; a Ro ged Se ee Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Egypt, = and the Progress of Reforms. [In continuation of Egypt No. 1 (1894) :” ©. 7308. ] Lord Cromer to the Karl of Kimberley.—(Received March 4.) My Lord, _ Cairo, February 22, 1895. _I HAVE the honour to submit my Annual Report on the progress made in the various Administrative Departments of the Egyptian Government during the year 1894. 1. Pinance.*® The history of Egyptian finance since 1892 has been briefly as follows :— During the first four years of the British occupation the Egyptian Treasury was engaged in a struggle which Mr. Milner, in his work on Egypt, has very aptly termed the ‘‘race against bankruptcy.” The aggregate deficits, including extraordinary expen- diture, during the four years 1888-86, both inclusive, amounted to & EK. 2,762,000, then the tide turned. During the seven years, 1887-93, both inclusive, the aggregate surplus amounted to £ E. 3,299,000. ‘Thus the solvency of the Egyptian ‘lreasury appeared to be assured. © Quite recently an impression has toa certain extent gained ground that the financial situation of the Egyptian Government has, in some measure, deteriorated. Under these circumstances I may perhaps be rendering a service of some utility if I state what are the main facts of that situation. A statement of this nature is all the more necessary by reason of the extremely complicated system adopted for balancing the accounts of the Egyptian Government. This system is imposed on the Egyptian Government by various International Agreements into which it has from time to time entered, The Estimates for the year 1894 \were as follows :— £E. Reyenue 20 eo eo eo eo ea 10,075,000 Expenditure Per cent. £E. Per cent Owners of 5 feddans and under 513,080 933,700 21,400 - 2°29 573,300 7°82 *f 5 to 10 feddans 75,130 552,700 16,000 2°90 392,200 3°35 LE aewmO 4,209. 4; 39,620 560,300 20,400 3°64 407,700 Sey, ee DO» sO) 55 13,140 326,100 19,600 6:0 307,200 4°20 ys Ons, OG , ry 8,980 347,800 25,900 7°44 409,900 5°60 », more than 50 feddans 11,430 2,000,700 292,300 14°60 5,233,000 71°46 Total 661,380 4,721,300 395,600 8°38 7,323,300 100°00 31 An examination of this Table shows that the indebtedness under mortgage so far ore-third of that sum; and, in the second place, it is clear from the figures *in Yfersiica of the sum mentioned by the Legislative Council only amounts to about ws Fu if. tie Table, that at least four-fifths of the debt falls to land-owners possessing more _ than 10 feddans of land, and that among these, owners of 50 feddans and more are answerable alone for more than 71 per cent. of the total ascertained indebtedness under mortgage. fe The following analysis furnishes interesting details for each province :— Provinces, oes Lower Ecyrt. Menoufieh ne ae ee Kallioubieh ., aa os Gharbieh ar at re Dakahlieh Aa 6 Ckarkieh oe Beherah or oe Total Ae Fie Uprrer Eoyrpr. Hedoud RG ae ac Kena A as ‘ Fayoum Ae ee oe : M inia ae ee ee Assiout Ae ct av] Beni-Souef .. Ae A Guerga fc es ee Guizeh a #. 06 Total ate ae Grand Total for the whole of Egypt Ap Taxpayers. Number. 93,480 36,380 80,280 49,080 44,430 37,760 341,460 31,990 36,330 31,050 24,310 69,539 25,140 74,410 27,160 oe 319,920 naa 661,380 Area taxed. Feddans, 350,700 188,700 705,800 448,300 459,900 670,500 a a re | ee a 2,823,900 72,100 298,100 158,100 264,500 374,000 218,200 333,600 178,800 1,897,400 4,721,300 eee cine ee | eet nen Area mortgaged. —— os Feddans. 25,200 14,300 59,900 43,200 57,400 84,100 284,100 1,000 6,700 6,800 13,500 22.500 14,100 24,100 22,800 sees 111,500 395,600 Total indebtedness under Mortgage. £ #, 553,700 297,300 1,445,800 1,131,500 975,800 1,318,000 5,722,100 | mes Ce Cee | Hee 10,300 85,000 44,900 141,400 270,900 348,100 420,600 230,000 1,601,200 7,323,300 Ratio of area mortgaged to area taxed. Per cent, 7°20 7°58 8°48 9°63 12°40 12°54 “40 “24 30 10 ‘00 46 22 12°75 5°87 STO GOV em DO 8°88 Cairo, January 24, 1895, (Signed) ELWIN PALMER, EGYPT. No. 1 (1895). Report on the Finances, Administration, anc Condition of Egypt, and the Progress of Reforms. [In continuation of “ Egypt No. 1 (1894) :” C. 7308. ] ———eEe=—=—————— Presented to buth Houses of Parliament by Com- mand of Her Majestu. April 1895. Sa ae Laie : e ‘LONDON: PRINTED BY HARRISON AND 80NS. UA 3 0112 058