/SVC, 5^3..oi4¥ C. CITY CHARTER )£> 1 > AND ORDINANCES REVISED TO JAN. 1, 1895, OF THE City of Quincy, Massachusetts. QUINCY: Advertiser Job Phot, 1895. CITY CHARTER Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/citycharterordinOOquin Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In tiie Yeah One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-eigiit, AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF QUINCY. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in, (xeneral Court (assembled ., and by authority of the same , as follows : TITLE I. MUNICIPAL government. Section 1. The inhabitants of the town of Quincy shall, in case of the acceptance of this act by the voters of said town, as hereinafter provided, continue to be a body politic and cor¬ porate under the name of the “City of Quincy,” and as such shall have, exercise and enjoy all the rights, immunities, powers, and privileges, and shall be subject to all the duties and obliga¬ tions now pertaining to and incumbent upon the said town as a municipal corporation. Sec. 2. The administration of all the fiscal, prudential and municipal affairs of said city, with the government thereof, shall be vested in an executive department which shall consist of one officer to be called the mayor, and in a legislative de¬ cay of Ouincy incorporated. Administration to be vested in one officer call¬ ed the mayors and a legislative department of a single body called the city partment which shall consist of a single body to be called the counciL city council, the members whereof shall be called councilmen. G To be divided into six wards. Municipal election on the iirst Tuesday o December. Mayor, council- men and mem¬ bers of the school commit¬ tee to be elected by hn'lnt Yacaucies. The executive department shall never exercise any legislative power, and the legislative department shall never exercise any executive power. The general management and control of the public schools of said city shall be vested in a school committee. Sec. 3. The territory of said city shall first be divided into six wards, as hereinafter provided, but said number, upon any subsequent division of said city into new wards, may be in¬ creased by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the city council, passed previous to and in the year of such new division. TITLE II. ELECTIONS AND MEETINGS. Sec. 4. The municipal election shall take place annually on the first Tuesday of December, and the municipal year shall begin on the first Monday of January following. All meetings of the citizens for municipal purposes shall be called by warrants issued by order of the city council, which shall be in such form and be served and returned in such manner and at such times as the council may by ordinance direct. Sec. 5. At such municipal election the qualified voters shall give in their votes by ballots in the several wards for mayor, counoilmen and members of the school committee then to be elected, and the person receiving the highest number of votes for any office shall be deemed and declared to be elected to such office; and whenever two or more persons are to be elected to the same office, the several persons, up to the number required to be chosen, receiving the highest number of votes shall be deemed and declared to be elected. If it shall appear that there is no choice of mayor, or if the person elected mayor shall refuse to accept the office, or shall die before qualifying, or if a vacancy in said office shall occur subsequently and more than three months previous to the expiration of the municipal year, the city council shall forthwith cause warrants to be issued for a new election, and the same proceedings shall be had in all respects as are hereinbefore provided for the election of mayor, and shall he repeated until the election of the mayor is com¬ pleted. If the full number of members of the city council has not been elected, or if a vacancy in the office of councilman shall occur subsequently and more than three months previous to the expiration of the municipal year, the council shall forth¬ with cause a new election to be held to fill the vacancy or vacancies. Sec. 6 . All meetings for the election of national, state, county and district officers shall be called by order of the city council in the same manner as meetings for municipal elections are called. Sec. 7. The city council may, when no convenient ward¬ room for holding the meetings of the citizens of any ward can be had within the territorial limits of such ward, appoint and direct, in the warrant for calling any meeting of the citizens of such ward, that the meeting be held in some convenient place within the limits of an adjacent ward of the city; and for such purpose the place so assigned shall be deemed and taken to be a part of the ward for which the election is held. Sec. 8. General meetings of the citizens qualified to vote may from time to time be held according to the right secured to the people by the constitution of this Commonwealth, and such meetings may, and, upon the request in writing of fifty qualified voters, setting forth the purposes thereof, shall be duly called by the city council. Meetings for election of national, state* etc , officers to be called by order of the city council. When no con¬ venient ward room can be had in ward, meeting may be held in adjacent ward. General meetings. TITLE III. legislative department. Sec. 9. The members of the city council shall consist of City counei 1 to J consist ot coun- councilmen at large and councilmen from wards, and shall be cil m en at lar £ e elected annually as follows: councilmen at large, in number fl ' omwards - one less than the number of wards in said city, shall be elected by and from the qualified voters of the city voting in their re¬ spective wards; and three councilmen from wards shall be elected by and from the qualified voters in each Avard. The councilmen shall hold office for the municipal year beginning 8 To receive no compensation for services. with the first Monday in January following their election, and until a majority of the succeeding council shall he elected and qualified. They shall receive no compensation for their ser¬ vices. Mayor and Sec. 10. The mayor elect and the councilmen elect shall eouncilmen ^ elect to meet annually, on the first Monday in January, at 12 o’clock at noon, annually on the 1/7 ^ ^ first Monday in meet and he sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties. -January, . 0 The oath shall be administered, at their first meeting after the acceptance of this act, by the town clerk, and in subsequent years by the city clerk, or, in case of his absence, by any justice of the peace, and shall be duly certified on the journal of the city council. In case of the absence of the mayor elect on the first Monday in January, or if a mayor shall not then have been elected, the oath of office may at any time thereafter be administered to him in the presence of the council; and at any time thereafter in like manner the oath of office may be administered to any member of the council who has been pre¬ viously absent, or has been subsequently elected ; and every such oath shall be duly certified as aforesaid. Organization. Sec. 11. After the oath has been administered to the councilmen present, they shall be called to order, at their first organization by the town clerk, and in subsequent years by the President of the city clerk, or in case of the absence of the clerk, by the oldest council. J 1 i member present. The person so calling the city council to order shall proceed to call the roll of members, and each mem¬ ber shall declare his choice for president of the council, who shall be a member thereof. If no quorum is present an ad¬ journment shall be taken to a later hour or to the next day, and thereafter the same proceedings shall be had from day to day until a quorum shall be present. If any person receive the votes of a majority of all the members of the council, such person shall be declared chosen president thereof. If on the first day on which a quorum is present no person receive the votes of such majority, the roll-call shall be repeated until some person receive the votes of such majority or an adjournment to the succeeding day is taken, and on such succeeding day a plur¬ ality of those voting shall be sufficient for an election. No other 9 business shall be in order until a president is chosen. The president shall be sworn by the town or city clerk, as the case may be, or, in case of the absence of the clerk, by any justice of the peace. The council shall then proceed to the choice of a clerk in the same manner as above provided for the choice of president, and no other business shall be in order until a clerk is chosen. The president and the clerk may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members of the council, taken by roll-call. The president of the council shall have the same right to vote as any other member thereof. The city clerk may be chosen clerk of the council, but these offices shall nevertheless remain distinct and independent. The clerk of the council shall keep a journal containing a record of the proceedings of the council, and a record at large of all votes taken by roll-call, and he shall engross, sign and attest all ordinances and resolutions of the council. Sec. 12. The mayor may at any time call a special meet¬ ing of the city council, by causing written notification thereof, together with a statement of the subjects to be considered thereat, to be left at the usual place of residence of each mem¬ ber of the council, at least twenty-four hours before the time appointed for such meeting. Sec. 13. The city council shall determine the rules of its own proceedings and shall be the judge of the election, returns and qualifications of its own members. In case of the absence of the president, the council shall choose a president pro tem¬ pore, and a plurality of votes cast shall be sufficient for a choice. The council shall sit with open doors, and shall cause the journal of its proceedings to be open to public inspection. The vote of the council upon any question shall be taken by roll-call when the same is requested by at least three members. A majority of the members of the council shall be required to constitute a quorum, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day. The council shall, so far as not inconsistent with this act, have and exercise all the legislative powers of towns, and have all the powers and be subject to all the liabilities of city councils, and of either branch thereof, under the general Clerk of the council. President and clerk may be removed from office. Clerk to keep a journal of proceedings. Mayor may at any time call a special meeting of the council. City council to fix rules of its proceedings, and be judge of election, etc., of members. Majority to be a quorum. 10 Auditor of accounts. Office of comp¬ troller may be established. City council with approval of mayor, may lay out, etc., streets. laws of the Commonwealth, and it may by ordinance prescribe the manner in which such powers shall be exercised. Sec. 14. The city council shall in the month of January choose an auditor of accounts, who shall hold office for the term of one year, beginning with the first Monday in February next ensuing, and until his successor is chosen and qualified. The council may at any time, by ordinance or resolution, establish the office of comptroller, and may prescribe his duties, and may choose a person to fill such office in the same manner and for the same term as herein provided in the case of the auditor of accounts. A majority of the votes of all the members of the roll-call shall be necessary for the choice of the auditor of accounts and comptroller, and they may each be removed by the affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the council taken by roll-call. The offices of auditor of accounts and of comptroller may be held by the same person. Sec. 15. The city council shall, with the approval of the mayor, have exclusive authority and power to order the laying out, locating anew or discontinuing of, or making specific re¬ pairs in, all streets and ways, and all highways within the limits of said city, and to assess the damages sustained by any person thereby, and further, except as herein otherwise provided, to act in all matters relating to such laying out, locating anew, altering, discontinuing or repairing. Any person aggrieved by the assessment of his damages, or other action of the council under this section, shall have all the rights and privileges now allowed by law in such cases in appeals from decisions of the selectmen. council taken by Ordinances, etc., involving expenditure of more than $300, requires an Affirmative vote of the whole council. Sec. 16. In case any ordinance, order, resolution or vote involves the appropriation or expenditure of money, to an amount which may exceed three hundred dollars, the laying of an assessment, or the granting to a person or corporation of any right in, over or under any street or other public ground of said city, the affirmative votes of a majority of all the members of the city council shall be necessary for its passage. Every such ordinance, order, resolution or vote shall be read twice, with an interval of at least three days between the two readings, 11 before being finally passed, and the vote upon its final passage shall be taken by roll-call. Sec. 17. Every ordinance, order, resolution or vote of the Cftrtain ordi - J ’ nances, etc., to city council, except such as relates to its own internal affairs be8Ubmittedt<> to its own officers or employees, to the election oi duties of the a PP roval * auditor of accounts or comptroller, to the removal of the mayor, or to the declaration of a vacancy in the office of mayor, shall be presented to the mayor for his approval or disapproval, and like proceedings shall be had thereon as are in such case pro¬ vided by the general laws relating to cities. Sec. 18. The city council shall have power within said City council . ^. > may make ordi- city to make and establish ordinances and by-laws, and to affix nances, etc., J ... * . . and affix thereto penalties as herein and by general law provided, with- penalties, out the sanction of any court or justice thereof : provided , however , that all laws and regulations now in force in the town of Quincy, shall, until they shall expire by their limitation, or be revised or repealed by the council, remain in force. Com¬ plaint for the breach of any ordinance or by-law may be made by the mayor or any head of a department, or by any resident of the city. Sec. 19. No vote of the city council authorizing or Quincy Water ° Company. ratifying a contract for, or providing for the purchase by the city of the franchise or corporate property, or any rights and privileges of the Quincy Water Company, a corporation estab¬ lished by chapter one hundred and sixty-two of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, or of its successors or assigns, shall take effect until the same has been passed by an affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the council, taken by roll-call, and the authority so to purchase has been assented to ,by the voters of the city as provided by said act. Sec. 20. The city council shall not authorize the erection of Cit >’ council not J to authorize a schoolhouse, or of any addition thereto, nor pass any e T cti ?J n of a J 1 1 J schoolhouse, appropriation for such purpose, until plans for the same have P lanrt been approved by vote of the school committee and such approved, etc., 1 1 J by the school approval has been certified in writing to the council by the committee, chairman of said committee. 12 Xot to authorize erection of a city hall until approved by the voters. Sec. 21. The city council shall not authorize or appro¬ priate money for the erection of a city hall, or for the purchase or lease of land for a location thereof, until such erection has been approved by the qualified voters of the city, voting in their respective precincts, at an annual municipal election. The form of such approval shall be prescribed by the coun- Fire department. Police department. Removal of mayor irom office for misconduct or neglect of official duty. cil. Sec. 22. The city council may establish a fire department for said city, to consist of a chief engineer, one assistant engineer from each ward and such other officers and men as it may prescribe ; and it may make regulations for the govern¬ ment of the department. Sec. 23. The city council may, by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all its members, establish by ordinance a police department, to consist of a chief of police and such other officers and men as it may prescribe ; and may make regulations, for the government of the department. Sec. 24. At any meeting of the city council it shall be in order for any member thereof to give written notice, seconded in writing by a majority at least of all the members of the council, of his intention to move at the next meeting thereof, occurring within not less than ten days, a resolution that tho mayor be removed for official misconduct or neglect of duty. Such notice shall specify as particularly as possible the acts of misconduct or the instances of neglect of duty complained of, shall be entered at large by the clerk in the minutes of the council, and the clerk shall within two days serve a copy thereof upon the mayor and mail a copy to each of the mem¬ bers of the council at his residence. At such next meeting of the council the mayor shall have the right to speak in his own defence and to be heard by counsel. The vote on the resolu- tion shall be by roll-call. If the resolution fail to receive the affirmative votes of three-fourths of all the members of the council it shall have no effect and shall not be re-intro¬ duced during that meeting of the council. If it receive the affirmative votes of three-fourths of all the members of the council, it shall, upon the service of a. copy thereof upon the 13 mayor, personally or by leaving the same at his last or usual place of residence, take effect, and the office of mayor shall thereupon become vacant. The council shall thereupon order a warrant for a new election for mayor to be issued, and such further proceedings shall be had as are provided in section five hereof for the case of a failure to elect a mayor. Sec. 25. No member of the city council shall, during the Members of J . ° council not to term for which he is elected, hold any other office in or under hoId other ^ _ office, etc. the city government, have the expenditure of any money appropriated by the council, or act as counsel in any matter before the council or any committee thereof, and no person shall be eligible for appointment to any municipal office established by the council during any municipal year within which he was councilman until the expiration of the succeeding municipal year. TITLE IV EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Sec. 26. The executive powers of the city shall be Executi f e , 1 J powers to be vested solely in the mayor and may be exercised by him either ve8ted in the * J mayor. personally or through the several officers and boards of the city in their departments, under his general supervision and control. In case of a vacancy in any office to which appoint- Vacancies, ment is made by the mayor he may personally perform the » duties thereof but he shall not be entitled to receive any sal¬ ary or pay attached thereto. The mayor shall hold office for the municipal year beginning with the first Monday in January following his election, unless sooner removed, and until his successor is elected and qualified. - Sec. 27. The mayor shall have the sole power of ap- %y« r m »y J 11 qppomt and pointment to all the municipal offices established by or under r V? ov , e “ u - 1 A J nneipal officers this act, unless herein otherwise provided: and he may remove e # ab ' i8hed uu - 1 1 J der this act, from office by written order any officer so appointed hereunder ur } ,e88 oth . er - * J 11 wfce herein for any cause which he shall in his official discretion deem i/ ovided - sufficient, which cause he shall assign in his order of removal, \ Such office shall become and be vacant upon the filing with the 14 Baliiry of mayor. Mayor to have control, etc., of police force until police department is established. Who may act when mayor is disabled by sickness or absence from the city. city clerk of such order of removal, and the service of a copy thereof upon the officer so removed, either personally or by leav¬ ing the same at his last or usual place of residence. The city clerk shall keep such order of removal on file where it shall be open to public inspection. Sec. 28 The salary of the mayor shall be one thousand dollars a year for the period of the first ten municipal years, and thereafter shall be one thousand dollars a year, and such additional sum as the city council may establish by ordinance passed by vote of two-thirds of all its members, such ordinance not to take effect, however, until the year succeeding that in which it is passed. Sec. 29. Until a department of police shall be established in accordance with the provisions of this act, the mayor shall have the appointment, control and direction of the police force of the city. Sec. 30. Whenever by reason of sickness or absence from the city or other cause the mayor shall be disabled from per¬ forming the duties of his office, he may designate by a writing filed in the office of the city clerk, either the city treasurer, the commissioner of public works, the city clerk, or the city solici¬ tor to act as mayor, or, in case of the failure of the mayor to make such designation, the first named of the above mentioned officers then performing the duties of his office shall act as mayor. Such officer shall, during the continuance of such disability, have all the rights and powers of mayor, except that he shall not when so acting have the power of removal, unless thereto in any instance authorized by vote of the city council, nor any power of appointment unless such disability cf the mayor has continued for a period of thirty days, nor power to approve or disapprove any ordinance, order, resolution or vote until within twenty-four hours of the time when it would take effect without the approval of the mayor. In case such disa¬ bility of the mayor continues for a period exceeding thirty days, the city council may at any time after the expiration of that period declare a vacancy to exist in the office of mayor. Sec. 31. Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the office of mayor, the president of the city council shall act as mayor President of the . * J council may act and possess all the rights and powers of mayor during such incase °f , . . ° . vacancy in office vacancy, except that when so acting as mayor he shall not have of mayor. the power of appointment or removal unless thereto in any instance authorized by vote of the council. TITLE Y. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Sec. 32. The management and control of the schools of School commit- . . # tee to have the said city shall be vested solely in a school committee, consisting management * J & and control of of members at large and members from wards, who shall serve ihe school*. without pay and shall be elected from the inhabitants of the city as follows: At the first municipal election held under ®f an ° er of this act three members at large of the school committee shall be elected by the qualified voters of the entire city, one to serve for the term of three years, one for the term of two years and one for the term of one year, beginning with the first Monday in January then next ensuing, and thereafter one member at large of said school committee shall be elected in like manner at each annual municipal election, to serve for the term of three years, beginning with the first Monday in January next ensuing, in place of the member at large whose term then expires. At said first election six members from wards of said school committee shall be elected by the qualified voters in the several wards respectively, one such member being elected in each ward, two of such members to serve for terms of three years, two for terms of two years, and two for terms of one year, beginning with the first Monday in January next ensuing. The selectmen of the town of Quincy directly after the acceptance of this act shall determine by lot which wards of said city shall elect members as aforesaid for three Apportionment J among wards to years, two years and one year respectively, and shall give determined public notice of their determination seven days at least before said first election. At each subsequent annual municipal election the qualified voters in each ward which has elected a member from wards of the school committee, whose term of 16 Chairman of the school committee. office then expires, shall elect in his place a member of said committee to serve for the term of three years as aforesaid. If in any year there shall be a new division of said city into wards, the terms of office of all of the members of the school committee from wards shall expire at the end of the municipal year in which such division is made; and at the municipal election occurring in such year one member from wards shall be elected by the qualified voters in each new ward, and the council shall by lot make such arrangement of the terms of the respective members from wards of said committee that the terms of one-third of such members, as near as may be, shall expire each year. The school committee shall at its first meet¬ ing in each municipal year, or as soon thereafter as may be, choose a chairman from among its members bv ballot, and the votes of a majority of all the members of the board shall be required in order to elect. The school committee may at any time by vote of a majority of all its members remove such chairman and elect another in his place. Superintendent of schools. Vacancies in school committee. Sec. 33. The school committee shall, on the first Monday in January, or as soon thereafter as may be, choose, by vote of a majority of its members, but not from their number, a super¬ intendent of schools, who shall be under its direction and control. Such superintendent shall hold office until the first Monday in January next ensuing, unless sooner removed, and until his successor is chosen and qualified; and he may be removed at any time by the school committee by vote of a majority of its members. The school committee shall in case of a vacancy in their numbers forthwith notify the city council, ■ and the council shall call a joint convention of the members thereof and of the school committee, and at such convention the vacancy shall, by vote of a majority of all the members of the two bodies, be filled until the end of the municipal year in which the warrant for the next ensuing municipal election is issued, and at such election the vacancy shall be filled for the remainder, if any, of the unexpired term in the same manner as the member whose office is vacant was elected. 17 TITLE VI. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS. Sec. 34. There shall he the following administrative officers, who shall perform the duties by law and herein pre¬ scribed for them respectively, and such further duties not in¬ consistent with the nature of their respective offices as the city council may prescribe :— I. A commissioner of public works, who shall have cognizance, direction and control:— a. Of the performance of all contracts entered into by the city with any water company, of the observance by every water company having pipes within the city, of all the laws of the Commonwealth and ordinances of the city, and of all structures, machinery, pipes, and other property owned or leased by the city, connected with the supply and distribution of water ; b. Of the construction, alteration, repair, care and lighting of streets, ways and sidewalks ; c. Of the construction, alteration, repair and care of public buildings; except that the care of all school buildings shall remain under the control of the school committee, and the care of the Thomas Crane Public Library under the control of the boafd of trustees of said library ; d. Of the construction, alteration, repair and care of public sewers and drains ; e. Of the digging, construction and care of wells for the city ; f. Of the construction, alteration, repair, care and main¬ tenance of public bridges. No person or corporation authorized by the city council to dig up any public street or sidewalk in said city shall begin such digging before furnishing to such commissioner security, satisfactory to him, to restore such street or sidewalk to its former condition. The said commissioner shall, in general, except as in section fifteen of this, act otherwise provided, have, exclusively, the Commissioner of public works.. 18 City treasurer. City clerk. Collector of taxes. Uity solicitor. Chief of police. Chief engineer. Overseer of the poor. Principal assess¬ or and assistant assessors. powers and be subject to the duties, liabilities and penalties which may, by law, be given to or imposed upon road commis¬ sioners of towns. II. A city treasurer, who shall receive, have the custody of and pay out all moneys, and cause an accurate account of the same to be kept in proper book-keeping form, or in such form as the city council may prescribe. He shall make to the council, annually or oftener, at such time or times in each year as it shall prescribe, a full and detailed statement of the re¬ ceipts and expenditures of the city during such portion of the financial year as it may direct, and of the cash balance or sur¬ plus ; and in every such statement the different sources of the city revenue and the amount received from each, the several appropriations made, the objects for which the same were made, and the amount of moneys expended under each, the moneys borrowed on the credit of the city, the authority under which each loan was made, and the terms on which the same was ob¬ tained, shall be clearly and particularly specified. III. A city clerk. IV. A collector of taxes; and the offices of collector of taxes and of city treasurer may be held by the same person. V. A city solicitor, who shall have charge and control of the legal business of the city, shall attend to such matters as may be referred to him by the mayor, and shall act as corpora¬ tion counsel when called upon for a legal opinion by the city council, the mayor, or any municipal officer established by this act. VI. A chief of police, when a police department is estab¬ lished as herein provided. VII. A chief engineer of the fire department, when a fire department is established as herein provided. VIII. An overseer of the poor, who shall exercise the powers and be subject to the duties prescribed for boards of overseers of the poor by the laws of the Commonwealth. IX. A principal assessor, and as many assistant assessors as there are wards in the city, who shall together constitute the board of assessors. The principal assessor shall be e,r officio 19 Chairman of the hoard. One assistant assessor shall be assigned by the board to each ward of the city. The city council may, by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all its members, authorize the appointment of second assistant assessors, who shall be ap¬ pointed by the principal assessor ; they shall be equally ap¬ portioned among the wards of the city, shall be assigned to the wards of which they are respectively resident, and shall assist in assessing only the persons and property therein. X. A board of park commissioners, consisting of three Board of park , , . . . .. . . , commissioners. persons, who shall exercise the powers and be subject to the duties given to or imposed upon the board of park commis¬ sioners of the town of Quincy by chapter seventy of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, so far as not in¬ consistent with this act, and shall have general cognizance, direction and control of laying out and caring for the public parks of the city, and of all work in and upon the same. XI. A board of health, consisting of five persons ; but in Board of health, case the city council shall at any time provide for the payment of the members of said board, the number thereafter appointed shall be three. XII. A board of license commissioners, if said city Licen ® e . •> commissioners. authorizes the granting of licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors. Such board shall consist of the following officers, ex officio :—the mayor, who shall be the chairman of the board, the city treasurer and the chief of police, or, until a department of police is established, the city clerk. XIII. A board of trustees of the Thomas Crane Public Tr J 1 f. tc f.® af public library. Library, consisting of six persons. XIV. A board of managers of the Adams Academy, con- Managers of sisting of six persons. Academy. XV. A board of managers of public burial places, consisting Ma “?£® r8 ? f , ^ x 17 e public burial •of six persons, who shall have general cognizance, direction andP laces * control of laying out and caring for public burial places, and of all work in or upon the same. The above-named officers and boards shall be appointed on or before the first Monday in February, and shall hold their respective offices for the term of one year, beginning with the 20 Additional administrative offices may be established. Chairmen of boards to be chosen by ballot. Secretary and clerk. Duties of auditor. Certai i officers to have seats with the city council ex- officiix. first Monday in February, unless sooner removed, and until their respective successors, or in the case of boards, until a majority of the members thereof are appointed and qualified. They shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of their respective offices. The city council may by ordinance establish additional ad¬ ministrative offices and define the duties of the incumbents thereof, and such offices shall be subject to the provisions of this act. Sec. 35. Each of the above-named boards shall, at its first meeting on or after the first Monday of February in each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, choose by ballot a permanent chairman from among its members, unless otherwise above pro¬ vided. No person shall be chosen permanent chairman unless he shall receive the votes of a majority of the members of the board, and he may be removed from such chairmanship by the same vote. Each of said boards shall, unless it has a clerk as hereinafter provided, choose a secretary from among its mem¬ bers, in the same manner as above prescribed for the choice of a chairman, and may remove him in the same manner. The city council may authorize any of said boards to choose a clerk in the manner above prescribed for the choice of a chairman and secretary, and may provide for the payment of such clerk. Sec. 36. The auditor of accounts shall, on the first busi¬ ness day of every month audit all accounts in which the city is concerned as debtor or creditor, and shall report to the council as it shall direct. He shall have access at all times during business hours to all the books and vouchers of the city treasurer. Sec. 37. The mayor, the chairman of the school committee, the auditor, the comptroller, all of the administrative officers above named other than the members of boards, and the chair¬ man of the above named boards shall, ex officio , be entitled to seats with the city council. The mayor shall, when requested, and all the other officers above named shall, unless excused, attend its meetings; and they shall, at the request of the council, answer for their respective offices, committees and 21 us I boards at the meetings of the council. In case the chairman of a board is unable to be present at any such meeting, he may designate another member of the board to represent it at such ] meeting. The said officer shall be notified in like manner with the councilmen of all the meetings of the council. They shall T | ev ma - v ° t ^ spfnk, but shalt have the right to speak upon all matters relating to their re- no | vote * spective departments, but upon no other matters, and shall have no right to vote. They shall give such information as may be To £ ivepnch 47 ° 47 information 8 required by the members of the council, and answer such ques- nia y be . ^ . 1 required. tions as may be asked by the members in relation to any matter, act or thing connected with their respective offices or the discharge of the duties thereof: provided , however , that any Proviso, such officer may refuse to answer such question if notice thereof has not been given at least three days before the time of the meeting in a notice book to be provided for the purpose by the city clerk and kept in his office, unless the council shall vote that the question is of such urgency and of such nature that it should be answered without notice. Sec. 38. The administrative officers and boards above named in this title, and all administrative officers and ma , y /L p , 01 , nt boards hereafter established by the city council and not coming em P|>y ee8 » etc - within the department of any officer or board so above named, shall have the power, except as herein otherwise provided, to appoint or employ and to remove or discharge all officers, ^ov^Hhaii' clerks and employees, in their respective departments. Such appointments shall not be for any specified term, but shall hold thcre %- good until removal or discharge. Orders of removal shall state the grounds therefor, and shall be entered upon the records of the officer or board making the same, and removals shall take effect upon the filing of a copy of such order with the city clerk in a book provided for the purpose, and open to public ^^eonmactJ inspection. The above named administrative officers and boards for t w . r * i and shall, in their respective departments, make all necessary con¬ tracts for work, and for the furnishing of materials and supplies for the city, and for the construction, alteration, rt pair and care of all public works, institutions, buildings and otTuTpi &pecty; and shall have, subject to the mayor, the direction and control of all the executive and administrative business of the city. They shall be at all times accountable to the mayor, as the chief exec¬ utive officer, for the proper discharge of their duties. Boards, etc., to Sec. 39. Everv board and every officer above named, not keep record of ^ ^ official a member of a board, shall keep a record of all official transac- transactions. # ... tions, and such record shall be open to public inspection. Certain officers Sec. 40. The city council may require the auditor of may be required ^ ^ 1 to give bonds, accounts, the comptroller, the treasurer and such other officers as are entrusted with the receipt, care and disbursement of money, to give bonds with such security as it shall deem proper for the faithful discharge of their respective duties. TITLE VII. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Officers to be 6worn within five days of appointment or election. Sec. 41. Every person elected or appointed to the office of auditor of accounts or comptroller, or to any administrative office named in the preceding title of this act, shall, within live days after notice of such election or appointment, except as herein otherwise provided, take and subscribe, before the mayor or city clerk, or a justice of the peace, an oath or affirmation faithfully to perform the duties of his office, which oath or affir¬ mation, or a certified copy thereof, shall be filed in the office of the city clerk. •/ Eligibility for eleciion or appointment to office. Office to become vacant if incumbent ceases to be a resident. Sec. 42. No person shall be eligible for election or ap¬ pointment to any office established by this act, unless at the time of such election or appointment he shall have been a citizen of the United States for at least one year, nor to any such office except the offices of commissioner of public works, superintend¬ ent of schools, chief of police and chief engineer of the fire department, unless at the time of such election or appointment he shall have been a resident of the city for at least one year. No person shall be eligible for election as a councilman from wards unless he shall have been a resident of the ward for which he is elected for at least three months previous to his election. Sec. 43. Any office established by or under this act shall become vacant if the incumbent thereof ceases to be a resident of the city. The conviction of the incumbent of anv such office 23 of a crime punishable by imprisonment shall operate to create a vacancy in the office held by him. Sec. 44. The limit of indebtedness of the said city, exclusive of any indebtedness created for supplying the inhab¬ itants with water, shall be one per cent, of the average valu¬ ation of said city, as ascertained in accordance with chapter three hundred and twelve of the acts of the year eighteen hun¬ dred and eighty-five, but otherwise the general laws relating to municipal indebtedness shall apply to said city. The financial year of the city shall begin at such time as the city council shall by ordinance prescribe. [ Amended , see p. 27 .] Sec. 45. The administrative officers and boards above named in title six shall, annually, on or before the first day of M arch, furnish to the mayor an itemized and detailed estimate of the moneys required for their respective departments or offices during the ensuing financial year. The mayor and city treasurer shall examine suc h esti mates, and shall submit the same to the city council on or before the first day o f April, with their itemized and detailed rec ommendations thereon. No gross c— ■ - ■■ ■ ■ ■ — - ■- V ~" appropriation of money, and no item there of, in excess of th e recommen dations of the mayor and city t reasurer, in case they shall agree in such recommendations, sh al l be passed by the co 11 ncjjji eyye pt, by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting, and in n o ca se by vote of less th an a majority of all the members of the council. Sec. 46. Every officer and employee of the city, other than those mentioned in section thirty-seven of this act, shall, at the request of the city council, appear before it and give such infor¬ mation as it may require in relation to any matter, act or thing connected with his office or employment or the discharge of the duties thereof. Sec. 47. The city council shall establish by ordinance the regular salaries or remuneration of the offices established by this act, in case the same is not fixed herein, and of such other offices as may hereafter be established, and after the first municipal year no ordinance of the council changing any such salary or Limit of indebtedness of the city. Boards to furnish to maj or estimates of moneys required for the year. Officers and employees to furnish infor¬ mation to the city council upon request. Salaries to he fixed by ordi¬ nance. 24 No expenditure *o be made until Civil service. remuneration^shall take effect until the municipal year succeed¬ ing that in which the ordinance is passed. Sec. 48. No sum appropriated for a specific purpose shall appropriation be expended for any other purpose, and no expenditure shall be made, nor liability incurred, by or in behalf of the city, until an appropriation lias been duly voted by the city council sufficient to meet such expenditure or liability, together with all prior unpaid liabilities which are payable out of such appropriation : j>roriiled, however , that, after the expiration of the financial year and until the passage of the regular annual appropriations, lia¬ bilities payable out of a regular appropriation to be contained therein may be incurred to an amount not exceeding one-third of the total of such appropriation for the preceding year. Sec. 49. Nothing herein contained shall affect the enforce¬ ment of the provisions of chapter three hundred and twenty of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, being “An Act to improve the civil service of the Commonwealth and the cities thereof,” or of the rules made by the commissioners appointed thereunder ; and the city council shall make sufficient and proper appropriations for the carrying out and enforcement of said act and such rules in said city. Sec. 50. The passage of this act shall not affect any right, accruing or accrued, or any suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding pending, at the time when it shall take effect by acceptance, as herein provided, and no penalty or forfeiture pre¬ viously incurred shall be affected thereby. All persons holding office in said town, at the time this act shall be accepted as afore¬ said, shall continue to hold such offices until the organization of the city government hereby authorized shall be effected, and until their respective successors shall be chosen and qualified. i 883 e i 6 - 2 lents t0 Sec. 51. Chapter one hundred and sixty-two of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three is hereby amended by inserting after the words “direction of”, in line twenty-two of section two of said act, the words:—the commissioner of public works of the city of Quincy or,—by striking out in the thir¬ teenth line of section ten of said act the words, “by the water commissioners hereinafter provided for”, and inserting in place No right, sui ■etc., to be affected by this act. thereof the words : by the commissioner of public works of the- city of Quincy,—by inserting after the words, “said loan”, in the eighteenth line of said section, the words ;— unless an amount thereof, equal to the total amount divided by the greatest num¬ ber of years which any of such securities have to run, is made payable at the end of each year from the date of its issue,—and by striking out section twelve of said act and inserting in place thereof a new section, as follows :— Sec. 12. All the authority granted to the city of Quincy by this act, and not otherwise specifically provided for, shall be vested in the commissioner of public works, to be exercised by him, subject to the ordinances and regulations of the city council. In case a sinking fund is constituted, under the provisions of this act, the city treasurer shall, ex officio, be the trustee of such sinking fund, subject to the ordinances and regulations of the city council.—The city of Quincy is hereby given all the rights and privileges, and made subject to all the duties and liabilities given to or imposed upon the town of Quincy by said act, except as above amended. Sec. 52. So much of chapter seventy of the acts of the year Repeal- eighteen hundred and eighty-two, as is inconsistent with this act, is hereby repealed, and the city of Quincy is hereby given all the rights and privileges and made subject to all the liabilities therein given to or imposed upon the town of Quincy, with re¬ lation to laying out and maintaining a public park or parks. Sec. 53. Upon an acceptance of this act, as herein pro-P iv if ion ? f 11 1 1 territory ini vided, the selectmen of said town shall forthwith divide the six wards - territory thereof into six wards, so that the wards shall contain, as nearly as may be consistent with well-defined limits to each, an equal number of voters, and they shall designate the wards by numbers. They shall, for the purpose of the first municipal election to be held hereunder, which shall take place on the first Tuesday of December next succeeding such acceptance, provide suitable polling places in the several wards, and give notice thereof, and shall at least ten days previous to such first Tuesday in December appoint all proper election officers therefor, and they shall in general have the powers and perform the duties of the mayor and the board of aldermen of cities under chapter two Selectmen to notify persons elected at first election, and to provide place o: meeting for mayor and city council. Meeting of voters to act upon accep¬ tance of act. hundred and ninety-nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, the provisions of which shall so far as applica¬ ble apply to said election ; and the town clerk shall perform the duties therein assigned to city clerks. The registrars of voters shall cause to be prepared and published according to law lists of the qualified voters in each of the wards established by the selectmen. Sec. 54. The selectmen shall notify the persons elected at such first election severally of their elections, and shall provide and appoint a place for the first meeting of the mayor and city council on the first Monday in January next ensuing; and shall, by written notices left at their respective places of residence, at least twenty-four hours prior to such meeting, notify thereof the mayor elect, and councilmen elect, who shall immediately pro¬ ceed to organize and carry into effect the provisions of this act, which shall then have full force and effect. The selectmen shall, in like manner, provide and appoint a place and time for the first meeting; of the school committee and notify the members elect thereof. Nothing herein shall affect the annual meeting in said town for the election of national, state, district and county officers, which may be held next after the acceptance thereof. Sec. 55. A meeting may be held for the purpose of sub¬ mitting the question of the acceptance of this act to the legal voters of said town at any time within two years after the passage thereof, except in the months of November and De¬ cember. At such meeting the polls shall be open not less than eight hours, and the vote shall be taken by ballot in accordance with the provisions of chapter two hundred and ninety-nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, so far as the same shall be applicable, in answer to the question : ‘-Shall an act passed by the general court in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, entitled ‘An Act to incorporate the city of ■Quincy, 1 be accepted?” ; and the affirmative votes of a majority of the voters present and voting thereon shall be required for its acceptance. If at any meeting so held this act shall fail to be thus accepted, it may, at the expiration of three months from any such previous meeting, be again thus submitted for accept- *27 ance, but not after the period of two years from the passage thereof. Sec. 56. So much of this act as authorizes the submission of the question of its acceptance to the legal voters of the said town shall take effect upon its passage, but it shall not take further effect unless accepted by the legal voters of said town as herein prescribed. [Approved May 17, 1888 . AN AMENDMENT. [Chap. 256, Acts of 1889.] An Act to amend section forty-four of chapter three HUNDRED AND FORTY-SEVEN OF THE ACTS OF THE YEAR EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT RELATING TO THE MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF QUINCY. lie it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. Section forty-four of chapter three hundred and forty-seven of the acts of the year eighteen hundred'and eighty-eight is hereby amended by striking out the following words, “The limit of indebtedness of the said city, exclusive of any indebtedness created for supplying the inhabitants with water, shall be one per cent, of the average valuation of said city, as ascertained in accordance with chapter three hundred and twelve of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty- five, but otherwise,” so as to read as follows : Section The general laws relating to municipal indebtedness shall apply to said city. The financial year of the city shall begin at such time as the city council shall by ordinance prescribe. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [. Ap¬ proved April IS, 1880 . To take full effect upoa acceptance. AN AMENDMENT. [Chap. 255, Acts of 1891.] An Act to require tiie school COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF QUINCY TO FURNISH CERTAIN ESTIMATES TO THE CITY COUNCIL. Be it enacted , etc., as follows : The school committee of the city of Quincy shall, on or before the twentieth day of February of each year, furnish to the city council of said city itemized and detailed estimates of the amount of money required for the school department of the city during the ensuing financial year. [Approved April 28, 1891. CITY ORDINANCES. REVISED TO JAN. 1, 1895. CITY OF QUINCY No. 1 . AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE FIRE DE¬ PARTMENT OF THE CITY OF QUINCY. lie it ordained by the City ('ouncil of Quincy , as follows : Section 1. A Fire Department is hereby established. There shall be a Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, and one Assistant Engineer from each ward, and one Superin¬ tendent of Fire Alarm, and members to the number of sixty- nine (69). One Steam Fire Engine Company, to consist of three per¬ manent men, viz : Engineman, Assistant Engineman and Driver. Hose Co. No. 1, to consist of twelve men, one of whom shall be permanent. Hose Co. No. 2, to consist of ten men. Hose Co. No. 3, to consist of ten men. Hose Co. No. 4, to consist of ten men. Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, to consist of thirteen men, one of whom shall be permanent. Chemical Co. No. 1,- Chemical Co. No. 2, to consist of ten men. 34 No person shall be appointed a member of the Fire Depart¬ ment who does not sustain a good moral character, and who is not a citizen of Quincy. Sec. 2. The Chief Engineer shall be responsible for the discipline, good order and proper conduct of the officers and men constituting the Department, and for the good condition of all houses, reservoirs, hydrants, engines, hose, hose carriages, hooks and ladders, trucks, and all apparatus and furniture thereto belonging and connected with the Department. Tie may re¬ move or suspend any officer or member. ITe shall have the control of the engine and other houses used by the Department; of the furniture therein, and of the engines and apparatus, as well as of all other property appertaining to the Department. 3. The rank of officers in case of fire shall be as follows : Chief Engineer, assistant engineer of the ward in which the fire originates, the first engineer to arrive, the foreman of the first company to arrive ; and they shall have sole and absolute control and command of all the other members of the Depart¬ ment and of other persons present at fires. [Extract from Cit. 35, Public Statutes.] “ Sec. 3. The fire-wards, or any three of them, present at a place in immediate danger from a fire, or, where no fire-wards are appointed, the selectmen, or mayor and aldermen present, or, in their absence, two or more of the civil officers present, or, in their absence, two or more of the chief military officers of the place present, may direct any house or building to be pulled down or demolished, when they judge the same to be necessary in order to prevent the spreading of fire. Sec. 4. In cities and towns which, by vote of the City Council, or of the legal voters respectively, have accepted the provisions of this section, or of chapter two hundred and one of the statutes of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three, the engineer of a fire department in command at a fire shall, to the exclusion of all other persons, have the power conferred by the preceding section.” Sec. 4. The Chief Engineer shall keep rolls of the com¬ panies, specifying the name, age, occupation and residence, and the date of the admission and discharge of each member of the Department, and he shall keep an accurate account of all prop¬ erty belonging to it. lie shall make annually, and oftener if required, to the Mayor, a detailed report of the condition of the Fire Depart¬ ment, of loss and accident by fire, with the causes thereof, as well as they can be ascertained, and of the description of the buildings and other property destroyed or injured, the amount of insurance, and the names of the owners, and such other duties as are prescribed by chapter 199 of the Acts of 1888. Sec. 5. The Chief Engineer shall examine all places where shavings or other combustible materials are deposited or col¬ lected; and shall see to the removal of the same, whenever, in his opinion, the same are dangerous; and shall direct the owners, tenants or occupants of such places to remove the same, which they shall do forthwith ; and, in case of refusal or neglect, he shall cause the same to be removed at the expense of such owners, tenants or occupants. Sec. 6 . The Chief Engineer and assistant engineer shall have and exercise the power and duties of forest tire-wards, and may employ such assistance as they may see tit to suppress forest tires, at the expense of the city. Sec. 7. The Chief Phigineer shall observe all buildings in which steam engines are used, and all buildings in process of erection or alteration, and make a record of such of them as in bis judgment may be dangerous, and report thereon to the Mayor forthwith. Whenever, in the opinion of the Chief En¬ gineer, any camphene or other explosive or inflammable fluid or material should be removed, he shall forthwith notify and direct the owner, tenant or occupant of the premises upon which the same are situated to remove the same, which he shall forthwith do. In case such tenant, owner or occupant shall refuse or neglect so to do, the Chief Engineer shall cause the same to be removed at the expense of such owner, tenant or occupant. No person shall obstruct the Chief Engineer in carrying out the provisions of this section. 30 Sec. 8. The Chief Engineer shall, on the last day of each week, prepare a pay-roll of all permanent men employed in the Department, and present it to the Mayor for his approval or disapproval. On the first day of December, in each year, the clerk of each company shall make a roll bearing the full name, age, occupation and residence of every call member of the com¬ pany, specifying also the number of times the company has been called out, and the attendance of each member, to which shall be appended the following certificate : “We, the undersigned, do hereby certify, that, according to the best of our knowledge and belief, the foregoing persons are members of-company, and that said company had consisted of-members during the last year; that during that time they have performed ail the duties incumbent upon them as firemen, have been present at every turnout of the company, or have been duly excused ; and that they are entitled to all the privileges and pay of firemen.’ 1 The certificate shall be signed by the foreman and clerk, and shall be delivered to the Chief Engineer. The Chief Engineer shall examine these rolls and present them, with the pay-rolls of the several companies, to the Mayor for his approval or disapproval. Sec. 9. Salaries —Chief Engineer, $400.00 per year; he to pay his own clerk. l i/ Six Assistant Engineers; Wards 1 and 3, Ward 4, $50.00 per year. Engineers Wards $100.00 per year; 2, 5 and 6, $37.50 per year. One Engineman, $17.00 per week. One Assistant Engineman, $17.00 per week. One Superintendent of Fire Alarm, $17.00 per week. Driver of Steamer, $17.00 per week. Driver of II ose Is o. 1, $17.00 per week. Driver of Hook and Ladder, $17.00 per week. Call men on Hose No. 1, eleven ; and Hook and Ladder No. 1, twelve ; $100.00 per year each. Call men on Hose No. 2, ten ; No. 3, ten; and No. 4, ten ; and Chemical 2, ten ; $50.00 per year each. Steward's of Hose No. additional per year each. Man who takes care of 2, 3 and 4, and Chemical 2, $40.00 Chemical No. 1, $40.00 per year. Sec. 10. The Chief Engineer shall have the care and man¬ agement of the rooms, apparatus and machinery connected with the fire-alarm telegraph, and shall determine to whom shall he intrusted the keys of the signal-boxes. lie shall prepare rules, and directions for giving alarms of fire through the telegraph. Sec. 11. No unauthorized person shall open any of the signal-boxes, except in case of fire, or interfere with the wires or the poles or other supports of the wires. Sec. 12. The Chief Engineer shall see that every person raising a false alarm of fire is prosecuted. Sec. 13. No gambling shall be allowed in any biiild’ng occupied by the fire department, nor shall spirituous liquors be carried into, kept or used there. Sec. 14. No unauthorized person shall draw water from the reservoirs or hydrants, except in case of fire, and except as otherwise provided. No part of the apparatus shall be taken from the city, unless to a fire, without special permission from the Mayor and Council, nor shall any engine, hose or truck be taken out of the city to a fire without permission of the Chief Engineer, or, in his absence, that of the Mayor. No piece of apparatus shall be used for any purpose, except in extinguishing fires, without the consent of the Chief Engineer and Mayor. Sec. 15. No occupant of any building or room in which there is a hatchway or trap-door shall suffer the same to be left open at night. Sec. 16. Any member of the Department injured or dis¬ abled while on actual duty shall receive pay pro rata for the time lost in consequence, not exceeding three months. Sec. 17. No person shall wantonly or carelessly set fire to 38 any tree, bush, grass, leaves, brushwood, rubbish or other sub¬ stance in any place in the city of Quincy. Sec. 18. Whoever shall violate any provision of this ordi¬ nance shall forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty dollars. / 39 No. 2. AN ORDINANCE TO PRESERVE ORDER AT MEET¬ INGS OF THE COUNCIL. Be it ordained by the City Council , as follows : Section 1. If a person behaves in a disorderly manner during any meeting of the City Council, and after notice from the presiding officer persists therein, the presiding officer may order him to withdraw from the meeting, and on his refusal may order the constables or any other persons to take him from the meeting and confine him in some convenient place until the meeting is adjourned. Sec. 2. The person so refusing to withdraw shall for such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty dollars. 40 No.- 3. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE OFFICE OF AUD¬ ITOR, AND DEFINING IIIS DUTIES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy, as follows : Section 1 . The City Council shall, in the month of January, choose an Auditor of Accounts, who shall hold office for the term of one year, beginning work the first Monday in February next ensuing;, and until his successor is chosen and qualified. A majority of the votes of all the members of the Council, taken by roll-call, shall be necessary for the choice of the Auditor of Accounts, and he may be removed by the affirm¬ ative vote of a majority of all the members of the Council, taken by roll-call. lie shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, and shall receive such salary as the City Council shall from time to time determine, and whenever there is a vacancy, it shall be filled in the manner provided above. Sec. 2. The Auditor, in addition to the duties prescribed by the Charter, shall certify all bills and claims against the City^ which have been approved by the heads of department, and after certification shall place the same in the hands of the Treasurer, lie shall also serve as clerk to the Committee on Finance and Accounts. He shall keep his accounts in such form and in such detail as may be necessary to a clear exhibit of all expenditures and receipts. He shall keep an account with the Treasurer, charg¬ ing him with the whole amount of taxes assessed for collection, with the amount of loans and sums of money that may be bor¬ rowed for the city, and with all securities and sums receivable^ in order that the description and value of all personal property belonging to the city may be shown at any time by his books, lie shall credit each account with its appropriations for the fin¬ ancial year, and with its receipts, and charge against the same the expenditures as they shall from time to time be allowed. When¬ ever an appropriation for any account is expended, the Auditor 41 shall immediately give notice thereof to the Mayor, the City- Council, and the Committee on Accounts, which committee shall not pass or allow any claim or account chargeable against such appropriation, until the City Council provides the means of pay¬ ing the same. The Auditor shall once in each month furnish the City Council and administration boards with a statement, showing the condition of each account, giving amount of appro¬ priations, and receipts, expenditures, and unexpended balances under the same. Sec. 3. The Auditor shall countersign all bonds, notes authority of the City Council, lie shall report to the City Council, under the direc¬ tion of the Committee on Accounts, during the month of January in each year, in detail, the amount of appropriations, expendi¬ tures, and receipts during the preceding financial year; and the whole shall be arranged, as far as practicable, to conform to the accounts of the Treasurer. He shall include in said report a statement of the funded and temporary loans, the rate of interest thereon, and shall exhibit the liabilities and assets as shown on the books in his office at the close of the financial year. and certificates of indebtedness issued by 42 No. 4. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ASSESSORS AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as folloics : Section 1. The Assessors shall meet on the first Monday in February, or as soon thereafter as may be, and organize as a board, and the Principal Assessor shall, ex officio , be chairman. Collection of Taxes. Sec. 2. All taxes shall be paid before the first day of November of the year in which the assessment thereof is made ; and on all taxes not paid before said day, interest at the rate of six per centum per annum shall be added from and after said day, inclusive, until said taxes are paid. If any taxes are not paid before the first day of January, the Collector shall forthwith issue a summons demanding the payment thereof, which summons shall be forthwith served upon each delinquent by the Collector, or any constable or police officer of the city, either personally or by leaving the same at his last and usual place of abode, and twenty cents shall be added to said tax after said summons has been issued for the same ; and if said tax and the interest due thereon, and twenty cents additional for said summons are not paid in fourteen days after the service of said summons, the Collector shall forthwith collect the same according to law. Sec. 3. The Collector shall give a bond with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, in the sum of thirty thousand dollars for the faithful performance of the duties of his office and accountability for all money which may come into his hands as Collector of Taxes by virtue of his office. Said bond shall be executed, approved and delivered to the Mayor before he enters upon the duties of his office. In case of the death or insolvency of any of the sureties on any bond so given, the Collector shall immediately give a new bond with 43 sufficient sureties as heretofore provided, and if he fails to give such new bonds within a reasonable time after notice to do so, it shall be sufficient cause for his removal from office. In case the office of Treasurer and Collector is held by the «/ same person, the bond shall be fifty thousand dollars. Sec. 4. When the Tax Collector receives from the Asses¬ sors the list of persons upon whom a jjoll tax only is assessed, he shall immediately make out the tax bills and demand payment of the same, either by delivering the bill in person, or by an au¬ thorized agent, or sending it by mail postpaid, and such poll tax shall be paid when demanded or brought to the Tax Collector within fourteen days, and if not so paid to the Tax Collector he shall forthwith proceed to collect the same in the manner pro¬ vided by the laws of the Commonwealth for the collection of taxes from delinquents. Sec. 5. The Tax Collector shall immediately after receiv- ing any assessment list from the Assessors make out and cause bills to be delivered to the persons assessed, either personally^ or by an authorized agent, or by mail postpaid, and if the assessment is on personal property, if said bills are not paid within thirty days thereafter, he shall issue a summons to each person who fails to pay ; and if such person does not pay his taxes within ten days after the receipt of such summons or after the service thereof upon him in the usual manner, the said Col¬ lector shall issue his warrant for the collection of said taxes. 44 No, 5. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER AND DEFINING IIIS DUTIES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows : Section 1. The Treasurer shall give a bond with sufficient sureties to be approved by the Mayor, in the sum of thirty thousand dollars, for the faithful performance of his duty as Treasurer, which shall be executed, approved and delivered to the Mayor, before he enters upon the duties of his office. In case of the death or insolvency of any of the sureties on any bond so given, the Treasurer shall immediately give a new bond with sufficient sureties, as heretofore provided ; and if he fails to give such new bonds within a reasonable time after notice to do so, it shall be sufficient cause for his removal from office. The bond of the Treasurer shall be kept by the Mayor, who shall forth¬ with upon its receipt cause written notice thereof to be given to the Board of Assessors. The bonds of other city officers shall be kept by the Treasurer. If the office of City Treasurer and Collector is held by the same person the bond shall be fifty thousand dollars. Sec. 2. The Treasurer shall keep, in books provided for that purpose, an accurate and true account of all his receipts and payments on behalf of the city, making the same conform as nearly as may be, to the accounts kept by the Auditor. lie shall keep an account with each appropriation made by the City Council, and shall credit each account with its appropriations, and shall charge to each all sums paid out on such account. lie shall, at the close of each financial year, make a written report to the City Council of the condition of the Treasury, and all moneys received and paid out by him during said year. Sec. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay from the Treasury all bills and claims against the city which have been approved by the heads of departments and certified to by the Auditor ; but he shall pay no money out of the Treasury unless so approved and certified, except State and County taxes-, Sec. 4. The Treasurer shall, at the close of eacli month, transmit to the Auditor and to the City Council, a statement in detail of all moneys collected or received during said month, with the names of the persons from whom, and for what the same were received ; provided , that it shall be sufficient in re¬ porting the receipts for taxes and assessments, to state the full amount received. Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall, in behalf of the city, sign all notes, bonds, and certificates of indebtedness issued by the city and shall see that they are countersigned by the Mayor and Auditor of Accounts, and that the City seal is affixed thereto. 46 No. 6. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING DERS AND RESOLUTIONS. ORDINANCES, OR- Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy, a, s* follows : Section 1. All by-laws of the city shall be termed Ordi¬ nances, and the enacting style shall be : Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy, as follows : Sec. 2. All ordinances shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the order in which they are passed to be ordained, in a book prepared and kept for that purpose, made of strong linen paper* with proper margins and indexes, and strongly bound. Said book shall be lettered “Records of Ordinances of the City of Quincy,” and shall be preserved in the office of the City Clerk* subject to public inspection. Sec. 3. Whenever the City Council expresses anything by way of command, the form of expression shall be, “Ordered and whenever said board expresses opinions, principles, facts or purposes, the form shall be, “Resolved.” Sec. 4. Every such ordinance, order, resolution or vote shall go into effect from and after the time of its approval by the Mayor ; and if not approved by the Mayor, or returned, then as provided by the charter and the laws of the Commonwealth.. This section shall not apply when it is provided otherwise. Sec. 5. Every ordinance, and such of the orders, resolu¬ tions and votes as the Council may direct, shall be promulgated by publishing the same in such newspaper or newspapers, printed and published in the city of Quincy, as the Council shall direct; but a failure to comply with this section shall not affect the validity of any ordinance, order, resolution or vote. u t/ ' 47 XT .No. /. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF CITY PHYSICIAN AND DEFINING IIIS DUTIES. Be it ordained by the Section 1 . The City Council of Quincy , as follows : office of City Physician is hereby estab¬ lished. The Mayor shall annually, on or before the first Monday in February, appoint a City Physician, who shall be a resident of Quincy, and who shall hold his office one year from the first Monday in February of the current year, and until his successor is appointed. He shall receive such compensation as the City Council may determine, the same to be paid in full for all services performed and medicines furnished, administered or prescribed, unless such medicines are furnished by the direct order of the Overseer of the Poor. Sec. 2. The City Physician shall attend, under the direc- tion of the Overseer of the Poor, upon all sick paupers, whether state or city, and upon all sick persons under the care of the city authorities at the Almshouse or elsewhere in the city, and at the •/ ' request of the Chief of Police upon all prisoners or other persons confined in the city lock-up who require medical or surgical treatment. He shall vaccinate all scholars in the public schools sent to him for that purpose by the School Committee, or Superinten¬ dent of Schools, and give them a certificate thereof. Tie shall, at the close of each financial year, make a report to the Mayor, giving a general statement of the amount of pro¬ fessional service rendered by him, with such suggestions as he may deem proper. Sec. 3. He shall also, at the close of each month, report in writing to the Overseer of the Poor the names of all poor people not lawfully a charge upon the city of Quincy who have received attendance from him during that month, and the dates and expense of such attendance. 48 No. 8. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE DUTIES OF THE CITY CLERK. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows : Section 1. The City Clerk shall notify the Auditor and Treasurer of all orders passed by the City Council authorizing appropriations, or abatements, and also any board or officer of any order appropriating money to be expended by said board or officer, or directing said board or officer to do or not to do, or authorizing the doing, or in any way affecting the powers or duties of such board or officer, immediately after such orders are approved by the Mayor or are otherwise in force. Sec. 2. He shall keep a book alphabetically arranged, showing the names of all streets, ways and sidewalks in the city, which have been or may be laid out and accepted, with the date of the laying out and acceptance, and the width and alterations made from time to time. Sec. 3. He shall be ex officio keeper of the City Seal, but shall permit the Mayor or any other officer to affix the same to any document to which the City Seal is required to be affixed Sec. 4. In order to secure a more perfect registration of births, marriages and deaths, in the city of Quincy, the City Clerk shall annually, in the month of January, and before his report to the Secretary of the Commonwealth thereon, make, or cause to be made, a canvass of the city for facts concerning births therein during the previous year, the expense of same not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars and to be paid by the city. 41 ) No. 9. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF CITY MESSENGER AND DEFINING ITIS DUTIES. He it ordained by the ( r ity ('ouncil of Quincy, as follows : Section 1 . The office of City Messenger is hereby estab- lished. The City Council shall annually, in the month of January, and whenever a vacancy occurs, electa City Messenger, who shall hold his office until his successor is elected, and shall receive such compensation as the City Council may determine. Sec. 2. The City Messenger shall, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, have the custody of such rooms as are occupied by the City Council and its committees. He shall attend all sessions of the City Council, of any committees of the same, and of such boards as the City Council may direct. He shall deliver all messages, notifications and other papers when thereto directed by the Mayor, President of the Council, City Clerk, Treasurer, and chairman of any board or committee. Provided , That he shall not be required so to do at the request of the Collector of Taxes. He shall at all times be sub¬ ject to such further orders as may be made from time to time by the City Council. 50 No. 10 . AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE CITY SEAL. Be it ordained by the City (hound/ of Quincy, as follows : Section 1. The design of the City Seal shall he a circle, one and one-half inches in diameter ; in the centre of the Seal a view of “Mount Wollaston in the outer circle, over the top, the dates 1625, 1640, 1792 ; upon a scroll under the dates the word “Manet;” upon a tablet under the view the word “Quincy,’’ the date of its incorporation as a city, 1888. The device thereof being as follows : Sec. 2. All deeds and other legal documents made, given or entered into by the city, requiring a seal, shall be sealed with the City Seal, and shall be signed and acknowledged in behalf of the city by the Mayor. 51 No. 11. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE PUBLIC BURIAL PLACES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows : Si iCTiox 1. The Managers of public burial places shall meet on the first Monday in February in each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, and choose by ballot from among its mem¬ bers a permanent chairman and a secretary, who shall keep a record of its proceedings. Sec. 2. Said Managers shall have the charge and manage¬ ment of all the public cemeteries and burial places of the city, and the general supervision and expenditure of all appropria¬ tions made for the same, and may make all necessary by-laws 9/ V and rules in relation thereto, not repugnant to law. They shall, at the close of each financial year, make a report to the Mayor of their proceedings and of the condition of the cemeteries and burial places under their care, with such information and sugges¬ tions as they deem proper. Sec. 3. They may lay out said cemeteries and burial places into lots, and shall set apart a suitable portion as a public burial place for the use of the inhabitants free of charge. They may sell and convey to residents of the city, and to no others, the exclusive right of burial, and of erecting tombs, stones, monu¬ ments and cenotaphs upon any lot, and of ornamenting the same upon such terms, conditions and regulations as the board of managers shall prescribe, and the proceeds of such sales shall be paid into the city treasury, and be kept separate and apart from other funds, and shall be appropriated to pay the expense of improving and embellishing said cemeteries and burial places. They may, in their discretion, accept in payment, or part pay¬ ment of the consideration of such rights, in any lot, a deed from the purchaser thereof releasing to the city similar rights owned by him in any other lot. The Managers of the public burial places are authorized to convey lots in said burial places, and the chairman and secretary of the board are authorized to execute the deeds for said conveyances, and the City seal shall be affixed thereto. Sec. 4. Any person holding, occupying or interested in any tot in a public burial place of the city may deposit with the City Treasurer any sum of money that may be determined by the Managers of public burial places, which sum so deposited shall be entered upon the books of the City Treasurer, and forever held as a fund which shall be invested or deposited as directed by the Board of Managers of public burial places, and the income from all such investments and deposits shall be expended under the direction of the Board of Managers of public burial places for the purpose- of providing for the preservation and care of such lot or its appurtenances. The person making such deposit shall at the same time designate in writing, the name of the cemetery in which the lot to be cared for is located, the number and specific location of the same, and the name of the person in whom the right of title thereof stands ; and the City Treasurer shall deliver to such depositor a certificate of deposit, setting forth the same and the purpose of said deposit Sec. 5. The Mayor and City Council shall, annually, as soon after their organization as practical, appoint a sufficient number of funeral undertakers ; persons not licensed as under¬ takers are forbidden to undertake the management of a funeral. Sec. f). Upon the decease of a person within the limits of the city, it shall be the duty of the nearest relative or of the person in whose house the death may occur, or in default thereof, of any other person who may have first been informed of the event, to cause the same to be made known to some licensed undertaker as soon as practicable. Sec. 7. No person shall bury or inter, or cause to be buried or interred in the city, or remove or cause to be removed from the city, the body of a deceased person, without having obtained a permit so to do from the Board of Health or its duly appointed agent, who shall not grant the same unless he shall have obtained a certificate of the cause of death, signed or approved as required by law ; and it is hereby made his duty to grant such permit, unless cause shall appear for refusal. Sec. 8. No person shall bury or inter, or cause to be buried or interred, any dead body, at any other time than between sun rising and sunsetting, except when authorized by the chairman of the board of managers of public burial places; and no grave shall be re-opened for the burial or disin¬ terment of any dead body, without*a permit shall have been obtained as provided in Section 7. Sec. 9. Any person who shall offend against any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to a fine of not less than one dollar, nor more than twenty dollars. */ 54 No. 12. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING LICENSES. Tie it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows : Auctioneers. Section 1. Every person licensed as an auctioneer shall give a bond in the sum of two hundred dollars to the City Treasurer with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Council, with condition that he shall in all things conform to the laws relating to auctioneers, and shall pay for the license the sum of two dollars. The City Council shall cause all such licenses to be recorded by its clerk, in a book kept for that pur¬ pose, before being delivered to the licensee. Billiard Tables and Bowling Alleys. Sec. 2. Every person licensed to keep a billiard, pool or sippio table, or a bowling alley, shall pay the City Clerk for the use of the city the sum of two dollars for the first two tables, and one dollar for each additional table, and two dollars for a bowling; alley. All such licenses shall be recorded by the City Clerk, in a book kept for that purpose, before being delivered to the licensee, and shall set forth the name of the person licensed, the nature of the business, the number of tables, and the build¬ ing or place in the city in which it is to be carried on, and shall continue in force until the first day of May next ensuing unless sooner revoked. Provided , That such licenses may be granted during the month of April, to take effect on the first day of May then next ensuing. o TIIEATRICAL EXIIIBITIONS, Public Shows, Etc. Sec. 3. Every person licensed to set up, maintain or carry on any theatrical exhibition, public show, public amusement or exhibition, mentioned in Section 115 of Chapter 102 of the Public Statutes, shall pay to the City Clerk for the use of the city, before such license is issued, the following rates : For theatrical exhibitions or shows, for each day and even¬ ing, four dollars. For theatrical exhibitions or shows given in the Opera I louse, for one year, twenty-five dollars. For skating rinks, for one year, twenty-five dollars. For travelling circuses or travelling shows, exhibiting in tents, for.each day and evening, fifty dollars. For all other shows, amusements and exhibitions, embraced within the provisions of said section, such sums as the City Council shall determine at the time of the application for the license. Every license granted as aforesaid shall (if required by the City Council) be upon condition that one or more police officers, to be paid by the licensee, be assigned to duty at the place of such exhibition, for the keeping of order thereat. Provided , however, that no such license shall permit enter¬ tainment for gain and reward upon the Lord’s day, or exhibitions of wrestling or sparring upon any day, unless the particular exhibition or entertainment shall be petitioned for, and the license therefor granted bv a two-thirds vote of the City Council. The Mayor, President of the Council, Commissioner of Public Works and Committee on Licenses shall have the right to visit at all times such places of amusement as are licensed under the provision of this ordinance. Hackney Carriages and Jobbing Wagons. Sec. 4. ]STo person shall set up, use, or drive in the city of Quincy, any hackney carriages for the conveyance of persons for hire from place to place'within said city without a license therefor from the City Council. Sec. 5. The? City Council may, from time to time, grant licenses to such persons as they deem expedient, to set up, use, or drive hackney carriages for the conveyance of persons for hire from place to place within the city, and may establish the fare therefor, and may revoke such licenses at their discretion. Every person so licensed shall pay to the City Clerk for the use of the city the sum of one dollar for each carriage so licensed. All such licenses shall expire on the first day of May next after the date thereof, and shall be recorded by the City Clerk before being delivered to the licensee. Provided , That such licenses may be granted in April, to take effect on the first day of May next ensuing. Sec. 6 . No license granted as aforesaid shall apply to any carriage except the particular one designated therein by number, or otherwise made certain, or shall be transferable without the consent of the City Council, endorsed thereon by the City Clerk. Sec. 7. Every person licensed as aforesaid shall cause his carriage to be conspicuously marked with the license number, in figures not less than one and a half inches long. The name of the licensee, and the number of the carriage, together with the rates of fare, shall be conspicuously posted on a printed card in every such carriage. -Sec. 8. The fare for the conveyance of passengers in hackney carriages shall not exceed the following rates, to wit: For conveying one or more passengers, over twelve years of age, from one place to another within the city, not more than one mile, twenty-five cents each, except between the hours of 10 i\ m. and 6 a. m., when double said rates may be charged ; for a distance more than one mile, special rates may be made. For each child between the ages of four and twelve years, but one- half of the above rates shall be charged ; and for children under four years of age, accompanied by their parent or guardian, there shall be no charge. Sec. 9. Every coach or other vehicle, whether on wheels or runners (except street cars), drawn by one or more horses, or other animal power, which shall be used in the city of Quincy for the conveyance of persons for hire from place to place there¬ in, shall be deemed to be a hackney carriage within the meaning of this ordinance. Sec. 10. The City Council may grant licenses to such per¬ sons as they deem expedient to employ or use any wagon, cart sleigh or other vehicle which may be necessary for the convey- mice* from place to place within the city, for hire, of any goods wares, furniture or rubbish, and no person shall use any of the vehicles mentioned in this section, for the purpose herein speci¬ fied, without a license as aforesaid. Every person licensed under this section shall cause his name to be placed in plain, legible words on any such vehicle he shall use, and every such license shall expire on the first day of May then next ensuing, unless sooner revoked. Every person so licensed shall pay to the C ity Clerk, for the use of the city, one dollar for each vehicle so licensed. Dealers in Junk and 'Second-Hand Articles. Sec. 11. The City Council may license suitable persons to be dealers in and keepers of shops for the purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metals or second-hand articles, at such places within the city as may be designated in such licenses, under such conditions and restrictions as are hereafter prescribed, which shall be incorporated in every such license. Such license shall continue in force until the first day of May then next ensuing, unless sooner revoked, provided that such license may be granted in April, to take effect on the first day of May next ensuing. The licensee shall pay to the City Clerk for the license, for the use of the city, two dollars. Sec. 12. Every keeper of a shop licensed as aforesaid, shall keep a book in which shall be written at the time of every purchase, a description of the junk, old metal or second-hand articles so purchased, the name, age and residence of the person from whom, and the day and hour when such purchase was made. Such book shall at all times be open for inspection of the Chief of Police, and of any member of the City Council. Every keeper of such shop shall put in some suitable and con¬ spicuous place on his shop a sign having his name and occupa¬ tion legibly inscribed thereon in large letters. Such shops, and all articles of merchandise therein, may at all times be examined by the Chief of Police or any member of the City Council. No keeper of such shop shall directly or indirectly either purchase or receive by way of barter or exchange any of the articles. 58 aforesaid of a minor or apprentice, knowing or having reason to believe him to be such, and no article purchased or received shall be sold until a period of at least one week from the date of its purchase or receipt has elapsed, unless the name and address of the person to whom such article has been sold, with other facts as may be necessary to facilitate the tracing of such article, have been entered on the book mentioned in this section. Sec. 13. Xo wagon shall be used for the collection of junk, metal, rags or second-hand articles, unless licensed by the City Council. Every such wagon shall bear conspicuously the own¬ er’s name, and the number of the license on the outside and on each side. Every license shall designate the person employed to drive such vehicle. Such driver shall not be changed without the consent of the Mayor. Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep a record of the name and residence of every pedler licensed by the city, together with the number of the vehicle used in his busi¬ ness, and of the particular business for which his license is granted ; a list of dealers in articles mentioned in this ordi¬ nance, and of the places wherein the business is to be carried on ; and also a list of all persons employed by any such pedler or dealer in the pedling or collecting of any such articles. Sec. 15. Whoever, not being so licensed, keeps such shop, or is such dealer in any place or manner than that designated in his license, or after notice to him that his license has been revoked, and whoever violates any rule, regulation or restriction contained in his license shall forfeit a sum not exceeding; twenty dollars for each offence. Gunpowder and Explosive Compounds. Sec. 16. Xo person shall keep or deposit any gunpowder within the city, unless it is well secured in tight casks or canisters ; or keep or deposit more than fifty pounds of gun¬ powder in any shop, store or other building which is within the distance of twenty-five rods from any other building or wharves ; or keep or deposit more than twenty-five pounds of gunpowder 59 In any shop, store or other building; which is within the dis¬ tance of ten rods from any other building; or keep or deposit more than one pound of gunpowder in any shop, store or other building which is within ten rods of any other building, unless it is well secured in copper, tin or brass canisters, holding not exceeding five pounds each, and closely covered with copper, brass or tin covers. Provided ', That this section shall not apply to magazines for the storage of powder at quarries. Sec. 17. The City Council may license persons to sell gun¬ powder. Every such license shall continue in force one year from the date thereof, unless sooner revoked, and shall set forth the name of the person licensed, and the building or place in the city where the business may be carried on, and shall have the provisions of this ordinance relating thereto printed thereon, .and there shall be paid therefor to the Clerk for the use of the city the sum of one dollar. The City Clerk shall record all such licenses, and the place of business named therein shall not be changed without the consent Qf the City Council. Sec. 18. Every person so licensed shall keep a sign over the outside of the principal entrance from the street of the building in which the powder is kept, on which shall be printed in capitals the words, “ Licensed to keep and sell Gunpowder and every person owning or keeping gunpowder above the •quantity of five pounds within the city shall forthwith notify the Chief Engineer of the Eire Department where the same is kept, and shall comply with any directions of said Engineer respect¬ ing the part of the building assigned by him for its future keep¬ ing or storage. Sec. 19. No person shall keep for sale or sell any gun¬ powder within the city without a license from the City Council. Sec. 20. No person, except on military duty in the public service of the United States or of this Commonwealth, shall keep, have or possess, in any building, place or vehicle, within one rod of a dwelling house, any explosive compound other than gunpowder in quantity exceeding one-fifth of a pound. Provided, That the City Council may license any suitable 60 person to keep, store and sell such compound, in accordance- with the foregoing provisions. Sec. 21. Any member of the Police or Fire Department may enter the building or premises of any person licensed to sell explosive compounds, and examine and ascertain if the laws, rules and regulations relating thereto are strictly observed, and on alarm of tire may cause the explosive compounds there de¬ posited to be removed or destroyed, as the case may require. Sec. 22. The City Council may license any suitable per¬ son to keep for sale and sell any of the fireworks called rockets, crackers, squibs or serpents. Such licensee shall pay for the license to the Citv Clerk for the use of the citv the sum of two dollars and such license shall continue in force until the first day of May then next ensuing, unless sooner revoked. Sec. 23. No person shall within the city sell or offer for sale, or have in his possession with intent to sell, any toy pistol in which explosive compounds are used, or of which such com¬ pounds form a part, without a license from the City Council; and no person shall in any public street, public place, or within any grounds or buildings belonging to or in use of the city, use, discharge or set fire to any toy pistol, toy cannon, or any other toy in which explosive compounds are used. The City Council may license any suitable person to keep for sale and sell such toy pistols as aforesaid. Such licensee shall pay for the license to the City Clerk, for the use of the city, the sum of two dollars, and such license shall continue in force until the first day of May then next ensuing, unless sooner revoked. Sec. 24. Camphene , Naphtha , etc. No person shall keep for sale or sell in any building within the city any camphene, naphtha, burning fluid, or other similar explosive or inflammable fluid without a license from the Citv Council: said Council mav grant such licenses. The licensee shall pay therefor to the City Clerk, for the use of the city, the sum of two dollars. All such licenses shall continue in force until the first day of May then next ensuing, unless sooner revoked. 61 * Sec. 25. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall forfeit and pay for each offence a sum not •exceeding twenty dollars. o */ \ 62 No. 13. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING TELEGRAPH, TELE¬ PHONE, AND OTHER ELECTRIC WIRES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows : Section 1. The City Council shall have the exclusive power to license the erection and maintenance of telegra VK telephone and other electric lines of wires within the city* Whenever they are applied to for a location for such lines they shall, if they grant the same, first determine the streets through which said line shall run, and shall then require the company or person so applying to furnish a plan of the streets so designated therefor, upon a scale of not less than 150 nor more than 200 feet to the inch; and the City Council shall then determine and specify on said plan where each post may be located and shall thereupon issue to the party applying therefor a certificate specially enumerating the streets where the lines may run, and the location of each post thereon, as exhibited on said plan, the kind of posts, the height at which all wires must be placed, and the dimensions and location of the underground conduit, if said lines or any part thereof shall be laid under ground. Said plan and a copy of said certificate shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk; and the construction of the line shall conform thereto in every particular, and any post placed otherwise than as therein designated shall be forthwith removed. Any license granted hereunder shall be subject to the right of the city, free of charge, to place its fire alarm telegraph or other electric lines upon the posts or through the conduit so licensed to be main¬ tained ; and to the right of the city to license the location of lines by any other person or company upon said poles and through said conduits, upon payment to the owner thereof of a reasonable compensation, to be determined by the parties, and they failing to agree, it shall be determined by the Mayor. Whenever a. location is granted upon posts already erected, a plan of the streets so traversed need not be required- 63 Sec. 2. All corporations, companies and individuals licensed to erect poles and fixtures shall first, before procedure, give to the city an agreement in writing satisfactory to the City Solic¬ itor, saving harmless said citv against any and all claims for damages, costs, expenses or compensation for, on account of, or in any way growing out of, the erection, maintenance or use of said poles on said streets. Sec. 3. Every such line of wire along or across streets, ways, or other public places, shall be placed underground, or at a height-not less than twenty feet from the ground, except under bridges, upon suitable poles, or from building to building, except that such electrical conductors and fixtures as may be required in the construction, maintenance and operation of electrical rail¬ ways may be not less than eighteen feet from the ground. Every such line of wire shall be so constructed, placed and maintained as not to interfere with any other line, nor with the operation of the fire alarm telegraph ; and all unused lines of wire shall be forthwith removed. Except for street railway purposes, no more than one line of posts or one conduit shall be maintained in any street; and no tree upon any street or other public place shall be cut or trimmed to make room for such wires, without the consent of the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 4. Every employee, official or agent in the employ of any telegraph, telephone or electric company, who desires access to any premises within this city, upon business of the company, appertaining to the repairing or laying of lines over, through or along said premises, shall be furnished by the company with a certificate of his authority to act therefor, and shall not enter upon said premises without first exhibiting such certificate to the owner or occupant thereof, and receiving permission to so enter. Sec. 5. The posts shall be kept well painted, of a uniform color, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and the name of said company shall be distinctly painted or imprinted on the cross-bar used and occupied by said company, on said posts ; and the location of any posts, when once erected, shall not be changed without the permission of the Commis¬ sioner of Public Works. 64 Sec. 6. The city shall have the exclusive use of the upper cross-bar, and the top of each post, free of cost, for the purpose of placing wires thereon; said cross-bar shall be a four-pin cross-bar, of not less than five feet in length, and shall be placed at not less than three feet from the cross-bar next to it. Sec. 7. The Chief Engineer of the Fire Department shall have the supervision of all telegraph, telephone and other electric lines of wires within the city, and shall see that all laws and ordinances in relation thereto are enforced. Sec. 8. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this ordinance shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence. 65 No. 15. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE WOODWARD FUND AND PROPERTY. J3e it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows : Section 1. A Board of Managers of the Woodward Fund and Property is hereby established. Sec. 2. Said Board shall consist of the Mayor, City Treasurer, City Clerk and Auditor of Accounts, and one citizen, not a member of the Council, to be elected by ballot by the City Council in the month of January. Sec. 3. Said Board shall have the management of said fund and property, and exercise all the powers and duties of the government of the City of Quincy in relation thereto, as pre¬ scribed by the last will and testament of Ebenezer Woodward, deceased. Sec. 4. Said Board may make such rules and regulations for their own government, and for the government of all subordinate officers in their department, as they deem expedient. 60 No. 17. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING STREETS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows : Section 1. No person, unless authorized by law, shall break or dig up any part of any street or square or erect thereon any staging for building, or place thereon any lumber, brick or other building materials without a written license from the Commissioner of Public Works. Any person intending to erect or repair any building upon land abutting on a street, shall give notice to the Commissioner of Public Works, who may, at the owner’s request, set apart such portion of the street as they shall deem expedient for such use. Such person shall, before the expiration of his license, remove all rubbish, and restore such street, square or park to its former condition, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Every person so licensed shall, in writing, agree to indemnify the city against all damage or loss to the city, accruing from the doing of any act or thing under such license, and sureties may be required by the Com¬ missioner of Public Works, and every person who, when so licensed, shall obstruct or render unsafe any public street, square or sidewalk, shall guard the same by a proper fence or railing, and by lights during the night time, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Works. Such license may be revoked at any time by the Commissioner of Public Works or by the City Council. Sec. 2. If a person shall dig a cellar, or other cavity, in the ground near to or adjoining any street, he shall, so long as the Commissioner of Public Works may require, keep a railing or fence on or near the line of such street, sufficient to protect travellers from falling into the place so dug, or being injured thereby. Sec. 3. No person shall make or cause to be made, any aperture in or under any street or sidewalk, which can interfere / 67 'with the rights o>r control of the city therein, constructing coal¬ holes, or receptacles for any other articles, or for light and air, or for any other purpose, without a license from the Com¬ missioner of Public Works ; and no person shall leave such coal-hole open or unfastened except while actually in use. Sec. 4. No person shall place or maintain over any street or sidewalk any sign, awning, shade or other obstruction, unless the same is safely and securely supported, and is not less than eight feet from the ground at its lowest part; and such awning, if built over a sidewalk, shall extend as far as the outside edge thereof. Sec. 5. No person shall suffer his building to shed water upon any street or sidewalk in this city, to the injury or in¬ convenience of passengers, nor allow any sink water, or other impure water, to run from the house, barn or lot occupied by him or under his control into any highway or public place. Sec. 6. No person shall place or cause to be placed or deposited, upon any street, sidewalk or other public place in this city, merchandise, ashes, shavings, house-dirt, filth, offal, or rubbish, which shall in anv way obstruct and disfigure the same ; nor suffer his wood and coal to remain unnecessarily on any street or sidewalk. And no person shall saw or split wood, or pile the same on any sidewalk ; provided , that ashes may be placed in the streets for collection, in such manner and on such days as the Board of Health may direct. Sec. 7. No person shall place or keep any table, stall, booth, or other structure in any street or sidewalk, nor place or keep the same in any of the public grounds of the city, for the sale of fruit or other things, without permission in writing from the city officer or board having the same in charge. Sec. 8. No person shall climb, peel, deface or injure any ornamental or shade tree, shrub or vine growing in any of the streets or public grounds of the city, without a permit in writing from the board of officers having such street or public ground in charge ; and no person shall tie or fasten any horse, mule or team of any kind to any ornamental or shade tree, shrub or vine, or to any fence or other structure erected for the protection of 68 sucli tree, shrub or vine, in any street or public place in the city or in any way injure or deface the same. Sec. 9. No person shall suffer any horse, mule or team of .any kind, belonging to him or in his charge, to remain standing in any street or public place in the city, not in the care of some competent person, without being properly weighted, or securely fastened to some post or immovable thing, not prohibited in the previous section, nor suffer such horse, mule or team to go at large in any such street or public place, without a rider or driver. Sec. 10. No person, being the owner, keeper, or having the custody of any horse, cow, or other animal, shall permit or suffer the same to pasture, with or without a keeper, upon any street, sidewalk, or any public ground in this city, or to go at large therein, nor suffer such horse, cow, or other animal to go, or remain upon any sidewalk in said city. Sec. 11. No person shall stop with any team or carriage in or on any street in this city, in such a manner as to hinder or obstruct the travel over such street, nor at the side of, or so near to another team as to obstruct public travel. Sec. 12. No person shall stop with any team or carriage, ■or place any obstruction of any kind upon any flag or stepping .-stone, or other foot-walk across any street in this city. Sec. 13. No person shall ride in any carriage, or drive any horse or horses in any street in this city at a rate of speed ^exceeding eight miles per hour, nor in such a manner as to en¬ danger or unreasonably inconvenience passengers on said streets. Sec. 14. No person shall drive any horse, cart or carriage, or wheel, push, or draw any wheelbarrow, handcart, or other vehicle, or ride any bicycle or tricycle on the sidewalk of any ••street of this city, except for the purpose of crossing such side¬ walk, in order to go in or out of some adjoining enclosure ; pro¬ vided, that this section shall not apply to children’s or invalid’s carriages propelled by hand. Sec. 15. No person shall coast or slide down, across, or :along any of the streets or sidewalks of this city, upon-any sled, board, brother vehicles for coasting or sliding, except in such 69 places and under such restrictions as the Commissioner of Public Works or City Council may designate and require. Sec. 16. No person shall stand, or remain alone, or with or near others in any street in this city, in such a manner as to obstruct a free passage for passengers therein, or over any foot¬ way or sidewalk ; nor shall any person sit or lounge upon any fence or post in front of or enclosing any of the public grounds of this city. Sec. 17. No person shall wilfully injure, mar, deface or destroy any fence, signboard, guideboard, awning, lamp-post, lamp, or lantern in any street or public place in this city ; and no person shall light or extinguish any public lamp in any street or public place, except by virtue of a contract with the city, or permission from the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 18. No person shall, in any way, injure any of the drinking fountains and watering-troughs in the streets and public grounds of the city, nor throw or place any substance into the same. Sec. 19. No person shall make, write, print or post any indecent or obscene marks, words, figures or signs upon any fence, building, post, tree or other object exposed to public view, nor, without a license from the Commissioner of Public Works first obtained, post up any placards, show-cards, hand-bills or posters upon any tree, post or buildings, within any street or public places in the city, or upon any buildings, structure, or land be¬ longing to the city. Sec. 20. No person shall ring, or cause to be rung, any bell or use, or cause to be used any horn or other instrument to give notice of his business or calling, or to sell any articles, unless 1 , licensed by the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 21. No person shall walk, stand, or lounge upon any portion of any street or public grounds in the city especially prepared and devoted by the officers in charge thereof to the growing of grass or flowers, nor in any way dig up, injure or deface the same. Sec. 22. No person shall expose himself in swimming or bathing in the day time, in any of the ponds, streams, or waters. 70 within the limits of the city, in view of spectators from any street, public ground, dwelling house, railroad or steamboat, unless properly clothed. Sec. 23. No person shall behave himself in a rude or dis¬ orderly manner, nor use indecent, profane or insulting language in any street, public place, or public building in this city, nor be or remain upon any door step, portico or other projection from any such building, nor in any public hall, or entrance thereto, to the annoyance or disturbance of any person ; nor shall any per¬ son wilfully frighten any horse or other animal, nor engage in game, sport or amusement in any street of the city, whereby the free, safe, and convenient use thereof, by travellers thereon, shall, in any way be interrupted, or the occupants of adjoining ■estates unreasonably annoyed and disturbed. Sec. 24. No person shall take hold of, or ride upon any carriage or sleigh, or other vehicle, while the same is passing through any street or public place of the city, without the con¬ sent of the owner or driver thereof. Sec. 25. In case of fire, the Fire Department, its officers and members, with their horses, machines, and equipments, shall have the right of way in the public streets and ways of the city, as against all other persons, vehicles, or animals, and no person shall hinder or obstruct them in the free passage therein, nor drive over any hose belonging to the Fire Department, with any carri¬ age, or other vehicle, nor remove, injure, or in any manner disturb the members thereof, their horses, machines, hose or equipments, when stationed, located, or laid in any such public street, except under the direction of the officer in command thereat. Sec. 26. No person shall move any building through any street in the city, unless by authority of a license from the Commissioner of Public Works, and under such restrictions as said Commissioner may see fit to prescribe. Sec. 27 The City Council may order all buildings front¬ ing on any public street or way to be numbered in regular suc¬ cession, and may, in such order, determine the character of the numbers to be affixed, and the place, order and succession 71 thereof. The owner or occupant of any building, subject to such order, shall, within thirty days after being notified of the same, comply therewith. Sec. 28. No person shall fire or discharge any gun or pistol, or other firearms, in or across any of the streets or public places within the city ; but this section shall not apply to the use of such weapons at any military exercise or review, under the authority of a commissioned officer of the militia, nor in the lawful defence of the person, family or property of any citizen, or in the performance of any duty required by law, nor to any person firing a salute by leave of the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 29. The owner or person having the care of any building so located, abutting upon or near to any public street or way, that snow or ice may fall from the roof thereof, shall cause all snow and ice to be removed from said roof within twenty-four hours after the same shall cease falling or forming. Sec. 30. Whenever the word “street” or “streets” is used in this ordinance, it shall be understood as meaning to include lanes, alleys, courts, public squares, and sidewalks, unless other¬ wise expressed. Sec. 31. No person shall sing or play or perform on any musical instruments in the streets or public places of the City of Quincy, except in connection with a funeral, military parade or a procession of a political, civic or charitable organization, for which a police escort is provided, unlicensed thereto by the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 32. Whoever drops or lets fall or permits or allows to drop or fall, upon any way or highway of the city, from any wagon, cart or vehicle, any piece of stone or granite, or other article of such a size or character as may endanger public travel, unless the same be immediately removed from the limits of the way or highway, shall be liable to a penalty of not more than twentv dollars for each offence. «/ Sec. 33. Whoever violates a provision of any ordinance of the city, shall, unless other provision is expressly made, be liable to a penalty of not more than twenty dollars for each offence. % 72 No. 18. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SALARIES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows: Sec. 1 . The compensation to be paid the several officers mentioned in this section, for each municipal year, shall be fixed at the annual rates herein set forth, and shall be payable in equal monthly instalments, from the appropriations made for the payment of the salaries of city officers, to wit: City Treasurer City Solicitor City Auditor City Physician City Messenger City Clerk the fees and emoluments of the office to be paid into the city treasury. Commissioner of Public Works . . . . he to furnish his horse and carriage, and pay for its keeping. Tax Collector ..... and five per cent, on all single poll taxes col¬ lected before the first day of January. Overseer of the Poor ...... and his expenses incurred in visiting the poor outside of the city, to be paid by the city. Chief Engineer of Fire Department Clerk of Council ...... Principal Assessor ..... Six Assistant Assessors, each Three members of the Board of Health, each Clerk to Board of Health .... Inspector of Milk ..... Inspector of Animals and Provisions . Clerk of Committees, (Council) $1200 00 700 00 600 00 300 00 250 00 1200 00 2000 00 600 00 400 00 400 00 200 00 600 00 350 00 150 00 50 00 150 00 300 00 300 00 73 Inspector of Plumbing, $3.00 per building requiring plumbing. Sec. 2. The compensation to be paid the several officers mentioned in this section shall be fixed at the sum herein set forth and paid from the appropriations made for the payment of the salaries of city officers, to wit: Four Registrars of Voters, each 100 00 per annum Sealer of Weights and Measures 15 00 u u Ward clerks ..... 7 50 per day Deputies ..... 1 50 u u Wardens ..... 7 50 u u Deputies ..... 1 50 u u Inspectors ..... 7 50 a u Deputies ..... 1 50 u u 74 No. 20. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE GRADE OF CELLARS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows : Sec. 1. Before the construction of any cellar is commenced ■a notice in writing shall be sent to the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 2. No cellar shall hereafter be built or dug, the bot¬ tom of which is below a grade approved by the Commissioner of Public Works. % 4 •> No. 21. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE INSPECTION AND SALE OF MILK. />V it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows : Sec. 1. The Mayor shall annually, on or before the first* Monday in February, appoint an Inspector of Milk, who shall be a resident of Quincy, and who shall hold his office one year from the first Monday in February of the current year and until his*successor is appointed. lie shall receive such compensation as the City Council may determine. Sec. 2. He shall keep an office and books for the purpose of recording the names and places of business of all persons en¬ gaged in the sale of milk within the city. He may enter all places where milk is stored or kept for sale and all carriages used for the conveyance of milk, and when he has reason to believe that any milk found by him is adulterated he shall take specimens thereof and cause the same to be analyzed or otherwise to be satisfactorily tested, and shall make a record of the result of such analysis or test and preserve such record as evidence. Sec. 3. Every person who conveys milk in carriages or otherwise, for the purpose of selling the same in the city, shall annually in the month of May, be licensed by the Inspector in accordance with the provisions and subject to the penalties of the Public Statutes, to sell milk within the limits of the city, and shall pay to the Inspector fifty cents to the use of the city. Every person who sells milk, or offers it for sale in any store booth, stand, or market place in the city, shall register in the books of the Inspector and shall pay to him fifty cents to the use of the city. The Inspector shall pay over monthly to the City T reasurer all sums collected by him. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Inspector to institute •a complaint for a violation of any of the provisions of the Statutes concerning inspection and sale of milk upon evidence satisfactory to him upon which to sustain such complaint. Sec. 5. The Inspector shall cause the name and place of business of every person convicted of selling adulterated milk, or having the same in his possession with intent to sell, to be published in two newspapers in the city or county. Sec. 6 . The Inspector shall annually, at the end of each fiscal year, present to the Mayor a report, giving a statement of the service rendered bv him. 77 No. 22. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE BOARD OF HEALTH. lie it ordained by the City ( bmncil of Quincy , as follows : Seci nox 1. The Board of Health is hereby authorized to cdioose by ballot a Clerk, who must receive a majority vote of the Board, and who shall receive a salary of fifty dollars per jear for his services. 78 No. 28. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING TRUANTS. 7>V it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follow* : Any minor between the ages of seven and fifteen years, convicted of being an habitual truant, or of wandering about the streets or public places, having no occupation or business, not at¬ tending school, and growing up in ignorance, shall be committed to the Plummer Farm School or to the County Truant School,, for such time, not exceeding two years, as the Justice of the Dis¬ trict Court of East Norfolk may determine. 79 No. 25. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A POLICE DEPART¬ MENT FOR THE CITY OF QUINCY. lie it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows : Section 1. A Police Department is hereby established which shall consist of a Chief of Police and eight patrolmen, and no person shall be appointed a member of the police de~ partment who does not sustain a good moral character, and except the chief, who is not a citizen of Quincy. Sec. 2. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the discipline, good order and proper conduct of the men constitut¬ ing the department, and for the good condition of all the pro¬ perty connected with the department. lie shall be subject to all the provisions of the City Charter, and shall enforce the rules and regulations established by the City Council for the government of the department. Sec. 8. The Chief of Police shall keep a roll of the mem¬ bers of the department specifying the name, age, residence, date of admission and discharge of each member of the same, and shall beep an accurate account of all property belonging to it. He shall make to the Mayor annually, and oftener if required, a detailed report of the condition of the department, and shall keep a record of all the business of the same and of all prose- cations instituted by it before the courts. t/ Sec. 4. All lines and penalties incurred for violation of the bv-laws and ordinances shall be collected by the Chief of Police, and these, with all fees in any criminal case, or for ser¬ vice of any criminal process, or for any service in behalf of the city received by him or by any member of the police force shall be paid into the City Treasury. All moneys received by any member of the police depart¬ ment as above shall be paid to the Chief of Police. All sums of money received by the City Treasurer under *80 this section shall he placed by him to the credit of the police department. Sec. 5. The Chief of Police shall on the last day of each week prepare a pay-roll of all permanent men employed in the department and present it to the Auditor for certification. Sec. 6. Salaries paid to the Police Department shall be as follows : Chief of Police, $1,000 per year, payable in equal monthly instalments; Patrolmen each, $16 per week. Sec. 7. Whenever by reason of sickness or absence from the city or other cause, the Chief of Police shall be disabled from performing the duties of his office, the Mayor shall desig¬ nate by a writing filed in the office of the City Clerk some other member of the department to act as and perform the duties of Chief of Police, during such disability, and no longer. Sec. 8 . The Chief of Police may establish rules and regu¬ lations for the government, disposition, and management of the police department consistent with the laws of the Common¬ wealth and with the ordinances of the city, subject to the approval of the Mayor. Sec. 9. City Ordinance No. 19, being an ordinance estab¬ lishing the office of Deputy Manager of Police and defining the duties of the incumbent thereof, is hereby repealed. 81 No. 26. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS AND DEFINING THEIR DUTIES. He it ordained by tlce City Council of Quincy , as follows: Section 1. The Board of Water Commissioners shall at their first meeting on or after the first Monday of February in each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, choose by ballot from .among their members a Chairman and a Secretary, who shall keep a record of their proceedings; and they may make such regulations for their own government in relation to all their officers as may be deemed expedient. Sec. 2. Said Board shall appoint a Superintendent of the Water Works and such subordinate officers, agents and assis¬ tants as may be found necessary, and which said Board is hereby authorized to appoint. And all such officers, agents and assis¬ tants shall hold their respective offices or situations during the pleasure of said Board, and they shall perform such duties re¬ spectively as the Board shall assign, and receive such compen¬ sation as the Board, in the absence of any order of the City Council in relation thereto, shall from time to time determine. Sec. 3. Said Board shall havejjrffpower t^pyji^hase ^ary si]4ip!4t r ?C to make repairs and connections and locate and erect hydrants, and the streets when broken up shall again be put in good condition to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, by and under the direction of the Board. Sec. 4. Said Board shall determine and assess semi-annual¬ ly the water rates, payable to the City Treasurer at his office, and may make abatements in all proper cases, and shall have power to establish rules and regulations for the inspection, material, construction, alteration, and use of water pipes and water fix¬ tures connected with the water supply of the city. Sec. 5. Said Board may sell such of the personal property 82 connected with the water works as they may deem expedient, subject to the written approval of the Mayor. Sec. 6. Said Board shall keep a suitable set of books which shall be open at all times to the inspection of the Com¬ mittee on “ Water Supply ” of the City Council. Sec. 7. Said Board shall annually, in the month of Janu¬ ary, present to the City Council a report to and including the thirty-first day of December of the preceding year, containing a full statement of the doings of the department, of the condition of the water works, and such other matters as they may deem proper. Sec. 8. The City Treasurer shall receive and collect all «/ water rates and any other income, and place the same to thp credit of the Water Department. Sec. 9. All demands against the city for the account of the Water Department shall be examined by said Board, and when approved by them shall be certified by the Auditor if found cor¬ rect and placed in the hands of the City Treasurer for payment. Sec. 10. All bills for water, including the minimum charge for water furnished by meter, shall be due and payable to the City Treasurer in advance on the first day of January and July. Bills for specific supplies and charges for putting in of service pipes shall be due before the water is let on. In case of non¬ payment of said water rates for thirty days after the same are due, the Board of Water Commissioners may cause a printed demand to be left at the premises where the water is taken; and unless the said water rates are paid within ten days thereafter, the Board shall cut off the supply of water. The water shall not be let on until the amount due together with two dollars for shutting off and letting on is paid. In case of non-payment of water rent, the owner of the premises, whether he is the occu¬ pant or not, shall be required to pay the same and all charges connected therewith, provided he has been duly notified. Said Section 10 shall be printed upon every bill for water rent. 83 No. 27 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF CLERK OF COMMITTEES, AND DEFINING IIIS DUTIES AND AMOUNT OF SALARY. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows : Section 1. The office of Clerk of Committees is hereby established. The City Council shall annually in the month of January and whenever a vacancy occurs in said office, elect a Clerk of Committees, who shall hold his office until his successor is elected, and shall receive the sum of $300 (three hundred dollars) per annum for his services. Sec. 2. The Clerk of Committees shall attend all regular and special meetings of the City Council. Sec. 3. lie shall serve as clerk to all regular and standing committees of the Council except the Committee on Finance. Sec. 4. lie shall receive all orders and documents referred to the committees, from the Clerk of the Council, and shall notify all members of all regular or special committees, of meet¬ ings of said committees. Sec. 5. He shall keep a full and complete record of all meetings of committees; such records shall be accessible to members at all times. Sec. 6 . He shall prepare for each committee all reports, orders and resolutions to be reported to the Council. Sec. 7. He shall return all reports, orders and resolutions* to the Clerk of the Council. 84 No. .AX ORDINANCE REGULATING PLUMBING IN THE CITY OF QUINCY. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as follows: Section 1. No person shall carry on the business of plumbing unless he is a plumber and shall have first registered his name and place of business in the office of the Board of Health; and notice of any change in the place of business of a registered plumber-shall be immediately given to said Board ot Health. Sec. 2 Every plumber before doing any work in a build¬ ing, shall, except in the case of the repair of leaks, file at the office of the said Board of Health, a notice of the work to be performed, and no such work shall be done in any building without the approval of said Board of Health or its Inspector of Plumbing. Sec. 3 The plumbing of every building shall be separ¬ ately and independently connected with the public sewer, when such sewer is provided, or with a proper and sufficient drain 'connected thereto outside of the building, and if no sewer is provided, with a proper cesspool. Sec. 4. Pipes and other fixtures shall not be covered or ^concealed from view until approved by the Board of Health, or the Inspector appointed by them, who shall examine the same within two working days after notice that they are ready for inspection. Sec. 5. Plumbing work shall not be used unless the same has first been tested in the presence of the Board of Health or its Inspector with the water test, or if that is not practicable, with the peppermint or other reliable test, and approved by them or him in writing. Sec. 6 . Drain and connecting ventilating pipes shall be *of sufficient size, and made of cast-iron within the building, and 85 for a distance of at least ten feet outside, except that lead pipe* may he used for short connections exposed to view. Such pipes shall be of uniform thickness throughout, and shall have an average weight not less than below specified, viz :— o -inch pipe, 3| pounds per foot. 8 u 5° M U 4 u u H “ U , U 5 u Mt ** “ fcfc U 6 it U lOf “ M- U 4 7 u u 13 M M 8 u u 17 U U Drain pipes shall be properly secured by irons to walls,, laid in trenches to uniform grade, or suspended to floor timbers by strong iron hangers. Every drain pipe shall be supplied with a suitable trap, placed with an accessible clean-out, at or near the point where it leaves the building, and shall have a proper fall. Drain pipes shall be carried above the roof open and undiminished in size, and to a sufficient height, not less than five feet above the top of any window within fifteen feet. Changes in direction shall be made with curved pipes, and all connections with horizontal or vertical pipes shall be made with Y branches; all drain pipes shall be exposed to sight where practicable within the building, and shall not be exposed to pressure where they pass through walls. Every part of every drain pipe below a cellar floor shall be accessible through suffi¬ cient unattached covers. Sec. 7 The water pipe of each and every sink, basin, bath tub, water closet, slop-hopper, and of each set of trays or other fixtures shall be furnished with a separate trap, which shall be placed as near as practicable to the fixture that it serves. Traps shall be protected from siphonage or air pressure by special cast-iron air pipes of a size not less than the waste pipes they serve, placed outside or below the trap. Lead air pipes may be used only where they are exposed to view. Air pipes for water closet traps shall be of two-inch bore if thirty feet or less in length, and of three-inch bore if more than thirty feet in length. Air pipes shall be run as direct as practicable. Two or more 86 air pipes may be connected together or with a drain pipe; but in every case of a connection with a drain pipe such connection shall be above the upper fixture of the building. Sec. 8. Any person violating any provision of this ordi¬ nance shall be subject to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for each and every violation thereof, and his license may be revoked by the Board of Examiners of Plumbers. Sec. 9. No section of this ordinance shall apply to any plumbing put into any building before the passage of this ordi¬ nance. No. 29. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE MANNER OF EXECUTING TRANSFERS OF THE CITY’S IN¬ TEREST IN REAL ESTATE. Be it ordained by the City Council of Quincy , as folloios: Section 1. The Mayor may execute in behalf of the city all conveyances, leases, and other instruments to be executed by the city : but this provision shall not be construed to prevent any officer from executing any conveyance, lease, or other in¬ strument in performing the duties devolving upon him. Sec. 2. The Mayor may, upon payment to the City Col¬ lector of the amount due on the mortgage of an estate mortgaged to the city, discharge or release the mortgage, or assign the same without liability of, or recourse to, the city, and may exe¬ cute and deliver in behalf of the city all legal instruments that may be necessary for said purpose. Sec. 3. The Mayor may, upon payment to the City Col¬ lector of the amount due on an estate sold to the city for non¬ payment of taxes or other assessment, execute and deliver in behalf of the city any and all legal instruments that may be necessary to transfer the city’s title to such estate. • ' . 1 X ■ ’ » - *i • I ■ ,■ %* "t \ f ' Index to Charter Acceptance of office ------- 22 Adams Academy, Managers of - - - - - 19 organization of - - - - - 20 Administrative officers, etc., appointment of 19 to have power of appointment and removal - - 21 certain officers to attend meetings of the council - - 21 to furnish estimates of expenses - - - - 23 to be sworn --------22 Assessors - - - - - - - -18 organization of - - - - - - -20 Auditor of accounts 10 duties of - - - - - - - -20 Hills may be incurred, how ------ 25 Board of health --------19 organization of - - - - - - - 20 Bonds, may be required ------ 22 City Clerk -------- 18 to administer oath to Mayor and Council - - - 8 to preside at election of President of the Council - - 8 City Council -------- 7 to meet on first Monday in January 9 organization of - - - - - - - 8 special meeting of- - - - - - - 9 rules, etc. of - -- -- -- 9 ordinance by - -- -- -- 10 exclusive power in regard to streets, etc. - - - 10 vote of a majority of all members necessary, when, - - 10 may make ordinances, etc. - - - - - 11 City Hall, erection of - . - - - - - - 12 City Solicitor - - - - - - -18 90 City Treasurer --------18 to examine estimates ------ 23 duty of - -- -- -- - 25 Civil service rules - -- -- -- 24 Clerk of the Council - -- -- -- 9 Collector of taxes - -- -- --18 Commissioner of Public Works - - - - - 17 duties of - - - - - - - -17 duties of - - - - - - - - 25 Comptroller -------- 10 Councilman, shall not hold other office - - - -13 shall not spend money appropriated - - - - 13 shall not act as counsel ------ 13 not eligible for certain appointments - - - - 13 Elections and meetings ------- 7 Eligibility for election or appointment to office - - - 22 Estimates of expenses -------23 Executive department ------- 13 Fire department --------12 General Provisions - -- -- --22 Highways - - - - - - -10 License Commissioners -------19 Limit of indebtedness - - - - - - - 23, 27 Mayor, election of - -- -- -- 6 approval by------ - 11 removal of- - - - - - - -12 powers and duties of ------ 13 salary of - - - - - - - -14 when unable to perform duties ----- 14 vacancy in office of ------ 14 power of appointment - - - - - - 13 power of removal -------13 to examine estimates ------ 23 Officers, to appear before the Council at its request - - - 23 Ordinances, complaints under ------ 11 Overseer of the Poor - -- -- --18 Park Commissioners - -- -- --19 organization of - - - - - - -20 laying out parks -------25 Police Department - -- -- --12 President of the Council ------ 8 Public Burial Places, Managers of - - - 19 organization of - - - - - - -20 Quincy Water Co. ------- 11 91 Quincy Water Co. ------- 24 llecord, to be kept by boards and officers - - - - 22 Ttemovals 21 Salaries, to be established by the Council - - - - 23 School Committee, election of . - - - - -15 organization of - - - - - - -16 vacancy in- - - - - - - -16 to furnish estimate of expenses - - - - - 28 School department ------- 15 -Schoolliouse, erection of - - - - - -11 Streets --------- 10 Superintendent of Schools ------ 16 Thomas Crane Public Library, Trustees of - - 19 to have care of building ------ 17 organization of - - - - - - -20 Vacancy, when incumbent ceases to be a resident - - 22 Wards, division into ------- 25 Index to Ordinances. Amusements Ashes Assessors Auctioneers Auditor of Accounts Awnings Bathing - Bells Benzine Bicycles Billiard tables Booths Bowling alleys - Building materials Building, moving of Cellars Cellars, grade of Cemeteries Circuses City Treasurer City Physician City Clerk City Messenger City Seal Clerk of Committees Coal-holes Coasting Collector of taxes Disorderly behavior Electric wires Exhibitions 94 Explosive compounds - Fares in hackney carriages - Fences etc. not to be injured - Fire alarm telegraph - Firearms not to be discharged in streets Fire Department - salaries - to have right of way - Fireworks - Fountains and watering troughs Frightening horses - Games in street - Gasoline ------ Gunpowder - Hackney carriages - - - - Hand-bills - - - - - Health, Board of - - - - Hitching Horses - - - - Horns ------ Horses not fastened - - - - Horses, cows, etc. not to be pastured on street Horses not to go over eight miles per hour Jobbing wagons - Junk ------ Lamps (public) not to be extinguished Licenses - - - - - Lounging - - - - - Milk, inspection of - Milkmen, to be licensed - - - Musical instruments in streets Naphtha - - - - - Numbering of buildings - Obscene marks, etc. - Obstructing travel - - - - Order at meetings of the Council Ordinances, orders and resolutions Pedlers . - Plumbing - Police department - - - - Police, Chief of, duties of Posters - Profane language - Public grounds - - - - Public Burial Places - 58 56 69 64 71 33 36 70 60 69 70 70 60 58 55 69 77 67 69 68 68 68 55 57 69 54 69 . 75 75 71 60 70 69 68 39 46 58 81 79 79 69 70 66 51 95 r Real estate, transfer of city’s interest in - - 87 Rubbish -------- 67 Salaries of city officers ------ 72 Shade trees - -- -- .- -57 Shows --------- 54 Sidewalks -------- @7 Signs --------- 67 Singing in streets 71 .Snow and ice to be removed from roof - - - 71 Sparring exhibition - -- -- --55 Stone dropped in street ------ 71 Streets --------- 66 Taking hold of carriages or sleighs - - - - .70 Teams not to stop on crossings - - - - 68 Telegraph wires - -- -- --62 Telephone wires - -- -- --62 Toy pistols - -- -- -- _60 Tricycles - -- -- -- - 68 Truants - -- -- -- -78 Vaccination -------- 47 Water Commissioners ------- 81 Wheelbarrows -------- 68 Woodward Fund, Managers of - - - - - 15 Wrestling exhibition ------- 55 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 352.0744 Q42C18C001 City charter and ordinances revised to J 112 098430207