OTS MANUFACTURE AND SALE INTOXICATING LIQUORS CHAPTER 106, LAWS OF UTAH, 1911 AS AMENDED BY CHAPTERS 79 and 81 LAWS of UTAH, 1913 1 800 PUBLISHED by the SECRETARY OF STATE M prevent drug¬ gists or registered pharmacists furnishing or selling intoxicat¬ ing liquors in wholesale quantities to registered pharmacists, to public or charity hospitals, to medical or pharmaceutical colleges, or to scientific schools or institutions. All druggists or registered pharmacists shall keep a complete record of all sales at wholesale of intoxicating liquor, which record shall at all times be open to inspection of the peace officer of any city, town or county. No 1 physician shall issue a prescription except for a bona fide medical purpose. Section 16. Revocation of license of physician, druggist or pharmacist. After the second conviction of any physician, druggist or pharmarcist for violating any of the provisions of this act, it shall be a part of the judgment of conviction that his license to practice medicine, pharmacy or dispense drugs is revoked, and the court before whom such person shall be tried and convicted shall cause a certified copy of such judg¬ ment of conviction to be certified to the State board having authority to issue such a license. After revocation, no license shall ever be granted to the person whose license is revoked to practice medicine, pharmacy or dispense drugs in the State of Utah. Section 17. Sale of certain “patent” medicines prohibited. Exception. No druggist or other person within any city, town or county unit voting “Against Sale,” shall sell, dispose of or give away any proprietary, patent or compound medi¬ cines classed by the U. S. Commissioners of Internal Revenue as subject to the U. S. Internal Special Tax as an intoxicating 12 liquor insufficiently medicated to render them unsuitable as beverages, except upon the prescription of a licensed and practicing physician of this State. Section 18. Sale of alcohol or wines for special purposes permitted. Nothing in this act shall prohibit the sale by li¬ censed pharmacists or wholesale druggists within any city, town or county unit, which may vote “Against Sale,” of alcohol for art, scientific or mechanical purposes or wines to church officials for sacramental purposes. A record of each sale shall be made and preserved in a book kept for that pur¬ pose, signed by the person receiving the same; which record shall be open to public inspection. No person shall purchase any such alcohol or wines for any use other than stated in this section. Section 19. Sale by druggists and pharmacists prohibited, except for medicinal purposes. No druggist or licensed pharm¬ acist shall, within this state, sell, exchange, barter, give away or otherwise furnish for consumption on the premises in which he is licensed to dispense drugs or in any place in any way connected therewith, any intoxicating liquors, except for medicinal purposes, as herein provided. Section 20. Manufacturers and wholesalers not to be in¬ terested in procuring retail license. Exception. It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership or corporation engaged in the manufacture or sale at wholesae of intoxicating liquors, or any agent, officer or employee of any such person, partner¬ ship or corporation, to aid or assist in any manner, directly or indirectly, under pretext or otherwise, in the application for or procuring of license for the sale, at retail of intoxicating liquors in this state, or to engage in or in any manner become interested, under pretext or otherwise, in the retail traffic in such liquors in this state; provided, however, that a manu¬ facturer or wholesaler of intoxicating liquor other than a corporation may have not to exceed one retail license. Section 21. Id. Not to construct or rent premises for retail business. It shall be unlawful for any person, corpora¬ tion or association engaged in the manufacture, or sale at wholesale of intoxicating liquors, or his, its or their officers, agents or employees to construct for, or let to any person, di- 13 rectly or indirectly, under pretext or otherwise, any building, room, shed, apartment, structure or place on, or in which to conduct the retail sale of intoxicating liquors. Section 22. Soliciting unlawful aid or assistance. It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit or receive from any person, corporation, or association engaged in the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors, or his, its or their officers, agents or employees, any aid or assistance directly or indi¬ rectly under pretext or otherwise, in the securing or use of any license for the retail sale of any intoxicating liquors in this State, or to lease, occupy or use, directly or indirectly, under pretext or otherwise, any building, room, shed, apart¬ ment, structure or place owned or controlled by. any such person, corporation, or association engaged in the manufac¬ ture, or sale at wholesale of intoxicating liquors, or any trustee of any such person or corporation, on or in which to conduct the retail sale of any intoxicating liquors in this State. Section 23. Employment of minors prohibited. No holder of a license for the sale at retail of intoxicating liquors shall employ any person under the age of twenty-one years to serve such liquors to be drunk on the premises. Section 24. Id. No person, partnership or corporation shall employ a minor under the age of twenty-one years in handling intoxicating liquors or packages containing such liquors in a brewery or bottling establishment, in which such liquors are prepared for sale or offered for sale. Section 25. Opening and closing of saloons. It shall be unlawful for any licensed retail dealer by himself, clerk or servant to keep his placd. of business open on the day of any general or special election, or on Sunday, or between the hours of 10 p. m. Standard time on any day and 6 o’clock a. m. the following morning, except that in cities of the first and sec¬ ond class, it shall be lawful, unless otherwise provided by ord¬ inance in such cities, for such places of business to' remain open between the hours of 6 o’clock a. m. and 12 o’clock mid¬ night, and it shall be unlawful for any such licensee to sell, barter, give away or otherwise furnish intoxicating liquors within the hours during which the place of business of such 14 licensee is herein required to be closed. It shall be unlawful for any club, druggist or pharmacist to sell, exchange, barter, give away or otherwise furnish any intoxicating liquors be¬ tween the hours of 12 o’clock p. m., standard time, on any day and 6 o’clock a. m. the following day; provided, that drug¬ gists and pharmacists may sell intoxicating liquors between such hours for medicinal purposes only. City councils, boards of trustees and county commissioners, may shorten, but shall not increase, the hours during which intoxicating liquors may be sold as herein provided. Section 26. Saloons must be vacated after hour of clos¬ ing. Exception. It shall be unlawful for any licensed retail dealer by himself, agent or servant, to permit anyone to re¬ main in the saloon after the hour of closing, as provided in the preceding section, but at the time when such saloon should be closed, he shall require all persons to at once vacate the premises and see that the doors are securely closed and locked; provided, however, that the dealer, his agent or servant may remain in the saloon for thirty minutes after the hour of clos¬ ing, and that on Sunday the saloon keeper or his employee may enter said saloon for the purpose of attending to the fires and lights, and for no other purpose. Section 27. Retailing; sales confined to one Room, Hotels; proviso. No licensed retail dealer, by himself, agent or servant, except clubs, and pharmacists, shall sell or expose for sale, barter, give away or otherwise furnish any intoxicat¬ ing liquors, except in a single room, which shall contain no booths, curtains, or partitions except such as may be neces¬ sary for the sole purpose of screening said room from the public gaze from the street or exterior; provided, that a screened or partitioned water closet may be maintained in such single room; provided, further, that nothing contained in this section shall prevent the serving in public dining rooms of intoxicating liquor with meals; provided, further, that any firm' or person engaged in the hotel business and licensed to sell intoxicating liquors in a hotel building having not less than one hundred twenty-five bedrooms, may deliver intoxicat¬ ing liquors to be served at all meals in said hotel, from a service bar or store room separate and apart from the room in which such retail liquor business is licensed to be con¬ ducted. 15 During the time when places where intoxicating liquors are sold are required by law to be closed, all blinds, screens • and curtains shall be withdrawn from the doors and windows of such places, and the interior doors, screens, blinds and cur¬ tains shall be so opened that an unobstructed view of the # interior of such places may be had from the sidewalk or ex¬ terior of all such places. Section 28. Saloons must be conducted in an orderly manner. Gambling or entertainment forbidden. The licensed premises shall be conducted in a quiet, orderly manner; there shall be no gambling or gaming with cards, dice, billiards or any other device, nor any music, phonograph, or other form of amusement or entertainment, or free lunch, nor lunch for which money is paid, in the room where said business is car¬ ried on; there shall be no nude, obscene or impure decorations, pictures, inscription, placards or any such thing in the place; no female shall be employed in the place; no woman, minor, drunkard or intoxicated person shall be allowed in the room; there shall be no chairs, benches, nor any other furniture in the room except behind the bar, and only such behind the bar as is necessary for the attendants. Section 29. Must not be connected with any premises used for unlawful purposes. It shall be unlawful for any dealer in intoxicating liquors by himself, agent or servant, to permit the room wherein he is licensed to> sell liquor tO' be in any way connected with any room wherein, or connected with which any prostitution or lewd practices are indulged or per¬ mitted ; or wherein any prostitutes are permitted to visit for any purpose; or wherein any women are permitted for any unlawful purpose. Under this rule any room into or from which there are any means of entrance or communication with the place of business of such licensee by door, stair, elevator, dumb waiter, speaking tubes, electric apparatus, or other means of communication, shall be deemed connected with the place of .business of the licensee, whether such rooms are un¬ der the control of such licensee or not. • Section 30. Sale of liquor to Indians, etc.,, prohibited. No intoxicating liquor shall be sold to, procured for, or de¬ livered to an Indian, insane person, idiot, or to a minor, either % 16 for his own use or the use of any other person, except for medicinal purposes upon the prescription of a physician. Section 31. Minor falsely representing his age. Penalty. Every person under the age of twenty-one years who shall for the purpose of obtaining intoxicating liquors from any licensee, or other person, falsely represent his age, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be fined for each offense not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding fifteen day's in jail, or both, in the discretion of the court. Nothing in this section contained shall excuse any sale of intoxicating liquors to a person under the age of twenty-one years. Section 32. Adulterations. Any retail liquor dealer who shall adulterate or mix with any foreign substance any in¬ toxicating liquors, or shall sell or otherwise dispose of any such liquor, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that the same has been adulterated, or who shall mix to¬ gether different kinds of liquors, either for bar purposes, or to be sold in bottles, shall place upon the container where such liquor is kept and upon the bottle wherein such liquor is bot¬ tled and offered for sale, a label or stamp setting forth in plain and legible type the true formula of such adulteration or mixture. This section shall not be construed as allowing the use for adulteration of intoxicating liquors of any sub¬ stances prohibited by Section 740, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907. . Section 33. In case of riot or public excitement, saloons may be closed. The mayor of a city, the trustees of a town, and the commissioners of any county, may, in case of riot or great public excitement, order persons who' hold licenses, not to sell, give away or deliver any intoxicating liquor on the licensed premises for a period not exceeding seven days at any one time, and no person shall by himself or his agent or servant sell, give away or deliver any intoxicating liquor in violation of an order given under the provisions of this sec¬ tion ; provided, however, that if the licensed premises shall be ordered closed for a period of more than one week, the licensee shall be entitled to> have refunded a pro> rata amount of the license paid during the time the licensed premises are so ordered to be closed. 17 Section 34. Delivery and sale. The delivery of intoxi¬ cating liquor in or from a building, booth, stand or other place, except a private dwelling house, or in or from a private dwelling house if any part thereof or its dependencies is used as an inn, eating house or shop of any kind, or other place of common resort, such delivery in either case being to a person not a resident therein, shall be prima facie evidence that such delivery is a sale. Section 35. United States Internal Revenue Special Tax Stamp as evidence. A certified copy of entries made in Record No. 10 of the records of the U. S. Internal Revenue Collector showing the payment of the U. S. Internal Revenue special tax for the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors, shall be prima facie evidence in the courts of this State of such manufacture or sale by the party named therein within the period set forth in said record. Section 36. Prosecutions. Evidence. In all suits - or prosecutions under the general liquor law of this State it shall be necessary to state in the complaint or affidavit the time and place of sale, but shall not be necessary to 1 state the kind of liquor sold, nor to describe the place where sold, nor to show knowledge of the principal to 1 convict for the unlawful acts of the agent or servant committed within the ordinary course of the master’s business, provided that in case the principal shall show that he had no knowledge of the unlaw¬ ful act or acts of his agent or servant SO' committe/d, such principal shall not be punished by imprisonment, as provided by law; any clerk, servant, employee, or agent of any licensee or other person, engaged or aiding in any violation of any of the provisions of this act shall be charged and convicted as a principal. Section 37. Suits for liquor bills. No suit for liquor bills, when sold in less quantity than five wine gallons at one time, shall be maintained in any court in the state, and when it shall be made to appear that any promissory note, mort¬ gage, or other obligation on which a suit is pending was given for liquor sold in less quantity than five wine gallons at one sale, and that the plaintiff or one of several plaintiffs had knowledge of that fact at the time he acquired such note, mort¬ gage, or other obligation, such suit shall be dismissed at the 18 cost of the plaintiff, except such sales be for mediciAal, me¬ chanical, manufacturing, art or sacramental purposes. Section 38. Sale made where delivery and payment were made. That in all cases where the purchase price for in¬ toxicating liquors is paid to the person who makes manual delivery of any such liquors to the vendee thereof, the sale shall be held to have been made in the place where delivery and payment were made. Section 39. Consignments to be inscribed. How. It shall be unlawful to consign intoxicating liquors from any point in the State of Utah to any other point therein except there be inscribed on the exterior of the outer package con¬ taining said vessels in legible letters, the name of the con¬ signee ; the name of the contents and quantity contained there¬ in, and it shall be unlawful to consign from any point in the State of "Utah to any other point therein, any intoxicating liquors to a fictitious person or consignee, or in the name of any other person except the actual bona fide consignee there¬ of ; and it shall be unlawful for any person to erase, mutilate, remove or cover up said inscription. Section 40. Id. Common carriers. It shall be unlawful for any common carrier to knowingly receive for transporta¬ tion, or with such knowledge to transport, from any point in the State of Utah to any other point therein, any intoxicating liquors except the vessels containing such intoxicants, and the outer packages containing said vessels shall have inscribed on the exterior thereof in plain, legible letters, the name of the contents and quantity contained therein, and it shall be unlawful for any common carrier to knowingly receive for transportation between points within the State of Utah, any intoxicating liquors consigned to a fictitious person or con¬ signee, or to deliver any intoxicating liquors, transported as aforesaid, to any person except the actual bona fide consignee thereof, or his duly authorized agent. Section 41. Unlawful to sell within five miles of any camp, etc. It shall be unlawful for the board of county com¬ missioners of any county in this state to grant a license to any person to sell, barter, exchange, give away or otherwise furnish malt, spirituous or vinous liquors within five miles of any camp or assembly of men engaged in the construction or 19 repair of any railroad, canal, reservoir, public work, or other kindred enterprise, where twenty-five or more men are em¬ ployed. , Section 42. Nuisances. All places where intoxicating liquors are manufactured, sold, bartered, given away, or oth¬ erwise furnished in violation of law or where persons are per¬ mitted to resort for the purpose of drinking intoxicating liquors as a beverage in violation of law or where intoxicating liquors are kept for sale, giving away, or otherwise furnish¬ ing, in violation of law, and all intoxicating liquors, bottles, glasses, kegs, pumps, bars, and other property kept in and used in maintaining such a place, are hereby declared to be common nuisances; and every person who* maintains or as¬ sists in maintaining such a common nuisance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 43. Search and seizure. If any county, city or town attorney, sheriff, or chief of police or marshal of any city or town has probable cause to believe that intoxicating liquors are manufactured, sold, bartered, given away or other¬ wise furnished, in violation of law or are kept for the purpose of selling, bartering, or giving away or otherwise furnishing in violation of law, it shall be the duty of such county, city or town attorney, sheriff, chief of police or marshal of any city or town forthwith to make and file with a judge of a district court or a justice of the peace in the county, written information supported by his oath or affirmation, that he has reason to believe, and does believe that intoxicating liquor is being manufactured, sold, bartered, given away, or other¬ wise furnished, or is being kept for the purpose of selling, bartering, giving away, or otherwise furnishing, in violation of law, said judge or justice shall upon finding probable cause for such information, issue a search warrant, directed to any peace officer in the county, describing as particularly as may be, the liquor and the place described in said information, and the person named or described in said information as the owner or keeper of said liquor, and commanding the said of¬ ficer to search thoroughly said place, and to seize the said liquor with the vessels containing it, and all implements, furniture and fixtures used or kept for such illegal manufac¬ turing, selling, bartering, giving away, or otherwise furnish¬ ing of such liquors, and to keep the same securely until final 20 action be had thereon; whereupon the said peace officer to whom such warant shall be delivered shall forthwith obey and execute as effectually as possible the commands of said war¬ rant and make return promptly of his doings to said judge or justice, and shall securely keep all liquors so seized by him and the vessels containing them until final action be had thereon. A copy of said warrant shall be served upon the person or persons found in possession of any such intoxicating liquor, furniture or fixtures so seized, and if no' person be found in the possession thereof, a copy of said warrant shall be posted on the door of the building or room wherein the same are found. If admission to such building or room is re¬ fused, the officer directed to serve the warrant is hereby authorized and required by law to force open the same. If the place to be searched be a dwelling house in which any family resides, and in which no tavern, eating house, grocery or other place of public resort is kept, such warrant shall not be issued unless such complaint shall, on oath or affirmation, declare before said judge or justice that he has reason to believe and does believe that within one month next before the making of said information intoxicating liquors have been, in violation of law, sold or otherwise furnished in said house, or in some place appurtenant thereto, by the person accused in said information, or by his consent or permission. No warrant shall issue in any case, unless from the facts disclosed by such information the said judge or justice shall find that there is probable cause to believe that the facts stated in said information are true. The information on which said warrant is issued may be made upon information and belief. Section 44. Id. Property not to be discharged. When any liquors, vessels or other property shall have been seized by virtue of any such warrant, the same shall not be discharged or returned to any person claiming the same by reason of any alleged insufficiency of description in the warrant of the liquor or place, nor by writ of claim and delivery or other process, but the claimant shall only have the right to be heard on the merits of the case. Section 45. Seizure. Officer to make returns. Hearing. Judgment. In the event of a seizure under said warrant, the 21 officer shall forthwith make a return of his acts thereunder, and if said warrant has been issued by a justice of the peace, and by said return it appears that intoxicating liquor, vessels, implements, or other things used for the purpose of selling or otherwise disposing of such liquors, contrary to law, have been found upon the premises described in said warrant, the juris¬ diction of the justice of the peace shall thereupon cease, ex¬ cept that the justice issuing such warrant shall forthwith cer¬ tify the record and all files to the district court of the county in which said premises are situated and from time of filing such record and files with the clerk of said district court it shall have jurisdiction to proceed with said cause and de¬ termine the merits thereof as provided by law; and the clerk of said court shall fix a time for hearing said matter, of which notice shall be given as provided herein. In all cases upon the filing of the warrant and return of the officer in the district court the clerk thereof shall fix a time for hearing said matter and shall cause to be left at the place where said liquor was seized, and if said place be a dwell¬ ing house, store or shop, posted in some conspicuous place on or about said building and also to be left with or at the last known and usual place of residence of the person named or described in said information as the owner or keeper of said liquor, if he be a resident of this State, a notice summoning such person and all others whom it may concern to appear before said court at a place and time named in said notice, which time shall not be less than five nor more than fifteen days after the posting and leaving of said notices and show cause, if any they have, why said liquor, together with the vessels in which the same is contained, and other property, should not be forfeited; and said notice shall with reasonable certainty, describe said liquor, vessels, and other property, and shall state where, when and why the same were seized. At the time and place fixed in said notice, the person named in said information, or any person claiming any interest in said liquor, vessels and other property or any part thereof, may appear and show cause why the same should not be forfeited. If any person shall so appear he shall become a party defendant in said cause, and said court shall make a record thereof. Whether any person shall so appear or not, said court shall at the time fixed, proceed to the trial of said case, and the county attorney shall appear before said court 22 and prosecute said information, and show cause why said liquor, vessels or other property should be adjudged for¬ feited. The proceedings in the trial of such case may be the same substantially as in cases of criminal prosecutions be¬ fore such courts, and if any person shall appear and be made a party defendant as herein provided and shall make a writ¬ ten plea that said liquor, vessels or other property or any part thereof, claimed by him, was not owned or kept with in¬ tent to be sold or used in violation of the law, such party de¬ fendant may demand a jury to try the issue and if upon the evidence presented, the said court or jury, as the case may be, shall by verdict find that said liquor, vessels or other property was when seized, owned or kept by any person, whether said party defendant or not, for the purpose of being sold or used in violation of law, the said court shall render judgment that said liquor, vessels or other property, or any part thereof, be forfeited. If no person be made defendant in manner aforesaid, or if judgment be in favor of all the defendants who appear and are made such, then the costs of the prosecution shall be paid as in ordinary criminal prosecu¬ tions where the prosecution fails. If judgment shall be against only one party defendant appearing as aforesaid, he shall be adjudged to pay all the costs of proceedings in the seizure and detention of the liquor claimed by him and trial up to the time of judgment. But if said judgment shall be against more than one defendant claiming distinct interest in said liquor, then the costs of said proceeding and trial shall be according to the discretion of said court, equitably appor¬ tioned among the said defendants for the amount of costs so adjudged against them. Any person appearing and becoming party defendant as aforesaid may appeal from said judgment of forfeiture, as to the whole or any part of said liquor, ves¬ sels or other property claimed by him and so adjudged for¬ feited. Section 46. Destruction of seized property. Whenever it shall be finally decided that the liquor, vessels or other property seized as aforesaid is forfeited, the court rendering final judgment of forfeiture shall issue to the officer, a written order, directing him forthwith to destroy said liquor, vessels or other property and immediately thereafter to> make return of said order to the court whence issued, with his doings en- 23 dorsed thereon. Whenever it shall be finally decided that any liquor so seized, vessels, or other property is not liable to forfeiture, the court by whom such final decision shall be rendered shall issue a written order to the officer having the same in custody, or to some other peace officer, to restore said liquor, vessels or other property, to the place where it was seized, as nearly as may be, or to the person entitled to re¬ ceive it, which order the officer shall obey, and make return thereon to the court of his acts thereunder, and the costs of the proceeding in such case attending the restitution, as also the costs attending the destruction of such liquor, vessels or other property in case of forfeiture, shall be taxed and paid in the same manner as is provided in case of ordinary criminal prosecution where the prosecution fails. Section 47. Arrest without a warrant. When a viola¬ tion of any provision of this act shall occur in the presence of any sheriff, constable, marshal, police officer or other of¬ ficer having power to serve criminal process, it shall be the duty of such officer, without warrant, to arrest the offender and seize the intoxicating liquor, vessels and other property so unlawfully used, and to take such offender or offenders im¬ mediately before the court or judge having jurisdiction in the premises, and there make complaint under oath, charging the offense so committed, and he shall make return, setting forth a particular description of the intoxicating liquor, vessels and other property seized and of the place where the same was so seized, whereupon the court or judge shall issue a warrant commanding and directing the officer to hold the property so seized in his possession until discharged by due process of law, and such property shall be held in like manner as if the seizure had been made under a warrant therefor. Section 48. Construction. In this act, unless the text or subject matter otherwise requires “Cities” includes cities of the first, second and third classes. “Town” means incorporated town. “County Unit” means all that part of any county outside of cities and towns, and such county unit shall be designated by the name of the county in which it is contained. 24 Section 49. Local option unit. Each city, town and county unit as defined in the preceding section of this act, shall constitute a separate and independent local option unit for the determination for itself whether the sale of intoxicat- ing liquors shall be permitted or prohibited within such city, town or county unit. Section 50. Elections. Whenever a petition therefor, signed by not less than twenty-five per cent of the registered voters of any city, town or county unit shall be filed with any city council, board of trustees or the board of county commissioners, as the case may be, such city council, board of trustees, or board of county commissioners, as the case may be, shall order an election to> be held at the time pro¬ vided in this act to determine whether the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be allowed or prohibited in such city, town or county unit, except as provided in Section 51 of this act. Section 51. Id. The first election hereunder in cities and towns, shall be mandatory and no- petition shall be re¬ quired therefor, and such election shall be held on the 27th day of June, 1911. Elections in county units shall be held only on petition as provided in the next preceding section of this act. Elections hereafter shall be held only on the last Tuesday in June of any year; provided, that after the holding of an election to determine the question whether intoxicating liquors shall be permitted or prohibited within any city, town or county unit, no election shall be held in any such city, town or county unit, upon such question before the last Tuesday in June in the second calendar year thereafter, and then only upon petition as provided in Section 50 of this act. Section 52. Id. Petition to be filed. The petition for the local option election herein provided for shall be filed with the city recorder, town clerk or county clerk, as the case may be, not less than sixty days nor more than one hundred twenty days before the day of election; except as to elections petitioned to be held in county units on June 27, 1911, and as to such election such petition shall be filed not less than thirty days before the day of such election. The elections provided for by this act shall be held at .voting place or places within the cities, towns or county units petitioning therefor, and if such election be held in any city or town the judges and clerks of election shall be appointed and qualified under the laws relating to elections in cities and towns, and if such election be held in any county unit the judges and clerks of election shall be appointed and qualified under the laws of the state relating to general elections. Section 53. Qualified voters. Any person shall be quali¬ fied to vote at any election held in any city or town hereun¬ der who was qualified to vote at the last city or town election in the voting district in which he offers to vote, and any per¬ son shall be qualified to vote at any election held in any county unit hereunder who was qualified to vote at the last general election in the voting district in which he offers to vote; such qualification shall be shown by the official register used at such last city, town or general election; and in addi¬ tion thereto all qualified electors who may register as herein provided, or who shall be transferred as provided by law, shall be entitled to vote at any election under this act. Section 54. Id. Duties of county clerk. Prior to the time for registering voters, at any election held under the pro¬ visions of this act, the county clerk of each county of the state shall prepare an official register of the voters in each election district affected by such election, if such election be for any city or town, by making a list in alphabetical order of the official register used at the last city or town election, as the case may be, and if such election be in any county unit, by making a list in alphabetical order of the official register used at the last general election, which official register shall be delivered to the registry agent of the election district, at least fifteen days prior to the first day of registration, and shall be revised by adding the names of all persons registered on the proper days prior to the election; provided, that the cost of making such lists as relate to cities or towns shall be paid by the city or town holding such election. In case of election in any county unit, if any voting district now estab¬ lished shall include territory both within said county unit and also within any city or town, the county commissioners shall organize a new voting district consisting of territory wholly without said city or town and wholly within said county unit, and registration officers and judges and clerks of election 26 shall be appointed under the general election laws relating to election districts. Section 55. Id. Duty of registry agents. It shall be the duty of the registry agents, appointed as provided by law, at any time when called upon to do so, at their respective offices and not elsewhere, between the hours of eight o’clock a. m. and nine o'clock p. m. of the first Tuesday in June and the last Friday in June immediately prior to the election, to receive and register the names of all qualified electors apply¬ ing for registration. Section 56. Id. Offenses. The provisions of Chapter 10, Title 21, Compiled Laws of LTah, 1907, defining election offenses wherever applicable shall apply to and are hereby made applicable to all elections held under the provisions of this act. Section 57. Form of petition. The form of petition shall be substantially as follows: PETITION FOR LOCAL LIQUOR ELECTION. We, the undersigned legal voters of (here insert, as the case may be, name of city, town or county unit), respectfully petition, that on the last Tuesday of June, 19.. an election be held to determine whether the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be allowed or prohibited in (state name of city, town or county unit), and each for himself says: I have personally signed this petition and my residence, postoffice and voting district are correctly written after my name. Name Residence Postoffice Voting District (Street and number, if any.) (Here follows twenty lines for signature.) Such separate sheets shall be fastened together in one petition and .filed as a whole. The city recorder, town clerk or county clerk, as the case may be, shall, upon receipt of such petition immediately file the same and shall, if such petition be for an election in any city or town, thereupon compare the signatures of the electors signing the same with the names on the registration books and blanks on file in his office for the last city or town elec¬ tion, and shall, if such petition be for an election in any county 27 unit, thereupon compare the signatures of the electors signing ^ the same with the names on the registration books and blanks on file in his office for the last general election. If the requi¬ site number of qualified electors shall have signed the pe- > tition and if the same is in substantial conformity with the provisions of this act, he shall thereupon see that it is en¬ tered in full in the records of the city council, board of trustees or board of county commissioners, omitting the signatures, but stating the number of signers. Section 58. Notices of election. Form. At least twenty days previous to any election hereunder, the city recorder, town clerk or county clerk, as the case may be, shall deliver to the chief of police, marshal, or other chief peace officer of said city or town, or sheriff of any county, at least three notices of the election for each voting district in said city, town or county unit. Said notice shall be substantially in the following form: LIQUOR ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday the.day of June, 19. an election will be held to determine whether the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be allowed or prohibited in (here insert the name of the city, town or county unit) which said election will be held at 7 o’clock in the morning and shall continue until 7 o’clock in the afternoon of said day. Dated this. day of ...19... (City Recorder, Town Clerk or County Clerk of the City, Town or County of........Utah) It shall be the duty of the chief of police, marshal or other chief peace office of such city or town or sheriff of any county, at least twelve days before any election hereunder to< cause said notices to be posted in public places in the vicinity of the polling place or places. Thereupon the city recorder, town clerk, or county clerk, as the case may be, and the chief of police, marshal or other chief peace officer or sheriff of any county shall each file with the city council, board of trustees or board of county commis¬ sioners, a brief statement, under oath, of their compliance 28 with the provisions of this section; such statement shall be entered in the records of the city council, board of trustees or board of county commissioners, and such record shall be prima facie evidence that all the provisions of this section have been fully complied with. Section 59. Ballots. For such election it shall be the duty of the city recorder, town clerk or county clerk, as the case may be, to arrange ballots and have them printed in sub¬ stantially the following form: BALLOT IFOR LIQUOR ELECTION. Vote for or against the sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes for the city, town or county unit of.u. Mark X in the square to the right. For Sale . Against Sale |_•_ There shall be a space of approximately one inch between the squares in which the voters are to mark. It shall be the duty of the city recorder, town clerk or county clerk as the case may be, to furnish each voting dis¬ trict, official and sample ballots equal in number to that re¬ quired at city, town or general elections, by the election laws of the state, and at the times and in the manner therein re¬ quired. Those favoring sale of intoxicating liquors shall mark (X) in the square at the right of the words, “For Sale” and those opposed shall mark (X) in the square at the right of the words, “Against Sale." At any election held under this law, judges of election shall, if requested, permit one person, desig¬ nated by the petitioners and also one other person to be des¬ ignated in the same, way by five persons known to be opposed to the petitioners, to stand outside of the guard rail at the polls during the progress of the ballot as challengers, and also during the counting of the votes. Section 60. Election law of state to apply when not other¬ wise provided. In all elections hereunder, in all matters and proceedings not herein specified, the provisions of the election 29 laws of the state, relating to elections in cities, towns and gen¬ eral elections, including provisions relating to expenses of elections, shall apply so far as the same are applicable. Section 61. Returns. In case of elections in cities and towns, returns shall be made and votes canvassed as nearly as possible as provided for votes cast at city and town elections; and in case of elections in county units, returns shall be made and votes canvassed as nearly as possible as provided for votes cast in general elections; and said city council, board of trustees, or county commissioners, as the case may be, shall immediately after the canvass, make an order declaring the re¬ sult of said vote, and, if a majority of the votes cast in such city, town or county unit, as the case may be, are “Against Sale,” the sale of intoxicating liquors within such city, town or county unit shall after the date fixed in the proclamation hereinafter provided for, be unlawful except the sale by drug¬ gists or pharmacists, as provided in this act; and, if a majority of the votes cast in such city, town or county unit, as the case may be are “For Sale,” sale of intoxicating liquors within such city, town or county unit, as the case may be, shall, after the date of the proclamation hereinafter provided for, be permitted as in this act provided. The order thus made shall be held to be prima facie evidence that all provisions of law have been complied with in giving notice; of and holding such election and in counting and returning the votes and declaring the results thereof. Section 62. Canvass of votes. Declaration of results. The mayor of any city, president of the board of trustees of any town or the chairman of the board of county commission¬ ers of any county unit voting upon the question shall, within five days after the votes have been canvassed and the result declared, issue his proclamation declaring the result of such election, and, if the result be “Against Sale,” declaring that the sale of intoxicating liquors within such city, town or county unit shall be unlawful after the first day of October imme¬ diately following such election; and, if such result be “For Sale,” declaring that the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be permitted after the date of such proclamation, as in this act provided. Such proclamation shall be published for five days in some newspaper published in the city, town or at the 30 county seat of the county in which such county unit is con¬ tained, as the case may be, or in lieu thereof, be posted in five conspicuous places for ten days in said city, town or in one conspicuous public place in each voting district of said county unit, as the case may be. In every city, town or county unit that shall return a majority vote “Against Sale,” the pro¬ hibitive law shall take effect on the first day of October im¬ mediately following; provided, that no license for the sale of intoxicating liquors in any city, town or county unit shall be granted for the whole or any part of the period between the election herein provided for and the first day of October im¬ mediately following, except to a person who held a license on the day of such election, and as to such person, he shall be entitled to a license subject to* the terms of this act. Section 63. Date effective where majority vote is “Against Sale.” All who are engaged in selling intoxicating liquors within any city, town or county unit that shall return a majority vote “Against Sale,” shall after the thirtieth day of September immediately following such election, cease sell¬ ing or giving away any intoxicating liquors within such city, town or county unit, and any person who shall thereafter, within such city, town or county unit, sell, exchange, barter, dispose of, or otherwise furnish in violation of the provisions of this act, any intoxicating liquors whatsoever, or in any way violate any of the provisions of this act, shall be subject to prosecution under the laws of the State of Utah, and shall be punished, unless otherwise stated, as provided in Section 65 of this act. Section 64. License fee for unexpired term to be re¬ funded. In all cases where any person, firm or association of persons pursuing the occupation of liquor dealers under license issued in accordance with the laws of this State, or by any municipality in this State, shall be prevented from pursu¬ ing such occupation for the full time for which he would otherwise be entitled by reason of any election provided for in this act resulting “Against Sale,” the proportionate amount of such license fee paid for the unexpired term, shall be re¬ funded by the city, town or county, as the case may be. Section 65. Violations. Penalty. Any person who shall in any way violate any of the provisions of the law of this j 31 State relating to the manufacture and sale of intoxicating li¬ quors as contained in Chapter 106, Laws of Utah, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars or more than Two Hundred Ninety-Nine Dol¬ lars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days or more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. If any person shall be convicted a second time for violating any of the provisions of the law of this State relating to the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors, as set forth in Chapter 106, Laws of Utah, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof, such person shall be punished for such second and each subsequent violation by both such fine and imprisonments Section 66. Licenses now in effect to be annulled, when. Refund. All licenses granted under any law of this state or under any city, town or county ordinance shall cease and be null and void on the first day of October, 1911, unless such license is sooner terminated by its own terms, or otherwise. All moneys paid upon any license which by its terms extends beyond the first day of October, 1911, shall, as to the period after such date, be refunded by any city, town or county to which such license was paid. All licenses granted on or after October 1, 1911, shall be granted at the minimum annual rates provided in this act, unless such rates shall be increased as herein provided, and the amount collected from any licensee shall be such propor¬ tion of the whole annual license as the time for which the license is granted bears to the whole year. Section 67. Provisions of this act not applicable, when. The provisions of this act shall not be construed to apply to any gift by any person in case of any injury to any one or in case of emergency for medicinal purposes, nor to the use of such liquors in the homes of individuals for family or private use. Section 68. Powers of cities, towns and counties to re¬ strict and regulate traffic. Nothing in this act contained shall prevent or prohibit any city council, board of commis¬ sioners, board of trustees or board of county commissioners, 32 from enacting restrictions upon and regulations of the traffic in intoxicating liquors in “wet territory" in addition to but not in conflict with the provisions of this act; nor shall this act or any provision thereof be so 1 construed as to abridge or limit the charter powers of municipal corporations with refer¬ ence to the suppression or prohibition of the said liquor traf¬ fic in “dry territory" within this State, except that no 1 munici¬ pal corporation shall prohibit or hinder what is permitted un¬ der the provisions of Chapter 106 of the Laws of Utah, 1911, or any amendment thereof, applicable to such corporation, pro¬ vided, that a conviction or an acquittal in a prosecution for a violation of any of the provisions of said Chapter 106, or any amendment thereof, or for a violation of any municipal ordi¬ nance adopted as permitted in this section hereof, shall be a bar to any prosecution either by the State or by such munici¬ pality, against the same person for the same act, or acts, as those for which such conviction or acquittal shall be obtained. Section 69. Repeal. Sections 1242 to 1260, both inclu¬ sive, and Sections 1260x and 1260x1, all of Title 39, Com¬ piled Laws of Utah, 1907, are hereby repealed. Approved' March 20th, 1911. Amended, 1913.