TOPOGRAPHICAL BOTANY PART FIRST. , O F TH L U N 1 V E: R.5 ITY or ILLl NOIS W33t BIOLOGY 7 TOPOGRAPHICAL BOTANY. BEING LOCAL AND PEESONAL RECOEDS TOWAEDS SHEWING THE DISTRIBUTION OF BRITISH PLANTS TRACED THROUGH THE 112 COUNTIES AND VICE-COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. BY HEWETT COTTRELL WATSON. BANUNCUZiACEJE — CONIFER JE. PRINTED THAMES D IT TON. FOR PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION 1873. ONLY. LONDON : NEWMAN, PRINTEH, DEVONSHIRE STREET, BISHOrSGATE. Bt.OLOGY. W 33t: PREFACE TO PART FIRST. A DIVISION of this work into two or more Parts lias become a matter of necessity or forced convenience, more than one of preference. At the time of writing and printing the Intro- \ duction, it was hoped by the wiiter that he would be able to i keep ahead of the printer uninterruptedly until the whole series \ of Orders should be completed. Under that expectation a sS "First Volume" was there mentioned, with the possibility of a " Second " to follow. But the Dicotyledonous Orders only were got tlirough (in the winter of 1872-3) before the diverging avocations of summer obliged the Compiler's pen to be set aside until a succeeding winter. ^ Practically the choice lay between postponement of the whole, or distribution of the completed portion of the volume as a Part First; leaving the Monocotyledonous Orders, together with the needful personal and local explanations about the r authorities cited, to follow as a Part Second. Should the rr* chances of life and health be such as to prevent the appearance of that continuation, the want of it may perhaps assist in ^ shewing that such a work comx)leted might have proved more ^ useful to botanists of a future generation, than some among those of the present generation appear disposed to believe or to i acknowledge. ^ But looking forward to a Second Part, intended to include ^ the comparatively few remaining Orders, there may likely be p some spare space therein for additions relating to those Orders -J which are treated in this First Part. If competent botanists ^ who receive copies of this present Part, will glance through the lists, in order to examine those counties with the plants of (V which they are best acquainted, and will then communicate . any additions or important corrections, these may very likely 0 be in time for insertion at the end of a Part Second. Failing . space there, it may appear desirable to make a Sujyplementaru 4 or 'J'hird Part for them. Indeed, the bringing together most ^ of what is known, has the incidental advantage of drawing iv PREFACE. attention to the unknown or the overlooked details ; which thus may sooner become known and noted. The serial arrangement of the sioecies corresponds with that of the 'London Catalogue of British Plants.' The nos. correspond with those of the ' Catalogue' ; as, also, with those prefixed to the names of species in other works by the same writer ; subject, however, to some few changes which have been gradually and unavoidably made in the numeration, during the thirty years which have elapsed since the first edition of that Catalogue was written. The Sixth Edition of the Catalogue is the one which will best serve for a systematic Index to this present Work. Notwithstanding some occasional changes, chiefly through additions or subdivisions of species, it will be found that the approximate uniformity of sequence and numbering, which has been adliered to in the same writer's several books, will much facilitate references from one to another of them. The small Map, mentioned on page 21, is postponed. A temporary substitute will be loosely introduced. If this latter should be wanting in any copy of the book sent out, an application for it can bo made to the Author. The number of printed copies of this work is limited to one hundred. With so small an impression the copies can be distributed only among those botanists who have rendered efficient assistance to the Compiler in bringing together the mass of details from which the printed records have been selected. Uncertainty as to their present addresses may lead to some of those kind correspondents being seemingly over- looked. Besides those who are deceased, there are others still living who have withdrawn from botanical pursuits, and who consequently would now care nothing about a book of mere details. The numerous deductions thus to be taken, from the full list of past correspondents, wiU perhaps make the hundred copies suffice for supplying those among the remainder who may desire to possess this work. Thames Ditton, Kingston, Surrey. July, 1873. INTEODUCTOEY EXPLANATIONS. In former works by the writer of this volume a wish was repeatedly expressed, that his records showing distribution of plants, might be carried downwards from provinces into the more copious details of county habitats ; at the same time, indicating also the testimony, in reliance on which the distribution of the plants could be so set forth. The citation of such personal testimony would equally corroborate their pro- vincial distribution, as previously set forth in the ' Cybele Britannica ' and connected works ; in which the counties have been usually treated in provincial and sub -provincial groups, not singly or further divided into vice-counties, as they are now to be taken here. For example, in here stating personal authorities for the counties of (say) Cornwall and Devon and Somerset, one or two for each county, three to six such autho- rities will thus be adduced for the existence of the plant in the province of the Peninsula ; also one or two for the dispersed existence of it in each of the three Peninsula sub-provinces. It is to be understood, indeed, that one chief purpose in entering upon the comital details, is that of doing somewhat tardy justice to those botanists, whose labelled specimens and manuscript notes and local lists have often proved so useful to the Author, while writing the ' Cybele Britannica ' and allied works. He has always felt it incumbent upon him, and due to those valued correspondents (alas, too many of them now no more) that some method should be found for at any rate par- tially putting on permanent record his great obligations to them. To do so, is to pass down to a succeeding generation the clearest evidence, not only on which of the botanists of the current period the progress of topographical botany has so largely B 2 INTRODUCTION. depended, but also on which of them the Author of the ' Cybele Britannica ' has found reason to place a preferential reliance, on the ground of scientific competence and moral trust ; the latter sometimes unfortunately wanting in cases where the former might otherwise have sufficed. Very recently, on page 178 of a ' Supplement to the Com- pendium of Cybele Britannica,' an intimation was reluctantly given, that the projected work on county distribution might likely be relinquished, and for reasons there mentioned. That intimation drew forth from several botanical friends their expressions of regret at the probable failure thus to complete the contemplated series of books on the geographical and topograpical botany of Britain. It has been forcibly urged that a present summary of comital distribution would certainly prove serviceable hereafter, and so far as it should reach, even although anticipated events might suddenly occur to prevent its entire completion. To this argument must be added the further inducement, that even a fragment of the projected work, although never completed, would to some extent single out and show the names of those botanists, on whose aid antece- dent works have so much depended. Another and larger section of botanical friends, particularly among those who take the highest positions of botanical autho- rity, very strongly objected against the avowed intention to destroy the Author's herbarium of British plants, as mentioned in connexion with the probable abandonment of the work on county distribution. The two questions are connected together more closely than may be apparent on first thought ; at any rate, so connected together in the writer's own ideas and plans. While a work on county distribution can be proceeded with, so long at least the herbarium must be preserved, in order to cite from it the personal testimony afforded by its numerous labels. The reasons for its early destruction, too, maybe said to become lessened in proportion to the progress made in recording county habitats, because the records themselves will frequently show INTRODUCTION. 3 the -proi^eY present nomenclature of specimens differently labelled in the herbarium. Moreover, in looking regularly through the collection for such a purpose, some alterations or explanations would probably be made, such as might never be made without that sort of compulsory opportunity. Still, the inclination to destroy it remains unchanged ; and the reasons for so doing appear valid and cogent. The existing peculiarities of the collection, which would render it liable to be misunderstood or misused, if left without counter-check, may be briefly adverted to here, as bearing intimately on the object of this volume, and more particularly in its citation of personal testimony derived from labelled si^eci- mens. The herbarium has been in course of collection during many years ; the time ranging from the student life of the collector to old age, say, through the dates of 1830 — 1870 and something over. Gradually, during those two score years and upwards, many changes have been made in the nomenclature of the plants ; and those name-changes not seldom arising out of changed views on the hmits and distinctions of species. Thus, the names entered in the herbarium often will require to be construed with strict reference to dates, and by botanists sufficiently familiar with the botanical histories of the species to w^hich they are applied. Young botanists are always more or less deficient in this requisite ; and the conceited and self- confident among them naturally misinterpret their own mental vacuities into errors on the part of the labelling herbalist. In various instances a name formerly used by common con- sent, and thus designating a plant for the time being, has been subsequently transferred to quite a distinct plant ; another name being then bestowed upon the plant formerly so designated. And as we cannot teach or persuade every botanist forthwith to understand and accept the change of nomenclature, there comes an intermediate or transition period ; during which the name is still used in the earlier sense or application by some botanists, while it is applied in the later sense by other botanists. And thus. 4 INTRODUCTION. in a collection gradually accumulating during a series of years, and drawn together from many sources, the very same plant will appear labelled under different names, or different plants will have the same name applied to them. Such cases as these cannot rightly be called blunders in nomenclature either by sender or by receiver, although they might readily be supposed so on a cursory glance at the labels, without taking special note of their dates, with the explanations which the dates ought to suggest ; usually w^ould suggest to the experienced botanist, who had watched the gradual name-changes through a long life -time. An example may render this more clear. In the time of Hudson and Smith, and even several years later, the name of Oenanthe pimpinelloides was in general use to designate the plant now better known to most of us by the name of Oenanthe Lachenalii ; the former name being now as generally given to another plant abundantly different. Of course, specimens labelled pimpinelloides'' in (say) 1820 — 1840 would very usually be the same with specimens labelled " " in (say) 1850 — 1870 ; while, during the intermediate years 1840 — 1850 and even later, some botanists would assign the one name, some botanists would assign the other name, to specimens of the plant in question. The difference here, although a sort of misnomer, would not properly imply error on the part of either set of labellers ; it might arise simply from one of them adher- ing to the nomenclature of (say) Smith, and the other of them adopting the altered nomenclature of (say) Babington. Another mode in which the right reading of a name turns on the date of its use, arises out of the modern tendency to divide and subdivide the species accepted as such by our predecessors. When aggregate species ABC comes to be divided into three segregate species A and B and C, the old name which desig- nated the aggregate, is too usually retained with a changed and restricted meaning to designate A only; other names being found for B and C. Equally in this second class of cases a INTRODUCTION. 6 confusion of nomenclature arises. The aggregate species ABC may chance to be represented in an herbarium by specimens of any one, or of two, or of all three segregates ; placed there under one and the same name, that is, under the original name which subsequently has come to mean A only ; while at a later date other specimens of B and of C may have been placed with the former, and then labelled under their newer names. In appearance, at some after time, there will be great confusion among the plants and names, if examined by succeeding botanists unprepared to apply the necessary explanations by reference to past dates and name-changings. An example may again be useful in illustration of this. At past dates, say 1830 — 1840, the name Potamogeton natans may have been written, without any real blunder or misnomer, on a label attached to a specimen of Potamogeton j^ohjgonifoluis, or on another connected with a specimen of Potamogeton plantagineus. These labels were correct according to the ideas of the species formerly accepted, and even still so accepted as lately as the date of Bentham's Handbook in 1858. But at more recent dates, say between 1860 — 1870, and tested only by the views about these plants subsequently accepted among us, the labels might appear to be errors of names ; that is, unless the former triple ai)plication of the one name natans were steadily kept in recollection. An herbarium formed during the years 1830 — 1870 may thus represent any diversities of nomenclature currently used in books during the same period, or even long antecedently, according to the descriptive books relied on by the labellers. Besides those two sources of misnomer — or, discords connected with dates, rather than real errors of name — there have been purposely glued into the herbarium, here referred to, not a few actual errors of name on the labels with specimens ; some of them very wide errors indeed. Two useful ends were sought in thus preserving specimens sent with wrong names on their labels. First, when the locality has been actually recorded in books for the wrong plant, the contradiction between label and 6 INTRODUCTION. specimen will yield the clue to correct the rais -records ; and in this way a mislabelled specimen may be found more valuable than one rightly labelled. In other cases, when several labels meet together, all alike assigning the same wrong specific or varietal name to several specimens of the same species or variety, the inference becomes unavoidable and the suspicion warranted, that a like misnomer may have occurred in other analogous instances, where now only a printed record remains to guide our judgment. Again, let an example or two be given in illustration of such wide misnomers. In the herbarium under consideration there is a specimen of Stellaria graminea, sent to the Botanical Society of London labelled as Linum catharticum ; and more strangely, the label is initialed by the then Curator and Secretary of the Society (both deceased) in order to certify the correctness of the name. Of course, this specimen with its label finds place in the herbarium simply as an instructive curiosity ; but how easy for some self-conceited or malicious detractor to make a parade of his own superiority by pretending to correct an obvious blunder as if it had been shared in by the owner of the her- barium ! A rather curious form of mislabelling arises through some similiarity of name in sound or in meaning. For instance, Poterium Sanguisorha mislabelled Sanguisorha ojjicmalis, and that done by a very good and well-known botanist. So, an example of Potentilla rupestris until lately might be seen labelled as Potentilla alpestris, and localised on the Breadalbane Moun- tains ; the specimen and locality attributed to Dr. Greville. The false locality got into print during the life-time of that accurate and very estimable botanist, who disclaimed it alto- gether. The "specimen had come to the Botanical Society of London, through the hands of a lady equally a member of the Edinburgh Society. Either by herself, or by the distributor of the latter society, a Welsh specimen of Potentilla rupestris had been substituted for a Scottish specimen of Potentilla alpestris. INTRODUCTION. 7 The lady alluded to certainly distributed numerous specimens of other plants which had assuredly never been gathered in the localities written on theu' labels, and several of these apparently had come to her hands through the Botanical Society of Edin- burgh. Her labels will be ignored in this book. The special case under allusion, be it kept in recollection, is that of an extensive British herbarium, gradually collected together during a period of forty years and upwards, and con- tributed to by botanists of widely unequal age and botanical experience, and whose own labels are usually glued down with the specimens. These are cu'cumstances tending much to in- crease the discrepancies of nomenclature, and to endanger mistakes in consulting the herbarium. Unless a posthumous inspector of it be duly prepared to examine the specimens and labels with constant reference to the received views about species and their nomenclature, currently in use at and before its many dates, he will himself almost inevitably misread differences of name into errors of name. And further, on seeing various specimens preserved there positively under erroneous names, — and not aware that in most of such in- stances the misnomers were actually the chief inducement to preserve the specimens, — he may choose to attribute to ignorance on the part of the former owner of the herbarium, what would be more truly attributable to the imperfect character of his own acquaintance with that owner's motives, or with the past history of the species. A conscientious inspector might be unwittingly misled in such instances. An unscrupulous one might very willingly be so, in order to get a plausible oppor- tunity for announcing pretended corrections, or for showing off his own detective cleverness. To suggest this latter supposition, is expressing a low estimate of the consciences of some of the botanists who have most distinguished themselves by raking up little things out of old herbaria ; but it is an estimate sadly founded on facts, — on acts done and statements printed. Certain botanists, who now seek to make themselves thus conspicuous, 8 INTRODUCTION. appear unable to understand the difference between criticism freely expressed and criticism falsely expressed ; perversely sub- stituting the latter under pretence ot the former. Unfortunately, in mounting specimens in the herbarium here specially referred to, as they were received from their collectors or donors, the importance of glueing down also the actual labels which accompanied the specimens, was at first not sufficiently recognized ; and thus some of the names (misnomers included) are entered there in the receiver's own handwriting while fasten- ing down the specimens ; such names not always written within inverted commas, although usually thus written to remind that the specimens came so named, right or wrong as the case might be. Altogether, a good many explanatory notes and some corrections would be required in the herbarium, before its present owner could prudently leave it as a posthumous collection for other eyes and hands. To return from a digression, though one more explanatory than irrelevant. Admitted the desirability of making some printed record of the local facts shown on the labels of speci- mens in the writer's herbarium ; also, in his manuscript notes and in local lists furnished to him by other botanists, several of them now deceased. This being admitted, — How can a record of presently ascertained plant-distribution, carried into the de- tails of counties, be effected within any moderate compass of text ? — or, even be compiled at all, with approximate accuracy and completeness, in a short span of time ? What will be the number of pages absolutely necessary for carrying out the object ; economy in the money cost, and also in the time of writing and printing, both taken into account. Both must be found by the writer himself, seeing that he will not print any sale copies of a work so uncertain of reaching a completion ; and which, moreover, must unavoidably include a full share of the errors and oversights inseparable from a first attempt of its kind, and one brought out under very unfavourable conditions INTRODUCTION. 9 of age and leisure. Doubtless, all botanists of liberal thought will look chiefly to what a first such compilation may accom- plish under difficult circumstances, not to what it leaves non- accompHshed; but Hberahty of thought is far from universal. In the ' Compendium of Cybele Britannica ' the Index of names, specific and varietal, counts up to 2600 ; of which (say) 100 may be only second names for the same identities. But numerous varietal names of ferns and grasses, of brambles and briers, of mints and hawkweeds, and of some smaller genera, do not appear in that Index ; so that we should be counting considerably under the full figure in taking only 2500 named species and varieties for the alleged flora of Britain. Say, that we should not much exceed the mark by taking it at 3000, including aU the named varieties, all the yearly increasing casual plants, and aU others improperly reported as quasi- wild in Britain. The number of counties, along with the subdivision of the larger counties into vice-counties, amounts to 112; many of the commoner plants occurring in aU or nearly all of these counties. Perhaps we may fairly take 50 counties and vice-counties, something under the half, as an average number for each plant. Multiply the one figure by the other, 8000 by 50, and the result would appear- in the fearful number of 150,000 special items or facts, real or imaginary ; each of these items consisting of the name of a county or vice-county, along with the name of at least one botanist selected as voucher or testifier to the fact. It is difficult to conceive any method by which these double names could be clearly quoted, without allowing on the average a half line of text to each pair of them. Now, 75,000 lines printed at the close rate of 40 lines to a page, over and above the space needed for plant-names, would require 1875 pages of text, without reckoning in the extra pages further required for necessary Explanations, Index, &c. Altogether, a .work so in- clusive might run up to four volumes of 500 pages each ; the expense of printing which would be much too great for the 0 10 INTRODUCTION. object sought ; besides the adverse consideration, that it would never attain to a completion. The work cannot be undertaken at all, unless under some plan which will reduce this terrible length into the compass of a single volume at first, with a pos- sible second for plants discarded from the first volume. Such was the division 'of the plants into two categories, in lately writing the three successive Parts of the 'Compendium of Cybele Britannica ; ' so that the two earlier Parts would have formed a completed work of themselves, even although not followed by a Third Part, nor this again by a ' Supplement.' In yet more lately treating of plant -distribution by secondary provinces, or sub -provincial groups of counties, in that ' Sup- plement ' to the last-named work, a closer condensation was effected in a manner which cannot here be resorted to for the counties. The needed condensation was there effected by omitting references to personal or individual authorities, with some few occasional exceptions, — by resorting to the nos. instead of the names of the sub-provinces, — and by so placing the little word "to" as to make it represent any continuous series of nos. between the two extremes of 1 and 38. But in this present work the object specially in view, is that of recording the names of personal authorities or witnesses ; con- nected also with the names of counties and vice -counties, lest the longer series of 112 nos., instead of names for the latter, should be found to over-tax and confuse memory in their prac- tical application. A reduced selection of the plants to be treated, and a reduced selection of the counties to be nominally enumerated for them, offer the only available modes for bringing the work within the narrowed bulk of a single volume, to which any second is unlikely to be added. A selection of the plants can be made by limiting them to the more generally known and accepted species, whether aggregates or segregates ; excluding for the present most of the varieties, along with the aliens, casuals, errors, etc. A selection of the counties may be made by limiting the enumeration of INTRODUCTION. 11 their names to those of counties from which the plant has been reported on fair authority, as being presumably indigenous there, denizens and colonists here ranking with truer natives. Other counties can be sufficiently shown by their nos. only ; that is, those supposed to have been erroneously reported for the plant, and those into which it is believed to have been intro- duced by human agency alone. Those in support of which the recorded authority appears to be insufficient for scientific rehance will be left out or grouped with the former. Any botanist who has glanced at the array of enclosed nos. in the recently printed ' Supplement ' above mentioned, will have seen how numerous a portion of the recorded habitats there came under one or other of the two categories, — the non-indigenous ( ) or the supposed errors [ ] . These prehminary observations on the end sought, and the difficulties in attaining it, will facihtate an understanding of the methods resorted to for that purpose ; — here resorted to, not because they are the best possible, but because they appear to be practically best under the circumstances. Except in the cases of the commoner plants, aU the counties will be enu- merated by name and no. under each species treated; that is, all which have been found recorded on authority sufficiently rehable, and without being too exacting in the test ; a change to nos. only being made for sake of brevity under the conditions mentioned above. It is to be distinctly understood, however, that the enumera- tion of counties does not undertake or profess to be absolutely exhaustive of aU records of the kind. On the contrary, it is to be understood as including only those which came under the compiler's consideration while writing the ' Cybele Britannica ' and its Compendium ; with the further addition of others directly browjht to his notice on good personal authority at any later date. The name of a personal authority or witness for the county is V 1^ INTRODUCTION. added from one of the three following sources. First, the labels of specimens (sp.) still preserved in the Compiler's herbarium, or which have passed through his hands for inspection. In the former of these two cases the specimen may have reached the herbarium through intermediate persons, the donor and collector not being identical ; and as the space at command cannot admit two or three names, sometimes it may be the name of donor, sometimes that of collector, which is cited ; usually, the latter. Second, other manuscript (ms.) notes of localities communicated by correspondents, on whose good faith and prevailing accuracy due reliance can be placed. These notes have frequently been sent in the form of remarks in letters, and some of them afterwards withdrawn or corrected ; and it is possible that, in now reverting to them for use here, the first remark may turn up again apart from the forgotten correction. Third, local catalogues (cat.) of plants drawn up by botanists resident in or visiting the places to which the catalogues are made to relate. These lists have usually been made out by marking in a copy of the 'London Catalogue of British Plants ' the names of all those actually seen by the marker within the area under consideration ; separate marks being used to distinguish between the indigenous and introduced plants. No fixed rule can be laid down as to precedence in the citations ; perhaps most usually a preference will be given to the " sp." But '* cat." may often come more readily to hand, and thus be cited instead, without always implying that no specimen has been seen from the county. The printer is instructed to leave out the abbreviations (sp. ms. cat.) if want of space in the half line may render such an omission necessary. Only a single selected authority can be cited within the space allotted ; although in many cases there may be several manuscript authorities in addition to others already in print elsewhere. Further, the sign of certainty (!) will follow the names of INTRODUCTION. 13 counties in wliicli the plant has been seen by the Compiler himself, and some note of the fact kept as an aid to memory. This abbreviation will double the testifiers to several of the counties, and without any real increase of text. It must often be omitted, however, through failure of memory or absence of memorandum. The occasional exchange to italic letters will indicate a decided suspicion that the plant is non- indigenous in the county so distinguished, neither native nor sufficiently established and constant to be properly taken into the category of denizen or colonist. The obelisk sign (f) affixed after the name of a botanist, will signify that he men- tions or marks the plant as being likely an introduction ; but individual botanists apply the mark so unequally or dissimilarly, one compared with another, that a free leave of choice must be taken here in the addition or omission of it ; the more so, because the alternative signs (" f ) are reduced to the single one (f ). The query (?) will indicate more or less of doubt or uncertainty. Printed books will be referred to so seldom and exceptionally that it may be taken for a fixed rule (not quite invariably adhered to) that only original loersonal authorities will be cited) and these shown by manuscripts in the compiler's own possession ; and the counties which can be so vouched will be seen to be numerous. Those names of counties which are unconnected with the name of some botanist, or by the sign of certainty (!) above explained, must be understood to rest solely on some such authority announced elsewhere. Space and time sufficing, some explanations concerning those autho- rities may possibly be appended after the detail of counties. Published works of coui'se are open to any else, equally as to the compiler of this book ; and those who require their personal authorities can consult the local Floras and other publications for them, equally as done by the writer of this book. Usually, the personal witnesses, as cited by surnames herein, will be amply sufficient to show and prove the true 14 INTRODUCTION. area of distribution apart from undue extension tlirough errors, or tlirough reprehensible efforts to represent artificial habitats as natural or indigenous ones. Eeferences to books are advisedly omitted. The quarter line of space, available after the name of county, will commonly suffice for the citation of a single surname ; although the same short space would prove insufficient for surnames accompanied by book references in extenso ; — for instance, such references as these : Hiern, in Jour. Bot. vol. iii. p. 328. Hemsley, in Jour. Bot. vol. vi. p. 263. Forster, in Jour. Bot. 1867, p. 76 [73] . Wintle, in Jour. Bot. 1867, p. 279. Gibson, in Jour. Bot. vol. vi. p. 319. Unfortunately, a foolish declaration has been set forth in the Journal of Botany (partly under the editorial control of Mr. J. G. Baker) that citations of books more abbreviated than above shown are insufficient for botanical service. Thus, in the present case, where only a quarter line or less is available, the guilt of " insufficiently " quoting must be avoided by the counter rule of not quoting journals or other books at all ; resting content with those surnames only, which are uncon- nected with volumes and pages. If this present work should attain an enduring completeness, some botanists of the future will find out more practically than gratefully, through these advised omissions, that abbreviated citations of authorities might have usefully subserved one purpose, — say, that of simply showing an authority, — although not so full or lengthened as to subserve also every other possible purpose for which quotations might be made available, if made under the condition of unlimited space for them to be printed in extenso. The narrow-mindedness and the short-sightedness of the Journal's rule should be disclaimed by Mr. Baker him- self; it being a rule well adapted only to those writers who seek to expand their owu minimum additions to science into a INTRODUCTION. 16 maximum of printed text ; while it becomes ridiculously inap- plicable to those who seek to compress the information they include on the opposite principle, on that of making up a multum in 2)arvo. This book is not the Flora of one little county, which has to be inflated to a volume of four or five hundi-ed pages, on the rake-up and repeat-over-again principle. On the contrary, its leading purpose is to adduce and arrange original personal testimony in a very condensed form ; repetitions from books being resorted to only where such more dn-ect testimony may fail. If the county so certified afresh had been previously recorded on other authority, then the adduced testimony becomes so far an added evidence for the correctness of the earher record ; with the further advantage of showing the persistence of the plant in the same habitat or county. If not previously on printed record, then the habitat so testified is of course an addition to accumulated knowledge on the subject. As to mere priority in seeing a plant in a place, the mind which can find importance in a matter so small, must itself be a very small mind indeed. It has happened in various instances, that botanists have kindly sent to the compiler local lists or manuscript notes, and afterwards have themselves given printed currency to the same. In several of these cases the lists and manuscripts will still be used, and be quoted here as if original; although in some sense they have ceased to be so, and might now be left unquoted. Thus, Professor Lawson gave the compiler a list of plants observed in the Isle of Skye by himself and the Kev. H. E. Fox, and afterwards printed the same for general use. In like manner. Professor Balfour long ago sui)plied lists of plants observed by himself in Isla and Canth-e, which were also subsequently printed in a periodical. And the same is the case with a list of plants observed by Professor C. C. Babington in Pembrokeshire. In such cases as these, it would assuredly be most unwise to forego the advantage of citing good personal 16 INTRODUCTION. authorities for the county habitats, and on no better reason than the mere fact that they had already appeared in some journal or other book ; the addition of which to their names, with volume and page also specially shown, would require a full half line or upwards, instead of the quarter line or less here aciually available. The individual personal authority being the one essential matter, those compiled lists which have been founded on the joint testimony of several different botanists, whether printed or still in manuscript alone, obviously cannot be quoted. Unfortunately, the compiler has grounds for suspecting that the distinction here specified has not been always strictly adhered to by the makers of the local lists themselves ; who appear in some very few of the lists to have entered plants on hearsay testimony, or even on supposition only, and yet entered them as if certainly seen. He has absolutely rejected three marked catalogues on their internal evidences of this deception or carelessness ; and of course the markers were deeply offended. • If a botanical correspondent should deem his name erro- neously quoted for any county and plant, it is requested that he will at once point out and correct the error. This should be done, whether the error may have arisen through a mistake by the compiler, or through an inadvertence in the original note or label or list of plants sent to him. Failing any indication to the contrary, the compiler must himself be held responsible for the nomenclature (sp.) of the plants ; the more so, because the names on labels have been altered occasionally by his own hand ; so that a collector may find himself here credited for a species different from the one supposed to have been sent. Such cases will be the exceptional few; although the writer's own experience and opportunities have told him that not any botanist, who labels much, will entirely avoid occasional mis- takes and inadvertences in writing the names of plants. In accordance with an intimation given elsewhere (Supp. Comp, Cyb. Brit. p. 2) this present compilation also must still INTRODUCTION. 17 be understood to have consulted other books up to 1870 only. Essentially it is a condensed county- arrangement of the notes made use of in writing the ' Compendium of Cybele Britannica ' and its more lately printed ' Supplement ' ; although not with- out a good many details subsequently added thereto. In particular, manuscript notes, labelled specimens, or other such communications considerately sent by correspondents, will be entertained and made use of to the latest date practicable, under the exigencies of printing, and also while printing under the strain of selecting from a vast mass of small details, impos- sible to be re-verified seriatim when the condition of time or leisure has become so inconveniently restricted. The manu- script for the polypetalous dicotyledons will go to the printing office early in February, 1873. After that time no county can be added into the series for any of those plants, because involving the need of an extra line if attempted. Doubtless local botanists will readily detect errors and over- sights, if they will take those counties with the botany of which they are most familiar, and regularly note whether such counties are named or omitted under each plant known to themselves as being found there. They will thus not only detect what may be wrong, but will also see what is still wanting formal record towards completing the county list. It is utterly impossible for one single botanist to keep up to all that becomes known about the plants and places of each and every county. No Flora of a single county has ever been printed, to which a list of Additions and Corrections " could not have been made out ; and that perhaps even before the Flora was fairly through the printing office. A compiler who takes cognizance of 112 counties and vice-counties should be allowed the same chances for errors and oversights multiplied a hundred-fold, — nay, much more, since one botanist may know some one county very well, while it is impossible that one single botanist can know a hundred counties equally well. Notwithstanding this obvious truth, however, the writer's D 18 INTKODUCTION. intercourse with other botanists has taught him, that there are those among them who conceive it a great feat achieved, when they have drawn up an approximately complete list of the plants to be found in some single county or even in an area much less than that of an average county. Yet these same botanists are surprised, or affect to be surprised, on finding that another compilation, which includes a hundred such spaces or upwards, should ax)pear to be less approximately complete than their own small achievements. They would fail to understand, for instance, that in such a compilation as this present one, con- cerning itself with all the counties, a hundred oversights or omissions would be only the equivalent to a single such defect in one of their own county lists ; the difference between the respective areas being duly allowed for. It may be found an easy task to bring up the Flora of a single small county to the actual date of printing the book ; especially so, if two or three compilers should be busy at the same time on the same book. And yet it is preposterous on that account to expect of a single writer, that he should bring up the combined Floras of a hun- dred counties equally to a like late date. Take an example in illustration of this. A lately published Flora of Middlesex, almost the smallest of English counties, has five closely printed pages of " Additions and Corrections" at the end of it ; all those petty details, it may be supposed, first becoming known to the two industrious compilers of that work while the book was actually printing, or they would have been made on their proper pages, not entered at the end as A and C. The total area of Britain is not much below three hundred times the area of that one small county ; — less than none at all below, if the spaces covered by streets and gardens be allowed for. At a corresponding ratio of three hundred to one, how many pages of Additions and Corrections " ought to be allowed to the manuscript notes and other data collected for this present compilation ? Imagine five closely printed pages of ' ' Additions and Corrections ' ' multiplied three hundred Introduction. 19 times ! Say, that the five pages include 100 additions or corrections. Multiply these 300 times over. Kesult : — 30,000 additions and corrections, a number not likely to be discovered while this book is printing ! With regard to the commoner 2:)lants, such as Bellis, Calluna, Prunella, Corylus, and numerous others, which almost certainly occur m every county, and have been actually reported from ninety or a hundred of them. It cannot be held advisable to enumerate the long series of county names and authorities for these generally found plants ; thus adding much to the bulk of this work, and exceedingly little to its usefulness. And yet it appears undesirable to leave out of notice entirely any of those generally distributed plants ; the more so because, so soon as this com'se should begin to be acted upon, a real practical difficulty would spring up in the question, how or where to trace the separating lines between common and not common. Many of the j)lants which might well be called "common" in South Britain become decidedly rare in North Britain ; some of them even partially rare in Mid Britain ; and it is for these plants that the practical difficulty most comes in the way, in any endeavour to reduce the bulk of the took. An alternative presents itself in treating the common plants, such as really do occur plentifully in most or all of the counties. The required space can be lessened by showing the counties for which the compiler's notes do not supply any direct personal authority, instead of the contrary course. When a i^lant is already known to occur (say) in 90 or 100 counties, it will be a shorter plan to enumerate negatively the other 10 or 20 counties, instead of the larger number affirma- tively. Each common" plant thus treated will save a full page of printed text. And even this shorter alternative may be still again slightly curtailed. There are nine counties for which no lists of the commoner plants have been obtained ; although something is known about their rarer plants. As these counties would almost invariably come into the list of blanks, of negative 20 INTRODUCTION. citations, it is needless to enumerate tlieir nos. (say) two hundred times over. They can always be mentally understood or implied as additions, without being expressly mentioned. These nine counties are the following : 42 Brecon. 74 Wigton. 43 Eadnor. 78 Peebles. 47 Montgomery. 79 Selkirk. 48 Merioneth. 103 Mull. (All in Wales.) 105 West Boss. For some other counties the lists of ascertained "common" plants are very incomplete, although not wholly blanks ; in example, Cardigan, Flint, West Lancashire, Stirling, etc. To revert to the marked catalogues and other manuscripts. A list of the exact areas to which they severally relate, with any connected local or personal explanations, must be postponed to the end of the book. At present it may suffice to observe, that the areas of all of them are of course within the county or vice- county for which they will be cited. Some of them relate to the whole county or vice-county, while others are restricted to a radius of 3 to 10 miles from some town or other fixed centre. All the catalogues (cat.) are referred to in connexion with the names of the botanists by whom they were marked or made out. Unfortunately, some of the earlier catalogues cannot be used here, because they relate to areas which take in whole counties now treated as two separated vice-counties ; or, because they take a border town as a centre, and thus relate to portions of two adjoining counties or vice-counties not discriminated in them. This is a difficulty which arises also in consulting some printed Floras, such as those of Tonbridge and Yarmouth, in which the advisability of arranging the localities by their counties has been overlooked. For sake of brevity the surnames only of botanists are printed, very seldom with any prefix of title or designation. The quarter line of available space[would necessitate a resort to INTEODUCTION. 21 this abbreviation in many instances ; lience it is made the rule for all. An occasional inconvenience attends the practice, in cases of the same sm^name being common to two or more botanists. Generally, when such is the case, the locality will indicate the true personal identity. " Brown cat." for Caith- ness always intends Dr. Kobert Brown, of Campster ; while "Brown sp." connected with Hertford or adjacent counties will signify the late Mr. Isaac Brown, an useful contributor of specimens to the defunct Botanical Society of London. The name of " Hooker sp." for any of the counties bordering on the Clyde, refers to a collection of plants made there by Dr. J. D. Hooker in his early years, and then given to the present com- piler ; while " Hooker sp." elsewhere will usually intend his illustrious Father, the late Sir W. J. Hooker. " Warren cat." under Cheshire will mean the Honorable J. B. L. Warren, of Tabley ; while " Warren sp." under Cornwall will mean Miss Warren, late of Flushing. So, the distinction between Mr. J. E. Bowman and Mr. E. B. Bowman, two valued corres- pondents, is easily made ; the surname of the former being connected with Wales and adjacent counties ; that of the latter botanist, with the provinces of Humber and Tyne. Again, " Babington " or "Bab." will intend Prof. C. C. Babington ; while " Church. Bab." or " Ch. Bab." wiU be used for the Piev. Professor Churchill Babington ; whose name, thus in full, would be too long for the space at command. " Mansel- Pleydell," " BosweU-Syme,' and other similarly doubled sur- names may be cited in full or halved at convenience ; the name still referring to one and the same botanist under the alternative form. The small Map prefixed to this volume is reduced by the elastic process from the larger one given in preceding works by the same writer. The Nos. prefixed to the names of counties, or substituted for them in the case of plants held introduced or to be excluded, are the same as shown on the map and used in 22 INTKODUCTION. former works. The lines of separation, which are taken to divide the larger counties into two or (seldom) more vice- counties, cannot be sufficiently made out on the small map ; and it may be useful to repeat their description from the fourth volume of the original ' Cybele Britannica,' where it was adapted to the maps of England and Scotland, pubHshed under the auspices of the ' Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.' " In thus subdividing the counties any natural peculiarities were taken, or even well-marked lines traceable on maps, or finda- ble on the actual ground ; such as water- sheds, roads, canals, rivers, &c. — West and East Conmall are separated by a line traced along the high road from Truro, through St. Columb, to the inland extremity of Padstow Creek ; at the two ends of this line, the salt-water completing the division. — South and North Devon are separated by an imaginary line, adapted to the water-shed ; commencing at the Tamar, about midway between Tavistock and Launceston ; passing over the ridge of Dartmoor, and joining the western canal at Tiverton. — South and North Somerset are separated by a line along the river Parret, from Bridgewater to Ilchester ; and thence curving round to the northern extremity of Dorset. — North and South Wilts are separated by a line drawn along the Kennet and Avon canal. — South and North Hants are separated by a line traced along the high roads from Winchester westward to Stocktridge, eastward to Peter sfield ; and continued thence to the borders of Wilts and Sussex. — West &ndiEast Sussex are separated by a line traced along the high road from Brighton to Cuckfield ; thence by Crawley to the border of Surrey. — East and West Kent are separated by the river Medway and its tributaries nearly up to Staplehurst ; and thence by the high road through Cranbrooke to the border of Sussex, near Hawkhurst — South and North Essex are separated by the high road from Waltham and Epping to Chelsmford, and thence by the Blackwater river to the coast. — East and West Suffolk, and East and West Norfolk, are separated by the mathe- matical line of one east longitude, not a good division because INTRODUCTION. 23 traceable on maps only, unseen on tlie ground. — East and West Gloucester are separated by the Thames and Severn Canal, and by the river Severn from the pomt of junction up to Tewks- \)-axy. — South and North Lincoln are separated by the Witham river, from Boston to Lincoln ; thence by the Foss Dyke to the border of Nottingham. — South and West Lancaster are separated by the river Eibble. That more northerly portion of Lanca- shire, which is situate to the north-west of the Bay of More- cambe, is taken with the Lake Province, and treated as a part of Westmoreland. " The great county of York is first divided into the two sub- provinces of East and West Humber, by the rivers Humber, Ouse, and Wiske. South-east and North-east Yorkshire are then separated by the political line which divides the East Biding from the rest of the county ; that portion of the East Biding situate westward of the Ouse being taken as part of the Mid- west vice-county. South-west and Mid-west Yorkshire are separated by the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, and by the river Ane below Leeds. Mid-west and North-west are separated by the political boundary between the North and West Bidings ; that boun- dary being deflected westward so as to pass over Whernside to the south-eastern angle of Westmoreland. — Cheviotland is cut off from the more southern part of Northumberland by the river Coquet, and a line continued to Carter Fell from the Linn Brid^^e. That northerly part of Durham which is situate between Holy Island and the Tweed, is deemed a portion of Cheviot - land; having only a nominal connexion with Durham proper, not a geographical one. In Scotland, the large county of Perth is divided into three vice- counties. East Perth is cut off from Mid Perth by the rivers Garry and Tay. Mid Perth is separated from West Perth by a line traced over the high ground or water- shed so as to divide the tributaries of the Tay from those of the Forth; the little county of Clackmannan and a small detached portion of Stirling being taken as parts of West Perth. — South and North Aberdeen are 24 INTRODUCTION. separated by lines traced along the water-sheds eastward and westward of Inverury. — The great county of Inverness is first divided by the line of water-shed between the eastern and western sides of Scotland, continued along Loch Erricht to the border of Perthshire. The easterly portion, -with the addition of Nairnshire, forms the large vice-county of Easterness. That portion of Inverness, which cuts Elginshire into two disjoined parts, is deemed to be a portion of this latter county. — The remainder of Inverness, the waters of which drain to the western coast, along with the detached portion of Argyle which is situate to the north-west of Loch Linhe, makes up the vice-county of Westerness. — Main- Argyle and Cantire are separated by the Crinan Canal. The Clgde Isles include Bute and Arran, with Cumbrae and other islets adjacent, between Cantire and Ayr. The Ebudes are islands belonging by political geography to Argyle and Inverness. Here it is convenient to take them as a group apart, subdivisible into three vice-counties. South Ebudes include Isla and Jura, with adjacent islets. — Mid Ebudes consist of MuU and Coll, with their adjacent islets. — North Ebudes include Skye and Kum, also with their adjacent islets. — East and West Boss are separated by a line traced along the water-shed between the eastern and western coasts ; East Eoss being considered to include those detached portions of Nairn, situate to the west- ward of the Murray Firth and Loch Beauly. The fragmentary county of Cromarty may belong to East or West Eoss, according to the geographical position of its detached fragments. — East and West Sutherland are also separated by the line of water- shed ; this being so traced as to divide the south-eastern portion of the county from the western and northern." The three groups of North Isles, namely, Hebrides, Orkneys, Shetlands, are at once treated as so many sub-provinces and so many counties ; and they are numbered accordingly. The other counties of Britain being undivided into vice-counties, their boundaries do not requu-c special explanation here. COUNTY DISTRIBUTION. 1 Clematis Vitalba. 1 Cornwall west. Cunnackcat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon soutli ! Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 6 Som. soutli. Soutliby ms. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 I. Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! Pamplin ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! Sansom sp. 17 Surrey ! Eastmond sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Hall sp. 20 Herts. Isaac Brown sp. 21 Middlesex. Kingsley sp. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Bell sp. 26 west. Bell sp. 27 Norfolk east. Bell sp. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Trevelyan sp. 30 Bedford. Leefe ms. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Chh Bab. ms. 33 Gloster east. Buckman sp. 34 west ! Rogers sp. 35 Monmouth. Gibson ms. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk ms. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Darby ms. 41 Glamorgan. Dyke sp. 44 Carmarthen ? " one plant." 45 Pembroke. Bab. cat. 46 Cardigan. (Planted or otherwise intro- duced in counties 49 50 55 56 58 59 62 63 64 65 66 67 69 77 82 83 85 87). 2 Thalictrum alpinum. 49 Carnarvon ! Brent sp. 65 York n. west. 66 Durham. Winch, ms. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! 72 Dumfries. 86 Stirling. Hooker sp. 88 Perth mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 92 Aber. south ! Dickie sp. 94 Banff. Gordon, Eoy, mss. 96 Easterness ! Gordon ms. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle ! Church. Bab. ms. 99 Dunbarton. GourHc sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Henncdy cat. 04 Ebs. north. Lawson cat. 05 Ross west. 06 east. Stables sp. 08 Sutherland west. E 26 2 THALICTRUM ALPINUM. 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Syme sp. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. [50 57 64] . 3 Thalictrum minus. 1 Cornwall west. Warren sp. 3 Devon south. Tate sp. 6 Somer. north. Flower sp. 19 Essex north. 20 Herts. Miss Barnard sp. 26 Suffolk west. 27 Norfolk east. Clowes sp. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 84 Gloster west. Thwaites cat. 37 Worcester. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. Gibson ms. 49 Carnarvon ! Butler sp. 60 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Whittaker sp. 52 Angiesea. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Bowman sp. 59 Lane, south. 60 west. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Kichardson sp. 69 Westmoreland ! Clowes sp. 70 Cumberland ! 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. co. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 79 Selkirk. 80 Koxburgh. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Syme sp. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. 85 Fife ! Brand sp. Syme sp. 88 Perth mid ! Syme sp. 90 Forfar ! Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. Croall sp. 92 Aber. south. Syme sp. 93 north. 94 Banff. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Ebs. south. Stables sp. 03 mid. 06 Boss east. J. B." sp. 08 Sutherland west ! 09 Caithness ! Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. Babington ms. 11 Orkney. Miss Boswell ms. Including T. majus, Sm. [8 24 " flavum," by error] . 4 Thalictrum flavum. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack ms.f 6 Somer. north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. Extinct ? 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north! 13 Sussex west. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Sansom sp. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. Kingsley sp. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 . west. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. 4. THAJLICTEUM FLAYUM. 27 29 Cambridge. Babiugton cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Tlnvaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. Purclias cat. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Kii-k cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Lloyd sp. 41 Glamorgan. Dillwjm ms. 44 Carmarthen? "Once seen." 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. Barely. 54 Lincoln north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. Tudor ms. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Leefe sp. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Miss Hancock sp. 67 Northumberland. 69 Westmoreland. Oliver sp. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. 85 Fife. Dewar sp. 98 Argyle. . 00 Clyde-isles. [8 Devon. 109 Caithness.] 5 Anemone Pulsatilla. 19 Essex north. 20 Herts. Fordliam sp. 22 Berks. Miss Bell sp. 23 Oxford. 26 Suffolk west. 28 Norfolk west. 29 Cambridge. Leefe sp. 30 Bedford. Foster sp. 31 Hunts. Berkeley ms. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. Buckman sp. 53 Line, south. Bloxam sp. 55 Eutland. Berkeley ms. 63 York s. west. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. [37 E.C.rep. 1862.] 6 Anemone nemorosa. Counties all, except 51 53 60 97 102 107 109 to 112. 9 Adonis autumnalis. 8 Wilts south. Miss Bell sp. 9 Dorset. Twining sp. 10 I. Wight. More sp. 12 Hants north. Macreiglit sp. 16 Kent west ! Bromfield sp. (5 6 7 13 14 17 18 19 21 to 29 33 34 40 55 57 58 59 62 64 66 68 75 77 83 ; mostly casual). 10 Myosurus minimus. 3 Devon south. Error ? 7 Wilts north. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. Beli Salter sp. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Freeman sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 21 Middlesex. 28 10. MYOSURUS MINIMUS. 22 Berks. Miss Bell sp. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. Bell sp. 28 west. Bellsp. 29 Cambridge. Henslow 1837. 30 Bedford. 32 Nortliton ? 34 Gloster west ? 36 Hereford ? 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 65 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 58 Chester. Bowman sp. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. 66 Durham ? " extinct." 67 Nor thumb. Bowman sp. 11 Ranunculus aquatilis. Counties all, except 60 86 88 89 97 98 100 101 103 107 108 112. The old ag- gregate, except as below. 11 Ranunculus Drouetii. " trichophyllus." 3 Devon south. Briggs sj), 4 north. "Hiern.hb." Wilts. Hiern. herb." 9 Dorset. Pleydell sp. 10 Wight. More sp. 12 Hants north. 13 Sussex west. "Borrerlierb." 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne sp. 21 Middlesex. Syme sp. 22 Berks. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. Bab. herb." 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. "Bab.herb." 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 34 Gloster west. 36 Hereford. " Hiern herb." 38 Warwick. Kirk sp. 39 Stafford. "Hiern herb." 50 Denbigh. ' ' Hiern herb. ' ' 58 Chester. Hiern herb." 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. 63 s. west. 66 Durham. Baker sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh. Syme sp. 85 Fife. 00 Clyde-isles. Gait sp. 09 Caithness. N.B. Ill understood, and some of the counties perhaps in- correctly recorded. [69 111] . 11 Ranunculus circlnatus. 6 Somers. north. Withers sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south. Spicer. 12 north. 13 Sussex east ! Mrs. Jones sp. 14 west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east ! Hind sp. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Biden sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex 1 22 Berks. 26. RANUNCULUS CIRCINATUS. 29 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten ms. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington si3. 30 Bedford. Newbould ms. 31 Hunts ! 32 Nortbton ! 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purclias ms. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bloxam ms. 39 Stafford. Douglas sp. 41 Glamorgan. 53 Lincoln soutb ! 54 nortb ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam s-p. 58 Cbester. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Newbould ms. 65 n.west? "Ward." 68 Cbeviotland. Tate cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgli. Salter sj), 85 Fife. 86 Stirling. 90 Forfar. Roy, " occurs." [3 Devon. 10 Wiglit] . 11 Ranunculus fluitans. 1 Cornwall west ? 3 Devon soutb ? 6 Som. soutb. Coleman cat. 6 nortb. Tliwaites cat. 8 Wilts soutb? Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydcll cat. 11 Hants soutb. 12 nortb. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 16 Kent west ? 17 Surrey ! Newbould sp. 18 Essex soutb. 19 Essex nortb. 20 Herts. 21 Middx. Newbould sp. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 26 Suffolk west. "Bab. berb." 28 Norfolk west. "Bab. berb." 29 Cambridge. " Hiern. berb." 30 Bedford. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites sp. 35 Monmoutb. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. Purcbas cat. 37 Woster. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leigbton cat. 44 Carmartlien. Motley ms. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 57 Derby. "Bab. berb." 59 Lane, soutb. "Dugdale." 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durbam. 67 Nortbumb. Makepeace sp. 68 Cbeviotland. Tate cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. Syme sp. [10 Wiglit. 85 Fife] . And perbaps in some otlier coun- ties tlie "pseudo-fluitans" is tlie plant intended. 11 Ranunculus tripartitus. R. intermedius, Hiern. 1 Cornwall west. Wcstcombc ! 9 Dorset. " Borrer ms." 11 Hants soutb ! 16Keiitwest. " W.Recvesms." 17 Surrey ! 45 Pembroke. Bal). sp. [83 Edinburgb] . 30 11. KANUNCULUS LENORMANDl. 12 Ranunculus Lenormandi. 2 Cornwall east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Keys sp. 4 north . ' ' Hiern . herb . ' ' 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Withers ms. 8 Wilts south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More sp. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 16 Kent west. " Bab. herb." 17 Surrey ! 22 Berks ! 25 Suffolk east ? Ske^^per ms. 35 Monmouth. Hort sp. 38 Warwick. Ku'k cat. 39 Stafford. Babington ms. 41 GlarQorgan. Barnard ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 47 Montgomery. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. "Bab. herb." 55 Leicester. Purclias sp. 58 Chester. Warren s^^. 59 Lane, south. Goodlad sp. 60 west. "Hiern herb." 63 York s. west. Newb. ms. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 67 Northumberland. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Hort sp. 72 Dumfries. 76 Eenffew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Gourlie sp. 00 Clyde isles. Gait ms. [19 North Essex] . Distri- bution incompletely known. 13 Ranunculus hederaceus. Counties all, except 26 31 51 53 86 88 89 97 104 108 111 112. 14 Ranunculus Ficaria. Counties all, except 46 51 53 60 69 86 88 89 97 98 101 102 104 107 108 110; in all of which it most likely does occur. 15 Ranunculus Flammula. Counties all, except 86 100 ; in which doubtless it does occur, and also in the nine vacant counties, named on page 20. 15 Ranunculus reptans. 85 Kinross. Boswell Syme sp. N.B. The " pseudo-reptans " has been misreported for true reptans in many coun- ties. Specimens sent from Coniston (no. 69) by Mr. A. G. More, closely resemble those from Kinross ; but they are too young to show the form of the aclienes clearly, so that some uncer- tainty attaches to them. 16 Ranunculus Lingua. 1 Cornwall west. Cunnackcat. 3 Devon south. "E. Parfitt." 4 north ? 5 Somerset south ? 6 north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! 11 Hants south. Pamplin ms. 16. RANUNCULUS LINGUA. 31 12 Hants iiorth. 13 Sussex west. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Stevens sp. 16 west. 19 Essex nortli. 20 Herts. T. B. Blow cat. 21 Middlesex ? 22 Berks. 28 Oxford. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. Wallis sp. 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Bree sp. 32 Northton. 36 Hereford. 38 Warwick. Kii-k cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Bodenliam sj). 41 Glamorgan. Gutcli sp. 42 Brecon. 43 Piadnor. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. Bowman ms. 51 Flint ? 52 Anglesea. 54 Lincoln nortli ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam ms. 56 Notts ? 57 Derby ? 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Tudor ms. 61 York 8. east. 62 n. cast. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Denny ms. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Emblcton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright ? 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Boswell Syme sp. 87 Perth west. 88 mid? "Loch Earn." 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie sp. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. [21 37 49 111]. 18 Ranunculus auricomus. 1 Cornwall west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon sou'th. Briggs cat. 4 north ? 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Harris sp. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Bceslcy cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock sp. 26 west. 82 18. RANUNCULUS AUEICOMUS. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 54 Lincoln north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Eylands sp. 59 Lane, south. Goodlad herb. 60 west. Simpson sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Simpson sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Roxburgh. 81 Berwick. Embleton sp. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. 86 Stirlhig. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid. Worslcy cat. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie sp. 93 north. 96 Easterness. Stables sp. 99 Dumbarton. 19 Ranunculus acris. Counties all, except the nine named on page 20. 20 Ranunculus repens. Counties all, except the nine named on page 20. 21 Ranunculus bulbosus. Counties all, except the nine, and 53 60 69 84 86 97 98 101 104 106 107 108 110 (111) 112. 22 Ranunculus hirsutus. 1 Cornwall west. Cunnackcat. 2 east. Briggs sp.f 3 Devon south. Henfrey sp. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! Bell Salter sp. 11 Hants south! Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east ! Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Syme sp. 17 Surrey ! Brewer sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne sp. 20 Herts. 21 Middx. Warren sp. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 22. RANUNCULUS HIBSUTUS. 83 25 Suffolk east. Paget sp. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Stock ms. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. 30 Bedford. 81 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 34 Gloster west. Tliwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purclias ms. 37 Worcester. Buckman sp. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Bodenliam sp. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke ? 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 47 Montgomery. BoYvman sp. 48 Merioneth. Bowman ms. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 54 Lincoln north ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 68 Chester. 69 Lane, south ! 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 66 Durham. " ballast hills." 67 Xorthumb. " baUast hills." 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 83 Edinburgh. 84 Linlithgow. 85 Fife. Dewar sp. Symecat.f 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west. Balfour sp. 88 mid. 89 east. 90 Forfar. 98 Argyle. N.B. Scarcely more than a casual plant northward of Yorkshire. 23 Ranunculus sceleratus. Counties all, except 46 49 60 71 73 86 88 89 97 98 104 107 108 111 112; and likely to occur in all of these, unless the two last. 24 Ranunculus parviflorus. 1 Cornwall west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Trevelyan sp. 6 north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Bromf. sp. 12 north. Pamplin ms. 13 Sussex west. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey. Syme sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Wallis sp. 20 Herts. Brown sp. 21 Middx. Kingsley sp. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Coleman ms. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Bell sp, 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Douglas sp. 30 Bedford. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. F 34 24. RANUNCULUS PARVIFLOEUS. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Leefecat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Tudor sp. 44 Carmarthen. 45 Pembroke, 47 Montgom, Bowman ms. 49 Carnarvon ! J. Ball ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Eev. J. Harris sp. 52 Anglesea. 53 Line, south. 54 north. Thompson ms. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. 62 York n. east. Foggitt sp. 65 n. west ? 66 Durham. 25 Ranunculus arvensis. 1 Cornwall west ? 2 east. Briggs cat.f 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13* Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Biden sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middx. Hind cat. 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. G. Cooper sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Bodenham sp. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 47 Montgom. Bowman ms. 50 Denbigh. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! 59 Lane, south. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Paine sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviotland. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat.f 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour ms.f 83 Edinburgh. Macnab sp. [Ill Orkney] . (85). 26 Caltha palustris. Counties all, except 46 60 86 26. CALTHA PALUSTRIS. 35 98 and the usual nine ; in all of wliich it is sure to be found if looked for. C. Guerangeri occurs in Surrey, Chester, York, and probably elsewhere. 27 TroUius europaeus. 35 Monmouth. Conway ms. 36 Hereford. Purchas flo.f 37 Worcester ? 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton ms. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. Moggridge sp. 43 Kadnor. Westcombe ms. 46 Cardigan. Atwood ms. 47 Montgomery. Lees ms. 48 Merioneth. Poole ms. 49 Carnarvon ! Bowman ms. 50 Denbigh. 57 Derby ! 58 Chester ? 59 Lane, south. Goodlad hb. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. Tatliam sp. 65 n. west. Simpson sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Miss Bell sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmorland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kii'kcudb. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. G. Cooper sp. 80 Koxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Symc cat. 86 Stirhng. 87 Perth west. Symc cat. 88 Perth mid ! 89 east ! Gibson ms. 90 Forfar ! 91 Kinc. Miss Boswell ms. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. 99 Dumbarton ! Hooker sp. 00 Clyde isles. Kennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 04 Skye. Lawson cat. 06 Boss east. Gordon ms. 08 Suth. west ! 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 12 Orkney. One locality. [2 East Cornwall] . 29 Helleborus viridis. 6 Som. north. Winch sp. 9 Dorset. Trevelyan sp. 11 Kants south. Borrer ms. 12 north. Weaver ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 14 east. Borrer. f 15 Kent east, "native." 17 Surrey. Brewer sp. 18 Essex south. " native." 19 north. Wallis sp. 20 Kerts. " really wild." 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 33 Gloster east. Eoberts ms. ' 34 west. Babington. 60 Lane. west, ''native." 62 York n. east. '* native." 63 s. west. Smith sp. 64 m. west, ''native." 65 n. west, "native." 66 Durham. " denizen." 07 Northumb. "denizen." 69 West. " apparently native." N.B. The above counties are 36 29. HELLEBORUS VIRIDIS. selected as being those in wHcli the wildness of the plant is best attested. Ee- ported also for 1.237 8 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 36 37 38 39 40 41 45 50 56 57 68 70 75 81 83 85 91 92 ; in all with distrust of its true nativity, or on unsafe authority only), 30 Helleboms fcetidus. 11 Hants south, "wild." 12 north. 13 Sussex west. 17 Surrey. Brewer sp. 18 Essex south. ''A true 19 north, native." 33 Gloster east, ''native." 36 Hereford. '* native." 62 York n. east. " denizen." 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 66 Durham. " denizen." 67 Northumb. " denizen." N.B. Less decidedly certified as a native plant, than is the other species. (Reported in 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 16 20 22 to 30 32 34 37 38 39 40 41 50 52 55 57 61 63 68 69 70 75 77 80 82 83 85 92 ; in most of these counties it is given simply as an escape from cultivation, or with the evident object of swelling out the length of local lists). 31 Aquilegia vulgaris. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north 1 Wakefield sp. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat.f 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts south. Flower cat. 8 north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. 11 Hants south. 12 north. Spicer ms. 13 Sussex west, "manyloc." 14 east. Coleman cat.f 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey. Holman sp. 20 Herts. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 27 Norfolk east. Stock cat. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east ? 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Eeeve sp. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leigliton ms. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. Pamplin ms. 49 Carnarvon ! Winch ms. 50 Denbigh ! Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea. 56 Notts ? 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ? 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. native." 67 Northumb. " native." 31. AQUILEGIA VULGAPJ3. 37 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. " wild." (Also in 18 19 [21] 25 26 54 55 68 71 75 77 83 84 85 86 87 90 91 92 95 96 102 109). 33 Aconitum Napellus. 6 Som. south. Crotch s^d. 9 Dorset. Bower to Crotch sp. 35 Monmouth, wild; Hort. 36 Heref. indigenous ; Newm. 50 Denb. wild ; Bowman. (Reported also in 1 3 4 10 12 17 19 20 21 23 24 27 28 33 37 38 39 40 41 55 61 62 64 65 67 76 77 81 83 85 86 105). 34 Actsea spicata. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Denny sp. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Bowman sp. 69 Westmor. Dr. Lees 1870. [18 61 66 70 85] . 35 Berberis vulgaris. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat.f 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat.f 6 Som. north. Bath flo. f 7 Wilts north. " indigenous." 8 south. Flower cat.'' 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More supp.'^^ 12 Hants north. Bromf. t 13 or 14 Sussex. Hemsley.f 16 Kent west. " not wild." 17 Surrey, casual in hedges. 18 Essex south. Gibson flo. 19 Essex north. Gibson flo. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Midx. Reynolds sp. 22 Berks. Walker flo. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Skepper flo. 26 west. Skepper flo. 27 Norfolk east. Trim. flo. 28 west. Trim. flo. 29 Cambridge. Babington flo. 30 Bedford. Fordham sp. 82 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Bath flo.- 35 Monmouth. Gissing. 36 Hereford. Purchas flo." 37 Woster. Lees hot. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. ^' reaUy wild." 40 Salop. Leigiiton cat. 50 Denbigh. Boy^man cat.f 54 Lincoln north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Kirby flo. 56 Notts. Howitt flo. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Lpool. flo.* 59 Lane, south. Dick, flo.* 61 York s. east, authority ? 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat.f 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. " denizen." 67 Northumb. " denizen." 68 Cheviot, "denizen." 69 Westmor. Balfour. 70 Cumber. Baker ms.* 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcud. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Botany_ of Ayr. 76 Renfrew. Kennedy cat.f 77 Lanark. Clydesdale flo. 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. Border flo.* I 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 38 35. BEEBEEIS VULGARIS. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Balf. flo. Lawson.f 87 Perth west. Syme cat.f 88 mid. Arnott. 89 east, "not wild." 90 Forfar. Gardiner flo.^^^ 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat.''' 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.-'-' 00 Clyde isles. Kennedy cat.f 01 Cantu^e. Balfour cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. N.B. A departure from the usual method is made in this case of the Berbery, so difficult to decide on its in- digenous claims. Authorities are cited throughout, either manuscript or printed. The sign * indicates that the cited authority treats the shrub as certainly intro- duced ; the sign + indicates less positive decision against nativity. 36 Nymphaea alba. 1 Cornw. west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Pascoe cat. 6 Somerset north ? 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south! Adams sp. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! Harris. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. 28 Norfolk west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ? 37 Worcester. " very rare." 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Dyke sp. 42 Brecon. Lees ms. 43 Kadnor. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 48 Merioneth. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat.f 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west ! 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 67 Northumb. Oliver si?. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcud. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Montgomery ms. 76 Eenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. G. Lawson ms. 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Brand sp. 99 Dumbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Eoss east. Gordon cat. 36. NYMPH.EA ALBA. 89 08 Suth. west ! 10 Hebrides. 12 Shetland. " one locality." (Also reported as introduced or uncertainly wild in 3 7 8 10 18 19 34 35 65 68 81 109). 37 Nuphar lutea. 1 Corn, west ? Gibson ms. 3 Devon soutli. 6 Som. north! 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat.f 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites cat. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. 46 Cardigan. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Angiesea. 53 Line, south ! 54 north ! Bogg c^t. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcud. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Koxburgh. 81 Berwick. Hugh Balf. sp. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh. 85 Fife. Brand sp. Syme. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.f 99 Dumbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. N.B. A variation, with few rays to the stigma is confused with N. pumila. It occurs either in 32 or 56, and in either 67 or 68 ; 40 37. NUPH-VR LUTE A. possibly also in. 40 and 58. 38 Nympheea pumila. 40 Salop? E. C. rep. 1858.^ 58 Chester ? Eobinson ire. 86 Stirling. Clyde flo. 87 Pertli west. Christie sp. 91 Kincar. Dickie hot. g. 92 Aber. south. D. b. g. 95 Elgin. Gordon sp. 96 Easterness. " White." 98 Argyle. Borrer," etc. [9 29 32 56 67 or 68 77] . 39 Papaver hybridum. 1 Corn. west. Bailey ms. 2 east. Briggs cat.f 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat.f 4 north. Maw cat. 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 7 Wilts north. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. Bromfield sp. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east ! Mrs Jones sp. 15 Kent east. Cooper sp. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! Salmon sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Christy sp. 20 Herts. Fordham sp. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 25 Suffolk east. 26 v/est. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Coleman ms. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. Lees, 1843. 36 Hereford. " Wilmott." 37 Worcester. 49 Carnarvon. Bowman sp. 51 Flint ? 55 Leicester. " Miss Adams !" 59 Lane, south. Ex. club. sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. (61 62 63 68, extinct ?) 40 Papaver Argemone. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. t 3 Devon south. Hore sp. 4 north. Maw cat. 6 Som. north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. Martin sp. 11 Hants south. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east ! 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Miss Twining sp. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Stock cat. 28 west. Gr. Cooper sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton.' Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 40. PAPAYEK AKGEMONE. 41 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carniartlien. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 CarnarYon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! 55 Leicester. Ch. Bab. sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Homtt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. f 64 m. west. 65 n. west. AVard cat. 66 Diu'ham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 71 1. Man. Forbes cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat.f 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Maclagan sp. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 89 Perth east ! 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south ? 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 06 Ross east. Gordon cat. 10 Hebrides. 41 Papaver dubium. Counties all, except 35 46 51 60 70 71 73 86 97 98 99 104 108 109 ; in all of which it is very likely to occur. The counties for the two segregates cannot be satisfactorily made out. 42 Papaver Rhoeas. Counties all, except 46 49 60 70 71 72 73 86 88 89 95. In 92 93 94 it is marked by Professor Dickie as a i3lant probably intro- duced ; and beyond 94 (Banff) there is no autho- rity except for 109 111 112, into which this common southern poppy is probably carried with agricultural seeds. 44 Meconopsis cambrica. 2 Cornwall east. 3 Devon south. 4 north ! Maw cat.f 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites sp. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. Moggridge sp. 43 Radnor. 47 Montgomery. 48 Merioneth. Butler sp. 49 Carnarvon ! Winch. 50 Denbigh ? 64 Yorkm.w. Tatham, wild." (9 21 59 60 61 62 63 65 69 70 72 75 83 85 90 92 95). This poppy readily establishes itself as a weed about houses and gardens ; and hence it has 42 44. MECONOPSIS C AMERICA. become seemingly wild in several counties ; possibly it may be really wild in Westmoreland 69. 45 Chelidonium majus. Counties 1 to 96, with very few exceptions, have all been reported for this plant, but usually as one at best doubt- fully indigenous. 46 Glaucium luteum. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Pascoe sp. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! Miss Twining sp. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west! Warner sp. 14 east ? 15 Kent east ! Stevens sp. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Skepper ms. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas cat. 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. 28 west. Bell sp. 34 Gloster west. Cooper sp. 35 Monmouth. Conway ms.f 41 Glamorgan. Dyke sp. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood ms. 49 Carnarvon. Howitt sp. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! 60 west. Syme sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 72 Dumfries. 73 Kirkcudbright. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Montgomery cat. 81 Berw. Hugh Balfour sp. 82 Haddington. 84 Linlithgow. 85 Fife. Balfour sp. 91 Kincardine. 98 Argyle. Hooker sp. 99 Dunbarton ! 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 12 Shetland. One locality. (21 37 66 67 80 95). 48 Corydalis claviculata. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Pascoe cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. Bromf. ms. 13 Sussex west. Baker ms. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Berkeley ms. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Freeman sp. 19 north. 22 Berks. 26 Suff. west. Coleman ms. 27 Norf. east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Miss Bell ms. 35 Monmouth. Conway sp. 36 Hereford. " Wilmott." 37 Worcester ? Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Ku'k cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton ms. 42 Brecon. 48. CORYDALIS CLAVICULATA. 43 46 Cardigan. 47 Montgomery. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! Bo^Tnan ms. 50 Denbigh. 51 Fhnt. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 57 Derby ! Bowman ms. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Goodlad hb. 61 York s. east. Carpenter sp. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m.west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward ms. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumb. Bowman s]). 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! Baker ms. 72 Dumf. Cruickshank sp. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenf. Montgomery cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 88 mid ! Worsley cat. 90 Forfar ? 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables sp. 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy sp. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 04 Eb. north. Lawson cat. 06 Ross east. Gordon cat. [21 Middlesex, extinct, if ever found] . 50 Fumaria capreolata. Counties all, except 6 14 16 26 30 32 51 53 60 71 89 97 98 99 104 106 107 109 112. N.B. This is the aggregate species, long treated as a single integrate species in our botanical books ; more recently divided into four segregates, which are yet very imperfectly distin- guished by collectors ; their reported counties, cited underneath, are to be re- ceived with caution. Fumaria pallid iflora. 1 Corn. west. " Once seen." 3 Devon south. Babington. 4 north. Babington. 5 Som. south. Syme. 9 Dorset. Mansel-Pleydell. 10 Wight. " Hambrough." 21 Middlesex. 34 Gloster west ? 40 Salop. Babington. 41 Glamorgan. Babington. 49 Carnarvon. Babington. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. 62 York n. east. Baker. 66 Durham. New flo N.D. 70 Cumberland. Baker. 08 Sutherland ! Fumaria Borsei. 5 Som. south ? 10 Wight ? 21 Middlesex. 24 Bucks. 40 Salop. Babington. 45 Pembroke. Babington. rUMAKIA BOR^I. 58 Chester. 62 York n. east. Baker. 65 n. west. Baker. 66 Durham. ''Norman." 67 Northumberland. Baker. 69 Westmoreand. " Bab." 70 Cumberland. Baker. 76 Eenfrew. Kennedy. 77 Lanark. Kennedy. 82 Kaddington. Syme. 85 Fife. Bos well Syme. 11 Orkney. Boswell Syme. N.B. Kabitats confused with those of " i3allidiflora." Fumaria confusa. " agraria." 1 Corn. west. Babington. 2 east. 3 Devon south. 4 north. Babington. 9 Dorset. Mansell-Pleydell. 10 Wight. More. "Bab. herb." 17 Surrey ! Syme. 45 Pembroke. Babington. 46 Cardigan. Babington. 49 Carnarvon. Babington. 62 Anglesea. Babington. 58 Chester. Eng. bot. ed. 3. 69 Lane, south. 62 York. n. east. Bakerf 63 s. west. 69 Westmoreland. Babington. Fumaria muralis. 3 Devon south. Tate 1871. 5 Som. south. Syme. 10 Wight. More. E.B.3. 11 Kants south ! 17 Surrey. Babington. 21 Middlesex. 29 Cambridge. Babington ms. 34 Gloster west. 38 Warwick. Bloxam ms. 40 Salop. Babington. 50 Denbigh. Babington. 58 Chester. 63 York s. west. Newb. Bab. 64 m. west. Baker. 66 Durham. 86 Stirling. N.B. Kabitats inextricably con- fused in books with those of "confusa." For this and the preceding three segre- gates the few botanists cited are to be understood as those who have either collected the plant or only so named the specimens collected by others; the " sp." being omitted by the compiler, as not caring to certify their names on dried specimens only ; his own notes of past years recognizing only the aggregate " capreolata." 51 Fumaria officinalis. Counties all, except 49 51 53 98 101 102 104 107 110; in all of which it likely occurs, at least as a colonist. 52 Fumaria micrantha. 8 Wilts south. Flower sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell sp. 13 Sussex west ! 4 east. "Mitten." 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 19 Essex north. " alien." 20 Kerts. 21 Middlesex. 28 Norfolk west. 29 Cambridge. Bab. sp.f 30 Bedford. Newbould ms, 62, FUMAKIA 84 Gloster west. Withers ms. 36 Hereford. ''E. Davies ! " 40 Salop. Babington sp. 55 Leicester. 56 Durham. " ballast hills." 68 Cheviotland. Tate sp. 80 Eoxburgh. 82 Haddington. Syme ms. 83 Edinburgh. Brand sp. 84 Linhthgow. Syme E . B . 3 . 85 Fife. Syme sp. 88 Perth mid. 90 Forfar. Carnegie sp. 95 Elgm. " Dr. Innes." [10 Wight. 112 Shetland.] 53 Fumaria parviflora. 15 Kent east. 16 west. Syme sp. 17 Surrey ! 19 Essex north. Gibson sp. 20 Herts. Miss Barnard sp. 25 Suffolk east ? 26 west. Bunbury sp. 27 Norfolk east. 29 Cambridge. Hort sp. 33 or 34 Gloster. E.C.rep.l864. 62 York n. east. Bean sp. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edmburgh. 87 Perth west. [Very uncertain in 3 4 9 90 95 96 109 112; errors in some, casual in others ?] . 54 Fumaria Vaillantii. 15 Kent east. Henslow. 16 west. Syme. 17 Surrey ! Syme. 19 Essex north. Gibson sp. 20 Herts. Webb flora. 29 Cambridge. Bab. sp. 30 Bedford. Newbould. 31 Hunts. Newbould, " rare." MICRANTHA. 45 62 York n. east. Vetch-field." 66 Durham. " ballast hills." [Eeported also in 3 12 26 33 or 34 83 112; either in- troduced or errors ?] . 55 Cakile maritima. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Pascoe cat. 3 Devon south. Twining sp. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Collins ms. 6 north. Crotch sp. 9 Dorset. Twining sp. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. 13 Sussex west. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 18 Essex south 19 north. Skepper ms. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Cooper sp. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 48 Merioneth. Butler sp. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 54 Lincoln north. Bogg cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Ch. Bab. ms. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 ! n. east. Baker cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. 75 Ayr. Hooker sp. 46 05, CAKILE MARITIMA, 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme sp. 90 Forfar. 91 Kinc. Mrs. Dickson ms. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 08 Suth. west ! 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Gillies herb. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. 56 Crambe maritima. 2 Corn. east. Watt in B. G. 3 Devon south. G. Lloyd sp. 4 north. Eavenshaw. 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. Bromfield ms.f 11 Hants south. Bromf. cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 14 east. Salmon. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 19 Essex north. Extinct ? 25 Suffolk east. Skepper flo. 27 Norfolk east. Smith in B. G. 41 Glamorgan. B. G. Dill. Mat. 45 Pembroke. Turton in B. G. 49 Carnarvon. Christy. Winch. 52 Anglesea. Bowman ms. 54 Line, north. Banks in B. G. 71 York s. east. Baines flo. 62 n. west. Brunton. 69 Lake Lane. Alton; B. G. 70 Cumb. Eobson. B. G. 71 Man. Forbes cat. "rare." 73 Kircud. G. N. Lloyd ms. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Bot. of Ayrshire. 81 Berw. A. Carr, 1830." 84 Linlithgow ! Balf. flo. 85 Fife. Balf. flo. edinb. 00 Clyde ? Landsborough." 01 Canth-e. Balfour sp. 02 Isla. Balfour cat. N.B. This plant apparently is decreasing on our coasts ; several of its localities rest- ing only on old records. 57 Coronopus didyma. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east Briggs cat.f 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat.f 4 north. Maw cat. 6 Som. north. Flower sp. 9 Dorset. Clark sp. 10 Wight. More cat. t 11 Hants south. Macreight sp.f 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Salmon ms. 17 SiLvrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varennems.f 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 34 Gloster west ! Thwaites cat. 39 Stafford. Church. Bab.sp.f 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Bab. cat. 49 Carnarvon. 56 Notts. Carrington sp. 58 Chester. Warren cat.f 59 Lane, south. Dickenson sp. 62 York n. east. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 75 Ayr. Landsborough ms. 85 Fife. N.B. This is an opposite ex- 57. CORONOPUS- DIDYMA. 47 ample to the preceding (Crambe) ; being one of a plant spreading into new localities, and these wide apart. Best established in the Peninsula and South Wales. Supposed to have come originally from Ame- rica. 58 Coronopus Ruellii. 1 Corn, west ! Bailey ms. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts south. Flower cat. 8 north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east ! 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 80 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 84 west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Ku'k cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Bab. cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint ! 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp.t 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 80 Koxburgh. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Twynam sp. 85 Fife. Extinct in 1869." 92 Aber. south. Dickie ms.f 93 north. Eoy ms. f 94 Banff. ''Mr. Wilson." 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.f 00 Clyde-isles. Gait ms. 06 Boss cast. Authority ? 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 48 58. COKONOPUS EUELLII. N.B. The scarcity of this wee in Scotland has led to ih full enumeration of its ascei tained counties. 60. Thlaspi arvense. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat.f 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat.f 11 Hants south ? 12 north. 13 Sussex west. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! Pamplin ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat.f 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. War dale sp. 29 Cambridge ? 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 51 Flint. Miss Attwood ms. 54 Lincoln north. Bogg cat. d 55 Leicester, e 56 Notts. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. Tudor sp.f 60 west. Syme sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. 67 Northumb. Winch sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat.f 78 Peebles. 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Macnab sp. 85 Fife ! Syme sp. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Balfour sp. 06 Boss east ! Gordon cat. 07 Suth. east ! 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 11 Orkney. N.B. Seldom persistent ; often as a casual only. 61 Thlaspi perfoliatum. 23 Oxford. Extinct. 33 Gloster east. Prentice sp. [22 38 64 70] . 62 Thlaspi alpestre. 41 Glamorgan. 62. THLASPI ALPESTEE. 49 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Sansom sp. 67 Derby ! 64 York m. west. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Dui'bam. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! 90 Forfar. Brand sp. [3 Devon. 23 Oxford] . N.B. Three segregates thus : T. sylvestre 66 67 90. virens 57. occitanum49 50 64 65 66. 63 Capsella Bursa. All the counties, except 46 97 108 and the other nine ; doubtless really to be found in all. 64 Hutchinsia petraea. 6 Som. north. Christy sp. 16 Ke7it icest. Sansom sp. 84 Gloster west. Purchas sp. 36 Hereford. Watkins sp. 39 Stafford. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 45 Pembroke. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh ! Bowman sp. 67 Derby. Bickham sp. 64 York m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 65 Teesdalia nudicaulis. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 8 Devon south. Trevelyan sp. 7 Wilts north. 9 Dorset. Man sel-Pley dell sp. 11 Hants south ! 12 Hants north ! Pamplin ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Leefe sp. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Bagnall ms. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 48 Merioneth ! Price sp. 49 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 55 Leicester. Ch. Bab. sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! 59 Lane, south. Tudor ms. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 63 s. west. Denny ms. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland. Leefe ms. 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Balfour sp. 78 Peebles. 80 Pioxburgh. Macnab sp. 81 Berwick ? 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 88 Perth mid. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. H 50 G5. TEESDALIA NUDICAULIS. 92 Aber. south. Dickie sp. 93 north. Dickie flo. 95 Elgin. Gordon sp. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 99 Dunbarton. [85] . 66 Iberis amara. 5 Som. south ? 6 north. Collins ms. 8 Wilts south. 9 Dorset. Manselcat.f 12 Hants north. 17 Surrey. 20 Herts. Fordham sp. 22 Berks. Henslow sp. 23 Oxford. Godley sp. 24 Bucks. Britten sp. 28 Norf. west. Cooper sp. 29 Camb. Coleman sp. 30 Bedford. Brown sp. (10 19 38 39 52 57 62 64 65 67 69 77 80 81 83 84 85 ; mostly garden escapes, and perhaps some of them not rightly assigned to I. amara). 67 Lepidium latifolium. 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 15 Kent. east. Berkeley ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Syme sp. 25 Suff. east. Notcutt sp. 27 Norf. east. Babington sp. 28 west. Miss Bell ms. 29 Cambridge. Extinct ? 37 Worcester ? 41 Glamorgan ? 50 Denbigh. t 51 Flint. H. Crewe sp. 52 Anglesea. Bowman ms.f 58 Chester. Webb sp. 60 Lane. west. 62 York n. east. Leefe sp. 66 Durham. " denizen." 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. " denizen." (3 13 17 55 64 77 80 81 82 85 107; apparently in- troduced, and only casual in some of these counties, as Leicester and Lanark). 69 Lepidium Smithii. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north ! 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat.f 11 Hants south ! Bromf. sp. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Taylor sp. 17 Surrey ! Twining sp. 18 Essex south ? Moxon ms. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 35 Monmouth. Hort ms. 36 Hereford. Wilmott." 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 48 Merioneth. Eussell sp. 49 Carnarvon ! Babington ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 69. LEPIDIUM SMITHII. 51 68 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. Ottley sp. 71 Man. Forbes sp. Webb ms. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kii'kcud. Gray cat. 74 Wigton. Macnab sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Renfrew. Gourlie sp. 77 Lanark. Balfour sp. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour sp. 83 Edinburgh. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Hugh Balfour sp. 87 Perth west. Syme sp, 88 mid. 89 east ! 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie sp. 93 north. Dickie fio. 94 Banff. 96 Easterness. Stables sp. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. N.B. Localities for this occa- sionally confused. 70 Lepidium campestre. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 8 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 Wilts south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! BeU Salter sp. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east ! Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington flo.t 31 Hunts. Newbould cat.f 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Ku-k cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint ! 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. Syme sp. 61 York s, east. UNlVtKSlTY OF lUINOU LIBKARY 52 70. LEPIDIUM CAMPESTRE. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Denny ms. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Nortliumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 72 Dumfries? 73 Kii'kcud. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh. 84 Linhthgow ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 90 Forfar. Gardiner sp. 91 Kincardine. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.f 71 Lepidmm ruderale. 1 Cornwall. 3 Devon south. 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat.f 11 Hants south. Bromf. ms. 15 Kent east. 16 west! "G.E. Smith." 18 Essex south. 19 north. Christy sp. 21 Midx. Lawrence sp. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norf. east. Babington sp. 28 west. Wardale sp. 29 Cambridge. Henslow !" 34 Gloster west. Purchas sp. 35 Monmouth. Hort sp. 37 Worcester. 41 Glamorgan. Atwood ms.t 44 Carmarthen. Motley ms.t 45 Pembroke. 58 Chester, "casual." 62 York n. east. Baker sp.f 66 Durham. Storey sp.f 67 Northumb. Storey sp.f 80 Eoxburgh. " casual." 85 Fife. Syme sp.+ N.B. A casual or ballast plant in several of its localities. 72 Cochlearia officinalis. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Keys sp. 4 north. Maw cat. 6 Som. north. Crotch sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. Dr. Tate." 11 Hants south! 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! Taylor sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 34 Gloster west. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 49 Carnarvon. 51 Flint ! 52 Anglesea. 57 Derby ! alpina ? 58 Chester ! 59 Lane, south. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west, alpina ? 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 70 Cumberland. 72. COCHLEAEIA OFFICINALIS. 53 71 Man. Forbes sp. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kii'kcud. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfi-ew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Dewar sp. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 97 Westerness. Ch. Bab. ms. 99 Dunbarton ! 00 Clyde -isles. Kennedy cat. 01 Cantu'e. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Ch. Bab. ms. 68 Suth. west ! 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Syme cat. 12 Shetland. N.B. Said by Mr. Borrer not to be found on the coast of Sussex. In the inland locali- ties in 38 50 55 56 80 it may be an introduced plant. 72 Cochlearia alpina. " groenlandica." 49 Carnarvon ! Babington ms. 64 York m. west. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Baker sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker ms. 88 Perth mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 96 Easterness ! Gordon ms. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle ! 11 Orkney ? 12 Shetland. Tate sp. 72 Cochlearia danica. 1 Corn. west. Greenwood sp. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw sp. 5 Som. south. Coleman sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Kants south ! Macreight sp. Sussex. " on the coast." 15 Kent west. Smith cat. 19 Essex north. 25 Suffolk east. Babington ms. 27 Norf. east. Barnard sp. 28 west. 40 Salop ? Leighton walls." 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. 45 Pembroke. Kogers sp. 46 Cardigan. Purclias sp. 49 Carnarvon ! Bloxam ms. 50 Denbigh. Sansom sp. 52 Anglesea. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. 60 west. 66 Durham. 67 Nortliumb. Storev sp. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumb. Chambers sp. 71 Man. Webb ms. 1867. 76 Pienfrcw. Kennedy cat. 81 Berwick? 64 72. COCHLEARIA DANICA. 83 Edinburgh. 85 Fife. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. OC Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 11 Orkney ? 12 Shetland ? alpina ? N.B. The localities for this and the two preceding are rather confused together, through difficulties in dis- tinguishing three species. 72 Cochlearia anglica. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 " north ! Maw cat. 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. 10 Wight. Stratton sp. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. Sussex. Borrer cat. co. 15 Kent east. Syme sp. 16 west. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 21 Midx. ''Warren, 1869." 25 Suff. east. Coleman ms. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Cooper sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 34 Gloster west ! Stephens sp. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. 46 Cardigan. Gibson ms. 52 Anglesea. 57 Derby? B. G. error? 58 Chester. Lewis sp. 69 Lane, south. 60 west ! 66 Durham ? 67 Northumb. New flo. 68 Cheviotland? 69 Westmoreland ? 70 Cumberland ? 73 Kirkcudbright ? 74 Wigton ? 77 Lanark ? 83 Edinburgh? 95 Elgin ? 99 Dunbarton ? 03 Ebudes mid ? N.B. An ill-understood spe- cies ; forms of C. officinalis being confused with it. 74 Subularia aquatica. 49 Carnarvon. Butler sp. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 70 Cumberland. Oliver sp. 72 Dumfries. 87 Perth west. Brand sp. 88 mid. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Dickie sp. 92 Aber. south ! Hooker sp. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. Eoy ms. 1870. 96 Easterness. 99 Dunbarton. Gourlie sp. 05 Boss west. 08 Suth. west. Graham sp. [40 59 72 85]. 75 Draba aizoides. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge. [5. "Mr. Talbot, an error "] . 76 Draba rupestris. 88 Mid Perth ! 96 Easterness. ''Cairngorm." 98 Argyle ? or Dunbarton ? 76. DKABA RUPESTEIS. 55 08 Suth. west. ''Mr.Macnab." [11 90 94 111]. 77 Draba incana. 39 Stafford? Derby only? 49 Carnarvon. 57 Derby. Wardale sp. 62 York n. east. 64 m. west. Tatliam sp. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. 88 Mid Perth ! 90 Forfar! 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 94 Banff. 96 Easterness. Cairngorm. 02 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Ross east. Stables sp. 07 Suth. east. 08 west ! 09 Caithness. 11 Orkney. Gillies herb. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. [11 South Hants] . 78 Draba muralis. 6 Som. north. Flower sp. 30 Bedford ? 39 Stafford. 47 Montgomery. Bowm. sp. 67 Derby. Bowman sp. 64 York m. west. Tatliam sp. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 69 Westmoreland ? (1 21 34 62 77 83 90 100). 79 Draba verna. Counties all, except 14 35 46 51 60 86 97 98 101 102 104 107 110 112 ; no doubt simply overlooked in most of these counties ; and whether the typical form occurs in all of the others is not ascertained. 79 Draba brachycarpa. 2 Corn. east. Briggs sp. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 5 Som. south. Gifibrd sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell ms. 10 Wight. More sp. 17 Surrey! 58 Chester. New Lpl. flo. 62 N.E. York. Baker sp. 67 Northumb. New flo. 69 AVestm. E. Hodgson, sp. 85 Fife. Thirsk Eeport, 1868. N.B. Doubtless it will be found in most other counties ; but intermediate forms occur ; one such from Orkney, not easy to name positively. 79 Draba inflata. 88 Mid Perth. Syme sp. N.B. The Breadalbane hills, Perthshu-e, seem still to remain the only certain habitat for this apparently distinct species. Something approximating to it has oc- curred in the Isle of Wight, Warwickshire, and North- east Yorkshire ; but in each case referred to brachycarpa. 83 Dentaria bulbifera. 13 Sussex west. 14 east. 15 Kent east? i 17 Surrey. 66 8B. DENTARIA 20 Herts. 21 Midx. H. Kingsley sp. 24 Bucks. Britten sp. 39 Stafford. 75 Ayr. James AVilson sp. 84 Cardamine amara. 7 Wilts north. 8 south? 9 Dorset. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Midx. Harris sp. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Stock sp. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Bab. ms.f 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. 33 Gloster east. 34 west? 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. 39 Stafford. Bagnall ms. 40 Salop. 50 Denbigh. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 58 Chester! 59 Lane, south. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. BULBIFERA. 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Miss Pringle sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland! 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcud. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 80 Eoxburgh. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh! Balfour sp. 85 Fife, C. Syme sp. 86 Sthling. 87 Perth west. 88 mid. 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. 99 Dunbarton ? 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. [2 East Cornwall? 4 North Devon ? These must be held uncertain till verified ; although there would seem nothing unlikely in the habitats] . 85 Cardamine pratensis. Counties all, except 46 97 107, and the usual nine ; but doubtless actually growing in these counties also. 86 Cardamine hirsuta. Counties all, except 31 45 51 53 54 80 86 97 98 107 8G. CARDAMINE HIRSUTA. 67 108 109, in all of which it may be expected to occur. The C. eu-hirsiita, as distin- guished from C. sylvatica, may be as generally distri- buted, although hitherto re- ported separately in scarcely half of the counties, from Cornwall to Moray, perhaps to Orkney and Shetland. 86 Cardamine. sylvatica. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Goulding sp. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 "Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cal. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! Baker cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east ? 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 27 Norfolk east ? 80 Bedford ? 83 Gloster east ? 84 west. Thwaites cat. 85 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Babington ms. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 55 Leicester. Ch. Bab. sp. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey ms. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Eichardson sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 76 Renfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Syme sp. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid ? 89 east ! 90 Forfar ? 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 95 Elgin. Dr. Innes." 96 Easterness ? 99 Dunbarton ? 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantu-e. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 10 Hebrides. N.B. The ? affixed to the names of counties indicates that C. hirsuta " has been described as growing by ditches or wet places ; thus leading to a supposition that C. sylvatica may be intended or included. 87 Cardamine impatiens. 2 Corn, east ? " Crouch." 3 Devon south. "Roberts" sp. I 68 87. CAKDAMINE IMPATIENS. 4 Devon north ? 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat. 13 Sussex west. Extinct ? 17 Surrey ! Salmon sp. 34 Gloster west. Watkins sp. 35 Monmouth. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Bloxam sp. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 47 Montgomery. Bowman ms. 48 Merioneth. 60 Denbigh. Bowman sp. 67 Derby ! 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. 62 Westmoreland. 75 Ayr ? N.B. The C. sylvatica has been frequently misreported as if C. impatiens ; thus, throwing much doubt on several of the counties ; among which those enume- rated below are mostly errors thus occasioned : — [7 21 55 68 59 61 62 70 77 83 97 111 ; also 2 and 4 ?] 88 Arabis thaliana. Counties all, except 1 32 35 46 46 49 51 53 54 60 69 72 73 86 97 98 101 102 107 108 110 112. There can be little doubt that it could be found in all of these counties, if sought early in the season, before it becomes hidden by more robust plants. And bota- nists accustomed to name it Sisymbrium tlialianum may omit to mark it under Arabis in a printed cata- logue. 89 Arabis petrsea. 48 Merioneth ? ' ' Lhwyd. ' ' 49 Carnarvon. Bab. sp. 70 Cumberland? "Wood." 88 Perth mid. Light scot. 91 Kincardine, ''bed of Dee." 92 Aber. south ! Dickie sp. 96 Easterness. "Cairngorm." 03 Mull. " Maughan." 04 Skye. Lawson cat. 08 Suth. west. Graham sp. 10 Hebrides. " Harris." 12 Shetland. Tate sp. South Wales. Bab. man. [3 40 57 62 65]. 90 Arabis stricta. 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites sp. [70 Cumberland] . 91 Arabis ciliata var. hispida. 45 Pembroke. Bab. man. N.B. The remarks on this plant in the third edition of ' English Botany ' would suggest that it may occur in other counties, but over- looked as a form of Arabis liirsuta. G. Don reported an "Arabis ciliata" from the hills of Forfarshire. 92 Arabis hirsuta. 1 Corn. west, "north coast." 2 east, "north coast." 3 Devon south! Hore sp. 02. ARABIS HIRSUTA. 59 6 Som. nortli ! Butler sp. 7 Wilts nortli. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell s^). 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 13 Sussex w. "on the downs." 14 e. " on the downs." 15 Kent east. Syme sp. 17 Surrey! E. Wood ms. 20 Herts. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 32 Northton? 33 Gloster east. Buckman sp. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Babington ms. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton ms. 41 Glamorgan. Lees sp. 42 Brecon. " E. Forster ms." 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. 47 Montgomery. 49 Carnarvon. Winch ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea ! 53 Line, south. Bloxam sp. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Bowman ms. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. 60 west. Simpson sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. cast. Baker cat. 63 York s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Diu'ham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Winch sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland! 70 Cumberland! 72 Dumfries. Hutton sp. 75 Ayr. 76 Kenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 80 Koxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Ed. cat. "v.c." 85 Fife. Syme cat. 86 Stuiing. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south ! 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 04 north. Ch. Bab. ms. 06 Boss east. Gordon cat. 08 Sutli. west, "garden wall." 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 94 Turritis glabra. 6 Som. nortli? 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset? 12 Hants north. Pampliii ms. 16 Kent west. Sandys sp. 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varennc sp. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 21 Middlesex ! 60 94. TURKITI3 GLABRA. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 27 Norf. east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Gloster...? Wintle ms. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Leefe sp. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leigiiton cat. 65 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Cliurcli Bab. sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. 67 Nortliumb. 70 Cumb. Dickenson sp. 77 Lanark. 87 Perth west. Dewar sp. 90 Forfar. Error? 99 Dunbarton. N.B. Doubtfully native in its few Scottish counties. 95 Barbarea vulgaris. Counties all, except 49 51 53 60 86 89 97 98 101 to 112. Li North Britain it is rare and doubtfully indigen- ous ; beyond the line of the Caledonial canal, it is absent from all the lists except that for Caithness. See the * Comp. Cyb. Brit.' for the distribution of its segre- gates. 98 Nasturtium officinale. Counties all, except 46 49 60 86 97 98 107 109 110; in all of which it may be held very likely to occur, as well as in the usual nine blanks also. 99 Nasturtium terrestre. 2 Corn. east. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat.f 6 Som. north. Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Preston ms. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 16 Kent west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites sp. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 99. NASTURTIUM TERRESTRE. Gl 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Cli. Bab. sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt sp. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Denny ms. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 70 Cumberland. Ohver sp. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcud. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Pienfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Balfour sp. 80 Koxburgh. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfoiu' sp. 85 Fife. Syme sp. 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. 98 Ai'gyle ? 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. [92 South Aberdeen ?] 100 Nasturtium sylvestre. ? Cornwall '? Pascoe. 8 Devon south. Goulding sp. ? Som. Collins ms. Soutliby. 9 Dorset ? Salter. 14 Sussex cast. 17 Surrey ! Salmon sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. I 24 Bucks. Britten cat. ! 25 Suffolk east, j 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. ! 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! 32 Northton ! 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Ch. Bab. sp. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Ch. Bab. sp. 38 Warwick. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Butler sp. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. 60 west. Simpson sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 North. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviotland. 72 Dumfries ? I 81 Berwick. I 83 Edinburgh. Brand sp. 85 Fife. Syme sp.f Balf. sp. 89 Perth east. Syme sp. " var : siliquis brevioribus." [70 Cumberland ?] 101 Nasturtium amphibium. Armoracia amphibia. 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 62 101. NASTURTIUM AMPHIBIUM. 8 Wilts south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Mansel cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Nortliton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Thwaites sp. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Bagnall ms. 40 Salop. 53 Lincoln south ! 64 north ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west ? 65 n. west, "frequent." 66 Durham. " ballast hills." [3 72 77 83 85 94]. 102 Sisymbrium officinale. Counties all, except 97 104 1 108 112 and the usual nine ; in all of which it may be expected, unless 112 Shetland should be a real exception. 103 Sisymbrium Irio. N.B. So uncertam in its ap- pearance, this may class more appropriately with the casuals than with the true constituents of our perma- nent flora. 104 Sisymbrium Sophia. 2 Cornwall east ? 3 Devon south ? 6 Som. north. Withers, 1850. 8 Wilts south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 13 Sussex west? "Sussex";B. 14 east ? Borrer cat. co. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Midx. casual only ? 22 Berks. 23 Oxford, extinct ? 25 Suff. east. Purclias ms. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Cooper, sp. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Khk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Bid well sp. 104. SISYMBKIUM SOPHIA. 63 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 49 Carnarvon. 60 Denbigh. Bomnan cat. 51 Fhnt ! 52 Anglesea. 58 Lmcoln south ! 54 north ! 55 Leicester. Ch. Bab. sp. 56 Notts. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Hancock sp. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 77 Lanark ? 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh. Maughan sp. 85 Fife. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine ! 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 06 Boss. Gordon cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. N.B. Somewhat irregular in its appearance in recorded localities ; ranging in places from a casual to a fanly in- digenous plant. 106 Erysimum cheiranthoides. 2 Corn. cast. Cunnack cat. I I 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f i 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. i 8 soutli. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat.f | 12 Hants north. 13 Sussex west. 14 east 15 Kent east. Bossey sp. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! Kev. E. Wood ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Fordham sp. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Bell sp. 26 west. B. 27 Norf. east. Paget sp. 28 west. Notcutt sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Wilmott ms." 38 Warwick. Mrs. Eussell. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. N.B. If not an aboriginal native of England, it has become so well established and so frequent in some of the southern counties as to stand intermediately be- tween the colonists and natives. In Mid and North Britain, on the contrary, it seems to be scarcely better than a casual. (50 53 55 to 59 62 63 65 66 07 71 81 84 85 95 103). 107 Erysimum AUiaria. Counties all, except 46 51 53 60 72 86 88 97 98 101 to 105 107 to 112. A 64 107. EKYSIMUM ALLIAKIA. recognized native from the south coast to the borders of the Grampian mountains. Northward of latitude 56-57, west and east, some of the local lists mark it as a plant probably introduced. It is one among many other such examples, of a species abundant in England, and shading off to the category of a " rare plant" in North Britain. It is to be regretted that our technical arrangements should place this plant under a genus, to the other species of which it is so dis- similar. 110" Matthiola incana. 10 "Wight. Bromfield sp. 14 Sussex east. " Extinct." 45 Pembroke. Error ? N.B. In Mr. A. G. More's catalogue of Vectian plants this is marked as one uncer- tainly indigenous ; and his judgment on conflicting views about nativity is less one-sided than that of Dr. Bromfield constantly showed itself to be. Ill Matthiola sinuata. 4 Devon north. Maw sp. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. Baker sp. 49 Carnarvon. 51 Flint. 52 Anglesea. N.B. This appears to have been found at remote dates } in Cornwall, Dorset, and Sussex ; has it been seen in those counties within the past half century ? 113 Brassica oleracea. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Pascoe cat. 3 Devon south. Henfrey sp. 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More sp.f 15 Kent east ! 41 Glamorgan ? 45 Pembroke. 48 Merioneth ? 49 Carnarvon. N.B. If this cabbage were not so liable to distrust in most of its alleged localities, as a probable escape from culti- vation, it might perhaps be accepted as native on the cliffs of Kent, the Peninsula, and South Wales. Dr. Tate wrote in 1871 " truly na- tive " in South Devon. (18 27 62 66 67 69 75 81 83 85 86 100). 114 Brassica campestris. Rapa. Napus. The exact application of these names is still so unsettled, and the records of localities so confused through mis- nomers and uncertainties as to the real wildness of the things intended by the variously applied names, that no real usefulness could arise from a merely con- densed enumeration of re- 114. BKASSICA CAIMPESTKIS. 65 ported counties. The plant now so j)lentiful along the Thames is apparently a wild state of the Turnip, whether named Puipa or campcstris. To record it as Napus was at first simply a misnomer thi'ough not seeing the j)lant at a sufficiently early stage of its growth. Uninquking repetitions of error cannot amend or confirm the origi- nal error itself. 116 Sinapis arvensis. Counties all, except 4G 97 and the usual nine ; in all of which it might be assumed to occur. 117 Sinapis alba. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f 4 north. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts south. Flower cat. 8 north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east ! 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varennc cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. I 28 west, j 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh. Stratton ms. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat.f 64 m. west. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. " colonist." 67 Northumb. " colonist." 68 Clieviotland. " colonist." 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat.f 81 Berwick, "common." 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. J. B. Balf. ms. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Balfour sp. 87 Perth west. Syme cat.f 8Q castif 91 Kincardine. Syme cat.f 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat.f 01 Cantu'c. Balfour cat. 02 Ebudes south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Boss east. Gordon cat.f 10 Hebrides. 66 118. SIN APIS NIGRA. 118 Sinapis nigra. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. ^ Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Fox sp. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Smith cat. 15 Kent east. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suff. east. Purclias ms. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babingtoii cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould ms.f 32 Northton. 83 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. f 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 50 Denbigh. 52 Anglcsea. 53 Lincoln south ! f 54 Lincoln north ! 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. Syme ms. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. " colonist." 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. [72 77 81 83 85 95]. 120 Sinapis tenuifolia. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f 6 Som. north. Crotch sp. 9 Dorset. Mansel ms.f 11 Hants south ! 13 Sussex west ! 15 Kent east ! Beesley sp. 17 Surrey! 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Hurst ms. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 33 Gloster east ? 34 west. Thwaites sp. 36 Hereford, extinct ? 38 Warwick. 39 Stafford ? 40 Salop. Shawe sp. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 48 Merion. Mrs. Kussell sp. 49 Carnarvon! 68 Chester ! Bowman sp. I 62 York n. Baker cat.f 120. SINAPIS TENUIFOLIA. 67 63 York s. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey s^. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 70 Cumberland. [10 77 81 85] . 121 Sinapis muralis. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat.f 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f 6 Som. north ! Thwaites cat. 9 Dorset. 10 Wight. introduced." Sussex. Borrer cat. co. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne sp. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. Stock sp. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Butler sp. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. co.f 41 Glamorgan. Purchas sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. "Webb cat.f 62 York n. east. Baker sp.f 66Durh. Hortsp.f "ballast." 67 Xorthumb. Storey sp.f 70 CumherUmd. 85 Fife. Brand. f ]3alf. cat.f N.B. The habitats of this and the preceding species are confused in our recorded j localities for the two plants. \ 122 Sinapis monensis. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 49 Carnarvon. 52 Anglesea. 58 Chester ! Fordliam sp. 59 Lane, south ! Tudor sp. 69 Westmoreland? 70 Cumberland. Oliver sp. 71 Man. Jowett sp. 72 Dumfries. 73 Ku'kcudbright. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Prof. Balfour sp. 76 Kenfrew. Gourlie sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hooker sp. 01 Cantu-e. (2 17 21 60 66 82 90 104, casual or doubtful ; in- cluding S. Cheiranthus). 123 Raphanus Raphanistrum. Counties all, except 5 15 46 51 60 86 97 99 104 107 109 ; likely to occur in all. 124 Raphanus maritimus. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Payne sp. 3 Devon south. Tate ms. 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell ms. 10 AVight ! More cat. 14 Sussex east. Trevelyan ms. 15 Kent east? 25 Suffolk east ? 27 Norfolk east ? 45 Pembroke. Bowman ms. 48 Merioneth. Bowman ms. 60 Lane. west. Syme sp. 61 York K. east ? 60 Durham, ''ballast hills." 70 Cumberland. " Jknson." 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray sp. G8 124. RAPHANUS MARITIMUS. 74 Wigton. Macnab sj). 75 Ayr. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 98 Argyle. Goiirlie sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 91 Cantire. Balfour cat. [112 Bressa; Edm. flo.] . 125 Reseda Luteola. Counties all, except 51 73 86 88 93 97 to 100 102 to 105 107 to 112. Du- biously indigenous in Moray and westward of the Cale- donian Canal. 126 Reseda lutea. 1 Corn., west ? 2 east. Briggs cat.f 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f 4 north. Maw cat. 6 Som. north ! 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west ! Martin sp. 14 _ east ! 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 w«st ! 17 Surrey ! Ellis sp. 18 Essex south 19 north. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Sutfolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west, Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. Ch. Bab. ms. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 37 Worcester. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop, one locality. 41 Glamorgan. Collins ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 53 Line, south ! Bloxam sp. 54 north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt sp. 58 Chester ! 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat.f (51 75 77 81 82 83 84 85 89 90 92 95 96). Dr. Boswell Syme holds it ''apparently truly native" in Fife. Almost all other botanists of Scotland, whose opinion can be of any au- thority in the matter, mark it as an introduced plant in the Scottish counties, as also in the most northerly counties of England. 128 Helianthemum vulgare. 3 Devon south. 6 Som. north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 128. HELL\NTHEMUM VULGARE. G9 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east ? 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! Wood ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east? 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Cooper sp. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 84 west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Bagnall ms. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Bab. cat. 46 Cardigan. 47 Montgom. Bowman ms. 49 Carnarvon ! Winch ms. 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea. 63 Lincoln south. Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 59 Lane, south. Chadwick sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 York s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Bowman sp. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumb. Storey cat. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Koxbui'gh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 86 Sthiing. 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 88 mid ! Worsley cat. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardhie. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 94 Banff'. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 06 Boss east. Gordon cat. 129 Helianthemum polifolium. 3 Devon south. G. Lloyd sp. 5 Som. north. Trevelyan sp. [34 Glouc. 37 Wore] . 130 Helianthemum canum. 41 Glamorgan. 49 Carnarvon. Hooker sp. 50 Denbigh. 51 Flint. Bowman sp. 52 Anglesea. 65 York n. west. Baker sp. 69 AVestmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ? [1 34 39]. 70 131. HELIANTHEMUM BREWERI. 131 Helianthemum Breweri. 52 Anglesea. Ball sp. 132 Viola palustris. Counties all, except 5 12 19 20 24 26 29 31 32 33 34 46 51 54 60 80 86 99 ; in most of wliicli doubt- less it is to be found if sought. 133 Viola odorata. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat.f 2 east. Briggs cat.-'' 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! f 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts south. Flower cat. 8 north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. Bromfield ms. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat.! 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Newman ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Gibson ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Coleman ms. 26 west. Henslow ms. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Henslow ms. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. J. Hooker ms. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babmgton cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 53 Lincoln south ! f 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Coleman cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Warren cat." 59 Lane, south. Webb cat.f 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. " native." 67 Nortliumb. New flora." 68 Cheviotland. New flora." 69 Westmoreland ! f 70 Cumber. Baker cat. j 71 Man. Forbes cat.f 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat.f 81 Berwick. Border flora." 82 Haddmgton. Balf. flo. 83 Edmburgh Balf. cat.f 85 Fife. Syme." Balf. flo. 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. Gard. flora. f [111 Orkney ; Lowe's list] . N.B. In the above enumeration of counties some variation has been made from the usual plan. All the coun- ties are enumerated by 133. VIOLA ODOKATA. 71 name, although the Violet may have been reported m them simply as an intro- duced plant. The is here brought into use to distin- guish counties in which the violet is considered to be certainly or very probably introduced. The f indi- cates a less positive opinion against its nativity. Seen by myself in many counties, Surrey and North Lincoln are the only two in which I could look upon it as truly native. 134 Viola hirta. 1 Corn. west. Warren sp. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 4 north ! MaAv cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Sui-rey ! Brewer sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 26 Suffolk west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Hanbury sp. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. L eight on cat. 41 Glamorgan. Barnard ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 47 Montgom. Bowman ms. 49 Carnarvon ! Winch ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea ! 53 Line, south ! Bloxam ms. 54 north ! 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Bowman sp. 59 Lane, south. Dugdale sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Nortliumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 72 Dumfries, "frequent." 80 Roxburgh. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Brand sp. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife ! Symc cat. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Symc sp." [58 Chester ; Dick. Lp. flo] . 135 Viola sylvatica. V. canina, Sm. Counties all, except 51 60 and the usual nine ; in all of 72 135. VIOLA which doubtless it occurs. This distribution may be taken to represent that of the more usual segregate, Eiviniana. 135 Viola Reichenbachiana. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Somerset... ? 7 Wilts north. Preston ms. 8 south ? 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More sp. 13 Sussex west. Syme ms. 17 Surrey! 21 Middlesex ? 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 29 Cambridge. Babingtonsp. 33 Gloster east. 38 Warwick. Kirk sp. 50 Denbigh. Stratton ms. 58 Chester ! Eobinson sp. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 66 Durham. N.B. Probably will be found in many other counties. 135 Viola arenaria. 66 Durham. 69 Westm. Backhouse ms. 135 Viola canina, Bab. V. flavicornis, Sm. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Parfitt sp. 4 north ! 5 Som. south. Collins ms. 6 north. Trevelyan sp. SYLVATICA. 7 Wilts north. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell sp. 10 Wight. More sp. 11 Hants south ! Bromf. sp. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east ! Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Stevens s^d. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne sp. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks ! Hurst ms. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. "Borrer." 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. 28 west. Notcutt sp. 29 Cambridge. Douglas sp. 31 Hunts ! 36 Hereford. Purchas sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bagnall ms. 39 Stafford. Douglas sp. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. " arenaria." 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 52 Anglesea. Babington. 53 Lincoln south ! 55 Leicester. Coleman cat. 58 Chester ! Brent sp. 59 Lane, south. Sansom sp. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Oliver sp. 71 Man. Forbes sp. 135. VIOLA CANINA. 73 76 Eenfrew. Gait ms. 77 Lanark. Gait ms. 78 Peebles. Mauglian sp. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Tyacke sp. 84 Linlitligow. 85 Fife. Lawson ms. 86 Stii-Kng. Gait ms. 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. Gardiner sp. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 94 Banff. 00 Clyde -isles. Hennedy cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. N.B. This violet and the * sylvatica ' have been so much confused together under the common name of ' canina,' that the exact severance of their localities, as recorded in books, is now impossible. Perhaps the present species will be found as widely diffused as is the ' sylvatica,' although cer- tainly less frequent. Often confused with the distinct 'lactea,' through looking to the shape of leaf, instead of the flowers. 135 Viola lactea. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack sp. 2 east. Briggs sp. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 11 Hants south ! 14 Sussex east. Carr sp. 16 Kent west. More sp. 22 Berks ! [8 9 10 27 29 31 50 58 78, all or mostly errors; no specimens have been seen by me from any of these counties] . 135 Viola stagnina. 29 Cambridge. Hen slow sp. 31 Hunts. "Babington." 53 Lincoln. Nicholson sp. [1 2 63 ; confused with ' lactea ' in these counties] . 136 Viola tricolor, arvensis. Counties all, except 97 107 and the usual nine, under one or other of the two names. V. arvensis is re- ported from 1 to 112 inclu- sively, but with several of the intervening counties still in blank. The plant of arable- lands has flowers ranging from the apetalous state to that with large party-coloured petals full twice the length of the calyx ; and this so gradu- ally that any hard line of distinction becomes impos- sible. The plant of untilled lands, with yellow or party- coloured flowers and sub- perennial root, might pos- sibly be kept apart as " eu- tricolor." But that is not the distinction made by botanists in their applica- tions of the two names ; so that " eu-tricolor " of some collectors is "arvensis" of other botanists, and vice versa. 136 (137) Viola Curtisii. 1 Cornwall west ? 4 Devon north ! Maw sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. L 74 136 (137) VIOLA CURTISII. 52 Anglesea. Babington ms. 58 Chester ! Sansom sp. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 75 Ayr. Gait ms. 1870. 00 Cumbrae. Gait ms. 136 (137) Viola lutea. 1 Cornwall west ? 3 Devon south ? 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Miss Bell sp. 39 Stafford. Bloxam ms. 40 Salop. Lees sp. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. Turner ms. 43 Kadnor. Atwood ms. 44 Carmarthen. 45 Pembroke. Babington sp. 46 Cardigan. Attwood ^p. 47 Montgomery. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh! 61 Flint. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south ? 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Leefe sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 71 Man. 72 Dumfries. 73 Kirkcudbright. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat. 78 Peebles. 80 Boxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Kaddington. 83 Edinburgh ! Syme eat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife ! Syme cat. 86 Stirling. Tyacke sp. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 94 Banff. 96 Easterness ! 97 Westerness ! 99 Dunbarton Ch. Bab. ms. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Islay. Balfour cat. 06 Boss east. Gordon cat. 10 Hebrides. 138 Drosera rotundifolia. Counties all, except 7 33 34 46 49 51 60 84 86 107; in some of these doubtless seen by myself in years long past. 139 Drosera intermedia. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs eat. 4 north? 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 8 Wilts south. Flower eat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Kants south! Notcutt eat. 12 north ! 14 Sussex east. Coleman cat. 17 Surrey ! ElHs ms. 22 Berks ! 24 Bucks. Hurst ms. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 139. DKOSEEA INTERMEDIA. 75 27 Norf. east. Woodward sp. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Extinct. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Bree sp. 34 Gloster west. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leigliton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 46 Cardigan. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. 62 Anglesea. 54 Lincoln north. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Henfrey sp. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. " sp." Baker. 69 Westmoreland ! Ball sp. 70 Cumberland. 72 DumMes. Gray sp. 73 Kirkcudbright? 75 Wigton? 97 Westerness. Ch. Bab. sp. 99 Dunbarton. 02 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 04 north. Lawson cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. [21 61 63 64 65 67 68 76 85 92 100 111 112; pos- sibly two or three of these may be correct, and two or three of the named counties be erroneous. Much con- fusion between the plants through use of the name * longifolia ' for either] . 140 Drosera anglica. 8 Devon south. lUisscll ms. 5 Som. south. Parfitt ms. 9 Dorset. Plcydell ins. 11 Hants south? " Curtis," etc. Sussex ? 25 Suffolk east. Skepper ms. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Mar sham sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Extinct. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 40 Salop. Bowman sp. 41 Glamorgan. 58 Chester. Bowman ms. 59 Lane, south. Leyland sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 72 Dumfries. Gray sp. 75 Ayr. Hooker sp. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. Extinct ? 85 Fife. Prof. Balfour ms. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie sp. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables sp. 97 Westerness ! 98 Ai-gyle. Hooker s^d. 99 Dunbarton ? 00 Clyde-isles. "T. Bell" sp. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 03 mid! 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Boss east. Ch. Bab. ms. 07 Suth. east. Graham sp. 08 west ! Greville sp. 09 Caithness. Macnab sp. 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Syme sp. 12 Shetland? "longifolia." [1 6 etc. not sufficiently testihed] . 141 Polygala vulgaris. Counties all, except 46 51 60 76 141. POL YG ALA VULGARIS. 86 98 99 and the usual I nine ; either " vulgaris "or " depressa " doubtless is to be found in all the counties. 141 Polygala eu-vulgaris. 2 Cornwall east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! 10 Wight ! 13 Sussex west ! 16 Kent west! 17 Surrey! 21 Middlesex? 22 Berks. Britten cat. 29 Cambridge! Harris sp. 52 Angiesea ! 59 Lane, south ? 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 12 Shetland? Tate cat. N.B. This segregate will likely be found in many other counties ; but few col- lectors really distinguish it from 'depressa;' and the ' oxyptera ' comes in be- tween them even more dubiously. 141 Polygala oxyptera. 1 Cornwall. Ch. Bab. ms. 3 Devon south. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. 14 Sussex east. Borrer ms. 29 Cambridge. Syme,"ciliata." 41 Glamorgan. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. Fisher sp. 65 York n. west ? Ward cat. 67 Northumberland. 71 Man ? 141 Polygala depreBsa. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight! 11 Hants south ! 12 north. Baker cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 26 Suff. west. " ciliata var." 28 Norfolk west. Notcutt sp. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh! 85 Fife. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 12 Shetland. ^ Tate sp. N.B. Counties far from being fully ascertained ; this is likely the most frequent of the three segregates. 141 Polygala calcarea. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. Sussex. Borrer cat. co. 16 Kent west. Christy sp. 17 Surrey! Symc sp. 22 Berks. Syme sp. 141. POLYGALA CALCAKEA. 77 23 Oxford. Dutliie sp. 33 Gloster east. Stephens sp. 44 Carinartlien ? Motley ms. [1 Scilly Isles ? A single specimen found there by Mr. Townsend] . 141 Polygala austriaca. uliginosa. 15 East Kent. Duthie sp. 65 N.W. York. Backhouse ! 142 Frankenia laevis. 10 Wight ! More sp. 11 Hants south. Macreight sp. 13 Sussex west. 14 east. 15 Kent east! Wardale sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Warner sp. 25 Suffolk east. Stock sp. 27 Norf. east. Babington sp. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge? 66 Durham, "ballast hills." (1 Cornwall ; x^lantcd). 143 Elatine hexandra. 1 Corn. west. Crotch sp. 14 Sussex east. 17 Surrey! Salmon sj). 22 Berks. 38 Warwick. Lloyd sp. 40 Salop. Hind sp. 49 Carnarvon. Hort sp. 52 Angle sea. Babington sp. 55 Leicester. Ch. Bab. sp. 58 Chester. Hardy sp. 87 Perth west. 91 Kincardine. Syme sp. 92 Aber. south? Callater? 01 Clyde-isles. 144 Elatine hydropiper. 17 Surrey. Salmon sp. 37 Worcester. Irvine sp. 52 Angiesea. Hooker sp. 145 Dianthus prolifer. 10 Wight. Bromfield sp. 11 Hants south. Stratton sp. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 22 Berks. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. [3 21 37 ; and perhaps ex- tinct in some of the other counties] . 146 Dianthus Armeria. 1 Cornwall west. 3 Devon south. 4 north. 8 Wilts south. Miss Bell ms. 9 Dorset. 10 Wight. Extinct? 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. IG west. Denncs ms. 17 Surrey! Ellis sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Warner sp. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Ikicks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock ms. 2G wxst. 27 Norfolk east. Bloxam ms. 28 west. 30 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 78 146. DIANTHUS ARMERIA. 38 Warwick. Lloyd sp. 89 Stafford. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 52 Anglesea. 58 Chester. "Miss Potts." 59 Lane, south. 62 York n. east. Ibbotson." 63 s. west. Newb. ms. 66 Durham. 70 Cumberland. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat."' 89 Perth east. Brand sp. 90 Forfar. N.B. Remarkably uncertain or temporary in its locali- ties ; perhaps scarcely better than a casual in some of the counties named above] . 149 iDianthus caesius. 6 North Somerset. Christy sp. (23 83). [32 34 53 69] . 150 Dianthus deltoides. 3 Devon south. Poole ms. 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat. 13 Sussex west. 15 Kent east ? 17 Surrey. Twining sp. 19 Essex north. Varenne cat. I 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. Extinct ? 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east ? 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Wardale sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites cat. 37 Worcester. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leigliton cat. 48 Merioneth. Butler sp. 49 Carnarvon. Bowman ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 58 Chester. H.E. Smith sp." 59 Lane, south. Webb. cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Spruce sp. 64 m. west ? Biden sp. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. " Mr. Dunlop." 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme sp. 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Mrs. Dickson. 96 Easterness. Stables sp. (10) [36 70 95 101 106 112] . 151 Saponaria officinalis. N.B. On record for nearly all the counties of England, and for several in Wales and Scotland; but almost invariably reported by re- liable collectors as an intro- duced plant. 152 Silene inflata. Counties all, except 46 49 86 88 97 98 99 101 104 107 108 110 [111] 112. Caith- ness, possibly introduced ; Brown cat. 153. SILENE MAEITIMA. 79 153 Silene maritima. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. Twining sp. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 15 Kent east. Twining sp. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne ms. 25 Suff. east. Notcutt sp. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. " 2800 feet." 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 62 Anglesea ! 58 Chester. Warren cat. GO Lane. west. Syme sp. 62 York n. east. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. 67 Northumb. Oliver sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! Bailey sp. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 75 A}T. Duncan cat. 76 Ptcnfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow I Balfour cat. 85 Fife, byme cat. 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. Church. Bab. ms. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 03 mid. Ch. Bab. ms. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Boss east ! Gordon cat. 08 Suth. west ! 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Gillies herb. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. N.B. The technical distinctions between this plant and the preceding are very slight, yet seeming constant, and under varied conditions of garden culture during several successive descents. 154 Silene Otites. 20 Suff. west. Bunbury sp. 28 Norf. west. Wardale sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington ms. [46 62]. (66). 155 Silene anglica. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat.f 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f Somerset. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Miss Twining sp. 10 Wiglit. More cat. 80 155. SILENE ANGLICA. 11 Hants south ! .12 north! 13 Sussex west. 14 east. 14 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! EUis ms. 19 Essex north. Varenne sp. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ? 22 Berks ! 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 36 Hereford. " Wilmott." 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. ' 45 Pembroke. Mrs. Kussell sp. 48 Merioneth. 42 Carnarvon. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 58 Chester ! 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Foggitt sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 75 Ayr. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat." 83 Edinburgh. 85 Fife. Dewar sp. 88 Perth mid. 90 Forfar. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.f 96 Easterncss. Stables cat. (66 67 " ballast hills "). 156 Silene nutans. 3 Devon south. 8 Wilts south ? 10 Wight. More sp. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 39 Stafford? .o;... .- 40 Salop? 49 Carnarvon. Bowman ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 51 Flint. Bowman ms. 56 Notts. Eddison sp. 57 Derby ! Ch. Bab. sp. 85 Fife. Maughan sp. 90 Forfar. Gardiner sp. 91 Kincardine. Mrs. Dickson. (20 55 70). [2 6 11 17 32 64 111]. 156 Silene italica. 16 West Kent. Syme sp. 29 Cambridge. Barton sp. 83 Edinburgh. Evans sp. 157 Silene noctiflora. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Christy sp. 20 Herts. Brown sp. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Stock ms. 28 west. BeU sp. 29 Cambridge. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! 36 Hereford. Purchas ms. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 54 Lincoln north. Britten cat. 157. SILENE 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Church. Bab. sp. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. " colonist." 68 Cheviotland. " colonist." 82 Haddington. Syme sp. 85 Fife. Dewar sp. Syme cat. 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. (3 10 14 17 21 39 55 59 61 81 83; some of these counties perhaps through misnomers). 158 Silene conica. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 26 Suff. east. Bunbury sp. 27 Norf. east. Stock ms.f 28 west. Wardale sp. 82 Haddington. Macnab sp. 90 Forfar. Reid sp. Croall sp. (22 67 95). [37 39]. 159 Silene acaulis. 49 Carnarvon ! Leefe sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! 86 Stirling. Hooker sp. 88 Perth mid ! 89 east. 90 Forfar ! 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. ■ 94 Banff. 96 Easterness. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. Gordon ms. 99 Dunbarton. 03 Eb. mid. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Eoss west. Graham sp. NOCTIFLORA. 81 08 Sutherland west ? 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Syme sp. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. 160 Lychnis alpina. 70 Cumberland. Oliver sp. 90 Forfar. J. Macnab sp. 161 Lychnis Viscaria. 43 Eadnor. Purchas ms. 47 Montgomery. Bowman sp. 73 Kirkcudbright. 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Brand sp. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 86 Stirling. Gourlie sp. 89 Perth east. 90 Forfar. 162 Lychnis Flos-cuculi. Counties all, except 46 49 51 97 ; in all of which doubt- less it does occur. 163 Lychnis diurna. Counties all, except 31 86 97 98 107 109. Possibly it may be absent from 31, Huntingdon. Just within the county of Cambridge ; Prof. Babington ms. 164 Lychnis vespertina. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 cast. Briggs cat.t 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts south. Flower cat. 82 164. LYCHNIS VESPERTINA. 8 Wilts north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. PleydeU cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east! Coleman cat. 't- is Kent east ! 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suff. east. Purchas ms. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Wardale sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 51 Flint 1 52 Angiesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 York n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland! 70 Cumberland. Oliver sp. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. i 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. i 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 1 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh! Balfour cat. i 85 Fife. Syme cat. i 66 Stnling! I 87 Perth west ! ; 89 east ! 90 Forfar. ' 91 Kincardine. Dickson ms. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. I 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Bank. 06 Boss east!! 165 Lychnis Githago. Counties all, except 45 46 49 51 60 69 86 88 97 98 104 107 108 109t 110 112f. 166 Moenchia erecta. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Stephens sp. 7 Wilts north. Preston v. sp. 9 Dorset. Mansel cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 166. MOENCHIA EKECTA. 88 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 18 Essex south. Sansom sp. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 28 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Stock cat. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 43 Radnor. 47 Montgomery. Bowman ms. 49 Carnarvon! 52 Anglesea ! 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 63 York s. west. 66 Durham. 68 Cheviotland. Tate sp. 167 Sagina apetala. Counties all, except 35 48 60 69 70 72 73 86 87 88 [97] 98 99 102 107. It is now impossible to ai)por- tion the recorded counties precisely among the tliree segregates treated under- neath. S. maritima luis been longer known, and thus more often recorded distinctly ; though several of its alleged localities may be held to require verifi- cation. S. ciliata is per- haps more frequent than S. apetala (seg.) and extends farther northward. 167 Sagina maritima. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. 13 Sussex west. Brewer sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 25 Suff. east. Coleman ms. 27 Norfolk east. Barnard sp. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. 41 Glamorgan. Withers sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. 46 Cardigan. 49 Carnarvon. Hunt sp. 50 Denbigh. 51 Flint. Bowman s}). 52 Anglesea. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south ! Fisher sp. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Benfrew. Hennedy cat. 82 Haddington. H8 1^'jdinburgh ! J^alfour s]). 84 167. SAGINA MARITIMA. 84 Linlithgow. Macnab sp. 85 Fife. Syme, "genuina." 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south. Dickie sp. 93 north. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 03 Eb. mid. Ch. Bab. ms. 04 north. Ch. Bab. ms. 06 Ross east. Campbell sp. 08 Suth. west ? 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Syme sp. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. [81 Berw. 97 Ben Nevis] . 167 Sagina apetala ! 1 Cornwall west. 3 Devon south. 6 Somerset north ! 10 I. of Wight ! 11 Hants south ! 13 Sussex west. 17 Surrey ! 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks ! 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 34 Gloster west ! 36 Hereford. Purchas sp. 47 Montgomery. 64 Lincoln north ! 59 Lane, south. 62 York n. east. 64 m. west. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 81 Berwick. Eng. bot. cd. 3. N.B. Very doubtful farther north, as yet. The example from Montgomery was sent to the Exchange Club labelled as " Arenaria tenui- folia ;" and there are grounds for suspecting that S. ciliata also has been occasionally so misreported. 168 Sagina ciliata. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs ms. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ? 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More sp. 11 Hants south. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 17 Surrey ! Syme sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. Barnard sp. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks! 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. Newbouldms. 27 Norf. east. Barnard sp. 28 west. Newbould ms. 29 Cambridge. Hort sp. 38 Warwick. Bagnall ms. 47 Montgom. Warren sp. 56 Notts. 59 Lane, south. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 64 m. west. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 77 Lanark ? 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. Syme sp. 85 Fife. Syme sp. 91 Kincardine. Boy ms. 168. SAGINA CILIATA. 85 92 Aber. south. Dickie sp. 94 Banff. Eoy, sent to me." 168 Sagina procumbens. Counties all, except only the usual nine. 169 Sagina saxatilis. Spergula saginoides. 88 Perth mid! Ball sp. 90 Forfar ! 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 96 Easterness ! 08 Suth. west. Stables sp. [36 75 111]. 169 Sagina subulata. Spergula subulata. 1 Corn. west. Gibson ms. 2 -east. Briggs cat. 8 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! 6 Som. north. Coleman cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! RusscU sp. 12 north ! 14 Sussex east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ? 17 Surrey ! Ellis sp. 21 Middlesex ? 22 Berks ! 24 Bucks? 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 32 Northton ? 39 Stafford. 45 Pembroke. Babington sp. 49 Carnarvon. Winch ms. 50 Denbigh. 52 Anglesea ! 58 Chester. Webb sp. 61 York s. east? 62 n. east. 67 Northumberland ? 68 Cheviot. Eichardson sp. 71 Man. Jowett sp. 76 Kenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. 85 Fife. 87 Perth west ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar. Brand sp. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 98 Argyle. 69 Dunbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 03 mid. Syme sp. 04 north. Lawson cat. 08 Suth. west. Johnston ms. 10 Hebrides. 12 Shetland. 170 Sagina nivalis. 88 Mid Perth. Balfour sp. 99 Dunbarton ? or Argyle ? [90 Man. ed 3. 104 Brit, flo. ed. 8] . 171 Sagina nodosa. Spergula nodosa. 1 Corn, west I Cunnack cat. 2 east. Pascoe cat ? " 3 Devon south ? 4 north ! Maw cat. 171. SAGINA NODOSA. 6 Som. north. 7 Wilts north. Preston v. sp. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 12 Hants north. 13 Sussex west. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Stock ms. 28 west. Cooper sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 33 Gloster east ? 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Bowman sp. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley ms. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. 48 Merioneth. 51 Flint ! 52 Anglesea. 53 Line, south ! 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. 60 west. Syme sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 York m. west. Twining sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 66 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Ku-kcudb right. Gray cat. 75 Ayi-. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Dickson ms. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat'. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Boss east ! Gordon cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. Gillies herb. 11 Orkney. Tate sp. 12 Shetland. N.B. This would appear to rank among the " common plants ' ' by its wide and nearly general distribution ; but its localities are rather dotted over the island, than really continuous like those of the Daisy and other more truly common species. 172. SPERGULA ARVENSIS. 87 172 Spergula arvensis. Counties all, except 35 49 60 and the usual nine ; no doubt to be found in all these dozen seeming vacancies. 173 Honkeneja peploides. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Goulding sp. 3 Devon south. Gissing sp. 4 north. 6 Som. north. Thwaites sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! Twining sp. 11 Hants south. 13 Sussex west. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Hall sp. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. 28 west. 41 Glamorgan. Lees sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 48 Merioneth. Gibson ms. 49 Carnarvon. Bloxam ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south. 54 north ! Howitt sp. 58 Chester ! 59 Lane, south! Webb cat. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. cast. Baker cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 73 Kirkcudbriglit. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantu'e. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Boss east. Gordon cat. 08 Suth. west ! 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Syme cat. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. 174 Spergularia marina. Lepigonum marinum. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Stephens sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south! Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west ! Syme sp. 14 east ! 15 Kent east ! Buckland sp. 16 west! 18 Essex south 19 north. 88 174. SPERGULARIA MARINA. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas sp. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Cooper sp. 29 Cambridge. 34 Gloster west ! Thwaites cat. 37 Worcester. 39 Stafford. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 49 Carnarvon. 51 Flint ! 52 Anglesea. 53 Lmcoln south ! Butler sp. 54 north ! Howitt sp. 58 Chester ! Hunt sp. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n..east. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 71 Man. Jowett sp. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. 76 Renfrew. Kennedy cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie sp. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Ross east. Gordon cat. 11 Orkney. Gillies herb. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. 174 Spergularia marginata. 2 Corn. east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 6 Som. north. Stephens sp. 10 Wight. More. 13 Sussex west ! 52 Anglesea. Davies. 58 Chester. Webb. 59 Lane, south ! 67 Northumberland. 76 Renfrew. Hennedy. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. N.B. Probably found in most of the counties indicated above for the aggregate "marina." I am not able clearly to distinguish this segregate and the next, al- though the extreme ex- amples do appear so dif- ferent". 174 Spergularia neglecta. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 6 Som. north ? 9 Dorset. 10 Wight. 13 Sussex west ! , 15 Kent east! 18 Essex south ? 19 north. Varenne ms. 28 Norf. west. 29 Cambridge. Babington ms. 37 Worcester. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 51 Flint! 174. SPERGULAEIA NEGLECTA. 89 62 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! 58 Chester. Hunt. "Warren. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west ? 61 York s. east ? 62 n. east. Baker ms. 66 Durham. Norman ms. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland. 85 Syme cat. 11 Orkney. Syme E.B. ed. 3. 174 Spergularia rupestris. 1 Corn. west. Bailey sp. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 4 north. Maw sp. 9 Dorset. Boswell-Syme ms. 10 Wight ! More cat. 49 Carnarvon. Hunt sp. 52 Anglesea. Wmdsor sp. 58 Chester. Webb sp. 59 Lane, south. Lewis sp. 71 Man. Webb ms. 73 Ku'kcudbright. N.B. Very little differing from some states of ''neglecta," and perhaps only the same thing more advanced in age, having survived many seasons. 175 Spergularia rubra. Counties all, except 26 35 47 51 60 70 73 75 80 86 89 97 98 101 to 105 107 to 112. 177 Arenaria norvegica. 112 Shetland. Tate sp. [Ill Murchison and Peach] . 178 Arenaria serpyllifolia. Counties all, except 35 49 72 86 88 89 97 98 99 104 107 109 112; in most of these it will be found either native or colonist. The counties for ' ' leptoclados ' ' are not here attempted apart, because several of the specimens which I have seen so labelled were simply slen- der states of serpyllifolia. I have seen the true plant in 6 10 17 21 and likely in other counties, on walls and by roadsides, not in corn- fields. 179 Arenaria tenuifolia. 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 7 Wilts north. 8 south. 11 Hants south. More ms. 12 north. 14 Sussex east. Smith sp. 16 Kent west. Bossey sp. 17 Surrey ! Salmon sp. 19 Essex north. 20 Herts. Fordliam sp. 21 Middlesex ? 22 Berks. Syme sp. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 26 Suff. west. Duthie sp. 27 Norf. east. Woodward ms. 28 we^t. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Nortliton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites cat. 38 Warwick. Bloxam ms. N 90 179. ABENAKIA TENUIFOLIA. 62 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south. Bloxam sp. 62 York n. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Baker sp. [1 2 3 9 37 39 40 59 83 35 ; an old or poor au- thority] . 180 Arenaria verna. 1 Corn, west! Bennett sp. 6 Som. north. Stephens sp. 39 Stafford. 42 Brecon ? 49 Carnarvon. Howitt sp. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Bowman sp. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ? 60 Lane. west. 63 York s. west? 64 m. west. Baker sp. 65 n. west. Leefe sp. 66 Durham. Baker sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. 73 Kirkcudbright? 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 88 Perth mid. 92 Aber. south. 93 north. 12 Shetland. Tate cat. [32 36 56 77 90; errors or insufficiently vouched] . 181 Arenaria rubella. 88 Mid Perth ! Hooker sp. 08 West Suth. Graham exc. " On one cliff on Ben Hope, Sutherland." 181 Arenaria uliginosa. Spergula stricta. 66 Durham. G. S. Gibson sp. 182 Arenaria trinervia. Counties all, except 46 49 51 60 71 75 80 86 88 89 97 98 101 to 105 107 to 112 ; in many of which it is likely to occur. 184 Stellaria nemorum. 35 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. 40 Salop ? 41 Glamorgan? 48 Merioneth. Butler sp. 51 Flint? 57 Derby. Howitt sp. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south ! Goodlad hb. 62 York n. east. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Storey ms. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Miss Pringle sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Renfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 80 Roxburgh. 81 Berwick. Embleton ms. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife ? 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west. Syme eat. 88 mid ! Campbell sp. 184. STELLAEIA NEMOEUM. 91 90 Forfar. Eoy sp. 91 Kincardine. Dickie ms. 94 Banff. Grant Duff." 95 Elgin. Gordon cat 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 99 Dimbarton. Hooker sp. [2 Bot. Soc. Ed. 3 Flo. Dev. 37 Lees. 38Bree. 50 Faun. Grust. Authorities not satis- factory for a plant whicli lias been confused by collectors witb Cerastium aquaticum and with nemoral varieties of Stellaria media. The ? follows the names of other counties, for which the au- thority may be rather better, although still scarcely suffi- cient. 185 Stellaria media. Counties all, except 46 and the usual nine ; in all of which no doubt it occurs. 186 Stellaria Holostea. Counties all, except 51 60 86 89 97 98 102 104 107 110 112 ; likely to occur in all of these, unless 110 and 112 be real exceptions. 187 Stellaria glauca. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south. Bromf. ms. 12 north. "Newnham." 13 Sussex west. Borrcr cat. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Bccsley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suff. east. Paget sp. 26 west. Hort sp. 27 Norf. east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 40 Salop. Bidwell sp. 50 Denbigh. Gordon ms. 52 Anglesea. 54 Lincoln north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Gordon ms. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 70 Cumberland. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 76 Eenfrew. Montgomery. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 80 Koxburgh. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington ? 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. [1 2 3 5 or 6 7 14 16 35 37 39, insufficiently vouched. Both S. uliginosa and Holostea have been mis- reported as S. glauca, partly perhaps through their glau- cous-green hue] . 188 Stellaria graminea. Counties all, except 49 97 98 102 107 110 and the usual nine ; likely to occur in all. 92 189. STELLARIA ULIGINOSA. 189 Stellaria uliginosa. Counties all, except 31 32 34 35 49 51 53 60 73 80 84 86 98 101 ; simply overlooked in these ? 190 Stellaria cerastoides. Cerastium trigynum. 88 Perth mid. 92 Aber. south! Brand sp. 94 Banff? " H. C. Watson." 96 Easterness. Grordon sp. 97 Westerness ! Koy sp. 191 Cerastium aquaticum. 2 Cornwall east ? 3 Devon- south ! 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight More cat. 12 Hants north! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Mrs. Atkins sp. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Stock ms. 28 west. Miss Bell ms. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 80 Bedford. 31 Hunts! Newbould cat. 32 Northton I Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. Eussell sp. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Bagnall ms. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint! 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Whittaker sp. 58 Chester Bowman ms. 59 Lane, south? 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. (66 80). [77 80 90 111]. 192 Cerastium glomeratum. Counties all, except 32 46 51 60 86 97 98 107; in all these it is sure to occur. 193 Cerastium triviale. Counties all, except only the usual nine. 194 Cerastium semid ecandrum. 1 Cornwall west ? 2 east? 3 Devon south ? 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 194. CERASTIUM SEMIDECANDRUM. 03 10 Wight ! More sp. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Syme ms. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne sp. 20 Herts. Brown sp. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock sp. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 38 War^vick. Kii-k cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 47 Montgomery. Bloxam sp. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea. 53 Line, south. Bloxam sp. 54 north ! 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 8. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Balf. sp. Syme sp. 90 Forfar. CroaU sp. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. [Ill Clouston. 112 Ed- monston] . 194 Cerastium tetrandrum. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Gifford sp. 6 north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More sp. 11 Hants south. Babington ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Lingwood sp. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. Babington sp. 28 west. 34 Gloster west. Stephens sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas sp. 39 Stafford? "Mr. Spark." 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 94 194. CERASTiUM TETKANDRUM. 49 Carnarvon! 52 Anglesea. Wincli ms. 55 Leicester. Bloxam nis. 58 Chester ! Sansom sp. 59 Lane, south. Wood sp. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 66 Durham. Hort sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 70 Cumberland? M. G. 71 Man. Carrington sp. 75 Ayr. Gourhe sp. 76 Eenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat. 81 Berwick. Syme sp. 82 Kaddington. Syme sp. 83 Edinburgh! Syme sp. 85 Fife. Dewar sp. Syme sp. 86 Stu:hng. 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat, 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 10 Kebrides. 11 Orkney. Syme sp. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. N.B. Much confused with 'semidecandrum;' and some localities of * tctrandrum ' probably still assigned to the other species, or vice versa. 194 Cerastium pumilum. " glutinosum." 1 Corn. west. C. C.B." 1839. 3 Devon south. *' Town send." 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More sp. 17 Surrey. " Dickson, 1778." 30 Bedford. Abbot flo. 34 Gloster west. Stephens sp. 52 Anglesea? C. humile? N.B. Specimens picked on Molesey Hurst, Surrey, and labelled ' ' tetrandrum " by myself, were named gluti- nosum " by Mr. Lloyd of Nantes. The counties of Durham and Fife have been reported, but through mis- nomers. The botanists of Cornwall and Devon do not appear to have seen this plant there. [66 85] . 195 Cerastium arvense. 8 Wilts south. Flower cat. 12 Kants north. 14 Sussex east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey! 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Kerts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Fordham sp. 30 Bedford. 31 Kunts. Newbould cat. 32 Nortliton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas "v. s." 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop? " Mr. Spare." 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 53 Line, south ! Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. 195. CERASTIUM AEYENSE. 95 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. 60 Lane. west. Syme sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Kiugsley sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 71 Man. Forbes sp. 72 Dumfries. Cruickshank sp. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 77 Lanark. Mr. Dunlop." 80 Eoxburgh. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Brand sp. 85 Fife. Lawson ms. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Syme sp. 93 north. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.f 96 Easterness. Stables sp. [3 9 111 ; the name ap- pears to mislead some col- lectors, who thus label C. vulgatum, or report " C. arvense " from " corn- fields." 196 Cerastium alpinum. 49 Carnarvon. Ball sp. 69 Westmoreland. Gutch sp. 86 Stirling. Hooker sp. 88 Perth mid ! 90 Forfar ! Brand sp. 92 Aber. south. Dickie sp. 97 Westcrness. Boy sp. 99 Dunbarton. 04 Eb. north. Lawson cat. 08 Suth. west ! Graham sp. 197 Cerastium latifolium. 49 Carnarvon. Sandys sp. 86 Sth-ling. 88 Perth mid ! H. Balf. sp. 90 Forfar. 92 Aber. south. Syme sp. 94 Banff. Barry sp. 97 Westerness ! 99 Dunbarton. 08 Suth. west. Graham sp. 12 Shetland. C. nigrescens. [86 98 Lightf. Ill Neill]. 198 Cherleria sedoides. 88 Perth mid ! 90 Forfar. Brand sp. 98 Argyle. 04 Eb. north. Ch. Bab. sp. 05 Boss west. 08 Suth. west ! Campbell sp. 12 Shetland? 200 Linum perenne. 19 Essex north. 26 Suffolk west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Harris sp. 32 Northton? 55 Rutland. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 69 Westmoreland ? N.B. Linum angustifolium has repeatedly been misre- portcd as L. perenne ; and more strangely L. usitatis- simumalso. Probably it was one or other of these in the following counties [3 4 0 96 200. LINUM PERENNE. 9 11 14 15 18 20 40 83]. 201 Linum angustifolium. 1 Corn, west! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 8 Wilts south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell ms. 10 Wight! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west. 14 east. Trevelyan sp. 15 Kent east ! West sp. 16 west. 17 Surrey! 18 Ess6x south. Syme sp. 19 north. 22 Berks? 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. Barnard ms. 28 west. Babingtonsp. 33 Gloster east ? 36 Hereford. 39 Stafford? 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington sp. 52 Anglesea. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 69 Lane, south ! 71 Man. [62]. (66). 202 Linum catharticum. Counties all, except 86 98 and the usual nine ; doubtless to be found in all of them. 203 Radiola millegrana. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 4 north. Somerset. Southby cat. 8 Wilts south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Coleman ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Extinct? 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. Withers sp. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. Kussell sp. 49 Carnarvon. Babington ms. 50 Denbigh? 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Ch. Bab. ms. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Sansom sp. 59 Ijanc. south. Tudor ms. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. 68 Cheviotland. 203. EADIOLA 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. G. Macnab sp. 76 Renfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat. 81 Berwick. 85 Fife. Carnegie sp. 88 Perth mid. Brand sp. 89 east. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Croall sp. 98 Arg;)ie. Hooker sp. 99 Dunbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 01 Cantu-e. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 03 mid. 05 Ross west. 06 east ! Gordon cat. Sutherland. Johnston ms. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 11 Orkney. Syme sp. 204 Malva moschata. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 8 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Kants south ! Notcutt sp. 12 north ! Twining sp. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. IVnLLEGKANA. 97 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey! 18 Essex south. 19 north ! Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Warner sp. 21 Middlesex. Kind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. Miss Foster sp. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 51 Flint ! 52 Anglesea. 54 Lincoln north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. w^cst. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Emblcton sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes cat. o 98 204. MALVA 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 74 Wigton. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 99 Dunbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. (89 90 91 92 95 96 109). 205 Malva sylvestris. Counties all, except 46 49 73 86 88 93 94 97 98 101 104 107 to 112. Bare in North Britain ; and deemed not indigenous in Aberdeen or Moray. 206 Malva rotundifolia. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. MOSCHATA. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint! 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! Britten cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Nortliumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 206. MALTA ROTUNDIFOLIA. 99 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. soutli. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.f 208 Althaea officinalis. 1 Corn. west. Extinct ? 2 east? "Couch." 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell ms. 10 Wight ! Miss Tmning sp. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 14 Sussex east. Trevelyan sp. 15 Kent east! Smith cat. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 34 Gloster west ! Thwaites cat. 40 Salop. Brooks in Shrop. flo. 41 Glamorgan. Brent sp. 44 Carmarthen. Moggridge sp. 45 Pembroke. 54 Line, north ! Howitt sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 73 Knkcudbright. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. f (59 68). [21 64 86 99]. 210 Lavatera arborea. 1 Cornwall west ! Curnow sp. 2 cast. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Gibson ms. 4 north ? 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. Introduced? 52 Anglesea. Bowman ms. 71 Man. J. Macnab ms. 75 Ayr. Ailsa Craig, &c. (10 13 14 67 82 85 100). [9 11 18 27, on old records only] . 211 Tilia parvifolia. 3 Devon south. Flower sp. 6 Som. north ! 10 Wight. Bromfield ms. 11 Hants south. Bromf. ms. Sussex. Borrer cat. co. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Benthall sp. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 34 Gloster west. Sandys sp. 35 Monmouth. Gibson ms. 36 Hereford. Babington ms. 37 Worcester. Butler sp. 39 Stafford. Babington ms. 41 Glamorgan. Lees ms. 42 Brecon. Native ; Lees. 57 Derby. Church. Bab. ms. 62 York n. east. " native." 70 Cumberland ! (1 16 17 21 23 24 26 29 33 38 50 53 or 54 55 56 58 59 64 66 69 75 77 82 83 ; more or less uncer- tainly indigenous, or insuffi- ciently vouched in all of these counties). 213 Tilia grandifolia. 36 Hereford. Babington ms. 65 York n. west. Ward sp. N.B. Those arc the only two counties known to me, as resting on good testimony in support of the true nativity of tins Lime. It is recorded 100 213. TILIA ( for many other counties, f from West Cornwall to ' Moray, usually with indica- tions in distrust of it being really an indigenous tree. In Surrey its leaves are more damaged by spring frosts than are those of the T. intermedia. It has been confused with this latter ; from which it is readily dis- tinguished if seen in fruit. 214 Hypericum Androssemiim. Androsgemum officinale. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north! Eastmondsp. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. PleydeU cat. 1 0 Wight . More cat . . . . sp . 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Carr sp. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! ElHs sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Varenne ms. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east? "Wigg." 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 32 Northton. 33 Glostcr east ? GBANDIFOLIA. I 34 Gloster west. Tliwaites sp. 1 35 Monmouth. Ch. Bab. sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Prentice ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. co. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 42 Brecon. 43 Eadnor. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood ms. 47 Montgomery. Kobinson ms. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! Gibson ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 52 Angiesea. 55 Leicester. 58 Chester ! 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 63 s. west. 64 • m. west. Tathamcat.f 65 n. west. 66 Durham. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. Otley sp. 71 Man. Jowett sp. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 98 Argyle. Gordon ms. 99 Dunbarton ! Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Balfour sp. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. 06 Boss. Gordon ms. East ? (56 68 81 83 85 87). 215 Hypericum perforatum. Counties all, except 32 46 49 215. HYPERICUM PEKFOEATUM. 101 53 71 86 87 95 97 98 99 101 to 105 107 108 110' [111]. 112 Shetland? 216 Hypericum quadrangulum. tetrapterum. Counties all, except 35 44 46 72 84 86 89 97 98 107 to 112, with the usual nine in addition. Probably occurs in all up to 100 or 106. 216 Hypericum dubium. maculatum. 1 Corn. west. Gibson ms. 2 east. Hore sp. 3 Devon south. 4 north ! 6 Som. north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 19 Essex north. Gibson sp. 20 Herts. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 30 Bedford. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Babington ms. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 43 Badnor. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 46 Cardigan. Babmgton sp. 48 Merioneth. Eussell sp. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Fisher sp. 51 Flint. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatha^m cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmor. Miss Beevor sp. 70 Cumberland. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Hennedy cat. 67 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. 85 Fife ? 87 Perth west. 88 mid. H. M. Balf. sp. 98 Argyle. 00 Ai-ran. G. Macnab sp. [10 21 73]. (109). 217 Hypericum bseticum. undulatum. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs sp. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 218 Hypericum humifusum. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 102 218. HYPERICUM HUMIFUSUM. 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 ■ west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salox). Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! 60 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 53 Line, south ! 54 north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. 67 Northumb. Thompson sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 74 Man. Forbes cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. G. Macnab sp. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid ! Worsley cat. 89 east ! 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie sp. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff'. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 97 Westerness ! 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 219 Hypericum linariifolium. 4 Corn. west. Bailey ms. 2 east ? 3 Devon south. Goulding sp. 220 Hypericum pulchrum. Counties all, except 31 51 86 and the usual nine ; possibly absent from no. 31. 221. HYPERICUM HIRSUTUM. 103 221 Hypericum hirsutum. 8 Devon south. Briggs cat. 5 north. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Ku'k cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 54 Lincoln north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 60 Lane, west ! Simpson sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s.west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Clieviotland. Tate cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberl. Kobinson sp. 73 Knkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. James Wilson sp. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme. cat. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid! E. Twining sp. 89 east ! 90 Forfar. 91 Kmcardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie sp. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 95 Elgin. Mr. Martin." 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 06 Boss e. " Kev. G. Wilson." [58 72]. 222 Hypericum montanum. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 6 Som. north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 16 Kent west ! 17 Surrey ! 20 Herts. " once found." 104 222. HYPERICUM MONTANUM. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Harris sp. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 27 Norfolk east. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Watkins cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Miss E. Jones sp. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 47 Montgomery. 49 Carnarvon. Bowman ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Bowman sp. 52 Anglesea. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 60 Lane. west. Simpson sp. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. 75 Ayr. 223 Hypericum elodes. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north ? 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 8 Wilts south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! Baker cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Bromfield sp. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 18 Essex south. 22 Berks! 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suff. east. Paget sp. 27 Norf. east. Cooper sp. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 35 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. Wilmott.', 38 Warwick. Ku'k cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 43 Eadnor. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. 48 Merioneth. Poole ms. 49 Carnarvon. Bowman ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester ? 57 Derby. Whittaker sp. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Tudor ms. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 64 m. west. Ch. Bab. ms. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. Otley sp. 71 Man. Forbes sp. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray sp. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 98 Argyle. Hooker sp. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 03 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 11 Orkney? Neill, &c. [21 29; extinct]. 225 Acer campestre. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 225. ACER CAMPESTRE. 105 6 Som. north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Yarenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Stock cat. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Ku'k cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 43 Radnor. Miss Atwood ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat.f 61 York s. east. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. (1 2 58 68 70 71 76 77 81 83 84 85 89 90 98 100 ; given as a native of 83 84 85, in the Flora of Edinburgh). 226 Acer Pseudo-platanus. N.B. Given as native of Had- dington, Edinburgh, and Fife, in the Flora of Edin- burgh ; also the same in the old Flora of Northumber- land and Durham. In the New Flora of N. and D. it is named as an "alien"; and such is its proper cha- racter in the counties of the Forth. As an alien, it is reported for most of the counties, from Cornwall to Caithness. 227 Erodium maritimum. 1 Corn, west! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Pascoe sp. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites sp. 9 Dorset. Mansel-Pleydell sp. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south? 14 Sussex east. Extinct ? 15 Kent cast. Extinct? 17 Surrey. W. Beeves ms. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 34 Gloster west. Winch sp. 36 Hereford. Purclias sp. p 106 227. ERODIUM MARITIMUM. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Babingtoii cat. 46 Cardigan. Sandys sp. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Bowman sp. 52 Anglesea ! 56 Notts. Howitt sp. 58 Chester ? Extinct ?. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes sp. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. (66 ballast hnis.") 228 Erodium cicutarium. Counties all, except 14 32 69 72 80 87 88 89 97 98 104 108 [111] 112. 229 Erodium moschatum. 1 Corn. west. Gibson sp. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Trevelyan sp. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Gifford sp. 6 north. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites sp. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 52 Anglesea ? N.B. Eeported from numerous other counties, but almost certainly mis-reported or not indigenous in them. 230 Geranium sylvaticum. 28 Norfolk west '? 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. 57 Derby. 59 Lane, south. Dugdale sp. 62 York n. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west.. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 69 Westmoreland ! Beevor sp. 70 Cumberland ! 72 Dumfries. Gray ms. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray ms. 76 Eenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat. 79 Selkirk. I 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. 85 Fife. 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 88 mid ! Worsley cat. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 97 Westerness ! 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 06 Boss east. Gordon ms. [1 25 27 28 55 111 ; erroneous or insufficiently vouched. 231 Geranium pratenss. 2 Corn, east? 231. GERANIUM PEATEXSE. 107 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f ^6 Som. north. Eussell sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 12 Hants north. 14 Sussex east. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 28 Norf. west. Cooper sp. 29 Cambridge. Bahington cat. 30 Bedford. Miss Foster sp. 81 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 86 Hereford. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kii-k cat. 89 Stafford ! 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 FHnt. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 67 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! 59 Lane, south. Goodlad lib. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 68 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n.west. Ward cat. ,^ 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 88 mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Dickson ms. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo.' 94 Banff. 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 232 Geranium pyrenaicum. 2 Corn. east. Briggs sp.f 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f 6 Som. north. French sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south ? 12 north ? 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat.f 17 Surrey ! Occasional. f 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Kingsley sp. 22 Berks. Mrs. KusBell sp. 23 Oxford. 108 232. GEKANIUM PYKENAICUM. 2-4 Bucks. Mrs. James sp. 25 Suffolk east. Notcutt sp. 26 west. Henslow ms. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Colemau ms. 80 Bedford. 32 Nortliton. Notcutt sp. 33 Gloster east. Prentice ms. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Bidwell sp. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen? 50 Denbigh. Gibson ms. 53 Lmcoln south ! Bloxam ms. 57 Derby? 61 York s. east. 62 u. east. " native." 63 s. west. 64 m. west, "native." 65 n. west, "native." 66 Durham. " ballast hills." 70 Cumberland. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 83 Edinburgh. Alien. 85 Fife. 89 Perth east! Escape? 95 Elgin. " Keported." 96 Easterness. Stables sp.f 00 Clyde-isles. N.B. The above is to be taken as a full enumeration of counties, without separating the erroneous and those in which this Geranium is pro- bably ali^n. In the ' Botany of North Yorkshire ' it is given as truly "native;" tacitly so taken in some few other counties also. 233 Geranium rotundifolium. 2 Corn. east. Briggs sp. 3 Devon south! Hore sp. 6 Som. north! Eussell sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 16 Kent west. 17 Surrey. Boswell Syme sp. 18 Essex south. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Bloxam sp. 25 Suffolk east. 29 Cambridge. Babington ms.f 30 Bedford. Newbould ms. 32 Northton. 34 Gloster west ! Stephens sp. 41 Glamorgan. Barnard ms. (58 66 67 70 82 83). [36 37 40 41 50 57 63 64 ; insufficiently certified ; mostly erroneous ?] . 234 Geranium pusillum. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Colemau cat. 234. GEKANIUJI PUSILLUM. 109 21 Middlesex! 22 Berks! 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! 83 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kii'k cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. L eight on cat. 41 Glamorgan. Barnard ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. 60 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 61 Flint. 52 Anglesea. 54 Lmcoln north ! 65 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. Dugdale ms. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. we^it. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Dm-ham. Norman cat. 67 Nortliumb. Storey s}). 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 70 Cumberland. "Benson." 77 Lanark. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! BaHour cat. 85 Fife. 90 Forfar. 94 Banff. "Bare." 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. N.B. Not rare in England ; rare or overlooked in Scot- land. 235 Geranium molle. Counties all, except 46 97 98 and the usual nine. 236 Geranium dissectum. Counties all, exce^Dt 35 46 86 97 98 104 108 110 111 112. 237 Geranium columbinum. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 12 Hants north. I 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. ; 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west! I 17 Surrey ! I 18 Essex south. ! 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. ! 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east? " v. r." 27 Norfolk cast. Stock cat. 28 west. Bell sp. 30 Bedford. 32 Nortliton. Berkeley ms. ; 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 110 237. GERANIUM COLUMBINUM. 34 Gloster west! Tliwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purclias cat. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leigliton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! 60 Denbigh. Leefe sp. 51 Flint. 52 Angiesea. 54 Lincoln north ! 56 Notts. 57 Derby! 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. 60 • west. Simpson sp. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. ' ' Eobinson ! ' ' 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 80 Eoxburgh. One locality. 81 Berwick. One locality. 83 Edinburgh. Lloyd sp. 85 Fife. Syme sp. 90 Forfar. (29). [77 99]. 238 Geranium lucidum. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north 1 Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 Wilts south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat.f 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! Twining sp. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Nortliton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Ch. Bab. ms. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 47 Montgomery. Butler sp. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! Winch ms. 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 51 Flint. 52 Angiesea. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. Howitt sp. 57 Derby. Ch. Babington sp. 59 Lane, south. 60 west. Dugdale sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. 238, GERANIUM LUCIDUM. Ill 64 York m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Bowman s-p. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Ku-kcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Dimcan cat. 76 Renfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. E.B.S. cat. 6. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linhthgow. E.B.S. cat. 6. 85 Fife. Lawson ms. 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid. 89 east. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat.i 93 north. Dickie flo. 96 Easterness. 98 Argyle. Gordon ms. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 06 Boss east. Gordon cat. [Ill Orkney; Lowe's list] . 239 Geranium Robertianum. Counties all, except 97 98 110 112, with the usual nine. 240 Geranium sanguineum. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 3 Devon south. Abraham ms. 6 Som. north. Young sp. 19 Essex north. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. I 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. Skepper ms. 28 Norfolk west ? 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 34 Gloster west ! Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. 36 Hereford. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 43 Radnor. Purchas ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 47 Montgomery. Bowman ms. 48 Merioneth. Butler sp. 49 Carnarvon. Bloxam ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ? 54 north. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 58 Chester ! Warren flo. 59 Lane, south. Extinct? 60 west. Simpson sp. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray ms. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 80 Roxburgh. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme sp. 88 Perth mid. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Croall sp. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 112 240. GERANIUM SANGUINEUM. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 03 Ebudes mid. 06 Eoss east. Gordon ms. 241 Impatiens fulva. 8 Wilts. " quite naturalised." Sussex. Miss Carr sp. 17 Surrey ! Salmon sp. 21 Middx. Twining sp. 24 Bucks. Britten ms. N.B. From America, but tho- roughly established ; per- haps more so than the Noli- me-tangere, although this latter has been supposed in- digenous in Wales and North England. 243 Oxalis Acetosella. Counties all, except 31 4C 51 53 60 112; it may be really absent from the first and last of these counties. 245 Euonymus europaeus. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts south. Flower cat. 8 north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex w^est. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Yarenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton! 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purclias cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bree ms. 39 Stafford ! 40 Salop ! Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. 47 Montgom. Bowman ms. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms.f 52 Anglesea. 53 Line, north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Coleman cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby! 58 Chester. Windsor sp. 62 York n. east. Baker " sp." 63 s. west. Lees sp. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 73 Kirkcudb. " certainly wild." 245, EUONYMUS EUROP.EUS. 113 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinb. " apparently ^ild." (69 77 84 95 109). 246 Rhamnus catharticus. 3 Devon south. Error ? 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. Bromf. ms. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Fordham sp. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Newb. ms. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 87 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesca. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 Lincoln north ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Homtt cat. 58 Chester. Eobinson." 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Still there ? 69 Westmoreland ! 72 Dumfries? (94 " Dr. Todd." 100 Prof. Balfour sp.) 247 Rhammis Frangula. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! 5 Som. south. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! Baker cat. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! Kev. E. Wood ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat.t 22 Berks ! 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk cast. Paget sp. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Miss Bell ms. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. Q 114 247. RHAMNUS FRANGULA. 34 Gloster west. Tliwaites sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 "Warwick. Lloyd sp. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman sp. 53 Lincoln south ! 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Holland." 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland! Baker cat. 75 Ayr. 93 Aber. nor. likely native." 95 Elgin. " Dr. Innes." 06 Boss east. Planted ? 07 Suth. east. Planted ? 248 Sparticum scoparium. Counties all, except 46 51 110 (111) 112 ; apparently in- digenous northward to Suth- erland and Caithness ; and doubtless to be found in every county south from those two. 249 Ulex europgeus. Counties all, except 46 and eight of the usual nine. To the North Isles it has likely been introduced by sowings of seed ; as is also the case with many other of its lo- calities in North Britain* especially those in the North Highlands. 250 Ulex "nanus." All the English counties, ex- cept 19 23 30 31 43 44 45 47 48 51 53 54 60 61 71. In Scotland, recorded for 74 75 ; [also in 81 83 85 90 95] . This area in- cludes the two segregates, which of late have been recorded apart as under. 250 Ulex eu-nanus. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! Stratton sp. 12 Hants north ! Baker cat. 13 Sussex west ! Baker cat. 14 east. Carr sp. 17 Surrey ! 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks ! 27 Norf. east. Cooper sp. 34 Gloster west ? [63 64 66; doubtful]. 250 Ulex Gallii. 1 Corn, west ! 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. 6 Som. south. 7 Wilts north. Preston ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More ms. 11 Hants south. 17 Surrey ! 22 Berks. 25 Suff. east. Purchas ms. 29 Cambridge ? 34 Gloster west. Purchas sp. 250. ULEX GALLII. 115 35 Monmouth. 36 Hereford. Purclias sp. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas sp. 40 Salop. Newman ms. 41 Glamorgan. 43 Eadnor. Newman sp. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. Atwood sp. 50 Denbigh. Stratton ms. 57 Derby. Whittaker sp. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. ^59 Lane, south. Dugdale sp. 62 York n. east. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. 67 Northumb. Ohver sp. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberl. Addison sp. 71 Man. ''Babington." 74 Wigton. Balfom- sp. 75 Ayr. Arnott ms. Gallow^ay. Lloyd sp. (92 a solitary plant "). 251 Genista tinctoria. 1 Corn, west ! v. humifusa. 8 Devon south ? 4 north ? 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydcll cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 Kent west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bellms. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Atwood ms. 46 Cardigan. Atwood ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 54 Line, north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west, 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Miss Pringle sp. 69 Westmoreland 1 116 251. GENISTA TINCTOKIA. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 81 Berwick. Embleton sp. 83 Edinburgh ? Drumshorland Moor. G. sp. 252 Genista pilosa. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack sp. 14 Sussex east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 26 Suff. west. Bloomfield ms. 37 Worcester. Extinct. 45 Pembroke. Lees sp. [39 48 69; errors?] 253 Genista anglica. Counties all, except 5 or 6 26 31 33 51 54 60 71 75 76 84 98 to 105 107 to 112. 254 Ononis arvensis. Counties all, except 31 46 49 51 53 86 97 101 104 107 109 to 112, with the usual nine. 255 Ononis spinosa. campestris. antiquomm. 1 Corn. east. Pascoe cat. 8 Devon south. Torquay flo. 4 north. Eav. flo. 5 Som. south. J. Poole ms. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. Bromf. ''error." 11 Hants south. Bromf. herb. 12 north. And. flo. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 Sussex east. Tonb. flo. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. Tonb. flo. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. W. &C. flo. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten flo. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten v. sp. 25 Suffolk east. Skepper flo. 26 west. Henslow. 27 Norf. west. Munford. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. Abbot flo. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas flo. 38 Warwick. Kirk oat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Gutcli add. 45 Pembroke. Atwood ms. 51 Flint? Wats. mem. 53 Line, south? Wats. mem. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. Howitt flo. 57 Derby. Bloxam ms. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. Moore ms. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Moore ms. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. New flo. 67 Northumb. New flo, 68 Cheviotland. New flo. 69 Westmoreland. Alton. 71 Man. Forbes cat. "v.r." 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 255. ONONIS SPINOSA. 117 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayi'. Goldie to Macnab sp. 81 Berwick. Border flo. 82 Hadd. Edin. Bot. cat. ''5." 83 Edinburgh. Balfour flo. 85 Fife ? Edin. Bot. cat. 5." 90 Forfar? Gard. flo. 99 Dunbarton ? Hooker sp. N.B. The habitats of this species and the preceding Ononis are inextricably con- fused in books ; nor can I trust my own notes and lists of years past with any con- fidence of the names having been then rightly applied. The fragments sent to me as sjnnosa, being branchlets without roots or pods, are unsatisfactory. Under these uncertainties all the coun- ties from my compiled notes are given above, in con- nexion with the authorities for them. 257 Anthyllis vulneraria. Counties all, except 18 31 32 44 51 53 75 86 97 98 107, with the usual nine. This can scarcely be classed among the " common " plants, although it is here indicated as occurring in 92 counties, and these includ- ing the northern and south- ern extremes of Britain. 257 Anthyllis Dillenii. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack sp. 2 east ? Pascoe cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. Sussex. Borrer cat. co. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. 52 Anglesea. Crotch sp. 258 Medicago sylvestris. 26 Suff. west. Babington sp. 27 Norf. east. Eng. Bot. 3. 28 west. Eng. Bot. 3. 29 Cambridge. Hort sp. 259 Medicago falcata. 25 Sufi', east ? 26 west. Bunburj^ sp. 27 Norf. east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Gibson ms. 29 Cambridge. Hort s-p. [3 6 9 13 15 17 (19) 20 39 41 62 (66 67); all these either erroneous or in- sufficiently vouched, or non- indigenous habitats] . 260 Medicago lupulina. Counties all, except 35 72 73 88 97 101 104 107 to 110 (111) 112, with the usual nine ; doubtless occurring in all up to 100 or higher. 261 Medicago maculata. 1 Corn, west! 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Eogcrs sp. 8 Wilts south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! Miss BeU sp. 13 Sussex west ! 14 east. Hill cat. 15 Kent cast I Smith cat. 16 west ! 118 261. MEDICAGO MACULATA. 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne cat. 21 Middlesex ! Bell ms. 23 Oxford. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 34 Gloster west ! Thwaites cat. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon. Bowman ms. 50 Denbigh? 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 62 York n. east, "native." 66 Durham. Lees ms.f 67 Northumb. " native." (58 59 63 68 80 85). 262 Medicago denticulata. 1 Corn. west. Bailey ms. 2 'east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Goulding sp. 8 Wilts south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. 13 Sussex west. Trevelyan sp. 14 east. Maw sp. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 18 Essex south. Syme sp. 19 north. 25 Suff. east. Babington sp. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 62 York n. east. (21 36 37 58 59 63 64 66 80 85 92 ; alien or casual in these counties, and per- haps the same in at least some of those named above). 263 Medicago minima. 15 Kent east. Brent sp. 16 west. Smith ms. 17 Surrey. Twining sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 25 Suff. east. Notcutt sp. 26 west. Bunbury sp. 28 Norf. west. Wardale sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. [3 6 41]. (66). 264 Melilotus officinalis. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat.f 3 Devon south! Briggs cat.f 4 north. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Trevelyan sp. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Hill cat. 15 Kent east! Smith cat. 16 west. Dennes ms. 17 Surrey! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Bid well sp. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Paget sp. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 81 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 264. MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS. 119 32 Nortliton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kii'k cat. 39 Stafford! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood ms. 52 Anglesea. 54 Lincoln north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west ! 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat.f 64 m. west. Lees cat.f 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumb. " colonist." 68 Cheviotland. " colonist." 70 Cumberland? 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat.f 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife ! Litroduced ? 87 Perth west. Syme cat.f (90 91 92 95 109 ; intro- duced in these, and likely to some of the other counties also). 265 Melilotus vulgaris, leucantha. N.B. Few botanists indeed report this as a truly indi- genous plant; and usually it is treated only as an alien or casual. My notes for its counties are thus : — (3 5 or 6 9 10 11 13 15 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 26 27 28 33 34 36 38 41 44 58 59 62 64 65 66 67 68 71 75 81 82 83 85 87 90 95). 266 Trigonella ornithopodioides. 1 Corn. west. Curnow sp. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 5 Som. south. Gifford sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More sp. 11 Hants south. Pamplin ms. 12 north. Pamplin ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Holman sp. 17 Surrey! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne sp. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 25 Suffolk east. Bell sp. 27 Norfolk east. Fitt sp. 28 west. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites sp. 52 Anglesea. 58 Chester. Bean sp. 75 Ayr. G. Macnab sp. 76 Kenfrew. 83 Edinburgh. Twynam sp. 85 Fife. [7 23 50 (62) 64 70 90; authorities insufficient] . 267 Trifolium repens. Counties all, except only the usual nine. 120 268. TRIFOLIUM SUBTERRANEUM. 268 Trifolium subterraneum. 1 Cornwall west. Warren sp. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. a Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 8 Wilts south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west.. Macnab sp. 17 Surrey ! EUis ms. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne sp. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Paget sp. 28 west. Bell sp. don. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites cat. 38 Warwick. Kirk ms. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 62 York n. east ? [58]. (66 75). 269 Trifolium ochroleucum. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Christy sp. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. Bell.sp. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. Newbould ms. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. (64 66). [3 9 11 16 17 21 37 39 53 59; insuffi- ciently vouched ; mostly errors ?] 270 Trifolium Molinerii. 1 Cornwall west. Hore sp. 271 Trifolium pratense. Counties all, except only the usual nine, doubtless through lack of records. 272 Trifolium medium. Counties all, except 12 32 35 46 51 53 54 71 75 80 97 98 107 to 110, with the other usual nine. Much less frequent than iwatense ; indeed, it might almost unite with the "not com- mon " plants. 274 Trifolium maritimum. 2 Cornwall east ? 3 Devon south ? 5 Som. south. Clark sp. 6 north. Trevelyan sp. 9 Dorset. Bay sp. Payne sp. 11 Hants south. Streathamsp. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Syme sp. 16 west. Syme sp. 18 Essex south. Syme sp. 19 north. Varenne sp. 25 Suff. east? Error for 27? 274. TRIFOLIUM MARITIMUM. 121 27 Norfolk east. Fitt sp. 28 west. 34 Grloster west. Tliwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Purchas s^. 41 Glamorgan. PleydeU, 1865. 48 Merioneth ? 70 Cumberland ? (66 67; on baUast). 275 Trifolium arvense. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 8 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Eavenshaw. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Tliwaites s^). 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Trevelyan sp. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Bcesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Paget sp. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 83 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 88 Warwick. Ku-k cat. 39 Stafford! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 48 Merioneth. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Macnab cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Ku'kcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Balfour sp. 76 Renfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 80 Eoxburgli. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 87 Perth west ! 88 mid? 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south. Diclde cat. 93 north. DicMe i\o. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterncss. Stables cat. u 122 275. TEIFOLIUM ARVEN3E. 00 Clyde-isles. Hemiedy cat. I 02 Eb. south . Balfour cat. 06 Eoss east. Gordon cat. 276 Trifolium scabrum. 1 Corn. west. Bailey ms. 2 eas'^. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight! More cat. 14 Sussex east. Hill cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex east. 19 west. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock sp. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas sp. 52 Anglesea. Bowman ms. 62 York n. east. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. 67 Northumb. Storey sp.t 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh. 85 Fife. Lloyd sp. "extinct." 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. Gardiner sp. [21 50 58; these three need verification] . T. stri- atum is mislabled scabrum occasionally. 277 Trifolium striatum. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack sp. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ? 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. E. Burton sp 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Purchas " ! " 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley ms. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Bromwich sp. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leigliton cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. Carrington sp. 57 Derby. Ch. Bab. ms. 58 Chester. Webb sp. ' 277. TRIFOLIUM STRIATUM. 123 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durliam. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 70 Cumberland. " Chambers." 71 Man. Forbes to Brand sx^. 75 Ayi'. Duncan cat. 80 Eoxburgh. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddmgton. 83 Edmburgh ! Maughan sp. 84 LinHthgow. 85 Fife. Syme sp. 86 Stirling ! 87 Perth west! 90 Forfar. Gardiner sp. 91 Kincardine. Gardiner sp. (Ill NeiU's Tour). 277 Trifolium Bocconi. 1 Corn. Hore sp. Johns sp. 278 Trifolium glomeratum. 1 Com. west. Scilly list. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Hore sp. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More sp. Sussex. Borrer cat. co. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Syme sp. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 21 Middlesex. Extinct ? 25 Suffolk east. Stock sp. 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. [41 44 50 55; errors?]. (66; on ballast hills). 278 Trifolium strictum. 1 Corn. Johns sp. Pascoe sp. 52 Anglesea ? Very doubtful. 279 Trifolium suffocatum. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east? 3 Devon south. Hore sp. 6 Som. north. Extinct? 10 Wight. More sp. 11 Hants south. E. Burton sp. 14 Sussex east ? 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock sp. 27 Norfolk east. G. Fitt sp. 28 west. 52 Anglesea ! Tudor sp. [18 ''L'vine." Error]. 280 Trifolium fragiferum. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. 3 Devon south. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. 6 north. Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Miss Twining sp. 10 Wight! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west! Borrer cat. 14 east. Hill cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! Wood ms. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beeslcy ms. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 124 280. TRIFOLIUM FRAGIFERUM. 25 Suffolk east. Paget sp. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 33 Hunts! Newbould cat. 32 Nortbtoii! 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Tliwaites sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. 46 Cardigan. Lees sp. 48 Merioneth. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint ! 52 Angle sea. 53 Lincoln south! 54 north ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. Mrs. Eussell sp. 58 Chester ! Sansom sp. 59 Lane, south. Tudor sj). 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west ? 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. Oliver sp.f 69 Westmoreland. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Twyman sp. 83 Edinburgh. 85 Fife. 281 Trifolium procumbens. Counties all, except 35 49 51 61 73 97 98 99 104 107 to 112. (Ill Orkney; Neill's Tour). 282 Trifolium minus. Counties all, except 32 35 49 50 57 71 72 73 80 90 95 96 97 103 to 112 ; in some of these counties probably it has been recorded under name of Jiliforme. Likely to be found in every county up to 109, if not farther. 282 Trifolium filiforme. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Syme sp. 17 Surrey ! Dyer sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 282. TRIFOLIUM FILIFORME. 125 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purclias cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bromwich sp. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babmgton cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 50 Denbigh. 52 Angle sea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Ho"v\itt cat. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Hort sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. [70 71 77 82 to 85 90 to 96 106 ; it is the T. minus in most of these counties ; per- haps so, in all of them, as well as in some of those enumerated by name ; so frequent has been the error of applying the name fili- forme to examples of the species minus. I dare not trust to my own notes of past dates] . 283 Lotus comiculatus. Counties all, except 49 and the usual nine ; in all of which it will surely be found, if sought. 283 Lotus tenuis. 1 Corn, west ! 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Banking sp. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Syme sp. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 32 Northton. Anderson ms. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. 36 Hereford. Purclias cat. 38 Warwick. Bromwich sp. 39 Stafford. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 70 Cumberland ! 81 Berwick. Embleton sp. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh ! Lloyd sp. 84 Linlithgow. 85 Fife. J. B. Balfour ms. 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. 91 Kinc. Mrs. Dickson sp. 126 284. LOTUS MAJOR. 284 Lotus major. Counties all, except 30 46 49 51 86 95 96 97 103 to 112. 285 Lotus angustissimus. 1 Corn. west. Curnow sp. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Banker sp. 11 Hants south. Bromf. sp. 14 Sussex east. Borrer. [6 B. G. 25 Suff. flo.] 285 Lotus hispidus. 1 Corn, west ! 2 east. Hore sp. 3 Devon south. 4 north. Hore ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell sp. 286 Astragalus glycyphyllus. 6 Som. north. Mr. Clark." 7 Wilts north. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell, certain. 10 Wight. More cat. 13 Susse-x west. Borrer ms. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! Dennes ms. 17 Surrey ! Brewer sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat, 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Bell sp. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 80 Bedford. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Bloxam ms. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Bowman ms. 50 Denbigh. 53 Line, south. Bloxam ms. 55 Leicester. Coleman ms. 56 Notts. Mersey ? 62 York n. east. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. 67 Northumb. Makepeace sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 73 Ku'kcudbright. Gray cat. 80 Koxburgh. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. 85 Fife ! Lawson ms. 89 Perth east. Campbell sp. 90 Forfar. Gardiner sp. 91 Kincardine. Dickson ms. 93 Aber. north. Gordon sp. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.f 06 Boss east. Gordon cat. [1 3 77 ; insufficiently vouched] . 287 Astragalus hypoglottis.. 8 Wilts south. Flower sp. 19 Essex north. 20 Herts. Fordham sp. 23 Oxford. 26 Suff. west. Bnnbury sp. 28 Norfolk west. 287. ASTRAGALUS S HYPOGLOTTIS. 127 29 Cambridge. Harris sp. 30 Bedford. 33 Gloster east. Eoberts ras. 36 Hereford. "Wilmott." 37 Worcester. 53 Lincoln south. 55 Leicester. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 68 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 66 Durliam. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 67 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 73 Kirkcudbright. 75 Ayr. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Scott sp. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Bo swell Syme sp. 89 Perth east. 90 Forfar. Gardiner sp. 91 Kincardine. Dickson ms. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Ross east. Gordon cat. 07 Sutherland. Gordon ms. [10 18 70]. 288 Astragalus alpinus. 90 Forfar ! 92 Aberdeen south ! 289 Oxytropis uralensis. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 85 Fife ! 90 Forfar. 98 Argyle. 06 Ross east. 08 Sutherland west ! 09 Caithness. R. Dick, sp." 290 Oxytropis campestris. 90 Forfar ! Brand sp. 291 Ornithopus perpusillus. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Trevelyan sp. 6 north. Rogers sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. -9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north ! Baker cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. Babingtonms. 27 Norf. cast. 28 west. Cooper sp. 29 Cambridge. Harris sp. 30 Bedford. 31 Himts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purclias cat. 37 Worcester. Lcos sp. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Lcighton cat. 128 291. ORNITHOPUS PERPUSILLUS. 41 Glamorgan. Atwood ms. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas cat. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s.east. 62 n. east. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Extinct ? 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes sp. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. G. Macnab sp. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 83 Edinburgh. Campbell sp. 85 Fife. 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 88 mid. 90 Forfar ? Don only? 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon sp. 99 Dunbarton. 292 Arthrolobium ebracteatum. 1 Scilly islands. Casual ? (63 S.W. York ; casual). 293 Hippocrepis comosa. 3 Devon south. 5 Som. south? " Ford woods." 6 north. Trevelyan sp. I 7 Wilts north. Miss Bell sp. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 12 Hants north. Bell ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Hill cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 19 Essex north. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suff. east. 26 west. Bunbury s-p. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Harris sp. 30 Bedford. 33 Gloster east. Eoberts ms. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. '-Bromwich." 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Bloxam." 41 Glamorgan. Barnard ms. 49 Carnarvon. 53 Line, south. Bloxam ms. 56 Notts ? 57 Derby! Howitt cat. 61 York s. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatliam sp. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 69 Westmoreland. 75 Ayr. 91 Kincardine. Miss Boswell, " apparently quite wild." 294 Onobrychis sativa. 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 7 Wilts north. Alexander ms. 294. ONOBRYCHIS SATIVA. 129 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south. Bromfield- 12 north. Bromfield. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey. Ellis sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 26 Suffolk west. Babingtonms. 28 Norfolk west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 36 Hereford. "Wilmott." 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Bagnall ms.f 40 Salop. Bloxam ms. 41 Glamorgan. Barnard ms.f Lincoln. (3 10 13 14 16 27 34 55 56 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 83 95 ; in aU of these counties, as well as in some of those quoted above by name, the Saintfoin is re- garded as an introduced plant ; at any rate, is so re- garded by some botanists). 295 Vicia Orobus. 6 Som. north. Flower sp. 83 Gloster east. Eoberts ms. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 44 Cannarthen. Lees sp. 46 Cardigan. 47 Montgomery. 48 Merion. " Miss Holland sp." 49 Carnarvon. Bowman ms. 50 Denbigh. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 70 Cumber. Heysham sp. 71 Man. 72 Dumfries. 77 Lanark. Balfour sp. 78 Peebles. G. Macnab sp. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh ! Little sp. 85 Fife. 90 Forfar. Gardiner sp. 04 Ebudes north. Bum." [37 38 65 66 92]. 296 Vicia sylvatica. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 20 Herts. Isaac Brown sp. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 35 Monmouth. Ch. Bab. ms. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bloxam ms. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Pleydell ms. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. 52 Anglesea. 54 Line, north. Thompson ms. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 130 296. viciA 57 Derby ! "Mr. Astley." 58 Chester. 61 York s. east. 62 11. east. Bloxam ms. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Nor thumb. Makepeace sp. 68 Cheviotland. Pringle sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 74 Wigton. G. Macnab sp. 75 Ayr. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 81 Berwick. Syme sp. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh! BaKour cat. 85 Fife. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kinc. Mrs. Dickson ms. 92 Aber. south ! 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 99 Dunbarton ! 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 05 Boss west. 06 east. Gordon cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. [1 13 25 29 48]. 297 Vicia Cracca. Counties all, except 46 and the usual nine, where doubtless it does occur. 298 Vicia " sativa." SYLVATICA. Counties all, with few excep- tions ; but apparently a con- fused mingling of the sown "Tare" with the truly "Wild vetch." 298 Vicia angustifolia. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Trevelyan sp. 6 north. Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north ! Baker cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 16 Kent west. Trevelyan sp. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks! 23 Oxford. Beesley ms. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suff. east Purchas ms. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 48 Merioneth. Leefe sp. 298. VICIA ANGUSTIFOLIA. 131 49 Carnarvou ! 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 62 Anglesea. 63 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 58 Chester ! Hunt sp. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. 66 n. west. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 "Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes sp. 76 Renfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat. 80 Roxburgh. 81 Berwick ? 82 Kaddington ? 83 Edinburgh! 84 Linhthgow. Balfour sp. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 99 Dunbarton ? 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. N.B. Licluding Bohartii as only a weakly state, not a real variety. 299 Vicia lathyroides. 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 10 Wight. More cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey. Ellis ms. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. Bell sp. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 30 Bedford. Brown sp. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. " Bromwich." 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 45 Pembroke. 47 Montgomery. Bowman ms. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Sansom sp. 59 Lane, south. Bean sp. 64 York m. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 75 Ayr. G. Macnab sp. 81 Berwick. 82 Kaddington ? 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme sp. 89 Perth east. 90 Forfar. Kerr sp. 91 Kincardine ? 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 99 Dunbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 06 Boss east. Gordon cat. [1 2 3 9 18 29 33 40 61 62 63; insufficiently vouched] . Not readily to be distinguished from the dwarfed states of V. anrjusti- folia or Bubaytii, and thus some of the counties named 132 299. YICIA LATHYROIDES. above may also be erroneous. 300 Vicia lutea. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. 8 Devon south. 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 18 Sussex west. Christy sp. 25 Suff. east. Bloomfield ms. 58 Chester. F. M. Webb sp. 75 Ayr. ''P. Maclagan sp." 83 Edinburgh ! J. B. Balf. ms. 85 Fife ! Nicholson sp. 88 Perth mid ? 90 Forfar. 91 Kincarduie. Croall sp. 301 Vicia sepium. Counties all, except 31 85 46 75 86 98 107 112. 302 Vicia bithynica. 1 Cornwall west ? 2 Devon south ! 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Eussell sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 18 Sussex west. Extinct. 15 Kent east. Syme sp. 16 west. Bromf. ms. 18 Essex south. Salmon sp. 19 north. Bentall sp. 84 Gloster west. 87 Worcester. 41 Glamorgan. 50 Denbigh. Price sp. 61 Flint. 62 York n. east. Native ? [10 11] . (66 ballast hills). 303 Vicia hirsuta. Counties all, except 85 46 51 54 69 86 97 98 106 107 108 110 [111] 112. 304 Vicia tetrasperma. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 8 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Miss Gilford sp. 10 Wight! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north. 18 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 81 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Nortliton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purclias cat. 37 Worcester. G. Beece sp. 88 Warwick. Kirk cat. 89 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leigliton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 304. VICIA TETRASPERMA. 133 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea ! 58 Lincohi south. 54 north ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 66 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 68 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 78 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 88 Edinburgh. 85 Fife. Balf. sp. Exurs.t 90 Forfar. " G. Macnab." [Ill Orkney ; Lowe's list] . 304 Vicia gracilis. 6 Som. north? 7 Wilts north. Flower sp. 9 Dorset. Norman sp. 10 Wight ! Bromfield sp. 16 Kent west. 17 Surrey ! casual ? 18 Essex south. Syme sp. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. 22 Berks. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 38 Warwick. " Cheshire." [3 Flower, "Parker"]. 305 Lathyrus Aphaca. 3 Devon south. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites sp. 7 Wnts north. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south. ''Bromf.-hb." 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. Kent...? North Kent." 17 Surrey. Ellis sp. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Christy sp. 20 Herts. Fordliam sp. 21 Middlesex ? 28 Oxford. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. Stock ms. 26 west. Bromf. sp. 27 Norfolk east. 29 Cambridge. Babmgton cat. 38 Gloster east. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 37 Worcester. Maw sp. 88 Warwick. Lincoln. " Carrington." (57 59 62 64 66 67 75 88 88 or 89 ; casual in most of these counties ; erroneously recorded in two or three of them ?) 306 Lathyrus Nissolia. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat.f 2 east. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f 4 north ? 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Trcvelyan sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 134 306. LATHYRUS NISSOLIA. 11 Hants south. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Downs sp. 17 Surrey ! Ellis sp. 18 Essex south. Bromf. ms. 19 north. Christy sp. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten ''v. sp." 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Bloxam ms. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge ? 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Lloyd sp. 39 Stafford. Lincoln. " Carrington." 55 Leicester. 57 Derby. Davidson sp. [36 50 56 61 81; errors?] (67 70 75 90; casual?) 307 Lathy rus hirsutus. 17 Surrey. W. Bennett sp. 18 Essex south. Varenne sp. [6 57 61]. (6 66). 308 Lathyrus pratensis. Counties all, except 96 107 with the usual nine ; likely to occur in every county. 309 Lathyrus palustris. 6 Som. north. Clark sp. 11 Hants south. Notcutt. 17 Surrey? Extinct. 22 Berks. Britten "v. sp." 25 Suff. east. Woodward sp. 27 Norf. east. Christy sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 31 Hunts. Bree sp. 48 Merioneth. Bowman ms. 49 Carnarvon. Howitt sp. 53 Line, south ? 54 north. Thompson ms. 61 York s. east. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. York... ? Tatham sp. 74 Wigton ? Galloway." [22 37 55 57 59]. 310 Lathyrus sylvestris. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 5 Som. south. Christy sp. 6 north. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey. Linnell sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. Coleman cat.t 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Miss Bell sp. 24 Bucks. Britten "v. sp." 25 Suffolk east ? 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 310. LATHYRUS SYLVESTRIS. 135 31 Hunts. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kii'k cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leigbton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 46 Cardigan. Lees sp. 47 Montgomery. Bowman ms. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh ! 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 70 Cumberland. 73 Kirkcudbright. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. 77 Lanark. Balfour sp. 81 Berwick. Embleton sp. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. 00 Clyde-isles. Landsborough. 03 Mull. Syme, "certainly (62 63 64 66). wild." [7 8 21 58 91 ; insuffi- ciently vouched. Perhaps not truly wild in some of the other counties] . 311 Lathyrus maritimus. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 14 Sussex east. 15 Kent east ! 25 Suffolk east. 54 Lincoln north. 70 Cumberland ? 90 Forfar. 12 Shetland. Edmonston sp. [1 10 111 ; dubious] . 312 Orobus tuberosus. Counties all, except 25 27 28 29 31 46 51 54 60 75 86 97 98 99 107 110. 313 Orobus niger. 68 Cheviot.' Tate sen. ms. 89 Perth east. Anderson sp. 90 Forfar. 96 Easterness. N.B. Picported also from seve- ral other counties — Devon, Orkney, &c. — through mis- naming the other species for this one. Perhaps intro- duced to all the four coun- ties named above. 314 Prunus spinosa. Counties all, except 75 89 97 98 104 107 109 to 112 with the usual nine. 314 Prunus insititia. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat.f 2 east. Briggs sp. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.f 4 north. 6 Som. north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat.f 12 Hants north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenno cat. 136 314. PRUNUS INSITITIA. 20 Herts. Coleman cat.f 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Coleman ms. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. , 28 west. Miss Bell ms. | 29 Cambridge. 30 Bedford. 33 Gloster east. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 49 Carnarvon ! 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Ch. Bab. ms.t 56 Notts. Howitt sp. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 70 Cumberland. 72 Dumfries. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 76 Kenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. (80 81 83 85 88 90 91 106). This is treated as a native both in the Clydes- dale and the Edinburgh Floras ; but as the P. domes- tica is equally so given in the Flora of Edinburgh, not much weight can be attached to that evidence. Even in England many of its re- ported localities are artifi- cial, having originated through planting; and the line of distinction between this and P. spinosa is uncer- tainly traced. Thus, the above enumeration of coun- ties is to be received with some distrust. 315 Prunus Padus. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 36 Hereford. 38 Warwick, "introduced." 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton ms. 41 Glamorgan. Dillw. ms. 42 Brecon. 48 Merioneth. Gibson ms. 49 Carnarvon. Leefe ms. 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 51 Flint. 55 Leicester. Coleman. f 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt sp. 58 Chester! Warren cat.f 59 Lane, south. Goodlad hb. 60 west. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Storey ms. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! 72 Dumfries. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 315. PRUNUS PADUS. 137 80 Eoxburgh. Duncau cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddiugtou. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Lawson cat.f 86 Stu:ling. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 89 east. 90 Forfar. Roy ms. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Eoss east. Cli. Bab. ms. 08 Suth. west. 09 Caithness. BrowTi cat. N.B. Localities are also on record for this tree in several counties of the four first l^rovinces, from Cornwall to Norfolk. AVith few excep- tions it is indicated only as an introduced or planted tree in those counties. I have received the American P. se rot in a, labelled as wild Padiis, from two of the southern counties. 316 Prunus avium. Counties all, except 13 31 34 41 46 53 60 84 86 89 93 97 98 99 101 103 to 108 110 to 112. Two practical difficulties arise in attempts to trace the distrilnition of this tree. Fu*st, in many books and lists the name Cerasiis is used indiscrimi- ! nately for either or both the | species. Second, the widest diversities of opinion occur as to the indigenous or in- troduced character of each species. For the counties of South Britain the Avium is usually treated as native. For those of North Britain it is usually noted as pro- bably introduced. For the counties of Mid Britain, there is an approximate balance of opinions ; some for, some against nativity. No doubt the seeds are still carried in the crops of birds, from gardens to wilds ; but whether the origin has been really from gardens, at first, or from wilds to gar- dens, cannot be satisfactorily decided now. 316 Prunus Cerasus. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp.f 7 Wilts north. Preston ms.f 9 Dorset. Pleydell. Borrer. 10 Wight ! .Salter sp. More.f 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east. Planted? 17 Surrey ! Linncll sp. 19 Essex north. Varennc cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat.f 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 28 Norf. west. Notcutt ms. 29 Cambridge. Extinct? 30 Bedford. 36 Hereford. Purclias. I 38 Warwick. Bromwich sp. 40 Salop. Lcigliton cat. ! 45 Pembroke, liabington cat. I 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 138 316. PEUNUS CERA3US. 60 Denbigh ? 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sx3. 58 Chester ! Bkd-sown ? 64 York m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. N.B. A selection from the counties on record for Frunus Cerasus ; being those in which the Cerasus austera or true fruticose Cherry ap- pears to have been intended. For myself, though inclined to accept this as an indi- genous shrub, I do so with no positiveness. (1 2 4 27 68 70 83 87 91 92 94). 317 Spiraea Ulmaria. Counties all, except 46 86 98 107, with the usual nine ; doubtless it does occur in all of them. 318 Spiraea Filipendula. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat.f 8 Devon south. 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. 11 Hants south. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east ! Hall cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Wood ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. Blow ms. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east ? 26 west. 28 Norfolk west. 29 Cambridge. Babmgton cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts? "Aikm." 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Thwaites sp. 36 Hereford. ''Wilmott." 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bloxam ms. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop? 49 Carnarvon. Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea. 53 Line, south ! Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 60 Lane. west. Simpson sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Clieviotland. Tate ms. 69 Westmoreland ! Finder ms. 70 Cumberland. 81 Berwick. Embleton ms. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. 90 Forfar. (77 91 106). 320 (323) Dryas octopetala. 39 Stafford. 49 Carnarvon. 64 York m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. 820. DRYAS OCTOPETALA. 139 69 Westm. Backhouse, 1869. 88 Perth mid ! Hooker sp. 89 east. Brand sp. 90 Forfar ! 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 98 Ai'gyle. 01 Cantire. Balfour sp. 04 Eb. north. 05 Boss west. 08 Suth. west ! Graham sp. 11 Orkney. Syme sp. [66 109 ; errors of place ?] 321 Geum urbanum. Counties all, except 71 97 102 104 107 108 110 111 112. 321-2. Geum intermedium. 8 Devon south ? 7 Wilts north. Preston ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 12 Hants north. Spicer sp. 19 Essex north. 26 Suffolk west. 28 Norfolk west. 29 Cambridge. 36 Hereford. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 60 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 59 Lane, south. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 76 Renfrew. Hcnnedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hcnnedy cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 E dinburgh ! Syme sp . 85 Fife. Syme cat. 86 Stu-ling. 87 Perth west. Syme sp. 90 Forfar. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 11 Orkney. Gillies herb. N.B. A most puzzling plant ; some examples more like rivale, others more like nrhanum. 322 Geum rivale. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ? 6 Som. north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north. Pamplin ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 19 Essex north. 20 Herts. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 26 Suffolk west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Khk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon. Butler sp. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. 52 Anglcsea. 54 Lincoln north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. uo 322. GEUM EI VALE. 56 Notts. 57 Derby! Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Goodlad hb. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey cat. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat. 80 Koxburgli. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Kaddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid! Worsley cat. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. Mrs. Atkins sp. 99 Dunbarton ! 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Boss east. Gordon cat. Sutherland. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 11 Orkney. Syme cat. 324 Sibbaldia procumbens. 73 Dumfries ? 78 Peebles. 86 Stirling. Kooker sp. 88 Perth mid! 89 east ! 90 Forfar! Brand sp. 92 Aber. south 1 Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 96 Easterness ! Gordon sp. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. 05 Boss west. 06 east. Gordon ms. 08 Suth. west ! Campbell sp. 12 Shetland. Konas Hill." [3 Dartmoor] . 325 Potentilla fruticosa. 65 York n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 69 Westmor. Backhouse ms. 70 Cumberland. (23 63 77 83). 326 Potentilla rupestris. 47 Montgom. Bowman sp. [83 see page 6] . 327 Potentilla anserina. Counties all, except 46 97 and the usual nine. 328 Potentilla argentea. 2 Corn. east. Briggs sp.f 5 Som. south. Collins ms. 6 north. Collins ms. 328. POTENTILLA ARGENTEA. 141 7 Wilts nortli. Flower cat. 8 south. 11 Hants south ! 12 north. 14 Sussex east. Borrer ms. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne sp. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 21 Middlesex. Harris sp. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. 25 Suff. east. Miss Bell sp. 26 west. Cooper sp. 27 Norf. east. Gibson ms. 28 west. Miss Bell ms. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 80 Bedford. Brown sp. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 36 Hereford. Purclias cat. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwdck. Kirk cat. 40 Salop ! Leighton cat. 47 Montgom. Bowman ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Bowman sp. 55 Leicester. Cli. Bab. sp. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Warren ms. 63 York s. west. 64 m. west. Extinct ? 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ? 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour sp. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. 88 Perth mid. 89 east ! 90 Forfar. 95 Elgin. Gordon sp. 329 Potentilla verna. 6 Som. north ? Thwaites cat. 26 Suff. west ? 29 Cambridge. Coleman ms. 34 Gloster west ! French sp. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas ms. 41 Glamorgan. 49 Carnarvon. Bowman ms. 57 Derby ! Kirk sp. 63 York s. west, Lees cat. 64 m. west ? Tatliam sp. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 70 Cumberland. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Syme sp. 83 Edinburgh ! Brand sp. 85 Fife. Syme sp. 1870. 90 Forfar. Gardiner sp. [3 25 40 60 62; insuffi- ciently vouched] . 330 Potentilla alpestris. 46 Cardigan ? Eng. flo. 47 Montgomery. Lees ms. 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreld. Bowman sp. 70 Cumberland ! 88 Perth mid ! Sadler sp. 90 Forfar ! Brand sp. 92 Abcr. south ! Dickie ms. N.B. Difficult to trace an exact line of distinction between this and P. vcrna. [42 67] . 331 Potentilla reptans. Counties all, excoi)t 46 72 76 84 86 87 88 93 95 to 100 102 to 112. This common 142 331. POTENTILLA REPTANS. plant of England becomes infrequent in Scotland, and appears to be quite absent to the north-west of the Caledonian Canal. 332 Potentilla Tormentilla. Counties all, except 46 51 60 73, with the usual nine ; but doubtless actually to be found in every one of the 112 counties. 332 Potentilla procumbens. nemoralis. Cornwall. 3 Devon south. Somerset. Southby ms. 9 Dorset.- Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. 29 Cambridge. 30 Bedford. 95 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Bromwich sp. 38 Warwick. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 46 Cardigan. Purchas cat. I 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. New flo. N. D. 67 Northumb. New flo. 68 Cheviotland. New flo. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 73 Kh'kcudbright. Lloyd ms. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick ? 85 Fife ? 91 Kincardine ? 94 Banff ? 00 Clyde-isles. 06 Boss east ? 12 Shetland ? Misnomer ? N.B. Small trust can be given to the distribution as here set forth. Too likely, this intermediate plant has been much confused with the Tormentilla, on the one side, and the P. vcptans, on the other side. All my own notes of past years are re- jected, as I would now cer- tify the plant in Surrey and Berks only, although believ- ing that it has been ^ seen equally in several other counties. 333 Potentilla Fragariastrum. Counties all, except 35 46 51 53 60 80 97 101 to 105 107 to 112. Orkney ? 33-1. COMARUM PALUSTRE. 143 334 Comarum palustre. 1 Corn. west. Ciinnack cat. 2 east. Briggs, " v. r." 3 Devon soutli. Abraham ms. 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 8 Wilts south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 17 Surrey ! EUis sp. 19 Essex, north. 20 Herts. 22 Berks. 24 Bucks ? 25 Suff. east. Stock cat. 26 west. Brown sx3. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas ms. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Ku-k cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 43 Radnor. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Gutch sp. 46 Cardigan. Gibson ms. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. Gibson ms. 60 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 54 Line, north. Howitt ms. 65 Leicester. Coleman ms. 66 Notts. 67 Derby. Howitt cat. 68 Chester ! Warren cat. 69 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Nortliumb. Storey cat. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 7 6 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan sp. 81 Berwick. 82 Hadduigton. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid ! Worsley cat. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. Ch. Bab. ms. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Ch. Bab. ms. 06 Ross east. Gordon cat. 08 Suth. west ! 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. " Miss Boswcll." 12 Shetland. Tate sp. N.B. Treated as a "not com- mon " plant on account of its infrcquency in the south- ern counties. 144 335. FRAG ARIA VESCA. 335 Fragaria vesca. Comities all, except 41 51 53 60 86 98 107 110. 337 Rubus Chamaemorus. 47 Montgomery. 48 Merioneth. Bowman ms. 49 Carnarvon. D. Turner ms. 57 Derby. 58 Chester. Church. Bab. ms. 63 York s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham sjd. 65 n. west. Ward ms. 66 Durham. Baker sp. 67 Northumb. Bigge sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. 77 Lanark. 78 Peebles. Balfour ms. 80 Koxburgh. Duncan ms. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 86 Stirling. Hooker sp. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid ! 89 east. 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie ms. 93 north. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 96 Easterness ! Gordon sp. 97 Westerness ! 05 Boss west. Ch. Bab. ms. 06 east. Gordon ms. 08 Sutherland west ! 338 Rubus saxatilis. 2 Corn. east. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 33 Gloster east. Lees sp. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop ? 41 Glamorgan. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 59 Lane, south. Goodlad hb. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 69 Westmoreland! 70 Cumberland ! 71 Man. Forbes cat. v.r." 72 Dumfries. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy ca,t. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 87 Perth west. Syme sp. 88 mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie sp. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables sp. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton ! Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 01 Cantirc. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Boss cast. Gordon cat. 08 Suth. west ! 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Gillies herb. 12 Shetland. Tate cat. 339. EUDUS ID.EUS. 145 339 Rubus Idaeus. Counties all, except 1 11 16 31 41 45 49 51 60 86 110 112; likely to be found in most of these also, more or less wild. No doubt that many of its localities origi- nate by seeds carried from gardens ; but the slirub it- self is native probably throughout Britain, unless the extreme north, especially the North Isles, ought to be excepted. 340 Rubi fruticosi. See Comp. Cyb. Brit, pages 501 — 5 and Supplement to same, page 38 ; but espe- cially Bab. Brit. Eubi, for the counties. 341 Rosa spinosissima. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. 4 north. Maw cat. 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Hall cat. 16 Kent east. 17 Surrey ! Castle sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 21 Middlesex ! Twining sp. 22 Berks. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Camhrhhjc. Bal)ington flo.f 82 Northton. Notcutt cat. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Kkk cat. 39 Stafford! 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. Gutcli sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 48 Merioneth. Gibson ms. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Eev. J. Poole ms. 52 Anglesea ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Storey cat. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 71 Man. Forbes cat. " v. c." 72 Dumfries. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie ms. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Eastcrncss. Stables cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Hcnnedy cat. u 146 341. ROSA SPINOSISSIMA. 01 Cantire. BaKour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 03 mid. Ch. Bab. ms. 04 north. Lawson cat. 05 Koss west. Cb. Bab. ms. 06 east. Gordon cat. 07 Sutb. east ! 08 west ! Cb. Bab. ms. 09 Caithness ! [Ill Orkney. Lowe's list] . 342 Rosa hibernica. 17 Surrey ? One bush. 58 Chester. Webb sp. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Baker mon. 68 Cheviotland. Oliver sp. 70 Cumberland. Borrer sp. 08 Suth. west. Baker mon. 343 Rosa Sabini, etc. 3 Devon south. E. Parfittms. 4 north. Maw cat. 10 Wight. Baker Monograph. Sussex. Borrer. Monog. 17 Surrey. Brit. Flo. 21 Middlesex. Twining sp. 32 Northton. Notcutt sp. 33 Gloster east. Notcutt sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas flo. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Kirk. Bree. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 49 Carnarvon. Hooker sp. 51 Flint. Fisher sp. 52 Anglesea. Lees in Phytol. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 58 Chester. Webb. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Lecfe sp. 69 Westmoreland. Oliver ms. 70 Cumberland. Oliver sp. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat.j 81 Berwick. Border flo. 82 Haddington. Balf. flo. 83 Edinburgh. Balf. flo. 88 Perth mid. Worsley cat. 90 Forfar. Monog. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 95 Elgin. "Eev. J. Keith." 97 Westerness. "Dr. Walker." 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 02 Eb. south. ''Dr. Walker." 09 Caithness. Monog. 11 Orkney. 344 Rosa mollissima. 48 Merioneth. "Borrer." 49 Carnarvon. "Wilson." 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 57 Derby. " Purchas." 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Hailstone sp. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. " Kobertson." 67 Northumb. New flo. 68 Cheviotland. New flo. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. Dickie Guide. 98 Argyle. " Hailstone." 09 Caithness. "Dick." 11 Orkney. Syme sp. N.B. Under the names of vil- losa, mollis or mollissima this Kosa is reported from 60 or 70 counties ; but it has been so frequently confused with tomentosa on the one side, and even with Sahini or 344. ROSA MOLLISSIMA. 147 gracilis " on the otlierside, tlirough so called scahri- iiscula, — that uo reliance can be given to book records in general. I have certainly seen it in several counties of North England and Scot- land ; although I dare not now trust to my old notes, and my s^Decimens of roses were destroyed by accidental fire, while in the house of Mr. Baker. The counties named above must be taken as a very incomplete selec- tion. Mr. Baker names Merioneth as the most southern county from which specimens have been seen by himself. Book records, probably erroneous, w^ould place it as far southw^ard as Cornwall, Isle of Wight, and Sm-rey. 345 Rosa tomentosa. Counties all, except 4 8 12 15 24 31 32 43 46 51 53 54 60 72 to 74 78 79 80 86 88 89 95 96 97 102 103 105 106 107 109. In some of these counties it has very likely been seen and mis- taken for * moUissima ' ; in others, the converse may have occun-ed, through mis- nomers of the latter as if the present species. Mr. Baker has seen it from Corn- wall and Caithness ; and it is enumerated in the lists for Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland. 346 Rosa " sepium, Thuil." 17 Surrey. Baker sp. N.B. Kosa Jundzilliana, placed under no. 346 in the London Catalogue, has been subse- quently united wdth ' tomen- tosa,' by Mr. Baker. This seems near E. micrantha. 347 Rosa pulverulenta. 6 Som. north. " Woods." 38 Warwick. W. T. Bree." 63 York s. west. S. King." 65 n.west. ''Ward." 66 Durham. "Eobertson." 68 Cheviotland. Baker. N.B. The counties and authori- ties are taken from Baker's Monograph. I do not under- stand the species. 348 Rosa Borreri, etc. N.B. Now referred to canina in Baker's Monograph. See Comp. Cyb. Brit, page 507. 349 Rosa micrantha. 1 Corn, west, 2 east. Briggs sp. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Stephens sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 12 Hants north. Baker ms. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman sp. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! Baker mon. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varcnne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Castles ms. 22 Berks. 148 349. KOSA MICRANTHA. 23 Oxford. Borrer." 24 Bucks. 26 Suffolk west. Coleman ms. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. 84 west. Thwaites sp. 33 Hereford. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Purclias ms. 46 Cardigan. Atwood ms. 49 Carnarvon. 52 Anglesea. " Wilson." 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. 68 Chester. "Webb " in Mon. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 " n. west. Bot. n. y. 66 Durham. "A. M. Norman." 68 Cheviotland. ' ' Chrisp. ' ' 350 Rosa mbiginosa. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. Baker "wild." 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. Baker ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat.l 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey. Linnell sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varennc cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk cast. Purchas cat. | 26 Suffolk west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bree cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leigliton cat. co. 50 Denbigh ? Faun. Grust. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 58 Chester. Fisher ms. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat.f 64 m. west. Lees cat.t 65 n. west. 66 Durham. New flo.f 67 Northumb. New flo.! 68 Cheviotland. New flo.f 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat.f (72 73 76 77 81 to 85 86 89 90 92 94 95 96 99 100 101). [4 North Devon] . N.B. The counties of England are given above as found on record for the " Sweet-brier." Those of Scotland are all enclosed ( ) with the sign of distrusted nativity ; so few botanists there regarding it as a native shrub. The Flora of Edinburgh and even that of Clydesdale are exceptions, admitting it un- questioned. I have never seen it quite satisfactorily indigenous in England, of 350. KOSA RUBIGINOSA. 149 late years; and at earlier dates I confused together this and micrantha ; indeed, I can hardly say now that ruhiginosa is not truly a gar- den variety of micrantha. 351 Rosa canina, etc. Counties all, except 97 102 104 109 110, with the other nine as usual. Not certain for Shetland. 352 Rosa systyla. 3 Devon south. Baker mon. 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wnts north. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell sp. 10 Wight. Baker mon. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman sp. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! Coleman sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Gibson sp. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Syme sp. 22 Berks. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. gallicoidcs." 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. 59 Lane, south. Wehl) cat. G8 Cheviotland. New flo. 70 Cumber. Th. Benson." [1 4 29 50 02 77 84 8G 90 96 97 99 ; msufQciently vouched] . An incongruous cluster of forms, more or less intermediate between canina and arvensis ; both of which, I fully believe, are taxed to aid in making up the cluster named si/styla or stylosa. At first, I had here simply interposed one Dog- rose between the spinosissima and arvensis, in sheer despair about the possibility of enu- merating the counties under the several species with any approach to accuracy. And I am now far from satisfied with what is done above. 353 Rosa arvensis. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west! Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne sp. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. Bcesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk cast. Stock cat. 150 353. KOSA ARVENSIS. 26 Suffolk west. 27 Norf. east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 82 Nortlitou. Notcutt sp. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Bromwicli sp. 39 Stafford. Bagnall ms. 40 Salop. Leigliton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood ms. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 61 Flint! 52 Anglesea. 54 Lincoln north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland. Binder ms. 70 Cumberland. Edmonds sp. (Scotland 76 77 80 82 83 85 90 91 ; treated by Pro- fessor Hennedy as an intro- duced rose in the western lowland counties ; and the same by Dr. Boswell Symc, in the eastern highland counties. The Flora of Edinbui-gli gives it unques- tioned as a native). 354 Agrimonia Eupatoria. Counties all, except 46 49 84 86 88 89 97 98 101 103 to 107 110 111 112. 354. Agrimonia odorata. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs ms. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 7 Wilts north. Preston ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell ms. 10 Wight. More cat. 12 Hants north. Mathews. 13 Sussex west. Baker cat. 14 east. Borrer ms. 16 Kent west. More s^. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 34 Gloster west. Purchas ms. 36 Hereford. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 41 Glamorgan. Purchas sp. 45 Pembroke. Purchas ms. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Stratton ms. 55 Leicester. Purchas s^). 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 67 Northumberland ? 68 Cheviotland. 70 Cumber. "W.Robinson" sp. 88 Perth mid. Worsley sp.f 00 Clyde-isles. Syme sp. 1872. N.B. Miss Worsley observed this plant in a cottage gar- den near St. Fillans, not far from the only spot in which she found the plant quasi-wild. Is it truly wild in Arran ? 355. SANGUISORBA OFFICIN.\LIS. 151 355 Sanguisorba officinalis. 1 Corn, west! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Goulding sp. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! 6 Som. north. Parfitt ms. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. 26 Suffolk west? 28 Norfolk west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 43 Eadnor. Gibson ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 46 Cardigan. 47 Montgom. Bowman ms. 51 Fhnt. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 68 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 68 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 York n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Storey cat. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! 72 Dumfries. Brand sp. 73 Kh'kcudbright. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 80 Eoxburgh. Johnston ms. 81 Berwick. 90 Forfar, "naturalised." 355 Poterium Sanguisorba. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Keys sp. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west I Borrer cat. 14 east ! Hall cat. 15 Kent east! Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey I 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. Babington ms. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! 152 355. POTEEIUM SANGUISORBA. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Tliwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purclias cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kii'k cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leiglitou ms. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea ! 53 Line, south ! Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Ch. Bab. ms. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Bloxam ms. 58 Chester ? 59 Lane, south ? 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker sj). 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumberland. 67 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland! 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. H. M. Balf. sp. 89 Perth east ! Syme sp. 90 Forfar. 95 Elgin? Mr. Martin." (82 85). [72 77]. Some of these recorded habitats perhaps belong to the alien P. muricatum, introduced through foreign seeds or ballast, and not easily dis- tinguished while without fruit. 356 Alchemilla vulgaris. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 Corn. east. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Tliwaites ms. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 14 Sussex east. Borrer ms. 17 Surrey. 19 Essex north. 20 Herts. Isaac Brown sp. 21 Middlesex. Kingsley sp. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 28 Norfolk west? 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. Warner sp. 32 Northton. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leigliton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 54 Line, north. Thompson ms. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Nortliunib. Storey cat. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 356. ALCHEMILLA VULGARIS. 153 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kii'kcudbriglit. Gray cat. 75 A}T. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 78 Koxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Boswell Syme cat. 86 Stu-ling ! 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 88 mid ! Worsley cat. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness! Stables cat. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Ross east. Gordon cat. 07 Sutherland east ! 09 Caithness ! Brown cat. 11 Orkney. Gillies herb. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. (10 " one planted root.") 357 Alchemilla alpina. 65 York n. west. Tatliam sp. 69 Westmoreland! 70 Cumberland ! 86 Stii'hng. Hooker sp. 87 Perth west ! 88 mid ! Worsley cat. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! Brand sp. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat.f 92 Aber. south ! Dickie sp. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Gordon ms. 97 Westerness ! 98 Ai'gyle ! Montgomery ms. 99 Dunbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. 03 Eb. mid. Ch. Bab. ms. 04 north. Lawson cat. 05 Ross west. Campbell sp. 06 east. Gordon cat. 08 Suth. west ! Johnston ms. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. [Dartmoor, Devon ; Eaven- shaw flo. dev] . 358 Alchemilla arvensis. Counties all, except 46 51 60 86 89 97 98 108 110. 360 Crataegus Oxyacantha. Counties all, except 46 107 111 ; often in planted hedge- rows only ; and few bota- nists regard it as being more wild in North Britain than a casual straggler, probably brought from the hedgerows by birds. Different as the oxyacantlioides and monogyna or eriocarpa appear in tlieu' extreme forms, I find many intermediates in Surrey, through cross-combinations of their technical characters. 361 Cotoneaster vulgaris. 49 Carnarvon. Bowman sp. X 154 362. PYRus 362 Pyrus communis. N.B. Almost invariably the botanists who have sent specimens of this tree, or marked the name in then- local lists, have done so with indications of distrust as to its genuine indigenous- ness. In the Flora of Edin- burgh, indeed, it is given as a true native ; but perhaps the proper reading of that entry is, that the Flora itself cannot be safely relied upon to answer questions about nativity. 363 Pyrus Malus. Counties all, except 35 46 49 82 85 to 99 102 to 112. (1 54 60 69 72 81 88 90 94 95). 100 Hennedy cat. 101 Balfour cat. Including the casual [mitis) derived from garden apples along with the true Crab (austera) less seldom met with ; the localities of the two being inextricably confused to- gether by their recorders. 364 Pyrus torminalis. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. 5 Som. south. 6 north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Plcydcll cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. Bromf. ms. COMMUNIS. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 16 Kent west. 17 Surrey. Coleman sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Barham sp. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Stock cat. 28 west ? 29 Cambridge ? 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east ? 34 west. Thwaites cat, 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bagnall ms. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. co. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 50 Denbigh ? 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. " truly wild." 59 Lane, south. Webb cat.f 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 69 Westmoreland? N.B. Surrey and West Kent are the only counties in which this tree has been seen by myself as an appa- rent native ; and there it may be truly so. Perhaps the P. scandica or Mougcotii may sometimes be misnamed torminalis, 365 Pyrus Aria. rupicola. 365. PYRUS ARIA. 155 Devon. Eng. Bot. ed. 3. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Atwood sp. 7 Wnts north ? Eng. Bot. 3. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Mrs. Atkins sp. 17 Surrey! Sjme sp. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. Native ? 22 Berks. Syme sp. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 30 Bedford ? 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Hort sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 47 Montgomery. Bowman ms. 49 Carnarvon. Winch ms. 60 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 54 Lincoln north. Bogg cat. 67 Derby I Whittaker sp. 63 York s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviotland. Eng. Bot. 3. 69 Westmoreland ! 83 Edinburgh. Eng. Bot. 3. 92 Aber. south. Baker sp. 08 Suth. west. Stables sp. (19 25 26 27 58 59 62 67 70 75 77 81 85 90 94 95 98 103 104 ; introduced or less certainly indigenous). The next species or segre- gates, especially the " Mou- geotii?" of Devon, has been usually recorded under the name of " Aria." 365 Pyrus scandica. Mougeotii P 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 4 north ! 5 Som. south. Gifford sp. 6 north ! Flower sp. 10 Wight? Eng. Bot. ed. 3. 50 Denbigh. Eng. Bot. ed. 3. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour sp.f 85 Kinross. Syme sp. 1870. 00 Arran. Syme sp. Duthie. N.B. Examples of ordinary Aria have been labelled and distributed for scandica; and there is otherwise much con- fusion between this and the preceding species, as well as between this and the next following one. 365 Pyrus fennica pinnatifida. 12 Hants north. Borrer sp. 13 Sussex west. Atkins sp. 16 Kent west. J. Macnab sp. 34 Gloster west. Sandys sp. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 64 York m. west. Lees cat."""' 90 Forfar. Watson sp.''' 99 Dimbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Arran. Syme sp. Duthie. N.B. Two forms or segregates are included under Smith's pinnatifida. Both are sus- pected to be hybrids ; the one, between Ancuparia and scandica, which is found very sparingly in Arran ; the other, between Aucuparia and Aria, observed in North Hants by Mr. Borrer, among 156 365. PYKUS FENNICA. abundance of the two sup- ! posed parents. Both segre- { gates occur in plantations, j 366 Pyrus Aucuparia. Counties all, except 15 31 32 51 54 60 84 86 98 109 with the usual nine. (Be- sides those counties, it is indicated as only a doubted native in 1 7 8 18 19 23 to 28 or 29, and less du- biously so in 46 59 72 85). In my own notes I find it entered without marks of doubt for counties 6 12 16 17 22 39 49 50 59 69 70 83 87 88 89 90 92 96 97 106 107 108. 367 Epilobium angustifolium. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat.t 4 north ? 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. 7 Wilts north. Preston ms. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Plcydell cat. 10 Wight ! 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west! Bromf. sp. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Wood ms. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms.f 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Introduced ? 22 Berks! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 27 Norfolk cast. Stock sp. 28 Norfolk west. 30 Bedford, "rare." 33 Grloster east. Dyer sp. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Ch. Bab. sp. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Khk cat.f 39 Stafford ! 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. Lincoln. Britten Ire. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Thompson sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! 71 Man. Forbes cat. 72 Dumfries. Winch sp. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat.j 80 Koxburgli. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. 85 Fife. Syme cat.f 86 Sthling. 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 88 mid. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! Graham sp. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south I Dickie cat. 367. EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM. 157 93 Aber. uortli. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon sp. 96 Easterness ! 97 Westerness ! Cli. Bab. ms. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 08 Suth. west. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 11 Orkney. Syme sp. 12 Shetland. Tate cat. N.B. Beckoned up by the number of its counties, this might appear to rank among common plants ; but being quite a local plant in several counties, and perhaps too uncertainly native in others named above, its counties have been cited in detail. 368 Epilobium hirsutum. Counties all, except 46 49 53 71 86 88 92 (93) 94 95 (96) 97 to 108 (109) 110 [111] 112. Less numerous than the j)receding, as to its counties, but too abundant in England to be placed among the non-common plants. 369 Epilobium parviflorum. Counties all, except 49 61 72 73 84 86 88 89 97 98 106 to 109 111 112. 370 Epilobium montanum. Counties all, except 46 and the usual nine ; in all of which doubtless it may be found. 371 Epilobium lanceolatum. 2 Cornwall east. Briggs sp. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 12 Hants north. Baker sp. 13 Sussex west. Borrer.f 17 Surrey! Clearly indigenous. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. 371 Epilobium roseum. 1 Corn. west. Briggs, 1871. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 11 Hants south ! More ms. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman sp. 16 Kent west. Syme sp. 17 Surrey ! Elhs sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. B entail sp. 20 Herts. Isaac Brown sp. 21 Middlesex. Varenne ms. 25 Suffolk east. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites sp. 36 Hereford. Purclias cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bromwich sp. 39 Stafford ! 41 Glamorgan. 55 Leicester. Coleman ms. 56 Notts. Howitt sp. 57 Derby. Bloxam sp. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Windsor sp. 60 west ! 62 York n. east. Baker s\). 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Bowman sp. (8 10 66). [82 85 90 95 ; insufficiently vouched] . 158 EPILOBIUM PALUSTEE. 372 Epilobium palustre. Counties all, except 31 32 34 41 46 54 72 86 98. 373 Epilobium tetragonum. Counties all, except 49 51 54 70 80 84 86 97 98 106 to 108 112. The aggregate, that is, including both the subjoined segregates. 373 Epilobium eu-tetragonum. 2 Corn. east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 10 Wight ! 13 Sussex west. Baker cat. 15 Kent east ! 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 19 Essex north. Varenne ms. 21 Middlesex. 29 Cambridge. 34 Gloster west. Flower sp. 36 Hereford. 38 Warwick. Khk sp. 55 Leicester ? 83 Edinburgh? 89 Mid Perth ? N.B. Less frequent, and per- haps much less widely dis- tributed than is the Ep. obscurum. The absolute distinctness of the two seems questionable, because intermediate forms occur, which are not confidently assignable to one of the se- gregates only. 373 Epilobium obscurum. 1 Corn. west. 2 cast. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. 6 Som. north. Clark sp. 7 Wilts north. Preston ms. 10 Wight. More sp. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! Baker cat. 13 Sussex west. Baker cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks ! 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 29 Cambridge. 35 Monmouth. 36 Hereford. 38 Warwick. Kh'k sp. 49 Carnarvon. 55 Leicester. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west ! 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 83 Edinburgh. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aberdeen south ! 00 Clyde-isles. Syme sp. Ill or 112 Jide Britten. No doubt also in many other counties. I think to have seen it in Sutherland. 374. EPILOBIUM ALPINUM. 159 374 Epilobium alpinum. G6 Durham. Trevetyan sp. 68 Clie-sdotland. Tate sp. 70 Cumber. Addison sp. 1867. 85 Fife ? 86 Stii'ling. 87 Perth west. 88 mid ! Worsley cat. 89 east ! Brand ms. 90 Forfar ! Brand sp. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 96 Easterness ! 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. 04 Eb. north. Lawson sp. 05 Ross west. 06 east. 08 Suth. west ! Graham sp. N.B. I do not know how to distinguish the atiagaUidi- foliuni" from the plant which stands in my notes as aJpinum. It may be on this account that I scarcely know where to di'aw the line between this present and the next species. [49 56 64 ; errors] . 374 Epilobium alsinifolium. 44 Carmarthen ? 49 Carnarvon ! Bowman ms. 65 York n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. 68 Cheviot. W. H. Brown sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Oliver sp. 72 Dumfries. 85 Fife. 87 Perth west. Syme sp. 88 mid ! Hooker sp. 89 Perth east ! 90 Forfar ! Balfour sp. 92 Aber. south ! 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 96 Easterness ! 97 Westerness. 98 Argyle. Church Bab. sp. 04 Eb. north. 08 Suth. west ! Graham sp. 12 Shetland. N.B. Approximates to alpinum on one side, towards the mountain states of ohscurum on the other side ; thus in- troducing some degree of uncertainty into the reports of its localities. 376 Isnardia palustris. 11 Hants south. 14 Sussex east. Hooker sp. [70 Cumberland] . 377 Circsea lutetiana. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south! Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varcnnc cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 160 377. CIRC^A LUTETIANA. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 2-i Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. Babingtonms. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. S. Foster sp. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Nortbton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Tbwaites cat. 35 Monmoutb. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Sbawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leigbton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon ! Twining sp. 50 Denbigli ! Bowman cat. 51 Flint ! 52 Anglesea. 54 Lincoln nortb. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt ms. 58 Cbester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, soutb. Webb cat. 60 west! 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 66 n. west. Paine sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Nortbumb. Makepeace sp. 68 Clieviot. Emblcton sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 71 Man. Forbes cat.f 72 L)umfrics. Gordon ms. r 73 Kirkcudbrigbt. Gray cat. 75 AjT. Duncan cat. 76 Renfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh. Brand sp. 85 Fife. 87 Perth west. 88 mid. Worsley cat. 90 Forfar? G. Don." 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 96 Easterness ? 99 Dunbarton ? 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantu'e. Balfour cat. 08 Suth. east ? 09 Caithness. N.B. Treated as a non-com- mon plant on account of its rarity in North Britain, with a comparatively sparse dis- tribution elsewhere ; al- though it may actually occur in every county of South and Mid Britain. 377-8 Circsea intermedia. 34 Gloster west. Purchas sp. 38 ]Vaywick. Cox sp. alpina I 39 Stafford. 50 Denbigh. Sandys sp. 57 Derby. Whittaker sp. 58 Chester. G. E. Hunt sp. 59 Lane, south ? 63 York s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. 66 Durham? Storey." Error? 69 Westmoreland. Watson sp. 70 Cumberland. Crotch sp. 77 Lanark. Mrs. Russell sp. 83 Edinburgh? Brand sp. 377. CIRCiEA 88 Perth mid. Watson si3. 89 east. Gardiner s-p. 90 Forfar? Don only? 95 Elgin. Gordonsp. "Moray." 99 Dunbar ton. 00 Clyde-isles. Balfour sp. 01 Cantire ? Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 08Suth. west? C. alpina? N.B. A most troublesome plant. In citing the speci- mens from my herbarium I follow Dr. Ascherson, of Berlin, who appeared to know the intermedia better than I can make it out ; my own view still inclining to a behef that approximating forms of lutetiana and of alpina equally get assigned to the intermedia. For ex- amx)le, I refer my own West- moreland specimens confi- dently to alpina, and Mr. Hunt's Cheshire (Cotterill Wood) examples less confi- dently to lutetiana; that is, assuming two species only. 378 Circaea alpina. 38 Waru:ick. Introduced. 69 Westmoreland 1 70 Cumberland ! 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid ! 89 east ? 90 Forfar. Gard. flo. 91 Kincardine. Dickie Guide. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. Dickie Bot. Guide. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterncss. Htables cat. 97 Westerness. intermedia? 98 Argyle. intermedia? INTERMEDIA. 161 99 Dunbarton. Clyde flo. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 04 north. Lawson cat. 05 Boss west. Light, scot. 06 east. Gordon ms. 08 Suth. west. Johnston ms. [6 25 35 39 43 44 47 48 50 55 57 58 59 63 64 67 68 75 77 82 83 85 111; insufficiently vouched; partly erroneous, although perhaps not wholly so ; and some of the counties named are at best uncertain] . 379 Hippuris vulgaris. 1 Cornwall west ? 3 Devon south. 6 Som. north. Thwaites ms. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east ! 17 Surrey ! 19 Essex north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Harris sp. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts 1 Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Berkeley ms. 33 Glostcr east. 36 Hereford. Purchas ms. 162 379. HIPPURIS VULGARIS. 87 Worcester. Biickman sp. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 62 Anglesea. 54 Line, north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme sp. 89 Perth east. 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterncss. Stables cat. 98 Argyle. Gibson ms. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Gillies herb. 12 Shetland. Tate cat. 380 Myriophyllum , verticillatum. 1 Corn, west ? 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset? 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Wallis sp. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Paget sp. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Stock sp. 28 west. Notcutt sp. 29 Cambridge. Gibson sp. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ? 40 Salop. 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south. 54 north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. Howitt sp. 57 Derby. Bloxam ms. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. Bloxam ms. 61 York s. east. 380. MYRIOPHYLLUM VERTICILLATUM. 163 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. 67 Northumb. BowTaan sp. 69 Westmoreland ? 70 Cumberl. Baker cat. 1871. [45 50 95 111, insuffi- ciently vouched, and the two latter certainly errors ; and in some of the other counties perhaps the plant thus named was truly alterniflorum] . 381 Myriophyllum " spicatum." Counties all, except 2 5 46 49 51 53 61 71 86 93 97 98 99 101 104 107 [112] . This is the recorded distri- bution of sjncatiim more or less confused with alterni- florum. This latter is a se- gregate of recent date ; the older records apparently assigning some of its loca- lities to spicatum, and others of them to verticillatum ; a confusion still occasionally made down to present time. 381 Myriophyllum spicatum ! 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 9 Dorset. Plcydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east! 17 Surrey ! Coleman cat. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 40 Salop. Leighton. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 54 Lincoln north ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west ! Simpson sp. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n.west. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumber. Baker cat. 1871. 76 Kenfrew. Clydesdale flo. 77 Lanark. Clydesdale flo. 83 Edinburgh ! Graham sp. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 10 Hebrides. Balf. Bab. flo. 11 Orkney. Syme ms. N.B. The others are too un- certain and reckoned under the aggregate "spicatum." 382 Myriophyllum alterniflorum. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Pascoe cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Ray sp. 20 Herts ? 21 Middlesex. 164 382. LIYEIOPHYLLUM ALTERNIFLORUM. 22 Berks. 29 Cambridge. Babington sp. 31 Hunts. Berkeley ms. 34 Gloster west. 36 Hereford. Ley s^. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 4C Salop. Bidwell sp. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon. 54 Lincoln north ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. AVebb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland. Borrer ms. 70 Cumberland. Oliver sp. 81 Berwick. Syme sp. 83 Edinburgh. 85 Fife. J. B. Balfour ms. 89 Perth east. Syme sp. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie sp. 93 north. 96 Easterness ! 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 04 Eb. north. 08 Suth. west. Oliver sp. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. 12 Shetland. 383 Callitriche verna. Counties all, except 47 86 93 106 107, with the usual nine. Such is the recorded distribution of C. verm a ; but no doubt more or less in- cluding the two other very unsatisfactory species treat- ed underneath as nos. 384 and 385. 384 Callitriche platycarpa. Counties all, from 1 to 112 ; but with many exceptions to the records through bota- nists not generally distin- guishing this from the pre- ceding. My list of counties affords no sufficient autho- rities for the following : — 2 4 6 8 14 16 25 26 30 32 35 37 39 41 42 43 47 48 50 51 53 54 56 57 60 61 71 72 73 75 78 79 84 86 88 90 93 95 97 103 105 to 109 111 ; in some of these counties very likely seen by myself without spe- cial notes being kept. 385 Callitriche hamulata. pedunculata. truncata, etc. Counties all, from 1 to 112 ; but with still more nume- rous exceptions. Several segregates are included, very dubiously distinct, and va- riously named at different dates. The plant varies much according to its situa- tions, in deep water, in shallow water, in still or running water, or in places alternately covered with water or left bare. The va- riations so induced are de- scribed as different species ; their localities inextricably confused in book records. 386 Callitriche autumnalis. 3 Devon south. " Parlitt sp." 58 Chester. "Warren." 386. CALLITEICHE AUTUMNALIS. 165 62 Anglesea. Babington sp. 64 York m. west. Lees cat. 67 Northumb. Tliornliill sp. 68 Cheviotlaud. New flo. 85 Fife. Boswell Syme sp. 91 Kinc. Dickie sp. Syme sp. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 06 Ross east. Gordon cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 11 Orkney. "Loch of Glum ; Arnott." "Loch Clunie;" Stables, &c. [9 12 15 17 19 21 25 30 36 37 38 39 41 46 52 55 56 59 62 65 70 82 108 112; all msufficiently vouch- ed, and most of them errors through mistaking some form of no. 385 for the pre- sent clearly distinct plant] . 388 Ceratophyllum aquaticum. 1 Corn. west. 3 Devon south. 6 Som. north. Hort sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south ? 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east? 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne sp. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex! Sansom sp. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt sp. I 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. j 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. I 33 Gloster east. Hort sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk sp. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. co. 44 Carmarthen. Motley ms. 50 Denbigh? Faun. Grust. 54 Lincoln north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam ms. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. 62 York n. east. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. Arnott sp. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour sp. S.E.Highlands? 90 Forfar. 389 Lythrum Hyssopifolia. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 29 Cambridge. Hooker sp. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. [1 3 70]. (10 15 17 21 22 23 26 30 31 37 39 44 55 56 57 59 64 80; casual or erroneously reported).; 390 Lythrum Salicaria. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset, ricydcll cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. I 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 166 390. LYTHRUM SALICAEIA. 12 Hants north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suff. east. Stock cat. 26 west. Babington ms. 27 Norf. east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 64 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. GO west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m.west. Tatham cat. 65 York n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Ku'kcudbright. Gray cat. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Renfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. Syme sp. 82 Haddington. Balfour sp. 85 Fife. Syme sp. and cat.t 87 Perth west. 98 Argyle. Gordon ms. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Canthe. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. N.B. Although plentiful in England, this is too local in Scotland to come under the " common plants." 391 Peplis Portula. Counties all, except 6 32 33 35 49 51 54 60 68 71 73 80 82 84 86 89 97 98 104 107 110 112, with the usual nine ; likely to be found in all of these, unless in the two or four highest numbered. 393 Bryonia dioica. 3 Devon south. Planted? 4 north ? 5 Som. south. Collins ms. 6 north ! 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat, 393. BRYONIA DIOICA. 167 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. Bromfield ms. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Sir J. Paget sp. 28 west. Miss Bell s]). 29 Cambridge. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 86 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester ! Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leigliton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Barnard ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Gordon ms. 53 Line, south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Coleman ms. 56 Notts. Church. Bab. ms. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester! Warren cat. I 69 Lane, south. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Ch. Bab. ms. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 York n. west. Bowman sp. 66 Durham. Ward sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. Chrisp ms. 75 Ayr. 394 Montia fontana. Counties all, except 31 51 80 82 84 86 98 107, with the usual nine ; doubtless to be found in every county. 395 Illecebrum verticillatum. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack sp. 2 east. Pascoe cat. 3 Devon south? 4 north ? 396 Corrigiola littoralis. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack sp. 3 Devon south. Goulding sp. 397 Hemiaria vulgaris. 1 Corn, west ! Pascoe sp. 25 Suff. east. Bloomfield ms. 26 west. Skepper ms. 27 Norf. west. War dale sp. 29 Cambridge. 53 Line, south ? [6 11 21 41 56 59 81 88 or 89 ; insufficiently vouch- ed, and mostly errors] . 398 Polycarpon tetraphyllum. 1 Corn, west ! Cannack cat. 2 east? 3 Devon south. Bromf. ms. 9 Dorset. Borrer ms. (21 41 61 80 ; introduced into these counties, if not simx^ly errors in 41 61). 168 399. SCLERANTHUS AKNUUS. 399 Scleranthus annuus. Counties all, except 5 31 35 41 45 51 54 60 69 97 98 104 110 111 112 ; perhaps really absent from the three or four last numbered coun- ties. 400 Scleranthus perennis. 26 Suffolk west. Bunbury sp. 27 Norf. east ? 28 west. War dale sp. 43 Kadnor. Purchas sp. [5 or 6 15 17 32 39 48 58 90 ; all or mostly errors] . 401 Ribes nigrum. N.B. Scarcely any botanists, whose opinions can be held of any weight in the ques- tion of indigenousness, omit the mark, or other indica- tion of uncertain nativity, in connexion with the name of this shrub. 404 Ribes rubrum. N.B. This is nearly as much questioned as the preceding, although on the whole less positively rejected as a na- tive shrub. Possibly it may be indigenous in the j)ro- vinces of Humber, Tync, Lakes, East and West High- lands; although chiefly in form oi petrmmi or sjncatinn, if not exclusively so. 404 Ribes petreeum. 64 York m. west. Baker sp. 65 York n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. New flo. 67 Northumb. New flo. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! 87 Perth west. Syme cat.t 88 mid ! 90 Forfar ? 93 Aber. north ? 95 Elgin. Gordon sp. 96 Easterness. Gordon sp. 02 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 04 north. " s]3icatum." N.B. Passes into the syivestre variety of rubrum by inter- mediate degrees of pubes- cence, etc. See Comx^. Cyb. Brit, page 514. 405 Ribes alpinum. 34 Gloster west. Waring, B. G. 36 Hereford. Purchas flo.''' 38 Warwick. With. arr. 39 Stafford. Garner, ''wild." - 41 Glamorgan ? 44 Carmarthen. Milne. f 49 Carnarvon. Davies. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. Welch Bot. 55 Leicester. Coleman flo.''' 56 Notts. Howitt flo. 57 Derby. Purchas ms.t 58 Chester. Bradbury. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat.'^'' 61 York s. east. '' recorded." 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Dill, E. S. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west, "native." 66 Durham. New flo.f 67 Northumberland. New flo.f 68 Cheviotland. New flo.f 69 Westmoreld. Annals of K. 70 Cumberland. Jos. Eobson. 76 Benfrew. Clydesdale flo.f 405. RI3S3 ALPINUM, 169 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat.* 83 Edinbui'gh. Balf. flo.- 84 Linlithgow. Balf. flo.- 92 Aber. south. Dickie G.* N.B. This shrub has been often planted in the gardens and shrubberies of North England, probably on ac- count of its early leafing and flowering, unshowy as its flowers are. Nowhere seen by myself in a truly wild state. In citing the reported counties here book records have been resorted to, with the double series of marks, to indicate greater (") or less (f) suspicion against the true nativity of the shrub. 406 Ribes Grossularia. N.B. When we attempt to trace the distribution of this slu'ub through Britain, county by county, the adverse opinions against its real nativity greatly predominate over the very few given in sup- port. What can be said in favour of its nativity, may be seen on pages 377 to 382 of Phytologist, volume thu'd ; and those who admire a ram- bling and illogical style of wi'iting may there find a striking example of the late Dr. Bromfield's capacity for wordiness of that kind. Re- corded in eighty counties ; chiefly, if not solely, the off- spring or descendants from | seeds conveyed out of gar- dens. 407 Tillaea muscosa. 2 Corn, east? 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south. 25 Suff. east. Stock sp. 26 west. Babington ms. 27 Norf. east. Hooker sp. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. [22 Berks ; Brit, contrib.] . 408 Sedum Rhodiola. 42 Brecon, — or Glamorgan? 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! 64 York m. west? error loci? 65 n. west. Baker sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! 71 Man. J. Macnab ms. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. Syme sp. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. 86 Stirling. Hooker sp. 88 Perth mid! 90 Forfar! Croall sp. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 93 north. sea-coast." 96 Easterness ! 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. Hooker sp. 99 Dunbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 03 mid. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Ross east. Gordon cat. 08 Suth. west! Ch. Bab. ms. 11 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Syme cat. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. 170 409. SEDUM 409 Sedum Telephium. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Edmonds sp. 6 Somerset. Southby ms. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. "Pulteney." 10 Wight. Bromfield ms. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 10 west ! 17 Surrey ! Indigenous ? 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! An escape ? 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Extinct ? 30 Bedford. 32 Nortliton. Berkeley ms. 34 Gloster west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. 39 Stafford. Bloxam sp. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 47 Montgomery. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 1 TELEPmUM. 52 Angle sea. 57 Derby ! Norman sp. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Baker ms. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat.f 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. Miss Twining sp. 73 Kirkcudbright. Syme sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. G. Lawson ms.f 87 Perth west. Syme cat.f 88 mid. Miss Worsley.f 89 east!! (90 92 95 96 111 112; introduced to these counties ; likely so to several of those enumerated by name). It appeared to me truly native on the coast rocks near the Land's End, Cornwall. It may be so in Surrey ; though I feel undecided about that county as well as all the rest distinguished by the sign " !" 410 Sedum villosum. 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Baker sp. 07 Northumb. Thompson sp. 410. SEDUM VILLOSUM. 171 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 69 Westmoreland! 70 Cumberland. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp.' 81 Bermck. 83 Edinburgh ! G. Macnab sp. 84 Linhthgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. 86 Stii'ling. 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 88 mid. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie sp. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 98 Ai'gyle. Balfour sp. 99 Dunbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. [59 " James Roscoe." 412 Sedum anglicum. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west. Salmon ms. 14 east. Maw sp. 15 Kent east. French sp. 19 Essex north ? " Irvine." 25 Suff. east. Varennc sp. 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. co. 43 Radnor. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Twining sp. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea ! 58 Chester. Warren ms. 59 Lane, south. 62 York n. east. "Mudd sp." 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland. Crotch sp. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Ku'kcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Renfrew. Kennedy cat. 85 Fife ! May Isle. 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 90 Forfar. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 97 Westerness. Ch. Bab. ms. 98 Argyle ! Church. Bab. ms. 99 Dunbarton ! Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. BaKour cat. 03 mid. Ch. Bab. ms. 04 north. Lawson cat. 10 Hebrides. 12 Shetland. [28 92; both errors?] 414 Sedum acre. Counties all, except 14 31 46 88 97 104 107 112; likely to occur in these also, un- less the last of them. 415 Sedum reflexum. N.B. This cannot be treated as a true native. It is re- ported from over sixty coun- ties, usually as an escaj)e from gardens. Two gar- den species pass under this 172 415. SEDUM REFLEXUM. name ; one of which is also occasionally mistaken for ru- pestre, when found in a quasi- wild state. In turn, the truly wild S. rupestre is made up out of two other species ; one of these other two being- much confused with S. Fors- terianum. Herbarium spe- cimens of the five jDlants, thus confused together, are seldom in a state to yield much aid in diagnosis. The book characters, especially those of the two treated underneath, are misleading through describers mistaking mere states of growth or luxuriance for specific cha- racters, ex. gr. "leaves in rose -like tufts." 416 Sedum rupestre. " elegans." 4 Devon north. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Tliwaites cat. 34 Gloster west. Borrer ms. 85 Monmouth. Purchas ms. 40 Salop. 43 Kadnor. Purchas ms. 46 Cardigan. Miss Atwood. 47 Montgomery. Newman ms. 48 Merioneth. Newman ms. 49 Carnarvon. Rev. J. Harris. (3 27 32 38 GG G7 G8 G9 74). [36 57 52]. 416 Sedum Forsterianum. aureum, Wirtgen ? 86 Hereford. Purchas ms. 40 Salop. Lcigliton cat. co. 41 Glamorgan. 43 Kadnor. Purchas ms. 46 Cardigan. 47 Montgomery. Bloxam ms, 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. [3 5 6 32 35; very un- certain ; nor can much trust be given to the counties as- signed b}^ name above either to this species or to the pre- ceding] . 418 Cotyledon Umbilicus. 1 Corn, west! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. Pamplin ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! 22 Berks. Miss Bell ms. 23 Oxford. 32 Northton. Extinct? 34 Gloster west ! Tliwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. AVatkins sj). 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Bree ms. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Dyke sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood ms. 47 Moiitgom. Bowman ms. 48 Merioneth. Bowman ms. 49 Carnarvon ! Stables sp. 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 418. COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. 173 52 Anglesea ! 55 Leicester. Howitt ms. 57 Derby. Church . Bab. sp. 58 Chester ! AVarren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 63 York s. west. Leyland s}).! 65 n. west? "Miss Otter." 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 73 Kh-kcudbright. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Hennedy cat. 98 Ai'gyle. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Balfour sp. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 03 Ebudes mid. Stables sp. 422 Saxifraga stellaris. 47 Montgom. Bowman ms. 48 Merioneth. Butler sp. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 51 Fhnt. 64 York m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Pinder ms. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Emblcton sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! 72 Dumfries. 78 Peebles. 85 Fife. 86 Stirling. Hooker sp. 87 Perth west. Syme sp. 88 mid! 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Boswcll ms. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 95 Elgin. 96 Easterncss ! Gordon ms. 97 Westerness I 98 Argyle. Montgomery ms. 99 Dunbarton ! 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 03 Eb. mid. Ch. Bab. ms. 04 north. 06 Boss east. Gordon ms. 08 Suth. west ! Graham sp. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. 423 Saxifraga nivalis. 49 Carnarvon. Butler sp. 69 Westmoreland, very rare. 70 Cumberland, very rare. 86 Stirling. Hooker sp. 88 Perth mid ! Gourlie sp. 89 east. Brand sp. 90 Forfar ! H. M. Balfour sp. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. ''Voirlick." 03 Eb. mid? 04 north. Lawson cat. [48 50 ; misnomers] . 424 Saxifraga Hirculus. 58 Chester. Extinct. 65 York n. west. Oliver sp. 66 Durham. 69 Westmoreland. Baker ms. 77 Lanark. Campbell sp. 81 Berwick. Johnston sp. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 87 Perth west. Syme "v. s." [Aberdeen? " James Kae."] 425 Saxifraga aizoides. 64 Y^ork m. west. Baker sp. 65 n. west. Binder ms. 06 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Nortliumborld. Winch sp. 69 Westmoreland! 70 Cumberland ! 174 425. SAXIFEAGA AIZOIDES. 71 Man. J. Macnab ms. 75 Ayr. Landsborougli ms. 76 Kenfrew. Hennedy cat. 86 Stii-ling. 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 88 mid ! Worsley cat. 89 east ! 90 Forfar! Brand sp. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle ! Hooker sp. 99 Dunbarton ! Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Canthe. Balfom- sp. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Eoss- east ! Gordon ms. 07 Suth. east. Syme sp. 08 west ! Ch. Bab. ms. 11 Orkney. Neill. Syme ms. [57 58; errors?]. 426 Saxifraga oppositifolia. 42 Brecon. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! 64 York m. west. Kylands sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! 72 Dumfries. 77 Lanark. Planted? 86 Stirling. Hooker sp. 88 Perth mid! 89 east I 90 Forfar! G. Macnab sp. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 93 north. On sea clih's. 96 Easterness ! Gordon ms. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. Ch. Bab. ms. 00 Clyde-isles. 01 Canthe. Balfour sp. 04 Eb. north. Lawson cat. 06 Eoss east. Gordon ms. 08 Sutherland west ! 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 11 Orkney. Syme ms. 12 Shetland. 427 Saxifraga granulata. Somerset ? 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! Brewer sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Isaac Brown sp. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Dyer ms. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Lcigliton cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 53 Line, south. Bloxam ms. 54 north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 427. SAXIFRAGA GRANULATA, 175 59 Lane, soutli. Scholes sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. 67 Nortliuuib. Storey ms. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! 72 Dumfries. Grray cat. 73 Ku-kcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 78 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Brand sp. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 86 Stu-ling. Gourlie sp. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid. Gordon ms. 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. Miss Boswell. 92 Aber. south. Dickie sp. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. (71 111). 428 Saxifraga cernua. 88 Mid Perth ! 429 Saxifraga rivularis. 88 Mid Perth. 90 Forfar ? ? 92 South Aberdeen. Hooker sp. 97 Westerness ! 430 Saxifraga tridactylites. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 AVight. More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. Babington ms. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper cat. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Khk cat. 39 Stafford. Bagnall ms. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. 48 Merioneth. Price sp. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 176 430. SAXIFKAGA TRIDACTYLITES. 62 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south. Bloxam ms. 65 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 67 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n.west. Bowman sjd. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 CheviotlancL Tate cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 82 Haddington. Christy sp. 83 Edmburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife". 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 92 Aber. south. 93 north. Dickie flo. 96 Easterness. " Dr. Hope." 06 Boss east. "Mr. Brichan." 07 Suth. east. " Dr. Gordon." 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 431 Saxifraga 6 Som. north. Clark ms. 36 Hereford. Gissing ms. 39 Stafford. Bloxam ms. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 43 Kadnor. 47 Montgomery. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! Streeten sp. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. 75 Ayr. 76 Kenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Brand sp. 85 Fife. 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. Dickie ms. 96 Easterness ! 97 Westerness ! 99 Dunbarton. Gourlie sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. 04 Eb. north. Ch. Bab. sp. 08 Suth. west ! 11 Orkney? [3]. (9 38). 432 Saxifraga caespitosa. 94 Banff. Dr. M. Barry sp. 97 Westerness. " J. Woods." [49 57 69 70 90 92] . 434 Chrysosplenium oppositifolium. Counties all, except 29 31 51 53 54 60 74 86 98 107 110 112 ; likely to be found in all, unless the two first and two last should be real exceptions. Far from com- mon in the south-eastern counties of England. 435 Chrysosplenium alternifolium. 435. CHKYSOSPLENIUM ALTERNIFOLIUM. 177 4 Devon north. **Wainwriglit." 5 Som. south. Coleman sp. 6 north. 7 Wilts north. Flower sp. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 12 Hants north. Ellis sp. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey. Kingsley sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 22 Berks. 24 Bucks ? Hurst ms. 25 Suffolk east. Coleman sp. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 35 Monmouth. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Bagnall sp. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Bidwell sp. 41 Glamorgan. Dyke sp. 60 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 61 FHnt. 65 Leicester. 66 Notts. 67 Derby. Howitt sp. 68 Chester. 69 Lane, south ! Goodlad hb. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 66 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Miss Pringle sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Renfrew. Henncdy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. Johnston ms. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh ! Brand sp. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 99 Dunbarton. [16 error of species?]. [24 " error of county."] . 436 Parnassia palustris. 9 Dorset. Pleydell " v. sp." 11 Hants south. 17 Surrey. Eev. E. Wood ms. 19 Essex north. 20 Herts. Warner sp. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Pamplin ms. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. Bunbury sp. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. Eoberts ms. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. 49 Carnarvon. Babington ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Ch. Bab. ms. 56 Notts. 2 A 178 436. PARNASSIA PALUSTKIS. 67 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat, 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumberld. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Syme ms. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 88 mid! Worsley cat. 90 Forfar. 91 Kinc. Mrs. Dickson ms. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness! Stables cat. 97 Westerness ! Ch. Bab. ms. 98 Argyle. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 03 north. Lawson cat. 06 Ross east. Gordon ms. 08 Suth. west ! Johnston ms. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 11 Orkney. Syme cat. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. [6 7 8 10 ; insufficiently vouched, by Sole, etc.] 437 Adoxa Moschatellina. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. Pamplin ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! Wood ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Kingsley sp. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley ms. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Nortliton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 3G Hereford. Purclias cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Bidwell sp. 41 Glamorgan. Dyke sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 437. ADOXA MOSCHATELLINA. 179 52 Anglesea. 54 Line, north. Thompson ms. 55 Leicester. Howitt sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Hovitt cat. 58 Chester! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. Simpson sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Miss Pringle sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Koxburgh. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 86 Stirlmg. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid ! 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. *'Boswell." 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 99 Dunbarton ? 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 06 Boss east. Stables sp. 438 Hedera Helix. Counties all, except 80 89 97 98 107 110, with the usual nine ; likely to occur in all, unless 110 be a real excep- tion. 439 Cornus sanguinea. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east ! Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Cooper sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Nortliton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster cast. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 180 439. coBNUS 45 Pembroke? 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 62 Angle sea. 53 Lincoln south. Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. I 60 west. Simpson sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. Wild ? (67 68 77 81 82 83 84 85 88 95 102; perhaps also not truly wild in 58 59 60). 440 Cornus suecica. 62 York n. east. J. Bean sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 88 Perth mid! Hooker sp. 89 east. 90 Forfar ! 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 96 Easterness! 97 Westerness! 05 Boss west. 06 east. Gordon sp. 07 Sutherland east. 08 west ! [83 Edinburgh. By a trick ?] 441 Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Counties all, except 32 46 49 51 54 60 80 86 89 97 98 107 108 ; probably grows in all of these counties. SANGUINEA. 442 Sanicula europsea. Counties all, except 51 60 71 72 86 89 97 98 101 102 107 111 112. 444 Eryngium maritimum. 1 Corn, west ! Curnow sp. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Collins ms. 6 north. Clark sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! Miss Twining sp. 11 Hants south. 14 Sussex east. Hall cat. 15 Kent east ! Buckland sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Skepper ms. 25 Suff. east. Purchas ms. 27 Norf. east. Paget sp. 28 west. 41 Glamorgan. Dyke sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea ! 54 Line, north ! Thompson ms. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Tudor sp. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 66 Durham. Extinct ? 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. J. Macnab ms. 73 Kirkcudb. Gordon ms. 75 Ayr. Hooker sp. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Extinct? 444. ERYNGIUM 85 Fife. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine ? 93 Aber. north. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantii'e. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfoiu- cat. 03 mid. 12 Shetl. ? 2 loc. in Edm. flo. 445 Eryngium campestre. 8 Devon south. Goulding sp. 6 Som. north. Clark sp. 1847. 25 Suff. east. Bloomfield 1856. 32 Northton. Notcutt 1843. 66 Durham. Storey sp.f 1843. 67 l^orthumb. " baUast hills." [1 35 36 or 37 60]. 446 Conium maculatum. Counties all, except 35 46 49 51 61 88 89 97 98 103 to 107 112. Dubiously in- digenous northward of the Grampians. 108 West Sutherland ! 109 Caithness ! 110 Hebrides ; Balf. Bab. cat. 111 Orkney; Neill Tour. 447 Physospermum cornubiense. 1 Corn, west ? 2 east ! Bree ms. 8 Devon south. Banker sp. 448 Smyrnium Olusatrum. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. f 2 east. Briggs cat.f 8 Devon south. Briggs cat. 1 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Swete flo. MAEITIMUM. 181 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. f Bromf. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west. Borrer.f 14 east. Hall ms. 15 Kent east. Smith cat.''' 16 west. Pamplin ms.f 17 Surrey. Brewer flo. 18 Essex south. Gibson flo. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. W. C. flo.- 21 Middlesex. T. D. flo.- 22 Berks. Britten Contrib. 23 Oxford. Sibthorpe flo. 24 Bucks, "reported." 25 Suff. east. Stock cat. 26 west. H. S. flo. 27 Norf. east. Trimmer flo. 28 west. Trimmer flo. 29 Cambridge. Bab. flo.- 30 Bedford. Abbot flo. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 34 Glosterwest. Thwaites cat.f 37 Worcester. Lees M. flo. 39 Stafford. Garner flo.f 40 Salop. Leighton flo. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood ms. 49 Carnarvon. Leefe ms.f 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea. Davies flo. 55 Leicester. Coleman flo.* 56 Notts. Howitt flo. 58 Chester. Liverpool new flo. 61 York s. east. " denizen." 62 n. east, ''denizen." 63 s. west, ''denizen." 64 m. west, "denizen." 66 Durham, "denizen." 67 Northumb. "denizen." 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Benfrew. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. " Parsons. Bay." 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. B. & S. flo. 182 448. SMYRNIUM OLUSATRUM. 85 Fife. Hooker flo. scot. 86 Stirling, An escape. 91 Kincardine, ''introduced." 92 Aber. south, "introduced." 93 north, "introduced." 99 Dunbarton. Clydes. flo. 0(J Clyde-isles. Landsborough. N.B. Finding myself unable to indicate the counties in which this plant is in- digenous, if truly indige- nous anywhere, I resort to the plan of citing authorities, with the addition of the two signs \) to show their greater or less distrust of nativity. I have seen the plant in about a score of counties; its inland localities always near old dwellings. Possibly wild on coast cliffs. 449 Cicuta virosa. 6 Som. north. Clark sp. 20 Herts. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Paget sp. 28 west. Marshall ms. 29 Cambridge. Extinct ? 30 Bedford. 35 Monmouth. 36 Hereford. Prior ms. 37 Worcester. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Bowman sp. 53 Lincoln south. 56 Notts. Extinct ? 68 Chester. Warren ms. 59 Lane, south. Windsor sp. 62 York n. east. 65 n. west. 68 Cheviotland. 72 Dumfries. Gray. Lloyd. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. 85 Fife. Syme sp. Dewar sp. 90 Forfar. Stables sp. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. [8 9 13 to 17 21 24 61 63 64 67 70 92 111; these are on old authority, or insufficient through the plant having been confused with Oenanthe Jiuviatilis, and perhaps also with 0. crocata and Phellandriimi.] 450 Apium graveolens. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north 1 Thwaites cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11' Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west ! 14 east. Hall cat. 15 Kent east ! 16 west ! 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 25 Suff. east. Cooper sp. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 34 Gloster west ! Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 37 Worcester '? perhaps wild. 89 Stafford ? perhaps wild. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 450.. APIUM GRA^^OLENS. 183 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint ! Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea. 53 Line, south. 54 north ! Howitt ms. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. Syme sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey cat. 68 Cheviotl. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour sp. 04 Eb. north. Lawson cat. (7 8 20 22 23 26 30 31 33 36 40 55 56 63 64 83 85 87 92 95 ; aU in- land localities for this much cultivated littoral plant must be regarded with sus- picion, unless certified on the safest authority). 452 Petroselinum segetum. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 8 Devon south ! Goulding sp. 4 north ? 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Hort sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Eev. E.H. Fox sp. 10 Wight ! Bell Salter sp. 11 Hants south. Bromf. ms. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrcr cat. 14 east. Hall cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 Kent west. Farre sp. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Yarenne ms. 19 north. Gribson sp. 20 Herts. Isaac Brown sp. 21 Middlesex. "Warren, 1869." 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Hurst ms. 26 Suffolk west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Wardale sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Bloxam ms. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 54 Lincoln north ! 55 Leicester ? 61 York s. east. 63 s. west. Dr. Walker "] . [103 453 Trinia vulgaris. 3 Devon south. Woodward sp. 6 Som. north. Crotch sp. M-84 Gloster west. Eussell sp. [36 49 70 ; errors] . 454 Helosciadium nodiflorum. Counties all, except 49 71 72 75 86 to 98 103 to 112. I Too plentiful in England to render the citation of coun- I ties and authorities needful. And yet very local in North Britain ; being limited appa- rently to its most southern counties, Fifeshire and 184 454. HELOSCIADIUM NODIFLORUM. South-west Highlands. He- losciadium repens is recorded in many counties, from Corn- wall to Fife ; but usually it is only a small state of nodi- fiorum which is so named. See Comp. Cyb. Brit, page 519. 455 Helosciadium inundatum. Counties all, except 5 6 32 33 35 41 49 51 60 71 72 84 86 88 97 99 104 107 108 110 112; in most of these it may have been over- looked. 106 Gordon cat. 109 Brown cat. Ill Neill's Tour ; a record which should be confirmed. 456 Sison Amomum. 2 Corn. east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight! Bromfield sp. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks ! Miss Bell ms. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. BeU sp. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Bowman ms. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. 51 Flint. Gordon ms. 52 Angle sea. 53 Lincoln south. Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 61 York s. east. 63 s. west. Lees cat. (66 [67] 81). 457 .ffigopodium Podagraria. Counties all, except 45 49 51 52 60 69 71 97 106 107 108 110 112; with the usual nine. In many of the other counties it is indicated as appearing to be uncer- tainly indigenous ; more es- pecially so in those of North Britain. 459 Carum verticillatum. 2 Corn. east. W. Wise sp. 459. CARUM VERTICILLATUM. 185 3 Devon south ? 41 Glamorgan. Moggridge sp. 42 Brecon. 44 Carmartlien. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 49 Carnarvon. Babington sp. 70 Cumberland. Heysliam ms. 71 Isle of Man. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kii'kcudbrigbt. Gray cat. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Gourlie sp. 98 Ai'gyle. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. G. E. Hunt sp. 01 Cantii'e. Balfour cat. 460 Carum Bulbocastanum. 20 Herts. Fordliam sp. 29 Cambridge. Coleman sp. 30 Bedford. Coleman ms. [7 Wilts flo. 21 Flo. brit.] 461 Bunium flexuosum. Counties all, except 45 46 49 51 58 80 86 97 98 101 107 110, with the usual nine ; probably in all of these, unless 110. 462 Pimpinella Saxifraga. Counties all, except 60 71 97 98 99 103 to 107 109 to 112. 463 Pimpinella magna. 1 Corn. west. " Oliver,"' 1869. 2 east. Briggs ms. 3 Devon south. Goulding sp. 7 "Wilts north. Prior ms. 8 south. 9 Dorset? 11 Hants south. 12 north. 14 Sussex east. Hall cat. 15 Kent east ! Stevens sp. 16 west. Pamplin ms. 17 Surrey Wood ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 21 Middlesex. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Sandys sp. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 28 Norfolk west. BeU sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton Anderson ms. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. 54 Line, south. Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Bickham sp. 59 Lane, south. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Leefe sp. 68 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 83 Edinburgh. 87 Perth west. Dewar sp. 464 Slum latifolium. 3 Devon south. Tatems. 1871. 2 B 186 464 SIUM LATIFOLIUM. 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south. Morems. 1868. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Wood ms. 18 Essex south. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Fox sp. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Paget sp. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! 33 Gloster east. 37 Worcester. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop? "W. P. Brookes." 62 Anglesea. 64 Line, north ! Howitt sp. 66 Notts. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 66 Durham. Extinct. 68 Cheviotland. 76 Ayr. Duncan cat. 82 Haddington '? " Campbell." 86 Stirling. Mauglian sp. [2 7 9 38 41 65 64 69 70 ; insufficiently vouched] . 465 Slum angustifolium. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 3 Devon south ? 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight! More cat. 12 Hants north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Purchas ms. 51 Flint ! 62 Anglesea. 53 Line, south! 64 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 68 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west! 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 B. west. Lees cat. 64 ni. west. Tatham cat. 465. SIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM. 187 65 York n. west. Ward cat. 66 Dui'liam. Norman cat. 67 Northumberlaud. 68 Cheviot. Erableton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 72 Dumfries ? 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Syme sp. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme sp. 1870. 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. Kerr to Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. Dickson cat. 93 Aber. north. Eoy he. 1872. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. [Ill Neill, " common "] . 466 Bupleurum tenuissimum. 3 Devon south. Eev. W. Hore. 5 Som. north. 9 Dorset. Rev. H. E. Fox sp. 10 Wight. Miss Twining sp. 11 Hants south. Farre sp. 13 Sussex west. 14 east. Hall cat. 15 Kent east. Stevens sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne sp. 21 Middlesex. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norf. east. Henslow sp. 28 west. Wardale sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 31 Hunts ? 34 Gloster west. Thwaites sp. 37 Worcester. 54 Lincoln north. 58 Chester. Miss Grundy." 60 Lane. west. Syme sp. 66 Durham. (17 Surrey, once seen). 467 Bupleurum aristatum. 3 Devon south. Henslow sp. 14 Sussex east. Bab. man. ed. 5. N.B. Destroyed on the Flag- staff Hill, but still found at Daddy's Hole, South Devon ; Rev. T. F. Ravenshaw, 1871. 468 Bupleurum falcatum. 17 Surrey. Brewer flo. 18 Essex south. Christy sp. [58 Chester ; error.] 469 Bupleurum rotundifolium. 6 Som. north. 7 Wilts north. A. Prior sp. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Extinct ? 10 Wight. Bromfield ms. 11 Hants south. Pamplin ms. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat.+ 14 east ? 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey. Salmon sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. Fordham sp^ 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. . 26 west. 28 Norfolk west. 29 Cambridge. Fordliam sp. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. Buckman sp. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 3G Hereford ? 188 469. BUPLEURUM EOTUNDIFOLIUM. 37 Worcester. 38 War^dck. Bree ms. 53 Lincoln south. 65 Leicester. Howitt ms. 56 Notts. One locality. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west ? 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat.f (59 on ' ' railway banks ' ' ; and scarcely better than a casual in some other counties ?) 470 Oenanthe fistulosa. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 3 Devon south. 4 north. 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Barham sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley flo. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. Bab. ms. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford, 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 50 Denbigh. 51 Flint ! 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. " Lake district recorded." 72 Dumfries. 73 Kii'kcudb. Lloyd ms. 75 Ayr. 81 Berwick. [76 85 90 99 ; not verified of late, and perhaps Lache- nalii was the species intended in those counties.] 471 Oenanthe pimpinelloides. 3 Devon south. Goulding sp. 5 Som. south ? Coleman cat. 6 north ? Newb. 1852 9 Dorset. Mrs. Wyndham sp. 10 Wight ! Bromfield sp. 11 Hants south. Notcutt ms. 13 Sussex west. Gibson sp. 471. OENANTHE PIMPINELLOIDES. 189 14 Sussex east ! Hall cat. 19 Essex north. Varenne sp. 33 Gloster east. Biickman sp. 34 west. Lees sp. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. N.B. By name this is recorded for many other counties, but the species really intended was Lachenalii. 471 Oenanthe Lachenalii. 1 Corn, west ! 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw sp. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Christy sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Bromfield sp. 10 Wight ! 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Mill sp. 15 Kent east ! Buckland sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Fordliam sp. 21 Middlesex ! 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. Bab. ms. 27 Norfolk east. Fitt sp. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Gibson sp. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas sp. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 41 Glamorgan. Lees sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. 49 Carnarvon. Bowman sp. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. Bowman sp. 54 Lincoln north ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. Mitchell sp. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Tudor ms. 60 west ! Eylands sp. 61 York s. east. Syme sp. 62 n. east. 63 s. west. 0. Moore sp. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 70 Cumberland. Heysham sp. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 72 Dumfries. 73 Kirkcudbright. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 82 Haddington. Balfour sp. 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour sp. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 03 mid ?— [17 22] . N.B. Old records for so-called pimpinelloides'' have been taken as truly intending the species now understood to be Lacliciialii. 472 Oenanthe silaifolia. 9 Dorset. Pleydell sp. 13 Sussex west. "Winchherb." 14 east. Borrer cat. co. 15 Kent east. Syme sp. 17 Surrey. Mill sp. Salmon sp. 22 Berks! Newb. Dyer." 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. 26 Suffolk west. 27 Norfolk east ? 28 west ? 29 Cambridge. Lemann sp. 190 472. OENANTHE SILAIFOLIA. 30 Bedford. Sm. Herb. 31 Hunts. Newbould ms. 33 Gloster east. Lees sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas sp. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Bree ms. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. N.B. In several other counties, from Devon to Northumber- land, on faith of records or manuscript reports ; but this species having been much confused with Lachenalii and even Jistulosa, a selection only of the least unlikely or best certified counties is made above. 473 Oenanthe crocata. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 8 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north ! 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 4 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. ^ 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north I 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks ! Miss Bell sp. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites cat* 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Shaw sp. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Dr. Lloyd sp. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Atwood ms. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 63 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! 58 Chester! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham cat.' 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Baker sp. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviotl. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 71 Man. James Macnab ms. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Ku'kcudbright. Syme sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. 87 Perth west ! 89 east ! Syme sp. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbar ton I Hooker sp. 473. OENANTHE CROCATA. 191 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Stables sp. 04 north. Lawson cat. 474 Oenanthe Phellandrium. 3 Devon south ? 6 Som. south. CoUins ms. 6 north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Paget sp. 28 west. Wardale sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Anderson ms. 33 Gloster. 36 Hereford. Shawc sp. 87 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bloxam ms. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 53 Line, south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Howitt sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Bloxam ms. 58 Chester. Bickham sp. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 Lane. west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Leefe sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 70 Cumberland ? ' ' Winch . ' ' 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh. Maughan sp. [9 97 99 ; misnomers ? ] 474 Oenanthe fluviatilis. 6 Som. north. Withers sp. 7 Wnts north. Flower ms. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south. Borrer ms. 12 north. Bromf. ms. 15 Kent east. " Borrer." 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Bentall sp. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! Godley sp.' 22 Berks. Bos well Syme sp. 23 Oxford. Rev. H. E. Fox sp. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. Coleman sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. Newbould ms. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! 34 Gloster west. Purchas ms. 38 Warwick. Bromwich sp. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 475 .ffithusa Cynapium. Counties all, except 46 49 71 73 84 86 88 89 96 to 99 101 to 110 (111) 112. Common 192 475. ^THUSA CYNAPIUM. in England. Bare in North Britain ; and regarded as an introduced weed there by- Professor Dickie and the Eev. Dr. Gordon. 476 Foeniculum vulgare. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat.t 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat.f 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat.t 10 Wight. More cat.- Bromf.f 11 Hants south. Bromfield.f 14 Sussex east. Borrer ms.t 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 18 Essex south, "indigenous." 19 • north. Gibson flo. 25 Suff. east. Miss BeU ms. 27 Norf. east. Trimmer flo. 28 west. Trimmer flo. 34 Gloster west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. Bowman ms. 49 Carnarvon. Bowman ms. 52 Anglesea. Welsh Bot. 54 Line, north. Bogg cat.f 58 Chester. Liverpool flo.''= 59 Lane, south. Webb cat.'" 62 York n. east. Baker cat.-'- 66 Durham, "ballast hills." 67 Northumb. " ballast hills." 71 Man. Forbes cat.t 83 Edinburgh. Balf. flo.* [90 Forfar. Don in G. flo.] N.B. Rejecting at once the many inland counties, in which this much cultivated herb has been reported, it is here traced along the coast counties only, with the two signs (t *) to shew the opinions on its nativity or other such indications afford- ed by the authorities quoted. 477 Seseli, or Athamanta Libanotis. 14 Sussex east. Coleman sp. 20 Herts. Fordliam sp. 29 Cambridge. Bromfield sp. [24 Bucks ; Huds.] . 478 Ligusticum scoticum. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 75 Ayr. Veronge sp. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife ! 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 93 Aber. north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. Stables sp. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 97 Westerness. Ch. Bab. sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Canth'e. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 03 mid. Ch. Bab. ms. 04 north. Lawson cat. 09 Caithness. Gordon ms. 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney. Syme cat. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. 478 Silaus pratensis. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight! Bromfield sp. 479. SILAUS PEATENSIS. 193 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Boner cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Harris sp. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 28 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 80 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Ch. Bab. ms. 86 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Khk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 54 Lincoln north ! Bogg cat. 65 Leicester. Ch. Bab. sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 68 Chester. Warren cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 80 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh! Lloyd sp. 85 Fife. 480 Meum athamanticum. 48 Merioneth. Price sp. 59 Lane, south. 63 York s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. Error ? 65 n. west. Pinder ms. 67 Northumb. Makepeace sp. 69 Westmoreland ! Pinder ms. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. 73 Khkcudbright. Gordon ms. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Balfour sp. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 83 Edinburgh. 84 Linlithgow. 85 Fife. 87 Perth west. Syme sp. 88 mid. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 96 Easterness. 99 Dunbarton. [3 Devon; "Bartlett"]. 481 Crithmum maritimum. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Pascoe sp. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw ms. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Tliwaites cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 2 c 194 481. CEITHMUM MABITIMUM. 11 Hants south. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. co. 14 east. Hall cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 41 Glamorgan. Hardy sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley ms. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. 52 Anglesea. Bowman ms. 69 Westmorld. Gibson ms. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. J. Macnab ms. 73 Kh'kcudbright. Syme sp. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 75 Ajv. Duncan cat. [27 59 83 or 85 ; extinct or erroneously recorded ; the name of ' samphhe ' is occa- sionally given to the Sali- cornia] . 482 Angelica sylvestris. Counties all, except 49 71 86 98 107, with the usual nine ; but doubtless it does occur in every county. 483 Peucedanum officinale. 15 Kent east. Cowcll sp. 19 Essex north. Greenwood sp. [13 27 56 ; errors arising from the Oenanthe Lachenalii being thus misnamed ?] 484 Peucedannm palustre. 6 Som. north. Clark sp. 18 Essex south? J. Bay." 25 Suff. east. Paget sp. 26 west. Bunbury sp. 27 Norfolk east. Winter sp. 29 Cambridge. J. Bay sp. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 53 Line, south. 56 Notts? Onelocahty. 63 York s. west. 0. A. Moore sp. [36 59 61 69 76 83] . 486 Pastinaca sativa. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat.f 2 east. Briggs cat.f 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west ! 14 east ! Borrer cat. co. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Purclias ms. 26 west. Bab. ms. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 486. PASTINACA SATIVA. 195 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. Barnard ms.f 44 Carmarthen. 45 Pembroke. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. Howitt sp. 58 Chester. Warreu flo. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. Syme sp. 62 York n. east. Baker cat.f 63 s.west. Lees cat. t 64 m. west, "native." 65 n. west, "native." 66 Durham, "prob. indigen." (54 62 67 68 75 100 ; dubi- ously indigenous also in Wales, Cornwall and else- where). 487 Heracleum Sphondylium. Counties all, exce])t 46 49 98. 488 Tordylium maximTim. 21 Middlesex. Castle sp. 23 Oxford. Extinct everywhere? 24 Bucks. Britten cat. " v. s." [33 Buckman, B. G. C] . 489 Daucus Carota. Counties all, except 86 to 89 94 97 98 99 107 111 ; and marked as uncertainly na- tive in the catalogues for Elgin, Nairn, and Caithness. Abundant in Shetland, ac- cording to Edmonston's Flora. 490 Daucus maritimus. gummifer. 1 Com. west ! Curnow sp. 2 east. Banker sp. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset, "variety of D. C." 10 Wight ? Bromfield ms. 14 Sussex east. Bromfield. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 41 Glamorgan. Dillwyn. 52 Anglesea. Bowman ms. [58 59 66 (80) 98 104 ; certain in the Peninsula, scarcely so elsewhere ; but Withering's plant appears to be simply a maritime form of Carota] . 491 Caucalis daucoides. 6 Som. north. Withers ms. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 12 Hants north. 16 Kent west. Bossy sp. 17 Surrey. Brewer sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. Fordham sp. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 25 Suffolk east ? 26 west. 28 Norfolk west, "rare." 29 Cambridge. Coleman sp. 30 Bedford. Isaac Brown sp. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 53 Lincoln south. Bloxam sp. 62 York n. east. " colonist." 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Hebblethwate. 65 n. west, "colonist." 66 Durham. Norman cat. (37 or 38 casual, extinct ?) 492 Caucalis latifolia. 5 Som. south. Qucckctt sp. 6 north. Collins ms. 492. CAUCALIS LATIFOLIA. 196 20 Herts. Single locality. 29 Camb. " Lemann 183B." 30 Bedford. Two localities. 34 Gloster. Flower sp.f 1870. 44 Carmarthen. Three spns. I (11 19 39 or 57, casual and ; extinct, if not erroneous). Scarcely better than a casual in any county. 493 Torilis Anthriscus. Counties all, except 71 97 106 to 112, with the usual nine. 494 Torilis infesta. 3 Devon south. 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Luxford sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Christy sp. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. Bab. ms. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington sp. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 Gloster west ! Thwaites sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Tyler sp. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 49 Carnarvon. Bowman ms. 53 Line, south ! Bloxam ms. 54 north ! 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 75 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. Tudor ms. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. Baker sp. [75 83 98 ; possibly seen as casuals iu these three coun- ties ; more likely erroneous] . 495 Torilis nodosa. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north !■ Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west 1 Borrer cat. co. 14 east ! Hall cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 495. TOEILIS NODOSA. 197 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. Bab. ms. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Tliwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purclias ms. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Bree ms. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon. 60 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 53 Line, south ! Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Howitt sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 68 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. Brand sp. 85 Fife. Boswcll Syme sp. 90 Forfar. ''Mr. Croall." 94 Banff. ''Mr. Bissett!" 496 Scandix Pecten Veneris. Counties all, except 49 51 60 69 71 72 73 86 87 88 97 to 105 107 108 110 (111) 112. Introduced in Moray ; Coll. Mor. 497 Anthriscus vulgaris. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp.f 4 north ! 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat.f 14 east. Bor. cat. co. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Holman sp. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. \ 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Wardale sp. 29 Cambridge. Harris sp. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Tliwaites cat. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 198 497. ANTHEISCUS VULGAEIS. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Barnard ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. 55 Leicester. Bloxam ms. 56 Notts. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Che\^ot. Embleton sp. 70 Cumberland ? 75 Ayr. Duncan cat.t 77 Lanark. "Veryrare"; C.flo. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Boswell Syme sp. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 90 Forfar. frequent." 91 Kinc. Mrs. Dickson ms. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 07 Sutli. east ! Introduced ? [112 "abundant"; Ed. flo.]. 498 Anthriscus sylvestris. Counties all, except 35 46 71 72 73 80 97 106 109 ; doubt- less to be found in all. 500 Chaerophyllum temulentum. Counties all, except 46 96 97 101 to 105 107 108 110 111 112. 106 Gordon, Boss cat. 109 Brown, Caithness cat. i 501 Myrrhis odorata. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas flo. 37 Worcester. Ballard. 38 Warwick. Bree ms. 39 Stafford. James Carter. 40 Salop. Bidwell sp. 41 Glamorgan. Dyke sp. 46 Cardigan. Eng. Flora. 48 Merioneth. " John Jones." 50 Denbigh. Bowman ms. 51 Flint. Griffith in B. G. 52 Anglesea. Welch Bot. 55 Leicester. Coleman list.'"' 56 Notts. Howitt flo. 1 loc. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Warren flo. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat.f 61 York s. east. Authority ? 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 69 Westmoreland.! D. Turner. 70 Cumberland ! Baker, f 71 Man. Forbes cat. "scarce." 72 Dumfries. Dr. Burgess. f 73 Kirkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Kenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 80 Eoxburgh. Border flo. 81 Berwick. Border flo. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Balf. flo. Syme sp.t 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west. 88 mid.- 89 east." 90 Forfar. Gardiner flo. 501. MYRRHIS ODORATA. 199 91 Kinc. Mrs Dickson cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat.'" 94 Banff. Dickie Guide. ':^' 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.''' 96 Easterness. Stables cat." 99 Dunbarton. Glot. flo. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 06 Boss east. Gordon cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Hebrides. Balf. Bab. cat. N.B. Finding it impossible clearly to distinguish the counties in which this plant should be deemed truly in- digenous, from those in which it occurs under more doubtful conditions, recourse is again made to the plan of enumerating all the recorded counties shewn by my notes ; those of the first four pro- vinces excepted. The two signs of doubted nativity (t are used to indicate less or more suspicion against nativity, on the part of the authorities so quoted. Mr. Baker, in the ' Botany of North Yorkshu'e ' and in the * New Flora of Northumber- land and Durham ' gives the plant positively as a "native" in those counties. Balfour and Sadler, in the * Flora of Edinburgh,' treat it as an unquestioned native of the Forth counties. In the ' Clydesdale Flora ' Pro- fessor Kennedy indh-ectly suggests some apparent sus- picion to the contrary, by the words "near villages" and " formerly cultivated ; " two remarks suggestive of some uncertainty. 503 Viscum album. 3 Devon south. Planted ? 5 Som. south. Collins ms. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 14 Sussex east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west 17 Sim-ey. Winch ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suff. east. Stock cat. 26 west. Cooper sp. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Woodward ms. 29 Cambridge. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Christy sp. 35 Monmouth. Ch. Bab. ms. 36 Hereford. G. Macnab sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bagnall ms. 39 Stafford. Ch. Bab. ms. 40 Salop. Lcigliton cat. 50 Denbigh. .Bowman sp. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts, "frequent." 57 Derby. Howitt sp. 58 Chester. Warren flo ? 64 York m. west. (1 2 8 10 [52] 59 61 62 63 63 66 67 68 89 90). 504 Sambucus nigra. 200 504. SAMBUCUS NIGKA. Counties all, except 46 84 89 97 98 99 (106) 107 108 (109) 110 (111) 112. Catalogued as if indigenous in the West Highlands, by Professors Lawson, BaKoui-, and Hen- nedy. In the East High- lands it is noted only as an introduced shrub by Dr. Boswell Sj^me, Prof. Dickie, and the Kev. Dr. Gordon. 505 Sambucus Ebulus. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp.f 6 Som. north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. 9 Dorset. PleydeU cat. 10 Wight. 11 Hants south. 12 north. Pamplin ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east. Stevens sp. 16 west. 17 Surrey. Wood ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenno cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. " common." 31 Hunts. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. Koberts ms. 34 west. Tliwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Sliawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bagnall ms. 39 Stafford! Ch. Bab. ms.+ 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. Pamplin ms. 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. Eobinson cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam ms. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east, "indigenous." 63 s. west. Leylandms.f 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n.west. " mdigen." 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumberland, "den." 68 Cheviotland. "denizen.". 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Lloyd ms. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Koxburgh. 81 Berwick. Border flo. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat.'-' 85 Fife. Lloyd sp. Ed. flo. 88 Perth mid. 89 east. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Symo cat.f 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie Guide. 94 Banff. Dickie Guide. (95 96 106 Gordon-). [1] . I have not seen this even quasi-wild except in one spot in Fife ; and there I sup- posed it an introduced plant originally. Held native by many botanists. 506. VIBUKNUM OPULUS. 201 506 Viburnum Opulus. 2 Corn. east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Huid cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. Paget sp. 28 west. Cooper sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 81 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kurk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Lcighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Barnard ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon ! Robinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. [ 51 FHnt. Eobinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Eobinson cat. 53 Line, south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 60 west ! 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp.f 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Knkcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 70 Eoxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Ed. flo.f 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat.f 85 Fife. Syme cat.f Ed. flo.f 87 Perth west. Edinb. flo.f 88 mid! 90 Forfar. probably planted." 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south, "reported." 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness! Stables cat. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat.f 04 north. Lawson cat. 06 Eoss east. Gordon cat. N. B. Frequent in England. Eare in North Britain, if not BO throughout Scotland; and usually reported as uncer- 2d 202 506. \1BUENUM OPULUS. tainly indigenous there. 507 Viburnum Lantana. 1 Corn, west ? 2 east ? 3 Devon south. Briggs ms. 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Hall cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! Salmon sp. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Miss Bell ms. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. Bell sp. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Loefe sp. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newhould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. "Wilmott." 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bloxam ms.f 41 Glamorgan ? Barnard ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts, "rare." 63 York s. west. (62 64 66 67 68 75 76 77 81 83 90. Dunglass Glen). 508 Lonicera Periclymenum. Counties all, except 41 86 98 107, with the usual nine others. 511 Linnaea borealis. 67 Northumb. Introduced ? 81 Berwick. 83 Edinbiu-gh. Graham sp. 88 Perth mid! 89 east ? 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon sp. 96 Easterness. "Lord Cawdor." 06 Boss east. Gordon cat. 512 Rubia peregrina. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight I More cat. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer ms, 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 34 Gloster west ! Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Stables sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Stables sp. 46 Cardigan. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! Bidwell sp. 52 Anglesca ! Ilobinson cat. [22 29 70 102] , 513. GALIUM VERUM. 203 513 Galium verum. Counties aU, excei^t 47 98, witli tlie usual nine otliers ; doubtless occurs in every county. 514 Galium cruciatum. Counties aU, except 2 46 52 92 96 to 98 101 to 109 111 112. Very dubious from 92 to 95. Mr. Eoy found Asperula taurina in tlie Banffshire locality (93) reported for this plant, and there as an escape from the Manse garden. Balfour and Babington report it seen by themselves in the Hebrides, a habitat far to the north- west of any other reliable one. 515 Galium palustre. Counties all, except 46 49 and the nine others ; doubtless to be found lq all. Galium elongatum reported in 1 3 10 17 18 19 21 22 29 38 56 58 59 02 66 67 68. G. Witherimjii reported in forty counties. 516 Galium uliginosum. 1 Com. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. 8 Devon south. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Plcydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 12 Hants north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. Bab. cat. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke ? 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Eobinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Eobinson cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. cast. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. 67 Northumb. Makepeace sp. 68 Cheviot. Emblcton cat. 69 Westmoreland I 204 516. GALIUM ULIGINOSUM. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 75 Ayr. 76 Kenfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. Lloyd sp. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid. Worsley cat. 90 Forfar. 91 Kmcardine. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 04 Eb. north. Lawson cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. N.B. Perhaps this is occasion- ally' confused with G. pahis- tre. Edmonston gives it as "frequent" in Shetland, and it is given also in Lowe's list for Orkney ; these habi- tats need to be verified by safer botanists. I have not seen specimens from North Britain ; but the species is amply certified there. 517 Galium saxatile. Counties all, except 31 46 00 80. Possibly no 31, Hunt- ingdon, may be a true ex- ception. 518 Galium erectum. 9 Dorset. Man scl-Pley dell sp. 12 Hants north ? 13 Sussex west. Christy sp. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent cast. Trcvclyan sp. 17 Surrey. Brewer sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Neville sp. 23 Oxford. 27 Norfolk east. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. D. Turner ms. 38 Warwick. Kkk sp. 56 Notts. Mrs. Kussell ms. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. [2 3 6 7 8 10 28 32 34 37 39 55 61 64 81 83 90 106 ; insufficiently vouched] . Some of those counties pos- sibly correct ; but it is a difficult species, and one not clearly understood by my- self. 519 Galium MoUugo. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south I Notcutt cat. 12 north! 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east ! Coleman cat. 15 Kent east! Smith cat. 16 west! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varonno sp. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Bccslcy cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk cast. Purchas ms. 619. GALIUM MOLLUQO. ^05 26 Suffolk west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Nortliton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Tliwaites cat. 35 Monmoutli. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat. 61 Flint. Eobinson cat. 63 Lincoln south ! 64 north ! 65 Leicester. Coleman ms. 66 Notts. 67 Derby. Bickham sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatliam sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Dui'ham. 67 Northumb. Bowman cat. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Ilennedy cat. 80 Roxburgh. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour sp. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. 87 Perth west I 89 cast ! (90 91 92 94 95, as a dis- trusted native.) 520 Galium sylvestre. 6 Som. north. Hort sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell sp. 1868. 34 Gloster west. Borrer ms. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 39 Stafford. 57 Derby ! Purchas sp. 64 York m. west. Baker sp. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Foggitt sp." 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland ! Oliver sp. 70 Cumberland. 78 Peebles. *'Blackie." 80 Roxburgh. 83 Edinburgh. Maughan sp. 86 Stirling. 87 Perth west ! Syme sp. 90 Forfar ! 11 Orkney. Syme ms. [1 or 2 30 37 50 59; coun- ties insufficiently vouched] . 521 Galium anglicum. 6 Som. north ? 14 Sussex east ? 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Pamplin. 19 Essex north. Varenno ms. 20 Herts. Blowms. Webbsupp. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. Babington sp. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Gibson sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. [21 33 38 39 44 58 61 80 ; records insufficiently vouched] . 522 Galium tricorne. Som. Colhns ms. Poole ms. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 206 522. GALIUM TRICOKNE. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More Ccat. 11 Hants soutli ? 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east ! Hall cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Brewer sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. Bab. ms. 28 Norfolk west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. Brown sp. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northtou. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Thwaites sp. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. 41 Glamorgan ? 54 Lincoln north ! 55 Leicester. 56 Notts ? •* G. saccharatum." 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker sp. 63 B. west. 64 m. west. Baker sp. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 68 Cheviotland. New flo. (2 3). [67 70; errors?]. 523 Galium Aparine. Counties all, except 46, with the usual nine others. Pos- sibly a colonist only in some of the more northern coun- ties. 524 Galium Vaillantii. 18 Essex north. Gibson sp. [29 34 misreported. G. spurium m 30 62 65 70 90, by misnomers.] 525 Galium boreale. 42 Brecon. 49 Carnarvon. Bowman ms. 63 York s. west. 64 m. west. Bowman sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Makepeace sp. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland ! Beevor sp. * 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Boswell Syme sp. 76 Eenfrew. Montgomery ms. 77 Lanark. Gourlie sp. 80 Eoxburgh. 81 Berwick. 85 Fife. 87 Perth west. Syme sp. 88 mid ! Worsley ms. 89 east ! Syme sp. 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south J Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Eastcrness ! 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle ! 99 Dunbartou. 00 Clyde-isles. Balfour sp. 03 Eb. mid. Ch. Bab. sp. 04 north. Lawson cat. 05 Ross west. ''G. C. Smith." 06 east. Gordon cat. 08 Suih. west. Ch. Bab. ms. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 525. GALIUM BORE ALE. 207 11 Orkney ? Lowe's list. 12 Shetland? Edmon. flo. (36 Hereford; Purclias ^o^) [62 N. E. York; "Teesdale"] . 526 Sherardia arvensis. Counties all, except 46 86 89 97 98 104 107 108 110 111 112, with the usual nine added. 527 Asperula odorata. Counties all, except 13 31 46 60 71 72 86 88 89 97 98 107 or 108 110 111, with the usual nine. A single locahty in the Flora of Shetland. Marked in Dr. Brown's Hst for Caithness. Noted as seen by myseK in Sutherland, in 1832, but the exact locality is now for- gotten. 528 Asperula cynanchica. Cornwall ? 3 Devon south. 6 Som. north. Thwaites sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Twining sp. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east! HaU cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 20 Herts. Isaac Brown sp. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat, 26 Suffolk west. Bunbury sp. 28 Norfolk west. Gribson ms. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. S. Foster sp. 32 Northton. 33 Gloster east. Christy sp. 37 Worcester ? 41 Grlamorgan. Bowman ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 50 Denbigh. Stratton ms. 55 Leicester ? 60 Lane. west. Simpson sp. 61 York s. east. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. 69 Westm. Martindale ms. 531 Valeriana dioica. Cornwall. Pascoe ms. 3 Devon south. 6 Som. north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower ms. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight! Bromfieldms. 11 Hants south. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Isaac Brown sp. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beeslcy cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Paget sp. 26 west. Bab. cat. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 208 531. VALERIANA DIOICA. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 49 Carnarvon. Robinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Eobinson cat. 52 Anglesea. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Goodlad herb. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviotl. Miss Pringle sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker ms. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 80 Roxburgh. Macnab sp. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. G. Lawson cat. [2 77 99; insufficiently vouched] . 532 Valeriana officinalis. Counties all, except 46 53 60 86 108 112. This may be taken to represent the com- mon form or sambucifoUa. The other form, the Mikanii of English Botany, edition third, is very sparingly on record hitherto. 534 Valerianella olitoria. Counties all, except 31 45 46 51 53 69 73 86 88 89 95 97 98 101 to 105 107 (108) 110. 536 Valerianella Auricula. 1 Corn. west. Warren sp. 2 east. Briggs cat.f 3 Devon south. Borrer ms. 5 Som. south. Collins ms. 6 north. Collins ms. 9 Dorset. Gibson ms. 10 Wight. More sp. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 14 Sussex east. Bromf. ms. 15 Kent east. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex north. 20 Herts. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. 35 Monmouth. 36 Hereford. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 62 York n. east. Foggitt sp. 63 s.w. "G.E.Smith." 85 Fife. Macauley sp. 537 Valerianella dentata. 1 Corn, west ! 2 cast. Pascoo cat. 8 Devon south. Briggs cat. 537. VALEKIANELLA DENTATA. 209 4 Devon north ! 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. Macr eight sp. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east ! Trevelyan sj). 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! Ellis ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Bell sp. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bellms. 29 Cambridge. Bahington cat. 30 Bedford. Newbould ms. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt sp. 38 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 84 west. Thwaites sp. 85 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 AVorcester. 38 Warwick. Ku'k cat. 39 Stafi'ord. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Lcighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 49 Carnarvon ! 50 Denbigh ! Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. liobinson cat. 53 Lincoln soutJi ! Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Bloxam sp. 58 Chester. Warren ms. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. Syme sj). 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65- n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmorland. Oliver sp. 70 Cumberland. 74 Wigton. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark ? Patrick flo. 80 Koxburgli. Duncan cat. 82 Haddington. G. Macnab sp. 83 Edinburgh. 85 Fife ! Boswell Syme sp. 87 Perth west. Syme ms. 90 Forfar. Carnegie sp. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.f 00 Clyde-isles. Gait ms. 539 Dipsacus sylvestris. 1 Corn. west. Cannack cat. 2 • east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west I Borrer cat. 14 cast. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 2 E 210 639. DIP3ACUS SYLVESTRIS. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 MidcQesex ! Hmd cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Glostcr east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon. Robinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint ! Robinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Robinson cat. 53 Line, south ! Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 01 York s. east. 02 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 05 n. west. Leefe sj). 66 Durliam. Storey sii. 67 Nortlmmb. "native." 68 Cheviot. Embletou cat. I 69 Westmoreland. 75 Aji\ Duncan cat. 76 Renfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark ? 83 Edinburgh. 85 Fife ! G. Macnab sp. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. (81 86 87 89 90 95 ; record- ed as an introduced plant in these six counties ; perhaps it should be held the same in some of the other counties of Scotland). 540 Dipsaciis pilosus. 5 Som. south. Poole ms. north. Russell sp. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell, "certain." 11 Hants south. 12 north. Pamplin ms. 13 Sussex west. Trevelyan sp. 15 Kent east. Stevens sp. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! Brewer sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. Bromf. ms. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. Fordham sp. 81 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Glostcr cast. Prentice ms. 34 west. Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Poole ms. 640. DIPSACUS PIL03US. 211 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kii-k cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. 47 Montgomery. 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Stratton ms. 61 Flint. Eobinson cat. 65 Leicester. 66 Notts. 67 Derby ! Cliiircli. Bab. ms. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. 61 York s. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. Leefe sp. (66 83 85). 541 Scabiosa succisa. Counties all, except 86 98 with the other nine. 542 Scabiosa columbaria. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 3 Devon south. 4 north. 6 Som. north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrcr cat. 14 east ! Hall cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varennc ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ? 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. Bunbury sp. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. ''Wilmott." 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bagnall ms. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. 47 Montgomery. 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat. 50 Denbigh ! Bowman sp. 51 Flint. Eobinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Eobinson cat. 53 Line, south ! Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Coleman ms. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 59 Lane, south. Chadwicke sp. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees sp. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. 80 Eoxburgli. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 212 542. SCABIOSA COLUMBAKIA. 92 Aber. south ? Dickie ms. 543 Knautia arvensis. Counties all, except 46 86 88 94 (95) 97 98 101 to 105 107 109 110 (111) 112. An uncommon plant in North Britain. I saw it in 96 106 108, but distrusted its nati- vity there. Dr. Patrick Neill is my sole authority for 111. 544 Tragopogon pratensis. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Banker sp. 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 ' north. Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11. Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 cast. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! Syme sp. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varennc cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk cast. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 P>edford. 31 Hunts. Ncwbould cat. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Tliwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop ! Leighton sp. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. At wood sp. 49 Carnarvon. Kobinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Kobinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Bobinson cat. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. Howitt sp. 57 Derby ! 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. Oliver sp. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. Hcnnedy cat. 80 Koxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Dewar sp. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine. Dickson ms. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 544. TEAGOPOGON PKATENSIS. 08 Suth. west ! Introduced ? 09 Caithness. 546 Helminthia echioides. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Hall cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. Twining sp. 17 Surrey ! Wood ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenn^ cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 26 west. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Wardale sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Twining sp. 34 west ! Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Ch. Bab. ms. 86 Hereford. "Wilmott." 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Brce ms. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint ! 52 Anglesea. Eobinson cat. 54 Line, north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 58 Chester ! Warren ms. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Eichardson sp. 81 Berwick. Cleghorn sp. 82 Haddington. E. B. ed. 3. (83 85; introduced). 547 Picris hieracioides. 1 Corn. west. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ? 6 Som. north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east ! 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 17 Surrey ! Wood ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 214 547. picRis 26 Suffolk west. Bell sp. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Sbawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick ? Authority ? 39 Stafford. Douglas cat . 49 Salop. Leigiiton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 47 Montgom. Bowman ms. 49 Carnarvon. Kobinson cat. 50 Denbigh ? Faun. Grust. 52 Anglesea. Robinson cat. 54 Line, north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. (67 68). [77 Hook. Scot.] . 548 Leontodon hirtus. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 8 Devon south ! 13riggs cat. 4 north ! 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Plcydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west! Borrer cat. HIERACIOIDES. 14 Sussex east ! Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex! Hmd cat. 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. BeU sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! 32 Northton ! Berkeley ms. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint ! 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. cast. 62 n. east. Bean sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 70 Cumb. *' Thomas Benson." 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 548. LEONTODON HIETUS. 215 83 Edinburgh. Balf. flo. [77 88]. (92 Dickie!). Tliis plant well illustrates the practical difficulty in tracing a line of severance between "common" and " not common " plants. Its abundance in South Eng- land would place it in the list of common plants for the fii'st forty or sixty coun- ties ; yet it is quite rare or local in Scotland, if genu- inely wild anywhere in that northern half of Britain. 549 Leontodon hispidus. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 2 east. Pascoe cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrcr cat. 14 east ! Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 ]3ucky. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk cast. Stock cat. 2G west. 27 Norfolli cast. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Tliwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Watkins cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint ! 52 Anglesea. Eobinson cat. 53 Lincoln south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. Coleman ms. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 60 west ! 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Nor thumb. Storey ms. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. Borrcr ms. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Ptcnfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 81 Berwick. Syme sp. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Campbell sp. 85 Fife. 00 Forfar. 91 Kincardhic. Dickson cat. 216 549. LEONTODON HISPIDUS. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 04 Eb. north ? Lawson cat. [Ill ; a misnomer] . 550 Leontodon autumnalis. Coanties all, except 35 49 71 72 73 84 86 98. Doubtless it occurs in every county. L. pratensis and Taraxaci are included herewith, as being only trifling varieties. 551 Hypochoeris glabra. 3 Devon south. 4 north ! 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 9 Dorset. " Mr. Frampton." 10 Wight. More cat. 12 Hants north ! Bromf. ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 16 Kent west. G. E. Smith. 17 Surrey ! 20 Herts. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. Stock sp. 28 west. Bell ms. 29 Cambridge. 30 Bedford. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 56 Notts ? 58 Chester. Warren ms. 63 York s. west. 64 m. west. 75 Ayr. 87 Perth west. Tate ms. 90 Eorfar ? 91 Kincardine. 95 Elgin. Gordon sp. 96 Easterncss. Stables sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Syme sp. [61 62]. (66). 552 Hypochoeris maculata. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack sp. 19 Essex north. Gibson ms. 26 Suffolk west. Extinct. 29 Cambridge. Gibson sp. 32 Northton ? Berkeley ms. 49 Carnarvon. Fielding ms. 69 Westmorl. Windsor sp. [4 9 26 28 33 64 70 90; maculate varieties of Hiera- cium have been repeatedly mistaken for this plant] . 553 Hypochoeris radicata. Counties all, except 60 80 98 112, with the usual nine. 554 Lactuca virosa. Cornwall. * ' reported. ' ' 3 Devon south. Briggs sj). 6 Som. north. Partittms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 13 Sussex west. Warren ms. 14 east. Bor. cat. co. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. Bossey sp. 17 Surrey ! Coleman sj). 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. Hind sp. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 lUicks. Britten cat. 25 Suff. east. Bell sp. 26 west. Bab. ms. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 554. LACTUCA VIROSA* 217 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 34 Gloster west. Russell ii.b.g. 36 Hereford. "WHinott." 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kii'k cat. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop ? Bad authority. 41 Glamorgan. 49 Caruarvon. Robinson cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Baker s^i. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh ! Lloyd sp. 86 Stirhng ! G. Macnab sp. 89 Perth east ! [11 34 50 111; all errors?] 555 Lactuca Scariola. 16 Kent west ? " E. Forster." 17 Surrey. Pamplin ms. 18 Essex south. Varenne sp. 27 Norfolk east. Trimmer flo. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 37 Worcester. Westcombe sp. [13 21 25 26 57; errors?]. 556 Lactuca saligna. 14 Sussex east. Mrs. Jones sp. 15 Kent east. F. Brent sp. 16 west ! French sp. 18 Essex south. Syme sp. 21 Middlesex. Extinct. 25 Suffolk east. 29 Cambridge. Extinct? [9 36 37 55 56; not verified of late years] . 557 Lactuca muralis. Cornwall. " G. S. Gibson." 3 Devon south ? 4 north. Gibson ms. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Miss Bell ms."^ 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. BeU sp. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 32 Northton. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Lcighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. ]3abington cat. 49 Carnarvon. Robinson cat. 2 F 218 557. LACTUCA MUKALIS. 60 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Robinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Robinson cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumb. Storey cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. (83 95 104 ; introduced). 558 Sonchus palustris. 16 Kent west. Kippist sp. 18 Essex south. Newman sp. 25 Suffolk east. Paget sp. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Extinct. 31 Hunts. Berkeley ms. [3 9 11 or 12 17 20 23 39 40 55 56 69 75 83; all these are probably erro- neous ; possibly extinct in 21, which may have been correct. 559 Sonchus arvensis. Counties all, except 46 86 97 98 104 107 or 108 110. 560 Sonchus asper. Counties all, except 23 30 35 46 50 52 56 57 61 71 to 75 80 84 86 88 89 92 to 98 106 107 108 111; very likely to occur in all of these counties, but was long passed by as a form of oleraceus. 561 Sonchus oleraceus. Counties all, except 73 97 98 110, with the usual nine; very likely to occur in all. 562 Mulgedium alpinum. 90 Forfar! Brand sp. 92 Ab. south. H. M. Balfour sp. [67 75 ; some error ?] 563 Crepis virens. Counties all, except 72 73 80 97 107 108 109 111 112. 564 Crepis biennis. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. Syme sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Gibson sp. 20 Herts. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 32 Northton ! 38 Warwick. Bromwich sp. 54 Lincoln north. 55 Leicester. 62 York n. east. (2 3 7 10 14 21). [5 9 17 28 39 44 49 56 57 61 64 66 67 69 82; counties insufficiently vouched, and perhai3s mostly erroneous ; this name having been for- merly misapplied to tho Barkliausia taraxacifolia.] 566 Crepis succisifolia. 666. CEEPis 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Babingtou ms. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 81 Berwick. Embleton ms. 83 Edinbiu-gh. 87 Perth west. Dewar sp. 90 Forfar. 91 Kincardine ? 92 Aber. south. Koy,to370 yds. 94 Banff. Eoy ms., 265 yds. 99 Dunbarton. [85 Inverkeithing ?] 567 Crepis paludosa. 38 Warwick. Bagnall ms. 39 Stafford? 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 48 Merioneth. Anderson ms. 49 Carnarvon. 60 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 65 Leicester. Ch. Bab. sp. 66 Notts. 67 Derby. Kev. A. Ley sp. 68 Chester. 69 Lane, south ! Goodlad hb. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Leyland sp. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 69 Westmoreland ! Beevor sp. 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Pienfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Boxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. SUCCISIFOLIA. 219 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 87 Perth west ! Syme cat. 88 mid ! Worsley cat. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff*. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 98 Argyle. Church. Bab. ms. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 04 Eb. north. Lawson cat. 06 Boss east. Gordon cat. 07 Suth. east? ''Ben Clibrick." 08 west? "Ben Clibrick." 09 Caithness. Brown cat. [3 4 28 ; erroneous ?] 568 Hieracium Pilosella. Counties all, except 98 112, with most of the^usual nine. 569 Hieracium coUinum. 79 Selkirk. ''Prof. Balfour." 570 Hieracium alpinum. 49 Carnarvon. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 88 Perth mid ! 90 Forfar! Croall sp. 92 Aber. south ! Croall sp. 96 Easterness ! Hooker sp. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. 04 Eb. north. 220 570. HIEEACIUM ALPINUM. 05 Eoss west. 08 Sutli. west ! 571 Hieracium pulmonarium. 65 York n. west. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland.- Baker cat. 85 Fife ? 88 Perth mid. Syme sp. 89 east. Mackay, 1800. 90 Forfar ! Croall sp. 92 Aber. south ! 94 Banff. 96 Easterness. Hooker sp. 97 Westerness ! Smith herb. 08 Suth. west. Oliver sp. N.B. This may be understood to include the 7ngrescens and chrysantlium of Mr. Back- house's Monograph. 572 Hieracium murorum. Counties all, except 1 2 9 10 11 15 16 18 19 23 26 (29) 31 41 44 49 51 53 54 56 60 61 71 72 73 97 98 102, with the usual nine added. As thus taken, it must be understood to include the murorum and caesium of the Monograph ; two alleged species which I am unable to distinguish with any cer- tainty. 573 Hieracium sylvaticum. Counties all, except 2 16 25 26 30 31 45 51 60 71 72 84 86 93 111, with most of the usual nine. As thus taken it must be understood to include vuUjatum of the Monograph, more or less mixed up with tridentatum, and perhaps also with some other species of the Mono- graph. 574 Hieracium maculatum. N.B. I am not aware of any really indigenous locality for this plant, after separating from Smith's species the stained-leaved variations of ' murorum ' and of other species similarly marked. 575 Hieracium pallidum. 3 Devon south ? Dartmoor ! 5 Som. south ? Gifford sp. 36 Hereford ? Purchas sp. 46 Cardigan. Atwood sp. 49 Carnarvon ? 50 Denbigh ! Bowman sp. 57 Derby. Kirk sp. 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Baker sp. 67 Northumb. Oliver sp. 68 Clieviotland. Brown sp. 69 Westmoreland ! Oliver sp. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 72 Dumfries. 83 Edinburgh ! 87 Perth west. Dewar sp. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! Gardiner sp. 92 Aber. south ! Syme sp. 96 Easterness ! 98 Argyle. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 06 Eoss east. Stables sp. 07 Suth. east. Oliver sp. 08 west ? 11 Orkney. Syme sp. N. B. This name is one of recent introduction into our 675. HIEKACIUM PALLIDUM. 221 descriptive Floras. Smith probably would have divided the specimens between his murorum and Laivsoni. 576 Hieracium anglicum. 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Baker sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. ^ Ohver sp. 81 Berwick ? Embleton ms. 83 Edinburgh ? 85 Fife. 86 Stirling. 88 Perth mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber. south ! Syme sp. 96 Easterness ! 97 Westerness. Winch herb. 98 Argyle. 04 Eb. north. Lawson cat. 05 Ross west. Ch. Bab. ms. 08 Suth. west ! 10 Hebrides. 11 Orkney? Syme sp.? N.B. This includes the Lausoni and ceriiithoides of the older botanists ; and it has occa- sionally been reported under name of villosum. 577 Hieracium iricum. 65 York n. west. Gibson sp. 66 Durham. Babington sp. 72 Dumfries. 92 Abcrd. south ! Croall sp. 08 Suth. west. Oliver sp. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 578 Hieracium Borreri. 79 Selkirk? " Dickson>" 99 Dunbarton. Borrer ms. N.B. Still remains a dubious plant ; see Cyb. Brit. vol. 3, page 859. The name denti- cidatiun has been variously applied, perhaps most fre- quently to examples of strictum. Mr. Backhouse referred dried specimens of this plant to jn-enantlioides, with which I cannot concur, after cultivating both of them during many years. 579 Hieracium prenanthoides. 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. 67 Northumb. Thompson sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate sp. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. 85 Fife. 86 Stirling. 88 Perth mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. 92 Aber south ! Balfour sp. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness. Stables cat. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. [69 70 77 104 ; uncertain] . 580 Hieracium crocatum. 62 York n. east. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n. west. Gibson sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumljcrland. 68 Cheviotland. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 87 Perth west. Balfour sp. 222 580. HIEEACIUM CROCATUM. 88 Perth mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar. Kerr sp. 91 Kincardine. Syme sp. 92 Aber. south ! Croall sp. 96 Easterness ? Gordon sp. ? 98 Argyle ? Lyon sp. ? [10 48 112; erroneous]. 581 Hieracium strictum. 64 York m. west. Baker sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. Oliver sp. 85 Fife. Eng. Bot. ed. 3. 87 Perth west. Balfour sp. 88 mid. Balfour sp. 90 Forfar. Kerr sp. 96 Easterness. Eng. Bot. ed. 3. 98 Argyle. Lyon sp. 99 Dunbarton. Eng. Bot. ed. 3. 02 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 08 Suth. west ! N.B. I do not clearly know this species, and trust chiefly to Mr. Backhouse for the names of my specimens cited above. It seems nearly allied to crocatinn, formerly called inuloides. 582 Hieracium tridentatum. 4 Devon north ! 9 Dorset. Pleydcll cat. 10 Wight. More sp. 12 Hants north ! Baker cat. 13 Bussex west. Borrer cat. 15 Kent east ! 16 west ! Atkins sp. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne sp. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks ! 34 Gloster west. Thwaites sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas ms. 38 War^vick. Bloxam sp. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 58 Chester. Wood sp. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. I 64 m. west. Tatham sp. I 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 69 Westmoreland? 70 Cumberland ? N.B. This includes the so-called gothicum and rigidwn of the southern counties, but is different from the rigidum of Backhouse, no. 31. 583 Hieracium corymbosum. 65 Yorkn. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Gibson sp. 67 Northumberl. New flo. 68 Cheviotland. New flo. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 80 Koxburgh. Johnston sp. 87 Perth west. Dewar sp. 88 mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 92 Aber. south ! Syme sp. 96 Easterness. E. B. ed. 3. 08 Suth. west. Graham sp. N.B. This is the rigidum of Backhouse's Monograph, perhaps partly confused with strictum ; certainly I do fail in assigning some of the dried specimens between these two. 584 Hieracium umbellatum. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw ms. 584. HIERACIUM UMBELLATUM. 223 5 Soin. soutli. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts nortli. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. lo Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Paget s]). 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bellms. 29 Cambridge ? 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 34 Gloster west. Wilmott sp. 35 Monmouth. Bladon s]). 36 Hereford. 38 Warwick. Ku'k cat. 39 Stafford ! 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purclias ms. 49 Carnarvon. liobinson cat. 60 Denbigh. 51 Flint, liobinson cat. 52 Anglcsca. liobinson cat. 63 Lincoln south ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 66 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker sp. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 69 Westmorel. Oliver ms. 70 Cumberland. Oliver sp. 72 Dumfries. Gordon ms. 73 Kirkcudb. Balfour sp. [77 81 83 88 90 91 100 101 102 108 109; all un- certain, though possibly some of them correct] . 584 Hieracium boreale. Counties all, except 2 26 31 54 60 71 72 75 82 85 86 88 89 93 95 to 98 105 to 112. Frequent in England ; much less so in Scotland. Seldom confused with any other species, but a Surrey example of tridentatuvi was named boreale by Dr. C. H. Schultz ; although other ex- amples of each species were rightly named by him. Said to be misnamed vmheUatiim by some of the Edinburgh botanists. llicracia Backhousiaiia. N.B. A second series of the species in this perplexing (jcnus is here subjoined, adapted to their greater segregation in the Mono- (/raj)h by Mr. Backhouse. Of course, almost all old records, and others however 224 HIERACIA BACKHOUSIANA. recent wliicli relate to tlie more aggregate sj)ecies, are omitted in the enumerations of counties for tlie special segregates of the Monograph. Some years ago, Mr. Back- house kindly looked over the specimens in my herbarium, and adapted then nomen- clature to his standard work ; so that they are quoted un- derneath with a trust which is seldom extended to manu- script notes (apart from ac- tual specimens) made either by myself or by correspond- ents, in this genus. 3 Hieracium melanocephalum. 90 Forfal\ 92 Aber. south ! Backhouse sp. 96 Easterness? on ' Braeriach.' N.B. For explanation of the changed specific name see Comp. Cyb. Brit, page 528. 4 Hieracium holosericeum. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 88 Perth mid ! 90 Forfar ! Backhouse sp. 92 Aber. south. Backhouse sp. 97 Westerness ! 5 Hieracium eximium. 90 Forfar ! Croall sp. 92 Aber. south ! Croall sp. 94 Banff. 97 Westerness ! 6 Hieracium calenduliflorum. 90 Forfar. 92 Aber. south. Backhouse sp. 7 Hieracium gracilentum. 90 Forfar. Backhouse sp. 92 Aber. south ! Backhouse sp. 98 Argyle. J. Eoy ke 1871. 8 Hieracium globosum. 92 Aber. south. Backhouse sp. 94 Banff. Eng. Bot. ed. 3. 9 Hieracium nigrescens. 88 Perth mid. Syme sp. 90 Forfar ! Gardiner sp. 92 Aber. south. Syme sp. 96 Easterness. Hooker sp. 97 Westerness. 10 Hieracium lingulatum. 88 Perth mid. 90 Forfar. 92 Aber. south ! Syme sp. 97 Westerness ! 11 Hieracium senescens. 85 Fife. Balf. & Sad. flo. 88 Perth mid. 90 Forfar ! 92 Aber. south. Syme sp. 99 Dunbarton. 12 Hieracium chrysanthum. 69 Westmoreland ? 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 90 Forfar ! Backhouse sp. 92 Aber. south. Croall sp. 96 Easterness. Hooker sp. 97 Westerness ! 08 Suth. west. Oliver sp. 13 Hieracium anglicum. HIEEACIA BACKHOUSIANA. 225 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Bot. n. y. 66 Durham. Baker sp. 69 Westmoreland ! Bowman ! 70 Cumberland. Oliver sp. 72 Dumfries. 83 Edinburgh ? 85 Fife. Balf. & Sad. flo. 88 Perth mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! Backhouse sp. 92 Aber. south ! Syme sp. 11 Orkney. Syme sp. (query). N.B. H. cerinthoides,of Monog. 15 Hieracium pallidum. N.B. See no. 575, on page 220. 16 Hieracium lasiophyllum. 86 Hereford ? 47 Montgomery. 49 Carnarvon. 68 Cheviotland. 90 Forfar. 92 Aber. south. Backhouse sp. 12 Shetland ? 17 Hieracium Gibsoni. 64 York m. west. Tatham sp. 18 Hieracium argenteum. 49 Carnarvon. Butler sp. 68 Che\dotland. Oliver sp. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 89 Perth east. 90 Forfar. Gardiner sp. 91 Kincardine ? 92 Aber. south ! Backhouse sp. 10 Hebrides. 19 Hieracium nitidum. 92 Aber. south ! Backhouse sp. 96 Easterness. 20 Hieracium aggregatum. 90 Forfar. J. Eoy Ire 1872. 92 Aber. south. Backhouse sp. 21 Hieracium murorum. 7 "Wilts north. Preston ms. 17 Surrey ! 33 Gloster east. Stephens sp. 34 west. Stephens sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas sp. 57 Derby. Buckland sp. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 65 n. west. Bot. n. y. 66 Durham. Baker sp. 67 Northumb. New flo. 68 Cheviotland. New flo. 70 Cumberland ! 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 92 Aber. south ! N.B. See no. 572, page 220, for numerous other counties which are less certain. 22 Hieracium caesium. 29 Cambridge. Bab. flo. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 64 m. w. Backhouse sp. 65 n. west. Bot. n. y. 66 Durham. New flo. 68 Cheviotland. New flo. 90 Forfar. Backhouse sp. 92 Aber. south ! 08 Suth. west. Oliver sp. 11 Orkney. Boswell Syme sp. N.B. This recent species had been assigned by English botanists usually to murorum, occasionally to Lan soni ; and more lately it has been con- 2 o 226 HIERACIA BACKHOUSIAXA. fused with iKillidum. Doubt- less to be found iu many other counties besides those here given. " Mountain dis- tricts, not unfrequent"; Back. mon. 23 Hieracium flocculosum. 90 Forfar. Backhouse mon. 92 Aber. south. Backhouse sp. 96 Easterness ? " Braeriach." 24 Hieracium vulgatum. 7 "Wilts north. Preston ms. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Gibson flo. 19 north. Gibson flo. 20 Herts. Walhs sp. 22 Berks. Britten cont. 49 Carnarvon. Backhouse mon. 62 York n. east. Baker S23. 63 s. west. Lees ms. 64 m. w. Backhouse sp. 65 n. west. Bot. n. y. 66 Durham. New flo. 67 Northumb. New flo. 68 Cheviotland. New flo. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! 83 Edmburgh. B. S. flo. 85 Fife. Boswell Syme. 87 Perth west I 88 mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 96 Easterness. Stables sp. 04 Eb. north. Lawson cat. N.B. The 'sylvaticum' of Smith and other botanists doubtless included several of the Backhousean species along with vulgatum; thus, the two names cannot be taken as exactly synonyms. The segregate vulgatum is perhaps the most generally distributed species in Bri- tain, Pilosella excepted, al- though the horeale and iim- bellatum may be the more common English plants. 25 Hieracium gothicum. 48 Merioneth. Back. mon. 49 Carnarvon. Back. mon. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Bot. n. y. 66 Durham. Baker sp. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Clieviotland. New flo. 85 Fife. Dewar sp. 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 92 Aber. south. CroaU sp. 26 Hieracium tridentatum. 4 Devon north ! 10 Wight. More sp. 12 Hants north ! Baker cat. 13 Sussex west. Baker cat. 15 Kent east ! 16 west. Mrs. Atkms sp. 17 Surrey ! 19 Essex north. Varenne sp. 29 Cambridge ? 34 Gloster west. Thwaites sp. 38 Warwick. Bloxam sp. 55 Leicester. Bloxam sp. 58 Chester. Dr. Wood sp. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. New flo. 67 Northumb. Now flo. HIERACIA BACKHOUSIANA. 227 27 Hieracium prenanthoides. 64 York m. west. Tatliam S23. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 67 Northumb. Winch sp. 68 Cheviotland. New flo. 88 Perth mid ! 90 Forfar ! Backhouse sp. 92 Aber. south ! Balfoui- sp. 28 Hieracium strictum. 65 York n.west. J.W.Watson. 69 Westmoreland ? 70 Cumberland. Oliver sp. 85 Fife. Bosw^ell Syme sp. 87 Perth west. Dewar sp. 88 mid. Balfour sp. 90 Forfar. A. Kerr sp. 98 Argyle. Lyon sp. 02 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 08 Suth. west ! 29 Hieracium umbellatum. N.B. See no. 584, page 222. 30 Hieracium crocatum. 62 York n. east. Bot. n. y. 65 n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. New flo. 67 Northumb. New flo. 68 Cheviotland. New flo. 87 Perth west ? 88 mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. Syme sp. 92 Aber. south ! Croall sp. 31 Hieracium rigidum. 65 York n. west. Baker sp. 66 Durham. Gibson sp. 67 Northumb. New flo. j. 68 Cheviotland. New flo. ' 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. I 80 Koxburgh. Johnston sp. I 87 Perth west. Dewar sp. I 88 mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 92 Aber. south ! Syme sp. 96 Easterness. Eng. Bot. ed. 3. 08 Suth. west. Graham sp. 32 Hieracium corymbosum. 92 Aber. south. Back. mon. N.B. This is now held to be the same with the preceding rigidum ; the name of which ought thus to replace this name in the ' London Cata- logue.' Unluckily there is a double or alternative use of that name rigidum. By the Hartmanns, father and son, and by Dr. Schultz it was applied to the species which we now call tridenta- tum, after Fries. Taking the series of five names — crocatum, strictum,, rigidum, gotliicwn, tridenta- tiim. — I still experience much difficulty in clearly assigning herbarium specimens to their several names ; after dis- carding the two names corymbosum and denticulatum, representing plants now di- vided among the other five names. Indeed, in this and other genera, many of my own herbarium specimens were preserved there just because they were imper- fect or otherwise abnormal examples ; their nomencla- ture thus left uncertain. 228 585. BARKHAUSIA F(ETIDA. 33 Hieracium boreale. N.B. The counties for this species may be taken as before indicated on page 223. 585 Barkhausia fcBtida. 6 Som. north. Flower sp.f 13 Sussex west. Borrer ms. 14 east. Mrs. Jones sp. 15 Kent east ! Syme sp. 16 west ! Macnab sp. 17 Sui-rey ? 18 Essex south. 19 north. Gibson sp. 22 Berks. 24 Bucks ? 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 28 Norfolk west. Bab. sp. 29 Cambridge. [21 36 ; both errors ?] 586 Barkhausia taraxacifolia. 3 Devon south. 16 Kent west! 17 Surrey. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 25 Suffolk east. 49 Carnarvon. " J. Eoberts ! " 62 York n. east. 64 m. west. Lees cat. f [14 69]. (66 67). 588 Taraxacum officinale. Counties all, except 41 74, with the usual nine. 588 T. officinale var. erythrospermum. 7 Wilts north. Preston ms. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More ms. 13 Sussex west. Syme sp. 17 Surrey ! 19 Essex north. Varenne ms. 21 Middlesex ! 26 Suffolk west. Bab. cat. 29 Cambridge. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 85 Fife. Boswell Syme sp. N.B. Probably common ; hi- therto sparingly on record. 588 T. officinale var. palustre. 2 Corn. east. Briggs sp. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. Somerset. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wgt. *'udum, not palustre." 11 Hants south. 12 north. 13 Sussex w^est. Borrer cat. 17 Surrey ? 20 Herts. 22 Berks. 26 Suffolk west. Bab. cat. 27 Norfolk east. Stock cat. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Stevens sp. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Bagnall sp. 40 Salop. Leigliton cat. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Angiesea. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 58 Chester ! 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatliam cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. 588. TAEAXACUM PALUSTEE. 229 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat. 80 Eoxbui'gh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Kaddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh! 85 Fife ! Syme cat. 88 Perth mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! 93 north. 94 BanjBf. 96 Easterness ! 97 Westerness ! 00 Clyde -isles. Kennedy cat. 06 Boss east. ''Wilson." 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Kebrides ? 12 Shetland. " abundant." N.B. These two segregates may be taken to represent the two extremes of the aggre- gate Taraxaciun officinale. Two other forms pass under name of Iccvifjatum ; the one, connecting enjthrospermum with the type ; the other (uduvi ? ) coming between the type form and ludustre. 589 Arnoseris pusilla. 9 Dorset. Pleydcll cat. 11 Hants south. 16 Kent west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. Lincoln. Britten he. 55 Leicester. 66 Durham, ''introduced." 90 Forfar. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat.f 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.f N.B. Keported in some other counties, which require veri- fication. Uncertain in its localities from year to year. 590 Lampsana communis. Counties all, except 46 97 112 ; may be really absent from the last of these, Shetland. 591 Cichorium Intybus. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 10 Wight. Bromfield ms. 11 Kants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 10 north. Varenne cat. 20 Kcrts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 230 591. CICHOEIUM INTYBUS. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. 38 War\\ick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon. Kobinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Kobinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Eobinson cat. 53 Lincoln south ! 64 north. Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. f 64 m. west. 65 n. west. colonist." 66 Durham. *' colonist." 67 Northumb. " colonist." 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat.f 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes cat.f v. r." (58 59 75 77 80 to 85 89 90 92 93 95 96 99 109). 592 Arctium Lappa, etc. Counties all, except 46 97 98. Being unable to distinguish the four or five segregates, into which the Lappa and Bardana are now divided, I give underneath the two which only are sufficiently known to myself. Perhaps the Bardana really repre- sented a third species. 592 Arctium majus. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Parfitt ms. 7 Wilts north. Preston ms. 8 south. 10 Wight. More ms. 12 Hants north. 13 Sussex west. 14 east. 17 Surrey! 19 Essex north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 24 Bucks. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 35 Monmouth. 36 Hereford. 38 Warwick. Bromwich sp. 55 Leicester. 57 Derby. Kirk ms. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. [66 82 84 85 ; insufficiently vouched] . 592 Arctium minus. 1 Corn. west. 2 east. Briggs ms. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 6 Som. north. Babing. ms. 7 Wilts north. Babing. ms. 592. ARCTIUM MINUS. 231 8 Wilts soiitli. 9 Dorset. 10 Wight. More ms. 12 Hants north. Baker ms. 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 17 Surrey ! Syme ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 24 Bucks. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Camhridge. Babington cat. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 35 Monmouth. 36 Hereford. 38 Warwick. Bromwich sp. 39 Stafford. Bagnall ms. 41 Glamorgan. 49 Carnarvon. 65 Leicester. Coleman cat. 57 Derby. Kirk ms. 68 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 66 Durham. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 70 Cumberland. Baker cat. 75 Ayr. " Ailsa craig." 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 04 north. Lawson cat. 593 Saussurea alpina. 49 Carnarvon. Butler sp 70 Cumberland. 72 Dumfries. 87 Perth w^est. Hooker sp. 88 Perth mid ! 90 Forfar ! 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. Church. Bab. ms. 99 Dunbarton. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 05 Eb. north. Lawson cat. 05 Boss west. 08 Suth. west. Graham sp. 10 Hebrides. 1 locality. 11 Orkney. Syme cat. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. [59 Hall, in B. G.] 594 Serratula tinctoria. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack sp. 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north. Maw cat. 6 Som. north ! Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 16 Kent west. E. Twining sp. 17 Surrey ! Pamplin ms. 18 Essex south. 19 north. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks ! 23 Oxford. Beeslcy cat. Suffolk ? 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 232 * 594. SEEKATULA TINCTORIA. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites sp. 35 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Bagnall ms. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. Purchas ms. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. Harris sp. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea ! Eobinson cat. Lincoln. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! 62 York n. east. Baker sp. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland ! Smith sp. 70 Cumberland. Oliver ms. 72 Dumfries. 73 Kirkcudbright. Symc sp. [77 111 ; both errors ?] 595 Carduus nutans. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 8 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Twining sp. 10 Wight ! More cat. 1 1 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 Hants north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east ! Hall cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 Kent west ? 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suff. east. Purchas ms. 26 west. Bab. cat. 27 Norf. east. Notcutt cat. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hants ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Gordon ms. 52 Anglesea. Eobinson cat. 53 Line, south ! 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! 58 Chester. Warren ms. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 595. CASDUUS NUTANS 233 63 York s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland ! Oliver sp. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat.+ 80 Koxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. BalfoiU' cat. 83 Edinburgh. 91 Kincard. Mrs. Dickson ms. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.f 04 Eb. north. Lawson cat. N.B. Is it truly indigenous in Scotland? [111]. 596 Carduus crispus. Counties all, except 4 35 71 72 73 75 80 88 89 93 94 96 97 98 100 to 112. Bare, and perhaps not truly indi- genous in North Britain ; so that it might be included among the less common plants. Until lately it was usually named acanthoides in our Floras, etc. 597 Carduus tenuiflorus. 1 Corn, west ! 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. At wood ms. 7 Wilts north ? Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sus. west ! Smith cat. co. 14 east ! 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey. Pamplin ms. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne cat. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 25 Suffolk east. Paget sp. 27 Norf. east. 28 west. Miss Bell ms. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. Eobinson cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Warren cat. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumb. Storey sp. 68 Cheviotland. 70 Cumberland ! 71 Man. Forbes cat. 75 Ayr. 77 Lanark ? 80 Koxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh ! Graham sp. 85 Fife. E. Young sp. 90 Forfar. 91 Kinc. "Mr. Chiystall." 95 Elgin ? 2 II 234 597. cAEDUus 00 Clyde-isles ? 599 Carduus lanceolatus. Counties all, except 46 73 98. No doubt it occurs in every county. 600 Carduus eriophorus. 6 Som. north. Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. 12 north. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 17 Surrey. 18 Essex south ? 19 • north. 20 Herts. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks ? 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Lloyd sp. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. I 45 Pembroke. 53 Line, south. Bloxam ms. 54 north ! i 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. TENUIFLORUS. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester ? 60 Lane, west ? 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Lees cat. 65 n.west. 56 Durham. New flo. [1 2 3 13 14 (67) 70 (77) 84 85 (87) 98 99; requiring verification] . 601 Carduus palustris. Counties all, except 46 86 98 104 108. Doubtless to be found in every county. 602 Carduus arvensis. Counties all, except 46 and the usual nine. Doubtless it occurs in every county. 604 Carduus pratensis. 3 Devon south. Gibson ms. 4 north ? 6 Som. north. Collins. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! Bromf. sp. 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Brewer sp. 15 Kent east. 17 Surrey ! EUis sp. 18 Essex south. 20 Herts. Coleman sp. 21 Middlesex. 22 Berks ! Mrs. Eussell sp. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. 604. CARDUUS PEA.TENSIS. 235 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norf. east. Stock cat. 28 west. Cooper sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 82 Northton. Berkeley ms. 34 Gloster west. Thwaites ms. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. 37 Worcester. Lees sp. 38 Warwick. Bloxam sp. 39 Stafford. BidweU sp. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Lees sp. 42 Brecon. E. Forster ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley ms. N. Wales. Eng. Bot. ed. 3. 55 Leicester. 66 Notts. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Bot. n. y. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Lees cat. [66 67 75 100 102]. 605 Carduus tuberosus. 8 Wilts south, now " scarce." [7 41 C. Woodwardi] . 606 Carduus acaulis. 8 Devon south ? 5 Som. south. Poole ms. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Bell sp. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south ! Notcutt cat. 12 north ! Pamplin ms. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east. Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. Syme sp. 17 Surrey 1 Ellis sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 26 west. Bab. cat. 27 Norfolk east. Stock cat. 28 west. Miss Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! Newbould cat. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Morley sp. 34 west ! Atwood sp. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 87 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 38 Warwick. Lloyd sp. 41 Glamorgan. 54 Lincoln north ! 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. " Eobinson." 63 York s. west. Gissing flo. [67 70 ; probably errors] . 607 Carduus heterophyllus. 39 Stafford. 41 Glamorgan. 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat. 57 Derby ! Bowman ms. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. Goodlad hb. 62 York n. east. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Storey sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. Tate cat. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! 72 Dumfries. A. Sibbald sp. 238 607. CARDUUS HETEROPHYLLUS. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Eenfrew. Montgomery cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat. 80 Koxburgli. Duncan cat.' 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Lloyd sp. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Syme cat. 86 Stirhng. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid. E. Twining ms. 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Syme cat. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 93 north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. Ch. Bab. ms. 99 Dunbarton. Hooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 02 Eb. south. 94 north. Lawson cat. 05 Koss west. Ch. Bab. ms. 06 east. Gordon cat. 07 Suth. east. 08 west. Johnston ms. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. [17 21 22 27 55; errors, per- haps through the mistake of giving this name to luxuriant examples of C. prat ends.] 608 Onopordum Acanthium. 1 Corn. west. 3 Devon south. 4 north ? 6 Som. north. Collins ms. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. Extinct? 11 Hants south ! 12 north. 14 Sussex east. Hall cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey ! Pamplin ms. 18 Essex south. Gibson flo. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat.* 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 26 west. Bab. cat. 27 Norf. east. Woodward ms. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 32 Northton. Berkeley ms. 35 Monmouth. Ch. Bab. ms. 36 Hereford. Purchas flo.* 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat.f 39 Stafford. Garner n. h. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. t 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 47 Montgom. Bowman ms.+ 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat.f 50 Denbigh ? Lincoln. " Carrington." 54 Leicester. Coleman flo.* 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Warren ms. 69 Lane, south ! Tudor ms.* 62 York n. east. 64 m. west. 65 n. west. Bot. n. y.* 66 Durham. New flo.* 71 Man. Forbes cat. ''v. r." 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 77 Lanark. " from gardens." 80 Roxburgh. 81 Berwick, "introduced." 608. OXOPORDUM ACANTHIUM. 237 82 Haddington ! Mauglian s-p. 83 Edinburgh, "introduced." 85 Fife. J. B. Balfour.- (112 Shetland Floral). N.B. The localities for this plant seem to be temporary at best ; and often it occurs only as a casual, lasting very few years. 609 Carlina vulgaris. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat.j 2 east. Briggs cat. 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Tliwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Mansel cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east ! Coleman cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. Pamx^lin ms. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. Varennc ms. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Fordham sp. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Purclias ms. 26 west. Bab. cat. 27 Norfolk east. Stock cat. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 80 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 86 Hereford. Shawc sp. 37 Worcester. Bagnall ms. 88 Warwick. 39 Stafford! 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Barnard ms. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Eobinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Eobinson cat. 53 Line, south. Bloxam ms. 54 north! Thompson ms. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby! 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Bloxam ms. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatliam sp. 65 n. west. Ward cat. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. Tate ms. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. Lloyd ms. 74 Wigton. Balfour sp. 81 Berwick. Embleton sp. 90 Forfar. 91 Kinc. Mrs. Dickson ms. 93 Aber. n. "found in 1872." 95 Elgin. "Dr. Junes"; Gord.f 00 Clyde-isles. Atkin sp. N.B. Occasionally misnamed Cardans acaulis ; thus leading to false records for that plant. 611 Centaurea nigra. Counties all, except only the usual nine. Earc and per- 238 611. CENTAUREA NIGRA. haps an introduction by man in the three groups of North Isles. The radiate variety occurs in many counties, from Cornwall to Banff, but is most frequent in the south-western counties of England. 612 Centaurea Cyanus. Counties all, except 35 44 45 64 70 to 73 86 to 89 97 98 99 101 102 104 108 110 (111 112) with the other nine. 613 Centaurea Scabiosa. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 2 Devon south ! Briggs cat. 4 north ! Maw cat. 5 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north ! Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south! Notcutt cat. 12 north. 13 Sussex west ! Borrer cat. 14 east ! 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Bab. cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 Norfolk west. Bell sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts ! 32 Northton. Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west ! Thwaites cat. 35 Monmouth. Watkins sp. 36 Hereford. Shawe sp. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! Douglas cat. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon ! Eobinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Robinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Robinson cat. 53 Line, south ! Bloxam ms. 54 north ! Bogg cat. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby ! Howitt cat. 58 Chester. *'Mr. Astley." 59 Lane, south. Tudor ms. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviotland. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. J. Macnab ms. 76 Renfrew. Hennedy cat.f 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat.f 80 Roxburgh. Rev. J. Baird." 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. J. B. Balfour ms. 89 Perth east. 90 Forfar. 92 Aber. south. Dickie 1843. 613. CENTAUREA SCABIOSA. 239 95 Elgin. Gordon cat.f 96 Easterness. Stables sp. 08 Suth. west. " near Farr ? " N.B. My notes shew this i)lant recorded only in one -fourth of the Scottish counties, and dubiously indigenous in some of those. Thus am I induced to place it among the less common, although so fre- quent in England. 615 Centaurea Calcitrapa. 1 Corn. west. Cunnack cat. 3 Devon south. 5 Som. south. 11 Hants south. Notcutt sp. 13 Sussex west. 14 east. Hall cat. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Surrey. Pamplin ms. 25 Suffolk east. 27 Norfolk east. Cooper sp. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton. 41 Glamorgan. Pleydell ms. (18 19 20 66 67). [10 21 62, extinct or erroneous ; perhaps the hke in some other counties] . 617 Bidens cemua. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. 3 Devon south ! 4 north. Maw cat. 5 Som. south? 6 north? near Bath." 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex. Hind cat. 22 Berks. Britten cat. 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. Paget sp. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 31 Hunts. Newbould cat. 34 Gloster west. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick ! Kirk cat. 39 Stafford. Douglas cat . 49 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 49 Carnarvon. Kobinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Kobinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Robinson cat. 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester. Bowman sp. 59 Lane, south ! Webb cat. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. 63 s. west, "rarely." 65 n. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. 67 Northumb. Thompson sp. 69 Westmoreland. 240 617. BIDENS CERNUA. 70 Cumberland. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Kirkcudbright. 76 Kenfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hennedy cat. 80 Eoxburgli. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 83 Edinburgh. Syme sp. 85 Fife. 90 Forfar. Croall sp. 91 Kincardine. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. . 99 Dunbarton. 00 Glyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 618 Bidens tripartita. 1 Corn, west ! Cunnack cat. 2 east. Briggs cat. 8 Devon south. Briggs cat. 6 Som. north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north. Flower cat. 8 south. Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Pleydell cat. 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south ! 12 north ! 13 Sussex west. Borrer cat. 14 east. Hall cat. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west. 17 Surrey ! 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne cat. 20 Herts. Coleman cat. 21 Middlesex ! Hind cat. 22 Berks ! Britten cat. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 24 Bucks. Britten cat. 25 Suffolk east. 26 west. 27 Norfolk cast. 28 west. Notcutt cat. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. 32 Northton ! Notcutt cat. 33 Gloster east. 34 west. Thwaites cat. 36 Hereford. Purchas cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Kirk cat. 39 Stafford ! 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. Gordon sp. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 49 Carnarvon. Robinson cat. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint ! Robinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Robinson cat. 53 Lincoln south ! 55 Leicester. Bloxam cat. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt cat. 58 Chester ! Warren cat. 59 Lane, south. Webb cat. 60 west. 61 York s. east. 62 n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. Lees cat. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 n. west. Bowman sp. 66 Durham. Norman cat. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. Forbes cat. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Renfrew. Hennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Hooker sp. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Kinross; Syme ms. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 95 Elgin, "found in 1869." 00 Clyde-isles. Hennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour sp. 619. EUPATORIUM CANNABINUM. 241 619 Eupatorium cannabinum. Counties all, except 46 60 84 86 88 89 93 94 97 101 107 109 to 112. Not a common plant in Scotland. 620 Chrysocoma Linosyris. 3 Devon south. Hore sp. 6 Som. north. Christy sp. 14 Sussex east. Hall cat. 49 Carnarvon. Babington sp. (9 13 ; casual here). 621 Diotis maritima. 1 Cornwall west. 8 Devon south. 9 Dorset. 10 Isle of Wight. 15 Kent east. 19 Essex north. 25 Suffolk east. 62 Anglesea. Robinson cat. N.B. This has been recorded from the eight counties enu- merated. It has become ex- tinct in most of them. "Oc- casionally at Pakefield and Southwold ;" Flora of Suffolk. 623 Artemisia campestris. 26 Suffolk west. Wardale sp. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. Salmon sp. 29 Cambridge ? (66 85). [8 9 62] . 624 Artemisia maritima. 2 Corn. east, "reported." 3 Devon south. 4 north ! Maw cat. 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 Som. north. Colhns ms. 9 Dorset ? 10 Wight. More cat. 11 Hants south. Notcutt cat. 13 Sussex west ! Warren ms. 14 east. Banking sp. 15 Kent east ! Smith cat. 16 west ! Winch ms. 18 Essex south. Varenue ms. 19 north. Varenne ms. 25 Suffolk east. Purchas ms. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 34 Gloster west ! Cooper sp. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 46 Cardigan. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. Eobinson cat. 51 Flint. Eobinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Eobinson cat. 54 Line, north ! Howitt sp. 58 Chester ! Hall sp. 59 Lane, south. 60 west. Syme sp. 62 York n. east. Norman sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumberland. 68 Cheviot. Embleton cat. 69 Westmoreland. 70 Cumberland. 71 Man. J. Macnab ms. 73 Kirkcudbright. Lloyd ms. 74 Wigton. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 90 Forfar. Gardiner sp. 91 Kincardine. " three loc." 93Ab.north. " added in 1871." 625 Artemisia Absinthium. 1 Corn, west 1 Cuunack cat. f 2 I 242 625. AETEMISIA ABSINTHIUM. 2 Corn. east. Briggs cat.f 3 Devon south. Briggs cat. I 4 north ! Maw cat. 6 Som. south. Coleman cat. 6 north. Thwaites cat. 7 Wilts north ? Flower cat. 8 south ? Flower cat. 9 Dorset. Plevdell cat. 10 Wight ! More cat. 11 Hants south! Notcutt cat. 12 north. Pamplin ms. 13 Sus. west ? Borrer cat. co. 14 east ? Borrer cat. co. 15 Kent east. Smith cat. 16 west ! 17 Sm-rey. 18 Essex south. Varenne ms. 19 north. Varenne ms. 20 Herts. Coleman cat.f 21 Middlesex. Pamplin ms. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. Beesley cat. 25 Suffolk east. Stock cat. 26 west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. Isaac Brown sp. 33 Gloster east. Prentice cat. 34 west. 35 Monmouth. Conway cat. 36 Hereford. Purclias cat. 37 Worcester. 38 Warwick. Brec ms. 39 Stafford. 40 Salop. Leighton cat. 41 Glamorgan. 44 Carmarthen. Motley cat. 45 Pembroke. Babington cat. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon. Gordon ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 52 Anglesea. Kobinson cat. 53 Lincoln south! Introduced? 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 58 Chester. Warren cat.f 62 York n. east. " denizen." 63 s. west. Lees cat.f 64 m. west. Lees cat.f 65 n.west. "denizen." 66 Durham, "denizen." 67 Northumberland, "den." 68 Cheviotland. " denizen." 71 Man. Forbes cat. 81 Berwick. 82 Haddington. Balfour cat. 83 Edinburgh. Balfour cat. 84 Linlithgow. Balfour cat. 85 Fife ! Lawson ms.f 87 Perth west. 90 Forfar. "A. Croall." 11 Orkney. Syme sp.f 12 Shetland. Edm. flo. N.B. This may be a native plant along the coast, and even some distance inland in the maritime counties ; but all the truly inland localities are to be distrusted as really indigenous ones. 621 Artemisia vulgaris. Counties all, except 32 46 86 97 107. Doubtless it is to be found in every county. Shetland " common." 627 Gnaphalium dioicum. 1 Corn, west ! Hore ms. 3 Devon south. Briggs sp. 20 Herts. Fordham s^j. 22 Berks. 23 Oxford. 26 Suffolk west. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west. 29 Cambridge. Harris sp. 32 Northton. 39 Stafford. 627. GNAPHALIUM DIOICUM. 243 40 Salop. 41 Glamorgan. 42 Brecon. 44 Carmartlien. 45 Pembroke. Piirclias ms. 46 Cardigan. 48 Merioneth. 49 Carnarvon ! Bloxam ms. 50 Denbigh. Bowman cat. 51 Flint. Robinson cat. 52 Anglesea. Robinson cat. 58 Line, south. 55 Leicester. 56 Notts. 57 Derby. Howitt sp. 58 Chester. 59 Lane, south. 60 west. Simpson sp. 62 York n. east. Baker cat. 63 s. west. 64 m. west. Tatham cat. 65 m. west. Ward sp. 66 Durham. Bowman sp. 67 Northumb. Bowman sp. 68 Cheviot. Embleton sp. 69 Westmoreland ! 70 Cumberland ! Baker cat. 71 Man. Macnab ms. 72 Dumfries. Gray cat. 73 Ku'kcudbright. Gray cat. 75 Ayr. Duncan cat. 76 Renfrew. Kennedy cat. 77 Lanark. Kennedy cat. 78 Peebles. 80 Roxburgh. Duncan cat. 81 Berwick. Balfour sp. 82 Kaddington. 83 Edinburgh ! Balfour cat. 85 Fife. Brand sp. 86 Stii'ling. Kooker sp. 87 Perth west. Syme cat. 88 mid ! Worsley cat. 89 cast ! 90 Forfar ! 91 Kincardine. Dickson ms. 92 Aber. south. Dickie cat. 93 Aber. north. Dickie flo. 94 Banff. 95 Elgin. Gordon cat. 96 Easterness ! Stables cat. 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. Kooker sp. 00 Clyde-isles. Kennedy cat. 01 Cantire. Balfour cat. 02 Eb. south. Balfour cat. 03 mid. Stables sp. 04 north. Ch. Bab. sp. 05 Ross west. Ch. Bab. ms. 06 east. Gordon cat. 07 Suth. east ! 08 west ! Graham sp. 09 Caithness. Brown cat. 10 Kebrides. 11 Orkney. Gillies herb. 12 Shetland. Tate sp. 630 Gnaphalium sylvaticum. Counties all, except 2 4 5 6 10 26 31 34 44 45 54 60 72 86 101 110; probably to be found in most of these, if not in all. 680 Gnaphalium norvegicum. Perth. Eng. Bot. ed. 3. 90 Forfar. Brand sp. 22 Ab. south. Backhouse sp. 631 Gnaphalium supinum. 86 Stirling. Kooker sp. 87 Perth west. 88 mid ! 89 east ! 90 Forfar ! Gardiner sp. 92 Aber. south ! Dickie cat. 94 Banff. Gordon ms. 96 Easterness ! 97 Westerness ! 98 Argyle. 244 631. GNAPHALIUM SUPINUM. 99 Dunbarton. 06 Eoss east. Gordon ms. 08 Sntli. west ! Graham sp. [Ill Orkney; Olouston] 632 Gnaphalium uliginosum. Counties all, except 46 86 89 97 98 106 107 108 110. 634 Filago minima. Counties all, except 31 33 35 41 46 54 57 60 69 71 72 73 84 86 89 97 98 102 104 108 to 112, with the usual nine others. Likely to be often overlooked ; thus increasing the number of counties hitherto left non- recorded. 635 Filago germanica. Counties all, except 46 60 69 72 84 86 88 89 93 97 98 99 102 104 107 to 112; thus seemingly on record for eleven only of the 28 counties of North Britain. 635 Filago apicnlata. 11 Hants south. 12 north ! 17 Surrey ! Dr. Mateer sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Varenne sp. 20 Herts. 22 Berks. 26 Suff. west. Babington sp. 27 Norfolk east. 28 west." 29 Cambridge. Babington cat. 30 Bedford. Newb. oral. 81 Hunts. Newbould cat. 37 Worcester. 63 York s. west. Smith sp. 635 Filago spathulata. 9 Dorset. Mansel-Pleydell. 10 Wight ! More sp. 12 Hants north. Spicer ms. 13 Sussex west. 14 east ! 16 Kent west. Syme sp. 17 Surrey ! Syme sp. 18 Essex south. 19 north. Gibson sp. 20 Herts. 21 Middlesex ! 23 Oxford. 24 Bucks. Britten sp. 29 Cambridge. Babington sp. N.B. This and the preceding are recent segregates ; their counties imperfectly on re- cord. 636 Petasites vulgaris. Counties all, except 10 41 46 71 86 to 89 97 to 99 104 to 108 [109 110 111 112]. Widely distributed, but scarcely a common plant. It has been recorded from Isla (Balfour) and Skye (Lawson). Also from the Hebrides (Balf. Bab.), from Orkney (Lowe), and from Shetland (Edmonston) ; in each of which there are grounds to infer that the Tiissila