I E> RAR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 977 37 C36p Illinois Historical Survtj S&f. -OF- LES COUNTY, ILL., CONTAINING Full Page Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County, TOGETHER WITH PORTRAITS AND BIOGRAPHIES OF ALL THE GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS, AND OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. CHICAGO: CHAPMAN BKOTHEES, 1887. i- 9-77- 372, HAVE completed our labors in writing and compiling the PORTRAIT AND Bio- iGRAPHiCAL ALBUM of this county, and wish, in presenting it to our patrons, to speak briefly of the importance of local works of this nature. It is certainly the duty of the present to commemorate the past, to perpetuate the names of the pioneers, to furnish a record of their early settlement, and to relate the story of their progress, i- The civilization of our day, the enlightenment of the age, and this solemn duty which men of the present time owe to their ancestors, to themselves and to their posterity, demand that a record of their lives and deeds should be made. In local history is found a power to instruct man by precedent, to enliven the mental faculties, and to waft down the river of time a safe vessel in which the names and actions of the people who contributed to raise this region from its primitive state may be preserved. Surely and rapidly the noble men, who in their vigor and prime came early to the county and claimed the virgin soil as their heiitage, are passing to their graves. The number remaining who can relate the history of the first days of settlement is becoming small indeed, so that an actual necessity exists for the collection and preservation of his- torical matter without delay, before the settlers of the wilderness are cut down by time. Not only is it of the greatest importance to render history of pioneer times full and accurate, but it is also essen- tial that the history of the county, from its settlement to the present day, should be treated through its various phases, so that a record, complete and impartial, may be handed down to ihe future. The present the age of progress, is reviewed, standing out in bold relief over the quiet, unostentatious olden times; it is a brilliant record, which is destined to live in the future ; the good works of men, their magnificent enterprises, theii lives, whether commercial or military, do not sink into oblivion, but, on the contrary, grow brighter with age, and contribute to build up a record which carries with it precedents and principles that will he advanced and observed when the acts of soulless men will be forgotten and their very names hidden in obscurity. In the preparation of the personal sketches contained in this volume, unusual'care and pains were taken to have them accurate, even in the smallest detail. Indeed, nothing was passed lightly over or treated indifferently ; and we flatter ourselves that it is one of the most accurate works of its nature ever published. As one of the most interesting features of this work, we present the portraits of numerous represent- ative citizens. It has been our aim to have the prominent men of to-day, as well as the pioneers, represented in this department; and we congratulate ourselves on the uniformly high character of the gentlemen whose portraits we present. They are in the strictest sense representative men, and are selected from all the call- ings and professions worthy to be given. There are others, it is true, who claim equal prominence with those given ; but of course it was impossible for us to give portraits of all the leading men and pioneers ,of the county. We are under great obligation to many of the noble and generous people of this county for kindly and material assistance in the preparation of this ALBUM. p* s- li-W CHICAGO, October, 1887. CHAPMAN BROTHERS. 911421 f OF THE AND OF THE OF THE 5-a^L 4- The Library of the of FIRST PRESIDENT. ii; i' ; i 1 ; J 1 ; V ; i 1 ; >'.:.\' : >'<;>> ."<' : v .' .' ;.:. '. '. Vi '.-' . *i '. '< '.v. *'. v-'. vvi^'>. v . Tt HE Father of our Country was born in Westmorland Co., Va., Feb. 22, 1732. His parents were Augustine and Mary (Ball) Washington. The family to which he belonged has not been satisfactorily traced in England. His great-grand- father, John Washington, em- igrated to Virginia about 1657, and became a prosperous planter. He had t\yo sons, Lawrence and John. The former married Mildred Warner and had three children, John, Augustine and Mildred. Augus- tine, the father of George, first married Jane Butler, who bore him four children, two of whom, Lawrence and Augustine, reached maturity. Of six children by his second marriage, George was the eldest, the others being Betty, Samuel, John Augustine, Charles and Mildred. Augustine Washington, the father of George, died in 1743, leaving a large landed property. To his eldest son, Lawrence, he bequeathed an estate on the Patomac, afterwards known as Mount Vernon, and to George he left the parental residence. George received only such education as the neighborhood schools afforded, save for a short time after he left school, when he received private instruction in mathematics, His spelling was rather defective. Remarkable stories are told of his great physical strength and development at an early age. He was an acknowledged leader among his companions, and was early noted for that nobleness of character, fair- ness and veracity which characterized his whole life. When George was 1 4 years old he had a desire to go to sea, and a midshipman's warrant was secured for him, but through the opposition of his mother the idea was abandoned. Two years later he was appointed surveyor to the immense estate of Lord Fairfax. In this business he spent three years in a rough frontier life, gaining experience which afterwards proved very essential to him. In 1751, though only 19 years of age, he was appointed adjutant with the rank of major in the Virginia militia, then being trained for active service against the French and Indians. Soon after this he sailed to the West Indies with his brother Lawrence, who went there to restore his health. They soon returned, and in the summer of 1752 Lawrence died, leaving a large fortune to an infant daughter who did not long survive him. On her demise the estate of Mount Vernon was given to George. Upon the arrival of Robert Dinwiddie, as Lieuten- ant-Governor of Virginia, in 1752, the militia was reorganized, and the province divided into four mili- tary districts, of which the northern was assigned to Washington as adjutant general. Shortly after this a very perilous mission was assigned him and ac- cepted, which others had refused. This was to pro- ceed to the French post near Lake ' Erie in North- western Pennsylvania. The distance to be traversed was between 500 and 600 miles. Winter was at hand, and the journey was to be made without military escort, through a territory occupied by Indians. The 20 GEORGE WASHINGTON. trip was a perilous one, and several limes he came near losing his life, yet he returned in safety and furnished a full and useful report of his expedition. A regiment of 300 men was raised in Virginia and put in com- mand of Col. Joshua Fry, and Major Washington was commissioned lieutenant-colonel. Active war was then begun against the French and Indians, in which Washington took a most important part. In the memorable event of July 9, 1755, known as Brad- dock's defeat, Washington was almost the only officer of distinction who escaped from the calamities of the day with life and honor. The other aids of Braddock were disabled early in the action, and Washington alone was left in that capacity on the field. In a letter to his brother he says : " I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet I escaped unhurt, though death was leveling my companions on every side." An Indian sharpshooter said he was not born to be killed by a bullet, for he ha'd taken direct aim at him seventeen times, and failed to hit him. After having been five years in the military service, and vainly sought promotion in the royal army, he look advantage of the fall of Fort Duquesne and the expulsion of the French from the valley of the Ohio, to resign his commission. Soon after he entered the Legislature, where, although not a leader, he took an active and important part. January 17, 1759, he married Mrs. Martha (Dandridge) Custis, the wealthy widow of John Parke Custis. When the British Parliament had closed the port of Boston, the cry went up throughout the provinces that "The cause of Boston is the cause of us all." It was then, at the suggestion of Virginia, that a Con- gress of all the colonies was called to meet at Phila- delphia.Sept. 5, 1774, to secure their common liberties, peaceably if possible. To this Congress Col. Wash- ington was sent as a delegate. On May 10, 1775, the Congress re-assembled, when the hostile intentions of England were plainly apparent. The battles of Con- cord and Lexington had been fought. Among the first acts of this Congress was the election of a com- mander-in-chief of the colonial forces. This high and responsible office was conferred upon Washington, who was still a member of the Congress. He accepted it on June 19, but upon the express condition that he receive no salary. He would keep an exact account of expenses and expect Congress lo pay them and nothing more. It is not the object of this sketch to trace the military acts of Washington, to whom the fortunes and liberties of the people of this country were so long confided. The war was conducted by him under ever)' possible disadvantage, and while his forces often met with reverses, yet he overcame every obstacle, and after seven years of heroic devotion and matchless skill he gained liberty for the greatest nation of earth. On Dec. 23, 1783, Washington, in a parting address of surpassing beauty, resigned his commission as commander-in-chief of the army to to the Continental Congress sitting at Annapolis. He retired immediately to Mount Vernon and resumed his occupation as a farmer and planter, shunning all connection with public life. In February, 1 7 89, Washington was unanimously elected President. In his presidential career he was subject to the peculiar trials incidental to a new government ; trials from lack of confidence on the part of other governments; trials from want of harmony between the different sections of our own country; trials from the impoverished condition of the country, owing to the war and want of credit; trials from the beginnings of party strife. He was no partisan. His clear judgment could discern the golden mean ; and while perhaps this alone kept our government from sinking at the very outset, it left him exposed to attacks from both sides, which were often bitter and very annoying. At the expiration of his first term he was unani- mously re-elected. At the end of this term many were anxious that he be re-elected, but he absolutely refused a third nomination. On the fourth of March, 1797, at the expiraton of his second term as Presi- dent, he returned to his home, hoping to pass there his few remaining years free from the annoyances of public life. Later in the year, however, his repose seemed likely to be interrupted by war with France. At the prospect of such a war he was again urged to take command of the armies. He chose his sub- ordinate officers and left to them the charge of mat- ters in the field, which he superintended from his home. In accepting the command he made the reservation that he was not to be in the neld until it was necessary. In the midst of these preparations his life was suddenly cut off. December r 2, he took a severe cold from a ride in the rain, which, settling in his throat, produced inflammation, and terminated fatally on the night of the fourteenth. On the eigh- teenth his body was borne wi'h military honors to its final resting place, and interred in the family vault at Mount Vernon. Of the character of Washington it is impossible to speak but in terms of the highest respect and ad- miration. The more we see of the operations of our government, and the more deeply we feel the difficulty of uniting all opinions in a common interest, the more highly we must estimate the force of his tal- ent and character, which have been able to challenge the reverence of all parties, and principles, and na- tions, and to win a fame as extended as the limits of the globe, and which we cannot but believe will be as lasting as the existence of man. The person of Washington was unusally tan, erect and well proportioned. His muscular strength was great. His features were of a beautiful symmetry. He commanded respect without any appearance of haughtiness, and ever serious without being dull. The library of tke Unfvenity if Illinois SECOND PRESIDENT. 2 3 'WH^-+"*^ )"> \| OHN ADAMS, the second $). President and the first Vice- President of the United States, was born in Braintree ( now 2,, Quincy),Mass., and about ten miles from Boston, Oct. 19, 1735. His great-grandfather, Henry Adams, emigrated from England , about 1 640, with a family of eight fl sons, and settled at Braiatree. The parents of John were John and Susannah (Boylston) Adams. His father was a farmer of limited means, to which he added the bus- iness of shoemaking. He gave his eldest son, John, a classical educa- tion at Harvard College. John graduated in 1755, and at once took charge of the school in Worcester, Mass. This he found but a "school of affliction," from which he endeavored to gain relief by devoting himself, in addition, to the study of law. For this purpose he placed himself under the tuition of the only lawyer in the town. He had thought seriously of the clerical profession but seems to have been turned from this by what he termed " the frightful engines of ecclesiastical coun- cils, of diabolical malice, and Calvanistic good nature,'' of the operations of which he had been a witness in his native town. He was well fitted for the legal profession, possessing a clear, sonorous voice, being ready and fluent of speech, and having quick percep- tive powers. He gradually gained practice, and in 1764 married Abigail Smith, a daughter of a minister, and a lady of superior intelligence. Shortly after his marriage, (1765), the attempt of Parliamentary taxa- tion turned him from law to politics. He took initial steps toward holding a town meeting, and the resolu- tions he offered on the subject became very popular throughout the Province, and were adopted word for word by over forty different towns. He moved to Bos- ton in 1768, and became one of the most courageous and prominent advocatesof the popular cause, and was chosen a member of the General Court (the Leg- lislature) in 1770. Mr. Adams was chosen one of the first delegates from Massachusetts to the first Continental Congress, which met in 1774. Here he distinguished himself by his capacity for business and for debate, and ad- vocated the movement for independence against the majority of the members. In May, 1776, he moved and carried a resolution in Congress that the Colonies should assume the duties of self-government. He was a prominent member of the committee of five appointed June n, to prepare a declaration of inde- pendence. This article was drawn by Jefferson, but on Adams devolved the task of battling it through Congress in a three days debate. On the day after the Declaration of Independence was passed, while his soul was yet warm with the glow of excited feeling, he wrote a letter to his wife, which, as we read it now, seems to have been dictated by the spirit of prophecy. "Yesterday," he says,"the greatest question was decided that ever was debated in America; and greater, perhaps, never was or will be decided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissenting colony, ' that these United States are, and of right ought to be, free and inde- pendent states.' The day is passed. The fourth of July, 1776, will be a memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe it will be celebrated by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to Almighty God. It ought to be solemnized with pomp, 24 JOHN ADAMS. games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of the continent to the other, from this time forward for ever. You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil, and blood and treasure, that it will cost to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these States; yet, through all the gloom, I can see the rays of light and glory. I can see that the end is worth more than all the means; and that posterity will triumph, although you and I may rue, which I hope we shall not." In November, 1777, Mr. Adams was appointed a delegate to France and to co-operate with Bemjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee, who were then in Paris, in the endeavor to obtain assistance in arms and money from the French Government. This was a severe trial to his patriotism, as it separated him from his home, compelled him to cross the ocean in winter, and ex- posed him to great peril of capture by the British cruis- ers, who were seeking him. He left France June 17, 1779. In September of the same year he was again chosen to go to Paris, and there hold himself in readi- ness to negotiate a treaty of peace and of commerce with Great Britian, as soon as the British Cabinet might be found willing to listen to such proposels. He sailed for France in November, from there he went to Holland, where he negotiated important loans and formed important commercial treaties. Finally a treaty of peace with England was signed Jan. 21, 1783. The re-action from the excitement, toil and anxiety through which Mr. Adams had passed threw him into a fever. After suffering from a con- tinued fever and becoming feeble and emaciated he was advised to go to England to drink the waters of Bath. \Vhilein England, still drooping and despond- ing, he received dispatches from his own government urging the necessity of his going to Amsterdam to negotiate another loan. It was winter, his health was delicate, yet he immediately set out, and through storm, on sea, on horseback and foot,he made the trip. February 24, 1785., Congress appointed Mr. Adams envoy to the Court of St. James. Here he met face to face the King of England, who had so long re- garded him as a traitor. As England did not condescend to appoint a minister to the United States, and as Mr. Adams felt that he was accom- plishing but little, he sought permission to return to his own country, where he arrived in June, 1788. When Washington was first chosen President, John Adams, rendered illustiious by his signal services at home and abroad, was chosen Vice President. Again at the second election of Washington as President, Adams was chosen Vice President. In 1796, Wash- ington retired from public life, and Mr. Adams was elected President,though not without much opposition. Serving in this office four years,he was succeeded by Mr. Jefferson, his opponent in politics. ' While Mr. Adams was Vice President the great French Revolution shook the continent of Europe, and it was upon this point which he was at issue wuh the majority of his countrymen led by Mr. Jefferson. Mr. Adams felt no sympathy with the French people in their struggle, for he had no confidence in their power of self-government, and he utterly abhored the class of atheist philosophers who he claimed caused it. On the other hand Jefferson's sympathies were strongly enlisted in behalf of the French people. Hence or- iginated the alienation between these distinguished men, and two powerful parties were thus soon organ- ized, Adams at the head of the one whose sympathies were with England and Jefferson led the other in sympathy with France. The world has seldom seen a spectacle of more moral beauty and grandeur, than was presented by the old age of Mr. Adams. The violence of party feeling had died away, and he had begun to receive that just appreciation which, to most men, is not accorded till after death. No one could look upon his venerable form, and think of what he had done and suffered, and how he had given up all the prime and strength of his life to the public good, without the deepest emotion of gratitude and respect. It was his peculiar good fortune to witness the complete success of the institution which he had been so active in creating and supporting. In 1824, his cup of happiness was filled to the brim, by seeing his son elevated to the highest station in the gift of the people. The fourth of July, 1826, which completed the half century since the signing of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, arrived, and there were but three of the signers of that immortal instrument left upon the earth to hail its morning light. And, as it is well known, on that day two of these finished their earthly pilgrimage, a coincidence so remarkable as to seem miraculous. For a few days before Mr. Adams had been rapidly failing, and on the morning of the fourth he found himself too weak to rise from his bed. On being requested to name a toast for the customary celebration of the day, he exclaimed " IN- DEPENDENCE FOREVER." When the day was ushered in, by the ringing of bells and the firing of cannons, he was asked by one of his attendants if he knew what day it was? He replied, "O yes; it is the glor- ious fourth of July God bless it God bless you all." In the course of the day he said, "It is a great and glorious day." The last words he uttered were, "Jefferson survives." But he had, at one o'clock, re- signed his spirit into the hands of his God. The personal appearance and manners of Mr. Adams were not particularly prepossessing. His face, as his portrait manifests.was intellectual ard expres- sive, but his figure was low and ungraceful, and his manners were frequently abrupt and uncpnrteous. He had neither the lofty dignity of Washington, nor the engaging elegance and gracefulness which marked the manners and address of Jefferson. The Library of the University of Illinois THIRD PRESIDENT. 27 HOMAS JEFFERSON was born April 2, 1743, at Shad- well, Albermarle county, Va. His parents were Peter and Jane ( Randolph) Jefferson, the former a native of Wales, and the latter born in Lon- don. To them were born six daughters and two sons, of whom Thomas was the elder. When 14 years of age his father died. He received a most liberal education, hav- ing been kept diligently at school from the time he was five years of age. In 1760 he entered William and Mary College. Williamsburg was then the seat of the Colonial Court, and it was the obodeof fashion a.id splendor. Young Jefferson, who was then 17 years old, lived somewhat expensively, keeping fine horses, and much caressed by gay society, yet he was earnestly devoted to his studies, and irreproacha- able in his morals. It is strange, however, under such influences,that he was not ruined. In the sec- ond year of his college course, moved by some un- explained inward impulse, he discarded his horses, society, and even his favorite violin, to which he had previously given much time. He often devoted fifteen hours a day to hard study, allowing himself for ex- ercise only a run in the evening twilight of a mile out of the city and back again. He thus attained very high intellectual culture, alike excellence in philoso- phy and the languages. The most difficult Latin and C.reek authors he read with facility. A more finished scholar has seldom gone forth from college halls; and r there was not to be found, perhaps, in all Virginia, a more pureminded, upright, gentlemanly young man. Immediately upon leaving college he began the study of law. For the short time he continued in the practice of his profession he rose rapidly and distin- guished himself by his energy and accuteness as a lawyer. But the times called for greater action. The policy of England had awakened the spirit of resistance of the American Colonies, and the enlarged views which Jefferson had ever entertained, soon led him into active political life. In 1769 he was chosen a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. In 1772)16 married Mrs. Martha Skelton, a very beauti- ful, wealthy and highly accomplished young widow. Upon Mr. Jefferson's large estate at Shadwell, there was a majestic swell of land, called Monticello, which commanded a prospect of wonderful extent and beauty. This spot Mr. Jefferson selected for his new home; and here he reared a mansion of modest yet elegant architecture, which, next to Mount Vernon, became the most distinguished resort in our land. In 1775 he was sent to the . Colonial Congress, where, though a silent member, his abilities as a writer and a reasoner soon become known, and he was placed upon a number of important committees, and was chairman of the one appointed for the draw- ing up of a declaration of independence. This com- mittee consisted of Thoinas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston. Jefferson, as chairman, was appointed to draw up the paper. Franklin and Adams suggested a few verbal changes before it was submitted to Con- gress. On June 28, a few slight changes were made in it by Congress, and it was passed and signed July 4, 1776. What must have been the feelings of that 28 THOMAS JEFFERSON. L- man what the emotions that swelled his breast who was charged with the preparation of that Dec- laration, which, while it made known the wrongs of America, was also to publish her to the world, free, soverign and independent. It is one of the most re- markable papers ever written ; and did no other effort of the mind of its author exist, that alone would be sufficient to stamp his name with immortality. In 1779 Mr. Jefferson was elected successor to Patrick Henry, .s Governor of Virginia. At one time the British officer, Tarleton, sent a secret expedition to Monticello, to capture the Governor. Scarcely five minutes elapsed after the hurried escape of Mr. Jef- ferson and his family, ere his mansion was in posses- sion of the British troops. His wife's health, never very good, was much injured by this excitement, and in the summer of 1782 she died. Mr. Jefferson was elected to Congress in 1783. Two years later he was appointed Minister Plenipo- tentiary to France. Returning to the United States in September, 1789, he became Secretary of State in Washington's cabinet. This position he resigned Jan. i, 1794. In r797,he was chosen Vice Presi- dent, and four years later was elected President over Mr. Adams, with Aaron Burr as Vice President. In 1804 he was re-elected with wonderful unanimity, and George Clinton, Vice President. The early part of Mr. Jefferson's second adminstra- tion was disturbed by an event which threatened the tranquility and peace of the Union; this was the con- spiracy of Aaron Burr. Defeated in the late election to the Vice Presidency, and led on by an unprincipled ambition, this extraordinary man formed the plan of a military expedition into the Spanish territories on our southwestern frontier, for the purpose of forming there a new republic. This has been generally supposed was a mere pretext ; and although it has not been generally known what his real plans were, there is no doubt that they were of a far more dangerous character. In 1809, at the expiration of the second term for which Mr. Jefferson had been elected, he determined to retire from political life. For a period of nearly forty years, he had been continually before the pub- lic, and all that time had been employed in offices of the greatest trust and responsibility. Having thus de- voted the best part of his life to the service of his country, he now felt desirous of that rest which his declining years required, and upon the organization of the new administration, in March, 1809, he bid fare- well forever to public life, and retired to Monticello. Mr. Jefferson was profuse in his hospitality. Whole families came in their coaches with their horses, fathers and mothers, boys and girls, babies and nurses, and remained three and even six months. Life at Monticello, for years, resembled that at a fashionable watering-place. The fourth of July, 1826, being the fiftieth anniver- sary of the Declaration of American Independence, great preparations were made in every part of the Union for its celebration, as the nation's jubilee, and the citizens of Washington, to add to the solemnity of the occasion, invited Mr. Jefferson, as the framer, and one of the few surviving signers of the Declara- tion, to participate in their festivities. But an ill- ness, which had been of several weeks duration, and had been continually increasing, compelled him to decline the invitation. On the second of July, the disease under whic h he was laboring left him, but in such a reduced state that his medical attendants, entertained no hope of his recovery. From this time he was perfectly sensible that his last hour was at hand. On the next day, which was Monday, he asked of those around him, the day of the month, and on being told it was the third of July, he expresied the earnest wish that he might be permitted to breathe the airof the fiftieth anniversary. His prayer was heard that day, whose dawn was hailed with such rapture through our land, burst upon his eyes, and then they were closed for- ever. And what a noble consummation of a noble life ! To die on that day, the birthday of a nation,- - the day which his own name and his own act had rendered glorious; to die amidst the rejoicir.gs and festivities of a whole nation, who looked up to him, as the author, under God, of their greatest blessings, was all that was wanting to fill up the record his life. Almost at the same hour of his death, the kin- dred spirit of the venerable Adams, as if to bear him company, left the scene of his earthly honors. Hand in hand they had stood forth, the champions of freedom; hand in hand, during the dark and desper- ate struggle of the Revolution, they had cheered and animated their desponding countrymen; for half a century they had labored together for tne good of the country; and now hand in hand they depart. In their lives they had been united in the same great cause of liberty, and in their deaths they were not divided. In person Mr. Jefferson was tall and thin, rather above six feet in height, but well formed; his eyes were light, his hair originally red, in after life became white and silvery; his complexion was fair, his fore head broad, and his whole countenance intelligent and thoughtful. He possessed great fortitude of mind ;:s well as personal courage ; and his command of tem- per was such that his oldest and most intimate friends never recollected to have seen him in a passion. His manners, though dignified, were simple and un- affected, and his hospitality was so unbounded that all found at his house a ready welcome. In conver- sation he was fluent, eloquent and enthusiastic ; and his language was remarkably pure and correct. He was a. finished classical scholar, and in his writings is discernable the care with which he formed his style upon the best models of antiquity. The Library of the University of ""' I FOURTH PRESIDENT. AMES MADISON, "Father of the Constitution," and fourth President of the United States, was born March 16, 1757, and died at his home in Virginia, June 28, 1836. The name of James Madison is inseparably con- nected with most of the important events in that heroic period of our country during which the founda- tions of this great republic were laid. He was the last of the founders of the Constitution of the United States to be called to his eternal reward. The Madison family were among the early emigrants to the New World, landing upon the shores of the Chesa- peake but 15 years after the settle- ment of Jamestown. The father of James Madison was an opulent planter, residing upon a very fine es- tate called "Montpelier," Orange Co., Va. The mansion was situated in the midst of scenery highly pictur- esque and romantic, on the west side of South-west Mountain, at the foot of Blue Ridge. It was but 25 miles from the home of Jefferson at Monticello. The closest personal and iwlitical attachment existed between these illustrious men, from their early youth until death. The early education of Mr. Madison was conducted mostly at home under a private tutor. At the age of 1 8 he was sent to Princeton College, in New Jersey. Here he applied himself to study with the most im- prudent zeal; allowing himself, for months, but three hours' sleep out of the 24. His health thus became so seriously impaired that he never recovered any vigor of constitution. He graduated in 1771, with a feeble body, with a character of utmost purity, and with a mind highly disciplined and richly stored with learning which embellished and gave proficiency to his subsf quent career. Returning to Virginia, he commenced the study of law and a course of extensive and systematic reading. This educational course, the spirit of the times in which he lived, and the society with which he asso- ciated, all combined to inspire him with a strong love of liberty, and to train him for his life-work of a statesman. Being naturally of a religious turn of mind, and his frail health leading him to think that his life was not to be long, he directed especial atten- tion to theological studies. Endowed with a mind singularly free from passion and prejudice, and with almost unequalled powers of reasoning, he weighed all the arguments for and against revealed religion, until his faith became so established as never 'to be shaken. In the spring of 1776, when 26 years of age, he wjs elected a member of the Virginia Convention, to frame the constitution of the State. The next year (1777), he was a candidate for the General Assembly. He refused to treat the whisky-loving voters, and consequently lost his election ; but those who had witnessed the talent, energy and public spirit of the modest young man, enlisted themselves in his behalf, and he was appointed to the Executive Council. Both Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson were Governors of Virginia while Mr. Madison remained member of the Council ; and their appreciation of his JAMES MADISON. intellectual, social and moral worth, contributed not a little to his subsequent eminence. In the year 1780, he was elected a member of the Continental Congress. Here he met the most illustrious men in our land, and he was immediately assigned to one of the most conspicuous positions among them. For three years Mr. Madison continued in Con- gress, one of its most active and influential members. In the year 1784, his term having expired, he was elected a member of the Virginia Legislature. No man felt more deeply than Mr. Madison the utter inefficiency of the old confederacy, with no na- tional government, with no power to form treaties which would be binding, or to enforce law. There was not any State more prominent than Virginia in the declaration, that an efficient national government must be formed. In January, 1786, Mr. Madison carried a resolution through the General Assembly of Virginia, inviting the other States to appoint commis- sioners to meet in convention at Annapolis to discuss this subject. Five States only were represented. The convention, however, issued another call, drawn up by Mr. Madison, urging all the States to send their delegates to Philadelphia, in May, 1787, to draft a Constitution for the United States, to take the place of that Confederate League. The delegates met at the time appointed. Every State but Rhode Island was represented. George Washington was chosen president of the convention; and the present Consti- tution of the United States was then and there formed. There was, perhaps, no mind and no pen more ac- tive in framing this immortal document than the mind and the pen of James Madison. The Constitution, adopted by a vote 81 to 79, was to be presented to the several States for acceptance. But grave solicitude was felt. Should it be rejected we should be left but a conglomeration of independent States, with but little power at home and little respect abroad. Mr. Madison was selected by trie conven- tion to draw up an address to the people of the United States, expounding the principles of the Constitution, and urging its adoption. There was great opposition to it at first, but it at length triumphed over all, and went into effect in 1789. Mr. Madison was elected to the House of Repre- sentatives in the first Congress, and soon became the avowed leader of the Republican party. While in New York attending Congress, he met Mrs. Todd, a young widow of remarkable power of fascination, whom he married. She was in person and character queenly, and probably no lady has thus far occupied so prominent a position in the very peculiar society which has constituted our republican court as Mrs. Madison. Mr. Madison served as Secretary of State under Jefferson, and at the close of his administration was chosen President. At this time the encroach- ments of England had brought us to the verge of war. British orders in council destioyed our commerce, and our flag was exposed to constant insult. Mr. Madison was a man of peace. Scholarly in his taste, retiring in his disposition, war had no charms for him. But the meekest spirit can be roused. It makes one's blood boil, even now, to think of an American ship brought to, upon the ocean, by the guns of an English cruiser. A young lieutenant steps on board and orders the crew to be paraded before him. With great nonchal- ance he selects any number whom he may please to designate as British subjects; orders them down the ship's side into his boat ; and places them on the gun- deck of his man-of-war, to fight, by compulsion, the battles of England. This right of search and im- pressment, no efforts of our Government could induce the British cabinet to relinquish. On the 1 8th of June, 1812, President Madison gave his approval to an act of Congress declaring war against Great Britain. Notwithstanding the bitter hostility of the Federal party to the war, the country in general approved; and Mr. Madison, on the 41(1 of March, ig'3, was re-elected by a large majority, and entered upon his second term of office. This is not the place to describe the various adventures of this war on the land and on the water. Our infant navy then laid the foundations of its renown in grap- pling with the most formidable power which ever swept the seas. The contest commenced in earnest by the appearance of a British fleet, early in Februaiy, 1813, in Chesapeake Bay, declaring nearly the whole coas r t of the United States under blockade. The Emperor of Russia offered his services as me dilator. America accepted ; England refused. A Brit- ish force of five thousand men landed on the banks of the Patuxet River, near its entrance into Chesa- peake Bay, and marched rapidly, by way of Bladens- burg, upon Washington. The straggling little city of Washington was thrown into consternation. The cannon of the brief conflict at Bladensburg echoed through the streets of the metropolis. The whole population fled from the city. The President, leaving Mrs. Madison in the White House, with her carriage drawn up at the door to awa'it his speedy return, hurried to meet the officers in a council of war. He met our troops utterly routed, and he could not go back without danger of bei' g captured. But few hours elapsed ere the Presidential Mansion, the Capitol, and all the public buildings in Washington were in flames. The war closed after two years of fighting, and on Feb. 13, 1815, the treaty of peace was signed at Ghent. On the 4th of March, i8r7, his second term of office expired, and he resigned the Presidential chair to his friend, James Monroe. He retired to his beau- tiful home at Montpelier, and there passed the re- mainder of his days. On June 28, 1836, then at the age of 85 years, he fell asleep in death. Mrs. Madi- son died July 12, 1849. The Library of the University of Illinois FIFTH PRESIDENT. 35 AMES MONROE, the fifth Presidentof The United States, was born in Westmoreland Co., Va., April 28, 1758. His early life was passed at the place of nativity. His ancestors had for many years resided in the prov- ince in which he was born. When, at 17 years of age, in the process of completing his education at William and Mary College, the Co- lonial Congress assembled at Phila- delphia to deliberate upon the un- just and manifold oppressions of Great Britian, declared the separa- tion of the Colonies, and promul- gated the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Had he been born ten years before it is highly probable that he would have been one of the signers of i h;it celebrated instrument. At this time he left school and enlisted among the patriots. HL- joined the army when everything looked hope- less and gloomy. The number of deserters increased from day to day. The invading armies came pouring in ; and the tories not only favored the cause of the mother country, but disheartened the new recruits, who were sufficiently terrified at the prospect of con- tending with an enemy whcm they had been taught to deem invincible. To siuh brave spirits as James Monroe, who went right onward, undismayed through difficulty and danger, the United States owe their political emancipation. The young cadet joined the ranks, and espoused the cause of his injured country, with a firm determination to live or die with her strife for liberty. Firmly yet sadly he shared in the mel- ancholy retreat from Harleam Heights and White Plains, and accompanied the dispirited army as it fled before its foes through New Jersey. In four months after the Declaration of Independence, the patriots had been beaten in seven battles. At the battle of Trenton he led the vanguard, and, in the act of charg- ing upon the enemy he received a wound in the left shoulder. As a reward for his bravery, Mr. Monroe was pro- moted a captain of infantry ; and, having recovered from his wound, he rejoined the army. He, however, receded from the line of promotion, by becoming an officer in the staff of Lord Sterling. During the cam- paigns of 1777 and 1778, in the actions of Brandy- wine, Germantown and Monmouth, he continued aid-de-camp ; but becoming desirous to regain his position in the army, he exerted himself to collect a regiment for the Virginia line. This scheme failed owing to the exhausted condition of the State. Upon this failure he entered the office of Mr. Jefferson, at that period Governor, and pursued, with considerable ardor, the study of common law. He did not, however, entirely lay aside the knapsack for the green bag; but on the invasions of the enemy, served as a volun- teer, during the two years of his legal pursuits. In 1782, he was elected from King George county, a member of the Leglislature of Virginia, and by that body he was elevated to a seat in the Executive Council. He was thus honored with the confidence of his fellow citizens at 23 years of age ; and having at this early period displayed some of that ability and aptitude for legislation, which were afterwards employed with unremitting energy for the public good, JAMES MOwOE. he was in the succeeding year chosen a member of the Congress of the United States. Deeplyas Mr. Monroefelt the imperfections of the old Confederacy, he was opposed to the new Constitution, ihinking, with many others of the Republican party, that it gave too much power to the Central Government, and not enough to the individual States. Still he re- tained the esteem of his friends who were its warm supporters, and who, notwithstanding his opposition secured its adoption. In 1789, he became a member of the United States Senate; which office he held for four years. Every month the line of distinction be- tween the two great parties which divided the nation, the Federal and the Republican, was growing more distinct. The two prominent ideas which now sep- arated them were, that the Republican party was in sympathy with France, and also in favor of such a strict construction of the Constitution as to give the Central Government as little power, and the State Governments as much power, as the Constitution would warrant. The Federalists sympathized with England, and were in favor of a liberal construction of the Con- stitution, which would give as much power to the Central Government as that document could possibly authorize. The leading Federalists and Republicans were alike noble men, consecrating all their energies to the good of the nation. Two more honest men or more pure patriots than John Adams the Federalist, and lames Monroe the Republican, never breathed. In building up this majestic nation, which is destined to eclipse all Grecian and Assyrian^ greatness, the com- bination of their antagonism was needed to create the light equilibrium. And yet each in his day was de- nounced as almost a demon. Washington was then President. England had es- poused the cause of the Bourbons against the princi- ples of the French Revolution. All Europe was drawn into the conflict. We were feeble and far away. Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality be- tween these contending powers. France had helped us in the struggle for our liberties. All the despotisms of Europe were now combined to prevent the French from escaping from a tyranny a thousand-fold worse than that which we had endured. Col. Monroe, more magnanimous than prudent, was anxious that, at whatever hazard, we should help our old allies in their extremity. It was the impulse of a generous and noble nature. He violently opposed the Pres- ident's proclamation as ungrateful and wanting in magnanimity. Washington, who could appreciate such a character, developed his calm, serene, almost divine greatness, by appointing that very James Monroe, who was de- nouncing the policy of the Government, as the minister of that Government to the Republic of France. Mr. Monroe was welcomed by the National Convention in France with the most enthusiastic demonstrations. Shortly after his return to this country, Mr. Mon- roe was elected Governor of Virginia, and held the office for three yeais. He was again sent to trance to co-operate with Chancellor Livingston in obtaining the vast territory then known as the Province of Louisiana, which France had but shortly before ob- tained from Spain. Tlieir united efforts were suc- cessful. For the comparatively small sum of fifteen millions of dollars, the entire territory of Orleans and district of Louisiana were added to the United States. This was probably the largest transfer of real estate which was ever made in all the history of the world. From France Mr. Monroe went to England to ob- tain from that country some recognition of our rights as neutrals, and to remonstrate against those odious impressments of our seamen. but Eng- land was unrelenting. He again returned to Eng- land on the same mission, but could receive no redress. He returned to his home and was again chosen Governor of Virginia. This he soon resigned to accept the position of Secretary of State under Madison. While in this office war with England was declared, the Secretary of War resigned, and during these trying times, the duties of the War Department were also put upon him. He was truly the armor- bearer of President Madison, and the most efficient business man in his cabinet. Upon the return of peace he resigned the Department of War, but con- tinued in the office of Secretary of State until the ex- piration of Mr. Madison's adminstration. At the elec- tion held the previous autumn Mr. Monroe himself had been chosen President with but liitle opposition, and upon March 4, 181-7, was inaugurated. Four years later he was elected for a second term. Among the important measures of his Presidency were the cession of Florida to the United States; the Missouri Compromise, and the " Monroe doctrine.'" This famous doctrine, since known as the " Monroe doctrine," was enunciated by him in 1823. At that time the United States had recognized the independ- ence of the South American slates, and did not wish to have European powers longer attempting to sub- due portions of the American Continent. The doctrine is as follows: "That we should consider any attempt on the part of European powers to extend their sys- tem to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety," and "that we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing or controlling American governments or provinces in any other light than as a manifestation by European powers of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States." This 'doctrine immediately affected the course of foreign governments, and has become the approved sentiment of the United States. At the end of his fecond term Mr. Monroe retired to his home in Virginia, where he lived until 1830, when he went to New York to live with his son-in- 4 law. In that city he died,on the 4th of July, 1831. T The Library of the University of Illinois SIXTH PRESIDENT. 39 3055 IiaHIIIHMRMKI&HK' w ^aWzrev. aPjrs' NDREVV JACKSON, the seventh President of the ' United States, was born in Waxhaw settlement, N. C., March 15, 1767, a few days after his father's death. His parents were poor emigrants from Ireland, and took up their abode in Waxhaw set- tlement, where they lived in deepest poverty. Andrew, or Andy, as he was universally called, grew up^. very rough, rude, turbulent boy. His features were coarse, his form un- gainly; and there was but very little in his character, made visible, which was at- tractive. When only thirteen years old he joined the volun- teers of Carolina against the British invasion. In 1781, he and his brother Robert were captured and imprisoned for a time at Camden. A British officer ordered him to brush his mud-spattered boots. " I am a prisoner of war, not your servant," was the reply of the dauntless boy. The brute drew his sword, and aimed a desperate blow at the head of the helpless young prisoner. Andrew raised his hand, and thus received two fear- ful gashes, one on the hand and the other upon the head. The officer then turned to his brother Robert with the same demand. He also refused, and re- ceived a blow from the keen-edged sabre, which quite disabled him, and which probably soon after caused his death. They suffered much other ill-treatment, and were finally stricken with the small-pox. Their mother was successful in obtaining their exchange, and took her sick boys home. After a long illness Andrew recovered, and the death of his mother soon left him entirely friendless. Andrew supported himself in various ways, such as working at the saddler's trade, teaching school and clerking in a general store, until 1784, when he entered a law office at Salisbury, N. C. He, however, gave more attention to the wild amusements of the times than to his studies. In 1788, he was appointed solicitor for the western district of North Carolina, of which Tennessee was then a part. This involved many long and tedious journeys amid dangers of every kind, but Andrew Jackson never knew fear, and the Indians had no desire to repeat a skirmish witn the Sharp Knife. In 1791, Mr. Jackson was marjied to a woman who supposed herself divorced from her former husband. Great was the surprise of both parties, two years later, to find that the conditions of the divorce had just been definitely settled by the first husband. The marriage ceremony was performed a second time, but the occur- rence was often used by his enemies to bring Mr. Jackson into disfavor. During these years he worked hard at his profes- sion, and frequently had one or more duels on hand, one of which, when he killed Dickenson, was espec- ially disgraceful. In January, 1796, the Territory of Tennessee then containing nearly eighty thousand inhabitants, the people met in convention at Knoxville to frame a con- stitution. Five were sent from each of the eleven counties. Andrew Jackson was one of the delegates. The new State was entitled to but one member in the National House of Representatives. Andrew Jack- son was chosen that member. Mounting his horse he rode to Philedelphia, where Congress then held its -I -JL 44 'ANDREW JACKSON. sessions, a distance of about eight hundred miles. Jackson was an earnest advocate of the Demo- cratic p-irty. Jefferson was his idol. He admired Bonaparte, loved France and hated Kngland. As Mr. Jackson took his seat, Gen. Washington, whose second term of office was then expiring, delivered his last speech to Congress. A committee drew up a complimentary address in reply. Andrew Jackson did not approve of the address, and was one of the twelve wlio voted against it. He was not willing to say that Gen. Washington's adminstration had been " wise, mm and patriotic." Mr. Jackson was elected to the United States Senate in 1797, but soon resigned and returned home. Soon after lie was chosen Judge of the Supreme Court of his State, which position he held fjr six years. When the war of 1812 with Great Britian com- menced, Madison occupied the Presidential chair. Aaron Burr sent word to the President that there was an unknown man in the West, Andrew Jackson, who would do credit to a commission if one were con- ferred ti[)on him. Just at that time Gen. [ackson offered Ilis services and those of twenty-five hundred volunteers. His offer was accepted, and the troops were assembled at Nashville. As the British were hourly expected to make an at- tack r.pan New Orleans, where Gen. Wilkinson was in command, lie was ordered to descend the river with fifteen hundred troops to aid Wilkinson. The expedition reached Natchez; and after a delay of sev- eral weeks there, without accomplishing anything, the men were ordered back to their homes. But the energy Gen. Jackson had displayed, and his entire devotion to the comrfort of his soldiers, won him golden opinions; and he became the most popular man in the State. It was in this expedition that his toughness gave him the nickname of " Old Hickory." Soon after this, while attempting to horsewhip Col. Thomas H. Beaton, for a remark that gentleman made about his taking a part as second in a duel, in which a younger brother of Benton's was engaged, he received two severe pistol wounds. While he was lingering n\xm a. bed of suffering news came that the Indians, who had combined under Tecumseh from Florida to the Lakes, to exterminate the white set- tlers, were committing the most awful ravages. De- cisive action became necessary. Gen. Jackson, with his fractured bone just beginning to heal, his arm in a sling, and unable to mount his horse without assis- tance, gave his amazing energies to the raising of an army to rendezvous at Fayettesville, Alabama. The Creek Indians had established a strong fort on one of the bends of theTallapoosa River, near the cen- ter of Alabama, about fifty miles below Fort Strother. With an army of two thousand men, Gen. Jackson traversed the pathless wilderness in a march of eleven days. He readied their fort, called Tohopeka or Horse-shoe, on the 271)1 of March. 1814. The bend Pi ! of the river enclosed nearly one hundred acres of tangled forest and wild ravine. Across the narrow neck the Indians had constructed a formidable breast- work of logs and brush. Here nine hundred warriors, with an ample suplyof arms were assembled. The fort was stormed. The fight was utterly des- perate. Not an Indian would accept of quarter. When bleeding and dying, they would fight those who en- deavored to spare their lives. From ten in the morn- ing until dark, the battle raged. The carnage was awful and revolting-. Some threw themselves into the river; but the unerring bullet struck their heads ;is they swam. Nearly everyone of the nine hundred war- rios were killed A few probably, in the night, swam the river and escaped. This ended the war. The power of the Creeks was broken forever. This bold plunge into the wilderness, with itsterriffic slaughter, so appalled the savages, that the haggard remnants of the bands came to the camp, begging for peace. This closing of the Creek war enabled us to con- centrate all our militia upon the British, who were the allies of the Indians No man of less resolute will than (ien. Jackson could have conducted this Indian campaign to so successful an issue Immediately he was appointed major-general. Late in August, with an army of two thousand men, on a rushing march, Gen. Jackson came to Mobile. A British fleet came from Pensacola, landed a force upon the beach, anchored near the little fort, and from both ship and shore commenced a furious assault. The battle was long and doubtful. At length one of the ships was blown up and the rest retired. Garrisoning Mobile, where he had taken his little army, he moved his troops to New Orleans, And the battle of New Orleans which soon ensued, was in reality a very arduous campaign. This won for Gen. Jackson an imperishable name. Here his troops, which numbered about four thousand men, won a signal victory over the British army of about nine thousand. His loss was but thirteen, while the loss of the British was two thousand six hundred. The name of Gen. Jackson soon began to be men- tioned in connection with the Presidency, but, in 1824, he was defeated by Mr. Adams. He was, however, successful in the election of 1828, and was re-elected for a second term in 1832. In 1829, just before he assumed the reins of the government, he met with the most terrible affliction of his life in the death of his wife, whom he had loved with a devotion which has perhaps never been surpassed. From the shock of her death he never recovered. His administration was one of the most memorable in the annals of our country; applauded by one party, condemned by the other. No man had more bitter enemies or warmer friends. At the expiration of his two terms of office he retired to the Hermitage, where he died June 8, 1845. The last years of Mr. Tack- A son's life were that of a devoted Christian man. T LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS "7 EIGHTH PRESIDENT. ARTIN VAN BUREN, the eighth President of the United States, was born at Kinderhook, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1782. He died at the same place, July 24, 1862. His body rests in the cemetery at Kinderhook. Above it is a plain granite shaft fifteen feet high, bearing a simple inscription about half way up on one face. The lot is unfenced, unbordered or unbounded by shrub or flower. There is but little in the life of Martin Van Buren of romantic interest. He fought no battles, engaged in no wild adventures. Though his life was stormy in political and intellectual conflicts, and he gained many signal victories, his days passed uneventful in those incidents which give zest to biography. His an- cestors, as his name indicates, were of Dutch origin, and were among the earliest emigrants from Holland to the banks of the Hudson. His father was a farmer, residing in the old town of Kinderhook. His mother, also of Dutch lineage, was a woman of superior intel- ligence and exemplary piety. He was decidedly a precocious boy, developing un- usual activity, vigor and strength of mind. At the age of fourteen, he had finished his academic studies in his native village, and commenced the study of law. As he had not a collegiate education, seven years of study in a law-office were required of him before he could be admitted to the bar. Inspired with a lofty ambition, and conscious of his powers, he pur- sued his studies with indefatigable industry. After spending six years in an office in his native village, he went to the city of New York, and prosecuted his studies for the seventh year. In 1803, Mr. Van Buren, then twenty-one years of age, commenced the practice of law in his native vil- lage. The great conflict between the Federal and Republican party was then at its height. Mr. Van Buren was from the beginning a politician. He had, perhaps, imbibed that spirit while listening to the many discussions which had been carried on in his father's hotel. He was in cordial sympathy with Jefferson, and earnestly and eloquently espoused the cause of State Rights ; though at that time the Fed- eral party held the supremacy both in his town and State. His success and increasing ruputation led htm after six years of practice, to remove to Hudson, th.: courtly seat of his county. Here he spent seven years constantly gaining strength by contending in tht courts with some of the ablest men who have adorned the bar of his State. Just before leaving Kinderhook for Hudson, Mi. Van Buren married a lady alike distinguished for beauty a/nd accomplishments. After twelve short years she sank into the grave, the victim of consump- tion, leaving her husband and four sons to weep over her loss. For twenty-five years, Mr. Van Buren was *an earnest, successful, assiduous lawyer. The record of those years is barren in items of public interest. In 1812, when thirty years of age, he was chosen to the State Senate, and gave his strenuous support to Mr. Madison's adminstration. In 1815, he was ap- pointed Attorney-General, and the next year moved to Albany, the capital of the State. While he was acknowledged as one of the most prominent leaders of the Democratic party, he had 48 MARTIN VAN BUREN. the moral courage to avow that true democracy did not require that " universal suffrage" which admits the vile, the degraded, the ignorant, to the right of governing the State. In true consistency with his democratic principles', he contended that, while the path loading to the privilege of voting should be open to every man without distinction, no one should be invested with 111 it sacred prerogative, unless he were in some degree qualified for it by intelligence, virtue and some property interests in the welfare of the State. In 1821 he was elected a member of the United States Senate; and in the same year, he took a seat in the convention to revise the constitution of his native State. His course in this convention secured the approval of men of all parties. No one could doubt the singleness of his endeavors to promote the interests of all classes in the community. In the Senate of the United States, he rose at once to a conspicuous ixition as an active and useful legislator. In 1827, John Quincy Adams being then in the Presidential chair, Mr. Van Buren was re-elected to the Senate. He had been from the beginning a de- termined opp-jser of the Administration, adopting the "State Rights " view in opposition to what was deemed the Federal proclivities of Mr. Adams. Soon after this, in 1828, he was chosen Governorof the State of New York, and accordingly resigned his seat in the Senate. Probably no one in the United States contributed so much towards ejecting John Q. Adams from the Presidential chair, and placing, in it Andrew Jackson, as did Martin Van Buren. Whether entitled to the reputation or not, he certainly was re- garded throughout the United States as one of the most skillful, sagacious and cunning of politicians. It was supiwsed that no one knew so well as he how to touch the secret springs of action; how to pull all the wires to put his machinery in motion; and how to organize a political army which would, secretly and stealthily accomplish the most gigantic results. By these powers it is said that he outwitted Mr. Adams, Mr. Clay, Mr. Webster, and secured results which few thought then could be accomplished. \Viie.i Andrew Jackson was elected President he appointed Mr. Van Buren Secretary of State. This position he resigned in 1831, and was immediately appointed Minister to England, where he went the same autumn. The Senate, however, when it met, refused to ratify the nomination, and he returned home, apparently untroubled ; was nominated Vice President in the place of Calhoun, at the re-election of President Jackson ; and with smiles for all and frowns for none, he took his place at the head of that Senate which had refused to confirm his nomination as ambassador. His rejection by the Senate roused all the zeal of President Jackson in behalf of his repudiated favor- ite; and this, probably more than any other cause, secured his elevation to the chair of the Chief Execu- tive. On the 2oth of May, 1836, Mr. Van Buren re- ceived the Democratic nomination to succeed Gen. Jackson as President of the United States He was elected by a handsome majority, to the delight of the retiring President. " Leaving New York out of the canvass," says Mr. Parton, "the election of Mr. Van Buren to the Presidency was as much the act of Gen. Jackson as though the Constitution had conferred upon him the power to appoint a successor." His administration was filled with exciting events. The insurrection in Canada, which threatened to in volve this country in war with England, the agitation of the slavery .question, and finally the great commer- cial panic which spread over the country, all were trials to his wisdom. The financial distress was at- tributed to the management of the Democratic party, and brought the President into such disfavor that he failed of re-election. With the exception of being nominated for the Presidency by the "Free Soil" Democrats, in 1848, Mr. Van .Buren lived quietly upon his estate until his death. He had ever been a prudent man, of frugal habits, and living within his income, had now fortunately a competence for his declining years. His unblemished character, his commanding abilities, his unquestioned patriotism, and the distinguished positions which he had occupied in the government of our country, se- cured to him not only the homage of his party, but the respect ot the whole community. It was on the 4th of March, 1841, that Mr. Van Buren retired from the presidency. From his fine estate at Lindenwald ) he still exerted a powerful influence upon the politics of the country. From this time until his death, on the 241)1 of July, 1862, at the age of eighty years, he resided at Lindenwald, a gentleman of leisure, of culture and of wealth; enjoying in a healthy old age, probably far more happiness than he had before experienced amid the stormy scenes of his active life, t 1IBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS *-*-* PRESIDENT. - ILLIAM HENRY HARRI- SON, the ninth President of the United States, was born at Berkeley, Va., Feb. 9, 1773. His father, Benjamin Harri- son, was in comparatively op- ulent circumstances, and was one of the most distinguished men of his day. He was an intimate friend of George Washington, was early elected a member of the Continental Congress, and was conspicuous among the patriots of Virginia in resisting the encroachments of the British crown. In the celebrated Congress of 1775, Benjamin Har- rison and John Hancock were both candidates for the office of speaker. Mr Harrison was subsequently chosen Governor of Virginia, and was twice re-elected. His son, William Henry, of course enjoyed in childhood all the advantages which wealth and intellectual and cultivated society could give. Hav- ing received a thorough common-school education, he entered Hampden Sidney College, where he graduated with honor soon after the death of his father. He then repaired to Philadelphia to study medicine under the instructions of Dr. Rush and the guardianship of Robert Morris, both of whom were, with his father, signers of the Declaration of Independence. Upon the outbreak of the Indian troubles, and not- withstanding the remonstrances of his friends, he abandoned his medical studies and entered the army, having obtained a commission of Ensign from Presi- I dent Washington. He was then but 19 years old. From that time he passed gradually upward in rank until he became aid to General Wayne, after whose death he resigned his commission. He was then ap- pointed Secretary of the North-western Territory. This Territory was then entitled to but one member in Congress and Capt. Harrison was chosen to fill that position. In the spring of 1800 the North-western Territory was divided by Congress into two portions. The eastern portion, comprising the region now embraced in the State of Ohio, was called '' The Territory north-west of the Ohio." The western portion, which included what is now called Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, was called the "Indiana Territory." Wil- liam Henry Harrison, then 27 years of age, was ap- pointed by John Adams, Governor of the Indiana Territory, and immediately after, also Governor of Upper Louisiana. He was thus ruler over almost as extensive a realm as any sovereign upon the globe. He was Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and was in- vested with powers nearly dictatorial over the now rapidly increasing white population. The ability and fidelity with which he discharged these responsible duties may be inferred from the fact that he was four times appointed to this office first by John Adams, twice by Thomas Jefferson and afterwards by Presi- dent Madison. When he began his adminstration there were but three white settlements in that almost boundless region, now crowded with cities and resounding with all the tumult of wealth and traffic. One of these settlements was on the Ohio, nearly opposite Louisville; one at Vincennes, on the Wabash, and the third a French settlement. The vast wilderness over which Gov. Harrison reigned was filled with many tribes of Indians. About WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. the year 1806, two extraordinary men, twin brothers, of the Shawnese tribe, rose among them. One of these was called Tecumseh, or " The Crouching Panther;" the other, Olliwacheca, or " The Prophet." Tecumseh was not only an Indian warrior, but a man of great sagacity, far-reaching foresight and indomit- able perseverance in any enterprise in which he might engage. He was inspired with the highest enthusiasm, and had long regarded with dread and with hatred the encroachment of the whites upon the hunting- grounds of his fathers. His brother, the Prophet, was anorator, who could sway the feelings of the untutored Indian as the gale tossed the tree-tops beneath which they dwelt. But the Prophet was not merely an orator : he was, in the superstitious minds of the Indians, invested with the superhuman dignity of a medicine-man or a magician. With an enthusiasm unsurpassed by Peter the Hermit rousing Europe to the crusades, he went from tribe to tribe, assuming that he was specially sent by the Great Spirit. Gov. Harrison made many attempts to conciliate the Indians, but at last the war came, and at Tippe- canoe the Indians were routed with great slaughter. October 28, 1812, his army began its inarch. When near the Prophet's town three Indians of rank made their appearance and inquired why Gov. Harrison was approaching them in so hostile an attitude. After a short conference, arrangements were made for a meet- ing the next day, to agree upon terms of peace. But Gov. Harrison was too well acquainted with the Indian character to be deceived by such protes- tations. Selecting a favorable spot for his night's en- campment, he took every precaution against surprise. His troops were posted in a hollow square, and slept upon their arms. The troops threw themselves upon the ground for rest; but every man had his accourtrements on, his loaded musket by his side, and his bayonet fixed. The wakeful Governor, between three and four o'clock in the morning, had risen, and was sitting in conversa- tion with his aids by the embers of a waning fire. It was a chill, cloudy morning with a drizzling rain. In the darkness, the Indians had crept as near as possi- ble, and just then, with a savage yell, rushed, with all the desperation which superstition and passion most highly inflamed could give, upon the left flank of the little army. The savages had been amply provided with guns and ammunition by the English. Their war-whoop was accompanied by a shower of bullets. The camp-fires were instantly extinguished, as the light aided the Indians in their aim. With hide- DUS yells, the Indian bands rushed on, not doubting a speedy and an entire victory. But Gen. Harrison's troops stood as immovable as the rocks around them until day dawned : they then made a simultaneous charge with the bayonet, and swept every thing be- fore them, and completely routing the foe. Gov. Harrison now had all his energies tasked to the utmost. The British descending from the Can- adas, were of themselves a very formidable force ; but with their savage allies, rushing like wolves from the forest, searching out every remote farm-house, burn- ing, plundering, scalping, torturing, the wide frontier was plunged into a state of consternation which even the most vivid imagination can but faintly conceive. The war-whoop was resounding everywhere in the forest. The horizon was illuminated with the conflagra- tion of the cabins of the settlers. Gen Hull had made the ignominious surrender of his forces at Detroit. Under these despairing circumstances, Gov. Harrison was appointed by President Madison commander-in- chiefof the North-western army, with orders to retake Detroit, and to protect the frontiers. It would be difficult to place a man in a situation demanding more energy, sagacity and courage; but General Harrison was found equal to the position, and nobly and triumphantly did he meet all the re- sponsibilities. He won the love of his soldiers by always sharing with them their fatigue. His whole baggage, while pursuing the foe up the Thames, was earned in a valise; and. his bedding consisted of a single blanket lashed over his saddle. Thirty-five British officers, his prisoners of war, supped with him after the battle. The only fare he could give them was beef roasted before the fire, without bread or salt. In 1816, Gen. Harrison was chosen a member of the National House of Representatives, to represent the District of Ohio. In Congress he proved an active member; and whenever he spoke, it was with force of reason and power of eloquence, which arrested the attention of all the members. In 1819, Harrison was elected to the Senate of Ohio; and in 1824, as one of the presidential electors of that State, he gave his vote for Henry Clay. The same year he was chosen to the United States Senate. In 1836, the friends of Gen. Harrison brought him forward as a candidate for the Presidency against Van Buren, but he was defeated. At the close of Mr. Van Buren's term, he was re-nominated by his party, and Mr. Harrison was unanimously nominated by the Whigs, with John Tyler for the Vice President y. The contest was very animated. Gen Jackson gave all his influence to prevent Harrison's election ; but his triumph was signal. The cabinet which he formed, with Daniel Webster at its head as Secretary of State, was one of the most brilliant with which any President had ever been surrounded. Never were the prospects of an admin- istration more flattering, or the hopes of the country more sanguine. In the midst of these bright and joyous prospects, Gen. Harrison was seized by a pleurisy-fever and after a few days of violent sick- ness, died on the 4th of April; just one month after his inauguration as President of the United States. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS TEtfTH PRESIDENT. TYLER, the tenth Presidentof the United States. He was born in Charles-city Co., Va., March 29, 1790. He was the favored child of af- fluence and high social po- sition. At the early age of twelve, John entered William and Mary College and grad- uated with much honor when but seventeen years old. After graduating, he devoted him- self with great assiduity to the study of law, partly with his father and partly with Edmund Randolph, one of the most distin- guished lawyers of Virginia. At nineteen years of age, ne commenced the practice of law. His success was rapid and aston- ishing. It is said that three months had not elapsed ere there was scarcely a case on the dock- et of the court in which he was not retained. When but twenty-one years of age, he was almost unanimously elected to a seat in the State Legislature. He connected himself with the Demo- cratic party, and warmly advocated the measures of Jefferson and Madison. For five successive years he was elected to the Legislature, receiving nearly the unanimous vote or his county. When but twenty-six years of age, he was elected a member of Congress. Here he acted earnestly and ably with the Democratic party, opposing a national bank, internal improvements by the General Govern- ment, a protective tariff, and advocating a strict con* struction of the Constitution, and the most careful vigilance over State rights. His labors in Congress were so arduous that before the close of his second term he found it necessary to resign and retire to his estate in Charles-city Co., to recruit his health. He, however, soon after consented to take his seat in the State Legislature, where his influence was powerful in promoting public works of great utility. With a reputation thus canstantly increasing, he was chosen by a very large majority of votes, Governor of his native State. His administration was signally a suc- cessful one. His popularity secured his re-election. John Randolph, a brilliant, erratic, half-crazed man, then represented Virginia in the Senate of the United States. A portion of the Democratic party was displeased with Mr. Randolph's wayward course, and brought forward John Tyler as his opponent, considering him the only man in Virginia of sufficient popularity to succeed against the renowned orator of Roanoke. Mr. Tyler was the victor. In accordance with his professions, upon taking his seat in the Senate, he joined the ranks of the opposi- tion. He opposed the tariff; he spoke against and voted against the bank as unconstitutional ; he stren- uously opposed all restrictions upon slavery, resist- ing all projects of internal improvements by the Gen- eral Government, and avowed his sympathy with Mr. Calhoun's view of nullification ; he declared that Gen. Jackson, by his opposition to the nullifiers, had abandoned the principles of the Democratic party. Such was Mr. Tyler's record in Congress, a record in perfect accordance with the principles which he had always avowed. Returning to Virginia, he resumed the practice of his profession. There was a split in the Democratic I TVLER. party. His friends still regarded him as a true Jef- fersonian, gave him a dinner, and showered compli- ments upon him. He had now attained the age of forty-six. His career had been very brilliant. In con- sequence of his devotion to public business, his pri- vate affairs had fallen into some disorder; and it was not without satisfaction that he resumed the practice of law, and devoted himself to the culture of his plan- tation. Soon after this he removed to Williamsburg, for the better education of his children ; and he again took his seat in the Legislature of Virginia. By the Southern Whigs, he was sent to the national convention at Harrisbnrg to nominate a President in 1839. The majority of votes were given to Gen. Har- rison, a genuine Whig, much to the disappointment of the South, who wished for Henry Clay. To concili- ate the Southern Whigs and to secure their vote, the convention then nominated John Tyler for Vice Pres- ident. It was well known that he was not in sympa- thy with the Whig party in the North : but the Vice President has but very little power in the Govern- ment, his main and almost only duty being to pre- side over the meetings of the Senate. Thus it hap- pened that a Whig President, and, in reality, a Democratic Vice President were chosen. In 1841, Mr. Tyler was inaugurated Vice Presi- dent of the United States. In one short month from that time, President Harrison died, and Mr. Tyler thus found himself, to his own surprise and that of the whole Nation, an occupant of the Presidential chair. This was a new test of the stability of our institutions, as it was the first time in the history of our country that such an event had occured. Mr. Tyler was at home in Williamsburg when he received the unexpected tidings of the death of President Harri- son. He hastened to Washington, and on the 6th of April was inaugurated to the high and responsible office. He was placed in a position of exceeding delicacy and difficulty. All his long life he had been opposed to the main principles of the party which had brought him into power. He had ever been a con- sistent, honest man, with an unblemished record. Gen. Harrison had selected a Whig cabinet. Should he retain them, and thus surround himself with coun- sellors whose views were antagonistic to his own? or, on the other hand, should he turn against tjie party which had elected him and select a cabinet in har- mony with himself, and which would oppose all those views which the Whigs deemed essential to the pub- lic welfare? This was his fearful dilemma. He in- vited the cabinet which President Harrison had selected to retain their seats. He reccommended a day of fasting and prayer, that God would guide and bless us. The Whigs carried through Congress a bill for the incorporation of a fiscal bank of the United States. The President, after ten days' delay, returned it with his veto. He suagested, however, that he would approve of a bill drawn up upon such a plan as he proposed. Such a bill was accordingly prepared, and privately submitted to him. He gave it his approval. __ It was passed without alteration, and he sent it back with his veto. Here commenced the open rupture. It is said that Mr. Tyler was provoked to this meas- ure by a published letter from the Hon. John M. Botts, a distinguished Virginia Whig, who severely touched the pride of the President. The opposition now exultingly received the Presi- dent into their arms. The party which elected him denounced him bitterly. All the members of bis cabinet, excepting Mr. Webster, resigned. The Whigs of Congress, both the Senate and the House, held a meeting and issued an address to the people of the United States, proclaiming that all political alliance between the Whigs and President Tyler were at an end. Still the President attempted to conciliate. Ke appointed a new cabinet of distinguished Whigs and Conservatives, carefully leaving out all strong party men. Mr. Webster soon found it necessary to resign, forced out by the pressure of his Whig friends. Thus the four years of Mr. Tyler's unfortunate administra- tion passed sadly away. No one was satisfied. The land was filled with murmurs and vituperation. Wliigs and Democrats alike assailed him. More and more, however, he brought himself into sympathy with his old friends, the Democrats, until atthe close of his term, he gave his whole influence to the support of Mr. Polk, the Democratic candidate for his successor. On the 4th of March, 1845, he retired from the harassments of office, to the regret of neither party, and probably to his own unspeakable relief. His first wife, Miss Letitia Christian, died in Washington, in 1842; and in June, 1844, President Tyler was again married, at New York, to Miss Julia Gardiner, a young lady of many personal and intellectual accomplishments. The remainder of his 'days Mr. Tyler passed mainly in retirement at his beautiful home, Sherwood For- est, Charles-city Co., Va. A polished gentleman in his manners, richly furnished with information from books and experience in the world, and possessing brilliant powers of conversation, his family circle was the scene of unusual attractions. With sufficient means for the exercise of a generous hospitality, he might have enjoyed a serene old age with the few friends who gathered around him, were it not for the storms of civil war which his own principles and policy had helped to introduce. When the great Rebellion rose, which the State- rights and nullifying doctrines of Mr. John C. Cal- houn had inaugurated, President Tyler renounced his allegiance to the United States, and joined the Confed- erates. He was chosen a member of their Congress; and while engaged in active measures to deslroy, by force of arms, the Government over which he had once presided, he was taken sick and soon died. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ELEVENTH PRESIDENT. 59 AMES K. POLK, the eleventh President of the United States, was born in Mecklenburg Co., N. C., Nov. 2, 1795. His par- ents were Samuel and Jane (Knox) Polk, the former a son of Col. Thomas Polk, who located at the above place, as one of the first pioneers, in 1735. In the year 1006, with his wife and children, and soon after fol- lowed by most of the members of the Polk farnly, Samuel Polk emi- grated some two or three hundred miles farther west, to the rich valley of the Duck River. Here in the midst of the wilderness, in a region which was subsequently called Mau- ry Co., they reared their log huts, and established their homes. In the hard toil of a new farm in the wil- derness, James "K. Polk spent the early years of his childhood and youth. His father, adding the pur- suit of a surveyor to that of a farmer, gradually increased in wealth until he became one of the leading men of the region. His mother was a superior woman, of strong common sense and earnest piety. Very early in life, James developed a taste for reading and expressed the strongest desire to obtain a liberal education. His mother's training had made him methodical in his habits, had taught him punct- uality and industry, and had inspired him with lofty principles of morality. His health was frail ; and his father, fearing that he might not be able to endure a sedentary life, got a situation for him behind the counter, hoping to fit him for commercial pursuits. This was to James a bitter disappointment. He had no taste for these duties, and his daily tasks were irksome in the extreme. He remained in this uncongenial occupation but a few weeks, when at his earnest solicitation his father removed him, and made arrangements for him to prosecute his studies. Soon after he sent him to Murfreesboro Academy. With ardor which could scarcely be surpassed, he pressed forward in his studies, and in less than two and a half years, in the autumn of r8i5, entered the sophomore class in the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill. Here he was one of the most exemplary of scholars, punctual in every exercise, never allowing himself to be absent from a recitation or a religious service. He graduated in 1818, with the highest honors, be- ing deemed the best scholar of his class, both in mathematics and the classics. He was then twenty- three years of age. Mr. Folk's health was at this time much impaired by the assiduity with which he had prosecuted his studies. After a' short season of relaxation he went to Nashville, and entered the office of Felix Grundy, to study law. Here Mr. Polk renewed his acquaintance with Andrew Jackson, who resided on his plantation, the Hermitage, but a few miles from Nashville. They had probably been slightly acquainted before. Mr. Folk's father was a Jeffersonian Republican, and James K. Polk ever adhered to the same politi- cal faith. He was a popular public speaker, and was constantly called upon to address the meetings of his party friends. His skill as a speaker was such that he was popularly called the Napoleon of the stump. He was a man of unblemished morals, genial and So JAMES K. POLK. * \ courteous in his bearing, and with that sympathetic nature in the joys and griefs of others which ever gave him troops of friends. In 1823, Mr. Polk was elected to the Legislature of Tennessee. Here he gave his strong influence towards the election of his friend, Mr. Jackson, to the Presidency of the United States. In January, 1824, Mr. Polk married Miss Sarah Childress, of Rutherford Co., Tenn. His bride was altogether worthy of him, a lady of beauty and cul- ture. In the fall of 1825, Mr. Polk was chosen a member of Congress. The satisfaction which he gave to his constituents may be inferred from the fact, that for fourteen successive years, until 1839, he was con- tinued in that office. He then voluntarily withdrew, only that he might accept the Gubernatorial chair of Tennessee. In Congress he was a laborious member, a frequent and a popular speaker. He was always in his seat, always courteous ; and whenever he spoke it was always to the point, and without any ambitious rhetorical display. During five sessions of Congress, Mr. Polk was Speaker of the House. Strong passions were roused, and stormy scenes were witnessed ; but Mr. Polk per- formed his arduous duties to a very general satisfac- tion, and a unanimous vote of thanks to him was passed by the House as he withdrew on the 4th of March, 1839. In accordance with Southern usage, Mr. Polk, as a candidate for Governor, canvassed the State. He was elected by a large majority, and on the i4th of Octo- ber, 1839, took the oath of office at Nashville. In 1841, his term of office expired, and he was again the can- didate of the Democratic party, but was defeated. On the 4th of March, 1845, Mr. Polk was inaugur- ated President of the United States. The verdict of the country in favor of the annexation of Texas, exerted its influence upon Congress ; and the last act of the administration of President Tyler was to affix his sig- nature to a joint resolution of Congress, passed on the 3d of March, approving of the annexation of Texas to the American Union. As Mexico still claimed Texas as one of her provinces, the Mexican minister, Almonte, immediately demanded his passports and left the country, declaring the act of the annexation to be an act hostile to Mexico. In his first message, President Polk urged that Texas should immediately, by act of Congress, be re- ceived into the Union on the same footing with the other States. In the meantime, Gen. Taylor was sent with an army into Texas to hold the country. He was sent first to Nueces, which the Mexicans said was the western boundary of Texas. Then he was sent nearly two hundred miles further west, to the Rio Grande, where he erected batteries which commanded the Mexican city of Matamoras, which was situated on the western banks. The anticipated collision soon took place, and war was declared against Mexico by President Polk. The war was pushed forward by Mr. Polk's administration with great vigor. Gen. Taylor, whose army was first called one of "observation," then of "occupation," then of " invasion,."was sent forward to Monterey. The feeble Mexicans, in every encounter, were hopelessly and awfully slaughtered. The day of judgement alone can reveal the misery which this war caused. It was by the ingenuity of Mr. Polk's administration that the war was brought on. 'To the victors belong the spoils." Mexico was prostrate before us. Her capital was in our hands. We now consented to peace upon the condition that Mexico should surrender to us, in addition to Texas, all of New Mexico, and all of Upper and Lower Cal- ifornia. This new demand embraced, exclusive of Texas, eight hundred thousand square miles. This was an extent of territory equal to nine States of the size of New York. Thus slavery was securing eighteen majestic States to be added to the Union. There were some Americans who thought it all right : there were others who thought it all wrong. In the prosecution of this war, we expended twenty thousand lives and more than a hundred million of dollars. Of this money fifteen millions were paid to Mexico. On the 3d of March, 1849, Mr. Polk retired from office, having served one term. The next day was Sunday. On the 5th, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated as his successor. Mr. Polk rode to the Capitol in the same carriage with Gen. Taylor; and the same even- ing, with Mrs. Polk, he commenced his return to Tennessee. He was then but fifty-four years of age. He had ever been strictly temperate in all his habits, and his health was good. With an ample fortune, a choice library, a cultivated mind, and domestic ties of the dearest nature, it seemed as though long years of tranquility and happiness were before him. But the cholera that fearful scourge was then sweeping up the Valley of the Mississippi. This he contracted, and died on the i5th of June, 1849, in the fifty-fourth year of his age, greatly mourned by his countrymen. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS t r TWELFTH PRESIDENT. ACHARY TAYLOR, twelfth President of the United States, was born on the 24th of Nov., 1784, in Orange Co., Va. His father, Colonel Taylor, was a Virginian of note, and a dis- tinguished patriot and soldier of the Revolution. When Zachary was an infant, his father with his wife and two children, emigrated to Kentucky, where he settled in the pathless wilderness, a few miles from Louisville. In this front- ier home, away from civilization and all its refinements, young Zachary could enjoy but few social and educational advan- tages. When six years of age he attended a common school, and was then regarded as a bright, active boy, rather remarkable for bluntness and decision of char- acter He was strong, feailess and self-reliant, and manifested a strong desire to enter the army to fight the Indians who were ravaging the frontiers. There is little to be recorded of the uneventful years of his childhood on his father's large but lonely plantation. In iSoS, his father succeeded in obtaining for him the commission of lieutenant in the United States army ; and he joined the troops which were stationed at New Orleans under Gen. Wilkinson. Soon after this he married Miss Margaret Smith, a young lady from one of the first families of Maryland. Immediately after the declaration of war with Eng- land, iu 1812, Capt. Taylor (for he had then been promoted to that rank) was put in command of Fort Harrison, on the Wabash, about fifty miles above Vincennes. This fort had been built in the wilder- ness by Gen. Harrison, on his march to Tippecanoe. It was one of the first points of attack by the Indians, jed by Tecumseh. Its garrison consisted of a broken company of infantry numbering fifty men, many of whom were sick. Early in the autumn of i8r2, the Indians, stealthily, and in large numbers, moved upon the fort. Their approach was first indicated by the murder of two soldiers just outside of the stockade. Capt. Taylor made every possible preparation to meet the antici- pated assault. On the 4th of September, a band of forty painted and plumed savages came to the fort, waving a white flag, and informed Capt. Taylor that in the morning their chief would come to have a talk with him. It was evident that their object was merely to ascertain the state of things at the fort, and Capt. Taylor, well versed in the wiles of the savages, kept them at a distance. The sun went down; the savages disappeared, the garrison slept upon their arms. One hour before midnight the war-whoop burst from a thousand lips in the forest around, followed by the discharge of musketry, and the rush of the foe. Every man, sick and well, sprang to his post. Every man knew that defeat was not merely death, but in the case of cap- ture, death by the most agonizing and prolonged tor- ture. No pen can describe, no immagination can conceive the scenes which ensued. The savages suc- ceeded in setting fire to one of the block-houses- Until six o'clock in the morning, this awful conflict continued. The savages then, baffled at every point, and gnashing their teeth with rage, retired. Capt. Taylor, for this gallant defence, was promoted to the rank of major by brevet. Until the close of the war, Major Taylor was placed in such situations that he saw but little more of active service. He was sent far away into the depths of the wilderness, to Fort Crawford, on Fox River, which empties into Green Bay. Here there was but little to be done but to wear away the tedious hours as one best could. There were no books, no society, no in- ZACHARY TAYLOR. tellectual stimulus. Thus with him the uneventful years rolled on Gradually he rose to the rank of colonel. In the Black -Hawk war, which resulted in the capture of that renowned chieftain, Col Taylor took a subordinate but a brave and efficient part. For twenty -four years Col. Taylor was engaged in the defence of the frontiers, in scenes so remote, and in employments so obscure, that his name was unknown beyond the limits of his own immediate acquaintance. In the year 1836, he was sent to Florida to compel the Seminole Indians to vacate that region and re- tire beyond the Mississippi, as their chiefs by treaty, had promised they should do. The services rendered here secured for Col. Taylor the high appreciation of the Government; and as a reward, he was elevated to the rank of brigadier-general by brevet ; and soon after, in May, 1838, was appointed to the chief com- mand of the United States troops in Florida. After two years of such wearisome employment amidst the everglades of the peninsula, Gen. Taylor obtained, at his own request, a change of command, and was stationed over the Department of the South- west. This field embraced Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Establishing his headquarters at Fort Jessup, in Louisiana, he removed his family to a plantation which he purchased, near Baton Rogue. Here he remained for five years, buried, as it were, from the world, but faithfully discharging every duty imposed upon him. In 1846, Gen. Taylor was sent to guard the land between the Nueces and Rio Grande, the latter river being the boundary of Texas, which was then claimed by the United States. Soon the war with Mexico was brought on, and at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Gen. Taylor won brilliant victories over the Mexicans. The rank of major-general by brevet was then conferred upon Gen. Taylor, and his name was received with enthusiasm almost everywhere in the Nation. Then came the battles of Monterey and Buena Vista in which he won signal victories over forces much larger than he commanded. His careless habits of dress and his unaffected simplicity, secured for Gen. Taylor among his troops, the sobriquet of " Old Rough and Ready.' The tidings of the brilliant victory of Buena Vista spread the wildest enthusiasm over the country. The name of Gen. Taylor was on every one's lips. The Whig party decided to take advantage of this wonder- ful popularity in bringing forward the unpolished, un- lettered, honest soldier as their candidate for the Presidency. Gen. Taylor was astonished at the an- nouncement, and for a time would not listen toil; de- claring that he was not at all qualified for such an office. So little interest had he taken in politics that, for forty years, he had not cast a vote. It was not without chagrin that several distinguished statesmen who had been long years in the public service found their claims set aside in behalf of one whose name had never been heard of, save in connection with Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista. It is said that Daniel Webster, in his haste re- marked, " It is a nomination not fit to be made." Gen. Taylor was not an eloquent speaker nor a fine writer. His friends took possession of him, and pre- pared such few communications as it was needful should be presented to the public. The popularity of the successful warrior swept the land. He was tri- umphantly elected over two opposing candidates, Gen. Cass and Ex-President Martin Van Buren. Though he selected an excellent cabinet, the good old man found himself in a very uncongenial position, and was, at times, sorely perplexed and harassed. His mental sufferings were very severe, and probably tended to hasten his death. The pro-slavery party was pushing its claims with tireless energy , expedi- tions were fitting out to capture Cuba ; California was pleading for admission to the Union, while slavery stood at the door to bar her out. Gen. Taylor found the political conflicts in Washington to be far more trying to the nerves than battles with Mexicans or Indians. In the midst of all these troubles, Gen. Taylor, after he had occupied the Presidential chair but little over a year, topk cold, and after a brief sickness of but little over five days, died on the 9lh of July, 1850. His last words were, "I am not afraid to die. I am ready. I have endeavored to do my duty." He died universally respected and beloved. An honest, un- pretending man, he had been steadily growing in the affections of the people ; and the Nation bitterly la- mented his death. Gen. Scott, who was thoroughly acquainted with Gen. Taylor, gave the following graphic and truthful description of his character: " With a good store of common sense, Gen. Taylor's mind had not been en- larged and refreshed by reading, or much converse with the world. Rigidity of ideas was the conse- quence. The frontiers and small military posts had been his home. Hence he was quite ignorant for his rank, and quite bigoted in his ignorance. His sim- plicity was child-like, and with innumerable preju- dices, amusing and incorrigible, well suited to the tender age. Thus, if a man, however respectable, chanced to wear a coat of an unusual color, or his hat a little on one side of his head; or an officer to leave a corner of his handkerchief dangling from an out- side pocket, in any such case, this critic held the offender to be a coxcomb (perhaps something worse), whom he would not, to use his oft repeated phrase, 'touch with a pair of tongs.' "Any allusion to literature beyond good old Dil- worth's spelling-book, on the part of one wearing a sword, was evidence, with the same judge, of utter unfitness for heavy marchings and combats. In short, few men have ever had a more comfortable, labor- saving contempt for learning of every kind," LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS t THIRTEENTH PRESIDENT. 6 7 ILLARD FILLMORE, thir- teenth President of the United States, was born at Summer Hill, Cayuga Co., N. Y ., on the yth of January, 1800. His father was a farmer, and ow- ing to misfortune, in humble cir- cumstances. Of his mother, the daughter of Dr. Abiathar Millard, of Pittsfield, Mass., it has been said that she possessed an intellect - of very high order, united with much personal loveliness, sweetness of dis- position, graceful manners and ex- quisite sensibilities. She died in 1831 ; having lived to see her son a young man of distinguished prom- ise, though she was not permitted to witness the high dignity which he finally attained. In consequence of the secluded home and limited means of his father, Millard enjoyed but slender ad- vantages for education in his early years. The com- mon schools, which he occasionally attended were very imperfect institutions; and books were scarce and expensive. There was nothing then in his char- acter to indicate the brilliant career upon which he was about to enter. He was a plain farmer's boy ; intelligent, good-looking, kind-hearted. The sacred influences of home had taught him to revere the Bible, and had laid the foundations of an upright character. When fourteen years of age, his father sent him some hundred miles from home, to the then wilds of Livingston County, to learn the trade of a clothier. Near the mill there was a small villiage, where some enterprising man had commenced the collection of a village library. This proved an inestimable blessing to young Fillmore. His evenings were spent in read- ing. Soon every leisure moment was occupied with books. His thirst for knowledge became insatiate; and the selections which he made were continually more elevating and instructive. He read historyi biography, oratory, and thus gradually there was en- kindled in his heart a desire to be something more than a mere worker with his hands; and he was be- coming, almost unknown to himself, a well-informed, educated man. The young clothier had now attained the age of nineteen years, and was of fine personal appearance and of gentlemanly demeanor. It so happened that there was a gentleman in the neighborhood of ample pecuniary means and of benevolence, Judge Walter Wood, who was struck with the prepossessing ap- pearance of young Fillmore. He made his acquaint- ance, and was so much impressed with his ability and attainments that he advised him to abandon his trade and devote himself to the study of the law. The young man replied, that he had no means of his own, no friends to help him and that his previous educa- tion had been very imperfect. But Judge Wood had so much confidence in him that he kindly offered to take him into his own office, and to loan him such money as he needed. Most gratefully the generous offer was accepted. There is in many minds a strange delusion about a collegiate education. A young man is supposed to be liberally educated if he has graduated at some col- lege. But many a boy loiters through university halls and then enters a law office, who is by no means as 68 MILLARD FILLMORE. well prepared to prosecute his legal studies as was Millard Fillmore when he graduated at the clothing- mill at the end of four years of manual labor, during which every leisure moment had been devoted to in- tense mental culture. In 1823, when twenty-three years of age, he was admitted to the Court of Common Pleas. He then went to the village of Aurora, and commenced the practice of law. In this secluded, peaceful region, his practice of course was limited, and there was no opportunity for a sudden rise in foitune or in fame. Here, in the year 1826, he married a lady of great moral worth, and one capable of adorning any station she might be called to fill, Miss Abigail Powers. His elevation of character, his untiring industry, his legal acquirements, and his skill as an advocate, gradually attracted attention ; and he was invited to enter into partnership under highly advantageous circumstances, with an elder member of the bar in Buffalo. Just before removing to Buffalo, in 1829, he took his seat in the House of Assembly, of the State of New York, as a representative from Erie County. Though he had never taken a very active part in politics, his vote and his sympathies were with the Whig party. The State was then Democratic, and he found himself in a helpless minority in the Legislature , still the testimony comes from all parties, that his courtesy, ability and integrity, won, to a very unusual degn e the respect of his associates. In the autumn of 1832, he was elected to a seat in the United States Congress He entered that troubled arena in some of the most tumultuous hours of our national history. The great conflict respecting the national bank and the removal of the deposits, was then raging. His term of two years closed ; and he returned to his profession, which he pursued with increasing rep- utation and success. After a lapse of two years he again became a candidate for Congress ; was re- elected, and took his seat in 1837. His past expe- rience as a representative gave him strength and confidence. The first term of service in Congress to any man can be but little more than an introduction. He was now prepared for active duty. All his ener- gies were brought to bear upon the public good. Every measure received his impress. Mr. Fillmore was now a man of wide repute, and his popularity filled the State, and in the year 1847, he was elected Comptroller of the State. Mr. Fillmore had attained the age of forty-seven years. His labors at the bar, in the Legislature, in Congress and as Comptroller, had given him very con- siderable fame. The Whigs were casting about to find suitable candidates for President and Vice-Presi- dent at the approaching election. Far away, on the waters of the Rio Grande, there was a rough old soldier, who had fought one or two successful battles with the Mexicans, which had caused his name to be proclaimed in trumpet-tones all over the land. But it was necessary to associate with him on the same ticket some man of reputation as a statesman. Under the influence of these considerations, the namesof Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore became the rallying-cry of the Whigs, as their candidates for President and Vice-Peesident. The Whig ticket was signally triumphant. On the 4th of March, 1849, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated President, and Millard Fillmore Vice-President, of the United States. On the pth of July, 1850, President Taylor, but about one year and four months after his inaugura- tion, was suddenly taken sick and died. By the Con- stitution, Vice-President Fillmore thus became Presi- dent. He appointed a very able cabinet, of which the illustrious Daniel Webster was Secretary of State. Mr. Fillniore had very serious difficulties to contend with, since the 'opposition had a majority in both Houses. He did everything in his power to conciliate the South ; but the pro-slavery party in the South felt the inadequacyof all measuresof transient conciliation. The population of the free States was so rapidly in- creasing over that of the slave States that it was in- evitable that the power of the Government should soon pass into the hands of the free States. The famous compromise measures were adopted under Mr. Fillmcre's adminstration, and the Japan Expedition was sent out. On the 4th of March, 1853, Mr. Fill- more, having served one term, retired. In r856, Mr. Fillmore was nominated for the Pres- idency by the " Know Nothing " party, but was beaten by Mr. Buchanan. After that Mr. Fillmore lived in retirement. During the terrible conflict of civil war, he was mostly silent. It was generally supposed that his sympathies were rather with those who were en- deavoring to overthrow our institutions. President Fillmore kept aloof from the conflict, without any cordial words of cheer to the one party or the other. He was thus forgotten by both. He lived to a ripe old age, and died in Buffalo. N. Y., March 8, 1874. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS t. t FOURTEENTH PRESIDENT, s-pc 4>4&4&&Mg&yhiMh&&&dH!^^ft*&i4yy^|*^ I RANKLIN PIERCE, the fourteenth President of the United States, was born in Hillsborough, N. H., Nov. 23, 1804. His father was a Revolutionary soldier, who, with his own strong arm, hewed out a home in the wilderness. He was a man of inflexible integrity; of strong, though uncultivated mind, and an uncompromis- ing Democrat. The mother of Franklin Pierce was all that a son could desire, an intelligent, pru- dent, affectionate, Christian wom- an. Franklin was the sixth of eight children. Franklin was a very bright and handsome boy, gen- erous, warm-hearted and brave. He won alike the love of old and young. The boys on the play ground loved him. His teachers loved him. The neighbors looked upon him with pride and affection. He was by instinct a gentleman; always speaking kind words, doing kind deeds, with a peculiar unstudied tact which taught him what was agreeable. Without de- veloping any precocity of genius, or any unnatural devotion to books, he was a good scholar ; in body, in mind, in affections, a finely-developed boy. When sixteen years of age, in the year 1820, he entered Bowdoin College, at Brunswick, Me. He was one of the most popular young men in the college. The purity of his moral character, the unvarying courtesy of his demeanor, his rank as a scholar, and genial nature, rendered him a universal favorite. There was something very peculiarly winning in his address, and it was evidently not in the slightest de- gree studied : it was the simple outgushing of his own magnanimous and loving nature. Upon graduating, in the year 1824, Franklin Pierce commenced the study of law in the office of Judge Woodbury, one of the most distinguished lawyers of the State, and a man of great private worth. The eminent social qualities of the young lawyer, his father's prominence as a public man, and the brilliant political career into which Judge Woodbury was en- tering, all tended to entice Mr. Pierce into the faci- nating yet perilous path of political life. With all the ardor of his nature he espoused the cause of Gen. Jackson for the Presidency. He commenced the practice of law in Hillsborough, and was soon elected to represent the town in the State Legislature. Here he served for four yeais. The last two years he was chosen speaker of the house by a very large vote. In 1833, at the age of twenty-nine, he was elected a member of Congress. Without taking an active part in debates, he was faithful and laborious in duty, and ever rising in the estimation of those with whom he was associatad. In 1837, being then but thirty-three years of age, he was elected to the Senate of the United States; taking his seat just as Mr. Van Buren commenced his administration. He was the youngest member in the Senate. In the year 1834, he married Miss Jane Means Appleton, a lady of rare beauty and accom- plishments, and one admirably fitted to adorn every station with which her husband was honoted. Of the I FRANKLIN PIERCE. three sons who were bom to them, all now sleep with their parents in the grave. In the year 1838, Mr. Pierce, with growing fame and increasing business as a lawyer, took up his residence in Concord, the capital of New Hampshire. President Polk, upon his accession to office, appointed Mr. Pierce attorney-general of the United States; but the offer was declined, in consequence of numerous professional engagements at home, and the precariuos state of Mrs. Pierce's health. He also, about the same time declined the nomination for governor by the Democratic party. The war with Mexico called Mr. Pierce in the army. Receiving the appointment of brigadier-general, he embarked, with a portion of his troops, at Newport, R. I., on the 27th of May, 1847. He took an imjwrtant part in this war, proving him- self a brave and true soldier. When Gen. Pierce reached his home in his native State, he was received enthusiastically by the advo- cates of the Mexican war, and coldly by his oppo- nents. He resumed the practice of his profession, very frequently taking an active part in political ques- tions, giving his cordial support to the pro-slavery wing of the Democratic party. The compromise measures met cordially with his approval ; and he strenuously advocated the enforcement of the infa- mous fugitive-slave law, which so shocked the religious sensibilities of the North. He thus became distin- guished as a " Northern man with Southern principles.'' The strong partisans of slavery in the South conse- quently regarded him as a man whom they could safely trust in office to carry out their plans. On the 1 2th of June, 1852, the Democratic conven- tion met in Baltimore to nominate a candidate for the Presidency. For four days they continued in session, and in thirty-five ballotings no one had obtained a two-thirds vote. Not a vote thus far had been thrown for Gen. Pierce. Then the Virginia delegation brought forward his name. There were fourteen more ballotings, during which Gen. Pierce constantly gained strength, until, at the forty-ninth ballot, he received two hundred and eighty-two votes, and all other candidates eleven. Gen. Winfield Scott was the Whig candidate. Gen. Pierce was chosen with great unanimity. Only four States Vermont, Mas- sachusetts, Kentucky and Tennessee cast their electoral votes against him Gen. Franklin Pierce was therefore inaugurated President of the United States on the 4th of March, 1853. His administration proved one of the most stormy our country had ever experienced. The controversy be- tween slavery and freedom was. then approaching its culminating point. It became evident that there was an "irrepressible conflict" between them, and that this Nation could not long exist " half slave and half free." President Pierce, during the whole of his ad- ministration, did every thing he could to conciliate the South ; but it was all in vain. The conflict every year grew more violent, and threats of the dissolution of the Union were borne to the North on every South- ern breeze. Such was the condition of affairs when President Pierce approached the close of his four-years 1 term of office. The North had become thoroughly alien- ated from him. The anti-slavery sentiment, goaded by great outrages, had been rapidly increasing; all the intellectual ability and social worth of President Pierce were forgotten in deep reprehension of his ad- ministrative acts. The slaveholders of the South, also, unmindful of the fidelity with which he had advo- cated those measures of Government which they ap- proved, and perhaps, also, feeling that he had rendered himself so unpopular as no longer to be able acceptably to serve them, ungratefully dropped him, and nominated James Buchanan to succeed him. On the 4th of March, 1857, President Pierce re- tired to his home in Concord. Of three children, two had died, and his only surviving child had been killed before his eyes by a railroad accident ; and his wife, one of the most estimable and accomplished of ladies, was rapidly sinking in consumption. The hour of dreadful gloom soon came, and he was left alone in the world, without wife or child. When the terrible Rebellion burst forth, which di- vided our country into two parties, and two only, Mr. Pierce remained steadfast in the principles which he had always cherished, and gave his sympathies to that pro-slavery party with which he had ever been allied. He declined to do anything, either by voice or pen, to strengthen the hand of the National Gov- ernment. He continued to reside in Concord until the time of his death, which occurred in October, 1869. He was one of the most genial and social of men, an honored communicant of the Episcopal Church, and one of the kindest of neighbors. Gen- erous to a fault, he contributed liberally for the al- leviation of suffering and want, and many of his towns- people were often gladened by his material bounty. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS flFTEENTH PRESIDENT* I AMES BUCHANAN, the fif- teenth President of the United States, was born in a small frontier town, at the foot of the eastern ridge of the Allegha- nies, in Franklin Co., Penn., on the 23d of April, 1791. The place where the humble cabin of his father stood was called Stony Batter. It was a. wild and ro- mantic spot in a gorge of the moun- tains, with towering summits rising grandly all around. His father was a native of the north of Ireland ; a poor man, who had emigrated in 1783, with little property save his own strong arms. Five years afterwards he married Elizabeth Spear, the daughter of a respectable farmer, and, with his young bride, plunged into the wilder- ness, staked his claim, reared his log-hut, opened a clearing with his axe, and settled down there to per- form his obscure part in the drama of life. In this se- cluded home, where James was born, he remained for eight years, enjoying but few social or intellectual advantages. When James was eight years of age, his father removed to the village of Mercersburg, where his son was placed at school, and commenced a course of study in English, Latin and Greek. His progress was rapid, and at the age of fourteen, he entered Dickinson College, at Carlisle. Here he de- veloped remarkable talent, and took his stand among the first scholars in the institution. His application to study was intense, and yet his native powers en- abled him to master the most abstruse subjects with facility. In the year 1809, he graduated with the highest honors of his class. He was then eighteen years of age; tall and graceful, vigorous in health, fond of athletic sport, an unerring shot, and enlivened with an exuberant flow of animal spirits. He immediately commenced the study of law in the city of Lancaster, and was admitted to the bar in 1812, when he was but twenty-one years of age. Very rapidly he rose in his profession, and at once took undisputed stand with the ablest lawyers of the State. When but twenty-six years of age, unaided by counsel, he suc- cessfully defended before the State Senate one of the judges of the State, who was tried upon articles of impeachment. At the age of thirty it was generally admitted that he stood at the head of the bar ; and there was no lawyer in the State who had a more lu- crative practice. In 1820, he reluctantly consented to run as a candidate for Congress. He was ' elected, and for ten years he remained a member of the Lower House, During the vacations of Congress, he occasionally tried some important case. In 1831, he retired altogether from the toils of his profession, having aO. quired an ample fortune. Gen. Jackson, upon his elevation to the Presidency, appointed Mr. Buchanan minister to Russia. The duties of his mission he performed with ability, which gave satisfaction to all parties. Upon his return, in 1833, he was elected to a seat in the United States Senate. He there met, as his associates, Webster, Clay, Wright and Calhoun. He advocated the meas- ures proposed by President Jackson, of making repri- 76 JAMES BUCHANAN. sals against France, to enforce the payment of our claims against that country ; and defended the course of the President in his unprecedented and wholesale removal from office of those who were not the sup- porters of his administration. Upon this question he was brought into direct collision with Henry Clay. He also, with voice and vote, advocated expunging from the journal of the Senate the vote of censure against (Jen. Jackson for removing the deposits. Earnestly he opposed the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and urged the prohibition of the circulation of anti-slavery documents by the United States mails. As to petitions on the subject of slavery, he advo- cated that they should be respectfully received; and that the reply should be returned, that Congress had no power to legislate upon the subject. " Congress," said he, " might as well undertake to interfere with slavery under a foreign government as in any of the States where it now exists." Upon Mr. Folk's accession to the Presidency, Mr. Buchanan became Secretary of State, and as such, took his share of the responsibility in the conduct of the Mexican War. Mr. Polk assumed that crossing the Nueces by the American troops into the disputed territory was not wrong, but for the Mexicans to cross the Rio Grande into that territory was a declaration of war. No candid man can read with pleasure the account of the course our Government pursued in that movement Mr. Buchanan identified himself thoroughly with the party devoted to the perpetuation and extension of slavery, and brought all the energies of his mind to bear against the Wilmot Proviso. He gave his cordial approval to the compromise measures of 1050, which included the fugitive -slave law. Mr. Pierce, upon his election to the Presidency, honored Mr. Buchanan with the mission to England. In the year 1856, a national Democratic conven- tion nominated Mr. Buchanan for the Presidency. The political conflict was one of the most severe in which our country has ever engaged. All the friends of slavery were on one side; all the advocates of its re- striction and final abolition, on the other. Mr. Fre- mont, the candidate of the enemies of slavery, re- r.eived 114 electoral votes. Mr. Buchanan received 174, and was elected. The popular vote stood 1,340,618, for Fremont, 1,224,750 for Buchanan. On March 4th, 1857, Mr. Buchanan was inaugurated. Mr. Buchanan was far advanced in life. Only four years were wanting to fill up his threescore years and ten. His own friends, those with whom he had been allied in political principles and action for years, were seeking the destruction of the Government, that they might rear upon the ruins of our free institutions a nation whose corner-stone should be human slavery. In this emergency, Mr. Buchanan was hopelessly be- wildered He could not, with his long-avowed prin- ciples, consistently oppose the State-rights party in their assumptions. As President of the United States, bound by his oath faithfully to administer the laws, he could not, without perjury of the grossest kind, unite with those endeavoring to overthrow the repub- lic. He therefore did nothing. The opponents of Mr. Buchanan's administration nominated Abraham Lincoln as their standard bearer in the next Presidential canvass. The pro-slavery party declared, that if he were elected, and the con- trol of the Government were thus taken from their hands, they would secede from the Union, taking with them, as they retired, the National Capitol at Washington, and the lion's share of the territory of the United States. Mr. Buchanan's sympathy with the pro-slavery party was such, that he had been willing to offer them far more than they had ventured to claim. All the South had professed to ask of the North was non- intervention upon the subject of slavery. Mr. Bu- chanan had been ready to offer them the active co- operation of the Government to defend and extend the institution. As the storm increased in violence, the slaveholders claiming the right to secede, and Mr. Buchanan avow- ing that Congress 'had no power to prevent it, one of the most pitiable exhibitions of governmental im- becility was exhibited the world has ever seen. He declared that Congress had no power to enforce its laws in any State which had withdrawn, or which was attempting to withdraw from the Union. This was not the doctrine of Andrew Jackson, when, with his hand upon his sword hilt, he exclaimed, "The Union must and shall be preserved ! " South Carolina seceded in December, 1860; nearly three months before the inauguration of President Lincoln. Mr. Buchanan looked on in listless despair. The rebel flag was raised in Charleston; Fort Sumpter was besieged ; our forts, navy-yards and arsenals were seized; our depots of military stores were plun- dered ; and our custom-houses and post-offices were appropriated by the rebels. The energy of the rebels, and the imbecility of our Executive, were alike marvelous. The Nation looked on in agony, waiting for the slow weeks to glide away, and close the administration, so terrible in its weak- ness At length the long-looked-for hour of deliver- ance came, when Abraham Lincoln was to receive the scepter. The administration of President Buchanan was certainly the most calamitous our country has ex- perienced. His best friends cannot recall it with pleasure. And still more deplorable it is for his fame, that in that dreadful conflict which rolled its billows of flame and blood over our whole land, no word came from his lips to indicate his wish that our country's banner should triumph over the flag of the rebellion. He died at his Wheatland retreat, June i, 1868. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1 1 SIXTEENTH PRESIDENT. BRAHAM LINCOLN, the sixteenth President of the % United States, was born in Hardin Co., Ky., Feb. 12, ft 1809. About the year 1780, a man by the name of Abraham Lincoln left Virginia with his family and moved into the then wilds of Kentucky. Only two years after this emigration, still a young man, while working one day in a field, was stealthily approached by an Indian and shot dead. His widow was left in extreme poverty with five little children, three boys and two girls. Thomas, the youngest of the boys, was four years of age at his father's death. This Thomas was the father of Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States whose name must henceforth forever be enrolled with the most prominent in the annals of our world. Of course no record has been kept of the life of one so lowly as Thomas Lincoln. He was among the poorest of the poor. His home was a wretched log -cabin; his food the coarsest and the meanest. Education he had none ; he could never either read or write. As soon as he was able to do anything for himself, he was compelled to leave the cabin of his starving mother, and push out into the world, a friend- loss, wandering boy, seeking work. He hired him- self out, and thus spent the whole of his youth as a laborer in the fields of others. When twenty-eight years of age he bull! a log- cabin of his own, and married Nancy Hanks, the daughter of another family of poor Kentucky emi- grants, who had also come from Virginia. Their second child was Abraham Lincoln, the subject of this sketch. The mother of Abraham was a noble woman, gentle, loving, pensive, created to adorn a palace, doomed to toil and pine, and die in a hovel. " All that I am, or hope to be," exclaims the grate- ful son " I owe to my angel-mother. When he was eight years of age, his father sold his cabin and small farm, and moved to Indiana. Where two years later his mother died. Abraham soon became the scribe of the uneducated community around him. He could not have had a better school than this to teach him to put thoughts into words. He also became an eager reader. The books he could obtain were few ; but these he read and re-read until they were almost committed to memory. As the years rolled on, the lot of this lowly family was the usual lot of humanity. There were joys and griefs, weddings and funerals. Abraham's sister Sarah, to whom he was tenderly attached, was mar- ried when a child of but fourteen years of age, and soon died. The family was gradually scattered. Mr, Thomas Lincoln sold out his squatter's claim in 1830, and emigrated to Macon Co., 111. Abraham Lincoln was then twenty-one years of age. With vigorous hands he aided his father in rearing another log-cabin. Abraham worked diligently at this until he saw the family comfortably settled, and their small lot of enclosed prairie planted with corn, when he announced to his father his intention to leave home, and to go out into the world and seek his for- tune. Little did he or his friends imagine how bril- liant that fortune was to be. He saw the value of education, and was intensely earnest to improve his mind to the utmost of his power. He saw the ruin which aident spirits were causing, and became strictly temperate; refusing to allow a drop of intoxi- cating liquor to pass his lips. And he had read in God's word, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ;" and a profane expression he was never heard to utter. Religion he revered. His morals were pure, and he was uncontaminated by a single vice. Young Abraham worked for a time as a hired laborer among the farmers. Then he went to Springfield, where he was employed in building a large flat-boat. In this he took a herd of swine, floated them down the Sangamon to the Illinois, and thence by the Mis- sissippi to New Orleans. Whatever Abraham Lin- coln undertook, he performed so faithfully as to give great satisfaction to his employers. In this adven- f So ABRAHAM LINCOLN. ture his employers were so well pleased, that upon his return they placed a store and mill under his care. In 1832, at the outbreak of the Black Hawk war, he enlisted and was chosen captain of a company. He returned to Sangamon County, and although only 23 years of age, was a candidate for the Legislature, but was defeated. He soon after received from Andrew Jackson the appointment of Postmaster of New Salem, His only post-office was his hat. All the letters he received he carried there ready to deliver to those he chanced to meet. He studied surveying, and soon made this his business. In 1834 he again became a candidate for the Legislature, and was elected. Mr. Stuart, of Springfield, advised him to study law. He walked from New Salem to Springfield, borrowed of Mr. Stuart a load of books, carried them back and began his legal studies. When the Legislature as- sembled he trudged on foot with his pack on his back one hundred miles to Vandalia, then the capital. In 1836 he was re-elected to the Legislature. Here it was he first met Stephen A. Douglas. In 1839 he re- moved to Springfield and began the practice of law. His success with the jury was so great that he was soon engaged in almost every noted case in the circuit. In 1854 the great discussion began between Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Douglas, on the slavery question. In the organization of the Republican party in Illinois, in 1856, he took an active part, and at once became one of the leaders in that party. Mr. Lincoln's speeches in opposition to Senator Douglas in the con- test in 1858 for a seat in the Senate, form a most notable part of his history. The issue was on the slavery question, and he took the broad ground of the Declaration of Independence, that all men are created equal. Mr. Lincoln was defeated in this con- test, but won a far higher prize. The great Republican Convention met at Chicago on the i6th of June, 1860. The delegates and strangers who crowded the city amounted to twenty- five thousand. An immense building called "The Wigwam," was reared to accommodate the Conven- tion. There were eleven candidates for whom votes were thrown. William H. Seward, a man whose fame as a statesman had long filled the land, was the most prominent. It was generally supposed he would be the nominee. Abraham Lincoln, however, received the nomination on the third ballot. Little did he then dream of the weary years of toil and care, and the bloody death, to which that nomination doomed him : and as little did he dream that he was to render services to his country, which would fix upon him the eyes of the whole civilized world, and which would give him a place in the affections of his countrymen, second only, if second, to that of Washington. Election day came and Mr. Lincoln received 180 electoral votes out of 203 cast, and was, therefore, constitutionally elected'President of the United States. The tirade of abuse that vas poured upon this good and merciful mar.,' especially by the slaveholders, was greater than upon any other man ever elected to this high position. In February, 1861, Mr. Lincoln started for Washington, stopping in all the large cities on his way making speeches. The whole journey was fraught with much danger. Many of the Southern States had already seceded, and several attempts at assassination were afterwards brought to light. A gang in Balti- more had arranged, upon his arrival to" get up a row," and in the confusion to make sure of his death with revolvers and hand-grenades. A detective unravelled the plot. A secret and special train was provided to take him from HarrisL-urg, through Baltimore, at an unexpected hour of the night. The train started at half-past ten ; and to prevent ahy possible communi- cation on the part ot the Secessionists with their Con- federate gang in Baltimore, as soon as the train had started the telegraph-wires were cut. Mr. Lincoln reached Washington in safety and was inaugurated, although great anxiety was felt by all loyal people. In the selection of his cabinet Mr. Lincoln gave to Mr. Seward the Department of State, and to other prominent opponents before the convention he gave important positions. During no oilier administration have the duties devolving upon the President been so manifold, and the responsibilities so great, as those which fell to the lot of President Lincoln. Knowing this, and feeling his own weakness and inability to meet, and in his own strength to cope with, the difficulties, he learned early to seek Divine wisdom and guidance in determining his plans, and Divine comfort in all his trials, both personal and national Contrary to his own estimate of himself, Mr. Lincoln was one of the most courageous of men. He went directly into the rebel capital just as the retreating foe was leaving, with no guard but a few sailors. From the time he had left Springfield, in 1861, however, plans had been made for his assassination, and he at last fell a victim to one of them. April 14, 1865, he, with Gen. Grant, was urgently invited to attend Fords' Theater. It was announced that they would Le present. Gen. Grant, however, left the city. President Lincoln, feel- ing, witn his characteristic kindliness of heart, that it would be a disappointment if lie should fail them, very reluctantly consented to go. While listening to the play an actor by the name of John Wilkes Booth entered the box where the President and family 'were seated, and fired a bullet into his brains. He died the next morning at seven o'clock. Never before, in the history of the world was a nation plunged into such deep grief by the death of its ruler. Strong men met in the streets and wept in speechless anguish. It is not too much to say that a nation was in tears. His was a life which will fitly become a model. His name as the savior of his country will live with that of Washington's, ils father; his country- men being unable to decide which is the greater. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS * SEVENTEENTH PRESIDENT. NDREW JOHNSON, seven- teenth President of the United States. The early life of Andrew Johnson contains but the record of poverty, destitu- tion and friendlessness. He 7 was bom December 29, 1808, in Raleigh, N. C. His parents, belonging to the class of the "poor whites " of the South, were in such circumstances, that they could not confer even the slight- o cst advantages of education upon their child. When Andrew was five years of age, his father accidentally lost his life while herorically endeavoring to save a friend from drowning. Until ten years of age, Andrew was a ragged boy about the streets, supported by the labor of his mother, who obtained her living with her own hands. He then, having never attended a school one day, and being unable either to read or write, was ap- prenticed to a tailor in his native town. A gentleman was in the habit of going to the tailor's shop occasion- ally, and reading to the boys at work there. He often read from the speeches of distinguished British states- men. Andrew, who was endowed with a mind of more than ordinary native ability, became much interested in these speeches ; his ambition was roused, and he was inspired with a strong desire to learn to read. He accordingly applied himself to the alphabet, and with the assistance of some of his fellow- workmen, learned his letters. He then called upon the gentle- man to borrow the book of speeches. The owner, pleased with his zeal, not only gave him the book, but assisted him in learning to combine the letters into words. Under such difficulties he pressed on- ward laboriously, spending usually ten or twelve hours at work in the shop, and then robbing himself of rest and recreation to devote such time as he could to reading. He went to Tennessee in 1826, and located at Greenville, where he married a young lady who pos- sessed some education. Under her instructions he learned to write and cipher. He became prominent in the village debating society, and a favorite with the students of Greenville College. In 1828, he or- ganized a working man's party, which elected him alderman, and in 1830 elected him mayor, which position he held three years. He now began to take a lively interest in political affairs ; identifying himself with the working-classes, to which he belonged. In 1835, he was elected a member of the House of Representatives of Tennes- see. He was then just twenty-seven years of age. He became a very active member of the legislature, gave his adhesion to the Democratic party, and in 1840 "stumped the State," advocating Martin Van Buren's claims to the Presidency, in opposition to those of Gen. Harrison. In this campaign he acquired much readiness as a speaker, and extended and increased his reputation. In 1841, he was elected State Senator; in 1843, he was elected a member of Congress, and by successive elections, held that important post for ten years. In 1853, he was elected Governor of Tennessee, and was re-elected in 1855. In all these res]K>nsible posi- tions, he discharged his duties with distinguished abiK ANDREW JOHNSON. I ity, and proved himself the warm friend of the work- ing classes. In 1857, Mr. Johnson was elected United States Senator. Years before, in 1845, he had warmly advocated the annexation of Texas, stating however, as his reason, that he thought this annexation would prob- ably prove " to be the gateway out of which the sable sons of Africa are to pass from bondage to freedom, and become merged in a population congenial to themselves." In 1850, he also supported the com- promise measures, the two essential features of which were, that the white people of the Territories should be permitted to decide for themselves whether they would enslave the colored people or not, and that the free States of the North should return to the South persons who attempted to escape from slavery. Mr. Johnson was never ashamed of his lowly origin: on the contrary, he often took pride in avowing that he owed his distinction to his own exertions. "Sir,"' said he 0:1 the floor of the Senate, " I do not forget that I am a mechanic ; neither do I forget that Adam was a tailor and sewed fig leaves, and that our Sav- ior was the son of a carpenter." In the Charleston- Baltimore convention of 1860, he ffa.s the choice of the Tennessee Democrats for the Presidency. In 1861, when the purpose of the South- ern Democracy became apparent, he took a decided stand in favor of the Union, and held that " slavery roust be held subordinate to the Union at whatever cost." He returned to Tennessee, and repeatedly imperiled his own life to protect the Unionists of Tennesee. Tennessee having seceded from the Union, President Lincoln, on March 4th, 1862, ap- pointed him Military Governor of the State, and he established the most stringent military rale. His numerous proclamations attracted wide attention. In 1864, he was elected Vice-President of the United States, and upon the death of Mr. Lincoln, April 15, 1865, became President. In a speech two days later he said, " The American people must be taught, if they do not already feel, that treason is a crime and must be punished; that the Government will not always bear with its enemies ; that it is strong not only to protect, but to punish. * * The people must understand that it (treason) is the blackest of crimes, and will surely be punished." Yet his whole administration, the history of which is so well known, was in utter inconsistency with, and the most violent opposition to, the principles laid down in that speech. In his loose policy of reconstruction and general amnesty, he was opposed by Congress ; and he char acterized Congress as a new rebellion, and lawlessly defied it, in everything possible, to the utmost. In the beginning of 1868, on account of "high crimes and misdemeanors," the principal of which was the removal of Secretary Stanton, in violation of the Ten- ure of Office Act, articles of impeachment were pre- ferred against him, and the trial began March 23. It was very tedious, continuing for nearly three months. A test article of the impeachment was at length submitted to the court for its action. Il was certain that as the court voted upon that article so would it vote upon all. Thirty-four voices pronounced the President guilty. As a two-thirds vote was neces- sary to his condemnation, he was pronounced ac- quitted, notwithstanding the great majority against him. The change of one vote from the not guilty side would have sustained the impeachment. The President, for the remainder of his term, was but little regarded. He continued, though impotently, his conflict with Congress. His own party did not think it expedient to renominate him for the Presi- dency. The 'Nation rallied, with enthusiasm unpar- alleled since the days of Washington, around the name of Gen. Grant. Andrew Johnson was forgotten. The bullet of the assassin introduced him to the President's chair. Notwithstanding this, never was there presented to a man a better opportunity to im- mortalize his name, and to win the gratitude of a nation. He failed utterly. He retired to his home in Greeaville, Tenn., taking no very active part in politics until 1875. On Jan. 26, after an exciting struggle, he was chosen by the Legislature of Ten- nessee, United States Senator in the forty-fourth Con- gress, and took his seat in that body, at the special session convened by President Grant, on the 5th of March. On the 27th of July, 1875,1116 ex-President made a visit to his daughter's home, near Carter Station, Tenn. When he started on his journey, he was apparently in his usual vigorous health, but on reach- ing the residence of his child the following day, was stricken with paralysis, rendering him unconscious. He rallied occasionally, but finally passed away at 2 A.M., July 3 1, aged sixty-seven years. His fun- eral was attended at Geenville, on the 3d of August, with every demonstration of respect LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I EIGHTEENTH PRESIDENT. LYSSES S. GRANT, the eighteenth President of the United States, was born on the 2gth of April, 1822, of Christian parents, in a humble home, at Point Pleasant, on the banks of the Ohio. Shortly after his father moved to George- town, Brown Co., O. In this re- mote frontier hamlet, Ulysses received a common-school edu- cation. At the age of seven- teen, in the year 1839, he entered the Military Academy at West Point. Here he was regarded as a solid, sensible young man of fair abilities, and of sturdy, honest character. He took respectable rank as a scholar. In June, 1843, he graduated, about the middle in his class, and was sent as lieutenant of in- fantry to one of the distant military posts in the Mis- souri Territory. Two years he past in these dreary solitudes, watching the vagabond and exasperating Indians. The war with Mexico came. Lieut. Grant was sent with his regiment to Corpus Christi. His first battle was at Palo Alto. There was no chance here for the e*hibition of either skill or heroism, nor at Resacade la Palma, his second battle. At the battle of Monterey, his third engagement, it is said that he performed a signal service of daring and skillful horsemanship. His brigade had exhausted its am- munition. A messenger must be sent for more, along a route exposed to the bullets of the foe. Lieut. Grant, adopting an expedient learned of the Indians, grasped the mane of his horse, and hanging upon one side of the aninvil, ran the gauntlet in entire safety. From Monterey he was sent, with the fourth infantry, to aid Gen. Scott, at the siege of Vera Cruz. In preparation for the march to the city of Mexico, he was appointed quartermaster of his regiment. At the battle of Molino del Rey, he was promoted to a first lieutenancy, and was brevetted captain at Cha- pultepec. At the close of the Mexican War, Capt. Grant re- turned with his regiment to New York,, and was again sent to one of the military posts on the frontier. The discovery of gold in California causing an immense tide of emigration to flow to the Pacific shores, Capt. Grant was sent with a battalion to Fort Dallas, in Oregon, for the protection of the interests of the im- migrants. Life was wearisome in those wilds. Capt. Grant resigned his commission and returned to the States; and having married, entered upon the cultiva- tion of a small farm near St. Louis, Mo. He had but little skill as a farmer. Finding his toil not re- munerative, he turned to mercantile life, entering into the leather business, with a younger brother, at Ga- lena, 111. This was in the year 1860. As the tidings of the rebels firing on Fort Sumpter reached the ears of Capt. Grant in his counting-room, he said, "Uncle Sam has educated me for thearmy; though I have served him through one war, I do not feel that I have yet repaid the debt. I am still ready to discharge my obligations. I shall therefore buckle on my sword and see Uncle Sam through this war too." He went into the streets, raised a company of vol- unteers, and led them as their captain to Springfield, the capital of the State, where their services were offered to Gov. Yates. The Governor, impressed by the zeal and straightforward executive ability of Capt. Grant, gave him a desk in his office, to assist in the volunteer organization that was being formed in the State in behalf of the Government. On the ieth of ULYSSES S. GRANT. I June, 1 86 1, Capt. Grant received a commission as Colonel of the Twenty-first Regiment of Illinois Vol- unteers. His merits as a West Point graduate, who had, served for 15 years in the regular army, were such that he was soon promoted to the rank of Brigadier- General and was placed in command at Cairo. The rebels raised their banner at Paducah, near the mouth of the Tennessee River. Scarcely had its folds ap- peared in the breeze ere Gen. Grant was there. The rebels fled. Their banner fell, and the star and stripes were unfurled in its stead. He entered the service with great determination and immediately began active duty. This was the be- ginning, and until the surrenderor Lee at Richmond he was ever pushing the enemy with great vigor and effectiveness. At Belmont, a few days later, he sur- prised and routed the rebels, then at Fort Henry won another victory. Then came the brilliant fight at Fort Donelson. The nation was electrified by the victory, and the brave leader of the boys in blue was immediately made a Major-General, and the military District of Tennessee was assigned to him. Like all great captains, Gen. Grant knew well how to secure the results of victory. He immediately pushed on to the enemies' lines. Then came the terrible battles of Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, and the siege of Vicksburg, where Gen. Pemberton made an unconditional surrender of the city with over thirty thousand men and one-hundred and seventy-two can- non. The fall of Vicksburg was by far the most severe blow which the rebels had thus far encountered, and opened up the Mississippi from Cairo to the Gulf. Gen. Grant was next ordered to co-operate with Gen. Banks in a movement upon Texas, and pro- ceeded to New Orleans, where he was thrown from his horse, and, received severe injuries, from which he was laid up for months. He then rushed to the aid of Gens. Rosecrans and Thomas at Chattanooga, and by a wonderful series of strategic and technical meas- ures put the Union Army in fighting condition. Then followed the bloody battles at Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, in which the rebels were routed with great loss. This won for him un- bounded praise in the North. On the 4th of Febru- ary, 1864, Congress revived the grade of lieutenant- general, and the rank was conferred on Gen. Grant. He repaired to Washington to receive his credentials and enter upon the duties of his new office. Gen. Grant decided as soon as he took charge of the army to concentrate the widely-dispersed National troops for an attack upon Richmond, the nominal capital of the Rebellion, and endeavor there to de- stroy the rebel armies which would be promptly as- sembled from all quarters for its defence. The whole continent seemed to tremble under the tramp of these majestic armies, rushing to the decisive battle field. Steamers were crowded with troops. Railway trains were burdened with closely packed thousands. His plans were comprehensive and involved a series cf campaigns, which were executed with remarkable en- ergy and ability, and were consummated at the sur- render of Lee, April 9, 1865. The war was ended. The Union was. saved. The almost unanimous voice of the Nation declared Gen. Grant to be the most prominent instrument in it.; sal- vation. The eminent services he had thus rendered the country brought him conspicuously forward as the Republican candidate for the Presidential chair. At the Republican Convention held at Chicago, May 21, 1868, he was unanimously nominated for the Presidency, and at the autumn election received a majority of the popular vote, .and 214 out of 294 electoral votes. The National Convention of the Republican party which met at Philadelphia on the 5th of June, 1872,- placed Gen. Grant in nomination for a second term by a unanimous vote. The selection was emphati- cally indorsed by the people five months later, 292 electoral votes being cast for him. Soon after the close of his second term, Gen. Grant started upon his famous trip around the world. He visited almost every country of the civilized world, and was everywhere received with such ovations and demonstrations of respect and honor, private as well as public and official, as were never before bestowed upon any citizen of the United States. He was the most prominent candidate before the Republican National Convention in 1880 for a re- nomination for President. He went to New York and embarked in the brokerage business under the firm nameof Grant & Ward. The latter proved a villain, wrecked Grant's fortune, and for larceny was sent to the penitentiary. The General was attacked with cancer in the throat, but suffered in his stoic-like manner, never complaining. He was re-instated as General of the Army and retired by Congress. The cancer soon finished its deadly work, and July 23, 1885, the nation went in mourning over the death of the illustrious General. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS NINETEENTH PRESIDENT. UTHERFORD B. HAYES, the nineteenth President of the United States, was born in Delaware, O., Oct. 4, 1822, al- most three months after the death of his father, Rutherford Hayes. His ancestry on both the paternal and maternal sides, was of the most honorable char- acter. It can be traced, it is said, as far back as 1280, when Hayes and Rutherford were two Scottish chief- tains, fighting side by side with Ealiol, William Wallace and Robert Bruce. Both families belonged to the nobility, owned extensive estates, and had a large following. Misfor- tune overtaking the family, George Hayes left Scot- land in 1680, and settled in Windsor, Conn, His son George was born in Windsor, and remained there during his life. Daniel Hayes, son of the latter, mar- ried Sarah Lee, and lived from the time of his mar- riage until his death in Simsbury, Conn. Ezekiel, son of Daniel, was born in 1724, and was a manufac- turer of scythes at Bradford, Conn. Rutherford Hayes, son of Ezekiel and grandfather of President Hayes, was born in New Haven, in August, 1756. He was a farmer, blacksmith and tavern-keeper. He emigrated to Vermont at an unknown date, settling in Brattleboro, where he established a hotel. Here his son Ruth- erford Hayes the father of President Hayes, was born. He was married, in September, 1813, to Sophia Birchard, of Wilmington, Vt, whose ancestors emi- grated thither from Connecticut, they having been among the wealthiest and best famlies of Norwich. Her ancestry on the male side are traced back to 1635, to John Birchard, one of the principal founders of Norwich. Both of her grandfathers were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. The father of President Hayes was an industrious, frugal and opened-hearted man. He was of a me- chanical turn, and could mend a plow, knit a stock- ing, or do almost anything else that he choose to undertake. He was a member of the Church, active in all the benevolent enterprises of the town, and con- ducted his business on Christian principles. After the close of the war of 1812, for reasons inexplicable to his neighbors, he resolved to emigrate to Ohio. The journey from Vermont to Ohio in that day, when there were no canals, steamers, nor railways, was a very serious affair. A tour of inspection was first made, occupying four months. Mr. Hayes deter- mined to move to Delaware, where the family arrived in 1817. He died July 22, 1822, a victim of malarial fever, less than three months before the birth of the son, of whom we now write. Mrs. Hayes, in her sore be- reavement, found the support she so much needed in her brother Sardis, who had been a member of the household from the day of its departure from Ver- mont, and in an orphan girl whom she had adopted some time before as an act of charity. Mrs. Hayes at this period was very weak, and the RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. subject of this sketch was so feeble at birth that he was not expected to live beyond a month or two at most. As the months went by he grew weaker and weaker, so that the neighbors were in the habit of in- quiring from time to time " if Mrs. Haves' baby died last night." On one occasion a neighbor, who was on familiar terms with the family, after alluding to the Iwy's big head, and the mother's assiduous care of him, said in a bantering way, ' ; That's right! Stick to him. You have got him along so far, and I shouldn't wonder if he wo.ild really come to something yet." " You need not laugh," said Mrs. Hayes. " You wait and see. You can't tell but I shall make him President of the United States yet." The boy lived, in spite of the universal predictions of his speedy death; and when, in 1825, his older brother was drowned, he became, if possible, still dearer to his mother. The boy was seven years old before he went to school. His education, however, was not neglected. He probably learned as much from his mother and sister as he would have done at school. His sports were almost wholly within doors, his playmates being his sister and her associates. These circumstances tended, no doubt, to foster that gentleness of dispo- sition, and that delicate consideration for the feelings of others, which are marked traits of his character. His uncle Sardis Birchard took the deepest interest in his education ; and as the boy's health had im- proved, and he was making good progress in his studies, he proposed to send him to college. His pre- paration commenced with a tutor at home; b:;t he was afterwards sent for one year to a professor in the Wesleyan University, in Middletown, Conn. He en- tered Kenyon College in 1838, at the age of sixteen, and was graduated at the head of his class in 1842. Immediately after his graduation he began the study of law in the office of Thomas Sparrow, Esq., in Columbus. Finding his opportunities for study in Columbus somewhat limited, he determined to enter the Law School at Cambridge, Mass., where he re- mained two years. In 1 845, after graduating at the Law School, he was admitted to the bar at Marietta, Ohio, and shortly afterward went into practice as an attorney-at-law with Ralph P. Buckland, of Fremont. Here he re- mained three years, acquiring but a limited practice, and apparently unambitious of distinction in his pro- fession. In 1849 he moved to Cincinnati, where his ambi- tion found a new stimulus. For several years, how- ever, his progress was slow. Two events, occurring at this period, had a powerful influence upon his subse- quent life. One of these was his marrage with Miss Lucy Ware Webb, daughter of Dr. James Webb, of Chilicothe; the other was his introduction to the Cin- cinnati Literary Club, a body embracing among its members such men ?s Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, Gen. John Pope, Gov. Edward F. Noyes, and many others hardly less distinguished in after life. The marriage was a fortunate one in every respect, as everybody knows. Not one of all the wives of our Presidents was more universally admired, reverenced and beloved than was Mrs. Hayes, and no one did more than she to reflect honor upon American woman- hood. The Literary Cluu brought Mr. Hayes into constant association with young men of high char- acter and noble aims, and lured him to display the qualities so long hidden by his bashfulness and modesty. In 1856 he was nominated to the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas; but he declined to ac- cept the nomination. Two years later, the office of city solicitor becoming vacant, the City Council elected him for the unexpired term. In 1861, when the Rebellion broke out, he was at the zenith of his professional life. His rank at the bar was among the the first. But the news of the attack on Fort Sumpter found him eager to take up arms for the defense of his country. His military record was bright ard illustrious. In October, 1861, he was made Lieutenant-Colonel, and in August, 1862, promoted Colonel of the 79th Ohio regiment, but he refused to leave his old comrades and go among strangers. Subsequently, however, he was made Colonel of his old regiment. At the battle of South Mountain he received a wound, and while faint and bleeding displayed courage and fortitude that won admiration from all. Col. Hayes was detached from his regiment, after his recovery, to act as Brigadier-General, and placed in command of the celebrated Kanawha division, and for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, he was promoted Brigadier-General. He was also brevetted Major-General, "forgallnnt nnd distif guished f-trvices during the campaigns of 1864, in West Virginia." In the course of his arduous services, four horses were shot from under him, and he was wounded four times. In r864, Gen. Hayes was elected to Congress, from the Second Ohio District, which had long been Dem- ocratic. He was not present during the campaign, and after his election was importuned to resign his commission in the army ; but he finally declared, " I shall never corne to Washington until I can come by the way of Richmond." He was re-elected in 1866. In 1867, Gen Hayes was elected Governor of Ohio, over Hon. Allen G. Thurman, a popular Democrat. In 1869 was re-elected over George H. Pendleton. He was elected Governor for the third term in r875. In 1876 he was the standard bearer of the Repub- lican Party in the Presidential contest, and after a hard long contest was chosen President, and was in augurated Monday, March 5, r875_ He served his full term, not, however, with satisfaction to his party, but his adminWration was an average OP" LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS TWENTIETH PRESIDENT. 95 i^ \ I> TA liAKr 1 AMES A. GARFIELD, twen- tieth President of the United States, was born Nov. 19, 1831, in the woods of Orange, Cuyahoga Co., O His par- ents were Abram and Eliza (Ballon) Garfield, both of New England ancestry and from fami- lies well known in the early his- tory of that section of our coun- try, but had moved to the Western Reserve, in Ohio, early in its settle- ment. The house in which James A. was born was not unlike the houses of poor Ohio farmers of that day. It wus about 20x30 feet, built of logs, with the spaces be- tween the logs filled with clay. His father was a hard working fanner, and he soon had his fields cleared, an orchard planted, and a log barn built. The household comprised the father and mother and tneir four children Mehetabel, Thomas, Mary and James. In May, 1823, the father, from a cold con- tracted in helping to put out a forest fire, died. At this time James was about eighteen months old, and Thomas about ten years old. No one, perhaps, can tell how much James was indebted to his biother's toil and self- sacrifice during the twenty years suc- ceeding his father's death, but undoubtedly very much. He now lives in Michigan, and the two sis- ters live in Solon, O., near their birthplace. The early educational advantages young Garfield enjoyed were very limited, yet he made the most of them. He labored at farm work for others, did car- penter work, chopped wood, or did anything that would bring in a few dollars to aid his widowed mother in he' struggles to keep the little family to- gether. Nor was Gen. Garfield ever ashamed of his origin, and he never forgot the friends of his strug- gling childhood, youth and manhood, neither did they ever forget him. When in the highest seats of honor, the humblest friend of his boyhood was as kindly greeted as ever. The poorest laborer was sure of the sympathy of one who had known all the bitterness of want and the sweetness of bread earned by the sweat of the brow. He was ever the simple, plain, modest gentleman. The highest ambition of young Garfield until he was about sixteen years old was to be a captain of a vessel on Lake Erie. He was anxious to go aboard a vessel, which his mother strongly opposed. She finally consented to his going to Cleveland, with the understanding, however, that he should try to obtain some other kind of employment. He walked all the way to Cleveland. This was his first visit to the city. After making many applications for work, and trying to get aboard a lake vessel, and not meeting with success, he engaged as a driver for his cousin, Amos Letcher, on the Ohio & Pennsylvania Canal. He re- mained at this work but a short time when he went home, and attended the seminary at Chester for about three years, when he entered. Hiram and the Eclectic Institute, teaching a few terms of school in the meantime, and doing other work. This school was started by the Disciples of Christ in 1850, of which church he was then a member. He became janitor and bell-ringer in order to help pay his way. He then became both teacher and pupil. He soon " exhausted Hiram " and needed more ; hence, in the fall of 1854, he entered Williams College, from which he graduated in 1856, taking one of the highest hon- ors of his class. He afterwards returned to Hiram College as its President. As above stated, he early united with the Christian or Diciples Church at Hiram, and was ever after a devoted, zealous mem- ber, often preaching in its pulpit and places where he happened to be. Dr. Noah Porter, President of Yale College, says of him in reference to his religion : > JAMES A. GARFIELD. " President Garfield was more than a man of strong moral and religious convictions. His whole history, from boyhood to the last, shows that duty to man and to God, and devotion to Christ and life and faith and spiritual commission were controlling springs of his being, and to a more than usual degree. In my judgment there is no more interesting feature of his character than his loyal allegiance to the body of Christians in which he was trained, and the fervent sympathy which he ever showed in their Christian communion. Not many of the few 'wise and mighty and noble who are called' show a similar loyalty to the less stately and cultured Christian communions in which they have been reared. Too often it is true that as they step upward in social and political sig- nificance they step upward from one degree to another in some of the many types of fashionable Christianity. President Garfield adhered to the church of his mother, the church in which he was trained, and in which be served as a pillar and an evangelist, and yet with the largest and most unsec- tarian charity for all 'who loveour Lord in sincerity.'" Mr. Garfield was united in marriage with Miss Lucretia Rudolph, Nov. 1 1, 1858, who proved herself worthy as the wife of one whom all the world loved and mourned. To them were born seven children, five of whom are still living, four boys and one girl. Mr.Garfieldmadehis first political speeches in 1856, in Hiram and the neighboring villages, and three years later he began to speak at county mass-meet- ings, and became the favorite speaker wherever he was. During this year he was elected to the Ohio Senate. He also began to study law at Cleveland, and in 1861 was admitted to the bar. .The great Rebellion broke out in the early part of this year, and Mr. Garfield at once resolved to fight as he had talked, and enlisted to defend the old flag. He re- ceived his commission as Lieut.-Colonel of the Forty- second Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Aug. 14, 1861. He was immediately put into active ser- vice, and before he had ever seen a gun fired in action, was placed in command of four regiments of infantry and eight companies of cavalry, charged with the work of driving out of his native State the officer (Humphrey Marshall) reputed to be the ablest of those, not educated to war whom Kentucky had given to the Rebellion. This work was bravely and speed- ily accomplished, although against great odds. Pres- ident Lincoln, on his success commissioned him Brigadier-General, Jan. ro, 1862; and as "he had been the youngest man in the Ohio Senate two years before, so now he was the youngest General in the army." He was with Gen. Buell's army at Shiloh, in its operations around Corinth and its march through Alabama. He was then detailed as a memberof the General Court-Martial for the trial of Gen. Fitz-John Porter. He was then ordered to report to Gen. Rose- crans, and was assigned to the " Chief of Staff." The military Hstory of Gen. Garfield closed with his brilliant services at Chickamauga, where he won the stars of the Major-General. Without an effort on his part Gen. Garfield was elected to Congress in the fall of 1862 fiom the Nineteenth District of Ohio. This section of Ohio had been represented in Congress for sixty years mainly by two men Elisha Whittlesey and Joshua R. Giddings. It was not without a struggle that he resigned his place in the army. At the time he en- tered Congress he was the youngest member in that body. There he remained by successive re- elections until he was elected President in 1880. Of his labors in Congress Senator Hoar says : " Since the year 1864 you cannot think of a question which has been debated in Congress, or discussed before a tribunel of the American people, in regard to which you will not find, if you wish instruction, the argu- ment on one side stated, in almost every instance better than by anybody else, in some speech made in the House of Representatives or on the hustings by Mr. Garfield." Upon Jan. 14, 1880, Gen. Garfield was elected to the U. S. Senate, and on the eighth of June, of the same year, was nominated as the candidate of his party for President at the great Chicago Convention. He was elected in the following November, and on March 4, 1881, was inaugurated. Probably no ad- ministration ever opened its existence under brighter auspices than that of President Garfield, and every day it grew in favo.' with the people, and by the first of July he had completed all the initiatory and pre- liminary work of his administration and was prepar- ing to leave the city to meet his friends at Williams College. While on his way and at the depot, in com- pany with Secretary Elaine, a man stepped behind him, drew a revolver, and fired directly at his back. The President tottered and fell, and as he did so the assassin fired a second shot, the bullet cutting the left coat sleeve of his victim, but indicting no further injury. It has been very truthfully said that this was " the shot that was heard round the world " Never before in the history of the Nation had anything oc- curred which so nearly froze the blood of the people for the moment, as this awful deed. He was smit- ten on the brightest, gladdest day of all his life, and was at the summit of his power and hope. For eighty days, all during the hot months of July and August, he lingered and suffered. He, however, remained' master of himself till the last, and by his magnificent bearing was teaching the country and the world the noblest of human lessons how to live grandly in the very clutch of death. Great in life, he was surpass- ingly great in death. He passed serenely away Sept. 19, 1883, at Elberon, N. J , on the very bunk of the ocean, where he had been taken shortly previous. The world wept at his death, as it never had done on the death of any other man who had ever lived upon it. The murderer was duly tried, found guilty and exe- cuted, in one year after he committed the foul deed. T ilBKARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS TWENTY-FIRST PRESIDENT. HESTER A. ARTHUR, twenty-first Presr-'lwiii of the United States was born in P ranklin Cour ty, Vermont, on thefifthofOdober, 1830, and is the oldest of a family of two sons and five daughters. His father was ths Rev. Dr. William Arthur, a Baptist c> ,rgyman, who emigrated to tb'.s country from the county Antrim, Ireland, in his 1 8th year, and died in 1875, in Newtonville, neai Albany, after a long and successful ministry. Young Arthur was educated at Union College, S< henectady, where he excelled in all his studies. Af- ter his graduation he taught school tj in Vermont for two years, and at the expiration of that time came to New York, with $500 in his pocket, and entered the office of ex- Judge E. D. Culver as student. After I being admitted to the bar he formed a partnership with his intimate friend and room-mate,, Henry D. Gardiner, with the intention of practicing in the West, and for three months they roamed about in the Western States in search of an eligible site, but in the end returned to New York, where they hung out their shingle, and entered upon a success- ful career almost from the start. General Arthur soon afterward irv,rr< j d the daughter of Lieutenant Herndon, of the United States Navy, who was lost at. sea. Congress voted a gold medal to his widow in recognition of the bravery he displayed on that occa- sion. Mrs. Arthur died shortly before Mr. Arthur's nomination to the Vice Presidency, leaving two children. Gen. Arthur obtained considerable legal celebrity in his first great case, the famous Lemmon suit, brought to recover possession of eight slaves who had been declared free by Judge Paine, of the Superior Court of New York City. It was in 1852 that Jon. athan Lemmon, of Virginia, went to New York with his slaves, intending to ship them to Texas, when they were discovered and freed. The Judge decided that they could not be held by the owner under the Fugitive Slave Law. A howl of rage went up from the South, and the Virginia Legislature authorized the Attorney General of that State to assist in an appeal. Wm. M. Evarts and Chester A. Arthur were employed to represent the People, and they, won their case, which then went to the Supreme Court of the United States. Charles O'Conor here espoused the cause of the slave-holders, but he too was beaten by Messrs. Evarts and Arthur, and a long step was taken toward the emancipation of the black race. Another great service was rendered by General Arthur in the same cause in 1856. Lizzie Jennings, a respectable colored woman, was put off a Fourth Avenue car with violence after she had paid her fare. General Arthur sued on her behalf, and secured a verdict of $500 damages. The next day the compa- ny issued an order to admit colored persons to ride on their cars, and the other car companies quickly 100 CHESTER A. ARTHUR. followed their example. Before that the Sixth Ave- nue Company ran a few special cars for colored per- sons and the other lines refused to let them ride at all. General Arthur was a delegate to the Convention at Saratoga that founded the Republican party. Previous to the war he was Judge-Advocate of the Second Brigade of the State of New York, and Gov- ernor Morgan, of that State, appointed him Engineer- in-Chief of his staff. In 1861, he was made Inspec- tor General, and soon afterward became Quartermas- ter-General. In each of these offices he rendered great service to the Government during the war. At the end of Governor Morgan's term he resumed the practice of the law, forming a partnership with Mr. Ransom, and then Mr. Phelps, the District Attorney of New Yoik, was added to the firm. The legal prac- tice of this well-known firm was very large and lucra- tive, each of the gentlemen composing it were able lawyers, and possessed a splendid local reputation, if not indeed one of national extent. He always took a leading part in State and city ]K)litics. He was appointed Collector of the Port of New York by President Grant, Nov. 21 1872, to suc- ceed Thomas Murphy, and held the office until July, 20, 1 87 8, when he was succeeded by Collector Merritt. Mr. Arthi'.r was nominated on the Presidential ticket, with Gen. James A. Garfield, at the famous National Republican Convention held at Chicago in June, tS8o. This was perhaps the greatest political convention that ever assembled on thecontinent. It was composed of the leading politicians of the Re- publican party, all able men, and each stood firm and fought vigorously and with signal tenacity for their respective candidates that were before the conven- tion for the nomination. Finally Gen. Garfield re- ceived the nomination for President and Gen. Arthur for Vice-President. The campaign which followed was one of the most animated known in the history of our country. Gen. Hancock, the standard-bearer of the Democratic party, was a popular man, and his party made a valiant fight for his election. Finally the election came and the country's choice was Garfield and Arthur. They were inaugurated March 4, 1881, as President and Vice-President. A few months only had passed ere the newly chosen President was the victim of the assassin's bullet. Then came terrible weeks of suffering, those moments of anxious suspense, when- the hearts of all civilized na- tions were throbbing in unison, longing for the re- covery of the noble, the good President. The remark- able patience that he manifested during those hours and weeks, and even months, of the most terrible suf- fering man has often been called upon to endure, was seemingly more than human. It was certainly God- like. During all this period of deepest anxiety Mr. Arthur's every move was watched, and be it said to his credit that his every action displayed only an earnest desire that the suffering Garfield might recover, to serve the remainder of the term he hud so auspi- ciously begun. Not a selfish feeling was manifested in deed or look of this man, even though the most honored position in the world was at any moment likely to fall to him. At last God in his mercy relieved President Gar- field from further suffering, and the world, as never before in its history over the death of any other man, wept at his bier. Then it became the duty of the Vice President to assume the responsibilities of the high office, and he took the oath in New York, Sept. 20, 1881. The position was an embarr.issing one to him, made doubly so from the facts that all eyes were on him, anxious to know what he would do, what policy he would pursue, and who he would se- lect as advisers. The duties of the office had been greatly neglected during the President's long illness, and many important measures were to be immediately decided by him ; and still farther to embarrass him he did not fail to realize under what circumstances he became President, and knew the feelings of many on this point. Under these trying circumstances President Arthur took the reins of the Government in his own hands ; and, as embarrassing as were the condition of affairs, he happily surprised the nation, acting so wisely that but few criticised his administration. He served the nation well and faithfully, until the close of his administration, March 4, 1885, and was a popular candidate before his party for a second term. His name was ably presented before the con- vention at Chicago, and was received with great favor, and doubtless but for the personal popularity of one of the opposing candidates, he would have been selected as the standard-bearer of his party for another campaign. He retired to private life car- rying with him the best wishes of the American peo- ple, whom he had served in a manner satisfactory to them and with credit to himself. LIBRARY OF THE DIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS t 1 TWENTY-SECOND PRESIDENT. to 3 3& TEPHEN GROVfiR CLEVE- LAND, the twenty- second Pres- ident of the United States, was horn in 1837, in the obscure town of Caldwell, Essex Co., N. J., and in a little two-and-a- half-story white house which is still standing, characteristically to mark the humble birth-place of one of America's great men in striking con- trast with the Old World, where all men high in office must be high in origin and born in the cradle of wealth. When the subject of this sketch was three years of age, his father, who was a Presbyterian min- ister, with a large family and a small salary, moved, by way of the Hudson River and Erie Canal, to Fayetteville, in search of an increased income and a larger field of work. Fayetteville was then the most straggling of country villages, about five miles from Pompey Hill, where Governor Seymour was bom. At the last mentioned place young Grover com- menced going to school in the "good, old-fashioned way," and presumably distinguished himself after the manner of all village boys, in doing the things he ought not to do. Such is the distinguishing trait of all geniuses and independent thinkers. When he arrived at the age of 14 years, he had outgrown the capacity of the village school and expressed a most emphatic desire to be sent to an academy. To this his father decidedly objected. Academics in those days cost money; besides, his father wanted him to become self-supporting by the quickest possible means, and this at that time in Fayetteville seemed to be a position in' a country store, where his father and the large family on his hands had considerable influence. Grover was to be paid $50 for his services the first year, and if he proved trustworthy he was to receive $coo the second year. Here the lad com- menced his career as salesman, and in two years he had earned so good a reputation for trustworthiness that his employers desired to retain him for an in- definite length of time. Otherwise he did not ex- hibit as yet any particular " flashes of genius " or eccentricities of talent. He was simply a good boy. But instead of remaining with this firm in Fayette- ville, he went with the family in their removal to Clinton, where he had an opportunity of attending a high school. Here he industriously pursued his studies until the family removed with him to a point on Black River known as the " Holland Patent," a village of 500 or 600 people, 15 miles north of Utica, N. Y. At this place his father died, after preaching but three Sundays. This event broke up the family, and Grover set out for New York City to accept, at a small salary, the position of " under-teacher " in an asylum for the blind. He taught faithfully for two years, and although he obtained a good reputation in this capacity, he concluded that teaching was not his I t. 104 S. GROVER CLEVELAND. calling for life, and, reversing the traditional order, he left the city to seek his fortune, instead of going to a city. He first thought of Cleveland, Ohio, as there was some charm in that name for him; but before proceeding to that place he went to Buffalo to ask the advice of his uncle, Lewis F. Allan, a noted stock-breeder of that place. The latter did not speak enthusiastically. " What is it you want to do, my boy?" he asked. "Well, sir, I want to study law," was the reply. " Good gracious ! " remarked the old gentleman ; " do you, indeed ? What ever put that into your head ? How much money have you got?" "Well, sir, to tell the truth, I haven't got any." After a long consultation, his uncle offered him a pla.ce temporarily as assistant herd-keeper, at $50 a year, while lie could "look around." One day soon afterward he boldly walked into the office of Rogers, Bowen & Rogers, of Buffalo, and told them what he wanted. A number of young men were already en- gaged in the office, but Graver's persistency won, and he was finally permitted to come as an office boy and have the use of the law library, for the nominal sum of $3 or $4 a week. Out of this he had to pay for his board and washing. The walk to and from his uncle's was a long and rugged one; and, although the first winter was a memorably severe one, his shoes were out of repair and his overcoat he had none yet he was nevertheless prompt and regular. On the first day of his service here, his senior em- ployer threw down a copy of Blackstone before him wilh a bang that made the dust fly, saying "That's where they all begin." A titter ran around the little circle of clerks and students, as they thought that was enough to scare young Grover out of his plans ; but in due time he mastered that cumbersome volume. Then, as ever afterward, however, Mr. Cleveland exhibited a talent for executiveness rather than for chasing principles through all their metaphysical possibilities. " Let us quit talking and go and do it," was practically his motto. The first public office to which Mr. Cleveland was elected was that of Sheriff of Erie Co., N. Y., in which Buffalo is situated; and in such capacity it fell to his duty to inflict capital punishment upon two criminals. In 1881 he was elected Mayor of the City of Buffalo, on the Democratic ticket, with es- pecial reference to the bringing about certain reforms in the administration of the municipal affairs of that city. In this office, as well as that of Sheriff, his performance of duty has generally been considered fair, with possibly a few exceptions which were fer- reted out and magnified during the last Presidential campaign. As a specimen of his plain language in a veto message, we quote from one vetoing an iniqui- tous street-cleaning contract: "This is a time for plain speech, and my objection to your action shall be plainly stated. I regard it as the culmination of a mos bare-faced, impudent and shameless scheme to betray the interests of the people and to worse than squander the people's money." The New York Sun afterward very highly commended Mr. Cleve- land's administration as Mayor of Buffalo, and there- upon recommended him for Governor of the Empire State. To the latter office he was elected in 1882, and his administration of the affairs of State was generally satisfactory. The mistakes he made, if any, were made very public throughout the nation after he was nominated for President of the United States. For this high office he was nominated July n, 1884, by the National Democratic Convention at Chicago, when other competitors were Thomas F. Bayard, Roswell P. Flower, Thomas A. Hendricks, Benjamin F. Butler, Allen G. Thurman, etc.; and he was elected by the people, by a majority of about a thousand, over the brilliant and long-tried Repub- lican statesman, James G. Elaine. President Cleve- land resigned his office as Governor of New York in January, 1885, in order to prepare for his duties as the Chief Executive of the United States, in which capacity his term commenced at noon on the 4th of March, 1885. For his Cabinet officers he selected the following gentlemen: For Secretary of State, Thomas F. Bayard, of Delaware ; Secretary of the Treasury, Daniel Manning, of New York ; Secretary of War, William C. Endicott, of Massachusetts ; Secretary of the Navy, William C. Whitney, of New York ; Secretary of the Interior, L. Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi; Postmaster-General, William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin ; Attorney-General, A. H. Garland, of Arkansas. The silver question precipitated a controversy be- tween those who were in favor of the continuance of silver coinage and those who were opposed, Mr. Cleveland answering for the latter, even before his inauguration. I I LIBRARY OF THE WtVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. HADRACH BOND, the first Governor of Illinois after its organization us a State, serving from 1818 to 1822, was born in Frederick County, Maryland, in the year 1773, and was raised a farmer on his father's plantation, receiving only a plain English education. He emigrated to this State in 1794, when it was a part of the "Northwest Territory," continuing in the vocation in which he had been brought up in his native State, in the " New Design," near Eagle Creek, in what is now Monroe County. He served several terms as a member of the General Assembly of Indiana Territory, after it was organized as such, and in 1812-14 he was a Delegate to the Twelfth and Thirteenth Congresses, taking his .seat Dec. 3, 1812, and serving until Oct. 3, 1814. These were the times, the reader will recollect, when this Gov- ernment had its last struggle with Great Britain. The year 1812 is also noted in the history of this State as that in which the first Territorial Legislature was held. It convened at Kaskaskia, Nov. 25, and adjourned Dec. 26, following. While serving as Delegate to Congress, Mr. Bond was instrumental in procuring the right of pre-emp- t on on the public domain. On the expiration of his term at Washington he was appointed Receiver of Public Moneys at Kaskaskia, then the capital of the Territory. In company with John G. Comyges, Thomas H. Harris, Charles Slade, Michael Jones, Warren Brown, Edward Humphries and Charles W. Hunter, he became a proprietor of the site of the initial city of Cairo, which they hoped, from its favor- able location .at the junction of the two great rivers near the center of the Great West, would rapidly develop into a metropolis. To aid the enter- prise, they obtained a special charter from the Legis- lature, incorporating both the City and the Bank of Cairo. In 1818 Mr. Bond was elected the first Governor of the State of Illinois, being inaugurated Oct. 6, that year, which was several weeks before Illinois was actually admitted. The facts are these: In January, 1818, the Territorial Legislature sent a peti- tion to Congress for the admission of Illinois as a State, Nathaniel Pope being then Delegate. The petition was granted, fixing the northern line of the State on the latitude of the southern extremity of Lake Michigan ; but the bill was afterward so amend- ed as to extend this line to its present latitude. In July a convention was called at Kaskaskia to draft a constitution, which, however, was not submitted to the people. By its provisions, supreme judges, pros- ecuting attorneys, county and circuit judges, record- ers and justices of the peace were all to be appointed by the Governor or elected by the Legislature. This constitution was accepted by Congress Dec. 30. At that time Illinois comprised but eleven counties, namely, Randolph, Madison, Gallatin, Johnson, Pope, Jackson, Crawford, Bond, Union, Washington and Franklin, the northern portion of the State be- ing mainly in Madison County. Thus it appears that Mr. Bond was honored by the naming of a i 112 StiADRACH BOND. county before he was elected Governor. The present county of Bond is of small limitations, about 60 to 80 miles south of Springfield. For Lieutenant Governor the people chose Pierre Menard, a prominent and worthy Frenchman, after whom a county in this State is named. In this election there were no opposition candidates, as the popularity of these men had made their promotion to the chief offices of the> Slate, even before the constitution was drafted, a foregone con- clusion. The principal points that excited the people in reference to political issues at this period were local or "internal improvements," as they were called, State banks, location of the capital, slavery and the personal characteristics of the proposed candidates. Mr. Bond represented the " Convention party," for introducing slavery into the State, supported by Elias Kent Kane, his Secretary of State, and John Mc- Lean, while Nathaniel Pope and John P. Cook led the anti-slavery element. The people, however, did not become very much excited over this issue until 1820, when the f im KIS Missouri Compromise was adopted by Congress, limiting slavery to the south of the parallel of 36 30' except in Missouri. While this measure settled the great slavery controversy, so far as the average public sentiment was tempor- arily concerned, until 1854, when it was repealed under the leadership of Stephen A. Douglas, the issue as considered locally in this State was not decided until 1824, after a most furious campaign. (See sketch of Gov. Coles.) The ticket of 1818 was a compromise one, Bond representing (moderately) the pro-slavery sentiment and Menard the anti-slavery. An awkward element in the State government under Gov. Bond's administration, was the imperfec- tion of the State constitution. The Convention wished to have Elijah C. Berry for the first Auditor of Public Accounts, but, as it was believed that the new Governor would not appoint him to the office, the Convention declared in a schedule that " an auditor of public accounts, an attorney general and such other officers of the State as may be necessary, may be appointed by the General Assembly." The Constitution, as it stood, vested a very large appoint- ing power in the Governor; but for the purpose of getting one man into office, a total change was made, and the power vested in the Legislature. Of this ^ provision the Legislature took advantage, and de- _i i ^ m clared that State's attorneys, canal commissioners, bank directors, etc., were all " officers of the State " and must therefore be appointed by itself independ- ently of the Governor. During Gov. Bond's administration a general law was passed for the incorporation of academies and towns, and one authorizing lotteries. The session of 1822 authorized the Governor to appoint commis- sioners, to act in conjunction with like commissioners appointed by the State of Indiana, to report on the practicability and expediency of improving the navi- gation of the Wabash River; also inland navigation generally. Many improvements were recommended, some of which have been feebly worked at even till the present day, those along the Wabash being of no value. Also, during Gov. Bond's term of office, the capital of the State was removed from Kasknskia to Vandalia. In 1820 a law was passed by Congress authorizing this State to open a canal through the public lands. The State appointed commissioners 10 explore the route and prepare the necessary sur- veys and estimates, preparatory to iis execution; but, being unable out of its own resources to defray the expenses of the undertaking, it was abandoned until some time after Congress made the grant of land for the purpose of its construction. On the whole, Gov. Bond's administration was fairly good, not being open to severe criticism from any party. In 1824, two years after the expiration of his term of office, he was brought oat as a candi- date for Congress against the formidable Joim I'. Cook, but received only 4,374 votes to 7,460 for th_- latter. Gov. Bond was no orator, but had maue many fast friends by a judicioas bestowment of his gubernatorial patronage, and these worked zealously for him in the campaign. In 1827 ex-Gov. Bond was appointed by the Leg- islature, with VVm. P. McKee and Dr. Gershom Jayne. as Commissioners to locate a site for a pe.ii- tentiary on the Mississippi at or near Alton. Mr. Bond was of a benevolent and convivial dis- position, a man of shrewd observation and clear ap- preciation of events. His person was erect, stand- ing six feet in height, and afier middle life became portly, weighing 200 pounds. His features were strongly masculine, complexion dark, hair jet and eyes hazel ; was a favorite witli the ladies. He died April ii, 1830, in peace and contentment. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. t DWARD COLES, second Governor of Illinois, 1823- . 6, was born Dec. 15, 1786, in Albemarle Co., Va., on the old family estate called " Enniscorthy," on the Green Mountain. His fath- er, John Coles, was a Colonel in the Revolutionary War. Having been fit- ted for college by private tutors, he was sent to Hampden Sidney, where he remained until the autumn of 1805, when he was removed to William and Mary College, at Williamsburg, Va. This college he left in the summer of 1 807, a short time before the final and graduating examination. Among his classmates were Lieut. Gen. Scott, President John Tyler, Wm. S. Archer, United States Senator from Virginia, and Justice Baldwin, of the United States Supreme Court. The President of the latter college, Bishop Madison, was a cousin of President James Madison, and that cir- cumstance was the occasion of Mr. Coles becoming personally acquainted with the President and re- ceiving a position as his private secretary, 1809-15. The family of Coles was a prominent one in Vir- ginia, and their mansion was the seat of the old- fashioned Virginian hospitality. It was visited by such notables as Patrick Henry, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, the Randolphs, Tazewell, Wirt, etc. At the age of 23, young Coles found himself heir to a plant- ation and a considerable number of slaves. Ever since his earlier college days his attention had been drawn to the question of slavery. He read every- thing on the subject that came in his way, and listened to lectures on the rights of man. The more he reflected upon the subject, the more impossible was it for him to reconcile the immortal declaration "that all men are born free and equal " with the practice of slave-holding. He resolved, therefore, to free his slaves the first opportunity, and even remove his residence to a free State. One reason which de- termined him to accept the appointment as private secretary to Mr. Madison was because he believed that through the acquaintances he could make at Washington he could better determine in what part of the non-slaveholding portion of the Union he would prefer to settle. The relations between Mr. Coles and President Madison, as well as Jefferson and other distinguished men, were of a very friendly character, arising from the similarity of their views on the question of slavery and their sympathy for each other in holding doc- trines so much at variance with the prevailing senti- ment in their own State. In 1857, he resigned his secretaryship and spent a portion of the following autumn in exploring the Northwest Territory, for the purpose of finding a lo- cation and purchasing lands on which to settle his negroes. He traveled with a horse and buggy, with an extra man and horse for emergencies, through many parts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, determining finally to settle in Illinois. At this time, however, a misunderstanding arose between our Government and Russia, and Mr. Coles was selected to repair to St. Petersburg on a special mission, bear- ing important papers concerning the matter at issue. The result was a conviction of the Emperor (Alex- EDWARD COLES. I ander) of the error committed by his minister at Washington, and the consequent withdrawal of the the latter from the post. On his return, Mr. Coles visited other parts of Europe, especially Paris, where he was introduced to Gen. Lafayette. In the spring of 1819, he removed with all his negroes from Virginia to Edwardsville, 111., with the intention of giving them their liberty. He did not make known to them his intention until one beautiful morning in April, as they were descending the Ohio River. He lashed all the boats together and called all the negroes on deck and made them a short ad- dress, concluding his remarks by so expressing him- self that by a turn of a sentence he proclaimed in the shortest and fullest manner that they were no longer slaves, but free as he was and were at liberty to proceed with him or go ashore at their pleas- ure. A description of the effect upon the negroes is best desciibed in his own language : " The effect upon them was electrical. They stared at me and then at each other, as if doubting the ac- curacy or reality of what they heard. In breathless silence they stood before me, unable to utter a word, but with countenances beaming with expression which no words could convey, and which no language can describe. As they began to see the truth of what they had heard, and realize their situation, there came on a kind of hysterical, giggling laugh. After a pause of intense and unutterable emotion, bathed in tears, and with tremulous voices, they gave vent to their gratitude and implored the blessing of God on me." Before landing he gave them a general certificate of freedom, and afterward conformed more particu- larly with the law of this State requiring that each individual should have a certificate. This act of Mr. Coles, all the more noble and heroic considering the overwhelming pro-slavery influences surrounding him, has challenged the admiration of every philan- thropist of modern times. March 5, 1819, President Monroe appointed Mr. Coles Registrar of the Land Office at Edwardsvil:g : at that time one of the principal land offices in the State. While acting in th's capacity and gaining many friends by his politeness and general intelli- gence, the greatest struggle that ever occurred in Illinois on the slavery ques ion culminated in the furious contest characterizing the campaigns and elections of 1822-4. J n tne summer of 1823, when a new Governor was to be elected to succeed Mr. Bond, the pro-slavery element divided into factions, putting forward for the executive office Joseph Phillips, Chief Justice of the State, Thomas C. Browne and Gen. James B. Moore, of the State Mil- itia. The anti-slavery element united upon Mr. Coles, and, after one of the most bitter campaigns, succeeded in electing him as Governor. His plural- ity over Judge Phillips was only 59 in a total vote of over 8,000. The Lieutenant Governor was elected by the slavery men. Mr. Coles' inauguration speech was marked by calmness, deliberation and such a wise expression of appropriate suggestions as to elicit the sanction of all judicious politicians. But. he compromised not with evil. In his message to the Legislature, the seat of Government being ihen at Vandalia, he strongly urged the abrogation of the modified form of slavery which then existed in this State, contrary to the Ordinance of 1787. His posi- tion on this subject seems the more remarkable, when it is considered that he was a minority Governor, the population of Illinois being at that time almost ex- clusively from slave-holding States and by a larg'j majority in favor of the perpetuation of that old relic of barbarism. The Legislature itself was, of course, a reflex of the popular sentiment, and a majority ol them were led on by fiery men in denunciations of the conscientious Governor, and in curses loud and deep upon him and all his friends. Some of the public men, indeed, went so far as to head a sort of mob, or " shiveree " party, who visited the residence of the Governor and others at Vandalia and yelled and groaned and spat fire. The Constitution, not establishing or permitting slavery in this State, was thought therefore to be defective by the slavery politicians, and they desired a State Convention to be elected, to devise and sub- mit a new Constitution ; and the dominant politics of the day was "Convention" and "anti-Conven- tion." Both parties issued addresses to the people, Gov. Coles himself being the author of the address published by the latter party. This address revealed the schemes of the conspirators in a masterly man- ner. It is difficult for us at this distant day to esti- mate the critical and extremely delicate situation in which the Governor was placed at that time. Our hero maintained himself honorably and with supreme dignity throughout his administration, and in his honor a county in this State is named. He was truly a great man, and those who lived in this State during his sojourn here, like those who live at the base of the mountain, were too nearto see and recognize the greatness that overshadowed them. Mr. Coles was married Nov. 28, 1833, by Bishop De Lancey, to Miss Sally Logan Roberts, a daughter of Hugli Roberts, a descendant of Welsh ancestry, who cam t to this country with Wm. Penn in 1682. After the expiration of his term of service, Gov. Coles continued his residence in Edwardsville, sup- erintending his farm in the vicinity. He was fond of agriculture, and was the founder of the first agri- cultural society in the Stnte. On account of ill health, however, and having no family to tie him down, he spent much of his time in Eastern cities. About 1832 he changed his residence to Philadel- phia, where he died July 7, 1868, and is buried at Woodland, near that city. LIBRARY OF THE jrVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. II 9 INI AN EDWARDS, Governor from 1827 to 1830, was 1 a son of Benjamin Edwards, and was born in Montgomery County, Maryland, in March, & 1775. His domestic train- ing was well fitted to give his mind strength, firmness and honorable principles, and a good foundation was laid for the elevated character to which he afterwards attained. His parents were Bap- tists, and very strict in their moral piinciples. His education in early youth was in company with and partlyunder the tuition of Hon. Wm. Wirt, whom his father patronized, and who was more than two years older. An intimacy was thus foruud between them which was lasting for life. He was further educated at Dickinson College, at Car- lisle, Pa. He next commenced the study of law, but before completing his course he moved to Nelson County, Ky., to open a farm for his father and to purchase homes and locate lands for his brothers and sisters. Here he fell in the company of dissolute companions, and for several years led the life of a spendthrift. He was, however, elected to the Legis- lature of Kentucky as the Representative of Nelson bounty before he was 21 years of age, and was re- elected by an almost unanimous vote. Jn 1798 he was licensed to practice law, and the following year was admitted to the Courts of Tennes- see. About this time he left Nelson County for Russellville, in Logan County, broke away from his dissolute companions, commenced a reformation and devoted himself to severe and laborious study. He then began to rise rapidly in his profession, and soon became an eminent lawyer, and inside of four years he filled in succession the offices of Presiding Judge of the General Court, Circuit Judge, fourth Judge of the Court of Appeals and Chief Justice of the State, all before he was 32 years of age! In addition, in 1802, he received a commission as Major of a battal- ion of Kentucky militia, and in 1804 was chosen a Presidential Elector, on the Jefferson and Clinton ticket. In 1806 he was a candidate for Congress, but withdrew on being promoted to the Court of Appeals. Illinois was organized as a separate Territory in the spring of 1809, when Mr. Edwards, then Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals in Kentucky, received from President Madison the appointment as Gover- nor of the new Territory, his commission bearing date April 24, 1809. Edwards arrived at Kaskaskia in June, and on the i ith of that month took the oath of office. At the same time he was appointed Superin- tendent of the United States Saline, this Government interest then developing into considerable proportions in Southern Illinois. Although during the first three years of his administration he had the power to make new counties and appoint all the officers, yet he always allowed the people of each county, by an informal ' f T2O NINIAN EDWARDS. vote, to select their own officers, both civil and mili- tary. The noted John J. Crittenden, afterward United States Senator from Kentucky, was appointed by Gev. Edwards to the office of Attorney General of the Territory, which office was accepted for a short time only. The Indians in 1810 committing sundry depreda- tions in the Territory, crossing the Mississippi from the Territory of Louisiana, a long correspondence fol- lowed between the respective Governors concerning the remedies, which ended in a council with the sav- ages at Peoria in 1812, and a fresh interpretation of the treaties. Peoria was depopulated by these de- predations, and was not re-settled for many _years afterward. As Gov. Edwards' term of office expired by law in 1812, he was re-appointed for another term of three years, and again in 1815 for a third term, serving until the organization of the State in the fall of 1818 and the inauguration of Gov. Bond. At this time ex-Gov. Edwards was sent to the United States Senate, his colleague being Jesse B. Thomas. As Senator, Mr. Edwards took a conspicuous part, and acquitted himself honorably in all the measures that came up in that body, being well posted, an able de- bater and a conscientious statesman. He thought seriously of resigning this situation in 1821, but was persuaded by his old friend, Wm. Wirt, and others to continue in office, which he did to the end of the term. He was then appointed Minister to Mexico by President Monroe. About this time, it appears that Mr. Edwards saw suspicious signs in the conduct of Wm. H. Crawford, Secretary of the United States Treasury, and an ambitious candidate for the Presi- dency, and being implicated by the latter in some of his statements, he resigned his Mexican mission in order fully to investigate the charges. The result was the exculpation of Mr. Edwards. Pro-slavery regulations, often termed "Black Laws," disgraced the statute books of both the Territory and the State of Illinois during the whole of his career in this commonwealth, and Mr. Edwards always main- tained the doctrines of freedom, and was an important actor in the great struggle which ended in a victory f or his party in 1824. In 1826-7 the Winnebago and other Indians com- mitted soive depredations in the northern part of the State, and the white settlers, who desired the lands and wished to exasperate the savages into an evacu- ation of the country, magnified the misdemeanors of the aborigines and thereby produced a hostility be- tween the races so great as to precipitate a little war, known in history as the "Winnebago W?r." A few chases and skirmishes were had, when Gen. Atkinson succeeded in capturing Red Bird, the Indian chief, and putting him to death, thus ending the contest, at least until the troubles commenced which ended in the " Black Hawk War " of 1832. In the interpre- tation of treaties and execution of their provisions Gov. Edwards had much vexatious work to do. The Indians kept themselves generally within the juris- diction of Michigan Territory, and its Governor, Lewis Cass, was at a point so remote that ready cor- respondence with him was difficult or impossible. Gov. Edwards' administration, however, in regard to the protection of the Illinois frontier, seems to have been very efficient and satisfactory. For a considerable portion of his time after his re- moval to Illinois, Gov. Edwards resided upon his farm near Kaskaskia, which he had well stocked with horses, cattle aud sheep from Ke.itucky, also with fruit-trees, grape-vines and shrubbery. He estab- lished saw and grist-mills, and engaged extensively in mercantile business, having no less than eight or ten stores in this State and Missouri. Notwithstanding the arduous duties of his office, he nearly always pur- chased the goods himself with which to supply the stores. Although not a regular practitioner of medi- cine, he studied the healing art to a considerable ex- tent, and took great pleasure in prescribing for, and taking care of, the sick, generally without charge. He was also liberal to the poor, several widows and ministers of the gospel becoming indebted to him even for their homes. He married Miss Elvira Lane, of Maryland, in 1803, and they became the affectionate parents of several children, one of whom, especially, is well known to the people of the '' Prairie State," namely, Ninian Wirt Edwards, once the Superintendent of Public Instruction and still a resident of Springfield. Gov. Edwards resided at and in the vicinity of Kas- kaskia from 1809 to 1818; in Edwardsville (named after him) from that time to 1824; and from the lat- ter date at Belleville, St. Clair County, until his death, July 20, 1833, of Asiatic cholera. Edwnrds County is also named in his honor. T LIBRARY OF THE 'JC'VERSITY Of ILLINOIS VERKORS OF ILLINOIS. "3 OHN REYNOLDS, Governor 1831- 'i;s* 4. W;1S korn m Montgomery Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, Feb. 26, 1788. His father, Robert Reynolds and 1 1 is mother, ?t of considerable danger. In 1834 he was ap- pointed by President Jackson to the position of Receiver of Public Moneys, and to fulfill the office more conveniently he removed to the city of Quincy. While, in 1838, the unwieldy internal improvement system of the State was in full operation, with all its expensive machinery, amidst bank suspensions throughout the United States, a great stringency in the money market everywhere, and Illinois bonds forced to sale at a heavy discount, and the " hardest times" existing that the people of the Prairie State ever saw, the general election of State officers was approaching. Discreet men who had cherished the hope of a speedy subsidence of the public infatua- tion, met with disappointment. A Governor and Legislature were to be elected, and these were now looked forward to for a repeal of the ruinous State policy. But the grand scheme had not yet lost its dazzling influence upon the minds of the people. Time and experience had not yet fully demonstrated its utter absurdity. Hence the question of arresting its career of profligate expenditures did not become a leading one with the dominant party during the campaign, and most of the old members of the Leg- islature were returned at this election. Under these circumstances the Democrats, in State Convention assembled, nominated Mr. Carlin for the office of Governor, and S. H. Anderson for Lieuten- ant Governor, while the Whigs nominated Cyrus Ed- wards, brother of Ninian Edwards, formerly Governor, and W. H. Davidson. Edwards came out strongly for a continuance of the State policy, while Carlin remained non-committal. This was the first time that the two main political parties in this State were unembarrassed by any third party in the field. The result of the election was: Carlin, 35,573 ; Ander- son, 30,335; Edwards, 29,629; and Davidson, 28,- 715- Upon the meeting of the subsequent Legislature (1839), the retiring Governor CDuncan*) in his cues- 136 THOMAS CARLIN. sage spoke in emphatic terms of the impolicy of the internal improvement system, presaging the evils threatened, and uiged that body to do their utmost to correct the great error ; yet, on the contrary, the Legislature not only decided to continue the policy but also added to its burden by voting more appro- priations and ordering more improvements. Although the money market was still stringent, a further loan of $4,000,000 was ordered for the Illinois & Mich- igan Canal alone. Cn'cago at that time began to loom up and promise to be an important city, even the great emporium of the West, as it has since in- deed came to be. Ex-Gov. Reynolds, an incompe- tent financier, was commissioned to effect the loan, and accordingly hastened to the East on this respons- ible errand, and negotiated the loans, at considera- ble sacrifice to the State. Besides this embarrassment to Carlin's administration, the Legislature also de- clared that he had no authority to appoint a Secretary of State until a vacancy existed, and A. P. Field, a Whig, who had already held the post by appointment through three administrations, was determined to keep the place a while longer, in spite of Gov. Car- lin's preferences. The course of the Legislature in this regard, however, was finally sustained by the Supreme Court, in a quo warranto case brought up before it by John A. McClernand, whom the Gov- ernor had nominated for the office. Thereupon that dignified body was denounced as a " Whig Court!' endeavoring to establish the principle of life-tenure of office. A new law was adopted re-organizing the Judici- ary, and under it five additional Supreme Judges were elected by the Legislature, namely, Thomas Ford (afterward Governor), Sidney Breese, Walter B. Scales, Samuel H. Treat and Stephen A. Douglas all Democrats. It was during Cov. Carlin's administration that the noisy campaign of "Tippecanoe and Tyler too " oc- curred, resulting in a Whig victory. This, however, did not affect Illinois politics very seriously. Another prominent event in the West during Gov. Carlin's term of office was the excitement caused by the Mormons and their removal from Independence, Mo., to Nauvoo, 111., in 1840. At the same time they began to figure somewhat in State politics. On account of their believing as they thought, accord- ing to the New Testament that they should have "all things common," and that consequently "all the earth " and all that is upon it were the" Lord's " and therefore the property of his " saints," they were suspected, and correctly, too, of committing many of the deeds of larceny, robbery, etc., that were so rife throughout this country in those days. Hence a feeling of violence grew up between the Mormons and "anti-Mormons." In the State of Missouri the Mormons always supixrted the Dem- ocracy until they were driven out l>y the Democratic government, when they turned their support to the Whigs. They were becoming numerous, and in the Legislature of 1840-1, therefore, it became a matter of great interest with both parties to conciliate these people. Through the agency of one John C. Ben- nett, a scamp, the Mormons succeeded in rushing through the Legislature (both parties not daring to oppose) a charter for the city of Nauvoo which vir- tually erected a hierarchy co-ordinate with the Fed- eral Government itself. In the fall of 1841 the Governor of Missouri made a demand upon Gov. Carlin for the body of Joe Smith, the Mormon leader, as a fugitive from justice. Gov. Carlin issued the writ, but for some reason it was returned unserved. It was again issued in 1842, and Smith was arrested, but was either rescued by his followers or discharged by the municipal court on a writ of habeas corpus. In December, 1841, the Democratic Convention nominated Adam W. Snyder, of Belleville, f>r Gov- ernor. As he had been, as a member of the Legisla- ture, rather friendly to the M.mnons, the latter naturally turned their support to the Democratic narty. The next spring the Whigi nominated Ex- Gov. Duncan for the same office. In the meantime the Mormons began to grow more odious to the masses of the people, and the comparative prospects of the respective parties for success became very problematical. Mr. S.iyder dieJ in May, and Thomas Ford, a Supre ne Judge, was substituted as a candidate, and was elected. At the close of his gubernatorial term, Mr. Carlin removed back to his old home at Carrollton, where he spent tha remainder of his life, as before his ele- vation to office, in agricultural pursuits. In 1849 he served out the unexpired term of J. D. Fry in the Illinois House of Representatives, and died Feb. 4, 1852, at his residence at Carrollton, leaving a wife and seven children. LIBRARY OF THE yt!!VERSITY OF ILLINOIS GO VEKNOKS OF ILLINOIS. 139 ^ JHOMAS FORD, Governor from 1842 to 1846, and au- thor of a very interesting history of Illinois, was born at Uniontown, Pa., in the year 1 800. His mother, after the death of her first hus- band (Mr. Forquer), married Rob- ert Ford, who was killed in 1802, by the Indians in the mountains of Pennsylvania. She was conse- quently left in indigent circum- stances, with a large family, mostly girls. With a view to better her condition, she, in 1804, removed to Missouri, where it had been cus- tomary by the Spanish Govern- ment to give land to actual settlers; but upon her arriv;il ;it St. Louis she found the country ceded to the United States, and the liberal policy toward set- tlers changed by the new ownership. After some sickness to herself and family, she finally removed to Illinois, and settled some three miles south of Water- loo, but the following year moved nearer the Missis- sippi bluffs. Here young Ford received his first schooling, under the instructions of a Mr. Humphrey, for which he had to walk three miles. His mother, though lacking a thorough education, was a woman of superior mental endowments, joined to energy and determination of character. She inculcated in her children those high-toned principles which dis- tinguished her sons in public life. She exercised a rigid economy to provide her children an education ; but George Forquer, her oldest son (six years older than Thomas Ford), at an early age had to quit school to aid by his labor in the support of the family. He afterward became an eminent man in Illinois affairs, and but for his early death would probably have been elected to the United States Senate. Young Ford, with somewhat better opportunities, received a better education, though limited to the curriculum of the common school of those pioneer times. His mind gave early promise of superior en- dowments, with an inclination for mathematics. His proficiency attracted the attention of Hon. Daniel P. Cook, who became his efficient patron and friend. The latter gentleman was an eminent Illinois states- man who, as a Member of Congress, obtained a grant of 300,000 acres of land to aid in completing the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and after whom the county of Cook was named. Through the advice of 140 THOMAS FORD. this gentleman, Mr. Ford turned his attention to the study of law; but Forquer, then merchandising, re- garding his education defective, sent him to Transyl- vania University, where, however, he remained but one term, owing to Forquer'.-; failure in business. On his return he alternated his law reading with teach- ing school for support. In 1829 Gov. Edwards appointed him Prosecuting Attorney, and in 1831 he was re-appointed by Gov. Reynolds, and after that he was four times elected a Judge by the Legislature, without opposition, twice a Circuit Judge, once a Judge of Chicago, and as As- sociate Judge of the Supreme Court, when, in 1841, the latter tribunal was re-organized by the addition of five Judges, all Democrats. Ford was assigned to the Ninth Judicial Circuit, and while in this capacity he was holding Court in Ogle County he received a notice of his nomination by the Democratic Conven- tion for the office of Governor. He immediately re- signed his place and entered upon the canvass. In August, 1842, he was elected, and on the 8th of De- cember following he was inaugurated. All the offices which he had held were unsolicited by him. He received them upon the true Jefferson- ian principle, Never to ask and never to refuse office. Both as a lawyer and as a Judge he stood deservedly high, but his cast of intellect fitted him rather for a writer upon law than a practicing advo- cate in the courts. In the latter capacity he was void of the moving power of eloquence, so necessary to success with juries. As a Judge his opinions were "ound, lucid and able expositions of the law. In practice, he was a stranger to the tact, skill and in- sinuating address of the politician, but he saw through the arts of demagogues as well as any man. Fie was plain in his demeanor, so much so, indeed, that at one time after the expiration of his term of office, during a session of the Legislature, he was taken by a stranger to be a seeker for the position of door- keeper, and was waited upon at his hotel near mid- night by a knot of small office-seekers with the view of effecting a " combination ! " Mr. Ford had not the "brass" of the ordinary politician, nor that impetuosity which characterizes a political leader. He cared little for money, and hardly enough for a decent support. In person he was of small stature, slender, of dark complexion, with black hair, sharp features, deep-set eyes, a pointed, aquiline nose having a decided twist to one side, and a small mouth. The three most important events in Gov. Ford's administration were the establishment of the high financial credit of the State, the " Mormon War "and the Mexican War. In the first of these the Governor proved himself to be eminently wise. On coining into office he found the State badly paralyzed by the ruinous effects of the notorious "internal improvement" schemes of the preceding decade, with scarcely anything to show by way of "improvement." The enterprise that seemed to be getting ahead more than all the rest was the Illinois & Michigan Canal. As this promised to be the most important thoroughfare, feasible to the people, it was well under headway in its construction. Therefore the State policy wa; almost concentrated upon it, in order to rush it on tu completion. Tne bonded indebtedness of the Sta;-j was growing so large as to frighten the people, and they were about ready to entertain a proposition for repudiation. But the Governor had the foresight to recommend such measures as would maintain the public credit, for which every citizen to-day feels thankful. But perhaps the Governor is remembered more for his connection with the Mormon troubles than for anything else; for it was during his term of office that the " Latter-Day Saints " became so strong at Nauvoo, built their temple there, increased their num- bers throughout the country, committed misdemean- ors, taught dangerous doctrines, suffered the loss of theirleader, Jo Smith, by a violent death, were driven out of Nauvoo to the far West, etc. Having been a- Judge fov so many years previously., Mr. Ford of course was no i-committal concerning Mor.non affairs, and was therefore claimed by both parties and also accused by each of sympathizing too greatly with the other side. Mormcnism claiming to be a system of religion, the Governor no doubt was "between two fires," and felt compelled to touch the matter rather " gingerly," and doubtless felt greatly relieved when that pestilential people left the State. Such compli- cated matters, especially when religion is n.ixed up with them, expose every person participating in them to criticism from all parties. The Mexican War was begun in the spring of 1845, and was continued into the gubernatorial term of Mr. Ford's su xessor. The Governor's connection with this war, however, was not conspicuous, as it was only administrative, commissioning officers, etc. Ford's " History of Illinois " is a very readable and entertaining work, of 450 small octavo pages, and is destined to increase in value with the lapse of time. It exhibits a natural flow of compact and forcible thought, never failing to convey the nicest sense. In tracing with his trenchant pen the devious operations of the professional politician, in which lie is inimit- able, his account is open, perhaps, to the objection that all his contemporaries are treated as mere place- seekers, while many of them have since been judged by the people to be worthy statesmen. His writings seem slightly open to the criticism that they exhibit a little splenetic partiality against those of his con- temporaries who were prominent during his term of office as Governor. The death of Gov. Ford took place at Peoria, 111., Nov. 2, 1850. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLIHO/S GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '43 us c. French AUGUSTUS C. FRENCH, Governor of Illinois from 1846 to 1852, was born in the town of Hill, in the State of New Hampshire, Aug. 2, 1808. He was a descendant in the fourth generation of Nathaniel French, who emigrated from England 'in 1687 and settled in Saybury, Mass. In early life young French lost his father, but continued to receive in- struction from an exemplary and Christian mother until he was 19 years old, when she also died, confiding to his care and trust four younger broth- ers and one sister. He discharged his trust with parental devotion. His education in early life was such mainly as a common school afforded. For a brief period he, attended Dartmouth College, but from pecuniary causes and the care of his brothers and sister, he did not graduate. He subsequently read law, and was admitted to the Bar in 1831, and shortly afterward removed to Illinois, settling first at Albion, Edwards County, where he established him- self in the practice of law. The following year he removed to Paris, Edgar County. Here he attained eminence in his profession, and entered public life by representing that county in the Legislature. A strong attachment sprang up between him and Ste- phen A. Douglas. In 1839, Mr. French was appointed Receiver of the United States Land Office at Palestine, Craw- ford County, at-which place he was a resident when elevated to the gubernatorial chair. In 1844 he was u Presidential Elector, and as such he voted for James K. Polk. The Democratic State Convention of 1846, meet- ing at Springfield Feb. 10, nominated Mr. French for Governor. Other Democratic candidates were Lyman Trumbull, Tohn Calhoun (subsequently of Lecompton Constitution notoriety), Walter B. Scales, Richard M. Young and A. W. Cavarly, an array of very able and prominent names. Trumbull was per- haps defeated in the Convention by the rumor that he was opposed to the Illinois and Michigan Canal, as he had been a year previously. For Lieutenant Governor J. B. Wells was chosen, while other candi- dates were Lewis Ross, Win. McMurtry, Newton Cloud, J. B. Hamilton and W. W. Thompson. The resolutions declared strongly against the resuscita- tion of the old State Banks. The Whigs, who were in a hopeless minority, held their convention June 8, at Peoria, and selected Thomas M. Kilpatrick, of Scott County, for Governor, and Gen. Nathaniel G. Wilcox,' of Schuyler, for Lieutenant Governor. In the campaign the latter exposed Mr. French's record and connection with the passage of the in- ternal improvement system, urging it against his election ; but in the meantime the war with Mexico broke out, regarding which the Whig record was un- popular in this State. The war was the absorbing and dominating question of the period, sweeping every other political issue in its course. The elec- tion in August gave Mr. French 58,700 votes, and Kilpatrick only 36,775. Richard Eells, Abolitionist candidate for the same office, received 5,152 votes. , , 144 AUGUSTUS C. FRENCff. By the new Constitution of 1848, a new election for State officers was ordered in November of that year, before Gov. French's term was half out, and he was re-elected for the term of four years. He was there- fore the incumbent for six consecutive years, the only Governor of this State who has ever served in that capacity so long at one time. As there was no organized opposition to his election, he received 67,- 453 votes, to 5,639 for Pierre Menard (son of the first Lieutenant Governor), 4,748 for Charles V. Dyer, 3,834 for W. L. D. Morrison, and 1,361 for James L. D. Morrison. But Wm. McMurtry, of Knox County, was elected Lieutenant Governor, in place of Joseph B. Wells, who was before elected and did not run again. Governor French was inaugurated into office dur- ing the progress of the Mexican War, which closed during the summer of 1847, although the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was not made until Feb. 2, 1848. The policy of Gov. French's party was com- mitted to that war, but in connection with that affair he was, of course, only an administrative officer. During his term of office, Feb. 19, 1847, the Legisla- ture, by special permission of Congress, declared that all Government lands sold to settlers should be im- mediately subject to State taxation; before this they were exempt for five years after sale. By this ar- rangement the revenue was materially increased. About the same lime, the distribution of Government land warrants among the Mexican soldiers as bounty threw upon the market a great quantity of good lands, and this enhanced the settlement of the State. The same Legislature authorized, with the recom- mendation of the Governor, the sale of the Northern Cross Railroad (from Springfield to Meredosia, the first in the State and now a section of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific) It sold for $100,000 in bonds, although it had cost the State not less than a million. The salt wells and canal lands in the Saline reserve in Gallatin County, granted by the general Govern- ment to the State, were also authorized by the Governor to be sold, to apply on the State debt. In 1850, for the first time since 1839, the accruing State revenue, exclusive of specific appropriations, was sufficient to meet the current demands upon the treasury. The aggregate taxable property of the State at this time was over $100,000,000, and the population 851,470. In 1849 the Legislature adopted the township or- ganization law, which, however, proved defective, and was properly amended in 1851. At its session in the latter year, the General Assembly also passed a law to exempt homesteads from sale 0:1 executions. This beneficent measure had been repeatedly urged upon that body by Gov. French. In 1850 some business men in St. Louis com- menced to build a dike opposite the lower part of their city on the Illinois side, to keep the Mississippi in its channel near St. Louis, instead of breaking away from them as it sometimes threatened to do. This they undertook without permission from the Legislature or Executive authority of this State ; and as many of the inhabitants there complained that the scheme would inundate and ruin much valuable land, there was a slight conflict of jurisdictions, re- sulting in favor of the St. Louis project ; and since then a good site has existed there for a city (Easl St. Louis), and now a score of railroads center there. It was in September, 1850, that Congress granted to this State nearly 3,000,000 acres of land in aid of the completion of the Illinois Central Railroad, which constituted the most important' epoch in the railroad we might say internal improvement his- tory of the State. The road was rushed on to com- pletion, which accelerated the settlement of the in- terior of the State by a good class of industrious citi- zens, and by the charter a good income to the State Treasury is paid in from the earnings of the road. In 1851 the Legislature passed a law authorizing free stock banks, which was the source of much leg- islative discussion for a number of years. But we have not space further to particularize concerning legislation. Gov. French's administra- tion was not marked by any feature to be criticised, while the country was settling up as never before. In stature, Gov. French was of medium height, squarely built, light complexioned, with ruddy face and pleasant countenance. In manners he was plain and agreeable. By nature he was somewhat diffident, but he was often very outspoken in his con- victions of duty. In public speech lie was not an orator, but was chaste, earnest and persuasive. In business he was accurate and methodical, and in his administration he kept up the credit of the State. He died in 1865, at his home in Lebanon, St Clair Co., 111. LIBRARY OF THE yrVEHSITY OF ILLINOIS GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. "47 i:OEL A. MATTESON, Governor 1853-6, was born Aug. 8, 1808, in Jefferson County, New York, to which place his father had re- moved from Vermont three years before. His father was a farmer in fair circumstances, but a com- mon English education was all that his only son received. Young Joel first tempted fortune as a small tradesman in Prescott, Canada, before he was of age. He returned from that place to his home, entered an academy, taught school, visited the prin- cipal Eastern cities, improved a farm his father had given him, made a tour in the South, worked there in building railroads, experienced a storm on the Gulf of Mexico, visited the gold diggings of Northern Georgia, and returned via Nashville to St. Louis and through Illinois to his father's home, when he mar- ried. In 1833, having sold his farm, he removed, with his wife and one child, to Illinois, and entered a claim on Government land near the head of An Sable River, in what is now Kendall County. At that time there were not more than two neighbors within a range of ten miles of his place, and only three or four houses between him and Chicago. He opened a large farm. His family was boa/do /" miles away while he erected a house on his claim, sleeping, daring this time, under a rude pole shed. Here his life was once placed in imminent peril by a huge prairie rattlesnake sharing his bed. In r83S he bought largely at the Government land sales. During the speculative real-estate mania which brokeout in Chicago in 1836 and spread over the State, he sold his lands under the inflation of that period and removed to Joliet. In 1838 he became a heavy contractor on the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Upon the completion of his job in 1841, when hard times prevailed, business at a stand, contracts paid in State scrip; when all the public works except the canal were abandoned, the State offered for sale 700 tons of railroad iron, which was purchased by Mr. Mat- teson at a bargain. This he accepted, shipped and sold at Detroit, realizing a very handsome profit, enough to pay off all his canal debts and leave him a surplus of several thousand dollars. His enterprise next prompted him to start a woolen mill at Joliet, in which he prospered, and which, after successive enlargements, became an enormous establishment. In 1842 he was first elected a State Senator, but, by a bungling apiiortionmeiit, John Pearson, a Senator holding over, was found to be in the same district, and decided to be entitled to represent it. Mat- teson's seat was declared vacant. Pearson, however, with a nobleness difficult to appreciate in this day of 148 A. MATTESOti. \ greed for office, unwilling to represent his district under the circumstances, immediately resigned his unexpired term of two years. A bill was passed in a few hours ordering a new election, and in ten days' time Mr. Matteson was returned re-elected and took his seat as Senator. From his well-known capacity as a business man, he was made Chairman of the Committee on Finance, a position he held during this half and two full succeeding Senatorial terms, discharging its important duties with ability and faith- fulness. Besides his extensive woolen-mill interest, when work was resumed on the canal under the new loan of $r, 600,000 he again became a heavy con- tractor, and also subsequently operated largely in building railroads. Thus he showed himself a most energetic and thorough business man. He was nominated for Governor by the Demo- cratic State Convention which met at Springfield April 20, 1852. Other candidates before the Con- vention were D. L. Gregg and F. C. Sherman, of Cook ; John Dement, of Lee ; Thomas L. Harris, of Menard; Lewis W. Ross, of Fulton ; and D. P. Bush,, of Pike. Gustavus Koerner, of St. Clair, was nom- inated for Lieutenant Governor. For the same offices the Whigs nominated Edwin B. Webb and Dexter A. Knowlton. Mr. Matteson received 80,645 votes at the election, while Mr. Webb received 64,408. Mat- teson's forte was not on the stump; he had not cul- tivated the art of oily flattery, or the faculty of being all things to all men. His intellectual qualities took rather the direction of efficient executive ability. His turn consisted not so much in the adroit manage- ment of party, or the powerful advocacy of great gov- ernmental principles, as in those more solid and enduring operations which cause the physical devel- opment and advancement of a State, of commerce and business enterprise, into which he labored with success to lead the people. As a politician he was just and liberal in his views, and both in official and private life he then stood untainted and free from blemish. As a man, in active benevolence, social rirtues and all the amiable qualities of neighbor or citizen, he had few superiors. His messages present a perspicuous array of facts as to the condition of the State, and are often couched in forcible and elegant diction. The greatest excitement during his term of office was the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, by Con- gress, under the leadership of Stephen A. Douglas in 1854, when the bill was passed organizing the Terri- tory of Kansas and Nebraska. A large portion of the Whig party of the North, through their bitter op position to tlie Democratic party, naturally drifted into the doctrine of anti-slavery, and thus led to what was temporarily called the " Anti-Nebraska " party, while the followers of Douglas were known as " Ne- braska or Douglas Democrats." It was during this embryo stage of the Republican party that Abraham Lincoln was brought forward as the "Anti-Nebraska " candidate for the United States Senatorship, while Gen. James Shields, the incumbent, was re-nom- inated by the Democrats. But after a fewballotings in the Legislature (1855), these men were dropped, and Lyman Trumbull, an Anti-Nebraska Democrai, was brought up by the former, and Mr. Matteson, then Governor, by the latter. On the nth ballot Mr. Trumbull obtained one majority, and was ac- cordingly declared elected. Before Gov. Matteson 's term expired, the Republicans were fully organized as a national party, and in 1856 put into the field a full national and State ticket, carrying the State, but not the nation. The Legislature of 1855 passed two very import- ant measures, the present free-school system and a submission of the Maine liquor law to a vote.of the people. The latter was defeated by a small majority of the popular vote. During the four years of Gov. Matleson's admin- istration the taxable wealth of the State was about trebled, from $137,818.079 to $349,957,272; the pub- lic debt was reduced from $17,398,985 to $12,843,- 144; taxation was at the same time reduced, and the State resumed paying interest on its debt in New York as fast as it fell due; railroads were increased in their mileage from something les,s than 400 to about 3,000 ; and the population of Chicago was nearly doubled, and its commerce mare than quad- rupled. Before closing this account, we regret that we have to say that Mr. Matteson, in all other respects an upright man and a good Governor, was implicated in a false re-issue of redeemed canal scrip, amount- ing to $224,182.66. By a suit in the ISangamon Cir- cuit Court the State recovered the principal and all the interest excepting $27,500. He died in the winter of 1872-3, at Chicago. UBRARY OF THE 'JK.'VERSITY OF ILLINO/S GO VEKNORS OF ILLINOIS. -**<- I I LLIAM H. BISSELL, Gov- ernor 1857-60, -was born 3 April 25, 1811, in the State of New York, near Painted Post, Yates County. His parents were obscure, honest, God-fearing people, who reared their children under the daily example of industiy and frugality, accord- ing to the custom of that class of Eastern society. Mr. Bissell received a respecta- ble but not thorough academical education. By assiduous application he acquired a knowledge of medicine, and in his early manhood came West and located in Mon- roe County, this State, where he engaged in the practice of that profession. But he was not enam- ored of his calling: he was swayed by a broader ambition, to such an extent that the mysteries of the healing art and its arduous duties failed to yield him further any charms. In a few years he discovered his choice of a profession to be a mistake, and when he approached the age of 30 he sought to begin anew. Dr. Bissell, no doubt unexpectedly to him- self, discovered a singular facility and charm of speech, the exercise of which acquired for him a ready local notoriety. It soon came to be under- stood that he desired to abandon his profession and take up that of the law. During terms of Court he would spend his time at the county seat among the members of the Bar, who extended to him a ready welcome. It was not strange, therefore, that he should drift into public life. In r84o he was elected as a Dem- ocrat to the Legislature from Monroe County, and was an efficient member of that body. On his re- turn home he qualified himself for admission to the Bar and speedily rose to the front rank as an advo- cate. His powers of oratory were captivating. With a pure diction, charming and inimitable gestures, clearness of statement, and a remarkable vein of sly humor, his efforts before a jury told with irresistible effect. He was chosen by the Legislature Prosecut- ing Attorney for the Circuit in which he lived, and in that position he fully discharged his duty to the State, gained the esteem of the Bar, and seldom failed to convict the offender of the law. In stature he was somewhat tall and slender, and with a straight, military bearing, he presented a dis- tinguished appearance. His complexion was dark, his head well poised, though not large, his address pleasant and manner winning. He was exemplary in his habits, a devoted husband and kind parent. He was twice married, the first time to Miss James, 152 WILLIAM H. BISSELL. of Monroe County, by whom he had two children, both daughters. She died soon after the year 1840, and Mr. B. married for his second wife a daughter of Elias K. Kane, previously a United States Senator from this State. She survived him but a short time, and died without issue. When the war with Mexico was declared in 1846, Mr. Bissell enlisted and was elected Colonel of his regiment, over Hon. Don Morrison, by an almost unanimous vote, 807 to 6. Considering the limited opportunities he had had, he evinced a high order of military talent. On the bloody field of Buena Vista he acquitted himself with intrepid and distinguished ability, contributing with his regiment, the Second Illinois, in no small degree toward saving the waver- ing fortunes of our arms during that long and fiercely contested battle. After his return home, at the close of the war, he was elected to Congress, his opponents being the Hons. P. B. Fouke and Joseph Gillespie. He served two terms in Congress. He was an ardent politician. During the great contest of 1850 he voted in favor of the adjustment measures; but in 1854 he opposed the repeal of the Missouri Compromise act and therefore the Kansas-Nebraska bill of Douglas, and thus became identified with the nascent Republican party. During his first Congressional term, while the Southern members were following their old practice of intimidating the North by bullying language, and claiming most of the credit for victories in the Mexican War, and Jefferson, Davis claiming for the Mississippi troops all the credit for success at Buena Vista, Mr. Bissell bravely defended the Northern troops ; whereupon Davis challenged Bissell to a duel, which was accepted. This matter was brought up against Bissell when he was candidate for Governor and during his term of office, as the Constitution of this State forbade any duelist from holding a State office. In 1856, when the Republican party first put forth a candidate, John C. Fremont, for President of the United States, the same party nominated Mr. Bissell for Governor of Illinois, and John Wood, of Quincy, for Lieutenant Governor, while the Democrats nomi- nated Hon. W. A. Richardson, of Adams County, for Governor, and Col. R. J. Hamilton, of Cook County, for Lieutenant Governor. The result of the election was a plurality of 4,729 votes over Richard- son. The American, or Know-Nothing, party had a ticket in the field. The Legislature was nearly bal- anced, but was politically opposed to the Governor. His message to the Legislature was short and rather ordinary, and was criticised for expressing the sup- posed obligations of the people to the incorporators of the Illinois Central Railroad Company and for re- opening the slavery question by allusions to the Kansas troubles. Late in the session an apportion- ment bill, based upon the State census of 1855, was passed, amid much partisan strife. The Governor at first signed the bill and then vetoed it. A furious debate followed, and the question whether the Gov- ernor had the authority to recall a signature was referred to the Courts, that of last resort deciding in favor of the Governor. T\vo years afterward another outrageous attempt was made for a re-apportionment and to gerrymander the State, but the Legislature failed to pass the bill over the veto of the Governor. It was during Gov. Bissell's administration that the notorious canal scrip fraud was brought to light, implicating ex-Gov. Matteson and other prominent State officials. The principal and interest, aggregat- ing $255,500, was all recovered by the State except- ing $27,500. (See sketch of Gov. Matteson.) In 1859 an attempt was discovered to fraudu- lently refund the Macalister and Stebbins bonds and thus rob the State Treasury of nearly a quarter of a million dollars. The State Government was impli- cated in this affair, and to this day remains unex- plained or unatoned for. For the above, and other matters previously mentioned, Gov. Bissell has been severely criticised, and he has also been most shame- fully libelled and slandered. On account of exposure in the army, the remote cause of a nervous form of disease gained entrance into his system and eventually developed paraplegia, affecting his lower extremities, which, while it left his body in comparative health, deprived him of loco- motion except by the aid of crutches. While he was generally hopeful of ultimate recovery, this myste- rious disease pursued him, without once relaxing its stealthy hold, to the close of his life, March 18, 1860, over nine months before the expiration of his gubernatorial term, at the early age of 48 years. He died in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church, of which he hart been a member since 1854. T tIBRARY OF THE Mf'VERSITY OF ILLINOIS -W VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '55 iiOHN WOOD, Governor 1860-1, and the first settler of Quincy, 111., was born in the town of Sempro- nius (now Moravia), Cayuga Co., N. Y., Dec. 20, 1798. He was the second child and only son of Dr. Daniel Wood. His mother, nee Catherine Crause, was of German parentage, and died while he was an infant. Dr. Wood was a learned and skillful physician, of classical attain- ments and proficient in several modern languages, who, after serving throughout the Revolu- tionary War as a Surgeon, settled on the land granted him by the Government, and resided there a re- spected and leading influence in his section until his death, at the ripe age of 92 years. The subject of this sketch, impelled by the spirit of Western adventure then pervading everywhere, left his home, Nov. 2, 1818, and passed the succeed- ing winter in Cincinnati, Ohio. The following sum- mer he pushed on to Illinois, landing at Shawneetown. and spent the fall and following winter in Calhoun County. In 1820, in company with Willard Keyes, he settled in Pike County, about 30 miles southeast of Quincy, where for the next two years he pursued farming. In 1821 he visited "the Bluffs" (as the present site of Quincy was called, then uninhabited) and, pleased with its prospects, soon after purchased a quarter-section of land near by, and in the follow- ing fall (1822) erected near the river a small cabin, 18 x 20 feet, the first building in Quincy, of which he then became the first and for some months the only occupant. About this time he visited his old friends in Pike County, chief of whom was William Ross, the lead- ing man in building up the village of Atlas, of that county, which was thought then to be the possible commencement of a city. One day they and others were traveling together over the country between the two points named, making observations on the com- parative merits of the respective localities. On ap- proaching the Mississippi near Mr. Wood's place, the latter told his companions to follow him and he would show them where he was going to build a city. They went about a mile off the main trail, to a high point, from which the view in every direction was most magnificent, as it had been for ages- and as yet untouched by the hand of man. Before them swept by the majestic Father of Waters, yet unburdened by navigation. After Mr. Wood had expatiated at length on the advantages of the situation, Mr. Ross replied, " But it's too near Atlas ever to amount to anything!" Atlas is still a cultivated farm, and Quincy is a city of over 30,000 population. In 1824 Mr. Wood gave a ?iewspaper notice, as the law then prescribed, of his intention to apply to the General Assembly for the formation of a new county. This was done the following winter, result- ing in the establishment of the present Adams County. During the next summer Quincy was se- lected as the county seat, it and the vicinity then containing but four adult male residents and half JOHN WOOD. that number of females. Sinoe that period Mr. Wood resided at the place of his early adoption un- til his death, and far more than any other man was he identified with every measure of its progress and history, and almost continuously kept in public posi- tions. He was one of the early town Trustees, and after the place became a city he was often a member of the City Council, many times elected Mayor, in the face of a constant large opposition political majority. In 1850 he was elected to the State Senate. In 1856, on the organization of the Republican party, he was chosen Lieutenant Governor of the State, on the ticket with Wm. H. Bissell for Governor, and on the death of the latter, March 18, 1860, he succeeded to the Chief Executive chair, which he occupied until Gov. Yates was inaugurated nearly ten months after- ward. Nothing very marked characterized the adminis- tration of Gov. Wood. The great anti-slavery cam- paign of 1860, resulting in the election of the honest Illinoisan, Abraham Lincoln, to the Presidency of the United States, occurred during the short period while Mr. Wood was Governor, and the excitement and issues of that struggle dominated over every other consideration, indeed, supplanted them in a great measure. The people of Illinois, during all that time, were passing the comparatively petty strifes under Bissell's administration to the overwhelming issue of preserving the whole nation from destruction. In 1 86 1 ex-Gov. Wood was one of the five Dele- gates from Illinois to the " Peace Convention " at Washington, and in April of the same year, on the breaking out of the Rebellion, he was appointed Quartermaster-General of the State, which position he held throughout the war. In 1864 he took com- mand as Colonel of the I37th 111. Vol. Inf., witli whom he served until the period of enlistment ex- pired. ' Politically, Gov. Wood was always actively identi- fied with the Whig and "Republican parties. Few men have in personal experience comprehended so many surprising and advancing local changes as vested in the more than half century recollections of Gov. Wood. Sixty-four years ago a solitary settler on the "Bluffs," with no family, and no neighbor within a score of miles, the world of civilization away behind him, and the strolling red-man almost his only visitant, he lived to see growing around him, and under his auspices and aid, overspreading the wild hills and scraggy forest a teaming city, second only in size in the State, and surpassed nowhere in beauty, prosperity and promise ; whose people recog- nize as with a single voice the proverbial honor and liberality that attach to the name and lengthened life of their pioneer settler, "the old Governor." Gov. Wood was twice married, first in January, 1826, to Ann M. Streeter, daughter of Joshua Streeter, formerly of Salem, Washington Co., N. Y. They had eight children. Mrs. W. died Oct. 8, 1863, and in June, 1865, Gov. Wood married Mrs. Mary A., widow of Rev. Joseph T. Holmes. Gov. Wood died June 4, 1880, at his residence in Quincy. Four of his eight children are now living, namely: Ann E., wife of Gen. John Till son; Daniel C., who married Mary J. Abernethy; John, Jr., who married Josephine Skinner, and Joshua S., who married Annie Bradley. The last mentioned now resides at Atchison, Kansas, and all the rest are still at Quincy. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '59 ICHARD YATES, the "War Governor," 1861-4, was born Jan. 1.8, 1818, on the banks of the Ohio River, at Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Ky. His father moved in '1831 to Illinois, and afier stopping for a time in Springfield, setiled at Island Grove, Sangamon County. Here, after attending school, Richard joined the family. Subsequently he entered Illinois College at Jacksonville, where, in 1837, he graduated with first honors. He chose for his pro- fession the law, the Hon. J. J. Har- din being his instructor. After ad- mission to the Bar he soon rose to distinction as an advocate. Gifted with a fluent and ready oratory, he soon appeared in the political hustings, and, being a passionate admirer of the great Whig leader of the West, Henry Clay, he joined his political fortunes to the party of his idol. In 1840 he engaged with great ardor in the exciting "hard cider" campaign for Harrison. Two years later he was elected to the Legislature from Morgan County, a Democratic stronghold. He served three or four terms in the Legislature, and such was the fascination of his ora- tory that by 1850 his large Congressional District, extending from Morgan and Sangamon Counties n jrth to include LaSalle, unanimously tendered him the Whig nomination for Congress. His Democratic opponent was Maj. Thomas L. Harris, a very pop- ular man who had won distinction at the battle of Ccrro Gordo, in the Mexican War, and who had beaten Hon. Stephen T. Logan for the same position, two years before, by a large majority. Yates was elected. Two years later he was re-elected, over John Calhoun. It was during Yates' second term in Congress that the great question of the repeal of the Missouri Com- promise was agitated, and the bars laid down for re- opening the dreaded anti-slavery question. He took strong grounds against the repeal, and thus became identified with the rising Republican party. Conse- quently he fell into the minority in his district, which was pro-slavery. Even then, in a third contest, he fell behind Major Harris only 200 votes, after the district had two years before given Pierce 2,000 majority for President. The Republican State Convention of 1860 met at Decatur May 9, and nominated for the office of Gov- ernor Mr. Yates, in preference to Hon. Norman B. Judd, of Chicago, and Leonard Swett, of Blooming- ton, two of the ablest men of the State, who were also candidates before the Convention. Francis A. Hoffman, of DuPage County, was nominated for Lieutenant Governor. This was the year when Mr. Lincoln was a candidate for President, a period re- membered as characterized by the great whirlpool which precipitated the bloody War of the Rebellion. The Douglas Democrats nominated J. C. Allen of Crawford County, for Governor, and Lewis W. Ro?s, of Fulton County, fdr Lieutenant Governor. The Breckenridge Democrats and the Bell-Everett party had also full tickets in the field. After a most fear- ful campaign, the result of the election gave Mr. Yates 172,196 votes, and Mr. Allen 159,253. Mr. Yates received over a thousand more votes than did Mr. Lincoln himself. Gov. Yates occupied the chair of State during the f. It 1 60 RICHARD YATES. most critical period of our country's history. In the fate of the nation was involved that of each State. The life struggle of the former derived its sustenance from the loyalty of the latter; and Gov. Yates seemed to realize the situation, and proved himself both loyal and wise in upholding the Government. He had a deep hold upon the affections of the people, won by his moving eloquence and genial manners. Erect and symmetrical in person, of pre- possessing appearance, with a winning address and a magnetic power, few men possessed more of the ele- ments of popularity. His oratory was scholarly and captivating, his hearers hardly knowing why they were transported. He was social and convivial. In the latter respect he was ultimately carried too far. The very creditable military efforts of this State during the War of the Rebellion, in putting into the field the enormous number of about 200,000 soldiers, were ever promptly and ably seconded by his excel- lency ; and the was ambitious to deserve the title of "the soldier's friend." Immediately after the battle of Shiloh he repaired to the field of carnage to look after the wounded, and his appeals for aid were promptly responded to by the people. His procla- mations calling for volunteers were impassionate appeals, urging upon the people the duties and re- quirements of patriotism ; and his special message in 1865 to the Democratic Legislature of this State pleading fur material aid for the sick and wounded soldiers of Illinois regiments, breathes a deep fervor of noble sentiment and feeling rarely equaled in beauty or felicity of expression. Generally his mes- sages 0:1 political and civil affairs were able and com- prehensive. During his administration, however, there were no civil events of an engrossing character, although two years of his time were replete with partisan quarrels of great bitterness. Military ar- rests, Knights of the Golden Circle, riot in Fulton County, attempted suppression of the Chicago Times and the usurping State Constitutional Convention of 1862, were the chief local topics that were exciting during the Governor's term. This Convention assem- bled Jan. 7, and at once took the high position that the law calling it was no longer binding, and that it had supreme power; that it represented a virtual assemblage of the whole people of the State, and was r/;vcreign in the exercise of all power necessary to effect a peaceable revolution of the State Government and to the re-establishment of one for the " happiness, prosperity and freedom of the citizens," limited only by the Federal Constitution. Notwithstanding the law calling the Convention required its members to take an oath to support the Constitution of the State as well as that of the general Government, they utterly refused to take such oath. They also as- sumed legislative powers and passed several import- ant "laws!" Interfering with the (then) present executive duties, Gov. Yates was provoked to tell them plainly that " he did not acknowledge the right of the Convention to instruct him in the performance of his duty." In 1863 the Governor astonished the Democrats by " proroguing " their Legislature. This body, after a recess, met June 2, that year, and soon began to waste time upon various partisan resolutions ; and, while the two houses were disagreeing upon the question of adjourning sine die, the Governor, having the authority in such cases, surprised them all by adjourning them " to the Saturday next preceding the first Monday in January, 1865 !" This led to great excitement and confusion, and to a reference of the Governor's act to the Supreme Court, who decided in his favor. Then it was the Court's turn to receive abuse for weeks and months afterward. During the autumn of 1864 a conspiracy was de- tected at Chicago which had for its object the liber- ation of the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, the burning of the city and the inauguration of rebellion in the North. Gen. Sweet, who had charge of the camp at the time, firs', had his suspicions of danger aroused by a number of enigmatically worded letters which passed through the Camp postoffice. A de- tective afterward discovered that the rebel Gen. Marmacluke was in the city, under an assumed name, and he, with other rebel officers Grenfell, Morgan, Cantrell, Buckner Morris, and Charles Walsh was arrested, most of whom were convicted by a court-martial at Cincinnati and sentenced to imprisonment, Grenfell to be hung. The sentence of the latter was afterward commuted to imprison- ment for life, and all the others, after nine months' imprisonment, were pardoned. In March, 1873, Gov. Yates was appointed a Gov- ernment Director of the Union Pacific Railroad, in which office he continued until his decease, at St. Louis, Mo., on the 2yth of November following. ^ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of IU.INO/S r GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. Rwhard J; Ogles SSii^lCHARl) J. OGLESBY, Gov- ernor 1865-8, and re-elected in 1872 and 1884, was born July 25, 1824, in Oldham Co., Ky., the State which might be considered the " mother of Illinois Governors." Bereft of his parents at the tender age of eight years, his early education was neglected. When 12 years of age, and after he had worked a year and a half at the carpenter's trade, he removed with an uncle, Willis Oglesby, into whose care he had been committed, to Decatur, this State, where he continued his ap- prenticeship as a mechanic, working six months for Hon. E. O. Smith. In 1844 he commenced studying law at Spring- field, with Judge Silas Robbins, and read with him one year. He was admitted to the Bar in 1845, and commenced the practice of his chosen profession at Sullivan, the county seat of Moultrie County. The next year the war with Mexico was com- menced, and in June, 1846, Mr. Oglesby volunteered, was elected First Lieutenant of Co. C, Fourth Illinois Regiment of Volunteers, and participated in the bat- tles of Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. On his return he sought to perfect his law studies by attending a course of lectures at Louisville, but on the breaking oat of the California "gold fever " in 1849, he crossed the plains and mountains to the new Eldorado, driving a six-mule team, with a com- pany of eight men, Henry Prather being the leader. In 1852 he returned home to Macon County, and was placed that year by the Whig party on the ticket of Presidential Electors. In 1856 he visited Europe, Asia and Africa, being absent 20 months. On his return home he resumed the practice of law, as a member of the firm of Gallagher, Wait & Oglesby. In 1858 he was the Republican no.uinee for the Lower House of Congress, but was defeated by the Hon. James C. Robinson, Democrat. In 1860 he was elected to the Illinois State Senate ; and on the evening the returns of this election were coming in, Mr. Oglesby had a fisticuff encounter with " Cerro Gordo Williams," in which he came out victorious, and which was regarded as " the first fight of the Rebellion." The following spring, when the war had commenced in earnest, his ardent nature quickly responded to the demands of patriotism and he enlisted. The extra session of the Legislature elected him Colonel of the Eighth Illinois Infantry, the second one in the State raised to suppress the great Rebellion. He was shortly entrusted with important com- mands. For a time he was stationed at Bird's Point and Cairo ; in April he was promoted Brigadier Gen- eral ; at Fort Donelson his brigade was in the van, being stationed on the right of General Grant's army and the first brigade to be attacked. He lost 500 men before re-inforcements arrived. Many of these men were from Macon County. He was engaged in the battle of Corinth, and, in a brave charge at this place, was shot in the left lung with an ounce ball, and was carried from the field in expectation of im- t. 164 RICHARD J. OGLESBY. mediate death. That rebel ball he carries to this day. On his partial recovery he was promoted as Major General, for gillantry, his commission to rank from November, 1862. In the spring of 1863 he was assigned to the command of the i6th,Army Corps, but, owing to inability fro n the effects of his wound, he relinq lished this command in July, that year. Gen. Grant, however, refused to accept his resignation, and he was detailed, in December follow- ing, to coart-martial a id try the Surgeon General of the Army at Washington, where he remained until May, 1864, wli.n he returned home. The Republican, or U lion, State Convention of 1864 was held at Springfield, May 25, when Mr. Oglesby was nominated for the office of Governor, while other candidates before the Convention were Allen C. Fuller, of Boone, Jesse K. Dubois, of Sanga- mon, and John M. Palmer, of Macoupin. Wra. Brass, of Chicago, was nominated for Lieutenant Governor. On the Democratic State ticket were James C. Robinson, of ('.lark, for Governor, and S. Corning Judd, of Fulton, for Lieutenant Governor. The general election gave Gen. Oglesby a majority of about 31,000 votes. The Republicans had also a majority in b.xli th,j Legislature and in the repre- sentation in Congress. Gov. Oglesby was duly inaugurated Jan. 17, 1865. The day before the first time set for his installation death visited his hj ne at Decatur, and took from it his only son, an intelligent and sprightly lad of six years, a great favorite of the bereaved parents. This caused the inauguration to be postponed a week. The political events of the Legislative session of 1865 were the election of ex-Gov. Yutes to the United States Senate, and the ratification of the 13111 amend. nent to the Constitution of the United States, abolishing slavery. This session also signalized itself by repealing the 'i >torious " black laws," part of which, although a dead letter, had held their place upon the statute books since 1819. Also, laws re- quiring the registration of voters, and establishing a State Board of Equalization, were passed by this Leg- islature. But the same body evinced that it was cor- ruptly influenced by a mercenary lobby, as it adopted some bad legislation, over the Governor's veto, nota- bly an amendment to a charter for a Chicago horse railway, granted in 1859 for 25 years, and now sought to be extended 99 years. As this measure was promptly passed ov~r his veto by both branches of the Legislature, he, deemed it useless further to attempt to check their headlong career. At this session no law of a general useful character or public interest was perfected, unless we count such the turning over of the canal to Chicago to be deepened. The session of 1867 was still more productive of private and special acts. Many omnibus bills were psoposad, and some passed. The contests over the location of the Industrial College, the Capital, the Southern Penitentiary, and the canal enlargement and Illinois River improvement, dominated every thing else. During the year 1872, it became evident that if the Republicans could re-elect Mr. Oglesby to the office of Governor, they could also elect him to the United States Senate, which they desired to do. Accordingly they re-nominated him for the Execu- tive chair, and placed upon the ticket with him for Lieutenant Governor, John L. Beveridge, of Cook County. On the other side the Democrats put into the field Gustavus Koerner for Governor and John C. Black for Lieutenant Governor. The election gave the Republican ticket majorities ranging from 35,334 to 56,174, the Democratic defection being caused mainly by their having an old-time Whig and Abolitionist, Horace Greeley, on the national ticket for President. 'According to the general understand- ing had beforehand, as soon as the Legislature met it elected Gov. Oglesby to the United States Senate, whereupon Mr. Beveridge became Governor. Sena- tor Oglesby 's term expired March 4, 1879, having served his party faithfully and exhibited an order of statesmanship beyond criticism. During the campaign of 1884 Mr. Oglesby was nominated for a "third term" as Executive of the State of Illinois, against Carter H. Harrison, Mayor of Chicago, nominated by the Democrats. Both gentlemen " stumped " the State, and while the peo- ple elected a Legislature which was a tie on a joint ballot, as between the two parties, they gave the jovial " Dick" Oglesby a majority of 15,018 for Gov- ernor, and he was inaugurated Jan. 30, 1885. The Legislature did not fully organize until this date, on account of its equal division between the two main parties and the consequent desperate tactics of each party to checkmate the latter in the organization of the House. Gov. Oglesby is a fine-appearing, affable man, with regular, well defined features and rotund face. In stature he is a little above medium height, of a large frame and somewhat fleshy. His physical appear- ance is striking and prepossessing, while his straight- out, not to say bluff, manner and speech are well calculated favorably to impress the average masses. Ardent in feeling and si rongly committed to the pol- icies of his party, he intensifies Republicanism among Republicans, while at the same time his jovial and liberal manner prevents those of the opposite party from hating him. He is quite an effective stump orator. With vehe- ment, passionate and scornful tone and gestures, tremendous physical power, which in speaking he exercises to the '.it most; with frequent descents to the grotesque; and with abundant homely compari- sons or frontier figures, expressed in the broadest vernacular and enforced with stentorian emphasis, he delights a promiscuous audience beyond measure. T LIBRARY OF THE DIVERSITY OF ILLIMOIS GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. n, 7 J O UN M. PA L HER ->! 4- : OHN Me AULEY PALMER, Gov- ernor 1869-72, v/as born on Engle Creek, Scott Co., Ky , Sept. 13, 1817. During his in- fancy, his father, who had been a. soldier in the war of 1812, re- moved to Christian Co., Ky., where lands were cheap. Here the future Governor of the great Prairie State spent his childhood and received such meager school- ing as the new and sparsely set- tled country afforded. To this he added materially by diligent reading, for which he evinced an His father, an ardent Jackson man, was also noted for his anti-slavery sentiments, which he thoroughly impressed upon his children. In 1831 he emigrated to Illinois, settling in Madison County. Here the labor of improving a farm \vas pursued for about two years, when the death of Mr. Palmer's mother broke up the family. About this time Alton College was opened, on the "manual labor " system, and in the spring of 1834 young Palmer, with his elder brother, Elihu, entered this school and remained 1 8 months. Next, for over three years, he tried variously coopering, peddling and school-teaching. During the summer of 1838 he formed the ac- quaintance of Stephen A. Douglas, then making his ea.ly aptitude. first canvass for Congress. Young, eloquent and in political accord with Mr. Palmer, he won his confi- dence, fired his ambition and fixed his purpose. The following winter, while teaching near Canton, he be- gan to devote his spare time to a desultory reading of law, and in the spring entered a law office at Car- linville, making his home with his elder brother, Elihu. (The latter was a learned clergyman, of con- siderable orginality of thought and doctrine.) On the next meeting of the Supreme Court he was ad- mitted to the Bar, Douglas being one of his examiners. He was not immediately successful in his profession, and wou!d have located elsewhere than Carlinville had he the requisite means. Thus his early poverty was a blessing in disguise, for to it he now attributes the success of his life. From 1839 on, while he diligently pursued his profession, he participated more or less in local politics. In 1843 he became Probate Judge. In 1847 he was elected to the State Constitutional Con- vention, where he took a leading part. In 1852 he was elected to the State Senate, and at the special session of February, 1854, true to the anti-slavery sentiments bred in him, he took a firm stand in op- position to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise; and when the Nebraska question became a party issue he refused to receive a re-nomination for the Senatorship at the hands of the Democracy, issuing a circular to that effect. A few weeks afterward, 168 JOHN MC AULEY PALMER. however, hesitating to break with his party, he par- ticipated in a Congressional Convention which nomi- T. L. Harris against Richard Yates, and which unqualifiedly approved the principles of the Kansas- Nebraska act. But later in the campaign he made the plunge, ran for the Senate as an Anti-Nebraska Democrat, and was electe I. The following winter he put in nomination for the United States Senate Mr. Trumbull, and was one of the five steadfast men who voted for him until all the Whigs came to .their support and elected their man. In 1856 he was Chairman of the Republican State Convention at Bloomington. He ran for Congress in 1859, but was defeated. In 1860 he was Republican Presidential Elector for the State at large. In 1861 he was appointed one of the five Delegates (all Re- publicans) sent by Illinois to the peace congress at Washington. When the civil conflict broke out, he offered his services to his country, and was elected Colonel of the 141)1 111. Vol. Inf., and participated in the engagements at Island No. ro; at Farmington, where he skillfully extricated his command from a dangerous position ; at Stone River, where his division for several hours, Dec. 31, 1862, held the advance and stood like a rock, and for his gallantry there he was made Major General ; at Chickamauga, where his and Van Cleve's divisions for two hours maintained their position when they were cut off by overpowering numbers. Under Gen. Sherman, he was assigned to the i4th Army Corps and participated in the Atlanta campaign. At Peach-Tree Creek his prudence did much to avert disaster. In February, 1865, Gen. Palmer was as- signed to the military administration of Kentucky, which was a delicate post. That State was about half rebel and half Union, and those of the latter element were daily fretted by the loss of their slaves. He, who had been bred to the rules of common law, trembled at the contemplation of his extraordinary power over the persons and property of his fellow men, with which he was vested in his capacity as military Governor; and he exhibited great caution in the execution of the duties of his post. Gen. Palmar was nominated for Governor of Illi- nois by the Republican State Convention which met at Peoria May 6, 1868, and his nomination would probably have been made by acclamation had he not persistently declared that he could not accept a can- didature for the office. The result of the ensuing election gave Mr. Palmer a majority of 44,707 over John R. Eden, the Democratic nominee. On the meeting of the Legislature in January, 1869, the first thing to arrest public attention was that portion of the Governor's message which took broad State's rights ground. This and some minor points, which were more in keeping with the Demo- cratic sentiment, constituted the entering wedge f >r the criticisms and reproofs he afterward received from the Republican party, and ultimately resulted in his entire aleniation from the latter element. The Legislature just referred to was noted for the intro- duction of numerous bills in the interest of private parties, which were embarrassing to the Governor. Among the public acts passed was that which limited railroad charges for passenger travel to a maximum of three cents per mile ; and it was passed over the Governor's veto. Also, they passed, over his veto, the "tax-grabbing law" to pay r^ilror.i subscriptions, the Chicago Lake Front bill, etc. The riew State Constitution of 1870, far superior to the old, was a peaceful " revolution" which took place during Gov. Palmer's term of office. The suffering caused by the great Chicago Fire of October, 1871, was greatly alleviated by the prompt responses of his excellency. Since the expiration of Gov. Palmers 's term, he has been somewhat prominent in Illinois politics, and has been talked of by many, especially in the Dem- ocratic party, as the best man in the State for a United States Senator. His business during life has been that of the law. Few excel him in an accurate appreciation of the depth and scope of its principles- The great number of his able veto messages abun- dantly testify not only this but also a rare capacity to point them out. He is a logical and cogent reasoner and an interesting, forcible and convincing speaker, though not fluent or ornate. Without brilliancy, his dealings are rather with facts and ideas than with appeals to passions and prejudices. He is a patriot and a statesman of very high order. Physically he is above the medium height, of robust frame, ruddy complexion and sanguine-nervous temperament. He has a large cranial development, is vivacious, social in disposition, easy of approach, unostentatious in his habits of life, democratic in his habits and manners and is a true American in his fundamental principles of statesmanship. *. UBRARY OF THE UK!VEflSITY OF ILLINOIS Mr-* GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. ; i 1 .' i 1 ; v ; i 1 ; V ; v ,,' ...,'.. i'.;'y..' ,' .- .< ;v ;:.:/! ..', .',.', , ', ,., . ', . <,: , :>, v, . v. ',..', . t)*" 5 *"" OHN LOWRiE BEVER- IDGE, Governor 187 3-6, was born in the town of Green- wich, Washington Co., N. Y., July 6, 1824. His parents were George and Ann Bever- idge. His father's parents, An- drew and Isabel Beveridge, be- fore their marriage emigrated from Scotland just before the Revolutionary War, settling in Washington County. His father was the eldest of eight brothers, the youngest of whom was 60 years of age when the first one of the num- ber died. His mother's parents, James and Agnes Hoy, emigrated from Scotland at the close of the Revolutionary War, settling also in Washington Co., N. Y., with their first-born, whose " native land "was the wild ocean. His parents and grandparents lived beyond the time allotted to man, their average age being over 83 years. They belonged to the "Asso- ciate Church," a seceding Presbyterian body of America from the old Scotch school ; and so rigid was the training of young Beveridge that he never heard a sermon from any other minister except that of his own denomination until he was in his igth year. Later in life he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which relation he still holds. Mr. Beveridge received a good common-school ed- ucation, but his parents, who could obtain a livelihood only by rigid economy and industry, could not send him away to college. He was raised upon a farm, and was in his i8th year when the family removed to De Kalb County, this State, when that section was very sparsely settled. Chicago had less than 7,000 inhabitants. In this wild West he continued as a farm laborer, teaching school during the winter months to supply the means of an education. In the fall of 1842 he attended one term at the academy at Granville, Putnam Co., 111., and subsequently several terms at the Rock River Seminary at Mount Morris, Ogle Co., 111., completing the academic course. At this time, the fall of 1845, his parents and brothers were anxious to have him go to college, even though he had not money sufficient; but, n it willing to bur- den the family, he packed his trunk and with only $40 in money started South to seek his fortune. t . 172 JOHN L. BEVRRIDGE. Poor, alone, without friends and influence, he thus entered upon the battle of life. First, he taught, school in Wilson, Overton and Jackson Cos., Tenn., in which experience he under- went considerable mental drill, both in book studies and in the ways of the world. He read law and was admitted to the Bar, in the South, but did not learn to love the institution of slavery, although he ad- mired many features of Southern character. In De- cember, 1847, he returned North, and Jan. 20, 1848, he married Miss Helen M. Judson, in the old Clark- Street M. E. church in Chicago, her father at that time being Pastor of the society there. In the spring of 1848 he returned with his wife to Tennessee, where his two children, Alia May and Philo Judson, were born. In the fall of 1849, through the mismanagement of an associate, he lost what little he had accumu- lated and was left in debt. He soon managed to earn means to pay his debts, returned to De Kalb Co., 111., and entered u[>on the practice of his pro- fession at Sycamore, the county seat. On arrival from the South he had but one-quarter of a dollar in money, and scanty clothing and bedding for himself and family. He borrowed a little money, practiced law, worked in public offices, kept books for some of the business men of the town, and some railroad en- gineering, till the spring of 1854, when he removed to Evanston, 12 miles north of Chicago, a place then but recently laid out, under the supervision of the Northwestern University, a Methodist institution. Of the latter his father-in-law was then financial agent and business manager. Here Mr. Beveridge prospered, and the next year (1855) opened a law office in Chicago, where he found the battle some- what hard; but he persevered with encouragement and increasing success. Aug. 12, 1861, his law partner, Gen. John F. Farnsworth, secured authority to raise a regiment cf cavalry, and authorized Mr. Beveridge to raise a company for it. He succeeded in a few days in rais- ing the company, of course enlisting himself along with it. The regiment rendezvoused at St. Charles, 111., was mustered in Sept. 18, and on its organiza- tion Mr. B. was elected Second Major. It was at- tached, Oct. n, to the Eighth Cavalry and to the Army of the Potomac. He served with the regiment iintil November, 1863, participating in some 40 bat- tles and skirmishes : was at Fair Oaks, the seven days' fight around Richmond, Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville and Gettysburg. He commanded the regiment the greater part of the summer of 1863, and it was while lying in camp this year that he originated the policy of encouraging recruits as well as the fighting capac- ity of the soldiery, by the wholesale furlough system. It worked so well that many other officers adopted it. In the fall of this year he rec/uittd another com- pany, against heavy odds, in January, 1864, was commissioned Colonel of the i7th 111. Cav., and skirmished around in Missouri, concluding with the reception of the surrender of Gen. Kirby Smith's army in Arkansas. In 1865 he commanded various sub-districts in the Southwest. He was mustered out Feb. 6, 1866, safe from the casualties of war and a stouter man than when he first enlisted. His men idolized him. He then returned to Chicago, to practice law, with no library and no clientage, and no political experi- ence except to help others into office. In the fall of 1866 he was elected Sheriff of Cook County, serving one term; next, until November, 1870, he practiced law and closed up the unfinished business of his office. He was then elected State Senator; in No- vember, 1871, he was elected Congressman at large; in November, 1872, he was elected Lieutenant Gov- ernor on the ticket with Gov. Oglesby ; the latter be- ing elected to the U. S. Senate, Mr. Beveridge became Governor, Jan. 21, 1873 Thus, inside of a few weeks, he was Congressman at large,. Lieutenant Governor and Governor. The principal events oc- curring during Gov. Beveridge 's administration were: The completion of the revision of the statutes, begun in 1869; the partial success of tli : "farmers' move- ment;" " Haines" Legislature " and Illinois' exhibit at the Centennial. Since the close of his gubernatorial term ex-Gov. Beveridge has been a member of the finn of Bever- idge & Dewey, bankers and dealers i,i commercial paper at 7 1 Dearborn Street (McCormick Block), Chicago, and since November, iSSi, lie has also been Assistant United States Treasurer: office in the Government Building. His residence is still at Ev- anston. He has a brother and two sisters yet residing in De Kalb County James 11. Beveridge, Mrs. Jennet Henry and Mrs. Isabel French. f LIBRARY OF THE DIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS t GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. i7S , L M. CULLOM. HELBY M. CULLOM, Gover- nor 1877-83, is the sixth child of the late Richard N. Cullom, and was born Nov. 22, 1829,111 Wayne Co., Ky., where his fa- ther then resided, and whence both the Illinois and Tennessee branches of the family originated. In the following year the family emi- grated to the vicinity of Washington, Tazewell Co., 111., when that section was very sparsely settled. They lo- cated on Deer Creek, in a grove at the time occupied by a party of In- dians, attracted there by the superior hunting and fishing afforded in that vicinity. The following winter was known as the " hard winter," the snow [being very dee)) and lasting and the weather severely cold; and t'ue family had to subsist mainly on boiled corn or hominy, and some wild game, for several weeks. In the course of time Mr. R. N. Cullom became a prom- inent citizen and was several times elected to the Legislature, both before and after the removal of the capital from Vandalia to Springfield. He died about '873- Until about 19 years of age young Cullom grew up to agricultural pursuits, attending school as he had opportunity during the winter. Within this time, however, he spent several months teachim* chool, and in the following summer he "broke prairie "with an ox team for the neighbors. With the money ob- tained by these various ventures, he undertook a course of study at the Rock River Seminary, a Methodist institution at Mt. Morris, Ogle County; but the sudden change to the in-door life of a stu- dent told severely upon his health, and he was taken home, being considered in a hopeless condition. While at Mt. Morris he heard Hon. E. B. Washburne make his first speech. On recovering health, Mr. Cullom concluded to study law, under the instruction of Abraham Lincoln, at Springfield, who had by this time attained some notoriety as an able lawyer ; but the latter, being ab- sent from his office most of the time, advised Mr. Cullom to enter the office of Stuart & Edwards. After about a year of study there, however, his health failed again, and he was obliged to return once more to out-door life. Accordingly he bought hogs foi packing, for A. G. Tyng, in Peoria, and while he re- gained his health he gained in purse, netting $400 in a few weeks. Having been admitted to the Bar, he went to Springfield, where he was soon elected City Attorney, on the Anti-Nebraska ticket. In 1856 he ran on the Fillmore ticket as a Presi- dential Elector, and, although failing to be elected as such, he was at the same time elected a Representa- tive in the Legislature from Sangamon County, by a local coalition of the American and Republican par- ties. On the organization of the House, he received the vote of the Fillmore men for Speaker. Practicing ,76 SHELB Y M. CULLOM. law until 1860, he was again elected to the Legisla- ture, as a Republican, while the county went Demo- cratic on the Presidential ticket. In January follow- ing he was elected Speaker, probably the youngest man who had ever presided over an Illinois Legis- lature. After the session of 1861, he was a candidate for the State Constitutional Convention called for that year, but was defeated, and thus escaped the disgrace of being connected with that abortive party scheme to revolutionize the State Government. In 1862 he was a candidate for the State Senate, but was defeated. The same year, however, he was ap- pointed by 'President Lincoln on a Government Commission, in company with Gov. Boutwell of Massachusetts and Cnarles A. Dana, since of the New York Sun, to investigate the affairs of the Quartermaster's and Commissary Departments at Cairo. He devoted several months to this duty. In 1864 he enteied upon a larger political field, being nominated as the Republican candidate for Congress from the Eighth (Springfield) District, in opposition to the incumbent, John T. Stuart, who had been elected in 1862 by about 1,500 majority over Leonard Swett, then of Bloomington, now of Chicago. The result was the election of Mr. Cullom in Novem- ber following by a majority of 1,785. In 1866 he was re-elected to Congress, over Dr. E. S. Fowler, by the magnificent majority of 4,103! In 1868 he was again a candidate, defeating the Hon. B. S. Edwards, another of his old preceptors, by 2,884 votes. During his first term in Congress he served on the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Expenditures in the Treasury Department; in his second term, on the Committees on Foreign Affairs and on Territories ; and in his third term he succeeded Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, to the Chairmanship of the latter. He intro- duced a bill in the House, to aid in the execution of law in Utah, which caused more consternation among the Mormons than any measure had previously, but which, though it passed the House, failed to pass the Senate. The Republican Convention which met May 25, 1876, nominated Mr. Cullom for Governor, while the other contestant was Gov. Beveridge. For Lieuten- ant-Governor they nominated Andrew Shuman, editor of the Chicago Journal. For the same offices the Democrats, combining with the Anti-Monopolists, placed in nomination Lewis Steward, a wealthy farmer and manufacturer, and A. A. Glenn. The result of the election was rather close, Mr. Cullom obtaining only 6,800 majority. He was inaugurated Jan. 8, 1877. Great depression prevailed in financial circles at this time, as a consequence of the heavy failures of 1873 and afterward, the effect of which had seemed to gather force from that time to the end of Gov. Cullom's first administration. This unspeculative period was not calculated to call forth any new issues, but the Governor's energies were at one time put to task to quell a spirit of insubordination that had been begun in Pittsburg, Pa., among the laboring classes, and transferred to Illinois at Chicago, East St. Louis and Braidwood, at which places laboring men for a short time refused to work or allow others to work. These disturbances were soon quelled and the wheels of industry again set in motion. In May, 1880, Gov. Cullom was re-nominated by the Republicans, against Lyman Trumbull, by the Democrats; and although the former party was some- what handicapped in the campaign by a zealous faction opposed to Grant for President and to Grant men for office generally, Mr. Cullom was re-elected by about 314,565, to 277,532 for the Democratic State ticket. The Greenback vote at the same time was about 27,000. Both Houses of the Legislature again became Republican, and no representative of the Greenback or Socialist parties were elected. Gov. Cullom was inaugurated Jan. 10, iSSi. In his mes- sage he announced that the last dollar of the State debt had been provided for. March 4, 1883, the term of David Davis as United States Senator from Illinois expired, and Gov. Cul- lom was chosen to succeed him. This promoted Lieutenant-Governor John M. Hamilton to the Gov- ernorship. Senator Cullom's term in the United States Senate will expire March 4, 1889. As a practitioner of law Mr. C. has been a member of the firm of Cullom, Scholes & Mather, at Spring- field ; and he has also been President of the State National Bank. He has been married twice, the first time Dec. 12, 1855, to Miss Hannah Fisher, by whom he had two daughters; and the second time May 5, 1863, to Julia Fisher. Mrs. C is a member of the Method- ist Episcopal Church, with which religious body Mr. C. is also in sympathy. LIBRARY OF THE -.''."VCRSITY OF ILLINOIS GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '79 , . *3gMM3MHRMHM?4KMHK4MN<4KH f Ira M. fitafiai L V \ V ( I Mie4KMHMIM^ OHN MARSHALL HAMIL- TON, Governor 1883-5, was born May 28, 1847, in a log house upon a farm about two miles from Richwoud, Union County, Ohio. His father was Samuel Hamilton, the eldest son cf Rev. Wm. Hamilton, who, to- gether with his brother, the Rev. Samuel Hamilton, was among the early pioneer Methodist preachers in Ohio. The mother of the subject of this sketch was, before her marriage, Mrs. Nancy McMorris, who was born and raised in Fauquier or Lou- doun County, Va., and related to the two large families of Youngs and Marshalls, well known in that commonwealth; and from the latter family name was derived the middle name of Gov. Hamilton. In March, 1854, Mr. Hamilton's father sold out his little pioneer forest home in Union County, O., and, loading his few household effects and family (of six children) into two emigrant covered wagons, moved to Roberts Township, Marshall Co., 111., being 2 1 days on the route. Swamps, unbridged streams and innumerable hardships and privations met them on their way. Their new home had been previously selected by the father. Here, after many long years of toil, they succeeded in paying for the land and making a comforta^ 1 * home. John was, of course, brought up to hard manual labor, with no schooling except three or four months in the year at a common country school. However, he evinced a capacity and taste for a high order of self-education, by studying or reading what books be could borrow, as the family had but very few in the house. Much of his study he prosecuted by the light of a log fire in the old-fashioned chimney place. The financial panic of 1857 caused the family to come near losing their home, to pay debts ; but the father and two sons, William and John, " buckled to '' and perse- vered in hard labor and economy until they redeemed their place from the mortgage. When the tremendous excitement of the political campaign of 1860 reached the neighborhood of Rob- erts Township, young Hamilton, who had been brought up in the doctrine of anti-slavery, took a zeal- ous part in favor of Lincoln's election. Making special efforts to procure a little money to buy a uniform, he joined a company of Lincoln Wide-Awakes at Mag- nolia, a village not far away. Directly after the ensuing election it became evident that trouble would ensue with the South, and this Wide-Awake company, like many others throughout the country, kept up its organization and transformed itself into a military company. During the ensuing summer they met often for drill and became proficient ; but when they offered themselves for the war, young Hamilton was rejected on account of his youth, he being then but 14 years of age. During the winter of 1863-4 he attended an academy at Henry, Marshall County ; fr- f , i8o JOHN MARSHALL HAMILTON. and in the following May he again enlisted, for the fourth time, when he was placed in the 1415! 111. Vol. Inf., a regiment then being raised at Elgin, 111., for the loo-day service. He took with him 13 other lads from his neighborhood, for enlistment in the service. This regiment operated in Southwestern Kentucky, for about five months, under Gen. Paine. The following winter, 1864-5, Mr. Hamilton taught school, and during the two college years 1865-7, he went through three years of the curriculum of the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio. The third year he graduated, the fourth in a class of 46, in the classical department. In due time he received the degree of M. A. For a few months he was the Principal of Marshall " College " at Henry, an acad- emy under the auspices of the M. E. Church. By this lime he had commenced the study of law, and after earning some money as a temporary Professor of Latin at the Illinois Wesleyan University at Bloomington, he entered the law office of Weldon, Tipton & Benjamin, of that city. Each member of this firm has since been distinguished as a Judge. Admitted to the Bar in May, 1870, Mr. Hamilton was given an interest in the same firm, Tipton hav- ing been elected Judge. In October following he formed a partnership with J. H. Rowell, at that time Prosecuting Attorney. Their business was then small, but they increased it to very large proportions, practicing in all grades of courts, including even the U. S. Supreme Court, and this partnership continued unbroken until Feb. 6, 1883, when Mr. Hamilton was sworn in as Executive of Illinois. On the 4th of March following Mr. Rowell took his seat in Con- gress. In July, 1871, Mr. Hamilton married Miss Helen M. Williams, the daughter of Prof. Win. G. Williams, Professor of Greek in the Ohio Wesleyan University. Mr. and Mrs. H. have two daughters and one son. In 1876 Mr. Hamilton was nominated by the Re- publicans for the State Senate, over other and older competitors. He took an active part " on the stump " in the campaign, for the success of his party, and was elected by a majority of 1,640 over his Democratic- Greenback opponent. In the Senate he served on the Committees on Judiciary, Revenue, State Insti- tutions, Appropriations, Education, and on Miscel- lany ; and during the contest for the election of a U. S. Senator, the Republicans endeavoring to re- \ i ^_ elect John A. Logan, he voted for the war chief on every ballot, even alone when all the other Republi- cans had gone over to the Hon. E. B. Lawrence and the Democrats and Independents elected Judge David Davis. At this session, also, was passed the first Board of Health and Medic.al Practice act, of which Mr. Hamilton was a champion, agair' 1 : . , much opposition that the bill was several times "laid on the table." Also, this session authorized the location and establishment of a southern pe^ tentiary, which was fixed at Chester. In the sessior of 1879 Mr. Hamilton was elected President pr o tern. of the Senate, and was a zealous supporter of John A. Logan for the U. S. Senate, who was this time elected without any trouble. In May, 1880, Mr. Hamilton was nominated on the Republican ticket for Lieutenant Governor, his principal competitors before the Convention being Hon. Wm. A. James, ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives, Judge Robert Bell, of Wabash County, Hon. T. T. Fountain, of Perry County, and Hon. M. M. Saddler, of Marion County. He engaged actively in the campaign, and his ticket was elected by a majority of 41,200. As Lieutenant Governor, he presided almost continuously over the Senate in the 32d General Assembly and during the early days of the 33d, until he succeeded to the Governorship. When the Legislature of 1883 elected Gov. Cullom to the United States Senate, Lieut. Gov. Hamilton succeeded him, under the Constitution, taking the oath of office Feb. 6, 1883. He bravely met all the annoyances and embarrassments incidental upon taking up another's administration. The principal events with which Gov. Hamilton was connected as the Chief Executive of the State were, the mine dis- aster at Braidwood, the riots in St. Clair and Madison Counties in May, 1883, the appropriations for the State militia, the adoption of the Harper high-license liquor law, the veto of a dangerous railroad bill, etc. The Governor was a Delegate at large to the National Republican Convention at Chicago in June, 1884, where his first choice for President was John A. Logan, and second choice Chester A. Arthur; but he afterward zealously worked for the election of Mr Elaine, true to his party. Mr. Hamilton's term a* Governor expired Ja;:. 30, r885, when the great favorite " Dick " Oglesby was inaugurated. ZZinois. ^^^ ?r *w j S3, '- COLES COUNTY. 183 t , INTRODUCTORY. OLES COUNTY, prior to its organization, which occurred in 1830, had been attached to Clark. It was christened , in honor of Edward Coles, who was elected Governor of Illinois in 1822, and who was one of the most noble and worthy men who ever occupied that high po- sition. Gov. Coles was a Virginian by birth and a large slave-owner, and when he emigrated to Illinois he brought his slaves with him. Upon becoming a citizen of this State he liberated all of them and gave each head of a family among them 160 acres of land. At the time of the organization of Coles it embraced the territory now forming Douglas and Cumberland Counties. Coles County is situated in latitude 40 north, and longitude 11 west from Washington, embracing about 500 square miles, and divided into thirteen townships. Its general surface is undulating, but there are some parts of it which are broken, yet not to that extent as to be regarded hilly. Its eleva- tion is about 800 feet above the level of the Gulf of Mexico. The soil, which is rich, especially the prairies, is well drained by the Embarras, Kaskaskia and Kickapoo Rivers, and numerous other little water courses. The county is liberally timbered and contains many flue groves. Like most of the counties of Illinois, Coles' first inhabitants were Indians. At one time in the his- tory of the State their wigwams were numerous and their camp-fires left but a few groves unlighted by night. The first white people to settle in the county, who came in 1824, were John Parker and Samuel Kellogg with their families, in all fourteen. John Parker erected the first cabin, which was lo- cated in what is now Hutton Township, on the east bank of the Embarras, and opposite to where Blakeman's Mill was in after years set up. These pioneers were soon followed by many others and it was not long before the county had quite a re- spectable population. Among the early settlers in Coles County were Thomas Lincoln, father of President Lincoln, and Dennis F. Hanks, who was first cousin to Abraham Lincoln's mother. They moved here from Macon County in the fall of 1831, and located near Goose Neck Prairie, in what is now Pleasant Grove Town- ship. The early life of Abraham Lincoln is well known by the settlers here. His father erected a cabin on his claim, where he lived until his death, Jan. 15, 1851, and was buried in the little Garden Churchyard near Farmington, where a few years ago a monument was erected to his memory, by his grandson, Robert T. Lincoln. His second wife, who survived him several years, was buried by his side. Dennis Hanks took up a farm near Mr. Lincoln's, where he lived for about two years when he moved to Charleston. He became quite con- spicuous in the country at one time as the companion T 184 COLES COUNTY. of young Abraham Lincoln and one who taught him to read, and subsequently (in 1876) as the exhibitor of the celebrated Lincoln log cabin. He is a man of the old type, honest and positive in his nature, and has many interesting remembrances still held by his good memory of the great President. He lives at Charleston, surrounded by his children and grand- children, in' his eighty ninth year, and remarkably preserved in all his faculties. In 1831 the county seat was located and the name was called Charleston. Here a good court- house was completed in 1835, which has since been remodeled. What is an unusual thing for counties, Coles has had no county seat contests, nor any change in its county seat location. The early settlers of Coles did not lack for re- ligious instruction, and that of a solid, substantial character. Its pioneer was a preacher and of the "hard-shell" Baptist order. This society was fol- lowed by many others, and the people now are well supplied with places of worship. Schools were early established in the county, but the buildings were rude structures and the system was imperfect. When the present free school system was adopted, the people of Coles earnestly interested themselves in providing for the education of their children, which resulted in the establishment of good schools throughout the county. The people were alive to the benefits of railroad transportation and early in- terested themselves in having the county traversed by good lines. The first to complete its track through the county was the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute (now forming part of the Bee Line), which was during the latter part of 1855. Aboutthe Istof January, 1856, the Illinois Central ran its first passenger train through Mattoon, from Chicago to Cairo. It would be a great error to think of those lines as we would of the present almost perfect system of railroads. The tracks were laid with strap iron, the coaches were crude in construction, and the locomotives were weak in power. Often the neighboring farmers were 'called on to assist with fence rails, a weary train up a grade. Other lines have since been completed the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City, the Peoria, Decatur & Evansville and the Illinois Midland which give to the county splendid transportation facilities. Coles is chiefly an agricultural county, its prin- cipal products being corn and broom corn. In the latter product it stands ahead of any county in the United States. Considerable attention is also paid to stock, and some splendid pure blooded stock can be seen in the county. Underlying the surface at different depths are ex- tensive coal beds of a very good quality of bitumi- nous coal, some of which have been opened and are being worked with profit. There are three thriving towns in the county Charleston, Mattoon, and Oakland. There are sev- eral other little villages, some of which are grow- ing slowly. The population of the county is now about 30.000, and it is steadily increasing. The northern portion of the county is under splendid cultivation, and a more desirable farming country could hardly be found, while the southern part con- tains many fine and well cultivated farms. The original settlers were chiefly from Kentucky, Virginia and Indiana. The present population' is composed of these and their descendants, those coming in since from the Northern States, and some from foreign lands. They are, in the main, an in- telligent, industrious and thrifty people. LIBRARY OF THE 'JKfVERSITY OF ILLINOIS t COLES COUNTY. 187 -.0^-0-- RLANDO B. FICKLIN, one of the most prominent and useful citizens who ever honored Coles County, and one who in many respects did more in its behalf than anj' other man, was born Dec. 16, 1808. He was the son of William and Elizabeth Kenner (Williams) Ficklin, natives of Virginia, but who removed to Kentucky, where their son Orlando was born. He received a practical education in the schools of Kentucky and Missouri, whither his parents subsequently removed, and passed one year in Princeton College, Calclwell Co., Ky. tie commenced the study of law at Potosi, Washing- ton Co., Mo., and during the winter of 1829 and 1830, prosecuted his legal studies in Transyl- vania University, and in the law office of Gen. Robert Karris, at St. Louis. In the spring of 1830 he was admitted to the bar at Belleville, St. Clair Co., 111., and commenced the practice of law in Mt. Carmel, Wabash Count}'. In 1832 Mr. Ficklin entered Capt. Jordan's com- pany, and went to the Black Hawk War, serving as Quartermaster, and in the following year he was elected Colonel of the militia of Wabash County, and shortly afterward began his political career, which was one of the most honorable and brilliant enjoyed by any of his contemporaries. In August, 1834, he was elected to the Lower House of the Legislature, and chosen by that body as States At- torney for the Wabash Circuit. In 1837 he removed to Charleston, and the ensuing year represented Coles County in the Legislature. In 1842 he was again elected to the Legislature, and the following year was made the Member of Congress from the Wabash District, and was re-elected in the years of 1844 and 1846. At the close of this long public career he resumed the practice of law in Charleston, but his services were considered too valuable to the public to be permitted to lead a quiet life, and in 1850 he was returned to Congress. In 1856 he was a member of the Democratic Convention at Cincinnati, which nominated James Buchanan for President, and in 1860 was a member of the National Convention held at Charleston, S. C. In 1864 he was'a delegate to the National Convention held at Chicago, which nominated Gen. George B. McClellan for President, and in 1869-70 represented the counties of Coles, Monltrie and Douglas in the State Constitutional Convention. In 1 878 he was elected to the House of Representatives in the State Legislature. He was Elector for the State at large three terms; the last was when Cleveland was elected President. The Hon. O. B. Ficklin was faithful in the dis- charge of his public duties, which were heaped upon him, and possessed the respect and esteem of his political constituents. He devoted his time and talents to the service of the State, with a rare, spirit of devotion and unselfishness. After a long and useful life, chequered by many national vicissitudes, he passed away from the busy scenes of earth May 5, 1885. It is with pleasure that the publish- ers place the portrait of this lamented and honored 188 COLES COUNTY. citizen on an accompanying page, the first in the volume, a fitting place for the man represented. Mrs. O. B. Ficklin, Postmistress of Charleston, and the widow of the late Orlando B. Ficklin, is the daughter of W. T. and Nancy (Lane) Colquitt; the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Geor- gia. Her paternal grandparents, Henry and Nancy (Holt) Colquitt, were natives of Virginia and of English descent. They removed to Georgia when her father was two years of age. Her maternal grandparents were Joseph and Elizabeth (Hill) Lane; the former was a native of North Carolina, and the latter of South Carolina, and her great- grandfather, Richard Lane, was a native of Virginia. Henry Colquitt, who was a slave-holder under the old regime, owned an extensive plantation in Virginia, as well as one in Georgia after his re- moval to that State. A family of three children was born to him, as follows: Sarah H., the wife of Edmond Randell, a resident of Georgia ; W. T. and John. W. T. Colquitt was born in 1807, and grad- uated with' honors from Princeton College before he attained his majority. He subsequently studied law in Georgia, where he was admitted to the bar. He was brilliant and successful in his profession and was made Judge of the Circuit Court before reach- ing the age of twenty-five. He was interested in all affairs of national importance, and served several years as Member of Congress. He was enterprising and successful in business, and became an extensive land-owner. His death occurred in 1857, and his wife died in 1840. Only three children of their family are now living, whose record is as follows: Alfred H., who was the Governor of Georgia eight years, and is now United States Senator from that State ; Mrs. O. B. Ficklin, the subject of this sketch ; Emily L., the wife of Samuel Carter, a wealthy planter of Dalton, Ga., and Payton H., who was a Brigadier General in the Civil War, and was killed at Chattanooga. Mrs. Ficklin has a family of three children now living, whose record is as follows : Alfred C., an attorney, residing at Tuscola, Douglas Co., 111., and who married Miss Emma Weiss, has three sons Orlando B., Otto W. and Walter C. ; Joseph C., an attorney, residing at Paris, Edgar Co., 111., married to Miss Susan Thomas, of Chicago, and has one son, James R. ; Orlando B., an attorney, residing in Charleston, married to Miss Mary Wright, has three children Joseph C., Mary C. and Samuel W. Mrs. Ficklin, as the wife of a distinguished politician, has had much experience in public affairs. She possesses tact, good judgment and rare business ability, which render her well fitted for the position she holds, which was one of the first appointments made by President Cleveland in 1885. Mrs. Fick- lin is a member of the Episcopal Church, and an accomplished lad}-, and enjoys the highest esteem of the entire community in which she lives, and of which she is a very important factor. REEN ARTERBURN. The farm owned by this gentleman forms one of the prettiest spots in the landscape of Ashmore Town- ship. The dwelling with its out-buildings, is located on a rise of ground, and the pasture and grain fields stretch away on either side forming a picture which is delightful to look upon. The grounds around the residence, which are ample and well kept, are planted with choice shade trees, and in the rear is a fine carp pond fed by living springs, and stocked with an abundance of the finny tribe procured from the Government in 1886. The farm contains 160 acres, finely cultivated, and the residence is one of the most elegant in the town- ship, while the barn and stables correspond in every respect with the main building. Mr. Arterburn is a native of the Prairie State, his birth taking place in Edgar County, Dec. 26, 1834. His parents, John and Mahulda (Watkins) Arterburn, were natives of Jefferson County, Ky. The former, born Feb. 28, 1804, is still living and a resident of Edgar County, where he owns a fine property and is one of the prominent men of that section. He votes with the Republican party and is one of the pillars of the Christian Church. The mother, who was born Jan. 22, 1808, departed this life at the homestead in Edgar County in the spring of 1875. She was a lady greatly beloved by her family and friends, a faithful and loving wife and mother, and one who performed all her duties in life with a conscientious fidelity which has left its t. COLES COUNTY. 189 impress upon the hearts of all who knew her. The household circle included eight children, namely, James, John, Allen, Green, Ann, Norben, Henry, and Mary, now deceased. The Arterburn family is of German descent, the earliest representatives in this country settling first in the Blue Grass regions, where they built up for themselves good homes and a name of which their descendants may justly be proud. Green, of our sketch, remained a member of the parental house- hold until twenty-two years of age, and was then united in marriage with Miss Isabella Kester, a native of his own county, who was born June 16, 11S38. Their wedding took place on Christmas Day in 1S55, and they began life together amid the surroundings of a neat little home in Kansas Township, Edgar County. After the birth of four children, the wife and mother de- parted this life in the summer of 1878. Their eldest child, Alice A., was born Dec. 9, 1856, and married David Ross, a merchant of Kansas; Lyman T., born Feb. 3, 1859, married Miss Clara Boyer; John A. was born June 13, 1867, and Mariam E. in November, 1869. Mr. Arterburu was the second time married, March 10, 1880, to Miss Katie Epperson, a native of this county, born in 1847, and the daughter of Green and Tkirza (Woods) Epperson, of Kentucky. Mr. Epperson was born in 1803 and died in 1855, after having spent his entire life as a farmer and stock-dealer. His wife, Thirza, born in 1807, is still living, a member of the Christian Church and a resident of Ashmore Township. The nine chil- dren of the parental household were named re- spectively, Burtis C., Cassius, Clemens, Sidney, Rhodes, Green L., Martha, Joseph and John G. The latter is a practicing physician of the old school, and a resident of Edgar County; he was well educated, and graduated from the medical de- partment of San Francisco College. Our subject by this latter marriage has one child, a bright little daughter, Jessie T., born Feb. 16, 1885. Mr. Arterburn keeps himself well posted upon current events. As soon as old enough to exercise the rights of a free American citizen, lie identified himself with the Republican party, in whose princi- ples he still thoroughly believes, and which he honestly supports by his voice and vote as oppor- tunity occurs. Both Mr. and Mrs. Arterburn are connected with the Christian Church, in the doc- trines of which Mr. A. was reared from early child- Flood by his excellent parents. He is filling worth- ily his niche in life, and in all respects deporting himself as an honest man and a ood citizen. OHN B. BEAVERS and his twin brother, Samuel M., were the eldest children of John W. and Mary A. (Madden) Beavers, a sketch of whose lives appears elsewhere in this ALBUM. The brothers were born in Hampshire County, Va., Nov. 3, 1842, and have continued to live together since that time. During his childhood and youth our subject, with his brother, attended the district schools, and as soon as his services could be made available they were utilized on the farm. His limited education was completed in Washington, Iowa, where he attended the public schools six months, and con- tinued to reside on the home farm until thirty-four years of age. On the 4th of March, 1877, he was united in marriage with Miss Catharine J. Bruce, who was born in Fulton County, Ohio, in 1845, and was the youngest child of James and Elizabeth (King) Bruce, natives of Ireland. Mr. Beavers after his marriage, continued two years on the old homestead and then purchased eighty acres of land on section 27, Humbolt Township, which he occu- pied two j'ears, when he sold out and purchased another eighty acres on section 2. Four years later he removed to the house of his brother on section 35, renting his own land. On the 5th of July, 1879, his wife, Catharine, after having been his companion but a little over two short years, passed away, leaving him with two children Frederick and Blanche. Mrs. Beavers was a lady greatly esteemed by her friends and acquaintances, and had been a consistent member of the Presby- terian Church from childhood. Her parejits were of Scotch- Irish ancestry and the descendants in a direct line from the family of Sir Robert Bruce ol Scotland. Mrs. Beavers was proud of her ancestry as she had a right to be, and her father's family in- t. 190 COLES COUNTY. eluded some of the most worthy representatives of the great patriot and King of Scotland. Mr. Beavers is a highly respected citizen, unobtrusive in his character and mostly engaged with his own concerns. Although never taking any active part in politics and especially declining to become an office-holder, he keeps himself well posted upon current events and is an earnest supporter of Dem- ocratic principles. * ARRIET BUCKLER, the widow of John Buckler, who was formerly one of the prominent farmers and stock-growers of East Oakland Township, resides on her late husband's estate on section 4. She was born Oct. 15, 1842, in Clark County, 111., and was the daugh- ter of Thomas and Clarinda (Craig) Davis. Her father was born Dec. 30, 1817, in Kentucky. He was a farmer possessed of excellent business quali- fications and had acquired considerable wealth. During his life lie was interested in promoting the welfare of the Baptist Church, of which he was a member. His first marriage took place in 1841, and his death occurred March 11, 1872. His wife was born in 1826, and died in 1848. By the first marriage there were born three children : Harriet ; Eliza J., who married Mr. D. Campbell, and Isabell, who died in 1848. Thomas Davis was united in marriage a second time, to Miss Elizabeth Lamb. Of this marriage there were seven children born Martha E., George R., Julia A., Emma F., Susan C., Evalin and James W. Harriet, the subject of this biography, was mar- ried to John T. Buckler, April 6, 1862. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John Shields, pastor of the Baptist Church. Her husband, Mr. Buckler, was born June 22, 1838, in Marion County, Ky., and died Feb. 26, 1883, after an ill- ness of about six weeks. He was brought up on his father's farm in Kentucky, and attended the common school there until he was sixteen years of age, when he removed to Illinois, and first located in Edgar County. He was active and energetic, and worked so successfully by the month until his marriage, that he was then able to purchase eighty acres of land. He afterward sold this property and purchased the estate of 200 acres where his widow now resides, and where he became one of the leading men of the township until his death. He was interested in educational affairs and held the office of School Director. For thir- teen years prior to his death, he had been a mem- ber of the Baptist Church, and was in every respect a true Christian gentleman, a kind and affectionate husband, beloved by his neighbors and respected by the entire community. In politics he was a Democrat. He left a family of five children to mourn their loss, namely : Rosaua, born May 8, 1863, married William Ilanner; Richard T., born Oct. 27. 1865; Emily J., Sept. 18, 1869; Lorenzo D., Dec. 29, 1871, and Nettie V., May 27, 1878. Mrs. Harriet Buckler is highly esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. She is a member of the Baptist Church, in which she is actively interested. Her eldest son, who now rep- resents the head of the family, assists his mother in the management of the farm. He is a Demo- crat. ;ILLIAM M. BARR, deceased, was a native of Loudoun County, Va., born Aug. 17, 1829, and was the son of Lot and Nancy Ann (Chin) Barr. His parents removed from the Old Dominion to Janesville, Ohio, when he was but six months old. William M. Barr was a painter by trade and fol- lowed his occupation in Ohio until his removal therefrom, in the spring of 1850. Then, accom- panied by two brothers, he migrated to Terre Haute, Ind., where he worked at his trade success- fully for a number of years. There also he met and married Miss Sarah Ann, youngest child of Enoch and Harriet (Dexter) Dole, who settled in Terre Haute at a very early day. The young people continued their residence in that city, and there the death of William M. Barr occurred May 11, 1876. During the progress of the late war Mr. Barr en- listed in Co. I, 16th Ind. Vol. Inf., serving until the close and being promoted Orderly Sergeant. In 1863 he was mounted at New Orleans and from t. COLES COUNTY. 191 that time on served in the Mounted Infantry. He passed through the Vicksburg and Red River cam- paigns, escaping injury although participating in some of the hardest fought battles of those cam- paigns. After the surrender of the confederate army he was mustered out with his comrades, and returning to Terre Haute took tip his trade again and remained a resident of that city until his death. He was Republican in politics but took no part in public affairs, otherwise than to perform the duties of an American citizen at the polls. Mrs. Barr, after the death of her husband, came to Illinois and purchased 120 acres of improved land in Mattoon Township, this county, upon which she located, with her family of nine children. These were Charles H., Joseph L., Harriett A., Frank D., Fannie M., Chattie D., Sarah, Carrie G. and Edith W. All are living and are at home with their mother. Her three sons, who are carrying on the farm, are principally engaged in grain-raising. The homestead thus built up is one of the most comfortable in Mattoon Township, and the family are held in the highest respect. Both Mr. and Mrs. Barr identified- themselves with the Universalist Church years ago. J~~ F. REEL, of the firm of Curtis & Reel, deal- ers in general merchandise in Oakland, is a native of this county, born in Hickory ' Township, Oct. 12, 1856. His parents were Dr. Samuel A. and Elizabeth (Adams) Reel, the former a native of Gibson County. Ind., born April 22, 1836, and the mother, of Coles County, 111., born April 21, 1836. J. F. Reel, of this sketch, spent his youth and boyhood on the farm of his father in Coles County, and attended the common schools chiefly during the winter seasons, until at- taining his majority. Our subject began early in life to form his plans for the future, and after he had laid the founda- tions for a home of his own, was married Oct. 15, 1885, to Miss Antoinette Hackett. Mrs. R. is also a native of this county, born Dec. 13, 1859, and the daughter of George F. and Angeline Ilack- ett. She is a lady of high culture and rare accom- plishments, and a great favorite among the social circles of Oakland. The one child born of this union is a daughter, Lyda J., who came to the household on the 28th of June, 1887. Mr. Reel is numbered among the enterprising business men of Oakland, is high-minded and hon- orable in his dealings with his fellow-men, and by his courteous manner and straightforward business methods has built up an extensive and lucrative trade. He became the partner of Mr. Curtis, Jan. 1, 1886. The firm is a strong one, and there is a prospect of a future before them, which in its re- sults can hardly fail to be satisfactory. Mr. Reel, politically, is a stanch supporter of Republican principles, and socially belongs to the Masonic fra- ternity. Messrs. Curtis & Reel carry a well-selected stock of dry -goods and groceries, and their business is conducted after the most approved methods. C. BARN US, a fanner and stock-grower, residing on section 25, Ash- more Township, belongs to one of the old fcjjpioneer families of the county, and was born in the township in which he now lives, Aug. 9, 1836. He is the son of Enos and Nancy (Col- lett) Barnes, and his parents were natives of Ken- tucky and North Carolina respectively. Enos Barnes was of Scotch and Irish extraction, born in 1785, and inherited the enterprise and courage char- actistic of both nationalities. Previous to his marriage, which occurred in 1830, he removed to Indiana and subsequently to Coles County, 111., where he entered Government land, and engaged in farming. He bravely encountered the difficul- ties and privations of pioneer life, cultivated and improved his land, and made a comfortable home for his family on the western frontier. The wife who had shared his trials through many years, died in 1855, at the age of fifty. He survived her seventeen years, his death occurring in 1872. A family of nine children was born to them and the record is as follows: Roann Maria, deceased, was formerly the wife of L. F. Smith; Temple Ann, deceased, was formerly the wife of W. S. Childress; Granville A. married Miss Sarah Welch, and both f 192 COLES COUNTY. are deceased ; Milton W. was twice married ; his first wife was Mary S. Goodnight, and after her death he married Miss Mattie Hoffman. Fountain H. inarrred Miss Mary Sackett; Elizabeth is the wife of John B. Zimmerman; Randolph C. is the subject of this sketch; Emeline is the wife of Arthur Welch; Huston M. died of fever while serving in the Civil War, at Alexandria, Va Randolph Barnes was married, Oct. 19, 1870, to Miss Louisa Ashmore. Mrs. Barnes is the daughter of Robert and Mary (McClure) Ashmore. Her parents were natives of Tennessee and are both deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes have two interest- ing children: Gallic J., born May 19, 1874, and Alvin M., Jan. 23, 1877. In response to the call of his country, Mr. Barnes enlisted as a private in Co. F, 1st Minn. Vol. Inf. He served three years in the Army of the Potomac and fought in the battles of Bull Run, Fair Oak, and in the deadly conflict at Antietam. where the slain were numbered by thousands. He also took part in many other minor engagements, and was but slightly wounded during his entire service. After the close of the war he engaged in farming, and owns a fine tract of well-cultivated land containing 140 acres. Mr. Barnes possesses good business qualifications, and is a highly esteemed citizen of Jiis township. He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In poli- tics he votes for the success of the Republican party. AVEY, one of the most thorough and progressive farmers of Coles County, owns -and occupies a quarter section of valuable land in Humbolt Township, where he is principally engaged in raising grain and broom corn, and gives considerable attention to the breeding of fine stock. The farm buildings and machinery are of first-class description, and everything about the premises denotes the super- vision of the enterprising agriculturist. Like many of the men who have assisted in the development of Northern Illinois, the early years of Mr. Avey were spent on the other side of the Atlantic in County Suffolk, England, where his birth took place Aug. 19, 1837. He was the fourth in a fam- ily of six children, born to Richard and Mary (Wing) Avey, natives of the same county, the father a son of Robert Avey, who was familiarly known as the popular inn-keeper at Kentford, where ho had long lived, and where he sp"nt his declin- ing years. The mother of our subject was also born in Sussex County, where her father followed farming all his life. Mr. Avey received a good education, completing his studies in the academy at New Market, where he finished his classical course at the age of eight- een years. Soon afterward, in 1855, he embarked from London on the ship Oregon, an English sail- ing-vessel, accompanied by several of his acquaint- ances. After -a fair voyage of seven weeks they landed in New Orleans, where a few days late/ all proceeded North to Ottawa, 111., and our subject for two years thereafter was principally engaged in gardening. In the meantime he had purchased forty acres of prairie land in Humbolt Township, this county, of which he took possession in the spring of 1858. He built a house and made other improvements, and on the 31st of May, 1858, was united in marriage with Miss Celia Oakland, and not long afterward introduced his bride to the home which he had prepared for her. Mrs. Avey was the fourth child of Guner A. and Celia (Oakland) Oakland. The real name of her father, however, was Norton, and he was a native of Norway. He emigrated to America with his wife at an early day, and coming to Illinois they lo- cated on a tract of land on Indian Creek, in La Salle County, where Mr. O. built up a good farm, and where he died, July 5, 1887; his wife, well ad- vanced in years, still occupies the home place. Mr. Avey proceeded with the improvements he had begun, and continued the. cultivation of the soil until he was enabled to exhibit some of the finest crops in the Prairie State. The household was in due time enlarged by the birth of eight children, of whom seven are now living, namely, Mary J., William T., John L., Maude 1., Newton R., Martha C. and Oscar L. William T. married Miss Minnie McBride, and is a resident of Charleston, where he officiates as Deputy Circuit Clerk; he is a well-educated man and fully competent for his COLES COUNTY. 193 responsible position ; Mary is teaching school in Socorro, N. M., where she went for her health in 1882, and is being greatly benefited by the milder climate of that region. The others are at home with their parents. Mr. Avey has been prominently identified with local affairs for many years serving as Road Com- missioner, School Trustee and School Director, and is one of the most active promoters of those meas- ures tending to the moral and intellectual advance- ment of the people. He meddles little with politics, although casting his vote regularly with the Demo- cratic party. His children have been carefully reared in the doctrines of the Episcopal Church 5 with r which nearly all the members of the family are connected, and with which Mr. A. officiates as Warden. The family is highly respected wherever known, and enjoys the society of the best people of Hum bolt Township. ffi AMES ANDERSON is the owner of a fine estate, containing 155 acres of land, located on section 20, Pleasant Grove Township. He was born in Montgomery County, Md., Dec. 25, 1825, and is the son of James and Mary (Rodgers) Anderson, natives of Pennsylvania. His paternal grandfather, Andrew Anderson, was a na- tive of England, and emigrating to the United States early in life, settled in Pennsylvania. His maternal grandparents were natives of the North of Ireland, who, after their arrival in this country, were likewise among the early settlers of Pennsyl- vania. After his marriage, James Anderson, Sr.. removed to the State of Maryland, and engaged in farming in Montgomery County. In about 1832, the family removed to Gueruesey County, Ohio. It was before the days of railroads, and they made the long and weary journey overland, camping out for the night in the open country, when the weather was not too rough, and sometimes seeking the friendly shelter of the neighboring farm houses. In the pioneer days, each one was obliged to do whatever work presented itself, and James Ander- son was engaged in teaming and farming until about the year 1837, when he removed to Knox County, of the same State, and was there engaged in farming nearly twenty years; he then removed to Morrow County, where the remaining years of his life were passed. He was industrious and enter- prising in business, and his death occurred at Iowa City, Iowa, whither lie had gone to enter land. He was a successful farmer, and at his death was en- abled to leave his children some property. His wife's death occurred at the homestead in Ohio, several years prior to his own. Mr. Anderson was a stanch supporter of the Democratic party, but never sought political preferment. He was for many years a prominent member of the Methodist Church. They had a family of nine children, all of whom grew to maturity, the record being as fol- lows: Ann Eliza, deceased, formerly the wife of Charles Osborn; Samuel, a resident of Monroe County, Ohio ; Lydia, deceased, formerly the wife of Daniel Knowles; James, the subject of this sketch; Mary E., deceased ; William, a resident of Mahaska County, Iowa; Elizabeth, deceased; Charles W., a resident of Mattoon, and Maria, the wife of Anson Conklin, a resident of Mahaska County, Iowa. James Anderson, Jr., grew to manhood in Ohio, where he was reared on his father's farm. His edu- cational advantages were necessarily limited to the district log school-house of the pioneer days. Nevertheless, he obtained much practical know- ledge, and early learned the details of systematic farming. Dec. 27, 1847, he was married to Miss Lucinda Knight, the daughter of Rena and Sarah (Hall) Knight. Her parents were natives of Maine, where their marriage occurred. They subsequently removed to Ohio and located in Licking County, where they engaged in farming, and made their permanent home there during the remainder of their lives. Their family consisted of sixteen chil- dren, of whom Mrs. Anderson was the youngest. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson had a family of eight chil- dren born to them, one of whom died in infancy. The record is as follows: Mary Ann, the wife of Joseph Dornblazer; Columbia, the wife of Luther Lander; William H.; Sarah P., the wife of Clarence Ferguson ; Emma, the wife of William D. Horton ; Martha, the wife of Ralph Jeffris, and Charles W. married Leulla Brown. After his marriage, Mr. Anderson gave his atten- tion exclusively to agricultural pursuits in Ohio, \ 194 COLES COUNTY. until 1854, when he removed to Illinois, locating in Cumberland County. He purchased land there and remained seven years. He then decided to change his location, and in the spring of 1862 came to Coles County, where he rented land near Mattoon. After remaining there five years, he purchased 133 acres of his present farm. The land was all im- proved, but he has erected substantial buildings, and the appointments of his farm are all comfort- able, and in good order. He has added some land to his first purchase, and now owns a tract contain- ing 155 acres. In early life, Mr. Anderson served one year in the Mexican War. He was a member of the Demo- cratic party until after the Civil War; he then be- came a Republican, and adhered to that party twenty years, and has since affiliated again with the Democrats. He has no taste for public life, and when requested, has always refused to become a candidate for any local office. He is interested in educational affairs, and at one time was School Director. His family were formerly connected with the Methodist Church, but Mr. and Mrs. An- derson have been for several years members of the Cumberland Presb3'terian Church. WILLIAM Z. ALLEN. The name of this gentleman is familiar throughout East Oak- land Township as that of an enterprising and wide-awake citizen, whose determination to set- tle down in this section of the country, was one of the best things that could have happened to said sec- tion, as he brought to it his resolution and industry, and has built up within its borders one of the finest farms which has assisted so largely in the embellish- ment of the landscape. The history of Mr. Allen, who may be most properly termed a self-made man, is essentially as follows: The first twelve months of the life of William Z. Allen were spent in South Carolina, where his birth took place on the farm of his father, Oct. 16, 1821. His parents, John and Delilah (Clauton) Allen, were natives of the same locality, whence they re- moved when their son was a year old, to East Tennessee, where they remained eleven years, and then coming North, located in Edgar County, this State, of which they were residents for thirty years following. They finally sold out the old homestead in Edgar County, and became residents of Douglas County, where the death of the father took place in 1865. The mother survived her husband twenty- one years, dying in 1886. Both parents were born in 1796. Their ten children were named respect- ively, Jane, Martha, William Z., Elizabeth, Mary, Dorcas, Margaret, James B., Francis M. and John. The latter died in childhood. John Allen was a man of deep piety, and a prominent member of the United Brethren Church, in which he was one of the chief pillars, and to whose support he always contributed liberally and cheerfully. The subject of this notice received the advant- ages of a common-school education, came to Illi- nois with his parents, and remained with them on the homestead in Edgar County until his marriage. He then purchased forty acres of land and set to work with the intention of accumulating a fortune. How well he has succeeded in his determination, the broad acres which constitute his farm, and the fine improvements which lie has made upon it, are silent but forcible witnesses. When starting out in life he was thrown entirely upon his own resources, even having to borrow the $1.12 with which to buy his license to be married. The young lady who had consented to unite herself with these doubtful fortunes, was Miss Amanda Ervin, who became his wife on the 14th of May, 1840, the wedding taking place in Edgar County. Mrs. Allen was born in Fayette County, Ky., in 1823, and is the daughter of Elias and Martha (Eaton) Ervin, natives re- spectively of Maryland and Kentucky. Both par- ents were born and died in the same year, being each eighty-four years of age. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Allen, were John I., who died in child- hood ; William H., Delilah E., Martha A. ; Sarah E. became the wife of James Lowler, and died in Kan- sas in 1886; James C., Charles W. and Job; the two latter died in infancy. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Allen worked in harmony with the one purpose in view, of estab- lishing a home and a worthy position, both socially and financially. They lived economically, and each year added to the snug sum which was invested in i COLES COUNTY. 195 i a wise and judicious manner. After a residence of thirty-four years in this county, they can look back with satisfaction and the consciousness of a well-spent life, in which they have sought to render kindly offices to those in need, and to rear their children in a manner best calculated to make of them worthy and honorable citizens. Mrs. Allen never attended school a day in her life, and after she was fifty years old learned the art of penman- ship, in which she is quite proficient. She has devel- oped into a fine reader, and spends a large portion of her time with her books and periodicals, from which she has gained a valuable fund of informa- ation, and by reason of which she is a lady of more than ordinary intelligence, and one extremely pleasant to converse with. Both our subject and his wife, at an early day identified themselves with the United Brethren Church, of which Mr. A. has been a Trustee for thirty years, and since 1H57 has officiated much of the time as Class-Leader and Steward. He con- tributed largely to the erection of the first church of that denomination in this county. Ho has been greatly interested in the success of the temperance movement, and politically, is a stanch Republican, upholding his principles with all the energy of his character, and during the late war was the uncom- promising foe of rebellion and secession. AVID REPLOGLE, deceased, was a resi- dent of this county for over thirty-seven years, during which time he identified him- self largely with its agricultural interests, and built up a good home on section 33, in Charles- ton Township. This consisted of 240 acres of land, which he improved and cultivated with marked success, and where his death took place, Jan. 17, 1878. Mr. Replogle was born in Rockbridge County, Va., April 19, 1806, and remained a resi- dent there until reaching his majority. He then migrated to Ross County, Ohio, where not long afterward he was united in marriage with Miss Eliza Beckham, who was a native of that county, and born in about 1812. Our subject and wife afterward sought the far- ther West, and coming to this county, in August, 1841, permanently located and remained the bal- ance of their lives. Mrs. Eliza Reprogle, after be- coming the mother of four children, departed this life at the old homestead in Charleston Township in 1845. One child afterward died when about two months old. Elizabeth is the wife of Daniel T. Fields, of Charleston Township; Rose Ann married Peter G. Redman, and is a resident of Holt County, Mo. ; Matthias is the youngest, a sketch of whom appears on this page. The second wife of David Replogle was formerly Miss Maria White, who became the mother of three children: Loisa, who married John C. Red wine; Phebe E., the wife of J. Nathan Nees, and Mar- garet, the wife of Nathan Bales. She is still living, making her home in Shelby County. David Re- plogle in early manhood belonged to the old Whig party, but upon its abandonment he identified him- self with the Republicans, with whom he remained the balance of his life. He was a quiet and un- obtrusive citizen, attending strictly to his own con- cerns, and performing the duties of life in a worthy and creditable manner. ATTIIIAS REPLOGLE, proprietor of 300 acres of fine farming land on section 33, in Charleston Township, is a gentleman in the prime of life, and in the midst of a success- ful career. He is the son of David and Eliza (Beck- ham) Replogle, natives respectively of Rockbridge County, Va., and Ross County, Ohio, a sketch of whom will be found just preceding this, and is a native of this county, his birth taking place on his father's farm, in Charleston Township, Nov. 8, 1841. His early education was conducted in the pioneer schools, and his childhood and youth were spent after the manner of most farmers' sons, his service being utilized around the homestead as soon as they could be made available. Our subject received careful home training, and was reared to principles of honor and integrity, and upon the breaking out of the Civil War volun- teered his services as a Union soldier. He became a member of Co. I, 123d 111. Vol. Inf., and for three 196 COLES COUNTY. 4 years following experienced all the vicissitudes of a soldier's life, and participated iu many of the im- portant battles of the war. With his comrades he met the enemy at the battles of Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Perry ville, Farmington, and Kennesaw Mountain, and at the battle of Big Shanty received a gunshot wound in the right thigh, which disabled him for three months, and from which he has never fully recovered. On account of this he now receives a pension from the Government. At the close of the Rebellion he was mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., and receiving his honorable discharge, re- turned home and prepared to enter upon the more quiet scenes of a farmer's life. He was married Dec. 27, 1866, to Miss Virginia Roberts, a native of Pleasant Grove Township, and born Nov. 25, 1850. Mrs. R. is the daughter of Charles and Matilda Roberts, who were natives of Virginia, and have been residents of this county since 1843. The young people after their marriage located in Charleston Township, and became the parents of nine children Ella May, John A., William M., Elmer S., Charles, Leona, Maggie, Clara, and one daughter who died at the age of two years, two months and two days. The homestead is finely located, provided with good buildings, and all the requisite farm machinery. Mr. Replogle has con- fined his attention principally to his business mat- ters and farm operations, and has meddled very little with public affairs, although he casts his vote with the Republican party upon occasions of im- portant elections. RS. EMMA REAT, widow of Robert C. Reat, and daughter of Jesse and Maria (Johnson) Veach, was born in 1833. Her parents, who were natives of Kentucky, be- came residents of Coles County in 1831. They were married in Crawford County, 111., in 1827, and settled first about four miles west of Charleston, where Mr. Veach took up a tract of Government land and became an extensive farmer. He first settled on a timber tract which he had cleared, and to which he added until his estate embraced 400 acres, 180 of which he occupied until his death, in 1884. In the meantime he had put up handsome and substantial farm buildings, and was always fore- most in the march of progress, doing everything in his power to assist in encouraging immigration, and the settlement of one of the most desirable portions of the Prairie State. He became prominent among his fellow-citizens as a man possessing admirable traits of character, honest and upright in his trans- actions, and in all respects a sincere and liberal- minded Christian. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years, and politically, gave his influence to the support of Democratic principles. Mrs. Veach is still living, and now resides with her daughter, Mrs. Palmer. The household included seven children, of whom but three are now living, namely, Emma, of our sketch; Harriet, Mrs. Palmer, of Humbolt Town- ship, and Melissa, Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Reat spent her childhood and youth with her parents, and when twenty-six years of age was united in marriage, Dec. 28, 1859, with the gentle- man whose name she has since borne. Robert C. Reat was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, Nov. 2, 1828, and was the son of James and Susan (Rodg- ers) Reat, who were also natives of the Buckeye State. They came to Northern Illinois in 1840, and located in this county on a farm three miles west of Charleston, which they occupied until 1857, and then removed into town. Of their eleven chil- dren only three are now living Mary, James L and Susan. The father died at Charleston in 1857. The mother afterward removed to Douglas County, where her death took place in the spring of 186"6. Robert Reat was reared on the farm and received a liberal education, completing his studies in the common schools. After reaching his majority, he proceeded to California, and spent seven years in the mining districts, where he met with fair success in searching for the yellow ore. Upon his return from the Pacific Slope he purchased ninety-five acres of land lying adjacent to the city limits of Charleston, which he occupied and cultivated until resting from his earthly labors. His death took place on the 7th of March, 1871, and he is remem- bered as a man of excellent Christian character, who exerted a good influence upon all around him. He was for many years connected with the Method- I LIBRARY OF THE if'VERSITY OF ILLIMOIS i, COLES COUNTY. 199 ist Episcopal Church, both as a layman and an of- ficial, and contributed cheerfully of his means to those measures which tended to the general welfare of the people around him. Of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Reat there are three children, namely, Clyde, born Jan. 10, 1864; Charles, Dec. 27, 1868, and Jessie, July 4, 1871. All are at home with their mother. Mrs. Reat is a lady of many excellent qualities, a devoted mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a worker in the missionary society of the W. C. T. U. She also belongs to the Royal Templars. Since the death of her husband, she has conducted the inter- ests of her farm and her children with judicious care, and has kept up the homestead in the same creditable manner for which it was distinguished during his lifetime. AN1EL W. HONN, Su., occupies a little more than a quarter of section 16, in Ash- more Township, where he has lived for nearly thirty years. During the long per- iod of his residence here he has fully established himself in the esteem and confidence of the people of Coles County, and has built up one of its most substantial homesteads. The fine dwelling standing in a prominent position, is the admiration of the passing traveler, while the well-filled barns and well- kept stock denote the thrift and enterprise of the proprietor. Mr. Honn is a native of Kentucky, born in Nicholas County, Oct. 4, 1822, and is the son of Daniel and Annie (Everman) Honn, also natives of the Blue Grass State. Daniel Honn, Sr., was a man of excellent Christian character, and a member of the Reform Church, in which he officiated as Dea- con for many years, and also as a local preacher. His brother Peter was also noted for his talents as a minister, to which he devoted the greater part of his life. The father of our subject did not live to old age, dying when about forty years of age, on the 25th of June, 1826. He always had a love for country life and was the owner of a good farm in Nicholas County, where he spent the greater part of his time. He was twice married, his second wife being the mother of our subject, and who died when sixty years of age, on the 26th of August, 1857. The children bom of this union were Hezekiah B., Peter K., Andrew E., Sarah A., Samuel D., Absalom C., Daniel W., of our sketch, and Mary E., who died in infancy. Our subject was reared on his father's farm and attended the common schools, remaining a member of the parental household until about twenty-four years of age. He was then married, Aug. 26, 1846, to Miss Nancy E. Hook, a native of his own county, and born June 10, 1828. Her parents, Mathias and Matilda (Huddleson) Hook, were also natives of Kentucky. The mother died in Ken- tucky, March 2, 1851. The parental household in- cluded but two daughters, twins. Mary A., the sister of Mrs. Honn, married Harrison Parker, and died at the home of her husband in Nicholas County, Ky., Aug. 11, 1851; her only child also died the same year. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Honn, eleven in number, are recorded as follows: Clarinda F. be- came the wife of S. D. Watts, and lives in Doug- las County, 111. ; Eliza A., the wife of John H. Schulse, is a resident of Rails County, Mo. ; Mary E. married William M. McConnaha, and is living in Edgar County, 111.; Amanda E. was married Dec. 24, 1879, to William F. Schulse, who died of consumption on the 4th of June, 1884, at the age of thirty-seven years, having been born Nov. 7, 1847; their two children were Rolla N., born in January, 1882, and died Aug. 10, 1884, and Jessie A., born May 31, 1883; Mr. Schulse was a farmer by occupation and a member in good standing of the Christian Church. The next child of Mr. and Mrs. Honn was John B. ; George D. married Miss Emma R. Geyer, Feb. 16, 1882; she is a native of Illinois, born in 1864;"she has. become the mother of two children, Lilly W., born July 5, 1883, and Leonard O., June 24, 1886; they live on a good farm in Ashmore Township. Andrew J. Honn was born April 16, 1860, and died June 12, 1865; Sarah R., born Sept. 18, 1862, died June 12, 1865; Daniel W., Jr., was born Sept. 2, 1864; Matilda M., bora May 10, 1867, died July 11, 1868; Jesse A., born July 12, 1868, was married Sept. 9, 1886, to Miss Mary E. Kearns, and they have one child, William J., born June 6, 1887. I , , 200 COLES COUNTY. Mr. Honn left his native State in 1858, coming directly to this county, and soon afterward locating upon the land which constitutes his present home- stead. He first purchased 1 20 acres, to which he afterward added forty-five, and in addition to gen- eral farming is breeding Poland-China hogs of the very best quality. He has held the office of School Director in his township, is a stanch Democrat po- litically, and religiously, a prominent member of the Christian Church. He has officiated as Elder for a period of fourteen years, and has always been greatly interested in Sunday-school work, giving to it his time as Superintendent for many years. He has also been Clerk, and is one of the chief pillars among the brethren, who would scarcely know how to do without him. Daniel W. Honn, Jr., the son of our subject, is a gentleman of fine education and a minister of the Christian Church, occupying the pulpit in Dana and Hazel Dell. He is still, however, pursuing his studies in the college at Irvington. He was united in marriage with Miss Gertrude Wood, daughter of C. C. and Delila F. (Barnett) Wood, Aug. 31, 1887, at the home of the bride's parents in Tuscola, 111. Portraits of Daniel W. Honu, Sr., and his wife are presented in this ALBUM in connection with this personal sketch. J1 OSEPH ARMSTRONG, a prosperous farmer and stock-grower, residing in Pleasant Grove Township, has been a resident of this county since 1844. He was born Aug. 11, 1823, in Highland County, Va., and is the son of Jarred and Agnes (Hiner) Armstrong. His paternal ancestors had been for many years residents of Virginia, and his mother's family was of German extraction. In early life Jarred Armstrong was occupied at the shoemaker's trade and also owned a distillery and mill, but subsequently he engaged quite largely in farming and stock-raising. He passed his life in Virginia and died there at the advanced age of over eighty years. His wife also reached the age of fourscore years. The family on each side is noted for longevity, some members having attained over one hundred years. Mr. and Mrs. Jarred Arm- strong had a family of four sons and five daugh- ters born to them, whose record is as follows: Matilda became the wife of P. J. Edman, and after his death married Charles Roberts, with whom she came to Coles County, where her death occurred at the age of seventy-two years ; Mahala became the wife of Jacob Edman, whom she accompanied to this county, where her death occurred in Sep- tember, 1853; Abel H. died in his native county in Virginia; Martha, who became the wife of Solomon Hedrick, died in West Virginia; John T. is a farmer and stock-grower, residing in Highland County, Va. ; Mahulda became the wife of Joseph Hiner, and resides in West Virginia; Allan resides on the old homestead in Virginia; Joseph, the sub- ject of this sketch, and Lucinda, the wife of George Hiner, a farmer residing in West Virginia. Joseph Armstrong was reared on the old home- stead in Virginia, where he acquired a practical knowledge of the details of systematic farming and stock-growing. When twenty-one years of age, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Leitch. Mrs. Armstrong was born May 23, 1824, in Pendleton Count}', Va. Immediately after his marriage, Mr. Armstrong resolved to seek his fortune an the West, and with his young wife, bravely started out on the long and perilous overland journey from Virginia to this State, with a team of strong horses and a substantial wagon. After passing through many trials and adventures, they reached their destination in safety, and with hopeful and courageous hearts began the world together on the Western frontier. Mr. Armstrong settled in Coles County, and in 1847 entered forty acres of his present farm, which he has made the homestead. He erected a log cabin in the primitive fashion, which his wife, with her womanly tact and good judgment, rendered as comfortable and homelike as the circumstances would permit. Mr. Armstrong marked off the land and cleared and cultivated his farm, and being industrious and economical, and aided by the housewifely thrift of a devoted wife, has advanced steadily on the road to success. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong had a family of four children born to them, one of whom died in in- fancy, and a daughter named Margaret J. died in the spring of 1885, at the age of thirty-four. The COLES COUNTY. 201 two children living arc, Charles E. and Abel T. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are both members of the Methodist Church. Mr. Armstrong is interested in educational affairs, and has served many years as School Director. He is a Republican in politics. In 1862, at the call of his country, Mr. Arm- strong left his home and business and enlisted in Co. I., 123d 111. Vol. Inf. He took part in all the principal engagements of the war, and served until its close, proving himself throughout his military career, a brave and efficient soldier. After his re- turn home, Mr. Armstrong resumed farming, and now owns over 300 acres of valuable land, with an excellent residence and appropriate farm buildings. He gives special attention to stock-raising, in which he has been very successful. OSES ELLISON has been for more than twenty years a prominent citizen of North Okaw Township, his fine estate containing 240 acres of well-improved land, being located on section 7. He was born Jan. 30, 1808, in Adams County, Ohio, and is the son of Robert and Rebecca (Lockhard) Ellison. Robert Ellison was born Jan. 28, 1770, in County Tyrone, Ireland, and in 1787 accompanied his parents to the United States. Thej' left their native land, which has been for so many centuries the battle-ground of conflicting Governmental policies, to seek a home and heritage for their children in this land of free- dom, where a welcome has ever been extended to all who come. Mr. Ellison landed at Philadelphia, and with his family made the journey to Pitts- burgh by wagon. He there embarked on a float and went down the river to Maysville, Ky., and thence to Manchester, Ohio, where he made his per- manent home. The early settlers of Ohio were greatly disturbed by the Indians at that time, and his brother Andrew was once captured by a band of fierce savages who spared his life, but sold him to a Frenchman for a quart of whisky. After a few months of captivity, he made his escape and returned home in safety. Mr. Ellison had the advantage of a good com- mon-school education, and possessed excellent bus- iness qualifications. He was for several years em- ployed by a company of surveyors in Ohio, and subsequently became a large land-owner himself, having at one time over 1 ,000 acres. When he was about thirty years of ago his marriage to Miss Rebecca Lockhard took place, Oct. 11. 1802. Mrs. Ellison was born Sept. -7, 1781, near Philadelphia. After their marriage, they settled near Manchester, Ky., and passed the remainder of their lives there. Mrs. Ellison died June 7, 1829, leaving her beloved husband under sad circumstances. He had shortly before received a stroke of paralysis, and was an invalid for about twelve years prior to his death, which occurred May 13, 1839. Their family con- sisted of ten children, as follows : Mary, born Feb. 20, 1804, became the wife of James Hood, and died May 9, 1 838, leaving three children ; Marga- ret, born April 7, 1805, died at the age of eighty years; John, born Aug. 18", 1806, died at the age of seventy-one years; Moses, the subject of this sketch; Isabel, born Aug. 14, 1809, married James Hood, her deceased sister's husband ; Robert, born April 5, 1811, married Ann Work; Elizabeth, born Jan. 11, 1812, married Thomas Huston, and both are deceased ; Catherine, born July 30, 1814, be- came the wife of Hanson Newell, and both are also deceased; Cyrus, born Aug. 24, 1816, was twice married; Thomas, born June 6, 1819, married Miss Mary A. Wilson, and both are deceased. Moses Ellison passed his boyhood and youth on the homestead, and was about fifteen years of age when his father was stricken with paralysis. His educational advantages were very limited, he never having either the time or opportunity to attend school, but about fifteen months in his life. He lived on the homestead, taking charge of his father's farm until he was about thirty years of age, when his marriage to Miss Mary A. Lockridge took place April 6, 1839. Mrs. Ellison was born April 16, 1809, in Adams County, Ohio, and was the daughter of William and Margaret (Anderson) Lockridge. Her parents were natives of County Tyrone, Ireland, and emigrated to the United States at an early day, making their home in Ohio. After his marriage, Mr. Ellison was engaged for some time in farming in his native county, on 202 COLES COUNTY. 4 property he inherited from his father. Desiring to move farther westward he disposed of his prop- erty there in the winter of 1863, and came to North Okaw Township. In the following spring he purchased 240 acres of improved land and forty acres of timber. He was active and enterprising in business, and on coming to his new home identified himself successfully with the interests of the com- munity, by whom he is held in high esteem. His family consisted of seven children : Robert, born Feb. 18, 1838, married Miss Ann Siberl, and resides in Nebraska; Margaret, deceased, born Oct. 20, 1839, was the wife of C. Mowery; Mary, born Aug. 19, 1841, is the wife of Hugh Cook, and re- sides in Missouri; William, born June 26, 1843, married Miss Mary Moore, and after her death married the second time; he resides in Kansas; Theodore, born Nov. 20, 1845, married Miss Jane Gallion, and resides in this county; Emma, born Feb. 28. 1848, is the wife of Madison Hunt; Cyn- thia, born June 20, 1852, is the wife of Samuel Jackson. May 11, 1870, Mr. Ellison's happy household was darkened by the death of his wife. With her husband she had been for many years a member of the Presbyterian Church, and her daily life bore witness to the sincerity and earnestness of her Christian faith. She was beloved by a large circle of friends, and deeply mourned by her family and all who knew her. In politics, Mr. Ellison is a Re- publican, and has held several of the township offices, giving satisfaction to the people in the faithful discharge of his public duties. ARK S. ASH WORTH owns and occupies a finely cultivated farm of 120 acres on section 24, in North Okaw Township, where he ranks as a first-class agriculturist, and beside manipulating the soil to profit and advantage, is giving much attention to the raising of graded stock. Mr. Ashworth is a native of Mercer Count}', Va., born March 1, 1838, and is the sixth in a family of twelve children, the off- spring of Cornelius C. and Hannah (Mooney) Ash- worth, also natives of the old Dominion. Cor- nelius Ashworth followed farming the greater part of his life, to which he had been reared by his father, Samuel. The latter in eaily manhood married Miss Vandusen, and it is supposed that both were also natives of Virginia. The father of our subject, after his marriage, removed with his family from his native State to Shelby County, this State, in about 1854. A year later he came to Coles County, which was then almost a wilderness, and where Mark S., our sub- ject, herded cattle upon land which he would not have accepted to the amount of ten sections, as a gift. The mother of our subject was the daughter of John and Mary (Stoneman) Mooney, the for- mer a soldier of the Revolutionary War. After the conflict was ended, he settled down in his native State of Virginia, and both parents there spent their declining years. The subject of this sketch remained a member of his father's household until twenty-one years of age. His early education was exceedingly limited, but he felt the necessity of more learning, and accordingly set about the study of useful books and also preparing himself to give instructions to others. In due time he had succeeded admirably and attended the first school in what is now the city of Mattoon. He followed the profession of a teacher for nine years in this county, and then, de- sirous of establishing a permanent home, aban- doned teaching and purchased the land which constitutes his present homestead. He was married Oct. 20, 1870, to Miss Ann M., third and youngest child of John and Maria (Mallinson) Thornton, natives of England, who emigrated to the United States and settled in Illinois during the pioneer days. Mrs. Ashworth was born in Cook County, Nov. 21, 1844. Her father owned a small piece of land, but was mainly engaged as a cabinet-maker and a carpenter. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Ashworth located on the land which they now occupy, and Mr. A. in course of time erected a neat frame residence in place of the humble dwelling in which they first set up housekeeping. He was successful in his farming operations, and has accumulated a fair competency. The household circle was com- pleted by the birth of six children, all living, and t COLES COUNTY. 203 named respectively, Elmer, Bertie, Ralph, Leila, Flora and George. All are at home with their parents, and with them are members in good stand- ing of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which Mr. Ashworth lias served as Trustee, and has been a liberal and cheerful contributor to its support. Politically he has been identified with the Dem- ocratic party since exercising the right of suffrage, and has held the various local offices, being Town Clerk five years, Assessor four years, Collector two years, and representing the township in the County Board of Supervisors. The farm stock, which comprises one of the most attractive features of the homestead, consists of throughbred English draft horses, full-blooded Short-horn cattle and Poland-China hogs, among which Mr. Ashworth is able to exhibit some fine specimens. GUIS A. ASHWORTH, Supervisor of North Okaw Township, is a prominent and influ- ential citizen, residing on section 22, where he carries on an extensive business in farming and stock-raising. He was born Dec. 22,1839, in Mer- cer County, Va., and is the son of C. C. and Han- nah (Mooney) Ashworth, natives of Virginia, as were also his paternal grandparents, Samuel and Rebecca Ashworth. Virginia has ever been distin- guished for the patriotism of her sons, and Samuel Ashworth in his early life served as a private in the War of 1812. He possessed rare mental abilities, which had been cultivated and improved by an ex- cellent education, and was engaged in teaching throughout his entire life, in which profession he was very successful, and at the age of eighty-four had charge of a class in mathematics in Greenbrier College. He had full possession of his mental fac- ulties at the age of eighty-seven, when his death occurred. The preferences of C. C. Ashworth led him to follow the occupation of agriculture. Late in the autumn of 1853 he emigrated to Illinois, making his first settlement in Shelby County, but soon after changed his location to this county, where he made his permanent home in Mnttoon, and there passed the remaining years of his life. Louis Ashworth passed his boyhood and youth on the homestead, assisting his father in cultivating | and improving the farm during the summer, and attending the district school in the winter, where the educational advantages at that time were very limited. At the age of twenty-three he started out in life for himself, and engaged in farming on rented land. At the expiration of two years, passed in energetic application to business, his mar- riage to Miss Eliza A. Rice took place, July 1C, 18C3. Mrs. Ashworth is the daughter of Amos and Sarah (Compton) Rice, the former a native of New York, and the latter of Ohio. After his marriage, he engaged in farming on rented laud belonging to Harrison Smith, located on section 23. At the ex- piration of one year he rented the property where he now resides, and after carrying on a successful farming business for five or six years, he moved to section 24, and, associated with his brother Mark, purchased 1 28 acres of land. A year later he sold his interest to his brother and returned to section 22, where he had previously rented, and within three or four years purchased 160 acres of that property, making his permanent residence there. He has since made additional purchases, and now owns a fine estate containing 200 acres, all of which is well improved and well stocked. He has erected a tasteful farm residence, and is rapidly bringing his entire property into a fine state of cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. A. had a family of eleven chil- dren born to them, all of whom, with one exception. are now living Mary Elizabeth, Job A., Walter E., James L., William A., Annetta, Sarah Belle, Jessie L., John Arthur and Clinton C. Their first born, named George Allison, died in infancy. Mary Elizabeth married Dr. Albert Hamilton, the son of ex-Sheriff Hamilton. The remainder of the children reside on the homestead with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ashworth are members of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church at Pleasant Grove, in which the former has been a member for twenty-five years, and Deacon twenty-two years ; he has also served ten years as Clerk. With his wife he is an active worker in both the church and Sunday-school, hav- ing held the positions of Superintendent and Assist- ant Superintendent in the latter for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Ashworth are influential members of society, possessing the respect and affectionate r 204 COLES COUNTY. regard of a large circle of friends. Mr. Ashworth is actively interested in politics, and has been elected to several official positions by the Democratic party, of which he is a warm supporter: he has served as Justice of the Peace for two terms, and is now serving his eighth term as School Director, and his third term as Supervisor of the township, giving general satisfaction to the people in the discharge of his duties. J"~?OHN H. BLEVINS came to this State in 1840, when a youth of eighteen years, and j to this county in 1854, locating in Oakland ' Township. He has been engaged in farming the greater part of his life, but is now retired from active labor and is living in the village in ease and comfort, upon the competency which he accumu- lated by years of industry and a wise investment of his savings. Mr. Blevins was born in Knox County, Ind., Oct. 2, 1822, and "is the son of John and Sarah (Hunt) Blevins, natives respectively of Kentucky arid Indiana. John Blevins, Sr., wag born in 1766, and upon becoming a young man learned the trade of a shoemaker. He left his native State after his marriage, in 1819, and located for a time in Knox County, then in 1842 removed to Vermillion County, Ind., where his death took place in 1856. He was a man of much force of character, and greatly respected for his integrity and high moral character. The mother, who was born in 1772, came to Indiana with her husband in 1819, and died the year following her husband's decease, in 1857. She was of German descent, a devoted wife and mother, and a con- sistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The nine children of the parental household were : Elizabeth, James, Henry, William, Mahala, Matilda, Cynthia, Amelia and John H. The youth and childhood of Mr. Blevins were passed under the parental roof, and on coming to this State he located in Edgar County, and com- menced working on a farm. Afterward he spent three years in Shelby County, and upon coming to Coles County purchased 187 acres of land in East Oakland Township, where he carried on fanning, and lived until retiring from active labor, in 1885. He has a fine residence in the village, is surrounded by hosts of friends, and is one of the pillars of the Christian Church, in which he has officiated as Deacon, and occupied other important positions for a period of twelve years. His connection with this church dates from the spring of 1851. Our subject before reaching his twentieth year, was united in marriage with Miss Harriet, daugh- ter of Samuel and Amelia (Groff) Blevins, their wedding taking place Feb. 9, 1841. Mrs. B. was born in Jefferson County, Ky., Jan. 2, 1825, and by her union with our subject became the mother of fifteen children, ten now living. These were named respectively, Thomas W., Francis J., Isabel, Louisa E., Amelia, James G., Martha K., John S., Sarah E., Mahala and George (twins), Berry, Marion and Hamilton (twins), and Maggie E. Thomas W., the eldest son, was killed in an en- gagement at Atlanta, Ga. He was a soldier in Co. H, 79th 111. Vol. Inf. RS. OLIVE A. ADAMS, widow of Capt. William E. Adams, is well known through- out Charleston Township as having been the close friend and helpmeet of one of its most highly respected citizens. Capt. Adams was a native of Bedford County ,Tenn., born Oct. 15, 1830, and the son of John J. and Martha (Gammill) Ad- ams, who became residents of Coles County in December, 1830. They located in what is now Pleas- ant Grove Township, and became the parents of a family of seven children, of whom the record is as follows : Elizabeth is the wife of R. P. Brown, of Hillsbbro; Eliza married Dr. S. A. Reel, of Oak- land ; Martha is the wife of Thomas West, a mer- chant of Western Texas; Margaret, Mrs. John Grimes, is a resident of Kansas, where her hus- band is conducting a good farm; David married Miss Hannah Harris, of this county, and is farming in Benton County, Ark. ; John A., who served as a Union soldier, died in the army of typhoid fever; William E., of our sketch, was the eldest. John J. Adams engaged in farming all his life, and gave his children an excellent practical educa- tion. William E. remained steadily at home until / T COLES COUNTY. 205 fifteen years old, and early in life distinguished himself as an ambitious boy of more than ordinary intelligence. At the age mentioned, he commenced buying and herding stock, and driving to Wiscon- sin. In the meantime he occupied his leisure mo- ments in the reading of law, and made such profi- ciency, that in 1857 he was admitted to the bar, receiving his credentials at Madison, Wis. He at once commenced the practice of his chosen profes- sion at Mattoon, this county, which he continued until after the outbreak of the Rebellion. After watching the fruitless struggle until August, 1862, he could content himself at home no longer, and accordingly enlisted in the 123d Illinois Infantry, being at once chosen 'as Captain of Company I. He was engaged in the battles of Perry ville, Ky., Chat- tanooga, Chickamauga and Farmington, Tenn., during which he received three wounds and de- O ported himself as a brave and unflinching soldier. He possessed in a remarkable degree the respect of his superior officers and the affection and esteem of his subordinates. After the surrender of Lee, he returned with his comrades to Springfield, 111., and was mustered out as Major. Upon his return to civil life, Capt. Adams was destined to play an important part in the affairs of Coles County. He soon became Clerk of the Court, and at the expiration of his first term, was re-elected. He was chosen to the position of County Judge in 1873, and served with marked ability until 1877. Besides being entrusted with other important matters he was a member of the City Council for three years, and Secretary of Coles County Old Settlers' Society. Everything pertaining to the moral and intellectual welfare of the people around him uniformly received his con- siderate attention. He was one of the pillars of the Presbyterian Church, in which he served as an Elder for many years, and was also connected with the Board of Education. At his death, which oc- curred on the 21st of September, 1884, the Coles County Bar passed resolutions of respect, as did also the Knights of Honor, the I. O. O. F., and Charleston Post No. 271, G. A. R. The marriage of Capt. Adams and Miss Olive A. Ilolton, of Blue Mound, Wis., took place at the home of the bride's parents in Blue Mound, in 1859. Mrs. Adams was the daughter of David and Olive (Green) Ilolton, natives of Vermont, who emi- grated to Wisconsin from Bedford in 1853. They located upon a tract of land in Blue Mound Town- ship, engaged in farming, and were numbered among the most highly respected residents of that section. They possessed the kindly and relia- ble traits of an excellent English ancestry, and reared a family of six children, as follows: Sarah, the eldest daughter, became the wife of V. M. Fairbanks, a farmer of Minnesota; Mary, Mrs. W. Sawyer, continues to reside in her native State of Vermont; Maria, who was the wife of Samuel Clarke, died in Springfield, Mass., several years 'ago; Harriet is the wife of J. Jameson, a carpenter of Mattoou; Olive, Mrs. Adams, was the fifth child ; Jane, Mrs. E. B. Needham, is sojourning in De- light, Neb., where her husband is engaged in the hardware trade. David Ilolton departed tins' life at Madison, Wis., on the 17th of January, 1870. The mother survived her husband over six years, her death occurring at Charleston, Dec. 17, 1876. She was a member of the Congregational Church. and a lady held in high regard for her many esti- mable qualities. The children of Capt. and Mrs. Adams, five in number, were John H., Jennie M. ; Sarah S., the wife of S. M. Leaitch, and the mother of one child, Marion ; William E. and Olive E. Mrs. Adams has a fine home in the southern part of the city, and is surrounded by all the comforts of life, while enjoy- ing the affection of her children and a large circle of friends. F. BURGNER. The snug home- stead of this thrifty and well-to-do resident of Humbolt Township is finely located on section 36, and forms one of the attractive spots in the landscape of that region. His estate includes 100 acres of highly cultivated land in the home farm, eighty acres on section 25, fifty-five acres in Hickory Township, and ten acres of limber in La- fayette Township. Mr. Burgner has distinguished himself as :ui active and enterprising agriculturist and a worthy citizen, and enjoys in a marked de- T 206 COLES COUNTY. gree the esteem and confidence of his neighbors and fellow-citizens. The farm of Mr. Burgner is chiefly devoted to stock-raising. He makes a specialty of high-grade Short-horn cattle, and has three very valuable ani- mals, registered in the American Herd Book. His stables contain some fine Clydesdale mares, and he has several colts and trotters, which have attracted considerable attention in this section. He also breeds choice Poland-China hogs. The farm build- ings are tastefully and substantially built, combin- ing beauty with utility, and indicating the taste and means of the proprietor. The subject of this narrative is a native of the wealthy and populous State of Ohio, and drew in with the air of his native hills the independence of spirit and the substantial qualities of character which marked his course in life. His birth took place in Fail-field County, Sept. 28, 1850. His parents were Conrad and Nancy (Whitesell) Burgner, natives re- spectively of Lebanon County, Pa., and Pickaway County, Ohio. Conrad Burgner was born Dec. 13, 1822, and spent his boyhood and youth in his na- tive State. He was there married and reared his family, and removing further westward in the fall of 1854, located in Lafayette Township, this coun- ty, where he still resides with his estimable wife. The latter was born Oct. 3, 1822, the same year as her husband. George F. Burgner was the second in a family of seven children. His brothers and sisters were Allen C., a resident of Charleston Village; Louisa J., of this township ; James E. and Mary E., de- ceased; Joseph M., a resident of Lafayette Town- ship, and Rhoda L., the wife of A. Newby. Young Burgner remained with his parents until twenty- six years of age, and on the 20th of September, 1876, was united in marriage with Miss Dillie A., daughter of Christopher and Tabitha (Tipton) Booze. Mrs. B. was born April 10, 1856, at Mar- tinsburg, Ohio. Her parents were natives respect- ively of Pennsylvania and Ohio, and came to Illi- nois in the spring of 1864. They located in Whit- ley Township, Monltrie County, where the mother died Dec. 2, 1881. Her father is still living and occupied with farm pursuits. The four children of the parental family were Dillie A., Solomon T., George C. and Charles J. Mr. and Mrs. Burgner have one child, a daughter, Nina M., born July 20, 1878. Mr. Burgner has given most of his attention to his private business, and has had little time to mix with politics or local affairs. He gives his support however, to Republican principles. He and his wife are members in good standing of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, ^nd socially Mr. B. belongs to the I. O. O. F., being connected with the En- campment No. 94, and Lodge No. 609. He has fulfilled all the obligations of a good citizen, and much credit is due him for his assistance in build- ing up and developing the resources of his adopted county. ENRY C. BARNSBACK, a descendant of one of the pioneer families of Madison County, HI., is the owner of a fine estate containing 320 acres of valuable land located on sec- tion 29, North Okaw Township. He was born July 17, 1838, in Edwardsville, Madison Co., 111., and is the son of Julius L. and Mary M. (Gonterman) Barnsback. His grandfather, Ludwig lleinrich Julius Barnsback, was born at Salzliebenhalle. He passed his childhood at home with his parents, and was confirmed in the Lutheran Church at (irossen- heere. While a boy he was sent to his uncle, Mr. Seideiisticker, at Lautenthal, Hanover, for the pur- pose of learning the mining and smelting business there. His uncle was very faithful and judicious in his training, requiring him to work for a time as a common laborer in all the different departments of the works, in order that he might acquire a practical, as well as theoretical knowledge of that difficult occupation. After several years of dili- gent application, he was promoted to the place of Huetten, master of the silver mines at Lautenthal. Soon afterward he married the daughter of Mayor Brauns, of Zellerfeld, and was appointed over-fac- tor and agent of the saltpeter works there. His death occurred in 1806, from the effects of nervous fever. His family consisted of four children: Julius Louis Hans, born Aug. 6, 1800, Augusta T LIBRARY OF THE n:!VERsny OF ILLINOIS t. COLES COUNTY. 209 Minna, born June 6, 1803, now deceased, and two sons who died in infancy. Julius L. Bamsback was born in Lautenthal, in the Kingdom of Hanover, and was six years of age at the time of his father's death. His mother's death soon followed, and he was educated by his aunt, Hannah Bomtrager. At the age of nineteen he began his business career in the mining districts of the Hartz Mountains. But his health was not sufliciently robust to enable him to continue long at that very laborious occupation, and in company with William Ernst, he emigrated to the United States in 1820. On his arrival he came directly to Illinois, where his Uncle George was then residing. He purchased land here and was engaged in farm- ing until 1836. But this occupation also proving unfavorable on account of his delicate physique, he then made a voyage to Germany for his health, returning in the autumn of 1837. Unable to re- sume the active duties of farm life, and having the command of some capital, he entered upon the mercantile business at Edwardsville, making his home there. Mr. Barnsback lived an active, stir- ring life, during his residence in America. In 1832 he was Captain of a company of mounted riflemen, and served four months in the campaign against Black Hawk. He also embarked in many different enterprises, having been engaged in min- ing, surveying, and various agencies. Although a foreigner, he was interested in the public affairs of the county, and was elected Justice of the Peace iii Edwardsville, four times. The marriage of Mr. Barnsback, Sr., to Miss Mary M. Gonterman, took place in March, 1827. Mrs. Barnsback was born March 29, 1807, in Chris- tian County, Ky., and is the daughter of Jacob and Hannah (Ball) Gonterman. Her father's family are of German descent. She became the mother of seven children, as follows : Elizabeth M., bom Jan. 28, 1828, was married Nov. 4, 1847. to John A. Prickett, a resident of Madison County, 111.; Louis J., born Jan. 7, 1830, died Sept. 7, 1831; George M., born July 21, 1832, died Feb. 4, 1847; Minna C., born Nov. 12, 1834, was married Oct. 8, 1855, and is the widow of David Gillespie; she re- sides in Edwardsville; Henry C., the subject of this sketch; Julius G., born April 26, 1841, married Miss Mary O. Smith, June 22, 1865, and resides in Edwardsville; Mary E., deceased, born Oct. 20, 1845, was married June 30, 1864, to John Arm- strong; her death occurred Nov. 4, 1886. During their residence in this country, the or- thography of the family name has been slightly altered, owing to the difficulty which Americans found in giving it the correct pronunciation. The original name is Berensbach, and the history of their family was compiled by Maj. August Berens- bach in Hoyershausen, in 1818, and was translated into English in 1842. When George Frederick Julius Berensbach came to the United States he found it was very difficult for the people to pro- nounce the last syllable of his name properly, and rather than attempt it, the neighbors frequently called him Barns. Not wishing to lose his name entirely, he found himself compelled to alter the final letter of his name to li k," and the name finally became Barnsback, and he has since used that form of orthography, entering his land and execut- ing his papers with that signature. Henry C. Barnsback was reared and educated in the early pioneer days of Illinois. His parents were anxious to give him all the advantages possi- ble, and he attended the subscription school dur- ing nine months of the year. He made the best use of his opportunities there, and in 1857 contin- ued his studies one term at McKendree College, Lebanon, St. Clair Co., III. On his return he en- tered a printing-office and resided at home until the spring of 1861. He then entered the service of his country, and enlisted in Co. I, 9th III. Vol. Inf., under the command of Capt. Joseph G. Rob- inson. This company was the first one organized in Edwardsville, and was composed principally of the old Madison Guards. He enlisted for tliree months, and was sworn in April 23, 1861, and mus- tered out at Cairo, July 27 of the same year. On his return home he entered the field of journalism, and, associated with James R. Brown, established the Edwardsville Intelligencer ', the publication of which is still continued. In 1862 Mr. Barnsback, who is active and enter- prising in business, sold out his interest in the paper and joined a company on the overland jour- ney to California, attracted by the mining interests t t 210 COLES COUNTY. of that State. He remained there, however, but one year, and on his return home purchased the interest of J. A. Prickett, who was associated with his brother, Julius G., in a general mercantile busi- ness at Edwardsville, which was then carried on under the firm of Barnsback '- . AMUEL J. JACKSON, Postmaster, mer- chant, and manufacturer of tile and brick at Fuller's Point, in North Okaw Township, is operating not far from the scene of his birthplace, he having been born in this township March 7, 1859. The family history of our subject is in its main points as follows: Bernard Jackson, his grandfather, was born near Alexandria, Va., in 1770, and carried on the trades of a cabinet- maker and carpenter in connection with farming for many years. Later in life he abandoned active labor at his trades and confined his attention to the quiet pursuits of a country life. He was married t. COLES COUNTY. 229 in his native county, and a few years later removed to Stanton, now Ripley, Brown County, Ohio. There the wife and mother died, Oct. 3, 1814, aged forty-one years and fifteen days. This was the first de'ath which occurred in the town of Rip- ley, and the funeral sermon was preached at the grave by Rev. John Collins, who happened to be passing through the neighborhood, and falling in with the funeral procession, repaired to the bury- ing-ground and kindly proffered his services. His text was taken from the Gospel of St. John. Up to this time her husband had been an avowed infidel. The solemnity of the occasion had great effect upon his mind, and then and there renouncing his skepticism, he became an earnest inquirer after the way of salvation. In after years the Rev. Collins formed his acquaintance and often heard him relate how he was brought out of darkness into light. He united with the Methodist Episcopal Church and remained an active member until his death. His remains were laid to rest at Stone Chapel, in West Union Circuit, Adams Co., Ohio. He has two sons who are engaged in the ministry, namely, Rev. William H., of Indiana, and Rev. Andrew B., located in Southeastern Kansas. Both are members of the Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The family of the grandparents included ten children, there being besides those above men- tioned, William, deceased; Samuel, deceased; James, a resident of Louisiana; Polly, deceased; George, Juliet, Harriet and John, the latter resi- dents of Williamstown. Ky. After the death of his first wife, Bernard Jackson was married, in 1815, to Miss Elizabeth Whistner, who was born in Mary- land in 1793. Her parents afterward removed to Kentucky. Fifteen years later Mr. and Mrs. Jackson took up their abode on a farm in Ripley County, Ohio, where the grandfather spent his last years. His wife, Elizabeth, subsequently came to this county, and made her home with her son, Madison B., until her death. Of this marriage there were born ten children: William, a resident of Indiana; Jerome M. died at Memphis, Tenn. ; Maria, Andrew B., Wesley, Newton J., Malinda (deceased), Susan J., Milton M., the father of our subject, and Madison 1>. Milton M. Jackson was born in Adams County, Ohio, Jan. 31, 1833. He received a common- school education and remained on the homestead a few years after his father's death. He and his brother, Madison, worked together and supported their mother, and in the fall of 1855 Milton re- solved to seek his fortunes in the Prairie State. He located in North Okaw Township, this count}', and that same winter was united in marriage with Miss Emeline Fuller, a native of this county and born Nov. 28, 1838. Her parents, Henry and Mary Fuller, were -natives of Virginia. After his mar- riage, Mr. Jackson purchased a tract of land ad- joining the homestead of his father-in-law, and in connection with the latter carried on farming until the fall of 1861. The young men of the country were then called upon to prove their loyalty to the Union, and in common with many of his acquaint- ances he volunteered his services, by enlisting in the 123d Illinois Infantry, and served nearly three years. In the meantime he was promoted Corporal and then on account of failing health was obliged to accept his discharge. He returned home and died a few days later. The four children of the parental family are re- corded as follows: Henry, born April 19, 1857, died eleven days later; Samuel J., of our sketch, was the second child ; William W. was born July 26, 1861, and was cut down while still young, his (tenth taking place Feb. 7. 1887. His education was completed in the common school, and when old enough he assisted his widowed mother on the farm. Subsequently he purchased land for him- self adjoining that of the parental homestead, but always made his home with his mother. He was a young man upon whom were centered great hopes, and was universally respected by all who knew him. He served as Assessor five terms and possessed more than ordinary ability and good judgment in connection with his farm labors, and in deliberating upon matters connected with the welfare of the township. He suffered greatly with typhoid fever for three weeks before his death. Milton M. was born April 19, 1863, and died when about four years of age. Milton M. Jackson and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the former, politically, cast his in 230 COLES COUNTY. Huence with the Democratic party. His widow subsequently married William Gilmore, and is now living in Nurth Okavv Township. The subject of this sketch was about seven years of age when his father died. His education was begun and completed in the common schools, and he remained with his widowed mother until her marriage. When he was eighteen years old his mother had given him forty acres of improved land, and to this he subsequently added, and has since been industriously engaged in its improve- ment and cultivation. This, in connection with his operations in brick and tile occupies his time fully. In the spring of 1887 he opened a store near the factory, where he keeps a full line of general merchandise and also attends to the duties of his position as Postmaster. The wife of our subject, to whom he was mar- ried June 14, 1881, was formerly Miss Cynthia A. Kllison, a native of this county and the daughter of Moses and Mary A. (Lockridge) Ellison. She was born June 20, 1852, and remained with her parents until her marriage and afterward, for Mr. Jackson took up his abode with his father-in-law, and has since been a member of the family. His wife was the youngest daughter, and is the only one of their children at home. In the fall of 1886 Mr. Jackson became the partner of his brother-in- law, Madison Hunt, and they established their present, factory, which they have since operated successfully under the firm name of Jackson >?, in Marion County, Ind., and is the daughter of Lemuel and Martha (Davis) Saxson. Her parents were natives of Kentuck} 1 , but subsequently removed to Indiana, where her mother's death occurred. Her father died in Ot- tawa County, Mo. Their family consisted of six children, four of whom are now living. Their names are as follows: Betsy, the wife of Mr. Mc- Bride, a resident of Missouri; Permelia, the wife of MV. Combs, a resident of Ottawa County, the same State'; John, a resident of Cass County, Mo., and Martha, the wife of Mr. Riley. After his marriage Mr. Riley gave his attention to farming, remaining, in Boone County until 1801, when he came to Illinois, and settled in Coles Count}'. He first located on the borders of the Kickapoo River, and in 1804 purchased his present farm, where he has since resided. He owns 120 acres, all of which, with the exception of twenty acres, is well improved. Mr. and Mrs. Riley had a family of eight chil- dren born to then, whose record is as follows: John, James; Mary, the wife of John B. Sapp; William ; Sirena, the wife of James Ransdell; Irene, deceased; Nannie, deceased, and George W. Mr. Riley is not actively interested in politics, but always votes with the Democratic party. bL. SILVKRTHORN, M. D., one of the most , prominent and successful physicians of , Charleston, and whose portrait is shown on the opposite page, has been a resident of this coun- ty for many years, building up a good practice, accumulating a competency, and thoroughly identi- fying himself with the interests of the people. He comes of excellent ancestry, and the first representa- tives of his family in this country located in Penn- sylvania, which was the birthplace of his father, Nicholas Silverthorn, who was born May 12, 1787, and there passed his early life. Dr. Silverthorn was born in Stroudsburg, Mon- roe Co., Pa., Oct. -21, 1830. His mother, Margaret (Linn) Silverthorn, was a native of New Jersey, and was of Scotch and German ancestry. She mar- ried Nicholas Silverthorn in or near Belvidere, N. J., June 23, 1810, and in 1833 they became resi- dents of Blairstown, N. J., where they remained until 1 843, and thence removed to Orange County, N. Y. The elder Silverthorn was a tailor by trade, but was fond of country life and followed farming in connection with his trade. In 1848, he migrated from New York to Rock County, Wis., where he purchased 160 acres of unimproved land, and in connection with his trade, proceeded to build up a home. He erected a plank house, set out fruit and shade trees, and occupied the homestead thus es- tablished until his death, in 1874, after he had ar- rived at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. The mother survived her husband until the 29th of August* 1884, being within fourteen days of ninety- five years. The parental household included twelve children, of whom our subject was the youngest, and seven still survive : Oliver is a resident of Iowa; Lewis, of Albany, Wis., and Mary M., Daniel, Jehial, and Finley are residents of Rock County, Wis. Our subject made his home on the farm of his parents, receiving, in common with his brothers and sisters, careful training and a good education in the dis- trict school. Early in life, however, he began to work away from home, and was variously employed un- til eighteen years of age, when he commenced teaching in Rock County, being thus employed four successive winters, and during the summer worked at farming and carpentering. This kind of life, however, did not satisfy his ambition. He had always taken an interest in medical works, and commenced to read medicine regularly at Fond du Lac, under the instruction of Dr. Olds, with whom he remained several months, turning his attention principally to diseases of the eye. In 1854 he went to Paris, Edgar County, where he entered upon the practice of his chosen profession alone, making a specialty of treating the eye and meet- ing with fine success. He was convinced, however, that it would be to his advantage to still pursue his studies in this direction, and coining to Charleston gave his attention to his books and placed himself T f. 238 COLES COUNTY. under the instruction of Dr. T. B. Trovver. In tin- winter of 1855-56 he entered the Jefferson College, where he took a thorough course, and after his return commenced a general practice which he has since continued. Dr. ''ilverthorn has wisely invested his surplus capital in real estate, becoming largely interested in mineral lands in Clear Creek, Summit, and Chaffee Counties, Col. His mines contain gold, sil- ver, copper and lead, and are being developed, as rapidly as possible. In connection with these far- away interests, however, he has not forgotten the city where he makes his abiding-place, but has assisted to build up both its business and residence portions, especially the latter. He has one business block on the east side of the public square, and several tenements which he rents to good advantage. While having many interests to look after he neg- lects none, and his clear head and cool judgment are indicated in his successful management of both his practice and his finances. He is a prominent member of the American Medical Association, the Illinois Medical and the Esculapian Societies of the Wabash Valley. Politically he alliliates with the Democratic party, and socially is a Royal Arch Mason. The marriage of Dr. Silverthorn and Miss Ame- rial Trower was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents in Charleston, Oct. 8, 185G. Mrs. S. is the daughter of Dr. T. B. Trower, a native of Vir- ginia, who. came to this State in 1830, locating first in Shelbyville. Thence six years later he removed to Charleston, where he became prominent as a suc- cessful physician, and where his death took place in April, 1878. His family included five children, of whom the wife of our subject was the eldest. ELI FOSTER, one of the most influential and respected citizens of Seven Hickory Town- ship, is an extensive stock-grower, and the owner of a fine estate containing 370 acres of val- uable land. He was born Aug. 12. 1827, in Law- rence Count}', Ind., and is the son of William and Sarah (McCormic) Foster. His family were among the early English settlers of Virginia, and William Foster was a successful farmer in'that State, but attracted by the superior advantages which the opening of a new country offers, he came to Indiana at an earl}' day and made his permanent home there. His wife was born about 1799, just at the close of the eighteenth century, and died Sept. 4, 1873. Her family was of Scotch and Irish extraction, from which nationalities many among the shrewdest and most intelligent citi/.ens of the country have descended. Mr. Foster was a man of great intelligence and uprightness of character. He was actively inter- ested in promoting the cause of religion in the West, and for nearly forty years was a Deacon in the Christian Church, of which his wife was also a member. He was ever ready to forward any meas- ures tending to promote thu welfare of the commu- nity and held several of the township offices. His death occurred at the homestead in Indiana Oct. 5, 1874. The following is the record of their family: James died in childhood ; Ann Jemima, deceased, was the wife of Hyrutn Guthrey; Emarsetta is the wife of Hamilton Dixon; Susanna was married to Lemuel Proctor; Samuel, deceased, married Miss Lida Beasley; Eli is the subject of thrs sketch; John married Miss Catherine Beggs; Henrietta, de- ceased, was the wife of William Hill; Jane was mar- ried to Rapin Newkirk; Elizabeth and Nixon are single and at home. Eli Foster married Miss Harriet Armstrong in August, 1855. Mrs. Foster is the daughter of Cummings and Elizabeth (Goodman) Armstrong. Her parents were natives of Kentucky, but subse- quently moved to Indiana, where their daughter Harriet was born, Sept. 2, 1831, in Clark County. Mr. Armstrong was a farmer, and passed the clos- ing years of his life in the latter-named State, where his death occurred about forty years ago. He left a family of five children Harriet, Thomas, Elizabeth, Rebecca and James. In 1858 Mr. 'Foster carne to Illinois with his young wife. The only capital that he possessed ex- isted in his shrewd business qualifications, energy and enterprise, and through the exercise of these, aided by the good judgment and housewifely skill of a devoted wife, he has acquired a fine property, and is numbered among the wealthy men of the i COLES COUNTY. 239 township. He carries on an extensive business in stock-raising, and his residence and farm buildings are commodious and well appointed. Mr. and Mrs. Foster have had a family of seven children : Horace B. died at the age of four years; Ida 15. is now Mrs. VanVoorhees; William K., Homer L., Rosina, and two who died in infancy. Mr. Foster, with his wife and daughters, has been a member of the Christian Church for many years, in which they are all earnest workers. lie is interested in educational affairs, and has held the ottice of School Trustee. > ^t i : s Rosa J. Fuller, and is engaged on the street car line at St. Louis, Mo.; Mary H., born Sept. 16, 1857, is the wife of John Votaw, who is farming in Osage County, Kan. ; Willis C., horn' Nov. 23, 1859, married Miss Katie J.- Luce, and is assisting in the management of the farm; David J., born Dec. 25, 1861, married Miss Amanda Luce, and is living at Mattoon; Nancy I., born May 10, ISfii;, died in infancy. The paternal grandfather of our subject, James Ellis by name, is supposed to have been born in New Jersey. It is certain at least that he passed his early years there and subsequently removed to Jefferson County. Tenn., and afterward to Lincoln County, which is now a part of Moore County, where he spent the remainder of his days. He was married in early manhood to Miss Sarah Riggs, who also died in Tennessee. Their seven children were named respectively, Jesse, William, Hulda N., Elizabeth, Mary, Delilah and James. Delilah died when about twenty years of age, but the others reached years of maturity, married and reared families of their own. All are now deceased. Mary, the wife of James Curry, together with her husband, died in this county. William died in Shelby County, this State, and James in Tennessee. Grandfather Ellis became a large land-owner in Tennessee, and was engaged in the pursuit of agriculture his entire life. Jesse Ellis, the father of our subject, was born in Jefferson County, Tenn., in 1784. He received a limited education and remained under the paren- tal roof until his. marriage. The maiden of his choice was Miss Jennie Elliott, a native of his own county, and who became his wife in 1804. She was born in October, 1782. After their mar- riage they continued on a farm in Jefferson County for about three years, and then Mr. Ellis entered a tract of land in Lincoln County, upon which he operated until March, 1836. He then sold out, and coming North entered land in what was Shelby but is now Moultrie County, 111., and proceeded with its improvement and cultivation until the fall of 1853, when his earthly labors ended. Mrs. Jennie Ellis had died in the fall of 1839. She was a member of the old-school Baptist Church, and was the mother of the following- named children: James, John, William, Clisbe, Margaret, Pleasant M., Wiley C.. Jesse K., and Willis H. (deceased). Of this family but three are living. The second wife of Jesse Ellis, Sr., was Mrs. Isabel (Elliott) Curry, the sister of his first wife. She only lived about three years after her marriage. I Her only child was a daughter named Sarah Min- erva, now the wife of William A. Hendricks. The third wife of Mr. Ellis was Mrs Nancy (Chowning) Owens. She died in 1840, and he was then mar- ried to Mrs. Maria (Curry) Bennett, in 1S47. Of this marriage there were born five children, two of whom died in infancy. There are living two sons T 242 COLES COUNTY. and a daughter, namely, Joseph B., married, and a practicing physician in Carbondale, Kan.; Mary A., a resident of Tennessee, and Nathan C., whojs married and farming in North Okaw Township,' this county. ARTIN FLENNER, a well-known and highly respected citizen of Ashmore Town- ship, has a good farm of 200 acres on sec- tion 28, and is one of the important fac- tors in the agricultural interests of Central Illi- nois. He comes of an excellent family, being the youngest son of Isaac and Hopy A. (Holl ings- worth) Flenner. Isaac Flenner was born in Butler County, Feb. 25, 1825, and was the son of Daniel and Hannah (Andrews) Flenner, natives respect- ively of Maryland and Ohio, the latter a descend- ant of an old Pennsylvania family. Daniel Flen- ner emigrated from his native State to Ohio in ISO!), during its early settlement. He served in the War of 1812, and was a prominent citizen, holding many offices of trust in his county. Isaac Flenner was reared in his native State, and came to Central Illinois in 1856, his father also coming to Clark County at the same time. The former purchased 200 acres of land and engaged quite extensively in farming and stock-raising, making a specialty of thoroughbred Short-horn cat- tle and Berkshire hogs. He built up one of the finest homesteads in Coles Comity, and being a man of rare intelligence and cultivated tastes, erected a beautiful residence and surrounded it with evergreen shrubbery and other choice trees. In the rear was one of the finest fruit orchards in that section and the homestead, standing upon a rise of ground, com^ manded a fine view of the surrounding country. After a life of usefulness and honor, during which by his upright course and kindly disposition he had made hosts of friends, Isaac Flenner was gathered home to his fathers on the 6th of June, 1886, mourned by his family and the entire community. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church and contributed liberal!}- and cheer- fully to every enterprise calculated for the moral and intellectual advancement of the people alxjut him. Isaac Flenner was first married, Sept. 30, 1847, to Miss Rachel A. Hughes, who was a native of Maryland, but removed with her parents in early childhood to Butler County, Ohio. Of her union with Isaac Flenner there were born two children, of whom only one, Albert W., is living. This lady died in 1852, in Ohio. The second wife of Mr. Flenner was a native of Illinois, and was married to him on the 12th of January, 1858. The one child of this union was Martin, of our sketch. Mrs. Flenner is still living and continues on the home- stead which is now managed by her son, our subject. The remains of Isaac Flenner were laid to rest in the cemetery at Ashmore, and a fine monument erected by his wife and son marks the spot where rests all that is mortal of the kind husband and father, and the man who in all the walks of life was faithful to his duties. Mr. V. was a stanch Repub- lican, politically, and at the time of his death Vice President of Coles County Agricultural Association. Martin Flenner was born on the homestead which he now occupies, Jan. 27, 1859. He received a good education, and earl}' in life was made ac- quainted with th various employments of the farm, being an apt scholar under the excellent instruction of his father. Since the death of the latter he has kept up the reputation of the estate in a worthy manner, and for years has cheerfully labored with his parents to build uf> and beautify the homestead. He has been the worthy son of most excellent par- ents, and has profited well from his early teachings and the example so constantly set before him. ffi OHN G. CRAWFORD, formerly a prosperous farmer and stock-raiser of East Oakland Township, is spending his latter days in ease and retirement in the village, where he has a fine residence and two acres of land, and is sur- rounded by all the comforts of life. He has been a resident of this county since I860, and has nearly all his life engaged in agricultural pursuits. His property includes his home in Oakland and 700 acres COLES COUNTY. 2-13 of valuable land in the .township, the hitter compris- ing- a fine farm which is now operated by tenants, and from which the owner receives a handsome in- come.' lie is a fine representative of the thrifty and prosperous element of Central Illinois, and lias contributed his full share toward bringing it to its present condition. The early home of our subject was in Martins- ville, Ind., where his birth took place on the farm of his father, James Crawford, Aug. 10, 1837. His mother, Delilah (Gray) Crawford, a native of Penn- sylvania, was born June 10, 1802, and is still living, being eighty-five years of age. James Crawford was born Jan. IS, 171)8, on the James River in Vir- ginia, and departed this life at his home in Wash- ington County, Ind., on the 12th of April, 1872. The parents were married in the latter-named county in 1822, and early in life became members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which the father was an Elder at Marti nsvi lie for many years. He was a man ol intelligence and exerted much influence in the local and political affairs of his adopted State. He was identified with the Whig party until it was abandoned, and then cordially endorsed the principles of the Republicans. The children of James and Delilah Crawford are as follows: William, who married Miss Sophia Day, died a year later at his home in Martinsville, Ind. ; George and James A. are also deceased ; Mary is the wife of William R. Harrison, and Sarah A., the wife of George W. Cramer, both residents of Mar- tinsville, Ind. ; Joseph B. and Robert H. are de- ceased. The latter during the late war enlisted in the 72d Indiana Infantry, in which he served two years and until the close, and afterward enlisted in the United States Regulars. His regiment was stationed at Monroe, La., where he died in August, 1868. The subject of this biography spent his boyhood and youth after the manner of most country boys,, and after reaching his majority and laying his plans for the future, was united in marriage with Mis.- Virginia Valodin, the wedding taking place in Ports- mouth, Ohio, on the 10th of January, 1806. This lady was born in ?s T ew Madrid. Mo., Nov. 2, 1838, and died at the home of her husband in Oakland Township, July 30, 1882, after being ill with con- sumption one year. Her two children, were John F., born Aug. 9, 1874, and Roscoe V., Aug. 11, 1881. Mrs. Crawford was a lady of deep piety, and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church when a young girl fourteen years of age. Her parents were Frank and Temperance (Burt) Valodin, the former a native of Paris, France. The mother was born in Ohio and both were connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. V. died in New Orleans in the spring of 1839. Mr. Crawford came first to Illinois in 1 860, and purchased land in Sergeant Township, Douglas County, where he carried on farming eight years, and thence removed- to this county. He was re- markably successful in his agricultural operations, and devoted much attention to the raising of fine stock. He identified himself with the Masonic fra- ternity in 1872, and is also a member of the I. O. O. F. He united with the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1870, and politically is a Republican of the first water. During the war he was the stanch enemy of rebellion and secession, and although not actively engaged in the field, contributed of his means and influence to the encouragement of the Union sentiment. He served as Supervisor of Oak- laud Township, and has in all respects fulfilled tile obligations of a good man and worthy citizen. ENRIE CHAMBERS, a gentleman in the prime of life and in the midst of his useful- ness, is numbered among the worthy resi- dents of Morgan Township, where he has built up a good homestead on sec. 19, and has fully kept pace with his neighbors in thrift and enter- prise, tilling the soil and marketing annually some of the choicest products of the Prairie State. Our subject has spent the greater part of his life in this county, having been born and reared in Charleston. His birth took place Sept. 16, 1842. His parents, Thomas G. and Olivia (Monroe) Chambers, came to Central Illinois in 1838, and for nearly fifty years have watched with interest and satisfaction the development and growth of the Prairie State. They experienced all the hardships and vicissitudes of pioneer life and have reaped their reward in the I 244 COLES COUNTY. accumulation of a competency and the profound respect and confidence of all who know them. They are residing in Charleston. The father of our subject was born in Harrison County, Ky., Jan. '2'2, 181 G. and is the son of James and Sallie (Rankin) Chambers, who descended re- spectively from Irish and Scottish ancestry. He emigrated from his native State in about 1838, and after locating in Charleston, this county, was mar- ried to Miss Monroe, March 12, 1840. Of this union there were born eleven children : Alice, the eldest, is the wife of J. A. Parker, a farmer of Charleston Township; Henrie, of our sketch, is the second child; John was married and died in about 1869; Lucy died in infancy; Belle is the wife of D. II. Calvert, a druggist of Charleston, and they have one child ; George R. is a merchant at Charles- ton, and the father of three children ; Maggie is the wife of Charles Rickets, who is employed in the Census Department at Washington, D. C.; Nannie married W. E. Hill, who is engaged in the grocery trade at Charleston; William M. is a resident of the latter-named place; Alfred is study ing law; Thomas G. died in 1874. Our subject spent his childhood and youth under the parental roof, pursuing his primary studies in the schools of Charleston, and completed his edu- cation at Jacksonville, 111. The next important step in his life was his marriage, Dec. 31, 1867, with Miss Clara R. Conditt, the adopted daughter of Mrs. M. G. Braddock, formerly of Charleston, but now of Humbolt Township. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers became the parents of six children, namely: Edwin, born Nov. 19, 1868. and now at home with his parents; Mary E., born June 12, 1871, and who died Feb. 25. 1872; Francis B., born Nov. 3, 1872, and died July 25, 1874; Olivia B., born Dec. 5, 1874, at home with her parents; Nan- nie May, born June 21, 1877, and Ralph M., Jan. 1, 1880. In 1872 Mr. Chambersjnirchased 100 acres of his present farm, and afterward added twenty acres. He is engaged to a considerable extent in the breeding of graded stock, including Clydesdale horses and Durham cattle, and he carries on gen- eral farming. He built his present residence in about 1874. The house which first stood on the place was burned in 1874, together with most of its contents. Our subject and the various members of his family are connected with Salem Baptist Church, of which Mr. C. has been a member for the last twelve years, and his estimable wife for twenty-three years. He is a stockholder in the Coles County Agricultural Fair Grounds, and has been identified with many of the enterprises calcu- lated to advance the prosperity of the county. During the late war, Mr. Chambers fulfilled faithfully the duties of a loyal citizen by proffering his services for the preservation of the Union, en- listing in Co. C, 54th 111. Vol. Inf., in the fall of 1861, and enduring the vicissitudes of a soldier's life for a space of three years and eleven months. He marched by the side of his comrades over the greater part of the South, and met the enemy in the siege of Vicksburg, at the capture of Little Rock, Ark., and in many other important battles of the war. He went out under the command of Col. Harris and came back with the troops of Col. Mitchell, now Warden of the State Penitentiary at Chester. OHN W. GWIN, the proprietor of a good farm on section 31, Hutton Township, has been favorably known to the people of this locality since the spring of 1877. He then commenced as a young man to build up his present homestead, in which he has succeeded admirably, and is also carrying on a good business at black- smithing in the shop erected on his land. He has a fine family, a comfortable home, and enjoys the esteem and respect of his neighbors. Our subject spent his early 3'ears in Highland County, Va., where his birth took place Aug. 7, 1853. His parents, John and Margaret (Friel) Gwin, were natives of Bath County, Va., and after their marriage continued on a farm in their native State until 1871, when they removed with their family to this county and located in Hutton Town- ship, where they have since resided. The parental household included nine children: Rhoda A., now deceased ; Charles II., John W. ; Luella S., deceased ; James, George II., Warwick II., Nannie J. and f COLES COUNTY. 247 Elizabeth I. With the exception of the youngest daughter :ill married and had families. John W. Gwin during his youth and childhood attended the subscription schools of his native county, and when a youth of seventeen migrated northwest, and coining to this county engaged on a farm by the month and afterward rented land, in the meantime saving what he could of his earnings until he was enabled to purchase eighty acres on section 1. where he now resides. He was married, Oct. 15, 1871, to Miss Martha I., daughter of Redick and .Susan (Parker) Cartwright, who was born in Coles County, March 1, 1854. Her father was a native of South Carolina, and her mother of Illinois. The latter is still living, but the former is deceased. Mr. Gwin after his marriage operated the farm of his father-in-law until 1877. Of his union with Miss Cartwright there have been six children, namely, Sarah A., who was born July 30, 1873, and died August 24 of the same year; Eddie O., born Jan. 25, 1875, and died Sept. 7, 1878; Mary L., born Jan. 14, 1876; Pleasant E., burn April 13, 1878, and died Sept. 3, 1879;Zoa Aner was born Jan. 20, 1880, and Smith E., May 24, 1883. Mr. Gwin has served as Constable of his township three years, and belongs to the I. O. R. M., Minneliaha Tribe No. 19, at Ashrnore. Mrs. Gwin is a member of the United Brethren Church. The paternal grandfather of uur subject, Robert (f the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has taken much interest in Sunday-school work, having officiated as Superintendent for some years. He has also served as Alderman, and upon becoming of suitable age identified himself decidedly with the Republican parly. He is one of the valued and enterprising young citizens of Oakland, from whom much is expected in the future. LEXANDER TINCH. This self-made man and independent agriculturist of Hum bolt Township, is the possessor of a snug farm of seventy-nine acres under a fine state of cultivation, with good buildings and all the appur- tenances of a first-class country estate. He com- menced life in a humble manner, receiving his education in a log school-house in Tennessee, and by the exercise alone of his own industry and -reso- lution, has attained to a good position, socially and financially, among his fellow-men. Mr. Tiuch first drew breath near the city of Knoxville, Tenn., on the ICth of February. l*'2.~>. It is hardly r.eces>ary to state that Knoxville. sixty years ago. was scarcely to be compared with the present town, which has shice gained a national reputation. The parents of our subject, George and Mary (Norman) Tiuch, were natives respect- ively ot Virginia and South Carolina. They spent the greater part of their lives in Tennessee. They are now deceased and buried near Kuoxville. Mr. Tinch remained a resident of his native State until 180-J. in the meantime having been married, and then removed North to Indiana. Three years later he came to this county, and (irst purchased forty acres of laud, which is included in his present homestead. To this -he afterward added thirty-nine acres, and has carefully culti- \ated the entire area, utili/.ing every rod and sut- *- t Cdl.KS COUNTY. 249 fi-ring untiling to go t" waste. Hi- -tuck and machinery are of tirst-elass description and well cured for. and the farm in till its departments incli- CateS tin- thrift :tnd industry of it- pioprietor. The first wife of our Miliject was in her girlhood Mi-- Isabel Davis, to whom lie was married in Tennessee in earlv manhood, and who became the motlier of six children, namely, Josiah A., Richard, Levi, Asia, Chesle}- and Erie. Mrs. Isabel Tinch departed this life Feb. 2C. isiil. Mr. Tinch was the second time married, June 1, 1804, to Miss MartUa .Jones, of Tennessee, and their seven chil- dren were : Ettie, burn May >'.). |sc,7 : Nancy. June 1<>. isini; .Julian, Aug. 2!. 1X71 ; Nettie, Feb. 23, 1873: Rhoda. .Ian. 21, 1875; James. June 17, l*7i'>:and Kinma, Oct. 1, 18*:!. Ettie was married to Allen Bensley, Dec. l(i, IKX.'i: they have one ehilil Franklin Alexander, who was born .bin. 30, l-s>7. During the progress of the late war Mr. Tinch enlisted as a Union soldier in Co. K, 22d Ind. Vol. Inf., serving one vear and to the close. He is a j Republican of the first water, and never had any sympathy with rebels or secessionists. Mr. and , Mr-. T. are members and attendants of the Baptist Church. JOHN S. GOOD YEAR. County Clerk, became a resident of Charleston in 1887, and has been incumbent of his present oilice since December, 1886. His hi-tory is one of re- markable interest, illustrating the career of a bright and ambitions tem[>erainent, which led its pos-e--or. early in life to attempt that which many older men would have shrunk from as impossible. Mr. Goodyear was born in the city of St. Louis. Mo., June 27, 1844, and is the son of Antoine and Catherine A. (Shibley) Goodyear, natives respect- ivelv of France and Virginia. Our .-ubject, being the first grandchild of John and HIi/.a .shibley. was taken bv them at an early age, and brought to this State, where he wa- reared on a farm and received a L' 1 education, completing hi- studies in the academy at Winchester. At the outbreak of the war. in I sill, he was one of the first to offer his i services in behalf of the I'liioii. and attempted to enlist in the I 1th Illinois Infantry. He was re- jected, however, on account of his youth, but, man- aged to follow his grandfather who was a sutler, and whenever there wa- any prospect of a battle young John would sei/e a gun and go out with the 14th into battle, where he was permitted to do guard duty and go with the soldiers foraging. In this manner he succeeded in being present at the siege and capture of Vickshurg. and took great pleasure in drawing his gun on the enemy, stand- ing guard and gathering in provisions. His grand- father finally disposed of the ship which hud car- ried his stores as a sutler, and returned home in the summer of 1803. Our subject, however, was not prepared to be- come a civilian, and once more attempted to eu- list, this time with success, becoming a member of Co. F, 33(1 III. Vol. Inf., in March, 1HC4, and re- mained thereafter in service until the close of tin- war. He formed one of the guard posted on the route from New Orleans to Brazier City, and was afterward at the capture of Spanish Fort, the city of Mobile, jFt. Illakesley, Montgomery, and Selma, Ala. The war had now practically ended, and our hero proudly marched with his comrades along the streets of Springfield, 111., where lie was paid off and received his honorable discharge, Dec. 7. 1865. Upon returning from the army Mr. Goodyear worked at the tinner's trade in Elkhart, 111., for about six months, after which he olliciated as clerk in a dry-goods store until ISiI.x. Soon afterward he crossed the Mississippi, and was similarly occu- pied in a store at Humboldt, Kan., in which he subsequently purchased an interest, but continued his connection with the business only about eight months. Afterward he engaged in the sale of books and stationery until 1873, then came hark to Illinois, locating for a time at Winchester. After another trip to Kansas, we find him in Columbus. Ohio, where he was engaged in clerking until the spring of 1*71. and then returning to Winchester, taught school until the following spring. He clerked awhile at .Mattoon. and then purchased a book-st'ire with which he occupied him-elt until his election to his present otlice. In the meantime he had served as City Clerk of Mattoon four terms and was Town Clerk five years. He represented *-^H 250 COLES COUNTY. the township in the County Board of Supervisors one year, which office, with that of City Clerk, he resigned to enter upon his duties as County Clerk. He has been well and favorably known throughout the county for many years, and in locating in Charleston only took up his residence among his old friends. Mr. Goodyear was married, on the 6th of No- vember, 1868, to Miss Mary E., daughter of Einan- uel and Mary Poston, of Ohio. Of this union there has been born one child, a daughter, Maude K. Our subject's maternal grandfather was a na- tive of Amsterdam, Holland, where his birth took place April 18, 1796. He emigrated to America with his parents at an early age. They located in New York City, and when eighteen years of age their son removed to Charleston, 8. C.. and thence to Churlottesville, Va., where he married Miss Eliza Bacenstowe. After marriage, they located at Chil- licothe, Ohio, afterward removing to Cincinnati, and from there to St. Louis in April, 1833, where they remained for twelve years following. Mr. Shibley became a resident of Winchester, III., in 1847. At the breaking out of the war, in 1861, he went as a sutler with the 14th Illinois In- fantry, until the following j r ear, when he returned, and moving into the city, practically abandoned active labor, and lived retired until his decease, Sept. 20, 1881. His wife, the grandmother of Mr. G., died in December, 1876. The mother of Mr. Goodyear died at the resi- dence of the family in Winchester, 111., in January, 1887, when about fifty-two-years of age. Mr. 'and Mrs. Goodyear are members of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, Mr. G. is a pronounced Re- publican, and socially is a member of the G. A. K. and various other orders. J"jOHN HILDRETH, who for the past ten I years has been identified with the farming I interests of Charleston Township, occupies a ' good homestead located on section 6. He is the owner of 400 broad acres, under a fine' Mate of cultivation, stocked with excellent grades of domestic animals and supplied with good buildings and all the other appurtenances of a first-class coun- try estate. The earlv years of our subject were spent in Suf- folk County, L. I., where his birth took place Jan. ID, 18'23. His paternal grandfather. John llildreth, was a sea captain, and his father, Nathan llildreth, also followed a seafaring life, being commander of a whaling-vessel for many years. The mother of our subject, who in her girlhood was Miss Katnra Payne, was also born in Suffolk County, and by her marriage with Nathan llildreth became the mother of six children: Maria, the wife of Watson Payne; Henry is living in Wisconsin: Phebe, de- ceased ; John, of our sketch, was the fourth child : Albert, a sea captain, died in the Sandwich Islands; Ann is also deceased. The parents of John Hildreth died when he was I but a boy and he was left dependent upon his own ; resources. He possessed much of his father's love of the water and when sixteen years of age em- barked as a sailor and for five years crossed to and fro over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on mer- chant and whaling vessels, visiting the ports of Japan and many islands in the Pacific Ocean. Af- ter attaining his majority he quit the sea and joined some of his brothers and sisters who had married and located in Wayne County, N. Y. He was afterward engaged at farm labor for a time, and finally going into Onondaga County, learned the trade of a carpenter, which he followed several years, when he again resumed agricultural pursuits. In 1872 he went up into Green Lake County, U'is., where he remained most of the time until 1877. In the meantime he had also staid considerably with friends in this county, and in 1877 settled here permanently upon a part of the land which he now occupies. His first purchase consisted of 185 acres, and he industriously cultivated the soil, adding such improvements as his means would allow and invested his surplus capital in more land. Of late years he has been remarkably prosperous, and is numbered among the wealthy and influential agriculturists of Central Illinois. The wife of our subject, who has been his close counselor and friend for more than thirty years, was in her girlhood Mi*s Cordelia Amidon, a COLES COUNTY. 251 native of Onondaga, N. Y.. and the daughter of Cheny and Polly (Ruuels) Aniidon. Their wed- ding took place in the spring of 1854, and they went to housekeeping on the farm in New York. The household was in due time enlarged liy the birth of six children, two of whom died in child- hood and four are now living. The latter are: Lura, the wife of Charles Gramslj; Albert; Fannie, the wife of John Snyder, and Henry. Mr. Hil- dreth is Republican in politics and in all respects is fulfilling the obligations of a good citizen, form- ing one of the most important factors in the agricult- ural interests of his township. T ,1. MAN ROE. No finer farming country is to be found in the Prairie State than much of that in the northern part of Coles County, notably in North Okaw Township. Mr. Manroe for the last twenty years has been a resident of that township and owns 280 acres of valuable land on section '21. This is well improved, thoroughly drained with tile, and em- bellished with a handsome frame residence, stand- ing in the midst of a beautiful grove, and forming one of the attractive features of that locality. There is also a fine orchard, two good barns and all the other accessories of a modern country home. In addition to his farming interests Mr. Manroe has also given much attention of late years to bee cult- ure, keeping on an average about 150 stands of Italians, and being very successful in his operations in this line. He also has seven ponds stocked with German carp, some of which will now weigh from three to four pounds. This enterprise, it is hardly necessary to state, is attracting much attention and its projector is sanguine of success. The main points in the family history of our subject are as follows: His grandfather, John Manroe, was a native of Maryland, where he was married in early manhood and became a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Subsequently he removed to C'lermont County, Ohio, where he resided a number of years, and then removed to Allen County. A few years later he took up his abode in Shelby County, hid., where he spent the remainder of his days. His wife, Mary, also a native of his own State, preceded him to the silent land. They had reared a large family and lived together harmoniously for the unprecedented period of sixty-five years. Among their sons was Samuel, who became the father of our subject. He was the eldest child of his parents and was born in Cumber- land County, Md., in 1798. He was educated in the common schools and remained a resident of his native county u.itil twenty-five years of age. In the meantime he had engaged somewhat in surveyings and after removing to Rush County, Ind., learned the trade of a tanner, which he followed there and in Shelby County a number of years. He was there also married, in 1825, to Miss Dorcas Hay man, and they spent the remainder of their days in Shelby County, where Mr. Mauroe had several years pre- viously entered a tract of land and upon which he built up a permanent homestead. He rested from his earthly labors in the spring of 1880. The wife and mother survived five years, dying in 1885. The parental household included eight children. The subject of this history was educated in the common schools of his native county, and worked with his father in the tannery until reaching his majority. He then took up. the carpenter's trade, which he followed for about ten 3 r ears and subse- quently, with the capital thus accumulated, pur- chased land in Richland County, 111., which he occupied with his family twelve years and u'ntil the spring of 18G6, when he took possession of his present farm. His marriage with Miss Julia Hoff- man took place in Shelby County, Ind., April 11, 1849, and they became the parents of two children Nathaniel, who married Miss Martha Leggitt and is a resident of Douglas County, 111., and Amanda J., the wife of James Moore, of Osage County, Kan. The mother of these children departed this life in 1807, the second year of their removal to this county. The present wife of our subject, to whom he 'was married April 27, 1*69, was formerly Miss Mjiggie Kitchens, a native of Clark County, this State, and who removed with her parents to this county in 1859. Of this union there are two children Mary E., born July 21, 1871; and Alfred, March 17, 1877. Air. M. is a member of the Methodist Epis- 252 COLES COUNTY. copal Church, while his wife is connected with the Baptist. Our suhject is Republican in politics and while in Richland County served as Assessor. He lias for the last thirty years officiated as School Director and Trustee, and in all respects has been a warm supporter of those measures calculated for the welfare of the community. J^OIIN FOREMAN, of Seven Hickory Towu- | ship, and a native of the District of Columbia^ I early in life emigrated West to seek his for- ' tune and build up a permanent home. His birth took place March 17, 1823, and he remained in liis native township until eleven or twelve years old, when his parents removed to Lexington, Ky. His father, Joseph Foreman, a native of England, was born in July, 1797, and crossed the Atlantic in 1819. He was first married in his native land, the lady dying and leaving no children. About two years after coming to America he married the mother of our subject, Miss Chloe Payne. Of this union there were born nine children, of whom our subject was the eldest; Catherine was born in 1825 and died in infancy; Julia was born in September, 182li, and is still living at Lexington, Ky., unmar- ried; Jane B., born in July, 1828, became the wife of Hugh L. Webb, a printer by trade, and is living in Richmond, Ind., having become the mother of three children; Catherine (2d) was born in 1830, and became the wife of Henry V. Barrin- ger, and the mother of two children; her son Earn- est A. is United States Pension Agent at New Or- leans, and was married in 1886; Johanna was born in September, 1832, and married James Srugham, a printer, who died in Lexington, Ky. ; they had two children, both now deceased; Mary, born in January, 1835, married Milton G. Thompson, of Lexington. Ky., who is a banker and a dealer in hardware, and has amassed a fortune; they have five children; James died in infancy in the fall of 1836; Thomas, born in September, 1838, is the partner of his brother-in-law, M. G. Thompson, at Lexington; he married Miss Sax ton, who died not long afterward, and he then married Miss Marsh, of Dayton, Ohio, who tlied in 1885; by the first marriage there were three children, and two by the second, ai^d only two survive. The maternal grandfather of our subject, Jacob Payne, was a native of Fairfax County, Va., and married a Miss Glover, by whom he became the father of seventeen children, of whom they reared twelve. He was the son of Henson Payne, also of the Old Dominion. His grandfather Foreman, to- gether with two uncles, were soldiers under the great Napoleon, and participated in the battle of Waterloo. Joseph Foreman, while a resident of the District of Columbia, engaged extensively as a farmer and gardener, being especially fond of hor- ticulture. After removing to Kentucky he fol- lowed the same business. John Foreman, our subject, was married, Oct. 10, 1842, to Miss Harriet E. Richardson, a native of Franklin County, Ohio, where she grew to woman- hood, remaining a member of her father's house- hold. The latter then decided to take up his resi- dence in Kentucky, and after her marriage with John Foreman they remained in the Blue Grass regions until the fall of 1853. They then decided to seek the Prairie State, and coming to this county located at Charleston, while Mr. F. proceeded with the cultivation of a tract of land which his father- in-law had entered in Seven Hickory Township. This included 200 acres, and he proceeded indus- triously with its cultivation and improvement, turning his attention largely, as before, to the rais- ing of fine fruits. He fenced the land, put up good buildings and established a comfortable homestead. He became the father of seven children, of whom the record is as follows : William T., born Dee. 30, 1843, married Miss Jane McNutt, who died in Au- gust, 1881; of this marriage there were eight chil- dren, five of whom are living: John R. was born in November, 1845, and married Miss Minerva Nichols, of Coles County; they have three children. Joseph married Miss Cynthia Buckley, of this county, and is engaged in farming in Hutton Town- ship; I. P. born Jan. 16, 1852, married Laura OTIair; David B., born in Charleston, March 1 1, 1853, married Miss Sella Shriver, and they have two children; Thomas, born in February, 1862, died at his father's house in September, 1880; Ed- ward P., born May 8, 1X60, is unmarried and liv- f t. COLES COUNTY. 253 ing at home. , Mrs. Harriet Foreman departed this life at the homestead in February, 1881. She was a lady greatly respected for her sterling worth of character, and a member in good standing 6f the Baptist Church of Charleston. The subject of our sketch was the first Justice of the Peace elected in Seven Hickory Township, and in 1 865 represented the township in the County Board of Supervisors. He has served as Road Commissioner and School Trustee, and was elected a Director at the time of the organization of Dis- trict No. 2. He has always been interested in those measures calculated for the advancement of the people, and has fulfilled his duties in life in an honest and highly creditable manner. His prop- erty includes 100 acres of good land on section 16, Seven Hickory Township, and twenty acres of timber. WILLIAM H. GALBREATH, SK., one of the honored pioneers of Ashmore Township, came to Coles County in March. 1831, locating on section 23, which he has since made his home. He has resided fifty-six years in this town- ship, and during the long period of resilience in this county has identified himself with the in- terests of its people. His kindly Christian char- acter commended him to their respect and esteem long years ago, and his straightforward method of doing business has placed him among the represent- ative citizens of Central Illinois. Our subject was born in Nichols County, Ky., Aug. 17, 1809, and is a descendant of excellent Scotch-I.isli ancestry. His parents, William and Phebe (Foreman) Galbreath, were both natives of Pennsylvania, and the father served as Captain of a pack-horse company in the Revolutionary War, for a period of seven years. He was one of the guards placed over Cornwallis at Valley Forge and most of the time was under the immediate com- mand of Gen. Washington. In consequence of the exposure and hardships which he endured, he contracted a disease from which he never fully recovered, but lived, however, to the advanced age of eighty-three years. After the independence of the Colonists had been established, he retired to the rural districts of Berks County, where he en- gaged in farming, and where his death took place in 1833. William Galbreath, Sr., was married in the city of Philadelphia in about 179(5, his wife being but sixteen years of age. She was born in 1781, and reared in the Quaker City, was of ex- cellent Scotch-Irish ancestry, and with her husband was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Her death took place in Coles County, in 1849. The children of William and Phebe Galbreath were named respectively, Fannie, John, Mary A., Sarah, Phebe, William, Robert, James, John and William. The two latter died in infancy. William H. Galbreath was born in Berks County, Pa., and received a common-school education in the Keystone State. Early in life he began to make himself useful around his father's homestead and as soon as possible went into the cornfield and held the plow. He removed to Kentucky and not long afterward to Indiana, whence in 1829 he came to Edgar County, 111., and engaged in farming, and two years later came to this county where he established his permanent home. Among the other important arrangements which Mr. Galbreath was perfecting, in order to complete the outfit of his future abode, was the securing unto himself a wife and helpmeet, to assist him in his dilficulties and rejoice with him in his pros- perity. The maiden whom he had chosen for this important position was Miss Louisa Lashbrooks, to whom he was married at her home in Scott County, Ind., Nov 4, 1830. This wedding was one of the notable events of that section, as were all weddings and births at that period, when life flowed on in an uneventful manner and there was little to amuse the settlers besides their own private and personal affairs. Mrs. Galbreath was born in Spencer County, Ky., June 14. 1-S1 1, and like her husband wa& of Scotch-Irish blood. She came from an ex- cellent family, her mother having been Miss Flliott. a first cousin to the noted Gen. Lee, late of the Southern Confederacy. William II. and Louisa Galbreath became the parents of eleven children, viz.: Sarati E.. who married John Newberry, of Tennessee; they have two children Mary L. and William B. ; Thomas, now deceased; John, who married Miss Paulina 254 COLES COUNTY. 'Clark; George \V., who married Miss Fiette Icen- hour; Phebe F., Mrs John C. Mitchell; Gideon F., who married Miss Frances II. Brooks, and William B., deceased; Millird, Ann, James H., Pembrook, also deceased. William B. possessed more than ordinary ability and became .prominent in the political affairs of Central Illinois. In 1884 he was elected to the State Senate on the Democratic ticket, but had only served one session when his death took place. Mr. Galbreath has a snug farm of eighty acres, which he has brought to a fine state of cultivation and provided with convenient and substantial buildings. He assisted his children in their settle- ment in life, and has always possessed that large heart and liberal disposition which have induced him to lend a helping hand to the needy whenever it was in his power. He cast his first Presidential vote for Gen. Jackson, in 1832, and since that time has been a stanch adherent to the Democratic party. He was one of the Trustees of Ashmore Township for a period of twelve years, and no man in this count}' has been more deeply interested in noting its advancement and welfare. Mrs. Gal- breath has been a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church since 1850. Mr. Galbreath never connected himself with any church, but has aimed to shape his life in accordance with the prin- ciples of the Golden Rule, and in which, those who know him best claim that he has succeeded admirably. . FLORER, a successful and extensive stock- farmer of Morgan Township, owns and oc- cupies a fine homestead on section 29, and for a period of seventeen years has been largely identified with the agricultural interests of Central Illinois. He first drew breath in New- port, Vermillion Co., Ind., March 29, 1839, and is the sou of Alexander B. and America A. (Herbert) Florer, both natives of Kentucky, the father born in 1801, and the mother in 1816. They were of German and French extraction, respectively. Alexander B. Florer was one of the earliest pio- neers of Indiana, and became prominently con- nected with public affairs in Vermillion County. He was the second clerk of the County Court. which office he held for fourteen years, and was also Recorder, holding the office at different times for a long period. He had educated himself, and was well informed in regard to legal matters, in due time becoming one of the most eminent law- yers of the day, while also exercising no small in- fluence in the Republican part}', of which he was one of the most earnest supporters. He held office for a number of years, his services terminating only with his death, which occurred in Vermillion 1 County, Aug. 9, 1865. The mother of our subject was but sixteen years of age when she became the wife of Alexander Florer. She was a lady in all respects eminently fitted to be his companion through life, and sym- pathized with him in all his worthy ambitions and undertakings. Her childhood was spent in Ken- tucky, whence she removed with her parents to In- diana before her marriage. She became the mother of five children, of whom the record is as follows: William J. grew to manhood in his native State of Indiana, and became a man of property in Wa- basha County, Minn., where he finally engaged in banking, and departed this life July 20, 1881, leav- ing a wife and three children, who are now resi- dents of Greencastle, Ind.; our subject was the second son ; Elizabeth is the widow of F. M. Odell, and lives at Oakland, this county; Ellen died in infancy ; Bruce when twenty-one years of age en- gaged in banking with his brother in Minnesota, and was subsequently elected Auditor of the coun- ty on the Republican ticket by a majority of 700; he was cut down in the midst of his usefulness, dy- ing one year after his election, leaving a wife and one child, who are now residents of Wabasha County, Minn, The subject of this history was reared in Vermil- lion County, Ind., and when fourteen years of age commenced clerking for the firm of Jones. Cnlbert- son & Co., and three years later was appointed Deputy Auditor of the county under Henry D. Washburn. Afterward he was Deputy Clerk and Recorder, when but twenty years of age. At the beginning of the late war he enlisted in Co. C, 18th Ind. Vol. Inf., serving three years and being occu- pied much of the time as private messenger for Col. i-IBRARY OF THE OF ILLINO/S COLES COUNTV. 257 Tom Patterson and Gen. II. D. Washburn. lie served until the close of his term of enlistment, and then receiving his honorable discharge, came in September, 1864, to this county, joining his mother ;it Milton Station, where he engaged in general merchandising, and carried on business suc- cessfully until October, 1870. lie then removed to his mother's farm in Morgan Township, where he now resides. The father of our subject purchased the land which the latter now occupies, in 1853, and after making some improvements upon it, returned, in 1854, to Indiana. The later embellishments have been effected by our subject, who was married June '24, 186G, to Miss Louisa A. Hawkins, a na- tive of Rush County, Ind., born March 7, 1846. She came with her parents to this county when a child four years of age, and was deprived by death of the affectionate care of her mother while still young in years. She has one brother, Frank M., who is now engaged in the real-estate business at Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Florer settled down upon the farm, and in due time became the parents of six children, five daughters and one son : William B., born in 1867, died in 1871 ; Laura A., born in 1868, died in 1869; Elizabeth, born May 13, 1876, is at home with her parents; Katie and Clara, twins, were born June 11, 1878; Jessie Ellen; in 1884. Mr. Florer is also proprietor of a sorghum factory which he operates profitably each year, turning out some seasons as many as 13,000 gallons. He also raises a large amount of broom corn, and in addi- tion to this, gives much attention to the breeding of fine stock, lie is accounted among the thorough and enterprising farmers of Morgan Township, and has built up a homestead which forms one of its most attractive features. Mr. and Mrs. Florer are members in good stand- ing of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, while our subject is also connected with the Knights of Honor, and the I. O. O. F. Encampment, at Paris, Edgar County. Mrs. America Florer, the mother, is still living, making her home with her son, on the home place, which is mainly her own property. She was born in September, 1 81 6, and is consequently seventy-one years of age, but retains her former energy and activity in a remarkable degree. Her mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Mc- (ruder, lived to be eighty years of age, and finally came to her death by accident, falling downstairs. The McGruders were Democrats of the strongest type, and our subject has adhered largely to the teachings and beliefs of his honored mother, being Democratic in politics, although not strictly radical. BURGNER is a well-known and wea ^ u y ci 1 ' 2611 f Lafayette Township, who was born Dec. 13, 1822, in Lebanon County, Pa. He is the son of Conrad and Elizabeth (Shaffer) Burgner, who were likewise natives of Pennsylvania. When Mr. Burgner was about six years of age his family removed to Ohio, and located in Fail-field County, where they were among the early settlers. He passed his childhood and youth with his parents there, and was taught the carpenter's trade. On the 5th of March, 1846, Mr. Bnrguer was married to Miss Nancj' Whitesel. Mrs. Burgner is the daughter of George and Mary (Sidener) White- sel, and was born Oct. 2, 1822, in Pickaway County, Ohio. After his marriage, Mr. Burgner worked at the carpenter's trade several years, and then en- gaged in farming. In the autumn of 1854 he removed with his young family to Illinois, and the following spring settled in Lafayette Township, Coles County. With a capital of about $5,000 he invested in land, first purchasing 200 acres, and sub- sequently adding to this he became the owner of 1,200 acres of valuable land. He gave his atten- tion exclusively to farming, in which he has been very successful. Mr. Burgner is a man of great activity and energy, and applied himself so closely to business that his health began to fail, and he has recently been obliged to relinquish it altogether. His farm is supplied with all the modern improvements, a commodious brick residence, and appropriate farm buildings. lie has for many years been an active member of the Methodist Church, giving liberally of his means to its support. He is generous, both in public and private life, and has given each of t. 258 COLES COUNTY. his children about 160 acres of land. Mr. and Mr>. Burgner had a family of seven children born to them, five of whom are now living-. Their names are as follows : Allen C., George F., Louisa J., the wife of Thornton Ashbrook; J. Morris, and Rhoda L., the wife of Alfred S. Newby. It is with pleasure that we present the portrait of Mr. Burg- ner in this connection as being that of a worthy and honored resident of Lafayette Township, and a representative citizen of the county. DOLE, deceased. During the early ) history of the American Colonies Stephen /I' ^ Dole (or McDole as some claim), a native of Scotland, settled in Massachusetts, where he reared a family. Among his children was Stephen, Jr., who, after reaching manhood, married and be- came the father of Col. Stephen Dole, one of the first settlers of Bedford, N. H., where he took up his abode in 1779. Col. Dole was the father of nine children, namely, Richard, William, Jane, Joseph G. ; Enoch, of our sketch; Anna, Friend, Betsey and Sallie. The fifth child of the family above named is the subject of this sketch. He was born in Bedford, N. H., in 1788. and was reared tinder the home roof, and during early manhood learned the cabi- net-maker's trade, but afterward followed carpenter- ing and plastering, lie left his native State while a young man, migrating first to Ohio, and thence to Terre Haute, Ind. He located on a farm near the latter city, and was content to follow the life of an agriculturist until resting from his earthy labors, his decease occurring March 30, 1855. The marriage of Enoch Dole and Miss Harriett P., daughter of .Stephen and Prudence (Sumner) Dexter, was celebrated at the home of the bride in Danville, Vt., in 1809. Stephen Dexter operated the first scythe factory in the United States, and spent the greater part of his life in the Green Mountain State, where his remains were finally laid to rest. Three sons and one daughter of Enoch Dole set- tled near Mattoon, 111., namely, Joseph C., Charles M., Stephen Dexter and Sarah Ann. The latter is the widow of William M. Barr, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. Stephen de- parted this life at his home March 17, 1885. The household included ten children, and the four men- tioned came to this State while the country was practically a wilderness. Their names are familiar among the pioneers who still survive, and with whem they labored in common to develop the re- sources of Central Illinois. They proved themselves self-sacrificing, industrious and enterprising, and as having inherited in a marked degree those traits of character which distinguished their honored father. Those who knew Enoch Dole entertained for him the profoundest respect, and found in him a man of great kindness of heart, and always willing to serve his friends or his community. One of the sons, William P., also a native of Vermont, is a resident of Washington, and was Commissioner of Indian affairs under the administration of President Lin- coln. He has, by a life of industry and a wise in- vestment of funds, secured a competency, and the latter years of his life are being spent in ease and. comfort. He married Miss Elizabeth Gordon, daughter of the late Daniel Gordon, of Beloit, Wis. f; OHN CUNNINGHAM, attorney at law, and engaged in the real-estate and insurance business at Mattoon, is the son of the late James T. Cunningham, widely and favor- ably known throughout Coles County as a gentle- man of more than ordinary ability and largely identified with the agricultural and business inter- ests of Central Illinois. Our subject was born in Grayson County, Ky., Jan. 0, 1828. His parents were natives of the same county, and his mother before her marriage was Miss Elizabeth C. Yocum. The elder Cunningham engaged in farming first in his native county, but after his marriage emi- grated to Central Illinois, where he became owner eventually of 4,000 acres. of land. He served as a member of the Illinois Legislature three terms and was a man of fine business capacities, contributing his full quota toward the development and prog- ress ol this county. The children of his first marriage, five in number, were John, our subject; j^m COLES COUNTY. 251) William, wjio (Ued when seventeen years of age; James, who died when three years old; Mary, now the wife of Capt. llinckle, of Mattoon, and James H., Jr. The subject of this biography was reared on his father's farm and completed his education in Tran- sylvania University, at Lexington, Ky. He re- mained a member of his father's household until after reaching his majority, and then engaged in merchandising at Richmond, three miles southwest of Mattoon. His partner at that time was Charles W. Nabb, and after the first year the father of our subject purchased the interest of Mr. N., and with his son, John, opened a store in Paradise, which they operated four years under the firm name of Cunningham & Son. Afterward they removed their goods to Mattoon, and the firm became True, Cunningham & Co. ; they operated about two years, and then sold out. Afterward Mr. C., with four other gentlemen, Messrs. Marshall, Cunninghnin, True and O. B. Ficklin. organized the Mattoon Bank, which was operated about two years. Our subject at the same time engaged in merchandising with G. M. Mitchell-at Mattoon, and at the same time ran a grain warehouse for about four years. Mr. Mitchell then sold his interest, and the firm became Cun- ningham ur subject escaped unharmed, and then going to Chattanooga was assigned with his com- rades to guard duty, and thus continued until the expiration of his term of service. Then, returning to his old haunts near Indianapolis, he continued farming until 1884. In the spring of that year he came back to Illinois, and with his family located on the old Hopper homestead, where they now re- side. Joshua Young was born in Monroe County, Ind., Jan. 10, 1844, and was the youngest of a family of nine children, the offspring of Joseph and Barbara (Whisman) Young, natives of Virginia. Joseph Young was a farmer by occupation, and after his marriage pursued his chosen calling in Indiana, with the exception of a short time, continuously until his death. He spent his last days at the home of his son Joshua. His widow still survives and is living with our subject, having reached an ad- vanced nge. The latter was the last child to leave the parental roof and remained unmarried until thirty years of age. His union with Miss Talitha Hopper was celebrated at the home of the bride in North Okaw Township, Oct. 7, 1873. Mrs. Young was born in that township, Sept. 9, 1852, and is the daughter of Dudley and Jane (Dixon) Hopper, na- tives respectively of Kentucky and Virginia, and a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this AUU:.M. The children of Mr. Young, five in number, were born as follows: Dudley, Sept. 4, 1876; Wil- bur, born July 21, 1878, died July 3, 1879; Homer was born July 9, 1880; Rebecca, Oct. 24, 1883, and Grace. Aug. 2, 1886. Mr. Young is carrying on his stock-raising in company with his father-in-law, Mr. Hopper, and the firm has built up quite a repu- tation in this locality. Our subject, politically, is decidedly Democratic, and takes quite an active part in local politics. NEWMAN. Mr. Newman, one i substantial citizens of Coles Coun- ty, is a retired farmer residing in Charles- ton. He was born April 3, 1813, in Jefferson County, E. Tenn..and is the son of John and Nancy (Franklin) Newman, natives of Virginia. John Newman removed to Tennessee and passed his entire T 264 COLES COUNTY. life there engaged in farming. He was twice mar- ried and had a family of seventeen children born to him, all of whom grew to maturit}-. He was an active, energetic man, and for eight or ten years held the office of Collector. His death occurred Oct. 9, 1865. Madison Newman was reared on his father's farm, attending school and assisting in the farm labor. until he reached the age of twenty-two, when he began the world for himself. He first tried the experiment of farming on rented land, and then purchased a farm on credit, which he conducted sixteen years. At this time he became involved in financial difficulties by going security for other par- ties, which obliged him to sell off his property in order to pay his debts. He subsequently purchased another tract of land containing 500 acres, where he carried on an extensive farming business four- teen years. In 1865 he came to Charleston and rented a place nine miles southwest of the city, where he lived four years. He then purchased 187 acres of land for which he paid 15,850, and where he spent twelve years, in the meantime adding sixty- two and one-half acres to his estate. In 1882 he purchased his present place of residence in Charles- ton, and also another house and two lots adjoining. Mr. Newman's marriage to Miss Mary A. Nichol- son took place March 5, 1835. She was a native of Tennessee and the daughter of Joseph and Ann (McGuire) Nicholson. The former is a native of North Carolina and the latter of Pennsylvania. Their family consisted of seven children, of whom Mrs. Newman was the third in order of birth. She was born Aug. 21, 1*13. Mr. and Mrs. Newman had a family of eleven children born to them, seven of whom are now living. The record is as follows: George W. married Miss Emma Enlow; Matilda E., now Mrs. Johnson; Nancy J., now Mrs. Rankin, has two children, Ida and William P.; James M. married Miss Caroline Freeman, and has a family of four children Claud, Mary, Ellen and Jessie; Thomas J. married Miss Margaret M. Nicholson; Henry D. married Miss L. Q. Thompson, and has a family of five children Olive G., Bertram M., Clyde P., Myrtle E. and Carl E.; Andrew J. mar- ried Miss Rosa Perisho, and has a family of three children Olive P., George M. and Ruby R. ; Jo- seph J.. deceased, married Miss Minerva Carr, and had a familj' of three children Sarah A., William F. and Jessie B. The deceased are, William F., who died Aug. 23, 1863; Patrick L. died Sept. 27, ' 1866, and John J. died Feb. 29, 1876. Mr. Newman is a progressive, public-spirited man. While living in Tennessee he was Captain of the State Militia, and also held the office of School Director there. Since his residence in Coles County he has served as Road Commissioner, giving entire satisfaction in the discharge of his duties. Both himself and his wife are highly esteemed members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics Mr. New- man is a Democrat. \|?SAAC NEWTON VANNATTA, residing on section 34, Lafayette Township, is the descend- ant of one of the pioneer families of the count}'. He is the son of Samuel and Lucy (Gibbs). Van- natta, and was born at Mock's Point, Cumberland Co., 111., June 16, 1844. Samuel Vannatta was a native of Fail-field, Ohio. He was the son of Aaron and Nancy Vannatta, and in 1816 his parents emigrated to the Territory of Illinois. They made their home in Lawrence County, and were among the earliest pioneers of the State. They encountered many privations and trials in those early days. The country was almost an un- broken wilderness; there were no school advantages for the children, and the neighboring families were separated by wide stretches of lonely prairie, or desolate woodland. Samuel assisted his father in breaking the new land, burning brush and cutting timber, finding little time or opportunity for men- tal cultivation. In 1827 his marriage with Miss Lucy Gibbs took place. Mrs. Vannatta was born Jan. 5, 1809, in New York, and came to Illinois with her father, Klijah Gibbs, who was among the pioneers of Coles County, having settled there in 1827. Mr. Yannatta was engaged in farming in Cum- berland County until 1853, when he removed to Coles County and settled in Lafayette Township. lie passed the remainder of his life there, and died. LIBRARY OF THt :"i:!VERsiiY OF ILLIMOIS I COLES COUNTY. 267 May o, 1881, having long survived his wife, whose death occurred Jan. 5, 1865. The}' had a family of ten children horn to them, eight of whom grew to maturity. Isaac Vannatta was reared on his father's farm, where he acquired a practical experience in the de- tails of farm labor, and also learned the carpenter's trade. In September, 1871, he was married to Miss Nancy Mary Frakes. Mrs. Vannatta is the daugh- ter of James and Elizabeth Frakes, and was born in Indiana, June 16, 1851. Mr. and Mrs. Vannatta have nine children, all of whom, with one exception, are now living. Their names are as follows: Dan- iel Voorhees, Robert Allen, Benjamin Franklin, Homer Gibbs, John Milton, Elijah Hubbard, George Elmer and Lucy. Mr. Vannatta is a Democrat in politics, and was elected Justice of the Peace by that party. His wife and himself are members of the hard-shell Baptist Church. -*- ffiOHN S. SARGENT, one of the most ex- tensive farmers of Hutton Township, is the owner of nearly 600 acres of land, two- thirds of which is under a high cultivation and the balance in valuable timber land. He has one of the finest residences iu his locality. It was erected in 1884, and is situated on a gentle rise of ground which commands a fine view of the sur- rounding country. Mr. Sargent has given much aitentioi. to the raising of fine stock, and is in all respects a model agriculturist and citizen, and has materially assisted in the development of the re- sources of Central Illinois, and has had much to do in shaping its moral and educational welfare. Our subject is the descendant of an excellent family. His father, Stephen Sargent, was born in Candia, N. H., July 1, 1797, and when thirteen years of age traveled with his father to a point in New Jersey, near the New York line, where the parent left the child and was never seen or heard from afterward. The boy, after recovering from his dismay and astonishment, set out to look for work, in which he was successful, and maintained himself in that locality for the following three years. He then traveled on foot to Ohio, remaining one year in the Buckeye State, then, going to Louisville, Ky., he learned the trade of a stonemason. There he also purchased an interest in a flatboat, with which he made a few trips to New Orleans and back, and in 1836 migrated to this State, locating at New Rich- mond, now Weste'rfield, in Clark Count}'. There he engaged in general merchandising, and some years later purchased a farm upon which he re- moved and remained until his death. He pros- pered greatly and became the owner of 600 acres of land, a portion of which was willed to his son, our subject. Stephen Sargent was married late in life to Nancy (Chenoweth) Ilarland, daughter of John and Rebecca (Rose) Chenoweth. and the widow of Jacob Harland, the wedding taking place Oct. 18, 1842. Mrs S. was born March 25. 1805, in Jeffer- son County, Ky., and is still living on the old homestead. Her parents were natives respectively of Virginia and Kentucky, and by her union with : Mr. Sargentshe became the mother of two children : i Margaret R., and John S., of our sketch. The for- mer, who is now deceased, married Charles II. Rice and became the mother of six children, of whom only two are living Carrie E. and H. C. The death of Stephen Sargent took place at his hOme in Hutton Township, Nov. 30, 1878, after he had reached the advanced age of eighty-one years, four months and thirty days. He had been widely and favorably known in Coles County and the funeral services were attended by a large concourse i-f people, who gathered to pay their respects to one of the most highly valued citizens of the county. We have already detailed the incidents of his early life. He. was married when forty-five years of age and up to that time had taken but little interest in religious matters.. He then became interested in the theories of Swedenborg and was satisfied that his doctrines the most nearly coin- cided with his ideas upon these important subjects, and to these he adhered thereafter. Upon being compelled by failing health to abandon active labor, he devoted the funds which afterward accumulated from various sources in assisting men without means to secure homes, and seldom closed an interview with anyone without touching upon religious subjects and endeavoring to impress the r f. 268 COLES COUNTY. truth he held dear upon others. lie entertained pecu- liar views in regard to woman suffrage, arguing that as husband and wife were one, their names should be received only as one vote. He would require intelligence and respectability, and that the Legislative proceedings should be attended and watched over by the wives of the Legislators. He sincerely believed that these measures would in due time become necessary for the preservation of the nation. He left to his son and daughter the duty of distributing each year where they were likely to do the most good, $100 worth of books pertaining to Swedenborgian doctrines. The first husband of Mrs. Stephen Sargent, Jacob Ilarland by name, was born in Warren Count}', Ohio, Feb. 18, 1799, and was married to Miss Chcnoweth, Nov. 7, 1822. Ilis death took place iu Clark County, 111., Aug. 7, 1830. The five children of this marriage were Burns; Louisa, who married John Short and is a resident of Charleston; Amanda, who died in October. 1830: George, who died in Springfield, 111., after serving as a Union soldier, and Martin C., a resident of Outline County, Iowa. The mother of our sub- ject was born in Kentucky and emigrated to Vin- ceunes, Ind., with her parents when a young lady, riding on a pack saddle the greater part of the way. The family afterward removed to Clark County, this State, where she was married to and resided with Mr. Harlaud until his dentil. John Chenoweth, the father of Mrs. S., was born March 15, 1780, and died in Clark County, 111., March 18, 1855. Ilis wife, Rebecca, was born Jan. 18, 1785, and died July 17, 1846. They were buried in the old family cemetery on the homestead in Clark County. John S. Sargent received a common-school edu- cation and remained with his parents until after the outbreak of the Civil War, when he enlisted in Co. C, 68th 111. Vol. Inf., and was assigned to patrol duty around Washington and Alexandria. He was then but sixteen years of age, and remained in the army until the close of the war. After receiving his honorable discharge he returned home and took charge of his father's farm, and on the 24th of March, 1870, wns married to Miss Mann A. Turner. .Mrs. Sargent was born June 3, 1848, and is the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth J. Turner, natives Of Kentucky. Of her union with our sub- ject there have beeji eight children born, namely : Margaret P., born Jan. 28, 1871; Jessie R., April 23, 1873; Ernest, born Feb. 20, 1874, and died Aug. 23, 1876; Ada O., born Sept. 15, 1875; Coral T.. Jan. 15, 1878; Paul T., July 23, 1880; St. John, March 23, 1 884, and one who died in in- fancy unnamed. Mr. Sargent has been prominently connected with township matters since reaching manhood, holding the offices of School Director and Trustee, and casting his influence upon the side of prohibi- tion. He was a candidate for State Senator on the Prohibition ticket in 1884, and is at present Chair- man of the County Committee. With his family he belongs to the New Jerusalem Church. Mr. and Mrs. Sargent removed to Urbana, Ohio, to educate their children at the university. This being accomplished they returned to the farm, where our subject experiences no greater pleasure in life than watching the products of the seasons and embellishing his homestead as his 'means and tastes may dictate. OHN STOKES, an aged and retired farmer, now a resident of -Oakland Village, came to Illinois in the spring of 1840, and located in Edgar County, where he purchased fifteen acres of land and engaged in farming. In 1849 he moved to near the Edgar and Coles County line, where he engaged in brick-making and general farm- ing one season. Mr. Stokes commenced life in a humble manner, and when setting out for himself possessed a cash capital of twenty-five cents. He labored hard, lived economically, and is now one of the prosper- ous property holders of Coles County, who is en- abled to live comfortably upon the fruits of his early industry. Our subject is a native of Halifax County, Va.. was born Sept. 2, 1799, and is conse- quently advanced a long distance on the journey of life. His parents, Samuel and Mary (Gentry) Stokes, were also natives of the Old Dominion, whence they removed to North Carolina, where the death of both took place. The children of the par- t COLES COUNTY. 209 'ental household, eight in number, were named re- spectively, John, Richard. Elizabeth, Henry, Will- iam, Samuel, James and Mary. John Stokes remained under the home roof until reaching his majority, and was subsequently occu- pied in farming. When thirty years of age he was united in marriage with Miss Lntitia Allen, the wedding taking place in Wayne County, Ind., in 1829. Mrs. Stokes was born in South Carolina, June 22. 1810, and by her union with our subject became the mother of eleven children : Richard was married three times, and is now living in Edgar Count}' ; George W. died when eighteen months old; Samuel, when four weeks old ; Mary A. be- came the wife of Benjamin Timmons, and departed this life at the home of her husband in Edgar County, in 1877; John W. married Miss Rosa E. Slater, and lives in Oakland ; Susan, the wife of Ambrose Bandy, lives in Oakland; James K. P. married Miss Meliuda Wright, and is living near Oakland; Lev! is deceased; Ellen is the wife of Charles Gobart, of this county, and Alma married Mr. Sherman, of Moultrie County. Mr. Stokes re- moved from his native State to Indiana, and thence to Illinois in 1X40. He meddles very little in pub- lic affairs, but usually votes the Democratic ticket. Mrs. Stokes is a worthy member of the Baptist Church, with which she became connected sixteen years ago. John W. Stokes, the second son of our subject, owns seventy acres of land in Oakland Township, where he is engaged in the breeding of tine horses. He received the advantages of a common-school ed- ucation, spent a few months in teaching, and after- ward engaged in farming on eighty acres of land, ten of which he afterward sold. He was married, Dec. 10, 1874, to Miss Rosa E. Slater, who was born in Loudoun County, Va., Nov. 18, .1854, and is the daughter of John G. and Ann (Rush) Slater, natives of Loudoun County, Ya. They have three children: Flora M., born May 7, 1870; Bertha E., Jan. 18, 1878, and W r illis V., Nov. 13, 1879. Mr. Stokes, in 1880, spent two months in Florida on a business speculation, but meeting with better results in Illinois concluded to abandon Southern enter- prises and remain in the Prairie State. lie has a. line assortment of draft horses and mules, and is quite successful in his present calling. He has been School Director for several years, is a member of the United Brethren Church, and, like his father, is a stanch Democrat. yiLLIAM II. THORNTON, deceased, well known to the agricultural community of Humbolt Township for a period of twenty-five years, where he engaged in farming and stock-raising, was a native of Huddersfield, York- shire, England, born Nov. 20, 1837, and departed this life at his home in Humbolt Township, Oct. 29, 1879. Mr. Thornton was the eldest in a family of three children born to John and Maria (Mallinson) Thornton, natives of England, who emigrated to America in 1842, and settled in Cook County, this State, where the father followed carpentering and cabinet-making. He also purchased a tract of land where William II. was reared. The latter received a good education, completing his studies in the schools of Chicago. He remained at home until nearly twenty-one years of age, then returned to England and spent six months visiting among his old friends and acquaintances. After coming back to the United States he engaged in mercan- tile business in a suburb of Chicivgo for a short time, but this being uusuited to his tastes lie sold his stock of goods and coining to Coles County, purchased sixty-four acres of wild iand of the Illinois Central Railroad, and for seven years thereafter was industriously engaged in its improve- ment an.d cultivation. Mr. Thornton was married rather late in life on the 8th of June, 1809, to Miss. Mary G. Jaquess, third child of Ashhury C. and Jane (Ashworth) Jaquess, natives respectively of Kentucky and Tennessee, and they became the parents of ten children. They removed from the South to Indi- ana during its early settlement, their daughter Mary being bom in Posey County, Jan. 30, 1842. She came to Coles County to visit friends and there met our subject. After their marriage they took up their residence on the farm of Mr. Thorn- ton. lie had never been robust in health and not T L > 270 COLES COUNTY. long after liis marriage found his strength unable to meet the hard demands of labor on the farm. > He had added eighty acres to his original purchase, but in 1877 rented the entire farm, and crossing the Mississippi settled down in Wichita, Kan., where, with his wife who had accompanied him, he resided nearly two years. The change at first seemed beneficial but a severe attack of measles shattered his constitution beyond its power to re- cover. He returned lo his old home in Illinois and there closed his eyes upon the scenes of earth. The life and character of Mr. Thornton had been such as commended him to the good-will and affection of a large circle of friends. He was up- right and conscientious in his dealings, and for many years prominently connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church as Class- Leader and Trustee. lie built up for himself a good record and his name is held in kindly remembrance by all who knew him. lie left a widow and three children, the latter named respectively, James, Wilbur and Nellie. Their second child, a little daughter named Flora, died at the age of five years while her parents were residents of Wichita. Mrs. Thornton continues on the farm with her family, and with the aid of her sons carries it on in a commendable and profitable manner. She 1s carrying out as far as possible the wishes and plans of her late lamented husband, carefully superintending the cultivation of the soil, and giving her attention to stock-rais- ing. She also is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church and an active worker therein. BIJAII D. NEAL, a well-to-do farmer of llulton Township, is comfortably located on section 23. and carrying on the various departments of his chosen calling with in- telligence and success. He is a native of the lilne Grass regions, born in Bourbon County, Ky., Pel). 11, 1822, and is the descendant of Jacob Neal, well known in that section, where he built up a good home and spent the greater part of his life as a carpenter and powder-maker. He was born March 24, 1747, and died in his native county, at an ad- vanced age. His wife was formerly Miss. Ann Yeamin, who was born Nov. 11, 1751, and they were married Dec. 4, 1772. They became the parents of a line family of sons aild daughters, all of whom reached maturity and among whom was John T., the father of our subject. John T. Neal was the youngest son of Jacob and Ann (Yeamin) Neal, and was born Sept. o, 1795, in Bourbon County, Ky. His younger days were spent at home with his parents and his schooling was very good for those days. After reaching manhood and making his preparations for the estab- lishment of a home he was united in marriage with Miss Nancy Darnels, who was born April 18. 17U(!, and was the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Rohie) Darnels, natives of Maryland. The young people after their marriage continued in Bourbon- County until 1827, then came to Crawford County, this State, where the death of the father occurred ;. in 1832, when he was but thirty-seven 3'ears of age. lie had improved his opportunities for gaining in- formation and taught school several seasons after coming to Illinois. The mother survived her hus- band over forty years, her death taking place Sept. 27, 1874, at the home of Lowery, in Clark County, Illinois. The six children of the parental family were: Crauville D., who died May 26, 1880; James, who also died young; Mary; A. D., of our sketch; ! Joseph T. and Elizabeth. Our subject was the sixth child of_the family, and with his brothers and sisters received simply a common-school education, lie was but eleven years of age when his father died and continued with his mother until his mar- riage, which occurred when he was twenty. The maiden of his choice was Miss Eveline Reed, and the wedding took place at the home qf the bride Jan. 27. 1842. Mrs. Neal was born Dec. 20, 1820, in Kentucky, and was the daughter of Samuel and Hannah Reed, natives of Virginia. The young people after marriage settled in Hutton Township, and in the spring of 1844 removed to the place which they now occupy. Mr. N. in the spring of 1839, had entered eighty acres of timber land and now commenced opening up a farm, cutting down a large quantity of timber, and after much labor had prepared the greater portion for cultivation. The change since that time has indeed been great. The i COLES COUNTY. 271 household was gradually enlarged by the birth of children, of whom the record is as follows: Owen C., born Feb. 19,' 1843, when a youth of nineteen years, during the progress of the Civil War, en- listed in Co. K, 123d 111. Vol. Inf., and was killed at the battle of Perry ville, Oct. 8, 1862; Mary E-, born Dec. 19, 1844, .became the wife of Chris Stanbury, and is residing with her husband in Hut- ton Township; John T. was born Aug. 17, 1847; Samuel D.,Dec. 3, 1849 ; Vincent T., Feb. 10, 1852; .Martin P., Oct. 11, 1854; Hannah. M., the wife of Napoleon Phipps, Oct. 26, 1856, and James E., May 21, 1860. "In about 1864, Mr. Neal met with a serious and almost fatal accident by a wagon up- setting with a log upon it, pinning him to the ground and nearly crushing the life out of him. He was laid up a year on account of this, but has now mostly recovered from its effects. Our subject meddles very little with politics and has repeatedly declined office, although consenting to serve his township in local matters. He votes the straight Republican ticket. Mrs. Neal is a member in good standing of the Baptist Church. , EV. SAMUEL MILLS, one of the well-known figures passing in and out among the peo- ple of Hutton Township, has been a resi- Ident of Central Illinois for the past twenty- one years, and is proprietor of one of the finest homesteads in Coles Caunty. His residence stands upon the highest point of land between the Wabash and Mississippi Rivers and commands a line view of the surrounding country, which comprises a beautiful landscape, stretching away fifteen' miles to the south over the Parker Prairie, including a delightful valley with just enough of wood and water to make one of the fairest pictures ever pre- sented to the eye. The farm has been brought to a good state of cultivation and the buildings in- clude a handsome dwelling, a substantial barn, and all the other appliances of a first-class country estate. Mr. Mills has been largely instrumental in effecting these improvements and deserves great credit for the taste and enterprise which have char- acterized his labors. Our subject is the descendant of an excellent Southern family, his grandfather, Ethelbert Mills, having been a native of Virginia, where he obtained a classical education, and for many years afterward carried on the trade of a hatter. He married the daughter of Capt. Charles Wells, and there were born four children, a daughter, Mary, and three sons. Two of the latter served in the War of 1812, and one died at Pueblo, Mex. Hiram was a Christian preacher, and Nicholas a blacksmith by trade. Samuel C. was the father of our subject, and Charles, a minister of the United Brethren Church, and traveled in its interests for a period of twenty-five years. Grandfather Mills left his native State in about 1812, or during the war of that period, and emi- grating to Perry County, Ind., bought a tract of heavily timbered land, a part of which he cleared and occupied a few years, then removed to Dubois County, where he passed the last years of his life. He survived his wife several years, and both were buried in the cemetery at Huntingburg. The Mills family were of English origin, and the pa- ternal grandmother was of German descent. Her son. Samuel C., the father of our subject, was born in Virginia, Feb. 2, 1792, and received a common- school education. While a young man he learned the hatter's trade of his father, which, however, he only followed for a brief time, his tastes inclining him to a more active life. When twenty-two years old he entered the army as a substitute, receiving for his services two laud grants. 'After serving out his term of enlistment, he returned to his father's for a time, but re-enlisted in the regular army and was detailed to duty, running on the Mississippi River. After serving his time and being discharged, he purchased a boat and began trading with the settlers up and down the Father of Waters, and was thus employed until his marriage. The lady of his choice was Miss Lucinda Main, who became his wife in 1818, the wedding taking place at Cannelton, Perry Co., Ind. Mrs. M. was born in Lu/erne County, Pa., Aug. 30, 1802. Her parents, also natives of the Keystone State, re- moved to Perry County, Ind., during the early settlement of the State, and were numbered among its most honored pioneers. After marriage, Mr. Mills followed his trade at Cannelton a few years, 4 272 COLES COUNTY. 1 tlii-n purchased a tract of heavily limbered land in Duhois County and began opening up a farm. He erected a comfortable house with a good barn and engaged in the cultivation of the soil for ten years thereafter. Then, selling out, he removed to a point near Vincennes in order to give his children the better advantages of the schools of that section. This proved his final home and where his death took place, Nov. 18, 1871. The father of our subject fought in the noted battle .of New Orleans, Jan. 8, 1815, and for his bravery during his whole career as a soldier, re- ceived the approval of his superior officers and the respect of his comrades. Notwithstanding his some- what changeful life, he preserved the high moral principles in which he had been trained from child- hood, and for a period of thirty-five years was a consistent member of the United Brethren Church. He was reared a Catholic and debarred from read- ing the Bible, but determined that he would pro- cure a copy, and for this purpose rode from Dnbois County to Troy, in Perry County, a distance of over forty miles, returning with the coveted prize. This book is now preserved by his son as one of the most precious relics of the past. The home of Samuel Mills, Sr., was the abiding-place of the traveling ministers journeying through that sec- tion, and his support and influence were uniformly given to the encouragement of the Gospel. In early manhood he belonged to the old Whig party, but afterward cordially endorsed the principles of the Republicans. The wife of his youth died in May, 1 858, while they were residents of Knox County, Ind. She was a lady highly esteemed in her. community, and the active sympathizer of her husband in his religious views, belonging with him to the United Brethren Church. Their thirteen children were Mary Ann, Allatha. John C., Nicho- las, Lucinda, Samuel, of our sketch, Rachael, Sarah, Hannibal, Charles, Harriet and James (twins), and Martha Jane. The second wife of Samuel Mills, Sr.. was formerly Miss Mary Overby, who survived him about five years. Hannibal and Charles Mills served in the late war under the command of Gen. Grant in Missouri, and were present at the siege of Vicksburg. Their regiment was captured by the rebels, but the Mills boys .made their escape. James marched with Sherman in his famous cam- paign from Atlanta to the sea. Samuel Mills was born in Dubois County, Ind., June 13, 1831, and was the third sou of his father by his first marriage. He received only the advan- tages of the pioneer schools and remained under the parental roof until reaching his majority, be- coming familiar with the various duties of farm life. Soon after attaining manhood, March 25, 1852, he- was married to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of William Carpenter, of Kentucky. She was born in Indiana. The young people, after their mar- riage, located on a tract of land near the Mills homestead, where our subject had purchased forty acres, which, added to the same amount which his father had given him, constituted a snug farm which he occupied until the spring of 1858. The work, howevei, was performed by employes, while our subject engaged in teaching and studying for the ministry. Upon this place his two oldest chil- dren were born, and here the mother died March 25, 1858. His eldest son, Sylvester II. , born Jan. 2, 1853, married Miss Parker, of Crawford County, 111., and is farming in Elk County, Kan.; Erminda, born Oct. 10, 1854, is the wife of James Boyer. a farmer of Clark County, III. After the death of his wife, Mr. Mills began the life of- an itinerant minister, but in due time was located where he continued until the spring of 1861. He was here married to Mrs. Sarah (Mason) Cummings, March 14, 185i). Mrs. M. was born in Knox County, Ind., April 7, 1830, and is the daughter of Bennett and Mary Mason, natives of Kentucky. Her father was born in June, 1790, and died May 12, 1873. The mother, born Feb. 14, 1795, died Sept. 29, 1872. Both were buried in Maple Bluff Cemetery, in Knox County, Ind. Mr. Mills was for some time afterward employed in mission fields, and in the spring of 18C3 was I elected Presiding Elder and became agent for ; Westfield College, in the interests of which he has I since labored. From 1 804 until the fall of T881, | he was a resident of Westfield. Then, his sons, having become old enough to employ their time profitably on a farm, he purchased ninety-six and one-half acres, which constitutes the homestead, and which the boys have since managed with ex- f C'OLKS COUNTY. eellcnt judgment. Mr. Mills also has eighty acres five miles distant from the home farm. The children of our subject and his wife, nine in number, are recorded as follows: I via E., imni Dec. 21, 18.3'.), is the wife of Rev. K. Il.Shuey, and the mother of two children: they are residents of Clark County, Mr. S. having charge of Shiloh Mis- sion. Alexander H., born Oct. 23, l.siJl, died when not quite three years old; Charles W. was born March 20, 1864; Jennie ,1., born Sent. 5, 1866, be- came the wife of J. Pickrell, and died Feb. 1 2. 1886; Willie N. was born Nov. 3. 1868; Samuel, born July 23, 1870, died Feb. 23, 1871 ; Franklin A. was burn Feb. 24, 1872: Marsh K., March 2, 1875, and Harry Pearl, April 22, 1877. Mr. Mills has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Westfield College for a period of twenty-three years, being much of the time Presi- dent, which office he now holds. He has been one of the most aetive laborers for that college, which is under the supervision of the United Brethren Church. During the General Conference, which meets once in four years, he is usually delegated to legislative duties, and possesses the ability which has rendered him almost indispensable in connec- tion with Westfield College and the Church at AVestfield. He has always supported Republican principles, and is one of those citizens whose place in the community could scarcely be filled as well bv anv other man. ANIEL CAMPBELL, of Oakland Town- Ij ship, made his; advent into this State nearly forty-four years ago, when a young child, with his parents, who came by team to Edgar County in 1844. His father entered eighty acres of land from the Government, and afterward purchased enough to make a farm of 150 acres, upon which he has continuously resided since that time. The homestead proper is pleasantly located in Oakland Township, on section 28, where, of late years, in addition to general fanning, he has given much attention to the breeding of fine; stock, in which he has met with more than ordinary success. During his long residence in this section he has fully established himself in the esteem and confi- dence of his fellow-citizens, and has become one of the landmarks whose place can scarcely be filled when he shall have been gathered to his fathers. Our subject was born near Fletcher, Miami Co., Ohio, Aug. 10, 184-1, -and is the son of Abram and Martha (Luce) Campbell, natives respectively of Virginia and Ohio. Abram Campbell was born in 1813, and the mother in 1815. Both are now in Edgar County. The parental family included eight children, five of whom are living. Elizabeth and Ann are deceased ; the latter was the wife of I. N. Ward, and dierl in Edgar County, 111.; Judia became the wife of Ezekiel Brading; Daniel, of our sketch, was the fourth child ; Hester became the second wife of I. N. Ward, and lives in this county; Sarah married Ezra Bear; Clara Jane married John Hodge; Benjamin L. was killed when about sixteen years of age by being thrown from a horse. Daniel Campbell came with his parents to this State when but an infant, and remained on the farm of his father until reaching his majority. He was then united in marriage with Miss Eliza J. Davis, their wedding taking place on Christmas Day, in 1862, Rev. William Shields, a Baptist clergyman of Edgar County, officiating. Mrs. Campbell was born near Martinsville in Clark- County, 111., Jan. 24, 1844, and is the daughter of Thomas and Clarinda (Craig) Davis, natives of Kentuck3 r . They removed from the Blue Grass regions to this State during its early settlement, be- fore their marriage. After this event Mr. Davis purchased a tract of land, from which he built up a good farm, and which he occupied until the death of his second wife. He afterward married Mrs. Lamb, of Edgar County, and with her took up his residence in that county, where his death occurred in the spring of 1871. He was a member in good standing of the Baptist Church, and both parents possessed those qualities which secured them the profound respect of those who knew them. Mr. Campbell became a resident of Oakland Township in 1H75, and located upon a tract of eighty acres, where he has since followed mixed husbandry and become a valued addition to the farming Community, The household of our sub- T 4 27.4 COLES COUNTY. ject and his estimable lady was completed by the birth of tun children, namely, Sarah K., now de- ceased ; Thomas A., Benjamin L., Martha A., William A. and Harriet A., deceased, Estella E., Susan C., Lawrence C., and a twin brother of the latter who died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. C. united with the Baptist Church about fourteen years ago, and are among its most valued members. Our subject is a Jeffersonian Democrat, fearless in the expression of his opinions, and uniformly upholding that which he esteems to be just and right. AMES H. WILLIAMS, a prominent farmer and stock-grower of Paradise Township, , was born June 12, 1828, in Culpeper Coun- ty, Va., and is the son of William and Eliza- beth (Templer) Williams, natives of Virginia. William Williams was the son of John and Eliza- beth (Whitescaver) Williams, who were likewise natives of Virginia. Elizabeth Templer was the daughtep of James and Martha Templer, both of whom belonged to old Virginia families. In early life William Williams enlisted as Captain and served during a greater part of the War of 1812. He left his native State, and turned west- ward, when about fifty-two years of age, and set- tled in Knox County, Ohio. After passing twelve years there he resolved to push still farther West, and accordingly removed to Illinois, and settled in Coles County, where he passed the remainder of his life. He was an active, energetic man, closely identified with political affairs, and a stanch Demo- crat. When about nineteen years of age, James Will- iams left his father's house to begin in the world for himself. He engaged in the first employment that offered itself that of breaking prairie in the central part of the State. After continuing in this business a few years, he. sold his teams, and went overland to California to hunt for gold. The journey was toilsome and hazardous, and required nearly four months for its accomplishment, but he reached his destination iu safety, and remained four years in Nevada City, and that vicinity, engaged in mining. He was quite successful in this enterprise, and had it not been for ill-health would have returned in the possession of a fortune; however, he did well under the circumstances, and returned to Illinois in 1854, where he engaged in farming. He con- tinued in that occupation until May 12, 1862, and then at the call of his country, enlisted in Co. D, 123d 111. Vol. Inf., under the command of Capt. James L. Hart and Col. James Monroe. He was mustered in at Mattoon and ordered to Louisville, Ky.., and thence to Perry ville, where they encoun- tered the rebel forces under Gen. Brag-o;, and en- oo gaged in one of the hottest battles of the war. He served throughout the entire war, taking part in the battles of Selma,. Chickamauga, Milton Hill, Farmington and many others. At the close of the war he returned home, and settled on the farm on section 14, Paradise Township, where he now re- sides. He first purchased sixty acres and sub- sequently added 100 more to this. April. 14, 1880, Mr. Williams was married to Miss Mary Newcomb. Mrs. Williams is the daughter of Oliver and Vina (Strovle) Newcomb. Her parents were natives of Pennsylvania, but removed to Illi- nois, where their daughter, Mary, was born and educated in Mattoon. Mr. Newcomb, who was a carpenter and builder by trade, was engaged in the employ of the I. & St. L. It. R. Co., for eight years as a coach builder. Mr. Williams has erected a fine residence Dn his property, with other commodious and appropriate farm buildings. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are both earnest Christians, although differing in the out- ward form of their religious views, the former be- ing a member and Trustee of the Methodist Church, and the latter a member of the Baptist Church. They have one son Oliver. In public affairs, Mr. Williams has served as Commissioner thirteen years, and in politics always votes with the Republican party. ILLIAM A. COMBS, one of the honored P' oneers f this county, was born in Ash- more Township, July 21, 1837. His parents were John and Dorcas (Cox) Combs, of Ten- nessee, who emigrated north during the early set- * COLES COUNTY. 275 ^ tlemeut of Illinois. .John Combs was ;i tnilhvriglit by trade, but also followed fanning and the prac- tice of medicine; lie only lived to middle age, be- ing eut~do\vn in his prime when onr subject was a lad seven years of age. After his death the widow purchased forty acres of land in Ashmore Town- ship, to which she removed with her family, and five years later contracted a second marriage. When about ten years of age our subject left home and took up his abode with his brother-in- law, with whom he remained three years. He then began life practically for himself, engaging at what- ever he could find to do, working by the month on a farm. He had learned no trade, nor had he re- ceived the advantages of an education. He was industrious and economical, however, and when about twenty-five years of age purchased eighty acres of wild land in Hmnbolt Township, of which he took possession and proceeded with its cultiva- tion and improvement for twelve years following. In the meantime, in 1865, he took unto himself a wife and helpmeet, namely, Miss Susan Orcutt, a native of Ohio, and the daughter of Samuel W. and Roxy (Kellogg) Orcutt, of Massachusetts. Our subject and his bride located on a farm on section 35, in Humbolt Township, where they lived the first 3*ear, and then took possession of his own land. He is now the owner of 227 acres, finely improved, with a handsome and substantial set of buildings, where the proprietor and his fam- ily are surrounded by all the comforts and conven- iences of a well-regulated modern homestead. . He is giving much attention to the raising of graded stock, including Canadian and Clyde horses, Po- land-China hogs and Short-horn cattle. His only son and child remains with him find assists in the management of the farm. Of the four children born to William A. and Susan Combs but one is now living, namely, Dwight M. He was married, in 1886, to Miss Annie, daughter of .lohn and Julia Bowman, of Ohio, and born in Solono County, Cal., in 1866. The first wife of William A. Combs departed this life on the 9th of August, 1876, amid the sorrow and regret of all who knew her. She was a lady pos- sessing many excellent qualities, and had fulfilled in an admirable manner the duties of wife and mother. Mr. Combs was married the second time, Nov. 6, 1883, to Miss Julia Chambers, a native of Ohio, and the daughter of Till and Eliza J. (Trot- ter) Chambers, natives of the same State, who re- moved first to Illinois and then to Kansas, where they died several years ago. Of this marriage there have been no children. Mr. Combs is a Dem- ocrat politically. ENRY WRIGHT, foreman of the paint shops of the I. & St. L. R. R. at Mattoon, has been a resident of this city since March, 1872. He has charge of a force of from ten to twenty men, and from his long experience in matters un- der his supervision has become fully qualified for the duties of his responsible position. Mr. Wright was born on the other side of the Atlantic, in Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire, En- gland, Nov. 22, 1833, 'and is the son of John and Ann (Baldwin) Wright, also of English birth and par- entage. John Wright was Superintendent of a large stable in Calverton, England, which position he held many years, and died at the advanced age of eighty- four y ears. The wife and mother lived to be eighty -seven years old. Our subject is the youngest of twelve children born to his parents. He attended school until he was fourteen years of age. He was then bound out to serve an apprenticeship of seven years at painting, and at the expiration of this period, worked as a journeyman in his native shire until in July, 1869, when he was nearly thirty- six years of age. He had in the meantime been married, and seeing little prospect in his own country for his ad- vancement or the desired welfare of his family he decided to emigrate to the New World. Lauding in Boston he located first at St. Louis and for a year was engaged with the North Missouri Railroad, then went to Jefferson City on the Missouri Pacific, following his trade until 1872. In April of that year he became connected with the I. & St. L. R. R. at Mattoon as foreman of the paint depart- ment, and the length of time which he has been with the company is sufficient indication of the re- COLES COUNTY. spect in which he is held and the value of his services. Mr. Wright was married in Stony Stratford, En- gland, in I860, to Miss Martha Downing, also a native of Buckinghamshire, and the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Babbing) Downing, who are now deceased. Of this union there have been born seven children, namely, Ada C., Annie, John D., Harry, Joseph S., Catherine E. and Thomas A'. Our subject with his wife and five of their children are members of the First Congregational Church, and possessing unusual musical talent have been promi- nent in this feature of the Church service for the past seven years. The eldest son, John D., learned painting of his father, and now has charge of the paint shops of the C., R. I. & P. R. K. at Keokuk; Harry is rapidly becoming an expert machinist in the I. & St. L. shops; Joseph S. is in the shop with his father. Mr. \Vright, after becoming a naturalized citizen, identified himself with the Republican party, and socially is connected with the Knights of P3'thias. ?1LLIAM M. CHETTLE, manager of the Western LJiiion Telegraph office at Mat- toon, is an interesting example of the self- made man who began early in life to "paddle his own canoe," and has persevered until he has gained a position with which any reasonable man should be satisfied. The early life of our subject until he was sixteen years old was spent on the other side of the Atlantic, in Nottingham, England, where his birth took place Oct. 1(5, 1853. William M. Chettle is the son of George and Ann (England) Chettle, also natives of the British Em- pire, born not far from the birthplace of their son. The father died in the Crimea of fever in 1855. He had been a soldier in the English army a greater part of his life. While away upon his duties his wife and three children made their home at Notting- ham. Of these but two are now living, o:ir subject and his sister, .Mrs. Carrie Thompson, of Hyde Park, C'ook County, this State. The paternal grand- father of our subject, George M. Chettle. followed a soldier's life nearly all hi* day.- and was color- bearer in an English regiment. The maternal grandfather, Barnes by name, also served in the Life Guards. The subject of this sketch was in the military school at Nottingham from the time he was seven years old until fifteen. He then went into a print- ing-office, where he spent ten months, and then started for the United States. After landing in New York he proceeded to Indianapolis and was employed in a telegraph office one year, becoming quite proficient as an operator. Soon afterward, in 1870, he was sent to Chicago to take charge Qf a * branch office for the Pan Handle Railroad, and from there to Stanford, Ky., on the line of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad. He was for some time after- ward employed at the different points on this road, and finally repaired to New Albany, Ind.. where he became assistant in the Union Telegraph office, and remained until 1873. Thence he went to Water Valley^ Miss., where he became Train Dis- patcher for the Illinois Central. He came to Mat- toon in 1875, and has held his present position since that time. He has discharged his duties in a faithful and efficient manner, and has proved him- self capable and equal to all emergencies. Mr. Chettle was married, in 1874, to Miss Emma Edwards, of New Albany, Ind;. and they are the parents of two children Harry and Gertie. Their residence is located on Broadway. It is in all re- pects the home of taste and refinement, and is the resort of a large circle of warm friends. Mr. Chet- tle, politically, is Democratic, and socially, belongs to the K. of P. I/ J. CRAIG, who is located on section 1 1, Seven Hickory Township, is a native of Morgan Township, this county, where his birth took place on the farm of his father, Isaac Craig, Sept. 11, 1840. He is consequently a gentleman in the prime of life, and by his industry and enterprise years ago, became an important factor among the agricultural and business inter- ests of this part of Illinois. Mr. Craig remained a resident of his native township until a boy nine j'ears of age, when his parents removed to Edgar County, where he lived COLES COUNTY. until reaching his majority, being engaged mostly in the labors of the farm. In the meantime he had also acquired a good education and taught school for six months. This occupation, however, had little attraction for hinij and desiring a more act- ive life he returned to this county and located on a tract of land which is now included in his pres- ent homestead. He commenced with energy the task of its improvement and cultivation, and was greatly prospered in his labors, in due time adding to his real estate until he was the possessor of 440 acres. He has of late years been largely engaged in the breeding of fine horses, the head of his sta- bles being a magnificent Clyde stallion which he and his brother Lafayette own together, and which has already become a favorite in this part of the county. The subject of this history is one of fourteen children born to Isaac and Elizabeth (Bloyer) Craig. The former was a native of Kentucky, born near West Liberty, Sept. 25, 1810, and re- mained a resident of his native county until his removal to this State. He first located in Edgar County, subsequently coming to this county, then returned to Edgar, and finally retraced his steps to this section, locating in Charleston, where he is still living, retired from active labor but still compe- tent to look after his banking and real estate inter- ests. The first wife of Isaac Craig became the mother of six children, namely, Lafayette, Robert, Eliza- beth, Harriet, William R., now deceased, and one who died young. Mrs. Craig died at the home- stead in Coles County. He was subsequently mar- ried to Miss Elizabeth Bloyer, a nutive-of Lancas- ter, Pa., who had come to this State with her parents and located in Morgan Township. Of this union there were born eight children, of whom the record is as follows: Catherine is married, and a resident of Charleston Township; her first husband was T. Beatty, who died while a soldier in the late war, and she was afterward married to Robert McMullen; of her first marriage there were born" two children, and of her second, five. The second child, James, was born June 29, 1844, and is en- gaged in the practice of law at Mattoon; he mar- ried Miss Mary E. Chilton, and they have five children. Andrew J., born Sept. 11, 1846, married Miss Sarah Zinks, a native of Edgar County; she was born Aug. 9, 1848, and is the daughter of Emanuel and Delilah (Wright) Zinks, natives re- spectively of Kent. Pa., and North Carolina. They were the parents of eight children, Mrs. C. being the youngest. Of this marriage there are three sons: Luther, born April 19, 1873; Frank H., Aug. 9, 1875, and Arthur E., March 8, 1877. Ellen Craig was born in April, 1848, and became thassed to the better land in 1862. Of their nine children but two are now living, namely, Mrs. Cun- ningham, and Nancy, the wife of Gen. Milton True, of Sevvard County, Neb. The marriage of Miss Sarah E. Threlkeld and John T. Hendricks was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents in Lafayette Township, in 1839. Mr. H. was a native of Cynthiana, Harrison Co., Ky., born in 1811, and the son of John and Cyn- thia (Wilson) Hendricks, natives of the same place. John Hendricks, Sr., came to Illinois at an early day, and locating in Moultrie County, formerly Shelby County, engaged in farming and merchan- dising until his decease. Of his marriage there were born two children, John T. and Poll}' A. The latter became the wife of Charles W. Nabb, and both are now deceased. The son, John T., after arriving at suitable years, also engaged in farming and merchandising, like his father before him, and in 1839 was appointed Postmaster at Whitley's Point. He was stricken down in his prime, however, dying in the spring of 1841. By his marriage he T f COLES COUNTY. 281 was the father of two children : Cynthia A., who married Ira James, of Mattoon, and had three chil- dren John f Wright and Nancy (Taylor) Cunningham, of the same State, where they were numbered among the most highly respected members of the agricult- ural community, Mr. Cunningham came to this State in 1880. He had formerly been married to Miss Elizabeth C. Yocum, of Kentucky, who de- parted this life in September, 1848. After his marriage he continued farming in Coles County, became possessor of a large area of valuable land, and also purchased and sold cattle extensively. He was elected to the Illinois Legislature six times from Coles Count}', and served as Justice of the Peace a number of years. He was largely identi- fied with the business interests of Mattoon Town- ship, and was instrumental in the organization of the first bank. In 1800 he was the Congressional nominee of the Republican party, but defeated with the balance of his ticket. Mr. and Mrs. Cunning- ham became the parents of two children: Nancy T., now deceased, and Elizabeth C. Mason, of Mattoon, who is the mother of two children Bertha and Burton. Mrs. Cunningham is passing her declining years among her children and the friends who gathered around her many years ago. and to whom she be- came endeared by her amiable and excellent quali- ties. She is blest with an abundance of this world';- goods, and is kind and hospitable, always mindful of the comfort of those less fortunately situated. She united with the Baptist Church in 1H43. but became connected with the Christian Church in 1865, and is an active member of the Home and Foreign Missionary Societies. AMUEL E. CHAPMAN, who has followed farming a large part of his life, is at pres- ent engaged in the manufacture of brick and tile within the town limits of Oakland, with whose business and industrial interests he has been identified for the past forty-five years. He is a fine illustration of the self-made man, who com- menced life at the foot of the ladder, and by his energy and perseverance has made of it a gratifying success. Besides his property in Oakland he owns one of the finest farms in Douglas Count}', which is under a high state of cultivation, and said to be excelled by none in the State in point of quality. Mr. Chapman is a native of Brown County, Ohio, born May 8, 1821, and is the son of Benja- min and Indiann (Ellis) Chapman, natives of the same State. The father followed farming, and died in his prime, when forty years of age, in 1835. The mother, who was some years younger than her hus- band, survived him fifteen years, dying in Illinois in what is now Douglas County, in 1850. The rec- ord of their children is as follows: Henry married Miss Black, and is a resident of Douglas County ; Samuel, of our sketch, was the second son; Eliza- beth E. died many years ago; Adam F. married Miss Porter, who died after a few years, and his second wife was Miss Ramsey, of Bracken County, Ky.; Mary died in Brown County, Ohio, when a child of six years, and Benjamin F. died some years ago in New Mexico. When' Mr. Chapman set out in life for himself he embarked in merchandising, carry ing a stock of dry- goods, groceries and jewelry, and also furnished undertakers' materials. After a successful trade of six years he was burned out, in 1880, and only re- covered about $1,700 insurance on a building and stock worth *7,500. He had become a prominent factor in the business interests of Oakland, and this misfortune was a severe blow, but he lost no time in repining, and not long afterward established his i 282 COLES COUNTY. present business. He has_ worked hard and been very successful, and is now running tbe largest fac- tory in the township. His product is of first-class quality, and he burns about -200,000 tile per year. Mr. Chapman has been President of the Town Board for man}" years, and School Director for fif- teen years. He served as Constable in Douglas County four years, and acquitted himself creditably in the duties of a position which called for careful work and cool judgment. Politically he is a true- blue Republican and socially has been identified with the Masonic fraternity for a period of twenty years. The lady who has been the worthy and estimable companion of our subject for more than thirty years, was formerly Miss Charlotte ,1. Coleman, to whom he was married in September, 1855. Mrs. Chapman is a native of Indiana, born in Vermillion County, in March, 1832, and removed with her parents to Vermilion County, III., and afterward to Douglas County. Of this union there was born one child only, a son, Alfred N., who married Miss Belle Curtis, and is following the trade of a car- penter in Terre Haute, Ind. JLLIAM CLARK, a native of Greene Coun- ty, Pa., was born Feb. 14, 1814, and was the ninth in a family of thirteen children, the offspring of Samuel and Lydia (Strong) Clark. His father was a shoemaker by trade, but strongly inclined to a country life, and occupied a farm in Greene County, while at the same time carrying on his trade as time and opportunity afforded. He removed from his native State to Ohio while still a young man, and thence to Harrison County, Ind., where he continued to pursue his farming opera- - tions and shoemaking until resting from his earthly labors, at the ripe old ago of eighty-seven years. In the meantime he had served in the War of 1812, and frequently related many interesting in- cidents of army life, the remembrance of which contimi.'d with him until his last days. He was a man of much intelligence and kept pace with cur- rent events. The mother of William Clark died when her son was too young to remember her. He continued on the farm with his father until thirteen years old, and in the meantime worked considerably at cabi- net-making. At the age of fourteen he went to learn the hatter's trade, and followed this nine years, afterward engaging in the dry-goods trade at Cynthiana, Ind. From there he removed not long afterward to Portland, this State, transport- ing his stock and settling up his business there. His next removal was to Brandywine, and thence to Beard's Mill, where he ran a country store one year, and then traded his stock of goods for eighty acres of land. It had been partially improved and he at once began its cultivation, occupying it just thirteen years to a day. In the meantime, on the 29th of November, 1839, he was united in mar- riage with Miss Sarah A., daughter of Ephraim and Winnifred (Hood) Tucker, and who was the third in a family of eight children. Mrs. Clark was born in Preble County, Ohio, July 6, 1818. Her father had served as a soldier in the War of 1812, but soon after entering the army was disabled from act- ive service. Mr. and Mrs. Clark soon after their marriage lo- cated on the eighty-acre farm first purchased by our subject. After selling this Mr. C. came to this county and purchased 150 acres of improved land on section 32, in Mattoon Township, taking posses- sion on the 1st of September, 18.03. With the ex- ception of two years spent in Mattoon for the pur- pose of completing the education of their children, this has been the home of our subject and his wife for the last thirty-four years. He developed into one of the best farmers in this section, and in- vested his surplus capital in additional land until he became the owner of about 800 acres, embrac- ing some of the choicest soil in this locality. Ili> residence and other farm buildings are tasteful and substantial structures, and the entire premises has the air of peace and plenty, while the stock and pasture lands each year yield a handsome income to the proprietor. lie and his estimable wife are now passing down the hill of life, but the}" have made for themselves a good record, and one of LIBRARY OF THE OF ILLINOIS .< - .: ..." 1-: . ' :' RESIDENCEOFT. A.BENSLEY,5Ec.2l.(R.10.E)HuTTON TOWNSHIP. RESIDENCEANO BARN OF F.VAIL, JACKSON ST., CHARLESTON, ILL. RESI DEMCE OF GEO.L. MILLER, SEC. 23. NORTH OKAW TOWNSHIP. 7 COLES COUNTY. 285 which their descendants wiH never he ashamed. Of the eight children born to Mr. and Mrs. Clark one died in infancy. The survivors are Mary Angeline. Eliza Jane, William Henry, Martha Ann, Samuel Ephraim, Kmma Kli/abcth and .lames Calvin. N. COFER is the owner of a fine estate containing 320 acres of land, located on section 29, Seven Hickory Township, where he carries on a large business in fanning and stock-growing. He was born July 20, 1839, in Hardin County, Ky., and is the son of Col. John and Eleanor (Magill) Cofer. His boyhood and youth were passed on the homestead in his native township until 1854, when his parents removed to Illinois. Their family located six miles west of Oakland, and their house was the last dwelling on the western borders of that settlement until the belt of timber was reached, at the extreme* western limits of the county. They purchased land, and during the first year devoted 25(1 acres to corn and seventy-five to oats, but nearly all of their crops were lost, owing to the unusually dry weather which prevailed during that season. Mr. Cofer had pur- chased 130 head of cattle, and was obliged to drive them to the head of Lake Fork, northwest of Ar- cola, to -furnish feed for them until spring. They resided on this place three years, and then returned to their old home, where after two years they were burned out, losing all of their household property. On the 23d of November, 1870, Thomas Cofer was united in marriage with Miss Rachel E. Combs, by Elder Samuel Miller, Pastor of the Christian Church, who is still living, and has reached the age of seventy years. Mrs. Cofer was born July 29, 1846, in Clark County Ind., and is the daughter of William and Margaret (Myers) Combs. Her par- ents removed to Illinois in 1853, and settled in Morgan Township, where they passed the remain- der of their lives. Mr. and Mrs. Cofer have an interesting family of four children: Thomas N. .1.. born Sept. 1, 1871; William E., Dec. 10, 1872; John C., Feb. 17, 1874, and Margaret E., March 2X, 1X80. Mr. Cofer is active and enterprising in business, and has brought his farm to a fine state of cultiva- tion. His residence is .substantial and comfortable, and all of his farm buildings are well appointed and kept in excellent order. His genial disposition and integrity of character in all the relations of life have won a large circle of friends both in busi- ness and in social life. Mr. and Mrs. Cofer differ in the outward form of their religious faith, the former belonging to the Methodist and the latter to the Christian Church at Rural Retreat. Mr. and Mrs. Cofer are members of the Grange and active in promoting its interests. [/AMES \V. CRAIG, attorney and counselor at law, and a resident of Mattoon, was born in Morgan Township, this county, June 29, 1844. He is the offspring of a well-known and highly respected family, being the son of Isaac N. and Elizabeth (Bloyer) Craig, natives of Ken- tucky and Pennsylvania respectively. The pater- nal grandfather of our subject. Robert Craig, a na- tive of Virginia, removed to Kentucky when a young man, and located on the Licking River, where he became one of the most prosperous far- mers of that region. Desiring, however, to come North, he, in 1828, removed to Clark County, 111., where he followed his former occupation, and be- came prominent among the well-to-do and reliable citizens of that locality. The Craig family is of Scotch ancestry, and the great-grandfather of our subject served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and religiously, was a Scotch Presbyterian of the old school. His son, Robert, served in the War of 1812. His grandson, Isaac N., the father of our subject, was in the Black Hawk War, 1 a part of which was fought on the soil of Illinois. On the maternal side of the house the Bloyers were from Switzerland, whence they emi- grated at an early day and- settled in Lancaster, Pa. After the death of Grandfather Bloyer, the mother came with her family to this county, and located at Charleston, where she resided until her death. Isaac N. Craig made farming his business marriage, three of whom are now living Robert, Anna and John. Mr. Edman's death occurred Feb. L'S, 1883. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church until a few years previous to his death, when he attached himself to the United Brethren Church. He left an e>t:ite of 188 acres of land and his widow still sur- vives him. Kenny Edman was born Feb. IS), 1841), in High- land County, Va., and was a child when his parents left their native State and removed to Illinois. He has been a resident of this county since that period, where he was reared on his father's farm. In 1871 he married Miss Eliza Hughes. Mrs. Edman is the daughter of William and Ellen Hughes, and is a native of this county. After his marriage Mr. Ed- man engaged in farming on rented land until 1884. He then purchased a tract of land containing 168 acres, to which he has since added seventy-one,' all of which is well' cultivated and improved. Mr. Edman is industrious and energetic in business, and courteous and hospitable in his home. Mr. and Mrs. Edman have a family of live chil- dren Fred, Charles, Fannie, Minnie and Wesley. Mr. Edman, deeply regretting the limited educa- tional advantages of his own boyhood, is very desir- ous of affording his children the inestimable privileges of a liberal education. He is a member of the Methodist Church, and in politics always votes with the Republican part}'. |7 ENRY EYERSOLE, a prominent farmer and stock-grower of Seven Hickory Town- ship, is the owner of a fine estate contain- ing 240 acres of valuable land, located ^^x on section >!. He was born Oct. 2, 1831, in Fair- field County, Ohio, and is the son of David and Elizabeth (Miller) Eversolc. His great-grandfather was a native of Germany, who emigrated to this country and settled in Pennsylvania. His grand- father was born in that State, but subsequently removed to Virginia, where his father, David Eversolo, was born, and where his marriage to Mi:-s Elizabeth Miller took place. She was likewise :t native of Virginia. A family of ten children was born to them, all of whom, with one exception, are now living. Maria is the wife of Joseph Graham, t. 288 COLES COUNTY. and they live in Fail-field County, Ohio; Lizzie died of measles at the age of eighteen; .Jacob is married and resides in Shelby County, 111.; Eman- uel is married and lives in Iroquois County, this State; David is married, and residing in Van Wert County, Ohio; John P. is married and a resident of Fairfield County, Ohio; Lydia is the wife of N. Peters, and they live in Fairfield, Ohio; Nancy is the wife of Abrain Turner, and resides in Woodford County, 111.; Martha, the wife of Jacob Tidd, also resides in Fail-field County. Ohio; Henry is the subject of this sketch. Henry Ever-sole lived on the homestead until the age of twenty-eight, then in 1854 came to Coles County. His marriage to Miss Sarah J. Work took place Oct. 21, 1858. Mrs. Eversole is the youngest daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Henley) Work, and was born Oct. 10, 1836, in Clark County, Ind. Her father was a native of Pennsylvania, and her mother of North Carolina. Mrs. Work's family were among the earliest settlers of Indiana. Her parents made the long, toilsome journey from North Carolina to that State by team, and their daughter Elizabeth walked a great part of the way. Mr. and Mrs. Work's family consisted of ten children, four of whom are deceased. Jesse resides in Missouri; Campbell C. is married, and lives in Texas; Samuel resides in Hot Springs, Ark.; Louisa is the wife of John Beggs, and resides in Clark County, Ind.; Elizabeth is the wife of James Wheatly, an extensive farmer residing in Seven Hickory Township, and Sarah J. Mr. and Mrs. Eversole had a fain i [3- of five children born to them. Lula L., born Jan. 16, 18(iO, resides at home; McClellan, born Aug. 25, 1861 ; Henley, July 31, 1863; John H., Feb. 17, 18G7, and Bert, born Nov. 30, 1872, died Sept. 13, 1873. The latter was a beautiful child, the pride of the family, and his death was a great blow to his parents. The children all reside at the homestead, and the two eldest sons, who are talented, well-educated j'oung men, teach school during the winter and assist their father on the farm in the summer. They are all bright and intelligent, and their parents may well take a justifiable pride in them. Mr. Eversole came to Coles County in isfil.and lived for one year on what is known as Greedy Point, and bought a quarter of a section of land, the part of section 23 that now belongs to Ely Foster. After selling his property to Mr. Foster he returned to Ohio, but came back soon after, and in 1858 settled on the farm where he now resides. His pleasant and commodious residence is located in a fine grove, and his farm buildings are all sub- stantial and well appointed. He also owns 400 acres of excellent land in Butler County, Kan. With his wife and family. Mr. Eversole is a mem- ber of the Christian Church at Rural Retreat. In politics he is a Republican. I/OHN W. B. GROVE, a valued member of the farming community of Charleston, came to this State in the spring of 1864, and com- menced operations on a tract of rented land in Douglas Count}-. A year later he removed to a point about four miles from the town of Charleston, where he rented a farm one year, and then pur- chased 181 acres, which lie occupied six years. This he afterward sold and took up his residence at Charleston, where he engaged in the hotel busi- ness two years, and afterward spent a year in Kan- sas. Then returning to Illinois, he leased the place which he now occupies, and upon which he has since remained. Mr. Crove is a native of Fayette County, Pa., his birth taking place Aug. 15, 1817. His parents, Parry and Mary (Sprinkle) Grove, were also na- tives of the Keystone State, where the father en- gaged both in farming and trading in grain until his removal to Ohio, in 1844. There he located in Fairfield County, where he pursued farming until removing to Champaign County,, in that State, when he changed his occupation somewhat, aiid conducted a hotel until resting finally from his la- bors. He was a man of great energy and industry, which qualities he preserved until the close of a long and eventful life, his death taking place July 2, 1H81, after he had arrived at the age of eighty- live years. 11 is wife, Mary, had preceded him to the silent land, her death taking place May 21, t COLES COUNTY. 1 1872, lu-r age sixty-nine years and eight months. Their children were named respectively, John W. B., Mary M., Henry, Matilda.. Elizabeth, Shepard, William, Maria and Sarah I,. With the exception of Henry and Maria, who died when young, these are all living. The father descended from Knglish ancestry, and the mother from the German. Parry Grove was a genuine Jacksonian Democrat, a great admirer of " Old Hickory," a man of decided views, and fearless in the expression of them. Both parents were connected with the Presbyterian Church, and reared their children to strictly observe the rules and regulations laid down for the govern- ment of its members. The subject of this history, in common with his brothers and sisters, was trained in early life to habits of industry, and when but fifteen years old could drive a four-horse team and take a large Pennsylvania wagon-load of grain safely to its des- tination many miles away. He continued a mem- ber of the parental household until twenty-three years of age, in the meantime having been married. After this event he fanned twelve years in his na- tive State, and in 1854 emigrated with his family to Champaign County, Ohio. He first located on a farm near Urbana. which he rented five years, and afterward leased a hotel which he conducted three years. In 1804 he desired to proceed further westward, and came to Douglas County, this State. His subsequent career we have already indicated. The wife of our subject, to whom he was mar- ried in the spring of 1840, was formerly Miss Jane Gettys, a native of his own county, and who be- came the mother of nine children. These were named respectively. Ashbel M., William H., Sam- uel K., Shepard B., James H., Isaac N., Anna .M., Parry W. and John E. Mr. Grove is, as was his father before him. Democratic in politics, and pos- sesses in a marked degree the same substantial traits of character which distinguished Parry Grove during his early manhood, and which did not leave him as his years multiplied. Mr. Grove has served as Assessor of Hickory Township, and has been School Director besides occupying other important offices among his townsmen. He has been for many years identified with the Masonic fraternity and the I. O. O. F., and is in all respects a reliable citi/.cn \vlio is held in high regard b}' his friends and neighbors. The parents of Mrs. Grove were Samuel and Annie (Gettys) Gettys, natives of Ireland, the former coming to this country when a lad twelve years of age, and the latter being brought by her parents when a babe of three months. Their an- cestry had been crossed by the excellent Scotch element, which had made of them honest and up- right citizens, and both became residents of Fay- ette County, Pa., where they were reared and mar- ried, and where their twelve children were born. Of these eleven lived to be men and women; Mrs. Grove was the fifth in order of birth. Samuel Gettys departed this life in Fayette County, Pa., in the spring of 1850. The mother afterward re- moved to Meigs Co., Ohio, where she resided one year, then went to Champaign County, and thence returned to her old home in Pennsylvania, where her death took place in 1873. Both parents were members of the Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Grove officiated as Elder for many years. But four of the children are now living, viz., John, Sarah. Ma 1-3% and Jane, the wife of our subject. J JOSEPH CARTER, who for the last twenty - | four years has been located on section 33. in Morgan Township, is the son of John and ' Mary (Templeton) Carter, of Tennessee, and was born Aug. 6, 1827. John Carter, a native of Tennessee, was born in 1784, and departed this life at his home in Ashmore Township, July 19, 1841, when fifty-seven years of age. He requested that his funeral services be conducted on the fol- lowing Sabbath by James Ashmore. He had been a resident of this county for eleven years, residing near Ashmore. The mother was a native of East Tennessee; she died about the year 1857. Both parents belonged to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which the father had been a member since earl3 T manhood. His parents had reared a large family of children, of whom only John came to this locality. The children of John and Mary Carter, nine in number, arc recorded as follows: Susan became 200 COLES COUNTY. 1 the wife of John Austin, ami died in Ashinoiv; Shelton is married, and lives there; Nancy is the wife of Robert Boyd, of Kansas; Bailey was mar- ried, and died in 1847, leaving a wife and two chil- dren; Tlienia married Solomon Collins of Morgan Township, and died in 1856; Jane, the wife of Caleb Reed, is living at AshmoreT Joseph, of our sketch, was the seventh child; Betsey married James Cox, of Ashmore, and is now deceased ; Catherine became the wife of George Young, and died in Oregon. Joseph Carter remained a member of the parental household until twenty-one years of age, and early in life began to make himself useful about the homestead. He was a bright and intelligent boy, and when but fifteen years of age partially took charge of his father's farm. Soon after reaching his majority he was married to Miss Martha J. Collins, of Morgan Township. Our subject then located on section 32, where they lived until 1863. Mrs. Carter was the daughter of Aaron and Mar- garet (Campbell) Collins, of North Carolina, and became the wife of our subject Oct. 18, 1848, the wedding being celebrated at the home of the bride. She is a native of this county and was born March 2, 1831. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Carter resulted in the -birth of the following children: William J. was born Oct. 1, 1849, is married, has one child, and is living in Oakland: Thomas B., born Nov. 3, 1851, is married, has two children living, and is farming in Douglas County, 111. ; David W., born Oct. 2, 1855, died Sept. 11, 1858; Mary Jane, born April 23, 1858, is the wife of J. K. Brown, a farmer of Edgar County; Alice, born Jan. 7, 18(11, is at home with her parents; John A., born June 3, 1863, died Sept. 15, 186!); Delilah B., born Sept. 30, 1865, died Nov. 5, 1866; Jacob S., born Sept. 14, 1867, died Sept. 19, 1869; Margaret K., born May 26, 1870, became the wife of David Carna- han. and is living with her parents. Mr. Carter took possession of his present home- stead over twenty-four years ago, and has since given the greater part of his time and attention to its improvement and cultivation. The land is largely devoted to grain-raising, and the proprietor keeps a goodly assortment of live-stock. While having plenty to engage his attention about his premises, he has still maintained a proper degree of interest in the welfare of his community, and I'm- some years has been a member and Klder of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, together with his wife and three daughters, attending at Rardin. He was one of the first supporters of this religious institution at its organization, and ten years previ- ously had been connected with the Union Church in the northern part of the township. Politically he is a stanch Democrat, a free-trade man, and a member of Hazel Dale Grange No. 1,322. .Mr. Carter was born in Wayne County, Ky., whence his parents removed when he was a child not quite three years of age. They made the jour- ney overland to Central Illinois, and .1 little daughter was added to the family after they located in C'oles Count}'. His father had led quite an ad- venturous life in his manhood, being engaged in the fight with the Creek Indians under Gen. Jackson. Joseph, our subject, served in the Mexican War. . He did not, however, remain with the army many months, as he was-taken ill soon after crossing the Gulf, and confined in the hospital, from which he was discharged Nov. 20, 1846, and also from the army on account of physical disability. Mr. Carter, in 1852, like a great many others at that period, was seized with the California gold fever, and joined the caravan moving toward the Pacific Slope. The journey was made with an ox- team-and consumed five months and eighteen days. He was gone from home twenty-nine months, re- turning to this State in August, 1854, but aside from his opportunities to see the country, the ad- venture proved of but little benefit, as his labor in ; the mines yielded but small returns. He came 1 back by way of the Isthmus and New York City, and has never regretted the opportunity which he had for witnessing the strange sights connected with life in the wild West at that early period. Mr. Carter has been prominently identified with local affairs since coming to Morgan Township, having been School Director for a period of twenty-one years and Road Commissioner eight years. He is the oldest settler in the county now living in the township, and is accorded that pecul- iar reverence and respect due those who have so ma- 1 V f. COLES COUNTY. 21)1 tonally assisted in redeeming the soil of Central Illi- nois from its original condition. His f nrm includes 200 acres of finely cultivated land, with :i good residence and all necessary out-buildings, awl every- thing about the premises is creditable to the taste and industry of the proprietor. The lowland has been drained with 800 rods of tile, and Mr. Carter has operated in a marked degree after the methods of the intelligent and progressive fanner. KV. JOHN GILBERT SAWIN, of the firm of ,1. G. Sawin & Co., general merchants, and of the firm of I. W. Sawin & Co., grain and hay dealers at Loxa, was born on the farm of his father in Bartholomew County, Ind., March 1, 1838. He is the son of .Tames II. and Carolina (Harvey) Sawin, the former a native of New York State and the latter of New Jersey. James H. Sawin located in Bartholomew County, Ind., after his marriage, where he engaged success- fully in farming pursuits, and spent the balance of his life, his death taking place in the spring of 1871. He left an estate including 200 acres of land and its buildings, which constituted a comfortable homestead. There the wife and mother still resides. She was born in 1808, and has consequently attained to the advanced age of nearly fourscore years. The parental family included nine children, all of whom attained their majority and five are now living. The subject of this history, who is a gentleman of excellent education and more than ordinaiy ability, was reared on the farm and received briefly the advantages only of, the common schools, his at- tendance there being limited to six months. He was fond of his books, however, and did not aban- don them after leaving school, but kept up a course of reading by which he secured a good fund of information and which enabled him to cultivate his literary tastes, which were developed largely in after years. He resided in his native State until after reaching his majority, and in 1S(>2 came to this county, settling in Lafayette Township, on the farm where he still resides, and which comprises a fine body of eighty-five acres, adjacent to the town limits and upon which is a good set of frame build- ings. Mr. S. became connected with his present business in 1870, and has been engaged in me'rchan- dising for the past twenty years. He was married in this county, in 18C>2, to Miss America L., daugh- ter of Dumas and Lucy (King) Jones, and who was born in Coles County, May 2(5, 1846. Of this union there are four children Ida F., the wife of J. I'. Stout; Lucy C., Clara V. and William ft. Mr. Sawin has been identified with the old-school Baptist Church since 1860. The year following he WHS ordained as a minister, and for twenty-seven years thereafter officiated in various places, travel- ing one year 11,000 miles in the prosecution of his pious duties. His health, however, gave way, and he was obliged to abandon his arduous labors and choose something'less active, although he still officiates in the pulpit of the church near Loxa and occasionally in other places. He represented La- j fayette Township on the County Board of Super- visors five years, and since becoming a voter has been the stanch supporter of Republican principles. Mr. Sawin is a natural linguist, a fluent speaker and writer, and an excellent penman. He never studied grammar in his life but has been the author of many interesting articles, and his manuscript has always been highly complimented by the "in- telligent compositor." His tastes have been literary in a large degree, and in 1881 he founded the "Youth's Home Journal," a sixteen-page monthly, which he published at Loxa with success for two years. His strength then gave out, and he was obliged to abandon for a time anything which re- quired the exercise of labor, either mental or manual. *RAY BROTHERS comprise Samuel B., Da- j, vid I), and Matthew S. Gray, who are asso- ciated together in conducting an extensive stock farm, containing 668 acres, located on sec- tions 2!) and 30, Lafayette Township. Their par- ents were Robert and Martha (l)unwiddie) Gray. Robert (Tray was born Feb. 16, 1790, in Tennessee. His father was a farmer in that "State, and Robert was reared at home, where he received a practical training in the various departments of agriculture. t i 2!) 2 COLES ( Ol'NTY. When the W:ir of '1812 broke out lie enlisted, and received the commission of Lieutenant, serving his country faithfully until peace was restored. At the close of the wiir lie returned to his native State, and resided there until 1830, when he removed to Illinois, and for a short time made his home in Paris, Edgar County. In the spring of 1831 he changed his location, and became an early settler of Coles County, spending one season near Charles- ton, and during his residence there Charleston was first laid out as a city. In the spring of 183-2 he entered land in Pleasant Grove Township, and made his permanent home there, giving his attention to agricultural pursuits throughout the remainder of his life. Robert Gray was twice married. His first wife was a Miss Fain, who died leaving six children, only two of whom are now living John M., a resi- dent of Concordia, Kan., and Mary J., now Mrs. McCord, a resident of New Enfield, 111. On the 21st of October, 1828, Mr. Gray was married to Miss Martha Dunwiddie; she was born Dec. 25, 1800, in Tennessee, and her death occurred March (I, 18-73. B}' this marriage eight children were born, six of whom attained maturity : Samuel B. was born Oct. 27, 1829, in Washington County, Tenn.; David I)., Dec. 23, 1831, in Charleston, 111.; Robert R., July 18. 1833, in Pleasant Grove Town- ship, and his death occurred Nov. 30, 18f>8; Mat- thew S. was born Oct. 18, 1835, in Pleasant Grove Township ; Ellen J. was born June 4, 1 837, and died at the age of ten j r ears; Margaret A. was born Nov. 8, 1839, and is now the wife of Thomas N. Means, making her home at Paris, 111. : Franklin N. was born Jan. 15, 1842, and died at the age of nine years; Martha C. was born March 10, 1845, and died Dec. !), 1880. Robert Gray's death occurred Feb. 7. 1805. The Gray brothers have always been associated together in business, although at one time several of them held clerkships in Charleston for a number of .years. When the Civil War broke out Samuel B.. John M. and Matthew S. enlisted Aug. 1, 18(52, and were all mustered into service with Co. I, 123d III. Vol. Inf. Samuel B. was severely wounded in the engagement at Milton, Tenn., and was conveyed to the hospital, at the end of eighteen months re- ceiving his discharge on account of physical disa- bility; Matthew was wounded in the last battle of the war at Selma, Ala., and John returned home unscathed ]>y shot or shell. It is not often that so pleasant an instance of fra- ternal regard can be recorded as that existing be- tween Gray brothers. In their childish sports and school days they were ever together, and the sterner duties of manhood found them side by side and shoulder to shoulder in the defense of their country, and in the duties of business life. They settled on their present place of residence in the au- tumn of 1 8U9, and have since kept ' bachelor's hall " on that estate. Only two members of their family ever married. In politics they are all supporters of the Republican party, and have occasionally held local offices. Samuel Gray is one of the Directors of the Na- tional Bank of Mattoon, and the brothers own a gro- cery store in that city, which is conducted by their nephew, P. B. Linn. Samuel Gray, although not a church member, is one of the Trustees of the First Presbyterian Church of Mattoon, and with his brothers is a supporter of that religious body. There is now a Methodist Church in process of erection on their farm, of which Samuel is a mem- ber of the building committee. The Gray brothers are among the substantial and highly esteemed citi- zens of this county. In business transactions their signature is S. B. Gray & Bros. YRON J. FERGUSON, deceased. The sub- ject of the following narrative was a native of Bradford County, Pa., born May. 7, 1828, and the youngest son of Stephen and Mary (Atwood) Ferguson, who were born in the same county. He was reared on a farm and edu- cated principally in the common schools. When he was ten years of age his parents removed from the Keystone State to Illinois, settling on a farm in Pleasant Grove Township, this county, where they spent their declining years. Our subject was reared as a farmer's boy, and after reaching his majority was seized with the California gold fever which, in 1850, was attract- i COLES COUNTY. 293 ing many young men from the East to the Pacific Slope. Young Ferguson joined the caravan mov- ing westward, and after reaching California engaged in mining, in which he was fairly successful. After some years he recrossed the Father of Waters and engaged in farming on the old homestead. The mountain air had greatly benefited his health, and he entered with vigor upon the duties which lay before him, having in view the establishment of a home and domestic ties. Soon after his return he was married, Dec. 20, 1853, to Miss Martha G., the youngest child of William L. and Catherine (Kel- lar) Williams. Her parents were natives respectively of Maryland and Virginia, but after their marriage took up their abode in Kentucky, whence they re- moved to Illinois, locating in this county in the pioneer days. Their (laughter, Martha G., was born April 24, 1835. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson con- tinued on the old homestead for a period of thir- teen years, and then Myron J. put up a dwelling for himself and family near by, and practically breaking loose from the active labors of the farm, began to deal in stock, and as a natural conse- quence required additional land. At the end of fifteen years, during which he had been remarkably prosperous, he found himself the owner of about 1,000 acres. This comprised a valuable and fertile tract and the large fields were alive with the finest of stock, embracing horses, cattle and hogs. In 1872, however, in order to carry on the education of his children he retired from the farm and moved to Mattoon. He had been already somewhat inter- ested in business there, but continued the super- vision of his farm and dealt in stock until failing health compelled him to set aside worldly interests. His death occurred on the 24th of May, 1876. He had purchased a fine residence property in Mattoon where his widow now resides, and is remembered as a wide-awake and enterprising citizen who con- tributed his full quota toward developing the re- sources of his adopted county. His straightfor- ward business methods had secured him the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens, and his genuine kindness of heart drew around him a large circle of warm friends. Of the five children born to Mr. and Mrs. Fergu- son, three are still living. Catherine is the wife of Joseph Glenn, an attorney of Mattoon ; Oscar is a practicing physician in the latter-named place; Cyphora is the wife of Charles Lindley; Leroy died when four years of age, and an infant died unnamed. OSEPH ALLISON, deceased, was one of the I pioneers of Coles County, his residence here dating from 1833. His father, Andrew Al- lison, was born in the North of Ireland, and was seven years of age when his parents left their native land and emigrated to the United States. They were probably the descendants of a Scottish family who took refuge in the North of Ireland during the religious dissensions by which Scotland was disturbed during the latter part of the seven- teenth century. They settled in North Carolina, where Joseph Allison was born in 1796. He passed his early life in that State, and his marriage to Miss Margaret Ann Cathey took place there. Mrs. Allison was the daughter of Henry and Margaret Cathe3 r . . Her parents were natives of Scotland, who came to the United States and settled in Car- olina, where their daughter Margaret was born. After his marriage, Joseph Allison removed to the State of Tennessee, where he remained about twelve years. The successful close of the Black Hawk War at that time, resulted in attracting many Eastern settlers to Illinois, and Mr. Allison resolved to move with his young family, and brave the per- ils and hardships of pioneer life on the Western frontier. He came to Illinois in 1833, and settled in Coles County, where his influence in political, religious and moral questions, was of great advan- tage in the formation of society in a new country. He assisted in organizing the New-School Presby- terian Church, of Pleasant Grove Township, of which he was an active member and one of the first Elders. He was a strong advocate of temper- ance, and in the early days belonged to the Whig party in politics, becoming a stanch Republican after the organization of that party. His convic- tions in regard to all subjects of National or social importance were very pronounced, and previous to the war he was a warm Abolitionist. With the 294 COLES COUNTY. consent and approval of his wife, he made use of a sum of money which she had received from her father's estate in North Carolina, to assist the slaves, who endeavored to escape from the galling chains of bondage to Canada, over the Underground Rail- road, and in 1861 circulated a petition containing a large number of names, in behalf of the emanci- pation of the slave, which was sent to President Lincoln at Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Allison had a family of seven chil- dren born to them whose record is as follows: Sa- rah, Andrew, Rebecca and John are deceased ; Frances is now the widow of Rufus Allison, who served in Co. I, 123d 111. Vol. Inf., and died at Murfreesboro, Tenn., in 1863; Nancy T., now Mrs. Nicholson,) and Mary, Mrs. Grimes. Mr. Allison never aspired to political preferment, but was in- terested in educational affairs, and served as School Director; he was Treasurer eighteen years. His death occurred in August, 1862. His widow sur- vived him many years, and died in October, 1877. Mr. Allison was distinguished for his strict ad- herence to honor and principle in all the affairs of life, and his influence was ever exerted on the side of truth and justice, qualifications which rendered him a man of great value in a new community, where a strong element of law and order-loving people is necessary to restrain the license resulting from a crude state of society. ^ILLIAM M. CHAMBERS, M. D., the old- est resident physician of Charleston, came to this county in the fall of 1855, from Covington, Ky., where he had successfully followed the practice of his profession for a period of ten years. He was born in Cynthiana, Ky., April 11, 1814, and is the son of James and Sallie (Rankin) Chambers, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Kentucky. His grandfather, James Chambers, was born in Scotland, whence he emigrated to the United States while a young man, and settled near Chambersburg, Pa., where he fol- lowed his trade as a stonemason. He also married there and reared a family, and his son, James, Jr., learned the same trade. James Chambers, Jr., the father of our subject, served as a soldier in the War of 1812. He came to Illinois in 1850 and settling near Charleston, re- mained a permanent resident until his death, which took place in the summer of 1873, after he had at- tained the age of eighty-three years. He was a man of much force of character, a stanch member of the old Whig part}', and signalized his belief in the Chris- tian religion early in life by becoming a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which he continued until his death. The mother departed this life at the old homestead, near Charleston, in 1855. She also belonged to the same church as her husband, and was in all respects his suitable and worthy helpmeet. The parental household included eight children, five now living, namely, William M., of our sketch, Thomas G., Mary A., Hannah A. and Sarah B. Dr. Chambers was reared in his native town and attended school there until seventeen years old. There also he commenced the study of medicine in 1833, and three years later began the practice of his chosen profession in Harrison County. He still continued his close application to his books, and in due time entered the medical department of Tran- sylvania University at Lexington, from which he graduated in 1843. His practice while a resident of Kentucky was mostly in Covington and vicinity. After coming to this county and soon after the outbreak of the Rebellion, Dr. Chambers was ap- pointed by President Lincoln Brigade Surgeon in the Union army, serving in the division of the Cumberland until in July, 1865. The fidelity with which he fulfilled the duties of that position was rewarded with the brevet of Lieutenant Colonel and afterward Colonel. In his mangement of the hospitals under his charge, he displayed most excel- lent judgment and introduced many features which proved of great benefit to both patients and attend- ants. After an absence of four years Dr. Chambers re- turned to Charleston and resumed his practice as a private citizen, and became connected with the va- rious important medical societies of the Mississippi Valley. He was President of the Kentucky State Medical, the Illinois Medical, and the Esculapian Societies of the Wabash Valley, and in 1877 was COLES COUNTY. 295 appointed by Gov. Cullum a member of the Health Association of the United States. He is now Examining Surgeon for Pensions. The marriage of Dr. William M. Chambers and Miss C. A. Porter, of Harrison County, Ky., took place in Pulmansville, Ky., in the spring of 1837. After remaining the companion of her husband but three short years Mrs. Chambers departed this life in the spring of 1840, leaving one child, a son, Charles 8., who now a resident of Hopkinsville, Ky. Dr. Chambers -was subsequently married to Miss Mary B. F. Ingals, of Kentucky. This lady was a lineal descendant of Daniel Boone. and died on the 30th of December, 1876, at her home in Charles- ton, leaving two children. These were Mollie M. S., now the wife of Dr. C. A. Payton, surgeon of tin; Sac and Fox Indian Agency in Indian Terri- tory, and T. Gavin, who is an attorney and a resi- dent of Kansas. The Doctor is a stanch supporter of the Democratic party, and a Royal Arch Mason. IMLLIAM H. DODDS is a prosperous farmer residing on section 16, Hutton Township. He was born Nov. 8, 1811, in Rockbridge County, Va., and is the son of John and Harriet (Thompson) Dodds, the former a native of Penn- sylvania and the latter of Virginia. The family of John Podds removed to Virginia during his boyhood, and his marriage subsequently took place there in Bath County. In 1842 he removed to Fayette County, Ohio. He was a stonemason by trade, but engaged in agriculture in Ohio, and re- mained tnere six years. In 1848 he came West and settled in Fulton County, 111., where he passed the remainder of his life. Mr. Dodds, with his wife, was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and was interested in promoting the cause of religion in the West. In politics he was a Dem- ocrat. His first wife, who became the mother of thirteen children, died in Virginia. The following is the record of their family: Mary; William, the subject of this sketch; Alexander, Margaret, Jane, John, Franklin, Charles, Isaac and Robert; three died in infancy ; Margaret and Charles are also deceased. The others are married and have fami- lies. Mr. Dodd's second wife was Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas; their marriage took place in Fayette County, Ohio. Mr. Dodds died at the homestead in Fulton County, where his widow is still living. William Dodds remained at home until he was about twenty-two years of age. During his boy- hood the educational advantages of the country were vei - 3 r limited, and he attended the subscription school of the pioneer days, acquiring such edu- cation as its restricted privileges afforded. When about twenty-two years of age he engaged in busi- ness for himself, and was married, Oct. 12, 1835, to Miss Frances Deverick. Mrs. Dodds is the daugh- ter of Thomas and Annie (Ewing) Deverick, and was born Aug. 3, 1819, in Virginia. Her parents were natives of Virginia, and Mr. Dodds resided in that State wheir his marriage took place. He purchased a small tract of land there and was en- gaged in farming for about nine years. He then disposed of his interests there, and in 1844 re- moved to Fayette County, Ohio. He carried on a farming business there for about five years, and in the autumn of 1849 came to Coles County, 111., and purchased eighty acres of partly improved land, which he has since brought to a high state of cultivation. Mr. Dodds is active and energetic in business, and has added to his property until he now owns 120 acres on which ho resides, and 120 acres in Union Township, Cumberland County. He rents his farm in the latter place, about 100 acres of which is farming land, and is supplied with a house and farm buildings. He made the purchase at different times as he was prospered in business. In conducting his farm, Mr. Dodds gives special attention to raising the cereals corn, oats and wheat. Mr. Dodds has been twice married. His first wife was the mother of ten children. She was a member of the Methodist Church, and a sincere Christian, devoted to the interests of her home and family. Her death occurred Nov. 4, 1861. The following is the record of their family : Mary Jane, deceased, was the wife of John Gossett, and left a family of six children ; Harriet, the wife of I S. Giflln, resides in Coffey County, Kan.; John W. married Miss Almira Wood worth; his wife died in 1886; Martha, the wife of William H. Berkley, -I 296 COLES COUNTY. resides in this county ; James married Miss Mary Marrs, and resides in Coffey County, Kan.; Vir- ginia died in childhood; Louisa, the wife of W. S. Cooper, resides in Cumberland County. 111.; Margaret, the wife of Urias Bonnet, lives in Hutton Township; Sally, the wife of Frank Rowe, is a resident of Pleasant Grove Township; Alma is the wife of John McMorris. July 15, 1862, Mr. Dodds was married the sec- ond time, to Mrs. Catherine (Beery) Berkley. Mrs. Dodds is the daughter of Samuel Beery, and was born Sept. 3, 1833, in Rockingham County, Ya., of which State her parents are natives. By the second marriage there were five children : William Logan, born July 19, 1863; Charles S., Nov. 9, 1866; Clara M., Jan. 11, 1868; Robert E., May 27, 1870; Dora H., born Feb. 16, 1873, died Dec. 2, 1875. With his wife Mr. Dodds is a mem- ber of the United Brethren Church. In politics he is a Republican, and cast his first vote in the early days for Harrison. Mrs. Dodd's father was born April 3, 1803, in Virginia. His marriage took place there, and he subsequently removed with his family to Ohio, where his death occurred in Hocking Count}' ; his wife likewise died in Ohio, in Perry County. Their family consisted of thirteen children Anna, Milly, David, Catherine, Barbara, Mary F.. Joseph, William H., Betsy Jane, John, Margaret and two who died in infancy. Milly, Anna, Catherine, John and Barbara are now living and have fami- lies. -*- ONATHAN SHAVER, a gentleman of fine education and more than ordinary intelli- gence, has been a resident of this county since the spring of 1866, and is located on a fine farm of 180 acres in Ashmore Township, his property occupying a part of the east half of sec- tion 29. The farm is embellished with first-class improvements, and is chiefly devoted to stock- growing, and in all respects indicates the super- vision of a proprietor skilled in his calling, and one who has taken advantage of the most approved methods of modern agriculture. The dwelling is a neat and tasteful residence, handsomely furnished, one of its most attractive features being a library containing the best literature of the day. Mr. Shaver is an extensive reader, and devotes all his leisure moments to the perusal of the subjects treated by the best authors, and thus has kept himself well informed upon current events, as well as the his- tory of times gone by. Mr. Shaver is a native of Indiana, his birth tak- ing place in Montgomery County, July 22, 1 836. His parents, Jonathan M. and Susan. (Cook) Shaver, were natives of Virginia. The father, who was born July 10, 1805, followed farming and was also a bricklayer by trade, and spent his last years in Indiana, his death taking place in February, 1866. He had received but limited school advantages, but through his own efforts obtained a good fund of general information, and being a natural math- ematician, became master of arithmetic and .geom- etry. He was also well versed in the Scriptures and a devoted member of the Lutheran Church at Ladoga, Ind. The church building at that place was put up mainly through his exertions, and he was always a cheerful and liberal supporter of the institution, giving his means and influence to ad- vance its prosperity. He was a man of decided views, Democratic in politics, and by his energy and industry secured a good homestead for his family and a competence. The mother of our sub- ject was born in 1802, and became the wife of Jon- athan M. Shaver in 1826. Their twelve children were Mary, David C., Daniel, Sarah J., Susan S., Jonathan, John, Francis M., Martha W., Martin L., James M., and Eliza A., who died in infancy. The Shaver family is of German ancestry, and it is supposed that the first representatives in this country located in Pennsylvania. Our subject came to Illinois in 1866, and for more than twenty years has been a resident of this county. He first purchased 1 40 acres, to which he afterward added forty more, and has now one. of the finest farms in Ashmore Township. His marriage with Miss Mary J. Stratton was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents in Ladoga, Ind., Sept. 31, 1856. Mrs. S. was born in Greene County, Ohio, July 19, 1834. She departed this life, leaving two children: Rozella is married and a resident of Bloomington, - and Jesse reside at the homestead. Mr. Cochran is a stanch Repub- lican. ET. GLASSCO, one of the leading citizens and substantial farmers of Coles County, resides on section 9, Charleston Township. He is the only surviving son of Madison and Anna E. (Frost) Glassco, and was born Sept. 27, 1852, in this township. He was reared at the homestead, where he acquired a practical knowledge of farm- ing and also received an excellent common-school education. On the oth of September, 1882, Mr. Glassco was married to Miss Lizzie Birch. Mrs. Glassco is the daughter of George and Parthenia Birch, and was born July 7, 1859, in Clark County, 111. After his marriage Mr. Glassco leased his father-in-law's farm, which he cultivated two seasons, and in the meantime erected a tasteful and commodious farm residence on his own farm, which ranks among the best in the county. He owns 173 acres of valuable land, and in stock-growing gives special attention to raising Polled-Ang'us cattle. Like his father, Mr. Glassoo is very successful in all of his business enterprises, and his integrity of character and genial disposition have won a large circle of friends by whom he is held in high esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Glassco have one son liv- ing, Walter E. Two other sons were born to them, who died in infancy. Mr. Glassco is a Republican in politics. eOL. JOHN COFER, deceased, formerly a prominent citizen of Rural Retreat, Doug- las Co., 111., was born July 9, 1804, in Cane Spring, Bullitt Co., Ky., and was the son of Thomas and Sarah Winn (Griffin) Gofer, the former a na- tive of Virginia and the latter of Maryland. Thom- as Gofer was born in 1781 at Old Limestone Fort, Va., and his father, William Cofer, emigrated from that State to Kentucky. Mrs. Sarah Griffin, iiee Winn, was born in Maryland, and her marriage to Thomas Cofer took place in Kentucky, where she was at the time residing. Col. Cofer was reared to agricultural pursuits, and his early advantages for education were very limited, but his native mental abilities were of a high order. He possessed a thoughtful, inquiring mind, and took advantage of every opportunity to satisfy his craving for knowledge, and readily ac- quired a vast fund of general information, He was a profound thinker on all subjects of National. and social importance, a ready reasoner, and an apt and forcible writer. From his early youth he was a stanch Whig, and warmly sustained the principles of political and social economy advanced b3' that party. He represented Hardin County, Ky., in the Lower House of the Legislature in 1838-39 and from 1841. to 1848. His superior ability in the management of public affairs was then recognized by his election to the Senate, where he represented Hardin, Meade and La Rue Counties until 1850. He warmly advocated economy in public expendi- tures, and an improved system in the general edu- cational and charitable institutions of the State. Col. Cofer originated and aided in drafting and passing the bill chartering the Louisville & Nash- ville Railroad Company, which is now the most prosperous corporation in Kentucky. At the time when railroad enterprises were unknown in that State, he was one of a committee sent to investi- gate the operations of the Eastern and Western Roads, with a view to securing similar advantages for Kentucky, and his earnest and eloquent appeals to the people along the line of the proposed road aided largely in inducing them to offer voluntary subscriptions of the stock, which secured to them the building of their first railroad. After retiring from the Senate in 1854, he disposed of his interest in Kentucky and moved to Rural Retreat, which at that time was in Coles County. He was soon chosen Postmaster of the place, and in 1856 was one of the Electors on the Fillmore ticket, and in I860 was an Elector on the Bell and Everett ticket. During the Civil War Col. Cofer was rigid in his adherence to the Union cause, and from 1 860 was independent in politics, voting for the man whom he considered best fitted for the position, without f 4 > 306 COLES COUNTY. regard to party. He usually sustained the Demo- cratic party, however, but was firmly opposed to nullification and secession; his views of emancipa- tion favored the gradual colonization policy. In 1871-72 he represented Douglas County in the General Assembly with his accustomed zeal and ability, which closed his career as a representative law-maker of Illinois. Col. Gofer's marriage to Miss Mary Eleanor Ma- gill took place Dec. 1, 1825. Mrs. Gofer was born Feb. 7, 1807, in Annapolis, Md., and is the daugh- ter of Robert and Helen (Stockett) Magill. Her parents were natives of Maryland, and her great- grandfather, Rev. James Magill, was the first minis- ter ordained to preach in America, of the Church of England. He was a faithful worker for the Mas- ter in the old Colonial days from 1730 to 1736. Her grandfather's name was John Magill. Mrs. Cofer's mother was the daughter of Dr. Thomas (Noble) Stockett, a prominent physician of An- napolis. Col. Gofer was a man of temperate habits, and by his industry and enterprise acquired a fine property, which enabled him to provide all of his children with comfortable homes. His family consisted of ten children: Elvira Ann, deceased, was the wife of William D. Martin, a resident of Kentucky; she left a family of four children. Thomas N., deceased ; Robert A., deceased ^married Miss Catherine A. Du- vall; John S., deceased, married Miss Sarah K. Wyeth; Charles F., deceased; Mary H. married David T. Shirley, and resides in Texas; she had a family of eight children, one of whom, David T., died March 5, 1881, in Cook County, Tex. Thom- as N. (2d) married Miss Rachel E. Combes, and re- sides in Seven Hickory Township, Coles County: William Henry married Miss Margaret Daily, of Lerna;they have a famil}' of four children, and re- side in Gainesville, Tex. Henrietta M., deceased, married Thomas Midwinter, and left one daughter, who resides in Arcola, Douglas Co., 111.; Susan A. married H. M. McCrory, and lives in Hardmau County, Tex. Col. Cofer and his wife were members of the Methodist Church. They were both earnest, sin- core Christians, and were actively interested in building up the cause of Christ on the Western frontier, giving liberally both of their time and means, in that labor of love. Col. Cofer died Feb. | 12, 1881, in Cook County, Tex., at the home of j his youngest daughter, Mrs. McCrory, where he had gone for his health. His widow still survives him, and has now reached the advanced age of eighty years. She possesses a fine physique, and is well preserved, hale and hearty. She resides with I her son, Thomas N. Cofer. Col. Cofer was a wise counselor in public affairs, and in every relation of life bore the character of a thorough Christian gentleman. In his home he was a kind and loving husband and father, and courteous and hospitable to all. During his later years he devoted a great deal of his time to the compilation of an autobi- ography, to leave to his children, and had reached the proof sheets when his work was cut short by death. f AMES WALLACE is a farmer .and one of the leading citizens of Ashmore Township, residing on section 22. He was born April ||P 6, 1849, in Edgar County, 111., and is the son of William and Ellen (Davis) Wallace. His parents were both natives of Ohio, and his mother is still living, having reached the age of seventy- six years. His father's death occurred in 1856. He had been a farmer in Ohio, and died when James was but seven years of age. The family were members of the Methodist Church. The par- ental household included the following children: Thomas, who is living in California; Nancy J., a resident of Indiana; Margaret, who is residing in Kansas; William H., deceased; George, a resident of Illinois; Eliza A., who makes her home in Mis- souri; Elizabeth, a resident of Illinois; one died at four years of age ; James, the subject of this biog- raphy; Jessie, who lives in Kansas, and Pamelia, deceased. James Wallace was engaged in farming by the month until his marriage, when he began business for himself, and purchased a small farm with one horse. He now has a fine farm of fifty-nine acres, and eight valuable horses of Clydesdale extraction, sixteen head of steers, and five cows and heifers. His marriage to Miss Margaret Childress took place COLES COUNTY. 30? Jau. 12, 1873. She is the daughter of John and Catherine (Hogue) Childress, and was horn in this township in 1854. Her father is a farmer and a na- tive of Tennessee. He is one of the pioneers of this township, and formerly held the office of Com- missioner of Highways. He is still living, but his wife's death occurred in March, 1884. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace have three children : Elizabeth, born Oct. 26, 1873; Permelia C., June 28, 1877; John W., Dec. 6, 1878. Mr. Wallace is a man of excellent business quali- fications, and is actively interested in all the public affairs of the county. He has been School Director for the last six years, and Constable of the town- ship four years, and has been re-elected to the lat- ter office. He is a member of the Christian Church, in which his family take au active interest. He is a wide-awake, energetic, progessive man, and re- cently spent five months traveling through the States of Kansas, Missouri and Indiana. He is a Repub- lican in politics, and socially belongs to Kansas Lodge No. 633, I. O. O. F. J'~1OHN JOHNSON. The early home of the | subject of this history was on the other side ] of the Atlantic, in County Fermanagh, Ire- land, where his father carried on a small farm. He is the son of John and Anna (Bell) Johnson, natives of the same country but of Scotch descent, and was the eighth child in a family of ten. Our subject early in life bore a strong resemblance to his father, but afterward his features seemed to change and he grew like his mother. John John- son, in 1850, accompanied by all his family with the exception of one son, emigrated to the United States, leaving the shores of his native Island on the loth of May. The voyage was made on a sail- ing-vessel, and after landing in New York, the elder Johnson proceeded shortly to Peru, 111., then to Moultrie County, where he located and followed farming until his death, which occurred in 1864. The subject of this sketch was a lad twelve years of age when he sailed with his father's family for America, and remembers many of the incidents connected with the preparations .and the voyage. He was reared on his father's farm, and received a limited education in the district schools. The father had purchased 120 acres of land wholly on credit, but met his payments promptly and became a man of means, so that he was enabled to assist his sons to a good start in life. Upon becoming of suitable age our subject and his five brothers engaged to- gether in raising stock, feeding each year hundreds of cattle and hogs. They also purchased land to- gether, and owned in the aggregate about 1,800 acres. One of the brothers, James, was killed on the 26th of May, 1883, by the explosion of a port- able boiler. Two others since then have partially withdrawn from the partnership, and the two re- maining, John and Fred, still continue together. The vvife of our subject, to whom he was mar- ried Jan. 22, 1868, was formerly Miss Martha E. Smith. Mrs. J. is the daughter of William Harri- son and Mary (Osborne) Smith, natives of Ohio and Tennessee respectively. Her paternal grand- parents were Jesse and Elizabeth (Willis) Smith. After their marriage our subject and wife settled on a farm in North Okaw Township, where they lived about ten years, and thence removed to their present residence in Humbolt Township. The homestead embraces 300 acres of valuable land, and is supplied with a substantial set of frame buildings. The industry and enterprise of Mr. Johnson are displayed on every hand, in the ar- rangement of the farm, the care of the stock, and the neatness and good order which prevail in every department. The six children born to Mr. and Mrs. J. are all living and at home with their parents. They were named respectively, William, Alice, John, Walter, Clarence and May. Their father, realizing the disadvantages of a limited education, is do- ing all in his power to advance the interests of his children in this direction. The elder ones are taking a collegiate course, and the others will fol- low if their inclinations are in that direction. Mr. and Mrs. J. are prominently connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church, to the support of which they have always contributed liberally and cheer- fully. Mr. Johnson meddles very little with politi- t . 308 COLES COUNTY. i cal matters, but usually votes with the Democratic- party. The farm of our subject is largely devoted to the raising of fine stock, including horses, cattle, hogs and sheep. At the head of his stables is a magnifi- cent animal named John I., valued at $5,000. On account of the diseases incident to hogs and sheep in this section, he has somewhat lost his interest in these. Of late he has interested himself in bee- keeping, and has bred up his hives to a very high grade with choice Italian queens. In partnership with Dr. James McDougal, of Humbolt Township, Mr. Johnson is largely engaged in the breeding of Norman horses, of which they usually keep about thirty-five head in hand, ranging in value from about $200 to *1,000. HARLES CURTIS is an extensive farmer and stock-grower, residing on section 1, East Oakland Township. He is the sou of Nicholas and Sarah (Hunt) Curtis, and was born in this township, Dec. 15, 1841. His parents were natives of Ohio, where they were engaged in farm- ing. Attracted by the advantages for farming and stock-raising offered by the fertile State of Illinois they moved here in 1839. Nicholas Curtis died in middle life, and his widow is still living. Charles Curtis has been twice married, first in 1864, when he was united to Miss Martha J. H.-.n- nar. The home circle was broken by her death, which occurred in January, 1874. She had become the mother of five children, two of whom died in infancy. They were as follows: Sarah R., William, James William, Lucinda, who is the wife of Mr. J. Eads, and Roddy Ellsworth. Mr. Curtis was united in marriage the second time, to Miss Mar- garet Yearger, the daughter of John Yearger. Her family is of German descent, and her parents were natives of Pennsylvania. Like many other citizens of foreign extraction Mr. Yearger cheerfully left his home and business to serve in the Civil War in defense of his country, and while thus engaged contracted a disease from exposure and hardship which resulted in his death. His widow is still liv- ing, and in consideration of her husband's services in the war. she is drawing a small pension. Six children were born of the second marriage of our subject Alfred, O., deceased ; John S., Lulie, Ella S., Alva, and an infant unnamed. Mr. Curtis enlisted during the late war in Co. K, 63d 111. Vol. Inf., and served his country faithfully for over three years. He was mustered in at Jones- boro, 111., and proceeded at once to Cairo, where he remained three mouths and was then ordered to Cor- inth. He was engaged in several important battles. He fought at the memorable siege of Vicksburg, and took part in the battle of Missionary Ridge, where the cannon thundered and the musketry rat- tled like hail around him. He was with the army at Huntsville, Ala., preparing for the siege at At- lanta, and he there obtained a thirty days' fur- lough. It was on this occasion that he returned home and married his first wife. But he was at his post again, leaving the comforts and pleasures of home at the call of duty, for the hardships and pos- sible death of the battle-field. He marched with Sherman to the sea and on to Washington, from thence to Louisville, Ky., and celebrated the 4th of July at home. He afterward returned to his regi- ment and was mustered out at Springfield, 111. Ex- hausted by hardship and exposure he was an in- valid most of the time for two years after his re- turn. and now suffers greatly from rheumatism. He is a member of the G. A. R. Oakland Post No. 188, and is a Republican in politics. Mr. Curtis owns a fine estate of 170 acres of val- uable, improved land, upon which in 1844 he erected a substantial farm residence. His house has a large and commodious cellar, and all of its appointments are adapted to home comfort. In stock-growing he has been especially successful in raising the finest breed of hogs. RODERICK JOHNSON, one of the reliable and substantial farmers of North Okaw Township, spent his earliest years on the other side of the Atlantic, where his birth took place in County Fermanagh, Ireland, Feb. 29, 1840. He was the ninth child of John and Annie (Bell) John- sou, also natives of County Fermanagh, and a "4 I COLES COUNTY. 309 sketch of whom will be found elsewhere in this work. His education was begun in the common schools of his native county, and he came with his parents to the United States in 1850, completing his studies in the subscription schools of Moultrie County, 111. He was twenty-three years of age when his father died, and up to this time had re- mained a member of the household, which was now somewhat broken up by the death of the remaining parent. About this time he purchased 320 acres of wild land in North Okaw Township, this county, and a few years later, accompanied by his two sisters, Christiana and Margaret, took possession and has since occupied it. The present farm of our subject bears little re- semblance to the land that he first took possession of. It is now laid off conveniently, and supplied with good fences and buildings, among the most prominent of which is a handsome, substantial frame building, put up in the summer of 18G8, and a large barn, erected in 1882. The brothers and sisters have lived continuously together, our sub- ject being still unmarried, this being the only in- stance in which he has failed to perform his whole duty as an enterprising and naturalized American citizen. The Johnson brothers are widely and favorably known throughout North Okaw Township. Fred- erick and John operate largely together in lands and stock, being the owners of over 1,0*00 acres, the largest part of which lies in Coles County. They also still retain an interest in the homestead in Moultrie County, which their father built up from the uncultivated prairie, that also comprises a valuable tract of land, which with its appurten- ances, constitutes one of the most desirable home- steads in that section. The dwelling stands back a short distance from the road and is surrounded with a natural grove of oak and hickory trees. There are also handsome evergreens artistically trimmed and which, in winter especially, serve to greatly em- bellish the place. Our subject and his brother John are at present giving their attention to the breeding of fine horses, the former having two valuable imported stallions, and from which are being produced some of the finest animals in this section. Frederick is taking life easy and aside from the general man- agement of his property, engages little in active business. He is genial and hospitable in his home, which forms a pleasant 'resort for the many friends of himself and his estimable sisters, Christiana and Margaret. Mr. J. is plain and unostentatious in his manner, but impresses all with whom he comes in contact as a man whose word is to be relied upon and whose friendship and honor are of the highest order. The warm and generous characteristics of his forefathers are broadly apparent, and have lent to him that simple and attractive mien, which at . once secures the confidence of both friends and strangers. Mr. Johnson has never been connected with any religious organization, but presents the example of the Christian impulse which constrains a man to do unto others as he would have others do unto him. This principle, closely followed, has gained him an enviable reputation among his fellow-townsmen and the friendship of the best people in this locality. Politically, he is Demo- cratic, and has served two terms as Township Com- missioner. ENJAMIN D. TURNEY, the owner of a fine estate containing 36G acres of land, is I the descendant of a pioneer family of Coles County. He was born June 2, 1819, in Harrison County, Ky., and is the son of John and Sarah (Jones) Turney (see sketch of John Turney). His family came to Illinois in 1834* and settled in Coles County. During the first two weeks of their residence here they lived on the land now occupied by Benjamin Turney. They came at a period in the history of the Northwest when frontier life was a hazardous enterprise, making heavy demands upon the courage and hardihood of those who were daring enough to encounter its trials. Mr. Tur- ney 's family occupied a log cabin comprising but o^ie room, and all around their dwelling stretched the broad prairie, scattered here and there with iso- lated cabins like their own. Mr. Turney, Sr., pur- chased a large tract of land at that time in Lafay- ette Township, for which he paid 13.50 per acre. The same property in now worth $50 per acre. Benjamin Turuey was reared on his father's farm, I I . 310 COLES COUNTY. 4 1 and learned in early life to endure hardship and privation, which is an important lesson in life, lie assisted his father in clearing the land, and in cul- tivating and improving the farm, and the imple- ments with which they had to work rendered this a difficult task in the early days. Mr. Tnrney set- tled on the place where he now resides in 1853, and the following year his marriage took place, .July 29. His wife, Mrs. Amanda Compton, was born in Harrison County, Ky., Sept. 4, 1838. They had a family of eleven children born to them, nine of whom are now living: Elizabeth, the wife of George B. Baker; John, Benjamin, William J., Franklin. Sally, James, Martha and Isabell. Daniel and one unnamed died in infancy. Mr. Turney had been previously married to Miss Sally Munson, who was born in Nicholas County, Ky., Oct. 4, 1824, and died Dec. 1, 1846. In pol- itics, Mr. Turney is a Republican, and has served as Road Commissioner and School Director, giving general satisfaction to the people in the discharge of his public duties. Mr. Turuey has fine sulphur springs on his farm which he is contemplating open- ing as a health resort. Hundreds of barrels of this water have been hauled away daily, and yet the spring continues to flow with equal strength. HOM AS E. WYETH is the owner of one of the largest and finest estates of Seven Hickory Townshi-p, located on sections 22 and 23. He is the descendant of an old New England fam- ily, and was born in Franklin Count3 T , Mass., June 21, 1833. His grandfather, Gad Wyeth, was a na- tive of Massachusetts, and served in the Revolu- tionary War under Gen. Washington. He subse- quently removed to Licking County, Ohio, where his death occurred in 1849. The parents of our subject, Nathan and Hannah (Kellog) Wyeth, were also natives of the Bay State, where the former was born May 16, 1801, and the latter in 1800. They were married Nov. 15, 1824. and left Massachu- setts and removed to Ohio about 1.H37, when their son Thomas was four years of age, and remained there twelve or fifteen years, engaged in fanning in Licking County. In the autumn of 1850 Mr. Wyeth visited Illinois and purchased land in Coles County, whither he removed with his family in the following spring. Mr. Wyeth's death occurred in Tuscola, Douglas Co., 111., Aug. 1 1, 1864, at the age of sixty-three years, and his wife died Feb. 6, 1866. Their family consisted of nine children, six of whom are now living, namely: Leonard, a banker residing in Tuscola, who is married and has a fam- ily of two children ; Joseph, a resident of Douglas County, is married and has a family of five chil- dren ; Albert is a money loaner, and resides near his brother Thomas in Seven Hickory Township; he is married and has a family of two children. Samuel (see sketch); Thomas E. ; Ellen, deceased, was the wife of Oliver Hacket; she died in 1869, in Douglas County, leaving a large family of chil- dren ; and Marj 7 , the widow of John Coffer, who has a family of six children. Thomas Wyeth has been twice married; his first wife was Miss Nancy Combs, of Clarke, Iiid., and a family of three children was born to them; Maggie, who was born Dec. 9, 1861, married Stephen A. D. Harry, a Professor in Normal College, Covington, Ind.; she has one child, Allie, born Feb. 1, 1863, who was married to Emery Bradford in December, 1886; Charles, born Jan. 10, 1868, resides at home. Mrs. Wyeth, the mother of these children, was re- moved from her home and family by death, in Sep- tember, 1872. May 12, 1875, Mr. Wyeth married Miss Julia Price, who 'was born Aug. 21, 1849, and educated in Meigs County, Ohio. They have one child, Percy, born May 29, 1878. Mr. Wyeth's estate contains 906 acres of valua- ble, well-improved land, 320 of which formerly be- longed to the homestead, and was a gift from his father. He is liberal and enterprising in all his dealings, and his farm is managed with perfect system and exactness, the results of which are ap- parent in all its appointments. His farm buildings are substantial and commodious, and the grounds around his tasteful residence are ornamented witli a variety of shade trees, and offer a pleasing ap- pearance. There is a walnut grove on the place containing 1,000 trees, and he has a fine orchard of excellent fruit-bearing trees planted twenty years ago. There is a well of natural gas on the place, which is eighty feet in depth, and will throw * t'.oM.a Y OF ThE III::VEHSIIY of ILLIMOIS COLES COUNTY. 313 a stream of water to the height of twenty feet. He used the gas of this well a year for the purpose of lighting his house, and also for fuel, but the appa- ratus that belongs to it is now out of repair. His farm is supplied with 2,000 rods of tiling, and he owns about 250 head of high-grade cattle and twenty-five head of horses. Both in public and private life, Mr. Wyeth does honor to his New England ancestry. He is courte- ous and dignified, and although enjoying social recreation, always attends rigorously to business en- gagements. With his wife he is a member of the Christian Church, in which he is a Deacon. In politics he is a Republican. ORNELIUS PRALL, a successful stock- grower of Seven Hickory Township, honor- ably represents one of the self-made men of the West. He was born Jan. 25, 1834, in Morgan County, Ohio, and is the son of Asa and Asaneth (Botkin) Prall. His family was originally from Germany, although Asa Prall was born in New Jersey in 1803. Mrs. Prall was born in Greene County, Pa., in 1807. Her father, Robert Botkin, was a native of Ireland, and her mother was of English birth; their families had emigrated to the United States at an early day, seeking to avail themselves of the many privileges offered by this liberal Goverment to men of all nationalities. Asa Prall's famity removed to Pennsylvania when he was a boy, and he passed his early life in that State. Coming to Ohio in 1831 he engaged in farming there, and remained a few years. In 1844 he resolved to move still farther westward, and ac- cordingly came to Indiana and settled in Clark County, and thence in 1851 to Van Bnren County, Iowa. In the latter place he made his permanent home, and passed the remainder of his life there. His death occurred in about 1875. The following is the record of their family: Thomas, born in 1831, in Pennsylvania, is married and resides in Iowa; Robert, born in 1832, in Ohio, also resides in Iowa; Cornelius is the subject of this sketch; Sarah was born in 1835, in Ohio; she has been twice mar- ried and twice made a widow ; her first husband was Anthony Bradford, and her second husband was Hafford Bradford, each bearing the same name al- though not related to each other; her home is in Schuyler County, Mo. Matilda, now Mrs. Colum- bus Fowler, was born in Ohio, and resides in Har- per County, Kan. ; Euphronius, deceased, was'born in Ohio, and died in Iowa, in 1881, leaving a wife and two children; John, who died in childhood, was born in Ohio; Amanda, deceased, was born in Indiana, and became the wife of George Brooks, a resident of Iowa; Charles C. was born in Indiana, and is a resident of Iowa. Cornelius Prall remained in Indiana when his father removed to Iowa, but his marriage occurred soon after and he took his young wife there on their wedding trip, to visit his family and see the coun- try. After remaining four or five months they de- cided to return to Indiana, and in 1853 located in Monroe Township, now in Clark County, and were engaged in farming on rented land three years. Mr. Prall then removed to Edgar County, 111., and soon after his arrival there his wife was stricken down and died, leaving a little child five months old, who soon followed its mother to the grave. In February of the following year, Mr. Prall married Miss Amelia D. Thompson. Mrs. Prall's father was a native of New York and her mother of North Carolina. In the winter of 1859 Mr. Prall came to Coles County, making his home in Seven Hickory Town- ship, only about two and one-half miles from then- former residence. For three years he rented land, and at the expiration of that time was enabled to buy forty acres of his present estate. Proud in the possession of a home he could call his own, he cultivated and improved his land, and by hard work and the exercise of due economy, in a few years added forty acres more to his farm. He was pros- pered in business and added forty acres successively in the years 1867, 1872 and 1881, and in 1886 made a purchase of eighty acres; he now owns 240 acres of land, all of which is under good cultiva- tion. In 1883 Mr. Prall was again bereaved of his wife, who died on the 27th of April, leaving a family of eight record : Louisa ht children. The following is their lisa M., born Feb. 1, 1858, married ' JT* 4 314 COLES COUNTY. Thomas Todd, a relative of Abraham Lincoln's family, and lives in Scotland County, Mo. ; William A., born Aug. 1, 1859, married Miss Mary Pen-el, and lives in Cornanche County, Kan.; Florence, born Aug. 8, 1861, married John W. Watkins, and is a resident of Seven Hickory Township; Alice, born Nov. 25, 1863; Mary, Sept. 1, 1865; Charles, June 20, 1869; Josephine, Jan. 14, 1871, and Wal- ter, July 11, 1874; the four latter reside at home. In conducting his farm Mr. Prall gives special attention to stock-growing, raising the best breeds of cattle, horses, sheep and hogs, and dealing to some extent in graded stock. Mr. Prall is deserv- ing of great praise for his persevering efforts in overcoming obstacles. When he came to Coles County he possessed but 13 in money and a broken- down team, but with untiring courage and energy, he has battled successfully with the world, and made a comfortable home for himself and family. He belongs to the Charleston Lodge of the Odd Fel- lows' Association. In politics he is a member of the Republican party, and in 1880 received the ap- pointment of Drainage Commissioner, holding the position until 1885, when he resigned. The portrait of Mr. Prall, which is presented in connection with this personal narrative, will be looked upon with pleasure by his many friends, and forms a valuable adjunct to the Coles County ALBUM. GEYER, a successful farmer and stock-grower, residing on section 9, Oak- land Township, and whose portrait is shown in this connection, was born May 8, 1832, in Mus- kingum County, Ohio. He is the son of Henry and Elizabeth (Cooper) Geyer, the former a native of Pennsylvania, and the latter of Virginia. Henry Geyer came to Ohio in 1815 with his parents, and was reared on his father's farm, receiving a com- mon-school education. He was married in 1825, and remained in Ohio throughout his life. He held several local offices in the township where he lived, but was not actively interested in public affairs, giving his attention more exclusively to the duties of private life. His death occurred Nov. 11, 1863. His wife was born in 1804, and survived him sev- eral years, her death occurring in 1870, at the homestead in Ohio. They were for many years members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which Mr. Geyer was a Trustee. The following is a record of their children : Violinder is the wife of Harrison Taylor; Cassandra was married to E. J. Crane; Samuel H. married Miss Julia A. Thomp- son; George is the subject of this sketch; James i W. first married Miss Martha Winn, and after her death married Melissa F. Fell ; Washington M. mar- ried Miss Melinda Jennings; Catherine, and three boys (triplets) died in infancy. George Geyer was married, Jan. 5, 1854, to Miss Mary E. Roberts, Rev. J. M. Bray, Pastor of the Methodist Church, officiating. Mrs. Geyer is the daughter of Thomas and Alice (Mock) Roberts. Her parents were natives of Virginia, where her father was born Oct. 12, 1802. Thomas Roberts was possessed of remarkable energy and force of character; he was industrious and hard working, and by the exercise of these qualifications acquired success in life. He removed from Virginia in early life, and became a resident of Highland Township, Muskingum Co., Ohio, where he settled in 1830, the year following his marriage to Miss Alice Mock. He became a member of the Methodist Church in 1832, and was a Class-Leader for several years at Bethel Church, in Highland Township. In the autumn of 1860 Mr. Roberts moved with his family to Illinois, and purchased a valuable farm in the eastern part of this county, where he lived until the spring of 1879. His children all having married and left home, and feeling the ad- vancing infirmities of age, he built a house on the farm of his oldest son, William, where, with his aged wife, he couid pass the closing years of his life free from business cares, but on August 6 of the same year he was seized with paralysis, and passed away after a short illness. Eight children were by his bedside at the time of his death. His daughter, Mrs. James Titus, a resident of Missouri, was not able to reach there in time. He had thirty- two grandchildren, nearly all of whom were present at the funeral, which was one of the largest ever witnessed in the place. He possessed the respect fr- COLES COUNTY. 315 and affection of a large circle of friends, who were sincere in the expression of their grief. His widow, Alice (Mock) Roberts, was born in Loudoun County, Va., Nov. 8, 1808. Her mar- riage to Thomas Roberts took place Feb. 7, 1828, and in 1 830 she moved with her husband to Mus- kingum County, Ohio. She was converted in 1833, and united with the Methodist Church, living a consistent Christian life until her death. After the death of her husband she resided witli her son-in- law, George Geyer, where her death occurred Mny 10, 1887. She was a woman of deep religious con- victions, and did much work for the Master. As the result of her wise instructions and godly exam- ple, most of her children are useful members of the church. At her death her family, relatives, neigh- bors and church, all felt that one of God's best children had been taken from among them. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roberts had a family of twelve children born to them, nine of whom are still living; the record is as follows: Jacob A. was born Nov. 3, 1828; Mary E., Jan. 19, 1833; Ma- tilda A., June 26, 1834; Stephen B., Nov. 27, 1838; William H., Oct. 17, 1840; Caroline, April 27, 1842; Castara, March 6, 1844; Isaac N., Jan. 6, 1846; Sarah J., March 11, 1848; John D., March 5, 1850; Sherman W., Jan. 11, 1852; James M., Oct. 9, 1854. George Geyer came to Illinois in 1 857. When he left his native State his possessions consisted of $100 and a team, of which one of the horses was not yet paid for. He made a partial payment upon a small tract of land in this township, which he cul- tivated and improved five years, and then sold for $500. With this capital he purchased 111 acres, paying $500 down and going in debt for the rest. He has been industrious and energetic in business, and now owns 290 acres of valuable land, with a fine residence and appropriate farm buildings. In stock- raising he has given special attention to raising Short-horn cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Geyer had a family of nine chil- dren born to them, five of whom are now living. The following is their record : The first-born died in infancy; Oliver B., born March 6, 1856, died Nov. 17, 1856; Miranda C., born May 1, 1858; Emma R., July 18, 1860; an infant daughter, born Sept. 16, 1862, is deceased; Elizabeth I. A. was- born May 27, 1864; Arietta A., March 16, 1868; William F., May 1, 1870; an infant daughter born July 22, 1873, is deceased. Mr. Geyer is interested in the public affairs of the township, holding the offices of School Trustee and* Justice of the Peace; in the discharge of his duties, in the latter position, his decisions have never been reversed when sent to the higher courts. He is a man of excellent business capacity and good judgment. In 1854 he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has been for many years a Class-Leader and one of the Trustees. His wife united with the same church in 1848. Like her beloved mother she is sincere and earnest in religious convictions, and has endeavored to instill the precepts of the Master in the minds of her chil- dren. Mr. Geyer is a prominent Republican in politics. ffi ACOB H. WIBLE is the owner of a fine es- tate containing 163 acres of valuable land, located on section 23, Lafayette Township. He was born April 17, 1845, in Sullivan County, Ind., and is the son of Benjamin V. and Hannah Wiblc. The father was a native of Ken- tucky, and in 1858 removed with his family from Sullivan County, Ind., to Illinois, where he settled in Lafayette Township, Coles County. He was en- gaged in farming and passed the remainder of his life here. His family consisted of nine children, all of whom grew to maturity, and the record is as follows: Mary F., the wife of Mr. Odell; Adam, deceased; Cyrena Ann, deceased; Samuel; Jane, the wife of Uriah Sellars ; Joseph, William ; Eliza, deceased, and Jacob H. Jacob H. was a young lad in his thirteenth year when the family removed to Illinois, and since that time has grown up with the township. He at- tended school in the winter and assisted his father in the various branches of farm labor during the summer. In 1869 he was married on the home- stead, to Miss Plina Fisher Hurst, the daughter of John and Elizabeth Hurst. Mrs. Wible was born in Johnson County, Ind., Feb. 18, 1852. Mr. Wible resided at home until twenty-five years old, I ' 316 COLES COUNTY. and soon after his marriage settled on his present farm, which contains 162 acres of land, all of which is under cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. Wible have three children Mary E., Elizabeth and Bertha May. Although not act- ively interested in politics, Mr. Wible is a stanch supporter of the Democratic party. Himself and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. ,OBERT J. McCALLISTER, a successful farmer residing on section 28, Seven Hick- ory Township, is the descendant of a ^pioneer family of the Northwest, distin- guished for enterprise and mental ability. He was born Feb. 12, 1836, in Madison County, Ind., and is the son of Thomas and Margaret (McGrady) Mc- Callister. His parents were natives of Virginia, and removing to Indiana at an early day were among the pioneers of Madison County in that State. Thomas McCallister was actively interested in building up the interests of the community where he resided, and represented the county eleven years as a mem- ber of the State Legislature. He was subsequently elected Senator, and after serving two or three terms, his ability in public affairs was recognized by a re-election in the autumn in which his death occurred. His marriage to Miss Margaret Mc- Grady took place in 1818. Mrs. McCallister is the daughter of James and Mary (Neal) McGrady, the former a native of Ireland, and the latter of Vir- ginia. Mr. and Mrs. McCallister removed to Mad- ison County, Ind., in 1831. After her husband's death, Mrs. McCallister removed with her family, in 1870. to Illinois, and they settled in Coles County, where she is now living, although in feeble health, with her daughter. Their family consisted of eleven children, only four of whom are now living, three in Illinois and one in Hancock County, Ind. Robert J. McCallister passed his youth and early manhood at home until the breaking out of the Civil War. He then enlisted in Co. K, 8th Ind. Vol. Inf., Aug. 20, 1861, and during his service proved himself a brave and efficient soldier, taking part in eighteen of the most prominent engage- ments of the war. He passed through the terrible siege of Vicksbnrg entirely uninjured, and never shrank from either the post of danger or duty. He was discharged Sept. 21, 1865, and soon after his return from the war was married to Miss Martha SoLiierville. Her parents were natives of Mason County, W. Va., where their daughter, Martha, was born, and removed to Indiana in about the year 1862. Mr. and Mrs. McCallister had a family of nine children, as follows: Otis C., born Dec. 19, 1866; Ardella, Feb. 11, 1868; William A., Aug. 16,1869; Robert B , Feb. 15, 1871 ; Leota O., July 21, 1872; Minnie, Feb. 27, 1874; Thomas, deceased, born June 22, 1876; Martha E., deceased, born Oct. 29, 1877, and one who died in infancy. The home circle was broken by the death of Mrs. M.cCallister, May 22, 1880. She was beloved by all who knew her, and deeply mourned by her own family and a large circle of friends. Mr. McCallister is a mem- ber of the Christian Church and in politics is a Democrat. ffi SAAC N. MOORE, one of the prominent citi- zens of Ashmore Township, residing on section 111 35, was born Aug. 24, 1836, in Butler County, Ohio, six miles east of Hamilton. He is the son of Levi and Abigail (Flenner) Moore, both natives of Ohio, where his father was engaged in farming until his death, which occurred in 1859 at the age of forty-one. His mother survived the death of her husband several years. They were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The follow- ing is the record of their children: Ursula, the wife of J. B. Flenner; Isaac N., the subject of this sketch; Hannah, the wife of George W. Dutro; Drusilla, the wife of William Mock; Daniel F. married Miss Emily Wright; his wife died and he afterward married Emily Hill. Harriet, the wife of John Willhoit; Solomon, who died at nine, and Levi at the age of six years. Vanderbilt, when once asked the secret to success in acquiring wealth, replied^ ' Keep at work and say nothing about it." The remark is very appli- cable to the course pursued by the subject of this 1 biography. Isaac Moore began to build up his .,/- COLES COUNTY. 317 fortune when a lad, by mending pocket knives for his schoolmates on the way to school, and in re- turn for his workmanship received from two to five cents apiece. He carefully saved his earnings until he hml acquired the sum of sixty cents. This he invested in pine lumber, from which he manufactured quilting-frames and launched into a more extensive business, receiving fifty cents per pair for his frames. After he had accumulated $12.50 in this way, ( he came to Illinois and pur- chased a pair of young steers, which he broke and kept until they were three years old, when he sold them for $85. From these small beginnings he has steadily continued to advance up the rounds of the ladder to prosperity. Isaac Moore was married, Aug. 24, 1856, to Miss Effie Conley. Mrs. M. was born in Coles County, March 9, 1832, and her death occurred Sept. 26, 1873. She was a devoted wife and mother and a sincere Christian, having been for many years a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Our subject was subsequently twice mar- ried. His second wife was Miss Mary White, but their married life was of short duration, her death occurring Sept. 1, 1878. She was also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His marriage to Miss Sarah Bancroft took place Dec. 10, 1878. She was born May 23, 1845, in Clark County, this State, and is the daughter of William and Lydia (Gulp) Smith. Her parents were both natives of Fail-field, Ohio, where her father was born in 1812, and her mother in 1814. They are both now liv- ing in Clark County. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, her father enlisted in Co. G, 54th 111. Vol. Inf. He served three years and six months, and throughout his career proved himself a brave and efficient soldier. The record of their children is as follows: Elizabeth, Mary, Louisa, David, Sarah, Jacob, Rebecca and William. Mr. Moore has a family of seven children, five of whom were born to the first marriage, one to the second and one to the last. Their names are as follows: Levi, Lincoln, Ardilla E., Charles E., Albert, Nellie and William M. Mr. Moore joined the Masonic fraternity in 1873, and is a member of Ashmore Lodge No. 390. He is ardently devoted to the principles of the order, in which he is held in high esteem. He has held several official posi- tions in the order of the Blue Lodge, has acted as W. M. three terms, and represented the lodge three terms at the Grand Lodge at Chicago. Mr. Moore came to Illinois in 1854 and first located in Clark County, but removed to this county in the same year. His educational advan- tages were somewhat limited, but his native quali- ties of mind and heart make ample amends for the deficiency. He owns a fine farm containing forty- two acres of valuable, well-improved land, with a pleasant residence and excellent farm buildings. He has held several official positions in the town- ship, and is a member and Trustee of the Method- ist ^Episcopal Church. In politics he is a warm adherent of the Republican party. Mr. Moore possesses the esteem of the entire community, among whom he has a large circle of warm friends. He is a kind father, an affectionate husband, and is faithful in the discharge of all duties, both public and private, devolving upon him. R. CANDY, division clerk of the I. & St. L. R. R., is one of the prominent residents li\ of Mattoon. He was born March 7, 1844, in Lexington, Ky., and is the sou of John and Celeste F. (Robert) Candy. His father, John Candy, was a native of England, and came to America when twenty years of age. He was a pro- fessional musician and settled in Boston, where he was engaged in teaching music. He was a Demo- crat in politics and a member of the New Jerusa- lem Church. His wife was a member of the Epis- copal Church ; her death occurred Jan. 17, 1849. Her husband survived her many years, and died in 1885. There were four children in their family, whose names are as follows : Theodore J. ; Laura V., now Mrs. S. Miller; A. R. and Edward B. A. R. Candy passed his boyhood in Lexington, Ky., whither his family had removed from Boston. He received an excellent education, both at the public and private schools of that place, and at- tended the University at Urbana, Ohio. He learned the printer's trade, but finding no suitable business opening, took a position as watchman and second I m^ 4 s . , 318 COLES COUNTY. mate with a steamboat line plying on the Ohio and Mississippi. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted as a private in Co. D., 38th Ind. Vol. Inf., and was engaged in the battles of Perry ville, Stone River and Chiekamanga, besides numerous skir- mishes. At Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863, he was taken prisoner and conveyed to Richmond, thence to Andersonville, thence to Savannah, Milieu and Blackshear. From the latter place he escaped with two other prisoners. Through many difficulties they made their way to one of the blockade ships, named Diaching, off the head of Cumberland Isl- and, and were taken on board Dec. 14, 1864, grateful to find themselves once more under tlie protection of the "Stars and Stripes," after being held prisoners for nearly fifteen months. Of the seven others who were taken prisoners with Mr. Candy, one was exchanged after eleven months, and he was the only one who survived to reach home. Mr. Candy suffered severely from scurvy, the result of his long imprisonment, and his limbs were so swollen for a long time as to render it impossi- ble for him to turn over while lying down without assistance. After his return home he received the appointment of Assistant United States Revenue Assessor of the First District of Ohio. He retained that position one year, and in 1867 went to Urbana, where he took charge of a printing-office for three years. He next went to Kansas, and entered a homestead there, but after remaining three years was driven out by the grasshopper scourge, which at that time overran the country. He returned to Ohio, and in a short time obtained employment on the Cleveland Leader, remaining there eighteen months. He then obtained a position as store- keeper for the C. C. C. & I. R. R. Co. at Cleveland, where his excellent business qualifica- tions were recognized, and he was variously pro- moted until he received the appointment of Assist- ant Chief Clerk in the general mechanical office. In 1882, when the C. C. C. & I. R. R. came in pos- session of the I. & St. L. R. R., he was sent to Mattoon, 111., to take charge of the locomotive and car department, and to change the old system of account of that department to correspond with the system in use on the C. C. C. it 1. R. R. He has since retained this position and become identified as a citizen with the interests of Mattoon, where he has twice been elected a member of the School Board from the First District. In 1869 Mr. Candy was married to Miss Sarah E. Armstrong, the daughter of Snover Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong is one of the prosperous farmers of Northern Ohio, where his daughter, Mrs. Candy, was born. Mr. and Mrs. Candy have one child living, Maie. Mr. Candy is a member of the G. A. R., the Masonic fraternity and Knights of Pyth- ias. In politics he is not restricted by party spirit, but always votes for the man whom he considers best adapted to successfully fill the position. His residence is located at No. 86 Charleston street. 1' OHN HURST, a retired farmer residing in Lafayette Township, Coles County, is a native of Harrison County, Ind., where he was born Oct. 28, 1809. His family was of German extraction, and his parents, Abraham and Polly (Dunn) Hurst, were jiatives of Tennessee. They subsequently removed to Indiana, and died in Spencer County, that State. They reared a family of eleven children, of whom John, the sub- ject of this sketch, was the fifth in order of birth. John Hurst passed his boyhood and youth on the homestead, assisting his father in the various duties of the farm, and attending the log school- house of the primitive days. His marriage to Miss Elizabeth Woodruff occurred in 1833. After this event he engaged in farming, and carried on a suc- cessful business until 1864, when he sold out his interests in Indiana, and moved to his present home in Illinois. On his arrival here he purchased 320 acres of land, which he managed successfully for many years, but the evening of life is now closing around him. and desirous of release from business cares, he has given the greater portion of his land to his children. Mr. Hurst has been twice married ; his first wife died Sept. 10, 1874, leaving five children: Anna, John and Rhoda Jane are deceased ; Plina is the wife of Jacob H. Wible, and Jackson. Mr. Hurst \va.- married the second time in December, 1875, to J L. COLES COUNTY. 319 Mrs. Sarah Mock. She was the mother of a large family of children by her first marriage. Mr. Hurst has been a successful man through life. He possessed excellent business qualifications, and acquired his prosperity through the exercise of industry and energy. At the time of his marriage he only possessed $115 in capital. His life is an example of what enterprise and integrity of char- acter, united with industrious and temperate habits, can accomplish. Mr. Hurst has been for many years a member of the Methodist Church. In poli- tics he is a Democrat. OHN WILSON, Postmaster and merchant of Cook's Mills, is one of the prominent Ger- man citizens of North Okaw Township. He was born March 8, 1840, in Wurtemberg, Germany, and is the son of Frederick and Fredrica (Schafer) Zeppelin. His parents were natives of Wurtemberg, and his father was engaged in the manufacture of gas at the town of Heilbronn, which place derives its name from the spring that supplies the town with water, signifying " fountain of health." He held the commission of First Lieutenant in the army but resigned some time be- fore his death, which occurred at the town of Stutt- gart. His mother's death occurred about two years ago in Germany. Three children of their family emigrated to America. John Wilson was adopted in infancy by a distant relative, in whose household there were no children, and from that family obtained the name of Wilson. His relative died while John was still a child and he then returned to his own home where he remained until he was sixteen years of age. In the meantime he had been preparing himself in college for mercan- tile life and after leaving school entered a book- store. At the death of their father the children were left without resources to care for themselves, and after remaining in the book-store a short time, John resolved to come to the United States. De- cember 12, 1856, he stood with his elder brother, Charles, on board the Helvetia, a passenger bound for 'America. The brothers standing together on deck looked, perhaps regretfully, backward toward the fast receding shores of their native land, but 1 hopefull3' forward over the vast expanse of blue | water, stretching far away to the Western Conti- nent, which has been the goal of so many hearts j since the days when Spanish cavaliers and Italian navigators dreamed of a marvelous land beyond j the sea, where the setting sun dipped its burning disk in the cool waters of the Atlantic. After a stormy voyage, during which two dangerous gales were encountered, they landed safely at Castle Gar- den on Feb. 22, 1857, strangers iu a strange land. John Wilson apprenticed himself to a cabinet- maker and spent three yenrs learning the trade, and at the expiration of that time worked one year as a journeyman. The long smouldering fires preced- ing the Civil War broke out at that time, and he entered the service of his adopted country, enlisting March 12, 1861, in the 4th United States Cavalry, under the command of Capt. Crittenden and Col. Sedgwick. He was mustered in at New York and sent to Carlisle Barracks and placed in Company A. The regiment was then dispatched to Ft. Leaven- worth, Kan., and soon after to Independence, where it drove out a body of rebel troops. Thence they were ordered to Springfield, Mo., and there joined the Army of the West under Franz Seigel, com- manded by Gen. Lyons. Their regiment then at- tacked the rebels at Duck Springs and defeated them, following them up to Wilson's Creek, where Gen. Lyons was killed and Gen. Sturgess succeeded him. A retreat was then conducted to Springfield, Mo. They continued to retreat three days until they reached Rolla, and the rebels abandoned the pursuit. The company then returned to Springfield, and joining Company D were appointed body-guard to Gen. Fremont. They conducted him to Sedalia, Mo., and making that place their winter quarters passed the time until spring, engaged in scouting and harrassing the enemy. They then made a dash down to Black Water and captured 1,200 rebel re- cruits with all their provisions, intercepting them as they were moving on to reinforce Gen. Price. After conveying their prisoners to Sedalia, they joined Fremont in his trip to Springfield, which, proving abortive, they returned to the north of the river. There they were placed under Pope and m "4 , , 320 COLES COUNTY. aided in the capture of New Madrid and Island No. 10, where they took 6.000 prisoners. They then embarked for Vicksburg, but were stopped at Memphis and sent to the aid of Gen. Grant, who was engaged in the memorable battle of Shiloh. They did not arrive until the day after that con- flict, but took part in the battles following at Farm- ington and Corinth, accompaning Buell to Hunts- ville, Ala. and to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Gen. Bragg, who moved on to Perryville, where a desperate struggle took place and the Union forces were victorious. Not being able to follow him over the mountains on his retreat to Murfreesboro, they moved to Nashville and passed around to his right, making their attack at Stone River, where a hard fought battle of three days took place. Rosecrans had then taken command of the Union forces, and Mr. Wilson was a member of his body- guard. The force to which Mr. Wilson was attached next moved to Middleton, surprising the rebels under Gen. Bragg, and thence to Chickamauga, whence they were forced to retreat, to Chattanooga. They then followed Wheeler through Tennessee for seven days, keeping up a running fight nearly all the time. Mr. Wilson was then sent to Memphis as orderly for Gen. Smith, and joined his raid through Mis- sissippi. On the third day out he was taken pris- oner at Black Water by Gen. Forest, and sent to Cahaba, Ala. After remaining in prison there two months he was transferred to Andersonville, where he remained until September, and was then con- veyed to Florence, S. C. On the 22d of February, 1865, he was liberated on parole and taken to the hospital at Annapolis, Md. After remaining there a month he obtained a furlough of thirty days, and in the meantime went to Indiana, and thence to Camp Chase, Ohio, where he reported again for duty, and was sent to join his regiment at Gravelly Spring, Miss. His time had expired nearly a year prior to this, and he was discharged March 7, 1865, having served within five days of four years. After being paid off at Louisville, Ky., he went to Indi- ana, near Bedford, where, April 2, 1865, his mar- riage with Miss Sarah A. Prince took place. Mrs. Wilson is the daughter of John and Ann Prince. Her parents were natives of North Carolina, but had removed at un early day to Indiana, where their daughter Sarah was born. Immediately after his marriage, Mr. Wilson came to Illinois and engaged in farming in Cumberland County. He remained there seven years and then came to Coles County, where he purchased land in North Okaw Township, and carried on a successful farming business twelve years. In the autumn of 1881 he entered upon mercantile life at Cook's Mills, purchasing a residence and store in that vil- lage. He is now associated vvith Mr. Hoots in business, under the firm- name of Wilson & Hoots. He was elected to the offices of Constable and Town Clerk by the Democratic party, of which he is a member, and Aug. 21, 1885, received the appoint- ment of Postmaster at Cook's Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson had two children, both of whom died, leaving the household desolate; their names were Mary and Louisa. Mrs. Wilson is a highly esteemed member of the Baptist Church, in which she is actively engaged in all good works. Mr. Wilson has never fully recoved from the ef- fects of his imprisonment at Andersonville. He was afflicted with scurvy and other troubles result- ing from the horrors of that place, and has never received either bounty or pension from the Govern- ment for his services or sufferings. ANIEL BOONE WINKLEBLACK, one of the rising young men of Coles County, is a farmer and stock-raiser residing on sec- tion 25, Seven Hickory Township. He was born in this county, in Morgan Township, April 11, 1858, and is the son of John and Cather- ine (Weaver) Winkleblack. The father was born in Ohio, where his early life was spent. He subse- quently removed to Illinois, and became one of the leading men of this county in the early days. He was successful in business enterprises, and after a long life of usefulness died in 1886, at the age of eighty-two years. The parental family consisted of twelve children, whose record is as follows: William H.,Jjorn Aug. 16, 1841, is married and resides on the old home- stead; Milton, born July 27, 1842, is married and LIBRARY OF THE OF ILLINO/S RESIDENCE OF M.E.O HAIR SEC. 36 .SEVEN HICKORYTOWNSHIP. RESIDENCE OF MR.&.MRS.W M A.GILMER.SEC.S.NORTH OKAW TOWNSHIP. RESIDENCE OF I. N.ROBERTS, SEC. 16. (WJ.NSLR.H.w.) ASHMORETOWNSHI p. t. COLES COUNTY. 323 lives in California: Robert A., born Jan. 1, 1844, is married, and resides in Morgan Township, Coles County; Mason F., born Sept, 12, 1845, is married, and also makes his home in Morgan Township; Nancy J., born Oct. 3, 1847, is the wife of William Griggs, and resides in Seven Hickory Township; Thomas T., born March 20, 1849, lives on the homestead; Mary E., born July 30, 1851, became the wife of S. Clark, and died July 4, 1887, leaving a family of two children; John, born Aug. 20, 1853, is married, and resides in Morgan Township; Victoria Sophia, born March [20, 1855, is the wife of Isaac Walter, and lives in Ashmore Township; she is the mother of one child ; Daniel Boone is the subject of this sketch; Susanna, born July 24, 1861, died in childhood; Jacob Henry was born Jan. 13, 1864, and lives on the homestead where he was born ; he is married and hag a family of four chil- dren. John Winkleblack was an extensive farmer in this county, owning from 800 to 1,000 acres of land. He gave his attention chiefly to raising the different varieties of cereals, and was very success- ful in business. Daniel Winkleblack passed his boyhood and youth on the homestead, where he acquired a prac- tical knowledge of sytematic farming, receiving at the same time a good education in the common schools. Feb. 9, 1881, he was married to Miss Mary Ann Myers. Mrs. Winkleblack is the daugh- ter of James and Emeline (Smith) Myers, the for- mer born Feb. 12, 1834, and the latter Nov. 27, 1839. Their family consisted of ten children: Mary Ann, born June 19, 1859; Charles, March 18, 1861; John, born Aug. 20, 1863, died Aug. 12, 1864; Elisha, born Nov. 28. 1866, died Oct. 12, 1880; Nettie, born June 20, 1871; Nannie and Julia (twins), were born Aug. 20, 1876; the latter died at two years of age, and the former makes her home with her sister, Mrs. Winkleblack. Katie, born Dec. 12, 1878, resides at home; Carrie and Harry (twins), were born March 12, 1881; the former died at fi ve years of age. The family came to Coles County in 1860, and reside in Bushton, Morgan Township, Coles County. On Thanksgiving Day of 1883, Mr. Winkleblack brought his young wife to the home where they now reside, and celebrated the festivities of the day with due ceremony. In conducting his farm, Mr. Winkleblack is engaged to some extent, but not exclusively, in stock-raising. His farm was a gift from his father. In politics Mr. Winkleblack is a Republican; his wife belongs to the Baptist Church, having become a member of Salem Church, Morgan Township, when fifteen years of age. AMES HAMILTON, ex-Sheriff of Coles County, and now engaged in farming and stock-raising on section 13, North Okaw Township, spent his childhood in Adams County, Ohio, where his birth took place May 1, 1826. He was the eleventh child in a family of twelve born to John and Isabel (Smith) Hamilton, natives of Ireland, but of Scotch descent. They came to America with their parents when mere children, and settled in South Carolina, whence both families removed, first to Kentucky and then to Ohio. The paternal grandfather of our subject was John Hamilton, Sr., who married Miss Mary McClure; both were natives of Ireland and of Scotch-Irish descent. The mother of our subject was the daughter of Samuel and Isabel (Brown) Smith, of the same country and descent as the Hamilton family. The father of our subject carried on farming in Adams County, Ohio, and served as a volunteer in the War of 1812. In 1853 he emigrated to Illi- nois with the expectation of remaining in the West, but two years later returned to Ohio, where his death took place in about 1868. James, of our sketch, was bred to farm pursuits and received a limited education in the district schools. When twenty-three years of age he left home, and for two years thereafter engaged in farming on his own account in his native county. Subsequently he cauie West and engaged in teaching in Coles County, which he followed for about a year and a half, and then located on a tract of rented land, which he occupied one j'ear. In the meantime he purchased eighty acres of wild prairie, which ho fenced and settled upon, and in due time had made it ready for the reception of his bride. The lady chosen for this position of honor and trust was T \ COLES COUNTY. Miss Margaret L. Hoskins, who became his wife Nov. 16, 1853. Mrs. Hamilton was born in Mor- gan County, 111., July 19, 1832, and is the daugh- ter of Lowry and Martha (Prewett) Hoskins, na- tives of Kentucky, who emigrated from the Blue Grass regions to Illinois during its early settlement. They located in Coles County in 1835, while it was still a wilderness, with no settlement within a radius of sixteen miles and no mill nearer than Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins became the parents of eleven children, of whom Margaret L. was the sec- ond. The mother departed this life at the home- stead in North Okaw in 1847. Lowry Hoskins is still living, and a resident of Nebraska. Although having reached the advanced age of eighty-four years, he is still active and capable of managing his business affairs. The experience of the Hoskins family in Illinois during the pioneer days was marked by many hardships and trials. At one time a band of robbers took away four head of horses, escaping with them to Kentucky. Mr. H. overtook the thieves, but could not .satisfactorily prove that the animals belonged to him, and was obliged to relinquish his claim. This for the time crippled his farming operations, as he had no other horses left, and he went to work at twenty-five cents per day, cutting rails, until enabled to start again. Afterward he followed trading principally, and accumulated a fine property in Coles County, owning at one time nearly 800 acres of land. He was particularly fond of pioneer life, and delighted in overcoming the difficulties set before him. Mr. Hamilton occupied his first purchase of land about four years, and then in the fall of 1859 pur- chased eighty acres on section 13, where he now resides. He put up a fine residence in 1872, together with good barns and other necessary out- buildings, and added to his first purchase so that he has now 260 acres, the whole, with its buildings, constituting one of the most attractive features in the landscape of Coles County. He has been pros- perous in his farming operations and fortunate in his investments, and is looked upon as a man pos- sessing more than ordinary ability and good judg- ment, both in farming and finance. Mr. Hamilton, after the outbreak of the Re- bellion, although having large interests to look after, considered it his duty to aid in the preserva- tion of the Union, and accordingly, on the 4th of September, 1862, enlisted in the 12Sth Illinois In- fantry, which was soon afterward consolidated with the 26th and 130th. The soldiers were mustered in at Camp Butler, and soon afterward ordered to the scene of conflict, with headquarters at Mem- phis. Tenn. The}' participated in the siege and capture of Vicksburg, and Mr. Hamilton in the meantime was attacked with typhoid fever, from the effects of which he was slow to recover, and finally received his discharge for disability on the 7th of May, 1863. He then returned to his home and farm pursuits, but for a period of twelve years thereafter was able to do but very little active la- bor. He finally began to improve, however, and is now quite strong again. Mr. Hamilton always voted the Republican ticket, and in 1880 was the successful candidate for Sheriff of Coles County, being elected by a hand- some majority. He served two years, and in 1882 was re-elected for four years, discharging the duties of the office with credit to himself and satis- faction to his constituents. He encountered some unpleasant duties during his term of office, but never swerved from the line of rectitude, and re- ceived much praise for his fideHty to duty and his bravery in times of difficulty and danger. During the last three years of his term he had his family with him at his headquarters at Charleston, and upon relinquishing the office retired to his farm, leaving his son, John R., as Deputy under McClel- land, the present incumbent. Mr. Hamilton has also served the people in minor offices and has thoroughly identified himself with the growth aud progress of his adopted county. Of. the children of Mr. and Mrs. II., eleven in number, four, Mary E., Thomas, Arthur and Lulu, have been laid to rest in the quiet coun- try burying-ground. Those surviving are John R., William H. and James L. (twins), David \V., Al- bert Grant, Samuel L. and Margaret I. John has been mentioned above; Albert married Miss Mollie E. Ashworth, and is a practicing physician ; he re- sides on the homestead; he was graduated at the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati. David read t COLES COUNTY. 325 law at Charleston in the office of States Attorney Leitch, and was admitted to the bar. The others are at home with their parents. Our subject is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, in which he serves as Deacon and Trustee. Socially he be- longs to the Knights of Honor and the I. O. O. F. The farm stock of Mr. Hamilton includes Short- horn cattle, Clydesdale horses and Poland-China hogs. The land is largely devoted to the cultiva- tion of broom corn and grain, and yields each year a bountiful supply of the richest products of the Prairie State. y Morgan, but only detained for a short time, and returned from the army broken in health, from disease con- tracted while in the service. He engaged in taking contracts on the East Division of the I. & St. L. R. R., and afterward engaged in coal-mining at Carbon, Ind. He had never recovered from the ravages of the disease contracted during his service in the Civil War, and his death occurred in 1880. His widow is still living, and resides at Terre Haute, Ind. The family consisted of twelve chil- dren, seven of whom are living, as follows: John S., the engineer and book-keeper at Snoddy's Mills, Ind. ; Rose, the wife of Mr. Folk, a resident of Terre Haute, Ind.; S. G., the subject of this sketch; Annie, the wife of Mr, Dickerson, a resident of T 336 COLES COUNTY. rf Seelyville, Ind., and one. of the leading men of Vigo County; William, the proprietor of a black- smith shop at Fontanet, Ind.; Thomas W., operator of the coal shaft at Snoddy's Mills, Ind.; and James, a resident of Raton, N. M., engineer on the A., T. * 342 COLES COUNTY. permitted to enlist before the close, which he did in March, 1865, when nineteen years old, becoming a member of Co. B, 54th 111. Vol. Inf. He was not permitted to participate in any very serious en- gagements with the enemy, his regiment being de- tailed on the railroad between Little Rock and Devall's Bluff, and was in a skirmish with Quantrel and the James boys. The latter finally got away, and the war being then practically ended, young Davis was mustered out a few months later. After becoming a civilian Mr. Davis returned to Coles County, where he engaged in farming until the spring of 186f!, and on July 16 following, was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Bennett. This lady, a native of Ohio, was born May 24, 1849, and is the daughter of Hiram and Polly Bennett, natives of Ohio. The young people lo- cated on a tract of land in Hutton Township, where our subject operated until the spring of 1885, then going to Union Center, learned the blacksmith's trade, and is now carrying on business for himself. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Davis, eight in num- ber, are recorded as follows: Daisy, born Dec. 4, 1867, died Jan. 5, 1868; Sarah was born March 8, 1869; Ozetta, Dec. 5, 1870; Lyda, -Dec. 1, 1872; Sora, Oct. 28, 1874; Joseph, June 20, 1878; Eliza- beth, May 24, 1879; Jess, Feb. 21, 1885. Our sub- ject and his wife are members in good standing of the Christian Church, and Mr. Davis uniformly votes with the Republican party. The paternal grandfather of onr subject, Walter Davis by name, was a native of France, and came to this country as a soldier with Gen. LaFayette, under whom he served during the Revolutionary War. After the independence of the Colonies had been established, he located near Wheeling, Va., where he purchased a tract of land and carried on farming. He married Miss A. Tracey, a native of his own country, who came over with Count De Gras. They became the parents of fifteen chil- dren, twelve sons and three daughters, namely, Joseph, Archibald^ Walter, Luther, William, James, David, Samuel, John, Arthur, Polly and two others. Two bo} r s died young. Joseph served under Gen. Harrison in the Indian War, and was killed on the Wabash River in Indiana. Archibald, a seafaring man, while hunting pirates, was captured by the Turks, and held a prisoner twelve months. After escaping he returned to the United States and lo- i cated in Virginia, where he died. Grandfather Davis finally left Virginia and emi- grated to Ohio, settling near Chillicothe, where he purchased a tract of land and became one of the most successful farmers in that region. His death took place there in 1858, His wife survived a few i years, and died upon the old homestead. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. MINOR, a successful fanner and stock-grower of East Oakland Township, owns and occupies a fine homestead on section 8, which possesses all the requirements of a first-class country estate. He has been a resident of Illinois since 1832, when he was a boy fourteen years of age, and since that time has been closely identified with the agricultural and business interests of Coles County. Our subject was born in Brown County, Ohio, Aug. 16, 1818, and is the son of Ephraim and Rachel (Lamb) Minor, natives respectively of Vir- ginia and Maryland. Ephraim Minor was born in 1775, and died at his homestead in Douglas County, in 1835, when about sixty years of age. He re- moved from the Old Dominion to Kentucky in early manhood, and was variously employed until his marriage in 1797. He continued in Kentucky ten years afterward, and then migrated with his family to Brown County, Ohio, where he purchased 100 acres of heavily timbered land and proceeded to build up a homestead in the wilderness. In this he succeeded admirably, clearing a fine and fertile farm which, however, he sold, and then went to flat-boating on the river to New Orleans. He followed this occupation for two years, making considerable money and being quite prosperous until upon his last trip. While on the steamer between New Orleans and Natchez on his return home, his money, $1,800, was stolen from him, and this ended his river operations. In 1832 he came with his family down the Wabash to Darwin, thence to this county, where he purchased 100 acres of wild t. COLES COUNTY. 343 land and followed farming until unfitted for active labor. Bfith parents were members of the Christian Church./ The mother was born in 1781, and died at the Uomestead in Coles (now Douglas) County in 184. She was the daughter of William and Sarah (Wood) Lamb, her father being the first man elected to the Legislature from Mason County, Ky., and in which he served for many years. Our subject remained with his parents during his childhood and youth, in the meantime receiv- ing a good common-school education, and after the death of his father assisting his mother in the management of the homestead. Upon setting out for himself he was married to Miss Nancy Powers, Nov. 25, 1847. Mrs. M. was born near Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 30, 1830, and was the daughter of Daniel D. and Maria (Runnels) Powers. She departed this life at the home of her husband in East Oak- land Township, March 30, 1884. She was a lady of deep piety, greatly beloved by her family and friends. Her kindness of heart and amiable char- acter endeared her to all with whom she associated, and she is greatly missed and mourned by those who knew her best. She left one child, a son, George A., who was born in April, 1849. He married Miss Malinda Willison, and is a resident of this county. The farm of Mr. Minor includes 200 acres of valuable land under a high state of cultivation. He has been prominent in local affairs and has held the various township offices, being elected Super- visor in 1869-70, and acting as Chairman of many important committees. Politically he is a stanch Democrat. P~ RANCIS M. McCARTNEY is Postmaster, and proprietor of the largest drug-store at Lerna, Pleasant Grove Township. He was born Jan. 5, 1847, in Cumberland County, 111., and is the son of John and Susan (Powell) McCartney. He is of Scotch and Irish extraction, from which nationalities many of the most enterprising and successful citizens of Illinois have descended. His paternal grandparents, Jacob and Sarah McCartney, were natives of Ireland. Soon after their marriage in that country they emigrated to the United States and settled in Virginia. His maternal grandparents, Jacob and Elizabeth Powell, were natives of Scotland, and upon their arrival in this country likewise settled in Virginia. When John McCartney was eighteen 3 r ears of i age, his father's family left their home in Virginia and moved to Ohio, whither he accompanied them. In 1831 he resolved to push still farther westward, and consequently moved to Illinois, which State was at that time attracting many settlers from the East. He settled in Cumberland County, making his permanent home there, and passed the evening of life at his old home in that county, of which he had been a citizen for half a century, dying on the 14th of August, 1887. He was born in 1804, and had reached the advanced age of eighty-three years. The wife who shared with him the trials and privations of pioneer life, died Feb. 1(>, 1883, at the age of sixty-seven. A family of seven children was born to them, all of whom grew to maturity. Their record is as follows : Elizabeth, the wife of Bennet Cline; Jacob; Peter, deceased; George; Nancy, the wife of Ira Parker; John W. and Francis M. Francis M. McCartney was reared on his father's farm, and received a good common-school educa- . tion. He possessed an unusual degree of intelli- gence and made the best use of his limited advantages. In 1867 he was married to Miss Celeste Floatonett Swingle. Mrs. McCartney is the daughter of Jacob and Mary (Welver) Swin- gle, and was born in Bartholomew County, Ind., Oct. 23, 1859. Mr. McCartney, being of a studi- ous and reflective mind, was not inclined to engage in agricultural pursuits, and accordingly after his marriage purchased stock and engaged in the drug business at Neoga, in the meantime educating him- self in pharmacy. He was successful in his enter- prise, and remained at Neoga until Feb. 2y, 1886, when he moved to Lerna, and established his pres- | ent business. He carries a fine stock of drugs, paints, oils, and druggists' sundries, and although a recent citizen ol the place, is carrying on a suc- cessful trade. Mr. and Mrs. McCartney have three children Lura Idola, Sidney Erburt and Oscar Theodore. ; Mr. McCartney is a Democrat in politics, and re- f "7 [ ' 344 COLES COUNTY. .t T ceived his appointment as Postmaster, Sept. 20, 1886. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and his wife and himself are members of the Methodist Church. scd his youth and early manhood and to which he was much attached. He was twice married. His first wife was Mrs. Martha (Hatton) Davies, t. COLES COUNTY. 345 and by this marriage three children were born Catherine, Mary Jane and Frank. Mrs. Rice's death occurred soon after the death of her young- est child, and in later years, Mr. Rice was married to Miss .Sarah Compton. Mrs. Rice was the daugh- ter of John and Lucinda Compton. Her parents were natives of Ohio, where their daughter Sarah was born. Her father served in the Black Hawk War in the early days. Mr. Rice emigrated to Indiana in 1H10, where he settled in Vigo County, and aided in laying out the city of Terre Haute. He purchased land there, and was engaged both in farming and boating, during his residence making fifty-two trips on flat- boats from Terre Haute to New Orleans, and also serving as a pilot on the river. In the War of 1812 he was engaged under Gen. Andrew Jackson in the defense of New Orleans, and immediately after his discharge from the service, settled in Terre Haute where he remained until 1852. He then removed to Illinois, where he purchased land of the railroad company and settled in Coles County, making his permanent home here. During the re- mainder of his life he carried on a successful busi- ness in farming and stock-raising. The early settlements in the county were made almost entirety along the borders of the timber, and for some time it was not supposed that the prairies could be utilized for farming purposes; the grass and weeds by which they were overgrown were so rank and tall that the prospects of their ever fur- nishing rich pasturage for flocks and herds, or wav- ing with harvests of golden grain, was something scarcely dreamed of. Deer, wolves and wild game abounded, and during the summer season, the prairie fires were extremely troublesome. When Mr. Rice arrived, there was not a single dwelling on the site of the city of Mattoon, and he saw the first house placed there, which was an old building moved in. The wild game provided an abundant supply of meat for the settlers, but the wolves were troublesome, and often made the night hideous with their bowlings, besides carrying off chickens, young lambs and pigs. By his last marriage Mr. Rice had a family of ten children Abram, William, Nancy L., John, Amos, Job C., Sarah, Eliza, Arthur and Walter; four now deceased. Three brothers and one sister reside in this county, and also one half-sister, but the family have been scattered by business interests, and another brother and sister are residents of Kansas. Mr. Rice was actively interested in public affairs, and was ever ready to promote all measures tend- ing to advance the political and social welfare of the community. He never sought political pre- ferment, but occasionally served in the local Offices, always giving satisfaction in the discharge of his duties. In politics he was throughout life an old-school Jacksonian Democrat. lie was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Rice lived to see the flourishing city of Mattoon spring up as if by magic on the site where the lonely old house had stood in the early days, and the prairie grass that seemed almost unconquer- able, give place to fertile fields of wheat and com. After a long and useful life his death occurred Aug. 10, 1872, at the age of eighty-five j'ears. ,,.,, J. FINN ELL, a retired farmer, and a (@/L]|| prominent resident of Charleston, first opened his eyes to the light in the Blue Grass regions, his birth taking place in Old ham County, Ky., Jan. 14, 1821. He is the son of Edward and Nancy (Ross) Pinnell, the former a native of Culpeper County, Va., and the mother born in the same county as our subject. The birth of Edward Pinnell took place March 23, 1795, and his youth and boyhood were passed amid the stern scenes of conflict with the mother country, himself engaged in the War of 1812, and receiving after- ward for his services a pension for the balance of his life. He was but twenty-one years of age when he became a resident of Kentucky, and engaged there in agricultural pursuits until the fall of 1830. He had in the meantime been married, and at this date determining to try his fortunes in the West, came to Edgar County, and commenced farming on 260 acres in Kansas Township. He was a man of great energy, and at the same time established a store of general merchandise in connection with his farm. Through his own efforts Edward Pinnell had be- 4 -I 346 COLES COUNTY. come fairly well educated, and his deep piety con- strained him to devote a part of his time to the spread of the Gospel. He commenced preaching in the Christian Church in 1832, and for a series of years rode through Edgar, Coles and Clark Coun- ties, establishing societies, building up the faint- hearted, and in every sense of the word " doing good as he had opportunity." His influence was also exerted in the establishment and maintenance of schools, and every other measure which had for its object the moral and intellectual welfare of the people. These traits he had inherited in a large measure from his father, John Pinnell, who de- scended from substantial Scotch ancestry, and who settled in Virginia at an early day, where John Pinnell was born and reared his family. The children of Edward ami Nancy Pinnell were five in number, three only now living, viz.: An- drew J., of our sketch; Rachel M., the wife of J. K. Boyer, of Kansas, 111., and Margaret M., Mrs. T. Atkins, of Dakota. The mother departed this life at the homestead in Edgar County, Nov. 19, 1864. Mr. P. survived his wife several years, dying March 16, 1879. Our subject came with his parents to Edgar County, 111., when a boy nine years of age, and continued on the farm until reaching his majority. In the meantime he had pursued his primary stud- ies in the common schools, and later returned to his native county, where, after a thorough course in the school near Brownsboro, Ky., he graduated in the common branches, and commenced teaching when nineteen years of age. Later he returned to Kansas Township, and followed teaching there for a year, after which he resumed farming with his father, receiving for his labors a part of the pro- ceeds. Four years afterward he invested his sav- ings in eighty acres of good land in Ashmore Township, this county, upon which he effected good improvements and occupied five years. Then, de- ciding to change his location he sold out, aban- doned farming for the time, and engaged as clerk in the dry-goods store of J. K. and W. F. Boyer, with whom he remained until the fall of 1862. Resolving now to try country life once more Mr. Pinnell purchased a quarter section of land in Hickory Township, of which he took possession, and to which in due time he added 125 acres, de- voting the whole to the raising of grain and stock. He retained possession of this farm until the fall of 1865, then sold out and purchased 220 acres in Charleston Township, two miles east of the city. After occupying this several years, and instituting good improvements, he engaged in merchandising, first as a clerk in Charleston, then on his own account, in connection with others, in Kansas, Edgar County, his stock consisting of hardware and agricultural implements, in which he built up a good trade and continued four years. He did not, however, feel entirely at ease until he once more came in posses- sion of real estate in the country, and accordingly purchased back the old farm in Charleston Town- ship, upon which he moved, and which he occupied until 1883. The flight of years had now admon- ished him that it was time to rest, and, as much per- haps through the influence of friends as his own in- clinations, he rented his farm, purchased a fine house in Charleston, and repaired thither, where he has since remained. Adjoining his properly were two desirable houses and lots, of which he has se- cured possession, and from the rents of which he realizes a good income. The lady who has presided over the houshold affairs of our subject, and been his closest friend and counselor for a period of over thirty years, was formerly Miss Eliza A., the daughter of John Poul- ter, who located in Edgar County in 1830. Mr. P. was a native of Jefferson County, Ky., and passed his youth and boyhood in the Blue Grass regions, where he married, and whence he came with his young wife to this State. Of the nine children born to Mr. and Mrs. Pinnell only two survive: James H. married Miss Ella H. Clement, of White Hall, Greene Co., 111., and is farming in Charleston Town- ship; they have four children Lulu, Mary, Otto and George. Winfleld S. married Miss Sarah H. Whitney, of Charleston, and is engaged in the hardware and agricultural implement trade in Kan- sas, Edgar County ; their three children are named respectively Flavie, Frederick and Bessie. While a resident of Hickory Grove Township Mr. Piunell represented his fellow-citizens on the County Board of Supervisors, and served as School Treasurer. Since becoming a resident of Charles- COLES COUNTY. 347 ton he has officiated as Assessor; he was Township Trustee while in Kansas. Both he and his estima- ble wife are members in good standing of the Chris- tian Church. Mr. P. is a stockholder in the First National Bank of Kansas, and in all respects has distinguished himself as one of the industrious and enterprising citizens to whom Coles County is in- debted for its growth and prosperity. NDREW A. HONN is a substantial farmer residing on section 31. Seven Hickory Township, his farm comprising eighty acres. He was born Feb. 12, 1852, in Nicholas County, Ky., and is the son of Absalom and Mi- randa (Moler) Honn. His parents, who were na. tives of Bourbon County, Ky., came to Illinois in 1858, and in 1861 settled in Coles County, where they now reside. The following is the record of their family: Peter D. married Miss M. Snyder, and has a family of three children ; he resides in Mattoon, 111. Isaac F. married Miss Cornelia Wright; he resides in Coles County, and has a fam- ily of six children. John D. married Miss Zarilda Gibbs; he resides in Seven Hickory Township, and has a family of three children. Mary J. was twice married, and is now the wife of William Lewis, a resident of Moultrie County, 111. ; by her first mar- riage she became the mother of three children Joseph resides at the homestead, and Andrew A. our subject. There were four deceased. Andrew A. Honn resided at the homestead and assisted his father in conducting the farm until he was twenty-five years of age. He was married to Miss Maliala J. Kerns, Oct. 22, 1874, at Ashmore, and he then began the world for himself. Mrs. Houn was the daughter of Henry T. and Angelina (Mills) Kerns, natives of North Carolina. Their family consisted of nine children, six of whom are living, as follows: Mary E. was twice married, her present husband being Mr. Flemming, and by this marriage she is the mother of seven children, and resides in Oswego, Kan. ; Elizabeth J., the wife of Ezra Whipple, a resident of this count}', is the mother of two children; Loretta J., the wife of Joseph Davis, a resident of this county, is the mother of six children; Mahala J. ; James W. is married and resides in Minnesota; his family consists of five children. Ella J. was twice married, her present husband being Mr. Hann, a native of Germany; she has one child by her first marriage, and they reside in Kansas. Our subject and wife became the parents of seven children: Maranda A., horn Oct. 26, 1875; Hattie May, March 5, 1877; Sarah E., Sept. 12, 1878; Mary, May 7, 1880; Absalom J. Aug. 16, 1882: Andrew Lee, Jan. 3, 1884, and William P., Aug. 14, 1886. Mr. Honn purchased the land where he now resides Nov. 1, 1880, and took pos- session of the place with his family in the following year, and has since carried on a successful business in farming there. With his wife he is a member of the Christian Church. In politics he always votes with the Democratic party. -i **- -v- R. SAMUEL D. GARDNER, who for many years has been farmer and physician combined, and in each department more than ordinarily successful, first opened his eyes to the light near Bowling Green, Warren Co., Ky., on the 27th of March, 1822. He is the sec- ond child of Asa B. and Amelia (Bowles) Gardner, natives of Virginia. His paternal grandparents were Thomas and Sarah (Ford) Gardner, also na- tives of the Old Dominion. The parents of his mother died when he was a child. The Gardner family, as well as the Fords, were of Scotch- Irish ancestry, and located in Kentucky during an early period in its history. Asa B. Gardner occupied a farm in Warren County, and was engaged mostly in raising tobacco. The mother died in 1843, and the father, after his second marriage, lived to a good old age, passing away in 1877. The subject of this history pursued his early studies in a log school-house in his native county, and began teaching when eighteen years of age. This, however, he followed only a short time, but afterward clerked in a dry-goods store. When twenty-six years of age he began the study of i . 348 COLES COUNTY. 1 medicine under the instruction of Dr. John Austin, of Morgantown, with whom he remained three years, and subsequently entered the office of Dr. Withers at Dripping Springs, about seven miles from the Mammoth Cave. Here he commenced practice, and a year later, in 1 853, came to Illinois. He located first in Paradise Township, where he taught school and practiced medicine, and also made the acquaintance of Mrs. Margaret Clarke, to whom he was married in July, 1855. This lady- is the widow of Willis H. Clarke, and the daughter of Dr. John and Sydney (Hanson) Apperson, na- tives of Virginia. They lived for two years fol- lowing in Paradise Township, near the limits of the town, where the Doctor had secured possession of :i snug home, and where he taught school when the community was healthy, and practiced medicine in the sick season. In 1857 Dr. Gardner, desirous of changing his location, purchased 1 44 acres of improved land in Mattoon Township while it was inhabited principally by wolves and other wild ani- mals. . This purchase was brought about on the occasion of a hunting expedition, which led him into that section and which has remained his resi- dence until the present. During the progress of the Mexican War, Dr. Gardner was anxious to distinguish himself as a Federal soldier, but on account of the loss of an eye occasioned by the bursting of his gun in a deer hunt during his visit to his home in 1845, he was of course rejected. He has now almost entirely given up his practice, and confines himself to superin- tending the labors of his farm, where he raises roadster horses, of Lexington and Eclipse blood. Dr. Gardner, "upon first beginning to exercise the right of suffrage, voted with the old-line Whigs, but upon the abandonment of that party cast his lot with the Democrats. In former years he was connected with the Baptist Church, but there be- ing no church of that denomination in this locality, is not identified with any religious denomination. Mrs. Gardner belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. They became the parents of five children, three now living, namely, John Asa, Harry and Margaret. The Doctor _has been a man of note in his community, and one interested in the moral and intellectual welfare of its people. He has served as Road Commissioner and School Director, and while in his native State was Circuit Clerk and Deputy County Clerk. MOS RICE, a prominent farmer and stock- grower, resides on the old Rice homestead, located on section 22, North Okaw Town- ship. He was born in Vigo County, Ind., and is the son of Amos and Sarah (Compton) Rice. (For history of parents see sketch of Amos Rice.) Our subject passed his early life at home, where he was associated with his father and brother in con- ducting the farm, each receiving one-third of the profits. One of the strong characteristics of the family is their attachment to home ties and home interests, and Amos Rice never worked away from home at any period of his life, living on the home- stead at the time of his father's death. He then divided the land and stock with his brother, and the old homestead fell to his lot. It includes 240 acres of improved land and twelve acres of timber in the vicinity. After the death of his father, Amos Rice was married, Dec. 24, 1867, to Miss Sarah C. Checkley, the sister of his brother's wife. Of this union there are five children, all of whom reside at home. Their names are, Lucinda Isabell, William G., Sarah C., Clara Josephine and Jennie Letitia. Mr. Rice is strongly attached to the old homestead, and car- ries on a successful business in farming and stock- raising there, giving special attention to graded Short-horn cattle, Norman horses, and Poland hogs. In politics Mr. Rice is a Democrat of the Old Jacksonian school. He never seeks official prefer- ment but is interested in educational affairs, and serves as School Director most of the time. ALPH JEFFRIS, a resident of Pleasant Grove, is one of the rising young men of Coles County, and the sou of one of its i pioneers. He was born Jan. 30, 1860, in Coles County, and is the son of John and Mary (Vandeveer) Jeffris. John Jeffris was born in Coles County, Jan. 6, 1831, and is the son of ^^^ COLES COUNTY. 351 Thomas and Patsey (Shelton) Jeffris. He was reared on his father's farm, enjoying such privileges as the pioneer days offered, and in the spring of 1859, was united in marriage with Miss Mary Van- deveer. She was born March 1, 1836, in Orange County, Ind., and is the daughter of Lovel and Mary Yandeveer. After his marriage, Mr. Jeffris settled on the place where he now resides, on section 10, Pleasant Grove Township. His estate contains over 320 acres of valuable land all of which is well improved. He carries on an extensive farming business, giving special attention to stock-raising. Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffris have a family of five children : Ralph ; Bell, the wife of William Walker; Herschel, Isaac and Abbie; Isaac married Miss Alice McCartney, and lives in Kansas. Mr. Jeffris is a Democrat in politics, and has served as School Director. Ralph Jeffris passed his boyhood and youth at home, receiving in the meantime, an excellent edu- cation at the common schools and at Lee's Academy. Jan. 17, 1882, he was married to Miss Martha E. Anderson. She is the daughter of James and Lu- cinda Anderson, and was born in Coles County, Jan. 28, 1863. After his marriage, he located on section 15, Pleasant Grove Township, where he now resides. His estate contains 100 acres of valu- able land. Mr. Jeffris is an active, enterprising young man, being interested in the public affairs of the com- munity, and has already served as Supervisor, Col- lector and School Treasurer. His wife and himself are both members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. They have two beautiful children Stella and Roscoe. In politics, Mr. J. is a Republican. W. PHILHOWER, a member of the firm f/U\\ of D. N. Harwood, Son & Co., dealers in hay and seeds, is one of the substantial business men of Mattoon. He was born October 17, 1836, in Clermont County, Ohio, and is the son of William and Lucinda (Snj'der) Philhower, the former a native of Hunterdon County, N. J., and the latter of Seneca County, N. Y. His great-grandfather, Adam Philhower, in about the year 1745, at twelve years of age accom- panied an elder brother to America, running away from his home and parents in Germany, to encoun- ter an adventurous life in the New World. He set- tled in New Jersey, where he married, and sub- sequently, with his son John, eighteen years of age, served seven years in the Revolutionary War, un- der Gen. Washington, and during the entire period of his service never received the slightest wound. After passing through many adventures and vicissi- tudes in Colonial life he died in New Jersey. His son, Jacob, emigrated to Clermont County, Ohio, iu 1815, accompanied by hiswif^and eight chil- dren. They passed the remainder of their lives in that county, engaged in farming. William Philhower made the journey to Ohio with his parents, and passed his early life on his father's farm, assisting in the farm labor, and re- ceiving a common-school aducation. He was born April 16, 1811, and his wife was born April 11, of the same year. His marriage occurred in 1830, at Clermont. He carried on an extensive farming business there, owning 100 acres and also renting additional land. In 1854 he removed with his family to Richland County, 111., and there purchased 476 acres of land. His death occurred two years later, while on a visit to the old home and friends in Ohio. His widow survived until in April, 1882, when her death occurred. There were fourteen children in the parental family, ten of whom grew to maturity, and. of. whom the following is a record : Paulina, the wife of Mr. Finn, of Richland County, 111. ; Eliza, the wife of Mr. Hiskey, a resident of Gibson County, Ind.; Sarah J., the wife of Mr. Baldwin, a resident of Greene County, Mo. ; A. W., the subject of this sketch; Mary A., the wife of Mr. Turney, a resi- dent of Clinton County, Ohio; Catherine, the wife of Mr. Clark, a resident of Gibson County, Ind.; Jacob W., a resident of Shelby County, 111.; Dewy M., a resident of Pekiu, 111. A. W. Philhower was reared on his father's farm, where he remained, receiving a practical education and assisting in the various departments of farm labor, until twenty-five years of age. He then en- gaged in railroading in Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa, being employed in the construction de- T *=f 352 COLES COUNTY. partment. He was also contractor for laying sixty miles of railroad, which is now a part of the W.i- bash road. He was occupied in this business four- teen years, and then for eight years was proprietor of a hotel in Windsor, Shelby County. During the latter part of his residence in Windsor, Mr. Phil- hower was engaged in the hay business. He then re- moved to Mattoon and formed his present partner- ship. The capacity of the barn belonging to their establishment here is 1,000 tons, and the firm is en- gaged in shipping to Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and many other points. In 1860 Mr. Philhower was married to Miss Han- nah McKinney, the daughter of James McKinney, of Clennont County, Ohio. In 18(J1, Mr. Phil- hower served as Deputy Sheriff of Richland Coun- ty, and since his residence in Mattoon has served as Assistant Supervisor, and also Alderman, rep- resenting the Fifth Ward. He is a Republican in politics and belongs to the Masonic fraternity and the Knights of Honon In presenting portraits in this volume of leading and representative citizens of Coles County, we are pleased to include that of the gentleman whose life is briefly outlined above. He is a man who enjo.ys the esteem of a multitude of the best people of the county, and one whose business judgment and sagacity are unquestioned. ;ILL1AM D. JONES honorably represents one of the early pioneer families of Coles County, owning an estate containing 165 acres of well-improved land located on section 29. Lafayette Township. He is the son of William R. and Eliza P. (Threlkeld) Jones, and was born Nov. 21, 185(5, in this township. William R. Jones was the son of John Dumas and Sarah (Blackburn) Jones, and was born Aug. 12, 1808, in Harrison County, Ky. His boyhood and youth were passed in his native State, but possessing an enterprising and active temperament, lie came to Illinois in 1831, but did not remain. He returned, however, in 1837 and settled in this county. Ele came with no capital, save willing hands and a brave heart, and applied himself closely to hard work, and his struggle with the perils and hardships of the wil- derness was for a time arduous in the extreme, but he was industrious and economical, and gradually acquired some capital with which to purchase more land and increase his business facilities. His efforts were crowned with success, and he became the owner of over 600 acres of well-improved land, and erected a substantial two-story brick residence, which was one of the best in the vicinity. Mr. J. always exercised a generous hospitality in. his home, and during the Civil War evinced his loy- alty by affording material assistance to the families of the soldiers who had left their wives and little ones at home to lay down their lives in the defense of the "Old Flag." In early life he was a Whig, but subsequently became a stanch supporter of the Republican party. He never made a public profession of his religious faith by becoming a member of the church, but was strictly moral and upright in his daily life, never forgetting in his business dealings and social relations the brother- hood of man and the precepts of the "Golden Rule." Mr. Jones was married twice. His first wife, Miss Eliza P. Threlkeld, was the daughter of Elder Thomas Threlkeld, and was a native of Kentucky. Their marriage took place in 1853, and after three brief-years she died Dec. 31, 1856, leaving two sons, Thomas T. and William D. In 1862 Mr. Jones was married to Miss Elizabeth Ewing. Mrs. Jones is the daughter of William and Louisa Ew- ing. One daughter was born to them, Sarah Louisa. Mr. Jones died April 6, 1879. and lies buried in Bethel Cemetery. His funeral services were attended by a large concourse of sympathiz- ing friends, who thus evinced the high esteem in which their departed neighbor and fellow-citizen was held. His widow still survives him, and re- sides in Mattoon. W. D. Jones has grown up with this township, where he was reared on his father's farm and re- ceived a good common-school education, and was also taught the practical details of farming by his father, who was active and diligent in all enter- prises. Before his final settlement in Illinois in 1837, he had frequently made trips to this State, purchasing hogs, which he drove to .Kentucky to COLES COUNTY. 353 fatten and feed for the market, one horse serving to convey him on thirteen trips. He has inherited his father's good judgment in business, and owns a fine farm containing 165 acres of well-improved land. Mr. Jones was married, Oct. 1, 1879, to Miss Cynthia A. Williams. Mrs. Jones is the daughter of Robert Elliott Yates Williams, and was born June 10, 1859, in Coles County. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have two interesting children, Franklin R. and Claude D. In politics Mr. Jones is a Repub- lican. EPHRAIM HARWOOD, a prominent farmer and stock-grower, resides on section 22. in the eastern portion of Pleasant Grove Town- ship, where he settled in the spring of 1865. Mr. Harwood was born April 20, 1827, in Franklin County, Ind., and is the son of John and Elizabeth (Carroll) Harwood, natives of Indiana, where his father died in 1 827, soon after the birth of Ephraim, leaving his widow with two little children : Leah, deceased, formerly the wife of Reuben Johnson, and Ephraim, the subject of this sketch. His widow subsequently married John R. Dickerson, her second marriage taking place in Franklin County, Ind., where, after several years the home circle was again broken, Mr. Dickerson dying, leav- ing his widow with four children Clarinda, Ezra, Sarah Jane and Elizabeth A., all of whom are living. Their widowed mother is still living, at the advanced age of seventy -nine years, and makes her home with her children. Ephraim Harwood, who was an infant at the time of his father's death, remained with his mother, and passed his early life on the farm. At the age of seventeen he commenced to work at the carpenter's trade, meeting with excellent success in that line of employment. March 23, 1852, he was married to Miss Hannah M. Teetor, who was born Feb. 29, 1836, in Butler County, Ohio, where the wedding took place. Mrs. Harwood is the daughter of Isaac and Mary (Moore) Teetor. Isaac Teetor was a farmer, born Jan. 7, 1809, in the State of New York. He was brought up to the tanner's trade, but has given his attention especially to agricult- lire, and is now a substantial farmer of Butler County, Ohio, where he has resided for more than forty years. Mr. Teetor has been twice married. His first wife, Mrs. Mary (Moore) Teetor, was born in 1813, in Butler County, Ohio, and died in 1847, leaving six children. His second wife, with whom he is now living, was Miss Mary J. Clawson, and by this marriage eight children were born. After his marriage Mr. Harwood resided in Hendricks County, Ind., where he was occupied at the car- penter's trade until 1 865. He then came to Illinois, and settled in Pleasant Grove Township, where he now resides, being engaged both at his trade and farming, and also giving special attention to stock- raising. His estate contains 218 acres of well-im- proved land, and is supplied with a good farm resi- dence. Mr. and Mrs. Harwood had a family of thirteen children, nine of whom are living, as follows: Mary E., the wife of A. J. Whisennand ; John Wes- ley, a resident of Fullerton, Neb. ; Charles F., a resident of Cumberland County; Frank L., a resi- dent of Coles County; Jesse L., a resident of I Cowley County, Kan.; James Allen, residing at home ; Isaac C., and Lillie Florence and Caroline Matilda, twins. Mr. and Mrs. Harwood are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which they are actively interested. The former has been a Class- Leader and has held several official positions on the Church Board. In politics Mr. Harwood is a Democrat and has served as School Director. He is one of the self-made men of the county, having commenced life a poor man, and has acquired his property by his industry and energy in applying himself to business. J" OHN JOHNSON, deceased, father of John, Irvin, William and Frederick Johnson, well and favorably known throughout North Okaw Township, was a gentleman of fine character, whose excellent personal traits had en- deared him to a large circle of friends and acquaint- ances. He was born in County Fermanagh, Ireland, Jan. 7. 1793, and departed this life at the home- I 354 COLES COUNTY. stead in East Nelson Township, Moultrie Co., 111.. Aug. 17, 1864. This family, who formerly spelled their name "Johnston," is of English ancestry. In about the seventeenth century, one branch of it emigrated to Scotland and thence to Ireland. The great-grandfather settled upon land in Fermanagh County, which was owned and occupied by three successive generations, the last representative being John Johnson, of our sketch, who sold it in 1850, and came with his family to the United States. The subject of this history was the son of James Johnson, also a native of Ireland, who farmed ex- tensively in his native county, where he spent his entire life. He married Miss Christiana Irwin, a native of the same county and the daughter of David and Jennie Irwin. She also continued with her husband a resident of County Fermanagh, where the remains of both were laid to rest in what is called Castle Archdall burying-ground. Their lives were ordered after the strictest principles of honor and morality, and they were for many years prominently connected with the Methodist Episco- pal Church. Their six children were recorded as follows: Margaret, who became the wife of James C. Woods, died leaving four children Jane. John, James and Anna; Man 7 became the wife of John Johnson, and both died leaving five children Arthur, Margaret, James, Irwin and Sidney; Jennie died when fifty years of age, and David in infancy ; John, of this sketch, was the fifth child ; Sidney married John J. Scott, and is living in Australia. John Johnson was educated in the common schools of his native county, and was principally engaged in farming, while a resident there. He was a man of more than ordinary business capacity, and established a country store about thirty miles north of Londonderry. He purchased his supplies in the fall of the year, and dealt largely in oats which he would buy, and, kiln drying them, would store them away for sale during the summer follow- ing. In about 1820 he purchased a set of looms and established a linen manufactory which he operated successfully several years. When twenty- seven years of age he was united in marriage with Miss Annie Bell, July 2, 1820, who was a native of the same count}' as her husband, and born June 1, 1800. Her parents were William and Margaret (Johnson) Bell, who also were born and spent their entire lives in County Fermanagh. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson became the parents of nine children, five sons and four daughters, and then, not being satisfied with their condition or their prospects, determined to emigrate to the New World. After making due preparations they sailed on the 13th of May, 185C and after a voyage of thirteen | weeks landed in New York City. They staid there with friends a short time, and then continued their journey by steamer to Albany, thence by canal to Buffalo, and thence by steamer again to Chicago, and then ' proceeded by canal to Peru, 111. A friend of Mr. Johnson had already located in Moultrie County, and thither Mr. J. determined to proceed. At Peru, however, no one could give him any information as to the whereabouts of Moultrie County, so he concluded to remain there until he could hear from his friend. He dis- patched a letter, to which he soon received an answer, and started at once with his family by wagons, in due time reaching his destination. As may readily be supposed the country was wild and practically uninhabited. Mr. Johnson rented 120 acres of improved land in East Nelson Township, upon which stood a house that had been used as a hotel and store, and which, with the land around it, was known as Juliann. This he operated upon one year, and then purchased and built up a comfortable homestead, which the parents occupied until their earthly labors were ended. The wife and mother departed this life, Feb. 19, 1863. The father survived about eighteen months. Their remains lie side by side in the Sullivan burying-ground. They had lived worthily and uprightly, and were sadly missed by a large number of friends and acquaintances who had regarded them as pillars of the church and members of the community whose places it would be difficult to fill. John Johnson was a man sin- gularly gifted with those characteristics which have kept his memory green in the hearts of all who knew him. As a husband and father he was rarely , affectionate and indulgent, as a friend, generous to a fault, and as a citizen, kind, hospitable and charit- able, generous to the poor and a liberal and cheer- COLES COUNTY. 355 ful contributor to the support of religious and educational institutions. The property in Moultrie County is still retained by his children. The household circle of John and Annie Johnson was completed by the birth of eleven children, of whom the record is as follows: Arthur, born Sept. 15, 1821, married Miss Rebecca J. Caldwell, and emigrated with his family to the United States in 1875, twenty-five years after the arrival of his father here ; he is now the owner of a farm in North Okaw Township. William is made the subject of a biography on another page in this work; Christiana, born Aug. 15, 1825, is living with her brother, Frederick; Isabella, born in 1827, is the wife of John A. Warren, a resident of Texas; James, born Jan. 19, 1831, was killed by the explosion of a boiler, May 26, 1883; Irvin was born March 26, 1832, and the principal points of his history are given in his sketch on another page; Margaret, born in 1837, is living with her brother, Fred- erick ; John and Frederick are treated of elsewhere in this ALUVM; Jane, who was born in 1845. died Sept. 28, 1855, and one child died unnamed in infancy. R. J. S. GARNER, who for the last twenty- two years has been a successful practicing physician of the village of Salisbury, owns a well-improved farm of sixty acres ad- joining the village, and is a prominent citizen of that locality. He is a native of Russell County, Ky., born Oct. 14, 1831, and comes from an ex- cellent North Carolina family. The paternal grandfather of our subject, Paris Garner by name, was a native of North Carolina, and spent the greater part of his life in his native State. He was there married to Miss Lydia Ann Curtis, a native of the same State, and they became the parents of seven children, namely, Francis; Paris, Jr., the father of oar subject; Curtis, Nancy, Per- melia, Lilly Ann and Henry. These are all deceased. Grandfather Garner was active and enterprising in character, and previous to the War of 1812, visited Pulaski County, Ky.. where he purchased a tract of land. Upon the coming on of the war he shouldered his musket and served as u soldier all through the conflict, and died when within three miles of his home, while on his return there after receiving his honorable discharge. His wife had died three years before. Their son, Paris, Jr., the father of our subject, was the second born, his birth taking place in North Carolina in 1801. He left his native State with his parents and located with them in Pulaski County, where he was reared to manhood and re- 'ceived a good common-school education. He was but twelve years old at the time of his father's death, and was then taken by his uncle, Vincent Garner, with whom he remained until his marriage. The maiden of his choice was Miss Sarah L. Pierce, who was born in 1806, and became his wife in 1822. Her parents were James and Elizabeth Pierce, natives of Kentucky. The elder Garner after his marriage purchased a tract of land in Russell County, Ky., which he occupied and culti- vated with marked success until 1840, then selling out purchased 800 acres in Wayne County, and be- came the owner of twenty slaves, by which means his land was cultivated and improved. He put up one of the finest residences in that section, also a grist and saw mill and a large distillery, and re- mained a resident there until 1860. That year he purchased a valuable farm in Grayson County, which remained his final residence. While on a visit to his son-in-law. Charles King, of Hart County, Paris Garner was seized with fatal illness and passed away in February, 1866. His wife survived him for a period of nineteen years, her death taking place in Wayne County, Ky., in 1885. Both were devoted members of the Baptist Church. Paris Garner held the various offices of his county, including those of Sheriff and Assessor, and was in all respects prominently identified with the business and agricultural inter- ests of the Blue Grass State. The children of the parental household were named respectively, Curtis, James P., Lettice B., Sarah A. ; J. S., of our sketch; Mary Elizabeth, Martha F., John P., Sarah and Jane. The latter two are deceased. The subject of our history, who was the fifth child of his parents, remained under the home roof until nineteen years old, receiving the benefits of the common school and gaining a good insight 356 COLES COUNTY. into the labors of the farm. His taste, however, lay in a different direction, and he commenced the study of medicine under the instruction of J. S. Pierce, of Lancaster, Ky., with whom he remained two years and then attended a course of lectures at Louisville. He commenced the profession as the partner of his tutor, and six months later, going into Wayne .County, practiced there until 1860. Thence he removed to Grayson County and purchased a farm of eighty acres. He did not abandon his practice by any means, but ex- tended his professional duties into Breckinridge County, where he also purchased another tract of land, comprising 120 acres. Dr. Garner was a strong Union man, and during the summer of 1863, while the Rebellion was in progress, recruited Co. K, 48th Keutuclcy Mounted Infantry, of which he was tendered the commission of Captain, but preferred that of First Lieutenant, and served with this rank about eighteen months. He was subsequentl}' appointed .Surgeon of the regiment. He did not hide himself from danger behind his professional duties, but was present with the balance of the regiment at the various battles and skirmishes encountered by the Army of the Cumberland, and at the surrrender of Lee received his honorable discharge, and was mustered out in December, 1864. After the war ended Dr. Garner returned to Breckinridge County, Ky., and during February, 1865, sought the Prairie State and began practice at Salisbury, where ho has since remained. His life has been one of energy and activity, and he has witnessed with unabated interest the growth and development of one of the most promising of the Western States. The marriage of Dr. Garner and Miss Minnie E. Roberts was celebrated on the 24th of April, 1854, in Wayne County, Ky., at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Garner was born in the latter- named county, and is the daughter of Squire and Penelope Roberts, also natives of the Blue Grass State. Her father died in Wayne County, in 1861, and the mother in 1883. They were members of the Baptist Church and the father was Justice of the Peace for a number of years in his township. The record of the seven children of Dr. and Mrs. Garner is as follows: Marietta, born Aug. 11, 1858. was married to John D. Muncy, a farmer of Finney County, Kan. ; Emma A., born Aug. 12, 1859, is the wife of G. M. Roberts, of Meade County, Kan.; John P. L., born Feb. 21, 1861, married Miss May C. Davis, and is engaged in farm- ing in Ashmore Township; Minnie M., born Dec. 27, 1866, is at home; Viola B., born March 9, 186!) ; Edwin M. S., July 9, 1871, and Lulu M., Oct. 5, 1873, are at home with their parents. The Doctor and his wife are regular attendants of the Baptist Church at Salisbury. He is a stanch Republican, politically, and socially, a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Lodge No. 698, at Diona. F OHN M. MOFFETT is one of the substan- tial farmers and stock-growers of Ashmore Township, located on section 28. He was born Sept. 20, 1835, in Augusta County, Va., and is the son of James and Sarah (Mitchell) Moffett, natives of Virginia. James Moffett was born July 13, 1809. He came to Illinois in 1838 and engaged in farming. His death occurred in 1880. He had received a superior education in his native State and spent several years of his early life in teaching. He was married four times, his first marriage occurring March 13, 1831. His wife was born March 3, 1808, and her death occurred April 7, 1844. Five children were born to them, whose record is as follows : Betsy A. married John Wright; Harvey C. died at the age of twenty-five; John M., our subject; Sarah V. married Robert Wright; Cynthia J. married C. C. Howerton. The family were all members of the Presbyterian Church. Harvey C. belonged to that branch called the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. James was married the second time, to Miss Margaret J. Mitchel, but their married life was of short dura- tion. Not long after her death he married Miss Sarah Shumaker, who died leaving no children. His last marriage was to Miss Eva A. Walters, and three children were born to them George V., Burley S. and Amanda B. John M. Moffett lived with his parents and passed his childhood and youth in attending the common school during the winter season, and in the summer COLES COUNTY. 357 assisting his father in the various branches of farm labor. His first purchase of land was made in 1863. when he invested in a small farm of forty acres. He has gradually added to this, until he now owns a fine estate containing 150 acres of valuable laud. His attention has been especially given to raising graded stock. Our subject was married, Jan. 26. 18(10, to Miss Lydia J. Brooks. She is the daughter of Archibald and Nancy (Powell) Brooks, and a native of this county, born Jan. 25, 1834. (For the history of her parents see sketch of Archibald Brooks.) Mr. and Mrs. Moffett had a family of seven children, only three of whom arc now living. Their record is as follows: Kate A. died at the age of eight- een years; James A., Joseph A., Diadama and Maria J., twins; the latter died at the age of ten weeks. Nancy P. died at the age of eighteen months, and Benjamin M., at the age of two years. Mr. Moffett is interested in all affairs calculated to benefit the township and county, and has for two years held the office of Commissioner of High- ways. He is prudent in business affairs and holds a life policy for $2,000 in the Temperance Order of Royal Templars. His life has been consecrated to the service of Christ from boyhood, he becoming a member of the Presbyterian Church when nine- teen years of age, and is now one of its Elders. iNDREW J. WHISENNAND, a prominent farmer and one of the self-made men of Coles County, resides on section 20, Pleas- ant Grove Township, near Campbell. He was born April 3, 1839, in Monroe County, Ind., and is the son of John and Lucinda Whisennand. John Whisennand was born Nov. 10, 1810, in Vir- ginia. When a boy his parents left their Eastern home and moved to Indiana, where his earl}' life was passed, and his marriage to Miss Lucinda Wright took place. She was a native of that State, born in 1817. Late in the autumn of 1848, Mr. Whisennand removed with his family to Illinois, and purchasing land in Cumberland Conntj', he was engaged in farming there until 1855, when he sold out his interests and removed to Collin Coun- ty, Tex., where they passed the winter and were well pleased with the country. But circumstances caused them to change their plans, as Mr. Whisen- nand had sold his property in this State on time, and a financial panic was threatening, so he returned with his family to Illinois in order to attend to his business interests. In the adjustment of affairs, he finally decided to remain, and made his permanent home in Cumberland County, near the limits of Coles. Mrs. Whisennand was removed from her home and family by death Oct. 15, 1865. She was the mother of four children, two now living An- drew J. and Semilda, the wife of James E. Phipps. Mr. Whisennand subsequently married Mrs. Sus- anna (Bradford) Matthews, and by this marriage four children were born, two of whom are living John C. and James. After the death of his second wife Mr. W. was married to Mrs. Sarah Russell. In politics, Mr. Whisennand was a stanch sup- porter of the Democratic party, and filled several local offices, giving general satisfaction to the people in the discharge of his public duties. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and his death occurred at the homestead in 1881. Andrew Whiseunand was a child when his family removed to Illinois. He was reared on his father's farm in Cumberland County, where he acquired a practical knowledge of agriculture, and also re- ceived a good common-school education. Feb. 4, 1869, he was married to Miss Mary A. Best, and subsequently removed to Coles County, and settled in this township, on the farm where he now resides. Within a few years after his marriage, the home circle was broken by the death of his wife, who died June 8, 1877, leaving four children Cora, Lizzie, Willie and Mary. Jan. 19, 1878, Mr. Whisennand married Miss Mary E. llarwood, the daughter of Ephraim and Margaret Hai wood. Mrs. Whisennand was born Dec. 18, 1852, in Butler County, Ohio. They have no children. Mr. Whisennand has acquired his property through his own exertions, and is the owner of nearly 200 acres of well-improved land, with ex- cellent farm buildings. He gives special attention to stock-raising, in which he has been very success- ful. In politics, he is a Democrat, and has served T 358 COLES COUNTY. in some of the local offices. Mr. and Mrs. Whisen- uand differ in the outward form of their religious faith, the former being a member of the Cumber- laud Presbyterian and the latter of the Methodist Episcopal Church. THOMAS T. JONES was born Oct. 12, 1854, in Lafayette Township. He is the only brother of William D. Jones, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume; they re- side near each other, and a strong fraternal regard exists between them. Thomas was reared at home, where he received a good common-school educa- tion, and assisted his father in the various branches of farm labor. He was married, Sept. 11, 1878, to Miss Rosa Clark. Mrs. Jones is the daughter of G. P. Clark, and was born in 1860, in Lafayette Township. They have an interesting family of four children Robert, Estelle, Carrie and Earnest. Mr. Jones is the owner of a fine estate containing 250 acres of land, all of which is well-improved and cultivated. In conducting his farm he gives special attention to stock-raising. RS. MARY S. TRAVER, the widow of William Henry Traver, late of Charleston, is pleasantly located on a fine farm of 114 acres, a part of which lies in the city limits, and which through the industry and excellent judg- ment of her late husband, comprises a valuable and beautiful homestead and assists largely in embellish- ing the landscape of Charleston Township. Mr. Traver, a native of Schenectady County, N. Y., was born June 11, 1843, and was the son of William and Maria (Reese) Traver. also natives of the Empire State. William Traver was a farmer by occupation but later engaged in mercantile pur- suits at Brooklyn. The son, Henry, was reared on the farm until fifteen years of age, in the mean- time receiving a fair education in the common schools. He then engaged as clerk in a wholesale grocery store in Brooklyn, where he remained two and one-half years, after which his employer sent him to Canada to sell fruit. He remained in the Dominion one year, and returning to New York engaged as clerk in a jewelry house. Subsequently he returned to the fruit business and also dealt in flowers. Upon the outbreak of the Rebellion Mr. Traver enlisted in the 176th New York Infantry, and fol- lowed the life of a soldier for over three years. His career in the army was creditable in the ex- treme, and he fortunately escaped injury and im- prisonment by the rebels. After receiving his honorable discharge he returned to his native State, where he engaged in business for a short time, but in 1865 decided to make his home in the West. He first located in Clark County, this State, near the town of Marshall, and engaged in the rais- ing of broom corn, which he shipped East at a good profit. Two years later he came to this county and engaged in the manufacture of brooms at Charleston, which he followed the remainder of his life. His death occurred at the family homestead on the 7th of August, 1878. The marriage of William H. Traver and Miss Mary S. Parker, of Charleston, took place in the spring of 18G8, at the residence of the bride's par- ents in Charleston Township. Mrs. T. is the daugh- ter of Daniel and Dorcas (Heath) Parker, who were natives respectively of this county and North Caro- lina. Mr. Parker engaged in fanning the greater part of his life and was County Surveyor for many years. His father, Benjamin by name, was one of the pioneers of Coles County, and owned a large portion of the present site of the city of Charleston. He met his death while on his way to Texas in 1869, being killed by the Indians. The parents were married in 1845, and there were three chil- dren John H., Mary S., and Martha, now Mrs. J. P. Phillips. The farm of Mr. Parker in Charleston Township embraces 360 acres. The mother re- mained on the homestead seven years after the death of her husband, and passed away in 1876. Both parents were devout members of the Method- ist Episcopal Church, and greatly respected for their excellent qualities of mind and heart. Mr. and Mrs. Traver early in life united with the f LIBRARY OF THE :>!:'VF-RSITY OF ILLirO'S RESIDENCE OF 1 . W.SAI N -,SEC. 6. MORGANTOWNSHIP. ',; RESIOINCE or LLiAMs.SEc.6. MUTTON TOWNSHIP. f COLES COUNTY. 361 Presbyterian Church, with which the former con- tinued until his death, and with which the latter is still connected. Socially Mr. T. belonged to the Odd Fellows, and Mrs. T. is a member of the Royal Templars Society. They became the parents of three children Lelia, Ortoii, and Guyella. The lat- ter is deceased ; the others are at home. ELLIOTT YATES WILLIAMS, a worthy descendant of one of the early pio- neer families of Coles County, and a promi- citizen of Lafaj'ette Township, was born March 1, 1815, in Grayson County, Ky., and is the son of William L. and Mary (Gannavvay) Williams, natives of Virginia, who removed to Kentucky at an early day and thence to Illinois in 1829, and were among the earliest settlers of Lafay- ette Township, which, at the time of their adVent was a primeval wilderness, surrounded by tribes of hostile Indians; its vast, lonely prairies, covered with tall, rank grass, abounded with wolves and deer, and beasts of prey lurked within the shade of its forests. It was a hazardous enterprise to face the perils of frontier life at that early day, and the few settlers who were hardy enough to venture there were widely separated and almost entirely isolated during the long cold winters. William L. Williams was twice married. His first wife died in Kentucky, leaving a family of twelve children, all of whom, with one exception, attained maturity. Only two, however, are now living Robert, the subject of this sketch, and Louisa, now Mrs. William Ewing. His second wife was Mrs. Catherine (Keller) Van Meter, their marriage taking place in Coles County, and three children were born to them, one of whom is now living- Martha, the wife of Myron Ferguson. Robert Williams was about fourteen years of age when his father moved to Illinois, and while there is much to interest and employ a boy of that age in pioneer life, it is a period when he can ill afford to forego the advantages of education, and Mr. Williams has keenly felt in later life his depriva- tions in that respect. He possesses, however, an intelligent, progressive mind, and by close applica- tion, and the improvement of every opportunity within his reach, keeps himself well informed in re- gard to all the topics of the day, and is especially well-read in history. His elder brother, John, served in the War of 1812, and as Robert was born in 1815, he was named after the Captain under whom his brother served, and from that incident received the appellation of " Captain," which has clung to him through life, and he is generally known as ' Capt. Williams." Mr. Williams was married, May 31, 1831), to Miss Mary A. Van Meter. Mrs. Williams is the daughter of John and Catherine Van Meter, and was born July 10, 1817, in the State Of Kentucky. Our subject and wife have a family of six chil- dren John W.. Leagon, Robert E., Melissa C., Thomas and Cynthia C. Melissa is the wife of Samuel W. Balch, and Cynthia is the wife of Will- iam D. Jones. Mr. Williams has given his atten- tion to agricultural pursuits throughout his life, and was the owner of a fine estate containing 400 acres of valuable land, until it was divided among his children. Mr. Williams was a Whig ii4*fearly life, but has been a stanch Republican since the or- ganization of that party. He is a public-spirited man, and has held many local offices in the town- ship, giving general satisfaction in the discharge of his duties. He became a member of the Methodist Church at the age of twenty-five, and through life has been an earnest worker within the fold of that religious body. JOSEPH McNEEL, who is occupying a good farm on the northeast quarter of section 28, is comparatively a young man, and accounted I/ one of the most worthy citizens of Seven ^=^> Hickory Township. He was born on the home- stead of his parents, Dec. 18, 1848, and remained under the parental roof until the death of his father. March 23, 1862. Afterward he continued with his mother, and remained her support and counselor, taking upon himself the management of her affairs, and performing with great credit the filial duties as- 362 COLES COUNTY. signed him. The mother is still living, making her home with her sou Joseph. Our subject received a common-school education, and after reaching his majority was united in mar- riage, March 30, 1881, with Miss Rosa L. Cook, a native of Monroe County, Ind. The wedding took place at the residence of the minister, Rev. Louis Lauman, east of Charleston. Mrs. McNeel came to Illinois with her parents when a young girl, and they settled at Mattoon, whence they afterward re- moved to Hutton Township. Her father, John Cook, was a native of Germany, and his wife, Har- riet (Wiseman) Cook, of Monroe Co., Ind. The chil- dren of the parental household were Rosa, George M., Emma, Elizabeth, Kittie B., Hattie, Hannah, and one child, Jacob, who died in infancy. The children of Mr. and Mrs. McNeel are: John Benja- min, born March 25, 1883, and a babe, which did not live to receive a name. The farm of our sub- ject embraces 200 acres of good land, and is largely devoted to stock-farming, including Clydesdale horses and fine grades of Short-horn cattle. The parents of our subject, Benjamin and KleaiHl: (Fowler) McNeel, were natives respectively of Ohio and Tennessee. After marriage they set- tled in Coles County, 111. Joseph, of our sketch, was their eldest son; Albert was born Aug. 9, 1850; Daniel Webster, Jan. 15, 1852; Irwin was born in 1854. and died in 1855; William S. is a resident of this township; Elizabeth May became the wife of A. R. Bridges, and is also a resident of this town 7 ship, being the mother of two children Ethel and William; Benjamin H., born April 4. 1862, was married to Miss Anna Baulch, and is now engaged in teaching in this county. M. JENKINS, who for a number of years was one of the most successful merchants of Charleston, is now retired from active business and enjoying the fruits of a well-spent life, in a handsome home on Washington street, of which he has been in possession since 1861. The family residence is a fine brick structure, and its surround- ings are those of a prosperous, refined and intelli- gent citizen. Mr. Jenkins was born in Putnam County, Ind., July 1. 1832, and is the son of J. M. and Nancy (Martin) Jenkins, natives of Lexington, Ky. The paternal grandfather of our subject, Elijah Jenkins, was a native of Virginia, of German descent, and followed agricultural pursuits. He became a resi- dent of Kentucky at an early period in its history, and was there married and reared a fine family of sons and daughters. He died in Putnam County, Ind., at the age of ninety- three years. Among his children was the father of our subject, who, follow- ing in the footsteps of most of his ancestors, took naturally to farming, and also perfected himself as a business man, engaging for a number of years as a builder and contractor. He was but a child when his parents became residents of Indiana, and remained there the balance of his days, his death occurring after he had reached an advanced age. in 1883. The parental family of our subject included seven children, four now living, namely, Mary J., Mrs. Parks, of luka, Kan.; William M., of our sketch; Elijah A., a resident of Charleston, and Samantha, the wife of William H. O'Neal, and a resident of Putnam County, Ind. The wife and mother passed to the other life in the spring of 1848. William M. Jenkins remained with the family on his father's farm until twenty years of age, in the meantime receiving a practical education. He commenced teaching when eighteen years old, which occupation he followed three years, then en- gaged as a clerk at Putnamville, Ind., one year. He then resumed teaching for a brief time, after which he entered the store of T. W. Williamson, of Greencastle, with whom he continued five years and gained a good insight into general merchan- dising. Mr. Jenkins became a resident of Charleston in the fall of 1859, and in company with his brother Elijah A., and T. W. Williamson, established a business in general merchandise, in which the three continued for two years following. Mr. William- son then withdrew, and our subject and his brother continued the business until 1865. They then sold out to Wilson Bros., and in two weeks re-estab- lished with a new stock and continued until the summer of 1880. William M. then sold out to his brother and the son of the latter, and retired T t COLES COUNTY. 363 from business to enjoy his justly earned compe- tency. Mr. Jenkins since taking up his residence in Charleston has been one of its most energetic citi- zens, and has identified himself with the interests best calculated to build up the city and minister to the welfare of its people. Me is still one of the stockholders of the Second National Bank, also a Director, and was identified in former years with the First National as a stockholder. His influence and means assisted greatly in the establishment of the Charleston Hotel, and the plank road, which runs ten miles into the country, and was of great assistance to travel, would scarcely have been com - pleted to its present distance without his material aid. He has also an interest in the Charleston Creamery, and in the Narrow-Gauge Railroad, and is one of the moving spirits in the stock company which has been engaged in developing the coal mines north of the town. Charleston hopes in time to be lighted by natural gas, and Mr. Jenkins, in compaii} 7 with other enterprising citizens, has risked considerable in this venture. The lady who has been the worthy sharer of the home and fortunes of our subject since the spring of 1857, was formerly Miss Elizabeth, the daugh- ter of Benjamin and Catherine (Skelton) Jenkins, natives of Kentucky. The father of Mrs. J. for many years engaged in farming in Indiana, and then removed to Illinois. He resided, however, but a short time in the Prairie State, then returned to Indiana, whence he afterward moved across the Mississippi to Nebraska, where he now resides. He and his estimable lady reared a family of seven children, five now living, namely, Sarah, Mrs. Ward, of Louisville, Neb. ; Elizabeth, Mrs. Jen- kins; Elijah, of Greenwood, Neb.; Emily, Mrs. Bias, of Missouri, and Columbus, of Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were not blest with chil- dren, but reared two belonging to a sister of Mr. J. His sister Elizabeth became the wife of Rev. B. Garten, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and at present a member of the Indiana Conference. Of their daughters, Myra became an inmate of the home of our subject when a little girl two and one-half years of age, and continued there until her marriage with S. M. Tooke, of Charleston; she had three children Stella; Will- iam, deceased, and Lizzie. Stella went to live with Mr. and Mrs. J. when a child of eighteen months, and remained with them until her marriage with J. M. Davis, of Omaha, Neb.; she has one daugh- ter, Myra. Mr. Jenkins has always given his undivided sup- port to Republican principles, and socially belongs to the Knights of Honor. He and his wife are ex- emplary members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The great-grandfather of our subject, David Martin, was born in the North of Ireland about the year 1725 or 1728, and married a Miss Allison, by whom he had seven children, four sons and three daughters. He emigrated to this country, and served as a minute-man in the Revolutionary War, being in a number of battles. His son William, our subject's grandfather, married Mary Ann Cook, a daughter of William Cook. The latter in the time of the war between France and England, was on a vessel of marque and reprisal, which captured a great many merchant vessels belonging to France. At the close, of this war he came to the United States and served seven years in the Revolutionary War, under Washington. He then returned to the old country, and it is uncertain when or where he died. Grandfather Martin and wife were born in Augusta County, Va., where they were married, and in the fall of 1805 moved to Kentucky, thence, in 1826, to Putnam County, Ind. 1J. MONFORT, deceased, formerly a leading citizen of Pleasant Grove Township, was one of the pioneers of 1836. He was born May 11, 1812, in Henry County, Ky., and subsequently re- moved to Owen County, where :he was married June 13, 1833, to Miss Mahala A. Marston, a native of Shelby County, Ky., born Oct. 11, 1813. In 1836 Mr. Moufort moved with his young wife to Illinois and settled in Coles County, near the head- waters of the Kickapoo River, and a few years later located on section 1 , Pleasant Grove Township, and gave his attention to farming. Prior to his removal to Illinois, Mr. Monfurt had 4* 364 COLES COUNTY. suffered financial losses from fire, and on his arrival in Coles County was the owner of only about $100 worth of property. He had received a fair educa- tion for the early days, and engaged in teaching- school at IIC per month. He always shouldered his gun, and on his way to and from the log school- house shot the prairie chickens, which were very abundant. These served for food, and his econom- ical wife saved the feathers, and thereby procured some pillows and a feather-bed, which added ma- terially to the household comfort. Mrs. Monfort was a most industrious and careful .housewife, making the best use of her time and the meager opportunities within her reach, to aid her husband in all the duties and trials of pioneer life. She was skillful in the use of the spinning-wheel and loom, and manufactured a large amount of cloth. Be- sides supplying her own family with clothing, she sold 150 yards of jeans each year, during a period of twenty-five years. Mrs. Monfort looked well to the ways of her household, while her husband in- vested his money in land, which he cultivated and improved. Their first abode was a log cabin, and the rude couch upon which they rested at night, wearied with the toils of the day, was a bedstead made of poles, and the cradle in which the babies were rocked to sleep, was manufactured from a log split lengthwise and hollowed out. Their industry and energy, however, were rewarded with success, and in about the year 1 855 the log cabin gave place to a comfortable frame house. This was subsequently destroyed by fire in 1859, and Mr. Monfort then erected a substantial two-story brick residence, which was the first of its kind in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Monfort had a family of ten chil- dren born to them, six of whom are living, as fol- lows : Eliza Jane, the wife of J. D. Karris, Sr. ; Martha M., the wife of John P. Harrah; William H., John N.; Mary A., the wife of William R. Robinson, and Joseph A. The children were all born in Coles County with the exception of the eldest. Mr. Monfort was very successful in business and became the owner of nearly 700 acres of valuable land. The family continued to reside on the farm until 1 ss;5, when, desirous of resting from the cares of business, they removed to the city of Charles- ton, to pass the closing years of their lives in the enjoyment of ease and prosperity. In June, 1883, they celebrated their golden wedding, at which an- niversary nearly every member of the family was present, besides a large circle of friends, who took pleasure in offering their congratulations, and also numerous valuable presents, to a family so beloved and respected. This happy reunion was a fitting scene for the closing years of a long life of honor and usefulness. Mr. Monfort died Jan. 13, 1885, and his bereaved widow did not long survive him, her death occurring May 13, 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Monfort were active in promoting the moral and religious interests of the community ; they were members of the Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Monfort was an Elder, and for more than forty years the teacher of the Bible class. On his removal from the place the class presented him with a gold-headed cane, in token of their affection and respect. In politics, Mr. Monfort w?.s an active supporter of the Democratic party, and was for some years a prominent member of the Patrons of Husbandry. Tw, OHN W. DOTY, the owner of a fine estate containing 155 acres of valuable land in Charleston Township, was born March 7, 1832, in Lafayette Township, Coles County, and is the son of James and Mary (Teel) Doty. (For history of his parents, see sketch of James Doty.) He was reared on his father's farm and re- mained at home, assisting his parents until he was twenty-three years of age. July 12, 1855, he was united in marriage with his cousin, Miss Melinda Doty, the daughter of Levi and Matilda Doty. After his marriage our subject purchased forty acres of his present farm and with his young wife moved into the log cabin, which stood there await- ing its new occupants. Thej' were rich in courage, hope and good health, if not in this world's goods, and happy in beginning the world together '' for better or for worse." He subsequently added to his farm as he was prospered in business, until he acquired his present fine property. There were some minor improvements on the original purchase, ^ ' t COLES COUNTY. 365 and with the exception of a few acres of timber land it is now all under good cultivation, and he carries on an extensive business in general fanning. His wife died in 1857, leaving one son, James Marion, who married Miss Emma Parker, of West- field, this State, Dec. 24, 1879, and to whom two sons were born: Clarence A., born Dec. 5, 1880, and Lyman L., April 8, 1880. Sept. 1, 1858, our subject was married the second time, to his cousin, Miss Amanda Doty, the sister of his first wife. Five children were born to them, only two of whom are now living: Sylvia E., now the wife of Joseph Monfort, and Candiee A. Mr. Doty is interested in the public affairs of the com- munity; he has been School Director twenty-five years, and is now serving his fourth term as Justice of the Peace. He is a Democrat in politics, and has always given satisfaction to the people in the discharge of his public duties. CT=7?OLLICOFFER O'HAIR. The subject of the following history has been identified with the farming interests of Central Illinois for a period of twenty-three years, and has assisted in building up a homestead creditable to himself as an industrious and enterprising agriculturist, while it has also added greatly to the farming interests of this section, and enters largely into the embel- lishment of the rural district. He assists in carrying on the home farm for his mother. Mr. O'Hair was born on the homestead, Oct. 5, 1863, whence his parents removed shortly afterward to Simms Town- ship, five miles south of Paris, in Edgar County, where they remained about seven years. At the end of that time they came back, remaining three years, and then returned to PZdgar County, residing there three years, finally returning to the homestead where they still live. James Sylvester O'Hair, the father of our sub- ject, was born in Morgan County, Ky.. Aug. 22. 1822. and came with his parents to this State when a small boy. He was the eldest of their ten chil- dren, and when coming here the country was practi- cally unsettled. His father entered a tract of land from the Government, but on account of ill-health, not long afterward sold out and took possession of a tract which had been partially cultivated, remov- ing with his family into one of the first houses built in the township and which was replaced by the present more modern dwelling. He was first mar- ried July 5, 1846, to Miss Minerva Ann Ellidge, of Kentucky, and they became the parents of three children, namely, Sylvanus S., who died Nov. 22. 1876; Arminta Ellen, a resident of this county, and Cynthelia Jane, who lives in Clark County, 111. ; she is the wife of Mahlun Beunst. The mother of these children died of typhoid fever, Dec. 8, 1860. Mr. O'Hair was again married, April 18, 1861, to Miss Polly Ann Frazier. a native of Clark County, 111., where she was reared and educated. Her father, Thomas Frazier. a native of Kentucky, was married in carty manhood to Miss Anna Stark, and they became the parents of nine children, three sons and six daughters, as follows: Louisa M., John, James William, Polly Ann, Catherine, Emily Jane. Re- becca E., Emetine and Thomas R. Of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. O'Hair there were born three children, namely, Zollicoffer, Will- iam Pierce and James Frazier. William is farming near Eureka, Kan., and James is occupied on the home farm with his brother, our subject. This is the property of Mrs. O'Hair, and the boys live with their mother and assist her in the manage- ment of the farm. The father died at their farm in Edgar County, 111.. April 16, 1875, at 8 o'clock in the morning. He is buried in the old family graveyard on his father's homestead. Mr. Zollicof- fer O'Hair met with a serious accident on the 5th of April, 1887, having his leg broken just above the ankle which laid him up for some time, but from which he now bids fair to recover. JOSEPH A. MONFORT is the youngest son of I. J. Monfort, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume, and resides on the old homestead in Pleasant Grove Township. He is one of the rising young men of the county, and well represents an old- and honorable family. He is a native of this county, and was born Jan. 22, 1850. He was reared on his father's farm, 366 COLES COUNTY. where he learned the practical details of systematic farming, and also received an excellent education at the common schools of the neighborhood, and at Lee's Academy. Mr. Monfort was married, March 7, 1878, to Miss Sylvia E. Doty. Mrs. Monfort is the daughter of John W. and Amanda Doty, and is likewise a na- tive of Coles County. Mr. and Mrs. Monfort have one child, a beautiful daughter named Candice. He is the owner of 210 acres of land, and carries on a successful business in agriculture. TIOMAS T. SHOEMAKER, one of the most prominent farmers and stock-growers of Humbolt Township, has a fine estate located on section 24, of, which he has been in possession since the spring of 1879. His property consists of a handsome and substantial residence, and all the out-buildings required by the progressive and in- telligent agriculturist. The fields are conveniently laid off, enclosed with good fencing, and the out- buildings are finely adapted for the storing of grain and the shelter of stock. Mr. Shoemaker usually keeps about seventy-five head of Short-horn cattle, which include calves, cows and breeding bulls, comprising one of the finest herds in this section of the country, all the animals which are of the required age being regis- tered in the American Herd Book. At the head is " Antiquarian," a two-year-old, who with his mate " Acklen Geneva" (Rose of Sharon), form a couple of which their owner is proud. Mr. S. has 100 head of Poland-China hogs and the same number of fine wool Southdown sheep, acd in both depart- ments has distinguished himself as a breeder of more than ordinary success. He also feeds cattle to a considerable extent, and each year ships a car- load of choice animals to the Eastern markets. The farm of Mr. Shoemaker embraces 632 acres of valuable land in a fine state of cultivation. He is provided with the latest and most improved ma- chinery, and has five fine barns which are all util- ized in the shelter of his grain and stock. The water necessary on so large an estate is carried to the places required by a force pump, operated by wind power. The subject of our sketch is a native of this county, born in Lafayette Township, Sept. 14, 1847, and the son of Samuel and Martha (Woods) Shoemaker. His parents were natives respectively of North Carolina and Kentucky. Samuel Shoe- maker was born in 1812. and removed from his native State with his parents when a small boy to Virginia, where he was reared on his father's farm until reaching manhood. He came to this comity in 1 834, locating on a farm near Charleston, and became one of the most highly respected citizens of this locality, esteemed as much for his kindness of heart as for his admirable business qualities. He departed this life at his home in Lafa3'ette Township in December, 1867, amid the universal regret of the community. The mother had pre- ceeded her husband to the silent laud, her death taking place in 1863, when she was forty-five years of age, having been born in 1818. Thomas Shoemaker was the fourth of a family of six children, his brothers and one sister being Franklin, James O., Lilburn D., Mary and Charles. He spent his early years on the farm of his parents, and when twenty-four years of age was united in marriage with Miss Emma Reat. Their wedding occurred at the home of the bride's parents in Charleston Township. Aug. 31, 1871. Mrs. Shoe- maker is a native of this county, born Oct. 18, 1850, and is the daughter of John W. and Sarali (Liuder) Reat, natives respectively of Ohio and Virginia. Mr. R. came to this county in 1837, and engaged in farming on the homestead where his death took place in 1883. The mother makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker. Our subject and his wife have become the parents of seven children Estella, Harry R., Theodora, John E., Joseph T., Katie, and an infant who died un- named. As an important factor of the agricultural com- munity, Mr. Shoemaker has been identified with its interests for many years, serving as President of the Coles County Agricultural Board, and giving his experience and influence for the benefit of his co-laborers in a field whose success largely influ- ences the welfare of the entire country. Both he V COLES COUNTY. 307 \ and his estimable wife are connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church at Wesley Chapel, and socially, Mr. S. belongs to Elwood Lodge No. 299, A. F. & A. M. His homestead is one of the most attractive spots in the landscape of this county, and forms no unimportant adjunct to its reputation and prosperity. i EV. SILAS WHITE, who for the last thirty- five years has worthily officiated as a min- ister of the Church of God, in connection ) with agricultural pursuits, in the vicinity of Charleston, is widely and favorably known in this section as an individual possessing all the ele- ments of a kindly Christian character, whose days have been filled with industry and usefulness. He is now passing down the hill of life a life that has had many sorrows, but has also held many joys and pleasures. His history, briefly narrated, is in sub- stance as follows: Mr. White was born in Wayne County, Ind., March 3, 1818. and is the son of Asa and Polly (Lewis) White, natives respectively of North Car- olina and Kentucky. The parents were married in the Blue Grass State and not long afterward be- came residents of Indiana, being among the first settlers of \Vayne County, where they engaged in farming pursuits. In 1840 they set out for Illi- nois, and coming to this county the elder White rented a tract of land which he occupied until 1861. He then removed to Douglas County, where his death took place during the war. Both parents were devoted members of the Baptist Church, and reared a family of eight children. Rev. Silas White was reared on the farm, receiv- ing such education as is afforded in the district school, and remained under the parental roof until seventeen years of age. His father then gave him his time, and he learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked in connection with farming, and gave to his father a portion of his earnings. He thus followed the life of an exemplar}' and dutiful son, and when twenty-two years of age took the first step toward establishing a home and domestic ties of his own. This was his marriage with Miss Mary J., daughter of Solomon Boone, and whom it is supposed was the grairl -niece of the famous Kentuckian, Daniel Boone, who so delighted in fighting the Indians during the pioneer days. Mrs. White was born at Pickaway Plains, Ohio, in about 1822. - After their marriage the young people located upon a farm in Wayne County which our subject rented for one year, and from which he removed in 1842, to this county. Here he entered 120 acres in Hutton Township, and having saved quite a sum of money from his former earnings, was en- abled to purchase the land when it came into mar- ket. He occupied this until the spring of 1844, in the meantime laying off the grain fields and pasture lands, building neat and substantial fences, and im- proving the property with good farm buildings. Upon the homestead thus established he continued a resident for over forty years, and was then ad- monished by declining strength that he must rest. He accordingly rented his farm, and purchasing a snug home at Charleston, repaired to it with his estimable wife. Mr. White added to his first pur- chase of land until he became the possessor of 250 acres, which constitutes one of the finest farms in that section of country. The children of Rev. Silas and Mrs. Mary J. White included five sons and five daughters, of whom only two sons survive. The elder of these, Monroe, married Miss Mary Hall, and they have six daughters Sarah F., Hannah A., Millie H., Lucy E., Sarah J. and Charity E. Isaac married Miss Josephine Sandoe, and is the father of three children Zat'cheus Boone, Emma M. and Effie E. When Mr. White caine to this county he settled in the timber, and the howling of wolves and panthers was often heard in the night around their cabin home. There were plenty of deer and wild turkey, and the family always enjoyed the luxury of wild meat. The first dwelling was a hewed-log house, 22x18 feet, which was well built and consid- ered very fine for those days. , Of this Mr. White was the main carpenter and builder, getting out his lumber by means of a whip-saw, by which he also manufactured his flooring, doors and window cas- ings. The next business was to clear the ground around it, and the first year he succeeded in get- i , . 368 COLES COUNTY. ting ten acres in a good state of cultivation. The next spring he put in a crop of corn and wheat, the former of which brought but fifteen cents per bushel and the latter thirty-seven and a half cents. He pursued the even tenor of his way thus year after year, welcoming with pleasure the little faces that came one by one to the household circle, and bending with sorrow over the many graves which contained the forms of his loved ones, most of whom died in early childhood. Mr. White commenced his labors as a Christian minister in 1850, and was ordained two years later. He often recalls the time when lie traveled through the country from one appointment to another, and the kindly manner in which he was treated by the pioneers, who, living partially isolated, were always rejoiced to welcome the face of a friend. He re- ceived a rich reward for his labors in witnessing the salvation of souls, and was the humble instru- ment in turning many from the errors of their ways. For these services he required not money, glad if lie could accomplish something for the Master, and now while nearing the close of a long and useful life he has the satisfaction of being able to look back upon his years as well spent, and upon a life which has not been in vain. S. McDONALD, manufacturer of tile and brick near Lerna, is a prominent citizen of Pleasant Grove Township, and an honorable representative of one of the pioneer families of Illinois. He is the son of Rev. John and Nancy (Means) McDonald, and was born Aug. 1, 1849, in this county. Rev. John McDonald was born near Wheeling, W. Va., and in early manhood removed to Ohio, where he studied theology, and was ordained to the ministry of the Presbyterian Church. At an early day. in about 1830, he be- came oneof the pioneer ministers of Illinois, count- ing it no loss in the service of the Master to leave behind all the comforts of civilization, and en- counter the hard, rough life of an early settler on the Western frontier. The temples of worship at that period were usually the log cabins, used as school-houses; these were used as chapels during the winter season, and in the summer time divine worship was held in the groves, arched by the blue dome of heaven. Mr. McDonald was untiring in the work of pro- moting the cause of Christ in the wilderness; he preached at Urbana, Charleston, Paris, and had charge of many minor points, establishing churches wherever it was practicable. As nearly all of the settlers at that time were poor, the pioneer minister was obliged to provide for his own necessities, and like St. Paul, who was engaged in tent-making as well as preaching the Gospel, Mr. McDonald en- tered land in Pleasant Grove Township, and has by his industry and energy made a comfortable home for himself, at the same time pursuing earn- estly his work in the ministry, to which cause his time and talents were devoted until old age. Mr. McDonald was interested in all the vital questions of the period in which he lived, being earnest and pronounced in his opposition to slavery, and never hesitating to express his views on that subject. He was a loyal and conscientious citizen, and always attended the general elections, easting his ballot in favor of such measures as his judgment deemed right. Mr. McDonald was called home from his earthly labors in 1866, having reached the age of sixty-nine years. His wife was born in Adams County, Ohio, but her parents had removed to Illinois at an early day, and her marriage took place in Edgar Count}'. She was a faithful, devoted wife, and a true compan- ion to her husband in his life-work of self-sacrifice and toil. Her death occurred in 1880 at the age of sixty-seven 3*ears. Rev. and Mrs. McDonald were the parents of thirteen children, nine of whom at- tained maturity. The following is their family record: William N., deceased; Mary E., the wife of Rev. R. G. Ross; Eliza, the wife of George Coen; Ann, the wife of Hon. Joseph Ewing: Eliza- beth, the wife of John Paisley ; Newell S., the sub- ject of this sketch; Sarah, the wife of R. L. Ew- ing; Chalmers and John. William N. was a volun- teer in the Civil War, and served as First Lieuten- ant of Co. I, 123d III. Vol. Inf., until the close of the war. Newell S. McDonald was reared on the farm, affording his father assistance during his boyhood, < VB COLES COUNTY. 369 and receiving such education as the common schools at that early day afforded. He was thought- ful and intelligent, making the best use of his lim- ited advantages, and was subsequently a graduate of Lee's Academy at Indian Point. In the autumn of 1869 he left the farm, and for a period of five years was a faithful and trusted clerk in the em- ploy of the Wabash Railroad Company, at Attica, Ind. On account of failing health he was then obliged to relinquish his position, and accordingly returned to Coles County, and engaged in farming and grain-dealing. However, the five years of his residence at Attica proved an important epoch in his life, for he there made the acquantance of his future wife, Miss Mattie Love. Their marriage took place Dec. 23, 1873. Mrs. McDonald is the daughter of Calvin and Abigail Love, and was born in Miami County, Ind., May 25, 1853. Left an orphan at r an early age she was reared by kind friends, and when a young girl of seventeen, learned the art of telegraphy, at Peru, Ind., not wishing to be dependent longer upon others for sup- port, and subsequently became the operator at At- tica. She is an accomplished lady, an affectionate wife and devoted mother. Their family consists of four interesting children Nellie, Charles, Louis and Birdie. In 1882 Mr. McDonald engaged in his present enterprise, which proved successful, and as the business increased he formed a partnership with his brother, John T.. under the firm name of McDon- ald Bros. Mr. McDonald owns a well-improved farm of eighty acres, on which he resides, and in politics is a stanch supporter of the Republican party, having served five terms as Supervisor of the township, and performing his public duties credita- bly to himself, and giving general satisfaction to his constituents. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and by a dispensation from the Grand Master of the State, his lodge elected him Master before he had ever served as Warden, a distinction rarely con- ferred. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald are active mem- bers of the Methodist Church. They are courteous and hospitable in their home, which is supplied with all the comforts of life, and are deeply interested in the education of their children, in whom they may justly take great pride. IN. GIBBS, proprietor of a flourishing sale and livery stable at Mattoon, is a gentleman in the prime of life, and carrying on a successful busi- ness. He has been buying horses and mules since 1861, shipping to the Eastern markets, besides to New Orleans, La., and Natchez, Miss. He has dealt largely in horses for cavalry and artillery use, and is an excellent judge of this noblest of animals. Mr. Gibbs is a native of this county, born in Pleasant Grove Township, Jan. 8, 1841, and is the son of Homer and Laura (Meedham) Gibbs, natives of Kentucky, who came to this State before their marriage, their wedding taking place in this county. The paternal grandparents of our subject, Elijah and Elizabeth Gibbs, were natives of Virginia, whence the former removed at an early day to Ohio, and from there to Illinois in about 1825. He served as a soldier in the Mexican War, holding a Captain's commission, and afterward purchased a large tract of land in this county, where he spent the remainder of his life, being located near the Kickapoo Church, about seven miles southeast of Mattoon. Homer Gibbs learned the carpenter's trade early in life, but afterward engaged in farming, and de- parted this life at his home in the spring of 1879. The mother's death took place seven years previ- ous, in 1872. The parental household included nine children, eight living: I. N., of our sketch, and his brother John M. (twins), William, Elijah; Catherine, Mrs. Ferryman, of Missouri; Margaret, Mrs. Edson, of Missouri; Elizabeth and Martin, of Memphis, Tenn. The parents were members of the Baptist Church, in which the father was an Elder. He was prominent in the local affairs of his township, and Supervisor while living in Moultrie County. The subject of this biography spent his boyhood and youth in the rural community, receiving a practical education in the district school. He re- mained a member of the parental household until twenty-two years of age, and then coming to Mat- toon engaged in the livery business, in which he was successful from the first, and now has the largest stable in the city. This covers an area of 107^x55 feet, and is a brick structure, erected in 1871. The greater part of it was destroyed by fire eight f i 370 COLES COUNTY. years later, involving a loss to Mr. Gibbs of $1,200 beyond the insurance. He recovered from this disaster, however, and besides his rolling stock and fifteen to thirty horses, has a fine farm embracing 220 acres in Monltrie County. Mr. Gibbs was married in Moultrie County, 111., in 1862, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Joseph H. and Orena (Davis) Munson. Mrs. G. was born in the latter-named county. Her parents were natives of Kentucky and early settlers of Moultrie County, where they engaged the greater part of their lives in agricultural pursuits. They are now deceased. LBERT H. HUCKABA, proprietor of 134 acres of good land on section 7, Charles- ton Township, has been a resident of this county over thirty years, coming here when a youth of seventeen. He is a native of the Prairie State, and was born in Clark County, Feb. 21, 1835. His parents, Lewis and Margaret J. (Evans) Huckaba. were natives of North Carolina, whence they removed after their marriage to Orange Count}', Ind., at an early period in the set- tlement of that region. They did not tarry there long, however, but soon afterward came to Illinois, locating on a tract of land in Clark County, where they were engaged industriously in building up a home for themselves and their children, and where they remained for a period of thirty-five years. The death of both took place near Martinsville, and they left quite a valuable estate, which was di- vided among their children. Of these there were nine, namely, Miles; Nancy, the wife of John Brad- bury; Lucinda, now the widow of Robert Landon; Clariuda, the wife of S. Spraker, deceased ; Rachel, the wife of Morris Meeker, of Clark County, 111. ; Martha, the wife of A. C. Landon; Lewis R;. a member of the 5 ( Jth Illinois Infantry, and who died at Nashville, Tenn., from wounds received in bat- tle, and Alfred, who has been connected with the Medical Institute at Indianapolis for a period of twenty-five years. The subject of this history, in common with his brothers and sisters, received a common-school education, and followed railroading from 1852 to 1854. He was married in the spring of the latter year to Miss Mary J., daughter of Samuel Lum- brick, the wedding taking place at the home of the bride in Charleston Township. Mrs. H. is also a native of this county. After their marriage the young people located first in Charleston Township, and two years later Mr. Huckaba purchased eighty acres of laud there, to which he subsequently added until he became the owner of 134 acres. He has given forty acres each to two children and has fifty-four left. His land was unimproved when he took possession of it, but is now under a good state of cultivation and supplied with substantial frame buildings. A view of the place is shown on another page of this work. The children born to our subject and wife are Samuel L., James A. ; Ida M., the wife of Alex Conley; Daniel, B. M., Margaret E., Dora E., Al- bert O., Edward O. and Clarence H. The parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. H. has served as Assessor ten terms, and has also officiated as Constable and Deputy Sheriff. He is an uncompromising Democrat, politically, and has unswerving faith in the correctness of the prin- ciples of his party. OHN RUTHERFORD, sou of one of the old and honored pioneers of East Oakland , Township, is Cashier of the Oakland Na- '((g;// tional Bank, and a gentleman of good busi- ness abilities, now in the prime of life, and occupying a good position among the people who have known him since a boy. Oakland is his native town, and the date of his birth June 21, 1844. His parents were Hiram and Lucinda (Bowman) Rutherford, natives of Pennsylvania. His father was born Dec. 27, 1815. Mr. Rutherford remained a member of the parental household until twenty-three years of age, and after completing his education in the common schools, embarked in the mercantile busi- ness at Oakland, in which he was employed for five years, and then becoming a stockholder and Direc- tor of the Oakland National Bank, was elected Cash- ier, and has held the position since 1874. He was COLES COUNTY. 371 married, April 4, 1882, to Miss Kate Nash, a native of Rappaliannock County, Va., and born Sept. 2, 1844. She is the daughter of Henry and Susan (Nethers) Nash, both also natives of the Old Dominion. Henry Nash was born in 1795, and died in his native State in 1852. Mrs. Rutherford was the youngest of her father's family, he having been married three times. The mother of Mrs. R. was his second wife, and was formerly Mrs. Nethers. Of this union there were born John, Henry C. and Kate. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford are Eva L., born June 16, 1883, and Hiram J., Jan. 27, 1887. Our subject and wife occupy a fine residence in the village, and Mrs. Rutherford is a member in good standing of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. R. has been identified with the Masonic fraternity for a period of eighteen years, and has 1'epresented the fraternity in the Grand Lodge at Chicago many times. Politically he is a Republican of the first water, and both in business and social circles is held in high regard by the best people of Oakland. He fulfills the duties of his responsible position with credit to himself and satisfaction to all con- cerned. H. RECORD, a senior member of the firm of Record & Co., manufacturers of drain tiling, is one of the prominent business men of the county, and a leading citizen of Charleston. The history of his life is specially instructive, inasmuch as it throws some light upon the vexed question of " how to get on in the world." Mr. Record shrewdly foresaw the demands for tiling in the present improved methods of farm- ing, and ingeniously turned his attention to its manufacture. To be able to discern the golden opportunity leading to success, and to grasp it at once, is a rare faculty, and one much to be desired. S. H. Record is the son of William S. and Mar- tha (Said) Record, and was born Dec. 16, 1847, near Falmouth, Ky. His father was a native of Tennessee and his mother of Ohio, their marriage taking place about 1840, in Kentucky, where he was engaged in farming. In 1857 they removed from Kentucky to Illinois and purchased a farm in this township, where they passed the closing years of life. His father retired from active business in 1863, and resided in Charleston until his death, which occurred in 1868. His mother died in 1864. Their family comprised nine children. S. H. Record was brought up on his father's farm, receiving a practical education, until he was twenty- one years of age. He had been trained to no special trade or profession, and after leaving the home roof, engaged for a time in whatever employ- ment he could procure. In 1871 he was employed as clerk in the drug-store of Andrew Moore of this city, and remained in the business six years. In 1877, in company with his wife and sister, he embarked in his present manufacturing enterprise, commencing in a small way. Their works, which consisted of one kiln and a building 20x80 feet, were located in the northwestern part of the city. The business has proved very successful, and they now operate four kilns; their buildings are 30x500 feet and they employ fifteen men in the works, turning out $15,000 worth of stock per annum, half of which is shipped, and a ready market is found for the remainder in the vicinity of Charles- ton within a radius of eight miles. In 1874 Mr. Record was united in marriage with Miss Lizzie Emerson, the daughter of Judge Charles and Nancy (Herrold) Emerson, of Decatur. They have an interesting family of seven children, whose names are as follows: May, Clara, Myrtle, Frank, Lou, Belle and Florence. Mr. Record is a Republican in politics, a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Knights of Honor. >ILLIAM A. G1LMER, who, with his fam- ily, resides on section 8, in North Okaw Township, has been a resident of this county for the last seventeen years. His first recollections are of Russell County, Va., where his birth took place April 22, 1843. His father and grandfather had always been residents of that region, where both were born. The latter spent his entire life in Russell County engaged in farming pursuits, and departed this life the same year that our subject was born. He was three times married. I f 372 COLES COUNTY. The first wife became the mother of six children, and after her death, Grandfather Gilraer made a division of his land among his four sons, giving the daughters their portion of the property in hard cash. lie was at that, time the owner of 1,440 acres of land and a large number of slaves. Of his second marriage there were born five children, and at the death of his second wife he made another division of his property, thus wisely settling his estate so there could be nothing for his heirs to quarrel over. Of his third marriage there were no children. His son William, by the first wife, be- came a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Isaac, the third child, became the father of our subject. Isaac Gilmer was born in Russell County, Va., in December, 1800. He was educated in the sub- scription schools of his native county and remained under the parental roof until the death of his mother. He received for his share of the property the home farm, the father removing to another part of the county. Isaac Gilmer did not marry until forty years of age, and then took for his wife Miss Mary Hendricks, their wedding taking place in the spring of 1840. Mrs. Gilmer was also born in Russell County, Va., and was the daughter of Anderson and Elizabeth (Scott) Hendricks. Isaac Gilmer spent his entire life on the homestead where he was born, his death taking place in 1876. The mother still lives and occupies the old homestead. She is now well advanced in years and has retained her mental faculties remarkably. For many years she has been an active and devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The twelve children born of the parental union were: Martha, Will- iam A., of our sketch; Elizabeth; James K. P., who died when nine years of age; Anderson, Thomas, Mary, Rebecca, Isaac A., Annie, George and Carrie. All are residents of the Old Dominion with the ex- ception of our subject and his sister Mary ; the latter is the wife of McCagha Philips, and resides in Kansas. Three of the daughters are at home with their mother. Our subject was educated in the common schools of his native county and remained with his parents until eighteen years of age. Then, upon the out- break of the Rebellion, he enlisted in Co. G, 29th Va. Vol. Inf., under command of Gen. Longstreet, serving three years and until the close of the war. Afterward he returned to his father's house and assisted in the farm work on the homestead until the fall of 1867. He then turned his steps north- westward, and taking up his residence in North Okaw Township, this county, worked one year by the month. He was married in September, 1870, to Mrs. Emeline Stewart, who was born in this county, Nov. 28, 1838, and is the daughter of Henry and Jane (Jesse) Fuller. Her parents were born in Russell County, Va., her father April 1, 1792, and her mother April 19, 1796. They were reared in their native county and married there Jan. 20, 1814. Eighteen years later they emi- grated to this State, and taking up their residence in North Okaw Township, continued here the re- mainder of their days. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller were people who enjoyed the highest respects of the community and were among the warmest supporters of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Henry Fuller was Justice of the Peace for several years, and took a genuine in- terest in the various enterprises having for their object the welfare and progress of the people at large. The household circle included eleven chil- dren, namely, Samuel, Rebecca, Mary, Abraham, Catherine, Nancy, Archer, Wilson V., Leah, David H. and Emeliue. With the exception of Mrs. Gilmer, all were born in Virginia. All lived to years of maturity, but only three are now living Nancy, Leah and Emeline. At the time of her marriage with our subject Mrs. Gilmer owned ninety acres of land and a set Of farm buildings which she occupied, and which had been the property of her second husband and her father's estate. She was first married to Milton Jackson, of Coles County, and became the mother of four children Henry B., Samuel J., William W. and Milton M. Her second husband was Anderson Stewart; of this union there were no children. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer presents a picture of plenty and comfort. The residence, which is a substantial frame structure, and a view of which is presented in this work, stands back from the road in the midst of a fine natural grove, which affords delightful shade in the summer and a COLES COUNTY. 373 shelter from the cold winds of winter. The house- hold has been brightened by the birth of five chil- dren, as follows: Mary .T. was born July 19, 1872; Nancy C., Feb. 14, 1874; Charles II., born Oct. "21, 1876, died Jan. 9,1879; Emma M. was born Nov. 2, 1878, and Albert R. A., Nov. 10, 1883. Mr. Gilmer is a stanch adherent to the Democratic party, has represented his township in the County Board of Supervisors two terms, has been Assessor one term, and School Director for the last twelve years. eHARLES M. DOLE, a highly respected resi- dent Of Mattoon, is a native of Terre Haute, Ind., where his birth took place May 24, 1826. He is the seventh in a family of ten chil- dren born to Enoch and Harriett P. (Dexter) Dole, a sketch of whom will be found elsewhere in this volume. Our subject spent the greater part of his time during his childhood and youth on the farm of his father in Indiana, and came to Illinois in 1851, when about twenty-five years of age. He first engaged with his two brothers trading in cattle and hogs, which he followed quite successfully until 1852, having no permanent residence. In the fall of the yea,r mentioned they all settled on section 7, Mattoon Township, where they kept "bachelor's hall," and lived together until the marriage of the brother, Stephen D. In 1874 or 1875 the brothers divided their land and farmed separately. Charles M. Dole was one of the original platters of the town of Mattoon, and at the close of the war engaged there in banking. He was President of the First National Bank for a period of ten years and was otherwise identified with the most im- portant business interests of the place. In company with his brother he built the "Dole House," the largest hotel there, besides the Dole Opera House and many other prominent buildings in the city. He was thus engaged industriously until the fall of 1880, when advancing years admonished him that it would be wise to retire to a more quiet life. He accordingly moved to his farm on section 4, Mat- toon Township, where he has since been a resident -4* and is farming, enjoying all its comforts and the esteem and confidence of many friends. The marriage of Charles M. Dole and Miss Mary Palmer, of Clinton, Ind., took place at the home of the bride in 1849. This lady fell a victim to the cholera scourge one year later, leaving an infant son, Frank D., who now occupies a farm near that of his father. At the time of his sad affliction Mr. Dole was living in Terre Haute, where he and his brother wore engaged in the livery business. Our subject several years later, in 1861, was again mar- ried, Miss Charity A. Blackman becoming his wife. This lady is the daughter of Remember B. and Lois Blackman, who were among the pioneer set- tlers of Edgar County, this State, and were num- bered among the most highly respected members of the farming community. To Mr. and Mrs. Dole there were born two children, Charles E. and Mary B., both still at home with their parents. R. HIRAM RUTHERFORD, of Oakland, has been a resident of the Prairie State for over forty-five years, and soon after com- ing within its borders located on the spot which he now calls his home. As a physician he was remarkably successful in his practice, which he abandoned about fourteen years ago, having ac- cumulated a fortune, and is now the owner of 1,100 acres of some of the finest land in Central Illinois. He has for many years been prominently identified with the prosperity of Coles County, and has con- tributed his full share toward bringing it to its present condition. The early home of our subject was in Dauphin County, Pa., where his birth took place Dec. 27, 1815. He is the son of William and Sarah (Swan) Rutherford, also natives of Dauphin County, Pa. The father, born Aug. 4, 1776, was married to the mother of our subject March 17, 1801. He followed the occupation of a farmer all his life, accumula- ting a fair competency, and departed this life at the homestead in Pennsylvania, Jan. 17, 1850. The mother, who was born Dec. 25, 1779, survived her husband but two years, dying in 1852. Their ten fc .374 COLES COUNTY. children lived to become men and women, and were named as follows : John P. ; Martha, now de- ceased; Dr. William W., a graduate of Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia; Margaret; Sam- uel, who died in 1872; Sarah, the wife of Daniel Kendrick; Abner; Hiram, of our sketch; Mary, who died in infancy, and Cyrus G. The youth and childhood of Dr. Rutherford were spent on the farm in Pennsylvania, and his educa- tion was received in the common schools during the winter season. When eighteen years of age he took up the study of medicine, under the instruc- tion of his brother William, at Harrisburg, at which he continued three years, and afterward pursued his studies at Jefferson Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1838. His certificate dates back further than any physician's in Coles County. He commenced the practice of his profession in Likens Valley, on the Susquehanna, in 1838, whence he removed West two years later, and has since been a resident of this county. Since first coming here he has been identified with the local interests of Oakland, representing the township in the County Board of Supervisors seven years, officia- ting as School Director for several years, and being Township Treasurer thirty-five years. With this record further words are not necessary to illustrate the status of his position among his fellow-towns- men and the county at large. He was prominent in the organization of the bank at Oakland, of which he has been a Director for some years. Dr. Rutherford was bred by his excellent parents to principles of freedom and equal rights, and when old enough to exercise the rights of an American citizen, indicated his opposition to slavery by har- boring fugitives, for which, at one time (1847) he was sued for damages to the amount of'$2,500; this was non-suited, and another suit respecting the liberty of the slaves, resulted in a decision favora- ble to the _Doctor, who espoused their cause. Abe Lincoln was engaged in this case as opposing coun- sel. O. B. Ficklin and Judge Constable were the Doctor's attorneys. He began to vote when the old Whig party was in existence, casting his ballot with its followers, and upon the abandonment of the old party cordially identified himself with the Republicans, with whom he has since remained. In all the relations of life he has acquitted himself creditably, and is accounted as one of the finest representatives of the business and social element of that section. IASIL B. REDMAN has been a prominent figure among the farmers and stock-growers of Ashmore Township since the spring of 1859. He then located upon an uncultivated tract of land where is now his valuable farm of 160 acres, which he has brought to a fine state of culti- vation. He deals largely in high-grade Short-horn cattle and Norman horses. He has a handsome residence and other buildings, and is in all respects one of the representative men of an intelligent community. The farm is located on section 33, in the southern part of the township, and from its lo- cation and natural surroundings is one of the most desirable in that section. Mr. Redman is a native of the Prairie State, and first drew breath in Edgar County, Jan. 12, 1832. He is the son of Joseph and Lucy (Bennett) Red- man, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Kentucky. Joseph Redman was born about 1785, and came to Illinois in 1831. He lookup his abode in Edgar County, followed farming, and became a man highly respected among his fellow-citizens. He was a member of the Old Baptist Church, and was noted for his integrity and kindly Christian charc- ter. He served as School Trustee during the establishment of the first school in the county, and in all his dealings bore the reputation of an honest and straightforward citizen. He died in 1850, upou the homestead which he had built up in Edgar County. The mother survived her husband about four years, and was sixty years of age at the time of her death. She was a lady in every respect fit- ted to be the companion of her husband, and was a member of the same church. Their children were John, Vincent, Amanda; Solomon, now deceased; Harrison, Warder, Hilton, Eli, Lucy, Lancaster; Basil B., of our sketch; Mary, Emily and Joseph. Our subject was reared on the farm in Edgar County, attended the district schools during his cliildhood and youth, and early in life made himself T COLES COUNTY. 375 useful around the homestead. After passing his twenty-third birthday he married Miss Eliza J. Kester, the wedding taking place at the home of the bride's parents in Edgar County, 111., in Octo- ber, 1858. This lady died after becoming the mother of one child, Orson, who after reaching manhood was married to Miss Mary Corty, and is now fanning in Edgar County. Mr. Redman was the second time united in mar- riage, to Miss Matilda Cornwell, the ceremony tak- ing place at the home of the bride, Nov. 8, 1859, Rev. P. K. Honn, of the Christian Church, officiat- ing. Mrs. Redman, a native of Kentucky, was born May 11, 1837, and is the daughter of Hiram and Lucy (Toler) Cornwell, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Virginia. Hiram Corn- well was born in January, 1812, and his wife in 1820. He has followed farming all his life, and both parents are living, making their home in Ash- more Township. They are worthy members of society, and belong to the Christian Church. Their ten children were Ann, Mary, James, Bennett, Susan, George, Lucy, William, Dora and Missouri. Mr. and Mrs, Redman after their marriage, located on their present farm, which was then but a tract of uncultivated prairie. The wife has labored equally with her husband to build up the attractive homestead which now greets the eye of the passer- by, and where their children were born. Their eldest daughter, Annie, born in 1860, is now a resident of Ashmore Township; Emma, born July 31, 1861, was taken from the household circle by death on the 17th of April, 1876, when an in- teresting young girl fifteen years of age; Olive, born in 1862, died Aug. 7, 1877; Willie, born Sept. 27, 1866, married Miss Laura N. Zink, and is farm- ing in Ashmore Township; Alva, born Oct. 9, 1869, is still a member of the parental household. ENRY MOHLENHOFF owns and occupies a fine homestead in Humbolt Township, on section 22, of which he took possession in the spring of 1871. He has eighty acres of good land, thoroughly drained with tile, and im- proved with substantial fences and good buildings. He is regarded as a skillful and enterprising farmer, and a man taking a genuine interest in the welfare of the people around him. He has served as School Director for fifteen years, and Overseer of Highways eight 3 7 ears. Politically he affiliates with the Democratic party. The subject of our sketch was born May 6, 1841, in the Kingdom of Hanover, which is now a Province of Germany, and was the fourth child of his parents, John G. and Anna Adaline (Linnder- niann) Mohlenhoff, also natives of the Fatherland, where they were married and reared a family. In the fall of 1871 they embarked on a sailing-vessel from Bremen, and after a tedious ocean voyage landed in New York City. Thence shortly after- ward they proceeded westward, and taking up their abode in this county, purchased forty acres of im- proved land on section 15, Humbolt Township, where they spent the remainder of their lives. The father only survived about six years, his death tak- ing place in June, 1876. The mother died a few years later. Both were active members of the Lutheran Church, and are remembered by their children as people of the highest moral worth and entitled to their entire respect and affection. The household circle included William, Mary E. ; Henry, of our sketch; Anna and Elizabeth ; the eldest child died in infancy. The paternal grandfather of our subject, John Mohlenhoff, was also a native of Hanover, where he married and spent his entire life. His five children were named respectively: Henry; John G., the father of our subject; Elizabeth, Diet- rich and Catherine; all are now deceased. John G. was the only member of the family who emigrated to America. Our subject, in accordance with the laws of his native country, received the advantages of the common school, pursuing his studies continuously until he was fourteen years of age. Much of this time was spent at the home of his uncle, Dietrich Mohlenhoff, and at the age of fifteen he commenced working on the farm for himself, being thus em- ployed four years, and until embarking for the ! United States. He landed in New York City in the spring of 1869, and thence proceeded south to Nashville, Tenn., where he engaged with his brother William in market gardening, for two and one-half ^^p 376 COLES COUNTY. years. In the meantime he had accumulated a small sum of money, and in company with a part- ner, engaged in the grocery trade under the firm name of Peoples & Co. They continued together nearly two years, and then Mr. M. sold out his in- terest to his partner, to engage in the liquor trade. This, however, he also sold out shortly afterward, and then became clerk in a hotel at Nashville, where he continued until near the close of the late war. In 1865 he engaged as sutler's clerk in the 8th Kan- sas Infantry, until the regiment was mustered out of service. The following spring he rented a tract of land in Humbolt Township, of which he has since remained a resident. He has been greatly prospered in his farming transactions, and is ac- counted a reliable man and responsible citizen. Mr. Mohlenhoff was united in marriage in this county, with Miss Mary B. Steelbarr, the wedding taking place at the home of the bride April 1, 1869. Mrs. M. was born May 2, 1852, in Adams County, Ohio, and is the daughter of Charles and Mary (Copes) Steelbarr, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Ohio. The four children of this marriage were Anna; Charles W., who died in in- fancy ; Frederick and Mary. Mr. M. and his eldest daughter, Anna, are members of the Lutheran Church. J. RICKETTS, a practical printer, publisher and editor of the Ashmore Repub- lican, bears the distinction of being the youngest editor in the State. He was the founder of this journal, which was established March 27, 1886. The experiment of starting a newspaper in Ashmore after so many others had failed in the attempt, was one which required considerable nerve, and to be undertaken by a young man, even though his experience had been considerable in this line, indicated that he possessed more than ordi- nary self-reliance, and also a confidence in the re- spect of the people around him. He assured his friends in the business and social world that the Republican would continue as long as their pat- ronage would warrant. It was his aim to publish a clean and reliable journal, and a glance now at the flies of the Repub- lican would convince the casual observer that the expectations of its projector had been fully real- ized, for he believed in the intelligence of the com- munity around him, and that nature had provided him with the tact and genius to administer to their wants in this direction. The Ashmore Republican was originally a four-column quarto, from which it grew in the space of less than six months to a seven-column folio. It steadily advanced in pop- ular favor, and its circulation increased so rapidly that it was found necessary to add a new cylinder press to the already ample office outfit. The paper, in May, 1887, was again enlarged, and is now a five-column quarto. The subject of our sketch is a native of this county, born near the village of Loxa, July 14, 1868, and is the son of Joshua and Melvina (Jones) Ricketts. He shared the advantages of the com- mon schools during his boyhood days, and after- ward attended the Shenandoah Normal College, at Middlctown, Va., where he received special literary training. At an early age he manifested great interest in the profession of journalism, becoming a regular reader of the weekly newspaper before he had reached the age of ten years. There were few public questions, especially of a political na- ture, which he could not discuss in an intelligent manner, and he became a regular contributor to the newspapers when scarcely fourteen years old, writing short sketches-and stories which were often published in the periodicals devoted to young peo- ple. One in particular, a short story entitled, "My Recollections," which was written in 1884, for the Northern Star, a literary paper of Chicago, at- tracted considerable attention. The first newspaper venture of Mr. Ricketts was the Prairie Youth, which he published a short time in May, 1884. Later he connected himself with the Free Lance, a literary and story paper pub- lished at May wood, 111. In June, 1884, he began to acquaint himself with the art of printing, in the office of the Ashmore Citizen, and on the 1st of September following, assumed editorial manage- ment of the paper, and conducted it during the Presidential campaign. He received great praise for the manner in which he dealt with his adver- saries, and for the high moral tone of his journal. LIBRARY OF THE Jlf'VERSITY GF ILLIf'0'8 RESIDENCE^ RICE BRO'S ,SEc.22.NoRTH OKAW TOWNSHIP. RESIDENCE OF Louis W.M.PFOFER.SEC. 20. SEVEN COLES COUNTY. 379 Mr. Ricketts was next connected with the Charleston Herald, and in March, 1 886, returned to Ashmore and founded the Republican. He is a natural born journalist, a rapid and versatile writer, and whether upon social or political ques- tions, gives expression to his opinions in a forcible manner, to which no sensible person can take offense, or fail to be convinced. Of late he has occupied himself principally with discussions upon the tariff, to which he has given deep study, view- ing the questions connected therewith in all their bearings upon the business elements of the coun- try. There is predicted for Mr. Ricketts a pros- perous future and an enviable position among the journalists of the West. WILLIAM D. SNOWDEN is one of the ris- ing 3 7 oung men of Pleasant Grove Town- ship, and a descendant of one of the pio- neer families of Illinois. He was born Aug. 20,1858, and is the son of John F. and Maria L. (Glenn) Snowden. The former was born Feb. 19, 1819, in Overton County, Tenn. When he was about nine- teen years of age his parents, James and Elizabeth Snowden, left their Eastern home and moved to Illinois, settling in Cumberland County. He had been trained from boyhood in the details of farm- ing, and Illinois was at that time giving promise of her future success as an agricultural State. He purchased land in Coles County, and in 1846 be- came a permanent citizen there. On the 3d of September, 1848, he was married to Miss Maria Glenn. Mrs. Snowden was born in Hardin Coun- ty, Ky., Jan. 23, 1825, and is the daughter of James and Lydia (Harris) Glenn. After his marriage, Mr. Snowden carried on a successful farming business in Pleasant Grove Township, where he passed the remainder of his life. He began the world poor, and by his own ex- ertions acquired a fine estate, containing over 400 acres of valuable land, all of which is under culti- vation. But the hardships and privations of pio- neer life wore upon his physical constitution, and his life went out in the prime of manhood, his death occurring May 10, 1865. Mr. Snowden was a man of great intelligence and force of character, and was interested in promoting the welfare of the community. He was a stanch supporter of the Democratic party, and had held at different periods several official positions in the township. He was a Baptist in religious belief, although not outwardly connected with the church. His widow was early left to take the place of both mother and father to her young family of seven children, and well has she fulfilled the trust. She is still living, and re- sides on the old homestead. The names of her chil- dren are as follows : James F., Alvin C. ; Joseph W. died at the age of twenty-two years ; prior to his death he was a telegraph operator. Harriet E. is the wife of Thornton Gilman; William D., Thomas J. and Anna. William D. Snowden received a thorough edu- cation at the common schools and graduated from Lee's Academy, June 22, 1882. Immediately after his graduation he began the study of law, and is now a student with Stevens, Lee & Horton, of Peoria, 111. He is a young man of promising abili- ties in his profession. Life with all its possibilities yet lies before him, and he is one for whom all may predict a bright and prosperous career. ANIEL MCCARTHY, retired farmer, and at present a resident of Charleston, was born on the other side of the Atlantic, in Ireland, in 1829. His parents, Patrick and Catherine (Shay) McCarthy, were natives of the same country, where they spent their entire lives. Patrick McCarthy was a farmer in easy cir- cumstances, and the parental household included eight children, of whom but three are now living, namely, Cornelius, a resident of Mattoon ; Daniel, of our sketch, and Jeremiah, also a resident of Charleston. Our subject attended school until fourteen years old during the winter season, while in summer his services were utilized on the farm. After reach- ing his majority, not being satisfied with his pros- pects in his native land, he boarded a sailing-vessel at Liverpool, and after a voyage of over five weeks, landed at New Orleans, Dec. 20, 1851. He *--. 380 COLES COUNTY. remained in the Crescent City about six weeks, waiting to be joined by his brother, who had pre- ceded him to America, and was employed on a steamboat on the Mississippi. After they met, both proceeded up the river to Cincinnati, whence they made their way to Chillicothe, Ohio, working on the railroad, at which they continued until the fall of that year, and then returned to Cincinnati, where, however, they remained but a short time, going to Terre Haute, Ind., where they were em- ployed first on the railroad and afterward in the Park House. In the spring of 1854, Mr. McCarthy, accompanied by his brother, came to Paris, Edgar County, and for five months thereafter they were employed on the I. ILLIAM B. ZIMMERMAN, a retired far- mer, and at present residing in Oakland Village, has been one of the prominent figures in the agricultural districts of Coles County for the past thirty-five years. He cannot by any means be called an old man although he has retired from active labor and has wisely set aside a portion of his means as a source of comfort and ease in his declining years. His early industry and economy have fully justified him in thus retiring from the active employments of life, and his upright course has secured for him the confidence and esteem of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Zimmerman was born in Augusta County. Va., Feb. 4, 1826, and is the son of Martin and Sarah (Griever) Zimmerman, natives of the same county. They were there reared, growing up as playmates together, and were united in marriage in about 1823. The mother departed this life in 1852, of a disease which then prevailed in this part of Illinois, and the father followed one week later. The parents of our subject after their marriage re- mained in the Old Dominion until 1837, then com- ing to Illinois located first in Edgar County, where the father raised one season's crops and removed in the fall to Oakland Township, this county. He commenced life without means, but his willing hands, stout heart and fine constitution, served him well, so that he was enabled to secure a comfortable living and provide properly for his famity. It was hard pulling at first, and William B. when fourteen years of age was compelled to commence workaway from home, and by this means add to the family income. Our subject was thus occupied until nineteen years of age, and then commenced to do for him- self. He received for his labors $10 per mouth, but lived economically and saved what he could. His first proceeds were invested in a horse, and thus equipped he rented a tract of land, the owner of this furnishing him another horse, and with his team he commenced to till the soil. After two years' labor in this manner he considered that he was justified in establishing domestic ties, and was united in marriage with Miss Louisa J. Black, of Oakland Township, the wedding taking place at the home of the bride's parents, March 1, 1848. Not long afterward he was enabled to make a payment on eighty acres of land, which was provided with a log cabin, sixteen feet square, and with his young wife commenced housekeeping. In due time the family was enlarged by the birth of three chil- dren, and in 1856 Mr. Z. erected a frame house, into which the family proudly removed and which he occupied until 1881. Mr. Zimmerman in the meantime had been pros- pered in his farming operations, and had wisely in- vested his surplus capital in additional land. He thus operated until he became the owner of 800 acres, the whole of which he brought to a good state of cultivation and provided with excellent frame buildings. At the date mentioned he concluded to retire, and accordingly rented the farm and erect- ed a fine dwelling in Oakland Village. This con- sists of two stories with a basement, and stands in the midst of a hickory grove, covering one and one-half acres, and constituting a most attractive and valuable homestead. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Z., James M. died when two years old; Elizabeth P. at about the same age, as also did John Y. ; Sarah L. became the wife of Quince Kin- COLES COUNTY. 415 zel, of Oakland ; Florence J., the youngest daughter, is the wife of L. J. Norton, of Oakland. Mr. Zimmerman is one of the Directors of the National Bank of Oakland, and has been identified with many of the enterprises set on foot to build up his township. He is a straight Republican, politically, and uniformly casts his vote in support of the principles of his party. He and his estimable wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. RCHIBALD BROOKS. The name of ij/LJ|| Archibald Brooks is prominent among the pioneers of Ashrnore Township. He was born Dec. 7, 1807, in AVashington County, Pa., and is the son of Robert and Mary (Little) Brooks. Robert Brooks was born June 8, 1773, and died July 12, 1844, at the age of seventy-one. His wife was born June 13, 1776, and died Oct. 28, 1851. The following is the record of their children: JMaria J., born Dec. 27, 1800; Alfred, Jan 3, 1802 ; Thomas M., in 1811 ; Margaret, Archi- bald; John, June 7, 1810; Elizabeth, March 29, 1812; Robert A., June 21, 1815, and William S., Sept 10, 1818. Archibald Brooks was twice married. His first marriage, to Miss Nancy Pownell, took place Sept. 30, 1830. She died Jan, 12, 1850, leaving a family of five children, as follows : Mary A., born June 22, 1832, married Benjamin F. McPheters; Lydia, born Jan. 25, 1834, married J. M. Moffett; Dia- 1 1 -i ma P., born Feb. 29, 1836, married Joseph S. Wright; Robert W., born Jan. 22, 1844; and Benjamin A., born Aug. 27, 1846, married Mary E. Squire. Our subject was married the second time, to Mrs. (Cheesman) Scott, April 23, 1853. She was born Nov. 21, 1824, in Adams County, Ohio, and the following is the record of their children : Kate E., born April 11, 1854, died in infancy; Hannah F., born July 23, 1856, married Gideon Galbreath; Tarleton, born March 22, 1859, married Miss Rosa E. Galbreath; Archibald J., born Jan. 28, 1862, married Miss Mary Cutler, and Mattie E., born March 30, 1867, married W. O. Kimball. Mr. Brooks came to Illinois and settled in Ash- more Township in 1827. He vividly recollects many incidents of the Black Hawk War, which is memorable for being the last conflict with the Indians in this part of the United States. The winter previous was noted for an unusually deep fall of snow, which lay on the ground from Decem- ber to March. It was a period of great privation, and even many wild animals died from starvation while it lasted. The few families of the township were isolated and unprotected, and lired in great fear of Indian depredations; deer and wolves roamed over the prairies in vast numbers, and panthers and bears were not unfrequently found. But a new era was dawning for this unbroken wilderness, and the prosperity of Central Illinois dates from the successful close of the Black Hawk War. Mr. Brooks began life on the Western frontier with no capital, save courage, energy and integrity of character, and his career in life has been rewarded with exceptional prosperity. Although he has been one of the prominent men of the town- ship for many years, he has never desired political preferment, and has refused any office offered him by the people. He has always been interested in educational affairs, and together with his family, is a member of the Old-School Presbyterian Church. His first Presidential vote was cast for Henry Clay, and he warmly sustains the Republican party in politics. The homestead comprises 160 acres of fine prairie land, and forty acres of timber. ^jl AMES WILEY is pursuing the even tenor of his way as a prosperous and intelligent farmer of Morgan Township, where he (glP located in the spring of 1865. He is the proprietor of 295 acres of valuable land, with a fine residence, a good barn and other out-build- ings, and deals largely in graded stock, including Short-horn cattle and Clydesdale horses. The residence is a frame structure, which was built in 1870, and the main barn was put up in 1887. Everything about the premises is kept in good order, and displays on all sides the thrift and enterprise of the proprietor. Mr. Wiley first drew breath in Bracken County, 4 416 COLES COUNTY. Ky., July 24, 1825, and is the son of John A. and Ruth (Wells) Wiley, '[also natives of the Blue Grass State. John Wiley was born in Bracken County in~U799, and was the son of Eli and Elizabeth (Coles) Wiley, who reared a large family of children, of whom John'was the eldest. The others were named respectively, James, Reason, Adam, Dow, Darius, Asa, Hannah, Mary, Dorcas, Susan, Nancy and Lettie. Nancy is the wife of Michael Whalen, of Charleston, and Lettie, the widow of James Sublet, of the same place. It is supposed that these are the only ones living. John Wiley grew to manhood in his native State, and was there married. Four or five 3 - ears later in about 1830, he came with his family to Illinois, remaining one summer in Edgar County. He then purchased a tract of land in Ashmore Township, this county, which he occupied until the spring of 1851, then sold out and purchased a farm in what is now Douglas County, upon which he spent the remainder of his days, his death taking place in April, 1874. He was considered a good man in every sense of the word, and for many years was prominently connected with the Christian Church. The children of the parental family, six in num- ber, were, James, of our sketch; Louis, now de- ceased; Sallie, the wife of James Arterbeon, a farmer of Edgar County; Aden, a resident of Chester, 111. ; Elizabeth and Amos, who died in childhood. The wife and motherjpassed away in December, 1846. John Wiley was then married to Mrs. Lucy (Williams) Rout, and of this union there were also born six children, who are re- corded as follows: Ruberta, Mrs. Haines, became the mother of two children, and died in 1886; Hester Ann is the widow of]George Richmond, who died in 1877, and left four children, of whom Townsend and Mary Frances (twins) are the only ones surviving, and with their mother, are residents of Douglas County; Eli, a blacksmith by trade, and William, are at home. The subject of our sketch was bat five years of age when his parents came to this county. He was bred to farm life and completed his education in the district schools of Ashmore Township, and after reaching manhood was married, in March, 1866, to Miss Sarah Brown, who was born in this county, and is the daughter of J. W. and Martha Brown, natives of Kentucky, who became the parents of eight sons and three daughters. The four children of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley are recorded as follows: John W., born Nov. 19, 1867, died July 2, 1869; Millie Susan, born Oct. 27, 1869; Minnie, Jan. 26, 1874, and Grace A., Oct. 22, 1882, remain with their parents. Mr. Wiley is one of the most reliable members of the Republican party, although meddling little with politics, and uniformly casts his vote with it upon occasions of important elections. He has been the encourager of those enterprises calculated for the best good of his community and is properly classed among the worthy and valued citizens of Morgan Township, who have aided in developing its resources and bringing it to a good position among the surrounding communities. ISAAC TAYLOR. How like the perfect day is the period of full life birth, manhood and death. Life, like the day, may commence in sunshine and then become clouded, through which the sun- light will come at times only in rifts; and then some lives may be like the days on which the sun shines all the time, and others may begin with clouded skies and close in the beauty of a full sun- set. No matter how dark the beginning, nor how cloudy the day may be, the glorious sunset through all the ages has presaged clear skies for the follow- ing days. So with life; the clear sky at its sunset is its own prophecy of a beautiful life in the Be- yond, where the sun rises in a cloud-burst of glory never to set again, but to shine and illumine the sky for all eternity. These reflections in this place are not inappropriate, for the good people, the events of whose lives are herein sketched, resemble the simile of the day which began cloudy and remained so until after the meridian line of time was passed, and then became more beautiful in its full sunlight as the horizon is reached, and will close with a glo- rious sunset. Among the excellent people of whom Pleasant Grove Township possesses many, Isaac Taylor stands eminent, and is a ^descendant of one of the LIBRARY OF THE lirVERSITY OF ILLirO'S COLES COUNTY. 419 i families who were pioneer settlers of Illinois. He was born on the 16th of March, 1829, in Rutherford County, Tenn., and is the son of Michael and Elizabeth (Patterson) Taylor, natives of North and South Carolina respectively. When Michael Taylor attained to manhood he removed to Tennessee. In early life he served in the War of 1812, and was a participant in the battle of New Orleans. While serving in the army, and being but illy provided for comfort, his health became impaired, which doubtless led to his comparatively early death. He descended from long-lived ancestors, but died at the age of fifty-five. In 1830 he removed with his family to Illinois, when the subject of this sketch was but a year old, and for one year resided near the Kickapoo River ; he then changed his residence and passed one year in the northern part of Cum- berland County, but not being satisfied with the outlook there removed to Coles County. Mr. Taylor was twice married ; by the first mar- riage there were born four children, none of whom survive. Their names were Elijah, Stephen, Polly and Jane. By his second marriage Mr. Taylor be- came the father of ten children, and their record is as follows : Temperance is the wife of Mansfield Patterson, and a resident of Oregon ; Cynthia, de- ceased, was formerly the wife of Charles Powers; Matilda was the wife of Morton Anderson, and is now deceased ; William A. resides in Pleasant Grove Township, with his brother Isaac, the subject of this sketch; Polly, deceased, was the wife of Pres- ley Highland ; James is deceased ; Susan was the wife of Levi Enyard, and is now deceased ; Michael is a resident of Cumberland County, 111.; Eliza- beth is the wife of John J. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Taylor were members of the Baptist Church, in which they were actively interested, the former having been a frequent exhorter during his residence in Rutherford Township, Tenn. Mr. Tay- lor's death occurred in 1838, and his widow, who survived him many years, died in 1865. Mr. Tay- lor left 120 acres of land and some other property, which in that early day was considered quite a fortune. Isaac Taylor, our subject, passed his boyhood days in Coles County, in the neighborhood where he now resides. His early education was limited to such as could be procured at the old log school- house of pioneer days. These rude structures, through the cracks and apertures of which the wind whistled and played at will, were the only halls of learning where the children of the pioneers could obtain the scant rudiments of education. The spaces used for windows were tacked over with white homespun cloth, or oiled paper in lieu of glass, and the benches were constructed of split logs supported by rude wooden pegs. His patri- mony consisted of eleven acres of land from his father's estate, and upon this foundation he began his career in life. His first marriage was with Miss Sarah E. Ryan, a native of Illinois, the event occurring in 1856. Their married life was of but brief duration, for her death occurred in the following year. In 1860 Mr. Taylor was again married, this time to Miss Eliza Erwin, the daughter of James S. and Margaret E. Erwin. She was born on the 5th of October, 1841, in Coles County. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have had a family of ten children born to them, one of whom was accidentally burned to death when a child six years of age. The names of the others are as follows; Marion W., Willie E., Oscar A., Margaret Elizabeth, Perry S., Isaac V., Carrie O., Minta E. and John Y. Mr. Taylor has ever been deeply interested in promoting the moral and religious welfare of the community, and for the last thirteen years has been engaged in preaching the Gospel in the Baptist Church, and stands high in the esteem and respect of the members of that denomination. His life is a beautiful exemplification of Christianity. Mr. Taylor has served as Assessor in Pleasant Grove Township, and for man3 r years held the office of School Director. His estate consists of 800 acres of valuable land. His farm buildings are excel- lent, and he carries on a successful business in gen- eral agriculture. In politics Mr. Taylor votes with the Democratic party. In the winter of 1886 Mr. Taylor revisited his birthplace and old home in Tennessee, but time had changed the scenes of his childhood, to which he was now a stranger, and others were equally alien to him. There were few faces which he could recognize by sight, or even recollection. While 4 420 COLES COUNTY. 1 there he met many relatives whom he had never seen or known of before. The greater number had become scattered over the world, or were quietly resting in the churchyard. Four cousins were living who had reached the age of fourscore years. Mr. Taylor, having passed over the summit and now on the journey down the other side of the hill of life, can look back over his pilgrimage with the satisfaction of one who has been faithful to every trust and duty, never evading any obligations as a citizen. Most esteemed by those who know him best, nil join in wishing that his sunset days may be his happiest, surrounded by all that makes old age blessed, the love and reverence of children, and the respect and esteem of neighbors and friends. Beginning on nothing at a time when the West was sparsely settled he has seen Illinois become an em- pire, himself aiding in building it up, a work which he can now contemplate with both pride and pleas- ure. As pioneers and highly esteemed citizens of Coles County we present the portaits of both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, and also a view of their admira- ble home and its most cheerful and comfortable surroundings. J JACOB WINKLEBLACK, of Morgan Town- I ship, was born and reared on the homestead which he now occupies, and which includes _ a fine body of land, lying on section 30. This has been his home during his entire life, and includes 230 acres under a good state of cultiva- tion, enclosed, and supplied with substantial build- ings, and in all respects presenting a pleasant pic- ture of rural life in the midst of peace and plenty. Besides this property he has eighty acres on sec. 25, Seven Hickory Township. His landed possessions now embrace 310 acres, 180 of which are under cultivation, and the balance in valuable timber. Our subject was born Jan. 13, 1864, and is the son of John and Catherine (Weaver) Winkleblack. His father was born in Dauphin County, Pa., March 4, 1805, and remained there until a youth of fifteen years, where he learned the tanner's trade. Subsequently he engaged at his trade at Harrisburg until 1829, and then going to Northern Ohio, was employed at Cleveland, Massillon and Janes ville, until the fall of 1835. He then came to this State, and entered 160 acres of land in Morgan Township, to which he afterward secured his title and added until he became the possessor of 1,500 acres, the result of his own industry and perseverance. The parents of our subject were married March 4, 1841. Mrs. Catherine Winkleblack was born in York County, Pa., Oct. 23, 1822, and died Jan. 23, 1866, two years after the birth of her son, our sub- ject. The father survived until Sept. 28, 1886, and was then the father of twelve living children. The paternal grandfather of our subject, Adam Winkle- black by name, was born and died in Pennsylvania, his decease taking place Nov. 10, 1837. He had married, and reared a large family, the mother passing to her final rest Oct. 9, 1831. The chil- dren of John and Catherine Winkleblack are re- corded as follows: William H., born Aug. 16, 1841, married Miss Lizzie Davis, and they are res- idents of Seven Hickory Township, being the parents of two children Charles and Gary. Mil- ton C., born July 27, 1842, married Miss Caroline Coon and has two children; they live in California. Robert A., born Jan. 1, 1844, married Miss Matilda Hullin, and they have three children Willis, Mag- gie and Lawrence; Mason F., born Sept. 12, 1845, was married three times, his last wife having been Mrs. Anna (Walters) Rowe, who became the mother of two children John and Bertie Alice; Nancy J., born Oct. 3, 1847, is the wife of William Gregg, of Seven Hickory Township, and the mother of three children John, Lulu and Lonney (twins) ; Thomas T., born March 20, 1849, married Miss Rose Han- cock, of Seven Hickory Township, and they have one child Vina V.; Mary E., born July 30, 1851, became the wife of William Camp, who was killed by the Indians in Kansas, while hunting buffalo, in 1884; of this marriage there were two children Thomas and Lilly. Mrs. C. was married the sec- ond time, to Shannon Clark, and of this union there was one child, Dora, who died July 4, 1887; they are living in Morgan Township. John, born Aug. 20, 1853, married Miss Luellan Ratliff, and they have one child, Franklin; Victoria S., born March 20, 1 855, is the wife of Isaac Walters, and has one "4 -4 421 1 COLES COUNTY. child, John; Daniel Boone, born April 10, 1858, married Miss Anna Myers, and is farming in Seven Ilickor} 1 - Township; Susanna, born July 24, 1861, died in childhood; Jacob, of our sketch, was the youngest of the family. Our subject received a fair education, and after reaching manhood was married, March 4, 1884, at the home of the bride, to Miss Catherine, the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Carl) Beck. Her father was a native of Pennsylvania, and mem- ber of a large family. Mr. and Mrs. W. have be- come the parents of two children, namely, Lillie Ellen, born Feb. 13, 1885, and Otto, Oct. 28, 1886. Our subject is a stanch Republican politically, and socially, belongs to Lodge No. 609, I. O. O. F., at Charleston. -"*> *% > " l: f : * lwin W. Brown.) June 25, 1882, Francis A. Brown was united in marriage to M iss Maggie Myers. She is the daughter of Frederick and Mary (Johns) Myers, and was born in Illinois, Nov. 3, 1861. Her parents are natives of Virginia, but are now living in Coles County, 111. Her father is a man of fine business qualificn- 426 COLES COUNTY. tious, and is one of the leading stock-dealers in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have a beautiful lit- tle girl named Nettie P., born Sept. 11, 1885. Mr. Brown owns a fine stock farm of 1 25 acres, on which he resides. He is a young man of energy and enterprise, and is successfully engaged in rais- ing high grades of cattle and hogs. He is inter- ested in public affairs, and like all the other mem- bers of his family is a Republican and Prohibition- ist. His grandfather was a Mason. N LIVER C. BOWER, a well-known and highly respected citizen of Morgan Township, spent his early years in Clark County, Ind., where his birth took place July 25, 1846. He is the son of Absalom and Nancy (Hostetter) Bower, and his paternal grandfather was Adam Bower. The latter's children were Joseph, Solomon, Absalom, Elizabeth, Thomas Jefferson and Barbara, and the male members of the family became prominent in public affairs, being men of more than ordinary ability. The father of our subject was born in North Carolina in 1804, to which State his father had re- moved from Pennsylvania. Absalom was 'a boy of five years when his parents removed to Louisville, Ky., and two years afterward took up their resi- dence in Clark County, Ind. Adam Bower pur- chased about 600 acres of land, in the cultivation and improvement of which he was engaged the balance of his life, and at his death had a fine estate to divide up among his children. Absalom Bower after reaching manhood married and settled in Clark County, where he continued until his death, which occurred in November, 1870. His share of his father's estate was about 100 acres, to which he added as time passed on, and finally became the owner of nearly 600 acres, with a large area of valuable timber. A part of this he cleared and improved, and built up a homestead which was a credit to himself and formed one of the attractive features of Clark County, Ind. He was a man of more than ordinary business ability, kindly in his character and disposition, and had for about forty years been prominently connected with the' Chris- tian Church, being one of the pillars of the organi- tion at Olive Branch, in which he officiated as Deacon for many years. He was liberal in his con- tributions to the Church and to objects of charity, and with his excellent wife, trained his children in the faith which sustained him in his old age. Adam Bower was a preacher of the Dunkard de- nomination, with which he identified himself when a young man and carried on his pious administra- tions during the greater part of his life. His funeral was attended by people from all parts of the county, the procession extending over one mile in length. He was greatly missed from the commun- ity, which had learned to respect him for his excellent traits of character, and with whose agri- cultural interests he had been identified for over a quarter of a century. His son Joseph was for twelve years the Recorder of Clark County, and his brother Daniel a Colonel of militia. He served in the Black Hawk War at the time when the pres- ent site of the city of LaFayette was an untrodden wilderness, and endured with true pioneer courage and manly fortitude the dangers and difficulties of settlement in a new country. The main points in the history of the children of Absalom and Nancy Bower are given briefly as follows: William E., a practicing physician of Sullivan, Ind., was more than ordinarily successful, building up a large practice and a fine reputation ; Elizabeth became the wife of Jesse Coombs, who died shortly afterward, and she then commenced studying medicine; she was graduated from the same college where her brother had studied, and practiced successfully a number of years. By her first marriage she became the mother of one child, which died young. Her second husband was John C. Barnes, a farmer of Jefferson County, Ind., where they resided five years and then moved to Rural Retreat, thence to their present home. They have three sons Elmer, Omer and Calmer. Sol- omon L. Bower married and located in Clark County, Ind., on land given him by his father, to which he has added and is now the possessor of 200 acres; he has no children. Adam died when two years of age ; Emma, when twenty-one years old was accidentally killed by being thrown under a LIBRARY OF THE UK5VERSJTV OF ILLIMO'S 1 COLES COUNTY. 429 wagon while riding on horseback. She was highly gifted and a natural poetess, and her writings are carefully preserved. She seemed to have a pre- sentiment that she would meet an accidental death, and expressed a belief that she would not live to be twenty-two years old. In consequence of this she refused to be married to her betrothed until after her twenty-second birthday. Her death took place when she was twenty-one years and six months old. Abraham H. was graduated at the Cincinnati Medical College in 1862; he was subse- quently drafted and furnished a substitute. Daniel died when eight years of age. The subject of our sketch remained at home dur- ing the early part of his life, and was married soon after reaching his majority. He had received a good education, completing his studies at the Northwestern University at Indianapolis. There he was only permitted to attend O7ie year on ac- count of the illness of his brother, returning home to take care of the latter until his death. He was married, Dec. 29, 1869, to Miss Emily J. Perisho, a native of Coles County, born April 10, 1846, and the daughter of Isaac and llosana (O'Hair) Perisho, who were natives of Washington County, Ind., and became prominent in Coles County, where they spent the greater part of their lives. The biography of Isaac Perisho will be found on another page in this ALBUM. Mr. and Mrs. Bower became the parents of two children: William Perisho died when an infant of six months; Arthur E. is at home with his parents. Mr. Bower came to this county in 1871, arriving here on the 20th day of January. He had already purchased the farm to which he now removed his family, and proceeded industriously with its im- provement and cultivation. It includes 265 acres, and is intersected by the T., St. L. & K. R. R. He has given much attention of late years to the breed- ing of fine stock, and buys broom corn in large quantities, which he ships to Eastern markets, his transactions in this line yielding him annually a handsome sum of money. Included in the farm is a timber tract of 110 acres lying along the Em- barras River, and the lowland has been drained with 2,500 rods of tiling. His live-stock includes horses, cattle, hogs and sheep. Mr. Bower, politi- cally, is an uncompromising Democrat, and in 1886 came within two votes of receiving the nomination for Sheriff. He has occupied various local offices, and been prominent among the counsels of his townsmen in matters concerning the general welfare, JOHN NEFF, widely and favorably known throughout North Okaw Township, and a portrait of whom is shown on the opposite page, operates a fine body of land compris- ing 240 acres under cultivation, and sixty acres of timber on section 32. The improvements are first- class, and Mr. N. of late years has given consider- able attention to the raising of fine stock. His early days were passed in Wythe County, Va., where his birth took;place Sept. 20, 1813. He re- ceived a limited education, and when eighteen years old started out in life for himself, tracing his footsteps first to Fountain County, Ind., to which place a married sister had preceded him, and where he worked for two years following on a farm, at $100 per year." His father then coming to Indiana on a visit to his son-in-law, our subject returned with him to Virginia, and remained at home sev- eral years thereafter. In 1838 Mr. Neff returned to Indiana, and for two years thereafter had charge of a farm near Shakertown. In the meantime he had been united in marriage with Miss Mary Bumgardner, the wed- ding taking place in July, 1833, in Virginia. This lady was a native of the same county as her hus- band, and after becoming the mother of one child, a son, William F., departed this life at the home of her husband in Virginia. Mr. Neff afterward re- turned to Indiana, where he was engaged as we have stated, and in 1835 went back to the Old Dominion, and was there married in 1836, to Miss Susan Nelson. He remained in his native county several years thereafter, and in the fall of 1849 came with his family to this State, locating in North Okaw Township. He had learned the black- smith's trade in his native State, and now rented a tract of land which he cultivated, and upon which he erected a shop, and worked at his trade as time and opportunity permitted. In 1859, he removed r 430 COLES COUNTY. to Texas, of which State he was a resident one year, and then repaired to a point near Kansas City, where he farmed several years, and then pur- chased a tract of land in Johnson County, Kan. The children of John and Susan Neff, eleven in number, were Mary, James, Fannie, Franklin, Car- oline, Nancy, Henry, Harvey, Cora, Sarah C., and an infant who died unnamed. Cora died when about fifteen years of age ; Sarah C. died in Coles County, and Mary died in Kansas. The wife and mother departed this life at their home in Kansas, in 1861, and for a time after this affliction the household was broken up. Mr. N. did not engage in anything for a time, and the children were cared for by Fannie Lewis. In February, 1863, Mr. Neff was united in marriage with Mrs. Nancy (Stineman) Osborn, daughter of Kudolph and Mary Stineman, and widow of William Osborn, who died in North Okaw Township, in 1861 ; he was a thrifty farmer, and left his widow a fine property. The Stineman family is of German ancestry. The parents of Mrs! Neff had a family of five children, namely : John, Mary, Harriet, Nancy and Phoebe. Mr. and Mrs. Stineman spent their last years in Indiana, where the mother died Feb. 18, 1838, and the father in 1840. Mrs. Neff is the only one of their children living. Rudolph Stineman was born Oct. 3, 1793, and his wife, formerly Miss Mary Hawkins, Dec. 3, 1797. Their marriage took place in Ohio, Jan. 11, 1815, of which State Mrs. Neff is a native, born Jan. 5, 1825. Her parents afterward moved to Fountain County, Ind., where they spent their last 3 r ears. The paternal grandparents of Mrs. Neff, who were natives of Germany, spent the latter part of their lives in Ohio, dying near the town of Oxford, where their remains were laid to rest. Mrs. Neff was carefully reared, receiving a common-school education, and remained with her sister until her first marriage. There were no children by either marriage. The father of our subject, George Neff by name, was born in Pennsylvania, and was of German an- cestry. He became a resident of Wythe County, Va., while a young man, and was there married to Miss Catherine Etter. Soon afterward he pur- chased a farm in Wythe County and followed farm- ing continuously during his life. He served as a soldier in the War of 1812, and "died on his farm not long after the late Civil War. The mother had passed to her final rest several years previously. They were conscientious people, and consistent members of the Lutheran Church. The parental household included ten children, namely : Hettie, Elizabeth and Samuel, who were married, and are now deceased; Christina, the widow of Stephen Cormany, and now a resident of Wythe County, Va. ; Rachel, who died young, and Lydia, who be- came the wife of Joseph Flory, both now deceased: John, our subject; Martin, who occupies the old homestead in Virginia; Hiram, who died in Texas, and David, who died in Virginia two years after marriage. Mr. Neff is now approaching the sunset of life. He has lived worthily and gained the respect of his neighbors and acquaintances, and has been content to follow the course of a quiet and unobtrusive citizen, attending strictly to his farming and stock- raising, and performing, to the best of his ability, the duties set before him. He has had but little to do with politics, aside from casting his vote at general elections, and uniformly upholding the principles of the Democratic party. Mrs. N. is a lady highly esteemed in the community, and a member in good standing of the Baptist Church at Fuller's Point. It is with pleasure that we present her portrait beside that of her husband as a fitting accompanying picture. pILLIAM D. ROBERTS, a prosperous and prominent farmer located in the northeast- ern part of the county, has been a resident of Morgan Township for over thirty years, the greater part of this time being spent on the body of land which constitutes his present homestead. His first purchase consisted of forty acres of timber, to which he has added by degrees, until he is now the possessor of 243 acres, the greater part under a high state of cultivation. His farm buildings are convenient and substantial, and bear comparison with those of his neighbors. The soil is fertile, and COLES COUNTY. 431 that which needed draining has been underlaid with about 300 rods of tile. He has a good assortment of live stock, and has devoted his land mostly to the raising of grain. He came to Central Illinois when the country was practically unsettled, and while watching with interest the development and progress of the Prairie State, has contributed his full share toward bringing it to its present proud position among the commonwealths of the West. The earliest years of our subject were spent in Hendricks County, Ind., where his birth took place April 4, 1829. He is the son of Isaac and Nancy Roberts, who were natives of Scott County, Ky. His paternal grandparents, Azariah and Lucy (Smith) Roberts, it is supposed were of Southern birth. This branch of the family originated from one of the three brothers who came to America from Wales at an early day; one located in the South, one went North, and the whereabouts of the other was lost track of. One was employed as a blacksmith and another as a ship carpenter, the one locating in the North having no particular trade. Azariah, the grandfather of our subject, was a min- ister. The maternal grandparents of Mr. Roberts were natives of the Old Dominion, and had a fam- ily of nine children, of whom but two are now liv- ing. One sister is in California; she married Jacob Boots, who was a farmer by occupation and is now deceased. She became the mother of six children. Azariah Roberts was one of a large family, and was married in Kentucky, where he engaged in farming, and also officiated as a Baptist preacher. He and his estimable wife reared a fine family of sons and daughters, and finally removed to Jen- nings County, Ind., where his death took place in 1857. The grandmother did not long survive her husband. Their children had all married and left home before they removed from Kentucky, some of them having gone to Indiana, where they were joined by their parents, who lived among them the balance of their lives. Rev. Roberts was a man of much force of character, and a faithful servant in his religious calling. Isaac Roberts emigrated to Indiana in 1 828, where he followed his trade of a blacksmith in riendrick.* County. He had received but a limited education, b.ut had been trained to habits of indus- try and economy, and always succeeded in provid- ing comfortably for his family, which included six sons and three daughters, of whom the record is as follows: William D., of our sketch, is the eldest; John Louis was married in this county when twen- ty-one years old, and died soon afterward; his widow is still living and a resident of Moultrie County ; Aratus, a resident of Morgan Township, where he is carrying on farming, owns a good property and is the father of five children; Anna Elizabeth died in this county in 1853; Margaret Jane died in childhood ; Martha Susan died in in- fancy, and Thomas after he hud become a young man ; Isaac Milton, a resident of Charleston, where he is following blacksmithing, is married and has a family of four children; Alpheus, the father of three children, is living on a farm in Morgan Town- ship. William D. Roberts spent his early life in his native county engaged in blacksmithing and farm- ing until 1852, when he came to this county, and made his first purchase of land in Morgan Town- ship. He has been prominent in local affairs since coming here, was Road Commissioner nine years, School Director the same length of time, and Township Collector one year. He united with the Salem Baptist Church many years ago, and has been one of its most liberal contributors. The name of this church was taken from the Scriptures. He has officiated as Deacon for a period of twenty- one years, and been Clerk and Trustee. His wife and four of his children belong to the same, and the church building which he once owned is located on his land. The marriage of William D. Roberts and Miss Ann Douglass, of Hendricks County, Ind., took place at the home of the bride, March 14, 1852. Mrs. R. is the daughter of Isaac and Margaret (Reed) Douglass, whose family included eleven children, the greater part of whom are still living. They emigrated from Ohio to Indiana in about 1827, making the journey overland in a two-horse wagon. The. children of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts were Josephine, now the wife of Joseph Shafer, of Morgan Township; Ada Margaret Jane, born Sept. 1, 1859, died Nov. 26, 1863; Mary E. is the wife of William Shafer, a prosperous farmer of Ash- , -4- 432 COLES COUNTY. more Township; Isaac Thomas, born Feb. 13, 1866, remains at home on the farm. The wife and mother departed this life Feb. 25, 1866. Mr. Roberts was married the second time, June 13, 1866, to Miss Cynthia Lanman, and the chil- dren of this marriage were Spurgeon, born April 18, 1867; Oscar, born March 26, 1869, died in in- fancy; William A., born April 15, 1870; Rosanna, Oct. 3, 1872; Nancy L., Sept. 25, 1875. These four are at home, and Omega, who was born Dec. 20, 1878, died in infancy. Mrs. Cynthia Roberts departed this life Dec. 27, 1878. Mr. Roberts uniformly votes the Democratic ticket, and has been largely interested in the many enterprises set on foot for the building up of his community. He has filled his niche in life worth- ily, and ranks among the representative men of his township. ON. H. A. NEAL, a leading local attorney of Charleston, is a native of the Old Granite State, born in Tuftonboro, Dec. 13, 1846. He is the son of Nathaniel and Mary E. (Folsom) Neal, natives respectively of Maine and New Hampshire. The elder Neal has followed farming from his boyhood, and is still living in the town where his son, our subject, was born. He has been a man prominent in the affairs of his county, holding the various local offices, and serving as Captain of the State Militia for several years. Both parents are prominently connected with the Method- ist Episcopal Church, of which Nathaniel Neal is a chief pillar in Tuftonboro, and active in all en- terprises calculated for the well-being of his com- munity. He is a radical Prohibitionist, and has watched with keen interest the workings of the tem- perance movement in both New England and the West. The parental family included four children, only two now living, namely : Lydia A., t Mrs. L. A. Orue, of New Hampshire, and Henry A., of our sketch. The latter spent his younger years mostly in attendance at the public schools, and when six- teen years old entered the seminary at Effingharn, where he remained studying six months. The Civil War being then in progress he enlisted, in the fall of 1864, in Co. K, 1st N. H. Heavy Artillery, and continued in the service until June, 1865. Upon returning home he resumed his studies in a school at Efflngham, and from there went to Pough- keepsie, N. Y., and after attending the Eastman Commercial College three months, was graduated with honors in the class of I860. Upon coming to Illinois he located for a time in Charleston, this county, where he taught school until the fall of 1867. He then took charge of a grammar school at Paris, Edgar County, and in the fall of 1868 be- came Principal of the city schools of Watseka, the county seat of Iroquois County, which position he retained for three years following, and the duties of which he discharged with great credit. Mr. Neal had always felt an inclination for the profession of law, and while a resident of Paris had employed his leisure time in such works as would best inform him upon legal questions. He now commenced reading in earnest under the instruc- tion of Gen. George Hunt, and in the fall of 1871 repaired to Ann Arbor, Mich., and after a thor- ough course in the university was graduated in the spring of 1873. His studies, however, did not stop here, but he pursued them industriously until fully qualified for admission to the bar, which was ef- fected that same year. He chose Charleston for his maiden efforts, becoming the partner of Messrs. Wiley & Parker, with whom he continued until 1876. Mr. Parker then withdrew, and the firm of Wiley & Neal has continued to the present. Their office is on the east side of the public square, and they have charge of many of the important cases in litigation in this section. The talents of Mr. Neal received recognition many years ago. He was elected a member of the State Legislature in 1876-78, and as a faithful ex- ponent of the principles of the Republican party has represented its interests in various capacities in his township and outside. The business interests of Charleston have received his due attention as an enterprising and liberal-minded citizen, and he is now a stockholder in the .Second National Bank and the Loan and Building Association. He has been a Director in both of these institutions, being con- nected with the latter in such capacity for three years. He is also general solicitor for the Toledo, I; COLES COUNTY. 433 St. Louis & Kansas City Railroad Co., for the State of Illinois, and local attorney for the Indian- apolis & St. Louis and the Peoria, Decatur & Ev- anston Railroad Go's, in Coles County. Socially he is a prominent Mason, and a member in good stand- ing of the G. A. R. and the K. of H. eHARLES F. BROWN, residing on section 10, Ashmore Township, first opened his eyes to the light on the farm which he now owns and occupies, and where for several years he has been carrying on farming and stock-breeding. He is yet com para lively young in years, but has already established himself upon a firm basis, and ranks among the representative men of Coles County, and one closely identified with its agricultural interests. The birth of our subject took place Sept. 7, 1848. His parents, William H. and Emily (Olmstead) Brown, were natives of New York State. The for- mer was born in 1813, and came to this township in 1837, locating upon a tract of timber land, where he opened up a good farm, which he occupied and cultivated until 1882, when he retired from active labor. The mother was some years the junior of her husband, and died Oct. 12, 1886, passing to her final rest after a long and painful illness. She was a lady of amiable Christian character, and her memory is held most sacred in the hearts of her children and friends. Her death took place Oct. 12, 1886, and her remains were laid in the ceme- tery at Enon Church. Young Brown remained under the parental roof, assisting his parents until after reaching his major- ity, receiving a fair education, and becoming thor- oughly acquainted with the duties of farm life. One of the most important events of his early man- hood was his marriage with Miss Elizabeth A. Tim- mons, which took place at the home of the bride's parents in Ashmore Township, Feb. 29, 1871. Mrs. Brown was born in Madison County, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1854, and is the daughter of Thornton A. and Mary A. (Kendall) Timmons, natives respectively of Fayette and Madison Counties, Ohio. They ' were of German ancestry, and possessed in a marked degree the reliable and substantial characteristics of the people of the Fatherland. Thornton A. Tim- mons was born Oct. 12, 1832, and his wife, Mary, Dec. 30, 1835. They were married, Nov. 17, 1853, in Madison County, Ohio. Mr. Timmons now owns a fine farm of 130 acres in Ashmore Township. Five of his brothers served as Union soldiers in the late war, all being members of Co. A, 123d 111. Vol. Inf. They enlisted in 1862, and served during the entire war, in which, although participating in most of its important battles, none ever received a wound. They were all about five feet and ten inches in height, and when standing in a row made a group of fine-looking men. One brother, Battle H., was taken ill at Murfreesboro, Tenn.,and died there in the fall of 1863. Mr. Timmons had nine brothers and two sisters, namely, Salathiel, George B., Har- rison, Leroy, Laban, John, Isaac, William, Cor- nelius, Sallie M. and Lucinda Jane. The children of Mr. and- Mrs. Timmons were: Elizabeth; Mar- garet, now deceased ; Frederick I. and Peter A. Mr. and Mrs. Brown became the parents of four children: Amy was born Feb. 10, 1873; Ora, Nov. 4, 1875; Mary E., born May 3, 1884, died in Feb- ruary, 1885; Hattie E. was born in 1886. The homestead includes ninety-five acres, thirty-four of which is in valuable timber, and the balance care- fully cultivated. The stock and farm implements are of the best description and well cared for, and the premises are kept in good shape. Mr. and Mrs. Brown enjoy in a large degree the respect and es- teem of their neighbors, and for some years have been actively connected with the Missionary Bap- tist Church, of which our subject is a Trustee and one of the chief pillars. He is a strong temperance man, favoring prohibition measures, and politi- cally, since exercising the right of suffrage, has uniformly cast his vote with the Republican party k AMUEL DOTY, the owner of a fine estate in Charleston Township, containing 106 acres of valuable land, nearly all of which is in a good state of cultivation, has grown up with the township, having been born here March 4, 1834, and belongs to one of the substantial old I 434 COLES COUNTY. pioneer families of the county. He is the son of James and Mary (Teel) Doty (see sketch of James Doty), and was raised on his father's farm until twenty-one years of age. He then began the world for himself, and earned his first money on the road to independence as a wage-worker. He obtained employment on farms in the vicinity, receiving for his services $15 per month in the summer, and 113 in the winter. He was faithful, industrious and economical, and at the end of five years had saved $300 from his hard-earned wages. Our subject then purchased fifty acres of his present property, which was unimproved and cov- ered with a dense growth of underbrush, but he worked hard, and soon cleared the land and also the indebtedness incurred in making the purchase. He then increased his possessions by an addition of forty-six acres, and subsequently purchased ten acres more, all of which comprises his present fine farm. The soil is rich, producing excellent crops every year, and he is energetic and industrious, cultivating and improving it to the utmost. April 24, 1864, Mr. Doty was united in marriage with his cousin, Mrs. Cynthia (Doty) Parker, who was likewise a native of this township, born Aug. 26, 1834, and the daughter of Levi and Matilda (Phipps) Doty. By her first marriage she had a family of three children : Melinda, now the wife of N. B. Hill; Levi D. and Eldorado E. Mr. and Mrs. Doty have no children. In 1884 Mr. Doty established a mercantile busi- ness at Lerna, in partnership with his stepson, El- dorado, which they continued until the autumn of 1886. His stepson having decided to enter school for the purpose of preparing himself for the minis- try, they sold off the stock, although Mr. Doty still owns the property. He is a Democrat in politics, and Mrs. Doty is a consistent member of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church. JHOHN T. MONTGOMERY, M. D., well I known throughout Coles County as one of its most skillful and successful physicians, is ' still a young man, with a prospect of many years of usefulness, both as a citizen and practi- tioner. He has already made his mark in his pro- fession, and has fully established himself in the confidence and esteem of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Dr. Montgomery is a native of Greenfield, Mo., born Oct. 18, 1852, and the son of Rev. George W. and Sarah A. (Rankin) Mont- gomery, natives of Tennessee. His paternal grand- father, Samuel Montgomery, was born in the North of Ireland, and was brought when an infant to this country by his parents, who located in North Car- olina. He was reared to farming pursuits, and moved across the Mississippi, where his death took place in Greenfield, Mo., in 1858. He had in the meantime married, and reared a family of eleven children. Two of the sons are yet living, namely, Rev. George W. and Nelson. The former com- menced his labors as a Christian minister in 1 849, identifying himself with the Cumberland Presby- terians. His first charge was in Greene County, Mo., whence he came to this county in 1 866, set- tling in Oakland, where he remained until 1872, and then became a resident of Ashmore, where he has a charge and continues his pious mission in the same intelligent and able manner for which he was distinguished at the outset. In the household of Rev. George and Mrs. Sarah Montgomery were twelve children, of whom John T. was the eldest. The father had wisely invested his surplus funds in a medium sized farm, which provided a comfortable home for his children, and where our subject was reared until seventeen years of age, pursuing his studies in the district schools. Afterward he attended Mt. Zion Seminary, the Decatur High School and the Illinois State Normal School, finishing his studies in the latter institution. He commenced reading medicine under the in- struction of Dr. W. J. Peak, of Oakland, after which he entered Chicago Medical College, where he graduated with honors on the 21st of March, 1876. Dr. Montgomery commenced the practice of his chosen profession as partner of his former pre- ceptor, Dr. Peak, with whom he continued six months at Oakland. He then removed to Bushton, where he practiced five and one-half years. He took up his residence in Charleston in the spring of 1882, and in the comparatively brief time as a COLES COUNTY. 485 physician here, has made really remarkable headway. He is a close student and an extensive reader, and has availed himself of every opportunity to ad- vance in the knowledge of his profession. He has identified himself with the American Medical As- sociation, the Esculapian Medical Society of the Wabash Valley, and the Coles County Medical Society of Surgery and Medicine. Dr. Montgomery was married, Oct. 12, 1876, to Miss Mary A. Gerard, a native of Ohio, and the daughter of Jackson Gerard. Of this union there have been born four children Sarah E., Mack G., Mary M. and John T. The family is pleasantly located in a snug home in the central part of the city, and enjoy the society of its refined and culti- vated people. The Doctor is Republican in poli- tics, and socially belongs to the Masons, the I. O. O. F. and the K. of P. He was one of the orig- inal Directors of the Charleston Home and Loan Association, and in 1884 was United States Exam- ining Surgeon of the Fourteenth Congressional District. He is at present a member of the City Board of Education, and a man who uniformly takes an interest in every enterprise calculated for the welfare and progress of his fellow-citizens. WILLIAM MILLAR became a resident of Lafayette Township, this county, in March, 1854, and for a period of over thirty years has walked in and out among its people in a worthy and creditable manner, and has contributed his share toward the farming interests of this section by building up a homestead which forms one of the most attractive features of the landscape. This in- cludes 346 acres on section 3, in Lafayette Town- ship, and is provided with shapely and substantial buildings and all the accessories of the modern rural home. The history of this honored pioneer, who is now passing down the sunset hill of life, comprises an interesting array of facts which are substantially as follows: Mr. Millar was born in Hampshire County, now West Virginia, Aug. 10, 1811. His ancestors for several generations resided in the Old Dominion, his grandfather, Isaac Millar, having been Surveyor of the State, and received his commission from Lord Dunmore of England in 1774. The books containing his notes in relation to his calling, are in the possession of his grandson, our subject, and are treasured as one of the priceless relics of the past. Isaac Millar was married, and reared a family in the Old Dominion, among his sons being Michael, the father of our subject, who was born in Hamp- shire County, March 30, 1785. He followed farm- ing, and dealt largely in live stock. There were then no railroads, and stock had to be driven from the place where it was raised, to Baltimore, Phila- delphia or New York City, the trip frequently con- suming thirty days' time. Michael Millar spent nearly all his life in his na- tive State, with the exception of a short time spent near Columbus, Ohio, after his marriage. About that time he built a flatboat, loaded the same with bacon, and went down with it to New Orleans, his boat being the first to make the trip to the Crescent City. Upon the return he traveled on horseback through the Indian Territory, and not long after- ward settled down permanently in his native State, where his death took place Nov. 10, 1872. The mother of our subject was formerly Miss Hannah Decker, who was born in Hampshire County, Va., Jan. 23, 1790, and became the wife of Michael Millar in 1808 or 1809. Her death occurred at the homestead in Virginia, Aug. 9, 1860. The parental household included four children, namely, Eliza- beth, who became the wife of James Parsons, and is now deceased; William, of our sketch; Sarah, who married Francis Murphey and is now deceased, and John D., who is in possession of the old home- stead. William Millar received the advantages of a common-school education, obtaining further in- struction in a private school. He assisted his father and brothers around the homestead, and frequently traveled the long distance required in driving his stock to market. Soon after reaching his majority, he was married, Dec. 26, 1832, to Miss Sarah, daughter of David and Hannah (Cunningham) Van Meter, a native of Hard}' County, Va., born July 15, 1817. The father of our subject owned a large tract of land, and after his marriage, William lo- cated upon a portion of this and carried on farming 436 COLES COUNTY. 4 in his native State until 1853. He had now be- come the father of ten children, and desiring for them better advantages than could be obtained in the South, came to this State to seek for a perma- nent location, in which plan his excellent wife and helpmeet cordially co-operated. The face of the country in Central Illinois pleased him greatly, and he soon afterward purchased 640 acres of land in Lafayette Township, to which he removed his family the following spring. Like his father before him, he had turned his attention largely to stock-raising, and after becoming permanently settled here, his great herds of cattle grazed on the site now oc- cupied by the flourishing little city of Mattoon. It was all open prairie at that time, and the neighbors were few and far between. William Millar, upon coming to this section, had enough money to pay for his land, and brought with him good horses from his native State. His farm underwent rapid improvement, and he added to his first purchase until he became the owner of 1,200 acres in one body in Lafayotte Township, besides 970 acres in Piatt County, and afterward purchased other land in different places. Soon after coming to this State he imported two head of Short-horn cattle from Ohio, being one of the first to introduce this breed into Coles County. His uncle, William Millar, Sr., was one of the first im- porters of fine cattle from England, as will be seen by examination of the American Herd Book. Mr. Millar was always wide-awake and enterpris- ing, keeping his eyes open to what was going on around him, and was one of the original members of the Coles County Agricultural Society, in which he served as President, with the exception of two years, for thirty consecutive years. The society under his management became self-sustaining and prosperous, and was one of the four county socie- ties in the State whose treasury was sufficiently well-filled to meet the'demands upon it. Mr. Mil- lar finally found that the duties were too great for his advancing age, and resigned the position amid the regrets of all who had been interested in its es- tablishment and maintenance. The household circle of Mr. and Mrs. Millar was completed by the birth of thirteen children, of whom one died in infancy, and three others were laid in a country churchyard since their residence in Illinois. The remaining nine are living, and all married, being settled with their families in com- fortable homes of their own. Mr. M. and his wife feel quite proud of the fact that they are grand- parents to upwards of thirty children, and great- grandparents to seven. One Sabbath Day there were representatives of four generations of the Millar family seated in one pew at the church at Mattoon. The living children of our subject and his wife are, Hannah, the wife of Edwin W. Vause, of Lafayette Township ; Garrett V. ; Adam ; Eliza- beth, the widow of Dr. T. B. Dora; Michael; Je-. mima, the wife of James Vause; Sarah M., the wife of William Parsons, of Kansas City, Mo. ; Mary Frances, the wife of John I. Van Meter, of Harper County, Kan., and William E. With the exception of the two daughters residing in the West, all are located near their parents in Lafayette Township. They have been well educated, and form a family group of which the parents may well be proud. Mr. Millar has been a good father to his children, giving each of them a goodly amount of personal property and land, so that they were enabled to start out in life in a manner creditable to their po- sition, as sons and daughters of a wealthy and in- fluential citizen. He still retains 500 acres of his original farm, the proceeds of which yield him a handsome income. He has held the various offices of the township, and although independent of party lines, usually casts his vote with the Democratic party. He lias been an active member of the Pres- byterian Church for over half a century, officiating as Elder for over forty years. He was a member of the Building Committee which erected the church edifice at Charleston, and afterward assisted materially in the erection of the church at Mattoon. and has always been interested in the measures set on foot for the moral and intellectual welfare of the community. Our subject and his estimable lady have lived together harmoniously for a period of over fifty- five years. They celebrated their golden wedding, Dec. 20, 1882, and were visited by a large circle of children and friends. It was the special request of the aged pair that no presents should be given, but i - i COLES COUNTY. 437 i nevertheless the friends could not refrain from fur- nishing some slight token of their respect and es- teem, and accordingly among other gifts, presented a large and elegantly bound Bible, which was the offering principally of the members of the church. Mr. and Mrs. M. are well-preserved, sociable and happy old people, and have so lived that their children heartily unite in speaking of their home as the spot which has been immortalized in song, and which will probably be sung as long as the sentiment reigns within the human heart, that " There is no place like home." ETER GOBERT, one of the extensive land- owners of East Oakland Township, is finely located on sections 19 and 31, where he has a valuable farm of 240 acres, a handsome and commodious dwelling, and all the appurtenances of a first-class country estate. He also has a tract of equal size in Douglas County. It is a notable fact, that a large proportion of the early settlers of Central Illinois came from across the sea to seek a home in the New World, at a time when their native land seemed to offer them but little inducement as citizens, and but little reward for their labors as agriculturists, or in the industrial department of business and trade. Of these, our subject is a striking example. His early home was in the de- partment of Murthe and Province of Lorraine, France, where his birth took place at the home of his father, Oct. 17, 1821. He is the only child of John C. and Ann (Gazin) Gobert, who were na- tives of the same Province as their son, and be- lieved to be of pure German ancestry. John C. Gobert was born June 26, 1799, at the time when France was a Republic, and emigrated to the United States with his family in 1832. His decease occurred at his home in East Oakland Township, Oct. 29, 1864, on Saturday, and he was buried the following day in the cemetery near his home. He was born and reared in the Catholic Church, but for the last thirty years of his life seldom attended religious services. His early life was spent in the vineyards of his native France, but after coining to this country, he turned his attention to farming, and accumulated a fair com- petency. As a man, he was generous and free- hearted, and made many friends. The marriage of the parents took place Oct. 10, 1820, at 10 o'clock A. M., being thus recorded on the parish register of the village of Dombasle. Twelve years later he and his wife set sail for America and landed in New York City, whence they at once proceeded directly to Buffalo, which remained their home for five years following. The elder Gobert, in the meantime, maintained his family working by the day, and by this means laid the foundation for his future home. On the 4th of May, 1837, he started for the West, reaching Chi- cago on the 10th of June, remaining until Novem- ber. Thence he came to this county, and entering forty acres of land in East Oakland Township, erected a log cabin for the shelter of his family, which they occupied for five years, while the father proceeded with the cultivation and improvement of his land. At the expiration of this time he put up a hewed-log house which in those days was considered very fine indeed. There, with their only child, our subject, they continued to live un- til the death of the mother, in February, 1861. She was a lady of many estimable qualities, and the junior of her husband by about three years. The subject of our sketch remained a member of the parental household for about a year after reaching his majority, and began the establish- ment of a home of his own by his marriage with Miss Melinda R. Ashmore, which took place at the home of the bride's parents in this township on the 8th of June, 1843. This lady was a native of Kentucky, born March 22, 1824, and after becom- ing the mother of nine children, five of whom are now living, she departed this life at the home of her husband in East Oakland Township, Feb. 21, 1861. Their family included Samuel, Charles, Louis. Lafayette and Virginia, living, and Elizabeth A., Mary J., Albert and John C., deceased. The pres- ent wife of our subject, to whom he was married Oct. 17, 1861, was formerly Miss Matilda A. Roberts, a native of Ohio, born June 26, 1836. The children of this union are Alice, born Aug. 1, 1862; Thomas, June 11, 1864; Napoleon, born f . > 488 COLES COUNTY. Jan. 18, 1866, died Aug. 25, 1885; Frank, born Sept. 23, 1870; Willis P., born March 18, 1877, died Aug. 19, 1878. The parents of our subject reared their son in the Catholic faith. He has, however, not connected himself with any Church organization, being a free- thinker and esteeming the Golden Rule the sum and substance of true religion. He has been prominent in the affairs of the township and there are few enterprises set on foot for the good of the community in which his townsmen have not solic- ited the aid of his discreet and temperate judg- ment. In 1861 he served as Township Collector, and was Commissioner of Highways six years, also School Director for a number of terms. Politically, he casts his vote with the Democratic party, and is greatly pleased with the present administration. i AMES DOTY, one of the pioneers of Coles County, is the owner of a fine estate of 150 acres of valuable land in Charleston Town- ship. He was born Jan. 15, 1810, in Butler County, Ohio, and is the son of John and Anna (Mann) Doty (see sketch of Levi Doty). With his widowed mother he came across the Wabash River to Coles County, 111., in 1826, and first settled near the headwaters of the Kickapoo Creek, where he assisted his mother and worked for the neighboring farmers. Our subject's marriage to Miss Mary Teel took place in 1831. She was born Sept. 28, 1812, in Tennessee, and is the daughter of Samuel and Isabelle Teel. Her parents were likewise among the early settlers of this county. After his mar- riage, he purchased land, which he successfully cultivated and improved, adding to it as his cir- cumstances improved, until, by industry and energy, he acquired his present fine property. Mrs. James Doty, who for so many years had shared with her husband the joys and sorrows of pioneer life, was removed by death in 1880. She left a family of eleven children, whose record is as follows: John W., Samuel T., George W., James T., Emsley T., Riley; Vienna, the wife of Charles Briggs; Sarah, Mrs. H. L. Briggs; Mary, Mrs. William Wade; Almeda is also married, and Harriet E., Mrs. Alex Streeter. RTHUR D. SUITT, proprietor of a general mercantile establishment at Loxa, and one of the rising young men of the place, was born Oct. 9, 1857, in Guernsey County, Ohio, and is the son of William and Matilda (Cow- an) Suitt. William Suitt was born Jan. 23, 1824, in Maryland, and was there taught the carpenter's trade. Early in life he left his Eastern home and removed to Ohio, where his marriage to Miss Ma- tilda Cowan took place, in 1847. Mrs. Suitt was born in 1826, in Pennsylvania. After his marriage Mr. Suitt remained in Ohio for some time, and then removing to Illinois with his famity, settled in the city of Mattoon. After remaining there two years he went to Lafayette Township, and there com- menced farming, and the following year removed to Loxa, where he still lives, and continues work- ing at his trade, although quite advanced in years. Mr. and Mrs. William Suitt had a family of six children, whose record is as follows: Philip C., a resident of Leotia, Kan. ; Arthur ; Emma, the wife of John Gaines, a resident of Douglas County, 111. ; John, Frank, and Matilda, the wife of George E. Shinn. Mr. and Mrs. Suitt are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In politics Mr. Suitt sustains the Republican party, although he never aspires to office, and is not actively interested in political affairs. John and Frank are residents of Douglas County, 111. Arthur Suitt was a boy when his family removed to Coles County. He received a practical, com- mon-school education, and attended Lee's Academy at Loxa for a short time. After leaving school he worked 'at the carpenter's trade with his father, but his inclinations and business abilities led him to prefer mercantile life, and in July, 1883, he estab- lished a general mercantile business at Loxa, asso- ciated with his brother, Philip C., under the firm name of P. C. Suitt of five children, and lives in Ohio; Lev! has a farm of 275 acres in Champaign County, Ohio; Emily mar- ried Samuel Small, who died in April, 1887, and left three children ; Mrs. S. is now living at the 460 COLES COUNTY. home of our subject, in this county. Martha Ann married Peter Baker, of Urbana, Ohio, and became the mother of three sons and three daughters, two of the former now deceased ; Rachel, Mrs. L., was the youngest of the family; Minerva, unmarried, is living with one of her sisters in Ohio. Levi. the son of David Johnson, served as a Union soldier in the late war, from 1861 to 1864. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lippincott became the par- ents of eight children, all living, as follows : George William, born June 9, 1848, married Miss Mary Montgomery, and is the father of seven children ; they occupy a part of the homestead ; James Mil- ton, born Oct. 4, 1850, married Miss Lulu Sumner, has two children, and lives in Moultrie County; Marietta, born Dec. 18, 1852, is the wife of Will- iam Combs (see sketch) ; Martha Ann, born Sept. 18, 1856, is the wife of John Hornaday, of Morgan Township, and the mother of two children; Rosella Jane, born Feb. 24, 1859, is the wife of Matthias Smith, of Seven Hickory Township, and the mother of three children : LydiaCelia, born Feb. 3, 1863, is the wife of James Smail, of Oakland, and has one child living, one being deceased ; John Henry, born April 6, 1866, is unmarried and at home; Edward Theodore, born Nov. 30, 1868, was the last baby of the household, and is now a bright lad not quite nineteen years of age. Mr. Lippincott in 1865 became a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and for a period of twenty years has .been one of its warmest sup- porters and most cheerful givers. During this time he has officiated a long period as Elder, and has the pleasure of knowing that all of his family are gathered into the fold with him. He became con- nected with the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1864, which had been organized at Union Point in 1845, by Mr. Ashmore, one of the early settlers of the county, and one of its most highly respected citizens, but afterward found it convenient to with- draw. Mr. L. considers that the best sermon he ever heard was preached in the early times in Ash- more Township. He assisted in hauling the ma- terial for the church edifice in which he now worships from Newport, Ind., in the winter of 1855, and was one of the chief pillars in upholding the organization amid discouragements and difficul- ties. Politically he has been a stanch supporter of the Republican party since its organization, al- though only meddling in politics enough to deter- mine the candidate best worthy to receive his sup- port. The brothers and sisters of our subject are re- corded as follows: Jane, the wife of E. Smith, is a resident of Licking County, Ohio, and has a -fam- ily of two sons and five daughters; Lydia Ann married George Smith, has six children, and lives in Scotland County, Mo. ; George, a merchant of Springfield, Ohio, was married and became the father of only one child, who died young; he has been a widower.. for several, years. Nancy died when two years of age. George served as a soldier through the late war. Soon after enlisting he was sent home on account of disability, but employed himself in recruiting a company, and going back to the field was appointed Lieutenant, and after- ward Captain, receiving in the meantime a ball in the shoulder, which he still carries. 466 COLES COUNTY. ollections cluster about the old homestead, that they desire to retain it in a habitable condition as long as possible. Mr. Hall cast his first vote for John Fremont in 1856, and since that time has been a stanch supporter of the Republican party. A lithographic portrait of Mr. Hall is shown in this connection, as a fitting adjunct to the above brief sketch of his life, and as a companion picture we are pleased to place beside it that of his estima- ble wife. fS AAC N. CRAIG, a wealthy and retired farmer, has been a citizen of Charleston for nearly jj^ twenty years, taking up his residence here after his abandonment of farm life in 1869. His home- stead consists of sixty-two and one-half acres of valuable land adjacent to the city limits, and be- sides this property he is the owner of 700 acres else- where in Coles County. Since becoming a resident of Central Illinois he has distinguished himself as a wide-awake and enterprising citizen, identifying himself with the interests of the people, and being the especial encourager and supporter of the insti- tutions pertaining to the intellectual and moral wel- fare of the people. He is one of the pillars of the Baptist Church, and has boen connected with the Second National Bank as a stockholder and Director, since its organization. His career illustrates in a marked manner the influence which a man of wise judgment and generous impulses may exert upon a community, and the good which may be accom- plished directly and indirectly by one, who, while looking after his own property, has a thought also for the interests of the community around him. Isaac N. Craig is a native of Montgomery County, Ky., his birth taking place Sept. 25, 1810. His parents, Robert and Elizabeth (Nickel) Craig, were natives of Virginia, but reared in Kentucky. The paternal grandfather of our subject, also a na- tive of the Old Dominion, was a blacksmith by trade, and the son of Victor Craig, who was of Scotch-Irish ancestry, and who settled in Virginia early in life, and engaged in merchandising. Rob- ert Craig was born in 1781, and was but a lad when his parents moved to Kentucky. He was reared on a farm and within the confines of Strode Fort, to which his father at one time removed for protection from the Indians. He received the ad- vantages of a good English education, and remained in the Blue Grass regions until 1828, in the mean- time being bred to farming pursuits. He carried on agriculture several years, then sold out, and com- ing to Clark County, this State, purchased a quarter section of Government land upon which he built a log house, and proceeded with its improvement and cultivation until 1842. Thence he removed to Edgar County, where he remained until his death, : in 1847. His wife also died the same year. Robert Craig was a stanch Democrat, politically, and served as a soldier in the War of 1812. He was one of the first to identify himself with the Masonic fra- ternity, and was also connected with the Universal- ist Church. His wife, Elizabeth, was a Baptist. They reared a family of eight children, of whom only two survive, namely, Isaac N. and his sister, Narcissa, Mrs. Thomas Davis, of Morgan Town- ship, this county. The subject of this history was reared on the farm until about twenty-one years of age, receiving a common-school education. One of the first steps toward the establishment of a home, was his marriage with Miss Catherine Henson, a native of Kentucky, which, took place at the home of the bride, April I 14, 1831. After their marriage, the young people located upon sixty acres of land in Clark County, | given them by the father of our subject, and of ' which they retained possession for five years. Mr. Craig then sold out and purchased 164 acres in j Morgan Township, this county, which he occupied 1 thirteen years, and where his wife died, leaving five children, three now living, namely, Lafayette; Elizabeth, Mrs. Gregg, and Harriet, Mrs. Mitchell. The second wife of our subject was in her girl- hood Miss Elizabeth Bloyer, who was born in Penn- sylvania, and is the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Harding) Bloyer, natives of Switzerland. They emigrated to America in 1817, and located in Penn- sylvania, where they became the parents of three children, of whom Mrs. C. is the only one living. Mr. Bloyer only lived seven years after coming to America. The mother afterward came to this county, and locating at Charleston, remained a resident there until her death, in 1851. The union i COLES COUNTY. 467 of Isaac N. Craig and Miss Elizabeth Bloyer re- sulted in the birth of six children, namely, Cather- ine, now Mrs. McMullen; James W., practicing law at Mattoou; Andrew J., a farmer; L. E., Mrs. Swange; Isaac B., an attorney at Mattoon, and Thomas J. AMUEL WYETH, a son of one of the earliest pioneers of this county, is located on the land entered by his father from a Mexican land grant in 1853, and which he purchased of the latter, in 1853. He is located on section 27, in Seven Hickory Township, with whose farming interests he has been identified for the last thirty years. He is a New Englander by birth, his native place being Franklin County, Mass., where he was born Nov. 20, 1832. His father, Nathan S. Wyeth, was born in Massachusetts May 16, 1801, and his mother, formerly Miss Hannah P. Kellogg, a native of the same State, was born in 1800. The paternal grandfather of our subject, Gad Wyeth by name, and a native of the Bay State, was born July 27, 1763, and married Miss Mary Kendall, also a native of Massachusetts, born Dec. 3, 1770, their wedding taking place at the home of the bride in 1792. They became the parents of six children, namely, Jonas Parker, born Oct. 27, 1793; Gad, Jr., July 4. 1795; Joseph S., Nov. 8, 1796; Mary, Sept 15, 1799; Nathan S., May 16, 1801, and David, Oct 3, 1802. The eldest son of the grandparents' family, Jonas P., emigrated to Illinois about 1 853, having been married to Miss Margaret Files, July 25, 1825. He located on a farm in Humbolt Township and died there. His widow afterward removed to Michigan, where her death took place after a few years. Gad W. married Miss Elizabeth Chase, May 18, 1823, and died in middle life in his native State; Joseph S. married Miss Sallie Star, Oct. 11, 1823, and is a resident of Massachusetts; Mary W. became the wife of Silas Stites, Feb. 9, 1825; David married Miss Sallie Kellogg, Jan. 2, 1826, and died in Ohio; his svidow is still living there. Nathan S.. removed from Massachusetts to Ohio, where he lived until 1851, then came to this county and located in Seven Hickory Township, where he became a large land-holder; he died Aug. 11, 1864; his wife, the mother of our subject, died Feb. 6, 1866. Years ago he united with the Bap- tists, but subsequently became a Methodist. His wife was also a member of the latter church. The parents of our subject were married Nov. 15, 1824, and to them were born the following children: Nancy K., born Nov. 7, 1825; Leonard J., born Jan. 13, 1827, married Miss Malinda Northway, and is a resident of Tuscola, 111. ; they have two children, a son and daughter, Clarence and Emma. Joseph S., born Sept. 13, 1828, is a resident of Douglas County; Albert B., born Dec, 22, 1829, is married and a resident of Seven Hickory Township, his wife being formerly Miss Angelina Carris; their children are George and ^ora. Samuel K., | our subject; Thomas S., born June 21, 1833, has been twice married, and is a resident of Seven Hickory Township; Mary K., born Dec. 28, 1838, is the widow of John F. Coffer and a resident of Douglas County; Delilah, born June 7, 1841, died the following year in Licking County, Ohio. The father of our subject came to Illinois in 1851, opened up a good farm in Seven Hickory Township, and was engaged in agricultural pursuits. While on a visit to Tuscola he died at the home of his j son, Aug. 11, 1864. The wife and mother de- parted this life in Seven Hickory Township Feb. 6, 1866. The subject of our sketch was but a youth when his father emigrated to Ohio, and received a limited education, continuing under the parental roof until reaching his majority. Soon afterward he started out for himself, first farming on rented land and then purchased 160,]acres of his father, where several years later he engaged largely in the cultivation of broom corn, and afterward turned his attention to stock-rais'ing in addition to diversi- fied farming. In 1879 he put up a commodious frame residence, and is amply supplied with other necessary farm buildings. Samuel Wyeth was married, Oct. 27, 1857, to Miss Catherine Combs, who was born in Clark County, Ind., Aug. 29, 1838, and is the daughter of William and Margaret (Myers) Combs, natives respectively of Indiana and Kentucky. They 468 COLES COUNTY. located in Coles County in 1853, where the mother died July 2, 1880. The father is also deceased, dying Sept. 1, 1874. Their children were, Mary Jane, now a resident of Indiana; Nancy, deceased ; Catherine, the wife of our subject; William and Margaret, deceased; Rachel, the wife of Thomas C. Coffer, and John, who died Nov. 22, 1 872. All were members of the Christian Church. The children of our subject and his wife are, William Madison, James F., Thomas J., Mary J., John, who died at the age of three, and Minnie when one year old. The only daughter living became the wife of Abraham Hard in, and resides fifteen miles east of Louisville, Ky. The others are at home with their parents. Mr. Wyeth, politically, is one of the most re- liable members of the Republicaji party, and with his wife and children is connected with the Chris- tian Church at Rural Retreat. The home farm of Mr. Wyeth comprises 480 acres, which is one of the finest and best improved in the county. Be- sides the home place he has 160 acres across the line in Douglas County, 200 acres in Morgan Township, and 700 acres more in different locali- ties in Seven Hickory Township, making a grand total of 1,540 acres. Besides his farm property he is a stockholder in the Arcola Bank in Douglas County, and in all respects a representative citizen of the progressive and enterprising Prairie State. M. MOZ1ER, Trainmaster of the I. & St. L. R. R. at Mattoon, an experienced rail- road man, and who has occupied his pres- ent position since the fall of 1882, is a na- tive of Morrow County, Ohio, born near Mt. Gil- ead, May 31, 1843. His parents, Luther D. and Abbie L. (Harrison) Mozier, were natives respect- ively of Vermont and New Jersey. The elder Mozier when a young man emigrated from his na- tive State to Knox County, Ohio, and being in pos- session of a good education, entered upon the pro- fession of a school teacher, which he followed for many years. After abandoning thisjhe engaged in farming, merchandising and railroading. He was a man of great energy, and was prominent in the local affairs of his county, being one of the stanch- est adherents of the Republican party in that sec- tion. He was also an Abolitionist, and raised his voice whenever opportunity occurred in behalf of human freedom. Both parents belonged to the United Brethren Church. Luther Mozier and his excellent lady lived to celebrate their golden wed- ding, in 1882, which was a most interesting event 1 participated in by their six children, and a large circle of friends and acquaintances. The parental family of our subject consisted of seven children, six now living, as follows: Joseph W. was for many years engaged in farming in Ohio, but is now retired, and a resident of Edison, that State; William H., also retired from active labor, is a resident of Van Wirt, Ohio; A. M., of our sketch, was the fourth child ; George W. is a resident of Kansas City, where he deals in real estate ; Mary L., Mrs. Dodge, is a resident of Valparaiso, Ind.; Charles R., residing in Edison, Ohio, is agent for the Bee Line, Ohio Central & Mt. Gilead Railroad. He is also interested in farming and other business, being, like his father, a wide-awake and energetic man who never spends any time in idleness. The subject of this sketch remained under the parental roof until after reaching his majority, in the meantime receiving a good education and com- pleting his studies in the High School. He also learned telegraphy and was engaged at Delaware and Crestline with the Bee Line Railroad Company, in the capacity of telegraph operator . and ticket agent for twelve years. In 1866 he engaged in merchandising, but railroading seemed his natural sphere, and going to Rochester, Pa., he engaged as an operator with the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany, remaining four years, and then being trans- ferred to Dennison, Ohio, as train dispatcher. Not long afterward he was made chief train dispatcher, which position he occupied over ten years, in the meantime having been appointed manager of the telegraph department. In February, 1882, desiring to come West, he accepted the position of chief train dispatcher for the 1. & St. L. R. R. Co., at Mattoon, in which position he was engaged eight months and then appointed to his present place. COLES COUNTY. 469 His long experience and natural adaptation to busi- ness of this kind, have rendered him a valuable and trusted employe of a great and responsible corpora- tion. The marriage of our subject and Miss Marianne, daughter of William H. Boure, of Crestline, Ohio, was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents, July 11, 1865. Of this union there have been born two children : M. Lee, now book-keeper and cashier for George N. Buck, a dry-goods merchant of Mattoon ; and Edna L., at home with her parents. The family residence is pleasantly located on Charleston street, and our subject with his estima- ble lady, now enjoys the society of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. They are members in good standing of the Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Mozier has been Elder for some time. Politi- cally, he is a Republican, and socially, belongs to the Masonic fraternity and the Knights and La- dies of Honor. He has some property in the city, and is Vice President of the Mattoon Gas and Fuel Company. WILLIAM J. SHIELDS, a native of Coles County, was born on the farm of his father, in Oakland Township, May 5, 1844, and at an early age became intimately acquainted with the routine of "farm life, which he has since followed as the vocation of his choice, and by means of which he has built up a good home and surrounded himself with all the comforts of life. His property is pleasantly located on section 28, in the township of his birth, and he has naturally be- come identified with the interests of the people around him, both socially and financially. The parents of our subject were John and Sarah (Sublet) Shields, the former born in Jennings County, Ind., Oct. 1, 1814. The mother was a na- tive of Kentucky, her birth taking place in Garrard County, July 28, 1819. Both came to Illinois with their parents when young people, and were married in Charleston, this county, in October, 1835. In due time they became the parents of eleven chil- dren, of whom seven are still living: Klzina died in infancy ; Susanna died when about five years of age; Rebecca married John H. Patton and lives near Hinesboro, 111. ; William J., of our sketch, was the fourth child; James died young; Lucinda J. became the wife of Justin H. Hanley, now Sheriff of Edgar County ; Jessie M. is living near Camargo, Douglas County; Daniel; Nancy B., who married J. H. Comstock, and Sarah E., the wife of Wilford Dean, are residents of Edgar County ; John M. died in infancy. John Shields officiated for a period of thirty years as a minister of the Predestinarian Baptist Church, commencing his labors at Sugar Creek Church, in 1843. His standing in the minis- try was of the highest, and the number of persons baptized by him ran up into the hundreds. He was serving the Providence Church in Edgar County, when death overtook him, May 13, 1873. William J. Shields received but a limited educa- tion in his youth, attending school only occasion- ally during the winter season, his time being otherwise employed on his father's farm. One of the most important events of his early manhood was his marriage, which took place Oct. 29, 1862, his chosen bride being Miss Mary E. Buckler, and the ceremony being performed by Rev. Coleman E. Dawson, of the Baptist Church. Of this union there were born three children Jesse, John T. and Alma A. The mother died Feb. 22, 1877. The present wife of our subject, to whom he was married Jan. 23, 1879, Thomas Wyatt, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, officiating, was for- merly Miss Ann E. Spry. She was born in Ohio, Feb. 8, 1850, and is the daughter of Isaac H. and Catherine (Hunter) Spry, both also born in Ohio, in about 1818. They were married in their native State, and came to Illinois in 1857, locating near Murdock, where they now reside. Mr. and Mrs. Shields have one child, a daughter, Bertha. Mr. S., realizing the disadvantages of limited schooling, is giving his children a good education, and fitting them for intelligent and useful members of society. The father of Mr. Shields left him forty acres of land, which he afterward sold, and purchased his present homestead of fifty acres, which he has brought to an excellent state of cultivation, believing with Horace Greeley, that a small acreage well tilled is more advantageous than a large area partially neg- ^ J 470 COLES COUNTY. lected. The farm buildings are convenient and comfortable, and every thing about the premises de- notes the industry and thrift of the proprietor. RTHUR F. HARMON, a prosperous far- mer and stock-raiser, residing on section 7, Oakland Township, was born Oct. 4, 1828, in Clermont County, Ohio, and is the son of John and Martha (Vandyke) Harmoni natives of Kentucky, the father born in 1800. His parents removed to Ohio when he was two years of age, and he passed his life there engaged in farming. John Harmon was twice married. His first wife was Elizabeth Chapman, who died four years after their marriage, leaving two little children : Cath- erine, who died at the age of nineteen years, and Elizabeth, the wife of Samuel Wyse. By his sec- ond marriage, which took place in 1826, six chil- dren were born, whose record is as follows: Arthur is the subject of this sketch; Susan is the wife of George Gregg; Mary is the wife of Wyatt Barr; John has been thrice married, the first time to Miss Molly Carr; after her death he was married the second time, to Miss Lida Burton, and his third marriage was with Miss Maria Jennie Coswell; Martha is the wife of Edward Dowden, and Eliza E., the wife of James Barr. Arthur Harmon was married, Feb. 4, 1852, to Miss Rebecca Gregg. Mrs. Harmon is the daugh- ter of Hiram D. and Elizabeth (Humlong) Gregg, and was born May 12, 1834, in Clermont County, Ohio. Mr. Gregg is of German extraction, and belongs to one of the pioneer families of Bracken County, Ky., where he was born in 1805; his wife was also born there, in 1807. They subsequently removed to Ohio, where they are now living. Mr. Gregg possessed excellent business qualifications, was prosperous and successful in farming, and ac- quired independence and ease, in which to pass the closing years of life. He is a public-spirited man, and in his earlier life possessed great influence in the public affairs of the community. He is one of the pillars of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in ivliich he has been Class-Leader and Steward for many years. In politics he is a stanch supporter of the Republican party, and during the Civil War was devoted to the Union cause. His wife has been a noble. Christian woman throughout her life, having always taken an active interest in church work, and in her home has been an affectionate wife and devoted mother. Their family consisted of eleven children, whose names are as follows: Aaron H., George H., Rebecca, Vincent H., Samuel H., John H., -Hiram F. and Mary E., twins, and three who died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon have a family of ten children, whose record is as follows : Mary E.. the wife of Milton Garrison ; Mattie B., the wife of John Yenawine ; Luella ; Josie M., the wife of Ralph D. Dollar; John A., Ed- ward W., EfHe, Ida, Stanley H. and Nellie G. In 1869 Arthur Harmon came to Illinois, and located in Edgar County, remaining there six years. He then removed to Douglas County, but subsequently sold out, and in 1882 settled on his present farm in this county, which consists of 236 acres. Mr. Harmon and his wife are highly es- teemed members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are actively interested in promoting its interests. In politics Mr. Harmon is an ardent supporter of the Republican party. bHOMAS SENTENEY has been a resident of Coles County for more than thirty years. His estate, located on section 27, North Okaw Township, contains eighty acres of choice land. He was born May 16, 1819, near Maysville, Ky., and is the son of Joab and Elizabeth (Doing) Senteney. His great-grandfather, John Sentenej^, was of German parentage, although born in the United States. He married Miss Mary Hyde, a native of England, and they made their home in the East, dying in the vicinity of New York City. His grandfather, John Senteney, was born in 1761, in New Jersey, and his marriage to Miss Elizabeth Houghton took place there. She was likewise a native of New Jersey. In the year 1790 he moved West with his young wife, and purchas- ing land near Maysville, Ky., made his permanent home there. After a long life of usefulness his death occurred in 1835 at a ripe old age. His COLES COUNTY. 471 widow survived him several years, and passed away in 1845. Both are buried in the Lawrence Creek Cemetery, near Maysville. Their family consisted of seven children Thomas, Joab, Nancy, Cather- ine, Charity, Mary and Elijah, all of whom attained maturity and married. John Senteney J; and his wife were, during their lifetime, members of the Baptist Church, and were actively engaged in pro- moting its interests and building up the^cause of Christ. Joab Senteney was born in 1794, near Maysville, Ky. At that early day the educational advantages of the West were very limited, and he had little opportunitj- for mental cultivation. Business af- fairs required his father's absence from home most of the time, and at the age of twenty-one Joab took charge of the farm, and remained on the home- stead until his father's death. His marriage to Miss Elizabeth Doing took place in the year 1816. Mrs. Senteney was the daughter of Thomas Doing, and was born in Virginia. At the time of his father's death Joab Seuteney was forty-four years of age, and, taking his share of the estate, went to Franklin Count}', lud.. where he purchased eighty acres of timber land, which he cleared and cultivated for about five years. He then disposed of his interests in Indiana and re- moved l,o Morgan County, 111. Renting land near Jacksonville he carried on a successful farming business there for about fourteen years, and in the autumn of 1855 removed to that part of Coles County which is now included in Douglas. He there entered forty acres, which he improved and cultivated, making that place his home for life. Mr. Senteney was active and industrious in busi- ness, and successfully passed through the hardships and privations incident to pioneer life, in two dif- ferent States. He was retiring in disposition, and devoted to the interests of his home, never desir- ing to mingle in public affairs. With his wife he was a member of the Christian Church. Having finished his life work he died in 1863. His widow survived him several years and died in 1875, and they both lie at rest in the old Humbolt burying- ground. The parental family consisted of nine children: John, deceased, was married to Elizabeth Bobbet; Thomas, the subject of this sketch; Elizabeth, the wife of Oliver Huckstep; Nancy died at the age of sixteen; Robert married Miss Jane Fleming, and resides in Guthrie County, Iowa; William married Miss Minerva Christman, and both died, leaving a family of six children; Jacob married Miss Eliza- beth McNealy, and both also died, leaving a fam- ily of four children; Peter G., deceased, was mar- ried to Miss Ellen Hosteller; Alary is the wife of Martin Lathrop, and resides in this State. Thomas Senteney attended the subscription schools in the early days, which afforded but mea- ger advantages for education. He was a bright, intelligent boy, and possessed a natural talent for mechanical work. He had often worked with his grandfather in his shop, and became very skillful in the use of tools. Circumstances, however, led him to follow the occupation of agriculture rather than mechanics, and he remained on the homestead assisting his father on the farm until his marriage with Miss Ann Fleming, which took place April 27, 1842. Mrs. Senteney was born Sept. 8, 1824, in Parke County, Ind.,and is the daughter of Stephen and Jane (Kerr) Fleming. After his marriage Mr. Senteney removed to Morgan County, 111., and en- gaged in farming on rented land until 1847, when he purchased forty-seven acres in that township. In the autumn of that same year he accidentally cut his foot while chopping wood, inflicting a severe wound, which has ever since disabled him to some extent. In 1853 he disposed of his property in Morgan County, and entered eighty acres in North Okaw Township, on the day after Franklin Pierce was elected to the Presidency. He took possession of the place with his family the February follow- ing, and has since made his home here. He also owns a small tract of timber land. Mr. and Mrs. Senteney have a family of eleven children, recorded as follows: George W., born in July, 1843, enlisted in 1864 for 100 days' service in the Civil War, and was stricken down with the measles during his absence, and died Nov. 9, 1865, soon after reaching home; Melissa died in infancy; John T. married Miss Louisa Kelly, and resides in Humbolt County, Cal. ; Martha died in infancy; Sarah is the wife of William Beatty, and a resident of Douglas County, 111. ; Mark married Miss Martha A- 472 COLES COUNTY. Trout, and resides on the homestead, managing his father's farm ; Joab died in infancy ; James L. mar- ried Miss Ida Walker, and resides in this county ; Julia, Samuel and Emma all reside at home. Mr. Senteney's farm is well improved, and mostly fenced in ten-acre lots. His farm is con- sidered one of the best in the State. He has some tiling on the place and a substantial frame resi- dence with good farm buildings. With his wife he has been throughout life a consistent member of /the Christian Church. In politics Mr. Senteney is a Republican, and is active in sustaining the prin- ciples of that party. He is interested in educa- tional affairs, and has been School Trustee for ten years; he is also serving his second term as School Director, and has been Assessor one term. Z~" J. BAIRD, one of the early residents of Coles County, is a prosperous farmer and ' stock-raiser, owning 240 acres of finely im- proved land in Humbolt Township. He was born Nov. 4, 1833, in Adams County, Ohio, and is the son of John and Rebecca (Black) Baird. His par- ents were natives of Ohio, where his maternal grand- mother, Hester Council, died at the age of niuety- seven. His paternal grandfather, John Baird, served in the Revolutionary War. He was noted for his musical talent, and the story is related of him, that once, when stationed at a fort, he brought out his violin and played a lively tune for the young folks to keep time to. with their feet. That night the Indians had planned to surround the fort and destroy it, but, pleased and almost spellbound by the marvelous strains of music, so new to them, they became absorbed in listening, and finally with- drew, their savage natures quelled and awed by the power of music. John Baird was a farmer, but during the lougj cold winters, he was engaged in shoemaking and was successful in both branches of business. He was active and industrious, and after along and useful life died in his native State. Z. J. Baird passed his boyhood and youth assist- ing his father and attending the district school. At the age of twenty-two, he engaged in farming for -himself, and the following year, F.eb. 5, 18f>7, lie was married to Miss Catherine Easter. Mrs. Baird is the daughter of Jacob and Catherine (Ritchie) Easter. Her parents were natives of Pennsylvania, of German descent, and are both deceased. In the fall following his marriage, Mr. Baird came to Illi- nois in company with John Moore, and settled in Coles County, on a farm belonging to Mr. Moore, which he rented for a term of seven years. He was successful in this enterprise, and in 1863 purchased eighty acres of wild land on section 20, in Hum- bolt Township, on which he built a shanty in primi- tive style and occupied it with his young family. Mr. and Mrs. Baird have a family of ten children, whose record is as follows : Eva N., Clara M., Will- iam Henry, Franklin A., Thomas D., Maggie Belle, Lida May, Bertie Almira, Lulu Maud and Mary F. Eva N. married John S. Branham, and is now a widow. The others all reside at home. In conducting his farm, Mr. Baird gives special attention to raising high-grade cattle. He owns some of the finest Clydesdale and Norman horses in the township and also a very fine assortment of Poland-China hogs. Mr. Baird has never taken an active part in politics, but is interested in educa- tional affairs, and has served as School Director for many years, and also as Road Commissioner. He votes with the Democratic party. Mr. and Mrs. Baird are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which the former has served several terms as Trustee. ACOB I. BROWN, publisher of the Charleston Courier, is a native of Jonesboro, Washing- ton Co., Teun., his birth taking place Oct. 12, 1819. His parents, John and Rachel Brown, were natives respectively of Tennessee and North Carolina, the former of English and the lat- ter of German descent. John Brown was a farmer by occupation, and in about 1822 took up his resi- dence in Indiana, where his father departed this life in November, 1823. The mother died in Charleston, 111., April 24, 1867. The subject of our sketch passed his early years after the manner of most farmers' sous, going a t. COLES COUNTY. 473 barefoot boy to the district school, and early be- coming acquainted with the various employments of farm life. When fifteen years of age he went to Bloomington, Ind., to learn the printer's trade, and was in the office of Mark Deal about four years. His first work as a journeyman was in Indianapolis, where he remained during the winter of 1837. In the spring he returned to the residence of his mother in Bloomington, and occupied himself in a printing-office there until the spring of 1840. Then, in company with Ephraim Abbott, he came to Paris, Edgar County, and they purchased the Illi- nois Statesman, which they conducted two years. Mr. Brown then purchased the interest of his part- ner, and subsequently took in John B. Alexander, and they operated together until the fall of 1844, when Mr. Brown again assumed entire control, and removed the plant to Charleston, where he com- menced issuing a paper entitled the Investigator. In connection with this he also published a relig- ious periodical, edited by Rev. Richard Newport. Mr. Brown, in 1845, was elected Assessor for Coles County, and the following year sold a half interest in his paper to W. D. Latshaw. The name was changed to the Illinois Globe, a title which Mr. A. had given ta another paper published by him previously. This arrangement continued about eight years, and Mr. Brown then sold his interest to Mr. Latshaw, in order to enter upon his duties as Postmaster of Charleston, which office he occupied under the administrations of Polk, Pierce and Buchanan. Mr. Brown also, in connection with this office, carried on a grocery and drug business. In the fall of 1861, having been succeeded by the appointment of a Republican to the office, he was elected Countj' Clerk on the Democratic ticket, in which position he served four years, being subse- quently defeated by the election of a Republican. Upon retiring from this office he embarked in mer- chandising, but this venture not proving satisfac- tory, he became a candidate for Justice of the Peace, to which office he was elected in 1868, and which he still holds, receiving his first and last commissions from Gov. Oglesby. Mr. Brown, in the fall of 1881, purchased an in- terest in the Courier, which he still holds, his part- ner being Lucian Dunbar. The Courier, under the supervision of Mr. Brown, has become one of the indispensable features of Charleston, and is liberally supported by the people of Coles County generally. He is an old and experienced newspaper man, and never feels so much at home as when conducting an i institution of this kind. The marriage of Jacob I. Brown and Miss Ann E. Javins was celebrated at tin home of the bride's uncle, in Charleston, on the 24th of June, 1845. Mrs. B. was born near Alexandria, Va., and is the daughter of John and Matilda Javins. They have no children. The politics of Mr. Brown is clearly indicated in the columns of the Courier, which fearlessly advo- cates Democratic principles, is the stanch sup- porter of truth and justice, and in all its theories and arguments keeps prominently in view the mat- ters and things mostly concerning the welfare of the general public. C. RICE, a prosperous farmer and stock- raiser, residing on section 22, North Okaw Township, was born Oct. 15, 1840, in Vigo County, Ind., and is the son of Amos and Sarah (Compton) Rice. (For history of parents see sketch of Amos Rice, Sr.) Mr. Rice is the de- scendant of a pioneer family, and his early life was passed under great educational disadvantages. The old log school-houses of the early days in Indiana and Illinois, were the only temples of learning wherein the children of the pioneersjcould obtain even the scant rudiments of education. Our subject remained at home and assisted his father on the farm until he was about thirty years of age, when his marriage to Miss Martha J. Clieck- ley took place, Oct. 6. 1870. Mrs. Rice was the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Crum) Check- ley. Her father was a native of England, and probably the only one of the family who ever came to America, as none of their names are traceable here. He was formerly a resident of Indiana, but about the year 1854 came to Coles County, 111., where he passed the remaining years of his life. Mrs. Rice was born in this county Oct. 11, 1 I 474 COLES COUNTY. Immediately after his marriage Mr. Rice, with his wife, settled on the homestead which had always been her home. After a happy married life of fourteen years his beloved wife died, in December, 1884. Mrs. Rice never possessed a very robust physique, and her death resulted from quick consumption. She was a devoted wife, an affectionate mother, and was be- loved by a large circle of friends. She possessed a lovely Christian character, and bore the constant suffering of a year's illness with gentle, uncomplain- ing patience. The home circle has been desolate since her death, but Mr. Rice kept the little family together at home, with the aid of his eldest daugh- ter, and a half sister, who makes her home with them, and has charge of the house. Their family consisted of seven children, four of whom are liv- ing. Ignatia, Elmer E., Thomas E., Lawrence E., Amos E., Job C., and one who died in infancy. In stock-raising Mr. Rice gives special attention to Clydesdale horses and cattle of the Durham stock. He is industrious and energetic, and car- ries on a successful business. He has been elected to several official positions of the township by the Democratic party, of which he is a loyal member, and has served as Trustee four years, Collector three years, and Constable two years, proving faith- ful and efficient in the discharge of his public du- ties, lie is a member of the Methodist Church. A view of the homestead of Mr. Rice is given in connection with this sketch. RS. MARTHA P. KERN is the widow of Ambrose Kern, formerly a prominent citi- zen of Mattoon. She is descended from New England lineage, from which source so many noble women, faithful wives and self-sacri- ficing mothers on the Western frontier, have sprung, and is the daughter of Eliphalet and Amelia (Lem- ons) Pearson, the former a native of Massachusetts rind the latter of Indiana. Her grandfather, like- wise Eliphalet Pearson, was a native of Boston. Mass. Her father, Eliphalet Pearson, had received :\ practical education in childhood, and when four- teen years of age, he left home and went to Jeffer- sonville, Ind.. where he married and engaged in the grocery business, continuing in that occupation un- til 1821. He then removed to Springville, Lawrence County, and there opened a wholesale and retail dry-goods house. He remained in this place until his death, which occurred in 1862. His widow is still living at Bedford, Lawrence County, having reached the advanced age of eighty-two years. They had a family of ten children, four now living. In 1841 Mrs. Kern w;is married to Madison Paugh, a native of Bloomington, Ind. Mr. Paugh was a merchant in Springville, Ind., and died in 1 850. One son was born of this marriage Walter Paugh, a resident of Columbus Junction, Iowa. He was married to Miss Kate Neeley, of Pitts burgh, Pa., and has one son Charles. Mrs. Paugh's marriage to Ambrose Kern took place in 1 858, in Springville, Ind. Mr. Kern, for- merly a resident of Bedford, owned a large farm at Fayetteville, where he had been extensively en- gaged in stock-dealing. He was a man of excellent business qualifications, and in 1862 came to Mat- toon, and during his residence here was engaged in the dry -goods business, identifying himself with the interests of the city throughout the remainder of his life, his uprightness in business, and geniality in social life, endearing him to a large cir- cle of friends. He erected several valuable build- ings for mercantile purposes on Broadway, and was a stockholder in the First National Bank. He voted with the Republican party, and took an act- ive interest in municipal affairs, serving on the City Board several times, and also as Alderman. By her last marriage Mrs. Kern had a family of three children, two of whom are now living: Min- nie, the wife of Robert Jordon, is the mother of one child, Frank; Charles is a graduate of the Com- mercial College at Terre Haute. Ind., and is now a resident of Kansas City, engaged in business with the firm of Abernethy & Co., wholesale furniture dealers. Mrs. Kern was deprived of her beloved husband, by death, in 1879. She possesses a sincere Christian character and cultivated mind, and is actively in- terested in promoting the cause of Christ in tbe Methodist Church, of which she is a highly esteemed member. She is also warmly interested in the tern- t. COLES COUNTY. 475 perance cause, and is a member of the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Kern is a stockholder in the First National Bank, and manages her property and business affairs with excellent judgment. |] OHN SPITLER, a retired farmer living on section 5, Hutton Township, is one of the pioneer settlers of Coles County. He was born July 12, 182G, in Fairfield County, Ohio, and is the sou of John and Sarah (Caldwell) Spitler. His paternal grandfather, whose name likewise was John Spitler, was a native of Virginia, and emigrated to Fairfield County, Ohio. His marriage took place in Virginia, and a family of seven children was born to them David, Samuel, John, Henry, Lydia, Rebecca, and a daughter who became Mrs. Hoover. The grandparents lived to a good old age, and died in Fairfield County. The}' were members of the Baptist Church. John Spitler, Sr., was born Sept. 25, 1805, in Rockingham County, Va. He received only a common-school education, and remained at home assisting his parents on the farm until his marriage. He was a young man when his parents removed to Ohio, and his marriage to Miss Sarah Caldwell, who was likewise a native of Rockingham County, Va., took place after their removal to Fairfield County. After this event Mr. Spitler passed a few years engaged in farming on his father's property. He then purchased a hotel, of which he was the proprietor for twelve or fifteen years, but in a hazardous business venture lost both his own and his father's property by going security for. other parties who failed. Crippled by these re- verses he then rented land, and for two years was engaged in farming. At the expiration of that time he rented a hotel in Salem, which he managed for two years. His health was then failing and he only lived one year after leaving the hotel. His death occurred Jan. 12, 1843, in Salem, Ohio. The father of our subject had been twice mar- ried. His first wife died Oct. 7, 1837, while he was proprietor of the first hotel, in Pleasantville, Ohio. After her death he married Mrs. Nancy Mock. She survived him, and is still living in Indiana. The record of the children by the first marriage is as follows: Mary was born in Fair- field County, Ohio, and became the wife of John Fanning; she died, leaving three children, and her husband resides in Iroquois County, III. John is the subject of this sketch; Samuel R., born May 12, 1829, married Miss Mary A. Ball, and both are deceased, leaving three children; Andrew J., born Nov. 4, 1831, married Miss Mary Conner, who died leaving five children; he married the second time, and resides in Trenton, Mo. Elizabeth, born in 1833, is the wife of William Knoke, resides in Bellevue, Ohio, and has two childre.i. By the sec- ond marriage one daughter was born, Rebecca, who died at the age of eighteen. John Spitler, Jr., was about seventeen years of age when his father died. He had attended the common schools during his boyhood, but was now thrown upon his own resources, his father having suffered from financial losses, and died possessed of but little means. However, he resolutely set to work and learned the trade of a woolen manufact- urer. After his apprenticeship was over he was occupied in that business for about fifteen years. On the 3d of October, 1847, Mr. Spitler was married to Miss Millie Beery. Mrs. Spitler was born Oct. 6, 1 829, in Rockingham County, Va., and is the daughter of Samuel and Jemima (Spicer) Beery. Her parents were both natives of Virginia, and a few years after their marriage removed to Fairfield County. Ohio, where Mr. Beery purchased land and made his permanent home. After the death of his first wife Mr. Beery married the second time. By the first marriage thirteen children were born: Annie is the widow of William Her; Millie is the wife of our subject; David died in child- hood; Catharine, the wife of W. H. Dodds, resides in Hutton Township; Barbara K. is married, and resides in Ohio; Mary Frances, deceased, was the wife of Isaac Featheroff, a resident of Ohio; William enlisted in an Ohio regiment for three years' service in the Civil War, but in one year was stricken down and died of fever; Joseph died in childhood ; John is married and resides in Florida; Margaret died in childhood, and three in infancy. A few years after his marriage Mr. Spitler left the woolen-mills, and in the spring of 1 ,"><; 476 COLES COUNTY. moved to Coles County, 111., making the long, and toilsome overland journey with his wife and three little children by team. On his arrival here he settled in Hutton ToVnship, and in the intervening time has bought and sold several farms. In 1877 he purchased the place where he now resides, and in the following year took possession, with his family. The farm contains 159 acres, all of which is well improved; he also owns twenty-four acres of timbered land, located on section 7, Hutton Township. Mr. Spitler has never enjoyed vigorous health, and during the last twenty years has not been actively engaged in farming, his sons managing the farm work almost entirely. During the last year he has suffered seriously from chronic bronchitis, which has confined him to the house. His family consisted of seven children. Their first-born child died in infancy; Mary E., born March 17, 1850, died Aug. 19, 1854; Ida E., born July 26, 1851. married Arch Smith, and resides on the homestead; William A., born Oct. 9, 1853, died Sept. 11, 1854; Alva B., born May 26, 1855,' was married, Jan. 20, 1884, to Miss Rosa Gilbert, and resides in Hutton Township; Frederick I,., born on Christmas Day, 1858, was married, Dec. 7, 1879, to Miss Juda C. Martin, and resides on the homestead; Benjamin F., born Feb. 8, 1863,, was married Feb. 20, 1885. to Miss Catherine Scott, and likewise resides on the homestead. With his wife, Mr. Spitler is a member of the Christian Church. In politics he affiliates with the Repub- lican party. EVI DOTY, deceased, formerly a resident of Charleston Township and an early settler of Coles County, is worthy of an honorable place among the pioneers of Illinois. By native force of character he struggled successfully against disadvantages, and won from the wilderness of the Western frontier a home for himself and a heritage for his children. He was born in Butler Count}-, Ohio, Jan. 26, 1806, and was the son of John and Anna (Mann) Doty. His parents were natives of Maryland, and in about the. yenr 1818 they re- moved to Illinois, locating in Crawford County, where his father's death occurred, and in 1826, Levi removed with his widowed mother to Coles County. The parental family consisted of six children, whose record is as follows: Levi, Samuel, James, Sarah, Isaac and Anna; the three latter deceased. Upon their arrival in Coles County, Levi Doty assisted his mother in carrying on a farm, and also worked by the month for the neighbors, when his help was not required at home. There was stern, uncompromising work to be done in those early days, and done also through great inconvenience and privation. Enough can hardly be said in praise of the stout hearts and willing hands of those whose enter- prise and courage subdued the wilderness, and made a highway which has led to the present prosperity of Illinois. There were neither school advantages nor time for study, and Levi had no opportunity to learn to read until after his marriage, when his wife became his teacher. April 20, 1829, our subject was married to Miss Matilda Phipps, who was born in Lawrence Coun- ty, Ind., Oct. 17, 1812. Previous to his marriage, he had by hard work and economy, earned enough money to purchase a farm containing forty-five acres of unimproved land, and here in the wilder- ness he built a log cabin, and with his young wife, proud in the possession of land that he could call his own, set resolutely to work upon his small king- dom, trusting in God and his own right hand. He was industrious and painstaking and with a care- ful wife to share his burdens, it was not long before he became the owner of 425 acres of land_. January 23, 1853, his wife, the companion of his early pioneer life, was taken from the home circle by death. She was the mother of nine children, whose record is as follows: Harriet A., deceased, formerly the wife of Alex. Ferris ; Mary J., deceased, formerly the wife of Levi Watson; Cynthia A., the wife of Samuel Doty; Melinda, deceased, formerly the wife of John W. Doty; Amanda, who became the wife of John W. Doty, her deceased sister's husband ; Loisa, deceased, was formerly the wife of M. T. Freeman; John M.; Sarah, deceased, and Irvin A. Mr. Doty was married the second time, to Mrs. Melinda White, the sister of his former wife. She died Oct. 16, 1865, leaving four chil- COLES COUNTY. 477 dren: James; Lavina and Samuel, deceased, and Joseph. Oct. 30, 1866, Mr. Doty was married- the third time, to Mrs. Lillis (White) Oillett. She had a family of seven children by 'her first marriage, two of whom are now living John Ira and Alrneda. Mr. Doty gave his attention closely to agricult- ural pursuits until 1875, when he was obliged to discontinue active business on account of rheuma- tism, and since 1884 was confined to his bed, unable to walk. He gave each of his children a portion of his property, affording them a good start in life. Mr. Doty voted for Andrew Jackson early in life, and always sustained the Democratic party as long as he was able to attend the polls. He served in public affairs as Commissioner of Highways and School Director, and for nearly half a century had been a member of the Baptist Church, and after a long life of usefulness and toil, of which his chil- dren are reaping the benefits, feeble and worn in the strife, he passed away July 14, 1887,'deeply re- gretted by his family and numerous friends. ISAAC N. ROBERTS is a farmer and prominent resident of Ashmore Township, located on sec- tion 16. He was born Jan. 6, 1846, in Muskin- gum County, Ohio, andjs the son of Thomas and Alice (Mock) Roberts. (For history of "parents see sketch of William II. Roberts.) Isaac N. Roberts was united in marriage with Miss Almeda Davis, Feb. 3, 1867. She is the daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth (Bowers); Da vis, and was. born Dec. 24, 1845, in Muskingum County, Ohio, of which State her parents were both natives. Her family settled there at an early day, and her father was one of the substantial farmers of the county. He was born in 1813 and died in 1864. His wife, who was also born in 1813, is still living. They were both mem- bers and active workers in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which Mr. Davis was for many years Class-Leader and Steward. They had a family of nine children, whose names are as follows : Caroline, Almeda, Cyrus, Azariah, Samuel, [Matilda, Mary, Harriet and Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Roberts had a family of eight children born to them, whose names are as follows: Jesse and Elizabeth (twins), the latter de- ceased ; Thomas W., Tenette A., Leota, Harlin A.. Lnla J., and one who died in infancy. Mr. Roberts owns 120 acres of valuable land, and ten acres of timber land. In 1878 he erected a pleasant farm residence, which he improved in 1883 by building an addition. It is a commodious and tasteful two- story dwelling, a view of which is given elsewhere in this volume. Mr. Roberts is actively interested in the affairs of the county and in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which religious organization he has been for several years Class-Leader and Steward. He was Superintendent of the Sunday-school for three years, and is now one of its most faithful teachers. He holds the office of School Director, and in politics, is a stanch Republican. ELIAS MONROE, the County Treasurer, has been for many years a well-known resident of Charleston. He was born Feb. 7, 1842, in Shelby County, 111., and is the son of David and Elizabeth (Deeds) Monroe. His father was in early life a resident of Ohio, where he was engaged in milling. He removed to Illinois and settled in Shelby County, where he successfully operated a ttouring-mill for several years. Thence he went to Moultrie County, where his death occurred. His family consisted of three children, of whom Elias is the only survivor. Elias Monroe was reared on the farm, and after the death of his parents worked for his uncle, Isaac Monroe, a farmer residing in Moultrie Count}'. In 1801 he came to Coles County, and engaged in farming. In 1863 he enlisted in Co. H, 59th III. Vol. Inf., and served eighteen months. He was a mere boy of twenty-one before whom life was just opening, but he bravely offered it in the service of his country, not knowing how costly the sacrifice might prove. He was engaged in several impor- tant battles, in one of which he received a shot through the right shoulder, and in the battle of Nashville, Dec. 15, 1804, he received a wound in the right leg, which rendered amputation necessary. This misfortune ended his career in the war, and he 478 COLES COUNTY. returned to this county where he attended school six months. His affliction debarring him from phj'sical exertion, he turned his attention to mental cultivation, and attended school at Fulton two years, and on his return, was offered the position of Postmaster at Ashmore, which office he re- tained until Dec. 25, 1885, when he was elected County Treasurer. During his residence in Ash- more he held the offices of Town Clerk and Alder- man, and purchased a farm of Sfty-two and one-half acres in that township. In 1881 Mr. Monroe was married to Miss N. E. Lockridge, a native of Indiana, and they have a family of three children Chester A., Dessie E. and Josie E. Mr. Monroe is a man of much in- fluence in the county, and possesses the respect of all who know him. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the G. A. R. ETER K. HONN is a retired farmer, resid- i] ing in the village of Ashmore. His life is an example of what may be accomplished by courage, enterprise[and industry, unaid- ed by any other means. He was born July 22, 1814, in Nicholas County, Ky., and is the son of Daniel and Annie (Ebberman) Honn, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Kentucky. Both are now deceased. Peter K. Honn is one of the early pioneers of Illinois, having come to the State in 1835. He at once located in Ashmore Township, and bravely commenced a struggle with the wilderness without a cent in his pocket, but possessed of a stout heart and strong hand, by which he has successfully carved his way to prosperity. He has given each of his children a valuable, well-improved farm, and is also the owner of one himself, although he resides in the village. June 23, 1837, he married Miss Matilda Woods, a native of Madison Count}', Ky., born April 17, 1817. She is the daughter of Adam and Mary (Kerby) Woods, natives of Kentucky, where her father owned a fine farm. He died in October, 1829, at the age of forty-five; his widow survived him many years, and died in 1859, at the age of seventy-two. She was a lad}' greatly beloved by her family and friends, and for many years had been a member of the Baptist Church. They had a family of nine children, the record of whom is as follows: William first mar- ried Miss Dorcas Gideon; he then married' Miss Eliza Williamson, and is now deceased. Tirza, who married Green Epperson, is now a widow. Patsy became the wife of Fred Schaal; Nancy died in girlhood; Matilda is the wife of our subject; Mary A. is deceased ; Sarah was married to Mr. William Gilmau, and is now deceased; Hawkins P. married Julia A. Bull and is now deceased; Eliza became the wife of Thomas C. Sherwood, and is now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Honn have a family of six children, as follows : W illiam S. married Mary Noe ; Martha A. is the wife of David R. Bane; Peter K. died in manhood; Sarah E. married F. M. Shaver; Samuel H. married Nellie Graham; Mary E. is now Mrs. R. L. Tremble. Samuel H. Honn, the son of our subject, early evinced a desire for professional life. He studied medicine with Dr. Steel, in Ashmore, and afterward graduated at Rush Medical College, Chicago, and has been for several years success- fully practicing medicine in Edgar County, 111. Peter K. Honn is a man of much intelligence and mental vigor. He is a close student of all the topics of the day, social, religious and political, and having a logical turn of mind has been in- terested in investigating their various theories during the last forty years, while occupying the pulpit of the Christian Church. He became a member of that religious denomination at the age of fifteen and his wife united with the same church when twenty years old. He is considered a reliable authority in regard to all doctrinal matters, and is also possessed of great judgment and tact in managing Church difficulties. From boyhood he has been a faithful servant of the Master, and has administered the rite of baptism to many who have been led by him into the fold of Christ. Mr. Honn has always been actively interested in the public affairs of the township, and has held several positions on the Official Board. In his early life he served as Postmaster three years. He was Chairman of the Board of Supervisors one year, and Vice President of the Agricultural Society COLES COUNTY. 479 three years, and has also been School Director and Trustee for many years. He has been Foreman of the Grand Jury for a number of years and was Justice of the Peace four terms; during his entire life he has been one of the most important factors in the affairs of the township and county. Until the Civil War broke out he had been an old Kentucky Bourbon Democrat, but then he was a strong Union man and subsequently joined the Republican party, of which he is now a stanch supporter. He is warmly interested in the temper- ance cause, and has been a tetotaler for twenty-five years. The life of Peter K. Honn is its own com- mentary, expressive of what may be accomplished in this favored land by courage, enterprise, econ- omy and good principles. N. McMORRLS is a merchant of Diona, and a worthy descendant of one of the pioneer families of Coles County. He was born A "g- 31, 1845 > in tnis township, on the section where he now resides, and is the son of Joseph and Martha (Leming) McMorris. His grandfather, John McMorris, was a native of Vir- ginia, and his marriage to Miss Elizabeth Kackley, who was likewise a native of that State, took place there. He came with his family to Coshocton County, Ohio, in the early days, and was engaged in farming there several years. In 1839 he re- moved to Illinois, and entered a large tract of land in Hutton Township, containing 160 acres, for which he paid $1.25 per acre. He cleared and im- proved his land, contending successfully with the hardships and privations incidental to the pioneer days. His death occurred in 1868, at the age of sixty-eight; his wife died in 187H. Their family consisted of ten children Joseph, J. R., Thomas, Samuel, James, William, Perry, Ellen, Jane, and one who died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Morris were members of the Separate Baptist Church, and were actively interested in promoting the cause of religion on the western frontier. They are both buried in Hurricane Creek Churchyard. Joseph McMorris was born in Virginia, Feb. 8, 1824, and was a boy of fifteen when he came with his parents to Illinois. At that early da}' the schools were few and scattered remotely over the prairie, and consequently his educational advan- tages were very limited. He remained at home assisting his father in cultivating his farm, until his marriage with Miss Martha Leming, which took place in 1 844. Mrs. McMorris is the daughter of Nicholas and Martha (Hackett) Leming, and was born in Crawford County, 111. Her parents were natives of New Jersey. Nicholas Leming left his native State when a boy, and never returned. He drifted to Ohio, and for several years was em- ployed as a boatman on the Ohio River. In his early life he served in the War of 1812, and carne to Illinois when it was a Territory. He was twice married. His first wife died leaving an only child, Martha, and he was subsequently married to Miss Judith McGahan. After his marriage, which took place in Hutton Township, Joseph McMorris took charge of his father-in-law's farm for a few years, and then pur- chased ninety-one acres on the same section. Soon after making this purchase he entered forty acres in Cumberland County, subsequently buying eighty-four acres of partly improved land in the same place. He afterward sold forty acres of his property in Cumberland County, and has since purchased 240 acres there. His entire estate now contains 442 acres, all of which is valuable, well- improved, and supplied with tiling and substantial farm buildings. For the last twenty years he has not been engaged in farming, but having learned the carpenter's trade, has found successful employ- ment as builder and contractor. He was employed in the construction of a number of residences and farm buildings in Coles and Cumberland Counties, and in 1860 constructed the last wooden bridge which spans the Embarras River at Blakeman Mills. Joseph McMorris was a Whig until the Civil War broke out, and has since been a member of the Democratic party. His family consisted of eleven children: J. N., the subject of this sketch; Eliza Ellen, the wife of Elias Anderson, a resident of Hutton Township; Elizabeth A. married A. A. Neal, and resides in Union Township, Cumberland County ; Judith, Mrs. Jasper Anderson, is it resi- dent of Hutton Township; Samuel A. married to 480 COLES COUNTY. Miss Jennie Hackett, and resides in Union Town- ship, Cumberland County; George W., married to Miss Leoata Schuyler, and resides on the home- stead, where his wife is housekeeper for her father- in-law; Thomas E., a resident of Grant County, Kan.; Amanda G., Mrs. Valentine Nunmaker, is a resident of Union Township, Cumberland County; one son and two daughters died in childhood. J. N. McMorris received a very rudimentary ed- ucation, although it was the best which the early days on the western frontier afforded. He assisted his father on the farm, in the various branches of agriculture, until he was about twenty-one years of age, when his marriage to Miss Martha E. Gill took place, Dec. 28, 1865. Mrs. McMorris was born Jan. 1, 1846, in Cumberland County, and is the daughter of James and Evaline (Neal) Gill. Her parents were natives of Kentucky, and emi- grating to Illinois, were among the early pioneers of Union Township, Cumberland County. Both are now deceased. Their family consisted of nine children, of whom Martha was the youngest daugh- ter. After his marriage, Mr. McMorris, who was at this time suffering from poor health, remained at the homestead four years. In September, 1869, his father, associated with his father-in-law, estab- lished a mercantile business at Diona, of which Mr. McMorris took charge, receiving one-third of the profits. After the expiration of two years, his father-in-law gave him his interest in the store and 110 acres of land. His preferences inclined more toward mercantile life than agriculture, and he carried on that business about two years associated with his father. Having never possessed a robust physique, and feeling worn with close application to business, he closed out the store in 1882, and spent the summer traveling with his wife and two children. They made a long and enjoyable jour- ney, passing through Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming Territory. After return- ing home with renewed strength and vigor, he turned his attention to stock-dealing, shipping mostly to Indianapolis, and in 1886 settled with his family on the farm. He remained there, cultivat- ing and improving his property, until the spring of 1887, when he returned to Diona, and resumed the mercantile business. He is now engaged in supervising both branches of business. His oldest son, Palmer, has charge of the store. Mr. McMor- ris has stocked and rented the farm in Putnam Township, which now contains 150 acres; he also owns a farm in Grant County, Kan., containing 1 60 acres. Mr. and Mrs. McMorris had a family of four children: Palmer E., born Oct. 3, 1867; Carrie B., born March 16, 1870, is an accomplished young lady, and after completing her education, was en- gaged in teaching one term; one who died in in- fancy, and Charles E., born May 3, 1 876. During the first term of Grant's administration, Mr. McMorris was appointed Postmaster at Diona, retaining the position until 1882, when he offered his resignation. He belongs to the Masonic fra- ternity, and is a member of Hutton Lodge No. 698, of which he has recently been made Treasurer. He is also a member of Kickapoo Lodge No. 90, I. O. O. F., and Charleston Encampment, I. O. O. F., and was a charter member and First Dictator of Lodge No. 1174, of the Knights of Honor. In politics, he is a Democrat. Mrs. McMorris is a highly esteemed member of the Baptist Church. G. OWENS, freight agent of the I. & St. L. R. R., is a resident of Mattoon and one of the substantial, self-made business men of ^Illinois. He was born Feb. 14, 1856, in Saline County, Mo., and is the son of Robert and Julia R. (Davis) Owens. His parents were natives of Missouri, where his father was engaged in farm- ing until 1864. At that time he moved with his family to St. Louis, where he was occupied in stock-dealing until 1866; he then came to Kansas, 111., where he now resides, engaged in grain-dealing. His family consisted of ten children C. W., J. C., W. E., R. G., J. L., Laura O., F. B., Lula, Ida and Thomas. Mr. Owens is active and enterprising in business, and in politics, is a member of the Dem- ocratic party. R. G. Owens received a practical education, and at the age of seventeen left home to begin the LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IU.IHO'8 COLES COUNTY. 483 world for himself. He learned telegraphy in Kansas, Edgar County, and obtained the position of telegraph operator for the I. 484 COLES COUNTY. of the institution. During the last year he became Institute Professor of Chemistry, and soon after- ward commenced the practice of his profession after the homeopathist theory in Andalusia, Rock Island County. Thence he removed, in 1883, to Oakland, where he has since remained. Dr. Scott is still a young man, and considering his rapid progress so far, there is reason to suppose that he is destined to become one of the leading lights of the medical fraternity in this section. He is a close student, and keeps himself well posted upon new theories of practice, and has already secured the confidence of a large and lucrative patronage. In politics the Doctor is Democratic. He is Presi- dent of the Board of Trustees of Oakland. The publishers of this ALBUM are pleased to present the portrait of Dr. Scott to its patrons, as one of the foremost men of the county. LBERT B. NICHOLSON, a prominent citi- zen of Pleasant Grove Township, is the descendant of an old and honorable pioneer family. He was born in this township Jan. 11, 1850, and is the son of Patrick and Elizabeth (Ashmore) Nicholson. Patrick Nicholson was a native of Eastern Tennessee, where he resided until twenty-one years of age. He then came to Illinois, and located in Douglas County, where his marriage with Miss Elizabeth Ashmore took place in 1832. Mrs. Nicholson was likewise a native of Eastern Tennessee, whose family had removed to Illinois at an early day. In the autumn of 1831 , he removed to Coles County and purchased forty acres of land in Pleasant Grove Township, at $1.25 per acre. He had no capital, and to pay for his land he split rails at thirty-three and one-third cents per hundred. He was industrious and economical, however, and in a short time cleared off this debt and purchased more land, which he cultivated and improved. His efforts were attended with success, and he finally became the owner of 460 acres of land, on which he erected a pleasant residence with excellent farm buildings. In his struggle with the material obstacles and privations of pioneer life, Mr. Nicholson did not forget the claims of God, who rules over the seed- time and the harvest, and sends His run alike upon the just and the unjust. . He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and was deeply interested in promoting the cause of religion in the community, annually devoting $125 of his income to the church, and for charitable purposes. For forty years he was an Elder, and in that capacity repre- sented his church at the National Assemblies, con- vened on different occasions at Philadelphia, Cleveland, St. Louis, Chicago, and other cities. Mr. Nicholson possessed great native intelligence, which was cultivated and improved by the habit of thoughtful reading. He was well 'informed in regard to all the important topics of the day, and actively interested in promoting the general wel- fare of society. He made several visits to his native State, but always returned with feelings of renewed attachment for his Western home. In politics, he was a stanch supporter of the Repub- lican party, and represented his township on the County Board of Supervisors. Mr. Nicholson died of a lingering disease, but his mental faculties were clear, enabling him to supervise his business affairs until the last. On the day previous to his death, which occurred Aug. 15, 1886, he made a large sale of cattle and grain. He was generous, both in public and private life, and when his children attained their majority, he gave each a portion with which to start in life. His widow is still living. They had a family of twelve children, six sons and six daughters, seven now living, whose names are: Patience Ann, William A., Sarah J., Harriet N., Albert B., Mar- garet and Ella. Patience Ann is the widow of James Balch ; Sarah J. is the wife of T. A. Endsley ; Margaret is the wife of T. J. Newman, and Ella, the wife of Alexander Newman. Albert B. Nicholson is one of the rising young men of this county. He was educated at the public schools, and resided on the homestead with his parents until his marriage, which occurred Jan. 21, 1875. His wife was Miss Rheuhama T. Allen, the daughter of Benjamin F. Allen, a resident of New Albany, Ind., in which city Mrs. Nicholson was born, and where her marriage likewise took place. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson have a family of five in- COLES COUNTY. 485 teresting children Amos E., May, Patrick F., Myrtle and Charles. Mr. Nicholson is a Republican in politics, and socially, belongs to the Masonic fraternity, of Muddy Point. He owns seventy-five acres of well- improved land, and his residence and farm buildr ings are excellent and well appointed. E M. PFEIFER, owner of a fine estate containing 160 acres of valuable, well-im- proved land, resides on section 20, Seven Hickory Township. He was born Oct. 7, 1849, in Germany, and is the son of Bernhardtand Barbara (Bock) Pfeifer. Bernhardt Pfeifer was a tailor, and during his early life was occupied at that trade; he subsequently bought several tracts of land, which he improved, and had three fine farms; on his city property he erected a stone residence and barn, and also a frame residence and barn on an- other lot in Wallrabs, in Saxe-Meiningen, Germany, where he resided and brought up his family. He made his money in about two years by building and contracting on the railroad, associated with two of his sons. The eldest son, Casper, has been con- nected with the road since 1854; he is very popular with the railroad officials, and still retains his po- sition, although now about sixty years of age. (For further history of parents, see sketch of L. W. M. Pfeifer.) George M. Pfeifer received a practical education at the public schools in Germany, and in May, 1 807, he set sail for the United States, to seek his for- tune in a new country. He arrived in New York about the 1st of June, having been fifteen days on the water, and found himself, a mere boy of seven- teen, in that great city with but five cents left in his pocket, speaking a foreign language, and un- familiar with the customs of the country. The oc- cupation to which he had been trained was that of manufacturing meerschaum pipes, and at that time there was but one factory of the kind in operation in New York. The outlook was gloom}-, but he bravely set himself to work, seeking for employ- ment, which he finally obtained in a cooper's shop. He remained there three weeks, earning about enough to pay for his board, when one day, to his surprise, a lady accosted him on the street and asked if his name was not Pfeifer. She had been well acquainted with his family in Germany, and recognized his face, having known him when a little boy. She took him to her home, and her husband found employment for him in a tinshop. He remained there until August, and then having earned enough money for his traveling expenses, came West and joined his brother Louis, who had previously located in Coles County, 111. The brothers lived together, and during the first year, George was engaged in farming on shares. The following year his father gave him $200, with which to purchase a team, and this amount was all the financial assistance he ever received from any one, with the exception of $25, willed to him by his god-father, when he was thirteen years of age; it was placed on interest, and was used for part of his fare to America, his father supplying the balance. May 26, 1870, Mr. Pfeifer was married to Miss Paulina Roser, also a native of Germany. There were six children in her parents' family, all of whom are living in Illinois and Indiana. Her father died in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Pfeifer were married in Charleston by Judge E. M. Peterson. They have an interesting family of five children : Emma M., born April 6, 1871; Clara J., Feb. 17, 1873; Edward, Dec. 5, 1876; Charles, July 14, 1880; and Georgia. William Zehner, an adopted son residing with the family, was born Sept. 10, 1871. Mr. Pfeifer made his first purchase of land in 1878, buying eighty acres on section 29, just south of his present residence. In 1880 he bought eighty acres on section 20, where the following year he erected a pleasant farm residence. There were no improvements on either place when he purchased them, except a house which was too small and old to be of any practical use, and a well. Mr. Pfeifer is industrious and untiring in cultivating and im- proving his farm, on which he has about 500 rods of tiling. He raises some broom corn, and also corn and oats, but no wheat, and is to some extent engaged in raising fine stock, Short-horn cattle, Clydesdale and Norman horses, and also has some mules. Mr. Pfeifer has acquired his property by hard . > 486 COLES COUNTY. work and the judicious management of his re- sources. In 1881 he had the misfortune to be stricken down with pleura-pneumonia; the disease was very prostrating, confining him to his bed for a year, and he did not recover from the effects of his illness until 1884. Mr. and Mrs. Pfeifer are members of the Lutheran Church at Arcola. In politics, Mr. Pfeifer is a stanch Republican. J~1OSHUA RICKETTS, Superintendent of the I Coles County Almshouse, and a gentleman j who for the past thirty-eight years has been ' closely identified with the business interests of Central Illinois, is a native of Muskingum County, Ohio, his birth taking place March 13, 1821. He has consequently seen more than three- score 3'ears. and has made the most of his opportu- nities in life. He possesses more than ordinary in- telligence and business capacity, and is a man widely known and respected throughout this sec- tion of country. Our subject is the son of Joshua and Sarah (Taylor) Ricketts, the former born in Maryland Dec. 11, 1779, and the latter in Connecticut, June 20, 1781. Joshua Ricketts, Sr., was a hatter by trade, which he followed in his native State for a few years during his early manhood, and thence removed to Zanesville, Ohio, in 1813. After a res- idence there of three or four years he purchased a tract of land in the northern part of Muskingum County, upon which he removed and was engaged in its cultivation and improvement for a period of six years ; he then sold out and purchased another farm in the same county, where he remained until his death, which occurred Jan. 2, 1833. The Rick- etts family was of Welsh ancestry, and the mother of our subject of English parentage. She survived her husband twenty-one years, her death taking place on the old homestead in Muskingum County, in 1854. Both parents were devoted members of the Christian Churrh. Their thirteen children included nine sons and four daughters, who were named re- spectively, James, Mary, Benjamin, John, Samuel, Ruth, William, Calvin, Sarah A., Barnabas, Joshua, Susan and Reason. Of these but four sons are now living, the eldest being at this date (1887) eighty years old. Joshua, Jr., of our sketch, is remarka- bly strong and healthy for a man of his years, and preserves the brightness of intellect which distin- guished him in his youth. The maternal grandfather of Mr. Ricketts, John Taylor, served seven years and six months in the Revolutionary War, a large portion of the time under the personal command of Gen. Washington, and was in the battle of Bunker Hill, where he was wounded. He was several times wounded and captured by the enemy. Mr. Ricketts remained with his parents until thir- teen years of age, and then going to Knox County, Ohio, engaged in stud}' with a view of preparing for the ministry. His religious belief, however, met with a change, and he abandoned his first in- tention and for a time engaged in fanning, after- ward learning the trade of a marble-cutter. He finally removed to Terre Haute, Ind., where he en- gaged in the marble business, and thence removed, in 1849, to Illinois. After spending a year in Clark County he came to Charleston, and estab- lished himself in the marble business, which he car- ried on until the outbreak of the late war. He was one of the firnt to respond to the call for troops, and was soon promoted First Lieutenant. He afterward took part in the capture of Island No. 10 and the siege of Corinth, where he acquitted himself in such a manner as to secure the approval of his superior officers and the admiration of his comrades. He served until the expiration of his term of enlistment, and then entered the 109th Indiana Infantry, being commissioned by Gov. Morton, Adjutant of the regiment. This regiment was mustered out after Morgan's raid in Indiana, but at the call for 100-days' men in 18C4, Mr. Ricketts, not waiting for a commission, volunteered in the 143d Illinois Infantry, serving as Sergeant in Company A. After the close of the war he returned to his business at Charleston, and was soon after- ward appointed Superintendent of the Coles Coun- ty Almshouse, which position he lias since held. He has occupied the various local offices of his township, serving as Assessor, and was four times elected Justice of the Peace, the duties of which f COLES COUNTY. 487 office he discharged with more than ordinary dis- cretion and good judgment. The marriage of Joshua Ricketts and Miss Cath- erine D. Roberts took place in Coshocton County, Ohio, on the 29th of December, 1846. This lady was also a native of the Buckeye State, born March 26, 1 825. They became the parents of three chil- dren Sarah M., William W. and Cornelia M. The wife and mother departed this life Nov. 8, 1854. Mr. Ricketts was the second time married, Sept. 4, 1855, in Clark County, 111., to Miss Malvina Jones, of Lawrence County, Ohio, who was born Oct. 24, 1834. Her parents were William and Barbara (Biungardner) Jones, natives of Virginia, but both now deceased. Mr. Ricketts, politically, is a Republican of the first water, and was one of the organizers of the party in thi's part of the State. Religiously he is connected with the Universalist Church at Charleston. ^RUCE ANDERSON. The family of Mr. Anderson is well known among the promi- nent citizens of Coles County. He was formerly a farmer, but is now extensively engaged in shipping cattle, sheep and hogs. He was born March 29, 1840, in Clinton County, Ind., and is the sou of Jacob and Elizabeth (Stutsman) Anderson, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Indiana. In early life Jacob Anderson had been engaged in milling in Indiana, but in the spring of 1849 disposed of his business interests there and came to this State, locating at Charleston, where he pur- chased a large tract of land containing about 3,000 acres, located east of the Roman Catholic Church, and comprising the eastern portion of the city. He laid out his first addition to the city in 1852, which was followed later by six other additions covering probably about eighty acres of land. When he first came to the city he erected a substantial brick house, which now stands facing the county road and the I. & St. L. R. R. He passed an active and useful life here, engaged extensively in fanning. He was a public-spirited man, possessed of great executive ability, and interested in every enter- prise calculated to improve the city or promote the welfare of those around him. He was original in personal characteristics, strong in his likes and dis- likes, generous and faithful in friendship, upright and honorable in business, but not easily reconciled to an enemy, or forgiving where he deemed wrong or injustice had been done. He was a life-long Universalist, and one of the founders of the church in Charleston. His family consisted of eight chil- dren, four now living, Sarah, now Mrs. A. Van Sickle, a resident of Charleston ; Bruce, the subject of this sketch; Henley, who occupies the old home- stead ; Samantha, now Mrs. C. Calvert, a resident of Tuscola, Douglas Co., 111. Bruce Anderson was brought up to the milling business, but after the removal of his parents to Charleston, he engaged in farming until twenty- three years of age. He then left home to see the world, going to California, where he spent three years engaged in various business enterprises. On his return, he acquired a tract of land contain- ing 240 acres of wild, unimproved prairie, where he built a house and resumed farming, cultivating and improving this place for five years. He then left home for two years, and on his return again engaged in farming for five years. At this time he removed with his family to Little Rock, Ark., and there engaged in the milling business, buying grain in Arkansas and Texas, but the climate prov- ing unfavorable, within two years his family re- turned to the farm in Charleston, but Mr. Anderson remained and continued the business four years, when he rejoined his family, and conducted the farm for six years. In 1883 our subject built a residence on a corner lot belonging to him in the city, where he now re- sides, and in 1886 removed with his family to the city. The first house built in Charleston was erected on this lot, the land at that time being covered with heavy timber. A fine grove of eleven native black- walnut trees now stands there, a pleas- ant memorial of the old forest. This is the highest point of land within the city limits north of the town branch, Our subject was married in November, I8t>2, to Miss Emogene Dunbar, daughter of Col. 'A. M.and Susan Dunbar, of Charleston. -They had three 488 COLES COUNTY. children, two of whom are now living. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson became the parents of two children Gay and Cathleen. Upon the death of .his^wife, Mr. A. was married a second time, in 1868, to Mrs. AlbenaMurry. Mr. Anderson, like his father, is a stanch Democrat. ETER FURRY, a substantial farmer resid- ing in Pleasant Grove Township, is one of the pioneers of Coles County, his residence here dating from the year 1839. He was born June 14, 1817, in York County, Pa., and is the son of Peter and Barbara (Sherick) Furry. His family is of French extraction, although its mem- bers have for several generations been residents of the United States. Peter Furry was born in Adams County, Md., just adjoining the State ^of Pennsj'l- vania. His wife's family were remotely of Swiss ancestry, and her parents were residents of Lan- caster County, Pa., where she was born. Mr. Furry's marriage took place in Richland County, Ohio, where they were engaged in farming until 1839, when he removed with his family to Illinois, and settled in Coles County. Mr. and Mrs. Furry were swept away by the scourge of cholera, which prevailed in 1851, only four days intervening between the death of each. They had a family of nine children born to them, two of whom died in infancy, seven grew to maturity, and three are now living Peter, Polly and George. Peter Furry passed his boyhood and youth in the States of Pennsylvania and Ohio, and accompanied his parents to Illinois iu 1839, settling in Coles County in the vicinity of his present residence. In 1845 he purchased four yoke of oxen and re- moved to Wisconsin, where he engaged in hauling goods between the lead mines of that region and the city of Milwaukee. He passed through Chicago, which was then a small village with grass growing in the streets. He did not continue in this busi- ness long, however, and after his return home was married, Jan. 27, 1850, to Miss Alvira White. Mrs. Furry is the daughter of James D. and Lucindn (Goldman) White. Her parents were among the early settlers of Coles County and she was born here Jan. 27, 1833. After his marriage Mr. Furry purchased land in Pleasant Grove Township, and in 1 860 located where he now re- sides. Since making his first purchase he has given his attention exclusively to farming, and now owns 121 acres of valuable, well-improved land. Mr. and Mrs. Furry have become the parents of ten children, two of whom died in infancy. Their only son, George, a promising young man, died Jan. 19, 1887, at the age of eighteen. The record of the others is as follows: Lucy Ann is the wife of Martin Brady; Amanda E. became the wife of Warren C. Butler, and the mother of one son, Byron ; her husband served in the Civil War, and his death occurred in 1882. Mary A. is the wife of John V. Summer; Ellena E. was married to Charles James; Susan Florence is the wife of D. Gray; Allie and Pearl E. With his wife, Mr. Furry belongs to the Baptist Church. He is not actively interested in politics, and does not aspire to public office, but he always sustains the Republican party, and lias served as a member of the School Board. AVIU MARTIN, one of the most enter- prising citizens of Hutton Township, owns and occupies 160 acres of improved land on section 13, with about thirty-five acres of valuable timber, and took possession of a part of his present homestead in 1853. The improvements which now invariably attract the eye of the passing traveler have been brought about by his own in- dustry and good judgment. He erected a fine brick residence in 1875, and has two commodious barns, with all other necessary out-buildings. The land is neatly and substantially fenced, and the proprietor is supplied with all the machinery for carrying on his chosen vocation after the most modern methods. Our subject is a native of Jefferson Count}', Ky., born, March 29, 1825. He comes of excellent Scottish ancestry, and the first representatives of the family in this country are supposed to have lo- cated in the Old Dominion. His grandfather, John COLES COUNTY. 489 Martin, was born in Albemarle County, and was there married. Soon afterward he removed to Kentucky, making the journey overland by teams to Jefferson County, where he entered about 600 acres of timber land, and after improving and liv- ing on it for thirty-five years became involved in litigation with his cousin, and lost the whole. He died, however, before the suit was ended, but suf- fered all the humiliation and inconvenience of being reduced from plenty to comparative poverty. His wife survived him a few years. Their seven children were named Hudson, Charles R., Henry, Wesley B., Mary, Judia and Amy. All lived to mature years, and with the exception of Amy, who died when twenty years of age, were married and reared large families.. Wesley B, Martin, the father of our subject, was the fourth child of his parents, and born in Vir- ginia, Oct. 17, 1792. He was quite young when his father removed to Kentucky, and remained at home until the death of the latter, receiving a limited education. He married Miss Lydia, the daughter of Anthony and Catherine Snyder, whose parents were natives of Germany, but emigrated to this country when quite young, and settled with their parents in Pennsylvania, in which State they were married. After marriage they located on a farm in Jefferson County, Ky., but in October, 1847, Weslej' Martin determined to seek his for- tune iu the Prairie State. Coming into this county he entered eighty acres of timber laud in Hutton Township, which he cleared and improved, and upon which he built up a comfo. table homestead, which he occupied for thirty-five years. In 1863 he sold out and purchased forty acres in Huttou Township. Not long afterward Wesley Martin received a, stroke of paralysis, from which he never recovered, being helpless the remaining years of his life. His death took place in 1860. He had been a man highly esteemed among his neighbors and served as a soldier in the War of 1812, being under the com- mand of Gen. Jackson and participating in the battle of New Orleans. His wife survived for about twenty years, her death taking place Sept. 22, 1880. The remains of both were laid to rest in the Har- rington Church bury ing-ground in Hutton Town- ship. The mother was blind for about seven years before her death. Three days previously she ex- pressed a desire that she might look upon the faces of her children before closing her eyes forever upon the scenes of earth. About twenty-four hours before passing away the sight partially returned to one eye, so that she could recognize her children and called them by name. These, seven in num- ber, were named respectively, George and Cather- ine, both deceased; Charles R., David, of our sketch; Wesley, deceased; Elizabeth, and one who died in infancy unnamed. David Martin was the fifth child of his parents, and about thirteen years of age when they emi- grated from Kentucky to Illinois. He received a limited education, and after reaching his majority purchased forty acres of timber land in Hutton Township, where he built a log house and made other preparations for the establishment of a home of his own. One of his most important ventures at that time was his marriage with Miss Sallie A. Orchard, which took place Aug. 12, 1847. Mrs. Martin was born in Madison County, Ky., Dec. 14, 1828, and is the daughter of William and Jane (Richardson) Orchard, also natives of the Blue Grass State, where they were reared and married. They came to this county in about 1833, and built up a farm in Hutton Township. They experienced all the hardships and privations of pioneer life, and lived to see the country around them built up and settled with an excellent class of people. Mr. Martin, after his marriage, commenced farm- ing on forty acres in Hutton Township, which he occupied two years, and then traded for eighty acres of timber on the Kickapoo Creek in Charles- ton Township. Here, in company with his brother, he put up a sawmill, which they operated three years, and then selling out our subject purchased sixty acres on section 13, in Hutton Township, to which he afterward added 100 more, and which now constitutes his present farm. While running the sawmill he learned the carpenter's trade and brick masonry, and has built more barns than any man in Coles County, besides several brick resi- dences, school-houses and churches. The twelve children of Mr. and Mrs. Martin are as follows: George W., born June 20, 1848. is still at home with his parents; Lydia J., bom Jan, 490 COLES COUNTY. 22, 1850, became the wife of John Keckley, and lives in Hutton Township; Mary C., born Oct. 8, 1 852, became the wife of George Rhue, and died . at her home in Cumberland County, Feb. 26, 1876 ; Sarah F., born March 13, 1855, is the wife of John Fesler, of Diona; Nancy E., born Jan. 24, 1857, married B. Goben, and is a resident of Pleasant : Grove; Luvina, born Dec. 17, 1858, married Sam- uel Stephens, and is living in Charleston Township; Rebecca, born Feb. 2, 1861, is the wife of R. E. Hurt, of Shelby County; Charles W., born Oct. 17, 1862, married Miss Ida Walker, and is a resident of Cumberland County; Mandeny, bom Aug. 12, 1 865, became the wife of Warrick Gwm. and lives in Hutton Township; Laura B., born June 20, 1867, and Nelson T., Dec. 7, 1870, are at home with their parents. An infant died unnamed. Mr. Martin has labored on the farm but little, although superintending its operations. His indus- try and enterprise have become proverbial, and in addition to his own private interests he has served his township as School Director twelve years, Road ] Commissioner three years, and held the office of Deacon in the Baptist Church for ten years. To i this Church his wife and children also belong, and for years have been among its most cheerful and liberal contributors. Mr. Martin, politically, is a stanch supporter of the Democratic party. JO. SILVERS, a retired farmer, residing in Mattoon, was born Aug. 18, 1827, in Sulli- van County, Ind., and is the son of Bletcher and Elizabeth (Ingraham) Silvers, natives of Washington County, Ky., where his father was engaged in farming. His grandparents, John and Nancy (Springer) Silvers, were natives of Kentucky ; the family of the former was of German extraction. He carried on an extensive farming business in his native State, and owned quite a number of slaves. In 1818 Bletcher Silvers removed with his family to Sullivan County, where he passed the remainder of his life. His wife died in 1856, and he did not survive her many years, his death occurring in 1861. They had a family of seven children, three of whom are now living, as follows: Letitia, the wife of W. P, McClure, a resident of Graham County. * Kan. ; J. 0., the subject of this sketch, and Hester, the wife of Mr. James French, also a resident of Sullivan County. Mr. Silvers in early life served in the War of 1812. He belonged to the Old Wh ; g party in .politics, but subsequently became a Re- publican. Both himself and wife were members of the Methodist Church, and in their daily lives ex- emplified the sincerity of their religious faith. J. O. Silvers was reared on his father's farm in Indiana, and remained at home until eighteen years of age; he was then sent to the DePauw Uni- versity, and after three years of study was grad- uated from that institution with honors. He then taught school in Indiana two years, and in 1851 came to Cass County, 111., and was there engaged two seasons as teacher in a seminary at Virginia. But his tastes inclined him to prefer agriculture' and he returned to Indiana and engaged in farming in Vigo County until 1863, when he removed to Illinois and settled in Mattoon. He had previously been engaged in the mercantile business in Shelby- ville, Shelby Co., 111., and on coming to Mattoon was at first occupied in buying and selling real es- tate. In 1870 he purchased eighty acres of land in North Okaw Township, in this county, and engaged in farming. The following 3'ear he purchased ten acres on Western avenue, where he remained until 1877, and then returned to his other farm, passing six years there. In 1883 he retired from the cares of active business and returned to this city, where he now resides on West First street. Our subject's marriage to Miss Sarah F. Pugh took place iu 1852. Mrs. Silvers was a native of Terre Haute, and the daughter of Ishmael Pugh. Three children were born to them, whose names are as follows: Clara Belle, the wife of Mr. Thomas Lytle, is the mother of four children Howard, Grace, Gertrude and Ralph; Hattie, the wife of Charles N. Brown, has one child, J. Herbert; and Frank. In 1871 the family circle was broken by the death of Mrs. Silvers. In 1876 Mr. Silvers was happily married the second time, to Mrs. Sophia J. (Eggleston) Allen. Mrs. Silvers is the daughter of David and Rebecca (Judd) Eggleston, natives of New York. They had a family of five children, of whom only two are t COLES COUNTY. 491 living Mrs. Bartlett, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Mrs. Silvers. Mrs. Silvers' grandfather, Jonathan Eg- gleston, was of English descent, and served in the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Silvers' first marriage occurred in 1842. Her husband, Samuel Allen, was a native of Massachusetts. He came to Illi- nois in 1863, and purchased a farm of 250 acres adjoining the city of Mattoon. He was an enter- prising business man, and invested in city property to a considerable extent. His death occurred in 1874. He was a Republican in politics, and one of the leading citizens of Mattoon. Our subject and his wife, having no children, have adopted four orphans, whom they have cared for and educated. Their names are, Aaron and Rebecca Wycoff, brother and sister, who were brought here by Mr. and Mrs. Allen from Ohio; Isaac Roby and Nellie V. Hyde. Mr. Silvers is a member of the Republican party, and socially be- longs to the I. O. O. F. He has also been for many years a highly esteemed member of the Methodist Church. AMES HOOD, JR., one of the successful and prominent farmers of Humbolt Township, owns and occupies an elegant home on sec- (KgP/ tion 19, a lithographic view of which apears on page 266. He was born in West Union, Adams Co., Ohio, Oct. 29, 1834, and is the son of James and Mary (Ellison) Hood, natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio respective^'. John Hood, the grandfather of our subject, had a family of four children, two sons and two daughters. James, the father of our subject, came from his na- tive State to Ohio when a lad four or five years old. He there learned the tanner's trade, and subsequently worked with the father of Gen. Grant, but aban- doning this he engaged in merchandising, which he successfully prosecuted for many years. His fam- ily consisted of three children by his first wife, namely: Rebecca, Mrs. Andrew Smalley, living in Ironton, Ohio; Hannah, Mrs. Nathan Branson, liv- ing in West Union, Ohio, and James, the subject of our sketch. Jarnes Hood's second wife was a sister of the first, named Isabelle Ellison, who died in 1861, his first wife having died in 1838. He is yet living, in the enjoyment of good health, at the age of eighty-seven. James Hood, Jr., from the time he could look over the counter was obliged to stay in his father's store, a task which always proved irksome to him. Whenever an opportunity offered for visiting one of his uncles in the country he gladly did so, and anxiously looked forward to the time when he could remain upon a farm. In the year 1853 he left his home, going to Etna Furnace, near Iron- ton, Ohio, where he had charge of the furnace store a year, at a salary of $300. He then returned to the assistance of his father for one year, afterward resuming his charge at Etna Furnace at an increased salary of $400, out of which he saved $365. With this he went to Iowa in 1856 and entered a half section of land in Butler County. Here he re- mained until 1859 r when he traded his land for 240 acres in the northeastern part of Coles, now Douglas County. III. In the fall of the same year he had 140 acres of sod broken and sown in wheat, and in the spring bought 112 head of yearling calveSj which he herded near Milton Station, now Hum- bolt. Six months later he sold his calves and wheat and returned to West Union, where he rented a gristmill owned by his father. During his employ- ment in this new business he was united in mar- riage with Miss Sarah E. Wilson, a resident of Mc- Lean County, 111., the wedding taking place Jan. 1 , 1861. Mrs. Hood was the only child of Jarnes and Susan (McKee) Wilson, natives of Kentucky and Ohio respectively. She was born in Adams Coun- ty, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1842. In the fall following his marriage Mr. Hood again moved to Illinois, and in the spring of 1862 built a shanty on his tract of land located on section 29, Humbolt Township. During the summer he broke forty acres and sowed it in wheat, but becoming discouraged by reason of sickness returned to Etna Furnace, and engaged as assistant manager at a salary of $1,200 per an- num. While thus occupied he rented his farm to D. C. Thomas, for grain rent. His share of the wheat marketed at $1.85 per bushel at Humbolt, bringing him $20 per acre, which has never been excelled in this part of the State. Elated by their I t. 492 COLES COUNTY. success, farmers engaged largely in wheat-raising the next year, only to meet a great failure. In 1 805 Mr. H. again came to Illinois, where he has remained until the present time. Although he had been a farmer merely in name previously, he now became one in fact, doing his first plowing that spring with a plow he had purchased at a sale for $1.50, which he used four years. The cutter which was attached when he purchased the plow he sold for $1, making his plow cost but fifty cents. Mr. and Mrs. Hood have a family of eight chil- dren, recorded as follows: John E., Mary S., Sarah B., James W., Ann Eliza, Robert B., Clara D. .and William H. Mr. Hood is a pronounced Repub- lican in politics, having voted in 1856 for Fremont, and has since voted for each of the mominees in his party, save in 1 860, when by virtue of chang- ing his place of residence he lost his vote. He is an excellent citizen, a successful, painstaking farmer, and a gentleman of refined tastes. J~~l UDGE J. R. CUNNINGHAM, of Charleston, is descended from a family distinguished for intellect and character. He was born Sept. ' 19, 1831, in Litchfield, Grayson Co., Ky., and is the son of John and Elizabeth (Yates) Cun- ningham, the ^former a native of Virginia and the latter of Maryland. John Cunningham was a man of prominence in the community where he resided. He was at one time Sheriff of Breckinridge County, and served one term as member of the State Legis- lature. He passed the greater part of his life en- gaged in agricultural and mercantile pursuits in Grayson County, Ky. He was twice married, and by his first wife had a family of ten children. His second wife was Miss Harriet B. Wortham. and by this marriage eight children were born. The boyhood of Judge Cunningham was passed on his father's farm until the age of seventeen, when he was sent to St. Mary's College, in Marion County, Ky. He there applied himself diligently to study during three terms, and upon his return home was engaged one year as book-keeper in his father's store, and then deciding to enter one of .the professions, went to Nashville. Tenn., where he read medicine and attended medical lectures one year. After his return home he read law three years in the office of William L. Conklin,and in 1855 was admitted to the bar, and practiced law in Litchfield one year. In 1 857 he was engaged in his profes- sion a few months in Mattoon, and then came to Charleston, where he first commenced the practice of law associated with O. B. Ficklin, and remained with him about three years. His superior ability as a lawyer and as a man suited to the successful management of public affairs, soon became appar- ent, and in 1 860 he was elected District Attorney in the 4th Judicial Circuit of Illinois, holding the office four years. He then resumed the practice of law in Charleston, and in 1 865 was elected City Attorney for a term of two years. After the ex- piration of this office he served as City Clerk one year and Alderman two years. He was then elected Supervisor three years, and also Chairman of the Board. In 1870 he was elected a member of the State Legislature by a majority of 200, and in 1874 served again as Alderman. In 1878 he was elected County Judge, and held the office five years. The marriage of Judge Cunningham to Miss Mary M. Smith, took place Jan. 9, 1862. She is the daughter of William O. Smith, of Lexington, Ky. They have an interesting family of eight children William S., Robert O., John, James W., Mary A., Charles, Clifford and Thomas. Judge Cunningham is now engaged in the prac- tice of law in this city, at his ollice on Jackson street. During the incumbency of the various offices to which he was elected, he discharged his public duties faithfully, giving entire satisfaction to the community. He belongs to the Democratic party, and both socially and politically, is one of the prominent men of the county. AEAYETTE CRAIG, who has been promi- nently identified with the farming commun- ity of Morgan Township and vicinity for the last fifty-two years, was born in Clark County, 111., March 27, 1832. His parents were Isaac X. and Catherine (Hanson) Craig, whose ancestors were of Southern birth and parentage. The grand- COLES COUNTY. 493 father of our subject, Robert Craig by name, a na-- tive of Virginia, removed first to Kentucky and then to Illinois, where his death took place about 1848. The family is of Scottish ancestry and the great-grandfather of the present representative in this section was driven from his country during the Rebellion. His sou Robert reared a family of three sous and five daughters, of whom but two are now living, namely, Isaac N., a resident of Charleston, and his sister, Narcissa, Mrs. Davis, who lives in Morgan Township. The father of our subject came to Clark County, 111., in 1828. where he was married and whence he removed, in 1835, to this county, where he followed farming until 1872, and then retired from active labor. His wife, Catherine, was a native of Ken- tucky, born near Lexington, where she was reared and came with her parents, about 1828, to Central Illinois. The father's family included fourteen children. Robert, a merchant of Hickory, died in 1866, and left four children; Elizabeth, the wife of Herman Gregg, of Moultrie County, is the mother of six children ; Harriet first married Harvey Fow- ler, now deceased, and subsequently married L. C. Mitchell; Nancy and William R. died in early child- hood. Mrs. Catherine Craig departed this life at the home of her husband in Morgan Township, May 1, 1841. Isaac Craig was married again the same year to Miss Elizabeth Bloyer, of Pennsyl- vania, and of German parentage. She caine to this State in 1838. Of this union there were born Catherine, now the wife of Robert McMullin, of Charleston Township, and the mother of four chil- dren ; James W., practicing law at Maltoon, married and the father of four children; Audrey J.; Eliza E., the wife of A. N. Swango; Benjamin F., de- ceased; Isaac B., of the firm of Craig & Craig; Mary F., who died when young, and Thomas J., married and at home farming with his father, near Charleston. The subject of our sketch remained at home until after reaching his majority. He had improved his advantages at school and now engaged in tench- ing, which he followed several winters while em- ployed on the farm during the summer season. He was married, Jan. 3, 1856, to Miss Jemima, the daughter of Joseph Fowler, who was bom in North Carolina. Her parents were natives respectively of North Carolina and Tennessee. Of this 'union there were born three children, namely, James B., Alvin and Isaac E. The wife and mother departed this life on the 26th of March, 1862. On the 12th of Febuary, 1863, Mr. Craig was married to Miss Margaret J. Woodfall, of Morgan Township, and they became the parents of seven children, viz., Charles P., Willis N., Ida M., Elmer T., Robert IL, Oscar A. and Thomas 1). Mr. Craig, in 1855, purchased sixty acres of land in Morgan Township, to which he subsequently added until he became the possessor of 440 acres. Upon this he has brought about fine improvements and underlaid the low lands with 1,000 rods of tile. The land is mostly devoted to the raising of corn, wheat and oats, and the stock includes twenty-three horses and forty cattle. There is a fine growth of maples on the place, planted twenty years ago, which forms one of its most attractive features. Mr. Craig has been prominent in local affairs since reaching manhood ; he was Collector the first two years after the organization of the township, Su- pervisor thirteen years, and also served as Assessor. He assisted in taking the census in 1865, and in 1882 took a trip to England upon business con- nected with the settlement of the estate of the Woodfall heirs. The father of our subject, during the winter of 1832 was engaged in the Black Hawk War. His mother, who in her girlhood was Miss Catherine Hanson, was born March 12. 1812, and was the daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Coons) Han- son, natives respectively of Virginia, whence they removed to Kentucky. Robert Hanson and his wife became the parents of nine children, namely. Sarah, Susan, Mary Ann, George, Gideon, Robert, Cath- erine, Permelia and Nancy, seven of whom are de- ceased. Mr. Craig is a stockholder in the County Fair grounds, and has for years been greatly interested in fine horses. He has been President of the Run- ning and Trotting Society for a period of five years, and connected with nearly every enterprise calcu- lated for the advance of the farming interests of Morgan Township. His genial disposition and courteous manner to all, have secured him an ex- t. 494 COLES COUNTY. tended friendship among the people of his county, while his good business capacities and judgment in financial matters, as we have seen, have often been called into requisition in township and county af- fairs. The good taste and industry of Mr. Craig are perhaps the most forcibly illustrated in the home which he has provided for himself and family, and a view of which is given on page 266. It is cred- itable alike to the proprietor and to Morgan Town- ship. ^ ILISHA LINDER. The family history of the subject of this sketch comprises an interesting array of facts and figures, and proves it to have been one of prominence in the locality where the Linders first settled upon coming to this country. Wherever located they have made their mark, exerting a good influence upon the minds and morals of those with whom they have been connected, and have occupied positions of trust and importance. Mr. L. was born in Hardin County, Ky., Aug. 16, 1807, and was the eldest of four children born to Isaac -and Nancy (Richardson) Linder. The former was a native of Vermont, whence his parents removed when he was a child to Kentucky. They were Daniel and Rebecca (VanMeter) Linder, the former reared and educated in the country and a man of much force of character and great in- dustry. His father was Lawrence Linder, a brother of Simon and Anthony Linder, who were natives of Germany. Daniel Linder, when the Colonies began to struggle for their liberty, identi- fied himself with them and distinguished himself as a soldier of the Revolution. He then engaged in his farming until he was of a good old age. Isaac Linder, the father of our subject, was born and reared among the stirring scenes of nearly a century ago, and when a young man was actively engaged in skirmishes with the'Indians, who made life miserable for the early settlers of the Blue Grass Regions. He spent the greater part of his life in Kentucky and died there in 1814, while still in the prime of life. After his death the mother kept her children together until Elisha, our subject, was old enough to assist her in caring for them, and finally the entire support of the family fell upon him. On the 10th of January, 1831, he came to this county, where he purchased forty acres of wild land and erected a log cabin. He staid there that season, raised one crop, and in the fall returned to Kentucky and brought his mother and her family to hi's home. The children then consisted of two sisters and a brother. Elisha had learned the bricklayer's trade in the ' South, and followed it at times after coming to this county, but gave most of his attention to farming and stock-raising. He was very successful and invested his surplus capital in additional land until he be- came the owner of 2,000 acres, lying mostly in the central part of this State. In the meantime Mr. Linder had been mindful of home comforts and domestic ties, and April 16, 1837, took unto himself a wife and helpmate in the person of jMiss Rebecca Sawyer. Mrs. Linder is the daughter of John and Hannah (Radley) Saw- yer, who were natives of Kentuck}' but emigrated to Illinois before the arrival of Mr. Linder. John Sawyer was one of the first settlers of Central Illinois after the State was admitted into the Union, and became a prominent and successful farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Linder have just passed the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. Their children are Mary, Daniel, Martha, Nancy, John, Rebecca, Lillie Ann, Louisiana, Flora, Sarah, Sidney Jane, Isaac and Minta Elizabeth. Mary is the wife of Levi Johnson, a farmer of Barton County, Kan. ; Daniel married Miss Rebecca Hall, and is also a resident of that county; Martha became the wife of John Parr, and is now deceased ; Nancy is the wife of William Champion, a farmer of Mattoon Township, living near the Linder homestead; John married Miss Bruuetta Mitchell, and is farm- ing in Sumner County, Kan.; Rebecca became the wife of William Puriston, who is now deceased ; Mrs. P. occupies a farm on the Western Avenue road. Lillie Ann is the wife of William A. Bell, and lives near 'the old homestead; Flora is the wife of George Howell, a railroad engineer of Brazil, Ind.; Sarah married John H. Linder, and lives near the homestead; Sidney, the wife of COLES COUNTY 495 Henry Howell, is a resident of Mattoon; Isaac, who manages the home farm for his parents, mar- ried Miss Sarah Brotherton. All the children, with their parents, are members of" the Methodist Church.. The first Presidential vote of Mr. Linder was cast for Andrew Jackson, but the second one decidedly against " Old Hickory," as he considered that he had good reason for changing his views. Since then he has steadily opposed Democracy, and although never taking any very active part in politics, uniformly-avails himself of his privileges as a free-born American citizen, in times of im- portant elections. If ffi OCKARD SWISHER, the owner of a fine estate containing 190 acres of valuable land, located on section 21, (11, 9), Button Township, is an honorable repiesentative of one of the pioneer families of this county. He was born July 29, 1833, and is the son of Samuel and Eliza- beth (Wood) Swisher. His paternal grandparents were natives of Maryland, and emigrated to Ohio at an early day, where they were among the pio- neers of Franklin County. Samuel Swisher was born in Maryland, and ac- companied the family to Ohio, remaining with his parents until his marriage. The educational ad- vantages offered by Ohio were at that time very limited, but Samuel attended the district school during the winter, and assisted his father on the farm in the summer, acquiring some practical ex- perience in the various branches of agriculture, and a moderate amount of book-learning, as it was dispensed in the early days. After his marriage to Miss Elizabeth Wood, who was a native of Franklin County, he engaged in farming for him- self on the estate inherited by his wife. Their happy home there was soon darkened by the death of his wife. Her health began to fail soon after the birth of their only child, Lockard, and she died in the following February, 1834. In 1835, Samuel Swisher married Mrs. Hester (Fleming) Campbell, and in the spring of 1838 re- moved with his family to Edgar County, 111. He remained there until autumn, and after looking about the country, changed his location to Hutton Township, this county, and entered eighty acres of timber land on section 12, on the banks of the Em- barras River. He cleared and improved his land, and was very successful in business. The arduous task of settling in a new country, and the many privations of a pioneer's life, wore upan his health, and he died June 10. 1849, at the age of fifty-five years. His widow survived him several years, and died in the spring of 1858, on the homestead, leav- ing two children Martha and Jane, twins, born Aug. 16, 1837, in Franklin County, Ohio. Martha is the wife of Henry Freezener, and Jives in Iowa; Jane is the wife of John A. Patterson, and lives in Edgar County, 111. Lockard Swisher was only sixteen years of age when his father died, and he remained on the homestead with his widowed mother until he was twenty, assisting her in carrying on the farm. He was a bright and intelligent boy, but could obtain only a very limited education at the common schools. Possessing an enterprising disposition, he joined a company composed of eleven of his neigh- bors, who had planned an overland expedition to California by ox-teams. It was a difficult and per- ilous journey to undertake at that early day, but they started out full of hope and courage, April 4, 1854, and after a toilsome and adventurous pil- grimage, arrived safely at Placerville, El Dorado Co., Cal., Sept. 27, 1854. He found employment there in the gold mines at $50 and $60 per month, and remained until June 5, 1858, returning via the Isthmus and New York. The death of his step- mother occurred that spring, and he inherited the homestead, where on his return he engaged in farming, and purchased ninety additional acres. November 25, 1860, Mr. Swisher was married to Miss Louisa Allen. Mrs. Swisher was the daughter of Jackson and Catherine Allen, and was born Feb. 2, 1840. Her parents were natives of South Car- olina. Mr. and Mrs. Swisher had a family of eight children born to them : Martha Jane died in in- fancy ; Mary C., the wife of Albert Bidle; Laura A. died at the age of sixteen ; Phebe E., John E., Henry M., Polly V. and Charles C. all reside on | the homestead. After twenty years of happy I i t , 496 COLES COUNTY. married life, Mrs. Swisher was taken from her be- loved family by death, Dec. 2, 1880. She was a devoted wife and loving mother, and her death was deeply mourned by her family and a large cir- cle of sympathizing friends. Sept. 3. 1883, Mr. Swisher was married to his second wife, Mrs. Mary (Woodruff) Scott, the widow of John Scott. In the autumn of 1884, Mr. Swisher exchanged farms with Mr. M. A. Walker. The estate he now owns contains 190 acres of land, all of which is well-improved, and supplied with a substantial brick residence and commodious barn. With his wife he is a member of the Christian Church. He is interested in educational affairs, and has been School Director for nine years. In politics, he is a Republican. " ^BS c~-a: ;:; SHOMAS J. PEPPER, an extensive land- owner and breeder of fine stock, whose op- erations for the last five years have attracted much attention in Central Illinois, took up his abode in North Okaw Township in the winter of 1880. purchased 600 acres of land, and proceeded, with the aid of a carload of Short-horn cattle which he had brought with him, to inaugurate a system of stock-raising which should be worthy of imita- tion by his neighbors. In this he succeeded ad- mirably, and has realized from his transactions each year a handsome sum of money. He has lately sold 200 acres of his land, and purchased a good property in the village of Humbolt. Mr. Pepper possesses all the requisites of a desirable citizen; he is interested in the welfare of the com- munity around him, and is a member in good standing of the Christian Church. Since becom- ing a voter, he has been a warm supporter of Dem- ocratic principles, and is a man of more than or- dinary ability, as indicated by the position which he occupies socially and financially. The paternal great-grandfather of our subject was a native of England, who emigrated to the United States when a young man, and locating in Virginia, married and reared a family, and it is supposed, there spent the remainder of his days. Among his sons was Jesse, a native of the Old Do- minion, who in his youth removed to Mason Conn- ty, Ky., during its early settlement. He engaged in farm pursuits and was married to a Miss^Lamp- kin. Both were members of the Baptist Church, and Jesse served as Justice of the Peace for a num- ber of years. They never left the Blue Grass re- gions, but died in Mason County, and their remains were laid to rest near the home which the}' had occupied for nearly half a century. The five children born of this marriage were, Eliza; James S., the father of our subject; Peter A., a resident of Kentucky; Abner, of Virginia, and William, who died when young. James S. Pepper, who was the second child of his parents, was born in Mason County, Ky., in 1800. He was fairly educated, and remained with his parents until reaching years of manhood. He was united in marriage with Miss Lydia Worthing- ton, in 1823. She was born in Mason County in 1805, and was the daughter of Thomas Worthing- ton, a native of Maryland. After his marriage, the father of our subject rented land in Mason County until the death of his father. He then pur- chased the home fann,^which remained his abiding- place until he was called hence. He was a man of much force of character, becoming prominent in local affairs and serving as Justice of the Peace for a number of years. He officiated as Captain of the State Militia, and with his wife, was an active member of the Christian Church. He departed from the scenes of his earthly labors June 7, 1875. The mother survived until Jan. 20, 1878, also dy- ing at the old homestead. They were laid side by side in the Minerva burying-ground, in Mason County. Their twelve children were named re- spectively, Elizabeth, Ann, Fannie, Mary, John E., Lydia, Maria C., Amanda J., Thomas J., Alice, Vachel M. and William H. They lived to become men and women, and most of them married and had families of their own. The subject of this history was born in Mason County, Ky., Jan. 8, 1841. He received the ad- vantages afforded by the district school, and re- mained at home until his marriage, June 2, 1874. The maiden of his choice was Miss Jennie Spencer, a native of his own county, and born Feb. 15, 1858. Her parents, Thomas and Betty Spencer, were natives respective!}' of Virginia and Ken- COLES COUNTY. 497 tucky. After his marriage, Mr. Pepper commenced buying and selling leaf tobacco, and was thus oc- cupied for ten years following with excellent re- sults. He came to Coles County in the winter of 1 880, and his subsequent life we have already in- dicated. Mr. and Mrs. Pepper have no children. ->+<- % R. FULLER. Among the descendants of the early pioneers of Coles County, the name of R. R. Fuller is worthy of an honor- place. He is one of the partners in the firm of Fuller Bros., dealers in lumber and manu- facturers of wire and slat fencing in Charleston Township. He was born Feb. 6, 1861, in this county, and is the son of William N. and Phyneta M. (Ellis) Fuller. The former is a native of Rus- sell County, Va., and the latter of Tennessee. The grandparents of our subject were Hawkins and Phoebe (Nash) Fuller, natives of Russell County, Va. They were the descendants of Scotch and German ancestry, both of which nationalities are noted for thrift and enterprise. Hawkins Ful- ler was a farmer in Virginia and left his Eastern home in 1834 to encounter the trials and privations of pioneer life on the Western frontier. A tide of emigration was then beginning to sweep in from the East, and the vast lonely stretches of prairie were more frequently broken by human habitations than hitherto. The very early settlers had usually located in or near the timber, hardly expecting that the broad, wild prairies, covered with tall, rank grass, over which the deer and wolves roamed un- disturbed, would ever wave with rich harvests of golden grain or become the safe pasture land of vast herds of cattle and flocks of sheep. The first necessity was to provide shelter for himself and family, which was soon secured by erecting one of the primitive houses of the early pioneer days, which, though rude in construction, were yet made very comfortable. He first settled in North Okaw Township, of this county. Settlers began rapidly to come in from the Eastern States, and the prosperity of the county was greatly increased. He was the first Justice of the Peace elected in the county. William N. Fuller, who was only three months old when his father settled in North Okaw Town- ship, was brought up on the farm, assisting his father in subduing the wilderness and attending the primitive school which the neighborhood afforded. He acquired much practical knowledge of the de- tails of farming, and was engaged in agricultural pursuits throughout his life. Besides carrying on an extensive farming business he was actively in- terested in public affairs. He was County Com- missioner, Assessor, and at the time of his death was a candidate for Sheriff. In politics he was a Democrat. His death occurred June 9, 1880. His widow still survives, and is a resident of Charleston. They had a family of five children, three of whom are now living H. H. and R. R., of the firm of Fuller Bros., and Phoebe. R. R. Fuller' was brought up on his father's farm, receiving a good common-school education in the township. After his father's death he assumed the management of the farm. In 1882 his brother, H. H., was elected County Treasurer, and served in that office for four years, and R. R. was Deputy County Treasurer. In 1886 the brothers pur- chased the lumber business of W. S. Coon, now deceased, in which they are carrying on a large and extensive business. In 1880 H. H. Fuller married Miss Belle Hitch, a native of Coles County, and the daughter of Alexander and Permelia Hitch. They have a family of three children Winnie W., Claude C. and Pearl. The brothers belong to the Democratic party. R. R. is a mem- ber of the Odd Fellows' Society, and also of the K. of P. E W. GRAY, a prominent citizen of Hum bolt, is the leading merchant of the village, and also the owner of an estate con- taining 120 acres of fine farming land in the vicin- ity. He was born June 3, 1827, in Greene County, Pa., and is the son of John and Rhoda (Bane) Gray. John Gray was likewise a native of Penn- sylvania, and the son of David and Elizabeth (Bas- ton) Gray. He was a farmer and miller by occu- pation, and in 1830 left his native State, moving further westward, and settled in Athens County, *- i . i 498 COLES COUNTY. Ohio, purchasing a farm in Hocking Valley. Dur- ing the summer he cultivated his farm, and in the winter operated the Athens mill, for the firm of Miles , 516 COLES COUNTY. Jacob and Mary (Kdmond) Baker, and was born in Highland County, Va., Dec. 19, 1837. Her family ^caine to Illinois and settled in Coles County in 1852. After his marriage, Mr. Leitch settled on a rented farm in the northeastern part of Pleasant Grove Township on the Embarrae River, and the following year purchased the farm and resided there until 1886. when he changed his locality, and settled on the place where he now lives. His estate contains 247 acres of valuable, well-improved land, and is considered one of the best in the county. He has a fine brick residence, and his farm buildings are excellent and well appointed. He is chiefly en- gaged in stock-raising, making a specialty of French draft horses, Short-horn cattle, and Berkshire hogs- His pleasant home has recently been darkened by the shadow of death. January 11, 1887, the be- loved wife and mother, who was apparently in good health, died suddenly while standing in the door- way of her house. The sudden death of Mrs. Leitch was a crushing blow to her family, but she was a sincere Christian, and was doubtless prepared to go, when the Master summoned her without warning to her home beyond the river. She left a family of seven children: Elizabeth, the wife of Joseph Hackett; Grant, John, Edwin, Jacob, Samuel and Allen. Mrs. Leitch is buried in Mount Tabor Cemetery, and is deeply mourned by a large circle of friends. Mr. Lietch has been a member of the Methodist Church since 1860, and is active in promoting the interests of that religions body. In politics he is a Republican, and has served in several local offices, having been School Director seventeen years, and Commissioner of Highways nine years. He pos- sesses excellent business qualifications and has given general satisfaction to the people in the discharge of his public duties. ENLEY ANDERSON occupies a snug farm of eighty acres on section 11, in Charleston Township, of which he has been in posses- sion since the spring of 1872. He is a gen- tleman of good education, having attended Eu- reka College, and one who has seen considerable of the world, having, when a younger man, traveled over a large part of the territory west of the Mis- sissippi. He was variously occupied in his youth, but finally decided that there was nothing better or healthier than life in the rural regions, and which he has thoroughly enjoyed since becoming the possessor of his present farm. To this he has given his careful attention, and with his family is surrounded by all the comforts of life. Our subject is a native of Indiana, born on the farm of his father near Frankfort, Oct. 20, 1845, and is the son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Stutsman) Anderson, natives of North Carolina and Indiana respectively. Jacob Anderson removed with his parents when a boy to Indiana, and was there mar- ried in the southern part of the State. He after- ward removed to a point near Frankfort, where he became the owner of a flouring-tnill, which he op- erated until the spring of 184SI. He then came to Central Illinois and purchased about 3,000 acres of land in Charleston and Seven Hickory Townships, where he put up a substantial brick house, and in- stituted many other admirable improvements. Here the mother died in April, 1860. Jacob Anderson survived his wife twelve years, dying in April, 1872, at the age of seventy-six years. Of their eight children, but four are now living, namely, Sarah, Mrs. Van Sickle; Bruce, Henley, a-nd Samantha, Mrs. Calvert. The father of our subject was a man of many excellent quali- ties, honest and upright in his dealings, decided in his views, and an uncompromising supporter of the Democratic party. He also belonged to the I. O. O. F. Henley Anderson remained a member of his father's household until the death of the latter. In the meantime he had been mostly engaged in ac- quiring a good education, and after leaving Eureka College, started in January, 1804, for the Pacific Slope. He employed that year in traveling, and then returning to this county, served three years at the jeweler's trade at Charleston, where he contin- ued until about 1867. Then going to Lexington, Ky., he took a course of stud} 7 in the Agricultural and Mechanical College, after which he followed farming until 1872. Two 3'ears later he estab- lished a jewelry store at Charleston, which he con- LIBRARY OF THE ^ OF KIOTO'S COLES COUNT V. 519 ducted until 1878, then determined to abandon all trades and occupations, for the independent life of a farmer. His labors in this direction have been amply rewarded, and he is ranked among the well- to-do and substantial agriculturists of Coles County. The lady who has been the sharer of the home and fortunes of our subject since the spring of 1875, was formerly Miss Emma, daughter of Will- iam and Susan Ricketts, of Charleston. She was born in 1856, and remained under the parental roof until her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. A. have no children. B. BENEF1EL, one of the substantial citi- zens of Mattoon, is proprietor of one of the best meat-markets in the city, and also a dealer in coal and grain. He is the son of Dr. John S. and Eliza (Kackley) Beneflel, and was born April 22, 1847, in Knox County, Ind. His father was a native of Ohio, and his mother of Kentucky. In about 1843 Dr. Beneflel graduated from a Cleveland medical college, and commenced the practice of medicine in Davis County. After remaining there about five years, he removed to Green County, Ind., where he also remained five years, and then changed his location to Sullivan County, Ind., and after remaining there for five years, again decided to change his location, remov- ing with his family to Mattoon, 111. After remain- ing there six years, he removed in 1867 to Hope County, Mo., where he has since made his perma- nent residence, and is actively engaged in the du- ties of a large practice. His family consisted of five children, all of whom, with one exception, are now living. Their record is as follows: J. B., the subject of this sketch; Lucius K.. a stock-dealer residing in Kansas; Mattie, the wife of J. S. Baker, who is the oldest conductor on the E. & T. H. R. R. ; Jennie J., now Mrs. William Bradbury, a resident of Dodge City, Kan. J. B. Benefiel received a practical education in his boyhood, and when about twenty years of age obtained employment in the Union Express Com- pany at Mattoon. After remaining with them one year, he obtained a position with the American Express Company at Terre Haute, where he passed another year, and then changing his employment, became foreman of a large farm in Coles County. At the expiration of twelve mouths, he again ob- tained employment with the American Express Company at Mattoon, where he also staid one year, and then acted as messenger fourteen months for the C .& I. S. R. R. His next business enterprise was the manufacture of* soap, in which he was en gaged three years, and after relinquishing this busi- ness was occupied as a butcher for six years. He then engaged in stock-dealing until 1884, and has since added coal and gram to the meat-market of which he is now the proprietor. Notwithstanding these business vicissitudes, he has acquired con- siderable property ; besides a tine farm, containing 100 acres of land, located south of the city, he also owns some property in the town, and has been to some extent engaged in real-estate business. In 1879 he was Assessor, and subsequently was elected Mayor of the city on the Prohibition ticket. He had previously served as Deputy Collector in 1870, and in 1884 was again elected Assessor. The marriage of Mr. Benefiel and Miss Ellen .Aldridge, occurred in 1874. Mrs. B. is a native of Arkansas, and the daughter of Freeland Aldridge, of that State. Our subject and wife have two chil- dren living Winnie E. and Eva M. Mrs. Benefiel is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and although her husband is not connected with the church, he affords material assistance in pro- moting its interests. Mr. Benefiel is a Democrat in politics, and a member of the Knights of Pythias. In the pictorial department of this work the pub- lishers present the portrait* of leading and repre- sentative men, and among them may be found that of Mr. Benefiel. ?ILLIAM STITES, a retired farmer, is a prominent resident of Morgan Township. He was born on Christmas Day, 1822, in Columbia Township, Hamilton Co., Ohio, and is the son of John F. and Fannie (Muchmore) Stites. His grandfather, Benjamin Stites, a native of Vir- ginia, was one of a party of sixteen, of which his I 520 COLES COUNTY. father was the leader, who first landed at Colum- bia, Ohio, and he assisted in building the first block-house in that place. He was sixteen years of age when he accompanied his father on that ex- pedition. The family settled in Ohio, and his father passed the remainder of his life in that State. Benjamin Stites was twice married, and a family of several children was born to him by each mar- riage. His death occurred near Lebanon, Ohio. John Stites reared a family of ten children, of whom the following is the record : William, the subject of this sketch; Anna was the wife of David Gerard, a resident of Butler County, Ohio, and both are deceased ; Sarah, deceased, was the wife of William Muchmore, a resident of Ohio; James, a resident of Kansas, was twice married ; David died on Christmas, 1885, in ColesjCounty, III.; his death occurred very suddenly; he was found lifeless sit- ting in his easy chair, as if he had fallen asleep. He left a wife and four children. John M. is married and resides in Missouri; he has a family of five children living. Hiram, deceased, was a resident of Butler County, Ohio, and left a family of three children; Emily, the wife of J. Gerard, resides in Morgan Township, and has a family of four chil- dren living; Phoebe died at the age of seventeen, and Franklin. John Stites was a successful farmer in Ohio, where his life was passed. His death oc- curred in Butler County, of that State. William Stites was married, in March, 1845, to Miss Edith Stites. Mrs. Stites was the daughter of Joshua and Mary (Townsend) Stites. The families bear the same name, but are not related. Her par- ents were from Cape May County, N. J.. and came to Ohio at an early day, making their permanent home there. After his marriage, which took place in Columbia Township, Butler County, Mr. Stites remained in Ohio until 1872. He then came to Coles County, and purchased a farm, which he cul- tivated and improved. He has since made his home here, and is retired from active business. He passes his time, however, in supervising his general business affairs, collecting rents, etc. He has only two children Nathaniel S. and Thomas J. His wife died Aug. 29, 1884, of typhoid fever, at the age of sixty-three, and is buried in Greasy Point Cemetery. She had been for many years a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church, and in her daily life evinced the sincerity of her Christian faith. Her death was deeply mourned by her family and a large circle of friends. Mr. Stites has been a consistent member of the Methodist Church for more than thirty years. In politics, he is a Re- publican. R. V. R. BRIDGES, physician and surgeon at Mattoon, was born in Rockingham County, Va., Jan. 4, 1832. His parents, Thomas and Nancy (Wiltshire) Bridges, were natives of the same county and the father a miller by trade, which occupation he followed through life. He left the Old Dominion in 1836, and settled in Ross County, Ohio, where he lived five \ r ears, then migrated farther westward to Jas- per County, III. From there, in 1859, he came to Mattoon, where he spent the remainder of his days, his death occurring in 1872. During the war he served as Overseer of the Poor and was a member of the Board of Education for several years. Upon first becoming a voter he had identified himself with the Democratic party, but in 1856 joined the Re- publicans, with whom he affiliated until his death. Both parents were worthy members of the Baptist Church. Their family included four children, three now living, namely, our subject, Mary and Roe. The younger days of Dr. Bridges were spent mostly in school near Chillicothe, Ohio, and after coming to this State he continued his studies until seventeen years old, then commenced teaching in Jasper Count}'. Afterward he worked for a time at the carpenter's trade and also was clerk in a store. In 1851 he began in earnest the study of medicine, at Lawrenceville, and officiated as drug clerk in order to pay his expenses, having his clothes laundered at home forty miles away. After com- pleting his studies he began the practice of his pro- fession in Hutton Township, being associated with Dr. Neal, and six years later came to Mattoon, which has since remained his abiding-place. Dur- ing the late war he was Assistant Surgeon of the 62d Illinois, and was subsequently promoted Sur- geon of the 126th, remaining with this regiment tjj- COLES COUNTY. 521 until it was mustered out in August, 1865, after which he returned to Mattoon, and since then has practiced uninterruptedly, with excellent results. Dr. Bridges was first married to Miss Mary B. Boyd, in 1856. They became the parents of four children, two of whom filled -early graves, and the mother passed to her long home on the 15th of February, 1881. The present wife of our subject, to whom he was married Oct. 19, 1883, was for- merly Miss Jannie Cushman, of Mattoon. They have one child Marion C. The Doctor has ac- cumulated a comfortable property, including 100 acres of good land in Fafayette Township. He is a Republican, politically, and has filled the offices of Alderman, President of the School Board and Mayor of the city. Socially he belongs to the Knights of Honor. son H. McCLELLAND, Sheriff of Coles County, and one of the prominent citizens of Charleston Township, was born Jan. 13, 1834, in Fairfield County, Ohio, and is the of Alexander and Minerva (Spangler) Mc- Clelland. His grandfather, James McClelland, was a "native of Pennsylvania, and afterward removed to Fairfield County, Ohio, where he carried on an extensive farming business, and passed the closing years of his life. Alexander McClelland was born June 3, 1807, on the old homestead iu Ohio, where he still lives, his farm containing 400 acres of valuable land. He was an active leading man in the community, and held the office of Justice of the Peace twenty-one years. The following are the names of his children, all of whom are residents of Ohio, with the exception of James H. : John A., James H., Samuel, Salem, Susanna, Enos and Charles. The boyhood and youth of James McClelland were passed on his father's farm, where he acquired much experimental knowledge in the various branches of agricultural work, receiving at the same time a good common-school education. He remained at home until he was twenty-two years of age, and in the year 1857 resolved to seek his fortune in the West. Illinois was then advancing on the road to that prosperity which has since been so signally attained, and accordingly he proceeded thither, and engaged in farming in llumbolt Town- ship, Coles County. After the Civil War broke out our subject re- linquished his business and entered the service of his country, enlisting in 1862, as Sergeant in Co. C, 123d 111. Mtd. Inf. He was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant and served three years, proving himself on every occasion a brave and efficient officer. He fought in the brilliantly contested siege of Atlanta, and was engaged in the battles of Perryville, Chickamauga, Murfreesboro, Farru- ington, Milton and Selma, besides taking part in numerous skirmishes. After the close of the war he returned to Illinois, and engaged in farming and stock-raising in Charleston Township. In 1876 he was elected to the office of Clerk and Re- corder of the Circuit Court for a term of four years, and was also Assessor and City Marshal, serving one year in each offiee. In 1886 he was elected Sheriff for a term of four years. His marriage to Miss Zelda A. Hedges, a native of Ohio, took place in 1858. She is the daughter of William Hedges, of this city. They have a family of five children Salem W., Willis W. Jessie B., Mary E. and Bertha B. Asa soldier and civilian, Mr. McClelland has been faithful in the discharge of his public duties, and possesses the re- spect and confidence of his fellow-citizens. He is a Republican, a member of the Odd Fellows' Society, and also belongs to the G. A. R. and the Knights of Honor. His residence is on Mechanic street. ;ILLIAM GRANT, a worthy descendant of one of the pioneer families of this county, resides on section 6, Seven Hickory Town- ship. He was born April 27, 1843, in Fountain County, Ind., and is the son of John and Sophia (Lively) Grant. His grandfather, Patrick Grant, was a native of Ireland, born near Belfast, where his sou. John, was also born, June 11, 1809. Sophia Grant was born June 28, 1817, in Virginia, and was the daughter of William and Mary (Mar- tin) Lively, both of whom were born in Virginia J^ 522 COLES COUNTY. the former in 1795, and the latter in about 1800. Mr. and Mrs. John Grant had a family of eight children. The following is their record : William, born April 27, 1 843 ; Arthur, born in July, 1845, and died in 1848; John F., born May 7, 1847, resides in Seven Hickory Township, and has a family of ten children, of whom six are girls and four boys; Mary J., born March 29, 1849, is the wife of An- drew Montz, a resident of Ashmore Township, and has a family of five children; Cynthia Ann, born Sept. 20, 1852, is the wife of I. W. Merritt, a resi- dent of Hutton Township, and has two children now living, two having died in childhood ; Thomas, born April 11, 1854, died Dec. 28. 1879, leaving a family of two children, one of whom is living; Robert, born June 29, 1856, died Aug. 11, 1866, and James, born April 22, 1859, lives in Hutton Township on the old homestead ; he was twice mar- ried, and has one child by his first wife, and two (twins) by the second. William Grant was an infant, not quite six months old, when his parents settled in Hutton Township, this county, in 1843. His father emi- grated to America in 1832, landing at Montreal. He went thence to New York State, and obtained employment on the New York & Erie Railroad. After remaining there about one year, he went to Virginia, where his marriage took place. He lived there several years engaged in operating on public works, and also owned a boat on the James River Canal, and then came West, ultimately settling in Coles County. William remained on the home- stead with his parents, assisting in cultivating the farm, until he was twenty-nine years of age. His marriage to Miss Elizabeth Wall took place Feb. 12, 1872. Mrs. Grant was born in Ireland, May 16, 1849, and is the daughter of John and Mar- garet (Kehoe) Wall. Her parents came to this country when she was an infant two years of age. The}' had but two child ren Elizabeth and John; the latter resides in Humbolt Township. Mr. and Mrs. Grant have a familj 7 of seven children, five sons and two daughters, as follows : William, born Nov. 20, 1872; John F., March 26, 1874; Thomas A., May 29, 1875; Margaret M., Sept. 28, 1879; James A., Feb. 25, 1882; Joseph E., May 31, 1885, and Francis O., Oct. 20, 1886. Mr. Grant purchased his farm in 1875, and it is well cultivated and improved. He is engaged in general farming and stock-raising, giving his at- tention in the latter exclusively to cattle and hogs. Mr. Grant has successfully filled several of the township offices. In 1872 he served as Collector, and in 1876 as Assessor; he was also a member of the Official Board at that time, both being Presidential years. In 1885 and 1886 he again served as Assessor and has been a member of the School Board for more than twelve years. He was a Trustee of the Roman Catholic Church at Humbolt, of which he is a member. In politics, he is a Dem- ocrat. IH. JOHNSTON. Men who have risen from the humbler walks of life, and by virtue of un- tiring industry and close application to busi- ness have become prominent amongst their fellows, present in their experience examples worthy of imitation. Of such is the subject of this sketch. Isaiah Hugh Johnston was born April 24, 1827, in Russell County, Va. His grandparents on the pa- ternal side were Roderick and Elizabeth (Stewart) Johnston, who were, as the names indicate, origin- ally from Scotland, although it is quite certaui they came to this country from England: His grandparents on the maternal side were Stephen and Mary (Gibson) Fuller, who were of German descent. His father, Abner Johnston, a native of Virginia, was born Oct. 10, 1798. His mother, Polly (Fuller) Johnston, also a native of the Old Dominion, was born June 13, 1803. Abner Johnston and Polly Fuller were married Feb. 10, 1820, and in 1830, with their five children, emigrated to Coles County, III. They began work in their new field of labor October 10, settling tem- porarily in the southwestern part of the county, in what was then called Muddy Point. In the early part of 1831 they moved to Charleston, remaining but a year, and then went to the northwestern part of the county, now known as the town of North Okaw. The mother died Oct. 10, 1835, leaving six children, the eldest being fifteen and the young- est two years of age. Abner Johnston, a carpenter by trade, thinking he could could do better for the COLES COUNTY. 523 helpless family, removed to Vandalia, 111., then the capital of the State, where he held a position in the laud-office. After remaining there four years he went again to Muddy Point, remaining there until his death, which occurred Sept. 18, 1848. Abner and Polly Johnston were members in good standing of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and their house was one of the headquarters of the circuit preachers of that day. among whom were Peter Cartwright, Barton Randel, Hiram Buck and John Adams. In politics he was a Whig, and a stanch supporter of Henry Clay. When the Black Hawk War broke out and troops were about start- ing from Charleston, a young man, Keithly by name, volunteered to go in Ahner Johnston's place, provided that a horse and overcoat be furnished him. These he cheerfully gave, for circumstances rendered it neccessary that he should remain at home. Of the six children born to Abner and Polly Johnston three are still living. Their record is as follows; Leah, the eldest, was born Nov. 29, 1820, and died Aug. 10, 1839; Matilda Jane, born Nov. 28, 1822; James Franklin, Feb. 10, 1825, died in September, 1856; Isaiah Hugh, born April 24, 1827; Mary Gibson, June 17, 1829, died Feb. 9, 1859; Elizabeth Stewart, born Sept. 29, 1833. Ma- tilda J. was married to James Jeffris, Oct. 6, 1842; residents of Pleasant Grove, near the place where both were reared. Elizabeth S. was married to A. A. Walker; also residents of Pleasant Grove. The subject of this biography passed his boy- hood and youth in the pioneer fashion, pursuing his studies in the winter in the log school-house, and working at whatever he could in the spring and summer months. Three 3'ears of this time found him engaged in hauling lead to Galena and Mil- waukee, with an ox-team, and receiving as a re- muneration $10 per month. This he could not follow continuously, the winter months being too severe for traveling to suc.h an extent. Before the attain- ment of his majority he was united in marriage with Miss Harriet Jeffries, daughter of Thomas and Patsey Jeffries, the happy event taking place Feb. 10, 1848. Of this union there were born two chil- dren: Felix, born June 17, 1849, and Emily, June i5, 1851. Harriet Johnston, first wife of our sub- ject, passed to her eternal home April 14, 1853. This occasioned a change in his programme, leading him to leave the farm, upon which he had labored so faithfully, and embarked in merchandising in Springville, purchasing his stock of goods on credit. While thus engaged he was appointed Postmaster, under President Pierce's administration. Here he { remained about eighteen mouths, then removed to Johnstown. Cumberland County, where he also served as Postmaster, this time under President Buchanan's administration. Here he also had charge of a steam saw and grist mill, which he operated successfully, and he now takes pleasure in looking back ilpon this page in his life's history as being a starting point in a prosperous business career. In 1857 Mr. Johnston moved to Mattoon, where he engaged in a similar business, which he pursued three years. In 1858 he served as Alderman, and in 1860 was elected Sheriff of Coles County, neces- sitating his removal to the county seat (Charles- ton) during that year. To this office he was nom- inated by the Democratic party, July 27, 1860, and after serving out his term, owing to some political difficulty, continued in office part of his successor's term of office. Upon the expiration of his term of service, he re-engaged in merchandising, this time in Charleston. In this he continued but a short time, however, as he, in connection with John B. Hill, and Thomas E. Stoddart, under the firm name of Hill, Stoddart , and was graduated in March, 1867. He then took up his residence in Sullivan, Moultrie Co., 111., where he commenced the practice of his chosen profession, and in company with Capt. A. P. Greene became the publisher of the Okaw Republican, under the firm name of Greene & Hughes. Capt. Greene was also a graduate of the Ann Arbor Law School. The two gentlemen operated together fifteen months, when Mr. Hughes turned over his interest in the business to his partner, and removed to Van- dalia. Three months later he repaired to Shelby - ville and spent one year with Judge William J. Henry, assisting the latter in the labors of his office, and becoming familiar with the modes of procedure and practice in the courts. In Decem- ber, 1869, he came to Mattoon, and in company with Judge Henry, opened an office and the two continued together under the firm name of Henry & Hughes until the spring of 1873. The junior member of the firm then became associated in partnership with Judge Charles B. Steele, and the firm of Steele & Hughes continued until July 10, 1877, when it was dissolved by the death of Judge Steele, who fell in his dooryard with a paralytic stroke. After this Judge Hughes continued alone in the practice. The career of Judge Hughes from this time on led steadily upward, and on the 1st of June, 1885, he was elected Circuit Judge for a term of six years, his field covering nine counties, namely, Macon, Moultrie, Piatt, Champaign, Douglas, Coles, Clark, Edgar and Vermilion. He cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln, and from the beginning of his public life has been a^thorough Republican. The law practice of Judge Hughes yielded him a fair income and he has interested himself largely in farming lands, being now the owner of 320 acres i in Mattoon Township, all of which is under a good state of cultivation and comprises some of the best lands in the count}'. He also has three dwelling-houses in Mattoon. His own residence is a cottage home of convenience and comfort, and is located in a pleasant part of -the city. The marriage of James F. Hughes and Miss Julia Chrisman was celebrated at the Methodist Episcopal Church at Mattoon, on the 17th of Sep- tember, 1874, the ceremony being conducted by, i 526 COLES COUNTY. Bishop R. S. Foster, of the Methodist Church, assisted by Dr. W. R. Goodwin, in the presence of the Illinois Annual Conference, then in session in the city. Mrs. Hughes is the daughter of Edwin L. and Emily E. (Keyes) Chrisman. Mr. Chrisman was a native of Kentucky, and was married in Edgar County, 111., March C, 1845. Mr. Chrisman was born March 7, 1817, and his wife, Emily, Oct. 31, 1824. After marriage they located upon a farm. The record of their four children is as follows: Ingobo married Charles O. Stocklager, and they had two children ROJCOC and Ing. Mrs. S. died in December, 1880, at Galena, Chero- kee Co., Kan. Julia, the wife of our subject, was the second child ; Frances became the wife of W. I. Branin and the mother of four children. They are residents of Columbus, Kan. The youngest brother, Monroe, is also living at that place. The children of Judge Hughes and his wife were born as follows: Columbia, July 3, 1875; Arling- ton, July 22, 1876; Florence, June 24, 1879. The parents are members of the Methodist Epis- copal t Church at Mattoon. Judge Hughes uses neither tea, coffee, tobacco nor intoxicating liquors. Born and raised upon the farm, his tastes and sym- pathies incline him to rural life. He is in robust health, is over six feet tall, and weighs 175 pounds. His career upon the bench has been marked by a vigorous enforcement of the laws against the pre- vailing crimes of the day. especially such as the illegal sales of intoxicating liquors, gambling, bet- ting, lotteries, prize fighting and sparring matches, election bribery, carrying concealed weapons, riot- ing and rowdyisms of every kind. He has in- augurated many reforms in the practice of the bar, compelling respectful treatment of witnesses by attorneys; enjoining courtesy and repressing ill- natured sparring between opposing counsel; re- stricting and limiting the argument of attorue3 T s to the evidence introduced; requiring the prompt attendance of jurors, parties and witnesses; con- vening court at half past eight in the morning, and closing at six in the evening; thus, and in many other ways, facilitating the dispatch of business, clearing the dockets and curtailing the expenses of the courts. His decisions are prompt and expressed in a few words. He seldom hears argument on questions of the admissibility of testimony. His rul- ing '-competent," "sustained," "overruled," follows in rapid succession the words, " I object," of coun- sel trying the case. The duties of his office re- quire about nine months' labor in each year on the bench, and that he might give to the performance of those duties an undivided attention, he has laid aside all other business. His salary is 13,500 per year. If the law and order-loving people of this circuit stand by him as they are likely to do, Judge Hughes has the promise of a long and useful life before him upon the bench. OHN W. HANNA. Among the public-spir- ited men of Mattoou, the name of John W. Hanna is conspicuous for enterprise and en- ergy. In connection with his business as bookseller, he has had charge of Dole's opera house for several years, and with his characteristic executive ability, has done more to gratify the taste of amusement-loving people than any other man in the city. He was born Dec. 2, 1848, in Freeport, Harrison Co., Ohio. His father, Rev. William Hanna, is a native of Pennsylvania, and his mother, Mary (Caldwell) Hanna, of Virginia. Our subject, who was a boy of unusual intelli- gence, attended the common schools until he was thirteen years of age, when he began clerking in his father's general mercantile establishment at Deersville, Ohio. The best practical business edu- cation that can be acquired, is gained through an experimental knowledge of business at an early age. Many boys come from college with a vast amount of learning, but to their astonishment fre- quently find themselves incapable of dealing suc- cessfully with the world, and are often far out- stripped in the race by some bright country lad who has had his eyes about him, and made a good use of limited advantages. In the autumn of 1866 John Hanna came to Mattoon for the purpose of studying, his brother- in-law being Principal of the West Side school. A year later he accepted a position in a book-store, and has continued in that business until the present time. On July 25, 1870, he was married to Miss t. COLES COUNTY. 527 Mary E. Henderson, who had been a teacher in the West Side schools for several years, and five chil- dren were born to them, all of whom with one ex- ception, are living. Their names are, Gertrude, Ethel, William, Clara, and Charles, deceased. Mr. Hanna is a hard worker, and thoroughly un- derstands the details of every business enterprise in which he engages. He is a devoted adherent of the Republican party, and in 1884 was elected Alderman of the Fifth Ward, receiving 155 of the 200 votes cast, and is now serving his second term in that office. In his public duties he is watchful to promote the interests of the people, and is a close and apt student, not only of affairs of National importance, but also of municipal. The doors of his handsome residence are frequently thrown open to a large circle of friends, who enjoy partaking of Mr. and Mrs. Manna's generous and courteous hos- pitality. OATHANIEL S. STITES, familiarly known as " N. S. Stites," is a prosperous farmer residing on section 25, Seven Hickory Township. He was born April 28, 1850, in Ham- ilton County, Ohio, and is the son of William and Edith (Stites) Stites. William Stites was born Dec. 25, 1822, in Columbia Township, Hamilton Co., Ohio, and his wife Oct. 25, 1821, in Cape May County, N. J. In early life, John Stites, the father of William, served in the War of 1812, and soon after came to Ohio, where he entered a claim and engaged in farming, being one of the earliest set- tlers. (For further history of parents, see sketch of William Stites.) There were but two children in the family of William Stites Nathaniel S. and Thomas J. ; the latter, born Dec. 19, 1845, lives in Bushton. where he is engaged in a general mercantile business, and deals in grain. Nathaniel S. Stites lived with his parents at the homestead until he was twenty-one years of age. He received a good education at the common schools, and at the age of sixteen entered the High School. His marriage to Miss Martha E. Gerard took place April 23, 1871. Mrs. Stites was like- wise a native of Hamilton County, Ohio. About a year after their marriage Mr. Stites came to Illi- nois with his young wife, and settled in Coles County, on the place where he now lives. He re- mained here three years engaged in farming, and then removed to Morgan Township, where he re- mained about eight years, and then returned to his former place in Seven Hickory Township. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel S. Stites have a family of seven children: Bertha O.. born Feb. 29, 1872, in Butler County, Ohio; Flora G., Nov. 22, 1873, in Coles County; Clinton B., Jan. 16, 1876; Al- bert R., April 16, 1878; Willis A., Dec. 2, 1880; Lulu H., Feb. 24, 1883, and Clara B., Jan. 14, 1885. Mr. Stites purchased his first tract of land in 1875, in Morgan Township, and in order to ob- tain well-located, valuable property, he paid $200 per acre for ten acres; it was located about four miles from Hinesboro. (For further account, see sketch of William Stites.) Mr. Stites has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for about five years, in which he is also Class-Leader and Steward. Mrs. Stites is a member of the Pres- byterian Church. In politics, Mr. S. belongs to the Republican party. J "7 AMES GRANT, located in Hutton Town- I ship, on section 20, is a worthy representa- tive of the farming community, and gener- _ ally respected by his friends and neighbors. During his residence here, he has thoroughly iden- tified himself with the agricultural and business interests of his township. He occupies the old homestead of his father, which was willed to him by the latter, and which embraces a quarter section of land, sixty acres being under cultivation and the balance in timber, well watered. Our subject is of Irish ancestry. His grand- father, Patrick Grant, was born in County Down, where he spent his entire life, was married, and reared a family of seven Children, who were named respectively, Arthur, John, Rosa, Thomas, Cather- ine, William and Ann. Of these, Arthur, John, Thomas, Catherine and Ann, emigrated to America, and coming to this State, located in Coles County. John, the father of our subject, was the second I -I 528 COLES COUNTY. child, and was born June 9, 1809. His schooling in Ireland was very limited, but he took up the common branches after coming .to this country and secured a practical education. This was after reaching manhood. After setting sail from Liver- pool, the vessel was delayed in its journey several months by encountering a_storm, and our subject finally landed at Montreal, Canada, where he re- mained nine months engaged on public works. From there he went to New York City, where he worked for a time on the railroad, and thence went to Nelson County, Va., also. engaging on Govern- ment works there. He. was married there, also, to Miss Sophia Lively, who was born in Virginia, June 18, 1817, and was the daughter of William and Cynthia Lively, natives of \ r irginia, where they spent their entire lives. The father of our subject, after his marriage, came with his young wife to this county, making- the journey overland, and conveying their house- hold goods in two carts. They located in Hutton Township in October, 1841, and Mr. Grant traded a cart and $5 in money for forty acres of timber land. Upon this was a small house into which the young people removed, and Mr. Grant entered upon the improvement of his property. He was successful in his labors, and in due time entered 120 acres of timber land, a part of which he cleared, and in 1858 built upon it the residence which is now occupied by his youngest son. They became the parents of seven children, and the mother de- parted this life at the homestead, Aug. 20, 1883. John Grant died not quite two years later, on the 24th of May, 1885, and the remains of both were laid to rest in the old family burying-ground on the homestead. The children of the parental fam- ily were Arthur, now deceased, William and John, residents of Hickory Township, Mary, now living in Ashmore Township, Cynthia, in Hutton Town- ship, James, Thomas and Robert. The two latter are also deceased. The subject of this history was born in Hutton Township, April 23, 1859. He remained with his parents until their death, receiving a common- school education and gaining a good insight into the best methods of conducting a farm. He was married, Dec. 14, 1881, to Miss Alice, the daugh- ter of Robert and Lucy Neal, who were natives of Missouri. This lady died not quite two years later, Nov. 16, 1883. The present wife of our subject, to whom he was married Feb. 2, 1886, was formerly Miss Sophronia Myers, a native of Boone County. Ind., born Oct. 22, 1866. Her parents were William and Ursula Myers, also natives of Indiana. Of this union there have been two children Orlena and Orla (twins), born May 1, 1887. They were bright babes, and it was a great grief to the parents to be called upon to part with one of them, Orlena, who died August G, when three months and five days old. \YF^ A. JENKINS, proprietor of one of the old- best and most reliable houses for the sale of dry-goods, carpets and wall paper in Charles- ton, was born Aug. 30, 1834, in Putnam County, Ind., and is the son of John M. and Nancy (Mar- tin) Jenkins. His grandfather, Elijah Jenkins, was a native of Pennsylvania, and when a young man became one of the early settlers in Kentucky. His maternal grandfather, William Martin, was of Scotch extraction and was likewise an early settler in Ken- tucky. His wife was of English descent, and her father. Captain Coot, was a sailor in the British service for many years. John M. Jenkins was taught the trade of a brick and stone mason, and afterward rose to the position of builder and contractor. After his removal to Indiana, he engaged in farming, and passed the re- mainder of his life in that State. He died in 1884, having long survived his wife, whose death occurred in 1849. In early life he was an old-line Whig, but upon^the organization of the Republican party became one of its warm supporters. He was act- ively interested in public affairs during his life, and served in several of the county and township offices. The family were members of the Method- ist Episcopal Church, and were earnest workers in that religious denomination. E. A. Jenkins was reared on his father's farm, where he attended school and assisted in the various branches of farm labor until he reached the age of i twenty-one. From home he went to Greencastle, t. ff COLES COUNTY. 529 and there engaged as clerk in a general store, re- taining the position four years. His business quali- fications were better adapted to mercantile pursuits than to agriculture, and in the autumn of 1859, in company with his brother, William M., he came to this county, and opened a dry-goods house in Charleston. They conducted the business success- fully until July, 1886, when William M. sold out his interest to his brother and nephew, and the business is now carried on under the firm name of E. A. Jenkins & Son. The marriage of Mr. Jenkins to Miss Amanda A. Jeffries took place May 30, 1861. She is the daughter of John and Martha Jeffries, who were among the early settlers of Charleston. Mr. Jef- fries is one of the old business men of the city, and is engaged in manufacturing saddles and har- ness. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins have a family of six children, namely : John E., a rising young physician of Charleston ; William F., engaged in business with his father ; Joseph, Gertrude, Fanuie and Katie. Mr. Jenkins is recognized as one of the leading men of the county, and his time and talents are not exclusively given to the advancement of his private interests. He served as School Director for three years, and is a Trustee in the Methodist Epis- copal Church, of which both himself and his wife are active members. Socially, he belongs to the I. O. O. F., the Knights of Honor and the society of Royal Templars, and in politics is a Republican. W. FARRAR, one of the prominent citizens of Hum bolt, is the owner of a fine estate, I containing 420 acres of valuable land, lo- (Kgjjjl) cated on sections 20, 28 and 29, in this town- ship. He was born March 4, 1827, near Charles- ton, S. C., and is the son of Franklin and Mary (Steele) Farrar. Franklin Farrar was a native of South Carolina, and was there engaged both at the carpenter's trade and farming. He moved to Perry County, Mo., in about the year 1830, where he purchased land and built a warehouse, at the point where the Iron Mountain Range crosses the river; his residence was situated nine miles from town. He carried on a successful business and made his permanent home there. His death oc- curred at Lebanon, 111., while on a business trip to that State. His wife was the daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Crabtree) Steele, natives of Scotland, where Mrs. Farrar was born. The family emi- grated to America and settled in South Carolina. Samuel Steele had been a State Physician in his na- tive country, and was engaged in the practice of medicine in South Carolina. J. W. Farrar had the misfortune to be deprived of his mother by death, when only a few weeks old. His maternal grandparents took him to their home and cared for him during his infancj' and child- hood, but when he was about twelve years of age his grandfather died, and he was then thrown upon the world to begin life for himself, when scarcely more than a child. It was difficult for so young a boy to procure employment, but he finally suc- ceeded in obtaining a situation on a farm near Mt. Vernon, Ind., whither his grandmother had taken him. After remaining there two years, he passed three years with an uncle residing near New Har- ; mony, and then went to Stewartsville, where he ap- i prenticed himself to the tanner's trade. He applied himself to that occupation three years and a half, and was then summoned to Perry County, Mo., to assist in settling his father's estate, whose death had occurred a short time previous. Upon com- pleting this business, he went to St. Louis and spent one winter working at his trade in that city. After passing four years in this desultory fashion, working at his trade in different localities, he en- gaged in buying fowls in the country along the river, and shipping them to the New Orleans mar- ket. Four years later he went to Posey County, Ind., near Poseyville, and was occupied in farming there until 1861. This experience developing a taste for agricult- ure, our subject came to Coles County, 111., taking charge of section 26, in this township, in the inter- est of Jaques & Walker, extensive land-owners of Evansville, Ind. The land was wholly unimproved, and the only neighbors were a few scattered fam- ilies residing on the outskirts of Mattoon, seven miles distant. He immediately purchased a third interest in the land, and began the work of ini- ; provement with renewed courage and energy, be- 530 COLES COUNTY. ing fairly successful in his first crops, which were of wheat. In 1 862 he decided to enter the service of his country in the Civil War, and organized a company for that purpose, but his home interests compelled him to relinquish the plan. In 1864, together with his partners, he sold out his farm, and determined on returning either to Indiana or Mis- souri, but having to some extent already estab- lished himself in this State, and gained a favorable foothold in the community, he reconsidered the matter, and finally decided to make his permanent home here. With this aim in view, he purchased 240 acres of land located on section 28, in Hum- bolt Township, and erected a commodious resi- dence. He has in the meantime added to his es- tate 120 acres located on section 29, and sixty on section 20, and also owns a tract of timber near by. Mr. Farrar was married, Oct. 12, 1851, to Miss Ann M. Talbot. Mrs. Farrar is the daughter of Preston and Nancy (Sharpe) Talbot, natives of Shelby County, Ky., of which State her paternal grandfather, Ezekiel Talbot, was likewise a native. Her maternal grandfather, Benjamin Sharpe, was a native of Maryland. Mrs. Farrar's mother died when she was an infant, and she was cared for by her older brothers and sisters, with whom she made her home until her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Farrar had a family of eight chil- dren born to them, only two of whom are now liv- ing. Their first born, Mary Roxana, died at the age of one year and six days; five others also died in infancy; Joseph F. and Lizzie A. are living. Joseph married Miss Mary Grissom, and resides in 'this township; his farm is situated two miles from the homestead. Lizzie became the wife of Oscar Kinsel, a grain dealer and merchant, residing in Piatt County, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Farrar have also given a place in their hearts and home to six of the>r brothers' children. Their names are as fol- lows: Frederick Marstella, C'hauncy E., Anna L., John P., Kitty T. and Emma L. Mr. Farrar and his wife have gi-ven both to their own and their adopted children, the best educational advantages attainable. It was Mr. Farrar's aim to fit his son for professional life, but his inclinations led him so strongly to prefer agricultural pursuits, that he de- cided not to interfere. Four of the children still remain under the fostering care of their adopted parents. Mr. Farrar has conducted his farm successfully and has' given considerable attention to raising Short-horn cattle, Clydesdale and Norman horses,' and Poland-China hogs, the latter being his heavi- est product in stock. He does not take a very active interest in politics, but alvvays votes with the Republican party. He has served as Road Commissioner, School Director and Trustee for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Farrar have always been active among the foremost workers in all the philanthropic movements of the neighborhood. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and were among the earliest supporters of the cause of Christ in this community, having or- ganized the first successful measure toward build- ing a church in the township. Their influence, both in public and private life, has ever been exerted to promote the best interests of society. AMUEL RARD1N. The essential facts in the history of the gentleman whose name stands at the head of this sketch, are mainly as follows: He is a native of Morgan Township, this county, his birth taking place on the farm of his father, John H. Rardin, Jan. 2, 1850. The mother before her marriage, was Miss Maliuda Clark. The parents came to this State during the pioneer days, enduring bravely and cheerfully, with their compeers, the hardships and difficulties of life in a new country. John H. Rardin was born in Rising Sun, Ind., whence he was conveyed by his parents when about three months old, to Campbell County, Ky. He was the sou of Samuel and Catherine (Light) Rardin, natives of Campbell County, Ky., where the father followed farming until about 1842, then coming to this State, located in Morgan Township, where he established a permanent home. The par- ental household included twelve children, eight now living. The father of our subject was thrice married, his second wife being Miss Rebecca Hurst, who be- came the mother of one child, a daughter Malinda, I COLES COUNTY. 531 now the wife of J. Calhoun, of Rardin. Mrs. Re- becca Hard in died in 1870.^ -The third wife was Miss Nancy Campbell, who became the mother of one son, John H., Jr. The children of the first 'marriage were, Mary Ann, Benjamin, Samuel, James K., Willia.ro W. and Robert B. The father is a retired farmer. Samuel Rardin 'spent his childhood and youth mostly on the homestead, and in attendance at the district schools. His plans for the future included the establishment of a home and family ties of his own. and he was married in the spring of 1887, to Miss Lucy Ryan, of Clark County, 111. She is the daughter of Louis and Polly (McCrory) Ryan, na- tives of Indiana, who became the parents of four children: Roscoe, still at home with his mother; Jennie, deceased; Lucy, the wife of our subject, and Mattie, the wife of John Carper, of Clark County. Our subject was appointed Postmaster of Rardin in 1875, which office he held until 1887, and in the meantime also engaged in general merchandising, carrying a stock comprising nearly everything re- quired in the household and on the farm. Upon withdrawing from this office he turned his atten- tion principally to stock and grain raising, which he has conducted on the farm of his father with most satisfactory results. He is Democratic in politics, and has held the offices of Collector and Town Clerk. He received the advantages of a good education, completing his studies at West- field, and has kept himself thoroughly posted upon current events. Mrs. Rardin is finely educated, and was teacher in the school at Martinsville, Clark County, for three years. She is a great favorite, socially, nnd a member in good standing of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. tAMES W. CRAIG, a farmer and stock-raiser of this county, resides on section 20, Morgan Township. He is the son of William Craig, who was born in October, 1804, in Ken- tucky. His paternal grandparents, Robert Craig and Elizabeth Nichol, were natives of Virginia. Robert Craig's father, William, was a gunsmith by trade. He sold out his interest in his native State, and settled in Kentucky at an early day, where he built the third or fourth house that was erected in Lexington, and took the first sheep there. He was drafted for the War of 1812, and sent to Detroit. While on the way the regiment stopped on the Sandusky, and while there old Simon Kenton came to him and made his acquaintance. Kenton told him that his father had repaired his gun for him (Kenton) many a time. William Craig remained in Kentucky until he was about twenty-four years of age, residing at the homestead until he was nineteen. His marriage took place on Christinas Day of 1823, an event which was attended by great festivities. The house was decorated for the occasion, and the young peo- ple for miles around assembled to congratulate" their young friends and partake of the old-time Kentucky hospitality and cheer. The bride, Rosana ; Day, was born in 1809, in Greenbrier County, now ; West Virginia, and was the daughter of Peter Day. Her parents came to Kentucky at an early day, making their home in that State. James Day, a brother, was drowned in 1867, leaving a large fam- ily of children. Mr. and Mrs. Craig had a family ; of six children born to them : Lorenzo Dow, born | in November, 1824, died at the age of sixteen; Clarinda, born in July, 1826, died in January, 1848; she became the wife of Thomas Davis, and left a family of three children. James W., born April 26, 1829\ is the subject of this sketch; Isaac, born in January, 1831, resides in Edgar County, 111., within a mile and a half of the place where he was born ; he owns 300 acres, and also a large farm in Douglas County ; he is married, and has a large family. Andrew Jackson, who has been for several years past a minister in the Baptist Church, resides in Meridian, Miss., where he owns some property; his eldest son is a successful physician in Louisiana. Peter, born in December, 1834, was an invalid for twenty-five years, and passed his life at the home- stead, where his death occurred at the age of thirty- three. After his marriage William Craig cleared and improved a tract of timber land, and engaged in farming and stock-raising. The arduous work in- . , 532 COLES COUNTY. volved in this task proved too great a strain upon his immature physical strength, and nearly resulted in breaking down his health. After remaining on this farm five years he sold out his property in Kentucky and came to Illinois, where he purchased eighty acres of timber land in Edgar County, five miles south of Paris, at $1.25 per acre. He cleared and improved this place, adding to his property as he was prospered in business, until he acquired an estate containing about 500 acres, and made his home there, canying on a successful farming busi- ness until 1854. He then sold this property and moved to Donica Point. He met with an accident while moving to this place which came veiy near resulting fatally ; he was thrown from his wagon, sacks of grain falling on him, and it was some time before he was extricated, almost exhausted with cold and suffering. He purchased a large farm, con- taining 460 acres, and made his permanent home there. His death occurred in February, 1874. His wife died March 3, 1848. She was a kind mother and loving wife. Mr. Craig was active and ener- getic in business throughout his life, although never strong physically. His health was injured by pri- vation and exposure while serving in the Black Hawk War, and still further impaired by an attack of measles, and he was obliged to struggle against much physical suffering and infirmity. He was a leading member of the Old-School Baptist Church, and was always active in promoting the best inter- ests of the community. In politics he was a Dem- ocrat. His last wife is living at the old home place, aged seventy-five. James Craig passed his boyhood and youth on the homestead, assisting his father in the various farm duties, and attending the common schools, where he received a good practical education. At the age of twenty-two his marriage with Miss Maria L. Miller took place. Mrs. Craig was the daughter of James M. and Mary Ann (Wayne) Miller, the former born in 1791, in Scotland, and the latter in the same year in Virginia. Mr. Miller's family emigrated to this country, and settled in South Carolina at an early day, where James passed his early life. He subsequently removed to Kentucky, where his marriage took place, and thence to Illi- nois in 1830. He settled in Edgar County, just below Paris. Mr. Miller was an intelligent, well- educated man, and taught school in the pioneer days, during the early part of his life, his future son-in-law, James Craig, being one of his pupils at the old log school-house. In later life he was en- gaged in official business, and was serving as County Clerk at the time of his death, which oc- curred in 1853. His widow, who possessed an un- usually vigorous physique, survived him many years, and died in 1877, in Westfield, 111. Their family comprised five children. After his marriage Mr. Craig located on the farm where he now resides, which was a gift from his father, and contained 360 acres (now 700) of ex- cellent land. He came to his new home in the autumn of 1850, and began business for himself, and has been successful, adding to his estate until he owned at. one time over 1,400 acres. He now has the management of about 1,000 acres, and car- ries on his business of farming and stock-raising, all of which is under his supervision and direction. June 1, 1869, he met with an accident which has dis- abled him from physical exertion. He was at that time superintending the erection of his farm resi- dence, and on a load of doors and window frames, was driving in the barn. The load being too high he was caught, receiving injuries to the spine, which have rendered him powerless to use his lower limbs. During the first two years he was under the care of skillful physicians, but all means for restoration have proved unavailing. Mr. C. has been twice married; his first wife died in the spring of 1 858. She was the mother of two children, one of whom died at the age of sixteen months; the other, Rosa C., is the wife of John Mc- Gregor, a farmer residing in Morgan Township. February 26, 1860, Mr. Craig was married to Mrs. Eliza J. Randolph, a resident of Edgar County. Mrs. Craig is the daughter of Simeon and Lucetta (I-Iearn) Stark, residents of Illinois. They were born in Indiana, and moved to Illinois in 1857. Mr. Stark was a successful business man, acquiring a good farm of 360 acres. His wife died in the fall of 1866, leaving a large family. She was an invalid for five years before her death. Mr. and Mrs. Stark were consistent members of the Old- School Baptist Church. She was a good mother COLES COUNTY. 533 and loving wife. Mr. Stark now lives in Missouri. Mrs. Stark's parents came to Illinois while it was yet a Terrritory. His name was Dennis Hearn, hers, Elizabeth Smith. She was a native of North Carolina. Mr. Hearn, after his marriage, moved from Illinois to near Terre Haute, Ind., before the town was thought of. He died in 1867. His wife still survives him, being eighty-seven years old. She lives in Terre Haute with one of her daughters, and is very active for one of her age. Mr. and Mrs. Hearn were faithful members of the Old- School Baptist Church. Mrs. Craig was the mother of one son by her first husband, R. C. Randolph, a farmer residing in Seven Hickory Township. Mr. and Mrs. Craig had two chil- dren born to them: Maria L., born Sept. 10, 1865, died in her eighteenth year; William S., born May 1, 1867, resides at the homestead, and assists his father in business. AMUEL A. REEL, physician and surgeon, of Oakland, has been established there for the past twenty years, during which time he has built up a good practice and num- bers among his friends and patrons the best resi- dents of Coles County. Dr. Reel is a native of Gibson County, Ind.. born May 3, 1829, and is the son of Henry and Catherine (Neely) Reel, natives of Kentucky, the former born forty miles south of Louisville, Feb. 14, 1793. The paternal grand- parents of our subject were John and Catherine (Stooky) Reel, natives of New York State, where, after serving as a soldier in the Revolutionary War seven years, John Reel finally located, and carried on farming the balance of his life. The maternal grandfather, who was a native of Virginia, also served on the side of the Colonists during their struggle for liberty, as a commissioned officer. He was under the immediate command of Gens. Wash- ington and Marion. Both grandfathers died in about 1808. Henry Reel, the father of our subject, departed this life in Gibson County, Ind., March 25, 1871. The wife and mother, who was born Dec. 13, 1794. was -the daughter of Joseph and Marietta (John- son) Neely, natives of Virginia, who were numbered among the most highly respected residents of the farming community of their section of the State. She was married to Henry Reel, May 7, 1815, and departed this life Nov. 10. 1874. She became the mother of fourteen children. Their eldest son, John, was born Feb. 13, 1816; Eliza A., Aug. 15, 1817; Elizabeth. Feb. 13, 1819; Joseph, Oct. 31, 1820; David L., Aug. 31, 1822; Margaret A.,, May 6, 1824; Eleanor, Dec. 25, 1825; Martha J., Sept. 3, 1827 ; Samuel A., of our sketch, is already given; Thomas J., Jan. 2 t, 1831; Henry C., Oct. 2, 1832; Franklin M., Aug. 11, 1834; Catherine N.. Dec. 3, 1836; Nancy J., Sept. 17, 1838. Samuel Reel was reared on his father's farm and attended school in the winter until 1851, although in the meantime having been employed as a teacher in Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois and Indiana. Dur- ing the winter of 1850-51, he attended the medical school at Cincinnati, Ohio, and after completing his course of study proceeded westward, across the Mississippi into Iowa. He remained there, however, only about six months, and then returned to Cumberland County, 111., thence to Gibson County, Ind., in 1858, where he employed his time in reading medicine until the' outbreak of the late war. He then enlisted, in August, 1861, in the 58th Indiana Infantry, as private in Company K, and after two months was detailed as Hospital Steward. In crossing Barren River, near Bowling Green. Ky., he was wounded in the right side, and in September received his discharge on account of disability. From this he has never full}' recovered, and on account of it receives a pension from the Government. Upon returning from the army Dr. Reel lo- cated in Douglas County, where he followed his profession until 1866, and then took up his resi- dence at Oakland. He is the only eclectic physician in the town, and his labors have been attended with great success, enabling him to accumulate a fine property. This includes 540 acres of valuable land, in a high state of cultivation, and the family residence in Oakland is an imposing structure, and a model of comfort and convenience. The lady who has presided with grace and dignity over the domestic affairs of our subject, and was his earnest helper and sympathizer in his 534 COLES COUNTY. efforts to sec n re a go 3d position in life, was formerly Miss Eliza Adams, who became his wife May 19, 1853. Mrs. R. is a native of this county, to which her parents came in the pioneer clays, and was born April 22, 1836, in Pleasant Grove Township. She is the daughter of John .1. and Martha (Gammel) Adams, natives of Tennessee. Her father was a farmer by occupation, and during the progress of the Mexican War held the position of Second Lieutenant in the Federal ranks. Afterward he returned to his home in this county, where his death took place Dec. 27, 1878, after he had arrived at the advanced age of seventy-two years. He was also First Lieutenant in an Illinois cavalry regiment in the late war, serving three years, and by his bravery and attention to duty secured the approval of his superiors and the respect of his subordinates. The seven children of Mr. and Mrs. Reel were named respective^', Martha A., now de- ceased ; John F., of the firm of Curtis & Reel, who are carrying on general merchandising at Oakland; Kate I., Lidie A.; Nancy C., who died when three months old ; Lina M. and William E. Dr. Reel from a youth was piously inclined, and was ordained a minister of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church in October, 1867, and for four years occupied the pulpit in various places in this part of the State. He finally withdrew from the Pres- bytery, being fully occupied with his farming and his practice. He is a member in good standing of the Masonic fraternity, and also belongs to Oak- land Lodge No. 545, I. O. O. F., in which he has been Treasurer and High Priest. He is also con- nected with the G. A. R. as Surgeon of the order. He occupies a high position among his professional brethren, and is a man whose judgment and in- tegrity are unquestioned. GUNTHER WEISS, senior member of the firm of Weiss & Son, is, with the latter, proprietor of the Charleston Woolen Mills, located at the intersection of Factory and West Washington streets. The history of this well-to- do, substantial resident and business man, is briefly as follows: Mr. Weiss was born in the little village of Lentenberg. in the Province of Schwarzburg- Rudolstadt, Germany, July 6, 1823. His parents were Christopher and Phillipena Weiss, natives of the same locality. His father was a manufacturer of cotton goods, giving employment to many operators and carried on a large mercantile business. In accordance with the laws and customs of his native country, Gunther Weiss was placed in school at an early age, where he pursued his studies uninterruptedly until fourteen years old. He then employed himself in the mills and store of his father until after reaching his majority. He was always of a reflective and ambitious turn of mind, and determined to seek his fortune on the other side of the Atlantic. Embarking on a sailing-vessel at Liverpool, he landed at Galveston, Tex., and occupied his time in various ways until the year following, when the breaking out of the war with Mexico afforded a means of employment to many who were idle. Young Weiss, in common with many others, enlisted as a soldier at the first call for volunteers, becoming a member of the 1st Texas Infantry, and serving under the immediate command of Gen. Zachary Taylor. His army ex- perience, however, only occupied him for about five months, when the struggle ended, and he re- ceived his honorable discharge. Then, in company with two other gentlemen, he proceeded to New Orleans, and engaged in the sugar trade, which proved a venture in no wise remunerative^ as when they closed out their business some months later, our subject had but $6 to show for his labor. In the spring of 1848, Gunther Weiss took up his abode in the city of Cincinnati, where he re- mained until 1852, and then longing for a sight of the faces of his old friends, he embarked on a steamer for his native land, receiving his passport from the hand of Daniel Webster. He spent six months in his native Province, and then, encour- aged and refreshed for the further labors of life, returned to the New World. Proceeding to Terre Haute, Ind., he was successfully engaged for a period of twenty-two years. In the meantime, however, he had in 1866 once more visited his native land, and made a specialty of informing himself in regard to the latest improvements in connection with machinery for the manufacture of 4 LIBRARY OF THE IlLltvO'S COLES COUNTY. 53? cottons and woolens. Thus armed he returned to the United States and prepared to follow the busi- ness of his father before him. The Charleston Woolen Mills had already been established, and of these Mr. Weiss assumed the management, in 1873, although he had been connected with the business as a partner since 1869. These mills have now be- come a leading feature in the industries of Coles County, and under the wise supervision of Mr. Weiss have made good progress each year, giving employment to twenty-five persons, and disposing of goods mostly at wholesale. His eldest son is employed as a traveling salesman, and gives indication of possessing the same business talent as his father, by whom he has been admitted as an equal .partner. The marriage of Mr. Weiss took place in 1850, the lady of his choice being Miss Caroline Newhart, a native of his own country, who emigrated to the United States with her parents. Of the eight children now included in the household circle, the record is as follows: Otto, the eldest, has been referred to heretofore; Emma is the wife of Alfred C. Ficklin, of Charleston, and the mother of three children Orlando, Otto and Walter. Louise, Aurora, Helena, Harry and Mamie are at home with their parents; Adolph, the sixth child, is a lumber merchant at Los Angeles, Qal. Mr. Weiss, since assuming the rights of citizenship, has been a stanch supporter of Republican principles, and with his family, is a regular attendant of the Presbyterian Church. LIVER H. AMES, a gentleman of cultivated tastes and good education, owns and occu- pies a homestead on section 23, in North Okaw Township, his property including 160 acres of good land. His early advantages in life were somewhat limited, but he made the most of his op- portunities, and by the perusal of good books, and associating with well-bred and educated people, he has attained to a high position in his community, and is numbered among .the intelligent and pro- gressive men of Coles County. His land is mainly devoted to general agriculture, although he raises thoroughbred stock. Mr. Ames is a native of Wayne County, Pa., his birth taking place there Nov. 16, 1840. He is the eldest child of Nelson W. and Nancy (Hoadley) Ames, natives of the same county as their son. The father was born Feb. 9, 1817. His paternal grandparents were Joseph and Gertrude (Schenck) Ames, who were among the earliest settlers of the Keystone State, and upon first locating in Wayne County were obliged to go forty miles to mill. Both the parents and grandparents spent their lives in Pennsylvania, and their remains were laid to rest beneath its soil. Our subject when a lad of nine years, was de- prived by death of the affectionate care of his mother. His father afterward married Miss Susan A. Cramer, and Oliver H. remained at home until reaching his majority. Upon leaving the parental roof he was engaged by the month on a farm, and continued thus occupied for three years. He was married, May 4. 1864, to Miss Susanna S., daugh- ter of James and Elizabeth (Morton) Whitney, the wedding taking place at Charleston, this county. Mrs. Ames was the second in a family of seven children born to her parents, and remained with them until her marriage. Her maternal grand- father, Charles Morton, was the original founder of the city of Charleston, and the court-house now stands on land which he deeded to the city for that purpose. Mrs. Ames received a good educa- tion, and for several years taught school in this county, being thus employed until a few months after her marriage. The second .year the young people repaired to the farm of Mrs. Whitney, in Mattoon Township, and the third year our subject purchased eighty acres of land on section 36, in North Okaw Township. He occupied this but a short time, however, when he rented a quarter sec- tion adjacent, and operated upon that until pre- pared to purchase. In 1879 he bought 120 acres on section 23, to which he removed his family and where he has since resided. His first great afflic- tion occurred on the 12th of August, 1886, when, the affectionate wife aurl mother was called hence, leaving four children. As a lady she possessed many amiable and lovable qualities, and was deeply mourned by her family and numerous friends. Mrs. Ames was born in Charleston, 111., Feb. 4, 538 COLES COUNTY. 1 842, and was consequently a little over forty-four years of age. One child had passed away before the death of the mother. Those remaining are, Willie II., Foster C., Harry D., Nellie and Gertrude. The deceased child was a little daughter named Mary O. Mrs. Ames was never very strong, and finding herself afflicted with heart decease, went to Kansas to remain for a time with her sister, and there closed her eyes upon the scenes of earth. She had been educated by her stepfather, Rufus Pierce, and was a more than ordinary lady. She had been a great sufferer, but bore her afflictions uncomplainingly, and presented a beautiful exam- ple of patience and resignation. While a professed Christian, she had not formally identified herself with any religious denomination, although an act- ive worker in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Ames is determined to keep his little family together, and give them all the advantages possible. Our subject usually votes the Republican ticket, but has very little to do with politics, bis fanning and business interests absorbing the most of his time and attention. Whatever leisure he has is de- voted to reading and study. He has added to his first purchase of laud, and is now the owner of 300 acres, all under cultivation and yielding some of the finest products of the Prairie State. It is with pleasure that the publishers present the portrait of Mr. Ames in this volume, as that of one of the representative men^of ColesTJounty. J'OHN HALL RARDIN, a retired farmer of Morgan Township, and residing in the town which bears his name, is a prominent citizen of Coles County, and a descendant of one of the pioneer families of Illinois. He was horn Feb. 24, 1818, and is the son of Samuel and Catherine (Light) Rardin. Samuel Rardin was born in Penn- sylvania, Nov. 1(>, 1790, and was the son of John and M. (Hull) Rardin, the former a native of Pitts- burgh, Pa. The mother of our subject was the daughter of Jacob and Catherine Light, and was born in Cler- mont County, Ohio. Dec. 5, 1790. Of her union with Samuel Rardin there were born twelve chil- dren, eight of whom are now living: Jacob, John, Frank and Nancy are residents of Morgan Town- ship, this county, and the others have been at- tracted by business interests to different places in Missouri and Kansas. While John Hall Rardin was still an infant, his father settled in Kentucky, remaining there with his family until their removal to Coles County in 1 842. The death of his parents occurred soon after their arrival here; the father dying in July, 1843, while John was away from home in Kentucky, and the mother two years later, in 1845. Our subject in 1844 purchased forty-four acres of land and was married March 6, 1845, to Miss Melinda Clark, of Coles County. Mrs. Rardin was the daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Hammonds) Clark, natives of Kentucky, whence they removed to Illinois in 1831, and were among the earliest settlers of this county. They located in what afterward became Morgan Township, and here passed the remainder of their lives. There were eight children in Mr. Clark's family at the time of his daughter's mar- riage, all of whom settled in Coles County, with the exception of his son, William, who is a resident of Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Rardin became the parents of six children, of whom the record is as follows: Mary Ann was born Feb. 13, 1846, became the wife of Porter Johnson, and is now deceased; Benjamin, born June 28, 1848, died Aug. 17, 1860; Samuel was born Jan. 2, 1850; James K., June 28, 1851; Willie W., born May 19, 1853, died Aug. 17, 1882; and Robert Bruce, born June 2, 1855, died Dec. 13,1871. Mrs. Melinda (Clark) Rardin died March 13, 1857. The second wife of our subject was Mrs. Rebecca A. Hurst. She was born April 17, 1825, and died April 17, 1865. Of this marriage there was one child, Melinda Jane, born May 15, 1862; she is now the wife of John Calhoun, a resi- dent of Morgan Township, and is the mother of two children. The present wife of our subject, to whom he was married Dec. 18, 1873, was formerly Mrs. Nancy Campbell. By this marriage one son was born, Feb. 3, 1875, and was named John Hall, after his father. Mr. Rardin added to his first purchase of land until he now owns a fine farm of 440 acres. He COLES COUNTY. 539 has always been an active and influential citizen, and was the founder of the town which bears his name. Karelin has a population of 150 inhabitants, and contains a church, two stores, a doctor's office, a blacksmith and saddler's shop, and an elevator. Mr. Karelin has rented his farm and retired from the cares of active business, and is passing the clos- ing years of a busy and useful life in the ease and enjoyment justly his due. Miss Alma Callahan is a member of their family. She is the daughter of Frank and Mary Ellen Callahan, and was born May 9, 1875. She has received a home in Mr. Ilardin's family since her father's death. Her widowed mother resides in Clark County, 111. Mrs. Rardin is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and is actively interested in promoting its welfare. We place the portrait of Mr. Karelin in this volume, among those of other representative men of Coles County. I -*- P. ORLAND, master mechanic of the I. & St. L. R. R. at Mattoon, was born in Cuy- ahoga County, Ohio, Nov. 18, 1843, and is the son of William and Eliza (Powers) Orlaiid. His parents were of English birth and ancestry, and his father during his entire life engaged in merchandising. His death took place on his native soil in 1856. The mother survived her husband for twenty-eight years, her death taking place in 1884. They were the parents of three children only: Harry, engineer in the fire department in the city of Cleveland; Annie, Mrs. Middleton, also a resident of that city, and W. P., of our sketch. Mr. Orland completed his eelucation in the city schools of Cleveland, and when a youth of seven- teen years commenced learning the machinist trade in the Globe Iron Works, where he served an ap- prenticeship of three years. He was then on the lakes as engineer a year, when he returned to terra firma and entered the employ of the C. C. It. R. Co. with whom he remained three years. Upon leav- ing Ohio he migrated to this State, but subsequently returned to Cleveland, in the meantime being em- ployed at his chosen vocation, and then attained to the position of foreman. In 1884 he accepted his present position, where he has since remained and acquitted himself with credit. He has the super- vision of 200 men, and as may be supposed, un- derstands fully all his duties. The wife of our subject was formerly Miss Alice, the daughter of Addison and Mary (Goss) Hyde, and they were married in 1865-. Mrs. Orland was born in Ohio in 1847, and by her union with our subject has become the mother of four children Herbert, Fannie and Frank, twins, and Clarence. They occupy a neat residence on Wabash street, and enjoy the society of a large circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. O. are members in good standing of the Christian Church. Our subject, politically, is a decided Republican, and socially, belongs to the Knights of Pythias. Hutton Township, where he carries on an extensive business in farming and stock-growing. He was born Aug. 6, 1865, in Delaware County, Ohio, and is the son of John and Tirzah (Knapp) Bensley. His paternal grandfather, also named John, was a native of Germany, where he was born July 6, 1706. In 1776, when a boy only ten years of age, he ac- companied his older brothers, William and Israel, to the United States. They settled on the North River in Delaware, and after remaining there about one year, removed to Tioga County, Pa., where they purchased laud and resided for several years. John Bensley, Sr's., marriage to Miss Mary Wilson took place there, and soon after this event Mr. Bensley removed to Hamilton County, Ohio. After remaining there a few years, he removed to Dela- COLES COUNTY. ware County, making that place his permanent home. His death occurred Aug. 10, 1853, and his widow, who survived him but a short time, died in 1856. John Bensley, Sr., reared a family of ten children, whose record is as follows: James, born Oct, 21, 1791, married Miss Kate Pope; both are deceased. William, born Dec. 10, 1792, served in the War of 1812, and was in Hull's surrender; he died soon after his return home. Anna, born Nov. 10, 1794, married Philip Place, and after his death was mar- ried to Daniel Carpenter, and both are now de- ceased ; three children were born to the first mar- riage, and five to the second. Betsy, born Jan. 17, 1797, was the wife of Samuel Alexander, and both are deceased; Mary, born July 26, 1799, was the wife of Nathan Taylor ; both are deceased. Cathe- rine, born Aug. 3, 1802, was the wife of David Skeels, and after his death she married Caleb Brun- didge; three children were born to the second marriage, and one to the first; she is now dead, and likewise both husbands. Rachel, born Aug. 22, 1 804, married John Pint; both died, leaving seven chil- dren. John, the father of our subject, born Jan. 31, 1807; Israel, born Sept. 18, 1809, married Miss Etfie Quinby, and died in the Indian Territory, where his widow is now living; Thomas, born Nov. 5, 1815, married Miss Rebecca Martin. John Bensley, father of our subject, was born in Tioga County, Pa., and was six years of age when his parents removed to Ohio. The school privileges of that early day were very limited, and he received only a rudimentary education. He lived on the homestead with his parents until twenty-one years of age, and at twenty-three his marriage to Miss Tirzah Knapp took place, May 4, 1828, in Delaware County, Ohio. Mrs. Bensley was born May 3, 1808, in Tioga County, Pa., and is the daughter of Ed- w.ard and Esther Knapp. Her parents were natives of Vermont, and her father served in the Revolu- tionary War and the War of 1812. After his mar- riage, Mr. Bensley rented land in Delaware County, Ohio, and was engaged in farming there about ten years. At the expiration of that time, in the autumn of 1 838, he removed to Hutton Township, Coles Co., 111. He made the journey, which occupied several days, by wagon, with his wife and four children. On his arrival here he entered eighty acres of land in Hutton Township, which 'was covered with a growth of white oak timber. The country was al- most a wilderness at that time ; cold weather was approaching, and to provide shelter for his family, Mr. Bensley built a log house in the primitive fashion, which his wife endeavored to render as cheerful and comfortable as 'possible. The few settlers of that early day were separated from each other by wide stretches of desolate prairie and lonely .woodland, but heart}' good-will and gener- ous feeling prevailed among them. Each was ready to lend a helping hand to his neighbor in raising a log cabin, lending a team, or some useful fanning utensil, many times going five or six miles to render these kindly services. Mr. Bensley cleared and improved his land, and purchased more until he acquired a fine estate con- taining 180 acres. The nearest grain markets at that time were Terre Haute, Chicago and St. Louis, and he frequently conveyed his produce to either one or the other of these points, purchasing gro- ceries and provisions for his family and transporting goods thence for the merchants at Charleston. Sportsmen had ample opportunity to test their skill on the wild fowls, deer and wolves, with which the prairies abounded. The family, which also included Grandmother Knapp, moved in the year 1850 by ox-team to Jo Daviess County, remaining there about one year. On their return home, in fording a creek, the waters of which were swollen by recent rains, the old family Bible received a baptism in the floods, which, however, did not injure its precious truths, the bulwarks of all that is grand and true and noble in the foundation of this great Western country. The book has been carefully preserved and is in Mr. Bensley's possession. He is now eighty years of age, and is still hale and heart}', although he has been a sufferer from asthma for the last forty years. With his wife, Mr. Bensley was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and both were inter- ested in promoting the "cause of religion on the Western frontier. Mrs. Bensley died Sept. 24, 1877, and is buried in Hutton Churchyard. Their family consisted of p six children: Mary, born March 14, 1829, was married March 9, 1848, to t . 552 COLES COUNTY. Russell McMorris, and died June 7, 1857, leaving two children; Stephen J., born Feb. 21, 1831, was married Feb. 20, 1851, to Miss Mary E. Stull, and resides in Cumberland County ; Charles K., born June 28, 1833. was married Feb. 14, 1856, to Miss Drusilla Anderson, and likewise resides in Cum- berland County; Thomas A., the subject of this sketch; Lavinia A., bom June 15, 1841, was mar- ried in September, 1859, and died Dec. 12, 1860; and Tirza A., born Feb. 16, 1844, was married Dec. 22, 1867, to Bennet House, and resides in Cumber- land County. Thomas A. Bensley received the best common- school education which the pioneer days afforded, and assisted his father in cultivating the farm, re- maining at the homestead until his marriage with Miss Eliza J. Black, which took place March 7, 1861. Mrs. Bensley was born Aug. 29, 1842, in this county, and is the daughter of David and Tem- perance (Stull) Black, the former born Feb. 20, 1823, in Alabama, and the latter Aug. 8, 1828, in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Black are members of the Baptist Church and now reside in Huttou Town- ship. Their family consisted of seven children; Eliza J. ; Jonathan, deceased in childhood ; Permelia, the wife of Leonard Wooleaver; William S. died at the age of twenty-one; Serilda, the wife of John W. Dunn, resides in Diona; John R. married Miss Lillias Vantassel, and Harriett L., the wife of Louis Hill. John R., Mrs. Wooleaver and Mrs. Hill are residents of Cumberland County. After his marriage, Mr. Bensley removed, Aug. 21, 1864, to Union Township, Cumberland County, where he purchased eighty acres of improved land, and carried on a successful business nine years. At the expiration of that time his parents, who were advanced in years, desired rest from the cares of active business and he returned and purchased the homestead, which contained 100 acres, paying the other heirs their proportion of the estate. His parents made their home with him, and his mother's death occurred there a few years later. Mr. Bens- ley possesses excellent business qualifications, and now owns a large estate, where he is extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising. There are three excellent frame residences on his property, and he has recently'built a commodious, well-ap- pointed barn on the homestead, a view of which appears elsewhere in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Bensley have three sons: Erastus A., born Jan. 10, 1862, married Miss Miranda Johnson, Nov. 23, 1885, and resides in Mutton Township; George W., born March 14, 1861, mar- ried Miss Lovitha J. Stull, Nov. 21, 1866, and re- sides on a farm belonging to his father, and Daniel O., born June 20, 1867, resides on the homestead. Having no daughter in their family Mr. and Mrs. Bensley reared in their household Miss Leota Schuyler. She was born Feb. 16, 1868, and is the daughter of William and Angelina Schuyler. Her father died during her childhood and she subse- quently made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Bensley until her marriage with George McMorris, which occurred Nov. 21, 1886. Mr. Bensley had always resided with his parents with the exception of the nine years passed in Cumberland County, and in 1876 he disposed of his property there. He is interested in educational affairs, and in all measures tending to promote the welfare of the community. In politics, he is a Democrat, casting his first vote for James Bu- chanan, and has been elected to the offices of Super- visor and School Director by that party. With his wife, he is a member of the Free Baptist Church. ON. THOMAS L. McGRATH, of Mattoon, was born in Boston, Mass., June 6, 1852, and is the son of Michael and Margaret (Farrell) McGrath, natives of Ireland. The parents came to America in 1850, settling in Boston, where the}' spent three years or more, and after a brief residence at Lockport, N. Y., proceeded westward to this State, locating about six milus south of Lincoln, in Logan County, where they en- gaged in farming until the death of the father, which took place in 1863. The mother is still liv- ing and a resident of Lincoln. The sons and daughters of Michael and Margaret McGrath, seven in number, were, Rebecca, now Mrs. P. M. Smith, of Peoria; Patrick L., of Mt. Pulaski; Thomas L., our subject; M. H. and D. E., physicians of Chicago; John J., a student at Rush OF THE :I:"I"-:R U ITY OF ILLO'S COLES COUNTY. 555 Medical College, and Margaret, also a resident of the Garden City. Thomas L. attended the district school until fifteen years of age, and afterward pursued his studies in the State University at Nor- mal. When sixteen years of age he commenced teaching in Logan County, reserving his wages for the purpose of continuing his studies in the Nor- mal School and where, after another thorough course, he was graduated in 1872. He afterward taught in Montgomery County, and subsequently became Principal of the public school at Equality, 111. In 1874 he occupied this position in connec- tion with the High School at Butler, 111. In the meantime Mr. McGrath occupied his leisure hours in the study of law and was admitted to the bar at Springfield, in January, 1876. He began his practice at Sullivan, whence, in 1878, he removed to Mattoon, where he has since remained and acquitted himself in a most creditable manner as an attorney and counselor. In 1879 he was elected as City Attorney of Mattoon, serving two years, and was re-elected in 1883. In 1886 he was elected to represent the people of his district in the State Senate, becoming an efficient member of that body and introducing some valuable measures. Besides thus educating himself he has assisted his brothers and sisters in their pursuit of knowledge, and has thus, by his example, been the encourager of those elements of character most valued in an intelligent community. Mr. McGrath has uni- formly voted the straight Republican ticket, and given -his time mainly to his practice. ENNIS HANKS. One of the well-known and familiar names of Coles County is that of Dennis Hanks. He is noted, like many other men are and have been, on ac- count of his connections with the noblest character of his generation, Abraham Lincoln. The two passed their boyhood together, sleeping in the same bed and engaging in the same labors and sport. One arose from the humble position in which they both lived to the most exalted station in the Nation, while the other grew up only to be a respected farmer in the community in which he has lived for a half century, and to admire his companion and to know that any trust reposed in him would never be betrayed. The Flankses and Lincolns were considerably mixed up in their family relations. They came from Indiana together, lived in the same house, and Dennis Hanks married the daughter, Sallie Johnston, of the second wife of Thomas Lincoln. Dennis Hanks was born in Kentucky and lived, prior to his removal to Indiana, in Hardin County. In speaking of his removal to the latter-named State, he says, "At that time Indiana was a desper-, ately sickly place. Miasma poisoned the atmos- phere. There was no doctor near. We were there in the year 1825, when Jackson and Adams ran for President. I was then but nineteen years of age, yet I acted as Clerk of Election and actually voted for Jackson, therefore I have voted for him three times. There was a school in the neighborhood. Sallie and Abe went to school. I first taught him to spell and read and write. I made the first pen that he ever had. I killed a buzzard and took his wing feathers for pens, as there were no geese in the settlement. We either used buzzard or wild turkey feathers. Abe's first pen was made of a buzzard's quill. Afterward he went one quarter to a sub- scription school kept by Josiah Crawford, from Kentucky, who lived about a mile away and taught a school. He was a pretty good scholar." Dennis Hanks became a pioneer of this county at an early day, and has been an honest, hard- working man for these many years, and now, in the sunset period of life, he looks back with the pleas- antest recollections, and well he may, to the days when the man this Nation will always love to honor was his constant companion. We take pleasure in presenting the portrait of this friend of our martyred President in this volume. He is a worthy and highty respected citizen of the county and one whose features the generations to follow will be glad to look upon. OTHER J. NORTON, a farmer, and dealer in fine cattle and horses, has for many years been a prominent figure among the business and agricultural interests of East Oakland Town- ship. He is a native of this State, born in Edgar 556 COLES COUNTY. County, Feb. 1C, 1858, and the son of John A. and Mary E. (Hanger) Norton, both natives of Ohio. John Norton was born in Madison County, March 21, 1826, and departed this life in August, 1859, meeting his death in a painful manner by being thrown from a horse in front of his own door, and dying three days later. The animal was young and spirited, and the saddle-girth broke, throwing the rider in such a manner that his" neck was fractured and recovery impossible. The mother was born in Fairfield County, March 30, 1 829, and after the death of Mr. Norton became the wife of George W. Ashmore. The latter gentle- man was killed by a runaway team, dying almost in- stantly from the injuries received. He was a stock trader, and had accumulated considerable property in Oakland, where he was a prominent business man. He was sixty-five years old at the time of his death. This lady became the mother of six children, three by Mr. Ashmore and three by Mr. Norton. The latter included Clara L., who mar- ried L. D. Carter, of this place; Laura A., who died in infancy, and Luther J., of our sketch. In 1878 Mr. Norton engaged in business with his step-father, with whom he continued until 1885, and then commenced the breeding of fine stock, making a specialty of horses of different breeds, but principally Kentucky and Hambletonian. He is an excellent judge of horseflesh, and takes great pride in exhibiting his fine animals, which are sec- ond to none in this part of Illinois. His 300-acre farm provides ample facilities for the carrying on of his business in a first-class manner, and his ex- cellent judgment uniformly insures him success in this department. The marriage of Luther J. Norton and Miss Florence I. Zimmerman, a native of East Oakland Township, was celebrated at the home of the bride Oct. 25, 1882. Of this union there is one child, Clara, born March 22, 1 887. The residence of our subject and his family is a handsome and conven- ient structure, pleasantly located, and forms a hos- pitable and attractive resort for their many friends. The Norton family is of English origin. One of the early representatives in this country was Aaron C., the grandfather of our subject, who was born Sept. 21, 1798. He was the sou of Solomon Nor- i ton, who was born in 1751, and lived to be one hundred and one years old. The family was quite prolific, and the sons and daughters became highly respected members of society. Mr. N. was reared in the doctrines of the Methodist Church, but Mrs. N. is connected with the Old-School Presbyterians. The Zimmerman family were probably originally Whigs, and the later members have been strong Republicans. Mr. Norton is one of the stanchest advocates of Democratic doctrines. A. MARTIN, a worthy representa- tive of the agricultural interests of Hum- bolt Township for the last fifteen years, has been successfully engaged in general agri- culture and stock-raising on his finely cultivated farm of forty acres, occupying the northeast quarter of section 23. He is one of the most thorough tillers of the soil in the northern portion of Coles County, and every acre of his land is utilized to the best advantage, nothing being allowed to go to waste. His bujldings, fences and machinery indi- cate the care and good judgment exercised in the management of the farm, and the general air of thrift and prosperity is all the recommendation required to establish the intelligence and industry of its proprietor. Mr. Martin is a native of this county, and was born on his father's farm in Lafayette Township, Nov. 27, 1835. He is the son of Samuel and Eliza- beth (Dates) Martin, the former a native of Ken- tucky, born Dec. 26, 1811. His death took place in this county in 1843. The mother, a native of Hamilton County, Ohio, was born Dec. 25, 1811, being just one day older than her husband. They were married in 1830, and became the parents of six children: Amanda E., who became the wife of Benjamin Bolen, and Seth B., are deceased; James A., of our sketch, was the third child ; Eliza J. married Henry T. Miller, and is now deceased ; Phebe died in childhood ; Charles D. married Miss Sarah E. Whitney, and is farming in Lafayette Township. Mrs. Martin, after the death of her first husband, was married Sept. 25, 1846, to Robert Miller, who COLES COUNTY. 557 was a native of Dayton, Ohio, and born Sept. 4, 1801. Of this marriage there were four children, the record of whom is as follows : Thomas M. N. married Miss Sarah Jeffries, and Rachel became the wife of John G. Jeffries; both are deceased. Winfield Scott married in Douglas County, and is a resident of Nebraska., Belinda died in early childhood. Robert Miller died at his home in La- fayette Township, April 29, 1862. The mother of our subject is living on the old homestead. James A. Martin in early life -became well ac- quainted with the various employments of the farm, and when contemplating the establishment of a home of his own, decided to follow the occupa- tion of his father. The first important step toward this end was his marriage with Miss Rachel Wells. which occurred at the home of her sister in Lafay- ette Township, March 19, 1863. Mrs. M. was born near Circleville, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1845, and is the daughter of Elisha and Martha (Williams) Wells, the former of whom died in Ohio in about 1857. The mother is still living there. The parental household included twelve children: Sarah A., a resident of Ohio; Elizabeth married Isaac Kite, of Perry County, Ohio; Reason married Miss Isabel McDill, and is farming in Kansas; Martha is de- ceased ; Nancy is the wife of Samuel Herman, a farmer of Lafayette Township; Susanna; Rachel; Margaret married A. T. Martin, of Lafayette Town- ship, and died in 1872; Isabel and Joseph are de- ceased ; Caroline is the wife of Elijah Hite, and a resident of Perry County, Ohio; Louisa married Thomas Cooper, and also lives in the Buckeye State. Mr. and Mrs. Martin have no children. Mr. Martin is a Democrat in politics. \ LDER G. K. BERRY, pastor of the Chris- tian Church, at Charleston, is the descend- ant of an old Virginian family of Scotch- Irish extraction. He was born Oct. 24, 1854, in Washington County, Va., and is the sou of Nathan- iel and Isabella (Keyes) Berry. The former passed his entire life in his native State, where he was a prosperous farmer. He belonged to the Dem- ocratic part}' in politics, but was opposed to the system of slavey. His death occurred in August, 185C. His family consisted of six children, four of whom are now living, as follows: Martha, now Mrs. Buford, a resident of Winfield, Kan.; Sally, now Mrs. Jowney, a resident of the same place; Rev. William B., a resident of College City, Cal., and Elder G. K., the subject of this sketch. Mr. Berry was brought up on the farm in Vir- ginia until 1867, when his widowed mother left the old home with her family and came to Illinois, settling in McDonough County. They rented a farm in New Salem, which was conducted by her oldest son. Their beloved mother did not long survive her removal West, her death occurring March 3, 1870. Our subject assisted his brother on the farm, attending the district school for one year, until he was eighteen years of age, and then taught school during a term of four months in Hire Township. He then attended Abingdon College, Knox County, one term, after which he resumed teaching in Hire Township for nine months. The following summer he taught school in Scotland Township. He then attended the Normal school at Macomb for a few weeks, em- bracing every opportunity offered for mental im- provement. He made the best use of hi? time, and then taught' school again several months in that vicinity. He became a member of the Christian Church at Macomb, and was immersed by Elder G. W. Mapes. His religious convictions were deep rooted, and he then resolved to become a minister of the Gospel, and commenced the study of theo- logy at Eureka College, Woodford County, 111., where he applied himself closely to his work for one year, and then passed another year in teaching school and preaching informally in Marshall County. Our subject then returned to Macomb and was ordained by Elder G. W. Mapes on the third Sunday in June, 1878. His first clerical charge was at Toulon, Stark Co., 111., where he remained two years. The difficulties through which he bad acquired his education were arduous, and feeling the need of rest and recreation he passed a month in visiting his old home in Virginia, and then entered Butler University at Indianapolis, to pur- sue his studies further. He remained there six I months, preaching at the same time in the Olive I 558 COLES COUNTY. Branch Christian Church. After spending several months at Williamsville, Sangamon Co., 111., he entered the Christian University at Canton, Mo., where he was graduated in June, 1882, and took charge of the church at Memphis, Mo., for one year. His next charge was at Youngstown, Ohio, where he spent about one year. He was then called to East Des Moines, Iowa, where he organ- ized a church and built a parsonage. He remained at Des Moines thirteen months, and then went to California to visit his brother, and on his return took charge of the Christian Church in Charleston in 1886. Elder Berry is a young man of unusual ability in his profession and has exhibited a degree of courage and energy in overcoming difficulties which can hardly fail to win success in the arduous calling he has chosen, which is one of self-sacrifice and toil. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity and is a Republican in politics. 'Ml R. TOBEY, a worthy representative of the enterprise and intelligence of the little city of Mattoon, during his younger years served first as a soldier in the Union army, and then coming to the West, engaged in the fur- niture business at Mattoon, where he has since re- mained and been closely identified with its mercantile and industrial interests. He is a native of West Alexandria, Preble Co., Ohio, where his birth took place in 1839, and is the son of Rev. Michael I. and Catherine (Rouher) Tobey, natives of Maryland. The father of our subject commenced his minis- try in connection with the United Brethren Church at Sharpsburg, Md., about 1836, and continued preaching thereafter for a period of fifteen years. In the meantime he had removed to Ohio, of which he was a resident until 1854, when he came to this county and settled at Mattoon in 1855. He finally became associated with his son, our subject, in the furniture business, and remained thus con- nected until his death, which took place in 1869. The mother is still living, making her home with our subject. The parental family included five children, of whom only two are now living, our subject and his sister, Mrs. AV. F. Miller, of Mat- toon. Michael Tobey was the first Mayor of Mattoon, which was incorporated as a city about 1856. He served as Township Collector two terms and was otherwise identified with city and town- ship affairs. Politically he was in earlier years an old-line Whig, and later identified himself with the Republicans. Our subject received a good education, complet- ing his studies in the college at Westerville, Ohio. Upon the outbreak of the Civil War, he enlisted in Co. B, 7th 111. Vol. Inf., serving two and one- half years, and participating in many important battles and skirmishes. He fortunately escaped serious injur}' in his conflicts with the enemy, and his acquaintance with the hardships of a soldier's life, and after receiving his honorable discharge, located at Mattoon and engaged in the furniture business, in which he has continued now for a period of twenty-three years. He has been a member of the Board of Education eleven years and is Treasurer of the Masonic Lodge. Mr. Tobey was married in 1869, to Miss Cynthia A. Woods, a native of this State, and the daughter of Rev. J. W. Woods, of tho Cumberland Presby- terian Church. Their two children are Florence and Raymond P. They occupy a neat and comfort- able home, and Mr. Tobey, true to his earl}' prin- ciples, is a decided Republican, politic-all}-, and socially a member in good standing of the G. A. R. ILLIAM G. WADDILL, of Mattoon Town- ship, and the oldest living settler of Coles County, was born in Washington County, E. Tenn., Nov. 7, 1804, and was the eldest of eleven children included in the family of Jonathan and Hannah (Greenway) Waddill. The former, also a native of Tennessee, was the son of John and Rachel (Twee) Waddill, who were of Scotch and Irish ancestry. They were among the early settlers of East Tennessee, where they spent the last years of their life, the grandfather dying at the advanced age of ninety-seven years. The mother of our sub- f COLES COUNTY. 559 ject was the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Humphreys) Greenway, natives respectively of New Jersey and Tennessee. Both grandfathers served in the Revolutionary War. Jonathan Wad- dill was reared to farm pursuits, which he followed all his life, with the exception of the time he served as Captain in the War of 1812, being under the di- rect command of Gen. Jackson. Afterward he re- turned to his native State, where, with his worthy wife, he spent the remainder of his days. Our subject continued under the home roof un- til nearly twenty-one years of age, and was married on the 29th of June, 1825, to Miss Elizabeth Burg- ner, a native of his own county, and the daughter of Peter and Elizabeth (Cline) Burgner, of.Rock- ingham County, Va. The young people located on a farm which Mr. W. had purchased, and where they remained eleven years. Mr. W. then sold out with the intention of migrating to the North, and coming to this county purchased eighty acres of wild land in Mattoon Township. This he sold not long afterward for a more desirable tract of the same extent, and which included both prairie and timber. Here in due time he established a comfortable home, which he still occupies. Be- sides general farming he has engaged considerably in stock-raising and has been fairly prosperous in his labors. When Mr. Waddill first came to this section the nearest mill was twenty miles away. Neighbors were few and far between, and deer, wolves and other wild game were plentiful. The wolves robbed them of their fowls at night and frequently howled close to their cabin door. Our subject, however, was not dismayed by any of these things, but fought his way bravely through difficulty and hard- ship, and with very few changes of residence has spent a lifetime in the same community, and occu- pied his present dwelling fora period of forty-eight years. His first great affliction occurred on the 4th of September, 1854, when death deprived the home circle of the faithful and affectionate wife and mother, who departed hence and left a family of eight children. These were named respectively Jonathan, Hannah Pamelia, John B., Elizabeth Caroline, Mary Sophia, William Henry, Elizabeth Ann and Thomas Chaniberlin. Of these but four are now living, namely, John B., William H., So- phia and Pamelia. Mr. Waddill after the death of the mother kept his family together as well as he could for the year following, and was then married, Aug. 26, 1855, to Miss Julia A., the eldest child of Andrew and Sa- rah (Moore) Bell, who were natives of East Ten- nessee, and the parents of twelve children. Of this union there. were born four children, two now liv- ing Charles T. and Andrew E. The eldest died unnamed, and Dora passed away when an interest- ing girl fourteen years of age. Andrew married Miss Louetta Morris, and remains upon the home- stead, which he manages for his father. Mr. Wad- dill is a church member, and when a young man affiliated with the Whig party. He now takes no part in politics. S. MINTON, who is prominently identified with the business and trade interests of Charleston, is at present engaged as an active and enterprising lumber dealer, with transac- tions extending over the whole of Central Illinois and orders steadily increasing. His yards are lo- cated at the crossing of the I. & St. L. R. R., the T. & St. L., and K. C. Railroads, and for the six years in which it has been under the management of Mr. M., has been steadily growing in importance, until it is now one of the fixed and indispensable institu- tions of the thriving little cit)', within whose limits are many industries, which, like this, have been built up by its most enterprising men. The subject of this biography is a native of Washington County, Pa., born Jan. 10. 1830, and the son of Thaddeus D. and Permelia (Squire) Min- ton, natives of the same- county as their son. The elder Minton, a miller by trade, followed his call- ing the greater part of his life. His father, Philip Minton, a native of New Jersey, emigrated to Pennsylvania at an early day, and cleared a farm from the wilderness, oponing up from the heavy limber a comfortable homestead, where lie spent the remainder of his days. In this home the father of our subject was reared to manhood, and, marry - 560 COLES COUNTY. ing a lady of his own county, established himself near his father's house, where he remained for many years, and reared a family of six children. These were Rachel; Warren S., of our sketch; Annie L., Ruth, Philip and Austin. The mother departed this life in Washington County in the summer of 1844, amid the mourning of her family and the re- grets of a large circle of friends. Thaddeus Minton survived his wife until in May, 1885, when he too passed to his final rest, being well advanced in years. Both parents were members of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church, and reared their chil- dren to habits of industry and principles of honor. Our subject remained on the farm until fourteen years old, and even at that early age had gained a good insight into business matters. He was an am- bitious and wide-awake youth, and at the time his father purchased a large mill property, he became one of the night workmen and overseers, and con- tinued thus employed for eight years. He then in- vested his surplus capital in a stock of general merchandise, locating in Washington County, and carried on business prosperously for a period of four years. After disposing of his stock of merchandise, young Minton invested the proceeds in 1,000 Merino sheep, and hired them driven to Vermilion County, thid. State. Securing a large, rich tract of pasture, he kept his flock for two years following, which had increased in the meantime to the number of 1,700 head, and the wool from which he sold at forty cents per pound. The opportunity then pre- sented itself for an advantageous trade, and part- ing with the sheep he became possessor of a tract of land in Bureau County, Iowa, which he lost, and then returning to Illinois secured possession of a valuable little farm, a part of which lay within the corporate limits ol Charleston, and upon which he operated profitably for three years following. ! Thence he removed to Clark County, and for three more years followed agricultural pursuits near the town of Westfield. From there he removed to ' Kansas, in Edgar County, and resumed the busi- ness of a general merchant four years. Then sell- ing out his stock, he came to Charleston, and, in company with his brother-in-law, W. G. Wright, purchased the first grocery store in town, which they conducted for twelve years following, with marked success. Mr. M. then disposed of his in- terest in the business to Mr. Wright, who has since continued it. While engaged with his partner in the grocery business, Mr. Minton and the other members of the firm purchased the Linkey Mill, a gristmill run by steam. They fitted it up with four run of stone, and operated it two years, Mr. M. being mainly in charge. At the expiration of this time, they sold out to H. M. Ashmore for the consideration of 220 acres of land lying two and one-half miles north of the city. Soon afterward they traded the land for a stock of queensware, furniture, stoves and tin- ware, and in connection with Mr. W. A. Bain, operated in the same for two years. Mr. Min- ton then sold his interest to his former partner, Mr. Wright, and engaged with his son, Clarence H., in the boot and shoe trade at Charleston. Two years later they traded the store for an eighty-acre farm in Humbolt Township, and then, in company with Messrs. Albey & Van Meter, put up the City Mills at a cost of about $17,000. After operating these successfully for two years, Mr. Minton sold out to his partner, and again engaged in the grocery business with his son for another two years. Then with his son, Clarence H., and a son-in-law, Samuel E. Grove, he purchased the lumber-yard of George N. Gage r- J - C 290 -~VV-4=^<0>^3.^.-'V\/^ Brown, C. F... 433 Brown, E. W 397 Brown, F. A 425 Brown, Jerome A 223 Brown, J. I 472 Brown, J. T 212 Bruner, A. J 5'4 Buchanan, James. 75 Buckler, Harriet 190 Bull, T. J 512 Burgess, Wm 227 Burgner, Conrad 257 Burgner, G. F 205 Burgner, J. Morris 210 Busbey, William D 384 Butler, Dr. A. C 401 Campbell, Daniel 273 Candy, A. R 317 Carlin, Thomas 135 Carter, Joseph 289 Cecil, H. H 447 Chambers, H 243 Chambers, Dr. W. M 204 Chapman, S- E 281 Chettle, Wm. M 276 Childress, John 544 Clark, James H 239 Clark, Wm.... 282 Cleveland, S. Grover 121 Cochran, Wm. H 304 Cofer, Col. John 305 Cofer, Thomas N 285 Coles, Edward -...115 Coley, Robert 1 334 Combs, W. A 274 Combs, \\". H 279 Craig, A. J 276 Craig, Isaac N - 466 Craig, James W 285 53* 49 2 .. ..242 '75 *58 Craig, James W Craig, Lafayette Crawford, John G Cullom, Shelby M Cunningham, John..... Cunningham, J . T 440 Cunningham, Judge J. R 492 ! Cunningham, Mrs. Sarah E .280 Curtis, Charles... . 308 Curtis, S. P 247 D Davis, David C an Davis, Joseph A 341 Deckard. Dr. J. P 406 Dodd?, W. H 295 Dole, C. M 373 Dole, E 258 Dole.-S. D 393 Dollar. Ralph 330 Doty, J ames 438 Doty. John M 458 Doty', J. W 364 Doty, Levi 476 Doty, Samuel 433 Drish, Wm. H 218 Dunbar, Lucian .384 Duncan, Joseph 131 Duncan, S. R 561 Duncan, Dr. W. S 221 I) utro. Hannah. 222 Duvall, P. M 564 E Easton, F.zekiel 233 Edman, Kenny 287 Edwards, Ninian 119 Elkin, Clark 545 Ellis, Jesse K 240 Ellison, Johnson 231 Kllison, Moses 201 EmhufF, Stephen 543 Everharty, M 232 Eversole, Henry 287 Kwing, Wm. L. D 127 F Fall, D. M 5 6 4 Farrar,J. W $ a g Feagan, Andrew 219 Ferguson, J. M 297 Ferguson, M J 392 Ferguson, Dr. O. W anj Ficklin, O. B 187 Fillmore, Millard. ' 67 Flenner, Martin 242 Florer, S ,254 Ford. Thoma 139 Foreman, John 252 Foster, F.H 238 Fowler, H 214 Freeman, F. F 331 Freeman, N. S 3*8 French, Augustus C 143 Fuller, R. R 497 Funk ho user, A . J 210 Funkhouser, W. 1,. R 2 i 4 Furry, Peter 488 G Galbreath, W. H B S3 Gannaway, J. J 3^1 Gardner, S. D --347 Garfield, James A 95 Garner, Dr. J. S 355 Garver, Philip .260 Geyer, George 314 Gibbs, I. N 369 Gilbert, M . \V 33 6 Gilmer, Wm. A 371 G lassco, F, . T 305 Glassco, M 303 Gobert, Peter 437 Goodell, J. A .' ... Goodyear, John S.. Grant, James 437 ..570 | 249 ' *lU *=. INDEX. Grant, Ulysses S 77 Grant, Wm 521 Gray Bros... 291 Gray, George W 497 Gray, J. B 507 Green, C. D 240 Grocn, Joseph F 332 Green, J. H. 4' 1 Green, N. R 298 Griffin, G. B 498 Grimes, Thomas W 540 Grove, J.W. B 288 Guest, Wm 259 Gwin, John W 244 H Hackett, R. P 576 Hall, James M 548 Hall, John J 45 Hallock, George R 261 Hamilton, James 323 Hamilton, John M 170 Hanks, Dennis 555 Hanley, J. T 448 Hanna, J. W 526 Harmon, A. F 470 Harrison, Wm. H 51 Harwood, E 353 Hawkins, O. D 261 Hayes, R. B 91 Hendrix, John 394 Henry, Dr. A. M 562 Hildreth, John 250 Hobart, F. E 566 Honn, Andrew A... 347 Honn, D. W ..109 Honn, James R - 39 1 Honn, P. K 4?8 Hood, James 491 Hoots, John 565 Hopper, Dudley 456 Hurton, Wm. F 395 Huckaba,A. H 370 Hudson, Jesse . - -224 Huffman, George W 576 Huffman, John 573 Huffman, John T 571 Hughes, Judge J. F 524 H unt, Madison 327 Hurst, John 318 Jackson, Andrew 43 Jackson, Samuel J 228 Jefferson, Thomas .... 27 Jeffris, A 338 Jeffris, Ralph 348 Jenkins, E. A 528 Jenkins, W. M 362 Johnson, Andrew 85 Johnson, Frederick 308 Johnson, Irvin 450 Johnson, John 307 Johnson, John 353 Johnson, Wm 502 Johnston, J. H 522 Jones, T. T 358 Jones, W . D.. 353 K Kane, James 286 Kelly, Larbia 409 Kerns, Mrs. M. P 474 King, John W 396 Laytr.n, H . C 277 Lcitch, C. E 515 Leitch, J. W 410 Leitch, R. N --572 Lincoln, Abraham 79 Linder, Elisha 494 Lippincoit, Samuel 458 Logan, S. F 380 Luce, Moses H 563 M Madison, James 31 Major, J. A 561 Major, W. L 506 Manroe, A. J 251 Martin, David 488 Martin, G. B 389 Martin, James A 556 McCalHster, Robert J 316 McCarthy, Daniel 379 McCartney, F. M 343 McClelland, J. H 521 McConnell, John A.... 382 McCrory, James 333 McDonald, N. S 368 McFadden, R. H 508 McGrath, Hon, Thos. 1 552 McMorris.J. N 479 McMurtrie, D. F 569 McNeel, J ..361 Millar, G. V 425 Millar. Wm 435 Miller, George L 451 Miller, Wm 568 Mills, Rev. Samuel 271 M inor, Gideon 342 Minton, W. S 559 Moffett, J. N.. 356 Mohlenhoff, Henry 375 Monfort, I . J 363 Monfort, J - A 365 Monroe, Elias 477 Monroe, Col. James 442 Monroe, James 35 Montgomery, Alexander 333 Montgomery, Dr. J-T ... .434 Moore, Isaac N 316 Morgan, Dr. W. D 388 Morgan, Wm 381 Mountjoy, W. D 382 Mozier, A. M 468 Murphy, J. W 325 Murphy, M. A 326 Myers, Wm 391 N Neal, A. D.. 270 Neal, H. A 432 Neff, John 429 Newman, M 263 Nicholson, A B 484 Norton, I.. J 555 O Oglesby, Richard J 163 O'Hair, C. B 542 O'Hair, M. F. 404 O'Hair, Z 365 Orland, W. P 539 Owens, R. G 480 Palmer, John M 167 Parker, J . H 572 Patterson , E . G 402 Peak, W. J 412 Peck.C. G 398 Pemberton, J. J 403 Pepper, T . J .496 Perisho, Isaac 457 Perisho, J. K 329 Pfeifer, George M 485 Pfeifer, L. W. M 541 Philhower, A.W 351 Philhower, W. A 31. Phillips, J. M 439 Pierce. Franklin 71 Pinnell, A. J 345 Polk, James K 59 Poorman, John 387 Prall, Cornelius 313 Puleslon, W. H 392 Purtill, W. F 390 R Raines, George 462 Rankin, John 548 Rardin, J. H... x 538 Rardin, Samuel. . v . 530 Ray, S. E 213 Reat, Mrs. Emma 196 Record, S. H 371 Redman, B. B 374 Reel, J- F 191 Reel, Dr. S. A 533 Reilly, Patrick 5^5 Replogle, David 195 Replogle, M atthias 195 Reynolds, C. C 413 Reynolds, John 123 Rice, Amos, Jr 348 Rice, Amos,Sr .344 R ice, J. C 473 Ricketts, Joshua 486 Ricketts, Oscar J 376 Riley, Nimrod 234 Roberts, Isaac N 477 Roberts, Wm . D 430 Roberts, W. H 216 Ruddell, Dr. C. B 423 Rutherford, Dr. H 373 Rutherford, John 370 Sain, I. W 503 Sanders, David 513 Sandoe, George 549 Sargent, John S 267 Sawin, J . G 291 Scott, E. D 483 Schulhoff, F. M , 569 Senteney , Thomas 470 Shafer, William 505 Shaver, Jonathan 296 Shields, W. J 469 Shinn, Jdtnes 449 Shoemaker, T. T 366 Shoemaker, Wm 383 Silvers, J. O .. 49 Silverthorn, Dr. L. L 237 Slater. John G 454 Snapp, J. N 3U3 Snowden, J. F 398 Snowden, W. D 379 Spitler,John 475 Stites, N. S 527 Stites, Wm 519 Stokes, John 268 Suitt, A. D 43 8 Sumerlin, Adolf 546 S wisher, Lockard 495 Taylor, Isaac 416 Taylor, Dr. Smith 453 Taylor, Zachary 63 Temple, Thomas W 574 Thornton, Wm. H 269 Tiley, S. G 335 Tinch, Alexander 248 Toby, J. R 558 T raver, Mrs. Mary S 358 f fc INDEX. T rower, Mrs. P. A 452 Turney, B. D 309 Turney, J. B 344 Tyler, John 45 v Van Buren, Martin 47 Vannatta, I . N 264 w Wad.lill, W. G 558 Wallace, James 306 Wallace, W. H 425 Washington, George 19 Watkins, J. H 5