DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY DRAMA SELECTED LIST THE DRAMA “To wake the soul by tender strokes of art, To raise the genius, and to mend the heart; To make mankind, in conscious virtue bold, Live o’er each scene, and be what they behold — For this the tragic Muse first trod the stage.” ‘Pope DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY 19 13 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 . Drama and the Stage Archer, William About the theatre 792 A7 English dramatists of to-day 928.1 A65 Masks or faces? 792 A7a Play-making 809.2 A6p Study and stage 809.2 A6 Theatrical world. 5 v. 792 A7b — and Barker, Granville Scheme and estimates for a National theatre 792 A7c Ayres, Alfred Acting and actors 792.068 Bates, Alfred, ed. The drama. 20 v. 809.2 B3 Borsa, Mario English stage of to-day 792 B64 Caffin, Charles H. Appreciation of drama 809.2 Cl2 Casson, Lewis Steps toward a civic theatre (In Poet Lore, v. 22) 805 P5 Clapp, H. A. Reminiscences of a dramatic critic 927.3 C535 Cooke, P. J. Handbook of the drama 809.2 C78 Coquelin, B. C. Actor and his art 792 C8 Courtney, W. L. Idea of tragedy 809.2 C83 Craig, Gordon Art of the theatre 792 C84 On the art of the theatre 792 C84o Davies, Michael M. Exploitation of pleasure Dukes, Ashley Modern dramatists 809.2 D88m Eaton, Walter P. American stage of to-day At the New Theatre and 792 E12 others 792 El2a Faxon, Frederick W., ed. Dramatic index, 1909-date R792 D8 Filon, Augustus English stage Modern French drama 792 F48 Fitzgerald, Percy Savoy opera 792 F57e Fleming, William H. Shakespeare’s plots S5 F67a Frey tag, Gustav Technique of the drama 809.2 F9 Frohman, Daniel Memoirs of a manager 792 F92m Fyles, Franklin Theatre and its people 792 F98 Garnett, Porter Bohemian jinks Grein, J. T. Dramatic criticism, 1899, 1901, 1904 Hale, Edward Everett Dramatists of to-day 809.2 H2 Hamilton, Clayton M. Theory of the theatre 792 H22 Drama and the Stage. Hapgood, Norman Stage in America 792 H25 Hazlitt, William Lectures on the English poets 820.91 H33 View of the English stage Henderson, Archibald George Bernard Shaw 928 S284H Interpreters of life 809 H37i Hennequin, Alfred Art of playwriting 808.2 H4 Herrmann, Oscar Living dramatists 928.1 H4 Herts, Alice M. Children’s educational theatre 792 H44c Howe, P. P. Repertory theatre Huneker, James Iconoclasts 809.2 H9 Hutton, Laurence Curiosities of the American stage 792 H97 Plays and players 792 H97a Ibsen, Henrik From Ibsen’s workshop Irving, H. B. The drama 792 165 Jones, Henry A. Aims and duties of a national theatre Corner stones of modern drama Foundations of a national d.rama Literature and the modern drama Renascence of the English drama 792 J7 Knight, Joseph Theatrical notes Krans, H. S. William B. Yeats and the Irish literary revival 928. Y3K Kueffner, L. M. Development of the historic drama Lewes, G. H. On actors and the art of acting 927.3 L61 MacCarthy, Desmond Court theatre Mackaye, Percy Playhouse and the play 792 M2 McLeod, Addison Plays and players in modern Italy 792 M22p Mantzius, Karl History of theatrical art in ancient and modern times. 2 v. 792 M31 Matthews, James BranderDevelopment of the drama 809.2 M4 French dramatists of the 19th century 840.9 M5 Moliere, his life and works 928 M73M4 Studies of the stage 792 M43a Study of the drama 809.2 M4s Theatres of Paris 792 M43 4 Drama and the Stage. Maude, Cyril Meredith, George Monkhouse, Allan Montague, C. E. Morley, Henry Moses, Montrose J. Murray, George Gilbert Nietzsche, Friedrich Nirdlinger, Charles F. Poliak, Gustav Pollard, Percival Pollock, Channing Price, William T. Rennert, H. A. Schutze, Martin Scott, Clement Shaw, George Bernard Swinburne, A. C. Syle, L. DuP. Symons, Arthur Twentieth century club, Walkley, Arthur B. Who’s who on the stage, Who’s who in the theatre Winter, William 820.92 M54 792 M8 810.92 M8a Haymarket theatre 792 M44 Essay on comedy and the uses of the comic spirit Books and plays Dramatic values Journal of a London play- goer American dramatist Rise of the Greek epic E880.9 M96a Birth of tragedy. (Works, v. 3) 838 N55L Masques and mummers 792 N62 Franz Grillparzer and the Austrian drama 830.9 P76 Masks and minstrels of new Germany The footlights, fore and aft 792 P76f Analysis of play construction and dramatic principles 809 2 P93a The technique of the drama 809 2 P93 Spanish stage in the time of ; Lope de Vega 792 R29 Repet’tion as a means of sus- pense in German drama Drama of yesterday and to-day. 2 v. 792 S25a Dramatic opinions and essays 792 S35 Quintessence of Ibsenism 839.82 I2S Age of Shakespeare 820.92 S8 Essays in dramatic criticism 792 S93 Plays, acting and music 792 S95 Studies in prose and verse 809 S93a Studies in seven arts 700 S9 Drama committee. Report on the amusement situation in Boston. Drama and life Dramatic criticism Frames of mind 1906, 1908 , 1912 Other days Shadows of the stage Shakespeare on the stage 809.2 Wl5a R920 W63 927.3 W73 792 W73a S5 W73s 5 Drama and the Stage. Witkowski, Georg. Woodbridge, Elisabeth Wyndham, H. Saxe German drama of the 19th century 830.9 W78 Drama, its law and its technique 809.2 W85 Annals of Covent garden theatre. 2 v. 792 W98 Collection of Plays Adams, Oscar Fay Aldrich, Thomas Bailey Andreiev, Leonid N. Annunzio, Gabriele d\ Anspacher, Louis K. Austin, Mrs. Mary H. Barker, Granville Bennett, Enoch Arnold Besier, Rudolph Bjornson, Bjornstjerne Blashfield, Mrs. E. W. Boker, G. H. Bracco, Roberto Brieux, Eugene Broadhurst, Thomas W. Merchant of Venice, Act sixth Motley jest A Shakespearian fantasy Judith of Bethulia Mercedes Anathema Daughter of Jorio Francesca da Rimini Tristan and Isolde Arrow maker Anatol Madras house Three plays: Marrying of Ann Leete Voysey inheritance Waste Cupid and commonsense Honeymoon What the public wants Don Lady Patricia Lesson in marriage Pastor Lang Sigura Slembe Masques of Cupid Francesca da Rimini Hidden spring Phantasms Three plays: The three daughters of M. Dupont Damaged goods Maternity Holy city 6 Collection of Plays. Browne, Walter Burton, Richard Calderon, Pedro Carr, J. Comyns. Chambers, C. Haddon Chapman, John Jay Churchill, Winston Clifford, Mrs. W. K. Corbin, John Crawford, J. R. Dargan, Olive Tilford Davis, Richard Harding Drachmann, Holger Du Maurier, Major Guy Echegaray, Jose Fagan, J. B. Fitch, Clyde Galdos, Benito Perez Everywoman Rahab Eight dramas: Painter of his own dishonor Keep your own secret Gil Perez, the Galician Three judgments at a blow Mayor of Zalamea Beware of smooth waters Mighty magician Such stuff as dreams are made of JCing Arthur Tyranny of tears Treason and death of Benedict Arnold Title mart Long duel Plays: Hamilton’s second marriage Thomas and the princess The modern way Husband. The forbidden guests Lovely Peggy Lords and lovers. Shepherd. Siege Farces: Galloper Dictator Miss Civilization Renaissance An Englishman’s home Great Galeoto. Folly or Saintliness Mariana Son of Don Juan The earth Barbara Frietchie Beau Brummel Captain Jinks of the Horse marines Climbers Girl with the green eyes Her own way Nathan Hale Electra Stubbornness of Geraldine The truth 7 ' Collection of Plays. Justice Little dream Silver box. Joy. Strife As the leaves Original plays. Series I. Wicked world Pygmalion and Galatea Charity Princess Palace of truth Trial by jury Series II. Broken hearts Engaged Sweethearts Gretchen Dan’l Bruce Tom Cobb H. M. S. Pinafore Sorcerer Pirates of Penzance Series III. Comedy and tragedy Foggerty’s fairy Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Patience Princess Ida Mikado Ruddigore Yoeman of the Guard Gondoliers Mountebanks Utopia, Limited Eight original comic operas: Series I. H. M. S. Pinafore Pirates of Penzance Iolanthe Patience Princess Ida Mikado Trial by jury Galsworthy, John Giacosa, Giuseppe Gilbert, Sir William S. Collection of Plays. Gogol, Nikolas Series II. Gondoliers Yeoman of the Guard Utopia, Limited Ruddigore Mountebanks Haste to the wedding Inspektor general Revizor Goldoni, Carlo Beneficent bear Comedies Curious mishap The fan Spendthrift miser Gorki, Maxim Children of the sun Night’s lodging The smug citizen Summer folk Gregory, Lady Seven short plays: Spreading the news Hyacinth Halvey Rising of the moon Jack-Daw Workhouse ward Traveling man Gaol gate Folk history plays: Kincora Dervorgilla Canavan White cockade and Yeats, W. B. Hardy, Thomas Hauptmann, Gerhart Unicorn from the stars Dynasts And Pippa dances Before dawn Coming of peace Elga Fuhrmann Henschel Hannele Lonely lives Sunken bell Weavers 9 Collection of Plays. Hebbel, Frederick Hervieu, Paul Heyse, Paul Hewlett, Maurice H. Hobbes, John Oliver Hoffmaristhal, Hugo von Hooker, Brian Hope, Anthony Hovey, Richard Howard, Bronson Hyde, Douglas Ibsen, Henrik Agnes Bernaur In chains Mary of Magdala Agonists Minos, King of Crete; Ariadne Naxos; Death of Hippolytus Ambassador Osbern and Ursyne Wisdom of the wise Electra Mona Adventures of the Lady Ursula Birth of Galahad Launcelot and Guenevere Marriage of Guenevere Quest of Merlin Taliesin Kate Marriage Twistin Works : g of the rope v. 1. Feast of Solhaug Lady Inger of Ostrat Love’s comedy v. 2. Vikings of Helgeland Pretenders v. 3. Brand v. 4. Peer Gynt v. 5. Emperor and Galilean v. 6. League of youth Pillars of society v. 7. Doll’s house Ghosts v. 8. Enemy of the people Wild duck v. 9. Rosmersholm Lady from the sea v. 10, Hedda Gabler Master builder v. 11. Little Eyolf John Gabriel Borkman When we dead awaken 10 Collection of Plays. James, Henry Theatricals 1st series: Disengaged Tenants 2nd series: Album Reprobate Johnston, Mary Goddess of reason Jones, Henry Arthur Jordan, Elizabeth Kennedy, Charles Rann Le Gallienne, Richard Litchfield, Grace D. Lodge, George Cabot London, Jack Mackaye, Percy Carnac Sahib Case of rebellious Susan Crusaders Hypocrites Joseph entangled Juda Liars Manoeuvers of Jane Masqueraders Michael and his lost angel Mrs. Dane’s defence Physician Rogue’s comedy Saints and sinners Tempter Triumph of the Philistines Whitewashing of Julia The lady from Oklahoma Piercing sword. Servant in the house Terrible meek Winter feast Orestes Nun of Kent Cain Scorn of women Theft Anti-matrimony Canterbury pilgrims Fenris the wolf Garland to Sylvia Jeanne D’Arc Mater Sappho and Phaon Scarecrow Tomorrow Yankee fantasies II Collection of Plays. Mackaye, Mrs. Steele Maeterlinck, Maurice Pride and prejudice Aglavaine and Selysette Alladine and Palomides; Home Ariane and Barbe Bleue The blind; The seven princesses Blue bird Death of Tintagiles Intruder Joyzelle Monna Vanna Mary Magdalene Pelleas and Melisande Princess Maleine Sister Beatrice Marshall, Capt. Robt. Masefield, John His excellency the Governor Campden wonder; Mrs. Harrison Pompey the Great Tragedy of Nan Maugham, W. Somerset Merington, Marguerite Jack Straw Captain Letterblair Cranford Picture plays Middleton, George Embers Moody, William VaughanFaith healer Fire brigade Musset, Alfred de Great divide Masque of judgment Comedies: Barberine, Fantasio; No trifling with love; A door must be open or shut Nirdlinger, Charles F. Noyes, Alfred Ostrovsky, Alexander Parker, Louis N. The world and his wife Sherwood Storm Disraeli Drake Peabody, Josephine P. Fortune and men’s eyes Marlowe The Piper Phillips, Stephen Herod Nero Paola and Francesca Pietro and Siena Sin of David Ulysses 12 Collection of Plays. Pinero, Sir Arthur Rice, Cale Young Rostand, Edmond Schnitzler, Arthur Schutze, Martin Shaw, G. Bernard W. Benefit of the doubt. Gay Lord Quex His house in order Mid channel Princess and the butterfly Rocket Schoolmistress Second Mrs. Tanqueray Sweet Lavender Trelawney of the ‘’Wells” Charles di Tocca David Night in Avignon Chantecler Cyrano de Bergerac L’Aiglon La Princesse Lointaine Romancers (same as Fantasticks) Anatol Lady with the dagger Living hours Judith Arms and the man Caesar and Cleopatra Candida Capta’n Brassbound’s conversion Devil’s disciple Doctor’s dilemma; Getting married; Shewing up of Blanco Posnet John Bull’s other island; Major Bar- bara; How he lied to her hus- band Man and superman Man of destiny Mrs. Warren’s profession The Philanderer Plays, pleasant and unpleasant Three plays for Puritans Widowers’ houses You never can tell The nigger 13 Sheldon, Edward Collection of Plays. Stevenson, Robert L., and Henley, William E. Macaire Strindberg, August Three plays: Deacon Brodie Beau Austin Admiral Guinea Creditors Easter The Father Lucky Pehr Miss Julia Mother love The stronger Swanwhite Sudermann, Hermann There are crimes and crimes (Others to follow as translated) Fires of St. John John the Baptist Joy of living Magda Morituri; Teja; Fritzchen; Eternal masculine Sutro, Alfred Synge, J. M. Roses; Streaks of light; Margot; Last visit; Far away princess Walls of Jericho Deirdre of the sorrows In the shadow of the glen Playboy of the western world Riders to the sea Tinker’s wedding Well of the saints Tarkington, Booth, and Wilson, Harry L. Tassin, Algernon Tennyson, Alfred Man from home Rust Becket The cup; The Falcon The foresters Harold Thomas, Augustus Queen Mary Alabama Arizona As a man thinks 14 Collection of Plays. Tolstoi, Count Lyof N. Fruits of enlightenment Torrence, Ridgely Power of darkness Abelard and Heloise Eldorado Van Dyke, Henry Verhaeren, Emile Villiers de l’lsle Adam Ward, Mrs. E. S. P. Wendell, Barrett House of Rimmon Dawn The revolt and the escape Within the gates Christmas masque Raleigh in Guinea Rosamond Wiegand, J., and Scharrelmann, Wilhelm Wages of war Wilde, Oscar Duchess of Padua Florentine tragedy Importance of being earnest Lady Windermere’s fan Salome Vera, or The nihilists Woman of no importance Wiley, Sara King Alcestis Coming of Philibert Wilkinson, Florence Woods, Margaret L. Yeats, William B. David of Bethlehem; Mary Magdalen Princess of Hanover Green Helmet Plays — Countess Cathleen; Land of heart’s desire; Shadowy waters; On Baile’s strand; King’s thres- hold; Deirdre Plays for an Irish theatre — Hour glass; Cathleen ni Houlihan; Pot of broth Unicorn from the stars Zamacois, Miguel Zangwill, Israel Jesters Melting pot The Library also has the works in vernacular of the fol- lowing authors: Brieux, D’Annunzio, Hauptmann, Maeterlinck, Rostand, Sudermann. 15 Lives of some Noted Actors Adams, Maude Anderson, Mary Bernhardt, Sarah Booth, Edwin Drew, John Fiske, Minnie M. Hare, John Irving, Sir Henry Jefferson, Joseph Mansfield, Richard Marlowe, Julia Modjeska, Helena Morris, Clara Sothern, E. H. Terry, Ellen Maude Adams, by Davis 927.3 A2D Stage life, by Winter 927.3 A6 Memories of my life 927.3 B45 Recollections by his daughter 927.3 B59G John Drew, by Dithmar 927.3 D749D Biography, by Griffith John Hare, by Pemberton 927.3 H22P Henry Irving, by Fitz- gerald 927.3 l8Fa Henry Irving, by Menpes 927.3 I8M1 Autobiography 927.3 J29 Joseph Jefferson, by Francis Wilson 927.3 J29W1 Life and art of Joseph Jefferson, by Winter 927.3 J29W Life and art of Richard Mansfield, by Winter 927.3 M32W1 Julia Marlowe, by Barry 927.3 M335a Memories and impressions of Helena Modjeska 927.3 M62m Life on the stage 927.3 M83 Memoir, by Pemberton 927.3 S6P Story of my life 927.3 T29 Dramatic Magazines Billboard Drama Dramatic Mirror Theatre 16