THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY From the coliection of Julius Doerner, Chicago Purchased, 1913. The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft/ mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN MAR 20 V FES 2' JUN 0 6 MfiYl3 JUN 1 2 19 1 G - % 0 2 1 185 30 n L161— O-1096 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Crown SvOy cloth, with 160 Illustrations, price 3s. 6(2. PRACTICAL ELECTRIC-BELL FITTING. A Practical Treatise on the Fitting-up of Electric Bells and Auxiliary Apparatus. Crown Svo, cloth, with 209 Illustrations, price 5*. TELEPHONES: THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND FITTING. A Treatise on the Fitting-up and Maintenance of Telephones AND the Auxiliary Apparatus. Crown 8vo, cloth, with 224 Illustrations, price 5s. PRACTICAL ELECTRIC-LIGHT FITTING. A Treatise on the Wiring and Fitting-up of Buildings deriving Current from Central Station Mains, and the Laying- down OF Private Installations. With Latest Edition of Ph(enix Fire Office Rules. Crown 8vo, cloth, with 177 Illustrations, price 3s. 6d. ELECTRIC-BELL CONSTRUCTION. A Treatise on the Construction of Electric Bells, Indicators, AND Similar Apparatus. ( Frontispiece PRODUCED BY ELECTRIC DISCHARGES ON PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES. See PaQc^fo.'). ispiece ) INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING A TREATISE ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND WORKING OF SHOCK, MEDICAL AND SPARK COILS AUTHOR OF * PKACTICAL ELECTEIC-BELL FITTING ' ; ' TELEPHONES, THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND FITTING ' J ♦practical ELECTRIC-LIGHT FITTING'; * ELECTRIC-BELL CONSTRUCTION,' ETC. ilontion: E. & F. N. SPON, 125 STEAND SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, 12 CORTLANDT STREET 1894 BY F. C. ALLSOP With 118 Illustrations PEEFACE. In compilii^g this book it has been my aim to produce a practical manual that will prove of service not only to those engaged professionally in the construction and repairing of coils but also to the medical man a.d amateur coil-maker. I have given, therefore, in addition to dimensions and full details for constructing different kinds of coils, many practical hints and suggestions that I trust will enable medical men and others having the care and working of such instruments under their charge to keep them in efficient working order with the minimum amount of trouble and expense. A large portion of the book has already appeared as a series of articles in the 'English Mechanic,' and I have also collected together much interesting and useful informa- tion on coil constructing gleaned from the last twenty-five years of back volumes of that journal. r. C. ALLSOP, Of F. C. Allsop & Co., „ MaNUPACTUEING ELECTErCIANS 165 Queen Victoria Street, ""^^ans. London, E.G. 696206 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Induction .. 1 CHAPTER 11. Hints on the Construction of Coils Generally .. 12 CHAPTER III. Shock and Medical Coils .. ..46 CHAPTER IV. Accessory Appliances for, and the Application of Medical Coils .. .. .. 81 CHAPTER V. Spark Coils .. .. 92 CHAPTER VI. Experiments with Spark Coils .. 130 viii INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. CHAPTER VII. PAGE Batteries for Coil- Working .. .. .. ..137 CHAPTER VIII. Faults in Medical and Spark Coils .. .. 148 CHAPTEE IX. Figures Produced by Electric Discharges on Photo- graphic Plates .. .. .• .. 153 Index .. .. .. .. 159 ILLUSTEATIONS. FIG. PAGE Figures produced on sensitive plates by electric discharges Frontispiece 1 Iron filings round poles of magnet . . .. .. .. .. 2 2, 3 Magnetic whirls round wires carrying electric currents .. 3 4 Electro-magnet .. .. .. .. .. 4 5 Apparatus for observing the phenomena of induction . . . . 6 6 Circuits of coil with both primary and secondary . . . . 9 7 Primary shock coil .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 8-10 Bobbin with iron core .. .. .. .. .. 17 11-13 Various forms of bobbin ends .. . . .. .. .. 18 14 A coil-winder .. .. .. .. .. 23 15 Continental method of winding coils .. .. .. .. 29 16 Vertical contact-breaker .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 17,18 Horizontal contact-breaker .. .. .. .. 32 19-21 Separate contact-breaker .. .. .. .. 33,34 22-24 Variable contact-breaker 36-39 25-28 Terminals 40 29 A discharger .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 30 Building up the condenser . . .. .. .. .. 44 31 Condenser finished .. .. .. .. .. 45 32 Tube method of regulation .. .. .. .. 47 33 Switch method of regulation .. .. .. 48 34 Sledge method of regulation .. .. .. .. .. 48 35 A method of regulating shock from primary coils .. .. 49 36 Primary shock coil .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 37 Method of winding last layer .. .. .. 52 38 Section through primary coil .. .. .. .. 53 39 Small medical coil .. .. .. .. .. 55 40 Small medical coil (section) .. .. .. .. 56 41 Small medical coil (end elevation) . . .. .. 56 X INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. FIG. PAGE 42 Small medical coil, connections of . . .. 57 43 Bath coil 59 44 Bath coil, side elevation .. .. 60 45 Bath coil 61 46 Bath coil, contact stud for .. .. 61 47,48 Bath coil, switch lever for .. .. .. 61 49 Bath coil, connections for .. .. .. ., 62 50 Bath coil, another method of connecting . . . . . . . . 64 51 Bath coil, another form .. ., .. 65 52 Bath coil, connections for ., .. .. .. 65 53-55 Sledge coil 67 56 Sledge coil, plan of .. .. .. .. 68 57 Sledge coil, connections for . . .. ., .. .. 69 58, 59 Portable coil 70, 71 60-62 Portable sledge coil set 72-74 63 Street coil 78 64 Electro-medical cabinet .. .. .. .. .. 83 65 Connecting cord .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 66-73 Electrodes 84, 86 74 Eye electrode 86 75, 76 Brush electrode 87 77 Roller electrode 87 78 Needle electrode .. .. .. .. 87 79 Galvanometer .. .. .. 88 80 Milliamp^re-meter .. .. .. 88 81 Collector 89 82 Current reverser .. .. ,. .. .. 90 83 Metallic resistance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 84 Liquid resistance .. ., .. .. .. 91 85, 86 An inch spark coil 94, 95 87 Connections of spark coil without commutator .. 96 88 Connections of spark coil with commutator .. .. .. 97 89 Ordinary method of winding .. .. .. 100 90 Coil wound in two sections .. .. .. 100 91 Coil wound in four sections .. .. ., 101 92 Coil wound in eight sections .. .. «. .. 101 ILLUSTBATIONS. FIG. PAGE 93 Ordinary method of winding .. .. .. 102 94 Coil wound in two sections .. .. .. .. 102 95 Coil wound in four sections .. .. .. .. .. 103 96, 97 A 2-inch spark coil 105, 106 98 A 12-inch spark coil 108 99 Magnetic field of coil ., Ill 100 Section-winder for 12-inch coil .. .. .. .. 112 101 Winding the sections .. 113 102 The Spottiswoode coil 123 103,104 Vacuum tubes 131 105 Simple method of holding tubes . . .. .. 131 106-108 Compound vacuum tube .. .. .. 132 109 Vacuum tube rotator .. .. .. .. .. 132 110,111 Dry battery 138 112, 113 Leclanche battery 141 114,115 Bichromate battery .. .. .. .. 141 116 Edison-Lalande battery .. .. .. .. .. .. 143 117 Bunsen battery .. .. .. 146 118 Galvanometer for testing .. » , .. .. 149 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKINa. CHAPTEK L INDUCTION. Induction coils may roughly be divided into three different kinds. We have, first, the ordinary " Shocking " Coil, with its comparatively mild effects ; second, the Medical Coil, which is more powerful, and has usually an arrangement allowing a primary, secondary, and in many forms a tertiary current to be administered ; and, third, the Spark Coil, which is too powerful for shocks or medical use, and intended chiefly for experimenting. All these three kinds of coils — which are very similar, the main difference being chiefly in the propor- tion of the windings — depend for their action on the inductive effects an alternating or interrupted current circulating in one coil produces in another surrounding it, and before passing on to their construction it will be as well to just glance at the phenomena of magnetism and induction. The space all round a magnet in which its influence is felt is called the magnetic field of the magnet, and the dis- tribution of this field we are enabled to see by the aid of some iron filings. If we take a bar-magnet, and, laying it in a horizontal position, place on the top of it a piece of sheet glass on which have been sprinkled some fine iron filings, it will be found that on gently tapping the glass the B 2 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING, iron filings will arrange themselves somewhat as in Fig. 1. They will collect chiefly round the poles, as shown, and set themselves in definite lines or curves, which spread out and pass from pole to pole. These lines, which vary according to the shape of the magnet, show the direction of the field, and are called " lines of magnetic force " ; or, for short, " lines of force." If we further investigate the field of a magnet we find that the lines of force apparently endeavour to pass from pole to pole, and in doing so encounter a certain resistance from the air. This latter point is made evident from the fact that if a piece of iron is placed anywhere in the magnetic field, those lines of force Fig. 1. — IRON FILINGS BOUND POLES OP A MAGNET. close to — and whose path does not naturally lie through — the iron will be immediately diverted from their course, and pass through the iron in preference, and the lines of force passing through the space occupied by the iron will be much denser than were the iron not there, thus indicating that iron is a better conductor of lines of force, as it were, than air. No other metal or substance will be found to greatly afi'ect the field, which remains practically undisturbed, whether wood, glass, stone, &c., is placed in it, the lines of force passing through them just the same. There is one thing, however, that will affect and seriously disturb the magnetic field of a magnet. This is a wire carrying an electric current. Electricity and magnetism are INDUCTION. 3 closely allied, and Oersted discovered in 1820 that a wire, no matter its composition, carrying an electric current, possessed certain magnetic properties which ceased the moment the current was stopped. All round a conductor in which a current is flowing, there is in fact a magnetic whirl, and by the aid of our sheet of glass and iron filings, we are enabled to see these lines of force outside the conductor. To do this the glass must have a hole bored in the centre, and be supported in a horizontal position. If now a wire carrying a fairly large electric current be passed through the centre of the glass on which iron filings have previously been sprinkled, the filings will be found to arrange themselves Figs. 2, 3. — magnetic whiri s round wires carrying electric currents. into concentric circles as shown in Fig. 2. Again, if we take a suspended compass needle, and stretch near it a wire carrying an electric current, the direction of the wire being parallel with the needle, it will be found the needle will swing round and set itself at right angles to the wire, the direction in which it swings being governed by the direction in which the current is flowing, and also whether the wire be above or below the needle. If we take a piece of insu- lated wire and twist it into a coil, we find, on passing a strong current of electricity through it and testing it with the iron filings or compass needle, that the helix presents a field of force as shown in Fig. 3, which is similar to that of the permanent magnet in Fig. 1. On further experimenting B 2 4 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. with this coil, it will be found that the magnetic effects are greatly intensified if a soft-iron rod is slipped through the centre of helix, as shown in Fig. 4. The iron rod, it will be found, has become magnetised, and exhibits all the phenomena that a permanent magnet of that form does, with, however, this difference, the magnetism only lasts so long as the current is flowing in the helix, and ceases the moment the current ceases. This form of magnet is called an electro-magnet. If, instead of the soft-iron rod, we place in the centre of the helix a hard steel one, we shall find that the ^teel has also become magnetised, though in a lesser degree, and that on the cessation of the current the steel rod retains most of its magnetism, and has become permanently magnetised. On Fig. 4. — electro-magnet. trying hard cast iron we find the same effects as with the soft iron, but that the cast iron retains some of its mag- netism ; in fact, the harder the iron the more magnetism it retains. This magnetism that remains in an electro-magnet after the magnetising influence has ceased is called " residual magnetism." Soft iron, as we have said, loses its magnetism the moment the magnetising influence is withdrawn ; steel or hard iron do not ; and from this we see that in the construction of electro-magnets soft iron is the best — the softer the better. For this reason the iron core of induction coils is made up of a number of lengths of thoroughly annealed charcoal iron wire. No. 20 or 22 gauge, bound into a bundle, thus producing INDUCTION. 5 an iron core of the softest possible nature, and one that is most rapidly magnetised and demagnetised. If in Fig. 4 we have some means of testing the amount of magnetism in the iron rod, we find that as we increase the current so we increase the magnetism in the rod. We find also that if, instead of increasing the current, we increase the number of turns of wire round the iron rod, we likewise increase the magnetism. In constructing electro-magnets we are accus- tomed to speak of the " ampere turns " of the magnet — that is the number of turns of wire multiplied by the current in amperes. We can get the same amount of magnetism in a given piece of rod, whether we have a large number of turns of wire and a small current, or a large current and a small number of turns of wire. For instance, 10 turns of thick wire carrying 40 amperes round a piece of iron rod, will give approximately the same magnetism as 100 turns of thinner wire carrying only 4 amperes. We find also that after a certain stage it is of no use to increase the current or wind on any more turns of wire, as the magnetism does not increase, or, if it does, only in a very slight degree. This is because the iron rod has become so saturated with magnetism that it will not take up any more, and any further expendi- ture of power is simply being wasted. The iron rod is said to be " saturated," and the point at which the iron rod becomes saturated depends on the size and quality of the iron. The softer the iron and the thicker the rod the more magnetism it will take up, as the iron will only admit of a certain number of lines of force per square inch. Cast iron will not admit of so many as wrought, and hard steel still less, so that to get the best results in electro-magnets the iron should be as soft as possible, both because a soft iron core can be the most powerfully magnetised, and will the most rapidly take up and part with its magnetism. There is another effect produced by a wire carrying an electric current, and that is its inductive action or the 6 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING, induction " it produces on wires or conductors in its imme- diate neighbourhood. A wire carrying an electric current that is alternating or pulsating in its character, will be found capable of inducing, under certain conditions, a similar current in any closed circuit within range of its field. The magnetic whirl round a wire, which increases as the current increases, extends, there is not the slightest doubt, very much further than we are able to trace it with iron filings. This is made evident by the fact that the feeble currents in one telephone wire, the existence of which it would be difficult to detect externally, will induce currents in neighbouring wires, some two feet or three feet off, sufficiently powerful to Fig. 5. — apparatus for observing the phenomena of induction. be annoying. The inductive action of one wire carrying an electric current on neighbouring wires can best be observed in the following manner : — Procure a narrow wooden bobbin (A, Fig. 5) six inches long and having a ^-inch hole through the centre, and on this bobbin wind four layers of No. 20 cotton-covered copper wire, fastening the ends of the coil under two terminals at the top, as shown in the figure. Next, get another bobbin (B, Pig. 5) the same length as the former but considerably wider, and having a hole in the centre of sufficient width to allow of the coil A being easily and quickly slipped inside of it. This bobbin wind with about thirty layers of No. 40 double cotton-covered wire» the INDUCTION. 7 different layers being insulated with a wrapping of paraffined paper, and the ends of the wire fastened to two terminals as previously described. Then connect the coil B by two wires to a sensitive galvanometer D, and join two wires to the coil A, so that it can be connected to a powerful battery C, as in the figure. Let us first experiment with the coil B by itself. If we plunge a powerful bar permanent mag- net into the centre of this coil we find that the needle of the galvanometer swings sharply to one side, finally returning to its position of rest, and also that on quickly withdrawing the magnet the needle swings to the other side. This shows that a current of electricity was twice momentarily generated in the coil, first at inserting and again on withdrawing the magnet, the two currents being in different directions. This is the phenomenon of induction, and to produce these induced currents in the coil we must have a movement between the coil and the magnet. The coil must be moved so as to cut lines of force or alter the number passing through it, and the currents are momentary, lasting only while the movement continues. The mere leaving of the magnet in the coil will have no effect, as will be seen by the needle of the galvanometer going gradually back to its position of rest. We saw from Fig. 4 that if we send a current through a helix we get a magnetic field and effects similar to a bar magnet. By plunging a bar magnet into the coil B we send lines of force through it somewhat similarly distributed to those produced by a current flowing through the coil itself, so that we might almost have anticipated that if we create the magnetic whirl around the coils of wire we shall get a momentary current in the helix. Let us now lay aside the permanent magnet, join up the coil A to a battery, and insert a soft iron rod in the centre. We have now an electro-magnet with a field of force similar to the permanent one with which we have just been experimenting, and therefore we naturally infer 8 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING, that if we plunge the coil A into the coil B we shall get the same effects as we did with the permanent magnet. This, on experimenting, will be found to be the case ; we get a momentary current on plunging the coil A into the coil B, and again a momentary one in the reverse direction on withdrawing it. We will now go a step further: if plunging the electro-magnet A into the coil B induces currents, then making and breaking the battery connection with the coil A, and thus rapidly magnetising and de- magnetising the coil A inside the coil B should" produce the same results, as this is tantamount to plunging in the magnet and withdrawing it. This, on making the experi- ment, will again be found to be the case, and in the two coils we have the main parts of an induction coil, the primary coil A, through which circulates the current from a battery, and the secondary coil B, in which we get the induced currents. It needs only, therefore, to insert an automatic make-and -break in the primary or battery cir- cuit, and we shall then get a quick succession of currents in the primary coil which induce others in the secondary coil, these latter being of considerably higher tension and of a rapidly alternating character. Fig. 6 shows how the two circuits of an induction coil are arranged, P and being the ends of the primary and S and the ends of the secondary. The primary winding is shown darker than the secondary. The same effects would be produced by the coil A even if it had no iron rod in it, but of a very much feebler character. If we further experiment with the two coils, and compare the effects produced by inserting the coil A first slowly and then quickly into the coil B, and also with a hard steel and then with a soft iron rod in the centre of the coil A, we shall find that the more rapid the motion, and also the softer the iron core, the more powerful the effects. By employing a bundle of soft iron wires for the centre of the primary coil of an INDUCTION. 9 induction coil, we have a core that will not only absorb the most magnetism but also allow itself to be the most rapidly magnetised and demagnetised. The current in the secondary coil B makes itself manifest in other ways than by its effect on the needle of the galvano- meter, the most prominent being, tirst, a peculiar sensation (called an electric shock) in the wrists and up the arms when the ends of the coil are held one in each hand, and, second, a rapid succession of sparks between the ends of the coil if brought near together. On seeing these large sparks taking place between the ends of the secondary coil while those in the primary are comparatively small, beginners are apt to get r-~r" ® m^x^Ui- ' ^ ^ P'L i s' Fig. 6. — circuits op coil with both primary and secondary. a wrong idea of the action of a spark coil, concluding that the coil generates more electricity than is supplied by the battery. This, however, is entirely wrong, for, as a matter of fact, the electric energy in the secondary coil is less than that in the primary, and the large spark arises from a higher potential of the secondary current, which thus enables it to leap across gaps in the circuit. Even were the winding of the primary and secondary coils exactly similar, the induced current would still have a higher potential than the induc- ing current ; but as in spark coils the secondary consists of thousands of turns of very fine wire, the current generated in it is naturally of a very high potential. Small shock coils are sometimes made, however, with a primary winding only, as in Fig. 7, and here the shocks arise 10 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. from the battery current in the coil inducing, at the moment of cessation, a momentary current of a considerably higher poten- tial than the battery current in the coil itself. This is called Fig. 7.— primary shock coil. the " extra current," and arises from the "self-induction'' of the coil, and in constructing a primary coil our aim is to use a bobbin, the self-induction of which is as high as possible. If we turn again to our battery and experimental coils, as shown in Fig. 5, we find that when we join the two wires from the battery and pull them apart again we get a small spark at the moment of breaking contact. Connect, now, one wire from the battery to one terminal of the coil A (the iron core being in the centre), and momentarily touch the other wire on the other terminal, and it will be seen that the spark we now get at the moment of opening the circuit is very much brighter and longer. This arises from the fact that the current in the coil has, at the moment of breaking the circuit, induced another in the coil of much higher potential, thus enabling it to jump across a much wider gap. It is not that the coil has augmented the original battery current, as this must necessarily be less (owing to the resistance of the coil) than when we short-circuited the battery. Moreover, when we connect into the circuit any old magnet coils we may have by us, we find that as we connect more in, so we increase the spark at break, and this is because we have INDUCTION, 11 raised the self-inductive capacity of the circuit. If we take the two wires at the point where we have been breaking the circuit, and twist each end of the wire round a separate piece of metal, we shall find that if we hold one of these pieces of metal in each hand, touch them together, and then pull them apart again, we feel a smart shock, owing to the induced current passing through the somewhat lower resistance of the body in preference to sparking across between the two pieces of metal through the air. It is in this manner a shock is obtained from a primary coil, the two handles being connected (see Fig. 7) one each side of the make-and-break. It is possible to wind wire into a helix in such a manner that all self-induction in the helix is practically eliminated, as is done in the case of resistance coils for testing purposes, where the wire is coiled on the bobbin so that the inductive effect of the one wire running from the one terminal is neutralised by that in the one running back to the other. 12 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. CHAPTER 11. HINTS ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF COILS GENERALLY. Before we can proceed with the construction of any coil, the correct sizes and amounts of primary and secondary windings necessary to prodiice the shock or length of spark desired must be worked out, in order that the proper size of bobbin to employ can be determined. The bobbin is the first part that should be constructed, and the right dimensions for this having been determined the proper proportions for the other parts of the coil can at once be decided upon. As soon as the size of bobbin is ascertained a rough sketch to scale should be made, showing in plan and elevation the complete coil, the six principal parts of which are enumerated below in the order in which they should be constructed. These are : — 1st. The bobbin. 2nd. Iron core of bobbin. 3rd. Primary winding. 4th. Secondary winding. 5th. Contact-breaker and terminals. 6th. Base or stand. These comprise the essential parts of every coil, though to the list must occasionally be added the tertiary winding with which some medical coils are provided, and the con- denser used with spark coils. CONSTRUCTION OF COILS GENERALLY, 13 Determining Size of Primary and Secondary Windings, The primary winding, as was pointed out in Chapter I., is the wire wound directly on the iron core, and is comprised in the primary circuit, consisting also of the battery and con- tact-breaker; while the secondary is wound outside the primary, and has electric currents generated in it by induction from the primary. The low tension current in the primary is in the secondary converted into one of high potential, and as we almost always want, in an induction coil, to produce currents of very high potential, the primary is wound with a few turns of thick wire and the secondary with a large number of turns of very fine wire. We have in the primary circuit a some- what large current of low electro-motive force, and our object as regards the primary winding is, therefore, to provide such a path round the iron core as will make most use of this current in magnetising it. It is this consideration almost wholly that governs the winding of the primary in the spark coils, though with medical coils giving a primary shock as well as a secondary the case is somewhat different. Taking first the case of spark coils, however, our object is to get a primary winding that will give the most intense magnetism to the core, occupy a minimum of space, and be least troubled with self-induction. Self-induction, as we saw in Chapter I., is the extra current induced by the primary current in the primary winding itself, and its chief effect is to momentarily retard the filling and emptying (if we may so call it) of the primary coil. We saw also that the self-induction increased with the number of turns of wire, so it is evident that if we wish to reduce the self-induction to a minimum there must be as few turns as possible on the primary consistent with getting the requisite magnetism. In spark coils it is usual, therefore, never to put on more than two layers of primary, but to increase the gauge 14 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. of the wire and the size of the cells as the size and sparking power of the coil is increased. Thus, for spark coils giving \io\ inch spark, No. 24 and 22 (B.W.G.) wire is usually employed, No. 20 for J-inch spark, No. 18 for f to 1-inch spark, No. 16 for sparks from 2 to 3 inches, No. 14 for 6 to 8-inch spark, and No. 12 for 8 to 12 inches. With medical coils, however, giving primary shocks as well as secondary, it is usual to put on from four to six layers of No. 24, 22 or 20, according to the dimensions of the coil. Since the primary shock arises from the extra current in the primary on interrupting the circuit, two layers would not be sufficient, so more are put on, and the effects of self-induction on the working of the coil are of little moment in this case, as we do not aim at a very high efficiency from the secondary, the secondary shock being always quite strong enough for most people. The rule, therefore, for the amount of wire to be put on the primary winding is simple enough — two to three layers for spark coils, four to six layers of smaller gauge for medical coils — and once the gauge of wire is determined it is an easy matter to find the depth of space it will occupy on the bobbin. The primary of a spark coil will have, of course, a very much lower resistance than a medical coil of the same size ; but then the battery employed with a spark coil is of a much more powerful kind, and capable of sending a large current through this low resistance. The secondary is wound with a large number of turns of very fine wire. No. 36, 38 or 40 for spark coils, and No. 34 or 36 for medical coils. In spark coils the object is to get as high electro-motive force or pressure as possible, as upon the E.M.F. depends the sparking distance or size of spark the coil will give. Every additional turn on the secondary in- creases the E.M.F. , and since the finer the wire the more CONSTRUCTION OF COILS GENERALLY. 15 turns we can get on the coil, a fine wire is always used — No. 40 or 38 for the coils up to 6-inch spark, and No. 36 for larger ones. If a thicker wire is used the spark will not bo so long but it will be brighter and thicker, and thus if a good thick spark is desired No. 36 should be employed. The inner layers, of course, contribute more to the effects than the outer ones, being nearer the inducing current and thus more strongly acted upon. Each succeeding layer, therefore, although it must necessarily contain more wire than the preceding ones, adds less and less to the effects, till, after a certain thickness has been obtained, it is useless to wind on more layers. In actual practice, of course, this point is never reached with induction coils, as if we want to put a large amount of wire on the secondary we lengthen the bobbin, so that the last layer is well within the field of induction. For medical coils a thicker wire is used for the secondary, firstly, because we do not want anything like such powerful effects, and, secondly, because the shock produced by a thick secondary winding is less stinging and more pleasant than a tbin one. No. 36 is the size usually employed for small medical coils, and No. 34 for larger ones. Of course, if a medical coil is wanted that will go in a very small space No. 38 or 40 can be employed for the secondary, but then a very small quantity must be used. In specifying the amount of secondary on a coil it is cus- tomary to speak of it by weight, so many ounces or pounds of No. 38, &c. — ounces in the case of medical coils, but it soon runs into pounds with large spark coils. A rough rule is to allow about | lb. No. 40 and 1 lb. No. 38 or 36 on the secondary for every inch of spark required, but so much depends, in a spark coil, on the skill of the constructor that no really definite rule can be given. The dimensions and quantities of wire for several medical and spark coils are given in Chapters III. and v., and are taken in every instance from coils actually constructed. INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING, > a '«COCOCOCOCOC0050CD05COCDCO <>; r>000(MCOiCt:-{MI>tr-iOt>0 J— I rH I— I i-H ^ rH «HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOrHT-HrH3 CO OT-i|>r-iC^C0C0t^00C0TiHC0i-H|>OOC75Ot>rH(MO GO 1-H -H lO (^^coT^^QocO'+'cocoailoaiCD01— icjco:i 1-H Oi— ((Mir-ascoast^oi— icCDI>aiC0iOr-iC0OC0C0O i-lTtH(M 000000(MTti05t>COOO:irHTfiCO ai TtlCDOSCDCDI^iO— 'CDiOOCr^C'-^rHt^»O(MTfHQ0(NO rHr-lr-lCqC0TfHCD(Mt-- r- CN r-< QO '^COiOiMCDlOiO'^'— lOlr^-t^t^r-COO C50t^»-^104C5t>COTtH'THCOCO(M(MCNrHrHr-irHOO CO CM CM rH I— I a. 2 o:) CO GO >0'?H05COlOGOCOOiiOa5C£)'fiCCDiOO'^CO'M CDCOwQOCOrtHCOfMCvIr-, — r-l^rHOOOOOOOO rHrHrHOOOOOOOOOwOOOOOOOOO DO(MtJHC0Q0O(MtHC0Q0O(MtH10C0Q0O i-.T-(i-(i-irHCN(NO>4e, be made, and if care is taken in finishing 70 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. lip the slide and fitting the secondary on to it, there will be very little difficulty in making the different bobbins fit in the guides without touching the primary. Each additional secondary coil will, of course, require its own slide and side contact-springs. The number of turns used on coils of this description is usually primary 500 to 700 turns, secondary 5000 to 10,000 turns. rig. 57 shows the connections of the coil of this descrip- tion, the thick lines denoting the primary and the fine ones the secondary. Portable Coils, Portable coils are now to be obtained in a very large number of different forms, these coils, since the introduction of dry batteries, having found much favour with the medical profession ; while, moreover, the majority of persons who Fig. 58.— portable coil. desire to have coils for self-treatment usually prefer to have them in the form of a set that can be quickly set up and put away when finished. iig. 58 shows an inexpensive little portable set, consisting SHOCK AND MEDICAL COILS. 71 of a coil as described on p. 55, fitted into a case as shown, with a dry cell at the back. The front part of the case falls over outwards when released, thus allowing the handles and coil to be readily got at. Fig. 59. — portable medical coil. Pig. 59 shows another very convenient form of portable set. The case is of polished walnut or mahogany, with a division at the top for the electrodes, and another at the back for the two dry cells, as shown. The coil is fixed on a hinged portion of the front, as in the figures, so that it can readily be got at for adjustment, &c. Passing on to larger and more elaborate portable coils, we come to the Dubois-Eeymond set, a portable set which, when fitted with o-lUts accessories, forms one of the mo^t powerful. 72 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. useful and convenient. "When worked by dry batteries, and supplied with the variable make-and-break, as in Figs. 60, 61 and 62, it really leaves little further to be desired. As usually made up, the set consists of a polished rose- wood, walnut or mahogany case, the lid, as will be seen from the figures, being of greater depth than the bottom of the case. The lid is hinged to the right-hand end of the case, and at 2f inches from this end is fi.xed the thin upright Fig. 60.— portable sledge coil set. partition (also of polished wood) that divides the batteries from the coil. This partition starts from the very bottom of the case, rising up to the height shown in Fig. 60. Left of this partition is the supporting base of the coil and its acces- sory parts, this base being flush with the top of the bottom part of the case, as shown in Fig. 60, the space so formed underneath being fitted with a drawer that pulls out at the left-hand end of the case. The drawer can be pulled out by the handle seen to the left of the case ; but when the lid of SHOCK AND MEDICAL COILS. 73 the case is shut down and locked, the drawer is secured by a movable pin, seen just below the lock, which prevents it being pulled or falling out. The base of the coil, which is usually of polished wood to match the case, though sometimes of ebonite, is secured in its place by three brass screws, one on each side, and one at the left-hand end. The side-pieces or runners for the secondary bobbin are of polished wood similar to the case and base, fitted with brass strips at the top, as has been pre- FlG. 61. — PORTABLE SLEDGE COIL SET (PLAN). viously explained, these runners butting up against the upright standard (also of polished wood) carrying the primary bobbin. Between the upright standard and the battery partition is the make-and-break, which is similar in form to that described on p. 37. Eeferring to Fig. 61, just below the coil will be seen two switches, that on the right being to open and close the battery circuit, while that on the left enables either the primary or secondary induced current to be directed to the electrodes. With the battery switch the contacts are simply 74 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING, " on " and " off," but with, the left-hand switch the contacts are primary " and " secondary," that on the right being the primary and that on the left the secondary. On each side of the switches are two terminals, H and H', these being the connections for the flexible wires of the electrodes. Fig. 62. — portable sledge coil set. The connections to the different parts of the coil are shown by the dotted lines and the spirals of wire in the case of the battery connections. The battery circuit runs from the carbon terminal of the top cell (Fig. 61) to coils of contact- breaker bobbins, thence to pillar of contact-breaker, on the SHOCK AND MEDICAL COILS, 75 top of whicli is pivoted the armature, then to contact-screw carried by arm on top of the wood upright, inside end of primary, outside end, switch arm, and then back to zinc terminal of lower cell. As shown in the figure, the battery switch is off and the circuit open. The primary induced current flows from the outside end of the primary winding to terminal H, through the electrodes to terminal H', thence to lever of left-hand side switch, left-hand contact, the switch being in the position shown in the figure, then to arm on top of wood standard and back to inside end of primary. The secondary induced current runs from outside end of secondary winding to right-hand contact of left-hand switch, switch lever, the lever being in the opposite position to that shown in the figure; thence to terminal H', elec- trodes, terminal H, and then to inside end of secondary winding by way of the metal strip on the top runner of the secondary bobbin, the outside end being in a like manner in connection wdth the bottom runner. The various shaped electrodes are carried in the wood drawer before described, and into this drawer is also placed the aluminium upright arm and brass ball of the contact-breaker when not required. Street Coils. " Street coil " is a name that has been applied to all shock coils designed for use at fairs, in the streets, and other public places, where, on the usual " high days and holidays," the diversion-seeking holiday-makers are " electrified " at a charge of a penny per head. Every one, of course, is familiar with the general appearance of such coils — the massive dial, formidable-looking bobbin, large terminals, and showy brass mountings, the whole being supported on a small hand-truck, while by the side stands the loquacious proprietor extolling loudly, though not always too truthfully, 76 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. the virtues of " 'lectricity," which, in his estimation, appears to be a sort of panacea for all ills to which the flesh is heir. Very numerous are the different forms in which street coils are to be found — indeed, it is not too much to say that although there are, of course, certain points alike in all these coils, one rarely sees two coils of the same design, this being due, no doubt, to a great extent to the fact that each proprietor partly, if not wholly, designs and ccmstructs his own coil, his main endeavour being apparently to outvie, in showy and mysterious appearance anything he has pre- viously seen. A showy and attractive appearance is without doubt the most important point to be looked to in designing a coil of this description, and the one which is in a, great measure responsible for some of the very curious forms to be seen. Plenty of brass mountings are always arranged for, and all terminals and contacts made unusally heavy. A bold dial is another important item. This should prefer- ably be marked up to a high number of gradations, the index- hand being actuated by drawing out the brass regulating tube of the bobbin, the tube being connected by a thin cord or wire, though the apparatus must be so arranged that there is apparently no connection between them, the im- pression possessed by the majority of onlookers being that the pointer is actuated by the electric current in some mysterious manner. Were it evident that the pointer was actuated by means of a cord, much of the interest of the on- lookers would disappear. Another point to which attention should be paid is to have a large and loud-sounding contact- breaker, the mysterious humming of the interrupter having a wonderful effect, both in attracting the passers-by, as well as being a visible indication to them of the presence of an electric current. In many coils there are usually the addition of one or two electric bells, of more or less curious design, and a small motor, and frequently an arrangement to ring a bell or SHOOK AND MEDIOAL COILS. 77 make a figure move when the index-hand indicates a certain strength on the dial. Suitable switching arrangements are, of course, made both for switching on and off the battery- current, as well as directing either the primary, secondary, or combined primary and secondary current to the handles. Fig. 63 shows a form of street coil which, while divested of much of the unnecessary paraphernalia of many street coils, proves, when made up, a most serviceable instrument, combining efficiency with a showy and attractive appearance. Eeferring to this figure, the base of the coil is of polished walnut or mahogany, having a fancy moulding run round as shown. At each corner of this base, and also at the centre of each side, are fixed massive brass pillars of the shape shown, joined together by brass rods, which rods fix into holes in the balls of the pillars. From the top end of the base rise two polished brass pillars, having flanges at the bottom and a squared portion at the top, finishing off with an ornamental point, as illustrated. These pillars, which are, of course, hollow, are secured to the base by screws passed through the fianges, and the squared portions at the top carry the dial. The containing case of the dial may be either of polished mahogany like the base, or of polished brass to match the pillars. Just below the dial, and slightly in front of it, is an electric bell that can be set in action by a small switch (not visible) and also by the regulating tube when drawn right out, and the needle indicates its fullest strength, viz. 170. This bell can, of course, be of any desired form, the form shown being that having two gongs, and the hammer working from one gong to the other. The gongs are mounted on a polished mahogany board, which is supported off the base by four brass pillars, the movement of the bell being attached to the underneath side of the board. The coil itself is supported on a separate base, which base is in turn fixed to the main base just in front of the bell. SHOCK AND MEDICAL COILS. 79 The bobbin of the coil is similar in construction to the bath coil described on p. 60, except that it is wound only with a primary and secondary winding. More space must also be left for the tube to work in, as a fine piece of gut is attached to the end for working the needle of the indicating dial. This gut passes through the left-hand cheek of the bobbin, through the base, up the left-hand brass pillar of dial, round drum of needle three times, and then down the right-hand pillar, inside which is a small lead weight that is attached to the end of the gut. At the corners, where the gut makes a turn at right angles, the edges of the metal or wood must be rounded off, and it may be necessary in some cases to fix small pulleys before the gut is got to run freely. When properly fitted, as the regulating tube (the knob of which is seen to the right of the bobbin) is drawn out more and more, so the needle on the dial will indicate a greater strength, while when pushed back the needle returns, impelled by the weight on the end of the thin gut cord. The contact-breaker is fixed on the same base as the bobbin, and consists of the supporting brass pillar seen on the left, which carries the thin brass spring that has affixed to the end of it the soft-iron armature. Below the armature are the two magnet bobbins in series with the primary winding of the coil. Half-way between the supporting pillar and these magnet coils is the brass standard carrying the contact- breaker screw, this screw being fixed in the top of the ring, through which passes the contact-spring carrying the soft- iron armature. Both the supporting pillar and the contact- pillar are secured by stout screws passed through the base from beneath. The two magnet cores are fastened to a strip of soft iron, which is in turn secured by two screws to the base. Just in front of the contact-breaker, and at equal distances from the two centre pillars of the brass rail, are two switches, having three contacts each. The switch on the 80 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. right controls the current to the right pair of handles, and that on the left to the left pair. Of the three contacts, the first is for the primary, the second for the secondary current, and the third is an off-block. The contacts and levers are fixed directly on to the base, and should be of brass, the different parts being somewhat heavily proportioned. In front of the two switches are four heavy brass ter- minals forming the connection for the handles. These ter- minals are supported off the base by a strip of polished mahogany, and are bolted through this and the baso. It is very important that these terminals are of solid design and firmly fixed, as great strain is liable to be thrown on them by persons pulling at the handles. The connections to the handles are likewise made by brass rods a little over ^ inch thick, for, if fiexible cords were used, they would continually be being broken by persons pulling or jerking the handles. These connections are in three pieces, fastened together by making loops at the end of each piece. The handles them- selves consist of pieces of brass tube (plated if desired) with polished mahogany end-pieces, through holes in the centre of which pass the connecting rods. The connections to the different parts are not shown in the drawing; but from what has already been said and illustrated in regard to previous coils, the reader, if he has studied these, will have no difficulty in tracing them out for himself. It must be remembered there are primary and secondary windings, that the contact-breaker is in series with the primary, and that the two pairs of handles are connected in parallel. As regards the dimensions of the different parts of the coil, these, of course, can be anything the constructor desires. A very good size is to make the dial 12 inches in diameter, and the rest of the coil proportionate thereto. The battery employed for working such a coil is a four-cell bichromate, which would be placed in the body of the truck supporting the coil. 81 CHAPTEK IV. ACCESSORY APPLIANCES FOR, AND THE APPLICATION OF MEDICAL COILS. In the application of electricity to the cure, alleviation, or diagnosis of disease, there are three kinds of currents em- ployed. First, currents from batteries applied direct, or Galvanisation ; second, induced electric currents, or Faradisa- tion ; and third, static electricity, or Franklinisation. When the electric current is employed for the destruction of the tissues of the body by decomposition the application is known as electrolysis ; while electro-cautery is the process of remov- ing or destroying diseased portions of the body by metallic points, rendered white hot by the passage of electric currents. For Galvanisation, from 20 to 40 cells connected in series are required, and in addition, a collector for connecting on more or less cells, a current-re verser for changing the direc- tion of the current, and a milliampere meter for indicating the strength of the current passing through the patient. Eheo- stats are sometimes employed in Galvanisation where there is no collector, in order to vary the strength of the electric current by inserting more or less resistance in the circuit. For Faradisation, a medical coil is required giving primary and secondary induced currents, the coil being fitted with suitable means both for regulating the strength of the current and the rapidity of the interruptions. A suitable battery, capable of working the coil for an hour or so without running down, must also be provided. & 82 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. For Franklinisation, some form of electro-static machine such as a Wimshurst, Holtz, &c., will be necessary. In electrolysis a battery of one or two cells is required, and special electrodes according to the nature of the disease. Usually these electrodes consist of needles, insulated except at their points, which are pushed home to the centre of the affected place. Double needles are employed or one needle (negative) only, the patient holding the positive electrode in his or her hand. The whole of the current being confined at one electrode to the point of a needle, the chemical action of the electric current is concentrated at that point, and the surrounding tissues, such as the root of a tumour, decomposed. For electro-cautery a battery that will give a powerful current and not run down is absolutely necessary. A strong current is required to render white hot the metallic burners, and it is, of course, important that the burners are main- tained at the same heat during the whole of the operation. A large number of different burners are made for cutting in this and that direction, and to suit the different forms of diseased growths. For the greater convenience of medical men all the dif- ferent apparatus necessary for the application of the Galvanic and Faradaic currents are frequently combined together in one cabinet, a form of which is shown in Fig. 64. In the cupboard at the bottom are contained the 40 cells for Galvanisation, and also the two cells for working the medical coil. This coil is to be seen on the left-hand side of the desk-shaped part at the top, while in a similar place on the right-hand side is the milliampere meter. On an inclined base in the centre of the cabinet are fixed the collectors, current - reversers and various switches controlling the working of the induction coil and the primary and secon- dary currents. The top part of the cabinet is fitted with a glass front, which lets down and locks to prevent its being ACCESSORY APPLIANCES, ETC. 83 tampered with. The two terminals for the connecting cord« to the electrodes are in front of the inclined base. Fig. 61. — ELECI'KO-MEDICAL CABINET. G 2 84 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. Conducting Cords and Electrodes. The conducting cords, or rheophores as they are also frequently called, are the wires connecting the terminals of the instrument with the electrodes. They are, of course, two in number, one being required for each electrode. The ordinary conducting cords, as used for Faradisation, consist of tinsel cord served with one to two layers of cotton, and then braided usually in fancy colours, the ends of the eords being provided with special metal tips for convenience in inserting in the instrument terminals and electrodes. The cords vary in length from one to three yards. For Galvanisation the Fig. 66. Fig. 65. Fig. 67. electrodes. conducting cords used are generally more expensive, being insulated with gutta-percha and more heavily braided. It will be found more convenient to have the two conducting cords of different colours, so that the positive and negative electrodes can easily be distinguished. Fig. 65 shows the form of cord usually employed. Of electrodes there are, of course, a great variety of different shapes and forms, there being special electrodes designed for use on nearly every part of the body. It may be as well to mention, perhaps, for the benefit of those not conversant with electrical terms, that an electrode is the plate, ball, sponge, or other enlargement at the end of the conducting cord by means of which the current is applied to ACCESSORY APPLIANCES, ETC, 85 the bocly. In applying the current, two electrodes are necessary, the one being attached to the positive conducting cord, and the other to the negative, the two electrodes being known as the positive and negative electrodes respectively. The most usual electrode employed is, of course, the handle, as shown in Fig. 66. This is usually of brass, plated, and in the better forms of coils arranged to screw on to the wooden handle, Fig. 67. This allows the physician to hold the handles in the patient's hands without himself receiving a shock, and thus reducing the strength of the current that is being applied. Fig. 69. ELECTRODES. Fig. 68 shows a wooden handle fitted with a switch for interrupting the circuit. The metal handle, as in Fig. 66, or any other electrode, screws on to the metal extension of the handle, and the physician, holding the wooden part of the handle in his right hand, can break the circuit at will by pressing with his finger the button seen underneath. Fig. 69 shows a double pole electrode, for use w^hen it is required to confine the current that is being applied to a small area. The two arms carrying the electrodes are fixed on swivels, so that the distance between them can be varied at will. Fig. 70 shows an improved form of electrode for holding a sponge. The sponge is pressed into the end of the metal 86 INDUCTION COILS AND C OIL-MAKING. tube, and, expanding tliroiigli the three holes in the side, t% thus retained in its proper position. Figs. 71, 72 and 73 show three of the more common shapes of electrodes used, and all are adapted to fit on the different forms of handles just described. These electrodes consist of tin, brass or carbon plates, covered either with flannel or Figs. 71, 72, 73. — electrodes. chamois-leather. They must be wetted for application, and the flannel or leather after much use must be renewed, as they rapidly pick up the dirt. The metal plates also quickly oxidise, and must, therefore, before new flannel or leather is put on, be cleaned with emery cloth or by scraping with a knife. Electrodes with flexible gelatine plates that adhere to the skin are now being much used. Electrodes of Fig. 74. — eye electrode. common metal, since they oxidise, must not be placed on the mucous membrane unless connected to the negative pole. Fig. 74 shows an electrode for the muscles of the eye, the handles being provided with a switch, so that the current can be at once switched on by a slight pressure of the finger. ACCESSORY APPLIANCES, ETC. 87 Brushes consisting of bristles of very fine wire are used for exciting the nerves of the skin. They are connected to the conducting cords and passed, lightly over the surface of the skin. Fig. 75 shows a single-pole brush, and Fig. 76 a Figs. 75, 76.— brush electrodes. double-pole one, for local electrisation. All the brushes are provided with wooden handles, so that the physician can apply the electrode to the patient without himself receiving a portion of the current. Fig. 77 shows a roller or wheel electrode, by employing Fig. 77.— roller electrode. Fig. 78. — needle electrode. which the place of application can more conveniently and rapidly be changed. They are also used for combining massage with the application of electricity. Fig. 78 shows an electrode composed of nine needles for 88 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. electrolysis. These are employed for destroying the roots of hairs, tumours, naevi, &c., by the decomposing action of the electric current. The needles are composed of gold or plati- num, insulated throughout their length, except at the very point, by a special enamel or a coating of vulcanised rubber. The object of having so many needles on the one terminal is because should one needle fail another can rapidly be inserted in its place. Galvanometers and Milliampere-meters. Fig. 79 shows a form of galvanometer much used for electro-medical purposes. It consists of a very delicately Fig. 79. — galvanometer. Fig. 80.— milliampere-meteb. suspended needle, round which is wound a coil of fine wire, the needle being deflected by the passage of an electric current, and indicatiug the amount of deflection on the dial. For medical purposes, of course, these galvanometers require to be very sensitive owing to the feeble currents employed. To obtain sensitiveness in a galvanometer it is necessary to have the needle very delicately poised, and to wind the bobbin with a large number of turns of very fine wire. The galvanometer is intended more for indicating the pressure of ACCESSORY APPLIANCES, ETC. 89 a current, while the milliampere-nieter reads off on the dial the exact value of the current passing in milliamperes, or thousandth parts of an ampere. The internal construction of both is much the same, the difference being that the scale of the latter has been graduated while currents of known strengths have been passing through it. A form of the milliampere-meter is shown in Fig. 80. Collectors, Collectors are either single or double, according to whether they have one or two collecting arms. A form of Fig. 81. — simple form of collector. the single collector with its connections to the cells is shown in Fig. 81. It consists of a number of contacts, one for each cell, arranged in a circle on a wood or ebonite base, in the centre of which is a brass arm. arranged to work on these contacts. The connections are run as shown by the dotted lines, and thus, as the arm is moved round in the direction of the arrow, more and more cells are connected on to the terminals + and — . Double collectors have two contact- arms and are more convenient, as they allow acy portion of the battery to be included, as only the cells between the two arms are connected on to the terminals. Thus, if one arm is on contact 5, say, and the other on contact 15, only the cells between 5 and 15 inclusive would be in circuit. A small 90 INDUCTION COILS AND COTL-MAKING. number of cells can therefore be selected from any portion of the battery. The connections of the double collector are some- what different. Current Beversers. The form of current reverser chiefly employed with medical coils is shown with its connections in Fig. 82. It consists, it will be seen, of two switch-arms bolted together by a piece of ebonite, below which are three contact-studs Fig. 82. — cuerent-eeversee. Fig. 83. — metallic eesistance. connected as shown. When the switch is in the position shown in the figure, the left-hand terminal is -f and the right — , but if moved to the opposite side the left becomes — and the right -f . Bheostats, Kheostats or resistances, employed for electro-medical pur- poses, are either metal, liquid or carbon. A form of the metal resistance is shown in Fig. 83, having 27 contacts and giving various resistances from 1 to 1000 ohms. The resist- ances are connected to the contacts so that as the arm is ACCESSORY APPLIANCES, ETC. 91 moved to each contact resistance to the amount marked is thrown into circuit. Perhaps the most simple form of resistance is the liquid resistance as shown in Fig. 84. This consists of a glass tube fixed on to a wood base by means of a brass cap, on which is fastened the one terminal Another brass cap is fastened to the top of the tube, through which passes an adjustable brass rod. A second terminal is attached to this top cap and the tube three-fourths filled with water. If this liquid resistance or water regulator is connected in circuit by means of the two terminals, it follows that the strength of the current passing will be diminished as the brass rod is withdrawn, -ri ~ ' rIG. O-t. — LIQUID owing to the length of the column of eesistance. water being increased. On the other hand less resistance is in circuit as the brass rod is pushed down, and the current therefore increases. III 92 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. CHAPTER V. SPARK COILS. Spark coils is a name applied to all induction coils designed and constructed to produce large sparks at the secondary terminals, as distinguished from those coils intended merely for administering shocks for amusement or medical purposes, and known as shock or medical coils. Although the difference between spark and medical coils may be said to be mainly in the size, strength and higher insulation of the different parts, yet very much more care must be taken with the construction of the former, certain methods of fixing and insulating different portions that are suitable for medical being quite inadmissible in a spark coiL The chief point to which increased attention must be directed is, of course, the insulation of primary and secondary wind- ings, and more particularly the latter. The very high tension of the secondary current enabling it to spark great distances, necessitates the utmost precaution being taken both in the winding and insulation of the secondary coil. Should the spark find an easier path, or path of less resistance, than between the two ends of the secondary, whether it be from layer to layer of secondary or secondary to primary, it will assuredly take it, and, once taken, it will always follow it in preference if the ends of the secondary are separated far apart. A break-down in the insulation of the coil, if not rendering it utterly useless, always very considerably reduces its spark- SPABK COILS, 93 ing distance, and as such break-downs may occur on the first trial of the coil, and generally necessitate unwinding and rewinding, it will be found advisable not to grudge a few extra hours during the construction, in order to take all possible precautions. Unquestionably the secondary winding is the part of the coil requiring the most attention, and in very large coils so great is the tendency of the discharge to break down the intervening insulation between the layers, that some special method of arranging the secondary, such as sectional winding, has to be adopted. With small spark coils, however — i. e. those giving under IJ-inch sparks — it is very doubtful, taking all things into consideration, if anything is to be gained by sectional winding, as with reasonable care there is little difficulty in insulating the different portions so as to prevent a break- down in the insulation. Our object as regards the secondary is to get on as many turns as possible, consistent with efficient insulation and not getting too far from the primary. Every turn of wire adds to the E.M.F. of the induced current, and as the E.M.F. is augmented, so, of course, the length of spark is increased. Nos. 38 and 40 B.W.G. best silk-covered copper wire are the most suitable sizes for small spark coils; Nos. 36 and 34 for large ones. The finer the wire the more turns can be got on and the longer the spark, while if a short thick spark is desired a thick wire, such as No. 34, must be employed. In Chapter II. we pointed out the extra precautions to be taken with regard to the different parts of a spark coil, so we will now proceed to describe in detail one or two different sized coils wound both in the ordinary manner and sectionally. 94 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. An Inch Spark Coil. Fig. 85, half full size, and Fig. 86, one-third full size, show in side elevation and end elevation an inch spark 8PABK COILS. 95 coil complete with commutator. Eeferring to these figures, the bobbin ends are of ebonite, 3 inches in diameter and f inch thick, the extreme length of the bobbin being 6 J inches. The iron core is 1\ inches long and slightly under f inch in diameter. The body of the bobbin is made up of several layers of paraffin paper, as previously described, into the centre of which is forced the iron core of No. 22 charcoal iron wire. The bobbin having been carefully prepared, the EiG. 86. — AN INCH SPARK COIL (scaie one-third). primary is next wound on, this winding consisting of two layers of No. 16 silk-covered copper wire. The primary being finished, it must be carefully tested with a battery of two or three cells to see that it is correctly wound, and if the magnetism in the core seems sufficiently powerful, the surface of the primary can be prepared for the secondary. For the secondary we shall require lb. of No. 38 best silk-covered copper wire. This should give us slightly over 1-inch spark with three quart Bunsen cells, and if much 96 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. over we may consider that we have been fairly snceessful in our winding. This secondary must be wound on, layer upon layer, with a wrapping of thick, well-paraffined note-paper between each layer, and the different layers must not be run up nearer than J inch from the bobbin ends. The inside end of the secondary must be brought up inside the right-hand bobbin-cheek, as shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 85. This is done by drilling a hole in an oblique direction, and then another down from the top to meet it. The inside end can then, previous to winding, be worked through this hole, and this hole afterwards run in with paraffin Fig. 87. — connections of spakk coil "without commutator. wax. After the last layer of secondary has been wound, six wrappings of well-paraffined, thick note-paper must be put on, and the whole well basted with wax, finishing with a layer of black-ribbed paper. The contact-breaker consists of the brass pillar Ti, carrying the hammer a, and contact-spring, while behind this is the pillar c, carrying the contact-screw. The height of these pillars is If inch, and the contact-spring is 2| inches long by ■J- inch wide. Two substantial terminals are fitted on the left-hand side of the base for the primary connections, while the secondary terminals are fixed on top of the bobbin-cheeks, as shown. Two thin brass rods, fitted at one end with ebonite SPARK COILS. 97 knobs, slide in the holes of these terminals to form the discharger. The commutator, or current-reverser d, is fixed at the right-hand end of the base, and consists of an ebonite cylinder, fitted on each side with two brass contact-plates, as shown in Fig. 86, these two plates being in contact with the uprights supporting the cylinder, which uprights are in connection with the two poles of the battery. At each side of the cylinder is a contact-spring, one spring being connected to the outside end, and the other to the inside of the primary coil through the contact-breaker. It will thus be seen that if the cylinder is turned half-way round, the direction of the ) z ^ Fig. 88. — connections of spark coil with commutator. current in the primary circuit will be reversed, while if turned only a quarter of a revolution, the circuit is interrupted. The connections of the coil, with and without a commutator, are shown in Figs. 88 and 87, which also show the method of connecting up the condenser. Fig. 88 is the one with the commutator. In both the figures P P are the primary ter- minals, s s the secondary, and m and n the two sheets of the condenser. The base of the coil, which is of polished mahogany, is 14J inches long by 6 inches wide, and l£ inch deep, not including the feet. It is made of J-inch wood, the bottom H 98 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL'MAKINQ, being removable for easy access to the condenser. The con- denser, which occupies very nearly the whole of the inside of the base, consists of 40 sheets of tinfoil, 6 inches by 4 inches, put together as described in Chapter II. It must then be slipped inside the wood base (the connections to the different parts of the coil having, of course, first been made), and con- nected up as shown in Figs. 87 and 88, taking care the ends of the condenser are well apart, and to well soak the inside of the top part of the base with parafSn-wax. The following are the dimensions for the different parts of a J-inch and |-inch spark coil, of a similar construction to the onejuht described; — inches. inches. 1. 3. 2iXi 5i 4 Length and diameter of core 6x| 9x5x2 7i X 3f -f li 5i X 3i 4x2 Number of tinfoil sheets 40 36 6J X 4i 5x3 No. 18 No. 18 No. 40, 1 lb. No. 40, f lb. Sectionally- Wound Coils, Sectional winding, as applied to spark coils, consists in winding the secondary, not in a succession of continuous layers from bobbin-cheek to bobbin-cheek, but in dividing it up into a number of sections or divisions, which sections are afterwards joined in series. The object of so dividing up the secondary is because that with the wire thus distributed, the ends and those portions of the winding between which there exists a very high difference of potential, are either placed very far apart, or else separated by a thin disc of some material having great insulating properties. In large spark coils, with the enormous difference of potential that exists at SPARK COILS. 99 the ends of the secondary winding, there is a tendency to discharge in all directions — one portion of the secondary to another, secondary to primary, and, in fact, any part where the insulation is weak — so that to get the best results, or, indeed, to get any results worth speaking of, some method of sectional winding must be adopted. Sectionally-winding induction coils appear to have been first introduced by Messrs. Siemens and Halske, of Berlin, who exhibited a large coil with the secondary wound in sections at the Great Exhibition of 1851, which gave what were then considered remarkably good results. The tube and divisions for the secondary were turned up out of a solid block of ebonite, from the centre of which the primary could easily be withdrawn and replaced. This method of con- struction, apart from its expense, is not one that will recom- mend itself to those desirous of constructing large spark coils ; but in the English Mechanic of August 5, 1870, a method of constructing a sectionally-wound coil giving 8-inch sparks was described by " Inductorium," in which the divisions (there being 90 sections) consisted of separate ebonite discs slipped on one by one over the ebonite tube, with distance pieces or rings between. This method, or rather a modification of it, as subsequently suggested by " Inductorium," in which discs of several layers of paraffined paper are substituted for the ebonite ones, the writer has found, after experimenting with nearly every other method of winding, to give the best results, and one that enables any one possessed with an average amount of patience to construct a really powerful and efficient coil at a compara- tively small outlay. Figs. 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 and 95 are diagrams illustrat- ing the manner in which section ally-constructed coils are wound. In Figs. 89, 90, 91 and 92 the whole coil is shown in section, the black portions being the ebonite ends and divi- sions slipped on the central iron core, round which is shown, H 2 100 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKINQ. by the dotted lines, the secondary winding. Figs. 93, 94 and 95 are sections of the top half of the coils, only showing both the primary winding P, and the secondary S. Here the successive layers are shown, and to make the explanation clearer, the bottom halves of the windings are omitted. Fig. 89. — ordinary method of winding. Eeferring to Fig. 89, which represents the ordinary method of winding without any sections at all, the secondary being in a succession of continuous layers from bobbin- FlG. 90. — COIL WOUND IN TWO SECTIONS. cheek to bobbin-cheek, it will be seen that one of the greatest disadvantages of this method is that the inside end must pass in succession each layer of wire as it rises to the terminal on the top of the right-hand bobbin-cheek. This will, perhaps, be better seen from Fig. 93, which shows SPARK COILS. 101 the same method of winding but figured in a different manner. Keferring to this figure, the thick dotted lines are the two layers of the primary P, above which are the thin ones S, representing the different layers of secondary. The H ^ i \ M H ^ H ^ ■ /\ A \ \ MAN. ( 1 \\ 'Jul Fig. 91.— coil wound in four sections. passing of the successive layers by the inside end is clearly shown here, and as it approaches the outside layers the greater does the difference of potential between this end of the winding and the layers become. There is, therefore, a Fig. 92. — coil wound in eight sections. great tendency for the insulation to break down at this part of the coil, with the result that the moment such am occur- rence takes place the coil is ruined. Apart from this, there being also a great difference of potential between the ends 102 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. of these long layers, there is a tendency to discharge from layer to layer, and though there are ways in which the insulation can be greatly increased at these points, and the probability of a break-down be reduced to a minimum, yet the best of coils so wound cannot in any way compare Fig. 93. — ordinary method of winding. with one in which the secondary has been sectionally dis- tributed. The simplest method of sectional winding is shown in Fig. 90, another view of the same method being shown in Fig. 94. In this method the space for the secondary is Fig. 94. — coil wound in two sections. divided into two halves by an ebonite disc ^^^^ \ inch thick, this disc fitting tight on the ebonite tube or other material forming the insulating medium between the primary and secondary. The secondary is then wound on in two portions, one portion being wound in each division. SPAEK COILS. 103 The inside ends of these two portions are joined together, so that the two free ends of the winding are both outside ends, and finish off quite close to the terminals to which they are to be connected. We have now no inside ends passing layer after layer of wire, and the greatest tendency to spark from one part of the winding to the other is between the ends of the layers butting on to the ebonite division disc. As this is a substantial disc of high insulating material, the insula- tion is perfectly safe. The tendency to spark through this disc is greatest, of course, at the two top layers, and though the spark cannot pass through the disc yet it might jump over the top ; so to obviate this the ebonite disc is carried up higher than the bobbin-cheeks, so as to increase the distanc e the spark would have to travel. In winding the secondary of a coil constructed on this method, the end of the wire is passed through a small hole in the bottom of the dividing disc, and the one half of the coil wound with half of the quantity of wire that is going to be put on. The coil is then turned round, and a joint made with the end of the re- maining half of the wire on to the inside end projecting through the disc. This portion of the wire is then wound on, the outside end finishing off at the other terminal, as in Fig. 90. It is important to remember that before winding on the second half of the secondary the bobbin must be 104 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. turned end for end : otherwise the two windings will oppose one another. Fig. 91 shows a coil wound in four sections, and Eig. 95 is another view of the same method. The division pieces are ebonite discs fitted on the ebonite tube containing the primary. The secondary is divided into four portions, and we have thus less chance of a break-down in any one division ; while, moreover, should any one division break down, the effects on the sparking of the coil are not so very disastrous. The connections between the divisions are, it will be seen, made alternately at the top and bottom of the dividing discs. It is in reality like two coils wound, as shown in Fig. 90, placed end to end, and connected in series. In winding, the division at one end is first wound, the inside end being slipped through a hole on the bottom of the dividing disc, to which end the beginning of the second division is con- nected, and, the coil being first turned round, this second division is then filled. The same process is carried out with the other two divisions, the two ends of the centre divisions (which are outside ends) being afterwards joined together either across the top of the disc or through a hole near the edge. Fig. 92 shows a sectionally-wound coil having eight divi- sions or sections. The process of winding is, of course, similar to that just described, the difference being that there are double the number of divisions, and consequently just half the amount of wire in each division for a coil of the same size. There must always be an odd number of division pieces, so as to make an even number of sections, and thus allow the ends of the two outside sections to finish on the outside close to the terminals. As the number of divisions or sections is increased, so the thickness of the division disc can be somewhat reduced. SPARK COILS. 105 A 2-inch Sparh Coil, Figs. 96 and 97 show a 2-incli spark coil, the secondary of which is wound in two sections, as shown diagramatically in Figs. 90 and 94. Fig. 96 is a side elevation, while Fig. 97 is an elevation from the contact-breaker end. The base, which is of polished walnut or mahogany, is 12 inches long by 7 J inches wide, the height from the top of the base to Fig. 96. — a 2-inch spark coil (scale one-third). the bottom of the feet being 3^ inches. The base is hollow, and contains the condenser, after the manner described for the 1-inch spark coil, previously described. The two end pieces, or bobbin-cheeks, are of ebonite and square in form, being 4 inches high^by 2| inches wide by | inch thick. The iron core passes through the centre of these cheeks vertically, but slightly above the centre horizontally. The distance between the inside faces of the bobbin-cheek is 6^ inches. 106 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. After the primary (which consists of two layers of No. 14 B.W.G. silk-covered wire) has been wound, the centre ebonite division disc, which is 4J inches in diameter by \ inch thick, is placed centrally on the primary winding, and the ebonite end-pieces or bobbin-cheeks slipped on. The secondary, which consists of 2^ lbs. No. 36 silk -covered wire, is then wound on as described with reference to Fig. 90, there being 1 lb. in each division. The outside ends of the secondary are then connected to the terminals of the ebonite discharging pillars, the height of which is 5 inches. A Fig. 97. — a 2-inch spark coil. wrapping of thin sheet ebonite is then wrapped round the outside of each division, both to improve the appearance of the coil and protect the secondary against mechanical injury. The contact-breaker, which is of a very substantial character (to scale one-third full size in illustration), is fixed at the right-hand end of the base. The condenser consists of 60 sheets of tinfoil, 6 inches by 6 inches, put together and connected to the contact-breaker as described in Chapter II. The two primary terminals are fixed at the right-hand end of the base on one side of the contact-breaker. SPARK COILS. 107 A 12-inch Spark Coil, We will now pass on to the construction of a somewhat larger spark coil, viz. one giving 1 2-inch sparks. There are probably few persons of an electrical turn of mind who have not some time or other wished to be the possessor of a large coil, with which so many interesting and instructive ex- periments can be performed. To purchase a coil of this size would cost something like 50Z., thus putting it beyond the reach of many ; but since those with a little spare time at their disposal and a reasonable amount of patience can con- struct one equally as efficient for about one-fourth that price, the objection on the score of expense need no longer exist. In the back volumes of the English Mechanic will be found a description of a large number of spark coils, giving 4-inch to 10-inch sparks, constructed on a similar plan with great success by several readers of that journal, notably those of Mr. J. Brown, of Belfast (English Mechanic, Feb. 27, 1880) ; Mr. E. Baugh (Jan. 4, 1884); Mr. Higgs (Feb. 11, 1887); and Mr. T. H. Muras (Oct. 7, 1892.). The main requirements necessary for success are patience and a determination to construct each part thoroughly. Never leave one portion until quite satisfied that every precaution has been taken to render it as perfect as it is in your power to make it. Remember that even one little point passed over in a slovenly manner may be the cause of a complete failure, and that it is an easy matter to alter certain parts during construction, while, when finished, it is often impossible to do so without pulling the whole coil to pieces. If these points, together with the fact that the secondary discharge is always endeavouring to find out a weak point in the insulation, are carefully borne in mind, there is very little reason to doubt a successful issue and the ultimate possession of a really serviceable coil. 108 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. Fig. 98 shows the coil in section, one-third full size. The primary terminals, commutator, condenser, discharger and secondary terminals are omitted in order to make the illustration clearer. Referring to this figure, m is the iron core and n an extension of one pole for the purpose of working the contact-breaker. The primary winding is marked jp, over which is the ebonite insulating tube separating the primary from the secondary, a;, are the two ebonite cheeks of the bobbin, which is supported up from the base of the coil by the polished wood supports o, o. The secondary winding, s, is wound on in 96 sections of an outside thickness of each section of \ of an inch, w is the base, which can be of polished walnut, teak, or mahogany, as desired, and has at the right-hand end the contact-breaker, which latter is of Apps' improved form. In constructing the coil the first portion to be made is : — The Core. This consists of a number of lengths of highly annealed charcoal iron wire. No. 22 gauge, which, when made into a compact bundle, forms a tightly packed core 19 inches long by inch in diameter. Through the centre of the core passes a ^-inch soft iron rod, carrying at one end the iron extension piece, w, and having at the other end a nut which, when screwed up, clamps the extension piece firmly to the iron core. The iron wires are best formed into a bundle by procuring a piece of metal tube, the inside diameter of which is equal to the required outside diameter of the iron core, and then forcing the wires into this until packed quite tight. The tube is then gradually slipped off, at the same time binding round the core, at intervals of every 3 inches, some thin binding wire, until the tube is completely with- drawn and the bundle left complete. The core should then be immersed in melted paraffin wax and kept at an even [To Jace page 108. [To J ace page 108. Fig. 98.— a 12-inch Spaek Coil. (Scale ird.) SPARK COILS. 109 temperature until no more bubbles rise to the surface of the wax. The bundle should then be allowed to cool slightly, after which it is wrapped from end to end with a layer of paraffined tape, removing the binding wires as the taping proceeds. The weight of the core complete will be about 8 lbs. Primary Winding, This consists of three layers of double silk-covered copper wire '110 inch in diameter. The wire is square in section, whereby less space is wasted, though if this square wire is not procurable No. 12 circular can be employed. The use of square wire is, however, preferable, as a lower resistance of the primary is thus obtained. The winding of the primary is best done by two persons, the one of whom holds the iron core firmly in both hands while the other feeds it on evenly and neatly. A little care is requisite in winding the primary to see that each layer runs on evenly, so that it will, when finished, slide nicely into the ebonite tube. To prevent the end of the wire slipping at the commencement of the winding it should be bound on to the end of the iron core with some stout string, leaving a projecting end of 12 inches for the purpose of afterwards making the con- nection to the contact-breaker. When finished the coil and primary winding must be immersed in melted paraffin wax and afterwards allowed to drain and cool. The Insulating Tube. This is one of the most important parts of the coil ; its object being to separate the primary and secondary windings, between which there exists a great tendency to spark. In order, also, to prevent any discharge passing over the end of the tube to the primary it is made longer than the iron so as to completely inclose it. This tube, which is of ebonite, is 21| inches long by 2^ inches internal diameter and \ inch 110 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. thick. It can either be purchased as a tube complete or made up by wrapping warmed sheets of thin ebonite round a metal tube until the required thickness is obtained, fastening the ends of each wrapping by melted shellac. The wound core is slipped inside this tube, which it should just fit nicely ; the ends of the primary being brought out at two holes drilled as shown, and the two end pieces of the tube afterwards being cemented in at each end. The two holes through which the ends of the primary pass are tapped to receive the ends of two short lengths of ebonite tube, which serve to conduct the primary ends to the base, the lower ends of the tube being also similarly fitted into the top part of the base. The primary is thus perfectly enclosed in the ebonite tube, the only opening being a li-inch hole at the right-hand end through which the hammer of the con- tact-breaker works. A little consideration will soon show the important part played by the ebonite tube in separating the primary and secondary windin^^s, the tendency of the sec- ondary to spark into the primary being very great. The Base, Bohhin-Cheehs, and Supports. The base, which is 28 inches long by 10 wide and 5 deep, is of polished mahogany. It is made hollow, as shown, to contain the condenser, and has affixed to it the two supports , also of mahogany, which are 7J inches high, by 4 wide and 1^ thick. These supports have a hole just over 2| inches in diameter bored in the top of each, through which pass the ends of the ebonite tube to support the bobbin, as shown. The bobbin-cheeks, which are of ebonite, are circular in form, 8 inches in diameter, and J inch thick. They have a hole bored in their centre of such diameter that they fit tightly on the ebonite tube, as shown in the figure. An ebonite distance ring is placed outside each cheek, which, by butting up against the supports, keep the bobbin-cheeks in place. SPABK COILS, 111 The Secondary, The secondary consists of 12 lbs. No. 36 silk-coverecl copper wire, wound on in 96 sections or flat rings. It is laid on in a curved fashion, as shown, so as to accord with +]^ri <1ii:er;tj on,/^^ ^' ^ agnetised iron core. New Engine. is balanced and easily adjusted. The e:overnor i<; nf fi.^ ^^.^ type of shaft governors, has few wearing pa ts and is of portions. .It IS sensitive, and can be adJust^/toaC^e^^^^^ ' The engine as a whole is compact, neat and strong, and is especiallv adapted for direct-connected work. especially A New Galvanometer. The galvanometer is one of the oldest and most useful* of ^l.of.- i instruments, and it has attained what was generalirsuppLed to t permanent form. The new galvanometer, however, iLstr^ted harewUh departs somewhat from the standard style and is s;id to be a very atfs' factory instrument. It is made by the Utica Fire Al^rT « ^ , I ICompany. Utica, N. Y., and possesses seveJll n^e! teatTret i^tf ,5truction that merit a brief description ^ This galvanometer consists of a ring made partly of iron and partly of US •st ur ed en lid air ets :er, out ow 110 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. The special 12-irich Rhumkorff coil, made by Edwards & Co., New York, possesses some extraordinary constructional features. The sec- ondary winding is divided by rubber discs into twelve -sections, for the purpose of reducing as much as possible the potential difference betv/een adjacent layers and sections of wire. In order to maintain the insulation of the secondary coil at the highest degree, double-covered silk wure is used as an extra precaution. The interrupter consists of a small electric motor, desij^ned so that it may be operated by hand. The platinum contact points are extra heavy, and arranged so tha| ^hey may be readily renewed. All the fittings of this coil are of solid thick. It cs\r\ piflTo-r \^ — ^..^^-u^ m a fai T] at tu lie to wl lo^ tO] in th( tac im pri 0I1( of COI als 11. ^4 dia enc Th 8 ii bor on disi up . Large Rhumkorff Coil. Twelve-Inch Rhumkorff Coil. bronze, audits dimensions over, all are as follows: Length, 3 feet 4 inches width, 15^ inches; height, 20 inches. It is mounted in a heavy, hard, rubber case, on a polished mahogany base, and weighs about 175 pounds. The coil presents a very handsome appearance and shows skill and care in its construction and finish. buppurxs, Keep tne DoDDm-clieeks in place. SPABK COILS, 111 The Secondary, The secondary consists of 12 lbs. No. 36 silk-covered copper wire, wound on in 96 sections or flat rings. It is laid on in a curved fashion, as shown, so as to accord with the direction r^f i- " ' ^ agnetised iron core. g'l^m in Fig. 99, from 'o wards the S ^ g induction is ^ ^* » cti - § 5^ 110 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. thick. It can eithe rjbe T)urcliag ftrl ^« a. -biL^ Large Rhumkorff Coil. special .-inc. ^^-^'^r^rsuttiffflt^^^ T.'eTe: York, possesses --^.-"f,:^^' discs^^^^^^^^^ • ondary winding is «3->'5^<^^J^J"^^;j^^\'^^^ potential difference between purpose of reducing as much ^^^f'^^ ^J^^ „,intain the insulation : Adjacent layers and sections o we- ^"^^f;,.,,^ie.,ovcred silk wire is . of the secondary coil at the highest aeg , 1 used as an extra precaution ■ desij^ned so that it T--^ interrupter consists of a small eiecrr »xtra heavy, and arranged so that — — coil are of soUa andjl^vir iEi^L electrical papefs years^^J had skill and i.- i-"^^ * coi of cc national a] Tropp ^- HUERSTEL. have [^M^PP^ '^'"^no judgm .this work, are sepa- ^cross. ■quires ex- d «;el kindly ano^^y^- Huer. , mensions of thk L ^' to , be ialcl.^'^M-^^ • . about 450 lbs • ,hi ^^'^bs consists of No. 6 r*^^-^ ,^he secondary cnnf • * coil S. ICQ finecoL^Mr JT''^- ^^e obtaining a woHw ^^^''^^^ ^''e tation. HeTr T'^«'"«P"- ^-"ff«meto;U:^'^«dfora TROPP. SFABK COILS, 111 The Secondary, The secondary consists of 12 lbs. No. 36 silk-covered copper wire, wound on in 96 sections or flat rings. It is laid on in a curved fashion, as shown, so as to accord with the direction +t^- i-- " - ^ ^ agnetised iron core. ^%-7ii in Fig. 99, from ^Dwards the nduction is erent sections 5^ 'H manner first ^ ^ 0) insist of four ;;^^i|sh of melted ^ » la ate, and then g »D s: they should ' ' ze out any air r -< ;3 fne 4-ply sheets c ihes in diameter, ^ lese being cut out and the wire for the secondary got reaay to hand, we can now pass on to 110 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. thick. It can eithe r be purchaRftfi ^.s a. tiil tA nr^Tv^^^^^^ — Large Rhumkorff Coll. The special .2-inch Rhumkorff coil, made by Edwards & Co New purpoL of reducing as much as possible the H-ff.^- adjacent layers a of the secondary used as an extra cc natjonaJ ^^OUf 450 Jbs. . ^onsrsts of No. , / ne secondary cnnf ^s. of No. 36 V '°° '5o miles o>^-^ ' finecoiJsof S- L""^- '^^^e obtaining a woMw "^'"^^^^ are ^°::?«'«etoS^"J^edfo?a ^- TROPP SPABK COILS, The Secondary, The secondary consists of 12 lbs. No. 36 silk-covered copper wire, wound on in 96 sections or flat rings. It is laid on in a curved fashion, as shown, so as to accord with the direction of the lines of force of the magnetised iron core. The lines of force run somewhat as shown in Fig. 99, from :owards the V 3 3 M ^ O ^ a la ^5 bX3' «2 fl o 0) ;>,^ ^ ^ s S3-. Ill a induction is a ■ oi y i u erent sections o manner first ^ ^^2"^ I insist of four ^ 2 ^ I 1 5h of melted . j:! Sri ^ ^te, and then « ~S ^ ^ 5 they should p sZ^^ any air E H I j-3 % fh.e 4-ply sheets .2 '-^jhes in diameter, -lese being cut out and the wire for the secondary got ready to hand, we can now pass on to 110 INDUCTION COIL 8 AND COIL-MAKING. thick. It can either__be_jiirchased^ oomT^lp+o Large Rhumkorff Coil. The special York, possess^ ondary windin purpose of red adjacent layer of the seconda used as an ev^ 1 1 1 t L t^ ii tl ta in G. HI of cc national a] Tropp a 1 celJent qi ^ steJ kind] ^ niensions ^ r *o be ta ' about 450 consists of The seconda.. lbs. of No. 36^ than 150 miles, "ne coils of Mr n . , ""^ obtaining a ii^^? ""'^ Nation. HeT. r^^'^P"- n B. TROPp. SPABK COILS, 111 The Secondary, The secondary consists of 12 lbs. No. 36 silk-covered copper wire, wound on in 96 sections or flat rings. It is laid on in a curved fashion, as shown, so as to accord with the direction of the lines of force of the magnetised iron core. The lines of force run somewhat as shown in Fig. 99, from which it will be seen that by winding more towards the centre of the magnet the greatest amount of induction is obtained. The insulating discs between the different sections are formed of paraffined paper, after the manner first employed by " Inductorium" in 1870. They consist of four layers of some unglazed paper placed in a dish of melted paraffin wax, and allowed to thoroughly saturate, and then removed to drain and cool. While in the wax they should be pressed with the end of a glass rod to squeeze out any air bubbles that may be between them. Out of the 4-ply sheets so formed must be cut 192 circular discs, 7 J inches in diameter, and having a 2f-inch hole in the centre. These being cut out and the wire for the secondary got ready to hand, we can now pass on to Fig. 99. — magnetic field of coil. 112 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. Winding the Sections. To wind the sections a section- winding apparatus, as shown in Fig. 100, will be required. This consists of a spindle a, carrying at the left-hand end a fixed metal disc h, 7 J inches in diameter, and having opposite it a similar one c, which is movable and can be clamped up to it by the nut c?. Between the two discs is a movable collar, of which three Fig. 100. — section-winder. sizes should be made, each slightly larger than the pre- ceding one. Thus, when one of these collars is placed between the two discs and the nut run up, a thin flat space is formed which, if wound up with wire, will form the wire into a thin flat ring with a hole in the centre, this hole being of sufficient size to allow the ring to slip over the ebonite tube. It is in this manner the sections are formed and slipped on one after the other and joined up together. The SPARK COILS, 113 spindle is rotated by means of a band between the pulleys / and g. To wind the sections, first the coil of wire which is to feed the section-winder a, must be fixed on some such stand as shown at c in Fig. 101. From this the wire passes to the tin dish 6, filled with paraffin wax, kept hot by the spirit lamp seen beneath. The wire passes under a glass rod fixed in the centre of the dish so as to cause the wire to pass through the wax and become thoroughly impregnated with it. From Fig. 101. — WINDING the sections. the rod it passes direct to the section- winder, which is rotated by the handle seen on the right-hand side, the wire being guided on by letting it slide through a small piece of rag at a point midway between the dish and the winder. It will be noticed on looking at Fig. 98 that the sections as they approach the bobbin-cheeks have a wider opening in the centre, the space between the inside of the section and the tube being filled in with paraffin wax. The reason of this is because the tension of the secondary coil is greatest at its 1 114 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING, ends, and extra precautions are thus necessary at these points to prevent the thickness of the tube being pierced by a spark. It is to form these larger openings in some of the sections that the three different size loose collars for the section winder are required. Before winding the sections it is well to pencil on the illustration the number of each section, starting, let us say, from the left-hand bobbin -cheek, so that we can mark each section as it is wound with the number of the section to which it corresponds. We then remove the top spindle of section- winder and insert a collar that will give us the required diameter of opening for that particular section we are going to wind, and bolt the whole firmly together by the nut. The movable collar prevents the two discs going up close and the thickness of the collar is such that when screwed up together the distance between the inside edges of the metal discs is just under ^ih. of an inch. The end of the wire is then passed through a hole in the disc and the space between the discs wound up to the required diameter shown for that disc. The handle can be turned as rapidly as possible, consistent with feeding the wire on without breaking it, as it is unnecessary, even if it were possible, to wind on the wire in even layers ; it must be allowed to find its own level. As soon as the section is wound the top spindle must be removed from the winder and the disc arranged so as to be in a horizontal position. The nut is then removed and the top metal disc carefully lifted off It will now be possible with a knife to detach the wound section from the winder and lay it fiat on the table, the whole process being done very carefully and gently. The section will then present the appearance of a flat ring stuck together by reason of the paraffin wax which still adhered to the wire when wound on. The inside end of the section protrudes from the hole in the centre while the outside end passes up over the top. As each section is removed from the winder one of the paraffined-paper discs is placed each side BPAEK COILS. 115 and smootlied on to it by ironing it with a warm flat iron ; when one side is done, the section being turned over and similarly ironed on the other side. In this manner the whole 96 sections are wound, winding those required for the centre portion of the secondary fuller, as in the illustration. It is not necessary to alter the size of each section quite so gradually as shown in the drawing ; if changed every sixth section it will be less tedious and just as efficient. When the sections are all completed they must be joined together in pairs, the two inside ends being con- nected as shown in Fig. 92. This will cause each pair to form a continuous spiral, so that when all the pairs are put on the bobbin the winding will be in the same direction throughout its length. Great care must be exercised in joining up these pairs not to join an inside end to an outside, otherwise the two sections will oppose one another. A glance at Fig. 92 will make this clear. Care must also be taken to join such pairs as will make the secondary, when all the sections are put on, have the form shown in Fig. 98. In joining the sections in pairs, first lay one section on the table and carefully place another one on the top of it. Having cut off all superfluous wire from the two inside ends, carefully scrape and solder them together with a small soldering iron, using resin as a flux. Make as thin and small a joint as possible, and when soldered it must be carefully pushed just between the insulating paraffined paper discs and covered with paraffin. A warm iron should then be taken and the two sections gently smoothed together. After all the sections have been joined in pairs each pair of sections should be separately tested by sliding them one at a time over the ebonite tube containing the primary, and comparing the spark obtained from each pair when a current is sent through the primary and the circuit is made and broken by hand. Any pair of sections that fails to give a spark up to the average obtained from the rest must be inspected, and if I 2 116 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. not able to be put right a new pair must be wound to re- place it. This test should be very carefully applied as it will quickly find out any faulty or improperly connected sections. Presuming we have tested all the sections and obtained good results we can pass on to Completing the Secondanj. Having arranged the pairs of sections (there will be 48 pairs in all) on the table in the proper order they should go on, support the primary and tube in a vertical position so that it rests on the left-hand ebonite bobbin-cheek, which must be secured in its correct place along the tube by a little shellac varnish. The right-hand bobbin-cheek is not, of course, put on until all the sections have been passed over the tube. The tube being properly supported in a vertical position, the pairs of sections are then slipped on one after the other in their correct order, as shown in Fig. 98. As each pair of sections are put on they must be arranged centrally over the tube and the space between the tube and inside of the section run in with hot paraffin wax until quite full, when it must be allowed to thoroughly set. The wax keeps the sections centrally on the tube and makes an additional thick- ness of insulation between the primary and secondary, though its main object is to prevent the secondary from sparking from section to section along the surface of the tube by forming a continuous layer of paraffin wax. The wax for this purpose must be very hot, and carefully poured in so as to cause it to penetrate into every little ci ack. When one pair of sections is cool and set, another must be added, pressed well down against the underneath pair, and served in the same manner, and so on until all are put on, after which the bobbin-cheek is put on and secured in its place. The outside ends of all the sections must then be joined SPARK COILS. 117 together, soldered, and the joints pushed down into one of the sections, previously slitting down, however, for an eighth of an inch with a sharp knife, the dividing disc between the two sections to be joined so as to allow the wire to pass. When all the wires are carefully joined up, the coil must be laid on its side and a complete wrapping of thick paraffined paper firmly tied round outside the secondary, the edges of the paper not meeting by a quarter of an inch, but fitting nicely between the bobbin-cheeks. Melted paraffin wax must then be poured in along the slot till all the vacant space above the wire in each section is filled, and a solid jacket of paraffin wax thus cast over the secondary. This must first be allowed to thoroughly cool and harden, after which a wrapping or two of paraffin-paper may be put round as a finishing layer. The surface of this may be finished ofi" either with a wrapping of thin sheet ebonite or a layer of black thread served afterwards with a coat of varnish. The Contact- Br eaher. This is of the improved form devised by Mr. Apps, and used in his well-known coils. It consists of the upright spring b, carrying the soft iron hammer-head a, which works through the opening in the end of the tube as shown. This spring is screwed to a massive brass foot i, which in turn is bolted to the top portion of the wood base by the nut and bolt shown. Behind the spring is the upright standard c, carrying the heavy contact-screw e, and back-nut d. The front of the contact-screw has a substantial platinum point which makes contact with the platinum point on the back of the hammer-head. Through a bone bush g, in the bottom of the standard, passes a brass rod fitted at one end with the milled ebonite disc h, and at the other working in a threaded hole in the foot i. It will thus be seen that according to the direction in which the disc h is turned, so the spring and 118 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING, liammer-liead are forced towards or away from the contact- screw. The action of the contact-breaker is as follows : — The greater the pressure there exists between the hammer- head and the contact-screw the more completely must the iron core of the coil be magnetised before it has sufficient power to attract it and thus break the circuit. Moreover, as soon as it is thoroughly magnetised the circuit is very suddenly broken. By varying the pressure of the spring by means of the disc ^, it will be seen that the interruptions can be accomplished either when the core is slightly mag- netised or very strongly magnetised only. To get the best results from a spark coil it is necessary that the core be fully magnetised before the circuit is broken, and when broken it should be done instantly. This form of contact- breaker allows, it will be seen, a ready adjustment to this end. It is not an easy matter with an automatic contact- breaker to get the best results from a coil of this size ; in fact if the object is to get the longest possible sparks from the coil, it will be found advantageous to rig up a temporary hand-break for the occasion and cut out the automatic break, which can easily be done by screwing up the contact-screw. The Condenser. The condenser, which is contained within the base (though not shown in the figure), consists of 60 sheets of tin foil, 12 inches by 8, interleaved with sheets of paraffined paper as previously described ; the whole is afterwards well pressed together and clamped between two thin boards. The con- nections to the two parts of the contact-breaker from the condenser consist of sheet foil rolled up into a strip of six thicknesses, soldered at one end to the foil and clamped at the other underneath the nuts of the contact-breaker. For those who like to ascertain for themselves experimentally the best size condenser for the coil, this can easily be done SPARK COILS. 119 by gradually adding more sheets to the condenser while the coil is working, watching the spark at the terminals of the secondary until a point is reached where the addition of more sheets is not accompanied by any increase in the length of the spark. It is preferable in most instances when making a coil, to find out exjperimentally, as described above, the best size of condenser to employ, taking care that the normal battery-power that will be employed is used. Finishing off the Coil. All being completed the final mounting up may now be done, and finishing touches given the coil. The bobbin is placed in its supports and the supports screwed to the top part of the base by four substantial screws. The contact- breaker must then be correctly mounted in its place, the condenser inserted inside the base and connected up, after which the bottom part of the base is screwed down. The primary terminals must be fixed at the most convenient place, which will be found to be on the right-hand side of the contact-breaker, looking at the coil from the contact- breaker end. A commutator or current-reverser will be found a great convenience, and if it is desired to add one this can be placed close to the primary terminals. The bobbin is not placed quite centrally of the base, but slightly to one side so as to make room for the two ebonite dis- charging pillars, on the top of which are mounted the secondary terminals after the manner shown in Fig. 96. The wires from the secondary to the terminals on the pillars hang, it will be seen, in mid-air, but are enclosed in a piece of indiarubber tube, the inside of which is run in with paraffin wax, care being taken to see that a good union is made with the wax on the coil. With two or three large cells (Bunsen, Grove, chromic acid, Edison-Lalande or accumulators) giving about 12 120 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. amperes in the primary circuit, a spark 12 inches in length is easily to be obtained from this coil. Should good results not be obtained with the automatic contact-breaker after re- peatedly trying to adjust it, a hand make-and-break should be temporarily substituted to ascertain whether the fault is with the contact-breaker or not. If sparks of the full length are then obtained it is evident the contact-breaker is at fault, which must be carefully inspected and altered. Ajpjp's noted SparJc Coils, The palm for constructing large spark coils must un- doubtedly be awarded to Mr. Alfred Apps, whose mag- nificent productions cannot fail to elicit the admiration of all who have had the pleasure of seeing these monsters at work. His most notable production is the famous Spottis- woode coil, of which an illustration and description are given on p. 123. Another coil, also equally well known, and perhaps one which many of my readers may have had an opportunity of seeing, if not in the vigour of its youth no doubt in its old age, when its sparking capabilities had somewhat fallen off owing to a slight break-down in its insulation, is the Polytechnic one. This coil, although it gave a magnificent spark of 29 inches, sinks into insignificance beside the bpottiswoode, which produced sparks 42 inches long. Mr. Apps' method is to wind his secondary sectionally, dividing it into a large number of small sections and fre- quently to separate these into four large sections, as in the case of the Spottiswoode coil. The primary is placed inside a massive ebonite tube (J inch thick in the Polytechnic coil) and the insulating discs between are also of ebonite. The core and primary project beyond the ends of the secondary while the tube projects beyond the core so as to completely enclose it after the manner described for the coil on p. 109, SPARK COILS. 121 Much of Mr. Apps' success in coil constructing, however, is no doubt due to the skill he has acquired and large ex[)erience he has gained during ■ the years he has applied himself so assiduously to the production of these monster coils. The Polytechnic Coil, The core of this wonderful coil was composed of No. 16 iron wire, its total length being 5 feet, its diameter 4 inches and weight 123 lbs. The primary consisted of 600 turns (3770 yards) of '095 copper wire and had a resistance of 2*2 ohms. This primary was enclosed in an ebonite tube 8 feet long and ^ inch thick, centrally of which was placed the secondary, consisting of 150 miles (606 lbs.) of -014 silk-covered copper wire, the whole secondary occupying a space along the tube of 54 inches. When completed the secondary bobbin was 2 feet in diameter, and 4 feet 10 inches in length, over all dimensions. With a battery of 40 large Bunsen cells the coil gave secondary sparks 29 inches long and would pierce blocks of glass 5 inches in thickness. Eeferring to the break-down of this coil Mr. Paul Ward, who, under Mr. Apps' personal directions, had the con- struction of it entrusted to him, sent to the English Mechanic in 1886, in answer to the enquiries of a correspondent, the following interesting particulars : — " The Polytechnic coil broke down twice, but from no fault in the principle of construction. The first of these failures (and this is, I think, the only time that the causes have been made public, and I am glad to afiford this infor- mation in justice to its designer) was due to some experi- ments made by Professor Pepper, in using a too small part of the condenser, which was made in ten sections. The extra spark, or induced current in the primary itself could 122 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING, not find sufficient capacity in the small condenser, at that moment being used, and it found circuit by breaking from one layer of the primary to another. This soon got worse the more the coil was used, and eventually there was a complete short circuit in the primary, caused by melted spicula of copper bridging across the two contiguous layers. This was repaired, and the coil worked as well as ever. The second break-down was of a more serious nature, and consisted in the piercing of the primary tube. It must be remembered that this huge masterpiece weighed nearly a ton, and it required special means and intelligent adminis- tration in moving such a monster. But owing, I am sorry to say, to the parsimony of the directors of the Polytechnic, they did not avail themselves of these two most necessary elements to success. They elected to move it themselves, and, owing to an enormous undue strain being put on the primary tube in so doing, it was either cracked incipiently or so weakened that when they separated the terminals a certain distance, through went a spark. This time, how- ever, the damage was repaired by Mr. Apps, which, I am sure, every one who knows anything of the almost insur- mountable difficulties of withdrawing the old tube and putting in a new one without damaging the ponderous and delicate secondary, will admit was a triumph of mechanical skill. The last time I saw the coil was in the Loan Collec- tion at South Kensington. With regard to the proportion of length of spark to the length of body, this is no matter for surprise, considering that the thickness of the secondary was not of that diameter to get the maximum length of spark. All who witnessed the thickness of the secondary flame, for flame it really was, could not fail to be impressed by the enormous quantity ; and in support of this I may add that three sparks from it were sufficient to charge twelve 9-gallon Leyden jars to saturation." SPARK COILS. 123 The Sjpoitiswoode Coil. In the Philosophical Magazine of January 1887 there appeared this well-known description of Apps' monster coil by the owner himself, the late Mr. Spottiswoode, of Seven- oaks, which cannot be better reproduced than in his own words. " The general appearance of the instrument is represented in Fig. 102, from which it is seen that the coil is supported by two massive pillars of wood, sheathed with gutta-percha and filled in towards their upper extremities with paraffin wax. Besides these two main supports, a third, capable of being raised or lowered by means of a screw, is placed in the centre, in order to prevent any bending of the great 124 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKINO. superincumbent mass. The whole stands on a mahogany- frame resting on casters. The coil is furnished with two primaries, either of which may be used at pleasure. Either may be replaced by the other by two men in the course of a few minutes. The one to be used for long sparks, and indeed for most experi- ments, has a core consisting of a bundle of iron wires, each •032 inches thick, and forming together a solid cylinder 44 inches in length and 3*5625 inches in diameter, has a conductivity of 93 per cent., and offers a total resistance of 2*3 ohms. It contains 1344 turns, wound singly in six layers, has a total length of 42 inches, with an internal diameter of 3*75 inches, and an external of 4*75 inches. The total weight of this wire is 55 lbs. " The other primary, which is intended to be used with batteries of greater surface, e.g. for the production of short thick sparks, or for spectroscopic purposes, has a core of iron wires -032 inches thick, forming a solid cylinder 44 inches long and 3 • 8125 inches in diameter. The weight of this core is 92 lbs. The copper wire is similar to that in the primary first described, but it consists of 504 yards wound in double strand, forming three pairs of layers whose resistances are •181, '211 ohm respectively. Its length is 42 inches, its external diameter 5 • 5 inches, and its internal 4 inches. Its weight is 84 lbs. By a somewhat novel arrangement these three layers may be used either in series as a wire of •192- inch thickness, or coupled together in threes as one of •576- inch thickness. It should, however, be added that, owing to the enormous strength of current which this is capable of carrying, and to the highly insulated secondary coil being possibly overcharged so as to fuse the wire, this larger primary is best adapted for use with secondary condensers of large surface, for spectrum-analysis, and for experiments with vacuum tubes in which it is desirable to produce a great volume of light of high intensity, as well as of long SPARK COILS, duration at a single discharge. The alternate discharges and flaming sparks can also be best produced by this primary. It has been used for high-tension sparks to 34 inches in air, the battery being 10 cells of Grove's, witb platinum plates 6i inches by 3 inches. Great facilities for the use of dif- ferent sets of batteries are afforded by the division of this primary into three separate circuits, to be used together or separately, and by a suitable arrangement of automatic contact-breakers the primary currents may be made to follow- in a certain order as to time, duration and strength, with effects which, when observed in the revolving mirror, will doubtless lead to important results in the study of striae in vacuum tubes. " The secondary consists of no less than 280 miles of wire, forming a cylinder 37*5 inches in length, 20 inches in ex- ternal and 9 • 5 inches in internal diameter. Its conductivity is 94 per cent., and its total resistance is equal to 110,200 ohms. The whole is wound in four sections, the diameter of the wire used for the two central sections being '0095 inch, and those of the two external being *0015 inch and •0110 inch respectively. The object of the increased thick- ness towards the extremities of the coil was to provide for the accumulated charge which that portion of the wire has to carry. " Each of these sections was wound in flat discs, and the average number of layers in each disc is about 200, varying, however, with the different sizes of wire, &c. The total number of turns in the secondary is 341,850. The great length of wire necessary can be easily understood from the fact that near the exterior diameter of the coil a single t'trn exceeds 5 feet in length. The spark, it is believed, is due to the number of turns of wire rather than to its len2:th, suitable insulation being preserved throughout the entire length. In order to en.Nure success the layers were care- fully tested separately and then in sets, and the results 126 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. noted for comparison. In this way it was hoped that, step by step, safe progress would be made. As an extreme test as many as 70 cells of Grove's have been used with no damage whatever to the insulation. " The condenser required for this coil proved to be much smaller than might at first have been expected. After a variety of experiments it appeared that the most suitable size was that usually employed by the same maker with a 10-inch spark coil, viz. 126 sheets of tin foil, 18 inches by 8*25 inches in surface, separated by two thicknesses measuring -Oil inch. The whole contains 252 sheets of paper, 19 inches by 9 inches in surface. " Using the smaller primary this coil gave, with five quart cells of Grove's, a spark of 28 inches, with 10 similar cells, one of 35 inches, and with 30 such cells one of 37*5 inches, and, subsequently, one of 42 inches. As these sparks were obtained without difficulty, it appears not improbable that if the insulation of the ends of the secondary were carried further than at present a still longer spark might be obtained. But special adaptations would be required for such an experiment, the spark of 42 inches already so much exceeding the length of the secondary coil. " When the discharging points are placed about an inch apart, a flowing discharge is obtained both at making and at breaking the primary circuit. The sound which accom- panies this discharge implies that it is intermittent, the time and current spaces of which have not as yet been determined. "With a 28-inch spark, produced by five quart cells, a block of fiint glass 3 inches in thickness was in some instances pierced, in others both pierced and fractured, the fractured pieces being invariably flint glass. If we may estimate from this result, the 42-inch spark would be capable of piercing a block 6 inches in thickness. " When used for vacuum tubes this coil gives illumination SPARK COILS. 127 of extreme brilliancy and very long duration; with 20 to 30 cells and a slow-working mercury break, giving, say, 80 sparks per minute, the striae last long enough for their forward and backward motion to be perceived directly by the unassisted eye. The appearance of the striae when observed in a revolving mirror was unprecedently vivid, and this even when only two or three cells were employed. " Further experiments have shown that with such large coils only the newly-discovered effects of very high tem- perature combustion or volatilisation can be produced. On exciting the primary of the coil with a suitable dynamo- electric machine or battery, and using a large Leyden jar in the secondary circuit (according to Sir William Grove's experiment), the electrical discharge passing between elec- trodes placed before the slit of the spectroscope, lines and bands may be observed to advance and recede according to the variations made in the magnitude of the exciting dis- charges. As the atmospheric pressure may be assumed to remain constant, these effects are probably due to differences of temperature arising from the action of a greater or smaller extent of electrical effects on the electrodes in a given time." In the English Mechanic of 1886, Mr. Paul Ward gives a description of some further effects produced by this coil as follows : — " In conducting some experiments for the late Mr. Spottis- woode on ' The Electric Discharge in Vacuo,' it occurred simultaneously to that gentleman and myself that it would be possible to work an induction coil without a contact- breaker and without a condenser by means of a powerful alternating current sent through the primary of such an in- strument. This we found to be possible, and the effects obtained were truly prodigious. " The equality of discharge between the poles of the secon- dary was remarkable, as evidenced by placing a vacuum tube, giving well-developed striae, in the secondary circuit. 128 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. The appearance was one of great beauty, the tube in question being filled with a double set of pearl-like striae of 2 inches diameter, devoid of all motion, for they were as steady as a rock. This was caused by the rapidly alternating discharges from the secondary, and was very fine as a spectacle .... It may be of some interest to your readers that I quote from Mr. Spottiswoode's description of the appearance pro- duced by the excitation of an induction coil by an alternate current, sent through the primary of such an instrument. " ' The spark from this machine (a coil excited by a De Meritens machine) presented an unusually thick yellow flame, and it was accompanied by a hissing noise, different from that commonly heard with a coil excited by a battery. As the machine gives alternate currents, the secondary dis- charge presents sparks of equal length in both directions, and the general appearance to the eye is symmetrical in respect of both terminals. The spark was observed in a revolving mirror, first in a vertical, and secondly in a horizontal direction ; the discharge, although apparently continuous, was immediately seen to be intermittent, with a period in unison with that of the exciting machine. Tongues of flame, leading alternately from one terminal and from the other, crossed the field of view. . . . When the length was increased to 2 inches, flashes or bands of con- tinuous light were seen to traverse the field of view in diagonals of low slope (i. e. nearly horizontal), showing that there were masses of heated material passing from time to time at a moderate velocity between the terminals. " * From the known period of the machine, and the number of discharges crossed by these flashes in their passage from terminal to terminal, it was calculated that the time of passag^e was about '03 of a second. Occasionally there was a still brighter flash of meteor, which similarly traversed the field, but with a velocity apparently of about double that of the others.' SPABK COILS. 129 " These rapidly alternating discharges," Mr. Ward con- tinues, " though very fine as a spectacle, were unsuited for the investigation of the laws which Mr. Spottiswoode estab- lished relative to the nature and behaviour of a discharge in a rarefied atmosphere. The two sets bothered us. We wanted only one set, and I was asked to devise an instrument for stopping, or shunting off*, one of these alternate sets of currents." An ingenious piece of apparatus Mr. Ward devised for this purpose, to which he gave the name of " Electric Valve," and the writer's only regret is that space will not permit its reproduction here. Those of my readers, however, who wish for a full description and illustrations of it are referred to the English Mechanic of March 26, 1886. 130 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. CHAPTER VL EXPERIMENTS WITH SPARK COILS. Perhaps no other atnnsement for a winter's evening is so much enjoyed by the amateur coil-maker as that of experi- menting with his newly-constructed coil. A large number of experiments are capable of being performed with a good spark coil, while the performing of these experiments and endeavouring to find out fresh ones is a pastime of great interest. In carrying out these experiments the coil should not be less than f-inch spark, while if it is 1 J, 2 or 3 inches the better will be the performance of the experiments and the greater the interest attached to them. Of course these large spark coils must not be handled carelessly, and great caution must be exercised by the operator not to get included in the path of the discharge, otherwise unpleasant and perhaps fatal results may occur. The primary circuit should always be interrupted when obliged to adjust in the neighbourhood of the secondary terminals, and all adjust- ments that must be made while the coil is in operation should be done by means of a glass rod held in the hand. If the coil has not a discharger already fixed on the base it will be advisable to make one, as shown in Fig. 29, p. 41, as the experiments can by this means be more conveniently performed. On starting the contact-breaker and adjusting the one point of the discharger towards the other, a rapid flow of sparks will take place between the points, the spark being EXPERIMENTS WITH SPARK COILS. 131 short, thick and reddish when the points are close together, and thin, bhiish-white and less frequent when far apart. The red spark, when the two points are close together, is the spark most suitable for igniting such substances as it ig possible to ignite with a coil. Vacuum Tubes. Experiments with vacuum tubes are those most frequently carried out with spark coils and are certainly the most beautiful. Vacuum tubes, first devised by Giessler, of Bonn, are thin glass tubes variously shaped and provided Figs. 103, 104. — vacuum tubes. with a metal connection at each end, which connections pro- ject a short way into the tube. The tubes are then partially exhausted or filled with different gases and hermetically sealed. On connecting up these tubes to the ends of the secondary coil and starting the contact-breaker a beautiful discharge takes place, completely filling the tube with a luminous glow. The tubes are not completely exhausted, as the spark will not pass in a vacuum, any more than it would if the tube was filled with air ; it is necessary to have a rarefied medium of some description. Figs. 103 and 104 show two of the more common forms of vacuum tubes which, it will readily be understood, must K 2 132 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. be carefully handled to avoid breakage. A very convenient method in which they can be connected to the coil is shown in Fig. 105. The colour of the luminous effects obtained is varied both by filling the tubes with different gases and also by using glass with metallic oxides in its composition. Thus nitrogen gas inside the Fig. 107. tube will give a rose colour, while if the glass has oxide of uranium in it a bright green colour will be the result. Compound vacuum tubes are tubes which, owing to the intricacy of their design, are extremely fragile and are therefore enclosed in a second outer tube of glass, as in Figs. 106 and 107, which Fig. 106. Fig. 108.— compound vacuum tube. Fig. 109. — ^vacuum tube rotator. show the vertical and horizontal form. The horizontal form shown in Fig. 107, when it has letters inside, is known as a EXPERIMENTS WITH SPARK COILS. 133 motto tube. Tubes are also made of the shape shown in Fig. 108, when they are known as (J -shape or double-branch tubes. A very fine efiect can be obtained by placing in a vacuum rotator any of the simple form of tubes and lighting them up while they are turning round, thus giving the appearance of a wheel of flame. These vacuum tube rotators are made to be operated either by hand or a small electro-motor, one of this latter form being shown in Fig. 109. Altering Length and Character of the Sparh^ The length and character of the spark obtained between the ends of the secondary can be influenced in a great number of ways. Hold a lighted match or candle just below the spark and it will be found that the length of the spark can be enor- mously increased by widening the gap, while, moreover, the spark will assume a deep violet colour. The increased length of spark thus obtained is due to the heated air being a better conductor. Again, place the candle on one side of the sparks and it will be found that sparks will be diverted slightly out of their course in order to pass through the flame. Place the candle right between the points of the discharger so that the sparks must pass through the flame and the sparks will become of vivid brightness. Kaise the candle slightly so that the sparks pass round the wick and they will become of a blue character. Blacken the points of the dis- charger so that they are covered with lamp-black, and on bringing the points close together the black points will be rendered incandescent. The spark is easily pushed out of its course, as it were, by any non-conductor, as may be seen as follows : — Separate the points of the discharger to a medium distance, and then, while the sparks ar@ passing slowly, insert the edge of a 134 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. slieet of glass or piece of bone, wood, &c., and the sparks will be seen to bend round the edge of the glass. If a piece of paper is inserted the spark will be seen to pierce the paper, and on holding the punctured part up to a strong light there will be seen to be two holes side by side as if there had been a double spark. Action of Sparhs on Metal Filings^ dc. Grind down to a fine powder some mixed steel and copper filings and place them on a piece of wood or ebonite on which the two points of the discharger are resting. The sparks will then be seen to pass in all directions, fusing particles of the metal here and there and acquiring a red colour. Clear away the filings and substitute some fine non-conducting powder such as crystallised gallic acid, and as soon as the sparks commence the particles of powder will be seen to be in motion. The particles will seem as though blown away from one point of the discharger until a division is made across the mass of powder to the other point. Ignition Experiments, Hydrogen gas can easily be ignited by the spark, as can easily be seen by arranging the two points of the discharger so that the sparks pass across the top of a gas-burner. 1 ^^>Hi . Gun-cotton, gunpowder, lycopodium and phosphorus can also similarly be ignited by the sparks, to do which they must be placed on a glass plate or marble slab and the ends of the discharger brought rather close together. The gun- powder must be finely ground for this experiment and the ycopodium dusted on some cotton wool. A fuse, such as is used for firing charges of gunpowder or gun-cotton, can easily be made as follows: — Make a smaL' paper tube just large enough to slip over the ends of two gutta-percha-covered wires, twisting the one round the other, EXPERIMENTS WITH SPABK COILS. 135 and the ends of the wire being bared of their insulation for -jig-th of an inch. Bend these bared ends so that they come within |th of an inch of one another, and then fill in the tube with fin-e gunpowder, taking care that it falls in well between the points of the wires. The end of the fuse must then be closed with a little sealing-wax, taking the pre- caution, however, of inserting a wad of paper first. If the ends of the secondary are connected to the two free ends of the wire the fuse will go off with a loud report and fire any gunpowder or gun-C(;tton in which it is placed. Gun-cotton can of course be used in the fuse instead of gunpowder, or a mixture of chlorate of potash, phosphide of copper and sul- phide of copper, as in Abel's fuse. Experiments with Water and other Fluids. Sparks can be made to pass through water by taking two gutta-percha-covered wires, as explained for the fuse, and twisting them together so that the ends are ^ inch apart. Plunge these ends into a glass of water, the other ends being connected on to the discharger, and the spark will be seen still to pass between the ends of the wire. If one of the wires from the discharger be placed in a glass of water and the other brought close to the surface, sparks will be seen to pass between the point of the dis- charger and the water. If a drop of water is placed on a slab of marble or sheet of glass and the points of the dis- charger brought close on each side of it the sparks will be seen to pass over or round the edge of the water. Substitute a drop of oil for the water and the oil will quickly appear to work into a state of effervescence. If the drop of water be placed on an ebonite plate and smeared over its surface, when the two points of the discharger are made to touch the wetted surface the spark will assume a twisted shape and be capable of being made very much longer. 136 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. Detonating Plane and Ley den Jars, Leyden jars can readily be charged by a spark coil, to do which one point of the discharger must be placed in contact with the outer covering of the jar while the other is directed towards the brass nob and sparks allowed to pass. In place of a Leyden jar a detonating plane can be employed, which consists of a sheet of good glass, 12 to 18 inches square, on both sides of which are stuck, by means of some shellac varnish, a sheet of tin foil, leaving a margin of ^ inch of glass all round. When one point of the discharger is placed against one sheet of tin foil and the other against the oppo- site one, a bright spark will pass from one sheet to the other, accompanied by a loud report as soon as the sheets become sufficiently charged. 137 CHAPTER VII. BATTERIES FOR COIL WORKING. For working induction coils tlie most suitable batteries are the Bunsen, bichromate, Edison-Lalande, Leclanche and dry batteries. The most important points in an ideal battery for coil working are constancy, small space, light weight and cleanliness, but since no battery fulfils all these conditions we must select from those above the form best suited to the particular work we have in hand. Batteries for Medical Coils and Galvanisation, The batteries best suited for this purpose are dry batteries, Leclanche, bichromate and the Edison-Lalande. Dry Batteries, These are chiefly employed for portable sets where, of course, a battery that is free from the slopping and spilling of acids is a great desideratum. Of course it is now generally understood that all so-called dry batteries are in reality moist, and dry only in comparison with batteries in which liquids are freely used. The exciting composition is in the form of a paste or jelly, the viscidity of which varies with the temperature, and once the composition of this jelly became generally known, innumerable forms of dry batteries sprang into existence. The various makes are 138 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. almost identical in their construction, so one make only is shown, viz. Burnley's cell, as made by the General Electric Company, two forms of which are figured in Figs. 110 and 111. The containing case is of zinc, and forms the one element, while the other consists of a carbon plate, the intervening space between the two elements being filled with the exciting paste. The top of the cell is run in with melted pitch, and Figs. 110, 111. — dry batteeie the outside of the zinc case pasted round with paper. A wire is soldered on to the zinc case as a connection from the one pole, the carbon pole being bored and fitted with a terminal, as shown. Since the outer case forms one of the poles, it is necessary to see, when setting up a battery, that the difi'erent cells do not touch one another. For this reason it is usual to divide up the battery box by means of wood partitions, so that a division is provided for each cell, though BATTERIES FOR COIL WORKING. 139 some makers supply with their batteries a special cardboard containing box, into which the cell is slipped, and thus kept, not only from contact with its neighbours, but also with the ground. Fig. 110 shows the square form of this cell, which is made only in one size, viz., 6 by 4J by 2^ inches, and owing to its shape occupies a minimum of space consistent with its large power. Its internal resistance is '30 of an ohm, the E. M. F. being, of course, 1*55 for all sizes. Fig. Ill shows the round form, of which four sizes are made, No. 1 being 8 inches in height, 3^ in diameter, and has a resistance of • 35 of an ohm, while No. 2 is 7 inches high, 2 J in diameter, with an internal resistance of • 70 of an ohm ; No. 3 is 5f inches high, 2 inches in diameter, and has a resistance of • 85 ohms ; and No. 4 is 4J inches high hj 1\ in diameter, and has a resistance of about 1 ohm. Dry batteries, when exhausted, may be recuperated by passing a current of 1 to 2 amperes for an hour or so through the [cell the reverse way, though the best way is to return them to the manufacturers who will usually exchange them for new ones at a slight charge. Leclanche Batteries. Leclanche batteries are now too well known to need any description, save to point out which forms are most suitable for coil working. The No. 2 size is the one most frequently employed, and the agglomerate block (see Fig. 112) having a lower resistance than the porous pot form, is capable of giving the most powerful results. Whether porous pot or agglo- merate block form be used, however, they should, if required for a portable set, be sealed across the top to prevent spilling the liquid. The proper charge for the No. 2 size agglomerate cell is 3 oz. of sal-ammoniac, and water must be poured in up to the blackened part of the glass jar. Some persons prefer to use a 140 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL^MAKING. stronger solution, but this is not recommended, as, with a saturated solution, trouble from a creeping of the salts arises. For working large coils where the battery is only required for short periods with long intervals, the six-block agglom- erate-cell, as shown in Fig. 113, will be found very convenient. It consists of a zinc cylinder, inside which is a grooved carbon rod, each groove being fitted with manganese blocks, and the Figs. 112, 113. — leclanche batteries. blocks kept in contact with the rod by a wrapping of sack- cloth and two elastic bands. The cell has a very low resist- ance ( • 03 of an ohm) and once set up will last for years with occasional use. For a more detailed description of the Leclanche battery the reader is referred to ' Practical Electric-Bell Fitting/ where a full description will be found. BATTEBIES FOB COIL WOBKING. 141 Bichromate Batteries. The bottle form of bichromate battery (Fig. 114) has long been a favourite battery for working, not only small medical and shock coils, but also for spark coils of somewhat large dimensions. The zinc rod being capable of being quickly and easily removed from the solution, which has thus not to be poured out, makes the cell a very convenient one, while, taking into account its high E. M. F. and low resistance com- FlGS. 114, 115. — BICHROMATE BATTERIES. pared to its small size, it is easy to see why, where some- what strong currents are required, this cell is always selected. These cells are made in three sizes, the half-pint, pint and quart. When the battery is required to occupy a small space, such as when fitted in a portable set, the form of bichromate cell generally used is shown in Fig. 115. It consists of a small, square-shaped, glass containing jar, into the top of which 142 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. are fitted the two carbon and one zinc plates, after the manner employed in the bottle form, the zinc being similarly- removable by lifting up the knob (10) of the brass rod. The brass pieces 8 and 9 are the connecting pieces for the coil, and swing round so that the hooked portions fit on to the terminals. The square ebonite top of the cell is usually let in flush with the woodwork of the case, so that only the top is thus visible. Bichromate batteries are now usually charged with a chromic acid solution, the crystals for making which can be purchased in tins and bottles, so that all that is necessary is to dissolve the crystals in water and the solution is ready. For a bichromate of potash solution the proportions are as follows : — Bichromate of potash 6 oz. Water (hot) 2 pts. Sulphuric acid .. 6 oz. The E. M. F. of the bichromate battery is 1 • 9 volt. The Edison-Lalande Battery, It is only quite recently that the Edison-Lalande battery has attracted much attention in this country. It is an im- provement by that great inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, on the Lalande-Chaperon battery, and has so many good points that, when better known and its action understood, it must come largely into use. Its most important points are : — 1. Great constancy. 2. Entire freedom from local action when on open circuit. 3. Low internal resistance. The containing jar of the Edison-Lalande battery (see Fig. 116) is of glass, or else white glazed porcelain, and the elements employed are zinc as the positive, and black oxide of copper (CuO) as the negative. The exciting liquid is simply a solution of caustic potash. The oxide of copper is BATTERIES FOB COIL WORKING, 143 obtained by the process of roasting copper-scale, the oxide being afterwards ground into a fine powder and com- pressed into solid blocks. From these blocks plates of a suitable size for the different cells are cut, which are then reduced] on the surface to form a good conductor. These Fig. 116. — edison-lalande battery. plates are suspended from the cover of the containing jar by means of a light framework of copper, one end of this frame- work carrying the terminal for the positive pole of the battery. On each side of the copper element in the larger type of cells (but on one side only in the smaller types) is 144 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. suspended a rolled zinc plate. . The terminal, which is attached to the zinc plate, has an ebonite or vulcanised fibre extension yoke, both ends of which fit closely into the grooved sides of that portion of the copper frame above the cover, to which they are firmly bolted. This prevents any movement in the relative position of the elements, and does away with the necessity of using separators to prevent any short circuits occurring between the elements in the solution. The zincs are amalgamated, and, as in most batteries, the zinc is attacked more vigorously near the top than at the lower part of the plate. The zincs for this cell are made slightly tapering, the thick part being uppermost. The exciting liquid employed in the battery consists, in all types, of 25 per cent, solution of caustic potash in water ; or, in other words, of a solution of one pound of caustic potash in three pounds of water. When the circuit is closed and the cell is put into action, the water is decomposed and the oxygen forms with the zinc oxide of zinc, which in turn combines with the potash to form an exceedingly soluble double salt of zinc and potash that dissolves as rapidly as it is formed, while the hydrogen, liberated by the decomposition of the water, reduces the copper oxide to metallic copper. This reduced copper is of great purity, and can, moreover, if desired, be converted again into copper oxide. The potash is manufactured in sticks, varying in size according to the type of cell, and when the solution is exhausted a renewal is effected by simply placing a stick in the cell and pouring in the requisite quantity of water, A layer of heavy paraffin oil, I inch deep, is poured on top of the solution to exclude the air and prevent creeping. As for inspection and super- vision, it suffices to say that, when once set up, the battery may be left, like the Leclanche, for months together without inspection and without trouble arising from creeping of the solution or noxious fumes. There are three sizes of the Edison-Lalande battery BATTERIES FOR COIL WORKING. 145 commonly employed, size No. 1 having a capacity of 600 ampere hours, the dimensions of the containing-jar being llj X 5J inches. Size No. 2 has a capacity of 300 ampere hours, and the jar is X 3f inches ; while size No. 3 is of 150 ampere hours, and has a jar 5 x 2J inches. For Galvanisation or constant current application, the batteries employed are generally either dry batteries, chloride of silver, or the Edison-Lalande. Batteries for S;parh Coils, For spark coils, of course, a very much stronger current is required to satisfactorily work them than what is necessary for a medical coil : first, because the primary consists of few turns of very thick wire and has a low internal resistance ; and, secondly, because we wish to get from the secondary very much more powerful results. The batteries chiefly employed to work large spark coils are the Bunsen, Grove, bichromate and Edison-Lalande, because all these forms have a very low internal resistance, and, with the exception of the last named, a high electromotive force. The Bunsen Battery. This battery (see Fig. 117) consists of an outer glazed por- celain or stoneware jar, inside which is a cylinder of zinc forming the negative element, while the positive element consists of a carbon rod or bar contained in a porous pot placed inside the zinc cylinder. The exciting solutions are : old method, concentrated nitric acid for the carbon, and sul- phuric acid, 1 part to 10 in water, for the zinc ; new method, saturated solution of nitrate of soda and nitric acid (half in volume), a little bichromate of soda being sometimes added. The zinc is amalgamated, and special brass terminal clamps are provided for each element, as shown in the figure. The L 146 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL'MAKINQ. electromotive force of the Bunsen cell varies from 1*0 to 1 • 9 volts according to the strength of the solutions. The Grove battery differs only from the Bunsen in the negative element, for which a platinised silver plate is sub- stituted for the carbon rod. It is more expensive both in first cost and maintenance, and as its only advantage is a slightly lower internal resistance, of the two the Bunsen cell Fig. 117. — bunsen battery. is generally used in preference. Both batteries give off noxious fumes from the nitric solution in the porous pot, so that it is advisable to place them when in use either outside on the window sill or in a cupboard that has access to the air. The solutions rapidly run down after six or seven hours' work so that it is rarely the same solutions (the positive of which must be poured back into the bottle) are available a BATTEEIES FOR COIL WOBKING, 147 second time, at any rate not if the full power of the cell is required. Bichromate cells, when employed for spark coils, should be of the largest size and preferably of the flat shape, made up into a battery of six cells. The medium size Edison-Lalande battery (300 ampere hour's capacity) is an excellent cell for working large spark coils, especially as after use it can simply be stood on one side till next required. With the Bunsen and Grove batteries it is advisable not only to pour back the solutions but also to thoroughly rinse the different parts and carefully dry the terminals. As regards the number of cells required for working coils, more than two will rarely be required for medical coils, while in most instances one will be sufficient. With spark coils from three to six cells are usually em- ployed, and more if required to increase the length of spark, but it must be borne in mind that with every cell added, after the proper number are connected up, the risk of breaking down the insulation of the secondary increases at a compound rate. 148 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. CHAPTEE VIII. FAULTS IN MEDICAL AND SPARK COILS, Faults or break-downs in coils may be classed under the fol- lowing five heads. The fault may be in — (1) Primary winding, (2) Secondary winding, (3) Connections underneath base, (4) Contact-breaker and terminals, (5) Battery, but wherever it may be, the great thing to be borne in mind is to alter, unwind, or unscrew nothing until perfectly sure in which portion of the coil the fault really is. A strict ob- servance of this rule will oftentimes save a large amount of trouble and expense. Faults in Primary, Faults in tbe primary are generally confined to short circuits or breaks in the wire, and these most frequently occur at the two ends of the winding where they enter and leave the bobbin. If the contact-breaker refuses to act, or works only very feebly (and the battery is in good order), it will usually be found that a short circuit has formed some- where in the primary winding whereby a number of the turns are cut out and the magnetism of the core consequently very feeble. If on testing the core there is found to be absolutely no magnetism and no spark when the battery wire is touched FAULTS IN MEDICAL AND SPARK COILS, 149 momentarily on the primary terminal, it may safely be con- jectured that the primary winding is broken somewhere. If the break in the wire is at one of the two points where it enters or leaves the bobbin it will be advisable to endeavour Fig. 118. — galvanometee. to neatly repair the break by a small bridge of solder, as it is only possible to get at the primary winding by first unwind- ing the secondary. In testing for faults both in the primary and secondary windings, a galvanometer (see Pig. 118) will be found very convenient as by this means the fault can quickly be located between any two points. Faults in Secondary, Faults in the secondary are naturally much more frequent and more difficult to cope with than those in the primary, owing to the high tension of the current. One of the most common secondary faults is a break-down in the insulation between one or more layers, or in bad cases, between the whole of the layers. This is generally caused by using too much battery power and endeavouring to get a very long spark, the ends of the secondary being gradually separated more and more nntil the spark finds it easier to pass between some two points inside the coil. Once the insula- tion is pierced the spark will in future follow this path unless the separation between the ends of the secondary 150 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. wires is of less resistance. Breaks in the secondary wires occur, as in the primary, "usually at the ends. If the sparks at the ends of the secondary seem considerably diminished while the full hattery power is on and the primary has been found to be in perfect order, it may generally be concluded that the insulation of the secondary has broken down. In many instances on separating the ends of the secondary beyond sparking distance, the sparks passing through the leak in the coil will distinctly be heard. This breaking down of the insulation of a coil is one of the most serious faults, as, if it does not render the coil useless, greatly diminishes its sparking capabilities. In most cases the only really effectual remedy is to rewind the secondary, but before doing this the following may be tried : — Eemove the outer wrapping of the coil of velvet or whatever it may be, and then get ready some very hot paraffin wax and a hot, clean and pointed soldering iron. With the soldering iron endeavour to get the wax insulation between the inside of the cheek of the bobbin to run, and when this is the case thoroughly drench the space with the hot wax and continue to apply the wax until it soaks right through. Let the coil stand for 24 hours for the wax to thoroughly cool and set, when it should be tried to see if the leak has disappeared. If not, serve the other end of the bobbin in a like manner. By this method it is possible sometimes to cure a bad leak, the object being to run all the wax at the bobbin ends and ends of the layers together, as it is gener- ally between the ends of the layers that break-downs in the insulation occur. Faults in Connections. Leaks between the connections in the base of the coil sometimes occur owing to the wires having perhaps moved, and these faults are more frequent in medical coils with three \ FAULTS IN MEDICAL AND SPABK COILS. 151 windings and special switch on "base to give the combined or separate shocks. Eemedy : unscrew the bottom part of the base, test with battery and galvanometer to find the fault, and insulate same with paraffin wax or paper. Faults in Contact-breaker and Terminals. First thoroughly satisfy yourself that it is not merely a question of adjustment, after which remove bottom part of base and see that the connecting wires are making good connections to the contact - pillar and spring standard. Next inspect the platinum contacts to see that these have not worked loose and also that the circuit is complete through the different parts. Test also the circuit to the primary terminals and see that these latter are making firm connection with the connecting wires under the base. Battery Faults. Faults in the battery are soon found out, for if the wires from the two poles on being momentarily connected together do not give the customary short thick spark, the fault must be in the battery provided the connecting wires are sound. This latter point can be ascertained by connecting the poles by a fresh piece of wire. If the spark occurs on breaking the circuit the fault is in the connecting wires The most common battery faults are exhausted exciting solution or solutions, dirty, corroded or loose connecting clamps, broken elements or porous pots. If the battery is a dry one the quickest plan is to remove the cells and obtain fresh ones from the manufacturers, who usually allow a certain amount for the exhausted ones. With the Bunsen battery the connecting clamps quickly corrode owing to the fumes, or else to being splashed with the solution. These must be cleaned up with emery paper or a file, and a little drop of oil should be put on the threads of the set-screw 152 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. to prevent the acid corroding it and causing it to stick. Broken elements or porous pots can soon be detected on in- spection. Faults in Condensers, The fault to which most condensers are liable is a breaking down of the insulation between the different layers of tin foil. Owing either to the use of inferior paper or by employing too much battery power the charge in the condenser sparks across the intervening layer of paraffin paper, piercing a hole ; and after this has occurred it will continue so to spark until it is repaired. Although there are a large number of sheets of tin foil, it must be remembered that they are connected together in two sets amounting theo- retically to two large sheets of tin foil pasted one each side of a sheet of paraffined paper, and that it is only necessary to have a perforation at one point to break down the whole of the condenser. The most prominent evidence of a break-down in the condenser is manifested by a reduction of the length of the secondary spark coupled with an increased brightness of the primary spark at the contact-breaker. If a fault in the condenser is suspected it must be discon- nected and the different sheets removed one by one and held up to a strong light until the perforated sheet is found. This sheet must then be replaced by a fresh one. 153 CHAPTEE IX. FIGURES PRODUCED BY ELECTRIC DISCHARGES ON PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES. Some curious effects are to be obtained from discharges from a spark coil passed over a photographic dry plate, and the following description of the first discoveries in this direction by Mr. J, Brown, of Belfast, which appeared in the PJiilo- sopMcal Magazine for December 1888,will be found of interest. The results shown on the frontispiece are reproductions from figures kindly supplied by Mr. Brown, a description of whose coil will be found in the English Mechanic for February 27 th, 1880. " While photographing the electric discharge from an in- duction coil it occurred to me to try what efiect would be produced on the plate by the discharge when taking place directly on the sensitive film itself. " A rather rapid photographic dry plate was laid film upwards on a piece of sheet metal connected to one terminal of the secondary, whose ordinary discharging points were set about 3 centim. apart to act as a by-pass to the spark and prevent it striking over the edge of the plate. The end of a wire from the other terminal rested on the centre of the film. A single discharge from the coil was caused by moving its mercury-break by hand, and the plate was then placed in the developer. " When the terminal wire at the centre of the plate was negative, and particularly if no discharge passed over the 154 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. edge of the plate, the result was like that represented at A (Frontispiece), which shows the typical negative form, con- sisting of beautiful sharply defined symmetrical palm-like fronds on irregular stems branching out from the centre where the wire rested, together with a mass of less distinct irregular straggling lines also branching outwards, but not reaching so far as the fronds. "When the wire terminal was made positive and a dis- charge caused under otherwise precisely similar conditions, the figure was quite difi'erent, as in B, and consisted on the plate of dark irregular branchings sharply defined, except near the centre, where apparently the luminosity of the spark has caused a nebulous edge to the branch. These branchings are accompanied by light irregular straggling radiations, similar to those on the negative plate, but having a rather more distinctly centrifugal direction and extending beyond the well-defined branches, from which they seem to be to some extent ofishoots. The experiments were repeated several times and gave similar characteristic results. If, however, the metal sheet were omitted, and wires from both positive and negative terminals brought down on a plate insulated on a paraffin block, neither the palm-fronds on the negative, nor the dark markings on the positive appeared, but only the lighter irregular branchings, and these were in much greater quantity round the positive terminal than at the negative ; but with the poles not too far apart they stretched across from one to the other in the form of confused and irregular lines of flow. " When the plate was laid, as before, on a metal sheet and wires from both positive and negative terminals brought down on the film, a discharge produced the characteristic figures under their respective wires as shown at F. These were best defined only when no spark discharge crossed be- tween the wires on the plate ; and there was in this case no branching out of the positive and negative markings towards FIGURES ON PEOTOORAPHIC PLATES. 155 each other, the inductive circuit sensibly completing itself through the metal sheet under the plate. " When the difference of potential was made sufficient to produce spark-discharge between the terminals on the plate, the resulting marking depended in several respects on the presence or absence of a metal sheet under the plate. " With no metal sheet, and the plate insulated on a block of paraffin, the discharge took a fairly direct course between the terminals, with only slight crookedness, but sometimes in a double line. On this plate the characteristic palm- fronds of the negative and dark branchings of the positive pole are wanting, and the lighter tracery forms a rough indication of confused lines of flow between the poles. " With a sheet of foil pasted on the back of the plate (leaving a margin of about 2 centim. round the edge) and spark-discharge between the terminals, there is exceedingly little, if any, distinct tendency of the positive and negative markings towards each other. The track of the main spark is very crooked, meandering over the plate in a quite irregular way, and making sometimes sharp distinct angles in its course. From about half of its length from each end, but principally from the terminals, branch off here and there the characteristic positive or negative markings. " When a strip only of foil was fixed on the back of the plate so that its length crossed the line joining the pole at an angle of about 45°, and about twenty sparks were passed, they all took a similar S-shaped course, having been appa- rently attracted out of the direct line to follow that of the foil underneath the glass. " The meandering form and general appearance of these sparks, when acted on inductively by the foil under the plates, remind one very much of certain kinds of lightning- flashes, and suggest at least a possibility of some similarity in the causes producing each. " The question now arose as to whether the result was due 156 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. to a photograpliic effect of the luminosity of the spark, or to some more direct action of the discharge on the film — to what might be called an ' electrographic ' action. "As evidence for the latter view came the apparent insufficiency of the light actually visible when the discharge took place to produce the effect. The lighter branchings were not to me visible at all in either positive or negative, and only an indication of the frond formations in the negative. " There are also in the positive plate, B, several intervals, as if the spark had not been in immediate contact with the film, but had passed over it, leaving only a foggy mark instead of a sharply defined black line. The break or interval would scarcely have been so marked if the whole effect were photographic only. "However, to further investigate this question the dis^ charge was taken with the two terminals on the back or uncoated side of the plate. The figures which now appeared on the film were quite different from those described above. In each case there was impressed on the hack of the film (next the glass) the cloudy photographic effect of the branching discharge on the back of the plate. " On the front or outer side of the film under the positive terminal the figure reminded one of a photograph of a maiden-hair fern out of focus. That under the negative is a collection of peculiar tadpole-like markings, whose general arrangements correspond in size and shape to the fronds formed by the discharge on the back of the plate. These figures would appear to be due to electricity induced in the film. " To try further the effect of induction on the film, I cut my initials in tin foil after the manner of a stencil plate, placed the foil on the film, a piece of gutta-percha tissue on the foil, and pressed all together in an ordinary photographic printing frame. A second piece of foil was placed on the back of the plate, leaving a margin all round, and the foils were joined to opposite poles of the coil with its terminals FIOUREB ON PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES. 157 giving a by-pass of about 1 centim., so as not to have any spark-discharge over tbe plate. The result with the poles connected in either sense, and the coil working for about a minute was, with the stencil foil either positive or negative, an irregular blackening all round the edge of the foil, including the edges of the cut-out parts, as if a discharge had passed out from the edges. In some places the character- istic markings of positive or negative, as the case might be, were visible. There was, however, a slight visible discharge from the edge of the foil on the back of the plate, and pro- bably therefore the same from that on the film to which the edge-marking may be due. There was also on the plate much blotchy marking, apparently corresponding to the wrinkling of the foil in contact with the film. " With a piece of gutta-percha tissue between the stencil- plate foil and the film, the result was similar, only the line round the edges was narrower and the blotching less marked, hence the initials came out more distinctly. When four thicknesses of gutta-percha were interposed, there appeared only blotchy markings on the part under the foil. " These results would go to show that actual disruptive discharge over or in the film is not needed to produce an effect visible on development, but that the figures are pro- duced partly, at least, by direct electric action on the sensitive film without the intervention of a visibly luminous action, or what would be usually understood as a purely photo-chemical cause. Possibly further investigation may show that we have here a new kind of experimental evidence on the relation of electricity to light. *' I may add that it is necessary, especially in the experi- ments with the terminals on the back of the plate, to use rather sensitive plates ; * 60 times ' plates do very well, while slow plates give imperfect figures in all cases and show almost nothing with the terminals on the back." INDEX. A A 2-INCH spark coil, 105, 107 Accessory appliances of medical coils, 81 Action of condenser, 43, 44 — of regulating tube, 22 Adjusting contact breakers, 38 Amount of primary wire, 14 — of secondary wire, 15 Ampere-turns, 5 An inch spark coil, 93 Apparatus for observing induction, 6 Apps* contact breaker, 117 — noted coils, 120 B Bases for coils, 41 Bath coils, 59 another form of, 65 Batteries for coil working, 137 — bichromate, 141 — Bunsen's, 145 — dry, 138 — Edison-Lalande, 142 — Leclanche, 139 Bobbin ends, 18 Bobbins, 17 — building up, 19 — size of, 18 — core for, 20 — cheeks of, 18 C Coil winder, 23 — wound in 2 sections, 100 in 4 sections, 100 in 8 sections, 100 Collectors, 89 Commutator or current reverser, 97 Condenser, 43 — action of, 43 — building up, 43 — connections of, 96 Conducting cords, 84 Connections of bath coil, 62 — of spark coil, 96 Contact-breakers, 30 action of, 38 adjusting, 38 Apps', 117 horizontal, 32 separate, 33 variable, 35 vertical, 31 Continental method of winding cheap coils, 29 Current reversers, 90 D Determining size of windings, 13 Detonating plane, 134 Dischargers, 41 Dubois-Keymond coil, 66 160 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. E Effects of induced current, 9 Electro cautery, 82 Electrodes, 84 — brush, 87 — double pole, 85 — eye, 86 — needle, 87 — roller, 87 — sponge, 85 Electrolysis, 82 — battery for, 82 — burners for, 82 — needles for, 82 Electro-magnet, 4 Electro-medical appliances, 84 Electro-medical cabinet, 63 Experiments with spark coils, 130 F Faradisation, 81 Faults in battery, 151 — in coils, 148 — in connections, 150 — in contact-breaker, 151 — in primary winding, 148 — in secondary, 149 Franklinisation, 81 G Galvanisation, 81 Galvanometers, 88 Gauge of wire for primary, 14 for secondary, 15 H Handles, 84 — for medical coil, 56 — for street coil, 80 I Induction, 6 " Inductorium's,*' metLod of wind- ing, 99 Iron cores, 20 building up, 21 movable, 22 wires for, 20 — filings, 2 L Leyden jar, 134 Lines of force, 2 Liquid resistances, 91 M Magnetic field, 3 Medical coils, 55 primary of, 14 secondary of, 15 Methods of regulation, 46 for primary coil, 49 sledge method, 48 switch method, 48 tube method, 47 Milliampere-meters, 88 O Oersted's discovery, 3 P Parts of coil, 12 Polytechnic coil, 121 Portable coils, 70 — sledge coil, 72 Primary shock coils, 50 — terminals, 40 INDEX, 161 Primary winding, 23 amount of, 14 Primary winding, size of, 14 Putting coils together, 42 K Regulating tube of coil, 22 construction of, 22 Repairing coils, 148 Residual magnetism, 4 Resistance, 90 Resistances of different sized copper wires, 16 Rheophores, 84 Rheostats, 90 Rotator for vacuum tubes, 132 S Secondary terminals, 40 — winding, 15 amount of, 15 faults in wire for, 27 foreign method, 29 joins in, 27 size of, 15 Sectionally wound coils, 98 Self-induction, 13 Separate contact-breakers, 33 Shock coils, 46 — from primary coil, 11 — from secondary coil, 9 Siemens & Halske's coil, 99 Size of bobbins, 20 Sledge coils, 66 bobbin for, 67 connections of, 69 contact-breaker of, 68 Sledge coils, guides fur, 67 primary of, 68 secondary of, 67 Spark coils, 92 Sparks, altering length and cha- racter of, 133 — experiments with, 133 — firing gunpowder with, 134 — on metal filings, 134 — on photographic plates, 153 — passing through water, 135 Spottiswoode coil, 123 Street coils, 75 battery for, 80 bobbin for, 76 contact breaker for, li\ dial for, 76 handles for, 79 important points of, 76 Switch for bath coil, 60 T Table of proportions for different size coils, 98 — of resistances of copper, 16 Terminals, 40 Tertiary winding, 61 Turning up a bobbin, 19 Twelve-inch spark coil, 108 base bobbin-cheeks, 110 completing secondary, 116 condenser for, 118 contact-breaker for, 117 core of, 108 finishing off, 1 1 9 insulating tube, 109 primary winding, 109 secondary of, 111 section winder for, 115 winding the sections of, 114 162 'INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. V Vacuum tubes, 131 compound, 132 horizontal, 132 fixing in coil, 131 rotator for, 132 . — tubes, vortical, 132 Variable contact-breakers, 35 Vertical contact-breakers, 31 W Winding primary, 23 — the secondary, 20 LONDOM : I'RINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWKS AND SONS, LIMlTliU, 3TAMF0KI> STREET AND CHARING CROSS. THE HANDY SKETCHING- BOOK. For the use of engineers and draughtsmen, for rough sketching, with three useful tables. The paper is square lined to exact ei^^hths of an inch in blue ink, and bound in stiff boards. Size, 8 in. X 5 in. 25 cents each. Per doz., $2.50. PRESS OPINION. " This handy little book has earned a well merited success. . The lines are printed from plates and are as nearly mathematically correct as mechanical appliances ran !)roduce. Every engineer and draughtsman should have one." THE HANDY Sectional lined paper to eighths of an inch. On paper sufficiently transparent to enable good blue prints to be taken. Size, 8 in. x 10 in. 25 cents each. $2,50 per doz. 162 INDUCTION COILS AND COIL-MAKING. Vacuum tubeis, 131 compound, 132 horizontal, 132 fixing in coil, 131 rotator for, 132 . — tubes, vertical, 132 Variable contact-breakers, 35 Vertical contact-breakers, 31 W Winding primary, 23 — the secondary, 2(J ""CCJits, ^ Connections a i Phonographs, Ph^; u "'"''Piones, w'/ ^ Telephone ' ^^"*°Piones, Storage , T'l's little work • 'arge class of <; addressed to fK '35 pages, x2mo. doth , Sent Post v ^5 '^^"fe- Lu^•uo^^ : trinted by wtlliam clowks and ^O^ts, mi-*.. 3TAMFOKJD STREET AND CHAUING CROSS.