628.53 H891CX COMPARISON OF INHALABLE PARTICULATE AND TOTAL SUSPENDED PARTICULATE Document No. 83/12 DEPosrromB JUL 6 1983 UNIVtKblTV Of p COARSE — fraction h- INHALED PARTICULATE PARTICLE DIAMETER, pm Figure 1 3 This figure shows that two size fractions are typically present in TSP, a course fraction of about 30 to 2.5 >im with a maxima at about 8 to 10 urn and a fine fraction from 2.5 to 0.1 micrometers with a maxima of about 0.5 )jm. The figure also notes that the typical alveolar depositable fraction is generally that portion with particle diameters of less than about 5 to 10 micrometers. A figure on page A66 of a report of the 146 Air Quality Technical Committee in the American Industrial Hygiene Journal (Vol. 42, May 1981) shows approximately the same data for the alveolar fraction and in addition notes that a tracheobron- chial fraction of about 15 or 20 to 2 micrometers also exists. It was with this data in mind that the 15 jjm limit for inhalable particulate was established. Sample Sources Samples from seven sources were analyzed. These repre- sented industrial, commercial and residential areas. Two sites were described as being mainly residential. Both were near some commercial as well as agricultural areas. These were the Springfield and Joliet collection sites. The other sites are more industrially oriented. The Rockford site is surrounded by a residential area and has many industrial sites nearby (less than one mile). The East Moline site is somewhat simiar, but appears to have more commercial and less industrial sources nearby. The Peoria site is listed as commercial and residential, but it is near (a few miles) to many rather large industrial sources. The two Granite City sites are mainly industrial with the Fire Station site being under some commercial influence. Both of the Granite City sites are listed as industrial with the fire station being more influenced by the commercial and residential areas near the site. The Dallas residence in Granite City is noted as industrial although it too does have some element of residential influence. All sites are near moderately traveled roads except for the Peoria site which is near two heavily traveled streets. All collectors were placed on low buildings with typically minor or no wind obstructions near the collection sites. The filter samples were collected in 1981. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Polarized Light Microscopy Polarized light microscopy was employed to identify the types of particles on the filters received for this study. Only a brief description will be presented here as the techni- ques have been fully explained in The Particle Atlas published by Ann Arbor Science Publishers. The optical microscope is unique in its ability to allow an individual to identify specific types of chemical entities as to their particular sources for example; diatoms, beach sand, fiberglass, broken glass and crushed quartz. All are silica yet their different sources are apparent. Another example is that of combustion sources. Particles from oil fired boilers, high efficiency coal fired boilers, incinera- tors, and coal fired boilers all have different properties and thus can be distinguished from one another. The filters were examined at low power with a stereo- microscope to ascertain that the distribution of the collected sample was uniform. Several samples were then removed from the filter at random, composited and examined with the polar- ized light microscope. The optical properties such as color, texture, shape, refractive index, birefringence, transparency, crystal class, habit, pleochroism, cleavage and extinction typically yield a unique set of properties for each specific type of particle. Each particle was examined for type and its size was noted. The size determinations were made by comparing the Martin's diameter of each particle to the circles or rectangles on a Porton graticule. Martin's diameter is the longest horizontal cord through a particle as it randomly lies in the field of view. A Porton graticule is an eyepiece scale containing a series of circles and rectangles increasing in size by the "/F. This scale was calibrated with a stage micro- meter. When all of the particles in a specific area of the microscopical preparation were identified, another area was chosen and examined in a similar fashion. This continued until 500 to 1000 particles had been identified and sized. The data were then mathematically computed to yield the data sheets attached in the Appendix. Low Temperature Ashing Sections of each filter were removed for analysis. A 5.1 X 3.7 cm section was cut for analysis, dessicated for 12 hours and then weighed. They were ashed for at least three hours in Plasmod LTA and then re-weighed. Each sample represented 1/22 of the entire filter area. Weight losses were reproducable to +0.1 mg on three blanks cut from three different unused filters. Scanning Electron Micrographs Small samples were cut from each filter and mounted on aluminum stubs with double-sided tape. The edges of the samples were painted with conductive paint and the samples were coated with gold. The coated specimens were examined with a scanning electron microscope at a variety of magnifica- tions and representative portions were photographed at 1200 and 60000X magnifications. The prints are presented in the Appendix. A small study of the effectiveness of removal of parti- culate from Hi -vol filters by solvents and ultrasonification was carried out. Small pieces of Hi -vol filter samples were cut and placed in a test tube with several milliliters of solvent. The tube was placed in an ultrasonic bath for twenty minutes. The piece of filter was retrieved and examined, as above, with a scanning electron microscope. The water layer from the sample extracted with water was filtered through a Nuclepore filter and that was also examined with a scanning electron microscope. Sample Description Figures 2-8 show each of the samples and their particle loadings. A graphical presentation which depicts the loading for each sample and the respective loadings per category (M=minerals, C=combustion products, B=biological and O=other, miscellaneous) is shown on the optical microscopy sheets within each Appendix. Springfield 1229780 TSP 1229781 IP 1229776 TSP 1277250 IP 1277893 TSP 1277894 IP '■-'**' T 51 6/9/81 3I? § ll T40 6/9/81 M 33 CBO 1 5 1 If I •:M.ii M 55 C 10 M 50 C 17 M 60 C 2 M 39 . C 2 B 33 ^ ^2 7/3/81 B 27 B 20 T 87 T 86 B 24 Mwrnw T 74 7/3/81 8/14/81 8/14/81 particulate u g/m" 1 200 These samples were collected during June, July and August. The collection site was rural residential. The loading of the filters is quite low and the major components of the samples were minerals and moderate amounts of biologicals. Compared to the other sites the biological contents were generally higher. There is relatively little difference in the total loading and ratio of particulate types between the total suspended particulate and inhalable particulate. The SEM analyses show that only a few particulates are present in the sub-optical range (<1 to 2 ym). Figure 2 Joliet 1277989 TSP 1277982 IP T 124 8/14/81 8/14/81 particulate yg/m~ "1 200 The samples were collected during August. Moderate loading of the filters was experienced, consisting mainly of minerals with moderate combustion and biological components. These were typical for the semi-rural residential character of the site. The inhalable particulate was quite a bit lower than the total suspended particulate because of the large size of the mineral particles. The SEM analyses showed that moderate amounts of the particulate was sub-optical. Figure 3 Rockford 1229899 TSP T 133 5/22/81 5/22/81 particulate ug/n was very low. Both collections showed relative? vlittTe mostly mineral with moderate amount^ If ^; k'T' '=°"«"*°" "as particulates. In the wfrter the li„r n^"?''"'?'?" '"'^ biological There was a fairl/larni rft^„ L ''?'^ particulate was mineral. fro™ both the":lr^7d ^"Jer^co^y^cttns!' '"'"'''' ™ '''''' Figure 4 10 East Mo line 1111344 TSP 1111343 IP 1230045 TSP 1276669 IP 1282376 TSP 1282375 IP T 107 M 100 CB 6 1 T 96 M 91 .-•••ism C8 4 1 T 83 M 73 M 54 M 54 C B 4 6 T 60 3/23/ai 3/23/81 6/3/81 6/3/81 T 58 •.•.•■•.•.•.•.•.•.:.:.:.-.'.'.^^j'iiiiini .SS^SiiSiSxiM^ T 46 12/18/81 12/18/81 M C S 38 2 6 2C0 This collection site was at a combination residential and commercial location. The analyzed samples were taken during March, June and December. Moderate loading was observed during March sampling, lower loading for the June sampling and low loading for the December sampling period. In all cases most of the particulate was mineral. Only moderately lower levels of particulate were collected on the filters in the inhalable particulate samplers. Many fines and aggregates of fines were noted during the SEM examination, especially on the spring and summer sample filters. Figure 5 11 Peoria 1229197 TSP 1229193 IP 1230657 TSP 1230654 IP 1282108 TSP 1281027 IP ^-*-'-* »*■«*'• «T««a«^Jtt««^« T 175 M 145 4/4/81 ' • • * ' t'«'»''*»''*«*-*-'-*-*i'. *.*.'.' >-■■"■;■; C BO 12 14 4 M 96 I » ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■iji > i . ^^ t 9 9 t 9 ». t » M t m m * , M 64 ••.■.'.••.'.'.•.•.'.•.•. •^^ lllllliHIIIIII I i^SISSjSSjSjxiviiii T 50 C B 4 19 T 59 M 36 C B 10 13 M 46 C B 3 1 .v.- SOS T 41 M C B 25 4 12 C B 12 8 T 87 6/3/81 12/18/81 12/18/81 T 116 4/4/81 6/3/81 — 1 1 7T particulate ag/m 200 The Peoria site was noted as a resident commercial and industrial installations travelled streets. Samples were analyz December with moderately high, moderate respectively. Again minerals were the size of the minerals in the April and J large difference between the inhalable particulates for those collections. Hi levels were noted than in the more resi tion product levels are also somewhat m moderately high levels of agglomerates sample filters v/ere seen during the SEM ial site, but it is near as well as heavily ed from April, June and and low dust loadings major component. The large une collection created a and total suspended gher metal and iron oxide dential samples. Combus- ore elevated. Moderate to of fines and fines on the examinations. Figure 6 12 Granite City (Fire Station #1) 1211111 TSP 1277776 IP 1281839 IP 1282424 TSP 1282423 IP **•■■•■■■ T 184 8/14/81 M 156 C BO 18 64 T 129 8/14/81 M 86 C 30 T 78 T 69 MC 44 M C B O 35 11 21 2 Hilii T 40 B 13 11/12/81 12/18/81 12/18/81 B O 31 1 particulate ]x g/m I I 3 1 200 This site was recorded as industrial, but it is also near some commercial and industrial facilities. The studied samples were collected during August, November and December. The data are quite similar to those from Peoria, as one might expect from the similarity of the locations. That is, the August loadings are moderately high and the winter samples show moderate levels of particulate. These samples contain generally higher levels of combustion, metal and iron oxide particulates than most of the other samples. The December samples contain soft coal. The large size of the minerals makes the August inhalable particulate sample smaller than the companion total suspended particulate sample. All samples show a high proportion of fines under SEM examination. Figure 7 13 Granite City (Dallas . Residence) 1229986 TSP 1229987 IP 1230411 IP 12 3042 3 TSP 1230422 IP 1277784 TSP M 110 T 204 C B O 18 tr 76 5/22/81 T 99 1— i 5/22/81 M C B 45 27 27 M 158 ^-**^*«'''T' T 282 6/3/81 fi- B O 25 23 76 • 1^0 94 •!-:-:-:-:-:.v.v:v:':-:-:-k^^s;»s^ M 78 ^^^^^^ss^s^^s^^ T 391 6/15/8: 6/15/81 1 r particulate pg/m" 400 This site is a res facilities. The s June and August, loaded. Little bi especially iron ox major particulate inhalable and tota greatly reduced le inhalable fraction ly reduced soot le sample. All sampl sub-optical parti c idential location surrounded by industrial amples examined were collected during May, The samples are moderately to heavily ological particulate is present. Minerals, ide, combustion products and metals are the types. The major differences between the 1 suspended particulate samples are the vels of iron oxides and metals in the for the May and June samples and the great- vels in the August inhalable particulate es show moderately high to high levels of les in the SEM examinations. Figure 8 14 DISCUSSION The samples for polarized light microscopical (PLM) analysis were removed from the filters with a small droplet of Aroclor- on a tungsten needle. This has been previously shown to be a reproducible technique. The sample thus obtained has also been found to be representative of the deposit on the filter (see the Particle Atlas, 0£. cit). For scanning electron microscopical analysis (SEM) a small portion of the filter is typically removed and after metallization, the particles are examined in situ . It was felt that it might be advantageous to examine the particles on a Nuclepore filter surface so that the glass fibers of the Hi -Vol filter would not be present in the field of view. Such a procedure would be valid only if reproducible and representative samples could be produced. The SEM micrographs in Appendix H, pages Hi through H6, demonstrate the difficulty of such a procedure. Few particles less than about 10 pm were removed from the filters in any of the solvents tested, even after twenty minutes of ultrasonifi cation. This can be seen by an examination of the micrographs of the various Hi -Vol filter samples and also the deposit on the Nuclepore filter. Additionally, so many small fragments of glass fibers are present on the Nuclepore filter surface, even if the small particles were removed and deposited, the fiber fragments would be even more distracting than fibers of the original filters. 15 The tenacity of the particles to the fibers in the presence of the solvent and ultrasonification is quite strong. If the "chemical glue" were either organic liquids or inorganic salts such as sulfates, the ultrasonification procedure would be expected to remove the particles. The forces that bind the particles must therefore be more fundamental, e.g . , electrostatic attraction. The examination of the filters by PLM and SEM showed that minerals and biological particulates are most common at the rural and residential sites. As the sites become more commercial and industrial the level of combustion products, iron oxides and metal particulates increase. In general, when large particles of minerals and metals are present, the inhalable particulate levels are lower than the total suspend- ed particulate levels. These two types of particulates most often represent the differences between the two types of fractions. The biological particulate fraction not only increased in the inhalable particulate because of the loss of minerals and metals, but because the low density of the biologicals allows oversize particles of this type to be collected rather than rejected by the size selective inlet to the sample collector. The correlation of the low temperature ashing data with the mass of microscopically determined biological fraction is poor. There is only a general correspondence between the two values and at times the percent loss by low temperature ashing is considerably lower or higher than the weight percent of that particular fraction. This may partially be caused by the presence of non-particulate deposits. Particulate levels increase as the collection sites become more industrial. As the suspended solids increase the ratio of sub-optical particulate also increases in both the inhalable and total suspended fractions. 16 Solids levels are lowest in the winter and highest in the summer. Often the inhalable and total suspended fractions do not differ greatly either in quantity or ratio of particulate types. Thus, although it is better to record data that relates more directly to the fraction that is physiologically trapped, the data derived by the previous sampling of total suspended solids are still of value because of the general similarities of the two types of fractions. 17 APPENDIX A A. Site Identification 1. City: Springfield 2. Site Name and Address: lEPA Building, 2200 Churchill Road 3. County: Sangamon Township: Springfield 4. USGS Topographical Map Name and Scale: Springfield West, IL, 1:24,000 5. Site Elevation (Feet): 580 B. Site Classification/Representativeness 1. Dominating Influence on Site: Residential, Undeveloped C. Source Impact 1. Stationary Sources that may Influence Site: Direction Distance Name of From From Emissions Source Location Site Site Pollutant (tons/yr) None 2. Mobile Sources that may Influence the Site: Names of Roadways: Churchill Jefferson Type: Arterial Street Local Street or Highway or Road Distance of Roadway from Site (ft) 80 500 Composition of Roadway Asphalt Asphalt Number of Traffic Lanes 2 4 Average Daily Traffic 2000 9900 Average Vehicle Speed (mph) 30 45 One or Two Way Traffic Two Two Number of Parking Lanes One None Are Parking Lanes Used For Traffic Part of Day? No N/A Is Dust Visibility Retained? No Yes Does Roadway Have Curb Yes No A-1 I 3. Area Sources that may Influence the Site: Direction Distance From Type of Source From Site From Site Pol 1 utant Agricultural SW 0.8 mile TSP Construction (local) SSW 100-300 feet TSP D. Topograhy/ Obstructions 1. General Characteristics Over a 2 Mile Radius From the Site: Smooth 2. Topographic Features that Influence the Site: (types - hills, valleys, depressions, bodies of water, ridges, cliffs) Direction Distance Type Size From Site From Site Ravine 50 ft. depth SSW 350 ft to center 3. Obstructions to Wind Flow (types - buildings, trees ridges, cliffs) Direction Distance Type Size From Site From Site None 4. Comments lEPA building is located partly down the ravine note above. The top of the building on which the hi vol is located is probably only 25 feet above terrain to the north. E. Distance to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) Site. Here are the distances and directions to the nearest NWS observing site from the inhalable particulate monitor in Springfield. Distances are in statute miles; directions are degrees from true north. Directions & Site Address Nearest NWS Site Distance to NWS lEPA Bldg. Capital Airoort/Springfield 020° at 3.2 mi. (NNW) 2200 Churchill Road (SPI) A-2 S p r i n g f i'ei d -Te pX*"-^s'' " "' »miss^:^ <230. 4 NUMBER PERCENT <1 50 7 11 12 S 6 4 2 <1 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 <1 <1 <1 6 11 22 35 22 A-6 r liter number 1229780 Total Suspended Particulate ug/m^ 51 Particulate: Minerals 36.2 Combustion 1.5 Biological 13.3 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 37.0 n^m ERAigIH"EI?^229?8i A-7 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS .TER NUMBER : 1229731 .LECTION DATE : 06/09/Sl COMPONENT 1INERALS QUARTZ /FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS :OMEUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES nOLOGICAL POLLEN & SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH 1ISCELLANE0US FERROUS METAL RUBBER NETWORK : SITE : SPRINGFIELD/IEPAHQ OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAG iE RANGE WEIGHT Ntimber PART. SIZE PERCENT Tercent 12. 3 3. 6-2S. 8 37 22 . 12. 4 2. 5-40. 7 44 56 7. 6 2. 5-14. 4 1 1 7. 9 3. 6-14. 4 3 13 13. •a 5. 1-2S. S 5 5 12. 8 7. 2-20. 4 5 2 12. ;=; 7. 2-20. 4 2 1 14. 9 10. 2-20. 4 2 1 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANi: I-iE (UM) NUMBER WEIGHT PERCENT PERCENT 1. ••;i — 1. 8 1. - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 28 1 •-> 6 - 5. 1 20 2 5. 1 - 7. 2 15 5 7. 2 - 10. 2 22 20 10. 2 - 14. 4 11 29 14. 4 - 20. 4 4 25 20. 4 - 2S S •CI 6 28. o - 40. 7 <1 12 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 A-8 Filter number 1229781 Inhalable Particulate >^g /ni3 40 Particulate: Minerals 32.8 Combustion 1.2 Biological 10.4 Other 0.8 Low temperature ashing, % loss 30.0 W^m^^^^M mmmmmi^^^^m^ iseex^.^; A-9 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS LTER NUMBER : 1229776 LLECTION DATE : 07/03./S1 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ./FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?< SPORES PLANT TISSLIE STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER NETWORK : SITE : SPRINGFIELD/IEPAHQ OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAGE RANGE WEJi GHT Niomber PART. SIZE PERCENT Percent 12. o 3. 6-2S. 28 16 12. 7 2. 5-2S. 30 13 6. 9 2. 5-14. 4 2 2 7. 7 1. S-20. 4 11 51 13. s 5. 1-2S. 8 14 10 15. 2. 5-40. 7 14 8 14. 9 10. 2-20. 4 1 1 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANGE (UM) 1. o - 1. 8 1. o - 2. 5 2. %_* - 3. 6 3. 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 28. 8 28. o - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 NUMBER PERCENT >230. 4 10 24 5 12 16 17 13 •CI WEIGHT PERCENT <1 <:i 6-20. 4 5 11 7. 2 1. 3-14. 4 2 2 10. 9 2. 5-28. 8 19 36 19. 7 5. 1-57. 6 15 5 14. "7/ 5. 1-28. 8 3 3 14. 2 5. 1-28. 8 5 3 MISCELLANEOI..IS FERROUS METAL RUBBER PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANGE (UM) NUMBER PERCENT 1. ■-1 - 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 "1* 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 28. 8 28. 230. 4 <1 2 17 23 20 26 10 2 <1 O WEIGHT PERCENT <1 <1 <1 33 11 8 A-12 Filter number 1277250 Inhalable Particulate yzl m- 87 Particulate: Minerals 50.5 Combustion 16.5 Biological 20 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 20.3 A-13 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS ILTER NUMBER : 1277S93 DLLECTION DATE : 08/14/81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GI_ASSY FLYASH SPHERE:; BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?/. SPORES PLANT TISSLIE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : SPRINGFIELD/IEPAHQ OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAG !E RANGE WEIGHT Number PART. SIZE PERi: :ent Percent 14. 1 2. 5-40. 7 50 38 12. •"II 6-28. 8 18 6 10. 8 5. 1-20. 4 1 1 7. 7 1. 8-20. 4 2 38 17. ■z. 5. 1-40. 7 14 10 17. •-I 5. 1-40. 7 14 7 MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANGE (UM) 1. •-• - 1. 8 1. o - 2. 5 2. 5 — 3. 6 o 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 28. 8 28. O - 40. 7 40. 7 — 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 NUMBER PERCENT 14 26 18 14 o o 6 7 5 2 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 <1 <1 2 2 4 17 0-.Z' 41 A-14 Filter number 1277893 Total Suspended Particulate pg/m^ 86 Particulate: Minerals 59.3 Combustion 1.7 Biological 24.1 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 29.9 mmmm^mmmim:ri A-15 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS I.TER NUMBER : 1277S94 ELECTION DATE : 08/14/81 NETWORK : SITE : SPRINGFIELD/IEPAHQ OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 COMPONENT 1INERALS QUARTZ /FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES nOLOGICAL POLLEN ?'. SPORES PLANT TISSI.JE STARCH AVERAGE RANGE WEIi 5HT Number PART. SIZE PERCENT Percent 13. 8 5. 1-28. 8 43 24 8. 7 2. 5-20. 4 9 44 6. 4 •-1 6-10. 2 <1 1 9. 5 2. 5-20. 4 3 11 17. J 5. 1-40. 7 13 7 17. 5. 1-40. 7 31 13 17. 4 14. 4-20. 4 <1 <1 1ISCELLANE0I..IS FERROUS METAL RUBBER PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANt :-iE (UM) NUMBER WEIGHT PERCENT PERCENT 1. •o — 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 33 <1 3. 6 - 5. 1 7 <:i 5. 1 - 7. 2 24 4 7. 2 - 10. 2 11 3 10. 2; - 14. 4 9 8 14. 4 - 20. 4 9 22 20. 4 - 28. 8 6 47 28. 8 - 40. 7 <1 14 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >:; >30. 4 A-16 Filter number 1277894 Inhalable Particulate yg /m3 74 Particulate: Minerals 38.5 Combustion 2.2 Biological 32.6 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 24.0 A-17 APPENDIX 13 A. Site Identification 1. City: Joliet 2. Site Name and Address; Pershing School, Midland and Caupbell 3. County: Will Township: Joliet 4. USGS Topographical Map Name and Scale: Joliet, 1:24000 5. Site Elevation (Feet): 653 B. Site Classification/Representativeness 1. Dominating Infliience on Site: Residential C. Source Impact 1. Stationary Sources that may Influence Site: Direction Distance From From Name of Source Location Site Site Avery Gravel Co. r-55 & Renwick Rd., NNW 5.3 mi, Plainfield Com Ed-Will Co. Stn. 135th St. Chic. NNE 7.8 mi. Sancanal , Romeoville Union Oil Co. Texaco, Inc. GAF Corp. Stauffer Chem. Co. GAF -Floor Prod Div. 135th St. & New Ave. NE Lemon t 2nd & State St. - NE Lockport Theodore & N. Broadway NE Lockport Ingalls Ave. (§ Bdwy. NE Joliet 912 E. Washington Joliet ESE 8.5 mi, 5.7 mi . 2.2 mi. 2.2 mi. 3.0 mi. Emissions Pollutant (Tons/Yr) TSP 1106.1 TSP 76121.5 SO2 23772.1 NOx 41888.9 CO 1169.4 TSP 1322.5 SO2 18219.4 NOx 2125.7 HC 2855.0 CO 4372.0 TSP 45185.7 SO2 5612.1 NOx 1931.3 HC 4547.3 CO 42063.2 TSP TSP TSP 2127.0 2221.0 1115.0 B-1 Vulcan Materials Co. Crown Trygg Corp. Ceramic Powders General Refractories Delta Const. Inc. Stepan Chem Co. -Ind Chem. Div. Caterpillar Mobil Joliet -Refinery Corp Mobil Chem Co. Mills Rd & Rt 53 Joliet 1127 S. Chicago St Joliet 200 Moen Ave. Rockdale Larkin & Moen Rockdale 1711 Brandon Rd. Joliet RRl, Elwood Box 504 Channahon Joliet SE 2.5 mi, SE 2.5 mi. SSE 1.6 mi. 1.6 mi, SSE. \ SSW 6.9 mi. SW 2.8 mi. 1-55 & Smith Bridge Rd. SW Joliet 1-55 & Old Arsenal Rd. Joliet Johns Manville Rt, 6 Prod Corp. Joliet Economic Labs, Inc. 3001 Channahon Rd. Joliet Persico Paving Co. Moen Ave., Joliet Com Ed-Joliet Sta. Patterson Rd. Joliet Twp. 8.4 mi. SW 8.7 mi, SW 3.5 mi. SW 3.6 mi. SW 1.9 mi. TSP TSP TSP TSP 3.0. mi. TSP TSP TSP TSP TSP 2413.4 2029.4 1729.7 7536.7 83275.5 TSP HC CO 4069.4 4438.7 6303.7 TSP S02 3036.0 1091.0 TSP SO2 NOjc CO 4089 27608 3308 42093 34238 73266.4 5380.7 1575.1 TSP 209,558 SO 2 71,719 NOx 68,883 CO 3,039 HC 909 Olin Corp. -Blackson Works Patterson & Laraway TSP 98,472 B-2 2. Mobile Sources t±Lat may Influence t±ie Site: Naines of Roadways: Type: Distance of Roadw^ from Site (ft) Composition of Roadw^ Number of Traffic Lanes Average Daily Traffic Average Vehicle Speed (nph) One or Tvjo Way Traffic Number of Parking Lanes Are Parking Lanes Used For Traffic Part of Day? Is Dust Visibiity Retained Does Roadway Have Curb 3. Area Sources that may Influence the Site: Midland Campbell Local Street Local Street ^-^250 115 Asphalt Asphalt 2 2 2000 <2000 30 25 TWo Two None None No No No No No No Type of Source Chicago Metropolitan Area Cornfield Direction from Site NE Distance from Site 30 mi . 1/4 mi Pollutant TSP, SO2, NH^, CO, O3 TSP B-3 D. Topography /Obstructions 1. General Characteristics Over a 2 Mile Radius From the Site: Smooth 2. Topographic Features that Influence the Site: (Types - hills, valleys, depressions, bodies of water, ridges, cliffs) Taoe Size Direction Frcm Site None Distance From Site 3. Obstructions to Wind Flow (Types - buildings, trees, ridges, cliffs) Direction From Site Distance From Site Type Size None 4. Comments The 2 story section of roof over the gymnasium could prove to be an influence to wind flow. E. Distance to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) Site. Here are the distances and directions to the nearest NWS observing site from the inhalable particulate monitor in Joliet. Distances are in statute miles; directions are degrees from true north. Site Address Pershing School Midland and Campbell Nearest NWS Site Directions & Distances to NWS O'Hare Airport/Chicago (ORD) 020" at 33 mi (NNW) Midway Airport (MDW ) is about 25 miles northeast of Joliet (to MDW from Joliet, 050^ at 25.5 mi). Dupage Airport (DPA ) is about 28 miles north-northwest of Joliet (to DPA from Joliet, 340" at 28 mi). Data from both sites are available to the lEPA through Service "A", but neither is a NWS site (though MDW used to be), and no LCDs are issued for them. B-4 "': '.~vj^-.'»v:'-'^-^ — ■•■ Joliet - North West _ Joliet-Pershmg Sch. - Icckinc SE «.: Joliet - South East B-5 _ Jol iet-Pershing Sch. - looking S Jol let - South ^ Jol iet-Pershing Sch. - looking SW _! Joliet - South West B-6 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS :LTER number : 1277989 JLLECTION DATE : 0S./14./81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ. /FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE; BIOLOGICAL POI..LEN ?< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : JOLIET./PERSHGSCHOOL OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAGE PART. SIZE RANGE WEIGHT Number PERCENT Percent 17. 3 5. 1-40. 7 17 10 13. 9 2. 5-40. 7 58 54 9. 3 o •—•. 6-20. 4 3 4 13. 9 2. 5-40. 7 IS 19 11. 1 5. 1-20. 4 2 8 12. S 7. 2-20. 4 2 5 14. 9 10. 2-20. 4 <:i 1 MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANi: 3E (UM) NUMBER WEIGHT PERCENT PERCENT 1. o — 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 6 <1 3. 6 - 5. 1 12 <1 5. 1 - 7. 2 15 <1 7. 2 - 10. 2 17 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 20 10 14. 4 - 20. 4 17 20 20. 4 - ■->o o 7 23 28. O - 40. 7 5 44 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - J 15. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 B-7 Filter number 1277989 Total Suspended Particulate yg/m^ Ilk Particulate: Minerals 96.7 Combustion 22.3 Biological 5 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 11.6 '^ EPAi*K;- ':i2Z|989«#|1200X©a*; B-8 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS [LTER NUMBER ; 12779S2 DLLECT I ON DATE : 03/14/Sl COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON P RODUCTS SOOT OLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOOICAL POLLEN Z'. SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER NETWORK : SITE : JOLIET/PERSHGSCHOOL OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAG iE RANGE WE It 3HT Number PART. SI ZE PERi; ::ENT Percent 7. 9 3. 6-14. 4 4 10 9 A 1. S-2S. C| 29 24 •-. 4 ■/ 5-20. 4 13 6 o 7 ■y 5-20. 4 6 40 21. •■"• 5. 1-57. 6 '?'■"' 5 12. 3 3. 6-2S. y 13 6 11. 1 5. 1-20. 4 12 9 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION :IZE RANGE (UM) 1. •~« - 1. 3 1. o - 2. 5 •7 5 - 3. 6 3. / - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. •~/ - 10. 2 10. •~j -• 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - •"/;Z; C; 2S'. o - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - SI. 5 SI. 5 - 115. 2 115. •7/ - 162. 9 162. '-> - 230. 4 J'- ^ Z3( 1 4 NUMBER ■ PERCENT 1 2-3 23 14 13 10 13 'y <1 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 <1 1 y 49 IS 14 B-9 Filter number 1277982 Inhalable Particulate >ig/m- 73 Particulate: Minerals 12.4 Combustion 17.5 Biological 43.1 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 31.4 ■mmm&fimfssmmmmmi B-IO APPENDIX C A. Site Identification 1. City: Rockford 2. Site Name and Address: Charles Beyer School, 333 15th Ave. 3. County: Winnebago Township: Rockford 4. USGS Topographical Map Name and Scale, Rockford North, 1:24000 5 . Site Elevation (Feet) : 735 B. Site Classification/Representativeness 1. Dominating Influence on Site: Industrial, Mobile C. 1. Stationary Sources that may Influence Site: Name of Source Direction From Location Site Distance From Site Pollutant TSP NOx ■ HC Emissions (Toris/Yr) Amerock Corp. 4000 Auburn NNW Rockford 3.0 mi. 108 93 868 Barber-Colman Co. 1300 Rock St. N Rockford 1 .2 mi. TSP NOx HC 299 47 101 Elco Industries 111 Samuel son SSE Rd., Rockford 3.0 mi. TSP HC 152 2,184 Estwing Mfg. 2647 8th St. SSE Rockford 1.2 mi. TSP 101 Forgings & Stampings 1025 23rd Ave. SE Rockford 0.9 mi. TSP 112 Greenlee Bros. Co. 2136 12th St. ESE Rockford 1 .4 mi. TSP CO 1,671 257 Kelsey-Hayes Co. 302 Peoples S Ave. Rockford 0.6 mi. TSP CO 46,510 14,805 Olson Pattern & Foundry 1617-1711 W Magnolia Rockford 0.2 mi. TSP 184 C-1 Accurate Die Casting Rockford Can Co. Rockford Prod. Corp. Sail Bros. Co. Weyerhauser Joseph Behr & Sons Mattison Mach. Wks. Longview Fibre Co, Rockford Blacktop Kent Feeds Rein, Schultz & Dahl 2025 Kishwaukee Rockford SE Quaker Rd. Rockford ssw 707 Harrison Ave. Rockford SSE 2320 Kishwaukee Rockford SSE 2100 23rd Ave. Rockford ESE 110 Seminary St. Rockford H 2235 Kishwaukee Rockford SSE 1818 Elmwood Rockford NNE 4102 S. Main Rockford SSW 0.4 mi. TSP 1612 S. Bend S Rd. Rockford 801 Beale Ct. SSW Rockford 0.7 mi. TSP NOx 0.9 mi. TSP HC 0.7 mi. TSP 1.7 mi . TSP 0.5 mi. TSP 0.8 mi. TSP CO 5.7 mi . TSP 3.1 mi. TSP 5.0 mi. TSP 4.5 mi. TSP 174 8,844 90 223 146 128 1.173 378 146 365 4,270 895 21,406 2,765 C-2 2. Mobile Soijrces that may Influence t±ie Site: Names of Roadways: 15th Ave . 16th Ave . Type: Arterial Street Local Street Distance of Roadway from Site (ft) 250 Conposition of Roadway Asphalt Number of Traffic Lanes 4 Average Daily Traffic 8000 Average Vehicle Speed (mph)30 One or Two Way Traffic IWd Number of Parking Lanes None Are Parking Lanes Used For Traffic Part of Day? N/A Is Dust Visibiity Retained No Does Roadway Have Curb Yes 180 Asphalt 2 <1000 15 TVo IVo No No Yes 3. Area Sources that may Influence the Site: Type of Source Parking Lot, Paved Parking Lot, Paved Parking Lot, Unpaved Parking Surrounding Building Truck Yard Misc. Parking, Paved and Unpaved Around Factories Direction from Site E S ssw N, S SSW SE-SW Distance from Site 100' 300* 350' 70-200' 700* 500+ Semi nary Local Street 600 Asphalt 2 3000 30 Two IVo West Side No Yes Pollutant TSP TSP TSP TSP TSP TSP C-3 D . Topography /Obstructions 1 . General Characteristics Over a 2 Mile Radius From the Site: Smooth 2. Topographic Features that Influence the Site: (Types - hills, valleys, depressions, bodies of water, ridges, cliffs) Tape Rock River Size 400-700' Direction From Site East 3. Obstructions to Wind Flow (Types - buildings, trees, ridges, cliffs) TZE£ Size Direction From Site Distance Fran Site 2000-2500' Distance From Site None E. Distance to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) Site. Here are the distances and directions to the nearest NWS observing site from the inhalable particulate monitor in Rockford. Distances are in statute miles; directionsare degrees from true north. Site Address Beyer Elem. School 333 15th Ave. Nearest NWS Site Directions and Distance to NWS Rockford Airport (RFD) • 185° at 3.4 mi.(s) C-4 f-iL'Sa /fff '•" JSf !afg'«,Tawnni tsaai Rockford - Charles Beyer School _P^p^SlSl Looking North Tj^rffiS ..^.S.iir^- Rockford - North Rockford - Charles Beyer School Looking SW Rockford - South West C-5 Rockford - Charles Beyer School Looking West Rockford - West Rockford - Charles Beyer School Looking NW r ■^Ti.'j' ^p ' i.^.yi j vy ^ ^i it u^ ■"^-t-rr Rockford - North West C-6 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS IILTER NUMBER : 1229899 LLECTION DATE : 05/22/81 L COMPONENT NETWORK : SITE : ROCKFORD/BEYERSCHOOL OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 MINERALS QUARTZ /FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE:; BIOLOGICAL POLLEN Zi SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH AVERAC ^E RANGE WEIGHT Number PART. SIZE PERCENT Percent 17. 8 2. 5-57. 6 49 26 9. o 1. 8-28. 8 11 46 10. 1 2. 5-28. •"■ 2 2 19. 2. 5-57. 6 11 19 19. 6 7. 2-40. 7 2 1 •Z'-Z< 1 10. 2-81. 5 26 6 12. 3 10. 2-14. 4 <1 1 MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER O PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANGE (UM) NUMBER WEIGHT PERCENT PERCENT 1. •-• — 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 4 <1 2. 5 - 3. 6 35 <1 3 6 - 5. 1 8 <1 5. 1 - 7. 2 15 <:i 7. 2 - 10. 2 13 o 10. 2 - 14. 4 13 6 14. 4 - 20. 4 7 11 20. 4 - 28. 8 4 16 28. 8 - 40. 7 <1 4 40. 7 - 57. 6 <1 57. 6 - 81. 5 <1 25 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. •7 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 C-7 Filter number 1229899 Total Suspended Particulate >ig/nj3 133 Particulate: Minerals 82.5 Combustion 14.6 Biological 37.2 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 10.2 C-8 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS ILTER NUMBER : 122989S :OLLECTION DATE : 05/22/81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERED BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : ROCKFORD/EEYERSCHOOL OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAGE RANGE WEIGHT Nioinber PART. SIZE PERI ::ENT Percent 9. 8 3. 6-20. 4 27 33 9. 8 1. 8-28. 8 50 34 6. 4 3. 6-10. 2 3 1 12. o. 6-28. 8 11 28 15. 1 5. 1-28. 8 2 2 9. 8 •.J. 6-20. 4 6 2 12. 5. 1-20. 4 <1 <1 MISCELLANEOUS FERROLIS METAL RUBBER PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANi 3E (UM) NUMBER WEIGHT PERCENT PERCENT 1. •-• _ 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 5 <1 2. 5 - 3. 6 17 <1 3. 6 - 5. 1 26 2 5. 1 - 7. 2 14 4 7. 2 - 10. 2 19 16 10. 2 - 14. 4 14 29 14. 4 - 20. 4 4 27 20. 4 - 28. 8 1 20 28. 8 - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 yi i:30. 4 C-9 Filter number 122898 Inhalable Particulate ug/m3 124 Particulate: Minerals 99.2 Combustion 13.6 Biological 9.9 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 10.6 C-10 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS ILTER NUMBER : 12S2741 OLLECTION DATE : 12/1S/81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUART Z/FEI..DSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHEREi BIOLOGICAL POLLEN S< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : ROCKFORD/BEYERSCHOOL OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAGE RANGE WEIGHT Number PART. SIZE PERCENT Percent 15. 5 o •~<. 6-40. 7 26 4- 12. 6 1. 8-40. 7 55 79 12. ■-I 6-2S. 8 7 3 12. ^1 6-28. 8 7 10 7. 4 ^1, 1-10. 2 <1 1 15. o 7. 2-28. O •—• 4 2 12. 3 10. 2-14. 4 - 40. 7 230. 4 C-11 Filter number 1282741 Total Suspended Particulate pg/m^ 29 Particulate: Minerals 25.5 Combustion 2.0 Biological 1.2 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 14.3 C-12 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS ILTER NUMBER : 1282740 DLLECT I ON DATE : 12./1S./81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUSTION SOOT GLASSY PRODUCTS FLYASH SPHERE; NETWORK : SITE : ROCKFORD./BEYERSCHOOL OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH AVERAGE RANGE WEIGHT Number PART. SIZE PERi; ::ENT Percent 7. 9 3. 6-14. 4 11 8 6. 9 2. 5-14. 4 61 72 y. 2 1. 8-5. 1 <1 1 6. 9 2. 5-14. 4 14 15 6. 9 2. 5-14. 4 1 1 21. 7 7. 2-40. 7 12 1 9. 2 5. 1-14. 4 <1 1 MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RLIBBER PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANi: 5E (UM) NUMBER WEIGHT PERCENT PERCENT 1. o o — 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 <1 <1 2. 5 - 3. 6 21 2 o'. 6 - 5. 1 41 14 5. 1 - 7. 2 20 17 7. 2 - 10. 2 15 34 10. 2 - 14. 4 4 22 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 28. 8 28. 8 - 40. 7 <1 10 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 C-13 Filter number 1282740 Inhalable Particulate yg/m 24 Particulate: Minerals 17.3 Combustion 3.4 Biological 3.1 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 28.4 EFmmmmmi^szm C-14 APPENDIX D A. Site Identification 1. City: East Moline Population: 21,000 2. Site Name and Address: John Deere Parts Bldg., 1400 13th St. 3. County: Rock Island Township: Hampton 4. USGS Topographical Map Name and Scale: Silvis, Iowa-Ill, 1:24,000 5 . Site Elevation (Feet) : 580 B. Site Classification/Representativeness 1. Dominating Influence on Site: Industrial, Commercial C. Source Impact 1. Stationary Sources t±iat may Influence Site: Direction Distance w.mn o^ c , • ^"^^^ ^^°^ Emissions Name of Source Location Site Site Pollutant (Tons/Yr) International Harvester 1100 3rd St. WNW 1.7 km TSP 135 E. Moline HC 692 Deere-Harvester 1100 13th Ave. NW 0.4 km TSP 3 668 E. Moline SO2 2.' 720 NOx 1,233 HC 1,027 Deere-Foundry Hwy. 84 & 14th Ave. ENE 1.1 km TSP 27 053 E. Moline ' Deere-Planter 501 3rd Ave. W 8.6 km TSP 1 800 Moline HC l^gse Strombeck Mfg. 51st & 4th Ave. WSW 3.0 km TSP 569 Moline D-1 \ 2. Mobile Sources that may Influence t±ie Site: NflmRs of Roadways: 13th Street Type: Local Street Distance of Roadway from Site (ft) 90 Composition of Roadway Concrete Number of Traffic Lanes 2 Average Daily Traffic 5000 Average Vehicle Speed (mph) 25 One or IVro Way Traffic IVro Number of Parking Lanes None Are Parking Lanes Used For Traffic Part of Day? N/A Is Dust Visibiity Retained No Does Roadway Have Curb Yes 3. Area Sources that may Influence the Site: Direction Type of Source From Site Distance From Site Pollutant Silvis Railyard ESE 1 km TSP D. Topography /Obstructions 1. General Characteristics Over a 2 Mile Radius From the Site: Rolling 2. Topographic Features that Influence the Site: (Types - hills, valleys, depressions, bodies of water, ridges, cliffs) TZE£ Mississippi Bluffs Size 30 m high Direction From Site South Distance From Site 0.2 km 3. Obstructions to Wind Flow (Types - buildings, trees, ridges, cliffs) Type Size Direction From Site Distance From Site None D-2 E. Distance to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) Site. Here are the distances and directions to the nearest NWS observing site from the inhalable particulate monitor in East Moline. Distances are in statute miles; directions are degrees from true north. Site Address Nearest NWS Site Directions & Distance to NWS 1400 S. 13th St. Quad Cities Airport (MLI) 220° at 5.9 mi. (SW) D-3 East Moline - North Mo line - City Hall Looki ng Nor thieas t: ^tln^^^^./j'ri^f:'^^'''!-^^^^ East Moline - North East D-4 Moline - Cit y Hall - Looking East East Moline - East East Moline - South D-5 East Mol ine - West D-6 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS [LTER NUMBER : 1111344 1LLECTI0N DATE : 03./23/S1 COMPONENT MINERALS QUART Z/FEI_DSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE'- BIOLOGICAL POLLEN S< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : E. MOLINE/J. DEERE OB..JECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAi; 5E RANGE WEIGHT Number PART. SIZE PERi: ::ENT Percent 24. 5 7. 2-57. 6 41 13 17. 1 1. 8-57. 6 48 65 13. 8 5. 1-28. 8 4 4 12. ..Ti 3. 6-28. 8 6 14 14. 9 10. 2-20. 4 <1 1 9. 1 5. 1-14. 4 <1 3 10. 5 7. 2-14. 4 <1 <1 MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL. RUBBER PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANi: I-iE (UM) NUMBER WEIGHT PERCENT PERCENT 1. 3 — 1. 8 1. •p, - 2. 5 11 <1 2. 5 - 3. 6 14 <1 3. 6 - 5. 1 17 <1 5. 1 - 7. 2 24 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 7 2 10. •7 - 14. 4 13 10 14. 4 - 20. 4 6 12 20. 4 - 2:-^ 8 6 35 28. 8 - 40. 7 1 24 40. 7 - 57. 6 <1 15 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 D-7 Filter number 111134A Total Suspended Particulate }ig/m^ 107 Particulate: Minerals 99.5 Combustion 6.4 Biological 1 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 22.8 ■EPA>«mtw iz^mm\2mmi D-8 OPTICAL. MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS _TER NUMBER : 1111343 .LECTION DATE : 03/23/Sl COMPONENT 1INERALS QUARTZ./ FEI..DSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS :OMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERED BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?/ SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH 1ISCELLANE0US FERR0I..1S METAL RUBBER NETWORK : SITE : E. MOLINE./J. DEERE OBJECTIVE MAG. ; 25 AVERAGE RANGE WEH: jHT Number PART. SIZE PERL ::ent £ercent_ 7. 7 1. 8-20. 4 4 14 7. 7 1. 8-20. 4 15 58 28. 1 5. 1-81. 5 77 <1 8. 5 1. 8-20. 4 4 28 9. 1 5. 1-14. 4 <1 <1 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION :IZE RANGE (UM) 1. o - 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 3. 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 28. 8 28. 8 - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 1A2. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 NUMBER PERCENT 39 20 16 13 7 2 2 <1 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 <1 1 3 6 3 9 77 D-9 r 1 LLer uumutir X X X J. -J'^ -J Inhalable Particulate yg/m- 96 Particulate: Minerals 92.2 Combustion 3.8 Biological 1 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 25.5 -'^(^mmmm^msmii D-10 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS LTER NUMBER : 1230045 LLECTION DATE ; 06/03/31 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE:; BIOLOGICAL POLLEN Z". SPORES ■ PLANT TISSUE ■ STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER NETWORK : SITE : E. MOLINE/J. DEERE OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAGE RANGE WEIi 5HT Niimber PART. SIZE PERCENT Percent 17. 3 5. 1-40. 7 38 9 13. 1 1. 3-40. 7 46 77 11. 1 5. 1-20. 4 4 2 13. 8 5. 1-28. 8 5 8 11. 1 ._!, 1-20. 4 2 2 18. 1 10. 2-28. 8 4 2 17. 4 14. 4-20. 4 1 1 I PARTICLE SIZE DIS TR I BUT I ON SIZE RANI 3E (UM) NUMBER WEIGHT PERCENT PERCENT 1. o — 1. 8 1. - 2. 5 26 <:i 2. 5 - 3. 6 20 230. 4 D-11 Filter number 1230045 Total Suspended Particulate ^g/m^ 83 Particulate: Minerals 73 Combustion 4.2 Biological 5,8 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 10.6 D-12 OPTICAL. MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS LTER NUMBER : 12766-f^9 iLLECTION DATE : 06/03/81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE:! BIOI..OGICAL POLLEN ?/. SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : E. MOLINE/J. DEERE OB.. JECTIVE MAi: Iv : 25 ;======: ======== r==: ============ ========= :== AVERAGE RANGE WEIGHT Number PART. SIZE PERCENT Percent 8. 5 1. 8-20. 4 24 15 9. 8 1. 8-28. 8 65 69 5. 1 1. 8-10. 2 <1 1 7. 7 1. 8-20. 4 6 13 10. 5 7. 2-14. 4 2 2 <1 <1 MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER SOFT COAL 12. 8 7. 2-20. 4 2 O 1 I PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANGE (UM) 1. - 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 28. 8 28. 8 - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 NUMBER PERCENT 15 19 20 23 16 5 2 <1 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 1 4 14 24 19 21 15 D-13 Inhalable Particulate >ig/m- Particulate: Minerals 54 Combustion Biological 1.2 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 60 3.6 1.2 0.0 D-14 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS TER NUMBER 12i ^76 .LECTION DATE : 12/13./S1 COMPONENT 1INERALS QUARTZ./FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS ::OMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE:! nOLOGICAL POLLEN ?< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : E. MOLINE/J. DEERE OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAi: SE RANGE WEH GHT Number PART. SIZE PERCENT Percent 13. 9 2. 5-40. 7 16 7 13. 9 2. 5-40. 7 76 83 5. 6 2. 5-10. 2 <1 1 13. 3. 6-2S. o 4 7 17. 3. 6-40. 7 4 3 1ISCELLANE0US FERROUS METAL RUBBER PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE Rf !>Ni: I-iE (UM) NUMBER PERCENT WEIGHT PERCENT 1. 'Z' — 1. S 1. o - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 16 <1 3. 6 - 5. 1 36 2 5. 1 - 7. 2 19 4 7. 2 - 10. 2 12 7 10. 2 - 14. 4 9 12 14. 4 - 20. 4 4 18 20. 4 - 28. 8 2 25 28. P, - 40. 7 <:i 32 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. ..1 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 D-15 Filter number 1282376 Total Suspended Particulate ^g/m^ 58 Particulate: Minerals 53.4 Combustion 2.3 Biological 2.3 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 0.0 D-16 OPTICAL MICROSCOPF. ANALYSIS LTER NUMBER : 1282375 iLLECTION DATE : 12/18/31 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE:; BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : E. MOLINE/J. DEERE OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAC HE RANGE wEn: ^HT Number PART. SIZE PERU •:ENT Percent 9. p; 3. 6-20. 4 3 2 8. 7 2. 5-20. 4 77 85 11. 1 5. 1-20. 4 4 1 9. 2. 5-20. 4 4 9 O 18. 1 10. 2-28. C; 3 1 19. 6 7. 2-40. 7 9 2 14. 9 10. 2-20. 4 1 <1 MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER PARTICLE SITE DISTRIBUTION ;IZE RANGE (UM) NUMBER PERCENT 1. o - 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 o •_>. 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 23. 8 28. 8 - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 o 16 25 24 21 11 3 <1 <1 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 4 9 24 32 22 4 4 D-17 Filter number 1282375 Inhalable Particulate >ig/m- Particulate: Minerals 38.7 Combustion Biological 6.0 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 46 1.8 2.0 D-18 APPENDIX E K A. Site Identification 1 . City: Peoria 2. Site Name and Address: State Welfare Office, 610 N.E. Jefferson 3. County: Peoria Township: Peoria 4. uses Topographical Map Name and Scale: Peoria-East, 1:24000 5. Site Elevation (Feet): 510 B. Site Classification/Representativeness 1. Dominating Influence on Site: Commercial , Residential C. Source Inpact 1 . Stationary Sources that may Influence Site: Name of Source Location Peoria Brick & Tile Cole St. E. Peoria Direction From Site :iLCO - Wallace Sta. 1126 W. Camp St. S E. Peoria aulf Coast Grain, Inc. Asphalt Assoc. Inc. ;orn Products om-Ed Powerton Altoffer Lane S E. Peoria 500 W. Camp St. S E. Peoria 1300 S. Second SSW St., Pekin Box 158 Pekin SSW Distance From Site 2.4 mi ,9 mi .9 mi 1.6 mi 10.4 mi 11.8 mi Pollutant TSP TSP SOo NOv CO TSP TSP Emissions (Tons/Yr) 664 5,661 3,751 2,348 131 790 7,875 TSP 265,338 SO? 3,825 NOx 1,893 CO 105 TSP 188,235 SO2 67,566 NOx 136,221 HC 743 CO 2,482 E-1 Caterpillar Tractor > 2400 S.W. SW Co- Washington, Peoria ADM Riverside Edmund St. Peoria SSW Keystone Steel & Wire Div. Peoria Blacktop Bemis Co. Inc. Celotex Corp 2000 S. Adams SW St., Peoria 3300 W. SouthportWNW Rd., Peoria Ft. of Sloan St. NE Peoria 2226 W. Clarke SW St., Peoria George E. Hoffman 94 S. Sanger St. SW & Sons United Ready Mix, Inc. Peoria Ft. of Green St. SE Peoria Wahlfeld Mfg. Co. 1100 SW WashingtonSW Peoria Hiram Walker & Son Ft. of Edmund SW Peoria Pabst Brewing Co. 709 N.E. Water St. S Peoria Seneca Petroleum Co. 11 Sanger St. SSW Peoria Allied Mills Inc. CILCO Edwards 7501 S. Adams SW St., Bartonville Rural BartonvilleSW Pabst Brewing Co. 4541 N. Prospect N Peoria Heights Peoria Barge Terminal 1925 Darst St. SW St., Peoria 2.1 mi TSP HC 1.6 mi 4.2 mi 1.5 mi 4.1 mi 2.5 mi .2 mi 1.4 mi 1.6 mi 2.9 mi TSP 4.9 mi TSP NOx TSP TSP S02 NOx TSP SO? NO, TSP TSP TSP TSP NOx HC .3 mi TSP SO2 TSP 714 115 3,743 3,902 458 2,960 1,639 1,301 381 5,392 2,307 794 1,834 134 156 45,453 112 2,979 1,662 146 1,176 5.7 mi TSP 407,969 8.1 mi TSP SO2 NOx HC 169,975 28,276 17,239 958 3.2 mi TSP NOx 29,451 194 3.2 mi TSP 265 E-2 ,nied Iron & Steel 2900 W. Clarke SW 0. St., Peoria ork Foundry Supply 2424 W. Clarke SW 0. St., Peoria aterpillar 600 W. WashingtonSSW East Peoria aterpillar Tractor Route 24 SW Mapleton iterpillar Tractor 2411 W. Clarke SW St. , Peoria 4.0 mi 3.9 mi 1.6 mi 12.2 mi 3,8 mi TSP TSP TSP 12,740 2,057 TSP 5,108 SO2 6,959 NOx 929 HC 567 CO 131 TSP 243,324 SO2 8,858 NOx 1,094 HC 3,565 1,664 2. Mobile Sources t±Lat may Influence the Site: Names of Roadways: Jefferson Adams Hancock Green Type: Arterial Street Arterial Local Local Distance of Roadway from Site (ft) 100 Composition of Roadway Asphalt Number of Traffic Lanes 3 Average Daily Traffic 1560 Average Vehicle Speed (iiph)35 One or IWo Way Traffic One Number of Parking Lanes " Two Are Parking Lanes Used For Traffic Part of Day? No Is Dust Visibiity Retained No Does Roadway Have Curb Yes 290 220 165 Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt 3 2 2 15500 1000 1000 35 25-30 25-30 One Two IWo None None None N/A N/A N/A No No No Yes Yes Yes E-3 3. Area Sources Chat may Influence the Site: Type of Source Parking lot (gravel) Parking lot (cinder & gravel) Alley (asphalt & gravel) Parking lot (cement & gravel) Rail yards :" Parking lot Vacant lot Direction from Site Distance from Site Pollutant NW 153' . TSP HE 93' TSP SE 65' TSP SE & S Directly by building TSP SE - E .5 mi TSP SW 180' TSP SE 90' TSP D. Topography/Obstructions 1 . General Characteristics Over a 2 Mile Radius From the Site: Rolling 2. Topographic Features that Influence the Site: (lypes - hills, valleys, depressions, bodies of water, ridges, cliffs) Im size ?:rfl'2" .?i!^^"« River .3 mi wide Peoria Lake 1.7 mi across From Site From Site S .5 mi E .5 mi River Valley Elevation: 450' q p ct • ^ ^-,^, Hju i,^E Slopxng from 510' A50' within .5 mi ^i-^^ 600' elevation WNI^ 3 jj^^ E-4 3. Obstructions to Wind Flow (Types - buildings, trees, ridges, cliffs) Direction Distance Type Size From Site From Site None 4. Ccaoments Site (ele. 510') located N + NW of river valley (ele. 450'). Approximately 8/10 mi to the WNW, the elevation rises to 600' . E. Distance to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) Site. Here are the distances and directions to the nearest NWS observing site from the inhalable particulate monitor in Peoria. Distances are in statute miles; directions are degrees from true north. Site Address Nearest NWS Site Directions and Distance to NWS 610 NE Jefferson Peoria Airport (PIA) 245° at 5.6 mi. (WSW) E-5 Peoria-610 N.E. Jefferson - Northeast J Peoria - North East - A 36 - Peoria-610 N.E. Jefferson - Southeast Peoria - South East E-6 L^L r-r:aua Peoria-610 N.E. Jefferson - South Peoria - South n l.-^-.^U.d^,:^»^AJP'.^JS»an; >. E-8 OPTICAL MICRCfSCOPF. ANALYSIS LTER NUMBER : 1229197 LLECTIGN DATE : 04./04./S1 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?y SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER NETWORK : SITE : PEORIA OBJECTIVE MAG. : 10 AVERAi. I-iE I ^ANGE WEn: 5HT Number PART. -=■ [ZE peri: ::ent Percent 17. 4 6. 4-36. 2 40 27 16. 9 4. 5-36. 2 37 40 22. 7 12. 8-36. 2 5 1 23. 9 6. 4-51. 1 7 13 26. 4 18. 1-36. 2 5 3 11. 4 6. 4-18. 1 2 15 IS. 7 12. 8-25. 6 1 2 21. 9 18. 1-25. 6 2 <1 PART I CLE SIZE D I STR I BUT I ON SIZE RANGE (UM) •-• 2 - 4. 5 4. 5 - 6. 4 6. 4 - 9. 9. - 12. 3 12. o - 18. 1 18. 1 - 25. 6 25. 6 - 36. 2 36. 2 - 51. 1 51. 1 - 72. 3 72. •z> - 102. 3 102. - 144. 6 144. 6 - 204. 6 204. 6 - 289. 3 289. ^; - 409. 1 409. 1 - 578. 6 >578. 6 NUMBER PERCENT 16 10 '^''~\ 23 21 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 •CI 5 11 42 E-9 Filter number 1229197 Total Suspended Particulate ug/m^ 175 Particulate: Minerals 143.5 Combustion 12.3 Biological 14 Other 3.5 Low temperature ashing, % loss 2.2 E-10 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS :LTER NUMBER : 1229193 ELECTION DATE : 04/04./S1 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS :OMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT j GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE? 3I0L0GICAL POLLEN S< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH 1ISCELLANE0US FERROUS METAL RUBBER NETWORK : SITE ; PEORIA OBJECTIVE MAG. : 10 AVERAi PART. S liE EZE RANGE WEIi PERI :-iHT ::ent Number Pe£cent_ 24. 6 14. 7 23. 9. 12. 0-51. 2-36. 3-51. 1 2 1 49 17 16 17 32 4 O 27. 5 6. 4-72. ^i 10 18 O 23. 11. 4 13. 2 12. 6. 9 3-51. 4-13. 0-13. 1 1 1 7 •CI <1 6 22 1 O O PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE R^ ^N JE (UM) NUMBER PERCENT WEIGHT PERCENT 3. 2 - 4. 5 5 <1 4. 5 - 6. 4 ;■::• <1 6. 4 — 9. 19 <1 9. - 12 3 16 2 12. 8 - 18. 1 23 10 13. 1 — 25. 6 17 19 25. 6 - 36. 2 6 14 36. 2 - 51. 1 5 52 51. 1 - 72. 3 <:i 2 72. 3 - 102. 3 102. 3 - 144. 6 144. 6 - 204. 6 204. 6 - 239. 3 289. 3 - 409. 1 409. 1 - 573. 6 >5 73. 6 E-11 Filter number 1229193 Inhalable Particulate ?zl m- 116 Particulate: Minerals 95.1 Combustion 11.6 Biological 8.1 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 0.0 E-12 1 OPTICAL M I CROSCOPE ANAL YS I S ==================: == = = : ;r;^^r^^r^::^:::;rz7==rr:r:irrrr 1^'^ ^^ ■~—^ ^^^ -^ -1^ ■~— ■—- ~. -— -^ -^ _—-____ _______ [LTER NUMBER : 123( .•)657 NETWORK : SITE : PEORIA /S 1 OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 :=================: ====: ==z===:z=z=z== :============ =:^=:=:=:= ======= COMPONENT AVERAGE RANGE WEIGHT PART. SIZE PERi: ::ENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS 21. 9 5. 1-57. 6 38 LIMESTONE 16. 3 1. 3-57. 6 35 IRON OXIDES 6. 9 2. 5-14. 4 <;i OTHER MINERALS • COMBUST I ON PRODI. ICTS SOOT 3. 7 2. 5-20. 4 5 GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?y. SPORES 24. 5 7. 2-57. 6 3 PLANT TISSUE 44. 5 20. 4-31. 5 14 STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER • PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANI' :iE (UM) NUMBER PERCENT WEIGH^ PERCE JT 1. •-1 1. 3 1. 3 - 2. 5 11 <1 2. 5 - 3. 6 20 <1 3. 6 - 5. 1 13 <1 5. 1 - 7. 2 9 <1 7. 2 - 10. 2 27 8 10. 2 - 14. 4 11 8 14. 4 - 20. 4 6 13 20. 4 - 23. 3 2 12 23. ;r| _ 40. 7 <1 10 40. 7 - 57. 6 <1 38 57. 6 - 31. 5 <1 9 31. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 E-13 Nimber Percent 8 62 1 26 O Filter number 1230657 Total Suspended Particulate )ig/m^ 87 Particulate: Minerals 63.5 Combustion 4,4 Biological 19.1 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 59.2 E-14 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS [LTER NUMBER : 1230654 3LLECTI0N DATE : 06/03/81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ /FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?/ SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : PEORIA OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAC ?E RANGE WEIGHT Number PART. SIZE PERi: :.ENT Percent 10. 9 2. 5-28. 8 37 35 7. 7 1. 8-20. 4 21 44 9. 8 o. 6-20. 4 o 2 10. 9 2. 5-28. 8 17 18 24. 3 5. 1-81. 5 20 2 IS. 1 10. 2-28. 8 2 1 13. 1 7. 2-20. 4 <1 1 MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ;IZE RANGE (UM) 1. •J - 1. 8 1. o •-• - 2. 5 2. Cj - 3. 6 3. 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 28. 8 28. 8 - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. c- - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 I>2 :30. 4 NUMBER PERCENT 2 17 11 25 18 20 3 <1 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 <1 <1 5 9 28 13 26 19 E-15 Filter number 1230654 Inhalable Particulate yg/m- 59 Particulate: Minerals 36 Combustion 10 Biological 13 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 24.1 ■mmmmmm^^mmmmm E-16 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS [LTER NUMBER : 1282.1 OS NETWORK : SITE : PEORIA OLLECTION DATE : 12/lS/Sl OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ /FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODI. JCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER AVERAi: ^E RANGE WEH: MX Number PART. SIZE PERU ::ENT Percent S. 7 2. 5-20. 4 8 8 12. 4 2. 5-40. 7 83 49 6. 4 •-1 6-10. 2 <1 1 6. 9 2. 5-14. 4 5 37 10. 1 •7i 6-20. 4 <1 1 11. 1 5. 1-20. 4 1 2 10. 5 7. 2-14. 4 2 2 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANGE (UM) NUMBER PERCENT 1. - 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. ^1 - 3. 6 3. 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 28. 8 28. 8 - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 24 22 22 IS 8 6 <1 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 2 6 14 16 39 22 E-17 Filter number 1282108 Total Suspended Particulate ug/m^ 50 Particulate: Minerals 45.5 Combustion 2.5 Biological 15 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 33.9 mmmm'E^mmm&mmmm E-18 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS LTER NUMBER : 1281027 OLLECTION DATE : 12/18/Sl NETWORK : SITE : PEORIA OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS i COMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE:; ■ BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH I MISCELLANEOUS ! FERROUS METAL RUBBER AVERAC iE RANGE WEI 3HT Number PART. SIZE PER ::ent Pe£cent 15. 5 3. 6-40. 7 34 ■ 10 11. 6 2. 5-40. 7 27 54 4. 4 3 6-5. 1 <1 <1 12. 1. 8-40. 7 9 33 S. 7 7. 2-10. 2 <1 <1 29. 8 5. •1-81. 5 30 2 10. 5 7. 2-14. 4 <1 <1 O S. 7 7. 2-10. 2 <1 <1 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANGE (UM) 3 - 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 o o. 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - •y O O 28. 8 - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 I^-i 130. 4 NUMBER PERCENT 10 31 IS 16 17 7 <1 <1 1 <;i WEIGHT PERCENT <1 <1 1 3 o 10 40 26 E-19 Inhalable Particulate >Mg /in3 Particulate; Minerals 25 Combustion Biological 12.3 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 41 3.7 3.3 E-20 APPENDIX F A. Site Identification 1. City: Granite City 2 . Site Name and Address : Fire Station //1 , 23rd St Madison 3. County: Madison Township: Granite City 4. USGS Topographical Map Name and Scale: Granite City, IL-hD 1:24000 5 . Site Elevation (Feet) : 420 B. Site Classification/Representativeness 1. Dominating Influence on Site: Industrial, Commercial C. Source Impact 1. Stationary Sources that may Influence Site: NcL-ne of Source Location American Steel Foundaries 1700 Walnut Direction From Site W Distance From Emissions Site Pollutant (Tons/Yr) 1 .0 mi U.S. Army Support Cntr. Niedring- WSW haus 1.7 mi Nestle Co. 2101 Adams WNW 0.6 mi TSP S02 . 1,232 324 Reilly Tar & Chemical 19th & Edwardsville S 1.2 mi TSP He 620 7,800 American Colloid 1601 Walnut w 1.1 mi TSP 2,409 National Lead 16th & Cleveland WSW 1.1 mi TSP S02 8,227 525 ADM-Granite City 3501 Carqill ENE 3.3 mi TSP 14,291 TSP S02 11,588 111 F-1 Granite City Steel (BOF) (Sinter Plant) (Coke Plant) 20th & State (20th & Madison) (20th & Edwards- ville) l(Nameoki & Edwards- ville) SSW-SW SSE ESE 0.7 mi 0.9 mi 1.0 mi TSP S02 NOx CO He 159,943 9,201 2,843 92,283 1.284 Tri -State Regional Port District 2801 Rock Rd. W 2.1 mi TSP 3,844 International Mill Service 22nd & Edwards- ville Rd. SE 0.5 mi TSP 799 2. Mobile Sources that may Influence the Site: Names of Roadways: Madison 23rd Iowa Type: Arterial Street Local Street Local Distance of Roadway • from Site (ft) 140 155 120 Conposition of Roadway Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Number of Traffic Lanes 4 2 1 Average Daily Traffic 19,300 6000 1000 Average Vehicle Speed (mph) 25 20 20 One or IVro Way Traffic IVro jRro One (NE) Number of Parking Lanes None None IWo Are Parking Lanes Used For Traffic Part of Day? N/A N/A Yes Is Dust Visibiity Retained No No No Does Roadway Have Curb Yes Yes Yes 3. Area Sources that mfly Influence the Site k • Direction Distance Type of Source From Site From Site Pollutant St. Louis Mst area SSW Part, as ! well as SOo , HC, N3x> ana 0^ F-2 D . Topography /Obs true t ions 1 . General Characteristics Over a 2 Mile Radius From the Site: Smooth 2. Topographic Features that Infliience the Site: (Types - hills, valleys, depressions, bodies of water, ridges, cliffs) T^pe Size Direction From Site Distance From Site None 3. Obstructions to Wind Flow (Types - buildings, trees, ridges, cliffs) Tzge Size Direction From Site Distance From Site None E. Distance to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) Site. Here are the distances and directions to the nearest NWS observing site from the inhalable particulate monitor in Granite City. Distances are in statute miles; directions are degrees from true north. Site Ad :ress Fire Station #1 23rd and Madison Nearest NWS Site Lambert Airport/ St. Louis (STL) Directions and Distance to NWS 280° at 13 mi. (W) Bi-State Airport (CPS ) is about 8 miles south of Granite City (to CPS from FS#1, 190^ at 8.9 mi; from E 20th, 190° at 8.3 mi.). Alton Airport (ALN) is about 14 miles^north of Granite City (to ALN from FS#1, 020^ at 14 mi; from E Scott AFB (BLV) is about 19 FS#1, 130" at 19 mi; from E 20th, 020" at 14.8 mi), miles southeast of Granite 20th, 125° at 19 mi). City (to BLV from Data from all of these sites are available to the lEPA through WSI, but only ALN appears on our Service "A" teletype circuit. None of these sites is a NWS site, and no Local Climatological Data (LCDs) are issued for them. F-3 Granite City 23rd & Madison Looking S Granite City (Fire Station No. 1) - South Granite City 23rd & Madison Looking NV/ Granite City (Fire Station No. 1) North West F-4 Granite City 23rd & Madison Looking Granite City (Fire Station No. 1) North Granite City 23rd & Madison Looking E Granite City (Fire Station No. 1) - East F-5 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS FILTER NUMBER : VZlUll COLLECTION DATE : OS/ 14/81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : GRAN I TEC I TY/F I REST 1 OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAGE RANGE WEIGHT Number PART. SIZE PERCENT Percent 24. 8 5. 1-81. 5 59 7 23. 2. 5-81. 5 22 60 13. 3 3. 6-40. 7 5 8 21. 4 5. 1-57. 6 10 17 28. 4 12. 3 10. 2-57. 6 10. 2-14. 4 ^ 230. 4 NUMBER PERCENT 14 17 17 9 5 2 2 <1 <1 WEIGHT PERCENT O <1 <1 2 c> 4 4 5 15 7 60 F-6 Filter number 1211111 Total Suspended Particulate ^g/m^ 184 Particulate: Minerals 158.2 Combustion 18.4 Biological 5.5 Other 3.7 Low temperature ashing, % loss 11.3 F-7 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS FILTER NUMBER : \T7111 'r. COLLECTION DATE : 08./14./S1 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ. /FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE^; BIOLOGICAL POLLEN %'. SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : GRAN I TEC I TY/F I REST. 1 OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAGE PART. SIZE RANGE WEIGHT PERCENT Number Percent 10 9 7. 7 7. 9 1. 5-28. S-20. 6-14. S 4 4 32 26 10 15 42 6 9. 3 •1> . 6-20. 4 19 29 9. 1 11. 1 ._!. S 1-14. 1-20. 4 4 <.:i 10 1 4 MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER 7.2 2.5-14.4 3 PART I CLE SIZE D I STR I BUT I ON SIZE RANGE (UM) NUMBER WEI GHT PERCENT PEF ;CENT 1. 3 - 1. 8 1. S - 2. 5 <1 <1 2. 5 - 3. 6 IS 1 3. 6 - 5, 1 26 4 5. 1 - 7. 2 29 17 7. 2 - 10. 2 14 20 10. 2 - 14. 4 10 34 14. 4 - 20. 4 3 ' 21 20. 4 — !:£'"•. »r' <1 4 jif 'Z' . 'H' - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 --"* J 230. 4 F-8 Filter number 121111(> Inhalable Particulate pz/ m- 129 Particulate: Minerals 86.4 Combustion 29.7 Biological 12.9 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 16.0 F-9 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS FILTER NUMBER : 12S1S39 COLLECTION DATE : 11/12/81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS MICA COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?/ SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER NETWORK : SITE : GRAN I TEC I TY/F I REST. 1 OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAGE RANGE WEIGHT Number PART. SIZE PERCENT Percent 9. 8 3. 6-20. 4 22 7 8. 7 2. 5-20. 4 25 33 5. 6 2. 5-10. 2 2 3 <1 34. 3 28. S-40. 7 11 11. 1 1. 3-40. 7 21 49 13. 8 11. 1 12. 8 5. 1-28. 8 5. 1-20. 4 7. 2-20. 4 7 o o PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANGE (UM) 1. 3 - 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 28. 8 28. 8 - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >2 :30. 4 NUMBER PERCENT 10 16 17 3 <1 <1 WEIGHT PERCENT <:i 2 2 7 20 28 21 2 17 F-10 Filter number 1281839 Inhalable Particulate ;ig/ ra- ys Particulate: Minerals 46.8 Combustion 16.4 Biological 14.0 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 33.0 F-11 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANAL YS It FILTER NUMBER : 1282424 COLLECTION DATE : 12/13/81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODI.JCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?/. SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER SOFT COAL NETWORK : SITE : GRAN I TEC I TY/F I REST. 1 OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAGE RANGE WEIGHT Number PART. SIZE PERi: :ent Percent 13. 8 5. 1-28. 8 15 3 6. 9 2. 5-14. 4 7 15 13. 9 3. 6-40. 7 30 4 9. 8 1. 8-28. 8 16 74 14. 9 10. 2-20. 4 2 1 22. •ti 10. 2-40. 7 26 3 14. 9 10. 2-20. 4 2 1 18. 5 10. 2-28. 8 3 1 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANi: SE (UM) NUMBER WEIGHT PERCENT PERCENT 1. o — 1. 8 1. P; - 2. 5 6 <1 2.. 5 - 3. 6 39 1 o 6 - 5. 1 25 2 5. 1 - 7. 2 10 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 7 6 10. 2 - 14. 4 7 16 14. 4 - 20. 4 5 25 20. 4 — 28. 8 1 15 28. 8 — 40. 7 <1 33 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >230. 4 F-12 Filter number 1282A24 Total Suspended Particulate ug/m^ 69 Particulate: Minerals 35.9 Combustion 11.04 Biological 20.7 Other 2.1 Low temperature ashing, % loss 33.2 F-13 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSI: FILTER NUMBER : 1282423 COLLECTION DATE ; 12/18/81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOGICAL POLI_EN ?y. SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROI.IS METAL RUBBER SOFT COAL SOFT COAL NETWORK : SITE : GRAN I TEC I TY/F I REST 1 OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAGE PART. SIZE RANGE WEIGHT PERCENT Number Percent 6. 9 9. 8 7. 9 2. 5-14. 4 1. 8-28. 8 3. 6-14. 4 2 8 1 5 22 3 • 8. 7 2. 5-20. 4 10 43 18. 3 19. 6 12. 3 7. 2-40. 7 7. 2-40. 7 10. 2-14. 4 8 69 <1 2 23 1 17. 4 14. 4-20. 4 2 1 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANGE (UM) 1. 3 - 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 3. 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 28. 8 28. O - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. "7 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 NUMBER PERCENT >230. 4 4 23 23 10 10 8 15 7 <:i o WEIGHT PERCENT <1 <1 i 1 4 7 31 43 12 O F-14 Filter number 1282423 Inhalable Particulate jig/m- 40 Particulate: Minerals 4.4 Combustion 4.0 Biological 30.8 Other 0.8 Low temperature ashing, % loss 21.4 F-15 APPENDIX G A. Site Identification 1. City: Granite City 2. Site Name and Address: Dallas Residence, 2001 E. 20th St.. 3. County: Madisongo Township: Granite City A. USGS Topographical Map Name and Scale: Granite City. IL-MO 1:24000 ^' 5. Site Elevation (Feet): 415 B. Site Classification/Representativeness 1. Dominating Influence on Site: Industrial C. Source Inpact 1. Stationary Sources that may Influence Site Direction Distance f^rom From Emissions Name of Source Location Site Site Pollutant (Tons/Yr) American Steel Foundaries 1700 Walnut WNW Ll_mi TSP 9 597 U.S-. Army Support Center Niedringhaus Ave. W 1.6 rai SO? 158 Nestle Co. 2101 Adams NW O.S mi TSP 2,553 — . S02 *392 Reeves Concrete Prod. 2801 Circle N I.7 ^ TSP ^ 14.723 Reilly Tar & Chemical 19th & Edwards- SSE 0.8 nd TSP 362 . ■ ville National Lead 16th & Cleveland W 0.9 Tn-i TSP 2.783 Union Electric-Venice f-lain St. _ SW 2.8 ^li Tsf 790 SO2 6,649 ■ NOx 4,434 ADM-Granite City 3601 Cargill ENE 3.5 mi TSP 15,141 . S02 '204 Granite City Steel (BOF) (Sinter Plant) (Coke Plant) 20th & State TSP 218,649 (20th & Madison SW-W 0.1 mi S02 6,678 (20th & Edwards- ESE 0.6 mi NOx 4,436 ville) (Nameoki & Edwards- E 1.0 mi CO 18,630 ville) Tri-State Regional 2801 Rock Rd. WNW 2.1 mi TSP 2,700 Port District ' G-1 ' ' ' 2. Mobile Sources tiiat may Influence t±ie Site: Names of Roadways: • Type: A Distance of Roadway from Site (ft) Composition of Roadway Number of Traffic Lanes Average Daily Traffic Average Vehicle Speed (mph) One or Two Way Traffic Number of Parking Lanes Are Parking Lanes Used For Traffic Part of Day? Is Dust Visibiity Retained Does Roadway Have Curb 3. Area Sources that may Influence the Site: 20th St. Omaha irial Street Local Street 15m 12m Asphalt Asphalt 4 4 8800 <1000 30 20 Two Two None One N/A Yes Yes No Yes No Type of Source Gravel Parking Lot St. Louis Area Direction From Site NW SW Distance From Site 50-75 ft. 5 miles Pollutant ISP All G-2 D. Topography /Obstruct ions 1 . General Characteristics Over a 2 Mile Radius From the Site: Smooth 2. Topographic Features that Influence the Site: (Types - hills, valleys, depressions, bodies of water, rj.dges, cliffs) None Size Direction From Site Distance From Site 3. Obstructions to Wind Flow (Types - buildings, trees, ridges, cliffs) Trees Trees Size 30 ft. 40 ft. Direction Distance From Site From Site North 20 m NE,E 25 m 4 . Comments In general, a number of trees scattered throughout the residential area. E. Distance to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) Site. Here are the distances and directions to the nearest NWS observing site from the inhalable particulate monitors in Granite City. Distances are in statute miles; directions are degrees from true north. Site Address 2001 East 20th Nearest NWS Site Lambert Airport/ St. Louis (STL) Direction and Distance to NWS 285° at 13 mi. (W) G-3 _ Granite City-2001 E. 20th - North Granite City (Dallas Res.) North r Granite City-2001 E. 20th - East Granite City (Dallas Res.) East G-4 IIJ»iH»-l .IMPT-a «i.J.J-^l— »■ Granit3 City-^.^:ril l. 20th - South Granite City (Dallas Res.) South Granite City-2G01 E. 20th - West _ Granite City (Dallas Res.) West G-5 b OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS IILTER NUMBER : 1229986 OLLECTION DATE : 05./-22./31 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ./FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE:; BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER NETWORK : •^ITE : GRANICITY/DALLASRF? OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERA PART. S 3E IZE RANGE WEI PER 3HT JENT Number Percent 17. 3 8. 7 12. 3 5. 1-40. 7 2. 5-20. 4 3. 6-23. 8 33 13 8 10 57 3 12. 3 3. 6-28. 8 9 26 9. 1 4. 5 5. 1-14. 4 2. 5-7. 2 <1 ••:i 1 1 13. 9 2. 5-40. 7 37 3 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANGE (UM) 1. 3 - 1. 8 1. - 2. 5 2. 5 — 3. 6 3. 6 — 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 28. 8 28. 8 - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 NUMBER PERCENT >230. 4 O 22 25 19 19 9 4 2 <1 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 1 9 14 14 36 23 G-6 Filter number 1229986 Total Suspended Particulate jjg/m^ 204 Particulate: Minerals 110.2 Combustion 18.4 Biological trace Other 75.5 Low temperature ashing, % loss 8.4 6-7 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS ILTER NUMBER : 12299S7 :OLLECTION DATE : 05./22./81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUART Z/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?/ SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK : SITE : GRANICITY./DALLASRES OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAG b RANGE WEIL :-iHT Number PART. SI ZE PERi: JENT Percent 17. 2 5-57. 6 29 19 13. 9 •7/ 5-40. 7 14 31 7. 1. 8-20. 4 7 19. 1 ■y 5-Sl. 5 2S 31 11. 1 5. 1-20. 4 2 3 23. 5 ■!•. 6-Sl. 5 25 9 12. 3 10. 2-14. 4 •CI <1 MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER PARTICLE SIZE D I STR I BUT I OH SIZE RANL :-iE (UM) NUMBER WEIGHT PEF CENT PERCENT 1. *-» — 1. S 1. i;. — 2. 5 •CI •CI •~/ !=; -, / ■7 C; <1 "— ' ■ — ' ■^-'—' •-'. 6 - 5. 1 15 •CI 5. 1 - 7. 2 21 •7 7. •7/ - 10. 2 19 4 10. •7/ - 14. 4 6 14. 4 - 20. 4 6 12 20. 4 - 28 8 •CI 3 •■>!-; - 40. 7 CI 10 40. 7 - 57. 6 Ci 16 57. 6 - 81. 5 •CI 45 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. •7/ - 162. 9 162. y - 230. 4 >23< I). 4 COMMENTS: IRON AND./ OR STEEL IS PRESENT BUT IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE IRON OXIDE AND NOT PRESENT AS DISCRETE PARTICLES. G-8 r liter nuraoer izzyya/ Inhalable Particulate yzl m- 99 Particulate: Minerals 45.5 Combustion 27.7 Biological 26.7 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 16.5 EPfi^ M-a^ G-9 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS ILTER NUhBER : 1230411 OL.LECTION DATE : 06./03./81 COMPONENT MINERALS QUART Z./FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE:; BIOLOGICAL POLLEN 8( SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER NETWORK : SITE : GRANICITY./DALLASRE:; OBJECTIVE MAG. : 10 AVERAi: :iE RANGE WEn: 3HT Niimber PART. SIZE PERCENT Percent 89. 9. 0-289. 41 21 45. 6. 4-204. 6 4 29 91. o 9. 0-289. •£> 11 1 84. 7 9. 0-289. 9 41 30. '■1 25. 6-36. ■: > <1 <1 167. 1 72. 3-289. o 8 1 85. 12. S-289. o 27 6 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION • SIZE RANGE (UM) 2 - 4. 5 4. ._! - 6. 4 6. 4 - 9. 9. - 12. 8 12. - 18. 1 18. 1 - 25. 6 25. 6 - 36. 2 36. 2 - 51. 1 51. 1 - 72. 3 72. - 102. 3 102. •^ - 144. 6 144. 6 - 204. 6 204. 6 - 289. 3 289. J - 409. 1 409. 1 - 578. 6 >57:; 3. 6 NUMBER PERCENT 4 30 9 18 6 8 14 2 <1 4 5 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 3 <1 <1 23 71 G-10 IZ JUHi i Inhalable Particulate P^ /m3 282 Particulate: Minerals 157.9 Combustion 25.4 Biological 22.6 Other 76.1 Low temperature ashing, % loss 6.5 G-11 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS ■ILTER NUMBER : 1230423 :OLLECTION DATE : 06./15/:E:l COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS SOOT ' GLASSY FLYASH SPHERES BIOLOGICAL POLLEN S< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER SOFT COAL NETWORK : SITE : GRANICITY./DALLASRES OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 AVERAGE PART. SIZE RANGE WEIGHT PERCENT Number Percent 16. 3 7. 9 3. 6-57. 6 2. 5-20. 4 33 5 14 47 7. 7 1. S-20. 4 7 8 10. 9 2. 5-28. S 19 26 13. 1 7. 2-20. 4 <:i 11. 1 24. 6 5. 1-20. 4 20. 4-28. S 33 1 5 <1 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE RANGE (UM) 1. 3 - 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 3. 6 - 5. 1 5. 1 - 7. 2 7. 2 - 10. 2 10. 2 - 14. 4 14. 4 - 20. 4 20. 4 - 23. 8 28. 8 - 40. 7 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >2 :30. 4 NUMBER PERCENT <1 40 16 16 14 6 6 2 <1 WEIGHT PERCENT <1 1 1 4 9 14 39 11 22 G-12 Filter number 1230423 Total Suspended Particulate yg/m^ 391 Particulate: Minerals 176 Combustion 74.3 Biological 8 Other 132.9 Low temperature ashing, % loss 4.0 G-13 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS ILTER NUMBER : 1230422 OLLECTION DATE ; 0/-../15./31 COMPONENT MINERALS QUART Z./FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE:; BIOLOGICAL POLLEN S/ SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH NETWORK ; SITE : GRANICITY./DALLASRES 20. 1 11. 1 12. 3 OBJECTIVE E MAI 3. : 25 = = ==: := = AVERAGE RANGE WEIGHT Number PART. SIZE PERCENT Percent 15. 7 2. 5-57. 6 36 12 9. S 1. S-2S. S 22 62 11. 6 2. 5-40. 7 13 4 ._! X / 5. 1-20. 4 <1 1 3. 6-2S. s 2 2 MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RUBBER 12.6 2.5-57.6 2 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE R^ ^Ni 3E (UM) NUMBER PERCENT WEIGHT PERCENT 1. ^I — 1. S 1. Cj - ■-/ f=; 33 <1 2 5 - 3. 6 30 <1 o A - 5. 1 10 <:i 5. 1 - 7. 2 10 2 7. •"/ - 10. 2 2 <1 10. !Z - 14. 4 10 16 14. 4 - 20. 4 3i 9 20. 4 - 2S. S 2 27 ■^o s - 40. 7 230. 4 G-16 Filter number 1277784 Total Suspended Particulate jig/m^ 227 Particulate: Minerals 40.9 Combustion 120.3 Biological 65.8 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 8.8 s^,imM(^m2mzmmM2mm mmf^mmm^^sM G-17 OPTICAL MICROSCOPE ANALYSIS •'ILTER NUMBER 1277783 rOLLECTION DATE : 03/14/31 1 COMPONENT MINERALS QUARTZ/FELDSPARS LIMESTONE IRON OXIDES OTHER MINERALS COMBUST I ON PRODUCTS SOOT GLASSY FLYASH SPHERE:; NETWORK : SITE : CRANIO ITY/D ALL ASRES OBJECTIVE MAG. : 25 BIOLOGICAL POLLEN ?< SPORES PLANT TISSUE STARCH MISCELLANEOUS FERROUS METAL RI.IBBER AVERAGE RANGE WEn: 5HT Number PART. SIZE PERi: ::ENT Percent 11. 1 5. 1-20. 4 19 7 10. 9 2. 5-2S. 8 41 40 7. 9 3. 6-14. 4 13 6 6. 9 2. 5-14. 4 14 44 15. 9 c; 1-40. 7 13 3 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE R( \H\ 3E (UM) NUMBER PERCENT WEIGHT PERCENT 1. o — 1. 8 1. 8 - 2. 5 2. 5 - 3. 6 27 2 •.;•. 6 - 5. 1 41 7 5. 1 - 7. 2 16 10 7. 2 - 10. 2 10 16 10. 2 - 14. 4 4 20 14. 4 - 20. 4 2 28 20. 4 - 28. 8 <1 7 23. ;Z> - 40. 7 <1 9 40. 7 - 57. 6 57. 6 - 81. 5 81. 5 - 115. 2 115. 2 - 162. 9 162. 9 - 230. 4 >2 :30. 4 G-18 Filter number 1277783 Inhalable Particulate >ig/m- 177 Particulate: Minerals 129.2 Combustion 24.8 Biological 23 Other Low temperature ashing, % loss 15.1 G-19 APPENDIX H ' ■ ?g^7r' v>^Jir-a^ ; Filter 1229986 H-1 Filter 1229986 after ultrasonification in acetone H-2 Filter 1229986 after ultrasonification in methanol H-3 Filter 1229986 after ultrasonfication in dichtoromethane H-4 Filter 1229986 after ultrasonification in water H-5 ^Slter Uylr'^^'^ °" Nuclepore filter from ultrasoniflcation H-6 3C7r>»Wt REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 4. TNU »na SuMIII* 1. Rcpoirr HO. 83/12 Comparison of Inhalable Particulate and Total Suspended Particulate 7. A«,hoc<.) Robert Z. Muggli, Mark E. Pulenik, John A. Brown, Ralph ,1. Hinrh. C.Pirnl Rnqpp^ V. Parfermlnc Or(snUallon Nam* and Addraat Walter C. McCrone Associates, Inc. 2820 South Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60616 12. Sponsoring Organixallon Nama and Aort>t) In accord with the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments, the USEPA is establishing a nation-wide inhalable particulate standard to assess the air quality levels of particles As it appeared that an inhalable standard would be proposed and promulgated by USEPA, the Illinois EPA desired to assess the effect that such a standard would have on Illinois. To support this evaluation, the Illinois EPA requested an assessment of the composition, concentration and size range of both total suspended particulate and inhalable particu- otlt- ] J M^P.r^ ^^!^25?? the filter pairs from seven Inhalable and Total Suspended pZl]l I . M°"2to'^s in Illinois. (One each in Springfield, Joliet, Rockford, East Moline, Peoria, two in Granite City). Some of the filter pairs from these monitors were to be examined with optical and electron microscopy and low temperature ashing to produce data for comparison of the relationship of IP to TSP. 17. Documarrt Analyvlt a. Datcrlptor* Inhalable Particulates Total Suspended Particulates Illinois b. Idantlflara/Opan-Ertdad Tarms Polarized Light Microscopy Low Temperature Ashing Scanning Election Micrographs c COSATI Flald/Group «. Avaiub-nty st.uman: ^q restriction on distribution. Available at the IL depository libraries or from the National Technical Information Service, SnringfiPlH VA ??1fil _^^^^ 19. Security Class (This Raport) Unclassified 20. Sacurity Class (This Pag*) UnclassifiPd 21. No. of PacM 136 22. PHc* OPTIONAL FORM 272 (4-77) (Formarly NT1$~35) Doparlmont of Conv^artra ^;';);f,''»n>OF,U.NOI8.URBANA 3 0112 084230959