COP3 C.3 ILLINOIS COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT State Geological Survey Engineering Experiment Station University of Illinois U. S. Bureau of Mines BULLETIN 3 Chemical Study OF Illinois Coals BY S. W. PARR Printed by authority of the State of Illinois STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBAN A 1916 The Forty-seventh General Assembly of the State of Illinois, with a view of conserving the lives of the mine workers and the mineral resources of the State, authorized an investigation of the coal resources and mining practices of Illinois by the Department of Min- ing Engineering of the University of Illinois and the State Geological Survey in cooperation with the United States Bureau of Mines. A cooperative agreement was approved by the Secretary of the Interior and by representatives of the State of Illinois. The direction of this investigation is now vested in the Director of the United States Bureau of Mines, the Director of the State Geological Survey, and the Director of the Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois, who jointly determine the methods to be employed in the conduct of the work and exercise general editorial supervision over the publication of the results, but each party to the agreement directs the work of its agents in carrying on the investiga- tion thus mutually ag^reed on. The reports of the investigation are issued in the form of bulle- tins, either by the State Geological Survey, the Engineering Experi- ment Station, University of Illinois, or the United States Bureau of Mines. For copies of the bulletins issued by the State and for infor- mation about the work, address Coal Mining Investigations, Univer- sity of Illinois, Urbana, 111. For bulletins issued by the United States Bureau of Mines, address Director, United States Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C. ( ILLINOIS STATE 3 3051 00006 3770 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 41 X ILLINOIS COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT State Geological Survey Engineering Experiment Station University of Ill.noi U. S. Bureau of Mines BULLETIN 3 Chemical Study OF Illinois Coals BY S. W. PARR Printed by authority of the State of Illinois STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UNIVERSITY OF ILL'NOIS UR B AN A 1916 1916 CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 9 General statement 9 Scope of the report 9 Acknowledgments 10 Study of the methods of field sampling 11 General purpose 11 Bureau of Mines ' standard method 11 Grinder and riffle method 17 New apparatus 17 Comparison of results from different laboratories 19 Comparison of results from same laboratory 20 EifHe as a source of error 24 Study of certain laboratory practices and correlations 26 Coal-ash determinations 26 Ash values as affected by quantity taken for fine grinding 26 Ash values as affected by calcium-bearing minerals 27 Occurrence of calcium carbonate and calcium sul]ihate 27 Geographic distribution of calcium carbonate 27 Amount of calcium carl)onate in Illinois coals 29 Disturbing effect of calcium carbonate 29 Relations of calcium oxide and sulphur 30 Dissociation of calcium carbonate and calcium sul])hate 31 Method of controlling and correcting ash determinations 34 General considerations 34 Coals with low calcium carbonate 34 Coals with relatively high calcium carbonate 35 Ash values as affected by sulphates 36 Occurrence and behavior of sulphates 36 Increase of sulphates in laboratory samples 36 Moisture determinations 42 Methods employed 42 Comparison of the results 42 Analyses of Illinois coals 48 General statement 48 Free moisture in Illinois coals 48 Analyses of top bench of coal No. 6 49 Calorific values for unit coal 52 Analytical tables 56 Analyses of mine samples 56 Average analyses by mines and by counties 72 (5) ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE PAGE I. Map of Illinois showing distribution of calcium carbonate in coal 28 FIGURE 1. Diagram to illustrate method of subdividing gross sample 13 2. Improved sampling outfit 18 3. Improved rifiie 19 4. Coal containing large characteristic flakes of calcium sulphate 28 5. Coal containing number of plates of calcium carbonate 28 6. Dissociation curve for calcium carbonate 32 7. Dissociation curve for calcium sulphate 35 8. Formation of sulphate on bottom of sample bottle 40 9. Photomicrograph of sample of coal enclosed in museum jar showing sul- phate crystals 40 10. Districts for classification of coal samj^les 87 (6) TABLES PAGE 1. Eesiilts of tests to (leteiniine aeciiracy of miiic-sanii»liiig methods by ref- erence to (try-ash vahies in opj osite quarters, series of 1908-09 (Bureau of Mines ' standard method of sampling ) 12 2. Eesults of tests in two lal)oratories to determine accuracy of mine- sampling- methods by reference to dry-ash values in opposite quarters, series of 1912 (Bureau of Mines' standard method of sampling) 14 3. Eesults of tests in two laboratories to determine accuracy of mine- sampling methods by reference to dry-ash values in the two final sub- divisions of the samples (grinder and riffle method) 21 4. Eesults of tests in a single laboratory to determine accuracy of mine- sampling methods by reference to dry-ash values in final subdivisions lesulting from riffling opposite halves of gioss samples (grinder and riffle method ) 23 5. Eesults of tests to determine lh(> lehition of the ash values in dry coal to the size of coal particles in the samjile 24 6. Comparison of ash values fiom rai)id and slow feeding of the riffle 25 7. Comparison of variations of ash vahu>^ in duplicate sami)les resulting fi-om careless fe(>(!ii«.o of iiffl(> with tlioSi> r(>sulting from careful feeding 25 8. Co)iij arison of duplicate \aii:('s foi- dry ash as oritained fiom the fine giinding of CO <.!aii:s on the huckboai'd and of .")(() ginnis in the ball mill 27 9. Eesults of analyses for calcium and iiiagm'siiini in \hc aciil solution after determination of CO, 30 10. Analyses on diy-coal basis showing amount of jiyiilic sul))hur absorl)ed by CaO duiiiig incineration 31 11. Analyses showing inci(>ase in weight of ash i\uo to absor})tion of SO;, from gas llaiue 31 12. Eesults of controlling reactions })v low-teinpeiatuic^ iiiciiiciation to pie- vent an increase of sulphate in ash 33 13. Amount of decomposition of CaSO, in coal ash at temperatures fiom 700° to 1 ()■)() ° (Vntigrade 34 14. Analyses showing agreement of ash duplicates in high-carbonate coals r(>sulting from treatment of carl)on-free ash with Ib.SO, and reliurning at 700° to 750° Centigrade 36 15. Ash values determined by usual method com] aie 1 with conected values taking into account calcium carbonate 37 16. Analyses showing amount of sulphate in fresh samples of Illinois coals; values in per cent of diy coal 38 17. Analyses showing comparison of growth of suljihate in fine and coarse stoied lal)Oiat()ry samples 38 ( 7) 18. Analyses showing content of sulphate present as SO3 in sized portions after eight months in storage 39 19. Analyses showing effect of low moisture on the development of sulphate in stored laboratory samples , 39 20. Amount of sulphate in laboratory samples stored from March, 1912, to June, 1913, and attending conditions of moisture and sulphur 41 21. Comparison of total moisture values in duplicate sets of samples as obtained by the Illinois State Geological Survey and the United States Bureau of Mines 44 22. Amount of moisture in drill cuttings compared with amount in face samples 49 23. Analyses of top bench of coal No. 6 compared with those of bed excluding the top coal 51 24. Comparison of average unit-coal values in B. t. u. in two series of samples 53 25. Alphabetical arrangement of samples by counties 54 26. Analyses of mine samples (not exactly indicative of commercial outj)ut) 57 27. Average analytical and heat values for separate mines and by counties grouped according to districts 72 28. Unit-coal values ranging from 14,300 to 15,000 B. t. u. calculated to the ''as-received" basis, having normal variations of moisture, ash, and sulphur, as indicated 81 (8 ) CHEMICAL STUDY OF ILLINOIS COALS By S. W. Parr INTRODUCTION General Statement This report on Illinois coals was preceded by a study of sampling and analytical methods conducted by the Illinois Coal Mining Investi- gations under a cooperative agreement between the State Geological Survey, the Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Illinois, and the U. S. Bureau of Mines. The analytical results as presented in the tables should prove ser- viceable to both consumer and producer. Some of the tables were pub- lished in Extract from Bulletin 23, and with additions, again in Bul- letin 29 which deals with the purchase and sale of Illinois coals on specification. The "unit-coal" factors especially have so thoroughly demonstrated their practical value that they have been continued as an important feature of the main table of the present report. A sup- plemental table has also been prepared illustrating the use which may be made of these unit values. Scope of Report In the fifteen years which have intervened since the first study was made of the chemical composition and properties of the coals of the State, notable advancement has been made in methods of procedure in connection with such work. This result has naturally followed our increased knowledge and better understanding of the properties of this complex substance, but especially has it been caused by the marked changes which have occurred in the methods of purchasing coal, especially on the part of large consumers, whose contracts are based on specifications as to quality. This method has led to a care- ful scrutiny of all processes yielding factors which enter into the final settlement. Small errors in large consignments may result in serious injustice to one or the other of the parties involved. These studies, therefore, have been especially directed to sampling, the conservation of moisture, and the determination of ash and of heat values. The practical sampling and analysis of coal involves a number of complex problems and is beset with many difficulties. To this all will (9) 10 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS agree who have come in actual contact with such work. That positive improvements in methods and greater accuracy have resulted is evi- dent, but much remains to be done. Some of these difficulties are es- pecially pronounced in coals of the Illinois type with a high content of moisture and sulphur, and an irregular but very positive contami- nation by calcium carbonate. Doubtless the procuring of a represen- tative sample is the most fundamental and important of all the pro- cesses employed, as it is also the most difficult to accomplish in a thor- oughly satisfactory manner. The present studies have furnished an unusual opportunity for studying sampling methods, and it is believed that all the attending data have an enhanced value by reason of the accuracy and representative character of the samples obtained. While in this work, therefore, advantage has been taken of the op- portunity for studying sampling methods, there has been much atten- tion given also to ash determinations and the effect of certain abnormal and irregular constituents which affect especially the accuracy of ash values. The ashing of coals having a high percentage both of sulphur and of calcium carbonate may yield results which A^ary widely, depend- ing upon the amount of calcium sulphate formed in the process. The distribution and amount, therefore, of calcium carbonate are matters of no little importance. This topic has led directly also to a study of the amount of sulphate normally present in Illinois coal, and the in- teresting fact has been developed in this connection that in the finely ground laboratory sample, especially one having a relatively high per- centage of moisture, there occurs a rather active generation of sulphate which has a bearing both upon the ash values and also upon the ac- companying heat factors. Correction methods to meet these condi- tions have been worked out very carefully. Acknowledgments For the chemical analysis, credit is due especially to J. M. Lindgreii for his work and supervision, the results of which are embodied in the analytical data. He has been ably assisted by F. H. Whittum, S. C. Taylor, J. F. Kohout, L. T. Fairhall, and Carl W. J. Sievert. A. C. Fieldner of the U. S. Bureau of Mines kindly analyzed sets of duplicate samples used as checks on sampling and analytical methods. Direct supervision of the mine sampling was vested in the State Geological Survey, F. W. DeWolf, Director, and F. H. Kay, Assistant State Geologist. The sampling was done by three field parties, includ- ing the men whose names follow : J. M. Webb of the U. S. Bureau of Mines, and M. L. Nebel, C. W. Smith, H. L. Stafford, J. E. McDonald, and S. T. Wallage, all of the Department of Mining Engineering. University of Illinois. METHODS OF FIELD SAMPLING H STUDY OF METHODS OF FIELD SAMPLING General Purpose Preliminary to an extended study of the coals of the State, carried on in cooperation with the United States Bureau of Mines and involv- ing the taking of many samples at the working faces of the seams, it was deemed advisable to examine with some care the reliability of the sampling methods employed and to determine, if possible, the de- gree of accuracy of the final laboratory portion as representing the gross sample from which it was taken. The discussion is not concerned with the relation cf dift'erent samples to each other or to a coal bed as a whole. Bureau of Mines' Standard Method The first method considered Avas su])stantially 1 hat of the United States Bureau of Mines as given in Technical Papei' No. 1. The sub- stance of the directions as there outlined is given as follows : The collector should smooth and clean t'le floor and ( pread the sampling cloth on it close to the face of the coal. Then he should make a perpendicular cut 2 inches deep and 6 inches wide (or 3 inches deep and 4 inches wide in the Fofter coals) from the roof to the floor down the middle of the foot-wide cut previously made in the coal face. He should be careful to make this cut uni- form in width and depth and should chip off enough coal to make a sample weighing at least 6 pounds for each foot of the thickness of the bed; ?o that the sample collected on the blanket from a <5-foot bed will weigh not less than 36 pounds. Inexperienced collectors should weigh their samples (by spring balance or otherwise) as a clieck on the accuracy of their work. As soon as the cutting of the sample has been completed, if the Bureau of Mines outfit is available, the finer portions of the sam[)le sliould be put through the 1/4-inch or %-inch screen and the lumps should be broken in the mortar until all the sample passes through the screen. The sam])le should then be thoroughly mixed by two men grasping the ()pi)osite cornei's of the blanket and rolling it diagonally by raising one corner :\t a time. When the larger pieces of coal are evenly distributed throughout the mass, the sheet should be laid on the floor and the toj) of the pile flattened with a clean dry shovel, trowel, or board. The sample is then quartered and two opposite quarters are discarded and brushed off. The remainder is mixed as before, and if the sample is still too bulky for convenient handling it is again quartered down. The material finally remaining is spread into a circular mass about 2 inches deep on the sheet, and the sampling scoop is used to fill the sample can compactly with portions from opposite quarters. Tlic entire operation described above from the cutting of the sample to the sealing of tlie can sliould be done in the mine, so as not to expose the coal to the outside atmos[)liere. A scries of tests cari'ied out in 1908-9, especially for the purpose of determining the representative character of the sample thus produced^ is given in outline as follows: two sam})les were taken by (juartering sei)a]'ately the first divisions of the gi'oss sample, and comparison was 12 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS made by reference to the ash content of each based on the dry coal. It should be said further that the conditions under which these sam- ples were studied were the most favorable possible. The samples were taken at the mines and were afterwards analyzed in the laboratory by the same persons, thus eliminating those variables which are incident to different samplers and different laboratories. The ash values as obtained from opposite quarters furnish the best index as to the accur- acy of the method employed; hence, these values are assembled in Table 1. Table 1. — Results of tests to determine accuracy of mine-sampling methods hy reference to dry-ash values in opposite quarters; series 1908-09 (Bureau of Mines' standard method of sampling) Table No. Lab. No. County Duplicate ash (dry-coal basis) Difference Quarter ' ' A " Quarter ' ' B " 1 1567 Williamson 11.84 12.17 .33 2 1761 Sangamon 12.48 12.85 .37 3 1773 do 11.71 11.80 .09 4 1796 Knox 7.99 8.39 .40 5 1839 Green 12.43 12.38 .05 6 1846 Edgar 11.42 11.00 .42 7 1870 Christian 9.97 10.67 .70 8 2776 Henry 12..53 12.13 .40 9 2786 Macoupin 10.21 10.10 .11 Average variation .32 The results in Table No. 1 are on the whole fairly satisfactory ; how- ever, occasional discrepancies are shown, which, if due to the method of sampling, should be eliminated. Especially was it desirable to de- termine whether these variations would be better or worse in the hands of a number of collecting crews such as would be involved in the new work. In order to test this point, the three crews of two men each when first sent into the field were given the instructions as above indi- cated for sampling, and were required to forward two samples from each lot of coal cut down from the face. These were taken by follow- ing separately the opposite pairs of quarters of the first division, and taking duplicate samples in each case of the last division as shown in figure 1. Two pairs of samples of approximately 3 pounds each re- sulted and were sealed in the regular cans in the usual manner. One pair was forwarded to the University of Illinois at Urbana, and one to the Bureau of Mines at Pittsburgh. As a means of comparison, the results for ash only are given and referred to the dry coal, as shown in Table 2. METHODS OF FIELD SAMPLING 13 Pittsburg 'i(^. 1. — Dinoiiim to illustrate the inethoc-l of subdividing gioss sample. 14 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS OB CO ^ I 5 « o rSi r^ a H ° m ^ rt h -o oi O S t^ ^ o r/j ^ r2 O C5 ^ £ a o S s J/2 M r-H + !» GO ^ (M «2 O Ci i-H fO CO 1^1 CO CO 00 cm' (m" to o >o iO >o lO lO lO »o iO lO lO »o 1 CO CO 00 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO c 1—1 t— I I— 1 I— 1 I— 1 rH I-H 7—1 T-l rH I— 1 T CM rH d CM CM d d O O O C^ CO Oi oq o oi d t^ o (O CO CQ co' Tjl GO cm' C^l* CX) o t-; CO CO* o-l ro l^ OO Oi o , 1 >o »o • O >o ?£) -O r^ I-- ^ TJH ^ Tfl ■^ ^ "+1 lO CO ;o ci ci ■■o I- CO c-. c:^ O Ci Ci C5 CO' tH O '^ METHODS OF FIELD SAMPLING 15 • CO o d + + • CO d O o + '. XI o d + QO O d + ; + d + o cq d + X o d + I— 1 o o CO* Ol CI d I— I d a; 1— ( CI o CO d X d Cvl o I— 1 CM C3 d CO d t— 1 o d QO d d 03 QO d o 1— t d o o d d I— 1 d d o XI o d I— 1 1—1 T— 1 CO I- CO* 01 o d X d ^ d Oi CO o d rH Cl CO Cvl d l.O x' X X d i-^ ■^ ^H l-O o d 1—1 cr. d o d CO CO 1-1 rH QO ^^ CO t— 1 I— to Ol 1- CO ^ Zt -t 1^ X -t >— 1 CO CO CO t— 1 CO Zt ^ -+ -f -t X it 'i" CO X CO I— 1 CO I— 1 X X CO CI C5i CO I— 1 CO y-{ O GO d d CO Ol cr. to CO to 01 lO ~f> Ol I- to - X ^. "t ^. X CJ CI lO I- -t- d X o d LO CO d I— 1 !— 1 o CO 1—1 l.O CO* ■^ I- CI X X rH CO X CI o CO d rH 05 ca rH o CO d CO d 00 d CO 't* CO CO d CJ d CO d CI 1— ( CO o d CO d CO d CO O Ol QO CO CO oi 01 CO* d l.O d d d d o X* o d o d CO X* 01 I- X* 3 • •O CI CO d lO to CO o 1-H CO l^ o CO o l- -* -? i^ ■^ ■^^ ^ 01 CO to CO CO CO CO -t' X 1- -t ^ M' CO I- rH OI 0-- Ol a; Ol a; CO CO cf. 3^ CO cr. g CO CO CO g S? CO CJ 05 cr. Ci ^ Ci o I— 1 Ol 01 CO O] ^ ».o o - 00 CI 05 o CO CO Ol CO CO CO »o o CO t^ QO c. cc ■^ ca 16 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS I P P ^ Jr. (?r< s? W •ss ^' i-H 1—1 -* S fl o PQ o '^ CO 3 '^ «H . d d d -^ >.'=> 02 + + + P* JH M ^_* O QJ 5C ^ 'c5 rrt O > cd cent lab 5 of . vo 00 oo CCl lO 1^ t>- CO o 1— i »o 02 d d d d d Per one cesg + + + + + M © be ?5 to t- Oi CO I— 1 CD Cvl -* a* > iro oo 00 c^ ^. O Oi CO i-i d d oo" T-H co" d ^ 1 < r-l T— 1 rH r-i rH '"' OJ a o fl 3 O ,£3 ra (M o 1—1 CO o ■^ CO Oi CO C^l Oi 00 Oi 00 00 Oi to lO iO lO LO >o lO 'tl -^ lO 2 ^ -* Ttl rtl T}^ Tt^ ■^ '*^ tH TtH lO lO lO to lO to c3 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 0^ CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ^3 iH I— 1 T— 1 '"' I— 1 1— 1 r-t ""^ 7-\ 1—i ^—t r-i y—i r^ 8 00 (O CO Tt^ ■* 00 Cvl •^ Cv] iO o CO ■^ Ttl CO Cvj 00 Oi TjH rtl lO CO ■^ 00 o Ci 00 00 t^ CD to CO 5? d d d d d d d d r-i d d d d d d d q; QJO 03 tH lO t^ lO o 00 -<*! Ol 3 ^^ (M Ci Oi o t^ o 00 OQ <1 (M* d d 00* rH oJ rH rH rH iH T— 1 rH l—t r-\ rH 13 'So © o^ 3 s 1—1 lO lO t- 00 t- Oi tH ■ T}H CO 1— 1 o 05 io CO 'Ch lO 00 CO CO t- ^=2 t-. fi i rH (M* d d T-H d 00 d T-i d (M* oa" ^ d Oq rH .-1 I— 1 i-i tH t— 1 1—1 rH 1— 1 rH 1—i 1— 1 1— 1 r-\ . l^ t^ t- t- t- !>. L^ t^ TtH '^ '^ -* TJ^ Tt^ rt< Tl^ Tfl ^ ■«*^ '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o o -* tJH '^ tH T^ Tin lO lO lO lO t- t^ t— t^ t- t- a^ Oi Oi 05 Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Ci Oi o OS Oi CS t 2 o ro Ttl »o CO t~ 00 Oi o 1—1 C7^ LO CD I- 00 Is ^ ^ -* Tt< -* Tti '^ ■^ »o lO »o lO lO l.'t lO to to b- METHODS OF FIELD SAMPLING 17 These i-esults were for the most part satisfactory, but occasional differences occurred which called for elimination if possible,. In the attempt to account for these variations, the first factor considered was the amount of calcium carbonate present. It is well known that the presence of this constituent may be a seriously disturbing factor. For this reason the amount of carbon dioxide for each sample is in- cluded in the table. Ordinarily the presence of calcite does not intro- duce serious variations when the amount present as CaCOg is less than about 2 per cent or approximately 1 per cent of COo. A few of the results exceed this amount, as, for example, in some of the duplicates under cooperative numbers 92 and 93. It will be noted that some of the more pronounced variations are found here, though the greatest discrepancies, as in table numbers 13 to 18 inclusive, occur in samples with relatively low CO2. However, studies for controlling variations in ash determinations due to the presence of calcium carbonate are taken up later as a special topic for investigation. The results are given in full elsewhere in this bulletin and need not ])e considered at this point. The variations in duplicate values from a single laboratory may involve, of course, any differences which may arise from the specific methods employed in handling the sami)les. As between the values of two laboratories comparison should be made between the averages of the duplicate values obtained by each set of workers (Table 2). In such a comparison we might expect some of the variations to ])e neu- tralized or modified. Whereas the results of each la])oi'atory ai-e faii'ly consistent, it is difficult to account for occasional ii'reguhu'ities. The same genei'al statement is true when the results fi'om the two laboi-atoi-ies are com- pared. Since one of the most likely soui'ces of vai'iation is to be found in the sami)ling, the methods employed for that part of the Avoi'k have received extended study both in connection with the field colU'ctions and especially also with reference to the maiii})ulMti()n of Ihe ship})ed sample after its ai'i'ival at the laboi'atory. Grinder and Rifflp: Method new apparatus The two features in the process of pi'ocuring the mine sample which were deemed most likely to introduce variations wei'C the method of reducing the gross sami)le as to size of particles and the method of reducing the mass to a working sample or aliquot of the whole. It is of prime importance that any procedui'e to be cai-ried on in the mine under the ordinary working conditions must be rapid and not ex- cessively tedious; otherwise the personal equation will become accen- 18 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS tuated and this part of the work, which in many respects is the most vital of the entire routine, is likely to be slighted. An attempt was made, therefore, to improve on the Bureau of Mines' method of quar- tering and crushing the gross sample to finer sizes, and at the same time to remove so far as possible the personal element in carrying out the process. Two pieces of apparatus were devised to meet the conditions indi- cated. As a substitute for the tamper for crushing the coal, a portable mill was constructed (fig. 2) having a weight well within the limits of the old tamping kit and having a grinding capacity which would cut down the time usually required for this part of the work. The body of the grinder is cast aluminum and the weight of the grinder complete Fig. -Improved sampling outfit. is not over 18 pounds. It reduces the coal to about 8 mesh, or one- fourth inch at a rate of 40 or 50 pounds in half an hour. The other feature of the outfit was the riffle. This is shown in the right-hand part of figure 2, and further details are shown in figure 3. This is substantially the riffle described in Bulletin 9 of the Ohio State Geological Survey, the chief difference being that the riffle openings are one-half inch wide instead of five-eighths inch. The entire mass passing the grinder is thoroughly mixed by rolling in the canvas and is put through the riffle and thus reduced to halves. One-half is again riffled and reduced till a portion is obtained which will fill the shipping can. This is then sealed in the usual manner ^nd forwarded at once to the laboratorv. METHODS OF FIELD SAMPLING 19 The time consumed in securing a sample depends on many fac- tors besides the time used in reducing the coal to fine size. The samp- ler is often delayed in entering the mine, and once underground, if the mine is large, as much time is required in moving from one loca- tion to another as in securing the samples. An ordinary gross sample of 40 pounds representing a 6-foot coal can be put through the grinder in 25 to 30 minutes, and the riffling can easily be accomplished in 10 minutes. Besides the saving in labor the coal particles are uniformly reduced to buckwheat size, and the ~^Sy-*-^^^Flll*««-— ^ ^r *0 V'aiR — '^ ,^^1 i_J^^ «■ Fig. ;5. — Inipioveiii crucible , 23 mm. high, 30 mm. diam eter, capacity 7 cc. using- various temperatures ob-<^ taineil by blast and muffle— estimated 800-900°. In shallow milk dish in muffle, at an estimated tempera- ture of 900-950°. Fcr cent 22.2o 2LS5 22.67 21.93 22.25 20.84 21.31 21.03 19.96 19.94 RELATIONS OF CALCIUM OXIDE AND SULPHUR The above results suggest a number of questions: Does the pres- ence of calcium oxide affect the behavior of sulphur! Will pyritic sulphur be transferred to the lime as sulphide or as sulphate? Will the sulphates when present dissociate and liberate SOo, or combine with the lime and be more likely to remain in the ash? Can the COg as volatile ash be completely eliminated and satisfactorily corrected for, so as to contribute to the accuracy of other factors calculated by difference ? It may be well at this point to present briefly some evidence that the COo as determined is in actual combination as CaCOg or MgCOg. For this purpose the acid solutions from the COo determinations were analyzed for their content of calcium and magnesium, and always yielded a full equivalent for the COo. Indeed, these bases were pres- ent in slight excess, being doubtless in combination as silicates. The results are shown in Table 9. Table 9. — Eesalis of analyses for calcium and magnesium in the acid solution after determination of CO. Lab. No. Moisture Ash CaO 3.18 MgO CO, CO2 required for CaO+MgO 6401 2.57 24.64 .12 2.21 2 62 6402 3.06 26.40 3.49 .15 2.60 2.90 6403 2.78 25.35 3.14 .12 2.24 2.59 6404 3.14 22.94 2.85 .10 2.10 2.35 6405 3.28 22.77 2.81 .12 2.05 2.33 The presence of these quantities of calcium oxide in the ash v/ould suggest the tendency of this material to absorb sulphur from the iron pyrites. Since numerous tests for sulphides in the ash have failed to LABORATORY PRAt TieES AND CORRECTIONS 31 show any sulphur retained in that form, it is evident that if any sul- phur remains it has reached the final stage of calcium sulphate, and a similar result would be expected from the effect of a gas flame which had any considerable quantity of sulphur present:. The following table will show such an increase of sulphur as sulphate in the process of ashing: Table 10. — Analyses on dry-coal basis showing amount of pyritic sulphur absorbed by CaO during incineration Lab. No. Total sulphur in coal CO2 SO3 in fresh coal SO3 in ash 6399 6400 3.65 3.19 2.49 2.40 .21 .22 1.45 1.67 1.82 1.42 1.68 1.51 Similarly the weight is affected by an accessible gas flame of coal gas having the usual sulphur compounds present. The following test will serve as an illustration. Table 11. — Analyses showing increase in weight of a>h due to absorption of SO3 from gas flame Wt. of ash as ob- Wt. of ash exposed Wt. of ash exposed Lab No. CO, tained out of con- 10 min. to gas 20 min. to gas tact with gas flame flame at about 950° flame at about 950° 6399 2.49 21.78 21.83 21.95 6399 2.49 22.58 22.70 22.82 6400 2.40 20.15 20.33 20.44 6400 2.40 21.19 21.26 21.33 DISSOCIATION OF CALCIUM CARBONATE AND CALCIUM SULPHATE The question would naturally arise at this point as to whether it would be possible to obtain the ash of coal without decomposition of the calcium carbonate. As part of the answer to this question there is presented in figure 6, the dissociation curve for CaCO-j as derived from the plotting of Reisenf eld 's^ values for vapor pressures at different temperatures for that substance. From this figure it would appear that if the ashing could be carried out at a temperatui'c between 500° 2Jour de chemie physique 7, p. 561 (1909). 32 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS or 600° the decomposition of the CaCOg would be reduced to the mini- mum and no appreciable absorption of sulphur by CaO would take place. An attempt was made, therefore, to control the behavior of the SO3 normally present in the coal and at the same time prevent an in- crease of this constituent which would result from a combination of 600 1 1 *iOO 1 1 E j E 1 •- 400 1 1 1 (0 / £ / °- 300 / / ^ / ... / 200 r * / / / 100 / y y ^ ^ Li _ 600 700 800 900 Fig. 6. — Dissociation curve for calcium carbonate. the sulphur of the pyrites with any CaO which might develop from decomposition of the calcite. The conditions indicated would seem to call for the burning off of both the carbon and the pyritic sulphur at so low a temperature as to leave the CaCOg practically undisturbed. After those reactions were completed the heat could be increased, but only to a point where there would be no appreciable decomposition of the normal content of SO... The procedure, therefore, made use of shallow incinerating dishes over a low flame, the heat having been kept at the lowest pos- LABORATORY PRACTICES AND CORRECTIONS 33 sible point, probably between 500° and 600°. By continuing in this manner for from three to four hours this part of the reaction was practically complete. The dishes were then put in a hot muffle having a temperature of 800° to 850°. This would decompose the CaCOg, but at a time when there could be no further reaction by combination of pyritic sulphur with the resulting CaO. To determine the uniformity of the behavior of these reactions, the SO3 finally present in the ash is compared with the initial SO3 of the coal, and shown in Table 12. Whereas the results are excellent and the possibilities encouraging, the care and time necessary are prohibitive. Table 12. — Besults of controlling reactions by low-temperature incineration to prevent an increase of sulphate in ash Lab. No. CaO calculated from CO2 in fresh coal SO3 in ash after very SO3 in fresh low temperature for coal I burning off carbon I and S in FeS SO3 lost or gained in ashing 5365 1.16 .95 .94 -.01 5367 1.02 .39 .38 -.01 5370 1.46 .47 .48 +.01 5372 .45 .63 .62 -.01 5376 .36 .61 .59 -.02 5388 1.18 1.42 1.40 -.02 5391 .43 .62 .60 -.02 6303 1.83 . , 6304 .56 .31 .31 .00 6305 .50 .26 .26 .00 6306 2.15 .21 .21 .00 6307 2.70 7 .27 .00 6308 1.44 .20 .20 .00 6309 1.37 .33 .32 -.01 6310 .95 .21 .22 +.01 6311 .53 .27 .27 .00 6312 1.25 .18 .18 .00 From the expei'icnce thus outliiu'd it wouhl seem that a i)ractical)le method of ashing where calcium carbonate is involved must be based on a temperature in excess of 700°. In addition, therefore, to decom- posing the calcium carbonate, there would be a more or less complete replacement of the CO. by SO.5, resulting in the formation of calcium sulphate. The question of the stability of this sul)stance is therefore involved. As to the decomposition of ( 'aSO^, no values for vapor pressure at different temperatures are at hand. From the decrease in the weight of ash and the corresponding decrease in SO., as shown in TMc 13, we 3 + COAL MIXING INVESTIGATIONS Table 13. — Amount of decomposition of CaSO^ in coal ash at temperatures varying from 700° to J0£0° Centigrade Conditions Portions of coal sample No. 6305 Wt. of ash and H,SOj heated for 10 minutes at 700'^ In muffle at 700° Wt. of ash, second period, 10 minutes Wt. of ash, third period, 10 minutes SO3, by analysis, per cent In muffle at 81.5° Wt. of ash, first period, 20 minutes Wt. of ash, second period, 30 minutes Loss in wt. per cent SO3 loss by analysis, per cent In muffle at 9.50°-1050° Wt. of ash after 38 minutes Loss in wt. per cent SO3 loss by analysis, per cent 20.97 20.94 20.83 20.97 20.83 20.83 20.97 20.83 20.83 3.48 1 20.77 20.56 1 20.6.5 20.48 .... .32 .35 .33 .34 .... i 20.90 20.84 20.84 3.52 19.79 1.11 1.08 may construct a curve (fig. 7) which will show in general the behavior of this material through the various ranges of temperature likely to be considered in this connection. METHOD FOR CONTROLLING AND CORRECTING ASH DETERMINATIONS FOR CALCIUM CARBCNATE General considerations. — From the experiments thus shown we have evidence that at a temperature of 700° to 750° the loss of SO3 by dissociation is practically negligible. At higher temperatures, how- ever, an appreciable loss occurs. From a study of all the elements of the case, considering especially time, practicability, and temperatures, it Avould seem that the folloAving general outline of procedure is in- dicated. Coals iviili relatively low calcium carhonate. — If the calcium car- bonate is small in amount the following procedure will result in a negligible error. It is recommended that ashing be carried on in a shallow incinerating dish"^ over a low flame until practically all of the carbon is burned out. The temperature toward the end may be raised nearly to dull redness, but for the most part should not be more than 500° to 600°. The time involved for this part of the process need not exceed one-half hour. Occasional stirring with a platinum or nichrome wire will facilitate the burning out of the carbon. Second, if the '*Snch dishes as are listed under the name of "Gliih-Schalchen,' No. 5837 in Greiner & Friedrich's catalog, 1912. LABORATORY PRACTICES AND CORRECTIONS 35 capsule is transferred to a cherry-red nmffle maintained at 700' to 750° there should be no alteration in constituent except the CaCOo. Moreover, the preliminary burning should dispose of the pyritic sul- phur before any sulphate could become fixed. ■ 1 100 1 1 QO / 80 y / 70 f 60 / 50 / / 40 / / 30 / / ?0 y^ ^ Ix' 10 ^ ^ -- ,__ '" 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Fig. 7. — Dissociation curve for calcium sul[)hate. 1200 CoaU with relativelij high cdlciuvi carhoiutte. — If the calcium- carbonate content is high, and especially where extreme accuracy is desired, a correction for loss of CO^ should be secured as follows. For coals containing carbon dioxide in an amount to call for cor- rection, say 0.5 to 1.00 per cent and over, the ash after the preliminary burning off of the carbon and cooling is moistened with a few drops of sulphuric acid (diluted 1:1) and again after drying brought up to 750° C. and retained at that temperature for 3 to 5 minutes. The cap- sule is cooled in a desiccator and weighed. Three times the equivalent of carbon present as carbon dioxide is substracted from the ash as weighed in order to restore the weight of the calcium sulphate formed to the equivalent of calcium carbonate. The ratios in molecular ecpiiv- alents are SO3=80 3C=36 Difference as (CO,) =44 36 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS The above method was applied in the determinations of ash on five coals high in calcium carbonate. The results are given in Table 14. Table 14, — Analyses sltoiving agreement of ash duplicates in high-car'bonate coals resulting from treatment of carhon-free ash loith H^SO^ and returning at 700° to 750° Centigrade A B c D E SO3 equiv- F SO3 as determined G Difference be- Lab. Duplicate Original GO. found alent to in treated ash with tween cor- No. H,0 ash from SO3 in un- in fresh CO, as subtraction of orig- rected value H,SO, treated coal bhown in inal SO3 as shown and original treatment coal column D in column C CO. value 6401 2.57 24.61 24.67 .16 2.21 4.08 4.16 .08 6402 3.06 26.46 26.33 .18 2.60 4.81 4.67 .14 6403 2.78 25.51 25.20 .16, 2.24 4.14 4.13 .01 6404 3.14 22.96 22.93 .16 2.10 3.88 3.84 .04 6405 3.28 22.71 22.81 .20 2.05 3.79 3.72 .07 Since the resulting sulphate was determined as SO3, the CO2 present was calculated to the SO^ equivalent and comparison for the treated ash made on that basis. The variations as indicated in column Gl- are of a low order and indicate the reliability of the' method for cor- recting the ash in high-carbonate coals. In Table 15 are given the original moisture and calcium carbonate in the samples together Avith the ash determined by the usual method and also by the HoSO^ method which corrects the result for calcium carbonate. ASH VALUES AS AFFECTED BY SULPHATES Occurrence and heliavior. — From the foregoing studies involving variations due to the formation of sulphates and their possible decom- position under conditions of temperature or a reducing atmosphere it seemed advisable to make a further study of the occurrence of this ingredient in coal. If sulphates aro initially present in the form of sulphates of iron there is involved their possible decomposition from that combination. The dissociation temperature for ferrous sulphate begins at 550° and is rapid at 600°. Ferric sulphate is indicated as LABORATORY PRACTICES AND CORRECTIONS 37 Table 15. — Ash values as determined by the usual method compared with corrected values taking account of calcium carbonate Lab. No. Moisture Calcium carbonate Ash by routine method Ash by treat- ment with H2SO4 Difference 20.76 20.14 6401 2.57 5.03 21.76 21.78 24.61 24.67 Average 21.61 Average 24.64 3.03 22.41 22.45 6402 3.06 5.91 23.07 23.30 26.46 26.33 Average 22.81 Average 26.40 3.59 21.35 25.51 6403 2.78 5.10 21.19 25.20 Average 21.32 Average 25.36 4.04 22.52 21.73 20.26 6404 3.14 4.78 20.03 19.80 20.48 22.96 22.93 Average 20.80 Average 22.94 2.14 19.63 22.71 6405 3.28 4.66 19.64 22.81 Average 19.(54 Average 22.7(5 3.12 decomposing at 700°. ('alciiini siilphnlc has ali'cady hvvw discussed and, as noted, would not l)e distui'bcd hy the pi'oposcd iiu^hod for ashing. With reference to the amount and disti'ibution of sulphate, from the limited data ol)tained up to the pi'cscnt time the indications are rather unexpected, and to the effect that this in«»redient is about as common and in sufficient i)i'()poi'ti()ns to l)e as sei'iously distui'bing as has been found to be th(^ case with carbonates. This may be illustrated in Table 16 showin*^ the ])ei'centale 40-mesh of re- serve sample 6399 6400 1.74 2.03 3.(1 5 3.19 .214 .218 .200 .230 .198 .228 .176 .199 .164 .195 .215 .257 A further interest attaches to sample No. 5372, which has been listed in Tables 16 and 17 above, in that the accumulation of sulphate of iron in this sample has become so marked as to be clearly shown in 40 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS the sample bottle. A photographic illustration is given in which an attempt is made to show the white formation of sulphate on the bot- tom of the bottle, some of it in crystalline form (fig. 8). Fig. 8. — Fonnaticii of sulphate crystals on bottom of sample bottle. Figure 9 is a photomicrograph of a small mass taken from a sample of coal enclosed in a museum jar. The sample had not been air dried, and all of the normal moisture was present when it was first put into the jar. The sulphate crystals were quite abundant throughout the coal mass. Of course the white deposit of iron sulphate over the sur- face of a pile of screenings which has been exposed to the weather is Fig. 9. — Photoiiiicroi>v;;ph of sam[)le of coal enclosed in museum jar showing crystals of sulphate. LABORATORY PRACTICES AXD (ORRECTIOXS 41 not unusual, but ordinai'ily we have not thought to look for the same effect in carefully sealed laboratory containers. In order to secure further evidence on the relation between free moisture and sulphate in sealed samples, 28 samples of coal were se- lected from the various districts of the State and sulphate determina- tion made on the laboratory samples ground to 60-mesh which had been in storage from the early part of 1912 until June, 1913. Unfortunately the sulphate factors for the fresh coal are not available, but the table shows that high moisture, especially when accompanied by a high per- centage of total sulphur, presumably mainly in the sulphide form in the fresh coal, will produce upon standing a high percentage of sul- phate sulphur. This would normally proceed from the equation 2FeS2+'7 0,+2H,0=2FeSO^. Note in this connection especially Nos. 5359, 5361, 5362, and 5364 of Table 20. Table 20.- — Amount of sulphate in laboratorii .samples stored from March, 1912, to June, 191.1:, and aitendinfj conditions of moi.sture and sulphur'-^ Lab. No. County Coal bed H2O I Total sulphur I SO3 ( dry-coal ) 4699 Verniili()i\ 6 2.80 2.44 .18 4702 do 6 2.08 2.75 .15 4706 do 6 2.08 3.48 .82 4707 do (5 1.82 4.82 .85 4716 do 7 2.81 4.06 .62 4724 do / i.9r^ 3.77 .60 4727 do 7 1.91 3.88 .37 4784 do / 2.24 2.59 ')0 4744 do 6 4.58 1.94 .29 4789 Fnmkliii () 3.88 .52 .02 4811 do (•) 2.41 1.53 00 4994 Saline 5 2.82 2.32 .54 5006 Williamson () .').25 1.11 .12 oOll Fiankliu () 4.14 1.53 .18 .1024 Salino 5 5.87 3.78 .80 5121 Williamson () 8.78 1.42 .11 5122 do (i (5.25 1.46 .12 5134 do (') 6.25 1.24 .10 5224 Franklin (i 5.87 1.12 .06 5839 Mercer 1 8.21 5.66 .98 5859 Kock Islan.l 1 4.84 6.56 2.14 5361 do 1 5.74 4.56 1.(18 5362 do 1 4.96 5.26 1.15 5864 Mercer 1 6.34 4.94 1.69 5868 Grundy 7.08 3.04 .59 5369 do 2 6.98 2.53 .14 5877 do 7.88 4.00 1.34 5889 La Salle ^ 7.71 3.57 .83 "Sulphate was determined en pulverized sam])les. June 2, 1913, on ; ainples collected Feb. to June, 1912, 42 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS Moisture Deter min ations methods employed It will be of interest at this point to eompare the total moistures obtained on the cooperative samples, noting again that the samples of 3 pounds each sent to the laboratories at Pittsburgh and Urbana were obtained as shown in figure 1. The methods employed by the two laboratories differed somewhat and since the coals under consid- eration are of the high-moisture type, an excellent opportunity is of- fered for testing out the methods employed since any irregularities in procedure would at once manifest themselves. In the main it may be said that the results as obtained hy the two laboratories are in very good agreement, and where large variations occur there is an evidence in the accompanying data as to the cause, and in consequence a sug- gestion as to the remedy. The methods differed in that the Bureau of Mines uses smaller pans for air drying and makes use of the ball-mill, ])ulverizing by that means about 500 grams of coal to 60-mesh. The University of Illinois method for air drying uses i)ans 20 by 20 inches. In both laboratories the temperature for air-diying i-anges from 35° to 40° C. The moisture in the air-dry sample in consequence rarely exceeds 3 per cent. In this condition it is reduced to 10-mesh in a grinder of the coffee-mill type, passed entirely through a riffle with y^-iuch slits until a 60-gram sample results. The material in this small portion which will pass a 60-mesh sieve, about one-third in amount is first separated by use of a closed sieve, and is transferred at once to a 4-ounce rubber-stoppered bottle. The remaining portion is reduced on the bucking board until all passes the same sieve, when it is added to the part already in the 4-ounce bottle. The total time required for the bucking-board pro- cess does not exceed three minutes. The grinding and riffling of the gross sample requires also about three minutes. COMPARISON OE THE RESULTS If we accept as suggested in the preliminary report of the Commit- tee on Coal Analysis-^, a variation of 0.5 per cent as between different analyses for coals of this type, the results on the first 54 samples of Table 21 are reasonably concordant. Certainly the three or four re- sults that vary to the extent of 0.6 per cent or over could not be taken as an argument for or against either method of grinding. For the twenty-three samples following the first fifty-four, however, there are only seven that would come within the i)rescribed limit of variation. •»Year Book for 1915, Ainer. Soc. Testing- Materials, pp. 596-624. LABORATORY PRACTICES AND CORRECTIONS 43 An examination of the figures in the Bureau of Mines column, show- ing the amount of moisture retained by the air-dry sample suggests an explanation for the discrepancy. Samples 1 to 56 inclusive have percentages of air-dry moistures, as shown by both laboratories, which are relatively low in amount and presumably somewhere near an equilibrium with the average humidity of the atmosphere. Beginning with sample 57, however, the amount of moisture retained by the air- dry samples sent to the Bureau of Mines is high and in the majority of cases the percentage would seem to be considerably above the point of probable equilibrium with the moisture of the atmosphere. While the variations in total moisture for samples No. 57 to 78 are not alto- gether consistent, the results seem to indicate that coals with more than 4 or 5 per cent moisture in the air-dry state w411 lose an appreciable amount of water in the process of grinding. Exemption from the dif- ficulty is not wholly secured by use of the ball-mill in carrj^ng on the process of fine grinding. 4; COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS 5~ a- g o W 3 Oi 72 Ol o o o ^ LO LO '*' CO at QC LO T-J GO CO CO' Tti Tti CO TT o^ CO CO £ S P o ^5 :» • t- o Ol rr. ^ Ol oi 1~ CT' QT o rr. o ^^ -* Ci t— CI o Ci cr. a> i-~ cr. tc I- QO -o i-~ Cvl -* T -^ (01 cxj 02 CO (M (M Ol OI Ol Ol 01 01 01 CI 01 CO CO CO CO CO CO ^' §^d ^ 'tt -* -^ -* -t -t -t -f ^ 't -+ I—! 6 ^ LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO lO C5 C-. cr. Ci C-. cr. M fe P^ Eu &J Ph fij ^ ^:, 22 r\'\ QO »o Ci O o I- 1— 1 QO OI C. CO .— rr: 1^ , — 1 o >• \ L- CX) l^ a. (X QC' C/D 'X 00 cx or; ^ -'- w (^^ j*^ ^ n LO LO »o »o lO LO 1" LO lO to to 1^ 1^ 1^ ,^ CO CO CO CO CO CO C^ CO CO' 'C* CO C^ -/- -<^ r\- -/^ ■ !*~j ■ ■—I ^ rH f^ — •-^ -— T— 1 I— i --H --^ l-r !^ .-^ >-H r-i 1— < o rt . o jyj d to t^ 00 C5 o ' — ' -+ 10 "-C 1- on rr. 00 ■^ — 01 o , i 03 'O LO lO LO tc -C — ^ ■— "C o s I— 1 00 T— t LABORATORY PRACTICES AND ( ORRECTIOXS 45 y; 01 1 C 1 Cvl ^ o cr. 7': ci ac cr. ~ c: ~ - i - i -ri -: i oi oi lO lO --c 1- 1 70 -^^ 00 o 01 y ■J- X c/" cr. CO »o 01 'O r— ~ 1—1 o 1 I — r* CO -t- TO 01 — 1 01 r* to i": CM 01 " 01 " Ol Ol " " 1 '' 01 01 01 " " 01 01 01 01 cr. cr. cr. cr. X - X ~. ^ o_i JO c; cr. 1 .". -t- 10 — i~ X cr. o 46 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS i CO CI 1^ C-0 o CO . + r— 1 + 1—1 + o o CO* CO* CO CO (>i cvi GC i-l ^ t^ I- GO l^ CO LO O I- rH -tH Ol 1^ CO o .-i ^ ^ -o 01 O-l O '^ CO GO r-i O Ci o CO T-H -^ O] (M 00 00* CO* CO CO ^ CO LO O CM* (M* Ci oq* LO* tJh c; i^ (Oi CO GO CO lO* rtH* 'TT^ CO* CO* (>i g O CO (M* CM* (M (M T— I ■^ ^ C7i CO GO >o o oa on rn on rr. GO Ci lO LO 'fi -* ^ 'T^ -tH Tl '* ■* CO CO CO CO CO CO CO O CO i-H CO O '^ C5 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO I^ ^ ^ 00 (M lO Th< CO ^ lO CO 00 O'J I.O »o LO >o lO CO CO r^ ^ TT* I— I T^^ c^l CO lo CO C\] Ol OJ OJ o o 1^ GO 00 ^ GO ^ CO 1- on o O CM CO 0] CO CO ,co -t 1^ l^ t^ l^ 1^ --tn '^ Tt^ Tt^ ■^ '^ 't' ■^ uo (M CO '^ »0 CO 1-- OO ^ T+H -^ tH TtH '^ TjH LABORATORY PRACTICES AND CORRECTIONS 47 CO o L- i s CO cr. o + o 4- o o -j- o T- + + + 4- -r + o o QO o , 1 p'* (^ -t as L- ^ ^ I- C^ 1^ -f 1^ CI Ol GO ^ GO LO 1': ^^ c; cr. Ol -+ rt >': OC: Tt^ 1- 00 00 CI -t -t -+ ri '-H .— f^ w IT w -- C; ^_ ,_l ,^ I—I CM CO GO -—1 CO C^l Cl r2 QC r/D 00 CO lO IT Cl Cl C1 I- Ct ^ i-i o -t 00 IT T~ — -^ CO O GO w* :c 1-' ~' c ci ci -f • T CO X • T X -+ -t^ 1- CO CO o c; ^ CO ^- CO t^ — <— rt — -r X 1- CO »T O 'O GO GO C/J CO GO CO GO GO CO y. X 1- X X X :;: -o >-' lO IT Oi ox w I- O' ^H *+ >T -^ c: 1^ IT IT CO X CI X CI X X CI X CO CO IT CO • T CO Cl CO CO CO CO CO X ^ CO X C-. C C. -t Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CO -h ^ -t IT IT >T IT IT LT 48 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS General Statement The analyses presented in the latter part of this report are the re- sult of the extended sampling and analytical campaign carried on dur- ing the summer and fall of 1912 by the Coal Mining Investigations. As stated before, they represent the results of analysis of a large number of samples taken under like conditions and by the same sampling crews. They furnish excellent criteria for a comparison of coals from differ- ent parts of Illinois. Consideration of the results develops some inter- esting features regarding the free moisture in Illinois coals and the difference in composition between the top bench of coal No. 6 and the remainder of the seam. In the following pages, therefore, these sub- jects are discussed in detail and there is added a description of the methods of calculating the commercial heat value of a coal as deliv- ered when the ash, moisture, and sulphur content is known. Free Moisture in Illinois Coals The free moisture in Illinois coal varies considerably. In the greater part of the producing area the freshly mined coal has from 12 to 14 per cent of uncombined water. It is evenly distributed through- out the texture of the coal so that there is no appearance of free mois- ture on the surface of the coal particles. The water, thus held, slowly escapes in the process of preparation and shipment, the amount of loss depending upon weather conditions, length of time in transit, accessi- bility of air, and size of particles. No definite rule can be given, there- fore, as to the drop in moisture likely to occur between the working face at the mine and the storage bin of the user. The loss in weight may vary from nothing to 4 or 5 per cent. In any event, it is a variable which should receive consideration, because of its effect on tonnage and heat values. Obviously the coal with the lower initial moisture v/ill vary the least in transportation, but high moisture coals carried in stock over long periods and sold at retail will lose a very considerable amount of their original weight. The user receives less water and more fuel per ton, and doubtless the dealer adds enough in price to account for the shrinkage in gross weight. From practical or com- mercial considerations, therefore, the amount of moisture content for given areas, so far as there is any uniformity in the results, is a matter of considerable importance. It has been suggested that the cuttings from a drill in the process of boring a hole for blasting would furnish a better index of the nor- mal moisture factor for the coal seam than cross-cuttings from the face, since the drill after penetrating several feet into the unbroken ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 49 coal would bring out material which had lost none of its original mois- ture. A number of such samples are presented in Table 22, showing the percentage of moisture in the drillings and in the face samples taken at the same places. A summary of the results shows that, of the eleven samples compared, six are substantially duplicate checks, four of the face samples show a lower amount of moisture, and two show a higher value. From these results, it is fair to conclude that the mois- ture as found in the face samples taken with the ordinary precautions is a fair index of the normal moisture content of the seam. Table 22. — Amount of inoisture in drill cuttings compared with amount in face samples Moisture Moisture Lab. No. Co-op. No. County in drill- hole sample in nearby face sample 5247 13 Jackson 9.36 9.88 5227 14 Jackson 10.63 8.77 5370 17 Mercer 17.65 17.50 5362 19 Mercer 15.38 14.46 5199 38 Sangamon 14.08 14.10 4980 43 Saline 6.28 6.80 5014 49 Saline 5.65 4.90 4790 53 Franklin 11.03 10.00 4782 53 Franklin 11.89 10.57 5057 79 St. Clair 11.03 10.69 5026 90 Perry 10.69 11.20 Analyses of Top Bench of Coal No. 6 In certain districts mining coal No. 6 the custom ])i'evails* of leav- ing a portion of the coal as roof. This is designatiHl as top coal and varies greatly in thickness although it is genei-ally less than 20 inches thick. In this sui'vey 15 samples of top coal were taken, each from a local- ity in the mine where a samx^lc from the Avoi'kiiig face was also ob- tained. By reference to Tables 26 and 27, Ave find that the noi'mal moisture of the seam is least in the southei'u and southeastei'n counties, Dis- tricts II, V, and VI varying fi'om 5 to 9 per cent, whereas the mois- ture reaches its maximum in the northern areas, especially in District I where the moisture values vary from 15 to 19 pei' cent. These valuations do not follow any condition which might be sup- posed to I'esult from the depth of the seam oi' geological number of the layei'. For example, coal No. 2, La Salle County, has an average moisture content of 15.70 pei' cent, but coal No. 7 in the same county 50 COAL MIXING INVESTIGATIONS has an average of 13.56 per cent. This order is reversed, however, in McLean County, where coal No. 2 has an average of 11.26 per cent, and coal No. 5 has 13.22 per cent. In the southern counties a possible correlation with geological fea- tures would seem to be the fact that to the east and south of the Du- quoin anticline the amount of free moisture is less than the percentage found to the west and north of that line. For example, the average moisture for Fi-anklin County is 9.01 per cent. For Jackson County it is 9.28 per cent. The Duquoin anticline bends to the west on enter- ing Jackson County so that Murphysboro is situated east of the anti- cline. Similarly, the average moisture for AVilliamson County is 9.31 per cent ; for Saline County, 6.92 per cent ; and for Gallatin County, 1.30 per cent. In the counties west of the anticline, the moisture ranges from about 10 per cent up to almost 15 per cent. It would be difficult with our present knowledge to attempt an explanation for the relatively low average moisture in the area — whether from the method of deposition, kind or extent of bacterial decomposition of the initial organic material, earth pressures, or earth temperatures, it would be impossible to say. Igneous intrusion is locally evident in the ''Coal Measures" of the southeastern part of the State, but the evidence of higher temperatures accompanying such intrusion is localized. The most natural explanation would l^e to ascribe the lower moistures to greater pressure and higher temperature. Further data from similar regions is necessary before final conclusions would be warranted. The analytical results in Table 23 afford an opportunity for study- ing the character and comparative value of the coal thus left in the mine. The analysis for each sample of top coal is coupled with the analytical results from the face sample taken nearby. The features to be observed in studying these values are as follows: 1. The moisture is slightly lower as a rule in the top coal. This is doubtless due to longer exposure and resulting opportunity for es- cape of moisture. 2. The ratio of volatile matter to fixed carbon remains substan- tially the same in both. 3. Where variations of any consequence occur in the percentage of sulphur, it is usually higher in the top coal. 4. Ash values are frequently so much lower in the top coal as to be especially noteworthy. 5. The heat values for unit coal are substantially the same as for the face sample. The last two items are of special interest. For example, the excep- tional purity of some of the top coal with respect to the ash content emphasizes the danger which may accompany the taking of a hand ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 51 sample and having it analyzed as a representative portion of the out- put of the mine. A sample of top coal in many eases would give very erroneous results if taken as the avei'age output of the mine. Table 2^. —Analy.'^cs of top hcndi of coal No. 6 compared with thoitc of the bed excluding the top bench (a = top beiK'li; b = sample excluding top bench) Lab. No. Co-op. No. County Parts of coal bed Mois- ture A'olatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Sulphur Unit coal B.t.u. 5007 51 Franklin a 7.67 36.00 50.32 6.01 3.04 14505 b 10.63 33.23 48.79 7.35 1.40 14534 4813 52 Franklin a 5.30 39.49 43.88 11.33 5.61 14623 b 6.96 38.42 44.16 10.46 2.98 14568 4809 52 Franklin a 6.02 39.85 44.37 9.76 4.12 14710 b 7.34 38.11 44.23 10.32 3.26 14561 4788 53 Franklin a 13.97 33.08 49.35 3.60 0.45 1-1518 b 10.15 32.88 50.56 6.41 0.59 14494 4783 53 Franklin a 8.03 33.99 54.93 3.05 0.77 14445 b 10.00 32.08 50.93 6.98 0.47 14492 4762 54 Perry a 11.09 33.87 51.92 3.12 0.90 14381 1) 10.32 34.03 46.19 9.4(5 1.07 1-1380 4770 54 J>erry a 10.72 33.93 48.48 6.87 2.02 14363 b 10.05 33.24 45.85 10.8(5 0.93 14424 4781 55 Perry a 6.41 38.1(5 47.17 8.26 3.99 14611 1) 7.17 36.3(5 45.25 11.22 3.92 14617 4771 55 Jacki-oii a 9.(51 33.91 51.96 4.52 0.57 1-1417 b 10.88 31.91 48.90 8.51 0.(55 14531 4772 55 Jackson a 9.86 34.12 52.78 3.24 0.74 14488 b 10.88 31.71 48.90 8.51 0.65 14531 5210 56 Franklin a 7.57 38.53 46.84 7.06 2.69 14585 b 7.71 35.75 45.38 11.1(5 3.50 14644 4792 58 Fraiiklin a 7.88 35.46 49.93 (5.73 1.83 14564 b 8.70 34.62 ■18.92 7.70 0.62 14426 5171 64 WiUiaiHsou a 5.93 38.(54 47.75 7.(58 3.10 14757 b 7.38 35.59 47.56 9.47 O.S(5 14617 5003 65 Williamson a 7.40 37.12 48.96 6.52 3.(53 14771 b 8.58 33.95 48.31 9.16 3.10 14644 5051 85 Clinton a 12.41 40.40 38.13 9.0(5 3.91 14364 b 12.43 37.23 39.93 10.41 4.19 14^11 52 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS It is probable that a good market might be developed for top coal if it were mined separately, but up to the present time no operator has undertaken such a move. The other item relates to the close agreement of the heat values for the unit coal. It is thus indicated that the general type of organic mat- ter in the top coal is the same and has the same calorific value as that in the main bod}^ of coal. Calorific Values for Unit Coal As may be seen by reference to Tables 26 and 27, the unit-coal values vary from 14,300 to 15,000 B.t.u. per pound of the corrected ash, moisture, and sulphur-free substance. The coals of a given unit value are fairly constant for a given geographical area. This is a mat- ter of very considerable industrial importance since from the unit coal factor may be calculated the commercial heat value of the coal as de- livered with known content of moistui^e, ash, and sulphur. It is highly important, therefore, that the unit-coal values be accurately es- tablished. Table 28 has been prepared using arbitrary factors for moisture, ash, and sulphur. The calculation to commercial coal, or coal as delivered, has been made according to the following formula.^ Commercial B.t.u.=''Unit" B.t.u.X [1.00— W— (1.08A+0.55S) ] -f 5000S in which W= Moisture A=Ash S= Sulphur A good agreement will be found by comparing the heat values thus obtained by calculation with the observed values as indicated by the calorimeter. It is of further interest in this connection to compare the results obtained in the survey conducted by the Illinois State Geological Sur- vey in 1908 and published in Bulletin No. 16 with the calorimetric re- sults obtained in the present work. The comparison between the two sets of unit values is, therefore, given in Table 24. Upon examination of the last column where the differences in unit heat values are indi- cated, it is seen that samples from Vermilion County, the locality near- est the laboratory where the heat values were determined, check each other very closely. All other counties for which comparative data were available, with the exception of Macoupin, are lower. By refer- ence to the working dates for the samples from this county, it is found that the heat determinations for a number of the samples were made ^Parr, S. W.. Purchase and sale of coal undei- specifications: III. State Geol. Survey Bull. 29, p. 42. 1914. ANALYSES OF ILLIxKOIS COALS 53 on the second day after cutting out at the seam. Others were deter- mined on the third and fourth day after cutting out. These periods intervening between cutting out of the sample and analysis at the laboratory average less than any of the other samples. However, the average time for the other samples would not be over five days and that time would be less than the time consumed for the samples of 1908. Moreover, the consistent drop in values, especially since it ac- companies a decrease in the time interval, would seem to indicate some influence of the same order as that responsible for the deterioration in heat values described in a former paper.^ In these previous investiga- tions two influences were found to operate ; namely, the loss of volatile hydrocarbons and the increase in weight due to oxidation. Both operate in the same direction and lower the indicated heat value. The alteration in each case is facilitated by fineness of division and here possibly may be found the explanation. The first series of sam- Table 24. — ComiKirison of average unit-eoal values in B.t.ii. in two series of samples Number of Average Average Difference County Coal bed analyses in 1908 unit coal in 1908 series unit coal in 1912 series in value referred to 1 series (tamper used) (grinder used) 1908 series Mercer Rock I^laml. . . 1 3 14375 14546 - 29 La Salle o 4 14704 14444 -320 Jackson o 5 14871 14818 - 53 Marshall o 8 14856 14796 - 60 Fulton ~) \) 14688 14416 _o»)>> Peoria 7> 8 14692 14614 'J' Js Sangamon •) 17 14502 14415 - 87 Menard 5 4 14584 14478 - rA] Macon o 2 14478 14419 - 41 Saline 5 9 14992 14794 -198 Clinton '•' 5 14378 14290 - 88 Marion (J :\ 14566 14511 - ')') Montgomery. . . (5 .") 14548 14290 -258 Perry () 9 14501 14407 - 94 St. Clair ^5 12 14550 14457 - 98 Madison 6 8 14407 14870 - 87 Macoupin (J 8 14802 14849 +47 Vermilion (5 :\ 14542 14575 +38 Franklin 6 7 14(521 14588 - S3 Williamson. . . . iS 9 14789 14655 - 84 Vermilion 7 2 14754 14740 - 14 «Parr. S. W. value: III. State of Illinois Kii-in , and Wheeler, W. F., An initial coal substance having a constant thermal Geol. Survey Bull. 8, p. 1(36, 1907: also. Weathering of coal: Universiti; tiering KxpeVinient Station Bull. 88, 1909. 54 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS pies was prepared for shipment by breaking down to about i/2-inch to i/i-inch size. The latter samples were put through a mill which ground to about i/g-inch size. Notwithstanding this drop in values, it is to be noted that all but four of the comparisons check within a difference averaging from 50 to 75 units. No explanation is evident for the four counties which show differences of from 200 to 300 units. The character of the coal, its avidity for oxygen, its greater content of occluded or imprisoned hydrocarbo::s may be the cause, but direct proof is not at present available. It may also involve the type of iron sulphide pre:^ent, the size and accessibility of such sulphur 'Compounds, which would favor the formation of iron sulphate as al- ready described in this paper. In any event the unit values for the two series do not vary on the average more than one-half of 1 per cent, and in industrial application the values are doubtless much more closely comparable where the commercial sample is prepared simi- larly to the second series by grinding to Vs-ii^^l^ mesh. Table 25. — Alphahetical arrangement of samples hy counties County Bond Brown Bureau Calhoun Christian . . . . Clinton Edgar Franklin. . . . Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hancock .... Henry Jackson Jefferson. . . . Jersey Knox La Salle.... Livingston . . . Logan Macon Macoupin . . . Madison .... Marion Marshall .... Coal bed District County Coal bed District I, IV IV III VII VII IV VI, VII I VII III VII V IV, VII III III VII I IV VIII III VII I I VI () 1, 2 2 1, 2 1, 2, 6 6 6 G 1, 2, 5 5, 6 1, 2 2 1, 2 1, 2, 6 2, 6 6 1, 2 1, 2, 5 2 5, 7 9 -'J 5, 7 5 5 6 (5 6 2, G VII III III III, VIE VII VI n vi; Tir, IV V ]ri I III \\\ , VI VI J LI , iv I I IV IV VII VII VTI I III, ir HI McDonongh . McLean Menard Mercer Montgomery . Moultrie .... Peoria Perry Putnam Randolph. . . Rock Island. St. Clair. .. . Saline Sangamon . . , Schuyler. . . . Scott Shelby Stark Tazewell . . . . Vermilion . . . Warren Was-hington. Woodford. . . Will Williamson . . 1, - 2, 5 5 1, 2 6 6 5 6 2 6 1, 2 6 5 5, G 1, G, 1, 2 G 9 AXATA'SES OF ILLINOIS COALS Fig. 10.— 1 Li)i.tricHs for dassiliration of coal samples. 56 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS Analytical Tables analyses of mine samples In Table 26 are given analyses from 345 coal-bed samples which were taken from 100 mines in the State. They are grouped by coal beds and counties and represent all of the producing areas of the State. Table 25 showing counties and district classification is pre- sented foi' cross reference (fig. 10). For a given geological bed the counties represented are arranged alphabetically in Table 26. A further grouping is shown by use of the cooperative numbers, these represent samples from the same mine. Two sets of values are given for each sample — one showing the nor- mal or coal-bed moisture, and the other calculated to the dry-coal or moisture-free basis. There is also given the value of the unit-coal in British thermal units as derived by means of the formula already presented. ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 57 Table 26. — Analyses of mine samples (not exactly indicative of commercial output] Proximate analysis of coal (M 1st: "As reed," with 6 '^ nd total moisture. rt !z; 05 S^ 2nd: "Dry" or mois- (M ? p ^ g* 4J County ture free. ft O *^ 6 P a 'c Si M P Coal No. 1 10 10 10 10 10 21 7/12| 7/12 7/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 Christian , Cliristian. Christian Mercer . . Mercer. . Mercer . . Mercer. . , Mercer . . Mercer . . Mercer . . Mercer . . Mercer . . Mercer . . Mercer . . , 8/12 Bureau, 8/12 liureau. 8/12 15urcau 8/12 liurcau. 8/12 10 I 8/12 i 8 8/12 Bureau Bureau 11.27 Dry 38.68 43.59 40.55 45.70 9.50 10.71 2.07 2.33 .33 .37 11445 12898 11.52 Dry 38.78 43.83 41.01 46.35 8.69 9.82 2 42 2.73 .97 1.10 11648 13163 11.13 Dry 39.21 44.12 41.26 46.43 8.40 9.45 2.56 2.88 .61 .69 11715 13183 13.23 Dry 40.29 46.43 37.20 42.88 9.28 10.69 4.37 5.04 .41 .47 11104 12797 15.24 Dry 37.66 44.44 35.73 42.15 11.37 13.41 4.80 5.66 1.47 1.73 10353 12214 15.15 Dry 39.06 44.44 38.48 42.15 7.31 14.41 3.30 5.66 .17 1.73 11252 12214 14.97 Dry 38.27 46.03 37.07 45.36 9.69 8.61 3.75 3.89 .33 .19 9637 13260 14.46 Dry 40.42 44.99 35.33 43.61 9.79 11.40 4.23 4.95 .69 .43 10780 12749 14.07 Dry 39.95 47.24 34.01 41.32 11.97 11.44 4.55 4.94 .78 .59 10525 12603 14.58 Dry 39.49 46.49 36.82 39.59 9.11 13.92 5.60 5.29 .15 .91 10894 12247 15 07 Dry 38.14 46.23 37.44 43.09 9.35 10.68 4.85 6.56 .34 .18 10790 12754 14 10 Dry 39.60 44.91 36.73 44.01 9.57 11.02 3.92 5.71 .23 .38 10956 12705 17.75 Dry 39.50 48.03 34.61 42.08 8,14 9.89 5.53 6.72 .86 1.05 10435 12687 17,50 Dry 38.78 47.00 33.66 40.80 10.06 12.20 4.51 5.46 .29 .35 10238 12409 Coal No. 2 16.6.1 Drv 15,08 Drv 16.83 Dry 36.66 43.99 40.12 47.25 36.54 43.93 14.88 38.69 Dry 1 45.45 38.07 17.43 Dry 16.07 Dry 15.19 Drv 46.10 39.68 47.28 39.67 46.78 38.58 46.29 8.11 9.72 3.40 4.07 .67 .80 10740 12884 36.35 42.80 8.45 9.95 3.68 4.33 .91 1.07 10831 12754 39.19 47.12 7.44 8.95 2.64 3.17 .89 1.07 10788 12970 37.25 43.76 9.08 10.79 3.83 4.50 1.07 1.25 10685 12553 39.44 47.76 5.06 6.14 2.68 3.25 .52 .63 11070 13407 38.36 45.71 5.89 7.01 2.96 3.53 .57 .63 11216 13363 38.69 45 60 6.45 7.62 2.20 2.62 .99 1.17 11206 13213 58 COAL MIXING IXVESTIGATIONS Table 26. — Analyses of mine samples (not exactly indicative of commercial output) — Continued. ^ 05 o s o cS Q Coimty Proximate analysis of coal 1st: "As reed," with total moisture. 2nd: "Dry"' or mois- ture free. 05 >H S % 8 w M 5-349 8 8/12 5350 8 8/12 5205 21 7/12 5206 21 7/12 5207 21 7/12 5367 6 8/12 5368 6 8/12 5369 6 8/12 5373 5 8/12 5374 5 8/12 5377 5 8/12 5375 7 8/12 5376 7 8/12 5378 7 8/12 5225 14 7/12 5226 14 7/12 5228 14 7/12 5248 13 7/12 5249 13 7/12 5250 13 7/12 5351 12 7/12 5252 12 7/12 Bureau. . Bureau . . Christian. Christian. Christian . Grundy. . Grundy. . Grundy. . Grundy. . Grundy. . Grundy . . Grundy. . Grundy. . Grundy. . Jackson . . Jackson . . Jackson . . Jackson . . Jackson . . Jackson . . Jackson . . Jackson . . 17.34 37.12 Drv ! 44.90 16.9 Dry 12.07 Dry 12.53 Dry 14.30 Dry 19.97 Dry 18.9, Dry 19.66 Drv 17.29 Dry 38.66 46.56 39.36 44.77 38.00 44.12 39.54 46.14 38.16 47.68 37.01 46.06 38.61 46.68 13.73 39.87 Dry 46.22 17.01 Dry 16.84 Dry 15.81 Dry 16.23 Drv Dry 8.77 Dry 9.18 Dry 9.88 Dry 10 91 Dry 39.48 47.57 38.37 46.13 39.28 45.48 38.71 46.22 35.09 38.02 32.78 35.93 34.70 38.20 33.23 36.87 33.51 37.61 9.76,33.45 Dry 37.06 9.51 33.13 Dry 36.62 9.37133.39 Dry 136.48 39.28 47.52 34.83 41.95 41.91 47.66 40.62 46.44 40.30 47.02 37.45 46.79 38.23 47.16 38.16 47.50 36.69 44.36 42.19 48.90 36.74 44.27 41.19 49.53 39.77 47.24 40.61 48.47 48.56 52.62 50.58 55.44 51.58 56.80 52.43 58.18 51.20 57.47 52.07 57.71 52.12 57.59 49.29 54.38 6.26 7.58 9.54 11.49 6.66 7.57 8.25 9.44 5.86 6.84 4.42 5.53 5.22 6.45 5.17 6.44 7.41 8.96 4.21 4.88 3.60 4.34 6.13 7.28 4.45 5.31 8.63 9.36 7.87 8.63 4.54 5.00 4.46 4.95 4.38 4.92 4.72 5.23 5.24 5.79 2.25 2.71 3.74 4.26 3.67 4.22 2.00 2.33 1.82 2.27 2.46 3.04 2.03 2.53 2.87 3.47 2.04 2.37 3.32 4.00 1.74 2.09 2.30 2.73 2.47 2.94 2.01 2.18 2.00 2.19 1.14 1.28 1.08 1.20 2.11 2.32 .49 .59 11006 1 13314 2.29 2.91 10397 12522 .07 .09 ' 11776 13393 .31 .35 11389 13020 .24 .28 11609 13544 .65 .79 10936 13664 .64 .79 10787 13309 .83 1.03 10734 13360 1.44 1.74 10708 12947 1.47 1.71 11787 13662 1.05 1.27 10834 13055 .04 .05 11508 13838 .24 .28 11212 13318 .82 .38 11461 13683 .29 .31 12248 13272 .02 .03 12253 13430 .05 .06 12752 14040 .33 .36 12709 14103 .20 .23 12503 14034 .51 .56 12629 13996 .94 1.03 12500 13814 .94 1.03 11972 13208 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 59 Table 26, — Analyses of mine samples (not exactly indicative of commercial outimt) — Continued. d (M ^ cs P. o OJ 6 ^ o p County Proximate analysis of coal 1st: "As reed," with total moisture. 2nd: "Dry" or mois- ture free. ^ m 6 ffi 5253 12 7/12 5496 16 8/12 5497 16 8/12 5498 16 8/12 5286 15 8/12 5287 15 8/12 5288 15 8/12 5388 ' 8/12 5389 2 8/12 5390 8/12 5357 4 .... 5356 4 5358 4 5412 11 8/12 5413 11 8/12 5414 11 8/12 5232 22 7/12 5233 22 7/12 5234 22 7/12 5426 100 8/12 5427 100 8/12 5428 100 8/12 Jackson . . . Jackson . . . Jackson. . . Jackson . . . Jackson. . . Jackson . . . Jackson . . . La Salle . . . La Salle. . . La Salle. . . Marshall. . . Marshall. . . Marshall . . . Marshall. . . Marshall . . . Marshall. . . McDonoush McDonouji'h McDonontih McLean . . . McLean . . . McLean. . . 2 9.99 Dry 32.51 36.12 2 9.25 Dry 34.67 38.20 - 9.56 Dry 34.52 38.16 - 9.20 Dry 34.48 37.97 2 8.32 Dry 35.28 38.49 2 8.86 Dry 35.00 38.40 2 8.91 Dry 34.03 37.36 2 1422 Dry 39.49 46.03 2 15.16 Dry 40.13 47.32 2 14.43 Dry 40.01 46.75 2 16.46 Dry 38.48 46.06 2 16.79 Dry 36.81 44.23 2 17.54 Dry 37.42 45.37 2 12.92 Dry 41.69 47.87 2 13.10 Dry 38.73 44.56 2 13.82 Dry 41.34 47.97 2 19.35 Dry 31.70 39.35 2 16.46 Dry 33.94 40.63 2 16.39 Dry 34.26 40.97 2 10.13 Dry 45.00 50.07 2 11.34 Dry 40.05 45.17 2 10.61 Dry 41.87 46.84 51.88 57.63 50.53 55.68 50.47 55.83 50.54 55.66 51.10 55.74 49.74 i4.57 .3.17 i8.37 36.94 43.06 38. IC 44. 8i- 41.94 38.27 45.80 40.34 48.49 40.11 48.63 37.60 43.19 39.64 45.61 35.88 41.64 40.61 )0.40 42.46 50.83 41.36 49.47 35.92 39.97 39.18 44.1 35.94 40.21 5.02 6.25 .b2 .69 .20 .22 13673 5.55 6.12 1.41 1.56 .13 .14 12528 13804 5.45 6.01 1.32 1.46 .27 .30 12483 13781 5.78 6.37 1.44 1.59 .19 .21 12481 13746 5.30 5.77 1.39 1.53 .19 .21 12671 13822 6.40 7.03 1.69 1.85 .07 .08 12436 13645 3.89 4.27 1.15 1.26 .07 .08 12844 14101 9.35 10.91 4.46 5.20 .80 .93 10887 12691 6.61 7.80 2.99 3.51 .64 .70 11147 13138 9.67 11.31 4.47 5.23 1.03 1.21 10678 12476 6.79 8.14 2.91 3.48 .28 .34 11162 13360 6.06 7.28 2.59 3.11 .41 .49 11130 13375 4.93 6.00 2.19 2.56 .42 .50 11273 13669 7.78 8.94 2.38 2.73 .64 .73 11597 13319 8.53 9.83 3.47 3.99 .65 .75 11414 13134 8.96 10.39 3.28 3.81 .50 .59 11296 13106 8.34 .0.35 2.31 2.87 .37 .46 10392 12898 7.14 8.54 1.71 2.04 .11 .14 11064 13246 7.99 9.56 2.04 2.44 .33 .40 10977 13130 8.95 9.96 3.27 3.59 .74 .82 11710 13029 9.43 10.64 3.18 3.58 .90 1.01 11394 12851 11.58 12.95 3.79 4.24 .92 1.03 11225 12557 60 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS- Table 26. — Analyses of mine samples (not exactly indicative of commercial output) — Continued. County 5429 100 8/12 5430 100 8/12 5433 100 8/12 5283 31 5284 31 5285 31 5296 31 5298 31 5341 31 5293 29 5297 29 5300 29 5292 28 5295 28 5299 28 5342 32 5343 32 5344 32 5345 30 5346 30 5347 30 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 I ^ McLean McLean McLean P'ulton. Fulton . Fulton . Fulton . Fulton . Fulton . Fulton . Fulton . Fulton . Fulton . P'ulton . Fulton . Fulton . Fulton . Fulton . Fulton Fulton . Fulton . Proximate analysis of coal 1st: "'As reed," with total moisture. 2nd: "Dry" or mois- ture free. - 12.31 Dry 42.17 48.09 38.03 43.37 7.49 8.54 2.69 3.07 .94 1.07 11636 13270 2 12.00 Dry 42.00 47.73 37.96 43.14 8.04 9.13 2.37 2.70 1.23 1.40 11634 13220 2 11.27 Dry 42.17 47.53 39.27 44.25 7.29 8.22 2.91 3.28 1.12 1.26 11784 13279 Coal No. 5 Dry 37.17 43.82 35.17 41.45 12.48 14.73 3.45 4.07 1.70 2.00 5 16.94 Dry 35.68 42.95 37.15 44.73 10.23 12.32 2.98 3.59 1.31 1.57 5 18.42 Dry 34.98 42.88 37. 6e 46.15 8.94 10.97 2.33 2.85 .86 1.06 5 16.82 Dry 37.28 44.81 33.45 40.23 12.45 14.96 2.84 3.42 1.69 2.02 5 16.52 Dry 37.17 44.52 86.54 43.78 9.77 11.70 3.91 4.69 .81 .97 5 17.37 Dry 35.71 43.22 37.86 45.82 9.06 10.96 2.34 2.83 1.14 1.38 5 17.13 Dry 36.23 43.72 34.44 41.55 12.20 14.73 3.03 3.66 1.79 2.16 5 16.59 Dry 35.98 43.14 37.20 44 61 10.23 12.25 4.07 4.88 1.77 2.12 5 15.41 Dry 35.67 42.16 39.04 46.15 9.88 11.69 3.31 3.92 .52 .61 5 17.39 Dry 37.00 44.79 35.69 43.20 9.92 12.01 2.74 3.28 1.14 1.36 5 16.33 Dry 36.27 43.34 36.58 43.72 10.82 12.94 3.40 4.06 1.94 2.32 5 16.33 Dry 36.75 43.92 38.02 45.44 8.90 10.64 2.59 3.10 1.02 1.22 5 13.66 Dry 38.46 44.54 37.06 42.92 10.82 12.54 3.64 4.22 1.26 1.46 5 14 53 Dry 37.46 43.83 38.35 44.87 9.66 11.30 3.18 3.72 1.60 1.87 5 15.80 35.84 Dry 42.56 37.67 44.74 10.69 12.70 3.00 3.57 1.79 2.12 5 16.36 33.91 Dry 40.54 38.19 45.66 11.54 13.80 2.93 3.50 1.27 1.51 5 16.33 35.50 Dry 42.42 37.01 44.23 11.16 13.35 2.89 3.45 1.84 2.20 5 15.85 Dry 36.12 42.92 38.12 45.30 9.91 11.78 3.36 4.00 1.47 1.75 10201 12026 10314 12418 10270 12587 10580 12038 10^^,94 12451 10420 12610 9846 11882 10271 12314 10579 12505 10273 12435 10246 12247 10604 12674 10689 12379 10804 12641 10460 12423 10186 12179 10220 12213 10494 12471 14722 14759 14684 144' 14409 14398 14252 14354 14443 14421 14520 14431 14389 14386 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 61 Table 26. — Analyses of mine samples (not exactly indicative of commercial output) — Continued. C-] ;^ C5 T-l o « i? O County Proximate analysis oi [ coal I 1st: "As reed," with ] total moisture. 2ncl: "Dry" or mois- ture free. fc =* p "H. O _^ XJl « 5025 47 6/12 5029 47 6/12 5032 47 6/12 5492 a S/12 5493 a 8/12 5512 a 8/12 5521 a 8/12 j 5522 a 8/12 5523 a 8/12 5530 a 8/12 5391 c 8/12 5392 (' 8/12 1 5393 c 8/12 5263 33 8/12 1 5264 33 8/12 r.2<).-, 33 8/12 5200 42 7/12 5201 42 7/12 5202 42 7/12 5244 41 7/12 Gallatin . Gallatin . Gallatin. Gallatin. Gallatin . Gallatin. Gallatin . (iallatiii. (Jallatin. Gallatin. La Salle. LaSallo. La Salle . Losan . . . Tjosan . . . Loi;an . . . Macon. . Macon . . Ma 00 11. . Maoon . . , 5 5.37 Dry 5 5. .57 Dry 5 6.21 Dry 5 4.20 Dry 5 4.07 Dry 5 3.68 Dry 5 3.94 Dry h 7.15 Dry b 4.73 Dry h 4.03- Dry 5 15.52 Dry 5 14.13 Dry .5 14.64 Dry 5 14.64 Dry •'' 13.98 Dry •'' 13.99 Dry 5 13.52 Dry •' 13.62 Dry 5 14.36 Dry 5 14.76 Dry 36.54 38.62 35.49 37.59 35.29 37.61 34.41 35.92 33.99 35.43 37.82 39.26 38.13 39.70 34.34 36.99 33.91 35.59 33.71 35.13 41.56 49.18 39.42 45.90 43.01 50.38 37.87 44.36 36.86 42.84 36.85 42.85 36.72 42.46 37.72 43.68 38.06 43.88 35.46 41.60 45.10 48.53 51.39 46.49 49.57 52.63 54.92 52.96 55.21 48.18 50.02 45.95 47.82 53.32 57.42 48.65 52.12 il.84 i4.01 32.57 12.99 10.41 11.02 12.02 12.82 8.76 9.16 .98 10.32 10.72 11.98 12.48 5.19 5.59 11.71 12.29 10.41 10.86 10.35 38.55 12.27 35.96 41.89 34.25 40.12 35.56 41.66 37.98 44.16 38.17 44.37 39.66 45.86 10.49 12.21 8.10 9.50 11.93 13.98 11.18 13.00 10.99 12.78 10. IQ 11.68 40.34 8.32 46.70 9.62 39.35 45.37 38.08 44.67 9.33 10.75 11.70 13.73 3.99 4.22 1.38 1.45 11883 12558 3.12 3.31 .78 .83 12338 13066 3.30 3.52 .87 .93 11938 12728 2.85 2.97 .01 .01 12997 13566 3.61 3.76 .03 .03 12975 13526 4.55 4.73 .04 .04 12818 13307 3.53 3.67 .03 .03 12449 12958 .84 .90 .03 .03 13035 14038 4.78 5.02 .04 .04 12429 13045 4.19 4.37 .02 .02 12783 13319 4.08 4.83 .27 .34 10425 12400 3.22 3.75 .96 1.12 10636 12387 2.83 3.32 .56 .66 10961 12841 3.60 4.22 1.10 1.28 10400 12183 3.14 3.65 1.43 1.67 10549 12264 326 3.79 1.32 1.53 10519 12230 4.23 4.95 .09 .11 10646 12443 3.39 3.93 .00 00 11046 12V88 3.87 4.46 .19 .22 10963 12638 3.24 3.81 .90 1.06 10390 12189 «From country banks not in the original list of 100 mines. •^From the "Ice House" coal of Kentucky reports. Trom a mine not in the original list of 100. 62 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS Table 26, — Analyses of mine samples (not exactly indicative of commercial output) — Continued. (N ^. 05 T-( ft o 3 o O Q County Proximate analysis of coal 1st: "As reed,"' with total moisture. 2nd.: "Dry" or mois- ture free. >6 5245 41 5346 41 5190 34 5191 34 5192 34 5431 100 5432 100 5434 100 5303 26 5304 26 5305 26 4985 43 4986 43 4987 43 4989 43 4990 43 4992 43 4991 44 4993 44 4994 44 4997 45 4999 45 7/12 7/12 Macon , Macon . 8/12 i Menard. 7/12 Menard, 7/12 Menard. 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 6/12 6/12 6/12 6/12 6/12 6/12 6/12 McLean , McLean. McLean . Peoria . . Peoria . . Peoria . . Saline . Saline. . Saline. . Saline. . Saline. . Saline. . Saline. . 6/12 Saline. 6/12 6/12 6/12 Saline. Saline. Saline. 14.54 Dry 14.14 Dry 16.29 Dry 15.44 Dry 20.27 Dry 12.88 Dry 13.34 Dry 13.7c Dry 16.00 Dry 14.23 Dry 14.76 Dry 6.34 Dry 6.40 Drv 8.8i Drv 6.80 Drv 6.02 Dry 7.39 Drv Dry I 6.71 ' Dry 6.90 Dry 6.71 Dry .45 36.33 42.51 36.21 42.18 36.66 43.80 36.38 43.03 34.58 43.37 38.84 44.58 38.39 44.30 36.79 42.64 36.06 42.93 37.41 43.62 35.95 42.18 37.72 40.27 37.11 39.65 32.53 35.65 35.06 37.61 38.23 40.68 35.38 38.20 35.85 38.34 35.68 38.24 34.42 36.97 35.59 38.14 34.18 36.94 38.01 44.47 38.07 44.34 38.73 46.26 39.71 46.96 37.43 46.94 35.80 41.09 36.72 42.37 36.14 41.89 37.54 44.69 37.36 43.56 35.34 41.46 48.20 51.46 49.59 52.97 51.52 56.57 50.39 54.07 47.53 50.58 50.73 54.78 50.46 53.97 49.64 53.21 48.55 52.16 49.98 53.59 49.88 53.90 11.12 13.01 11.58 13.48 8.32 9.94 8.47 10.01 12.48 14.33 11.55 13.33 13.34 15.47 10.40 12.38 11.00 12.82 13.95 16.36 7.74 8.27 6.90 7.38 7.10 7.78 7.75 8.32 7.20 7.69 7.97 8.55 10.13 10.87 7.72 8.27 8.49 9.16 3.47 4.06 3.24 3.77 3.65 4.36 3.34 3.95 3.31 4.16 3.60 4.14 3.59 4.14 3.99 4.62 2.90 3.46 3.14 3.66 3.19 3.74 2.03 2.16 2.27 2.43 .92 1.00 2.30 2.46 2.67 2.84 2.15 2.32 2.82 3.02 2.69 2.88 2.16 2.32 2.38 2.55 2.78 3.01 .68 .79 10465 12244 1.12 1.31 10493 12210 .5^ .71 10747 12838 .26 .31 10841 12820 .63 .79 9919 12441 1.17 1.35 10601 12168 1.31 1.51 10743 12397 1.19 1.30 10399 12054 1.27 1.51 10515 12518 2.17 2.53 10573 12327 2.00 2.34 10173 11935 .61 .65 12620 13474 .40 .43 12678 13546 .66 .72 12321 13502 .03 .03 12514 13428 .45 .48 12538 13341 .01 .01 12642 13650 .01 .01 12634 13511 .00 .00 12482 13379 .03 .03 12088 12984 .14 .16 12092 13332 .01 .01 12336 13329 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 63 Table 26. — Analyses of mine samples (not exactly indicative of commercial output) — Continued. d (N 12; O I— 1 ? 5 o O ft County Proximate analysis of coal 1st: "As reed," -with total moisture. 2nd: "Dry" or mois- ture free. >a u p o '^, +i m pq 45 6/12 Saline 5 6.94 Dry 34.56 37.14 50.93 54.72 48 6/12 Saline 5 7.57 Dry 34.36 37.18 48.30 52.25 48 6/12 Saline 5 7.45 Dry 33.71 36.42 51.27 55.40 48 6/12 Saline 5 7.9? Dry 33.63 36.55 51.20 55.65 49 1 6/12 Saline 5 5.19 Dry 38.37 40.47 45.92 48.43 49 6/12 Saline 5 5.52 Dry 36.89 39.04 45.89 48.58 49 6/12 Saline - 4.90 Dry 38.93 40.94 45.90 48.26 46 6/12 Saline 5 8.08 Dry 35.26 38.35 48.25 52.50 46 6/12 Saline 5 7.70 Dry 35.48 38.44 48.66 52.72 46 6/12 Saline 8.25 Dry 34.98 38.12 47.73 52.03 46 6/12 Saline 5 7.72 Dry 34.09 36.94 49.22 53.34 46 6/12 Saline . 8.14 Dry 3i.60 37.66 48.10 52.36 46 6/12 Saline 5 7.85 Dry 33.72 36.59 49.30 53.50 36 7/12 Sangamon . . . . .') 16.05 Dry 35.82 42.66 37.14 44.25 36 7/12 Santjanioii . . . . •> 15.53 Dry 36.36 43 04 38.05 45.05 36 7/12 Sansanioi) . . . . 5 14.45 Dry 37.46 43.79 38.27 44.73 37 7/12 Sanijanion . . . . 5 14.08 Dry 37.38 43.51 37.56 43.71 3 7 7/12 SanRanion . . . . 5 13.86 Dry 37.11 43.08 39.05 45.34 39 7/12 Sangamon . . . . 5 13.38 Dry 37.20 42.95 36.40 42.03' 39 7/12 SanKamon ... 5 13. 3r Dry 36.64 42.27 37.12 42.85 39 7/12 Sangamon . . . 5 13.19 Dry 38.44 44.28 36.47 42.00 40 7/12 Sangamon . . . 5 14.82 Drv 37.18 43.65 38.22 44.87 9.77 10.57 7.57 8.18 7.18 7.80 10.52 11.10 11.70 12.38 10.27 10.80 8.41 9.15 8.16 8.84 9.04 9.85 8.97 9.72 9.16 9.98 9.13 9.91 10.99 13.09 10.06 11.91 9.82 11.48 10.98 12.78 11.58 13.01 12.89 14.88 11.90 13.72 9.78 11.48 2.30 2.46 2.42 2.62 2.63 2.84 2.61 2.84 4.06 4.28 4.97 5.26 4.77 5.01 2.60 2.83 2.52 2.74 2.40 2.61 3.31 3.58 2.42 2.64 3.48 3.78 3.. 55 4.22 3.86 4.57 3.59 4.19 3.97 5.17 2.57 4.07 4.78 5.52 4.80 5.53 4.61 5.31 4.30 4.52 .16 12485 .18 13415 1.75 1.89 .38 .41 .32 .36 .23 .25 .25 .26 .80 .38 .49 .52 .61 1.10 .84 .97 1.05 1.20 11956 12934 12400 13398 12346 13419 12260 12932 11962 12662 .47 12355 .49 12991 12192 13263 12304 13331 11964 13040 12050 13057 11989 13051 11971 12990 10330 12306 10522 12457 10704 12512 9471 12337 10726 12451 10338 11934 10348 11942 10513 12110 1068f 1254] 64 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS Table 26. — Analyses of mine samples {not exactly indicative of commercial output) — Continued. 518S 40 5189 40 5196 38 5197 38 5198 38 5199 38 5289 25 5290 25 5291 25 5277 27 5278 27 5281 27 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 7/12 7/12 8/12 County Sangamon . . . Sivn 2 I- 3 ;i "c. O o m tt 4704 92 3/12| 4706 95 3/12 4707 95 3/12 4740 91 6/12 4741 91 6/12 4742 91 6/12 4743 91 6/12 4744 91 6/12 4745 91 6/12 4746 91 6/12 4998 65 6/12 5004 65 6/12 5005 65 6/12 4996 60 6/12 5000 60 6/12 5006 60 6/12 5121 61 6/12 5133 61 7/12 5134 61 7/12 5122 59 7/12 5123 59 7/12 5124 59 7/12 Vermilion . . . Vermilion . . . Vermilion . . . A^ermilion . . . Vermilion . . . Vermilion . . . Vermilion . . . Vermilion . . . Vermilion . . . Vermilion . . , Williamson . Williamson . Williamson . Williamson . Williamson. Williamson . Williamson . Williamson . Williamson . Williamson . Williamson . Williamson. 15.27 Dry 11.87 Dry 13.14 Dry 13.58 Dry 13.63 Dry 14.50 Dry 14.20 Dry 13.99 Drv 14.7! Dry 15.14 Dry 9.35 Dry 9.9e Dry 8.58 Dry 8.32 Dry 7.5£ Dry 8.81 Dry 9.44 Dry 8.9i Dry 9.38 Dry 9.79 Dry 10.6' Drv 10.96 Drv 33.98 40.10 40.37 45.80 38.81 44.69 35.20 40.73 34.56 40.01 35.98 42.09 35.79 41.71 35.26 40.99 34.44 40.42 33.70 39.72 32.83 36.21 33.79 37.53 33.95 37.14 34.61 37.75 34.90 37.74 32.13 35.62 33.63 37.13 34.22 37.62 33.62 37.10 33.28 36.89 32.54 36.42 33.14 37 24 40.88 9.87 48.24 11.66 39.52 44.86 38.11 43.87 39.83 46.09 41.19 47.69 40.49 47.35 42.05 49.01 42.68 49.63 42.69 50.10 40.19 47.34 50.07 55.24 48.56 53. 9e 48.31 8.24 9.34 9.94 11.441 11.39 13.18 10.62 12.30 9.03 10.56 7.96 9.28 8.07 9.38 8.08 10.97 12.94 7.75 8.55 7 8.51 52.841 10.02 47.56 51.88 47.37 51.23 51.85 56.38 49.58 54.75 49.51 54.39 50.01 55.18 48.66 53.94| 47.32 52.97 45.86 51 49 9.51 10.37 10.20 11.03 7.21 8.00 7.35 8.12 7.28 7.99 8.27 9.17 9.47 10.61 10.04 11 27 2.26 2.66 3.07 3.48 4.18 4.82 3.1' 2.91 3.36 2.43 I 2.83 1.83 2.13 1.67 1.94 1.72 2.02 2.50 2.95 1.05 1.16 .99 1.10 3.10 3.39 2.25 2.46 3.23 3.49 1.00 1.11 1.28 1.42 1.70 1.87 1.12 1,24 1.32 1.46 1.53 1.71 1.72 1 93 .81 1.02 .98 1.14 .98 1.15 .19 .21 .04 .04 10718 12649 11416 12953 10949 12604 10821 12521 10954 12683 11090 12971 11295 13165 11271 13104 11053 12971 10663 12565 12017 13256 11899 13218 11845 12956 1197 13066 11799 12760 11962 13264 12092 13354 12149 13349 12138 13394 11891 13181 11619 13006 11383 197P4 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 71 Table 26. — Analyses of mine samples {not exactly i)idicative of commercial output) — Concluded. Proximate analysis of coal CI 1st: "As reed," witli o o 12; Tj total moisture. I. ^ o Z 2nd: "Dry" or mois- « x5 d County ^ ture free. c a 6 £ n CO W o 11 ^s < 62 62 62 64 64 64 63 63 5182 i 63 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/12 Williams.on . Williamson. Williamson . Williamson . Williamson . Williamson . Williamson . Williamson . Williamson . 9.97 Dry 32.20 35.76 49.62 55.12 8.21 9.12 1.47 1.63 .22 .25 11814 13123 8.37 Dry 34.19 37.31 50.18 54.77 7.26 7.92 1.03 1.12 .18 .20 12254 13374 9.06 Dry 32.93 36.20 49.98 54.97 8.03 8.83 1 03 1.13 24 .27 12010 13207 11.51 Dry 30.75 34.76 49.74 56.20 8.00 9.04 .84 .90 .32 .36 11554 13057 9.13 Dry 32.03 35.25 51.06 56.20 7.77 8.55 1.10 1.21 .33 .36 12044 13254 7.38 Dry 35.59 38.42 47.56 51.35 9.47 10.23 .86 .93 .51 .55 12017 12974 10.38 Dry 32.76 36.56 48.10 53.67 8.76 9.77 1.50 1.67 .16 .18 11735 13072 8.78 Dry 34.25 37.54 47.56 52.14 9.41 10.32 2.49 2.73 .53 .58 11885 13029 9.26 Dry 33.36 36.76 48.70 53.68 8.68 9.56 1.83 2.01 .39 .43 11955 13176 Coal No. 7 99 8/12 99 8/12 99 8/12 94 3/12 94 3/12 94 3/12 94 3/12 94 3/12 94 3/12 97 3/12 97 3/12 97 3/12 La Salle. . La Salle. . La Salle. . Vermilion. Vermilion . Vermil'on . Vermilion . Vermilion . Vermilion . Vermilion . Vermilion . Vermilion 7 13.82 Dry 41.42 48.06 7 12 87 Dry 42.40 48.67 7 13.99 Dry 38.81 45.12 7 12.20 Dry 39.53 45.03 12.70 Dry 39.20 44.90 12.76 Dry 38.84 44.53 12.67 Dry 39.01 44.67 13.53 Dry 37.39 43.24 13.27 Dry 37.25 42.95 12.92 Dry 30.98 42.46 13.10 Dry 38.42 44.22 13,41 Dry 37.33 43.11 35.90 41.67 37.35 42.86 40.12 46.65 38.38 43.70 8.86 10.27 7.88 8.47 7.08 8.23 9.89 11.27 39.241 8.86 44.95 10.15 38.31 43.91 37.43 42.86 39.57 45.76 40.65 46.87 38.94 44.73 39.14 45.03 38.87 44 89 10.09 11.56 10.89 12.47 9.51 11.00 8.83 10.18 11.16 12.81 9.34 10.75 10.39 12.00 3.95 4.58 .51 .59 11174 12966 3.86 4.44 .00 .00 11468 13161 3.23 3.76 .00 .00 11401 13255 3.76 4.29 .46 .52 11243 12804 2.79 3.19 .52 .59 11399 13057 3.91 4.48 .61 .70 11106 12788 3.54 4.06 .84 .96 11041 12644 3.20 3.70 .46 .54 11045 12773 3.27 3.77 .38 .44 11209 12925 2.90 3.33 .70 .80 10924 12544 2.26 2.59 .56 .64 11281 12981 2.54 2.93 .46 .53 11065 12778 72 COAL MINING INVESTIGATJOXS AVERAGE ANALYSIS BY MINES AND BY COUNTIES In Table 27, the average of all the values for each mine is given and these values for each county are assembled for more convenient reference. Further, since as a rule, the variations for ''unit" values in a county are slight, the average for the county is calculated from the several mine averages. These values are therefore accurate for the various counties named, though, of course, the range of variation for each mine would be less than for the county as a whole. Table 27, — Average analytical and heat values for separate mines and by counties — Grouped according to districts. DISTRICT NO. 1.— BUREAU CO., COAL NO. 2, LONGWALL MINING Co-op. No. Moisture Volatile matter Fixed caibon Ash Sulph ur CO2 B. t. u. ''Unit coal" 1 16.19 Dry 37.79 45.06 38.06 45.40 8.00 9.54 3.24 3.86 .82 .98 10787 12869 14476 8 16.50 Dry 38.48 46.08 37.59 45.02 7.43 8.90 2.40 2.90 1.16 1.39 10868 13016 14493 10 16.13 Dry 38.82 46.28 38.36 45.74 6.69 7.98 3.15 3.76 .70 .84 10994 13108 14463 Aver- age 16.27 Dry 38.35 45.80 38.00 45.39 7.38 8.81 2.93 3.50 .89 1.40 10883 12997 14477 DISTRICT NO. 1.— GRUNDY CO., COAL NO. 2, LONGWALL MINING 5 16.01 Dry 39.32 46.83 38.51 45.84 6.16 7.33 2.75 3.28 1.32 1.57 11104 13221 14463 6 19.53 Dry 37.59 46.71 37.94 47.15 4.94 6.14 2.01 2.61 .70 .87 10818 13444 14447 7 16.29 Dry 38.46 45.94 40.53 48.42 4.72 5.64 2.17 2.59 .48 .57 11394 13613 14579 Aver- age 17.28 Dry 38.48 46.49 39.02 47.14 5.27 6.37 2.33 2.82 .83 1.00 11113 13426 14496 DISTRICT NO. 1.— LA SALLE CO., COAL NO. 2, LONGWALL MINING 2 14.60 Dry 39.88 46.70 36.97 43.29 8.55 10.01 3.97 4.65 .81 .95 10904 12768 14475 3 15.05 Dry 39.76 46.80 37.00 43.56 8.19 9.64 3.30 3.88 .59 .69 10899 12830 14454 9 17.45 Dry 38.98 47.22 34.52 41.82 9.04 10.95 3.18 3.85 1.49 1.81 10391 12587 14403 Aver- age 15.70 Dry 39.54 46.91 36.17 42.89 8.59 10.20 3.48 4.12 .96 1.15 10731 12728 14444 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 73 Table 27. — Average analytical and heat values for separate mines and hy cotmties — Grouped according to districts. — Continued. DISTRICT KO. 1.— MARSHALL CO., COAL NO. 2, LONGWALL MINING Co-op. No. Moisture Volatile Fixed matter carbon Ash I Sulphur CO2 ^ . \" Unit ^•^•"- coal- 4 16.93 Dry 37.57 45.22 39.57 47.64 5.93 7.14 2.53 3.05 .37 .44 11188 13468 14696 11 13.28 Dry 40.58 46.80 37.71 43.48 8.43 9.72 3.04 3.51 .60 .69 11435 13186 14896 Aver- age 15.10 Dry 39.06 46.01 38.68 45.56 7.16 8.43 2.79 3.28 .48 .56 11315 13327 14796 DISTRICT NO. 2.— JACKSON CO., COAL NO. 2, room-and-pillar mining 12 9.62 33.02 51.09 6.27 1.13 .69 12260 14705 Dry 36.53 56.53 6.94 1.25 .76 13565 13 10.18 33.40 51.90 4.52 .97 .29 12614 14888 Dry 37.18 57.79 5.03 1.08 .32 14044 14 8.56 34.18 50.25 7.01 1.54 .09 12418 14864 Dry 37.39 54.95 7.66 1.68 .10 13581 15 8.70 34.77 51.34 5.19 1.42 .09 12651 14815 Dry 38.08 56.23 5.69 1.55 .12 1385<) 16 9.34 34.55 50.52 5.59 1.40 .2(1 12490 14820 Dry 38.11 55.72 6.17 1.54 .29 13777 Aver- 9.28 33.98 51.02 5.72 1.29 .29 12488 14818 age Dry 37.46 56.24 ().30 1.42 .32 13765 DISTRICT NO. 3. — CHRISTIAN CO.. COAL NO. 1, ROOM-AXD-PILLAR MINING 21 11.31 38.89 40.94 8.86 2.35 .43 11602 14717 Dry 43.85 46.16 9.99 2.65 .48 13081 DIS rRICT NO 3.— MERCER CO., C OAL NO. 1, ROOM- \ND-PIL [.AR MINING 17 17.63 39.13 34.13 9.11 5.02 .70 10336 14373 Dry 47.51 41.44 11.05 (5.09 .85 12548 18 14.58 39.07 37.00 9.35 4.79 .21 10880 14640 Dry 45.74 43.31 10.95 5.61 .25 12737 19 14.52 39.26 36.32 9.90 4.24 .68 10809 14624 Dry 45.93 42.49 11.58 4.96 .80 12645 Aver- 15.58 39.17 35.80 9.45 4.69 .53 10673 14546 age Dry 46.40 42.41 11.19 5.55 .63 12643 74 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS Table 27. — Average analytical and heat values for separate mines and by counties — Grouped according to districts. — Continued. DISTRICT NO. 4.— FULTON CO., COAL NO. 5, CENTRAL ILLINOIS Co-op. No. Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Sulphur CO2 B. t. u. ''Unit coal" 28 16.68 36.68 36.76 9.88 2.90 1.36 10375 14403 Dry 44.02 44.12 11.86 3.48 1.63 12452 29 16.38 35.96 36.88 10.78 3.47 1.02 10230 14349 Dry 43.01 44.10 12.89 4.15 1.22 12234 30 16.18 35.17 37.77 10.88 3.06 1.53 10296 14402 Dry 41.96 45.06 12.98 3.65 1.82 12284 31 16.88 36.32 36.32 10.48 2.98 1.25 10269 14424 Dry 43.70 43.70 12.61 3.58 1.50 12355 32 14.66 37.24 37.71 10.39 3.28 1.54 10651 14502 Dry 43.64 44.18 12.18 3.84 1.81 12481 Aver- 16.16 36.27 37.09 10.48 3.14 1.33 10363 14416 age Dry 43.26 44.24 12.50 3.74 1.59 12361 DISTRICT NO. 4. — LOGAN CO., COAL NO. CENTRAL ILLINOIS 33 14.20 Dry 37.19 43.35 37.44 43.40 11.37 13.25 3.34 3.89 1.42 1.66 10490 14400 12226 DISTRICT NO. 4.— MACON CO., COAL NO. 5, CENTRAL ILLINOIS 41 14.48 Dry 36.00 42.10 38.05 44.49 11.47 13.41 3.32 3.88 .90 1.05 10445 12214 14420 42 13.83 Dry 37.35 43.34 39.62 45.98 9.20 10.68 3.83 4.45 .09 .11 10877 12623 14418 Aver- age 14.15 Dry 36.68 42.73 38.83 45.23 10.34 12.04 3.57 4.16 .52 .60 10661 12418 14419 DISTRICT NO. 4.— MENARD CO., COAL NO. 5, CENTRAL ILLINOIS ;s4 17.33 35.88 38.62 8.17 3.44 .50 10499 Dry 43.40 46.72 9.88 4.16 .60 12700 14478 DISTRICT NO. 4. — PEORIA CO., COAL NO. 5, CENTRAL ILLINOIS 25 14.92 36.92 37.21 11.02 3.44 1.21 10951 14614 Dry 43.30 43.74 12.95 4.04 1.42 12448 26 15.00 36.48 36.75 11.77 3.08 1.80 10421 14614 Dry 42.91 43.24 13.85 3.62 2.12 12260 Aver- 14.96 36.65 36.99 11.40 3.26 1.50 10506 14614 age Dry 43.10 43.49 13.40 3.83 1.77 12354 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 75 Table 27. — Average analytical and heat values for separate mines and hy counties — Grouped according to districts. — Continued. DISTRICT NO. 4.— SANGAMON CO., COAL NO. 5, CENTRAL ILLINOIS Co-op. No. Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Sulphur CO2 B. t. u. ' ' Unit coal'' 36 15.34 Dry 36.54 43.16 37.83 44.68 10.29 12.16 3.67 4.33 .59 .70 10519 12425 14450 37 13.78 Dry 37.82 43.86 37.69 43.71 10.73 12.44 4.11 4.77 .47 .55 10625 12323 14396 38 14.26 Dry 38.07 44.40 37.48 43.71 10.19 11.89 4.14 4.83 .37 .43 10649 12420 14410 39 13.31 Dry 37.43 43.17 36.66 42.29 12.60 14.54 4.72 5.45 .94 1.09 10398 11995 14420 DISTRICT NO. 4.— TAZEWELL CO., COAL NO. 5, CENTRAL ILLINOIS 27 14.38 Dry 37.74 44.08 38.23 44.65 9.66 11.28 3.10 3.62 1.20 1.40 10809 12624 14496 DISTRICT NO. 5 GALLATIN CO., COAL NO. 5, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 47 5.72 Dry 35.77 37.94 46.71 49.54 11.80 12.52 3.47 3.68 1.01 1.07 12053 12784 14919 Extra 4.13 Dry 34.21 35.68 52.80 55.07 8.86 9.25 3.23 3.37 .02 .03 12987 13546 15175 Extra 3.68 Dry 37.82 39.26 48.18 50.02 10.32 10.72 4.55 4.73 .04 .05 12818 13307 15078 Extra 3.94 Dry 38.13 39.70 45.95 47.82 11.98 12.48 3.53 3.67 .03 .04 12449 12958^ 15117 Extra 4.03 Dry 33.71 35.13 51.84 54.01 10.42 10.86 4.19 4.37 .02 .02 12783 13319 15256 Aver- age 4.30 Dry 35.93 37.54 49.08 51.29 10.69 11.17 3.79 3.96 .24 .25 12616 13183 15109 EXTRA SAMPLE GALLATIN CO., COAL NO. 5 3.72 Dry 34.44 35.77 52.91 54.96 8.93 9.27 3.76 3.90 .03 .03 13032 13535 15187 76 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS Table 27. — Average analytical and heat values for separate mines and hy counties — Grouped according to districts. — Continued. DISTRICT NO. 5. SALINE CO., COAL NO. 5, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Co-op. No. Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Sulphur CO2 B. t. u. ''Unit coal" 43 6.97 35.98 49.69 7.36 2.05 .32 12550 14829 Dry 38.68 53.41 7.92 2.20 .34 13490 44 6.70 35.31 49.55 8.44 2.56 .02 12401 14824 Dry 37.85 53.11 9.04 2.74 .02 13291 45 7.03 34.78 50.27 7.92 2.48 .26 12420 14806 Dry 37.41 54.07 8.52 2.67 .28 13359 46 7.96 34.68 48.54 8.82 2.79 .46 12077 14741 Dry 37.68 52.74 9.58 3.03 .50 13122 48 7.67 33.90 50.26 8.17 2.56 .70 12234 14739 Dry 36.72 54.43 8.8;^ 2.77 .76 13250 49 5.20 38.06 45.90 10.84 4.60 .59 12193 14824 Dry 40.15 48.42 11.43 4.85 .62 12862 Aver- 6.92 35.44 49.06 8.58 3.76 .42 12314 14794 age Dry 38.08 52.70 9.22 4.04 .42 13229 DISTRICT NO. 6.— FRANKLIN CO.. COAL NO. 6. EAST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE 50 9.34 34.84 48.03 7.79 1.04 .38 12004 14633 Dry 38.42 52.99 8.59 1.15 .42 13241 51 10.28 33.42 49.05 7.25 1.18 .10 11890 14562 Dry 37.26 54.66 8.08 1.32 .11 13252 52 6.77 38.35 44.62 10.26 3.13 .91 11875 14554 Dry 41.14 47.85 11.00 3.36 .98 12737 53 10.18 32.78 48.88 8.16 .64 .61 11661 14419 Dry 36.50 54.41 9.09 .71 .Q^ 12983 56 8.10 36.30 45.34 10.26 2.51 .74 11826 14601 Dry 39.50 49.34 11.16 2.73 .80 12758 57 9.67 35.69 49.55 8.54 .95 .32 11756 14529 Dry 32.24 54.86 9.45 1.05 .35 13015 58 8.93 34.51 48.80 7.76 .74 .36 11937 14463 Dry 37.89 53.59 8.52 .81 .40 13108 Aver- 9.04 34.62 47.78 8.56 1.45 .44 11837 14538 age Dry 38.06 52.53 9.41 1.59 .48 13013 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 77 Table 27. — Average analytical and heat values for separate mines and hy counties — Grouped according to districts. — Continued. EXTRA SAMPLES.— GALLATIN CO., COAL NO. 6 Co-op. No. Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Sulphur co^ B. t. u. ''Unit coal" 10.82 Dry 33.83 37.94 42.43 47.57 12.92 14.94 4.93 5.53 .42 .47 11263 12629 15193 4.28 Dry 36.06 37.67 49.06 51.25 10.60 11.08 3.71 3.88 .05 .05 12583 13146 15079 Aver- age 7.54 Dry 34.96 37.81 45.68 49.41 11.82 12.78 4.34 4.70 .23 .25 11916 12888 15136 DISTRICT NO. -JACKSON CO., COAL NO. 6, EAST 01 DUQUOIN ANTICLINE 55 8.96 Dry 34.44 37.83 46.40 5097 10.20 11.20 2.65 2.91 .40 .44 11609 12751 14608 DISTRICT NO. 6.— PERRY CO., COAL NO. 6, EAST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE 54 9.92 32.72 46.97 10.39 .92 .25 11335 Dry 36.81 1 52.15 11.53 1.02 .28 12583 14407 DISTRICT NO. 6.— WILLIAMSON CO., COAL NO. 6, EAST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE 59 10.47 Dry 32.99 36.85 47.27 52.80 9.27 10.35 1.52 1.70 .38 .43 11630 12990 14684 60 8.22 Dry 34.00 37.04 48.79 53.16 8.99 9.80 2.16 2.35 .33 .36 11959 13030 14660 61 9.27 Dry 33.83 37.28 49.70 54.78 7.20 7.94 1.37 1.51 .13 .14 12127 13366 14671 62 9.13 Dry 33.09 36.42 49.94 54.95 7.84 8.63 1.17 1.29 .22 .24 12028 13236 14637 63 9.47 Dry 33.45 36.96 48.13 53.16 8.95 9.88 1.94 2.14 .36 .40 11852 13092 14730 64 9.34 Dry 32.77 36.15 49.48 54.58 8.41 9.27 .92 1.01 .52 .57 11872 13095 14577 65 9.31 Dry 33.52 36.96 48.98 54.01 8.19 9.03 1.70 1.88 .13 .14 11919 13143 14627 Aver- age 9.31 Dry 33.38 36.81 48.90 53.92 8.41 9.27 1.54 1.70 .36 .40 11913 13136 14655 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS Table 27, — Average analytical and heat values for separate mines and hy counties — Grouped according to districts.— Continued. DISTRICT NO. 7. — CLINTON CO., COAL NO. 6, WEST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE Co-op. No. Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Sulphur CO2 B. t. u. ''Unit coaP' 84 12.86 Dry 37.26 42.76 39.53 45.36 10.35 11.88 4.26 4.89 .58 .66 10755 12342 14335 85 12.39 Dry 36.88 42.10 40.68 46.43 10.05 11.47 3.52 4.02 .72 .82 10836 12368 14245 Aver- age 12.62 Dry 37.08 42.43 40.10 45.90 10.20 11.67 3.90 4.46 .66 .75 10796 12355 14290 DISTRICT NO. 7. — MACOUPIN CO., COAL NO. 8, WEST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE Q6 14.26 38.70 37.07 9.97 4.34 .41 10549 14236 Dry 45.14 43.24 11.62 5.06 .48 12304 67 14.19 37.48 38.24 9.99 3.92 .33 10558 14408 Dry 43.68 44.57 11.75 4.57 .39 12447 68 12.87 39.24 38.73 9.16 4.56 .30 10964 14365 Dry 45.04 44.45 10.51 5.23 .35 12583 69 14.20 37.40 36.95 11.45 4.42 .29 10438 14388 Dry 43.59 43.06 13.35 5.15 .34 12165 Aver- 13.88 38.20 37.75 10.17 4.31 .34 10657 14349 age Dry 44.36 43.83 11.81 5.00 .39 12375 DISTRICT NO. 7. — MADISON CO., COAL NO. 6, WEST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE 70 12.81 38.67 37.40 11.12 4.80 .44 10661 14365 Dry 44.35 42.91 12.75 5.51 .54 12227 71 12.52 39.55 37.51 10.42 4.09 .61 10871 14421 Dry 45.21 42.88 11.91 4.68 .70 12427 72 13.82 37.54 38.94 9.70 4.25 .25 10722 14391 Dry 43.56 45.19 11.25 4.93 .29 12441 73 14.71 38.61 38.22 8.46 3.76 .28 10785 14305 Dry 45.27 44.81 9.92 4.41 .33 12645 Aver- 13.47 38.59 38.03 9.91 4.22 .42 10760 14370 age Dry 44.60 43,95 11.45 4.88 .49 12435 DISTRICT NO. 7.— MARION CO., COAL NO. 6, WEST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE 86 11.13 38.20 39.39 11.28 3.91 .50 10964 14448 Dry 42.98 44.32 12.70 4.40 .56 12337 87 10.46 36.85 41.53 11.16 4.01 .42 11174 14574 Dry 41.15 46.38 12.47 4.48 .47 12480 Aver- 10.79 37.53 40.46 11.22 3.96 .45 11069 14511 age Dry 42.07 45.35 12.58 4.44 .51 12408 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 79 Table 27. — Average analytical and heat values for separate mines and hy counties — Grouped according to districts. — Continued. DISTRICT NO. 7. — MONTGOMERY CO., COAL NO. 6, WEST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE Co-op. No. Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Sulphur j CO2 B. t. u. "Unit coal" 76 13.89 Dry 37.05 43.04 38.44 44.64 10.62 12.32 3.85 4.47 .94 1.10 10574 12280 14312 77 14.40 Dry 36.70 42.88 39.84 46.54 9.06 10.58 3.83 4.47 .49 .57 10709 12511 14268 Aver- age 14.15 Dry 36.88 42.96 39.14 45.59 9.83 11.45 3.84 4.47 .70 .83 10642 12396 14290 DISTRICT NO. 7. — PERRY CO., COAL NO. 6, WEST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE 88 9.61 Dry 37.09 41.03 41.27 45.66 12.03 13.30 3.70 4.10 .86 .95 10982 12150 14331 89 12.45 Dry 36.14 41.28 42.77 48.85 8.64 9.87 2.80 3.20 .27 .31 11207 12801 14431 90 10.95 Dry 37.00 41.55 41.82 46.96 10.23 11.50 3.61 4.05 .56 .63 11060 12420 14314 Aver- age 11.00 Dry 36.75 41.29 41.97 47.16 10.28 11.55 3.36 3.78 .56 .63 11087 12457 14359 DISTRICT NO. 7.— RANDOLPH CO., COAL NO. 6, WEST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE 83 I 11.13 I Dry 37.28 41.95 40.14 45.17 11.45 12.89 4.24 4.77 .58 .65 10855 12214 14351 DISTRICT NO. 7.— ST. CLAIR CO., COAL NO. 6, WEST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE 78 11.75 38.71 38.12 11.43 3.63 , .80 10874 14466 Dry 43. 8() 43.19 12.95 4.11 .91 12322 79 11.31 39.77 38.92 10.00 3.94 .(53 11143 14468 Dry 44.84 43.89 11.27 4.44 .71 1 2564 80 10.04 39.33 39.09 11.54 3.91 .78 11045 14398 Dry 43.72 43.45 12.S3 4.35 .S7 12278 81 11.23 40.3() 38.31 10.10 4.03 .54 11126 14444 Dry 45.47 43.17 11.39 4.54 .61 12533 82 11.94 39.72 37.53 10.81 4.46 .39 10949 14510 Dry 45.10 42.62 12.27 5.07 .45 12434 Aver- 11.25 39.57 38.39 10.79 3.99 .63 11028 14457 age Dry 44.59 43.26 12.15 4.50 .71 12426 80 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS Table 27. — Average analyiieal and heat values for separate mines and by counties — Grouped according to districts. — Continued. DISTRICT NO. 7. — SANGAMON CO., COAL, NO. 6, WEST OF DUQUOIN ANTICLINE Co-op. No. Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Sulpliur CO2 B. t. u. ' ' Unit coal" 74 14.25 38.42 37.22 10.11 4.75 .39 10556 14287 Dry 44.80 43.42 11.79 5.54 .46 12310 75 14.15 37.58 38.99 9.28 3.76 .45 10786 14369 Dry 43.77 45.42 10.81 4.38 .52 12564 Aver- 14.20 37.99 38.11 9.70 4.26 .42 10671 14329 age Dry 44.28 44.42 11.30 4.96 .49 12437 DISTRICT NO. -VERMILION CO., COAL NO. EASTERN ILLINOIS 91 14.44 35.04 40.99 9.53 2.37 .66 10982 14697 Dry 40.95 47.91 11.14 2.77 .77 12836 92 15.59 33.47 40.16 10.78 2.33 .89 10508 14536 Dry 39.65 47.58 12.77 2.76 1.06 12449 93 15.19 34.95 41.55 8.31 2.04 .65 10961 14533 Dry 41.21 48.99 9.80 2.41 .77 12925 95 12.59 40.16 38.53 8.72 3.49 .80 11228 14532 Dry 45.94 44.08 9.98 3.99 .92 12845 Aver- 14.45 35.88 40.33 9.34 2.55 .75 10920 14575 age Dry 41.94 47.14 10.92 2.98 .88 12764 DISTRICT NO. -VERMILION CO., COAL NO. 7, EASTERN ILLINOIS 94 12.69 38.78 38.89 9.64 3.34 .52 11221 14725 Dry 44.42 44.54 11.04 3.83 .59 12852 97 13.18 37.85 38.65 10.32 2.54 .60 11080 14754 Dry 43.59 44.52 11.89 9 92 .69 12762 Aver- 12.99 38.28 38.75 9.98 2.93 .56 11143 14740 age Dry 44.00 44.53 11.47 3.37 .64 12807 DISTRICT NO. -LA SALLE CO., COAL NO. 7 99 13.56 40.87 37.80 7.77 3.68 .17 11347 Dry 47.28 43.73 8.99 4.26 .20 13127 14685 DISTRICT NO. -McLEAN CO., COAL NO. 5 100 13.32 Dry 38.00 43.84 36.21 41.78 12.47 14.38 3.73 4.30 1.20 1.39 10580 12206 14604 DISTRICI r NO. 9.—^ HcLEAN CO., COAL NO. 2 100 11.26 Dry 42.21 47.57 37.73 42.52 8.80 9.91 3.03 3.41 .98 1.10 11566 13034 14714 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 81 In Table 28 calculations have been made to illustrate the use which can be made of "unit-coal" values in estimating the possible guarantees for bidding and for letting of contracts. A range of values for ash and moisture has been assumed merely for the purpose of illustration. Table 28. — Unit-coal values ranging from 14,300 to 15,000 B. t. u. calculated to the '^as-received' ^ basis having normal variations of moisture, ash, and sulphur, as indicated. Coal beds and general location bv counties B. t. u. with j B. t. u. with 10 per cent ! 12 per cent moisture | moisture B. t. u. with 14 per cent moisture U tiit coal- -14,300 iO 4 11,211 10,925 10,639 11 11,056 10,771 10,484 Coal No. 6 iu Clinton, 12 10,902 10,(510 10,330 Macoupin, Madison, 13 10,747 10,4(i2 10,176 Montgomery, Perry, 14 10,592 10,308 10,021 Randolph counties. 15 10,437 10 154 9,867 and Sangamon County 1(3 10,282 10,000 9,712 south of Auburn. 17 10,127 9,84(j 9,558 18 0,972 9,092 9,403 19 9,817 9,538 9.250 20 4 9,602 9,384 9,094 Unit coal— 14,400 Coal No. ~j in I'ulton, Logan, Macon, and Sangamon counties. Coal No. 5 in La Salle County. Coal No, 6 in Macou})in, Madison, Kandoli)h, and St. Clair counties. 10 4 11 4 12 4 13 4 14 4 15 4 1(5 4 17 4 18 4 19 4 20 4 11,288 11,132 10,977 10,821 10,665 10,509 10,353 10,197 10,041 9,885 9,732 11,000 10,844 10,688 10,532 10,376 10,220 10,064 9,908 9,752 9,596 9,440 10,712 10,556 10,401 10,246 10,091 9,936 9,781 9,626 9,471 9,316 9,161 Unit coal— 14.500 Coal No. 1 in Mercer County. Coal No. 2 in Bureau Grundy, and La Salle counties. Coal No. 5 in Menard and Tazewell counties. Coal No. 6 in Marion and Vermilion coun- ties. 1(» 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11,394 11,238 11,081 10,925 10,7(59 10,613 10,456 10,300 10,144 9,987 9,829 11,105 10,94S 10,792 10,635 10,478 10,322 10,165 10,008 9,852 9,695 9,539 10,815 10,(558 10,501 10,344 10,187 10,030 9,873 9,716 9,559 9,402 9,249 82 COAL MINING INVESTIGATIONS Table 28. — Unit-coal values ranging from, 14,300 to 15,000 B. t. u. calculated to the "as-received" basis having normal variations of moisture, ash, and sulphur, as indicated. — Continued. Coal beds and general location by counties Ash Sulphur B. t. u. with 10 per cent moisture B. t. u. with 12 per cent moisture B. t. u. with 14 per cent moisture Unit coal- -14,600 10 3 11,472 11,180 10,888 11 3 11,315 11,023 10,731 12 3 11,157 10,865 10,572 Coal No. 5 in McLean 13 3 10,999 10,707 10,415 and Peoria counties. 14 3 10 841 10,549 10,258 Coal No. 6 in Jackson 15 3 10,683 10,392 10,101 and A^ermilion coun- 16 3 10,526 10,234 9,944 ties. 17 3 10,368 10,077 9,786 18 3 10,210 9,919 9,628 19 3 10,053 9,761 9,471 20 3 9,896 9,604 9,312 Unit coal— -14,600 10 11,533 11,191 10,949 11 11,325 11,083 10,791 Coal No. 2 in McLean 12 11,217 10,926 10,633 County. 13 11,060 10,768 10,476 Coal No. 6 in Franklin 14 10,903 10,610 10,318 County east of Du- 15 10,745 10,453 10,161 quoin anticline, in 16 10,587 10,295 10,003 Jackson, Perry, and 17 10,430 10,138 9,846 Williamson counties. 18 10,272 9,980 9,668 19 10,114 9,823 9,531 20 9,957 9,664 9,372 Unit coal— 14,700 10 3 11,550 11,256 10,962 11 3 11,391 11,097 10,803 12 3 11,232 10,938 10,644 Coal No. 2 in Christian 13 3 11,073 10,779 10,485 County. 14 3 10,913 10,620 10,326 Coal No. 7 in La Salle 15 3 10,755 10,461 10,167 and Vermilion coun- 16 3 10,596 10,302 10,008 ties. 17 3 10,437 10,143 9,849 18 3 10,278 9,984 9,690 19 3 10,119 9,825 9,531 20 3 9,960 9,668 9,374 Unit coal— -14,800 10 3 11,973 11,677 11,331 Coal No. 2 in Jackson 11 12 13 3 I 11,813 11,654 11,494 11,517 11,358 11,198 11,172 11,012 10,852 and Marshall coun- ties. Coal No. 5 in Saline 14 15 16 3 3 3 11,335 11,175 11,016 11,036 10,877 10,715 10,693 10,533 10,373 County. 17 18 19 20 3 3 3 3 10,856 10,697 10,537 10,378 10,555 10,395 10,235 10,075 10,214 10,054 9,895 9,733 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COALS 83 Table 28, — Unit-coal values ranging from 14,300 to 15,000 B. t. u. calculated to the "as-received" basis having normal variations of moisture, ash, and sulphur, as indicated. — Concluded. Coal beds and general location by counties Ash ISulphui B. t. u. with 10 per cent moisture B. t. u. with 12 per cent moisture B. t. u. with 14 per cent moisture Unit coal— 14,800 Coal No. 5 in Saline County. 10 2.5 11 2.5 12 2.5 13 2.5 14 2.5 15 2.5 IG 2.5 17 2.5 18 2.5 19 2.5 20 2.5 11,940 11,780 11,620 11,460 11,300 11,140 10,980 10,820 10,660 10,500 10,341 11,644 11,484 11,324 11,164 11,004 10,844 10,684 10,524 10,364 10,204 10,045 11,188 11,028 10,868 10,708 10,548 10,388 10,228 10,068 9,908 9,749 Unit coal— 14,900 Coal No. 5 in Gallatin and Saline counties. Coal No. 6 in Moultrie County. 10 3.5 11 3.5 12 3.5 13 3.5 14 3.5 15 3.5 16 3.5 17 3.5 18 3.5 19 3 5 20 3.5 12,003 11,842 11,683 11,522 11,361 11,200 11,038 10,877 10,716 10,555 10,394 11,705 11,544 11,383 11,222 11,060 10,898 10,739 10,578 10,417 10,256 10,095 11,406 11,246 11,085 10,924 10,764 10,604 10,444 10,284 10,124 9,964 9,798 Unit coal— 15,000 10 4 4% moisture 12,650 6% moisture 8% moisture 12,350 12,050 11 4 12,458 12,188 11,888 12 4 12,326 12,026 11,726 13 4 12,164 11,864 11,564 Coals No. 5 and No. 6 14 4 12,002 11,702 11.402 in Gallatin County. 15 4 11,840 11,540 11,240 16 4 11,678 11,378 11,078 17 4 11,516 11,216 10,918 18 4 1 1 ,354 11,0.54 10,756 19 4 11,192 10,892 10,594 20 4 11,030 10,730 10,4.30 INDEX A PAGE F PAGE Analyses of Illinois coals 48-83 Franklin County, analyses of coal Ash, determination of 36-37 No. 6 in 53, 64-65, 76, 82 carbon dioxide in coal of 20 moisture in coal of 4Ji Bureau County, analyses of coal sulphate in coal of 38 ^^0- 2 in 57-58, 72, 81 top bench of coal in 51 carbon dioxide in coal of 29 Fulton County, analyses of coal Bureau of Mines, chemical determi- nations by 42-43 sampling method of 11-17 Xo. 5 in 53, 60, 74, S I carbon dioxide in coal of 28, 2!> Calcium carbonate, discussion of 17, 20, 27-36 Calcium sulphate, discussion of. ...27-41 Calorific values for unit coal 52-54, 81-83 Carbon dioxide, discussion of.. 17, 27-36 Christian County, analyses of coals in 57, 58, 73, 82 sulphate in coal of 38 Clinton County, analyses of coal No. 6 in 64, 78,81 top bench of coal in 51 Coal No. 1, analyses of 57, 73, 81 carbon dioxide in 20 Coal No. 2, analyses of 57-60, 72, 73, 80-82 carbon dioxide in 20 moisture in 40 (-oal No. 5, analyses of ()0-64, 74-76, 81-83 carbon dioxide in 20 ('oal No. 6, analyses of 64-71, 78-80, 81-83 carbon dioxide in .... 20 Coal No. 7, analyses of 71, 80, 82 carbon dioxide in 29 (iaUatin County, analyses of coals in (il, (55, 75, 77, 81 carbon dioxide in coal of 28 moisture in coal of 40 (inindy ('ounly, analys(>s of coal No. li in 5S, 72, 81 sulphate in coal of .38 ill>lii(l( )is caused bv 20 .Fackson C(uinty, analyses of coals in 53, 5S-50, 65, 73, 77, 82 moistuie in coal of 40 top bench of coal in 51 La Salle Ccuiiity, analyses of coals in 50, (51, 71, 72 sulphate in coal of 38 unit-coal values of coal in r)3, 81, 82 L()L;au County, analyses of c()al No. 5 ill ()I, 71 M Districts, analyses of coals by 72-80 Macon County, analyses of coal division of State into 55 No. 5 in 53, 61-62, 74, 81 ( 85 86 INDEX Macoupin County, analyses of coal No. 6 in 53,66, 78, 81 Madison County, analyses of coal No. 6 in 53, 66-67, 78, 81 Magnesium carbonate, occurrence of 30 Marion County, analyses of coal No. 6 in 53, 67, 78, 81 Marshall County, analyses of coal No. 2 in 53, 59, 73, 82 McDonougli County, analyses of coal No. 2 in 59 Mcl^ean County, analyses of coals in 59-60, 62, 82 moisture in coal of 49 Menard County, analyses of coal No. 5 in 53, 62, 74, 81 Mercer County, analyses of coal No. 1 in 53, 57, 73, 81 carbon dioxide in coal of 29 moisture in coal of 4£T sulphate in coal of 38 Moisture, determinations of 42-49 Montgomery County, analyses of coal No. 6 in 53, 67, 79, 81 Moultrie County, analyses of coal No. 6 in 67, 83 Peoria County, analyses of coal No. 5 in 53, 62, 74, 82 carbon dioxide in coal of 28 Perry County, analyses of coal No. 6 in 53, 67-68, 77, 79, 81, 82 moisture in coal of 49 top bench of coal in 51 Randolph County, analyses of coal No. 6 in 68, 79 Reisenfeld, acknowledgments to,... 31 Riffle, errors due to 24 PAGE Rock Island County, sulphate in coal of 38 unit-coal values of coal in 53 S Saline County, analyses of coal No. 5 in 53, 62-63, 76, 83 carbon dioxide in coal of 28 moisture in coal of 49 sulphate in coal of 38 Sampling, methods of 11-26 Sangamon County, analyses of coal No. 5 in 53, 63-64, 75, 81 analyses of coal No. 6 in 68, 80 moisture in coal of 49 sulphate in coal of 38 St. Clair County, analyses of coal No. 6 in 53, 68-69, 79 moisture in coal of 49 Sulphur trioxide, determination of.. 36 TazcAvell County, analyses of coal No. 5 in 64, 75,81 Unit coal, calorific values for. 52-54, 81-83 Vermilion County, analyses of coals in 53, 69, 70, 71, 80-83 sulphate in coal of 38 W Williamson County, analyses of coal No. 6 in 53, 70-71, 77, 82 carbon dioxide in coal of 28 moisture in coal of 49 sulphate in coal of 38 top bench of coal in 53