Kentucky Wesleyan College Series VI. July, 1915. Number 21. I Announcement First Semester 1915-16 I I UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AUG 1 7 ^915 PRtSiDtNT'S OFe»Ct Published Quarterly by Kentucky Wesleyan College Winchester, Kentucky I Entered at the Postoffice in Winchester, Ky., as second crass mail matter, in accordance with act of Congress. July 16. 1895. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. The Administration building, erected in 1905-06 at a cost of $65,000.00, is a large imposing" structure of brick and stone. The walls of the principal rooms are tinted and fres- coed. The large chapel is one of the handsomest halls of its kind in the state. The recitation rooms are large^ sup- \)]\v(\ with good seats, an abundance of light, good ])]ack- boards, and other conveniences for teaching. The scientific department is located in the basement of this building. The laboratories are large rooms well furnished and erpiipped. The society halls and the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. rooms are attr-active and well fui-nished. The entire ])uilding is heated with steam and lighted with electiicity. (M;Alx»K IIAI.L. Clark I hill, oui- doniiiloi-y, iiauiid iov 'I'lioiiias Ij. Clark, who colli I'i hilled most of the money for its erection, is a, three-e(l frr the eonvenience and comfort of fifty younj>' men. The iiasem. nt contains a dining' room, with ample li^ht and ven- tilation; also a kitchen with store-rooms, etc. The ])uildin<>' is healed with «as and lighted with electricity. Tne Dormitory is the best place for boys at the Wesleyan. The testimony of the Dormitory boys is: ''lAve with the fellows, and you will never regret it." In the Dormitory one bed room is always reserved for any old student that may stop in Winchester for a night. At Clark Hall a genuine welcome awaits every visiting K. W. C. student. ^^M4here is no Dormitory for girls at the Wesleyan, they in ay secure boai^. in approved private homes. OUR NEW LIBRARY. Our new libraty is completed. The cost pri^e $i 5,000.00, was a gift of Mr. Carnegie. The friends of the Wesleyan contributed $15,000.00 for its endowment. It is a beautiful stone structure. On the main floor are the stack rooms, librarian's room, and two reading rooms. The furniture is of first class material, good workmanship, and attractive in CLARK HALL. OUR NEW LIBRARY. appiaiaiice. On the basement iiocrs are the furnace ]*ooni, unpacking- i-ooni, toilet rooms, and a large i oom that may l)e used for an additional stack room. The buildini>- is heated with hot water and lighted with electricity. The libi-ary is inderd a valuable addition to our college plant. Recently the library has received several donations (»f books. A large pai*t of the private library of the late Dr. Iv II. Pearce will be placed in the library before the opening of* college in September. TilK PRh]PARATORY DEPARTMENT. During the year 1906, a two-:stoi'y brick and ston^ build- ing was erected on the campus for the use of the l^repai-a- tory Dei)ar'tinent. This building is modern in all its ap- pointments; its rooms are large and well lighted and heated. THE PRESIDENTS HOME. This l)uilding- was recently purchased by the l^oaid of Kdncation for the president's use. It is a neat frame build- ing, conveniently arranged, and well located, it is situated just acioss the street from the cami)us. At the home of the I)j('sident, the students and friends of the Wesleyan are ever- welcoiiie. TIIK (JYMNASIUIVI. The okl gyiimasiuin was too small, especially for Uaskct- bnll puiposes, so it was determined to provide an additional j^ymnasium. J^ast fall the ])ioom plant was torn down and rebuilt to meet our <»ymnasium neuls. The new gymnasium is a concrett-block buildinji. Jt has a fine floor. There are two dressing' I'ooms connected with this building. The batii room, equipped with shower baths, is connected with th}i schools of the state. There are the follovviii<>- stiukiits oi'<»aiiizations at the Wesleyaii: Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., Literary Societies, Athletic Association, Intercollegiate Prohibition Association, StatT of the Kentucky Wesleyan and Student Volunteer Band. Under supervision of the faculty Wesleyan teams are per- mitted to take part in the intercollegiate athletics. The various teams made a reasonably good record during the past year. There is promise of greater interest, activity, and success next year. There is a fine opportunity at the Wesleyan for students desiring to take part in athletics. The following medals are awarded at the Wesleyan:- For Oratory— By Rev. W. G. McCready, Brooklyn, N. Y., _an4 Drr^G^JB. VanArsdale, Harrodsburg, Ky. ^or Best Essay in Elective English — By Prof. J. H. Hewlett, For Best All Round Athlete — By Kentucky Wesleyan Ath- letic Association. For Best All Round College StudeTit — President Clark offers one term's tuition. M. H. Holland, M. 0. Ross, B. S. Robbins, and W. H. Moore won medals this year. Expense at the Wesleyan is very reasonable : $190.00 will meet the year's expense for board, room rent, light, heat. THE GYMNASIUM. tuition, and fees. $160. 00 will meet the expense of one possessino; a scholarship. The following are exempt from the payment of tuition: Those presenting certificates from owners of scholarships, authorizing us to admit the bearers; Young men preparing foi' the ministry; The children of ministers; Beneficiaries of the Garth Fund, of Bourbon County; Free tuition for one year will be given the honor graduate of any High school of the state. Kentucky Wesleyan College is a Christian institution — not a sectarian institution. Its professors are Christians. Wholesome moral and religious influence is brought to bear upon the students. Christian students are stimulated to seek the highest development of character and perfection of life; non-Christian students are encouraged to accept Christ. The object of the institution is to provide distinctively, Qhrimiau education. The Christian college stands -^Or "the complete development of the student ; body, mind, and soul. Believ- ing the religious element essential to true education, Ken- tucky Wesleyan College" provides for the same. T^: college has just closed a very successful year, the next session will open September 8th, 1915. For catalogue and other information address, Pres. J. L. Clark, Winchester, Ky. THE PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. The completion of the eighth grade is required for ad- mission. The preparatory course is equivalent to a first- class High school course. The teachers are competent and experienced. We are for- tunate in securing Prof. D. H. Lyon to assist in teaching in this department next year. Parents, contemplating sending children away from home to secure High school training, would do well to place them in the preparatory department at the Wesleyan. The ex- pense will not be greater; the advantages will be much greater.