L I B RAHY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 977.2 In2 ItUNfllS HISTORICAL SURVEY INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS VOLUME 11 NUMBER 5 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/indianaimprints1115mcmu INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804*1849 A Supplement to Mary Alden Walker's "Beginnings of Printing in the State of Indiana," published in 1934 By DOUGLAS C. McMURTRIE INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1937 INTRODUCTORY NOTE Miss Mary Alden Walker's excellent monograph, The Beginnings of Printing in the State of Indiana, pub- lished at Crawfordsville in February, 1934, was a valuable contribution to the general history of the early press of the United States, a field of research in which I have been working for a number of years. I was naturally much interested in checking Miss Walker's chronological list of books printed in Indiana before 1850 with such records of early Indiana im- prints as I had accumulated. As I had pursued inquiries in a number of directions which Miss Walker had not included in her investigation, I was not altogether surprised to find that my card index contained a considerable quantity of titles which are not in Miss Walker's list. In an effort, therefore, to make the record of early Indiana imprints more nearly complete, I am glad to take advantage of the opportunity now afforded to publish my supplement to the Walker list under the auspices of the Indiana Historical Society. Miss Walker omitted from her study all official state pub- lications, with the quite reasonable explanation that official state documents are adequately covered in catalogues or bibliog- raphies of such material already published or now projected. Strictly speaking, such titles legitimately belong in a record of the beginnings of printing in the state, as the imprints of a number of the pioneer printers are found only on such publica- tions. However, in the following list of titles "not in Walker" the same principle of selection has been followed — unless I have inadvertently admitted a few titles which a more critical bibliographer might have classified as state documents. Miss Walker also omitted broadsides, but her reason for doing so was less cogent than in the case of the official publi- cations. Broadsides are among the most interesting and useful evidences that we have of the activity of the early press, par- ticularly in western communities. Many of them have histori- (307) 308 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY cal value, also. I have therefore included in my list about twenty-five broadsides because they have, to me, at least, a special interest. Those included, however, are by no means all that might be added to a bibliography of Indiana imprints. Some of the titles herein (see nos. 20, 41, 42, 45, 48, 56, 82, 163, 209, 253, 267, 309, 327) have already been recorded by Miss Walker, but are included here with more complete in- formation than Miss Walker was able to give. It will not escape notice that a large number of the titles presented here are the minutes of local Baptist associations. There is hardly a richer source of information as to the activi- ties of obscure printers working in out-of-the-way printing points than these unostentatious little pamphlets, which are preserved in great numbers in such collections as the Samuel Colgate Baptist Historical Collection at Hamilton, New York, and the library of the American Baptist Historical Society at Chester, Pennsylvania. I am under great obligations to both these collections of Baptist material for the aid given me by supplying a large number of titles. Some titles are here included (nos. 21, 123, 141, 284, 331, 337, and the doubtful titles 339 and 340) of which no extant copies could be located. I shall be grateful for information of them from any collection in which copies may be found. There are also many titles herein which bear no imprints to show the name of the printer or the place of printing. In each case, however, I am satisfied that it is safe to say that they were printed in Indiana. It may be added that, in the present publication, I have followed my own usual style of bibliographical description, giv- ing line endings and page dimensions both ways, in addition to pagination. And I have, as a matter of course, used the sym- bols adopted by the Union Catalog of the Library of Congress to designate the collections in which the titles are to be found. I cannot commend too highly, to anyone working in the field of American bibliography, this scientific, standardized system of symbols. One of the most useful features of Miss Walker's work is her list of Indiana printers, and another is her list of Indiana printing points. Neither can be complete, of course, if based on a list of titles from which official state publications are INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 309 omitted. But the titles here presented, even without state docu- ments, make possible a considerable revision of both these lists. I shall not undertake to revise Miss Walker's dates of the activ- ities of the printers, though many of the new titles show in many cases either earlier or later dates than Miss Walker has recorded. And, of course, there are many additions to her tally of the number of items printed. But I think it will be found worth while to present the following list of printers, printing offices, and printing points which are "not in Walker." Italicized place names indicate sixteen printing points which Miss Walker did not record. The asterisks indicate names interpolated from the imprints on state documents. Advocate office Brownstown 1849 Allen, John Salem 1830-1831 Arion & Berryman Madison 1825 Bemiss, M. Lafayette 1843 Bemiss & Reed Lafayette 1844 Berry, Charles G. Washington 1839 Berry & West Brookville 1845 *Bolton & Emmons Indianapolis 1836 *Brandon, A. & J. Cory don 1818-1819 * Brandon & McCullough Corydon 1820 * Brandon & Co. Corydon 1 820- 1 82 1 Brandon & Co. Bloomington 1825 Carpenter & Douglass Madison 1822 * Carpenter & Douglass Corydon 1823-1824 Castle, J. S. Lima (Howe) i 847- 1 849 Castle, J. S., & Co. Lima (Howe) 1846 Chapman, George A. Terre Haute 1840 Chapman, G. A. & J. P. Terre Haute 1839 Colfax, Schuyler South Bend 1846- 1 849 Conard, Jesse Terre Haute 1840 Cox, Isaac Jeffersonville 1820 *Cox & Nelson Corydon 1817 Democratic Pharos Logansport 1846 *Dowling & Cole Indianapolis 1 842 -1 844 Dowling, Thomas Terre Haute 1842 Dryer (?), W. Lima (Howe) 1845 Duggins, C. V. Liberty 18^6 310 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Elliott, Robertson & Co. Free Labor Advocate Freeman office Frost, A. Green, Leonard Green, R. C. Green, William H. Gregg & Dowling Hackleman, P. A. & O. C. Hay & Rowse *Hendricks & Camron Henkle & Chamberlain Herald office Hunt, James H. Indiana Gazette office Indiana Volksblatt Indianian office Jocelyn, Augustus Johnson, Lea P. Jones, D. W. Jones, Joseph G. Journal office Lewis, W. H. H. Lewis & Graham ^Livingston, J. Madox & Brandeberry Marts, James J. Mattingly, Ignatius Messenger office Millikan, W. Mills, J. W. Mills & Thomson Osburn, John C. Patrick, E. & M. Patrick, M. * Patrick & Wheelock Patrick & Wheelock People's Press office Register office Shelbyville 1849 Newport {Fountain City) 1846 Ontario 1842 Vernon 1842- 1845 New Albany 1849 Delphi 1836-1841 New Albany 1842 Lawrenceburg ^30 Rushville 1840 Salem 1839- 1840 Madison 18 14 Indianapolis !§36 La Porte 1835 Cambridge City 1848 Vincennes 18 17 Indianapolis 1848- 1849 Chariest own 1838 Brookville 1828 South Bend 1842 Jonesborough i&45 Anderson! own 1843 Mnncie 1846 Danville 1849 Danville 1847 Indianapolis 1840 Lexington 18 16 Washington 1840 Corydon 1837 Indianapolis 1846 South Bend 1845 Greensburg 1847 Greensburg 1844- 1845 Mnncie 1848 Salem 18 19 New Albany 1821 New Albany 182 1 -1822 Salem 1822 Fort Wayne 1844 Vernon 184 1 INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 311 Republican office Madison 1826 *Rhoads, Jacob Madison 1814 *Rhoads, Jacob Lexington 1816 Riely, C. M. Pa oil 1849 Rosser, J. & I. Lafayette 1 847- 1 848 Sentinel office Fort Wayne 1841 Simpson, M. Rockville 1849 Smith, S. Centreville 1829 State Sentinel office Indianapolis 1844 Statesman office Lawrenceburg 1831 Stout & Smoot Vincennes 1807 Stout, Elihu, & Son Vincennes 1840 Stuart, J. M., & Co. Michigan City ^37 Thacher, David Shelbyville 1846 Thomson, John Greensburg 1841 Thomson, 0. & O. Greensburg 1848 Vaile, B. Centreville 1849 Visitor office Vernon 1836-1839 Wabash Courier office Terre Haute 1846 Walker, John & Co. Vernon 1838 West & Colfax South Bend 184 5- 1 846 Western Eagle office Madison 1818 Western Register Terre Haute 1828 Western Sun office Vincennes 1830 Wheelock, Eleazer Salem 1824 Wickham, William D. M. Rushville 1831 and 1 842- 1 844 Williams, Thomas F. Salem 1843 Young, J. Carlisle 1841 In closing this brief introduction, I desire to express my appreciation to a number of librarians who have rendered espe- cially helpful service in the listing of these titles : Mr. Edward C. Starr of the Samuel Colgate Baptist Historical Collection, Miss Esther McNitt of the Indiana State Library, Miss Flor- ence Venn of the Smith Memorial Library of the Indiana His- torical Society, Mr. L. Nelson Nichols of the New York Public Library, Mr. Willard O. Waters of the Henry E. Huntington Library, Mr. V. Valta Parma of the Library of Congress. A general acknowledgment is due to the librarians of most of the institutions in which imprints are located. 312 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY To my associate, Mr. Albert H. Allen, I am grateful for his competent and painstaking aid in assembling this material and preparing it for publication. Finally, I am appreciative of the interested cooperation of Dr. Christopher B. Coleman and his competent assistant, Miss Nellie Armstrong, in seeing this copy through the press. Douglas C. McMurtrie. 2039 Lewis Street Chicago, Illinois November 15, 1936 SYMBOLS FOR LIBRARIES As a rule, the copy listed first is the copy from which the description has been taken. Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Cal. Leland Stanford Junior University Library, Stan- ford University, Cal. Library of the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C. Library of Congress, Washington. Library of the Supreme Council, 33d Degree, Washington. Surgeon General's (Army Medical) Library, Washington. Mr. Benjamin D. Hitz, Indianapolis, Ind. Illinois Baptist Historical Society, Alton. Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, 111. University of Chicago Library, Chicago. Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield. Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids. Indiana State Library, Indianapolis. Wabash College Library, Crawfordsville, Ind. Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis. Purdue University Library, Lafayette, Ind. University of Notre Dame Library, Notre Dame, Ind. Earlham College Library, Richmond, Ind. Northern Indiana Historical Society, South Bend. Indiana University Library, Bloomington. Massachusetts State Library, Boston. Public Library, Boston. Masonic Grand Lodge Library, Boston. Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Mass. Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. Missouri State Library, Jefferson City, Mo. (313) 314 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY NHC-S Samuel Colgate Baptist Historical Collection, Col- gate University, Hamilton, N. Y. Nixon Mr. John Nixon, Centerville, Ind. AW Public Library, New York City. NNB New York Bar Association, New York City. NNFM Masonic Grand Lodge Library, New York City. NNUT Union Theological Seminary Library, New York City. OCHP Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Cincinnati. OClWHi Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland. PC A American Baptist Historical Society, Chester, Pa. PHC Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. PPLT Lutheran Theological Seminary, Mount Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Rickes Mr. Clyde Charles Rickes, La Porte, Ind. Streeter Mr. Thomas W. Streeter, Morristown, N. J. WHi Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1804-18 1 7 Louisiana, district of. Laws, statutes, etc. Laws I for the government | of the | District of | Louisiana | passed by the | governor and judges | of the | Indiana Terri- tory, I at their first session, uegun [sic] and | held at Vin- cennes, | On Monday the first day of October, 1804. | [Rule] \ Published by Authority. | [Rule] | Vincennes, (I. T.) | Print- ed by, E. Stout. I [Short rule] | 1804. [ 1 ] 107 x 19.5 cm. 136, [1] p. Following the purchase of Louisiana, the new territory was attached to the recently created Indiana Territory for purposes of administration only; the two had distinct and independent governments but were under the same officers. The laws herein did not affect Indiana. ICHi. DLC. IHi. M. Mo. NNB. NN has photostat copy. Harrison, William Henry. Speech | delivered by | William Henry Harrison, | governor | of the Indiana Territory, | on Tuesday the 18th August, 1807. | To both Houses of the General Assembly, | in the Representa- tives Chamber. | [Thick-thin rule] | From the Prerss [sic] of | Stout & Smoot. I [Dash] | [Vincennes:] 1807. [ 2 ] 10.5 x 16 cm. 19 p. Size of type changes from Long Primer (10-point) to Brevier (8-point) at p. 14. The text of this speech was published in the Western Sun, Vincennes, August 22, 1807. InHi. Indiana. Militia. General Orders for the Militia, | Head Quarters, Vincennes, 9th June, 1807. I The commanding officers of the Militia in each county, will receive to-|gether with this order, a copy of a law passed at the last session of Congress, . . . Attest. I John Small, A. G. I. T. [ 3 ] 17 x 32 cm. Broadside. In. (315) 316 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Indiana. Militia. General Orders | for the | Militia. | Head-Quarters, | Vin- cennes, 1 6th April, 1812. | [Vincennes, 1812.] [ 4 ] 18.5 x 14 cm. Broadside. Text in 3 columns. Signed at end (printed) : By the Commander in Chief. | H. Hurst, | Aid- de-Camp. "As the last murders upon the frontiers of this and the neighboring Terri- tories leave us but little hope of our being able to avoid a war with the neighboring tribes of Indians, the commander-in-chief directs . . . ." In. Stribling, Thomas T. To the People of | Jefferson County. | State of Indiana. | Fel- low-Citizens, I Having been requested by some respectable characters of | this county, to offer myself as candidate at the ensuing | election, for the office of High Constable, . . . | ... I Lexington, Indiana, Printed by Madox & Brandeberry. | [1816] t 5 ] 16 x 20 cm. Broadside. Signed by Thomas T. Stribling, and dated Madison, July 4th, 1816. In. Tarman, Benjamin. The Town of | Monroe. | [Filet] \ . . . \ Benjamin Tarman. | Proprietor. | November, 18 16. | [Wavy rule] | Elihu Stout, Printer, Vincennes, Indiana. | [1816.] [ 6 ] 21 x 28 cm. Broadside. Announcing an auction sale of lots on December 23. In. Baptists. Indiana. Blue River Association. Minutes | of the | Blue River Association, | held at Salem Meet- ing House, Harrison County, on the 4th Saturday of Sep- tem-|ber, 1817. | [Vincennes: Office of the Indiana Gazette. 1817.] [ 7 ] 14 x 24 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 4 : Four hundred Copies, 8 dollars. | Printed at the office of the Indiana Gazette. NHC-S. 1818 Baptists. Indiana. Blue River Association. Minutes I of the I Blue River Association, I held at Sinking INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 317 Spring Meeting-House, Washington County, | State of In- diana. I (Commencing the 2d Saturday in September, 18 18.) | [Madison: Office of the Western Eagle. 1818,] [8] 14 x 24 cm. 4 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 4: [Thick-thin rule] | Madison, I. T. Office of the I Western Eagle, 250 copies $5.00. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge | of | Indiana, | held at the Mason's Hall in | the town of Charlestown, | September A. L. 5818, A. D. 1818. I [Thick-thin rule] | Madison, la. | Printed by Lodge & Arion. | [1818.] [ 9 ] 8.5 x 14.5 cm. 24 p. Printed gray paper covers. IaCrM. MBFM. DSC. Western Sun, Vincennes, hid. 1819. I The Carrier | to the | Patrons | of the \ Western Sun, | On the first day of January 18 19. | [Vincennes, 18 18.] [ 10 ] 19 x 28 cm. Broadside. Text in decorative border. In. 1819 Baptists. Indiana. Blue River Association. Minutes | of the | Blue River Association, | held at Union Meeting-House, Washington County, | State of Indiana. (Commencing the 2d Saturday in September, 18 19.) | [Salem : E. &M. Patrick. 1819.] [ 11 ] 14 x 24 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 4 : E. & M. Patrick's print. . . . Salem. . . . 800 Copies, Price $13. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Whitewater Association. Minutes | of the | White Water Baptist Association, | held at Lick Creek Meeting House, Fayette | County, Indiana, on the 13th, 14th I and 15th of August, 18 19. [ 12 ] 13.5 x 19.5 cm. [4] p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge | of | Indiana, | begun & 318 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY held at the Masons' Hall in the | town of Madison, on the sec- ond Monday | in September, being the 13th day of | the month, A. L. 5819, I A. D. 1 81 9. I [Thick-thin rule] | Madison, la. | Printed by Lodge & Arion. [18 19.] [ 13 ] 10 x 16 cm. 48 p. IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. 1820 Baptists. Indiana. Blue River Association. Minutes | of the | Blue River Association, | held at Sharon Meeting-House, Washington County, State of Indiana, j sec- ond Saturday in September, 1820. [ 14 ] 14 x 24 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Chinn, J. T. Notice. I To the Public. | Major Abraham Markle, | Has long been in the habit of circulating false and scandalous reports, . . . I J. T. Chinn, Brevet Major, U. S. Army. | Terre Haute, la. June 23, 1820. [ 15 ] 20 x 28 cm. Broadside. Records a challenge to a duel. There was no printer at Terre Haute in 1820? In. Medical Society of the Second Medical District of Indiana. Constitution | and | Bye-Laws | of the | Medical Society | of the j Second Medical District | of Indiana. | [Thick-thin rule] I Jeffersonville: | Printed at the Office of the Indianian by I. Cox. I 1820. [ 16 ] 9 x 15 cm. 10 p. InHi. Shuler, L. S. Centinel — Extra. | [Rule] | To the Public. | . . . | L. S. Shuler, | Vincennes, 10th Jan. 1820. [ 17 ] 27 x 42 cm. Broadside. Contains a vicious attack by Shuler on Judge John Ewing, in which the latter is characterized as "a miserable poltroon and a cowardly scoundrel." In. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 319 1821 Baptists. Indiana. Blue River Association. Minutes | of the Blue River | Association. | Held at Mount Tabor Church; Cave spring Meeting- | house, Orange County Indiana. 2d. Saturday in Sept. 1821. | [New Albany: M. Patrick. 1821.] [ 18 ] 14 x 24 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 3 : M. Patrick, Pr. N. Albany. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Wabash District Association. Minutes | of the | Wabash District Association, | Met in Craw- ford County, Illinois, | at Lamott [sic] Meeting House, | On the sixth day of October, A. D. 1821. | [Filet] | 500 copies — Price $10. I [Filet] | From the Press of— E. Stout, | Vin- cennes, la. ::: 1:1821. [ 19 ] 1 1.5 x 19.5 cm. 7 p. Caption title, with 4 lines of text below. Walker lists the minutes of this association 1822-1829. IAIB. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Extract | from the | Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge | of the most ancient and honorable fraternity of | Free and Ac- cepted Masons, | of the | state of Indiana ; | at its annual com- munication, held at Corydon, | on the 2d Monday in September, A. L. 5821. J [Thick-thin rule] | Most Worshipful John Sheets, Grand Master, | Right Worshipful William C. Keen, Grand Sec'y. | [Thin-thick rule] Vevay, la. | Printed by John Douglass. | [Filet] | 1821. [ 20 ] 13.5 x 21.5 cm. 72 p. Improved title of Walker no. 6. IaCrM. CSmH. MBFM. NNFM. Friends, Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Indiana Yearly Meeting | for the states of Indiana, Illinois, and the Western | parts of the State of Ohio, opened and held at White- 1 water, the 8th of the Tenth month, 1821, agreeably I to the request of the several Quarterly meetings constituting the same, and united with by Ohio Yearly | Meeting. [1821.] [21 ] 320 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Not located. Title, as above, from a reprint (14 p.) in the Wisconsin Historical Society. The Indiana Yearly Meeting was instituted by the Ohio Yearly Meeting in 1820. Providence, Indiana. The Town of | Providence, | Indiana. | [Double rule] | This town is situated on the bank of the Ohio River — directly oppo- site to I the towns of Portland and Shippingport, Kent'y. about half a mile above the town | of New-Albany — and about the same distance below the town of Clarksville : — | Lots are now offered | for sale, | [2 lines'] | Apply to Ep : Jones, Providence, Feb. 1821. I [Double rule] \ [17 lines] | [New Albany? 1821.] 22 x 28 cm. Broadside. [ 22 ] American Antiquarian Society's copy folded as a letter and addressed to Post Master, Salisbury, Vermont. MWA. DLC. 1822 Baptists. Indiana. Blue River Association. Minutes | of the Blue River | Association. | Held at Blue-River meeting house, Harrison county, | Indiana, second Saturday in October, 1822. j [Salem: Patrick & Wheelock. 1822.] [ 23 ] 14 x 24 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 4 : [Filet ] | Patrick & Wheelock's Print — Salem, Indiana. | Seven Hundred Copies — Price, Ten Dollars. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Salem Association. Minutes | of a Convention held at Salem Meeting House, in | Gibson County, State of Indiana, commencing | on the Satur- day before the 4th Lord's day in | October, A. D. 1822, and days following, by the | Ministers and Messengers of the ten Baptist I Churches a part of which said Churches, were stricken off the Wabash District Association. [ 24 ] 15.5 x 23.5 cm. 7 p. Caption title; no imprint. This convention resulted in the formation of the Salem Baptist Association. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Silver Creek Association. Minutes I of the Silver Creek Association held at Middle Fork INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 321 meeting house, Jefferson | County, commencing 4th Saturday in August, 1822. I [Madison: Lodge & Arion. 1822.] [ 25 ] 14.5 x 23.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 4: Printed by Lodge & Arion, Madison, In- diana — 600 copies for 12 dollars. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Extract | from the | Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge | of the most ancient and honorable fraternity of | Free and Ac- cepted Masons, | of the | state of Indiana ; | at its annual com- munication, held at Corydon, | on the 1st Monday in October, A. L. 5822. I [Thick-thin ride] j Most Worshipful John Sheets, Grand Master. | Right Worshipful William C. Keen, Grand Sec'y. | [Thin-thick ride] | Madison, la. | Printed by Carpenter & Douglass. | [Filet] | 1822. [ 26 ] 13 x 20.5 cm. 108 p. IaCrM. DSC. MBFM. NNFM. 1823 Baptists. Indiana. Silver Creek Association. Minutes | of the Silver Creek Association, begun and held at White River meeting house, | in Jefferson county, Indiana, on the 4th Saturday Sunday and Monday succeed- | ing, in August, 1823. I [Madison: Lodge & Arion. 1823.] [ 27 ] 15 x 22.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 4 : Lodge & Arion, Printers, Madison, Indiana. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of | the Grand Lodge, | of | the Most Ancient and Honorable | Fraternity, | of | Free and Accepted Masons, | of I Indiana ; | At its annual communication, held at | Madison, October 6, 5823. | [Thick-thin rule] | Vevay, Indiana, | Printed by Brother William C. Keen, | at 'the Indiana Register' Office. I 1823. [ 28 ] 12.5 x 20 cm. 82 p. MBFM. 1824 Baptists. Indiana. Blue River Association. Minutes I of the I Blue River Association, | held at Sinking 322 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Spring Meeting House, Washington County, Indiana — com- mencing the second Saturday in September, 1824 ... I [Wavy rule] I [Salem: Eleazer Wheelock. 1824.] [ 29 ] 14 x 25 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 4 : [Filet ] | Salem, Indiana : | Printed by Eleazer Wheelock. | Seven hundred and fifty copies, — Price seven dollars. | [Double row of dots]. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes | of the | Laughery Association of Baptists, | held a Aurora, Dearborn county, Indiana ; | commencing the 3d Fri day in September 1824. f 30 ' 13 x 23 cm. 4 p Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Union Association. Minutes | of the Union Association of Baptists. | Met in con- vention on Saturday before the third Sun- 1 day in September, 1824 at Little Flock, Curry's Prai-|rie, Sullivan County, la. having been previously dismis-|sed from the Wabash District Association in October | 1823, for the purpose of forming themselves into an Association. [ 31 ] 13 x 22.5 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge | of the most honorable fraternity of | Free and Accepted Masons, | of the | state of Indiana; | at its annual communication, held at Madison, on the 1st Monday | in October, A. L. 5824. | [Thick-thin rule] | Most Worshipful Jonathan Jennings, Grand Master. | Right Worshipful William C. Keen, Grand Secretary. | [Thick-thin rule] I Vevay, Indiana, | Printed by William C. Keen 1824. [ 32 ] 17 x 23 cm. 68 p. IaCrM. DSC. MBFM. NNFM. 1825 Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes I of the | Laughery Association of Baptists, | held at INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 323 White-Water, Dearborn county, Indiana ; | commencing the 3d Friday in September, | 1825. f 33 ] 14 x 22 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Silver Creek Association. Minutes | of the Silver Creek association, begun and held at Vernon, in Jennings county, | Indiana, on the 4th Saturday in August, (Sunday and Monday succeeding) 1825. | [Madison: Arion & Berryman. 1825.] [ 34 ] 16.5 x 24 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 4 : Printed by Arion & Berryman, Madison. 1000 copies $10. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. White River Association. Minutes | of the | White River Association, | held at Gilgal Meeting house, Lawrence county, la. the second Sa-|turday in August 1825. I [Bloomington: Brandon & Co. 1825.] [ 35 ] 15 x 21.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint at bottom of p. 1 : Bloomington Indiana : Printed by Brandon | and Co. August 1825. Five hundred copies — Price $7. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge, | of the Most Honorable Fraternity of | Free and Accepted Masons, | of the | State of Indiana, | at its annual communication held at Salem, on the 1st Monday in ] October, A. L. 5825. | [Thick-thin rale] \ Most Worshipful Marston G. Clark, Grand Master. | Right Worshipful William C. Keen, Grand Secretary. |" [Thin-thick rule] I Vevay, Indiana, | William C. Keen, printer. | 1825. 16 x 24.5 cm. 56 p. [ 36 ] NNFM. IaCrM (lacking title page). MBFM. [Welsh, James] An I Exposition, | relating to some of the proceedings of | the Ohio Presbytery, in trial of | the Rev. James Welsh, at Ve-| vay, in August, 1825. | [Rule] | [/ line, quotation] \ [Rule] Vevay, Indiana: | Printed at the Indiana Register Office. | [1825.] [ 37 ] 324 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 13 x 22 cm. 8 p. The quotation is worded: Montes partureant [sic] et ridiculus mus nascitur. ICU. 1826 Baptists. Indiana. Silver Creek Association. Minutes | of the Silver Creek Association, | begun and held at New Washington, Clark county, | Indiana, on the 4th Saturday in August, (and Sunday and Monday succeeding) 1826. | [Madison: Republican Office. 1826.] [ 38 ] 16.5 x 24 cm. 3 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 3 : Printed at the Republican Office, Madison. Eleven hundred & eleven copies for $11 11 cents. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Union Association. Minutes | of the | Union Association, | held at Maria Creek Meeting House, | Knox County, Indiana, on the | 16th, 17th, and 18th of September, A. D. 1826. | [Filet] | [Vincennes: E. Stout. 1826.] [ 39 ] 15 x 22.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 4: [Wavy rule] | From the press of | E. Stout, I Vincennes, la. | 350 copies [Double rozv of dots] price $8. | [Wa'vy rule]. NHC-S. Baptists. Kentucky. North Bend Association. 1826. I [Double ride] | At the North-Bend Association of Bap- tists, begun and held at Bullettsburgh Meet-|ing house, Boone county, Kentucky, on the 3d Friday in August, 1826, . . . [Lawrenceburg: D. V. Culley. 1826.] [ 40 ] 13.5 x 21.5 cm. [4] p. Caption title. Imprint at bottom of fourth page : D. V. Culley, pr. Lawrence- burgh, la. ICU (mutilated copy). Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge | of the most honorable fraternity of | Free and Accepted Masons, | of the | state of Indiana. | At its annual communication, held at Salem on | the 1st Monday in October, A. L. 5826. | [Rule] | Most Worship- ful Isaac Howk, Grand Master. I Right Worshipful J. F. D. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 325 Lanier, Grand Secy. | [Rule] | Indianapolis, la. | Printed by John Douglass. | [Rule] \ 1826. [ 41 ] 12 x 20.5 cm. 53 p. Improved title of Walker no. 43. IaCrM. DSC. MBFM. NNFM. Rickes. Friends, Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Extract | from the | Minutes | of | Indiana | Yearly Meet- ing, I held at | White-Water, | by adjournments, | from the second of the tenth month, to the | seventh of the same, in- clusive, 1826. I Richmond, la. | Printed by Buxton & Walling. 1826. [ 42 ] 1 1.5 x 18.5 cm. 12 p. Improved title of Walker no. 44 (not located). WHi. Nixon. 1827 Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Association. [Thick-thin rule] \ Minutes | of the | Indianapolis Associa- tion, I begun and held at Indianapolis on Friday before | the 4th Saturday in August 1827. | [Indianapolis: John Douglass. 1827.] [ 43 ] 15 x 23.5 cm. 8 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 8: [Double rule] | Printed by John Douglass, Indianapolis. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Laugher y Association. Minutes of the | Tenth Annual Meeting of the | Laughery Association of Baptists, | held at Bear-Creek, Dearborn Coun- ty, Ind. commencing the 3d Friday in | September, 1827. [ 44 ] 14 x 22 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Wabash Association. Minutes of the | Wabash Baptist Association, | Held at Glady Fork Church, Lawrence County, Illinois Octo-|ber 6th, 1827, and days following. | [ Vincennes : Elihu Stout. 1827.] [ 45 ] 14.5 x 23.5 cm. 4 p. 326 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Caption title. Imprint on p. 4 : From the press of | Elihu Stout, | Vincennes, la. I 200 Copies — Price $8. Improved title of Walker no. 55. IAIB. In. Baptists. Indiana. Whitewater Association. Minutes | of the White- Water | Baptist Association ; | held at New Bethel, Fayette county, Ind. ; on the | 10th, nth, and 12th of August, 1827. [ 46 ] 16 x 27 cm. 2, [1] p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of | the Grand Lodge | of the most honorable fraternity of | Free and Accepted Masons, | of the | state of Indiana. | At its annual communication, held at Salem, on | the 1st Monday in October, A. L. 5827. | [Rule] | Most Worship- ful Elihu Stout, Grand Master. | Right Worshipful J. F. D. Lanier, Grand Sec'y. | [Rule] | Indianapolis : | Printed by John Douglass. | [Rule] | 1827. f 47 ] 13 x 22.5 cm. 56, 1 p. IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. Hall, Baynard Rush. Righteousness the Safe-Guard and | Glory of a Nation. | [Filet] I A I Sermon Preached | in the | Representatives Hall, I at I Indianapolis, Indiana; | December 31st, 1826, | by ! Bay- nard R. Hall, I Principal of the State Seminary, | Blooming- ton. I [Filet] J Published by Request. | [Filet] | [Indianap- olis] Smith & Bolton, Printers | [1827]. [ 48 ] 10 x 16 cm. 23 p. Walker no. 48 dates this "[1826 ?]" but it seems beyond question that it must have been printed in 1827. In. Wright, Frances. Deed of the Lands of Nashoba, West Tennessee. | By Frances Wright. I [New Harmony ? 1827.] [ 49 ] 20 x 32 cm. [3] p. Caption title; no imprint. Dated at end: Nashoba, 1st February, 1827. DLC (MS Div.). INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 327 1828 Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Association. [Thick-thin rule] | Minutes | of the | Indianapolis Association, I Begun and held at Liberty Church, Marion coun-|ty, Indiana, the Friday before the 4th Satur-|day in August, 1828. I [In- dianapolis : John Douglass. 1828.] [ 50 ] 15 x 23.5 cm. 8 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 8: [Double rule] | Printed by John Douglass. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Brookville Harmony Lodge. Bye-laws | of | Brookville | Harmony Lodge, | number eleven. I Brookville, state of Indiana, | A. L. 5828. | [Filet] | Printed by I Augustus Jocelyn, | Brookville, (la.), | 1828. [ 51 ] 15 x 21.5 cm. 8 p. Printed blue paper wrappers. IaCrM. Indianapolis Gazette. Address | of the Carrier of the | Indianapolis Gazette, | to his patrons, January 1, 1829. | [Indianapolis, 1828.] [ 52 ] 21 x 30 cm. Broadside. Text in decorative border. In. Nashoba, trustees. Supplement to the New-Harmony Gazette, | of March 26, 1828. I Communication | from the Trustees of Nashoba. | [New Harmony, 1828,] [ 53 ] 22 x 34 cm. 2 p. Caption title. DLC (MS Div.). Western Register, Terre Haute, Ind. Carrier's Address, | to the | Patrons | of the | Western Register. | [Thick-thin rule] | January 1, 1829 | [Thick-thin rule] I [Terre Haute, 1828.] [ 54 ] 28 x 44 cm. Broadside. Text in ornamental border. In. 1829 Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of | the Grand Lodge | of the | most honorable 328 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY fraternity | of Free and Accepted Masons | of | the state of Indiana. | At its annual communication, held at In-|dianapolis, on Tuesday, the 25th | day of November, A. L. 5828. | [Rule] Most Worshipful John Tipton, Grand Master. j| Right Worshipful J. F. D. Lanier, Grand Secy. | [Rule] | Vin- cennes : | Elihu Stout, printer. | [Rule] | 1829. [ 55 ] 12 x 20 cm. 58 p. IaCrM. DSC. MBFM. NNFM. Friends, Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Indiana Yearly Meeting | of Friends, | held at | White- Water, in Wayne County, Indiana, | On the 5th day of the Tenth month, 1829. I [Rule] | [Centreville : S. Smith, 1829.] [ 56 ] 1 1.5 x 19 cm. 28, 4 p. Caption title. Imprint on p. 28: S. Smith, Printer, Centreville, Indiana. The 4-page appendix contains "Memorial of Sarah Hadley." Improved title of Walker no. 83 (collated "8 p." and without imprint). WHi. In. InRE. DLC. Hughs, Willis. An I Introduction to Farrierry [sic], \ being a description of | the most common diseases | to which the horse is incident, | to- gether with the I most approved remedies | for relieving the same. | By Willis Hughs, | of | Gallatin County, Kentucky. I [Thick-thin rule] | Madison, la. | Printed by C. P. J. Arion. I [1829-] [57] 10 x 17.5 cm. 72 p. Boards with brown leather backstrip. Preface dated "Gallatin county, Ky. Dec. 4th, 1828." On the verso of the title page is notice of application for copyright by William [sic] Hughs, dated December 8, 1828. Page [72] contains a testimonial to the author dated "21st day of February, 1829." For another Indiana edition, see no. 98, 1835. InHi. 1830 Baptists. Indiana. Coffee Creek Association. Minutes. | The Coffee Creek Association of Baptists met at Freedom meeting house, 4th day of September, 1830. [Madison : Arion & Lodge. 1830.] [ 58 ] 14.5 x 24.5 cm. 3 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 3 : [Thick-thin rule] | Printed by Arion & Lodge, Madison — 1022 copies for $10 22. NHC-S. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 329 Baptists. Indiana. Lost River Association. Minutes | of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the | Lost-River Association, | held at Clifty-church Meeting House, Washing- ton County, Indiana, on the first Sat-|urday, Lord's Day, and Monday in September, 1830. | [Salem: J. Allen. 1830.] [ 59 ] 14.5 x 21.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 4 : [Double rale] | (J. Allen, Printer, Salem, Indiana.) NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Wabash District Association. Minutes | of the annual meeting of the | Wabash District Association, of Regular Baptists. Held at Embarress Church, Clark county, Illinois ; on the second day of | October, 1830, and days following. | [Filet] | [Vincennes, 1830.] [ 60 ] 14 x 23.5 cm. 8 p. Caption title. Imprint on p. 8: Printed at the office of the | Western Sun. | Vincennes, Indiana, | 800 Copies — price fifteen dollars. ICU. Baptists. Kentucky. North Bend Association. Minutes | of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the | North-Bend Association of Baptists, | 1830. | [Ride] | At the North-Bend Association of Baptists, begun and held at Middle Creek Meeting | House, Boone County, Kentucky, on the 3d Friday in August, 1830, . . . [Lawrenceburg: Gregg & Dow- ling. 1830.] [ 61 ] 15 x 21 cm. 4 p. Caption title. Imprint at bottom of p. 4: Gregg & Dowling, Printers, Lawrenecburgh [sic]. ICU. Wylie, Andrew. A I Discourse | on | Education, | delivered before the legis- lature I of the I State of Indiana, | at the request of the joint committees on | Education, | [Double rule] | by A. Wylie. | [Double rule] | Published in pursuance of a vote of the | house of representatives, | January 17th, 1830. | Smith & Bolton, State Printers. | [Short broken ride] | 1830. [ 62 ] 12.5 x 20 cm. 23 p. In. InU. S30 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 183 1 Baptists. Indiana. Coffee Creek Association. Minutes. | Fifth annual meeting of the Coffee Creek Baptist Association, begun and | held at Harbert's Creek meeting house, 3rd, 4th and 5th days of September, 1831. [ 63 ] 14.5 x 24.5 cm. 3 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes | of the | Fourteenth Annual Meeting, | of the | Laughery Association of Baptists, | held at Hartford, Dear- born Co. Ind. commencing the 3d Wednesday in September, | 183 1. I [Thick-thin rule]. [ 64 ] 15 x 20 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Lost River Association. Minutes | of the sixth annual meeting of the | Lost-River Association | held at Oxfork meeting-house, Scott County, Indiana, on the first Saturday, Lord's day, | and Monday, in September, 1831. | [Salem: John Allen. 183 1.] [ 65 ] 14.5 x 21 cm. 4 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 4: [Double rule] | John Allen Printer, Salem la. 600 Copies — price $6. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Union Association of United Baptists. Minutes | of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the | Union Asso- ciation of United Baptists, | held at Veal's Creek Meeting House, Daviess County, Indiana, | September 16, 17 | and 18, 183 1. I [Thick-thin rule]. [ 66 ] 13.5 x 23 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Whitewater Association. Minutes | of the Proceedings of the | 22nd Annual Meeting of the I Whitewater Baptist Association. | Began and held at Lit- tle Flat Rock Meeting House on Friday and Saturday, the | INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 331 12th and 13th days of August, A. D. 1831. | [Rushville: Wil- liam D. M. Wickham. 183 1.] [ 67 ] 15.5 x 20.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 4: Printed by William D. M. Wickham, Rush- ville, Indiana, at one cent and a fourth per copy. NHCS. Baptists. Kentucky. North Bend Association. [Minutes of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North- Bend Association of Baptists, held on the 3d Friday in August, 1831. Lawrenceburg : Statesman Office. 1831.] f 68 ] 13.5 x 21.5 cm. 4 p. Title improvised from copy which lacks first leaf. Probably caption title. Imprint at bottom of p. 4 : Printed at the Statesman Office, Lawrenceburgh. ICU (lacking first leaf). Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of | the Grand Lodge, | of the | most honorable fraternity | of Free and Accepted Masons | of | the state of Indiana, | at its annual communication, held at Indianapolis, on I Monday, the 4th day of October, A. L. 5830. | [Double rule] I Most Worshipful Philip Mason, Grand Master. | Right Worshipful A. W. Morris, Grand Sec'y. | [Double rule] | In- dianapolis : I A. F. Morrison — Printer. | [Double row of dots] 1 1831. [ 69 ] 12.5 x 22 cm. 31 p. IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge | of | the most honorable fraternity | of Free and Accepted Masons, | of the | state of Indiana. | At its annual communication, held at Vincennes, | on Monday, the 10th of October, A. L. 5831. | [Rule] I Most Worshipful William Sheets, Grand Master. | Right Worship- ful A. W. Morris, Grand Secretary. | [Rule] | Indianapolis : | Printed by Douglass and Maguire. | [Row of dots] | 183 1. 12.5 x 22 cm. 26, I p. L 7° J IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. Indiana Journal, Indianapolis. Prospectus | of the | Indiana Journal, | on an imperial sheet, | 332 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Published twice a week during the session of the General Assembly. | . . . | Douglass & Maguire, Editors. | Indianapolis, October 29, 183 1. [ 71 ] 20 x 32 cm. Broadside. In. 1832 Baptists. Indiana. Coffee Creek Association. Minutes. | Sixth annual meeting of the Coffee Creek Baptist Association, begun and held at Ebe-|nezer meeting house, Jack- son county, Indiana, 1st, 2d and 3d days of September, 1832. I [Madison: Arion & Lodge. 1832.] [ 72 ] 14.5 x 24.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 4 : [Double ride] ] Printed by Arion & Lodge, Madison — 1000 for $10. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Association. [Thick-thin rule] | Minutes | of the | Indianapolis Association, I held at Friendship Church, Morgan County, Indiana, on the 24th, I 25th, and 26th days of August, 1832. | [Indianapolis: Douglass and Maguire. 1832.] [ 73 ] 15 x 23.5 cm. 7 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 7 : [Double rule] | Douglass and Maguire, Prs. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge | of | the most honorable fraternity | of Free and Accepted Masons, | of the | state of Indiana. | At its annual communication, held at Salem, on Monday | the 1st day of October, A. L. 5832. | [Rule] | Most Worshipful Woodbridge Parker, G. M. | Right Worshipful Austin W. Morris, G. S. | [Ride] | Indianapolis : | Printed by Douglass and Maguire. ] [Short ride] | 1832. [ 74 ] 12.5 x 22 cm. 20, 1 p. The proceedings of the Grand Lodge for the years 1833- 1836 were not printed at the time. IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. Indiana Branch Tract Society. First I Annual Report | of the | Indiana Branch Tract Society, I auxiliary to the I American Tract Society. | [Thick-thin rule] INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 333 I [1 line, quotation'] \ [Thin-thick rule \ | [Long thick-thin rule] I Madison : | Printed by Arion & Lodge. | 1832. [ 75 ] 14 x 20 cm. 16 p. OCHP. 1833 Baptists. Indiana. Coffee Creek Association. Minutes | Seventh annual meeting of the Coffee Creek Asso- ciation, begun and held at Coffee | Creek meeting house, Jen- nings County, Indiana, 7th, 8th and 9th days of September, | 1833. I [Madison: Lodge & Patrick. 1833.] [ 7 6 ] 14.5 x 24.5 cm. 3 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 3 : [Double rule] | Lodge & Patrick, Printers, Madison — 700 copies for $7. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. [Thick-thin rule] | Minutes | of the | Flat Rock Association of Baptists, I began and held at Mount-Moriah Meeting House, Decatur County, | la., the 3d Friday, Saturday and Sabbath in August, one | thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. | [In- dianapolis : Douglass & Maguire. 1833.] [ 77 1 14.5 x 22 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 8 : [Double rule] | Douglass & Maguire, Prs. Indianapolis. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Association. [Thick-thin rule] | Minutes | of the | Indianapolis Association, I held at Lick Creek Church, Marion County, on the 23d, 24th, I and 25th days of August, 1833. | [Indianapolis: Douglass & Maguire. 1833.] [ 78 ] 13 x 20 cm. 6 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 6: [Double rule] | Douglass & Maguire, Prs. Indianapolis. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Lost River Association. Minutes | of the eighth annual meeting of the Lost River Asso- ciation, held at | Silver Creek Meeting House, Clark County, Indiana, on the first Sat-|urday, Lords [sic] Day and Monday, in September, 1833. [ 79 J 13 x 21 cm. 7 p. 334 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Caption title ; no imprint. The page with the above caption is preceded by a "half-title" : Minutes f of the eighth annual meeting | of the | Lost River Association, | September, 1833. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of Madison Association of Baptists, held at Middle- fork meeting house, Jefferson County, | Indiana, commencing the 2d Saturday in September, 1833. j [Madison: Lodge & Patrick. 1833.] [ 80 ] 13 x 20 cm. 3 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 3: Lodge & Patrick, Printers, Madison — 800 Copies for $8. NHC-S. Smith, C. [Thick-thin ride] \ A Review | of the | Flat Rock Baptist Circular, | published Anno Domini, 1833. | By C. Smith. | Published by the brethren of Bartholomew | County, la. j [Thin-thick rule] | [1833 ?] [ 81 ] 14.5 x 22 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Smith, Timothy S. Missionary | Abominations | Unmasked : | or, | A View of Carey Mission. | Containing | an unmasking | of the mission- ary abominations, | practised among the Indians of the St. Joseph country, | at the celebrated missionary establishment, | known as Carey Mission, under the | superintendance of the | Rev. Isaac M'Coy. | [Thick-thin ride] | By Timothy S. Smith. [Thick-thin rule] | Copy right secured. | [Ride] | Royalton, (M. T.) I Printed at the Beacon Office, South-Bend, Ind. | [Short rule] | 1833. . [ 82 ] 13 x 22 cm. 16 p. Improved title of Walker no. 133 (not located). CSmH. 1834 Baptists. Indiana, Coffee Creek Association. Minutes. | Eighth annual meeting of the Coffee Creek Associa- tion, begun and held at Free-|dom meeting house, Jennings INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 335 County, Indiana, 6th, 7th and 8th of September, 1834. [ 83 ] i5-5 x 23.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. General Association. Minutes | of the second session of the General Association of Baptists of I Indiana, for the purpose of promoting the spread of the Gos-|pel in the state, held in Franklin, Johnson County, la., on I the 3d, 4th, and 5th days of Oct. 1834. | [Indianapolis : Douglass & Maguire. 1834.] [ 84 ] 15 x 22 cm. [11] p. Caption title; imprint on p. [11] : Douglass & Maguire, Pr's. PCA. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Association. [Thick-thin ride] \ Minutes | of the | Indianapolis Association, I held at Bethel Church, Marion County, on the 23d, 24th, and I 25th days of August, 1834. | [Double ride] | [Indianapolis? 1834.] r 85 ] 15 x 25 cm. 6 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes | of the seventeenth annual meeting of the | Laughery Association of Baptists, | held at Ebenezer, Dearborn County, Indiana: | commencing the 3d Friday in September, 1834. | [Thick-thin rule]. [ 86 ] 14 x 22.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Lost River Association. Minutes | of the ninth annual meeting of the Lost River Asso- ciation, held at | Stamper's Creek Meeting House, Orange County, Ind., on the first Saturday, Lord's | Day, and Monday, in September, 1834. | [Thick-thin ride.] [ 87 ] 14 x 18 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. 336 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the second annual meeting of the Madison Asso- ciation of Baptists, held at Con-|cord meeting house, Jennings County, Indiana, on the second Saturday in Septem-|ber, 1834, Sunday and Monday inclusive. | [Madison: Lodge & Patrick. 1834-] [88] 13.5 x 21.5 cm. 3 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 3 : Lodge & Patrick, Printers, Madison. 800 copies for $8. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Salem Association. Minutes | of the twelfth annual meeting of the | Salem Asso- ciation, I of Regular Baptists, | Begun and held at Cyprus Meeting-House, Warwick county, Ind. ; Commencing | on Fri- day the 26th day of | September, A. D. 1834, and days fol- lowing. I [Vincennes : Elihu Stout. 1834.] [ 89 ] 14 x 23 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 4 : Elihu Stout, Printer, — Vincennes, Indiana. (Price of Printing 600 copies $8.] NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Tippecanoe Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the meeting of the Tippecanoe Regular | Baptist Association : | held with the First Grand Prairie Church, Tip- peca-|canoe [sic] County, Indiana, on the nth, 12th, | 13th & 14th days of September, 1834. | [Double ride] | [Lafayette: J. B. Semans. 1834.] [ 90 ] 13.5 x 22 cm. 4 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 4: (J. B. Semans, Printer, Lafayette, la.) NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Whitewater Association. Minutes of the Proceedings of the | twenty fifth annual meet- ing of the I White Water Regular Baptist Association. | Begun and held at Ben Davis' Creek meeting house, on Friday and Saturday, the | 8th and 9th days of August in the year of our Lord 1834. [ 91 ] 16.5 x 20.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 337 Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Constitution | of the | Grand Lodge of Indiana. | Adopted December 25th, 5833. | [Indianapolis ? 1834 ?] [ 92 ] 12.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. Caption title; no imprint. MBFM. 1835 Baptists. Indiana.. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | Flat-Rock Association of Baptists, | held at Haw Creek, Bartholomew County, Indiana, on the 4th | Satur- day, Sunday and Monday in September, 1835. | [Rule]. [ 93 ] 14.5 x 22 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes | of the | eighteenth annual meeting of the | Laughery Association of Baptists, | held at Brushy Fork Meeting-House, Jefferson Co. la. | Commencing 3d Friday in September, 1835. I [Thick-thin rule]. [ 94 ] 13 x 22 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the third annual meeting of the Madison Associa- tion of Bap-|tists, held at Indian Kentucky Meeting House, Jefferson County, Indiana, | the second Saturday, Sunday and Monday in September, A. D. 1835. | [Madison: Republican & Banner Office. 1835.] [ 95 ] 13 x 22 cm. 3 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 3: Printed at the Republican & Banner Office, Madison — 800 copies for $8 00. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Union Association. Minutes | of the Union Association of Baptists, | held at Mt. Vernon Meeting-House, Daviess County, | on Saturday the 19th day of September, 1835. | ... | [Thick-thin rule] | [Vin- cennes: R. Y. Caddington. 1835.] [ 96 ] 338 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 17x27 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 4 : [ Thick-thin rule] | R. Y. Caddington, — Pr. | Vincennes, Indiana. — 300 Copies, Price $8. NHC-S. Buffalo and Mississippi Railroad Company. An Act I to incorporate the | Buffalo and Mississippi Rail Road I Company. | [Approved February 6, 1835.] | [Laporte: Herald Office. 1835.] [ 97 ] 14 x 19.5 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 8 : Printed at the Herald Office, Laporte. Streeter. Hughs, Willis. An Introduction | to | Farriery, | Being a description of the most common diseases to | which the horse is incident, together with the I most approved remedies for relieving the same. | By Willis Hughs. I [Rule] | Crawfordsville, Indiana, | 1835. 10.5 x 17.5 cm. 72 p. Boards with green cloth backstrip. [ 98 ] Preface dated "Gallatin county, Kentucky, December 4th, 1828." Contains at end a testimonial to the author dated "21st day of February, 1829." On verso of title page: [Copyright secured] | [Rule] | Record Press. InLPU. 1836 Baptists. Indiana. Brownstown Association. Minutes | of the first annual meeting | of the | Brownstown Association | of Regular Baptists ; | begun and held at Browns- town, Jackson County, | Indiana, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the | 7th, 8th & 9th days of October, 1836. [ 99 ] 13 x 20 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | Flat Rock Association of Baptists, | held at Brandywine Church, the 24th, 25th and 26th of September, 1836. J [Double rule]. [ 100 ] 14.5 x 22 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 339 Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes | of the | Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Laughery Association of Baptists, | held at Manchester Fleet- ing-House, Dearborn Co. la. | Commencing 3d Friday in September, 1836. | [Thin-thick rule]. [ 101 ] 13 x 22 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Lost River Association. Minutes | of the eleventh annual meeting of the | Lost-River Association, held at Clifty Meeting-house, Washington county, Ind. on the first Saturday and | Lord's Day and Mon- day in September, 1836. | [Rule]. [ 102 ] 14 x 20 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the fourth annual meeting | of the | Madison Association of Baptists, | held at | Harbert's Creek Meeting House, Jefferson Coun-|ty, Indiana. | Commencing the second Saturday | in September, A. D. 1836. Sunday and Monday inclusive. | [Short rule] | Printed at the Visitor Office. — Vernon. | [Short ride] [Rule] | Price — $1000 for 800 copies. I 1836. [ 103 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 4 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Tippecanoe Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting j of the I Tippecanoe Regular Baptist | Association. | Begun and held at Dayton, Tippecanoe Co. Ind. | On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the 9th, 10th | and nth of September, 1836. | [Thick- thin ride] I Delphi : | [Short ride] | Printed by R. C. Green — Oracle Office. | [1836.] [ 104 ] 1 1.5 x 20.5 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Whitewater Association. Minutes of the Proceedings of the | twenty-seventh annual 340 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY meeting of the | White Water Regular Baptist Association, | began and held at Pleasant Run Meeting House, Rush County, Indiana, on Friday and Saturday, | the 12th and 13th days of August, 1836. [ 105 ] 18.5 x 27 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. PCA. Cobb, Lyman. Cobb's I Explanatory | Arithmetick, | Number Two: | Con- taining the I compound rules, and all that is necessary of every I other rule in arithmetick for practical pur- 1 poses, and the transactions of business; | in which | the principles of each rule are fully and familiarly expressed; | and the reasons for every operation on the slate | minutely and clearly explained; and adapted | to the understanding and use of larger | chil- dren, in schools and | academies. | To which is annexed | a practical system of book-keeping. | [Rule] | By Lyman Cobb, j author of the spelling-book, school dictionary, expositor, juvenile readers, sequel, North American reader, | and cipher- ing-book, nos. 1 and 2. | [Rule] | Indianapolis: | Published by Henkle & Chamberlain. | Stereotyped by Redfield & Lindsay — New York. | [Short rule] | 1836. [ 106 ] 8.5 x 13 cm. viii, 216 p. Possibly printed in Indianapolis from the stereotype plates made in New York. In. Friends, Society of. Indiana. Whitewater Quarterly Meeting. Memorial | of | Narcissa Osborn. | [1836.] [ 107 ] n x 19.5 cm. 7 p. Caption title ; no imprint. On p. 7 : "The foregoing memorial was . . . approved by Springfield meet- ing of Friends, held 8th month, 20th, 1836, and directed to be forwarded to our next Quarterly meeting. . . . Whitewater Quarterly meeting of Friends, held at Milford, on the 3d of the 9th month, 1836: The foregoing memorial concerning . . . Narcissa Osborn, dec'd was produced by Springfield Monthly meeting, and . . . was approved and directed to be forwarded to the meet- ing for Sufferings. Extracted from the Minutes of the Quarterly meeting aforesaid. . . ." Nixon. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 341 Heller, Isaac. The I Life and Confession | of | Isaac Heller alias Isaac Young I Who was executed at Liberty, Union County, la. on | the 29th day of April, 1836 for the murder of his | wife and three infant children, to which is append- |ed a brief history of the Trial, together with the | Sentence pronounced upon him by Hon. Samuel | Bigger, Presiding Judge. | Liberty. | C. V. Duggins — Printer. | 1836. [ 108 ] 13 x 18.5 cm. 22 p., 1 blank leaf. In. Indianapolis. House Carpenters and Joiners. The I Book of Prices | of the | House Carpenters & Joiners | of I the Town of Indianapolis. | [Rule] | Adopted June, 1836. I [Ride] I Indianapolis : | Douglass & Noel, Printers. | 1836. 12 x 19.5 cm. (irregular). 44, [1] p., 1 blank leaf. [ IO9 ] InHi. [Purviance, David] Memoirs | of the | Religious Course | of | David Purviance. | [Ride] I Part II. | [Rule] | Richmond, la. : | John Finley, Printer, | 1836. [ no ] 12 x 20 cm. 43 p. IAIB. Traill, Robert. Sixteen Sermons | on the | Lord's Prayer, for His People, | in John xvn. 24. | [Rule] | By Rev. Robert Traill, A.M. | A.D. 1705. I [Rule] I Madison, la.: | James M'Millan, Main Cross Street; | Luke Loomis, Pittsburg — Joseph Wetham, | Philadelphia. | [Double row of dots] | 1836. [ in ] 9 x 15 cm. viii, 387 p. Leather. InHi. 1837 Baptists. Indiana. [Bethel Association] . Proceedings | of the | Convention of Delegates, | from | Four Regular Baptist Churches, | for the purpose of forming | an | Association. | 1837. [ 1 12 ] 12.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. No imprint. NHC-S. 342 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Baptists. Indiana. Curry's Prairie Association. Minutes | of the | Fourth Annual Meeting | of the | Curry's Prairie | Association of Baptists, | convened at | Union Church Meeting-House, | Vigo County, Indiana, | on the 8th, 9th, and 10th days of September, A.D. 1837. | [Double rule] | Vin- cennes, Indiana: | Printed by E. Stout, at the office of the Western Sun. | [Short rule] | 1837. [113] 15.5 x 25 cm. 4 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the Flat Rock Association, | held at Union Church, Bartholomew county, Indiana, on the | 23d, 24th & 25th days of September, 1837. | [ 114] 13 x 21 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes | of the | Twentieth Annual Meeting of the | Laughery Association of Baptists, | held at Long Run Meeting-House, Switzerland County, la. | commencing 3d Friday in September, 1837. I [Thick-thin rule]. [115] 13 x 21.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the fifth annual meeting of the | Madison Asso- ciation of Baptists; | met at West Fork Meeting House, Sec- ond Saturday in September, 1837, Sunday j and Monday, in- clusive. I [Thick-thin ride]. [ 116 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Union Association. Minutes | of the | Thirteenth Annual Meeting | of the | Union Association of Baptists, | held at | Highbank Meeting-House, Pike County, Indiana, | on Saturday, the 30th September, 1837. I [Rule] I [ Vincennes : R. Y. Caddington. 1837.] [ 117 ] 15 x 22.5 cm. 4 p. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-18.49 343 Caption title ; imprint on p. 4 : R. Y. Caddington, Printer, Vincennes. NHC-S. Barnum, H. L. H. L. Barnum's Reply | to | the president | of the | Ohio and Indianapolis | Rail Road Company. | [Rule] | Jeffersonville, la: I Robert R. Lindsey, Printer. | [Filet] | 1837. [ 118] 13 x 21.5 cm. 12 p. In. Daily, W. M. A I Sermon | on | Education, | Delivered in the | Methodist Church, at Bloomington la. | February 26th, 1837. | By Rev. W. M. Daily, A.B. | of the Methodist E. Church. | Published at the Special Request of the Congregation. | [Rule] | In- diana. J [1837] [ 119 ] 13 x 21 cm. 20 p. MHi. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Synod of the West. Proceedings | of the | Evangelical Lutheran Synod, | of | the West; I Convened at Shoffner's Church, | Bedford Co., Tenn. I October 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th, 1837. | [Double rule] | Corydon, la. J Printed by Ignatius Mattingly. | 1837. [ 120 ] 12.5 x 22 cm. 16 p. This was the third annual session of this synod. The first was held in Jeffersontown, Ky., in October, 1834, and the second at Hopeful Church, Boone County, Ky., in October, 1836. The proceedings of those two meet- ings (copies in PPLT) have no imprints to identify the place of printing. PPLT. Houseworth, Henry. Federurbian | or | United States Primer : | Designed to im- prove the minds of the children of our | country in Learning and Federal Knowledge. | [Rule] \ [1 line, Latin quotation] \ [Rule] I To which are annexed observations on enlarging | the alphabet and improving the method | of spelling. | [Wood- cut] I By Henry Houseworth, | Professor of Languages and Sciences, in the Western Union | Seminary. | [Ride] | Philo- math : I Published by the author, | 1837. | [Richmond: Jeffer- sonian Of fice. 1837.] [ 121 ] 7.5 x 15 cm. 28 p. Printed blue paper wrappers. 344 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Cover title the same, but in a somewhat different typographical arrange- ment. On the verso of the title page is the imprint : "Printed at the Jeffersonian Office, Richmond, Ind." Copyrighted, District of Indiana, April 12, 1837. Walker no. 248 is a much larger work by the same author with a similar title, copyrighted and pub- lished in 1839. Nixon. Johnston, James H. "The Love of Money, the Root of All Evil." | A | discourse, | delivered December 25, 1836, | in the | Second Presbyterian Church, I Madison, Indiana, | by the pastor, | James H. John- ston. I [Rule] I Published by request of members of the con- gregation. I [Rule] I Madison: | Printed at the Republican Banner office. | 1837. [ 122 ] 14 x 22.5 cm. 8 p. OCHP. Silver, Samuel. Remarks for the serious consideration of the members of In- diana Yearly Meeting of Friends, collectively and individually. Likewise for all those who make religious profession under that name, to whom these may come. By Samuel Silver. Printed by Holloway & Davis, Richmond, Indiana. 1837. i2mo. 8 p. [ 123 ] Title from Sabin 81 122 (not located). South Bend. Tailors. A Bill of Prices, | Entered into by the Crooks of South Bend, April 19th, 1837. I ... I [South Bend, 1837.] [ 124 ] 15 x 22 cm. Broadside. The "crooks" in this case were the tailors of South Bend. The price list is signed and dated at the end: Wm. P. Howe, Elder & Cameron, Benjamin Powell. South Bend, April 20th, 1837. InSbNHL 1838 Baptists. Indiana. Bethel Association. Minutes | of the | Second Annual Meeting | of the | Bethel Association, | held at | Mill Creek Church, | Washington Coun- ty, I Indiana, | Commencing August 18, 1838. | [Short thick- INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 345 thin rule] | Charlestown : | Printed at the Office of the In- dianian. | 1838. [ 125 ] 12 x 21 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Curry's Prairie Association. Minutes | of the | Fifth Annual Meeting | of the | Curry's Prairie Association of Baptists, | convened at the Good Hope Church Meeting House, Clay County, Indiana, | on the 7th, 8th, and 9th days of September, A. D. 1838. | [Double rule] \ [Terre Haute : J. & T. Dowling. 1838.] [ 126 ] 15.5 x 25 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint at foot of first page : [Rule] | J. & T. Dowling, Printers, Terre-Haute, Ind. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | Flat Rock Association of Baptists, | held at Flat Rock Church, Bartholomew County, (la.) on the fourth I Saturday, Sunday and Monday, in September, 1838. 14.5 x 22 cm. 4 p. [ 127 ] Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the Sixth Annual Meeting | of the | Madison Baptist Association; | begun and held at | Versailles Meeting House, I on the | Second Saturday in September, 1838. | [Rule] I Vernon: | John Walker, & Co. | [Rule] | Price— $12 00 for 900 copies. | [1838.] [ 128 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 6 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Northern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | Second Annual Session | of the | Northern Indiana Baptist Association, | held with the Baptist Church on Rolling Prairie, Aug. 29, 1838. [ 129 ] 14 x 20.5 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; no imprint. IAIB. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Synod of the West. Proceedings I of the I Fourth Annual Session of | The Evangel- 346 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY ical Lutheran Synod of the West, | Transacted in Mt. Gilead Church, Harrison Co., la. | [Corydon ? 1838.] [ 130 ] 13.5 x 22.5 cm. 12 p. Caption title ; no imprint, but possibly printed at Corydon, the county seat of Harrison County. The fifth annual session of this synod was held in Hillsboro, 111., but its proceedings (copy in PPLT) were printed in Louisville, Ky. PPLT. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Abstract of the Proceedings | of | the Grand Lodge | of | the most honorable fraternity | of | Free and Accepted Masons, | of the I state of Indiana, | at its annual communication, held at Mason's Hall, in the town of Indianapolis | on Monday the nth of December, 1837, A. L. 5837. | [Rule] | Most Worship- ful James L. Hogan, Grand Master. | Right Worshipful S. Whitman, Deputy Grand Master. | [Rule] | Indianapolis: | Printed by Douglass & Noel. | [Rule] | 1838. [ 131 ] 14.5 x 23 cm. 7 p. IaCrM. MBFM. South Hanover (Indiana) Female Seminary. Catalogue | of the | South Hanover Female Seminary, | for | the year ending March, 1838. | South Hanover: | Printed by James Morrow. | 1838. [ 132 ] 11.5 x 15 cm. 8 p. MH. DLC. Whitewater Canal. Specification | for masonry | in | cut stone locks | on the | White- Water Canal. | . . . | J. L. Williams, Prin. Eng. | Con- nersville, Nov. 14, 1838. [ 133 ] 20 x 32 cm. Broadside. Text in decorative border. In. 1839 Baptists. Indiana. Bethel Association. Minutes | of the | Third Annual Meeting, | of the | Bethel Association. | Held at | Lost-River Meeting-House, | Orange County, Indiana. | Commencing August 24, 1839, | [Thick- thin rule] I Salem: | Hay & Rowse, Printers. | 1839. [ 134 ] 12.5 x 19 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 347 Baptists. Indiana. Curry s Prairie Association. Minutes | of the | Sixth Annual Meeting | of the | Curry's Prairie Association of Baptists, | convened at Lamotte Meeting House, Crawford County, Illinois, on the 6th, | 7th and 8th days of September, A. D. 1839. | [Filet] | [Terre Haute : G. A. & J. P. Chapman. 1839.] [ 135 ] 15.5 x 25 cm. 4 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 4: [Double rule] | G. A. & J. P. Chapman, Printers, Terre Haute. Ed. 500, Pr. $8. The minutes of this association for 1840 were printed in Mt. Carmel, 111. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | Seventeenth Annual Meeting | of the \ Flat Rock Association, | held at Blue River Church, Johnson Coun- ty, la., I commencing the 4th Saturday in Sept., 1839. [Rule]. [ 136 ] 14.5 x 22 cm. 3 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the | Seventh Annual Meeting | of the | Madison Association of Baptists, | begun and held at | Middle-Fork Meeting-House, Jefferson County, la. | on the | 14th, 15th and 1 6th days in September, 1839. | [Rule] \ Printed at the Vernon Visitor Office. | [Rule] | Price — $14 for 900 copies. | [1839.] 13.5 x 21 cm. 7 p. [ 137 ] NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Tippecanoe Regular Baptist Association. [Double rule] | Seventh Annual Publication. | [Double ride] \ Minutes | of the | Seventh Annual Session | of the | Tippe- canoe Regular Baptist | Association : | held with the Baptist Church I at Logansport, | Sept. 6th, 7th, & 8th, 1839. | [Short rule]. [ 13 8 ] 14 x 22 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Union Association. Minutes I of the I Fifteenth Annual Meeting, | of the | Union 348 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Association | of Baptists, | held at | Veal's Creek Church, | Daviess County, Indiana, | commencing the 5th day of October, 1839, I and continued five days. | [Thick-thin rule] | Washing- ton : I Charles G. Berry, Printer. | 1839. [ 139 ] 12 x 17 cm. [5] p. NHC-S. Dunbar, John W. An I Address | on the | Parties and Politics of the Times : | delivered before | the Philomathean Society | of | Indiana Uni- versity, I at its annual exhibition, | March 26th, 1839. | [Ride] I By John W. Dunbar, | of Natchez Mississippi, | A member of the Senior Class. | [Rule] | Bloomington la. | Printed at the Franklin Office, | [Short rule] | 1839. [ 140] 12.5 x 20 cm. 12 p. Title in border of type ornaments. InU. The Family Schoolmaster. Richmond, Indiana : Holloway & Davis. 1839. [ 141 ] No copy located. Title from W. H. Venable, Beginnings of Literary Cul- ture in the Ohio Valley, 1891, p. 126, cited by Ralph Leslie Rusk, The Litera- ture of the Middle Western Frontier, 1926, v. 2, p. 184. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge | of the state of Indiana. | [Rule] I Held in the town of Indianapolis, | December 24, A. L. 5838. I [Rule] I Indianapolis : | Stacy & Williams Print. I 1839. [ 142 ] 13 x 22 cm. 30 p. Printed green paper wrappers. IaCrM. NNFM. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Abstract of Proceedings | of | the Grand Lodge | of the | an- cient and honorable fraternity | of | Free and Accepted Masons, I of the I state of Indiana, | at its annual communication held at Indianapolis on Thurs-|day, the 28th day of Nov. A. L. 5839. | [Rule] I M.W. Philip Mason, G.M. | R.VV. A. W. Morris, G.S. I [Rule] I Indianapolis : | Printed by Douglass & Noel, | i839- [ H3 ] 10.5 x 20 cm. 12 p. Printed green paper wrappers. IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 349 1840 Baptists. Illinois. Bloom field Association. Minutes | of the | Fourth Anniversary | of the | Bloomfield Baptist Association, | Held with the | Little Vermilion Church, Vermilion County, Illinois, | Friday, August 7th, 1840. | [Filet] I Terre-Haute, Ind. | Printed By J. & T. Dowling, | 1840 [ 144 ] 14 x 21.5 cm. 8 p. I AW. Baptists. Indiana. Bethel Association. Minutes | of the | Fourth Annual Meeting | of the | Bethel As- sociation. I Held at | Salem Meeting-House. | Washington County, Indiana. | Commencing August 22, 1840. | [Rule] Salem: | Hay & Rowse, Printers. | 1840 [ 145 ] 12.5 x 19 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | eighteenth annual meeting | of the | Flat Rock Association, | held at Salem Church, Decatur Co. Ind. on the 22d I and 24th days of August, 1840. | [Rule] | [Greens- burg ? 1840.] [ 146 ] 14.5 x 21 cm. 7 p. Caption title ; no imprint, but probably printed at Greensburg, the county seat of Decatur County. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Indianapolis Regular Baptist Association, | held at 2d Fall Creek Meeting House, Hamilton County la., I Commencing Friday before the 2d Saturday in Oct., 1840. | [Rule] I Indianapolis : | Douglass and Noel, Printers. | 1840. 15 x 25 cm. 6 p. [ 147 ] NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes | of the | Twenty-third annual meeting | of the | Laughery Association of Baptists, | held at Franklin Meeting- 350 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY House, Ripley County, la., | commencing the ist Saturday in Sept. 1840. I [Thick-thin rule]. [ 148 ] 13 x 21 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the | Eighth annual meeting | of the | Madison Baptist Association | held at | Hebron Meeting House, Jeffer- son County, la. | on the | 12th 13th & 14th days of Sept., 1840. I [Rule] I Madison. | Printed at the Republican Banner Of- fice. I 1840. [ 149 ] 13 x 20 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Northern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | Fourth Annual Session | of the | Northern Indiana Baptist Association, | held with the Union Baptist Church, St. Joseph County, June 6-8, 1840. | [Thick-thin rule]. [ 150 ] 12.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Salamonie River Regidar Baptist Asso- ciation. Minutes | of the | Organization and Proceedings | of the Sala- mony [sic] River Regular | Baptist Association, | held with the I Harison [sic] Township Church | Montpelear [sic], Black- ford Co., la. I August 29th, 30th, & 31st, 1840. I [Short thick- thin ride] I Fort Wayne Times Office Print, | [Short rule] \ 1840. [ 151 ] 12 x 22 cm. 4 p. The capital N's in this title are all inverted. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Tippecanoe Regular Baptist Association. [Double rule] | Eighth Annual Publication. | [Double rule] \ Minutes | of the | Eighth Annual Session | of the | Tippecanoe Regular Baptist | Association : | Held with the Baptist Church I at Lafayette, Ind., | May 23d, 24th, and 25th, 1840. | [Rule] INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 351 I Lafayette: | Free Press — John D. Smith, Printer. | 1840. 14.5 x 22 cm. 8 p. [ 152 ] NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Union Association. Proceedings | of the | Sixteenth Anniversary | of the | Union Association | of Baptists, held at the South Fork of | Potoka [sic] Meeting House, | Pike County, Indiana, | on the second, third, fourth and fifth | Days of October, 1840. | [Rule] \ Washington : | James J. Marts — Printer. | 1840. | Prs. fee 500— $8. [ 153 ] 14 x 20 cm. 6 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. White Lick Association. Minutes | of | the fifth annual meeting | of | White Lick As- sociation I of Regular Baptists, | held with White Lick Church, I Belville [sic], Indiana, | on the 12th, 13th and 14th days of September, A. D. 1840. | [Short rule] | Indianapolis : | Printed by William Stacy. | 1840. [ 154 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Whitewater Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Proceedings of the Thirty-first Annual Meeting | of the | White- Water | Regular Baptist Associa- tion, I Held at Bethlehem Church, Franklin Co., la., on the 7th, 8th and 9th days of | August, 1840. | [Thick-thin rule] \ [Rushville: P. A. & O. C. Hackleman. 1840.] [ 155 ] 18.5 x 23 cm. 4 p. Caption title. Imprint (boxed in braces) on p. 4: Printed by P. A. & O. C. Hackleman, | Rushville, Indiana. | 1100 copies for $1360. In. [Buffum, Arnold] editor Prospectus | of a Weekly Paper, entitled | 'Northern Rights.' | [Double rule] \ "I tremble for my country when I reflect, that God is just; and that His justice cannot | sleep forever." — Jef- ferson. I [Double rule] | [Newport, 1840.] [ 156 ] x cm. Broadside. Text in 2 columns. "The Northern Rights will be published in Wayne county, Indiana, com- mencing on the first of the 12th month, 1840. The terms will be Two 352 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Dollars per annum, payable in advance. The character of the paper will be essentially different from that of any now published; and it will be printed in quarto form for binding." The proposed title for this anti- slavery publication raised such a storm of protest that it was changed to The Protectionist. It began publication on January I, 1841, as a biweekly, with Arnold Buffum as editor. It later became the Free Labor Advocate and Anti-Slavery Chronicle. This "Newport" is now Fountain City ; it is not the Newport of Vermillion County. Nixon (fragment only). Cobbett, William. Advice | to Young Men, | and (incidentally) to | Young Wo- men, I in the | middle and higher ranks of life. | In a series of letters, | to a youth, a bachelor, a lover, a husband, | a citizen or a subject. | By William Cobbett. | Published by | Thomas Adamsons, | Huntsville, la. | 1840. | [Indianapolis: Stacy & Williams. 1840.] [ 157 ] 9 x 13.5 cm. 323 p. Imprint on verso of title page : Printed and bound | by Stacy & Williams, | Indianapolis. Hits. Democratic Party. Indiana. Address | of the Democratic Convention of 1840. | [Together with an abstract of the proceedings.] [ 158 ] 14 x 22.5 cm. 21 p. Caption title ; no imprint. On p. 20: "The Address. . . . was adopted by acclamation, and Fifty Thou- sand Copies ordered to be printed." ICHi. Foster, W. C. Substance | of the | Speech of W. C. Foster, | delivered at a meeting of the | Democratic Republicans | of | Monroe Coun- ty, I held at the | Court House in Bloomington, | March 14, 1840. I [Rule] I Published at the request of said meeting. | [Rule] I Terre Haute: | George A. Chapman, Printer. | 1840. 13 x 21 cm. 18 p. [ T 59 J ICHi. Friends, Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Epistle on Slavery, | from the | Yearly Meeting of Friends, INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 353 held in London | to the | Yearly Meetings of Friends in Amer- ica. I [1840.] [ 160 ] 10.5 x 19 cm. 7 p. Caption title ; no imprint. On p. [2] : "At a Meeting for Suffrings [sic] of Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends, held at White Water, Wayne county, Indiana, 10th month, 1840. The following Epistle on the subject of Slavery, addressed to the Yearly Meetings of Friends in North America was received and read therein ; and the Meeting believing that it is calculated, not only to quicken the members of our Society to a sense of their duty in maintaining our testimony on that subject, but so well calculated to convince others, not already sufficiently sensible of the sin of Slavery, that the Meeting united in having it printed for general distribution." Nixon. Gibson, George R. Address | at the Installation of the Officers | of | Vincennes Lodge, No. 1. I on I the 24th of June, 1840., | By | George R. Gibson. | [Short rule] | Vincennes : | Printed by Elihu Stout and Son, | 1840. [ 161 ] 10 x 16.5 cm. 14 p. MBFM. Tuley, Ben S. To the Independent Freemen of Indiana. | Fellow-citizens : — ... I [New Albany, 1840.] [ 162 ] 27 x 30.5 cm. Broadsheet, printed both sides. No imprint. Signed and dated at end: Ben. S. Tuley. New Albany, June 29, 1840. Issued in support of Tuley's candidacy for the lieutenant-governorship. On the reverse side : "Another voice from the Hermitage, or the venerable ex- president Jackson's refutation of the foul slander that he was or is opposed to the re-election of Martin Van Buren." InSbNHL Wallace, David, and Matthew Simpson. Addresses, | delivered by | Governor Wallace, | and | Presi- dent Simpson, | at the | Indiana Asbury University, | Septem- ber 16, 1840. I [Short rule] | Indianapolis: | Printed by Wil- liam Stacy. I 1840. [ 163 ] 13.5 x 20.5 cm. 14, [3] -40 p. This combines Walker's no. 289 and 294 under one title page. CSmH. 354 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1 84 1 Baptists. Indiana. Bethel Association. Minutes | of the | Fifth Annual Meeting | of the | Bethel As- sociation, I held at the | Baptist Church, | in New- Albany, la. | August 28-30, 1841. I [Short thick-thin rule] ] New- Albany, la. : I Mattingly & Green, Printers. | [Double row of dots] 1841. 1 164 ] 12 x 18.5 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Coffee Creek Association. Minutes | of the fifteenth annual meeting | of the | Coffee Creek Baptist Association, | begun and held at Coffee Creek Meeting House, on the 4th, 5th, and 6th | days of September, 1841. I [Rule] I Printed at the Register Office, Vernon, la. — Price, $11 for 800 copies. | [1841.] [ 165 ] 15.5 x 23.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Curry's Prairie Association. Minutes | of the eighth annual meeting of the Currys [sic] Prai-|rie Association of Regular Baptists, Convened at | Fair- banks Church, Sullivan County, Indiana, Sep-|tember 10th, nth, & 12th, 1841. [ 166 ] 15.5 x 25 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | Nineteenth Annual Meeting | of the ] Flat- Rock Association | of | Regular Baptists ; | Held at Franklin Meeting House, | Johnson County, Indiana, on the 28th and 30th days of August, | 1841. | [Thick-thin rule] | Greensburg, Indiana; | John Thomson, Printer. | 184 1. [ 167 ] 14.5 x 23 cm. [6] p. PCA. Baptists. Indiana. General Association. Minutes | of the General | Association of Baptists, | in Indiana. I Also, Notices of the | Indiana Foreign Mission, and Bible So- INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 355 cieties. | Indianapolis : | Printed by Cutler and Chamberlain, | 1841. [ 168 ] 14 x 21.5 cm. 16 p. Printed paper wrappers. OClWHi. PCA. Baptists. Indiana. Huntington Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | First Meeting and Organization | of the | Huntington Baptist Association, | held with the | Weasau Chrrch [sic], | Miami County, la., | July 10 & 11, 1841, | with their | articles of faith, | constitution, and rules of Decorum. | [Rule] I Printed at the Sentinel Office, | Fort Wayne, Indi- ana. I 1841. [ 169 ] 15 x 23 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Indianapolis Regular | Baptist Association, | held at | Bethel Meeting House, Marion County, la. | com- mencing Friday before the 1st Saturday in Sept. 1841. | [Ride] I [4 lines] I [Short rule] | Indianapolis : | Printed by Cutler & Chamberlain, | 1841. [ 170 ] 15 x 25 cm. 7 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana, Laughery Association. Minutes | of the | Twenty-fourth annual meeting | of the | Laughery Association of Baptists, | held at Indian Creek Meet- ing House, Switzerland County, Ind. | commencing the 1st Saturday in Sept., 1841. | [Double ride]. [ 171 ] 13 x 23 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana, Lost River Association. Minutes | of the | Sixteenth Annual Meeting | of the | Lost River Association | of | Regular Baptist [sic], \ held at the Little Flock Church, Clark County Indiana, | on the 4th, 5th and 6th days in September, 1841. | [Thick-thin rule]. [ 172 ] 12 x 20 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. The minutes of the fifteenth annual meeting, 1840, were printed in Louis- ville, Ky. NHC-S. 356 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the ninth annual meeting | of the | Madison Bap- tist Association, | begun and held at the Geneva Church, on the nth, 1 2th, and 13th days | of September, 1841. | [Rule] \ Printed at the Register Office, Vernon, la. — Price $15 for 1000 copies. I [1841.] [ 173 ] 12 x 21 cm. 4 p. Caption title. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Northern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | Fifth Anniversary, | of the Northern Indi- ana I Baptist Association, | held with the Church, | in La- Porte, I June Fifth and Seventh, 1841. | [Short ride] | Mich- igan City, la. I J.M.Stuart — Printer. | 1841. [ 174 ] 13.5 x 20 cm. 12 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Salamonie River Regular Baptist Associa- tion. Minutes | of the | First Anniversary | of the | Salamanie [sic] River Regular | Baptist Association, | held with the Marion Church, I Huntington County, Indiana, | August 21st, 22d, and 23d, 1841. I [Rule]. [ 175 ] 14 x 22 cm. 7 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. White Lick Association. Minutes | of the sixth annual meeting of White Lick Associa- tion I of Regular Baptists, held at New Providence Church, | Putnam County, Indiana, on the nth, 12th and 13th days | of September, 1841. | [Carlisle: J. Young. 1841.] [ 176 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 8: [Double rule] | J. Young, Printer, Carlisle, la. NHC-S. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Synod of the West. Journal | of the | Sixth Annual Session | of the | Evangelical Lutheran Synod | of | the West. | Convened at | Jefferson- town, I Jefferson County, Kentucky, | October 7th, 8th, 9th, INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 357 10th, nth, 1840. I [Rule] | Madison: | Printed at the Repub- lican Banner Office. | [Row of dots] | 1841. [ 177 ] 14 x 20 cm. 24 p. The seventh annual session of this synod was held in Indianapolis in Oc- tober, 1841, but its proceedings (copy in PPLT) were printed in Baltimore. The eighth session, 1842, met in Knightstown, Ind., but its proceedings were printed in Springfield, 111. The proceedings of the ninth session, at Hope- ful Church, Ky., 1843, were printed in Baltimore. PPLT. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Abstract of Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge | of the an- cient and honorable fraternity | of | Free and Accepted Masons I of the I state of Indiana, | at its annual communication, held at Indianapolis, on | Thursday the third day of Dec, A. L. 5840. J [Rule] I M.W. Philip Mason, G.M. | R.W. A. W. Morris, G. S. | [Rule] | Indianapolis: | Douglass & Noel Print. J 1841. [ 178 ] 12 x 19.5 cm. 22 p. Printed tan paper wrappers. IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. 1842 Baptists. Indiana. Bethel Association. Minutes | of the | Sixth Annual Meeting | of the | Bethel As- sociation, I held at the | Meeting House of the Baptist Church, I in Jeffersonville, la. | on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, | August 27, 28, and 29, 1842. | [Short thick-thin rule] j New- Albany, la. I Printed by Wm. H. Green. | [Short rule] | 1842. II x 19 cm. 13 p. [ 179 ] NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Curry s Prairie Association. Minutes | of the ninth annual meeting of the Curry's Prairie Association of | Regular Baptists, held at the Friendly Grove Church, Clay County, | Indiana, on the 9th 10th and nth days of September, 1842. | [Terre Haute: Thos. Dowling. 1842.] 15.5 x 25 cm. 4 p. [ 180 ] Caption title; imprint on p. 4: Thos. Dowling, Printer, Terre-Haute, la. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes I of the I twentieth anniversary | of the | Flat Rock | 358 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Baptist Association, | held with | the Hopewell Church, Shelby County, la., | commencing on the fourth Saturday in August, 1842. I [Rule] I Indianapolis: | Cutler & Chamberlain, Print- ers. I 1842. [ 181 ] 13 x 21 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Indianapolis Regular | Baptist Association, I held at | The Mud Creek Meeting-House, Rush County, | on | Friday and Saturday, September 2 & 3, 1842. | [Rule] | [5 lines] I [Rule] | Indianapolis : | Cutler & Chamberlain, Print- ers. I 1842. [ 182 ] 15 x 25 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the tenth annual meeting | of the | Madison Bap- tist Association, | begun and held at Brush Creek Church, | on the 10th, nth, and 12th days of September, 1842. | [Rule] Price of printing — $17 for 1500 copies. | [Rule] \ A. Frost, Printer — Vernon, la. | [Row of dots] | 1842. [ 183 ] 13 x 19 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. North Eastern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | North Eastern Indiana | Baptist Associa- tion, I held with the | Millgrove Church | at Jackson, June 8, & 9, 1842. I With their Circular Letter, | & | Constitution. | [Filet] I Printed at the | Freeman Office | Ontario, Ind. | 1842. [ 184 ] 12 x 18.5 cm. 9 p. The minutes of this association for 1843 and 1844 were printed in Michigan. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Northern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | Sixth Anniversary, | of the | Northern In- diana, I Baptist Association, | held with the church | at Benton, I June fourth and sixth, 1843. | [Double rule] | South Bend: | L. P. Johnson, Book and Job Printer. | 1842. [ 185 ] 14 x 20 cm. 12 p. NHC-S. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 359 Baptists. Indiana. Tippecanoe Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Tenth Annual Session | of the | Tippecanoe Regular Baptist Association, | held with the Baptist Church, | At Rossville, Clinton Co. Ind., May 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, 1842. I [Rule] I Delphi : Printed by R. C. Green. [ 186 ] 13 x 20 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Whitewater Association. [Minutes of the Proceedings of the | thirty-third annual meet- ing of the I White Water Regular Baptist Association, | . . . Rushville: William D. M. Wickham. 1842.] [ 187 ] 26.5 x 26 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint printed on the margin of p. 1 : Printed by Wm. D. M. Wickham, Rushville, Indiana — 1000 copies for 9.58. Described from an imperfect copy; caption title assumed as above. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of the | Grand Lodge | of the state of Indiana, | at its I annual communication, | held in Indianapolis, | Thurs- day, December 2d, A. L. 5841, A. D. 1841. | [Ride] | Indian- apolis. I Cutler & Chamberlain Printers. | 1842. [ 188 ] 15 x 24 cm. 28 p. IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. An Abstract | of | Proceedings | of a | Grand Communication | of the I Grand Lodge | of | Indiana, | begun and held in the Masonic Hall in the | city of Indianapolis, | On Monday, the 23d day of May, A. L. 5842, A. D. 1842. | [Rule] | M.W. Philip Mason, Gr. M. | ' R.W. A. W. Morris, Gr. S. | [Rule] | Indianapolis: John Douglass, Printer — Journal office. [Rule] I 1842. [ 189 ] 13 x 22 cm. 26, 1 p. IaCrM. DSC. NNFM. Indiana University. Catalogue | of the | Trustees, Officers, & Students | of | In- 360 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY diana University | 1841-42. | [Rule] | Bloomington : | M. L. Deal, Pr. | 1842. [ 190 ] 13.5 x 20.5 cm. 17 p. Cover title only; no title page. InU. 1843 Anderson's High School, New Albany, Ind. Catalogue | of the | Teachers and Pupils | of | Anderson's High School, I New Albany, la., | i842-'43. | New Albany | Wm. H. Green, Printer. | 1843. [ 191 ] x cm. 8 p. Nixon. Baptists. Indiana. Bedford Association. Minutes | of the formation of the | Bedford Baptist Associa- tion, I organized in Bedford, Lawrence County, Indiana, on | the first day of September, 1843. I [Short rule]. [ 192 ] 13 x 21 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Bethel Association. Minutes | of the | Seventh Annual Meeting | of the | Bethel Association, | held at the | Meeting House of the Baptist Church, I on Mill-Creek, Washington Co., la., | on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, | August 27, 28, and 29, 1843. | [Filet] I Salem, Ind. | Printed by Tho's. F. Williams. | [Ride] \ 1843. [ J 93 ] 11.5 x 19 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Curry's Prairie Association. Minutes | of the tenth annual meeting | of the | Curry's Prairie Association of Regular Baptists, | held with the Little Flock Church, Sept. 8, 9, and 10, 1843. | [Double ride]. [ 194 ] 15.5 x 25 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes I of the I twenty-first anniversary | of the | Flat Rock INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 361 Baptist Association, | held with the second Mount Pleasant Church, Johnson County, la., | commencing on the fourth Saturday in August, 1843. [ T 95 ] 14.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Huntington Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Second Anniversary | of the | Huntington Baptist Association, | held with the Logansport Church, | June 17, 18, 19, 1843. I [Rule] I Lafayette: | M. Bemiss, Printer. | 1843. J [Rule]. [ 196 ] 14 x 20 cm. 9 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Indianapolis Regular Baptist Association. | Held at the Indianapolis Church, | on Friday and Saturday, the 1st and 2d of September, 1843. I [Short ride] \ [2 lines] [Short rule] | Andersontown : | Joseph G. Jones, Printer. | 1843- [ 197 1 14 x 22 cm. 7 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the eleventh annual meeting | of the | Madison Baptist Association | begun and held at Bethel Meeting House, Ripley County, la., | on the 9th, 10th, and nth days of Septem- ber, 1843. I [Rule] I Price of printing — $19 for 1900 copies. | [Ride] I A. Frost, Printer — Vernon, la. | [Row of dots] | 1843. t T 98 ] 12 x 20 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Northern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | Seventh Anniversary | of the | Northern Indiana | Baptist Association, | held with the church | in Door Village, I June third and fifth, 1843. | [Double rule] | South Bend, la. : | W. & J. Millikan, Printers. | 1843. [ 199 ] 13 x 19.5 cm. 13 p. NHC-S. 362 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Baptists. Indiana. Tippecanoe Regular Baptist Association. Eleventh Annual Publication. | [Rule] | Minutes | of the | Eleventh Annual Meeting | of the | Tippecanoe Regular Baptist | Association : | held with the Middletown Church, | Mont- gomery County, la., | May 27th, 28th and 29th, 1843. i [Rule]. [ 200 ] 14 x 22 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Abstract | of | proceedings of a grand communication | of the | Grand Lodge | of Indiana, | Begun and held in the Masonic Hall, in the city of Indianapolis, | on Monday the 22d of May, A. L. 5843, A. D. 1843. I [Rule] | M.W. Philip Mason, Grand Master. | R.W. A. W. Morris, Gr. Secretary. | [Rule] | In- dianapolis: I Printed by S. V. B. Noel. | 1843. [ 201 ] 14 x 23.5 cm. 40 p. Printed pink paper wrappers. IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Masonic Celebration | of the | Grand Lodge, | Indianapolis, May 25, 1843. I • • • [ 202 ] 15 x 31 cm. Broadside. Text in decorative border. Contains the text of two hymns. In. Friends, Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Both Sides of the Question. [1843.] [ 20 3 ] 12 x 21 cm. 23 p. Caption title ; no imprint. Contains (p. 1-6) Address from the Yearly Meeting for Sufferings, of Indian [sic] Yearly Meeting of Friends, held at White Water, in Wayne Co. la. by adjournments, on the 6th and 7th of the Third mo. 1843 (see Walker, no. 354) and also (p. 6-23) Address, of the Meeting for Sufferings of Indiana Yearly Meeting of Anti-Slavery Friends held by adjournment on the 10th of 4th month 1843. Nixon. Friends (Anti-Slavery), Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Defence | of | Anti-Slavery Friends, | against the slanderous attacks of an anonymous | reviewer. | Issued by the Meeting INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 363 for Sufferings of Indiana Yearly | Meeting of A. S. Friends, held at Newport, in Wayne Co. | Indiana, on the 25th of nth month, 1843. I [Newport ? 1843.] [ 204 ] 12 x 18 cm. 39 p. Caption title; no imprint, but possibly printed at Newport (now Fountain City) at the press of the society's organ, the Free Labor Advocate, and Anti-Slavery Chronicle. Nixon. Friends, Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Review | Of an "Address of the Society of Friends of Indiana Yearly | Meeting, to the Christian professors in the United States, I and to the Citizens generally, on the subject of Slav- ery." I [Newport ? 1843.] [ 20 5 ] 12 x 18 cm. 11 p. Caption title; no imprint. Issued with the pamphlet Defence of Anti- Slavery Friends. Nixon. Owen, Robert Dale. To the Electors | of the | First Congressional District of In- diana. I [New Harmony ? 1843.] [ 2 °6 ] 15 x 23.5 cm. 16 p. Caption title ; no imprint. The text refers to speaking dates, "Monday, 29th May, Cynthiana, Posey Co. Thursday, 1st June, Columbia, Gibson Co." and others. These dates belong to the year 1843. In. Owen, Robert Dale. The Last Calumny. | [Thick-thin rule] | I have been looking, with some cu-|riosity, to discover, what is to be the | report, got up at the eleventh hour, | ... | [At end:] Robert Dale Owen. I Fredonia, July 27, 1843. I [New Harmony ? 1843.] 17.5 x 34 cm. Broadside. Text in 2 columns. [ 207 ] Denies breaking an agreement about a political speaking schedule. In. Western Union Democrat. Address | of the | Carriers | of the | Western Union Demo- crat, to their Patrons | January 1, 1844. | [New Albany, 1843.] [ 208 ] 364 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 28 x 41 cm. Broadside. Text in highly decorated border. No place mentioned, and no printer. In. [Whitcomb, James] Facts for the People | in relation to a | Protective Tariff; | embracing | a brief review of the operation of our ta-|riff laws since the organization of the | government, including that of 1842. I By an Indianian. | Second Edition. | Indianapolis: | G. A. & J. P. Chapman, Printers. | 1843. [ 209 ] 14 x 21.5 cm. 48 p. The name of the author is supplied from the title page of the 1882 reprint (Walker no. 370). In. 1844 Baptists. Indiana. Bethel Association. Minutes | of the eighth annual meeting | of the Bethel Associa- tion, I held at the Baptist Church, at Lost River, | on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, August 24, 25, 26, 1844. | [Filet]. 13 x 22 cm. 4 p. [ 210 ] Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Coffee Creek Association. Minutes | of the | Eighteenth Annual Meeting | of the | Coffee Creek Baptist Association | begun and held at | Hopewell Meet- ing House, Jefferson Co., la. | 7th, 8th, and 9th days of Sep- tember, 1844. I [Short rule] [Vernon: Richard Randall. 1844.I [ 211 ] 15.5 x 23.5 cm. 4 P- Caption title; imprint on p. 4: [Rule] | Price — $1250 for 1000 Copies. | Richard Randall, Pr. — Vernon, la. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Curry's Prairie Association. Minutes, | of the eleventh annual meeting, | of the | Currey's [sic] Prairie Association of Regular Baptists, | held with the I Union Church, | September 6, 7, and 8th, 1844. [ 212 ] 15.5 x 25 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 365 Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | twenty-second anniversary | of the | Flat Rock Baptist Association, | held with the Sand Creek Church, Decatur County, la., commencing | on the fourth Saturday in August, 1844. I [Rule] [Greensburg: Mills & Thomson. 1844.1 [ 213 ] 14.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. Caption title. Imprint on p. 8 : Mills & Thomson, Printers, Greensburg, la. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Huntington Association. Minutes | of the | Third Anniversary | of the | Huntington Baptist Association, | held with the | Fort Wayne Church. | June, 15, & 17, 1844. I [Filet] | Fort Wayne, | People's Press Office. I 1844. [ 214 ] 12 x 22 cm. [12] p. PC A. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Indianapolis | Regular Baptist Association, | held at Little Buck Creek Meeting House, on Friday and | Saturday, the sixth and seventh of September, 1844. | [ Short ride] I [Indianapolis: S. V. B. Noel. 1844.] [ 215 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 8 : [Rule] | Printed by S. V. B. Noel, Indian- apolis, Indiana. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes | of the twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Laugh- ery Association of | Baptists, held at Wilmington Meeting House, Dearborn county, la., | commencing the 1st Saturday of Sept., 1844. I [Madison : Office of the Christian Messenger. 1844.] [ 216 ] 15 x 23 cm. 8 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 8: [Rule] | Printed at the office of the Christian Messenger, Madison, 1844. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Baptist Association. Minutes | of the 12th annual meeting of the | Madison Baptist Association : | begun and held at Mt. Pleasant heeting [sic] 366 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY house, Decatur County, Indiana, | on the 14th, 15th, and 16th of Sept., A. D., 1844. I [Short rule] | [Vernon: Richard Ran- dall. 1844.] [ 217 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 4 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 4: Price — $2000 for 2150 copies. Richard Ran- dall, Pr. — Vernon, la. 1844. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Northern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | Eighth Anniversary | of the | Northern In- diana I Baptist Association, | held with the church | in Oswego, I June 1st, 2nd & 3d, 1844. | [Double rule] | South Bend, Ind. : I W. & J. Millikan, printers. | 1844. [ 218 ] 13 x 20 cm. 11 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Tippecanoe Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Twelfth Annual Session | of the | Tippe- canoe Regular Baptist Association, | held with the Baptist Church at Delphi, | May 25, 26 & 27, 1844. | [Rule] | Lafay- ette : I Bemiss & Reed, Printers. | 1844. [ 219 ] 14.5 x 22 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. White Lick Association. Minutes | of the | Ninth Annual Meeting, | of | White Lick Association | of | Regular Baptists, | held with Little Mount Church, on the fourteenth, | fifteenth, sixteenth and seven- teenth days I of September, A. D. 1844. | [Short ride] | Indian- apolis : I Printed by S. V. B. Noel. | 1844. [ 220 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Whitewater Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the Proceedings | of the thirty-fifth annual meet- ing of the I White Water Regular Baptist Association, | Held at 2nd Williams' Creek Church, Fayette County, Indiana, on the 9th, 10th and nth | days of August, 1844. | [Rushville: William D. M. Wickham. 1844.] [ 221 ] 20 x 28 cm. 4 p. Caption title. Imprint on p. 4: [Thick-thin rule] | Printed by William D. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 367 M. Wickham, Rushville, Indiana. | 1300 Copies for $10 16 | [Thin-thick rule] . NHC-S. In. Nixon. Edgerton, Walter. A Reply | To a Document, Entitled "An Expostulation to those who | have lately Seceded from the Society of Friends." I [Richmond ? 1844.] [ 222 ] 1 1. 5 x 16.5 cm. 47 p. Caption title ; no imprint. Dated and signed on p. 47: Spiceland 5th mo. 1844. Walter Edgerton. Nixon. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of | a Grand Communication | of the | Grand Lodge of Indiana, | Begun and Held in the Masonic Hall, in the City of | Indianapolis, on Monday, the 27th Day of | May, A. L. 5844, A. D. 1844. I [Short rule] | Ordered to be read in all of the Lodges. | [Short rule] \ M.W. Philip Mason, Grand Master. | Brother Austin W. Morris, of Indianapolis, Grand Secretary. | [Short wavy rule] | Indianapolis : | G. A. & I. P. Chapman, Printers. | 1844. [ 223 ] 14.5 x 23.5 cm. 71 p. NNFM. DSC. MBFM. Friends (Anti-Slavery), Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Minutes, ,| of Indiana Yearly Meeting of Anti-Slavery Friends, held at | Newport, Wayne County Indiana, 9th Month 2nd 1844. I [Newport ? 1844.] [ 224 ] 13.5 x 18.5 cm. 30 p. Caption title. No imprint, but possibly printed at the office of the Free Labor Advocate, and Anti-Slavery Chronicle, Newport (now Fountain City). In. Nixon. Friends (Anti-Slavery), Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Address, | Of Indiana Yearly Meeting of Anti-Slavery Friends held I at Newport, Wayne County Indiana, from the 2nd of the I 9th month to the 7th of the same, inclusive 1844. | To the 368 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY members of the Society of Friends on the American | Contin- ent. | [Newport ? 1844.] [ 225 ] 13.5 x 18.5 cm. 20 p. Caption title. No imprint, but from the same printing office as the Minutes of this meeting, with which the Address was issued. In. Nixon. Friends, Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Epistles. I [Short rule] | At a Meeting for Sufferings of In- diana Yearly Meeting of | Friends, held at Whitewater, 5th mo. 30th, 1844; I [Richmond ? 1844.] [ 226 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 6 p. Caption title ; no imprint. Nixon. Indiana University. Catalogue | of the | Trustees, Officers, and Students | of | The Indiana University. | 1843-4. | [Rule] | Bloomington : | M. L. Deal, Printer. | 1844. [ 227 ] 14.5 x 23.5 cm. 20 p. Cover title only; no title page. InU. MH. Indianapolis. Journeymen Tailors. Bill of prices, | established by the | Journeymen Tailors [ of Indianapolis, Indiana, | March 23, 1844. | . . . | State Sentinel Print — Indianapolis. [ 228 ] 20 x 30 cm. Broadside. In. Presbyterian Church. Synod of Indiana. To I Christians in Slaveholding States, | by | the Synod of Indiana. | [Thin-thick-thin rule] | [1844.] [ 229 ] 31 x 43.5 cm. Broadside. Text in 4 columns. Printed name at end: James H. Johnson, St'd Clerk. "The testimony of the Synod of Northern Indiana on the subject of slavery is contained in a fraternal letter which they addressed in 1844 to the ministers and members of the churches belonging to the Synods situated in the slave-holding States. . . ." (Robinson, John, The Testimony and Practice of the Presbyterian Church in Reference to American Slavery, Cincinnati, 1852, p. 50.) In. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 369 1845 Baptists. Indiana. Bedford Association. Minutes | of the | second annual meeting of the | Bedford Association | of Baptists, | held at Spring Creek Meetinghouse, Lawrence County, la., commen-|cing the 2d Saturday in Au- gust, 1845, an d the days following, to-wit : . . . [ 230 ] 15 x 22 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Bethel Association. Minutes | of the 9th annual meeting of the Bethel Association | held at the Baptist Church at Salem, on Saturday, Sunday | and Monday, August 23, 24, and 25, 1845. [ 2 3 I ] 12.5 x 19.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. The minutes of the tenth and eleventh annual meetings, 1846 and 1847, were printed in Louisville, Kentucky. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Bloomington Association. Minutes | of the | Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the | Bloom- ington Association | of Baptists, | held with the Friendship Church, Davis [sic] County, Indiana, commencing | the 4th Saturday in August, 1845, and days following, to-wit: . . . 16 x 12 cm. 2 p. [ 232 ] Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Curry's Prairie Association. Minutes | of the | Twelfth Annual Session, of the Curry's Prairie Association, of regular Baptist [sic], held with Mount Zion I Church, Vigo County, Indiana, September | 12th & 13th, A. D. 1845. I [Rde\. [233 1 15.5 x 25 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. The minutes of the 13th session, 1846, were printed in Charleston, Illinois. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | twenty-third anniversary | of the | Flat- Rock Baptist Association, | held with the Shelbyville Church, 370 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Shelby County, Indiana : | commencing on the Fourth Satur- day in August, 1845. I [Rule] | [4 lines, quotation] \ [Rule] \ Greensburg, la: | Mills & Thomson, Printers. | 1845. [ 2 34 ] 14.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Nineteenth Annual Meeting | of the | Indian- apolis Regular Baptist Association, | held at Little Eagle, Marion County, Indiana, on the 5th and 6th of | September, I 845, I [Wavy ride] | Indianapolis: | Printed by S. V. B. Noel. I [Row of dots] | 1845. [ 2 35 ] 15 x 25 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Lost River Association. Minutes of the | twentieth annual meeting of the | Lost River Association, | of Regular Baptist [sic], held at Hibernia Meet- ing House, I Clark county, la., held Saturday | before the first Sunday, Lords [sic] day, and Monday in September, 1845. | [Double rule]. [ 236 ] 13 x 20 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the | Thirteenth Annual Meeting | of the | Madi- son Association | of | Baptists, | held with the Brushy Fork Church, in Jefferson County, Indiana, | on the 13th, 14th and 15th days of September, | A. D. 1845. I [Rule] | Madison: | Printed at the Christian Messenger Office, | 1845. [ 237 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. North Eastern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | North Eastern | Baptist Association. | Held with I the Johnson Church, | May 21, & 22, | 1845. I [Rule] \ Lima: | W. Dryer [ ?] | 1845. [ 238 ] 1 1.5 x 20 cm. 8 p. Imprint blotted in the copy described. NHC-S. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 371 Baptists. Indiana. Northern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | Ninth Anniversary | of the | Northern In- diana I Baptist Association, | held with the church | in South Bend, | May 30,-31, 1845. I [Short rule] | South Bend, la: | W. Millikan, Printer. | [Short ride] | 1845. [ 2 39 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 11 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Salamonie River Regular Baptist Associa- tion. Minutes | of the | Fifth Anniversary | of the | Salamonie River Regular | Baptist Association, | held with the | Hartford Church. Blackford Co., | Indiana, | August 23rd and 25th, 1845. I [Ride] I Jonesborough : | printed by D. W. Jones, at the Aurora Office. | [1845.] [ 240 ] 15 x 23 cm. 5 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Sand Creek Association. Minutes | of the second meeting of the | Sand-Creek Baptist Association, | begun and held at Brush Creek Meeting House, Jennings County, la., | on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of August, 1845. ! [Rule] J [Vernon: A. Frost. 1845.] [ 241 ] 13 x 17.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 4: [Rule] | (A. Frost, Printer — Vernon, In- diana — 500 copies for $643.) NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Tippecanoe Regular Baptist Association. No. 13. 1845. I [Double ride] | Thirteenth Annual Publication. I [Double rule] | Minutes | of the | Thirteenth Annual Session j of the I Tippecanoe Regular Baptist Association. | Held with the Baptist Church | at Covington, Ind., | August 22d, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 1845. I [Rule] | Lafayette : | John B. Semans, Printer. | 1845. [ 2 4 2 ] 13 x 22 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Union Association. Minutes of the 21st Anniversary of the Union Association of | Baptists, held at Union Church, in Pike County, Indiana; | 372 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY which commenced on the 26th day of September, 1845, an d | continued until the 29th of the same month. [ 243 ] 13.5 x 18 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. White Lick Association. Minutes | of the | Tenth Annual Meeting | of the White Lick Association | of Regular Baptists, | held with Bethel Church, Putnam county, Indiana, on the | twelfth, thirteenth, four- teenth, and fifteenth | days of September, A. D. 1845. [ 244 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Whitewater Regular Baptist Association. Minutes | of the Proceedings | of the thirty-sixth annual meet- ing of the I White Water Regular Baptist Association, | Held at Zion Church, Rush County, Indiana, on the 8th, 9th and 10th days of | August, 1845. | [Brookville: Berry & West. 1845.] [ 2 45 ] 18.5 x 26 cm. 3 p. Caption title. Imprint on p. 3 : [Rule] | Printed by Berry & West, Brook- ville, la., 1,200 copies | for $8 00. In. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of a | grand communication | of the | Grand Lodge of Indiana, | begun and held in the Masonic Hall, in the city of India-|napolis, on Monday the 26th day of May, | A. L. 5845 — A. D. 1845. ! Ordered to be read in all the lodges. | [Rule] I M.W. Isaac Bartlett, Grand Master. | Br. Austin W. Morris, Grand Secretary. | [Rule] | Indianapolis: | Printed by S. V. B. Noel. I 1845. " [ 246 ] 1 1.5 x 19.5 cm. 59 p. IaCrM. DSC. MBFM. NNFM. Friends (Anti-Slavery), Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Minutes | of | Indiana Yearly Meeting of A. S. Friends, held at Newport, | Wayne Co. Indiana, 9th mo. 1st. 1845. | [New- port ? 1845.] [ 2 47 ] INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 373 12.5 x 18.5 cm. 39 p. Caption title. No imprint, but possibly printed at Newport (now Fountain City). Contains as appendixes : Memorial to Congress (p. 16-17) ; A Petition [to the general assemblies of Indiana and Ohio] (p. 17) ; Address to Friends generally (p. 17-22) ; Address to the Professors of Christianity in the United States (p. 22-27) ; Memoir of Caroline Thomas (p. 28-34) ', Memoir of Pheraba H. Charles (p. 35-39). Nixon. Indiana Medical College. Fifth annual announcement of the Indiana Medical College, 1845-46. La Porte, 1845. [ 2 4 8 ] DSG. Indiana University. Catalogue | of the | Trustees, Officers, & Students | of the | Indiana University. 1844-5. [Rule] Bloomington: Printed at the Christian Record Office. | 1845. [ 2 49 ] 14.5 x 22.5 cm. 16 p. Cover title only; no title page. InU. MH. 1846 Baptists. Illinois. Palestine Association. Minutes | of the | Sixth Annual Meeting | of the | Palestine Regular Baptist Association, | Held with the | New Providence Church, I Vigo County, Indiana, | On the fourth, fifth, and sixth days of | September, 1846. | [Rule] | Terre Haute, Ind. | Printed at the Wabash Courier Office. | 1846. [ 251 ] 11 x 19.5 cm. 7 p. IAIB. Baptists. Indiana. Bloomington Association. Minutes | of the Bloomington Association of Baptists, held with Sharon Church, | Monroe County, Indiana, commencing on the fourth Satur-|day in August, 1846, and days following. I [Short rule]. [ 252 ] 22 x 12 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. 374 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Baptists. Indiana. Coffee Creek Association. Minutes I of the | Twentieth Annual Meeting | of the | Coffee Creek Baptist Association | begun and held at | White River Meeting House, | Jefferson County, Indiana, | on the 5th, 6th and 7th days of September, 1846. | [Filet] | Vernon, Indiana, | Calvin R. Johnson, Printer. | 1846. | $1340 for 1,340 copies. 15.5 x 23.5 cm. 7 p. [ 253 ] Walker no. 436 records a copy without the title page. NHC-S. In (no title page). Baptists. Indiana. Elkhart River Association. Minutes | of the | First Anniversary | of the | Elkhart River | Baptist Association | held with the church | in Benton, \ May 23d to 25th 1846. I [Wavy ride] | South-Bend; | Schuyler Colfax, Printer. | 1846. [ 254 ] 11. 5 x 19 cm. 16 p. Schuyler Colfax was vice-president of the United States under Grant. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | twenty-fourth anniversary | of the | Flat Rock Baptist Association held with the Mount Moriah Church, Decatur County, Indiana, | commencing on the Fourth Saturday in August, 1846. | [Rule] \ [4 lines, quotation] \ [Rule] I Shelbyville, la: | David Thacher, Printer. | 1846. 14.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. [ 255 ] NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. General Association. Minutes | of the | Thirteenth [should be Fourteenth] Anniver- sary I of the I Indiana Baptist Gen. Association. | Also, the Annual Meetings of the | Indiana For. Mis., Indian Mis., Bible, and | Education Societies. | Held at | Delphi, October 2-5, 1846. I [Rule] I Indianapolis : | Printed at the Messenger Office. I 1846. [ 256 ] 14.5 x 21.5 cm. [16] p. PC A. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Association. Minutes | of the | Twentieth Annual Meeting | of the | Indian- apolis Baptist Association, | held at | Pleasant View, Shelby INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 375 County la. | on the | Fourth and Fifth of September, 1846. j [Rule] I Indianapolis: | Printed at the Messenger Office, j 1846. 1 257 ] 12 x 20 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes | of the | Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting | of the | Laughery Association of Baptists. | Held with the Laughery Valley Church, Dearborn County, Indiana, | commencing on Friday, the 4th day of September, 1846. | [Short ride] j Ver- sailles : Printed at the office of the Western Intelligencer. | [1846.] [ 258 ] 14 x 21 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the | Fourteenth Annual Meeting | of the | Madi- son Association | of | Baptists, | held with the Indian Kentucky Church, in Jefferson | County, Indiana, | on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, | 12th, 13th and 14th days September, | 1846. | [Ride] I Madison: | Printed at the Messenger Office, j 1846. 12.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. [ 259 ] NHC-S. * Baptists. Indiana. North Eastern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | tenth anniversary | of the | North Eastern Indiana | Baptist Association | held in the village of | Orland, I May 27th & 28th, 1846. I [Rule] | Lima, Ind. | J. S. Castle & Co. Printers. | 1846. [ 260 ] II x 17.5 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Northern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | Tenth Anniversary | of the | Northern In- diana I Baptist Association, | held with the church | in Val- paraiso, I June 5th 6th & 7th 1846. | [Wavy rule] | South- Bend: I Schuyler Colfax, Printer. | 1846. [ 261 ] 12 x 19 cm. 13 p. NHC-S. 376 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Baptists. Indiana. Salamonie River Regular Baptist Associa- tion. Minutes | of the | Sixth Anniversary | of the | Salamonia [sic] River Regular Baptist Association, | held with the | West Union Church, | Huntington County, Indiana, | August 22nd, and 24th, 1846. I [Double rule] | Muncie : | [Short rule] \ Printed at the Journal Office. | [Short rule] | 1846. [ 262 ] 13 x 20 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Tippecanoe Baptist Association. No. 14. 1846. I [Wavy rule] \ Fourteenth Annual Publication. I [Wavy ride] \ Minutes | of the | Fourteenth Annual Session | of the I Tippecanoe Baptist Association : | held with the Baptist Church I at Lafayette, Indiana, | August 21st, 22d, 23d and 24th, 1846. I [Ride] I Lafayette: | John Rosser, Printer. | 1846. [ 263 ] 12 x 19 cm. 12 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. White Lick Association. Minutes | of the | Eleventh Anniversary | of the White Lick Association | of Regular Baptists, | held with Bethel Church, Owen County, Indiana, on the j twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth | days of September, A. D. 1846. | [Indianapolis: Morrison & Spann. 1846.] [ 264 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 8: [Rule] | Morrison & Spann Print, Indian- apolis. NHC-S. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of a | grand communication | of the | Grand Lodge of Indiana, | begun and held in the Masonic Hall, in the city of I Indianapolis, on Monday the 25th, day of May, | A. L., 5846 — A. D. 1846. I Ordered to be read in all the lodges. | [Rule] I M.W. Johnson Watts, Grand Master. | R.W. A. W. Morris, Grand Secretary. | [Rule] | Indianapolis : | Printed by John D. Defrees. | 1846. [ 265 ] II x 19.5 cm. 123 p. IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 377 Friends (Anti-Slavery), Society of. Indiana Yearly Meeting. Minutes, | of the | Yearly Meeting, | of | Anti-Slavery Friends. I Held at: Newport la. | 10th Mo. 1st 1846, and continued six days. I [Rule] | Newport, la. | Printed at the office of the Free Labor Advocate. | [Short rule] | 1846. [ 266 ] 13.5 x 18 cm. Paged 1-16, 1-8, 17-20. In the second section are the following appendixes : Address from the Year- ly meeting of the religious Society of Anti-Slavery Friends, held at Newport Wayne County la., 10th month, 1846; to the Non-Slaveholders residing in the Slaveholding States of the American Union (p. 1-4) ; To the members of the Society of Friends throughout the world (p. 5-7) ; Epistle of Advice (p. 8 and p. 17-19) ; Petition to the Senate and House of Representatives, of the State of Indiana in General Assembly convened (p. 20). On p. 15: "The committee on printing were directed to have 2000 separate copies each, of the address to the members of the Society of Friends throughout the world, and that to the non-slaveholders, printed, and to endeavor to put them in circulation . . . ." Nixon. Gospels and Epistles | for every | Sunday, | and the | Principal Festivals | in the year. | Together with the morning and ! eve- ning exercises, | and | Prayers for Mass. | [Short rule] Notre-Dame-du-Lac. | [Short rule] | 1846. [ 267 ] 9.5 x 13 cm. Title page, verso blank; 1 blank leaf; 107, [1], xxxiv p. The section with roman page numbers is headed : Morning and Evening Devotions. Improved title of Walker no. 446 (In copy collated xxxiii p. only). InNd. In. Indiana University. Catalogue | of the | Trustees, Officers, and Students | of | In- diana University, | 1846. | [Rule] | Bloomington : | Printed by C. Davisson. | [Short rule] | 1846. [ 268 ] 14 x 22.5 cm. 16 p. Cover title only; no title page. InU (2 copies). [Lucas, E. F.] [Thick-thin rule] | Democratic Pharos — Extra. | Thursday Morning, Feb. 5, 1846. | [Logansport, 1846.] [ 269 ] 21 x 55 cm. Broadside. Text in 3 columns. Contains a letter from E. F. Lucas, Peru, February 2, 1846, on alleged frauds in the Peru land office. In. 378 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Madison and Indianapolis Railroad Company. Statement | made by the President, | of the affairs and pros- pects | of the | Madison and Indianapolis Rail Road Com- pany. | April 2, 1846. I [Indianapolis ? 1846.] [ 270 ] 12 x 18.5 cm. 12 p. DIC. Wabash College. A Catalogue | of the | Officers and Students | in | Wabash College, I November 15, 1846. | Indianapolis: | Chapmans & Spann, Printers. | 1846. [ 271 ] 14 x 22 cm. xxii p. MH. [Whitcomb, James] Democratic Pharos — Extra | [Thick-thin rule] | Thursday, 8 A. M., January 29, 1846. | [Thick-thin rule] | Land Fraud. | Letter from the Govern- 1 or. | [Logansport, 1846.] [ 272 ] 21.5 x 55.5 cm. Broadside. Text in 2 columns. In. 1847 Baptists. Illinois. Palestine Regular Baptist Association. No. 7. 1847. I Seventh Annual Publication. | [Wavy rule] \ Minutes | of the | Seventh Annual Session | of the | Palestine Regular Baptist Association, Held with the Good Hope Church, I Ten miles South- West of Palestine, | September 3rd, 4th, and 5th, 1847. I [Double rule] | [Vincennes, 1847.] 14.5 x 23 cm. 4 p. [ 273 ] Caption title. Imprint at bottom of p. 1 : R. Y. Caddington, Printer, Vin- cennes, la. IAIB (2 copies). Baptists. Indiana. Curry's Prairie Association. Minutes | of the | Fifteenth [should be Fourteenth] Annual Session | of the | Curry's Prairie Association : | held with the | Second Prairie Creek Church, | Vigo County, Indiana. | Octo- ber 8th, 9th, and nth, 1847. | [Wavy rule] | Terre Haute: | Jesse Conard, Printer. | 1847. [ 2 74 ] 13. 5 x 20 cm. 8 p. The minutes of the 13th session, 1846, were printed in Charleston, Illinois. NHC-S. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 379 Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | twenty-fifth anniversary | of the | Flat Rock Baptist Association, | held with the Union Church, Bartholo- mew County, Indiana, | Commencing on the Fourth Saturday in August, 1847. I [Dotted ride] | Price of printing — one cent per copy. | [Dotted ride] | Greensburg, la : | Printed by J. W. Mills I 1847. [ 275 ] 13 x 19.5 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Freedom Association. Minutes of the 7th Anniversary | of the | Freedom Association of United Baptists, | held with the New Discovery Church, Parke County, Indiana, on the 3d, | 4th, 5th and 6th days of September, 1847. | [Short rule]. [ 276 ] 14.5 x 21.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the | Fifteenth Annual Meeting | of the | Madison Association of Baptists, | held with the | Versailles Church, Ripley County, la. | on the | 8th and 9th days of September, A. D. 1847. I [Type ornament] | Price of printing — one cent per copy. | [Type ornament] | Vernon: | Printed by Richard Randall. | 1847. [ 277 ] 12.5 x 18.5 cm. 7 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. North Eastern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | eleventh anniversary | of the | North- Eastern Indiana | Baptist Association, | held with the Baptist Church in I Jefferson, | May, 14th & 15th, 1847. | [Short ride] | Lima, Ind. I J. S. Castle, Printer. | [Short rule] | 1847. [ 278 ] 11 x 17 cm. 15 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Sand Creek Association. Minutes | of the | Fourth Annual Meeting | of the | Sand Creek Association of Baptists, | held with the | Hopewell Church in Ripley County, la. | on the | 21st, 22d, and 23d days 380 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY of August, A. D. 1847. I [Filet] | Price of Printing— one cent per copy. | [Filet] | Vernon : | Printed by Richard Randall. | 1847. [ 279 ] 14 x 18 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Tippecanoe Association. No. 15, 1847. I [Wavy rule] | Fifteenth Annual Publication. | [Wavy rule] | Minutes | of the | Fifteenth Annual Session | of the I Tippecanoe Baptist Association : | held with the | Middle Fork Sugar Creek Church. | August 20th. 21st. and 23d. 1847. I [Wavy rule] | Lafayette, | John Rosser, Printer. | 1847. 12 x 20 cm. 15 p. [ 280 ] NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. White Lick Association. Minutes | of the | Twelfth Annual Meeting | of the | White Lick Association | of | Regular Baptist [sic], | held with | Stilesville Church, Hendricks County, Indiana, | on the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth days | of September, A. D. 1847. I [Rule] I Danville, Indiana. | Printed by Lewis and Graham, | [Short rule] | 1847. [281] 13.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. [Woodcut] I Farmer's and Mechanic's | Almanac | for | 1848. I [Woodcut] I Published by J. & I. Rosser, | Book Binders, Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers and Stationers. | Lafay- ette, Indiana. | [1847.] [ 2§2 ] 14.5 x 20 cm. 26, 6 p. Title in border of type ornaments. The words "Farmer's and Mechanic's" are printed within a scroll. MWA. Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of a | grand communication | of the | Grand Lodge of Indiana, | begun and held in the Masonic Hall, in the city of I Indianapolis, on Monday, the 24th day of May, A. L., 5847 — A. D. 1847. I Ordered to be read in all the lodges. | [Wavy rule] | M.W. Elizur Deming, Gr. Master. | R.W. A. W. Morris, Gr. Secretary | [Wavy rule] | Indianapolis: | Printed by John Defrees. | 1847. [ 283 ] II x 19.5 cm. 84 p. IaCrM. MBFM. NNFM. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 381 Friends' Boarding School. Circular. | Friends' Boarding School, near Richmond, Indi- ana. I To the Monthly Meetings, and Friends Individually, be- longing to Indiana Yearly Meeting: | [Richmond ? 1847.] 17.5 x 24.5 cm. Broadside. [ 284 ] Signed and dated at end: "Benjamin Fulghum, clerk. Third Month, 226., 1847." Contains an announcement of the expected opening of the boarding school on "the first second-day in the sixth month, 1847." In (photostatic copy; original not located). Kavanaugh, B. T. An address | delivered before the | Grand Chapter, | and | Grand Lodge of Indiana, | on the | twenty-seventh day of May, 1847. I [Wavy rule] | By Rev. B. T. Kavanaugh, | Past Grand Master of Wisconsin. | [Wavy rule] | Indianapolis: | Printed by John D. Defrees. | 1847. [ 28 5 1 13 x 20.5 cm. 32 p. Printed tan paper wrappers. IaCrM. Odd Fellows. Indiana. La Porte Lodge. Constitution, | Regulations and Rules | of | La Porte Lodge No. 36, I I. O. O. F. I Instituted October 2nd, 1846. | La Porte, Indiana. | [Ride] | May the Great Spirit guide us. | [Rule] \ [Double ride] | La Porte, Indiana : | W. & J. Millikan, Printers. I 1847. [ 286 ] 12.5 x 17.5 cm. 31 p. WHi. The I Rough & Ready | Almanac | for | 1848. | [Type orna- ment] I Containing all the battles fought in Mexico by | Old Zack Taylor. | Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, and the great Battle | of Buena Vista, together with the Capture of Vera | Cruz and the Battle of Cero [sic] Gordo | by the hero of Lundy's Lane. | [Wavy ride] | Published by Perry & Dodd, I Auction and Commission Merchants, | Lafayette, Indiana. | [Rule] I John Rosser, Printer. | [1847O [ 28 7 ] 14 x 19 cm. 32 p. Title in border of type ornaments. Nixon. To the Voters of the | Second Congressional District of Ind. | [1847.] [ 288 1 12.5 x 21 cm. 27 p. 382 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Caption title ; no imprint, but probably printed in Indiana. Signed "Your Fellow Voter." Contains an attack on President Polk and on Thomas J. Henley, Democratic candidate for Congress. In. Wabash College. Catalogue | of the | Officers and Students | in | Wabash Col- lege, | Crawfordsville, Indiana, | November i, 1847. | Indian- apolis : J Printed by John D. Defrees. | 1847. [ 289 ] 15 x 23 cm. xix p. MH. 1848 Baptists. Indiana. Bethel Association. Minutes | of the | twelfth annual meeting | of the | Bethel As- sociation, I held at Charlestown, Clark County, la., on Satur- day, I Sunday and Monday, Aug. 26th, 27th, and 28th, A. D. 1848. I [Wavy rule]. [ 290 ] 12.5 x 21 cm. 6 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Curry's Prairie Association. Minutes | of the | Fifteenth Annual Session | of the | Curry's Prairie | Association, | of | Regular Baptists, | held with Fair- banks Church, [ Sullivan County, Indiana, | October 6-9, 1848. I [Filet] I Terre-Haute : | D. S. Danaldson, Printer. | [Short rule] I 1848. [ 291 ] 1 1.5 x 21 cm. 11 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | twenty-sixth anniversary | of the | Flat-Rock Baptist Association : | held with the Mt. Gilead Church, Shelby County, Indiana, | commencing on the fourth Saturday in Au- gust, 1848. I [Dotted rule] j Price — one cent per copy | [Dotted rule] | Greensburg, Ind : | O. & O. Thomson Printers. I 1848. [ 292 ] 13.5 x 20.5 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Association. Minutes | of the Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the | In- INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 383 dianapolis Baptist Association, | held with the Stoney Creek Church, Commencing on Friday before | the first Sabbath in Sept., 1848. I [Wavy rule], [ 293 ] 14 x 2$ cm. 8 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Judson Association. No. 1. 1848. I Minutes | of a convention. | Composed of dele- gates from several Regular Baptist Churches, held at Camden, Carroll county, Indiana, | Saturday Oct. 28th, 1848. | [Filet], 11 x 20 cm. 7 p. [ 294 ] Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes of the thirty-first Annual meeting of the Laughery Association of Baptists, | held with the Church in Lawrence- burg, Dearborn County, Indiana, on Friday, | Saturday, and Sunday — the 1st, 2d, and 3d days of September, 1848. [ 295 ] 14 x 21 cm. 8 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the | Sixteenth Annual Meeting | of the | Madison Association of Baptists, | held with the | Harberts Creek Church, I Jefferson County, Indiana; ninth, tenth and eleventh I days of September, 1848. | [Short rule] | Price of printing — one cent per copy. | [Short rule] | Vernon : | Printed by Calvin R. Johnson, j 1848. [ 296 ] 12.5 x 17.5 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. North Eastern Indiana Association. Minutes of the twelfth anniversary | of the North- Eastern In- diana I Baptist Association, | held with the Jackson Church — June 17th & 18th, 1848. | [Double rule] \ [Lima: J. S. Castle, 1848.] [ 297 ] 13.5 x 20 cm. 8 p. Caption title. Imprint on p. 8: J. S. Castle, Printer, Lima, la. NHC-S. 384 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Baptists. Indiana. Sand Creek Association. Minutes | of the | Fifth Annual Meeting | of the ] Sand Creek Association of Baptists | held with the | Little Sand Creek Church, | in Bartholomew County, Indiana, on the 19th, 20th, I and 2 1 st days of August, 1848. | [Short rule] | Price of Printing — One Cent per copy. | [Short rule] | Vernon : | Print- ed by Calvin R. Johnson. | 1848, [ 298 ] 14 x 18.5 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. White Lick Association. Minutes | of the 13th annual meeting of the | White Lick As- sociation I of Regular Baptist [sic], held with Big Walnut Church, at Greencastle, Putnam | county, Indiana, on the 8th, 9th, 10th and nth days of September, 1848. | [Wavy rule]. 13.5 x 21 cm. 4 p. [ 299 ] Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Deming, Elizur. Address | Delivered at the Laying of the | Corner Stone | of the I Grand Lodge Hall of Indiana, | at | Indianapolis, Octo- ber 25th, A. L. 5848, I By the | M.W. Elizur Deming, | Grand Master of Masons in Indiana. | Together with | The order of Ceremonies and Proceedings on | the Occasion. | [Short wavy rule] I Published by order of the Grand Lodge. | [Short wavy rule] I Indianapolis: | Printed by John D. Defrees. | 1848. 14 x 22 cm. 37 p. [ 30O ] Paper wrapper is the same as title page except that it bears the date 1849 in place of 1848. IaCrM. MBFM. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Indianapolis Synod. Verhandlungen | der | dritten Sitzung | der | Deutsch Evang. Lutherischen Synode | von Indianapolis, | gehalten in der St. Johanniskirche, Cesarscreek Township, | Dearborn County, In- diana, I vom 8. bis zum 12. September, 1848. | [Filet] | Indi- anapolis : I Gedruckt in der Druckerei des Indiana Volks- blatts. I [Row of dots] | 1848. [ 301 ] 1 1.5 x 19 cm. 24 p. PPL T. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 385 Farmer's and Mechanic's | Almanac | for | 1849. | Published by J. & I. Rosser, | Book Binders, Printers, Blank Book Manu- facturers and Stationers. | Lafayette, Indiana. | [1848.] 14 x 19.5 cm. 32 p. Title in decorative border. [ 3 02 ] Title page has cuts representing agriculture, commerce, and manufactures. Nixon. Freemasons. Indiana. Cambridge Lodge No. 5. By-Laws | of | Cambridge Lodge No. 5. | held in Cambridge City, Indiana. | [Wavy rule] | Adopted December — A. L. 5845 — A. D. 1845. I [Wavy rule] | Cambridge City, la. | Printed by James H. Hunt. | [Short rule] | 1848. [ 303 ] 9 x 14.5 cm. 15 p. In. Freemasons. Indiana. Marion Lodge No. 35. By-Laws | of | Marion Lodge, No. 35 | of | Free and Accepted Masons. | Indianapolis : | Printed by John D. Defrees. j 1848, x cm. 8 p. [ 3°4 ] DSC. Freesoil Meeting. | Fellow Citizens of St. Joseph County. | ... I [South Bend, 1848.] [ 305 ] 24.5 x 37.5 cm. Broadside. Text in decorative scroll. Inviting supporters of the Wilmot Proviso to attend a meeting at South Bend on July 22 [1848]. InSbNHi. Indiana Medical College. Caution | to | Physicians and Students | in the | North- West. I [Rule] I September, 1848. | [La Porte ? 1848.] [ 306 ] 14 x 22 cm. 8 p. Caption title; no imprint. MHi. Indiana University. Catalogue | of the | Trustees, Officers, & Students | of the | University of Indiana. | 1848. | [Short rule] | Bloomington : I Printed at the office of the | "Indiana Tribune." | [Rozv of dots] I 1848. [ 307 ] 13 x 21.5 cm. 19 p. Cover title only; no title page. InU. 386 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Indianapolis and Bellefontaine Railroad Company. An Act | to Incorporate the Indianapolis and Bellefontaine | Rail-Road Company; | and the | By-Laws, Organization, | Officers, &c, &c, | of said incorporate company. | [Filet] \ Muncie: | John C. Osburn, Printer, | 1848. [ 308 ] 13 x 21.5 cm. 28 p. CSt. Streeter. Spees, Shubael Granby. A Discourse | on | the Great American Idea — | Universal Liberty. | Delivered in the | Second Presbyterian Church, | In- dianapolis, Indiana, | upon | Thanksgiving Day, | November 25th, 1847. I By I R ev - S. G. Spees. | Indianapolis: | Printed by Douglass & Elder. | 1848. [ 309 ] 13.5 x 20 cm. 26 p. Full name of author from General Catalogue of Union College, 1868. Improved title of Walker no. 535 (not located). WHL MB. NNUT. OCHP. No. 2 I [Double ride] | Western | Farmer and Gardener's | Almanac, | for | 1848. | [Thick-thin rule] | Issued every year from the office of the | Western Farmer and Gardener. | [Thick-thin rule] | Indianapolis, la. | Published by William Sheets & Co. | Printed at the Indiana State Journal Office. | John D. Defrees. | 1848. [ 310 ] 12 x 19 cm. 48 p. Title in thick-thin rule border. No. 1 of this series of almanacs is Walker no. 497. Nixon. 1849 Baptists. Indiana. Bedford Association. Minutes | of the fifth annual meeting of the | Bedford Asso- ciation I of Baptists, I held with the Beaver Creek Church, Lawrence County, Indiana, commencing on | Friday before the second Saturday in August, A. D. 1849, an d the days follow- ing: ... [ 311 ] 14.5 x 21.5 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Bethel Association. Minutes of the I thirteenth annual meeting of the | Bethel As- INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 387 sociation, | held at Mill Creek Church, | in Washington Coun- ty, Ind., on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday; | Aug. 25, 26, 27; A. D. 1849. I [Wavy rule] | [Paoli: C. M. Riely. 1849.] 12.5 x 21 cm. 7 p. [ 312 ] Caption title; imprint on p. 7: C. M. Riely, Printer, Paoli, Ind. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Brownstown Association. Minutes | of the | Fourteenth Annual Meeting | of the | Brownstown Association of Regular Baptists, | begun and held with the I Indian Creek Church, Jackson Co., Indiana, | on the 15th, 1 6th, and 17th days of September, 1849. | [Wavy rule] I [Brownstown: Advocate Office. 1849.] [ 313 ] 13.5 x 20 cm. 4 p. Caption title; imprint on p. 4: [Row of dots] | Price of printing — One cent per copy. | [Row of dots] | Brownstown: | Advocate Office. | 1849. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Coffee Creek Baptist Association. Minutes | of the | Twenty-Third Annual Meeting | of the | Coffee Creek Baptist Association, | held with the | Church at Mount Moriah, Jennings Co., Indiana, | on the 1st, 2d, and 3d days of September, 1849. | [Short rule] | Price of printing — $1030 for 1,030 copies. | [Short rule] | Vernon, Ind. | Calvin R. Johnson, Printer. | 1849. [ 314 ] 13.5 x 19 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Curry s Prairie Association. Minutes | of the | Sixteenth Annual Session | of the | Curry's Prairie | Association, | of | Regular Baptists, | held with Friendly Grove Church, | Clay County, Indiana, | October 12- 15, 1849. I [Wavy rule] | D. S. Danaldson, Printer: | Terre- Haute, I [Row of dots] | 1849. [ 3 X 5 ] 12.5 x 19 cm. 15 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Flat Rock Association. Minutes | of the | twenty-seventh anniversary | of the \ Flat- Rock Baptist Association | held with the Flat-Rock Church, Bartholomew County, | Indiana. — Commencing on the fourth Saturday in | August, 1849. | [ Rule] | Price — One Cent per 388 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Copy. | [Rule] | Shelbyville, Ind. | Elliott, Robertson & Co., Printers. | 1849. [ 316 ] 13 x 21 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Indianapolis Association. Minutes | of the | Twenty-Third Annual Meeting | of the | In- dianapolis Association of Baptists, | held with the Pleasant Run Church Friday before the First Sab-|bath in September, A. D. 1849. I [Wavy rule]. [ 317 ] 14.5 x 22.5 cm. 8 p. Caption title ; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Judson Regular Baptist Association. No. 2. 1849. I The first annual session of the | Judson Reg- ular Baptist Association. | Held with the Rossville Church, commencing Aug. 17th, 1849. I [Filet]. [ 318 ] 1 1.5 x 20 cm. 8 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Laughery Association. Minutes | of the | Thirty-Second Annual Meeting | of the | Laughery Association | of | Baptists, | held with the Bear Creek Church, Ohio County, Indiana. | Commencing on Fri- day, the 31st day of August, 1849. | [Rule] | Western Intelli- gencer print, Versailles, Ind. | [Short rule] | 1849. [ 319 ] 14 x 21 cm. 7 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Liberty Association. Minutes | of the | Second Annual Meeting | of the | Liberty Association of Regular Baptists, | begun and held with the | Freedom Church, Jackson County, Indiana, | on the 4th Sat- urday, Lord's Day, and Monday, of Sept., A. D. 1849. I [Wavy rule] I [Brownstown: Advocate Office. 1849.] [ 3 2 ° ] 14 x 21 cm. 4 p. Caption title ; imprint on p. 4 : [Row of dots] | Price of Printing— One Cent Per Copy. | [Row of dots] | Brownstown: | Advocate Office. | 1849. NHC-S. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 389 Baptists. Indiana. Madison Association. Minutes | of the | Seventeenth Annual Meeting | of the I Mad- ison Association | of | Baptists, | held with the Brushy Fork Church in Jefferson Co. Ind. ] on Saturday, Sunday and Mon- day, I 8th, 9th and 10th days of September, 1849. I [Wavy ride] I Madison: la. | Printed by B. F. Foster, Franklin Print- ing Rooms, I 1849. . [ 321 ] 12.5 x 20.5 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. North Eastern Indiana Association. Minutes | of the | thirteenth anniversary | of the | North- Eastern Ind. Baptist | Association; | Held with the Baptist Church in Johnson, | June 15 & 16, 1849. I [Rule] | Lima, Ind : I J. S. Castle, Printer. | 1849. [ 322 ] 10.5 x 17.5 cm. 7 p. Printed yellow paper wrappers. Cover title only, in wavy-rule border. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Sand Creek Association. Minutes | of the | Sixth Annual Meeting | of the | Sand Creek Association of Baptists, | held with the ] Church at Dry Fork, Decatur County, Indiana, | on the 18th, 19th, and 20th days of August, 1849. I [Short rule] | Price of printing — one cent per copy. I [Short ride] | Vernon, Ind. | Calvin R. Johnson, Print- er. I 1849. [ 3 2 3 ] 14 x 20 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Tippecanoe Association. Minutes | of the | Tippecanoe | Baptist Association, | at its | Seventeenth Anniversary, | August, 1849. | [Wavy rule] | Held with the Middletown Church. | [ Wavy rule] | Covington, Ind. I [Short rule] | "People's Friend" Print. | [Short rule] | 1849. 13 x 21 cm. 8 p. [ 324 ] NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. Union Association. Minutes of the 25th anniversary of the Union Association of Baptist [sic] | held at Aikman's Creek Church Daviess County, 390 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Indiana, on the 17th, | 18th, 19th and 20th, days of August, 1849. [ 325 ] 13 x 22 cm. 4 p. Caption title; no imprint. NHC-S. Baptists. Indiana. White Lick Association. Minutes | of the | Fourteenth Anniversary | of the | White Lick Association | of | Regular Baptist [sic], | held with Ver- nal Church, I Monroe County, Indiana, | September 7-10, 1849. I Danville : | W.H.H. Lewis — Printer. | 1849. [ 3 2 6 ] 13.5 x 21 cm. 8 p. NHC-S. Beecher, Charles. Historic Fire: | An Address | at the anniversary of | Callio- pean Society and Lyceum, | of | Wabash College, | July 18, 1849. J By Charles Beecher, | of Fort Wayne, Indiana. | [Filet] I Indianapolis : | Printed by Douglass & Elder. | [Short rule] \ 1849. [ 3 2 7 ] 12.5 x 21 cm. 27 p. Improved title of Walker no. 544 (from Sabin 4299. — no copy located). InCW (2 copies). MH. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Indiana Synod. Report I of the | Proceedings | of the | Thirteenth Session | of the I Evangelical Lutheran Synod | of Indiana, | Begun and held in St. John's Church, Johnson County, Indiana, \ from the 9th to the 12th day inclusive, | of October, A. D. 1848. | [Wavy rule] | Rockville: | M. Simpson, Printer. | 1849. 1 1.5 x 16 cm. 15 p. [ 3 2 & ] PPLT. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Indianapolis Synod. Verhandlungen | der vierten Jahressitzung | der | Deutsch Evang. Lutherischen Synode | von Indianapolis, | vom 2J. September bis 2. October 1849. | [Filet] | Indianapolis : | Ge- druckt in der Druckerei des Indiana Volksblattes. | [Row of dots] I 1849. [ 329 ] 12 x 19 cm. 32 p. PPLT. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 391 Freemasons. Indiana. Grand Lodge. Proceedings | of a | grand communication | of the | Grand Lodge of Indiana, | begun and held in the Masonic Hall, in the city of I Indianapolis, on Monday the 28th day of May, | A. L. 5849 — A. D. 1849. I Ordered to be read in all the lodges. | [Rule] I M.W. Elizur Deming, Grand Master. | R.W. A. W. Morris, Grand Secretary. | [Ride] | Indianapolis : | Printed by John D. Defrees. | 1849. [ 33° ] 12.5 x 21 cm. 103 p. IaCrM. DSC. MBFM. NNFM. Freemasons. Indiana. St. Joseph's Lodge No. 45. By-Laws | of | St. Joseph's Lodge No. 45, ] of Free and Ac- cepted Masons, at | South-Bend, Ind. | [Wavy rule] | South- Bend, Ind. I Schuyler Colfax, Printer. | 1849. [ 33 1 ] 11 x 17.5 cm. 13 p. Not located. Title from copy in the stock of an Indianapolis book dealer. Freemasons. Indiana. Raper Encampment No. 1. By-laws | of | Raper Encampment, No. 1, | of | Knights Tem- plars and Knights of Malta | of the | order of St. John of Jerusalem | [Wavy rule] | Indianapolis: | John D. Defrees; Printer. | [Rule] | 1849. [ 33 2 ] 1 1.5 x 17 cm. 8 p. Printed yellow paper wrappers. IaCrM. Indiana Medical College. Ninth annual announcement of the Indiana Medical College for the session of 1849-50. La Porte, 1849. [ 333 ] DSG. Indiana University. Twentieth | Annual Commencement | of | Indiana University | Wed., Aug. 15, 1849. I [Short rule] | Tribune Print — Bloom- ington. I 1849. [ 334 ] 16 x 25 cm. 4-page folder printed on first and third pages. InU. New Albany & Salem Railroad Company. Charter | of the | New Albany and Salem | Rail Road Com- pany, I with an account of its estimated cost, probable business, 392 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY &c, | with the | Act of the Legislature, authorizing the City of New | Albany to subscribe $100,000 in its capital stock; | the | action of the City Council in subscribing; | vote of the citizens upon the law, | &c. | Leonard Green, Printer. | New Albany, la. I l8 49- [ 335 ] 14.5 x 22 cm. 26 p., [1] p. index. DIC. Osborn, Charles. A I Testimony | concerning the separation which occurred | in Indiana Yearly | Meeting of Friends, | in the winter of 1842 and '43; I together with sundry remarks and | observations, particularly on the | subjects of | War, Slavery, and Coloniza- tion. I By Charles Osborn. | [Broken rule] | Centerville : | B. Vaile Printer. | 1849. [ 336 ] 10.5 x 16.5 cm. 54 p. Nixon. DLC. PHC. Smith, Isaac. Political Chart of Indiana ... 2d edition. Indianapolis : Doug- lass & Elder. [1849.] [ 337 ] Title from Sabin 82741, but not found in Harvard College Library, April, 1936. Spencer, George H. Spencer's | Grammar and Lectures, | being entirely a new ar- rangement, I containing a great variety | of | new examples in false exercises, | and | parsing lessons : | each designed to con- vey some useful information ; | geographical, historical, or some good maxim : | adapted to the improved system of | lecturing, and designed for colleges, common schools, | and particularly the private learner. | [Wavy rule] | By Geo. H. Spencer. | [Wavy rule] | Second edition, enlarged and improved. | [Wavy rule] I Terre-Haute, Ind. | D. S. Danaldson, Pr. | 1849. x 19.5 cm. 162 p., 2 folded charts. [ 33& 1 DLC. INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 393 DOUBTFUL TITLES Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Indiana. An Act to Incorporate the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Indiana. Madison: Office of the Indiana Republican. 1817. [ 33? ] No copy known. This act probably appeared as a reprint from the Indiana Republican, Madison, April 17, 181 7, in which it was set in a wide measure, not at all in the customary newspaper style, but as if the type were to be used for a reprint. The Believer's Holy Walk. Designed for the profitable im- provement of the Christian life. New Albany ? 1825. [ 340 ] Not known. Advertised in the New Albany Microscope and General Adver- tiser of March 19, 1825, as "just published and for sale at this office." INDEX (395) INDEX Academies, see Spiceland Academy. Adamsons, Thomas, printer, Hunts- ville, 352. Advocate printing office (Browns- town), 309, 387, 388. Agriculture, 13, 24, 26, 29-32, 68n, 265, 266, 274, 275-76, 284, 301. Albany (N. Y.), appearance (1835), 248. Allegheny City (Pa.), Western Theological Seminary at, 53n. Allegheny County (Pa.), Cooper- ating Society, see Pittsburgh, Cooperating Society. Allen, John, printer, Salem, 309, 329, 330. Anderson, Harley, 144. Anderson, Sarah (Bakewell), 18. Anderson's High School, New Al- bany, catalogue, 1842-43, p. 360. Andersontown (Anderson, Ind.), printing point, 310, 361. Anti- Slavery Friends, see Friends (Anti-Slavery), Society of. Applegate, Nellie, 156. Architects and builders of Indiana, at Aurora, 206; charges, 193- 94, 194-95 ; comments of eighties upon early, 202; at Corydon, 189-90; English and eastern influences, 179-83 ; at Evansville, 210-11 ; first re- vival of Gothic form, 200; at Fort Wayne, 211-12; French at Vincennes, 183 ; at Hanover, 209-10; at Jeffersonville, 210; at Lawrenceburg, 205 ; at Madison, 206-7; at Newburgh, 210; period of confusion, 202-4; public buildings, Indian- apolis, 190-92; at Rapp's set- tlement, Harmony, 188-89; types of timber and log con- struction, 190; use of Gothic and Queen Anne style, 204; at Vevay, 206-7; at Vincennes, 183-88. Arion, C. P. J., printer, Madison, 328. Arion and Berryman, printers, Madison, 309, 323. Arion and Lodge, printers, Madi- son, 317, 318, 321, 328, 332, 333. Arithmetic, published 1836, p. 340. Armorer, Joseph, of Pennsylvania, 23n, 54-55- Atterbury, Mrs. , 83. Audubon, John James, partnership with Thomas Pears, 9. Audubon, Lucy (Bakewell), 9, 18. Aurora (Ind.), Goff houses at, 206. Austin, William G., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Baily, Dr. G. D., of Spiceland Academy, 157. Baily, Herbert, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 157. Baily, Lavinia, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 157. Baily, Susan F., of Spiceland Acad- emy, 157. Baker, John E., architect, 191. Baker, Oscar R., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Bakewell, Ann, 43. (397) 398 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Bakewell, Benjamin, 45n; relation- ship to Thomas Pears, 9; flint glass factory, 9, 10, 22, 23, 4611 ; interested in New Harmony, 10, 45-46; interested in forma- tion of Pittsburgh Society, 20; president, Cooperating Society of Allegheny County, 23n ; opinion on Owen's religious views, 50-52 ; criticism of New Harmony Permanent Constitu- tion, 69-70; fears for New Harmony community, 79-80; letters from : Sarah Pears, 40- 41, 50-52, 59-6i, 68-69; Thomas Pears, 12-15, 24-29, 35-40, 61-62, 64-65, 66-68, 74-75, 75-79; letters to Thomas Pears, 19-21, 22-23, 34-35, 45-47, 54, 62- 63, 69-70, 79-80. Bakewell, Mrs. Benjamin, 15; let- ters from Sarah Pears, 16-19, 32-34, 41-43, 52-53, 66, 70-74, 80-84. Bakewell, John Palmer, 15, 21-22, 35. Bakewell, Lucy, see Audubon, Lucy (Bakewell). Bakewell, Nancy White (Mrs. Al- lan D. Campbell), 53. Bakewell, Thomas, 15, 19, 20, 28, 43, 46; letters to Sarah Pears, 47; Thomas Pears, 21-22. Bakewell, Thomas Woodhouse, 9. Bakewell, Page, and Bakewell, of Pittsburgh, 10. Bakewell, Pears, and Company, 10. Baldwin, , 65. Baldwin, William, of Spiceland, 108, 146. Bales, Oliver, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 154. Bangen family, 287. Bank of Newfoundland, 236-37. Baptists, Illinois, association min- utes : Bloomfield, 349; Pales- tine, 373, 378 ; Indiana, association minutes : Bedford, 360, 369, 386; Bethel, 344-45, 346, 349, 354, 357, 360, 364, 369, 382, 386- 87; Bloomington, 369, 373; Blue River, 316, 316-17, 317, 3i8, 319, 320, 321-22; Brownstown, 338, 387; Cof- fee Creek, 328, 330, 332, 333, 334-35, 354, 364, 374, 387; Curry's Prairie, 342, 345, 347, 354, 357, 360, 364, 369, 378, 382, 387 ; Elkhart River, 374; Flat Rock, 333, 337, 338, 342, 345, 347, 349, 354, 357-58, 360-61, 365, 369-70, 374, 379, 382, 387-88; Free- dom, 379; general, 335, 354- 55, 374; Huntington, 355, 361, 365; Indianapolis, 325, 327, 332, 333, 335, 349, 355, 358, 361, 365, 370, 374-75, 382-83, 388; Judson, 383, 388; Laughery, 322, 322-23, 325, 330, 335, 337, 339, 342, 349-50, 355, 365, 375, 383, 388; Liberty, 388; Lost River, 329, 330, 333-34, 335, 339, 355, 370; Madison, 334, 336, 337, 339, 342, 345, 347, 350, 356, 358, 361, 365-66, 370, 375, 379, 383, 389; North Eastern Indiana, 358, 370, 375, 379, 383, 389; Northern Indiana, 345, 350, 356, 358, 361, 366, 371, 375; Salamonie River, 350, 356, 37i, 376; Salem, 320, 336; Sand Creek, 371, 379-8o, 384, 389; Silver Creek, 320-21, 321, 323, 324; Tippecanoe, 336, 339, 347, 350-51, 359, INDEX 399 362, 366, 371, 37&, 380, 389; union, 322, 324, 330, 337, 342, 347-48, 351, 371-72, 389- 90; Wabash District, 319, 325-26, 329; White Lick, 351, 356, 366, 372, 376, 38o, 384, 390; White River, 323; Whitewater, 317, 326, 330-31, 336, 339-40, 35i, 359, 366, 372; Kentucky, North Bend Asso- ciation, minutes, 324, 329, 331 ; A Review of the Flat Rock Baptist Circular, 334. Bardstown (Ky.), cathedral, 187. Barnum, H. L., reply to president of Ohio and Indianapolis Rail- road, 343. Bates, Hervey, 194. Bates House (Indianapolis), possi- bly designed by Costigan, 198. Beacon printing office (South Bend), 334- Beal, George, master carpenter, 189. Beard, Charles A., student, Spice- land Academy, i4on, 152. Bedford (Ind.), courthouse, 211. Beecher, Charles, address publish- ed, 390. Beecher, Henry Ward, dwelling, charges for building estimates, 194. Believer's Holy Walk, The . . ., 393- Belknap, M. M., 65 ; interested in formation of Pittsburgh So- ciety, 20, 23n ; member, Coop- erating Society of Allegheny County (Pa.), 23x1. Bell, Jesse, of Spiceland Academy, 157. Bell, William A., 142. Bemiss, M., printer, Lafayette, 309, 361. Bemiss and Reed, printers, Lafay- ette, 309, 366. Benjamin, Asher, influence on In- diana architecture, 193 ; on Practice of Architecture, 179m Berry, Charles G., printer, Wash- ington, 309, 348. Berry and West, printers, Brook- ville, 309, 372. Berryman and Arion, printers, Madison, 309, 323. Berthoud, Eliza (Bakewell), 18. Berthoud, Nicholas Augustus, i8n. Birkbeck, Morris, death, 16; fail- ure of community, 67n-68n ; positive results of community, 68n. Blackford, Isaac, lives in gover- nor's mansion, 191. Blake, James, commissioner to select plan for statehouse, 191- 92. Blind, Institute for (Indianapolis), building of, 197. Bloomington (Ind.), printing point, 309, 323, 348, 360, 368, 373, 377, 385, 39i. Blose, Joseph, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 151, 155. Boatload of Knowledge, arrival at New Harmony, 8, 56n; jour- ney from Pittsburgh to New Harmony, 45. Bogue, Alfred, of Spiceland, 114. Bogue, Joseph E., of Spiceland, 134. Bogue, Josiah P., of Spiceland, 116, 118, 119, 133, 157. Bogue, O. H., of Spiceland, 157. Bohlen, D. A., architect, Indian- apolis, 198, 200. Bolton and Emmons, printers, In- dianapolis, 309. Bolton and Smith, printers, Indian- apolis, 326, 329. 400 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Bond, Delana, of Spiceland, 116. Bond, Jesse, of Spiceland, 114. Bonner house, at Vincennes, 188. Boone, Betsy Anne, of Spiceland Academy, 114. Boone, Richard G., 148. Bosson, T. M., at New Harmony, I5n. Bowers, , of Spiceland Acad- emy, 144. Brachmann, , of Cincinnati, 262. Brandeberry and Madox, printers, Lexington, 310, 316. Brandon, A. and J., printers, Cory- don, 309. Brandon and Co., printers, Bloom- ington and Corydon, 309, 323. Brandon and McCullough, print- ers, Corydon, 309. Brandy, Walter, of Spiceland Academy, 143, 144. Bridges, Lawrence, of Spiceland Academy, 143. Bronen, , of Bremen, 242. Brookville (Ind.), courthouse, building of, 198; printing point, 309, 310, 327, 372. Brown, , 54. Brown, Miss , of Pittsburgh, 21. Brown, Bertha M., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Brown, Christopher, stonemason, 205. Brown, J. Frank, of Spiceland Academy, 151, 155. Brownstown (Ind.), printing point, 309, 387, 388. Brute, Bishop Simon, 187. Bryan, William Lowe, 142. Buffalo (N. Y.), appearance (1835), 254. Buffalo and Mississippi Railroad Company, act to incorporate, 338. Buffum, Arnold, editor, 351-52. Builders, see Architects and build- ers. Bui finch, Charles, early New Eng- land architect, 179. Bull, Ole, 197. Bundy, Martin L., of New Castle, 147. Butler, Joseph, of Spiceland, 114. Buxton and Walling, printers, Richmond, 325. Byington, James, of Pennsylvania, 23n. Caddington, R. Y., printer, Vin- cennes, 337-38, 342-43, 378. Cairns, , 54. Cambridge City (Ind.), printing point, 310, 385. Cameron & Elder, tailors, 344. Campbell, Allan D., 53n. Campbell, Nancy (Bakewell), 53. Campe, Joachim Heinrich, influ- ence on Jacob Schramm, 227. Camron and Hendricks, printers, Madison, 310. Canalboats, travel by (1835), 249- 54, 258-59. Canals, central Indiana, 279. Cann law, on transfer of school children, 137. Carey Indian Mission, 334. Carlisle (Ind.), printing point, 311, 356. Carpenter, Willard, house at Evansville, 210-11. Carpenter and Douglass, printers, Madison, 309, 321. Castle, J. S., printer, Lima, 309, 379, 383, 389. Castle, J. S., and Company, print- ers, Lima, 309, 375- INDEX 401 Centreville (Centerville, Ind.), printing point, 311, 328, 392. Chamberlain and Cutler, printers, Indianapolis, 355, 358, 359. Chamberlain and Henkle, printers, Indianapolis, 310, 340. Chamness, M. W., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Chapman, George A., printer, Terre Haute, 309, 352. Chapman, George A. and Jacob P., printers, Terre Haute and Indianapolis, 309, 347, 364, 367. Chapmans and Spann, printers, In- dianapolis, 378. Chappelsmith, John, joins New Harmony group, 44. Charles, Estella, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Charles, Mrs. Martha E. S., of Spiceland Academy, 148, 156. Charles, Mattie S., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Charles, Pheraba H., memoir, 373. Charlestown (Ind.), printing point, 3io, 345- "Charlotte," sailing vessel, 233. Chinn, J. T., 318. Christ Church (Indianapolis), architect for, 199, 200, 202. Christian Messenger printing office (Madison), 365, 370, 375. Christian Record printing office (Bloomington), 373. Churches, in Indiana, architecture of early, 187, 195, 199, 200, 209. Churchman, W. H., furnishes plan for Institute for Blind, 197. Cincinnati (Ohio), 262. Clark, Emma R., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Clay, Henry, 21. Climate, Indiana, 276-77. Clinton, De Witt, 21, 23. Cloud, Joel, 109. Cobb, Lyman, Cobb's Explanatory Arithmetic!? . . ., 340. Cobbett, William, Advice to Young Men . . ., 352. Cochran, James, of Spiceland, 114, 117, ii9, 133, 157. Cochran and Pattie, of Madison, architects and builders, 209. Coffin, Morris, trustee, Spiceland Academy, 148, 157. Coffin, William H., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Cole and Dowling, printers, Indian- apolis, 309. Coles, Edward, of Illinois, on Birkbeck settlement, 67n-68n. Colfax, Schuyler, printer, South Bend, 309, 374, 375, 39L Colfax and West, printers, South Bend, 311. Columbus (Ind.), architects for courthouses, 193, 201. Conard, Jesse, printer, Terre Haute, 309, 378. Connersville (Ind.), Elder builds courthouse, 193 ; printing point, 346. Conrad, Jacob, builds Corydon tavern, 189-90. Cook, Thomas, 114. Coolidge, J. K., at New Harmony, 67n. Cooper, Homer H., of Spiceland Academy, 151, 155. Copeland, Nathan, 134. Cory, Mrs. Virginia Griffin, of Spiceland Academy, 148. Corydon (Ind.), printing point, 309, 3io, 343, 346; types of buildings at, 189-90. Costigan, Francis, architect, 197- 98, 199, 200, 206. Courthouses, see names of county seats. 402 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Covington (Ind.), courthouse, building of, 201 ; printing point, 389. Cowgill, Samuel, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Cox, Isaac, printer, Jeffersonville, 309, 3i8. Cox and Nelson, printers, Corydon, 309. Craig, Tabitha, 207. Craig house, at Vevay, 207. Crawfordsville (Ind.), printing point, 338. Culley, D. V., printer, Lawrence- burg, 324. Cumberland (Ind.), 280, 299. Currency, Bohmen, 245n ; centime, 248 ; denar, 23on ; dreyer, 23on ; exchange, Cincinnati, 267-68 ; florin, 294n ; groschen, 23on; louis d'or, 232n; pfennig, 23on; Spanish dollar, 242n; thaler, 233n. Curzon, Joseph, architect and builder, 195-96, 198. Cutler and Chamberlain, printers, Indianapolis, 355, 358, 359- Daily, W. M., A Sermon on Edu- cation, 343. Danaldson, D. S., printer, Terre Haute, 382, 387, 392. Danville (Ind.), printing point, 310, 380, 390. D'Arusmont, Phiquepal, 57 ; joins New Harmony group, 26n, 44; marriage, 44. Daveiss, Col. Joseph Hamilton, death at Tippecanoe, 185. Davis, Alexander Jackson, archi- tect, 192. Davis, Asa C, trustee, Spiceland Academy, 116, 118, 119, 157. Davis, Clarkson, of Spiceland Academy, 116, 133, 135, 149, 150, 153, 154, 155, 157. Davis, Hannah E., of Spiceland Academy, 116, 142, 149, 150, 152, 156. Davis and Holloway, printers, Richmond, 344, 348. Davisson, C, printer, Bloomington, 377- Deaf and Dumb, Institute for (In- dianapolis), building of, 196, 197. Deal, Marcus L., printer, Bloom- ington, 360, 368. Defrees, John D., printer, Indian- apolis, 376, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385, 386, 391. Deland, Margaret, setting for The Old Garden, 53n. Delphi (Ind.), printing point, 310, 339, 359- Deming, Elizur, address published, 384. Democratic Party, Indiana, address at 1840 convention, 352. Democratic Pharos printing office (Logansport), 309, 377, 378. Dennis, Dr. D. W., 142. De Pauw University, 211. Dickinson, Esther Hiatt, of Spice- land Academy, 109. Dickinson, Harriet, trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Doggett, William, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Douglass, John, printer, Vevay and Indianapolis, 319, 325, 326, 327, 359- Douglass and Carpenter, printers, Corydon and Madison, 309, 321. Douglass and Elder, printers, In- dianapolis, 386, 390, 392. Douglass and Maguire, printers, Indianapolis, 331, 332, 333, 335. INDEX 403 Douglass and Noel, printers, In- dianapolis, 341, 346, 348, 349, 357. Dowling, John and Thomas, print- ers, Terre Haute, 345, 349. Dowling, Thomas, printer, Terre Haute, 309, 357. Dowling and Cole, printers, In- dianapolis, 309. Dowling and Gregg, printers, Law- renceburg, 310, 329. Draper, Luther O., of Spiceland, 135, 149. Dryer (?), W., printer, Lima, 309, 370. Dubach, David, architect, Madison courthouse, 208. Duble, , proprietor of Madi- son Hotel, 208. Duggins, C. V., printer, Liberty, 309, 34i- Dunbar, John W., address publish- ed, 348. Dunkel, Anna L., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Earlham College, 113, 136, 138, 143. Edbrooke, Willoughby J., archi- tect, University of Notre Dame, 212. Edgerton, Walter, reply to a docu- ment on secession from So- ciety of Friends, 367 ; sketch, 148. Education, Anderson's High School, New Albany, 360; dis- course on, by Andrew Wylie, 329; Female Seminary, South Hanover, 346; Friends' Board- ing School, Richmond, 381. See also Spiceland Academy and School. Edwards, David, of Spiceland, 114, 134. Eggleston, Edward, 207. Eichbaum, W., Jr., of Pennsyl- vania, 23m Elder, John, architectural library, 194, i94n; builder, 193-95, 197, 198; partnership with Joseph Mathers, 193. Elder and Cameron, tailors, 344. Elder and Douglass, printers, In- dianapolis, 386, 390, 392. Elks Club (Indianapolis), architect for, 199. Elliott, Robertson, and Company, printers, Shelbyville, 310, 388. Ellis, Abner, house at Vincennes, 188. Elston, W., at New Harmony, 32. Emmons and Bolton, printers, In- dianapolis, 309. Erie Canal, travel by (1835), 249- 54- Estes, Ludovic, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 152, 156. Evangelical Lutheran Church, In- diana Synod, proceedings, 1848, p. 390; Indianapolis Synod, proceedings, 1848, p. 384 ; 1849, p. 390; Synod of the West, proceedings 343, 345-46, 356-57. Evans, , of Spiceland, 134. Evans, George, of Spiceland, 109, 157. Evansville (Ind.), Carpenter house at, 210-11 ; courthouse, 211; old state bank, architect for, 199. Eveleth, Mrs. Alma, letter to Sarah Pears, 87-88. Eveleth, Lydia E., letter to Sarah Pears, 86-87. Everett, Edward, 196. Ewbank, John, house near Law- renceburg, 205-6. Ewing, John, 318. Ewing house, Fort Wayne, 212. 404 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Family Schoolmaster (1839), 348. Farmer s and Mechanic's Almanac, 1848, p. 380 ; 1849, P- 385. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Indiana, act to incorporate, 393. Farriery, publications on, 328, 338. Federurbian or United States Primer . . ., by Henry House- worth, 343. Feiba Peveli, separates from New Harmony, 7 m. Finley, John, printer, Richmond, 341. Fisher, Robert, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Fishing, Bank of Newfoundland, 236-37. Flaget, Bishop Benedict Joseph, 187. Fletcher, Stoughton, 301. Flower, George, 21 ; agricultural experiment in Illinois, i6n; quarrel with Birkbeck, 67n. Flower, Richard, 21, 35. Fort Wayne (Ind.), courthouse, building of, 199; distinctive houses, 211-12; printing point, 3io, 3", 350, 355, 365. Fort Wayne Times printing office, 350. Foster, B. F., printer, Madison, 389. Foster, E. C, of Spiceland, 134. Foster, W. C, speech published, 352. Foulke, William Dudley, 142. Fountain City (Ind.), printing point, 310, 351-52, 363, 367, 368, 372-73, 377- Frankfort (Ind.), Elder builds courthouse, 193. Franklin printing office (Bloom- ington), 348. Free Labor Advocate and Anti- Slavery Chronicle ( Fountain City), 352. Free Labor Advocate printing office (Fountain City), 310, 377. Freeman, Charles Bruce, wood- carver, 207. Freeman, Thomas, woodcarver, 207. Freeman printing of f ice (Ontario), 3io, 358. Freemasons, Indiana, Brookville Harmony Lodge, by-laws, 327 ; Cambridge Lodge No. 5, by- laws, 385 ; Grand Lodge : celebration, In- dianapolis, 362; constitution, 337 ; cornerstone laying, 384 ; proceedings, 317, 317-18, 319, 321, 322, 323, 324-25, 326, 327-28, 331, 332, 346, 348, 357, 359, 362, 367, 372, 376, 380, 391 ; Marion Lodge No. 35, by-laws, 385; Raper Encampment No. 1, by- laws, 391 ; St. Joseph's Lodge No. 45, by- laws, 391. Free-soil meeting, St. Joseph Coun- ty, 385. Fretageot, Marie D., at New Har- mony, 26n, 44, 47. Friends, Society of, reply to docu- ment on secession from, 367 ; settlement at Spiceland, 107; Indiana Yearly Meeting: ad- dress on slavery, 363 ; epistles on slavery from Lon- don, 352-53; epistles, 368; proceedings, 319-20, 325, 328, 362 ; provisions for educa- tion, 108, 112, 136; testi- mony concerning separation, 392; INDEX 405 Spiceland Monthly Meeting : organized, 108 ; provisions for schools, 108, 109-11, 114- 15, 116, 1 17-19, 136, 138, 146; Whitewater Quarterly Meet- ing: memorial, 340; refuses to take over Spiceland Acad- emy, 136. Friends (Anti-Slavery), Society of, Indiana Yearly Meeting : address to Society of Friends, 367-68; defense of antislavery Friends, 362-63 ; minutes, 367, 372-73, 377- Friends' Boarding School, Rich- mond, circular, 381. Frost, A., printer, Vernon, 310, 358, 361, 371. Fulghum, Benjamin, 381. Furnas, Phebe, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Gardner, Clarabelle, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Gardner, Hugh, trustee, Spiceland Academy, 157. Gause, Solomon, of Spiceland, 114. Gibson, George R., address pub- lished, 353- Goff houses, at Aurora, 206. Gordon, Jesse, trustee, Spiceland Academy, 1 16-17, 118, 119, 133. 134, 157. Gordon, Jessie, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 143. Gospels and Epistles for every Sunday, and the Principal Fes- tivals in the Year . . ., 377. Governor's mansion, Indianapolis, 191. Graham and Lewis, printers, Dan- ville, 310, 380. Grant, Hectorina, at New Har- mony, 17, 34. Graves, Virginia, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Greeley, Horace, 196. Green, Leonard, printer, New Al- bany, 310, 392. Green, Robert C., printer, Delphi, 3io, 339, 359- Green, William H., printer, New Albany, 310, 357, 360. Green and Mattingly, printers, New Albany, 354. Greensburg (Ind.), courthouse, building of, 198-99; printing point, 310, 311, 349, 354, 365, 3/0, 379, 382. Greentree, Matilda, marriage at New Harmony, 83m Gregg and Dowling, printers, Law- renceburg, 310, 329. Grif fen, , of Spiceland Acad- emy, 144. Griffin, Jeremiah, of Spiceland Academy, 113, 147. Griffin, John S., trustee, Spiceland Academy, 157. Griffin, John W., 133. Griffin, Samuel, 107. Grisamore, David, house at Jeffer- sonville, 210. Gristmills, at Henderson, Ken- tucky, 9. Gulf stream, 237-38. Gunther, , of New York, 243-44- H , George, agent for Schramm, 227-28, 262; meets Schramm, 263 ; unfriendliness to Schramm, 263, 265-66, 295; leaves Schramm, 277-78, 283. H , John, 265, 278. Hackleman, P. A. and O. C., print- ers, Rushville, 310, 351. Hadley, Florence, of Spiceland Academy, 156. , Hadley, Sarah, memorial, 328. Hale, Caleb, 134. 406 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Hall, Baynard Rush, sermon pub- lished, 326. Hall, Edwin, trustee, Spiceland Academy, 157. Hall, Effie F., trustee, Spiceland Academy, 157. Hall, John, master carpenter, 205-6. Hammer, Elisha, 148m Hanna, Judge Samuel, house at Fort Wayne, 211 -12. Hanover (Ind.), printing point, 346. Hanover College, architecture of Classic Hall, 209-10. Harrison, Robert, of Spiceland Academy, in, 147. Harrison, William Henry, house at Vincennes, 183-84; speech to General Assembly, 1807, p. 315. Hartman, Catherine, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Harvey, Charles, trustee, Spiceland Academy, 157. Harvey, Howard, 143. Harvey, Ruth A., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Haworth, Lola, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Hay and Rowse, printers, Salem, 310, 346, 349- Hayes, Walter, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 143. Heller, Isaac, The Life and Con- fession of, 341. Henderson, H. C, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Henderson (Ky.), 9, 15. Hendricks and Camron, printers, Madison, 310. Henkle and Chamberlain, printers, Indianapolis, 310, 340. Henley, Samantha, trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Henley, Thomas J., attack on, 381- 82. Henly, Jabez, 134. Herald printing office (La Porte), 3io, 338. Herron, Miss , 21. Hiatt, John, of Spiceland, 109, 114, 117, 119. Hiatt, Rebecca, in. Hill, Jacob, trustee, Spiceland, 157. Himelick, Robert W., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Hobbs, Barnabas C, 112, 114, 149. Hodgson, Isaac, architect, Indian- apolis, 198, 200-1. Hodson, Aaron, 109. Hodson, Isaac, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 107, 146. Hodson, Nellie G., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Hodson, Sarah Ann, of Spiceland Academy, 113. Holloway and Davis, printers, Richmond, 344, 348. Holtsclaw, James, trustee, Spice- land Academy, 148, 157. Hoover, Claire, 143. Hoover, Henry, 133. Hoover, Samuel, 134. Horstell (Horstel), , of New York, 233, 243. Houseworth, Henry, Federurbian or United States Primer, 343. Howe, William P., 344. Howe (Ind.), printing point, 309, 37o, 375, 379, 383, 389. Hudson River, traffic, 245, 248. Hufford, George, of Spiceland Academy, 152, 156. Hufford, Lois G., 142. Hughs, Willis, An Introduction to Farriery, 328, 338. Hugo, John R., master carpenter, 189. INDEX 407 Hunt, James H., printer, Cam- bridge City, 310, 385. Hunt, Martha G., 130. Huntsville (Ind.), printing point, 352. Hurst, Henry, 316. Hyde, Emily, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Imhof, of Cincinnati, 262. Immigrants, qualifications for suc- cessful, 281-83. Indiana, early architects and build- ers, 179-215; early imprints, 305-93; "marble," 208; state- houses, 189, 190-92, 199. Indiana Branch Tract Society, 1832 report, 332-33- Indiana Gazette printing office (Vincennes), 310, 3 16. Indiana Journal, prospectus of, 331-32. Indiana Medical College, La Porte, announcements, 373, 391 ; cau- tion to physicians and students in Northwest, 385. Indiana Register printing office (Vevay), 321, 323. Indiana Republican printing office (Madison), 393. Indiana State Hospital (Indianap- olis), building of, 194-95, 197. Indiana State Journal printing office (Indianapolis), 386. Indiana State School for the Blind, building of, 197. Indiana State School for the Deaf, building of, 196, 197. Indiana Territory, general orders for militia, 315, 316. Indiana Tribune printing office (Bloomington), 385. Indiana University, architect for, 199; early catalogues, 359-60, 368, 373, 377, 385; 20th com- mencement, 391. Indiana Volksblatt printing office (Indianapolis), 310, 384, 390. Indianapolis (Ind.), early archi- tects and builders, 190-92, 194- 202 ; house carpenters and join- ers, prices, 194, 341 ; journey- men tailors, prices, 368; print- ing point, 310-92 passim. Indianapolis and Bellefontaine Railroad Company, act to in- corporate, 386. Indianapolis City Hospital, archi- tect for, 199. Indianapolis Gazette, carrier's ad- dress, 1829, p. 327. Indianian printing office (Charles- town), 310, 345; (Jefferson- ville), 318. Indians, Carey mission, 334. Inns and taverns, American (1835), 249; Bates House, (Indianapolis), 198; Corydon, 189-90; food, 245; New York City, 240, 243, 244; Oriental House (Indianapolis), 198; Union Inn (Indianapolis), 193. Iron foundries, at Madison, 209. Jackson, Andrew, 53m Jay, Eli, of Spiceland Academy, 114. Jay, Mahala, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 114. Jeffersonian printing office (Rich- mond), 343-44- Jeffersonville (Ind.), Grisamore and Weems houses at, 210; printing point, 309, 318, 343. Jennings, Robert L., 58 ; on govern- ing committee, New Harmony, I5n; editor, New-Harmony Gazette, 35n ; on committee to draft New Harmony constitu- 408 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY tion, 57, 60; asked to print article on Owen social system, 62-63; in separatist movement, New Harmony, 71 ; leaves New Harmony community, 81 ; joins Nashoba community, 8in. Jessup, Cynthia, 116. Jessup, Jesse, 133. Jessup, Tideman, 114. Jocelyn, Augustus, printer, Brook- ville, 310, 327. Johnson, , of Spiceland, 134. Johnson, Caleb, of Spiceland, 116, 118, 119, 133, 157- Johnson, Calvin R., printer, Ver- non, 374, 383, 384, 387, 389. Johnson, James, 108, 146. Johnson, L. H., 135. Johnson, Lea P., printer, South Bend, 310, 358. Johnson, Mariam, 116. Johnston, James H., sermon pub- lished, 344. Jones, Arthur W., of Spiceland Academy, 151, 155. Jones, D. W., printer, Jonesboro, 3io, 371. Jones, J., of Pennsylvania, 23n. Jones, Joseph G., printer, Ander- son, 310, 361. Jones, Stephen A., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Jonesboro (Ind.), printing point, 3io, 371- Jordan, David Starr, 142. Journal printing office (Muncie), 3io, 376. Junghaus, Karl Friedrich, 289; ac- companies Schramm to United States, 228; experiences on canalboat, 250; language diffi- culties, 257-58; letter to Ger- man friends, 290; death, 297. Kavanaugh, B. T., address pub- lished, 381. Keen, William C, printer, Vevay, 321, 322, 323. Kendall, Clara, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Kendall, Emma, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Kennard, Edwin O., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Kerr, Wade, trustee, Spiceland Township, 138. Kersey, Vierling, of Spiceland Academy, 109, 146-47. Kimmel law, on transfer of high- school pupils, 136-37. Kirk, Isadore Wilson, of Spiceland Academy, 152. Knowlton, Emilie, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Kyle, George H., architect, Vevay, 206-7. Kyle, Tabitha (Craig), 207. Lafayette, Marquis de, letter to Bakewell family, mentioned, 10. Lafayette (Ind.), printing point, 309, 3ii, 33^ 351, 36i, 366, 37i, 37^, 38o, 381, 385. Laidlow, J., at New Harmony, 32. Lake Erie, travel on (1835), 255- 58. Land offices, Indiana, 272n. Land prices, Hancock County, 301 ; increase, 279; Ohio and In- diana (1835), 260; public lands (1835), 260, 271-72, 273- 74, 282. Lane, Samuel B., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Lange, Albert, 265; influence on George H , 266, 277-78; engaged as English teacher, INDEX 409 268-69; leaves Hancock Coun- ty, 283-84. Lanier, James F. D., house design- ed by Costigan, 208. Lanyard, Sir Charles, architect, 201. La Porte (Ind.), land office, 272; printing point, 310, 338, 373, 381, 385, 391. Laughman, Laura B., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Lawrence, Daniel, trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Lawrenceburg (Ind.), printing point, 310, 311, 324, 329, 33*; Vance house at, 205. Leech, George, of Vincennes, 184. Leech, Sallie, see White, Sallie (Leech). Lesueur, Charles Alexander, joins New Harmony group, 44. Lewis, John, at New Harmony, 57. Lewis, W. H. H., printer, Danville, 3io, 390. Lewis, Warner W., at New Har- mony, i5n, I7n, 57, 60, 67n. Lewis, Mrs. Warner W., at New Harmony, 17, 42. Lewis and Graham, printers, Dan- ville, 310, 380. Lexington (Ind.), printing point, 310, 311, 316. Liberty (Ind.), printing point, 309, 341. Lightner, Isaac, of Pennsylvania, 23n. Lima (Ind.), see Howe. Lindsey, Robert R., printer, Jeff- ersonville, 343. Literary societies, Spiceland Acad- emy, 139-42. Livingston, J., printer, Indianapolis, 310. Lockport (N. Y.), canal locks, 252. Lodge and Arion, printers, Madi- son, 317, 318, 321, 328, 332, 333- Lodge and Patrick, printers, Madi- son, 333, 334, 33& Log cabins, cost, 284. Logansport (Ind.), courthouse, building of, 195 ; in 1835, p. 273; printing point, 309, 377, 378. Louisiana, District of, laws, stat- utes, etc., 315. Lucas, E. F., letter on land frauds, 377- Lyell, Sir Charles, visits New Har- mony, i88n. McCoy, Isaac, 334. McCracken, William, of Spiceland Academy, 156. McCulloch, Hugh, house at Fort Wayne, 211-12. McCullough and Brandon, printers, Corydon, 309. McDonald, Capt. Donald, at New Harmony, 44, 57, 58, 60, 7m. Mcllvaine, Lucile, of Spiceland Academy, 156. McKee, James, house at Madison, 209. MacLean, D. and M., editors of Pittsburgh Gazette, 2on. Maclure, William, 76-77 '; partner- ship with Owen in New Har- mony experiment, 26n, 44; in- troduces Pestalozzian educa- tional system at New Har- mony, 26n ; excused from com- mittee to draft New Harmony constitution, 56, 57; separatist community named for, 7m. Macluria, separates from New Harmony, 7m. M'Millan, James, printer, Madison, 341. 410 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY McNamee, Dr. Elias, on governing committee, New Harmony, iSn. Macy, Anna, of Spiceland Acad- emy, in. Macy, Calvin, 114. Macy, Edna, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Macy, Enoch, 114. Macy, Nathan, 114. Macy, Solomon, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 109, in, 114, 116, 118, 119, 133, 147, 157. Madison (Ind.), courthouse, build- ing of, 208; early churches, 209; early houses, 208-9; iron foundries, 209; printing point, 309, 3io, 3ii, 317, 3i8, 321, 323, 324, 328, 332, 333, 334, 336, 337, 34i, 344, 350, 357, 365, 370, 375, 389, 393 5 Shrewsbury house at, 206-7. Madison and Indianapolis Railroad Company, statement on, 378. Madison Hotel (Madison), design- ed by Costigan, 208. Madox and Brandeberry, printers, Lexington, 310, 316. Maennerchor Hall (Indianapolis), architect for, 199. Maguire and Douglass, printers, Indianapolis, 331, 332, 333, 335. Mails, Albert Gallatin Sloo con- tractor for carrying, 186. Manners and customs, America (1835), 245, 246-47, 247-48, 250, 253, 254-55, 272, 274-75, 281-83, 294-95. Maple sugar, preparation of, 287- 88. Marion County (Ind.), court- houses, 190-91, 201. Markle, Abraham, 318. Marshal, John, of Pennsylvania, 23n. Martin, William L., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Martinsville (Ind.), courthouse, architect for, 201. Marts, James J., printer, Washing- ton, 310, 351. Masonic Hall (Indianapolis), first, 196-97. Mathers, Joseph, partnership with John Elder, 193. Mattingly, Ignatius, printer, Cory- don, 310, 343. Mattingly and Green, printers, New Albany, 354. May, Edwin, architect, Indianap- olis, 198-99; patents "iron jail," 199. Mayer, Charles, 194. Medical Society of Second Medi- cal District, Indiana, constitu- tion and by-laws, 318. Meinhardt, John, designs Gaines Hardy Roberts house, 210. Mendenhall, William, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Meredith, Jesse, 114. Meredith, "Snowball," 143. Messenger printing office (Indian- apolis), 310, 374, 375. Mexican War, 381. Miami Reserve, 270-71. Michigan City (Ind.), printing point, 311, 356- Michigan Road, 272. Militia, Indiana Territory, general orders, 315, 3i6\ Miller, Capt. , opposes New Harmony idea, 46. Millikan, W., printer, South Bend, 3io, 37i. Millikan, W. and J., printers, South Bend and La Porte, 361, 366, 381. Mills, J. W., printer, Greensburg, 3io, 379- INDEX 411 Mills, Joseph J., 142. Mills, Robert, of Washington, D. C, submits plans for In- diana statehouse, 192. Mills and Thomson, printers, Greensburg, 310, 365, 370. Missiomry Abominations Unmask- ed, by Timothy S. Smith, 334. Monroe (Ind.), sale of lots, 316. Moore, Anna W., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Moore, William, 109. Morgan, Sarah H., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Morgan, William B., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Morgan, William Earl, of Spice- land Academy, 156. Morris, Col. , 195. Morris, Barclay, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Morrison, A. F., printer, Indian- apolis, 331. Morrison, Edwin, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Morrison and Spann, printers, In- dianapolis, 376. Morrow, James, printer, South Hanover, 346. Mosquitoes, 279, 289. Mount Vernon (Ind.), 15, 17; courthouse, 211. Muncie (Ind.), printing point, 310, 376, 386. Murray, Magnus M., of Pennsyl- vania, 23n. Nashoba community (Nashville, Tenn.), 78n, 8in; communica- tion from trustees, 327; deed of lands, 326. National Road, 285. Neal iron foundries, Madison, 209. Neef, Joseph, at New Harmony, 26n, 44. Neet, George W., of Spiceland Academy, 128, 129, 151, 155. Nelson, Thomas H., 142. Nelson and Cox, printers, Corydon, 309. New Albany (Ind.), Anderson's High School, catalogue, 1842- 43, p. 360; interesting old buildings, 210; printing point, 310, 319, 320, 353, 354, 357, 360, 392, 393. New Albany and Salem Railroad Company, charter, 391-92. New Harmony (Ind.), agriculture, 13, 24, 26, 29-32; branch so- cieties, 8 ; climate, 28, 33 ; committee regulating society : dismissal proposed, 38; list- ed, i5n; powers assumed, 39, 39-40 ; community experiment ends, 88; conditions, summer of 1826, pp. 89-90; costumes, 42, 82 ; deaths, 28, 34, 53 ; discord, 24, 28, 34, 35, 37-41, 47-48, 60-61, 66, 67-68, 68-69, 74-75; education, 13, 26, 37, 37-38, 74; founding of, 7; housing, 13, 15, 53; industries, 25-26, 30, 54; lack of supplies, 52, 66; Owenite poem and parody, 94; Permanent Society : inaugurat- ed, 8; committee to draw up constitution, 56-57, 60; con- stitutional convention, 56-59; constitution becomes effec- tive, 7m; constitution sus- pended, 72, 76; departments, 67n; finances, 76-77; hous- ing, 72-73, 81 ; membership, 64, 69-70; officers, 67n; official name, 59; regula- tions, 7 2 -74; plans for buildings, 85, 86; population (1825), 8, 29; Preliminary Society : aim, 7 ; governing committee, 15 ; labor valuation list, 65 ; membership, 39; regulations 412 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY for members, 12, 13-14, 24- 25, 28, 37-40; settlement of accounts, 65 ; expiration, 67 ; printing point, 326, 327, 363; recreations, 28, 33, 42 ; separat- ist movements, 71-72, 75, 78; Sunday observance, 83 ; types of buildings at, 188-89 > wed- dings, 82-83. New-Harmony Gazette, editors, 3Sn, 57n ; letter from Thomas Pears, 91-93. New Lanark (Scotland), 7, 8. New Orleans (La.), in 1835, p. 269. New York (N. Y.), harbor and city (1835), 239-44. Newburgh (Ind.), Gaines Hardy Roberts house near, 210. Newby, Albert, 116, 133, 134. Newby, Caroline, 116. Newby, Jason W., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Newby, Joseph, 133. Newby, Nathan, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Newfoundland, Bank of, 236-37. Newlin, Thomas, of Spiceland Academy, 150-51, 155- Newport (Ind.), see Fountain City. Newsom, Maggie E., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Nichols, John, at New Harmony, 32. Nixon, Oliver, 135. Noble, Gov. Noah, 192. Noel, S. V. B., printer, Indianap- olis, 362, 365, 366, 370, 372. Noel and Douglass, printers, In- dianapolis, 341, 346, 348, 349, 357. Northern Rights (Fountain City), prospectus of, 351-52. Notre Dame, University of, archi- tecture of early buildings, 212. Notre-Dame-du-Lac, printing point, 377- -, of New York, Nottenius, - 242, 243. Odd Fellows, Indiana, La Porte Lodge, 381. Odd Fellows' Building (Indianap- olis), designed by Costigan, 198. Ohio, Jacob Schramm's journey through (1835), 258-63. Ohio and Indianapolis Railroad, H. L. Barnum's reply to, 343. Oldenburg (Ind.), architect for convent and school, 200. Oliver, Mrs. Mary, of Pittsburgh, 19, 34, 42, 83. Ontario (Ind.), printing point, 310, 358. Oracle printing office (Delphi), 339- Oratorical contests, Spiceland Academy, 142-43. Oriental House (Indianapolis), de- signed by Costigan, 198. Osborn, Charles, testimony on separation in Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends, 392. Osborn, Narcissa, memorial, 340. Osborne, Arthur W., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Osburn, John C, printer, Muncie, 310, 386. Owen, David Dale, house at New Harmony, 189. Owen, Robert, 188 ; founds New Harmony, 7-8; Declaration of Mental Independence, 8, 85, 86n; leaves New Harmony (1825), 8, 15; farewell ad- dress, 8; returns to New Har- mony (1826), 8, 56; proposes triweekly meetings, 12 ; influ- ence over followers, 13, 16, 24, 28, 42, 48; advises on forma- tion of Pittsburgh Society, 20, 21 ; lectures at Pittsburgh, 46 ; religious views disapproved, INDEX 413 50-52; excused from commit- tee to draft New Harmony constitution, 56, 57; asked to explain religious views at con- stitutional convention, 57; de- clines to draw up constitution for New Harmony, 58; asked to assume directorship, Perma- nent Society, 59; religious views, 61, 63-64, 80; made di- rector, New Harmony com- munity, 72, 76; refuses recog- nition of separatist community, 72; loses influence, 81, 86-87. Owen, Robert Dale, 45n; pamphlet on education, 26; arrival at New Harmony, 44-45 ; on com- mittee to draft New Harmony constitution, 57, 60; offers draft of constitution, 58; in separatist movement, New Harmony, 71 ; collaborator in building of Smithsonian build- ing, 189; article on "Hints on Public Architecture," mention- ed, 196; author, The Last Calumny, 363; to electors of First Congressional District, 363. Owen, William, 36, 36-37, 42, 56; on governing committee, New Harmony, isn; editor, New- Harmony Gazette, 35n; on committee to draft New Har- mony constitution, 57, 60; de- partment superintendent, New Harmony, 67n; separatist, 71. Page, Benjamin, 28; partnership with Benjamin Bakewell, 10, 46; interested in formation of Pittsburgh Society, 20; mem- ber, Cooperating Society of Allegheny County (Pa.), 23n; influenced by Robert Owen, 46-47, 48; interest in New Harmony, 46-47. Page, Mrs. Benjamin, 19, 34, 41, 45n, 83 ; letter to Sarah Pears, 47-50. Page, Mary, of Pittsburgh, 33. Painter, Alvin, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 135, 157. Painter, Anna M., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Painter, Clarence, trustee, Spice- land Academy, 148, 157. Painter, Henry W., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Painter, Levinus, 135. Palmer, Rev. John, of Birming- ham, England, 9. Paoli (Ind.), courthouse, building of, 205; printing point, 311, 387. Parker, Emily L., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Parker, James, 114. Parker, John, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Parsons, W. W., 142. Parvin, Eliza E., marriage at New Harmony, 83m Patrick, Ebenezer and Matthew, printers, Salem, 310, 317. Patrick, Matthew, printer, New Albany, 310, 319. Patrick and Lodge, printers, Madi- son, 333, 334, 336. Patrick and Wheelock, printers, New Albany and Salem, 310, 320. Pattie and Cochran, of Madison, architects and builders, 209. Paxton, James, architect, first Marion County courthouse, 191. Pears, Benjamin, 9, 18, 26. Pears, Ellen Mary, 9. Pears, John Palmer, 9, 18, 81. Pears, Maria, 9, 18, 33, 81. Pears, Sarah (Palmer), 34; fam- ily of, 9-10; journey to New Harmony, 17-18; fears for 414 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY New Harmony community, 60-61 ; leaves New Harmony community, 85 ; misses Pitts- burgh newspapers, 59-60; letters from: Benjamin Bake- well, 50-52 ; Thomas Bake- well, 47 ; Mrs. Benjamin Page, 47-50; Lydia Eveleth, 86-87; Mrs. Alma Eveleth, 87-88 ; letters to: Benjamin Bakewell, 40-41, 59-61, 68-69; Mrs. Benjamin Bakewell, 16-19, 32-34, 41-43, 52-53, 66, 70-74, 80-84. Pears, Sarah Ann, 9, 18 ; labor al- lowance, 65n. Pears, Thomas, partnership with Bakewell and Audubon, 9 ; marriage, 9; residence at Pitts- burgh, 9 ; removal to New Harmony, 9, 10 ; secretary of meetings to form New Har- mony constitution, 9 ; book- keeper at New Harmony, 14, 18; report on agricultural needs, 26, 29-32 ; dismissed from counting room, 35-37 secretary, New Harmony con stitutional convention, 56, 62 advises deliberation in forma tion of Permanent Society, 61 labor allowance, 65 ; misses Pittsburgh newspapers, 65 proposes suspension Permanent Constitution, 72 ; clerk to the commissary, 75 ; commissary, 78 ; deputy commissary, 83 ; leaves New Harmony commu- nity, 85 ; letters from: Benjamin Bake- well, 19-21, 22-23, 34-35, 45- 47, 54, 62-63, 69-70, 79-8o; Thomas Bakewell, 21-22; New Harmony inhabitants, 89-90 ; letters to: Benjamin Bakewell, 12-15, 24-29, 35-40, 61-62, 64-65, 66-68, 74-75, 75-79; New Harmony Gazette, 91- 93; Pittsburgh Gazette, 88, 90. Pears, Thomas, Jr., 9, 41. Pears, William De Witt Clinton, 9-10, 18, 34, 41. Pearson, , at New Harmony, 17, 46, 61, 63. Pearson, Mrs. , at New Harmony, 34. Pearson, Ethel, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Peck, Edwin J., designs Second Presbyterian Church, Madison, 209. Pelham, William, at New Har- mony, 57, 57n. Pennington, Dennis, designs and builds Corydon courthouse, 189. Pennington, Elgar, 135. Pennington, L. T., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 148, 157. People's Friend printing office (Covington), 389. People's Press printing office (Fort Wayne), 310, 365. Peru (Ind.), land office, letter on frauds, 377. Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, edu- cational system at New Har- mony, 26, 44. Phelps, Ezekial, 133. Pinkham, William P., of Spice- land Academy, 151, 155. Pittsburgh (Pa.), Bakewell glass works at, 10; Boatload of Knowledge leaves, 45 ; Cooperating Society : forma- tion, 20, 22-23 ; slow prog- ress, 34-35; warning of dangers to, 27-28 ; first boarding school, I9n. INDEX 415 Pittsburgh Gazette, 19-20; letter from Thomas Pears, 88, 90; refuses letter on Owen social system, 62, 63. Pleas, Elwood, 134. Political Chart of Indiana ..., by- Isaac Smith, 392. Polk, James K., attack on, 381-82. Portsmouth (Ohio), 258, 259. Post office building, Indianapolis, 199. Powell, Benjamin, 344. Powell, Mrs. Edward, restores Mc- Kee house at Madison, 209. Prange, Karl, 230, 238, 247, 248, 254, 255, 258, 263, 264; accom- panies Schramm to United States, 228; goes to New Orleans, 269-70. Prentice, , 62; opposes New Harmony idea, 46. Presbyterian Church, Synod of In- diana, testimony on slavery, 368. Price, Philip M., at New Har- mony, 56, 57, 83m Prices, architects and builders, 193- 94, 194-95 1 carpenters and joiners, 341 ; clocks, 293 ; cloth, 294; cows, 286; flour, 268 horses, 286; laundry, 281 maple sugar, 287; meat, 286 plows, 268; salt, 268; scythes and sickles, 294; tailoring, 281, 344, 368. Prince, Dr. William, at New Har- mony, 67n. Printers, early Indiana, listed, 309- 11. Printing, early Indiana imprints, 1804-1849, PP. 305-93; early printing points, listed, 309-11. Produce, transportation, 285, 286, 300. Protectionist, The (Fountain City), 352. Providence (Ind.), 320. Publow, Ethel, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Purviance, David, Memoirs of the Religious Course of, published, 341. Quakers, see Friends, Society of. R- -, Gottlob, 231, 247, 254, 255, 258, 262, 264, 278-79; ac- companies Schramm to United States, 228. Radcliff, Edwin B., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Rafinesque, Constantine, joins New Harmony group, 44. Rahm, Martin, of Pennsylvania, 22>n. Railroads, Indianapolis and Belle- fontaine, 300-1, 386; Madison and Indianapolis, 378; New Albany and Salem, 391-92; Ohio and Indianapolis, 343. Randall, Richard, printer, Vernon, 364, 366, 379, 380. Rappites, architecture of Wabash community houses, 188-89; community contrasted with Birkbeck community, 68n ; leave Indiana, 7-8, 13m Ratcliff, Cyrus, trustee, Spiceland Academy, 157. Ratcliff, Edwin B., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Ratcliff, Elisha B., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 117, 119, 147, 157. Ratliff, Eli, 117, 119. Ratliff, Russell, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Rayle, Harmon H., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 148, 157. Rayle, Zadoch, 114. Reagan, Chester L., of Spiceland Academy, 151, 155. Reapers, introduction of, 301. Reed, Joel, 147. 416 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Reed and Bemiss, printers, Lafay- ette, 309, 366. Reeder, Ralph, of Indianapolis, owner of old carpenter tools, 18m. Register printing office (Vernon), 3io, 354, 356. Renwick, James, architect, 189. Republican printing office (Madi- son), 311, 324. Republican and Banner printing office (Madison), 337, 344, 350, 357- Rhoads, Jacob, printer, Madison, Rice, R. S., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Richmond (Ind.), printing point, 325, 341, 343-44, 344, 348, 368, 381. Ridgeway, C, at New Harmony, 32. Riely, C. M., printer, Paoli, 311, 387. Roads, Cincinnati-Indianapolis, 262, 263-64 ; Hancock County, 285, 287; Indiana, 274-75, 300; Michigan Road, 272 ; National Road, 285. Roberts, Gaines Hardy, house near Newburgh, 210. Roberts Park Church (Indianap- olis), architect for, 200. Robertson, Elliott, and Company, printers, Shelbyville, 310, 388. Robson, Robert, marriage at New Harmony, 83n. Rockville (Ind.), printing point, 3ii, 390. Rodman, George, architect, 198. Ronald, Miss , visits New Harmony, 17-18. Roquet, James, architect, Evans- ville courthouse, 211. Rose Polytechnic Institute (Terre Haute), architect for, 201. Rosser, J. and I., printers, Lafay- ette, 311, 380, 385. Rosser, John, printer, Lafayette, 376, 380, 381. The Rough & Ready Almanac for 1848 . . ., 381. Rowse and Hay, printers, Salem, 310, 346, 349. Ruschhaupt family, 269-70, 279, 280, 287. Rushville (Ind.), Elder builds courthouse, 193 ; printing point, 3io, 311, 331, 35i, 359, 366-67. Sailing vessels, Atlantic crossing (1835), 229-44. St. Francis Xavier, Cathedral of (Vincennes), building of, 187. St. John's Cathedral (Indianap- olis), architect for, 200. St. Mary-of-the-Woods (Terre Haute), architect for, 200. Saint Pie, Marquis de, i8n. Salem (Ind.), printing point, 309, 310, 311, 317, 320, 322, 329, 330, 346, 349, 360. Sanders, W. H., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Saxe-Weimar, Duke of, comments on New Harmony, 33n, 35n ; describes separatist movements from New Harmony, 7m. Say, Thomas, at New Harmony, 44, 57, 67m Scanlan, Kathryn, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Schenck, Benjamin, house at Ve- vay, 207. Schenck, Ulysses P., house at Ve- vay, 206-7. Scherrer, xAxlolf, architect, Indian- apolis, 199. Schnee, Jacob, at New Harmony, I5n. Schnull, Henry, 297. Schnull, Maria Mathilde, see Schramm, Maria Mathilde. INDEX 417 Schools, lack of (1835), 275. See also Education. Schramm, August William, 297. Schramm, Jacob, early life, 227- 28; Atlantic crossing, 229-38; arrival in New York, 239-40; difficulties with English language, 241, 244, 250, 254, 263, 268-69, 278, 294-95; cus- toms inspection, 241-43; com- ments on American manners, 245, 246-47, 247-48, 250, 253, 254-55, 272, 274-75, 281-83, 294-95 ; journey : New York to Albany, 245-49; Albany to Buffalo, 249-54; Buffalo to Cleve- land, 255-58; Cleveland to Cincinnati, 258-62 ; Cincin- nati to Hancock County, 263- 65; disappointment with agent's preparations, 265-67 ; ex- changes foreign money, 267- 68; journey to South Bend, 270-7$ ; purchase of lands, 273- 74; longing for Germany and friends, 274, 275, 280, 289-90, 292-93, 295 ; sets out garden and orchard, 275-76; describes daily life, 284-87; letter to Karl Z , 292-96; sale of German goods, 293-94; later years in United States, 297- 302. Schramm, Jacob Richard, 297. Schramm, Julia (Junghaus), 231, 249, 250, 256-57, 258, 263, 277, 281, 289; marriage, 227, 228; birth of daughter, 265, 280-81, 291 ; letter to sisters, 290-92 ; later years, 297-99, 30 1 - Schramm, Maria Mathilde, birth, 280-81, 291 ; marriage, 297. Schramm, Nanette, 228, 231, 257, 258, 291 ; death, 297. Schroeder brothers, of New York, 229, 244. Schultz, Irvin, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Scott, James, 59, 60, 65. Scovell, J. C. F., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Second Presbyterian Church (In- dianapolis), designed by Joseph Curzon, 195. Seddom, Laura, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Semans, John B., printer, Lafay- ette, 336, 37i. Seminaries, see South Hanover. Sentinel printing office (Fort Wayne), 311, 355- Sergentfree, , at New Har- mony, 14. Shaw, Hugh, master carpenter, Vincennes, 186. Shaw, William, master carpenter, Vincennes, 186. Sheets, William, and Company, publishers, Indianapolis, 386. Shelby ville (Ind.), courthouse, building of, 198; printing point, 310, 311, 374, 388. Sheridan, George, 114. Shrewsbury house, at Madison, 206-7, 208. Shuler, L. S., attack on John Ewing, 318. Silver, Samuel, Remarks for the serious consideration of the . . . Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends, 344. Simpson, M., printer, Rockville, 3", 390. Simpson, Matthew, address pub- lished, 353. Sistare, Lucy, marriage to Thomas Say, 44- Slavery, in Indiana, 186. Sloo, Albert Gallatin, marriage, 186; transportation business, 186. 418 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Sloo, Harriet (White), 186. Small, John, 315. Small, Josiah, 108, 146. Smith, , 54. Smith, C, A Rcviciv of Flat Rock Baptist Circular, 334. Smith, Isaac, Political Chart of Indiana . . ., 392. Smith, John D., printer, Lafayette, 351. Smith, Mrs. M., of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Smith, S., printer, Centerville, 311, 328. Smith, Samuel, of Pennsylvania, 23n. Smith, Timothy S., Missionary Abominations Unmasked, 334. Smith, William, trustee, Spiceland Academy, 148, 157. Smith and Bolton, printers, Indian- apolis, 326, 329. Smithsonian Institute, block of In- diana "marble" furnished for, 208; building of, 189. Smoot and Stout, printers, Vin- cennes, 311, 315. Snyder, , 54. Snyder, John, of Pennsylvania, 23n. Society of Friends, see Friends, Society of. Sorin, Father Edward, of Notre Dame, 212. South Bend (Ind.), first court- house, 212; printing point, 309, 310, 311, 334, 344, 358, 361, 366, 3/i, 374, 375, 385, 39i ; tailors' prices, 344- South Hanover (Hanover, Ind.), female seminary, catalogue, 346; printing point, 346. Spann and Chapmans, printers, In- dianapolis, 378. Spann and Morrison, printers, In- dianapolis, 376. Speakman, John, 47; arrival at New Harmony, 53. Spees, Shubael Granby, A Dis- course on the Great American Idea . . ., 386. Spencer, George H., Spencer's Grammar and Lectures . . ., 392. Spencer, Will, 144. Spiceland (Ind.), founded, 107; name, 107. Spiceland Academy, article on, 99- 174; buildings, 135; commence- ment activities, 145 ; curricu- lum, 121-29, 140, I47n; endow- ment, 133-34, 135, 138; extra- curricular activities, 139-45 ', field day, 143-44; finances, 130-38; graduates, occupations and residence, 158-74; lectures, 139, 142 ; legacies and bequests, 134-35; library, 140, 142; origin, 107 ; oratorical associa- tion, 142-43 ; public school, 121, 131-32, 135, 137; sports, 143-45; superintendents, 155; teacher training, 127-29; teach- ers, 155, 156; textbooks, 122, 124-25; trustees, 157; tuition, 130, 131 ; becomes township high school, 138. See also Spiceland School. Spiceland School, constitution, 110- 11; curriculum, 112, 113, 114; finances, 111-12; incorporated, 116-20; schoolbooks used, 112; term, 1 12-13. See also Spice- land Academy. Stackhouse, Mark, of Pennsyl- vania, 23n. Stacy, William, printer, Indianap- olis, 35i, 353- Stacy and Williams, printers, In- dianapolis, 348, 352. Stagecoaches, operated by Albert Gallatin Sloo, 186. INDEX 419 Stanley, V. K., 134. Stansbury, Attorney General Ele, opinion on Kimmel law, 137. Starbuck, Edwin E., of Spiceland Academy, 156. State Sentinel printing office (In- dianapolis), 311, 368. Statehouses, courthouses used as : at Corydon, 189; at Indianap- olis, 190-91 ; first, at Indianapolis, 191-92 ; second, architects for, 199. Statesman printing office (Law- renceburg), 311, 331. Steamboats, travel by (1835), 245- 47, 255-58, 260-61, 262. Stone, Kate, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Stone, Lucy, 196-97. Stout, Elihu, printer, Vincennes, 315, 319, 324, 325-26, 328, 336, 342. Stout, Elihu, and Son, printers, Vincennes, 311, 353- Stout and Smoot, printers, Vin- cennes, 311, 315. Stratton, Edward K., 134. Stribling, Thomas T., announces candidacy for constable, 316. Strickland, William, of Philadel- phia, submits plans for In- diana statehouse, 192. Stuart, J. M., printer, Michigan City, 356. Stuart, J. M., and Company, print- ers, Michigan City, 311. Stubbs, Arden, 143. Stubbs, Charles, 133. Stubbs, Joseph, 109. Sullivan, Jeremiah, house at Madi- son, 209. Sullivan (Ind.), courthouse, build- ing of, 198. Symons, John, 133, 157. Symons, Seth C, trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Talbert, Dr. 135. Talbert, Milo, 117, 119. Tarman, Benjamin, town proprie- tor, 316. Taylor, Bayard, 196. Taylor, Edward, of Spiceland Academy, 150, 155. Taylor, Jacob, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 114, 119, 133. Taylor, Maud, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Taylor, Sarah E., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Taylor, Zachary, 381. Teas, Marietta B., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. Temperly, John, architect, Madi- son, 208-9. Temperly, Mathew, architect, Mad- ison, 208-9. Temperly, William, architect, Mad- ison, 208-9. Terre Haute (Ind.), architecture, public buildings, 211; printing point, 309, 3ii, 3i8, 327, 345, 347, 349, 352, 357, 373, 378, 382, 387, 392. Test, S. E., 135. Test, Samuel, trustee, Spiceland Academy, 157. Thacher, David, printer, Shelby- ville, 311, 374- Thiebaud house, at Vevay, 207. Thomas, Caroline, memoir, 373. Thomas, David, comment on In- diana building woods, igon. Thomas, F. W., 134. Thomas, Francis, 133. Thompson, John, 143. Thompson, Richard, 142. Thomson, John, printer, Greens- burg, 311, 354- Thomson, O. and O., printers, Greensburg, 311, 382. Thomson and Mills, printers, Greensburg, 310, 365, 370. 420 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Thornburg, Luzena, of Spiceland Academy, 116, 156. Timber, deadening, 274; used as steamboat fuel, 261 ; varieties, Middle West, 261-62. Timmons, W. M., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Tinsley, John, 200. Tinsley, William, architect, In- dianapolis, 199-200. Tomlinson Hall (Indianapolis), architect for, 200. Tousey house, see Vance house. Town, Ithiel, architect, first state- house at Indianapolis, 192 ; pre- pares plans for Fall Creek bridge, 192. Traill, Robert, sermons published, 341. Transportation, wagon, 262, 263-64. See also Canalboats, Sailing vessels, Steamboats. Tribune printing office (Bloom- ington), 391. Troost, Gerard, at New Harmony, 44, 45, 57- Tuley, Ben S., candidate for lieu- tenant governor, 353. Union Inn (Indianapolis), 193. Union Railway Station (Indianap- olis), building of, 195. United States Arsenal (Indianap- olis), 201. Unthank, Anna, of Spiceland Academy, 113. Unthank, Joseph, 133. Unthank, William, 109, 134. Unthank, William B., in, 114. Utica (N. Y.), appearance (1835), 253. Vaile, B., printer, Centerville, 311, 392. Vajen house (Indianapolis), built by Curzon, 195-96. Vance, Samuel, house in Lawrence- burg, 205. Van Osdol and Olmstead, archi- tects, first South Bend court- house, 212. Vernon (Ind.), courthouse, archi- tect for, 201 ; printing point, 3io, 311, 339, 345, 347, 354, 356, 358, 361, 364, 366, 371, 374, 379, 38o, 383, 384, 387, 389. Versailles (Ind.), printing point, 375, 388. Vevay (Ind.), early houses, 206-7; printing point, 319, 321, 322, 323- Vickery, Isaiah, 133. Vigo, Col. Francis, house at Vin- cennes, 183. Vincennes (Ind.), courthouse, building of, 199; printing point, 310, 311, 315, 316, 319, 324, 325-26, 328, 329, 336, 337- 38, 342, 342-43, 353, 378; types of houses, 183-88. Visitor printing office (Vernon), 3ii, 339, 347. Vonnegut, Emma S., recollections of grandparents, 297-302. Vrydagh, Josse A., architect, Terre Haute, 211. Wabash College (Crawfordsville), architect for, 199; catalogues: 1846, p. 378 ; 1847, p. 382. Wabash Courier printing office (Terre Haute), 311, 373. Wages, carpenters and bricklayers, I92n; skilled labor (1835), 253, 281 ; unskilled labor (1835), 253, 268, 275, 278, 282. See also Prices. Walker, John, and Company, print- ers, Vernon, 311, 345. Walker, Mary Alden, Beginnings of Printing in Indiana, supple- ment to, 305-93- INDEX 421 Wallace, David, address published, 353- Wallace, George, Vincennes mer- chant, 1 86. Walling and Buxton, printers, Richmond, 325. Walsh, Robert, editor, Philadelphia National Gazette, 21. Warren, Josiah, at New Harmony, 87. Washington (Ind.), printing point, 309, 3io, 348, 351. Waters, Asa, of Pennsylvania, 23m Wattles, James O., at New Har- mony, 56, 57, 58, 60. Weeks, , at New Harmony, 38. Weeks, Emily, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Weems house, Jeffersonville, 210. Weights and measures, German mile, 232n. Weir, D. H., of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Welman, , at New Harmony, 14, 22, 35. Welsh, Rev. James, proceedings of trial, 323-24. West, W. Russell, designs Madi- son Episcopal Church, 209. West and Berry, printers, Brook- ville, 309, 372. West and Colfax, printers, South Bend, 311. Western Eagle printing office (Madison), 311, 317. Western Fanner and Gardener's Almanac, for 1848, 386. Western Intelligencer printing of- fice (Versailles), 375, 388. Western Register (Terre Haute), carrier's address, 1829, p. 327. Western Register printing office (Terre Haute), 311. Western Sun (Vincennes), car- rier's address, 1819, p. 317. Western Sun printing office (Vin- cennes), 311, 329. Western Theological Seminary (Allegheny City, Pa.), 53m Western Union Democrat (New Albany), carrier's address, 1844, P- 363. Wheelock, Eleazer, printer, Salem, 311, 322. Wheelock and Patrick, printers, New Albany and Salem, 310, 320. Whitby, John, at New Harmony, 57, 60. Whitby, Richeson, department superintendent, New Harmony, 67n ; leaves New Harmony to join Frances Wright, 78m Whitcomb, James, Facts for the People . . ., 364 ; letter on land frauds, 378. White, George, 186. White, Harriet, see Sloo, Harriet (White). White, Isaac, of Spiceland, 107, 108, 109, 146. White, Isaac, agent of salt springs, 184-85 ; death at Tippecanoe, 185; house near Vincennes, 184, 185-86. White, Jesse, 114. White, Mrs. Martha, 135. White, Mrs. Martha Ann (Macy), 148. White, Mattie A., trustee, Spice- land Academy, 157. White, Oliver, 130. White, Sallie (Leech), home near Vincennes, 184, 185-86. "White Hall," home of Isaac White family, 185-86. Whitewater Canal, specification for masonry in locks, 346. Whitwell, Stedman, at New Har- mony, 67n, 188. 422 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Wickham, William D. M., printer, Rushville, 311, 331, 359, 366- 67. Wildman, Edith, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Wildman, Dr. Murray S., quoted, 153-54; superintendent, Spice- land Academy, 136, 151, 155. Williams, Ella, 152. Williams, J. L., 346. Williams, Joseph, 114. Williams, Thomas F., printer, Sa- lem, 3ii, 360. Williams and Stacy, printers, In- dianapolis, 348, 352. Willis, Joseph, of Logansport, architect and builder, 195, 196- 97. Willis, Luke, 133, 134- Wilson, Belle, of Spiceland Acad- emy, 156. Wilson, Isadore, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Wilson, Terrell, trustee, Spiceland Academy, 157. Wilson, Timothy, superintendent, Spiceland Academy, 143, 150, 155; trustee, 116, 118, 119, 157. Women's Reformatory, 201. Wood, John, at New Harmony, 32. Wood carving, in Wright house near Vevay, 207. Woodburn, Dr. James A., 142. Woods, M. S., superintendent, Spiceland Academy, 151, 155. Wright, Camilla, marriage, 78m Wright, Frances, at New Har- mony, 44 ; marriage, 44 ; Nash- oba experiment, ySn ; Deed of the Lands of Nashoba, West Tennessee, 326. Wright, John W., house near Ve- vay, 207. Wright, Gov. Joseph A., 208. Wright, Morris P., of Spiceland Academy, 156. Wright, Sylvanus, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Wylie, Andrew, A Discourse on Education . . ., 329. Yellow Springs (Ohio), society on Owen principles founded at, 23n. Young, Ammi B., architect, 199. Young, Isaac, 341. Young, J., printer, Carlisle, 311, 356. Young, Leonard, of Spiceland Academy, 156. Zschokke, Johann Heinrich, 227m Zumpfe, Emilie, 229, 231, 257, 258, 269, 281; accompanies Schramm to United States, 228 ; marriage, 289. \)^ INDIANA IMPRINTS 1804-1849 A Supplement to Mary Alden Walkers "Beginnings of Printing in the State of Indiana," published in 1934 By DOUGLAS C. McMURTRIE INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1937 The price of this Publication is seventy-five cents. Members of the Indiana Historical Society receive one copy of each of its Publications without charge. The Publications may be ordered from the Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis. Bound volumes are five dollars each. Current numbers may also be obtained at the office of the Society, 408 State Library and Historical Building, Indian- apolis.