331.88 T977 Boston Evening Telegram. A ! . - The only 8-page Penny Democrat Daily in Boston. \ of the:. A A ▲ ^ A. A * A A A A A A A S ^ -y ^N- .W .W ^ .v^ .\V .V 1 ^ AV .\^ .\V A*^ n'^ ,^r BOSTON TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION 1ST o. 13. ^- N . Jjy ^>‘ ^>' aV As-' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^>* ^>* ^ cw/.: .\m v r> « e*> (£ r QDpfideptial fetter. 12 Hawley Place, Room 3, Boston, June 12, 1895. To the Chairman : Dear Brother —At the May meeting of Boston Typographical Union No. 13 the following recommendation of the Executive Committee was adopted : That a member of this Union be employed to organize the book and job compositors and compositors working on other than daily or Sunday newspapers ; to collect such statistics as may be possible as to the number and location of printing offices (newspapers not included); number and sex of compositors—union and non-union—and apprentices, and such other in¬ formation as may seem desirable for the better organization of this Union. The indications of the times seem to show that we are already beginning to recover from our late business depression, and that our trade, with others, will of necessity experience the general prosperity ; therefore, we, as trade-unionists, should take advantage at once of the opportunity, that we may reap whatever benefits we can through our organization. In order to do this successfully our organization should have a larger percentage of the craft in its ranks, especially the Book and Job Compositors. Will you help ? The effectiveness of a Trade’s Union depends largely upon the work of those in whose hands the carrying out of the laws are placed, and the strength of the organ¬ ization is measured by their efforts; in this union we have the Chairmen of Chapels upon whom this duty falls. . As I have been chosen Organizer by the Executive Committee to carry out the provisions of the above recommendations, I would most respectfully and earnestly call upon you to do all in your power to assist me in the performance of this duty, as it is to the benefit of all compositors that those outside of our ranks become inter¬ ested in, and finally members of our organization. Will you kindly give me the name and addresses of any person working at the business,—not members of the Union—either in or outside of your office, and any other information that may be useful to me in the work of organizing. You can write freely (using the other side of this letter), as your communica¬ tion will be considered confidential by Yours fraternally, CHAS. O. WOOD, Organizer For B. T. U. No. 13, of Book and Job Compositors. Arthur G. Davis. President , Typographical Union No. ij . The darlow cycle co. . Cycle Manufacturers and Dealers. -MAKERS OF- The World Renouined Brighton Flyer FROM 17 TO 28 LBS. - TERMS dNb PRICES TO SUIT ALL. 473 TREMONT STREET. ITiHE Wheel for 1894 is to be the Flyer. We are now scouring the country for all the latest ideas, and the year ’94 will see us with the most perfect Wheel that has ever been offered to the public. NOTICE -=z: CYCLISTS IS EL W ARE And do not get your repairs done by unskilled workmen, because there is * : DANQER : * In so doing. There is no better place to get your repairs done than at a Bicycle Manufactory, therefore, when you want any repairs done, i RIDE 5TRAIQHT 1 To the DARLOW C\ T CLE CO., 473 Tremont Street, Boston, who are bicycle makers, and employ a large staff of skilled workmen, and are " CAPABLE " Of undertaking the most difficult repairs as well as the simplest ; we also have the finest stock of Cygle Sundries in Boston, Bells, Lamps, Wrenches, Tires, etc., etc. Wheels built to your own order and weight. DARLOW CYCLE CO., 473 Tremont Street, Boston. BREWED BY A. <1. VAN NOSTRAND, BUNKER HILL BREWERIES, Established 1821. CHARLESTOWN, BOSTON. iisftlg.®' V Se p\vv^ Aire r t ul; -u ia alolts ' < ‘JJr 1 u.p %. ~ V;im i o Paoi^ > A>eU> 3 ris) ;>%% s ?°£ A <*•.<>, %* -• l f J*®? J 12^“||D = \Ci\Vv. s '“ uri ;; r x AV i:in; ’-^so l 7 , ~ “>■? ej \N ®wct ~ — '// - F i '■'-'l'* v ** * [o’? Ul : o-' ll ii , f‘! S l oe ^ « S a w 0** £ : air'f i - / ~ \i ''• "V^uV 20 •-'A . A ) S u ' J '-> , s \.n l v^ P x 3_-\? • c it 1,1 ~ l : : a . ') - -2 q.v '£ N ^'c - "s * V/ £^ f V ~ 0^0 \\X pa ~ '< '|' l uco J 4u__ rqua^ 2 ih^s;oar“ iO\ cy f, ON* . BOSTON TYPE FOUNDRY, No. 104 Milk Street, BOSTON. < 9 e Telephone, No. 432 . O - -C s iUe 3 s *fe ^ o ne*i 1 (I0B U 3 as= l! • -s, bqM iTntffP ® ,vo^ S') -% 3$ p d t a 3 V s">, ^ ,j- 1 cS° ® < ^ * 1 3 ^ 5-1 A2 * \\ \\ r 5 1 tea o£ gJ& 11 5 yv 'a v. L /) « ^ * £> ’ ^ 7/ • £5. O J*C - r? & e^OiJ ■5 e - ^ . “A pssP 9 $, 5 ^ -5 F s*, si r-i 'V q, ^ \ . ■ ^ ^o^/e zT - un"?4e)i -qF e"f &l®bP li ■^o?pr»0 «i© d tda«p qs l nl ' 3 OUl^ o^o«V 5 r'-r- „v,' '/-o, _ yos ’UFfUtSr. j pHtO®. os ] r acntP UJ i r to) *»& S?oV '«--S ,ro- eg "Ol'b: [—P Psii as fp 1 -s"^ - r ^A■ f ' 1 Th * «c+y. 1 4')*>-r, 11 fci J p i-s ■ I ,>V W -S, ^ -•- ■ i js r s a^ ^ PicKioson Electrotype Foundery, 150 Congress street, Boston. Cuts of Every Style, @St!b)@r ®f {c^f PI©e Cut Ji®ib W®rHo ^ ., Ci r— S2 -®!C(U i c =a uX M 9 > w AO E Pe *iu,r*e°l c ’Pi ,n’. u o iu U C S O r«>«|ejthi’ sd& C S 4 i na 03 9 H'iic , O—^ OJT; r«f M £S %<• v,— ,Cqes made to meas¬ ure. Repairing done in the very neatest manner. Rubber Work a specialty. For Sale : A Good Stock of Men's and Boys’ Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. A. J. TIBBETTS Drew’s Old Stand. C. 1b. Simons & Co. McLaughlin & Johnson’s printers 297 Congress Street Boston, flbass. IRestaurant auO Xuncb IRoom, Now at No. 7 Spring Lane, up one flight. Large, Light and Airy. Good Food served quickly at Moderate Prices. TRY IT 1 JL 3 0112 061415 02 WOOD ENGRAVING— r HALF TONE PHOTO ENGRAVING^ The only house oivino patrons a choice of methoos L havinc facilities for executing the entire work in one establishment — -send for estimates — . we U6£ the BEST Known /methods We use the t Enamel 4" ; f; Process Therefore our Half=tone Plates are unexcelled. The Aldine Engraving Co., 681 Washington Street, Boston.