sun tag pan pen IS eat are ask go let dry man hem map paw pen rap ram sun run ask shy pet hop t wag sit sew sow rub eat A pad saw die . rip set win bat bat see tow set go dig cut lap tan tap wet • 'X&'W. sow hop man tub ram sag I ■i saw pit VU. Jib fib sit sob . ■ pat _ -m hug rat * hum mat add say lay lie rub rot see Cari> Domi.voes lira* out fv>ur cards to «»«.. f layer, turning all that are left over face down in a pile. The first player lays down any card from hii. hand that he please.' . The next one must match one of hi* cards to the out on uie tabu:, fitting the ends together domino style; that is. if a caid with the words tan-tap on it is on the table, the second player mast find in his hand some card which has either one of these two words and place it nr*! to the end of the played card which it matches If he cannot so match, be draws a card from the pile. If still he cannot play, he must pass. Plav continues by matching as in dominota. Aftei thepiieis entirely used, players just pass when they cannot match. The object is to get riel of the cards iu the hands. The first one to olay all of hi& wins by a many ».*.*n:* as there are cards left in .»• hinds w. * v » other play*!* j