630.7 6b no. 523 ATU RSm ILLINOIS LIBRAE \-CHAMPAIGN ^o.7 ^(,L 5*331 "'.*.,. "HvWj ^ugenheitner .eng .'Woodwotth -r I Vr V/ T ^* JW m m m m m m **r m +f ) O 1? INBRED LINES OF CORN Bulletin 523 University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station . COVER PICTURES The ears and kernels shown in the photographs on the cover are typical of the two new Illinois inbreds, R59 and R61, and of Iowa L317. In the development of R59, L317 was prominently used. The ear of R59 is shorter than that of L317 and has greater girth. The kernels are in straighter rows and of better type. The irregular rows of R61 are typical of this inbred line. Fronts and backs of typical kernels of each inbred line are shown directly under the ear. Kernels in the first two columns are from R59, the next from R61, and the last from L317. Urbana, Illinois May 1, 1947 Publications in the Bulletin series report the results of investigations made or sponsored by the Experiment Station TWO NEW ILLINOIS INBRED LINES OF CORN By R. W. JUGENHEIMER, E. R. LENG, and C. M. WOODWORTH J TWO NEW MIDSEASON yellow inbred lines of corn, R59 and R61, were officially released by the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station on March 15, 1947. They were devel- oped by Oren Bolin 2 while he was associated with the corn- improvement project at the Illinois Station. Inbred R59 R59 was developed from a cross of Iowa L317 X Illinois Low Ear backcrossed once to L317, then selfed until uniform. This line is therefore closely related to L317 and may be substituted for it in hybrid combinations. R59 silks slightly earlier than L317, the plant is shorter, and more resistant to smut, and the ears are lower. R59 has a shorter, thicker ear with larger kernels than L317 (see Table 1 and cover pictures). R59 hybrids appear to be superior to L317 hybrids in yield, in having lower ears, slightly larger ears, and a higher shelling per- centage. Altho R59 hybrids tend to silk earlier than those of L317^ the seed at harvest contains more moisture. Hybrids of R59 are similar to those of L317 in having somewhat weak stalks (Tables 2, 3, and 4). The performance in 1946 of fourteen Illinois hybrids containing inbred R59 is shown in Table 5. Inbred R61 R61 is a rather attractive inbred developed from a commercial hybrid which had been crossed with a four-year selfed line out of Lancaster yellow dent, backcrossed once to the Lancaster line, and then selfed until uniform. Plant and ear characteristics are given in Table 1. Typical ears and kernels are shown in cover pictures. *R. W. JUGENHEIMER, Chief in Plant Genetics; E. R. LENG, Assistant in Plant Genetics ; and C. M. WOODWORTH, Chief in Plant Genetics. 2 Formerly Assistant Chief in Plant Genetics. 393 394 BULLETIN No. 523 [May, Table 1. PLANT AND EAR CHARACTERISTICS OF INBREDS R59, L317, AND R61: Urbana, Illinois, 1946 Inbred line Days from plant- ing to half- silk Height Smut- ted ; plants Size of ear Rows of ker- nels Suckers Length Cir- cum- fer- ence Plant Ear 111. R59, green silk, purple anther 76 77 76 A 6.5 7.5 6.5 in. 26 48 32 perct. 7 perct. in. 5.7 7.6 6.7 in. 5.2 4.4 4.9 12 14 16 Iowa L317, green silk, red anther 111. R61, green silk, purple anther Table 2. PERFORMANCE OF INBREDS R59 AND L317 IN SINGLE CROSSES: Summary for 1945 and 1946, Urbana, Illinois r> , , A 111. Ind. Ind. Parent lines Ry wpg 3g n <^> Kans. K4 Mean 111. R59 Acre-yield, bushels 108 94.0 104.8 103.7 102.6 Iowa L317. 104.4 85.9 90.5 87.5 92.1 111. R59 Moisture in grain at harvest, percent 25 7 23 3 23.1 27 1 24.8 Iowa L317. 24.2 20.6 20.6 27.5 23.3 111. R59.. .. Shelling percentage 83.4 83.5 84.7 83.1 83.7 Iowa L317. 82.3 81.9 82.0 79.7 81.4 111. R59 Erect plants at harvest, percent 71 69 78 40 64 Iowa L317. . . 69 68 63 38 59 111. R59. Root -lodged plants at harvest, percent .... 11 11 4 31 14 Iowa L317 ... 12 21 11 31 19 111. R59 Stalk-lodged plants at harvest, percent 19 21 19 30 22 Iowa L317 19 12 27 32 22 111. R59 Number of ears per hundred pounds 133 140 150 156 145 Iowa L317. . 136 154 149 172 153 1947} Two NEW INBRED LINES OF CORN 395 Table 3. PERFORMANCE OF INBREDS R59, R61, AND L317 IN SINGLE CROSSES: Wyoming, Illinois, 1945 (Means of eight replications) Parent lines [) J}y -0 CI. 187-2 Ind. 111. Ind. WF9 RR98 38-11 Mean Iowa I_3 1 7 ... Acre-; 69 /ield, bushels 67 72 65 70 63 iin at harvest, 21.9 23.6 21. 24.1 23. ints at harvest, 89 79 86 91 92 > corn borer inj 26 35 24 46 28 62 58 65 percent 22.5 8 25.7 6 29.4 percent 76 96 93 ury, percent 40 33 33 63 62 65 21.2 20.9 27.4 63 80 76 24 41 39 66.6 65.6 64.2 22.2 23.7 25.9 67 86 87 29 33 36 111. R59 73 111. R61 64 111. R61 Moisture in grj 23.1 Iowa L317. . . 26.3 111. R59 24.9 111. R61.. Root-lodged pis 41 111. R59 89 Iowa L317. . . 85 111. R61. . . . Stalk lodging due t< 26 Iowa L317. . . 30 111. R59 32 In its ability to transmit desirable characteristics, R61 appears to be equal to or superior to such standard inbreds as Iowa L317, Illinois Hy, Indiana WF9, Ohio O7, Indiana 38-11, CI. 187-2, and Illinois 5120B (Tables 3 and 4). The performance at Urbana and Bluffs of ten new Illinois hybrids containing inbred R61 is shown in Table 6. Hybrids of R59 and R61 in Tables 5 and 6 were grown in the same tests and can be directly compared. Performance at Aurora of six Illinois hybrids containing inbred R61 is given in Table 7. L317 and R61 appear to be somewhat related and for best per- formance should not be used on opposite sides of a double cross. 3% BULLETIN No. 523 [May, Table 4. PERFORMANCE OF 4 INBRED LINES IN SINGLE CROSSES: Urbana, Illinois, 1946 (Means of three replications) Parent lines [^ Ohio O7 CI. 111. Kans. Ind. Ind. ,- 111. 187-2 5120B K4 WF9 38-11 Mean Hy-2 111. Iowa M14 KrOsf Acre-yield, bushels 111. R59 ............. 124.9 115.4 121.9 118.2 112.2 117.2 118.3 121.3 106.4 99.6 111. R61: ............ 118.1 125.7 120.8 120.6 111.9 105.3 117.1 120.2 103.9 .... 111. Hy-2 ............ 119.6 121.9 113.0 115.7 112.5 117.0 116.6 .......... 87.0 IowaL317 .......... 122.1 117.7 122.5 100.6 113.8 104.3 113.5 118.8 104.1 113.0 Mean ............ 121.3 120.2 119.6 113.8 112.6 111.0 116.4 120.1 104.8 A difference of less than 8.3 bushels between yields of any two of the above entries is not significant. Days from planting until half-silk 111. R59 66 111. R61 68 111. Hy-2 67 IowaL317 69 Mean . . .68 67 68 68 69 68 67 68 67 68 68 71 67 69 68 68 64 72 66 67 68 67 65 70 65 68 68 74 68 69 70 68 65 72 67 68 68 68 65 Moisture in grain at harvest, percent Shelling percentage 111. Hy-2 99 111. R61 96 111. R59 94 Iowa L317 91 Mean . . .95 Erect plants at harvest, percent 96 90 100 99 98 97 89 74 84 97 79 87 90 71 59 92 92 83 98 58 83 91 82 53 74 97 74 86 Root-lodged plants at harvest, percent 111. Hy-2 1 3 1 111. R61.. 400 111. R59 002 IowaL317 502 Mean . . 311 10 15 16 10 2 3 4 2 95 85 94 91 95 99 98 97 Stalk-lodged plants at harvest, percent 99.9 67 72 69 69 111. R61 24 4 23.5 26.8 28.2 24.9 24.9 25.5 27.4 26.4 Iowa L317 24 1 24.3 29.0 31.5 22.8 22.3 25.7 27.0 30.5 27.9 Ill Hy-2 23 26.4 29.3 27.9 27.1 24.9 26.4 28.1 Ill R59 ... 25 8 25.5 30.2 30.9 26.4 26.1 27.5 29.1 29.3 30.6 Mean . . . 24 3 24.9 28.8 29.6 25.3 24.6 26.3 27.8 28.7 28.9 111 R59 . . . 87 7 86 8 81.8 8S S 85.2 86.7 85.6 84.5 86.4 84.1 111. R61 85 . 8 86.0 82.1 83 ? 86.4 83.8 84.6 85.0 85.6 Ill Hy-2 86 5 83 6 80 4 8^ 8 84.1 84.2 83.8 82.7 Iowa L317 85 . 7 85.7 81.7 8? 1 84.1 83.0 83.7 84.0 85.6 84.0 Mean . . . 86.4 85.5 81.5 83. 7 85.0 84.4 84.4 84.5 85.7 83.6 72 67 47 62 12 4 111. Hy-2 1 10 1 2 2 28 111. R61 11 26 6 3 21 11 5 5 Ill R59 6 10 27 26 8 8 14 9 1 33 Iowa L317 4 42 7 31 2 26 19 6 2 41 Mean 3 16 18 16 4 14 12 7 3 34 1947} Two NEW INBRED LINES OF CORN 397 Table 4. Performance of 4 Inbreds Concluded (Means of three replications) Parent lines Q Ohio CI. 111. O7 187-2 5120B Kans. K4 Ind. WF9 Ind. 38-11 Mean 111. Hy-2 111. M14 Iowa KrOsf Plant height , feet 111. R61.. .. 9. 2 8. 7 9.7 9.3 8.5 9.0 9 1 9.0 8.7 111. R59 .. 9. 3 9. 2 9.7 9.5 9.2 9.2 9 4 9.5 8.2 8.7 111. Hy-2 .. 9. 5 9. 8 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.5 9 6 8.7 Iowa L317 .. 9. 8 9. 7 9.8 10.0 9.7 10.2 9 9 9.5 8.8 9.7 Mean .. 9. 5 9. 4 9.8 9.7 9.1 9.5 9. 5 9.3 8.6 9.0 Ear height, inches 111. R61 .. 40 44 49 51 35 43 44 46 36 111. R59 .. 43 44 47 46 43 43 44 47 34 43 111. Hy-2 .. 46 49 50 50 39 49 47 45 Iowa L317 . . 41 51 48 55 41 53 48 si 38 50 Mean . . 43 47 49 51 40 47 46 48 36 46 Number of ears per hundred pounds 111. R61 ..126 121 121 120 134 151 129 126 134 111. Hy-2 ..136 128 121 125 132 135 130 161 111. R59 ..134 132 111 143 135 136 132 122 iio 138 Iowa L317 ..134 133 110 142 144 137 133 125 140 136 Mean ..133 129 116 133 136 140 131 124 138 145 Suckers per hundred plants Iowa L317 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 2 7 111. Hy-2 .. 8 4 2 2 1 2 3 8 111. R59 .. 4 13 2 5 2 4 4 5 3 111. R61 .. 5 1 11 3 1 29 8 7 12 Mean .. 5 2 7 3 3 7 5 6 6 6 Dropped ears, percent 111. Hy-2 .. 111. R59 .. 2 3 6 6 111. R61 .. 1 2 5 1 Iowa L317 .. 2 13 2 5 1 Mean 1.0 .3 3.8 8 .3 .3 398 BULLETIN No. 523 [May, Table 5. PERFORMANCE OF DOUBLE-CROSS HYBRIDS, 14 CONTAINING AND 7 NOT CONTAINING INBRED R59: Urbana and Bluffs, Illinois, 1946 (Means of six replications; starred entries do not contain R59) Rank in Hybrid and pedigree yield Acre- yield of shelled corn Days to half- silk Mois- ture at har- vest Erect plants Height Plant Ear 1 111. 246-3 bu. perct. perct. ft. in. (WF9XHy)(R59X 187-2).... 120 .5 67 22 .2 83 10 .2 52 2* 111. 1342 (U.S.13) (WF9X38-11) (HyXL317) . . . 119 .0 68 20 .4 84 10 .5 52 3* 111. 247 (187-2X38-11) (HyXL317)... 118 .5 69 22 .8 76 10 .7 52 4 111. 1233-1 (WF9X38-11) (940XR59). . . . 118 .4 69 23 .4 88 9 .9 50 5* 111. 246 (WF9XHy) (187-2 XL317) . . . 117 .4 70 21 .5 72 10 .5 50 6 111. 1300 (WF9X38-11) (R2XR59) 116 .8 68 21 .6 75 10 .1 50 6* 111. 200 (WF9X38-11) (K4XL317) . . . 116 .8 70 21 .6 82 10 .2 50 8 111. 1305 (K4XH7) (R59X940) 115 .5 70 24 .0 88 10 47 9 111. 201-3 (WF9X38-11) (R59 X 187-2). . 114 .0 67 22 .7 76 9 8 48 10 111. 1329 (O7XR61) (187-2 XR59) 112 ,7 67 21 .6 78 9 4 46 11* 111. 21 (WF9X38 11) (187-2XHy). . . 111 .2 68 20 .6 88 10 ,2 50 12* 111. 201 (WF9X38-11) (187-2XL317) 111 ,1 68 23 .0 75 10 ,2 49 13 111. 1348 (38-11X940) (R59XK148) . . . 110 .8 69 25 .6 72 9 8 48 14 111. 1312 (K4XR59) (38-11 XK155). . . . 107 8 72 24 ,4 82 10 3 53 15* 111. 206 (WF9X38-11) (5120XL317) 107 .4 68 21 .8 79 10 4 50 16 111. 206-1 (WF9X38-11) (R59X5120). . . 106 6 67 23 .6 92 9 6 45 17 111. 1335 (WF9X38-11) (R59XK148). . 106 .2 68 24 ,2 84 10 46 18 111. 1314 (K4XR59) (K201CXKys) . . . 104 6 75 25 4 56 10 5 57 19 111. 200-1 (WF9X38-11) (K4XR59). . . . 98 4 70 23 6 73 10 4 53 20 111. 1343 (WF9XK155) (R59XHy). . . . 96 7 67 23 ,4 75 9. 9 48 21 111. 1330 (O7X187-2) (R59XHy) 91 8 63 21 1 72 8, 6 36 Mean 110. 6 69 22, 8 79 10. 1 49 A difference of less than 10.3 bushels between yields of any two of the above entries is not significant. 1947} Two NEW INBRED LINES OF CORN 399 Table 6. PERFORMANCE OF DOUBLE-CROSS HYBRIDS, 10 CONTAINING AND 7 NOT CONTAINING INBRED R61: Urbana and Bluffs, Illinois, 1946 (Means of six replications; starred entries do not contain R61) Rank in Hybrid and pedigree yield Acre- yield of shelled corn Days to half- silk Mois- ture at har- vest Erect plants Height Plant Ear 1 111. 1336 bu. perct. perct. ft- in. (WF9X38-11) (R61X5120B) 120 .2 68 21 2 78 9. 9 48 2 111. 1246 (WF9X38-11) (R61X 187-2).. 120 .1 67 21 4 84 9. 9 48 3* 111. 1342 (U.S.13) (WF9X38-11) (HyXL3l7) . . . 119 68 20.4 84 10 5 52 4* 111. 247 (187-2X38-11) (HyXL317)... 118 .5 69 22. 8 76 10. 7 52 5 111. 1247 (WF9X38-11) (R61 XL317).. . 118 .4 68 21 4 76 10. 2 50 6* 111. 246 (WF9XHy) (187-2XL317) . . . 117 4 70 21 5 72 10. 5 50 7* 111. 200 (WF9X38-11) (K4XL317) . . . 116 .8 70 21 6 82 10 2 50 8 111. 1248 (WF9X38-11)(O7XR61). ... 115 .6 68 21 .3 90 9 4 48 9 111. 1337 (WF9X38-11) (Hy-2XR61) . . 114 9 67 22 ,4 84 9 9 50 10 111. 1345 (WF9XHy)(R61XL317). ... 113 .0 68 24 4 72 10 2 50 11 111. 1329 (O7XR61) (187-2 XR59) 112 .7 67 21 6 78 9 4 46 12* 111. 21 (WF9X38-11) (187-2XHy). . . 111 .2 68 20 .6 88 10 ,2 50 13* 111. 201 (WF9X38-11) (187-2XL317) 111 .1 68 23 .0 75 10 .2 49 14 111. 1301 (WF9X38-11)(R2XR61).... 108 .6 67 20 .2 93 10 48 15* 111. 206 (WF9X38-11) (5120XL317). . 107.4 68 21 .8 79 10 .4 50 16 111. 1353 (O7XR61) (WF9XHy) 104 .8 66 22 .9 87 9 .8 44 17 111. 1351 (WF9XR61) (38-11 XL317)... 104 .0 70 20 .5 80 10 ,2 53 Mean 113 .7 68 21 .7 81 10 .1 49 A difference of less than 10.3 bushels between yields of any two of the above entries is not significant. 400 BULLETIN No. 523 [May, Table 7. PERFORMANCE OF DOUBLE-CROSS HYBRIDS, 6 CONTAINING AND 6 NOT CONTAINING INBRED R61: Aurora, Illinois, 1946 (Means of four replications; starred entries do not contain R61) Rank in Hybrid yield Pedigree Acre- yield of shelled corn Mois- ture at har- vest Erect plants 1 111. 1263... . . (WF9 X R61 ) (R2 X Hy) bu. 83.8 perct. 21.2 perct. 87 2 111. 1261 (WF9XM14) (R2XR61) 80.9 19.3 88 3 111. 1267 (O7XR61) (187-2XHy) 80.2 21.3 97 4* 111. 307 (WF9XM14) (CC5XCC7) 80 19 8 83 5 111. 1253 (WF9XR2) (Hy-2XR61) 78 4 20 9 86 5 111. 1285 ... (WF9XY82) (M14XR61) 78 4 21 5 87 7* 111. 751.. . .(WF9XHy) (AX 90) 75.9 22.1 82 8* 111. 972A-1 (WF9XO7) (HyXL317) 75.6 22.4 97 9* 111. 101 (WF9 XM 14) (CC7X 187-2) 75.2 20.7 88 10 111. 1237 (WF9XHy) (R61X 187-2) 73.7 22.3 94 11* 111. 1180 (WF9XM14) (CC10XCC24) 73 3 20.1 83 12* U.S. 44-1 (4-8X187-2) (HyXO7) 67 7 21 7 94 Mean 76.9 21.1 89 A difference of less than 7.2 bushels between yields of any two of the above entries is not significant. DISTRIBUTION OF INBRED LINES Each year the Illinois Station has available for dis- tribution hand-pollinated seed of a number of inbred lines of corn. These are lines that are being used to develop promising experimental hybrids and lines that have been used in hybrids widely grown by Illi- nois farmers. A list of available lines and details regarding them can be obtained from the Department of Agronomy, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana, Illinois. Inbred lines R59 and R61 are in- cluded in the 1947 list. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS- URBANA 30112018395753 5M 5-47 35 186 I UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 30112079952781