EVEN S UCCESSFUL SELLING PLANS Published by THE 'BOJSfDS PRESS MiddtetoWn, JW. Y. = Ridgefietd Park, N. J. I \ Copyrighted, 1913 by Chas. A. McCoun Z RIWIHC ^ HOOM Seven Successful Selling Plans. Plan No. 1 % ® f i ^HIS is an excellent plan for beginners with small capital. Make up a few Dust Cloths to be used as samples. Make them just as good and put them up just as attractive as you possi- bly can. Take several samples and visit the stores in your own and nearby towns; ask for the buyer, show him a sample, tell him you are the manufacturer of the Sanito Dust Cloth and can sell him dust cloths direct, eliminating the jobbers profits and the cost of freight or express thereby saving money for him. Place your selling price at about 125% above cost to make, give a 1 0 % discount for cash. Talk only of gross lots at first, but ; take his order even if he says he will only try a dozen, a small order i>;may lead to larger orders in the future. o