. Dike. Mar. 1, 1891. P. Dis. Nov. 3, 1897, to Pilgrim Cong. Ch., Worcester, Mass. 315 Miss Edith L. Dike. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 54 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 14 Ephraim S. Durfee. Apr. 16, 1843. P. Dis. Jan. 31, 1846. General letter. 15 Mrs. Lucy Durfee. Apr. 16, 1843. P. Dis. Jan. 31, 1846. General letter. ► •+- 54 Mrs. Elizabeth P. Downs. Feb. 12, 1854. L. (Wife of Rev. John V. Downs.) Prom Cong. Ch., Richmond, Ill. Dismissed. No. record of date. 79 Mrs. Caroline Douglass. Julv 2, 1858. L. From First Pres. Ch., Chicago, Ill. Dis. June 26, 1864, to Edwards Ch., Chicago, Ill. 164 Mrs. Eliza A. Dike. Jan. 3, 1869. L. From Con. Ch., Crown Point, N. Y. Dis. Dec. 16, 1877, to Grinnell, Iowa. --4. - +.-— 179 Josiah Dwight. Apr. 30, 1870. L. From Woodstock, 111. Dis. June 12, 1875, to Woodstock, Ill. Died at Wyoming, Ohio, Dec. 30, 1878. 180 Mrs. Amanda L. Dwight. Apr. 30, 1870. L. From Woodstock, Ill. Dis. June 12, 1875, to Woodstock, Ill. Died at Berkshire, N. Y., Apr. 29, 1894. 181 Miss Julia Dwight. Apr. 30, 1870. L. From W 7 oodstock, Ill. Dis. June 12, 1875, to Woodstock, Ill. (V) Mrs. Margaret H. Dwight. See Burton, No. 150. 202 Mrs. Mary E. Dunn. May 4, 1873. L. From Cong. Ch., East Cambridge, Mass. Deceased Nov. 21, 1876. Age 74 years. 55 223 234 293 282 283 91 100 331 332 0 338 339 90 Crystal Lake Congregational Church Miss Florence Adele DeMunn. Mar. 5, 1876. P. Dis. as Mrs. F. O. Parsons, Jan. 16, 1878, to Macon City, Mo. -- Miss Mary Florence Dole. May 7, 1876. Dis. Aug. 20, 1878, to Episcopal Ch., Algonquin, Ill. Married Albert C. Stowell, Sep. 23, 1883. Mrs. Jane Mary Dike. Miss Carrie A. Dike. Miss Grace Mae Dike, Mar. 3, 1889. Nov. 7, 1886. Nov. 7, 1886. P. P. P. P. - • - E Mrs. Elizabeth Esplin. Jan. 1, 1860. L. From Pres. Ch., Vienna, Ill. Deceased June 16, 1880. Mrs. Eliza H. Ellsworth. Dec. 1, 1861. P. Deceased Feb. 28, 1873. Age 68 years. Rev. Charles E. Enlow. July 5, 1896. L. From Union Cong. Ch., Kingfisher, Oklahoma. Mrs. Susan M. Enlow. Sep. 6, 1896. L. From Union Cong. Ch., Kingfisher, Oklahoma. Mrs. Virginia England. See Hickock, No. 216. Miss Bessie England. July 3, 1898. P. Miss Blanche England. July 3, 1898. P. - 9 - F Mrs. Lucy C. Flaglor. July 3, 1859. L. From Cong. Ch., Marlboro, N. Y. Dis. as Mrs. Gay, Feb. 8, 1874, to Philadelphia, Pa. 56 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 114 Thomas Ford. June 8, 1862. P. Deceased Mar. 3, 1872. Age 51 years. 20 Mrs. Jane P. Foster. July 22, 1843. L. From New York City, N. Y. Dis. Feb. 10. 1850, to South Haven, Mich. 87 Samuel Foster. May 1 , 1859. L. From South Haven, Mich. Deceased Feb. 28, 1891. Age 81 years. 88 Mrs. Jane P. Foster. May 1, 1859. L. From South Haven, Mich. Deceased Mar. 5, 1890. Age 80 years. 64 Mrs. Harriet Fuller. June 1, 1856. L. (Wife of Rev. Francis L. Fuller.) From Cong. Ch., Otsego, N. Y. Dis. May 2, 1862, to Cong. Ch., Elgin, Ill. 131 Charles E. Frisbie. Mar. 11, 1866. L. From Brovvnhelm, Ohio. Dis. Mar. 2, 1878, to Chicago, III. 132 Mrs. Eliza Frisbie. Mar. 11, 1866. L. From Brownhelm, Ohio. Dis. Mar. 2, 1878, to Chicago, Ill. 226 Frederick Frisbie. Mar. 5, 1876. P. Dis. Mar. 2, 1878, to Chicago, Ill. 227 Glenn Frisbie. ' Mar. 5, 1876. P. Dis. Mar. 2, 1878, to Chicago, Ill. 237 Mark A. Foote. Sep. 3, 1876. L. From North Fairfield, Ohio. Dropped Sep. 7, 1880. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 57 135 George W. Fletcher. Dropped. No record of date. Mar. 11, 1866. P. 136 Mrs. Sarah Jane Fletcher. Dropped. No record of date. Mar. 11, 1866. P. 153 Miss Clara Fletcher. Apr. 28, 1867. P. Married William Olmstead, Dec. 17, 1868. Dis. Apr. 30, 1869, to Pres. Ch., Ridgefield, Ill. 215 -- Miss Laura E. Fitch. Jan. 2, 1876. P. 220 Harrison H. Ford. Mar. 5, 1876. P. 0 Mrs. Frances A. Ford. See Hickok, No. 161. 280 Benjamin M. Ford. Dis. Oct. 5, 1889, to Beloit, Wis. May 9, 1886. P. 310 Gardner R. Ford. Feb. 1. 1891. P. 320 Miss Mabel G. Ford. Mar. 1, 1891. P. Married Charles L. Grogan, Sep. 15, 1897. 321 Harrison R. Ford. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 322 George E. Ford. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 325 Benjamin M. Ford. Jan. 3, 1892. L. From Cong. Ch., Beloit, Wis. Married Miss Estella Darling, Sep. 19, 1894. Dis. Sep. 4, 1897, to 6th Pres. Ch., Chicago, Ill. 312 Mrs. Lucia D. Ford. Mar. 1, 1891. P. 296 Stephen Burton Ford. July 7, 1889. P. Dis. Jan. 7, 1892, to Woodstock, Ill. Married Miss Carrie A. Clark, Sept. 11, 1897. 58 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 313 Miss Charlotte A. Ford. Mar. 1, 1891. P. Married Robert E. Moore. Mar. 8, 1899. - 4 » <■> ♦— 285 Mrs. Mary Jane Ford. Nov. 7, 1886. P. -- 4 - ♦ +- -- 311 James B. Ford. Mar. 1, 1891. P. Married Miss Jennie Smith, Oct. 17, 1893. - » - 346 Mrs. Dora Ford. Jan. 7, 1900. L. From M. E. Ch., Nunda,«Ill. -•- G 98 Simon S. Gates. Dec. 1, 1861. L. From Calvinist Ch., Worcester, Mass. Deceased June 24, 1876. Age 77 years. 99 Mrs. Sylvia D. Gates. Dec. 1, 1861. L. From Calvinist Ch., Worcester, Mass. Dis. Nov. 2, 1882, to W 7 oodstock, Ill. 281 Mrs. Sylvia D. Gates. Nov. 7, 1886. L. From Cong. Ch., Woodstock, Ill. Deceased Dec. 15, 1892. Age 81 years. 207 William D. Gates. Apr. 5, 1874. P. Married Miss Ida Babcock, Sep. 19, 1877. Dis. Nov. 30. 1878. to Hinsdale, Ill. 208 Miss Mary Gates. Apr. 5, 1874. P. Married George W. Oakley, June 20, 1880. Dis. Nov. 5, 1885. to First Cong. Ch., Madison, Wis. -- 104 Henry F. Gibbs. June 8, 1862. P. Married Miss Ellen M. Taylor, Apr. 6, 1865. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 59 (T) Mrs. Catherine A. Gibbs. See Barton, No. 72. 278 Mrs. Ellen M. Gibbs. Mav 9, 1886. From Bap. Ch., Crystal Lake, Ill. 272 Miss Fannie E. Gibbs. May 9, 1886. P. Dis. May 4, 1891, to Bap. Ch., Elgin, Ill. -- 4 » ♦ - 203 Mrs. Sarah Goff. May 4, 1873. L. From Pres. Ch., Ridgefield, Ill. Deceased Feb. 23, 1878. - +. - 138 David Genung. Mar. 11, 1866. P. Dropped Feb. 1, 1879. 139 Mrs. Elizabeth Genung. From M. E. Ch., Elmira, N. Y. Deceased July 4, 1872. 238 Mrs. Lizzie Geer. From Pres. Ch., Cross Roads, Penn. 317 Miss Gertrude M. Geer. Mar. 1, 1891. P. -- (V) Mrs. Mabel G. Grogan. See Ford, No. 313. -- 326 Rev. Winfield R. Gaylord. Mar 3, 1894. L. From M. E. Ch., St. Cloud, Minn. Dis. Dec. 1, 1894, to Cong. Ch., Woodstock, Ill. 327 Mrs. Olive S. Gaylord. Mar. 4, 1894. L. From M. E. Ch., Hamline, Minn. Dis. Dec. 1, 1894. to Cong. Ch., Woodstock, Ill. 341 Alfred G. Goldsmith. Mar. 5, 1899. L. From Woodlavvn Pres. Ch., Chicago, Ill. Mar. 11, 1866. L. Nov. 6, 1876. L. 60 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 342 Mrs. Ada F. Goldsmith. Mar. 5, 1899. L. From Wood lawn Pres. Ch., Chicago. Ill. 343 Frank R. Goldsmith. Mar. 5, 1899. L. From Woodlawn Pres. Ch., Chicago, III. -• H 16 John Harder. May 14, 1843. P. Dis. July 20, 1844. ro Cong. Ch., Pleasant Valley, Ill. 17 Miss Catherine Harder. May 14, 1843. P. Dis. Feb. 17, 1844, to Cong. Ch., Pleasant Valley, Ill. —►— 76 Mrs. Mary Hearson. June 20, 1858. P. Dropped Jan. 2, 1892. 92 Thomas Hart. Jan. 1, 1860. P. Dis. Jan. 8, 1865. General letter. 97 Miss Mary Libbie Hart. Dec. 1, 1861. L. Dis. Jan. 8, 1865. General letter. 128 Alfred Harwood. Jan. 1, 1865. L. From Bennington, Vt. Dis. Aug. 28, 1868, to Springfield, Mo. (T) M rs. M argaret J. Harwood. See Burton, No. 102. 129 Miss Catherine Harwood. Jan. 1, 1865. L. From Bennington, Vt. Dis. Feb. 26, 1869, to Springfield, Mo. (•) Mrs. Martha J. Harwood. See Buck, No. 108. 133 Edwin R. F. Hart. Mar. 11, 1866. L. From Genoa, Wis. Dis..Sep. 30, 1871, to Wheaton, Ill. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 61 134 141 245 309 145 * 1G6 167 187 188 189 161 216 Mrs. Margaret E. Hart. Mar. 11, 1866. P. Dis. Sep. 30, 1871, to Wheaton, Ill. -- Mrs. Harriet A. Hibbard. July 1, 1866. L. From Cong. Ch., Carpentersville, Ill. Miss Elsie A. Hibbard. Sep. 2, 1877. P. Married Charles L. Teckler, Nov. 28, 1882. Miss Etta Hibbard. Feb. 1, 1891. P. Mrs. Cordelia Harper. Feb. 3, 1867. P. Dis. Apr. 27, 1873, to N. E. Cong. Ch., Chicago, Ill. Died in Chicago, Ill., Jan. 6, 1896. Age 69 years. Rev. Robert Hav. From Cong. Ch., Pine Grove, Ontario, Dis. No date on record. Mrs. Ann Juliet Hay. From Cong. Ch., Pine Grove, Ontario, Preston Hickok. Deceased Jan. 6, 1887. Age 85 years. Benjamin R. Hickok. Dropped Sep. 7, 1880. Mrs. Alevia Hickok. Dropped Sep. 7, 1880. No. 187, No. 188 and No. 189 had no letters, as the church to which they belonged was extinct. Miss Frances A. Hickok. Nov. 3, 1867. P. Married Harrison H. Ford. Oct. 7, 1869. Miss Mary Virginia Hickok. Jan. 2, 1876. P. Married Peter A. England, Sep. 5, 1877. June 25, 1869. L. Canada. June 25, 1869. L. Canada. Julv 1, 1871. July 1, 1871. 62 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 230 Mrs. Sarah O. Hay. May 7, 1876. L. (Wife of Rev. Samuel H. Hay.) From Pres. Ch., Woodstock, Ill. Dis. Jan. 6, 1883. to Pres. Ch., Woodstock, Ill. 300 Miss Mary E. Helligas. -— <•» 308 Clarence Hill. 324 Mrs. Maria R. Hale. May 3, 1891. L. From Clinton Ave. Cong. Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y. Deceased Apr. 17, 1898. Age 69 years. 333 Lyman Harrison. July 5, 1896. L. From Cong. Ch., Armour, South Dakota. 334 Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison. July 5, 1896. L. From Cong. Ch., Armour, South Dakota. Sep. 1, 1889. P. Feb. 1, 1891. P. I 255 Mrs. Katie Ingersoll. May 7, 1882. L. From Pres. Ch., Green Bay, Wis. Dis. Nov. 17, 1888, to Oberlin, Ohio. 274 Miss Mattie Ingersoll. May 9, 1886. P. Dis. Nov. 17, 1888, to Oberlin, Ohio. j 1 Reuben Jenne. Jan. 10, 1842. L. Dis. Apr. 13, 1844, to Elgin, Ill. 2 Mrs. Susan Jenne. Jan. 10, 1842. L. Dis. Apr. 13, 1844. to Elgin, Ill. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 63 22 Mrs. Malinda Jackman. May 25, 1844. L. From Alexander, N. Y. Dis. July 10, 1850. General letter. -- 174 Frank Jenkins. Mar. 5, 1870. P. Dis. Nov. 1, 1873, to Burlingame, Kansas. 175 Mrs. F. Jenkins. Mar. 5, 1870. P. Dis. Nov. 1, 1873, to Burlingame, Kansas. 186 Miss Mary B. Jenkins. July 2, 1870. P. Dis. Nov. 1, 1873, to Burlingame, Kansas. - - 4 - » “»»- 256 Mrs. Helen Johnson. Jan. 7, 1883. P. Dis. May 8, 1886, to M. E. church, Nunda, Ill. - • K 12 Solomon Keves. Mar. 20, 1843. L. From Pres. Cb., Ridgefield, Ill. Dis. Feb. 17, 1844, to Cong. (Jh., Pleasant Valley, Ill. 13 Mrs. Elizabeth Keyes. Mar. 20, 1843. L. From Pres. Ch., Ridgefield, Ill. Dis. Feb. 17, 1844, to Cong. Ch., Pleasant Valley, Ill. 33 Solomon Keyes. Apr. 9, 1845. L. From Cong. Ch., Pleasant Valley, Ill. Dis. Apr. 15, 1856, to Pres. Ch., Woodstock, Ill. Returned, date not recorded. Deceased Dec. 17, 1865. 34 Mrs. Elizabeth Keyes. Apr. 9, 1845. L. From Cong. Ch., Pleasant Valley, Ill. Dis. Apr. 15, 1856, to Pres. Ch., Woodstock, Ill. Returned, date not recorded. Deceased Dec. 25, 1883. 64 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 83 Edward Keyes. Nov. 5, 1858. From Cong. Ch., Princeton, Ill. Excommunicated May 29, 1863. 221 N. Abbott Keyes. Mar. 5, 1876. Married Miss Eliza J. Fink, May 13, 1875. Dropped Jan. 2, 1892. 214 Mrs. Eliza J. Keyes. Sep. 4, 1875. From M. E. Ch., Big Foot, Ill. Died at Alden, Ill., Oct. 1. 1880. 252 William Knox. May 8, 1881. Dropped Jan. 2, 1892. 110 Mrs. Almira Knox. June 8, 1862. Deceased Aug. 30, 1876. 251 Miss Jennie Knox. May 8, 1881. Dis. July 2, 1885. to Coffeyville, Kansas. 130 Mrs. Ellen Kendrew. Mar. 5, 1865. Married Edward Kern, Dec. 12, 1868. Dis. Mar. 2, 1878, to Manchester, Iowa. 151 Mrs. Lucy C. Kimball. Apr. 28, 1867: From Genoa, Wisconsin. Dis. Aug. 28, 1868, to Bap. Ch., Crystal Lake, Ill 154 Miss Adaline Kelsey. Apr. 28, 1867. Dis. Feb. 5, 1870, to Cong. Ch., Geneva, Ohio. -- +■ - 239 Mrs. Helen A. Kellogg. May 6, 1877. From Reformed Ch., Norwood Park, Ill. Dis. Jan. 2. 1886. General letter. L. P. L. P. P. P. P. L. P. L. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 65 279 Rev. James R. Kaye. May 9, 1886. L. From Clinton St. Cong. Ch., Chicago, Ill. Dis. Nov. 6, 1887, to Chenoa, Ill. 330 Miss Mary E. King. July 7, 1895. L. From North Ave. M. E. Ch., Allegheny, Penn. -•- L 58 Allen Lamb. Apr. 1, 1855. L. From Cong. Ch., Wayne, DuPage Co., Ill. Dis. Apr. 30, 1869, to-Iowa. 59 Mrs. Mary Lamb. Apr. 1, 1855. L. From Cong. Ch., Wayne, Ill. Deceased May 2, 1862. Age 62 years. 75 Mrs. Sarah Lye. Dropped Oct. 6, 1877. 119 Mrs. Eliza J. Long. From M. E. Ch., Crystal Lake, Ill. Died- 1863. 120 Frank Long. Aug. 3, 1862. P. Dropped. No date given. • 121 Miss Sarah Long. Aug. 3, 1862. P. - Dropped. No date given. 122 Miss Diantha Long. Dropped. No date given. Aug. 3, 1862. P. 124 Mrs. Emilv O. Loomis. XJ From Bap. Ch., Buffalo, N. Y. May 3, 1863. L. Dis. Sep. 18, 1864, to Vernon Springs, Iowa. June 20, 1858. P. Aug. 3, 1862. L. 66 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 155 Miss Lydia G. Lippencott. Apr. 28, 1867. P. Dis. Jan. 1. 1870. to Richmond, Indiana. 247 Dr. Lorenzo D. Lowell. May 8. 1881. P. Dropped Jan. 2, 1892. 248 Mrs Sarah E. Lowell. Dis. July 2, 1887. General letter. 328 Miss Nettie M. Lewis. M 89 Mrs. Margaret Munshaw. From Pres. Ch., Pickering, Canada. Dropped Sep. 7, 1880. 152 Miss Mary Moore. Apr. 28, 1867. L. From Cong. Ch., Genoa, Wisconsin. Dis. Apr. 27, 1873, to Bloomfield, Wis. -o. +.- 193 Alexander McGregor. May 4, 1872. P. Dropped June 2. 1877. 194 Mrs. Margaret McGregor. May 4, 1872. P. Dropped June 2, 1877. Died at Mineral Point, Kansas, Feb. 16, 1892. 222 William Miller. Mar. 5, 1876. P. 213 Mrs. Margaret Miller. Mar. 6, 1875. P. 262 Frank W. Miller. From M. E. Ch., Jacksonville, Ill. Jan. 6, 1884. L. 335 Miss Rose E. Miller. From Cong. Ch., Normal, Ill. Oct. 4, 1896. L. May 8, 1881. P. Mar. 4, 1894. P. May 1, 1859. L. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 67 319 Miss Adelaide J. Miller. 329 Dr. George H. Miller. 275 Miss Louise Morris. 291 Miss Mary Elizabeth Martin. 249 Mrs. Hannah Miller. 299 Miss Zora C. Morris. From Cong. Ch., Toledo, Ohio. -o Mar. 1, 1891. P. Mar. 4, 1894. P. h., Chicago, Ill. May 9, 1886. P. July 8, 1888. P. 1889. May 8, 1881. P. Sep. 1, 1889. L. Q Mrs. Charlotte A. Moore. See Ford, No. 313. N 68 Fnos B. Nash. Oct. 5, 1856. From Pres. Ch., Doddsville, Schuyler Co.. Ill. Dis. Apr. 28, 1872, to Clinton, Iowa. Died Apr*. 17, 1894, at Pasadena, Cal. 69 Mrs. Catherine Nash. From Doddsville, Ill. Dis. Apr. 28, 1872, to Clinton, Iowa. Died Feb. 20, 1893, at Pasadena, Cal. Oct. 5, 1856. 158 Alfred K. Nash. July 14, 1867. Married Miss Lydia L. Chafee, Dec. 15, 1868. Dis. Jan. 7, 1871, to Clinton, Iowa. 163 Mrs. Lydia L. Nash. Dis. Jan. 7, 1871, to Clinton, Iowa. Jan. 3, 1869. L. L. P. P. 68 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 159 Joseph D. Nash. July 14, 1867. Dis. Jan. 7, 1871, to Clinton, Iowa. -- 244 Aaron Notestein. July 1, 1877. From M. E. Ch., Nunda, Ill. Dis. Mar. 2, 1878, to Brown’s Grove, Kansas. 192 Miss Effie G. Nelson. Mar. 1, 1872. ' Married James A. Sheldon, Oct. 30, 1873. Dis. Jan. 12, 1889, to Cong. Ch., Huntley, Ill. -»-— 106 Seth H. Nash. June 8, 1862. Married Miss Mary J. Simpson, Feb. 26, 1863. 127 Mrs. Mary J. Nash. May 3, 1863. From Cong. Ch., Dundee, Ill. Deceased May 5, 1896. Age 56 years. (T) Mrs. Sarah P. Nash. See Ashton, No. 270. 307 Charles E. Nash. Feb. 1, 1891. Dis. Mar. 3, 1894, to Cong. Ch., Elgin, Ill. Married Miss Luella Irene Coyne, Nov. 1, 1897. m - - o 62 Silas Olmstead. Sep. 23, 1855. From Pres. Ch., Chili, Monroe Co., N. Y. Deceased Jan. 6, 1870. Age 80 years. 63 Mrs. Peninnah Olmstead. Sep. 23, 1855. From Pres. Ch., Chili, N. Y. Deceased June 15, 1883. Age 87 years. 126 Mrs. Caroline Olmstead. May 3, 1863. From Castile, N. Y. Dis. Sep. 30, 1864, to Castile, N. Y. Deceased Aug. 5, 1884. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 69 294 Miss Christine Oberg. Mar. 3. 1889. Dis. Nov. 2, 1895, to Prospect St. Cong. Ch., Elgin, Ill. 8 80 35 39 113 318 Miss Josephine Oberg. Mar. 1, 1891. Dis. Nov. 2, 1895, to Prospect St. Cong. Ch., Elgin, Ill. p James T. Pierson. Dis. Apr. 2, 1872, to Clinton, Iowa. Deceased July 22, 1886. Age 80 years. Mrs. Mary C. Pierson. Dis. Apr. 28, 1872, to Clinton, Iowa. Deceased May 19, 1884. Age 73 years. Mrs. Cynthia Pratt. Prom Cong. Ch., Sherburne, N. Y. Deceased Oct. 10, 1853. Mrs. Volney Pinkerton. From Pres. Ch., Pultem Deceased Dec. 1, 1845. Mrs. Julia Perkins. Deceased May 21, 1874. 47 Horatio P. Pond. Deceased Oct. 28, 1853. Age 28 years. 48 Mrs. Esther Pond. Married Dr. Edwin A. Beers. 170 Hubbard Pendleton. Dropped Sep. 7, 1880. 292 Hubbard Pendleton. Dis. May 1, 1889, to Cong. Ch., Woodstock, Ill P. P. Jan. 10, 1842. L. July 2, 1858. P. Apr. 26, 1845. L. July 13, 1845. L. N. Y. June 8, 1862. P. July 28, 1850. P. Julv 28, 1850. P. Oct. 29, 1869. P. Nov. 4, 1888. P. 70 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 177 Eleazer L. Pomeroy. Apr. 30. 1870. L. From Cong. Ch., Oak Park, III. Deceased Aug. 15, 1899. Age 73 years. 178 Mrs. Mary F. Pomeroy. Apr. 30, 1870. L. From Cong. Ch., Oak Park, III. 206 Merwin F. Pomeroy. Apr. 5, 1874. P. Married Miss Lillette Arnold Oct. 11, 1882. Dis. Nov. 2, 1882, to M. E. Church, Elgin, Ill. Died in Chicago, Ill., Feb. 11, 1898. Age 42 years. 277 Frank Pomeroy. May 9, 1886. P. Married Miss Anna Miller, Apr. 22, 1890. Dis. Jan. 2, 1892, to Iowa City, Iowa. 284 Miss Louise Pomeroy. Nov. 7, 1886. P. Married Andrew L. Sanger, Oct. 2, 1895. 290 Mons Peterson. Jan. 8, 1888. P. Dropped Jan. 7, 1896, at his request. -® R 40 William Reed. Jan. 2, 1847. L. From Cong. Ch., Belchertown, Mass. 41 Mrs. Elvira Reed. Jan. 2, 1847. L. From Cong. Ch., Belchertown, Mass. Deceased Oct. 28, 1887. Age 81 years. (V) Miss Maria Reed. See Hale, No. 324. 46 Miss Sarah Reed. ' May 4, 1850. P. Deceased Nov. 27, 1851. Age 16 years. * 82 Perley Reed. July 2, 1858. P. Died at Geneva, Neb., Sep. 20, 1873. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 71 156 Elipbas Reed. Apr. 28, 1867. P. Married Miss Jennie Rhinehart Dec. 22, 1870. Dropped Jan. 2, 1892. Reinstated Apr. 6, 1892, and dis. to F. M. Ch., Huntley, Neb. 191 Mrs. Jennie Reed. Mar. 1, 1872. P. Dropped Jan. 2, 1892. Reinstated Apr. 17, 1892, and dis. to F. M. Ch., Huntley, Neb. 77 Charles M. Root. June 20, 1858. L. From Cong. Ch., Min den, Mich. Dis. Julv 1, 1859, to Pres. Ch.. Woodstock, Ill. 109 Miss Harriet J. Rodgers. June 8, 1862. P. Married George Woodley. Dis June 3, 1871, to Plymouth Cong. Ch., Chicago, Ill. 137 Mrs. Sarah Rodgers. Mar. 11, 1866. Dis. June 3, 1871, to Plymouth Cong. Ch., Chicago, Ill. P. 172 Mrs. Julia Robinson. Jan. 1, 1870. From Cong. Ch., Pavviet, Vermont. 176 Miss Mary Ann Robinson. Apr. 30, 1870. From Cong. Ch., Florence, Mass. Dis. Feb. 28, 1874, to Cong. Ch., Florence, Mass. 228 Silas S. Rollins. May 7, 1876. From Pres. Ch., Hagerstown, Md. 229 Mrs. Sarah F. Rollins. May 7, 1876. From Pres. Ch., Hagerstown, Md. Deceased Oct. 4, 1893. Age 65 years. 235 Harrison S. Rollins. May 7, 1876. Dropped Jan. 2, 1892. L. L. L. P. 72 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 295 Thomas H. Rowlands. May 5, 1889. L. From Cong. Ch., Waukesha, Wis. (T) Mrs. Lizzie Rowlands. See Martin, No. 291. -i- s 3 John W. Salisbury. Jan. 10, 1842. L. Dis. Apr. 11, 1886, to Prospect St. Cong. Ch., Elgin, Ill. Died at Elgin, Ill., Dec. 26, 1893. Age 90 years. 4 Mrs. Eliza Ann Salisbury. Jan. 10, 1842. L. Dis. Apr. 11, 1886, to Prospect St. Cong. Ch., Elgin, Ill. ' Died at Elgin, Ill., July 28, 1890. Age 81 years. 49 Miss Eliza Salisbury. July 28, 1850. P. Married Daniel Pond. Dis. Jan. 8, 1865. General letter. 0 Miss Esther Salisbury. See Pond, No. 48. 103 Miss Harriet I. Salisbury. Dec. 1, 1861. P. Married Charles L. Shepard, Sep. 5, 1866. Dis. Dec. 4, 1869. General letter. 0 Miss Mary Ann Salisbury. See Mrs. George Beers, No. 115. 211 . Miss Emma F. Salisbury. May 3, 1874. P. Married Hart Wollaver, June 16, 1875. Dis. Jan. 1, 1876, to Cong. Ch., Dundee. Ill. 209 Charles L. Shepard. May 3, 1874. L. From Cong. Ch., Lac Qui Parle, Minn. Deceased Sep. 4, 1880. Age 42 years. 210 Mrs. Harriet I. Shepard. May 3, 1874. L. From Cong. Ch., Lac Qui Parle, Minn. Dis. Jan. 5, 1897, to Prospect St. Cong. Ch., Elgin, Ill. V Crystal Lake Congregational Church 73 18 Robert Sedgwick. July 22, 1843. L. Dis. Sep. 10, 1852. General letter. % 19 Mrs. Sarah Sedgwick. Dis. Sep. 10, 1852. General letter. July 22, 1843. L. 21 Mrs. Permelia Smith. May 25, 1844. L. (Wife of Dr. Myron A. Smith.) From Cong. Cb., Dundee, III. Deceased Feb. 9, 1872. Age 65 years. (V) Miss Mary Jane Smith. See Mrs. Henry Ford, No. 285. —►- 38 Mrs. Lucy C. Stanton. June 28, 1815. L. From Cong. Ch., Thornby, Steuben Co., N. Y. Dis. July 21, 1855, to Cong. Ch., Dundee, Ill. 23 Phineas G. Stanton. July 20, 1844. L. From Pres. Ch., Attica, N. Y. Dis. Jan. 12, 1850. General letter. 24 Mrs. Elizabeth Stanton. July 20, 1844. L. From Pres. Ch., Attica, N. Y. Dis. Jan. 12, 1850. General letter. 94 Epenetus Southworth. June 20, 1861. L. From Cong. Ch., Algonquin, Ill. Deceased Nov. 11, 1864. Age 63 years. 95 Mrs. Phebe Southworth. June 20, 1861. L. From Cong. Ch., Algonquin, Ill. Dis. Apr. 30, 1869, to Cong. Ch., Woodstock, Ill. -^ ♦— Mrs. Mary E. Burton Smith. Dec. 1, 1861. Dis. July 2, 1870, to Springfield, Mo. Married Joseph H. Blair Oct. 18, 1875. 101 P. 74 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 168 Miss Louise Stenden. June 25, 1869. L. From Cong. Ch., Pine Grove, Ontario, Canada. Dismissed. No date on record. -- 185 Miss Mary Sanford. July 2, 1870. P. Married James Rhinehart June-, 1875. Dropped Jan. 2, 1892. 117 William M. Shields. June 8, 1862. L. From M. E. Ch., Flint Creek, Ill. Dis. Jan. 7, 1871, to Cong. Ch., Clinton, Iowa. 118 Mrs. Caroline E. Shields. June 8, 1862. From M. E. Ch., Flint Creek, Ill. Dis. Jan. 7, 1871, to Cong. Ch., Clinton, Iowa. Died in Canton, South Dakota, June 10, 1896. 140 Miss Hannah G South worth. July 1, 1866. From Mt. Vernon Cong. C’h., Boston, Mass. Dis. May 31. 1867, to Cong. Ch., Algonquin, Ill. — (7) Mrs. Effie G. Sheldon. See Nelson, No. 192. 286 Mrs. Christina Stewart. Sep. 4, 1887. From First Scotch Pres. Ch., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Mar. 5, 1892. —- (V) Mrs. Louise Sanger. See Pomeroy, No. 284. Miss Florence A. Sessions. Nov. 6, 1877. From Pres. Ch., Woodstock, Ill. Dis. June 17, 1888, to Pres. Ch., Woodstock, Ill. L. L. L. 289 L. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 75 T 78 Mrs. Jerusha Treraper. July 2, 1858. L. From North Pres. Ch., Buffalo, N. Y. Deceased Oct. 1, 1869. Age 70 years. 169 Mrs. Ruth R. Thomas. Oct. 29, 1869. L. From First Pres. Ch., Ann Arbor, Mich. Dis. May 6, 1871, to Pres. Ch., Ann Arbor, Mich. 263 Miss Jennie Torrence. Mar. 2, 1884. P. Married Edwin Allaben Julv 6. 1887. •j j • Dis. Sep. 5, 1885, to Cong. Ch., Woodstock, Ill. 246 Charles L. Teckler. Jan. 4, 1880. P. 0 Mrs. Elsie A. Tedder. See Hibbard, No. 245. 340 Miss Alice Teckler. Sep. 4, 1898. P. € v 303 Rev. Otho M. Van Swearingen. Nov. 2, 1890. L. From Cong. Ch., Evansville, Wis. Dis. Dec. 30, 1893, to Cong. Ch., Beardstown, Ill. 304 Mrs. Mattie A. Van Swearingen. Nov. 2, 1890. L. From Cong. Ch., Evansville, Wis. Dis. Dec. 30, 1893, to Cong. Ch., Beardstown, Ill. 305 Miss Bertha Van Swearingen. Nov. 2, 1890. L. From Cong. Ch., Evansville, Wis. Dis. Dec. 30, 1893, to Cong. Ch., Beardstown, Ill. 306 Miss Elsie Van Swearingen. Nov. 2, 1890. L. From Cong. Ch., Evansville, Wis. Dis. Dec.*30, 1893, to Cong. Ch., Beardstown, Ill. 76 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 9 10 29 30 31 w Horace Wells. Dis. Feb. 10, 1850, to Algonquin, Ill. Mrs. Lavinia Wells. Dis. Feb. 10, 1850, to Algonquin, Ill. Apr. IT, 1842. Apr. IT, 1842. Wright Warren. From Pres. Ch., Portage, N. Y. Dis. Feb. 10, 1850. to Algonquin, Ill. Feb. 1. 1845. Mrs. Cvnthia Warren. From Pres. Ch., Portage, N. Y. Dis. Feb. 10, 1850, to Algonquin, Ill. Feb. 1, 1845. Miss Electa Warren. From Pres. Ch., Portage, N. Y. Married Fred Joslyn. Dis. Jan. 12, 1850, to Cong. Ch., Elgin, Ill. Died Sep. 19, 1853. Age 25 years. Feb. 1, 1845. 32 Miss Abigail Warren. From Pres. Ch., Portage, N. Y. Married Thomas Smock. Dis. Feb. 10, 1850, to Algonquin, Ill. Died at Spencer, Iowa. Mar. 6, 1891. - *> ♦- Feb. 1, 1845. 60 Dr. William J. Wilson. From Cong. Ch., Warlord, N. Y. Dis. Mar. 15, 186T, to Turner Junction, III. Sep. 23, 1855. 61 Mrs. Huldah M. Wilson. From Cong. Ch., Warlord, N. Y. Dis. Mar. 15, 186T, to Turner Junction, Ill Api*. 1, 1855. 123 Miss Sarah Wallace. Aug. 3, 1862. Married Lorenzo Dow Pease, Oct. 16, 186T. Dis. Aug. 18, 18T2, to Laramie, Wyoming Territory. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. P. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 77 242 Miss Ada Wallace. 243 218 July 1, 1877. July 1, 1877.- Miss Carrie P. Wallace. Married William Hart. Dis. Dec. 17, 1881, to Cong. Ch., Denver, Col. —— Charles B. White. Mar. 5, 1876. Dropped Sep. 7, 1880. 219 Mrs. Maria L. White. Dropped Sep. 7, 1880. Mar. 5, 1876. P. P. P. 212 Mrs. Martha J. Wallace. Jan. 3, 1875. Married A. J. Perkins, Apr. 15, 1875. Dropped Apr. 19, 1884. P. 217 Mrs. Susan N. Warner. From Pres. Ch., Marengo, Ill. Dropped Sep. 7, 1880. 240 Mrs. Mary J. Walkup. From Cong. Ch., Beloit, Wis. 241 Miss Eva M. Walkup. From Cong. Ch., Beloit, Wis. Jan. 2, 1876. July 1, 1877. July 1, 1877. L. L. L. 253 Ilev. Reuben B. Wright. May 8, 1881. L. •From Cong. Ch., Dexter, Minn. Dis. Mar. 31. 1883, to Crested Butte, Col. 254 Mrs. Alice Wright. May 8, 1881. L. From Cong. Ch., Dexter, Minn. Dis. Mar. 31, 1883, to Crested Butte, Col. 267 Rev. Henry Willard. Feb. 29, 1885. L. From Cong. Ch., Mantonville, Minn. Dis. Aug. 21, 1887, to Cong. Ch., South Park, 111. 78 Crystal Lake Congregational Church 268 Mrs. Jennie W. Willard. Feb. 29, 1885. L. From Cong. Ch., Mantonville, Minn. Dis. Aug. 21, 1887, to Cong. Ch., South Park, Ill. 269 Miss Emma Willard. Feb. 29, 1885. From Cong. Ch., Mantonville, Minn. Dis. Aug. 21, 1887, to Cong. Ch., South Park, Ill. 271 Mrs. Sarah Wingate. May 3, 1885. L. From Cong. Ch.., Aurora, III. Dis. Aug. 31, 1895, to Cong. Ch., Barreville, Ill. — Edward S. Williams. No record of admission. Dis. May 4, 1872, to Cong. Ch., Lombard, Ill. - ^ - 287 Rev. Eugene F. Wright. Sep. 4, 1887. L. From Cong. Ch., Rockton, Ill. Dis. June 28, 1890, to Cong. Ch., Huntley, Ill. 288 Mrs. E. F. Wright. Sep. 4, 1887. From Cong. Ch., Rockton, Ill. Dis. June 28, 1890, to Cong. Ch., Huntley, Ill. 302 Harry P. Wilbur. Nov. 3, 1889. -*-—- 344 Rev. J. Vincent Willis. Nov. 5, 1899. From Cong. Ch., Danvers, Ill. L. P. T. 345 Mrs. Helen M. Willis. From Cong. Ch., Danvers. Ill. Nov. 5, 1899. L. List of Pastors of the Crystal Lake* Ill.* Congrega- gational Church from 1842 to 1900. Rev. E. G. Howe, Rev. Hiram Kellogg, Rev. Spencer Baker, Rev. John V. Downs, Rev. Isaac C. Beach, Rev. George Langdon, Rev. Elkanah Whitney, Rev. John V. Downs, Rev. Francis L. Fuller, Rev. Henry E. Barnes, Rev. James H. Harwood, Rev. Norman A. Millard, Rev. James H. Harwood, Rev. Samuel C. Hay, Rev. William F. Rose, Rev. Robert Hay, Rev. Edwin N. Andrews, Rev. Samuel C. Hay, Rev. Edwin D. Bailey, Rev. Charles J. Adams, Rev. Reuben B. Wright, Rev. A. E. Allaben, Rev. Henry Willard, Rev. James R. Kay, Rev. Eugene F. Wright, Rev. Otho M. Van Swearingen Rev. Winfield R. Gaylord, Rev. John E. Evans, Rev. Charles E. Enlow, Rev. J. Vincent Willis, CALLED. DISMISSED. Mar. 21, 1842. Apr. 16, 1843. May 13, 1843. Jan. 20, 1844. Mar. 17, 1844. Oct. 19, 1845. Jan. 2, 1847. Jan. 1, 1848. Apr. 22, 1848. Dec. 8, 1849. May 4, 1850. Aug. 1, 1852. Feb. 26, 1853. June 24, 1853. Jan. 1, 1854. Oct. 26, 1855. Apr. 15, 1856. Apr. 13, 1861. Sep. 1, 1861. Aug. 29, 1862. Jan. 6, 1863. Aug. 5, 1864. Oct. 28, 1864. Oct. 15, 1865. Nov. 24, 1865. May 1, 1867. July 1, 1867. July 1, 1868. Nov. 27, 1868. May 1, 1869. June 4, 1869. May 4, 1872. June 17, 1872. Mar. 6, 1875. Aug 1, 1875. Aug. 4, 1877. Dec. 18, 1877. Feb. 23, 1879. Nov. 22, 1879. Oct. 17, 1880. Nov. 22, 1880. Jan. 18, 1883. May 6, 1883. Mar. 9, 1884. Nov. 1, 1884. Sep. 26, 1885. Oct. 11, 1885. Aug. 1, 1886. May 1, 1887. . July 1, 1890. Sep. 1, 1890. Oct. 1, 1893. Dec. 1, 1893. Sep. 1, 1894. Oct. 1, 1894. Nov. 1, 1895. Mar. 1, 1896. June 1, 1899. Oct. 1, 1899. 80 Crystal Lake Congregational Church List cf Deacons from 1842 to 1900 Reuben Jenne, John W. Salisbury, Solomon Keyes, John W. Salisbury, Robert Sedgwick, John W. Salisbury. William Reed, John W. Salisbury, William Reed, John W. Salisbury, William Reed, John W. Salisbury, William Reed, John W. Salisbury, William Reed. John W. Salisbury, William Reed, Solomon Keyes, Silas Olmstead, Simon S. Gates, William Reed, William Reed, Enos B. Nash. Samuel F. Foster. 7 William Reed. Samuel F. Foster, William Reed, William W. Dike, Simon S. Gates, Robert G. Benton, William Reed, Simon S. Gates, Robert G. Benton, William Reed, Simon S. Gates, Robert G. Benton, Jan. 10, 1842. Jan. 1, 1844. May 13, 1843. Jan. 3, 1846. Jan. 3, 1846. Jan. 8, 1848. Jan. 8, 1848. Jan. 12, 1850. Jan. 12, 1850. Jan. 3, 1853. Jan. 3, 1853. Jan. 1, 1855. Jan. 1, 1855. May 6, 1857. May 6, 1857. May 8, 1859. May 8, 1859. May 8, 1859. May 8, 1859. May 30, 1862. May 30, 1862. May 27. 1864. May 27, 1864. Sep. 30, 1864. May 21. 1867. •j May 21, 1867. June 25, 1869. June 25, 1869. Sep. 3, 1869. Sep. 3, 1869. June 3, 1871. June 3, 1871. June 3, 1871. May 31. 1873. May 31, 1873. Mav 31, 1873. i/ 2 years. */ % 2 years. 3 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. •/ 2 years. ». 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. Declined. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. Declined. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. DEACON WILLIAM REED. Deacon William Reed is a native of Belcbertown, Mass. He united with this church Jan. 2, 1847. He was elected Deacon Jan. 8, 1848, and has served the church in that capacity almost contin u- ously ever since, and is our senior Deacon at the present time. If he lives until June 1, 1900, he will be 96 years old. He is a remarkably well preserved man for his age, mentally and physically. He walks several blocks to church nearly every Sabbath when the weather and going will permit, and has been a faithful attendant at prayer meetings, and also the monthly church meetings, and occasionally presides as chairman of the meeting. Surely his has been a long and useful life. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 83 Simon S. Gates, June 5, 1875. Died June 24, 1876. William Reed, June 5, 1875. 2 years. Robert G. Benton, June 5,1875. Deposed Feb. 3, 1877. Silas S. Rollins, Feb. 3, 1877. 2 years. William Reed, June 30, 1877. 2 years. Benjamin Hickok, June 30, 1877. Resig'd Dec.l, 1877. William W. Dike, June 30, 1877. Declined. Silas S. Rollins, Jan. 5, 1878. 2 years. Henry F. Gibbs, Jan. 5, 1878. Declined. Charles F. Dike. June 1, 1878. Declined. Charles L. Shepard, .June 1, 1878. Res'd Nov. 2.1878. Samuel F. Foster, Feb. 1, 1879. 2 years. Silas S. Rollins, Nov. 15, 1879. 2 years. William Reed, Sep. 7, 1880. 2 years. Samuel F. Foster, Sep. 7, 1880. 2 years. Silas S. Rollins, Sep. 7, 1880. 1 year. Seth H. Nash, Sep. 7, 1880. 1 year. Samuel F. Foster, July 2. 1882. 2 years. Charles F. Dike, July 2, 1882. 2 years. Silas S. Rollins, July 2, 1882. 1 year. Seth H. Nash, July 2, 1882. 1 year. Silas S. Rollins, June 2, 1883. 2 years. William Reed, • May 2, 1884. 2 years. Samuel F. Foster, May 2, 1884. 2 years. %j Silas S. Rollins, Sep. 11, 1885. 2 years. William Reed, July 31, 1886. No limit. Samuel F. Foster, July 31, 1886. Died Feb. 28, 1891. Silas S. Rollins, Sep. 4, 1887. Resig’d Nov. 20, 1893. Charles F. Dike, Jan. 7. 1888. Resid’d Feb. 3.. 1894. Silas S. Rollins, June 2, 1894. No limit. Charles L. Teckler, July 1, 1896. No limit. Lyman Harrison, May 1, 1897. No limit. List of Church Clsrks from 184-2 to 1900. James T. Pierson, Jan. 10. 1842. x 2 years. Allen Baldwin, Jan. 20, 1844. 2 years. Allen Baldwin. Jan. 3, 1846. 2 years. 84 Crystal Lake Congregational Church Allen Baldwin, Allen Baldwin, Horatio P. Pond, Solomon Keyes, Allen Baldwin, Allen Baldwin, Allen Baldwin, Samuel F. Foster, Samuel F. Foster, Samuel F. Foster, Alfred K. Nash, Josiah Dwight, Samuel F. Foster, Samuel F. Foster, Samuel F. Foster, Samuel F. Foster, Samuel F. Foster, Samuel F. Foster, William W. Dike, James B. Ford, Henrv F. Gibbs, Henry F. Gibbs, List of Church Treasurers from 184-2 to 1900. Jan. 8, 1848. 2 years. Jan 12, 1850. 2 years. Oct. 27, 1850. 14 months. Jan. 3, 1853. 2 years. Jan. 1, 1855. 2 years. May 3, 1857. 2 years. May 8, 1859. 2 years. May 30, 1862. 2 years. May 27, 1864. 2 years. May 25, 1866. 2 years. May 29, 1868. Res’d Jan. 1, 1870. Mar. 5, 1870. Res’d Mar. 1, 1873. May 31, 1873. 2 years. J une 6, 1875. 2 years. June 1, 1878. 2 years. July 2, 1882. 2 years. May 3, 1884. 2 years. J uly 31, 1886. Died Feb. 28,1891. Apr. 8, 1891. Res’d Dec. 30, 1893. Feb. 3, 1894. Res’d Dec. 1, 1894. Jan. 8, 1895. 2 years. Jan. 5, 1897. 3 years. Allen Baldwin, Jan. 10, 1842. 2 years. George W. Dike, Jan. 20, 1844. 2 years. George W. Dike, Jan. 3, 1846. 2 years. Allen Baldwin, Jan. 8, 1848. 2 years. Allen Baldwin, Jan. 12, 1850. Res’d Oct, 27, 1850 %■ Horatio P. Pond, Oct. 27, 1850. 14 months. Solomon Keves, t j 7 Jan. 3, 1853. 2 years. Allen Baldwin, Jan. 1, 1852. 2 years. Alien Baldwin, May 3, 1857. 2 years. Alien Baldwin, May 8, 1859. 2 years. Samuel F. Foster, May 30, 1862. 2 years. Samuel F. Foster, May 27, 1864. 2 yeai s. George W. Dike, May 25, 1866. Res’d Mav 21. 1867. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 85 Seth H. Nash, May 21, 1867. 2 years. Franklin Dike, Feb. 9, 1869. Res ? d Oct. 1, 1872. Seth H. Nash, Oct. 1,1872. 4 months. Henry F. Gibbs, Feb. 11, 1873. 3 years. Seth H. Nash, Feb. 8, 1876. 3 years. Charles F. Dike, Feb. 18, 1879. ^ 3 years. Charles F. Dike, Feb. 14, 1882. 3 years. Charles F. Dike, Mar. 4, 1885. Res'd Apr. 10, 1887. Leroy S. Bee k ley, Apr. 10, 1887. 1 year. Leroy S. Heekley, Feb. 20, 1888. Res’d July 1, 1889. Henry F. Giubs, J uly 3, 1889. 18 months. Henry F. Gibbs, Feb. 10, 1891. 3 years. Henry F. Gibbs, Feb. 13, 1894. 3 years. Henry F. Gibbs, Jan. 5, 1897. 3 years. List of Church Trustees from 1842 to 1900. Horace C. Weils, May 5, 1845. 5 years. James T. Pieroou, May 5, 1845. 4 years Robert Sedgwick, May 5, 1845. 3 years. Warren Z. Jackman, Mav 5, 1845. 2 years. Samuel F. Foster, May 5, 1845. 1 year. George W. Dike, May 20, 1818. 5 years. Robert Sedgwick, May 20, 1848. 4 years. Solomou Ke^ es, May 20, 1848. 3 years. James T. Pierson, May <, 1849. 5 years. John W. Salisbury, J une 1, 1850. 5 years. Soioiiiou Keyes, May 5, 1851. 5 years. John W. Salisbury, May 5, 1851. 4 years. James T. Pierson, May 5, 1856. 3 years. Thomas Ford, May 5, 1856. 2 years. George W. Dike, May 5, 1856. 1 year. George VV. Dike, Mav 3, 1857. 3 years. James T. Pierson, May 8, 1859. 3 years. Thomas Ford, May 8, 1859. 2 years. George W. Dike, May 7, 1860. 3 years. Simon S. Gates, May 00, 1802. 3 years. Thomas Ford, May 30, 1802. 2 years. 86 Crystal Lake Congregational Church George W. Dike, Thomas Ford, Allen Baldwin, George W. Dike, Thomas Ford, Charles F. Dike, Simon S. Gates, May 4, 1863. May 27, 1864. May 26, 1865. May 25, 1866. May 21, 1867. May 21, 1867. May 29, 1868. 3 years. 3 years. 3 years. Res’d May 21, 1867. 3 years. «y 2 years. 3 years. FIRST BOARD OF SOCIETY TRUSTEES. Simon S. Gates, Feb. 9, 1869. 3 years. Charles F. Dike, Feb. 9, 1869. 3 years. Thomas Ford, Feb. 9, 1869. 2 years. James Burton, Feb. 9, 1869. 2 years. James T. Pierson, Feb. 9, 1869. 1 year. Franklin Dike, Feb. 9, 1869. 1 year. Charles E. Frisbie, Feb. 14, 1870. 3 years. i/ Robert G. Benton, Feb. 14, 1870. 3 years. Seth H. Nash, Feb. 13, 1872. 3 years. James Barton, Feb. 13, 1872. 3 years. Richard Bushnell, Mar. 11, 1873. 2 years. Charles F. Dike, Feb. 10, 1874. 3 years. William Reed, Feb. 10, 1874. 3 years. Charles E. Frisbie, Feb. 10, 1874. 2 years. John Dnnn, Feb. 10, 1874. Res'd Feb. 9, 1875. Eleazer L. Pomeroy, Feb. 9, 1875. 1 year. Benjamin Carpenter, Feb. 9, 1875. 3 years. James Crow, Feb. 9, 1875. Declined. Simon S. Gates, Feb. 8, 1876. Died June 24, 1876. William W. Dike, Feb. 8, 1876. 3 years. Benjamin R. Hickok, Feb. 8, 1876. 2 years. William D. Gates, Feb. 13, 1877. 3 years. %j Silas S. Rollins, Feb. 13, 1877. 3 years. Richard Bushnell, Feb. 13, 1877. 2 years. Benjamin Carpenter, Feb. 12, 1878. 3 years. Charles F. Dike, Feb. 12, 1878. 3 years. William W. Dike, Feb. 18, 1879. 3 years. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 87 E. L. Pomeroy, Feb. 18, 1879. 3 years. Seth H. Nash, Feb. 18, 1879. 1 year. Silas S. Rollins, Feb. 10, 1880. 3 years. Seth H. Nash, Feb. 10, 1880. 3 year*s. Harrison H. Ford, Apr. 8, 1881. 3 years. Charles F. Dike, Apr. 8, 1881. 3 years. Wiliam W. Dike, Feb. 14, 1882. 3 years. E. L. Pomeroy, Peb. 14, 1882. 3 years. Silas S. Rollins, Feb. 13, 1883. 3 years. Seth H. Nash, Feb. 13, 1883. 3 years. Harrison H. Ford, Feb. 22, 1884. 3 years. Charles F. Dike, Feb. 22, 1884. 3 years. William W. Dike, Mar. 4, 1885. 3 years. E. L. Pomeroy, Mar. 4, 1885. 3 years. Silas S. Rollins, Feb. 9, 1886. 3 years. Seth H. Nash, Feb. 9, 1886. 3 years. •• Harrison H. Ford, Feb. 16, 1887. 3 years. Charles F. Dike, Feb. 16, 1887. 3 years. E. L. Pomerov, Feb. 20, 1888. 3 years. William W. Dike. / Feb. 20, 1888. 3 years. Seth H. Nash, Feb. 11, 1889. 3 years. Moos Peterson, Feb. 11, 1889. 3 years. Harrison H. Ford. / Feb. 11, 1890. 3 years. Charles F. Dike, Feb. 11, 1890. 3 years. E. L. Pomeroy, Feb. 10. 1891. 3 years. William W. Dike, Feb. 10, 1891. 3 years. Seth H. Nash. Feb. 9, 1892. 3 year's. Henry F. Gibbs, Feb. 9, 1892. 3 years. Charles F. Dike. Feb. 14,1893. Res’d Feb. 13,1894. Harrison H. Ford, Feb. 14, 1893. 3 years. E. L. Pomeroy, Feb. 13, 1894. 3 years. James B. Ford, Feb. 13, 1894. 3 years. The society was abolished Mar. 3, 1894. FIRST BOARD OF CHURCH TRUSTEES. E. L. Pomeroy, Mar. 3, 1894. 3 years. James B. Ford, Mar. 3, 1894. 3 years. 88 Crystal Lake Congregational Church Harrison H. Ford, Mar. 3, 1894. 2 years. Henry F. Gibbs, Mar. 3, 1894. 1 year. Seth H. Nash, Mar. 3, 1894. 1 year. Henrv F. Gibbs. Jan. 8, 1895. 3 years. %j Charles L. Teckler, Jan. 8, 1895. 3 years. Thomas H. Rowlands, Jan. 8, 1895. 1 year. Silas S. Rollins, Jan. 7, 1896. 3 years. Thomas H. Rowlands, Jan. 7, 1896. 3 years. E. L. Pomerov. Jan. 5, 1897. 3 years. Frank W. Miller, Jan. 5, 1897. 3 years. Henry F. Gibbs, Jan. 4, 1898. 3 years. - Charles L. Teckler, Jan. 4, 1898. 3 years. Silas S. Rollins, Jan. 3, 1899. 3 years. Harrison H. Ford, Jan. 3, 1899. 3 years. Articles of Faith. I. We believe that God exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and that these three are one. II. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and that it is the only infallible guide of faith and practice. III. We believe that the Gospel Ministry, the Christian Church and the Christian Sabbath are institutions of Divine ap¬ pointment, and will continue in force to the end of the world. IV. We believe that man inherits a fallen nature, and can¬ not be an accepted child of God until regenerated by the Holy Ghost. V. We believe that God came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ to make an atonement, and now comes in the person of the Holy Spirit to regenerate and sanctify. VI. We believe that the righteous are saved, but the wicked go away into everlasting punishment. VII. We believe that Salvation is a gift of God, bestowed only on condition of faith and perfect obedience. The believer is therefore in covenant to keep God’s commandments, and do His work. VIII. We believe the believers are kept by the power of God through faith unto Salvation. IX. We believe that the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper were instituted to be observed by the church. Covenant. You do now, in the presence of the heart searching God, be¬ fore angels, and men, avouch the Great Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, to be your God. You receive the Father as your Father, the Lord Jesus Christ as your Redeemer, and the Holy Ghost as your Sanctifier. Renouncing every sinful way, you de¬ vote your all unreservedly to God, and engage to walk in all His 90 Crystal Lake Congregational Church commandments, and ordinances, as required in His word. You also submit yourself to the government of Christ in His church, and to the administration of it in this church in particular. You covenant to walk in love, and fellowship, with your brethren, to live an humble Christian life, always endeavoring to promote the Kingdom of Heaven. Relying on Divine Grace, this you solemnly Covenant. The Church Covenant. (THE CHURCH WILL ARISE.) We then as a Church receive you into communion, and fellow¬ ship, promising to treat you in all respects as a member of Christ’s Church, and to watch over you in the spirit of Christian love and tenderness. May the Lord bless you, and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen. Constitution. ART. I—NAME. This church shall be known as the Congregational Church of Crystal Lake, Illinois. ART. II—MEMBERSHIP. Section 1.—Anv person mav become a member of this church who shall give credible evidence of regeneration, and shall assent to the articles of Faith and Covenant. Sec. 2.—It shall be urged, by the Pastor and Clerk, upon those member’s who may remove from our immediate vicinity, so that they cannot attend the services and meetings of the church, that they call for their letters, and identify themselves with some church nearer to their residence as soon as convenient. If this be not possible, to keep themselves in communication with the church. Otherwise their names may be removed from the roll of members, after two years’ absence, at the discretion of the church. Crystal Lake Congregational Church 91 ART. Ill—OFFICERS. Section 1.—The officers of this church shall be a Pastor, two or more Deacons; three or more Trustees; a Clerk, and a Treas¬ urer, who shall be members of this church. Sec. 2.—All the officers shall be elected by ballot. Sec. 3.—The Trustees, Clerk and Treasurer shall hold office for three years. The Deacons shall hold office for three years, or until their successors are elected. Vacancies may be filled at anY regular meeting. Sec. 4.—There shall be a Prudential Committee, consisting of the Pastor, Deacons and two ladies, who shall examine candidates for membership, receive and inquire into any complaints against members of the church, and to carry out actions of the church otherwise unprovided for. The Prudential Committee shall also be the committee on pulpit supply. Sec. 5.—The duties of the different officers shall be as follows: (a) The Pastor shall have control of the pulpit and the gen¬ eral exercises of public worship; shall preach the Word, and have the spiritual oversight of the congregation: shall administer the sacraments; shall execute the discipline ordered by the church; and shall, ordinarily, act as moderator in the meetings of the church. He shall be elected bv vote of the church at any meet- ing, due notice having been given on the previous Sabbath. The official relation of the Pastor to be dissolved only by vote of the church, and at least one month after the Pastor, or church, has given notice of a desire for such dissolution. (b) The Deacons shall aid the Pastor in the administration of the ordinances of the church, making all necessary provision for the same: shall attend to the discipline of the church, and assist the Pastor generally in the spiritual care of the congregation; and shall, in the absence of the Pastor, or of any stated supply, provide a temporary supply of the pulpit, and conduct the church meetings. They shall make an annual report, embodying therein suggestions touching the spiritual condition and wants of the church. (c) The Clerk shall keep a faithful record of the proceedings and acts of the church, which shall be submitted for approval at the regular meetings, and shall enter the same in a book for future reference; he shall keep a register of all the members of the church, with the date and manner of their reception, of their re- 92 Crystal Lake Congregational Church moral, of their baptism, and other similar particulars; he shall keep a list of all the children baptized, with the names of both parents; he shall keep on file all church correspondence, all writ¬ ten official reports, and other valuable papers: he shall hand a written notice of the Annual Meeting to the Pastor to be read from the pulpit on the last two Sundays preceding said meeting, and he shall present a written annual report to the church, with a full statistical report for the year. (d) The Treasurer shall receive all moneys and contributions belonging to the church: he shall disburse the charitable contri¬ butions under the direction of the Deacons, and shall forward the benevolent contributions to their respective destinations: and the funds for the immediate use of the church he shall expend on the order of the Trustees. He shall make an annual report to the church, of all the receipts and disbursements, with proper vouch¬ ers therefor. (e) The Trustees shall see that the church is legally incor¬ porated according to the laws of the state: they shall be respon¬ sible for the property of the church: shall superintend the raising of the minister’s salary: and shall provide for all the incidental expenses of the church, subject always to its directing vote; but they shall have no power to buy. sell, mortgage, lease or transfer property without specific authority given by vote of the church. They shall make a full report of their doing's at the Annual Meet¬ ing of the church, and also give such suggestions touching the affairs of the church for the ensuing year as they deem advisable. ART. IV—DISCIPLINE. The rule of discipline of this church shall be the law of Christ, recorded in Matt, xviii. 15-17. ART. V—ORDINANCES. Section 1. — The Lord’s Supper shall be regularly celebrated at such times as the church shall appoint. Sec. 2.—Baptism shall be administered at such times as the Pastor and the Deacons shall designate. ART. VI—MEETINGS. Section 1.—The Annual Business Meeting of this church, to hear reports, elect officers, and transact any business that may Crystal Lake Congregational Church 93 properly come before the meeting, shall be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in January. Sec. 2.—Regular Church Meetings shall be held on the Satur- day preceding the first Sunday of each month. Sec. 3.—Services preparatory to the administration of the Lord’s Supper shall be held on the Saturday before the first Sun¬ day in January, and every two months thereafter, at the time of holding the regular Church Meeting, and at these meetings busi¬ ness shall be dispensed with as far as possible. Sec. 4.—Special Meetings may be called by the Pastor and Deacons, or by request of five members, due notice having been given on the previous Sabbath. ART. VII—RULES AND AMENDMENTS. Section 1.—The church shall enact such Rules as are neces¬ sary to carry out the requirements of this Constitution. Sec. 2.—This Constitution may be altered or amended at any annual meeting, or at any meeting called for that purpose by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, provided a written notice of the same has been given at least four weeks previous, and read from the pulpit on the Sabbath preceding such meeting, and provided, further, that the proposed change does not infringe upon the doctrines or organic principles of this church. RULES. I. Five members shall constitute a quorum. II. The Constitution, Rules, Articles of Faith, and Covenant shall be read by the Pastor at the preparatory services for Janu- uary and July of each year. III. The names of resident members of this church who ab¬ sent themselves from the regular services and ordinances of the church for one year or more, except in case of sickness or physical- inability to attend the same, may be dropped from the church roll by vote of the church. IV. At each preparatory service the roll of members present shall be called by the Clerk, and it is urged that each person re¬ spond by prayer, verse of scripture, or quotation, and if impossi¬ ble to be present it is urged that a message be sent. 94 Crystal Lake Congregational Church V. Any of these Rules may be suspended for the time being by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meet¬ ing of the church. They may be altered by a like vote provided a written notice has been given at least one week previous. Officers of the Church Jan. 1* 1300. Rev. J. Vincent Willis, Pastor. Henry F. Gibbs, Clerk. Henry F. Gibbs. Treasurer. Deacons— William Reed. Silas S. Rollins. Charles L. Teckler. Lvman Harrison. — Trustees— Silas S. Rollins. Henry F. Gibbs. Charles L. Teckler. Frank W. Miller. Harrison H. Ford. Congregational Church and Chapel. 1