NEW YORK STATE TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION Some Inexpensive Library Aids in School Work A SELECTED LIST By ESTHER M. DAVIS Librarian of Brooklyn Training School for Teachers 1911 M § II i c c/. C y,!s 7 p/vcutt. 017 . < 632 . 3 School Library Work Organization and care of school libraries Brown, M. W. Mending and repair of books. Chic. 1910. Amer. Library Asso. 15c. Crawford, Esther. Cataloging : suggestions for a small library. Chic. 1906. Library Bureau Asso. 25c. Dana, J. C. Library primer. 5th rev. ed. Chic. 1910. Amer. Library Asso. 1.00. Ely, Ruth. Library aids for the teacher. Duluth, Minn. 1910. 15c. (State Normal School. Bulletin, v. 4, no. 4. 1910.) Milner, A. V. Formation and care of school libraries. Normal, 111 . 1903. (Illinois State Normal University. Normal School Quarterly, ser. 2, no. 3, 1903.) National Educational Association. Report on introduction in library administration in normal schools ; prepared by E. B. Baldwin, 1906. Irwin Shephard, secretary, Winona, Minn. 10c. Also in the Report of the association for 1906. New York (State) Education Dep’t. Care of school equipment. Alb. 1909. (Handbook 30.) free. Plummer, M. W. Hints to small libraries. Chic. 1911. Amer. Library Asso. 75c. Salisbury, G. E. Library methods for school teachers. White- water, Wis. 1908. (State Normal School.) 25c. Course of instruction in the care of school libraries. Ao^Whitewater, Wis. (State Normal School.) 10c. Stearns, L. E. Essentials in library administration. Chic. 1905. Amer. Library Asso. 15c. Walter, F. K. Care of school libraries and some helps which are available. New York State Education Dep’t. Albany, N. Y. 1911. free. Wisconsin. Library Commission. Library aids for teachers ; a brief list of aids for organizing a school* library. Madison, Wis. 1909. Wisconsin. State Sup’t of Public Instruction. Library methods. (In list of books for Township libraries. 1910-1911. pages 268- 329.) Madison, Wis-. free. (Instructions for cataloging.) (In List of books for free high school libraries.) Madison, Wis. 1909. free. Book Selection I General American Library Asso. Chicago. Catalog of 8000 volumes for a popular library. 1904. 1.00. Booklist; a monthly guide to best books. 1.00 per year. 550 children’s books; comp, by Harriet H. Stanley. 1910. 4 Carnegie Library. Pittsburg , Pa. Catalog of books in the chil- dren’s department. 1909. 1.00 Harwood, Helen. Commercial geography; a graded list. Wis- consin Free Library Commission. Madison, Wis. 1909. Kennedy, H. T. Suggestive list of children’s books for a small library. Democrat Printing Co. Madison, Wis. 1910. Michigan. State Library. First selection of children’s books for a library; comp, by E. F. Power. Lansing, Mich. Minnesota. Public School Commission . Catalog for school libraries. St. Paul, Minn. free. New York {State) Education Dep’t. Handbooks, nos. 4; 22; 25. Albany, free. Note : These handbooks contain snggestive lists of books on science, history and general books for teachers and pupils. Selection of best books. Issued annually for current books, free. Olcott, Frances Jenkins. Select class room libraries ; a list of 200 good books for children. N. Y. State Teachers’ Association. (Albany), 1911. free. Oregon, University of. Eugene Ore. Public school libraries for all grades including a high school library and a reference library for teachers of English. 1903. Elementary schools Buffalo, N. Y. Public Library. Class-room libraries for public schools. 1909. 31c. Carnegie Public Library. Pittsburg, Pa. Catalog of books annotated . . . for the use of the first eight grades in the Pitts- burg schools. 1907. 50c. Ely, Ruth. Graded list of books for the school library. (State Normal School, Duluth, Wis.) 15c. Michigan. State Library. List of books for school libraries. Graded from i-8th grades. Lansing, Mich. 1908. free. Minnesota Public Library Commission. Teachers’ assistant; a selected list . . . arranged for rural schools. Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska. Public Library Commission. Graded list of books for school libraries. Lincoln, Neb. 1903-1910. free. New York {city). Dep’t of Education. Catalog of books for public school libraries. 1910. Newark, N. J. Free Public Library. Books for schoolroom libraries. Graded list for the use of Newark teachers. Oregon. Library Commission. List of books for elementary and country school districts. Salem, Ore. 1907. 15c. 5 High school Bracq, J. C. domp. Selected list of French books. Amer. Library Asso. Chic. 25c. Colorado, University of. Bibliography of high school reference books. 1903. Boulder, Col. 50c. Gattiker, Emma. Selected list of German books. Amer. Library Asso. Chic. 50c. Meader, C. L. List of books for a high school classical library. Macmillan, N. Y. 10c. Michigan. State Board of Library Commissioners. List of books for high school libraries. Lansing, Mich. 1909. free. Oregon. Library Commission. Books for high school pupils. Portland, Ore. * 25c. Wisconsin. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. List of books for high school libraries. C. P. Cary, Madison, Wis. 15c. Teachers’ Professional Library Lists of "best books Columbia University. Books on education in the libraries of Columbia university. (Library bulletins no. 2.) N. Y. 1901. Cubberly, E. P. Syllabus of lectures on the history of education with selected bibliographies and suggested readings. Ed. 2 rev. 1904. Macmillan, N. Y. 2.50 Monroe, IV. S. Bibliography of education. N. Y. 1897. (Inter- national educ. ser.) Monroe, Paid, ed. Cyclopedia of education. . . . v. 1-2. N. Y. 1911. Macm. 5.00 ea. Note: Important articles followed by valuable bibliographies. New York (state). Education Dep’t. Course of study and syllabus for the college graduate professional certificate. Alb. 1910. free. U. S. Bureau of Education. Teacher’s professional library; classified list of 100 titles. Wash. 1909. free Annual summaries of books on education Bibliography of current periodical literature upon education. (In Education, an international magazine, 1881-date.) Bibliography of education for 1906 ; comp, by J. I. Wyer and M. G. Brown. (In Educational review, v. 34. 1907.) Note : Published since 1907 as a bulletin of the Bureau of Education Educational Review. Reviews and notices of best educationa, books in each number. Pedagogical seminary ; an international record of educational lit- erature, institutions and progress. Worcester, Mass. Note : Reviews of best books and a bibliography of child study each year, by L. N. Wilson, librarian of Clark University. 6 Pschological index; an annual bibliography of the literature of psychology and cognate subjects. Note: Contains list of books on child study, child psychology, peda- gogy, etc. Publishers’ weekly. Educational number published in July each year. Lists of magazines Jones, K. N. comp. Magazines for a small library. Amer. Library Asso. 78 E. Washington street, Chic. 25c. U. S. Bureau of Education. Educational periodicals. (In Report 1910, v. 1.) Children’s reading Bibliography Baker, F. T. comp. Bibliography of children’s reading. (Pub- lished in Teachers’ College Record, Columbia University, N. Y. Jan. and March, 1908.) Also published in separate form at 60c. Connecticut. Public Library Document. Helps in library work with children. Hartford, Conn. 1909. Widdemer, Margaret. Bibliography of books and articles on children’s reading. (In the Bulletin of Bibliography, v. 6. 1911. Pub. by Boston Book Co. 30c. a number) Suggestions for a child’s library Brooklyn, N. Y. Public Library. (A) child’s own library; by C. W. Hunt. 1911. 4c. Carnegie Library. Pittsburg, Pa. Gifts for children’s book shelves. 5c. Pratt Institute Free Library. Brooklyn, N. Y. Books for Christmas for the children. 1911. 2c. Note: Excellent list of illustrated editions of children’s best books. Minnesota. Public Library Commission. Children’s books for Christmas gifts. St. Paul, Minn. 1910. free. Reading lists Book marks for children. Democrat Printing Co. Madison, Wis. 25c. per 100. Note: Attractive lists of a few of the best books for the use of children from first grade through high school. 7 Boston, Mass. Public Library. Brief list of books for home reading for boys and girls. 1910. Brief list of books about gardening for boys and girls. 2d ed. Bost. 1907. Brooklyn, N. Y . Public Library. Books for boys and girls ; by C. W. Hunt. 1911. 5c. Carnegie Library. Pittsburg, Pa. Annotated catalog of books used in the home libraries and reading clubs. 1905. 25c. Cleveland, O. Public Library . Children’s leaf. No. 1-6. 1905- 08. free. Connecticut. Public Library Commission. Books on sicence and useful arts adapted to children. (In Connecticut Public Library Document. No. 2. 1901.) Mankato, Minn. Public library. Some books for boys. Some helps for little housekeepers. New York Public Library. Old favorites and recent books for boys and girl^s. N. Y., 1911. free. St. Louis. Public Library. Reading lists for the young. Note: Book mark reading lists, free. Scott , C. E. comp. Popular books for boys and girls. Indiana Library Commission, Indianapolis, Ind. 1911. Thompson, L. V. Children’s reading lists on arts and artists. Bost. 1900. 25c. Boston Book Co. What shall we read now? List of books for children from four to fourteen years old, for grades from 1-8. Compiled by the East Orange Library and the Children’s room of Pratt Institute Free Library, Brooklyn, N. Y. 10c. Stories and story telling Boston, Mass. Public library. Finding list of fairy tales and folk stories. 1908. Carnegie Library. Pittsburg, Pa. Bedtime reading for children. 5 C - Good stories to tell children under twelve years of age. 5c. Selections for reading aloud to boys and girls. 5c. Story hour courses for children from Greek myths ; the Iliad and the Odyssey. 5c. Storytelling from Norse mythology. 5c. King Arthur and Robin Hood stories. 5c. Dayton, O. Public Library. Library manual for teachers and parents. 1907. Note: List of stories to be told to children under 12 years of age. Gilbert, C. B. and Harris, A. V. Graded list of poems and stories ; for use in the schools. Silver Burdett. N. Y. 1901. Hassler, H. E. Graded list of stories for reading aloud. 1908. (Public Library Commission of Indiana.) 10c. Indianapolis, Ind. •8 Prentice & Power. Graded list of stories for reading aloud. (Indiana. Public Library Commission.) Indianapolis, Ind. Salisbury, G. E. Index to short stories. Whitewater, Wis. State Normal School. Bulletin v. 3, no. 3-4. 1906. 30c. Storytelling. (In Playground, published monthly by the Play- ground Asso. of America, v. 4, no. 5. Aug. 1910. 1 Madison Ave., New York. 25c. each number.) Nature study helps Brooklyn Institute. Children's museum. Some books on nature study in the Children’s museum library; Comp, by M. S. Draper. Brooklyn, N. Y. free. Coulter, J. G. and Patterson, A. J. Notes on nature-study. Nor- mal, 111 . 1909. 5c. (Illinois State Normal Univ. Normal School Quarterly, ser. 7, no. 30. 1909.) Cornell University. College of Agriculture. Nature study leaf- lets. Ithaca, N. Y. free. Home nature study course. Ithaca, N. Y. free. Hampton Institute. Nature Study Bureau. Course in nature study for primary grades. Hampton, Va. Holtz, F. L. Primary information books and nature stories . . . for grades from the kindergarten to the 4th inclusive ... (In his Nature study. 1908. Scribner N. Y.) 1.50. Massachusetts. Board of Education. Bulletin no. 1, 1911. Agricultural projects for elementary schools. Bost. 1911. New York (state). Education Dep't. Selected books on nature study for schools and libraries by E. L. Bascom. (In Arbor Day Annual. 1910.) free. U. S. Bureau of Education. Agricultural education including nature study and school gardens. (Bulletin no. 2, 1907.) Wash, free. On the training of persons to teach agriculture in the public schools. (Bulletin no. 1, 1908). free. Wash. U. S. Dep't of Agriculture. Free publications of the Dep’t of agriculture classified for the use of teachers, by D. J. Crosby and F. W. Howe. Wash. 1910. free. (Farmers’ bulletin. Wash.) Important ! “To know what public documents there are on a given subject apply to the Sup’t of Documents, Washington, D. C. To get these documents free of charge apply to the Representative of the Congressional District.” Helps in holiday and anniversary celebrations Chicago. Public Library. Special reading lists, nos. 1 & 2. Cleveland, O., Public Library. Special reading lists ; school holi- day series. H. W. Wilson, Minneapolis, Minn. 9 Hazeltine, M. E. Anniversaries and holidays; references and suggestions for picture bulletins. Chic. 1909. Amer. Library Asso. 25c. Illinois. State Sup’t of Public Instruction. Arbor Day, Bird Day, Memorial Day. Springfield, 111 . McCurdy, R. M. & Coulter, E. M. Bibliography of articles relat- ing to holidays. Bost. Book Co. Bost. 1907. 25c. Nebraska. Department of Public Instruction. Special days. Lincoln, Neb. New York ( state ). Education Deft. Arbor Day annual. Albany, free. Schauffler, R. H.. ed. Our American holidays. 1, Thanksgiving ; 2, Christmas; 3, Lincoln; 4, Washington; 5, Arbor Day; 6, Memo- rial Day. N. Y. Moffett, Yard Co. $1.00 each. Skinner, C. R. Arbor Day manual. . . . Ed. 2. Syracuse, N. Y. Bardeen, 1896. Stevenson, B. E. & Stevenson, Mrs. E. S. Days and deeds. Baker & Taylor. N. Y. v. 1, Book of verse. 1906. v. 2, Book of prose. 1907. Wisconsin. Free Library Commission, Wisconsin. Library bul- letin. Madison, Wis. Wisconsin. State Sup't of Public Instruction. Arbor Day and Bird Day annual. Madison, Wis. Note: For sources of illustrative material see Hazeltine, M. E. Anni- versaries and holidays, pages 21-23. Aids in training students in the use of books Gilson, M. J. Course of study for normal school pupils on the use of a library. Elm Tree Press, Woodstock, Vt. 1909. 75c. (Modern library economy as illustrated by the Newark Public Library. Pt. 5. School department.) Sherwin Cody. Dictionary habit ; teaching the use of the dic- tionary. 7 lessons. G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass. free. Hopkins, F. M. Outlines of instruction of high school students in the use of the library. Detroit, Mich. Central High School. Address, Dr. D. McKenzie. 4c. Ward, Gilbert. Practical use of books and libraries. Bost. 1911. Boston Book Co. 1.00. Teaching outline. Bost. 1911. Bost. Book Co. 50c. High School Reading Lists Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Some entertaining biographies. 1910. 5 cents. Cleveland, Ohio. East High School. College reading list : col- lege life and college stories. 10 Hitchcock, A. M. Journeys in fiction. Allyn & Bacon. Bost. io cents. Mankato Public Library, Mankato, Minn . For a girl’s pleasure. For a boy’s pleasure and profit. Newark Public Library, ioo best novels. R. H. Huntting, pub- lisher. Springfield, Mass, price, 50 cents per hundred copies. Reading for pleasure and profit. 1910. Newark Public Library, Newark, N. J. 10 cents. A thousand of the best novels. 5 cents. Springfield, Mass. Public Library. List of interesting books. 5 cents. v Utica Public Library, Utica, N. Y. Selected list of historical fiction. 1911. Debating Carnegie Library, Pittsburg, Pa. Debate index. 20c. Debaters handbooks series. H. W. Wilson Co. Minneapolis, Minn. $1.00 each. Note: Each volume is devoted to some one topic with selected articles, a brief, and a bibliography. Topics included are Direct primary , Income tax , Commission government , etc. Wisconsin, University of, Madison , Wis. Debating and public discussion, a series of pamphlets. General statement. 1910. 5c. Contains a list of aids to debaters consisting of about 20 pamphlets on various topics.. 5 cents each. Debating societies; organization and procedure. 1909. 5 cents. How to judge a debate. 1910. 10 cents. Vocational Guidance Bibliography of books and periodicals in English and German dealing with vocational direction. Vocation Bureau, 101 Tremont St., Bost. Choosing a career. 2 pamphlets. Circular for boys. 10 cents. Circular for girls. 10 cents. E. W. Weaver, 25 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Davis, Jesse. List of books on vocational guidance used by English department of Grand Rapids High School, Michigan, for themes and essays. (In Grand Rapids Public Library.) Bulletin. Oct. 1911, pp. 150-56. New York School of Philanthropy. 105 East 22d Street, New York City. Vocational guidance. (Library bulletin no. 2.) Free. Nov. 1911. 11 Addresses of Firms Mentioned American Library Association. Publishing Board i Washington St., Chicago, 111. Boston Book Co. 83-91 Francis St., Boston, Mass. Cary, C. P. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Madison, Wis. Democrat Printing Co. Madison, Wis. Library Bureau. 37 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. University Extension Division. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Wilson, H. W. & Co. Minneapolis, Minn. Wisconsin Library Commission, Madison, Wis. i ALBANYN.V