Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. University of Illinois Library Bena -f& ae j ’ a i mY os 1926 c } ¢* “0 rT CE DR ; ~ MAR 10 I9bg ’ M32—30715 8061 ‘IZ “NYE “INd “AN ‘esnoeshS © si24eW ‘sosqg psojAeO | BOOKS FOR HOME READING FOR HIGH SCHOOL AND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Graded and Classified PREPARED FOR THE NATIONAL CouNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH BY ITS COMMITTEF ON HOME READING HERBERT Bares, Chairman 15 cents each. In quanitties, 10 cents each THE NaTIonAL CouncliL oF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH 506 West Sixty-ninth Street CHICAGO. ILLINOIS a we Ls = vi ‘. ~ < a! : CoPpyYRIGHT 1923 By Tue NATIONAL COUNCIL oF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH All Rights Reserved Published April 1923 Second Impression May 1923 *. 5 sel : mit FA ~ 17 y = - « & 1 ad ae CPUC ARE 49 CONTENTS FICTION a eas pheemaaiyh) .-/ \°S First Year and Junior High School Novels Short Stories: Collections . PLAYS Long Short . Collections POEMS : Pnarvidual 9... \« Collections ESSAYS INTERESTING NON-FICTION TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE BIOGRAPHY LETTERS SPEECHES Mvytnorocy, LEGENDARY History, FoLtk-Lore, ETC. r £O39 PAGE 18 21 2a 21 25 26 28 28 30 32 35 38 43 47 48 49 NOTE TO STUDENTS Except for Fiction, all books are listed together regardless of the years in which they should be read. Under Fiction there is a separate list of books that should not be read above the first year of the regular (four-year) high school. These are meant for the first year and for the junior high school. Under all other headings, books of this kind are followed by the figure 1 and by no other figure. Such books should not be read after the first year unless the teacher, for some special reason, gives permission. The figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 indicate the four years in the regular high-school course. Not very many books are set down for the first year only. There are many easy and interesting books that might be set down in this group. The makers of this list have preferred to select only a few. They feel that the young folks who enter high school, even junior high school, should be too ambitious. too eager to ‘“‘grow up,” to be contented with books written espe- cially for children. It is almost as easy, and much more interesting, to learn to enjoy the livelier and more readable of the books that grown-ups are reading. By looking at the descriptive headings and at the descriptions in parenthesis and at the numerals that follow, you can tell whether the book is likely to appeal to you. On the whole, a student gets the most good out of a book just - a bit too old for him, just as in high-jumping, or other athletic sports, he is always trying to improve his record. Remember, too, that a book that bored -you yesterday may interest you today. Yesterday you were too short to reach the shelf that you reach with ease today. Your mind grows as well as your body. Perhaps if you try the book again you will wonder why you could not see how good it was. A few books are marked 4x. These are a little too hard or too serious for the average student of the graduating year. But there are always students who are a little above the average, students who, like explorers and adventurers, like to attack tasks that look temptingly hard, that give them a chance to try their powers. These books are put here for their benefit. The wise student will not limit himself to books of one kind. Life has many sides and many interests and one needs to learn about them all. You can do that by selecting broadly and wisely from the varied list we have set before you. This may seem to disagree with the fact that we have given many books by one writer. The point is that you would not read these all at once and only these. It may, however, be possible to read these in other years or as additional reading in leisure moments. Do not think of reading as a school duty. It can become one of life’s greatest pleasures. It is one of the finest habits you can form. And do not forget, in using this list. that our object in making it is to help you find books you will like to read. 4 e FOR THE FIRST YEAR AND FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL FICTION ONLY (Not to be credited in higher grades without special permission) See also, in the General List, books followed by the numeral 1, or by no numeral. Any book from the General List may be read with the teacher’s permission. For all subjects except Fiction, see the General List. 4 or { indicates a book too short for full credit. Adventure in Strange Places Castaway Island Newberry Aztec Treasure House Janvier In Desert and Wilderness Sienkiewicz Alan Quartermain Haggard Also: King Solomon’s Mines The Siamese Cat Rideout Also: Cowrie Dass, and others Swiss Family Robinson Wyss Adventure in Old Days Hereward the Wake Kingsley Last of the Barons Lytton Men of Iron H. Pyle Also: Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Quentin Durward Scott Robin Hood Tappan Modern Boys in Mischief Tom Sawyer Also: Huckleberry Finn Clemens (Twain) The Varmint (Pranks in an American school) O. Johnson Also: The Tennessee Shad, and others Stalky and Company (English boysin mischief) Kipling Penrod Tarkington Also: Penrod and Sam, and others The Story of a Bad Boy T. B. Aldrich Fairies and Pleasant Fancies (for girls) At the Back of the North Wind The Treasure Seekers Also: The Would-be-Goods G. MacDonald E. Nesbit 6 BOOKS FOR HOME READING King of the Golden River (1/2) John Ruskin The Pool of Stars Meigs Also: Windy Hill ; The Little Lame .Prince Craik School Sports and School Leadership (for boys) Tom Brown’s School Days (At Rugby, Eng- land) Hughes Behind the Line Barbour Also: The Honour of the School, Round the End, and others Deering of Deal Griswold High Benton Heyliger Stories of the Home (especially interesting to girls) Little Women L. Alcott Also: Eight Cousins, Under the Lilacs, and others Emmy Lou G. M. Martin Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm K. D. Wiggin Understood Betsy Fisher (Canfield) Unlikely, but Exciting Round the World in Eighty Days Verne Also: The Mysterious Island, Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea The War in the Air Wells Also: The War of the Worlds With Charm and Beauty The Secret Garden F. H. Burnett Water Babies (Abridged edition by Menzies) Kingsley Jackanapes Ewing Betty Leicester Jewett The Lost Prince Burnett Peter and Wendy Barrie Little Boy Lost (Among savages) Hudson Young Americans A Jolly Fellowship Stockton The Young Surveyor Trowbridge Dab Kinzer Stoddard Boys Who Made Good The Lance of Kanana (Arab story) French sinibare fe siriCay S. E. White BOOKS FOR HOME READING A Son of the State (England) Ungava Bob (Trapping in the North) Also: Grit-a-Plenty (Trapping in the North) History Made Alive Ben-Hur (The times of Christ) Dri and I (American Revolution) Story of Ab (Primeval man) Phra the Phoenician (Glimpses of different ages) Cudjo’s Cave (American) Red Belts (Indian fighting) History and Sentiment The Scottish Chiefs The Dove in the Eagle’s Nest Master Will of Stratford Master Skylark Explorers and Adventurers Prester John Also: Greenmantle The Ivory Trail Also: King of the Khyber Rifles, and others More History in Which Things Happen Otto of the Silver Hand (Old England) The Raiders (Scottish Border) Story of Viteau (France) The Black Arrow (Days of Ivanhoe) The Spartan (A story of Thermopylae) The Victor of Salamis (Greek naval victory) A Yankee Girl at Bull Run Tales of the West Riders of the Purple Sage Also: Lost Trail, Mysterious Rider, others In Early England The Prince and the Pauper The March to London Long Will The Dragon and the Raven Interesting Animals The Jungle Books (two series) and ~ E. P. Ridge Wallace L. Wallace I. Bacheller Waterloo E. Arnold Trowbridge Pendexter J. Porter Yonge Garnett J. Bennett Buchan Mundy Pyle Crockett Stockton Stevenson Snedeker W. H. Davis Curtis Z. Grey Clemens (Mark Twain) Henty Converse Henty Kipling BOOKS FOR HOME READING The Call of the Wild Also: Jerry of the Islands, Michael, brother of Jerry, and White Fang Lad, a Dog Stickeen (An interesting dog) 1/2. Greyfriar’s Bobbie Biography of a Grizzly Beyond Rope and Fence (Wild horses) Adventures by Sea Tom Paulding Richard Carvel Martin Hyde Also: Jim Davis Midshipman Easy Also many others Captains Courageous Captain Kettle Short Stories Sarah Crewe and Other Stories (Girls like them) Daddy-Long-Legs (A Girl and her guardian) A Man Without a Country, and Other Stories Little Book of Profitable Tales Also: Christmas Stories Tales of the Fish Patrol (Exciting adventure) Gallegher and Other Stories (Very interesting) Also: Van Bibber Stories (also good); Ransom’s Folly Fanciful Tales (Fairy and all sorts) Christmas Stories Tales from Shakespeare (Charmingly retold) Nights with Uncle Remus (Negro animal stories) Peterkin Papers (Peterkin gets things mixed) Elm Island Stories (Old-time down-east) There are several in the series Three in one group, all about Lincoln: The Perfect Tribute (Andrews), Counsel Assigned (Andrews). He Knew Lincoln (Tarbell) A Dog of Flanders and The Nurnberg Stove (For collections of short stories, see the end of the General List. except Fiction, see the General List.) London Terhune Muir Atkinson Seton-Thompson Grew Matthews W. Churchil Masefield Marryat Kipling Hyne Burnett Webster Hale Field London Davis Stockton Dickens Lamb Harris 1; /peltiale Kellogg Ramee (Ouida) For all subjects GENERAL LIST (Books for all grades. The numerals at the end of each line indicate the years in which each book should be read. By permission of the teacher, any book may be read in other years than those indicated.) FICTION NOVELS Stories of the Sea Sinful Peck (A tale of shanghaiing) The Wreck of the Grosvenor (a good yarn) Also: Marooned, My Danish Sweetheart Cappy Ricks (Pacific shipping) The Sea Wolf (With character-study) Satan (Introducing ‘‘a merry devil’’) Also: The Beach of Dreams Lost Endeavor (With hidden treasure) Treasure Island The Cruise of the Cachalot (Whaling) She Blows, and Sparm at That (Whaling) Moby Dick (The great white whale) Typhoon (How a hurricane showed character) Also: Children of the Sea (also called The Nigger of the Narcissus) | The Growth of Character Fortitude (A boy meets life and its troubles) Miss Lulu Bett (A drudge finds herself) (Also in the form of a play) Sussex Gorse (The cost of winning the game) The House of Mirth (The price of pleasure) The Sailor (A hard wrestle with life) Changing Winds (Gaining courage and experi- ence) Command (At sea, during the Great War) American History Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker (American Revolu- tion) In the Valley (The Mohawk Valley in the Indian war) Janice Meredith (American Revolution) 9 M. Robertson W. C. Russell P. B: Kyne London Stacpoole Masefield Stevenson Bullen Hopkins H. Melville Conrad Walpole Z Gale S. Kaye-Smith Wharton Snaith Ervine McFee Mitchell Frederick Ford . »2 1,2 2173 Ti20 253 T,2,3 Ix? ie 12 2,3 34 253 253 10 BOOKS FOR HOME READING The Heart’s Highway (Early Jamestown, 1700) The Conqueror (Alexander Hamilton) The Deerslayer (A wonderful novel of pioneer days) Also (in order): Last of the Mohicans. Path- finder. Pioneers, Prairie (See also under stories of the sea) The West and Other Wild Places: The Virginian (Cowboys and the like) The Riverman (Lumbering) Also: The Blazed Trai Rider of the King Log The Magnetic North (Alaska) A Man for the Ages (Lincoln’s life and char- acter) Also: In the Days of Poor Richard (Franklin and his times) Readable Romance The Trail of the Lonesome Pine (Hill country) Also others of the same type Black Rock Also: Glengarry Schooldays, The Man from Glengarry, The Sky Pilot Red Rock V. V’s Eyes Dr. Sevier (A tale of the old South) With a Touch of Sentiment A Princess of Thule (A girl from the Hebrides) Also: Judith Shakespeare (William Shake- speare’s daughter) Maria Chapdelaine (A girl on a Canadian farm) © The Beloved Vagabond (A simple. unworldly hero) Also: Septimus, Simon the Jester. The House of Baltazar and others Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard (poetic) Colonel Carter of Cartersville (Old South) A Kentucky Cardinal (Poetic and imaginative) The Old Gentleman of the Black Stock (Southern) * Freeman Atherton . Cooper Wister S. E. White Day Robins Bacheller Fox Conner Page Harrison Cable W. Black Hemon Locke Farjeon F. H. Smith J. L. Allen T. N. Page 2,3 354 1,2 T,2,3 253 253 25354 394 T,2,3 253 T,2,3 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Famous Novels, Always Good Adam Bede (A study of sturdy manliness) Evans Also: The Mill on the Floss, Silas Marner, Felix Holt, Radical The House of Seven Gables (Old New England) Hawthorne Also: The Scarlet Letter David Copperfield (A fictitious autobiography) Dickens Also: Great Expectations, Old Curiosity Shop, Oliver Twist, Barnaby Rudge, Nicholas Nickleby,Our Mutual! Friend, Bleak House, Martin Chuzzlewit, Little Dorrit, Dombey and Son Stories with Human Interest Buried Alive (But not literally) A. Bennett An Amazing Interlude (A war story) Rinehart The Light that Failed | Tragic) Kipling Sentimental Tommy (A boy in Scotland) Barrie Sequel: Tommy and Grizel The Right of Way (In French Canada) G. Parker Tom Grogan F, H. Smith Also: Caleb West, Master Diver Character and Conflict The Bent Twig (Child and woman) Fisher (Canfield) Also: Rough-Hewn The Brimming Cup The Iron Woman (Lonely strength) Deland Also: The Awakening of Helena Richie Ditte, Girl Alive (The fight with hardship) Nexd The Master of Ballantrae (Selfish pride) Stevenson Christopher Hibbault. Roadmaker (Resolution) Bryant The Duchess of Wrexe (Strength and weakness) Walpole The Man of Property (Pride of estate) Galsworthy Lord Jim (The “coward” makes good) (Difficult) Conrad One of Ours (The Western boy at the front) Cather - Also: My Antonia (study of an immigrant), O Pioneers Casuals of the Sea (Character and circumstance) McFee Toilers of the Sea (A hard fight lost) Hugo The Interest of Uneventfu: Lives Cranford (An English village) Gaskell Country of the Pointed Firs (Maine) Jewett | Also: The Country Doctor, Deephaven It 2,354 354 2,3 2,3 354 4X 253 34 34 354 34 25354 34 I2 Pride and Prejudice (English rural society, 1800) Also: Sense and Sensibility Elizabeth and Her German Garden (She mar- ried a German) The Portygee (Cape Cod life) Also: Mr. Pratt, Capt. Eri, Galusha the Magnificent, and others The Privet Hedge (English small town) Also: The Round-about, and others Barchester Towers (A quiet study) Also: The Warden The Return of the Native (Real but depressing) Social and Industrial Propieqe Clark’s Field (Responsibilities of inherited wealth) Also: The Common Lot A Certain Rich Man (What his wealth cost him) The Rise of Silas Lapham (Studying social levels) The Inside of the Cup (Money-changers in the temple) BOOKS FOR HOME READING Austen Arnim Lincoln Jameson (Buckrose) Trollope Hardy Herrick W. A. White Howells Churchill Also: Mr. Crewe’s Career (The boss in poli- tics) The Honorable Peter Stirling (The boss and the party) Turmoil (Business and the business world) Also: Alice Adams, The Magnificent Amber- sons (Social studies) Babbitt (Study of a narrow-minded business man) Also: Main Street (A study of narrowed minds) All Sorts and Conditions of Men (Problems of equality) Humorous Stories Rudder Grange (A floating home) (Several good sequels) Also: The Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine, The Squirrel Inn, and a number of others Ford Tarkington Lewis Besant Stockton 394 Rm OW bn - 354 354 394 354 253 25354 354 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Tartarin of Tarascon (He thought himself a hero) Also: Tartarin on the Alps (and other sequels) ’ Pickwick Papers (Doings of the Pickwick Club) The Breaking in of a Yachtsman’s Wife (By herself) The Haunted Bookshop (A fantastic tale) Also: Parnassus on Wheels, Where the Blue Begins Knickerbocker’s History of New York (More humor than history) (In simplified form: Knickerbocker Stories) In Tropic and Romantic Lands The Purple Land (Poetic South American romance) Also: Green Mansions (Similar) The Blue Lagoon Also: Pools of Silence (Congo atrocities, a fine story), The Man Who Lost Him- self. The Street of the Flute-Player, The Ghost Gir. The Leopard Woman (African exploration. Exciting) Studies of Life and Human Nature Joseph Vance (A boy and his father and two girls) Also: Somehow Good (The right sort of folks come out right), Alice-for-Short (A waif and a ghost and the long-ago) Vanity Fair (The vanities of the world) The Marriage of William Ashe (English society) The Eldest Son (Life in England) The Green Mirror (Meanings of life) Memoirs of a Midget (A sympathetic study) The Amusing Side of Life Seventeen (A boy’s heart-affairs) Kipps (A young Cockney gets money and learns lessons) Also: Bealby. and The History of Mr. Polly (both amusing pictures of life and character) Daudet Dickens Vorse Morley Irving Hudson Stacpoole S. E. White DeMorgan Thackeray H. Ward Marshall H. Walpole De la Mare Tarkington H. G. Wells 2,3 253 1,253 253 2,3 2,354 25354 253 - pH HPA LHL 4x T,2,3 25354 14 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Charles O’Malley (A rollicking Irish tale) Rory O’More (Like the above) Also: Handy Andy Patsy (An original Irish lad) The Caravaners (A conceited nuisance tells his story) Humor Seasoned with Sentiment Lilac Sunbonnet (Humor and love-making) Alice and a Family (Alice “‘runs” things) Helen with the High Hand (A bit like Alice) The Cardinal’s Snuff-box (Graceful) Mystery and the Detection of Crime (See also under Short Stories) Through the Wall (A real ‘‘thriller’’) The Moonstone (Who stole the jewel ?) The Grey Room (A well-made mystery tale) Also: Brunel’s Tower The Circular Staircase Anne (An excellent detective story) Pudd’nhead Wilson (With humor and char- acter) Novels that Everybody Reads Lorna Doone (A tale of wildest Exmoor) The Newcomes (A study of people as they are) Guy Mannering (Smugglers, gypsies, etc.) Jane Eyre (One of the great romances) Fantastic Tales, with Surprises The Dynamiter (Amusing and exciting) (Related to The New Arabian Nights by the same) Spanish Gold (Amusing adventure) Also: General John Regan, The Major’s Niece, and others Huntingtower (The boy scouts foil the villain) Tish (Adventures of an old maid who does things) Messer Marco Polo (Poetic, yet exciting) The Invisible Man (Impossible but made likely) Lever 1,2 Lever 152 Stacpoole t,2 Arnim E52 Crockett a9 Ervine Pe A. Bennett 253 Harland 258 Moffet 1,2 W. Collins 12h EK. Phillpotts 1,203 Rinehart 32 Woolson Clemens (Twain) Blackmore 1,253 54 Thackeray 3,4 Scott 152,53 C. Bronté 3,4 Stevenson 3,4 Hannay (Birmingham)2, 3 Buchan Ta Rinehart 1 y ; D Byrne 34 H. G. Wells 2,3 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Also: The Time Machine, The Wonderful Visit and others The Bottle Imp (Hawaiian and supernatural) Stirring Historical Novels _ Fifty-Four Forty or Fight (Western Pioneers) Also: The Covered Wagon To Have and To Hold (Old Jamestown) The White Company (In days of Chivalry) Also: Sir Nigel (The young knight), Micah Clarke (Days of Charles IT) The Crisis (The Civil War) In the Seats of the Mighty (French and Indian) The Spy (In the Revolution) . Also: Miles Wallingford (Early New York) The Romance of Dollard (Indians and French- men) Studies of Past Ages: Ninety-Three (France in Revolution) Kenilworth (The days of Elizabeth) The Cloister and the Hearth (Medieval) Romola (Italian Renaissance) Henry Esmond (England of Addison) St. Ives (Scotland in Scott’s time) The Long Roll (Stonewall Jackson in Civil War) Sequel: Cease Firing Westward Ho (Elizabethan sea life) Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Hypatia (Early Christianity) Solid Books, Worth Reading John Halifax, Gentleman (A study in character) Mary Barton (Industrial problems, Yorkshire) Clayhanger (English Manufacturing today) Also: Old Wives’ Tale The Harbor (Problems of the Brooklyn water- front) Strange Times and Peoples With Fire and Sword (Early Polish Wars) Sequels: The Deluge, Pan Michael Also: Knights of the Cross The Field of Glory Les Misérables (Paris and France a century ago) Stevenson E. Hough M. Johnston Doyle W. Churchill G. Parker Cooper Catherwood Hugo Scott C. Reade Evans Thackeray Stevenson M. Johnston C. Kingsley Clemens (Twain) C. Kingsley Craik Gaskell A. Bennett E. Poole Sienkiewicz Hugo 15 I,2,3 1,2,3 tag 1,2,3 1,2 2,3 t2 25354 394 34 394 394 394 394 25354 354 394 4X T,2,354 25354 - IO Ivanhoe (Saxon and Norman in old England) Also: The Talisman (Crusades), The Abbot (Mary of Scotland) El Supremo (A despot of Paraguay) Nostromo (A strong, noble character) Disenchanted (Turkish women’s lives) Kim (A boy adrift in India) Ramona (Our treatment of the Indian) An Iceland Fisherman (French fishing life) Chita (Romance of Mississippi Delta) Captain Macklin (In Latin America) Novels that Everybody Reads Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Dual personality) Also: Kidnapped (Adventures of a Scotch lad) Sequel: David Balfour The Little Minister (Scotch romance) The Count of Monte Cristo (A famous novel) Ancient Rome Brought to Life Last Days of Pompeii (Exciting and romantic) A Friend of Caesar (A live book) Quo Vadis (Days of Nero and Petronius) Andivius Hedulio (Strange and exciting) Also: The Unwilling Vestal (Lively) When Men Used Swords A Gentleman of France (With much action) Also: Under the Red Robe Monsieur Beaucaire (A gentleman disguised) The Prisoner of Zenda (In a made-up kingdom) The Glorious Rascal (“If I Were King’’) The Pride of Jennico The Helmet of Navarre (In romantic France) Three Musketeers (An unequaled romance) For the order of the sequels, consult a librarian Reds of the Midi (The French Reign of Terror) The Scarlet Pimpernel (French Revolution) For sequels, consult the librarian Classic Stories that Will Live Forever Robinson Crusoe (Don’t use an abridged, child’s edition) Gulliver’s Travels (A story with underlying meanings) BOOKS FOR HOME READING Scott E. L. White Conrad Loti Kipling H. H. Jackson Loti Hearn ReHeDavis Stevenson Barrie Dumas Lytton W. H. Davis Sienkiewicz E. L. White Weyman Tarkington Hawkins (Hope) McCarthy Castle Runkle Dumas Gras Orczy Defoe Swift AS T,2,3 I,2,3 354 Ta 25354 1,2,3 I,2,3 12 1,2 I,2,3 25354 354 354 T,2,3 1,2 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Don Quixote (Ridiculing sentimental romantic chivalry) Recommended, one of the following: Don Quixote of the Mancha (Parry) Illustrated by Crane ; Don Quixote of LaMancha, Illustrated by Robinson Adventure of Don Quixote (edited by Woolf) Pilgrim’s Progress (The greatest allegory) Aucassin and Nicolette (Ancient French romance, very quaint and pretty) The Arabian Night’s Entertainment Sometimes called the Thousand and One Nights. There is the ordinary version and a more oriental, but harder one by Lane. Also: Stories from the Arabian Nights (Riverside) When Gentlemen Wore Wigs and Took Snuff The Vicar of Wakefield (An amusing study of a simple nature) The Jessamy Bride (Goldsmith had met her) An Amateur Gentleman (Poetic romance) Also: The Broad Highway Evelina (A famous novel by a young girl) Discovering “Evelina” (Finding the author) The Chaplain of the Fleet (A fine picture of old days) Doings at Sea The Mutineers (An eventful voyage) Also: The Quest _ Captain Blood (Pirate and gentleman) Also: The Sea-Hawk (Oriental piracy) The Brassbounders (Apprentice ship’s officers) Wing-and-Wing Also: The Red Rover, Two Admirals, Sea- lions Left Over and Unclassified The Red Badge of Courage (How one feels in battle) The New June (Old England under the new) The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (A creditable “‘crime”’) Cervantes Bunyan (Anonymous) (Anonymous) Olcott (Ed.) Goldsmith Moore Farnol Burney Moore Besant Hawes Sabatini Bone Cooper Crane Newbolt A. France 17 T,2,3;4 1,253 He WwW no 354 I (only) 253 394 78 BOOKS FOR HOME READING The Wonderful Adventures of Nils (Odd fairy tales) The Blue Flower (Delicate and poetic) Friendship Village Bob, Son of Battle (A fine dog) The Hoosier Schoolmaster (Old days) Undine (A wet fairy) (1/2) The Golden Age (Childhood, looked back upon) Jeremy (A story.of boyhood and developing self) The Girl from the Marshcroft Also: Gosta Berling The Happy Warrior Also: Once Aboard the Lugger SHORT STORIES Stories of the Sea Walking Shadows (War stories) Many Cargoes (English coastwise shipping, humorous) Also: Captains All, Sailors’ Knots, and others Out of Gloucester (Tales of fishermen, etc.) Also: Deep Waters, and others Spun-Yarn (Sea stories of an unusual sort) Also: Down to the Sea, and others A Set of Six Also: Youth Far Places and Strange Doings Plain Tales from the Hills (Army in India) Also: Under the Deodars, Many Inventions, Soldiers Three, The Day’s Work, Diversity of Creatures, Actions and Reactions, and many others. (Read any.) Tales of the Pampas (South American) Tales from the Alhambra (Moorish Spain) Also: Tales of a Traveller, The Sketch Book (With some essays) Stories with a Way of Their Own The Four Million (Short stories with queer twists) Also: Cabbages and Kings, and many other volumes all of the same general char- acter. All recommended. Lagerlof VanDyke Gale Ollivant Eggleston Fouqué Graham Walpole Lagerlof Hutchinson Noyes Jacobs Connolly Robertson Conrad Kipling Hudson Irving O. Henry 253 Tig Tye Lee 253 2,354 2,3 1,253 2,3 I,2 253 BOOKS FOR HOME READING The Stolen Story and Other Stories Tales from a Roll-Top Desk While Paris Laughed (Clever tales, rather cynical) The Wood-Fire in No. 3 _ The Lady or the Tiger and Other Stories Also: All his collections of short stories From Interesting Neighborhoods Beside the Bonnie Briar Bush (A Scotch village) Tiverton Tales (New England) Also: Meadow-Grass A Humble Romance and Other Stories Also: A New England Nun, and other vol- umes, all recommended In Ole Virginia Tales of the White Hills (White Mountains, New England) Pierre and His People (French Canada) The Luck of Roaring Camp (The early West) Main Travelled Roads (Middle West) Also: They of the High Trails (Western Mountains) In the Tennessee Mountains Tales of the Labrador Harbor Tales Down North (Labrador and New- foundland) Also: Adventures of Billy Topsail, and other collections, all recommended. Old Chester Tales (Studies of quiet life) Also: Dr. Lavendar’s People Children of the Ghetto Fairy Tales (See also Mythology) Stories (These are not merely for children) Irish Fairy Tales (Strange ones) Also: Stories of Red Hanrahan Donegal Fairy Tales (Also other elumes) Great Foreign Stories The Odd Number (Selected tales) Monday Tales (Stories for Monda The Long Exile and Other Stories Also: Twenty-Three Tales Stories from Russian Life (Trans. by Fall) aper) Williams Morley Merrick F. H. Smith Stockton Maclaren A. Brown Freeman (Wilkins) Page Hawthorne Parker Bret Harte Garland Murfree (Craddock) Grenfell Duncan Deland Zangwill H. C. Andersen Yeats McManus DeMaupassant Daudet Tolstoi Tchekov 19 1,2 25354 354 253 253 253 253 253 132 2 - 2,3 1,2 253 253 I:2 I,2,3 2,3 324 T,2,3 253 20 BOOKS FOR HOME READING A Mixed Group The Golden Windmill and Other Stories Thirty Strange Stories (Scientific Fantasies) The Merry Men and Other Stories Also: Ali short stories by Stevenson Mystery and Detected Crime Tales (The greatest stories of their kind) The Wisdom of Father Brown (Rather fan- tastic) Also: The Innocence of Father Brown Old Judge Priest (Who sees the right thing and does it) Also: All volumes of his short stories Tutt and Mr. Tutt (Who do justice in spite of the law) Also: All stories dealing with these two Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Detective of detectives) Also: All Sherlock Holmes stories Uncle Abner (Quiet, till he springs his surprise) Also: All stories by Post John Silence Also: Sequels . Children and Their Ways The Madness of Philip Little Aliens (Foreign children in school) Also: Little Citizens, Wards of Liberty, etc. The Court of Boyville (Stories about boys) A Few Others Princeton Stories Wellesley Stories Puck of Pook’s Hill (Magic glimpses of history) Also: Rewards and Fairies (Magic glimpses . of history) Motley (A group of sketches) Hungry Hearts (The lives of immigrants) A Little Book of Profitable Tales Also: Second Book, etc. Rab and His Friends (1/2) Philosophy 4 (and other stories) Marjorie Daw and Other Stories Men, Women, and Boats Aumonier Wells Stevenson Poe Chesterton Cobb Train Doyle Post Blackwood Daskam Kelly W. A. White Williams Cook Kipling Galsworthy Yezierska E. Field Brown Wister Aldrich Crane Tr I,2,3 34 T,2,354 253 1,2 T,2,3 I,2,3 1,2,3 T52 1,253 34 253 1,2 354 - 42 253 © BOOKS FOR HOME READING 21 COLLECTIONS OF SHORT STORIES (May be read in years 1, 2, 3) Modern Short arse Ashmun The Short Story Atkinson Atlantic Narratives (Atlantic) American Short Stories Baldwin The World’s Greatest Stories Cody Short Stories of Various Types Freck The Best Short Stories French Types of the Short Story Heydrick Americans All Heydrick Great Modern American Stories Howells Representative American Short Stories Jessup Short Stories of the New America Lasalle Joy in Work Lasalle Modern Short Stories Law Short Stories for High Schools Mikels Short Stories Moulton The Best Short Stories (various years) O’Brien Great Modern English Stories O’Brien Short Stories of America Ramsey French Short Stories Schweikert Best Russian Short Stories Seltzer The Best Short Stories Sherman Book of Short Stories Williams Short Stories Old and New Smith The Best American Tales Trent The Best Humorous American Short Stories Jessup O. Henry Prize Stories (For various years) (In each school, the teachers will recommend collections of stories dealing with their particular part of the country, such collections as Stories of Ohio, Stories of New York, etc.) PLAYS LONG PLAYS (Plays rich in poetry and noble character) Great Dramas of the Greeks Agamemnon (Translation by A. S. Way) Aeschylus 4x Alcestis (Translated by Gilbert Murray) Euripides 4 The Trojan Women (Translated by Murray) Euripides Antigone (Translated by Murray) Sophocles 4 The Frogs (Translated by Murray) Aristophanes 4X h 22 Plays before Shakespeare Everyman (Ancient quaint morality play) Dr. Faustus Also: Tamburlaine (Part I) and The Jew of Malta (Recommended only in Merrill’s edition) Shakespeare's Plays Henry V, Mid-Summer Night’s Dream As You Like It, Twelfth Night, Merchant of Venice, Winter’s Tale. Richard IT Julius Caesar Macbeth. Richard III, Corio- lanus, Tempest Othello. Hamlet, King Lear Eighteenth-Century Comedies She Stoops to Conquer The Rivals Poetical Plays, in the Manner of the Past The Foresters Pippa Passes Ulysses, Nero, Paola and Francesca Sherwood P The House of Rimmon Peer Gynt (A poetic and allegorical drama) Plays with an Atmosphere Beau Brummel (A tragical-comedy picture of a real figure) Sweet Lavendar Pomander Walk (Graceful and original) Prunella (Pretty and fantastic) Historical Plays Jeanne D’Arc Washington, the Man Who Made Us Shenandoah Abraham Lincoln Nathan Hale, Barbara Frietchie The Devil’s Disciple Disraeli If I Were King (Fanciful) nae? BOOKS FOR HOME READING (Anonymous) 4x Marlowe — 4x T,2,3,4 25354 354 4 Goldsmith 2,3,4 Sheridan 7 Pe | Tennyson 4 Browning 4 S. Phillips 3,4 A. Noyes 4 VanDyke 354 Ibsen 4x Fitch 2:3 Pinero ety Parker 3 Barker and Housman 3 Mackaye yn, Mackaye 152,53 Howard 2,3 Drinkwater 17235 Fitch rie Shaw 25354 Parker coy | McCarthy 253 BOOKS FOR HOME READING ? 23 Plays That Are Different The Yellow Jacket (After the Chinese plan) Hazleton 150 a Daughter of Heaven (A Chinese Romance) Loti and Gautier BA The Blue Bird (A dream of seeking happiness) Maeterlinck pe Magic (Strange powers lurk about us) Chesterton 4 The Scarecrow (Which comes to life) Mackaye 250 The Piper (Based upon “The Pied Piper”) Peabody gr. 254 The Dragon (A kind of fairy tale) Gregory 12,3 The Terrible Meek (With underlying meaning) Kennedy ed Also: The Servant in the House (“‘ What is wrong with life ?’’) 4 The Passing of the Third Floor Back (Meaning much) | Jerome 4 (In the last three, be sure you get the underlying significance. Without this, it is a waste of time to read the play.) ‘ Modern Comedies of Life and Character The Importance of Being Earnest (Clever and brilliant) Wilde 354 The Mollusc (Amusing study of an invertebrate lady) W. H. Davis ae The Climbers (Social Study) C. Fitch 4 Mary Goes First (Social study) H. A. Jones 354 Also: The Case of Rebellious Susan The Voysey Inheritance (A modern problem) G Barker 4 The Thunderbolt (Where a will upsets things) Pinero 3,4 Quinney’s (Romance in an antique shop) Vachell ok Intimate Strangers (A study in American life) Tarkington 23,34 Merely Mary Ann Zangwill 7 eee The Great Adventure (Dramatic form of “Buried Alive’’) A. Bennett a8 The Famous Mrs. Fair Forbes 238 He and She (Rivalry of husband and wife in profession) Crothers aed Plays that Study Life More Seriously Asa Man Thinks (This writer’s strongest play) A. Thomas John Ferguson (Character facing misfortune) Ervine 4 Also: Mixed Marriage (Catholic and Protes- tant in Ireland) The Mob (The man who stands up for what he believes) Galsworthy 4 Loyalties (The cords that control man) Galsworthy 4 p> 24 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Strife (Labor Problems) Justice (Is legal justice just ?) The Silver Box, The Pigeon (Two good plays) Rutherford and Son The Return of Peter Grimm Great Foreign Plays Faust, Part I (Taylor’s translation) Tartuffe (Translated by Wormeley) The Imaginary Invalid (Translated by Page) Cyrano de Bergerac (A modern poetic master- piece) L’Aiglon (Dealing with Napoleon’s son) The Princess Far-away The Sunken Bell (A poetic German play) Plays that You Must Think About An Enemy of the People (A study in civics) A Doll’s House (A study in married life) The Lady from the Sea (Adaptation to circum- stance) Plays that Will Startle You and Puzzle You Candida (With problems of marriage) Caesar and Cleopatra (How great is a great man ?) The Man of Destiny (Another great man, seen intimately) Arms and the Man (Introducing a sensible soldier) Pygmalion (Making a “lady” of her) You Never Can Tell (Entirely unusual) Fannie’s First Play (Innocent but unconven- tional) Plays of Life and Fancy The Truth about Blayds (Must truth come out P) The Dover Road (How an elopement failed) Mr. Pim Passes By (And mixes up everything) Also: Other plays in collected work Milestones (Grandfathers, and fathers, and sons) The Admirable Crichton (An amazing butler) Mary Rose (“‘Spooky” but pretty) Galsworthy Galsworthy Galsworthy Sowerby Belasco Goethe Moliére Moliére Rostand Rostand Rostand Hauptmann Ibsen Ibsen Ibsen G. B. Shaw G. B. Shaw G. B. Shaw . Shaw . Shaw . Shaw © 220 DOwWwh . B. Shaw Milne Milne Milne KX OHA HL a 354 394 4 354 394 Bennet and Knoblauch 4 Barrie Barrie 25354 394 BOOKS FOR HOME READING What Every Woman Knows (Read and find out) Deburau (An old actor’s pride) The White-Headed Boy (Irish) A Few More, Unclassified The Great Divide (Character and struggle) The Green Goddess (A sensational play, inter- esting) The Melting Pot (The problem of the immi- grant) The Fool (With an improving moral) What the Public Wants Trelawney of_the ‘‘ Wells” The Locked Chest Tradition (The old and the new) My Lady’s Dress (The tragedy behind its making) f : Beyond the Horizon (A dream unrealized) Gold Irish Folk-History Plays (Vol. I, Tragedies) Irish Folk-History Plays (Vol. II, Comedies) Three Wonder-Plays (See also Collections, below) SHORT PLAYS Barrie Guitry Robinson W. V. Moody Archer Zangwill Pollock Bennett Pinero Masefield Middleton Knoblauch O’Neill O’Neill Gregory Gregory Gregory 25 354 2,3 253 394 354 25354 25354 (Some may be found in the Collections on another page, others will be found in the published collected works of the author.) The Bicyclers and Other Farces (Very light) The Mouse-Trap and Other Farces (Amusing) The Sleeping Car and the Parlor Car (Amusing) Five Plays (Imaginative, poetic, and uncanny) Recommended: Gods of the Mountain; The Glittering Gate; The Golden Doom Plays of Gods and Men (Like the above) Recommended: The Queen’s Enemies; The Laughter of the Gods; A Night at an Inn Collected Short Plays (In translated works) Recommended: The Intruder; The _ Blind; Death of Tintagiles; The Seven _ Princesses; Home Bangs Howells Howells Dunsany Dunsany Maeterlinck 1,2,3 253 25354 26 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Collected Short Plays (In the works of Yeats) Recommended: A Pot of Broth: Cathleen ni Houlihan; Land of Heart’s Desire; Hour-Glass Collected Plays of Synge Recommended: Well of the Saints; Riders to the Sea; Deirdre of the Sorrows Seven Short Plays Recommended: Spreading the News; Rising of the Moon; Workhouse Ward; Hyacinth Halvey Six Short Plays Recommended: The Little Dream; The Little Man; and others Half Hours (Collected short plays) Echoes of the War The Beau of Bath and Other One-Act Plays Plays of Pioneers : Three Welsh Plays Plays Yeats Synge Gregory Galsworthy Barrie Barrie C: Mackay C. Mackay Peabody Glaspell COLLECTIONS OF PLAYS (In these may be found many of the plays recommended above. named after each collection are recommended.) Chiefly Longer Plays Modern American Plays Recommended: As a Man Thinks; Return of Peter Grimm; Romance; The Unchastened Woman; Plots and Playwrights Longer Plays by Modern Authors All recommended Chief Contemporary Dramatists (Some shorter plays) Recommended: Strife; The Hour Glass; Riders to the Sea; The Ris- ing of the Moon; The Great Divide; The Witching Hour; The Scarecrow; Pelleas and Melisande G. P. Baker H. L. Cohen 354 25354 25354 T,2,3,4 253 25354 Only those 354 25354 T.H. Dickinson 3,4 BOOKS FOR HOME READING 27 Chief Contemporary Dramatists, Second Series Recommended: Milestones; Abraham Lin- coln; Mixed Marriage; King Argimenes and the Unknown Warrior; The Piper; The Yellow Jacket; Cyrano de Bergerac Representative American Plays Recommended: Shenandoah; Secret Service; Madame Butterfly; Her Great Match; The New York Idea; The Witching Hour; The Faith MHealer; The Scarecrow; He and She Representative plays of American Dramatists (Volume III only) Recommended: (Vol. III) Rip Van Winkle; Shenandoah; In Mizzoura; The Moth and the Flame; The New York Idea; The Return of Peter Grimm Short Plays, Usually One-Act Representative One-Act Plays by British and Irish Authors One-Act Plays by Modern Authors (All recommended. Most are rather difficult for 1) The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays (All recommended) Representative One-Act Plays by American Authors (All recommended) Contemporary One-Act Plays (All recommended) Wisconsin Plays (Volume I only) Recommended: Volume I Portmanteau Plays Plays for Classroom Interpretation Little Theatre Classics (Adapted from stand- ard plays) Fifty Contemporary One-Act Plays (Some too difficult. Select those named above.) T. H. Dickinson 354 A. H. Quinn 234 M. J. Moses 2eaGe Clark CA ey H. L. Cohen ee Ee | S. A. Leonard 2,4 M. A. Mayorga Doane B. R. Lewis uA Dickinson 3,4 Walker Toons sa * Knickerbocker 1,253 S. A. Eliot BR A Shay and Loving 354 28 BOOKS FOR HOME READING POEMS Individual poems and volumes of poems by one poet are not listed unless the author is of marked importance, or is particularly fitted for school reading. For selected poems of most authors, see the Collections. ‘The reading of a large part of the poems in any good collection will count as the reading of a book. Of course the teacher, in allowing credit, will consider whether the poetry consists of light stories in easy verse or of poetry that calls for thought and imagination. INDIVIDUAL POEMS The World’s Greatest Poems—All Should Know Them The Iliad (Omitting Books 11, 13, 15, 17, 21) Homer T,2;4974 (Translation of Bryant, Lang, or Chapman) (4) The Odyssey (Omitting Books 1 through 5, 15, and 16) Homer 1,254.4 (Translation by Palmer, Butcher and Lang, or Bryant) The Aeneid (First three books only if desired) _ Virgil Eee (Translation by Connington Williams, or Long, or Cranch for Books 1-3.) The Song of Roland (A stirring French epic) (Anon.) 1,2;% (Translation by Butler) The Divine Comedy (Hell, or Inferno, and Purgatory) (Any one part) Dante 4x (Translation by Cary or by Longfellow) The Rubaiyat (Pessimistic but noble Persian poem) Omar Khayyam 4 (Translation by Fitzgerald. See Vedder’s illustrations.) Sicilian Idyls (Poems of idealized shepherd life) Theocritus 4x (Translation by Calverley, or Lang) Great English Poems of Past Days The Canterbury Tales (Use a simplified text if possible) Chaucer 354 (Read in these the Prologue, the Knight’s Tale, and the Nun’s Priest’s Tale.) The Faerie Queene (Two or three books) Spenser ara (Not at all hard reading) Paradise Lost (At least Books 1 and 2) Milton iA. L’Allegro, Il Penseroso, Comus, and Lycidas Milton 4 The Rape of the Lock (Not great poetry, but brilliant) Pope 2.34 The Deserted Village and The Traveller Goldsmith 253 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Interesting Stories Told Simply The Prisoner of Chillon Mazeppa (The story of a wild ride) Marmion (A Scottish tale of the days of chivalry) The Lady of the Lake (Highlanders and Low- landers) The Lay of the Last Minstrel (Mystery and magic) Sohrab and Rustum (A fight of father and son) Tales of a Wayside Inn (Good stories in verse) The Golden Legend (A medieval tale) Lays of Ancient Rome (With action and spirit) Spell of the Yukon (Direct and readable) Rhymes of a Red Cross Man (War stories, as above) Snowbound (The story of a snowstorm) Stories Less Simple but That Most Readers Like The Princess (A story of women’s rights) The Life and Death of Jason (A long story, well told) The Prince’s Progress (A sad little romance) (1/2) Goblin Market (Two sisters and some goblins) (1/2) Sigurd the Volsung (The story of Wagner’s Siegfried) The Earthly Paradise (A group of stories. You need not read them all, but select a few) King Cole (Unlikely but pretty) Story of a Round House (Also called Dauber. A sea story) ~ Reynard the Fox (A fox-hunt and what happens to the fox) ’ Right Royal (A horse is the hero) Tales of the Mermaid Tavern (Select those you like) Enoch Arden (A story of shipwreck and self- restraint) (1/2) Idylls of the King (Stories of King Arthur and his Knights) Byron Byron Scott Scott Scott Arnold Longfellow Longfellow Macaulay Service Service Whittier Tennyson W. Morris C. Rossetti C. Rossetti W. Morris W. Morris Masefield Masefield Masefield Masefield Noyes Tennyson Tennyson 29 I,253 T,2,3 2,3 772 1,253 152 25354 394 394 25354 2534 354 354 BOOKS FOR HOME READING The Vision of Sir Launfal (A medieval moral COLLECTIONS Keats tale) (1/2) Lowell r,2 Volumes of Readable Short Poems A Child’s Garden of Verse Stevenson I Ballads (Scottish and South Sea subjects) Stevenson ~ oF ‘ Seven Seas (Of many sorts, all interesting) Kipling 25354 Five Natioris (Similar) Kipling 253,;4 Barrack-Room Ballads (The army in India and that sort of thing) Kipling Bab Ballads (Amusing, by the author of Pina- fore) ~ Gilbert 2,3 Sailor Town (All sorts of sea songs and poems) C. F. Smith 1;2;3 Small Craft (Like the above) C. F. Smith Songs of a Workaday World (Live human subjects) B. Braley 1,2 The Ingoldsby Legends (Amusing, extravagant) Barham AP Poems for the More Poetical Childe Harold (Byron travels and meditates in verse) Byron 3,4 Selected Short Poems (Any school edition) Browning 253;4 Atalanta in Calydon (Imitating a Greek play) Swinburne 3,4 North of Boston (New England poems) Frost 354 Prometheus Unbound (especially the last part) Shelley 4x Lamia (A poem of the supernatural) Keats 4 Endymion (Parts only) 4x General Suggestion (See also the note on page 28) In studying poetry in collections, be sure not to miss the following poems. They are not only important in themselves, but are significant in the develop- ment of English poetry. (Some titles are slightly abridged.) \ny one of the following groups may be read as one unit. Sonnets (Many in the Golden Treasury) Shakespeare 3,4 Elegy in a Country Churchyard Gray 25254 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Coleridge ei RY: Also: Kubla Khan and Christabel Ode on Intimations of Immortality Wordsworth 4 Also: The Highland Reaper; Daffodils; Ode to Duty; Poole Castle; Tintern Abbey; Lucy Gray; Sonnets BOOKS FOR HOME READING 31 Eve of St. Agnes Keats Ey Also: Ode to a Grecian Urn; Autumn; Chapman’s Homer; La Belle Dame Adonais (Lament for Keats) Shelley 4 Also: Skylark; Night; Cloud; West Wind; Sensitive Plant The Cotter’s Saturday Night Burns cer Also: Daisy; Mouse; Mailie; Twa Dogs; Tam O’Shanter; Selected songs Fite IRE In collections of the work of modern poets, look for representative poems ‘by the following: Tennyson Browning, Mrs. Browning, the Rossettis, Swin- burne. Morris, M. Arnold, Longfellow, Whittier Bryant, J. R. Lowell. Holmes, Poe, Whitman, Lanier, Riley, Kipling, Noyes, Masefield, Newbolt, Brooks, Chesterton, Gibson, Letts, De la Mare, Frost, Robinson, Aiken, Millay, Kilmer, Markham, Lindsay, A. Lowell, Sandburg. List of Collections The Gelden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics Palgrave 172,354 Second Series (Later nineteenth century poems) The Oxford Book of Verse (A rich collection) | Couch 1325394 The Blue Poetry Book Lang 2 Standard English Verse (With many “‘classics””) Pancoast Eye Lyra Heroica (Poems of courage and action) Henley ro High Tide Richards 152 Narrative and Lyric Poems Seward 1 eee One Hundred Narrative Poems Trent L008 Twelve Centuries of Prose and Verse (A big volume) Newcomer aaa British Poems (From Chaucer to the Reces- sional) - Hutchison 2,354 American Poems Scudder 1,2 Little Book of American Poets Rittenhouse i523 The Chief American Poets Page 293 Selections from American Poetry Law 1,233 An American Anthology (A large volume) Stedman ‘| A Victorian Anthology (A large volume) Stedman a4 English Poets (A large collection in five vol- umes very valuable for advanced students who wish to see the best selected poems from many poets. One credit for any hundred pages) Ward Ax Modern Verse (Recent verse only) Forbes Set The Little Book of Modern Verse Rittenhouse Dias na BOOKS FOR HOME READING Second Book of Modern Verse Rittenhouse Modern British Poems Untermeyer a4 Modern American Poems Untermeyer Modern British and American Poems Untermeyer The New Poetry (With much of the latest sort) Monroe and Henderson 4 New Voices (Modern poets) . Wilkinson ee The Ballad Book (An excellent collection) Allingham lj2ea4 Ballads (Finely illustrated) Edwards T520a78 Legendary Ballads (Finely illustrated) Sedgwick 1,2, 3,4 English and Scotch Popular Ballads Withan Tous Popular English Ballads Hart 12,3. A Ballad Book K. Bates I, 2yare A Book of English Ballads ~ Mabie Tr) 29408 Old English Ballads Gummere ad The Best Ballads Bryant 1, 25088 Nonsense Anthology (Tc relieve the strain of study) ? Wells 1,236 Parody Anthology Wells 1,293 ESSAYS AND OTHER NON-FICTION Chatty Comment on Life Among Friends Crothers 24 Also: By the Christmas Tree; The Gentle Reader; In the Hands of a Receiver; Humanly Speaking; A Pardoner’s Wallet; and others From Pillar to Post (Very light essays) Bangs 2,3 Walking-Stick Papers Holliday Sut Also: Men, Books, and Cities The Margins of Hesitation Colby 3,4 In a New Century Martin 2, Friendship Black 24. Not that It Matters Milne 8 A Old Lamps for New Lucas 29 Also: A Little of Everything Hints to Pilgrims Brooks 2,3,4 Also: There’s Pippins and Cheese to Come _— Brooks 253ne On Nothing Belloc 3 Also: On Something; and other volumes Upon the Important Art of Living A Message to Garcia (Doing one’s job right) (1/4) E. Hubbard I BOOKS FOR HOME READING The Human Machine Also: How To Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day The Strenuous Life (By one who lived it) Durable Satisfactions of Life (By one who found them) The Efficient Life The Simple Life (Plain living and high thinking) Acres of Diamonds, and Other Essays The Mora! Obligation to be Intelligent Adventure of Life What Men Live By The Student in Arms (When one turns to religion) You are the Hope of the World Talks to Teachers on Psychology and to Students on Some of Life’s Ideals (Inspir- ing and helpful) Roosevelt’s Writings Pocket ed.) American Ideals and other Essays (edited by Futon, Life Seen from Strange Angles The Indian of Today Also: The Soul of an Indian The Soul of the Black Folk The World I Live In (How life looks to the blind) Also: Optimism (See also under Biography) Playful and Surprising Essays Essays and Literary Studies Also: Frenzied Fiction Shandygaff (Sparkling and effervescent) Also: Pipefuls (Of excellent mixture); Mince Pie: and others Handy Guide for Beggars Tremendous Trifles (Turning things upside down) Also: Uses of Adversity; What’s Wrong with the World; Defense of Nonsense; Varied Types; and others Belshazzar Court (Reflections upon city life) Also: The Patient Observer A. Bennett Roosevelt Eliot Gulick Wagner Conwell Erskine Grenfell Cabot Hankey Hagedorn W. James Roosevelt Roosevelt Eastman DuBois Keller Leacock C. Morley Lindsay Chesterton Strunsky 33 25354 25354 25354 253 253 354 25354 394 34 394 354 25354 25354 324 354 34 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Romance of the Commonplace Mr. Dooley in the Hearts of his Countrymen Also other books of the Dooley series Thoughtful Essays Great Possessions Also: Adventures in Friendly Road Books and Culture Also: My Study Fire; Works and Days; and others Days Out and Other Papers Among My Books Also: My Study Windows Good Reading, and Good Advice A Christmas Sermon Also: Virginibus Puerisque (Including Aes Triplex) Fables (Not strictly essays; too hard for most) Things That Have Interested Me Self-Cultivation in English What Can Literature Do for Me? Talks on the Sttidy of Literature Also: Talks on Writing English (Very helpful) The Anatomy of Poetry (Telling how to like it) Sesame and Lilies (Advice to young people) Friendship; The Great Essays of the Past Bacon’s Essays (Read at least four) Suggested: Travel, Study; Office; Gardens; Friendship ssays of Elia (At least five) More Essays of Elia The Sketch-Book (Including some short stories) The English Mail Coach and Other Essays Also: The Flight of a Tartar Tribe (Partly history) The Autccrat of the Breakfast Table (Amusing) Also: The Professor at the Breakfast Table Essays (Upon history, literature. and _phi- losophy. Any two) Also: Heroes and Hero-Worship (Or portions of Sartor Resartus) G Burgess Dunne Grayson H. Mabie Woodbridge Lowell Stevenson A. Bennett Palmer Smith A. Bates Ellis Ruskin Bacon Lamb Lamb Irving DeQuincey Holmes Carlyle we ZW no > 34 354 4x 34 25354 25354 354 4x 394 354 2,3 394 354 4x BOOKS FOR HOME READING Selected Essays from The Spectator and The Tatler The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers (From the same) Emerson’s Essays (At least four) Suggested: Self-Reliance; Friendship; Com- pensation; Manners; Books; Heroism; Character Macaulay’s Essays (Solid reading, but not hard) Suggested: Warren Hastings; Johnson; Clive; Addison Modern Painters (Selections, wonderful de- scription) Also: Queen of the Air (Beautiful descrip- tion) Selections from the Writings of Newman Collections of Representative Essays Atlantic Classics (First and Second Series) Essays and Essay Writing Modern Essays (Very well se'ected) Essays, English and American Riverside Essays Selected Essays English Essays A Selection from the Best English Essays A Collection of Essays (Standard) Addison and Steele Addison and Steele Emerson Macaulay Ruskin Newman Tanner Morley Alden Bronson Cody Fuess INTERESTING NON-FICTION Out-of-Doors and All That Days Out of Doors Camp Life in the Woods The Flock (Keeping sheep in wild places) Training Wild Animals (By one who has done it) Trapping Wild Animals (In Malay country) Wild Brother Wild Animals I Have Known Also: Wild Animal Ways Jungle Peace (By a writer you will like) Also: The Edge of the Jungle The Story of Matka (Life of a Seal) Abbott Gibson Austin Bostock Mayer Underwood Seton Beebe Jordan go 394 4x - ~ ~ - a “ WWW WW WwW WW W fF HPF He HP tH Hf 7 ~ = eS eH HH He Nb} YH HH He I,2,3 BOOKS FOR HOME READING The Life of a Tiger The Grizzly The Bee (As interesting as “real folks’’) The Insect World Also: The Family of the Sun Social Life of the Insect World (Interesting) Also: (Interesting as fiction) Insect Adven- tures; Hunting Wasps; The Mason Bees; Spiders; and other books The Story of a Thousand Year Pine The Face of the Fields Also: The Fall of the Year; A Watcher én the Woods; and others Kindred of the Wild (Animal studies and stories) Also: Watchers of the Trail; Haunters of the Silences; Heart of the Ancient Wood; and others Wild Life of Orchard or Field Wake Robin (Notes of a nature-lover) Also: Locusts and Wild Honey; Fields; Riverby; Pepacton; many others (All recommended) The Book of a Naturalist Also: A Shepherd’s Life (See his other work under Fiction and Travel) Cape Cod (By a tramping philosopher) Also: Walden; The Main Woods; and others Fisherman’s Luck Also: Open Sea; Little Rivers; Campfires and Guide Posts and others In the Wilderness (Thought and humor, with incident) Also: Backlog Studies; Hunting of the Deer; My Summer in a Garden; and others The Forest (By a writer of adventure stories) Endicott and I The Story of Opal (A child’s strange journal) The Ocean and Its Mysteries The Cradle of the Deep The Mirror of the Seas (Poetic, meditative) Fresh and Eardley-Wilmot Mills Maeterlinck Holden Fabre Mills Sharp Roberts Ingersoll Burroughs Hudson Thoreau Van Dyke C. D. Warner S. E. White Warner Whitely Verrill Treves Conrad I,2 25354 1,2 253 253 1,2,3 I,2 254 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Advice That May Help You The Freshman and His College College Girls Also: College Life The College Course and Preparation for Life Why Go to College Also: Trades and Occupations Choosing a Career Vocations for Girls Letters to Young Men Old Gorgon Graham (Letters advising a son) The Worker and His Work The Subject May Interest You Essays on Art The Works of Man (Architecture) How to Judge a Picture Also: The Meaning of Pictures _ Musicians of Today How to Listen to Music Studies in Stagecraft (Helpful to play-writers) (Other works by the same) On the Art of Acting Creative Chemistry ~The Conservation of Energy _ Autobiography and Selected Essays As Others See Us (Americans in foreign eyes) How the Other Half Lives (Do you know ?) The Valley of Democracy (Spirit of the Middle West) Hindrances to Good Citizenship The American Mind and American Idealism Changing America (Modern American prob- lems) _ Also: Sin and Society (The wrongs men do in groups) The Heritage of Tyre (American shipping) Ships and Sailors of Old Salem ~ Yankee Ships and Sailors Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coast Heroes of the Storm (Life-saving service) The Smoke-Eaters (Fire-fighters) Indians of Today Lockwood Briggs Fitch Palmer Marden Weaver Canfield Lorimer Center Brock Phillipps Van Dyke Rolland Krehbiel Hamilton Irving Slosson Stewart Huxley Brooks Riis Nicholson Bryce Perry Ross Meloney Paine Barnes Stockton O’Connor O’Higgins Grinnell 37 253 25354 2,3 253 T,2,3 1,253 253 I,2,3 253 eH NotIONs NO AH NH NY BS HS ND 28 BOOKS FOR HOME READING History You Should Read The Winning of the West (How we got it) Roosevelt The Conquest of Mexico (Like a historical novel) Prescott Also: The Conquest of Peru (Just as inter- esting) Father Marquette (Priest and explorer) Thwaites Montcalm and Wolfe (French and Indian Wars) Parkman The Story of Mankind (A wonderful book) Van Loon The French Revolution (Volume I. Hard) Carlyle A Short History of the World Wells TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE 25354 25354 25354 25354 T,2,3,54 4x 4X The books below ar not mere guide-books. All are interesting, written not to be consulted, but to be read. Many are finely illustrated. Most contain lively accounts of persona! experiences, often exciting. There are many other excellent books of travel that your teachers or the librarian will recommend and approve. For other stories of Adventure see Biography, and the works on Out-of-Doors (under Essays). How They Did It—Men Who Have Made Records Sailing Alone Around the World (In a little sloop) Slocum The Track of the Typhoon (A small yacht — crosses the Atlantic) Nutting The Cruise of the Hippocampus (In a small yawl, to Panama) Loomis The Ascent of Denali (Mount McKinley) (A long account) Stuck The North Pole (By the First Man to FindIt) Peary The South Pole (By the First Man to Find It) Amundsen Alone in the Caribbean (A single-handed cruise) Fenger First Through the Grand Canyon (A perilous trip) Powell In the Forbidden Land (The Tibetans nearly killed him) Landor Also: Tibet and Nepal (But he went there again) Trans-Himalaya (Long, but you can skip parts) Sven Hedin ~ Wandering About and Seeing Things An Amateur Emigrant (Going steerage and all that) Stevenson 1,253 T,2,3 T,2,3 I,2 1,253 T,2,3 2,3 BOOKS FOR HOME READING 39 With Poor Emigrants to America (Discour- aged too easily) Graham 2,3 Letters of Travel (From all over “a ah ica Kipling 2,3 Voyage in the Sunbeam (A famous world- voyage) Brassey 2,3 The Innocents Abroad (A queer lot go touring) Clemens (Twain) 1,2,3 The Dingbat of Arcady (Offhand travel and fun) Wilkinson 2°53 Views Afoot (By a poetic open-air tramper) Taylor eos From Job to Job Around the World Fletcher ae A Vagabond Journey Around the World H. A. Franck ae Working My Way Around the World L. M. Franck 1,2 The British Isles and the Continent (There are many valuable books of travel not listed here, some beautifullv illus- trated. Ask the librarian to point them out to you. In the first year any rood work of trave: will be credited. England and the English from an American Point of View (Rather a “grown-up” book) P. Collier 4 By Oak and Thorn (Literary Essays about England) A. Brown 354 Our English Cousins (Lively, amusing, not up to date) R. H. Davis Ty Afoot in England W. H. Hudson 3,4 My Irish Year (Delightful Irish travel) P. Colum 1324 Home Fires in France (A sympathetic Ameri- can view) Fisher (Canfield) 2,3 Travels with a Donkey (in France) (Not a light book) Stevenson 3,4 Also: An Inland Voyage (Canoe instead of donkey) Home Life in Germany Sidgwick Four Months Afoot in Spain (By a world tramp) Franck 52 Alaska and the Polar Regions In the Alaska Wilderness G. B. Gordon rine: Alaska Days with John Muir Young to 33 The Land of Tomorrow (Alaska) W. B. Stephenson. Jr. 6 T,2,3 Waiting in the Wilderness E. A. Mills ae Wilderness (A fascinating book) R. Kent I,2,3 Travels in Alaska J. Muir t.2)5 My Life with the Eskimo Stefansson Pte 40 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Ten Thousand Miles with a Dog Sledge Stuck an4 My Arctic Journal Peary a3 Voyages of Captain Scott Turley 132,34 New Rivers of the North Fortner a A Tenderfoot with Peary Borup Te 8 A Voyage to the Arctic in the Whaler Aurora Lindsay 1,253 Land of the Lingering Snow Balles Brace The Friendly Arctic Stefansson t,2 Hero Tales of the Far North Riis ee Palms and Lagoons and Cannibals The Cruise of the Snark (An amateur expedi- tion) J. London Toe The Log of the Snark (His wife’s account of it) C. London ee te! Hawaii (Interestingly presented) Gerould L253 In the Track of the Trades Freeman Ti2ue The Isle of Vanishing Men (Excellent reading) Alder ty2 Typee (They kept him, but not to eat) Melville 1/233 Also: Omoo (Somewhat similar) The Cruise of the Corwin Muir rae ie White Shadows in the South Seas F. O’Brien 253 Also: Mystic Isles of the South Seas (All sorts of things) In Interesting Places The Backgrounds of Literature Mabie 276 Viva Mexico Flandrau 253 A White Umbrella in Mexico F. H. Smith ie Here, There, and Everywhere Hamilton 208 In Eastern Wonderlands Gibson ra In Our Unknown Southwest Laut 1.233 Trail Makers of the Northwest Haworth ere: Personal Experiences A Woman in the Wilderness (Central America) W. James 15235 A Woman Tenderfoot Seton t24 Black Sheep (A Missionary in Africa) J. MacKenzie 25354 Le Petit Nord (A Missionary in Labrador) Grenfell 1,2 Letters of a Woman Homesteader Stewart 253 Unofficial Letters of an Official’s Wife (Philip- pines) Moses 253 More Ocean Adventure (See also under Fiction) Two Years before the Mast Dana 1,2 A Year with a Whaler W. N. Burns I,2 Lost Ships and Lonely Seas BOOKS FOR HOME READING Whale Hunting with Gun and Camera The Real Story of the Whaler Seeing America Florida Enchantments (Fishing, hunting, etc.) Our Southern Highlanders (and how they live) A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf Baddeck and that Sort of Thing (Down East) Some Strange Corners of Our Country Labrador and Other Cold Places Labrador Days Also: Lure of the Labrador Wild Labrador; The Country and the People; Adrift on an Ice-Pan Dr. Grenfell’s Parish (See also Fiction) The Land of the Long Night (Lapland) The Orient Going Down to Jerusalem The Land of Veiled Women The Gateway to Sahara The Near East (Beautifully illustrated) Also: Egypt and Its Monuments (Similar) My Winter on the Nile The Caribbean and Farther South Gardens of the Caribbees Roaming Through the West Indies Also: Zone Policeman 88 (Making the Panama, Past and Present (A very interesting Panama Canal) book) Across the Andes Across South Unknown America (By a famous traveler) The Flowing Road (Travel by river) The Sea and the Jungle (Exploration) Through the Brazilian Wilderness (A noted trip) Adventures of a Tropical Tramp South America (In general. Illustrated) China and Its Ways, also Japan The Spell of China Letters from China and Japan Paine Andrews A. Verrill Dimock Kephart Muir Warner Lummis Grenfell Wallace Duncan DuChaillu Duncan Fraser Furlong Hichens Warner Stowe Franck Verrill G2y.Post Landor C. Whitney Tomlinson Roosevelt Foster Koebel Bell Dewey AI 1,2 bey 354 bee pee s. Ts2 2,3 T,2,3 1,2 1h RS me g3 5 I,2,3 253 23 25354 25354 Hest 1,2,3 1,2,3 253 T,2,3 1,253 253 I,2 1,253 253 25354 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Two Years in the Forbidden City (Good detail) China the Mysterious and Marvellous A Wayfarer in China The Changing Chinese (A study) Japan Day by Day Over Japan Way Japan, a Record in Color (The artistic side) (Beautifully illustrated) Out of the East (A friendly study) Africa, Elephants, and Hippopotami The Land of Footprints Also: African Camp Fires African Game Trails ° In African Forest and Jungle How I Found Livingston The Man-Eaters of Tsavo (Lions, by a lion- killer) In the Wild West Boots and Saddles (Old Indian days) The Cowboy (What he really was like) Hunting Trips of a Ranchman Also: Ranch Life and Hunting Trails; A Wilderness Hunter; and others Roosevelt in the Bad Lands (By one who was with him) The Oregon Trail (A Harvard Man tries Indian life) The Mountains (By one who knows them) Also: The Pass; and The Cabin My First Summer in the Sierras (You know who he is) Tenting Tonight (By the author of “Tish’’) Also: Through the Glacier National Park Romance of the Colorado River Campfires in the Canadian Rockies The Old Santa Fe Trail Tramping with a Poet (Lindsay) in the Rockies American Big Game Hunting Also: Trails and Campfires; and others Also Worth Hearing About The Land of Pluck Spain and the Spaniards (Delightful description) Der Ling White Murdock Kendall Ross E. S. Morse Hitchcock Menpes Hearn S. E. White Roosevelt Du Chaillu Stanley Patterson Custer Rollins Roosevelt Hagedorn Parkman S. E. White Muir Rinehart Dellenbaugh Hornaday Inman Graham T,2,5 253 253 34 253 253 T,2;3 152 ie 152 Tne 354 I,2,3 1,253 2,3 ‘3 T,253 T,2,3 T,2 t52 253 Roosevelt and Grinnell 1, 2 Dodge DeAmicis 253 253 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Gondola Days (Venice) In Far New Guinea (Decidedly wild life. Entertaining) India (Beautifully illustrated) BIOGRAPHY F. H. Smith Newton Menpes 43 I,2,3 25354 In addition to those listed below, lives of men and women prominent in literature or in political life will be found in two series (full sets in most libraries) : the English (and American) “Men of Letters’”’ Series, and the English (and American) ‘‘Statesmen”’ Series. All books in these will be credited in the second and third years, and most (with the teacher’s approval, in the fourth). Recollections of Unusual Lives My Reminiscences (Entertaining and unusual) Far Away and Long Ago (Exciting and original) Bright Roads of Adventure (“A _ regular feller’’) Confessions of a Macedonian Bandit Tramping with Tramps Autobiography of a Super-Tramp In Public Life Theodore Roosevelt, an Autobiography Autobiography (A famous one) Forty Years of It Autobiography (Introducing recent history) My Life and Work How They Became Americans From Alien to Citizen (Jewish) Out of the Shadow (Jewish) The Promised Land (Jewish) The Americanization of Edward Bok (Dutch) The Soul of an Immigrant My Mother and I The Life of the Indian From the Deep Woods to Civilization Also: Indian Boyhood My Life as an Indian How Life Looks from the Stage Autobiography (Covering many years) Stage Reminiscences Autobiography of a Clown Pumpelly W. H Hudson R. D. Paine Sonnischen Willard (Flynt) Davies Roosevelt Franklin Whitlock Schurz Ford (and others) Steiner Rose Cohen Mary Antin E. Bok Panunzio Craik Eastman Schultz Joseph Jefferson Gilbert Marcosson 253 25354 T,2,3 I,2,3 2,3 I,2 253 x2 2,3 253 253 394 I,2,3 253 25354 394 253 1,253 i 1g 253 253 253 44 BOOKS FOR HOME READING The Print of My Remembrance (A remark- able book) The Melancholy Tale of Me Life on the Stage (By a great actress) Memories of My Life (Earlier years) Lives of Courage and Triumph Up from Slavery Story of a Pioneer (A woman who wasn’t afraid) Twenty Years at Hull House (A noble mission) The Story of My Life (You know who she is) Recollections In our Convent Days (Girls especially) A Son of the Middle Border Also: A Daughter of the Middle Border A New England Boyhood The One I Knew Best of All (Girls especially) The Story (or Romance) of a Child (Fascinat- ing) Also: The Book of Pity and of Death (His pets) Autobiography of a Tomboy Memories Also: Stories of a Boy A Boy’s Town A Boy I Knew and Four Dogs When I Was a Boy in Russia The Old Virginia Gentleman (And _ other memories) A Labrador Doctor Some Impressions of My Elders (English liter- ary men) More Recollections When I Was a Girl in Italy Child of the Orient A New England Girlhood A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After Yesterdays with Authors (In Boston) Cheerful Yesterdays (In Cambridge and there. about) Boyhood in Norway A Boy in Eirinn (Ireland) ‘Boy Life on the Prairie Thomas Sothern C. Morris Bernhardt Booker Washington A. Shaw J. Addams Helen Keller Repplier Garland Hale Burnett Loti Gilder Galsworthy Howells Hutton Mokrievich Bagby Grenfell Ervine Ambrosi Vaka Larcom E. Bok Fields Higginson Boyesen Colum Garland 25354 253 2,3 253 253 253 25354 253 25354 253 T,2,3 253 25354 253 34 25354 253 1,2 253 1,2,3 I,2,3 I,2,3 I,2,3 1,23 394 394 I,2 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Women Who Were Leaders Alice Freeman Palmer Life of Florence Nightingale Carla Wenckebach, Pioneer Joan of Arc Margaret Ogilvie Life of Mary Lyon Abigail Adams and Her Times Clara Barton Clara Barton Lives of Writers Charlotte Bronté My Mark Twain Life of Mark Twain Also: Boy’s Life of Mark Twain Life of Stevenson Life of Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson, a Life Study in Criticism Life of Johnson (One of the greatest biographies) (Use abridged edition by Chapman, Osgood, or Watson) Biography of O. Henry Dickens (Biographical essay and study) Life of Goldsmith John Burroughs, Boy and Man Lives of Action and Adventure Henry Hudson Paul Jones Paul Jones Boys’ Drake (the Admiral) Life of Nelson Life of Nelson (as seen by a naval man) Israel Putnam Israel Putnam A Sailor’s Log From Sail to Steam Daniel Boone, the Wilderness Scout Daniel Boone and the Wilderness Road Daniel Boone David Crockett, Scout The Story of Stanley Palmer Richards Muller Carpenter Barrie Gilchrist Richards Epler W. E. Barton Gaskell Howells Paine Overton Balfour Baildon Boswell Smith Chesterton Irving Barrus Janvier Hapgood Brady Beacon Southey Mahan Livingston Hasbrouck (Admiral) Evans Mahan White Bruce Thwaites Allen Golding 45 25354 2,3 253 253 253 253 253 253 25354 25354 253 253 25354 25354 25354 2,3 354 253 I,2 23 I I 233 ey: 2,3 I,2,3 354 25354 I S S| ee BOOKS FOR HOME READING Lives of Statesmen and Leaders Boy’s Life of Grant Boys’ Life of Grant Boys’ Life of Lincoln Life of Lincoln Life of Lincoln The True George Washington George Washington George Washington (For younger readers) Lee the American (Very good) Lloyd George Story of General Pershing Caesar, a Sketch Life of Carnegie Boy’s Life of Edison Edison, his Life, and Inventions (For older readers) Boy’s Life of Roosevelt Impressions of Roosevelt Life of Napoleon First Napoleon (A serious study) Robert Fulton and the Clermont Stories of Luther Burbank and His Plant School Victoria (A study in character and history) Collections Plutarch’s Lives (Boys’ and girls’ Plutarch) Plutarch’s Lives (Full translation, at least two) Famous Men of Rome Book of Noble Women Hero Tales from American History Portraits of Women Girls Who Became Famous Portraits of American Women Also: Union Portraits: Confederate Por- traits Heroes of Progress in America Pioneers of Science = Americans by Adoption Leading American Inventors Captains of Industry More than Conquerors Goss I Hasbrouck I Nicolay I Charnwood 233 Ida Tarbell a54 Ford 253 Lodge 354 Scudder I - Bradford 2,34 Dilnot 354 Tomlinson re Froude t,4 Alderson rya Meadowcroft I Dyerand Martin 2,3,4 Hagedorn I Abbott 253 Tarbell 2,3 Ropes 4x Sutcliffe 278 Slusser I;2 Strachey 4x White I Plutarch 224 Haaren I Buxton I Lodge and Roosevelt I Bradford ode Bolton I Bradford 2,3 Morris I Lodge 132 Husband r.253 Iles 15a Parton I,2 Gilbert r;2 Masters of Space BOOKS FOR HOME READING Careers of Danger and Daring Boys’ Book of Pioneers Real Soldiers of Fortune Famous Scouts Little Journeys to the Homes of American Statesmen Famous Adventures and Prison Escapes of the Civil War Ancient Man Also: Short History of Discovery Stories of Adventure Told by Adventurers Also: Stories of Discovery Told by Dis- coverers Boys’ Book of Explorations Women in American History Heroines of Service Individual (For years 2, 3, and 4) LETTERS Life and Letters of Louisa Alcott Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll Letters of Charles Dickens Letters of Benjamin Franklin War Letters of Edmond Genet Letters of Susan Hale Letters of Donald Hankey Joyce Kilmer (Memorial edition) Letters of John Keats (to family circle) Letters of Charles Lamb Letters of Sidney Lanier Letters of James Russell Lowell Life and Letters of Walter Page Letters of Rossevelt to his Children Letters and Diary of Alan Seegar Letters of Stevenson Vailima Letters (of Stevenson) Letters of Mark Twain Life and Letters Collections A Letter Book Selected Letters 47 Towers T 2 Moffet ¥;2 Wood x Davis I Johnston I Hubbard 2 Johnson I Van Loon I Hale I Jenks I Hasbrouck 1,2 Parkman £2 Cheney 132 Collingwood 2,3 Dickens and Hogarth 2,3 Bigelow a9 Chapman 25354 Atkinson 2,3 Hankey 25354 Holliday 2,3 Colvin aA Ainger a8 Lanier 2,3 Norton 354 Hendrick 354 Bishop Poy Seegar 253 Colvin 4 Colvin 3,4 Paine to James, W. 4 Saintsbury 354 Center T5234 48 BOOKS FOR HOME READING Half Hours with the Best Letter-Writers Knight a4 Nineteenth Century Letters Rees Picky The Great English Letter-Writers Dawson aan The Gentlest Art Lucas 2,354 Also: The Second Post Familiar Letters Greenlaw 253 Specimens of Letter Writing Lockwood and Kelley 1,2 SPEECHES (Arranged by Authors. For years 3 and 4.) Beecher, H. W. Curtis Grady Henry Lincoln Macaulay Phillips, W. Schurz Seward Webster Liverpool Address (To a hostile audience) The Right of Suffrage The Public Duty of Educated Men The New South The Race Problem in the South On the Adoption of the Constitution Gettysburg Address (and one other) First Inaugura: Second Inaugura! Speeches on Copyright Suffrage for Women Toussaint L’Ouverture Internationa Arbitration True Americanism The Irrepressible Conflict First Bunker Hill Address Adams and Jefferson Collections of Speeches The Forum of Democracy (Speeches during the war) American Orations (There are several good collections) British Orations (There are several good col- lections) The World’s Best Orations Brewer Modern Eloquence Reed (Recommended in these and others, speeches by (English) Burke, Fox, Pitt, Macaulay, Gladstone, Bright, George. (American) Henry, Hamilton, Calhoun, Webster, Douglas, Sumner, Lincoln, Ingersoll, Beecher, Lodge, Roosevelt, Blaine, Bryan, Wilson.) BOOKS FOR HOME READING 49 MYTHOLOGY, LEGENDARY HISTORY, FOLK-LORE, ETC. Scandinavian Heroes of Asgard Keary ys In the Days of Giants A. F. Brown I Stories of Norse Heroes Baxter I The Children of Odin P Colum I Norse Stories Mabie I The Viking Age (in part only) Du Chaillu 4x The Story of Grettir the Strong Baring I Legends of Northern Lands French I Irish and Celtic Hero Tales of Ireland Curtin 1,2 Heroes of Ireland French t,2 Cuchulain of Muirthemne | Gregory Pde Irish Fairy Tales Stephen t2 Classical Myths The Age of Fable Bulfinch eye Gods and Heroes Fancillon I The Heroes Kingsley I Myths of Greece and Rome Guerber pe Old Greek Folk Stories Peabody I Tales of Troy and Greece Lang I Classic Myths in English Literature Gayley I Wonder Book (Old stories retold) Hawthorne I The Story of the Iliad Brooks I Stories from the Iliad Church zy Stories from the Iliad Marvin I The Story of the Odyssey Brooks I Stories from the Odyssey Church I Adventures of Odysseus Colum I Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy Marvin I The Story of the Aeneid Brooks I The Aeneid for Boys and Girls Church I Miscellaneous Legends Every Child Should Know Mabie I Heroic Legends Hubertson I Bible Stories to Read and Tell Olcott I (Several good editions of Old Testament Stories) ; BOOKS FOR HOME READING Story of the Golden Age Story of King Arthur and his Knights Also: Story of the Champions of the Round Table King Arthur Stories Book of the Epic Welsh Fairy Tales Boy’s Froissart Also: Boy’s Mabinogion Heroes of Chivalry and Romance Book of Romance Also: Tales of Wayland the Smith; Battle of Roncevalles The Story of Roland The Story of Robin Hood Stories from Malory Boy’s King Arthur Blackfoot Lodge Tales Also: Pawnee Hero Stories Myths and Legends of the Mississippi Valley and the Great Lakes Also: Myths and Legends of California and the Southwest English Fairy Tales Also: Celtic Fairy Tales Baldwin Pyle Stevens Guerber Griffis Lanier Church Lang Baldwin Finnemore Clay Lanier Grinnell Judson Jacobs ee ee | a = = S&S INDEX A PAGE AD, tory of, Waterloo: ....cscesaes be PANO CREE RG. CO Aco Sls aw i ks eee he 16 Abigail Adams and Her Times, Rich- Creede oe hae Sa Cele oD 45 Acres of Diamonds, and Other Essays, OMIM A? 2 1 PPE Hi Se ol das 4 33 Across Unknown South America. LOS ee es oe 4I Across the Andes, C. J. Post........ 41 Actions and Reactions, Kipling...... 18 GAME BONG LOVONS : 2. Sask cess II Adams and Jefferson, Webster. ...... 48 Addison, Macaulay. . ¥ 35 Admirable Crichton, The, Barrie. 24 IAA EHEY I es ks ve eee 31 Adoption of the Constitution, On the, BEER Oe ies Sie at eae OE 48 Adrift on an Ice-Pan, Grenfell....... AI Adventure of Life, Grenfell oe eee 25 Adventures in Friendship, Grayson... 34 Adventures of a Tropical Tramp, PEM EN ees 6 oa ees es Be 8 CE 41 Adventures of Billy Topsail, Duncan. 19 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Doyle 20 Pee Gs ViPel) oa ae Asean 49 Afoot in England, W. H. Hudson.... 39 African Camp Fires, S. E. White..... 42 African Game Trails, Roosevelt....... 42 Agamemnon, Aeschylus.......eccee 21 Age of Fable, The, Bulfinch.......+. 49 Alan Quartermain, Haggard......... 5 Alaska Days with John Muir, Young. 39 UE St 0 ar er a 21 Alcott, Life and Letters of Louisa, Eo par Bie ie hae bea ee ee 47 Alhambra, Tales from the, Irving.... 18 Alice Adams, Tarkington......... mae rie Alice and a Family, Ervine.......... 14 Alice-for-Short, DeMorgan........+. 13 All Sorts and Conditions of Men, era REI Cs casts 55 sail aco dla, oS yah 12 Alone in the Caribbean, Fenger...... 38 Amateur Emigrant, An, Stevenson.... 38 Amateur Gentleman, An, Farnol..... 17 Amazing Interlude, An, Rinehart.... 11 American Anthology, An, Stedman... 31 American Big Game Hunting, Roose- welt and Grinnell... 5. .cccdecuoues 42 American Ideals and Other Essays, RPE ee Piece ia as wiuleey ot 33 American Mind and American Ideal- eR DL OTUs gicbiit cscs cede. 37 51 PAGE *ihericaty CIPAUCnS (2 piss coe G eee oe 48 American Poems, Scudder........... 31 Americanization of Edward Bok, E. Teo ar Ade Bs ead OL MY ere ala 43 Americans All, Heydrick..0.. 6. wie 21 Americans by Adoption, Husband.... 46 Among Friends, Crothers............ Ce Among My Books, Lowell........... 34 Anatomy of Poetry, The. Evils...... 34 Ancient Man. Viaw'Loon V4 <4 60's a: 47 Andivius Hedulio, FE. L. White...... 16 TIDES VV OOLSOI Ha ke Gee ates hens ew et 14 Antigone, Sophocles...........0005- 21 Arabian Nights Entertainment. The (Anon IOUS Pore oe he tl {7 Arms and the Man, G. B. Shaw..... 24 Art of Acting, On the. Irving........ 37 Asa Man Thinks, A. Thomas....... an As You Like It, Shakespeare........ 22 As Others See Us; Brooksc.2 2. sees 37 Bscent af Danit Phe Siaceac A. 5 38 At the Back of the North Wind. Gr SE COD ONGLE SS Oe Oe ie Ba 5 Atalanta in Calydon, Swinburne..... 30 Atlantic Book of Modern Plays, The, So Ae Leonid fae, Semele. aoe Sits 27 Atlantic Classics, First and Second DETIGS os ee Ca slant ee ee Co es a5 Atlantic Narratives, (At/antic)....... 21 Aucassin and Nicolette (Anonymous). 17 Autobiography of a Clown, Marcosson 42 Autobiography of. a Super-Tramp, hb OT Toe ARG oy ee ALY, UN 43 Autobiography of a Tomboy, Gilder.. 44 Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, The, ET OLB ES id. Wash rence tee Ree wt 34 AEE ea Stet Sates uae eats ce ey Awakening of Helena Richie. The, FELT ERE eae os eae eed Aztec Treasure House, Janvier...... 5 B Bab Ballads, Gilbert. ... 0.0.05. 5» ates BO Bappiiiee Demise ainces tie asks ota 12 Backgrounds of Literature, The, WT Ogio As ee Stage Seren hci 40 Backlog Studies, C. D. Warner...... 36 Bacon’s Essays, Bacon. ..........:. 34 Baddeck and that Sort of Thing, ge ie PR ee RA gon ee ELE AI Ballad) Book? As Ko Bates ans ad oe 32 Ballad Book, The, Allingham........ 32 Ballads NdwardSs 5 wa.a5 ain vain eS es se 52 BOOKS FOR HOME READING PAGE PAGE Ballads \evensonte css cones ee «+e 30 ~+Boys’ Book of Explorations, Jenks... 47 Ballads, Popular English, Hart...... 32 Boys’ Book of Pioneers, Wood....... 47 Ballads, The Best, Bryant.......... 22 Brassbounders, The, Bone.......... cy Ballads, Book of English, Mabie. . 32 Breaking in of a Yachtsman’s Wife, Ballads, English and Scotch Popular, The, Vorsé; 220. sss a ee 13 Withan Sos ee ey . 32 Bright Roads of Adventure, R. D. Ballads, Old English, Gummere...... 32 PINE 6.5 555 ocxnn ha eee ee ae 43 Barnaby Rudge, Dickens oe. scene - - rr Brimming Cup, The, Fisker. ay see 1 Barchester Towers, Trollope......... 12 Broad Highway, The, Farnol........ 17 Barrack-Room Ballads, Kipling..... 30 ~3=—w Bronte, Charlotte, Gaskell.......... 45 Barton: Glaraticwes tyre toe ee --» 45 Brunel’s Tower, £. Pinlipolsies eee 14 Battle of Roncevalles, Lang......... 50 Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coast, Beau Brommel fics 8 ae eae 22 DLOCKION 62° < actos. als, se ee ay Beach of Dreams, The, Stacpoole.... 9 Buried Alive, A. Benmelt............ II Bealby; HAG euscancen cote ee 13 Burroughs, John, Boy and Man, Beau of Bath, The, C. Mackay...... 26 Barris sc ee Oe hase oe oe ee 45 Bee, The, Maeterlinck........ ones. 30 By Oak and Thornjel.browie..eeee 39 Behind the Line, Barbour........... 6 By the Christmas Tree, Crothers..... 32 Beloved Vagabond, The, Locke...... 10 Belshazzar Court, Strunsky......... 33 C Ben Hur. W aliace... 2: % Ge ee ee 7 Cabbages and Kings, O. Henry...... 18 Bent-I wig; The; Fisher... 2.05... rz- .Cabin, [he 5, Lav fe. om feats 42 Beside the Bonnie Briar Bush, Caesar, a Sketch; froude... ges 46 DEACOTORN oar teeter aes esse. 19 Caesar.and Cleopatra, G. B. Samaras Betty Leicester, Jewelt. . . 6 Caleb West, Master Diver, F.H.Smith x1 Beyond the Horizon, O'Neill... ...... 2 e Call of the Wild, The, London...... ao Bible Stories to Read and Tell, Olcott. Camp Life in the Woods, Gibson..... 35 Bicyclers, The, and Other arte BANES Tires sia sk ees Te eee 25 Biography of a Grizzly, Scton-Thomp- oe eC @uscecaesneeCeececs Veen en tee 6 @ 9 Black Arrow, The, Stevenson... ...+. 7 Black Rock, Conner. 22 eet Laan 10 Black Sheep, Ji MacKensieye is ahwee 40 Blackfoot Lodge Tales, Grinnell. .... 50 Blazed Trail, The, S. EH. White...... 10 Bleak House, Dickens. ....cccccsee: II Blind, The, Maeterlinck...... 2.050. 25 Blue Bird, The, Maeterlinck......... 23 Blue Flower, The, Van Dyke........ 28 Blue Lagoon, The, Stacpoole........ 13 Blue Poetry Book, The, Lang....... 31 Bob, Son of Battle, Ollivant......... 18 Book of a Naturalist, The, Hudson... 36 Book of Noble Women, Buxton...... 46 Book of Pity and Death, The, Loti... 44 Rooks SHanerson sain wae eae ae 35 Books and Culture, 7. Mabie....... 34 Boone, Daniel, Thwaiies............ 45 Boone, Daniel, The Wilderness Scout, Whiles te ir ee Ae wees seers Boots.and. saddles, Cwstrr <.5.e ne ome 42 Bottle Imp, The, Stevenson.......... 15 Boy I Knew, A, and Four Dogs, Heitiona she Foie 2 ee aie a oe oe 44 Boy in Biman: As Colin saves se 44 Boy Life on the Prairie, Garland..... 44 Boyhood in Norway, Boy's LOW, A st Owdisin wre. ace 44 Campfires and Guide Posts, Van Dyke 36 Campfires in the Canadian Rockies, Hl OVn0d ON nae a ee 42 Candida: G. Br Skat =. 4 eee 24 Canterbury Tales, The, Chaucer..... 28 Cape Cody] horeaucc svn sn eee 36 Cappy Ricks, PB. 40yien eee a) Captain Blood, Sabatini............ 17 Captain Eri, Lincoln... a. «vane ee ake Captain Kettle, Hymne... ...73..s008mee Captain Macklin, R. H. Davis....... 16 Captains All, Jacobs, ©. -x... cue eee Captains Courageous, Kzpling....... 8 Captains of Industry, Parton........ 46 Caravaners, The, Arnim........-20- 14 Cardinal’s Snuff-box, Hariand....... 14 Careers of Danger and Daring, Moffett 47 Carla Wenckebach, Pioneer, Muller.. 45 Carnegie, Life of, Alderson.......... 46 Carroll, Life and Letters of Lewis, Collingwood in aad cies vo, ae Case of Rebellious Susan, The, H. A. JONES 0.5 Aathls Sa beeen 23 Castaway Island, Newberry......... Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine, The, Stockton..... oaeinate 12 Casuals of the Sea, Mckeeos 2a If Cathleen ni Houlihan, Y cats® jac seen Cease Firing, M. Johnston........+. 15 Celtic Fairy Tales, Jacobss...2. 02 50 Certain Rich Man, A, W. A. White.. 12 Changing America, Ross..... cess eed Fad INDEX PAGE Changing Chinese, The, Ross........ 42 Changing Winds, Ervine............ 9 Chaplain of the Fleet, The. Besant... 17 SOOMINC TOT, LOMMELSOIE 6s slaw ols Se Sve » 35 Charles O’Malley, Lever............ 14 Cheerful Yesterday, Higeinson...... A4 Child of the Orient, Vaka........... 44 Child’s Garden of Verse, A, Stevenson 30 Children of Odin, The, P. Colum. . 49 Children of the Ghetto, Zanewil?.. . 10 Ghilce tara, Byroieres <3 esse cae 30 China and Japan, Letters from, Dewey 41 China the Mysterious and Marvellous, DREGE LT ae SN nt ee 42 CO ta a1 5 ae AS 16 Choosing a Career, Marden......... a7 Christmas Sermon, A, Sievenson..... 34 Christmas Stories, Dickens.......... 8 Ghristmadotories: Freld 2. oalie 4 5a. 8 Christopher Hibbault. Roadmaker, (SCS ON 9 adler II Circular Staircase, The, Rinehart.... 14 SELEY SC TGS AP 2 I gg 2 a 12 Classic Myths in English Literature, ES LL ks oF oh eg 49 Cinvhnancerc A, Bewelt occ. os se ak ss rs Cprmnerss bne; CaCl he ccd ae 3 23 MOEVG AM GCONIGY <2 Saxt. b+ ode w Sen os 35 Cloister and the Hearth, The, C. Reade 15 College Course, The, and Preparation Prat eteCie sf Sie eala arate othe cehie a7 Collese Girls, Briggs. . ccccseesecses oF Colleve- Life, Briggs. <..decc-cens ess Sy Colonel Carter of Cartersville, F. H. Bae et hs 2 Sateen Ga eas 10 REG OEA ETAT Cl CE, , = ae 4 5s t's ert g Common Lot, he, Herrick. ws. <<: i2 Sormpensation, Lmerson. ss. <5 e's 3 a5 RUS CM EON TD 5 whose. see eas es 28 Confederate Portraits, Bradford..... 46 Confessions of a Macedonian Bandit, POPE TEISCIOTI TG A. 08 8 peters ok Dee aLS 43 Conqueror, The, Atherton........... 10 Conquest of Mexico, The, Prescoti... 38 Conquest of Peru, The, Prescott..... 38 Conservation of Energy, Stewart..... a Coriolanus, Shakespeare. . 22 Cotter’s Saturday Night, ‘The, “Burns. or Counsel Assigned, Andrews......... 8 Count of Monte Cristo, The, Dumas. 16 Country Doctor, The, Touenaee. she ne Country of the Pointed Firs, Jewett... 12 Court of Boyville, The, W. A. White. 20 Covered Wagon, The, LE. Hough..... 1s Cowboy, The, Rinne We. 42 Cowrie Pass, Rideout Pe act Beant take 5 Cradle of the Deep, Lhe, Lreves; + ona , 36 PRTIOLG AGUSRON os x 0 0's oe x's o' sjes oe r Creative Chemistry, DLOSSON.. Sos es ae Ly: 53 PAGE Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. The, A. TEI a tatel cia Gh ecnai pees BAER en Crisis, The, W. Churchill. .......000% Cruise of the Cachalot, The, Bullen.. 9 Cruise of the Corwin, The, Muir.... 40 Cruise of the Hippocampus, The, TL ADIGLS,, Se ee ce wo ees eo 38 Cruise of the Snark, The, J. London.. 40 Cuchulain of Muirthemne. Gregory. . 49 Cudjo’s Cave; Trowbridge... 5.2% -- 7 Cyrano de Bergerac, Rostand........ 24 D WA AOZEL no OCU, fae eae 6 Daddy-Long-Legs, Webster.......... 8 Daniel Boone and the Wilderness ACSA T Ce tetera ct ieee pa es yate 45 Daughter of Heaven, Loti and Gautier 23 Daughter of the Middle Border, A. CROPLG Win eine Sire trades wrens dhe 44 David Baliour, o1evensaii i. ce. 2 8 16 Dayid Copperiield Pickens. 2 las. s.: II David Crockett, Scout, Allen........ 45 Days Out and Other Papers, Wood- TR TA te eg ae UE ara Slaps i 34 Days Out of Doors, Abbott.......... 35 Day’s Work, The, Kipling.......... 18 Death of Tintagiles, Maeterlinck..... 25 DOULA tT AIEY So eee ctl ataie sctce re oes 25 Deephaven, dy eA Ae ae en 12 .Deep. Waters, Connolly. ... 000.026: 18 Deering of Deal, Griswold........... 6 Deerslayer, The, Cooper. o........-. IO Defense of Nonsense, Chesterton..... 33 Deirdre of the Sorrows, Synge....... 26 Deluge, The, Szenkiewicz........... I5 Deserted Village, The, Goldsmith..... 28 Devil’s Disciple, The. Shaw......... 22 Dickens) CHesteriod wend. as oak ee 45 Dickens, Letters of Charles, Dickens DG LA OPAP ioe, Akt nee oe ee oe 47 Dingbat of Arcady, The, Wilkinson.. 39 Discovering “‘Evelina,” Moore....... Mg Disenchanted, Lota ive vs Gewese 16 Distaelis Parka. cae eae. ee as 22 Ditte: (Girl alives Were Pe pote 2 tee ae 1X Diversity of Creatures, Kipling...... 18 Divine Comedy, The, Dante......... 28 Dog of Flanders, A, Ramze.......... 8 Dollsstiouse, Ali User. aces 2 ee 24 Dombey and Son, Dickens.......... II Don Ouisote, Cervantes fangs 3 0. ee { Donegal Fairy Tales, McManus..... 19 Dove in the Eagle’s Nest, The, Yonge 7 Dover. Road, The, Msinew).3 ocr. t 24 Down to the Sea, Robertson......... 18 Dre Paste, wi grower cae vee ee we ure 22 Dr. Grenfell’s Parish, Duncan....... 4I Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Stevenson.. 16 54 BOOKS FOR HOME READING PAGE Dr. Lavendar’s People, Deland..... pee) Dr. Sevier, Cable wet chic wah ea se Hei ae" Draven: Che sGregorv en wate acm at 23 Dragon and the Raven, The, Henty..* 7 Drake. Boy's; Deacon Je vont.g ae th oe 45 Dramatists, Chief Contemporary, First Series, 7. H. Dickinson...... 26 Dramatists, Chief Contemporary, Second Series, 7. H. Dickinson.... 27 Dirtand 1, 7, Bacher va. ssn es 7 Duchess of Wrexe, The, Walpole..... 11 Durable Satisfactions of Life, Eliot... 33 Dutch Boy Fifty Years After, A, E. BOR ee acess REG » Oe okis 5 haar 44 Dynamiter, The, Stevenson........- Aes | E Earthly Paradise, The, W. Morris... 29 Echoes of the War, Barrie....... seer20 Edge of the Jungle, The, Beebe...... 35 Edison, Boy’s Life of, Meadowcroft... 46 Edison, His Life and Inventions, Dyer batt UL aries aa be tees cl tee ae 46 Efficient Life, The, Gulick.......... 33 Egypt and Its Monuments, Hichens.. 41 Bight Cousins, D:sAicon os. sauce aaa 6 Eldest Son, The, Marshall... .i2..2.. 43 Elizabeth and Her German Garden, A PHL ithe. tagline se ate ee 12 Elm Island Stories, Kellogg...... re tS ElSupremo; Hil. While wns vs vise ss 16 Emmy Lou, G. M. Martin..... espe 6 Endicott and I, Warner.........0- oZ0 Endymionik eats oe aie ens Biche Enemy of the People, An, 7 bsenck se 24 England and the English from an American Point of View, P. Collier. 39 English Mail Coach, The, and Other Essays, DeQuincey... scsi se cscs ie 34 Enoch Arden, Tennyson.....scccoes 20 Epic, Book of the, Guerber.......... 50 Essayvedlarigles (oe cn beniak oe oe 34 Essays, a Collection of, Fuess....... 35 Essays, English, Bronson........... 35 Essays, a Selection from the Best eOmsh COOVe Wino taco eh ee oe 35 Essays, English and American, Alden 35 Essays and Essay Writing, Tanner... 35 Essays and Literary Studies, Leacock. 33 Essays, Modern, Morley............ 35 Essays of lia, lawptce. eee sae 34 Essays On Art, DYackivr escent wa 7 Essays, Selected, Fuess......0eceeee 35 Evelina: \Biurney.cna. sen tie ene Heats 17 Everyman, (Anonymous). ......000 22 F Fables, Slavens. a. totes Sean ees 34 Face of the Fields, The, Skarp...... 36 PAGE Faerie Queene, The, Spenser........ 28 Fairy Tales, English, Jacobs......... 50 Faith Healer, The. : 2). '« + on see ote 27 Fall of the Year, The, Sharp........ 36 Familiar Letters, Greenlaw.......... 48 Family of the Sun, The, Holden..... 36 Famous Adventures and Prison Es- capes of the Civil War. Johnson... 47 Famous Men of Rome. Haaren...... 46 Famous Mrs. Fair, The, Forbes...... 23 Famous Scouts, Joknston........... 47 Fanciful Tales, Stockion...:....... Fannie’s First Play. G. B. Shaw..... 24 Far Away and Long Ago. W. IT. Hud- SOM 5 incl Rete SW aah ne 43 Father Marquette, Thwaites......... 38 Faust, Goethe 2 vraceueeeeced ose ee Felix Holt, Hoans 2s) ose eee II Field of Glory, The, Sienkiewicz..... 15 Fifty-Four Forty or Fight. Z. Hough. 15 First Bunker Hill Address, Webster... 48 First Inaugural, Lincoln’. 7.02... 20s 48 Eirst Napoleon, Ropes... 01.04 46 First Through the Grand Canyon, OWE . cc oii es in fats ep eee sherman’s Luck, Van Dyke........ 36 Five Nations, Kipling.............. 30 Flight of a Tartar Tribe, The, DeQuincey Mrawciige Los ae 34 Flock The: Astin a oo. Bai ss ee eee 35 Flowing Road, The, C. Whiiney..... 41 Fool, The, Pollock. 05, 220 eae 28 Forest, The, S..£. Wikte.c Je eewees 36 Foresters, The, Tennyson........0s 22 Florida Enchantments. Dimock...... 4I Fortitude, Walpole... ic | Sea eee 9 Forty Years of It, Whitlock......... 43 Forum of Democracy, The.......... 48 Four Million, The, O. Henry........ 18 Four Months Afoot in Spain, Franck. 39 Franklin, Autobiography, Benjamin Franklinw soc csdds tees tae 43 Franklin, Benjamin, Letters of, Bige- LOW? Nae ee eee eee age; French Revolution, Carlyle......... 38 Freshman, The, and His College, Lock- WOOK sik dS oe a een ee 37 Frenzied Fiction, Leacock... ..sa0ennat Fresh Fields, Burroughs. ........... 36 Friend of Caesar, A, W. H. Davis.... 16 Friendly Arctic, The, Stefansson..... 40 Friendly Road, The, Grayson........ 34 Friendship, Black.......... Pee f 32 Friendship, Emerson.) 4... ue ene 35 Friendship Village, Gale........... onto Fritchie, Barbara, Frick te .. ene 22 Frogs, The, Aristophanes.........-. ae Froissart, Boy’s, Lanier. «meee teen 50 From Alien to Citizen, Steiner....... 43 INDEX 55 PAGE From Job to Job Around the World, PCR AN Oe PO Fay ios at oe le ako 39 From Pillar to Post, Bangs.......... 42 From Sail to Steam, Mahan......... 45 From the Deep Woods to Civilization, EMERY. O62) 2. S25 tt ee 43 Fulton, Robert, and the Clermont, Soo 2 Ea ey a tewaee cove nk 45 Gallegher and Other Stories, Davis... 8 Galusha the Magnificent, Lincoln.... 12 Gardens of the Caribbees, Stowe..... 4I Gateway to Sahara, The, Furlong.... 41 Gentle Reader, The, Crothers........ 32 Gentleman of France, A, Weyman... 16 GentlestArt, The, Lucas... J. .seasss 48 Gettysburg Address, Lincoln........ 48 Ghost Girl, The, Stacpoole.......... 13 Girl from the Marshcroft, Lagerlof... 18 Girls Who Became Famous, Bolton... 46 Glengarry Schooldays, Conner....... 10 Glittering Gate, The, Dunsany...... 25 Glorious Rascal, The, McCarthy..... 16 Goblin Market, C. Rossetti..... aah et20 Gods and Heroes, Fancillon......... 49 Gods of the Mountain, Dunsany..... 25 Going Down to Jerusalem, Duncan.. 41 EEG ES ali 0711 ie ee Seem ae a SE? a 25 Go.den Age, The, Graham.......... 18 Golden Age, Story of the, Baldwin... 50 Golden Doom, The, Dunsany....... 25+ Golden Legend, The, Longfellow..... 29 Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics, PR PPD. 5k Sai tanaka. See's ot 31 Golden Windmill, The, and Other ~ Stories, Awmonier.........ce0eee 20 Goldsmith, Life of, Irving.........++ 45 Gondola Days, F. H. Smith.......+- 43 Gosta Berling, Lagerlof... 2. sccceses 18 CePA GV CALC Ole hss Sides le « 3 46 Great Adventure, The, A. Bennett... 23 Great Divide, The, W. V. Moody.... 25 Great English Letter-Writers, The, MRE SR SN, Bt acs! sy nca lel gid, aot AS Ae! ad 48 Great Expectations, Dickens........ II Great Possessions, Grayson..... mn ae. Green Goddess, The, Archer......... 25 Green Mansions, Hudson........... 13 Green Mirror, The, H. Walpole...... os Greenmantle, Buchan. oa. 300s000.5- 7 Grettir the Strong, The Story of, PMR ier a in. 5 9. che Sia sor ee oe ES 49 Grey Room, The, FE. Phillpotis...... 14 Greyfriar’s Bobbie, Atkinson........ 8 Grit-a-Plenty, Wallace............. 7 SoU anh RC old 1WSio8s Us 0. 6b ode Pa a ots 36 Gulliver’s Travels, Swift............ 16 Guy Mannering, Scoit... cies wives sos 14 H PAGE Hale, Letters of Susan, Atkinson..... 47 UE TGME Pel btacieeel ets lag 7a yee ae mane peal 26 Half Hours with the Best Letter Writ- Cla RAUNT ee et taEn gcid ey akin 48 Hamlet, Shakespeare... ..ccccececess 22 EPATICLY WATIGLY pACMCF br¥ «ae dascles a o7k xin 14 Handy Guide for Beggars, Lindsay... 33 Hankey, Donald, Letters of, Hankey. 47 Happy Warrior, The, Hutchinson.... 18 Harbor, The Je P poles. Fx 6 Atos ny 15 Harbor Tales Down North, Duncan.. 19 Haunted Bookshop, The, Morley.... 13 Hunters of the Silences, Roberis...... 36 PALAWAN LFCOt ea cca tae’ ae cs teenies 40 He'and ohie, Crothers, <5. u5 sce ues aes He Knew Lincoln, Tarbell........... 8 Heart of the Ancient Wood, Roberts.. 36 Heart’s Highway, The, Freeman..... IO Helen with the High Hand, A. Bennett 14 Helmet of Navarre, The, Runkle..... 16 Henry Esmond, Thackeray.......... I5 Henry V, Shakes feares ood sess. 22 Here, There, and Everywhere, Hamiul- PFET a ot ae W's cits, Genin Sis. eee + ies 40 Hereward the Wake, Kingsley....... 5 Heritage of Tyre, The, Meloney..... 37 Hero Tales from American History, Lodge and Rooseveli. 2.01... sist 0s 46 Hero Tales of Ireland, Curtin....... 49 Hero Tales of the Far North, Riis... 40 Heroes, Che, Ksnesieyi. i... oi sae 49 Heroes and Hero-Worship, Carlyle... 34 Heroes of Astard, Kearycnt a. o aoa' 49 Heroes of Chivalry and Romance, a TT gel | RA ER GN ie I tes lig: Coy ts | TR 50 Heroes of Ireland, French........... 49 Heroes of Progress in America, Morris 46 Heroes of the Storm, O’Connor...... 37 Heroic Legends, Hebertson.......... 49 Heroines of Service, Parkman....... 47 Heroism io lesicrsor.2 tis ol dct eae ie 35 High Benton, Heyliger......ceccecs Bligh, Tide< Richard ss vac os aan oa. de 31 Hindrances to Good Citizenship, Bryce 37 Hints to Pilgrims, Brooks........... 32 History of Mr. Polly, The, H.G. Wells 13 Flome. i aereriiack or. 4 wees + ocak 25 Home Fires in France, Fisher....... 39 Home Life in Germany, Sidgwick.... 39 Honorable Peter Stirling, The, Ford.. 12 Honour of the School, The, Barbour.. 6 Hoosier Schoolmaster, The, Eggleston. 18 Fiour-tiase Fees. Une keeks ae eae House of Baltazar, The, Locke....... IO House of Mirth, The, Wharion...... 9 House of Rimmon, The, VanDyke... 22 House of Seven Gables, The, Haw- SROTNE. o.¢ 5m RESTAPNG ecastle hielo uae cy oaths II 56 BOOKS FOR HOME READING PAGE How I Found Livingston, Stanley.... 42 How the Other Half Lives, Riis..... 37 How to Judge a Picture, Van Dyke.. 37 How to Listen to Music, Krehbiel.... 37 How to Live on Twenty-four Hours a ay, A Bente ee ee ees 33 Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain..... 5 Hudson, Henry; Janvierscassoescccs 45 Hugh Wynne, dftichell......cccccces 9 Human Machine, The, A. Bennett... 33 Humanly Speaking, Crothers.. 32 Humble Romance, A, and Other stories, Mreeean i254 eee ce os 19 Hungry Hearts, Yezierska.......... 20 Hunting Trips of a Ranchman, Roose- Del OA Waren shee cence at et eres 42 Hunting Wasps, Fabre....... Sy ge ate Huntingtower, Buchan.......e.ee0e: 14 Huxley, Autobiography and Selected Fesays. (Hatley vas ccc. Uae cas 37 Hyacinth Halvey, Gregory......... . 26 Hypatia CR inestey cc cece one eae t5 I Iceland Fisherman, An, Lofi........ 16 Idylls of the King, Tennyson........ 20 If I Were King, M oe she: stevens 8 22 Il Penseroso, Milton. Se ciegioe te wee liad MEneeN sGeks ate wens coe 49 Imaginary Invalid, The, Moliére..... 24 Importance of Being Earnest, The, Wilde PaseR) cod SARE ee ee 23 Impressions of Roosevelt, “Abboit..... 46 In a New Century, artin oe ents 32 In African Forest and Jungle, Du CUE Lh hd eo ave aan es 42 In Desert and Wilderness, Sienkiewicz 5 In Eastern Wonderlands, Gibson..... 40 In Far New Guinea, Newton. ees In Ole Virginia, Page sa Ne ein ee ors Pri) In Our Convent Days, Repplier..... 44 In Our Unknown Southwest, Laut... 40 In the Alaska Wilderness, G. B. Gor- DOM er Mea. cet oid ae eee A ee 39 In the Days of Giants, A. F. Brown.. 49 In the Days of Poor Richard, Bachel- ber Vos he aun ee. ie ki ae 10 In the Forbidden Land, Landor...... 38 In the Hands of a Receiver, Crothers. 32 In the Tennessee Mountains, Craddock 19 In the Track of the Trades, Freeman. 40 In the Valley, Frederick. ........0. £0 In the Wilderness, C. D. Warner..... 36 India; Menpesic. .tes <8 cane ae cle ae aS Indian Boyhood, Eastman shia coeee 43 Indian of Today, The, Easiman....2. 33 Indians of Today, Grinnell....... saree? Ingoldsby Legends, The, Barham.... 30 Inland Voyage, An, Stevenson....e0e 39 PAGE Innocence of Father Brown, The, Chesterton occu. ds own eee Innocents Abroad, The, Mark Twain. 5 Insect Adventures, Fabresi eee 36 Insect World, The, Holden.......... 36 Inside of the Cup, The, Churchill. ... 12 International Arbitration, Schurz.... - 48 Intimate Strangers, Tarkington...... 23 Intruder, The, Maeterlinck...°...... 25 Invisible Man, The, H.G. Wells..... 14 Irish Fairy Tales, Stephen........... 49 Irish Fairy Tales, Yeats. MPP cee ok Trish Folk- History Plays, Gregory... 25 Iron Woman, The, Deland.......... II Irrepressible Conflict, The, Seward... 48 Isle of Vanishing Men, Alder........ 40 Ivanhoe Scolts een ates eee a0 Ivory Trail, The, Mundy.......... a J Jackanapes; \wiigieee es eee 6 James, W., Life and Letters of, W. JS AMES siden eae Leer ee 47 Jane Eyre, Co Bronté2 yi ee 14 Janice Meredith) Word . 7.22. ee 5 Dramatists, Volume III, M. J. Quest, The, Hawes:\ .o.. 52 en eee 17 GSES rete. x} ,521t Soleron, 1 ahkee oeree eke 27 Quinney’s Romance, Vachell........ 23 Plays, Representative One-Act, by Quo Vadis, Stenkiewicz.......... ae ei British and Irish Authors, Clark... 27 PlotsandiMlay wrists fois eters aeteaie 26 R Plutarch’s Lives, Plutarch........ ... 46 Rab and His Friends, Brown........ 20 Poems, British, Huichison...0..00... 31 Race Problem in the South, The, Poems, Modern American, Untermeyer 32 Grady .os i aus. seen ee 48 Poems, Modern British, Untermeyer.. 32 Radical, Evans. .........cccecceecs II Poems, Modern British and American, Raiders, The, .Crockeiii... oe 7 LT ALLINCVOR AEs cats Porat deer eet tae 32 Ramona, H. A. Jackson. 3.0 eee 16 Poetry, Selections from American, Ranch Life and Hunting Trails, LAW Rena Sas Ree Sas eee ar Roosevelt... <0 aca ass se ccte ace 42 Poets, The Chief American, Page.... 31 Ransom’s Folly, Davis. ....0.. 15s 8 Poets;.English (WordJcs. suc. > soe 31. Rape of the Lock, The, Pofe.......; 28 Poets, Little Book of American, Rit- Real Soldiers of Fortune, Davis...... 47 POHNOUSE. Vint ehak as wh ALA ee tee as 31 RealStory of the Whaler, The, A. Pomander Walk, ' Parker yl coe one 22 Ver rill... cigcoia'e dives Dig cae 41 Pool of: stats) bev ages oe cer 6 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, K. D. Pools of Silence, Siacpoole........... ee) Wiggin... 85.00% ws Ae ee 6 Portmanteau Plays, Walker......... 27 Red Badge of Courage, The, Crane.. 17 Portraits of American Women, Brad- Red Belts; Pendexters ... 7.50, % OFA ig SSS ae Pes ee 46 Red Hanrahan, Stories of, Yeats..... 19 Portraits of Women, Bradford....... 46 Red Rock, Page..2. 4c4. eee Io Portygee, ‘Che, Lincoln.) .0 sie: onan 12. Red Rover, The, Cooper... .... sae Potiol Broth, A;k) eats.) space oe 26 Reds of the Midi, Gras..<.. nea 16 Prairie; Cooper aslo Betas sat ade to ~)3>-w Regan, General John, Birmingham... 14 Prester, John, Buchats..6.0. ss. 0eer 7 Return of Peter Grimm, The, Belasco 24 Pride and Prejudice, Austen......... 12 Return of the Native, The, Hardy... 12 Pride of Jennico, The, Castle... ....+ 16 Rewards and Fairies, Kipling....... 20 a) 2 me INDEX 61 PAGE Reynard the Fox, Masefield......... 20 Rhymes of a Red Cross Man, Service. 29 Richard Carvel, W. Churchill........ 8 Richard II and Richard III, Shake- OLE sue a er eae eoccse 22 Rider of the King Log, Day......... Io Riders of the Purple Sage, Z. Grey. 7 Riders to.the Sea, Synge........5..: 26 Right of Suffrage, The, Curtis....... 48 Right of Way, The, G. Parker....... II iieat oval a aseneld fos ie. eee 2 9 Rise of Silas Lapham, The, Howells.. 12 Rising of the Moon, The, Gregory.... 26 Rivals, The, Sheridan, ....scccess:: 22 PUIVEEDV DUITOULHS 6. 5. ce wns cea 36 Riverman, The, S. E. White......... 10 WeNVErsIMGrmscayGs.. sik. Seek ok wee 35 Roaming Through the West Indies, PUEEEG Ps ce Sieve cee Sune sate 4I PCO IEA OEE, i es weletc ens dos seas ESO Robinson Crusoe, Defoe..........+. a Roland, The Song of, (Anonymous). . Roland, The Story of, Baldwin...... : Romance, Book of, Lang Ns gen ee see Romance of Dollard, The, Catherwood : 5 Romance of the Colorado River, Dell- RID MOI Cres Seles ehe cs vite ot eile 42 Romance of the Commonplace, G. PRR eee nc y: ales ctv a aid v eiste ve 34 Pes ECTS eas eo ela cee eee 5 I Roosevelt, Boy’s Life of, Hagedorn... 46 Roosevelt in the Bad Lands, Hagedorn 42 Roosevelt, Letters of, to His Children, Ree en ate tS tee ce (os A7 Roosevelt, Theodore, an Autobiog- PRET A, deems wb Shae Vela dw oi 43 Roosevelt’s Writings, Roosevelt...... 33 Rory O' More, Lever.......... eevee 14 Rough-Hewn, Fisher........ ace LI Round the End, Barbour. ........... 6 Round the World in Eighty Days, VCE CESS Se na ie tein ERA Saal ana 6 Round-about, The, Jameson..... errs Rubaiyat, The, Omar Khayyam...... 28 Rudder Grange, Stockion........... 12 Russian Life, Stories from, Tchekov.. 19 Rutherford and Son, Sowerby........ 24 Ss Sailing Alone Around the World, CSTE LEG cos gg GS Pe PR Ue a oP Sr 38 PRUE MOO DOS. DNase else's oe 9 Baorelown, C.F. Smith. .s cic. e's se 30 Mars eIGMOUS, SACOUS.). 0.0 ree cccle o's 18 Sailor’s Log, A, (Admiral) Evans..... 45 Sarah Crewe and Other Stories, LUE gs ee told ARS Sa oa ar a 8 Sartor Resartus, Carlyle....... veers a4 Piet PICDOOICY ats ces ee nes vote és 9 PAGE Scarecrow, The, Mackaye........... 23 Scarlet Letter, The, Hawthorne...... cr Scarlet Pimpernel, The, Orczy....... 16 Schurz, Autobiography, SOMA & ee 43 Scottish Chietsal. Porter eco. oes te 7 Sea and the Jungle, The, Tomlinson.. 41 Sea-Hawk, The, Sabatini........... T7 Mea-HONS, COOPEr Frac die delclecic'se ale ey: sea Wolte, The: London. o.. sess oe 9 Seats of the Mighty, G. Parker...... 15 Second Inaugural Address, Lincoln... 48 pecond Fost al te: (Lucasonrveses ee x. 48 Secret Garden, The, F. H. Burnett... 6 Seegar, Letters and Diary of Alan, SS CELUP Rye ey as ute cn) es, Hee 47 Selected Letters, Center...........5. 47 Selected Short Poems, Browning..... 30 Self-Cultivation, Palmer SUAS Ree FT 34 Self-Reliance, Liners eine vi 35 Sense and Sensibility, AUSTO Mc cy a: 12 Sentimental Tommy, Barrie......... II Depianitis, Locke epses ioe fae oes fxs 10 Servant in the House, The, Kennedy. 23 Sesame and Lilies, Ruskin........ OSA mEtiOL Ole WAL COnKad: ota Nee. oe 18 Seven Princesses, The, Maeterlinck... 25 SEVEN OCASMIREDINE so cee on. ee 30 Seventeen, Tarkington........s.cee 13 Shakespere, Tales from, Lamb....... Ey shandygall, Ci Morleyac sacs ess ose s She Blows, and Sparm at That, Hoey LUIS Saha ae Dake d aate ee ee 8 Sis ohare She Stoops to Conquer, Goldsmith.... 22 Shenandoah, Howard........cccesee 22 Shepherd’s Life, A, Hudson......... s Sherwood, A. Noy gene ienbinle. Ships and Sailors “of Old Salem, Paine ie Short History of Discovery, Van Loon 47 Short History of the World, Wells... 38 Short Story, The, Atkinson......... 21 DPDOLEMSCOULICSS & eta cee eh stereo 21 Siamese Cat, The, Rideout.......... 5 sicilian Idyls, Dheocritusico.% ce ees 28 Sigurd the Volsung, W. Morris...... 20 Silver Box, The, Galsworthy......... 24 UTM DAS wereue VV NUE. ce Se cae See ¢ 6 simon:+the Jester, -Lockess. ic .2 see 10 Simple Life, The, Wagner........... 33 Sin and Society; Rossii. c'aesslece cee 37 Sinful Peck, M. Roberison........... 9 Sir Nigel, Dove Raa oa at ade nenen Lek 15 Sir Roger de Coverley Papers, Addison GUERALECIE LS. Fea A eS. aM 35 Sketch-Book, The, Irving........... 34 sky Pilot. ThesConner ne 3 eee ote 10 Sleeping Car and the Parlor Car, The, FIDUCU SIG Bec uk fs ae Oe ees 25 minal Craft Ce i, Sinise se one. 30 62 “BOOKS FOR HOME READING Snowbound, Whittier............... Social Life of the Insect World, Fabre. eG Sohrab and Rustum, Arnold........ 29 Soldiers Three, Kipling eh ita bia he 18 Some Impressions of My Elders, ELUNE Any Oc we bin eee ee ee 44 Some Strange Corners of Our Country, LARIS S S ein so ae Siete aoe Os . Somehow Good, DeMorgan......... Son of the Middle Border, A, Garland. ta Son of the State, A, Z. P. ’ Ridge aoe ie 7 Songs of a Workaday World, B. Brad- LOY Si pracais Wena te Minow eee ee eee oe 30 Soul of an Immigrant, The, Panunzio 43 Soul of an Indian, The, Eastman..... 33 Soul of the Black Folk, The, DuBois. 33 South America, Koebel. i... os Sata = eae 31 Travel, Letters of, Kipling.......... BOL Verse, Modern. Forbes. o 22/8) 0. shee irs 31 Traveller, The, Goldsmith........... 28 Verse, Second Book of Modern, Ritien- oravesan Alaska, J.Mur......03+s 30 HOUSES Ra icles Ge kic eect Mee ees 32 Travels with a Donkey, Stevenson.... 39 Verse, Standard English, Pancoast... 31 Treasure Island, Stevenson.......... 9 Vicar of Wakefield, The, Goldsmith .. 17 Treasure Seekers, The, E. Nesbit..... 5 Victor of Salamis, The, W. H. Davis. 7 Trelawney of the Wells, Pinero...... 25 Victoria, Queen, Sirachey.......+... 46 Tremendous Trifles, Chesterton ...... 33 Victorian Anthology, A, Stedman.... 31 Trojan Women, The, Euripides...... SIMO VIEWSAATOOR. LC OMLOG coke cee ee iene 39 True Americanism, Schurz.......... 48 Viking Age, The, DuChaillu......... 49 True George Washington, The, Ford. 46 Virginian, The, Wister.............. 10 Truth About Blayds, The, Milne.... 24 Virginibus Puerisque, Sievenson...... 34 atmo, Che, Torkingion........... 12 Vision of Sir Launfal, Lowell........ 30 erent. butt, 7 7ain.. cise es 205.) Viteau, story of; Slecktow.. oo ues. cs: 7 Twelfth Night, Shakespeare......... gam Viva: Mexico, Plandraus. a. a3 eae 40 Twelve Centuries of Prose and Verse, Vocations for Girls, Weaver......... 37 UME Re ee ony se ahs wk Git 31. Voyage in the Sunbeam, Brassey..... Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Voyage to the Arctic in the Whaler PONY c's? ate, ches: de ydverns o's peers 6 Alrora A Auasay os ee) ae ba poe 40 Twenty-three Tales, Tolstoz......... 19 Voyages of Captain Scott, Turley.... 40 Twenty Years at Hull House, J. Voysey Inheritance, The, G. Barker.. 23 RE CRE ge os) Sih oh wel 90h oS 44 aeeoerndmirals: Cooper... 2.0. .ccees’ 17 WwW Two Years before the Mast, Dana... 40 Waiting in the Wilderness, FE. A. Mills 39 Two Years in the Forbidden City, Der Wake Robin, 36 PTW ILE. be ssc cass ae ar ee Aten WAI ed HOVE... Soe ee tea 36 64 BOOKS FOR HOME READING PAGE PAGE jf Walking Shadows, Noyes........... 18 Wilderness, R. Kentcc 2 een 30 bs Walking-Stick Papers, Holliday...... 32 Wilderness Hunter, A, Roosevelt. Bese fe 42 War in the Air, The, Wells.......... 6. Windy Hill, Meigs 0.5 Saas ea 67 it pace of Edmond Genet, Chap- Wing-and-Wing, Cooper...........-. 17 § Ge Cae GS gate are en meen Ss Winning of the West, The, Roosevelt.. 33 } War of the Worlds, The, Wells...... 6 Winter’s Tale, Shakespeare........06 22 4 Warden, The, T rollo pe. ee he alae .». 12. Wisconsin Plays, age Wards of Liberty, Telly oe eas .eee-- 20 Wisdom of Father Brown, The, Chest- Warren Hastings, Macaulay......... 35 Orion... saad ao Video 20 Hie Washington, George, Scudder........ 46 With Fire and Sword, Sienkiewicg.... 15 © Washington, the Man Who Made Us, With Poor Emigrants to America,Gra- — §j MARU NE ENGR cs akc uals elats ode ad ae 22 Lh RP acc 39 $ Water Babies, The, Kingsley........ 6 Woman in the Wilderness, A, W. — Watcher in the Woods, A, Sharp.... 36 J GMES Nos se gas oes - 40 Watchers of the Trail, Roberts....... 36 Woman Tenderfoot, A, Seton........ 40 Wayfarer in China, A, Kendall...... 42 Women in American History, Has- (ium Well of the Saints, Synge........... 26 brOUCR os). oases 2 ae ee 47 Ye Wellesley Stories, Cook..... SE es 20 Wonder Book, Hawthorne. ... ), gee 40 (ieee Welsh Fairy Tales, Griffis........... 50 Wonderful Visit, The, H.G. Wells... 15 iim Westward Ho, C. Kingsley.......... 15 Wood-Fire in No. 3, The, F. H. Smith 19 (Hai Whale Hunting with Gun and Camera, Works and Days, H. Mabie......... 34. 4 OSes ech spe Ha 4s 41 Worker and His Work, The, Center.. 37% What Can Literature Do For Me? Workhouse Ward, Gregory . ton 26 ieee TPR MIME Be ech sin, oe Agia is yo 34 Working My Way Around the World, ‘trie What Every Woman Knows, Barrie.. 25 L. M. Franck... 2)... 30 Mae What Men Live By, Cabot.......... 33. Works of Man, The, Phillips....... ae What the Public Wants, Bennett..... 25 World I Live In, The, Keller.......% 33 What’s Wrong with the World, Chest- World’s Best Orations, The, Brewer.. 48 SFE canto ee ee chee ane 33 World’s Greatest Stories, Cody...... 24 When I Was a Boy in Russia, Mokrie- Would-be-Goo's, The, E. Nesbit..... DEC es he nigh inne pita we 44 Wreck of the Grosvenor, The, W. C. When I Was a Girl in Italy, Ambrosi. 44 KCUSSOILSG ot cate eee is ee cee ot ag Where the Blue Begins, Morley...... 1 While Paris Laughs, Morley......... 19 e) White Company, The, Doyle........ 15 Yankee Girl at Bull Run, A, Curtis.. 7 WaitetHane Londons i cccien sew ce oe 8 Yankee Ships and Sailors, Barnes.... 37 White Shadows in the South Seas, F. Year with a Whaler, A, W. N. Burns. 40 Didsttere yi Mas» sot mars Puke ONS ae bec 4c Yellow Jacket, The, Hasleton........ 23 Nhite Umbrella in Mexico, A, F. H. Yesterdays with Authors, Fields..... 44 RMIT ae Paneer ks Sip his ate. Be nO hes Hes 40 You Are the Hope of the World, Hage- White-Headed Boy, The, Robinson... 25 Why Go to College, Palmer........+ 37 Wild Animal! Ways, Seton....... 5 aS Wild Animals I Have Known, Seton. . ae Wild Brothers, Underwood.......... 46 Wild Life of Orchard or Field, Inger- SOUS < atte ie savoir als ves 36 d09N .) boise kt ee 33 eee You Never Can Tell, G. B. Shaw.... 24 ‘ie Young Surveyor, The, Trowbridge.... 6 Youth, Conrad... ... si cesses cee Z Zone Policeman 88, Franck......... 41. whe, reve see cetrs