WILLIAM W. BRISTOL €CHANtC?UEN LAW, DIRECTORY Mechanics' Lien Law, Torrens' Land Title and Builders' Directory Complete. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS |By fW. W. Bristol. I Attorney at Law, IS i Clark St., Chicago. A. W. Bristol, Pub. \f t * # » Juinlan Bldg. ✓hicago. I1896. Price 25 cents. MECHANICS' & BUILDERS' COLLECTION CO. Collections of all kinds , made promptly and at lowest rates. All kinds of legal documents drawn. Estates probated and managed. Abstracts of titles examined. Administrators and guardians appointed. Surety on bonds of all kinds secured. Real estate managed and rents collected. Persons without means assisted in col- lection of wages. Building contracts under the new Lien Law prepared for $1.00. Claims for liens prepared and filed with Clerk of Circuit for $1.00. AN ATTORNEY ALWAYS !N. MECHANICS' & BUILDERS' COLLECTION CO. 81 CLARK ST., CHICAGO. TORRENS LAND TITLE, Etc. PRICE, 25c. BRISTOL'S COMPILATION MECHANICS' LIEN LAW, TORRENS LAND TITLE, BUILDERS' DIRECTORY W. W. BRISTOL Attorney at Law, 81 Clark st. CHICAGO. A. W. BRISTOL, Pub., Quinlan Building, Chicago. 1896. COPYRIGHTED 1896 BY A, W. BRISTOL. THE TORRENS LAND TITLE SYSTEM. The Torrens System is a system of registra- tion of titles which has . long been in use in England and in some of her Colonies and in fact similar systems have been adopted in some other parts of Europe. Under this system as practised in England and her colonies they register titles and not the evidences of titles, such as are registered in the office of the Recorder of deeds in this coun- try under our present system. Under our system we register all the written evidences of title. Under the act recently passed by our Legisla- ture legalizing the Torrens System and which : has been approved by a vote of the people in Cook County and now in force, the object is to examine all evidences of title and if the title is found good lay them aside and register the Ti- tle itself so that it is unnecessary to again refer to the evidences of title. The chief merits claimed for this system are that the Registrar's office at all times shows the true condition of the Title and not simply the evidences of such title which would be subject to litigation at any time and it provides a guar- antee to every purchaser relying upon the regis- 5- TORRENB LAND TITLE tration of the Title and he is not required to go back of it. The statement upon the record in the Regis- trar's office may not be true but under this Act there is a guarantee to the purchaser relying up- on such statement that his claim of ownership shall never be impeached and if the real owner is deprived of his rights through fraud or mis- take of the Registrar his loss is made good out of the indemnity fund. Under this system the facility of transfer and the protection to the purchaser are its best fea- tures and it does away with the ever increasing cost of Abstracts of Title and the expense inci- dent to examining the same every time a trans- fer is made or a loan obtained on such real es- A transfer that now occupies from two to three weeks in its consummation may after land is brought under this act be consummated in as many hours. In the simplest forms of ownership of titles this system commends itself highly to the pub- lic and may prove of great service to the owners of property who are continually speculating and buying and selling, causing frequent transfers on account of the facility of transfer and th# tate. 6 TORRENS LAND TITLE feeling of security which the purchaser has when he receives the certificate of the Regis- trar. It is done quickly and so far as the pur- chaser is concerned is safer than our present system, especially if he is careless about having his title examined which he may neglect on ac- count of the cost of such examinations. The theory of this system is to condense all the written evidences of title, so that one page of a record will disclose the perfect condition of the title and a purchaser relying upon such rec- ord is secure. The registration of a Title is a complete sys- tem of land transfers. The register at all times shows in whom the Title is and what encum- brances and charges it is subject to. Before discussing the merits of the system further and the workings thereof, it may be proper to state that there are great doubts as to' the constitu- tionality of the law. The Act seems to confer judicial power upon the Registrar and the law may otherwise be defective so as to render a practical use of it dangerous to property owners until the Supreme Court has passed upon its constitutionality. There may still be another objection to the law which is as to its practical working. If a man 7 TOMEENS LAND TITLfi is the owner in fee simple of land without any easements or servitudes attached and is other- wise the complete owner of the property he has a title such as the Torrens system can easily deal with, but if his Title is subject, as it may be, to any charge or limitation which cannot be shown by the register's certificate it is quite another thing and in addition to these there may may be trusts of various kinds, family set- tlements etc., which this law cannot deal with in a practical way. Such estates as con- tingent remainders or estates depending upon contingencies which have not yet happened or which may never happen cannot be dealt with in a practical way. It may be said that these estates are unnecessary; but they exist never- less and always have existed and will exist in spite of the Torrens law. For those who are pleased to bring their property under the Torrens act and reap the benefits thereof, at the same time taking the risk of its few disadvantages^ I will add a few suggestions as to the method of bringing land under the act. An owner who wishes to have his title regis- tered may make an application in writing veri- fied by his affidavit setting forth his title as he 8 TORRENS LAND TITLE! understands it and showing the facts necessary to be known for the registrar to pass upon his Title; he will also present deeds and abstracts and other evidences of his Title which he may have, to enable the examiner to determine whether he has such a Title as he has set out in his application. The examination necessarily made by the ex- aminers is practically the same as the examina- tion now made by attorneys in case of sale of property,but the owner is not required in this in- stance to furnish abstracts of Title down to date but the examiner will be required to examine the records in the Recorder's office. It may, how- ever, always be necessary for the owner to fur- nish an abstract of Title down to the date of the Great Fire in 1871, as the Recorder's office will not always disclose the condition of Titles prior to that date. In case the examiner finds defects in the Title that can be removed the applicant will be given time to remove them. If the defects are not removed the application will be denied. The applicant may remove clouds from his Title by proceedings in Court and afterwards renew his application and have his land brought under the act. 9 # TORRENS LAND TITLE When the Title is found to be in the applicant as set forth in his application the registrar issues a certificate in duplicate, one part of which is entered in a book known as the " Register of Titles " and the other is delivered to the owner. The first certificate issued on such land has lit- tle importance besides starting the running of the statute of limitation prescribed by the act, which is five years, during which time any ad- verse claimants may assert their rights against the property. Persons having adverse claims should within such period bring them to the notice of the registrar, for, when the five years has expired nothing can disturb the Title. After the Registrar's office is ready for opera- tion under this act, parties having claims against realty in Cook County which are not matters of record should attend to them promptly as they may have no actual notice that any partic- ular piece of realty is brought under the act and may lose their rights. This act provides an indemnity fund to indem- nify any person against damage whose rights may have been cut off through mistake of the registrar or the fraud of any person through which he is damaged. The fund is created by a payment of one tenth *> 10 TORRENS LAND TITLE of one per cent of the value of the property registered. The fee of the registrar to be paid at the time of riling the application is Fifteen Dollars which covers all fees up to. the time of granting the certificate of Title which certificate of Title costs Two * Dollars in addition. For registering each transfer Three Dollars. For recording any charges against the estate Three Dollars. For cancelling any such charges One Dollar. After the property has been brought under the act, transfers thereof may be made by deeds as now. In the case of mortgages and trust deeds they should be made in duplicate as the origin- al is always kept in the office of the registrar and the duplicate is given to the mortgagee. When a mortgage is paid the mortgagee may execute a release and file it as now. Purchasers of realty brought under this act should use proper caution to avoid being imposed upon by sellers claiming to have a certificate of Title signed by the Recorder. The act passed by the legislature is given ver- batim on pages 52 to 90. W. W. Bristol. 11 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 13 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW of 1895 Including all former Mechanics Lien acts now in force. Compiled by Wm. W. BRISTOL Attorney and Counselor at Law , 81 Clark St. Section. 1. When lien was given. 2. Material, etc. furnished by mistake. 3. Material— labor— land belonging to married women. 4. Failure of owner of land to perform a contract. 5. ' Contractor to give notice— names of sub-contractor, etc. 6. Under verbal or written contract. 7. Enforcement of lien— creditors or incumbrancers, etc —terms of contract— filing claim. 8. Liens assignable. 9. How suit brought to enforce lien— judgment— de- - . fault. 10. Suits may be instituted in case of death. 11. Bill, etc., to enforce lien— what to contain— practice. 12. Pleadings— amendments— receivers. 13. Pleadings— answer. 14. Want of preparation for trial— order of sale— delay. 15. Questions between contractors— no preference. 16. Incumbrances. 17. When contract entire and relates to houses on differ- ent lots, MECHANICS' LIEN LAW Section. 18. Costs of proceedings — attorney's fee. 19. Sale of premises in such cases — how made. 20. Court to direct the application of proceeds of sale. 21. Redemption. 22. Rights of contractor and sub-contractor denned. 23. When a contractor takes a partner — sub-contractor to furnish statement — what to contain. 24. Lien on the money, bond or warrants due contractor. 25. Sub-contractor— extra work or materials — notice — .lien. ' JBfe' j - : - 26. Notice, etc.— when the owner, agent, etc., not found in county. 27. Two weeks' wages — preferred claim — notice. 28. When owner, etc., notified to retain money, etc. — payments. 29. When money due subcontractor not paid within ten days, etc. 30. ■ Execution before justice— transcript— lien. 31. Several liens— proceedings. 32. Contractor failing to complete his contract — pro- ceedings—rights of parties. 33. Payments to contractor. 31. Within what time suit to be commenced. 35. Written demand — when suit to be commenced. 36. When claim for lien filed with clerk— payment- release— penalt y. 37. Owner, contractor, etc., purchasing material on credit— false representation as to building— sale of — penalty. 38. Lien on boat, etc. 39. Statement filed with clerk under this act — what to contain — duty of clerk. 10. Repeal. j MECRANIC& LIEN LAW 15 . Section. 41. Construction. 42. Lien for wages. 43. Hotels, Inns and Boarding Houses. 44. Stable keepers, etc. 45. Agisters. 46. Suit to be commenced within thirty days on de- mand, etc. 47. Circuit clerk to keep abstract in book, etc. — fee. 48. Acknowledging satisfaction in book, etc. — penalty for neglect to do so. -49. For fuel, ties, material, supplies, etc. 50. Sub-contractor, laborer, etc., have lien. 51. Notice of claim of lien: 52. When notice filed with circuit clerk — copy to be mailed, etc. 53. Suit — transcript from justice. 54. Costs— attorney's fees. 55. When original contractor fails to complete contract 56. Limitation. I 16 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW AN ACT TO REVISE THE LAW IN RELATION TO MECHANICS' LIENS. APPROVED AND IN FORCE JUNE 26, 1895. "WHEN LIEN GIVEN. I. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That any person who shall by any contract with the owner of a lot or tract of land, or with one whom such owner has authorized or knowingly permitted to improve the same, furnish or specially manufacture and prepare materials, fixtures, apparatus or machinery for the purpose of, or in building, altering, repairing or ornamenting any house or other building, walk, driveway, fence or improvement, or appurtenance thereto on such lot, or connected therewith and upon, over or under a sidewalk, street or alley ad- joining, or fill or excavate such lot, or raise or lower . any house thereon, or remove any house thereto, or per- form services as an architect for any such purpose, or furnish or perform "labor or- services as superintendent, timekeeper, or otherwise in building, altering, repairing or ornamenting the same, or furnish materials, fixtures apparatus, machinery, labor or services on the order of his agent, architect or superintendent having charge of the improvement in building, altering, repairing or ornamenting the same, shall be known under this act as a contractor, and shall have a lien upon the whole of such tract of land or lot and upon the adjoining or adjacent lots of such owner constituting the same premises and occupied or used in connection with such lot as a place of residence or business, and in case the contract be en- tire and relate to two or more buildings on adjoining or adjacent lots of the same owner upon all of said lots and the improvements thereon, for the amount due to him for MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 17 such material, fixtures, apparatus, machinery, services or labor, and interest from the date the same is due. This lien shall extend to an estate in fee, for life, for years, or any other estate, or any right of redemption, or other interest which such owner may have in the lot or land at the time of making such contract or may subse- quently acquire therein, and as to the improvements for which the lien is claimed, shall be superior to any right of dower of husband or wife in such improvements. This lien shall attach as of the date of the contract, but, as against or to the prejudice of any other creditor, incumbrancer or purchaser without actual or constructive notice of such contract, the lien shall not attach as of the date of the contract, unless within thirty days thereafter, the contractor shall file in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of the county in which such improvement is to be made, a statement, giving his name and the name of the owner of the property, what his contract is for, the amount to be paid, a description of the property, and the date when delivery of materials or work is to tye com- pleted. If such statement is not filed within the "thirty days named, the lien shall attach from the date the same is filed: provided. That commencement of work or deliv- ery of material at the premises by any contractor, shall serve the same purpose as the filing of such statement or commencement of ^vork by all parties who may subse- quently furnish or specially prepare material for, or per- form services of labor in the construction of the im- provement. . The lien for materials bought, specially prepared for or delivered at, but not used in the improvement, shall be second to the lien of contractors whose material was used therein; and as against purchasers and incumbrancers of such real estate, who become such without actual or con- 18 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW structive notice of the contract for materials, the lien shall prevail only to the extent of the value of the mate- rials used. If the materials, fixtures, apparatus, machinery, labor or services were furnished under a contract with any of the persons named other than the owner, or one by him authorized to make such contract, the owner may prevent such lien for what is not then furnished or performed, by giving written notice to the person furnishing or per- forming the same that he will not be responsible therefor. 2. MATERIAL, ETC., FURNISHED BY MISTAKE. Any person furnishing services, labor or material for the erection of a new building or structure, or im- provement, but by mistake upon land owned by another than the party contracting as owner, shall have a lien, for such services, labor or material upon such building or structure or imprisonment (improvement) and the court, in the enforcement of such lien, shall order and direct such building, structure or improvement to be separately sold under its decree, and the purchaser may remove the same within such reasonable time as the court may fix. 3. MATERIAL — -LABOR LAND BELONGING TO MARRIED WOMEN. If any such services or labor are performed upon, or materials are furnished for, lands belonging to any married woman, with her knowledge and consent, in pur- suance of a contract with a husband of such married wo- man, the person furnishing sum labor or materials shall have a lien upon such property the same as if such con- tract had been made with such married woman, and in case the title to such lands upon which improvements are MECHANICS" LIEN LAW 19 made is held by husband and wife jointly or by entire- ties, the lien given by this act shall attach to such lands and improvements if the improvements be made in pur- suance of a contract with both of them or in pursuance of a contract with one of them by and with the knowl- edge and consent of the other, and in all such cases no claim of homestead right set up by a husband or wife- shall defeat the lien given by this act. 4. FAILURE OF OWNER TO PERFORM A CONTRACT. When the owner of the land shall have failed to perform his part of the contract by failing to pay to the contractor moneys justly due him under the contract at the .time when the same should have been paid, or has failed to perform his part of the contract in any other man- ner, the contractor shall not be held liable for any delay on his part during the period of, or caused by such breach of contract on the part of the owner, and if, after ten days' notice in writing by the contractor, the owner shall' fail to comply with his contract, the contractor may dis- continue the work, and in such case he shall be entitled to a reasonable compensation for as much thereof as has been performed in proportion to the price stipulated for the whole, and such damages as the contractor may have sustained by reason of the owner's default, and the court shall adjust his claim and allow him a lien accordingly. In such case the party selling material which has not been used shall have the right to take possession of and remove the same if he so elects. 5. CONTRACTOR TO GIVE NOTICE NAMES OF SUB-CON- TRACTOE, ETC. Within ten days after the contract is made, and be- fore commencing work thereunder, it shall be the duty of 20 MECRANICS' LIEN LAW the contractor to give the owner, and also the duty of the owner to require of him a statement in writing, under oath or verified by affidavit, of the names and addresses of all parties having subcontracts for specific portion of the work, or for material, and of the amount to become due each, and when, or if any such sub-contracts are not then let, the names and addresses of those who have made bids or proposals for the same or for material, and the re- spective amounts of such bids or proposals, and, withm ten days after the same are accepted, the amount thereof, and if any contractor shall fail to so notify the owner within five days after written notice to so do, such owner may cancel the contract with such contractor by written notice of such cancellation, and the lien of such contractor shall be subject to the liens of all other creait- ors But this section shall not apply to contractors who have given, or within the ten days first named shall give, to the owner a good and sufficient bond for the comple- tion of such building or improvement free and clear of all mechanics' liens, and such bond is made for the use and benefit of those who may be entitled to snch,liens ; nor where such persons shall in advance waive their rights to liens and bind themselves to perform their re- spective-subcontracts, services or labor, nor to contract- ors whose subcontractors and material men agree to take [them] solely for payment, nor to merchants and dealers in materials only. 6. UNDER VERBAL OR WRITTEN CONTRACT. If the work is done or materials are furnished under a verbal contract, no lien shall be had by virtue of this . act unless the work shall be done or materials furmshed within one year from the date of the contract, and final payment thereof is to be made within such time. MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 21 If the contract be written, no lien shall be had by virtue of this act, if the time stipulated for the completion of the work or furnishing materials is beyond three years from the date Of the contract, or the time of payment beyond one year from the time stipulated for the comple- tion thereof. Nor shall a lien be had under a written contract where the time of completion or final payment is more than one year from the date of the contract, unless either the work be continued up to the date for such payment, or within thirty days after completion the contractor shall file in the office of the circuit clerk of the county where the improvement is made, a statement under oath, or verified by affidavit, giving the name of the contractor and of the person contracting with him, a description of the property improved, the balance due, and the date for the final payment, which statement shall have the effect and stand in lieu of the claim for lien hereinafter provided for. 7. ENFORCEMENT OF LIEN CREDITORS OR INCUMBRANCERS, ETC. TERMS OE CONTRACT— FILING CLAIM. f No contractor shall be allowed to enforce such lien as against or' to the prejudice of any other creditor, or incumbrancer, or purchaser, unless, within four months after the last payment shall have become due and paya- ble, according to the terms of the original contract, he shall either bring srfit to enforce his lien therefor, or shall file with the clerk of the Circuit court of the county in which the building, erection or other improvement to be charged with the lien is situated, against the owner, a claim for lien verified by the affidavit of himself, agent or employee, which shall consist of a brief statement of the contract, the date the same was made, the date fixed therein, or the time implied, for completion and for final 22 MECHANICS' LIEN LA W payment, and the date that the same was completed, if completed, the balance due after allowing all credits, and a sufficiently correct description of the lot, lots or tract of land to pass title thereof by deed of conveyance. An itemized account shall not be necessary, except for ex- tras, where the contract is for all of the work or materials, or all of a specific part thereof at a fixed and agreed price. Such claim for lien may be filed at any time after the contract is made, and, as to the owner, may be amended at any time before trial or on the hearing of a suit to enforce the lien, subject to a continuance, on ac- count of such amendment, in the description of the court. No such lien shall be defeated to the proper amount thereof, because of an error or overcharge on the part of any person claiming a lien therefor under this act, unless it shall be shown that such error or overcharge was made with intent to defraud. Nor shall any such lien for ma- terial be defeated because of lack of proof that the mate- rial, after the delivery thereof, actually entered into the construction of such building or improvement: Peo- vided, it is shown that such material was in fact in good faith delivered at the place where said building or im- provement was being constructed, for the purpose of being used in such construction: And , provided further, that in case of the construction of a number of buildings under contract between the same parties it shall be suffi- cient, in order to establish such lien.for material, if it be shown that such material was in good faith delivered at any one of said buildings for the purpose of being used in the construction of any one or all of such buildings, and such lien for such material shall attach to all of said buildings' together with the land upon which the same are being constructed the same as in a single building or improvement. MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 23 80 LIENS ASSIGNABLE, \ All liens or claims for liens which may arise or ac- crue under the terms of this act shall be assignable, and proceedings to enforce such liens may be maintained by and in the name of the assignee, who shall have as full and ampl6 power to enforce the same as if such proceed- ings were taken under the provisions of this act by and . in the name of the lien claimant. 9. HOW SUIT BBOUGHT TO ENFOEOE LIEN JUDGMENT- DEFAULT. If payment shall not be made to the contractor having a lien by virtue of this act of the amount due when the same becomes due, then such contractor may .bring suit to enforce his lien by bill or petition in any court of competent chancery jurisdiction in the county where the labor was done or the materials delivered. Any two or more persons having liens on the same prop- erty may join in bringing such suit, setting forth their respective rights in their bill or petition. If a suit be then pending to foreclose a mortgage or trust deed, or to enforce a mechanic's lien on the premises, or any suit shall afterwards be instituted, all lien claimants not made parties thereto, and having actual notice of such proceed- ings, and all defendant lien claimants shall file their suits to enforce their liens by answer to the bill or petition in the nature of an intervening petition, and the same shall be taken as crossbills against all the parties to such suit, and the said bill or petition shall not thereafter be dis- missed as to any such lien claimant or to the owner or owners of the premises without the consent of such lien claimant. The complainant or petitioner and all defend- ants to such bill or petition may contest each other's 24 MECHANICS 1 LIEN LAW rights without any formal issue of record made up be- tween them other than that upon the original bill or pe- tition, as well with respect to the amount due as to the right to the benefit of the lien claimed: Provided, That if by such contest by co-defendants any lien claimant be taken by surprise the court may, in its discretion as to such claim grant a continuance. The court may render judgment against any party summoned and failing to appear as in other cases of de- fault. Such suit shall be commenced or intervening pe- tition filed within two years after final payment is due according to the terms of the original contract, or the lien shall be void as to all parties. 10. SUITS MAY BE INSTITUTED IN CASE OF DEATH. Suits may be instituted under the provisions of * this act, in favor of administrators or executors, and may be maintained against the representatives in interest of those against whom the cause of action accrued, and in suits instituted under the provisions of this act, the rep- resentatives of any party who may die pending the suit, shall be made parties. 11. BILE, ETC., TO ENFORCE EIEN WHAT TO CONTAIN PRACTICE. The bill or petition shall contain a brief statement of the contract or contracts on which it is founded, the dates when made, to be completed for final payment, and when completed, if not completed, why, ^what was done, and between what dates; it shall also set forth the amount due and uupaid, a description of the premises which are subject to the lien, and such other facts as may be neces- sary to a full understanding of the right of the parties. Where plans or specifications are by reference made a MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 25 part of the contract it shall not be necessary to set the •same out in the pleadings or as exhibits, hut the same may be produced on the trial of the suit. The complainant or petitioner shall make all parties interested, of whose interest he is notified or knows par- ties defendant, except his own subcontractors and promptly place a summons for such parties in the hands of the proper officer for service, which summons shall issue and service thereof be had as in suits in chancery, and when any defendant resides or has gone out of the State, or on due inquiry can not be found, or is concealed within this State, so that process can not be served on him, the complainant or petitioner shall cause notice to be given to him in like manner and upon the same con- ditions as is provided in suits in chancery, and his fail- ure to so act with regard to summons or notice shall be ground for judgment or decree against him as upon the merits. The same rule shall prevail with cross-petitioners with regard to any person of whose interest they have •knowledge, and who are not already parties to the suit or action, and the court may, in its discretion, enter like judgment or decree against any complainant before it not diligently prosecuting his claim to final judgment. Parties in interest, within the meaning of this act shall include persons entitled to liens thereunder whose claims are not, as well as are due at the time of the commence- ment of suit, and such claims shall be allowed, subject to a reduction of interest from the date of judgment to the time the claim is due; also all persons who may have any legal or equitable claim to the whole or any part of the premises upon which a lien may be attempted to be en- forced under the provisions thereof, or who are interested in the subject-matter of the suit. Any such persons may, on application to the court wherein the suit is pending, 26 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW oe made or become parties at any time before final judg- ment. No action or suit under the provisions of this act. shall be voluntarily dismissed by the party bringing the same without due notice to ail parties before the court, and leave of court upon good cause shown and upon terms named by the court. 12. PLEADINGS — AMENDMENTS — RECEIVERS. For the purpose of bringing all parties in interest before the court, the court shall permit amendments to any part of the pleadings, and may issue process, make all orders requiring parties to appear, and requiring notice to be given, that are or may be authorized in pro- ceedings in chancery, and shall have the same power and jurisdiction of the parties and subject, and the rules of practice and proceedings in such cases shall be the same as in other cases in chancery, except as is 'otherwise pro- vided in this act. The court shall have power to appoint receivers for property on which liens are sought to be enforced in the same manner, for the same causes, and for the same purposes as in cases of foreclosure of mort- gages, as well as to complete any incompleted building where the same is deemed to be to the best interest of ail the parties interested. 13. PLEADINGS — ANSWER. Defendants shall answer the bill or petition under oath, unless the oath is waived by the complainant or petitioner, and the plaintiff shall except or reply to the answer as though the proceeding was in chancery. The answer shall be regarded as the plea of the defendant, and by replication thereto an issue or issues, shall be formed, which shall be tried by the court, or by a jury MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 27 under the direction of the court, as the court may direct or the parties agree. The owner shall be entitled to make any defense by way of set-off, recoupment or counter-claim that he could in any action at law and shall be entitled to the same right of recovery on proof of such in excess of the claim of the contractor, or any other party to the suit, but for matters not growing out of the contract such recovery shall be without prejudice to the rights of the sub-con- tractors thereunder for payment out of the contract price or fund. 14. WANT OF PREPARATION FOE TRIAL — ORDER OF SALE — ■ DELAY. In no case shall the want of preparation for trial of one claim delay the trial in respect to others, but trial shall be had upon issues between such parties; as are prepared without reference to issues between other par- ties and when one creditor shall have obtained a decree or judgment for the amount due, the court may order a sale of the premises on which the lien operates, or a part thereof, so as to satisfy the decree or judgment : Provided, that, the court may, for good reason shown, delay making any order for sale or distribution until the rights of all par- ties in interest are ascertained and settled by the court. 15. QUESTIONS BETWEEN CONTRACTORS NO PREFERENCES. Upon all questions arising between different con- tractors having liens under this act no preference shall be given to him whose contract was first made, but the claim of any such person for mechanical or other labor by him personally performed, to the extent of two week's wages, shall be a preferred lien to an amount equal to ten per cent, of the proportionate value of the entire work completed up to the date of the last day's work of such labor. 28 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 16. INCUMBRANCES. . No incumbrance upon land, created before or after the making of the contract under the provisions of this act, shall operate upon the building erected, or materials, fixtures, apparatus or machinery furnished for erecting or improving the same, until the lien in favor of the person doing the work or furnishing the materials, fix- tures, apparatus or machinery shall have been satisfied, and upon questions arising between different incum- brances and lien creditors, the previous incumbrance shall be preferred to the extent of the value of the land at the time of making the contract, the lien creditors to the extent of the market value the same is enhanced by rea- son of the improvements, and the court shall ascertain, by jury or otherwise, as the case may require, what pro- portion of the proceeds of the sale shall be paid to the several parties in interest. Where after a trust deed or mortgage has been re- corded, contracts shall be made for the improvement of the property, and the owner shall pay for labor or mate- rial in such improvement, the enhanced value thereby given shall be treated as a fund in which the mortgagee and lien^holder shall participate pro rata. - Any incumbrance, whether by mortgage, judgment, or otherwise, charged and shown to be fraudulent, in respect to creditors, may be set aside by the court, and the prem- ises made subject to the claim of the complainant or oe- titioner, freed and discharged from such fraudulent in- cumbrance. 17. WHEN CONTRACT ENTIRE AND RELATES TO HOUSES ON DIFFERENT LOTS. Where the contract for material or labor is entire and relates to houses on different lots, the court shall ap- MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 29 portion the amount of the lien and costs on each house and lot according to the value thereof, and direct the sale of each house and lot separately to satisfy the amount of the lien and costs apportioned against it, and if the same shall not sell for sufficient to pay such amount, shall or- der the deficiency paid out of the surplus proceeds of the sale of any other of said houses and lots covered by such lien. 18. COSTS OF PROCEEDINGS — ATTORNEY'S FEE. The costs of proceedings, as between all parties to the suit, shall be taxed equitably against the losing par- ties, and where taxed against more than one party, shall be so taxed against all in favor of the proper party, but equitably as between themselves ; and the costs, as be- tween creditors aforesaid in contests relative to each other's claims, shall be subject to the order of the court, and the same rule shall prevail in respect to costs grow- ing out of the proceedings against and between incum- brances. In all cases where liens are enforced, a fee of • five dollars shall be taxed for filing the claim for lien, and the court shall order a reasonable attorney's fee, not ex- ceeding ten per cent, taxed as part of the costs, in favor of the claimant, and where the same are defeated in favor of the owner. 19. SALE OF PREMISES IN SUOH CASES HOW MADE. Whatever right or estate such owner had in the land at the time of making the contract may be sold in the same manner as ether sales of real estate are made under decrees, in chancery. If any part of the premises can be separated from the residue, and sold without dam- age to the whole, and if the value thereof is sufficient to satisfy all claims proved in the cause the court may order a sale of that part. 30 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 20. OOUBT TO DIRECT THE APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS OF SALE. The court shall ascertain the amount due each lien creditor and shall direct the application of the proceeds of sale to be made to each in proportion to their several amounts, according to the provisions of this act, except that in the payment of mechanic's lien claims, the claims of laborers, who are contractors under ,this act, to the ex- tent of two week's wages, shall be first paid, after that the balance due such laborers and other mechanic lien creditors pro rata. If, upon making sale under this act of any or all prem- ises, the proceeds of such sale shall not be sufficient to pay the claims of all parties, according to their rights, the decree shall be credited by the amount of said sale, and execution may issue in favor of any creditor whose claim is not satisfied for the balance due, as upon a defi- ciency decree in the foreclosure of a mortgage in chance- ry, and such deficiency decree shall be a lien upon all real estate and other property of the party against whom it is entered, to the same extent and under the same limita- tions as a judgment at law, and in case of excess of sales over the amount of the decree, such excess shall be paid to the owner of the land, or to the person who may be entitled to the same under the direction of the court. •• i , " ■,' -/r >•'■'■■'■ 21. REDEMPTION. Upon all sales under this act, the right of redemp- tion shall exist in favor of the same persons, and may be made in the same manner as is or may be provided for re- demption of real estate from sales under judgments and executions at law. MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 31 22. EIGHTS OF CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR DEFINED. Every mechanic, workman or other person who shall in pursuance of the purposes of the original con- tract furnish any materials apparatus, machinery, or fix- tures, or furnish or perform services or labor for the con- tractor, shall be known under this act as a subcontractor, and shall have a lien for the value thereof, with interest on such amount from the date the same is due, in the same manner, from the same time, on the same property and to the same extent as is herein provided for the con- tractor, and also, as against the creditors of the con- tractor, on the materials, fixtures, apparatus or ma- chinery furnished, and on the money or other considera- tion due or to become due from the owner under the original contract. But the aggregate of all the liens hereby authorized -shall not exceed the price stipulated in the original contract between such owner and the con- tractor for such improvements, except as hereinafter pro- vided. In no case, except as hereinafter provided, shall the owner be compelled to pay a greater sum for or on account of such house, building or other improvements than the price or sum stipulated in said original contract or agreement, unless payment be made to the contractor, or to his order, in violation of. the rights anddnterests of the persons intended to be benefited by this act: Pro- vided, if it shall appear to the court that the owner and contractor fraudulently and for the purpose of defraud- ing subcontractors, fixed an unreasonably low price in their original contract for the erection or repairing of such building, then the court shall ascertain how much of a difference exists between a fair price for the labor and materials used in said building or other improvements and the sum named in said original contract, and said difference shall be considered a part of the contract and 32 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW be subject to a lien, but in no case shall the contractor's time or profits be secured by this lien, only so far as the sum named in the original contract or agreement. But where the contractor's statement, made as provided in section five (5) shows the amount to be paid to the sub- contractor, or party furnishing material ; or the sub-con- tractor's statement, made pursuant to section twenty- three (23), shows the amount to become due for material ; or notice is given to the owner, as provided in sections 1 twenty-five (25) and twenty-six (26), and thereafter such subcontract shall be performed, or material to the value of the amount named in such statements or notice, shall be prepared for use and delivery, or delivered, without written protest on the part of the owner previous to such performance, or delivery, or preparation for deliv- ery, then, and in any of such cases, such sub-contractor or party furnishing or preparing material regardless of the price named in the original contract shall have a lien therefor to the extent of the amount named in such state- ments or notice. Also, in such cases, and in case of like default by the contractor, the sub-contractor or party furnishing or preparing material, shall have and may en- force his lien to the same extent and in the same manner that the contractor may Under conditions that arise as provided fot in section four of this act, and shall have and may exercise the same rights as are therein provided for the contractor, and when the contractor shall have failed to perform and abandoned his part of the contract, the sub-contractors and material men, or any of them, shall have the right to complete the same, and shall be entitled to a reasonable compensation therefor, in pro- portion to the price stipulated for the whole, and the court shall adjust their claims accordingly. MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 33 23. WHEN A CONTEACTOE TAKES A PAETNEE^SUBCON- TEAOTOE TO FUENISH STATEMENT — WHAT TO CONTAIN. Whenever, after a contract has been made the con- tractor shall associate one or more persons as partners or joint contractors in carrying out the same or any part thereof, the lien for materials or labor furnished by a sub-contractor to such contractor and his partners or as- sociates, as originally agreed upon, shall continue the same as if the sub-contract had been made with all of said parties. When the contractor shall sublet his con- tract or a specific portion thereof, to a subcontractor, the party furnishing material to or performing any labor for such subcontractor, shall have a lien therefor to the extent of the sum to be paid to the subcontractor who purchases material from or employs him, and may en- force his lien in the same manner as is herein provided for the enforcement of liens by subcontractors. Any subcontractor shall, as often as requested in wri- ting by the owner or contractor, or the agent of either, make out and give to such owner, contractor or agent a statement of the persons furnishing material, giving their names, and how much, if anything is due or to be- come due to each of them, and when the same became 1 or will become due,' which statement shall be made under \ oath, if required. If any subcontractor shall fail to fur- nish such statement within five (5) days after such de- mand, he shall forfeit to such owner or contractor the sum of fifty dollars ($50) for every offense, which may be recovered in an action of debt before a justice of the peace, and shall have no right of action against either owner or contractor until he shall furnish such statement, and the lien of such subcontractor shall be subject to the liens of all other creditors. 34 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 24c. LIEN ON THE MONEY, BOND OR WARRANTS DUE CON- TRACTOR. Any person who shall furnish material, apparatus, fixtures, machinery or labor to any contractor for a pub- lic improvement in this State, shall have a lien on the money, bonds or warrants due or to become due such con- tractor for such improvement : Provided, such person shall before any payment or delivery thereof is made to such contractor, notify the officials of this State, county, township, city or municipality whose duty it is to pay such contractor, of his claim by a written notice and the full particulars thereof. It shall be the duty of such offi- cials so notified to withhold a sufficient amount to pay such claim until it is admitted, or by law established, and thereupon to pay the amount thereof to such person and such payment shall be a credit on the contract price to to be paid to such contractor. Any officer violating the duty hereby imposed upon him shall be liable on his official bond to the person serv- ing such notice for the damages resulting from such vio- lation, which may be recovered in an action at law in any court of competent jurisdiction. There shall be no pref- erence between the persons serving such notice, but all shall be paid pro rata in proportion to the amount due under their respective contracts. 25. SUB-CONTRACTOR — EXTRA WORK OR MATERIALS — NO- TICE LIEN. Such sub-contractor, or party furnishing mate- rials, may at any time after making his contract with the contractor, and shall within sixty (60) days after the completion thereof, or if extra work is done or extra ma- terial is delivered thereafter, within sixty days after a the date of completion of such extra work or final delivery MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 35 of such extra material, cause a written notice of his claim, or of such subcontract with a copy thereof, if the same be in writing and the amount due or to become due thereunder, and when it became or will become due, to be personally served on the owner, or his agent, or the -archi- tect, or superintendent having charge of the building or improvement, and his claim shall be a lien as against the owner from the date of the service of such notice, so far as the owner may be indebted to the contractor at 1 that time, or may become indebted to him as such con- tractor thereafter. Where such written contract by reference makes the plans and specifications of Che original contract part thereof, it shall not be necessary to serve a copy of such plans or specifications with the notice. It shall be the duty of the agent, .architect or "superin- tendent so notified to at once transmit such notice to the owner, and for his failure so to do he shall be personally liable, both to the owner and party serving such notice for all damages in consequence of such failure, which may be recovered in an action at law in any court of competent jurisdiction: , Provided, such notice shall not be* neces- ' sary where the sworn statement of the contractor or sub- I contractor provided for herein shall serve to give the f owner true notice of the amount due, and to whom due, but where such statement is incorrect as to the amount, the subcontractor or materialman named shall be pro- tected to the extent of the amount named therein as due or to become due to him. 26. NOTICE, ETC. WHEN THE OWNEK, AGENT, ETC., NOT FOUND IN COUNTY. In all cases where the owner, agent, architect or superintendent cannot be found in the county in which 36 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW said improvement is made, or shall not reside therein, the subcontractor or person furnishing materials, fixtures, ap- paratus, machinery, labor or services, shall give notice by filing in the office of the clerk of .the circuit court against the person making the contract and the owner a claim for lien verified by the afi&davit of himself, agent or em- ployee, which shall consist of a brief statement of his conrtact or demand, what he is to do, within what time, what dates, and the balance due after allowing all credits, and the character thereof, and when the same became due, and a substantially correct description of the lot, lots, or tract of land. An itemized account shall not be necessary except for extras, where the sub-contract is for all of a specific part of the work, or for all of the mate- » rials of a certain class, where the amount to be paid therefor was a fixed and agreed sum. 27. TWO WEEKS' WAGES PEEEEEEED CLAIM NOTICE. The claim of any person for mechanical or other labor, under section twenty-two (22) of this act, to the extent of two weeks' wages, shall be a preferred lien for twenty days frcm the last day's work performed by such person, to an amount equal to ten per cent, of the pro- ' portionate value of the contact completed up to the date of said last day's work : "Provided, such notice is served within twenty days Irom the date when such last day's work was performed by such person, and the owner or his agent may retain for said twenty days such ten per cent, out of any money due or to become due the con- tractor : And provided, further, this ten per cent, shall not be construed as in addition to any per cent, that may be held back in pursuance of the terms of the con- tract between the owner and the contractor. MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 37 2$. WHEN OWNER, ETC., NOTIFIED TO RETAIN MONEY, ETC. PAYMENTS. When the owner or his agent is notified as pro- vided in this act he shall retain from any money due or to become due the contractor an amount sufficient to pay all demands that are or will become due such subcon- tractor, tradesman, material man, mechanic or workman of whose claim he is notified, and shall pay over the same to the persons entitled thereto, as the same becomes due. Such payment shall be as follows : First : All claims for mechanical or other labor to the extent of two weeks' wages, of which notice has- been served as provided in the preceding section, shall be paid in full. If the money due and to become due the con- tractor, including the ten per cent, in said section pro- vided, is not sufficient to pay such claims in full, he shall pay them pro rata, in proportion to the amounts thereof, respectively, at the time of such payment. Second: The claims of the laborers above named for . the balance due in excess of two weeks' wages, and of other laborers' tradesmen, material men and subcon- trabtors who are entitled to liens, pro rata in proportion to the amount due them respectively. All payments made as directed shall, as between such owner and contractor, be considered the same as if paid to such contractor. Any payment made by the owner to the contractor after such notice, without retaining suffi- cient money to pay such claims, shall be considered ille- gal, and made in violation of the rights of the subcon- tractors and the rights of such sub-contractors to a lien shall not be affected thereby, but the owner shall not be held liable to any subcontractor or other person whose name is omitted from the statement provided for in sec- 38 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW tiorf five (5) of this act, nor for any larger amount than the sum herein named as due such person, provided such omission is not made with the knowledge, or collusion of the owner, unless previous thereto or to his pay- ment to his contractor, he shall be notified as herein pro- vided by such persons of their claim, and the true amount thereof. Thied. The balance, if any, to the contractor. 29. "WHEN MONEY DUE SUB-CONTEACTOE NOT PAID WITHIN TEN DAYS, ETC. If the money due to the subcontractor shall not be paid within ten days after his notice is served, as pro- vided in sections twenty*five (25) and twenty^seven (27), or within ten days after his claim for lien is filed, as provided in section twenty^six (26), or on the date the same is shown to be due by the contractor's statement made, as provided in section five (5), and any money shall then be due from such owner to the contractor, then such person may either file his petition and enforce his lien as heretofore provided for the contractor in sections nine (9) to twenty-one (21), inclusive, of this act, except as to the time within which suit shall be brought, or he may sue the owner or contractor jointly for the amount due him, in any court having jurisdiction of the amount claimed to be due, and a personal judgment may be ren- dered therein as in other cases. In such actions at law as in suits to enforce the lien, the owner shall be liable to the complainant for no more than the pro rata share that such person would be entitled to with other sub- contractors out of the funds due to the contractor from the owner under the contract between them, and such ac- tions at law shall' be maintained against the owner only in case the complainant establishes his right to the lien. MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 39 All suits and actions by subcontractors shall be against both contractor and owner jointly, and no decree or judgment shall be rendered herein until both are duly, brought before the court by process or publication. All such Judgments, where the lien is established, shall be against both jointly, but shall be enforced against the owner only to the extent that he is liable under his con- tract as by this act provided, and shall recite the date from which the lien thereof attached according to the provisions of sections one (1) and twenty-two (22) of this act; but this act shall not preclude a judgment against the contractor, personally, where the lien is defeated. 30. EXECUTION BEEOEE JUSTICE — TRANSCEIPT — LIEN. If the execution issued on a judgment obtained be- fore a justice of the peace shall be returned not satisfied, a transcript of such judgment may be taken to the cir- cuit court and spread upon the records thereof, and execution issued thereon as in other cases, except that the lien of the same shall be preserved as a preferred lien on the property improved from the date recited in the judgment and enforced thereon the same as if a de- cree had been rendered by the circuit court in a suit to enforce such lien under the provisions of this act. 31. SEVEKAL EIENS — PROCEEDINGS. If there are several liens under section twenty-two (22) upon the same premises, and the owner or any per- son having such a lien shall fear that there is not a suffi- cient amount coming to the contractor to pay all such liens, such owner or any one or more persons having such lien may' file his or their sworn bill or petition in the circuit court of the proper county, stating such fact and such other facts. as may be sufficient to a full understand- ing of the rights of the parties. The contractor and all 40 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW persons having liens upon, or who are interested in the premises so far as the same are known to or can be ascer- tained by the claimant or petitioner, upon diligent in- quiry, shall be made parties. Upon the hearing, the court shall find the amount coming from the owner to the contractor, and the amount due to each of the persons having liens; and in case the amount found to be coming to the contractor, shall be insufficient to discharge all the liens in full, the amount so found in favor of the con- tractor, shall be divided between the persons entitled to such liens pro rata in proportion to the amounts so found to be due them respectively. If the amount so found to be coming to the contractor shall be sufficient to pay the liens in full, the same shall be so ordered. The premises may be sold as in other cases under this act. The parties to such suit shall prosecute -the same under like requirements as are directed in section eleven (11) of this act, and all persons who shall be duly notified of such proceedings, and who shall fail to prove their claims, whether the same be in judgment against the owner or not, shall forever lose the benefit of and be precluded from their liens and all claims against the owner. Upon the filing of such bill or petition, the court may, on the motion of any person interested, and shall, upon final decree, stay further proceedings upon any judgment against the owner on account of such liens. 32. CONTRACTOR FAILING TO COMPLETE HIS CONTRACT PROCEEDINGS — RIGHTS — OF PARTIES. Should the contractor, for any cause, fail to com- plete his contract any person entitled to a lien as afore- said may file his petition in any court of record against the owner and contractor, setting forth the nature of his claim, the amount due, as near as may be and- the names MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 41 of the parties employed on such house or other improve- ment subject to liens: and a notice of such suit shall be v served on the persons therein named; and such as shall appear shall have their claims adjudicated, and decree shall be entered against the owner and contractor for so much as the work and materials, shall be shown to be reasonably worth, according to the original contract price, first deducting so much as shall have been right- fully paid to said original contract by the owner, and dam- ages, if any, that may be occasioned the owner by reason of the non-fulfillment of the original contract; the bal- ance to be divided between such claimants in proportion to their respective interests to be ascertained by the court. The premises may be sold as in other cases under this act. The parties to such suit shall prosecute the . same under like requirements as are directed in section eleven (11) of this act. 33. PAYMENTS TO CONTKACTOKf No payment to the contractor or to his order shall be regarded as rightfully made, as against the subcon- tractor, or party furnishing materials, if made by the owner without exercising or enforcing the rights and powers conferred upon him in section five (5) and twen- ty-three (23) of this act. 34. WITHIN WHAT TIME SUIT TO BE COMMENCED. No petition shall be filed or suit commenced to enforce the lien created by. sections twenty^two (22) and twenty^three (23), unless the same is commenced within four months after the time that the final payment is shown to be due the subcontractor or party furnishing material by the statement of the contractor, made as pro- vided for in section five (5); or of the, subcontractor, 42 MECHANICS' LIEX LAM made as provided for in section twenty-three (23), or by the notice, served or given as provided for in sections twenty-rive (25) and twenty-sis (26) ; provide^ if any de- lay in riling such petition or commencing snit is caused in consequence of the final payment not being due the contractor, the time of such delay shall not be reckoned. 35. WEITTEN DEMAND — WHEN SUIT TO EE COMMENCED. Upon the written demand of the owner, lienor or any person interested in the real estate, or their agent or attorney, served on the person claiming the lien, or his agent or attorney, requiring suit to be commenced to en- force the lien, suit shall be commenced within thirty days thereafter or the lien shall be forfeited, and the same released, if a claim for lien has been filed with the clerk of the circuit court. 36. WHEN CLAIM FOB LIEN FILED W^ITH CLEKK — PAYMENT * EELEASE PENALTY. Whenever a claim for lien has been filed with the clerk of the circuit court, either by the contractor, or the subcontractor, and is afterward paid, with cost of filing same, or where there is a failure to institute suit to en- force the same after demand, as provided in the preceed- ing section within the time by this act limited, the person filing the same, or some one by him duly authorized in writing to do so, shall acknowledge satisfaction or release thereof in the proper book in such office, in writing, on written demand of the owner, and on neglect to do so for ten days after the claim has been paid or the time has expired to bring suit thereon, he shall forfeit to the owner the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), which may be recovered in an action of debt before a justice of the peace. MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 43 87. OWNEE, CONTEACTOE, ETC., PUECHASING MATEBIAL ON CEEDIT FALSE EEPEESENTATION AS TO BUILDING SALE OF PENALTY. Any owner, contractor, subcontractor, or other person who shall purchase materials on credit, and rep- resent at time of purchase that the same are to be used in a designated building, or buildings or other improvement, and shall thereafter sell, use, or cause to be used the said materials, in the construction of, or remove the same to any building or improvement other than that designated, or dispose of the same for any purpose, without the written consent of the person of whom the materials were purchased, with intent to defraud such person, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction shall be punished by a fine net exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00), or confined in the county jail, not exceeding one year, pr both so fined and imprisoned. 38. LIEN ON BOAT, ETC. Any architect, contractor, subcontractor, material* man, or other person furnishing services, labor or ma- terial for the purpose of or in constructing, building, altering, repairing or ornamenting a boat, barge or other water craft, shall have a lien on such boat, barge or other water craft, for the value of such services, labor or ma- terial in the same manner as in this act provide^ for ser- vices, labor, or material furnished by such parties for the purpose of building, altering, repairing or ornamenting a house. And such lien may be established and enforced in the same manner as like liens are established and en- forced under this act, and the parties shall be held to the same obligations, duties* and liabilities, as in the case of a contract for building, altering, repairing or ornament- ing a house. U MECHANICS 1 LIEN LAW 39. STATEMENT FILED WITH CLERK UNDEE THIS ACT — WHAT TO CONTAIN DUTY OF CLERK. The clerk of the circuit court shall endorse on the statement riled pursuant to the provisions of sections one (1) and six (6), the date of filing, and note in a book kept for that purpose and properly indexed the names of the contractor riling the statement, of the persons contract ed ' with, the date of filing, a description of the property charged with the lien, the amount claimed and the date for final payment, for which the person filing the statement shall pay one dollar ($1.00) to the clerk. When claims for lien are filed pursuant to the provisions of sections seven (7) and twenty six [2Q>) the clerk of the circuit court shall endorse thereon the date of filing, and make an abstract thereof in a book kept for that purpose and properly in- dexed, containing the name of the person riling the lieu, the amount of the lien, the date of filing, the name of the persons against whom the lien is filed, and a description of the property charged with the lien, for which the per- son filiug the lien shall pay one dollar to the clerk. 40. REPEAL. Sections one to forty-seven inclusivo of an act entitled " An act to revise the law in relation to liens." ap- proved March 25, 1874: and an act entitled "An act to amend section twenty^eight of an act entitled ' An act to revise the law in relation to liens,' approved March 25, 1871." approved May 21, 1879; and an act entitled "An act to amend sections four and twenty-eight, and add sections fifty-two, fifty^three and fifty-four to 'An act to revise the law relating to liens, ' in force July 1, 1871," approved May 31, 1887; and an act entitled "An act to amend sections twenty-nine, thirty and thirty-five, and to repeal sections thirty^six, forty^two, forty-three and forty- MECHANICS' LIEN LA W 45 four of an act entitled ' An act to revise the law in relation to liens,' approved March 25, 1874, in force July 1, 1874,'' approved June 16, 1887; and an act entitled < ; An act to amend sections eleven, thirty-three, thirty-four and thirty-five of 'An act to revise the law in relation to liens , approved March 25, 1874, in force July 1, 1874, as amended by an act approved June 16, 1887, and in force July 1,' 1887," approved June 22, 1891; and all other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby re- pealed, except as herein re-enacted: Provided, that this section shall not be so construed as to affect any rights existing or actions pending at the time this act shall take effect. 41. CONSTRUCTION. This act is and shall be construed as a remedial act, and' shall take effect and be in force from and afte- its passage. 42. MINEES' LIEN FOB WAGES. IN FOECE JULY 1st 1895. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, re- presented in the General Assembly, That every labv^r or miner who shall perform labor in opening and develop- ing any coal mine, including sinking shafts, construct- ing slopes, or drifts, mining coal and the like, sb^ 1 have a lien upon all the property of the person, firm or cor- poration owning, constructing or operating s^h mine, used in the construction or operation thereof, including real estate, buildings, engines, cars, mules, scales and all other personal property, for the value of si^h labor for the full amount thereof, upon the same tenuis, with the same right and to be secured and enforced as mechanics' liens are secured and enforced. 46 MECHANICS' LIEN LA W 43. HOTELS, INNS AND BOARDING HOUSES. Hotel, inn and boarding house keepers shall have a lien upon the baggage and other valuables of their guests or boarders, brought into such hotel, inn or boarding- house by such guests or boarders for the proper charges due from such guests or boarders for their accomoda- tions, board and lodgings and such extras as are fur- nished at their request. 44. STABLE KEEPERS, ETC. Stable keepers and any persons shall have a lien up- on the horses, carriages and harness kept by them for the proper charges due for the keeping thereof and expenses be stowed thereon at the request. of the owner, or the person having the possession thereof. 45. AGISTERS. Agisters and persons keeping, yarding, feeding or pasturing domestic animals, shall have a lien upon the animals agistered, kept, yarded or fed, for the proper charges due for the agisting, keeping, yarding or feeding thereof. 46. SUIT TO BE COMMENCED WITHIN THIRTY DAYS ON DE- MAND, ETC. Upon the written demand of the owner or his agent, or any person interested in said real estate, served on the person or his agent claiming the lien, requiring suit to be commenced to enforce the lien, such suit shall be commenced within thirty days thereafter or the lien shall be forfeited. 47. CIRCUIT CLERK TO KEEP ABSTRACT IN BOOK, ETC. — FEE. The clerk of the circuit court where such lien shall be filed shall endorse on every such claim for a lien filed, MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 47 the date of filing, and make an abstract thereof in a book kept for that purpose and property indexed, containing the name of the person filing the lien, the amount of the hen, the date of filing, the name of the person against whom the lien is filed, and a description of the property charged with the lien, and for which the person filing the lien shall pay one dollar to the clerk. 48. ACKNOWLEDGING SATISFACTION IN BOOK, ETC.— PENAL- TY FOE NEGLECT TO DO SO. Whenever a lien has been claimed by filing the same with the clerk of the circuit court and is afterwards paid, the person filing the same shall acknowledge satis- faction thereof in the proper book in such office in writ- ing, and on neglect to do so for ten days after the claim has been paid, he shall forfeit to the owner the sum of twenty-five dollars. 49. LIENS UPON EAILEOADS. FOE FUEL, TIES, MATEEIAL, SUPPLIES, ETC. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That all persons who may have furnished, or who shall hereafter furnish to any railroad corporation now existing, or hereafter to be organized under the laws of this state, any fuel, ties, materials, supplies, or any other article or thing necessary for the construction, maintenance, operation or repair of such roads, by contract with said corporation, or who shall have done and performed, or shall hereafter do and perform any work or labor for such construction, maintenance, operation or repair by like contract, shall be entitled to be paid for the same as part of the current expenses of said road; and in order to secure the same, shall have a lien upon all the property, real, personal and mixed, of said railroad corporation as against such rail- 18 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW road, and as against all mortgages or other liens which shall accrue after the commencement of the delivery of said articles, or the commencement of said work or labor: Provided, suit shall be commenced within six months after such contractor or laborer shall have completed his contract with said railroad corporation, or after such labor shall have been performed or material furnished. 50. SUB-C0NTBACT0E, LABOEEE, ETC., HAVE LIEN. Every person who shall hereafter, as subcontract- or, material man, or laborer, furnish to any contractor with any such railroad corporation any fuel, ties, mater- ials, supplies, or any other article or thing, or who shall do and perform any work or labor for such contractor in . conformity with any terms of any contract express or implied, which such contractor may have made with any such railroad corporation, shall have a lien upon all the property, real, personal and mixed, of said railroad cor- poration: Provided, such sub-contractor, material man or laborer shall have complied with provisions of this act; but the aggregate of all liens hereby authorized shall not, in any case, exceed the price agreed upon in the original contract to be paid by such corporation to the original contractor: And, provided, further, that no such lien shall take priority over any existing lien. 51. NOTICE OE CLAIM OF LIEN. The person performing such labor, or furnishing ' such material, shall cause a notice, in writing, to be served on the president or secretary of such railroad cor- poration, substantially as follows, viz: To (president, or secretary as the case may be) of the : You are hereby notified that I am (or have been) employed by as a laborer (or have MECHANICS' LIEN LAW £9 furnished supplies as the case may be) on or for the ,. . ., and that I shall hold all the property of such railroad (or railway, as the case may be) company to secure my pay. If there shall be a contract in writing between the orig- inal contractor and subcontractor, material man or la- borer, a copy of such contract, if the same can be ob- tained, shall be served with such notice and ^attached thereto, which notice shall be served at any time, within twenty days after the completion of such subcontract, or such labor: Provided, that no lien shall attach in favor of any person performing such labor or furnishing material nutil such notice shall have been served as above, or filed for record as hereafter provided. 52. WHEN NOTICE FILED WITH CIRCUIT CLERK— COPY TO BE MAILED, ETC. If neither the president nor secretary of such rail- road corporation shall reside or can be found in the county in which the subcontract was made, or labor per- formed, the laborer, or person furnishing labor or mater- ial, shall file said notice in the office of the clerk of the circuit court; and the clerk of the circuit court shall file and keep a record of said notice, and cause a copy of the same to be mailed to the president or secretary of said company, for which he shall receive the sum of twenty- five cents, and said clerk shall keep a list of the names of the persons so claiming lien, and the names of the cor- poration against which such liens are claimed. 53. SUIT — TRANSCRIPT FROM JUSTICE. If the money due the person having given notice as aforesaid, shall not be paid within ten days after the money shall become due- and payable, then such person 50 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW may commence suit therefor, in any court having juris- diction of the amount claimed to be due, against the cor- poration with which the original' contract was made; or he may commence suit, as aforesaid, against such rail- road corporation and original contractor jointly, and ex- ecution to issue as in other cases. If execution, issued on judgment obtained before a justice of the peace, shall be returned not satisfied, a transcript of such judgment may be taken to the circuit court, and spread upon the records thereof/and shall have all the force and effect of judgments obtained in the circuit court, and execution issued thereon as in other cases. 51. COSTS — attorney's fees. Whenever any suit, so brought, shall be determined •n favor of the plaintiff, the court shall allow, if before a justice, $5, if in a court of record, $20, attorney's fees to be taxed as costs. 55. WHEN ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR EAILS TO COMPLETE CONTRACT. Should the original contractor in any case fail to complete his contraet, any person entitled to a lien as aforesaid, may file his petition in any court of record in any county through which the road may be constructed, against the railroad corporation and the contractors set- tin- forth the nature of his claim, and the amount due as near as may be, (and) the fact that the contractor has. failed to complete his contract. The clerk of said court shall thereupon cause a notice to be published for four successive weeks in a newspaper printed in the county setting forth, that said petition has been filed, and the time when the writ issued on the same shall have been made returnable, and all persons entitled to liens under MECHANICS' LIEN LAW 51 this act may enter their appearance, and interplead in said cause, and have their claims adjudicated; and it shall be the duty of the court, in case the petitioner or claim- ants, or either of them, establish their claims, to enter a decree against said corporation and original contractor, for the amount to which the persons so establishing their claims are respectively entitled, and such decree shall have the same force and effect as decrees in other cases. 56. LIMITATION. The lien hereby created shall continue for three months from the time of the performance of the sub-con- tract, or doing of the work or furnishing the material as aforesaid, except when suit shall be commenced by peti- tion as aforesaid, and in such cases all liens shall be barred by decree entered in such cause. 52 TOBEENS LAND TITLE THE TORRENS LAND TITLE SYSTEM. AN ACT concerning land titles. Approved June 13, 1895. In force July 1. 1895. RECORDERS EX OFFICIO REGISTRARS. 1. REGISTRARS OF TITLES DEPUTIES COMPENSATION. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That recorders and ex*officio recorders of deeds in the Several counties in this State shall be registrars of title in their respective coun- ties. Their deputies shall be deputy registrars. All laws relative to recorders and their deputies, including their compensations, clerk hire and expenses, shall extend to registrars and their deputies, so far as the same may be applicable. 2. BOND OF REGISTRAR. Every recorder and ex-officio recorder shall, before entering upon his duties as registrar, give a bond, with sufficient security, to be approved by the judge of the county court, payable to the People of the State of Illi- nois, in the penal sum of $50,000 (except that in counties having a pnpulation of more than 100,000 inhabitants, the penalty of the bond shall be $200,000), conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties, and to deliver up all papers, books, records and other property belonging to the county or appertaining to his office as registrar of tit- les, whole, safe and undefaced when lawfully required so to do; which bond shall be filed in the office of the Sec- retary of State and a copy thereof entered upon the re- cords of the county court. TORRENS LAND TITLE 53 3. DEPUTIES — DUTIES OF — DEATH OF KEGISTBAE. Deputies may perform any and all duties of the registrar in the name of the registrar, and the acts of such deputies shall be held to be the acts of the registrar, and in case of the death of the registrar or his removal from office, the chief deputy shall thereupon become the acting registrar until such vacancy shfill be filled accord- ing to law, and he shall file a like bond and be vested with the same powers and subject to the same responsi- bilities and entitled to the same compensation as in the case of the registrar. 4. NOT TO PKACTICE AS ATTORNEY. No registrar or deputy registrar shall practice as attorney or counselor=at4aw, nor be in partnership, while in office, with any attorney or counselor^aMaw so prac- tising. * . 0. TWO ATTOENEYS TO BE EXAMINEES, ETC. The registrar shall appoint in his county, two or more competent attorneys, to be examiners of titles and legal advisers of the registrar. Their compensation shall be fixed in the same manner as that of deputy registrar. " 6. LIABILITY OF EEGISTEAE FOE ACTS OF DEPUTY OE EXAM- INEE. The registrar shall be liable for any neglect or omission of the duties of his office, when occasioned by a deputy or examiner of titles, in the same manner as for his own personal neglect or omission. 7. BEINGING LAND UNDEE ACT — HOW LAND BE0UGHT UNDEE ACT. The owner of any estate WHEN ONLY A PABT OF LAND TEANSFEEEED. When only a part of the land described in a certifi- cate is transferred, or some estate or interest in the land is to remain in the transferrer, a new certificate shall be issued to him for the part, estate or interest remaining in him, 41. FILING DEEDS, ETC. — HOW MAEKED. The registrar shall mark as filed every deed, mortgage, lease and other instrument which may be filed in his office in the order of its receipt, and shall note thereon at the date of filing the minute, hour, day and year it is received. When the date of filing any instru- ment is required to be entered on the register, it shall be the same as that endorsed upon such instrument. 68 TOBBEXS LAND TITLE 42. INSTBUMENTS TO BE KEPT IN OFFICE. All instruments, notices and papers required or permitted by this act to be filed in the office of the regis- trar shall be retained and kept in such office.. 43. FOEMS OF DEEDS, ETC. Like forms of deeds, mortgages, leases and other instruments as are now or may hereafter be sufficient in law for the purpose intended, may be used in dealing with registered land and any estate or interest therein. 44. INSTBUMENTS FOB BEGISTBATION — HOW ENDOESED. On all instruments presented to the registrar for registration shall be endorsed the name and address of the person so presenting the same, and all notices by the registrar or other person, relating to the land therein de- scribed may be served on such person at such address. The address may be changed from time to time by such person filing with the registrar a written notice of such change. 45. IN CASE OF DEED, MOETGAGE, ETC., WHEN THE LAND OE OTHEE INTEEEST BECOMES TEANSFEEEED. A deed, mortgage, lease or other instrument pur- porting to convey, transfer, mortgage, lease, charge or otherwise deal with registered land, or any estate or in- terest therein, or charge upon the same, other than a will or a lease not exceeding. five years where the land is in actual possession of the lessee or his assigns, shall take effect only by way of contract between the parties thereto, and as authority to the registrar to register the transfer, mortgage, lease, charge or other dealing, upon compliance with the terms of this act. On the com pletion of such registration, the land, estate, interest or charge shall be- TORRENS LAND TITLE 69 come transfered, mortgaged, leased, charged or dealt with according to the purport and terms of the deed, mortgage, lease or other instrument. 46. "WHEN TEANSFEE SHALL BE EEGISTEEED. No transfer of title to land, or any estate or interest therein or mortgage, shall be registered until it shall be made to appear to the registrar that the land has not been sold for any tax or assessment upon which a deed has been given and the title is outstanding; or upon which a deed may thereafter be given, nor until it shall appear that the dower, right of dower and estate of home- stead, if any, have been released or extinguished, unless the transfer or mortgage is intended to be subject thereto, in which case it shall be so stated in the certificate of title. * 47. WHAT CERTIFICATE SHALL STATE. Every certificate of title to land shall state whether the transferee (except when the latter is a corporation) is married or not married, and if married the name of the husband or wife. The transferee shall furnish the regis- trar the necessary information before he shall be entitled to have the land transfered to him on the register. MOETGAGES, LEASES AND OTHEE CHAEGES. 48. WHEN DEEMED A CHAEGE AND MAY BE EEGISTEEED. Every mortgage, lease for a term not exceeding ten years, contract to sell, and other instrument intended to create a lien, incumbrance or charge upon registered land or any interest therein, shall be deemed to' be a charge thereon, and may be registered as hereinafter pro- vided. ♦ 70 TORRENS LAND TITLE 49. ON FILING THE INSTRUMENT INTENDED TO CREATE THE CHARGE PROCEEDINGS. On the filing of the instrument intended to create the charge in the registrar's office, and the production of the duplicate certificate of title, and it appearing to the registrar that the person intending to create the charge, has the title and right to create such a charge, and that the person in whose favor the same is sought to be created is entitled by the terms of this act to have the same registered, he shall enter upon the proper folium of the register, and also upon the duplicate certificate, a memorial of the purport thereof, and the date of filing the instrument with a reference thereto' by its file number, which memorial shall be signed by the registrar. The registrar shall also note upon the instrument on file the volume and folium of the register where the memorial is entered. 50. TRUST DEED TO BE DEEMED A MORTGAGE. A trust deed in the nature of a mortgage shall be deemed to be a mortgage, and be subject to the same rules as a mortgage. 51. WHEN REGISTERED LAND IS IN DUPLICATE, TRIPLI- CATE OR MORE PARTS. When any mortgage, lease or other instrument cre- ating or dealing with a charge upon registered land or any estate or interest therein is in duplicate, triplicate or more parts, only one of the parts need be filed and kept in the registrar's office, but the registrar shall note upon the register whether the same is in duplicate, triplicate or as the case may be, and shall also mark upon the oth- ers "mortgagee's duplicate,'' "lessor's duplicate," "lessee's duplicate," or as the case may be, and note upon the same. TORRENS LAND TITLE 71 the date of filing and the volume and folium of the regis- ter where the memorial is entered, and deliver them to the parties entitled thereto. 52. CEBTIFIED COPIES. When an instrument is not executed in a sufficient number of parts for the convenience of the parties, the registrar may make and deliver to each of the parties en- titled thereto certified copies of the instrument filed in his office with the endorsements thereon, marking the same "mortagee's certified copy," "lessor's certified, copy," or as tjie eafe may be, and shall note upon the register the fact of issuing such copies. Such certified ■ copies shall have the same force and effect, and be treated as duplicates. 53. MAY EXECUTE AN ASSIGNMENT— CEETIFICATE. The holder of any charge upon registered land, de- siring to transfer the same or any part thereof, may exe- cute an assignment of the whole or any part thereof, and < upon such assignment being filed in the office of the reg- istrar and the production of the* duplicate or certified copy of the instrument creating the charge held by the assignor, the registrar shall enter in the register, oppo- site the charge, a memorial of such transfer, with a refer- ence to the assignment by its file number; he shall, also note upon the instrument on file in his office intended to • be transferred, and upon the duplicate or certified copy thereof produced, the volume and folium where the me- morial is entered, with the date of the entry. The trans- feree shall be entitled to have a certified copy of the in- strument of transfer, with the endorsement thereon, and, in case of the 'transfer of the entire charge, the duplicate or certified copy of the instrument creating the charge. 72 TOBRENS LAND TITLE 54. RELEASE, DISCHARGE OR SURRENDER OF A CHARGE. A release, discharge or surrender of a charge, or any part thereof, or of any part of the land charged, may. be affected in the same way as above provided in the case of a transfer. In case only a part of a charge or of the land is to be released, discharged or surrendered, the entry shall be made accordingly, but when the whole is re- leased, discharged or surrendered, at the same or -several times, the registrar shall, stamp across the instrument on file, and the memorial thereof, and the duplicate or certi- fied copy, the word " cancelled." * 55. CHARGES UPON REGISTERED LAND— HOW ENFORCED. All charges upon registered land, or any estate or interest in the same and any rights thereunder, may be enforced as now allowed by law, and all laws with refer- ence to the foreclosure and release or satisfaction of mortgages shall apply to mortgages upon registered lands, or any estate or interest therein, except as herein otherwise provided, and except that, until .notice of the pendency of any suit to enforce or foreclose, such charge is filed in the -registrar's office and a memorial thereof entered on the register, the pendency of such suit shall not be notice to the registrar, or any person dealing with the land, or any charge thereon. ATTORNEYS IN FACT. 56. THE DEED OR INSTRUMENT EMPLOYING HIM TO ACT MUST BE FILED. Before any person can convey, charge or otherwise deal with any registered land, or any estate or,interest there- in, as attorney in fact for another, the deed or instrument empowering him so to act shall be filed with the registrar TORRENS LAND TITLE 73 and a memorial thereof entered upon the register in like manner as in the case of a charge.- If the attorney shall so desire the registrar shall deliver to him a certified copy of the power of attorney, with the endorsements thereon. Revocation of a power may be registered in like manner. TRUSTS, CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS. 57. WHEN TO BE NOTED IN CERTIFICATE " IN TRUST " OR " UPON CONDITION " OR " WITH LIMITATIONS." Whenever a deed or instrument is filed in the regis- trar's office for the purpose of effecting a transfer of or charge upon registered lands, or any estate or interest in the same, and it shall appear tfiat the transfer or charge is to be upon some trust, condition or limitation expressed in such deed or instrument, the registrar shall, unless such deed or instrument expressly directs to the the contrary, note in the certificate and the duplicate thereof or memorial the words "in trust," or "upon con- dition" or "with limitations," as the case may be, and no transfer of or charge upon or dealing with the land, estate or interest shall thereafter be registered, except upon the written opinion of two examiners that such transfer, charge or dealing is in accordance with the true intent and meaning of the trust, condition or limitation. 58. WHEN REGISTRAR SHALL PROCEED TO REGISTER THE NAME. If the registrar is satisfied that the proposed trans- fer, charge or other dealing is in accordance with the true intent and meaning of the trust, condition or limita- tion he shall proceed to register the same, and such regis- tration shall be conclusive evidence in favor of the per- son taking such transfer, charge or other right, and those claiming under him, in good faith and for a valuable con- 74 TORRENS LAND TITLE sideration, that such transfer, charge or other dealing is in accordance with the true intent and meaning of the trust, condition or limitation. TRANSMISSION. 59. IN CASE OF DEATH OF OWNEB. Lands and any estate or interest therein, registered pursuant to this act, shall upon the death of the owner ' go to the personal representatives of the deceased' in like manner as personal estate, whether the owner dies testate or intestate, and shall be subject to th^ same rules of ad- . ministration as if the same were personalty, except as otherwise provided in this acfe, and except' that the rule of division shall be the same as in the descent of real prop- erty. , , >; 60. DUTY OF PEESONAL BEPRESENTATIVE OF DECEASED OWNEB CEETIFICATE. Before the personal representative of a deceased • owner of registered land or any estate, or interest therein, shall deal with the same, he shall file in the registrar's office a certified copy of his letters of administration, or if there is a will, a certified copy of the same and of the letters testamentary, or of administration with the will annexed, as the case may be, and shall produce the dup- licate certificate of title, and thereupon the registrar shall enter upon the register and the duplicate certificate a memorial thereof, with a reference to the letters or will and letters, by their file number, and the date of filing the same. 61. WHEN ADMINISTBATOB OB EXECUTOE MAY SEED. Except in the case Qf a will devising the lands to an executor to his own use, or upon some trust, or giving TORRENS LAND TITLE 75 to the executor power to sell, no sale or transfer of regis- tered land shall be made by the executor, or by an admin- istrator in the course of administration, for the payment of debts or otherwise, except in pursuance of an order of a competent court obtained as provided by law. 62. executor's or administrator's power, mortgages, leases and other personal interests. But a memorial of the will and letters testamentary or of letters of administration being first entered upon the register, as herein provided, the executor or adminis- trator may deal with mortgages, leases and other personal interests in or upon registered land, as if he were the reg- istered owner thereof. 63. PERSONAL INTERESTS- — WHEN LAND IS DEVISED TO EX- ECUTOR TO HIS OWN USE OR UPON TRUST, ETC. Where it appears by the will, a certified copy c of which, with the letters testamentary, is filed, as provided in this act, that registered land is devised to the executor to his own use, or upon some trust, the executor may have the land transferred to himself upon the reg- ister in like manner and subject to like terms and conditions and with like rights, as in the case of a transfer pursuant to deed filed in the register's office. 64:. WHEN WILL EMPOWERS EXECUTOR TO SELL, CONVEY, ETC. When the will of a deceased owner of registered land or any estate or interest therein, empowers the exec- utor to sell, convey, incumber, charge or otherwise deal with the land, it shall not be necessary for such executor to be registered as the owner, but a certified copy of the will and letters testamentary being filed as provided in this act. such executor may sell, convey, incumber, charge 76 TORRENS LAND TITLE or otherwise deal with the land pursuant to the power in like manner, as if he were the registered owner, subject to the like conditions as to the trusts, limitations and conditions expressed in the will, as in the case pf trusts y limitations and conditions expressed in a deed. 65. — PEOOF OF HEIRSHIP — CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. Before making distribution of undevised registered land the executor pi administrator shall file in the regis- ter's office a certified copy of the proof of heirship, made in the Probate or County Court, as the case may be, which . shall be conclusive evidence in favor of all persons there- after dealing with the land that the persons therein named as the only heirs-at4aw of the deceased owner are such heirs. 66. COURT OF PROBATE MAY ORDER REGISTERED LAND TO BE SOLD BY EXECUTOR, ETC. The court of probate may, for the purpose of dis- tribution of the estate, order registered land, or any estate, or interest therein, to be sold by the executor or administrator, and upon the filing of a certified copy of the order of sale and order of confirmation of the sale, and the deeds, in pursuance of the same, in the registrar's office, a transfer of the land, estate or interest to the pur- chaser may be made upon the register, as in the case of other sales by deed. 67. EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR MAY BE ORDERED TO MAKE OVER REGISTERED LAND BEFORE FINAL DISTRIBUTION, ETC. Whenever, after the expiration of the time fixed for the adjustment of claims against the estate of the -de- ceased, and after proof of heirship, it shall be made to appear to the court of probate that the estate will justify TORRENS LAND TITLE 11 it, the court may direct the executor or admistrator to make over and transfer to the devisees, heirs, or some of them, in anticipation of the final distribution, a portion or the whole of the registered lands to which they might be entitled on final distribution. And upon the riling of a certified copy of such order in registrar's office, the ex- ecutor or admistrator may cause such transfer to be made upon the register in like manner as in case of a sale. The land so transferred shall be held free from all liens, or claims against the estate. In the proceedings to procure such direction such notice shall be given as the court of probate may direct. 68. FINAL DISTRIBUTION. For the purpose of final distribution, the court of probate may determine the right of all persons in reg- istered lands, or any estate or interest therein of the de- ceased, declare and enforce the rights of devisees, heirs, persons entitled to dower and homestead, and others, as ' sign dower and homestead, and make partition and distri- bution according to the rights of the parties. The court may give direction to the executor or administrator as to the transfer of registered land, and any estate or interest therein to the . devisees or heirs or tenants in common, or otherwise as shall appear to the court to be most con- venient, consistently with the rights of the parties, or as the parties interested may agree. DEALINGS OF ASSIGNEES, EEOEIVEES, MASTERS, ETC. 69 CERTIFIED COPY OF ORDER OF COURT TO BE FILED REG- ISTRAR-CERTIFICATE Before an assignee for the benefit of creditors, receiver, master in chancery, special commissioner, or other person appointed by the court shall deal with or 78 TORRENS LAND TITLE transfer registered land or any estate or interest therein, he shall file in the registrar's office a certified copy of an order of the court showing that such assignee, receiver, master in chancery, special commissioner, or other person, is authorized to deal with or transfer such land, estate or other interest, and if it is in the power of such person he shall present to the registrar the duplicate certificate of title ; and thereupon the registrar shall enter upon the reg- ister, and the duplicate certificate, if presented, a memorial thereof, with a reference to such order by its file number. In the case of a deed of the land to the assignee, or re- ceiver, the same shall be filed in the registrar's office as in other cases. 70. WHEN MEMORIAL ENTEKED. Such memorial having been entered, the assignee, receiver, master in chancery, special commissioner or other person may, subject to the direction of the court, deal with or transfer such land as if he were the registered pwner. TAX SALES. .71* MEMORIAL— CERTIFICATE — DUTY OF HOLDER OF CER- TIFICATE — NOTICE. x The holder of any certificate of sale of registered land or«any estate, or interest therein, for any tax, assess- ment or imposition, shall within three months after date of sale, present the same to the registrar, who shall there- upon enter >on the register of the land a memorial thereof, stating the date of sale and the date of presentation, and shall also note upon the certificate of sale the date of pre- sentation and the book and page of the register where memorial is entered. The holder of such certificate shall also, within the same time, mail to each of the persons TORRENS LAND TITLE 79 who appear by the register to have any interest in the land, a notice of registration of such certificate. Unless such certificate is presented and registered, and notice given as herein provided with in the time above men- tioned, the land shall be forever released from the effect of such sale, and no deed shall oe issued in pursuance of such certificate. When it shall appear by the affidavit of the holder of the certificate filed with the registrar that tW place of residence of any person interested in the land can not upon diligent inquiry be ascertained, the require- ment of this section as to mailing notice shall not apply to such person. , 72. TAX DEED— EFFECT OF WHEN CERTIFICATE TO ISSUE- NOTICE. A tax deed of registered land? or an estate or in- terest therein, issued in pursuance of any sale for tax or assessment made 1 after the taking effect of this act, shall \ have only the effect of an agreement for the transfer of the title upon the register, and may be filed in the regis- trar's office, and a transfer effected as in case of other deeds of conveyance. But no certificate of title shall be issued thereon until the expiration of two years after the date of nling such deed, nor unless the deed is so filed within sixty days of its date, nor unless it shall be made to appear to the registrar that the time for redemp- tion allowed by law to any minor heir, idiot or insane person interested in the land has expired, nor unless it shall appear to the registrar that all ^persons appearing upon the register to be interested in the land, whose places of residence can, upon diligent inquiry, be ascertained, and the person who appears by the collector's' books to have paid" the tax last, paid before the sale on which the deed is issued, and every person in occupation of the 80 TOBREXS LAXD TITLE laud, has had at least ninety days notice of the application for such certificate of title: and that the terms of this act have been complied with. The notice required may be given upon persons residing in the county by personal service, and upon persons living out of the county by mail. Any persons interested in the land may show as cause why such certificate of title shall not issue, any fact that might be shown ou a bill in equity on his behalf to set aside such deed. ITS PENDENS, NOTICE. 73. WHEN SUIT DEEMED TO BE LIS PENDENS OE NOTICE. No suit, bill or proceeding at law or in equity, for any purpose whatever, affecting registered land, or any estate or interest therein, or any charge upon the same, shall be deemed to be lis pendens or notice to any person 'dealing with the same, until a certificate of the pendency of such suit, bill or proceeding, under the hand and ofric- • ial seal of the clerk of the court in which it is pending, shall be filed with the registrar and a memorial thereof entered by him upon the register of the last certificate of the title to be effected. This section shall not apply to attachment proceedings when the officer making the levy 218 La Salle Hallstrom & Ockerlund. \ Clark Handy & Cady • 1001 • ^2 Washington Hansen CO . — ^ 10 \f^^ Hansen Harald M . ?A 88 La Salle Hansen & Peterson 871 W. Division. Harned Henry P -524, 218 La Salle Harvey G. L. . : •> 115 Monroe Harvey J ..' 975 1 7th av., Colehour HaskettJamesA • f \ Hawes Henry F , ■•• »909. 218 La sal e Hawkes Thomas 6l 7, 36 La Salle Hawkins,S. H . . / ■ " 56 5th av HazletonH.T > 49. 84 Adams Healy Ends 62 ^ Cottage Grove av Heinemann E. D.. 75, "9 and 121 La Salle Heinz L. H ..65, 95 Washington Hellgren Charles • 23 E. 47th Hellgren Reinhold W •• • ..23 L. 47th Helstrom Victor Masonic Temple Hendricks John "72 W. Congress 96 A. W. BRISTOL'S BRILDERS ' D 1$% €TOti Y ARCHITECTS— Continued. Hermann Chas. F ..1431 Newport av Hessenmueller & Meldahl, , 1408, 103 State Hetherington J. T. . ' '. 127, 140 Dearborn Hettich Albert H 46 Jackson Hettinger John P 46, i57 Washington Higgins Albert G 1580, 84 Van Buren Higgins F. J 10. 53 Dearborn Hildinger Henry Blue Island av., n. e. cor. 14th Hill & Woltersdorf 22. 70 La Salle Hilty John J. & Co. .. -92d, n. e. cor. Commercial av Mine Cicero 610, 59 Dearborn Hintz A. G 33 Baxter Hoffman H Curtis, 1139, 108 La Salle Hogenson Edward A 687 W. Chicago av . Holabird & Roche 1618 Monadnock blk Holmboe Ernest C. S 706, 225 Dearborn Hoskins John M 1237 W. Madison Hotchkin Robert B 809, 21 Quincy Ho watt A. B. 637 Rial to bldg Howell CM ..4619 Emerald av Huber Julius H. 803, 172 Washington Huehl & Schmid -59 Metropolitan blk Huening Bros 180 W. Belmont av. J Hughes Andrew F 1236 W. Madison Hulla John Jr 606 W. 18th Hunt Jarvis 1407 Monadnock blk Hurlburt Watson 190 Humboldt boul Hussander A. F 703, 59 Dearborn Hyde & Castner 1528, 315 Dearborn Ickstrom C. J 106 Washington Institute of Building Arts (The) % . . . .*65 Washington Isaacson G 803 N. Leavitt Jacobson O. B...» 24 Weage av Jaffray Henry S , 608, 134 Van Buren Jennison Edward S 512, 134 Van Buren Jenney & Mundie 1120 Home Ins. bldg Jennings John T. W 614, 36 La Salle Jensen E. C. Irving Park Johnston W. K , . . 430, ?° " T ,a Salle 97 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS — Continued. Jones H, G ^f™^ Jones & Stoddard 1480 W Madison Jyrch KarlE Kaesberg Frank 770 Sheffield av Kaiser & Co. ^ 59 b. Clark Karbach Charles W *° 3 T c V Karls Theodore ' 5 g, 164 La Salle Kelly Irving W 519, 269 Dearborn Kelly John H 2832 Vernon av Kenevel, Probst & Gassmann. . ..37, 184 Dearborn and 12th n. w. cor. Ogden av. Kennard De Witt Taylor 809, 21 Qumcy Kessell Chas. A • 4105 Indiana av Kestner Chas. & Co . .241. 269 S: Jefferson Ketcham James G • • • 725 S. Campbell av Kiehnel Richard • W Calumet av Kies & Fromm 724 Garden City blk KilburnChas. L • • • i • • - 5445 -Ridgewood ct Kingsley GeorgeS • -404, 109 Randolph ' Kintz Geo. A • • • - - Washington Heights Kirkpatrick F. W... ...1301 W. Madison KissackThos • ••••• 605,36 La Salle Kleinpell & Borst .... .1404, 100 Washington Klewer William L • • i5o6, 109 Randolph Kley Henry T . • • I2 5 Milwaukee av Knutson Frederick . 725 W. North av KoenigFred.... ** h > N - w - cor - Kedz j e av KollH.C 592 Lincoln av KolzemJohnP - 53S Ra cine KouhnJohnJ ...... ..7o5, 188 Madison Kraisinger HaveltH. 809 S. Ash and av Krause Edmund R - -57-58, 1 15 Monroe KrelJ. F., • •• D2 9 S ' Lafh ? Krivanek John. .672 W. 17th KronenburgerN \ . .226 North av Kupfer Otto A , • 37i S. Paulina Kvasnicka Frank Jr. 723 W Eighteenth La Belle Edward C -957 Milwaukee av LaDirereJos.S - 59 Dearborn 98 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS — Continued. Lamson William H ^ iy2 Washington Lang Albert 3, I3o La Salle Lang Fritz" 26> 4 6 5 Milwaukee av La Pointe & Hickok H0I Security bldg Layer Frank ; ^ w l8th Lehle Louis 8l2> Iog Randolph Lehmann Karl L I?4I Monadnock blk Leipold Gus & Co 3o9 Qybourn av Leitz Paul S 9og> I00 Washington ^^- T • *55, 189 Dearborn Levee &Willett 227 W. Division Levy Samuel H 63 Walton pi Lewandowski Theodore 20, 154 Lake Lewis Wm. C... 606, 218 La Salle Lievendahl Oscar „ 5o4 , Randolph LinderothS & Co $6 s> Green Lively Frank L ...512,36 La Salle Llewellyn Joseph C... 66> 8 4 Adams Lonek Adolph 2g8 w< ^ LongJohn T 1634, 79 Dearborn Longhurst William . 22> Madjson Lotz Arthur C ...... ..66, 163 Randolph Luce W. G „„,,., T , . _ 237 66th (L) Lund A. G 6 Wrj hf Macdonald Engineering " ZZZZZZZZZ^uJit^Udg Magrathjam* ...37, 164 La Salle Mahaffey David. 8 La Maher George 820> 2lg La & Marble Oliver W 804, 236 La Salle Mantzen August .„ T „„ T . c „ Marston&Hotchlcin 4 " ZIX^ ^ulnc Martens Louis.. 9n „ tA>7 ~ , n/r T TT 3°2, 167 Dearborn. M^z ofto^ .^Washington A/I t-, , . 467 Milwaukee av Mayo Ernest A «, « . , A/r A r ... . TT * 06, 84 Adams McAfee Charles H CnA T o c n A i P ,n T , 504. 30 La Salle McCall Thomas... dm McCarthy Mitchell F . ^Z^^o",^ 99 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY AECHITECTS— Continued. McDonnell Geo X ,\' 4,h McKay Chas. P '^ W- Adams McMullenH.J, 519. 269 Dearborn McMurry Oscar L mo. too Washington Meissner Henry 53* S . Kedzie av MeldahlJensJ 1408 103 State MelinChas.W 1305. 109 Randolph Meriam J. L 155 Central Park av Miller CYC «H St. Lawrence av . Miller J. A 62, 95 Washington Miller Wm.C.... 1206 Tacoma bldg Milner Warren H 1140 .08 La Salle Molitor Joseph 95 Washington Moody Austin 403, 172 Washington Moore James H 605, 172 Washington Mora Jens B , * .6 Cottage Grove av Morey Arthur G '° 22 Opera House bldg Morrison & Torrance . ... ..'..53d and Jefferson av MoultonJ.T. &Son.... • ,.'545 S. Clark Moyel E Mueller Herman , • ' 284 W . 13th 1 i t 1^ .......... ...711 Girard Muhl John G. • o ' ■ . Mullay Thomas H .«<>, 185 Dearborn Murphy & Camp • , 702, 108 Dearborn MyerW.W ..7820 Wallace J , * 406 Superior Newberry Arthur O T c n . t-; 1 v 002, 228 La balle ■Newell Frank V o qt c -n„ wiin-im T 822, 218 La Salle Newman William L ' Newman & Demoney *>6. 2.8 La Sa e Nichols & Miller 780 189 La Salle Nicholson J. T. & Son : H3. 185 D^ 0 ™ Nielsen Carl • 1109 W North av Norman Swan P "53 S. Western -av Norton Francis J '428 Masonic Temple Nothnagel Charles W Dearborn O'Brien Maurice G ^'T'" Ohlhaber William * W , " h " Olzewski Herman : t 1 *t OstlingBros ••"94. 161 Laballe lOO I l.fi li/.iiY A. TV. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS— Continued. Otis William A 86, 175 Dearborn Packard Allyn A 1548 Marquette bldg Pagels Wm.F... 714, 84 La Salle Palmer Charles M 1207 Monadnock bldg Patton & Fisher . 50, 1 1$ Monroe Pearson John 4941 Champlain av Peniastek & Kaiser 698 Milwaukee av Pentecost D. S . . . . 258 Colorado av Pentecost & Probst 51,-155 Washington Perkins C. A 1901 W. Lake Perkins Dwight H 1107, 17 Van Buren Perkins & Krause 57-58, 115 Monroe Pfeifer'Joseph B.. 422 W. 60th (L.) Piatkiewicz Joseph ..21 Emma Pierce Osborne J. & Co 716 Medinah bldg Pistorius H 1660 Melrose Pois S. Jr ...89W. Washington Pond & Pond 1307, 34 Washington Pope John F . 4330 Calumet av Postle D. E. & O. H ..1633. 204 Dearborn Potts Adolph J. F 861 N. Halsted Powell & Saunders : ... 518, 84 La Salle Poyer Andrew & Son Winston nr, Vincennes av Pridmore & Stanhope . 1419, 126 State Prossen William Jr 714 Omaha bldg Prudden Halsey B 601, 18S Madison Purssell & Goodman 167 Sacramento av Quackenboss L. G.. 823, 21S La Salle Rae Robert Jr. . .... 1201, 226 La Salle Raecke William 8, 26 W. Lake Raeder, Coffin & Crocker 917, 218 La Salle Randak Frank 56, 95 Washington Randolph S. M 23, 154 Lake Rehwoldt A Washington av., cor. Willis (J.) Riegert & Knorr. ,. , 269 North av Rezny James B 627 W. 18th Rich Evert ; 445 W. 65th (L.) Richards Harry H 369 Dearborn ROACH PAUL 17, 163 Washington 101 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS— Continued. Robbins E. D 860, 324 Dearborn Rogers Benjamin Chicago Lawn Rogers John A 907 Ashland blk* Rohm J. B 946 N. Hoyne av Ross Arthur J 1205 Monadnock blk Roy Franz 16 Winnipeg blk (S. C.) Ruberg Theo 473 S. Fairfield av Ruehl & Gatterdam 389 W. 12th Rupert E. P 1985 W. Madison Rusy A. F... 25, 139 Madison Saftord H. D 129, 115 Dearborn Sandegreen A 144, 185 Dearborn Saunders F. F 518, 84 La Salle Saxe Ira"C ....606 Chi, Opera House bldg Schaeffier John B 1125 So.uthport av Schaub Louis J 214 Milwankee av Schenck Rudolph. . . 8. 26 W. Lake Schlacks & Ottenheimer 1545 Michigan av Schleder Theo 704 Cham. Com. bldg Schnoor John H 434 Dayton Schock Frederick R 807. 172 Washington Schoenfeldt Frank 1747 W. 12th Schonberg George A 825, 153 La Salle Schroeder & Koster 83, 175 Dearborn Schubert George F 1231 Lill av Schulze Wm 1608 Milwaukee av Seely Herman B ....62, 97 Washington Seifert Martin G 67 Meadow Lane Selby G. W 1 1 13 Manhattan bldg Seney E. F... 820119th Shaw Howard 20, 115 Monroe Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge 1309,36 Washington Shipley Louis T 67, 95 Washington Shipman Stephen V 93, 232 La Salle SHOURDS H. A 1003, 355 Dearborn Sierks & Meyer 413, 170 Washington Silsbee J, L.. ....1532, 204 Dearborn Simpson & Robinson Co 71 Commerce bldg Smith Robert S 130, 189 Dearborn 102 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS— Continued. Smith Sidney 302 Illinois Smith William S 7 o 3 , 134 Van Buren Snyder Edward E 222, 185 Dearborn Sommerschield Charles 395 Courtland Sorenson Charles F 394 Milwaukee av Sorenson H. C. P , Nutt av. cor. South Chicago av. Spelman J.N 27 , 53 Dearborn Spencer Robert C„ Jr 109 Randolph (15th floor) Speyer J IIo7 Chicago Stock Exchange bldg S P itzer M 923> 218 La Salle Sprague Charles W. 902, 226 La Salle Squires John A $ 19 w. 65th (L.) Stanhope Leon E . I4I9> I2 6 State Steude Edward . 2406 La Salle Stephens Lewis F 361, 97 Clark Stevens C. Whitney Irving Park Stiles & Stone 73, n5 Dearborn Strandel Chas. A ; ' 12, 78 La Salle Strange John D , , 1784 N. Hoyne av Strippelman Wm .' 77, 159 La Salle Sunderland Riley ' 81, 160 La Salle Sutcliffe John 7o2> 234 La Salle Swift & Hall 7I3> 22s Dearborn Swope J. C 285 W. Madison Tabor Clarence H , ..7111 Eggleston av Thain Joseph A 3l - 2 Prairie av Thiel G ; 885 W. Division Thisslew Charles 4 o 9 Milwaukee av ' Thomas John S . . 5935 Indiana av Thomas William 7 6, 163 Randolph Thomas & Rapp 814, 100 Washington Thomsen Frederick W 46 Seminary av Tilley Thomas & Son 30, 152 LaSalle Tilton J. Neal .* 10I9> II2 C lark Titcomb Edward A 383 W. Madison Townsend Frederick B 523, 205 La Salle Treat & Foltz , 6o Wabash av TURNOCK E. HILL no Randolph Tuthill & Atchison 5l2 , 84 La Salle 103 A. W. BRISTOL'S BRILDERS' DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS — Continued. Twose G. M. R 1 320 Superior Ullrich Robert 32i Roscoe boul UteschJohnW 4*34 Ashland av Vail M, H 1425, 79 -Dearborn Van Keuren William J " 610, 84 La Salle Van Osdel John M 825, 225 Dearborn • Van Pelt Henry 4240 Michigan av Vigeant Gregory 61c. 59 Dearborn Villere J. Sidney & Co • 6o 9. 59 Dearborn - Voigt Gustav , • 3220 S. Canal Voss John E 910 T.acoma bldg Wagner John H . . 61, 107 Dearborn Walker Francis H 259 Wabash av Walter W. M 6 4> ">7 Dearborn Warren Clinton., >*°S> 84 La Salle Waterman Harry H 923, 218 La Salle Waters Asa K . . . . . 1438 Cornelia (L. V.) Watson John H ; 1285 N. Clark Wegmann Julius • 6 ^ 7° La Salle Weiss Eugene 949 Ogden av Werges Peter F , - 473 W. 12th Westberg August .6828 S. Green Westfall William C S044 State Wheeler Charles F • 496 Wabash av Wheelock H. B uctf, 226 La Salle White & Dwen -.123.185 Dearborn Wiechman C 1293 W. 22d Wight & Roberts - 22 $ Dearborn Wilkowski Joseph A • • 768 N.. Ashland av Willett & Pashly ■ 1640, 79 Dearborn Wilson Horatio R ....908, 218 La Salle Wing Thomas W 1212, 204 Dearborn Wise E: C 5919 Wabash av Woerner Adolph - • • • 2I ? Renter WoH Fred W. Co. 139 Rees Wood & Lovell 1403. 35b Dearborn Worthman & Neebe 587 W. Chicago av Wright Frank L i!Joi. 109 Randolph Wright H. G 3i. 126 Washington 104 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS — Continued. Yeats R. H. & Co I44 , ^5 Dearborn Youmans William A. & Bro 606 Tacoma bldg ZarbelllverC 55, 97 Clark Zietner Julius H, 2303 Commercial (Lake View) Zittel Julius Q2 , l63 Randolph ARCHITECTURAL CARVERS, SCULP- TORS AND MODELERS. Bartolomei S. J, & Co 196-200 Washington boul Gensch & Hartmann. . . 197 W. Chicago av., tel. main 4128 Purdy & Hutcheson ;, 22 o6 South Park av SCHMIDT & STAAK 200 Wells Strahan Architectural Supply Co 155 E. Van Buren ARCHITECTURAL IRON, BRASS AND BRONZE WORKS. American Architectural Iron and Brass Works 96-98 W. Lake, tel. main 4391 * Andrews A { H. & Co 215 Wabash av., tel. main 2911 Chicago Architectural Iron Works Oakley av. and Kinzie, tel. west 378 Kirk & Miller Co.../ 232-234 S. Clinton, tel. Harrison 582 Ryan J. J. & Co 78-74 W. Monroe, tel. main 1224, Snead & Co, Iron Works of Louisville, Ky 1010 Marquette bldg.. tel. main 684 Voss Frederic-h...; . ..617-621 Austin av., tel. west 757 Winslow Bros. Co. (The) 366-396 Carroll av., tel, west 857 ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORKS. Blume A. F , 6l5 N . Halsted Booth John 1I0 Lake> te] mam 22% Braumoeller & Mueller.... ; 9 o- 92 W. Van Buren Buffer Mfg. Co. (The) Fillmore and Rockwell, tel west 636 Butler St. Foundry and Iron Co 3422-3432 Butler tel south 761 Chicago Architectural Iron Works Oakley av. and Kinzie tel. west 378 Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., Horace E. Horton, pres., office and works, Washington Heights, tel. Wentworth 540; city office 503 Rialto bldg., tel. main 5191; 105 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORKS, Continued. Chicago Ornamental Iron Co.. .2611-2625 S. Halsted, tel. south 376 Columbia Architectural Iron Works 141 Ciybourn av Dearborn Foundry Co 1525 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 455 Giffy Gustav. 1397 W. Harvard Hallett Iron Works.... 90 W. Polk, 613 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 546 Hanzel-Elcock Foundry Co. ..Archer av. cor. 23d pi., tel south 82 Holmes, Pyott & Co 13 N. Jefferson, tel. main 742 Illinois Iron Works, A. Bolter & Sons, props office 612, 84 La Salle, tel. main 879; works 108-26 Ward, tel. north 819. Kent W. D. Co 260-264 S. Jefferson, tel. main 4227 Kenwood Bridge Co 617 1st National Bank bldg,, tel main 399 Lloyd & Pennington, .388-390 W. Randolph, tel. west 510 Muth Christian.. 428 Blue Island av,, 228 B & T" Ex. tel main 4509 Reinhard & Hefner, 642, N. Halsted Ruedel John M 514 Ogden av., tel. west 193 Scaar Fraak & Co 92-98 W. Eleventh Schillo & Cossmann Co 87-95 W. Polk, tel. main 4138 Schreiber E. A 156-158 W. Ohio, 336 B. & T. Ex. tel. west 643 Schulz Ernest 229 Blue Island av • Seidel Paul 913 N. Halsted, tel. north 407 Smith F. P. Wire and Iron Works, 52 State, tel. main 2679 Snead & Co. Iron Works of Louisville, Ky 1010 Marquette bldg., tel main 684 South Halsted St. Iron Works . .2611-2625 S, Halsted tel, south 376 Standard Architectural Iron Works 181-187 Newberry av., tel, canal 398 Union Foundry Works.. 617 1st National Bank bldg., tel. main 399 Vierling, McDowell & Co .23d cor. Stewart av., tel. south 364 Wheel er E. L 1131^1133 School, tel. Lake \ iew 230, city office 159 La Salle, tel. main 5370 Winslow Bres. Co , 366-396 Carroll av., tel. west 857 ASBESTOS MATERIALS. Chicago Fire Proof Covering C 48-50 Franklin, tel, main 2763 Stephens D. Q. & Co.... 307 W, Lake, tel. main 4193 Walch & Wyeth 208-210 Lake, tel. main 2547 AWNINGS, TENTS, BLOCKS AND ROPES Caipenter Geo. B. & Co. 202.208 South Water, tel. main m6i 106 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY BANK, STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. Andrews A. H. & Co 215 Wabash av., tel. main 2911 American Architectural Iron and Brass Works 96-99 W Lake, tel. main 4391 Chicago Architectural Iron Works Oakley av, and Kinzie. teh west 378 Mc Arthur P 174 Van Buren, tel. main 1896 Mathews John 268-270 E. Madison Seidel Paul . . 913 N. Halsted, tel. north 407 jBmith F. P., Wire and Iron Works 52 State, tel. main 2679 Wheeler E. L 1131-1133 School, tel. Lake View, 230, city office 159 LaSalle, tel. main. 5370 BLINDS— VENETIAN AND SLIDING. Dodge H. B. & Co 933"934> 108 LaSalle, tel. main 2985 BOILER AND PIPE COVERING. Chicago Fireproof Covering Co 48-50 Franklin, tel. main 2763 Stephens D. Q. & Co 307 W. Lake, tel. main 4193 Walch & Wyeth. 208-210 Lake, tel. main 2547 BOILER SETTERS AND FURNACE BUILD- ERS. Craig A. C, 38, 84 Adams, tel. Harrison 39 Crear William . : 39 W. Randolph, tel. main 5273 Francis R. W.. , ..575 The Rookery Macdiarmid Hugh ... .9-13 S. Clinton, tel. main 5094 Meikle R. B. Co 25 S. Clinton, tel. main 9 Michalski John F ..45 W. Washington, tel. main 5354 Murphy T. D 966 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 410 Rattledge Jos. & Son.. 274 Fifth av., 583 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 58 Stanton P. J 217 E. Washington (basement) BOILER WORKS. Erie City Iron Works 34-36 W. Monroe, tel. main 4538 Shaw Willis 416 N. Y. Life bldg Stauton P. J 217 E. Washington (basement) BRASS CASTINGS. Chicago Architectural Iron Works Oakley av. and Kinzie, tel. main 378 Ryan }. J. & Co.. 68-74 W. Monroe, tel. main 1224 107 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY BRICK — COMMON. Alsip Brick Co 401. 34 Clark St Am. Hydraulic Press Brick Co.. .1103 Chamber Commerce Bldg. American Stone Press Brick Mfg. Co n. U9 LaSalle st Bach. William & Sons ... Western av. S. W. cor. Roscoe blvd. (J) Bauermeister Frederick W. & Bro 1789 Elston ay Becker & Runge N, Western av. Nr. Grace av Blaul Daniel 511 Belmont av Bohnsack William IS32 N. Ashland av Boland Tohn Cross av. S. W. cor. Hoyne av Brazil Brick & Tile Co 71st st. Nr. cor. Wallace st Brice Western Stone-Brick & Mfg. Co 1660, Old Colony bldg Burke Alexander Crawford av. cor. W. 19th st Busse John.. 45th st. cor. Western av. blvd Busse John Jr. & Co Sacramento av. S. W. cor. 31st st Central Pressed Brick Co S09. 237 5th av Chicago Anderson Pressed Brick Co ..42, n5 Monroe st CHICAGO BRICK CO., 302, 164 Dearborn st Chicago Hydraulic Press Brick Co.. .301-302 Chamb. Com. bldg., tel. main 1438 Collins John 74 161 LaSalle st Damitz & Co Hawthorne av. S. W. cor. Wabansia av Excelsior Fire Brick Co 16th and Arthur, tel. Canal 15 Grape Creek Clay Works 32, 84 Adams st Green Charles H. & Co *9, 195 LaSalle st Harland Brick Co 164 LaSalle st Harms-Schlake Brick Co -Grace av. Nr. N. Western av Harris William. 62 3 6 S. Peoria st Havt & Alsip Co 304 Chamber Commerce bldg Hege Otto^ 1209 N. Robey st Helman G. & Bro i6orN. Ashland av Hundreiser J. & Co Addison av. Nr. Western av Illinois Valley Clay Co 1 Arthur st lefferson Brick Co 206, 84 LaSalle st Kuester & Thurow .. . N. 'Western av. cor. Cornelia av Labahn Brick Co 97 i$9 LaSalle av Laban John P .....1500 N. Ashland av Lange Michael & Co ..W. Fullerton av. Nr. Elston av Legnard John B *5, *59 LaSalle st Legnard-Madden Brick Co i5. i59 LaSalle st 108 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY BRICK— COMMON— Continued. Lutter Heinrich Irving Park blvd. Nr. N. Western av May Purington & Bonner Brick Co ...4, 159 LaSalle st Mayer & Toll Franklin av. Nr. Elston av. (J.) Moulding, Thomas Co 409, 34 Clark st Myers Michael Western av. and 35th st Price & Robinson 15, 159 LaSalle st Purington-Kimbell Brick Co 323 Chamber Commerce bldg REHBERG, A. F. 97, 159 LaSalle st R'iemer Labahn and Kuester.. 745 Diversey st Robinson Brick Mfg. Co.... 15, 159 LaSalle st Semmerling Joseph SS. Diversey st. W. N. Robey st Sexton John M. L 302, 164 Dearborn st Shale Brick Co .'-.914 Tacoma bldg Vandruik & Ritter.... Grace av. Nr. N. Western av Voss George 289 Southport av Wahl Bros . .. . 301., 34 Clark st Weber-Labahn Brick Co 206, 84 LaSalle st Weckler Adam J .... . 1279 Clybourn av Weckler Brick Co e 517, 34 Clark st Weckler-Prussing Brick Co 517, 34 Clark st Wehrheim L. & Son Wellington st. S. W. cor. N. Paulina st Willard John 2021 N. Western av Wolff & Blaul \. 2019 N. Western av Zapel Herman M. & Bro ,. 46 W. Belmont av Zapel Otto T N. Hoyne av. Ne. cor. Wellington st RIDGE BUILDERS. Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., Horace E. Horton. pres.; office and works Washington Heights, tel. Wentworth 540; city office 503 Rialto bldg., tel. main 5195 Kenwood Bridge Co 617 1st Nat. Bank bldg., tel. main 399 Wheaton R. D . Bridge Co 358 The Rookery BRICK— ENAMELED. Chicago Hydraulic Press Brick Co 301-302 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 1438 Engle Geo. B. Jr. & Co 1051 Marquette bldg., tel. main 4668, 39 B. & T. Ex. Harris Chas. T. & Co 1001 Marquette bldg., tel. main 3910 Tiffany Pressed Brick Co. ... 1149-^1 Marquette bldg. tel. main 579 . 109 A. W. BRISTOL- S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY BRICK— PRESSED, Central Press Brick Co.. Charles T. Harris, mngr 1091 Mar- quette bldg., tel. main 3910 Chicago Hydraulic Press Brick Co. ., 301-302 Cham. Com. bldg.. tel. main 1438 Excelsior Fire Brick Co i6ttf and Arthur, tel. Canal 15 Tiffany Pressed Brick Co.. .1149-51 Marquetfe bldg., tel. mam 579 BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Brown L. M 338-340 E. 55th, tel. Oakland 81 Bullard & Gormley Co So Randolph, tel. mam 2283 FlodineL.E 590S S Halsted Krautwurm Wm 47i W. 22d, tel. Canal 210 Minaker & Mortimer 6736 S Halsted Orr & Lockett Hardware Co -5o State, tel. mam 472 Stebbins S.J 43 VanBuren, tel. main 2907 BUILDING MATERIALS — SECOND HAND. Moonert Chas.E W Park av CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Adams William 9™, 170 Washington, tel. main 9 5^ Anderson A. & Co 1114 Cham, of Com. bldg., tel. main 2775 CENTER PIECES. Bartolomei S. J, & Co 196-200 Washington boulvd Decorators' Supply Co 215-219 S. Clinton, tel. main 2230 Strahan Architectural Supply Co 155 E. Van Buren CHIMNEY TOPS AND VENTILATORS. Climax Mfg. Co 25 Lake, tel. main 2765 Connelly Thomas 312-313. 84 LaSalle, tel. mam 609 Empire Fire Proofing Co 1303 Monadnock blk„ tel. main35i7 Evans E. T. & Son (glazed) . . 1637 State, tel. south 337 Hansen's Patent 301-302 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. mam 1438 Northwestern Terra Cotta Co.. ..Wrightwood and Clybourn avs., tel Lake View 32; city office 1118 The Rookery, tel. main 2284 Oakwood Cemetery Sewer Pipe Yard 6828-30 Cottage Grove av., tel. Oakland 190 Whitehall Fire Clay Works.. S. Halsted St. Bridge Sewer Pipe Yard, 901-03 S. Halsted, tel. Canal 279 Williams N A ' 21Q - E - Washington, tel. main 1969 110 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY CHURCH FURNITURE. Andrews A. H. & Co 215 Wabash av., tel, main 2911 CINDERS— CONTRACTORS FOR. Chicago Ashes & Rubbish Removal Co 471 W. Huron CIVIL ENGINEERS. Binder Carl 803 Royal Ins. bldg., tel. main 4661 Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., Horace E. Horton, pres office and works Washington Heights, tel. Wentworth 540; city office 503 Rialto bldg., tel. main 5195 MOHN & HOFF 915, *55 LaSalle Smith William Sooy.. .801-804 Chi. Stock Ex. bldg., tel. main 5032 Wolf Albert H 720-722, 218 LaSalle, tel. main 2572 COPING. Chicage Hydraulic Press Brick Co 301-302 Cham. .Com. bldg., tel. main 1438 Connelly Thomas 312-313, 84 LaSalleJtel. main 609 Empire Fire Proofing Co 1303 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3517 Evans E. T. & Son (glazed) 1637 State, tel. South 337 Excelsior Fire Brick Co 16th and Arthur, tel. Canal 15 Garden City Sand Co. (glazed) 1009-1910 Security bldg., 78 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 5102 -Northwestern- Terra Cotta Co. ..Wrightwood and Clay bourn avs., tel. Lake View 332 city office 1 1 18 The Rookery, tel main 2284 Oakwood Cemetery Sewer Pipe Yard. .6828-30 Cottage Grove av., tel. Oakland 190 Whitehall Fire Clay Works... S. Halsted St. Bridge Sewer Pipe Yard, 901-903 S/Halsted, tel. Canal 279 Williams N. A 219 Washington, tel. main 1969 CORNICE MAKERS' ORNAMENTS. Friedley & Voshardt 194-196 Mather CORNICES —COPPER AND GALVANIZED IRON. Bagley F. R. & Co 202, 55th, tel. Oakland 206 Barrows Richard & Co 146 E. 18th, tel. South 554 Berigen L 1609 Wabash. av., tel. South 913 BIEQLER & LORBER 574 Wells 111 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY COBNICES — COPPER AND GALVANIZED IRON—Continued. Bremer & Bielenberg 533 W. 13th, tel. West 162 Burkhardt Gustave . 942 N. Clark Colvin J, J 81, 159 LaSalle, and 25 Chicago av., tel. main 5003 Dewey R. E. & Co., E. Krefting, successor.. ..117 W. VanBuren Douglas Edward C. & Co 2963-2965 State, tel. South 571 Erickson John T 4450 LaSalle Garden City t Cornice Works, H. Mueller, propr 746 W. 14th pi Gilbert & Rix.. .... . 753 W. VanBuren Griffith E .1716 Wabash av., tel. South 383 Hamilton F. A. & Co .■ 243 E. 43d Hartman Fred ^5 Wells Hirsch K. ...113Q Milwaukee av Katz George A., successor to Wm. B. White 62-64 Pacific av. tel, Harrison 444 Knisely Bros. 99-101 Bunker, tel. main 4109 Knisely & Yeldham Co Knisely bldg.. 68-74 W. Monroe, tel. main 2749 Knorr Chas. F., Jr... 531 Melrose, tel. Lake View 215 Krautwurm Wm;...,, 471 W. 22d,.tel. Canal 210 Leclair A 1027 W. VanBuren ' McFarland J. C .2511-2519 State Miller Jas. A. & Bro 129-1318. Clinton, tel. main .Express 14.5 Peter J ohn . . 632-634 N. Wood Price T. N 25 N. Green Rickert C. B. ..6, 194 Clark and 1310 W. VanBuren, tel. main 5134 Salisbury Edward H. & Co ..rear 143 W. Adams Slavik Frank 425-429 Blue Island av*, cor. 15th, tel. Canal 220 Smrcka W. J. & Bro . 2^1 25th pi STAAR, FRANK..... 973 N. Halsted §tatler Chas. A. Bro.. . . . .. .34, 84. Adams, factory, 20-22 Yeaton av., tel. West 756 Thoresen Wm 816 Western av., cor." North av Union Cornice Works ..302 22d, tel. South 182 Voightmann Frank 129-131 N. Franklin, tel. main 231 Welin A.J,... ..2829 5th av White James J 1116 W. Harrison, tel. West 214 Wolcott & Mcllroy..-.. 1515-1518 State, tel. Sonth 371 Zuern John 271 W. Chicago av 1 12 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY CORRUGATED IRON MANUFACTURERS. Illinois Roofing and Supply Co 203 Lake, tel. main 3880 . Wheeling Corrugating Co .472 Laflin, tel. Canal 258 CORRUGATED IRON ROOFERS. Colvin J. J 81, 159 LaSalle and 25 Chicago av., tel. 5003 Erickson John E 4430 LaSalle Katz Geo. A., sue. to W. B. White 62-64 Pacific av., tel. Har- rison 444 Knisely Bros.. ..99-101 Bunker 'tel. main 4109 Kinsely & Yeldham Co .".v... Knisely bldg., 68-74 W. Monroe, tel. main 2749 .. Knorr Chas. F., Jr 531 Melrose, tel. Lake View 215 4 McFarland J. C. 2511-2519 State, tel. South 158 Miller Jas. A. & Bro 129-131 S. Clinton, tel. main Express 145 PETER JOHN .......... 632=634 N. WOOD Union Cornice Works ...302 22d Welin A.J......:... 2 g 29 irffth av White Jas. J....... 1116 W. Harrison^ tel. West 214 CRUSHED AND CONCRETE STONE. Artesian Stone & Lime Works Co.. ..317 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 2647 ■Brownell Improvement Co. ..207 Tacoma bldg., tel. main Exp. 44 Chicago Union Lime Works Co 5, 159 LaSalle, tel. main % 234 Dillon & Conlan I-'..;...; .516, 172 Washington, tel. main 2825 Dolese & Shepard., 172 Washington, tel. main 1469 ,. Kim bell & Cobb Stone Co.. -1220 Cham. Com. bldg. tel. main 4759 CURBING— ARTIFICIAL STONE COMBINED CURB AND GUTTER. Chicago Cement Sidewalk Co 407, 153 LaSalle, tel. main 959 Columbia Paving Co.. Bldrs'. and Traders' Exch., 34 Clark, tel. main 405 Portland Cement Paving "Co 60, 94 LaSalle, tel. main 2161 Portland Cement Sidewalk Co 51, 119-121 LaSalle Scoullar & Biervvirth 31, 97 Clark, tel. main 296 Stamsen Joseph & Co 2 Metropolitan blk., 351 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 2403 113 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Birkhoff Geo Sr • 577 W. Adams Clark Jonathan & Sons Co 43, 4 Sherman, tel. mam Ex 224 F. W. Clark. CorlettJ. D B. cS: T. Exchange Crowe John F Woodland Park Id- Gordon Dick & Co Builders' and Traders' Fx Alex Gordon. John Dick. Grannis A ? 2 Calumet Bld & Greenebaum Michael Sons Co 1010 Fort Dearborn Bldg. . tel. main 191S H. N. Greenebaum. HaleW.F 3927 Prairie av Hennessy Bros. 5e Evans 605 1 , 100 Washington, tel main 3767 R. M. Hennessy HydeH. W <* 2d Pl Jackson Win 3 m Forest av Jung Peter - ^ Burling Kelly Bros 5346 Armour av. tel. yards 712 John Kelly Lund Valdemar ••••358 Fullerton av Neagle, F. C. & Sons Co 321 New Era Bldg. tel. west 171 J. F. Neagle. Olsen, Geo & Son 40 Le Moyne Geo. Olsen. Opfergelt & Turnes S 7 Harttord Bldg. tel, main 5042 F. H. Opfergelt Ott Co (the). : ft Lessing St. tel mainc.4262, 445, Jno. Ott Parker John..... 227 Winchester av, tel.. west 379 Phi-mister D. G 947 Jackson Bou Reynolds Frank D •• -3820 Elmwood PI Ross Alexander M 3§3 North Paulina Swezey M. B : 120 2oth Waddell Wm.G 32^2 Rhodes av Wendt Charles 1719 Frederick, Lake .View Aube F.X • 399 S- May Avers F H. & Co * 22, 159 La Salle, tel. main 912 Barquist Charles E ; 2 ^7 La Salle Barr> j y 3447 Indiana av. and 318 Dearborn BeahanI J .. .5509 Kimbark av., tel. Oakland 81, res. 147 54th pl Beifeld Morris,.". 4L9 Home Ins. bldg tel, Harrison 189 114 A. W. BRISTOL'S 'BUILDERS' DIRECTORY CARPENTERS & BTJILDERS—Continued. Blair & Hutchins 59, 159 La Salle, tel. main 3817 Brown T. B. & Co rear 17 E. Congress Burns Thos 113 S; Robey, office rear 784 W. Madison Butts J- A 370 S. Paulina Chevalier L. G 621 W. Monroe Clark Thomas & Sons 943-945 Marquette bldg., tel. main Express 91, 184 B. & T. Ex Clark & Larkin, 606, 34 Clark, 67 B. & T. Ex Collins T. A,, 414, 21 Quincy, tel. main 3722 and 625 53d Congress Construction Company., 813-814 Boyce bldg., 112- 114 Dearborn, tel. main 1499 Constantine A. W., 113-115 Edgemont av., tel. west 642 . hooper W. B. & Son, 2325 State Cormack Joseph, .. 4 o, 97 Washington, tel. main 3976 Corse & Jeffrey, .. .536, 79 Dearborn, 532 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 3965 Desmond O. E. '. jg 0 2 ^ Doyle D. H., 666 Fairfield av ' Eilenberger Herman,.... , ..nth ne. cor. Sholto, tel. west 382 Ernst A. P 602-606 Washburn av Wm. P. Fitzpatrick Fowler & Carr, 3 8 79 Lake av Frost W. E. Mfg. Co, (The),. 1305 100 Washington, tel. main 4100 : Gareau Cesaire 875 W. Harrison, 466 B. & T. Ex Gilsdorff Henry & Sons, ....... 100 Metropolitan blk., tel. main 130 Goldie Wm. & Sons Co., ion N. Y. Life bldg. tel. main 612 Goodman & Munro,.-. 9 Major blk. tel. main 4113 Grace & Hyde Co., .413-414 Tacoma bldg., tel. main 2784 Gronner O. T 37-39 Plymouth pi Gronow R. W 622, 84LaSalle, 204 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 4057 Hay James, . 803 Security bldg., tel. main 2469 Heath Ira A . 3l3 6 Prairie av., 249 B. & T. Ex Heeney Bernard 355 W. Taylor Hodgson T. J. & Co 29, 90 LaSalle, tel. main 3899 Hogenson B„ 6 24 N> H oyne av Janson & Peterson, , • 373 N Clark Johnson Geo. A. & Son, 96, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 2959 Kilpatrick Bros., .25 s. Clinton, tel. main 5094 Kirk & Shedden, I20 2 The Temple, tel. main 1453 Koeppe Friedrich. 130 W. 21st 115 A. W. BRISTOL'S B UILD'ERS DIRECTORY CARPENTERS & BUILDERS— Continued. Tr , „ TM 648-658 Lanin, tel.^canal 194 f T & Mueto . .-617-619 Sawyer av. cor. W. x 3 th Lank & Mueller, Milwaukee av . Larson Louis * 37 Plum Le Beau Samuel, . f 'I* ft- T Fx Lobstein J. G., 443-473 and 442-472 W- 21st, 276 B. & T. Ex.. tel canal 51 • Dearborn Lowden Building Co. (The) 'V alle. tel. main 2581 T Ex., tel. main 3817 . ^ . oQ Morley -William (general jobbing) ..182 Washington, tel. mam 38 ; and 641 Austin av * 23 N. Green. Mueller A. F • ■ Champlain av %^^=::^^o,, 300 B. * T. Ex., Cons. Co., M. B. Oimsted pres. .... ..34C »3 PartriSn 3 W, 243 S. Lincoln, tel. west 134 res. 753 Jackson Patterson G. D. & Co 3*. « Washington, tel. mate , PAULSEN HENRY ...151 W - 8th ...rear 6o S. Desplames : PaynEli.. - 116-118 Van Buren Philp & Jackson... I2 Q7 Qark ^obsfconst^ ■ tel. main 400Q , ^ Seminary av Ramckejohn..:. ^"^nonhr'. Polk and Center av * e6S * teK main E OaKwood Cemetery Sewer Pipe Yard 6828 Cottage Grove Av tel. Oakland 190 ' Patterson, Berger & Co 6 7 -68, 84 Adams, tel. Harrison 77 117 A. W, BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY CEMENT & STUCCO — Continued. Standard Cement and Builders' Supply Co., 1-3-5 W. Wash- ington, tel. main 5112 Stanton P. J.,... 217 E. Washington (basement.) Stearns M. C. & Co 113-117 N. Clinton, tel. main 434$ Utica Cement Association, 98 Market, tel. main Express 59 Whitehall Fire Clay Works, S. Halsted St. Bridge Sewer Pipe Yard, 901-903 S. Halsted* tel. canal 279 Williams N. A., 219 Washington, tel. main 1969 CUT STONE CONTRACTORS. Arnold John k 673 W. Diversey, 467 B. & T. Ex Berg W. T. & Co., 752 63d st Biegler & Ebertshaeuser 44-54 E. Division, 177 B. & T. Ex., tel. North 295 Bodmer August 523-525 S. Morgan and '80-82 Waller nr. 14th Brunette & Roberts Ashland av. and Van Horn st Budach G. T 621 56th st Buscher & Gast Clark st. and Lawrence av Chambers E t ..356 S. California av Diener T. C .346-354 W. 21st, 511 B. & T. Ex., tel. Canal 97 Edgeworth Patrick! . ..27th S. E. cor. Stewart av., 321 B. & T. Ex Falter & Steidinger .V 588 Henry Findeisen & Stein 423-429 N. Halsted, 444 B. & T. Ex Euog & Bredfeldt ...Division st. and Washington av Furst Henry & Co 439'455 5th ave., tel. main 1628 Furst Jacob Sons \ 73 Hawthorne av. tel. north 526 Furst New & Co 907 Security bldg. Peter W. New Galvin James 4322 Indiana av Gibson Alex. F , 33o7 La Salle Gindele & Struble ^office 1015-1016 N. Y. Life bldg., tel. main 3692; yards Clinton cor". Mather, tel. Harrison 172, .55§ B. & T. Ex Godfrjaux C. N...... 60-68 Crossing, tel. west 868, 533 B. & T. Ex Graf & Staedele....- Ashland av. cor, Washburn av Greene & Son 3403"3405 Lowe ay Gudgeon R. F. & Co 2525 La Salle Hagan T: F. & Son .24 E. 42(3 st Heldmaier E. & Co.... ....... ..Main St. Bridge cor. Cologne, tel. canal 259 118 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY CUT STONE CONTRACTORS— Continued. Henne & Co Fleetwood cor. Blanche, tel. main 4755 Henry Wm 42a! and Stewart av HEPPERLE J. , 17 Selden cor. Wood Jacobs Gabriel . 1429 Milwaukee av Kauffmann & Kurfess 88-92 W. North av Keith Wm 5626 Jackson av Keltie Stone Co Joliet, 111 H. Y. Keltie Kemgenhagen F. M ' 421 Flournoy st Kempe P. &Co..... ,„ Jefferson cor. Mather Kerber Henry & Son 330-340 5th av., tel. main 1822 1 Larson August & Shober., Stewart av. cor. 36th Lawson N. A. & Co... ! 3403-3407 La Salle .Leyendecker Bros ; i..33d n. w. cor. Shields av Manson George, A. St. C, 4946-4954 Armour av McWhirter David.... ." 98 W. North av Mickie, Jones & Co ..1430 Harvard st Meisner & Fluck .73d st and Madison av Nebel & Schick Henry and Loomis sts Nolan & Kearns , Park av. & Rockwell O'Donnell & Edwards Cologne and Deering O'Hayer John . 220 Newberry av Olson John 54th and Clark sts Pickel Bros 250-274 Blooomingdale road cor. Dudley Pickel Cut Sone Co 419-423 W. North av Ralston & Co '., 25th cor. La Salle, tel. south 331 Rawie John... 578-596 S. Morgan, tel. canal 89, 186 B. & T. Ex Reiber Chas. J Polk and Rockwell . Reid John 61st cor. Wallace Rielly Geo 520-532 N. Wood, tel. west 261, 371 B. & T. Ex Russell & Co Elston av. cor. North av Rutshauser & Co 301 N. Lincoln Shirlaw Hugh ..Stewart av. n. of 37th Sindlinger G.... 549 S. Morgan Smeatoh James 450-458 W. 47th, Fort Wayne tracks Suesmilch Bros • 1125 W. 21st Sward C.J 33d and Rock Island tracks, 381 B. & T. Ex Tait John „,, 3401 La Salle, 107 B. & T. Ex Tapper Geo Stewart av. bet. 35th and 36th 119 A. W. BRISTOL' S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY CUT STONE CONTRACTORS— Continued. Thomlinson John Co 9th floor Security bldg., tel.' main 336; yards 38th Ct. and Stewart av., tel. yards 804 Ward James W 5762 Atlantic ' Watson Cut Stone Co.... .. ..30040th tel. Oakland 10, 515 B. & T. Ex • . Webbe Samuel E — ..807 Royal Ins. bldg v tel. main 1599, yards 23d, cor. La Salle, tel. south 118 Western Cut Stone Co 568 W. 12th Young & Farrel Diamond Stone Sawing Co 30-32 W. Polk, ' 379 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 4242 DECORATORS— CEILING AND WALL. Almini Company 139 Wabash Av., tel. main 3079 DERRICK. American Hoist & Derrick Co., 60 S. Canal Jones Henry L 124 Sherman DREDGING, DOCKING AND PILING. Chicago Dredging & Dock Co., 1321 Chamber ot Commerce, tel. main 1967 Fitzsimons & Connell Co., 1014 Tacoma bldg. -tel. main 1966 Theodore S. Dick McMahon & Montgomery, 435 N. Halsted, tel. North 412 DUMB WAITERS. Reedy J. W. Elevator Mfg. Co., 83-91 Illinois, tel. north 108 ELECTRIC BELLS, BURGLAR ALARMS AND GAS LIGHTING. Allen-Hussey Co 211 Randolph, tel. main 106.1 Deenis H. H.& Co 201 Abel bldg., 63d S. E. cor. Stewart av., tel. Went. 518 Downey Edward J , 556 W, 14th Duval T. J . -. V .608, 234 LaSalle Emmons Electric Co .-..324 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 307 Erikson & Smith 11, 224 Dearborn, tel. main 1763 Frantzen & Bennett 207, 353 Dearborn Gillet & Son.... 1329 W. Madison, tel. W T est 521 120 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ELECTRIC BELLS, BURGLAR ALARMS & GAS LIGHTING— Continued. Handley J. M.... 14 Major blfc Hessell, Geo. P .211 Center Karoly E. S., Electrical Construction Co.. 1425 Monadnock blk., tel.. main 3872 Kaye David S. & Co . . 208, 87-89 Washington Newgard Henry.... .23-24, 88 LaSalle, tel. main 3669 Orne Electric Construction Co .9th floor Owings bldg., tel. main 3992 . .- v . Owens Guy. ..6241-43 Sheridan av., tel. Oakland 356 Rattenbury & Jonps . .„ ' The Rookery Richards & Meacham... • "721, 84 LaSalle, tel. main 2253 i Simon M 3153 State, tel. South 664 Western Electric Co.. .... 227-275 S. Clinton, tel. main 1844 Wherry Ashland, 1816 Wabash av., tel. South 319 ELECTRIC ELEVATORS. Deenis H. H. & Co 201 Abel bldg., 63d S. E. cor. Stewart av.. tel. Went. 518 Reedy J. W. Elevator Mfg. "Co .83-91 Illinois, tel. North 108 ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS. Allen-Hussey Co. 211 Randolph, tel. main 1061 Deenis H. H. & Co 201 Abel bldg., 63d S. E. cor. Stewart av., tel. Went. 518 Emmons Electric Co : 324 Dearborn, tel. Harrison'307 Frantzen & Bennett 267, 353 Dearborn Handley J. M 14 Major blk Karoly E. S. Electric Construction Co 1425 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3872 Newgard Henry 23-24, 88 LaSalle, tel. main 3669 Orne Electric Construction Co . 9th floor Owings bldg. tel. main 3992 "Otto" Gas Engines for electric light plants 245 Lake, tel. main 1392 Owens Guy 6241-43 Sheridan av., tel. Oakland 356 Rattenbury & Jones The Rookery Schureman & Hayden. . . 1731 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3946 Western Electric Co 227-276 S. Clinton, tel. main 1844 ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING. Allen-Hussey Co .211 Randolph, tel. main 1061 121 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING— Continued. Deenis H. H. & Co .201 Abel bldg., 63d S. E. cor. Stewart av. tel. Went. 518 Downey Edward S 55.6 W. 14th* DUVAL, T. J 608, 234 LaSalle Emmons Electric Co 324 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 307 Erikson & Smith 11, 255 Dearborn,' tel. main 1763 Frantzen & Bennett 208, 353 Dearborn Handley J. M..... H Major blk Karoly E. S. Electrical Construction Co. .. 1425 Monadnock' blk., tel. main 3872 Kaye David S. & Co 208, 87-89 Washington McDonald W. E ..637 Monadnock blk., tel. Harrison 326 McFell Electric Co... 1547 Marquette bldg., tel. main 1171 Newgard Henry 23-24, 88 LaSalle, tel. main 3669 Orne Electric Construction Co ..9th floor Owings bldg., tel. main 3992 Owens Guy < 6241-43 Sheridan av., tel. Oakland 356 Rattenbury & Jones , '. The Rookery Schureman & Hayden 1731 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3946 Western Electric Co 227-275 S. Clinton, tel. main 1844 Wherry Ashland 1816 Wabash av., tel. South 319 ELECTRIC MOTORS. Allen-Hussey Co 211 Randolph, tel. main 1061 Emmons Electric Co 324 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 307 Frantzen & Bennett ,. .207, 353 Dearborn Handley J. M H Major blk • Newgard Henry.. 23-24, 88 LaSalle, tel. main 3669 Orne Electric Construction Co '..9th floor Owings bldg., tel. main 3992 » • Owens Guy 6241-33 Sheridan av., tel. Oakland 356 Rattenbury & Jones The- Rookery Schureman & Hayden.. .... ..i'73i Monadnock "blk., tel. main 3946 Western Electric Co .227-275 S. Clinton, tel. main 1844 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS— CONTRACTING Deenis H. H. & Co.... 201 Abel bldg., 63d S. E. cor. Stewart av., te). Went. 518 Duval T. J.... ...608, 234 LaSalle 122 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS— CONTRACTING Continued. Emmons Electric Co 324 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 307 FRANCIS, R. W. ,575 The Rookery Frantzen & Bennett 207, 353 Dearborn Newgard Henry _ 23-24, 88 LaSalle, tel. main 3669 Orne Electric Construction Co 9th floor Owings bldg., tel. main 3992 Rattenbury & Jones The Rookery Western Electric Co 227-275 S. Clinton, tel. main 1844 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Butler Mfg. Co. (The) Fillmore and Rockwell, tel. West 636 Emmons Electric Co 324 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 307 ..Newgard Henry. . : — "... 23-24, 38 LaSalle, tel. main 3669 Western Electric Co. 227-275 S. Clinton, tel. main 1844 ELECTRO PLATES. Chicago Architectural Iron Works Oakley av. and Kinzie, tel. West 378 ELEVATOR ENCLOSURES. American Architectural Iron and. Brass Works .'.96-98 W. Lake, tel. main 4391 i Booth John f no Lake, tel. main 2295 Chicego Architectural Iron Works.. Oakley av. and Kinzie, tel, West 378 Scaar Frank & Co. 92-98 W. nth Smith F. P. Wire and Iron Works 52 State, tel. main 2679 Snead & Co. Iron Works of Louisville, Ky 1010 Marquette bldg., tel. main 684 Standard Architectural Iron Works.. 181-187 Newberry av., tel. Canal 398 Voss Frederick 617-619 Austin av., tel. West 757 Wheeler E. L 1131-1133 School, tel. Lake View 230; city office r59 LaSalle, tel. main 5370 Winslow Bros. Co. (Xhe) 366-396 Carroll av., tel. West 857 123 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ELEVATORS— BRICK AND MORTAR. Langjahr & Osborne 344 W. VanBuren, tel. main 4511 Nelson A 70 W. Ohio; res. 211 LaSalle av Thomas Elevator Co .716-717, 32 Clark, 100 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 4274 ELEVATORS AND HOISTING MACHINERY Eaton & Prince Co 70-76 Michigan, tel. North 430. "Otto" Gas Engines and Elevators 245 Lake, tel. mam 1392 Reedy J. W. Mfg. Co ..83-91 Illinois, tel. North 308 White & Middleton Gas Engines. 82 Lake, tel. main 1536 ENGINES AND BOILERS. Erie City Iron Works. -34-36 W. Monroe, tel. main 4538 Rice Engine & Boiler Co 45'47 S. Canal, tel main 1539 Shaw Willis. ..416 N. Y. Life bldg EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS. Colson C 5200 Atlantic, tel." Yards 688 Conway R. F. (contractor-for paving, macadamizing, and cinder- ing) 418-34 Clark, tel. main 1862; mill tel. Canal 221, 71 B. & T. Ex Farrell Patrick 616, 34 Clark Flavin D. H 16 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle, tel. main 3766; res. 5932 State Francis R. W 575 The Rookery Gaffney & Long 505 Tacoma bldg., tel. main 4031; Cornelius Gaffney Krug S 31st and Stewart av., tel. South 684; res. 2912 5th av., 155 B. & T. Ex Linnett James 43 N. Campbell av McAdam John V. & Co 80 LaSalle; J. V. McAdam Mc Arthur & Johnson 520, 84 LaSalle McDermott James 2947 Bonaparte .av., 487 B. & T. Ex Peacock Frederick ■ . . .217 Laflin Ready Bros 4533 State and 4547 Princeton av., tel. Yards 714, 104 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle Ripley Herbert '. 3746 Calumet av., tel. Oakland 905, 568 B. & T. Ex. Rowland Thomas 127 Che'stnut, 76 B. & T. Ex. 124 A, W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS— Continued. Russell George 2834 LaSalle, Sackley & Peterson (contractors for paving, macadamizing, filling, and cindering) 307 Cham. Com. bldg., 501 B. & T. Ex. tel. main 3862; mill tel. main 165. FANS — CEILING AND EXHAUST. Chicago Water Motor & Fan Co i . . .101 Lake, tel. main 4412 Tuerk Hydraulic Power Co -! 39 Dearborn FIRE BRICK AND FIRE CLAY. Chicago Fire Clay Product Co, (The) . .414, 36 LaSalle, tel. main 377 , J . v Chicago Retort & Fire Brick Co 45th bet. Clark and LaSalle, tel. Yards 525 Chicago Sand Co... ..61,, 94 LaSalle, tel. main go- Dee Wm. E 116 E. Quincy, tel. main 2992 Empire Fire Proofing Co. . ..,1303 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3517 Evans E. T. & Son 1637 State, tel. south 337 Excelsior Fire Brick Co 16th and Arthur, tel. canal 15 Garden City Sand Co 1009-1010 Security bldg. 78 B. & T. Ex. tel. main 5102 Harris Charles T. & Co 1001 Marquette bldg., tel. main 3910 Holmes Strachan &Co., W. H. McCarthy, mngr.. 1619 State, tel. South 1058 McCarthy W. H. 1719 State, tel. 1058 Oakwood Cemetery Sewer Pipe Yard 6828-30 Cottage Grove av., tel. Oakland 190 Patterson, Berger & Co 67-68, 84 Adams, tel. Harrison 77 Pioneer Fire Proof Construction Co. Clark and 16th, tel. South 483 Standard Cement and Builders' Supply Co i-3 _ 5 W. Wash- ington, tel. main 5112 Stanton P. 1 217 E. Washington (basement) Stearns M. C. & Co 113-117 N. Clinton, tel. main 4348 Utica Fire Brick Co 16th and Arthur, tel. Canal 15 Whitehall Fire Clay Works... S. Halsted St. Bridge Sewer Pipe Yards, 901-903 S. Halsted, tel. Canal 279 Williams N. A 219 Washington, tel. main 1969 FIRE ESCAPES AND IMPROVED STAND PIPES. Enos Fire Escape Co., stand pipes, ice proof steps and balconies, 123-25 Milwaukee av 125 ' A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY FIRE ESCAPES & IMPROVED STANDPIPES Continued. Kent W. D. Co 260-64 S. Jefferson, tel. main 4227 Smith F. P. Wire & Iron Works 52 State, tel. main 2679 Union Foundry Works 617 First Nat. Bank bldg., tel. main 3^9 FIREPROOF LATHING. Mackolite Fire Proofing Co.. 1303, 103-100 Randolph, tel. main 201Q Smith F. P. Wire and Iron Works 52 State, tel. main 2679- Voss Frederick ( ..617-621 Austin av., tel. West 737 FIREPROOFING CONTRACTORS. Eastman Joseph B. & T. Ex Empire Fire Proofing Co 1303 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3517 Evans E. T. & Son 1637 State, tel. South 337 Excelsior Fire Brick Co 16th and Arthur, tel. Canal 15 Illinois Terra Cotta Lumber Co 611 the Rookery, tel. main Express 23 John James Builders' and Traders' Exchange Mackolite Fire Proofing Co.. 1303, 103-109 Randolph, tel. main 2019 Pioneer Fire Proofing Construction Co Clark and 16th, tel. South 483 FLAGPOLES— MADE FROM WASHINGTON FIR, Sivertson John B 43 W. Lake FLUE LININGS. Chicago Hydraulic Press Brick Co. . . , 301-302 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 1438 Connelly Thomas .-. ...312.313, 84 LaSalle, tel. main 609 Dee Wm. E 116 E. Quincy, tel. main 2992 Empire Fireproofmg Co 1303 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3^17 Evans E. T. & Son ; . . . . 1637 State, teh South 337 Excelsior Fire Brick Co 16th and Arthur, tel. Canal 15 Oakwood Cemetery Sewer Pipe Yard 6828-6830 Cottage Grove av.. tel. Oakland 190 Pioneer Fire Proof Construction Co. 16th and Clark, tel. South 483 Whitehall Fire Clay Works ..S. Halsted St. Bridge Sewer Pipe Yard, 001-9035. Halsted, tel. Canal 279 Williams X. A 219 Washington, tel. main 1969 126 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY FOUNDATIONS— HEAVY. Smith Wm. Sooy,. ..801-804 Chi. Stock Exch. bldg., tel. main 5032 Wolf Albert H : ..720-722, 218 LaSalle, tel. main 2572 FURNACES, HOT AIR PIPES, AND REG- ISTERS. Barker & Jackson 1818 Wabash av., tel. South 611 Buchanan Frank (Universal furnaces) .321 Ogden av. tel. West 134 Buell & Hopp. 528 W. 63d CarpenterS. B Dearborn S. W. cor. Lake Hamilton F. A. & Co 243 fe. 43d HESSELL, GEO. P. 211 Center .Reynolds' Steel Plate Heater 69 Dearborn, room 31 Robinson Son & Co., Palace King and Palace Queen Warm Air Furnaces 105 Lake, tel. main 5341 Rood George L . 79 Lake, tel. main 4251 GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES. Allen's Corrugating & Cornice Works 422-424 W. Randolph, tel. West 912; Thos. Allen Ballou & Pope ......... 4825 State Barrows Richard & Co 146 E. 18th, tel. South 554 Biegler Louis & Co 379 N. Clark, tel. North 304 , Biegler & Lorber... 574 Wells Bremer & Bielenberg.. 533 W'. 13th, tel. West 162 Burkhardt Gustave 942 N. Clark Colvin j. J — ..81, 159 LaSalle, and 25 Chicago av., tel. main 5003 'Columbia Corrugating Mfg. Co. 16-18 W. Lake, tel. West 2015 : Cooper A. W. & Co. 607 W. Lake, tel. West 104 Daly D. H 554 Ogden av., tel. West 699 Dewey R. E. & Co., E. Krefling, successor .... .117 W. VanBuren Douglas Edward C 2965 State, tel. South 571 Erickson John T ." 430 LaSalle Frommhold & Bottenbinder 714 Noble av Garden City Cornice Works, H. Mueller, prop 746 W. 14th pi Gilbert& Rix 753 W. VanBuren Griffith E i 7l 6 Wabash av., tel. South 383 Gross Geo. M 2117 State, tel. South 327 Hartmann Fred ^5 Wells Katz Geo. A., sue. to W. B. White 62-64 Pacific av., tel. Har- rison 444. 127 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES —Continued. Kirk Edw. Jr 3945-3951 Wentwarth av., tel. Yards 534 Knisely Bros. 99-101 Bunker, tel. main 4109 Knisely & Yeidham Co.... ...Knisely bldg., 68-74 W. Monroe, tel. main 2749 Knorr Chas. F., Jr 53* Melrose, tel. Lake View 215 Krautwurm Wm . 47i W. 22d, tel. Canal 2io > Kudder Charles V 53i5 Wentworth av Kuhn & Mersch 422 Larrabee Kurtz* & Co 2427-2429 Calumet av Leclair A - . 1027 W. VanBuren Lengacher Wm. J 256 Larrabee McEarland J. C 2511-2519 State, tel. South 158 Miller James A. & Bro 129-131 S. Clinton, 'tel. main Exp. 145 NOYES, E. E. .. 584 W. Lake Peter John 632-634 N. Wood Price 1. N , '. . 25 N. Green Purdy C. F. & Co ......... . .6322-6324 Wallace Reinsdorf Gustav . .'. 1 9*3 Sheffield av Salisbury Edward H. & Co rear 143 W. Adams Schneider & Meng.... .: .. ..320 Glyboum av., cor. Halsted Smith Corrugating Co ... .3142- "146 Butler, tel. South 949; John Smith * . ' . SmrckaW. J. & Bro..../.:.: .251 25th pi Spaltenstein Henry ., 120-122 Newberry av Staar Frank 973 N. Halsted Stief el A 16.18 W. VanBuren . Thoresen Wm 816 N. Western av.^ cor. North av Tresham Walter J 59 Washburn av., tel. Canal 189 Union Cornice Works 302 22d, tel. South 1.82 Universal Cornice Works 97o Troy, tel/Canal 253 Vallas Wm. H .Builders' and Traders, Ex Voigtmann Frank.. 129-131 N. Franklin, tel. main 231 Wagner Bros 1350 Diversey av., tel. Lake View 34 Warner R. K 93 W. Harrison Wei in A. J 2829 5th av White James J 1116 W. Harrison, tel. West 214 White W. B., now Geo. A. Katz. 62-64 Pacific av. tel. Harrison 444 Wolcott & Mcllroy 1515-1517 State, tel. South 371 Zuern John : 271 W. Chicago av 128 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS DIRECTORY GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chicago Water Motor & Fan Co 101 Lake, tel. main 4412 The Otto Gas and Gasoline Engine 24S Lake, tel. main 1392 White & Middleton Gas Engine Co 82 Lake, tel. main 1536 GAS ENGINES. National Meter Co • 318 Dearborn The Otto Gas Engine Co (also gasoline engines) 245 Lake, tel. main 1392 White & Middleton Gas Engine Co 82 Lake, tel. main 1536 GAS FIXTURES, , Graham Bros. . 63-65 Washington, tel. main 3705 O'Malley Thos. J 317 Wells GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Adams William . 910, 170 Washington, tel. main 955 Agnew & Co 1402-3, 100 Washington, tel. main 3152 Anderson A. & C0....1113 Chamber of Commerce, tel. main 2775 Anderson Oscar E 620 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 622 Arnold James 8ojjPpera House bldg Bailey M. B 81 McAlister pi. Beifeld Morris . 419 Home Ins. bldg., tel. Harrison 189 BENES JOHN V. . . . ; 78 Johnson B.inder Carl ..803 Royal Ins. bldg., tel. main 4661 Blair & Hutchins. ....... .... ; 59, 161 LaSalle, tel. main'3817 Butts J. A ,.'.7 370 S. Paulina Campbell. Murdock Co. ...... .902 Marquette bldg., tel. main 3907 Clark Thos. & Sons ..,.943-945 Marquette bldg., tel. main Express 91, 184 B. &. T. Ex. Clark Jonathan & Sons Cq 43, 4 Sherman. Tel. main Ex. 224 Clark & Larkin 606, 34 Clark, 67 B. & T. Ex. Coleman & Mclntee ..1-138 Marquette bldg., tel. main 4140 Congress Construction Co 813-814 Boyce bldg., 112-114 Dear- born, tel. main 1499 Conway R. F., contractor for paving, excavating, grading and filling 418, 34 Clark, tel. main 1862; mill tel. canal 221, 71 B. & T. Ex Corse & Jeffrey 536, 79 Dearborn, tel. main 3965 Craig A. C 38, 84 Adams, tel. Harrison 39 Downey Joseph Security bldg. tel. main 1060 Dungan & Powers 611 Security bldg., tel. main 1445 Earnshaw E. & Son 1010 N. Y. Life bldg., tel main 612 129 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY GENERAL CONTRACTORS — Coutinued. Eilenberger Herman nth N. E. cor. Sholto, tel. west 382 • Falkenau V. & Bro 1116 Chicago Stock Exchange bldg. tel. main Ex. 30 Farley & Green 305, 59 Dearborn, tel. main 1492 Fidelity Construction Co ..22%, 97 Clark, tel. main 296 Fitch A. E B. &T.Ex Fitzsimmons & Connell Co 1014 Tacoma bldg., tel. main 1966 ■ Francis R. W 575 The Rookery Freeman, Hart & Co Builders' and Traders' Exchange Frost W. E. Mnfg. Co, 1305, 100 Washington, tel. main4ioo Fuller Geo. A. Co 1 . 1123 The Rookery tel. main Ex 39 Gindele Charles W 3333 La Salle, tel. south 468 Gobel E. F ' 87 Hartford bldg'., tel. main in Goldie Wm. & Sons Co ion N. Y. Life bldg., tel. main 612 Goodman & Monro.. . .9 Major blk., tel. main 4113 Grace & Hyde Co 413-414 Tacoma bldg., tel. main 2784 Greenebaum, Michael Sons Co. 1010 Fort Dearborn bldg., tel. main 1918^ Griffiths John 40 Lakeside bldg., tel. main 331 ' Hageman A. J 44, 159 La Salle Harlev Wm. & Son 907 Sawyer aV Hay James . ..803 Security bldg,, tel. main 2469 Hennessy Bros. & Evans. ... 605, 100 Washington, tel. main 3767 Hoffman W. L. . 3632 Calumet av Illinois Building & Cons. Co., M.B.Olmsted pres. .340, 113 Adams Keppler Frederick 910, «i7o Washington, tel. main 955 KleineCke A. H 916 Racine av., tel. Lake View 152 Voss Fred'k 617-621 Austin av., tel. West 757 Lanquist & Ericsson 3"4» 85 Washington, tel. main 730 Leach L. L. & Son 1210 Security bldg., 56 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 1744 Limoges F. X. & Co 615, 56 5th av Lowden Building Co ^.. ..44, U5 Dearborn Lynch John & Co 159 La Salle (basement) tel. main 1931 Mangson-Davis Co 36 La Salle, 166 and 295 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 4979 McGraw James & Co 130 W. Adams, 495 ^- & T. Ex McRoy J. T., B'ld'rs' and Traders Exch.. .34 Clark, tel. main 405 McSorley Bldg. Co 449 Marshfield av.,.587 B. & T. Ex Miller & Burrow 1206 Tacoma bldg., tel. main 3531 130 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY GENERAL CONTRACTORS— Continued. Nelson A. & Son 63 Armour, tels. west 905 and 597 Nicholson T. & Sons 304, 167 Dearborn, tel. main 3805 Patterson G. D. & Co 32, 95 'Washington, tel. main 2711 Probst Construction Co., H. Probst pres. and treas; P. F. P. Mu- eller, sec. and consulting engineer; B. Lichter, vice-pres., 407, 103-109 Randolph, 135 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 4009 Sackley & Peterson (contractors for paving, macadamizing, cind- ering, excavating, filling and masonry) 307 Cham. Com. • bldg., 501 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 3862, mill tel. main 165 Sargent G. S 602, 167 Dearborn, res. 5619 Armour Scoullar & Bierwirth : . ..31, 97 Clark, tel. main 296 -Snyder Bros 613, 34 Clark, tel. main 405, 46 B. & T. Ex. Sollitt Oliver — "... 105-106, 140 Dearborn, tei. main 2561 Stamsen Joseph & Co. .. 2 Metropolitan bik., 351 B. & T. Ex. tel. main 2403 Stanton P. J 217 E. Washington, (basement) Trembley Z. F 613, 34 Clark Whitney & Starrett Co 645 The Rookery, tel. main 2640 Wolf Albert H 720.722, LaSalle, tel. main 2572 GRANITE. Blake Chas. G. & Co 720 Woman's Temple, work estimated, furnished and set promptly Fox Hill Granite Co., Martin &.Lyon, agts 14 Tribune bldg., tel. main 1999 McGee Robert J 114 Hartford bldg., 140 Dearborn Mitchell Geo. H — 24 Adams, room 20, 1st door east Wabash av. (Rock face ashler steps, platforms and colifhins; polished and cut work furnished and set with dispatch; specialties, Quincy-Westerly-Milford granites) Syenite Granite Co., Martin & Lyon, agts 14 Tribune bldg., tel. main 1999 GRANITE COLUMNS. Hosier Frank W T320 Wabash av GRAVEL DEALERS. Chicago Sand Co 61, 94 LaSalle. tel. main 90 Garden City Sand Co. . : 1009-1010 Security bldg., B. & T Ex., . tel. main 5102 131 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY GRAVEL DEALERS— Continued. Knickerbocker Ice Co 134 Van Buren, 342 B. & T. Ex., tels. main 1789 and 1796 KrugS.... 31st and Stewart av.; res. 2912 5th av., 155 B. & T. ■ Ex., tel. South 684 Lake Shore Sand Co 9. iS9 LaSalle, tel. main 5233 Lakeside Sand & Gravel Co.. 600, 189 LaSalle, tel. main 3500 Ready Bios.. .'. ..4533 State and 4547 Princeton av., tel. Yards 714, 104 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle Ripley Herbert 3746 Calumet av., tel. Oakland 905, 568 B. & T. Ex GREENHOUSE BUILDING MATERIAL. Moninger John C. Co ..297-307 Hawthorne av GRILLE MANUFACTURERS. Coe Henry P 40-42 S. Jefferson CooleyP J 455 W. North av Decorators' Supply Co 215-219 S. Clinton, tel. main 2230 DORSCH, A. B ..289 S. Canal Gunther Louis .....726W. Lake . Nilson C. Grille Mfg. Co 1097 W. Lake, tel. West 255 Strahan Architectural Supply Co i55 E. VanBuren Union Grille Mfg. Co., John Peterson, prop 458 W. Madison Western Grille Mfg. Co • .' 887 W, Madison HARDWOOD LUMBER. Heath, Witbeck & Co. .. Laflin and 22d, tel. canal 289 1 Wilce T. & Co 22d cor. Throop, tels. canal 94 and 293 Wood Mosaic Co., E. R. Newcomb, mgr f$j Wabash av. HOISTING ENGINES. Lidgerwood Mfg. Co 1510 Old Colony bldg,, tel. Harrison 80 Monighan Machine Works, 817-823 Carroll av., tel. west 235 Reedy J. W. Elevator Mfg. Co 83-91 Illinois, tel. north 108 Scoville Iron Works... 250 S. Clinton, tel. main 4805 Shaw Willis 416 N. Y. Life bldg HOLLOW TILE FOR FIREPROOF BUILDINGS. Empire Fire Proofing Co 1303 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3517 132 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS 1 DIRECTORY HOLLOW TILE FOB, FIREPROOF BUILD- INGS — Continued. Evans E. T. & Son 1637 State, tel. south 337 Excelsior Fire Brick Co.... 16th and Arthur, tel. canal 15 Illinois Terra Cotta Lumber Co 611 The Rookery, tel. main Express 23. Mackolite Fire Proofing Co. 1303, 103-109 Randolph, tel. main 2019 Pioneer Fire Proof Construction Co Clark and 16th, tel. south 483 Utica Fire Brick Co 16th and Arthur, -tel. canal 1$ " HOT AIR PIPES AND REGISTERS. Barker & Jackson. .1818 Wabash av., tel. south 611 HOT AND COLD AIR FLUES AND CHIM- NEY TOPS. DEE Wm. E 116 Quincy, tel. main 2992 Empire Fire Proofing Co 1303 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3517 ^ Excelsior Fire Brick Co 16th and Arthur, tel. canal 15 Oakwood Cemetery Sewer Pipe Yard 6828-30 Cottage Grove av., tel. Oakland 190 Pioneer Fire Proof Construction Co... Clark and 16th, tel. south 483 Whitehall Fire Clay Works, S. Halsted St. Bridge Sewer Pipe Yards 901-3 S. Halsted, tel. canal 279 HOT WATER HEATING BOILERS. -Herendeen Mfg. Co., A. G. King mngr 52 Dearborn, tel. main 1.459 McLain J. H. Co. (The) 58 Dearborn, tel. main 3469 Shaw Willis. 416 N. Y. Life bldg United States Heater Co .-39 Dearborn, tel. main 5161 HOT WATER HEATING AND VENTILAT- ING CONTRACTORS. Baker & Smith Co 193- 197 Van Buren, tel. main 58 Conlon & Jacobs 33 Dearborn, tel. main 2818 Cook & Chick 253-255 Kinzie, tel. north 422 133 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY HOT WATER HEATING AND VENTILAT- ING CONTRACTORS— Continued. Cragin M. J ,285 E. 43d. tel. Oakland 913. Fleming & Co • 7, 88 LaSalle Galloway Albert Co 17-19 River, tel. main 1048 Hanley & Casey 17 Plymouth pi., tel. Harrison 771 Illinois Heating Co 1 88 Lake, tel. main 2804 , McCarthy & Burns .23 W. Monroe, tel. mam 5144 Prentice L. H. Co 203-205 Van Buren, tel. main 1350 RYAN BART Co 107 Van Buren Simmons Chas H. Co ...72-76 Market, tel, main 1410 HOUSE MOVERS AND RAISERS. Bach G. C, movers and raisers of frame and brick buildings 243 61st Crowe M. & Son 307 Cham. Com. bldg., res-. 433 W. Indiana, 101 B. & T. Ex. tel. main 3862 Friestedt L. P ... . Washington,, n. e. cor. Halsted Hollingsworth & Cough lans 7L i59 LaSalle, tel. main 5399 Niemann Wm. & Son 470-472 W. 19th Sheeler H 3;4» 85 Washington, tel. main 730- Tomlinson Wm 75o Grand av HOUSE MOVERS' JACK SCREWS. Brown Bros. Mfg. Co.. .Clinton N. w. cor. Jackson, tel. main 408s HOUSE WRECKERS. . Graff Constructing Co 37= 184 Dearborn MeHugh W. H • 54, 84 Washington Moonert Chas. E 170 Park av. Peacock Frederick . - 4 2I 7 Laflm INLAID FLOORS AND END-UP WOOD MOSAICS. Wood Mosaic Co., E. R. Newcomb, mngr iS7 Wabash av INSULATING MATERIAL. Chicago Fire Proof Covering Co.... 48-50 Franklin, tel. main 2703 Mackolite Fire Proofing Co.. 1303, 103-109 Randolph, tel. main 2019 Walch & Wyeth 208-210 Lake, tel. main 2547 134 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY INTERIOR DECORATORS. Andrews A. H. & Co 215 Wabash av., tel. main 2911 Hackett W. M 646 N. Clark, tel. North 937 Hahn Casper Mrs 37 Clybourn av Hall James T. & Co*. 109-1 11 Wabash av Hart J 430 W. Lake PROSSER, ROGER ...3223 Dearborn Stubbings W. H. Co. (The) 575 W. Madison, tel. West 72 Sullivan J. B. & Bro 266-268 N. Clark, tel. North 101 INTERIOR FINISH GRANITE. Blake Chas. G. & Co ' .720 Woman's Temple INTERIOR FINISH— HARDWOOD. Doyle L. G . .... 23-27 N. Jefferson Dunfee J. & Co 104-106 Franklin, tel. main 1894 Hart J. 430 W. Lake Hopkins Anson S 1503 Marquette bldg., tel. main 1476 Lobstein J. G 443" 473 and 442-472 W. 21st, 276 B. & T. Ex., ,tel. Canal 51 Rees Bros 80-72 Norton nr. Polk and Center av Wood Mosaic Co., E. R. Newcomb,mngr 157 Wabash av INTERIOR FINISH — MARBLE. Bagley Frederick P. & Co.. 18th st. viaduct, tel. Canal 187 ..Evans Marble Co 405-225 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 552 jFl.indall & Mally 735-739 W. Kinzie, tel. West 784 Marthens & Mead 313-321 S. Clinton, tel. Harrison 523 Schureman J, L 1731 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3946 IRON AND STEEL BEAMS AND CHANNELS Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., Horace E Horton, pres — office and works Washington Heights, tel. Wentworth 540; city office . 503 Rialto bldg., tel. main 5196 Dearborn Foundry Co 1525 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 455 Holmes, Pyott & Co 13 N. Jefferson, tel. main 742 Illinois Iron Works, A. Potter & Sons, props office 512, 84 La Salle, tel. main 879; works 108-26 Ward, tel. North 819 Kent W. D. Co 260-264 S. Jefferson, tel. main 4227 Kenwood Bridge Co 617 1st Nat. Bank bldg., tel. main 399 Roos Henry & Co 985-989 Kimball av., tel. West 832 Schilio & Cossmann Co 87-95 W. Polk, tel. main 4138 135 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY IRON DOORS AND SHUTTERS. Berry A. V. & Co > ..'.40, 95 Washington, tel. main 3976 Braumoeller & Mueller. 90-92 W. VanBuren Butler Mfg. Co. (The) Fillmore and Rockwell, tel. West 636 Illinois Iron Works, A. Bolter & Sons, props office 612, 84 LaSalle, tel. main 879; works 108-26 Ward, tel. North 819 JOHNSTON IRON WORKS. . . no E. Indiana Kent W. D. Co 260-264 S. Jefferson, tel. main 4227 Miith Christian.. 428 Blue Island av. 288 B.& T. Ex. tel. main 4509 Scaar Frah-k & Co .; 92-98 W. nth Schreiber E. A.. ...156-158 W. Ohio, 336 B. & T. Ex. tel. West 643 Streeter H. A 35"4i Indiana, tel. North 85 IRON FOUNDERS AND CONTRACTORS. ^Blume A. F ..615 N. Halsted "Butler Mfg. Co. (The) Fillmore and Rockwell, tel. West 736 Butler St. Fonndry & Iron Co 3422-3432 Butler, tel. South 761 Chicago Architectural Iron Works.. ..Oakley Av. and Kinzie, tel. West 378 • Dearborn Foundry Co 1525 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 455 Hansell-Elcock Foundry Co.. Archer av. cor. 23d pi. tel. South 82 Holmes, Pyott & Co 13 N. Jefferson, tel. main 742 Illinois Iron Works, A. Bolter & Sons, props office 612, 84 La Salle, tel. main 879; works 108-26 Ward; tel. North 819 Johnston Iron Works 1 10 E. Indiana Kent W. D. Co 260-264 S. Jefferson, tel. main 4227 Kurtz & Buhrer Foundry Co., fine iron castings for architectural work and machinery. . ..832-840 Austin av., tel. West 84 Muth Christian. 428 Blue Island av. 288 B. & T. Ex. tel. main 45,09 Reder Foundry Co 181-187 Newberry av Reedy J. W. Elevator Mfg. Co.' 83-91 Illinois, tel. North 108 Reinhard & Hefner ! 642 N. Halsted Roos Henry & Co . 985-989 Kimball av., tel. West 832 Schillo & Cossman & Co 87 to 95 W. Polk, tel. main 4138 Seidel Paul ..913 N. Halsted, tel. North 407 Snead & Co. Iron Works, of Lousville. Ky 1010 Marquette bldg., tel. main 684 Streeter H. A 35"4i Indiana, tel. North 85 Union Foundry Works.. ..617 Frst Nat. Bank bldg., tel. main 399 Vierling, McDowell & Co 23d, cor. Stewart av., tel. South 364 Winslow Bros. Co. (The) 366-396 Carroll av., tel. West 857 136 A. W. BRISTOL 1 S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY IRON BAILINGS AND FENCES. American Architectural Iron and Brass Works. .. .96-98 W. Lake, tel. main 4391 Mathews John. . 268-270 E. Madison IRON ROOFERS. Colvin J.J 81, 159 LaSalle, and 25 Chicago av., tel. main 5003 Katz Geo. A., sue. to.W. B. White 32-64 Pacific av., tel Harri- son 444 Knisely Bros 99-101 Bunker, tel. main 4109 ^Knisely & Yeldham Co.. . .". ..Knisely bldg., 68-74 W. Monroe, tel. main 2749 Miller Jas. A. & Bro 129-131 S. Clinton, tel. main Express 145 White Jas. J 1116 W. Harrison, tel. West 214 IRON STAIRS AND RAILINGS. Booth John. no Lake, tel. main 2295 ' Braumceller & Mueller. 90-92 W. VanBuren Butler Mfg. Co. (The) Fillmore and Rockwell, tel.- West 636 Chicago. Architectural Iron Works. . ..Oakley av. and Kinzie, tel. West 378 . Illinois Iron Works, A. Bolter & Sons, props.. .... ...office 612, 84 LaSalle, tel. main 879; works 108-26 Ward, tel. North 819 Johnston Iron Works no E. Indiana -Kent W. D. Co 260-264 S. Jefferson, tel. main 4227 Lloyd & Pennington . . . .388-390 W. Randolph, tel. West 510 Reinhard & Hefner ..642 N. Halsted SCAAR, FRANK & CO 92=98 W. nth Schreiber E. A 156-158 W. Ohio, 336 B. & T. Ex., tel. West 643 Seidel Paul r..9i3 N - Halsted, tel. North 407 Smith F. P. Wire and Iron Works 52 State, tel. main 2679 Snead & Co. Iron Works, of Louisville. Ky 1010 Marquette bldg., tel. main 684 Standard Architectural Iron Works. 181-187 Newberry av., tel. Canal 298 Union Foundry Works 617 First. ..Nat. Bank bldg., tel. main 399 Winslow Bros. Co. (The) 366-396 Carroll av., tel. West 857 IRON WHEELBARROWS. Archer Iron Works 2411 Archer av 137 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY IRON WORK FOR BUILDINGS. Archer Iron Works 2411 Archer av Bitza L. & Son 353-355 S. Canal, tel. main 5255 Butler Mfg. Co. (The) Fillmore and Rockwell, tel. West 636 Butler St. Fonndry & Iron Co 3422-3432 Butler, tel. South 761 . Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, Horace E. Horton, pres office and works Washington Heights, tel. Wentworth 540: city office 503 Ria'to bldg., tel. main 5195 - Giffey Gustav i 397 W. Harvard Hanson A. P Halsted cor. N. Branch, tel. North 759 Johnston Iron Works no E. Indiana IRON WORKS AND METAL LATH. Clinton Wire Cloth Co 237 Lake, tel. main 1575; Edwin F. Schmidt Columbia Corrugating Mfg. Co 26^-269 Dearborn; C. B ; Sill Gilbert & Bennett Mfg. Co 148 Lake, tel. main 1716; Louis . G. Beers Northwestern Expanded Metal Co 400 26th, tel. South 714; J. E. Taylor Roebling Jno. A. & Sons Co 171 Lake, tel. matin 1161; Geo. C. Bailey Jones Henry L .• 124 Sherman Kenwood Bridge Co.. 617 First Nat. Bank Building, tel. main 399 Mohn & Hoff 915, 155 LaSalle . Reinhard & Hefner 642 N. Halsted Roos Henry & Co 985-989 Kimball av., tel. West 832 Sandke Leopold & Co 1274 N. Halsted Scaar Frank & Co ... .' 92-9S W. nth Schillo & Cossmann Co 87-95 W> Polk, tel. main 4138 Seidel Paul. 9x3 N. Halsted, tel. North 407 Wheaton R. D. Bridge Co 358 The Rookery Wolf Albert H.... .. r. ..720-722, 218 LaSalle, tel. main 2572 IRON WORKS. American Architectural Iron and Brass Works 96-98 W. Lake, tel. main 4391 Archer Iron Works 2411 Archer av BLUME, A. F 615 N. Halsted Booth John .110 Lake, tel. main 2295 138 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY IRON WORKS- Continued. Butler Mfg. Co. (The) Fillmore and Rockwell, tel. West 636 Chicago Architectural Iron Works Oakley av. and Kinzie, tel. West 378 ^ . Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., Horace E. Horton, pres .... office and works Washington Heights, tel. Wentworth 540; city office 503 Rial to bldg., tel. main 5i95 Co' umbia Architectural Iron Works (The) ....... 141 Cly bourn av Dauchy Iron Works 84-9* Illinois tel. North 103 Dearborn Foundry Co i$2S Dearborn, tel. Harrison 4 55 Holmes, Pyott & Co. 13 N. Jefferson, tel main 742 Illinois Iron Works, A. Bolter & Sons, props office 612, b 4 La Salle, tel. main 879; works 108-26 Ward, tel. North 819 KentW D Co 260-264 S. Jefferson, tel. main 4227 Kenwood Bridge Co.. ....617 First Nat. Bank bldg., tel. main 399 Lloyd & Pennington 388-390 W. Randolph, tel. West 510 Muth Christian.. 428 Blue Island av. 288 B.& T.Ex.tel. main 4S09 Reder Foundry Co 181-187 Newberry av • Reinhard & Hefner 642 N. Halsted Roos Henry & Co ..985-989 Kimball av., tel. West 832 Scaar Frank & Co 92-98 W. nth Schillo & Cossmann Co 87-95 W. Polk, tel. main 4138 '■Schreiber E. A 156-158 W. Ohio, 336 B. & T. Ex., tel. West 643 Smith F. P. Wire and Iron Works 52 State, tel. main 2679 Snead & Co. Iron Works of Louisville, Ky 1010 Marquette bldg., tel. main 684 * Streeter H. A. . * - 35"4i Indiana, tel. North 85 Vierling, McDowell & Co 23d, cor. Stewart av., tel. South 364 Winslow Bros. Co (The) 366-396 Carroll av., tel. West 857 JAIL WORK. Illinois Iron Works, A. Bolter & Son, props office 612, 84 La Salle, tel. main 879; works 108-26 Ward, tel. North 819 .Scaar Frank & Co 92-98 W. nth Smith F. P Wire and Iron Works, 52 State, tel. main 2679 Streeter H. A 35-41 Indiana, tel. North 85 LATHERS. Gerry Richard.... 661 Larrabee • Hanson H. C 76 Powell av 139 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS 1 DIRECTORY LAUNDRY MACHINERY. Steel Roll Mangle & Machine Co. ... 19 Wabash av. tel. main 2774 ' LIME, CEMENT, HAIR, STUCCO AND PLASTER. Adamant Manufacturing Co 517 Chamber of Commerce, tel. * main 2515; S. Q. Fulton Artesian Stone & Lime Works 317 Chamber of Commerce, tel. main 2647; Thos. O'Connell <4 Brand James Ogden bldg., tel. main 4520; Chas. B. $ears" Chicago Union Lime Works Co. 5, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 234; Clifford Cabell Cook & Brown Lime Co .... ..175 W. North av., tel. West 367; R. C. Erown Cox Thomas 517 Chamber Commerce, tel. main 2515 Dickinson Cement Co.. 127-129 Market, tel. main 939; Wm, Dickinson \ Indiana Lime & Sand Co. .....651 W. 63d, tel. Wentworth 523; S. . L. Lorscheider Knickerbocker Ice Co. 134 VanBuren, tel. main 1789; E. A. Shedd Mackolite Fire Proofing Co . ..1303 Schiller bldg., tel.. main 2019; J. A. White Mayville Lime Co.. .... ..Division and Cherry av., tel. North 444; A. O. Andrae Meacham & Wright.. ..98 Market, tel. main Ex. 59; F. S. Wright Ormsby Lime Co ..W. end Erie St. bridge, tel. main 4248: O. W. Robertson, E. B. Myers Rock Plaster Co. of Chicago r204 Chamber of Commerce, tel. main 3679; Henry Smith Rose C. H.Co. (The).. 89, 161 LaSalle, tel. main 2883; C. H. Rose Scace W. B .4016 Wentworth, tel. Yards 791 Schillinger Bro.. .192 N. Morgan, tel. West 680; G. A. Schiliinger Schultz Fred'k 6s8 S. Halsted, tel. Canal 17 Standard Cement & Builders' Supply Co 1, 3 and 5 Wash- ington, tel. main 3887; Charles Ratzel Stearns Lime & Stone Co.. .165 E. Randolph, tel. main 854; R. I. Stearns Western Cement Co Louisville, Ky . . James B. Speed Western Plaster Works 1019 Chamber of Commerce, tel. main 3560; B. W. McCausland Wisconsin Lime & Stone Co Loomis and West 15th pi., tel. Canal 316; A. H. Halleman 140 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY LOCK MANUFACTURERS. Sargent, Greenleaf & Brooks 43-45 Franklin, tel. main 864 LUMBER DEALERS. Badenoch Lumber & Coal Co State and 61st, tel. Wentworth 542; J. Badenoch, Jr Bader & Schroeder. .. Clybourn and Southport av., ft. of "A" St., tel. North 382; Win, Schroeder Bryant Bros 20 Metropolital blk; A. W. Bryant Byrkit-Hall Sheating Lath Co. (The) 63d,' 159 LaSalle; A. A. Adair - Corneau Lumber Co.. 2516 Cologne, tel. Canal 206; D.E. Corneau Deacon J. C. & Co..Throop S. of 22d, tel. Canal 247; J. C. Deacon Hartwell Edwin S Ashland and Clybourn avs., tel North 460 Hines Edward Lumber Co Robey, S. of Blue Island av., tel. * Canal 349: Edward Hines HODGKINS, E. P. . .197 92d, South Chicago Ketcham Lumber Co. ....Hoyne and Blue Island avs., tel. Canal 35; W. P. Ketcham "'■Lowe Perley & Co.. 1097 S.Wood, tel. Canal 142; Wm.Tempieton Martin S. K. Lumber Co Lincoln and Blue Island av., tel. Canal 115; E. B. Martin .McGraw J. W Builders' and Traders' Ex Mears C. H. & Co,. -...249 Cherry av., tel. North 236; C. H. Mears North Branch Lumber Co — 1719-1745 N. Western av., tel. Lake View 125; Harry F. Brand Oliver Bros.. . . ...Ullman S. of 35th St. Bridge, tel. Canal 108; W. G. Oliver Ott Co. (The) ft. of Lessing, tel. main 4262; John Ott Paepcke-Leicht Lumber Co. ft. of Illinois, tel. main 1100; H. Paepcke Faltzer Lumber Co. C. A. . .. ..2598 Archer av., tel. Canal 407; W. R. Rabbins Park Geo. H — > Builders' and Traders' Ex Rathborne Jos. & Co ft. of Randolph Robinson Geo. G. & Co.. 1202 100 Washington; Geo. G. Robinson Sawyer-Goodman Co. 500 Lumber, tel. Canal 179; W. O.Goodman Spry John Lumber Co Ashland av. S. of 22d, tel. Canal 32; Geo. E. Spry Studt A. T 934- S. Ashland av Tegtmeyer Chas. W Lumber and Canal, tel. Canal 227 Traverse City Lumber Co 509-510, 34 Clark, tel. main 2634; C. A. Barker 141 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY LUMBER— HARDWOOD AND YELLOW PINE. Carey-Halliday Lumber Co Cairo, 111 .... S. S. Carey Gunderson S. T. & Son 22d and Laflin, tel. main 1502; S..T. Gunderson Hayden Bros 22d and Jefferson, tel. Canal 160; H. S. Hayden Heath Witbeck & Co 22d and Laflin, tel. Canal 289; R T Witbeck Keith Lumber Co. . . .. ,14th and Wood, tel. Canal 63; W. S. Keith Norwood & Butterfield Co 9.705 Chamber of Commerce, tel. main 3153; W. W. Butterfield Upham & Stone 1445 Old Colony bldg., tel. Harrison 781; Percy F. Stone Wilce T. & Co./ 22d and Throop, tel. Canal 94: E. H. Wilce MANTELS AND GRATES. Dawson Bros 197-207 N. Halsted, tel. main 4047' Keating M i53"i55 S. Jefferson, tel. main 2345 Marthens & Mead 313-321 S. Clinton, tel. Harrison 523 North Western Grille & Mantel Co.. 340 W. North av. tel. West 61 Saunders H. B . .234 E. 43d, tel. Oakland 21$ MANTEL TRIMMINGS. Kirk # Miller Co 232-234 S. Clinton, tel. Harrison 582 MARBLE DEALERS. Bagley Frederick P. & Co 18th St. Viaduct, tel. Canal 187 Ceramic Mosaic Tile and Marble Co 46 Jackson Evans Marble Co 406, 225 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 552 Flindall & Mally 735-759 W. Kinzie, tel. West 784 Keating M 153-155 S. Jefferson, tel main 2345 Marthens & Mead 313-321 S. Clinton, tel. Harrison 523 Schureman J. L 1731 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3946 MASONS AND BUILDERS. Agnew J. P 1402-100 Washington Alke Fred ; ^19 Melrose av Allen Geo lS9 LaSalle Anderson A. 6945 Union av Anderson F. A 44I9 Vincennes av Anderson Oscar..'. 620 Chamber of Com. bldg 142 A. W % BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY MASONS AND BUILDERS — Continued. Anderson Theo.... • • 369 W. Erie Anderson John 5764 Atlantic Angus Jno 9io Security bldg Appel Henry 5o3 Tacoma bldg Archer Geo 652 Noble av Arnold Jas 805 Chi. Opera House blk Bach S. J 618 Daniaav Bagull Herman 6328 Bishop ct Ballantine J. F 480 W. Congress • Balz Herman 97J 21st pi BartlettC. F Evanston Bartzen Peter 1287 Palmer Benson Olof 408 Orchard £ergA. G 5758 Wallace Berg L .508 W. Huron Bergess P 6224 Morgan Biemolt & Carter 121 Edgemont av.; A. Biemolt Biemolt & Carter, 438 W. Adams; W. Carter Bloom Ed : • • • • • 6645 Sherman Bloomfield Jas : 3226 Beacon Boske Chas v ...3004 Keeley Boske Thos. W.... • 71030th BouitonJ. B 6938 Honore Boulton & Dent...... .70 Major blk Bowman B. T 6814 S. Park av Boydell J. H 355o Wentwprth av Boydell & Sons 3538 Wentworth av.; Joshua Boydell Brahm & Knox 1018 W. Lake, 34 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn.... ,159 LaSalle Branch B. N. Co ..4118 Indiana av.; B. N. Branch Bruhn Peter 6133 Lexington av Bu'enger F. E ' 4033 Dearborn Buerger Albert 616 Spaulding av ... Buhman Conrad 624 W. 21st Burke A 21 Quincy Burness & Parks.... Builders' and Traders' Ex.; Fk. B. Burness Buschner E 120 Racine av Eusse & Gleason S'6, 70 LaSalle Cameron W, H 8-177 LaSalle Cameron Nat.. 342 Winchester av 143 .0 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY MASONS AND BUILDERS— Continued. Carlson A. F 1314 'Washington, Evanston Carlson Anton. 543 W. Erie Carlson Jno 1122 Main, Evanston Carlson W. A 1672 Fletcher Carter Wallace 43 8 W. Adams Chapman Chas ,.1324 Lexington av Chisholm Jas 6743 Center av / Clark A. R . 411 First Nat. Bank'bjdg Clark C. Everett-. 1303-100 Washington CLARK, F. W 41=8 Sherman Clark & Larkin 606, 34 Clark, 67 B. & T. Ex Clark Thos. & Son. .. .943-945 Marquette bldg., tel. main Express 91, i3 4 B. & T. Ex Clifford Thos 655 37th Court Coey D., Jr .'. ..4117 Indiana av Coleman & Mclntee. 1138 Marquette bldg., tel. main 4140 Collender A 96-159 LaSalle Conley Jas ^oth and Wabash av Congress Construction Co 813-814 Boyce bldg., 112-114 Dear- born, tel. main 1499 Connolly Martin. .. .. ..255 Walnut, 388. B. & T. Ex., tel. main 405 Cor.se & Jaffrey .536 Unity bldg Couleur John B... 679 N. Maplewood av Courtney T. E . 70 Lafrin Craig A. C 38-84 Adams Crear William... 30 W. Randolph, tel. main 5273 Crilly W. M 202-167 Dearborn. Cronholm A .319 Lemoine av Crozier David ..3615 5th av Cummings N. P .' 4958 Forrestville av Czezemski F ....1498 W. Polk Dabelsteiu Frank. .245 W. Huron Damier C. W 159 LaSalle Danielson CO ...10061 Ave. J, So. Chi Darling J. M 159 LaSalle Davies Jno. Wm > 1363 72d Delfosse A. & Son ] 286 Armitage av Dodge W. M , .6104 Wright Doremyre Jos. F.. 7639 Sherman 144 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY MASONS AND BUILDERS— Continued. Downey Joseph Securiiy bldg., tel. main 1060 Duhamel C.J • • x 447 Park av Dungan & Powers . ..611 Security bldg., tel. main 1445 Dykema Wm • 20 Summer Earnshaw E. & Son 1010, 171 LaSalle Ebertertshaeuser P ,../..... 283 Cleveland av Edmonson James Mt. Forest, 111 Erickson John S i 233 Blucher Evans John D . 4, 80 Dearborn Evans W. F • • • 605-100 Washington Faber Wm 760 Jane Fagerlund Aug... ■ / 1182 Sheffield av ; Falkenau Victor. ..1116, 110 LaSalle Fassbinder H .' 5007 Armour av Faulmann F 6322 Aberdeen Flick J. P • I2 4o Montana Foley Michael 93o Main, Evanston .'Fox Geo. H i59 LaSalle Eraser Geo. .. : ... -.335.7 Oakley av Fredericks A. P . . . . . 279 W. Huron Freeman, Hart & Co Builders' and Traders' Ex Fuller Geo. A Marquette bldg Gates Wm. D Manhattan bldg .Gebhardt John .-. 160 Orchard, Gerten Nicholas., 463 Cleveland av Gibson J. ] 1465 W. Congress Gilbert L. B 1117 Sherman av., Evanston GILBERT, G .813 Dania av Gindele Charles W 3333 LaSalle, tel. South 658 Gindele Geo. A 1410 Security bldg., tel. main 1592 Gobel E. F 87 Hartford bldg., tel. main 1101 Goetzinger Wm 3820 Lowe av Gbetzler R 896 Lawndale av Goldsmith A. M. ' 2821 Emerald av Gorman Jno ". .3841 Wentworth av Grace & Hyde Co 413-414 Tacoma bldg., tel. main 2784 Griffiths' John 40 Lakeside bldg., 14 B. & T? Ex., tel. main 331 Guerra F 292 W. Harrison Ounn A 39 Olga 145 \ A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY MASONS AND BUILDERS— Continued. GustafsonF 499 E. 48th GutrichM 307 24th Hagemann A. J 44"i$9 LaSalle Hair W. F 619 Church, Evanston Halls J.F 546 Flournoy Hammond John & Co .... 442 Claremont av Hancox Wm 16 Campbell Park Hansen Aug ■ 2 4* N. Sangamon Harmon J no.. B. & T. Exchange ' Harley Wm & Son....- 907 Sawyer av.; Wm, Harley Harper Gust 333 44th Harper Bros .101 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., 16, 159 LaSalle jj ar t j ,352 Belden av., Box 199, B. & T. Ex Haussen F • • • 1 5 w - Huron .Hayes D. H. & Co i537 Marquette bldg., tel. main 2728 Hedrick Jacob. v - • "9 Homer HeidenblutF , .'....,.173 W. 22d pi Heldebrant F ■ 256 Seminary av Hellman F. A 604 Cornelia Hellman Chas. W ■ • • • • 201 Webster av Hennessy Bros. & Evans 605, 100 Washington, tel. main 3767 R. M. Hennessy Hero O 55 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., tel. main 3766; res. 6123 Ellis av Hesse Henry .... ..388 N. Paulina Higginbotham J. M • • • • 2831 Armour av Hill A • 2I ? 37th Hinchliff George ' 6, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 2800 Hodgson Joseph- ..311 Webster av., 94 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle HOFFMAN, W. L. 159 LaSalle Hogan M • 2212 Dearborn, 108 B. & T. Ex Holman C F 1006 Teutonic bldg., tel. main 4689 Holmquist I. G V .856 Racine av Hnnne F T /. - 400 S. Morgan HuSterG. 1 , Box247,B & T- Ex IlettWm : 6 4 2 W.Adams HiffW H ' • 68 4 W - Adams Illinois Building & Con. Co..M. B. Olmsted, pres., 340, U3 Adams Ireland James.. ' I126S - Homan av 146 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY MASONS AND BUILDERS — Continued. Jacobi Aug 246 W. 13th Javzembovski J 554 Noble Johnson John B — 37, 1 54 Lake Johnson C. A 6951 Union av Johnson E. V 84 Hartford bldg Johnson F. O... 753 Clifton av Johnson Nels ...121 Sedgwick Johnson Thos . . 804 62d Jones J. H 7636 Bond av Joslyn W. S. & Co..: 24, 1 59-161 LaSalle, tel. main 3661 Kabell Leo ., 962 N. Clark Karlsteen A ■ 726 W. North av Keating Thomas & Son... ...197 Center av., 508 B. & T. Ex Kelly M , .'. 812-oist Keppler Frederick. .910, 170 Washington, tel. main 955 Kies Conrad & Son . . 510 S. Oakley av. 20 B. & T. Ex. tel. West 67 Kipp F... 1459 Newport av Kipp M.. , 812 61st Knox S. W 1602 W. Huron Koch A. J... 87, 162 LaSalle; res. 904 Walnut Komorous J : 633 W. 21st Kravolec J. M.. $ 648-658 Laflin, tel. Canal 194 Krieg & Co 1648 GrenshaW, 296 B. & T. Ex Kroschwitz F 708- Rockwell Kruse Fred A 6227 Carpenter (Englewood) Lanquist & Ericsson 3-4, 85 Washington, tel. main 730 LarkinP. S 34 Clark Larson Oluf . 5944 S. Halsted Las.chetzke F 3038 Main, Evanston Laue D 177 Coblenz, 11 B. & T. Ex Layer F. C. 624 W. 18th Leach L. L. & Son 1210 Security bldg., 56 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 1744 Leafgreen Bros 1003 Marquette bldg., tel. main 3910, 44 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle LeBrun H 627 "Cornelia Leuck Matthew r 3 2 Wellington av Lindstrom Chas 6636 Lafayette av Lotz Phillip. .....610, 58 Wabash av., 418 B. & T. Ex.; res. 470 W. Division 147 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY MASONS AND BUILDERS— Continued. Ludke Aug 1238 N. Western av Lund Abraham 271 W. Huron Lyhuit H 4840 Bishop ct Mahoney D. J, 1551 W. Huron • M alloy E. J 990 Warren av Maloney Jno • 1324 Diversey av Mangson-Davis C 36 LaSalle, 166 and 29s B. & T. Ex., tel. main 4979 Manley Bros.. 571 W. Harrison, 2 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn. 159 LaSalle MARQUARDT, CARL. 27 Julian Martinsen L 221 W. Erie, 138 B. & T. Ex Masek F 1096 W. 19th May hew Wm ..7020 Ada McBeath & Krevis : 16, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 3766 McGraw James & Co 130 W. Adams, 495 B. & T. Ex Mclntee Ower 1138 Marquette bldg McLechlan Alex 51 Arcade, Pullman,' Hi McMillan Neil.. .703, 167 Dearborn; 34 3. & T. Ex., tel. main 3842 McNally John 2641 Portland av McPherson Henry 1247 W. 16th McQuarrie Thos -.2945 Cottage Grove ay McSorley Bldg. Co 449 Marshfield av., 587 B. & T, Ex Meagher Arthur 6543 Drexel av Meikle R. B. Co 25 S; Clinton, tel. main 9 Meister D ! .• 142 Fry Messersmith George 313-314, 56 5th av., tel. main 4172 Meyer Jacob 1308 Polk Michalski J. F 45 W. Washington MillerJ. H. 159 LaSalle Minor Anderson 820, 218 LaSalle, 13 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle Mole Robt 1075 W. Congress Molloy Edward J ..- 218 B. & T. Ex Monaghan J.J 46, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 3688, 248 B. & T. Ex Moreland H. D.... ..339 The Rookery, tel. Harrison 667, 306 B. & T. Ex.; res. 1764 N. Clark, tel. Lake View 28 Morgan Henry 5644 . S. Park av Mortimer Charles J 73o s 189 LaSallo, tel. main 1550 Mortimer W. H..406 Security bldg., 2 B..& T. Ex., tel. main 1060 148 A. VP. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY MASONS AND BUXLDEBS-Continued. Moses Chas. A. . .. ..65, 159 LaSalle, 47 P. & T. Ex.. tel. main 2^24 Moss E. S.. • A ■ T o- . _ _ * 4, i»5 -Dearborn Mountain John.. 40Q E . Huron> 4 g B & T . Ex Mraz Joseph ^ w mh Mueller Chas Jr ^ N Ha]sted Mueller Carl R.. u Masons' & Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle, tel main 3766; res. 39 Clifton av Mueller Herman.. 17 B. & T. Ex., 34 Clark; res. 221 Waubun av., Lake View Mueller Oskar '....485 Belden av., 274 B. & T Ex' Mueller Paul. Schiller bid* ^ ulle , rC T h \ s -G l86 oSurf Murphy John J 4524 Evans av .Mnrphy T. D... , 39 6 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 410 . Naumann H. L 536 W 14th Nelson A. & Son 63 Armour, tels". West 905 and 507 Nehis Fritz... .209 Blackhawk Neuenkirchen Jos ^ Div ay Nicholsen T. & Sons 304, 167 Dearborn, tel. main 3805 Nieterink Henry & Co 818 W. 12th st. boul., tel West 308 Nihlean Swan J.... 47 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle; res. 3724 Dearborn Norcross Bros. . Worcester, Mass,; O. W. Norcross O'Brien Wm. D ^ , , 11 * • 3034 Grand boul O'Connell Jno c qq w A i , , 0 " 588 W. Congress Ockerlund S. E . „ r , • a,. T 237 Wilson av Oliver Jas . „ Q - ' , a T , * •••• 3813 Aldines Organ Roger R 6811 Wabash av., 6 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn icq LaSalle " # Ostrand & Augustine 2? , LaSa)]e Pauh Henry.: XT ,. Peters Peter ! 206 E North av Peterson Niels '/ ' 257 Jansen 'ay x> , j , T7 " " 015 Davis Peterson J, V .... W . North av.. 595 B. & T. Ex Peterson & Holmqmst 8 56 . 8;8 Racjne ay Pfaff Henry T • D , T 3121 Lowe av Phillips Jas rn „ i,. , . „. : b943 Michigan av Prlhnger Wm.A I09 Park av., Austin fiscnke Julian ncA m w^i + PotratzH. 956 N. Washtenaw av 97o N. Halsted A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY MASONS AND BUILDERS— Continued. Pound Wm 3841 Elmwood pi Prendergast T. J. * 4, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 1689 Price Abner & Sons office 12, 97 Clark, 14 Masons' & Bldrs, Assn., 159 LaSalle Price Wm. D 12, 97 Clark, 403 B. & T. Ex Price James S... . ! 1826 Indiana av Pntchard R.. 203 W. Congress Probst Construction Co 407, 103-109 Randolph. 135 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 4009 Provost Napoleon 620 W. Taylor, 12. B. & T. Ex Quirmbach Peter 757 W. 12th Rasmussen H 446 West Division Ratledge Geo. H no Worthen av Ratledge Jos. & Son 274 5th av.,500 B. & T: Ex., tel. main .58 Raycroft T i59 LaSalle Raymond Edward. 1182 Sheffield av Reinert Wm. & Son .. .. 4845 Indiana av Reiper. H 632 N. Hoyne av Richardson W. D 713 Medinah Temple Ritchie Wm 4543 St. Lawrence av Robinson B. G 40 Aldine sq., 37 B. & T. -Ex Robinson J. C. ..' , 59* 175 Dearborn Rodatz Jacob 315, 167 Dearborn, tel. main 2892 Roessler F. H...... : ..693 Fullerton av., 13 B. & T. Ex Rudnick John. . 185 Cleaver Rus John;..... 875 W. 19th Rus Joseph \ 673Throop Schaefer Paul, Jr 1334 Oakdale av., 102 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., ^ 159 LaSalle Schaefer W. A. G 217 E. Washington Schaetz Gustav ... -95° Rebecca Schatz Aug ,. .; ; . . 1020 W. 12th Schiddel Chas 818 Clifton av Schleyer & Tieman.. ..6919 Elizabeth, Mas. and Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle Schneider Geo 2441 Wentworth av., 414 B. & T. Ex Schneider Wm 1 ... 140 Garfield blvd Schutt L • , ... --975 W. 21st Schwerin Wm 975 W. 21st, 257 B. & T. Ex Scoullar & Bierwirth 31, 97 Clark, tel. main 296 150 A. W. BRISTOL 9 8 BUILDERS 9 DIRECTORY MASONS AND BUILDERS— Continued. Seaberg A. F .7045 Emerald av Seidler John ..741 Jane Sherwinjos 4615 Vincennes Shimek Vincenc 901 Hinman av. Siebold F 844 N. Halsted Sirovy Jas . .. 673 W. 14th • Slattery E , 4046 Indiana av. Smith & Fraser 44. *59 LaSalle Snyder Bros.. ..613, 34 Clark, tel. main 405, 46 B. & T. Ex Soeffker Gerhard. 604 Sheffield av., 25 B. & T. Ex SollittL. 105 Hartford bldg. -* Solitt Ralph T. .105-106, 140 Dearborn, tel. main 2561 Sproul E. W . Medinah Temple , Spare O. E 603 Chi. Stock Exch. bldg., 108 LaSalle Stacey H. Clio Dearborn. 132 B. & T. Ex.; res. 5436 Monroe av StadlerC. H ... 219 Hamlin av. Stanton P. J 217 E. Washington (basement) Starrett Theo 645 The Rookery - Steers F ....805 Warren av. Stephens I. H 5729 LaSalle, 92 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn Stevin Jas 3"8 Wallace StirtonThos "95 Wilcox - Studer Robert 9638 Eggleston av Sturtevant E 806 N. Y. Life bldg. tel. main 1685 Suman Wesley 220 N. Central Park av. Sweiberg C. E " ^ 573i Princeton av Taken Barney 794 Shober Tapper Geo ..909 Chamber of Commerce * Thomson George 40, 97 Washington, 584 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 3976 Thompson John C 452 N. Robey, 604 B. & T. Ex., 25 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle Thomson F. W \. .... .46 Seminary av. Tally C. W.... .. .• ..646 Flourney Van Bezey J 425 Winchester av. Van Gulden & Hasenberg 6717 Green and 6310 S. Halsted, 42 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle Vander-Putten D 6614 May Van Etten Simon 334 "ith Van Kirk S 329 Bowen av. 151 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY MASONS AND BUILDERS-Continued. Wagner Fritz IIl8 Rookery' w a S n ^ j0hn I0 *$ Marquette bldg. Wm 978 N. Halsted Waska J w Webster C. L. & Co 503 Tacoma bldg., tel. main S 93 Wejck Louis E ' ^ Cleveland! Wells A. E 704 Chamber of Commerce • Westphal C. J,.... l653 N. Leavitt Z ) eT J m -- *• 3524 S. Hoyne Wiegrefe Wm ..; .. 57 2 Thomas Wiggmtonjos . Evanston Wi hams George ,...6 3 57 Drexel av Williams John 3l02 5th av<> 2o8 B & T> Ex Worth W - H • • 1066 Central Park av. Wood Geo..... 4540 Prairie av. Woodstrom John 38 Mas & Bldrs. Assn., tel. main 3766 Zetterlund Carl 612 First National Bank bldg Zulewsky John « ,,235 45th nr. Wentwort.h av METAL CEILINGS. Davidson T. C. plain and ornamental ceilings, 23 154 Lake, tel. main 683 ' > Knisely & Yeldham Co Knisely bldg., 68-74 W. Monroe, tel. main 2749 Packer J. H ..514, 269 Dearborn, tel. main 505 MINERAL WOOL. Chicago Fire Proof Covering Co.... 48-50 Franklin, tel. main 2763 Stephens D. Q. & Co 307 W. Lake, tel. main 4193 Walch & Wyeth 2o8 -2io Lake, tel. main 2547 Western Mineral Wool Co.... 1549 Marquette bldg., tel. main 1171 MODELERS, DESIGNERS AND CARVERS. Gensch & Hartmann. ..197 W. Chicago' av;, tel. main 4128 Purdy & Hurcheson.. . 2206 South Park av Strahan Architectural Supply Co. 155 E. VanBuren MONUMENTS. Blake Chas. G. & Co , 720 Woman's Temple Mitchell Geo. H 24 Adams^ room 29, 1st door east Wabash av., designer and contractor'in granite 152 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY MORTAR COLORS. Central Press Brick Co.. .Chas.'T. Harris, magr., iooi Marquette bldg., telfcriain 3910 Chicago Hydraulic Press Brick Co ,...301-302 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 1438 MOSAIC PAVEMENTS. Bagley Frederick P. & Co .18th st. viaduct, tel. Canal 187 .Ceramic Mosaic Tile and Marble Co 46 Jackson Davis Frank L 405, 225 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 552 , Flindall & Mally 735~739 W. Kinzie, tel. West 784 " Hopkins Anson S ..1503 Marquette bldg., tel. main 1476 Keating M i53"i55 S. Jackson, tel. main 2345 Marinelli Bros 3i3"32i S. Clinton, tel. Harrison 523 Marthens & Mead...... , 313-321 S. Clinton, tel. Harrison 523 • National Mosaic & Marble Co., F. H. Sammis & Co., sole deal- ers 63, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 2324 MOLDINGS. Arntsen, Stange & Co 254 N. Halsted Hart John , '. ., 43o W. Lake Moore Geo. F., room moldings . .109-111 Wabash av. tel. main 4051 ORNAMENTAL BRICK. Central Press Brick Co., Chas. T. Harris, mngr 1001 Mar- quette bldg., tel. main 3910 $ Chicago Hydraulic Press Brick Co .301-302 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 1438 Harris Charles T. & Co. 1001 Marquette bldg., tel. main 3910 ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS. American Architectu'ral Iron and Brass Works — 96-98 W. Lake, tel. main 4391 Butler Mfg. Co. (The) .. ..Fillmore and Rockwell St., tel. west 636 Chicago Architectural Iron Works Oakley av. and Kinzie. tel. west 378 Illinois Iron Work, A. Bolter & Sons props Office 612, 84 LaSalle, tel. main 879; works 108-26 Ward, tel. north Su) Seidel Paul 913 N. Halsted, tel. north 407 153 L W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS -Continued. Snead & Co. Iron Works of Louisville, Ky ioio Marquette bldg., tel. main 684 | Standard Architectural Iron Works 181-187 Newberry av., tel. canal 308 Union Foundry Works. . . .617 First Nat. Bank bldg., tel. main 399 Voos Frederick 617-621 Austin av., tel. main 7^7 Winslow Bros. Co 366-396 Carroll av., tel. west 857 PAINTERS-HOUSE AND SIGN. Almini Company I39 Wabash av., tel. main 3079 Anderson Chas 533 6 Lake av . Bachli Bros • 1616 Wabash av! Coe Henry P 40 _ 42 s> Jefferson Cummings E. F 2249 y 2 Cottage Grove av. Doerr John & Co 149 N. Clark and 149 Center Doyle L.G 23 . 27 N< jefferson G™y & Co 26l Wellg Hackett W. H 646 N. Clark, tel. north 937 Hellgren Chas . & Bro 23 E. 47th Kirk Wm. C rosi^tn' 6rand Crossing Lattan Louis I23 12$ w> Madison Lattan Theo. Jr. Co. (The) ^.125 W. Madison,- {el. west 528 Lepperr N. S rear, 84 LaSalle, tel. main 634 McNulty Michael l82 Wel]s Morrell B. H. & Co 1123 Belmont av., and 505 Racine av. Murray Painting and Decorating Co., W. H. Murray mngr 389 W. Van Buret Neagle Frank H. . ..442 W. 12th Nelson W. P. Co I93 Wabash av., tel. main 2716 Norton D. & Son I3ll Wabash av., tel. south 431 Prosser Roger ■ 3223 Dearborn Rapeh & Otterblad 320 E . Division Smidt Otto 3427 ^tate, tel. south 66 Stubbings W. H. Co. (The) 575 W. Madison, tel. west 72 Sullivan J. B. & Bro 266-268 N. Clark, tel. north 101 Sykora John . IlS w. r8th West Side Decorating Co., sue. to Perkins Bros,. 467 W. Madison PAINTERS, FRESCO ARTISTS AND INTERIQR DECORATORS. Almini Co. The.... 139 Wabash av., tel. main 3079; R. H. Stewart 154 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY PAINTERS, ERESCO ARTISTS AND INTE- RIOR DECORATORS— Continued. Dougherty M - 3QQ$ State Emmel Henry G 500 Wells, tel. north 254 Gleich T. C 403 N. Clark KirkWm.C 1081,75th, Grand Crossing Lepperr N. S Court pi., rear 84 LaSalle tel. main 634 McCarthy J. G. Co 262 W. Washington, tel. west 929; J. G. McCarthy McDermott Jno 342 31st Manning G. W .' 7050 Cottage Grove Milligan Geo D. Co it, 14, 16 E. VanBuren, tel. Harrison 761; Geo. D. Milligan Nelson W. P. Co 193 Wabash av., tel. main 2716; J. L. Nelson Prosser R t 3223 D . arborn Rhode Co. The. ,..339 N. Clark, tel. north 509; jno. C. W. Rhode Schaubel L. A 987 W. Madison, tel. west 57 Schmidt Otto "... 3427 State, tel. south 66- Sullivan J. B. & Bro, 266-268 N. Clark, tel. north 101; J. W.Sullivan Wilcox & Donlin.... . 36 LaSalle, C. A. Donlin PAVEMENT CONTRACTORS. Brownell Improvement Co.... 207 Tacoma bldg., tel. main Ex. 44 Chicago Cement Sidewalk Co 407, 1 53 LaSalle, tel. main 959 Columbia Paving Co Bldrs. and Traders' Exch., 34 Clark, teL main 405 Conway R. F. (paving granite; cedar blocks, brick, macadam, crushed stone, and cinders) .... .418, 34 Clark, tel. main 1862; mill tel. Canal 221, 71 B. & T. Ex Dillon & Conlan 516, 172 Washington, tel. main 2825 Dorothy W. H. & Son.... 603 Chi. Stock Ex. bldg. 287 B. & T. Ex Ebert Henry & Co 874 N. Western av Edwards & Gailey .78 Reaper blk Farley & Green. ,.305, 59 Dearborn, tel. main 1492 Francis R. W 575 The Rookery Gaffney & Long 505 Tacoma bldg., tel. main 4031 Imhof Anton 301 Websfcter av Kimbell & Cobb Stone Co.. 1220 Cham. Com. bldg. tel. main 47^9 Lynch John & Co..;, 157 LaSalle (basement), tel. main 1931 Portland Cement Paving Co 60, 94 LaSalle, tel. main 2161 155 A. W: BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY PAVEMENT CONTRACTORS Continued. Portland Cement Sidewalk Co 'i. 119-121 LaSalle Sackley & Peterson 307 Cham. Com. bldg, (paving granite cedar blocks, macadam, crushed stone and cinder), 20, 161 LaSalle, 501 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 3802; mill tel. main 165 Scoullar & Bierwirth.. ?i. 97 Clark, tel. main 296 ■ Stamson Joseph & Co 2 Metropolitan blk.. 351 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 2403 Talbot Paving Co S18-19, 34 Clark, tel. main 4318 Vider Olof 509-510, 34 Ciark, tel. West 930 Watson W. Co 13-14. 177 LaSalle, tel. main 3024 . PAVING BRICK. Excelsior Fire Brick Co 16th and Arthur, tel. Canal 15 MaloneT. G "- 07 43d Shale Brick Co • -9M Tycoma bldg Utica Fire Brick Co.... 16th and Arthur, tel. Canal 15 PAVING GRAVEL. Chicago Sand Co 61,. 94 LaSalle, tel. main 90 Knickerbocker Ice Co .134 VanBuren, 342 B. & T. Ex.,tels. main 1789 and 1796 Krug S 3ist cor. Stewart av.: res. 2912 5th av. and B. & T. Ex., tel. South 684 , Lake Shore Sand Co 9. i59 LaSalle, tel. main 5233 Ripley Herbert. .3746 Calumet av. tel. Oakland 905, 568 B. & T. Ex PAVING SUPPLIES— STONE, BRICK AND CEDAR BLOCKS. Conway R. F 418, 34 Clark, tel. main 1862; mill tel. Canal 221, 71 B. &T. Ex Dillon & Conlan 5?6. 172 Washington, tel. main 2825 PLASTER BOARD. Mackolite Fire Proofing 'Co.. .1303. 103-9 Randolph, tel! main 2019 PLASTERERS. Bird Thomas • Builders' and Traders' Ex BolandJohnA fcoOgdenbldg Coffey & O'Brien ,. .237 Colorado av Corcoran Andrew & Son 757 Jackson boul 156 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY PLASTERERS— Continued. Grawe Chris 47 Perry John James .Builders' and Traders' Ex Netterstrom C M 59"io7 Dearborn Scala Louis 4424 Dearborn Smith E.:.. i Lockport, 111 Sutton Isaac T. & Son 7301 Boud av., Windsor Park Tobey H. S 89, 161 LaSalle Webb Repair Shop 55 S. Morgan, tel. West 58^ PLASTER MANUFACTURERS. Acme Cement Plaster Co (The) C. H. Rose Co., agts 89, 161 LaSalle, 513 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 2883 Adamant Mfg. Co 517 Cham. Com. bldg., tel main 2515 Chicago Fitzgerald Plaster Co 40, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 195 Dickinson Cement Co 127 Market, tel. main 939 Rock Plaster Co. of Chicago.. 1204 Cham. Com. bldg. tel. main 3679 Standard Cement and Builders' Supply Co 3 and 5 W. Wash- ington, tel. main 5112 PLASTER ORNAMENTS. Decorators' Supply Co 215-219 S. Clinton, tel. main 2230 Strahan Architectural Co 135 E. Van Buren ■ PLASTERERS' WIRE LATHING. Smith F. P. Wire and Iron Works 52 State, tel. main 2679 Voss Frederick. 617-621 Austin av., tel. West 757 PLASTERiNG CONTRACTORS. Anderson John C 847 W. Polk, 345 B. & T. Ex Balhatchet W .....22, 161 LaSalle. tel. main 912 Bartolomei S. J. & Co 196-200 Washington boul BECKMAN, C 6314 S. Sangamon Byrne M. E. & Co 313-314, $6 5th av., tel. main 4172 Chicago Plastering Co., C. B. Thompson, mgr 44, 159 LaSalle Coffey Thos 299 31st Coffey & O'Brien 237 Colorado av., 244 B. &T. Ex Cothroll Bros 708-709, 112 Dearborn, tel. main 4341- ' Cu-rran Richard.. 414, 21 Quincy, tel. main 3722; res. 5922 Prairie av Dorothy Wm. H 603 Chi. Stock Exch. bldg., 287 B. & T. Ex 157 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY PLASTERING CONTRACTORS— Continued. Fitzgerald Thos 411 W. 14th, 233 B. & T. Ex Gavin William -4248 Wabash av,, 434 B. & T. Ex Hogan M 2212 Dearborn, 108 B. & T. Ex Irwin James 3024 S. Park av., 255 B. & T. Ex Jones Robert 1243 W. Congress Keenor James 3609 Wentworth av Lennox & Haldeman 609 Medinah bldg., 628 B. & T. Ex., tel. Harrison 466 Luebke Charles 836 N. Halsted McNulty Bros 46, 159 LaSalle, 505 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 3688' Meikle R. B. Co 25 S. Clinton, tel. main 9 Monahan Bros . . . : 8, 88 LaSalle NELSON & CO .10 Broom Prehm F. & Sons 27 Seminary av Roberts & Middleton , 1150 Harvard Shugrue M 429 B. & T. Ex Sullivan D. R 3601 Wxntworth av Walsh P. S 268 Sheffield av., tel. North 697 Williams & Orchard 1271 W. VanBuren, tel. West 466 Zander August Co. . 10 Lakeside bldg., 380 B. & TTEx., tel. main 334 PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS. Kimball Geo. F. Co.. 442-452 Wabash av. tells. Harrison 323 & 239 Rice James H. Co 34-40 S. Water, tel. main 1944 Tyler & Hippach 150-151 Michigan av., tel. main 2267 PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS. Adeloff & Meyers 1068 Milwaukee av Aiken & Jorgens i595 Milwaukee av Alcock Plumbing Co 101 22d, tel. South 92 Alles lohn F. Plumbing Co. ... .233-235 Lincoln av., tel. North 768 Alles Joseph W. ! 463 E. Division, tel. North 812 Anderson H. C 118-120 N. Center av., tel. West 403 Andree Max 408 E. Division, tel. North 757 Arnold Bros 5<>7 S. Western av Binder Bros 132 Lake, tel. main 37^3 Birney James ..." 2002 W. Madison, tel. West 313 Breen Jos. B .368 W. VanBuren, tel. West 351 158 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS-Continued. Breyer Charles C : ..197 W. Division, tel. West 38 Breyer & Schmitt . 72 w Rando]ph Broker F/H " 233 E> Randolph Brooks M. G mi W. Harrison, tel. West 214 Brown J, W. Plumbing Co A. B. Herrick, mngr. 169 E. 55th. tel. Oakland 233 Brown & Mortimer 45 W. Washington, tel. main 5354 Byrne & Ryan 254 E . 43d, tel. Oakland 914 Cederholm J. C , 87 W. Ohio, tel. main 4662 Chappell William 66 Lake Clark J- J ' 119 E. 22d, tel. Souths, and 113 E. 53d. tel. Oakland 810 \^ Coleman R. & A 855 N. Clark, tel. North 577 Conlin Thomas Plumbing & Heating Co 3905 Cottage Grove av., tel. Oakland 865 Connell John I2gW . Congress Cook& Mangan 1802 Wabash av. tel. South 319 Danneil Wm. & Son 453 S; . Canal Davey & Schumacher 454 Lincohiav Davidson Wm. A 4$ VanBuren, tel. Harrison 434 DegnanBros.. 601 W. Taylor, tel. West 602 Dewar D. F. & Co 335 63d Donovan John l72 w. Division, res. 269K N. May D °y le J- J 6040 S. Halsted, tel. Wentworth 549 Enright Bros 3611 Cottage Grove av., tel. Oakland 357 ' Fleming & Co 7> 88 LaSal]e Foskett & Brown ^86 VanBuren, tel. main 747 • Ga skin A. A : 225 Campbell av., tel. W T est 286 Gordon Bros., suc.toDanl. C. Gordon ... 562 E. 45th, tel. canal 279 Graham Wm. & Co .... . 434 N. Clark, tel. North 936 Griffin L. G l6g w - Madison Guilder mann J. C l8a North av Gundermann P. H 88 9 N> Halsted Hackett Edward M 173 W. Harrison Hanley & Casey.. .. I7 Plymouth pi. tel. Harrison 771 Harvey & Mose 680 W. North av., tel. West 907 Herbert C. J 3l0 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 644 Hoppe Chas. Jr.:; 539 Armitage av S U nl J r eS -, 531 Noble Hull & Howard 8o4i I20 Randolph 159 A. W. BRISTOL'S BU1LDERSI DIRECTORY PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS— Continued. Juergens L. & C. .1274 W. Madison and 31 Colorado av. tel. -west 727 \v>:iJ'\ , y ' ..V •'• Love R. M. 3ii W. 12th, tel. canal 139 Mandler Louis.. 164 Webster av., tel. north 200 and 37 Belmont av Marofske Wm 376 W. North av McCann & Sullivan 463 E. 47th. tel. Oakland 241 McCourt John & Son 314. 56 5th av.. tel. main 4172 McDanald Ogden av. and VanBureifc Mclnnes Wm. & Son 90S W. Lake Meek Frank 486 W. iSth, tel. Canal 163 MOLTER, N. P 381 Wells Moran J. K.... . % • 4L39 Wentworth av., tel. Yards 602 Nacey P. & Co 339 Wabash av., tel. Harrison 38? Nelson Nels 723 Sheffield av Noble & Thumm 290 Lincoln av.. tel. North 317 O'Brien James P.... 293 Grand av., tel. West 659^ res. 901 W. 12th O'Brien John J 422 S. California av., tel. West 473 O'Malley Joseph E — • 215 Wells O'Malley Thos. J 3*7 Wells Perdisatt P. F 265 29th Quinn Bros 2918 Cottage Grove av.. tel. South 246 Roughan M. S iS Quincy, tel. Harrison 67 Ryan Bart Co 107 VanBuren Sanders John ..7" W. 63d, tel. Englewocd 197 Sanders P. & Sons 1314 Wabash av.. tel. main 449 • Scanlon ]ohn J ! 1555 W. 12th, tel. West 397 S'chaub & Gibisch 942 Milwaukee av Scholefield F. R.. 310 S. California av.; tel. West 295 Schuster Frank P , ..234 N. Clark, tel. North 1040 Tarrant F. E * 399 W. VanBuren Trandel S. A. &Bro.... 685 Noble; res. 34 Fox pi Tait R 69th and Wright Voitz J. A.. Chicago av., N. W. cor. Wells, tel. North [034 Wade J. J. & Son 276 Dearborn, tel. main 2998 Wagner & Maager 411 Wabansia av. and 239 W. Division, tel. West 977 Watson A. H. . ..' 426 Wilwaukee av., tel. main 4321 Weber Tacob G. . . ' 244 N. Clark, tel. North 667 Whiteford David 372 W. Randolph • Wixted Thomas 5553 S. Halsted, tel. Englewood 150 160 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS. Baggot E 169-171 Adams, tel. main 261 Kroeschell Bros. Co 41-59 Erie, tel. north 261 Murray Alex. W 802 W. Madison PLTJMBERS SPECIALTIES. Bagley Frederick P. & Co., marble slabs, etc 18th st. viaduct, tel. canal 187 Flindall & Mally, marble slabs and urinal stalls, 735-739 W. Kinzie, tel. west 784 Mott J. L. Iron Works (The)...; 3""3i3 Wabash av Ryan J. J. & Co .68-74 W. Monroe, tel. main 1224 PORTLAND CEMENT. Dickinson Cement Co 127 Market, tel. main 939 Empire Portland Cement Co. ,737 Monadnock blk,, tel. Harrison 73 Garden City Sand Co 1009-1010 Security bldg., 78 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 5102 McBean A. J. & Co 78 LaSalle, room x, tel. main 4567 Meacham & Wright. . : 98 Market, tel. main Express 59 Patterson Berger & to .67-68, 84 Adams, tel. Harrison 77 Standard Cement and Builders' Supply Co.. 1-3-5- W. Washington, tel. main 5112 Stearns M. C. &*Co 113-117 N. Clinton, tel. main 4348 PORTLAND CEMENT PAVING. Anchor Portland Cement Paving Co. ,6, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 2800 Chicago Cement Sidewalk Co 407, 153 LaSalle, tel. main 959 Columbia Paving Co ...... . Bldrs & Traders' Exch., 34 Clark, tel. main 405 Dorothy W. H. & Son. 603 Chi. Stock Exch. bldg., 287 B. & T. Ex Ebert Henry & Co 874 N. Western av Edelmann Wm 935 Sheffield av., Lake View, 189 B. & T. Ex Ford Roofing Co ..306, 170 Washington, tel. main 1182 Garden City Portland Cement Paving Co 612, 84 La Salle, tel. main 879 lmhof Anton 301 Webster av Keystone Cement Paving Co 1526 Monadnock blk., tel. Harrison 284 Laffler A. 'J. & Co 4158 Cottage Grove av,, tel. Oakland 26 Laird James 928 Sheffield 161 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY PORTLAND CEMENT PAVING— Continued. Lynch John & Co 157 LaSalle (basement), tel. main 1931 Meikle R. B. Co 25 S. Clinton, tel. main 9 Munch A 144 Cleveland av., 378 B. & T. Ex Portland Cement Paving Co 60, 94 LaSalle, tel. main 2161 Portland Cement Sidewalk Co 51, 119-121 LaSalle Schroeder & Menke 581-583 N. Market Scoullar & Bierwirth 31, 97 Clark, tel. main 296 Stamson Joseph & Co 2 Metropolitan blk., 351 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 2403 Watkins W. Company .....13-14, 177 LaSalle, tel. main 3024 PUMPING ENGINES- Rider Engine Co., Hot Air Pumping Engines, F. A. Merriam mngr ...86 Lake, tel. main 2863 RADIATORS. Bundy Radiators, A. A. Griffing Iron Co., F. W. Somers western mngr 34 Dearborn, tel. main 1642 Joy Steam and Hot Water Crescent, Orient and Vertical Flue Radiators 82 Lake, tel. main 1536 Kalamazoo Radiator Co., C. M. Converse mngr Chicago office 54 Dearborn, tel. main 3848 Standard Radiator Co 167-169 Lake, tel. main 281 RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION. Farley & Green ...305, 59 Dearborn, tel. main 1492 ROCK DRILLS. lngersoll-Sergeant Drill Co. (The) 1515 Old Colony bldg., VanBuren s. e. cor Dearborn Rand Drill Co 1328 Monadnock blk., tel. Harnson 103 ROLLING PARTITIONS. Rand Drill Co 1328 Monadnock blk., tel. Harrison 103 Dodge H. B. & Co 933"934, 108 LaSalle, tel. main 2985 Lord A. H 40, 95 Washington, -tel. main 3976 ROOFERS — FLAX FELT AND WOOL FELT. Powell M. W. Co... 334 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 354 162 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY HOOFERS — GRAVEL. Atlas Roofing Co 651 Madison, tel. West 954 Bennett Fred E 29th, S. E. cor. State, tel. South 185 Burke Augustus 1-5 W. Superior, tel. main 4155 Columbia Roofing Co 906-908 Racine av M tel. Lake View 152 Daly L. F 164-170 Ogden av., tel. West 205 Dougherty & Brady 296-298 W. VanBuren Eustace Roofing Co 430 W. 12th Ford Roofing Co ..306, 170 Washington, tel. main 1182 Getchell Roofing Co.. 3-4, 85 Washington, tel. main 730 Guarantee Roofing Co — 91 N. State, tel. North 934 Luettke Albert & Co 399 W. North av., tel. West 447 McKeon C.J 78, 161 LaSalle, tel. main 5042 McMahon M. J. & Co 781-787 W. 21st Metropolitan Roofing Co., Harry Demdng, mngr 3, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 163 National Roofing Co 73 Bissell, tel. North 671 North Chicago Roofing Co 377 North av., tel. North 570 People's Roofing Co. . . 785 N. Western av,, tel. West 745 Powell M. W. Co 334 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 354 Powell & Jones 1207 Security bldg.. tel. main 671 Renaud F. D. & Co.... . ......203, 184 LaSalle, tel. main 688, Yard 615-6/7, 31st, tel. South 71 Richards D. M. Roofing Co 240 31st, tel. South 177 ' Richardson G. W 165 W. 47th, cor. Clark, tel. Yards 746 Runyan Roofing Co 1237- 1241 W. Lake, tel. West 414 Schillinger Bros 192 N. Morgan, tel. West 680 Seela Max . .... 779 W. 21st Standard Roofing Co 290-294 N. Halsted, 233 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 4246 Star Roofing Co 343-345 W. Lake Turnbull, Dunne & Co., sue. to Turnbull & Cullerton :IQ5 La Salle, tel. main 819 Waddell & Dermoody 81, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 5003 Wheeler & Thomas Roofing Co. . 169-171 Wells, tel. North 9c ROOFERS— TIN, SLATE AND IRON. Ballou & Pope 4825 State Barrows Richard & Co , 146 E, 18th, tel. South 554 Berigen L 1609 Wabash av., tel. South 913 Biegler & Lorber , 574 Wells 163 A. W, BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY ROOFERS— TIN, SLATE AND IRON — Cont'd. Bremer & Bielenberg 533 13th, tel. West 162 Colvin J.J ...81, 159 LaSalle and 25 Chicago av., tel. main 5003 Cooper A. W. & Co I ..671 W. Lake, tel. West 104 Douglas Edward C. & Co 2963-2965 State, tel. South 571 Engle Geo. B. Jr. & Co 1051 Marquette bldg., tel. main 4669 Erickson John T 443° LaSalle Griffith E . . 1716 Wabash av., tel. South 383 Gross Geo. M ' 2117 State, tel. South 327 . HARTF1ANN, FRED 165 Wells Katz Geo A., sue. to W. B. White... 62-64 Pacific av., tel. Harrison 444 Knisely Bros 99-101 Bunker, tel. main 4109 Knisely & Yeldham Co. .... .Knisely bldg., 68-74 W. Monroe, tel. main 2749 Knorr Chas. F.-Jr 531 Melrose, tel. Lake View 215 Kuhn & Mersch .' 422 Larrabee Kurtz & Co 3427-2429 Calumet av Leclair A ..1027 W. VanBuren Lengacher Wm! J 256 Larrabee McFarland J. C : 2511-2529 State, tel. South 158 McKeown's Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Works 14 Rush Miller Jas. A, & Bro 129-131 S. Clinton, tel. main Express 145 Peter John , 632-634 N. Wood Price I. N < 25 N. Green Reinsdorf Gustav. 913 Sheffield av Rickert C. B. ..6, 194 Clark and 1310 W. VanBuren, tel. main 5134 Rood Geo. L 79 Lake, tel. main 4251 Slavik Frank 425-429 Blue Island av. cor. 15th, tel. Canal 220 Smrcka W. J. & Bro..: 251 25th pi Sykes Steel Roofing Co 611 S. Morgan Thoresen Wm 816 N. Western av. cor. North av Union Cornice Works 302 22d, tel. South 182 Voigtmann Frank 129-131 N. Franklin, teL main 231 WELIN, A. J... 2829 5th av White Jas. J ". 1116 W. Harrison, tel. West 214 Wolcott & Mcllroy 15*15-1517 State, tel. South 371 ROOFING—ASBESTOS. Chicago Pireproof Covering Co 48-50 Franklin, tel. main 2763 164 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY HOOFING GRAVEL. Chicago Sand Co 61, 94 LaSalle, tel. main 90 Knickerbocker Ice Co 134 VanBuren; 342 B. & T. Ex., tels. main 1789 and 1796 KrugS....3ist cor. Stewart av.; res, 2912 5th av., 155 B. & T. Ex. .tel. South 684 Jr Lake Shore Sand Co 9, l5Q LaSalle, tel. main 5233 Lakeside Sand & Gravel Co 600, 189 LaSalle, tel. main 3500 Ripley Herbert 3746 Calumet av. tel. Oakland 905, 568 B. . &T. Ex ROOFING-METAL SHINGLES. Cortright Metal Roofing Co 614, 134 VanBuren ♦ . ROOFING SLATE. Gait John & Sons 402, 175 LaSalle, tel. main 2768 ROOFING TILE. Chicago Terra Cotta Roofing and Siding Tile Co 1135 Mar- quette t>ldg., tel. main 1473 Engle Geo. B. Jr. & Co io$i Marquette bldg., tel. main. 4669, 39 B. & T. Ex Harris Charles T. & Co 1001 Marquette bldg., tel. main 3910 Ludowici Roofing Tile Co.... 318 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 692 RUBBER HOSE. Carpenter Geo. B. & Co . ..202.-208 S. Water, tel. main 1561 SAND DEALERS. Ohicago Paving Supply Co 61, 69 LaSalle; tel. main 90 Euclid Stone Co. (The) 907 Security bldg., tel. main 336 Garden City Sand C0....1909-1010 Security bldg., 78 B. & T. Ex., , tel. main 5102 Indiana Lime and Sand Co 651 63d, tel. Wentworth 523 Knickerbocker Ice Co 134 VanBuren, 342 B. & T. Ex., tels. main 1789 and 1796 KrugS ...31st cor. Stewart av.; res. 2912 $th av., 155 B. & T, Ex., tel. South 684 Lake Shore Sand Co 9, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 5233 Lakeside Sand & Gravel Co. (beach sand) 600, 189 LaSalle, tel. main 3500 165 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY SAND DEALERS— Continued. M'Mahon & Montgomery Co 435 N. Halsted, tel. North 412 Ready Bros 4533 State, and 4S47 Princeton av., tel. Yards * 714, 104 Mas. & Bidrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle Ripley Herbert.. 3746 Calumet av. tel. Oakland 905, 568 B. & T. Ex SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. Barr J. F 3447 Indiana av. and 318 Dearborn Belmont Avenue Sash & Door Factory. . . . ..1061 Belmont av., tel. Lake View 278 Campbell Bros. Mfg. Co.. Franklin and Ohio, tel. North 12; Alex. Campbell Carey-Halliday Lumber Co Caiio, 111 C. S. Carey Chicago Av. Sash & Door Mfg. Co 75-81 W. Chicago av., tel. main 4438; W. T. Waterstraat Compound Door Co. (The) 680, 189 LaSalle, tel. main 3465 Dencer Mathias , 24th and Butler, tel. South 345 Diezjohn L. & Co 530 N. Halsted; John L. Diez Frost W. E. Mfg. Co — 1305, 100 Washington, tel. main 4100;- \V« E. Frost Gunderson S. T 22d and Laflin, tel. main 1502 Hines Edward Lumber Co.. ....Robey, South of Blue Island a'v., tel. Canal 349; Edward Hines Jenkinson Wm 2300-2308 LaSalle, tel. South 48 KirchhorTH 1485 Milwaukee av., tel. West 100 Lobstein J. G 443-473-442-472 W. 21st, tel. Canal 51 Mears C. H. & Co 249 Cherry av., tel. North 236 Morgan Co. (The) . : 22d and Union, tel. Canal 50 Scherer Henry Mfg. Co 418-426 Blue Island av. tel. main 4509 Sylvester & Mador S. W. 21st and Loomis; E. C. Sylvester Will & Roberts. , Franklin, cor. Congress, tel. main 328 Wohler Peter & Co 21st and Laflin, tel. Canal 99 Wolff Bros. Mfg. Co. (The) Erie & Curtis, tel. West 421; A. W. Wolf SCAVENGERS— NIGHT. Riley Patrick J ....... . ..... ..8, 90 LaSalle Vaughan S. O 90 LaSalle (in cigar store); res. 653 W. Ohio Woodville Jas. B. & Co 3, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 163 SCREENS— WINDOW AND DOOR. .Colhapp Mfg. Co j .....1080 W. Harrison 166 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY SEWER BUILDERS. Alles John F. Plumbing Co 233-235 Lincoln av., tel. North 768 ARNOLD BROS 507 S. Western av Birney James.... : 2002 W. Madison, tel. West 313 Breen Jos B 368 W. VanBuren, tel. West 351 Bfeyer Charles C ..i*7 W. Division, tel. West 38 Cook & Mangan • i3o2 Wabash av., tel. South 319 Dee William E, "6 E. Quincy, tel. main 2992 DewarD. F. & Co 335 63d >Enright Bros ..3611 Cottage Grove a v., tel. Oakland 357 ' Farley & Green 3°5, 59 Dearborn, tel. main 1492 Fianedy E.J , i 4 5 W.Jackson Gordon Bros., sue. to Danl. C. Gordon 562 4 5th, tel. Canal 279 Graham Wm. & Co... 434 N. Clark, tel. North 936 Griffin Cornelius.. 229 W. Randolph; res. 377 Hermitage av., tel. main 4270 Griffin L. G 169 W. Madison Hull & Howard ^4, 120 Randolph Kerins Owen 43i W. 15th Love R. M 3ii W. 12th, tel. canal 139 J ynch John i57 LaSalle (basement), tel. main 1931 ' MadiganM • 2806 Union av Handler Louis.. 164 Webster av., tel. north 200 and 37 Belmont av McGuire Richard & Bro . ..$1 Kendall and 245 Washburn av - Moran J. K : 4139 Wentworth av., tel. yards 602 Nacey P. & Co 339 Wabash av., tel. Harrison 387 Nelson Nels 723 Sheffield av O'Brien T. M 8, 90 LaSalle - O'MalleyThos.J 317 ^ ells Sanders John 7" W. 63d, tel. Englewood 197 Scanlon Thos : * 2 7 2 Loomis Trandel S. A. & Bro 685 Noble, res. 34 Fox pi Wade J. J. & Son 276 Dearborn tel. main 2998 ' Wagner & Maager . . ..411 Wabansia av., and 239 W. Division, tel. west 977 Werlich & Miniter.. .Clinton n. e. cor. Washington tel. main 5354 Whiteford David 372 W. Randolph 167 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY SEWER PIPE AND DRAIN TILE. Columbus Sewer Pipe Co 616 Cham. Com. bldg.; tel. main 556, yards in N. Oakley av., tel. \vest 545 Connelly Thomas 3l2 - 3l3> §4 LaSalle, tel. main 609 • Dee Wm. E , Il6 E< Quincy; teJ main Empire Fire Proofing Co 1303 Monadnock blk., tel. main 3517 Evans E. T. & Son 1637 State, tel. south 3 37 Excelsior Fire Brick Co 16th and Arthur, tel. canal 15 Oakwook Cemetery Sewer Pipe Yard 6828-30 Cottage Grove av., tel. Oakland 190 f^ nt ° n P - J 217 E - Washington (basement) ' Whitehall Fire Clay Works, S. Halsted st. bridge sewer pipe yards, 901-3 S. Halsted, tel. canal 279 Williams N. A.... . 2ig E> Washington tel. main 1969 SIDEWALK AND VAULT LIGHTS. Brown Bros. Mfg. Co.... Clinton n. w. cor. Jackson, tel. main 408s Chicago Sidewalk Light Co... 97 , l59 LaSalle, tel. main 4132 Dauchy Iron Works 84-92 Illinois, tel. north 103 French James B 357 Randolph, 222 B. & T. Ex Richards & Kelly Mfg. Co.. 389 23d, 492 B. & T. Ex., tel. south 57 SIDEWALK CALKERS. Boney Chas.M 2o8 S. Water Jackson Geo Clinton n. w. cor. Jackson, 256 B. & T Ex ' Scanlon C.F.... ..859 Ogden av SIDEWALK FLAGGING & VAULT COVERS £\ glum ; , 4003 Armour av Chicago Cement Sidewalk Co 407, 153 LaSalle, teJ. main 959 Euclid Stone Co., E. T. Malone, pres.-'.. .9th floor Security bldg tel. main 336, $03 B. & T. Ex Gates N. E 9 o 7 Security bldg., tel. main 336 Johet Pomeer Stone Co 330 5 th av., yards 2719-2721 LaSalle, tel. main 1822 • Laffler A - J- & Co.. 4158 Cottage Grove av., tel. Oakland 26 " Portland Cement Sidewalk Co 5l , IIQ . I2I LaS alle bcanlon C. F ernr ., • c T • — 859 Odgen av fctamson Joseph & Co.. ..2 Metropolitan blk., 351 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 2403 Young & Farrel Diamond Stone Sawing Co. .30-32 W. Polk, 379 B. & T. Ex., tel. main 4242 168 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY SKYLIGHTS — METAL. Ballou & Pope - 4825 State Barrows Richard & Co 146 E. 18th, tel. south 554 Berigen L , 1609 Wabash av., tel. south 913 Biegler & Lorber 574 Wells . Bremer & Bielenberg. ' 533 W. 13th, tel. west 162 Colvin J.J 81, 159 LaSalle and 25 Chicago av,. tel. main 5003 Erickson John T 443o LaSalle Gilbert & Rix r. 753 W. VanBuren Griffith E 1716 Wabash av.. tel. south 383 ' Hartmann Fred • l6 5 Wells Katz Geo. A., sue. to W. B. White 62-64 Pacific av., tel. Harrison 444 • Knisely Bros 99-101 Bunker, tel. main 4109 " Knisely & Yeldman Co Knisely bldg., 68-74 W. Monroe, tel. main 2749 Knorr Chas. F. Jr 53* Melrose, tel. Lake View 215 Kuder Charles V . . . . 53i 5 Wentworth av ' Kuhn&.Mersch 422 Larrabee Kurtz & Co ( 2427-2429 Calumet av Lengacher Wm.J --256 Larrabee . McFarland J. C 2511-2519 State, fel. south 158 Miller James A. & Bro.. .129-131 S. Clinton, tel. main Express 145 Peter John. 632-634 N. Wood Price I.N 25 N. Green Rickert C. B.. .6, 194 Clark and 1310 W. VanBuren, tel. main 5134 Slavik Frank 425-429 Blue Island av., cor. 15th, tel. canal 220 SmrckaAV. J. & Bro 251 25th pi • Staar Frank ' 973 N . Halsted Thoresen Wm..„ 816 N. Western av., cor. North av Union Cornice Works 302 22d, tel. south 182 Voigtmann Frank.... 129-131 N. Franklin, tel. main 231 Welin A. J. 2829 cth av White James J 1116 W. Harrison, tel. west 214 W r olcott & Mcllroy , .. ft ........ .1515-1517 State, tel. south 371 SLAJE DEALEBS. • Gait John & Sons 403, i75 LaSalle, tel. main 2768 Griffith E 1716 Wabash av., tel. South 383 Katz Geo. A., sue. to W. B. White 62-64 Pacific av., tel. Harrison 444 169 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY SLATE DEALERS— Continued. . Knisely Bros 99-101 Bunker, tel. main 4109 Knisely & Yeldham Co Knisely bldg., 68-74 W. Monroe, tel.' main 2749 Miller Jas. A. & Bro , 129-131 S. Clinton, tel. main Exp. 14$ Peter John. 632-634 N. Wood White James J 1116 W. Harrison, tel. West 214 SMOKE STACKS AND VENTILATORS. Ballou & Pope 4825 State ' Kuhn & Mersch 422 Larrabee McKeown's Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Works 14 Rush Wolcott & Mcllroy 1515-1517 State, tel. South 371 SPEAKING TUBES AND BELL HANGING. Duval T.J...: 608, 234 LaSalle Emmons Electric Co 324 Dearborn* tel. Harrison 307 Frantzen & Bennett 207, 353 Dearborn Newgard Henry.. 23-24, 88 LaSalle, tel. main 3669 Orne Electric Construction Co 9th floor Owings bldg., tel. main 3992 Seger John 475 N. Clark Western Electric Co 227-275 S. Clinton, tel main 1844 STABLE FIXTURES. Smith F. P. Wire and Iron Works 52 State, tel. main 2679 Voss Frederick 617-621 Austin av., tel. West 757 STAINED, CUT AND GROUND GLASS. McCully & Miles Co 14 Monroe • Misch Geo. A 217 Washington, tel. main 1649 Wells Glass Co.. .184 Michigan av. (Leland Hotel), tel. main 2465 STAIR BUILDERS. Barquist Chas. E 2967 LaSalle Carson Louis & Co 51-57 Institute pi., tel. North 705 Danielson F. G 10 Oak Lobstein J. G 443"473 and 442-472 W. 21st, 276 B. & T. Ex., tel. Canal 51 Pihl E. A i& Blackhawk nr. Judson Rees Bros 80-82 Norton nr. Polk and Center av Sylvester & Mador sw. cor. 21st and Loomis STEAM AND GAS PIPES. Davis John Co. (The) 69-79 Michigan, tel. main 2720 170 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY STEAM AND HOT WATER RADIATORS. Standard Radiator Co 167-169 Lake, tel. main 281 STEAM HEATING BOILERS. Harendeen Mfg. Co., A. G. King, mngr 52 Dearborn, tel. main 1459 McLain J. H. Co. (The) 58 Dearborn, tel. main 3469 Shaw Willis 416 N. Y. Life bldg United States Heating Co 39 Dearborn, tel. main 5161 STEAM HEATING AND VENTILATING CONTRACTORS. Baker & Smith Co i93'i97 VanBuren, tel. main 58 Cleave Joseph 5224 Lake av Conlin Thomas Plumbing & Heating Co 3905 Cottage Grove av., tel. Oakland 86s Conlon & Jacobs.... 33 Dearborn, tel. main 28c8 Cook & Chick... .253-255 Kinzie, tel. North 422 Cragin M.J... 285 E. 43d, tel. Oakland 913 Davis John Co. (The) 69-79 Michigan, tel. main 2720 Doyle M.J .« 804 Kedzie bldg., 120 Randolph Englehart & otott Co ..82 W. Washington, tel. main 4434 Fleming & Co 7. 88 LaSalle Galloway Albert Co #19 River, tel. main 1048 Hanley & Casey 17 Plymouth pi., tel. Harrison 771 Illinois Heating Co 88 Lake, tel. main 2804 Kehm Bros & Mertz.... 289 Kinzie, tel. main 497o KREBS, D. W 119=121 LaSalle McCarthy & Burns 23 W. Monroe, tel. main 5144 • Prentice L. H. Co.... 203.205 VanBuren, tel. main 1350 Ryan Bart Co 107 VanBuren Simmons Chas. H."Co. . .. 72-76 Market, tel. main 1410 Sullivan Wm i79 Illinois, tel. North 649 STEAM PIPE AND BOILER COVERINGS. Chicago Fire Proof Covering Co. . .'..48-50 Franklin, tel. main 2763 Stephens D. Q. & Co.../. 3°7 \V. Lake, tel. main 4193 Walch & Wyeth ...208-210 Lake, tel. main 2547 STEAM PUMPS. Davis John Co. (The) 69-79 Michigan, tel. main 2720 Shaw Willis.. ..416 N. Y. Life bldg ' , 171 A, W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY STONE DEALERS- CUT. Burkhardt E. & Son 138 Kingsbury; H. Burkhardl Carden, Wm 797 W. Taylor Dowdle & M'Whirter 423 N. Halsted; John Dowdle Ebertshaeuser & Wagner. ... 44-52 E. Division; H. Ebertshaeuser STONE DEALERS -LIMESTONE. Acme Bedford Stone Co. (quarries Bedford lnd.). John Rawle" mngr 578-596 S. Morgan, tel. canal 89 Artesian Lime & Stone Co Grand av. and W. Ohio, tel. main 2647, Thos. O'Connell Bedford Indiana Stone Co., Martin & Lyon agts 14 Tribune bldg., tel. main 1999 Bodenschatz Bedford Stone Co.... 1006, 108 LaSalle, tel. main 133 Brainerd E. R 67 Hartford bldg., tel. main 1654 Brownell Improvement Co. ,207 Tacoma bldg., tel. main Express 44 Chicago Crushed Stone Co 820 The Temple, tel. main 5004 F. M. Montgomery Chicago & Naperville Stone Co.... 812 The Temple, tel. main 3435 Chicago Union Lime Works 'Co 5, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 234 Chicago & Bedford Stone Co., Martin & Lyon agts.. . .14 Tribune bldg., tel. main [999 Cleveland Stone Co 1575 Old Colony bldg., tel. Harrison 604. W. N. Thornburg Crosier W. C 620 Chi. Stock Ex. bldg., tel. main 1866 Daggett J. F.... ; 6, 159 LaLalle, tel. main 2800 Darlington Stone Co 405 W. Madison, J as. Sinclair Euclid Stone Co., The 907 Security bldg., tel. main 336 E. T. M alone Forest City Stone Co Cleveland, O., John Holland Hallowell Stone Co. (The), (Bedford stone), Wm. McMillan & Son agents, 315 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 31 13 Holland H. L. i 9 Marine-bldg Hunter Valley Stone Co., (Bedford stone), Wm. McMillan & Son agents. 315 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 3113 Illinois Stone Co 22d and Lumber, tel. canal 136, and Elston av. and Bradley, tel. west 601, 64 B.'lt T. Ex. Kearns, Prendergast & Bender 4, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 1686 dock 39th and Halsted, tel. Yarcls 819 Keltie Stone Co Joliet, 111., H.T. Keltie Martin & Lyon 14 Tribune bldg.. tel. main 1999 172 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY STONE DEALERS— LIMESTONE— Continued. Matthews' Bros, (buff and blue Bedford stone), W, C. Crosier mngr92o Chi. Stock Exch. bldg., tel. main 1866 Nicholl Wm. W 1203 Manhattan bldg., tel. Harrison 524 Norton C. S., Blue Stone Co., (dark blue Bedford ), Wm. McMillan & Son agents, 31^ Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 3113 Peerless Stone Co., Martin & Lyon agts 14 Tribune bldg., tel. main 1999 Perry Bros., (buff and blue Bedford stone), W. C. Crosier mngr., 920 'Chi Stock Exch. bldg., tel. main 1866 Perry, Matthews & Buskirk Co., (buff and blue Bedford stone), W. C. Crosier mngr., 920 Chi. Stock Exch., tel. main 1866 , Phoenix Stone Co 35 Lawrence, tel. North 885 Singer W. H Duluth, Minn . Standard Stone Co., Martin & Lyon agts .... 14 Tribune bldg., tel. main 1999 Sterrett & Brodix. . .. . .1016 N. Y. Life bldg., tel. main 3692, F. T. Brodix Thomlinson John Co 9th floor Security bldg., tel. main 336 Western Stone Co 320 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 349, M. B. Madden. B.J.Moore Wisconsin Lime and Stone Co Loomis and W. 15th pi. tel. Canal 316, A. H. Halleman Witty J. A. & Co 708 Tacoma bldg., J. A. Witty STONE DEALERS— RUBBLE AND DIMEN- SION STONE. Illinois Stone Co.. .22d and Lumber, tel. canal 136, and Elston av. and Bradley, tel. west 601, 64 B. & T. Ex Joliet Limeston Co., Wm. Douglas sec. and mngr 305 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 3441 Kearns, Prendergast & Bender ..... 4, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 1686, dock 39th and Halsted, tel. Yards 819 Kimbell & Cobb Stone .Co 1220 Cham. Com. tel. main 4759 Lauer Martin W ■ 1001 Marquette bldg., tel. main 3910 Stoll P. G ' 24, 161 X-aSalle, tel. main 3661 STONE DEALERS— SANDSTONE. Arcadian Brown Sandstone, Wm. McMillan & Son agents 315 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 3113 Ashland Brown Stone Co 1006. 108 LaSalle, tel. main 133 173 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY STONE DEALERS— SANDSTONE— Continued. Connecticut Brown Stone Co., Sylvester Marshall & Co. agts..no3 Cham. Com. bldg Euclid Stone Co., E. T. Malone pres., W. L. Malone sec 9th floor Security bldg., 503 B. & T. Ex tel. main 336 Henry Frank (artificial stone) 118 Michigan Kerber-Jacobs Red Stone Co 1015-1016 N. Y. Life bldg,, tel. main 3692 Kettle River Sandstone, Martin & Lyon agis 14 Tribune bldg., tel. main 1999 Minnesota Sandstone Co., Martin & Lyon agts 14 Tribune bldg., tel. main 1999 Portage Entry Quarries Co., E. T. Malone sec. 9th floor Security bldg., tel. main 336 Portland Sandstone, Wm. McMillan & Son agents 315 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 3113 Warrensburg Blue Sandstone, Wm. McMillan & Son agents.. .315 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 3113 STONE DEALERS— CRUSHED. Artesian Stone & Lime Works.. .317 Cham. Com. bldg. tel. main 2647, Thos. O'Connell Chicago Crushed Stone Co 820 The Temple, tel. main 5004, F. M. Montgomery Chicago Union Lime WorksCo. 5, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 234 Clifford Cabel Dolese & Shepard 24, 162 Washington, tel. main Ex. 246, J. H. Shepard Rice Stone Co. Grand av. and W. Ohio, tel. west 82 Henry Rice. George W,'Rice Stearns Lime & Stone Co '...165 E. Randolph, tel. main 854,' R. I. Stearns STONE aUARRYING MACHINERY. Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Co. (The) 1515 Old Colony bldg;, Van Buren s. e. cor. Dearborn Rand Drill Co .1328 Monadnock blk., tel. Harrison 103 STONE SETTERS. Hanson Aug. & Son.... 241 Nt Sangamon, 67 Mas. & Bldrs. Assn., 159 LaSalle • • Hunter Griffith -495 Harrison Lynn F.J..... 307 Sheffield av 174 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY STONE SETTERS— Continued. M'Beath & Krevis..i6, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 3766, Geo. McBeath Richards John 211 Owasco Wood George 4540 Prairie av STUCCO MANUFACTURERS. Mackolite Fire Proofing Co.. 1303, 103-100 Randolph, tel. main 2019 SURVEYORS. Cothroll Wm 708-709, 112 Dearborn, tel. main 4341 Fox Edward E ..... . 702, 84 LaSalle, tel. main 2027 Greeley-Carlson Co 822 Opera House blk., tel. main 1416 Nair J. H. & Co , 1512, 59 Clark, tel. main 4164 Norlin Fred. . . ,. ..711 Opera House bldg Johnson J. L 29, 90 LaSalle, tel. main 3899 Rossiter F. C, 1, 91 Washington, tel. main 2975 Rossiter F. N . 307 Cham. Com. bldg,, tel. main 4362 Vanderlip O. H .. . # 98, 163 Randolph, tel. main 130 Williams Robert..... 7°4, 84 LaSalle TEAMING— GENERAL. Riley Patrick J 8, 90 LaSalle TERRA COTTA. American Terra Cotta & Ceramic Co ..104S Marquette bldg., tel. main 3941 Harris Charles T. & Co 1001 Marquette bldg., tel. main 3910 Northwestern Terra Cotta Co Wrightwood and Cly bourn avs. tel. Lake View 32; city office 1118 Rookery, tel. main 2284 TILE DEALERS. Harris Charles T. & Co ..1001 Marquette bldg., tel. main 3910 Ludowici Roofing Tile Co. . ..318 Cham. Com. bldg., tel. main 692 TILE FLOOR— ORNAMENTAL. Bagley Frederick P. & Co., Georgia marbles. ... .18th St. viaduct, tel. Canal 187 Ceramic Mosaic Tile and Marble Co 46 Jackson Davis Frank L. (mosaics) 405, 225 Dearborn, tel. Harrison 552 Flindall & MaQy (marble) 735-739 W. Kinzie, tet. West 7 s t Hopkins Anson S 1503 Marquette bldg., tel. main 2345 175 A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS^ DIRECTORY TILE FLOOR — ORNAMENTAL — Continued. Keating M . . • ■ • iB-ttS S. Jefferson, tel. main 234$ Marthens & Mead .313-321 S. Clinton tel Harrison ^3 Dodge H. B. & Co 933-934, 108 LaSalle, tel mam 2983 MeikleR.B.Co • 25 S. Clinton, tel mam 9 National Mosaic & Marble Co., F..H. Sammis & Co., sole dealers, 65, 159 LaSalle, tel. main 2324 TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. TT „ ^ T3 , . ..211 Center Hessell Geo. P. ;; :\ . . . Knisely & Yeldham Co Knisely bldg., 68-74 W. Monroe, tel. •main 2749 LINDGREN, G ...232 W. Erie McKeown's Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Works .......... H Rush „ , ~ rt T . .79 Lake,' tel. main 4251 Rood Geo. L /v ' . Q Tresham Walter J 59 Washburne av., tel. Canal 189 TUCK POINTERS, STONE AND BRICK FRONT CLEANERS, ETC. Anderson Bros ■ ^93 W North av Burk*JohnJ * £ T Fx Dnnn Tames 92 Oak, 333 B. & T. Ex ? I rl '■ ..-.976 N.Leavitt Paschen Chris ••••• v/ VENTILATORS. Andrews & Johnson Co. (power and automatic) 250-254 S. Jefferson, tel. main 2106 • . • y J M{ c . ...25 Lake, tel. mam 2765 CoMn X J J ... . .81/159 LaSalie and 25 Chicago av., tel. mam 5003 Exhaust Ventilator Co.. . — E. G. Barrtat, pres .... 1022 Rookery, tel. main 3812 -, T . Sargent Greenleaf & Erooks, globe ventilators..... 43-45 Franklm, tel. main 864 WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Booth lohn 110 Lake ' teL main2295 Chicago Architectural Uon Works. . ...... .Oakley av. and Kinzie, Smith?' ^Wireand Iron Works 52 State, tel. main 2679 lie A. W. BRISTOL'S BUILDERS' DIRECTORY WIRE AND IRON WORKS— Continued. Voss Frederick 617-621 Austin av., tel. West 757 Wheeler E. L.. .. .1131-1133 School, tel. Lake View 230; city office 1S9 LaSalle, tel. main 5370 WIRE LATHING. Clinton Wire Cloth Co .137 Lake, tel. main 1575 Smith F. P. Wire and Iron Works 52 State, tel. main 2769 Voss Frederick.., ... 619-621 Austin av., tel. West 757 WIRE WORKS. American Architectural Iron and Brass Works 96-98 W. Lake, tel. main 4391 Andrews A. H. & Co 215 Wabash av., tel. main 2911 Booth John.... .. .; no Lake, tel. main 2295 Clinton Wire Cloth Co ......... . 137 Lake, tel. main 1575 Smith F. P. Wire and Iron Works 52 State, tel. main 2679 Voss Frederick .617-621 Austin av., tel. West 757 WOOD CARPET AND PARQUET FLOORS. Dunfee J. & Co.... .. ... 104-106 Franklin, tel. main 1894 Wood Mosaic Co.;E. R. Newcomb, mngr 157 Wabash av WOOD CARVERS. Gensch & Hartmann.. — 195 W. Chicago av., tel. main 4128 Strahan Architectural Supply Co ...155 E. Van Buren 177 FOREIGN WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. FOREIGN WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, WITH UNITED STATES EQUIVALENTS. Denomination . Almude Ardeb Arratel or libra. Arroba.. Artal. . . Baril... Candy.. Cantar. Catty . Centner I I Cuadra . . Fanega j Feddan, Gramme Hectoliter Kilogram, or kilo Kilometer . . Koku Last. Libra. Liter . Livre . Maund. Meter. Oka. Where used. Portugal Alexandria Portugal Portugal and Brazil Spain and Buenos Ayres Spain (wine) Morocco Argentine Republic & Mexico Bombay Madras Turkey China . Japan Java, Siam, Malacca Sumatra Bremen Brunswick Darmstadt and Zollverein Denmark and Norway Nuremberg Prussia Vienna Argentine ... Mexico Peru Egypt : Metric Metric Metric Metric Japan < Belgium and Holland (dry) — England, for dry malt Prussia Castilian , Chile Metric Guiana Bengal Bombay — Madras Persia Metric • . Metric (cubic) Metric (square) Egypt Hungary Turkey — 178 U. S. equivalent. 4.422 gallons. 7.6907 bushels. 1. on pounds av. 32,38 pounds. 25.36 pounds. 4.26 gallons. 1.12 pounds av. 20.0787 gallons. 560 pounds av. 500 pounds av. 124.7036 pounds av. 1.333 pounds av. 1. 31 pounds. 1.35 pounds. 2.12 pounds. 127.5 pounds. 117. 5 pounds. 110.24 pounds, no. 11 pounds. 112.43 pounds. 113.44 pounds. 123.5 ponnds. 4.2 acres. 1.54728 bushels. 140 Castilian pounds 1.03 acres. 15.432 grains av. 26.417 quarts. 2.2046 pounds av. 0.621376 miles. .13 bushels. 5.134 bushels. 82.52 bushels. 112. 2Q bushels. 7100 grains troy. 1.014 pounds av. 1.0267 quarts. 1,0791 pounds av. 82.285 pounds av. 28 pounds av. 25 pounds av. 27.32 pounds av. 39.37 inches. 1.308 cubic yards. 1550.0 square inches 2,7235 pounds av. 3.0817 pounds av. 2.83418 pounds av. FOREIGN WEIGHTS AND MEASURES FOREIGN WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, WiTH U. S. EQUIVALENT S^ Continued. Picul. Pie Pic Pik Quarter Quintal . Tael. ......... Tart Tonde (ton) . Vara Borneo and Celebes China and Sumatra Japan Java (Batavia) Hemp of mani)a, Philippine Isls Sugar of manila, Philippine Isl Argentine Republic Castilian ..' l Egypt... Turkey England, •• Brazil Buenos Ayres Castille, Chile, Mexico, Peru. Metric Cochin China. . Japan Denmark Castilian, Curacoa, Cuba and Peru I35-64 pounds av. pounds. 130 pounds. 135.10 pounds. 139-45 pounds. 140 pounds. 0.9478 teet. 0.91407 feet. 21% inches. 27.9 inches. 8.252 bushels. 130.06 pounds av. 101.42 pounds av. 101.61 pounds av. 220.47 pounds. 590.75 grains troy. 0.25 acres. 3.94783 bushels. 0.914117 yard. 33.375 inches. Fineness of the United States Coin. The gold coins are nine-tenths fine; the silver coins, nine-tenths fine; the copper nickel coins, such as the five-cent piece and three-cent piece, are one-fourth nickel and three-fourths copper; the bronze coins are 95 per cent, copper, and 5 per cent, tin and zinc. The alloy in the gold coins is . silver and copper; in the silver coins, copper. Domestic Rates of Postage. First Class. — Letters and all written matter, whether sealed or unsealed, and all other mat- ter sealed, 2 cents per ounce, or fraction thereof. 179 DOMESTIC BATES OF POSTAGE. Drop letters where there is free delivery, 2 cents per ounce, or fraction thereof. Drop letters where there is no delivery, 1 cent for each ounce, or fraction thereof. Second Class. — Newspapers, 4 ounces for 1 cent. Third Class. — Books, circulars, engravings, magazines, music, photographs, etc., 1 cent for each 2 ounces, or fraction thereof. Limit 4 lbs. Fourth Class. — Merchandise, 1 cent each ounce, or fraction thereof. Limit, 4 lbs. Postal cards, either size, 1 cent each. One cent paper wrappers 2 cents each, or 25 for 28 cents. Eegistration fees 8 cents in addition to post- age rates. Immediate delivery, for 10 cents ad- ditional, for any letter in places named by the department. Fees Charged for Money Orders. Orders for sums not exceeding $2.50 . . 3 cents Over $2.50 )> •>* $5.00 .. 5 „ „ $5.00 J? ?> $10.00 .. 8 „ „ $10.00 ?) >? $20.00 .. 10 „ „ $20.00 >> J9 $30.00 .. 12 „ *„ $30.00 >> )> $40.00 .. 15 „ „ $40.00 >J )? $50.00 .. 18 „ „ $50.00 )> >) 180 $60.00 .. 20 „ FEES CHARGED FOR MONEY ORDERS. Over $60.00 and not exceeding $75.00 . . 25 » $ 75 -°0 , : , „ $100.00 .. 30 £ Annual Salaries of Principal United States Officers. LEGISLATIVE. President... $50000 Vice-President g qqq • Secretary of State 8000 Secretary of Treasury g'oOO Secretary of Interior g qqq Secretary of Navy. „ 8 000 Secretary of War \ qqqq Secretary of Agriculture 8 000 Postmaster-General [ g000 Attorney-General , > g'ooo Speaker of House of Representatives. . . . 8,000 United States Senators 5^000 Representatives in Congress. 5,000 181 POPULATION OF THE LARGER CITIES. Population of the Larger Cities of the United States in order of their size. New York N. Y 1,513,501 Chicago HI 1,098,576 Philadelphia Pa 1,044,894 St. Louis Mo 460,857 Brooklyn N. Y 806,343 Boston Mass 446,507 Baltimore Md 434,151 San Francisco Cal 297,990 Cincinnati O 296,308 Cleveland ..O 251,546 Buffalo N. Y 254,457 New Orleans. La 241,995 Pittsburg Pa 238,473 Washington D. C 229,796 Detroit Mich.......... 205,669 Milwaukee Wis 204,150 Newark ..N.J 181,518 Minneapolis Minn 164,738 Jersey City..... ,N. J .... 163,987 Louisville Ky 161,00o Omaha Neb. ......... -139,526 Kochester N. Y. ./ 138,327 St Paul Minn.... 133,156 Kansas City..... Mo 132,416 Providence K.I... 132,043 182 POPULATION OF THE LARGER CITIES Indianapolis . . Ind 107,445 Alleghany Pa... 106,967 Denver..,., Col 106,760 Albany . . n; ■ Y 94,640 Columbus . : ■. O 90 398 Syracuse N. Y 87,877 Worcester... Mass 84,536 Scranton Pa.. 83,450 .New Haven Conn .......... 81,451 Toledo • .0 81,434 Richmond Va 80,838 /Paterson N. j; 78,358 Lowell. .Mass 77,635 Nashville Tenn 76,309 Fall River Mass 74,351 Cambridge Mass 69,837 Atlanta Ga 65,514 Memphis Tenn 64,586 Grand Rapids Mich 64,174 Wilmington .Del 61,437 Troy.... ....N. Y V... 60,605 Reading ........Pa 58,926 Dayton O./. 58,856 Linc oln Neb 55,491 Charleston. . S. C 54,592 Hartf ord Conn 53,182 St. Joseph Mo 52,811 183 POPULATION OF THE LARGER CITIES. Evansville Ind 50,674 Los Angeles ....Cal 50,394 Des Moines Ia 50,067 Bridgeport Conn 48,856 Oakland.... Cal '. . . 48,590 Portland Ore 48,294 Saginaw Mich 46,169 Salt Lake City Utah 45,025 Lawrence Mass 44,654 Springfield Mass 44,164 Utica. N. Y 44,001 Manchester N H 43,983 Seattle Wash 43,914 Hoboken N. J 43,561 Savannah Ga. 41,762 Peoria Ill 40,758 New Bedford Mass 40,705 Harrisburg Pa 40,164 Somerville Mass 40,117 Erie Pa 39,699 San Antonio' Tex 38,681 Kansas City.. Kan 38,170 Dallas Tex . 38,140 Sioux City ".Ia....; 37,862 Elizabeth N.J.l. 37,670 Wilkesbarre ........... Pa 37,651 Covington Ky 37,375 184 POPULATION OF THE LARGER CITIES. Portland . . .Me 36,608 Tacoma .Wash. .' 35,858 Holyoke Mass 35,528 Port Wayne Ind 35,349 Norfolk Va 35,154 Binghampton N. Y 35,093 Wheeling W. Va 35,052 Youngstown O 33,199 Augusta Ga 33,150 Duluth Minn 32,725 Springfield Ill 32,135 Lancaster Pa 32,090 Yonkers N. Y 31,945 Mobile Ala 31,822 Topeka Kan 31,809 Quincy HI 31,478 Salem Mass 30.735 Trenton N. J 58,488 Camden ...N. J..' 58,274 Lynn. , . .Mass 55,684 Long Island City N. Y 30,396 Terre Haute.. Ind 30,287 185 POPULATION OF THE LARGER CITIES Population of the Larger Cities of the United States in alphabetical order. Albany ...NY 94,640 Alleghany Pa 106,967 Atlanta Ga 65,514 Augusta Ga 33,150 Baltimore Md ' . . . 434,151 Binghampton N. Y 35,093 Boston.. Mass 446,507 Bridgeport Conn . . . . • 48,856 Brooklyn.... N. Y 806,343 Buffalo NY 254,457 Cambridge Mass 69,837 Camden ...N.J...': 58,274 Charleston S. C 54,592 Chicago 111.... 1,098,576 Cincinnati O...... 296,308 Cleveland » O 251,546 Columbus O....... 90,398 Covington Ky 37,375 Dallas ...Tex 38,140 Dayton . 0 ' 58,856 Denver .Col... 106,760 Des Moines ..Ia 50,067 Detroit Mich 205,669 Duluth •. Minn 32,725 186 POPULATION OF THE LARGER CITIES. Elizabeth N. J 37,670 Erie Pa 39,699 Evansville .Ind 50,674 Fall Kiver . .Mass 74,351 Fort Wayne Ind 35,349 Grand Eapids . Mich 64,174 Harrisburg Pa 40,164 Hartford Conn 53,182 Hoboken . N. J. 43,561 Holyoke Mass ' 35,528 Indianapolis .... ...... Ind 107,445 Jersey City N. J . 163,987 Kansas City Kan 38,170 Kansas City Mo 132,416 Lancaster. ..Pa.. 32,090 Lawrence . . . Mass 44,654 Lincoln . Neb * 55,491 Long Island City N. Y 30,396 Los Angeles Cal 50,394 Louisville Ky.... , 161,005 Lowell..... .Mass 77,635 Lynn Mass 55,684 Manchester ...N. H 43,983 Memphis... .Tenn ' 64,586 Milwaukee Wis 204,150 Minneapolis Minn 164,738 Mobile. Ala 31,822 187 POPULATION OF THE LARGER CITIES. JJUfl If:)! :5V I l!tl • Nashville Tenn 76,3' Newark N.J 181,518 New Bedford Mass ......... 40,705 New Haven Conn 81 ,451 New Orleans La 241,995 New York ...NY 1,513,501 Norfolk... .....Va 35,154 Oakland Cal 48,590 Omaha Neb 139,526 Paterson N. J... . 78,358 Peoria 111.. 40,758 Philadelphia Pa 1,044,894 Pittsburg Pa. 238,473 Portland Me. 36,608 Portland Ore 48,294 Providence K.I 132,043 Quincy 111..... 31,478 Beading... ....Pa 58,926 Richmond Va 80,838 Rochester ............. N. Y 138,327 St. Joseph .Mo 52,811 St. Louis Mo 460,357 St. Paul ..Minn.. 133,156 Saginaw Mich.. 46,169 Salem Mass 30.735 Salt Lake City Utah 45,025 San Antonio Tex. ., ....... 38,681 188 Is POPULATION OF THE LARGER CITIES. San Francisco . . Cal. 297,990 Savannah Ga 41,762 IScranton...- Pa 83,450 Seattle.. Wash 43,914 E Sioux City ...Ia... 37,862 : Somerville Mass 40,117 Springfield Ill .•• 32 > 135 | Springfield Mass 44,164 Syracuse NY 87,877 Tacoma .Wash 35,858 ' Terre Haute Ind 30,287 | Toledo.... .......O . 81,434 Topeka Kan 31,809 \ Trenton N. J .... . .... '58,488 Troy N.Y 60,605 lutica.; .N.Y......... 44,001 Washington D. 0 229,796 Wheeling W. Va 35,052 Wilkesbarre Pa 37,651 I Wilmington .....Del 61,437 I Worcester Mass 84,536 ' Yonkers ....N.Y 31,945 I Youngstown .0 • 33,199 X80 Would you like to add $.50,000 to your estate? 1 Will you allow me to tell you ho« you can do it ? Can- you lay aside $584 a yeaf: for such a purpose? If you can, would you like to con- sider a proposition that, would add $50,000 to the value of your estate as soon as the first payment is made ? If you cannot spare so much from your income, would you consider a proposition to add $40,000 at an annual outlay of $467. 20, or $30,000 for $350,40; or $2Q,000j for $233.60; or $10,000 forj $116.80; or $5,000 for $58.40? I If either of these would interest you, send your name, address and date of birthday, month and year to Yours truly, W. A. MOORE, 701 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. How About That Mortgage? If you should die could your wife pay it off? Would it not be better to pay a a strong company a small sum each year while you live, to pay that mortgage w-hen you die? If you find it hard to make a liv- ing and meet the interest, how hard would she find it ? SEND ADDRESS AND DATE OF BIRTH TO W. A. MOORE 701 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHICAGO, ILL. i THE mm COLLEGE PflESS WHEATON, ILL. DOES ALL KINDS OP" PRINTING Promptly and at reasonable rates. SEND FOR ESTIMATES. E. W. Dresser, flgr. 1896 JANUARY 28 29 JULY 28 29 1897 JANUARY 28 FEBRUARY AUGUST FEBRUARY 27 28 28 28 W T 27 MARCH SEPTEMBER MARCH 28 27 28 29 28 29 6 13 19 20 26 27 OCTOBER 28 28 28 MAY NOVEMBER M AY 28 29 28 M T W T F S 28 JUNE DECEMBER JUNE '5 22 28139 28 yNIVER9ITY OF ILUNOiS-URBANA 3 0112 054940843