UNIVERSITY OF ILUNClo LIBRARY AT URBAiMA-CHAMPAIGN ILL HIST. SURVEY J U. S. RAILROAD DIRECTORY. FOR SALE BY THE PUBLISHER, isro- ie& :P:E.A.:R:II. STREET., NEW-YORK. OK receipt of the money and address, a copy will be forwarded to any part of the United States, postage prepaid. IN PAPER COVER, FOR ONE DOLLAR ; BOUND IN MUSLIN, FOR ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTEEN CENTS the fraction can be remitted in postage stamps. TWELVE COPIES FOR TEN DOLLARS, TWENTY-FIVE COPIES FOR TWENTY DOLLARS to be forwarded at the expense of the pur- chaser. COOKE'S RAILROAD MAPS. THESE Maps were so popular that the first impression is entirely exhausted. A new Map, corrected to the latest dates, is now ready, and will be supplied, wholesale or retail, by the subscriber. They can be transmitted by mail or express to any part of the Union. Price, $1.50, for the Map of the Western States. IN PREPARATIO N: A Railroad Map of the Eastern States, Similar to the above, and at the same price. Will be ready for de- livery in June. A liberal discount to those who purchase by the quantity. B. HOMANS, Office of the Bankers' Magazine, No. 162 Pearl Street, New- York, THE UNITED STATES RAILROAD DIRECTORY, FOR 1856. COMPILED BY BENJAMIN HOMANS. TO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLY. NEW-YORK : B. HOMANS, 162 PEARL STREET 1856. ENTEUHD, according to Act of Congress, In the year 1856, by - BENJAMIN IIOMANS, .in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York. JOHN A. GKAY'S SALAMANDKE PKtNTIHG-OFFICB, 16 and IS Jacob street, N. Y. INTRODUCTION. THE first number of a work like the present, gotten up at short notice, must be necessarily imperfect. The labor of collecting the materials was commenced on the 1st of December last, and the book put to press early in February. Impressed with the belief that such a compilation, which had never before been attempted, would be acceptable to every Railroad officer and to the public, the present volume is issued as an experiment. It is not as complete as the publisher wished to make it, but it is as full as the materials and information at hand would allow. If favorably received, and encouraged, such improvements will be introduced into the succeeding volumes, as time and further experience may suggest Disappointment in the receipt of lists of officers has caused eome delay, and a few leading Roads are omitted altogether; every effort short of downright importunity having failed to secure them. Several came too late to appear ha their proper order, and are therefore, unavoidably placed at the end. The * at the title of a Road, in- dicates that the list of officers was not obtained from the company, but from other sources and the best within reach. For convenient reference, the names of Directors are placed in alphabetical order, except where they reside in different towns or counties; in that case, the residences are given alphabetically. The tables of Rail- roads arranged by States may or may not be wholly correct ; for this reason, the aggregates of miles are omitted. A general alphabetical list of all the Railroads in the United States, numbering over 500, besides 80 branches, is affixed. Some of these Roads are only in embryo ; others are in progress, and a portion designated by then- familiar instead of their legal titles. It is probable that in a few instances the same Road may be repeated under different names, changes being of frequent occurrence. "When a Road runs through two or more States, it is placed among those of the State in which the principal office is situated. Few persons have an idea of the large amount of capital invested in Railroads throughout the United States ; and very many will, perhaps, be surprised to learn IV INTRODUCTION. that it exceeds SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS, more than double the amount of banking capital. An interest so vast, reaching almost every village in the Union, and affecting the comfort and convenience of the whole community, must command a large share of attention. If encouraged to issue another volume, the Publisher proposes to include in the next all the statistics and characteristics of Railroads that it is desirable for the public to know. Among these may be enumerated : . 1. Date of Charter, Organization, Commencing operations, Opening Road, Meet- ing of Stockholders, and Election of officers. 2. Amount of Chartered Capital; amount subscribed and paid in; amount owned by States, corporations, and individuals. 3. Length of mam Road and Branches, total as well as separately in each State; Gauge ; Weight and Pattern of Rail. 4. Number of miles completed, in progress, or under contract. The whole to be arranged in tabular and succinct forms. 5. Cost of construction, including grading, bridges, masonry, and superstructure ; of Depots and Buildings of all kinds ; and of Rolling Stock ; also, average cost per mile. 6. Funded and Floating Debt ; Description of Bonds, when due, rate of interest, when and where payable. This information will be exceedingly valuable to everyone interested in Railroad securities, either as stock or bond holders. To collect and arrange it, will require much time and labor. It is proposed to devote the ensuing summer and fall to that object, so that the next volume may be out early in the year 1857. An effort was made, without avail, to obtain the names and particulars of the various Railroads in Canada. The next may be attended with better success. An advertising sheet will accompany the succeeding volumes. Cards, Notices, etc., will be inserted on the usual terms. The value of this description of advertis- ing is too well understood to need a word of urging. Corrections and additioua at au early day are solicited, in order that they may be used if a second edition of the present volume should be called for. The Publisher returns his sincere thanks to the officers of Railroad companies for their prompt replies to calls upon them for information, and hopes to be favored with their continued aid. NEW- YORK, March, 1856. UNITED STATES RAILROAD DIRECTORY, O H 1856. MAINE. ANDROSCOGGIN RAILROAD. From Leeds Junction to Livermore Falls, 20 miles. In progress to Farmington, 16 miles farther. OFFICE at Lewiston, Maine. President, Alonzo G-arcelon Lewiston 7 DIRECTORS. Alonzo Garcelon, J. B. Jones, Giddings Lane, Ensign Otis, Oliver Pettengill, S. H. Read, John Smith. Secretary, S. H. Road, " Treasurer, , . .John Gil morn. T,r>firis. Superintendent, . Chief-Engineer, . Master of Machin i f Ticket Agents, < .William Small. .A. P. Wilds. y, John Kanfer. .Harris Garcelon. .Uriah Foss, CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, Darius Goff. 1 MAINE. ANDROSCOGGIN AND KENNEBEC RAILROAD. From Portland to Waterville, Maine, 82 miles. OFFICE at Waterville, Maine. President, Dennis L. Miller. Treasurer, Joshua Nye, Jr. Superintendent, Edwin Noyes. Master of Transp.... . . Charts M. Morse. 7 DIRECTORS. Charles M. Bailey, Winthrop, Ira Crocker, Portland, John M. Frye, Lewiston, Asher Hinds, Benton, William M. Longley, Greene, Dennis L. Milliken, Waterville, Anson P. Morrill, Readfield. CONDUCTORS OF Charles 0. Baker, C. M. Barrell, ) Passenger f William Bodge. J Trains. I ATLANTIC AND ST. LAWRENCE RAILROAD. From Portland to Island Pond, Vermont, connecting with Grand Trunk Railway, 149 miles. OFFICE, Passenger Station, Portland, Maine. President, St. John Smith. 7 DIRECTORS. Vice-President, Phinehas Barnes. Secretary, B. Cushman. Phinehas Barnes. Treasurer, Charles E. Barrett. Charles E. Barrett, Superintendent, Solomon T. Corser. John B. Brown, Solomon H. Chandler, George F. Shipley, St. John Smith, John M. Wood. This Koad is leased to the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, and ope- rated by them. MAINE. 3 BUCKFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. From Buckfield to 3fechanic Falls, 13 miles. OFFICE, Buckfield Railroad Station. Proprietor ^Manager, Francis 0. J. Smith. Auditor, J. Harlow. Road-Master, James C. Burrows. Master of Transp.,.. . . Jarius Harlow. Master of Machinery, G. "W. Wadleigh. 1. . . . J. Harlow, I. "W. Marshal], . . . ."W. L. Bonney. * CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, P. 0. S. Howe. This Road will soon be in operation from Canton Point to Mechanic Fall*, making total length 27 miles. KENNEBEC AND PORTLAND RAILROAD. From Augusta to Portland, 60, Brunswick to Bath, IQ OFFICE at Augusta, Maine. . 7 ft miks ' President, Allen Lambard, Augusta. Secretary, A. B. Thompson. Treasurer, A. H. Gilman, Augusta. Superintendent, E. C. Hyde, Bath. Attorneys, "Williams & Cutler. Road-Master, Allen Colby. Master of Machinery, Daniel H. Davis. John Murphy, W. Hatch, Jr., CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. 8 DIRECTORS. Joseph Berry, Eowdoinham, Eben Frye, Augusta, F. T. Lally, Gardiner, G. F. Patten, Bath, "W". D. Sewall, " F. J. Southard, Richmond, A. B. Thompson, Brunswick, Reuel Williams, Augusta. Jacob Sr.nds, Levi L. Lincoln. Freight Train, William Mitchell. MAINE. *LEWISTON AND TOPSHAM (MAINE) RAILROAD. From OFFICE, President, F. T. Purinton. Secretary & Treas.,* .H. W. Owen. 7 DlEECTORS. S. A. Hougbton, Bath, G. W. Kendall, " Oliver Moses, W. M. Rogers, " Cephas Farnsworth, Lisbon, H. L. Holland, F. T. Purinton, Topsham. This Road is not yet built PORTLAND, SACO, AND PORTSMOUTH RAILROAD. From Portland, Maine, to Portsmouth, N. H., 51 miles. OFFICE, 7 DIRECTORS. President, Ichabod Goodwin, Portsmouth. Secretary, Charles E. Barrett, Portland. Treasurer, Eliphalet Nott. Superintendent, John Russell, Jr., Portland. I. Goodwin, Portsmouth, N.H., Josiah Calef, Saco, Me., Chas. E. Barrett, Portland, Me., J. D. Lang, Vassalborough, " Jas. Hayward, Boston, Mass., Albert Thorndike, Beverly, " Thomas "West, Haverhill,, " MAINE. SOMERSET AND KENNEBEC RAILROAD. From Augusta to Skowhegan, J/e., 37 miles. OFFICE, President, Joseph Eaton, Winslow. Secretary & Treas,,. .Samuel P. Shaw, Waterville. Superintendent, Francis Chase, Augusta. 9 DIRECTORS. Lot M. Morrell, Augusta, David Bronson, Bath, Abner Cobourn, Bloomfield, Samuel Judkins, Fairneld, Samuel Robinson, Skowhegan, Ebenezer Frye, Valparaiso, John D. Lang, Samuel P. Shaw, "Waterville, Joseph Eaton, Window. YORK AND CUMBERLAND RAILROAD. From Portland, Me., to Saco River , (in BuxtonJ) 18 miles. OFFICE at Depot, Portland, Maine. President, Jabez C. Woodman. Secretary, , Lewis Pierce. Treas. & Superint., . . S. W. Eaton. Attorney, Jabez C. Woodman. Master of Machinery, Z. Lord. . .E. Higgins, Jr., . .0. B. Howard, m. 7 . .F. Partridge, Ticket Agents, \ ^ >R & _ Harding, . .Joseph Dunnell, . .William C. Palmer. 7 DIRECTORS. Horace V. Bartol, William G. Chadbourn, Samuel Hanson, Samuel Jordan, Levi Morrill, John M. Wood, Jabez 0. Woodman. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, Humphrey Cousins. Freight Trains, A. P. Pennell. NEW -HAMPSHIRE. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. BOSTON, CONCORD, X AND MONTREAL RAILROAD. From Concord, N~. JT., to Wells River, J 7 ?., 93 miles. OFFICE at Plymouth, N. H. President, Clerk, Treasurer, .... Superintendent, Resident-Engineer, . . . Attorney, Head-Master, Hosier of Transp., . . . Master of Machinery, Ticket Master, Cashier & Paymaster, Josiah Quincy, Romney, N. H Charles Lane, Gilford, N. H. George Minot, Concord, N. H, J. M. Whiton, Plymouth, C. H. Latham, " Josiah Quincy, Romney, J. J. Sanborn, Lake Village, Jos. A. Dodge, Plymouth, Geo. Stevens, Lake Village, I. L. Rogers, Plymouth, C. E. Twombly, Plymouth, DIRECTORS. Ira Goodall. Bath, N. H. OssianD. Ashley, Boston,Masa. Holmes Hinkley, " " G. B. Chandler, Concord N. H. J. M. Whiton, Holderness, " John T. Coffin, Laconia, " Josiah Quincy, Romney, " Seth Greenleafj J. S. Russ, David Ferguson, A. L. Smith, 0. R, Farrar, G. E. Nutting, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. freight Trains. Geo. W. Little. L. D. "Whitcher, H. "W. Ramsey, Charles Hicks. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. COCIIECO RAILROAD. From Dover, N. H., to Alton Bay, N. H., 28 miles. OFFICE at Dover, N. H. President, Secretary, , Treasurer, , Superintendent, .... Attorney, Road-Master, Master of Transp., . . Master of Machinery, Ticket Agents, William Hale. Charles W. Woodman. A. P. Hanson. A. Kimball, Jr. Charles W. Woodman. Joseph Young. William P. Osborne. James E. Morrill. D. S. Morrison, .1. H. Ela, .Joseph E. Jones, .Nehemiah Morrison, .Smith Emerson, .Andrew I. Brown. 7 DIRECTORS. Thomas H. Gushing, William Hale, George M. Herring, William Hill, Thomas W. Pierce, Joseph H. Smith, Stephen S. Stone. CONDUCTORS OF James E. Furnald, Passenger Trains. Charles Woodman. Freight Trains. Oilman Miller. CONCORD RAILROAD. From Nashua, N. H., to Concord, N. H., 35 miles. OFFICE at Station, Concord, N. H. President, Isaac Spalding, Nashua, N. H. Clerk, John H. George, Concord, Superintendent, N. G. Upham, Paymaster, James W. Sargent, Road-Master, ... . .Calvin Gray, Master of Transp., . . . James A. Weston, Master of Machinery, John Kimball, Ticket Agent, John H. Elliott, 7 DIRECTORS. Uriel Crocker, John S. Kidder, F. C. Manning, Charles H. Peasloe, A. C. Pierce, Isaac Spalding, Josiah Stickney. CONDUCTORS OF George Clough, Passenger Trains. Robert N. Corning. Freeman Webster, Freight Trains. C. W. Blood. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. CONTOOCOOK VALLEY RAILROAD. From Contoocookville to Hillsborough, 14 miles. OFFICE at Concord, N. H. t DIRECTORS. John Aiken, Enos Blake, James Boyd, John G. Fuller, Matthew Harvey, David Steele, John "Whipple. TRUSTEES. Anthony Colby, I. B. French, Fitz Henry Homer. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger and Freight Trains, George B. "Warde. Run by the Trustees of the 1st Mortgage Bondholders. Matthew Harvey. Clerk, I. M. "Whiton, Jr. Treasurer, John W. Dodge. Superintendent, Joseph A. Gilmore. Road-Master, Dudley Clifford. Master of Transp., . . . George P. Cummings. Ticket Clerk, G. P. Cummings. GREAT FALLS AND CONWAY RAILROAD. From Great Falls, N. H., to WaJeefield, N. H., 20 miles. OFFICE, No. 22 Market street, Great Falls, N. H. President, Oliver Hill, Great Falls. Secretary, ) Treasurer, and. . . . > Albert A. Perkins, " Superintendent, . . . ) Engineer, George L. "Whitehouse, " Attorneys, "Wells & Burleigh, Road-Master, Frank H. Smith, Master of Transp., . . . Moses Rollins, Master of Machinery, J. Tucker, Union Village, K H. Ticket Agent, "Wingate Perkins, Great Falls. 7 DIRECTORS. Owen W. Davis, Great Falls, Oliver Hill, " Nathaniel "Wells, " J. Smith, Centre Ossipee, N.H., Asa Beacham, J. Tredick, Union Village, " T. M.Wentworth, Lebanon, Me. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, Moses B. Canney, Union Village, N. H. Freight Trains, George A. Beacham, " " NEW-HAMPSHIRE. MANCHESTER AND LAWRENCE RAILROAD. From Manchester ', N. IT., to Lawrence, Mass., 26 miles. OFFICE at Manchester, N. H. President, E. J. M. Hale. Secretary, "William C. Clarke. Treasurer, D. J. Daniels. Superintendent Joseph A. Gilmore. Attorney, William C. Clarke. Road-Master, Dudley Clifford. Master of Transp., . . . C. Henry Hurlburt. Master of Machinery, John M. Sanborn. Ticket Agent, James R. Kendrick. 6 DIRECTORS. David A. Bunton, John Flint, E. J. M. Hale, Joseph ow, William G. Means, Nathaniel G. White. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, James P. Eaton. Freight Trains, Samuel Stevens. MERRBIACK AND CONNECTICUT RIVER RAILROAD. From Concord, N. H., to Bradford, N. H., 27, ) . 7 K Q / " Manchester, N~. H., to Henniker, N. H., 26, \ U *** 5< OFFICE, Concord R. R. Passenger Depot, at Concord, N. H. TREASURER'S OFFICE, No. 9 Railroad Exchange, Boston, Mass. President, Anthony Colby. 7 DIRECTORS. Secretary, William L. Foster. Treasurer, George A. Kettell. Anthony Colby, Superintendent, Onslow Stearns. Moses A Hodgdon, Road-Master, William H. Bennett. George A. Kettell, Master of Transp., . . .H. C. Sherburne. George W. Nesmith, Ticket Agent, Amos C. Warren. H. D. Robertson, Onslow Stearns, David Steele. Moses E. Gould, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. C. W. Everitt. Dustin W. Waldron. 10 NEW-HAMPSHIRE. NASHUA AND LOWELL RAILROAD. From Nashua, N. H., to Lowell, Mass., 15 miles. OFFICE at Nashua, N. H.. President, Robert Read. Treasurer, William P. Ainsworth. Superintendent, George Stark. Road-Master, J. B. Eaton. Master of Transp., . . . Charles E. Paige. Master of Machinery, John M. Sanborn. Ticket Agent, L. H. Clement. 5 DIRECTORS. William Amory, Boston, F. B. Crowninshield, " Edmund Parker, Nashua, Robert Read, " D. S. Richardson, LowelL CONDUCTORS OP fPassenge Trains. Noah Whitman, ) Freight E. Sumner, J Trains. R. E. Dewey, ^ Passenger ( L. W. Currier. Noah Whitman, [ JVez'^ ( R. Walker. This Company also operate the Wilton Road from Nashua to Wilton, 15 miles, and the Stony Brook Road from Lowell to Groton Junction, 17 miles. NORTHERN (N. H.) RAILROAD. From Concord, N~. H., to West-Lebanon, JST. H., 69 miles. OFFICE, Concord R. R. Passenger Depot, at Concord, N. H. TREASURER'S OFFICE, No. 9 Railroad Exchange, Boston, Mass. President and Agent, .Onslow Stearns. Secretary, William L. Foster. Treasurer, George A. Kettell. Ass't Superintendent, . William M. Parker. Attorneys, George & Foster, Concord,N.H. Road-Master, Benjamin Bailey. Master of Transp., . . .George E. Todd. Master of Machinery, James Sedgely. Ticket Agent, Amos C. Warren. CONDUCTORS OP 7 DIRECTORS. John A. Burnham, Joseph W. Clark, Uriel Crocker, George A. Kettell, Josiah Minott, George W. Nesmith, Onslow Stearns. G-. W. Barnes, ) Passenger ( H. S. Shattuck. 0. F. Morse, f Trains. \ A. C. Bean, 1 f A. H. Hall, John S. Brown, Freight I. F. Hobbs, R, M. Evans, Trains. E. H. Mead. A. B. Farnham, NEW-HAMPSHIRE. 11 PORTSMOUTH AND CONCORD RAILROAD. From Portsmouth to Concord, N. H., 47 miles. OFFICE, No. 21 Bridge street, President, Alfred W. Haven. Proprietors' Clerk, . .Brackett Hutchings. Treasurer, Thomas L. Tullock. Superintendent, James W. Emery. Attorney, James "W. Emery. Road-Master. Josiah H. San born. Master of Transp., . . .Joseph D. Pillow. Master of Machinery, Herman Remick. " I. D. Pillow, . . .Charles A. Dearborn, . . .Isaac M. Clark, . . .Theophilus Norris, ..... David Peeker, } William D. Ladd, . .Samuel B. Robie, . .H. Saltmarsh, . .George Noyes, . .George G. Sanborn. Robert 0. Dennett, Samuel A. Hawkes, Ticket Agents, Portsmouth, N. H. 7 DIRECTORS. William Plumer, Boston, Mass. Arthur Pie tcher, Concord, N H Nathaniel White, " " Nat. Bachelder, Epping, c J. W. Pierce, Greenland, " A. W. Haven, Portsmouth, " Horton D. Walker, " TRUSTEES FOR BoNDnouasBS. James W. Emery, Thomas L. Tullock, Nathaniel White. Joshua Brooks, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. Amos G. Bachelder Benjamin Norton. Ticket Agents, SULLIVAN RAILROAD. From Windsor, Vt., to JBelloics Falls, Vt., 26 miles. FINANCIAL OFFICE, No. 39 State street, Boston, Mass. SECRETARY'S " at Claremont, N. II. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Charlestown, N. H. DIRECTORS. John S. Eldridge, Samuel Eldridge, John M. Glidden, Jonas Livingston, Gyles Merrill, A. W. Spencer, Edward Thompson. .J. M. Glidden, Charlestown. Secretary, P. C. Freeman, Claremont,N.H. Treasurer, Sam'l Eldridge, Boston, Mass. Superintendent, G. Merrill, Charlestown, N. H. Road-Master, Cyrus Bennett. Master of Transp., . . . Edward Thompson. Muster of Machinery, George H. Griggs. .C. G. Williams, Windsor, Vt., .W. F. Jones, Claremont, N. H. .D. M. Dinsmore, N. Ch'stown, .D. R. Smiley, Charlestown, .W. W. Cochran, Bellows Falls. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, Henry W. Adams. Freight Trains, I. M. Bowman. 12 VERMONT. VERM 01TT. CONNECTICUT AND PASSUMP SIC RIVERS RAILROAD. From White JKiver Junction to St. JoJinsbury, 61 miles. OFFICE, President, Henry Keyes, Newbury, Vt. Vice-President, Josiah Stickney, Boston, Mass. Secretary, E. Cleveland, Coventry. Treasurer Nathl. P. Lovering, Boston. Road-Master, John W. Andros. Master of Transp George A. Merrill. Master of Machinery, Alby. Ticket Agent, George W. Gates. 12 DIRECTORS. Portus Baxter, E. B. Chase, B. P. Cheney, E. Cleveland, Erastus Fairbanks, Pitzhenry Homer, Henry Keyes, B. B. Mussey, Emmons Raymond, Josiah Stickney, William Thomas, . William F. Weld. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, Amos Barnes RUTLAND AND WASHINGTON RAILROAD. From Rutland, Vt., to Eagle Bridge, N". 7~. t 63 miles. OFFICE at Rutland, Vt. President, LA. Cowing. Secretary and Treas., George W. Strong. Superintendent, ..... Thomas H. Canfield. Ass't do I. Wilder. Master of Transp Z. V. K. Wilson. Master of Machinery, H. Gay lord. DIRECTORS. 0. D. Ashley, 1. W. Bishop, M. Clark, I. A. Cowing, G. W. Strong, S. P. Strong, F. G. Woodbridge. VERMONT. 13 VERMONT CENTRAL RAILROAD. From Burlington, Vt., to Windsor, Vt., 118 miles. [Run by the Vermont and Canada Railroad.] OFFICE at Northfield, Vt. President, Geo. M. Dexter, Boston, Mass. Secretary, B. P. Walton, Montpelier, Vt. Treasurer, Chas. Barrett, Northfield, Vt. Superintendent, R. Sherburne, " Attorneys, Peck & Colby, Montpelier, Vt. Road-Master, I. B. Howe, Master of Transp., . . . J. C. Gault, Master of Machinery, A. R. Morrill, Ticket Agent, W. Kidder, 7 DIRECTOES. B. P. Cheney, G. M. Dexter, I. C. Howe, Boston, Mass., Northfield, Vt.J C. 0. Whitmore, " " ' L. Underwood, Burlington, Vt. E. P. Walton, Montpelier. Vt. I. G. Smith, St. Albans, Vt. CONDUCTORS OF E. G. Pierce, Northfield, S. A. Gage, " M. D. Field, " ^ ( "FT / Passenger \ T %, ( Trains. j J< Chamberlain, Northfield, Fletcher, St. Albans. VERMONT AND CANADA RAILROAD. From, Essex Junction to Mouse's Point, 47 miles. OFFICE, President, John Smith. Vice-President, George M. Dexter. Treasurer, Charles Barrett. Superintendent, R Sherburne. Master of Transp., . . . J. C. Gault. Master of Machinery, A. R. Merrill. Ticket Agent, W. Kidder. The other officers are the same as the Vermont Central, the two roads being run in connection. VERMONT. VERMONT AND MASSACHUSETTS RAILROAD. From Fitchburg, Mass., to Greenfield, Mass., and Brattleboro, Vt., 77 miles. OFFICE, No. 13 Exchange street, Boston. 5 DIRECTORS. President, T. Whittemore, Cambridge, Ms. Secretary and Treas., John Rogers, Boston, Superintendent, OtisT. Ruggles, Fitchburg, Road-Master, A. G. Moulton. Master of Machinery, George L. Whitney. Chief Cleric, B. N. Bullock. Freight Clerk, Z. P. Young. Ticket Clerk, Lewis M. Prentiss. D. N. Carpenter, James Cheever, Joseph Goodhue, John J. Swift, Thomas Whittemore. E. G. Everett, Daniel II. Joy, Luther Dustin, Henry Walker, CONDUCTORS OF f \ Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. \ \ B. E. Bullock. Sidney E. Miller. WESTERN VERMONT RAILROAD. From Rutland to North-It ennington, Vt., 52 miles. OFFICE at Rutland, Yt. President, Geo. Barker, Westchester, N.Y. Vice-President, Robinson Hall, Wallingfbrd,Vt. Secretary, P. II. Campbell, Manchester, " Superintendent, W. S. Eddy, Rutland, Vt. Attorney, H. Canfleld, Arlington, Vt. Road-Master, Homer Curtis, Danby, Vt. Master of Machinery, A. J. Bennett, Rutland, Vt. General Ticket Agent, . George R. Weed, ' ' CONDUCTORS OF Jesse Burdett, P. A. Haskell, R, N. Patch, ) Passenger ( f Trains. \ Freight Trains. 9 DIRECTORS. Ira Cochran, Dorset, Vt., A. G. Clark, Factory Point, Vt., Myron Clark, " Major Hawley, Manchester, " Lemuel Bottom, Shaftsbury, " N. R. Douglass, " " Robinson Hall, Wallingford, " Chs. Barker, Westchester, N.Y. Geo. Barker, " " William H. Bennett H. Haynes. This road is leased by Myron Clark, Esq., of Factory Point. Lease commenced Nov. 1, 1853, and expires Nov. 1, 185G. MASSACHUSETTS. 15 AMHERST AND BELCHERTOWN RAILROAD. From Amherst to Palmer, Mass., 20 miles. OFFICE, President, "Willis Phelps, Springfield. Clerk and Treasurer, John S. Adams, Amherst. Superintendent,, N. D. Potter, New-London, Ct. 1 DIRECTORS. Chas. Adams, Amherst, Mass. Edwd. Dickinson, " " L. M. Hills, John Leland, " " J. H. Clapp, Belchertown, " T. W. Williams, N. London, Ct. W. Phelps, Springfield, Mass. BOSTON AND LOWELL RAILROAD. From Boston to Lowell, 26 miles. OFFICE, Passenger Station, Lowell street, Boston. President, P. B. Crowninshield. Clerk, T. P. Tenney. Treasurer, J. Thomas Stevenson. Agent, William Parker. Superintendent, John P. Winslow. Cashier, Charles Goddard. Agent's Clerk, Charles E. Wise. Road-Master, A. G. Capen. Master of Tramsp., . . .John Ayer. Master of Machinery, G. B. King. Ticket Clerk, C. W. Boardman. Ticket Seller D. D. Hart. 5 DIRECTORS. F. B. Crowninshield, Isaac Hinckley, George W. Lyman, G. Howlatid Shaw, William Sturgis. John Barrett, Albert Carter, R. M. Shipman, N. A. Kendall, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. Josiah E. Short, Reuben Willey. Andrew Kirby. 16 MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD. From ^Boston, Mass., to SoutJi-IlencicJt, J/e., / 74 r 2 / 7 miles. OFFICE at Station in Haymarket Square, Boston, Mass. President, Treasurer, Superintendent, . . Attorney, Road-Masters, < ' Master of Transp., Masters of Ma- ( . chinery, Ticket Agents, . . . James Hay ward. . . . Horace B. Wilbur. . . William Merritt. . . . George Minot. . . .N. Whittier, . . .Edward A. Smith. . ..Charles E. Hall. . . .N. G. Paul, , . .M. C. Andrews. . . . A. W. Eaton, . . .a. W. Patee, , . .James Go wing, Jr., . . . B. R. Leavitt, . . H. Whitney, , ..L. Towle, , ..0. Temple, . .1. 0. Blunt, . .E. S. Merrill, ..0. Wheeler, , ..F. B. Plummer, . . .L. Sawyer, . . .J. S. Bancroft, . .J. Flanders, . . J. G. George, ..S. Rowell, . .E. C. Dearborn, . .G. G. Smith, . . E. Sanborn, . .J. C. Burley, . .T. M. Clark, . . L. B. Smith, . . W. Tredick, . .G. W. Balloch, Jr., . .D. W. Quimby. J. L. Smith, A. Tucker, J. B. Wadleigh, J. W. Aborn, D. Nason, P. Averill, A. W. Pearson, J. R. Balloch, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. M. E. Wood, W. Crook, J. Bowditch, 0. Hamilton, Hollis Smart. J. C. Boyden, H. Gilman, Charles Messer. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON AND NEW-YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. From Boston to Mechanicsville, Conn., 58 miles. OFFICE, foot of Summer street, Boston, Mass. 6 DIRECTORS. President, Edw. Crane, Dorchester, Mass. Secretary, Thos. B. Graves, Thompson, Ct. Treasurer, Edw. Haynes, Jr., Dedham, Ms. Attorney, S. "W. Bates, Boston, Mass. E. D. Aitimjdown, Southbridge, Chas. L. Bartlet, Winthrop, Edward Crane, Dorchester, "Welcome Farnum, Blackstone, Charles Minot, Somerville. But a small portion of this road is now running. BOSTON AND WORCESTER RAILROAD. From Boston to "Worcester, 44f miles. BEAKCHES : BrooTdine, ILL*. ^Newton Lower Falls, 1MJ Saxonvitte, 3M1, Milford, 11M Millbury, 3 Framingham, 11L2JL OFFICE at Passenger Station, Lincoln street, Boston, Mass. President & Solicitor, Secretary, Treasurer, Superintendent, .... Auditor, , Resident Engineer, . . Master of Transp., Freight Department, Master of Transp., Passenger Dep'm'nt Mas. of Machinery, Locomotive Depar., Car Department, Ticket Agent, Thomas Hopkinson. George Morey. Horace Williams. Ginery Twichell. David Wilder, Jr. E. S. Philbrick. Homer E. Sargent, Boston, E. W. Ridgway, Worcester. J. Q. A. Bean, Boston, E. Moody, Worcester. A. S. Adams, Ruel Dean. Lowell M. Miles. 2 9 DIRECTORS. George Baty Blake, Daniel Denny, Isaac Emery, Nathaniel Hammond, Thomas Hopkinson, George Morey, William Parker, Emory Washburn, Benjamin F. White. 18 MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE RAILROAD. From JBoston, Mass., to Providence, It. JT., 43 miles. OFFICE, Pleasant, opposite Eliot street, Boston, Mass. President, Charles H. Warren. Secretary, Edward Pickering. Treasurer, Henry Dalton. Superintendent, Daniel Nason. Road-Masters, 4 Sections, 1 to each Section. Master of Machinery, George S. Greggs. 7 DIRECTORS. William Appleton, John Barstow, Samuel T. Dana, Joseph Grinnell, George W. Hallet, George R. Russell, Charles H. Warren. CAPE COD RAILROAD. From MiddUborough to JTyannis, 46 miles. OFFICE at Hyannis, Mass. President, Secretary, Treasurer, Superintendent, .... Chief-Engineer, Attorney, Road-Master, Master of Machinery, Ticket Agents, - .1. H. W. Page, Boston. . Amos Otis, Yarmouth. .Eph. N. Winslow, Hyannis. . Sylvanus Bourne, Wareham. . Sylvanus Bourne. .1. H. W. Page. .Benjamin Hoyt. . Simeon C. Clark. .V. E. Dike, .J. Q. Morton, .C. E. Smith, .Gamaliel Fuller, .S. P. Tobey, .Alvin Gibbs, .Abisha Barrows, .George Cryer, .E. O. Parker, .Charles Bourne, .1. Keith, .George Atkins, .S. Howland, .C. Bursley, .M. Hallet, .Edwin Baker. DIRECTORS. Benjamin Burgess, Boston, M. S. Lincoln, " I. H. W. Page, " Richard Borden, Fall River, Alexander Baxter, Hyannis, Matthew Starbuck,Nantucket, N. S. Simpkins, Yarmouth. B. F. Colt, W. F. Barrows, CONDUCTORS OP ) Passenger ( J Trains. { Freight Trains. John Brown. Nathaniel MerriU. MASSACHUSETTS. CONNECTICUT RIVER RAILROAD. From Springfield, Mass., to South - Vernon, Vt., 50 miles. OFFICE at Springfield, Mass. 8 CONDUCTORS. President,. Daniel L. Harris, Springfield. Treasurer, Sam. F. Lyman, Northampton. Paymaster, E. Morgan, Jr., Springfield. Master of Transp., . . .1. L. Briggs, " Master of Machinery, . John Mulligan, " Ticket Ckrk, A. H. Hunt, Northampton. H. D. Carroll, K. S. Stebbins, Samuel H. Pratt, CONDUCTORS OF ) Passenger ( J Trains. ( Freight Trains. Samuel Hcnshaw, Boston, James K. Mills, Ignatius Sargent, " II. W. Clapp, Greenfield, Mass. C. P. Huntington, N'thampton, Chester W. Chapin, Springfield, Daniel S. Harris, " Edmd. G. Howe, Hartford, Ct. J. H. Hare. H. 0. Edwards. ASHUELOT RAILROAD. From South -Vernon, Vt., to Keene, N. H., 24 miles. OFFICE, CONDUCTOR OF Passenger and Freight Trains, E. Pitsinger Leased to Connnecticut Eiver Railroad till January 1, 1860. 20 MASSACHUSETTS. EASTERN RAILROAD. From JSoston, Mass., to Portland Me., 107 miles. BRANCHES : Gloucester, Marbkhead, . . . Salisbury, South-Reading, Saugus, 14 4 4 8 8 OFFICE at Boston. President, John Howe. Treasurer, John B. Parker. Superintendent, Jeremiah Prescott. Attorney, George M. Browne. Road-Master, Dana Z. Smith. Master of Transp., . . .Joel M. Harris. Master of Machinery, .John Thompson. B. H. Cram, C. C. Davis, Geo. B. Goldthwaite, E. Leighton, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains. Freight Trains, 38 miles. 1 DIRECTORS. George M. Browne, Nathan D. Chase, Samuel Hooper, John Howe, Henry H. Ladd, John C. Lee, Micajah Lunt. John D. Shinn, E. A. Towle, E. B. Young. W. D. Lannester. FITCHBURG RAILROAD. From Boston to Fitchburg, 50 T Vo miles. OFFICE, Passenger Station, Causeway street, Boston, Mass. President, John I. Swift. Secretary and Treas , John P. Welch. Superintendent, Hood-Master, Master of Transp., . Masters of Ma- ( . . chinery, ( . . Purchasing Agent, . .Liberty Bigelow. .George Stearns, Jr. .Gardner R Welch. .Oliver Ayers, .Enos Varney. .E. G. Lucas. CONDUCTORS OF John Adams, J. Bacon, W. R Barker, B. D. Blinn, Trains. Freight Trains. 5 DIRECTORS. Peter B. Brigham, Alvah Crocker, Winthrop E. Faulkner, John I. Swift, Thomas Whittemore. George R. Cone, W. H. Fay, J. M. Sawtell, J. A. Temple. Charles Howard. MASSACHUSETTS. 21 LOWELL AND LAWRENCE RAILROAD. From Lowett to Lawrence, 12 T 3 ^5- miles. OFFICE, Middlesex Depot, Lowell, Mass. President, Sidney Spalding. Clerk, Frederick Parker. Treas. & Superint.,.. .F. H. Nourse. Road-Master, "William Walton. Master of Transp., . . . L. H. Latham. Master of Machinery, . Moses Collins. Ticket Agent, S. W. Huse. A. Caswell, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. , 6 DIRECTORS. Otis Allen, Abner "W. Buttrick, Isaac Farrington, Horace Howard, Frederick Parker, Sidney Spalding. C. E. Small. John 0. Livingston. NEW-BEDFORD AND TAUNTON RAILROAD. From New-Bedford to Taunton, 20 miles. OFFICE, "Water street, over Merchants' Bank, New-Bedford, Mass. t DIRECTORS. President, Joseph Grinnell. Treasurer, Lawrence Grinnell. Superintendent, A. B. Swasey Hood-Masters, < ' ' I Master of Transp., . Master of Machinery (' Ticket Agents, -j . . v. ' .Benjamin Kenerson, .Amos Burnham. . Warren Ladd. .James M. Cook. .Luther G. Hevvins, .William B. Sproat, .John Witherall. Edward L. Baker, David B. Greene, Joseph Grinnell, Thomas S. Hathaway, George Howland, Jr., Thomas Mandell, Wardell Parker. Wm. M. Cowin, E. 0. Leach, Benedict Arnold, CONDUCTORS OF ) Passenger j ) Trains. ( Freight Trains. Nelson H. Leadbetter, Benjamin Rider. Henry Usher. 22 MASSACHUSETTS. NEWBURYPORT RAILROAD. From Newburyport, Mass., to Lawrence, 27 miles. OFFICE, President, George Cogswell. Treasurer and Ckrk,.M.. E. Hale. Assistant, A. "W. Greenleaf. Superintendent, A. Kimball, Jr. 11 DIRECTORS. Robert Bayley, Jr., Franklin Brickett, C. J. Brockway, George Cogswell, Edward Kimball, Samuel Little, Joseph B. Moras, Tappan Pearson, Thomas Pearley, Benjamin Poole, George J. Tenney. This road has been united to the Danvers and Georgetown, and the two are operated together. OLD COLONY AND FALL RIVER RAILROAD. From Boston to Fall River, 43 ) , " to Plymouth, 36i f U at > , * n OFFICE, corner of South and Kneeland streets, Boston. President, Alex. Holmes. Treasurer, J. M. Washburn. Superintendent, George Haven. Attorney, "W. Richardson. Master of Transp., . . .Thomas T. Potter. Master of Machinery, . A. "W. Bullock. B. B. Blake, W. H. Chipman, T. J. Claflin, H. Dimon, "W. Fuller, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. 1 DIRECTORS. James H. Beal, Richard Borden, F. B. Crowninshield, C. C. Gilbert, Alix Holmes, Peter H. Peirce, William J. Walker. C. Jordan, P. Kimball, N. H. Moore, C. Richardson. MASSACHUSETTS. 23 SALEM AND LOWELL RAILROAD. From Salem to Lowell^ *24 miles. OFFICE, Middlesex street Station, Lowell, Mass. President, Stephen C. Phillips, Salem. Cleric, Stephen H. Phillips, " Treasurer, Nathaniel B. Perkins, " Superintendent, Francis H. Nourse, Lowell. Attorney, Stephen H. Phillips, Salem. Road-Master, William "Walton, Lowell. Master of Transp., . . .Lester H. Latham, " Master of Machinery, . Moses Collins, " T- 7 / A ^ J G - Augustus Southard, Salem. Kcket Agents, j . James Bartlett, Lowell. 6 DIRECTORS. Stephen C. Phillips, Salem, I. Willard Peele, Sidney Spalding, Lowell, Josiah B. French, " Chas. F. Flint, North-Eeading, Caleb Livingston, Tewksbury. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, Charles E. Small. Freight Trains, John 0. Livingston. *The Salem and Lowell Eailroad is strictly but 1GJ- miles long, extending from South-Danvers to Tewksbury. The trains, by an arrangement with other roada, and by legislative authority, run through from Salem to Lowell. SOUTH SHORE (MASS.) RAILROAD. From Braintree to Cohasset, 11| miles. OFFICE, No. 25 State street, Boston. President, "William Humphrey. Secretary, John W. Loud. Treasurer, Gilman Davis. Superintendent, Laban Souther. Road-Master, 0. F. Jerald. Master of Machinery,. J. H. Miner. 8 DIRECTORS. James C. Doane, Charles Humphrey, William Humphrey, John W. Loud, Joseph Loud, Jr., . ;. -, William Sohier, Laban Souther, Elliot L. White. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, John Burnham. MASSACHUSETTS. WESTERN RAILROAD. From Worcester, Mass., to East- Albany, N~. Y., 156 miles. OFFICE, No. 13, Railroad Exchange, Boston. President, Chester W. Chapin. Clerk, Ellis Gray Loring. Treasurer, Stephen Fairbanks. Superintendent, Henry Gray. Freight Agent Thomas L Greene, Albany. Auditor, William Ritchie. Paymaster, Charles 0. Russell. Attorney Ansel Phelps, Jr. Road-Master, John S. Potter. Master of Machinery, Wilson Eddy. 9 DIRECTOKS. Robert Campbell, C. W. Chapin, W. A. Crocker, A. B. Ely, C. H. Plunketli Ignatius Sargent, Josiah Stickney, William H. Swift, A. L. Tyler. Jona. P. Bourne, New-Bedford, Director on part of the State. John B. Adams, I. B. Chapin, John Crehan, Charles Fenton, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. B. Hobart, George P. Luther, James Parker, James E. Russell. The Western Railroad proper extends from Worcester to the New-York State Line, 118 miles, and there connects with the Albany and West-Stockbridge Rail- road to East-Albany, 38 miles, total, 156 miles. They are, to all intents and pur- poses, one and the same road ; but being in different States, are organized unde* separate charters. WORCESTER AND NASHUA RAILROAD. From, Worcester, Mass., to Nashua, .W. S., 46 miles. OFFICE, No. 9 Worcester Bank Block, Worcester, Mass. 8 DIRECTORS. President, George T. Rice. Treasurer and Clerk, . T. W. Hammond. Superintendent, Greorge W. Bentley. Road-Master, F. B. Hurlburt. Master of Transp., . . . Edwin Bynner. ' Master of Machinery, . E. M. Caulkins. Ticket Agt. & Cashier,H.enry M. Witter. Lyman Brooks, Jacob Farnsworth, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. Seth W. Fowle, Boston, A. E. Hildreth, Groton, Jacob Fisher, Lancaster, Thomas Chase, Nashua, Alexander DeWitt, Oxford, George Bowen, Worcester, Francis H. Dewey, " Stephen Salisbury, " Aaron King. William A. Ayers. RHODE-ISLAND. 25 RHODE-ISLAND. PROVIDENCE, WARREN, AND BRISTOL RAILROAD. From Providence, R. Z, to JSristol, 7?. Z, 15-'- miles. OFFICE, No. 17 South-Main street, Providence. 8 DIRECTORS. President, W. G. "Weeden. Secretary, S. Chapotin. Treasurer, "W. G. Weeden. Superintendent, George S. Greene. ( I. E. Taft, Providence, Ticket Agents, < . . . .N. L. Borsus, Warren, ( G. H. Pearce, Bristol. T. M. Burgess, Providence, William Goddard, R. H. Ives, A. D. Smith, W. G. Weeden, C. T. Childs, Warren, S. Church, Bristol, W. Phelps, Springfield, Mass. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, S. H. Nason. PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER RAILROAD. From Providence, JR. I., to Worcester, Mass., 43 miles. OFFICE, President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treas^ Superintendent, Road-Masters, y " " Masters of Transp. ] Master Mechanic, . . . Ticket Agent, Passenger Station, Exchange Welcome Farnum. Daniel W. Vaughan. John R. Balch. John B. Winslow. Albert Spencer, 1st Division. Wm. H. Thompson, 2d " Stephen H. Tabor, Providence Wm. H. Jourdan, Worcester. Lewis R. Winslow. Stephen H. Tabor. William Capron, Henry S. Freeman, Jackson W. Quint, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. Place, Providence. 18 DIRECTORS. M. B. Lockwood, Providence, Earl P. Mason, Welcome B. Sayles, Horatio N. Slater, D. W. Vaughan, W. M. Bickfbrd, Worcester, Ms. Isaac Davis, Wm. Dickinson, Henry Goulding, John B. Allen, Boston, Philo Sandford, " Edward S. Hall, Millville, Joel W. White, Norwich, Ct. Alex. DeWitt, Oxford, Mass. Stephen Benedict, Pawtucket, Paul Whitin, Uxbridge, Mass. Harvey Chace, Valley Falls, Welcome Farnum, Waterford. Alfred Garneld. Edward Shea. 26 CONNECTICUT. CONNECTICUT. DANBURY AND NORWALK RAILROAD. From Danbury to South-NorwalJc, 23 T 8 r miles. OFFICE, Danbury, Ct. President, .......... Eli T. Hoyt. Secretary, ......... Edgar S. Tweedy. Treasurer, ......... George "W. Ives. 10 DIRECTOES. Ira S. Beers, Frederick Belden, Jonathan Camp, Eli T. Hunt, Lucius P. Hoyt, William K. James, David P. Nichols, William C. Street, Edgar S. Tweedy, F. S. Wildman. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, William G. Street. Freight Trains, Daniel H. Persons. Attorney, .......... R. Averill. Road-Master, ....... George Scott. Master of Machinery, .John S. Pickering. HARTFORD AND NEW- HAVEN" RAILROAD. From New-Haven, Ct., to Springfield, Mass., 62 miles. Branch from Berlin to Middletown, 10 " OFFICE at the Station House, Hartford. 9 DIRECTORS. President, James S. Brooks. Secretary and Treas., Horatio Fitch. Superintendent and \ , , ,.- -p , Road-Master, \ Edward K Ree(L Master of Transp., . . . G. W. Lester. Master of Machinery, . H. Redwood. ( 1. Stearns, New-Haven, Ticket Agents, \ H. Britten, Hartford, . .H. Bartlett, Springfield. Samuel Benjamin, S. A. Cooley, I. R. Harris, C. Hall, William Mack, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. Charles F. Pond, Hartford, Ct., Charles Boswell, " " Corn. Vanderbilt, N. Y. City, Thomas S. Gibbs, " " Joseph Battell, " " C. W. Chapin, Springfield, Ms., James S. Brooks, Meriden, Ct., Ezra C. Read, New-Haven, " Wm. Jarvis, Middletown, " M. A. Moses, E. A. Upson, C. C. Wait. Milton Pease. CONNECTICUT. 27 HARTFORD, PROVIDENCE, AND FISHKILL RAILROAD. From Providence, R. I., to Waterbury, Ct., 122| miles. OFFICE, President, William Sprague, Providence. 11 DIRECTORS. Secretary and Treas., Edw. M. Bridgman, " William Sprague, Providence, William W. Hoppin, James G. Anthony, " Henry Lippitt, " Stephen Harris, Jr., Phoenix, Charles H. Warren, Boston, Joseph Trumbull, Hartford, William H. Irnlay, " Alfred Smith, Calvin Day, John P. Elton, Waterbury. Paymaster, H. C. Trumbull, " Isaac A. Brooks, Providence. John w Bacon) Hartford> A+tn/m \ Samuel Curry, Providence. Attorneys, j. wmm D . Elyj Hartford. Master of Machinery, . Edwin Garfield, " W. H. D. Steere, Providence. Ticket Agents, - Charles W. Cook, Hartford. Geo. "W. Hofford, Waterbury. L. C. Bardwell, John Franey, I. A. Gardiner, John Hanson, CONDUCTOES OF ! Passenger \ Trains. 1 Freight Trains. D. B. Hardy, A. H. Perrin. Henry "W. Mooro. HOUSATONIC RAILROAD. From Bridgeport, Ct., to Pittsfidd, Mass., 110 miles. OFFICE at Bridgeport. 9 DIRECTORS. President and Sup*t., . Charles Hunt. Secretary, Ira Sherman. Treasurer, H. Nichols. Road-Master, F. S. Avery. Master of Machinery, . Andrew Winslow. Charles Arnold, George Bridgman, Charles Cronk, Charles Emmons, CONDUCTORS OF 1 Passenger " Trains. Freight Trains. Charles Hunt, Canaan, Ct., N. Thayer, Boston, Mass., Lee Canfield, Fall Village, Ct., Daniel Marsh, New-Milford, " C. W. Hopkins, Gt. Barrington, M. Ketchum, New- York, S. Tomlinson, Bridgeport, Ct E. F. Bishop, " W. W. Boardman, New-Haven. Abiatha Chadwick, Lorin Emmons. 28 CONNECTICUT. NAUGATUCK RAILROAD. From Bridgeport to Winsted, Ct., 62 miles. OFFICE at Bridgeport. B ^ Superintendent and Chief-Engineer, ) Secretary, .......... Ira Sherman. Treasurer, ......... H. Nichols. Assistant Superin- } tendent and Master > Charles Waterbury. of Transportation, ) Hood-Master, ....... John Eggleston. Master of Machinery, . A. Winslow. General Ticket Agent, George H. Hicok. Alfred Beers, Eben Coll, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. T DIRECTORS. E. F. Bishop, Bridgeport, Ct., Win. D. Bishop, " " W. P. Burrall, Russell Tomlinson, " " A. L. Dennis, Winsted, " Abram Heaton, New-Haven, Green Kendrick, Waterbury. George H. Hicok. Henry C. Scott. NEW-HAVEN AND NORTHAMPTON RAILROAD. 4| From New-Haven to Grariby, Farmington Valley Railroad, to State Line, Hampshire and Hampden, to Northampton, 25 OFFICE, No. 97 Chapel street, New-Haven. President and Treas., .William Johnson. Secretary, Stephen D. Pardee. Superintendent, Henry A. Beecher. total, 76 miles. 9 DIRECTORS. John Bradley, Charles Dickerman, William H. Elliot, William H. Ellis, William Johnson, Andrew L. Kidston, William A. Lamed, Stephen D. Pardee, Joseph E. Sheffield. The above-named roads are managed and operated by the New- York and New- Haven Railroad Company, under a lease from the Farmington Valley and Hamp- shire and Hampden Roads to the New-Haven and Northampton Railroad Co. The road is open to Westfield, Mass. ; and above Westfield it is expected would be open by the 1st Jan., 1856. The N. H. and N. H. R. R. Co. have branches to Col- Mnsville and Tariffville, making the whole length of said road 55 miles. The distance from New- York to New-Haven is 76 miles, the same as from New- Haven to Northampton. CONNECTICUT. 29 NEW-LONDON, WILLIMANTIC, AND PALMER RAILROAD. From New-London, Ct., to Palmer , Mass., 66 miles. OFFICE at Depot, foot of State street, New-London. 11 DIRECTORS. President, Thomas W. "Williams. Vice-President, Rial Chaney. Secretary and Treas., John Dickinson. Superintendent, N. D. Potter. Master of Machinery, .W. H. Greggs. David F. Williams, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. B. P. Brown, Rial Chaney, F. W. Holt, Daniel Latham, Daniel Rogers, William H. Starr, E. Y. Stoddard, Thomas W. Williams, H. B. Norton, Norwich, Ct., Willis Phelps, Mass., D. T. Willets, New- York. Henry B. Downer. NEW-YORK, PROVIDENCE, AND BOSTON RAILROAD. From, Stonington, Ct., to Providence, JR. I., 50 miles. OFFICE at Stonington. President, Charles P. Williams. Secretary, George C. Shwacofer. Treasurer, Francis Avery. Superintendent, Andrew S. Mathews. Attorney, Nathan F. Dixon. Master of Machinery, .J&mes H. Anderson. nv j . ( . , . .Francis C. Gardiner, Tvket Agents, } . . . . Joe i L . Prouty. Henry Leonardson, George H. Smith, John A. Sayles, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 9 DIRECTORS. Elbert J. Anderson, Samuel D. Babcock, Hamilton Blydenburgh, Henry Gary, Nathan F. Dixon, W. H. Macey, Mathew Morgan, Thomas Tileston, Charles P. Williams. J. B. Gardiner. Orrin S. Gardiner. At Providence, this road connects with the Boston and Providence Railroad. The communication from New-York to Stonington is by steamboat. NEW-YORK. NORWICH AND WORCESTER RAILROAD. From Attyrts Point to Worcester, 67 miles. OFFICE, Shetucket street, Norwich, Ct. President, Joel "W. "White. Secretary, P. S. M. Andrews. Treasurer, George L. Perkins. Superintendent, P. S. M. Andrews. Road-Master, Wait Hurlburt. Master of Transp., . . . Ebenezer F. Parker. Master of Machinery, . Richard Colburn. W. F. Barton, Walter Clapp, P. Eaton, Jr., J. H. Chaflee, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 13 DIRECTORS. Albert H. Almy, Norwich, Jedediah Huntingdon, Charles Johnson, J. N. Perkins, J. A. Rockwell, J. W. White, David A. Neal, Boston, Alexander DeWitt, Oxford, Robert Bayard, New- York, F. F. Marbury, " C. W. Rockwell, " C. J. Stedman, " J. A. Weeks, Albert Roath, D. F. Waller. J. H. Woodworth. N E W-YO RK. ALBANY AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. From Albany to Binghamton, If. Ti, 140 miles. OFFICE, No. 29 Hudson street, Albany. President, Ezra P. Prentice. Vice-President, Andrew White. Secretary and Treas., H. H. Hickcox. Chief-Engineer, James P. Kirkwood. 13 DIRECTORS. Ezra P. Prentice, Albany, Robert H. Pruyn, " Cornelius Vosburgh, " * Andrew White, " E. C. Delavan, Ballston Centre, Edw. Tompkins, Binghamton, Levi Dimmick, " Charles Couiten, Cobleskill, Benj. F. Wood, Duanesburg, Lewis Northrup, Harpersville, Eliakim R. Ford, Oneanta, Arnold B. Watson, Unadijla, John Cook, Worcester. In February, 1855, the right of way for over 100 miles had boen released, and most of it paid for ; between 20 and 25 miles of the most expensive part of the road graded, and $216,884 disbursed. The work has been suspended for want of funds, and an appeal made for further aid. A petition has been presented to the Legisla- ture of New- York, for the passage of a law authorizing the towns through which the road is to pass to subscribe to its stock. NEW-YORK. 31 BLACK RIVER AND UTICA RAILROAD. From Utica to Clayton, N~. IT., 108 miles. OFFICE, No. 28 Whltesborough street, Utica. President, John Butterfield. Vice-President, Spencer Kellogg. Secretary, William H. Ferry. John Butterfield, Utica, Treasurer, James S. Lynch. Theodore S. Faxton, Chief-Engineer, Daniel C. Jenne, William II. Ferry, Martin Hart, Spencer Kellogg, James S. Lynch, Benjamin F. Ray, William Higby, Boonville, E. G. Merrick, Clayton, Ela Merriam, Leyden, Anson Ranney, Lockport, A. W. Collins, Turin. Attorney, Edmond A. Graham. Road-Master, John Blair. Master of Machinery, I. V. V. Finch. f S. B. At wood, _. , . . T. M. Francis, Ticket Agents, j ' ; ; -George McDo ' naldj . .G. Prichard. CONDUCTOR OP Passenger Trains, William D. Lewis. Road in operation from Utica to Trenton, 16 miles. To be opened about the 15th Dec. from Trenton to Boonville, 19 miles. BROOKLYN CITY RAILROADS. From Fulton Ferry to Green Point. " " Division Avenue, through Myrtle Avenue. " " Bedford, through Fulton Avenue. " " Greenwood, through Court street. " Hamilton Ferry to " " Hamilton Avenue. OFFICE, No. 12 Fulton street, Brooklyn. President, , Secretary, Treasurer, , Superintendent, . . , Chief-Engineer, . . . Attorney, .Amos P. Stanton. . Charles C. Betts. .John Schenck. .Montgomery Queen. . Benjamin F. Crane. .Henry C. Murphy. 13 DIRECTORS. George L. Bennett, Thomas Brooks, William H. Cary, Purcell Cooke, Lowell Holbrook, George S. Howland, Fisher Howe, Seymour L. Husted, John Kellum, Henry C. Murphy, John Schenck, Amos P. Stanton, Alexander Studwell. 82 NEW-YORE. BUFFALO, CORNING, AND NEW-YORK RAILROAD. From Buffalo to Corning, Steuben Co., N. Y., 13 4^ miles. OFFICE pA Avon, Livingston Co., N. Y. 12 DIRECTORS. President, Charles G. Miller, Buffalo. Vice-President, C. L. Olmsted, Le Roy. Secretary, F. Davis, Jr., Avon. Treasurer, A. 0. Comstock, Le Roy. Superintendent, J. A. Redfleld, Corning. Chief Clerk, L. Everingham, " A ftnrnrut I David Rumse y> Bath - Attorneys, j. John Ostrander, " Road-Master, P. I. Dannals, " Master of Machinery, .Daniel Penny, Corning. General Ticket Agent, W. B. "Whiting, " General Agent, S. A. Pengra, Rochester. S. D. Fay, H. C. Fisk, John Card, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. W. C. Hawley, Avon, N. Y. R. Robie, Bath, F. Whiting, Joseph Dart, Buffalo, Chas. G. Miller, " G. W. Tift, " G. R. Wilson, " 0. P. Simpson, Caledonia, N.Y A. 0. Comstock, Le Roy, " C. L. Olmsted, " " E. Freeman, Springfield, Mass. Robert Fisher, Stafford, N. Y. T. J. Fisk, James Home. C. Cole. Road finished and in operation from Corning to Batavia, 100 miles, from Batavia to Buffalo. Unfinished BUFFALO AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. From Buffalo to the State Line at Carrolton, in Cattaraugus County, N~. Y., and from thence to be connected by a road 15 miles in Pennsylvania, with the Alleghany Valley road from Pittsburgh, 75 miles. OFFICE, No. 25 Spaulding's Exchange, Buffalo, K Y. President, Orlando Allen. 13 DIRECTORS. Vice-President Elijah Ford. Secretary and Treas., F. Gridley. Orlando Allen, Buffalo, Chief- Engineer, E. R. BlackwelL George R. Babcock, Resident-Engineer, . . . Peregrine White. E. J. Baldwin, Attorney, E. J. Baldwin. John R. Lee, Pascal P. Pratt, James Wadsworth, S. V. R. Watson, William Wilkeson, William Williams, G. R. Wilson, L. D. Cobb, Ellicottville. W. Samuel Johnson, " C. J. Fox, Yorkshire. NEW- YORK. 33 BUFFALO AND STATE LINE RAILROAD. From Buffalo to State Line of Pennsylvania, 69 miles. OFFICE, No. 190 Main street, Buffalo. President, Vice-President, Secretary & Treas., . Superintendent, .... Attorneys, , Road- Master, Master of Tramp Master of Machinery, Gen. Ticket Agent, . . Gen. Freight Agent, . Lost-Baggage Agent,. Ticket Agents, .George Palmer. Dean Richmond. .Francis H. Tows. ,0. C.Dennis. Rogers & Bowen. , A. C. Chapman. John II. Hudson. A. S. Sweet, Jr. .William R. Barr. ,M. W. Starin. .0. E. Everts. .John Buckley, .Ira W. Hart, .0. A. W. Sherman. James L. Haight, John W. Houghtaling, John Moore, F. W. Giflbrd, B. W. Goodell, Henry A. Town, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 13 DIRECTORS. Constant Cook, Joseph Field, II. L. Lansing, Charles II. Leo, George Palmer, George W. Patterson, Homer Rarasdell, Dean Richardson, Alanson Robinson, James S. Wadsworth, Horace White, John Wilkinson, William Williams. Isaac Moorehead, Jesse W. Peck, F. Sherman. Henry Webster, E. Wells, B. S. Withercll, CANANDAIGUA AND NIAGARA FALLS RAILROAD. From Canandaigua to Suspension Bridge, OS/^ miles. OFFICE, President, Samuel Rand. Secretary, John C. Sibley, Superintendent and \ -n XT -r. (thief-Engineer, J R -N. Brown. Attorneys, Smith & Lapham, Road-Masters, \ ' ' ' ' g" f | Yee f ' ' { . . . .E. B. Jacobs. Master of Transp., . . .0. 0. Bennett. Master of Machinery, A. Griswold. Gen. Ticket Agent,. . .J. A. Burch. 13 DIRECTORS Benjamin Pringle, Batavia, John C. Sibley, Buffalo, A. H. McLean, Caledonia^ M. B. Scott, Cleveland, 0. Geo. Wright, E. Bloomfield, Alexander S. Diven, Elmira. Finch, Honeoye Falls, W. T. Ball, A. F. Kelsey, T. M. Blossom, CONDUCTORS OP ) Passenger ( ) Trains. "\ Freight Trains. Samuel Rand, Ira Godfrey, Samuel March, Stafford, Marcus Adams, Susp. Bridge, J. P. Giraud Foster, N. York, H. A. Johnson, " J. I. Kingsley. C. M. La Monte. NEW-YORK. CHAMPLAIN AND ST. LAWRENCE RAILROAD OF THE STATE OF NEW- YORK. From Canada Lines to Rouse^s Point, 2 miles. OFFICE at Rouse's Point. President, A.M. Delisle. Secretary and Treas., W. A. Merry. 13 DIRECTORS. C. K. Averill, 13. Brewster, H. U. Campbell, John Carter, A. M. Delisle, S. Gale, I. U. Joseph, James Macdonald, John Molson, Cliarles Phillips, Peter Robertson, Hector Russel, William Watson. This road is operated in connection -with the Champlain and St. Lawrence Rail- road of Canada, and has 110 separate officers except Directors*, President, Secretary ,and Treasurer. * CLYDE AND SODUS BAY RAILROAD. From Great Sodus .Bay, Lake Ontario, to Clyde, to connect with Rochester and Syracuse Railroad, 11 miles. OFFICE, President, Leander S. Ketchum. 13 DIRECTORS. 'Vice-President, John P. Curtis. Secretary, Joseph A. Payne. William TT. Lynn, New-York, Treasurer, .Eron N. Thomas. Win. M. Lummis, John F. Curtis, Huron, James Wride. " James T. Wisner, " Kron N. Thomas, Rose, Henry Graham. " Chaunoey B. Collins, " Isaac Miller, Clyde. Aaron Griswold, Leander S. Ki-tohum, " Charles D. Lawton, " Joseph Watson, " Capital, $150,000, with power to increase the same to $300,000. NEW-YORK. CAYUGA AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. From Owego to Ithaca, N. Y., 33 miles. OFFICE, No. 25 William street, New- York. President, Thomas W. Gale. 8 DIRECTORS. Treas. and Secretary, Theodore Sturges. Superintendent, Wm. R. Humphrey. John J. Blair, William E. Dodge, Henrv Kllsworth, Daniel S. Miller, George W. Scranton, William B. Skidmore, L. L. Sturges, J. B. Williams. This road has been leased to the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad Company. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, AND WESTERN RAILROAD. From Scranton, Pa., to Ithaca, N. Y,, 117 miles. OFFICE, No. 49 Wall street, New- York. President, George D. Phelps, New- York. Secretary, Andrew J. Odell. Treasurer William K. Warren. General Agent, Tas. Archibald, Scranton, Pa. Sup. Nvrth rnDivis., D. IT. Dotterer, " ' " Caywja, " W. R. Humphrey, Ithaca, N.Y. 14 DIRECTORS. John I. Blair, Georgo Bulk ley, William K. Dodge, Ruf'us R. Graves, Thomas McKlrath, Drake Mills, Samuel L. Mitchill, John J. Phelps, George W. Scranton, Roswell Sprague, Moses Taylor, William K. Warren, Samuel Willetts, Henry Young. The track of the Dslaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad has been laid to the Delaware river, live miles bolow the Delaware Water Gap ; the first locomotive crossed tho bridge on the 2 1st Jan., 1836. The tunnel under the Warren Railroad is so nearly completed that it is expected that the cars will pass through to Eliza- beth port by the 1st of. March. 1856. The road is now finished (110 miles') from Great Bend, where it unites with the Erie Railroad, to the Delaware river. Tho Western Extension road, (18 mile* long,) from the Delaware river to New- Hampton, on the New-Jersey Central Rail- road, is also all finished except the tunnel at the Gap, near the river; and when this is finished, as it will be on the first of March, the Company will be prepared to bring coal through to Elizabetbport. 36 NEW-YORK. HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. From New-York City to Troy, N~. Y., 150 miles. OFFICE, No. 68 Warren street, New-Tort President Samuel Sloan. Vice-Fres. and Sup., . M. L. Sykes, Jr. Secretary, Thomas M. North. Treasurer, John T. Davenport. Auditor, . . . . C. C. Clark. Gen. Ticket Agent, . . .C. H. Kendrick. Freight Agent, John Mulibrd. 13 DIRECTORS. Jamos Boorman, New-York, Moses H. Grinnell, William H. Hays, Edward Jones, Edwin D. Morgan, M. L. Sykes, Jr., Henry A. Smythe, John David Wolfe, Samuel Sloan, Brooklyn, N.Y., Wm. Kelly, Rhinebeck, " D. Thomas Vail, Troy, " Charles F. Pond, Hartford, Ct., C. W. Chapin, Springfield, Ms. LONG ISLAND RAILROAD. From Brooklyn to Greenport, 95 miles. Hempstead Branch, from Junction to Hempstead, . . . Cold Spring Branch, from Ilicksville to Syosset, .... OFFICE at Depot, foot of Atlantic street, Brooklyn. 13 DIRECTORS. 2* President and Sup., . .William E. Morris. Secretary & Treas.,. .William S. S. Russell. Abraham B. Baylis, C. A. Buckley, Coffin Colket, Charles Emory, Alfred S. Fraser, Isaac E. Haviland, Townsend Jones, Charles J. Lowrey, William E. Morris, Charles J. Smitli, Thomas G. Talmage, Henry W. Titus, G. L. Willard. NEW-YORK. 37 NEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. From Jersey City, N. J., to Dunkirk, N. Y., 460 miles. Buffalo Division,* Ilomdlsmlle to Buffalo, 91 " Newburgh Branch^ Chester to Neicburgh, 19 " Piermont Branch, Sufferns to Piermont, 18 " OFFICE, foot of Duane street, New- York. President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Ass't do Gen. Superintendent, Acting Auditor, .... Division Superin- tendents, Consulting Engineer, Freight Agent, [ . . . .Homer Ramsdell. .Samuel Marsh. .Nathaniel Marsh. .Daniel Drew. .Talman J. Waters. .D. 0. McCallum. . R. E. Bremner. ' Eastern, A. S. Whiton, Jersey City, Western, H. B. Smith, Hornellsville, Newburgh Br., Peter Ward, Newburgh, Delaware, Hugh Riddle, Tort Jervis, Susquehanna, J. A. Hart, Owego, Buffalo, C. D, Gibson, Buffalo. . Simeon S. Post. M. B. Spaulding, 240 Broad- way, New-York. 17 DIRECTORS. John Arnot, Edwin J. Brown, D. A. Cushman, William E. Dodge, Daniel Drew, Dudley S. Gregory, Richard Lathers, Samuel Marsh, Ralph Mead, Charles Moran, Ambrose S. Murray, Homer Ramsdell, Marshall 0. Roberts, William B. Skidmore, Cornelius Smith, Louis Von Hoffmann, (1 vacancy.) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. D. A. Cushman, Daniel Drew, Charles Moran, Richard Lathers, Edwin J. Brown. CONTRACT COMMITTEE. Samuel Marsh, W. E. Dodge, John Arnot, D. S. Gregory. FINANCE COMMITTEE. Charles Moran, Cornelius Smith, Daniel Drew. COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS. Louis Von Hoffman, M. 0. Roberts, A. S. Murray. COMMITTEE ON PURCHASES AND SUPPLIES. W. B. Skidmore, D. A. Cushman, Ralph Mead. * Late Buffalo and New-York City, now leased to the New- York and Erie Railroad. 38 NEW-YORK. NEW-YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. From Albany to Buffalo, Main Line, 297| miles. Additional Lines, 258 u miles. OFFICE at Albany, N. Y. President, Vice-President, Sec. and Asst. Freas., Treasurer, Gen. Superintendent, Atst. Superints., Chief-Engineer, .... Gen. Freight Agent, Erastus Corning, Albany. Dean Richmond, Buffalo. George L. Wilson, Albany. John V. L. Pruyn, " Cliauncey Vibbard, " Kzra Foster, Jr., " Tliomas Wallace, Troy, Zenas C. Priest, Utica, H. W. Chittenden, Syracuse. William C. Young, Buffalo. George PI Gray, Albany. S. Drullard, " 13 DIRECTORS. Erastus Corning, Albany, Jobn V. L. Pruyn, " John L. Schoolcrnft, " Jobn H. Chedell, Auburn, Dean Richmond, Buffalo, Edward G. Faile, New- York, Schuyler Livingston, " Joseph Field, Rochester, Alonzo <\ Paige, Schenectady, Horace White, Syracuse, Russell Sage, Troy, John F. Seymour, Utica, Nathaniel Thayer, Boston. The New- York Central Railroad is formed by the consolidation of the follow- ing roads : Main Liuc- -1. Albany and Schenectady, 17 miles. 2. Schenectady and Utica, 78 " 3. Utica and Syracuse, 53 " 4. Syracuse and Rochester, 81 " 5. Rochester and Buffalo, 69 " Whole distance from Albany to Buffalo,. . . . 297.75 6. Troy and Schenectady 21 miles. 7. Syracuse and Rochester, old line, ) , . via Auburn and Geneva, f 8. Batavia and Attica, 11 " 9. Rochester, Lockporr, and Niag. Falls, 74.75 10. Lockport Junction to Tonawanda, .. 12.25 11. Rochester and Lake Ontario, 6.88 12. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Lewistou, 28 . 25 Total length of additional lines, 258 . 13 Whole length of single track, 555 . 88 second " 222.25 " sidings, turnouts, & switches, 83.95 Total length, equivalent to single track laid, 862 .08 NEW-YORK. 89 NEW-YORK AND HARLEM RAILROAD. From New- York City to Chatham Four Corners, 130f miles. OFFICE, No. 1 Centre street, New- York. President, Philo Hurd. 13 DlEECTOES. Vice- President W. C. Wetmoro. Secretary W. H. Emerson. A. J. Akin. Treasurer, TV. A. Whitehead. N. P. Bailey, Superintendent, I. Nottingham. Horace Brooks, Chief-Engineer, James B. Sargent. Edwin Crosby, Attorney, C. W. Sandford. Philip Dater, Matter of Transpt. ) w T Camnbell and Assist. Sup t., \ H. R. Dunham, J. H. Dykcrs, T> j tr t ] H. N. Eggleston. Road-Masters, j . _ H) W hitney. TV. Edmunds, Philo Hurd, Master of Machinery, M. Millor. Albert Smith, C H. Hamilton, Samuel F. Taber, Ticket Aaenis \ " ' William IIard 7, new Agents, < _ j L . Kellogg, L. Underbill, W. C. Wctmore. L James Smith. CONDtJCTOES OF Banta, ") Keese, Bushill, McAnna, Caryll, Passenger Sharp, Contant, Trains. Thorp, Cox, White. Edwards, J Brant, ) Freight Lovejoy, Caryll, J Trains. , Smith. NEW-YORK AND NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD. From New -York City to New-Haven, Conn., 76 miles* OFFICE, No. 1 Hanover street, New- York. 8 DIRECTORS. President, Justus R. Bulkley, New- York. Secretary, E. S. Abernethy, Bridgeport. Trea&urer, William Bemeut, New-York. Superintendent, James II. Hoyt, " Asst. Superintendent, . E. S. Quintard, New-Haven. Nathaniel A. Bacon, Justus R. Bulkley, Dennis Kimberly, John W. Leed?, William S. Lyon, George N Miller, Moncure Robinson, Abraham R. Van Nest. * From New-York to Williams' Bridge, 13 miles, this road uses the track of the Harlem Railroad. 40 NEW-YORK. NORTHERN (NEW-YORK) RAILROAD. From Mouse's Point to Ogdensburgh^ 118 miles. OFFICE at Malone, Franklin Co., N. Y. President, Vice- President, .... Secretary, Treas. and Cashier, . Superintendent, .... Chief Clerk, Gen. Freight Agent,. Road-Master, Master of Machinery, Ticket Agents, [ " ' Wood & Timber Agt., .W. Raymond Lee, Boston, Ms. .G. V. Hoyle, Champkin, N. Y. . J. G. Hopkins, Ogdensburgh. .S. C. F. Thorndike, Malone. .George Y. Hoyle. .Henry S. Brewster, Malono. .George Parker, Ogdensburgh. .Timothy B. Ladd, Malone. Abra. Klohs, Rouse's Point. .L. F. Brown, " .R. P. Tobey, Ogdensburgh. I. B. Jackson, Malone. Benj. Barry, Rouse's Point, ) D. D. Greunell, " } C. Blan chard, D. Butterworth, M. Hancock, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger ( Trains. \ ! Freight \ Trains. 1 11 DIRECTORS. John S. Eldridge, Boston, Ms. "W. Raymond Lee, " M. Spencer, " John L. Russell, Canton, N. Y. Onslow Stearns, Concord, N.H. G. W. Nesmith, Franklin, " Sidney Lawrence, Moira, N.Y. Isaac Spanlding, Nashua, N.H. J. G. Hopkins, Ogdensburgh. John Judson, Henry Van Renscllaer, " L. Marney, Rouse's Point, E. B. George, Ogdensburgh. I. Lord, I. Orms, A. Parrault. OGDENSBURGH, CLAYTON, AND ROME RAILROAD. From Home to Ogdensburgh and Clayton, 137 T 9 8 % miles. OFFICE at Rome, N. Y. President, John Stryker. 13 DIRECTORS. Vice-President, Elijah B. Allen. Secretary, Nelson I. Beech. Enoch B. Armstrong, Rome, Treasurer, Roland S. Doty. Edward Iluntington, Chief-Engineer, Octave Blanc. Marquis L. Kinyon, Attorneys, Corastock & Beach. John Stryker, David Utley, Seth Miller, Consiableville, E. Ellsworth, E. Windsor, Ct., William L. Easton, Lowville, A. II. Barnes, Martinsburgh, Aug Chapman, Morristown, Elijah B. Allen, Ogdensburgh, Henry Van Kensellaer, " Jason Clark, Plessis. NEW-YORK. 41 OSWEGO AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. From Oswego to Syracuse, 35 miles. OFFICE, corner of Utica and First streets, Oswego. President, F. T. Carrington, Os-wcgo. Vice-President Allen Munroe, Syracuse. Secretary, A. P. Grant, Oswego. Treasurer, Luther Wright, Superintendent, Geo. Skinner, Attorneys, Grant & Allen, Master of Machinery, .Levi P. Howard, Ticket Agent, H. M. Cross, Win. B. Fiske, Syracuse, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 13 DIRECTORS. F. T. Carrington, Oswego, Sylvester Doolittle, A. P. Grant, J. B. Penfield, Joel Turril, Luther Wright, Thomas T. Davis, Syracuse, Austin Myers, Allen Munroe, B. B. Wicks, Rufus H. King, Albany, H. H. Martin, " Harvey Loomis, Xcw-York. Charles P. Morse, Oswego. 0. T. Williams, Syracuse. PLATTSBURGH AND MONTREAL RAILROAD. From Plattsburgh to Province Line, 23 miles. OFFICE at Plattsburgh. President, Jerome B. Bailey. Plattsburgh. Secretary and Sup't., Francis E. Parker. Treasurer, Jerome B. Baily. Lessee, E. V. Price, 86 John St., N.Y. Attorney, Perry G. Ellsworth. Master of Machinery, . Men-it I. Randall. .1. W. Elkins, . James Greene, .L. Higby, .H. Lawrence, .P. W. Signer, .C. Stafford. Ticket Agents, J. B. Bailey, Charles A. Cook, W. H. Elliott, P. G. Ellsworth, William Hedding, George Leslie, A. C. Moore, L. Meyers, E. L. Nichols, M. K. Platt, Edward V. Price, James S. Shcdden, Samuel T. Vilas. CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains, George Moreau. Freight Trains, Seymour La Valla. 13 DIRECTORS. 42 NEW-YORK. POTSDAM AND WATERTOWN RAILROAD. From Watertown to North-Potsdam, 76 miles. OFFICE at Watertown, N. T. President, Edwin Dodge, Gouverneur. Vice-President, Hiram Holeomb, Watertown. Secretary, II. L. Knowles, Potsdam. Treasurer, Daniel Lee, Watertown. Superintendent, Geo. B. Phelps, " Division-Engineer, . . . George W. Williams. Ticket Agent, I. E. Palmer. 13 DIRECTORS. Abncr Baker, 0. V. Brainard, Zenas < lark, Ho well Cooper, Edwin Dodge, W. W. Goulding, B. Hadskin, Hiram Holeomb, Solon D. 1 1 ungerford, Hiram B. Keene, Ebenezer Miner, J. II. San ford, William E. Sterling. CONDUCTOR OF Train, George D. Brown. Only twenty-nine miles finished, namely : From Watertown to Antwerp, 22 miles, " North- Potsdam to Potsdam, 7 " 29 miles. RENSSELAER AND SARATOGA RAILROAD. From Troy to Ballston, 25 miles. OFFICE at Troy Union Depot. President and Treas ,, Edmund Schriver. Vice- President, N. Daucliy. Secretary, C. R. Richards. Superintendent L. H. Tupper. Road-Master, II. Sherman. Master of Machinery, . W. M. Strong. Ticket Agent Wm. Squire. 13 DIRECTORS. I. M. Cook, Gco. II. Cramer, N. Dauehy, E. T. Gale, G. W. Kirtland, I. Kinchcsbacker, I. McConihe, C. R. Richards, Ed. Schriver, D. South wick, I. Van Schoonhoven, Geo. B. Warren, Geo. Uy. Warren. E. Weatncrhead, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains^ Freight Trains, L. Squire. D. I. Leversee. NEW-YORK. 43 ROCHESTER AND GENESEE VALLEY RAILROAD. From Rochester to Mount-Morris and Portage, 49f miles. Finished to Avon, 18^- miles. OFFICE, No. 6J State street, Rochester. President, James TVadsworth. 13 DIRECTORS. Vice-President, James Cliappell. Secretary and Treas., Isaac Hills. James Chappcll, Chief Engineer, McRce Swift. Freeman Clark, Joshua Conkey, Wm. T. Cuyler, Daniel II litzhugh, John Fowler, Isaac Hills, Lyman Munger, Johnson I. Bobbins, Lewis Setye, Elijah F. Smith, James "\Vads\vorth, Levi A. Waid. This road is leased to the Buffalo, Corning, and New-York Railroad Company, which furnishes its own rolling stock ; and operates the road with its own officers and men. SACKET'S HARBOR AND ELLISBURGH RAILROAD. From Sachet's Harbor, JV. IT., to Pierrepont Manor, 18 miles. OFFICE at Sacket's Harbor, N. Y. President C. W. Bishop. Vice-President, "W. B. Camp. Secretary and Trtas.,.D. B. Kellogg. Superintendent, J. Collamer. CONDUCTOR OP 13 DIRECTORS. James Barnes, C. W. Bishop, C. Broomcr, C. Brigham, E. B. Camp, W. B. Camp, C. Converse, W. P. Davis, I. L. Hooker, G. Packer, R. S. Bobbins, W. P. Searles, C. C. Symouds. Passenger Trains, E. S. Coon. 44 NEW-YORK. SARATOGA AND WHITEHALL RAILROAD. From Saratoga Springs to Castleton, Vi., 52 miles. OFFICE at Saratoga Springs. President and Sup., . .John M. Davison, Sara. Sp'gs. Vice President k John W ' Thom P son > Bal1 ' e ' lt < \ ston Spa, Secretary and 2Veas.,.Wm. H. Warren, Moreau. Road-Hosier, Amasa Keith. Master of Transp.,. . .H. C. Hale. Master of Machinery, Win. B. Gage. Ticket Agent, J. H. Steinbergh. 13 DIRECTORS. L. G. B. Cannon, J. M. Davison, J. Beekman Finlay, James Forsyth, I. Knickerbocker, Jr., M. I. Myers, J. Phillips Phoenix, F. W. Sewell, I. -W. Thompson, Wm. M. Vermilyea, I. M. Warren, W. H. Warren, John Willard. D. B. Cornell, Benjamin Lackey, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. L M. Guy. Moses Terry. STATED ISLAND RAILROAD. From VanderbilPs Landing to Pertfi Amboy, 14 miles. President, . Secretary, . Treasurer, Engineer, . OFFICE, No. 82 Duane street, New-York. .Joseph H. Seguino. , .Lot 0. Clark. . Joseph Britton. .B. F. Crane. 11 DIRECTORS. E. E, Bonnet, A. H: Britton, Frederick R. Grote, William King, I. K. Jessup, B. Kriescher, Stephen Seguine, E. I. Totten, W. H. Vanderbilt, Henry Van Hoevenbergh, Joel Wolfe. NEW-YORK CITY RAILROADS. 45 SIXTH AVENUE RAILROAD. From the intersection of Sixth Avenue and 43d street to the inter- section of Church and ^Barclay streets, near Broadicay. Branch to Broadway through Canal street. OFFICE of the Superintendent, Sixth Avenue, corner of 43d street. " President and Secretary, " " 44th street. President, Sidney Mason. 13 DIRECTORS. Secretary, fli. Bailey Myers. J Godfrey "W. Leako, (cashier Sidney Mason, { office at People's Bank.) Frederick Do Peyster, Superintendent, "William Ebbitt. John P. Yelverton, Attorneys, Schell, Slosson & Hutching. George R. Howell, John II. Swift, Samuel S. Bowman, Daniel Van Duscn, Teunis W. Quick, Waldo Hutchins, Gideon Do Angclis, John B. Hall, Alexander M. C. Smith, Hamilton H. Salmon. THIRD AVENUE RAILROAD. From Park and Broadway to 86th street, 5% miles. OFFICE, corner of 3d Avenue and East 61st street. President, William A. Darling. Vice-President, William Remsen. Sec. and Treas. Amory Edwards. Superintendent, William H. Schenck. ( Clarkson N. Potter. | Georgo G-. Waters. 13 DIRECTORS. William A. Darling, Henry Hart, John B. Hobby, Wilson a. Hunt, Samuel Jaudon, Maltby G-. Lane, Peter McMartin, Clarkson N. Potter, Henry R. Remsen, Win. Remsen, AVilliam J. Valentine, George G-. Waters, Wm. H. Webb. NEW-YORK. SYRACUSE AND BINGHAMTOX RAILROAD. Fforn Syracuse to Binghamton, 80 miles. OFFICE at, Syracuse, N. T. President, Jatrns M. Sihermsrhorn. Vice-President, D.\nl. S Dickinson. Secretary, Clinton P. Paige. Treasurer, E. U. Hicks. Superintendent and \ w B Q ab Gliief Engineer, j Road-Master, H. W. Earll. Master of MMhinery, G. W. Howard. 13 DIRECTORS. I. Boies, . Thos. T. Davis, Danl. S. Dickinson, Robt. Dunlop, Thos. B. Fitch, A H. Hovey, Jas. R. Lawrence, Hazard Lewis, D. C. Littlejohn, Haml. Murray, Wm. R. Randall I. M. Scliomorhorn, Henry Stephens. C. P. Cook, E. P. Jepson, Gco. Lewis. CONDUCTORS OF > Passenger Trains. < Freight Trains. S. Yroman. W. H. "Webb. TROY AND BOSTON RAILROAD. From Troy to Norih-B&nnington,Vt., 37 miles. OFFICR, North Tower, Union Depot, Troy. President, D. T. Vail. Vice-President, DanL Robinson. Secretary and Trea?., Geo. Gould. Superintendent, 1 saac V. Baker. Attorney or Solicihr,.A- R. Olin, Troy. Road-Master, I. L. Patch. Master of Machinery, .C. P. Chesley. Ticket Agent, A. W. Winne. 12 DIRECTORS. J. W. Bates, Eph. Carpenter, Isaac B. Hart, Jonas C. llaartt, C. Lvnsia-r, Cha^. II. Merrett, Daul. Robinson, Russ3ll Sage, Hiram Slocum, D. T. Vail, Jared S. Weed, Lyinan Wilder. Jes.7e Burditt, A. Howard, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Traim. Freight Trains. F. C. White. J. L. Montgomery. NEW-YORK. 47 UTICA AND BINGHAMTON RAILROAD. From Utica to Binghamton, 91 miles. OFFICE at Utica, N. T. President, A. J. "Williams, Utica. Vice-President, D. White, Sherburue. Secretary and Trtas.,.3. Watson Williams, Utica. Chief-Engineer, James Hall. Assist.-Engineer, Robt. E. Ricker. Wm. Bristol, I. Brown, John Buttcrfield, Wm. C. Churchill, W. M. Conkey, 1. 1. Foot, Martin Hart, Joseph Juleaud, W. G-. Sands, Ed \vard Tompkins, D. White, A. J. Williams, 0. S. Williams. Organized under General Railroad Law. Preliminary and other surveys made, and making preparation to commence the work. 13 DIRECTORS. WATERTOWN AND ROME RAILROAD. Rome, Oneida County, N~. Y., to Cope Vincent, Jefferson County, N. Y., 96| miles. OFFICE, Washington street, Watertown, N. Y. President, {^^ ] "^ Vice-President, 0. V. Brainard, Watertown. Secretary, Clarke Rice, Watertown. Treasurer, Daniel Lcc, Watertown. Superintendent, Job Collamer, Watertown. BeC matfer and ^ } R " K Hu "g CTford - Road-Master, James S. McBride. Master of Machinery,. 3. L. Grant, Rome. ... .11. B. Freeman, Rome. P. Ticket Agents, 13 DIRECTORS. Solon I). Tlungcrford, Calvert Comstock, John Bnidiey, Brownville, Williiim Lord, Biownville, Alfred Smith, TIaitford, Conn. Philip Dater, New-York, John P. Yelvcrton, New- York, William C. Pierrcpont, Pierre- pont Manor. .R. E. Hungerford, Watertown. David Utloy, Rome, .William Buckley, Capo Vinc't.l II. Alexander, Jr., Springfield, Ma??.. Willis Plielps, Springfield, Mass. 0. V. Brainai d, Watertown, John Armstrong, Hiram II. Cooper, Stephen Y. Anglo, Daniel N. Boswortb, CONEUCTOES OF I Passenger \ Trains. I Freight Trains. Clarke Rice, Watertown. Benjamin F. Sweet Frank Estes, Nathaniel Hazleton. NEW-JERSEY. N E W - J E II S E Y . CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. From Camden, W. 7i, to Atlantic City, N~. J., 60 miles. OFFICE, No. 56 Walnut street, Philadelphia. President, George "W. Richards. Secretary and Treas., Robert Frazer. Superintendent, John H. Osborne. Chief-Engineer, Richard B. Osborno. Road-Master, I. H. Biddle. Freight Agent, S. B. Johnson. Master of Machinery, . S K. Moore. Ticket Agent, I. G. Bryant. H. Boucher, 12 DIRECTORS. Thomas P. Carpenter, William Coffin, S. Colwcll, E. Doughty, A. I. Drexel, A. K. Hay, Joseph Harrison, I. Pitney, Joseph Porter, Samuel Richards, Thomas II. Richards, John Tucker. CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains. D. IT. Mundy. Freight Trains. William Donnelly. FREEHOLD AXD JAMESBURG AGRICULTURAL RAILROAD. From Freehold, N. J., to Jameslurg, N.J., ll- miles. OFFICE at Jamesburg, N. J. 9 DIRECTORS. Isaac S. Buckelow. President, William D. Davis. Secretary, Treas., ) and > Superintendent, ) Attorney, Joseph Combs. Ticket Agent, David D. Cawley, Freehold. James Buckcle-w, Joseph Combs, William D. Davis, Daniel H. Ellis, Aaron Gulick, Edwin A. Stevens, Robert L. Stevens, Robert F. Stockton, John R Thomson. CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains, Simon F. Pyle. Freight Trains John F. Heath. NEW-JERSEY. 49 MORRIS AND ESSEX RAILROAD. From Newark, N. J., to Hackettstown, 52 ^ miles. OFFICE, in Depot Building, on Division street, Newark. President, William "Wright Vice-President, Joel "W. Condit Secretary, . Amzi Dodd. Treasurer, I. C. Garthwaite. Superintendent, I. Van Rensellaer. Chief -Engineer, Jedediah B. Bellinger. Ad. Mas. Machinery, "William Marshall CONDUCTOES OF Oram G. Sayre, Isaac L. Van Ordin, Samuel Arbuthnot, ) Passenger ( f Trains. ( Freight Trains. 9 DIRECTORS. Daniel Babbit, Joel "W. Condit, Stephen D. Day, I. C. Garthwaite, Jonathan Parkhurst, Aaron Robertson, Beach Vanderpool, "William N. Wood, William Wright Isaac Van Pelt. John M. Smith. NEW-JERSEY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. From Jersey City, opposite New- York, to New-Brunswick, N. J., 33 T 9 A miles. OFFICE, No. 5t Merchants' Exchange, N. Y., President, John S. Darcy. and at Jersey City, N. J. 9 DIRECTOES. John Acker, John S. Darcy, Hamilton Fish, D. S. Gregory, John P. Jackson, Adam Lee, J. Phillips Phoenix, Henry Remsen, Stephen Whitney. John Fernald, Isaac F. Frazees, John Hedden, N. Herring. S. H, Roe. Vice-President, John P. Jackson. Secretary, F. Wolcott Jackson. Treasurer, Henry I. Southmayd. Gen. Superintendent, . J. P. Jackson. Ass. Super intendfs, ] T" -v^ \\r 00( jruiE. Engineer, Israel Smith. Clerk in Treas. Office, William B. Lent. Clerk in Shops, John P. Van Winkle. Attorney, J. P. Jackson. Road-Master, John C. Herrick. Master of Car Rep., . .D. H. Baker. Master of Iron Work, James S. Hutton. Master of Machinery, . James McFarland. Gen. Ticket Agent, ... I. A. Gwinner. Station Ticket ) M. C. Prince, Agents, \ I. C. Pierson. Freight Agent, D. A. Gaddis. CONDUCTORS OP W. H. Bristol, "I [ D. Coddington. William Coulter, I **%** J J. Counsellor, Trams - N. L. Douglass, J P. W. Martin, Jr., ) Freight ( C. F. Moore, Trains. \ 4 50 NEW-JERSEY. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY. From Elizabethport, N. J., to Easton, Pa., 63 miles. Steamboat from New -York to Elizabethport, 12 " OFFICE, No. 69 "Wall street, New- York. President, John T. Johnston, New-York. Secretary and Treas., G. M. MUligan, Elizabeth, N. J. Superintendent and J h Q & Chief-Engineer, ) Assistant Supt., . . Josiah 0. Stearns, " ( John Reed, Division Engineers, < I. 0. Tenney, Clinton, N. J., ( I. Radnich, White-House, N. J. Road-Master, Win. Simpson, Bloomsbury, Gen. Freight Agent, . . Josiah 0. Stearns,Elizabeth, Master of Machinery, . Samuel L. Moore, " Gen. Ticket Agent, . . .Jer. R. Fairbank, " Paymaster, I. Jewell Smith, " 9 DIRECTORS. William E. Dodge, New- York, John C. Green, " John T. Johnston, Adam Norrie, " John 0. Sterns, Elizabeth, N. J., Benj. Williamson, " Alfred Vail, Morristown, " F. T. Frelinghuysen, Newark, H. D. Maxwell, Eaaton, Pa, CONDUCTORS OF L. C. Voorhees, Easton, Pa"., ) F. P. Hill, Elizabeth, N. J., y H. Whiting, Elizabeth, N. J., Freight Trains. Passenger Trains. ( H. P. Baldwin, SomervUle,N. J. J. R. Emery, Elizabeth, N. J. PATERSON AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. From Paterson, N. J., to Jersey City, double track, 16 miles. OFFICE at Paterson, N. J. President, John Colt, Paterson. Secretary and Treas., A. S. Pennington, Paterson. PATERSON AND RAMAPO RAILROAD. From Paterson to Sufferns, (Ramapo^) single track, 15 miles. OFFICE, .President, Gouverneur Morris, N. York. .Secretary and Treas., John Hopper, Paterson. Both roads are under lease to the New- York and Erie Railroad, havo the same gauge of six feet, and are both run by the last-named road. PENNSYLVANIA. 51 PENNSYLVANIA. ALLENTOWtf RAILROAD. From Allentown, Lehigh Co., to Auburn, Pa., 40 miles. OFFICE at Eastern, Pa. 11 DIRECTORS. President, Henry D. Maxwell. Secretary and Treas., John T. Johnston, New- York. Chief-Engineer, Ellwood Morris. Resident Engineer, . . .Jesse Samuels. Samuel J. Bealg, J. F. Butterworth, J. Dillinger, "William E. Dodge, John C. Green, John T. Johnston, G. M. Milligan, C. Pretz, John F. A. Sanford, C. A. Sherman, John 0. Sterns. CATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT, AND ERIE RAILROAD. From Junction (8^ miles N. of Tamaqud) to Milton, Pa^ 63^ miles. OFFICE, corner of South-Fourth street and "Willing's Alley, Philadelphia. President, "Wm. D. Lewis, Philadelphia. 6 MANAGERS. Secretary and Treas., Joseph R. Paxton, " Superintendent, T. McKissock, Williamsport. Robert Bayard, Road-Master, H. A. Fonda, F. N. Buck, Master of Machinery,. C. A. Stanchff, " A. S. Diven, Ticket Agent, I. H. Park," ' H. A. Johnson, Joseph Paxton, John Tucker. 52 PENNSYLVANIA. CHAMBERSBURG, GREENCASTLE, AND HAGERS- TOWN RAILROAD. From Chambersburg, Pa., to Hagerstown, Md., 22% miles. OFFICE, corner of South-Fourth street and "Willing's Alley, Philadelphia. 6 MANAGERS. Resident, Thomas A. Biddle. Secretary and Treas., Joseph E. Paxton. Edward E. Biddle, Howard Kennedy, William McLellan, Peter McMartin, Joseph E. Paxton, John Eowe. COLUMBIA AND OCTORARO RAILROAD. From OFFICE at Columbia, Pa. President, Joseph Schoch. 12 DIRECTORS. Cornelius Collins, A. Scott Ewing, A. S. Green, John Griffin, J. r. Hess, Davis Kimball, Hatton Mercer, James Patterson. James L. Eeynolds, George Steele, "William "Wheeler, Samuel A. "Worth. PENNSYLVANIA. 53 CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. From Chambersburg to Harrisburg, Pa., 56 miles. OFFICE, President, Frederick Watts, Carlisle, Pa. Secretary and Treas , E. M. Biddle, Superintendent, Weighmaster, . . Ticket Agents, .A. P. Smith, Chambersburg, . J. McCormick Allen, Carlisle. .John Campbell, Carlisle, .A.H.McCulloh, Chambersb'rg, .N. R. Sturdivant, Harrisburg, .1. H. Criswell, Shippensburg. I. W. Deal, Chambersburg, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 12 DIRECTORS. William S. Cobean, Carlisle^ "Wm. M. Henderson, " Danl. 0. Gehr, Chambersburg, James McCormick, Harrisburg, Henry I. Biddle, Philadelphia, George Cadwalader, " John N. Hutchinson, " I. Pemberton Hutchinson, David Lapsley, Charles B. Penrose, " Wm. L. Savage, " Daniel Tyler, S. H. Brooks, Harrisburg. John Hewit, Chambersburg. A supplement to the charter of the Cumberland Valley Eailroad, authorizing the Company to extend their road from Chambersburg to any point on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, in Virginia, or to any point in Maryland, and to purchase, re- lay, and put in running order, the Franklin Railroad, from Chambersburg to Hagerstown, has passed the Legislature of Pennsylvania. For this purpose the Company is authorized to increase their stock to $1,500,000, and issue bonds for the whole, or any part, and secure the same by mortgage on the road. DAUPHIN AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. From Rockville, on the Pennsylvania Central M. M., to Auburn, on the Philadelphia and Heading R. M., 54 miles. OFFICE, No. 89 Merchants' Exchange, New- York. President, Russell Stebbins, New- York. 11 DIRECTORS. Treasurer, Thomas E. Davis. S. L. M. Barlow, C. H. Booth, T. Chambers, T. E. Davis, F. C. Gebhard, C. G. Havens, M. Humphreys, E. Morris, William Remsen, Russell Stebbins, John Tucker. SSSJSST ^wood Morris, Cold Spring. 54: PENNSYLVANIA. ERIE AND NORTH-EAST RAILROAD. From jEHe, jPa., to New- York State Line, 20 miles. OFFICE at Erie, Pa. t DIRECTORS. President, John A. Tracy. Secretary and Treas., I. C. Spencer, Erie. Ticket Agent, Ira W. Hart, Erie. Jno. Brawley, M. Courtright, P. Metcalf, Dean Richmond, A. Scott, John A. Tracy, John H. Walker. Under a general running arrangement, this road is operated and run in connec- tion with the Buffalo and State-Line Eailroad. HARRISBURG, PORTSMOUTH, MOUNT JOY, AND LANCASTER RAILROAD. From Harrisburg to Dittervitte, with Branch from Portsmouth to Columbia, 38 miles. GENERAL OFFICE, South-east corner of Third and "Walnut streets, Philadelphia. President, Joseph Teager. 13 DIRECTORS. Secretary and Treas., George Taber. Superintendent, Kirk Few. Henry Buehler, Seth Craige, William Ford, Dr. John Holmes, Francis King, David Lapsley, Wm. W. Longstreth, James Magee, Robert V. Massey, James Mehaffy, Algernon S. Roberts, Francis R. Wharton, Joseph Yeager. This road is run in connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad, said Company furnishing the power. The road is kept in order by the Harrisburg and Lancaster Railroad Company. PENNSYLVANIA. 55 HEMPFIELD RAILROAD. From Wheeling, Va., to Greensbitrg, Pa., 76 miles. OFFICE, President, A. "W. Acheson. Secretary, Jos. Henderson. Treasurer, "W. H. Carr. Chief-Engineer, "W. 0. Smith. Division Engineer.,. .A. S. Bender. ( B. H. Lee, Resident Engineers, < Edward Frost, ( I. C. Wilson. Attorneys, Fry & Paull. Master of Machinery, . I. C. Denmead. 7 DIRECTORS. A. W. Acheson, I. C. Acheson, S. Brady, I. C. Clark, "Win. McKennan, C. M. Reed, Thos. Sweeney. This road is in the course of construction, and the first division from Wheeling to Washington, Pa., it is expected will be completed in May, 185G. *HUNTLNGDON AND BROAD TOP RAILROAD. From Huntingdon, Pa., to OFFICE, President, L. T. Wattson. Secretary, Treasurer, Superintendent, G-. W. Lewis. Chief-Engineer, 12 DIRECTORS. John Devereux, James Entriken, Daniel Haddock, James B. Lane, John McCandless, James W. Paul, John Scott, S. Morris Wain, Samuel Welsh, A P. Wilson, Rathmell Wilson, Horatio C. Wood. This road is completed from Huntingdon to Stonerstown, 24 miles, and the cars are running upon it daily. The track from Stonerstown to the Broad Top Moun- tain coal-mines is already laid, and when the bridge is finished, tho regular trans- portation of coal will commence. 56 PENNSYLVANIA. LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. From Heading to Harrisburg, Pa., 54 miles. OFFICE in Reading. President, .......... Simon Cameron. Secretary and Treas., Daniel G. Hunter. Chief Engineer, ..... Richard B. Osborne. E. D. Muhlenberg, LR. F. Stack. Resident Engineer, . . .M. E. Lyons. Attorney, .......... Wra. Strong. 6 DIRECTORS. Samuel Bell, Isaac Eckert, J. W. Killinger, G. A. Nicolls, Wm. Strong, John Tucker. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. From Easton to Mauch Chunk, 46 miles. OFFICE, Easton, Pa. 5 DIRECTORS. President, .......... "Wm. "W. Longstreth. Secretary and Treas., John N. Hutchinson. Attorney, .......... James M. Porter. Road-Master, ....... Samuel Logan. Ticket Agent, ........ William H. Sayre, Jr. David Barnet, Easton, "William H. Gatzmer, Phila., John T. Johnston, New- York. Asa Packer, Mauch Chunk, E. A. Packer, Philadelphia. James I. Blakeslee, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains, Freight Trains, Edward F. Young. Harrison "W. Crosby. PENNSYLVANIA. 57 LITTLE SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. From Port Clinton to Junction with Catawissa, Williamsport, and Erie Railroad, 28 miles. OFFICES, No. 7 Library street, Philadelphia, and at Tamaqua, Pa. 6 DIRECTORS. President, Secretary and Treas. Superintendent, Resident Engineer, . . . Attorney, Road-Master, Master of Transp., . . . Master of Machinery, . Ticket Agent, Joseph Patterson. George W. Cole. J. Edward Barnes. David H. Goodwin. ( Christopher Loeser, V (Schuylkill Co.,) D. D. Lewis. M. P. Fowler. Henry Clayton. M. P. Fowler. F. K Buck, Levi Dickson, Charles Henry Fisher, Frederick Fraley, George R. Justice, Matthew Newkirk. CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains, The same as on Catawissa, Williamsport, and Erie Railroad. MINE HILL AND SCHUYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD. From /Schuylkill to Tremont, 12 miles. OFFICE, Franklin Institute Building, Philadelphia. President, John C. Cresson. Secretary, William Biddle. Treasurer, Samuel Mason. Superintendent, R. A. Wilder. Assistant, " G. M. Kennedy. Chief-Engineer, R. A. Wilder. Division Engineers, j g^^ Attorney, John Bannan. Master of Machinery,. J. J. Upchurch. 10 DIRECTORS. Joshua W. Ash, Joseph Cresson, Mordecai L. Dawson, James R. Greeves, Jeremiah Hacker, I. Pemberton Hutchinson, John Livesey, Samuel Mason, Samuel F. Troth, Samuel Welsh. 58 PENNSYLVANIA. MOUNT CARBON RAILROAD. From Mount Carbon to the foot of Mine Hill, in Schuylkill County, Pa. The road has a main stem of 1 miles, which at the forks of the Norwegian Creek diverges into two branches of about 3 miles each. Total length of road, say 1 miles. OFFICE, No. 78|- Walnut street, Philadelphia. President, John E. White. 8 DIRECTORS. Secretary and Treas., James C. Donnell. Charles S. Boker, William E. Bowen, John A. Brown, James C. Donnell, William C. Patterson, Samuel H. Perkins, Joseph Perot, Nicholas E. Thomon. Exclusively a coal road. Capital stock, $200,000. No debt NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. From Philadelphia to Bethlehem, 55 miles. OFFICE, No. 123 "Walnut street, Philadelphia. Pres. and Ch. Eng., . .Edward Miller. Secretary, Edward Armstrong. Treasurer, William Wister. Superintendent, (President acts.) P. L. Fox, J. N. Du Barry. Thomas D. Conyngham, Henry E. Gummey, W. T. Hollowbush. Attorney, John P. Brock. Road-Master, Joseph M. Eitterson. Master of Machinery, . William Schultz. Ticket Agent, Charles J. McEwen. Division Engineers, Resident Engineers, Mr. Hoppel, " Gillingham, 12 DIRECTORS. John Brock, J. Gillingham Fell, Algernon S. Eoberts, Daniel B. Hinman, J. Livingston Erringer, John Jordan, Jr., S. Morris Wain, I. Pemberton Hutchinson, John H. Towne, Coffin Colket, fOn Eobert Y. Massey, J part Harry Conrad, | the the of city [of Phila. CONDUCTORS OF > Passenger ( C Trains. ( Mr. Pettit. No freight trains exclusively. One of the passenger trains carries freight also. Eoad opened to Gwynedd, 19 miles. Expect to be completed to Bethlehem next fall. PENNSYLVANIA. 59 NORTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. From JBlairsville, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, to Junction with Cleveland and Mahoning Railroad at Newcastle, 87 miles. OFFICE, President, Eobert S. Eeed, Philadelphia. 12 DIRECTORS. Samuel Branson, Philadelphia, Samuel T. Canby, " Christian J. Hoffman, John McCandless, Horace C. Peck, William F. Smith, John Price Wetherill, Samuel M. Lane, Butler, Charles C. Sullivan, " William Haher, Blairsville, E. W. Cunningham, Newcastle, David Sankey, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. From Harrisburgh to Pittsburgh, 248 miles. OFFICE, No. 70 "Walnut street, Philadelphia. President, .... Vice- President, Secretary, .... Treasurer, Superintendent, Assistant Supts., . . < Chief-Engineer, Resident Engineers, \ Attorneys, -j Gen. Ticket Agent, . . Gen. Freight Agent,. . J. Edgar Thomson. Wm. B. Foster, Jr. . Edmund Smith. Thomas T. Firth, Herman J. Lombaert. Enoch Lewis, T. A. Scott, A. L. Boumfort. Herman Haupt. George E..Mowry, Thomas Seabrook. Job E, Tyson, Wm. A. Stokes. Lewis L. Haupt. H. H. Houston. 14 DIRECTORS. By the Stockholders. "Washington Butcher, George "W. Carpenter, John Farnum, William Neal, C. E. Spangler, J. Edgar Thomson, William E. Thompson, John Yarrow. By the City of Philadelphia. John H. Bringhurst, Herman Haupt, George M. Howell. By the Commissioners of AUeghany County. William Eobinson, Jr., Thomas Scott. By the Board. William B. Foster, Jr. 60 PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. Connecting icith the Chester Valley Railroad at Nbrristown, and with the Chestnut Hill Railroad at Germantown. From Philadelphia to Norristown, 1 7 miles, and thence by Ches- ter Valley Railroad to Downingtown, making 31 miles. From Germantown to Chestnut Hill, 4 miles. OFFICE, East corner Ninth and Green streets, Philadelphia. President, Sec. and Treas., .... Engineer, Locomotive Eng'rs,* Attorney, Master of Machinery, Ticket Agent, Assistant, Freight Agent, Edward 0. Dale. .John F. "Watson. Jesse Lightfoot. John Mackley, Henry "Wentzel, Jacob Leonard, Stephen D. Winnel, L. Green, Geo. Johnson, Jos. Clark, Jesse Jones, L. Hartley. Henry M. Phillips. John Moyer. .H. K. Smith. .1. B. Peddle. .George A. Piper. 13 DIRECTORS. M. B. Buckley, Geo. TV. Carpenter, Coffin Colket, Edw. C. Dale, A. E. Dougherty, Charles Ellis, "Wm. Mussa, Joseph Perot, Wm. H. Slingluff, Joseph Swift, Geo. H. Thomson, M. S. "Wickersham, 1. 1. Woodward. To Germantoivn, H. Krickbaum, J. J. Kite. CONDUCTORS OP if To Norristown, Passenger J Benjamin Plum, Trains. 1 P. Symmes, James Beale. Three daily freight trains. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. From Norristown to OFFICE, President, Thomas S. Fernon. Secretary and Treas.,J. L. Gossler. Solicitor, W. A. Porter. G DIRECTORS. George W. Carpenter, Theodore C. Heyl, W. A. Porter, W. B. Roberts, Benjamin Rush, Richard Henry Rush, PENNSYLVANIA. 61 CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. From Chestnut If ill to Germantown, 4 miles. OFFICE at Philadelphia. President, Coffin Colkct. Secretary and Treas.Jl. K. Smith. 12 DIRECTORS. F. A. Buck, G. W. Carpenter, C. Q. Childs, Matthias Haas, J. M. Hildeburn, William Miller, John R. Neff, Joseph Patterson, John Piper, C. T. Platt, W. L. Schaffer, H. K. Smith. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. From Richmond, on the Delaware, to Pottsmllc, Pa.^ 93 miles. OFFICE, No. 73 South-Fourth street, Philadelphia. President, John Tucker. Vice-President, R. D. Cullen. Secretary and Treas., Samuel Bradford. Superintendent and ) G A N - fa j Chief-Engineer, J Resident Engineer, . . . J. D. Steele. . ( St. Geo. Tucker Campbell, Phil., " ne y s > | William Strong, Reading. Master of Machinery, James Milholland. 6 DIRECTORS. John Ashurst, Charles S. Boker, R, D. Cullen, Isaac R. Davis, Samuel Morris, George W. Richards. Geo. Minich, H. Millard, Richard Baldridge, Charles Van Horn, Harrison Peters, G. W. Ubil, John C. Matthews, CONDUCTORS OP ! Passenger \ Trains. 1 ) Regular Through ( y Trains. \ Market Freight Trains. Reading Coal Trains. Jos. S. Keyser, Charles G. Reifl; Samuel Beard. Charles Smith, Samuel C. Gardiner. Daniel Fisher. Michael Reill7. 62 PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA AND SUNBURY RAILROAD. From ShamoJcin to Sunbury , 20 miles. OFFICE, No. 6 Carpenter's Court, Philadelphia, Penn. 6 DIRECTORS. President, William L. Helfenstein. Secretary and Treas., "William Riehle. Superintendent, A. R. Fiske, Shamokin. Chief-Engineer, Kimber Cleaver, " Thomas Baumgardner, Charles S. Boker, John G. Brock, Charles "W. Hegins, Jesse S. Heston, David Longenecker. CONNECTIONS FORMED BY THIS EoAD. 1st. With the Reading Railroad, by way of the Mine Hill Railroad, which will afford an outlet for the coal to Philadelphia* New- York, Boston, and other eastern towns and cities on the Atlantic. 2d. At Sunbury, with the Pennsylvania Canal ; leading to the Chesapeake Bay and to Baltimore, and other southern and eastern markets. 3d. At Sunbury, with the Northern Central Railroad, in course of construction, directly with the city of Baltimore. 4th. By the road to Danville, 8 miles in length, with the Montour Iron region and Iron works, which will afford a market for at least 200,000 tons of coal annually. 5th. A branch road, 9 miles in length, will afford a direct railroad communica- tion by way of Tamaqua, Easton, and the New- Jersey Central Railroad, to the city of New- York. 6th. By the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, and Williamsport and Elmira Railroad, with the Railroads and Canals of New- York and the great Lakes, which will form one of the great markets for anthracite coal. 7th. This road will form the connecting link between the Sunbury and Erie Rail- road and the city of Philadelphia, by means of the Reading Railroad, and the route will be 25 miles shorter than by Harrisburg. * PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD. from Bordentown to Trenton, N~. J., 6 miles. OFFICE, No. 46 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. President, . . Secretary,. . Treasurer, . .William G-. Alexander. .James Morrell. . John R. Thomson. 12 DIRECTORS. William G. Alexander, Thomas Biddle, John Dorrance, William H. Gatzmer, James S. Green, William II. Hart, R. F. Loper, Charles Macalester, Edwin A. Stevens, Robert L. Stevens, Robert F. Stockton, John R. Thomson. PENNSYLVANIA. 63 PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. From Philadelphia to Baltimore, 98 miles. OFFICE, Broad and Prime streets, Philadelphia. 15 DIRECTORS. M. Brooke Buckley, Penn, S. M. Felton, Moncure Robinson, Aubrey H Smith, Mahlon Betts, Delaware, Frederick A. Curtis, John A. Duncan, Joseph 0. Gilpin, Jesse Lane, 1. 1. Cohen, Jr., Maryland, Thomas Donaldson, John C. Groome, Thomas Kelso, Columbus O'Donnell, Enoch Pratt, Secretary and Treas., Alfred Horner. Superintendent, George A. Parker. Attorney, Isaac Hazlehurst, Road-Master, ....... H. Saunders. Master of Transp., Masters of Ma- ( . chinery, 1 . Ticket Agents, 4 . . .H. F. Kinney. . .Jos. Teas, . ."William Stearns. . .1. M. Cardiza, Philadelphia, . .1. Elliott, "Wilmington, Del., . .D. E. "Woodburn, Baltimore. Davis Gil], E. D. Jamon, I. Litzeuberg, PRINCIPAL CONDUCTORS OF f Passenger \ I Trains. 1 I. H. Smith, John Wolf. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD. From Pittsburgh, Pa., to Cumberland, Md., 147 miles. OFFICE, Neville Hall, City of Pittsburgh, Pa, 12 DIRECTORS. President, ........ . . Oliver "W. Barnes. Sec'ry and Commis., .Alexander L. Russell. Treasurer, ......... Samuel Jones. Ass. Superintendent,..!). W. Caldwell. Attorney, ........... J. Harrison SewelL Wm. J. Anderson, Pittsburgh, Thomas Bakewell, Oliver "W. Barnes, James T. Kincaid, Samuel A. Long, George Miltenberger. Joseph Pennock, D. R. Davidson, Fayette Co., Andrew Stewart, " Chauncey Brooks, Baltimore, George W. Dobbin, " Columbus O'Donnell, " CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, John Miller. Freight Trains, "William Hcrrington. PENNSYLVANIA. SUNBURY AND ERIE RAILROAD. From Sunbury to Erie, 270 miles, finished from Sunbury to Wtt- liamsport, 40 miles. OFFICE, President, Samuel V. Merrick. Secretary, Philip M. Price. Treasurer, John Lindsay. Ghief-Engineer, Robert Faries, j P. Jarrett, | James L. Randolph. "W. W. Morrison, Division Engineers, Resident Engineers, E. W. Bering. Attorney, Charles Gibbons. 11 DIRECTORS. Elected 11 Feb., 1856. Thomas Allibone, Philadelphia, Henry Connelly, James Cooper, Daniel Deal, Robert Bwing. Franklin Plattj John W. Stokes, James D. Wetham, B. R. Petriken, Farrandsville, D. K. Jackman, Lock Haven, Jas. Armstrong, "Williamsport This Road is worked by the Catawissa Railroad Company. TIOGA RAILROAD. From New- York State Line at Laiorenceville, Pa., to Morris Run, Tioga County, Pa., 29f miles. OFFICE, No. 25 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia, President, .......... Joseph "W". Ryerss. 12 DIRECTORS. Secretary and Treas., Alexander E. Dougherty. Superintendent, ..... Levi H. Shattuck. George "W". Carpenter, General Agent, ...... Amos C. Stearns. Coffin Colket, Master-Machinist, . . . Oscar Patchell. E. C. Dale, Charles Ellis, William Ellis, H. L. Gaw, JohnW. Guernsey, B. W. Morris, Joseph W. Ryerss, R. Wain Ryerss, George K. Smith, S. Morris Wain. This Company have a lease of the Corning and Blossburg Railroad from renceville to Coming, and operate both roads. The New- York Railroad being about llf miles in length. Blossburg was the terminus of the Tioga Railroad. An extension of 4 miles has been, made to tho coal-mines of the Tioga Improve- ment Company at Morris Run. PENNSYLVANIA. BLOSSBURG AND CORNING RAILROAD. From Corning, N. Y., to Pennsylvania State Line, 15 miles. OFFICE at Corning, N. Y. President, John Magee. 13 DIEECTORS. Secretary and Treas., D. S. Magee. "William H. Bull, P. Davis, Jr., P. S. Donahe, George S. Haverling, Daniel C. Howell, S. D. Hunter, D. 8. Magee, John Magee, Thomas J. Magee, John Ostrander, David Rumsey, R. B. Van Valkenburgh, Timothy Whiting. This road is operated by the Tioga Railroad Company, a Pennsylvania Corpora- tion. Their Transportation Office is at Corning. From Pittsburgh, Pa., to Steubenville, 0., 42 miles. OFFICE at Pittsburgh, Pa. President, Secretary, Treasurer, , Chief-Engineer, . . .Isaac Jones. . Sidney P. Von Bonnhorst. .William Bakewell. .David Mitchell, Jr. 13 DlRECTOBS. B. J. Brooke, M. B. Brown, Robert Galway, N. Holmes, Thomas L. Jewett. Isaac Jones, Samuel Livingston, Samuel A. Long, Robert McKnight ; William Phillips, James Schooninaker, Richard F. Smith, Robert Woods. The directors of the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad Company, having failed to obtain the means to finish the road, now propose to lease the line for twenty years to John Edgar Thomson, of Philadelphia, and Ms associates. Mr. Thomson and his associates are to receive the road in its present state, and finish it in one year ; after which they are to have the use of it for nineteen years, retaining fifly- five per cent of the gross earnings for the working expenses, and as much more as may be necessary, if that is not enough. The remainder is to go to secure the payment of the sums required to finish and equip the road. 5 66 PENNSYLVANIA. ^*OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. From Pittsburgh, Pa., to Crestline, 0., 187 miles. OFFICE at Pittsburgh, Pa. 7 DIBECTOES. President, George "W. Cass, Pittsburgh. Superintendent, Joseph H. Moore. Chief-Engineer, S. W. Roberts. George "W". Cass, Pittsburgh, James McCauley, " Thomas Scott, " Jas. Marshall, Alleghany, Pa.. C. T. Sherman, Mansfield, 0., Chas. M. Russell, Massillon, O., John Larwill, "Wooster, 0. TREVORTON AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. From Trevorton, Northumberland Co., to Port Trevorton, Union County ', Pa., 15i miles. OFFICE, No. Ill Broadway, Trinity Buildings, New- York. President, James L. Morris. Treasurer, F. L. Johnson. WEST-CHESTER RAILROAD. From West-Chester, Pa., to Philadelphia, 32 miles. OFFICE, No. 37 North-High street, "West-Chester, Pa. President, Joseph J. Lewis. Secretary and Treas., S. M. Painter. 7 DIRECTORS. Joseph Hemphill, Joseph J. Lewis, P. P. Sharpless, William M. Spencer, Dr. Isaac Thomas, David Townsend, Joseph B. Townsend. TICKET AGENTS AND CONDUCTORS OF Jonathan T. Marshall, Passenger Trains. David Zell. Henry Ruthven, Freight Trains. T. C. Darlington. Attorney, Joseph HemphilL Road-Master, Joseph B. Showalter. Master of Tramp., . . .Ziba C.Wollerton. Motive power furnished by the State of Pennsylvania. MARYLAND. 67 * WEST-CHESTER, MEDIA, AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD. From Philadelphia to Media, 13 miles. OFFICE, N. E. corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia. 9 DIRECTORS. President, Christopher Fallon. Secretary and Treas,, Samuel B. Thomas. Superintendent, E. Jefleries. J.Lacey Darlington, Chester Co. N. Mendenhall, Dr. W. Worthington, " H. J. Brooke, Delaware Co., Lewis Miller, Thomas Pratt, John Fallon, Philadelphia, Samuel Sharpless, " Richard ' " MARYLAND. ANNAPOLIS AND ELK RIDGE RAILROAD. From Annapolis^ Md., to Junction with Washington Bran Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 18 miles from Baltimore. OFFICE at Annapolis, Md. 8 DIRECTORS. President, Dr. A. Claude. Secretary and Treas., "W. C. Tuck. Superintendent, 1 Master of Transp., > Joshua Brown. and Ch. Engineer, ) Attorney, Alexander Randall. Master of Machinery, . H. H. Bush. Nicholas Brewer, Dennis Claude, George E. Franklin, Richard R. Goodwr James H. Iglehart. Robert Lemmon, Grafton Munroe, Thomas G. Pratt M. Hammond. CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. J. 68 ,MAKYLAND. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. From Baltimore^ Hd., to Wheeling, "Fa, 379 miles. OFFICE, No. 23 Hanover street, Baltimore. President, Chauncey Brooks. Secretary and Treas., Joshua I. Atkinson. Auditor, Samuel Manning. Superintendent, William S. Wbodside. Attorney, John H. B. Latrobe. Road-Master, "W. Bodman. Master of Transp., . . .William S. Woodside. Master of Machinery, .S. J. Hayes. Gen. Ticket Agent, . . .L. M. Cole. John T. England, Baltimore, J. B. Ford, Wheeling, T. H. Parsons, Washi Freight Agent, L. S. Gordon. Washington. 31 DIRECTOBS. Stockholders, 12. Francis Burns, Benjamin Deford, Marcus Denison, John W. Garrett, William A. Hack, Johns Hopkins, William Lamping, C. Oliver O'Donnell, Edward Patterson, Samuel W. Smith, Wesley Starr, Nathan Tyson. State, 10. L. Brengle, I. Bond Chaplain, Joseph S. Cleveland. Thomas Donaldson, John S. Gittings, John Johnson, Edward W. Mealey, William Price, Henry A. Thompson, George K. Vickers. City, 9. William Adreon, John H. Barnes, James C. Blick, James H. Cook, John Dukehart, Jr., George W. Herring Charles D. Hinks, John H. T. Jerome, John T. Mitchell. MARYLAND. METROPOLITAN RAILROAD. '. V From Georgetown, D. C., to Hagerstown, Md., 75 miles. OFFICE at Georgetown, District of Columbia. 12 DIRECTORS. President, Francis Dodge. Secretary and Treas., James W.. Deeble. Chief-Engineer, Edmund Stench. Acting Chief-Eng.,. . .William H. drant. Ass Enaineers j. - R - w - Burgess, ers,.. f- . .William Miller. Ass. & Draughtsman, "William R. Hutton. A. H. Dodge, Georgetown,D.C., William H. Edes, " David English, Henry C. Matthews, " AdolphusH.Pickrell, " I. Munroe Chubb, Wash. City, Wm. W. Corcoran, John T. Towers, Ulysses Ward, " M. Davis, Frederick Co., Md. Danl.Weisel, Hagerstown, " F. C. Clopper, Montg'ry Co., " NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. From Baltimore, Md., to Sunbury, Pa., 142 miles. OFFICE, Calvert Station, Baltimore, Md. 14 DIRECTORS. President, John P. Kennedy. Secretary, Rob'ert'S. Hollins. Treasurer, John S. LieL *< Superintendent, C. 0. A,dreon. Chief-Engineer, A. B. Warford. Division Engineer, . . .P. -B. Dickinson. Attorney, James Mason Campbell Road-Master, ;LeVih Willey. Master of Machinery, . Jtihfl /. Davis. I. H. Warner, Baltimore. James Hopkins, York, I. H. Hall, Harrisburg. CONDUCTORS OF Passenger R. C. Mason, City, Wm. McPhail, " Stockholders. Zenas Barnum, Simon Gaineron, John Heir, Michael Heir, Johns Hopkins, W. H. Keighler, Eli Lewis, R. M. Magraw, Wm. E. Mayhew, Wm.' F. &8cker, Lloyd K. Rogers, Francis White. I. H Scott, ) Passenger ( 0. P. Gardner, Q. W. Ratcliffe, f Trains. \ A. Schultz. The .Northern Central Railway is formed by the consolidation of the following roads : 1. Baltimore and Susquehanna, Md., ................. 36 miles. 2. York and Maryland, Line, Pa., .................... 22 " 3. York and Cumberland, Pa., ....................... 26 " 4. Susquehanna, .................................. 54 " 5. Baltimore and Tide Water, ....................... 4 " Total, ....................... .......... 142 miles. The three first roads aro finished, and in operation ; the fourth and fifth are under contract, and will be finished by the end of the year 1856. 70 VIRGINIA. VIRGINIA. ALEXANDRIA, LOUDOUN, AND HAMPSHIRE RAILROAD. From Alexandria, to the Coal Fields in Hampshire Co., Fa., 1YO miles. OFFICE, No. 61 Prince street, Alexandria. President, Lewis McKenzie. 5 DIRECTORS. Secretary and Treas., R. Johnston. Chief-Engineer, Charles P. Manning. David Funsten, John Janney, Cassius F. Lee, James Mcllhany, John Powell. miles of the road are under contract. FREDERICKSBURG AND GORDONSVILLE RAILROAD. From Fredericksburg to Gordonsville, Va., 45 miles. 25 miles graded. OFFICE, Colonnade Building, Princess Ann street, Fredericksburg, Va. 5 DIRECTORS. President, .......... Thomas B. Barton. Secretary & Treas.,. .John S. CaldwelL Chief-Engineer, ..... William Sneden. R Heni 7 Glenn William p Garland. Resident Engineers aent engineers, Oscar M. Crutchfield, Peter Gorbuck, John H. Lee, Alexander R. Phillips, Charles E. Wellford. MANASSAS GAP RAILROAD. From Alexandria to Strasburg, Va., 88 miles. OFFICE at Alexandria. President, Treasurer Ass't do Superintendent and ) Chief-Engineer, f Assistant Engineer, . . Sup. of Repairs,, . . . Agent of Transp., . . Master of Machinery, Edward C. Marshall. Edward Green. Daniel Morgan. J. McD. Goldsborough. Hugh Rice. M. M. Welsh. William S. Fewell. Isaac Denmead. 5 DIRECTORS. Erasmus Coflman, Charles H. Hunton, William H. Irwin, Benjamin H. Lambert. Andrew Pitman. L. S. Pritchart, William B. Lewis, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. John McDonald. Oscar B. Hickerson. VIRGINIA. 71 PETERSBURG RAILROAD. From Petersbarg, Va., to Wddon, N. (7., 64 miles. OFFICE at Petersburg, Va. President, .William T. Joynes. Secretary and ?Veas.,.Alexander Falconer. Gen. Superintendent, . Thomas Sharp. Road-Master, Daniel S. Lanier. Master of Machinery, Reuben Andrews. Gen. Ticket Agent,.. .James B. Tilghnan, Weldon. John McGlamre, Geo. S. Smith, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. 5 DIRECTORS. Robert R. Collier, John Knar, Robert Leslie, Dr. B. H. May, A. G. Mcllwaine. Allen E. Thomas. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. From Richmond to Barksdale, 127 miles. OFFICE at Richmond, Va. Sec. and Treas., . . . Ass. Secretary, . . . Construction Eng., . Superintendent, . . . Master Machinist, . .P. VanDeursen. . J. S. Vaughan. . R. P. Atkinson. .Charles Campbell. .John McFarland. .R. E. Hughson. Freight Agents, ] ' * ( fioad-Master, . . . . .Thomas E. Sims, .John C. Carter. .R. F. Haskins. J. Ahern, W. P. Gillman, L. Hills, John McCarthy, CONDUCTORS OF Trains. 5 DIRECTORS. On the part of the State. L. E. Harvie, B. M. Jones, J. B. Stovall. Stockholders. James Brown, Jr., R. 0. Haskins. "W. S. Smith, P. Snyder, M. H. Tredway. 72 VIRGINIA. SEABOARD AND ROANOKE RAILROAD. From Portsmouth, Fa., to Weldon, N. (7., 78 miles. OFFICE at Portsmouth, Va. President, Samuel M Wilson 6 DIRECTORS. Secretary and Treas., Richard Walke. Superintendent, Alexander Worrall Moor N. Falls, Attorney, Tazewell Taylor T. Hume, Road-Master, Samuel T. Hand Moncure Robhison Master of Transp., . . .Owen D. Ball. Master of Machinery, Jerome B. Pendleton. Ticket Aapnts $" - wmiam & ^ebb, .Agents, -j . . . . E> N< Peterson . CONDUCTORS OF George C. Bourdett, ) Passenger ( John B. Prentis, ) Trains. ( I. Marsden Smith, Tazewell. Taylor, Samuel M. Wilson. M. F. Corbitt. Freight Trains. Samuel Bumphrey. SOUTH-SIDE RAILROAD. From Petersburg to Appomattox H. -K., Lynchburg, 123 miles. " " to City Point, 10 " OFFICE at Depot, Petersburg, Va. President, , . . . . William Pannill. Vice-President Lemuel Peebles. Secretary and Treas., J. E. Cuthbert. Superintendent, E. G. Wall. Master of Transp.,... .George B. Alsup. Master of Machinery, N. P. Wildman. Ticket Agent, E. A. Goodwyn. Wm. P. Davis, Henry Whyte, J. A. Shelly, CONDUCTORS OF ) Passenger ( ) Trains. ( Freight Trains. 6 DIRECTORS. Thomas H. Campbell, Joseph E. Cox, J. Alfred Jones, William Pannill, Lemuel Peebles, I. W. Wilson. W. B. Conway. J. D. BendalL VIRGINIA. VIRGINIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. From Richmond to Covington, 206 miles, thence via Covington ' and Ohio JR. JR. to Ohio River, to the mouth of Big Sandy, 224 miles. OFFICE at Richmond, Va. President, Secretary and Treas., Superintendent, .... Chief-Engineer, . . . Consulting Engineer, Division Engineer, . . Resident Engineers, Road-Master, . . . Gen. Freight Agent, . Master of Machinery, Ticket Agents, S. D. Gooch, Thomas P. Moody, Horace C. Gooch, John A. McClain, I. W. Philips, E. Fontaine. John Garrett. John H. Timber-lake. .A. D. Whitcomb. . Charles Ellet, Jr. . S. A. Richardson. "W. R. Johnson, George "W. Robertson, A. H. Sheppard. ."William G. Richardson. Stephen Hunter. Archer Pea. .G. J. F. Netherland, Richmond, J. A. Wingfield, Hanover O.H., ,A. W. Lally, Louisa C. H., ,A. J. Gooch, Gordonsville, James Minor, Charlottesvillc, G. "W". Puller, Staunton, J. "W. Abraham, Goshen. CONDUCTORS OF ) Passenger j f Trains. 1 Freight Trains. 5 DIRECTORS. State. Jacob Bayler, Samuel Carpenter, William Overton. Stockholders. Nathaniel B. Hill, "William I. Robertson. R. "W. Pierce, F. L. Swift. I. D. Roberts, I. W. Whitlock. VIRGINIA AND TENNESSEE RAILROAD. From Lynchburg, Va., to Bristol, on Tennessee Line, 204 miles. OFFICE at Lynchburg, Va. President, John R. McDaniel. Secretary, William H. Hughes. Treasurer, Francis G. Morrison. Auditor, Charles W. Christian. Superintendent, EdwardJEL Gill. Resident Road-Master, James B. Saunders. Gen. Freight Agent, . James P. Whaling. Master Machinist,. . . . Samuel Peters. Ticket Agent, John F. Baugh. Paymaster, John R. Hughes. 5 DIRECTORS. Stockholders. Henry Davis, George Stuart. Slate. Dexter Otey, Thomas L. Preston, William A. Read. Thomas N. Cobbs, Wm. A. Horton, John T. Higginson, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains, ) Freight ( ) Trains. ( Henry Harmeling. Pettigrew. 74 NORTH-CAROLINA. N R T H-C A B L I N A. NORTH-CAROLINA RAILROAD. From Goldsboro to Charlotte, 225 miles. OFFICE at Salisbury, N. C. President, Secretary and Treas., Superintendent, Chief-Engineer, Resident Engintcrs, < Hood-Master, Master of Transp.,. . . Master of Machinery, . .Charles P. Fisher. Cyrus P. MendenhalL Theodore S. Garnett. Walter Gwynn. "W. P. Moore, James S. Morrison, Nereus Mendenhall. Thomas S. Sumner. N. E. Scales. Thomas E. Roberts. Charles Bradshaw, Griffis, William Dusenberry, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 12 DIRECTORS. John D. Bellamy, Paul C. Cameron, R. P. Dick, W. L Dortch, C. F. Fisher, F. Fries, Phil. B. Hawkins, Samuel Hargrave, Alexander MacRae, Giles Mebane, R. M. Saunders, John I. Shaver. T. D. Harris, Kedar Raiford. Pennington. This road commences at Goldsborough, and extends to Charlotte, near the South- Carolina line, 225 miles, passing through Raleigh, Hillsborough, Greensborough, Lexington, and Salisbury. It was commenced in July, 1851. The capital stock of the company is four millions of dollars, the State owning tliree millions, and individuals one million. There is now a complete railroad line through North-Carolina from north to south. The extension of the North-Carolina Railroad into Tennessee and to the seaport at Beaufort is in progress. The road just finished was built principally by fanners on the route working out a half-million of their stock upon their own resources. RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD. From ftaleigk to Weldon^ N. C., 99 miles. OFFICE at Raleigh. President, Robert A. Hamilton. Secretary and Treas.,.W. W. Vass. Superintendent of 1 Transportation > S. D. Beves. and Repairs, j Superintend, of Shops, Albert Johnson. Attorney, B. F. Moore. 6 DIRECTORS. W. J. Hawkins, John G. King, Thomas Miller, Geo. W. Mordecai, Allen C. Perry, Gaston H. Wilder. T. Horton, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains, L. E. Riggan. NORTH-CABOLINA. 75 WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE, AND RUTHERFORDTON RAILROAD. From Wilmington to Rutherfordton, N~. C. OFFICE, President, H. W. Guion. Secretary and Treas.,S. W. Johnston. Chief-Engineer, John C. McRae. 9 DIRECTORS. Robert H. Cowan, P. K. Dickinson, R. S. French, H. W. Guion, C. C. Henderson, W. R. Leake, A. G. Logan, W. L. Steele, A. H. Van Bokkelen. * WILMINGTON AND MANCHESTER, N. C., RAILROAD. From Wilmington, N. C., to Kingsvitte, S. C., 1*71 miles. OFFICE at "Wilmington. 10 DIRECTORS. President, J. Eli Gregg. Superintendent, J. L. Fleming. E. "W. Charles, "W. W. Harblee, George I. W. McCall, John B. Moore, "W. A. Muldrow, N. N. Nixon, Henry Nutt, Alfred Smith, John A. Taylor, T, D. Walker. SOUTH-CAROLINA. WILMINGTON AND WELDON RAILROAD, From Wilmington to Weldon, .#! (7., 62 miles. OFFICE at "Wilmington. President, Secretary and Treas., Engineer and Sup., . . Attorney, , Hood-Mister, Master of Transp., . . . Master of Machinery, . Ticket Agents, "~\ .William S. Ashe. James S. Green. S. L. Fremont. .Wm. A. "Wright. John Crone. Thomas H. Lane. Harry Ruggles. S. D. "Wallace, Wilmington, John Campbell, Weldon. 10 DIRECTORS. I. D. Bellamy, j "Wm. C. Bettencourt, ' A. I. De Rosset, P. K. Dickinson, Edward P. Hall, Wm. K. Lane, W. "W. Pierce, Gilbert Potter, L. H. Whitaker. "Wm. A. "Wright. Wm. H. Laspeyre, D. W. Hooks, B. F. Ellis, Robert Lee, Archibald Alderman, Edwin D. Love, CONDUCTORS OF ! Passenger \ Trains. 1 Freight Trains. H. D. Gilbert, George Morrison, A. J. Hewlet. Geo. Curtis, James Knight. SOUTH-CAROLINA. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. From Charleston, S. (7., to Knoxoille^ Tenn., 196 miles. OFFICE, Adger's st. Wharf; Charleston. President, Edward Frost. Chief Engineer, Thomas M. Wagner. Secretary and 2Veos.,George B. Lythgoe. 8 DIRECTORS. Robert Adger, Henry W. Connor. William C. Dukes^ Charles M. Furman, Henry Gourdin, Charles I. Lowndes, George A. Trenholm, Wm. Porcher Miles, Mayor of Charleston. SOUTH- CAROLINA. 77 "CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. From Charleston, S. C., to Savannah, Ga. OFFICE, President, Thomas P. Drayton. 12 DIRECTORS. Charleston. "W. Porcher Miles, Mayor, J. B. Campbell, W. F. Colcock, Henry Gkmrdin, "William B. Martin, C. Gr. Meminger, Otis Mills, "William Kirkwood, L. T. Potter, Edmund Rhett. Savannah. Richard Bradley, "W. B. Hodgson. CHARLOTTE AND SOUTH-CAROLINA RAILROAD. From Columbia, S. C., to Charlotte, JV". C., 109 miles. OFFICE at Columbia, S. C. President, "Wm. M. Johnson, Charlotte. Secretary and Treas.,G. Bouknight. Superintendent, Fred. Nims. Attorney, W. F. De Saussure. Road-Master, F. "W. Wing. Master of Machinery, M. H. Toy. Ticket Agent, S. H. Bailey. 12 DIRECTORS. John Caldwell, Charleston, S. McAliley, Chester, H. A. Brawley, " J. S. Boatwright, Columbia. A. R. Taylor, " Theo. S. Dubose, Fairfield, WiUiam R. Robertson, " "Wm. M. Johnson, N. C., A. B. Davidson, " H. "White, " R. L. Young, A. B. Springs, York. C. A. Barnes, James Gilston, L. B. M^ssey, James M. Powell, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. F. G. Fowler. I. M. Rosboro, I. W. McWhirter. 78 SOUTH-CAROLINA. From Gheraw to Florence, S. C., 40 miles. OFFICE at Cheraw, S. C. President, Allan Macfarlan. Secretary and Treas., John H. Mclver. Superintendent, S. S. Solomons. Attorney, LA. Inglis. 'E. J. WaddiU, Cheran, I. F. Parrott, Society Hill, 1. 0. Herrington, Dover Station, I. E. Morriss, Darlington C. H., "W. J. N. Hammet, Florence, [William Lee, Cash's Depot. CONDUCTOR OF Ticket Agents, 10 DIRECTORS. John N. Williams, Thomas Smith, I. Eli Gregg, Caleb Coker, T. P. Lide, T. Pinckney Huger, E. W. Charles, W. T. Ellerbe, E. B. C. Cash, T. E. B. Pegues. Passenger Trains, Win. Haynie. Florence is the southern terminus of the Cheraw and Darlington Railroad, where the connection is made with the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad and the North-Eastern Railroad. GREENVILLE AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD. From Columbia to Greenville, 144 miles. With Branch to Abbeville, 1 If miles, and to Anderson, 9 miles. OFFICE at Abbeville C. H. President, Secretary and Treas., Superintendent, Chief Engineer, Supervisors of Track, Chief Agent, .... Master of Machinery, . TickefaAgent, . . Thomas C. Pen-in. .1. P. Southern, Columbia, S. C. E. F. Raworth, " Geo. E. Walker, " B. F. Burns, 1st Division, R. R. Hudgins, 2d Division. Thos. T. Davis, Columbia, S. C. " W. B. Smith, Helena, New- berry C. H. I. Taar. 12 DIRECTORS. I. M. Allen, Daniel Blake, Thomas M. Cox, S. Fair, Joseph Gillam, W. M. Lawton, V. McBee, D. Nance, I. B. O'NeaU, I. P. Reed, C. Smith, I. N. Whitner. Wm. B. Ivor, M. Medlock, Thomas Coogler, M. F. Thompson, W. W. Waldrop, CONDUCTORS OF ) Passenger ( J Trains. ( ) Freight j f Trains. 1 Geo. E. Isaacs. Geo. Swygert, G. L. Hennings. M. Wagner. SOUTH-CAROLINA. 79 KING'S MOUNTAIN RAILROAD. From Yorkville to Chester, S. (7., 22-| miles. OFFICE at Yorkville, S. C. President, Secretary and Treas., Superintendent and ) Chief-Engineer, . J Attorneys, Road-Master, Masters of Transp., -j Master of Machinery, Ticket Agents, < William Wright. John A. Brown. C. B. Knowles. Williams & Beatty, G. W. Byars. W. M. Robinson, Chester, J. C. Miller, Yorkville. C. B. Knowles. John A. Brown, Yorkville, W. M. Eobinson, Chester. 8 DIRECTORS. John H. Adams, W. C. Beatty, John S. Bratton, John S. Moore, Samuel Rainey, F. H. Simril, Samuel Wright, Wm. Wright, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains, Robert F. McClure. Freight Trains, Robert F. McClure. LAURENS RAILROAD. Laurens G. H. to Newberry C. -T., 32 miles. OFFICE at Laurens C. H. President, Dr. John W. Simpson. Secretary and Treas., John W. Eppes. Superintendent, B. S. Jones. Attorney, C. P. Sullivan. Master of Machinery, . I. N. Burner. Ticket Agent, J. W. Eppes. 12 DIRECTORS. I. A. Eigleberger, A. Fuller, I. G-arlington, I.H.Irby, I. F. Kern, F. Nance, I. Nesbit, C. P. Sullivan, John Smith, S. R. Todd, I. D. Williams, H. C. Young. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger and Freight Trains, .L. H. Little. 80 SOUTH-CAROLINA. NORTH-EASTERN RAILROAD. From Charleston to Florence on the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, 102 miles. OFFICE, No. 29 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. 7 DIRECTORS. James M. Eason, T. P. Huger, Mitchel King, Charles Macbeth, Smith Mowry, Jr., John Ravenel, Edward Sebring, CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, I. MacPherson. Thirty miles, to Monck's Corner, in operation. Fifty miles will be opened by 1st May, 1856. T. Pinckney Huger. Secretary and Treas., "WUliaman. Superintendent, "W. I. Robinson. Resident Engineer, . . .John L. Branch. Attorney, "Wm. E. Martin. Road-Master, Mas- } ter Transp., and > John Chalk. Master Machiny., j PENDLETON, S. C., RAILROAD. From Anderson C. H. to Pendleton, 14 miles. OFFICE, President, F. "W. Symmes. Secretary and Treas., Thomas M. Wagner. Chief-Engineer, G. B. Lythgoe. 10 DlEECTORS. E. B. Benson, I. L. Latta, I. S. Lorton, John Maxwell, E. A. Maxwell, G. Seaborn, E. F. Simpson, B. T. Sloan, I. B. Tilton, "Wm. Vanwyck. SOUTH-CAROLINA. 81 SOUTH-CAROLINA RAILROAD. From Charleston, S. C., to Augusta, Ga., 136 miles. " Columbia, S. C., 130 " " Camden, S. C., 132 " OFFICE, President, John Caldwell. Secretary, I. R. Emery. Auditor and Treas.,.. Thomas Waring. Superintendent and ) Tr enrv . m p ea v e Chief-Engineer,. ) Master of Transp., . . . Smith Miles. Hosier of Machinery, . N. Darrill. fJohn King, Charleston, . . J John E. Marley, Augusta, ' 1 Charles I. Bollin, Columbia, [ I. Jones, Camden. Gen. Freight Agent, Wm. J. Magrath. 15 DIRECTORS. I. Bryce, A. Burnsides, J. Caldwell, W. C. Dukes, C. M. Furman, W. C. Gatewood, H. Gourdine, Wade Hampton, A. Hugher, C. T. Mitchell, L. J. Patterson, I. Rose, C. J. Shannon, G-. A. Trenholm, A. Wallace. SPARTANBURG AND UNION RAILROAD. From Spartanburg, S. C., to Alston Station, 67 miles. OFFICE at Spartanburg C. H., S. C. 11 DIRECTORS. President, John L. Young. Secretary and Treas., John H. Evins. Superintendent, William Gay. Chief Engineer, J. Y. Mills, Unionville, S. C. S. Bobo, J. H. Carson, S. N. Evins, J. T. Jeter, T. B. Jeter, William Kirkwood, Thomas M. Lyles, Go van Mills, J. W. Patton, F. Scaife, J. Stark Sims. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains,. 6 .J. V. F. L<3 82 GEORGIA. GEORGIA. ATLANTA AND LA GRANGE RAILROAD. From Atlanta to West-Point, 87 miles. OFFICE, President, John P. King, Augusta. Superintendent, John F. Mims, Atlanta. 6 DIRECTORS. Andrew Berry, 0. Bull, Jesse McClendon, R. Peters, John Robertson, Pleasant StovalL AUGUSTA AND WAYNESBORO RAILROAD. Open from Augusta to Millen, Gfa., 53 miles, where it connects with the Georgia Central Railroad. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Augusta, Ga. President and Sec., . .F. T. "Willis, Savannah. Treasurer, Andrew Yonge, Augusta. Superintendent, "Wm. M. Wadley, Savannah. Agent, 0. A. Brown. Master Machinist, . . . J. McCann. 7 DIRECTORS. B. A. Allen, R. H. Gardner, Augusta, A. R. Lawton, John C. Poythress, Burke Co. J. P. Screven, John Stoddard, F. T. Willis, Savannah. GEORGIA. 83 CENTRAL GEORGIA RAILROAD. From Savannah to Macon, 191 miles. OFFICE, Central B. R. Depot, Spring Hill, Savannah, Ga. President, E. R. Cuyler. Treasurer, James A. Courvoisie. Superintendent, "W. M. Wadley, Savannah. Ass. Superintendent, . George "W. Scattergood. Master of Machinery^ William Burns. Ticket Agents, Treasurers at Macon and Sa- vannah. 9 DIRECTORS. John "W. Anderson, "William Crabtree, Richard R. Cuyler, John B. Gallic, Charles A. L. Lamar, Andrew Low, Thomas Purse, Joseph "W. Webster, John R. Wilder. GEORGIA RAILROAD. From Augusta to Atlanta, 171 miles. Athens Branch, Union Point to Athens, 40 " Warrenton Branch, CamaJc to Warrenton, 4 " Washington Branch, Gumming to Washington, 18 " OFFICE at Augusta, Ga. President, John P. King, Augusta. 15 DIRECTORS. Superintendent, George Yonge, " Samuel Barnett, John Bones, Hays Bowdre, William D. Conyers, John Cunningham, William M. D'Antignac, James W Davies, Thomas N. Hamilton, Asbury Hull, Elijah E. Jones, John P. King, Andrew J. Miller, Thomas B. Phinizy, Antoine Poullain, Benjamin 11. Warren. GEORGIA. * MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. From Macon to Atlanta, Ga., 101 miles. OFFICE at Macon, Ga. President, Secretary, Superintendent, . . , .Isaac Scott. .1. H. Taylor. .Emerson Foote. 12 DIRECTORS. Robert Collins, J. C. Levy, Andrew Low, F. C. Mathisson, Drake Mills, Charles Moran, N. C. Munroe, Adam Norrie, Edward Padelford, John B. Ross, William A. Ross, Headley Varner. MUSCOGEE, GEORGIA, RAILROAD. From Columbus, Ga,, to Butler, Ga., 50 miles. OFFICE at Columbus, Ga. President, R. Patten, Columbus. Secretary and Treas., D. Adams. Supt. and Chief-Eng., B. E. Wells, Columbus. Attorney, Hines Holt. Road- Master, H. B. Nicholson. Master of Machinery, William L. Clark. ~. , . . ( . . . .P. A. S. Morris, Ticket Agents, j . . . . E . Scandrett . 7 DIRECTORS. L. T. Downing, R. R. Grotchius, J. L. Mustin, E. Padelford, R. Patten, B. E. Wells, W. Williams. P. J. Williams, A. B. Bostwick, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. M. C. Snell. Charles Phelps. The Muscogee and South- Western connect at Butler, half-way between Maecm and Columbus. The Americus Branch belongs to the South- Western road GEOEGIA. 85 ROME RAILROAD. From Rome to Kingston, Ga., 20 miles. OFFICE at Rome, Ga. President. William R. Smith. 5 DIRECTORS. Sec., Treas., & Sup.,.. M. A. Stovall. Attorney, D. S. Puntup. Wade S. Cothran, Road-Master, John Smith. John P. Eve, Master of Transp., . . .Thomas D. Attaway. John P. King, Master of Machinery, John Noble. Alfred Shorter, E. V. Johnson, Kingston, William R. Smith. ?. Roberts, Rome. Agents, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains, 0. A. Smith. Freight Trains, George Bryant. SAVANNAH, ALBANY, AND GULF RAILROAD. From Savannah to Gulf of Mexico, (Gulf terminus undeter- mined,) miles. OFFICE at Savannah, Georgia. President, James P. Screven. Secretary and Treas., Charles Grant. Chief-Engineer, Edgar L. Heriot. Division Engineer, . . . James Sneddon. ( G. B. Bulkley, Resident Engineers, < T. S. Heriot, ( F. Zeigler. 13 DlRECTORa James P. Screven, R, D. Arnold, F. S. Bartow, Solomon Cohen, William Duncan, Stephen Elliott, Charles Green," G. W. Garmany, I. R. Johnson, Hiram Roberts, John Stoddard, Richard Wayne, H. D. Weed. 86 GEORGIA. SAVANNAH RIVER VALLEY RAILROAD. From OFFICE, President, John A. Calhoun. 12 DIRECTORS. Daniel Brown, John Brownlee, W. B. Dora, Charles Hammond, J. W. Harrison, J. W. Hearst, Robert Jennings, N. Merriwether, Dr. W. Rodgers, Josiah Sibley, John Speer, James Tompkins. SOUTH WESTERN (GEORGIA) RAILROAD. From Macon to Americus, G-a., 70 miles. Branch from Fort Valley to Butler , (at which last point it joins the Muscogee Moad,) 21 " President, R. R. Cuyler, Savannah. Secretary and Treas., John T. Boifeuillet. Superintendent, George "W. Adams, Macon. Master of Machinery, .Thomas B. Elfe. Ticket Agent, Treasurer at Macon. 6 DIRECTORS. John "W. Anderson, William A. Black, Richard R. Cuyler, Timothy M. Furlow, William S. Holt, Robert A. Smith. FLORIDA. 87 WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. From Atlanta, Ga., to Chattanooga, Tenn., 138 miles. OFFICE, Book-Keeper, George C. Bronson. Treasurer, William B. Wofford. Superintendent, James F. Cooper, Atlanta. Auditor, James M. Spullock. Chief-Engineer, John W. Green, Atlanta. Attorney, Rober I. Cowart. Supervisor, William M. Barron. Master of Transp., . . . E. B. Walker, Jr. Master of Machinery, .William W. Baldwin. Ticket Agent, C. H. Chandler. Reynolds, McGinnia, Young, Harris, Fuller, Lee, Downs, Adams, Campbell, Bell, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. Echols, Anderson, Grant. Tiller, Stone, Crew, Blackwell, Speir, Lunsford, Roberts. There is no President, so-called, over this road. The Superintendent is the prin- cipal officer. It is a State road, and no Company. FLORIDA. FLORIDA RAILROAD. from Fernandina to Cedar Keys, Fla., 140 miles. OFFICE at Fernandina, Fla. Vice- President, D. L. Tulee. Secretary and Treas., George W. Call. Chief-Engineer, .... Robert L. Singletary, ! William McRae, William Butler, Brounfield. This road is in process of construction. ALABAMA. ALABAMA. ALABAMA AND FLORIDA RAILROAD. From, Montgomery, Ala., to Pensacola, Fla., miles. Branch to Mobile, Ala., " OFFICE, Commerce street, Montgomery, Ala. President, Charles T. Pollard. Secretary and Treas., I. D. Hutcheson. Superintendent and Chief-Engineer, Division Engineers, - J. W. A. Milner, B. C. Morse, .0. P. Rogers. Attorney, H. C. Semple. Samuel G-. Jones. C. P. Ball, C. W. Gary, R. M. Howard, J. T. Milner, 9 DIRECTORS. B. S. Bibb, Thomas M. Cowles, Fleming Freeman, George Goldthwait, C. G. Gunter, William Marks, Charles T. Pollard, Samuel Swan, William Taylor. Jt5F" Contracts have been made to finish the first thirty miles in about six months and fifty miles in about twelve months, from December, 1855. Three fourths o* the grading done. A contract has been concluded between the Alabama and Florida Railroad Com- pany on the one part, and Milner, Broughton & Co., of Montgomery, on the other part, for the construction of the entire line of railroad from a point in the city of Pensacola, to be designated by the President and Directors of the Company, to th Alabama line. * ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI RIVERS RAILROAD. From OFFICE, 7 DIRECTORS. B. H. Adams, John H. Davidson, T. B. Goldsby, J. R. John, J. W. Lapsley, William T. Moore, James L. Price. ALABAMA. 89 ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE RIVER RAILROAD. From Selma to Shelby Springs, 68 miles. OFFICE, President, Secretary and Treas., Superintendent, Ass. Superintendent,., Chief-Engineer, .... Division Engineers, Resident Engineer, . . Attorney, Road-Master, Master of Transp., . . Master of Machinery, Ticket Agents. ill T. B. Goldsby. A. M. Goodwin. D. Sullivan. George Ferguson. Lewis Troost. M. L. Wood, F. S. Nance, I. TV. Pitts. "W. L. Rothrock. John T. Morgan. J. C. Waite. D. Sullivan. G. L. Stuck. George Ferguson, J. W. Jones, TV. S. Peirce. 10 DIRECTORS. II. H. Allen, James Isbell, Edmund King, J. W. Lapsley, Charles Lewis, G. C. Phillips, TV. S. Phillip?, Walker Reynolds, W. L. Terry, P. J. Weaver. CONDUCTORS OF E. M. Gaunt, Passenger Trains. S. Rodifa. J. T. Goodwin, Freight Trains. R. Faxon. MARION RAILROAD. From Marion, Ala., to Junction with Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Railroad, 14 miles. OFFICE, President, R. T. Jones. 12 DIRECTORS. Secretary, L. C. Tutt. Treasurer, William B. Lawson. J. T. Barren, Chief-Engineer, George H. Gardiner. F. A. Bates, Bryan Brand, I. W. Garrot, John Howze, Thomas T. Jones, E. D. King, E. W. King, G. P. Massey, A. B. Moore, C. H. Moore, William K Wyatt. This road will be completed in 1856. The Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Rail- road is now completed from Selma, Ala., to Junction of this road, and is intended to continue on and connect with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. The iron for the Marion Railroad is mostly purchased. The road is graded, and track will be laid in January. 90 LOUISIANA. * MOBILE AND OHIO RAILROAD. From Mobile, Ala., to Gainesville, Miss., 162 miles. Aberdeen Branch, 9 " Columbus Branch, 15 " OFFICE at Mobile, Ala. President, A. F. Hopkins. Secretary, A. P. Irwin. Eng. & Superint.,. . . .John Childe. "W. Goodwin, . Moses L. Stebbins. Assistant Supfs., r ' \r 13 DIEECTORS. F. B. Clark, Mobile, R. Lee Fearn, Charles Gascoigne, W. J. Ledyard, Jacob Magee, David Saloman, Newton St. John, Sidney Smith, J. J. Walker, Milton Brown, Tennessee, W. W. Roby, Mississippi, James Whitfield, " (1 vacancy.) LOUISIANA. NEW-ORLEANS AND CARROLLTON RAILROAD. JEFFERSON AND LAKE PONCHARTRAIN RAILROAD. From JSTeio- Orleans to Carrollton, 6),. 7ln v " Carrollton to Lake Ponchartrain, 4 \ U ' M > i( OFFICE, No. 18 Baronne street, New-Orleans, La. 8 DIRECTORS. President, George Currie Duncan. Secretary and Treas., Albert G. Blanchard. Chief-Engineer, A. G. Thorn. Attorneys, Benjamin, Bradford & Finney. C. Baquie, L. Burthe, A. Chiapella, George Currie Duncan, C. Kohn, William N. Mercer, C. Millaudon, L. Millaudon. LOUISIANA. 91 NEW-ORLEANS, OPELOUSAS, AND GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD. From New- Orleans to Bayou Bceuf, 73 miles. OFFICE, corner of Bienville street and Exchange Alley, New-Orleans. President, "William G. Hewes. Vice-President, A. B. Seger. Secretary and Treas., Benjamin P. Flanders. Chief -Engineer, G. W. R. Bayley. 1st Assistant Engin'r, Robert C. Green. 2d Assistant Engin'r, A. S. Lawes. Attorney, M. M. Cohen. Road-Master, L. W. Dodge. Master of Transp., . . . T. Thayer. Master of Machinery, G. Robinson. . 24 DIRECTORS. Stockholders, L. L. Bernard, P. Camerden, A. Chiapella, Alex. Declonet, L. Folger, R. Geddcs, W. G. Hewes, A. Lanfear, P. Lobit, P. Maspero, John Moore, J. H. Overton, II. Renshaw, A. B. Segur, J. W. Stanton, R. B. Sumner, P. "W. Tilton, A. C. Tremoulet. City. G. Da Feriet, E. J. Hart, G. W. Squires. State. G. A. Breaux, P. Irwin, A. Mouton. T. Stallings, CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. L. E. Nee. Wm. Cooll. 92 LOUISIANA. [ . .H. De Butts Norris. Attorneys, Elmore & King. Master of Machinery, .S. T. Van Loon. NEW- ORLEANS, JACKSON, AND GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD. From, New- Orleans to Osyka, (finished,} 88 miles. OFFICE, No. 45 Carondelet street, New-Orleans, La. President, John Calhoun. 23 DIRECTORS. Secretary and Treas., R. S. Charles. Gen. Sup. & Ch. Eng., George H. Hazlehurst. Louisiana. f ..E. D.Frost, A. Brother, I. W. Carroll, Josiah Cole, N. C. Folger, Thomas Hale, I. P. Harrison, A. M. Holbrook, P. Irwin, John Kemp, W. R. Miles, John Pemberton, Charles Pride, John R. Shaw, A. P. Simpson, A. W. Smith, Thomas A. Snow, H. M. Summers. Mississippi. Wirt Adams, "W". R. Cunningham, Christian Hoover, Aaron Miller, C. C. Shackleford, John L. Tindall. PONCHARTRAIN RAILROAD. From New- Orleans to Milneburg, Lake Ponchartrain, 5 miles. OFFICE at Corner Victory and Marigny streets, New-Orleans. President, Wm. H. Avery. 4 DIRECTORS. "Wm. H. Avery, Edward Briggs, N. R. Jennings, Attorney, .Edward Briggs. James SauL Master of Transp., ... I. MacCulloch. Master of Machinery, . Anthony 0. Neal. Ticket Agent, Josiah Daniell. John Jacobs. CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Hugh Atkinson. Freight Trains same as Passenger Trains. MISSISSIPPI. 93 VICKSBURG, SHREVEPORT, AND TEXAS RAILROAD. From Vicksburg, Miss., through the State of Louisiana, via Shreveport, to Texas State Line, 190 miles. OFFICE at Monroe, La. President, Dr. C. G. Young. 15 DIRECTORS. Secretary, 0. D. Stillman. Treasurer, .Joseph F. McGuire. H. M. Biy, Ouachita, Chief-Engineer, M. G, Bonner. C. H. Dabbs, Resident Engineer, ) H E B yicksburg. Isaiah Garrett, East Dims., . . . . ) C. H. Morrison, General Agent, N. D. Coleman. John Ray, J. H. J. Richardson, Ouachita, John J. Sterling, " James H. Stevens, " C. G. Young, " Jesse Smith, Bienville, L. P. Grain, Caddo, H. M. Polk, Jackson, Samuel Anderson, Madison, John W. "Webb, Morehouse, A. M. Paxton, Vicksburg. Ten miles of this road west of Vicksburg would be ready for the rails by the January, 1856. The whole road is under contract. MISSISSIPPI. *MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL RAILROAD. From Holly Springs to Canton, Miss., 163^ miles. OFFICE at Holly Springs, Miss. 13 DIRECTORS. President, "W. Goodman. Secretary, A. J. McConnico. Treasurer, D. B. Molloy. Chief-Engineer^ Martin Green. J. A. Binford, Carroll County, C. M. Vaiden, " Walker Brooke, Holmes Co,, A. M. West, James Brown, Lafayette Co., M. M. Pegues, Joseph F. Davis, Madison Co., W. Goodman, Marshall Co., D. B. Molloy, " A. S. Brown, Yallobusha Co.. Robert Lusk, Hugh Torrence, " W. W. Hendricks, Yazoo Co. TENNESSEE. GRAND GULF AND PORT GIBSON RAILROAD. From Grand Gulf to Port Gibson, 8 miles. OFFICE, President and Treas., H. N. Spencer. 9 DIRECTORS. Secretary, J. H. Maury. Superintendent, John D. Hastings. Assistant Sup., A. McBryde. Chief-Engineer, Wm. Aldrich. Attorney H. T. Ellett. H. T. Ellett, S. Forbes, J. C. Humphry^ N. Jeffries, J. S. Mason, J. H. Maury, J. P. Parker, H. N. Spencer V. Stamps. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, D. Lynch. TENNESSEE, CENTRAL SOUTHERN RAILROAD. From Tennessee and Alabama Railroad, at Columbia, Tenn., via Pulaski, to the Alabama State Line, in the direction of Decatur, Ala., miles. OFFICE at Columbia, Maury County, Tenn. President, Thomas Buford, Lynnville, Giles Co., Tenn. Secretary and Treas., John Beard, Columbia, Chief-Engineer, A. Anderson, Nashville, TENNESSEE. 95 EAST-TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. From J&ioxville, Tenn., to Dalton, Ga., 110 miles. OFFICE at Athens, Tenn. President, C. "Wallace. Sec., Treas., and Sup.,~R. C. Jackson. Resident Engineer, . .Kobert C. Morris. Road-Master, John Hall. Master of Machinery,.!?. I. Palmer. 18 DIRECTORS. D. P. Armstrong, *Geo. S. Bridges, McMinn Co., Thomas H. Callonay, W. S. Callonay, Thomas J. Campbell, *James A. Coffin, Monroe Co., *P. M. Edwards, Bradley Co., "Wm. Grant, *John Jarnagin, Anderson Co., T. C. Lyon, *I. G. M. Ramsey, Knox Co., *Jas. H. Reagan, McMinn Co., *Sim. D. Reynolds, Roane Co., *Thos. Rodgers, McMinn Co., Robert Sneed, Wm. H. Stark, *H. H. Stephens, Monroe Co., C. Wallace. EDGEFIELD AND KENTUCKY RAILROAD. From Nashville, Tenn., to Kentucky State Line, 48 miles. OFFICE, Cooper's Building, Nashville, Tenn. President, Samuel Watson, Nashville. Secretary and Treas., Henry Blood, " Chief-Engineer, A. Anderson, " Resident Engineer,. . .D. J. Johns, " * Appointed by the Governor of Tennessee. 96 TENNESSEE. KNOXVILLE AND KENTUCKY RAILROAD. From Knoxville, Tenn., to Kentucky State Line, 60 miles, OFFICE at Knoxville, Tenn. - President, "Win. M. Church well. Secretary and 2Veccs,.John L. Moses. Chief-Engineer, M. B. Prichard. 10 DIRECTORS. "Win. M. Church-well, John H. Crozier, John Jarnagin, John Kincaid, Joseph L. King, A. L. Maxwell, Jr., David Sharp, Wm. H. Sneed, Wm. G. Swan, 0. P. Temple. / This road is not yet in operation. Thirty-two miles have been put under con- tract, and will be pushed forward to a speedy completion. *MEMPHIS AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. From Memphis, Tenn., to Stevenson. Eastern Division, . . . . 150|- Branch, .... 2 ") Western Division, . . . .121 JBranch, . . . .13* I ^ 2g6| OFFICE, Eastern Division at , Western Division at Memphis. President, .......... Samuel Tate. Eastern Division. Western Division. Secretary and Treas., Samuel Cruse, .............. Wm. B. Waldran. Superintendent, ..... W. J. Ross, ................ B. Ayres. Chief-Engineer, ..... George W Leufier. Prin. Ass-ist. Enginr.,~W. W. Wnght, James L. Meigs. ( John Blunt, Resident Engineers, < Robert Harris, ............ Wm. H. Barnes. ( Gabriel Jordan. George P. Beirne, William Dickson, J. J. Donegan, William Echoles, Jr., 13 DIRECTORS. By the Stockholders. Charles W. Hunt, Samuel Tate, Daniel B. Turner, Samuel P. Walker. Samuel Elliott, By the City of Charleston. Henry W. Conner, | J. W. Scruggs. By the State of Tennessee. Pitser Miller, | John Trigg. TENNESSEE. 97 *MEMPHIS AND OHIO RAILROAD. From Memphis, Tenn., to Paris. OFFICE, 15 DIRECTORS. Q. C. Atkinson, B. C. Brinklay, B. 0. Brown, Thomas 0. Crenshaw, "William V. Loving, W. B. Miller, James B. Stanton, John Pope, P. Titus, George T. Taylor, Robertson Topp, S. P. Walker, A. Woodruff. On the part of the State. James B. Lamb, Samuel Williams. Twenty-six miles of this road are completed, and in operation. MISSISSIPPI AND TENNESSEE RAILROAD. From Memphis, Tenn., to Granada, Miss., OFFICE, Monroe street, Memphis. miles. President, F. M. White. Secretary and Treas., Calvin F. Vance. Superintendent, E. M. Patrick. Chief-Engineer, Minor Meri wether, I John T. Champneys, Division Engineers, ] Nilea Meriwether, ( W. A. Ramsey. Attorney, Thoa. W. White, Heraando. 9 DIRECTORS. John M. Patrick, Memphis, Henry C. Walker, " Dr. Henry Dockery, Hernando, De Soto County, Miss. Gen. J. C. N. Robertson, Her- nando, De Soto Co., Miss., Major Thomas Bradford, Pa- nola, Miss., Major David S. White, Como, Miss., Col. F. M. White, Col. Samuel R. Garner, Yallo- busha County, Col. Nathaniel Howard, Yallo- busha County. Trains are running daily from Memphis to the first station, 12 J miles. 7 TENNESSEE. NASHVILLE AND CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD. From Nashville to Chattanooga, 151 miles. OFFICE, over Passenger Depot. President, .......... V. K. Stevenson. Vice-President, ..... Alexander Allison. Secretary and Treas., W. A. Gleans. Superintendent, ..... H. I. Anderson. Resident Engineer,.. .James H. Grant fEwing & Cooper, L B aT F S, C , [Neil S. Brown. . Master of Transp., . . . Charles W. Anderson. Master of Machinery,. Thomas "Webster. Krket Aunts i K C ' Bransford at Nashville, ttcket Agents ...... - R H. P. Cleveland, John E. Sands, "W. I. Simmons, B. F. Chilcutt, J. W. Chilcutt, Chattanooga, CONDUCTORS OF ) Passenger ( } Trains. ( ! Freight j Trains. 1 15 DIRECTORS. Alex. Allison, John M. Bass, i Jeremiah Cleveland, E. H. Ewing, Francis B. Fogg, H. Francis, Lewis Garner, Joseph B. Knowles, Samuel D. Morgan, John T. Neil, Thomas Power, Arthur M. Rutledge, "William Spence, V. K. Stevenson, James A. Whitesides. N. Meroney. John Quigley, T. G. Pulliam, I. D. Johnson. NASHVILLE AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. From Nashville, Tenn., to Hickman, Ey., 172 miles. ' OFFICE, Market street, Depot Buildings, Nashville. President, John A. Gardner. Secretary and Treas., Henry L. Claiborne. Chief-Engineer, Neil Macneale. ( John H. Belcher, Division Engineers, | Thomag L Estm ; {R. H. Gardner, T. C. Borden, E. J. Mansfield. Attorney, "W. F. Cooper. Draughtsman, Thomas H. Millington. 15 DIRECTOES. Mich. Burns, Nashville, Tenn., "Wm. F. Cooper, John A. Gardner, A. H. Hicks, John B. Johnson, R. C. McNairy, Joseph M. Newson, Davidson County, Tenn., Jas. L. Bell, DicksonCo., Tenn. James J. "Wyly, Humphrys Co., Tenn., Stephen C. Pavatt, Benton Co., Tenn., Beverly S. Allen, Carroll Co., Tenn., Citizen S. "Woods, Carroll Co.. Tenn., Alfred Gardner, "Weakley Co., Tenn., W. W. Gleeson, Weakley Co., Tenn., Jephtha Terrell, "Weakley Co., Tenn. Road in course of construction. TENNESSEE. 99 * SOUTH-WESTERN (TENNESSEE) RAILROAD. From OFFICE, President, "William Bosson. Secretary, Thomas F. Bates. Treasurer, Montgomery C. DibrelL 15 DIRECTORS. A. Cullom, OvertonCo., Tenn,, J. M. Goodbar, " E. N. Cullom, " S. McHenry, Harris Hatcher, " Thos. F. Bates, " Wm. Bosson, White Co., S. H. Colmes, J. W. Simpson, " J. B. Rodgers, " Jos. Snodgrass, " E. L. Gardenhire, " J. C. Officer, D. "W. Hawes, Putnam Co., P. H. Marbury, Warren Co. TENNESSEE AND ALABAMA RAILROAD. From Nashville, Tenn.) to Mississippi State Line, 145 OFFICES at Nashville and Franklin, Tenn. President, J. S. Claybrooke, Triune, Tenn. Sec. and Treas., Rob. H. Bradley, Franklin, Superintendent, A. Anderson. Chief-Engineer, John Childe, Mobile, Ala. Resident Engineer, . .A. Anderson, Nashville. Attorney, R. I. Meigs, " Road- Master, James Kerrigan, " Master of Machinery,. Joseph C. Smith, " Ticket Agent, D. C. Helm, " 15 DIRECTORS. S. H. Armstrong, P. W. Baugh, W. P. Cannon, M. G. L. Claiborne, John S. Claybrooko, S. Henderson, B. M. Hughes, C. H. Kinnardf John Marshall, H. G. W. Mayberry, John McGavock, C. "W". Nance, Thos. F. Perkins, "W. 0. N. Perkins, F/. Thompson, CONDUCTOR o? Passenger Trains, .D. W. C. Rowland- Tho road is running from Nashville to Thompsons, 27 miles. 100 KENTUCKY. KENTUCKY. COVINGTON AND LEXINGTON RAILROAD. From, Covington to Lexington, -ffy., 100 miles. OFFICE at Covington, President, M. M. Benton. Vice-Pres. and Sup't., C. A. Withers. Secretary, George M. Clark. Treasurer, Samuel J. Walker. Paymaster, E. A. Jones. Attorneys, Kinkead & Benton. Road-Master, J. S. Ham. Master of Machinery, . Thomas D. Davis. Ticket Agent, T. P. IngaUs. Freight Agent, E. P. Bleek. Ky. Wm. S. Luben, A. S. Welch, M. I. Chalfant, Henry Dickey, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 9 DIRECTORS. M. M. Benton, Covington, John B. Casey, " John Chowning, " John T. Levis, " C. A. Withers, " Garrett Davis, Bourbon Co., Edward Oldham, Fayette Co. Thos. T. Garnell, Harrison Co., A. Bobbins, Pendleton Co. H. H. Wellman. I. W. McDonnald. G^EAT CENTRAL KENTUCKY RAILROAD, SECOND DIVISION. From, Lexington to Danville, 34 miles. OFFICE, Jordan's Eow, Lexington, Ky. 6 DIRECTORS. President, Leslie Combs. Secretary and Treas., E. A. Watts. Consulting Engineer, . Julius W. Adams. Resident Engineer, . . .William A. Gunn. Attorney, M. C. Johnson. James P. Mitchell, Danville, Clifton Eodes, Isaac Shelby, Lexington, John B. Tilford, " J. H. M. Campbell, ) Nicholas- John G. Sims, J ville. In course of construction. We contemplate changing the name from " Lexington and Danville Eailroad" to " Great Central Kentucky Railroad, Second Division," the Covington and Lexington Eailroad being the Pirst Division. Shall commence laying rails from terminus of Covington and Lexington Eailroad, January 1, 1856. E. A. WATTS, Sec. KENTUCKY. 101 HICKMAN AND OBION RAILROAD. From Hickman, Ify., to Union City, Tenn., 14 miles. OFFICE at Hickman, Ky. President, A. D. Kingman. Secretary, Franck Eoulhac. Treasurer, 0. F. Young. Chief-Engineer, Fritz Hollner. Division Engineer, . .0. H. Eoulhac. Attorney, Franck Eoulhac. E. B. Fuqua, Hickman, Ky. Charles Hubbard, A. D. Kingman, " F. H. Wilson, " J. H. Dodds, Fulton Co., Ky., Eobert Matson, Alt Gardner, Dresden, Tenn., W. "W. Gleeson, " G. W. L. Marr, Island No. 10, P. S. Jones, 0. F. Young. This road is not yet finished ; it is about to be consolidated with the Nashville and North-Western Eailroad, from Nashville, Tenn., to Hickman, Ky. 11 DIRECTORS. LEXINGTON AND BIG SANDY RAILROAD. From Lexington to Mouth Big Sandy River, 125 miles. OFFICE at Mount Sterling, Ky. 6 DIRECTORS. President, Eichard Apperson. Secretary, Charles Nelson. Treasurer, Farmers' Bank, Ky., Chief-Engineer, I. B. Westbrook. fiftta A. Blackwell, Joseph Bondurant, Z. Gushing, B. B. Groom, I. M. Nesbitt, D. K. Weis, This road is not yet in operation. 102 KENTUCKY. LEXINGTON AND FRANKFORT RAILROAD. From Lexington to Frankfort, Iy., 29 miles. OFFICE at Lexington, Ky. President and, Treas., Secretary, Superintendent, .... Road-Master, Jfaster of Tramp., . . Master of Machinery, Ticket Agents, ] " " .James 0. Harrison. .B. G. Thomas. .Samuel Gill. .H. H. Murray. .B. G. Thomas. .James F. Stiffler. .B. G. Thomas, Lexington, .H. I. Todd, Frankfort. 5 DlBECTOKS. Benjamin Gratz, Joel Higgins, F. K. Hunt, M. C. Johnson, George Robertson. CONDUCTOR OF Passenger Trains, J. W. Pennoyer. Freight Trains, Thomas Brawner. LOUISVILLE AND FRANKFORT RAILROAD. From Louisville to Frankfort, J&/., 65 miles. OFFICE at Louisville, Ky. President, Edward D. Hobbs. Secretary and Treas., Edward Crawford. Superintendent, Samuel Gill. 7 DIRECTORS. Robert G. Courtenay, John Ferguson, Jr., James F. Gamble, John Gill, Edward D. Hobbs, Thornton Merriwether, William C. Williams. OHIO. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD. From, Louisville, Ky., to Nashville, Tennessee, 185 miles. OFFICE, corner of Bullitt and Mam streets, Louisville, Ky. 7 DIRECTORS. President, John L. Helm. Vice-President, William Riddle. Secretary and Treas., Thomas Morgan. Chief-Engineer, George Mac Leod. f Harry Taylor, [ Robert MacLeod. Attorney, James Speed. Master of Maclfinery, . George H. Arms. John Joyse, William Garvin, Curran Pope, Thomas Quigley, William Riddle, James Speed, Eugene Underwood. This road is in course of construction ; a few miles only being in use. Have not, yet attempted to do business in the freight and passenger line. OHIO. *ASHTABULA AND NEW-LISBON RAILROAD. From Ashtabula to New-Lisbon, Ohio, 84 miles. OFFICE, 7 DIRECTORS. President, Eben Newton. Vice-President Henry Hubbard. Secretary, Henry Fassett. Treasurer, 0. H. Fitch. Chief-Engineer, Hale. Henry Fassett, Ashtabula, R, W. Griswold, Henry Hubbard, " Eben Newton, Canfield, James Stone, Morgan, J. H. Quinn, New-Lisbon, George C. Reis, Niles. 104 OHIO. *BELLEFONTAINE AND INDIANA RAILROAD. From BeUefontaine, Ohio, to Indiana State Line, Union^ 58 miles. OFFICE at Marion, Ohio. President, John Brough, Indianapolis. Secretary, J. M. Townsend, Marion, 0. Treasurer, Henry Wick, Cleveland, 0. Superintendent, John Cariby. Chief-Engineer, "W. M. Roberts. 6 DlEECTOSS. John Brough, Indianapolis, R. H. Canby, Bellefontaine, 0., S. Chamberlin, Cleveland, 0., James H. Goodman, Marion, John Mills, Sidney, 0., Henry Wick, Cleveland, 0. This road forma a part of the Indianapolis, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh Railroad. CINCINNATI AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. From Cincinnati to Chicago, miles. OFFICE, No 106 West-Fourth street, Cincinnati. President, Caleb B. Smith, Cincinnati. Vice-President, S. Meredith, Cambridge, Ind. Secretary and Treas., D. B. Lupton, Cincinnati. Superintendent, C. W. Newell, Newcastle, Ind. Chief-Engineer, . . . .B. F. Marsh, Anderson, Ind. Solicitors, Corwine, Hayes & Rogers, Cin- cinnati. Ticket Agent, J. W. Grubb, Newcastle, Ind. 14 DlBECTORS. Rich. M. Corwine, Cincinnati, Joseph A. James, R. M. Moore, Thompson Neaves, " Caleb B. Smith, J.W.Ridgeway, Anderson,Ind. S. Meredith, Cambridge City, Williamson Butler, Dublin, Wm. Wright, Logansport, John Brownlee, Marion, David Foster, Kokomo, M. L. Bundy, Newcastle, Miles Murphy, " James Sample, Butler Co., 0. This road is formed by the consolidation of the Cincinnati and Chicago 1 Cincinnati, Logansport, and Chicago > Railroad Companies. Cincinnati, Newcastle and Michigan ) The road is now open from Richmond, Ind., to Pipe Creek, 60 miles. From Logansport to Kokomo, 22 " The track is being laid on the line between Kokomo and Pipe Creek, and will be completed hi March, 1856. OHIO. 106 CINCINNATI AND FORT WAYNE RAILROAD. From Fort Wayne, South, to Ohio State Line below Richmond, Indiana, 94 miles. V OFFICE at Winchester, Indiana. President, Peter P. Bailey. Secretary and Treas., A. Stone. Chief-Engineer, William Werden, Jr. Resident Engineer, . . .James Patten. Attorney, Charles Case, Fort Wayne. 1 DIRECTORS. Peter P. Bailey, Samuel Decker, R. E. Fleming, Nathan Ganet, C. S. Goodrich, A. Pitman, A. Stone. At the State Line, this road connects with the Four-Mile Valley Railroad, thence to Cincinnati via Hamilton ; whole distance, 149 miles. FOtTR-MILE VALLEY, OHIO, RAILROAD. From Hamilton, Sutler County, Ohio, to Indiana State Line in the direction of Richmond, 31 miles. OFFICE at Oxford, Ohio. 7 DIRECTORS. President, James Elliott, Secretary and Treas., S. R. Mollyneaux. Chief-Engineer, William Norden, Jr. Resident Engineer, . .James Kennedy. James L. Chambers, James Elliott, Thomas McDill, S. R. Mollyneaux, Thomas Moore, Thomas Pinkerton, Alexander Rhea. This road connects at Hamilton with the Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton Rail- road ; and at the State Line with the Cincinnati and Fort Wayne Railroad, the three forming the Cincinnati and Fort Wayne Railroad; whole distance from Cin- cinnati to Fort Wayne, 149 miles. 106 OHIO. CINCINNATI, HAMILTON, AND DAYTON RAILROAD. From Cincinnati to Dayton, Ohio, 60 miles. OFFICE at Depot, foot of Sixth street, Cincianati, 0. President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Superintendent, Transfer Agent in \ New- York, Attorneys, Road-Master, Master of Transp., . . . Master of Machinery, Ticlcet Agent, S. S. L'Hommedieu. George Carlisle. Frank S. Bond. Ohio Life Ins. & Trust Co. Henry 0. Ames. E. Ludlow, Cashier of Ohio Life Ins. & Trust Co. "Worthington & Matthews. A. Clason. Ira Wood. Daniel McLaren. William A. Latham. D. B. Groot, John F. Lincoln, W. H. Martin, Nathan Day, CONDUCTORS OF / Passenger \ C Trains. 1 Freight Trains. 9 DIRECTORS. George Carlisle, Cincinnati, 0., John W. Ellis, Andrew Gross, George H. Hill, S. S. L'Hommedieu, S. C. Parkhurst, William Resor, John 0. Wright, Jos. B. Varnum, New- York. Alexander Pettibone, Wm. W. Thompson. Mark Eaton. * CINCINNATI AND MACKINAW RAILROAD. From OFFICE, 7 DIRECTORS. John D. Elliot, Dayton, 0., John L. Miner, Darke Co., " Adam Baker, Mercer " " Wm. Gunckel, ) Montgomery M. B. Walker, \ County, 0., R. Frisbie, Van Wcrt Co., " P. W. Norris, Williams " " The above list of Directors, obtained from the newspapers, is all that is known of this road, its location, or its prospects. It is probably a connecting link between existing roads and the proposed northern terminus of the Cincinnati and Macki- naw Railroad. OHIO. 107 CINCINNATI AND HILLSBORO RAILROAD. 1 From Cincinnati to Hillsboro, Ohio, 60 miles. OFFICE, President, Noah L. Wilson. Secretary and Treas., D. J. Fallis. Superintendent, W. B. Arthur. Attorney, Alphonso Taft. 6 DIRECTORS. William S. Nye Chillicothe, Noah L. Wilson, " Alphonso Taft, Cincinnati, Samuel B. Keys, " Jonathan S. Niles, " Thomas Philips, The Cincinnati and Hillsboro, and the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroads have been consolidated, but the organization of both is kept distinct to comply with their respective charters. From Cincinnati to Lovelands, 23 miles, the Little Miami Railroad is used. MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD. From OFFICE at Chillicothe, Ohio. President, , Vice-President, . . . Secretary, Treasurer, Superintendent, . . , Chief-Engineer, . . Gen, Agent, .Noah L. Wilson, Chillicothe. . Beman Gates, Marietta. .Seneca W. Ely, Chillicothe. .John Madeira, " .John Waddle, .S. Medbery. .D. W. Keyes. 13 DIRECTORS. Francis Campbell, Chillicotho, M. Scott Cook, John Madeira, " Noah L. Wilson, " A. B. Walker, Athens, 0., Abraham Hegler, Austin, 0., Samuel B. Keys, Cincinnati, \ Hugh Smart, Greenfield, 0., Douglas Putnam, Harmar, 0., W. P. Cutler, Constitution, " Beman Gateft Marietta 0., John Mills, " Wm. S. Nye, " This road will be completed to Marietta in the course of the present year, 1856J it is now open to Byers', 119 miles from Cincinnati. 108 OHIO. "CINCINNATI, PERU, AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. From La Porte, on the M. 8. and N. I. Railroad, 58 miles, from Chicago, via Plymouth, Marshall Co., Rochester, Fulton Co., and Peru, Miami Co., to Marion, Grant Co., Ind., 97 miles. OFFICE, President, "W. C. Hannah. 9 DIRECTORS. Secretary, J. S. Allen. Treasurer, "W. J. Walker. M. French, Cincinnati, 0., Chief-Engineer, N. OHeason. Samuel Burson, La Porte, Ind., "W. C. Hannah, W. A. Place, D. G-. Rose, W. J. Walker, Jesse Higgins, Peru, Joseph Evans, Plymouth, Isaiah Hoover, Eochester, Organized June 2, 1853, under the General Eailroad Laws of the State ot Indiana. * CINCINNATI, WILMINGTON, AND ZANESVILLE RAILROAD. From Junction at Morrow, on the Little Miami Railroad, 36 miles from Cincinnati, to Zanesville, 131 " OFFICE, President, Frank Corwin, Wilmington, 0. Superintendent, J. McL. Staughton, Cincinnati. Master of Transp^.. . .William Milner. Gen. Ticket Agent, . . .Joel Radenbaugb. Gen. Freight Agent, . . J. Van Dusen. Gen. travelling Agent,W. D. Terry. OHIO. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD. From Cleveland to Columbus^ Ohio, 135 miles. OFFICE, corner St. Clair and "Water streets, Cleveland, Ohio. President, L. M. Hubby. Secretary, H. C. Marshall. Treasurer, T. P. Handy. Superintendent, E. S. Flint. Asst. Superintendent, .H. Nottingham. Chief-Engineer, .... P. Kidder. Gen. Freight Agent, . . Addison Hills. Lost-Baggage Agent,.. N. B. Seymour. Attorneys Bishop, Backus & Noble. Road-Master, ...... .G. A. Barnard. Master Machinist, . . ."William F. Smith. , .D. C. Baldwin, receiver at Cleveland, 0. , .M. L. Doherty, receiver at Columbus, 0. , .Geo. C. Russell, clerk in Gen. Ticket Office. CONDUCTORS OP Ticket Agents, S. Burgess, I. P. Chapman, "W. A. Fisher, A. Hill, Passenger Trains. 11 DIRECTORS. Leonard Case, Cleveland, Richard Hilliard, Leander M. Hubby, Martin B. Scott, Amasa Stone, Jr., Samuel Williamson, Stillman Witt, Alfred Kelly, Columbua, John Miller, Hosea Williams, Delaware, B. S. Prosser, Albany. R. E. Murray, H. G. Pease, J. M. Stuart, A. F. Thornton. COLUMBUS AND XENIA RAILROAD. From Columbus to Xenia, Ohio^ 55 miles. OFFICE at Columbus, Ohio. President, William Dennison, Jr. Sec. and Auditor, . . . Cyrus Fay. Treasurer, S. E. Wright, Superintendent, William H. Clement 12 DIRECTORS. Wm. Dennison, Jr., Columbua, David W. Deshler, L. Goodale, William B. Hubbard, Alfred Kelly, R. W. McCoy, Robert Neil, Joseph R. Swan, John Kilgour, Cincinnati, Reuben R. Springer, ' Jacob Strader, ' Abram Hivling, Xenia. This road is run in connection with the Little Miami Railroad, and, together with the Cleveland and Columbus, forms the Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati Rail- road. 110 OHIO. CLEVELAND, PAINESVILLE, AND ASHTABULA RAILROAD. From Cleveland to Erie, Pa., 95 miles. OFFICE, Railroad Block, Water street, Cleveland. President, "William Case, Cleveland. Vice-President, Charles Hickox, " Secretary and Treas., . Geo. B. Ely, " Superintendent, L. Tilton. Assistant- Sup., Henry Nottingham. Chief-Engineer, "Wm. Beckwith, 13 DIRECTORS. "W. D. Beattie, Cleveland, 0., William Case, Charles Hickox, T. M. Kelly, H. B. Payne, A. Stone, Jr., S. Witt, Alfred Kelly, Columbus, Ohio, D. R. Paige, Madison, Ohio, J. B. Johnson, Erie, Pa., James Miles, Girard, Pa., S. J. Randall, Phila., Pa., J. P. Case, Auburn, N. T. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. From Cleveland, Ohio, to Wellsville, Ohio, 101 miles. leaver Extension, Wellsville, 0., to Beaver, Pa., . . 22 " Tuscarawas Exten., Bayard, O., to New-Phila., .32 " Wheeling Ex., Wellsville, 0., to Wheeling, Va., . . 41 " 196 miles. OFFICE at Cleveland. President, Charles W. Rockwell, N. Y. Secretary and Treas.,. Edward Rockwell. Superintendent, .... .John Durand, Cleveland. Gen. Freight Agent,. . Wm. Chandler. 'Gen. Ticket Agent, . . .Frank R, Myers. 12 DIRECTORS. Sobieski Brady, Wheeling, Ya., Henry W. Clark, Cleveland, James F. Clark, " James Farmer, Salineville, 0., Zalmon Fitch, Cleveland, John A. Foot, Joshua Hanna^ Pittsburgh, Henry <4 Kingsley, New-Ha- ven, Conn., John N. McCullougb, Wells- ville, Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna, 0., Chas. W. Rockwell, N. Y., Hiram Stow, Beaver, Pa OHIO. Ill CLEVELAND AND TOLEDO RAILROAD. From Graft-on to Toledo, Southern Division, 87 miles. From Cleveland to Toledo, Northern Division, 107 " 194 miles. GENERAL OFFICE, Corner Bank and St. Clair streets, Cleveland. President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treas., Assist. Treas. and ) Cashier, ) Superintendent, Road-Master, -j Hosier of Transp., . . . Master Mechanics, Ticket Agent, Gen. Freight and ) Pass. Agent,. . . . ) Lost-Baggage Agent,. . Henry Martin, Buffalo, N. T. J. B. Waring, Cleveland, Ohio. B. B. Litchfield, N. Y. City. W. F. Kittredge, Cleveland, Ohio. E. B. Phillips, Cleveland, 0., South. Div., A, Morrill, North. Div., S. D. Wackman. S. P. Tenney, Cleveland, 0. J. A. Jackman, Norwalk, 0., R. N. Allen, Sandusky. John U. Parsons, Cleveland. L. D. Rucker, " R. C. Sawtell, " J. P. Ames, Charles Culigan, I. L. Clark, G-. B. Lemon, W. C. Payson, E. Putnam, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. [ Freight Trains, -j 9 DIRECTORS. C. L. Boalt, Ohio, W. F. Kittredge, Ohio, E. Lane, E. B. Phillips, J. B. Waring, C. Butler, of New-York, E. B. Litchfield, Henry Martin, William Jarvis, Conn. Charles Sherwood, J. T. Simkins, J. B. Tyler, J. D. Tyler. B. Thomas, S. Woodbury. CLEVELAND AND MAHONING RAILROAD. From Cleveland, Ohio, to New- Castle, fa., 85 miles. OFFICE, No. 43 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio. 7 DIRECTORS. President, .......... Jacob Perkins. Vice-President, ..... Reuben Hitchcock. Sec. and Act. Treas., . Charles G-. Rhodes, Chief-Engineer, ...... Charles Collins. Vision Engineers, Attorney ............ Bishop Backus & Noble. Dudley Baldwin, Robert W. Cunningham, Frederick Kinsman, James Magee, Jacob Perkins, Charles Smith, David Tod. This road is yet unfinished; will be open from Cleveland to Warren, 53 miles, by 16th January. Grading and masonry finished, or very nearly so, and only twenty- five miles of track to lay. 112 OHIO. CLEVELAND, ZANESVILLE, AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD. From Cleveland to Zanesville, 140 miles. OFFICE at Akron, Ohio. President, Simqa Perkins. Secretary, Edward Mize. Superintendent, Enoch Johnson. Road-Master, "W. H. Lapena. Master of Machinery, John Young. 7 DIRECTOBS. A. "W. Bliss, J. D. Cumminga, H. H. Day, E. K. Enos, M. W. Henry, H. A. Miller, Simon Perkins. CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Train, W. F. Kidder. Passenger and Freight Train, Isaac Lewis. % This road is open and in operation from Cleveland to Millershurg, 8t miles ; from Millersburg to Zanesville, 53 miles, unfinished; from Cleveland to Hudson, 26 miles, .the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad is used. *CLINTON LINE RAILROAD. From OFFICE, President, Van R. Humphrey. 7 DIRECTORS. B. Bidwell, H. N. Day, J. C. Dpw, Augustus Ellsworth, H. A. Miller, C. Taft, J. S. Tilden. OHIO. 113 *CLINTON LINE EXTENSION RAILROAD. From OFFICE, 12 DlBECTOBS. A. 0. Baldwin, H. K Day, E. B. Ellsworth, W. C. Hedges, L. E. Holts, V. R. Humphrey, J. D. Loomis, W. D. Scott, William H. Sessions, M. D. Smith, James "Wallace, J. W. Wilson. COLUMBUS, PIQUA, AND INDIANA RAILROAD. From Columbus, Ohio, to Union, Ind., on /State Line, 102 miles, OFFICE, No. 174 Main street, Piqua, Ohio. President, M. G. Mitchell, Piqua. Vice-President, Joseph Ridgway, Columbus. Secretary, Joseph M. Ewing, Piqua. Treasurer, James Starrett, Piqua. Superintendent, JohnR. Hilliard, Columbus. Chief-Engineer, Alex. G-. Conover, Piqua. ... j John A. Corwin, Urbana, neys > [ Stephen Johnston, Piqua. Master of Transp., . . .R. Walkup, Columbus. Master of Machinery, . John Staates, " f J. Hall, Piqua, Ticket Agents, < . . . . W. Hamilton, Urbana, (, R. Walkup, Columbus.' 12 DIRECTOES. George B. Frye, James Fullington, Thomas M. Gwynne, John R. Hilliard, E. Martin, M. G. Mitchell, Robert E. Neffl, Joseph Ridgway, M. R. Shellabarger; A. Stewart, R. Walkup, Joseph G. Young. E. Webb, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains Freight Trains. W. F. Slater. W. F. Slater. 1U OHIO. DAYTON AND CINCINNATI SHORT LINE RAILROAD. From Cincinnati to Dayton, 52 miles. OFFICE, No. 106 West-Fourth street, Cincinnati President, Charles Keemelin. 12 DIEECTOES. Secretary, John C. Thorp. Treasurer, Jason Evans. Charles Butler, Chief-Engineer, E. Gest. John W. Coleman, Division Engineer, . . .S. "W. Hartwell. Edgar Conkling, Attorney, George "W. Pendleton. E. W. Cunningham, Jason Evans, George Hatch, R. W. Lee, Perry Pease, George H. Pendleton, "Wm. Price, Charles Eeemelin, James "Wilson. DAYTON AND MICHIGAN RAILROAD. From Dayton, Ohio, open to Pigua, Miami Co., O., 28 miles. OFFICE at Dayton. 9 DlKECTOBS. President, T. J. S. Smith. Secretary, John Mills. ^.Treasurer, Henry S. Mayo. Superintendent, M. Shoemaker. Chief-Engineer, T. S. Huntington. Daniel Beckel, Dayton, T. J. S. Smith, " George Carlisle, Cincinnati, S. S. L'Hommedieu, " Henry S. Mayo, Troy, Ohio, John G. Telford, " Joseph Cummins, Sidney, 0., E. D. Peck, Perrysburg, 0., A. J. Field, Toledo, 0. OHIO. 115 DAYTON & WESTERN RAILROAD. From Dayton to Indiana State Line^ 39 miles. OFFICE at Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio. President, Secretary, Treasurer, Superintendent, Assistant Sup. and ) Road-Master, . . . ) Attorneys, Master of Transp.,.. . Master of Machinery, . Ticket Agents, . . R. R. Dickey. "W. F. Doggett. Valentine Winters. James M. Smith. Henry L. Pope. Haynes & Howard. James H. Hooker. M. D. Bullens. Horton & Lynch. John L. Black, I. H. Oglesby, P. Kandalls, CONDUCTORS OF ) Passenger ( J Trains. ( Freight Trains. 13 DIRECTORS. H. L. Brown, Joseph Clegg, I. W. Crampton, R. R. Dickey, F. Gebhart, Richard Greene, D. A. Haynes, Henry Herman, I. D. Phillips, Robert W. Steele, I. "W. Van Cleve, "W. S. Westerman, Valentine "Winters. Charles S. Russell, F. Wright A. J. Smith. DAYTON, XENIA, AND BELPRE RAILROAD. From Dayton to Xenia^ 16 miles. OFFICE at Dayton. 7 DIRECTORS. President, Simon Gebhart. Secretary, E. Phelps. Treasurer, J. Harshman. Road-Master, L. D. Jones. ( James Doogan, Ticket Agents, < E. Needles, ( J. M. Phelps. H. Gebhart, Simon Gebhart, A. Hivling, J. C. Johnson, W. H. Latham, W. S. Westermann, V. Winters. S. B. Nicols, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. M. D. Stark. S. B. Nichols. 116 OHIO. *EATON AND HAMILTON RAILROAD. From Hamilton, Butler Co., 0., to Eaton, Preble Co., 0., 28 miles. Eaton, Ohio., to Richmond, Ind., 17 " OFFICE, President, David Barnet. Secretary, J. B. Stephens. Treasurer, B. "W. McGuire. Superintendent and ) * . , ,.- ,, Chief-Engineer, \ David K Morrow ' 45 John Marsh, Cambridge, Ind., David Barnet,* Camden, L. Dunham, " Wiiliam Pottinger, Camden, "William Hieatt, Cincinnati, Nath. C. McLean, " Geo. D. Hendricks, Eaton, 0., Isaac C. Railsbach, " J. H. McWhinney,* Florence, John "W. Erwin, Hamilton, 0., John H. Hutton,* Richmond, Ind., James Neel, Richmond, Ind., James E. Young, Somerville. This road is also called the Eaton and Richmond Railroad, having been extended to the last-named place since it -was first organized. 13 DIRECTORS. *FREMONT AND INDIANA RAILROAD. From Fremont, SandusJcy Co., Ohio, through Findlay to Ohio State Line in DarJce County, 120 miles. OFFICE, President, L. Q. Rawson. 1 DIRECTORS. Secretary, B. Amsden. Treasurer, "William Taylor. L. Q. Rawson, Fremont, 0., Chief-Engineer, S. Medbury. James Moore, S. Carlin, Findlay, 0., D. J. Cory, " Chas. "W. Foster, Fostoria, O. r Wm. Sawyer, St. Mary's, 0., Benjamin Metcalfj Lima, * Executive Committee. OHIO. *GREENVILLE AND MIAMI RAILROAD. From Dayton, Ohio, to Union, Ind,, 47 miles. OFFICE, President, James Thompson, of N. Y. Secretary, John L. Miller. Treasurer, .Herman Gebhart. Superintendent, John D. Eliot, Dayton. Gen. Ticket and \ T , _ T -ir-n-,, Freight Agent,. .\ ;fo}mL - M -^ r - Gen. Travel. Agent,. .Augustus Kuper. 12 DlBECTORS. Robert Bayard, New- York, Frederick Depeyster, John D. Eliot, Frederick S. Foster, James Thompson, W. D. Thompson, Daniel Beckel, Dayton, 0., Herman Gebhart, " Peter Odlin, Adam Speice, Dav. Studybaker, Greenville, . . John Whary, IRON RAIL RAILROAD. From Ironton to Centre Station, 13 miles. OFFICE at Ironton, Ohio. Secretary, Samuel Richards Treasurer, Hiram Campbell. H. Campbell, Superintendent, Henry Clarkson. ^ffi^}^ a*"*" Attorney, E. "W Jordan. John Campbell, John E. Clark, John Culbertson, Samuel W. Dempsey Road-Master, Jacob C. Davisson. R. B. Hamilton, Master of Transp., . . . I. B. Murdock. Master of Machinery, Joseph W. Kick. Ticket Aaent . . .1. B. Murdock. John Peters. CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains, Robert McGuiley. Freight Trains, , Thomas Hogan. 118 OHIO. LITTLE MIAMI RAILROAD. From Cincinnati to Springfield, Ohio, 83 miles. OFFICE, corner of Congress and Kilgour streets, Cincinnati. President, , Secretary, Treasurer, 'Superintendent, .... Assistant Sup., Resident Engineer, . . Road-Master, Master of Transp.,. . Master of Machinery, Ticket Agents, Freight Agents, . . . .Jacob Strader. .John Kilgour. .D. Gr. A. Davenport. .W. H. Clement .Augustus Bradley. .D. Howell. .S. Lyman. .H. C. Crevling. .0. T. Ham. P. W. Strader, B. F. Fuller. E. Clark, J. U. Kinney, A. H. Lewis. W. F. Baird, A. P. Cole, J. D. Hines, H. E. Osgood, Geo. Bruce, James "W. Chapman, John Groover, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 12 DIRECTORS. Larz Anderson, Cincinnati, John Bacon, John H. Groesbeck, James Hicks, Jr., John Kilgour, "Wm. McOammon, R. E. Springer, Jacob Strader, Alphonso Taft, Griffin Taylor, Nathaniel Wright, Abm. Hivling, Xenia. 0. G. Pease, A. Sanders, J. S. Whitcomb, A. F. Woodall. Thos. Windsor, J. Van Dyne. *MAD RIVER AND LAKE ERIE RAILROAD. From Dayton to Sandusky City, Ohio, 153 miles. OFFICE, President, E. F. Osborn. Secretary, John H. Benson. Treasurer, James A. Wallis. Superintendent, John Kinsman. Gen. Ticket Agent, . . .L. W. Lewis. Gen. Freight Agent, . . J. A. Barker. 13 DIRECTORS. E. F. Osborn, Sandusky City, E. M. Gregory, Cincinnati, S. S. L'Hommedieu, " S. C. Parkhurst, " William Hunt, Clark Co.; 0., Elisha C. Litchfleld, N. Y., John P. Telverton, " Samuel Henshaw, Boston, David A. Neal, Salem, Mass., W. D. Pickman, By the State. James Erwin, Findlay, 0., R. E. Runkle, W. Liberty, 0.. Dr. Edwin Smith, Dayton, 0. OHIO. 119 OHIO CENTRAL RAILROAD. From, Columbus, Ohio, to Wheeling, Va>, 141 miles. OFFICE at Zanesville, Ohio. President, Elias Fassett, New-York Secretary, William "Wing. Treasurer, D. Applegate. Superintendent, Isaac H.Southwick,Zanesville. 12 DIRECTORS. John Davenport, Barnesvillo, J. D. Wright, Belmont, 0., Isaac W. Hall, Cambridge, 0., J. W. Baldwin, Columbus, 0., David W. Deshler, " a. B. Wright, Newark, 0., D. Applegate, Zanesville, 0., Charles B. Goddard, " George James, Hugh J. Jewett, " Richard Stillwell, " Elias Fassett, New- York. OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD, EASTERN DIVISION. From Cincinnati, Ohio, toVincennes, Ind., 191 miles. OFFICE, No. 9t West-Fourth street, Cincinnati President, William Glenn. Vice-President, S. L, M. Barlow, New- York. Sec. and Asst. Treas., Samuel Trevor. Superintendent, W. J. Stevens, (acting.) Paymaster, E. Lippincott. Land and Wood -4<7tf.,Thomas J. Weaver. Freight Agent, W. J. Stevens. Solicitors, Coffin & Mitchell. Oliver Champlin, J. H. Pauley. W. J. Stevens, Cincinnati, C.W. Temple,Lawrenceb.,Ind., Road- Masters,. . Ticket Agents, B. M. Bush, Aurora, Ind., E. Sprague, Osgood, Ind., W. C. Coffin, Yemen, Ind., John Harton, Seymour. George L. Barringer, Francis M. Fay, Jesse Moore, Dixon L. Gill, CONDUCTORS OF S Passenger \ Trains. 1 Freight Trains. 21 DIRECTORS. Charles P. Cassilly, Cincinnati, George W. Coffin, William Glenn, Samuel B. Keys, Franck Linck, Henry C. Lord, John C. Macey, Jethro Mitchell, Thomas G. Mitchell, Jonathan S. Niles, Thomas Phillips, John Swasey, Samuel Trevor, Charles W. West, John Cobb, Aurora, Ind., Thomas Gaff, " Meedy W. Shields, Seymour, Ind., John Ross, Vincennes, Ind., Lewis B. Parsons, Jr., St. Louis, S. L. M. Barlow, New- York, Charles Gould, John E. Price, E. Woodman. Thomas S. Houston. This road is open and hi operation from Cincinnati to Seymour, Ind., 8? miles. 120 OHIO. * SANDUSKY AND MANSFIELD RAILROAD. From OFFICE, President, William Key Bond. Vice-President, George B. Wright. Secretary, John W. Sprague. Treasurer, Earl Bill. 7 DIRECTORS. Wm. Key Bond, Cincinnati, John W. Sprague, Huron, 0., Hocking H. Hunter, Lancas- ter, 0., Robert McComb, Mansfield, 0., H. P. Warden, Mount Vernon, Ohio, Elias Fassett, New- York, George B. Wright, Newark, O. SANDUSKY, MANSFIELD, AND NEWARK RAILROAD. From SandusJcy and Huron to Newark^ 116 miles. OFFICE, President, Geo. B. Wright, Newark, 0. Vice-President, James Purdy. Secretary John W. Sprague, Huron, 0. Treasurer, E. G. Woodward. Superintendent, I. W. Webb. FreiaM Aaenfi i at Sandusk 7. John B - Wilbor, reight Agents, . . .. -j afc ^^ John w _ Sprague . Road-Master, Jeremiah Myers. Master of Transp., . . .G. B. Wright. Master of Machinery, .Thos. Hogg. Ticket Agent, H. S. Rumfield. 9 DIRECTORS. F. T. Barney, John G. Camp, Robert McComb, James Purdy, Willis Bobbins, JohnW. Sprague, E. Sturgess, Sen., E. G. Woodward, George B, Wright. Charles Fullington, John Hoover, Jacob Ettinger, CONDUCTORS OF ) Passenger ( ) Trains. ( Freight Trains, H. W. Jackson, I. W. Jackson. Morgan. OHIO. 121 SPRINGFIELD AND COLUMBUS RAILROAD. From Springfield to London, Ohio, 25 miles, where it connects with the Columbus and Xenia Jtailroad. OFFICE at Springfield, Clark County, Ohio. President, A. D. Rodgers. Secretary and Sup.,. .John B. Pish., General Agent, B. G-. Dial. 7 DIRECTORS. George D. Burgess, Samuel Clark, William H. Clement, John B. Fish, Kichard D. Harrison, Samuel S. L'Hommedieu. A. D. Eodgers. SPRINGFIELD, MOUNT -VERNON, AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. From Springfield to Lalceville, Ohio, 114 miles. Track laid, and running to Delaware, Ohio, 49 miles. OFFICE at Springfield, Ohio. President, Secretary and Treas., Superintendent and ) Ch. Engineer, J Division Engineers, < Attorneys, Ticket Afent, Gen. Freight Agent, . Columbus Delano. C. A. Storr. John B. Fish. D. Lewis, F. McNamara, E. M. Stribling. Anthony & Goode, Springfield. C. A. Storr. S. J. Camp. 9 DIRECTORS. H. G-. Andrews, Delaware, 0., Benjamin Powers, " John Cassil, Marysville, 0., C. P. Buckingham, MtYernon, C. Delano, " M. H. Mitchell, John Bacon, Springfield, 0., Kichard Rogers, " William Neil, Philadelphia. 0. F. Bancroft, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains. G-. W. Cherry. 122 OHIO. STEUBENVILLE AND INDIANA RAILROAD. From SteubenmUe to Newark, Ohio, 116 miles. OFFICE, corner of "Washington and Sixth streets, Steubenville, Ohio. President, Thomas L. Jewett. Secretary and Treas., I. G. Morris. Superintendent, George W. Fulton. Chief-Engineer, Gr. "W. Fulton. Attorney, R. S. Mooney. Road-Master, W. L. White. General Freight and \ Lafayette Devenny, Steuben- Ticket Agent, ) ville, 0. T^ni A i j ....I. Neilson, Steubenville, 0. Local Agents, J | . R Hook ^ Newark> Q ' R. I. Bennett, David Hilbert, A. N. Alder, L. W. Helms, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains, 13 DIRECTORS. John Andrews, Steubenville, James Collier, James Frazier, Thomas L. Jewett, William Kilgore, William McDonald, James Parks, James Turnbull, C. Dewey, Cadiz, Wm. K. Johnson, Coshocton, Wm. B. Hubbard, Columbus, George W. Adams, Dresden, Willis Robbing, Newark. Johnson Mooney. D. B. Hoton. TIFFIN AND FORT WAYNE RAILROAD. From Tiffin, Ohio, to Fort Wayne, Indiana, 102 miles. OFFICE at Tiffin, Ohio. President, R. G. Pennington. Secretary, W. D. Scott. Treasurer, George Garns Chief-Engineer, Peter Ferguson. ( Joseph Bixly, Division Engineers, < H. S. Dunham, ( C. D. McCormack. Resident Engineer, . . .1. W. Sylvester. 9 DIRECTORS. A. C. Baldwin, Tiffin, O., W. C. Hedges, W. P. Noble, R. G. Pennington, W. D. Scott, S. D. Bayless, Fort Wayne, Ind. J. W. Borden, B. F. Colerick, T. Tigar, This road is hi process of construction. OHIO. 123 TOLEDO AND ILLINOIS RAILROAD. From Toledo, Ohio, in the direction of Fort Wayne, Indiana, to the East State Line of Indiana, 75 miles, OFFICES, Gardiner's Block, Toledo, Ohio, and No. 35 Pine street, New-York. President, "William Baker, Toledo, 0. Vwe-Presi(lent t Isaac 0. Colton, " Secretary and Treas., John E. Osborn, " Ass. Treasurer, Edward Whitehouse, N. York. Superintendent, George H. Burrows. Chief-Engineer, "Warren Colburn, Toledo, 0., and Lafayette, Ind. Division Engineer, . .George Marsh. ( B. H. Hitchcock, Resident Engineers, -{ B. N. Talbot, Fo; ( 0. F. H. Forbes. Toledo, Fort Wayne, t DIRECTORS. Azariah Boody, New- York, Edwin 0. Litchfield, " "William Baker, Toledo, 0., "Warren Colburn, " Isaac 0. Colton, Matthew Johnson, " John E. Osborn, " Attorney, John E. Osborn. Road-Master, E. Evans. Paymaster, J. E. Carpenter. Ticket Agent, K. S. Dygert CONDUCTORS OF James E. Baker, Passenger Trains. George Woodbury, The Toledo and Illinois, and the Lake Erie, Wabash, and St. Louis Bailroad Com- panies, were organized for the construction of a line of Eailroad from Toledo, Ohio, through the valleys of the Maumee and "Wabash Elvers, to the State Line of Illi- nois, at a point seven miles from Danville, in the State of Illinois a distance of 242 miles. From that terminal point, the Great "Western Eailroad of Illinois is in progress of construction, running almost due "West to the Mississippi river, passing through Springfield, the capital of that State, and other important towns. This will form one direct and unbroken Eailway line from the Mississippi to Lake Erie, a distance of 440 miles, with a further connection by the Hannibal and St. Joseph Eailroad, "West of the Mississippi, through the State of Missouri, now under con- struction an additional distance of over 200 miles. From Danville, by a South- western branch, and over the Terre Haute and Alton Eailroad, a direct communi- cation will be oppened South-westerly, to the city of St. Louis, adding 225 miles to the line of road ; thus opening, by these important connections to the Toledo and Illinois, and the Lake Erie, Wabash, and St. Louis Eailroads, two lines extending through the heart of Illinois, and affording a speedy and direct avenue to the East. The Toledo and Illinois, and the Lake Erie, Wabash, and St. Louis Eailroad Com- panies are, by agreement, fully consolidated, and their interests are identical. The laws of Indiana permit consolidation, and the companies are awaiting the pas- sage of a similar law in Ohio, when the consolidation will be made perfect, and the same stock issued to the stockholders of both. 124 INDIANA. INDIANA. EVANSVILLE AND CRAWFORDSVILLE RAILROAD. From Evansville to Terre Haute, Ind., 109 miles. OFFICE at Evansville, Indiana. 13 DIKECTORS. President, W. D. Griswold, Terre Haute. Secretary and Treas., John E. Martin, Evansville. Superintendent, 1. 1. Daniels, Attorney, Conrad Baker, Road-Mas., N. Dims., B. Ebbitt, Terre Haute. " S. Divis., 0. H. Chambers, Evansville. Master of Machinery, .John Ivinson, S. I. Bingham, M. Smith, Vincennes, H. L. Hall, Terre Haute. "Win. Van Name, A. P. Voorheis, S. S. Bloom, CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. Joshua Alsop, Carlisle, I. A. Garrett, " M. W. Foster, Evansville, John Ingle, Jr., James Laughlin, Jr., " G. W. Eathbone, " S. T. Jerrauld, Patoka, P. B. Harris, Eockville, G. K. Steele, " "William Burtch, Vincennes, I. W. Maddox, " W. D. Griswold, Terre Haute, Chauncey Eose, L. L. "Watson. Robert A. King. FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. From Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Ind., to Chicago, III., 147 miles. OFFICE at Fort "Wayne, Indiana. President, Joseph K Edgerton. 9 DIRECTORS. Secretary, William Williams, pro tern. Treasurer, 0. W. Jefferds. John Evans, Chicago, El., Chief-Engineer, Jesse L. Williams. W. B. Ogden, Resident Engineer, . . .Joseph E. Young. J. K. Edgerton,Ft.Wayne,Ind., Samuel Hanna, Pliny Hoagland, " S. W. Eoberts, Pittsburgh, Pa., A. L. Wheeler, Plymouth, Ind., Saml. G. Haas, Valparaiso, " Wm. Williams, Warsaw, " COM>tJCTOR OF Passenger and Freight Trains, W. B. Montfort. The track laying on the Fort Wayne and Chicago Eailroad was completed to Columbia on the 22d January, 1856, and the road is now open to that point, the county seat of Whitley county, twenty miles west of Fort Wayne. The track lay- ing west of Columbia will be resumed with the opening of spring, and reach Ply- mouth, 45 miles farther, early in the summer, where a temporary connection with Chicago will be formed by way of the Peru and Laporte Eailroad. INDIANA. 125 *FORT WAYNE AND SOUTHERN RAILROAD. From Fort Wayne to Jeffersonville, Ind., 202% miles, with author- ity to construct a tunnel under the Ohio river, at or near Louis- ville, -ffy. OFFICE at Muncie, Indiana. Pres. and Chief-Eng., W. J. Holman. Secretary, David T. Haines. Treasurer, William F. Jones. 13 DIRECTORS. Jacob Brugh, Blackford Co., Charles Carter, Delaware Co., E. G. English, Scott Co., I. T. Gibson, Decatur Co., E. T. Hickman, Henry Co., Joseph Holman, "Wayne Co., "W. J. Holman, Miami Co., Saml. McCampbell, Clark Co., Brannock Philips, Jennings Co., James Gr. Eeed, Jeffersonville, "William Eockhill, Allen Co., J. L. Eobinson, Eush Co., John Studabaker, "Wells Co. * INDIANA CENTRAL RAILROAD. From Indianapolis, Ind., to OFFICE, President, John S. Newman. Vice-President, Charles Parry. Secretary, John M. Commons. Treasurer, Samuel Hannah. Superintendent, James M. Smith. Ohio State Line, 73 miles. 8 DIRECTORS. Samuel Hannah, Indianapolis, Charles Parry, " D. Commons, Centreville, Ind., J. W. Jackson, Wm. S. T. Morton, John S. Newman, "W. Petty, Cambridge City, Ind., John T. White, Eaysville, " This road connects at or near New-Paris, Ohio, with the Dayton and Western Bailroad. INDIANA. INDIANAPOLIS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD. From Indianapolis to Lawrenceburgh, .... Ohio and Mississippi JR. Jt. by 3d Hail to 90 Cincinnati^ Ohio, 22 total, 112 miles. OFFICE at Indianapolis, Ind. President and Supt., .Thomas A. Morris. Vice-President, Henry 0. Lord. Secretary, Alexander North. Treasurer, "Wm. 0. Eockwood. Ass. Superintendent, .Norman M. Eoss. Attorneys, Eay, Morrison & Eay. Road-Master, I. P. Eichardson. Master of Transp., . . .Norman M. Eoss. Master of Machinery, Eobert Merk. Ticket Agent, Cyril P. Oakley. I. W. Mills, William P. Nevett, Geo. "W. Baldridge, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 9 DIRECTORS. Hervy Bates, A. E. Forsyth, Levin B. Lewis, Henry C. Lord, I. G. Monfort, Thomas A. Morris, William H. Morrison, James M. Eay, William Tate, Sen. I. B. Wilson. I. W. Eeed. INDIANA AND ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. From Indianapolis, Ind., to Decatur, Itt., OFFICE, No. 8 Blake Buildings, Indianapolis, Ind. President, A. L. Eoache. Vice-President, William Martin. Secretary and Treas., John S. Spann. Chief-Engineer, John C. Campbell. Contractors, M. C. Story & Co. Attorney, Jonathan A. Listen. 12 DIRECTORS. Ozias Bailey, Michael G. Bright, Edmund Clark, William H. Cram, C. M. Culbertson, John G. Davis, Eobert Hopkins, James Johnson, William Martin, Henry Prather, Addison L. Eoache, William D. Watson. INDIANA. 127 * INDIANAPOLIS, PITTSBTJKGH, AND CLEVELAND RAILROAD. From Indianapolis, Ind., to Ohio State Line at Union, 84 miles. OFFICE at Indianapolis, Ind. Secretary, Treasurer, , Superintendent, . . . Master Machinist, . , Ticket Agent, Travelling Agent, . . , .John Brough. .D. B. Culley. .Thomas H. Sharpe. .S. A. Fletcher, Jr. .P. B. Housum. .D. B. Culley. .L. S. Elliott. 15 DIBECTOES. Wm Sparks, Anderson, Ind., A. Makepeace, Chesterfield, " Wm. A. Otis, Cleveland, 0., E. S. Sterling, " Stillman Witt, " S. V. B. Noel, Fortville, Ind.. John Brough, Indianapolis, S. A. Fletcher, Jr., " Alfred Harrison, " Douglas Maguire, " Daniel Yandes, " S. P. Anthony, Muncie, Ind., Dav. Kilgore, Yorktown, Ind., Joseph Ridgeway, (not stated,) James W. Yandes, " JEFFERSONVILLE (INDIANA) RAILROAD. From Jeffersonville to Junction with Madison and Indianapolis Railroad, at Columbus, Ind., 66 miles. OFFICE at Jeffersonville, Ind. 12 DIRECTORS. President, Dillard Ricketts. Secretary and Treas., J. H. McCampbell. Superintendent, A. P. Osborn. Master of Transp. & ) a nr T Gen. Ticket Agent, \ S ' M ' Lemont Master of Machinery, .R. Wells. Car Builder, L. Harding. A. Gowdy, Louisville, James Guthrie, Thomas J. Martin, John Tompkins, A. Vatble, John Zulauf, Dillard Ricketts,Edinburg,Ind., W. 0. Rockwood, Indianapolis, W. G.Armstrong, Jefiersonville, W. D. Beach, James Keigwin, Woods Mabury, " 128 INDIANA. JUNCTION (OHIO AND IND.) RAILROAD. From, Hamilton, Ohio, to Indianapolis , Ind., 97 miles. OFFICE at Connersville, Indiana. 7 DIRECTORS. President, Samuel W. Parker. Secretary, J. Leach. John D. Jones, Cincinnati, Samuel Fosdick, " J. Ridenour, College Corner, S."W. Parker, Connersville, Ind,, "Wm. Becket, Hamilton, 0., James Blake, Indianapolis, George Hibben, Rushville, Ind. This road commences at Hamilton, 0., where it connects with the Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton Railroad, thence via Oxford, Liberty, Brownsville, Conners- ville, and Rushville, to Indianapolis, passing through seventeen towns and some of the best counties in Ohio and Indiana ; is under contract to be finished by Sep- tember, 1858. Capital subscribed in real estate, $1,500,000 Cash, 500,000 $2,000,000 which can be increased if necessary. About $600,000 has been already expended in graduation and stone work, and mostly paid for in real estate at cost prices. The calculation is, to issue First Mortgage 7 per cent Bonds, with which to pur- chase the iron and machinery when the road-bed shall be sufficiently advanced to need them. The receipts of the road and the sales of real estate to form a Sinking Fund, as security for the Bonds. The Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton has subscribed $200,000 towards the Stock of the Junction Railroad, and has formed a business connection with it. LAFAYETTE AND INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD. From Lafayette to Indianapolis, Ind., 64 miles. OFFICE at Lafayette, Indiana. President, .......... Albert S. White. Secretary, ......... Thomas C. Pollock. Treasurer, ......... Cyrus Ball. Superintendent, ..... I. 0. D. Lilly. Attorneys, ......... Gregory, Jones & Spencer. Eoad-Master, ....... James H. Stewart. Master of Machinery, .James L. Vanclain. ,.,,, . ( . . . .E. T. Hall, Ticket Agents, -j L y McE l Ticket and ) Th Q p u k Freight Agent, ) Local Freight ( ____ E. Locke, Agents, \ . . . .H. R. Barnard. I. B. Bell, B. W. Gibbs, Jas. Irvin, I. Vandemark, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 13 DIRECTORS. Cyrus Ball, Owen Ball, James Blake, J. Cloud, William Durbin, Joseph S. Hanna, H. G. Hazelrigg, M. L. Peirce, John L. Reynolds, William L. Reynolds, James Spears, Albert S. White, William Zion. I. L. Herndon. A. Victor. INDIANA. 129 LAKE ERIE, WABASH, AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. From the East State Line of Indiana, (where the Toledo and Illinois Railroad terminates,) via Fort Wayne, Huntington, Logansport, and Lafayette, to the East State Line of Illinois, seven miles East of Danville, 167 miles. OFFICE, No. 35 Pine street, New- York. 13 DIRECTORS. President, Albert S. White, Lafayette, Ind. Vice-President, Isaac C. Colton, Toledo, 0. Treasurer, Edward Whitehouse, N. York. Secretary, J. N. Drummond, Lafayette. Chief-Engineer, Warren Colburn, Toledo, 0., and Lafayette, Ind. A. Hamilton, Fort"Wayne,Ind., James Spears, Lafayette, " George Cecil, Logansport, " Isaac C. Colton, Toledo, 0. Joel Rathbone, Albany, N. Y., E. B. Holmes, Brockport, " Albert H. Tracy, Buffalo, " Azariah Boody, New- York, Edwin C. Litchfleld, " John F. A. Sanford, " Joseph B. Varnum, " Edward Whitehouse, " Russell Sage, Troy, N. Y. JSP" See Toledo and Illinois Railroad, page 123. LOGANSPORT AND NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD. FromLogansport to East Line of De IZalb County, (in the direc- tion of Toledo and Detroit,) 94 miles. OFFICE at Logansport, Ind. President, (Not yet elected.) Vice- President, H. B. Bradshaw. Secretary, Henry E. Barrett. Treasurer, Edwin Walker. Chief-Engineer, L. S. Nash. Resident Engineer, . . . F. K. Field. ( ., . .D. D. Pratt, E. Walker. Wesley Park, Auburn, Kalb Co., Ind., J. W. Dunn, Logansport, Ind., Chester Bedell, 54 William street, New- York, H. B. Bradshaw, 54 William street, New- York, Stephen Paul, Chambers St., New- York, James M. Taylor, New- York, Henry E. Barrett, Troy, N. Y. The charter or franchise of this road extends to the Ohio State Line, but connects witli the Northern Indiana Air Line Railroad four miles west of the State Line, and sixty-eight miles west of Toledo. These four miles will be common to both roads, or a lease from one road to the other may be made. The L. and N. I. Railroad also connects with the Detroit, Logansport, and S t Louis Railroad. 9 7 DIRECTORS. Do 130 INDIANA. * MADISON AND INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD. From, Madison to Indianapolis, 87 miles. OFFICE at Indianapolis. President, Francis H. Smith. Superintendent, D. C. Branham. Gen. Agent, "W. N. Jackson. Freight Agent, R. P. Jones. * MARION AND MISSISSINEWA VALLEY RAILROAD. From Marion to TTnion y miles. OFFICK, President, J. H. Goodman. Vice-President, Converse. Secretary and Treas., James Brownlee. Chief-Engineer, Isaac Young. 8 DIRECTORS. Nelson Conner, Joel N. Converse, N. W. Frazier, James H. Goodman, Elijah Hockett, George S. Howell, Jeremiah Smith, Benjamin Spader. NEW-ALBANY AND SALEM RAILROAD. From New-Albany to Michigan City, 288 miles. OFFICE at New- Albany, Ind. Secretary and Treas Superintendent, . . . Assistant Supfs., > Chief-Engineer, . . . Attorney, , George Lyman. .John B. Anderson. .B. Marshel, .John McGrea. .L. B. Wilson. .W. G. Cooper. Road-Masters, < ' ' Master of Transp., . Master of Machinery Ticket Agent, .R. Martin, .B. French. .John I. Cash. , . E. Benjamin. .N. Stevens. Travelling Agent, . . ."W. G. Cooper. B. Compton, J. B. Flack, W. C. Flack, S. Hardin, "William Miller, William Pro, F. Putnam, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 13 DIRECTORS. James Brooks, New- Albany, L I. Brown, R. Crawford, John Gordon, Walter Mann, William Plumer, Joseph Rawlins, Bedford, Ind., Thos. Smith, Bloomington, " 1. 0. Elston, Crawfordsville, " Joseph E. Goss, Gosport, " Jacob Daggy, Greencastle, " Geo. F. Talman, New- York, D. D. Williamson, " A. H. Hains, D. Harrison, H. Webb. A. Sanford, John Sears, G. Smith. INDIANA. 131 NEW-ALBANY AND SANDUSKY CITY JUNCTION RAILROAD. From New-Albany, Ind., to the State Line of Ohio, there joining the SandusJcy and LouisviUe Railroad, 110 miles. OFFICE at New- Albany, Indiana. President, James Montgomery. Secretary, Thomas L. Smith. Chief-Engineer, George Morton. Division Engineer, . . . Daniel Griffin. Resident Engineer, . . .T. R. Rust. Attorney, John S. Davis. 13 DIRECTORS. John S. Davis, Benjamin P. Duvall, Phineas M. Kent, William B. Lent, John S. McDonald, Joseph A. Moffitt, James Montgomery, James C. Moody, Victor A. Pepin, James Pierce, Thomas L. Smith, William M. Weir, John B. Winstandley. No portion of this road is yet finished. About twenty miles of the grade is com- pleted, and the work is progressing steadily. It is expected that the road-bed will be prepared to the point of intersection with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad near Versailles, Ripley Co., Indiana, distance from New- Albany about 7 5 miles, by the 1st of January, 1857. *OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD. Prom Crestline, 0., to Fort Wayne, Ind., 131f miles. OFFICE at Fort Wayne, Indiana. 7 DIRECTORS. President, Robert McKelly, pro tern. Secretary and Treas., Franklin Adams. Superintendent and ) T T> r^ i Chief-Engineer, \ Jesse R ' Straughan. Resident Engineer, . . .Lot Dixon. J. K. Edgerton, Fort Wayne, M. W. Hubbell, Jesse R. Straughan, " Robert McKelly, Upper-San- dusky, 0., P. S. Marshall, Bucyrus, 0., A. Conn, Van Wert Co., 0., W. H. Wilson, Philadelphia. 132 INDIANA. PERU AND INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD. From Indianapolis to Peru, 73 miles. OFFICE at Indianapolis, Ind. President, John D. Defrees. Secretary and Treas., Theo. P. Haughey. Superintendent, "Willis W. Wright. Road-Master, N. Dautenspeck. Master of Transp L. N. Andrews. Ma-ster of Machinery, .Benjamin W. Smith. 13 DIRECTORS. Daniel R. Bearss, John Bohan, George L. Dart, Nelson Dautenspeck, John D. Defrees, James P. Drake, H. G. Finch, N. I. Jackson, Henry S. Kellogg, Allen May, C. D. Murray, B. M. Sharp, Willis W. Wright. G. C Barnes, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. John L. Moore. J. I. Murdock. TERRE HAUTE AND RICHMOND RAILROAD. From Terre Haute to Indianapolis, Y3 From Indianapolis to Richmond, (by the In- diana Central Railroad,) 68 OFFICE at Terre Haute, Indiana. President, Samuel Crawford. Vice-President, Edwin I. Peck. Sec. & Acting Supt., . Charles Wood. Treasurer, John Scott. Road-Master, John Hice. Master of Machinery, .G. R. Peddle. !. . . .S. Gather wood, H. L. Hall, S. V. McElvane. !. .S. Catherwood, . .M. M. Landis, . .C. W. Mancourt. total, 141 9 DIRECTORS. John Crawford, Terre Haute, Samuel Crawford, D. Denning, W. D. Griswold, A. McGregor, C. Rose, C. Warren, E. I. Peck, Indianapolis, W. H. Thornburgh, Green- Castle. CONDUCTORS OF James Henry, B. Hubbs, Andy Beck, ) Passenger ( ) Trains. ( Freight Trains. Robert McEwan. Edward Jones. ILLINOIS. 133 ILLINOIS. BELLEVILLE AND ILLINOISTOWN RAILROAD. From Alton to Belleville, via Ulinoistown^ 40 miles. OFFICE, No. 18 "William street, New-York. President, , Secretary, Treasurer, Superintendent, . . .D. B. St. John, New-York. .T. I. Krofft. .0. Murdock, New- York. . A. A. Van "Wornur, St. Louis. 14 DIEECTOES. Charles Butler, Conrad Bornman, Irvin Camp, Robert Christie, Jr., Electua B. Litchfield, Edwin C. Litchfield, Elisha C. Litchfield, Henry Martin, Simeon Ryder, D. B. St. John, L. P. Sanger, L. R. Sargent, John Stryker, James Thayer. CENTRAL MILITARY TRACT RAILROAD. From Mendota to Galesburg, 80 miles. OFFICE, No 54 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. President, JohnW. Brooks, Detroit, Mich. Secretary, David Sanborn, Galesburg, 111. Treasurer, Amos T. Hall, Chicago, Superintendent, C. G. Hammond, " Chief-Engineer, John M. Berrien, " Division Engineer, . .H. N. Thielsen, Galesburg, Master Builder, C. F. Allen, Aurora, Road-Master, Elias "Weed, Galesburg, Master of Transp., . . .H. Hitchcock, " Master of Machinery, . C. F. Jauriette, " Ticket Agent, Samuel Powell, Chicago, Gen. Freight Agent, ."Wm. Martin, " 9 DlEECTORS. J. "W. Brooks, Detroit, Mich., James F. Joy, Chicago, 111., Henry Ledyard, Detroit, Mich.. G-. V. N.Lothrop, " Silas "Willard, Galesburg, 111.. W. Selden Gale, " C. S. Colton, I. H. Burch, Chicago, 111., G. C. Davidson, Albany, N. Y. 134: ILLINOIS. * CHICAGO, ALTON, AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. From Chicago to Alton, 265 miles. OFFICE, , Hamilton Spencer. President, Seabury Brewster, New- York. Vice-President and ) . n * n Chief-Engineer, } H. A. Gardner. Superintendent, Rich'd. P. Morgan, Jr., Bloom- ington. Ass't. Superintendent, A. H. Moore, Bloomington. Gen. Ticket Agent, . . . J. E. Spencer. Gen. Freight Agent,. . Charles Eoadnight. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON, AND QUINCY RAILROAD. from Junction to Mendota, 58 miles, OFFICE, No. 64 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. President Secretary and Treas., Superintendent, .... Chief-Engineer, .... Division Engineer, . Master Builder, .... Road-Master, Master of Machinery, Gen. Ticket Agent, . . Gen. Freight Agent, . James F. Joy, Chicago. Amos T. Hall, " Chas. G. Hammond, Chicago. John M. Berrien, " S. H. Mallory, " ,C. P. Allen, Aurora, 111. .Ira Fox, " " . James Clark, Chicago, 111. Samuel Powell, " " ,Wm. Martin, " " F. H. Garfield, W. E. Griswold, L. A. Howard, J. H. Irvine, G. "W. Alexander, "W. Cummings, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains. 9 DIRECTORS. J. Van Nortwick, Batavia, HI., Isaac H. Burch, Chicago, 111., James F. Joy, " Mark Skinner, " J. W. Brooks, Detroit, Mich., Henry Ledyard, " " Geo. F. Porter, " " Eber B. Ward, " G. C. Davidson, Albany, N. Y. G. H. Littlejohn. E. H. Mead, A. Satterfield. A. F. Fleming, C. Roberts. ILLINOIS. 135 * CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE RAILROAD. From Chicago ', Illinois, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 85 miles. OFFICE, President, Walter S. Gurnee. Vice-President, Mahlon D. Ogden. Secretary, A. S. Downs. Treasurer, H. A. Tucker. Superintendent, Walter S. Johnson. * CHICAGO, ST. ANTHONY, AND FOND DU LAC RAILROAD. .From Chicago, III., to /St. Paul, Minnesota, 360 miles. Open to Janesville, Wis., 90 " OFFICE, President, William B. Ogden, Chicago. Acting President, Nelson K. Wheeler, " Vice-President, James W. Hickok. Secretary, J. W. Currier, Treasurer Charles Butler. Chief-Eng. and Sup., S. F. Johnson, Chicago. Ass. Superintendent,.. G. L, Dunlap. Gen. Freight Agent, . .N. GuptilL 15 DIRECTORS. John P. Chapin, Chicago, 111., George W. Gage, " Wm. B. Ogden, *Henry Smith, *Nelson K. Wheeler, " J. H. Johnson, Woodstock, 111., J. A. Butler,Fond du Lac, Wis., Jos. A. Wood, Janesville, " J. J. B. Pease, Madison, " Daniel Jones, Watertown, " *Charles Butler, New- York, William Jarvis, Wm. C. Langley, " *J. Bradley, Burlington, Vt., *J. W. Hickok, " The Illinois and Wisconsin, and the Rock River Valley Railroads have been con- solidated, and the name changed to " Chicago, St. Anthony, and Fond du Lac Rail- road." The line from Janesville to St. Anthony will be a continuation of the main road, while that from Janesville to Fond du Lac will be but a branch. Originally this latter was to bo a part of the main line, but the importance of a direct line to Minnesota has induced those who control the road to change it in that direction. * Executive Committee. 136 ILLINOIS. * GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD. From Chicago to Freeport, .... 121 miles. " Belvidere to Beloit, 21 " " Junction to Fulton, 68 " Elgin Branch, 2 " In operation, 212 miles. In progress, 37 " Whole length ofJRoad and Branches, 249 miles. OFFICE, corner of Wells and North-Water streets, Chicago, Illinois, President, John B. Turner. Vice-President, William H. Brown. Secretary, W. M. Larrabee. Treasurer, Henry Tucker. Chief-Engineer, .... John P. Ilsley. Superintendent, Philip A. Hall. Attorney, Ebenezer Peck. Road-Master, John Clark. Master ofTransp., . . .William McKellops. Master of Machinery, .John Ebert. Gen. Passenger Agt., . H. L. Kingsbury. Gen. Baggage Agent, W. L. Fowler. 13 DIRECTORS. William H. Brown, Chicago, Hugh T. Dickey, Orrington Lunt, Jason McCord, Flavel Moseley, Walter L. Newberry, Benj. W. Raymond, George Smith, John B. Turner, Charles Walker, Dexter A. Knowlton, Freeport, Charles S. Hempstead, Galena, Thos. D. Robertson, Rockford. GREAT WESTERN (ILL.) RAILROAD. From Naples, III., to Indiana State Line, OFFICE, No. 45 William street, New-York. LOCAL OFFICE, Springfield, Illinois. miles. President, John M. Catlin. Vice-Pres. and Supt., T. J. Carter. Treasurer, Edward Bement. Attorneys, Stuart & Edwards, Spring- field, m. r> j ir 4 ( . , . .E. Wolcott, ^^^^'l...^^. Richardson. Master of Transp., . . .T. Dudley. Master of Machinery, C. Richardson. Ticket Agent, I. B. Shepherd. Lost-Baggage Master, L. P. Abbe. W. Bacon, George Carkins, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. 8 DIRECTORS. Edward Bement, John M. Catlin, Morris Ketchum, Nelson Robinson, L. M. Wiley. State of Illinois. T. I. Carter, James S. Lamb, I). K. Robinson. A. I. French. C. Richards. ILLINOIS. 137 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. From Dunleith to Cairo, 454 miles. " Chicago to Mattoon, Total, 626 miles* NEW-YORK OFFICE, No. 50 "Wall street, New- York. CHICAGO OFFICE, Nos. 48 and 50 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. President, Secretary, Treasurer, Asst. Treasurer, Gen, Superintendent, . Auditor, Chief-Engineer, .... Division Superin- j Undents, ~\ Land Agent, Attorney, Masters of Machin- ( ery, ( Gen. Freight Agent, . . Gen. Ticket Agent, . . Wm. H. Osborn, New- York. Wm. K. Ackerman, " J. Newton Perkins, " John B. Calhoun. ,John H. Done. William Vernon. Eoswell B. Mason. James C. Clark, Amboy, C. H. Comstock, George Watson, Centralia. ' John Wilson. Ebenezer Lane. A. H. De Clerg, M. W. Mason. C. C. Kellogg. W. P. Johnson. 13 DIRECTORS. Joel Mattison, Governor of Il- linois, ex-officio, Franklin Haven, Boston, Joseph W. Alsop, New- York, Frederick C. Gebhard, John N. A. Griswold, Abram S. Hewitt, John F. A. Sanford, William H. Osborn, Jonathan Sturges, Leroy M. Wiley, James F. Joy, Detroit, Ebenezer Lane, Chicago, Thomas E. Walker, New- York. OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD, WESTERN DIVISION. Prom Illinoistown, III., opposite St. Louis, to Vincennes, Indiana 145 miles. OFFICE at Louis, Mo. Owner, ............ H. D: Bacon. Lessee, ............ George W. Jenka. Sec. and Treas., ..... Thomas Brown. Superintendent, ..... James M. Ward. Ass. Superintendent, .A. W. Dana. Chief-Engineer, ..... R. F. Gaggin. Master of Machinery ,.T. M. Sheppard. Gen. Ticket Agent, . . . Isaac Wyman. Gen. Freight Agent, . . A. B. Pendleton. D. H. Christie, H. B. Driggs, Thomas Fay, E. C. Bland, I. 0. Lensabagh, I. R. Orcott, CONDUCTORS OF ! Passenger \ Trains. 1 (Freight j Trains. 1 W. R. Miles, H. Tilton. M. Stanton, E. Turtle. ILLINOIS. * MICHIGAN SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD. From Toledo, Ohio, to Chicago, Illinois, 242f miles. " Monroe to Adrian, Michigan, 36|- " " Adrian to Jackson, 40 " " Elkhart, Ind., to Toledo, Ohio, 132 " " White Pigeon to Three Rivers, 12 " " Baileytown, Ind.,to Michigan City, 14 " Total, 476f miles. Whole number of miles in use, 338 In process of construction, 138 476 OFFICE, No. 18 William street, New-York. President, Secretary, Treasurer, Dep. Treasurer, .... Gen. Superintendent, Ass. Sup'ts., -j Chief-Engineer, . . . Gen. Ticket Agent, . Gen. Freight Agent, Lost-Baggage Agent, .John Wilkinson. .John M. Hopkins, New-York. .Edwin C. Litchfield, .George H. Ford, " . James Moore, Adrian, Mich. .John D. Campbell, . Edward H. Williams. .JohnB. Jervis, New- York. .James D. Raynor. .Samuel Brown. .B. F. Millard. 13 DIRECTOBS. D. B. St. John, Albany, N. Y., E. C. Litchfield, Cazenovia, " Hugh White, Colioes, " Thomas Barren, N. York City, Charles Butler, John B. Jervis, " Edwin C. Litchfield, " Edwin D. Morgan, " John Stryker, Rome, N. Y., Haml. White, Syracuse, " John Wilkinson, " " J. S. Barry, Constantino, Mich., Ezek. Morrison, La Porte, " NORTHERN CROSS RAILROAD. From OFFICE, President and Supt., . N. Bushnell. Treasurer, M. Cox. Ass. Superintendent,^. 0. Pierce. Gen. Ticket Agent, . . . S. M. Burnham. Receiver, Charles E. Follett. ILLINOIS. 139 CHICAGO AND ROCK ISLAND RAILROAD. From Chicago to Rock Island, III., 181 miles. OFFICE at Chicago, Illinois. President, Secretary, Treasurer, Gen. Superintendent, Assistant Sup., .... Cf lief -Engineer, .... Gen. Ticket Agent, . . . Gen. Freight Agent, . . Attorney, Road-Master, Master of Machinery, Henry Farnum, Chicago, 111. Nelson D. Ehvood, Joliet, " Azariah C. Flagg, New- York, John F. Tracy, Chicago. W. H. "Whitman, Eock-Island, Peter A. Dey. E. M. Goodrich. J. P. Babcock. N. B. Judd. John W. Coulogue, La Salle. Jacob Barney. 13 DIRECTORS. Isaac Cook, Chicago, 111., Henry Farnum, Norman B. Judd, " E. Cook, Davenport, Iowa, Nelson D. Elwood, Joliet, LI., Theron D. Brewster, Peru, " Lemuel Andrews, Rock Island City, 111., *Clark Durant, Albany, N. T., *Thos. C. Durant, N. Y. City, *Azariah C. Flagg, " John Stryker, Rome, N. Y., *William Walcott, Utica, N.Y., *J. E. Sheffield, N. Haven, Ct. PEORIA AND BUREAU VALLEY RAILROAD. From Peoria III., to Bureau, or Junction with Chicago and Rock Island Road, 47 miles. OFFICE, No. 1 Main street, Peoria, Illinois. President, Norman B. Judd. Secretary, Washington Cockle. Treasurer, C. "W. Durant, 13 "Wm. st.,N.Y. Transfer Agent, A. C. Flagg, New- York. Attorney, N. H. Purple. ? DlEECTOES. {Thomas C. Durant, (Henry Farnum, John Frink, John L. Griswold, N. B. Judd, fJoseph E. Sheffield, Isaac Underbill. This road is leased to the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad Company, and run under their officers. * Executive Committee ; J. E. Sheffield, Chairman. f Executive Committee. 140 ILLINOIS. PEORIA AND ROCK ISLAND RAILROAD. From Rock Island to Peoria, III., 82 miles. OFFICE, corner of Illinois and Eagle streets, Rock Island, Illinois. President, Benjamin Harper, Eock Island. Vice-President, Onslow Peters, Peoria. Secretary, Benjamin Graham, Henry Co. Treas., 1st Division, . .Win. Bailey, Rock Island. Treas., 2d Division, . . N. B. Curtis, Peoria. Chief-Engineer, "W. G-. "Wheaton, Peoria. First Ass. Engineer,.. Samuel S. Montague. Joseph Knox, Rock Island, Johnson & Blakely, Peoria, M. Shallenberger, Stark Co. 9 DIRECTORS. John Hamlin, Peoria, Onslow Peters, " T. F. Davenport, Henry Co., A. A. Dunn, " Charles Buford, Rock Island, S. S. Guyer, Holmes Hakes, " Benjamin Harper, " M. Shallenberger, Stark Co. TERRE HAUTE AND ALTON RAILROAD. From Terre Haute, Indiana, to Alton, Illinois , 173 miles. OFFICE, No. 18 William street, New- York. President, Daniel B. St. John. Vice-President, Simeon Ryder. Secretary, Levi Davis, Alton. Treasurer, Carey Murdock, New- York. Local Treasurer, . . .. James H. Lea, Alton. Superintendent, L. R. Sargent, " Chief-Engineer, Orville W. Childs, Alton. Consulting Engineer, . John B. Jervis, New- York. 13 DIRECTORS. Simeon Ryder, Alton, HI, Robert Smith, " P. L. Huggins, Bunker Hill, 111., Hiram Sanford, Paris, 111., J. W. Moulton, Shelbyville, III, Thomas Allen, St. Louis, Mo., Chas. Craft, Terre Haute, Ind., D. B. St. John, Albany, N. Y., Henry Martin, Buffalo, " Alvah Hunt, New- York City, Edwin C. Litchfield, " Electus B. Litchfield, " John Stryker, Rome, N. Y. MISSOURI. 141 * WARSAW AND ROCKFORD RAILROAD. From Warsaw, Hancock Co., HI., at the foot of the Lower Rapids, to Port Byron, at the head of the Upper Rapids of the Missis- sippi River, miles. OFFICE at "Warsaw, Illinois. 13 DIRECTORS. Acting President, N. Belcher. Secretary, John G. Fonda, Chief-Engineer, W. E. Kingsley. J. E. Johnston, "Warsaw, 111., W. H. Ralston, " "W. S. Spencer, " L. C. Bidiman, Nauvoo, HI., John Rice, " H.Catermole,Ft.Madison,Iowa, C. Netman, Pontoosuc. S. S. Phelps, Oquawka, ID., "W. Gayle, Keithsburg, H. W. Thornton, Millersburg, L. Andrews, Rock Island, 111., J. S. McCune, St. Louis, Mo., N. Belcher, Port Byron. MISSOURI, HANNIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH RAILROAD. From Hannibal, on the Mississippi River, to St. Joseph, on the Missouri River, 206 T 8 o miles. SECRETARY and TREASURER'S OFFICE at Hannibal, Mo. President, R. M. Stewart. 9 DIRECTORS. Z. G. Draper, Hannibal, Mo., Levi Barkley, Marion Co., Joshua Gentry, " R. M. Stewart, St. Joseph, F. T. Bush, Boston, Mass., Robt. B. Forbes, " H. H. Hunnewell, " John E. Thayer, " R. S. "Watson, Secretary and Treas., Land Agent, ....... Chief-Engineer, ..... Consulting Engineer, . Resident Engineers. ' ] [ , ,, m ( ..... A *>y> \ ...... Master of Machinery, . J. D. Dowling. Edward B. Talcott. James M. Bucklin. T. E. Seckles. James Morrell, A. Peabody, E. C. Rice, John Severance, 0. Talcott, B. B. "Wentworth. Thomas L. Anderson, R. F. Richmond. James W. "Walch. Road in progress of construction. 142 MISSOURI. LEXINGTON AND UTICA (MISSOURI) RAILROAD. From Lexington, Missouri, to Junction with the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, at Utica, Livingston County, Missouri, and thence North to the Iowa State Line, miles. OFFICE, Oliver Anderson, George W. Baker, H. S. Chadwick, Jesse Esry, R. C. Ewing, T. M. Ewing, Spence Gregory, Samuel Grove, John S. Harper, R. M. Henderson, COBPOBATOBS, 20. John D. Hoy, "Willis Hughes, James S. Lightner, Josephus McGrew, "William Morrison, "William H. Russell, Silas Silver, John Stone, War. B. Waddell, Edward "Winser. The charter of this road was only obtained in the summer of 1855, and the Com- pany is not yet organized, but soon will be. The work of construction will be commenced in the spring of 1856. NORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD. From St. Louis to the Northern Boundary State of Missouri, 228 r Vo miles. OFFICK, Corner Locust and Fourth streets, St. Louis. President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treas.,. Sup. and Chief -Eng.,. Principal Assistant, . . Division Engineers, \ Resident Engineer, . . . Attorney, Hood-Master, Master of Transp.,. . . Master of Machinery, Ticket Agents, I Isaac H. Sturgeon. Gerard B. Allen. Arthur Kempland. Robert Walker. Bazil H. Gordon. E. L. Wentz, Hugo 0. Shearbarth. Truman S. Homer. John D. Coulter. Isaac H. Morgan. S. P. Merry. I. I. Weitzig. B. W. Dudley, C. A. Lawrence, I. M. Yosti. 13 DlBECTOBS. Gerard B. Allen, John D. Coulter, Carloss S. Greeley, Andrew Harper, John Hartnett, Thomas B. Hudson, Thos. T. January, Arnold Krekel, John O'Fallon, William Patrick, R. M. Renick, James S. Rollins, Isaac H. Sturgeon. CONDUCTORS OP Passenger Trains,. Freight Trains, . . . .D. A. Rawlins. ..Charles Kick. There is but one division of the road in operation, from St. Louis to St. Charle?, aay twenty miles. MISSOURI. 143 PACIFIC RAILROAD. fflrom St. Louis, Mo., to Jefferson City, Mo., {present terminus,} 125 miles. Total length to Kansas, Mo., (when finished,) 280 miles. GENERAL OFFICE, North-east corner of Third and Chestnut streeets, St. Louis, Mo. President, .......... Hudson E. Bridge. Vice-President, ...... Alfred Vinton. Secretary and Treas., Samuel Copp, Jr. Auditor, ........... Fred. L. BUlon. Land- Agent, ....... Thos. C. Johnson. Paymaster, ........ Geo. P. Roberts. Sup., and Ghief-Eng.,Chas. F. Brown, (acting.) Head Clerk to do., . . . Addison Ware. Master of Trains, ____ William Pride. {D. R. O'Neil, T. M. Ault, Wm. Cole Bayley, Thomas A. Shenstone. Attorneys, ........ . Glover & Richardson. J nn Packer, 1st Division, EW,/ Tur n i~,* Bead-Masters, ..... Wm . H> D Master of Machinery, Charles Williams. Gen. Ticket Agent, . . .H. G. Whitney. ( Theoph. Adams, St. Louis Sta., Ticket Agents, ....-< Jos. Musgrave, " (18 others at intermediate stas. CONDUCTORS OF Lucius Abbott, Passenger Trains. Anderson Sappington, Freight Trains. 13 DIRECTORS. Hudson E. Bridge, Wayman Crow, Chas. K. Dickson, Nathaniel B. Holden, John How, Philip T. Lanham, James H. Lucas, Wm. M. McPherson, Robert M. Renick, John C. Rust, Alfred Vinton, Robt. K. Woods, James E. Yeatman. I. M. Parsons. Fletcher Cronk. ST. LOUIS AND IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD. From St. Louis to Pilot Knob, 86 miles. OFFICE at St. Louis. President' Madison Miller. Vice-President, Louis V. Bogy. Secretary and Treas., S. D. Barlow. Chief-Engineer, James H. Morley. Counsellor, Thomas C. Reynolda 13 DIRECTORS. Henry B. Belt, Francis P. Blair, Jr., H. T. Blow, L. V. Bogy, F. A. Dick, Ferdinand Gottschalk, Aaron H. Hackney, Edward Haren, James Harrison, J. H. Lightner, Jesse H. Mcllvaino, William M. McPherson, Madison Miller. 144 ARKANSAS. ARKANSAS. CAIRO AND FULTON RAILROAD OF ARKANSAS. Prom Cairo, III., to Texas Boundary, near Fulton, 373 miles. OFFICE in City of Little Rock. President! Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Gliief-Engineer, .Roswell Beebe. . Daniel Ringo. .B. C. Harley. . William B. Wait. .James S. Williams. 13 DIRECTORS. *Daniel Ringo, Pulaski Co., *Kos\vell Beebe, " *Richd. H. Johnson," S. W. McNeely, Sevier Co., *Edwd. Cross, Hempstead Co., Henry K. Hardy, Clark Co., Robert Martin, Dallas Co., *Green B. Hughes. Saline Co., *Henry C. Dye, Independ. Co., James Robinson, Jackson Co., Thomas Hough, " James Russell, Randolph Co., *Israel M. Moore, White Co. CAIRO AND FULTON RAILROAD, OF MISSOURI. OFFICE at Bloomfield, Mo. President, .... Secretary, .... Treasurer, .... Chief'Engineer, .John M. Johnson. .M. A. Wilson. . Daniel B. Miller. .James S. Williams. Orson Bartlett, John Beasley, *Henry H. Bedford, S. H. Flournoi, John M. Johnson, Daniel Kitchen, *Solomon G. Kitchen, Henry Miller, James Nations, Noah W. Site, John D. Smith, Hiram Wesson, Wm. A. Whitehead. These two companies have been united, so far as necessary to place the manage- ment of the road through Arkansas and Missouri under a Joint Committee of nine Directors, seven from the Arkansas, and two Directors of the Missouri Company. Those marked * form the Joint Executive Committee, of which Roswell Beebo is Chairman. The place of meeting of the Joint Committee is Little Rock, Ark. 13 DIRECTORS. ARKANSAS. 145 LITTLE ROCK AND NAPOLEON RAILROAD. From Little Rock to Napoleon, 100 miles. OFFICE at Pine Bluff, Arkansas. President, B. W. Lee. Secretary, R. V. McCracken, Treasurer, N. H. Fish. Chief-Engineer, Lloyd Tilghman. i "W. M. Johnson, Division Engineers, { "W. H. West, Evans. i ' TT Attorneys, . Herman Carlton, John C. Murray. Collector, .James H. Hawley. 13 DIRECTORS. James "W". Bocage, Wm. P. Grace, John W. Irwin, Benj. S. Johnson, Solon B. Jones, B. Kimbrough, B. "W. Lee, Samuel Mitchell, Edward C. Morton, Elihu Randolph, John S. Roane, Drew White, James YelL MEMPHIS AND LITTLE ROCK RAILROAD. From Memphis to Little MocJc^ 129 miles. OFFICE at Memphis, Tenn. 5 DIRECTORS. President, James M. Williamson, Secretary, Lyman D. Stickney. Treasurer, Joseph Lenow. Chief-Engineer, B. Ford. James Elder, Tenn., H. L. Guion, " D. B. Turner, " J. M. Williamson, Tenn., Geo. C. Watkins, Little Rock:. Incorporated Jan. 11, 1850, by the Legislature of the State of Arkansas. 10 146 MICHIGAN. MICHIGAN. DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE RAILROAD. From Detroit to Grand Haven, open to Fentonmlle, 52 miles. OFFICE at Detroit, Michigan. President, Henry N. "Walker. Vice- President, Henry Ledyard. Secretary and Treas., Charles C. Trowbridge. Superintendent, Supt. of Freight, ,...A. H. Rood. .James A. Armstrong. Henry P. Baldwin, Edmund A. Brush, Henry Ledyard, William M. McGonnell, Nelson P. Stewart, Henry N. Walker, Eber B. Ward, Buckminster Wight, Harvey P. Yale. Steamers from Grand Haven to Milwaukee, 60 miles. " to Chicago, 100 " The grading upon the Detroit and Milwaukee Eailroad between Corunna and Lindon, 25 miles, is in a rapid course of completion ; every thing will be in readi- ness for the ties and rails by the first of May next. The spiles have been driven upon which the bridge is to be constructed to span the Shiawassee river, some five miles east of Corannna. 9 DIRECTORS. * DETROIT AND TOLEDO RAILROAD. From Detroit, Mich., to Toledo, Ohio, miles. OFFICE, 11 DIRECTORS. H. P. Baldwin, Detroit, Mid)., L. Chandler, Shubael Conant, " Henry Ledyard, " J. W. Tillman, " Jas. Armitage, Monroe, W. W. Clarke, " Thomas G. Cole, " Charles Johnson, " D. A. Noble, " J. Wilkinson, Syracuse, N. Y MICHIGAN. 147 MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. From Detroit, Mich., to Chicago, III., 284 miles. OFFICE, Passenger Depot, Detroit, Michigan. President, .......... John M. Forbes, Boston. Vice- President, ..... John W. Brooks, Detroit. Secretary, ......... W. B. Fowle, Jr., Boston. Treasurer, ......... Isaac Livermore, " Local Treasurer, . . . .U. T. Howe, Detroit. Superintendent, ..... R. N. Eice, " Master of Transp.,.. . . C. H. Hurd, Agent, George Williams, Jr., Chicago, Attorney, James F. Joy, Detroit. , ,, , ( C. H. White, toad-Masters, } g R . j^^ Master of Machinery, S. T. Newhall. 3 .1. M. Eaton, Detroit, TifTcfi Anmfv Ticket Agents, I. Spalding, Chicago. CONDUCTORS OF Levi Carter, John Cochran, George P. Floyd, George C. Hopper, John Leonard, S. T. Moore, W. C. Reeder, W. B. Reynolds, Passenger Trains. 9 DIRECTORS. Erastus Corning, Albany, John M. Forbes, Boston, R. B. Forbes, John B. Thayer, " George B. Upton, " J. W. Brooks, Detroit, Elon Farnsworth, Detroit, John C. Green, New- York, D. D. WDliamson, " I. B. Rice, Samuel Skilding, E. A. Skinner, W. A. Spalding, George Wandlass, L. C. Warren, Daniel Wood. *SAGINAW AND LANSING RAILROAD. From OFFICE, President, Norman Little. Secretary, James Turner. 12 DIRECTORS. Samuel T. Atwater, Buffalo, J. C. Baily, C. L. Case, John Gallagher, Morgan L. Gage, H. E. Hart, Jesse Hoyt, New-York, Norman Little, Lansing, John W. Longyear, H. H. Smith, James Turner, Lansing, John W. Turner, Saginaw 148 WISCONSIN. WISCONSIN. *BELOIT AND MADISON RAILROAD. From Belvidere, III., to Madison, Wis., 40 miles, OFFICE at Madison, Wisconsin. President, Leonard J. Farwell. Secretary W. A. Earnst. Asst. Secretary, W. M. Larrabee. Treasurer, Simon Mills. Chief-Engineer, John P. Ilsley. 13 DIEECTORS. William H. Brown, Chicago, William M. Larrabee, Walter L. Newberry, Julian S. Rumsey, Edward I. Tinkham, John B. Turner, Leonard J. Farwell, Madison, H. K. Lawrence, Simon Mills, Francis G. Tibbits, William H. White, John Hacker, Beloit, E. A. Foot, Footville. * BERLIN AND LAKE SUPERIOR RAILROAD. From Berlin, Wis., to Lake Superior, miles. OFFICE at Berlin, Marquette Co., Wisconsin. 7 DIBECTOES. President, J. B. Smith. Secretary, J. V. Swetting. Treasurer, D. H. Richards. Chief-Engineer, Jesper Vliet. D. D. Merrian, Berlin, J. V. Swetting, " S. Wheller, D. H. Richards, Milwaukee, J. B. Smith, Jesper Vliet, " Albert Smith, Bangor, Me. The Chief-Engineer was directed to survey the line from Berlin to Lake Superior early the ensuing season. No doubt is entertained of finding a cheap and practi- cable route. WISCONSIN. 149 * GREEN BAY, MILWAUKEE, AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. From Green Bay, Wis., to Chicago, Itt.^ miles. OFFICE at Milwaukee, "Wisconsin. President, Vice-President, . . , Secretary, Measurer, Superintendent, . . . Chas. K. Watkins, Milwaukee. .John V. Ayer, Kenosha. .A. Gr. Leland, Milwaukee. .C. E. Scofield, New- York. .0. B. Hall. 9 DIRECTORS. Milwaukee. E. Button, C. B. Hall, " J. W. Haskins, John T. Moody, Charles K. Watkins, " J. V. Ayer, Kenosha, J. W. Stewart, Bridgeport, Ct., E. P. Bishop, New-York, 0. E. Scofield, " LA CROSSE AND MILWAUKEE RAILROAD. From the City of Milwaukee to Horicon, Portage City, and La Crosse, 200 miles. OFFICE, No. 332 Third street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. President, Byron Kilbourn. Vice-President, Moses Kneeland. Secretary, Levi BurnelL Treasurer, James Ludington. Superintendent, Byron Kilbourn. Asst. Superintendent, . Walter Kittridge, Chief-Engineer, William R. Sill. Division Engineer, . . . D. J. Whittemore. Resident Enaineers \ James F ' Moore ' ers > \ Wallace M. Spear. Attorney, Moses M. Strong. Master of Machinery, E. M. Hall. Ticket Agent, J. H. Burnell. Gen. Agent, Stephen H. Alden. 15 DIRECTORS. Stephen H. Alden, Hiram Barber, E. D. Clinton, Edwin H. Goodrich, Stoddard Judd, Byron Kilbourn, Moses Kneeland, Russel S. Kneeland, James Ludington, Hugh McFarlane, Samuel L. Rose, Samuel T. Smith, Chase A. Stevens, Moses M. Strong, Edwin Townsend. E. Bridgeman, CONDUCTORS o p Passenger Trains, freight Trains. D. A. Olin. Q. C. Olin. 150 WISCONSIN. *LAKE SUPERIOR AND SOUTH-EAST RAILROAD. From Fond du LOG to Ontonagon City, with Branches to Mar- quette and to Cliff Mine and Copper Harbor, miles. OFFICE, 11 DIRECTORS. Horatio Bigelow, Boston, E. K. Collins, New- York, James M. Cooper, Pittsburgh, William J. Gordon, Cleveland, J. W. Brooks, Detroit, C. Wbittlesey, Houghton Co., Aug. Coburn, Ontonagon Co., C. T. Harvey, Marquette Co., Ex-Gov. Doty, Fond du Lac, " Farwell, Madison, Wis., William B. Ogden, Chicago. MADISON, PORTAGE CITY, AND LAKE SUPERIOR RAILROAD. From Madison, Wis., to Ontonagon, Lake Superior, miles. OFFICE at Portage City, Wis. 12 DIRECTORS. President, , . .Leonard J. Farwell. Secretary, Wm. A. Earnst. Treasurer, D. J. Powers. Chief-Engineer, Robert Harris. Division Engineer, . .Oliver P. Rice. Attorney, Asa C. Ketchum. Leonard J. Farwell, Madison, B. F. Hopkins, Simeon Mills, " D. J. Powers, " Wm. A. White, H. S. Haskell, Portage City, Asa C. Ketchum, " Henry Merrill, " H. B. Munn, " N. H. Wood, " Geo. W. Gate, Stevens' Point, W. D. Mclndoc, Warsaw. WISCONSIN. 101 *MILWAUKEE AND BELOIT RAILROAD. From Milwaukee to Beloit, miles. OFFICE, President, Edward H. Ball Secretary, A. 0. Babcock. Treasurer, Sewall Andrews. 9 DIRECTORS. A. H. Barnes, Delavan, E. H. Ball, East-Troy, Sewall Smith, " Edward Elderkin, Elkhorn, Wm. J. Whaling, Milwaukee, Sewall Andrews, Mukwonago, J. D. Reymert, Muskego, Jesse Meacham, Troy, Pruciua Putnam, Vernon. MILWAUKEE AND WATERTOWN RAILROAD. From Milwaukee to Watertown, Wis., 45 miles. OFFICE, Corner East- Water and Huron streets, Milwaukee. President, Secretary and Treas., Superintendent and j Chief-Engineer, ) Attorneys, -J Road-Master, Master of Transp., . . Master of Machinery, Gen. Ticket Agent, . Ticket Agents, .... William B. Hibbard. I. L. Hathaway. E. Q. Sewell, Jr. Finch & Lynde, Brown & Ogden. Truman H. Judd, ,D. C. Freeman. .0. S. Martin. F. B. Hudson. D. McDonald, H. Shoreman, A. L. Palmer, S. N. Gibbs, W, Whiting, A. B. Gardner, F. Schroudenbach. 13 DIRECTORS. Eliphalet Cramer, Milwaukee, Hans Crocker, Cyrus Hawley, William B. Hibbard, Dr. James Johnson, Alex. Mitchell, Daniel Newhall, John S. Rockwell, John H. Tweedy, Wm. M. Dennis, Watertown, Daniel Jones, Albert L. Pritchard, John A. Elliott, Columbus, C. Lathrop, CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. Freight Trains, E, A. Fowler. I. W. Crippin. 152 WISCONSIN. MILWAUKEE AND HORICON RAILROAD. From Horicon to Berlin, 42 miles. OFFICE, Kneeland's Block, Bast-Water street, Milwaukee. President, John B. Smith.] Secretary, I. N. Mason. Treasurer, D. H. Richards. Superintendent and } y V1} Chief-Engineer,, f Jasper Vliet. Resident Engineer, . . . Wm. E. Howard. 7 DIEECTOES. Jessup Alvord, J. Bowen, J. F. Heazlit, Daniel H. Richards, John B. Smith, Garret Vliet, Jesper Vliet. MILWAUKEE AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD. From Milwaukee, Wis., to Prairie du Chien, on Mississippi River, 190 miles. 103 miles in operation. OFFICE, No. 8 Wall street, New- York. COMPANY'S OFFICE in Depot Buildings, Milwaukee. President, .......... John Catlin. Vice-President, ..... G-eo. H. Walker. Secretary, .......... Wm. ' Taintor. Treasurer, .......... Anson Eldred. Assistant Sup., ...... S. S. Merrill. Register, ........... John J. Hill. Resident Enaineers i B< R Ed g erton > Madison, er5 ' \ J. F. Dodge, Janesville. Attorney, .......... Asahel Finch, Jr. Road-Master, ....... E. H. Brodhead. Master of Machinery, Wm. F. Fuller. Gen. Ticket Agent, . . . Samuel K. Platt. Gen. Freight Agent, . .George B. French. iMst-Baggage Agent, .James Holton. E. C. Brown, J. L. French, Lewis Bryles, Samuel Chase, Geo. Church, Wm. Herrick, 17 DIRECTORS. Hans Crocker, Milwaukee, Anson Eldred, Asahel Finch, Jr., Edward D. Holton, Geo. H. Walker, Erastus R. Wolcott, Hercules L. Dousman, Crawfd., John Catlin, Dane County, Nelson Dewey, Grant, Joseph Goodrich, Rock, S. C. Hall, Walworth, Adam E. Ray, " Edmd. D. Ch'nton, Waukesha, Stephen H. Alden, New- York, E. L. Dimock, Brooks Dunwiddie, Francis J. Tibbits. CONDUCTORS OF ) Passenger ( f Trains, \ Freight Trains. D. A. Olin, Geo. E. Price. Wm. Layton, L. May, Chas. Robinson, Benjamin Tombs. WISCONSIN. 153 MINERAL POINT RAILROAD. From Mineral Point, Iowa Co., Wis., to Warren, Jo. Daviess Co., HI., 32 miles. OFFICE, Mineral Point, Wis. President, Parley Eaton. Secretary, William T. Henry. Treasurer, Francis Vivian. Chief-Engineer, Charles Temple. Division Engineer, . . .L. H. Warren. Attorney, Isaac E. Messmore. 8 DIRECTORS. John Bracken, Montgomery M. Cothren, Hamilton H. Gray, John M. Keep, Henry Koop, James Noble, Moses M. Strong, Francis Vivian. The road is in progress of construction, to be completed by 1st of Dec., 1856. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN AND LA CROSSE RAILROAD. From Prairie du Chien to La Crosse, 60 miles. OFFICE, No. 1 Front street, La Crosse, Wis. President, Thomas B. Stoddard. Vice-President, Cyrus K. Lord. Secretary, Samuel D. Hastings. Treasurer, John M. Levy. Superintendent, Chase A. Stevens. Chief -Engineer, Eben. B. Pike. Gen. Ticket Agent, . . .Cyrus K. Lord. 15 DIRECTORS. *E. D. Campbell, La Crosse, *Samuel D. Hastings, John M. Levy, Cyrus K. Lord, *William E. Potter, *Benj. W. Reynolds, Francis M. Rublee, Chase A. Stevens, *Thomas B. Stoddard, ' Benj. Pringle, Batavia, N. Y., Nelson Dewey, Cassville, Wis.. William Bross, Chicago, Hercules L. Dousman, Prairie du Chien, Jas. Fisher, Prairie du Chien, Charles Warner, Warner's Landing, Wis. This Company was organized Oct. 15, 1855. The engineers were to commence the survey of the route about the 1st Feb., or as soon as they are through with another contract upon which they were engaged. * Executive Committee. WISCONSIN. RACINE AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD. From JKacine, TFi's., to Freeport, III., 103 miles. OFFICES, No. 98 Main street, Racine ; TO Beaver street, New- York. President, .......... Vice-President, Secretary, ......... Treasurer, ......... Auditor, ........... Chief-Engineer and ) Superintendent, f Consulting Engineer, Attorney, Road-Master, Master of Machinery, E. F. Barnes. Henry S. Durand. John Dickson. A. J. Redburn. William M. Ferine. Simeon D. Clough. T T p . i- R. B. Mason. J. T. Foster, B. F. George, Sayres G. Knight. Marshall M. Strong. John L. Apgar, George Mores. 13 DIBECTORS. Lucius G. Fisher, Beloit, William T. Goodhue, " John Williams, Darien, William C. Allen, Delavan. Thomas J. Turner, Freeport, Simeon D. Clough, Racine, John Dickson, Henry S. Durand, Charles Herrick, Alexander McClurg, Elisha Raymond, Marshall M. Strong, Francis W. Merrill, Rockton. CONDUCTORS OF Passenger Trains. George Cragg. *SHEBOYGAN AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD. From OFFICE, President, J. F. Kirkland. Secretary, Charles B. Morris. Treasurer, A. P. Lyman. Financial Agents, ( G. P. Hiller, by City Comm'rs, to negotiate Bonds, \ B. Williams, by Co. Comm'rs. 12 DIRECTORS. Thomas Fegan, Sheboygan, W. W. King, J. F. Kirkland, A. P. Lyman, Henry Otten, D. Taylor, B. Williams, V. B. Young, John Bannister, Fond du Lac. M. J. Thomas, " R. H. Hotchkiss, Plymouth, B. N. Smith, WISCONSIN. 155 ni *WINNEBAGO RAILROAD. OFFICE at Milwaukee, Wis. President, John Fitzgerald. Secretary, William Luscher. 13 DIRECTORS. a. Bouck, Edward Eastman, R.P. Elighme, John Fitzgerald, Nelson Fletcher, B. S. Henning, E. Hubbard, *A. G. Lull, G-. N. Lyman, *G. W. Mitchell, George H. Read, WiUiam Starr, *George F. Wright. The Executive Committee of the Winnebago Railroad Co., in accordance with powers conferred by the Board of Directors, have entered into contract with Messrs. C. S. Leonard & Co., for the construction of the entire superstructure of the road from this place to Ripon. The contract is one highly favorable to the Company, the stipulated terms being $4500 per mile for doing all the work, and furnishing all materials, except rails, chairs, and spikes. This includes grading, grubbing, ditch- ing, bridges, culverts, and other masonry, furnishing the ties, laying the track, and ballasting. The contractors are highly recommended as men of ability and expe- rience, who will push forward the work with energy. They will commence opera- tions at once by procuring the ties and other materials, and as soon as the frost is out of the ground, an effective force of men will be employed on the grading and other work along the line. By this contract, the entire cost of this work will be less than $90,000, for one half of which sum the contractors are to take the bonds of the Company at their par value. Oshkosh Courier. * WISCONSIN CENTRAL RAILROAD. From OFFICE, President, Le Grand Rockwell. 13 DIRECTORS. Orrin Lunt, Chicago, B. W. Raymond, " C. M. Town, Elgin, 111., L. G. Rockwell, Elkhorn, Goodell, Geneva, James Haskins, " E. C. Hulburt, Jefferson, J. E. Holmes, A. Rice, Lake Mills, Lewis, Columbus, J. S. Perkins, Waterloo, Rufus Cheney, Jr., Whitewater, Eleazer Wakeley, " * Executive Committee. 156 IOWA. IOWA. BURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. From Burlington, Iowa, to the Missouri River, 300 miles. OFFICE at Burlington, Iowa. 9 DIRECTORS. President, I. C. Hall. Secretary, Oliver Cock. Treasurer, John G. Foote. Chief-Engineer, H. Theilson. Attorney, ........... David Eorer. A. W. Carpenter, W. F. Coolbaugh, James Hawley, Robert McElbinny, E. D. Rand, A, Saunders, Jesse Williams. This road is graded to the town of Mount Pleasant, twenty-eight miles west of Burlington, the rails are being laid, and the road will be finished to that point by the first of May. The contractors have a locomotive and a number of platform-cars on the road; they are pushing the work. Iron sufficient for twenty miles has been received. The balance is in transit. * CHICAGO, IOWA, AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD. From Clinton to Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., Iowa, 80 miles. OFFICE, President, Charles "Walker, Chicago. Vice-President James Purdy. Chief-Engineer, Milo Smith. 10 DIRECTORS. H. A. Tucker, Chicago, Charles Walker, " William Greene, Cedar Rapids, John Weare, Jr., " James Purdy, Mansfield, 0., L. B. Crocker, Oswego, N. Y., V. D. Bonesteel, Poughkeep- sie, N. Y., T. T. Davis, Syracuse, N. Y., Austin Myers, John Butterfield, Utica, N. Y. The line of road marked out forms a direct route from Chicago, through the heart of Iowa and Nebraska, toward the South Pass, beginning on the Mississippi river, near the terminus of the Galena (Dixon) Air-Line, and connecting Central Iowa and Nebraska with Chicago. IOWA. 157 DEMOINE NAVIGATION AND RAILROAD COMPANY. From OFFICE, No. 18 "William street, New-York. President, "William C. Johnson. Secretary and Treas., Alvah Hunt. Chief-Engineer, Edward H. Tracy. 9 DIEECTOES. *Edwin C. Litchfield, N. Y., *Elisha C. Litchfield, Cazeno- via, N. Y., Henry Ten Eyck, Cazenovia, N. Y., *John Stryker, Rome, N. Y., *0rv. Clark, Sandy Hill, N.Y., *Will. C. Johnson, Utica, N.Y., Porter Kibbe, Horatio Seymour, " Henry O'Rielly, Ottumwa, lo. KEOKUK, FORT DES MOINES, AND MINNESOTA RAILROAD. From KeoJcuk to Fort Des Moines, 152 miles, but only at work on 1st Division, to Benton's Point, which will be running in 1856, 38|- miles. OFFICE, No. 86 Main street, Keokuk, Iowa. President, Hugh T. Reid. Secretary and Treas., William Leighton. Chief-Engineer, S. Dwight Eaton. Division Engineer, . . .A. A. Rice.j 10 DIEECTOES. Arthur Bridgman,' Thomas W. Clagett, Samuel R. Curtis, John M. Hiatt, David W. Kilbourne, Edward Kilbourne, John McCune, William S. McGavic, Charles Parsons, C. H. Perry. * Executive Committee. 158 IOWA. *KEOKUK, MOUNT PLEASANT, AND MUSCATINE RAILROAD. Ffom the City of Keokiik, on the Mississippi River, through Mount Pleasant, to the City of Muscatine, Iowa, miles. OFFICE at Mount Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa. President, Laurin Dewey. 11 DIRECTORS. Secretary, Chauncey Nash. Treasurer, Charles Parsons. Euben Allen, Mount Pleasant, Engineer, J. A. McDowell. *Laurin Dewey, General Agent, J. K. Hornish. John B. Lash, C. N. McDowell, John H. Randolph, Robert Wilson, Frank Ballinger, Keokuk, *John M. Hiatt, " *David M. Kilbourne, " Saml. Springer, Columbus City, John A. Parvin, Muscatine. The road is completed and the iron laid for about twenty miles from the railroad bridge at Davenport, opposite Rock Island ; thence to Muscatine the road-bed is finished, and the iron going down. MISSISSIPPI AND MISSOURI RAILROAD. From Davenport, Scott County, Iowa, souri River, 310 OFFICE, President, . , John A. Dix. Vice-President, Ebenezer Cook. Secretary, Hiram Price. Treasurer, Azariah C. Flagg. Superintendent, John E. Henry. Chief-Engineer, B. B. Brayton. Division Engineer, . . S. B. Reed. Attorney, N. B. Judd. Road-Master, John R. Boyle. Master of Transp., . . . Addison Day. Master of Machinery, . Cyrus Bradley. Gen. Ticket Agent, . . .Horatio L. Sargent. CONDUCTORS OF H. D. Harris, Passenger Trains. Richard Jones. Freight Trains. George Freshour. This road is now finished from Davenport to Iowa City, 55 miles ; with a branch to Muscatine, 38 miles. to Council Bluffs, on Mis- miles. 9 DIRECTORS. Ebenezer Cook, John A. Dix, Thomas C. Durant, .' George Green, Thomas M. Isett, N. B. Judd, William B. Ogden, Joseph E. Sheffield, William Walcott. * Executive Committee. TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS. 159 if *! REG APIT UL ATION. n o Sta w P-l HH i-H a - t> i " - ffer iflillliil 1 Illlllllllll 12 178 KECAPITULATION. BOQ 2 S 9 OQ H H H OQ 10 in co TJ< o et to co r M illfr rlflPl W o <1 OQ QQ | a s P == -JS lf , RECAPITULATION. 179 AiEraggMiS I x- lt li- &-1 P 09 f O Q} II p S B - 7S tT oT ~i . -3 =1 &? ^^43 g FH .b -g 5 ^- ^^^^1 CS ^ _j fl o i II * $ g 03 c3 _< S3 o "" o ~ O 8^ a g.=3 Illii 03 ."S ff "3 O Pn fM PM OQK! 180 KECAPITULATION. *4 . H N o 11 Mi t-H j rt* O 00 (M O >a O M O C^ (O i\ CS r-( CD lO ^ d CD ^" CD iQ r-l (M Til 1O S fr* 1-1 " * r^' i 1 5 i -6 as Tji;r a '^3te'O^gte te >-,'p eSo^ ( T^L^^rt-"MrD^ '-^ c5 cl l> -* rn O c3 rH JS 'O e g , o 1 P? 1 ^ SS^^J &:2' cJ-'S O 'P 2 t 2 3 O O r-< rrt ^rt rl t^~ ^^ ^ B fc fi i r?i!z;g-p a 5^ ^r 5 ^ fete^ ^ cJ-oSS 13"&a~ ST3S 3 g a _o p[J jj-^j- g .0 ,2 / Jj Q a ^ ***a ^ ^ -- fl S ^* ^ ^ I'Ulllw ^ f ^3 :: h^i ) o- = |> 015 tD^ ^ ^S egcS rt O cS O^ > '3 fiW WW!25!25 SZi J215250Q PH & RECAPITULATION. 181 as O C5 OO i-H O O - 00 *-* O iti illlill te- _e-~ <^jitijEi H t5.M - o^ 02 W 182 KECAPITULATION. 11 floa HN e*5 r+ HH O rH i-l CO CO O ^a= RECAPITULATION. 183 -f * rH N CO 00 nl Ogd W -s-si a H House's Point, "3 8 * F3 * if " - il IH r*- 'IB S sSI i^O B'g^ M g * K 52J HS 184 RECAPITULATION. n o Sta , S-S 02OP-I o ' I : *J l&sl OO ^^ P4(X|PHp5 RECAPITULATION. 185 I fc 3 it* M iH tO 00 O> CO O CJ t- r-\ O 00 C+* CJ O5 t- M H ^_3 <-} ^j OH O co ^ ^) o |T (g'Sf 6 w ^3-c! a ^c^ g CO P- ^2 o" 9~ 'M ., TJ . a o 44 c3 O f- 'O '& o g S ^ n P f^m o Troy and Utica, Utica and Binghamton, " WatervUle,* Union, Washington County Central,* Watertown and Rome, West-Side,* Whitehall and Plattsburgh, Williamsport and Ehnira, NEW-YOEK CITY. First and Second Avenue, Third Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Sixth Avenue, Eighth Avenue, 186 RECAPITULATION. QQ PH E *S ** O CO C^l ^ i 3 * O op ^J4 5! ^ to i o in c-q CO 10 03 "3 H=> ^ to o to *# co C"^ cq n ?-i i 3 -* Jt- O 1 a^- s " 'I I 1 1 g 3 H s o" r G i Fl illS P i i 1 5 a a i fri O tS t o M P d ^ 3 -11 m "S 03 41 s^ Chambersl Chestnut ] Cleveland, -"2 a "IPl Harrisbun Greensbur 6C .9 1 r~~>- ^ ~~>. tZ ^N tt i '3 ti V .. r -4J* fi 5 03 ^^ g'a ""* r^i o - -e I B & S "^ ;,-! _. H o i Alleghany Portage, Allentown, Beaver Meadow, Carbondale and Hones Catawissa, Williamspo Chambersburg, Greene gerstown, Chester Valley, Chestnut Hill, Cleveland and Erie, " " Mahon " " Pittsbu Cumberland Valley, Dauphin and Susquehi Delaware, Lackawana, Erie and North-East, Harrisburg, Portsmou and Lancaster, Hempfield, Huntingdon and Broa Indiana Branch, Nortl Lafayette, 1 Lebanon Valley, EEC APIT UL ATION. 187 I 9 ri 2 O-i CO CO Cq i- IO COt-r-IO C<1 3 CO O ^ IN I-H \a -* # co us co co o c* co a co rH CO i-H CSI r-H to co Q CO -* -* CO "3 CO CO Oi O 05 (M T(< f ^ 3 O (- 3 P^ _rt rQ .2 EH If g, 1J 1 Pi 1 1 a tf t? & - 2 s * -= i" S 3 Btf& Sf P 3 fill |i| cf - i c> o o r ^ 11 '"^ rfl rj .s" . a .2" rfl rfl ^" J" i^3 ^^odo ^So 'S .p J .'tn 3 03 8 ^H . HA^EH^ P^PnW PH 02 CM PM OQ Hi EH PM RH | Tf .1 ! i i Valley, Schuylkill, iill and Schuylkill Haven, Carbon, and Port Carbon, Pennsylvania, nd Pennsylvania, ylvania, Coal Co.'s, " Branches ;her Coal Companies, elphia and Baltimore Centr " Columbia, Germantown, and Norr and Beading, " Sunbury, " Trenton. 1 J w - w - 1 -i|-f s 1 ! f|*f 1 1 S^rf -S a -rrQ cS g. C0 a ^1 a ^ cr 1 ^ c> a o 3 o ^ m- 2 -2 T! g 1115 Tl 3 111 ! 53 1 S" c^ ^ 3" K t o o"g "g S 3 .-a ^ * ff-i iill sil ^^33 rZiOP-l 13 PM Tilllij!'!' PM COOQCCEHHr*^ P- 1 188 RECAPITULATION. Or-tOOrH CO CO CO i-< C3 CO OOO OC5OOO OO Tj< CO (M O5 OO OOO OIMt-r-1 ^H J^COCOOCO OOO o Or- 1 CD CO Ci COCOOOJIO" OOO Or i 00 CO Ol COO^COO COW3O "5CM i- -^( i IrHKilMOO COfOOT t Is ij ; s"'$ .- s j |i|_ 1 1 "i 1 I ' i iff! i in i nig Newton M I ^g rf^ 1 Iff 1 111! H O ^ w (H i_~ 3 feH CM nq Oi _i ro S'O . -flj tt T 1 ^ a till! Jjllii Tf f I I < t> S a 8^^ g CO J3 r^ .-. .Ti O S .81 > >S -i <3S O 2 - 43-S e3fe d ^ O ~^ O frt * Illlf Stil SIM RECAPITULATION. 189 B 1| v' .-; w 3 1 CO O OO i-H C5 i O <3J CO CO OO ^H 05 O i fsi cf 1 g - ! 'm S o3 P 03 1 3 R 1 h O a J id Frenchtown, ' Wilmington, Wihnington, anc - o - -* H^ ^ c3 M" 45 O O ^t-| i o oo co \a ofo P-3 3 s^ to -O OJ F-i O3 r& III wws p _ CQ S I||j o 4| G CO P3 c^ i w t <;} -ts _K fti ,-r- 60 b/D o "3 o3 ^ .S 'C T3 Q I^llll ^ .3 03 o ja o HQ^gfiHfS 'C! r^S 'CJ 'rt a q c a c3 c3 3 2 o o g JQ 02 w P 1 ? o s mo o eq ooooor-t o oo Jt- US Ot- O.t-O OOOO-^f O OOO O (N 1Q 00 O O Tjl O CO> 'tOC^IOt COT^ONCOOSCOtMOi-M-^OSia O fflOOCO i- OO C3VO CO CO-^( O005OO CO CO-^< r-4 IJ ol OOCdi-l rH O t- -^OlOCOlM (MOrH-^fCOO rH-^i-li-l ?OCOCOI^lM (MOOCO 1OO C<1 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 g r aT 2 . 3 o _ ,o _ c3 Sfgi 111 tfjjK Ml "If 1 Hi i5i niiii !|!i 11 ti cs.-SC .S^3O .faaSK: caq^^O i?* * 5'C no^ rtocs P^PM^PHF fi-^pn>H FO ow g Jf 3 -- - 1 I & ffi @l If lit f iff tr III ill 11 511 II? ^s^.a| .f s g g, .-& -ajp^M OOPH O-qfe^Hft GPH^ PH^ i & a a N oT ^ .5 r 03 -u P< oT o g AH H ^ ^ if if|-f ^f^.i ff I f 1 3 ill 111 11113 ! I I it \& M W *~c-*- Cjscs c_,^o aga>Tj 13^ OdTJ 11 liiliiilili I 11 ' slilr lii a 6|1ilSl5i'' i= = = Is2|:=. M s.?s oS-c^^Sc^p-eS ^g P-^^S^to 3 I S3 5 1 1 IJ J 1 E J | -a |gg.h RECAPITULATION. 191 I! S 3 11 3 "St! II a. a f SO &(D , CO t3 43 IP o-O o ii5 I'll Cd[> J C*H CM O O o hH HH faS .2,2 o TH ^^ I^H "3 OQ 91 ~*M * _ "S^-d-ci a" co II 2 on So S S cS wcis 192 RECAPITULATION. ga l -2 & < ,* r-l C3 -S ^ 0r Q e* oo o ia co >-t i-* o co M r-l it 6-a 00 00 M o H & K ef g * rfdf^ 1 ^ _ ^ .|||| O r*1 ^P 3 rTn ^ h>. O p i Q2 Jq r^ CQ Cy {^ 3^ M ^ Ci3 CiJ ^ o -s o 1 o H Alabama and Charleston, Alabama and Florida, Mobile Branch, Alabama and Mississippi Rivers, " North-Bast and South- West, " and Tennessee Rivers, Columbus and Mobile, Gainesville, Marion, Mississippi, Gainesville, and Tuscaloosa, Mobile and Girard, " and Ohio, Montgomery and West-Point, Opelika Branch, OQ -t'3 o~ a 1 ~ a & a ill RECAPITULATION. 195 ir- to CO U5 O CG . I o a j s -g 13 8 - " & o W * A /\ 2 . a 9 13 ao Ig PH PH HH OQ 00 rjt O t- .-1 CO * IO 00 M CM I-H O CO Tjl O (O t- O O S > O O rj (So IMJ^ " It || ^ _.- 2 'o OW o ^ o ^ F"cd _^ i3 M QQ CQ O S "o Ijll^f 1 g o .Q b oT fl^ , , o f 1 ? 53" <-r P f5 S P> Canton and Jack Grand Gulf and Mississippi Centr S ile-|= 1 (D C3 OOOOOO O j D OOOOO O JC- * t- -^ Cf) tO CO i | O O O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o ooooooooooooooo 1 !O~O O Cfo O OOOOUSOOOlftOlOOOOOcT <& r-T r-T r-Tr-T l-T i-T ll i I 1-4 i 1 r- 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 0** H* r-4 N rH i 1 C^Ji 1 1O i 1 i i i 1 r- S.8 o^o OCO L305 -2?-rin m CJ^WM" CQ ^^ A* ^* ** .** S? oO r^ < Q> j^j j a _ r j gj" ^- Q)" _ ^P M __^j . tg .. jf I ISj^W^llffl ill ej i i a i 1 00 -*- c3 -g ^ PH a b ~T3 g gg - 65 - a> o ' 3= = 3 OQ O O3 O O CO CO CN 00 O3 OO i-l (N IM l ii ro |':| 1.2 lllif*^ iS a iS J + pq H?3J2; CM co ^ & E |lf 3g!S 02:: s l> aj e 'P..3 198 RECAPITULATION. il cocrjc^oo ocraooo-^ it & >~i P* i( te a" o 11! W o PM<1OO S - a :1 j- '5 03 - J- g E-S i'S * Q> w o e-a'-B |: t 2 & O cffl S *a a g .g .ef g i _03 O 111 POM tf 6c >> S .. 'C tf a . fl 2 _- S -S If if* II* Jl-i * 1> g s 5 " ilflff%l Ill5||-g|| " W wtfff t ^ O pr-l rl d aM o S ,Q o _g n.5 rT^S ~ co MT3^ ag.B-zS^o S'JsS S*OQ J O CO i 1 - O C oS l ^43-PoTOaO o. oOD3 ^- 9 a 8 o* - s f^ o c3 w o fa-'-'S-Ocd^'cS ^ .^ | flllllll.111 4.11 i Illllililli ill tf M R fi" " - ^ |of - - 1 r r r r U a "- 3" O r , d - "1 3.s > ^g" 3 "i tlffl'l 111 fMO W h 5 ^WM^EHH? SSS ^q" 1 ^ -^a 3 ^ -g 'I ^1 ^ C2 - -iS ''S o .58 "S) h O M SI i| !i 1 I If ! ill RECAPITULATION. 201 CO CD CO 00 OOr-OOi l C5 00 CO 00 CO 00 03 CO & O c - 5d-gopo-S.2^ I "6 2 l.tfTSCIfliJT; 3 "0 .2 S*> a T3 a i! ' 6 ^^w^o^rt^ cs o II ^ o "S A KT .2 ~ -2 o - t " &t W Q fcn a g cS -d .* - 1* ' 202 RECAPITULATION. n othe States. O lO O O CO IM O r I CO CO CO i i 00 O cq 4 i I C^li ICO O rH CO Tj< i 1 CO 9 cf " !=! O Q OQ " c -2 C-3 S EECAPITULATION. 205 goo OQ O HH w Q M s CO rH rH CO 00 CO t- " d ^< rH C* i-H CO o 1 8~ g * 3 s|i ? ,.2 C PRINCIP W O ^ 4^ r~i s^ssi ll l-^ 3-i^lrf fa s"1 2 1 *>iiil NAME 111 lliSl! , t 3 B S fjf fe O f*4 ji^-l NAME ,'S, o " ^ "*- wmwMfS g o A en 9 M rH (M <* f-i m co a 3 .3" ^-g, 2 a jfl j|, - ? o ^ *-< -^ fec+J^ s u ,o~ 2 o (2pn * E |o|| 11|.f: o alls -S^l^ > 1* a III li oSwoo >|ff||3 ta < m _- s s M f c~3 s" S O^f O . r 1 ^^ v I* Jig ^^&,i5 < S -?.-S-S to 5 S.2 3-3^3 WWMMMW 206 RECAPITULATION. r-l O4 j Brooklyn City, 31 Brunswick and Florida, Buffalo and Alleghany Valley, ." * jgl Brantford, ancl Goderich, . . . '. Corning, and New- York, 32 and New-York City, 37 Niagara Falls, and Lewiston* and Pittsburgh, 32 and State Line, 33 Buckfield, Maine, 3 Burlington and Missouri River, Iowa, 156 Calais and Baring, Me., Cairo and Fulton, Mo., Ark., 144 Camden and Amboy, N. J., " and Atlantic, 4.3 Canandaigua and Elmira, N. Y., 162 and Niagara Falls, N. Y., 33 and Syracuse, N. Y., . . . Canton and Jackson, Miss., Cape Cod, Mass., jg Catawissa, Williamsport, and Erie, . . 51 Cayuga and Susquehanna, 35 Central, (See name of State.) Military Tract, 111., 133 " Southern, Tenn., 94 Chambersburg, Greencastle, and Ha- gerstown, 52 Champlain and St. Lawrence, N. Y., 34 Charleston and Savannah, 77 Charlotte and South-Carolina, 77 Chattanooga and Cleveland, Term., . . Chautauque County, N. Y., Chemung, N. Y., 162 Cheraw and Darlington, S. C., 78 Cheshire, Mass., Chester Valley, Pa., 60 208 GENERAL INDEX. Chestnut Hill, Pa., 61 Chicago and Aurora, 111., Alton, and St. Louis, 134 Burlington, and Quincy, ... 134 Dixon, and Iowa, Air Line, Iowa, and Nebraska, 156 and Milwaukee^ 135 and Mississippi, " and Eock Island, 139 " St. Anthony, and Fond du Lac. 135 Cincinnati and Chicago, 104 " Cumberland Gap and Charleston, " and Fort Wayne, 105 Hamilton, and Dayton, . . . 106 and Hillsboro, 107 Lebanon, and Xenia, and Mackinaw, 106 Peru, and Chicago, 108 Union, and Fort Wayne, . . 173 Wilmington, and Zanesv., 108 Clearfield, Phillipsburg, and Tyrone, Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinn.,. 109 and Erie, (See C. P. & A.,) 110 and Indianapolis, and Makoning, Ill Medina, and Tuscarawa, . . Painesville,and Ashtabula, 110 and Pittsburgh, 110 and Toledo, Ill " Zanesville ; and Cincinn., . 112 Clifton and South-Clifton, Clinton Line, O., 112 Clinton Line Extension, O., 113 " and Port Hudson, La., Clover Hill. Va., Clyde and Sodus Bay, N. Y., 34 Cocheco, N. PL. 7 Columbia and Octoraro, Pa., 52 Columbus and Hocking Valley, 0., . . " and Lake Erie, O., Ga., and Mobile, Ala., .... " Piqua, and Indiana, 0.,. . . 113 " Pud Xenia, 0., 109 Concord, N. H., 7 Connecticut and Passumpsic Elvers, 12 " Eiver,Vt., 19 Contpocook Valley, N. H., 8 Corning and Olean, N. Y., Covington and Lexington, Ken., .... 100 " and Ohio, Va., Cumberland Valley, Pa., 53 Danbury and Norwalk, Conn., 26 Danvers and Georgetown, Mass., .... 22 Dauphin and Susquehanna, 53 Dayton and Cincinnati, Short Line,. . 114 " and Michigan, 114 " and Western, 115 " Xenia and Belpre, 115 Delaware, " Lackawanna, and Western, 35 Demoine Navigation and E.E. Co.,. . 157 Detroit and Milwaukee, 146 " and Pontiac, " and Toledo, 146 Dubuque Western, Iowa, Eastern, Mass., 22 East-Tennessee and Georgia, 95 and Virginia, Eaton and Hamilton, 0., 116 Edgefield and Kentucky, Tenn., 95 Elmira and Canandaigua, Erie and Kalamazoo, " and New- York City, 163 " and North-East, Pa., 54 Essex, Mass., Evansville and Crawfordsville, Ind.,. 124 " and Illinois, " Indianapolis,and Clevel'd, 173 Farmington Valley, 28 Fitchburg, Mass., 20 " and Worcester, Mass., ... Flemington, N. J., Florence and Keyport, N. J., Florida, 87 Flushing, N. Y... 163 Fort Madison, Bloomfield, and Ne- braska City, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 124 and Grand Ban ids, " and Mississippi, " and Platte Eiver, " and Southern, 125 Four-Mile Valley, O., 105 Fox Eiyer VaUey, 111., Franklin, Me., " Pa., " and Warren, O., Fredericksburg and Gordonsv., Va., . 70 Freehold and Jamesburg, N. J., 48 Fremont and Indiana, O., 116 French Broad and Greenville, Gainesville, Ala., Galena and Chicago Union. 136 Galveston, Houston, and Henderson, 159 " and Bed Eiver, Texas, ... Genesee and Hudson, N. Y., - Georgia, 83 " Central, 83 Grand Gulf and Port Gibson, Miss., . 94 " Junction Depot ; Boston, " Eapids and Indiana, Great Central Kentucky, 100 " Falls and Conway, N. H., 8 " Western, 111., 136 Green Bay, Milwaukee,_ and Chicago, 149 Greenville and Columbia, S. C., " and Miami, 0., 117 " and Eoanoke, Va., Hampshire and Hampden, 28 Hannibal and St. Joseph, Mo., 141 Harlem E. and High Bridge, N. Y.,.. Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mountjoy, and Lancaster, Pa., 54 Hartford and New-Haven, Conn., ... 26 " Providence, and Fishkill, . . 27 Hcmpfield, Pa., and Va.. 55 Henderson .and Nashville, Hickman and Obion, 101 Housatonic,. 27 GENERAL INDEX. 209. Hudson and Berkshire. ) , ., . " and Boston. f 104 " River, N.Y., 36 Huntingdon and Broad Top, Pa., 55 Illinois Central, 137 " and Wisconsin, Indiana Central, 125 " and Illinois Central, 126 Indianapolis and Bellefontaine, and Cincinnati, 126 Pittsb., and Cleveland, . 127 Iowa Central, Iron, Ohio, 117 Jacksonville and Carrollton, 111., .... Jefferson and Lk. Pontchartrain, La., 90 Jeffersonville, Ind., 127 Joliet and Chicago, 111., " and Elgin, Junction, 0. and Ind., 128 Kennebec and Portland, Me., 3 Kenosha and Beloit, Wis., Keokuk, Fort des Moines, and Min- nesota, 157 Keokuk, Mount Pleasant, and Musca- tine, 158 King's Mountain. S. C., 79 Knightstown and Shelbyville, Ind., . . Knoxville and Kentucky, 96 La Crosse and Milwaukee, "Wis.,. . . . 149 Lafayette, " and Indianapolis, 128 Lake Erie, Wabasb., and St. Louis, . . 129 " Ontario, Auburn, and N. Y.,.. " Shore, N. Y., Pa., Ohio, etc.,. . " Superior and South-East, 150 Lansingburgh and Troy, N. Y., Laurens, S. C., 79 Lebanon Springs, N. Y., 164 " Valley.Pa., 56 Lehigh Valley, Pa., 56 Lewiston and Topsham, Me., 4 Lexington and Big Sandy, Ky., 101 " and Danville, Ky., 100 " and Frankfort, Ky., 102 " and Utica, Mo., 142 Little Miami. O.. 118 " Schuylkill, Pa., 57 " Rock and Napoleon, Ark., . . . 145 Logansport and Northern Indiana, . " Peoria and Burlington, . Louisville and Covington, Ken., " and Frankfort, " .... 102 " and Nashville, 103 Long Island, N. Y., 36 Lowell and Lawrence, Mass., 21 Lyons, Maquoketa, and Cedar Ra- pids, Iowa, Macon and Western, Ga., 84 Machias Port, Me., Madison and Indianapolis. 139 " Portage City, and Lake Su- perior, 150 Mad River and Lake Erie, 118 Mauassas Gap, Va., 70 14 129 Manchester and Lawrence, 9 Manhattan, N. Y., _ Manitowoc and Mississippi, Marietta and Cincinnati, O., 107 Marion, Ala., 89 " and Mississinewa Valley, Ind., 130 Maysville and Lexington, Ky., Memphis and Charleston, 96 " and Little Rock, 145 and Ohio, 97 " and Tennessee River, Merrimac and Connecticut Rivers,.. . 9 Metropolitan, Md., 69 Mexican Gulf, La., Michigan Central. 147 " S. and N. Indiana, 138 Milledgeville and Eatonton, Ga., .... 160 Milwaukee and Beloit, Wis., 151 " and Horicon, " 152 " and Mississippi, Wis., ... 152 " and Watertown, " ... 151 Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven, Pa., 57 Mineral Point, 153 Mississippi Central, 93 " Gainesville, and Tuscaloosa, F and Missouri, Iowa, 158 " and Tennessee, 97 " Valley, Mo., Mobile and Girard, 160 " and Ohio, 90 Montgomery and Pensacola, 88 " and West-Point, Ala.,.. Montreal and New- York, Morris and Essex, N. J., 49 Mount Carbon, Pa-, 58 " and Port Carbon, Pa., . Muscogee, Ga., 84 Nashua and Lowell, Mass, 10 Nashville and Chattanooga, Tenn., . . 98 " and North- Western, Tenn., 98 Naugatuck, Ct., 28 New- Albany and Salem, Ind., 130 " and Sandusky City, 131 New-Bedford and Taunton, Mass. ... 21 Newburyport, Mass., 22 Newcastle and Frenchtown, Del., ... " and Richmond, Ind., " and Wilmington, Del.,. . . N. Haven, Hartford, and Springfield, " and New-London, Ct., " and Northampton, 28 New-Jersey, (N. Y. and Philadel.,).. 49 " Central, 50 N. London, Willimantic, and Palmer, 29 " " and Springfield, New-Orleans and Carrollton, 90 " Jackson, and G. Northern, 92 " Milneburg, and Lake P.,.. 92 " Opelousas, andG.Western, 91 New- York and Boston, " Central. 38 " andEne, 37 and Harlem, 39 " and Newburgh, - " and New-Haven, 39 " and New-Rochelle, 165 210 GENERAL INDEX. New- York and Norfolk, Air Line, ... - " Providence, and BoBton,.. 29 " and Troy, " and Western, " City, namely : 1st and 2d Avenue, 170 3d ' 45 4th ' 6th ' 45 8th ' 171 9th ' Niagara Falls, Buffalo, and N. York, " " and Lake Ontario,.... 165 " Kiver, Norfolk and Petersburg, Va., North-Carolina, 74 " Eastern, S. C., 80 " Missouri, Mo., 142 " Pennsylvania, 58 " and South, Air Line, " Western, Pa., 59 " " (Bait, and Ohio,)Va,, 68 Northern, N. II., 10 " (Ogdensburgh,) N. Y., . . . 40 " Central. Pa., Md., 69 " Cross, 111.. 138 " Indiana, Air Line, Norwich and Worcester, Mass., 30 Ogdensb'h, Clayton,and Eome, N.Y., 40 Ohio Central, 119 " and Indiana ; 131 " and Mississippi, Eastern Div.. 119 " Western Div., 137 " and Pennsylvania, 66 Old Colony, Mass.. ) " and Fall Eiver, Mass., J 22 Orange and Alexandria, Va., Oshkosh and Waupun, ... , Oswego, Northern and Eastern, " and Syracuse, N. Y., 41 " and Troy, N. Y., 166 Pacific, Mo.,., 143 Painesville and Hudson, 0., Panama, New-Grenada, 159 Paterson and Hudson, N. J., 50 " and Kamapo, N. J., 50 Pendleton, S. C., .. 80 Pennsylvania,. 59 Penobscot and Kennebec, Peoria and Bureau Valley, 111., 139 " and Hannibal, " and Oquawka, " and Eock Island, 140 Peru and Indianapolis, 132 Peterboro and Shu-ley, Mass, Petersburg, Va., 71 Philadelphia and Baltimore Central, . 171 " and Columbia, " Fort Wayne, and Platte Kiver, " Germantown, and Nor- ristown, 60 " and Beading, 61 " andSunbury, 62 " and Trenton, 62 Wilmington, and Bait.,. 63 Pine Bluff and Napoleon, Ark., 145 Pittsburgh and Connellsville, Pa., ... 63 Maysville, and Cincinnati, and Steubenville, 65 Pittsfield and North- Adams, Mass.,. . Platte Valley and Pacific, Nebr., - Plattsburgh and Montreal, 41 Pontchartrain, La., 92 Port Huron and Lake Michigan, .... Portland and Montreal, (A. & St. L.,) 2 " Saco, and Portsmouth, 4 Portsmouth and Concord, N. II., 11 Potsdam and Watertown, N. Y., . . . . 42 Prairie du Chien and La Crpsse, 153 Providence, Warren, and Bristol, K.I., 25 " and Worcester, 25 Kacine and Mississippi, Wis., 154 Kaleigh and Gaston, N. C., 74 Eensselaer and Saratoga, N. Y., 42 Kichmond and Danville, Va., 71 " Fredericksb'g, and Potomac, " and Petersburg, Va., " and York Eiver, Va., Eoanoke Valley, 175 Eochester and Genesee Valley, N. Y., 43 " Lockport, and Niagara Falls, " and Pittsburgh, " and Southern, Eock Island and Muscatine,. " Eiver Valley Union, 135 Eome, Ga., 85 Eutland and Burlington, Vt., " and Washington, 12 Sacket's Harbor and Ellisburg, N. Y., 43 " " and Saratoga, N. Y., 166 Sacramento Valley, Cal., Saginaw and Lansing, Mich., 147 Salem and Lowell, Mass., 23 Sandusky and Mansfield, 0., 120 " Mansfield, and Newark, . . 120 Saratoga and Schenectady, N. Y., . . . 167 " and Whitehall, N. Y., 44 Savannah, Albany, and Gulf, 85 " Eiver Valley, Ga., 86 Scioto and Hocking Valley, O., Seaboard and Boanoke, Va., 72 Sheboygan and Mississippi, 154 Sodus Point and Southern, N. Y., . . . 167 Somerset and Kennebec, Me., 5 South-Carolina, 81 " Shore, Mass., 2?> " Side,Va., 72 " Western, Ga., 86 " " Tenn., 99 Southern, Miss.. - Spartanburg and Union, S. C., Springfield and Columbus, O., " Mt. Vernon, and Pittsburgh, St, Croix and Lake Superior, St. Louis and Iron Mountain, 143 Staten Island, N. Y., 44 Steubenville and Indiana, 122 Stonington and Providence, 29 Stony Brook, N. II.. 10 Sullivan, N. H., 11 Sunbury and Erie, Pa., 64, 174 GENERAL INDEX. 211 Susquehanna, 69 Syracuse and Binghamton, N. Y., . . . 46 Tallahassee and St. Marks, Fla., Tennessee and Alabama, 99 Terre Haute and Alton, 140 and Indianapolis, ) and Bichmond, J 132 Texas Western, Tiffin and Fort Wayne, 122 Tioga, (Blossburg, Corning, and T.,) 64 Toledo and Illinois, ) 123 " Wabash. and St. Louis, ) Treverton and Susquehanna, Pa.,. . . . 66 Troy and Bennington, ) 168 and Boston, J 46 and Greenbush, N. Y., 168 and Greenfield, 160 and Eutland, 169 and Utica, N. Y., Union Depot, N. Y., 169 Whitehall, and Castleton, Union, N. J., . . . , " N.Y., Utica and Binghamton, N. Y., 47 " and Waterville, N. Y., Venango, Pa., Vermont and Canada, 13 " Central, 13 " and Massachusetts, 14 ' Valley,... Vicksburg and Brandon, Miss., ..... Vicksburg and Jackson, Miss., " Shreveport, and Texas, ... 93 Virginia Central, 73 " and Tennessee, 73 Warren and Sussex, N. J., Warsaw and Eockford, 111., 141 Washington and Alexandria, " County Central, N.Y.,.. 170 Watertown and Eome, N. Y., 47 Weldon and Eidgeway, N. C., Western, Mass., 24 " Air Line, 111., - " and Atlantic, Ga., 87 " Vermont, 14 Westchester, Pa., 68 Media, and Philadelphia, 67 West-Feliciana, La., " Jersey, N. J., . Side, N. Y., White Mountains, N. H., - Whitehall and Pittsburgh, N. Y., Williamsport and Elmira, N. Y., . . Wilmington and Charlotte, N. C., . 75 and Manchester, " . 75 and Weldon, " . 76 Wilton, N. II., 10 Winchester and Potomac, Va., 172 Winnebago, 155 Wisconsin Central, 155 Worcester and Nashua, Mass., N. H., 24 I York and Cumberland, Me., 5 York and Cumberland, Pa., 6'J York and Maryland Line, Pa., 69 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 T 8 HEUN, 3 TEO N3 S 2 TATES RAILROAD DIRECTORY, FO VSl 12 025308260 m