THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY on Hum ? 1 * 1 las best Prom the collection of Julius Doerner, Chicago Purchased, 1913. A500 H &80 000. 2 . <2^-4. M/<% f o %*J £jl Lond. v°i° ~/ / )o **- ) )*$*-> ) p t £ ) ?**'? 1 7**1 ) P 6 */6 / pi <-/> / 2, i (\aA^ J 0%t e °/^ u £-7 J7 . — y tf ^ (y 9 on numi ias best . J. . : Ofa g l y* J7 — y J ^ ly ' - r . OFFICES OF SIMON STEVENS, 61 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 fumbe CATALOGUE OF THE FIRST PORTION OF THE HUMBOLDT LIBRARY. FIRST DAY’S SALE. -f ‘bra f u OFPICE8 OF SIMON STEVENS, 61 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. MIXED SIZES. LOT 1 Aachen-Diisseldorfer Eisenbahn-Denkschrift, plan 4 to. Dusseldorf 1851 2 Abd-Allah Ben Abd-el-Kader Mounschy, Voyage de Singapore a Kalantan traduit du Malay avec des notes par E. Du- laurier, with the editor’s autograph inscription .8 vo. Paris , 1850 3 Abd Al-Wahid on the Christian Duty of the British Government in India 8vo. Lond. 1859 4 Abdu-r-Razzaq’s Dictionary of the Technical Terms of the Sufies in Arabic, edited by Dr. A. Sprenger law calf roy. 8vo. Calcutta , 1845 Presentation copy from the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 5 Abecedarium Naturse (Tabb. V. Formas Calidi), on 2 folio broad- sides, mounted on canvas in case Ato. 6 Abeken (G.) de Mi/xijo-ctos apud Platonem et Aristotelem Notione presentation copy with inscription in author's handwriting , and on cover the subject of the booh in Humboldt’s autograph 8 vo. Gottingoe , 1836 7 Abeken (H.) Amerikanische Negersklaverei und Emancipation nebst Mittheilungen iiber Colonisation mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Brasilien vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1847 B 2 8 Abeken (H.) Das iEgyptische Museum in Berlin 8vo. ib. 1856 9 Abeken (Dr. W.) Mittel-Italien vor den Zeiten Romischer Herr- schaft, plates, half morocco 8vo. Stuttgart, 1843 10 Abel (Dr. Otto) Makedonien vor Konig Philipp, with author’s autograph signature 8vo. Leipzig , 1847 11 Abel (Otto) Das neue Deutsche Reich und sein Kaiser 8vo. Berlin , 1848 12 Abelard, Ouvrages inedits (en Latin) publies par V. Cousin (avec Introduction) 4 to. Paris , 1836 13 Abel-Remusat, see Remusat 14 Abendberg. Une Visite par le Dr. Scoutetten, portrait of Dr. Guggenbuhl 8vo. Berne , 1856 15 Abert (J. W.) Report of his Examination of New Mexico, plates and map , Washington , 1847 — Fremont (J. C.) Geographical Memoir upon Upper California, Humboldt’s autograph notes , ib. 1848 — Abert (J. W.) Report of his Expedition on the Upper Arkansas, &c. plates , the large map sepa- rately , ib. 1846 — Wizlizenus (Dr. A.) Tour to Northern Mexico, autograph notes and signature of ll Al. Humboldt ib. 1848, half morocco extra 8vo. in 2 vol. 16 Abert (J. W.) Report of his Examination of New Mexico in 1846-47, plates , with map mounted on cloth half morocco 8vo. Washington , 1848 17 Abert (J. W.) Report of an Expedition on the Upper Arkansas and through the Country of the Camanche Indians in 1845, plates , Washington , 1846 — Bache (A. D.) Report of the Coast Survey ending Nov. 1848, maps , ib. 1848 — Report of same for 1849, maps , ib. 1849 — Marcy (W. L. Secretary of War) Report on a Map of the Valley of Mexico, maps, ib. 1849 half morocco, in one vol. 8 vo. With the large map by Emory to Abert’s Report, and that to Marcy’s Report by Smith and Hardcastle, mounted on canvas in case, with Humboldt’s autograph note on the cover. 1 8 Abhandlungen der K. BohmischenGesellschaft derWissenschaften. Neue Folge, 3 vol. plates FINE PAPER 8vo. Prag. 1827-33 A most important work for Bohemian Literature and Science, con- taining very valuable contributions by A. David, M. Kalina von Jatenstein, M. Millauer, H. F. X. Moth, J. V. Kromholz, A. Maier, W. Haidinger, L. Jandera, F. X. M, Zippe, J. P. Kulik, M. Seidl, F. Palacky, &c. &c. 19 Abhandlungen der Fries’schen Schule von Apelt, Schleiden, Schlomilch und Schmid. Erstes Heft 8vo. Leipzig , 1847 20 Abhandlungen der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 3 vol. 178 plates ( many in coloured tints) vellum paper imp. 4 to. Wien, 1852-56 One of the most important of the works on Geology. 21 Abhandlungen bei Begrlindung der K. Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften am Tage des 200 Geburtsfeier Leib- nizens lierausgegeben von der Fiirstlich Jablonowskischen Gesellschaft, plates vellum paper, presentation copy from the Jablonowski Society , with inscription roy. 8vo. Leipzig , 1846 Containing G. G. Leibnitz Briefe an C. Philipp herausgegeben von W. Wachsmuth — A. F. Mobius iiber eine neue Behand- lungsweise der analytischen Spharik — M. W. Drobisch iiber die mathematische Bestimmung der musikalischen Intervalle — A. Seebeck iiber die Schwingungen der Saiten — C. F. Naumann iiber die Spiralen der Conchylien — F. Reich Elek- trische Versuche — W. Weber Elektrodynamische Maass- bestimmungen — E. H. Weber Zusatze zur Lehre vom Baue und den Verrichtungen der Geschlechtsorgane — C. G. Leh- mann iiber Kohlensaureexhalation. 22 Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen in Halle herausgegeben von C. Giebel und W. Heintz. Ersten Bandes erstes Heft, 23 plates roy. Ato. Berlin , 1856 Containing, 1. A. Schmidt, der Geschlechtsapparat der Stylomma- tophoren in taxonomischer Plinsicht gewiirdigt — 2. C. Giebel, die Yersteinerungen im Muschelkalk von Liescau bei Halle — 3. T. Irmisch, morphologische Beobachtungen an Gewachsen aus den Familien der Melanthaceen, Irideen und Aroideen. 23 Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes herausgegeben von der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft unter der verantwortlichen Redaction Prof. Ur. H. Brockhaus, 3 parts 8vo. Leipzig , 1857-58 Containing Dr. F. Windischmann iiber Mithra, with translation of the Opfergebet an Mithra (Mihir Yasht); Dr. G. Fliigel iiber Al-Kindi “ der Philosoph der Araber and “ Die Gathas des Zarathustra herausgegeben, iibersetzt (Lat. and Germ.) und erlautert von Dr. M. Haug. ,J 24 Abich (Dr. H.) Vues illustratives de quelques Phenomenes geo- logiques prises sur le V^suve et l’Etna pendant 1833-34, 22 views on 10 plates , with descriptive letter 'press oblong roy. fol. Paris , (Strasbourg), 1836 25 Abich (H.) iiber die geologische Natur des Armenischen Hoch- landes, map , with Humboldt’s autograph note on fly-leaf at end 4 to. Dorpat , 1843 25 # Abich (LI.) Karten der Ponza Inseln, 3 maps 26 Abich (H.) Topographisch geologisches Bild des Erhebungs- kraters von Roccamonfina fol. 27 Abich (H.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Feldspaths. Hohen- bestimmungen in Dagestan, &c. map , with “ Leop. v. Buck,” in Humboldt’ s autograph — Versteinerungen von Dhagestan, map , Humboldt’s autograph notes , 1851 — Tula Statt Erdfall, plan , Humboldt's autograph note , 1854 8vo. (4) 4 28 Abich (H.) sur les derniers Tremblements de Terre dans la Perse et dans le Caucase, &c. carefully read and marked by Baron Humboldt, who has written 33 lines of scientific notes on the fly-leaf 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1855 28 # Abich (H.) sur les derniers Tremblements. Another Copy, with author's autograph inscription, having in Humboldt's hand- writing on cover, “Letztes Memoir von Abich” 8 vo. ib. 1855 29 Abich (H.) Yergleichende chemische Untersuchungen der Wasser des Caspischen Meeres, Urmia-und Van-Sees, coloured plates of Geological Shells, §c. autograph of 11 Al. Hum- boldt' ' 4fo. ib. 1856 30 Abich (H.) iiber das Steinsalz und seine geologische Stellung im Russischen Armenien, 20 plates, several of them India proofs (including 3 additional ) 4 to. ib. 1857 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 31 Abich (H.) iiber die Erscheinung brennenden Gases im Krater des Vesuv im Juli 1357, und iiber Dumonts geologische Karte von Europa 8vo. ib. 1857 32 Abich (H.) Yergleichende Geologische Grundziige der Kau- kasischen, Armenischen und Nordpersischen Gebirge. Prodromus einer Geologie der Kaukasischen Lander und Beitrage zur Palaontologie des Asiatischen Russlands, 2 vol. in 1 , India proof plates vellum paper, with Humboldt's name written by the author 4do. ib. 1858 33 Abich (H.) JEtna und Vesuv, 30 views and maps (2 coloured) 34 Aboo al-Fadhl ’Abd al-Rahman Jalal al-Din-Bin Abi Bakr al- Osyooti, History of the Khaliphs in Arabic, edited by W. N. Lees and Mawlawi ’Abd al-Haqq, autograph of “ Al. Humboldt" 8 vo. Calcutta, 1856 35 Abou Bekr Mohammed Ben Allman Alkarkhi, Extrait du Fakhri ou Traits d’Algebre par, precede d’un Memoire sur l’Algebre indeterminee chez les Arabes par F. Woepcke roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1853 Most important for the History of Algebra. 36 Aboulfeda, Geographie traduite de l’Arabe en Fra^ais et accom- pagnee de Notes et d’Eclaircissements par M. Reinaud, Tome I et Tome IT, premiere partie, (all published), 2 vol. plates, autograph of 11 Al. Humboldt" in each volume kto. ib. 1848 Presentation copy, with the translator’s autograph inscription. 37 Aboul Hhassan Ali, de Maroc, Traite des Instruments Astro- nomiques des Arabes traduit par J. J. Sedillot, 2 vol. in 1, plates kto. ib. 1834-35 5 38 Aboulwefa, Expose de la Thdorie de la Lune avec des Remarques par J. B. Biot 4 to. Paris, 1845 By an Arabian in the Xth Century, who seems to have anticipated one of the most beautiful of the discoveries of Tycho Brahe. 39 Abrantes (Visconde de) sobre Meios de promover a Colonisa 9 ao, author’s autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1846 40 Abu Ishac el-Faresi vulgo El-Issthachri Liber Climatum, Arabice. E Codice Gothano edidit Dr. J. H. Moeller, curious maps, facsimile of the original manuscript, autograph of u Al. Hum- boldt” 4 to. Gothce , 1839 41 Abu-’l-Fath Muhammad asch-Schahrastani’s Religionspartheien und Philosophen-Schulen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Dr. T. Haarbriicker, 2 vol. 8vo. Halle, 1850-51 Presentation copy, with autograph note of the translator. 42 Academise Csesarese Leopoldino-Carolinse Naturae curiosorum Novorum Actorum Tom. XXI Pars I, XXII Pars II et Supplementum, XXIII Pars I et II cum Supplemento, XXIV Pars I et II cum Supplemento, XXY Pars I et II, XXYI Pars I et II, 13 vol. numerous plates, several finely coloured 4 to. Vratislavice et Bounce, 1845-58 43 ACADEMIE DES INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTRES. Histoire et Memoires de 1701 jusqu en 1793, 50 vol. plates 4 to. Paris, 1717-1808 A very interesting and valuable collection of most important papers on literary subjects, the early volumes of which are highly praised by Gibbon. 44 ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. Regiae Scientiarum Academiae Historia, etc, autore J. B. Du Hamel, lest edition, Paris, 1701 — Histoire de l’Academie Royale des Sciences (1666- 1699), 11 vol. in 15, ib. 1733 — Histoire et Memoires (1699- 1790), 93 vol. ib. 1721-97 — Tables alphabetiques des Matieres de 1666 a 1790, par Godin, Demours et Cotte, 10 vol. ib. 1734-1809 — Nouvelle Table des Articles (1666-1770), par l’Abbe Rozier, 4 vol. ib. 1775-76— Memoires de Mathematique et de Physique, presented & l’Academie des Sciences par divers Savans (Etrangers), 11 vol. ib. 1750-86 — Recueil des Pieces qui ont remport4 les Prix de 1720 jusqu’ en 1772, 9 vol. extremely rare, ib. 1732-77 — Machines et Inventions approuvees par l’Academie des Sciences, depuis son Etablissement jusqu’ en 1754, 7 vol. ib. 1735-77, together 150 vol. numerous plates, fine copy in French calf 4do. Perhaps the most important collection of scientific Memoirs ever offered to the public, containing contributions from all the 6 most eminent authors of the period, including Bouguer, De la Condamine, Bossut, Carre, D’Alembert, De Borda, Mau- pertuis, Fontaine, Lacaille,Le Gentil, Bailly, Lalande, Ozanam, Bezout, De la Hire, Clairaut, Le Roy, Marquis de Condorcet, Helvetius, Lavoisier, Vaillant, Jussieu, D’Aubenton, Buffon, Euler, L’Hopital, De Moivre, the Bernoullis, Cassini, Coulomb, Cousin, Fourcroy, Hauy, Lamarck, Laplace, Legendre, Monge, Pingre, Vicq-d’Azyr, &c. &c. &c. 45 ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES DE L’INSTITUT DE FRANCE : Memoires, 24 vol. Paris i 1818-54 — Memoires presentes par divers Savans (Etrangers): Sciences Mathematiques et Phisiques, 14 vol. ib. 1827-56- — Memoires de l’lnstitut National: Sciences, Morales et Politiques, 5 vol. ib. 1798- 1803 — Sciences, Morales et Politiques, Seconde Serie, 9 vol. ib. 1837-55 — Sciences, Morales et Politiques, Savants Etrangers, 2 vol. ib. 1841-47 — Litterature et Beaux-Arts, 5 vol. ib. 1798-1803 — Histoire et Memoires de la Classe d’Histoire et de Litterature Ancienne et de 1’ Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 10 vol. ib. 1815-33, 69 vol. Ato. This valuable series of Memoirs embraces contributions from the most learned scholars of the day. 46 Academie des Sciences. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Sciences publies par les Secretaires perpetuels, 45 vol. Paris , 1835-57 — Supplement, Tome I, ib. 1856 — Table Generale (1835-50), ib. 1853, plates , uncut 47 vol. 4 to. 47 Academie Frai^aise. Dictionnaire de 1’ Academie Fran^aise, Sixieme Edition, 2 vol. in 1 , with autograph signature of “ Al. Humboldt ,” half bound russia Ato. Paris , 1835 Presentation copy to Humboldt, with the following inscription : “ Offert par l’Academie Fran9aise a Mr. le B on Alex, de Humboldt, Associe Etranger de l’lnstitut de France.” 48 Academia de Ingenieros. Gabinete de Instruments de Geo- desia y Topografia, autograph note of Baron Humboldt on cover roy. Svo. Madrid , 1853 49 Achenbach (A.) Geognostische Beschreibung d. Hohenzollern- schen Lande, map printed for private circulation Svo. Berlin i 1857 50 Achin, Carte Routiere des Environs de Paris mounted on canvas Paris , 1840 51 Achromatopsie, Observations sur Svo. Alais , 1850 52 Ackermann (H.) Das Wetter und die Krankheiten, plates vellum paper 8 vo. Kielj 1854 53 Ackermann (H.) Another Copy, plates fine paper Svo. Kiel , 1854 54 Ackermann (P.) Chants d’ Amour suivis de Poesies diverses author s autograph inscription Svo. Paris ( Berlin ), 1841 55 Ackermann (P.) sur l’Analyse physique des Langues author's autograph inscription Svo. PariSj 1838 7 56 Ackermann (P.) du Principe de la Po4sie et de l’Education du Poete, author’s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1841 57 Ackermann (P.) Dictionnaire des Antonymes ou Contremots vellum paper, presentation copy , with author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1842 58 Ackermann (P.) Remarques sur la Langue Fra^aise presentation copy , with author s autograph 8 vo. Paris, 1844 59 Acosta (Coronel J.) Compendio historico del Descubrimiento y Colonizacion de la Nueva Granada en el Siglo decimo sexto, map and plates vellum paper, with author’s autograph inscription and Hum- boldt’s MS. notes , half morocco roy. 8vo. ib. 1848 60 Acosta (J.) Mapa de la Republica de la Nueva Granada dedicado al Baron de Humboldt , mounted on canvass , ib. 1847 61 Acosta (J.) Another Copy, not mounted , and coloured differently ib. 1847 62 Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha ex triginta antiquis Codicibus Greeds, vel nunc primum eruit vel emendatius edidit C. Tischendorf 8vo. Lip sice, 1851 63 Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicse, Tomi I Fasciculus III, plates Ato. Helsing for sice, 1842 Containing valuable physical and mathematical papers, by Nor- denskiold, Tavastjerna, Hallstrom, Pipping, Schulten, Ilmoni, and Nervander. 64 Adalbert Prinz von Preussen, Aus meinem Tagebuche, (Travels), imperial 8vo. full-length portrait and maps — “ Als Manu- script gedruckt.” — Skizzen aus dem Tagebuche, 45 views in tints (several in colours) from the royal author s own sketches , royal folio 2 vol. Berlin, 1847 Printed for private distribution amongst the Prince’s immediate friends, and only a very small number of copies struck off. This was a present from H. R. H. Prince Adalbert to Baron Humboldt, and has the Prince’s autograph signature on the title of the “ Skizzen.” 65 Adalbert of Prussia (H. R. H. Prince) Travels in the South of Europe and in Brazil, with a Voyage up the Amazon and the Xingu, translated by Sir R. H. Schomburgk and J. E. Taylor, 2 vol. portrait and maps 8vo. London, 1849 To this English version of the “ Aus meinem Tagebuche ” is prefixed an introduction by A. von Humboldt. 66 Adelmann (Dr. G. F. B.) Operationen im Chirurgischen Klinicum zu Dorpat 4 to. Dorpat , 1843 67 Adelmann (G. F. B.) Untersuchungen fiber krankhafte Zustande der Oberkieferhoble, plates vellum paper, with the author’s autograph corrections roy. 4 to. ib. 1844 8 68 Adelung (F.) Siegmund Freiherr von Herberstein mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf seine Reisen in Russland geschildert, full-length coloured portrait and map printed on azure paper, rare 8vo. St. Petersburg , 1818 69 Adelung (F.) Augustin Freiherr von Mayerberg und seine Reise nach Russland FINE PAPER, half calf royal 8 vo. ib. 1827 70 Adelung (F.) Bibliotheca Sanscrita , presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription 8vo. ib. 1837 71 Adelung (F.) iiber die alteren auslandischen Karten von Russland privately printed , scarce , presentation copy , with author's auto- graph inscription 8 vo. ib. 1840 72 Adelung (F. von.) Kritisch-literarische Uebersicht derReisenden in Russland bis 1700, deren Berichte bekannt sind, 2 vol. in 1, large paper, india proof portrait, roy. 8vo. ib. 1846 A most interesting and valuable bibliography of early travels in the Russian empire. This was a presentation copy from the editor, Nicolas von Adelung, and has his autograph inscription. 73 Adelung (J. C.) Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde mit dem Yater Unser als Sprachprobe in beynahe 500 Sprachen und Mundarten, mit Fortsetzung von Dr. J. S. Vater, 5 parts in 3 vol. fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1806-16 74 Adler-Mesnard (M.) Traits de la Formation desMots Allemands, suivi de Tableaux synoptiques et d’un Dictionnaire des Racines Allemandes roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1841 75 iEschylos Gefesselter Prometheus Griechisch und Deutsch mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und dem gelosten Prometheus von G. F. Schcemann, with autograph note of Baron Humboldt at end vellum paper, half morocco, g. e. 8 vo. Greifswald , 1844 76 iEschylos Eumeniden, Deutsch, mit Einleitung und Anmerkun- gen, von G. F. Schoemann vellum paper 8vo. ib. 1845 77 iEschylos Oresteia (Agamemnon, Choephorge und Eumenides), Griechisch und Deutsch herausgegeben von J. Franz 8vo. Leipzig , 1846 78 iEschylos Tragodien iibersetzt von C. de Haas, vol. I. vellum paper 8 vo. Elberfeld , 1846 79 iEschylos Tragoedien, verdeutscht von J. Minckwitz 12wio. Stuttgart , 1851 80 iEschylos Deutsch in den Yersmaszen der Urschrift von J. J. C. Donner, 2 vol. in 1 8vo. ib. 1854 81 iEschylos Agamemnon metriscli Iibersetzt von W. von Humboldt Dedicated to Caroline von Humboldt nee Dacheroden 8 vo. Leipzig , 1857 82 AfFghanistan Papers relating to Military Operations folio. London , 1843 With the following inscription : “ To His Majesty the King (of Prussia) from his most devoted Servant Westmorland.” 9 83 Africa. Excursions dans l’Afrique Septentrionale par les Dele- gu4s de la Societe pour l’Exploration de Carthage, plates of inscriptions, frescoes, etc. 8vo. Paris , 1838 Containing “ Relation d’une Excursion de Bone a Guelma et a Constantine, par Sir Granville Temple et le Chev. Falbe.” 84 Africa. Voyage d’ Alger aux Ziban, l’ancienne Zebe, en 1847, par le Dr. Guyon, with oblong 4 to. atlas of india proof plates large paper, half red morocco 8vo. oblong 4to. Alger, 1852 85 Africa. Histoire chronologique des Epid^mies du Nord de l’Afrique par le Dr. J. L. G. Guyon large paper, red morocco extra, g. e. 8vo. Alger, 1855 86 Africa. Vier Jahresberichte des Marien-Vereins zur Beforde- rung der Katholischen Mission in Central- Afrika, 4 parts 4 to. Wien, 1852-55 87 Africa. Briigner (C.) Umgegend von Algier — Lapie (C.) Carte d’une Partie N. E. d’Afrique — Imperfect Sketch of a Map of E. Africa by Church Missionary Society — Map to Capt. Clapperton’s Second Journey — Smith (W. H.) Skizze von Central Afrika, with valuable MS. notes in the autograph of Baron Humboldt ; and various other Maps of Africa and its various Parts (20) 88 Agassiz (L.) Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles, 5 vol. in 2, 4 to. and Atlas of Plates, ( many in colours), 5 vol. in 2, oblong folio , half morocco Neuchatel , 1833*43 89 Agassiz (L.) Introduction a une Monographic des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Gr&s Rouge, author's autograph inscription 4 to. 90 Agassiz (L.) Histoire Naturelle des Poissons d’Eau Douce de l’Europe, 27 exquisitely coloured plates of the Genera 11 Salmo and Thymallus retouched by hand, having descrip tions in French, English and German best paper ( Carton Velin des Exemplaires de Luxe), with 5 duplicate specimen plates inserted, on which Humboldt has written “ Probebldtter vortrefiich ” oblong folio. Neuchatel , 1837-39 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 91 Agassiz (L.) on Ichthyological Fauna of the Pacific Slope of North America, cuts, with the autograph inscription of the eminent author 8vo. 92 Agassiz (L.) sur les Moules du Musee de Neuchatel, 4 to. Neu- chatel, 1838, and 10 plates of Moules, Myes and Salenies 93 Agassiz (L.) Monographies d’Echinodermes vivans et fossiles (Salenies, Sculelles, Galerites et Dysaster, et du Genre Echinus), 4 parts, plates presentation copy, with the author s autograph inscriptions , having the folio plates to part IV. 4 to. Neuchatel, 1838-42 C 10 94 Agassiz (L.) Description des Echinodermes Fossiles de la Suisse, 2 parts, 25 plates , with the author's autograph inscription 4 to. Neuchatel , 1839-40 Scarce, only a few copies having been printed. 95 Agassiz (L.) Etudes sur les Glaciers large paper, half calf extra , and folio atlas of plates , with the author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. ib. 1840 96 Agassiz (L.) Etudes critiques sur les Moliusques Fossiles, 4 parts, containing upwards of 100 plates Ato. ib. 1840-45 This valuable work, containing “ Monographic des Trigonies et des Myes du Jura et de la Craie Suisses,” was published at 120 francs, and is already very scarce. 97 Agassiz (L.) Nomenclator Zoologicus, continens Nomina Syste- matica Generum Animalium tarn viventium quam fossi- lium, 12 parts in 8, author's autograph inscriptions 4 to. Soloduri , 1842-47 98 Agassiz (L.) Rapport sur les Poissons Fossiles, with authors autograph inscription 8vo. Geneve , 1843 99 Agassiz (L.) Notice sur les Caracteres zoologiques et anatomiques des Sauroides vivans et fossiles, plates, author's autograph inscription royal Ato. Neuchatel , 1843 100 Agassiz (L.) Notice sur la Succession des Poissons Fossiles dans la S4rie des Formations Geologiques large paper imp. Ato. ib. 1843 101 Agassiz (L.) Tableau general des Poissons fossiles ranges par Terrains, with author's autograph inscription , Neuchatel , 1844 — Essai sur la Classification des Poissons, ib. 1844 — Sur les Moules du Musee de Neuchatel, ib. 1838 Ato. (3) 102 Agassiz (L.) Notices sur les Dents et les Rayons des Placoides, plates Ato. Neuchatel , 1844 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 103 Agassiz (L.) Nomenclator Zoologicus, Fasc. V. et VI. Ato. ib. 1844 104 Agassiz (L.) Monographie des Poissons fossiles du vieux Gres Rouge ou Systeme D^vonien (Old Red Sandstone) des lies Britanniques et de Russie, 3 parts, plates vellum paper Ato. Soleure , 1844-45 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscriptions. 105 Agassiz (L.) Monographie des Poissons Fossiles du Systeme D6vonien (Old Red Sandstone), 3 parts, plates ( several coloured) oblong fol. Neuchatel , 1844-45 106 Agassiz (L.) Systeme Glaciaire ou Recherches sur les Glaciers, roy. 8 vo. of text and folio atlas of plates large paper, with autograph inscription of the author Paris , 1847 11 107 Agassiz (L.) Syst&me Glaciale, roy. 8vo. text , and atlas of maps and plates in royal folio large paper, scarce Paris , 1847 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 108 Agassiz (L.) Contributions to the Natural History of the AcalephsB of North America, 2 parts, plates 4 to. 1849 109 Agassiz (L.) Lake Superior: its Physical Character, Vegetation and Animals compared with those of other and similar Regions, with a Narrative of the Tour by J. Elliot Cabot, and Contributions by other scientific Gentlemen, fine plates 8 vo. Boston , U. S. 1850 110 Agassiz (L.) Classification of Insects from Embryological Data, plate roy. 4 to, 1850 111 Agassiz (L.) on Extraordinary Fishes (viviparous) from Cali- fornia, constituting a new Family, with author s autograph inscription 8vo. New Haven , U. S. 1853 112 Agassiz (L.) on Fishes of the Tennessee River, author's auto- graph inscription 8vo. ib. 1854 113 Agassiz (L.) on the Primitive Diversity and Number of Animals in Geological Times, 1854 — Geographical Dis- tribution of Animals, 1850 -“Contemplations of God in the Kosmos, 1851 8vo. (3) 114 Agassiz (L.) Sketch of the Natural Provinces of the Animal World and their Relation to the Types of Man, map and plate , with Humboldt's autograph note 8 vo. Philad. 1854 115 Agassiz (L.) Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America, Testudinata (Monograph of the Turtle), 2 vol. india proof plates ( two coloured ) roy. 4 to. Boston , U. S. 1857 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 116 Agassiz (L.) Contributions. Another copy, 2 vol. india proof plates ' roy. 4to. ib. 1857 117 Agassiz (L.) et C. Vogt, Anatomie des Salmones 4 to. Neuchatel, 1845 118 Aguirre (C.) Observations M^teorologiques faites a l’Antisana, avec le Rapport par Arago et Boussingault, author s auto- graph inscription 4 to. Paris , 1851 119 Ahmed-Ben*Mohammed Ebn- Arabschah Fructus Imperatorum et Jocatio Ingeniosorum Arabice, cum Notis criticis nunc primum edidit G. G. Frey tag, 2 vol. 4 to. Bounce , 1832-52 120 Ahrens (H.) Cours de Philosophic, 2 vol. author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris > 1836-38 121 Ahrens (H.) Cours de Droit Naturel large paper, author's autograph inscription roy. 8vo. ib. 1840 122 Ainsworth (W.) Account of the Caves of Ballybunian, County of Kerry, with some mineralogical details, view 8 vo. Dublin , 1834 12 123 Ainslie (W.) Materia Medica of Hindoostan, and Artisan’s and Agriculturist’s Nomenclature, in English, Tamool, Dukha- nie, Hindoostanie, Telingoo, Arabic, Persian, Sanscrit, and Latin, with autograph signature and notes of Baron A. Humboldt \.to. Madras , 1813 On the fly-leaf is the following note respecting the rarity of the work: “ Diese original Ausgabe aus Madras 1813 die mir Dr. Ainslie bei seiner Durchreise von lndien nach England in Paris geschenkt, ist in Europa uberaus selten. Al. Humboldt.” 124 Airy (G. B.) Experiments for correcting the Compass in Iron- built Ships, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Bond. 1839 125 Airy (G. B.) Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the years 1840-47, 7 vol. Bond. 1843-49 — Appendix to the Greenwich Obser- vations, including the Results of Magnetical and Meteoro- logical Observations, 1848 to 1856 inclusive, 9 vol. ib. 1848-56 4 to. (16) Presentation copies from the Royal Society. 126 Ajasson de Grandsagne sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Pline l’Ancien, privately printed 8vo. Paris , 1829 127 Akhbar-al-Syn oual-Hind ou Observations sur la Chine et l’lnde en Arabe et Fran 9 ais, avec de3 notes par M. Reinaud, 2 vol. with Reinaud' s autograph inscription , and Humboldt's handwriting on cover 12mo. ib. 1845 128 Alaman (D. Lucas) Disertaciones sobre la Historia de la Repub- lica Megicana, tomo I, map , portraits , and facsimiles of autographs , calf extra roy. 8vo. Megico, 1844 129 Alastor, or the new Ptolemy, with autograph notes of Baron A. Humboldt, who is highly eulogized in the work 8 vo.. Bond. 1852 130 Albani ( A. R.) de Historia naturali Veterum, Humboldt's autograph note 8vo. Dresden , 1854 131 Alberdi (Don J. B.) Organizacion politica y economica de la Confederacion Argentina (890 pages) 8 vo. Besanzon , 1856 132 Albers (J. C.) Geschichte der K. Thierarzneischule zu Berlin, view and plan 4 to. Berlin, 1841 133 Alberti (F. von) Beitrag zu einer Monographic des bunten Sandsteins, Musschelkalks und Keupers, plates , Stuttgart , 1834 — Bohnerze des Jura, ib. 1853 8 vo. (2) 134 Alberti (F. von) Halurgische Geologie, 2 vol. 65 ivoodcuts 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1852 135 Albigenses. Histoire de la Croisade contre les H^retiques Albigeois ecrite en Vers Proven^aux par un Poete contem- porain, traduite et publiee par M. C. Fauriel (avec Glos- saire), map 4 to. Paris, 1837 1 3 136 Albrecht (M. F.) und C. S. Vierow Lehrbuch der Navigation und ihrer Mathematischen Ilulfs-Wissenchaften, plates , fine paper roy. 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 137 Albrink (J. PI.) Caloris Animalis Theoria 8vo. Berolini, 1827 138 Album des Litterarischen Yereins in Naumburg privately printed (“ Als Manuscript fiir die Mitglieder gedruckt”) 8vo. Naumburg , 1846 With autograph note of Humboldt on cover. 139 Alexandre (C.) Dictionnaire Grec-Fran 9 ais, compose sur un nouveau Plan, half morocco 8 vo. Paris , 1830 140 Alexandre. Li Romans d’ Alexandre par Lambert li Tors et Alexandre de Bernay, nach Handschriften herausgegeben von H. Michelant vellum paper 8vo. Stuttgart , 1846 With the following inscription in the editor’s autograph : e< Alteri scientise Alexandro. A son Excellence Monsieur le Baron Alexandre de Humboldt. Hommage d’une profonde admira- tion et de la plus vive gratitude Tediteur H. Michelant.” 141 Algiers. Atlas de l’Alg^rie, the maps on a large scale , with Humboldt's autograph note stating it to be a present from the late King of the French , 11 Geschenk von Louis Philippe” folio. Paris , 1842-45 142 Allen (W.) Life and Correspondence, 3 vol. 8vo. Bond. 1846 See at p. 348 of vol. Ill Allen’s Account of Baron Humboldt’s introducing him to the Crown Prince of Prussia. 143 Allen (Capt. W.) on the Island of Ruad, the Ancient Harbour of Seleucia, the Drainage on the Sides of the Dead Sea and on the Watershed of Wadi el Araba, with the authors autograph inscription and Humboldt' s writing on cover 8 vo. Bond. 1853 With the folio Map of Seleucia Pieria separately. 144 Allen (Z.) Philosophy of the Mechanics of Nature, and the Source and Modes of Action of Natural Motive-Power, numerous woodcuts , with a note in Humboldt's autograph at end roy. 8vo. New York , 1852 145 Allgemeine Monatschrift fur Literatur herausgegeben von Dr. L. Ross und Dr. G. Schwetschke, 24 parts roy. 8vo. Halle , 1850 146 Allibone (S. A.) Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors, living and deceased, proof sheets of Betters A, B and C , with the author's autograph inscription imp. 8vo. Philadelphia , 1855 147 Almanach des 25000 Addresses des principaux Habitans de Paris Annees 1831, 1835, 1838, 1841, 1842 et 1845, par H. Dulac et Corby Aine, 6 vol. 12 mo. Paris , 1831-45 Useful in a bibliographical point of view as of the authors, artists. See. it gives, besides their addresses, lists of their works. 14 148 Almanach der K. Bayerischen Akademie fur 1855 post 8 vo. Munchen , 1855 149 Aloe (S.) Les Peintures de Giotto de l’Eglise de ITncoronata a Naples, plates , with the author's autograph inscription VELLUM PAPER 4 to. Berlin , 1 843 150 Aloe (S. d’) Les Ruines de Pompei, plan y author's autograph inscription \2mo. Naples , 1851 151 Alschefski (C. F. S.) iiber die kritische Behandlung der Geschichtsbiicher des Titus Livius fine paper, and duplicate on common 4 to. Berlin , 1839 152 Altdeutsche und Altnordische Helden-Sagen iibersetzt durch F. H. von der Hagen, 2 vol. fine paper foolscap 8vo. Breslau , 1855 Containing a Translation of the “ Wilkina-und Niflunga Saga.’’ 153 Althaus (C. L.) Grundziige zur ganzlichen Umgestaltung der bisherigen Geologie, plates , MS. note of Humboldt on cover thick paper 8vo. Koblenz , 1839 154 Althaus (F.) de Histories Conscriptionis Historia vellum paper, presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Berolini, 1852 155 Althaus (P. J.) de Pneumothorace vellum paper, authors autograph inscription 8vo. ib. 1855 156 Altmann (J.) de Sudetis, the title written by Iiumboldt on cover 8vo. ib. 1838 157 Altmann (J.) iiber die Mortalities- Verhaltnisse Russlands, 2 parts, with author's autograph corrections throughout 8vo. Moscou , 1840 158 Altmann (Dr. Julius) Runen finnischer Yolkspoesie gesammelt und iibersetzt, vellum paper small 8 vo. Leipzig , 1856 159 Altmann (J.) Die Wustenharfe, eine Sammlung Arabischer Yolkslieder,y?mi. vellum paper 8vo. Leipzig , 1856 160 Alton, see D’ Alton 161 Alzate y Ramirez (Don J. A.) Nuevo Mapa geographico de la America Septentrional perteneciente al Virreynato de Mexico, MS. notes atlas folio. 1768 In a MS. memorandum it is stated that this map was “publ. 21 Mars 1772 .” 162 America. Carte des Cotes de l’Amerique Meridional e, engraved by E. Collin Paris , 1800 163 America. Documentos relativos a la proyectada Compania de Navegacion por el Vapor en el Pacifico scarce folio. Lima , 1836 164 America. North American Boundary Correspondence, part II, maps folio. Ijond. 1840 15 165 America. Antiquitates Americana}. Edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium Studio et Opera C. C. Rafn, maps , plates , and facsimiles of ancient Manuscripts , large paper, vellum , rare , roy. 4fo. Hafnice , 1837-45 — Supplement to the Antiquitates American®, roy. 8 vo. map and plates, large paper, red morocco, Copenhagen , 1841 (2) 166 America. Essai statistique et politique sur les Etats-Unis d’Am^rique d’apr&s des Documens recueillis sur les Lieux, comprenant 27 Tableaux synoptiques et analytiques de la Constitution F6derale et de celles des Etats particuliers par A. de Morineau,/wZZ length portrait of Washington vellum paper folio. Paris ( Blaye ), 1848 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ A Monsieur Le Baron Alexandre de Humboldt Viatorum Princeps, Hommage respectueux de Pun de ses plus infimes disciples A. de Morineau.” 167 America. Die Deutsche Ansiedelung in Mittel-America, 2 maps 8vo. Berlin , 1850 168 America. Faden (W.) British Colonies in N. America, 1777 — North and South America , with Humboldt’ s autograph note, 11 Carte in^dite de Dr. Berghaus;” and 10 other Maps of portions of North or South America (12) 169 America. Atlas zur Entdeckungsgeschichte Amerikas aus Handschriften der K. Bibliothek, &c. herausgegeben von F. Kunstmann, K. von Spruner und G. M. Thomas vellum paper, with the 13 facsimiles of early maps, beautifully coloured and heightened with gold, silver and colours imperial folio. Munchen, 1859 A magnificent publication, of which only a very limited number of copies were issued, the Vellum Paper being reserved for crowned heads. A quarto volume of letter-press description, entitled "Die Entdeckung Amerikas von F. Kunstmann,” accompanies this splendid volume. 170 America. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 11 vol. numerous maps and plates ( several , especially those of Natural History, finely executed in colours ) 4 to. Washington, 1855-59 Presentation copy, “ with the respects of A. W. Whipple, Capt. U. S. Top’l Engineers.” This extremely valuable Report embraces descriptions of all the Specimens of Natural History which were collected during the Expedition, and are now preserved in the Smithsonian Institute. 171 America. A new Six-sheet Map of Tropical America, North of the Equator, by H. Kiepert, coloured , with autograph note of Baron A. Humboldt, to whom this splendid map is dedicated Berlin , 1858 16 172 America. Bericht der Handelskammer zu Evansville, Indiana, 8 vo. Berlin , 1859 — Amoor River Explorations, roy . 8 vo. large map , Washington , 1858 (2) 173 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Memoirs, new Series, vol. II to vol. VI part I inclusive, plates {several Jinely coloured ) 4 to. Cambridge , U. S. 1846-57 Presentation copy to “ The Baron Humboldt, with the homage of the Academy.” These volumes contain “D. H. Storer’s Synopsis of the Fishes of N. America; S. K. Masury’s Voca- bulary of the Soahili Language ; J. Pickering on the Language and Inhabitants of Lord North’s Island in the India Archi- pelago, with Vocabulary ; Magnetic Observations by J. Lover- ing and W. C. Bond; A. Gray’s Illustrations of N. American Plants; N. S. Sullivant’s Bryology and Hepaticology of N. America; A. Gray’s Plantae Fendlerianse Novi-Mexicanee ; L. Agassiz Acalephse of N. America ;~ C. Beck on the Age of Petronius Arbiter; D. Treadwell on constructing Cannon of great caliber, &c. &c. &c. 174 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Proceedings, vol. II and III, May 1848 to May 1857 roy.8vo. Boston, U.S. 1852-57 175 American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for 1839 12 mo. ib. 1839 176 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Proceed- ings of Second Meeting at Cambridge roy. 8vo. ib. 1850 177 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Tenth Meeting 8vo. Albany , 1856 178 America. Carte reduite de la C6te occidentale publiee sous le Baron Portal, Carte du Perou, et Carte de la Partie du Chili, 3 maps , engraved by Vicq Paris , 1821 179 American Ethnological Society’s Transactions, vol. Ill part I 8 vo. New York , 1853 Containing Creek and Cherokee Indians by W. Bartram ; Archae- ology and Ethnology of Nicaragua by E. G. Squier; Rio Wanks and the Mosco Indians, by Don J. F. Irias ; a Choctaw Tradition by C. C. Copeland ; Aborigines of the Isthmus of Panama, by B. Seeman ; and Antiquities of Cuba by A. Poey. 180 American Geographical and Statistical Society’s Bulletin, vol. II for 1856, thick paper roy. 8 vo. ib. 1857 Presented by the Society, with a letter signed by J. C. Adamson. 181 American Institute of the City of New York, Transactions for 1849, 1850, and 1856, 3 vol .portraits and plates 8vo. Albany , 1850-57 Presentation copy from the Institute. 182 American Library of Useful Knowledge, vol. I, containing Lectures by E. Everett, Judge Story, Webster, &c. 12 mo. Boston , 1831 Presentation copy with the following inscription : “ The Baron Alexander von Humboldt, with the best respects of E. Everett, Boston, 11th June, 1835 .” 17 183 American Medical Association. First Report of the Committee on Public Hygiene, with Appendix, plates 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1849 Presentation copy, with the autograph inscription of Dr. James Wynne (Chairman). 184 American Oriental Society’s Journal, vol. I No. 3, to vol. V No. 2, 8 vol. roy. 8 vo. Boston , U. S. 1847-56 185 American Philosophical Society’s Proceedings from August 1840 to December 1857 roy. 8vo. Philadelphia , 1840-57 186 American Philosophical Society’s Proceedings, vol. Ill roy. 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1843 Containing the Account of the celebration of the 100th Anniversary. 187 Amerika (Nord und Slid), 2 fine maps Winterthur , J. Wurster Sf Co. s. a. 188 Amerique Centrale. Colonisation (Beige) du District de Santo- Thomas de Guatemala, maps and plates roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1844 Printed for private distribution. 189 Amici (Cav. G. B.) Descrizione di alcuni Instrument de misu- rare gli Angoli per Riflessione, plates morocco 4 to. Modena , 1836 190 Amici (V.) sul Problema dell’ Equilibrio delle Volte, plates presentation copy , with author s autograph inscription Ato. Modena, 1833 191 Amici (V.) Corso elementare di Meccanica ed Idraulica, 2 vol. plates , author's autograph inscriptions roy. 8 vo. Firenze , 1840 192 Ammon (F. A. ab) de Genesi et Usu Maculae luteoe in Retina Oculi humani obviae, coloured plate thick paper, with an autograph note of Baron Humboldt on cover 4 to. Vinarice , 1830 193 Ammon (F. A. von) Die Entwickelungsgeschichte des mensch- lichen Auges, india proof impressions of the plates vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1858 194 Amoor River Explorations Report, maps 8vo. Washington, 1858 195 Ampere ( A. M.) Theorie des Phenomenes Electro-Dynamiques uniquement deduite de 1’ Experience, plates 4 to. Paris, \82Q Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 196 Ampere (A. M.)sur 1’ Action mutuelle d’un Conducteur Voltaique et d’un Aimant, plates, “ Hommage de l' Auteur” with Humboldt' s autograph note on cover 4 to. Paris , 1826 197 Ampere (A. M.) sur la Determination de la Surface courbe des Ondes lumineuses, etc., plate, with author's autograph in- scription, and Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Paris , 1828 D 18 198 Ampere (A. M.) Th^orie de la Terre, with author's autograph inscription , and Humboldt's hand-writing on cover 8 vo. Paris , 1833 199 Ampere (A. M.) Essai sur la Philosophic des Sciences, 2 parts presentation copy with the author's autograph inscriptions 8vo. Paris , 1834-43 200 Ampere (A. M.) des Castes et de la Transmission hereditaire des Professions dans l’Ancienne Egypte with Ampere's autograph imp. 8 vo. Paris, 1848 201 Ampere (J. J.) Histoire litteraire de la France avant le douzieme Siecle, 3 vol. 8vo. Paris , 1839-40 202 Ampere (J. J.) Histoire de la Litterature Fran 9 aise au Moyen Age comparee aux Litteratures Etrangeres: Introduction, Histoire de la Formation de la Langue Fran 9 aise VELLUM PAPER 8 VO. lb. 1841 203 Amrilkaisi Carmen (quartum) Arabice e Codd. MSS. primus edidit, Interpretatione Latina instruxit, Commentarios adjecit Dr. F. A. Arnold vellum paper 4 to. Halve, 1836 204 Amro’lkais. Le Diwan d’Amro’lkais precede de la Vie de ce Poete Arabe, par l’Auteur du Kitab El-Aghani accom- pagne d’une Traduction Latine et de Notes par le Baron Mac Guckin de Slane roy. 4to. Paris , 1837 Amri-al-Kais, Prince of the Tribe of Assad, was the author of one of those seven famous Poems, called “ al-Moallakat,” and is regarded as the best of the Arabian Poets. 205 Amsterdam Academie, K. Besluit tot Vorming, Reglement, Personelle Staat, etc. 4 to. Amst. 1855 206 Amsterdam Akademie van Wetenschappen. Catalogus van de Boekerij, vol. I parti roy. 8vo, ib. 1857 207 Amsterdam. Catalogus der Boekerij van de K. Akademie van Wetenschappen Eerste Aflevering roy. 8vo. ib. 1855 208 Amthor (Dr. E.) Feierstunden von April 1852 bis 25 Juni 1853 fine paper, with the editor's autograph inscription 4 to. Hildburghausen , 1852-53 209 Amthor (E.) Wochentliche Rundschau liber Wolle, Baumwolle, Flachs, Hanf, Seide und verwandte Rohstoffe, 30 Nos. in 1 vol. presentation copy , with Author's autograph inscription 4 to. Gera , 1854 210 Amthor (E.) Mein Lebenslauf 8 vo. ib. 1855 Privately printed, presentation copy with author s autograph. 211 Anatomische Abbildungen zur Mechanik der menschlichen Gehwerkzeuge, a set of proof plates (not folded) with 4 to. descriptions atlas folio 212 Andalusia. El Dia de Toros, Andalusische Festscenen zur Maskenfeier des 17 Feb. 1843, in der Gesellschaft Con- cordia post 8 vo. Leipzig , 1843 19 213 Ancellot (Madame Yirginie) Theatre savoir: les deux Imp^ra- trices, 1842 — L’ Hotel de Rambouillet, 1842 — Une Femme a la Mode, 1843 — Hermance, 1843 — Loysa, 1843 — Madame Roland, 1843 — Pierre le Millionaire, 1844 with autograph inscription , signed u Virginie Ancellot ,” half morocco roy . 8yo. in 1 vol. 214 Anderson (W.) Practical Mercantile Correspondence, with notes in German and French by Dr. E. Amthor and Dr. W.Fiebig presentation copy with Dr. Amthor s autograph post 8 vo. Gera {Greiz), 1855 215 An die Sonne, von Wilhelm von Humboldt roy. 4to. Paris , F. Didot, 1820 A Poem strictly privately printed as (( Manuscript fur Freunde 216 Andlaw (Freiherr von) iiber eine Eingabe des Badischen Industrievereins um einen angemessenen Schutzzoll 4 to. 1842 217 Anecdota Delphica, edidit E. Curtius, plates large paper , half green morocco 4 to. Berolini, 1843 218 Anemonen aus dem Tagebuch eines alten Pilgersmannes (J. von Hormayr), 2 vol. 8 vo. Jena , 1845 A most able and powerful Expose of the Austrian Government. Humboldt was delighted with the work, which he designated “ Hormayr 9 s precious pepper draught 219 Angangueo. Darstellung der Betriebs-Verhaltnisse auf den Werken des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Bergwerk-Vereins bei Angangueo (im Staate Valladolid derRepublik Mexico), map and plan 4 to. Siegen , 1835 Printed only for the Shareholders. 220 Angelis (Don Pedro de) Coleccion de Obras y Documentos RELATIVOS A LA HlSTORIA ANTIGUA Y MODERNA DE LAS PRO- vincias del Rio de la Plata, ilustrados con Notas y Disertaciones, 6 vol. excessively rare, as only a very few copies were printed , all of which were distributed by the Argentine Bepublic as presents , half calf extra folio. Buenos-Aires, 1836-37 This most important Collection for the History of the Argentine Republic, contains the following works : Rui Diaz de Guzman, Historia Argentina — Viage de D. Luis de la Cruz — Descrip- cion de los Peguenches, por D. Luis de la Cruz — T. Falkner, Descripcion de Patagonia y Documentos — P. Lozano, Viage a la Costa Magallanica — Undiano y Gastelu sobre la Trans- lacion de los Fronteras de Buenos-Aires — F. de Viedma, Memoria— J. del Pino Manrique, de la Villa de Potosi — P. Guevara, Historia del Paraguay, Rio de la Plata y Tucuman — - Serie de los Gubernadores del Paraguay, &c. — M. del Barco Centenera, La Argentina, Poema — P. Quiroga, Descripcion del Rio Paraguay — F. de Azara, del Rio Tebicuari — F. de Viedma, 20 Descripcion de la Provincia de Santa Cruz de la Sierra — Fundacion de Buenos Aires, por D. Juan de Garay con otros Documentos — Actas Capitulares de 1810 — P. A. Garcia, sobre la Navegacion del Tercero y otros Rios que confluen al Parana — Fundacion de Montevideo por el Ten. Gen. Dom. B. M. Zavala, con otros Documentos — G. de Doblas, sobre la Pro- vincia de Missiones de Indios Guaranis — P. A. Garcia, Viage a Salinas Grandes — J. del Pino Manrique, Descripcion de Tarija — U. Schmidel, Viage al Rio de la Plata — Tratadosde 1750 y 1777 — D. de Alvear, de la Provincia de Misiones — I. Pasos, del Rio Paraguay — J. M. Cabrer, del Rio Paraguay — A. F. Cornejo, Expedicion al Chaco, &c. — Fray A. Tamajun- cosa, Descripcion de las Misiones — T. X. Henis, Rebelion y Guerra de los Pueblos Guaranis — Relacion de la Rebelion de J. G. Tupac- Amaru, en las Provincias del Peru — Coleccion de Viages y Expediciones a los Campos de Buenos Aires y a las Costas de Patagonia — E. Hernandez, Viage — Diarios varios, &c. & c. Baron Humboldt has with his own hand written on fly-leaf : “Dieses fVerk is uberaus selten, es existiren sehr wenige Exemplare in Europa da es nur von der Gouvernement der Argentineschen Republik verschenkt wird . — Al. Humboldt, Mai, 1843 ” 221 Angelis (Don P. de) Proyecto de Constitucion para laRepublica Argentina, fine paper 8 vo. Buenos- Ayres, 1852 222 Angelis (Don P. de) sobre los Derechos de Soberania y Dominio de la Confederacion Argentina a la Parte Austral del Con- tinente Americano 4 to. ib. 1852 223 Angelis (Don P. de) De la Navigation de l’Amazone, Reponse a M. Maury large paper, scarce roy. 8vo. Montevideo, 1854 224 Angelus Silesius (i.e. Johann Scheffler) und Saint-Martin, Aus- ziige und Bemerkungen von Rahel, herausgegeben von K. A. Yarnhagen von Ense 1 6mo. Berlin , 1849 “ Angelus Silesius, too, whom I have now for the first time learnt to appreciate, has given great pleasure.” — A. Humboldt in a letter to Varnhagen von Ense, Rahel’s husband. 225 Anger (C. T.) uber das Integral ^ 2 t VELLUM PAPER ^cos (he-K sin e). de ^ o 4 to. 226 Anger (C. T.) Analytische Darstellung der Basrelief-Perspec- tive und Beitrage, 2 parts, plates Humboldt's handwriting on cover 4 to. Danzig , 1834-36 227 Anger (C. T.) fiber die sicherste Bestimmung der geographischen Breite, plate, Humboldt's handwriting on cover thick paper 4 to. Halle, 1835 228 Anger (C. T.) fiber die sicherste Bestimmung der Geograph- ischen Breite aus Beobachtungen mit einem Spiegelsextanten , plate 4 to. Konigsberg , 1835 229 Anger (C. T.) Theorie der iEhnlichkeitspunkte, plates thick paper 4 to. Danzig, 1839 21 230 Anger (C. T.) fiber einige Methoden zur Bestimmung der geo- graphischen Breite vellum paper 4 to. Konigsberg , 1839 231 Anger (C. T.) Grundziige der neueren astronomischen Beobach- tungs-Kunst, presentation copy with author s autograph inscription , thick paper 4 to. Danzig , 1847 232 Anger, Grundziige. Another Copy on the usual paper, 4 to. ib. 1847 — Memorise C. T. Angeri Sacrum (Carmen), 4 to. (2) 233 Anger (C. T.) iiber die perspectivische Yerzerrung, with author's autograph inscription vellum paper 4 to. Danzig , 1851 234 Anger (C. T.) iiber die Function mit Anwendungen auf das Kepler’sche Problem, printed for private circulation only vellum paper 4 to. ib. 1855 235 Anger (C. T.) Another Copy on common paper 4 to. ib. 1855 236 Angier (E.) Discours pour sa Reception dans l’Academie Fran^aise, avec la Reponse de M. Lebrun (Eloge de M. de Salvandy) 4 to. Paris , 1858 237 Angliviel de la Beaumelle (L.) Vie de Maupertuis suivi de Lettres incites de Frederic le Grand et de Maupertuis autograph of u Al. Humboldt ,” presentation copy , having inscription in handwriting of author with his signature 12 mo. Paris , 1836 238 Anna von Preussen und Friedrich Wilhelm von Hessen, Ver- mahlung-Feierlichkeiten Ordnung privately printed Pageant folio. Berlin, 1853 239 Annalen der Physik und Chemie, herausgegeben von J. C. Poggendorff, vol. I bis CVI, mit Erganzungsbanden I bis IY und Namen-und-Sach-Register zu den Banden LXI bis XC, 111 vols. maps and plates {wanting vol. LX, LXIII part 3, and LXXX part 3) fine paper, with Humboldt's autograph signature and notes , very rare, half calf extra 8vo. Leipzig , 1824-58 This most valuable work contains contributions from the pen of Humboldt, Berzelius, Abich, Arago, Beer, Blum, Bravais, Bunsen, Clausius, Doppler, Dove, Ehrenberg, Erman, Farra- day, Fischer, Gassiot, Hager, Haidinger, Hankel, Heintz, Jacobi, Knoblouch, Kohlrausch, Kopp, Lamont, Lowig, Sir C. Lyell, Meyer, Muller, Neuman, Osann, Person, Plattner, Pliicker, Poggendorff, Quintus-Icilius, Rammelsberg, Rose, Sabine, Prince Salm-Horstmar, Sandberger, Scheerer, Schlagintweit, Schonbein, Schroder, Shepard, Silliman, Thomsen, Tyndall, Unger, Volkel, Weber, Wertheim, Wohler, Zincken, &c. &c. &c. 240 Annalen fur Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus, herausgegeben von J. Lamont, 4 parts 8vo. Miinchen, 1842-43 22 241 Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, Tome V part 3, to YII part I. ( wanting VI part 2), 6 parts 8vo. Paris , 1836-38 242 Annuaire de l’Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles depuis 1835 jusqu’ a 1858 {wanting 1850, hut 1849 and 1856 duplicate), 25 vol. presentation copies 12 mo. Bruxelles , 1835-58 243 Annuaire pour les Annies 1825-1858, par le Bureau des Lon- gitudes {wanting 1826, 1828, 1839, 1841, 1843, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1854 and 1855), 24 vol. most of the volumes containing Baron Humboldt's autograph notes 12 mo. Paris , 1824-58 244 Annuaire du Journal des Mines de Russie, 1835-39, 6 vol. maps and plates , autograph signature and numerous notes by Baron Humboldt in each volume , except the last very important 8vo. St. Petersbourg, 1840-42 245 Annuaire de l’lnstitut des Provinces et des Congr£s Scientifiques, cuts, presentation copy 12mo. Paris, 1846 246 Annuaire meteorologique de la France pour 1849, 1850, 1851 et 1852, par J. Haeghens, C. Martins et A. B6rigny, avec des Notices scientifiques et des Series m6t4orologiques, &c. 4 vol. maps and plates presentation copies with the autograph inscriptions of A. Berigny imperial 8 vo. Paris, 1848-53 247 Annuaire de la Society Meteorologique de France, Tome I part I roy. 8vo. ib. 1853 248 Annuaire des Eaux de la France pour 1851, r4dig6 par une Commission special e, presentation copy 4 to. Paris, 1851 249 Annuaire de l’lnstitut des Provinces et des Congres Scientifiques, Tome X, cuts, presentation copy 12mo. Paris, 1858 250 Antillas. Carte esferica del Mar de las Antillas y de las Costas de Tierra Firme autograph note of Humboldt Madrid , 1809 251 Antiquariske Annaler, vol. IV part II, plates 8vo. Kiobenhavn , 1827 Containing Rask and Finn Magnusen on Runic Stones found in Greenland. 252 Antiquarische Briefe von A. Bockh, J. W. Loebell, T. Panofka, F. von Raumer und H. Ritter, herausgegeben von F. von Raumer 12 mo. Leipzig , 1851 253 Anton (H. E.) Verzeichniss der Conchylien in seiner Samm- lung, privately printed and rare 4 to. Halle, 1839 254 Aparici (Don J.) Coleccion de Documentos ineditos relativos a la celebre Batalla de Lepanto, facsimiles privately printed 8vo. Madrid, 1847 255 Anzeiger fur Kunde der Deutschen Vorzeit, 8 Nos. 4 to. Number g , 1853-54 23 256 Appel pour provoquer une Loi internationale sur le Travail Industriel, engraved throughout 4 to. 1859 257 Apelt (Prof. E. F.) Der Sternenhimmel, with handwriting of Humboldt , who is quoted in the work — Die Conjunctionen des Jupiter und Saturn, with Humboldt's autograph note 12 mo. (2) 258 Apelt (Dr. E. F.) Die Epochen der Geschichte der Menschheit, 2 vol. plates , with autograph signature and notes of Baron A. von Humboldt 8 vo. Jena , 1845-46 259 Apelt (Dr. E. F.) Johann Keppler’s Astronomische Weltansicht dargestellt, Humboldt's autograph notes ( in one of which he points out a passage against himself “ gegen mich p. 21 ”) 4 to. Leipzig , 1849 260 Apelt (E. F.) Die Reformation der Sternkunde, plates vellum paper 8vo. Jena, 1852 This valuable work is divided into two parts, the first containing the History of Astronomy from the Age of Nicholas de Cusa to that of Keppler ; and the second, an Account of Keppler and Fabricius, including their correspondence. 261 Apelt (E. F.) Die Theorie der Induction, plates fine paper 8i?o. Leipzig , 1854 262 Apjohn (Dr.) on the Value of the numerical Coefficient in the Hygrometric Formula applied to Thermometers 8vo. Dublin , n. d. 263 Apollonii Citiensis, Stephani, Palladii, Theophili, Meletii, Damascii, Joannis, aliorum Scholia in Hippocratem et Galenum, primum Gr^ce edidit F. R. Dietz, 2 vol. fine paper 8 vo. Begiomonti , 1834 264 Appert (B.) Voyage en Prusse vellum paper, half green morocco , having stamped on sides in gold A. H. surmounted by a Baron's Coronet 8 vo. Berlin , 1845 With the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ Hom- mage du plus profond respect de l’auteur offert a Monsieur le Baron A. de Humboldt, Berlin, 5 Mars 1846, B. Appert.” 265 Appert (B.) Dix Ans a la Cour du Roi Louis Philippe et Souvenirs du Terns de 1’ Empire et de la Restauration, 3 vol. large vellum paper roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1846 266 Appert (B.) Hambourg, ses Prisons et Hospices vellum paper 8vo. Hambourg , 1850 267 Aquivivi Aragonii (Belisarii, Neritinorum Ducis) Aliquot aureoli vere Libelli (de Principum Liberis educandis, de Venatione, de Aucupio, de Re Militari et de singulari Certamine). Accedit elegans Poematium M. Marulli de Principum Institutione, Basilece (1578) — Manuelis Palae- ologi Aug. Prsecepta Educationis Regise et Orationes, Gr. et Lat. J. Leunclavio Interprete, ib. 1578 in 1 vol. 8vo. The Treatises on Hunting, Hawking, &c, by the Duke of Nardi are of very rare occurrence. 24 268 Arabia. Zur Geschichte der Araber vor Muhamed von R. v. L. (Riihle von Lilienstern) 8 vo. Berlin , 1836 269 Arabic* Linguse vulgaris nec non litteralis Gramraatica et Dialogi, Latine et Gallice, auctore D. Savary. Opus posthumum aliquot Narratiunculis Arabicis auxit Editor (L. Langles), uncut 4do. Parisiis, 1813 270 Arabum Philosophise Docuraenta primus edidit, Latine vertit, Commentario illustravit Dr. A. Schmcelders fine paper, scarce 8 vo. Bounce , 1836 Containing “Abu Nasr Alfarabii de Rebus Studio Aristotelicae Philosophise prsemittendis Dissertatio et Fontes Qusestionum,” and “ Abu Ali de Logica Poema.” 271 Arabum Proverbia Vocalibus instruxit, Latine vertit, Com- mentario illustravit et Sumtibus suis edidit G. W. Freytag, 3 vol. in 5 large vellum paper, rare , only a few copies having been printed 8vo. Bounce , 1838-43 272 Arabum Scriptorum de Rebus Indicis Loci et Opuscula inedita Arabice et Latine, illustrante J. Gildemeister. Fasciculus primus (all published) 8vo. Bounce , 1838 273 Arago (E.) Spa et ses Jeux (Poeme), with author's autograph inscription 12 mo. Bruxelles , 1852 274 Arago (Francis) Eloge historique d’ Alexandre Volta 4:to. Paris , 1831 275 Arago (M.) Eloge historique du Docteur T. Young 4 to. ih. 1832 276 Arago (M.) Eloge historique de J. Fourier, Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. ib. 1833 277 Arago (M.) Rapport sur Filtrations 4 to. ib. 1837 278 Arago (M.) Rapport sur des Appareils de Filtrage de H. de Fonvielle 4 to. ib. 1837 279 Arago (M.) sur le Daguerretype 12mo. ib. 1839 280 Arago (M.) Annuaire du Bureau de Longitudes pour 1840 et 1844, avec de Notices scientifiques, 2 vol. 12mo. ib. 1840-44 281 Arago (M.) Lettre a M. Alexandre de Humboldt 8vo. ib. 1840 A severe attack on M. de Pontecoulant. 282 Arago (M.) sur les Fortifications de Paris 8vo. ib. 1841 283 Arago (M.) sur l’Eclipse totale de Soleil de 8 Juillet 1842, map 4 to. ib. 1842 284 Arago (M.) Notices sur les Cometes roy. 8 vo. ib. 1843 285 Arago (M.) Rapports (sur un Credit de 500,000 francs; le Chemin de Fer de Paris a Sceaux; et un credit pour un Chemin de Fer Atmospherique), 3 Tracts 4 to. ib. 1844 286 Arago (M.) Rapport sur le Chemin de Fer Atmospherique 4fo. ib. 1844 287 Arago (M.) Rapport sur le Projet de Loi sur un Emprunt de 25 Millions de Francs 8 vo. ib. 1847 25 288 Arago (F.) Biographie de L. N. M. Carnot A to. Paris , 1850 289 Arago (M.) Biographie de Jean- Syl vain Bailly fine paper 4 to. Paris, 1852 290 Arago (M.) Biographie de Gaspard Monge, with the inscription “ BzzD" in Arago' s autograph Ato. Paris , 1853 291 Arago (M.) Astronomie populaire, publiee par J. A. Barral, 4 vol. plates, half morocco 8vo. Paris, 1854-57 Evidently read by Baron von Humboldt, as several passages are marked in pencil. 292 Arago (F.) (Euvres, avec Notices biographiques et une Intro- duction par A. de Humboldt, 10 vol. half morocco 8 vo. Paris, 1854-58 This copy seems to have been carefully read by Baron von Hum- boldt, being marked in several places in pencil, and has his autograph notes in vol. IV and VII. It has also his autograph signature, dated 11th Feb. 1857, attached to a memorandum in his handwriting in vol. I. 293 Arago (F.) Sammtlicbe Werke, mit einer Einleitung von A. von Humboldt. Deutsche Original-Ausgabe herausgegeben von Dr. W. G. Hankel, vol. I to IV, and vol. XI and XII, 6 vol. plates, with note in Humboldt's autograph vellum paper 8vo. Leipzig, 1854-56 Containing “ Geschichte meiner Jugend; Gedachtnissreden und Biographieen ; Wissenschaftliche Aufsatze : und Populaire Astronomie.” 294 Arago (F.) Meteorological Essays, with an Introduction by Baron Alexander von Humboldt. Translated under the superintendence of Colonel Sabine (by Mrs. Sabine) 8 vo. Bond. 1855 With the following inscription : “ Baron Alexander von Humboldt with Colonel and Mrs. Sabine’s affectionate respects.” 295 Arago (F.) Instructions, Rapports et Notices sur les Questions a resoudre pendant les Voyages Scientifiques, Humboldt's writing on cover, and several passages marked by him in pencil 8 vo. Paris, 1857 296 Arago. Table alphabetique de ses Travaux (from Cosmos), Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. 297 Arango (Don F. de) Informe al Superintendente de Tabacos en la Isla de Cuba sobre los Males y Remedios que en ella tiene este Ramo escrito en 1805, scarce 4 to. Habana, 1812 298 Arango (F. de) al Publico Imparcial de esta Isla (Cuba) scarce Ato. Habana, 1821 299 Aranjo Ribeiro (M. d’) Lettre & M. le Baron de Humboldt (sur l’Exploitation de l’Or au Bresil) holograph letter, with remarks in the autograph of Baron Humboldt Ato. Paris , 1813 E 26 300 Arbeiter. Von den Mitteln den Zustand der Arbeiter griind- lich und auf die Dauer zu verbessern fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1849 301 Arbeiter. Another Copy on common paper 8vo. ib. 1849 302 Arbousset (T.) Relation d’un Voyage d’ Exploration au Nord- Est de la Colonie du Cap de Bonne Esperance entreprise par les Missionnaires T. Arbousset et F. Daumas, map and plates, large paper roy. 8vo. Paris, 1842 303 Archseologia Americana, vol. II, containing “ a Synopsis of the Indian Tribes by the Hon. A. Gallatin,” map 8vo. Cambridge, U. > S'. 1836 Presentation copy from the Hon. A. Gallatin, with his autograph additions and inscription, and having some autograph notes of Humboldt at end. 304 Archiac (Viscount d’) and E. de Verneuil, Memoir of the Palaeozoic Fossils of the older Deposits in the Rhenish Provinces, &c. Text in 4 to. and plates in royal Ato. atlas , autograph of u Al. Humboldt ” on each Paris , 1842 Presentation copy, with E. de Verneuil’s autograph inscription. 305 Archiac (Vicomte d’) Description geologique du Departement de 1’ Aisne, plates, Author's autograph inscription roy. 4 to. Paris , 1843 306 Archiac (Vicomte d’) Etudes sur la Formation Cretac^e des Versants Sud-Ouest, Nord et Nord-Ouest du Plateau Centrale de la France, maps and plates roy. Ato. Paris , 1846 Presentation copy, with the Author’s autograph inscription. 307 Archiac (Vicomte d’) Description des Fossiles recueillis par M. Thorent dans les Falaises de Biaritz, plates , author's autograph inscription roy. 4 to. Paris, 1846 308 Archiac (Vicomte d’) Rapport sur les Fossiles du Tourtia,pZates large paper, with author's autograph inscription roy. Ato. Paris , 1847 309 Archiac (Vicomte d’) Notice sur mes Travaux geologiques 4 to. (Paris, 1848) Privately printed for presentation only. 310 Archiac (Vicomte d’) Histoire des Progres de la G^ologie de 1834 h 1845, 4 vol. in 6, plates vellum paper, with author's autograph inscriptions 8vo. Paris, 1847-51 The most important work ever published respecting the History of Geology. 311 Archiv der Pharmacie herausgegeben von R. Brandes und H. Wackenroder. A. von Humboldt’ sches Vereinsjahr, 12 parts 8 vo. Hannover , 1841 i 27 312 Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mek- lenburg herausgegeben von E. Boll, 12 parts, plates fine paper, Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Neubrandenburg , 1847-58 313 Archiv fiir wissenschaftliche Kunde von Russland herausgegeben von E. Erman, vol. I to XVIII Part 2 ( vol . I half calf extra , the rest in parts ) maps and plates Humboldt’s autograph notes 8vo. Berlin , 1841-59 Vol. XI Part 4 is imperfect. 314 Archiv fiir die Landesgeschichte des Herzogthums Krain herausgegeben von Dr. V. F. Klun, 3 parts in 2, coloured maps and plates of Coins fine paper 8 vo. Laibach, 1852-54 Besides “ Regesta ” for the History of Carinthia by Dr. Klun, this valuable work contains Jellouschek on the Coins of the Duke- dom during the middle ages and various topographies by P. Hitzinger and Dr. Richter. 315 Archiv fiir Ophthalmologie herausgegeben von Dr. A. von Graefe, Prof. A. F. Arlt und Prof. C. F. Donders, 2 vol. in 4, plates half morocco extra , presentation copy from Dr. Grafe , with his autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1854-56 316 Archivo Mexicano. Documentos para la Historia de Mexico, 2 vol. 4 to. Mexico , 1852-53 A most valuable contribution to Literature, containing “ Sumario de la Residencia tomada a D. Fernando Cortes Gobernador y Capitan General de la N. E. y a otros Gobernadores y Oficiales de la misma, paleografiado del Original por el Lie. Ignacio Lopez Rayon.” 317 Archivio Meteorologico Centrale Italiano nell* I. E. R. Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale (di il Direttore V. Antinori), 2 vol. in 1 imp. 8vo. Firenze , 1858 A collection of very valuable Meteorological Tables. 318 Arendts (Dr. C.) Naturhistorischer Schulatlas, 338 woodcuts VELLUM paper 8vo. Leipzig , 1858 319 Argelander (F.) tiber die eigene Bewegung des Sonnensystems hergeleitet aus den eigenen Bewegungen der Sterne fine paper, Humboldt's writing on cover , and his pencil marfes to various passages 4 to. St. Petersburg , 1837 320 Argelander (F. G. A.) de Stella /3 Lyrae variabili, plate vellum paper, half red morocco , g. e. 4to. Bounce, 1844 321 Argelander (Dr. F. W. A.) Zonenbeobachtungen zu Bonn des nordlichen und des stidlichen Himmels, 3 vol. fine paper, half morocco , g. e. 4 to. Bonn, 1846-52 322 Argelander (Dr. F. W. A.) Hiilfstafeln fiir Berechnung der Beobachtungen in den Stidlichen Zonen fine paper r half morocco, g. e. 12 mo. Bonn , 1852 28 323 Argelander (Fr.) Anzeige von einer zu Bonn unternommenen Durchmusterung des nordlichen Himmels, plate large paper, privately printed 8vo. Bonn, 1856 324 Argelandri (F.) Uranometria nova, Lat. et Germ. vellum paper {Text in 8vo. plates in folio) Berlin, 1843 At the end of the text is a list of Stars in the autograph of Baron Humboldt. 325 Argelandri (Dr. Fr.) Uranometria nova, Stellse per mediam Europam solis Oculis conspicuee secundum veras Lucis Magnitudines e Ccelo ipso descriptee, proof plates vellum paper oblong folio. Berlin , 1843 326 Ariosto (L.) Rasender Roland iibersetzt von K. Streckfuss, Halle , 1839 — Dante Alighieri’s Gottliche Komodie iiber- setzt und erlautert von K. Streckfuss, ib. 1840 — Tasso (T.) Befreites Jerusalem iibersetzt von K. Streckfuss, ib. 1840 half morocco , extra royal 8vo. 3 vol. in 1 327 Aristoteles, Greece et Latine, ex Recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri. Accedunt Scholia Graeca collecta a C. A. Brandis, 4 vol. half calf gilt 4 to. Berolini , 1831-36 328 Aristoteles liber die Theile der Thiere, Griechisch und Deutsch, mit Anmerkungen von Dr. A. von Frantzius presentation copy , with the Editors autograph inscription 8vo. Leipzig , 1853 329 Aristotelis Abhandlungen KaT^yopiai und 7repi Epp^vcias. Althochdeutsche Uebersetzung und Erlauterung (Saec. xi) zum ersten Male herausgegeben von Dr. E. G. Graff fine paper, with Editor s autograph inscription , and Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Berlin , 1837 330 Aristotelis Meteorologica, Gr. et Lat. cum Excerptis ex Com- mentariis edidit J L. Ideler, 2 vol. large paper, very scarce , half red morocco , and the Indices sewed roy. 8 vo. Lipsice, 1834-36 331 Aristotelicee Phytologiae Fragmenta Greece edidit F. Wimmer 8ro. Vratislavice , 1838 332 Armitage (E.) Lecture on the Botan)' of Natal presentation copy from W. H. J. BleeJc , with autograph inscription 8 vo. Natal ( Pieter Maritzburg ), 1854 333 Arnaud, see D’Arnaud 334 Arnd (E.) Geschichte des Ursprungs und der Entwickelung des Franzosischen Volkes, 3 vol. a present from “ Conrad Dyhrn,” with his autograph inscription 8 vo. Leipzig , 1844-46 335 Arnd (K.) Die Staatsverfassung nach dem Bediirfniss der Gegenwart 8vo. Frankfurt , 1857 29 SECOND DAY’S SALE. 336 Arndt (E. M.) Versuch in vergleichender Volkergeschichte vellum paper 8vo. Leipzig, 1843 337 Arndt (F.) de Fractionibus continuis thick paper 4 to. Sundice , 1845 338 Arndt (J.) Das Bewusztwerden der Menschheit 8 vo. Halle , 1850 339 Arndt (J.) Lehrbuch der elementaren Planimetrie fine paper 8vo. Stuttgart , 1858 340 Arneth (J.) Monumente des K. K. Miinz-und Antiken-Cabinettes in Wien, proof impressions of the plates of Cameos , Intaglios , fyc. vellum paper, Wien , 1849 — Arneth (J.) Die Antiken Gold-und Silber-Monumente des K. K. MUnz-und Antiken- Cabinettes in Wien, ib. 1850 folio. 2 vol. 341 Arnim-Boytzenburg (Graf) Bemerkungen zu der Schrift “die Berliner Marztage ” 8vo. Berlin , 1850 342 Arnoldi (Dr. F. A.) iiber Cholera und gelbes Fieber fine paper, red morocco , g. e. 8vo. Koln , 1836 343 Arrest (H. d’) Resultate aus Beobachtungen der Nebelflecken und Sternhaufen. Erste Reihe, with Author s autograph inscription imperial 8 vo. Leipzig , 1856 344 Arrest (Dr. H. L. d’) iiber das System der kleinen Planeten zwischen Mars und Jupiter, read and marled by Humboldt 8vo. Leipzig , 1851 345 Arri (G. A.) Lettera al Cav. Alberto della Marmora intorno ai Nur-Hag della Sardegna presentation copy from the celebrated General then “ Colonel de la Marmora f with his autograph signature and inscription 4 to. Torino , 1835 346 Arrowsmith (A.) Outlines of the Countries between Delhi and Constantinople, 1814, with Additions to 1817, very large map mounted on canvas in case roy. 4fo. Lond. 1814-17 347 Arrowsmith (A.) Large Map of India, mounted on canvas , in case folio, ib. 1816 348 Arrowsmith (A.) Large Map of Asia, mounted on canvas ib. 1818 349 Arrowsmith (A.) Map exhibiting all the new Discoveries in the Interior of N. America, mounted on canvas , in case 4 to. ib. 1818 30 350 Arrowsmith (A.) Map of the Provinces of La Plata, Banda Oriental del Uruguay and Chile, mounted on canvas Lond. 1839 351 Arrowsmith (J.) Map of Colombia ib. 1834 W ith curious autograph note of Humboldt, “ une Copie de la mienne? &c.” 352 Arrowsmith (J.) Map of Central Asia, from Surveys by A. Burnes atlas folio, ib. 1834 353 Artaud (Chevalier) L’ltalie; et Sicile par M. de la Salle, plates 8vo. Paris, 1835 354 Ascherson (Dr. F. M.) iiber die Hautdriisen der Frosche und uber die Bedeutung der Fettstoffe, plate printed for private distribution 8vo. Berlin, 1840 355 Ascherson (F.) August Boeckhs 50 Doctorjubilaum, plate vellum paper 8vo. Leipzig, 1857 Containing Baron Humboldt’s Letter on the occasion. 356 Ascherson (P.) Die verwilderten Pflanzen in der Mark Bran- denburg 8vo. Berlin, s. a. 357 Ascherson (Dr. P.) Floras Marchicse Specimen 8vo. Berolini, s. a. 358 Aschik (A.) de la Decouverte de deux Statues antiques a Kertch 8vo. Odessa , 1851 Printed for private distribution only. 359 Aschik (A.) Chasui Dosuga s’ prisovokupleniem Pisem o Kerch enskikh Drevnostyakh, that is, The Hours of Leisure, and Letters on the Antiquities of Kertch, plates of A nti- quities, half red morocco, g. e. 8vo. Odessa , 1850 360 Aschik (A.) Kerchenskiya Drevnosti o Pantikapeyskoy Kata- kombie ukrashennoy Freskami; Antiquities of Kertch. The Catacomb of Panticapea, adorned with Frescoes, plates of the Frescoes , half morocco, g. e. folio. Odessa, 1845 361 Asher (Dr. C. W.) vom Freihandel vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1851 362 Asher (Dr. C. W.) von Freihandel 8vo. ib. 1851 Printed for private distribution only. 363 Asher (A.) Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels edited and published by L. Hulsius and his Successors , uncut, presentation copy 4 to. Berlin, 1839 Only 120 copies printed. This is No. 3 . 364 Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (Royal) Journal of, vol. I, II Part 1, VI to X Part 3, XI Part 1, XII to XIV Part 1, XV Part 1, and XVI Part 1 and 2, in 25 Parts, plates, autograph signature and notes of Baron Humboldt 8vo. Lond. 1834-56 A 31 365 Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der K. Universities Stern- warte in Konigsberg herausgegeben von A. L. Busch, E. Luther und M. Wichmann. Abtheilungen 22 (1836), 24-31 (1838-52), and 33 (1856-57); together 11 vol. plates (including fine portrait of Bessel) fine paper, presentation copies from the Authors folio. Konigsberg , 1846-58 366 Atlantic Ocean (North), Three Admiralty Charts Lond. 1851 367 Atlantic Telegraph Company’s First Report roy. 8 vo. ib. 1858 368 Atlantique. Carte gen^rale pour le Service des Vaisseaux Frangais, Humboldt's autograph note , Paris , 1806 — Carte reduite de 1’ Atlantique Meridional, ib. 1818 (2) 369 Atlantique. Carte de l’Oc4an Atlantique Meridional par C. L. Gressier, Paris , 1834 — Carte de 1’ Atlantique Septentrional, par P. Daussy, ib. 1834 — Carte g^nerale de l’Ocean Pacifique dressee par D’Urville et Lottin, ib. 1834 (3) Extremely valuable Charts, as Monsieur A. Couprent Desbois Lieut, de Yaisseau has traced the route of the Corvettes Astrolabe and Zelie, and marked in coloured inks the scientific observations made during the voyage. 370 Atlantis (The), No. II, facsimile and map 8vo. Lond . 1858 371 Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze, Sezione della Society Reale Borbonica, vol. II Part 1 and 2, plates 4 to. Napoli , 1825 Containing scientific papers by S. Lhuilier, V. Flauti, F. Bruno, G. Sangro, F. Visconti, M. Delfico, A. Sementini, T. Monti- celli, O. G. Costa, M. Tondi, G. N. Durini, C. Brioschi, Sir H. Davy, S. Macri, V. Briganti, M. Tenore, &c. on subjects in Mathematics and Natural History. 372 Atti della prima Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Pisa nell’ Ottobre del 1839, with List of Members 4 to. Pisa , 1840 373 Atti della terza Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Firenze nel Settembre del 1841 , plates, presentation copy with autograph signature of the Cav. F. Tartini as “ Segre - tario Generate ” roy. 4 to. Firenze , 1841 374 Aub6 (P. A.) Le Brahmane Frangais, with the author's autograph notes and inscription to Humboldt 8 vo. Elbeufi 1854 375 Aubert (L. C. M.) Beitrage zur Lateinischen Grammatik 8vo. Christiania , 1856 376 Auer (Aloys) Universal-Uebersicht aller Regeln und Aus- nahmen der Franzosischen und Italienischen Sprachen tabellarisch vereinfacht und dargestellt, 2 parts, each printed to form an imperial folio broadside 4 to. Linz , 1838 32 377 Auer (Alois) Die Entdeckung des Naturselbstdruckes large paper, with 53 specimens of Nature- Printing, exhibiting copies of fossils, flowers, and plants (in colours J, lace, textile fabrics, insects, §c. exquisitely executed by this novel process, in a case, half morocco, gilt edges roy. folio. Wien, 1853 Presentation copy, with Auer’s autograph inscription. 378 Auer (Alois) Die Entdeckung des Naturselbstdruckes und Eigenthums-Streit dariiber, plates of petrifactions, flowers, plants, lace, Sfc. printed in colours and tints by the Natural- Printing process , and facsimiles of H. Bradbury's letters roy. Ato. Wien, 1854 379 Auerbach (B.) iiber die gegenwartige Einrichtung der Jiidischen Gemeindeschule zu Berlin, 8vo. Berlin, 1832 — Jahresberichte iiber die Judische Waisen-Anstalt fur Knaben, 11 tracts, Berlin, 1835-57 — Fur Madchen, 3 tracts, ib. 1845-47 ; and 5 other tracts on the Jewish schools, by Auerbach 8vo. (20) 380 Auerswald (B.) und E. A. Roszmaszler, Botanische Unterhal- tungen zum Verstandnisz der heimathlichen Flora, 48 coloured plates and 380 woodcuts morocco extra , gilt edges, sides richly ornamented with a wreath of flowers, in which 11 Botanische Unterhaltungen” stamped in gold 8vo. Leipzig, 1858 381 Auerswald (B.) und E. A. Roszmaszler, Botanische Unterhal- tungen zum Verstandnisz der heimathlichen Flora, 48 coloured plates and 380 woodcuts vellum paper, half russia extra 8vo. Leipzig, 1858 382 Aufrecht (S. T.) und A. Kirchhoff, Die Umbrischen Sprach- denkmaler, 2 vol. in 1 vellum paper Ato. Berlin , 1849-51 383 Aufrecht (Dr. T.) und Dr. A. Kuhn, Zeitschrift fur ver- gleichende Sprachforschung aus dem Gebiete des Deutschen, Griechischen, und Lateinischen, 3 parts 8vo. Berlin, 1851 384 Aufsatze vermischten (Militairischen) Inhalts 8 vo. ib. 1852 385 Augsburg Naturhistorischen Vereins Bericht VIII and IX. 2 vol. 8 vo. Augsburg, 1855-56 386 August (E. F.) iiber den Gebrauch des Daniell’schen Hygrome- ters, plate 8vo. Berlin, 1825 387 August (E. F.) iiber die Anwendung des Psychrometers zur Hygrometrie Ato. ib. 1828 388 August (E. F.) iiber die Fortschritte der Hygrometrie in der neuesten Zeit, plate , Humboldt's writing on cover Ato. ib. 1830 389 August (E. F.) Another copy Ato. ib. 1830 i 33 390 August (Dr. E. F.) Lehrbuch der Mathematik. Erster Cursus (Geometrie) 8vo. Berlin , 1833 391 August (Dr. E. F.) Festreden und Gedichte zur Errinner- ung an 1840, fine paper 4 to. ib. 1841 392 August (Dr. E. F.) Festreden, &c. on common paper Ho. ib. 1841 393 August (Dr. E. F.) Zur Kenntniss der Geometrisclien Methode der Alten in besonderer Beziehung auf Plato’s Meno, 22 d. plate , with Humboldt’s writing on cover 8vo. ib. 1843 With the following inscription in author’s autograph : “ a l’Aca- demie des Sciences hommages respectueux de 1’ auteur.” 394 August (Dr. E. F.) iiber Plato’s Meno, 22 d. Another copy 8vo. ib. 1843 395 August (Dr. E. F.) Protestantische Klange 8vo. ib. 1845 396 August (Dr. E. F.) Vollstandige logarithmische und trigono- metrische Tafeln vellum paper, half morocco square 1 6mo. ib. 1846 397 August (Dr. E. F.) Psychrometertafeln, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. ib. 1848 398 August (Dr. E. F.) iiber die Ausmessung der Korperstumpfe und T. Bertram’s Satze aus der Zahlenlehre 4 to. ib. 1849 399 August (Dr. E. F.) Praktische Anleitung zum Uebersetzen aus dem Deutschen ins Lateinische 8vo. Potsdam , 1850 400 August (Dr. E. F.) Schulnachrichten iiber das Colnische Real- Gymnasium vellum paper, 2 tracts 4:to. Berlin , 1846 & 1851 401 August (Dr. E. F.) Construction der regel massigen Korper nach einer fur alle iibereinstimmenden Methode, und Dr. O. Hermes vom Paschalschen Sechseck fine paper Ho. Berlin , 1854 402 Augustin (Dr. F. L.) Leben und Wirken Dr. C. W. Hufe- land’s, India proof portrait vellum paper 8vo. Potsdam , 1837 403 Auld (R. O.) and J. H. Buchan, Notice of the Silver Mines of Fresnillo, in Zacatecas, Mexico, view and plan 8vo. London , 1834 404 Aulenbach (F.) Eine Wallfahrt auf den Rigi privately printed as “ Manuscript” 8 vo. Zweibrucken , 1856 405 Auli Gellii Noctes Atticse ex Recensione M. Hertz, 2 vol. post 8vo. Lipsice, 1853 406 Aunet (Madame Leonie d’) Voyage d’une Femme au Spitzberg half morocco small 8vo. Paris , 1854 407 Aurelius de acutis Passionibus nunc primum in Lucem edidit C. Daremberg, with editor's autograph inscription 8 vo. Vratislavice, 1 847 F 34 408 Ausland (Das) von 1836 bis 1859 (a few Nos. deficient), 24 Years in Nos. 4 to. Stuttgart und Tubingen , 1836-59 This valuable political journal was published daily to the end of 1852, but since 1853 weekly. The observations on English Affairs are often most important. 409 Auszug aus dem Tagebuche eines Reisenden durch Grosz- britannien und Belgien in 1841, plates privately printed kto. Berlin , 1842 410 Autobiographic des Professors Dr. P. von Bohlen herausgegeben als Manuscript fur seine Freunde von J. Voigt, portrait privately printed 8vo. Konigsberg, 1841 411 Auwald (F.) Bausteine zum Tempel des Menschenthums. Die Johannis Maurerei, Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Leipzig , 1856 A curious work on Freemasonry. 412 Avannes (M. d’) Esquisses sur Navarre, 2 vol. in 1, views, coats of arms, and vignettes vellum paper, India proof plates, half morocco extra 8vo. Rouen, 1839 413 Avezac (M. d’) Examen et Rectification des Positions determinees astronomiquement en Afrique par Mungo Park, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1834 414 Avezac (M. d’) Notice des Travaux de la Societe de Geographic de Paris, author s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1837 415 Avezac (M. d’) Notice des Decouvertes faites au Moyen-Age dans 1’ Ocean Atlantique anterieurement aux grandes Explorations Portuguaises au XV e Siecle large paper roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1845 415 # Avezac (M. d’) Les Isles Fantastiques del’Ocean Occidental au Moyen-Age 8 vo. Paris , 1845 416 Avezac (M. d’) Note sur la Veritable Situation du Mouillage large paper roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1846 417 Avezac (M. d’) Note sur la premiere Expedition de Bethencourt aux Canaries et sur l’Habilete Nautique des Portugais a cette Epoque, large paper, scarce roy. 8vo. Paris, 1846 418 Avezac (M. d’) sur un Atlas MS. Venitien de la Bibliotheque Walckenaer 8vo. Paris, 1847 419 Avezac (M. d’) Grands et Petits Geographes Grecs et Latins; Esquisse bibliographique, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1856 420 Avezac (M. d’) Considerations geographiques sur l’Histoire du Bresil, with author's autograph inscription large paper roy. 8vo. Paris , 1857 Containing also much curious bibliographical information. 421 Avezac (M. d’) Les Voyages d’Americ Vespuce au Compte de l’Espagne et les Mesures Itineraires employees par les Marins Espagnols et Portugais des XV e et XVI e Siecles, author's autograph inscription roy . 8 vo. Paris, 1858 35 422 Avogadro (A.) Fisica de’ Corpi ponderabili, 2 vol. plates large paper, scarce roy. 8 vo. Torino , 1837-38 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscriptions. 423 Aycke (J. C.) Fragmente zur Naturgeschichte des Bernsteins 8vo. Danzig , 1835 424 Aycke (J. C.) fiber das Hochland von Hinter-Pommern und Pommerellen, map 4to. Danzig , 1843 425 Azucarero (El), 5 Nos. in 1 vol. 8vo. Madrid , 1846, y Malaga, 1847 A rare Treatise on the Sugar Cane, and its manufacture into Sugar. 426 Azurara (G. E. de) Chronica do Descobrimento e Conquista de Guine trasladada do Manuscrito original e dada pela primeira Yez a Luz per Diligencia do Visconde da Car- reira; precedida de uma Introduc^o e illustrada com algumas Notas pelo Yisconde de Santarem e seguida d’um Glossario, portrait and facsimiles of the Manuscript vellum paper 8vo. Paris , 1841 This very important work is now scarce. 427 Azais (H.) de la Phrenologie du Magnetisme de la Folie, 2 vol. 8vo. Paris , 1839 428 Azais (H.) Constitution de lTJnivers. Ses Consequences philo- sophiques 8vo. Paris , 1840 429 Azais (H.) des Compensations dans les Destinees Humaines, avec Notice sur sa-Vie et ses Ouvrages par J. Guadet, portrait 12 mo. Paris , 1846 430 Baader (F.) Grundziige der Societatsphilosophie 8vo. Wurzburg , 1837 431 Baader (F.) Kleine Schriften gesammelt und herausgegeben von Dr. F. Hoffmann, vellum paper, Wurzburg , 1847 — Briefe von und an Baader von 1796 bis 1841, no title 8 vo. (2) 432 Baader (F.) Kleine Schriften vellum paper 8 vo. Wurzburg , 1847 Humboldt in his letter to Varnhagen von Ense describes F. Baader as an “ amiable and thoughtful man, profound, cheerful and satirical, but always gracefully so.” 433 Babbage (C.) on the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures large paper, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Lond. 1832 434 Babbage (C.) Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, a Fragment 8i?o. Lond. 1838 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 435 Babbage (C.) on the Constants of Nature, Class Mammalia, and on the Statistics of Light Houses, 2 Tracts privately printed 4to. Brussels , 1853 436 Babbage (C.) sur la Machine Sueaoise de MM. Schutz pour calculer les Tables 4 to. Paris , 1855 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 36 437 Babbage (C.) Analysis of the Statistics of the Clearing House during 1839, author s autograph inscription , Lond. 1856 — Thoughts on Property Tax, author's autograph inscription , Lond. 1848 8vo. (2) 438 Babbage (C.) on G. Scheutz’s Tabulating Machine privately printed , presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Lond. 1856 439 Bach (H.) Theorie der Bergzeichnung in Verbindung mitGeog- nosie, plates oblong 4 to. Stuttgart , 1853 440 Bach (H.) Geognostische Uebersichtskarte von Deutschland, der Schweiz und den angrenzenden Landertheilen, the coloured map mounted on canvas in oblong folio case , and the 8vo. Text on vellum paper, sewed Gotha , 1855 441 Bach (N.) iiber den Ursprung und die Bedeutung der Elegischen Poesie bei den Griechen 4 to. Breslau , 1829 442 Bach (N.) HRabanus Maurus der Schopfer des Deutschen Schulwesens 4 to. Fulda , 1835 443 Bache (A. D.) Safety Apparatus for Steam Boilers (Alarm for Flues), author s autograph inscription , Philadelphia , 1832 — On Perkins’ Steam Boilers, authors autograph inscrip- tion, Philadelphia, 1833 —Disturbance of the Needle during an Aurora, plate , Philadelphia , 1834 — Historical Notes, Philadelphia , 1836 8vo. (4) 444 Bache (A. D.) Note of the Effect upon the Magnetic Needle, of the Aurora Borealis at Philadelphia, 1833, authors inscription , with Humboldt's autograph note , 1835 — Reply to Circular in relation to an unusual Meteoric Display, 1834 — Observations on Olmsted’s Facts respecting Me- teors, Humboldt's autograph note , 1836 — On the Influence of Colour on the Radiation of non-luminous Heat, author s autograph inscription , 1835 — Diagrams of the Wind, plate , author's autograph inscription and Humboldt's MS. note , 1836 — Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury on an appli- cation of the Galvanic Circuit, Washington , 1849 — Tide Tables of the principal SeaPorts of the United States, New York , 1855 — On the Tides of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of the United States ; the Gulf Stream ; and the Earthquake Waves of December, 1854, plates , Newhaven , 1856 — On height of Tides, map and plates , 1858 8vo. (9) 445 Bache (A. D,) Report on Education in Europe Presentation copy , with autograph inscription 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1839 446 Bache (A. D.) and E. H. Courtney on the Magnetic Dip and on the relative horizontal Intensities of terrestrial Magnetism at several places in the United States, autograph notes of Humboldt , 1834-36 — Bache (A. D.) on the Brunswick Tornado, Humboldt's writing on cover , 1836 — Magnetic Intensity at 21 Stations in Europe, 1840 4 to. (4) Presentation copies with A.D. Bache’s autograph inscriptions. 37 447 Bache (A. D.) Observations at the Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory at the Girard College, Philadelphia, 3 vols. presentation copy from Prof. A. D. Bache ( Grandson of B. Franklin), Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey , with his autograph inscription 8vo. Washington , 1847 This work is now very scarce, a number of copies having been damaged and destroyed in consequence of immersion in the water of Boston Harbour. The following characteristic note in the autograph of Baron Humboldt is prefixed, and is not very complimentary to the typographical execution of the Government Printer : “An Herrn Collegen Professor Dove . 1) Ich besitze dies unvolstandige Exemplar Das Register (Contents) geht bis pag 3212 und ich habe nur 1003 Seiten von dem abscheulichen textlosen Buche. Haben Sie das Ganze ? A1 Humboldt 2) Durfte ich Sie theurer Freund auch wohl auf einen einzigen Tag um Lettre de Mr. Kupjfer h Mr. de Brocq 1853 bitten. Ich habe mein Exemplar verlegt.” 448 Bache (A. D.) Coast Survey for 1849-50-51, maps 2 vol. 8 vo. Washington , 1849-50-51 449 Bache (Prof. A. D.) Coast Survey Report, maps and plans With Compliments of Prof \ Bache” 8 vo. Washington, 1850 450 Bache (A. D.) Address to the American Association 8vo. Philadelphia , 1851 451 Bache (A. D.) Coast Survey Reports, showing the Progress of the Survey of the Coasts of the United States of America (giving Soundings) from 1851 to 1856 inclusive, 6 vol. 4to. and 1 vol. 8vo. numerous maps and charts Washington , 1851-56 This very important Work was a present from Professor A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the U. S. Coast Survey, to Baron Humboldt. 452 Bache (A. D.) Annual Report of Coast Survey for 1851 Presentation copy from the author Washington , 1852 453 Bache (A. D.) Tide Tables, map roy . 8 vo. New York , 1857 454 Bachelier, Specimen de lTmprimerie de, vellum paper 4 to. Paris , 1842 455 Bachii (N.) de lugubri Grsecorum Elegia Specimen alterum THICK PAPER 4 to. Fuldce , 1836 456 Bachman (J.) The Doctrine of the Unity of the Human Race examined on the Principles of Science Presentation copy , with author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Charleston , S. C. 1850 38 457 Bachmann (J. F.) Die Luisenstadt und ihre Kirche, view of the church and 4 plans, Humboldt 1 s writing on cover. 8vo. Berlin , 1848 458 Back (Captain G.) Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, map and plates 8 vo. London, 1836 459 Baconi de Yerulamio (F.) Novum Organum, 2 vol. 8vo. Lipsim, 1839-40 460 Baden. Topographische Karte von dem Grossherzogthum Baden in 56 Blattern nach - 50 W 0 Maasstab bearbeitet durch den G. H. Badischen Generalstab, with autograph note of Baron Humboldt pronouncing it 11 sehr werth” oblong atlas folio. Carlsruhe, 1839 461 Biideker (F. W. J.) Die Eier der Europaischen Vogel nach der Natur gemalt, mit einer Beschreibung des Nestbaues von L. Brehm, 4 vol. vellum paper, the plates exquisitely coloured for this copy by hand imperial Ho. Iserlohn , 1855 462 Baehr (Dr. J. C. F.) Geschichte der Romischen Literatur 8 vo. Carlsruhe, 1832 463 Baer (K. E. von) und Gr. von Helmersen, Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches und der angranzenden Lander Asiens, vol. I to VI, XIV, XVII, XVIII and XXI, 10 vol. maps and plate fine paper, presentation copies with inscriptions of the editors, and a few autograph notes of Humboldt 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1839-58 Each volume of this important Collection is complete in itself. The works contained are ; I, Contre- Admiral von Wrangell iiber die Russischen Besitzungen an der N. W. Kiiste yon Amerika; II, Maj. Gen. Gens iiber Chiwa, Buchara, Chokand und NW. China; III, J. de Hagemeister sur les Ressources Territo- riales et Commerciales de l’Asie Occidentale ; IV, Gemischten Inhalts (Adelung iiber die Karten von Russland; Hofmann Reise nach Abo; Schrenk iiber d. Vegetation auf der Insel Hochland; Baer iiber Sibirien, &c.); V — VI, Helmersen’s Reise nach dem Ural und der Kirgisensteppe ; XIV Helmer- sen’s Reise nach dem Altai; XVII, A. Lehmann’s Reise nach Buchara und Sarmakand; XVIII, Gemischten Inhalts (Bode iiber Holzgewachse und Forstwirthschaft; Baer iiber d. uralte Waldlosigkeit, &c.) ; XXI, Helmersen und R. Pacht Geog- nostische Untersuchungen im M. Russland. 464 Baer (K. E. von) Blicke auf die Entwickelung der Wissenschaft, red morocco, gilt edges 4 to. St. Petersburg, 1836 Printed for private distribution only. 465 Baer (K. E. von) Reise nach Novaia-Zemblia und Lapland, Humboldt's autograph notes , St. Petersburg , 1837 — Ueber das Klima von Nowaja-Semlja, with author s autograph inscription and note (“ In meiner Abwesenheit gedruckt B.'"), and Humboldt' s handwriting St. Petersburg, 1837 8vo. (2) 39 4G6 Baer (K. E. von) Bericht iiber die Reise des Herrn von Midden- dorfF, with author's autograph note 8vo. St. Petersburg , 1843-44 467 Baer (K. E. von) Dattel-Palmen un den Ufern des Kaspischen Meeres sonst und jetzt 8vo. ib. 1859 468 Baerensprung (Dr. F. von) iiber Volkskrankheiten vellum paper 8 vo. Halle , 1851 469 Baeyer (A.) de Arsenici cum Methylo Conjunctionibus vellum paper 8vo. Berolini, 1858 470 Baeyer (Gen. Major J. J.) Entwurf zur Anfertigung einer guten Karte von den ostlichen Provinzen des Prussischen Staates 4 to. Berlin, 1854 With A. von Humboldt’s Letter to the King respecting it. 471 Baeyer (General-Major) iiber eine neue Formel zum Hohen- messen mit dem Barometer 8vo. 472 Baeyer (General-Major) iiber die Beziehungen der Strahlen- brechung in der Atmosphare zu der Witterung und iiber den Zusammenhang einer Landesvermessung mit der Me- teorologie Ho. Berlin , s. a . 473 Baeyer (General Major) iiber die Bahnlinien der Winde, plate , Humboldt's autograph notes — Ueber eine neue Formel zum Hohenmessen mit dem Barometer, plate 8vo. (2) 474 Baeyer (General-Major) Die Yerbindungen der Preussischen und Russischen Dreiecksketten bei Thorn und Tarno- witz, plates vellum paper Ho. Berlin, 1857 474*Baeyer (General-Major) Verbindungen. Another copy, on fine paper Berlin , 1857 475 Baeyer (General-Major) Yerbindungen. Another copy on the usual paper, 4 to. Berlin , 1857 476 Baeyer (J. J.) und L. Blesson, Die Bewasserung und Reinigung der Strassen Berlins, folding plan 8vo. Berlin, 1843 477 Baeyer (J. J.) und F. W. Bessel, Gradmessung in Ostpreussen und ihre Yerbindung mit Preussischen und Russischen Dreiecksketten, plates , half calf extra Ho. Berlin , 1838 478 Baeyer (J. J.) Wie die Rinnsteine Berlins durch eine Rohren- leitung mit iliessendem Wasser zu versehen, plan Ho. Berlin , 1838 479 Baeyer (Major J. J.) Nivellement zwischen Swinemunde und Berlin, map , Humboldt's writing on cover Ho. Berlin, 1840 480 Baeyer (Major J. J.) Nivellement. Another copy, map Ho. Berlin , 1840 481 Baeyer (J. J.) Die Kiistenvermessung und ihre Verbindung mit der Berliner Grundlinie, map and plates , with autograpli signature of 11 Al. Humboldt.” vellum paper, scarce , half morocco Ho. Berlin, 1849 40 482 Bagensky (Oberst von) liber Armee-undLandwehr-Verhaltnisse. Privately printed , “ als Manuscript gedruckt” 8vo. Berlin , 1850 483 Bagot (M.) sur les bons Effets du Sucre dans le Traitement des Hydropisies et de l’Atrophie mesenterique, author's auto- graph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1845 484 Bagot (M.) de la Culture du Topinambour (pour Auxiliaire de la Pomme de Terre) 11 Hommage de V Auteur" 8 vo. Paris , 1847 485 Baierlacher (Dr. E.) Die Inductions-Elektricitat,” plate VELLUM PAPER 8 vo. Niirnberg, 1857 486 Bail (Dr. Th.) iiber Hefe, plates, 1857 — Bagot, de la Culture du Topinambour, Paris, 1847 8vo. (2) 487 Bailey — Fahrenkriigers Worterbuch der Englischen Sprache (Englisch-Teutsch und Teutsch-Englisch) ganzlich umgear- beitet von A. Wagner, 2 vol. 8 vo. Jena, 1822 This Dictionary, containing the most indecent words explained and printed in full, is now scarce. 488 Bailey (Prof. J. W.) on the Origin of Greensand, Biverside, Cambridge, 1856 — On Microscopic Forms in the Sea of Kamtschatka, 1856 8vo. (2) 489 Bailey (W. L.) Chart of the Kingsmills Group, proof London, 1833 490 [Baillet (A.)] Vie de M. Des-Cartes, 2 vol. portrait by Edelinck kto. Paris, 1691 491 Baily (F.) Meridian Ephemeris of the Sun and Planets for 1836. Privately printed , presentation copy from Mr . Baily roy. 8vo. London , 1835 492 Baird (R.) Geschichte der Massigkeits-Gesellschaft in den Vereinigten Staaten Nord-Amerikas crown 8vo. Berlin, 1837 493 Baird (R.) Kirchengeschichte, Kirchliche Statistik und religi- oses Leben der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Erster Band bearbeitet von K. Brandes, mit Vorwort von Dr. A. Neander vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1844 494 Baird (S. F.) Catalogue of North American Mammals, Wash- ington, 1857 — Revision of the North American Tailed- Batrachia 4 to. (2) 495 Balanza Mercantil de la Habana, 1826 folio. Habana , 1827 496 Balbi (A.) Atlas ethnographique du Globe ou Classification des Peuples d’apres leurs Langues roy. folio. Paris , 1826 497 Balbi (A.) Balance Politique du Globe en 1828, author's autograph inscription atlas folio broadside. Paris, 1829 498 Balbi (A.) Abr6g6 de Geographie 8vo. Paris, 1833 41 499 Balbi (A.) Essai statistique sur les Bibliotheqiies de Vienne autograph of “ Al. Humboldt” 8vo. Vienne, 1835 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 500 Balbi (A.) Scritti geografici, statistici e vari, raccolti da E. Balbi, 5 vol. 12 mo. Torino, 1841-42 501 Balbi (A.) Elemens de G^ographie generate, maps 12mo. Paris, 1843 502 Balbi (A.) delle primarie Altitudini del Globo 4 to. Milano , 1845 503 Balbi (A.) degli Studi geografici, with Author's autograph inscription 8vo. Milano, 1846 504 Balbi (A. ed E.) Miscellanea Italiana, map, 8 vo. Milano, 1845 505 Balbi (A. ed E.) L’ Austria e le primarie Potenze, Autograph inscription of E. Balbi 12 mo. Milano, 1846 506 Baldamus (E.) Kunst Handschriften, Druckschriften, &c. zu vervielfaltigen, with specimens of early and modern Typo- graphy, Music, Engravings on copper and wood, Litho- graphy, fyc. reproduced by his invention very rare, only a very few copies having been issued to official men for their opinion thereon folio. Berlin, 1846 507 Balling (Dr. F. A.) Kissingen’s Bader und Heilquellen, plate , autograph of H. Billow 12w?o. Stuttgart, 1837 508 Balogh (J.) de Quadratura Circuli, secundum Legem Inter- sectionis Dupli, et de Polygonis regularibus, plates 8vo. Pestini, 1858 With the author’s printed letter (in 4to.) headed in his autograph, “ Excell mo ac lll m0 Dho L. B. Alexandro Humboldt Principi ac veterano Duci Eruditorum, &c.” 509 Baltische Studien. Achten Jahrganges Zweites Heft (J. Linde- manns und seiner Amtsnachfolger Memorial-Buch, &c.) large paper 8 vo. Stettin, 1842 510 Baltz (Dr. T. F.) Die Schadlichen Folgen der Beschneidung, with a portion of the author's autograph letter inserted 4 to. Berlin , 1845 Addressed to the Frankfurt Rabbis, and printed for private circu- lation only. On the titlepage is printed “Als Manuscript gedruckt und privatim vertheilt.” 511 Baltz (Dr. T. F.) Les Suites nuisibles de la Circoncision, printed in imitation of a Manuscript, for private circulation only, Berlin, 1845 — The same in German, privately printed, 4 to. Berlin, 1845 (2) 512 Bandow (G. F.) Die funfzigjahrige Dienst-Jubelfeier S. K. H. Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Prinzen von Preussen 8t;o. Berlin, 1857 513 Bannister (S.) on Pictorial Maps, pencil marks by Baron Hum- boldt 8vo. Bond. 1849 G 42 514 Baralt (R. M.) li steria de Venezuela desde el Descubrimiento hasta 1830, 3 vol. India proof portraits French binding 8vo. Paris, 1841 515 Baralt (R. M.) y R. Diaz, Resumen de la Historia de Venezuela desde el Descubrimiento de su Territorio hasta 1837, 3 vol. portraits 8vo. Paris, 1841 516 Barante (Baron de) Reponse au Discours de M. Patin 4 to. Paris , 1835 Presentation copy, with the autograph of the celebrated historian Barante. 517 Barante (Baron de) Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. le Comte de Montlosier, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Clermont-Ferrand , 1842 518 Barbe (J. F.) des Climats 4 to. Paris , 1837 519 Barbier (J. B. G.) sur la Psychologie, presentation copy, with the author's autograph inscription \2mo. Paris , 1849 520 Barbie de Bocage (J. D.) Carte generale de la Grece et de ses Colonies, &c. mounted on canvas Paris, 1811 521 Barbie de Bocage (J, D.) Carte de la Grece moderne, mounted on canvas, Paris , 1821 — Delamarche (C. F.) Grsecia antiqua, ib. 1788 — Beauchamp Charte vom Schwarzen Meer, Gotha , 1798 — Mahlmann (H.) Grie- chische Inseln, Berlin, 1846 — Delamarche (C. F.) Ger- mania antiqua, Paris, 1790 — Drugeon, Charte physique de la France, ib. 1825 — Barbie de Bocage Gallia Transal- pina, ib. 1818 (7) 522 Barentin (Dr. W.) Die Vegetation in der Mark Brandenburg, marked by Humboldt 4 to. Berlin, 1840 523 Barentin (Dr. W.) liber das Anstromen brennbarer Gase vellum paper 4fo. Berlin, 1859 524 Barnard (D. D.) Daniel Webster, author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8vo. Berlin, 1852 Printed for private distribution only. 525 Barnard (D. D.) Political Aspects and Prospects in Europe, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Albany, 1854 526 Barneoud (F. M.) Recherches sur le Developpement, la Struc- ture generale et la Classification des Plantaginees et des Plumbaginees ; et de POrigine des Lacs, plates , presentation copy, with author's autograph inscription, Paris, 1844 — Monographic generale de la Famille des Plantaginees, ib. 1845 4 to. (2) 527 Barneoud (F. M.) Monographic generale de la Famille des Plantaginees Presentation copy, with author's autograph 4 to. Paris, 1845 528 Barometer Oscillationen in Genf, Zurich und auf dem St. Bern- hard warend des Sommers, 1824 Manuscript, with Humboldt's writing at the corner 43 529 Barrault (A. etE.) Le Canal de Suez, map roy.Svo. Paris, 1855 530 Barrow (Sir John) Arctic Voyages from 1818 to the present Time, portrait and maps ( see curious autograph note of Baron Humboldt at end ) 8 vo. Lond. 1846 531 Barry (J.), J. Opie, and H. Fuseli, Lectures on Painting, with Introduction and notes by R. N. Wornum, portrait of Fuseli fcap. 8 vo. Lond. 1848 532 Barry (M.) Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc in 1834, coloured frontispiece and folding view 8 vo. Edinb. 1836 With the following inscription by Dr. Barry, “ Respectfully pre- sented to Baron von Humboldt by the Author, Berlin, 4th of 7th Mo. (July) 1837-” 533 Barry (Dr. M.) Researches in Embryology. Three Series, 3 Parts, proof plates , presentation copy , with the author's autograph inscriptions Ato. Lond. 1839-40 Dr. Martin Barry has prefixed to the second series “ Observations in Reply to T. Wharton Jones’s Strictures, 8vo. 1839.” 534 Barry (M.) fiber die schraubenfdrmige Beschaffenlieit der Elementarfasern der Muskeln, &c. fibersetzt von Prof. Purkinje, plates , Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Berlin , 1851 535 Barry (M.) Bestatigung einiger neuern mikroscopischen Beo- bachtungen mit Zusatzen von F. Keber 8 vo. Konigsberg , 1855 536 Barth (C. K.) fiber die Druiden der Kelten und die Priester der alten Teutschen 8vo. Erlangen , 1826 537 Barth (H.) Wanderungen durch das Punische und Kyreniiische Kfistenland oder Mag’reb, Afrikia und Barka, map Presentation copy , with author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 184Q 538 Barth (Dr. H.) und Dr. Overvvegs Untersuchungs-Reise nach dem Tschadsee und in das innere Africa. Erster und Zweiter Bericht von C. Ritter und T. E. Gumprecht, 2 parts, maps roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1850-52 539 Barth (Dr. H.) Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord-und Central- Africa in den Jaiiren 1849 bis 1855, 5 vol. maps , plates and woodcuts largest paper having each page surrounded by a neat border (on which only 5 copies were struck off for presents ) uncut imperial 8vo. Gotha , 1857 58 This was a presentation copy, “ Vom Verfasser,” and has many of the plates coloured by hand. This copy has also added the Address from the Professors of the Johanneum at Hamburg to Barth on his safe return printed on a folio broadside in capital letters at Hamburg in 1855, and the large map not folded. 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 44 Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, Percement de ITsthme de Suez (Reply to Edinburgh Review) Presentation copy , with Count d' Escayrac' s autograph inscrip- tion roy. 8vo. Paris , 1856 Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, L’lsthme de Suez large paper, with Count d' Escayrac' s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1856 Bartholomsei (J. de) sur les Medailles des Diodotes Rois de la Bactriane, India proof plates 8vo. Berlin, 1843 Bartholomess (C.) Jordano Bruno, 2 vol. portrait , author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1847 The best life of this extraordinary philosopher, who was burnt alive as an Atheist. Bartholomes (C.) de Bernardino Telesio vellum paper 8vo. Paris , 1849 Dedicated to Baron Humboldt. Bartholomess (C.) Huet, Eveque d’Avranches, ou le Scepticisme Theologique, authors autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1850 Bartholomess (C.) Histoire philosophique de 1’ Academic de Prusse depuis Leibniz jusqu’ a Schelling, 2 vol. with author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8vo. Paris , 1851 This is the work alluded to by Humboldt in his letter to Varnhagen. Bartholomess (C.) Histoire critique des Doctrines Religieuses de la Philosophic Moderne, 2 vol. Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. Paris , 1855 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. Bartlett (J. R.) Personal Narrative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihuahua, 2 vol. map and illustrations , with authors autograph inscription 8 vo. New YorJc , 1854 Bartlett (J. R.) Progress of Ethnology Presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. New York , 1847 Bartling (F. T.) de Littoribus ex Insulis Maris Liburnici 8vo. Hannoverce , 1820 Bary (B.) Zeitgemasze Gedanken iiber die Emancipation des Menschen, vellum paper 8vo. Konigsberg , 1843 A very curious work on the manners, customs, and condition of the Jews. Basel. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, 10 parts (wanting Part IX) 8vo. Basel, 1835-52 Basel. Bericht, Part X, autograph inscription of Prof. C. F. Schonbein 8vo. Basel , 1852 45 554 Basel. Festschrift zur Einweihung des Museums, 26 Nov. 1849 (including F. Fisher on the Date and Master of the Dance of Death) 4 to. Basel , 1849 Presentation copy, with the autograph inscription of C. F. Schcen- bein, who contributed the article “ uber das Ozon.” 555 Basel. Yerhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, Yol. I in 4 Parts, and Yol. II in 3 Parts, plates fine paper 8 vo. Basel, 1854-59 Presentation copy, with Professor Schoenbein’s autograph inscrip- tions. 556 Basiner (T. F. J.) Naturwissenschaftliche Reise durch die Kirgisensteppe nach Chiwa, map and plates vellum paper, india proof portrait of author inserted roy. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1848 557 Basle. Description of the golden Altar Piece from the Cathedral of Basle, and other antiquities, with the plates illuminated in gold and silver vellum paper 4 to. Paris , 1842 558 Bassnett (T.) Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms 8vo. New York, 1854 559 Basterot (M. de) Memoire Geologique sur les Environs de Bordeaux, plates , with author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris, 1825 560 Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen Yer- handelingen, Deel XYII, XIX, and XXI, in 4 vols. 8vo, maps and plates (many of Natural History coloured), Batavia, 1839-47 — Yerhandelingen, Deel XXII-XXVI, 5 vol. 4 to, plates, ib. 1849-57; rare in Europe, presentation copies to Humboldt as Honorary Member (9) Containing many very valuable Papers on the Natural History of New Holland, and on the Language and Literature of the Javanese and the Malays. Amongst these will be found L. Horner’s Geologische Gesteldheid van de Yulkaan Gede op Java — Horner’s Mineralogische Reis in de Residentie Bantam op Java — F. Junghunii Fungi Javse, with coloured plates — Horner’s Geologische Ondezoek van Borneo — J. Rigg’s Geology of Jasinga — C. J. van der Ulis Beschrijving en Verklaring der Outheden en Opschriften op Soekoeh en Tjetto, plates — Sjair Bidasari, een Maleisch Gedichtmed Ver- taling door W. R. van Hoevell — Romo, een Javaansch Gedicht naar de Bewerking van Joso Dhipoero uitgegeven door C. F. Winter — P. Bleeker, Overzigt der te Batavia voorkomende Gladschubbige Labroieden — Bleeker’s Per- coiden des Malaijo-Molukschen Archipels en Scleroparei van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel — Bleeker’s Ichthyolo- gische Fauna van het Eiland Bali — J. R. Logan on the Rocks of Pulo-Ubin — Dr. S. A. Buddingh’s Pantheisme— F. von Sommer Catalogus der geologische Bcstanddelen van Nieuw- 46 Holland — H. Zollinger’s Reis naar Bima Soembawa, &c. (valuable for its linguistic details) — Bleeker’s Sciaenoiden, Maenoiden, Visschen, &c. van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel, plates — R. Friederich van het Eiland Bali — Freiderich van Javaansche Outheden, plates — J. Hageman’s Geschiedenis der Verovering van Malakka — Manik Maja, een Javaansch Gedicht uitgegeven door Dr. J. J. de Hollander — Boma Kawja, een Kawi-Gedicht uitgegeven door R. Friederich — Hangling Darmo Javaansch uitgegeven door C. F. Winter — Friederich Codd. MSS. Arabicorum Societatis Batavicae Catalogus — Bleeker’s Ichthyologie van Japan, plates, &c. &c. 561 Bateman (J.) The Orchidacese of Mexico and Guatemala, with the 6 plates, finely coloured imp. folio. London , 1837 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph. 562 Baude (Baron) de l’lsthme de Suez et du Canal Maritime a ouvrir, with author's autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1855 563 Baudouin (A.) Tableau G^ographique et Statistique de la France fine paper, with author s autograph inscription Pam, 1827 564 Bauduin (M.) iiber die Revaccination 8vo. Koln , 1850 565 Bauer (Dr. E.) Symbolik des Kosmos vellum paper, autograph of Al. Humboldt , 8 vo. Weimar , 1851 566 Bauerhahn (C.) Lieder fur Preussens Soldaten, mit Beilagen, Partitur, und 4 Stimmen, 2 Parts, ivords and the music in score by W. Wieprecht, engraved throughout roy. 8 vo. and obi. 4 to. Berlin , s. a. 567 Baumann (Th.) iiber die Bestimmung der Brennweite und iiber eine Art Hyperboloid, plate 4 to. Berlin, 1846 568 Baumert (Dr. M.) iiber die Respiration des Schlammpeizgers (Cobitis fossilis), plate , vellum paper, 4 to. Heidelberg , 1852 — Baumert (Dr. M.) iiber eine neue Oxydationsstufe des Wasserstoffs (Ozon ), plate, author's autograph inscrip- tion, and Humboldt's MS. notes, 8vo. (2) 569 Baumgartner (K. H.) Physiognomice Pathologica Oder Kran- kenphysiognomik, royal folio Atlas, containing 80 representa- tions of the physiognomy peculiar to certain diseases ( several being original drawings), coloured by hand, Stuttgart, 1839, with descriptive text in 4 to, Stuttgart , 1842 half red morocco A very superior copy. One of the usual copies, with only 7 2 plates, originally cost at the publisher’s £ 15 . 570 Baumgartner (Dr. K. H.) Beobachtungen iiber die Nerven und das Blut, plates, fine paper 8 vo. Freiburg , 1830 571 Baumgartner (Dr. K. H.) Gedachtnissrede auf K. J. Beck 4 to. Freiburg, 1839 572 Baumgartner (Dr. K. H.) Allgemeine und Specielle Pathologie, 3 vol half calf extra Stuttgart, 1842 47 573 Baumgartner (Dr. K. H.) Neue Untersuclmngen in den Gebieten der Physiologie und der praktischen Heilkunde, plates , vellum paper 8 vo. Freiburg , 1845 574 Baumgartner (Dr. K. H.) Anfange zu einer Psychologischen Schopfungsgeschichte der Pflanzen-und der Thierwelt, privately printed , 8vo. Stuttgart , 1855 — Baumgartner (Dr. K. H.) von der Embryonalanlage, roy. 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1854 (2) 575 Baumgarten (M.) sur la Portion de Gronne en Aval de l’Embouchure du Lot et sur les Travaux y executes, plans and plates 8vo. Paris , 1849 576 Baumgartner (A.) Die Naturlehre mit Riicksicht auf mathe- matische Begriindung, plates 8 vo. Wien , 1826 577 Baumhauer (E. H.) de Sententiis veterum Philosophorum Graecorum de Yisu, Lumine et Coloribus 8vo. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1843 578 Baumhauer (E. H. von) de Ortu Lapidum Meteoricorum annexis duorum Lapidum Analysibus chemicis 8vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1844 579 Baur (G.) Das Buch Hiob und Dante’s Gottliche Komodie eine Parallele, with Humboldt's autograph note 8vo. 580 Baurmeister (G. A.) Die Erde und ihre Bewegungen thick paper 8vo. Olpe , 1857 581 Bausset-Roquefort (M. de) Devoirs, Droits, Assistance, par le Christianisme, la Liberte, l’Education author's autograph inscription 12 mo. Paris , 1849 582 Bayer (J.) Yersuch einer Theorie der Contraction der Bewegung der Wassers, &c. plates 4 to. 583 Bayer (K.) die sittliche Welt 8vo. Erlangen , 1840 584 Bayle-Mouillard (M.) sur les Travaux de l’Academie de Clermont-Ferrand (1832-33) 8vo. Clermont , 1833 585 Bazaine (Lieut.-Gen.) Introduction a l’Etude de la Statique synthetique, plates , autograph inscription of author , whose name is added in the handwriting of Humboldt 8 vo. St. Peter sbourg , 1830 586 Bazaine (Lieut.-Gen.) Demonstration du Principe des Vitesses virtuelles, plates , with Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. St. Peter sbourg , 1832 With the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ a L’lllustre Baron de Humboldt Hommage du respectueux attachement et de la vive Admiration de 1’ Auteur.” 587 Bazaine (Lieut.-Gen.) Memoires sur les Machines a Yapeur en general, sur l’Evaluation de la Force expansive de la Yapeur et sur les Avantages qu’on peut en tirer, plates presentation copy , with the author's autograph inscription St. Petersbourg , 1833 48 588 Beaufoy (Col. M.) Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments, with numerous scientific Miscellanies, vol. I {all published), plates presentation copy from H. Beaufoy 4 to. London, printed at the private press of H. Beaufoy, South Lambeth , Surrey, 1834 589 Beaumont (L. Elie de) sur quelques-unes des Revolutions de la Surface du Globe, with authors autograph inscription and Baron Humboldt's autograph notes and marks in pencil 8vo. Strasbourg, s. d. 590 Beaumont (L. Elie de) sur les Salines de Bex 8vo. With the author’s autograph inscription. 591 Beaumont (L. Elie de) Zweiter Geologischer Brief an A. von Humboldt, map and plates 8 vo. 592 Beaumont (L. Elie de) sur la Constitution geologique des lies Baleares, plate , author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1827 593 Beaumont (L. Elie de) Notice sur un Gisement de Vegetaux Fossiles et de Belemnites a Petit- Cceur en Tarentaise; et A. Brongniart sur les Vegetaux fossiles des Terrains d’ An- thracite des Alpes, with Humboldt's writing , “ Tarantaise Lias Elie de Beaumont,” on cover 8vo. Paris, 1828 594 Beaumont (L. Elie de) Faits pour servir a i’Histoire des Montagnes de l’Oisans, Humboldt's writing on cover and his marks throughout 4 to. Paris, 1829 595 Beaumont (L. Elie de) sur le grand Bassin Geologique qui comprend Londres et Paris 8 vo. Paris , 1829 596 Beaumont (L. Elie de) de l’Age relatif des Montagnes, maps, Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Paris , 1830 597 Beaumont (L. Elie de) Recherches sur quelques-unes des Revo- lutions de la Surface du Globe, map and plates 8vo. Paris, 1830 598 Beaumont (L. Elie de) Faits pour servir k l’Histoire des Mon- tagnes de TOisans, plates , Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Paris, 1834 599 Beaumont (L. Elie de) Le 9 ons de Geologie pratique, tome I {all published ), maps and plates half morocco 8 vo. Paris { Strasbourg ), 1845 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 600 Beaumont (L. Elie de) Lehrbuch der Geologie und Petrefacten- kunde iibersetzt von Dr. C. Vogt, 2 vol. several hundred woodcuts fine paper, half morocco 8vo. Braunschweig, 1846-47 601 Beaumont (L. Elie de) Note sur les Systemes de Montagnes les plus anciens de l’Europe 8vo. Paris , 1847 49 602 Beaumont (L. Elie de) Terrains secondaires du Systeme des Vosges, plates , Humboldt' s writing on cover , Paris , 1828 — Sur les Terrains compris entre le Gres vert et le Calcaire grossier, Paris, 1847 8vo. (2) 603 Beaumont (L. Elie de) Note sur les Emanations Volcaniques et Metalliferes, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1847 604 Beaumont (L. Elie de) Notice sur les Systemes de Montagnes, 3 vol. maps, half morocco 12 mo. Paris , 1852 With a satirical note in the autograph of Baron Humboldt at end of vol. III. 605 Beaumont (L. Elie de) sur l’Utilite Agricole et sur les Gise~ ments geologiques du Phosphore, Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Paris , 1857 606 Beaumont- Vassy (Vicomte de) Histoire des Etats Europeens depuis le Congres de Vienne, 2 vol. vellum paper 8vo. Paris, 1 843-44 Presentation copy, with an autograph letter from the author. 607 Beautemps-Beaufre sur la Reconnaissance Hydrographique de France, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1838 608 Beauvallon (J. B. Rosemond de) L’lsle de Cuba 8 tv?. Paris, 1844 609 Becher (C. C.) Mexico, map and view fine paper 8vo. Hamburg , 1834 610 Beckmann (J.) Grundsatze der Teutschen Landwirthschaft, autograph signature of Baron Humboldt in pencil Wmo. Gottingen , 1806 611 Beck (F. J.) uber die mittlere Zeit der Bliithenentwicklung Tubingen , 1831 Humboldt in his autograph note calls this “ Schubler Calendrier de l’lnflorescence,” from which we infer that Schubler, under whose Presidency the Dissertation was delivered, is in reality the author of it. 612 Beck (H.) Index Molluscorum prsesentis iEvi Musei Principis Christiani Frederici, Fasciculus primus thick paper, with author's autograph inscription 4 to. Hafnice, 1838 Very scarce, only a few copies having been printed for private distribution. 613 Becker (Dr. C. A.) Das Geheimmittel des Paracelsus gegen den Stein, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Muhlhausen , 1842 614 Becker (C.) und J. von Hefner, Kunstwerke uud Gerathschaften des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, part 2, 3, and 4 vellum paper, with the plates finely coloured and heightened with gold , autograph of 11 Al. Humboldt ” 4 to. Frankfurt, 1847 H 50 615 Becker (Dr. K. F.) Organism der Sprache yellum paper, morocco , g. e. 8vo. Frankfurt , 1841 This valuable work is dedicated to the memory of William von Humboldt. 616 Becker (K. F.) Ausfiihrliche Deutsche Grammatik. Dritte Abtheilung 8vo. Frankfurt, 1839 617 Becker (Dr. P.) Die Herakleotische Halbinsel, maps , autograph of “ At. Humboldt ” yellem paper 8vo. Leipzig, 1856 618 Becker (O. F.) uber Gymnasien und Realschulen yellum paper 8vo. Bonder shausen, 1847 619 Becquerel (M.) Traite experimental de l’Electricit4 et du Mag - netisme, et de leurs Rapports avec les Ph^nomenes naturels, 7 vol. in 6, 8vo. half calf gilt, and folio Atlas of plates unbound presentation copy, “ Hommage de V Auteur a Monsieur de Humboldt Paris, 1834-40 In vol. II is a reference in the autograph of Baron Humboldt to " Arago explique par Faraday.” 620 Becquerel (M.) Trait4 experimental de FElectricit4 et du Mag- netisme, tome I 8vo. Paris, 1834 621 Becquerel (E.) sur la Constitution du Spectre solaire, plate 8 vo. Geneve, 1842 622 Becquerel (E.) sur le Climat de la France, map 4 to. Versailles, s. d. 623 Beeger (F. W.) Seltsame Schicksale eines alten Preussischen Soldaten, privately printed 8 vo. Ueckermunde , 1850 624 Beek (A. van) over de Slingerproeven van Foucault 8 vo, Utrecht, 1851 625 Beek (A. van) Beschrijving van een Chineeschen Zonne-en Maanwijzer met Kompas, plates — Van Slingerproeven, plate, 1851 8vo. (2) 626 Beer (Dr. A.) Einleitung in die hohere Optik, plates and wood- cuts 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1853 627 Beer (Dr. A.) Grundriss des pho.tometrischen Calciiles, woodcuts 8vo. Braunschweig , 1854 628 Beer (A.) de Theoria Mathematica Phsenomenorum in Liquidis Actioni Gravitatis detractis observatorum, plate yellum paper, half morocco 4 to. Bonnes, 1857 629 Beer (J. G.) Praktische Studien an der Familie der Orchideen, plates yellum paper, green morocco , g. e. 8vo. Wien, 1854 630 Beer (X G.) Die Familie der Bromeliaceen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Ananassa yellum paper, russia extra, g. e. 8vo. Wien, 1857 51 631 Beer (J. G.) iiber das Vorkommen eines Schleuderorganes in den Friichten verschiedener Orchideen, plates 8vo. Wien, 1857 632 Beer (M.) Sammtliche Werke, herusgegeben von E. von Schenk, portrait 8vo. Leipzig , 1835 633 Beer (W.) und Dr. J. H. Madler, Der Mond nach seinen kos- mischen und individuellen Yerhaltnissen, plates Ato. Berlin , 1837 Presentation copy, with the following dedication, in elegant cali- graphy: “Dem Begriinder der vergleichenden Erdkunde dem Freiherrn Alexander von Humboldt Excellenz ihrem innig verehrten Gonner und Beschiitzer iiberreichen hochachtungs- volldiesen ersten Yersuch einer Mondkunde die Verfasser.” 634 Beer (W.) und Dr. J. H. Madler Beitrage zur physischen Kennt- niss der himmlischen Korper im Sonnensysteme, plates the dedication copy ( the work being dedicated to Baron Humboldt) on vellum paper, probably unique , red morocco , the sides ornamented with gold tooling , g. e. Ato. Weimar, 1841 635 Beer (W.) et J. H. Madler Mappa Selenographica totam Lunge Hemisphaeram visibilem complectens, 4 sheets , Berolini , 1834 — General-Karte der sichtbaren Seite der Mondober- flache zugleich als Ubersichts-Blatt zur grossern Mond- karte, ib. 1837 altas folio 636 Beer (W.) Gefahren der Differential-Zolle und der Revision des Zoll-Tarifs, author s autograph inscription vellum paper, 8 vo. Berlin , 1848 637 Beer (W.) Das Aufgehen in Deutschland, Berlin , s. a. — Beer (W.) iiber die Drei-Konigs-Verfassung, Berlin , 1849 8vo. (2) 639 Beetz (W.) iiber Magnetismus und iiber die Wiirme in one vol. 8vo. Berlin , 1852-54 640 BehVEddin Mohammed Khelasat al Hisab (Essence du Galcul) traduit par A. Marre, plate, translator's autograph inscrip- tion 8vo. Paris, 1846 641 Behrend (Dr. F. J.) Ikonographische Darstellung der nicht- syphilitischen Hautkrankheiten, 30 coloured plates ' folio. Leipzig , 1839 642 Beilschmied (C. T.) Pflanzengeographie nach A. von Humboldt’s Werke, chart , the dedication copy on vellum paper red morocco, g. e. 8vo. Breslau, 1831 This work, dedicated to A. von Humboldt by his grateful pupil the author, is corrected throughout in the autograph of Beilschmied, and has a few pencil notes in the handwriting of Baron Humboldt. 52 643 Beilschmied (C. T.) iiber einige bei pflanzengeographischen Vergleich ungen zu beriicksichtigende Punkte in Anwen- dung auf die Flora Schlesiens, containing several passages respecting Humboldt , thick paper, with the author's auto- graph 11 Errata," Breslau , 1829— Beilschmied (Dr. C. T.) Phytogeographische Bemerkungen, Regensburg , 1838 8vo. (2) 644 Beima (E. M.) de Annulo Saturni, plates presentation copy , “ Manu Auctoris” 4 to. Lugd. Bat. 1842 645 Beinert (C. C.) Der Meteorit von Braunau am 14 Juli 1847, plates , morocco , g. e. 8vo. Breslau , 1848 646 Beitrage zur Beleucktung schwebender Fragen liber Geist und Wort, Glauben und Schrift, Religion und Staat crown 8 vo. Erfurt , 1839 647 Beitzke (H.) Uebersichts-Karte der Mittel-und Ost-Alpen, coloured and mounted on canvas , in case 4 to. Colberg, s. a. 648 Beke (C. T.) Origines Biblicse, vol. I, map 8vo. London , 1834 649 Beke (C. T.) Yertheidigung gegen Dr. Paulus in BetrefF seiner Recension liber meine Origines Biblicse, author s autograph inscription 8vo. Leipzig , 1836 With a note in Humboldt’s autograph, and several passages marked by him. 650 Beke (C. T.) on the Sources of the Nile in the Mountains of the Moon, map , Humboldt's autograph notes , Edinburgh , 1848 — Summary of recent Nilotic Discovery, with author's autograph inscription , London , 1851 8w. (2) 651 Beke (C. T.) Enquiry into A. d’Abbadie’s Journey to KafFa, map , presentation copy , with the author's autograph inscrip- tion 8vo. London , 1850 652 Beke (C. T.) Enquiry into A. d’Abbadie’s Journey to KafFa, map, with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. London , 1851 653 Bekker (E.) Der Stachel des Lowen an dessen Schweif-Ende, plates , presentation copy , with author's autograph 8 vo. Darmstadt , 1855 654 Belani (H. E. R.) Geschichte und Beschreibung der Fontain- enanlagen in Sanssouci, plates square 1 6mo. Potsdam , 1843 655 Beleke (C. J.) German Grammar morocco 12??*o. Philadelphia , 1840 656 Belgique. Bibliographic Academique, ou Liste des Ouvrages publies par les Membres, Correspondants et Associes resi- dents de l’Academie Royale Belgique presentation copy \2mo. Bruxelles , 1855 657 Belgischen (Die) Colonien in Guatemala und Brasilien 8vo. Coin , 1844 53 658 Belgium. Dictionnaire des Hommes de Lettres, des Savans et des Artistes de la Belgique large paper, uncut roy. 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1837 659 Belgium. Carte administrative et industrielle, comprenant les Mines, Minieres, Carrieres, Usines, &c. de la Belgique dress^e par les Ingenieurs des Mines, on 9 sheets , with Humboldt's autograph note, in which it is styled 11 wichtig” ( important ) atlas folio . Bruxelles , 1843 660 Bellee (A. S.) Programme d'une Mission en Chine, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1840 661 Belli (G.) sulle Induzioni elettrostatiche, plate 8vo. Pisa, 1858 662 Belli (Prof.) Applicazione alle Eruzioni Yulcaniche, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Milano , 1856 663 Bellinghausen (Captain) Atlas k puteshestviyo v yozhnom Ledovitom Okeanye i vokrug Svyeta v prodolzhenii 1819, 1820 i 1821 godov: — Atlas to his Travels in the Southern Frozen Ocean and round the World during 1819-21, map and plates oblong folio. St. Petersburg, 1831 664 Belly (F.) Percement de l’lsthme de Panama par le Canal de Nicaragua. Expose de la Question, maps vellum paper roy. 8vo. Paris, 1858 665 Belly (F.) Percement, &c. : another copy on common paper, maps roy. 8vo. Paris , 1858 666 Below, Beitrage zur Geschichte der Germanen 4 to. Berlin, 1850 667 Bemerkungen und Anweisungen fur die Naturforscher welche die Expedition der Novara begleiten. Printed for private use only( l( als Manuscript gedruclct") roy. 8 vo. Wien, 1857 668 Benari (Dr.) Das Unterscheidende des Romischen Lautgesetzes fine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1836 669 Benari (Dr.) Another copy on common paper Ho. Berlin, 1836 670 Benary (Dr. A.) Zur Geschichte der Herausgabe der “ Zeit- schriftfiir Wissenchaft und Leben,”und meiner Theilnahme an derselben. Privately printed, author's autograph in- scription 8vo. Berlin, 1844 671 Benary (Dr. A. A.) Die Romische Lautlehre sprachvergleichend dargestellt. Erster Band (all published) Presentation copy , with the author s autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin, 1837 672 Benda (D. A.) fiber das Wissen der absoluten Wahrheit (Ma- nuscript). A privately printed poem 8vo. Berlin, 1842 673 Benda (D. A.) fiber das Wissen der absoluten Wahrheit Privately printed as “ Manuscript ” 8vo. Berlin, 1842 674 Benda (D. A.) Katechismus ffir wahlberechtige Bfirger Preussens 8vo. Berlin , 1843 675 Benda (D. A.) Die Central-Sonne 8 vo. Berlin, 1846 676 Benda (Dr. A.) Die Felicier, geschichtliche Entwickelung eines Urvolks. Erster Theil {all published) scarce 8vo, Leipzig, 1827 54 677 Benda (D. A.) Die Felicier. Erster Theil. Zweite umgearbei- tete Ausgabe Privately printed, 11 als Manuscript” 8vo. Berlin , 1847 678 Benda (D. A.) Die reformirende Weltanschauung roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1858 Presentation copy with the author’s long autograph inscription, com- mencing “ Dem hochverehrten Nestor der Wissenschaften ,” &c. 679 Bendemann (E.) Wandgemalde im Ball-und Concert-Saal des K. Schlosses zu Dresden, roit enklarendem Text von J. G. Droysen (imperial 8vo.) India proofs of the 12 fine engravings by II. Burkner oblong folio. Dresden , 1858 Privately printed for the Saxon Art Union and never published. 680 Beneke (Dr. E.) Pragmatische Psychologie, 2 vol. 8 vo. Berlin, 1850 681 Beneke Dr. F. W.) Der phosphorsaure Kalk in physiologischer und therapeutischer Beziehung vellum paper, half morocco, g. e. 8vo. Gottingen, 1850 682 Beneke (Dr. F. W.) Unsere Aufgaben. Ein Versuch zur An- bahnung gemeinschaftlicher Arbeiten fur die Rationelle Heilkunde vellum paper 8wo. Gottingen, 1852 683 Beneke (Dr. F. W.) Physiologische Vortrage, 2 vol. in 1 , cuts 8vo. Oldenburg , 1856 684 Benfey (T.) Griechisches Wurzellexikon, 2 vol. fine paper, lettering on backs in Humboldt's autograph 8vo. Berlin , 1839-42 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 685 Benfey (Th.) Indien, numerous MS. notes in the autograph of Baron Humboldt at end 4 to. Of this important work (356 pages in double columns, forming part of Ersch und Gruber’s Encyklopadie) only 25 copies were taken off separately for the author’s personal friends. 686 Benfey (T.) und M. A. Stern fiber die Monatsnamen einiger alter Yolker insbesondere der Perser, Cappadocier, Juden und Syrer 8vo. Berlin , 1836 687 Benfey (T.) fiber das Verhaltniss der iEgyptischen Sprache zum Semitischen Sprachstamm 8 vo. Leipzig , 1844 688 Benfey (T.) Kritik von O. Bohtlingk’s Sanskrit-Chrestomathie fine paper 12 mo. Gottingen, 1846 689 Benfey (T.) Vesuv und iEtna 8 vo. 1847 690 Benfey (Th.) Volts tandige Grammatik der Sanskritsprache, with tables inserted 4 to. Leipzig, 1852 691 Benfey (T.) fiber e. Persisches Amulet mit Pehlewi-Inschrift, plate 8vo. Leipzig, s. a. 692 Benfey (T.) Kurze Sanskrit-Grammatik imperial 8vo. Leipzig ( Gottingen ), 1855 55 693 Benfey (T.) Nachweisung einer Mongolischen Bearbeitung der Vetalapancavi^ati, author's autograph inscription and Humboldt’s writing on cover roy. 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1857 694 Benicken (F. W.) Konig Friedrich Wilhelm III, sein Leben und Wirken, 3 vol. in 15 parts, portrait — “ Pracht-Aus- gabe” on fine paper imperial 8vo. Quedlinburg, 1840-43 695 Benjamin (J. J.) Acht Jahre in Asien und Africa (1846-55) map , with an autograph letter from the author vellum paper 8 vo. Hannover, 1858 696 Benjamin of Tudela (Rabbi) Itinerary, in Hebrew and English, edited by A. Asher, with Notes and Essays, 2 vol. scarce 8vo. Berlin , 1840-41 697 Benkert (C. M.) Jahrbuch des Deutschen Elementes in Ungarn, Part I, with Benkert’ s autograph inscription roy. 8vo. Budapest , 1846 698 Benloew (L.) de Sophoclese Dictionis cum iEschyli Euripidisque dicendi Genere comparata 8 vo. Parisiis, 1847 699 Benloew (L.) de P Accentuation dans les Langues Indo-Europe- ennes 8 vo. Paris , 1847 700 Bennigsen-Forder (R. von) Geognostische Karte der Umgegend von Berlin, coloured map , mit 11 Erlauterungen ” (Descrip- tions), in 4 to. Berlin , 1843 — Der Preussische Staat, Mag- deburg, 1836 (3) 701 Bennigsen-Forder (R. von) Das Zahlengesetz in den Gesteins- Formationen 4 to. Berlin , 1843 702 Bennigsen-Forder (R. von) Tabellarische Ubersicht der jiingeren geologischen Verhaltnisse des Nordost-Atlantischen Ne- benbeckens, autograph MS. with Mahlmann’s Map of Europe , marked by the author to accompany the Tabular View Berlin , 1858 703 Bennigsen-Forder (Major von) Geognostische Beobachtungen im Luxemburgischen, map and plate — Configurations-Pha- nomene des Schwarz wald-Yogesen- Systems, der Argon- nen u. s. w. — Niveaubestimmung der drei nordischen Diluvialmeere, 1857 — Ueber Untersuchung der Gebilde des Schwemmlandes besonders des Diluviums, plate — Mergelablagerung im DeutschenFlachlande — Begutachtung des litthauischen und masurischen Bodens, plate 8vo. (6) The last four of these Tracts have the author’s autograph inscriptions. 56 THIRD DAY’S SALE. LOT 704 Benoit, Trouvere Anglo-Normand du XII e Siecle , Chronique des Dues de Normandie publiee pour la premiere fois par F. Michel, 2 vol. 4 to. Paris , 1836-38 705 Bentham (G.) Catalogue des Plantes indigenes des Pyrenees et du Bas Languedoc et Yoyage Botanique dans les Pyrenees, scarce 8 vo. Paris , 1846 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 706 Bentley (Dr. R.) Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, &c. uncut 8vo. London , 1817 707 Benton (Mr.) Discourse before the Boston Mercantile Library Association 8 vo. Washington , 1854 708 Benzenberg (J. F.) und H. W. Brandes, Versuche die Entfer- nung, die Geschwindigkeit und die Bahnen der Stern- schnuppen zubestimmen , presentation copy from Benzenberg , with his autograph inscription 8 vo. Hamburg , 1800 709 Benzenberg (J. F.) iiber die Bestimmung der geographischen Lange durch Sternschnuppen 8 vo. Hamburg , 1802 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 710 Benzenberg (J. F.) Das Hohenmessen mit der Quecksilber- Waage fur Pariser, Rheinlander und Londoner Linien, plates , presentation copy to Berzelius 8vo. Dusseldorf 1831 Rare, having been printed for private distribution only, “Gedruckt als Handschrift.’’ 711 Benzenberg (J. F.) iiber die Dalton’sche Theorie, plates 8 vo. Dusseldorf 1830 712 Benzenberg (J. F.) Die warmen Quellen in Aachen und in Wimpfen, plates , privately printed 8vo. Gedruckt als Handschrift ( Dusseldorf ), 1832 713 Benzenberg (J. F.) Die Sternschnuppen sind Steine aus den Mondvulkanen, plates , Humboldt' s writing on cover 8 vo. Bonn f 1834 714 Benzenberg (J. F.) Die Sternschnuppen sind Steine ans den Mondvulkanen, &c. plates 8vo. Bonn, 1834 Presentation copy to Berzelius, with author’s autograph inscription. 715 Benzenberg (J. F.) Das Anleihen in Frankreich, England und Nordamerika von 1792 bis 1836 privately printed 8vo. Dusseldorf 1836 57 716 Benzenberg (J. F.) Bother’s Bericht iiber die Haupt-Verwal- tung der Preussischen Staatsschulden seit 1820 8 vo. Diisseldorf 1836 717 Benzenberg (J. F.) Die Warmen Quellen in Aachen und Wimpfen, plates 8vo. ( Diisseldorf ), 1832 Privately printed (“gedruckt als Handschrift”) for presents only. This copy was given to Berzelius, and has a page respecting the Temperature of Diisseldorf in the author’s autograph. 718 Benzenberg (J. F.) Der Erzbischof in Coin privately printed 8 vo. 1838 719 Benzenberg (J. F.) Die Sternschnuppen, plates 8 vo. Hamburg , 1839 The work is dedicated to Blumenbach, Olbers, and Humboldt. 720 Benzenberg (J. F.) Die Staats-Verfassungen Deutschlands 8 vo. Diisseldorf, 1845 721 Benzenberg (J. F.) Die Englische Nationalschuld und 1862 privately printed, u Als Handschrift gedruckt ” 8vo. 1845 722 Berard (A.) Description nautique des Cotes de l’Algerie, suivie de Notes par M. de Tressan, views 8 vo. Paris , 1 837 723 Berard (A.) Carte de la Cote Sept. d’Afrique, 2 sheets , mounted on canvas , Humboldt's writing on case Paris , 1836 724 Berard Aine, Refutation des Systemes de Strabon et de ses Commentateurs et de celui de Buffon sur la Formation de la Mer M4diterranee 4 to. Le Mans , 1844 725 Berckmann (J.) Stralsundische Chronik, nebst einem Anhange urkundlicher Beitrage herausgegeben von G. C. F. Mohnike und E. H. Zober, portrait and facsimile thick paper 8 vo. Stralsund, 1833 A very curious and important Chronicle in the Low-German dialect. In the Appendix the Satirical Songs made by Roman Catholics against the Reformation in the Church, and the various official documents (also in the local dialect) respecting Reforms in Stralsund Ecclesiastical Polity are highly valuable. 726 Berend (Dr. H. W.) Behandlung der Contracturen mittelst Sehnen-und Muskeldurchschneidung, plate fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1840 727 Berend (Dr. H. W.) iiber die Behandlung veralteter Knie- Contracturen, vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1841 Printed for private distribution only. 728 Berend (Dr. H. W.) Bericht iiber das gymnastisch-orthopa- dische Institut zu Berlin, plate vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1842 Printed for private circulation only. 729 Berend (Dr. H. W.) Die Orthopadischen Institute zu Paris privately printed 8vo. Berlin , 1842 I 58 730 Berendt (Dr. G. C.) Die im Bernstein befindlichen organischen Reste der Vorwelt, 2 vol. in 3, plates ( several coloured ) valuable folio. Berlin ( Danzig ), 1845-56 731 Berenhorst (G. H. von) Nachlass, herausgegeben von E. von Billow, 2 vol. fine paper 8vo. Dessau und Leipzig , 1845-47 732 Bereslas (F.) Der JEmsen-Immen-Krieg, ein komisches Helden- gedicht post 8vo. Berlin , 1841 733 Berg (A.) Physiognomy of Tropical Vegetation in South America, with Fragment of a Letter from Baron Hum- boldt to the Author, and a Preface by F. Klotzsch in English, French, and German, india proof plates large paper, half morocco atlas folio. London , 1854 734 Berg (O.) Florae Brasiliensis Myrtologia, 85 plates of My rtacece fine paper, presentation copy , with the author's autograph inscription , red cloth , g. e. folio. Lipsice , 1858 735 Berg (Dr. O.) Revisio Myrtacearum Americse presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription , cloth , g. e. 8 vo. 736 Bergemann’s (Medicinalrath) Mineraliensammlung beschrieben von E. Kayser, plates fine paper, Humboldt's writing on bach 8 vo. Berlin , 1834 737 Berger de Xivrey (J.) sur une Inscription Latine du second Siecle trouvee a Bourbonne-les-Bains et sur THistoire de cette Yille, plates presentation copy , with author's autograph 8 vo. Paris , 1833 738 Berger de Xivrey (J.) Essais d’ Appreciations historiques, 2 vol. author s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1837 739 Berger de Xivrey (J.) Inscriptions . large paper 12 mo. Paris , 1841 740 Berger de Xivrey (J.) Traditions Teratologiques dedication copy 8 vo. Paris , 1836 A very amusing collection of curious works, dedicated to Hum- boldt, containing : De Monstris et Belluis e Cod. MS. Latino Saec. X; Lettre d’Alexandre le Grand sur les Prodiges de l’lnde, en Grec et en Frangais ; Merveilles de l’Inde, par Jehan Wauquelin ; and Proprietez des Bestes, 741 Berger de Xivrey (J.) des dernieres Observations relatives au Coeur de Saint-Louis trouve dans la Sainte-Chapelle 8vo. Paris , 1844 742 Berger de Xivrey (J.) Etude sur le Texte et le Style du Nouveau Testament 8vo. Paris , 1856 743 Berghaus (H.) Atlas von Asien (containing Charts 5 to 17), 13 maps ( that of the Chinese Sea marked in Humboldt's autograph u von werth ,> ) Gotha , 1835 744 Berghaus (H.) Karte von Afrika gestochen von H. Brose, mounted on canvas in case Stuttgart , 1826 59 745 Berghaus (Dr. H.) Annalen der Erd-Yolker-und Staaten- kunde unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Gelehrten verfasst und herausgegeben, from vol. I part 1 ( October 1829) to Series V, vol. 1 part 2 ( February 1843) inclusive , ( wanting Nos. for June and July 1833, and Nos. for April and May 1841), autograph memoranda of Baron Humboldt 8vo. Berlin und Breslau , 1829-43 746 Berghaus (Dr. H.) Asia, 4 parts 4 to. Gotha , 1832-36 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 747 Berghaus (H.) Geschichte der barometrischen Hohenbestim- raung von Berlin und Dresden, &c. Drei Sendschreiben an A. von Humboldt, Humboldt' s writing on cover 4 to. Berlin , 1836 748 Berghaus (PI.) Almanach fur 1837, maps and plates square 1 Qmo. Stuttgart , 1837 749 Berghaus (Dr. H.) Allgemeine Lander-und Volker-Kunde, vol. II to V part 1 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1837-40 750 Berghaus (Dr. II.) Physikalischer Atlas, 18 parts, coloured maps and plates (wanting part 6, 9, 10, and 11) oblong royal folio. Gotha , 1837-48 751 Berghaus (H.) Almanach fur 1839, portraits of A. Erman , Captain J. Cook, and M. Frobisher , and maps square 1 6wzo. Stuttgart , 1839 752 Berghaus (H.) Chart of the Hawaii Archipelago (Sandwich Islands), Humboldt has written on it “ selten ” (scarce) Potsdam , 1839 753 Berghaus (H.) Chart of Coast of Peru, dedicated to Baron Humboldt Potsdam 1839 754 Berghaus (H.) Almanach fur 1840, portrait of E. Poppig , and maps square \§mo. Gotha , 1840 On the cover Humboldt has written o. and kto. atlas of plates , Humboldt's autograph notes Paris , 1841 954 Biot (J. B.) sur un Expose de la Theorie de la Lune redige par un Auteur Arabe du X e Siecle (Aboulwefa) 4 to. Pam, 1845 955 Biot (J. B.) sur un Calendrier Astronomique et Astrologique trouve a Thebes en Egypte, presentation copy , with the author's autograph \.to, Paris , 1853 With autograph note and signature of “ Al. Humboldt.” 956 Biot (J. B.) Articles sur H. Brugsch, W. Ellis, et le Vicomte E. de Rouge (sur l’Astronomie Egyptienne) 4 to. Paris, 1857 957 Biot (J. B.) Discours dans la Seance de l’Academie pour sa Reception avec la Reponse de M. Guizot 4 to. Paris , 1857 958 Biot (J. B.) sur les Tables de la Lune par P. A. Hansen, 4fo. Pai'is , 1858 — Biot (M.) sur les Observatoires Meteorolo- giques pour l’Algerie, 4 to. ib. 1855 (2) 960 Biron von Curland (C. Prinzen) Die neueren Gefangniss- Systeme, plates 8 vo. Breslau , 1847 961 Birck (C.) Die Fiirstlichen Lander Hohenzollern, with auto- graph notes and signature of u August Rost” Berlin , 1850 962 Birck (C.) Plan von Sewastopol, coloured Berlin , 1854 963 Birck (C.) Plan der Gegend von Potsdam, on 4 sheets , coloured and mounted on canvas Berlin , 1855 964 Birck (C.) Situations-Plan von Berlin, coloured and mounted on canvas in 8 vo. case. Berlin , 1856 965 Birck (C.) Situations-Plan von Berlin, 5 copies coloured in dif- ferent ways so as to mark the Number of Inhabitants on the Surface, their Number in each House, the Number of Houses on the Surface, Tables of Mortality for 1853-55, and Mortality Tables according to the Surface, by F. M. Schulz, with his autograph letter , signature , and notes in atlas folio portfolio. Berlin , 1856 966 Bischof (C. G.) de Alcalibus in Plantis fine paper 8 w. Bonnce , 1848 967 Bischof (Dr. C.) uber den Natrongehalt in Holzaschen 8vo. 968 Bischof (Dr. G.) Die Warmelehre des Innern unsers Erd- korpers, woodcuts Dedication copy on fine paper ( dedicated “ Dem grossen Geologen,” &c.) calf extra 8vo. Leipzig , 1837 With autograph signature and notes of Baron Humboldt, by whom the work has apparently been studied with care. 969 Bischof (Prof. G.) on the Internal Heat of the Globe, Vol. I, plate and woodcuts 8vo. London , 1841 970 Bischof (G.) Populare Vorlesungen liber naturwissenschaftliche Gegenstande 8 v 0 . Bonn , 1843 75 971 Bischof (Dr. G.) Lehrbuch der chemischen und physikalischen Geologie, 2 vol. in 8, plates and cuts , Vol. I to Vol. II , Part 5, half morocco , and Index sewed 8 vo. Bonn , 1847-55 972 Bischof (G.) Populare Briefe an eine gebildete Dame uber Naturwissenschaften, 2 vol. plates , with author's autograph inscription fine paper 12 mo. Pforzheim , 1848, Sf Bonn , 1849 973 Bischoff (C. H. E.) iiber das Heil-Wesen der Deutschen Heere fine paper 8vo. Elberfeld , 1815 974 Bischoff (C. H. E.) Das Teutsche Kriegsheilwesen, with the author's autograph corrections fine paper 8 vo. Erlangen , 1824 Printed for private distribution only. 975 Bischoff (Dr. C. H. E.) Die Lehre von den chemischen Heil- mitteln, 4 vol. 8vo. Bonn , 1838-40 976 Bischoff (Dr. C. H. E.) iiber das Verhaltniss der Medicin zur Chirurgie, &c., fine paper 8vo. Bonn , 1842 977 Bischoff (Dr. E.) Einiges was den Deutschen Universitaten Noth thut 8vo. Bonn , 1842 978 Bischoff (F. H. T.) und J. H. Moller, Vergleichendes Worter- buch der alten, mittleren und neuen Geographie 8vo. Gotha , 1829 979 Bischoff (G.) iiber die Kontraktion von geschmolzenen Massen Author's autograph corrections 8 vo. 1843 980 Bischoff (L. W. T.) de vera Vasorum Plantarum Spiralium Structura et Functione 8 vo. Bounce , 1829 981 Bischoff (L. W. T.) Nervi accessorii Willisii Anatomia et Physiologia, plates fine paper 4 to. Darmstadii , 1832 982 Bischoff (T. L. W.) Beitrage zur Lehre von den Eyhiillen des menschlichen Fotus, plates, scarce 8 vo. Bonn, 1834 983 Bischoff (T. L. W.) de novis quibusdam Experiments chemico-physiologicis ad illustrandam Doctrinam de Respi- ratione institutis 4 to. Heidelberg ce, 1837 984 Bischoff (T. L. W.) Lepidosiren paradoxa, plates , Humboldt's writing on cover , vellum paper Ato. Leipzig , 1840 985 Bischoff (T. L. W.) Entwickelungsgeschichte der Saugethiere und des Menschen 8vo. Leipzig , 1842 986 Bischoff (T. L. W.) Entwicklungsgeschichte des Kaninchen- Eies, plates , vellum paper 4 to. Braunschweig , 1842 987 Bischoff (Th. L. W.) Beweis der von der Begattung unab- hangigen periodischen Reifung und Loslosung der Eier der Saugethiere und des Menschen als der ersten Bedin- gung ihrer Fortpflantzung large vellum paper, rare 4 to. Giessen , 1844 988 Bischoff (Dr. T. L. W.) iiber Johannes Miiller und sein Ver- haltniss zum jetzigen Standpunkt der Physiologie 4 to. Munchen , 1858 76 989 Bishop (G.) Astronomical Observations taken at his Obser- vatory (South Villa), Regent’s Park, during 1839-51, view of the Observatory Presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription Ato. London , 1852 990 Bittner (A.) Abhandlung iiber die Differenzialrechnung, plates 8vo. Prag. 1833 991 Bjornstjerna (Graf, M.) Das Brittische Reich in Ostindien, India proof portrait and maps, autograph of “ Al. Humboldt” large vellum paper, roy. 8vo. Stockholm, 1839 Presentation copy to Baron de Biilow, with an autograph inscrip- tion of the author. 992 Bjornstjerna (Graf. M.) Die Theogonie, Philosophic, und Kos- mogonie der Hindus, iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von J. R., with autogroph note of Baron Hum- boldt 8 vo. Stockholm, 1843 Presentation copy “ a S. E. Monsieur le Baron Alexandre de Humboldt, &c. &c. &c. de la part de 1’ Auteur.” 993 Blake (W. P.) Preliminary Geological Report (Pacific Railroad Survey), with an autograph letter from the author roy. 8vo. Washington, 1855 994 Blake (W. P.) Report of a Geological Reconnaissance in Cali- fornia, with an Appendix containing Descriptions of Por- tions of the Collection by L. Agassiz, A. A. Gould, J. W. Bailey, T. A. Conrad, J. Torrey, G. C. Schaeffer, and J. D. Easter, numerous plates and maps, with W. P. Blake's autograph inscription A to. New York , 1858 995 Blanc (Louis) Revolution Frai^aise. Histoire de dix Ans 1830-1840, 3 vol. autograph of “ Al. Humboldt, Paris, 1843,” half calf extra, and Vol. V. sewed 8 vo. Paris , 1842-43-44 996 Blanc (Louis) Pages d’Histoire de la Revolution de Fevrier, 1848 large paper roy. 8vo. Paris, 1850 997 Blanch (L.) Frederico II e le sue Opere Authors autograph inscription 8vo. s. 1. Sf a. 998 Blanchard (E.) L’ Organization du Regne Animal, 5 Parts, India proof plates vellum paper royal Ato. Paris , 1851-52 999 Blandet (M.) Maladies des Professions insalubres, author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. Paris, 18 A 5 1000 Blankensee (G. Grafenvon) Preussische Todtenkranze 8vo. Berlin , 1852 1001 Blankensee (G. Graf) Des K. Nikolaus I Hingang (in verse ) royal 8vo. Berlin , 1855 1002 Blaramberg (M. de) De la Position des trois Forteresses Tauro- Scythes dont parle Strabon, map, plans ( Balaclava , Sebastapol, and Symphkeropol ), and plates of antiquities , coins, Sfc. rare 8 vo. Odessa, 1831 77 1003 Blasius (Dr. E.) Beitrage zur praktischen Chirurgie, woodcuts and lithographs 8vo. Berlin, 1848 1004 Blasius (J. H.) Reise im Europaischen Russland, 2 vol. plates and woodcuts , author's autograph inscription to each volume vellum paper 8 vo. Braunschweig, 1844 1 005 Blaszmann (G. ) Prolegomena der speculativen Naturwissenchaft 8vo. Leipzig , 1855 1006 Blau (O.) Beitrage zur Phonikischen Miinzkunde 8 vo. Leipzig , s. a. 1007 Blaze de Bury (H.) Le Comte de Chambord: uu Mois k Yenise, with the author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8 vo. Paris , 1850 1008 Bleek (G.) de Nominum Generibus Linguarum Africse Australis, Copticse, Semiticarum aliarumque Sexualium fine paper, morocco 8vo. Bounce, 1851 1009 Bleeker (P.) Bibliothecae Societatis Artium Scientiarumque quae Bataviae floret Catalogus systematicus. Editio altera curante J. Munnich vellum paper, scarce 8vo. Batavice, 1853 1010 Blodget (Lorin) Isothermal & Hyetal, or Rain Charts presentation copy, with author's autograph inscription , in morocco , lettered on obverse of cover — “PHYSIOS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN CLIMATE. DISTRIBUTION OF HEAT AND OF RAIN.” oblong folio. New York, 1856 1011 Blodget (Lorin) Climatology of the United States, and of the temperate Latitudes of the North American Continent, with Isothermal and Bain Charts splendidly bound in brown morocco, elegantly ornamented , having on obverse side of cover, stamped in gold — “ The Baron Alexander von Humboldt.” royal 8 vo. Philadelphia, 1857 Presentation copy, having the author’s autograph inscription, with his signature, and also MS. notes in the handwriting of Baron von Humboldt. 1012 Blode (G. von) Yersuch einer Darstellung der Gebirgsforma- tions-Systeme im Europaischen Russland, plates , with the author's autograph corrections 8vo. Moscau , 1845 1013 Bloede (G. Von) Die Formations^Systeme von Polen, map and sections, with the author's autograph corrections royal 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1845 1014 Bloede (G. von) Tabelle uber Aerolithen in den Museen zu St. Petersburg 4to. 1015 Blok Torens Mindeblade 1 6mo. Kjobenhavn, 1840 1016 Blondeau, Carte de la France, coloured Paris, s. d. 78 1017 Bliicher (Fiirst) Grab-Denkmal, atlas folio broadside, with view and portrait by Burger Berlin , 1853 1018 Bliicher (Fiirst) Portrait, by Hufel , after Menzel , Berlin , 1845 — Grab-Denkmal, by Burger, ib. 1853 (2) 1019 Bluff (M. J.) et C. A. Fingerhuth, Compendium Florae Ger- manise. Editio altera aucta et amplificata curantibus M. J. Bluff, C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck et J. C. Schauer, 2 vol. in 3 fine paper, rare foolscap 8 vo. Norimbergce , 1836-38 1020 Blum (Dr. J. R.) Taschenbuch der Edelsteinkunde, plates 12 mo. Stuttgart , 1834 1021 Blum (Dr. L. F.) Wesen und Beruf der Deutschen Litteratur privately printed 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1846 1022 Blume (E.) Praktische Zahnartzt half morocco 8 vo. Berlin , 1836 1023 Blume (W. H.) iiber hohere Schule und die Ritter-Akademie zu Brandenburg, Brandenburg , 1837 — Blau (K. F.) Ges- chichte der Ritter-Akademie zu Liegnitz, Liegnitz , 1841 4 to.. (2) 1024 Blume (W. H.) Vier Schulreden 8 vo. Potsdam , 1839 1025 Blume (Dr. W. H.) Lateinische Vorschule fine paper, half morocco 8 vo. Leipzig , 1840 1026 Blume (W. PI.) Aphoristische Beitrage zur Lateinischen Grammatik 4 to. Brandenburg , 1845 1027 Blumenbach (J. F.) Handbuch der Naturgeschichte, plates , autograph of “ Al. Humboldt” 8vo. Gottingen, 1825 1028 Blumenthal (J.) Atlas de G4ographie et d’Histoire, maps, with author s autograph inscription oblong folio. Paris, 1840 1029 Blytt (M. N.) Enumeratio Plantarum Yascularium quae circa Christianiam sponte nascuntur 4fo. Christianice, 1844 1030 Board of Health (General) Second Report on Quarantine, Yellow Fever 8vo. London, 1852 1031 Boblaye et Yirlet, Configuration de la Grece 4 to. 1032 Bochet (M.) sur le Gisement d’Etain de Piriac 4fo. Paris, s.d. 1033 Bock (C. W.) Analysis Yerbi im Griechischen, Sanskrit, Lateinischen und Tiirkischen half morocco 8 vo. Berlin, 1844 1034 Bode (J. E.) Representation des Astres sur 34 Planches, avec une Instruction sur la Maniere de s’en servir et un Cata- logue de 5877 Etoiles, Nebuleuses et Amas d’Etoiles, with oblong 4 to atlas, containing the 34 plates, Humboldt's auto- graph notes 4 to. Berlin, 1805 1035 Bode (J. E.) Yorstellung der Gestirne und Yerzeichniss 5877 Sternen, Nebelflecken und Sternhaufen, with oblong 4 to. atlas of 34 plates 4 to. Berlin, 1805 1036 Bode (J. E.) Erlauterung der Sternkunde, 2 vol. plates 8 vo. Berlin, 1808 79 1037 Bode (J.E .) Anleitung zur Kenntniss des gestirnten Himmels, portrait and plates , lettered on back by Humboldt himself fine paper, scarce 8vo . Berlin , 1823 1038 Boden (A.) zur Kenntnisz und Characteristik Deutschlands 8 vo. Frankfurt , 1856 1039 Bodenheimer (L.) Das Testament unter der Benennung einer Erbschaft und einer Schenkung nach rabbinischen Quellen bearbeitet, 3 parts 8vo. Crefeld, 1847 1040 Bodz Reymond (F. H.) Staatswesen und Menschenbildung, umfassende Betracbtungen iiber die National und Privat- Armuth, 4 vol. portrait of the author s son pine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1837-39 1041 Boeck(W.) Syphilisationsforsog, author's autograph inscription , privately printed 8 vo. Christiania , 1853 1042 Boeck (W.) et D. C. Danielsen, Recueil d’Observations sur les Maladies de la Peau, I re Livraison (seule?), 4 finely coloured plates of Herpes , Syphilis , Psoriasis , Sf Scabies royal folio. Christiania , 1855 Presentation copy, with inscription and signature of W. Boeck. 1043 Boeck (W.) Syphilisationen som Curmethode scarce, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Christiania, 1857 1044 Bocker (Dr.) iiber die Wirkung des Wassers 4 to. Bonn , 1853 1045 Boeckhii (A.) Corpus Inscriptionum Gr^carum, cum Con- tinuatione J. Franzii, E. Curtii, et A. Hirschkoff, 40 parts in 10 (forming when bound 4 vol.) plates uncut folio. Berolini , 1828-59 This most valuable collection of Greek Inscriptions, including those respecting the early Christians, cost at the publishers about 300 francs. 1046 Boeckh (A.) Erklarung einer Attischen Urkunde iiber das Vermogen des Apollinischen Heiligthums auf Delos 4to. Berlin , 1834 1047 Boeckhii (A.) Orationes Nataliciis Friderici Guilelmi III pro 1836, 1837, and 1839, with author's autograph inscription vellum PAPER 4 to. Berolini , 1837-39 (3) 1048 Boeckhii (A.) Oratio Nataliciis Friderici Guilelmi III, Humboldt's writing on cover PINE PAPER 4 to. Berolini , 1839 1049 Boeckh (A.) Oratio Nataliciis Friderici Guilelmi III 4fo. Berolini , 1839 1050 Boeckhii (A.) Oratio in sollemnibus Parentalibus Friderici Guilelmi III, vellum paper 4 to. Berolini, 1840 1051 Boeckhii (A.) Oratio Nataliciis Friderici Guilelmi IV, 1841-42-43-45-46-47, 6 vol. VELLUM PAPER 4 to. Berolini, 1841-47 80 1052 Boeckh (A.) Urkunden iiber das Seewesen des Attischen Staates, and oblong royal folio Atlas of Greek inscriptions YELLTJM PAPER 8vo. Berlin , 1840 1053 Boeckh (A.) Rede zur Trauerfeier des K. Friedrich Wilhelm III YELLTJM PAPER Ato. Berlin , 1840 1051 Bockh (A.) Friedrich Wilhelm IV Geburtsfestes-Rede, fine paper, 4to. Berlin , 1840 — Bockh (A.) Festreden 15 Oct. 1848, 1854, 2 vol. 4to. ib. 1848-54 — Festreden 1853-56- 58, 3 vol. 8 vo. ib. 1853-58 ( 6 ) 1055 Bockh (A.) Festreden 15 Oct. 1848-50-55-56-57-58, 6 vol. yelltjm paper, privately printed 4to. Berlin, 1848-58 1056 Bockh (A.) iiber das Verhaltniss der Wissenschaft zum Leben YELLTJM PAPER 4 to. Berlin , 1844 1057 Bockh (A.) Manetho und die Hundsternperiode ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Pharaonen 8vo. Berlin , 1845 1058 Bockh (A.) iiber Friedrichs des grossen Classische Studien yelltjm paper 4£o. Berlin , 1846 1059 Bockh (A.) iiber neu aufgefundene Bruchstiicke aus Redeu des Hypereides, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Halle , 1848 1060 Bockh (A.) Rede an Leibnizens Gedachtnisstag 8 t> 0 . Berlin , 1850 1061 Boeckh (A.) Die Staatshaushaltung der Athener, 3 vol. yelltjm PAPER, half morocco 8vo. Berlin , 1851 1062 Bockh (A.) Untersuchungen iiber das Kosmische System des Platon. Sendschreiben an A. von Humboldt fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1852 1063 Boeckh (A.) zur Geschichte der Mondcyclen der Hellenen 2 vol. yelltjm paper 8vo. Leipzig , 1855-57 1064 Boeckh (R.) Allgemeine Uebersicht der Veroffentlichungen, aus der administrativen Statistik 8 vo. Berlin , 1856 1065 Boeckh (A.) Gesammelte kleine Schriften, 2 vol. (vol. I Orationes Latinae, vol. II Reden) 8vo. Leipzig , 1858-59 1066 Booking und C. Kiefer, iiber die Eisenschutzzoll-Frage Privately printed , “ Als Manuscript” Ato. Berlin , 1843 1067 Bohm (Dr. J. G.) Beobachtungen von Sonnen-Flecken und Bestimmung der Rotations-Elemente der Sonne, plates , author's autograph inscription large paper atlas Mo . Wien , 1852 81 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. LOT 1068 Boehm (Dr. Ludwig) Die kranke Darmschleimhaut in der Asiatischen Cholera mikroskopisch untersucht, plates 8 vo. Berlin , 1838 1069 Bohm (Dr. L.) Das Schielen und der Sehnenschnitt in seinen Wirkungen auf Stellung und Sehkraft der Augen, plate and woodcuts LARGE VELLUM paper, rare roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1845 1070 Boehm (Dr. Ludwig) Der Nystagmus und dessen Heilung, eine Monographic, cuts large vellum paper, (only very few copies printed ) 8 vo. Berlin , 1857 1071 Bohme (W.) Westphalen und dessen Staatsglaubiger 8 vo. Halberstadt , 1843 1072 Bohme (W.) iiber das Westphalische Centralschuldenwesen 8vo. Halberstadt , 1844 1073 Bohmer (Dr. W.) Die Lehrunterschiede der Katholischen und Evangelischen Kirchen. Erster Band half morocco 8vo. Breslau , 1857 1074 Boehn (H. von) Zustand der Tiirkei in 1853 8vo . Berlin , 1853 1075 Boehn (H. von) Bliithe und Verfall des Osmanenreichs in Europa, map 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 1076 Boehringer (A.) Fest-Rede 8vo. Juterbog , 1835 1077 Boethius de Consolatione Philosophise: Althochdeutsche Uebersetzung und Erlauterung (Saec. xi) zum ersten Male herausgegeben von E. G. Graff fine paper, presentation copy with editor's autograph inscrip- tion 8 vo. Berlin , 1837 With the Latin text printed at the foot of each page. 1078 Bottcher (F.) Exegetisch-kritische iEhrenlese zum Alten Testament 8 vo. Leipzig , 1849 1079 Bottcher (F.) Die altesten Biihnendichtungen, der Debora- Gesang und das Hohe Lied dramatisch hergestellt und neu iibersetzt, autograph signature of A. von Humboldt large vellum paper roy. 8 vo. Leipzig , 1 850 M 82 1080 Bottger (Dr. C.) Das Mittelmeer, 8 parts, maps and woodcuts royal 8vo. Leipzig , 1858 The most important work yet published respecting the Mediter- ranean, in which the author has made considerable use of Admiral Smyth’s publication. 1081 Bottger (Dr. R.) Materialien zu Versuchen fur chemische und physikalische Yorlesungen, woodcuts Vellum paper, red morocco , g. e. 8 vo. Frankfurt a. M. 1846 1082 Bcetticher (C.) Andeutungen uber das Heilige und Profane in der Baukunst der Hellenen, with portrait of author , private plate by Tliaeter after Bietscliel, inserted large paper, with author' s autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin , 1846 1083 Bcetticher (C.) Princip der Hellenischen und Germanischen Bauweise Ato. Berlin , 1846 1084 Botticher (C.) Der Hypathraltempel (gegen Prof. L. Ross) vellum paper 4 to. Potsdam , 1846 1085 Boetticher (C.) Der Baumkultur der Hellenen, 22 plates large vellum paper, rare roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1856 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 1086 Botticher (K.) Die Tektonik der Hellenen. Einleitung und Dorika, 4to, with royal folio atlas containing 21 plates fine paper Potsdam , 1844 1087 Bcetticher (P.) Horse Aramaicse vellum paper 8vo. Berolini, 1847 1088 Boetticher (P.) Initia Chromatologise Arabicae vellum paper 8vo. Berolinij 1849 1089 Boetticher (P.) Arica vellum paper, privately printed 8vo. Halts, 1851 With an autograph note from the author. 1090 Boetticher (W.) de Linguae Latinse Romanarumque Litterarum Studio, &c. 4 to. Berlin , 1841 1091 Bofarull (A. de) La Lengua Catalana considerada historica- mente, scarce imp. 8 vo. Barcelona , 1858 1092 Bogenhard (C.) Taschenbuch der Flora von Jena, author's autograph inscription post 8 vo. Leipzig , 1850 1093 Boguslawski (B. de) de Rebus et Conditionibus quae ut Fabrics© Officinaeque oriantur, crescant, floreant, sint necessariae, author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8vo. Vratislavice, 1844 1094 Boguslawski (G. von) Zehnter Nachtrag zu Chladni’s Verzeich- nisse der Feuermeteore und herabgefallenen Massen, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Wien, 1819 1095 Boguslawski (G. von) on a New Micrometer, presentation copy with author's autograph inscription 4 to. London, 1845 83 1096 Boguslawski (G. von) Die Kometen und ihre Bedeutung als Weltkorper vellum paper, presentation copy , with the author's autograph inscription and signature 8vo. Stettin , 1857 1097 Bohlen (Dr. P. von) Autobiographie herausgegeben als Manu- script fur seine Freunde von J. Yoight, portrait privately printed 8vo. Konigsberg , 1841 1098 Bohn (H. G.) Catalogue of Books, vol. I half morocco 8vo. London , 1848 1099 Boileau (E.) Reglemens sur les Arts et Metiers de Paris rediges au XIII e Siecle et connus sous le Nom du Livre des Metiers d’Etienne Boileau, avec des Notes et une Intro* duction par G. B. Depping 4 to. Paris, 1837 1100 Boisseree (S.) Geschichte und Beschreibung des Doms von Koln, proof plates, with author's autograph inscription vellum paper roy. 4fo. Munchen , 1842 1101 Boissonneau (A.) des Moyens de Pacification gen4rale, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1849 1102 Boitard (M.) Le Jardin des Plantes. Description et Mceurs des Mammiferes de la Menagerie et du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, avec Introduction par J. Janin, plates vellum paper, India proofs of the portraits and having the engravings of natural history finely coloured, gilt cloth imp. 8 vo. Paris, 1842 1103 Boll (E.) Geognosie der Deutschen Ostseelander unter Mit- werkung von Dr. G. A. Bruckner verfasst, plates 8vo. Neubrandenburg , 1846 1104 Boll (E.) Beschreibung der Tolense roy. 8vo. Neubrandenburg, 1853 1105 Boll (E.) Die Insel Rfigen, map vellum paper 8vo. Schwerin , (1858) 1106 Bolotoff (A.) Geodezie (Cours de G^odesie superieure et elementaire, en Russe), 2 vol. in 1, plates Presentation copy with author's autograph inscription, green morocco roy. 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1845-49 1107 Bolotoff (A. de) Carte geographique de l’Asie Mineure d’apres des Mat^riaux inedits et les Donnees fournies par P. de Tchihatchef, mounted on canvas in case folio. Paris, 1853 1108 Boltz (A.) fiber Russische Litteratur 8vo. Berlin, 1851 1109 Boltz (Dr. A.) fiber das altrussische Heldenlied im Vergleiche mit der Arthur-Sage, an interesting tract 8 vo. Berlin, 1854 1110 Bolzano (Dr. B.) Versuch einer objectiven Begrfindung der Lehre von der Zusammensetzung der Krafte, author's auto- graph inscription 4 to. Prag, 1842 1111 Bonafont (P. C.) Le Roi et le Com4dien, Comedie historique 8vo. Cologne, 1843 84 1112 Bonaparte, Principe de Canino (L.) Catalogo di scelte Anti- chita Etrusche col Elenco dei Nomi proprii, 2 vol. in 1, woodcuts , autograph inscription of the Prince of Canino, and Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Viterbo , 1829 Printed for presents only. 1113 Bonaparte (Carlo L. Principe) Catalogo Metodico dei Pisci Europei large paper roy. 4 to. Napoli , 1846 Very rare, few copies having been printed for private distribution only. 1114 Bonaparte (Charles Lucien Prince) Notes ornithologiques sur les Collections rapportees en 1853 par M. A. Delattre et Classification parallelique des Passereaux Chanteurs Printed for private distribution only 4 to. Paris, 1854 1115 Bonaparte (Prince C. L.) Notes sur les Larides, Paris , 1854 — Quadro dei Volucri Anisodattili, ivi, 1854 8vo. (2) 1116 Bonaparte (Prince Charles Lucien) Coup-d’CEil sur l’Ordre des Pigeons, with the Imperial Author s autograph inscrip- tion Ato. Paris , 1855 Printed for private distribution only. 1117 Bond (W. C.) History and Description of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge , U.S . 1856 — Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Ob- servatory of Harvard Collection with Zone Catalogue of 5500 Stars, ib. 1855; half morocco Ato. 2 vol. in 1 1118 Bonifas-Lacondamine (Prof. E.) du veritable Esprit de l’En- seignement Theologique, authors autograph inscription 8 vo. Montauban , 1856 1119 Bonivard (F.) Advis et Devis de la Source de l’ldolatrie et Tyrannie Papale (mis au Jour par J. J. Chaponiere et G. Revilliod), woodcut portraits of the Popes and capital letters large paper, vellum, leaves uncut 8 vo. Geneve , 1856 Presentation copy, with autograph inscription of G. Revilliod, one of the editors. Of this curious work (written in the XVIth Century) only a very limited impression was printed at the expense of the Geneva Historical and Archaeological Society. 1 1 20 Bonn Sternwarte. Atlas des nordlichen gestirnten Himmels fur den Anfang des Jahres 1855 entworfen, 4 parts, charts of stars oblong atlas folio. Bonn, 1857-59 1121 Bonnard (M. de) Articles: Formations, Geogenie, G^ognosie, Geologie, Gisement, Gite de Mineraux et Grison, Paris, 1818 —Bonnard (M. de) Roche, with author's autograph inscrip- tion , ib. 1819 8vo. (2) 85 1122 Bonnard (M. de) Notice geognostique sur quelques Parties de la Bourgogne suivie du Rapport fait k l’Academie sur cette Notice par MM. Brocbant de Villiers, Cordier, et Brong- niart Presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription , and Baron Humboldt's MS. notes at end 8vo. Paris , 1825 1123 Bonnell (C. E.) de Arte Memorise Commentatio historica vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1838 1124 Bonnell (E.) de mutata sub primis Csesaribus Eloquentise Romanse Condicione imprimis de Rhetorum Scholis Com- mentatio historica 4 to. Berlin , 1836 1125 Bonnell (C. E.) Padagogische Ansichten und Erfahrungen, with author's autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin , 1 847 1126 Bonnet (C.) Mappa Geographico da Provincia do Alentejo e do Reino do Algarve (Portugal) Lisboa , 1851 Proof impression, with the author’s autograph inscription. 1127 Booth (J. C.) and C. Morfit on recent Improvements in the Chemical Art3 roy. 8vo. Washington , 1851 1128 Booth (W. B.) Meteorological Observations in the Horticul- tural Society’s Gardens at Chiswick, plate 4 to. Bond. 1827 1129 Bopp (A. A. S.) de Acido Quercitannico thick paper 8vo. Berolini , 1855 1130 Bopp (F.) liber die Zahlworter 4 to. Berlin , 1830-33 1131 Bopp (F.) Kritische Grammatik der Sanskrita Sprache in kiir- zerer Fassung, lettering at the back in Humboldt's autograph fine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1834 1132 Bopp (F.) Yergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Zend, Grie- chischen, Lateinischen, Litthauishen, Altslawischen, Gothi- schen, und Deutschen, vol. II to VI, vellum paper, rare, 4ito. Berlin , 1835-52 — Bopp (F.) Vergleichende Gram- matik des Sanskrit, Send, Armenischen, Griechischen, Lateinischen, Litauischen, Altslavischen, Gothischen, und Deutschen. Zweite ganzlich umgearbeitete Ausgabe, vol. I, part I and II, and vol. II, part I, vellum paper, 8 vo. Berlin , 1856-58 (8) A very important work, probably a present from the Author him- self, who has rendered it complete by sending the best edition of each part. 1133 Bopp (F.) Vocalismus large vellum paper, rare 8vo. Berlin , 1836 1134 Bopp (F.) Die Celtischen Sprachen in ihrem Verhaltnisse zum Sanskrit, Zend, Griechischen, Lateinischen, Germani- schen, Litthauischen und Slawischen, Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Berlin , 1839 1135 Bopp (F.) iiber die Kawi-Sprache (a Review of W. von Hum- boldt’s work), fine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1840 1136 Bopp (F.) Kritik iiber W, von Humboldt iiber die Kawi- Sprache 4 to, Berlin , 1840 86 1137 Bopp (F.) iiber die Verwandtschaft der Malayisch-Polynesi- schen Sprachen mit den Indisch-Europaischen large paper, rare 4 to. Berlin , 1841 1138 Bopp (F.) Kritische Grammatik der Sanskrita Sprache in kiirzerer Fassung vellum paper, half morocco 8 vo. Berlin, 1845 1139 Bopp (F.) iiber die Sprache der alten Preussen vellum paper, half morocco 4fo. Berlin, 1853 Printed for private distribution only. 1140 Bopp (F.) Vergleichendes Accentuationssystem des Sanskrit und Griechischen, with autograph notes of Baron Humboldt on fly-leaf at end vellum paper, half morocco 8vo. Berlin, 1854 1141 Bopp (F.) Vergleichung des Griechischen und Sanskritischen Accentuationssystems 8vo. Berlin , 1854 1142 Bopp (F.) iiber das Albanesische in seinen verwandtschaft- lichen Beziehungen vellum paper, very rare, half morocco 4 to. Berlin , 1855 1143 Borchardt (J. S.) Der Weg zum Studium der Freimauerei half morocco 8 vo. Berlin, 1850 Printed for private distribution only, marked “als gedrucktes Manuscript.” 1144 Borchers (E.) Anwendung eines kraftigen Magnets zur Ermit- telung der Durchschlagsrichtung zweier Gegenorter vellum paper, plate 8vo. Clausthal , 1846 1145 Borgnet (M.) Philippe II et la Belgique 4 to. Bruxelles, 1849 1146 Borgnet (M.) Discours prononce a la Ceremonie de la Reou- verture des Cours de l’Universite de Liege 8vo. Bruxelles, 1849 1147 Bornemann (C. F.) Prolog zur feierlichen Eroffnung der im Pallaste Barberini zu Potsdam den Yereinen fur Kunst und Wissenschaft verliehenen Riiume (Gedicht) vellum paper, privately printed roy,8vo. Potsdam, 1852 1148 Bornemann (J. G.) iiber die Liasformation in der Umgegend von Gottingen und ihre organische Einschliisse, map and plates, vellum paper, presentation copy , with Author s autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin, 1854 The address of Dr. Georg Bornemann Potsd. Strasse 134 ° (3 Treppen),” is in Humboldt’s own handwriting. 1149 Bornemann (Dr. J, G.) Die mikroskopische Fauna des Septa- rienthones von Hermsdorf bei Berlin, 10 plates 8 vo. Berlin, 1855 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 1150 Bornemann (J. G.) iiber die Diluvial-und Alluvialbildungen der Umgegend von Miihlhausen 8 vo. 1856 87 1151 Bornemann (J. G.) liber organische Reste der Lettenkohlen- gruppe Thiiringens, (besonders iiber fossile Cycadeen), coloured plates 4 to. Leipzig , 1856 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 1152 Bory de St. Vincent (M.) Essai d’une Classification des Animaux Microscopiques Presentation copy , with Author's autograph inscription , and having Humboldt's handwriting on cover 8vo. Paris , 1826 1153 Bory de Saint-Vincent (M.) De la Matiere, with Author's autograph inscription , in which is stated that only 60 copies were printed 8vo. Pan's, 1826 Having also on cover another autograph inscription of the Author, and a note in the handwriting of Baron von Humboldt. 1154 Bory de St. Vincent (M.) Essai d’une Classification des Animaux Microscopiques et Regne Psychodraire, Hum- boldt's writing on covers , and Author's autograph inscription , Paris , 1826-27 — Sur les Oscillaires, ib. 1827 8vo. (3) 1155 Bory de St. Vincent et Durieu de Maisonneuve (MM.) Botanique (Texte et Atlas) de l’Exploration Scientifique de l’Algerie (Flore d’Algerie) vellum paper, with the plates exquisitely coloured , in a port- folio roy. 4 to. Paris , 1849 1156 Bory de St. Vincent, Carte politique de l’Espagne et de Por- tugal, engraved by Vicq Paris , s. d. 1157 Bosch-Spencer (H.) Statistique Commerciale de la Cote Occi- dentale de l’Amerique, Humboldt's writing on cover roy. 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1848 1158 Bosscha (J.) de Galvanometro differential! thick dutch paper, red morocco , g. e. 8 vo. Lugd. Bat. 1854 1159 Boston. Proceedings on the Occasion of laying the Corner- stone of the Public Library 8 vo. Boston , U. S. 1855 Privately printed. Presentation copy from the Hon. R. C. Win- throp, the President, with his autograph inscription. 1160 Botanical Society’s Proceedings, plates , presentation copy from the Society , Bond. 1839 — Statutes, n. d . — List of Members, MS. additions , 1847— Fourth and Fifth Reports, Edinb. 1841 8 vo. (4) 1161 Bottin (L. F. P. A.) sur le Commerce des C4reales, Author's autograph inscription 8vo. Verviers , 1840 1162 Bouche (C. D.) Die Blumentreiberei, plates half morocco \2mo. Berlin , 1842 1163 Boucheporn (F. de) Etudes sur l’Histoire de la Terre et sur les Causes des Revolutions de sa Surface, plates large paper, Author's autograph inscription roy . 8vo. Paris , 1844 1164 Boucheporn (F. de) Du Principe general de la Philosophic Naturelle, cuts , large paper roy. 8vo. Paris , 1853 88 1165 Boucher Desnoyers (Baron) Appendice a l’Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Raphael par M. Quatrem&re de Quincy accompagn4 de Reseignements sur divers Artistes, plates large vellum paper, only a few copies printed for presents roy . 4 to. Paris . 1852 1166 Boucher de Perthes (M.) Antiquites Celtiques et Antedilu- viennes, Tome II, plates vellum paper roy. 8vo. Paris , 1857 1167 Boudin (J. C, M.) Essai de Geographie medicale 8 vo. Paris , 1843 1168 Boudin (J. C. M.) Etudes de Geologie Medicale, Paris , 1845 — De l’Homme Physique et Moral, ib. 1851 8 vo. (2) 1169 Boudin (J. C. M.) Statistique de l’Etat Sanitaire et Mortalite des Armees de Terre et de Mer 8 vo. Paris , 1846 1170 Boudin (J. C. M.) Carte physique et meteorologique du Globe Terrestre, mounted on canvas Paris , 1851 Dedicated to Humboldt, therefore the Dedication copy. 1171 Boudin (M.) Mortalite et Acclimatement en Algerie 8vo. Paris , 1847 1172 Boue (A.) sur les Terrains des Alpes 8 vo. Paris , 1824 1173 Boue (A.) Memoires Geologiques et Paleontologiques, tome premier, plates 8 vo. Paris , 1832 1174 Boue (A.) iiber die Hohe, &c. des Miocen-Meeres in Ungarn und E. Turkei 8 vo. Wien , 1850 1175 Boue (A.) iiber die Palaeo-Hydro-und Orographie der Erdo- berflache, coloured plate roy. 8 vo. Wien, 1850 1176 Boue (A.) iiber die sogenannten Menschenfiisse-Abdriicke auf Felsen 8 vo. Wien, 1850 1177 Boue (A.) Zweckund Nutzen der Geologie 8 vo. Wien , 1851 1178 Boue (A.) sur l’Etablissement de bonnes Routes et surtout de Chemins de Fer dans la Turquie d’Europe 8 vo. Vienne, 1 852 1179 Boue (A.) Chronologischer Katalog der Nordlichter bis 1856 mit Bibliographie roy. 8 vo. Wien, 1856 1180 Bouet-Villaumez (Comte E.) Description Nautique des Cotes de l’Afrique Occidentale, plates ( with the six Charts not folded, in royal folio) half red morocco roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1846 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph signature. 1 181 Bouillier (F.) L’Institut et les Academies de Province, Author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Lyon, 1857 1182 Boulitchoff (J.) Essai sur l’Art du Blazon, plates of Arms, Seals, Sfc. many of them emblazoned in gold, silver and colours, half morocco roy. 4 to. St. Petersbourg, 1855 Apparently imperfect, as there is no Plate III, and Plate IV is duplicate. Sold therefore not subject to collation. 89 1183 Boulitchoff (J. de) Voyage dans la Siberie Orientale. Premiere Partie, Voyage au Kamtchatka, 56 plates in tints {several, especially the Costumes, finely coloured ) vellum paper, with the full length portrait of 11 Yermak ” heightened with silver and gold half morocco roy. folio. Moscou, 1855 This magnificent copy was a present to Baron Humboldt from the Author, whose autograph inscription is on fly-leaf. 1*184 Bourde (Citoyen) Manuel des Marins ou Dictionnaire des Termes de Marine, 2 vol. in 1 8 vo. Paris , 1799 1185 Bourdon (Isid.) Principes de Physiologie comparee 8 vo. Paris , 1830 1186 Boup^s (r. K.) MercwpoXoytKat UapaTYjpycret^ ytvopevcu cts ’AS^vas 8 vo. Eis 'ASrjvas, 1839 1187 Bourgoing (P. de) Les Guerres d’ldiome et de Nationality large paper, map and India proof portraits of Kossuth and Jellachich roy. 8vo. Paris , 1849 1188 Boussingault (J. B.) sur le Gisement du Platine, avec Intro- duction par A. de Humboldt, Humboldt' s writing on cover , 8 vo. Paris , 1826 — Analyse d’un Calcul urinaire de Nature ferrugineuse addressee a M. de Humboldt, 8 vo. ib. 1824 (2) 1189 Boussingault (J. B.) et Mariano de Rivero sur les Eaux chaudes de la Cordillere de Venezuela et sur le Lait de l’Arbre de la Vache, 2 Tracts 8 vo. Paris , 1823 1190 Boussingault (J. B.) sur le Gisement de Platine (avec Intro- duction par A. de Humboldt) 8vo. Paris , 1826 1191 Boussingault (J. B.) Versuch einer Ersteigung des Chimborazo (Brief an Humboldt) 8 vo. 1831 1192 Boussingault (J. B.) Ersteigung des Chimborazo (aus einem Briefe an A. von Humboldt), Humboldt's autograph note on cover , 8 vo. Leipzig , s. a. — Humboldt (A. de) Notice de deux Tentatives d’ Ascension du Chimborazo, Paris , 1838 8ro. (2) 1193 Boussingault (J. B.) Economie rurale consideree dans ses Rapports avec la Chimie, la Physique et la Meteorologie, 2 vol. vellum paper, with author's autograph inscription , u Hom- mage d’une Amitie sincere. B.” 8vo. Paris , 1843-44 1194 Boussingault (J. B.) Die Landwirthschaft in ihren Bezie- hungen zur Chemie, Physik und Meteorologie. Deutsch bearbeitet von Dr. N. Graeger, 2 vol. in 1 half morocco 8 vo. Halle , 1844-45 1195 Boussingault (J. B.) et Mariano de Rivero sur le Lait de l’Arbre de la Vache, mentions Humboldt 8vo. {Paris, 1823) 1196 Boussingault et Lewy (MM.) sur la Composition de l’Air confin4 dans la Terre Vegetale, plate vellum paper 8vo. Paris , 1853 N 90 1197 Boussingault (J. B.) Economie rurale consideree dans ses Rapports avec la Chimie, la Physique et la Meteorologie, 2 vol. vellum paper, with autograph notes of Baron Humboldt on fly-leaves at end 8vo. Paris , 1851 Presentation copy, with the following autograph inscription, “ A mon Illustre ami le Baron de Humbolt Hommage de recon- naissance et d’affection. Boussingault.” 1198 Boussingault et Lewy, sur la Composition de l’Air confine dans la Terre Vegetale, plate vellum paper 8vo. Paris, 1853 1199 Boussingault (M.) Notice sur ses Memoires et Observations printed for private distribution only 4 to. (Paris, 1838) 1200 Boussingault (M.) Coquilles et Echinodermes Fossiles de Colombie avec Descriptions par A. d’Orbigny, plates roy. Ato. Paris, 1842 Presentation copy, with autograph inscription and signature of Alcide d’Orbigny. 1201 Boussingault y Roulin, Viajes cientificos a los Andes Ecuato- riales traducidas por J. Acosta y precedidas de algunas Nociones de Geologia por el mismo, with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes , half morocco 8 vo. Paris, 1849 1202 Boussingault sur le Moyen d’extraire le Gaz oxygene contenu dans l’Air atmospherique, plates roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1852 1203 Boutigny (P. H.) Nouvelle Branche de Physique ou Etudes sur les Corps a l’Etat spheroidal, cuts, with Author s auto- graph letter and inscription 8vo. Paris, 1847 1204 Boutruche (A.) Tableau National, chronologique et synchro- nique, de l’Histoire de France thick paper, coloured , double atlas folio broadside. Paris, 1830 1205 Bouvard (A.) sur les Observations meteorologiques faites & l’Observatoire Royal de Paris, with Baron Humboldt'' s autograph notes Ato. Paris, 1827 1206 Bowditch (N. I.) History of the Massachusetts General Hos- pital, view and portraits half morocco roy. 8vo. Boston, 1851 Printed for private circulation only. This copy was presented by the Author, and has the following inscription in his autograph: “ Presented to Baron von Humboldt at the suggestion of Dr. W. T. G. Morton, as containing a full account of the Ether discovery, with the respects of W. J. Bowditch.” Respecting this Ether discovery Baron Humboldt has added cuttings from American newspapers. 1207 Bowring (Sir John) Minor Morals, 3 vol. engravings by G. Cruikshank and W. Heath 12 mo. Lond. 1834-37 1208 Brachet (A.) sur le Microscope du Prof. Amici presentation copy, with autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1856 91 1209 Brackenridge (H. M.) Early Discoveries by Spaniards in New Mexico (Cibola), Author's autograph inscription 8vo. Pittsburgh , 1857 1210 Bradford (A. W.) American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race 8 vo. New YorJc, 1841 1211 Brandel (H.) La Myriade, Systeme chronologique pour une Periode de dix mille Ans expose d’apres les MSS. inedits * de l’Auteur par F. A. Ewerlof vellum pater, presentation copy roy. 8 vo. Copenhague, 1853 1212 Brandenburg. Das Kaiserliche Buch des Markgrafen Albrecht Achilles. Kurfurstliche Periode von 1470-1486, mit einem aus Archivalien bearbeiteten Commentare heraus- gegeben von J. von Minutoli, portrait and facsimiles, cloth, g. e. with the Margrave' s Arms, in gold and colours, stamped on sides 8 vo. Berlin, 1850 1213 Brandes (D. C.) Die Smith-Sund, Expeditition unter Dr. Kane, 2 parts, autograph note of Humboldt 8 vo. 1856 1214 Brandes (H. W.) iiber die Sternschnuppen, presentation copy, with author s autograph note 8vo. Leipzig , 1826 1215 Brandes (Dr. K.) Sir John Franklin, die Unternehmungen fur seine Rettung und die Nordwestliche Durchfahrt, Table of Arctic Temperature by Prof Dove, and map by H. Lange 8 vo. Berlin, 1 854 1216 Brandes (Dr. K. H.) Neuseeland, Humboldt's writing on cover 12mo. Leipzig, s. a. 1217 Brandes (Dr. R.) Rede in der Von Humboldt’schen Versamm- lung des Apotheker-Vereins 8 vo. Hannover , 1841 1218 Brandes (Dr. R.) Alexander von Humboldt a privately printed Ballad 8 vo. s. 1. a. 1219 Brandes (R. und W.) iiber den stiindlichen Gang des Baro- meters und Thermometers im Jahre 1828 zu Salzuflen with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Lemgo, 1832 1220 Brandes (R. und W.) Gang des Barometers. Another copy 8 vo. Lemgo, 1832 1221 Brandes (R. und W.) iiber Gesteine und Mineralquellen am Hollenhagen 8vo. Lemgo, 1835 1222 Brandes (R. und W.) Stiindliche Beobachtungen am Thermo- meter zu Salzuflen 8vo. Lemgo, 1837 1223 Brandies. Denkschrift. iiber Branntweinsteuerhebung Official Document lithographed in imitation of a Manuscript folio. Berlin, 1840 1224 Brandin (Don A. V.) de la Influencia de los diferentes Climas del Universo sobre el Hombre y en particular de la Influ- encia de los Climas de la America Meridional, rare, with the Author's autograph inscription and Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Lima , 1826 92 1225 Brandin (Don A. V.) Anales Medicales del Peru, 4 Nos. rare 4to. Lima , 1827 1226 Brandis (C. A) Handbuch der Geschichte der Griechisch- Romischen Philosophic, 2 vol. in 4, autograph Notes of Baron Humboldt fine paper, vol. I to vol, II Part 2, half morocco , and vol. II Part 3, uncut 8 vo. Berlin , 1835-57 1227 Brandis (C. A.) Mittheilungen iiber Griechenland, 3 vol. 1 2mo. Leipzig , 1842 — Brandis (C. A.) iiber Aristoteles Rhetorik und die Griechischen Auslegen derselben 8 vo. Bonnes. a. (4) 1228 Brandis J.) iiber den historischen Gewinn aus der Entzifferung der Assyrischen Inschriften, plate fine paper, with references and pencil marks by Baron Humboldt 8vo. Berlin , 1856 1229 Brandisii (J.) Commentatio de Temporum Grsecorum anti- quissimorum Rationibus vellum paper 4to. Bounce, 1857 1230 Brandt (J. F.) sur le Musee de PAcad^mie 8 vo. St. Petersbourg, 1843 1231 Brandt (J. F.) Symbolse Sirenologicse quibus praecipue Rhy- tinse Historia naturalis illustratur, plates The dedication copy on large paper “ Generosissimo et • illustrissimo Alexandro de Humboldto Naturae Scrutatorum Principi summa Observantia D. D. D. Auctor,” green mo- rocco, g.e. 4 to. Petropoli, 1846 1232 Brandt (J. F.) de Fuligula (Lampronetta) Fischeri nova Avium Rossicarum Specie, coloured plate vellum paper 4 to. Petropoli, 1847 1233 Brandt (J, F.) de Fuligula (Lampronetta) Fischeri nova Avium Rossicarum Specie, coloured plate, half morocco, g. e. 4 to. Petropoli, 1847 1234 Brandt (Dr. J. F.) Naturgeschichte des Dodo, woodcuts , authors autograph inscription, and Humboldt' s writing on cover 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1848 1235 Brandt (J. F.) Observationes ad Rhinocerotis Tichorhini Historiam spectantes, half morocco, g. e. and oblong roy. folio atlas of plates (several coloured) 4 to. Petropoli, 1849 Dedicated to Sir R. J. Murchison and Professor R. Owen. 1236 Brandt (J. F.) Beitrage zur nahern Kenntniss der Saiigethiere Russlands plates {several coloured ), author s autograph inscription , bds. and last Part with new title-page , sewed 4to. St. Petersburg, 1851-55 1237 Brandt (J. F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Verbreitung des Tigers (Felis Tigris) und seine Beziehungen zur Mensch- heit. Ein Sendschreiben an Baron A. von Humboldt the dedication copy 4fo. St. Petersburg, 1856 93 1238 Brandt (J. F.) Bemerkungen liber die Wirbelthiere des nord- lichen Europaischen Russlands besonders des N. Urals large paper, Humboldt's writing on cover roy. 4 to. St. Petersburg , 1856 1239 Brandt (Dr. J. F.) und Dr. J. T. C. Ratzeburg, Abbildung und Beschreibung Deutschlands Phanerogamische Giftge- wachse, Part 1, 2, 4, 8, 9 & 10, vellum paper, finely coloured plates, Berlin , 1828-34 — Phoebus (Dr. P.) Deutsch- lands Kryptogamische Giftsgewachse ( forming continu- ation of Brandt and Ratzeburg' s Work), with plates of Fungi exquisitely coloured , ib. 1838 4 to. (5) 1240 Brandt (Dr. J. F.) und Dr. J. T. C. Ratzeburg, Medizinische Zoologie, 2 vol. plates , most of them finely coloured THE DEDICATION COPY ON THICK PAPER, [probably UNIQUE), half •calf extra 4to. Berlin , 1829-33 1 24 1 Brandt (J. F.) und J. T. C. Ratzeburg, Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der Thiere die in der Arzneimittellehre in Betracht kommen, vol. II, Part 3 to 5, coloured plates of Spiders , Bees , Ants, tyc. fine paper, presentation copy to Latreille Ho. Berlin, 1832 1242 Brandt (Dr. J. F.) und Dr. J. T. C. Ratzeburg, Getreue Dar- stellung. Another copy, coloured plates 4 to. Berlin, 1832 1243 Brants (A.) de Tardigradis, Dissertatio Zoologica thick paper, presentation copy , with authors autograph in- scription Ho. Lugd. Bat. 1828 Baron Humboldt has himself written o. cuts, and oblong 4 to. atlas of plates (several in colours ), vellum paper Paris , 1844 1345 Brongniart (A.) et D. Rjocreux, Description methodique du Musee ceramique (et Vitrique) de la Manufacture Royale de Porcelaine de Sevres. Texte et Planches, 2 vol. in 1, 80 plates of ancient and modern pottery, china, glass ( including stained-glass windows ), Sfc. 65 of them finely coloured, calf extra royal 4 to. Paris, 1845 This magnificent and valuable work, published at 120 francs, is now scarce. To the manufacturer of china, pottery, and stained glass, this publication is almost invaluable. 1346 Brongniart (A.) Ses Funerailles, avec Discours par Elie de Beaumont, Dumeril, Clievreul, et Dufrenoy 4 to. Paris, 1847 1347 Bronn (H. G.) System der Urweltlichen Konchylien und Pfianzenthiere, 2 vol. in 1, plates, Humboldt's writing on cover folio. Heidelberg, 1824*25 1348 Bronn (H. G.) Lethaea Geognostica, oder Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der fiir die Gebirgs-Formationen bezeich- nendsten Versteinerungen, 2 vol. royal 8vo. and 4 to. atlas of plates, in parts Stuttgart, 1834-38 1349 Bronn (Dr. H. G.) und Dr. J. J. Kaup, Abhandlungen fiber die gavial-artigen Reptilien der Lias-Formation, plates folio. Stuttgart, 1841 101 1350 Bronn (Dr. H. G.) Morphologische Studien liber die Gestal- tungs-Gesetze der Naturkorper, 449 woodcuts 8vo. Leipzig und Heidelberg , 1858 1351 Bronn (H. G.) Die Entwickelung der organischen Schopfung 8vo. Stuttgart , 1858 1352 Brooke (Rajah Sir James) Narrative of Events in Borneo and Celebes down to the Occupation of Labuan : together with a Narrative of the Operations of H.M.S. Iris, by Capt. R. Mundy, 2 vol. portrait , numerous plates , maps , charts , and woodcuts , with autograph note of Baron Humboldt on fly- leaf at end of Vol. I 8vo. London , 1848 f 1353 Brooks (Hon. Preston S.) Speech at Columbia (when presented with a pitcher , goblet , and cane, for caning Senator the Hon. Charles Sumner ) 8vo. Boston , 1856 Humboldt has marked a curious passage respecting Major General Fremont. 1354 Brotonne (F. de) Civilisation Primitive 8 vo. Paris , 1855 1355 Brouckere (C. de) sur la Condition des Travailleurs et sur les Assurances contre l’lncendie 8 vo. Liege , 1845 1356 Brougham (Lord) Political Philosophy. Principles of Govern- ment. Monarchical Government. Eastern Monarchies. European Monarchies 8 vo. London , 1842 A most interesting copy, as it contains the autographs of the highly-gifted author and of Baron Humboldt. On the fly-leaf is Lord Brougham’s autograph inscription “a Monsieur le Baron Humboldt, avec les Hommages de Lord Brougham,” beneath which, in Baron Humboldt’s handwriting, “ Paris, 13 Nov. 1842.” 1357 Broun (J. A.) Report on the Completion of the Makerstoun Observations 4 to. Edinburgh , 1850 1358 Brown (A.) Philosophy of Physics presentation copy 8 vo. New YorJc, 1854 1359 Brown (J.) on Gravity 11 from the author ” 8vo. London ( Manchester ), 1858 1360 Brown (J.) The North-West Passage and the Plans for the Search of Sir John Franklin, map and plate Presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription 8vo. London , 1858 1361 Brown (R.) Chloris Melvilliana; or, List of Plants collected in Melville Island, with Characters and Descriptions of new Genera and Species, plates , privately printed , presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription kto. Lond. 1823 Robert Brown, the botanist, was highly esteemed by Humboldt, who procured for him, through Sir Robert Peel, “ a pension of £200. per annum in recognition of his eminent acquirements as a botanist, and of the value of his contributions to the store of botanical science.” m 1362 Brown (R.) Microscopical Observations on the Particles con- tained in the Pollen of Plants “ Not published ,” presentation copy, with author's autograph 8 vo. London , 1827 Marked throughout by Baron Humboldt. 1363 Brown (R.) on the Sexual Organs and Impregnation in Orchidese and Asclepiadese, privately printed , presentation copy “ from the Author" 8 vo. London , 1831 1364 Brown (R.) Observations on the Organs and Mode of Fecunda- tion in Orchidese and, coloured plates , with author's autograph inscription , and Baron Humboldt's* writing on cover, 4to. London, 1833 — Supplementary Observations, 8i>o. London , 1833 1365 Brown (R.) Vermischte Botanische Schriften mit Anmer- kungen von Dr. C. G. Nees von Esenbeck. Flinfter Band, plates 8 vo. Nurnberg , 1834 1366 Brown (R.) on the Female Flower and Fruit of Rafflesia Arnoldi, and on Hydnora Africana, india proof plates 4 to. London , 1844 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ His Excellency the Baron Humboldt, from his most oblig’d and attach’d friend the author, Robert Brown.” 1367 Brown (R.) on the Plurality and Development of the Embryos in the Seeds of Coniferse, plate , author's auto- graph inscription , and his name written on plate by Baron Humboldt , London , 1844 — Brown (R.) Botanical Appen- dix to Sturt’s Australia 8vo. (2) 1368 Browne (D. J.) The Trees of America, Native and Foreign, illustrated by numerous engravings , splendidly bound in blue morocco , extra , gilt edges , the sides richly ornamented with gold tooling , a tree forming the centre of each 8 vo. New York , 1846 1369 Bruckhausen (W. von) Die periodisch wiederkehrenden Eis- zeiten und Sindfluthen, &c. (mit Nachtrag veranlasst durch das Erscheinen des Kosmos) vellum paper 8vo. Trier , 1845 1370 Bruckhausen (W. von) Die Dreieinheit, with the author's autograph additions and corrections post8vo. Zurich , 1854 1371 Bruck (M.) Wesen und Behandlung der Asiatischen Cholera vellum paper, half morocco 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 1372 Bruckisch (W.) Humoristisch-Kritisch-Politischer Bericht iiber die Welt-Ereignisse von 1843 scarce post 8 vo. Breslau , 1844 1373 Bruckmann (J. A. und A. E. von) Vollstandige Anleitung zur Anlage, Fertigung und neueren Nutzanwendung der ilrtesischen Brunnen, plates , morocco , gilt edges vellum paper 8vo. Heilbromi , 1833 103 1374 Bru6 (A.) Atlas Universe], 41 maps , Humboldt's writing on several royal folio. Paris, 1821-38 1375 Brue (A.) Carte Physique, administrative et rontiere de la France, mounted on canvas in case Paris , 1818 1376 Brue (A.) Atlas Universel de Geographie, physique, politique, ancienne, et moderne, 65 coloured maps vellum paper, half morocco royal folio. Paris , 1830 This copy has the leaf entitled “ Rapport fait a l’Academie des Sciences de Paris, par M. le Baron A. de Humboldt sur 1’ Atlas geographique de M, Brue.” 1377 Brue (A.) Carte Physique, &c. de la France, de la Suisse, et d’une Partie des Etats Limitrophes, mounted on canvas in case Paris , 1844 1378 Bru£ (H.) Carte Encyprotype de l’Amerique Septentrionale, mounted on canvas in kto. case Paris , 1815 1379 Brue (H.) Carte Encyprotype de l’Am^rique Septentrionale, mounted on canvas in case royal Ato. Paris , 1816 1380 Brue (H.) Carte de l’Amerique Septentrionale atlas folio. Paris, 1821 1381 Brue (A. H.) Carte routiere de l’ltalie Paris, 1822 1382 Brue (A. H.) Carte de l’Amerique Meridionale thick paper, on 4 sheets atlas folio. Paris , 1834 1383 Brue (H.) Nouvelle Carte de l’Asie, &c. fine paper, coloured Paris , 1839 1384 Briick (R.) Electricite ou Magnetisme du Globe Terrestre, 2 vol. in 3, maps , with the author's autograph inscription LARGE PAPER roy. 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1851-58 1385 Briick (R.) Electricite, Vol. I and Vol. II, Part I vellum paper, author's autograph inscription roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1851-55 1386 Bruecke (E.) de DifFusione Humorum per Septa mortua et viva vellum paper 8i>o. Berolini, 1842 Briicke (E.) von der Diffusion tropfbarfliissiger Korper durch porose Scheidewande, plate — Uber die Bewegungen von Mimosa pudica, Humboldt's writing on cover, Berlin , 1848 — Verhalten der optischen Medien des Auges gegen Licht- und Warmestrahlen, Berlin , 1845 8vo . (3) Briicke (E.) Anatomische Beschreibung des menschlichen Augapfels, plate 4 to. Berlin, 1847 Briicke (E.) Verschluss der Kranzschlagadern durch die Aortenklappen 8vo. Wien, 1855 Briicke (Dr. E.) Grundziige der Physiologie und Systematik der Sprachlaute fur Linguisten und Taubstummenlehrer, plate, presentation copy with the editor's autograph inscription vellum paper 8w>. Wien , 1856 1391 Briiggemann (A. F.) Physiologische Vorlesungen 8 vo. Magdeburg, 1845 1387 1388 1389 1390 104 1392 Bruggemann (K. H.) Preussens Beruf in der Deutschen Staats-Entwickelung, with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Berlin , 1843 1393 Briillow (Dr. F.) Geognostiche Wandkarte, index map , 9 sheets of the large coloured map , and 2 sheets of views ( FingaVs Cave } Logan Rock , fyc.) } with Anleitung , printed in 8 vo. royal folio. Berlin , 1856 1394 Briillow (Dr. F.) Zellen und Gefass-System der Pflanzen, 9 coloured plates royal folio. Berlin , s. a. 1395 Briinnow (F.) Memoire sur la Comete Elliptique de De Vico 4to. Amst. 1849 1396 Briinnow (Dr. F.) Lehrbuch der Spharischen Astronomie mit einem Yorwort von J. F. Encke, plate 8vo. Berlin , 1851 1397 Brugsch (H.) Scriptura iEgyptiorum Demotica ex Papyris et Inscriptionibus explanata, printed in facsimile of the original MS. with author s autograph inscription , and royal 4to. atlas of plates Ato. Berolini, 1848 1398 Brugsch (H.) Inscription de Philes, Textes hieroglyphique et demotique, with literal translation into German 4 to. Berlin, 1849 1399 Brugsch (H.) Numerorum apud veteres ZEgyptios Demoti- corum Doctrina, plates vellum papee roy. 4to. Berolini , 1849 Very important for the History of Arithmetic. 1400 Brugsch (H.) Numerorum apud veteres iEgyptios Demoti- corum Doctrina, plates roy. Ato. Berolini, 1849 A work of the highest importance for the History of Arithmetic. 1401 Brugsch (H.) Uebereinstimmung einer Hieroglyphischen In- schrift von Philae mit dem Griechischen und Demotischen Anfangs-Texte des Dekretes von Rosette, plate 8vo. Berlin , 1849 1402 Brugsch (H.) Die Inschrift von Rosette nach ihrem iEgyptisch- Demotischen Texte sprachlich und sachlich erklart, fac- similes THE DEDICATION COPY ON VELLUM PAPEE, half moroCCO , roy. 4 to. Berlin , 1850 With an explanation of the facsimiles in the handwriting of the author, written on slips of paper. 1403 Brugsch (H.) sur un MS. Bilingue sur Papyrus en Ecriture Demotico-Egyptienne et en Grec cursive de l’An 114 avant notre Ere, plates , author's autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin , 1850 1404 Brugsch (II.) de Natura et Indole Linguae popularis JEgyp- tiorum vellum papee 8 vo. Berolini , 1850 1405 Brugsch (H.) de Nomine, de Dialectis, de Litterarum Sonis Linguae popularis ZEgyptiorum 8 vo. Berolini , 1850 105 1406 Brugsch (H.) Uebersichtliche Erklarung iEgyptischer Denk- maler des K. neuen Museums zu Berlin, plate of characters yelltjm paper, purple morocco , g. e. 8vo. Berlin , 1850 1407 Brugsch (Dr. H.) Sammlung Demotisch-Griechischer Eigen- namen iEgyptischer Privatleute aus Inschriften und Papy- rusrollen zusammengestellt yelltjm paper, with author's autograph inscription roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1851 1408 Brugsch (H.) Inscriptio Rosettana Hieroglyphica cum Glossario iEgyptiaco-Coptico-Latino, plates yelltjm paper, with author's autograph inscription u Alex- andro ab Humboldt auctor hmnillimus,” half morocco 4 to. Berolini , 1851 1409 Brugsch (Dr. H.) iiber das iEgyptische Museum uud die fiinf Epagomenen in einem hieratischen Papyrus zu Leyden, plates , 1852 — Fliichtiges Bemerkungen iiber die Schreib- arten der iEgyptier, 1829 — Chronologie der iEgypter, plates — Apis-Stier, 1854 8 vo. (4) 1410 Brugsch (H.) Die Adonisklage und das Linoslied, plate yelltjm paper, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1852 1411 Brugsch (H.) Gedicht an S. E. A. von Humboldt, Poem on his 85 th birthday , beautifully printed on card-board roy. folio. Berlin , 1854 1412 Brugsch (H.) iiber einen Titel des Apis-Stieres, iiber das Jahr der Wiedergeburten und iiber die Hyksoszeit — Zur Chro- nologie der iEgypter, plates , autograph references of Hum- boldt 8vo. Leipzig , 1854 (2) 1413 Brugsch (H.) Memoire sur la Reproduction imprimee des Caracteres de l’ancienne Ecriture Demotique des Egyptiens au Moyen de Types mobiles et de lTmprimerie yelltjm paper 4 to. Berlin , 1855 1414 Brugsch (H.) Reiseberichte aus iEgypten, map and plates half morocco 8vo. Leipzig , 1855 1415 Brugsch (H.) Grammaire Demotique contenant les Principes generaux de la Langue et de l’Ecriture populaires des anciens Egyptiens, plates dedicated to Baron Humboldt, green morocco 1 super extra , joints , g. e. with ornamented sides , in case roy. 4 to. Berlin , 1855 This Dedication copy is printed on vellum paper and presumed to be unique. 1416 Brugsch (H.) Nouvelles Recherches sur la Division de l’Annee des Anciens Egyptiens, suivies d’un Memoire sur des Observations planetaires consignees dans quatre Tablettes Egyptiennes en Ecriture Demotique, 4 plates the dedication copy to Baron Humboldt 8 vo. Berlin , 1856 P 106 1417 Brugsch (H.) Monumens de l’Egypte decrits, commentes et reproduits. Premiere S4rie, 2 coloured and 16 plain plates vellum paper folio. Berlin , 1857 1418 Brugsch (H.) Die Geographie des Alten iEgyptens nach den Altagyptischen Denkmalern zum ersten Male zusammen- gestellt und verglichen mit den geographischen Angaben der Heiligen Schrift und der Griechischen, Koptischen und Arabischen Schriftsteller, 2 vol. 3 maps and 81 plates vellum paper, with Humboldt' s autograph notes Ato. Leipzig , 1857-58 Brugsch is styled by Humboldt “ The talented young Egyptologist.” 1419 Brugsch (H.) Grab auf dem Pyramidenfelde von Gizeh, litho- graphed by A. Varsch, proof Berlin , s. a. 1420 Brugsch (H.) Collection of Egyptian Hieroglyphics, 79 plates pasted in a long roll , with mahogany handles . 1421 Bruhns (C. C.) de Planetis minoribus inter Martem et Jovem circa Solem versantibus vellum paper roy. 8vo. Berolini , 1856 Presentation copy with the author’s autograph inscription. 1422 Bruhns (C.) Formeln fur die Verwandlung der verschiedenen Grad-Eintheilungen des Thermometers Autograph Manuscript, with an autograph letter from the author explanatory of the rules , and notes in Humboldt's own hand-writing Ato. 1423 Brunii (C. G.) Poemata vellum paper, red morocco , g. e. 8vo. Lundoe , 1857 With the following inscription in the author’s autograph : Excellentissimo Yiro Diversorumque Ordinum Equiti et Commandatori totiusque Orbis Litterarii Nestori, Libero Baroni, Alexandro von Humboldt. Quern puer et juvenis, quern vir, quern denique canus Admirans legi mente animoque senex, Te tandem possum paucis accedere verbis, Doctorum quoniam nunc ego voce loquor. Terrarum latebras, cceli tabularia pandis, Et pandis vitas, pandis et usque neces. Hinc verum ante alios Te credimus esse prophetam, Prseterlapsa sagax quique futura vides. ' omni veneratione C. G. Brunius. 1424 Brussels Maritime Conference for devising an uniform System of Meteorological Observations at Sea, in English and French Privately printed, presentation copy Ato. Brussels, 1853 1425 Bruxelles. Academie Royale de Bruxelles sur les Explosions dans les Mines, plates, presentation copy 8vo. Bruxelles, 1840 107 FIFTH DAY’S SALE, LOT 1426 Bruxelles. M^moires de l’Acad^mie Roy ale des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Bruxelles, Tome VII & XXX, plates , Bruxelles , 1832-57 — M^moires couronnes et Memoires des Savants etrangers, Tome IX, X, XII-XV, P. 1, XVI- XXVIII, plates, ib. 1830-56 4 to. (46) Presentation copies, with an autograph Letter and Inscriptions of M. Quetelet. 1427 Bryas (Marquis C. de) Etudes pratiques sur l’Art de dess4cher vellum paper, with the author's autograph inscription. square 16 mo. Paris , 1857 The name of “Mr. Biarnez ” in Humboldt’s autograph on cover. 1428 Brzosowski, Trauer-Gesang beim Ableben der Frau Prinzessin Friederike D. L. P. von Preussen Wittwe des Fiirsten Anton H. Radziwill Privately printed, morocco Ato. Posen, 1836 1429 Buache (N.) Carte de la Guiane Paris , 1798 1430 Buch (L. von) uber die Bewegungen des Barometers zu Berlin und fiber barometrische Windrosen, Humboldt's writing on cover, privately printed 4 to. Berlin, 1820 1431 Buch (L. de) Lettre a M. Al. de Humboldt, renfermant le Tableau geologique du Tyrol Meridional large paper, coloured map, fyc. view of Lang kof el added royal 4 to. Paris, 1822-23 Humboldt in his “ Kosmos,” pronounces Von Buch “ the greatest geologist of the day.” 1432 Buch (L. de) Lettre & M. A. de Humboldt renfermant le Tableau geologique du Tyrol Meridional, view of Langkofel inserted, author's autograph corrections, 1822 — Carte g£olo- gique du Terrain entre le Lac d’Orta et celui de Lugano 4 to. (2) 1433 Buch (L. de) Lettre & M. A. de Humboldt renfermant le Tableau geologique du Tyrol Meridional, view of Lang- icofel inserted large paper royal 4 to. Paris , 1822 This Work was never published, only a few copies having been printed even on small paper for the author’s private friends. 1434 Buch (L. de) Esquisse d’une Carte geologique de la Partie meridionale du Tyrol, coloured map Paris, 1823 108 1435 Buch (L. von) fiber Dolomit als Gebirgsart vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1823 Baron Humboldt with his own hand has written on cover (l Buch , deux Mem. sur la Dolomie.” 1436 Buch (L. de) Carte physique de l’lsle de Palma folio. Paris , 1824 1437 Buch (L. von) Geognostische Briefe an A. von Humboldt iiber das S. Tyrol 8vo. Hanau , 1824 1438 Buch (L. von) iiber Quellen-Temperatur 4 to. 1825 1439 Buch (L. von) Geognostische Briefe an A. von Humboldt und an verschiedenen anderen Naturforschern, herausgegeben von C. C. von Leonhard 8 vo. Frankfurt , 1825 1440 Buch (L. von) Physicalische Beschreibung der Canarischen Inseln thick vellum paper, very rare, with his map , dated 1838, published by Berghaus in 1845, added , half morocco Ato. Berlin , 1825 1441 Buch (L. de) Carte physique de File de Teneriffe India proof impression atlas folio. Paris , 1831 1441*Buch (L. von) Another copy, fine impression 1442 Buch (L. von) iiber Ammoniten, und iiber Goniatiten insbe- sondere, plates large vellum paper, half morocco 4 to. Berlin, 1832 1443 Buch (L. von) iiber Terebrateln, plates large vellum paper roy. 4i to. Berlin, 1834 1444 Buch (L. de) Description physique des Canaries, suivie d’une Indication des principaux Yolcans du Globe, traduite par C. Boulanger, red morocco , with royal folio atlas, containing map and plates, half bound 8vo. Paris, 1836 With autograph Notes of Baron Humboldt at end. 1445 Buch (L. von) iiber Delthyris oder Spirifer und Orthis, plates , with Humboldt's writing on cover, 4 to. Berlin, 1837 — iiber Spirifer Keilhavii, dessen Fundort, &c. plate, vellum paper, Baron Humboldt's writing on cover, ib. 1847 4 to. (2) 1446 Buch (L. von) iiber Goniatiten und Clymenien in Schlesien, map and plate vellum paper 4 to. Berlin, 1839 1447 Buch (L. de) Petrification s recueillies en Amerique, par A. de Humboldt et par C. Degenhardt decrites, plates large vellum paper, very rare roy. folio. Berlin, 1839 The dedication copy, the work being dedicated “ a Monsieur A. de Humboldt .” 1448 Buch (L. von) fiber den Jura in Deutschland, map and plates large vellum paper, Humboldt's writing on cover Ato. Berlin, 1839 1449 Buch (L. von) fiber Spharoniten, plates large paper 4 to. Berlin , 1840 109 1450 Buch (L. von) Beitrage zur Bestimmung der Gebirgsforma- tionen in Russland, map and plates 8vo. Berlin , 1840 1451 Buch (L. von) iiber Productus oder Leptaena 4 to. Berlin , 1842 1452 Buch (L. von) Die Baren-Insel nach B. M. Keilhau geognos- tisch beschrieben, plate vellum paper, with Baron Humboldt's writing on cover Ato. Berlin , 1847 1453 Buch (L. von) von Aptychus und iiber die Anden von Vene- zuela, autograph reference by Humboldt vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1849 1454 Buch (L. von) iiber die Verbreitung und die Grenzen der Kreide-Bildungen, map of both Hemispheres , with Hum- boldt's autograph notes thick paper 8vo, Bonn , 1849 1455 Buch (L. von) Kreide-Bildungen. Another copy, on common paper 8 vo. Bonn , 1849 1456 Buch (L. von) iiber Ceratiten, plates , with Humboldt's writing on cover vellum paper Ato. Berlin , 1849 1457 Buch (L. von) Lagerung der Braunkohlen in Europa, vellum paper, passages marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Berlin, 1851 1458 Buch (L. von) iiber eine Muschel-Ungebung der Nordsee vellum paper, read and marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Berlin , 1851 1459 Buch (L. von) iiber die Juraformation auf der Erdflache, map of North America vellum paper, autograph of 11 Al. Humboldt ,” who seems to have carefully read and marked this copy , 8vo. Berlin , 1853 1460 Buch (L. de) Carte g^ologique du Terrain entre le Lac d’Orta et celui de Lugano, coloured 1461 Buch (L. de) Explication de trois Planches d’ Ammonites, and folio atlas of plates, author's autograph inscription and Humboldt's handwriting on cover 4 to. 1462 Buch (L. von.) Brief au Prof. Heer, 1850 — Die Anden in Venezuela, 1850 — Formes et Relations des Volcans, s. d. 8vo. (3) 1463 Buch (L. von) Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Klima der Cana- rischen Inseln, author s autograph inscription , and Hum - boldt's writing on cover 4 to. 1464 Buch (L. von) Gedachtniss-Rede zur Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft (von Carnall), with India proof portrait of L. von Buch , vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1853 Privately printed, (l als Manuscript gedruckt.” 1465 Buch (L. von) Gedachtnissfeier fur, begangen in der Berg- Akademie zu Freiberg, portrait and plate of the ceremony imp. 8 vo. Leipzig , 1853 Humboldt, writing to Varnhagen, says, “ I have been deeply pained by the death of Leopold von Buch, a compound of a noble, 110 generous mind, quick temper, small despotism of opinions — one of the few men of original mind. He has given to his science a new form : he was one of the most illustrious orna- ments of the age. Our friendship has lasted for sixty-three years, without being once disturbed, although we frequently laboured in the same field,” &c. 1466 Buch (L. von) Sein Leben und seine wissenschaftliche Bedeu- tung 8vo. Berlin , 1857 1467 Buchholtz (F.) Neue Theorie der Mechanik des Himmels und Beweis der Unhaltbarkeit einer allgemeinen Gravitation, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1846 1468 Buchon (J. A. C.) Notice sur un Atlas en Langue Catalane de lAn 1374, conserve parmi les MSS. de la Bibliotheque du Roi 4 to. Paris , 1838 This copy is corrected throughout in the Author’s own handwriting, and on the fly-leaf are numerous memoranda in the autograph of Baron von Humboldt. 1469 Buchwalder (A. J.) Carte de l’ancien Evech£ de Bale, coloured to form “ Carte orographique et geologique du Jura Ber- nois,” by J. Thurmann Paris , 1820 1470 Buckingham (J. S.) Inaugural Lecture at British and Foreign Institute 8vo. London , 1843 1471 Buckingham (J. S.) National Evils and Practical Remedies, with the Plan of a Model Town, plates 8vo. London , 1849 Presentation copy from the Author, with the following high-flown inscription in his autograph : To His Excellency the Baron Alexander von Humboldt, the most intelligent, scientific, and philosophical of Tra- vellers ; and the Friend of Human Improvement in every form — this volume is most respectfully offered by one of his most devoted admirers. London, Oct. 1, 1850 J. S. Buckingham. In spite of such a dedication, the Baron seems to have abandoned the task of perusal in despair after turning over a few pages. 1472 Buckingham (J. S.) Outline Sketch of his Voyages, Travels, Writings, and Public Labours, port. 8 vo. London , (1850) A most amusing specimen of the grossest vanity, with the following extremely fulsome inscription (apparently his stereotype for such) in Mr. Buckingham’s autograph, showing that he him- self must have been the author of this puff direct : — u To His Excellency the Baron Alexander von Humboldt, the most intelligent, scientific, and philosophical of Travellers : and the Friend of Human Improvement in every form, this little Volume is respectfully presented by one of his most devoted admirers. “ London, Oct. 1, 1850. J. S. Buckingham.” 1473 Bucldand (Prof. W.) and Rev. W. D. Conybeare on the S.W. Coal District of England, coloured map and plates , with Dr. Buckland's autograph inscription Ato. London , 1824 Ill 1474 Buckland (Dr.) Relation d’une D^couverte d’Os Fossiles a la Grotte d’Osselles, Paris , 1827 — Brongniart (A.) sur la Nature de la Vegetation aux diverses Periodes de la For- mation de son Ecorce, Paris , 1828 8 vo. (2) 1475 Buckland (Prof. W.) on the Discovery of Coprolites in the Lias at Lyme Regis, and in other Formations, plates 4 to. London , 1829 1476 Buckland (Prof. W.) and (Sir) H. T. De La Beche on the Geology of the Neighbourhood of Weymouth and adjacent Parts, coloured map and plates , with Dr. Buckland' s auto- graph inscription 4 to. London , 1830 1477 Buckland (Rev. W.) Geology and Mineralogy considered with Reference to Natural Theology (Bridgewater Treatise), 2 vol. plates Presentation copy , “ Hommage de V Auteur" 8vo. London , 1836 1478 Buckland. Plates to Dr. Buckland’s Bridgewater Treatise, proofs, the woodcuts on india paper very scarce 4 to. London, 1836 One of the 25 copies taken off in 4to. for private distribution. 1479 Buckland (Prof. W.) Address to the Geological Society, from the author , with autograph notes of Dr. Buckland and W. Lonsdale inserted roy. 8vo. London , 1840 1480 Budge (Dr. J.) Untersuchungen uber das Nervensystem, 2 parts in 1 8vo. Frankfurt , 1841-42 1481 Budge (J.) Clepsine bioculata, plates author’s autograph inscription 8vo. Bonn , 1849 1482 Budge (J.) Memoranda der speciellen Physiologie des Menschen vellum paper, plates, half morocco 12mo. Weimar, 1852 Presentation copy, with the author's autograph inscription. 1483 Budge (Prof. J.) fiber die Bewegung der Iris, plates and woodcuts fine paper, green morocco 8vo. Braunschweig , 1855 1484 Budge (Prof. J.) und Dr. A. Waller, Neue Untersuchungen fiber das Nervensystem large vellum paper 4 to. Weimar , s. a. 1485 Budget de la Ville de Paris pour l’Exercise 1825, et Compte de ses Recettes et Depenses pendant 1’Exercise, 1823 Printed only for official use 4 to. Paris , 1826 On the cover Baron Humboldt has written, “ M. Barrier.” 1486 Bfichmann (Dr.G.) fiber H.W. Longfellow 4 to. Berlin , 1858 1487 Buchner (Dr.) und C. Kirsch, Schwammkunde, Zweite Gruppe 8 vo. Hildburghausen , 1855 1488 Biichsel (K.) Acht Pfingst-Predigten vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1851 1489 Biihel (Engl von) Aus den Alpen. Ueber Gott, Geist, und Unsterblichkeit 12 mo. Nurnberg , 1857 112 1490 Biilow (A. von) Auswanderung und Colonisation im Interesse des Deutschen Handels, map of Central America and the West Indies , with the author's autograph inscription fine paper 8vo. Berlin und Posen , 1849 1491 Biilow (A. von) Der Freistaat Nicaragua in Mittel-Amerika, map and plan 8vo. Berlin , 1849 1492 Biilow (A. von) Der Freistadt Costa Bica in Mittel-Amerika, map , with an autograph letter of Baron Billow 8 vo. Berlin , 1850 1493 Biilow (Baron von) Cochenillecultur in Guatemala 8vo. 1494 Biilow-Cummerow (E. G. G.) Preussen, seine Yerfassung, seine Yerwaltung, sein Yerhaltniss zu Deutschland, 2 vol. 8 vo. Berlin , 1842 and Jena , 1843 1495 Biilow-Cummerow (E. G. G.) Politische und finanzielle Ab- handlungen, Erstes Heft vellum paper, presentation copy , with the authors autograph signature , green morocco , g. e. 8vo. Berlin , 1844 1496 Biilow-Cummerow (E. G. G.) iiber Preussens Finanzen vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 1497 Biilow-Cummerow (E. G. G.) Das normale Geldsystem in seiner Anwendung auf Preussen vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1846 1498 Biilow (E. von) Zur Nachfolge Cbristi, eine Legendensammlung vellum paper, morocco 8vo. Leipzig , 1842 1499 Biirde (F.) Merkwiirdige Saiigethiere nach dem Leben gemalt und lithographirt, 2 parts (all published) containing 12 plates, with descriptive letter-press , (by Dr. F. Brandt and Dr. Wiegmann), in 2 parts vellum paper 4fo. Berlin , 1831-32 1500 Biittner (Dr. H.) Geschichte der Politischen Hetarieen in Athen 8vo. Leipzig , 1840 1501 Buff (H.) und F. Wohler, iiber neue Yerbindungen des Sili- cums 4 to. Gottingen , 1857 With the following inscription : “ Herrn A. von Humboldt dem Senior der Naturforscher ehrerbietigst die Verf.” 1502 Buffon (G. L. Leclerc Comte de) Histoire Naturelle mise dans un nouvel Ordre, pr^cedee d’un Notice sur sa Yie et ses Ecrits par M. le Baron Cuvier, Texte 36 vol. in 20, Figures 3 vol. containing 400 plates of quadrupeds and birds , together 39 vol. in 23 half calf 12 mo. Paris, 1825-26 1503 Buist (G.) Meteorological Observations for 1842 and 1843, made at the Bombay Government Observatory, 3 vol. 4£o. and plates in oblong folio — Tracings of the Wind- Guage for 1842-43, oblong folio — Curves of the Barometer for 1842-43, oblong folio Bombay , 1842-43 Lithographed throughout and very scarce, having been only distributed as presents to scientific men. 113 1504 Bulletin de l’Acad^mie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles, depuis 1834 jusqu’ a 1857 (wanting No. 1 to 23 for 1834, part 1 to 7, 9 and 10 for 1835, part 11 for 1838, and part 12 for 1846) maps , plates , and photo- graphs 8vo. Bruxelles , 1834-57 Presentation copy to Baron von Humboldt from the publishers. 1505 Bulletin de la Society Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou pour 1829, No. 1 to 6 and No. 10, plates ( those of insects coloured ) 8vo. Moscou, 1829 Printed for members only, gratis. 1506 Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou, vol. I to XXXI, part II (wanting 1839, 1841 No. 4, 1842 No. 2, and 1844 No. 3), maps and plates ( several of natural history coloured) roy. 8vo. Moscou, 1837-58 Invaluable to Naturalists. This copy has numerous autograph notes of Baron Humboldt. 1507 Bulletin des Sciences Agricoles et Economiques, redige par J. Jung sous la direction de M. de Ferussac, 12 parts 8 vo. Paris, 1831 1508 Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Geologie, redige par MM. Delafosse, Guillemin, et Kuhn, sous la Direction de M. de Ferussac, 11 parts 8 vo. Paris , 1831 1509 Bulletin des Sciences Historiques, Antiquites, Philologie, redige par MM. Champollion sous la direction de M. de Ferussac, 12 parts 8 vo. Paris, 1831 1510 Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques, Physiques, et Chimiques, redig6 par M. Saigey sous la direction de M. de Ferussac, 12 parts 8vo. Paris, 1831 1511 Bulletin des Sciences Militaires, redige par M. Koch sous la direction de M. de Ferussac, 12 parts 8vo. Paris, 1831 1512 Bulletin des Sciences Geographiques, Economie publique, Voyages, redige par M. Thomas sous la direction de M. de Ferussac, 12 parts 8vo. Paris, 1831 1513 Bulletin des Sciences Medicales, redige par le Dr. de Fermon sous la direction de M. de Ferussac, 12 parts 8vo. Paris, 1831 1514 Bulletin des Sciences Technologiques, redige par MM. Gaul- tier de Claubry et Walter sous la Direction de M. de Ferussac, 12 parts 8vo. Paris, 1831 1515 Bulletin et Annales de l’Academie d’Archeologie de Belgique, tome I part 1 and 2 8vo. Anvers, 1843 Containing several valuable papers on ancient Genealogies. 1516 Bulletin mensuel de la Societe Imperiale Zoologique d’Accli- matation, depuis Fevrier 1857 jusqu’ a Mars 1859, 26 Nos. roy. 8vo. Paris , 1857-59 Q 114 1517 Bunbury (C. J. F.) Journal of a Residence at the Cape of Good Hope Presentation copy , with the author's autograph inscription 8vo. London , 1848 1518 Bunbury (C. J. F.) on Fossil Plants 8 vo. London , 1848 1519 Bunbury (C. J. F.) on the Vegetation of Buenos Ayres, &c. 2 passages marked by Humboldt 4 to. Lond. 1853 1520 Bunbury (C. J. F.) on the Botany of Madeira and Teneriffe, Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Lond. 1856 1521 Buniakowski (V. Y.) Leksikon gistoi matematiki, Tom. I. A — D (Dictionary of pure and applied Mathematics in Russian), vol. I ( all published ), morocco , g. e. 4 to. St. Petersburg , 1839 1522 Bunsen (Chev. C. C. J.) Le Forum Romanum, plates presentation copy with author s autograph inscription 8vo. Roma , 1835 1523 Bunsen (Chev. C. C. J.) Das Evangelische Bisthum in Jeru- salem, vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1842 A most important liturgical work, now extremely rare. 1524 Bunsen (Chev. C. C. J.) ZEgyptens Stelle in der Weltgeschichte, 5 vol. in 6, plates half morocco 8vo. Hamburg , 1845, und Gotha , 1856-57 1525 Bunsen (C. C. J.) Die Verfassung der Kirche der Zukunft vellum paper square 16mo. Hamburg, 1845 1526 Bunsen (C. C. J.) Die drei achten und die vier unachten Briefe des Ignatius von Antiochien. Hergestellter und verglei- chender Text mit Anmerkungen, Hamburg , 1847 — Igna- tius von Antiochien und seine Zeit von C. C. J. Bunsen, ib. 1847 2 vol. in 1, 4 to. 1527 Bunsen (Chevalier C. C. J.) on the Constitutional Rights of Schleswig and Holstein (with Official Documents) 8vo. Lond. 1848 1528 Bunsen (Chev. C. C. J.) Dr. C. Meyer and Dr. Max Muller, Three Linguistic Dissertations 8i>o. Lond. 1848 1529 Bunsen (C. C. J.) Hippolytus und seine Zeit, 2 vol. fine paper, portrait , autograph of 11 Al. Humboldt” 8vo. Leipzig , 1852-53 1530 Bunsen (Chevalier C. C. J.) Hippolytus and his Age: or the Beginnings and Prospects of Christianity, 2 vol. frontispiece 8 vo. Lond. 1854 1531 Bunsen (Chevalier C. C. J.) Outlines of the Philosophy of Universal History applied to Language and Religion, 2 vol. 8 vo. Lond. 1854 1532 Bunsen (Chev. C. C. J.) Die Zeichen der Zeit, 2 vol. passages marked in pencil by Baron von Humboldt half blue morocco 8vo. Leipzig, 1855 115 1533 Bunsen (Chev. C. C. J.) Die Zeichen der Zeit, 2 vol. in 1, with passages marked in pencil by Baron Humboldt half blue morocco 8vo. Leipzig , 1856 1534 Bunsen (Chev. C. C. J.) Gott in der Geschichte, 3 vol. fine paper, autograph notes of Baron Humboldt at end of vol. I half morocco extra 8 vo. Leipzig , 1857-58 1535 Bunsen (C. C. J.) Vollstandiges Bibelwerk fur die Gemeinde. Erster Band, in 2 parts ( containing Introduction and the Pentateuch , with notes ) roy. 8vo. Leipzig , 1858 1536 Bunsen (E.) William Penn (vorziiglich nach H. Dixon) 8 vo. Leipzig , 1854 1 537 Bunsen (G.) de Azania Africse Littore Orientali, map vellum paper 8vo. Bonnce , 1852 1538 Bunsen (R.) liber den innern Zusammenhang der pseudo- vulkanischen Erscheinungen Islands, plate — Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Islandi3chen Tuffgebirges 8 vo. (2) 1539 Bunsen (R.) uber die Processe der vulkanischen Gesteins- bildungen Islands, with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. 1540 Bunsen (R.) und L. Schischkoff 1 Chemische Theorie des Schiesspulvers, plate 8vo. 1541 Bunsen (Dr. R. W.) und Dr. A. A. Berthold, Eisenoxydhydrat das Gegengift des weissen Arseniks vellum paper 8vo. Gottingen , 1837 1542 Buquoy (Grafen G. von) Prodromus zu einer neuen verbes- serten Darstellungsweise der hohern analytischen Dynamik fine paper, author's autograph inscription Ato. Prag. 1842 1543 Burat (A.) Description des Terrains Yolcaniques de la France Centrale, plates 8vo. Paris , 1833 1544 Burat (H.) Angewandte Geognosie, Deutsch herausgegeben von H. Krause und J. P. Hochmuth, 3 parts, plates large vellum paper roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1844 Presentation copy from H. Krause, with his autograph inscription. 1545 Burdach (K. F.) Die Physiologie als Erfahrungswissenschaft. Zweite Ausgabe mit Beitragen von K. E. von Baer, H. Rathke, E. Meyer, G. Valentin, K. T. von Siebold, A. Hayn und L. Moser, mit Sachregister, 3 vol. plates , Leip- zig , 1835-37-38 — Fiinfter Band mit Beitragen von R. Wagner, ib. 1835, fine paper, half calf 8vo. 4 vol. 1546 Bureau de Longitude. Annuaire pour 1832, 1834, 1840, 1844, et 1851, augment^ de Notices scientifiques par M. Arago, 5 vol. 12 mo. Paris , 1831-50 1547 Bureau de Longitude. Connoissance des Temps pour 1844 roy. 8vo. Paris, 1841 1548 Burger, Portrait of Goltzius, proof before letters 116 1549 Burguy (G. F.) Grammaire de la Langue d’Oil ou Grammaire des Dialectes Fra^ais aux XIl e et XIII e Siecles, suivie d’un Glossaire etymologique, 3 vol. vellum paper, presentation copy , with the author's autograph inscription and signature Svo. Berlin , 1853-56 1550 Burkart (Dr. H. J.) iiber die Fundorte der bis jetzt bekannten Mexikanischen Meteoreisen-Massen oder Aerolithen, 2 vol. Presentation copy , with authors autograph inscriptions Svo. 1856-58 1551 Burkart (J.) Aufenthalt und Reisen in Mexico, mit einem . Vorworte von Dr. J. Noggerath, 2 vol. map and plates THE DEDICATION COPY ON VELLUM PAPER (probably UNIQUE ) with autograph notes of Baron Humboldt red morocco , g. e. Svo. Stuttgart , 1836 The work is dedicated to A. von Humboldt, “ dem grossten Reisen- den seiner Nation , dem hochverdienten Naturforscher.” 1552 Burmeister (H.) Handbuch der Entomologie. Erster Band. Allgemeine Entomologie 8 vo. Berlin , 1832 1553 Burmeister (H.) iiber die Gattung Calandra 4fo. Berlin , 1837 1554 Burmeister (H.) Geschichte der Schopfung half morocco Svo. Leipzig , 1845 1555 Burmeister (H.) Bemerkungen iiber Zeuglodon Cetoides Owen’s, Basilosaurus Harlan’s, Hydrarchos Koch’s, plate Printed for private distribution only 4 to. Halle , 1847 1556 Burmeister (H.) Geschichte der Schopfung, 228 woodcuts by J. Allanson , fine paper Svo. Leipzig , 1848 1557 Burmeister (Dr. H.) Die Labyrinthedonten aus dem bunten Sandstein von Bernburg. Erste und dritte Abtheilung (Zweite Abtheilung not yet published), 2 parts, plates 4to. Berlin , 1849-50 Containing Trematosaurus and Archegosaurus. 1558 Burmeister (Dr. H.) Reise nach Brasilien durch die Provinzen von Rio de Janeiro und Minas Geraes, map, Svo. Berlin , 1853 — Landschaftliche Bilder Brasiliens und Portraits einiger Urvolker als Atlas zu seiner Reise, plates , oblong royal folio , ib. 1853, vellum paper 2 vol. 1559 Burmeister (Dr. H.) Systematische Uebersicht der Thiere Brasiliens, 3 vol. Svo. Berlin , 1854-56 1560 Burmeister (Dr. H.) Geologische Bilder, 2 vol. in 1 small Svo. Leipzig , 1855 Containing two Dissertations on Brazils. 1561 Burmeister (Dr. H.) Erlauterungen zur Fauna Brasiliens, 32 plates of new or almost unknown animals (22 finely coloured) vellum paper folio. Berlin , 1856 117 1562 Burmeister (Dr. H.) Zoonomische Briefe, 2 vol. vellum paper 8vo. Leipzig , 1856 1563 Burmeister (Dr. H.) Erlauterungen zur Fauna Brasiliens fine paper, 32 plates , most of them finely coloured folio . Berlin , 1856 1564 Burmeister (H.) Geschichte der Schopfung, portrait and 228 illustrations 8 vo. Leipzig, 1856 1565 Burmeister (H.) Reise durch die Pampas und iiber das Klima von Mendoza, with Humboldt’ s writing on covers 8 vo. (2) 1566 Burmeister (H.) Anatomie der Coracina scutata, plate Mo. 1567 Burmeister (H.) iiber Arten der Gattung Cebus (Brasilise, &c.) Mo. 1568 Burnes (Lieut. Alex.) Travels into Bokhara, and Voyage to the Indus, 3 vol. portrait , plates , and map , with Baron Humboldt’s autograph notes 8vo. Loud. 1834 Presentation copy from John Murray, with his autograph inscription and signature. 1569 Burnier (F.) et E. Plantamour, Nivellement du Grand Saint- Bernard 8vo. Geneve , 1855 1570 Burnouf (E.) Observations sur la Partie de la Grammaire comparative de M. F. Bopp qui se rapporte a la Langue Zende, with the autograph inscription of this eminent Orientalist Mo. Paris , 1833 1571 Burnouf (E.) Introduction a THistoire du Budhisme Indien, Tome premier {all published) Mo. Paris, 1844 1572 Burnouf (E.) Catalogue des Livres imprimes et Manuscrits composant sa Bibliotheque (par B. Duprat), with Duprat’s autograph inscription , vellum paper 8 vo. Paris , 1854 1573 Burr (H. A.) Map of the United States and Canada, with Railroads, Telegraph Lines, &c. coloured and mounted on canvas , in case New York , J. Disturnell , 1850 1574 Burt (Mary Anne) Specimens of the choicest lyrical Productions of the most celebrated German Poets, translated into English Verse 8vo. Lond. {Zurich), 1856 Presentation copy, with the translator’s autograph inscription. 1575 Burton (D.) Plan of Palm House at Kew, coloured 1576 Busch (A. L.) Reduction of the Observations made by Bradley at Kew and Wansted, to determine the Quantities of Aber- ration and Nutation Mo. Oxford , 1838 1577 Busch (Dr. A. L.) Verzeichniss sammtlicher Werke, Abhand- lungen, Aufsatze und Bemerkungen von F. W. Bessel Mo. Konigsberg, 1849 1578 Busch (Dr. A. L.) Systematisches Verzeichniss der in der Bibliothek der K. Universitats-Sternwarte zu Konigsberg enthaltenen Bucher privately printed 8vo. Konigsberg , 1852 118 1579 Busch (Dr. A. L.) Beobachtungen und Wahrnehmungen bei der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss am 28 Juli 1851, plates, with author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8 vo. Konigsberg , 1852 Baron Humboldt, in his own hand, has made a reference to p. 42, where an interesting specimen is given of the Patois of a Drausenseer Fisherman. 1580 Busch (Dr. W.) Beobachtungen iiber Anatomie und Ent- wickelung einiger wirbellosen Seethiere, plates vellum paper, presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription , half morocco Ato. Berlin , 1851 1581 Buschbeck (F. ) Grammatik der Romanischen Sprachen. Erster Theil, Franzosische Sprache (all published) fine paper, red morocco extra , g. e. lettered in gold on obverse of cover 8vo. Berlin , 1 848 1582 Buschbeck (F.) Grammatik der Romanischen Sprachen, an unfinished work , extending from p. 1 to 288 1583 Buschmann (E.) iiber die Verwandtschaft der Kinai-Idiome des Russischen Nordamerika’s mit dem grossen Athapas- kischen Sprachstamme, author's autograph inscription 8vo. ( Berlin , 1854) 1584 Buschmann (J. C. E.) Aper^u de la Langue des lies Marquises et de la Langue Taitienne. Accompagne d’un Vocabulaire in6dit de la Langue Taitienne par le Baron G. de Hum- boldt, Berlin , 1843 — Textes Marqu6sans et Taitiens publies et analyses par J. C. E. Buschmann, ib. 1843 blue morocco extra , g. e. in 1 vol. 8 vo. Presentation copy, with the autograph inscription of J. C. E. Buschmann. 1585 Buschmann (J. C. E.) iiber die Aztekischen Ortsnamen (in Amerika). Erste Abtheilung, with 35 lines of references to passages in this interesting work in the autograph of Baron von Humboldt vellum paper, half morocco 4 to. Berlin, 1853 With inscription and highly interesting Letter respecting Baron William von Humboldt in the autograph of the author. 1586 Buschmann (J. C. E.) iiber den Naturlaut 4 to. Berlin , 1853 1587 Buschmann (J. C. E.) Der Athapaskische Sprachstamm dargestellt, vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1856 With the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ Seinem edlen Beschiitzer, dessen endlose Giite und Huld allein ihm diese amerikanischen Arbeiten moglich machen, Alexander von Humboldt in herzlicher Dankbarkeit zugeeignet vom Verfasser. Berlin, 27 Januar 1856.” 119 1588 Buschraann (J. C. E.) Die Sprachen Kizh und Netela von Neu-Californien fine paper, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin , 1856 1589 Buschmann (J. C. E.) Die Lautveranderung Aztekischer Worter in den sonorischen Sprachen und die sonorische endung AME dargestellt vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1857 Presentation copy, with the following interesting inscription in the author’s autograph: “Dem grossen Autor der Vues des Cordilleres welcher dem Namen der Azteken in der Welt seinen Ruhm gegeben hat : Sr. Excellenz, Freiherrn Alexander von Humboldt, widmet diese kleine Doppelschrift in tiefster Dankbarkeit Berlin, 16 April, 1857 E. Buschmann.” 1590 Buschmann (J. C. E.) Die Pima-Sprache und die Sprache der Koloschen dargestellt vellum paper 4fo. Berlin, 1857 With the following autograph inscription : “ Sr. Excellenz, dem Freiherrn Alexander von Humboldt in dessen Meisterwerke uber Neuspanien er im Jugendalter nicht ahndend das Gluck spaterer Jahre, zum ersten Mahle den Namen des Pima- Volkes las, widmet diese kleine Schrift mit bewegten Ge- fiihlen und herzlicher Dankbarkeit, Berlin, 8 Marz, 1857. der Verfasser.” 1591 Buschmann (J. C. E.) Die Volker und Sprachen Neu-Mexico’s und der Westseite des Britischen Nordamerica’s dargestellt vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1858 With the following autograph inscription : “ Sr. Excellenz, Freiherrn Alexander von Humboldt in ehrfurchtsvollster Ergebenlieit und tiefster Dankbarkeit dargebraeht von 14 April, 1858. E. Buschmann.” 1592 Buschmann (J. C. E.) liber die Volker und Sprachen im Innern des Britischen N. Amerikas, wzYA autograph note of Humboldt 8vo. Berlin , 1858 1593 Bushnell (Rev. H.) Characteristics and Prospects of California present from James De Fr emery, Mecklenburg Consul , with his autograph 8 vo. San Francisco , 1858 1594 Busse (Dr.) iiber Krjtik der Sprache fine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1844 1595 Busse (Dr.) Another copy, on common paper 4 to. Berlin , 1844 1596 Busse (W.) J. G. Fichte der Philosoph, 2 vol. half calf extra 8 vo. Halle, 1848-49 1597 Bussler (R.) Der Rafael-Saal finely printed on cardboard , rare 12 mo. Berlin , 1858 1598 Butte (W.) Die Biotomie des Menschen, 2 vol. in 1, wants plate , and part of title torn off fine paper, half morocco 8vo. Bonn , 1829 With several autograph notes of Baron Humboldt on separate slips. 120 1599 Buttmann (P.) Griechische Schul-Grammatik lettering at bach in Humboldt's autograph 8vo. Berlin , 1831 1600 Buttmann (A.) Friedrich Wilhelm IV, Festrede vellum paper, privately printed 8 vo. Prenzlau , 1848 1601 Buttmann (A.) Die Deutschen Ortsnamen vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1856 At the end, in pencil, Baron Humboldt has noted down Tegel and Spandau as omissions. 1602 Buttmann (A.) Grammatik des Neutestamentlichen Sprachen- gebrauchs Erste Abtheilung. Formenlehre 8 vo. Berlin, 1857 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in Buttmann’s autograph : “ AAEEANAPHi TIL ITANY 6 {Tvyypdipas.” 1603 Buvry (L.) de Algeria Incolis eorumque Situ, Origine et Moribus, vellum paper, morocco 8vo. Berolini (1855) Printed for private distribution only. 1604 Buvry (Dr. L.) Nachruf an Dr. H. C. Lichtenstein vellum paper, privately printed 8vo. Berlin , 1858 1605 Buvry (Dr. L.) Mittheilungen aus Algerien, with the large map of the E. Sahara by Mahlmann not folded 8vo. 1606 Buxton (T. F.) The African Slave Trade 8 vo. London , 1839 1607 Buxton (T. F.) The African Slave Trade and its Remedy, map 8vo. London, 1840 1608 Buxton (T. F.) The African Slave Trade and its Remedy, map, blue morocco, super extra , joints , silk linings, gilt edges 8 vo. London , 1840 1609 Buxton (T. F.) Der Afrikanische Sklavenhandel iibersetzt von G. Julius, mit einer Vorrede iiber die Nigerexpedition von C. Ritter, map, Leipzig , 1841 — The same in English, map, London , 1840 8vo. (2) 1610 Byzantine Historic Scriptorum Corpus, Gr. et Lat. Curis B. G. Niebuhrii, Im. Bekkeri, L. Schopeni, G. Dindorfii, aliorumque Philologorum paratum, 19 vol. fine paper , half red morocco 8 vo. Bounce, 1828-41 Containing Agathias, Joannes Cantacuzenus, Constantinus Por- phyrogenitus, Chronicon Paschale, Dexippus Eunapius &c. Joannes Malala, Leo Diaconus, Nicephorus Gregoras, Pro- copius, Georgius Syncellus et Nicephoras, and Zonarse Annalium Tomus primus. 1611 Buys Ballot (C. H. D.) Les Changements periodiques de Tem- perature, plates, autograph of “ Al. Humboldt” 4 to. Utrecht, 1847 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 1612 Bybilakis (E.) Neugrieehisches Leben verglichen mit dem Altgriechischen crown 8 vo. Berlin , 1840 m 1613 Byng (W. B.) Thoughts on the First Rainbow, presentation copy, with the autograph of Captain- Pilot F. A. FoJcJces Ipswich , 1852 This is the work so humorously alluded to by Humboldt in his letter to Varnhagen, 13 April, 1858 , when he speaks of it as “ some fancies on the Cosmic Drought of Berlin before the Deluge.” 1614 Cabanis (J.) Ornithologische Notizen, coloured plates 8vo. Berlin, 1847 1615 Cabanis (Dr. J.) Museum Heineanum. Erster Theil, die Sing- vogel (Oscines) enthaltend ( all published) fine paper 8 vo. Halberstadt , 1850-51 1616 Cabanis (Dr. J.) Journal fur Ornithologie von Januar 1853 bis Januar 1856, plates {several coloured), vol. I in cloth , and 13 Parts sewed Cassel, 1853-56 1617 Cabe^a de Yaca (Alvar Nunez) Narrative (of the earliest Explorations of Territory within the limits of the United States of America) translated by Buckingham Smith, maps very rare roy. Ato. Washington, 1851 With autograph inscription to Baron Alexander von Humboldt, by Geo. W. Riggs, Esq. at whose expense the very few copies of this most interesting work were printed for presentation to his private friends. 1618 Cabot. Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery, with Baron Humboldt’s autograph notes , and a Transcript from Cooper on the Records in the handwriting of M. von Raumer 8vo. Bond. 1831 Presentation copy “ hommage de D. B. Warden.” On the fly-leaf Baron Humboldt, in an autograph note (in German) states that the author was “Mr. Biddle, a citizen of the'United States.” 1619 Caccia (Dr. A.) Europa ed America vellum paper. foolscap 8vo. Monaco, 1850 1620 Calame (F.) Stammbaum des K. Preussischen Hauses der Hohenzollern bis 1843, coloured atlas fol. Bremen, 1843 1621 Calandrini (F.) sopra la pubblica Mostra di Frutti e di Fiori, Firenze , 1858 — Catalogo per la pubblica Esposizione della Societa Toscana d’Orticoltura, ivi, 1858 8vo. (2) 1622 Caldas (F. J. de) Semanario de la Nueva Granada, large paper, india proof portrait , half morocco , roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1849 — Caldas y Tenorio (Don F. J. de) Ano de 1810, Con- tinuacion del Semanario del Nuevo Reyno de Granada. The 8th and 9th Memorias contain “ Quadro fiQico de las Regiones Equator iales, por F. A. Baron de Humboldt.” The 10th Memoria is “ Estatistica de Mexico, por Hum- boldt,” very scarce. 12 mo. Santctfe de Bogota, 1810 (2) 1623 Caldas (Don F. J.) sobre un nuevo Metodo de medir las Montanas, plates, with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes Ato. Burdeos, 1819 1625 Caligny (A.) sur une Branche Nouvelle d’Hydraulique, plate , author's autograph inscription 8vo. {Paris, 1816) R 122 1626 Caligny (A. de) sur le Moteur Ifydraulique a Flotteur oscillant, et Principes d’un nouveau Systeme de Moteurs Atmospheriques a Forces vives, Paris , 1847 — Ferdinand (l 5 . J. F.) sur les Propulseurs Maritimes, plates, Paris, 1848 4 to. (3) 1627 Callcott (Mrs., formerly Mrs. Graham) Letter to the Geo- logical Society (respecting her account of Chili earth- quake), privately printed Svo. Lond. 1834 1628 Callender (J.) Affairs of Rhode-Island, with Memoir of the Author, and Notes by R. Elton 8vo. Providence , U.S. 1838 Presentation copy from the editor, with his autograph inscription. 1629 Callet (F.) Tables portatives de Logarithmes, autograph note of Baron Humboldt , half calf gilt 8 vo. Paris , 1783 1630 Callet (F.) Tables portatives de Logarithmes, calf gilt 8vo. Paris , 1795 ( Tirage , 1821 ) 1631 Callery (J. M) Systema Phoneticum Scripturae Sinicae largest paper (india) with autograph signature of u Al. Humboldt, Paris, 22 Oct. 1842,” uncut, folio. Macao, 1841 1632 Callery (J. M.) Dictionnaire Encyclopedique de la Langue Chinoise presentation copy, with inscription roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1842 1633 Callery und Yvan, Der Aufstand in China, iibersetzt von R. Otto, presentation copy, with inscription half morocco 8 vo. Braunschweig, 1854 1634 Callimachus. Dissertatio de Loco Callimachei Hymni in Delum et quibus Epigrammatis YELLTTM PAPER 4 to. LipsicB, 1847 1635 Cambaceres (J.) sur 1’ Application des Acides gras a l’Eclairage plates, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris , 1855 1636 Cambessedes (J.) Enumeratio Plantarum quas in Insulis Balearibus collegit, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris, 1827 1637 Cambessedes (J.) Excursions dans les lies Baleares, 4 plates of costume, “ Hommage respectueux de V Auteur," with auto- graph note of Baron Humboldt, and the author's MS. corrections 8vo. Paris , s. d. 1638 Camoens (L. de) Les Lusiades. Traduction nouvelle par MM. Ortaire, Fournier et Desaules, revue, annotee, &c. par F. Denis; presentation copy, with the autograph inscrip- tion of F. Denis \2mo. Paris, 1841 1639 Campe (J. H.) Worterbuch der Deutschen Sprache (mit Erklarung der fremden Ausdriicke, 6 vol. half russia 4 to. Braunschweig , 1807-13 With the following highly interesting memorandum in the auto- graph of Baron A. von Humboldt : “ Ein liebes Geschenk meines Bruders Wilhelm als ich im Mai 1827 , von Paris zu dauernder Uebersiedelung nach Berlin zuriickkam. Al. Hum- boldt, Juli 1858 .” 1640 Camphausen (L.) Zur Eisenbahn von Koln nach Antwerpen 8 vo. Koln , 1835 1641 Camus (A. G.) Memoire sur la Collection des grands et petits Voyages des De Bry, et sur la Collection des Voyages de M. Thevenot, scarce , half calf extra 4 to. Paris , 1802 1642 Cancellieri (F.) Notizie Storiche e bibliografiche di Cristoforo Colombo, di Cuccaro nel Monferrato, Discopritore dell’ America e di Giovanni Gersen di Cavaglia, Autore del Libro de Imitatione Christi, 2 vol. in 1 , portraits half calf 8vo . Roma , 1809 1643 Candolle see De Candolle 1644 [Cancrin (Baron von)] iiber die Militairokonomie im Frieden und Krieg und ihr Wechselverhaltniss zu den Operationen, 3 vol. in 1, plates St. Petersburg , 1820-23 A most important work, which ought to be carefully studied by every officer. 1645 Cangiano (L.) Sul Pozzo che si sta forando nel Giardino della Reggia di Napoli e di talune Induzioni Geologiche di cui e stato Occasione, presentation copy , with author’s autograph inscription 4 to. Napoli , 1845 1646 Canstein (P. Baron von) Begleitworte zur Pflanzengeographie, Humboldt’s writing on cover 8vo. Berlin, 1834 1647 Canstein (P. Baron von) Anleitung die physischen Erdraume mittelst einfacher Constructionen aus freier Hand zu ent- werfen, maps oblong 4:to. Berlin , 1835 1648 Canstein (P. von) Blicke in die ostlichen Alpen und in das Land um die Nordkiiste des Adriatischen Meeres, map 8vo. Berlin , 1837 1649 Cantagrel (F.) Comment les Dogmes commencent 12 mo. Bruxelles , 1857 1650 Cantagrel (F.) Necessite d’un nouveau Symbole, cuts 12 mo. Bruxelles , 1858 1651 Cantagrel (F.) D’ou nous venons, ou nous allons, ou nous sommes, cuts , dedicated to A. de Humboldt, the Dedication copy 12 mo. Bruxelles , 1858 1652 Cantor (M.) Ramus in Heidelberg — Cantor (Dr. M.) Petrus Ramus, Michael Stifel, Hieronymus Cardanus drei mathe- matische Charakterbilder aus dem 16 Jahrhundert — Ueber die Porismen des Euclid und deren Divinatoren 800. (3) 1653 Cantzler (Dr. R.) iiber die Anwendung der durcli Reibung erregten Elektricitat zu therapeutischem Behufe 4 to. Greifswald , 1837 1654 Cap (P. A.) und R. Brandes, Elemente der Pharmaceutik, vellum paper, the lettering in Humboldt’s autograph , 8vo. Hannover , 1841 — Cappes (M.) sur l’Ozone, roy. 8 vo. Lyon } 1857 (2) 1655 Capocci (E.) Annuario del Reale Osservatorio di Napoli (1846 e 1847), 2 vol. author’s autograph inscriptions 12 mo. Napoli , 1845-46 124 1656 Carey (H. C.) Principles of Social Science, vol. I and II, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1858 1657 Carey (H. C.) Letters to the President on the Foreign and Domestic Policy of the Union and its Effects, 11 with the author's respects" 8 vo. Philadelphia] 1858 1658 Carlini (F.) sulla Legge delle Variazioni orarie del Barometro, plate 4 to. Modena , 1828 1659 Carlini, Latitudine dell’ Osservatorio Meteorologico dell’ Universita di Pavia, valuable autograph notes of Baron Humboldt 8vo. Milano , 1831 1660 Carlsbad. Oscillatoires des Thermes de Carlsbad par A. J. C. Corda square 1 §mo. Prague , 1836 1661 Carlsbader Gebirge, coloured map Berlin , 1848 1662 Carnall (R. von) Geognostische Karte von Ober-Schlesien, 2 sheets , coloured Berlin , 1844 1663 Carnall (R. von) Eroffnungs-Worte bei der ersten Versamm- lung der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft (in Verse) vellum paper, privately printed roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1848 To Humboldt’s praise two stanzas are dedicated. 1664 [Carnall (R. von)] Leopold von Buch. Gedachtniss-Rede vellum paper, India proof portrait 4 to. Berlin , 1853 Privately printed (“ als Manuscript ”), and only a very limited number of copies circulated. 1665 Carnall (R. von) Das Denkmal des Staats-Ministers Grafen von Reden bei der Konigshiitte in Oberschlesien, India proof plate of the monument and facsimile of his handwriting vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1854 Printed for private circulation only. 1666 Carnot (M.) Notice historique sur Barere 8 vo. Paris , 1842 1667 Carolines. Carte de l’Archipel des Isles Carolines (Pelew Islands), 3 sheets , rare 1827 1668 Carove (F. W.) uber das sogenannte Germanische und das sogenannte Christliche Staatsprinzip vellum paper, presentation copy , with authors autograph inscription 8vo. Siegen , 1843 1669 Carov4 (Dr. F. W.) fiber Emanzipation der Juden, 8vo. Siegen , 1845 — Carov4 (F. W.) Souverainitat der Deutschen Nation, 8vo. Berlin , 1848 8vo. (2) 1670 Carriere (Moritz) de Aristotele Platonis Amico, Gott. 1837 — Ejusdem Teleologias Aristotelicse Lineamenta, Berolini, 1838 in one vol. 8vo . 1671 Carriere (Moritz) Die philosophische Weltanschauung der Reformationszeit in ihren Beziehungen zur Gegenwart 8vo. Stuttgart , 1841 1672 Carriere (Moritz) Religiose Reden und Betrachtungen fur das Deutsche Volk 8 vo. Leipzig , 1850 1673 Carrington (R. C.) Catalogue of 3735 circumpolar Stars observed at Redhill, ivith authors autograph inscription , plates folio. Bond. 1857 125 1674 Carrington (R. C.) Information and Suggestions to Persons able to place themselves within the Shadow of the total Eclipse of the Sun, plates , Humboldt’ s autograph note roy. 8 vo. Lond. 1858 1675 Carro (Chev. J. de) on the Carlsbad Waters, with Observations on the Microscopic Animalcules about the Hot Springs by A. J. Corda, and a Flora of Carlsbad by C. B. Presl, plates 12 mo. Prague , 1835 1676 Carro (J. von) Feier seines 50 Doctor- Jubilaums dargestellt von einem seiner Collegen (Dr. R. Mannl) vellum paper 8 vo. Prag, 1843 1677 Carrove (F. W.) die Buchdruckerkunst, author’s autograph corrections 8 vo. Siegen , 1843 1678 Carus (C. G.) von den Ur-Theilen des Knochen-und Schalen- geriistes, 13 plates folio. Leipzig, 1828 1679 Carus (C. G.) Neun Briefe uber Landschaftsmalerei 8vo. Leipzig , 1831 1680 Carus (C. G.) Beobachtung einer sehr eigenthiimlichen Schimmelvegetation (Pyronema Marianum Mihi) auf Kohlenboden, coloured plate 4do. Breslau , 1834 1681 Carus (C. G.) Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Zootomie. Erster Theil, 8vo. with Ato. atlas of plates fine paper Leipzig , 1834 1682 Carus (C. G.) und A. W. Otto Erlauterungstafeln zur ver- gleichenden Anatomie, Part IV and V, plates of the digestive and sexual Organs in Animals roy. folio. Leipzig , 1835-40 1683 Carus (Dr. C. G.) System der Physiologie, 3 vol. Humboldt’s autograph notes , fine paper 8vo. Dresden , 1838-40 1684 Carus (C. G.) Gothe (mit Reihe bisher ungedruckter Briefe Gothe’s an den Herausgeber) 8 vo. Leipzig , 1843 1685 Carus (Dr. C. G.) vom gegenwartigen Stande der wissen- schaftlich begriindeten Cranioscopie, cuts vellum paper 8vo. Number g, 1844 1686 Carus (Dr. C. G.) fiber Cranioscopie 8vo. Nurnberg , 1844 1687 Carus (C. G.) Das Kopfskelet des Zeuglodon Hydrarchos, plates , with author’s autograph inscription 4 to. Breslau , 1850 1688 Carus (C. G.) Symbolik der menschlichen Gestalt, 150 cuts 8 vo. Leipzig , 1853 1689 Carus (C. G.) Die Proportionslehre, 10 plates roy. folio. Leipzig , 1854 1690 Carus (C. G.) Organon der Erkenntniss der Natur und des Geistes, fine paper square 1 6mo. Leipzig , 1856 1691 Carus (C. G.) Organon. Another Copy square 1 6mo. Leipzig , 1856 1692 Carus (C. G.) liber Lebenskunst 8 vo. Wurzen , 1856 1693 Carus (C. G.) fiber Lebensmagnetismus post8vo . Leipzig, 1857 1694 Carus (C. G.) fiber die sogenannten Aztekenkinder, with author’s autograph inscription 8vo. 126 1695 Cams (C. G.) Physiognomik der Erdflache, with author's autograph corrections , and with Humboldt's writing on cover 1696 Cams (J. V.) zur nahern Kenntniss des Generations wechsels Beobachtungen und Schliisse, plates 8vo. Leipzig , 1849 1697 Cams (J. V.) iiber die Entwicklung des Spinneneies, plate 8vo. s. 1. 4’ a • 1698 Cary (G. & J.) Map of Hindostan London , 1824 1699 Cary (G. & J.) Map of the Countries between India and Europe, coloured London , 1824 1700 Cary (J.) Map of Kent, coloured London , 1811 1701 Casas y Aragorri (L. de las) Elogios funebres del, portrait , scarce, Humboldt's autograph memoranda folio. Havana, 1802 1702 Caspary (J. X. R.) de Nectariis, plates fine paper 4 to. Elverfeldce , 1848 1703 Casper (Dr. J. L.) Die wahrscheinliche Lebensdauer des Menschen fine paper, plates and tables , half calf gilt 8vo. Berlin , 1835 1704 Casper (J. L.) Lebensdauer des Menschen 8vo. Berlin, 1843 1705 Caspian. Karte zum Nivellement des Caspischen Meeres, with a trigonometrical Survey from Novo Tcherkask to the Sea , written in red ink — -Lander zwischen dem Schwarzen und Kaspischen Meere (2) 1706 Cassel (Selig) Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 3 parts in 2 roy. 8 vo. Erfurt, 1853-54 1707 Castelnau (J.) de la Poesie descriptive vellum paper 8vo. Paris , 1859 1708 Castillo (R. del) Ampliacion a la Hipotesis sobre la Naturaleza del Sol 8vo. Madrid , 1852 1709 Catalog der Bibliothek der Ministerial- Abtheilung fur Berg- werke, Hiitten und Salinen mit Nachtrag, 2 vol. vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1852-58 A most useful and well arranged catalogue. 1710 Catalog der hinterlassenen Bibliothek des verstorbenen Dr. J. Muller, half morocco 8 vo. Bonn , 1858 1711 Catalog der hinterlassenen Bibliothek Dr. J. Muller’s 8vo. Bonn , 1858 1712 Catalogue de la Bibliotheque scientifique de MM. de Jussieu 8vo. Paris, 1857 A very important collection of works on Natural History formed by the Author of the Genera Plantarum, and other branches of his family. 1713 Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de l’Academie Royale de Belgique 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1850 Printed for Members only. 1714 Catalogue des M usees d’Histoire Naturelle et d’Anatomie comparee delaiss^s par feu M. N. C. de Fremery et feu M. T. D, Schubart 8vo. Utrecht, 1856 1715 Catalogue of the Bibliotheca Orientalis Sprengeriana (by A. Sprenger), Privately printed 8vo. Giessen , 1857 127 1716 Catherwood (F.) Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, with descriptive letter- press, dedicated to J. L. Stephens, whose “ Incidents of Travel” they illustrate, 25 finely coloured plates (in imitation of water-colour drawings ), mounted on cardboard , in portfolio imperial folio. New York, 1844 A very superior copy of this now scarce work. The author accom- panied Mr. Stephens as Draughtsman to the Expedition, described in his “ Incidents of Travels in Central America, &c.” a copy of which will be found under “ Stephens ” in its regular alphabet. 1717 Catlin (G.) Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians, 2 vol. map and 400 illustrations , with Humboldt's autograph notes, roy. 8vo. Lond. 1841 — Catlin (G.) Catalogue of his Indian Collection, 8 vo. Lond. 1848 (3) 1718 Cattaneo (C.) Notizie naturali e civili su la Lombardia Volume primo ( all published), map and plates 8 vo. Milano, 1844 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 1719 Caucasus-Karte, H. Mahlmann sc. mounted on canvas, Hum- boldt's autograph note Berlin, 1838 1720 Caumont (A. de) Cours d’Antiquites Monumentales professe k Caen, 6 vol. and 4 to. atlas of plates half calf gilt 8vo. Paris, 1830-41 Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscription. 1721 Caumont (M. de) Statistique Monumentale du Calvados, Tome I, plates, author s autograph inscription 8vo. Caen, 1846 1722 Cavallari (S.) Cratere dell’ Etna India proof folio. Gottinga, 1848 With Humboldt’s autograph note “ Plan von Aetna. Schon 1723 Caveda (Don J.) La Poesia considerada como Elemento de la Historia, presentation copy, with author's autograph inscrip- tion roy. 8 vo. Madrid, 1852 1724 Cavoleau, Extraits des Recherches statistiques sur la Ville de Paris et le Departement de la Seine 8vo. Paris , 1824 1725 Cavolini (F.) Memorie postume sceverate dalle Schede Auto- grafe per Cura ed a Spese di S. D. Chiaie, with atlas of plates presentation copy, with the editor's autograph inscription 2 vol. 4 to. Benevento, 1853 1726 Cellerier, Herpin et Chossat Rapport sur l’Enseignement a fournir dans le Canton de Geneve 8vo. Geneve, 1846 1727 Census of Great Britain, 1851 — Population Tables, 2 vol. maps folio. Lond. 1852-54 1728 Cervino (P.) Plano topografico de la Ciudad de Buenos- Ayres, engraved by Darmet Paris, 1817 1729 Chaix (P.) Notes statistiques et historiques sur la Savoie, map mounted on canvas in case 8 vo. Goodwood, 1832 128 1730 CHALCOGRAPHIE DU MUSEE ROYAL. A MA GNIFICENT SERIES OF SPLENDID ENGRAYINGS, EXECUTED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE KINGS OF FRANCE FOR PRESENTS, AND A VERY LIMITED NUMBER WORKED OFF , forming 83 volumes half red morocco , contents lettered on sides and bacTcs elephant and royal atlas folio of various sizes. Paris , v. a. This Series of superb Engravings, presumed to be the only com- plete set in England, was a present from His Majesty King Louis Philippe to Baron Alexander von Humboldt, and includes not only the 23 volumes known as the Cabinet dtj Rot, but also 60 additional volumes of choice Engravings from copper-plates existing in the Musee du Louvre. Baron Humboldt seems to have considered this copy to be worth from 2800 to 3600 dollars, as is apparent from the following important note (apparently intended as a Codicil to his Will) in his autograph pasted on the fly-leaf of vol. I. — “ Iconographie 84 Bande (bound in 83) von Durchschnitt 55-60 Kupfer, also 4800 Planches davon — Halfte grob’re aber selten -§■ Thaler das Stuck . 1200 Die andere Halfte schone a 1 Th 2400 3600 Th. Einbinden ungerechnet. H. Vogt deshalb befragen. Schatzte man jedes Kupfer ohne Unterschied einen halben Thaler so ware sodann ganzes Werth Kupfer . . 2400 Einband . . 420 2820 Th. Was dazu den Werth vermehrt ist dass das Werk nur ver- schenckt wird. Also gewiss zwischen 2800 und 3600 Th. werth ist. — Al. Humboldt. Zu beachten fur Seifert dem ich alle meine Habseligkeit als Eigenthum vermache. Potsdam, October, 1854.” The following brief Analysis of the contents of the work will give some idea of its immense value in an artistic point of view : — Yol. I. Tableaux graves des Ecoles Italienne, Flamande et Fran§aise, containing 23 Engravings after L. Cardi da Cigoli, Domenichino, Guercino, Guido Reni, Lanfranco, Raffaello, P. de Champaigne, J. Jordaens, David, Jouvenet, Lebrun, Le Moine, Le Sueur and Yerdier by N. Dorigny, Audran, Chereau, Pitau, P. de Jode, Marin, Thomassin, Desplaces, Mariette, Raphael Morghen, Picart le Romain, Loyr et Cars. Yol. II. Tableaux graves des Ecoles Italienne, Flamande et Frai^aise, containing 26 Engravings after Pietro da Cortona, Raffaello, Jor- daens, Rubens, Boullongne, Coypel, De Troy, Gerard, Jouvenet, Le Sueur, Mignard and Yerdier, by Audran, Pontius, Vorstermann, Dupuis, Desplaces, Tardieu, Thomassin, Laurent et Avril, and Duchange. 129 Yol. III. Tableau graves des Ecoles Italienne, Flamande et Frar^aise, containing 41 Engravings after Annibale Carracci, Correggio, Domenichino, Guido Reni, Lanfranco, Palma il Yecchio, Raffaello, Titiano, Alessandro Veronese, Yan Dyck, Rubens, Poussin, and Valentin, by Picart, Chateau, Baudet, Rousselet, Scotin, Audran, Edelinck, Thomassin, Masson, and Fessard. Vol. IV. Tableaux graves des Ecoles Italienne, Flamande et Fran^aise, containing 44 Engravings after Baldrighi, A. Carracci, L. Carracci, Domenichino, Guido Reni, Lanfranco, Procaccini, Raffaello, A. van der Cabel, Jordaens, Rembrandt, Rubens, Boullongne, J. B. Corneille, M. Corneille, De Troy, Lancret, Le Brun, Le Moine, Le Sueur, Pierre, Restout, Santerre, J. B. Yan Loo, C. Yan Loo and Yien, by Langlois, Audran, Roger, Del Po, Moles, Camerata, Boucher, Desnoyers, A. Yan der Cabel, L. Yorstermann, De Frey, Pontius, Bolswert, Thomassin, J. B. Corneille, M. Corneille, Cars, Le Bas, Cochin, Haas, Porporati, Le Yasseur, Dupuis, Miger, and Preisler. Vol. Y. Tableaux graves des Ecoles Italienne, Flamande et Fran 9 aise, containing 15 Engravings after L. Giordano, A. Yan der Cabel, Yan Falens, Jordaens, Bourdon, Coypel, and Loyr, by Denon, A. Yan der Cabel, Moyreau, Bolswert, Natalis, Bourdon, Dupuis, Duchange, and Loyr. Vol. VI. Tableaux graves des Ecoles Italienne, Flamande et Fra^aise, containing 44 Engravings after Raffaello, Solari, Spada, Titiano, P. de Champaigne, Coning, Yan Dyck, Jordaens, Rembrandt, Rubens, Bardon, M. Corneille, A. Coypel, N. N. Coypel, C. Coypel, De Troy, Le Brun, Le Moine, Le Sueur, Natoire, Pierre and Stella, by Audran, Yan Meulemeester, Morel, Morin, De Frey, Van Dyck, Marin, Yorstermann, Cars, Poilly, Duchange, Des- places, Le Bas, Cars, Tardieu, Flipart, Pierre, Preisler, Rousselet, and Frosne. Vol. VII. Tableaux graves des Ecoles Italienne, Flamande, et Fra^aise, containing 13 Engravings after Guido Reni, Tintoretto, Lairesse, Jordaens, Bourdon, Caraffe, Cochin, and Yan Loo, by Desplaces, Tischler, Bolswert, Prou, Boucher, Desnoyers, Demarteau, and Cochin Fils. Vol. VIII. Tableaux graves de l’Ecole Italienne, containing 17 Engra- vings after Raffaello and Giulio Romano, by G. Audran. Vol. IX. Tableaux graves des Ecoles Flamande etFran 9 aise, containing 21 Engravings after Jordaens, Sneyders, Bertin, Boullongne, Bourdon, De Troy, Dumont, Halle, Lafosse, Leblond, Lemoine, Yan Loo, and Verdot, by P. de Jode, Zaal, Chereau le Jeune, Flipart, Bourdon, Fessard, Cochin Fils, Miger, Lempereur, Moitte, and Cars. Vol. X. Tableaux graves de l’Ecole Franjjaise, containing 14 Engravings after Paintings of S. Bourdon in the Galerie de FHotel Breton- villiers, by P. Drevet. Vol. XI. Tableaux graves de l’Ecole Fran^aise, containing 12 Engravings by Desplaces, Tardieu, Picart, Thomassin, Surugue, Beauvais, L. Desplaces, and Poilly, after Coypel’s Paintings in the Grande Galerie du Palais Royal. S 130 Vol. XII. Tableaux graves de l’Ecole Frangaise, containing 8 magni- ficent Engravings of the Battles of Alexander, Defeat of Poms, Battle of Constantine against Maxentius and Triumph of Con- stantine, after Le Brun, by Audran, Edelinck, and Picart. *** This volume alone has been sold for upwards of 500 francs. Vol. XIII. Ecole Frangaise, containing 5 Engravings by Audran, of the Plafonds de la Chapelle de Sceaux du Val de Grace, &c. as painted by Lebrun and Mignard. Vol. XIV. Ecole Frangaise, containing 25 Engravings of which 13 after N. Poussin, including John baptizing by Audran ; the Seven Sacraments by J. Pesne ; the Assumption by J. Pesne ; Elevation of St. Paul to Heaven by J. Pesne ; Time taking away Truth by Audran ; the Saving of young Pyrrhus by Audran ; and Coriolanus pacified by his Mother by Audran. Vol. XV. Ecole Frangaise, containing 20 Engravings after N. Poussin, consisting of Scriptural Subjects, Landscapes, the Seasons, &c. by Stella, Mariette, Audran, J. Paine, J. Pesne, and Baudet. Vol. XVI. Ecole Frangaise, containing 28 Engravings, including 19 of the Labours of Hercules after N. Poussin, by J. Pesne, and 9 others, viz. the Marriage of the Virgin by Audran ; St. Frances by Audran ; Death of Germanicus by Chateau ; Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Audran ; Empire of Flora by Audran ; Camillus delivering the Faliscan Schoolmaster to his Scholars by Audran ; Roman Charity by J. Pesne ; Love staying Armida from killing the sleeping Rinaldo by Audran; and Extreme Unction by Bergeret. Vol. XVII. Portraits of 112 eminent Persons (but chiefly Artists), engraved by Edelinck, Nanteuil, Wille, Audran, Lombart, Muller, Tardieu, Klauber, and other eminent Engravers, after Paintings by ' Rafiaello, Van Dyck, Mignard, Le Sueur, Coypel, Le Brun, Rigaud, and the best Artists. Vol. XVIII et XIX. (Euvre du Comte de Caylus Dessins graves des Ecoles Italienne et Flamande. A Collection of 223 Etchings from the Original Designs of Abate, Bandinelli, Barocci, Bolognese, Campagnola, the Carraccis, Castiglione, Dominichino, Franco, Giorgione, Guercino, Guido Reni, Giulio Romano, il Gobbo, Leonardo da Vinci, Mazzuoli, Michel Angelo, Mola, Parmegiano, Paolo Veronese, Primaticcio, Rafiaello, Tintoretto, Titian, Tribolo, Vanni, Zuccharo, Breughel, Bril, Albert Durer, Van Dyck, Lucas Van Leyde, &c. Vol. XX. Lebrun (C.) Rapport de la Physionomie Humaine, avec celle des Animaux (avec Texte) portrait by Edelinck , and 37 plates, engraved by Baltard and Legrand. Vol. XXI. Medailles, containing 41 plates of Medaillons antiques du Cabinet du Roi, par S. De La Boissiere ; 47 plates of Monnaies du Bas Empire, engraved by P. Giffart ; 3 plates of Monnaies de Jules Cesar, Pompee et ses Fils, et de Juba; et de Juba et de Cesar ; 4 small plates containing Medailles de Julie Soeur de Caligula, de Titiana, d’Annia Faustina, et de Trajan Dece et Etruscille ; and 155 French Medals, worked on 12 sheets. 131 Vol. XXII. Medailles des Papes depuis Martin V jusqu’a Innocent XI, 50 plates Yol. XXIII. Plans, Elevations, Yues et Ornemens des Chateaux du Louvre et des Tuilleries par Israel Silvestre, Berain, Le Clerc, Marotte, &c. 40 plates Yol. XXIY — Part I &II. Chateau de Versailles: Plans, Elevations, et Yues, 2 vol. containing 88 Engravings by Silvestre , Nollin, dc. Vol. XX Y. Chateau de Versailles: Grand Escalier, 34 plates after Le Brun, by Baudet, Surugue , Simonneau , &c. with engraved descriptions Yol. XXYI. Chateau de Versailles: Grande Galerie et les deux Salons qui l’accompagnent, containing portrait of J. B. Masse by Wille , and 55 plates of the Paintings of Le Brun from designs of Masse , engraved by Laurent , Cochin , Dupuis , Desplaces , Beauvais , Cars , Simonneau , Tardieu , Wille, Audran, Preisler, Aveline, dc. Vol. XXVII. Chateau de Versailles: Grotte, Labyrinthe, Fontaines et Bassins des Parcs, containing 89 Engravings by Le Potre, Le Clerc , Silvestre, Edelinck , Baudet, &c. dc. Vol. XXVIII. Chateau de Versailles : Statues antiques et modernes, containing 48 Engravings by Mellan, Baudet, Audran , Edelinck, Chauveau and Le Potre. Vol. XXIX. Chateau de Versailles: Statues antiques et modernes d’apres les Dessins de N. Bertin, par Guerin, Cornu, Roger, De Marcy, R. Le Lorrain, Gamier, Anguier, Mazeline, Bertrand, Puget, Raon, &c. 16 Engravings by Desplaces. Vol. XXX. Chateau de Versailles : Bustes antiques, Sphinx, Termes et Vases modernes des Chateaux et Parcs, 51 Engravings by Baudet and Le Potre. Vol. XXXI. Tapisseries du Roi d’apres les Dessins de C. Lebrun, containing 50 fine Engravings by Le Clerc and Jeaurat. Vol. XXXII. Silvestre (Israel) et F. Chauveau Carrousel donne par le Roi, 1662, engraved title, and 96 Engravings of the Tournament , Costumes, dc. Vol. XXXIII. Fetes donnees a Versailles en 1664, 1668, et 1674, con- taining 20 fine plates by Silvestre and Lepautre. Vol. XXXIV. — Part I & II. Plans, Elevations, Vues, Coupes, et Profils de l’Hotel Royal des Invalides, 2 vol. containing 39 plates by Marot and Lepautre. Vol. XXXV. Silvestre (Israel) Chateaux Royaux et Lieux de Remarque, 37 plates. Vol. XXXVI. Silvestre (I.) Lieux de Remarque, 13 very large Engravings. Vol. XXXVII. Leclerc (S.) et J. Marot, Petites Conquetes, 1672-1678, containing 40 Engravings. Vol. XXXVIII. Siege d’ Arras lev4 par la Deffaite des Ennemies, 1654, containing title , large folding view, large map and large plan by Cochin and Frosne, on which are also engraved portraits of Anne of Austria , Louis XIV, Due d' Anjou, Cardinal Mazarin, Marshals de Turenne and De La Ferte, and of the Marquis d'Hocquincourt. 132 Vol. XXXIX-XLI. Van der Meulen (Antoine Francois) CEuvre, 3 vol. containing portrait by Van Schuppen , and 138 Engravings (many on a very large scale) of Combats , Battles , Views of Royal Castles , Landscapes , Delineations of dead Horses , &c. by Baudouins, Bonnart, Ertinger , Surugue , Scotin, Huchtenburch , Simonneau , Cochin , &c. Vol. XLII-XLVII. Beaulieu (Sieur de) (Euvre, 5 vol. in 6, containing 150 large Engravings of the Sieges and Battles from 1630 to 1698 inclusive , having also the plate with Vo portraits of Louis XIV, and 24 portraits of eminent persons during his reign. Vol. XL VIII. Vignettes pour differens Recueils, 59 elegant Designs engraved by Bailly, Le Clerc, Le Pautre, Chauveau, Bonnart, Le Brim, Edelinck, and Cochin. Vol. XLIX. Cabinet de la Bibliotheque de Ste. Genevieve, containing title , portrait of C. Du Molinet, and 41 plates of Antiquities, Coins, Medals, &c. engraved by Ertinger. Vol. L. Abbaye de Saint-Denys, containing 43 Engravings illustrating the Life of the Saint; plans of the Church and Tombs; the Treasury ; the principal Monuments ; &c. &c. Vol. LI. Tombes de Notre Dame de Paris, 52 plates. Vol. LII. Pompes Funebres, 1672-1747, containing 11 Engravings by Audran, Le Clerc , Gantrel, Cochin, and Ouvrier, after Le Brun and De Bonneval. Vol. LIII. Catafalques, 1648-1781, containing 61 Engravings by Wide- man , Martinet , Cochin, Prevost , Tar aval, Miger, and Lempereur, after Slodtz, M. A. Challe , M. C. Challe, &c. Vol, LIV. Chartes, containing 12 Engravings in facsimile of the Charta Plenaria of Justinian, and of the Charter of Ravenna. Vol. LV. Armorial de la Noblesse de Lorraine et de Bar, et des E veches de Metz, Toul et Verdun, par M. Hussan l’Ecossais, 1674, con- taining title, 15 plates of arms by J. Picart, and an engraving of shields — Armorial de Bourgogne, et de Bresse, et de plusieurs Provinces de France, par J. Chevillard, 1726, containing 14 plates of arms, and engraving of a Genealogical Tree. Vol. LVI. La Pointe (F. de) Armoirees des Chevaliers de l’Ordre de Saint Esprit, 1654-1711, containing 225 Engravings of arms of the Knights. Vol. LVII. Sacre de Louis XV dans l’Eglise de Reims 25 Octobre, 1722, containing on Ik copper plates, an Account of the Coronation, with Delineations of the Procession, the various Costumes and Cere- monies, <&c. after designs by Dulin and Perrot, engraved by Cochin , Simonneau, Desplaces , Dupuis, Tardieu, &c. Vol. LV1II. Description des Festes donnees par la Ville de Paris a l’Occasion du Mariage de Madame Louise Elisabeth de France et de Dom Philippe d’Espagne, with printed text, and 14 Engravings by Blondel, Rousset, Salley, and Rigaud. Vol. LIX. Fetes, C^rdmonies, &c. 1735-1789, containing 22 Engravings of Illuminations, Pyrotechnic Displays, Bals Masques et Pares, Theatrical Exhibitions, and other Ceremonies ( including Mariage of Dauphin in 1745, and Coronation of Louis XVI), by Cochin , Martinet, Lebas, Moreau le Jeune , &c. 133 Vol. LX. Sacre de S. M. l’Empereur Napoleon, 40 beautiful Engravings after Isabey , Fontaine , and Percier, by the best artists of France , proof impressions with open letters, very rare in this state. Vol. LXI. Couronnement de leurs Majestes Napoleon et Josephine, 14 plates after Percier and Fontaine , with printed text. Vol. LXII. Percier (C.) et P. F. Fontaine, Description des Ceremonies et des Fetes pour le Mariage de S. M. l’Empereur Napoleon, avec l’Archiduchesse Marie Louise d’Autriehe, 13 Engravings , with printed text. Vol. LXI1I. Sacre de S. M. Charles X, 30 proof engravings by Leisnier, Forster , Besnard , Muller , Laurent , and other eminent artists. Vol. LXIV. Plans de Paris a diverses Epoques, Colonne en l’Hotel de Soissons, Pyramide, Elevations, Mesures, &c. 24 plates. Vol. LXV. Fonte en Bronze de la Statue Equestre de Louis XV, 1768, 61 Engravings by St. Aubin, Patte , <&c. Vol. LX VI. Colonne de la grande Armde erigee en 1810 sur la Place V endome, 146 Engravings by Baltard. Vol. LXVII. Bretez (L.) Plan de Paris, commence 1734, acheve de graver en 1739, engraved on 21 sheets by C. Lucas. Vol. LXVIII. Carte des Environs de Paris en l’Annee 1674, grave par F. de La Pointe en 1678, on nine sheets. Vol. LXIX. Delagrive (Abbe) Carte des Environs de Paris, 1754, engraved on 10 plates — Plans de St. Cloud, Versailles, Marly, Beauvais, 8 plates. Vol. LXX. Aqueducs de Maintenon, de la Machine, &c. avec Cartes de Versailles, &c. 51 plates. Vol. LXXI. Cartes des Canaux d’Orleans, de Briare, et de Loing, engraved title and 20 maps. Vol. LXXII. Cartes des Dioceses de la Province du Languedoc, 1781, 27 large folding maps. Vol. LXXIII. Cartes Geographiques pour FEducation du Dauphin, Fils de Louis XV, 6 maps — Plans, Cartes geographiques, &c. 17 plans and maps. Vol. LXXIV. Coronelli (P.) Modele du Globe celeste pour FAnnee 1700, containing 26 fine Engravings by Nolin. Vol. LXXV-LXXVII. Histoire Naturelle des Plantes, 3 vol. containing 319 exguisite Engravings of Plants by N. Pobert , L. de Chatillon , and A. Bosse. Vol. LXX VIII. Vitruve, Dix Livres d’ Architecture, 87 plates, engraved by Scotin , Grignon , Tournier , Pitau, Edelinck , Le Clerc, &c. Vol. LXXIX. Vases Antiques, 85 Engravings. Vol. LXXX. Portraits du Roi (Louis Philippe) et de la Reine des Fran£ais, des Princes et des Princesses de la Famille Royale, con- taining 22 india proof portraits of the Orleans Family. Vol. LXXXI. Vues des Champs de Bataille de Napoleon en Italie dans les Annies 1796, 1797, et 1800, dessindes sur les Lieux par M. Bagetti, Paris , 1837, engraved title-page, list of plates (3 leaves), and 67 splendid views. 134 1731 Challeton de Brughat (F.) de la Tourbe. Etudes sur les Combustibles employes dans l’Industrie, &c. vellum paper, autograph note and signature of “ A1 Hum- boldt” Svo. Paris , 1858 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription, of one of the most important works on fuel ever offered to the public. 1732 Challaye (C. A. de) Memoirs sur l’Emigration des Indiens et sur le Travail libre dans les Colonies de Maurice et de Bourbon, presentation copy with author s autograph large paper roy. 8vo. Paris , 1844 1733 Chambeau (Dr.) Louis de Baviere et Philippe le Bel 4 to. Berlin , 1847 1734 Chambeau (P. C.) de Alcibiade pine paper, and a duplicate on common 8vo. Berolini , 1835 1735 Chambers (R.) Ancient Sea-Margins, frontispiece , map and cuts large paper, presentation copy “ with the author's compli- ments" 8vo. Edinburgh , 1848 1736 Chambrier (F. de) Histoire de Neufchatel et Valangin jusqu’a PAv^nement de la Maison de Prusse, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Neufchatel , 1840 1737 Chamisso (A von) iiber die Hawaiische Sprache pine paper, Humboldt’s writing on cover Ato. Leipzig , 1837 1738 Champollion le Jeune (J. F.) Lettres ecrites pendant son Voyage en Egypte, with author’s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1829 1739 Champollion le Jeune (J. F.) Grammaire Egyptienne Premiere Partie, Paris , 1836 — Dictionnaire Egyptien en Ecriture Hieroglyphique, publie par M. Champollioji-Figeac, 3 parts, with editor’s autograph inscriptions , ib. 1841-43 4 parts, folio 1740 Champollion- Figeac (M.) L’Obelisque de Louqsor transport^ a Paris, plates , with author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1833 1741 Champollion-Figeac (M.) Prolegomenes a l’Ystoire de li Nor- mant et la Chronique de Robert Yiscart, par Aim4 Moine de Mont-Cassin, author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1835 1742 Channing (W.) on Etherization in Childbirth, presentation copy, with the author s autograph inscription roy. 8vo. Boston , U. S. 1848 1743 Channing (W. E.) Selection from his Works (by H. A. Miles) presented by the American Unitarian Association Svo. Boston, U.S. 1855 1744 Channing (W. E.) Thoughts, selected by H. A. Miles presentation copy from the A. U.A. %2mo. Boston , U.S. 1856 1745 Channing (W. E.) sa Yie et ses (Euvres, avec une Preface de M. Charles de Remusat, with author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1857 135 1746 Channing (W. F.) on the Municipal Electric Telegraph, with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. New Haven, 1852 1747 Chapelle Sepulcrale de Dreux. Description de la Chapelle et des Sepultures qu’elle renferme large paper roy. 4 to. Paris , 1847 A privately printed description of the burial-place of the Orleans Family. 1748 Charbaut (M.) sur laGeologie des Environs de Lons-le-Saunier 8vo. Paris , 1819 1749 Charles VIII. Proces-Verbaux des Seances du Conseil de Regence du Roi Charles VIII (1484-85) publiees par A. Bernier 4 to. Paris , 1836 1750 Charma (A.) Essai sur les Bases et les Developpemens de la Moralite 8vo. Paris, 1835 Presentation copy, with autograph inscription of the author, who has also written on the cover, Le seul exemplaire que j’aie a ma disposition ” 1751 Charma (A.) Le 9 ons de Logique, with authors autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1840 1752 Charma (A.) Biographie de Fontenelle, large paper, printed for private distribution only 8 vo. Caen, 1846 1753 Charma (A.) Essai sur le Langage 8 vo. Paris, 1846 Presentation copy, with the following autograph inscription : “ A Monsieur le Comte Alexandre de Humboldt hommage de respec- tueuse admiration. Caen, 18 7bre, 1855 . A. Charma.” 1754 Charma (A.) sur THistoire de Dieu de M. Didron 8vo. Paris , 1847 1755 Charma (A.) Saint Anselme, Notice biographique litteraire et philosophique, author s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1853 1756 Charma (A.) sur l’Etablissement dune Laugue universelle presentation copy, with author's autograph 8 vo. Paris , 1855-56 1757 Charma (A.) Guillaume de Conches, Notice biographique, litteraire et philosophique, plate, presentation copy , with author's autograph 8 vo. Caen, 1857 1758 Charma (A.) Resum6 du Cours d’Esthetique large paper, presentation copy, with author's autograph 8 vo. Caen , 1858 1759 Charma (A.) Nouvelle Classification des Sciences 8vo. Paris, 1859 1760 Charmoy (F. B.) Observations sur la Lettre de Tutundju- Oglou Moustafa-Aga, with author s autograph inscription 8vo. St. Peter sbourg, 1828 1761 Charpentier (J. de) Essai sur les Glaciers et sur le Terrain erratique du Bassin du Rhone, map and plates, author s autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. Lausanne , 1841 136 1762 Cliarpentier (J. de) sur la Cause probable du Transport des Blocs erratiques de la Suisse il Hommage de V Auteur a Mr. De Humboldt ,” whose writing is also on cover , Paris , 1835 — Sur l’Application de l’Hypothese de M. Venetz aux Phenomenes erratiques du Nord, Geneve , 1842 — Sur l’PIypothese qui attribue les Phenomenes erratiques des Pyrenees & uneFonte subite des Glaciers, ib. 1845 8 vo. (3) 1763 Charpentier (J. de) Carte geognostique des Pyrenees, coloured and mounted on canvas , Humboldt's writing on back 1764 Chasles (M.) Aper^u historique sur l’Origine et le Developpe- ment des Methodes en Geometrie, half calf extra 4to. Bruxelles, 1837 An important and most excellent work, now very rare. 1765 Chasles (M.) Histoire de l’Algebre 4 to. Paris , 1841 1766 Chasles (M.) Eclaircissements sur le Traite de Numero Arenas d’Archimede 4 to. Paris , 1842 1767 Chasles (M.) Histoire de TArithmetique 4to. Paris, 1843 1768 Chasles (M.) Notice de ses Travaux Mathematiques privately printed , rare 4 to. Paris, s. d. 1769 Chasles (M.) Notes sur les Equations indetermin^es du second Degr6, Humboldt' s autograph notes 4 to. Paris, s. d. 1770 Chasles (M.) Recherches sur l’Astronomie Indienne 4 to. Paris, 1846 1771 Chasles (M.) Traite de Geometrie Superieure, plates very scarce 8vo. Paris, 1852 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription : “ h Vil- lustre Monsieur de Humboldt Hommage de respect affectueux. Chasles .” 1772 Chasles (Philarete) le XVIII e Siecle en Angleterre (Etudes politiques et Etudes humoristiques) 2 vol. 1 2mo. Paris, 1846 Humboldt punning on the author’s name facetiously termed this Author “ Schal (Chasles) Philarete ,” the insipid Philarete (Chasles). 1773 Chatel (V.) Utilite et Rehabilitation du Moineau 8vo. Paris, 1858 1774 Chauchard (M.) Carte de la Partie Septentrionale de 1’Italie, 8 sheets mounted to form 2 maps on canvas in case , Paris, s. d. — Chauchard (M.) Carte generale de l’Empire d’Al- lemagne, mounted on canvas to form 11 maps in case, Paris, s. d. 1775 Chauvin (F.) Die Darstellung der Berge in Karten und Planen, plate, red morocco, g. e. small 4 to. Berlin, 1852 1776 Chauvin (F.) Das Bergzeichnen rationell entwickelt tellxtm paper 8 vo . Berlin, 1854 1777 Chenu (M.) sur le Musee Conchyliologique du Baron B. De- lessert 8vo. Paris, 1844 137 1778 Cheraskoff (Michel) Le Combat de Tzesme, Poeme en cinq Chants, avec un Discours sur la Poesie Russe. Traduits du Russe en Fra^ais (par Madame de Souschkroff nee Chraperitsqui) very rare, presentation copy “ par le Fils du Traducteur,” with his autograph inscription , red morocco , g. e. Ylmo. s. 1. ( Orenbourg ) 1772 This historical Poem was printed for private circulation only. No copy is mentioned by Brunet. 1779 Chesney (Lieut. Col.) Expedition for the Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris, 2 vol. plates , with maps in separate case, presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. London , 1850 1780 Chevalier (C.) Nouvelles Instructions sur l’Usage du Daguer- reotype, &c. roy. 8vo. Paris , 1841 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 1781 Chevalier (M.) Lettres sur l’Amerique du Nord, 2 vol. map autograph signature of “ Al. Humboldt ” in each volume 8vo. Paris, 1836 1782 Chevalier (M.) Pont sur le James-River a Richmond en Yir- ginie, plates imp. 4 to. Paris, 1839 1783 Chevalier (M.) Histoire et Description des Yoies de Commu- nication aux Etats-Unis et des Travaux d’Art qui en dependent, Yol. I et Yol. II, Part I, 4to., and 2 royal folio atlasses Paris, 1840-41 1784 Chevalier (M.) L’Europe et la Chine, l’Occident et 1* Orient presentation copy, with author’s autograph roy. 8vo. Paris, 1840 1785 Chevalier (M.) sur l’lsthme de Panama, maps, 8vo. Paris, 1844 1786 Chevalier (M.) des Mines d’ Argent et d’Or du Nouveau-Monde roy. 8vo. Paris, 1846 1787 Chevalier (M.) de la Situation actuelle dans ses Rapports avec les Subsistances et la Banque de France, with author’s autograph inscription large paper roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1847 1788 Chevalier (M.) de la Situation, &c. Another copy small paper, with author’s autograph inscription roy. 8vo. Paris , 1847 1789 Chevalier (M.) Question de la Population author s autograph inscription roy. 8vo. Paris , 1847 1790 Chevallet (A. de) Origine et Formation de la Langue Fran9aise, Premiere Partie, with author’s autograph inscription large paper roy. 8vo. Paris , 3 853 1791 Chevalley de Rivaz (S.) e M. A. Ziccardi, Descrizione delle Acque Termo-Minerali e delle Stufe dell’ Isola d’lschia, map and plates 8vo. Napoli , 1838 T 138 1792 Chevallier (A.) Memoires, Notices, Rapports et Essais, savoir : sur la Necessite de proscrire les Vases de Plomb, Paris , 1854 — Sur le Nettoiement de la Ville de Paris, ib. 1849 — De la Necessite de batir des Maisons pour loger les Classes Moyennes, ib. 1857 — Sur le Commerce de Lait, ib. 1856 — Sur l’lf et sur ses Proprietes toxiques, ib. s. d. — Examen chimique des Vins, ib. 1857 — Sur le Commerce des Sangsues, ib. s. d. — Sur l’Eleve des Sangsues, ib. 1856 — Sur l’Innocuite du Phosphore rouge, ib. 1856 — Sur l’Em- poisonnement par l’Acide Sulfurique, ib. 1846 — Empoi- sonnement par du Lait, ib. 1844 — Eaux Minerales, ib. 1843 — Sur le Lait, ib. 1856 — Tables de Correction pour le Lait avec sa Cr6me, lithographed , ib. s. d. — Petition sur les Falsifications, ib. s. d. — Sur le Papier de Riz, ib. 1840 — Sur les Eaux de Wattwiller, ib. 1851 — Discours pro- nonce sur la Tombeau de M. Bouriat, ib. 1854 — Sur les Empoisonnements, ib. s. d. — Triple Accusation d’Empoi- sonnement, ib. 1842 — Reponse au Memoire du Sr. Delion, ib. 1836 — Sur le Gluten Granule, ib. 1845 — Sur l’Arsenic dans les Vinaigres, ib. s. d. — Sur Julia Fontenelle, 2 copies , ib. s. d. — Sur les Emplois du Chlorures et [du Chlore, ib. s. d. — Suspicion d’Empoisonnement par l’Arsenic, ib. 1845 — Notice biographique de L. N. Vauquelin, ib. 1850 — Sur les Falsifications du Chocolat, ib. 1853 — Sur les Ouvriers qui travaillent le Cuivre et ses Alliages, ib. 1850 — Sur la Falsification de la Chicoree, ib. 1849 — Sur la Decouverte de F Arsenic dans les Eaux Minerales, ib. 1855 — Acci- dens aux Ouvriers qui passent le Cuivre a l’Acide nitrique, ib. 1855 — Sur l’Empoisonnement par les Allumettes chi- miques, ib. 1854 — Sur F Arsenic dans les Eaux Minerales de Vichy, &c. ib. s. d. — Sur les Classes Ouvriers, ib. 1849 — Sur l’Opium indigene, ib. 1852 — Des Dangers des Papiers colores, ib. 1854-— Empoisonnement par l’Arsenic a petites Doses (AiFaire Glseckler), ib. 1845 — Lettrea M. H. de Cas- telnau, ib. 1855 — Enrobage de la Soie par F Acetate de Plomb, 2 copies , ib. 1855 — Sur les Eaux Minerales, ib. 1845 — Sur la Coloration artificielle des Vins, ib. s. d. half morocco, lettered in gold on sides , “ a Monsieur le Baron Alexandre de Humboldt, Hommage de F Auteur” in 1 vol. 8vo. A valuable Collection of highly interesting Papers, many of them printed only for private distribution. 139 SIXTH DAY’S SALE* LOT 1793 Chevandier (E.) sur la Composition dlementaire des differents Bois, with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1844 1794 Chevandier (E.) sur l’lnfluence de l’Eau sur la Vegetation des Forets, authors autograph inscription 8vo. St. Germain, 1844 1795 Chevandier (E.) Recherches sur la Composition eldmentaire des differents Bois. Trois Memoires, Paris, 1844, et St. Germain, 1846-47, with other Tracts by the author in the vol. fine paper, presentation copy from the author, with his auto- graph inscription 8vo. 1796 Chevandier (E.) et Gr. Wertheim Memoire sur les Propridtes Mecaniques du Bois, Paris , 1846 — Rapport sur le Memoire par Brongniart, Regnault et Poncelet, ib. 1847 4 to. (2) 1797 Chevandier (E.) et Gr. Wertheim sur les Proprietes Mecaniques du Bois, plates , “ Hommage des Auteurs ” 8vo. Paris, 1 848 1798 Chevreul (E.) sur plusieurs Objets d’Archeologie dans la Vendde, sur les Mouvements musculaires, sur la Peinture a l’Huile, et sur plusieurs Reactions chimiques, 4 Tracts , with author's autograph inscriptions 4tto. Paris, 1846-53 1799 Chiaie (S. delle) Osservazioni Anatomiche su l’Occhio Umano, proof plates large paper, presentation copy, with author s signature to his autograph inscription roy. 4tto. Napoli , 1838 1800 Chiaie (S. delle) Anatomiche Disamine sulle Torpedini, plates 4:to. ivi , 1839 1801 Chiaie (S. delle) Ricerche anatomico-biologiche sul Proteo Serpentino, proof plates large paper roy. 4 to. Napoli , 1840 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription and signature. 1802 Chiaie (S. delle) Descrizione e Notomia degli Animali inver- tebrati della Sicilia Citeriore osservati vivi negli Anni 1822-1830, 5 vol. of Text (vol. Ill wants all after p. 140, and vol. V all after p . 72), and 2 vol. of plates (wanting plates 34, 73, 76, 86, 88-92, 100, 104 and 161) together 7 vol. large paper, rare , uncut atlas 4 to. Napoli , 1841 Presentation copy, with the following inscription, in the author’s autograph, written opposite to title-page of each vol. of text : Viro immortali Alex. Bar. ab Humboldt De omnibus hist. nat. partibus optime merito Novique Orbis Democrito hanc opellam offert Stephanus delle Chiaie. 140 1803 Chiaie (S. delle) sulle Ossa umane scavate in Pompeii 4fo. 1853 1804 Chichkoff (L.) sur l’Acide Fulminique, &c. 8 vo. Paris , s. d. 1805 Child (L. Maria) Progress of Religious Ideas through successive Ages, 3 vol. 8vo. New York, 1855 1806 Chile. Almanak Nacional para el Estado de Chile eu 1824, rare 12 mo. Santiago de Chile, 1824 1807 Chile. Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 2 parts roy . 8vo. Santiago de Chile , 1850-52 1808 Chimborazo. Notice de deux Tentatives d’ Ascension par A. de Humboldt 8vo. Paris , 1838 1809 Chimie Minerale et Analyses de Substances minerales. Extraits publics par M. P. B. . . (Berthier ?) , plates presentation copy 8vo. Paris , 1841 1810 China. Copy of Despatches to the Court of Directors of E. I. C. in Reference to the Voyage of the Ship Amherst folio. Lond. 1833 1811 Chinesische Schrift unter Leitung Dr. von Olfers in Stahl geschnitten Von A. Beyerhaus folio broadside . Berlin, s. a. 1812 Choix de Discours de Reception a l’Academie Fran^ise depuis son Etablissement jusqu’ a sa Suppression, avec une Intro- duction par L. Boudou, 2 vol. autograph note of Baron Humboldt 8vo. Paris, 1808 1813 Cholera in England Report, map and plates roy. 8vo. Lond. 1852 1814 Chondemir, Geschichte Tabaristan’s und der Serbedare, Per- sisch und Deutsch von Dr. B. Dorn roy. 4 to. St. Petersburg, 1850 1815 Choulant (Dr. L.) Geschichte und Bibliographie der Anato- mischen Abbildung mit Illustrationen nach beriihmten Kiinstlern, 43 woodcuts, and 3 chromolithographs imperial 8vo. Leipzig , 1852 1816 Chretien (L.) Corsi di Osservazioni Meteorologiche fatte nella Zona torrida a Bordo del R. Vascello ilVesuvio nell’ Anno 1843 vellum paper, presentation copy, with author's autograph inscription and letter 4:to. Napoli, 1844 1817 Chretien (L.) Corsi. Another Copy, with author s autograph inscription, vellum paper 4 to. Napoli, 1844 1818 Christian den Fierdes Norske Lovbog af 1604 udgiven af F. Ilallager og F. Brandt, India proof portrait of Christian IV thick paper roy. 8vo. Christiania, 1855 1819 Christie (S. H.) Discussion of the Magnetical Observations made by Captain Back, R N. during his late Arctic Expe- dition, with author's autograph inscription 4 to. Lond. 1836 1820 Chroniques Siennoises traduites de l’ltalien, prec£d£es d’une Introduction et accompagn^es de Notes par le Due de Dino, facsimiles of autographs large paper imperial 8vo. Paris, 1846 141 1821 Chy Fa Hian, Foe Koue Ki ou Relation des Royaumes Boud- dhiques; Voyage dans la Tartarie, dans 1’ Afghanistan et dans l’lnde (dans le IV e Siecle) traduit du Chinois et commente par M. Abel Remusat, avec d’Eclaircissements nouveaux par MM. Klaproth et Landresse, map and plates , autograph signature of Al. Humboldt on fly-leaf half calf extra 4 to. Paris, 1836 1822 Cialdi (A ) Studi sul Porto di Livorno con Appendice, plan , Firenze , 1853 — Appendice Seconda, plan, Roma , 1855 — Sul Porto-Canale di Pesaro, plan , ivi, 1856 8 vo. (3) 1823 Cialdi (A.) sul Porto-Canale di Pesaro, plan 8vo. Roma , 1856 1824 Cialdi (Comm. Al.) Cenni sul Moto ondoso del Mare, with a long letter respecting the work signed by the author printed for private distribution 4 to. Roma, 1856 1825 Cialdi (A.) Cenni sul Moto ondoso del Mare e sulle Correnti di esso, plate Ato . Roma, 1856 1826 Cicero de Legibus cum Commentario conscripto a J. F. Wagner, 2 vol. in 1 8i>o. Gottingce, 1804 1827 Clemens (A.) iiber Schenkelgeschwulst der Kindbetterinnen, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Frankfurt, 1837 1828 Cieszkowski (Comte A.) de la Pairie et de l’Aristocratie moderne, presentation copy , with author's autograph inscrip- tion 8vo. Paris, 1844 1829 Cieszkowski. Another Copy 8i?o. ib. 1844 1830 Cieszkowski (Dr. A.) Gott und Palingenesie. Erster kritischer Theil, author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1842 1831 Cist (C.) Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 1851, portraits and plates, presentation copy, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Cincinnati, 1851 1832 Civiale (Dr.) Lettre & M. Crampton sur la Lithotritie, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1848 1833 Clarac (Comte F. de) et Visconti, Description des Antiques du Musee Royal small 8vo. Paris, 1820 1834 Clarac (Comte F. de) Catalogue des Artistes de l’Antiquit^ jusqu’a la Fin du VI e Siecle de notre Ere, with autograph inscription and signature of the author 12 mo. Paris , 1844 1835 Clarac (Comte F. de) Musee de Sculpture antique et moderne en 17 Livraisons (wanting Livraisons 1 and 2, both of Texte and Atlas), forming 6 vol. imperial 8vo. of letterpress, and 6 oblong 4to. atlasses of plates, beauti- fully executed in outline, large paper Paris, 1845-53 This magnificent work, of the highest importance to Artists and Collectors of Works of Art, was published at 1020 francs. 1836 Clark (Sir James) on the Sanative Influence of Climate presentation copy , with author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Bond. 1841 142 1837 Clark (W. S.) on Metallic Meteorites, plates 8 vo, Gottingen , 1852 1838 Clarus (Dr. Julius) Handbuch der speciellen Arzneimittellehre vellum paper, half morocco 8 vo. Leipzig , 1856 1839 Claudius (C. F.) Selbst-Biographie, Luft-Reise, Horizontal Windmiihle, Flugmaschine, &c. portrait and plates of the Balloon , horizontal Windmill , Flying -machine, fyc. printed for presents only 4 to. Berlin, 1834 1840 Clausius (R.) iiber die Lichtzerstreuung in der Atmosphare und iiber die Intensitat des durch die Atmosphare reflect- irten Sonnenlichts, plate 4 to. (2) 1841 Clausius (R.) Bewegende Kraft der Warme, Humboldt'' s writing on cover — Bestandtheile der Erdatmosphare durch welche die Lichtreflexion in derselben bewirkt wird — Anwendung der mechanischen Warmetheorie auf die Dampfmaschine — Ueber die Art der Bewegung welche wir Warme nennen — Ueber eine veranderte Form des zweiten Hauptsatzes der mechanischen Warmetheorie — Ueber den Einfluss des Druckes auf das Gefrieren der Fliissigkeiten, &c. — Elek- tricitatsleitung in Elektrolyten 8vo. (7) 1842 Clemens (Dr. F. I.) Giordano Bruno und Nicolaus von Cusa fine paper, with curious and interesting notes in Baron Hum - boldt’s autograph at end, red morocco, g.e. 8vo. Bonn, 1847 1843 Clemens (Dr. F. W.) iiber die Wirkung des iEthers und Chloroforms auf Menschen, Thiere und Pflanzen, plate 4 to. Bern , 1850 1844 Cloquet (J.) Notice analytique de ses Travaux Scientifiques Privately printed, with author's autograph inscription Paris, 1854 1845 Cloquet (J.) sur les Concretions Intestinales, Paris, 1855 — Cloquet (J.) Cauterisation du Voile du Palais, &c. Paris, 1855 roy. 8vo. (2) 1846 Clostermeier (C. G.) Der Eggesterstein im Fiirstenthum Lippe, mit Nachtragen von Dr. E. Helwing vellum paper 8vo. Lemgo und Detmold, 1848 1847 Coast Survey of the United States of America from 1851 to 1857 inclusive, 7 vols. numerous maps and plates 4 to. Washington, 1851-57 1848 Cobb (H.) Iron Mountain Region, with authors autograph inscription 8vo. Saint-Louis, 1855 1849 Coblenz. Holienkarte der Umgegend von Coblenz bearbeitet von C. R. Wolff, coloured , folio. Berlin, 1854 1850 Coch (G. von) Tauf-Weihgesang privately printed, the title within a lace border , heightened by gold and silver kto. Altona, 1859 On the Baptism of the Infant Son of the English Princess Royal Victoria of Prussia. 1851 Cochet (Abbe) Notice biographique sur M. Nell de Breaut^, portrait 8vo. Dieppe, 1855 143 1852 Cochrane (Captain C. S.) Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colombia, 2 vol. coloured frontispieces and map 8vo. London , 1825 With autograph notes of Baron Humboldt, who has also marked a passage respecting himself. 1853 Codazzi (A.) Atlas fisico y politico de la Republica de Venezuela, coloured maps , autograph of 11 Al. Humboldt” very rare and important folio. Caracas (Paris'), 1840 1854 Codazzi (A.) Mapa fisico y politico de la Republica de Vene- zuela, the large map mounted on canvas very rare Caracas, 1840 On a slip of paper Baron Humboldt has written with his own hand “ Carte de Venezuela da Col. Codazzi sehr selten und theuer.” 1855 Codazzi (A.). Another Copy, not mounted , with Humboldt's autograph note styling it “ Wichtig” ib. 1840 1856 Codazzi (A.) Resumen de la Geografia de Venezuela, the fly- leaf at end covered with scientific notes in the autograph of Baron Humboldt , calf extra 8vo. Paris , 1841 1857 Codazzi (A.) Resumen. Another Copy 8vo. ib. 1841 1858 Codazzi (A.) Carte de Tlsthme de Panama et de Darien, redigee par H. Kiepert , 2 sheets Berlin , 1857 Dedicated to Baron Humboldt, whose autograph note is at the corner. 1859 Codazzi. Another Copy, proof before insertion of date 1860 Collen (F. A.) Wilde Blurnen, Gedichte vellum paper square 1 Qmo. Baden-Baden , 1855 1861 Cohn (Dr. F.) Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Infusorien, 2 plates 8 vo. Breslau , 1851-53 1862 Cohn (Dr. F.) fiber eine neue Gattung Volvocinen, coloured plate 8 vo. Breslau , 1852 1863 Cohn (Dr. F.) fiber die Entwickelung der Vegetation in Schlesien, author's autograph inscription ib. 1851 1864 Cohn (Dr. F.) Nachtrage zur Naturgeschichte des Protococcus Pluvialis Kfitzing, 2 coloured plates vellum paper 4 to. Bonn , s. a. 1865 Cohn (Dr. F.) vom Wachsthum der Pflanzenzelle, coloured plate, with author' s autograph inscription 4 to. Breslau, s. a. 1866 Cohn (Dr. F.) Untersuchungen fiber die Entwicklungsge- schichte der Mikroskopischen Algen und Pilze, 6 coloured plates Ato. 1867 Cohn (Dr. F.) Entwicklungsgeschichte des Pilobolus Crystal- linus, coloured plates, author's autograph inscription 4 to. 1868 Cohn (F.) de Cuticula, plates vellum paper 8vo. Wratislavice, 1850 1869 Cohn (F. J.) Symbola ad Seminis Physiologiam, author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8vo. Berolini, 1847 144 1870 Cohnfeld (Dr. A.) Lebens-und Regierungs-Geschichte Friedrich Wilhelms III Konigs von Preussen, 3 vol. portraits and plates 8vo. Berlin , 1840-41-42 1871 Colani (T.) L’Education Protestante, Sermon 8 vo. Strasbourg , 1858 1872 Colenso (W.) Journal of a Naturalist in New Zealand presentation copy , “ with J. D. Hooker's respects " 8 vo. 1873 Colladon (D.) et C. Sturm sur la Compression des Liquides, plates , “ Hommage des Auteurs " 4 to. Paris , 1827 1874 Collectanea Meteorologica sub Auspiciis Societatis Scientiarum Danicae edita, 2 vol. autograph of“ Humboldt,” 4Zo. Hafnice , 1829-39 Containing the Meteorological Observations made from 1823 to 1827 in Iceland by Thorstensen, and at Apenrade in Sleswig by Neuber during 1824-25. 1875 Collection Orientale. Manuscrits inedits de la Bibliotheque Royale, traduits et publies par Ordre du Roi Louis-Philippe, 8 vol. (all published) folio. Paris , Imprimerie Royale , 1836-56 This magnificent work, printed within woodcut borders on vellum paper, contains : Raschid-Eldin, Histoire des Mongols de la Perse, en Persan et en Fra^ais, avec de Notes par M. Quatre- mere. Tome I, Paris, 1836 — Bhagavata Purana, ou Histoire poetique de Krichna, en Sanscrit et en Fran 9 ais, par E. Bur- nouf, 3 vols. ib. 1840-47, and Firdousi (Abou’l Kasim) Shah Namah, ou le Livre des Rois, en Persan et en Fran 5 ais, par J. Mohl, 4 vol. ib. 1838-56 1876 Collegno (H. de) sur les Terrains Diluviens des Pyrenees 8vo. Paris , 1843 1877 Collin (E.) Carte du Golfe du Mexique et de l’Archipel des Antilles, autograph note of Humboldt Paris , 1807 1878 Collin (M.) Participes Fran^ais analyses 12mo. Paris , 1830 1879 Collomb (E.) Terrain Erratiques des Vosges, maps Humboldt' s autograph note 8 vo. Paris , 1846 1880 Colomb (Marie von) V. Priesznitz und dessen Wasserheil- methode zu Grafenberg post 8 vo. Breslau , 1850 1881 Colomb (Marie von) Berechtigung der Wasserheilmethode 8 vo. Berlin , 1852 1882 Colomb (Marie von) Heilung der Athmungs-Organe durch das Wasser, Waldenburg , 1854 — Weg zum Heil fur mein Geschlecht, Breslau , 1854 8vo. (2) 1883 Colomb (Marie von) Weg zum Heil fur mein Geschlecht 8vo. Breslau , 1854 1884 Colombo (Cristoforo) Lettera rarissima (Jamaica, 7 Julio del 1503) riprodotta e illustrata dal Cav. Ab. Morelli 8 vo. Bassano , 1810 With Humboldt’s autograph notes in pencil, and the following notice in ink written with his own hand on cover : “ Ce livre a appartenu je crois it M. Malte BrunP 145 1885 Colthurst (Miss) Natural Scale of Heights, on cardboard 4to. 1886 Comarmond (Dr. A.) Description du Musee Lapidaire de la Ville de Lyon, plates roy. 4 to. Lyon , 1846-54 This splendid work (upwards of 500 pages) was never published, but only circulated amongst the author’s friends. 1887 Combe (G.) Notes on the United States of North America during a phrenological Visit in 1838-9-40, vol. I, map author's autograph inscription post. 8 vo. Edinb. 1841 1888 Comicorum Latinorum praeter Plautum etTerentium Reliquiae. Eecensuit O. Ribbeck vellum paper, half morocco 8t7 o. Lipsice, 1855 1889 Commercium Epistolicum J. Collins et aliorum de Analysi promota, &c. cum Supplemento Documentorum edd. J. B. Biot et F. Lefort 4 to. Paris , 1856 A most important work for the History of Science. 1890 Compagnie Beige de Colonisation. Statuts, Contrats et Chartes roy. 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1841 1891 Comptes-rendus de la Societe Geographique Imperiale de Russe pour 1850-1858, 9 vols. Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. St. Petersbourg , 1851-59 1892 Compte rendu des Travaux du Congres General de Statistique r4uni a Bruxelles les 19-22 Sept. 1853, presentation copy , with inscription fine paper 4 to. Bruxelles , 1853 1893 Compte rendu des Operations pour etalonner les Regies de la Mesure des Bases Geodesiques Beiges 4 to. Bruxelles, 1855 1894 Comte (Auguste) Cours de Philosophie positive, 6 vol. Presentation copy , with the distinguished author s autograph inscription in each volume, half russia 8vo. Paris, 1830-42 1895 Comte (A.) Organisation et Physiologie de 1’Homme, with 4 to. atlas of coloured plates, ( several with moveable diagrams ) 8 vo. Paris, 1842 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 1896 Comte (A.) Traite philosophique d’Astronomie populaire, plate , Presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1844 1897 Comte (A.) Discours sur l’Esprit positif, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1844 1897*Comte (A.) Another copy 8vo. Paris, 1844 1898 Comte (A.) Discours sur l’Ensemble du Positivisme Author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1848 1899 Comte (A.) Systeme de Politique Positive, 4 vol. Author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1851-54 1900 Comte (A.) Catechisme Positiviste 12 mo. Paris, 1852 1901 Comte (A.) Appel aux Conservateurs Author's autograph inscription U 8vo. Paris, 1855 146 1902 Conder (F. R.) Elements of Catholic Philosophy 8 vo. London , 1850 1903 Condorcet (J. A. N. Caritat de) CEuvres, publies par A Condorcet O’Connor et M. F. Arago, precedees de l’Eloge de Condorcet par Arago, 12 vol .portrait large paper, rare roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1847-49 Presentation copy, from Madame Condorcet O’Connor, with an auto- graph letter of Firmin Didot. 1904 Congres des Amis de la Paix Universelle reuni a Bruxelles en 1848 8vo. Bruxelles, 1849 1905 Connaissance des Temps pour 1833, 1836, 1837, 1841, 1844, 1847, 1848 et 1860, 8 vol. with Humboldt’s autograph notes roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1830-57 1906 Conrad (Dr. C.) Die Franzosische Sprache als Unterrichtsge- genstand 4 to. Berlin, 1835 1 907 Conradi (P. F.) Chronologisches Yerzeichniss sammtlicher Lehr- er der Universitat zu Gottingen mit Beilagen zur lOOsten Jubelfeier, vellum paper, Gottingen, 1837 — Ejusdem His- toria Institutionis Clinicae in Academia Georgia Augusta, ib. 1837 — Catalogus Praelectionum in Academia Georgia Augusta, ib. 1838 4 to. (3) 1908 Conscience (H.) Eenige Bladzyden uit het Boek der Natuer, frontispiece , presentation copy , with author's autograph 8vo. Antwerpen , 1846 1909 Conscience (H.) Einige Blatter aus dem Buche der Natur Deutsch von Dr. E. Zoller, apparently an unfinished work without titlepage 1910 Considerations sur la Question des Principautes (Danubiennes) Lithographed in imitation of MS. for private circulation, with MS. inscription folio. 1858 1911 Consoni (T.) Nuovo Sistema di Stenografia Italiana, plates thick paper 8vo. Milano, 1829 1912 Constitucion Federal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, plate , scarce 12 mo. Mexico , 1824 1913 Contes Arabes. Grammaire de la Langue Arabe, vulgaire et litterale, de M. Savary, augmente de quelques Contes Arabes (Voyage de Sindbad, &c.), par l’Editeur (L.Langles) uncut Ato. Paris, 1813 1914 Conybeare (Rev. W. D.) and W. Phillips. Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales, Part I (all published), coloured map and sections Presentation copy, with inscription 8vo. London, 1822 1915 Conybeare (Rev. W. D.) Second Report on Geology, with folding plate 8vo. 1916 Cooley (W. D.) The Negroland of the Arabs examined and explained, presentation copy, with author s autograph inscription 8vo. London, 1841 147 1917 Cooley (W. D.) Map of Africa from the Equator to S. Tropic, with author's autograph inscription London , 1853 1918 Copenhagen. Kjobenhavn med Lobene Dertil, fine chart Presentation copy , with autograph inscription of Zahntmann double atlas folio. Copenhagen , 1840 1919 Copernici (Nicolai) de Revolutionibus Orbium ccelestium Libri sex. Accedit G. Joachimi Rhetici Narratio prima, cum Copernici nonnullis Scriptis minoribus nunc primum collectis, ej usque Vita, Latine et Polonice (edidit J. Bara- nowski) vellum paper, with india proof portrait , the engraving of the statue after Thorwaldsen, worked in colours heightened by gold , the plate of medals , and numerous diagrams , half red morocco, very rare imp. 4 to. Varsavice , 1854 Presentation copy from the Editor, with J. Baranowski’s autograph signature. 1920 Copernicus. Denkschrift zur Enthiillungsfeier des Copernicus Denkmals zu Thorn herausgegeben vom Copernicus Verein, plate of the monument and facsimile of his writing vellum paper royal 8 vo. Thorn , 1853 1921 Copernicus (N.) in seinen Bezieh ungen zu dem Herzoge Albrecht von Preussen. Vortrag ini Copernicus- Verein Von Dr. L. Pro we vellum paper roy. 8 vo. Thorn , 1855 1922 Coquerel (A.) Traits des Mariages mixtes 12?wo. Paris , 1857 1923 Coquerel (A.) Reponse au Livre du Dr. Strauss ‘‘la Vie de Jesus,” with author s autograph inscription, 8 vo, Paris , 1841 — Les deux Symbolismes, 12mo. ib. 1858 (2) 1924 Coquerel (C.) Histoires des Eglises du Desert chez les Pro- testants de France depuis la Fin du Regne de Louis XlV jusqu’a la Revolution Fran 9 aise, 2 vol. 8 vo. Paris , 1841 1925 Coraboeuf (M.) Memoire sur les Operations geodesiques des Pyrenees et la Comparaison du Niveau des deux Mers, map, author's autograph inscription and Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Paris , 1831 1926 Corberon (Comte de) de la Reaction gouvernementale en Ha- novre Svo. Stolberg (Nor d hausen), 1841 1927 Corberon (Comte de) Contes populaires de l’Allemagne, Tome I (Legendes de Riibezahl) large paper small 4 to. Paris et Leipzig , 1843 1928 Corda (A. C. J.) Icones Fungorum hucusque cognitorum, cum Descriptionibus Latinis et Germanicis, 5 vol. plates, very scarce folio. Prague, 1837-42 Apparently on finer Paper than usual, taken off probably as a present to Baron von Humboldt, to whom the second volume is dedicated. 148 1929 Corda (A. C. J.) Pracht-Flora Europaeischer Schimmelbil- dungen yellttm paper, 25 finely coloured plates folio. Leipzig , 1839 1930 Corda (A. C. J.) iiber den Bau des Pflanzenstammes 8 vo. Prag. 1836 1931 Corda (A. C. J.) Essai sur les Oscillatoires des Thermes de Carlsbad, plate , Humboldt's writing on cover square 1 8mo. Prague , 1836 1932 Corda (A. C. J.) Deutschland’s Algen, Part 1 and 2, coloured plates 12 mo. Niirnberg, 1839 1933 Corda (A. C. J.) Beitrage zur Flora der Vorwelt, 60 plates yellijm paper roy. 4fo. Prague , 1845 The Author in his Preface acknowledges with thanks the assistance he received from Baron Humboldt in this Publication. 1934 Cordienne (M.) Notice de quelques Lieux du Jura, de l'Hel- vetie et de la Savoie, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Dole , 1822 1935 Cordier (L.) Memoire sur les Substances minerales dites en Masse qui entrent dans la Composition des Roches Volca- niques “ Hommage de V Auteur," with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes in pencil 4 to. Paris, 1815 1936 Cordier (L.) sur la Mine d’Alun du Mont-Dore, “ Hommage de V Auteur," with Humboldt's autograph note 8vo. Paris, 1826 1937 Cordier (L.) Essai sur la Temperature de l’lnterieur de la Terre 4Zo. Paris , 1827 1938 Corenwinder (B.) sur l’Assimilation du Carbon par les Feuilles des Vegetaux et sur la Production des Hydracides, 2 Tracts 8 vo. Lille , 1855 1939 [Cormenin] Etudes sur les Orateurs Parlementaires, par Timon (M. Cormenin), portraits 32 mo. Paris, 1837 Name of Author written by Baron Humboldt on cover. 1940 Cormon (J. L. B.) Dictionnaire Espagnol-Fran 9 ais et Fran 9 ais- Espagnol, 2 vol. 8vo. Lyon , 1800 1941 Corn- Duties. Correspondence with Foreign Powers folio. London, 1839 Containing four letters from Baron Humboldt. 1942 Cornelia (von Hohenfels). Fur die Freunde der Yerewigten Manuscript, rare, half morocco 8vo. Berlin, 1851 One of the very few copies printed, the work being intended for presents only. 1943 Cornelius (Dr. P. von) Entwurfe zu den Freshen der Friedhofshalle zu Berlin India proof plates in the finest state, being Ausgabe No. I, with descriptions in English, French and German, in roy. 4 to. atlas oblong folio. Leipzig , s. a. 1944 Cortambert (E. et R.) Cartes Generales des Celebrit4s de la France, with autograph inscription of the compilers alias folio. Paris, 1854 149 1945 Cortes (F.) Drei Berichte an Kaiser Karl V iibersetzt, mit Anmerkungen von Dr. C. W. Koppe, map and plate thick paper, rare, half morocco 8 vo. Berlin , 1834 1946 Cortes (Hernando) Despatches translated, with Introduction and Notes, by G. Folsom roy. 8 vo. New York , 1843 1947 Corvisart (L.) sur une Fonction peu connue du Pancreas, la Digestion des Aliments azotes, with author's autograph 8 vo. Paris , 1857-58 1948 Cosmographia. Dicuili, Hiberni (Sebc. IX) Liber de Mensura Orbis Terras nunc primum in Lucem editus a C. A. Walckenaer yelltjm paper. 8vo. Paris , 1807 1949 Cosmographia. Another copy on common paper 8vo. Par. 1807 1950 Cosmographie generate, coloured plate Paris , s. d. 1951 Cosmos, Revue encyclopedique hebdomadaire des Progres des Sciences et de leurs Applications aux Arts et a l’lndustrie fondee par M. B. R. de Montfort, et redig^e par M. l’Abbd Moigno, vol. I to XIV in Nos. (wanting vol. I No. 3; II No. 8 and 23; III No. 12; XI No. 3, 4, 16, and 21; XII No. 9 and 20; and XIV No. 1 and 9) roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1852-59 With numerous autograph notes of Baron Humboldt, several of them sarcastic. 1952 Costa de Macedo (J. J. da) Memoria em que se pertende provar que os Arabes nao conhecerao as Canarias antes dos Portuguezes, Humboldt's autograph notes large paper, rare folio. Lisboa , 1844 1953 Costa de Macedo (J. J. da) Memoria sobre os Conhecimentos da Lingua e Litteratura Grega que houve em Portugal ate ao Fim do Reinado de el Rei D. Duarte, with author's autograph letter and inscription 4 to. Lisboa, 1854 1954 Costa (M.) sur la Fievre Jaune 4fo. Paris, 1826 1955 Costa (M. A.) sulla Invenzione del Cannone a Vapore attri- buita ad Archimed q, frontispiece very important 8 vo. Napoli, 1842 1956 Costaz (Baron) sur une nouvelle Maniere d’exprimer les Hau- teurs absolues des Positions g£ographiques Presentation copy y with author's autograph 8vo. Paris, 1833 1 957 Costaz (C. A.) Histoire de 1’Administration en France de l’Agri- culture, des Arts utiles, du Commerce, des Manufactures, &c. 2 vol. author's autograph inscriptions 8 vo. Paris, 1832 1958 Costaz (C. A.) Histoire de 1’ Administration en France de F Agriculture, des Arts utiles, du Commerce, des Manu- factures, des Substances, des Mines, et des Usines, 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1852 Presentation copy to the King of Prussia, with author’s auto- graph inscription, thus : “ Sa Majeste le Roi de Prusse hom- mage de l’auteur. 150 1959 Cotta (B.) Geognostische Wanderungen, 2 vol. coloured plates vellum paper, author s autograph inscription 8vo. Dresden , 1836-38 1960 Cotta (B.) Die Lagerungsverhaltnisse an der Grenze zwischen Granit und Quader-Sandstein bei Meissen, Hohnstein, Zittau, und Liebenau, plates 8 vo. Dresden, 1838 1961 Cotta (B.) Another Copy, plates , Dresden , 1838 — Cotta (B.) Deutschland’s Bodengestaltung, s. 1. et a. 8vo. (2) 1962 Cotta (B.) Anleitung zum Studium der Geognosie und Geo- logic, autograph signature of Al. Humboldt half calf gilt , and parts 3 and 4 unbound 8vo. Dresden , 1839-42 1963 Cotta (B.) iiber Thierfahrten im bunten Sandsteine bei Poelzig, plates Ato. Dresden, 1839 1964 Cotta (B.) Gangstudien, part I (containing C. G. A. von Weis- senbach iiber Gangformationen), plates Presentation copy, with an autograph, note from the author s widow 8vo. Freiberg, 1847 1965 Cotta (B.) Der innere Bau der Gebirge, woodcuts, author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8vo. Freiberg, 1851 1966 Cotta (B.) Deutschlands Boden, sein geologischer Bau und dessen Einwirkungen auf das Leben der Menschen, 2 vol. woodcuts and plates fine paper 8vo. Leipzig, 1853-54 The Dedication copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 1967 Cotta (B.) Die Erzlagerstatten der S. Bukowina, cuts 4 to. 1855 1968 Cotta (B.) Geologische Fragen. Erste Halfte, woodcuts, Hum- boldt's autograph notes and pencil marks 8vo. Freiberg, 1857 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 1969 Cotta (H.) Principes fondamentaux de la Science forestiere. Ouvrage traduit par J. Nouguier, with two inscriptions in the translator's autograph vellum paper, scarce 8vo. Paris, 1841 1970 Cotta (H.) iiber den Kammerbiihl, with Humboldt's autogi'aph note 8 vo. Dresden, 1833 1971 Cotta (W.) Plan von Tharand und der Umgegend, coloured proof, with author's autograph notes Dresden, 1835 1972 Cotta (W.) Geognostische Karte von Thiiringen, 4 sheets, coloured , Humboldt's autograph note Dresden , 1844 1973 Coulvier-Gravier et Saigey (MM.) Recherches sur les Etoiles filantes. Introduction historique autograph of 11 Al Humboldt " imperial 8 vo. Paris , 1847 A very important work for the history of science. 1974 Coup d’CEil sur les Travaux de la Societe Imperiale d’Eco- nomie Rurale de Moscou 8vo. Moscou, 1837 151 1975 Cournot (A. A.) Essai sur les Fondements de nos Connoissances et sur les Caract&res de la Critique Philosophique, 2 vol. fine paper, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1851 1976 Cousin (V.) des Pensees de Pascal, facsimiles Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Paris, 1 843 Presentation copy, with inscription in author’s handwriting. 1977 Couverchel (M.) Projet de Marches permanens, plates, 8 vo. Paris, 1836 — Couverchel (M.) Compte du Bureau de Bienfaisance du 5 e Arrondissement de Paris, Ho. Paris , 1840 — Couverchel (M.)Trait6 des Fruits, presentation copy , with the author's autograph inscription, 8 vo. Paris, 1839 — Couverchel (M.) Theorie du Cholera, author s writing on cover , 8 vo. Paris , s. d. (4) 1978 Cramer (F.) de Studiis quae Yeteres ad aliarum Gentium con- tulerint Linguas vellum paper, various passages marked in pencil by Hum- boldt 4 to. Sundice, 1844 1979 Crawfurd (Capt. G. R.) Suggestions regarding the Manage- ment of Part of our Indian Territories, with Description of some Implements of Agriculture, plates {including a drawing by Capt. Crawfurd of a plough yoked) folio. Bellaspore , 1829 Presentation copy, with MS. additions in the author’s autograph. 1980 Credner (C. A.) liber die biblische Vorstellung vom Paradiese, 2 maps {one a drawing), Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. 1981 Credner (K. A.) Berechtigung der Protestantischen Kirche Deutschlands 8vo. Frankfurt, 1845 1982 Credner (H.) Uebersicht der geognostischen Verhiiltnisse Thfiringens und des Plarzes, map 8vo. Gotha , 1843 1983 Credner (H.) Geognostische Karte des Thiiringer Waldes N. W. Halfte, coloured map, sections, and leaf of letterpress Humboldt's writing on cover oblong roy. folio. Gotha, 1847 1984 Credner (H.j Geognostische Karte des Thiiringer Waldes, coloured map, with u Erlauterung ” in 8vo. oblong imperial 4 to. Gotha, 1855 1985 Crelle (A. L.) Journal fur reine und angewandte Mathe- matik, vol. I to XLIX part I, inclusive (wanting vol. II part 3, vol. IV part 3, vol. XIX part 2, and vol. XX part 3), plates fine paper, rare Ho. Berlin,] 826-54 The most valuable of the Mathematical Journals, AND OF WHICH A COMPLETE COPY IS NOW EXTREMELY rare. All the eminent Mathematicians of the time have contributed important scientific papers for its pages. 1 52 1986 Crelle (A. L.) Journal ftjr die Baukunst, vol. I to XXX (wanting vol. X part 2, and vol. XI part4), numerous plates , fine paper, rare 4 to. Berlin , 1829-51 One of the most valuable publications on the subject of archi- tecture ever offered to the public. 1987 Crelle (A. L.) M4moire sur la Theorie des Puissances, des Fonctions angulaires et des Facultes Analytiques 4fo. Berlin , 1831 1988 Crelle (A. L.) Erleichterungs-Tafel fur jeden der zu rechnen hat, enthaltend die 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, und 9 fachen aller Zahlen von 1 bis 10 Millionen oblong Mo. Berlin , 1836 1989 Crelle (A. L.) iiber verschiedene Arten von Eisenbahnschienen und deren Fundamentirung, plates Mo. Berlin , 1835 1990 Crelle (Dr. A. L.) iiber Eisenbahnen, Berlin, 1835 — Nachrich- ten von der Eisenbahn zwischen St. Petersburg, Zarskoe- Selo und Pawlowsk, Berlin, 1836 — Ueber verschiedene Arten von Eisenbahnschienen, plates , Berlin, 1837 — Einiges in Zahlen iiber Eisenbahnen, autograph and marks of Humboldt , Berlin , 1838 — Einige technische Nachrichten von der Eisenbahn zwischen Berlin und Potsdam, plates , Berlin , 1841 — Einiges von Vervollkommnungen des Eisen- bahnwesens, Berlin , 1842 4 to. (6) 1991 Crelle (A. L.) Zum iiberschlaglichen Entwurf einer Eisen- bahn zwischen Frankfurt an der Oder und Breslau, Berlin , 1838-^Ueberschlaglicher Entwurf zu einer Eisen- bahn zwischen Berlin und Frankfurt an der Oder, Berlin , 1836 — Ueberschlaglicher Entwurf zu einer Eisenbahn zwischen Berlin und Potsdam, Berlin , 1835 4 to. (3) All three privately printed, “ Als Manuscript gedruclct” 1992 Crelle (A. L.) Einiges iiber die Ausfiihrbarkeit von Eisen- bahnen in bergigen Gegenden, plates , Berlin , 1839 — Nachrichten von der Eisenbahn zwischen St. Petersburg, Zarskoe-Selo und Pawlowsk, Berlin , 1836 — Ueberschlag- licher Entwurf zu einer Eisenbahn zwischen Berlin und Frankfurt an der Oder, maps , privately printed ( als Manuscript gedruclct ), Berlin , 1836 4Zo. (3) 1993 Crelle (A. L.) iiber die Briiche ~ aus ay — b x -f 1 4 to. Berlin , 1840 1994 Crelle (A. L.) Notizen iiber die Analytischen Resultate der Aufgabe des Apollonius von der Beriihrung von Kreisen, plates 4 to. Berlin , 1841 1995 Crelle (A. L.) von der Reinigung der Stadte, plates , Berlin, 1842 — -Tafeln fiir Strassenbau — iiber die Bewegung des Wassers in Rohren — iiber Landwirthschafts-Gebaude feuersischerlich zu bauen — iiber Gewolbe 4 to. (5) 153 1996 Crelle (A. L.) Kunst feuerfest zu bauen, plates Ato. Berlin , 1843 1997 Crelle (A. L.) zur Theorie der Elimination der unbekannten Grossen zwischen gegebenen algebraiscben Gleichungen von beliebigen Graden, 1844 — iiber die Mittel zur Schat- zung der Convergenz der allgemeinen Entwickelungs- Reihen mit Differenzen und Differentialen, 1839 — Demon- stration d’un Thtoreme de M. Slonimsky — Demonstration tlementaire du Theor&me de Wilson generalist 4 to. (4) 1998 Crelle (A. L.) Encyklopadische Darstellung der Theorie der Zahlen, &c. Erster Band ( all published) fine paper, half morocco 4 to. Berlin , 1845 1999 Crelle (A. L.) iiber die sogenannten atmospharischen Eisen- bahnen, plates 4 to. Berlin, 1846 2000 Crelle (A. L.) Memoire sur les difftrentes Manieres de se servir de l’Elasticitt de l’Air Atmospherique comme Force motrice sur les Chemins de Fer, plates large paper 4 to. Berlin , 1846 2001 Crelle (Dr. A.) iiber die Strassenverbindung der beiden Meere bei Panama, map Ato. Berlin , 1849 2002 Cretinen-Rettung von Dr. R, Froriep, plate 8vo. Bern , 1856 2003 Cretins. Une Yisite h l’Abendberg par le Docteur Scoutet- ten , portrait of Dr. Guggenbuhl 8 vo. Berne, 1856 2004 Creuzer (Dr. F.) Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Yolker besonders der Griechen, 4 vol. in 2, woodcuts and Ato. atlas of plates, Leipzig (Heidelberg), 1819-21 — Fortset- zung von Dr. F. J. Mone (Geschichte des Nordischen Heidenthums) 2 vol. plates, Leipzig ( Heidelberg ) 1822-23 6 vol. in 4, 8vo. and Ato. atlas 2005 Creuzer (Dr. F.) Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Vcelker besonders der Griechen, 4 vol. plates vellum paper, half morocco 8vo. Leipzig und Darmstadt , 1837-43 2006 Creuzer (Dr. F.) Zur Gemmenkunde; antike geschnittene Steine vom Grabmahl der H. Elizabeth, plates 8vo. Leipzig und Darmstadt, 1834 2007 Creuzer (Dr. F.) Ein Alt-Athenisches Gefass mit Malerei und Inschrift, mit Anmerkungen iiber diese Yasengattung, coloured plate, and 2 vignettes 8vo. Leipzig , 1832 2008 Creuzer (Dr. F.) Zur Geschichte Alt-Romischer Cultur am Ober-Rhein und Neckar, map and vignettes 8vo. Leipzig und Darmstadt, 1 833 2009 Creuzer (Dr. F.) Zur Archaologie oder zur Geschichte und Erklarung der alten Kunst Abhandlungen, 3 vol., map and plates large vellum paper, presentation copy, with the learned author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Leipzig und Darmstadt, 1846-47 X 154 2010 Creuzer (Dr. F.) Zur Romischen Geschichte und Alterthums- kunde roy. 8 vo. Leipzig und Darmstadt , 1836 2011 Creuzer (Dr. F.) Aus dem Leben eines alten Professors (Autobiography) portrait large vellum paper roy. 8vo. Leipzig und Darmstadt, 1848 2012 Crichton (A.) and H. Wheaton, Scandinavia Ancient and Modern, 2 vol., map and plates foolscap 8 vo. Edinburgh , 1838 On the fly-leaf is an autograph note of H. Wheaton, showing that he is entirely responsible for Vol. I, and for Vol. II only to p. 105, the rest having been contributed by Mr. Crichton. 2013 Crichton (Sir A.) on the Antediluvian Climate, with author's autograph inscription , and Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. London , 1825 2014 Crichton (Sir A.) on Antediluvian Climate, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. London , 1825 2015 Crimee. De la Conduite de la Guerre d’Orient. Expedition de Crimee. Memoire addresse ou Gouvernement de Napo- leon III, par un Officier General 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1855 2016 Crowther (S.) Vocabulary of the Yoruba Language, with Grammatical Elements 8 vo, London , 1843 2017 Criiger (Bau-Inspector) Das Wesen der Electricitat 8vo. Schneidemuhl , 1854 2018 Criiger (C.) Handelsgeographie. Supplement-Band (Gere- gelter Handel) von J. C. B. Langhenie vellum paper 8 vo. Hamburg , 1854 This work is dedicated to Humboldt. 2019 Crum (W.) on Primary Colours and the Source of Colour in the Prism, coloured plates large paper, presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Glasgow , 1830 2020 Cruse (Dr. W.) uber die acute Bronchitis der Kinder 8 vo. Konigsberg , 1839 2021 Crusius (Dr. F.) Der Selbstmord eine Thorheit und ein Verbrechen, autograph notes of Baron Humboldt 8 vo. Madgeburg , 1855 2022 Crusius (G. C.) Griechisch - Deutsches Worterbuch der Eigennamen royal 8 vo. Hannover , 1833 2023 Cruz Cano y Olmedilla (D. Juan de la) Mapa geografico de America Meridional, the original large map mounted on cloth Madrid , 1775 This most valuable and very rare map has Humboldt’s autograph note, stating that it cost him 15 Napoleons : “ Al. Humboldt. L’original de la Cruz dont les planches ont ete detruits a Madrid. Achete a Paris 15 Napoleons.” 2024 Ctesiae Cnidii Operum Reliquiae, Gr. cum perpetua Annota- tione J. C. F. Baehr 8vo. Francof 1824 155 2025 Cuba. Aranceles generales para el Cobro de Derechos de Introduction y Estraccion en todas las Aduanas de los Puertos habilitados de la Isla de Cuba scarce folio. Habana , 1824 2026 Cuba. Carta geografico-topografica de la Isla de Cuba, 6 sheets (double-Atlas size) and “ Plano comparativo” Barcelona , 1835-37 2027 Cuba. Cuadro estadistico de la siempre fiel Isla de Cuba correspondiente al Aiio de 1827, formado por una Comision de Gefes y Oficiales de Orden del Capitan General Don F. D. Yives, presentation copy from J. de la Luz , with his autograph inscription folio. Habana , 1829 With the following note in Humboldt’s handwriting : “Jecrois qu’ il manquent un ou deux tableaux stat. mais je les ai reimprimes dans mon Tableau Stat. de File de Cuba, publie 1831 avant que l’ouvrage de la Sagra etait arrive en Europe. — A. H.” 2028 Cuba. Documentos de que hasta ahora se corapone el Expe- diente que principiaron las Cortes extraordinarias sobre el Trafico y Esclavitud de los Negros, Humboldt'' s autograph notes Ato. Madrid , 1814 2029 Cuba. Expediente instruido por el Consulado de la Habana sobre los Medios para sacar la Agricultura y Comercio de esta Isla, scarce 4 to. Habana , 1808 2030 Cuba. Guia constitucional de Forasteros de la Isla de Cuba y Calendario para 1822 y 1825, 2 vol. Humboldt's auto- graph notes 12mo. Habana , 1821-24 2031 Cuba. Guia de Forasteros de la siempre fiel Isla de Cuba, map and plan, scarce 12 mo. Habana , 1827 2032 Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejercito. Establecimiento Central de Guadalajara, folding plan 4 to. Madrid , 1853 2033 Curtius (E.) Die Akropolis von Athen yellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1844 2034 Curtius (E.) die Phonizier in Argos — Curtius (G.) Griechische Etymologien 8vo. s. L fy a. 2035 Curtius (E.) Peloponnesos, 2 vol. maps and woodcuts yellum PAPER 8vo. Gotha , 1851-52 2036 Curtius (E.) Olympia, plates yellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1852 2037 Curtius (E.) Heracles, &c. ein Griechisches Vasenbild coloured plate 4 to. Berlin , 1852 2038 Curtius (E.) Die Kunst der Hellenen yellum paper, carefully read and marked by Baron Humboldt 8vo. Berlin , 1853 2039 Curtius (E.) Artemis Gygaia und die Lydischen Fiirstengriiber yellum paper 8vo. Berlin 2040 Curtius (E.) Die Ionier vor der Ionischen Wanderung yellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1855 156 2041 Curtius (E.) Zur Geschichte des Wegebaus bei den Griechen 4 to. Berlin , 1855 2042 Curtius (E.) Das Lyrische Harpyienmonument erklart, plate \to. Berlin , 1856 2043 Curtius (E.) Griechische Geschichte bis zur Schlacht bei Lade vellum paper, half morocco 8 vo. Berlin , 1857 2044 Curtius (E.) Festrede 4 to. Gottingen , 1857 2045 Curtius (G.) Die Sprachvergleichung in ihrem Verhaltniss zur clasischen Philologie vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1848 2046 Curtius (G.) Die Sprachvergleichung in ihrem Verhaltniss zur Classischen Philologie, Berlin , 1845 — Ueber die Be- deutung des Studiums der Klassischen Litteratur, with authors autograph inscription , Prag. 1849 8vo. (2) 2047 Curtius (G.) Die Sprachvergleichung in ihrem Verhaltniss zur Classischen Philologie 8 vo. Berlin , 1845 2048 Curtius (G.) Die Bildung der Tempora und Modi im Grie- chischen und Lateinischen sprachvergleichend dargestellt 8 vo. Berlin , 1846 2049 Cuvier (G.) Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles, 5 vol. in 7, numerous plates , with autograph notes of M. Arago (in pencil ), as certified by Baron von Humboldt under his own hand , in a note prefixed to Vol . 1, uncut royal 4 to. Paris , 1821-24 2050 Cuvier (G.) et A. Brongniart, Description geologique des Environs de Paris. Nouvelle edition dans laquelle on a insere la Description de Lieux qui pr4sentent des Terrains analogues par A. Brongniart, map and 16 plates of petri - factions , uncut royal 4 to. Paris , 1822 Presentation copy, “a M. de Humboldt de la parte de M. Brong- niart. 2051 Cuvier (Baron G.) Regne Animal, 5 vol. plates , MS. notes in the autograph of Baron Humboldt , half calf 8 vo. Paris , 1829-30 2052 Cuvier (Baron) Cours de l’Histoire des Sciences Naturelles redig4 par M. Magdeleine de Saint- Agy. Seconde Partie, 20 Livraisons (wanting Liv. I) 8vo. Paris, 1830 2053 Cuvier (G.) Histoire des Sciences Naturelles, complete par M. Magdeleine de Saint- Agy, 5 vol. 8 vo. Paris , 1841-45 2054 Cuvier (G. von) Das Thierreich geordnet nach seiner Organi- sation, iibersetzt und durcli Zusatze eingerichtet von A. V. Streubel. Erster Theil (all published ) the dedication copy (to Humboldt), with translator* s auto- graph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1846 2055 Cuypers (P.) Berigt omtrent onde Grafheuvels, plates of vases , Sfc. privately printed “ Niet in den Handel ” 8 vo. Arnhem, 1834 157 20 56 Cybulski (Dr.) Slawische Ortsnamen der Insel Potsdam Printed for private distribution 4 to. Berlin , 1858 2057 Czjzek (J.) Geognostiche Karte der Umgebungen von Krems und vom Manhardsberge, coloured Wien , 1849 2058 Czjzek (J.) Geognostiche Karte der Umgebungen von Wien, coloured and mounted on canvas in case Wien , s. a. 2059 Czystowicz (J.) Notice necrologique sur le Dr. J. D. T. E. de Schlegel, autograph of B. L. R. S. de Schlegel royal 8 vo. Paris , 1857 2061 Danische Yolkslieder der Vorzeit aus der Sammlung von Svend Grundtvig im Versmasz des Originals iibertragen von Rosa Warrens large vellum paper, (probably unique ) gilt purple velvet , white satin linings , gilt edges , in a case square 1 8mo. Hamburg , 1858 The Dedication copy, “ Alexander von Humboldt gewidmet.” 2062 Dahlbohm (A. G.) Hymenoptera Europaea prsecipue Borealia, 2 vol. (vol. I Sphex, vol. II Chrysis in Sensu Linnseano) plates , not uniform , vol . I a curious specimen of richly ornamented Swedish binding in calf gilt edges , vol. II green morocco , gilt edges 8 vo. Lund , 1843-45, et Berolinij 1854 2063 Dahlbom (G.) et P. W. Brandsten, Bombi Scandinavise coloured plate of Bumble-Bees , scarce 8vo. Londini Gothorum , 1832 2064 Dahlbom (G.) et P. W. Brandsten, Bombi Scandinavise coloured plate 8vo. Londini Gothorum 1 1832 This monograph of the Bumble-Bee is very scarce. 2065 Dahlbom (G.) Clavis novi Hymenopterorum Systematis adjecta Synopsi Larvarum ejusdem Ordinis Scandinavi- carum Eruciformium, coloured plate 4 to. Lundce , 1835 2066 Dahlbom (G.) Prodromus Hymenopterologise Scandinavicse plates , rare 8vo. Lundce , 1836 2067 Dahlbom (G.) Iakttagelser ofver Skandinaviens Fjarillar coloured plate 4 to. Lund . 1837 2068 Dahlbom (G.) Kort Underrattelse om Skandinaviska Insekters allmannare Skada och Nytta i Hushallningen, coloured plates , scarce , half morocco , gilt edges 8vo. Lund . 1837 2069 Dahlbom (G.) Examen historico-naturale de Crabronibus Scandinavicis, Latine et Suecice, coloured plates by J. Ahlgren 4to. Lund. 1839-40 2070 Dahlbom (G.) Onychia och Callaspidia, coloured plates 8 vo. Ijund. 1842 2071 Dahlbom (A. G.) Sphex in Sensu Linnseano, 2 parts, plate 8vo. Lundce , 1842-45 158 2072 Dahlbom (A. G.) Gottlands Insekter 8vo. Lund. 1850 2073 Dahlbom (A. G.) Zoologiska Studier, 4 parts, 13 coloured plates , with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Lund. 1856-57 2074 Dahlmann (F. C.) Die Politik, vol. I vellum paper 8vo. Leipzig , 1847 2075 D’ Alton (Dr. E. und Dr. E. d. J.) Skelete der Raubvogel plates oblong folio. Bonn , 1838 2076 D’ Alton (E.) de Monstrorum duplicium Origine atque Evolutione 4*0. Halis , 1848 2077 D’ Alton (Dr. E.) Handbuch der menschlichen Anatomie, 5 parts ( all published ), containing “Anatomie der Bewe- gungswerkzeiige ” complete , with 200 beautiful engravings drawn on the wood by the author , and cut by E. Kretzschmar vellum paper imperial 8vo. Leipzig , 1848-50 2078 D’ Alton (Dr. E.) und Dr. it. Burmeister, Der fossile Gavial von Boll in Wiirtemberg, mit Bezugnahme auf die lebenden Krokodilinen nach seiner gesammten Organisation zoolo- gisch geschildert, plates pine paper folio. Halle , 1854 2079 Dalmau (J. W.) Uppstallning och Beskrifning af de i Sverige Funne Terebratuliter, plates 8vo. Stockholm, 1828 2080 Dameron (H.) zur Kritik des Wahnsinns 8vo. Halle , 1859 2081 Damour (A.) sur la Composition de l’Eau de plusieurs Sources siliciferes de l’lslande 8vo. Paris , s. d. 2082 Dana (J. D.) on the Origin of Continents — Origin of the grand Outline Features of the Earth, 1847 — On the Volcanoes of the Moon, New Haven , 1846 8i;o. (3) 2083 Dana (J. D.) Structure and Classification of Zoophytes, wood- cuts , with the author's autograph inscription to Baron von Humboldt large paper 4fo. Philadelphia , 1846 Printed for private distribution only. 2084 Dana (J. D.) Genera of Fossil Corals of the Family Cyatho- phyllidse 8vo. 1846 2085 Dana (J. D.) Geological Results and Effects of the Earth’s Contraction in consequence of cooling, 2 tracts 8vo. New Haven , 1847 2086 Dana (J. D.) on cohesive Attraction, New Haven , 1847 — Origin of the grand Outline Features of the Earth, ib. 1847 — Geological Results of the Earth’s Contraction, ib. 1847 — Thoughts on Species, ib. 1857 8w. (4) 159 2087 Dana (J. D.) on American Geological History, map , presenta- tion copy , with the author's autograph inscription , morocco 8vo. New Haven , 1856 This work seems to have been most carefully perused by Baron Humboldt, who has marked various passages in pencil. One of the fly-leaves exhibits numerous scientific Notes in ink in the Baron’s autograph. 2088 Danger et Flaudin de 1’ Arsenic, with inscription in the auto- graph of Danger 8 vo. Paris , 1841 2089 Daniell (J. F.) Meteorological Essays and Observations, plates 8vo. London , 1827 Presentation copy, “ To the Baron de Humboldt , with the Author's most respectful compliments .” 2090 Danielow (Iwan) Das Osmanische Reich in Europa a large map mounted on canvas Wien , 1813 2091 Danske Lods (Den) 1843 (af Zahrtmann), map and charts fine paper, presentation copy , with the Editor's autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. Kiobenhavn, 1843 2092 Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia en Italien, avec une Tra- duction en Fran 9 ais, par A. F. Artaud, 9 vol. in 3, plates half morocco 32mo. Paris , 1828-30 2093 Dante Alighieri, Gottliche Komodie. Metrische Uebersetzung nebst beigedrucktem Originaltexte, &c. von A. Kopisch portrait and plates , presentation copy with Translator's autograph inscription roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1 842 2094 Dante Alighieri’s Paradies metrisch iibertragen und mit krit- ischen und historischen Erlauterungen versehen von Phila- lethes (Prinz JohannHerzog von Sachsen), plates vellum paper, with Humboldt' s autograph notes on astronomical subjects occurring in the poem 4 to. Dresden , 1849 2095 Dante. Bericht liber Roselti’s Ideen zu einer neuen Erlaute- rung des Dante und der Dichter seiner Zeit (von Mendel- sohn), scarce , author's autograph inscription large paper royal 8vo. Berlin , 1840 The name of Author in Humboldt’s autograph on back. 2096 Dante Ebreo ossia il Picciql Santuario Poema didattico in terza Rima dal Rabbi Mose Medico di Rieti (del Secolo XV) pubblicato dal Dr. J. Goldenthal square 1 6mo. Vienna , 1851 A curious Poem in Hebrew, known amongst Jews as the “ Mak - dash Meat." 2097 D’Anville (M.) Nouvel Atlas de la Chine, 42 maps roy. fol. La Hay e, 1737 Prefixed is a printed sheet of a modern Tract, entitled “ Notice des Travaux executes en Chine pour dresser la Carte de cet Empire ,” which Humboldt seems to have valued, as besides a note in his handwriting, there is the following notice in his autograph, u Ich erbitte mir diese Bogen zuriick. Humboldt 160 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 D’Anville, Carte de la Province de Quito au Perou, scarce Paris , 1751 D’Anville, Orbis veteribus notus, Paris , 1763 — Delamarche (C.F.) Asia antiqua, ib. 1790 — D’Anville, Asia Minor, ib. 1764 — D’Anville, Amerique Meridionale, 3 sheets, ib. 1748 D’Arcet (J. P. J.) Collection de Memoires relatifs a l’Assai- nissement des Ateliers, des Edifices publics et des Habita- tions particuli&res, Tome I (all published), plates 4 to. Paris , 1843 D’Archiac, see Archiac Daremberg (C.) Prospectus et Specimen d’une Bibliotheque des Medecins Grecs et Latins large paper, with author s autograph roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1847 Daremberg (C.) Prospectus et Specimen d’une Bibliotheque des Medecins Grecs et Latins, author's autograph inscription large paper roy. 8vo. Paris, 1847 Daremberg (G) sur la Determination et les Caracteres des Periodes de l’Histoire de la M4decine roy. 8vo. Paris, 1850 Daremberg (Dr.) Rapport sur les Manuscrits des Medecins Grecs et Latins, scarce, with author's autograph inscription, Paris, 1845 — Galien considere comme Philosophe, marked by Baron Humboldt, ib. s. d. 8vo. (2) Darlington (W.) Plea for the Study of Natural History in our Common Schools, presentation copy, with autograph inscrip- tion imp. 8 vo. Lancaster , U. S. 1855 Darlu (N.) Ebauche de Synthese Cosmogenique, lithographed in imitation of the original manuscript, with the author's autograph inscription Ato. Paris , 1853 Darmet (J. M.) Carte generate du Pays entre les Mers Noire et Caspienne, avec les nouvelles Frontieres de la Russie et de la Perse Paris, s. d. Darmstadt Vereins fur Erdkunde Notizblatt, &c. No. 41 to 46, and No. 1 for May, 1857, with autograph inscription of the Secretary L. Ewald 8 vo. Darmstadt, 1854-57 Darmstadt Yereins fur Erdkunde Notizblatt (von L. Ewald, &c.), 60 Nos. in 3 Parts, maps and plates , Darmstadt, 1855-58 — Beitrage zur Geologie von Hessen, &c. als Ergan- zungsblatter, ib. 1858 (4) D’Arnaud (M.) sur le Cours du Bahr-el-Abiad (Fleuve Blanc) map 8vo. Paris , 1843 D’Arnaud (M.) sur le Cours du Bahr-el-Abiad ou du Fleuve Blanc, map 8 vo. Paris , 1843 Darstellung der Begebenheiten des Deutsch-Danischen Krieges von 1848, 3 Parts, maps and plans 8 vo. Berlin, 1852-54 Darwin (C.) Journal, with Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. London, 1839 Forming vol. Ill of the Voyages of Adventure and Beagle. This was a presentation copy “ From the Author 161 2115 Darwin (C.) on the Formation of Mould, 1837 — On Volcanic Phenomena in South America, map, with author s autograph inscription , 1838 — On the Boulders and contemporaneous Deposits of S. America, map , with autograph inscription of the author , 1841 4 to. (3) 2116 Darwin (C.) Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands, visited during the Voyage of H.M. S. Beagle, map and cuts 8vo. London , 1844 2117 Darwin (C.) Journal of, Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H.M. S. Beagle round the World, half calf crown 8 vo. London , 1845 2118 Darwin (C.) Geological Observations on South America, map and plates , presentation copy “ from the author,” with auto- graph signature of “ Al. Humboldt” 8 vo. London , 1846 2119 Dase (Zacharias the celebrated Menial Calculator ) Auszug aus seinem Album, privately printed 8 vo. Berlin, 1846 2120 Dase (Z. the famous calculating boy), Album 8vo. Berlin , 1846 2121 Dau (J. H. C.) Sammlung von Abhandlungen, plate 8vo. Frankfurt , 1826 Containing his Articles on Japan, Theory of Hail, Origin of meteoric Stones, new Theory of Warmth, &c. 2122 Daubeny (Dr. C.) Description of active and extinct Volcanos, maps and plates Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. London, 1826 Presentation copy from the highly distinguished Author, with his autograph inscription. 2123 Daubeny (C.) Oratio Ilarveiana, with author's autograph inscription fine paper (25 copies printed) 8vo. Oxonii , 1815 2124 Daubree (A.) Description geologique et mineralogique du Departement du Bas-Rhin, map and plates coloured Author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Strasbourg , 1852 2125 Daubree (A.) sur la Presence de 1’ Arsenic et de l’Antimoine dans les Combustibles mineraux, dans diverses Roches et dans l’Eau de la Mer, Strasbourg, 1851 — Sur le Phenomene erratique du Nord de TEurope et sur les Mouvements recents du Sol Scandinave, map and cuts, Paris, s. d. — Sur le Striage des Roches du au Phenomene erratique, ib. 1858 — Relation des Sources de Plombieres avec les Filons metalliferes, ib. 1858 — Gisement Constitution et Origine des Amas de Mineral d’Etain, ib. 1841 — Sur le Metamor- phisme, ib. 1858 — Production artificielle de l’Apatite et de la Topaze, Strasbourg , s. d. — Sur la Production de quelques Especes mmerales, Paris, 1850 — Rapport sur le m§me Memoire, par MM. Elie de Beaumont et Dufrenoy, auto ® 1 62 graph signature and notes of u Humboldt,” Strasbourg, 1850 8 vo. (9) Mostly presentation copies with the author’s autograph inscrip- tions. They appear to have been carefully perused by Baron Humboldt, several being marked and noted. 2126 Daubree (A.) sur la Production artificielle des Mineraux, Humboldt's note and marks , Paris , 1854 — Sur Traces de Pattes de Quadrupedes dans le Gres bigarre de Saint- Valbert, coloured plates , ib. 1857 4 to. (2) 2127 Daubree (A.) sur le Metamorphisme Author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1858 2128 Daufresne (A.) Chansons foolscap 8 vo. Tournai , 1855 2129 Daurier (Baron) Experiences sur le Sel ordinaire 4 to. Nancy , 1847 2130 Dausse (M.) Note relative aux Inondations, Paris , 1856 — Preuves d’un Principe d’Hydraulique, ib. 1857 — Solution du Probleme des Inondations, ib. 1858 — Question des Inondations, ib. 1858, with author's autograph inscription 4 to. (4) 2131 Daussy (P.) Table des Positions geographiques des principaux Lieux du Globe, presentation copy , with inscription in the author's handwriting , and Humboldt's autograph memoranda 8vo. Paris, 1836-45 2132 Daussy (P.) et P. E. Wissocq, Carte generate de la Mer des Indes atlas folio broadside. Paris , 1837 2133 Daussy (P.) Carte de la Mer de Chine Paris , 1838 2134 Daussy (P.) Table des Positions Geographiques, with Hum- boldt's autograph additions 8vo. 2135 D’Avezac, see Avezac 2136 David (d’Angers) Roland et ses Ouvrages, with head of Poland privately printed 8vo. Paris , 1847 2137 David (d’Angers) Roland et ses Ouvrages, head , printed for 'private distribution only 8vo. Paris , 1847 2138 Davidoff (Y.) Puteoruya zapiski, vedennuiya vo vremya pre- buivaniya na Ionicheskikh Ostrovakh, v Gretsii, Maloi Azii i Turtsii v 1835 godu. Memoirs of Travels written during a Residence in the Ionian Islands, Greece, Asia Minor and Turkey, in Russian, Yol. I and folio atlas roy. 8vo. St, Petersburg , 1839 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 2139 Davis (C. II.) on the Geological Action of the Currents of the Ocean, plates presentation copy , with author s autograph inscription 4 to. Cambridge , U. S. 1849 2140 Davis (Jefferson, Secretary of War of the United States) Report respecting the Purchase of Camels for the Purposes of Mili- tary Transportation, plates fine paper, presentation copy from Mr. Secretary Davis to 1 63 Baron Humboldt, splendidly bound in brown morocco , g. e. symbolically tooled , having the sides richly ornamented , with inscription “ Baron Alexander von Humboldt ” stamped in gold capitals within a wreath , on obverse of cover roy. 8vo. Washington , 1857 2141 Davis (Jefferson) Report on Pacific Railroad Explorations roy. 8 vo. Washington , 1855 2142 Davis (W. W. H.) El Gringo, or New Mexico and her People, plates , autograph of u Al. Humboldt " 8vo. New YorJc, 1857 2143 Davoud-Oghlou (Garabed Artin) Histoire de la Legislation des anciens Germains, 2 vol. vellum paper, presentation copy from the author , with his autograph inscription , signed , morocco extra , g. e. 8vo. Berlin , 1 845 Important for the Anglo-Saxon Laws, 2144 Davy (Sir Humphry) on the Relations of Electrical and Chemical Changes, with author's autograph inscription 4 to. London , 1826 2145 Davy (Sir H.) Six Discourses before the Royal Society 4 to. London , 1827 2146 Dayman (J.) Deep Sea Soundings in the North Atlantic Ocean between Ireland and Newfoundland, map and plates , with author's autograph inscription , and references in Humboldt's writing roy. 8 vo. London , 1858 2147 Dearborn (W. L.) Description of a Rail Road Route from St. Louis to San Francisco, 8 vo. with map and profile in 4 to. case Boston , U. S. 1850 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 2148 Debey (Dr. M.) Riisselkafer aus der Familie der Attelabiden. Erste Abtheilung. Der Trichterwickler, Rhynchites Betulse Gy 11. 4 plates presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription Ho. Bonn , 1846 2149 Debey (Dr. M. H.) Entwurf zu einer Geognostisch-Geognet- ischen Darstellung der Gegend von Aachen, plate presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription Ho. Aachen, 1849 2150 Decaisne (J.) Recherches sur la Garance suivies de l’Examen botanique du Genre Rubia et de ses Especes, coloured plates, Humboldt's writing, and author s autograph inscrip- tion on cover 4 to. Bruxelles, 1837 2151 Decaisne (J.) sur le Developpement du Pollen, de l’Ovule et sur la Structure des Tiges de Gui, plates , with author's autograph 4 to. Paris, 1839 2152 Decaisne (J.) des Genres Drymispermum, Pseudais et Gyrin- opsis, plate, author's autograph inscription , Paris , 1843 — Decaisne (J.) et G. Thuret sur les Antherides et les Spores de quelques Fucus, plates, ib. 1845 8 vo. (2) 164 2153 De Candolle (A. P.) Essai sur les Proprietes m^dicales des Plantes 8vo. Paris , 1816 2154 De Candolle (A. P.) Regni Vegetabilis Systema Naturale, 2 vol. in 1 8 vo. Paris, 1818-21 2155 Decandolle (A. P.) Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, 4 vol. in 2 8 vo. Paris, 1824-30 2156 Decandolle (A. P.) Essai elementaire de Geographie Botanique, “ De la part de V Auteur” marlced throughout by Baron Humboldt 8 vo. Strasbourg, s. d. 2157 Decandolle (A. P.) Organograpbie Vegetale, 2 vol. 60 plates half calf gilt 8vo. Paris, 1827 2158 Decandolle (A. P.) Physiologie vegetale, 3 vol. half calf extra 8 vo, Paris , 1832 2159 Decandolle (A. P.) Revue sommaire de la Famille des Big- noniacees, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Geneve, 1838 2160 Decandolie (A. P.) Statistique de la Famille des Composees, plates, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris, 1838 2161 De Candolle (A.) des Caracteres qui distinguent la Vegetation d’une Contree 8vo. Geneve, 1854 2162 Decandolle (A.) sur l’Origine des Datura Stramonium et Especes voisines, printed separately for private distribution 8 vo. Geneve , 1854 2163 Decandolle (A.) Geographie Botanique raisonn4e, 2 vol. maps , with several scientific notices in the autograph of Baron Humboldt, half morocco 8vo. Paris, 1855 2164 De Candolle (A.) Notice sur B. Delessert, Geneve , 1847 — Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. de Martius, ib. 1856 8vo. (2) 2166 Dechen (H. von) Beschreibung des Kuhlen-und Tummel- Baues in dem Bruhler Braunkohlen-Reviere, map and plates, with name of author and subject of work in Humboldt's autograph 8 vo. (1830) 2167 Dechen (H. von) Geognostische Uebersichtskarte von Deutsch- land, Frankreich, England, &c. coloured map Berlin, 1838 2168 Dechen (Dr. H. von) Leopold von Buch sein Einfluss auf die Entwickelung der Geognosie presentation copy, with author's holograph inscription and Baron Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. Bonn, 1853 2169 Dechen (Dr. H. von) Der Teutoburger Wald, eine geognos- tische Skizze, with autograph letter (2 pages) from' the author 8 vo. Bonn, (1856) 165 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE, LOT 2170 Dechen (Dr. H. von) Geognostische Beschreibung des Siebenge- birges am Rhein, Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. 2171 Dechen (H. yon) iiber die Tragkraft gegossener eisener Schieben, plate , Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. 2172 Dechen (Dr. H. von) die Feldspath-Porphyre in den Lenne- Gegenden, map — Yorkommen des Schwerspaths als Ge- birgsschicht bei Meggen an der Lenne, both presents from the author , with Kis autograph inscriptions 8 vo. 2173 Dechen (Dr. H. von) Geologische Karte von der Rheinprovinz und der Provinz Westphalen, 11 sheets presentation copy on fine paper , coloured , with Humboldt' s autograph note atlas folio. Berlin , s. a . 2174 Decken (L. von der) Die Naturkunde als Einheitswissenschaft 8 vo. Ratibor , 1858 2175 Deen (Dr. I. van) Anatomische Beschreibung eines mon- strosen sechsfiissigen Wasser-Frosches (Rana Esculenta) 2 plates , presentation copy from J. van der Hoeven {the naturalist ), with his autograph inscription Ato. Leiden , 1838 2176 Degen (J. F. F.) iiber die warmen Quellen vellum paper, bound in silk 8 vo. Nordhausen , 1857 2177 Degenetais (V.) Theorie analytique des Ondes des Eaux 8vo. Paris , 1842 2178 Dehaut (L. J.) sur la Vie et la Doctrine d’Ammonius-Saccas presentation copy, with inscription 4 to. Bruxelles , 1836 2179 De La Beche (Sir H. T.) Handbuch der Geognosie bearbeitet von H. von Dechen, woodcuts 8vo. Berlin , 1832 2180 De La Beche (Sir H. T.) Geological Manual, woodcuts 8vo. London , 1833 2181 De La Beche (Sir H. T.) Researches in Theoretical Geology, plates foolscap 8 vo. London , 1834 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 2182 De La Beche (Sir H. T.) und Dr. L. Playfair, Erster Bericht iiber die zur Dampfschiffahrt geeigneten Steinkohlen England’s, plates 8vo. Wien, 1849 2183 Delafield (J.) Inquiry into the Origin of the Antiquities of America, with an Appendix containing Notes and a View of the Causes of the Superiority of the Men of the Northern over those of the Southern Hemisphere, by J. Lakey, M.D. plates {several coloured ), including the folding one of Mexican Hieroglyphics 4 to. New York f 1839 166 2184 Delaharpe (P.) et C. T. Gaudin, Flore Fossile des Environs de Lausanne 8vo. Lausanne , 1856 2185 Delambre (J. B.) Histoire de l’Astronomie ancienne, 2 vol. plates , Paris , 1817 — Histoire de l’Astronomie du Moyen Age, plates, ib. 1819 — Histoire de l’Astronomie Moderne, 2 vol. plates, ib. 1821 — Histoire de l’Astronomie au dix- huitieme Siecle publiee par M. Mathieu, portrait, presenta- tion copy “ a Monsieur de Humboldt de la part de l’Editeur,’ ib. 1827 uniform in half morocco, marbled edges together 6 vol. 4 to. The best history of Astronomy, and now scarce. 2186 Delandre (C.) Annuaire du Morbihan 12 mo. Vannes, 1841 2187 He La Rive (A.) Esquisse historique des principales Decou- vertes faites dans l’Electricit6 author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Geneve , 1833 Important for the history of Electricity. 2188 De La Rive (A.) Recherches sur la Cause de l’Electricite Voltai'que, plate Aio. Geneve, 1836 With author’s autograph inscription and Humboldt’s writing on cover. 2189 De La Rive (Prof. A.) sur l’lnstruction publique 8vo. Geneve, 1839 2190 Delaunay (M.) Nouvelle Theorie du Mouvement de la Lune 4 to. Paris, 1858 2191 Delaveleye (A.) sur l’Exploitation des Chemins de Fer Beiges with author s autograph roy. 8 vo, Bruxelles , 1844 2191*Delcros, Table abreg^e pour les Calculs des Differences de Niveau Barometriques 8 vo. Paris , 1835 2192 Delcros, Tables pour les Calculs des Differences de Niveau Barometriques, 8vo. Paris , 1835 — Tables des Differences de Niveau, 4 to. ib. 1832 (2) 2193 Delcros, Table abregee pour les Calculs des Differences de Niveau Barometriques, Paris , 1835 — Sur les Comparisons des Barometres destines a l’Expedition du Nord de l’Europe, ib. 1838 — Sur le Rapport par M. Lamont sur l’Hypso- metrie et la Meteorologie de la Baviere, author’s auto- graph inscription , ib. 1851 8vo. (3) 2194 Delcros (Commandant) sur les Altitudes du Mont-Blanc et du Mont-Rose, autograph note of Humboldt, and another by the author roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1851 2195 Delesse (A.) Memoire sur la Constitution Mineralogique et Chimique des Roches des Yosges, 2 parts, plate, with the author’s autograph additions and inscription to Baron Hum- boldt, who has written on the title-page of the first, Besan- gon, 1847 — Etudes de quelques Phenomenes presentes par les Roches lorsqu’ elles sont amenees a l’Etat de Fusion, autograph inscription , ib. 1847 royal 8vo. (3) 167 2196 Delesse (A.) Sur le Pouvoir Magn&ique des Min^raux et des Roches, 3 parts, Paris, 1848-49 — Sur les Verres prove- nant de la Fusion des Eoches, ib. 1847 — Extraits de Mineralogie, ib. 1851 — Sur la Constitution des Eoches des Vosges, ib. s. d. — Sur le Porphyre Quartzifere, ib. 1849 — Sur FEuphotide, ib. 1849 — Sur la Diorite orbiculaire de Corse, ib. 1849 — Pegmatite avec Tourmalines, ib. 1849 — Sur le Porphyre de Lessines et de Quenast, ib. 1850 — Sur la Variolite de la Durance, ib. 1850 — Grauwake, ib. 1853 — Minette, plate, ib. s. d. — Proc^de mecanique pour deter- miner la Composition des Eoches, presentation copy, with author's autograph, Besanqon, 1847 8 vo. (15) 2197 Delesse (A.) sur la Constitution Mineralogique et Chimique des Eoches des Vosges, plate roy. 8 vo. Besangon , 1847 2198 Delessert (A.) Souvenirs d’un Voyage dans l’lnde large vellum paper, map and plates (those of Natural History finely coloured) Humboldt's autograph notes on bach of cover roy. 8vo. Paris, 1843 2199 Delessert (B.) leones selectae Plantarum, vol. Ill, 100 plates large paper, presentation copy, with the author s autograph folio. Paris , 1837 2200 Delessert (B.) Eecueil de Coquilles decrites par Lamarck et non encore figurees, 40 finely- coloured PLATES OF CONCHOLOGY vellum paper, rare folio. Paris, 1841 2201 Delessert (Baron B.) Ses Travaux et Bienfaits, par le Baron C. Dupin 1 Omo. Paris , 1847 2202 Delessert (B.) Notice de, par A. De Candolle 8vo.’ Geneve, 1847 2203 Delessert (E.) Voyage aux Villes maudites Sodome, Gomorrhe, Seboim, Adama et Zoar, map vellum paper, half morocco , uncut, top edge gilt 12 mo. Paris, 1853 2204 Delessert (E.) Six Semaines dans l’lsle de Sardaigne, presenta- tion copy, with the author's autograph inscription French citron morocco , g. e. 12 mo. Paris, 1855 2205 Delessert (B.) Notice sur la Vie de Marc Antoine Raimondi, with 12 photographic reproductions of his rarest engravings large paper, autograph signature of “ Al. Humboldt’’ imperial 4 to. Paris, 1853 2206 Delessert (MM.) Notice sur leur Collection de Tableaux 8 vo. Paris, 1 844 2207 Delille (J.) L’Homme des Champs 8vo. Basle, 1800 2208 Delius (E.) iiberdas Hoch-Land von Sud-Carolina 8 vo. Bremen, 1841 2209 Delius (N.) Radices Pracriticae. Supplementum ad Lassenii Institutiones Linguae Pracriticae eine paper 8 vo. Bounce , 1839 2210 Delius (Dr. N.) Shakspere-Lexikon. Zur Textkritik und Erklarung der einzelnen Dramen half calf extra roy. 8vo. Bonn , 1852 2211 Delkeskamp (F. W.) General View of the Picturesque Relief of the Alps of Switzerland and its Boundaries Frankfurt 2212 Delondre (A.) et A. Bouchardat, Quinologie, coloured plates vellum paper 4 to. Paris, 1854 Presentation copy, with A. Delondre’s autograph inscription, signed. 2213 Delvaux de Fenffe (A.) De la Situation de l’Industrie du Fer en Prusse (Haute Silesie), map with author s autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. Liege , 1844 2214 Demersay (A.) Du Tabac au Paraguay, avec une Lettre sur l’lntroduction du Tabac en France, par F. Denis, plates large paper roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1851 In this work Denis has shown that Thevet, and not Nicot, first introduced tobacco into France. 2215 Demidoff (Anatole de) Esquisses d’un Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, vignettes large paper, extremely rare , only a few copies having been printed for presents , with royal folio atlas of plates , India proofs imp. 8vo. Paris , 1838 Presentation copy, having the author’s autograph inscription, with his signature. 2216 Demidoff (Anatole de) Excursion Pittoresque et Archeologique en Russe, par le Havre, Hambourg, Lubeck, Saint -Petersbourg, Moscou, Nijni-Novgorod, Yaroslaw et Kasan, executee en 1839. Dessins faits d’apres Nature et lithographies k deux Teintes par Andre Durand vellum paper, proof impressions of the 100 plates royal folio. St. Petersbourg (Paris), 1841 2217 Demidoff (Anatole de) Voyage dans la Russie Meri- dionale et la Crimee, par la Hongrie, la Valachie, et la Moldavie, 4 vol. numerous proof plates Entirely printed on India Paper, probably Unique, half calf extra roy. 8vo. Paris , 1840-42 2218 Demidoff (Anatole de) Voyage dans la Russie, &c. dessine d’apres Nature et lithographie par Raffet. Atlas Pittoresque, 16 parts in 13 vellum paper, with India proof plates royal folio. Paris , 1839-42 2219 Demidoff (A. de) Voyage dans la Russie, &c. Atlas d’Histoire Naturelle vellum paper, with the maps and plates exquisitely coloured, half morocco extra roy. folio, Paris, 1842 2220 Demidoff (Anatole de) Travels in Southern Russia and the Crimea. Illustrated by Raffet, 2 vol. portrait of Nicholas I, maps and numerous plates large paper imp. 8vo. London, 1853 189 2221 DOnidoff (Anatole de) Voyage dans la Russie M^ridionale et la Crimee par la Iiongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie, portrait of the Emperor Nicolas I, and illustrations by Baffet ( those of costume finely coloured ) J morocco extra , g. e. roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1854 2222 DemidofF (A. von) Reise nach dem siidlichen Russland und der Krim durch Ungarn, die Walachei und die Moldau, 2 vol. in 1, portrait of Nicholas /, and numerous illustrations after drawings by Baffet roy . 8 vo. Breslau , 1854 2223 Demidoff (Anatole de) Etapes Maritimes sur les Cotes d’Espagne de la Catalogue a l’Andalousie, 2 vol. only 312 copies printed for presents (No. LXXIX ) roy. 8vo. Florence , 1858 2224 Demokratie (Die) 8 vo. Berlin , 1849 2225 Demonville (M.) Philosophie primitive (de la Physique de la Creation), with the author's autograph inscription , Paris , 1842 — Examen des Ouvrages physico-philosophiques de M. Azai's, ib. 1846 — Vraye Systeme du Monde (ib. 1846) 8vo. (3) 2226 De Morgan (Prof. A.) Decimal Association’s Proceedings, with Introduction and Notes, author's autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. London , 1854 2227 Demosthenes, Harangue de la Couronne. Texte en regard avec deux Traductions l’une interlineaire et l’autre cor- recte par MM. Boutmy et Vendel-Heyl, autograph notes of Baron Humboldt 8 vo. Paris , 1829-30 2228 Demosthenes. Fragments of an Oration against Demosthenes respecting the Money of Harpalus, published by A. C. Harris of Alexandria {in facsimile of the MS. on papyrus ) presentation copy , with editor's autograph inscription roy. 4 to. London , 1848 Privately printed for presents only. Mr. Harris seems to consider these Fragments part of the lost Oration of Hyperides. 2229 Denecourt (C. F.) Guide dans la Foret de Fontainebleau map 8 vo. Fontainebleau , 1840 2230 Denis (F.) Une Fete Bresilienne celebree a Rouen en 1550 suivie d’un Fragment du XVI e Siecle roulant sur la Theogonie des anciens peuples du Bresil et des Poesies en Langue Tupique de Christovam Valente, plate large paper, with the autograph inscription of F. Denis roy. 8vo. Paris , 1851 2231 Denis (F.) Chroniques Chevaleresques de l’Espagne et de Portugal suivies du Tisseraud de Segovie, Drame du XVIl e Siecle, 2 vol. autograph inscription of F. Denis 8vo. Paris , 1839 2232 Denis (F.) Le Genie de la Navigation, Statue en Bronze executee par M. Daumas pour la Ville de Toulon, plate 8 vo. Toulon , 1847 Z 170 2233 Denis (F.) Le Monde enchant^, Cosmographie et Histoire Naturelle Fantastiques du Moyen Age, frontispiece author's autograph inscription Vomo. Paris , 1843 With a “ Bibliographic,” containing an account of manuscripts and printed works on the subject. 2234 Denkschrift fiber die Verhaltnisse der Post zu den Eisen- bahnen, privately printed , and marked in corner “ vertrau- lich” ( confidential ) 4 to. Berlin , 1838 2235 Denkschrift iiber die Bildung einer Deutschen Kriegsflotte privately printed “ Als Manuscript veroffentlicht ” 8vo. Frankfurt , 1848 2236 Denkschrift fiber die Preussischen Staats- Archive privately printed “A Is Manuscript gedruckt” 8vo. Berlin , 1855 2237 Denkschrift der Wundartze erster Klasse des Preussischen Staates, vellum paper 8vo. Breslau , 1856 Privately printed, “als Manuscript gedruckt.” 2238 Denkschriften des Deutschen Vereins fiir Heilwissenschaft. Zweiter Band, plates Ato. Berlin , 1846 Containing Dr. Klencke’s Prize Essay on the Destruction of Teeth. 2239 Denkschriften der Russischen Geographischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. Erster Band (den ersten und zweiten Band der Russischen Ausgabe enthaltend), 4 maps vellum paper 8vo. Weimar, 1849 A Collection of valuable geographical Papers including an Extract from the Diary of Lieut. Sagoskin’s Expedition to the Conti- nent of North-West America; Bode sur l’Asterabad, les Yamouds et les Goklans ; &c. &c. 2240 Denkschriften des Germanischen Nationalmuseums. Erste Abtheilung Organismu3 und Literarische Sammlungen. Zweite Abtheilung Kunst-und Alterthums-Sammlungen, 2 vol. woodcuts roy. 8 vo. Nurnberg , 1856 Indispensable to Collectors of ancient Manuscripts, Books, En- gravings on Wood or Copper, Seals, Coins and other Anti- quities. 2241 Denmark. Marine Charts published by the Danish Admiralty, 9 maps Copenhagen , 1842 With an autograph note of Baron Humboldt in their praise : “Sehr werthvoll aus Rugen erhalten Ht.” 2242 De Noel (M. J.) Der Dom zu Koln, plates 12mo. Koln , 1834 2243 Dent (E.J.) on the Errors of Chronometers, &c. 8vo. Bond. 1843 2244 Deppe (F.) View of the Pyramid of the Sun 8 Leagues N.E. of Mexico, proof touched by Artist 2245 Desaive (M. ) Les Animaux Domestiques, wants sheets 1 and 2 roy. 8 vo. Liege , 1842 2246 Desaive (M.) Coup d’CEil sur la Monarchic Prussienne author's autograph inscription imp. 8vo. Bruxelles , s. d. 171 2247 Descloizeaux (A.) sur les Geysirs d’Islande 8vo. Paris , s. d . 2248 Descripcion de los Trabajos de Escuela Practica y Ejercicios generales verificados en el Establecimiento Central del Anna de Ingenieros en Guadalajara, con la Noticia de algunas Yariaciones propuestas, 2 vol. in 1 , plates half morocco 8vo. Madrid , 1849-50 Printed for private distribution only. 2249 Deshayes (G. P.) Tables of Shells, both living and fossil, in some Tertiary Formation, with their Habitations and Localities 8vo. 2250 Desjardins (Ct.) Carte des Chemins de Fer de l’Allemagne, &c. coloured Strasbourg , 1841 2251 Desmarest, Carte du Puy-De Dome, and reduced map of the same, both mounted on canvas Paris , 1823 2252 Desmoulins (A.) sur la Distribution geographique des Ani- maux vertebres moins les Oiseaux, with author s autograph inscription 4 to. Paris , 1822 2253 Desnoyers (J.) sur la Craie et sur les Terrains tertiaires du Cotentin avec Note supplementaire, 2 Parts, map, presenta- tion copy, with inscriptions in the author's autograph Ato. Paris , 1825 2254 Desnoyers (J.) sur un ensemble de Depots Marins plus recens que les terrains tertiaires du Bassin de la Seine, &c. author s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1829 2255 Desor (E.) Journal d’une Course faite aux Glaciers du Mont Rose et du Mont Cervin, renfermant une Notice sur les Glaciers par M. Agassiz, plate 8 vo. Geneve , 1840 2256 Desor (E.) L’ Ascension de la Jungfrau 8vo. Geneve , 1841 2257 Desor (E.) Excursions et Sejour de M. Agassiz sur la Mer de Glace du Lauteraar et Finsteraar en Societe de plusieurs Naturalistes, plates , “ Hommage de V Auteur." 8 vo. Geneve , 1841 2258 Desor (E.) Comte rendu des Recherches de M. Agassiz pendant ses deux derniers Sejours a 1’ Hotel des Neuchatelois sur le Glacier inferieur de l’Aar 8 vo. Geneve , 1843 2259 Desor (E.) Excursions et Sejours dans les Glaciers et les hautes Regions des Alpes de M. Agassiz et de ses Com- pagnons de Voyage, portrait and plates, autograph of “A1 Humboldt” 8 vo. Neuchatel , 1844 2260 Desor (E.) sur le Ph&iomene erratique du Nord compare a celui des Alpes 8vo. Paris, 1846 2261 Desor (E.) sur le Climat des Etats-Unis, with author s auto- graph inscription 8 vo. Porrentruy , 1853 2262 Desor (E.) Une derniere Ascension, large paper, with author's autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. Neuchatel , 1854 2263 Despretz (C.) Traite elementaire de Physique, plates 8vo. Paris, 1827 172 2264 Despretz (C.) Elemens de Chimie, 2 vol. plates the dedication copy 8vo. Paris , 1829-30 2265 Despretz (C.) Traite elementaire de Physique, plates Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Paris , 1836 2266 Despretz (C.) sur le Maximum de Densite de l’Eau pure et des Dissolutions aqueuses 8vo. Paris , 1837 2267 Despretz (C.) Zero du Thermometre, Paris , 1837 — Sur la Propagation de la Chaleur dans les Liquides, ib. 1838 8vo. (2) 2268 Despretz (C.) Experiences sur quelques Metaux et sur quelques Gaz, Paris, 1858 — Resume des Travaux de Physique, ib. 1840 — Delcros Table pour le Calcul des Differences de Niveau, ib. 1832 — Chichkoff (L.) et A. Rosing, Essais dans la Serie Nitro-Acetique, ib. 1857 4 to. (4) 2269 Despretz (C.) Sur le Maximum de Densite de FEau pure et des Dissolutions aqueuses, plates , Paris , 1837-40 — Sur la Propagation de la Chaleur dans les Liquides, ib. 1838- — Sur le Deplacement et sur les Oscillations du Zero du Thermometre a Mercure, ib. 1837 — (Jacob) Biographie de Despretz, ib. 1857 f 8 vo. (5) 2270 Despretz (C.) des Colleges de l’lnstruction professionnelle des Facultes, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1847 2271 Despretz (C.) Resume de mes Travaux de Physique Privately printed 4 to. Paris, 1837 2272 Despretz (C.) Resum6 des Travaux de Physique, plate 4 to. Paris , s. d. 2273 Deutsche Vierteljahrs Schrift, No. 1 to 53 (wanting Nos. 4, 5, 6), and Nos. 64 and 66, autograph memoranda of Humboldt 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1838-54 2274 Deutsch und Stadt-IIannoversche Ansichten vom Deutschen Plandels-und Zollvereine vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1843 2275 Deutschland im Jahre, 1854, presentation copy Privately printed 8 vo. Leipzig, 1854 2276 Deville (C. Sainte-Claire) Carte de la Temperature des Eaux de la Surface de la Mer des Antilles, du Golfe du Mexique et de la Portion voisine de l’Ocean Atlantique, map Humboldt's MS. Notices 4 to. Paris , 1852 2277 Deville (C. Sainte-Claire) sur les Phenomenes eruptifs de 1’Italie Meridional e 4 to. Paris, 1856 2278 Deville (M.) sur les Roches Volcaniques des Antilles 8 vo. Paris, 1851 2279 Devrient (E.) Das Passions-Schauspiel im Dorfe Oberammer- gau in Oberbaiern, plates by F. Pecht vellum paper 4 to. Leipzig , 1851 2280 Deycks (Dr. F.) Andeutungen iiber Sinn und Zusammenhang des ersten und zweiten Theiles von Goethe’s Faust \8mo. Frankfurt, 1855 173 2281 Dias (A. Goi^alves) Cantos. Collec^o de Poezias vellum paper, cloth , g. e. 1 6mo. Leipzig , 1857 In Dias are to be found, especially amongst the “ Poezias Ameri- canas,” the best specimens of the national poetry of the Brazils. Prefixed is an article by A. Herculano entitled “ Futuro Litte- rario de Portugal e do Brazil.” 2282 Dickinson (J. J.) Quid Veteribus de precandi ad Deum officio placuerit Locis classicis probatum vellum paper 4 to. Berolini , 1841 2283 Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. Plates only without Letterpress, No. 1 to 47, containing 940 Engravings of Quadrupeds , Birds , Fish, Insects , Concliology , Botany , fyc. finely coloured 8vo. Paris , 1816-27 2284 Dictionnaire universelle d’Histoire Naturelle. Ouvrage dirige - par C. d’Orbigny, Tome I, and 24 exquisitely coloured plates of Zoology in case large paper roy. 8vo. Paris , 1841 2285 Dicuili Liber de Mensura Orbis Terrse nunc primum in Lucem editus a C. A. Walckenaer vellum paper, rare 8 vo. Paris , 1807 Written by an Irishman in the ninth Century, whose Description of his native Isle is curious. 2286 Dicuili (Hiberni Scec. IX) Liber de Mensura Orbis Terrse nunc primum editus a C. A. Walckenaer 8 vo. Paris , 1807 2287 Diday (P.) Trattato della Sifilide de’ Neonati e de’ Bambini Poppanti 8 vo. Napoli, 1855 2288 Didot (A. F.) L’lmprimerie, la Librairie et la Papeterie a l’Exposition Universelle de 1851 Author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1854 2289 Diefenbach (L.) fiber die jetzigen Romanischen Schriftsprachen (Span. Portug. Rhatoromanische der Schweiz, Franz. Ital. und Dakroromanische) 4 to. Leipzig , 1831 2290 Dieffenbach (E.) New Zealand and its Native Population 8 vo. London , 1841 2291 Diefifenbach (E.) Travels in New Zealand, 2 vol. map Sf plates Autographs of “ Al. Humboldt ” and “ L. von Buch.” 8vo. London, 1843 A most interesting Memorial of these two great Naturalists, evidently most carefully read, and various passages marked. Buch pro- bably borrowed the book, as Humboldt has pasted at end a fragment of a letter from him signed u Buch,” commencing, “ Le premier volume de Dieffenbach m’a infiniment interesse,” &c. Humboldt in a Letter to Varnhagen calls the work u an excellent Voyage. ’’ 2292 Dieffenbach (E.) Geologische Specialkarte von Giessen, and 4 to. atlas containing coloured map roy.8vo. Darmstadt , 1856 2293 Dieffenbach (Dr. J. F.) Chirurgische Erfahrungen. Dritte und vierte Abtheilung, 4 plates and 4 to. atlas of engravings illustrating the restoration of Noses vellum paper 8yo. Berlin , 1834 174 2294 Dieffenbach (J. F.) sur les Chol^riques vellum paper, privately printed 8vo. Berlin , 1835 2295 Dieffenbach (J. F.) Beitrage zur subcutanen Orthopadie 8 vo. Berlin , 1839 2296 Dieffenbach (J. F.) die Heilung des Stotterns durch eine neue chirurgische Operation, plates vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 2297 Dieffenbach (J. F.) iiber die Durchschneidung der Sehnen und Muskeln, plates, vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 2298 Dieffenbach (J. F.) Die operative Chirurgie. Erster Band the dedication copy, morocco , extra, joints, gilt edges 8 vo. Leipzig , 1845 The work is dedicated “ Dem Herrn Alexander von Humboldt in hochster Verelirung der Verfasser.” 2299 Dieffenbach (J. F.) und Dr. 0. T. Meier Vortrage in der chirurgischen Klinik der K. Charite zu Berlin, 2 Parts ito. Berlin, 1840 2300 Dielitz (T.) iiber die erziehende Kraft der Schule 4 to. Berlin, 1841 2301 Dien (C.) Atlas du Zodiaque, maps , with author s autograph inscription 4do. Paris , 1841 2302 Dien (Ch.) Atlas des Phenomenes celestes, 2 vol. charts of the Planets, author s autograph inscription 4 to. Paris , 1841-42 2303 Dienst-Anweisung fur die telegraphische Correspondenz auf den Linien des Deutsch-CEsterreichischen Telegraphen- Yereins, red morocco , g. e., Berlin , 1853 Only a few copies printed for private distribution. 2304 Diesing (C. M.) Systema Helminthum, Yol. II 8vo. Vindohonce, 1851 2305 Diesterweg, Kalisch und Maszmann, Die Feier des lOOsten Geburtstages H. Pestalozzi’s 8vo. Berlin , 1845 2306 Dieterici (Dr. C. F. W.) Statistische Uebersicht der wichtigsten Gegenstande des Verkehrs und Verbrauchs im Preussischen Staate und im Deutschen Zollverbande von 1831 bis 1853, 6 vol. fine paper, presentation copy , with the author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin, 1838-57 2307 Dieterici (Dr. C. F. W.) Statistische Uebersicht. Zweite Fortsetzung (1840 42) 8vo. Berlin, 1844 2308 Dieterici (Dr. C. F. W.) Der Yolks wohlstand im Preussischen Staate, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin, 1846 2309 Dieterici (Dr. C. F. W.) iiber die Vertheilung der Bevolkerung nach Geschlecht und Alter in Preussen, in verschiedenen Staaten Europas und in den Nordamerikanischen Freistaaten, 2 Parts, Berlin, 1848 — Ueber die Sterblichkeitsverhalt- nisse in Europa, ib. 1851 4 to. (3) 2310 Dieterici (Dr. C. F. W.) und Dr. H. Dove, Das bei demstatis- tischen Bureau errichtete meteorologische Institut vellum paper 4 to. Berlin, 1855 175 2311 Dieterici (F.) Mutanabbi und Seifuddaula aus der Edelperle des Tsaalibi nach Gothaer und Pariser Handschriften vellum paper, with Dieterici' s autograph inscription 8vo. Leipzig , 1847 The Arabic Text is inserted. 2312 Dieterici (Dr. F.) iiber die Arabische Dichtkunst und das Verhaltniss des Islam zum Christenthum 8vo. Berlin, 1850 2313 Dieterici (Dr. F.) Reisebilder aus dem Morgenlande, 2 vol. map post 8vo. Berlin , 1853 2314 Dieterici (Dr. F.) Der Streit zwischen Mensch und Thier, ein Arabisches Mahrchen aus den Schriften der lauteren Brlider iibersetzt und mit einer Abhandlung liber diesen Orden, so wie mit Anmerkungen versehen vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1858 2315 Dieterici (F. H.) de Anthologia Arabica Tsaalebii Unio iEtatis appellata, with author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berolmi, 1846 2316 Dieterici (W.) Die Waldenser und ihre Verhaltnisse zu dem Brandenburgisch-Preussischen Staate, map and plan fine paper, presentation copy , with author's autograph inscrip- tion 8vo. Berlin , Bosen und Bromberg , 1831 Containing the Catechism in the Grison dialect, and other original documents. 2317 Dieterici (W.) iiber die Universitaten im Preussischen Staate vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1836 2318 Dieterici (W.) iiber Auswanderungen und Einwanderungen vellum paper, with the author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1847 2319 Dieterici (W.) Die Bevolkerung des Preuszischen Staats vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1848 2320 Dieterici (W.) iiber Preussische Zustande, iiber Arbeit und Kapital 8vo. Berlin , 1848 2321 Dietrich (Dr. E. C. V.) Der Milleschauer-oder Donnerberg und seine Umgebungen 12 mo. Leitmeritz , 1834 2322 Dietrich (D. Ewald) Erzstufen. Sagen und Erzahlungen vaterlandischer Begebenheiten in romantischem Gewande dargestellt, 2 vol. illuminated plate of a “ Bergaufzug" thick paper, the dedication copy to His Excellency F. H. Al. Freyherrn von Humboldt, red morocco , g. e. rare 127?i0. Freyberg , 1830 2323 Diezmann (Dr. J. A.) Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch-Italien- isches Taschenworterbuch, Leipzig , 1832 — Dictionnaire FranQais-Allemand-Anglais-Italien, ib. 1836 half calf 2 vol. square IZmo. 2324 Diodore de Sicile, Traduction nouvelle avec des Notes par F. Hoefer, 4 vol. Translator's autograph inscription \2mo. Paris , 1846 2325 Diophantus von Alexandrien iiber die Polygonzahlen iibersetzt mit Zusatzen von F. T. Poselger 8vo. Leipzig , 1810 176 2326 Dirichlet (G. Lejeune) sur l’Usage des Series infinies dans la Theorie des Nombres, with the author's autograph inscrip- tion , and Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Berlin , 1838 2327 Dirichlet (G. Lejeune) Beweis dass jede unbegrenzte arith- metische Progression u. s. w. unendlich viele Primzahlen enthalt, with author s autograph inscription , and Humboldt's handwriting on cover 4 to. Berlin , 1839 2328 Dirichlet (G. Lejeune) Recherches sur les Formes quadratiques a Coefficients et a indeterminees complexes. Premiere Partie, author's autograph inscription 4 to. 2329 Distling, Ein bescheidenes Wort an Deutschlands Astronomen Privately printed 4 to. Frankfurt , 1842 2330 Ditmar (C. von) iiber die Koraken und die Tschuktschen, map marked by Baron Humboldt in pencil , Petersburg , 1855 — Ein Paar erlauternde Worte zur geognostischen Karte Kamtschatka’s, map f ib. 1855 8vo. (2) 2331 Dittenberger (T. F.) Geographie, maps and Tables fine paper, presentation copy , with the author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Heidelberg , 1837 2332 Dittmann (E.) Receptir-Kunst nach Preussischen Medizinal- Gesetzen 8 vo. Frankfurt a. d. Oder , 1842 2333 Dittmann (Dr. A.F.) Die grossen Veranderungen der Erdober- flache, fine paper 8vo . Schleswig, 1858 2334 Documentos relativos a las Corbatas de la Real y Militar Orden de San Fernando Privately printed 8vo. Madrid, 1847 2335 Doll (J. C.) Rheinische Flora, mit Beigabe iiber die Laubknospen der Amentaceen, 2 vol. in 1 8 vo. Frankfurt, 1843-48 2336 Dollen (W.) iiber Dr. Wichmann’s Bestimmung der Parallaxe des Argellander’schen Sterns, author s autograph inscription 4 to. St. Petersburg , 1854 2336*Doenniges (W.) Jahrbiicher des Deutschen Reichs unter Otto I (951-973) 8 vo. Berlin, 1839 2337 Donniges (Dr. W.) Kritik der Quellen fur die Geschichte Heinrichs des VII, des Luxemburgers vellum paper 8vo. Berlin, 1841 2338 Donniges (W.) Das Deutsche Staatsrecht und die Deutsche Reichsverfassung the dedication copy (to Humboldt) on vellum paper 8vo. Berlin, 1842 2339 Donniges (W.) Grundriss zu meinen Vorlesungen iiber Politik und Staatsrecht von Europa privately printed 8 vo. Berlin, s. a. 2340 Dorfer (C.) Le 9 ons de Goniometrie. Lectures on Goniometry in French and English, plate 8vo. IPambovrg, 1835 2341 Dohrn (C. A.) Spanische Dramen iibersetzt, 4 vol. 8vo. Berlin , 1841-44 Containing Translations from Tirso de Molina, Lope de Vega, Moreto, Rojas, & c. 177 2342 D’Ohsson (Baron C.) sur la Gravitation universelle, la Pression de l’Air et les Theor&mes d’Hydrodynamique vellum paper roy. 8 vo. Berlin , 1852 2343 D’Ohsson (Baron) Hinterlassene Bibliothek 8vo. Berlin , 1852 2344 Dollfus (C.) und A. Nefftzer, Revue Germanique, vol. I to VI Parti, 16 Parts roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1858-59 2345 D’Omalius d’Halloy (J. J.) Elements de G^ologie, coloured map and plate , author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1835 2346 Domeyko (I.) Tratado de Ensayes tanto per la Via seca como por la Via humeda de toda Clase de Minerales y Pastas de Cobre, Plomo, Plata, Oro, Mercurio, &c. con Descripcion de los Caracteres de los principales Minerales y Productos de las Artes en America y en particular en Chile, plates extremely rare, half calf extra, small 4 to. Serena ( Chile), 1 844 Presentation copy with the author’s autograph inscription. 2347 Domeyko (I,) Introduccion al Estudio de las Ciencias Naturales presentation copy , with author’s autograph imperial 8vo. Santiago , 1847 2348 Domeyko (I.) Araucania i sus Habitantes, maps presentation copy, with MS. corrections throughout in the authors autograph, and also in his handwriting an inscription to Baron Humboldt , who has with his own hand written on the fly-leaf from whom he received it and the date 8vo. Santiago, Imprenta Chilena, 1845 2349 Domeyko (I.) Excursion a las Cordilleras de Copiapo, “ Obse- quio del Autor," with his autograph corrections very scarce 8 vo. Santiago {Chile), 1843 2350 Domke (F.) Nautische Astronomische und Logarithmische Tafeln, fine paper roy. 8 vo. Berlin, 1852 2351 Don (D.) Descriptions of the new Genera and Species of Com- positse of Peru, Mexico and Chile presentation copy “ From the Author ," with an autograph note of Baron Humboldt on wrapper 4 to. London , 1829 2352 Doppler (C.) iiber eine bei jeder Rotation des Fortpflanzungs- mittels Ablenkung der Licht-und Schallstrahlen, plate, author's autograph inscription 4tto. Prag. 1844 2353 D’Orbigny (Alcide) L’Homme Americain (de l’Amerique Meridionale) considere sous ses Rapports physiologiques et moraux the dedication copy (in language most flattering to Hum- boldt ) on vellum paper, green morocco, joints, g. e. 8 vo. Paris, 1839 2354 D’Orbigny (A.) Carte de la Republique de Bolivia, 2 sheets Paris, 1839 2355 D’Orbigny (A.) Carte geologique de l’Am^rique Meridionale, author's autograph inscription Paris, 1842 A A 178 2356 D’Orbigny (A.) Foraminif&res Fossiles da Bassin Tertiaire de Vienne (Autriche) decouverts par le Chev. J. de Hauer. En Francois et en Allemand, plates 4 to. Paris , 1846 2357 Dorn (Dr. B.) Erster Beitrag zur Geschichte der Georgier Ato. St. Petersburg , 1843 2358 Dorn (Dr. B.) Chrestomathy of the Pushtu or Afghan Language, with Afghan and English Glossary, apparently on larger paper than usual 4 to. St. Petersburgh, 1847 2359 Dorow (Dr. W.) Facsimile von Handschriften beriihmter Manner und Frauen, 4 Parts, portraits of A. and W. von Humboldt , Gentz , Werner, Hoffmann, Prince Puckler and Jussuf Bey , with facsimiles of 115 Letters from eminent Men , including Byron, Blucher , the Humboldts , Bentham, Lessing, Wieland , Kant , Schiller , Klop stock, Goethe, Canning, O' Connell, Sfc. Sfc. 4 to. Berlin, 1836-38 2360 Dorow (Dr.) Denkschriften und Briefe zur Charakteristik der Welt und Literatur, 4 vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1838-40 Containing letters of Blucher, Grotefend, Kant, Hardenberg, Zschokke, Leo XII, Mendelssohn, Schleiermacher, Wieland, Napoleon, William A’Court Lord Heytesbury, W. von Hum- boldt, Metternich, Niebuhr, Ancillon, V. Cousin, Gothe, Hegel, &c. &c. In a letter to Varnhagen Humboldt terms this work “ a precious book,” and praises his brother’s letters therein as “ very fine.” 2361 Dorpat. Album Academicum der K. Universitat Dorpat, Dorpat, 1852 — Die K. Universitat Dorpat wtihrend der ersten funfzig Jahre ihres Bestehens und Wirkens, ib. 1852 4 to. (2) 2362 Dorpat Sternwarte. Graphische Darstellung der Witterung (Dec. 1840 — Feb. 1845) beobachtet und gezeichnet von Dr. Madler, on 16 plates oblong folio. Dorpat , 1840-45 2363 Dorpat Sternwarte. Another copy oblong fol. Dorpat, 1840-45 2364 Dorpat Universitats Facultats-Schriften dargebracht zur Feier ihres 50 jahrigen Bestehens am 12 Dec. 1852 4 to. Dorpat, 1852 Containing : T. Harnack’s Christliche gemeine Gottesdienst im Apostolischen Zeitalter; E. Friedlander’s Theorie des Werths; C. E. Otto de Atheniensium Actionibus forensibus publicis ; K. B. Reichert liber die monogene Fortpflanzung ; A. Bunge Tentamen Generis Tamaricum Species accuratius definiendi, 2365 Dorpat Zweites Jubelfest gefeiert 12 und 13 December 1852 vellum paper, morocco, g. e. 4 to. Dorpat, 1853 Besides the Account of the Pageant this interesting volume con- tains the Sermons preached by Dr. A. Christiani and Dr. T. Harnack ; Dr. E. Haffner’s History of the University; Dr. H. Madler’s Discourse on Astronomy ; &c. See. 2366 Dorpat Zweites Jubelfest. Another copy. 4 to. Dorpat, 1853 2367 Doublet (P.) Histoire de llntelligence 8vo. Paris, 1856 With author’s autograph inscription , thus : “ A Monsieur Alexandre de Humboldt liommage infiniment respectueux un eleve de M. Charma P. Doublet.” 179 2368 Doublet (P.) Histoire de l’lntelligence. Histoire proprement dite, Noog4nie. Premiere Periode 8vo. Paris , 1858 2369 Dove (H. W.) Correspondirende Beobachtungen iiber die regel- massigen stiindlichen Veranderungen und iiber die Pertur- bationen der magnetischen Abweichung in mittleren und ostlichen Europa, mit einem Vorworte von A. von Hum- boldt 8vo. Berlin , 1830 On cover in Humboldt’s autograph stands : “ Humboldt et Dove Magnetisme,” 2370 Dove (H. W.) Correspondirende Beobachtungen iiber die regel- massigen stiindlichen Veranderungen und iiber die Pertur- bationen der magnetischen Abweichung im mittleren und ostlichen Europa mit einem Yorworte von A. von Hum- boldt 8 vo. ( Berlin , 1831) 2371 Dove (Prof. H. W.) iiber Maass und Messen nebst Reductions- tafeln, fine paper 8vo. Berlin, 1835 2372 Dove (H. W.) und L. Moser, Repertorium der Physik, 4 vol. plates , half calf extra , and vols. 5 and 7 sewed 8vo. Berlin , 1837-44-46 With Humboldt’s autograph notes. 2373 Dove (H. W.) Meteorologische Untersuchungen, plates } with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes fine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1837 2374 Dove (H. W.) Die neuere Farbenlehre mit andern chroma- tischen Theorien verglichen 4ifo. Berlin , 1838 2375 Dove (H. W.) iiber die nicht periodischen iEnderungen der Temperaturvertheilung auf der Oberflache der Erde von 1789 bis 1838, 2 Parts, Berlin , 1840-47 — Temperaturtafeln mit Bemerkungen iiber die Verbreitung der Warme, ib. 1848 — Ueber den Zusammenhang der Warme veranderun- gen der Atmosphare mit der Entwickelung der Pflanzen, ib. 1846 — Ueber die taglichen Veranderungen der Tem- peratur der Atmosphare, 2 Parts, ib. 1846 — Ueber den Einfluss der Windesrichtung, ib. 1848 4 to. (7) With numerous MS. Notes in the Autograph of Baron von Hum- boldt. 2376 Dove (H. W.) iiber Elektricitat, with author's autograph inscription , Berlin , 1848 — Die Witterungsverhaltnisse von Berlin, ib. 1852 8 vo. (2) 2377 Dove (H. W.) Witterungsverhaltnisse von Berlin Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Berlin , 1842 2378 Dove (H. W.) de media Ventorum Directione annuisque ejus Mutationibus 4 to. Berolini , 1850 2379 Dove (H. W.) Bericht iiber die in den Jahren 1848 und 1849 auf den Stationen des Meteorologischen Instituts im Preus- sischen Staate angestellten Beobachtungen fol. Berlin , 1851 2380 Dove (H. W.) Die Verbreitung der Warme auf der Oberflache der [Erde erlautert durch Isothermen, Thermische Isano- malen und Temperaturcurven, charts and tables fine paper, with numerous passages marked by Baron Hum- boldt in pencil and his autograph note in ink royal 4 to. Berlin , 1852 2381 Dove (H. W.) Darstellung der Farbenlehre und optische Studien, portrait {private plate inserted) and 2 plates vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1853 2382 Dove (H. W.) Darstellung der Warme-Erscheinungen durch ffinftagige Mittel von 1782 bis 1855 mit besonderer Be- rficksichtigung strenger Winter finest paper folio. Berlin , 1856 2383 Dove (H. W.) Another copy on fine paper folio. Berlin, 1856 2384 Dove (H. W.) fiber das Gesetz der Stfirme, map, printed for private distribution only , vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1857 2385 Dove (H. W.) fiber die Rfickfalle der Kalte im Mai thick paper, printed for presents only , MS. notes in the auto- graph of Baron Humboldt on separate slips 4 to. Berlin, 1857 2386 Dove (H. W.) fiber Maass und Messen, Berlin , 1843 — Farben- lehre, ib. 1838 4 to. (2) 2387 Dove (H. W.) fiber die Klimatischen Verhaltnisse des Preus- sischen Staates, autograph notes of Humboldt 8vo. (3) 2388 Dove (H. W.) Monats-Isothermen, 3 sheets engraved by L. Bernhardt after drawings by H. Lange india proofs, with Humboldt's autograph note Dedicated to Baron Humboldt, and therefore in the finest possible state as to impression. 2389 Dowler (B.) Contributions to the Natural History of the Alli- gator, “ From the Author ,” with a MS. note in Humboldt's autograph 8vo. New Orleans, 1846 2390 Dowler (B.) on Post-Mortem Contractility of the Muscles 8vo. New York , 1846 2391 Dowler (B.) Criticisms and Controversies relating to the Ner- vous and Muscular Systems 8 vo. New Orleans, 1847 2392 Dowler (B.) Researches on Meteorology, presentation copy “ from the Author,” with his autograph corrections , 8vo. New Orleans , 1848 — On Yellow Fever, 8vo. ib. n. d. (2) 2393 Doyere (L.) sur l’Organisation et les Rapports naturels des Tardigrados, plates 8vo. Paris , 1842 2394 Doyere (L.) Memoire sur l’Ensilage rationnel royal 8vo. Paris , 1856 2395 Drach (S. M.) Easy Rule for formulizing all Epicyclical Curves, author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. London , 1849 2396 Drainage (fiber die) von A. von D. cuts 8vo. Haag, 1850 2397 Drake (Dr. D.) on the principal Diseases of the interior Valley of North America, maps and plans 8m Cincinnati, 1850 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 181 2398 Drapiez (M.) Notice sur l’Etablissement Geographique de Bruxelles, with folding view 12 mo. Bruxelles , 1842 2399 Drapiez (M.) sur l’Etablissement geographique de Bruxelles, plates Bruxelles , 1844 2400 Drapiez (M.) Notice sur l’Etablissement Geographique de Bruxelles, folding view, plan and plate, 2 editions 12 mo. Bruxelles , 1843 & 1844 2401 Drege (J. F.) Zwey pflanzengeographische Documente (on Plants of South Africa) nebst einer Einleitung von Dr. E. Meyer, map of S. Africa 8vo. 1843 2402 Drescher (Dr. J. E.) Der grosse Soolsprudel zu Bad Nau- heim, plate 8vo. Frankfurt , 1855 2403 Dresden-Gemalde-Gallerie, Yerzeichniss der, 2 vol. Humboldt'' s autograph notes 8 vo. Dresden , 1826-33 2404 Dresden Gesellschaft fur Natur-und Heilkunde, Ausziige aus den Protokollen fur 1832 and 1833, 2 vol. plates 8 vo. Dresden , 1833-34 Humboldt has written on the vol. for 1833 (( Aufwachen der Vege- tation.” 2405 Dresden, Program zu den Prufungen der Schuler der tech- nischen Bildungsanstalt und der Baugewerkenschule, plates 8vo. Dresden , 1847 2406 Dresden und seine Umgebungen von Kiihlemann und Prowig, mounted on canvas in case Dresden , 1830 2407 Drian (A.) Kesume des Observations de Meteorologie royal 8vo. Lyon , 1854 2408 Drieberg (F. von) fiber den Luft-und Wasserdruck Author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin, 1846 2409 Drieberg (F. von) Sieg der gesunden Yernunft. Vier Ge- sprache iiber den Luft-und Wasserdruck. Als Anhang die Kunst Mumien zu bereiten und Vorschlage zu einer Flug- maschine, plates Author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. Berlin , 1852 Baron Humboldt is introduced as one of the Speakers. 241 0 Driessen (Dr. L.) Prinz Moritz von Nassau-Siegen Kurbranden-* burgischer Statthalter von Cleve und Mark 8 vo. Cleve, 1846 2411 Driessen (Dr. L.) Leben des Fiirsten Johann Moritz von Nassau-Siegen General-Gouverneurs von Niederlandisch- Brasilien &c. facsimile of his handwriting vellum paper, very scarce 8vo. Berlin, 1849 Most probably presented by Dr. Driessen, as his autograph card is prefixed. 2412 Drogan (E.) Elementare Syntax FINE PAPER 4 to. Berlin, 1836 2413 Droit. La Philosophic du Droit ou Explication des Kapports sociaux par Dimitry de Glinka 8 vo. Paris , 1842 182 2414 Dromon (J. H.) Clef de la Science 8vo. Landerneau, 1844 2415 Dropsy (J.) Electro-Th4rapie, cuts vellum paper 8vo. Paris , 1857 2416 Droste zu Vischering (C. A. Erzbischof von Coin) liber den Frieden unter der Kirche und den Staaten FiifE paper 8vo. Munster , 1843 2417 Droszbach (M.) Wiedergeburt 8vo. Olmutz , 1849 2418 Droysen (J. G.) Geschichte Alexanders des Groszen, no map , with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes half calf extra 8vo. Hamburg , 1833 2419 Droysen (J. G.) Das Leben des Feldmarschalls Grafen York von Wartenburg. Erster Band, autograph notes and signa- ture of 11 A1 Humboldt ” 8vo. Berlin , 1851 2420 Droysen (J. G.) Geschichte der Bildung des hellenistischen Staatensystemes, with autograph note of A. von Humboldt on fly-leaf at end 8vo. Hamburg , 1843 2421 Droysen (J. G.) Geschichte der Preussischen Politik, 2 vol. eine paper, half green morocco 8vo. Berlin , 1855-57 2422 Droysen (J. G.) Carl August und die Deutsche Politik 4 to, Jena , 1857 2423 Droysen (J. G.) Grundriss der Historik, privately printed (. Als Manuscript gedruckt) 8vo. Jena , 1858 2424 Driimpelmann (E. W.) und W. C. Friebe, Getreue Abbil- dungen und naturhistorische Beschreibung des Thierreichs aus den nordlichen Provinzen Russlands, vorziiglich Lief- land, Ehstland und Kurland betreffend, 4 Parts in one volume, 20 accurately coloured plates by Susemihl fine paper, morocco folio. Riga , 1806-9 This copy was given to Baron Humboldt by the Family von der Ropp at Paplacken 10 December, 1809, and contains on the first fly-leaf a MS. inscription to that effect. On the next fly is a long MS. Poem in German with the heading u Dem hoch - sinnigen Verfasser der Ansichten der Natur geweiht im Jahr 1830 von Laura von der Ropp.” On the obverse of cover is printed in letters of gold : Alexander von Humboldt Betrat die Grenze Von Paplacken In Curland Auf seiner Reise ZuM WoHLE RUSLANDS Den -f-f- April 1829 2425 Dublin University Magazine, Yol. XVIII, plates (Lettered Life of Molyneux) 8vo. Dublin, 1841 Presented with autograph inscription by J. P. Wilde, probably the Writer of the Life of Sir Thomas Molyneux, Bart, contained in the volume. 183 2426 Dubocq (M.) Constitution geologique des Ziban et de l’Ouad RTr, map and plates 8vo. Paris, 1853 2427 Du Bois (iEm.) Quae apud Yeteres de Piscibus Electricis extant Argumenta 8uo. Berolini, 1843 2428 Dubois de Montpereux (F.) Voyage autour du Caucase chez les Tcherkesses et les Abkhases en Colchide, en G^orgie, en Armenie et en Crimee, 6 vols. and 4to. atlas 8vo. Paris, 1839-43 2429 Dubois (F.) Voyage au Caucase chez les Tcherkesses et les Abkhases en Colchide, en Georgie, en Armenie et en Crimee, 5 vol. numerous engravings ( those of Vases, Anti- quities, fyc. coloured) vol. II wants plates 8, 22, and 23, and vol. IV plate 24 royal folio. Paris, 1839-43 Presentation copy, with the autograph inscriptions of the author, and the autograph signature of Humboldt on first cover. 2430 Dubois (J. J.) Catalogue des Vases Grecs formant la Collection de C. L. F. Panckoucke, large folding plate of vases imperial 8vo. Paris , s. d. 2431 Du Bois-Reymond (F. H.) Considerations sur la Principaute et Canton de Neuchatel et Valangin 8vo. Yverdon, 1831 2432 Du Bois-Reymond (E.) fiber den Froschstrom und fiber die elektromotorischen Fische 8vo. 1843 2433 Du Bois-Reymond (E.) fiber den Froschstrom und die elek- tromotorischen Fische 8vo. 1843 2434 Du Bois-Reymond (E.) Untersuchungen fiber Thierische Elektricitat, 2 vol. India proof plates vellum paper, the dedication copy (vol. II being dedicated to Humboldt), with author's autograph inscription, half green morocco roy. 8 vo. Berlin, 1848-49 2435 Du Bois-Reymond (E.) on C. Matteucci’s Letter to Dr. H. Bence Jones 8vo. London , 1853 2436 Du Bois-Reymond (E.) on Animal Electricity, edited by H. Bence Jones, M.D. post 8vo. London, 1852 2437 [Duchatel (T.)] Documents Statistiques sur la France publies par le Ministre du Commerce THICK PAPER royal 4 to. Paris, 1835 Not printed for sale. 2438 Duchemin (N. L.) Carte du Royaume de France, numerous MS. memoranda in the autograph of Baron Humboldt large folio. Paris, 1815 2439 Ducpetiaux (E.) sur le Pauperisms dans les Flandres presentation copy 8 vo. Bruxelles, 1850 2440 Duden (G.) Europa und Deutschland von Nordamerika aus betrachtet. Erster Band FINE PAPER 8 vo. Bonn, 1833 2441 Dudley Observatory Inauguration, Albany, 1856 — Address from the Committee of the Dudley Observatory, ib. 1858 8 vo. (2) 184 2442 Dudley Observatory Scientific Council’s Defence of Dr. Gould 8 vo. Albany , U.S. 1850-58 2443 Diintzer (H.) Graf Cagliostro und Goethe’s Grosscophta 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1850 2444 Diintzer (H.) Goethe’s Faust erster und zweiter Theil zum erstenmal vollstandig erlautert, 2 vol. half morocco 8vo. Leipzig, 1850-51 2445 Diintzer (H.) Goethe’s Prometheus und Pandora erklart 8vo. Leipzig , 1850 2446 Diintzer (H.) Goethe’s Tasso zum erstenmal vollstandig erlautert vellum paper, half morocco 8 vo. Leipzig , 1854 2447 Diintzer (H.) Erkliirung und Ausdeutung Gothe’s Prometheus und Pandora 8vo. Leipzig, 1854 2448 Diintzer (H.) Die drei altesten Bearbeitungen von Goethe’s Iphigenie herausgegeben und mit zwei Abhandlungen zur Geschichte und vergleichenden Kritik des Stiickes begleitet vellum paper, half morocco 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1854 2449 Diintzer (H.) Goethe’s Gotz und Egmont. Geschichte, Entwicklung und Wurdigung beider Dramen vellum paper, half morocco 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1854 2450 Diintzer (H.) Goethe’s Leiden des jungen Werthers erlautert square 16mo. Jena, 1855 2451 Diintzer (H.) Wieland’s Oberon erlautert square 1 6mo. Jena , 1855 2452 Diintzer (H.) Hermann und Dorothea, und Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre und Wanderjahre von Goethe erlautert, 3 vol. square 16 mo. Jena , 1855-56-57 2453 Diintzer (H.) Goethe’s Faust erster und zweiter Theil zum erstenmal vollstandig erlautert vellum paper, the dedication copy, red cloth , lettered in gold on sides “ Alexander von Humboldt gewidmet ” 8vo. Leipzig , 1857 2454 Diintzer (H.) Goethe’s Lyrische Gedichte fur gebildete Leser erlautert, 2 vol. 16mo. Elberfeld , 1858 2455 Dufau et Guadet (MM.) Dictionnaire universel abrege de Geographie ancienne comparee, 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820 2456 Duflot de Mofras (M.) Exploration du Territoire de l’Or^gon, des Californies et de la Mer Vermeille, 2 vol. plates vellum paper, and atlas folio map not folded, having Humboldt' s autograph note roy. 8vo. Paris, 1844 2457 Duflot de Mofras (M.) Carte de la Cote de l’Amerique sur l’Oc^an Pacifique Septentrionale, coloured thick paper Paris, 1844 2458 Duflot de Mofras (M.) Mendoza et Navarrete, Notices bio- graphiques large paper, rare, presentation copy, with author's autograph inscription roy. 4 to. Paris, Imprimerie Roy ale, 1845 185 2459 Dufour (C.) Ph^nomenes Optiques da Lever du Soleil, Orbe , 1852 — Correction de la Temperature dans les Observa- tions da Magnetisme Terrestre, Geneve , 1857 — De l’ln- fluence de la Temperature sur la Force des Aimants, Lausanne , 1856 — Des Temperatures de l’Air et des Mirages a la Surface du Lac Leman, avec suite, plate, ib. 1855-56 — Sur l’lntensite magn^tique et la Temperature de l’Acier, with Humboldt's writing on cover , ib. 1858 — De la Tenacity des Fils Metalliques, ib. s. d. — Scintillation des Etoiles, ib. 1856 8vo. (7) 2460 Dufour (L.) Proprietes et Applications des Vegetaux, author's autograph inscription small 8vo. Lausanne, 1855 2461 Dufraisse (Dr. N.) Projet d’lnstitutjon d’Observations Met^orologiques dans le Departement de la Dordogne presentation copy, with author s autograph 8vo. Perigueux , 1847 2462 Dufraisse (Dr. N.) Projet d’lnstitution d’Observations Meteorologiques dans le Departement de la Dordogne 8vo. Perigueux , 1847 2463 Dufrenoy et Elie de Beaumont (MM.) sur la Gisement, l’Exploitation et le Traitement des Minerals d’Etain et de Cuivre du Cornouailles, map of S. E. Cornwall, and plates , “ Hommage du profond respect des Auteurs ” 8vo. 2464 Dufrenoy et Elie de Beaumont (MM.) Memoires pour servir a une Description geologique de la France, 4 vol. plates 8vo. Paris, 1830-38 On the cover of vol. IV is an autograph note of Humboldt, thus : “ falsch p. 197.” 2465 Dufrenoy (P. A.) sur la Position Geologique des principals Mines de Fer de la Partie Orientale des Pyrenees, with Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Paris, 1834 2466 Dufrenoy et Elie de Beaumont (MM.) Explication de la Carte Geologique de la France, 2 vol. coloured map and cuts, with autograph notes of Baron Humboldt half calf extra 4 to. Paris, 1841-48 With the large map, having the author’s autograph inscription, mounted on canvas in 6 divisions, in case. 2467 Dufrenoy (P. A.) Traite de Mineralogie, avec Atlas, 4 vol. plates, half morocco 8vo. Paris, 1844-47 2468 Dufrenoy (P. A.) sur les Terrains tertiaires du Bassin du Midi de la France, plates, author's autograph inscription 8vo. 2469 Dufrenoy ses Funerailles avec les Discours de M. de Senar- mont, Flourens, Valenciennes et Elie de Beaumont 4 to. Paris , 1857 B B 186 2470 Dulaurier ( E .) Mdmoire, Lettres et Rapports relatifs au Cours de Langues Malaye et Javanaise et a deux Voyages litteraires en Angleterre, “ Hommage de V Auteur" 8vo. Paris , 1843 2471 Dumas (J.) et De Colmont, Rapport a la Commission institute pour etudier les Questions relatives & la Refonte des Mon- naies, printed only for the commissioners , and extremely rare folio. Paris , Decembre , 1839 Presentation copy, with an autograph letter from Dumas, who writes : “ Je prends la liberte de vous faire parvenir le sent exem - plaire d’un Rapport auquel j’ai pris part, qui ait jusqu’ ici franchi l’enceinte de la Commission, &c.” Baron Humboldt seems to have studied it most diligently, marking many pas- sages in pencil. 2472 Dumas (M.) sur la Statique Chimique des Etres organises 8 vo. Paris , 1841 2473 Dumas (M.) Le 9 on sur la Statique Chimique des Etres organises 8vo. Paris , 1841 2474 Dumas (M.) Lecjon sur la Statique Chimique des Etres organises 8 vo. Paris , 1841 2475 Dumas (M.) Traits de Chimie appliquee aux Arts, tome VII 8vo. Paris , 1844 2476 Dumeril (M.) Prodrome de la Classification des Reptiles Ophidiens, plates fine paper, author's autograph inscription 4to. Paris , 1853 2477 Dumeril (A. M. C.) Ichthyologie Analytique, author's auto - graph inscription with signature 4 to. Paris , 1856 2478 Dumoulin (MM.) Expose de leur Systeme pour prevenir les Accidens sur les Chemins de Fer, plates 4 to, Paris , 1843 Privately printed. 2479 Dumont (A.) Memoire sur les Terrains Ardennais et Rhenan de l’Ardenne, du Rhin, de Brabant et du Condros velltjm paper 4 to. Bruxelles , 1848 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 2480 Dumont (A.) sur la Constitution geologique des Terrains Tertiaires de 1’ Angleterre, compares a ceux de la Belgique, Bruxelles , 1851 — Sur la Position geologique de l’Argile Rupelienne, &c. ib. 1851 8 vo. (2) 2481 Dumont (A.) Carte geologique de la Belgique efc des Contrees voisines, coloured maps vellum paper double atlas folio. Bruxelles , s. d. 2482 Dumont d'Urville (J.) Rapport sur le Projet de Voyage de M. Buckingham 8vo. Paris , 1830 2483 Dumont d’Urville (J.) Expedition au Pole Antarctique (Suite) large maps, Humboldt's autograph note on title 8vo. Paris , 1840 187 2484 Dumont d’Urville (J.) Expedition au Pole Antarctique, maps 8vo. Paris , 1840 2485 Dumont d’Urville (J.) Voyage au Pole Sud et dans l’Oc4anie, vol. VI and VII, Histoire du Voyage, 2 vol. roy. 8m Paris , 1844-45 2486 Dumont d’Urville (J.) Voyage au Pole Sud et dans l’Oceanie. Atlas d’Histoire Naturelle, 7 Livraisons. Atlas Pittoresque 2 Livraisons vellum paper, with proof plates , those of Zoology exquisitely coloured roy. folio. Paris (1844-45) 2487 Dumortier et Van Beneden (MM.) Histoire naturelle des Polypes composes d’Eau douce, II e Partie Descriptions, plates 4 to . Bruxelles , 1848 2488 Dunal (F.) Eloge historique de A. P. De Candolle, portrait , with author s autograph inscription 4to. Montpellier, 1842 2489 Duncker (M. W.) de Historia ejusque tractandse varia Ratione vellum paper 4to. Berolini , 1834 2490 Duncker (M.) Heinrich von Gagern, portrait vellum paper 8 vo. Leipzig , 1850 2491 Duncker (Prof. M.) Geschichte des Alterthums, 2 vol. half morocco 8 vo. Berlin , 1852-53 2492 Dunglison (Dr. R.) Public Discourse on P. S. Du Ponceau presentation copy roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844 2493 Dunglison (Prof. R.) Recollections of Europe in 1854 8m Philadelphia , 1854 2494 Dunker (Dr. W.) fiber den Norddeutschen sogenannten Wiil- derthon und dessen Versteinerungen, with author's auto- graph inscription 4 to. Kassel, 1844 2495 Dunker (Dr. W.) Monographic der Norddeutschen Wealden- bildung. Ein Beitrag zur Geognosie und Naturgeschichte der Vorwelt. Nebste einer Abh and lung fiber die in dieser Gebirgsbildung bis jetzt gefundenen Reptilien von H. von Meyer, 21 plates, red morocco, g. e. 4 to. Braunschweig, 1846 2496 Dunker (Dr. W.) Monographic. Another Copy, plates , with Humboldts autograph note on apiece of tissue paper vellum, g. e. 4 to. Braunschweig , 1846 2497 Dunlap (S. F.) Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man large paper, with the author's autograph inscription 8m New YorJc , 1858 2498 Dunlop (J.) on the Universal Tendency to Association in Mankind presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription fcap. 8 vo. London, 1840 2499 Dunlop (J.) Geschichte^ der Prosadichtungen ; aus dem Englischen von F. Liebrecht roy. 8m Berlin , 1851 2500 Dunoyer (C.) De la Libert^ du Travail, 3 vol. vellum paper, with author's autograph inscription 8m Paris , 1845 188 2501 Dupain-Triel, Carte de la France par une nouvelle Methode de Nivellements, coloured , very rare folio. Paris , 1799 With the following note in Humboldt’s autograph, “ Pin uberaus seltenes Blatt Al. Humboldt , Dec. 1855.” 2502 Duperrey (L. I.) Configuration de l’Equateur Magnetique, map , with Duperrey s autograph inscription oblong folio. Paris , s. d. 2503 Du Petit-Thouars (Abel) Voyage autour du Monde sur la Fregate “ La Venus,” Vol. VI — X (Physique par U. de Tessan) 5 vol. and “ Carte du Globe,” unfolded roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1842-44 2504 Dupin (Baron C.) Eloge du Due de Nivernois 8 vo. Paris, 1840 2505 Dupin (Baron C.) Eloge d’E. Pasquier 8 vo. Paris, 1843 2506 Dupin (Baron C.) Eloge du Marechal Moncey Due de Cone- gliano, with author's autograph 8vo. Paris, 1843 2507 Dupin (Baron C.) Constitution, Histoire et Avenir des Caisses d’Epargne de France presentation copy, ivith the author s autograph inscription \2mo. Paris, 1844 2508 Dupin (Baron C.) Constitution, Histoire et Avenir des Caisses d’Epargne presentation copy , with author s autograph 12mo. Paris, 1844 2509 Dupin (Baron C.) Travaux et Bienfaits de M. le Baron B. Delessert 1 6mo. Paris, 1847 2510 Dupin (Baron C.) Rapports sur le Canal Maritime de Suez, 2 parts 4fo. Paris , 1857-58 2511 Dupin (Baron C.) Force productive des Nations depuis 1800 jusqu’a 1851. Introduction aux Rapports de la Commission Fran^aise sur l’Exposition Universelle de Londres, 2 vol. with the eminent author's autograph inscription signed “ Baron Charles Dupin ” vellum paper 8vo. Paris , 1858 2512 Dupont-White (C.) L’Individu et l’Etat, authors autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1858 2513 Dupre (L.) Voyage a Athenes et a Constantinople, 8 finely coloured proofs of portraits in costume, and 2 vignettes, sent to Humboldt as specimens roy. folio. Paris, s. d. 2514 Dupuis (F.) Expose succinct du Polyskematisme 8vo. Paris, 1846 2515 Du Puy, Projet d’Hopital pour 800 Malades, plate roy. 4 to. Paris, s. d. 2516 A vp (A.) AppevLon DA. An Alcaic Ode to Superintendant Hermann Ohle in Greek, with inscription and Abstract of it in German in the handwriting of its author August Diihr, accompanied also by an autograph note of the Poet’s Sister, Brandenburg, 1856 — A. Boik^moi Ei^picr-nos crvvgSeTOu A. A vp. Ev BparSe/a/Jowpytu 4 to. (2) 189 2517 Duran (J. A.) Esquisse d’une Theorie sur la Lumiere, Bor- deaux , 1841 — Nouveau Systeme de Physique generate, Paris , 1843 8vo. (2) 2518 Duran (J. A.) Code des Creations universelles et de la Vie des Etres, plate 8vo . Bordeaux , 1841 An extraordinary work, now scarce. 2519 Duran (J. A.) Nouveau Systeme de Physique generale en Opposition avec les Principes re 9 us roy. 8vo. Paris (. Nice ), 1843 2520 Duran (J. A.) Nouveau Systeme de Physique generale en Opposition avec les Principes re 9 us, marked by Baron Humboldt 8vo. Paris , 1843 2521 Duran (J. A.) Revelation scientifique. Dieu a J. A. Duran presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription , and a long holograph letter (3 pages) 8 vo. Bordeaux , 1846 This curious work has been carefully read and marked by Baron Humboldt. 2522 Durand (Chev. E.) Description des Antiquites et Objets d’Art qui composent son Cabinet par J. de Witte, plates , auto- graph of “ Humboldt” 8vo. Paris, 1836 2523 Durand (F. A.) Trois nouveaux Memoires sur l’Action Nerveuse 8 vo. Paris , 1845 2524 Durand (F. A.) Nouvelle Theorie Physique vellum paper 8vo. Paris, 1854 2525 Dureau de la Malle (M.) sur l’Agriculture Romaine, with author s autograph inscription , and with Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Paris, 1827 2526 Dureau de la Malle, Recherches sur la Topographie de Carthage avec des notes par M. Dusgate, maps, autograph inscription of author, and Humboldt's MS. notices at end 8 vo. Paris, 1835 2527 Dureau de la Malle (M.) Economie politique des Romains, 2 vol. author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1840 2528 Dureau de la Malle (M.) Climatologie comparee de ITtalie et de l’Andaiousie anciennes et modernes, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1849 2529 Durocher (J.) Memoire sur la Limite des Neiges perpetuelles, sur les Glaciers du Spitzberg compares a ceux des Alpes, sur les Phenomenes Diluviens et les Theories ou on les suppose produits par des Glaciers, plate , author's autograph inscription, with Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Paris, 1843 2530 Durocher (M.) Essai sur la Classification du Terrain de Tran- sition des Pyrenees, plates 8 vo. Paris, 1844 2531 D’Urville, see Dumont D’Urville 2532 Dutrochet (H.) Notice analytique sur mes Travaux, printed for private circulation only 8 vo. (Paris, 1831) 190 2533 Dutrochet (M.) de la Deviation descendante et ascendante de l’Accroissement des Arbres en Diametre, plates , Paris , 1835 — Sur la Forme et la Structure primitives des Em- bryons Yeg4 taux, plates — Des Mouvements revolutifs spontan6s des Yeg^taux — Sur la Yolubilite des Tiges de certains Yegetaux, Paris , 1844 4 to. (4) 2534 Dutton (F.) South Australia and its Mines, map and plates presentation copy from the author, with inscription 8vo. London , 1846 2535 Duvau (A.) Analyse de quelques ouvrages nouveaux sur le Genre Chara, with author’s autograph inscription , having the word 11 Chara' 1 ' 1 written hy Humboldt 8 vo. Paris , 1827 2536 Duvau (A.) Essai statistique sur le Departement d’lndre-et- Loire, “ Hommage de V Auteur'" 8 vo. Paris , 1828 2537 Duvernoy (G. L.) Notice sur ses Travaux scientifiques Presentation copy , with the author’s autograph inscription 8vo. (Paris, 1838) Printed strictly for private circulation. 2538 Duvernoy (G. L.) Esquisse des derniers Progres de la Science de FHistoire Naturelle et de son Etat actuel, author’s autograph inscription roy. 8vo. Paris , 1839 With some curious sarcastic notes, castigating the Frenchman’s vanity, in the autograph of Baron Humboldt. 2539 Duvernoy (G. L.) Lec^ons sur l’Histoire naturelle des Corps organises. Deuxieme Fascicule, “ Hommage de V Auteur” read and marked by Baron Humboldt (see p. 52) 8vo. Paris , 1842 2540 Duvernoy (M.) sur la Propagation dans les Animaux, author's autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1847 2541 Duvernoy (M.) de l’Organisation des Echinodermes, plates 4 to. Paris , 1848 2542 [Duveyrier (Charles)] La Pairie dans ses Rapports avec la Situation politique, author's autograph inscription roy. 8vo. Paris , 1842 2543 Duveyrier (C.) Lettres politiques, 2 vol. with author’s auto- graph inscription , large paper roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1843 2544 Du Yillard de Durand (M.) Nouvelle Formule pour trouver la Hauteur des Lieux par celles du Barometre et du Thermometre Presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1826 191 EIGHTH DAY’S SALE, LOT 2545 Earl (G. W.) Contributions to the Physical Geography of South-Eastern Asia and Australia, map presentation copy , 11 with the Authors Compliments ” 8 vo. London , 1853 2546 Ebel (Dr. W.) Zwolf Tage auf Montenegro und botanische Bemerkungen, 2 vol. plates 8vo. Konigsberg, 1842-44 2547 Ebel (W.) Geographische Naturkunde, maps and plates vellum paper 8vo. Konigsberg , 1850 2548 Ebel (W.) Elenchus Plantarum Dalmaticarum, Humboldt's autograph note 8 vo. 2549 Ebelmen (J.) Recherches sur la Decomposition des Mineraux de la Famille des Silicates, author s autograph inscription , with signature 8vo. Paris , 1845 With the following note in Humboldt’s handwriting : “ Sehr wichtig fur alte Atmosph. Cosmos Th. 3 .” 2550 Ebelmen (M.) Notice sur ses Travaux scientifiques, printed for private distribution only 8 vo. Paris, { 1847) 2551 Ebelmen (M.) Nouvelle Methode pour obtenir des Combinaisons cristalisees, &c. 8vo. Paris , 1848 2552 Ebelmen (M.) sur la Decomposition des Roches. Deuxieme Memoire, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1848 2553 Eberhard (Dr. E. F.) Die Menschenrassen Ato. Koburg, 1842 2554 Echo Britannique, No. I roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835 2555 Eck, Gemeinniitziges Chronologisches Handbuch auf die Jahre 1 bis 2600 P. C. 8vo. Berlin, 1846 2556 Eckardt (L.) Sokrates, Trauerspiel vellum paper, privately printed square 1 8mo. Jena , 1858 2557 Eckardt (L. M.) Tron und Hlitte. Romantisches Drama in fiinf Aufziigen vellum paper, purple velvet, silk linings , g. e. 8vo. Wien, 1845 Printed for private distribution only. 2558 Eckhard (C.) Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologie. Erster Band, plates ( several coloured ) 4 to. Giessen , 1858 2559 Eckhardt (C. L. P.) Charte von Hessen und Nassau, 8 sheets Darmstadt, 1822 2560 Eckhardt (Ministerialrath) Geodatische Operationen, map, with autograph letter from the author Ato. Stuttgart, 1834 192 2561 Eckenbrecher (G. von) Die Insel Chios, map 8vo. Berlin , 1845 2562 Eckenbrecher (G. von) uber die Fasten der Griechischen und der Protestantischen Kirchen vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1846 2563 Eckstein (Baron von) sur l’Humanite primitive roy. 8vo. Paris , s. d. 2564 Eckstein (Baron von) Analyse du Kathaka-Oupanischat, author's autograph inscription roy. 8vo. Paris , s. d. 2565 Eclogse Physic® e Scriptoribus Grsecis excerpt® a J. G. Schneider, Jence , 1801 — Schneider (J. G.) Anmerkungen und Erliiuterungen fiber die Eclogas Phy sicas, ih. 1801 half calf gilt 2 vol. in 1, 8vo. 2566 Edinburgh Cabinet Library, 10 vol. maps and plates half calf extra fcap. 8vo. Edinburgh , 1832 Containing : Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions; Africa; Egypt; Palestine; Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish and Dampier ; British India, 3 vol.; Northern Coasts of America ; and Humboldt’s Travels. 2567 Edinburgh Royal Society’s Proceedings, Sessions 1850-58, 7 parts, and a few earlier Nos. 8vo. Edinb. 1851-58 2568 Edinburgh Royal Society’s Transactions (including Makerstoun Magnetical and Meteorological Observations), vol. XV Part 4 to XXI Part 4 (wanting XVI Part I, and XVII Part I) plates , with Humboldt's autograph notes Ato. Edinb. 1844-57 2570 Edrisi, Geographie traduite de l’Arabe et accompagnee de Notes par P. Amedee Jaubert, 2 vol. maps , with Humboldt's autograph notes, half calf extra Ato. Paris, 1836-40 2571 Education Council Committee, Minutes with Appendices, 2 vol. maps and plans 8vo, London, 1847 2572 Edward (D. B.) History of Texas, map 12 mo. Cincinnati , 1836 2573 Edwards (Dr. H. Milne) et P. Vavasseur, Manuel de Matiere medicale 12 mo. Paris, 1831 2574 Edwards (Dr. H. Milne) El^mens de Zoologie, numerous woodcuts vellum paper, presentation copy, with the author'' s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1834-37 2575 Edwards (H. Milne) Cours el^mentaire de Zoologie, numerous woodcuts , with autograph of “ Kunth,” the celebrated botanist 12 mo. Paris, 1842 2576 Edwards (H. Milne) sur la Degradation des Organes de la Cir- culation chez les Mollusques 4 to. Paris, 1846 2577 Edwards (H. Milne) Le 9 ons sur la Pbysiologie et l’Anatomie comparee de l’Homme et des Animaux, 3 vol. vellum paper, 2 vol. half green morocco extra, and vol. Ill with Humboldt's autograph note, and author's autograph inscription on cover, unbound 8 vo. Paris , 1857-58 193 2578 Edwards (W. F.) des Caracteres physiologiques des Races Humaines, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1829 2579 Edwards (W. F.) Recherches sur les Langues Celtiques 8vo. Paris , 1844 Edited and presented by the author’s brother. Dr. H. Milne Edwards, with the following inscription : “ a Monsieur de Humboldt hommage de la part de lafamille de V Auteur. H. Milne Edwards.” 2580 Eeenens (A.) Memoire sur la Fertilisation des Landes de la Campagne et des Dunes, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Bruxelles , 1 849 2581 Egger (A. E.) Examen critique des Historiens anciens de la Vie et du Regne d’ Auguste, autoqraph of u Al. Humboldt” 8 vo. Paris , 1844 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 2582 Egger (E.) Essai sur l’Histoire de la Critique chez les Grecs suivi de la Poetique d’ Aristote et d’Extraits de ses Problemes en Grec et Fra^ais avec Commentaire 8vo. Paris , 1849 2583 Egger (E.) Notions elementaires de Grammaire comparee 12 mo. Paris , 1852 2584 Egger (E.) Notions elementaires de Grammaire comparee fine paper, author's autograph inscription \Zmo. Paris, 1853 2585 Eggo (F.) Der Untergang der Naturstaaten dargestellt in Briefen uber Niebuhr’s Romische Geschichte 8vo. Berlin , 1812 2586 Egle (J.) Baulichkeiten im K. Wildpark bei Potsdam, proof plates , yellum paper folio. Wien , 1 844 2587 Egloffstein (F. W.) New Style of Topographical Drawing, (suggested by Baron A. von Humboldt), plate folio. Washington , 1857 2588 EGYPT. Lepsius (C. R.) Denkmaler aus ^Egypten end ^Ethiopien nach den Zeichnungen der von S. M. Friedrich Wilhelm IV gesendeten Expedition, 12 vol. numerous maps and tinted plates, (many of them beautifully coloured) elephant folio. Berlin , 1849-58 A COMPLETE and very choice picked copy of one of THE MOST IMPORTANT AS WELL AS ONE OF THE MOST MAGNIFICENT OF THE WORKS ON THE HIEROGLYPHICS AND OTHER MONUMENTAL REMAINS OF EGYPT AND Ethiopia. The cost price was 675 dollars, or £101. 5s. 2589 Ehescheidung (Divorce) Protokolle der Berathungen der Gesetz-Kommission fiber den Entwurf des Gesetzes liber Ehescheidung, yellijm paper 4 to. {Berlin, 1842) Privately printed for official use only. C C 2590 Ehescheidung (Divorce). Entwurf eines Gesetzes Uber Ehescbeidung, Berlin , 1842 — Motive, ib. 1842 — Drei separat Vota, ib. 1842 — Kabinetsordre, ib. 1843 Ato. (4) All privately printed. 2591 Ehescheidung. Darstellung der in den Preussischen Gesetzen iiber die Ehescheidung unternommenen Reform vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1844 2592 Ehrenberg (Dr. C. G.) Beitrag zur Characteristik der Nord- Afrikanischen Wlisten, Humboldt' s writing on cover Ato. Berlin , 1827 2593 Ehrenberg (C. G.) sur le Tigre et la Panthere du Nord 8vo. Paris , 1 830 2594 Ehrenberg (C. G.) iiber die Natur und Bildung der Corallen- inseln und Corallenbanke im Rothen Meere, with Hum- boldt's writing on cover 4 to. Berlin , 1834 2595 Ehrenberg (C. G.) iiber Acalephen und Echinodermen printed for private distribution 8 vo. Berlin, 1834 2596 Ehrenberg (C. G.) iiber Acalephen und Echinodermen, Berlin , 1834 — Weitere vorlaufige Nachrichten iiber fossile Infu- sorien, ib. s. a . — Uber mikroskopische neue Charaktere der erdigen und derben Mineralien, plate, ib. 1855 — Uber drei Lager von Gebirgsmassen aus infusorien als Meeres- Absatz in N. Amerika, ib. 1844 8vo. (4) 2597 Ehrenberg (C. G.) Neue Untersuchungen uber das kleinste Leben als geologisches Monument, Berlin, 1845 — Zweite Mittheilung iiber die Beziehungen des kleinsten organischen Lebens zu den Vulkanischen Massen der Erde, marked by Humboldt, ib. 1845 — Ueber den Mangel des Nervenmarks im Gehirne, &c. plate, MS. note by Humboldt, ib. 1833 — Vom Felsen im Mittellandischen Meere beim Erdbeben von Halep, ib. s. a. 8vo. (4) 2598 Ehrenberg (C. G.) Das Leuchten des Meeres, coloured plates, with the author s autograph inscription, and Humboldt's writing on cover Ato. Berlin, 1835 2599 Ehrenberg (C. G.) iiber Getos in Nakuhs, author's auto- graph inscription — Methode zum Festhalten der feinsten mikroskopischen Objecte, 1835 Ato. (2) 2600 Ehrenberg (0. G.) Die Infusionsthierchen als vollkommene Organismen, vol. I Text, v vol. II Atlas, containing 64 finely coloured plates vellum pafer, green morocco folio. Leipzig , 1838 2601 Ehrenberg (C. G.) Mikroskopische Analyse des Curland- ischen Meteorpapiers von 1686, und Erlauterung desselben als ein Produkt jetzt lebender Conferven und Infusorien, coloured plates, large paper folio. Berlin, 1839 195 2602 Ehrenberg (Dr. C. G.) Bildung der Europaischen, Libyschen und Arabischen Kreidefelsen und des Kreidemergels aus mikroskopischen Organismen, 4 plates and 3 tables large paper folio. Berlin , 1839 2603 Ehrenberg (C. G.) Neue beobachtete Infusorien-Arten, Berlin , 1 840 — Ueber einige Krystallisationsverhaltnisse, plate, ib. s. a. — De Antheris et Polline Asclepiadearum, ib. 1828 — Ueber das kleinste Leben im Weltmeer am Siidpol und in den Meeres-Tiefen, ib. 1844 8i?o. (4) 2604 Ehrenberg (C. G.) iiber noch zahlreich jetzt lebende Thierarten der Kreidebildung, 4 coloured plates largTb paper folio. Berlin, 1840 2605 Ehrenberg (C. G.) de Myrrhae et Opocalpasi in Itinere per Arabiam et Habessiniam detectis Plantis folio. Berolini, 1841 2606 Ehrenberg (C. G.) das unsichtbar wirkende organische Leben, j)late 8vo. Leipzig , 1842 2607 Ehrenberg (C. G.) Verbreitung und Einfluss des mikros- kopischen Lebens in Sud-und Nord-Amerika, 4 coloured plates , large paper, rare folio. Berlin , 1843 2608 Ehrenberg (C. G.) iiber Passat-Staub und Blut- Regen, coloured plates , large paper folio. Berlin, 1849 2609 Ehrenberg (C. G.) Einleitungs-Rede zur Nachfeier des Geburtstages des K. Friedrich Wilhelm 1Y vellum paper, privately printed 8vo. Berlin, 1850 2610 Ehrenberg (C. G.) iiber die Formbestandigkeit und den Entwicklungskreis der Organischen Formen, Humboldt's autograph notes , Berlin , 1852 — Ueber die Manna-Tama- riske, ib.s.a. — Mikroskopisclie Lebensformen von Britisch- Guiana 8vo. (3) 2611 Ehrenberg (C. G.) Mikrogeologie, mit Fortsetzung, 3 vol. plates (most of them coloured) vellum paper, half green morocco roy. folio. Leipzig, 1854-56 2612 Ehrenberg (C. G.) Rede zur Feier des Leibnitzischen Jahres- tages, autograph note of Humboldt, Berlin , 1845 — Antritts- rede als Rector, ib. 1856 4 to. (2) 2613 Ehrenberg (C. G.) Gedachtnissrede, 3 Aug. 1856 vellum paper 4 to. Berlin, 1856 2614 Ehrenberg (C. G.) Gedachtnissrede 4 to. Berlin, 1856 2615 Ehrenberg (C. G.) iiber den Griinsand- und seine Erlauterung des organischen Lebens, coloured plates, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin, 1856 2616 Ehrenberg (C. G.) iiber den Cynocephalus und den Sphinx der iEgyptier und iiber das Wechselverhaltniss des Affen und Menschen, plates , with Humboldt's writing on cover presentation copy, having an autograph inscription of the author ito. Berlin , s. a. 2617 Ehrlich (C.) iiber die nordostlichen Alpen 8vo. Linz , 1850 2618 Ehrlich (C.) Geognostische Wanderungen im Gebiete der nordostliehen Alpen, plates Svo. Linz, 1852 2619 Eichler (Margarethe Caroline) Beschreibung und Abbildung eines neuerfundenen kiinstlichen Fusses, plates 8vo. Berlin, 1834 2620 EichhofF (F. G.) Parallele des Langues de l’Europe et de l’lnde, avec Supplement, 2 vol. with author s autograph inscription large paper 4 to. Paris , 1836 2621 EichhofF (F. G.) sur l’Origine des Slaves author's autograph inscription Svo. Lyon, 1845 2622 EichhofF (M.) du Genie litteraire de l’Europe author's autograph inscription roy. Svo. s. 1. Sf d. 2623 Eichhorn (J. G.) Allgemeine Geschichte der Cultur und Litteratur des neueren Europa, 2 vol. Svo. Gottingen , 1796-99 2624 Eickhorn (F.) Charlotte Corday, Trauerspiel, author's auto- graph inscription half red morocco, g. e. square 1 6mo. Diisseldorf 1856 2625 Eichthal (G. d’ et Ismayl Urbain) Lettres sur la Race Noire et la Race Blanche, with G. von Eichthal's autograph inscription, large paper roy. Svo. Paris, 1839 2626 Eichthal (G. von) Histoire et Origine des Foulahs ou Fellans, map, with author's autograph inscription to Humboldt half green morocco Svo. Paris, 1841 This important work contains “ Vocabulaires comparatifs des Langues de PArchipel et des Dialectes Polynesiens.” 2627 Eichthal (G.d’) sur lTIistoire primitive des Races Oceanienne3 et Americaines, author's autograph inscription, Paris, 1843 — Sur l’Histoire et l’Origine des Foulahs ou Fellans, ib. 1840 Svo. (2) 2628 Eichwald (E.) Naturhistorische Skizze von Lithauen, Volhy- nien und Podolien, plates THE DEDICATION COPY ON LARGE PAPER (probably UNIQUE), green morocco, super extra, g. e. 4 to. Wilna, 1830 The dedication to Humboldt commencing “ Verehrungswur- diger Mann,” is a warm tribute of the esteem he so univer- sally inspired. 2629 Eichwald (Dr. E.) Periplus des Caspischen Meeres und Reise in den Kaukasus, 2 vol. maps and plates half morocco Svo. Stuttgart , 1834-37 2630 Eichwald (E.) sur les Richesses minerales de quelques Pro- vinces Occidentales de la Russie Ato. Vilna, 1835 2631 Eichwald (Dr. E.) Alte Geographic des Kaspischen Meeres, des Kaukasus und des siidlichen Russlands, maps and plates, with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes fine paper Svo. Berlin, 1838 2632 Eichwald (E.) Die Urwelt Russlands. Erstes Heft, plates 4 to. St. Petersburg, 1840 197 2633 Eichwald (E.) Die Urwelt Russlands durch Abbildungen erlautert. Erstes und Drittes Heft, plates author's autograph inscription Ato. St. Petersburg , 1840-45 With autograph note of A. Hirschwald respecting the impossibility of sending Part 2. 2634 Eichwald (Dr. E. von) Zweiter Nachtrag zur Infusorienkunde Russlands 8 vo. Moscau, 1849 2635 Eichwald (Dr. E. von) Naturhistorische Bemerkungen, als Beitrag zur vergleichenden Geognosie, auf einer Reise durch die Eifel, Tyrol, Italien, Sicilien und Algier, plates royal 4 to. Moskau , 1851 2636 Eichwald (E. von) zur Naturgeschiclite des Kaspischen Meeres, plate , author's autograph inscription and his private portrait inserted Ato. MosJcwa , 1855 2637 Eichwald (E. von) Beitrag zur geographischen Yerbreitung der fossilen Thiere Russlands author's autograph inscription 8vo. Moskau , 1857 2638 Eichwald (E. von) Zur Naturgeschichte des Kaspischen Meeres, coloured plate of shells 4 to. Moskwa , 1855 2639 Eichwald (E. J.) Paleontologia Rossica (Palaeontology of Russia, in Russian), with atlas of 1 A plates in A to. royal 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1850 2640 Eichwald (E. J.) on the Mines of Tchud (in Russian), plates 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1856 2641 Einhards (Eginharti) Vita Caroli Magni, mit Einleitung, Com- mentar und Urkunden-Sammlung herausgegeben von J. L. Ideler, 2 vol. 8i>o. Hamburg , 1839 The best life of Charlemagne. The original Documents (in Latin) are most important for the history of his time. 2642 Eisenbahnen. Darlegung der technischen und Verkehrs-Ver- haltnisse der Eisenbahnen, Berlin , 1841 — Ueber die mili- tairische Benutzung der Eisenbahnen, ib. 1836 — Betriebs- Reglement fur die Niederschlesisch-Markische Eisenbahn, map 8vo. (3) 2643 Eisenbahnen im Central Europa. Map of the completed Railroads, mounted on canvas in case Berlin , 1844 2644 Eisenbahnen, uber die militairische Benutzung der Ato. Berlin , 1845 2645 Eisenlohr (W.) Lehrbuch der Physik, 2 vol. with 636 woodcuts vellum paper, presentation copy with author's autograph inscription , red cloth , g. e. 8vo. Stuttgart , 1857 2646 Eisenschutzzollfrage (Die) erortert und beantwortet im Interesse der Schlesisch-Lausitschen Eisenhiitten, privately printed (“ Als Manuscript gedruckt") 8vo. Berlin, 1842 2647 Eisenstein (Dr. G.) Mathematische Abhandlungen mit einer Yorrede von Prof. Dr. Gauss, plate Ato. Berlin , 1847 With Humboldt’s autograph signature and note on cover. 198 2648 Eisenstein (Dr. G.) Untersuch ungen iiber Lemniscatentheilung autograph of" Al. Humboldt” on cover and on titlepage 4 to. Berlin , 1850 Baron H umboldt has written on the cover “ Dr. Eisenstein’ s lezte Arbeit Februar, 1850/’ 2649 Eisenstein (G.) Lois de Reciprocity, •dfo. Berlin , 1844 — Reci- procitatsgesetze mit Beweis, 4 to. 8 vo. ib. 1850 (8) 2650 Elbe. Map of the Elbe from Hamburg to Twielenfleth , finely engraved 2651 Eldena Academie Jahrbiicher, herausgegeben von E. Baum- stark, G. C. Haubner, J. C. Schauer und F. Schulze, 5 Parts, plates 8vo. Greifswald, 1848-50 Containing very valuable Papers on Agriculture, &c. 2652 Electricite. Matteucci (C.) Essai sur les Phenomenes elec- triques des Animaux 8 vo. Paris , 1840 2653 Elephanten-Orden und seine Ritter eine historische Abhand- lung von J. H. F. Berlien, plates of the costume, fyc. 8vo. Kopenhagen , 1 846 2654 Elhuyar (Don Fausto de, Director de Mineria de Mejico) Memoria sobre la Formacion de una Ley organica para Gobierno de la Mineria en Espaiia, autograph signature of “ Al. Humboldt, 1827,” and various passages marked by him 4to. Madrid , 1825 2655 Elie de Beaumont, see Beaumont 2656 Ellesmere (Earl of) Address to the Royal Geographical Society presentation copy , with the Earl's autograph inscription 8 vo. London, 1854 2657 Ellet (C.) on the Physical Geography of the Mississippi Valley, map 4 to. Washington , 1849 2658 Ellet (C.) The Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, plates large paper, presentation copy with an inscription in the author's handwriting and the autograph signature of "Al, Humboldt ” royal 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853 A most valuable work, containing plans for the Protection of the Delta from Inundation. 2659 Ellet (C.) Coast and Harbour Defences (Steam Battering Rams), with author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1855 2660 Ellner (B.) Witterungs-Beobachtungen zu Bamberg 1856 und 1857 8 vo. Bamberg, 1856-57 2661 Eloges des Academiciens morts depuis 1666 jusqu’en 1790 suivis de ceux de L’Hopital et de Pascal, par Condorcet, 5 vol. half calf gilt 12 mo. Paris , 1799 2662 Elvenich (Dr. P. J.) Vertheidigungsschrift. Zweite Lieferung (concerning Hermesians), fine paper 8m Breslau , 1839 2663 Emerson (G. B.) Report on the Trees and Shrubs of Massa- chusetts, author s autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Boston, 1846 199 2664 Emory (W. H.) Large Map of the Military Reconnoissance of the Arkansas, Rio del Norte and Rio Gila Washington , 1847 2665 Emory (W. H.) Notes of a military Reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri to San Diego in California, with Reports of J. W. Abert, P. St. George Cooke and A. R. Johnston on New Mexico, plates , scarce 8vo. Washington , 1848 With MS. notes, in pencil, in the autograph of Baron Humboldt. 2666 Emory (Col. W. H.) Notes of a military Reconnoissance from Fort Leavensworth in Missouri to San Diego in California, maps and plates, half morocco 8vo. Washington, 1848 2667 Emory (W. LI.) Observations Astronomical, Magnetic and Meteorological, made at Chagres, Gorgona and Panama, Cambridge, U. S. 1850 — Magnetic Observations made under his Orders by A. D. Bache, 1855 — Magnetic Ob- servations on the Boundary Line of United States and Mexico recomputed by J. E. Hilgard, map, 1856 4fo. (3) 2668 Emory (W. H.) Observations Astronomical, Magnetic and Meteorological, made at Chagres and Gorgona, Isthmus of Darien, and at the City of Panama, with author s autograph inscription Ato. Cambridge, U. S. 1850 2669 Emory (W. H.) Mexican Boundary Report, Vol. I, numerous plates , those of costume coloured, half morocco , with 2 large maps, not folded 4 to. Washington, 1857 Containing also the Reports of Lieut. Michler and Dr. Parry, as well as Geological Reports by Dr. C. C. Parry and A. Schott, Notes by W. H. Emory, Palaeontology and Geology of the Boundary by J. Hall, and Description of cretaceous and tertiary Fossils - by T. A. Conrad. Baron Humboldt has added a severe critique on the Work, cut from the New York Llerald, with his auto- graph Memorandum respecting Mr. Bartlett. 2670 Empis (M.) Discours prononce dans la Seance tenue par 1’Aca- demie Frai^aise pour sa Reception, avec la Reponse de M. Yiennet (Eloge de M. de Jouy) 4 to. Paris, 1847 2671 Encke (J. F.) Die Entfernung der Sonne von der Erde und der Venusdurchgang als Fortsetzung, 2 vol. fine paper, rare 8vo. Gotha, 1822-24 2672 Encke (J. F.) Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der K. Stern - warte zu Berlin, 4 vol. plates, imp. 4 to. Berlin, 1840-57 Presentation copy, apparently on a finer paper than the usual impression. 2673 Encke (J. F.) Betrachtungen fiber die Anordnung des Stern- systems 8vo. Berlin , 1844 2674 Encke (J. F.) fiber das Verhaltniss der Astronomie zu den andern Wissenschaften, with author's autograph inscription , Berlin, 1846 — Encke fiber die Langenbestimmung von Berlin und Konigsberg mittelst des Telegraphen, ib. 1857, 8vo. (2) 200 2675 Encke (J. F.) uber die Anordnung des Sternsystems, Hum- boldt's autograph notes 8vo. Berlin , 1844 2676 Encke (J. F.) iiber eine neue Methode der Berechnung der Planetenstorungen 8vo. Berlin , 1851 2677 Encke (J. F.) 4 to. Berlin, 1854 2678 Encke (J. F.) iiber die Existenz eines widerstehenden Mittels im Weltraume, vellum paper, Humboldt's autograph notes and marks in pencil 8vo. Berlin , 1858 2679 Encke (J. F.) Gedachtnissrede auf Bessel, with Humboldt's autograph notes 4 to. 2680 Encylopedie nouvelle publiee sous la Direction de P. Le Roux et J. Reynaud, Tome VIII (Sap-Zor), fine paper, with J. Reynaud's autograph inscription small folio. Paris , 1841 2681 Encyclopedic du XIX e Siecle, Tome XXIV, Part 2 (Tro-Vis), cuts, vellum paper roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1841 2682 Ende (W. P. van den) Eeenigie Opmerkingen betreffende de Rangscliikking von de Klasse der Visschen; De hooge Noodzakelijkheid van de Beoefening der Natuurlijke Ge- schiedenis naar vaste Beginsels; en Nog een Woord over de Rangschikking van de Klasse der Visschen, 3 Tracts 8 vo. Arnhem, 1850-51 2683 Endlicher (S.) Catalogus Codicum Philologicorum Latinorum Bibliothecas Palatinas Vindobonensis, /acsiW/es 4 to. Vindobonce , 1836 Containing many valuable Extracts as Specimens. 2684 Endlicher (S.) Verzeichniss der Chinesischen und Japanischen Miinzen des K. K. Miinz-und Antiken-Cabinetes in Wien. Nebst einer Uebersicht der Chinesischen und Japanischen Biicher der K. K. Hofbibliothek Ato. Wien, 1837 2685 Endlicher (S.) und F. Unger, Grundziige der Botanik, nume- rous cuts, half calf extra 8 vo. Wien, 1843 2686 Endlicher (S.) Atlas von China. Erste Lieferung, engraved frontispiece and 4 maps of the province of Kiang-Sou, impe- rial atlas folio, Wien , 1843 — Index zur Karte von Kiang- Sou, 4 to. ib. 1843 With Humboldt’s autograph note, in which he states it to be “ wichtig ” (important). 2687 Endlicher (S.) Synopsis Coniferarum, autograph note of Baron Humboldt, half morocco 8vo. Sangalli, 1847 2688 Endrulat (B.) und H. Tessien, Verzeichniss der bisher um Hamburg gefundenen Kafer, autograph of B. Endrulat 8vo. Hamburg , 1854 2689 Enfantin (M.) Colonisation de l’Algerie, map large paper, half morocco imperial 8vo. Paris , 1843 Presentation copy from H. M. the King of Prussia. 2690 Enfantin (M.) Colonisation de FAlgerie, large paper, author's autograph inscription imperial 8 vo. Paris , J 843 201 2691 Enfantin (P.) et H, Saint-Simon, Science de l’Homme, Physi- ologie Religieuse imperial 8vo. Paris , 1858 Presentation copy, inscribed “ A Monsieur de Humboldt de la part de V Auteur.” 2692 Engel (F.) Axonometrical Projections of the most important Geometrical Surfaces, with Explanations in English, French and German, plates oblong Ho. Berlin, 1854 2693 Engelhardt (C. M.) Naturschilderungen, Sittenziige und wis- senschaftliche Bemerkungen aus den hochsten Schweizer- Alpen besonders in Slid- Wallis und Graubiinden, plates fine paper 8vo. Strassburg , 1840 2694 Engelhardt (C. M.) La Chaine du Mont Rose au Mont Cervin atlas containing map and views atlas folio. Paris , 1852 2695 Engelhardt (F. B.) General Karte vom Preussischen Staate, 2 sheets Berlin , 1829 2696 Engelhardt (G.) Russische Miscellen, 4 vol. plates, scarce 8vo. 8t. Petersburg , 1828-32 2697 Engelhardt (M. von) Die Lagerstatte des Goldes und Platin im Ural-Gebirge thick paper, marked throughout by Baron Humboldt , including several marks of admiration ! ! 8vo. Riga , 1828 2698 Engelhardt (M. von) Die Lagerstatte der Diamanten im Ural- Gebirge, mit Bemerkungen von Dr. F. Gobel 4 to. Riga , 1830 2699 Engelmann (Dr. C.) Kreuznach, seine Heilquellen und deren Anwendung, map and india proof plates thick paper 8vo. Heidelberg , 1839 2700 Engelmann (G.) de Antholysi Prodromus, plates 8 vo. Francofurti , 1832 2701 Engelmann (Dr. G.) Cactacese of the United States and Mexican Boundary 4 to 2702 Engelmann (W.) Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, Yol. I con- tinens Historiam Naturalem in universum, Anatomiam et Physiologiam comparatam, Zoologiam et Paleontologiam 8t?o. Lipsice, 1846 2702*England. Amtliche Berichte erstattet von O. von Gerlach (uber Kirch-und Pfarrsysteme), H. F. Uhden (liber die neuen Kirch-und Pfarrsysteme), A. Sydow (fiber Church- Extension) und A. Stiller (fiber die Einrichtung und Construction neuer Kirchen in England), scarce , blue morocco, g. e. 8 vo. Potsdam, 1845 2703 English Review, No. I 8 vo. London, 1844 2704 Enslen (C.) Erlauterungen der pittoresken Darstellung einer Reise durch Scandinavia und zuriick 8vo. Berlin, 1858 2705 Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliotheca Auctorum Classicorum Gr. et Lat. half calf 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1831 2706 Entomologische Zeitung herausgegeben von dem Entomolog- ischen Vereine zu Stettin, No. 1, scarce 8 vo. Stettin, 1844 D D 202 2707 Entomology. Synopsis Hymenopterologiae Scandinavicae Skandinaviska Steklarnes Natur-Historia af G. Dahlbom med Figurer af J. Ahlgren Forsta Haftet de Crabronibus Scandinavicis, coloured plates 4 to. Lund, 1839-40 2708 Entomology. Debey (Dr. M.) Der Trichterwickler, Rhyn- chites Betulse Gyll .plates 4 to. Bonn , 1846 2709 Entwickelung der Pflanzen in Mecklenburg im Jalire 1854 privately printed 4 to. Schwerin , 1855 2710 Entwurf eines allgemeinen Gewerbe-Polizei-Gesetzes nebst Motiven, privately printed 4 to, Berlin, 1837 2711 Eotvos (J. von) Einfluss der herschenden Ideen des 19 Jahr- hunderts auf den Staat, vellum paper 8vo. Wien, 1851 2712 Erbena (K. J.) Tomase ze Stitneho Knizky Sestery o Obec- nych Yecech Krestanskych, facsimile fine paper 8 vo. V Praze, 1852 2713 Erdl (Dr. M.) de Piscium Glandula choroideali, plate, Mona- chii, 1839 — De Oculo, plate, ib. 1839 4 to. (2) 2714 Erdl (M.) de Helicis Algirae Vasis sanguiferis 8vo. Monachii, 1840 2715 Erdmann (Dr. J. E.) Die Entwickelung der Deutschen Specu- lation seit Kant, 2 vol. with numerous MS , additions, written in pencil on the margins by the author 8 vo. Leipzig, 1848-53 2716 Erdmann (Dr. J. E.) Leib und Seele thick paper 8 vo. Halle, 1849 2717 Erdmann (Dr. J. E.) fiber Lachen und Weinen; und iiber die Stellung Deutscber Philosophen zum Leben 8 vo. Berlin , 1850 2718 Erdmann (Dr. J. E.) Psychologische Briefe vellum paper 8 vo. Leipzig , 1852 2719 Erdmann (Dr. J. E.) Plan von Kasan mit Umgebungen, roy. folio. Berlin, s. a. — Plan de l’Observatoire de Casan par C. Beggrow, Humboldt' s writing on cover (2) 2719*Erdmann (Dr. J. F.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Innern von Russland, 3 vol. in 1, 8vo. and 4 to. atlas of plates, Hum - boldt's writing on cover Riga, Dorpat, und Leipzig , 1 822-26 Containing bis Mediziniscbe Topographie von Cassan und Reisen. 2720 Erfurt Academie Bericht (von Dr. Wittcke) fine paper 8 vo. Erfurt, 1845 2721 Erfurt K. Academie Bericht fine paper, privately printed 8 vo. Erfurt, 1846 Containing a valuable paper on the Potato-Disease. 2722 Erfurt Akademis Bericht, fine paper 8vo. Erfurt, 1847 2723 Erfurt. Denkschrift der K. Akademie gemeimitzigen Wis- senschaften in Erfurt vellum paper, morocco extra, g. e. 8vo. Erfurt, 1854 Containing amongst other things “ Bergrath Credner’s Versuch einer Bildungsgeschichte der geognostischen Verhdltnisse Thur ingens," and “ S. CasseVs Schamir, ein archaologischer Beitrag zur Natur-und Sagen-Kunde.” 203 2724 E 7 riy/oa<£cu, clvckSotol avaKaXv^OeKrca Kai tKSoOeLcrai vtto rov ApxcuXoyLKOv ^vXXoyov. QvXXaScov it pwrov plates of inscriptions Ato. AOrjvrjcnv , 1851 2725 Erk (L.) Choralbuch fiir Schule und Haus, with the Music 8 vo. Berlin , 1836 2726 Erlach (C. L. von) Versnche iiber die Perspiration einiger mit Lungen athraenden Wirbelthiere, plates, MS. References by Humboldt on cover 4 to. Bern , 1846 2727 Erman (A.) Positions geograph iques de l’Oby, Humboldt’s autograph notes 8 vo. Berlin, 1831 2728 Erman (A.) Reise urn die Erde. Erste Abtheilung: Histo- rischer Bericht, 3 vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1833-38-48 — Zweite Abtheilung: Physikalische Beobachtungen, 2 vol. 8vo. ib . 1835-41 — Atlas of Plates, oblong folio, ib. 1833-48 — Verzeichniss von Thieren und Pflanzen welche auf seiner Reise gesammelt wurden, with plates, folio, ib. 1835-— Karte von Kamtschatka, atlas folio, unfolded, ib. 1838 2729 Erman (A.) Fragmens sur Herodote et la Siberie, Humboldt's writing on title 4 to. Berlin , 1834 2730 Erman (A.) Arckiv fiir wissenschaftliche Kunde von Russland, Part 4 for 1841, and Part 1 for 1842 8 vo. Berlin, 1841-42 2731 Erman (A.) Geognostische Skizze von Nord-Asien, sheet map 1842 2732 Erman (A.) Report on the Calculation of the Gaussian Con- stants for 1829 8vo. London, 1847 2733 Erman (A.) Meteorologische Beobachtungen bei einer Seereise um die Erde, passage marleed by Humboldt — Ueber die geognostischen Yerhaltnisse von Nord-Asien in Beziehung auf das Gold-Yorkommen in diesem Erdtheile, no map — Ebbe und Fluth an den Ochozker und Kamtchatischen Kiisten des Grossen Oceans — Grosse des Luftdrucks iiber den Meeren, &c. Humboldt's writing on cover — Klimatologie des Russischen Reiches 8 vo. (5) 2734 Erman (A.) de Inclinations Virium Magneticarum Mensura 4:to. Berolini, s. a. 2735 Erman (G. A.) Rationis quae inter Yolumina Corporis ejus- dem, solidi, liquescentis, liquidi, intercedit Specimen, plate THICK PAPER 4 to. Berolini, 1826 With the following inscription : “tres humble hommage de la seconde generation fr 2736 Erman (G. A.) Rationis quae inter Yolumina Corporis ejusdem solidi, liquescentis, liquidi intercedit, Specimen, plate Ato. Berolini, 1826 2737 Erman (G. A.) Yersuch einer systematischen Uebersicht geog- nostischer Wahrnehmungen im N. Asien, with the author's autograph additions 8 vo. 204 2738 Erman (P.) iiber ein anoraal scheinenden Erfolg beim Frei- werden der latenten Warme, Humboldt'' s autograph note 4to. 1827 2739 Ernst (B. G.) Neues Planetenbuch Author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Breslau , 1847 2740 Erslev (E.) Danske Stats Geographie, coloured map and cuts Presentation copy , with the author’s autograph inscription vellum paper 8 vo. Kjobenhavn , 1852 2741 Erslev’s (E.) Geographische Beschreibung des Danischen Staates iibersetzt und vermehrt von C. Johansen, plates 8 vo. Schleswig , 1853 2742 Escayrac de Lauture (Comte d’) Le Desert et le Soudan, plates large paper royal 8vo. Paris , 1853 2743 Escayrac de Lauture (Comte d 5 ) Memoire sur le Ragle ou Hallucination du Desert large large royal 8vo. Paris, 1855 2744 Escayrac de Lauture (Comte d’) Memoire sur le Soudan, map, 8vo. Paris, 1855 — Cuny (Ch.) sur le Memoire sur le Soudan du Comte d’ Escayrac de Lauture, 8vo. Paris , 1858 (2) 2745 Escher (Dr. H.) J. G. Ebel nach seinem Leben und Wirken geschildert, Humboldt’s writing on cover 8vo. Trogen, 1835 2746 Escher von der Linth (A.) Gebirgskunde 12mo. s. 1. fy a. 2747 Escher von der Linth (A.) iiber Anthrazitpflanzen mit L. von Buch’s Brief an Prof. Heer 4 to. 1850 2748 Eschmann (J.) Ergebnisse der Trigonometrischen Vermessun- gOn in der Schweiz, autograph of “ Al. Humboldt” and his note “ Geschenk der Eidgenossischen Kriegs Kanzlei , Nov. 1840.” royal 4to. Zurich , 1840 2749 Eschricht (D. F.) de Organis quse Respirationi et Nutrition! Foetus Mammalium inserviunt 4 to. Hafnice , 1837 2750 Eschricht (D. F.) liber die Clione Borealis plates, presentation copy with author s autograph inscription 4 to. Kopenhagen, 1838 The name of Author and the subject of his Treatise Humboldt has written in his own handwriting on cover. 2751 Eschwege (G. Barao d’) Noticias a Respeito da Provincia de Minas Geraes folio. ( Lisboa ) 1821 2752 Eschwege (W. von) Geognostisches Gemalde von Brasilien und wahrscheinliches Muttergestein der Diamanten, plate autograph inscription of the author and Humboldt's MS. notes 8 vo. Weimar, 1822 2753 Eschwege (W. L. von) Beitrage zur Gebirgskunde Brasiliens, maps, the dedication copy on sized paper 8vo. Berlin, 1832 2754 Espinosa y Tello (D. Josef) Memorias sobre las Observaciones Astronomicas hechas por los Navegantes Espaholes en distintos Lugares del Globo, 2 vol. large paper, plates, half calf extra 4 to. Madrid, 1809 Most valuable for the Astronomical Observations taken on the American Coasts and in the Philipine Islands.” 205 2755 Espy (J. P.) First, Second, Third and Fourth Reports on Meteorology with Directions to Mariners, numerous charts Humboldt's autograph notes , 2 vol. oblong folio Sf 1 vol. Washington , 1843-50-51-57 2756 Essai sur les Phenomenes electriques des Animaux par C. Matteucci 8vo. Paris , 1840 2757 Esselbach (E.) Eine Wellemessung in Spectrum jenseit des Violett, plate, Berlin , 1856 — iiber die Messung der Wel- lenlange des ultravioletten Lichts, ib. 1856 8 vo. (2) 2758 Essellen (M. F.) liber den Ort der Niederlage der Romer unter Varus, vellum paper 8 vo. Hamm , 1853 2759 Erslew (T. H.) Udsigf over Finn Magnusen’s Levnet og Skrifter 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1844 2760 Estado del Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejercito 1848 y 1850, 2 vol. portrait of Queen Isabel II. 4 to. Madrid , 1848-50 2761 Estatuto de la Asociation de Amigos de la Historia Natural del Plata, presentation copy 8 vo. Buenos Aires , 1855 2762 Estorff (G. O. C. von) Heidnische Alterthiimer der Gegend von Uelzen im ehemaligen Bardengaue (K. Hannover), map and plates of antiquities vellum paper oblong folio. Hannover, 1846 2763 Ettingshausen (A. Ritter von) Die Principien der heutigen Physik, large vellum paper imp. 8 vo. Wien , 1857 2764 Ettingshausen (Dr. C.) Fossile Flora von Wien, 5 plates Ato. Wien, 1851 2765 Ettingshausen (Dr. C.) und A. Pokorny, Die wissenschaftliche Anwendung des Naturselbstdruckes zur graphischen Dar- stellung der Pilanzen, with 30 physiotipical plates of plants vellum paper, printed for presents only roy.Ho. Wien, 1856 2766 Ettingshausen (Dr. C. von) Bericht iiber das Werk Physiotypa Plantarum Austriacarum, cuts and plates, printed by nature, 8vo. Wien, 1856 2767 Etude sur l’Etat social actuel en Europe, par M.F. C.M. . . . Privately printed royal 8 vo. St. Peter sbourg, 1849 With author’s autograph inscription : “ Alexandro de Humboldt Viro pia mente venerando Venerationis in Tesseram Auctor.” 2768 Etzel (Dr. F. A. von) Terrainlehre, plates, blue morocco, joints, silk linings, g. e. small 8 vo. Berlin, 1850 2769 Eulenberg (Dr. H.) und F. Marfels, zur pathologischen Ana- tomie des Cretinismus, plates 8 vo. Wetzlar , 1857 2770 Eulenburg (Dr. M.) Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Schwedischen Heilgymnastik 8vo. Berlin, 1854 2771 Euler (L.) de Matheseos sublimioris Utilitate ex Autographo edidit G. Friedlaenderus Ho. Berolini, 1847 2772 Euler (L.) de Matheseos sublimioris Utilitate ex Autographo edidit G. Friedlsenderus 4 to. Berolini, 1847 206 2773 Euler (L.) Mechanik rnit Ammerkungen und Erlauterungen herausgegeben von Dr. J. Ph. Wolfers, 3 vol. plates vellum paper, half morocco 8vo. Greifswald , 1848-53 2774 Euleri (L.) Commentationes Arithmeticae collects Auspiciis Academise Imperialis Scientiarum Petropolitanae ediderunt Auctoris Pronepotes Dr. P. H. Fuss et N. Fuss. Insunt plura inedita Tractatus de Numerorum Doctrina Capita XVI aliaque, 2 vol. half morocco , very scarce vellum paper royal ito. Petropoli , 1849 A most important Collection respecting the Theory of Numbers, containing the whole of the writings of Euler on the subject, and including much unpublished matter. 2775 Euripides von J. J. C. Donner (iibersetzt) 2 vol. vellum paper, green morocco , gilt edges , ( not uniform ) 8 vo. Heidelberg , 1841-45 2776 Euripidis Rhesus cum Scholiis antiquis, Greece. Recensuit et annotavit F. Vaterus, half morocco 8vo. Berolini , 1837 2777 Euripidis Hippolitos Chore und Melodramen metrisch iiber- tragen von F. Fritze 8vo. Berlin , 1851 2778 Europa-Telegraphen-Karte von R. Decker india proof Berlin , 1858 With Humboldt’s autograph note stating it to be printed with moveable letters “ mit beweglichen Letiern .” 2779 Europa von Vogel und Delitsch, a splendid large geognostic map on oilcloth in colours , mounted on rollers Leipzig , s. a. 2780 European and North American Railway Charter and Acts, with Plan for shortening the Time of Passage between New York and London, by J. A. Poor, map royal 8vo. Portland , U. S. 1850 Presentation copy from J. A. Poor, with his autograph inscription. 2781 Eustis (H. L.) Plan of the Ravages of the Tornado, 22nd August, 1851, between Wellington Hill and Mystic River INDIA PROOF Washington , 1851 2782 Evangelia Apocrypha Gr. et Lat. edidit C. Tischendorf 8vo. Lipsice , 1853 2783 Evans (Dr. W. W.) on the Antiseptic Treatment foolscap 8vo. London , 1858 2784 Evansville, Indiana. Bericht der Handelskammer 1 Januar 1858, privately printed 8vo. Berlin , 1859 2785 Everest (Rev. R.) Sequel (Statistical details respecting Lubeck, &c l) privately printed 8vo. London, 1853 2786 Everett (E.) Orations and Speeches, 2 vol. portrait Presentation copy , with the eminent Orator s autograph inscription 8vo. Boston , U. S. 1850 2787 Everett (E.) Inauguration of the Dudley Observatory royal 8 vo. Albany , 1856 Presentation copy, with the following inscription : “For the Baron Alexander von Humboldt , with the profound respects of Edward Everett. Boston , 5th March , 185 7-” 207 2788 Everett (E.) Uses of Astronomy Presentation copy from the learned author , with his autograph, inscription royal 8 vo. Boston U. S. 1856 2789 Everett (E.) Address before the N. Y. State Agricultural Society, at Buffalo, presentation copy from Jas. A. Wright , with his autograph inscription 8vo. Albany , 1857 2790 Ewald (H.) Geschichte des Volkes Israel bis Christus, 3 vol. in 5, with Baron Humboldt’s autograph notes , half morocco fine paper 8vo. Gottingen , 1843-52 2791 Ewald (J. G.) de Crystallis duorum Axium opticorum fine paper 4fo. Berolini, 1837 2792 Ewald (L.) Physische Beschreibung der Erdoberflache autograph notes of Baron Humboldt folio 2793 Ewald (L.) Hand- Atlas, coloured maps ( several wanting ) presentation copy , with the author’s autograph inscription oblong folio. Darmstadt, 1851 2794 Ewald (L.) Orographische Erdkarte in Mercator’s Projection, the large Map coloured, and mounted on canvas Darmstadt , 1853 2795 Ewerbeck (H.) Qu’est-ce que la Religion d’apres la nouvelle Philosophic Allemande, author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1850 2796 Ewertz (J. U.) Entwurf einer systematischen Darstellung des Mechanismus der von N. Copernicus entdeckten Weltkor- perbewegung mit alien ihren Folgen, plates large paper 8vo. Mitau, 1846 279,7 Ewich (J. J.) Der See von Laach, eine poetische Schilderung 12 mo. Duisburg , 1856 Presentation copy, with the poet’s autograph inscription, including two lines of blank verse. 2798 Ewich (Dr. O.) Das Brohlthal und der Heilbronn, map and plates, red morocco extra, g.e. square 16mo. Neuwied, 1852 2799 Ewing (T.) Report on the Boundary between the United States and Mexico, maps royal 8 vo. Washington , 1850 2800 Exhibition. Catalogue of Spanish Productions 4 to. London , 1851 2801 Explosions in Coal-Mines. Des Moyens de soustraire l’Ex- ploitation des Mines de Houille aux Chances d’ Explosion. Recueil de Memoires et de Rapports (par Caucy, Boisse, Gonot, Bischof, Lemielle, Motte, &c.) publie par l’Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles, a very important work 8vo. Bruxelles, 1840 Presentation copy, with autograph inscription, from G. Bischof, who wrote the “Memoire sur VAerage des Mines ” (pp. 205 - 385 ) in the volume. 2802 Exposition Universelle de 1851. Travaux de la Commission Fran 9 aise sur ^Industrie des Nations, Tome I Premiere £08 Partie, Tome III Seconde Partie, Tome IY-VIII, 7 vol. plates ( all published ) vellum paper 8vo. Paris , 1854-58 2803 Exposition Universelle de 1855 : Beaux-Arts. Explication des Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Gravure, Lithogra- phic, et Architecture des Artistes vivants Etrangers et Fran 9 ais, thick paper, green morocco , g. e. with the letters A. H. stamped in gold on sides 12 mo. Paris , 1855 2804 Eye (A. von) Das Germanische Museum, 2 Parts, plates Leipzig , 1853 2805 Eylert (Dr. R. F.) Offener Brief an F. L. Striez vellum paper, author's autograph inscription, several pas- sages marked 8 vo. Potsdam , 1845 “ My Lord Bishop Eylert A canting black-coat such as this makes us the laughing-stock of Europe.” Humboldt, in a letter to Varnhagen. 2806 Eyries (J. B.) Recherches sur la Population du Globe terrestre autograph of 11 Humboldt ” 8vo. Paris, 1833 2807 Eyries (J. B.) Recherches. Another copy , with author’s auto- graph inscription , and Humboldt’s writing on cover 8vo. Paris , 1833 2808 Eyries (J. B.) Catalogue des Livres composant sa Bibliotheque presentation copy, with inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1846 2809 Eyssenhardt (H.) Gustav Hugo privately printed 8vo. Berlin, 1845 2810 Eytelwein (J. A.) Nachtrag zu Yergleichung der Maasse und Gewichte 8vo. Berlin , 1817 2811 Faber (Dr. K.) Konigsberg in Preussen 8vo. Konigsberg, 1840 2812 Fabricius (Dr. C. F.) Ursprung und Entwickelung der Bono- rum Possessio bis zum Aufhoren des Ordo Judiciorum privatorum, &c. authors autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1837 2813 Fabroni (A.) Storia degli antichi Yasi fittili Aretini, plates 8vo. Arezzo, 1841 2814 F^reyinga Saga oder Geschichte der Bewohner der Faroer im Islandischen Grundtext, mit Faroischer, Danischer, und Deutscher Uebersetzung herausgegeben von C. C. Rafn und G. C. F, Mohnike, map and facsimile large paper, very scarce, uncut roy. 8vo. Kopenhagen, 1833 2815 Fairbairn (W.) Account of the Construction of the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges, folding plates and woodcuts half morocco roy . 8 vo. London, 1849 Presentation copy “ with the author’s profound respects.” 2816 Fairbairn (W.) on the Strength of wrought-iron Plates and their riveted joints, plates, presentation copy , with author’s autograph inscription 4 to. London, 1850 2817 Fairbairn (W.) on the Application of cast and wrought Iron for building Purposes, plates , presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription roy. 8vo. London, 1854 209 2818 Fairbairn (W.) on the Strength of Locomotive Boilers, plates , with authors autograph inscription 8 vo. London , 1854 2819 Falbe (C. T.) Recherches sur l’Emplacement de Carthage, atlas of plates, autograph of 11 Al. Humboldt” royal folio. Paris , 1833 2820 Falbe (C. T.) Vases antiques du Perou, plates 8 vo. Copenhague , 1843 2821 Falconer (Dr. H.) and Capt. P. T. Cautley on some Fossil Remains of Anoplotherium and Giraffe from the Sewalik Hills N. India, plates large paper, “ with profound respect from the authors ,” auto- graph note of Humboldt on cover 4 to. 2822 Fallot (G.) Recherches sur les Formes grammaticales de la Langue Fra^aise et de ses Dialectes au XIIP Siecle publiees par P. Ackermann et precedes d’une Notice sur 1’ Auteur par B. Guerard, with editor's autograph inscription large paper royal 8vo. Paris , 1839 2823 Falkenstein (Dr. K.) Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst numerous plates , including facsimiles of block-books , early wood engravings , specimens of early and modern typography , Sfc. 4to. Leipzig , 1 840 2824 Fane (Hon. Julian) Poems foolscap 8vo. London , 1852 2825 Faraday (M.) Experimental Researches in Electricity. Series VI to XXX (wanting XII and XIII), plates , with autograph signature and notes of Baron Humboldt 4to. London , 1834-55 Presentation copies, many with Faraday’s autograph dedication. 2826 Faraday (M.) on the Physical Character of the Lines of Mag- netic Force, plate , author's autograph inscription , London , 1852 — And 10 other scientific Papers by Faraday, one having an autograph note by Humboldt referring to his Cosmos III, p. 92 8vo. London , 1836-56 2827 Faraday (M.) on the Liquefaction and Solidification of Bodies, with Humboldt' s autograph notes 4 to. London, 1845 With the following inscription : “ Baron Humboldt , SfC. fye. &c. with the grateful feelings of the Author.” 2828 Faraday (M.) on the experimental Relations of Gold (and other Metals) to Light 4 to. London, 1857 2829 Farenheid (F. von) Beschreibendes Verzeichniss der im Anti- kensaale zu Beynuhnen befindlichen Abgiisse nach Antiken nebst Aufsatz liber die Grundideen Griechischer Religion und Ethik, large vellum paper royal 8vo. Berlin, 1854 Printed for presents only. 2830 Fatke (Kanzleisekretar) fiber die Anwendung von Steinschalen zum Poliren optischer Glaser important 4 to. Berlin, 1845 E E 210 2831 Fauriel (M.) Histoire de la Gaule M4ridionale sous la Domi- nation des Conquerants Germains, 4 vol. half calf extra 8vo. Paris, 1836 2832 Fauvet, Nouvelle Mappe-Monde, Humboldt's MS. notes , and “Trace des Lignes Isothermes,” a curious and valuable map Paris, 1805 2833 Fav6 (M.) M6moires militaires de Vauban et des Ingenieurs Hue de Caligny, plates 8 vo. Paris , 1847 2834 Favre (G.) Melanges d’ Histoire litteraire avec des Lettres inedites d’A. G. Schlegel et d’A. Mai, 2 vol. portrait vellum paper, rare , Humboldt's writing on cover royal 8vo. Geneve , 1856 All the copies of this highly interesting work (including his literary Correspondence with Schlegel, Maio, Dumont, Sismondi, Raynouard, &c.) were distributed privately and never sold. The bibliographical information respecting hooks printed at Geneva in the XVth Century is most valuable. 2835 Fay (T. S.) Astronomische Distanzen und die Bibel privately printed 8vo. Bern, 1858 2836 Faye (H.) Lemons de Cosmographie, plates 8vo. Paris , 1852 Presentation copy, “ De la part de V auteur & Monsieur de Humboldt.” 2837 Faye (H.) Notice historique sur H. G. M. Olbers, with author's autograph corrections royal 8 vo. Paris, s. d. 2838 Featherstonhaugh (G. W.) Geological Report of an Examina- tion made in 1834 of the elevated Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers, map with author s autograph inscription 8vo. Washington , 1835 2839 Featherstonhaugh (G. W.) Geological Report of the elevated Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers, long folding panoramic view, presentation copy, with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Washington , 1835 2840 Featherstonhaugh (G. W.) Report of a geological Reconnais- sance by the Way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory to the Coteau de Prairie, plates morocco , g. e. 8 vo. Washington, 1836 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription : “ Le Baron de Humboldt avec les Comp 8 , de V Auteur.” 2841 Fechner (G. T.) uber die physikalische und philosophische Atomenlehre, vellum paper, with Humboldt's autograph note on cover 8 vo. Leipzig , 1855 2842 Fedorenko (Ivan) Positions moyennes, pour l’Epoque de 1790, des Etoiles circompolaires dont les Observations ont ete publiees par J. Lalande royal 4 to. St. Petersbourg , 1854 2843 Fedorow’s (W.) Vorlaufige Berichte fiber die von ihm in 1832-37 in West-Siberien ausgefiihrten astronomisch- geographischen Arbeiten herausgegeben von F. G. W. Struve, map, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1838 211 2844 Feil (K. F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Vertheilung der Farben und Geruchsverhaltnisse in Asperifolien, Primulaceen, &c. unter dem Presidium von G. Schiibler 8 vo. Tubingen , 1831 2845 Feilitzsch (Dr. Frh. von) Optische Untersuchungen veranlasst durch die totale Sonnenfinsterniss des 28 Juli, 1851, with 3 coloured plates 8vo. Greifswald, 1852 2846 Feldhoff (Conrector) iiber einige Punkte in der Umgegend Osnabriicks 4 to. Osnabriick , 1857 2847 Feldner (W. C. G. von) Allgemeine Uebersicht Brasiliens (Vol. I of his Travels) 12 mo. Liegnitz , 1828 2848 Fellechner, Muller und Hesse, Bericht iiber das Muskito-Land, maps and plates royal 8vo. Berlin , 1845 2849 Felsberger (Der). Ein Yorschlag zur Organisation der Presse und der Pressfreiheit 8vo. s. 1. Sf a. 2850 Felten (N.) Meteorologische Beitrage zu 1848, 1849 und 1850 ; und iiber die Klimatischen Yerhiiltnisse am Nie- derrhein, 2 Tracts, yelltjm papee Ato. Cleve , 1851-54 Printed for private distribution only. 2851 Fenelon, CEuvres Philosophiques avec Introduction par M. A. Jacques, with editor's autograph inscription 12 mo. Paris , 1843 2852 Fenicia (S.) sull’ Economia politico-agraria author's autograph inscription \2mo. Bari, 1847 2853 Fenicia (Presidente) Lagrime sull’ Urna della sua diletissima Consorte Maria Severia Azzariti, plate of monument 4 to. Bari , 1851 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. Only a few copies were printed for private friends. 2854 Feraud (E.) Le Cholera devant l’Humanite 8vo. Marseille , 1849 2855 Ferdiiyind (P. J. F.) Notice sur les Propulseurs Maritimes, plates 4 to. Paris , 1848 2856 Ferdinand (P. J. F.) Monde Mecanique, plate Ato. Philippeville , 1848 A very scarce Tract in which the Author recommends England to join herself to France by a Tunnel ! ! ! 2857 Fergola (N.) Trattati analitici delle Sezione Coniche e de’ loro Luoghi geometrici, con Note del Prof. Flauti, plates 4i to. Napoli , 1840 2858 Ferrara (Abate F.) Storia Naturale della Sicilia che comprende la Mineralogia 4 to. Catania, 1813 2859 Ferrara (Abate F.) i Campi Flegrei della Sicilia e delle Isole che le sono intorno o Descrizione fisica e mineralogica di queste Isole, large folding map, uncut, rare 4 to. Messina dalla Stamperia dell 1 Armata Britannica , 1810 With the Dedication to Sir John Stuart, Earl of Maida, Commander in Chief of H. M. Forces in the Mediterranean. 212 2860 Ferrara (Abate F.) Descrizione dell’ Etna con la Storia delle Eruzione e il Catalogo dei Prodotti, map and plates, Hum- boldt's writing on bach and at page 132 8vo. Palermo, 1818 An important work, but now scarce. 2861 Ferrara (Abate F.) sopra i Tremuoti della Sicilia in Marzo 1823, with author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Palermo, 1823 2862 Ferrier (A.) Introduction a l’Etude de la Phrenologie, plates large paper, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Bruxelles, 1845 2863 Festschrift zur Einweihung des Museums in Basel am 26 Nov. 1849 4£o. Basel, 1849 2863*F£te jubilaire de la Societe Imp4riale d’Economie Rurale de Moscou 8 vo. Moscou, 1846 2864 Feugere (L.) Discours Latin & la Distribution des Prix, &c. 8 vo. Paris, 1846 2865 Feu Gregeois. Du Feu Gregeois, des Feux de Guerre et des Origines de la Poudre a Canon chez les Arabes, les Persans et les Chinois, par MM. Reinaud et Fave 8vo. Paris , 1850 2866 Fialin de Persigny (M.) de la Destination et de l’Utilite per- manente des Pyramides d’Egypte et de Nubie contre les Irruptions sablonneuses du Desert, suivis d’une nouvelle Interpretation de la Fable d’Osiris et d’Isis, plates , author's autograph inscription, large paper royal 8 vo. Paris , 1845 2867 Fichte (J. G.) Sammtliche Werke herausgegeben von J. H. Fichte, 8 vol. fine paper 8vo. Berlin, 1845-46 2868 Fick (Dr. L.) uber Janusbildung, plates 8 vo. Marburg, 1841 2869 Fickel (C. G.) Conspectus Medicinse veteris ad Hippocratis usque iEtatem 8 vo. Zwicavice, 1833 2870 Fickel (Dr. W.) Schcenlein’s Klinik und Lehrmethode, seine Experimente im Abdominaltyphus und mein Versuch zur endlichen Enthiillung des Wesens dieser Krankheit 8 vo. Bautzen , 1844 213 NINTH HAY’S SALE. 2871 Fidicin (E.) Historisch-diplomatisclie Beitrage zur Geschichte der Stadt Berlin, 5 vol. plates of Seals , Coins , fyc. thick paper, very scarce , half morocco , gilt edges 8 vo. Berlin , 1837-42 Very important for the History of Germany, and for Jurisprudence. The first volume contains the famous “ Berlinisches Stadt- huchf comprising a Chronicle of the City of Berlin and its municipal Statutes, Privileges, Affairs, &c. from 1289 to 1498, in the Low German dialect. The laws seem to have been most severe: The Thief and the Giver of short Weight or Measure were hanged ; A woman stealing was buried alive ; Rape and Adultery were punished by beheading ; Arson, Treason, Sacrilege, Witchcraft, Poisoning, Forgery, &c. were crimes which brought on the guilty the being burnt alive ; Divorce on account of the illegality did not render the children already born illegitimate j the Murder of a Monk caught in fornication was not punishable, and “ Pfaffenkinder nehmen weder Lehn noch Erbe/’ The Chronicle of Criminals and their Punishments is well worthy of attention. The second volume is filled with Documents from 1261 to 1550. The third volume exhibits copies of “ Berlinische Regesten,” from 949 to 1550. The fourth volume contains “ Berlinische Urkunden,” from 1232 to 1700. The fifth is entirely occupied by a History of the City. 2872 Fidicin (E.) Berlin historisch und topographisch dargestellt large vellum paper, with the double Plan ( Berlin in 1640 & 1842), half green morocco , g. e. roy. 8 vo. Berlin , 1843 2873 Fidicin ( Stadt- Archivar) Hauptmomente aus der Geschichte Berlins, plan laege papee roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1858 Printed for private distribution only. 2874 Fiedler (Dr. G.) Stalactiten mit Krystallen als Axen, Dresden , 1846 — Merkwiirdige Blitzschlage, plate , ib. 1846 8 vo. (2) 2875 Fiedler (Dr. K. G.) Reise durch Griechenland, 2 vol. India proof plates and map vellum paper, presentation copy , with two autograph inscrip- tions of the author 8vo. Leipzig , 1840-41 2876 Filippi (Dr, A.) Dizionario Italiano-Tedesco e Tedesco-Italiano, 2 vol. 8vo. Vienna , 1817 2877 Fils (A. W.) IIohen-Messungen in Henneberg und Gotha, 2 parts 16mo. Weissensee, 1849-50 214 2878 Fils (A. W.) Hohen-Messungen in Rudolstadt, Arnstadt und Ilmenau barometrisch bestimmt crown 8 vo. Sondershausen , 1854 2879 Fils (A. W.) Hohen-Messungen im Herzogthum Coburg barometrisch bestimmt, maps vellum paper, with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Gotha , 1855 2880 Finckenstein (Dr. R.) Die Volkskrankheiten 8vo. Oppeln, 1857 2881 Finelius (J. C. F.) Der Kanzelberuf pine paper crown 8 vo. Greifswald , 1829 2882 Fischer (Prof.) iiber das Akustische Verhaltniss der Accorde 4 to. Berlin , 1835 2883 Fischer (Prof.) Analysen der Schlesischen Heilquellen, Breslau , 1836 — Uber das Leuchten des Phosphors, ib. 1845 — Ueber Ozon, ib. s. a. 8vo. (3) 2884 Fischer (Prof. A.) sur les Avantages des Micrometres au Foyer de l’Oculaire, &c. — Fischer (A.) Le Microscope Pancratique, plates , Moscou , 1841 8vo. (2) 2885 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) sur le Systeme Apophysaire des Terebratulites, plate 4 to. Moscou , 1829 Prefixed is the official Summons for Members of the Imperial Society of Naturalists to be present at the “ Reception ” of Baron A. de Humboldt. 2886 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) sur le Gryphus Antiquitatis des Naturalistes Allemands, plate , with author's autograph inscription Ato . Moscou , 1836 2887 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) Orychtographie du Gouvernement de Moscou, portrait and 62 plates large paper, presentation copy , with the author's autograph inscription folio. Moscou , 1837 This valuable work was published at the expense of the “ Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou,” and is now very scarce. 2888 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) Oryctographie. Another Copy on small paper, plates folio. Moscou , 1837 2889 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) Lettre a R. I. Murchison sur le Rhopalodon, plate , author s autograph inscription , Moscou , 1841 — Sur quelques Poissons Fossiles de la Russie, plates, ib. 1851 — Revue des Fossiles du Gouvernement de Moscou, plates , “ Hommage de V Auteur f ib. 1843 — Thoracoceras (antea Melia), plates , “ Hommage de V Auteur f ib. 1844 8vo. (4) 2890 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) Spicilegium Entomographke Rossica?, coloured plates , with author's autograph inscription 8i;o. Moscou , 1844 One of the few copies taken off for private circulation. 215 2891 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) sur le Coeloptychium de Goldfuss, plates, with author'' s autograph inscription Svo. Moscou, 1844 2892 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) sur le Spondylosaurus, plates, with author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Moscou,- 1845 2893 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) Notice sur quelques Sauriens Fossiles du Gouvernement de Moscou, plates, with author's autograph inscription 4 to. Moscou, 1846 2894 Fischer von Waldheim (G.) sur quelques Sauriens Fossiles du Gouvernement de Moscou, plates 4 to. Moscou, 1846 2895 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) Jubilseum Semisseculare celebratum a Sodalibus Soc. Caes. Naturae Scrutatorum Mosquensis, 10 Feb. 1847, plates ( those of Botany and Entomology coloured), large paper folio. Moscou, 1847 Besides a sketch of the life of this great Naturalist, the intimate friend of Humboldt, and a list of his works pronounced as a Discourse by Professor Rouillier, this valuable publication, of which only a few copies were printed for private circulation, contains the following Treatises : “ Sur l’Etat de PEntomologie en Russie par le Comte C. Mannerheim; Extrait du Journal d’un Voyage fait en Djoungarie par G. Karelin en 1841; Additamenta quaedam levia ad Fisclieri Orthoptera Rossica ab E. Eversmann ; uber die Entdeckung reichhaltiger Lagerstatten von fossilen Knochen in Siid-Russland durch A. von Nord- mann; Etudes Paleontologiques sur les Environs de Moscou par C. Rouillier. 2896 Fischer von Waldheim (G.) Gliickauf aus Waldheim (Poem by F. A. Fallow ), privately printed, MosJcau, 1847 — Alpen- bliimchen an Fischer, von Wangenheim von Qualen, broad- side Poem Mo. 2897 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) sur quelques Poissons fossiles de la Russie, plates 8vo. Moscou, 1851 2898 Fischer de Waldheim (G.) Catalogus Coleopterorum in Siberia Orientali a G. S. Karelin collectorum Privately printed , very scarce 8vo. (Petropoli, s. a.) 2899 Fischer de Waldheim (A.) Rapport sur les Travaux de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou, with author's autograph inscription 4 to. Moscou, 1855 2900 Fischer Ouralsky (G.) Coupe longitudinale de la Serre des Palmiers et Aspect de la Serre des Lauriers proofs, with Humboldt's autograph calculations and his note 11 Petersburger Treibhiiuser” folio 2901 Fischer (Dr. J. G.) Die Gehirnnerven der Saurier anatomisch untersucht, plates vellum paper 4 to. Hamburg, 1852 Privately printed. This was presented to Baron Humboldt by the author, whose autograph inscription is on fly-leaf. 2902 Fischer (J. G.) Die Einheit in der organischen Natur, cuts presentation copy, with author's autograph inscription , half morocco 8vo. Hamburg, 1853 216 2903 Fischer (J. G.) Die Familie der Seeschlangen systematise!* beschrieben, coloured plates vellum paper, with author's autograph inscription 4 to. Hamburg , 1856 2904 Fischer (J. G.) Amphibiorum nudorum Neurologise Specimen primum, plates , with author's autograph inscription thick paper 4 to. Berolini , 1843 2905 Fischer (N. W.) iiber die Natur der Metallreduction auf nassem Wege, with author's autograph inscription , and Humboldt' s writing on cover 8 vo. Breslau , 1828 2906 Fischer (N. W.) Systematischer Lehrbegriff der Chemie in Tabellen dargestellt vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1836 2907 Fischer (E. G.) iiber Lehranstalten (Real-Gymnasien) post 8 vo. Berlin , 1806 2908 Fischer (E. G.) Lehrbuch der Mechanischen Naturlehre, 2 vol. plates , with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes fine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1827 & 1826 2909 Fischer (E. G.) Lehrbuch der Mechanischen Naturlehre neu- bearbeitet von C. F. August, 2 vol. plates fine paper, red morocco , g. e. 8vo. Berlin , 1837-40 2910 Fischer (E. G.) Lehrbuch der Ebenen Geometrie fur Schulen bearbeitet von E. F. August, plates 8vo. Leipzig , 1853 2911 Fischer (F. E. L.) et C. A. Meyer, Enumeratio Plantarum novarum a Cl. Schrenk lectarum presentation copy , with Fischer's autograph letter roy. 8 vo. Petropoli , 1841 2912 Fischer (F. R.) Zur Griindung einer National-Gallerie in Berlin, vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1850 2913 Fischer (G.) Essai sur les Monumens typographiques de Jean Gutenberg, Inventeur de 1’Imprimerie, portrait and fac- similes large paper, very scarce, calf g. e. 4 to. MayenceAn AT (1802) Printed for private circulation only. 2914 Fischer (H. von) Der Deutsche Nestor oder Grundwahrheiten fur Kirch e und Staat 8vo. Saalfeld , 1851 2915 Fischer (Dr. J. C.) Physikalisches Worterbuch, mit Supple- ment, 10 vol. portrait and plates 8vo. Gottingen , 1798-1827 An important work. Baron Humboldt has lettered each volume in his own handwriting. 2916 Fischer (R.) iiber Protestantismus und Katholicismus in der Kunst, vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1853 2917 Fischer (Kuno) Franz Baco von Yerulam vellum paper, with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes , purple morocco , g. e. 8 vo. Leipzig , 1856 217 2918 Fitch (Dr. Asa) First and Second Report on the Insects of New York, plates 8vo. Albany, 1856 Presentation copy from B. P. Johnson, Secretary of New York State Agricultural Society. 2919 Fitton (Dr. W. H.) Notes on the Progress of Geology in England, plate, London, 1833 — On the Geological Relations between the Chalk and Purbeck Limestone in S. East of England, plate, author's autograph inscription, 1824 — Order of the Sedimentary Deposits in W. England and Wales, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. (3) 2920 Fitton (Dr. W.H.) Geological Sketch of the Vicinity of Hastings, author s autograph inscription , scarce 1 2mo. London, 1833 2921 Fitton (Dr. W.H.) Observations on some of the Strata between the Chalk and Oxford Oolite in the South East of England, plates 4 to. London, 1836 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 2922 Fitton (Dr. W. H.) Geological Notice of the New Arctic Country passed over by Captain Back, map, Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. London, 1836 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 2923 Fitton (Dr. W. Id.) Review of Lyell’s Elements of Geology, with Observations on the Progress of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth Privately printed, presentation copy , with the author's auto- graph inscription and his numerous MS. Emendations, half morocco 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839 Baron Humboldt seems to have perused this work with the greatest attention, making his autograph notes thereon at end. One of these is important, for where Dr. Fitton attacks his Super- position of Rocks Humboldt adds, “ gegen mich mil Recht.” 2923*Fitton (Dr. W. H.) Review of the Silurian System of Sir R. I. Murchison, author s autograph inscription and corrections half morocco 8vo. Edinburgh, 1841 2924 Fitzinger (L.) Systema Reptilium. Fasciculus primus, Ambly- glossae, (all published) half morocco roy. 8vo. Vindobonce, 1843 2925 Fitzroy (Capt. R.) Charts and Maps illustrating the Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle, as surveyed by H. M. Officers, fine impressions (58) 2926 Flandin (E.) et P. Coste, Voyage en Perse. Relation du Voyage par E. Flandin, 2 vol. roy. 8 vo. mop, vellum paper, Paris, 1851-52 — Recueil d’ Architecture Ancienne, Bas- Reliefs, Inscriptions Cuneiformes et Pehlvis, Plans Topo- graphiques et Vues pittoresques, 73 Nos. forming 6 vol. atlas folio, vellum paper , with first impressions of the plates ( several coloured), ib. 1851-52 This magnificent work (costing 1475 francs) was a present from H. M. the King of Prussia to Baron Humboldt, who in an autograph note has recorded this munificent gift of his Sovereign. F F 21 8 2927 Flandrin (H.) Frise de la Nef de l’Eglise de St. Vincent de Paul, beautifully reproduced in lithography by the Painter himself India proofs on cardboard , rare oblong roy. folio. Paris, s. d. 2928 Flauti (G.) Raccolta di scelte Prose Italiane, 2 vol. half morocco 8vo. Napoli, 1850 2929 Flauti (V.) Geometria di Sito, plates, Napoli, 1842 — Analisi Algebraica delle Quantita determinate, plates, ivi, 1844 — Fergola (N.) della Invenzione Geometrica rifatta, compiuta e pubblicata da V. Flauti Parte prima, plates , ivi, 1842 LARGE PAPER 3 Vol. imp. 8v0. 2930 Flauti (V.) Corso di Geometria elementare e sublime, 4 vol. in 3, plates, large paper imp. 8 vo. Napoli, 1846-54 Vol. I and II contain Euclide ed Archimede, Napoli, 1854; vol. Ill N. Fergola delle Sezione Coniche con Aggiunte, ivi, 1851 ; and vol. IV Flauti della Trigonometria, ivi , 1846. 2931 Flauti (Cav. V.) Prospetto di un mezzo Secolo di Servizi scientifici Printed for private circulation only imp.Ato, { Napoli , 1849) 2932 Fleck (Dr. F. F.) Philosophie und Christliche Theologie im Widerspruche und hoheren Einklange 8vo. Leipzig , 1846 2933 Fletcher (J.) Summary of the Moral Statistics of England and Wales, maps Presentation copy, with the author's autograph inscription. Printed for private distribution only 8 vd. {London, 1850) 2934 Fleuriau de Bellevue (M.) Memoire sur 1’ Action du Feu dans les Volcans, with the author's autograph corrections and addi- tions, and an autograph letter calling Humboldt's special attention to them 4 to. Paris , 1805 Sent on Humboldt’s asking for two copies from the Author, who states in his letter “ ce sont presque les seuls quime restent 2935 Fleuriau de Bellevue. Another Copy, with the author s auto- graph corrections and additions 4 to. Paris , 1805 2936 Fleuriau de Bellevue (M.) des Effets geologiques du Tremble- ment de Terre de la Calabre en 1783, plates Ato. La Rochelle , 1805 2937 Fleuriau de Bellevue (M.) Notice meteorologique pour la Charente-Inferieure, author's autograph inscription 4 to. La Rochelle, 1837 2938 Fleuriau de Bellevue (M.) Memoires sur l’Etat physique du Territoire de la Charente-Inferieure et son Agriculture, with author s MS. additions 4 to. La Rochelle , 1838 2939 Fleuriau de Bellevue (M.) sur l’Assainissement des Terres basses 8 vo. Rochelle, 1 847 2940 Fligely (A. von) Organisation und Fortschritt der militarisch kartographischen Arbeiten in CEsterreich roy. 8 vo. Wien, 1859 2941 Flotow (J. von) liber Haematococcus Pluvialis, coloured plates 4 to. {Bonn, 1842) 219 2942 Flourens (M.) De 1’ Action du Froid sur les Animaux presentation copy , with author's autograph 8 vo. Paris, 1829 2948 Flourens (M.) sur l’Operation du Trepan, author's autograph inscription , Paris , 1830 — Sur 1’ Action de la Moelle Epi- niere, ib. 1829 — Sur la Regeneration des Os, ib. 1829 — Sur quelques Maladies des Oiseaux, ib. 1829 8 vo. (4) 2944 Flourens (M.) Eloges historiques de G. Cuvier, J. A. Chaptal, A. L. Jussieu, E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire et F. Magendie, 5 parts, the first two with the author's autograph inscription Ato. Paris , 1834-35^38-52-58 2945l Flourens (M.) Eloge historique d'Etienne Geoffroy Saint- Hilaire, with author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris, 1852 2946 Flourens (M.) Eloge historique de M. H. Ducrotay de Blainville presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription imp. 8 vo. Paris, 1854 2947 Flourens (M.) Eloge historique de F. Magendie Ato. Paris, 1858 2948 Flourens (M.) Eloge historique du Baron L. de Buch, author's autograph inscription Ato. Paris, 1856 29.49 Fliigel (Dr. J. G.) Literarische Sympathien oder industrielle Buchmacherei (on English Lexicography) 8vo. Leip. 1843 2050 Focke (Dr. G. W.) Physiologisehe Studien, 2 Parts, coloured plates of i Infusoria Poly gastrica' roy. Ato. Bremen, 1847-54 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscriptions. 2951 Foe Koue Ki ou Relation des Royaumes Bouddhiques: Voyage dans la Tartarie, dans 1’ Afghanistan et dans l’lnde executd a la Fin du IV e Siecle par Chy Fa Hian. Traduit du Chinois et comment^ par M. Abel Remusat, avec d’Eclair- cissements nouveaux par MM. Klaproth et Landresso, maps and plates, autograph signature of u Al. Humboldt ” half morocco Ato. Paris, 1836 2952 Foelsing (J. H.) sur la Substitution d’une variable Imaginaire dans une Integrale definie 4 to. Berlin , 1841 2953 Forster (C.) Die neue Zeit, Posse in einem Akt, not published but only 11 als Manuscript gedruc/ct” 8vo. Leipzig , s. a. 2954 Forster (Dr. F.) Wallenstein als Feldherr und Landesfiirst fine paper, half calf gilt 8vo. Potsdam , 1834 2955 Forster (Dr. F.) Hofe und Cabinette Europa’s im XVIII Jahr- hundert mit einem Urkundenbuche, 2 vol. 8vo. ib. 1836 2956 Forster (Dr. F.) Preussens Helden in Krieg und Frieden, 12 parts, plates roy. 8 vo. Berlin , 1846-47 2957 Foerster (G.) de Aldtudine Poli Bonnensi VELLUM PAPER 4to. Bounce, 1854 2958 Forster (Dr. K. G. J.) Das Prinzip der Deutschen Sprachent- wickelung 8 vo. Berlin, 1850 2959 Fcetterle (F.) Die geologische Uebersichtskarte des mittleren Theiles von Siid-Amerika, map, author's autograph inscrip- tion 8 vo. Wien, 1854 2960 Fcetterle (F.) Bericht fiber die Durchstechung der Landenge von Suez roy. 8vo. Wien, 1857 220 2961 Foetterle (F.) Mittheilungen der K. K. Geographischen Gesell- schaft fiir 1857 und 1858, 5 Parts, maps , autograph notes and signature of Baron Humboldt imp.8vo. Wien, 1857-58 Containing contributions from Sonklar, Reden, Fotterle, Kotschy, Chappelsmith, Frauenfeld, Ruthner, Kerner, Zhishman, Alt, Feil, Guggenberger, Steinhauer, Scherzer, Schmidt, K'amtz, W tiller storf-Urbair, Haidinger, Zimmermann, &c. 2962 Fogolari (A. dei) Opuscoli Morali, Lettere yelltjm paper, printed for private distribution only, pre- sentation copy , with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Lipsice, 1857 2963 Fogolari (A. von) Italienisches Lesebuch with the author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Leipzig, 1858 2964 Fontaine, Histoire du Palais Royal, numerous plates in outline half calf gilt 4 to. Paris, 1834 2965 Fontaine, Palais de Versailles, plates in outline half morocco Ato. Paris , 1836 2966 Fontaine, Domaines de la Couronne. Le Palais des Tuileries (Tuileries et Louvre), Paris , 1837 — Le Palais-Royal, ib. 1837 — Palais de Versailles, ib. 1836 — Les Palais des deux Trianons, ib. 1837 — Chateau de Saint-Cloud, ib. 1839 — Chateau de Fontainebleau, ib. 1837 — Chateau de Compiegne, ib. 1839 — Chateau de Neuilly, ib. 1836 large paper, half red morocco in 1 vol. roy. Ato. 2967 Fontaine, Le Palais des Tuileries et le Louvre, plates half red morocco roy. Ato. Paris , 1837 Scarce, only a few copies having been printed for presents. 2968 Fontanier (V.) Voyage dans l’lnde et dans le Golfe Persique par l’Egypte et la Mer Rouge, 3 vol. half morocco 8 vo. Paris , 1844-46 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 2969 Fontanier (V.) Voyage dans l’Archipel Indien Presentation copy , with inscription and author's autograph signature , half morocco 8vo. Paris, 1852 2970 Fonvielle (H. de) Appareils de Filtrage, Rapport sur, par M. Arago 4 to. Paris, 1837 2971 Forbes (Prof. E.) on the Morphology of the Reproductive System of Sertularian Zoophytes, plate , London , 1844 — On the Oolites in Skye, ib. 1851, both with author's auto- graph inscription Svo. (2) 2972 Forbes (Prof. E.) Report on Mollusca and Radiata of iEgean Sea, with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. London , 1844 2973 Forbes (Prof. E.) Infra-littoral Distribution of Marine Inverte- brata on the Southern, Western and Northern Coasts of Great Britain, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. London, 1850 2974 Forbes (Prof. E.) Address to the Geological Society Presentation copy , “ with Mr. Horner’s Compliments " 8 vo. London , 1854 221 2975 Forbes (Prof. E.) on the Tertiary Fluvio-Marine Formation of the Isle of Wight, with notes by II. W. Bristow, J. Morris, T. R. Jones and J. W. Salter, edited by Sir R. I. Mur- chison, plates roy. 8vo. London , 1856 Presentation copy from Sir Rod. I. Murchison, with his autograph inscription. 2976 Forbes (Prof. E.) Geological Relations of the existing Fauna and Flora of the British Isles, maps author's autograph inscription roy. 8vo. 2977 Forbes (F. E.) Dahomey and the Dahomans 8 vo. Paris, 1851 2978 Forbes (Dr. John) on the Temperature of Mines, with author’s autograph inscription 8vo. Penzance , 1822 2979 Forbes (J.) Abriss einer Geschichte der neueren Fortschritte und des gegenwartigen Zustandes der Meteorologie, iiber- setzt und erganzt von W. Mahlmann, maps fine paper, with translator’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1836 2980 Forbes (J. D.) on the Horary Oscillations of the Barometer near Edinburgh, plate , Edinburgh , 1831 — Researches on Heat, Second, Third and Fourth Series, plates, ib. 1836- 38-40 — Additional Experiments on Terrestrial Magnetism, ib. 1840 — On the Diminution of Temperature with Height in the Atmosphere at different Seasons, plate, ib. 1840 — On the Theory and Construction of a Seismometer for Measuring Earthquakes, plate, ib. 1841 — Geology of the Eildon Hills, ib. 1851 — On the Temperature of the Earth, plates, ib. 1846 — Further Experiments and Remarks on the Measurement of Heights by the boiling Point of Water, plate, ib. 1855 4 to. (10) Presentation copies, with the author’s autograph inscriptions 2981 Forbes (Prof. J. D.) Supplementary Report on Meteorology, author’s autograph inscription, with Humboldt’s writing on cover 8vo. London , 1841 2982 Forbes (J. D.) on the Transparency of the Atmosphere, &c. plates, presentation copy 4 to. London , 1842 2983 Forbes (J. D.) Travels through the Alps of Savoy and other Parts of the Pennine Chain, with Observations on the Phenomena of Glaciers, plates large paper, scarce roy. 8 vo. Edinburgh, 1843 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 2984 Forbes (Prof. J. D.) on the first Discovery of the real Structure of Glacier Ice, with author’s autograph inscription — Theorie de la Structure veinee de la Glace, Geneve , 1844 — On a remarkable Structure observed in the Ice of Glaciers, Edinb. 1842 — Fourth Letter on the Glacier Theory, 1842 — Tenth Letter, 1846 — Eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth Letters, 1846 — Fifteenth Letter, 1849 — Analogy of the Structure of Volcanic Rocks with Glaciers, 1845, plates, presentation copies 8 vo. 222 2985 Forbes (Prof. J. D.) Map of the Mer de Glace of Chamouni, &c. coloured and mounted on canvas in case Edinburgh , 1842 2986 Forbes (Prof. J. D.) on the Topography and Geology of the Cuchullin Hills in Skye, plates 8 vo. Edinb. 1845 2987 Forbes (J. D.) Illustrations of the viscous Theory of Glacier Motion, plates , with the Article on Glacier written by Pro- fessor Forbes for the Encyclopedia Britannica added 4 to. London , 1846 2988 Forbes (Prof. J. D.) General View of the Progress of Mathe- matical and Physical Science from 1775 to 1850 Presentation copy , with author’s autograph inscription 4 to. Edinburgh , 1851 2989 Force (P.) Grinnell Land, with Supplement, 2 Parts, map 8 vo. Washington , 1851-52 2990 Force (P.) Record of Auroral Phenomena observed in the higher Northern Latitudes roy. Ho. Washington, 1856 2991 Forchhammer (G.) de Habitu Danise geognostico, map and cuts , Presentation copy , with author’s autograph 4 to. Haunico , 1835 On the cover is Humboldt’s autograph note. 2992 Forchhammer (Dr. P. W.) Hellenika, Griechenland im neuen das alte. Erster Band (all published), map and plate 8vo. Berlin , 1837 2993 Forchhammer (P. W.) Apollons Ankunft in Delphi, 2 plates , marks in pencil by Humboldt 4 to, Kiel , 1840 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 2994 Forchhammer (P. W.) on the Topography of Troy, map 8 vo. London , 1840 2995 Forchhammer (P. W.) Geburt der Athene, plate , author s auto- graph inscription 4 to. Kiel, 1841 2996 Forchhammer (P. W.) Panathenaische Festrede 8vo. Kiel, 1841 2997 Forchhammer (Dr. P. W.) Topographie von Athen, with autograph of Al. Humboldt 8vo. Kiel, 1841 Presentation copy, with inscription in the author’s handwriting. 2998 Forchhammer (Dr. P. W.) fiber die Kyklopischen Mauern Griechenlands und die Schleswig-ILolsteinischen Feld- mauern, plates Ho. Kiel, 1847 2999 Forchhammer (Dr. P. W.) fiber die Kyklopischen Mauern Griechenlands und die Schleswig-Holsteinischen Mauern, plates 4 to. Kiel , 1847 3000 Forchhammer (Dr. P. W.) Demokraten-Bfichlein scarce 32?no. Berlin , 1849 3001 Forchhammer (Dr. P. W.) Beschreibung der Ebene von Troia , folio map by T. A. B. Spratt Ho. Frankfurt, 1850 3002 Forchhammer (Dr. P. W.) Achill, map of the plain of Troy 8 vo. Kiel, 1853 3003 Forchhammer (Dr. P. W.) fiber Reinheit der Baukunst, plates, author’s autograph inscription 8vo. Hamburg, 1856 223 3004 Forgatsch (L. von) Die schiffbare Donau roy. 8vo. Frankfurt , 1848 3005 Forlani (P. di) Descrittione di tutto il Peru, an extremely rare map Scec. XVI 3006 Forrester (J. J.) Word or two on Port Wine, with Strictures, &c. by T. Whittaker, Jun. map 8 vo. London , 1848 3007 Forrester (J. J.) Portuguese Douro and the adjacent Country, the very large folding plan , with author's autograph signa- ture, proof impression presented to Baron Humboldt Oporto , 1848 3008 Forrester (J. J.) Map of the Wine District of the Alto Douro proof on thick paper, presentation copy , with author's auto- graph n. d. 3009 Forry (Dr. S.) Climate of the United States and its Endemic Influences, map , author s autograph inscription 8vo. New York, 1842 3010 Forry (S.) Meteorology, cuts folio. New York, 1843 3011 Forster (Charles de) France et Europe vellum paper, presentation copy, with the author's autograph inscription, at the bottom of which in Baron Humboldt's hand is written 11 Charles de Forster Auteur des quinze Ans de Paris " 8vo. Berlin, 1849 3012 Forster (C. de) du Royaume h l’Empire (1848-1852) 8 vo. Paris, 1854 3013 Forster (C. von) Die Riickkehr zur Ordnung. Yom Konig- thum zum Kaisersthum. Aus dem Franzosischen von C. Grafe, vellum paper 8vo. Berlin, 1856 3014 [Forster] Apology for the Doctrine of Pythagoras 8vo. Boulogne sur Mer , 1858-59 3015 Forster (T.) Florilegium Nugarum Cantabrigiensium. Pan and other Poems, Privately printed 8 vo. Brussels, 1840 3016 Forster (T.) Collection of Letters on early Education Presentation copy, with author s autograph 8vo. Bruges, 1844 3017 Forster (T. I. M.) Philosophia Musarum, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Bruges, 1845 Humboldt has nicknamed Forster “ an extra-super-Christian.” 3018 Forster (T.) Piper’s Wallet, a Collection of original Scottish and English Songs , frontispiece Privately printed 12 mo. Bruges, 1846 3019 Forster (T.) Annales d’un Physicien Voyageur, Privately printed, author's autograph inscription, 8vo. Bruges, 1851 — Medecine a la Main, 12 mo. ib. 1845 (2) 3020 Forster (T. I. M.) Essai sur PInfluence des Cometes sur les Phenomenes de la Terre, plates largepaper, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Bruges, 1843 3021 Forster (T. I. M.) Essai sur PInfluence des Cometes sur les Phenomenes de la Terre, plates , author's autograph inscrip- tion 8 vo. Bruges, 1843 224 3022 Forster (T. I. M.) Epistolarium Forsterianum, Vol. I (all published) with editor’s autograph memorandum on fly-leaf and inscription on title-page 8vo. Bruges, 1845 “The volume,” says the Editor, “is printed only for a few friends, and was never intended for publication.” It contains Letters of Algernon Sydney, Locke, W. Cobbett, Dr. Forster, R. Gough, &c. &c. 3023 Forster (T. I. M.) Philosophia Musarum containing the Songs and Romances of the Piper’s Wallet, Pan, the Harmonia Musarum and other Miscellaneous Poems, frontispiece 8vo. Bruges , 1845 3024 Forster (T. I. M.) sur les Etoiles filantes, &c. Author’s autograph inscription 8vo. Bruges , 1846 Printed for private distribution. 3025 Forster (T. I. M.) sur les Etoiles filantes et sur les Meteores en general 8 vo. Bruges , 1846 3026 Forster (T. I. M.) L’Age d’Or Privately printed 8vo. Bruges, 1847 3027 Fortifications de Paris par M. Arago. 8vo. Paris, 1841 3028 Fossombroni (Conte Y.) sulla Relazione tra le Acque dell’ Arno e quelle della Chiana 4 to. Modena, 1838 3029 Foster (J. N.) and J. D. Whitney, Geological Report on the Copper Lands of Lake Superior, 2 vol. numerous plates, the large map and section with Humboldt's autograph note unfolded, presentation copy, from the authors, with inscription 8vo. Washington, 1850-51 3030 Foster (M. W.) Evansville Board of Trade Report with his- torical, geographical and geological Sketches 8 vo. Evansville, 1858 Presentation copy, with President Foster’s autograph inscription. 3031 Foster (M. W.) Bericht der Handelskammer zu Evansville, Indiana, privately printed 8vo. Berlin, 1859 3032 Foulke (W. P.) on a fossil extinct Reptile discovered at Had- donfield, New Jersey, map , autograph of u Isaac Lea” 8vo. Philadelphia , 1859 3033 Fourier (Joseph) Son Eloge historique par M. Arago Humboldt' s autograph notes 4fo. Paris, 1833 3034 Fourier (J.) Eloge. Another copy Humboldt,' s writing on cover 4 to. Paris, 1833 3035 Fournel (C.) Ombres et Rayons, Poesies square 16 mo. Francfort, 1840 3036 Fournel (C.) Ballades et Lais Presentation copy, with author’s autograph 8vo. Berlin, 1 844 3037 Fournel (H.) Richesse Minerale de l’Algerie, Tome I (Texte) with the cancels in a separate volume, 4 to. and royal folio atlas of maps and plates , with autograph of u Al. Humboldt ” Paris, 1849-52 225 3038 Fournel (H.) sur les Gisements de Muriate de Soude en Algerie, map, and having also a plan, drawn on tracing paper, with author's autograph explanations and signature, inserted 8vo. Paris , 1846 3039 Fournet (J.) sur le Diluvium de la France large paper royal 8vo. Lyon , 1843 3040 Fournet (J.) sur les Effondrements de divers Terrains, Lyon , 1852 — Sur la Consolidation des Stalactites et des Couches Calcaires, ih. 1852 — Sur un Effet de Coloration des Nuages, ih. 1852 — Recherches sur la Disposition des Zones sans Pluie et des Deserts, presentation copy “ Hommage de V Auteur” with Humboldt's writing on cover , ib. s. d. — Des Brises de Jour et de Nuit autour des Montagnes, ib. s. d. — Sur la Cristallisation des Silicates vitreux et sur la Couleur bleue des Laitiers, ib. s. d.— Sur le Refroidissement, ib. 1855 — Sur la Forme des quelques Eclairs, plate, ib. s. d. royal 8vo. (8) 3041 Fournet (J.) sur la Congelation de la Vapeur vesiculaire et sur les Fleches glaciales 8vo. Paids, 1856 3042 Fournet (J.) sur certaines Tempetes hibernales de F Algerie royal 8 vo. Lyon , 1857 3043 Fournet (J.) sur la Geologie de la Partie des Alpes comprise entre le Valais et l’Oisans, avec Suite, 2 parts Author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Lyon , s. d. 3044 Fournet (M.) Rapports et Observations de la Commission Hydrometrique de Lyon, with Humboldt's autograph notes royal 8 vo. Lyon , 1844-57 3045 Fournier (M.) Aphorismes sur FEloquence 4 to. Berlin , 1839 3046 Fox (R. W.) on Mineral Veins, plates Presentation copy 8vo. Falmouth, 1837 3047 Fraas (C.) Klima und Pflanzenwelt in der Zeit 8 vo. Landshut, 1847 3048 France Carte des Cotes de France (Environs de Brest), engraved by Collin Paris , 1823 3049 France. Ministere de l’Interieur. Direction generale des Ponts et Chaussees et des Mines. Situation des Travaux au 31 Decembre, 1834. Compte rendu des Travaux pendant 1834. Resume des Travaux statistiques de l’Ad- ministration des Mines pendant 1834, 3vol. 4fo. Paris , 1834 3050 France. Carte Routi&re, mounted on canvas in case Paris, 1840 3051 France. Das CEstliche Frankreich mit Ptemont, Schweitz, Zates 8vo. Berlin, 1852 3113 Friedberg (Dr. H.) Chirurgische Klinik. Erster Band ( all published), plates 8vo. Jena, 1855 3114 Friedberg (Dr. H.) Patkologie und Therapie der Muskellah- mung, plates, vellum paper, 8vo. Weimar, 1858 3115 Friede wollt’er Sperling K. Preuss. Regierungs-Rath iiber die Offenbarung der Christlichen Religion 8 vo. Magdeburg, 1843 3116 Friedemann (F. T.) Zeitschrift fur die Archive Deutschlands. Erstes Heft 8vo. Gotha , 1846 3117 Friedlander (G.) iiber die Lateinischen Uebersetzungen Plu- tarchischer Biographien im XVten Jahrhundert 8vo. Leipzig, 1 836 3118 Friedlander (J.) General Investigation of the Convergence of Trigonometric Series into which arbitrary Functions are expanded and some new Applications of the same very rare 4 to. Berlin, 1853 On the back of title stands “ Only 25 copies printed” 3119 Friedlaender (Dr. L. H.) Yorlesungen iiber die Geschichte der Heilkunde, fine paper 800. Leipzig , 1839 3120 Friedlander (T.) Numismata medii iEvi inedita. Particula prima, plates Ato. Berolini , 1835 . 3121 Friedmann (F. M.) Trost-und Fest-Spende zum neuen Jahre der Israeliten 5615 (in verse) 8vo. Au , 1854 3122 Friedreich (J. B.) System der gerichtlichen Psychologie 800. Regensburg, 1842 3123 Friedrichs des Grossen Briefe au seinen Vater geschrieben in 1732-1739 (herausgegeben von Hauptmann von Iiahnke) with “ Von Hauptmann v. Hahnke ” in Humboldt's autograph on jly-leaf, fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1838 3124 Friedrichs des Grossen Wort iiber die Naturgranze zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich, vellum paper, presentation copy, with Editor's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1840 Very important at the present time. 3125 Friedrichs des Grossen Versuch iiber die Regierungsformen und die Pflichten der Regenten iibersetzt von K. E. Schu- barth, Breslau, 1840 — Friedrich der Grosse als Ingenieur, s. 1. Sf a. 8 vo. (2) 3126 Friedrich des Grossen Denkmal, plates Berlin, 1851 3127 Friedrichs des Grossen Denkmal, atlas folio plate, with Descrip- tion in German 1 6mo.- Berlin , 1851 3128 Friedrich II. Abbildungen zu den Werken Friedrichs des Grossen Erster bis neunter Theil. A proof set of the beau- 231 tiful portraits and woodcuts belonging to the privately printed 4to. edition of the works of Frederic the Great EXTREMELY RARE royal 4 to. See also Frederic le Grand, Lot 30/8. 3129 Friedrich II, Eigenhandige Instruction (10 Jan. 1757) fur den Grafen Finck von Finckenstein, facsimile vellum paper, privately printed 4 to. Berlin, 1854 3130 Friedrich II (Kaiser) Vier Griechische Briefe, zum ersten Male herausgegeben von G. Wolff vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1855 3131 Friedrich II (Kaiser) Vier Griechische Briefe zum ersten Male herausgegeben von G. Wolff vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1855 3132 Friedrich Wilhelm IV huldigt das Deutsche Herz (in verse) privately printed 4 to. Berlin , 1840 3133 Friedrich Wilhelm’s IV Verkiindigungen, eine Volksschrift thick paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 3134 Friedrich Wilhelm IV Konigs von Preussen, Reden und Trinkspriiche large vellum paper, rare royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1843 Printed for private distribution only. 3135 Friedrich Wilhelm IV, Worte am 27 Juli 1844 , finely engraved in ornamental letters by F. B. von Rothenburg 3136 Friedrich Wilhelm IV, Erlass betreffend die Grundziige einer Gemeinde-Ordnung nebst Aktenstiicke 8vo. Berlin , 1850 3137 Friedrich Wilhelm IV, Reden, Proklamationen, Botschaften, Erlasse und Ordres, vellum paper, printed only for private circulation , green silk, g. e. roy 8 vo. Berlin , 1855 3138 Friedrich William Ludwig (Prinz-Regenten von Preussen) Glaubensbekenntniss herausgegeben von F. Ehrenberg vellum paper 8vo. Berlin, 1858 3139 Friedrich Wilhelm (Prinzessin Royale von Grossbritannien) Festgedicht bei Ihrem Einzuge in Berlin vellum -paper imperial 4 to. Berlin , 1858 The subject of this privately printed Poem is “ Die Verm'dhlung Otto des Grossen mit Edit ha von England.” 3140 Fries (Dr. E.) Sind die Naturwissenschaften ein Bildungsmittel? Uebersetzt von Prof. Hornschuch 8vo. Dresden , 1844 3141 Fries (J. F.) Lehrbuch der Naturlehre. Erster Theil, Experi- mentalphysik, plates , with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Jena , 1826 3142 Fries (J. F.) Populare Vorlesungen uber die Sternkunde with folio atlas of plates post 8 vo. Heidelberg, 1833 3143 Fries (J. F.) Geschichte der Philosophie, 2 vol. Humboldt's autograph notes , vellum paper 8 vo. Halle , 1837-40 3144 Fries (J. F.) Versuch einer Kritik der Principien der Wahr- scheinlichkeitsrechnung 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1842 232 3145 [Frisell (Freiser)] Vue gdn^ral de la Constitution de l’Angle- terre par un Anglais 8vo. Paris , 1835 Presentation copy, with the following inscription : “ Pour Monsieur le Baron de Humboldt de la part de V Auteur M. Freiser Frisell 3146 Fritsch (Carl) uber die constanten Verhaltnisse des Wasser- standes und der Beeisung der Moldau bei Prag with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. (Prag,) 1851 3147 Fritsch (C.) uber Pflanzen deren Blumenkronen taglich peri- odisch offnen und schliessen, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. (Prag,) 1850 3148 Fritsch (K.) uber die periodischen Erscheinungen im Pflan- zenreiche, plate , author's autograph inscription 4:to. Prag, 1845 3149 Fritsch (K.) uber die periodischen Erscheinungen amWolken- himmel, plates 4 to. Prag, 1846 3150 Fritsch (K.) Grundziige einer Meteorologie fur den Horizont von Prag, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Prag, 1850 3151 Fritsch (K.) Resultate mehrjahriger Beobachtungen uber jene Pflanzen deren Blumenkronen sich taglich periodisch offnen und schliessen, plate 4 to. Prag, 1851 3152 Fritsch (K.) Resultate zweijahriger Beobachtungen uber die jahrliche Vertheilung der Kafer , plate authors autograph inscription 8vo. (Prag,) 1851 3153 Fritsch (K.) uber die Temperatur- Verhaltnisse und die Menge des Niederschlages in Bohmen, plates Humboldt's writing on 2 leaves 8 vo. (Prag,) 1851 3154 Fritsch (Karl) Kalender der Flora des Horizontes von Prag Presentation copy, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Prag, 1852 3155 Fritsch (K.) Kalender der Flora des Horizontes von Prag 8i;o. Prag, 1852 3156 Fritze (F.) Das Alexandersbad im Fichtelgebirge square 1 6mo. Berlin, 1857 3157 Fritze (Dr. H. E.) und Dr. O. F. G. Reich, die plastische Chirurgie, 48 plates ( chiefly coloured ) yelltjmpape -r, autograph of u Al. Humboldt" 4 to. Berlin, 1845 3158 Fritzsche (C. J.) de Plantarum Polline YELLUM paper Berolini, 1833 3159 Fritzsche (J.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Pollen. Erstes Heft, 2 coloured plates, eine paper, presentation copy, with author's autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin , 1832 3160 Fritzsche (Dr. J.) uber den Pollen, 13 coloured plates Presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription 4 to. St. Petersburg, 1837 3161 Froberville (E. de) sur les Progres des Decouvertes Geogra- phiques dans Pile de Madagascar with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, s. d. 233 3162 Frobel (J.) Beschreibung von Peru und der Argentinischen Republik, 2 vol. in 1, fine paper, Humboldt's writing on lack 8vo. Weimar , 1831-32 3163 Frobel (J.) und O. Heer, Mittheil ungen aus dem Gebiete der Theoretischen Erdkunde, 2 Parts, Presentation copy , with inscription 8 vo. Zurich , 1834 3164 Frobel (J.) Reise in die weniger bekannten Thaler auf der Nordseite der Penninischen Alpen, map and plates 8vo. Berlin , 1840 The lettering on back is in Humboldt’s autograph. 3165 Frobel (J.) Grundziige eines Systemes der Krystallologie velltjm paper, with author's autograph inscription half morocco 8vo. Zurich , 1843 3166 Froebel (Prof.) Neue Politik von C. Junius, 2 vol. with the author's autograph inscription , signed C. Junius , to which Humboldt in his own hand lias appended 11 Prof. Froebel and has marked at end references to passages half morocco small 8vo. Mannheim , 1846 3167 Frobel (J.) Aus Amerika. Erfahrungen, Reisen und Studien, 2 vol. cuts , velltjm paper post 8 vo. Leipzig , 1857-58 3168 Frobel (J.) Die Deutsche Auswanderung und ihre culturhis- torische Bedeutung Author's autograph inscription 8vo. Leipzig , 1858 Carefully read and marked by Baron Humboldt, who at page 88 has written sarcastically “oho I s 3 For an account of this copy see Humboldt’s Letters to Varnhagen, p. 312. 3169 Frobel (J.) Amerika, Europa und die politischen Geschichts- punkte der Gegenwart crown 8 vo. Berlin , 1859 3170 Frohlicb (Dr. G. E.) Wie zeigt sich wahre miitterliche Liebe und kindliche Pflicht, vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1842 3171 FrollofF (N.) Treasury of Geography and Travels, Yol. II, containing Views of Nature by A. von Humboldt, and Introduction to Geography by Carl Ritter, translated into Russian royal 8vo. Moscow , 1853 FrollofF also published a Translation of Humboldt’s Cosmos. 3172 Frombling (F. W.) Vorschlage zu Gesetzen iiber die Verbin- dung des Feldbaues mit dem Gebirg-Wald-und Diinenbaue 8vo. Berlin , 1839 3173 Frombling (F. W.) iiber den Stand der K. Preus. Domainen- Forst-Verwaltung, Berlin , 1839 — Bau-und Brennmaterial- vorrathe, Potsdam , 1848 8 vo. (2) 3174 Frommel (C.) Tyrol und seine nachsten Umgebungen nach der Natur gemalt, mit Text von A. Lewald, proof plates large paper royal folio. Carlsrulie , 1842 3175 Frommel (C.) Tyrol und seine nachsten Umgebungen, mit Text von A. Lewald india proof plates royal folio. Carlsruhe , 1842 H H 23 4 3176 Fromment (A.) Les Actes et Gestes merveilleux de la Cit6 de Geneve mis en Lumiere par G. Revilliod, plates printed on tinted paper, presentation copy with the editor's autograph , vellum , leaves uncut 8 vo. Geneve , 1854 Very rare, only a very limited number of the work having been printed. 3177 Fronius (F.) Flora von Schassburg, ein Beitrag zur Flora von Siebenbiirgen 8 vo. Kronstadt , 1858 3178 Froriep (Dr. L. F. von) fiber offentliche Ehrendenkmaler 4 to. Weimar , 1836 3179 Froriep (L. F. von) iiber Lebens-Versicherungs-Anstalten Important to insurance offices 8 vo. Weimar , 1837 3180 Froriep (R.) de Funiculi Umbilicalis Defectu, vellum paper, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berolini , 1832 3181 Froriep (R.) de Ossis Metatarsi primi exostosi, coloured plate fine paper, privately printed 4to. Berolini, 1834 3182 Froriep (Dr. R.) Schiitz vor Nachbildung der Kunstwerke 8 vo. Berlin , 1839 3183 Froriep (R.) Die Rheumatische Schwiele, woodcuts , with a number of the “ Neuen Notizen ” containing a Review of the ivork 8vo. Weimar , 1843 3184 Froriep Dr. R.) Studien zur operativen Heilung des Stotterns, plates 8 vo. Weimar, 1843 3185 Froriep (Dr. R.) Die Rettung der Cretin en, plate fine paper 8vo. Bern , 1856 3186 Froriep (Dr. R.) Rettung der Cretinen, plate 8 vo. Bern, 1856 3187 Fuchs (Dr. C. II.) Das heilige Feuer des Mittelalters Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. s. 1. a. An important contribution to the History of Epidemics. 3188 Fuchs (Dr. J. N. von) iiber die Gestaltungs-Zustande des Eisens 4 to. Munchen , 1852 3189 Fiihrboter (Dr. F. W.) Das Proletariat und der freie Bergbau 8vo. Hirschberg , 1848 Presentation copy from the Author, with his autograph inscription concluding with “ DEM GROSSTEN der kleinste. 55 3190 Fiihrboter (F. W.) Das Proletariat und der freie Bergbau 8vo. Hirchsberg, 1848 3191 Fiilleborn (Dr. F. L.) Materialen zu einer Grundwissenschaft, Berlin, 1845 — Der Schluszsatz in Kants Schrift “ zum ewigen Frieden,” ib. 1848 — Das Uebereinstimmende und Abweichende der Grundregeln der Chemie und Logik, ib. 1850 8 vo. (3) 3192 Fiilleborn (Dr. F. L.) Die wissenschaftliche Grundlage der Medicin 8 vo. Berlin , 1852 3193 Fiilleborn (Dr. F. L.) Kleine Schriften, 2 Parts 8vo. Marienwerder , 1853-54 235 3194 Fiirnrohr (Prof. Dr.) Dr. C. T. Beilschmied, Nekrolog 8 vo. Regensburg , 1848 3195 Fiirst (J.) Formenlehre der Chaldaischen Grammatik Dedicated to Wilhelm von Humboldt 8vo. Leipzig , 1835 3196 Fiirst (J.) Perlenschniire Aramaischer Gnomen und Lieder oder Aramaische Chresthomathie mit Erlauterungen und Glossar 8 vo. Leipzig , 1836 3197 Furgault(M.) Dictionnaire geographique, historique et mytho- logique, autograph of u Al. Humboldt ” 12 mo. Paris, 1776 3198 Fusco (G. V.) Intorno alle Zecche ed alle Monete battute nel Reame di Napoli da Re Carlo VIII di Francia Ragiona- mento, plates , fine paper, scarce , presentation copy , with author s autograph inscription Ato. Napoli, 1846 3199 Fuss (P. H.) Discours sur l’Academie Imperiale des Sciences royal 8 vo. St. Petersbourg, 1843 3200 Fuss (G.), A. Sawitsch und G. Sabler, Messungen zur Bestirn- mung des Hohenunterschiedes zwischen dem Schwarzen und Caspischen Meere, map and plate royal Ato. St. Petersburg, 1849 3201 (Fuss) Nachricht von der Vollendung der Gradmessung zwischen der Donau und dem Eismeere 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1853 3202 Fuss (M.) Compte rendu de l’Academie Imperiale des Sciences pour 1837, Humboldt' s autograph notes on cover Ato. St. Petersbourg, 1838 3203 G. (Th. A. von) Etwas zur Darstellung des Weltgebaudes oder die Mahnung in meinem Leben Privately printed 8vo. Braunschweig , 1846 3204 Gabelentz (H. C. v. d.) Grunziige der Syrjanischen Grammatik 8vo. Altenburg, 1841 3205 Gabriel (B.) de Cucullani elegantis vivipari Evolutione, plates thick vellum paper, author's autograph inscription A to. Berolini , 1853 3206 Gadolin (Axel) Geognostische Beobachtungen an den Kiisten des Ladoga-See’s, maps author's autograph inscription 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1858 3207 Gaebler (Dr.) Deutsche Auswanderung und Kolonisalion vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin, 1850 3208 Gagne (P.) La Gagne-Monopanglotte ou la Langue univer- selle et l’Empire Universel royal 8vo. Paris, 1843 3209 Gaimard (P.) Voyage en Islande et au Groenland. Notice sur les Comparaisons des Barometres par M. Delcros autograph inscription of P. Gaimard. 8vo. Paris, 1838 With the following note in Humboldt’s handwriting “Delcros Barometres reduction a 0 ° p. 496 .” 3210 Gaimard (P.) Voyage en Islande et au Groenland, Tome I, Partie I, india proof portrait of Jules de Blosseville author’s autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Paris, 1838 236 TENTH DATS SALE, LOT 3211 Galen (Dr. P. van) Zeil-Wind-en Stroomkaarten, § plates author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Rotterdam, 1854 3212 Galinier und Ferret, Skizze einer Karte von Asyr, Hedjus und Nedid — Entwurf zu dem Kriegsschauplatze in Asyr vor 1824 oblong royal folio (2) 3213 Galitzin (Prince Emanuel) La Finlande, 2 vol. map and plates tellum paper, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1852 3214 Gallatin (A.) on the Currency and Banking System of the United States, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Philadelphia , 1831 3215 Gallatin (A.) Memorial of the Free Trade Convention Com- mittee, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. New York , 1832 3216 Gallatin (A.) Report of the Delegates of the New York Banks to the Bank Convention, with inscription and long MS. note in the autograph of A. Gallatin 8 vo. New York , 1837 3217 Galle (G.) Priifung von Dove’s Windrose, Leipzig , 1834 — Galle (G.) uber Hofe und Nebensonnen, 2 parts in 1, plate , Leipzig , 1840 8vo. (2) 3218 Galle (J. G.) Olai Rcemeri Triduum Observationum Astrono- micarum A. 1706, Oct. 20-23 institutarum reductum et cum Tabulis comparatum, yelltjm paper, author's auto- graph inscription klo. Berolini , 1845 3219 Galle (J. G.) Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen der meteorolo- gischen Section in 1854, Breslau , 1854 — Galle (Dr. J. G.) Grundziige der Schlessischen Klimatologie, yelltjm paper, Breslau , 1857 4fo. (2) 3220 Galle (Dr. J. G.) iiber die Yerbesserung der Planeten-Elemente aus beobachteten Oppositionen angewandt auf eine neue Bestimmung der Pallas-Bahn 4 to. Breslau, 1858 3221 Galusky (Ch.) Notice sur la Yie et les Ouvrages de A. W. de Schlegel royal 8 vo. Paris , 1846 Humboldt in his letter to Varnhagen calls Galusky “ a talented young Frenchman , who is better acquainted with Germany than you or I, and the writer of an Essay on A. W. Schlegel .” 3222 Gamitto (Major A. C. P.) o Muata Cazembe e os povos Ma- raves, Ch^vas, Muizas, Muembas, Lundas e outros da Africa Austral. Diario de Expedi^ao commandada pelo Major Monteiro, map and plates, yelltjm paper, autograph of 11 A1 Humboldt” 8 vo. Lisboa, 1854 3223 Gand (E.) Les Cometes 8 vo. Amiens , 1858 3224 Ganganelli — Papst Clemens XIY — seine Briefe und seine Zeit. Yom Yerfasser der Romischen Briefe (A. von Reu- mont) eine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1847 237 3225 Gannal (J. N.) Histoire des Embaumements author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1841 3226 Gans (Dr. E.) Das Erbrecht des Mittelalters. Zweiter Theil fine paper, half calf 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1835 3227 Gans (E.) Ruckblicke auf Personen und Zustande crown 8vo. Berlin , 1836 Gans on account of his great conversational powers was a favorite of Humboldt, who, in a letter to Varnhagen, calls him “ our talented friend Gans.” In this work will be found his Account of his Visit to Jeremy Bentham. 3228 Gans (E.) liber die Grundlage des Besitzes 8 vo. Berlin , 1839 3229 Garay (D. Jose de) Reconocimiento del Istmo de Tehuantepec, maps 8vo. Londres , 1844 3230 Garbe (G.) Das Wesen der Pharmacie 8 vo. Berlin , 1843 3231 Garcin de Tassy (M.) La Rh6torique des Nations Musulmanes d’apres le Traite Persan intitule Hadayik ul-Balagat Extrait 3 & 4, author's autograph inscription , 8vo. Paris , 1846-47 — Garcin de Tassy, La Poesie philosophique et religieuse chez les Persans. Le Langage des Oiseaux, royal 8vo. Paris, 1856 (2) 3232 Garcin de Tassy (M.) Les Auteurs Hindoustanis et leurs Ouvrages, author's autograph inscription , royal 8 vo. Paris , 1855 — Garcin de Tassy (M.) Discours a l’Ouverture de son Cours d’Hindoustani, 8vo. Paris , 1856 (2) 3233 Gardner (G.) on the Existence of Chalk in Brazil, author s autograph inscription and Humboldt's MS. notes 8 vo. Glasgow, 1843 3234 Garella (N.) Carte topographique de ITsthme de Panama, Paris, 1845 — Belly (F.) Percementde ITsthme de Panama, maps, royal 8 vo. Paris, 1858 (2) 3235 Gargallo-Grimaldi (F.) Dichiarazione delle Pitture di un inedito Vaso fittile Greco del Museo Jatta, plate author s autograph inscription Ato. Napoli , 1857 3236 Gamier (F.) Memoire geologique sur les Terrains du Bas- Boulonnais et Notice sur la Colonne des Bourbons, map and plate Ato. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1823 3237 [Garrelt (Oberst von)] Sind Vitingambt und Ehringhausen Mannlehne oder Weiberlehne ? with the name of author in Humboldt's autograph 8 vo. Wetzlar, s. a. Printed for private circulation only (“ Als Handschrift gedruckt .”) 3238 Garthe (Dr. C.) Vorlesungen uber Foucault’s Versuch der Achsendrehung der Erde und Beschreibung des Geostro- phometer, 13 plates, yelltjm paper, author's autograph inscription to Prof. Dove royal 8 vo. Koln, 1852 3239 Gasparin (M.) des Effets des Climats sur les Assolemens con- siders dans la Region des Oliviers, 8vo. Paris , 1826 3240 Gasparin (Comte de) Cours d’Agriculture, Tome II author s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1844 3241 Gasparin (Comte de) sur la Radiation Solaire 4 to. Paris , 1853 238 8242 Gasparin (Comte de) Influence de la Temperature sur les Progres de la Vegetation 8vo. Paris , 1855 8243 Gasparini (G.) sopra taluni Remedi contro alia Malattia della Vite 4/o. 1856 3244 Gasparrini (G.) Ricerche sulla Natura dei Succiatori e la Escrezione delle Radici ed Osservazioni morfologiche sopra taluni Organi della Lemma minor, plates large paper, scarce imperial 8 vo. Napoli , 1856 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ A’ Monsieur Mr. le celebre Humboldt, a Berlin , hommage de V auteur.” 3245 Gaudichaud (M.) Voyage autour du Monde en 1836-37, sur la Corvette la Bonite. Botanique: Tome premier Cryp- togames cellulaires et vasculaires, par MM. Montagne, Leveille et Spring, presentation copy from Gaudichaud , with his autograph inscription , royal 8 vo. Paris , 1844-46 — Atlas of Botanical Plates, 13 parts, ( wanting part XI), royal folio, with author's autograph inscription , ib. 1844-46 3246 Gaudichaud (C.) Botanique du Voyage autour du Monde dans la Bonite, Atlas part 12 and 13 , plates, author s autograph inscription royal folio. Paris, 1846 3247 Gaudichaud (C.) Rapport sur la Flore des lies Malouines author's autograph inscription and corrections 8 vo. Paris, 1825 3248 Gaudichaud (C.) Recherches generates sur l’Organographie, la Physiologie et l’Organog^nie des Vegetaux, coloured plates large paper, author’s autograph inscription 4to. Paris , 1841 3248*Gaudichaud (C.) Another Copy, coloured plates ito. ib. 1841 3249 Gaudichaud (C.) sur les Vaisseaux tubuleux des Vegetaux, coloured plate, authors autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Paris, 1841 3250 Gaudichaud. Another Copy, coloured plate, royal 8vo. ib. 1841 3251 Gaudichaud (C.) sur la Physiologie et FOrganogenie des Vegetaux 4/o. Paris, 1842 3252 Gaudichaud (C.) Replique a M. de Mirbel, 5 parts, author's autograph inscription on each royal 8vo . Paris, 1843-44 3253 Gaudichaud (C.) sur la Maladie des Pommes de Terre, des Betteraves, &c. Paris, 1846 — Documents pour servir a l’Histoire de la Maladie des Pommes de Terre, &c. author s autograph inscription, ib. 1847 4/o. (2) 3254 Gaudichaud (C.) sur la Maladie des Pommes de Terre, des Betteraves, &c. Paris, 1846— Sur la Multiplication des Plantes bulbeuses, ib. 1847 — Sur l’Accroissement en Hauteur des Vegetaux, ib. 1847 4/0. (3) 3255 Gaudichaud (C.) Premieres Remarques sur les deux M4moires de MM. Payen et de Mirbel relatifs a l’Organographie et la Physiologie des Vegetaux, Paris, 1846 — Secondes Remarques, ib. 1846 — Suite des secondes Remarques, ib. 1846 — Reponse aux Observations de M. Payen, ib. 1846 4/o. (4^ 239 3256 Gaudichaud (C.) Reponse aux Observations de M. Payen 4 to. Paris , 1846 3257 Gaudichaud (C.) Documents pour servir a l’Histoire de la Maladie des Pommes de Terre, &c. author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris , 1847 3258 Gaudichaud (C.) Aper 9 u sur la Chimie physiologique author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris , 1847 3259 Gaudichaud (C.) sur la Multiplication des Plantes Bulbeuses, Paris , 1847 — Sur l’Anatomie et la Physiologie des Vege- taux monocotyles, 2 parts, ib. 1847 — Remarques sur les deux Memoires de MM. Payen et De Mirbel, 3 parts, ib. 1846 — Reponse aux Observations de M. Payen, ib. 1846 — Sur la Maladie des Pommes de Terre, &c. ib. 1846 4 to. (8) 3260 Gaudichaud (C.) sur l’Accroissement en Hauteur des Vegetaux 4 to. Paris , 1847 3261 Gaudichaud (C.) sur l’Anatomie et la Physiologie companies des Vegetaux Monocotyles, 2 parts Ato. Paris , 1847 3262 Gaudichaud-Beaupre (C.) Notice biographique sur (par E. Pascal let) royal 8 vo. Paris , 1844 Presentation copy from Ch. Gaudichaud with his autograph inscription. 3263 Gaudin (A.) sur le Groupement des Atomes dans les Molecules et sur les Causes les plus intimes des Formes Cristallines, plate royal 8vo. Paris , 1847 3264 Gaudin (C. T.) et P. Delaharpe, Flore fossile des Environs de Lausanne 8vo. Lausanne , 1856 3265 Gaudin (C. T.) sur quelques Empreintes v4getales des Ter- rains superieurs de la Toscan q, plate 8 vo. Lausanne , 1857 3266 Gaudin (C. T.) Phenomenes de Mirages dessines a Palerme en 1858, plate, Lausanne , 1858 — Dosage approximate du Limon charrie par l’Arno pendant les Pluies. Roches perforees par l’Helix Mazzullii. Sur les Flores fossiles d’ltalie, s. 1. Sf a. — Heer (O.) sur les Charbons feuilletes de Durnten et d’Utznach, traduit par C. T. Gaudin, transla- tor's autograph inscription , Geneve , 1858 8 vo. (3) 3267 Gaudin (C. T.) et le Marquis Carlo Strozzi, sur quelques Gisements de Feuilles fossiles de la Toscana, tinted plates 4 to. Zurich , 1858 Presentation copy from Gaudin, with his autograph inscription. 3268 Gaudry (A.) Recherches scientifiques en Orient: Partie Agricole, large coloured agricultural map of Cyprus and plates large vellum paper, scarce imp. 8vo. Paris, 1855 3269 Gaupp (Dr. E. T.) Das Deutsche Volksthum in den Stamm- landern der Preussischen Monarchic vellum paper 8 vo. Breslau, 1849 240 3270 Gauss (C. F.) Bestimmung des Breitenunterschiedes zwischen den Stern warten von Gottingen und Altona durch Beobach- tungen am Ramsdenschen Zenithsector fine paper, several passages marked by Humboldt Ato. Gottingen , 1828 3271 Gauss (C. F.) Intensitas Yis magneticse terrestris ad Mensuram absolutam revocata fine paper, marked by Humboldt 4 to. Gottingce , 1833 3272 Gauss (C. F.) iiber ein neues zur Beobachtung des Erdmagne- tismus bestimmtes Instrument, plates 8 vo. 1837 3273 [Gauss (C. F.)] Allgemeine Theorie des Erdmagnetismus^Zates large paper, Humboldt's autograph notes royal 8vo. Gottingen , s. a. 3274 Gauss (C. F.) Missura assoluta dell’ Intensita della Forza magnetica terrestre, tradotta e commentata da P. Frisiani, plate large paper royal 8vo. Milano , 1838 3275 Gauss (C. F.)’und W. Weber, Resultate aus den Beobachtung- en des magnetischen Yereins in 1838, plates in a separate Ato. volume, Humboldt's autograph notes, 8vo. Leipzig, 1839 3276 Gauss (C. F.) und W. Weber, Resultate aus den Beobach- tungen des Magnetischen Yereins in 1840 , plates 8 vo. Leipzig , 1841 3277 Gauss (C. F.) Allgemeine Lehrsatze in Beziehung auf die Anziehungs-und Abstossungs-Krafte large paper, author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Leipzig , 1840 3278 Gauss (C. F.) Dioptrische Untersuchungen fine paper, presentation copy , with inscription in the eminent author's autograph 4 to. Gottingen, 1841 3279 Gay (Claudio) Historia fisica y politica de Chile. Historia, 5 vols. in 17 parts, Paris, 1844-49 — Zoologia, 8 vol. (wanting vol. VI.) ib. 1847-54 — Botanica, 8 vol. ( wanting vol. IV, No. 2), ib. 1845-52 — Documentos, 2 vol. ib. 1844-52, together 23 vols. 8vo. and Atlas of finely coloured plates in 34 parts, royal 4 to. ib. 1844-54 Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscrip- tion, and having a few notes in Humboldt' s handwriting 3280 Gay-Lussac (M.) Cours de Physique, recueilli et publie par M. Grosselin, Le$on 1-69, 2 vol. plates 8 vo. Paris, 1827-28 3281 Gay-Lussac (M.) Cours de Chimie, Le 9 on I-XX 8vo. Paris , 1828 3282 Gebauer (K. E.) Wegweiser durch Samland; die Samlandische Ostsee-Kiiste und ihre Umgebungen, map 12 mo. Konigsberg, 1837 3283 Gebel (Dr.) iiber den Gebrauch des Bades Meinberg bei Detmold 8vo. Glogau , 1857 241 3284 Gedike (F.) Griechisches Lesebuch two editions 12 mo. Berlin , 1821-29 3285 Gehler (Dr. J. S. T.) Physikalisches Worterbuch,mit Supple- ment und Register, 6 vol. 8 vo. Leipzig, 1787-96 3286 Gehler (J. S. T.) Physikalisches Worterbuch, neu bearbeitet yon Brandes, Gmelin, Horner, Muncke, Pfaff, &c. mit Register, 11 vol. in 20 and Atlas of Plates in 2 vol. oblong 4 to. ' 8vo. Leipzig , 1825-45 3287 Geibel (E.) Konig Sigurds Brautfakrt, eine nordische Sage fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1846 3288 Geiger (Rabbiner Dr. A.) Isaak Trokiein Apologet des Juden- thums am Ende des XVI Jahrhunderts 8w>. Breslau , 1853 3289 Geinitz (H. B.) Charakteristik der Schichten und Petrefacten des Sachsisch-Bohmischen Kreidegebirges, 25 plates of petrifactions, fine paper 4 to. Dresden, 1839-42 3290 Geinitz (H. B.) Grundriss der Versteinerungskunde, 28 plates and tabular view , large paper royal 8 vo. Dresden , 1846 3291 Geinitz (H. B.) und A. von Gutbier, Die Yersteinerungen des Deutschen Zechsteingebirges und Rothliegenden oder des Permisclien Systemes in Sachsen, 2 vol. plates , each volume having its author's autograph inscription royal Ho. Dresden , 1848-49 3292 Geinitz (H. B.) und A. von Gutbier, Die Versteinerungen des Zechsteingebirges und Rothliegenden, 2 vol. 20 plates of petrifactions royal 4 to. Dresden , 1848-49 3293 Geinitz (H. B.) Das Quadersandsteingebirge oder Kreidege- birge in Deutschland, plates of petrifactions , Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Freiberg, 1849-50 32 93 *Geinitz. Another copy, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. ib. 1849-50 3294 Geinitz (H. B.) Das Quadergebirge oder die Kreideformation in Sachsen, coloured plate, eine paper, author's autograph inscription imperial 8vo. Leipzig , 1850 3295 Geinitz. Another copy, coloured plate imperial 8vo. ib. 1850 3296 Geinitz (Dr. H. B.) Gedachtnissrede auf Leopold von Buch eine paper 8vo. Dresden , 1853 3297 Geinitz (H. B.) Die Leitpflanzen des Rothliegenden und des Zechsteingebirges oder der permischen Formation in Sach- sen, plates , vellum paper 4 to. Dresden , 1858 3298 Gemmelaro (C.) Cenno sulla Vegetazione di alcune Piante a varie Altezze del Cono dell’ Etna, plate Humboldt' s writing on cover Ho. 1827 3299 Gemmellaro (Dr. C.) Relazione dei Fenomeni di un nuovo Vulcano sorto dal Mare fra la Costa di Sicilia e l’lsola di Pantelleria, plates , autograph of 11 Humboldt” 8 vo. Catania , 1831 With the author’s autograph inscription “ Al celebre A. Humboldt omaggio dell ’ autore .” I I 242 3300 Genelli (B.) Umrisse zum Homer mit Erlauterungen von Dr. E. Forster, proof impression of the exquisite outline engravings vellum papee oblong royal folio. Stuttgart, 1844 3301 General Anzeiger fur Thuringen und Franken vom 3 Juli 1853 bis 9 Marz 1854, presentation copy from Dr. E. Amthor ( the Editor) with his autograph inscription royal 4 to. Hildburghausen, 1853-54 3302 Gens (General-Major) und Gr. von Helmersen iiber Chiwa, Buchara, Chokand und den N.W. Theil des Chinesischen Staates, map , Humboldt's autograph signature and notes 8vo. St. Petersburg , 1839 3303 Genty de Bussy (P.) de l’Etablissement des Fran^ais dans la Regence d’Alger, 2 vol. author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1839 3304 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) Fragment sur la Nature Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. Paris, 1829 3305 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (President) Anciens Mammiferes de Moree ( taken from fragments representing the labours of Hercules ) plate of the boar laege papee imperial 4 to. (Paris, 1831) 3306 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (Etienne) Etudes progressives d’un Naturaliste pendant 1834 et 1835, plates 4 to. Paris, 1835 3307 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Notions de Philosophie naturelle laege papee 8vo. Paris , 1838 Humboldt has written on cover “ Geoffroy St. Hilaire Philosophie naturelle dediee a V autre face de Napoleon 1838.” 3308 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Notions de Philosophie Naturelle et Fragments biographiques, 2 vol. in 1, author's autograph inscription, 8 vo. Paris, 1838 — Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) Catalogue des Livres de Science composant sa Bibliotheque, 8 vo. Paris, 1845 (2) 3309 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) Son Eloge par M. Flourens author s autograph inscription 4to. Paris, 1852 3310 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (Isidore) Yie, Travaux et Doctrine scientifique d’Etienne Geoffroy St. Hilaire laege papee, india proof portrait, with author s autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Paris, 1847 3311 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (Isidore) Histoire naturelle g4nerale du Regne organique 4 to. Paris, 1851 3312 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (Isidore) Histoire naturelle generate des Regnes organiques, Tome I & Tome II, Part. I, author's autograph inscriptions and Humboldt's MS. notes 8vo. Paris, 1854 3313 Geographes Grecs. Fragments des Poemes gdographiques de Scymnus de Ohio et du faux Dicearque restitues d’apres un MS. et precedes d’Observations sur ces Fragmens, sur Scylax, &c. par M. Letronne, Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. Paris , 1840 243 3314 Geographical Society’s Journal, vol. VI Part 2 to vol. XXYII (wanting VII Part 1, and XXIII Part 2) maps and plates , Humboldt's autograph notes and signature , with index to vol. XI-XX 8vo. London, 1836-57 (38) 3315 Geographical Society’s Proceedings, vol. I No. 2 to vol. V No. 4, not quite consecutive, 23 Nos. Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. London , 1856-61 3316 Geographical Society’s Library-Catalogue 8 vo. London, 1852 3317 Geological Society’s Proceedings from 1826 to 1842, not quite consecutive , Humboldt's autograph note 8vo. Lond. 1826-42 3318 Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota; and incidentally of a Portion of Nebraska Territory; made under Instruction from the United States Treasury Depart- ment by David Dale Owen, Dr. J. G. Norwood, Colonel C. Whittlesey, Dr. B. F. Shumard, and Dr. J. Leidy. Reports with Illustrations, 2 vol. maps, sections , plates of petrifac- tions, views , woodcuts , &c. fine paper, cloth royal 4 to. Philadelphia , 1852 3319 Geologie, Formation et Fossile, par M. Constant Prevost, 2 Parts royal 8vo. Paris, 1845 3320 Geonim. Rechtsgutachten der Geonim Hebraisch herausge- geben von D. Cassel mit Einleitung von S. L. Rapoport yelltjm paper 4 to. Berlin, 1848 3321 George (J. F. L.) Die alteren Jiidischen Feste mit einer Kritilc der Gesetzgebung des Pentateuch dargestellt fine paper, with author's autograph inscription , half calf gilt 8 vo. Berlin, 1835 3322 George (J. F. L.) Mythus und Sage author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1 837 3323 George (Dr. L.) de iEthiopum Imperio in Arabia Felici 8vo. Berolini , 1833 3324 George (Dr. L.) Die fiinf Sinne 8 vo. Berlin, 1846 3325 George (Dr. L.) Entwickelung einer neuen Theorie der Materie vellum paper 4 to. Berlin, 1850 3326 George. Another copy on the usual Paper 4 to. ib. 1850 3327 George (Dr. L.) Lehrbucli der Psychologie fine paper, authors autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin, 1854 3328 Georgine, eine Zeitschrift fiir landwirthschaftliche Cultur, Part 1 & 2 for 1840, plates 8vo. Gumbinnen , 1840 3329 Geppert (Dr. C. E.) Chronik von Berlin, 2 vol. plates fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1839-40 3330 Geppert (Dr. C. E.) Ueber den Ursprung der Homerischen Gesange, 2 vol. in 1 fine paper, half calf extra 8 vo. Leipzig , 1840 3331 Geppert (Dr.) iiber den gegenwartigen Zustand der Homeri- schen Kritik 4 to. 244 3332 Geppert (C. E.) uber die Eingange zu dem Proscenium und der Orchestra des alten Griechischen Theaters 8vo. Berlin , 1842 3333 Geppert (Dr. C. E.) iiber die Auffiihrung der Medea des Euripides zu Athen (431 A. C.) 8 vo. Leipzig , 1843 3334 Geppert (C. E.) Die Altgriechische Biihne dargestellt, plates of ancient coins and vases yelltjm paper, half calf extra 8 vo. Leipzig, 1843 3335 Geppert (C. E.) iiber den Codex Ambrosianus und seinen Einfluss auf die PJautinische Kritik roy. 8 vo. Leipzig, 1847 3336 Gerando (Baron de) Son Eloge funebre par le Comte Beugnot 8 vo. Paris , 1844 Privately printed. Presentation copy from Baron G. de Gerando (the son) with his Autograph Inscription and MS, Notes pointing out Beugnot’s errors. 3337 Gerard (Baron Francis) CEuvre 1789-1836. Gravures a l’Eau-forte. Premiere Partie Collection des 83 Portraits historiques en Pied; Deuxieme Partie 43 Tableaux; Troi- sieme et derniere Partie, Esquisses peintes, Tableaux ebauches, Compositions desinees Facsimile, Portraits a Mi- Corps et Portraits en Buste yelltjm paper, india proof plates roy.fol. Paris, 1852-57 An unrivalled Collection of Studies for Artists. 3338 Gerard (Baron Francis) Notice sur son CEuvre, avec Listes generates de ses Ouvrages, portrait and facsimile letter royal folio. Paris , 1857 3339 Gerard (H.) Carte du Chemin de Fer de Paris jusqu’& Cologne — Plan des Environs de Paris, folded 8 vo. Bruxelles, s. d. 3340 Gerard (Jules) La Chasse au Lion et les autres Chasses de l’Algerie, portrait and plates 8vo. Paris, 1854 3341 Gerard (Jules) Le Tueur de Lions yelltjm paper 12mo. Paris, 1855 With the autograph inscription of the famous Lion-Hunter ; “ A son Excellence le Baron de Humboldt hommage de Vauteur Jules Gerard.” 3342 Gerard (P. A. F.) Introduction a l’Histoire du Genre Humain, portrait , large yelltjm paper, with author's autograph inscription and corrigenda royal 8vo. ( Bruxelles ), 1853 Privately printed, having as Imprint; “ Edition privee tiree a 100 Exemplaires 3343 Gercke Elementare Entwicklung der Summenformel der Reihe der gleichhohen Potenzen der natiirlichen Zahlen 4 to. 1851 3344 Gerding (Dr. Th.) Rundschau in der Natur Erster Theil, 63 woodcuts and 2 plates , author's autograph inscription yelltjm paper 8 vo. Frankfurt, 1858 3345 Gerdy (P. N.) Recherches et Discussions sur divers Points des Sciences Medicales author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1841 245 3346 Gerdy (Dr. P. N.) Physiologie philosophique des Sensations et de 1’ Intelligence author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1846 3347 Gerdy (P. N.) Lettre sur le Concours, l’Election et Reponse aux Objections de M. Cousin author's autograph inscription 8vo. Bar-sur- Seine, 1847 3348 Gerebtzoff (Nicolas de) Essai sur FHistoire de la Civilisation en Russie, 2 vol. vellum papee, morocco extra 8 vo. Paris , 1858 Presentation copy of this valuable work with the following inscrip- tion in the author’s autograph : “ A Son Excellence Monsieur le Baron Alexandre de Humboldt comme expression de la profonde veneration de 1’ Auteur _2_ Septembre, 1858.” 3349 Gerhard (Dr. E.) Jason des Drachen Beute, plate 4 to. Berlin , 1835 3350 Gerhard (E.) Berlin’s antike Bildwerke, Erster Theil (Mar- morwerken und Vasen) eiite papee, 8vo. Berlin, 1836 — Gerhard (Dr. E.) Neuerworbene aritike Denkmaler des K. Museums zu Berlin. Erster Heft, plates , scarce , Humboldt's writing on cover, 8 vo. ib. 1836 (2) 3351 Gerhard (E.) Archemoros und die Hesperiden, Vasenerklarung, 4 plates , author's autograph inscription eine papee 4 to. Berlin, 1838 3352 Gerhard (E.) iiber die Metallspiegel der Etrusker, plates yelltjm papee 4 to. Berlin, 1838 3353 Gerhard (E.) Vases Grecs relatifs aux Mysteres, plates in outline , yelltjm papee atlas folio. Stuttgart, 1839 3354 Gerhard (E.) Griechische und Etruskische Trinkschalen des K. Museums zu Berlin, coloured plates yelltjm papee royal folio. Berlin, 1840 3355 Gerhard (E.) iiber die Fliigelgestalten der alten Kunst, plates eine papee, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin, 1840 3356 Gerhard (E.) iiber die Lichtgottheiten auf Kunstdenkmalern, plates, eine papee 4 to. Berlin, 1840 3357 Gerhard (E.) iiber die zwolf Gotter Griechenlands, plates elite papee, author s autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin , 1842 3358 Gerhard (E.) Die Heilung des Telephos, plate eine papee 4 to. Berlin, 1843 3359 Gerhard (E.) Archaologische Zeitung, Part 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7, plates 4 to. Berlin , 1843-44 3360 Gerhard (E.) Die Schmiickung der Helena, plate fine papee 4 to. Berlin, 1844 3361 Gerhard (E.) Vases Apuliens du Musee Royal de Berlin, a magnificent worlc , with finely- coloured plates vellum paper atlas folio. Berlin , 1846 3362 Gerhard (E.) Das Orakel der Themis, coloured plate vellum papee, authors autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin, 1846 246 3363 Gerhard (E.) und O. M. B. von Stackelberg Archaologischer Nachlass aus Rom 8vo. Berlin , 1852 3364 Gerhard (E.) iiber Griechenlands Volksstamme und Stamm- gottheiten, vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1854 3365 Gerhard (E.) iiber den Yolksstamm der Achaeer vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1854 3366 [Gerke] Friedenschluss zwischen Yernunft und Christenthum fine paper, the real name of author in Humboldt's autograph square 1 6mo. Hamburg , 1846 Written under the assumed name of Fr. Clemens. 3367 Gerlach (E. L. von) iiber die fernere Behandlung der Revision des Preussischen Strafrechts 8vo . Berlin , 1846 3368 Gerlach (F. D.) und J. J. Bachofen, Geschichte der Romer. Ersten Bandes zweite Abtheilung 8 vo. Basel, 1851 3369 Gerlach (O. von) iiber den religiosen Zustand der Anglican- ischen Kirche fine paper, blue morocco 8vo. Potsdam , 1845 3370 Gerling (C. L.) Beitrage zur Geographie Kurhessens, &c. 2 Parts, plate 8 vo. Cassel, 1831*39 3371 German Railways. Lange (H.) Maps of the various Rail- ways and surrounding Country, with Views and Plans of the Cities, large paper proofs in royal Ato. portfolio 3372 Germar (F. H.) Sechs Tafeln zur Erleichterung der Himmels- kunde, Text royal 8vo. Plates royal 4to, 2 vol. Leipzig , 1846 3373 Germar (F. H.) Fluth und Ebbe, 2 maps , privately printed 8 vo. Magdeburg , 1842 3374 Gerold (Dr. H.) Die Lehre vom schwarzen Staar und dessen Heilung, plate vellum paper, half morocco 8vo. Magdeburg , 1846 3375 Germar (F. H.) Sechs Tafeln zur Erleichterung der Himmels- kunde, vellum paper, with 4 to. atlas of plates royal 8 vo. Leipzig , 1846 3376 Gerold (Dr. J. H.) Die Klauenseuche der Schaafe 8vo. Halle , 1842 3377 Gerolt (F. de) y C. de Berghes, Carta geognostica y Perfiles geognosticos de los principales Distritos minerales del Estado de Mexico, on 6 sheets , coloured very scarce royal folio. Dusseldorf 1827 With a description in German, printed in quarto. 3378 Gerstler (J.) Die Losung der socialen Frage auf dem mechan- ischen Wege, vellum paper 4 to. Mainz , 1857 3379 Gervinus (C. G.) Geschichte der poetischen National-Literatur der Deutschen, 5 vol. fine paper, half morocco extra 8vo. Leipzig , 1840-42 247 3380 Gervasii von Tilbury Otia Imperialia in einer Auswahl (Lateinisch) neu herausgegeben und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von F. Liebrecht fine paper 8vo. Hannover , 1856 Dedicated to Sir George Cornwall Lewis, Bart. M.P. 3381 Geschichtliche Notizen iiber den Herren-Stand, die Assecura- tions-Akte und das Donativ 8vo. Konigsberg, 1840 3382 Gesenii (G.) Disputatio de Inscriptione Punica Libyca, plates Humboldt'' s writing on cover 4 to. Lipsicc, 1836 3383 Gesenii (G.) Monumenta Phoenicia, 3 vol. in 2, plates fine paper 4to. Lipsice, 1837 3384 Gesenius (Dr. W.) iiber die Himjaritsche Sprache und Schrift author's autograph inscription 8 vo. 1841 3385 Gesprache aus der Gegenwart iiber Staat und Kirche vellum paper foolscap 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1846 3386 Gessner (E.) sur l’Origine des Prepositions Franchises vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1858 3387 Geuns (W. A. J. van) Proeve eener Geschiedenis von de ASquivalentgetallen der scheidkundige Grondstoffen en van hure soortelijke Gewigten in Gasvorm, &c. plates thick paper 8vo. Amsterdam , 1853 Presentation copy to the unfortunate Dr. Robert Blum, with the author’s autograph inscription. 3388 Gevers d’Endegeest (M.) du Dessechement du Lac de Harlem. Premiere Partie ( all published ), half red morocco, gilt edges , and folio atlas of maps 8vo. Leide , 1844 3389 Gewerbe-Ordnung vom 9 Februar 1839, read and marked by Humboldt 8vo. Berlin , 1839 3390 Gewerbordnung. Wiinsche der Stadtverordneten in Bezug auf eine zeitgemasse Gewerbordnung 4 to. Berlin , 1840 3391 Geyer (C. A.) on the Vegetation of the Missouri and Oregon Territories, author's autograph inscription and additions , with Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. Dresden , 1846 3392 Geyer (D.) Die Auerhahnbaltz vellum paper, privately printed, silk, g. e. 8 vo. Wien, 1858 3393 Ghillany (Dr. F. W.) Geschichte des Seefahrers Ritter Martin Behaim nach den altesten vorhandenen Urkunden bear- beitet. Eingeleitet durch eine Abhandlung iiber die altesten Karten des Neuen Continents und den Namen Amerika von Alexander von Humboldt, portrait of Behaim , fac- similes of his globe , ancient charts , the Astrolabe of Regio- montanus, fyc. with autograph of “ Al. Humboldt” on cover scarce royal 4 to. Numb erg, 1853 3394 Ghillany (Dr. F. W.) Diplomatisches Handbuch, 1 Theil fine paper royal 8vo . Nordlingen, 1855 248 3395 Ghillany (Dr. F. W.) Diplomatisches Handbuch, 2 vol. royal 8 vo. Nordlingen , 1855 Besides containing the principal Treaties, &c. with valuable Introductions, the work gives a Bibliography of Writings on the subject. 3396 Ghillany (Dr. F. W.) Das Verhaltniss Neuenburg’s zur Krone Preussen, vellum papee 8 vo. Munchen , 1856 3397 Gibbes (Dr. R. W.) on the Fossil Genus Basilosaurus, with a Notice of Specimens from the Eocene Green Sand, plates author's autograph inscription royal 4 to. Philadelphia , 1847 3398 Gibbes, Another Copy, plates royal Ato. ib. 1847 3399 Gibbes (R. W.) Monograph of the Fossil Squalidse of the United States, 2 Parts ( Part I containing 4 plates , with 11 pages of Text, and Part II 3 plates , with 18 pages of Text) royal Ato. Philadelphia , 1848-49 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 3400 Gibbes (R. W.) Monograph of the Fossil Squalidse of the United States — Another Edition, 7 plates, with the Text complete in 26 pages royal A to. Philadelphia, 1848 Presentation copy, from J. O. M. Lieber, with his autograph inscription. 3401 Gibbes, Another Copy, 7 plates royal A to. ib. 1848 3402 Gibbon (E.) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 12 vol. half calf extra fscp. 8vo. Leipzick, 1829 3403 Gibbon (Lieut. L.) Maps of Bolivia, Andes, &c. folded into case 8vo. Balto, 1854 3404 Gibbs (W.) and F. A. Genth, Researches on the Ammonia- Cobalt Bases, presentation copy roy. Ato. Washington , 1856 3405 Giebel (Dr. C. G.) Fauna der Vorwelt mit steter Beriicksich- tigung der lebenden Thiere, Yol. I in 3 Parts (Wirbel- thiere) 8 vo. Leipzig , 1847-48 3406 Giebel (C. G.) Beitrage zur Osteologie der Nagethiere, plates vellum papee royal Ato. Berlin, 1857 3407 Giebel (C. G.) Tagesfragen aus der Naturgeschichte vellum papee 8 vo. Berlin , 1857 3408 Giebel (C.) Die Silurische Fauna des Unterharzes, plates thick vellum papee, bound in red velvet, ornamented with gold and silver tooling , g. e. royal A to. Berlin, 1858 3409 Gierse (A.) Qusenam sit Ratio Caloris organici Partium Inflammatione laborantium Febrium Vaginae in Feminis menstruis et non menstruis Iiominis dormientis et non dormientis et denique Plantarum, &c. vellum papee, scarce Ato. Plaice, 1842 3410 Giesel (F.) Geschichte der Variationsrechnung. Erster Theil vellum papee Ato. Torgau, 1857 249 3411 [Gieszler (N. II.)] Einfache Gedanken eines Bauern iiber das Fortleben undden Aufenthalt der Seelen nach dem Tode vellum paper , Humboldt' s autograph note respecting author on cover 8vo. Erfurt , 1855 3412 Gilberti (G.) de Magnete, magneticisque Corporibus et de magno Magnete Tellure Physiologia nova plurimis et Argumentis et Experimentis demonstrata, numerous cuts half russia extra folio. Londini, 1600 With the autograph notes of Baron Humboldt, who has also written on fly-leaf : “ Ce livre m’ a ete donne par Mr. Libri.” 3413 Gildemeister (Dr. J.) und Dr. H. von Sybel, Der heilige Rock zu Trier uud die zwanzig andern heiligen ungenahten Rocke, facsimile of an ancient woodcut fine paper , rare 8vo. Dicsseldorf 1844 3414 Gilliss (Lieut. J. M.) Magnetical and Meteorological Observa- tions made at Washington, plates half green morocco extra royal 8 vo. Washington , 1845 3415 Gilliss (J. M.) Astronomical Observations made (1838-42) at the Naval Ohservatory, Washington fine paper , author's autog7'aph inscription , half russia royal 8 vo. Washington , 1846 3416 Gilliss (J. M.) Astronomical Observations made at the Naval Observatory, Washington royal 8 vo. Washington , 1846 3417 Gilliss (J. M.) Origin and Operations of the U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition 4 to. Washington , 1854 3418 Gilliss (Lieut. J. M.) United States Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere during the Years 1849-52, vol. I, II, III, and VI, ( all published), maps and plates , ( those of costume and natural history coloured ) 4 to. Washington , 1855-56 Presentation copy from Lieut. Gilliss, with his autograph inscrip- tions. This valuable work was unfortunately never completed. Vol. I. contains Chile, by Lieut. Gilliss ; vol. II. Andes and Pampas, by Lieut. A. Mac Rae, with Descriptions of the Natural History by Smith, Ewbank, Baird, Cassin, Girard, Gould, Gray, Brackenridge, Wyman and Conrad; vol. III. Obser- vations to determine the Solar Parallax, by Lieut. Gilliss ; and vol. VI. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations under the direction of Lieut. Gilliss. 3419 Gil y Carrasco (Don Enrique) El Senor de Bembibre, Novela original, morocco , g. e. with B. H. and coronet stamped on sides foolscap 8vo. Madrid , 1844 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph ; “ A1 Ecmo S r Baron de Humboldt en agrade- cimto de sa protecion constante y delicada, en testimonio de respeto profundo a su caracter y como prueba de adhesion absoluta a su persona El Autor.” 3420 Gimmerthal (B. G.) Zwolf neue Dipteren 4 to. Riga, 1847 K K 250 3421 Gineste (Capitain de) Karte der Insel Thera oder Santorin {see No. 3581) royal folio. 1848 3422 Girard College Magnetic and Meteorological Observa- tions, edited by A. D. Bache, 3 vol. 8 vo. and oblong folio atlas of plates very scarce, most of the copies having been destroyed by shipwreck Washington , 1847 3423 Girard (Abbe) Synonymes Francis, 2 vol. in 1 half calf gilt 12 mo. Lyon, 1801 3424 Girard (C.) Bibliography of American Natural History for 1851 author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Washington , 1852 3425 Girard (C.) Revision of the North American Astaci (Craw- fishes), author's autograph inscription 8vo. Philadelphia ,1852 3426 Girard (H.) de Basaltis eorumque et Vulcanorum Rationibus VELLUM paper 8vo. Berolini , 1840 3427 Girard (H.) Die Norddeutsche Ebene insbesondere zwischen Elbe und Weichsel geologisch dargestellt, coloured map and plates fine paper, half morocco 8 vo. Berlin , 1855 At p. 229, is an autograph note of Humboldt on a slip of paper. 3428 Girard (H.) fiber die geognostischen Verhaltnisse des nord- ostlicl.en Deutschen Tieflandes folio Autograph MS. without name, but at the end of which Hum- boldt has himself written : “ Girard, 25 Juni, 1849 ,” and has also marked on the outside : “ Girard baltisches Tiefland Hier Boll Mecklenburg.” 3429 Girard (H.) Geologische Wanderungen. Wallis-Yivarais- Yelais, maps Humboldt's autograph notes , half morocco 8 vo. Halle , 1855 3430 Girard (P. S.) de l’Etat actuel des Eaux publiques de Paris, Paris , 1831 — Eaux Naturelles, author's autograph inscrip- tion, ib. s. d. 8vo. (2) 3431 Girardin (J.) Considerations g£n£rales sur les Yolcans et Examen critique des diverses Theories pour expliquer les Phenomenes Yolcaniques, half calf gilt 8vo. Rouen, 1831 3432 Giraud (Ch.) Les Tables de Salspensa et de Malaga ( with the Latin text of these laws), facsimile fine paper, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1856 3433 Girschner (N.) Compendium der Anorganischen Chemie, 87 woodcuts, with author's autograph inscription , and having several passages marked in pencil by Humboldt 8 vo. Berlin, 1851 3434 Gisborne (L.) The Isthmus of Darien in 1852, maps, with autograph signature of“Al Humboldt" post 8 vo. Bond. 1853 Presentation copy, with inscription in the author’s handwriting. 25 1 3435 Gisors ( A. de) Le Palais de Luxembourg (1615-1845), plates large vellum paper, half red morocco imperial 4to. Paris , 1847 3436 Giucci (G.) Biografia del Professore T. de’ Consoni, con Note dal Marchese C. de Ribas 8vo. Napoli , 1 845 3437 Giustiniani (M.) La Muse Italienne en Russie, Recueil d’lm- provisations diverses, avec des Traductions ou Imitations en differentes Langues (Russian, German, French, and English opposite the Italian) with autograph inscription of the celebrated improvisatore royal 8vo. Saint Petersbourg, 1841 3438 Givry (M.) Carte reduite de la Cote du Bresil elephant folio. Paris , 1826 3439 Gladisch (A.) Einleitung in das Verstandniss der Welt- geschichte. Erste Abtheilung die alten Schinesen und die Pythagoreer, plates 8 vo. Posen , 1841 3440 Gladisch (A.) Das Mysterium der iEgyptischen Pyramiden und Obelisken 8 vo. Halle , 1846 3441 Gladisch (Prof. A.) Die entschleierte Isis author's autograph inscription 4 to. Pawitsch , 1849 3442 Gladisch (Aug.) Empedokles und die iEgypter, mit Erlauter- ungen aus den iEgyptischen Denkmalern von Dr. H. Brugsch und J. Passalacqua 8vo. Leipzig , 1858 3443 Glagolita Clozianus id est Codicis Glagolitici inter suos facile antiquissimi AeixJ/avov Foliorum XII servatum in Biblio- theca Comitis Paridis Cloz Litteris totidem Cyrillicis transcriptum et cum Speciminibus aliis editum a B. Kopitar, facsimiles, editors autograph inscription , and Hum- boldt's writing on cover royal 4 to. Vindobonce, 1836 A most valuable work for Slavic literature, having at end a “ Vocabularium Linguae Slavorum sacrae,” explaining all the Glagolitic words in the manuscript. 3444 Glaisher(J.) Sequel to a Paper on the Reduction of the Ther- mometrical Observations made at the Apartments of the Royal Society, author's autograph inscription , 4 to. London , 1850 — Glaisher (J.) on the Meteorology of England and South of Scotland ; and an Abridgment of the same, 8vo. ib. 1850 (3) 3445 Glaser (Dr. J. C.) uber die Bedeutung der Industrie und die Nothwendigkeit von Schutzmaassregeln 8vo. Berlin , 1845 3446 Glasers (Dr. C.) Schul-Atlas, 26 coloured maps after Ritter , Humboldt , Sfc. vellum paper oblong 4to. Mannheim , 1846 3447 Glass and Pottery. Catalog von Doubletten aus der Minutoli Collection, 8 vo. — Glasmalerei in Frankreich von J. Sabbatier (iibersetzt von Frick), fine paper, 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 (2) 252 3448 Glat er (E.) uber die Lebens-Chancen der Israeliten gegen- iiber der Christlichen Confessionen, with a long autograph letter from the author 8 vo. Wetzlar , 1856 3449 G1 pin (G.) Memoire sur les Appareils appliques a la Ventila- tion des Mines, plates , blue morocco super extra , having stamped in letters of gold on side , “ a Mr. le Baron Alexandre De Humboldt, offerte par Emile RAINBEAUX, Proprietaire , Administrateur des Usines et Mines de Houille du Grand- Hornu, pres Mons, Belgique " roy. 4 to. Mons, 1844 Privately printed at the expense of E. Rainbeaux for presents only. See also No. 3714. 3450 Gliddon (G. R.) The Nile, map author's autograph inscription 8vo. London , 1849 3451 Glinka (D. de) La Philosophie du Droit 8 vo. Paris , 1842 3452 Glocker (Dr. E. F. Mineralogische Jahreshefte. Drittes und Viertes Heft, 1834 8vo. Nurnberg , 1835 3453 Glocker (E. F.) Geognostische Beschreibung der Preussischen Oberlausitz, map and woodcuts thick vellum paper, with the 4 to. atlas containing the two maps royal 8 vo. Gorlitz , 1857 3454 Gloeckler (L.) Venezuela und die Deutsche Auswanderung dorthin, map , vellum paper 8vo. Schwerin , 1850 3455 Glockler (L.) Die Colonie Tovar in Venezuela, coloured map 8vo. Hamburg , 1851 3456 Gloger (C. L.) de Avibus ab Aristotele commemoratis fine paper 8 vo. Vratislavia , 1830 3157 Gloger (Dr. C. W. L.) Gemeinniitziges Hand-und Hilfsbuch der Naturgeschichte. Erster Band ( all published ) fine paper, author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Breslau , 1842 3458 Gloger (Dr. C. W. L.) Der Walfishfang und seine Beforde- rung in Deutschland vellum paper royal 8vo. Berlin , 1847 3459 Gloger (Dr. C. W. L.) Die Englische Fleisch-Verkaufs-Weise die vortheilhafteste 8 vo. Berlin , 1855 3460 Gloger (Dr. C. W. L.) Ermahnung zum Schiitze niitzlicher Thiere 8i?o. Berlin , 1858 3461 Gloger (Dr. C. W. L.) Die niitzlichsten Freunde der Land-und Forstwirthschaft unter den Thieren vellum paper, cloth } g. e. 8vo. Berlin , 1858 3462 Gloger. Another copy on the usual Paper 8vo. Berlin , 1858 3463 Gloger’s Universal-Tabelle des Weltsystems oblong folio. Breslau , s. a. Privately printed “ als Manuscript.” 3464 Gluck (C. F. von) Charakteristik von privately printed 8vo. Leipzig , 1832 253 3465 Gluge (Dr. G.) Anatomisch-mikroscopische Untersuchungen, 2 parts, plates , author's autograph inscription Svo. Minden , 1838 und Jena , 1841 3466 Gluge (Dr. G.) sur la Structure anormale des Os, plate , Bruxelles , s. a . — Action des Huiles grasses sur l’Economie Animale, plate , ib. s . a . — Sur la Structure des Hydatides et de l’Epiderme dans quelques Animaux, plates , author's autograph inscription ( Bruxelles , 1838) — Sur la Structure de quelques Ossifications anormales ib. s. a. Svo. (4) 3467 Gluge (Dr. G.) La Nutrition, author s autograph inscription royal Svo. Bruxelles , 1856 3468 Gluge (D. G.) de l’lnfluence des Academies sur le Progres des Sciences 8 vo. ib. 1857 3469 Gluge (T.) Observationes microscopicse Fila primitiva in Inflammatione spectantes, plate Svo. Berolini , 1835 3470 Gluge (T.) et J. d’Udekem, de quelques Parasites vegetaux developpes sur des Animaux vivants coloured plates 8 vo. Bruxelles , s. d. 3471 Gmelin (C. G.) Einleitung in die Chemie, Vol. II fine paper 8 vo. Tubingen , 1837 3472 Gmelin (L.) Handbuch der Chemie, 5 vols, plates half green morocco Svo. Heidelberg , 1852-53 In vol. I is an autograph note of Humboldt. 3473 Gneist (Dr. R.) Geschichte der heutige Gestallt der iEmter in England mit Einschluss des Heeres, der Gerichte, der Kirche, des Hofstaats, cloth , g. e. Svo. Berlin , 1857 3474 Gobbi (Dr. F.) fiber die Abhangigkeit der physischen Popula- tionskrafte von Belgien, plates yellfm paper royal 4 to. Leipzig , 1842 3475 Gobineau (A. de) Essai sur l’Inegalite des Races Humaines, 4 vol. 8ro. Paris , 1853-55 3476 Gobineau (Comte A. de) Lecture des Textes Cuneiformes, plates of characters , presentation copy , with autograph letter from the author Svo. Paris , 1858 3477 Godeffroy (Ch.) Notice sur les Glaciers, les Moraines et les Blocs erratiques des Alpes larue paper 8ro. Geneve , 1840 3478 Gobel (Dr. C. C. T. F.) Die Grundlehren der Pharmacie, 4 vol. fine paper, cuts, red morocco super extra, g. e. the sides orna- mented with gold tooling royal Svo. Erlangen , 1843-47 3479 Gobel (Dr. C. C. T. F.) Die Grundlehren der Pharmacie, 4 vol. cuts , German binding , ornamented sides, g. e. royal 8vo. Erlangen , 1843-47 3480 Gcebel (Dr. C. C. T. F.) Das Seebad bei Pernau, india proof view , yellum PAPER post Svo. Dorpat , 1845 254 3481 Gobel (Dr. F.) iiber den Einfluss der Chemie auf die Ermitte- lung der Yolker der Yorzeit, important for collectors of antiquities 8 vo. Erlangen ) 1842 3482 Gobel (Dr. F.) iiber den Einfluss der Chemie auf die Ermitte- lung der Yolker der Yorzeit, lettered in gold on sides 8vo. Erlangen , 1842 3483 Goebel (Dr. F.), Dr. C. Claus und A. Bergmann, Reise in die Steppen des siidlichen Russlands, 2 vol. with the plates in a separate atlas , autograph notes and signature of “ A1 Humboldt” 4 to. Dorpat, 1837-38 3484 Goeden (Dr. A.) Die Carbonisation des Blutes als Heilmittel vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1853 3485 Goeppert (R.) de Plantarum Nutritione vellum paper 8vo. Berolini, 1825 3486 Goeppert (H. R.) iiber Warme-Entwickelung in der lebenden Pflanze 8vo. Wien , 1832 3487 Goppert (Dr. H. R.) Dank und Bitte an die Schlesiei'’ (re- specting Geology) 4 to. 1835 3488 Goppert (H. R.) Die fossilen Farrnkrauter, 44 plates eike paper , half calf extra Uo. Breslau, 1836 3489 Goppert (H. R.) iiber die fossile Flora des Quadersandsteins von Schlesien und der Umgegend von Achen ; und Fossile Pflanzenreste des Eisensandes von Achen, plates yelltjm paper 4 to. Breslau , 1841 3490 Goeppert (Dr. H. R.) Uebersicht der fossilen Flora Schlesiens, carefully read and marked by Humboldt ELNE PAPER 12m0. 3491 Goeppert (H. R.) Les Genres des Plantes fossiles compares avec ceux du Monde moderne, plates , with descriptions in French and German oblong 4 to. Bonn , 1841 3492 Goeppert (H. R.) de Coniferarum Structura anatomica, plates large paper 4 to. VratislavicB , 1841 The Dedication copy to Humboldt with the printed Inscription. 3493 Goppert (II. R.) iiber den Bau der Balanophoren, plates euste paper 4 to. Breslau , 1841 3494 Goppert (Dr. H. R.) iiber Rhopalocnemis, plates large paper 4 to. Breslau , s. a. 3495 Goeppert (H. R.) Beobachtungen iiber das sogenannte Ueber- wallen der Tannenstocke fur Botaniker und Forstmanner, plates , vellum paper 4fo. Bonn , 1842 3496 Goeppert (Dr. H. R.) Beobachtungen iiber das sogenannte Ueberwallen der Tannenstocke, plates elne paper 4 to. Bonn , 1842 3497 Goeppert (Dr. H. R.) Fundorter des Bernsteins in Schlesien, marked in red ink on a map of Schlesien by H. Krone , with Dr. Goeppert' s autograph note dated u Breslau , 15 Oct. 1844.” royal 4 to. 255 3498 Goppert (Prof. Dr.) iiber die Existenz eines absteigenden Saftes in unseren einheimischen Baumen, coloured plate Humboldt' s autograph notes 8 vo. Breslau , 1852 3499 Goeppert (Dr. H. R.) iiber die Verbreitung fossiler Pflanzen insbesonder Nord Amerika’s, author's autograph corrections — iiber die Bernstein-Flora, 1853 4 to. (2) 3500 Goeppert (H. R.) Die tertiare Flora von Schossnitz in Schlesien, 2(3 plates , vellum paper 4 to. Gorlitz , 1855 3501 Goppert (Dr. H. R.) iiber ein im botanischen Garten errich- tetes Profil der Steinkohlen-Formation, plate vellum paper, with a printed slip respecting the Paleonto- logical Profile by Goppert inserted roy. 1 6mo. Breslau , 1856 3502 Goppert (H. R.) Der K. Botanische Garten der Universitat Breslau, plates eote paper post 8vo. Gcerlitz {Breslau), 1857 3503 Goppert (H. R.) iiber den Zustand in welchen sich die fossilen Pflanzen befinden und iiber den Yersteinerungsprocess 8vo. Leipzig, s. a. “The eminent botanist Goppert whose works have shed so much light on fossil plants.” — Sir R. I. Murchison. 3504 Gorlitz. Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Gorlitz, vol VII Part I chart of Rain-heights 8vo. Gorlitz, 1855 3505 Gortz (Carl Graf von) Reise um die Welt (Nord-Amerika, West-Indien, Siid-Amerika, China, Java, Indien und Heimkehr) 3 vol. map VELLUM PAPER, autograph of 11 A1 Humboldt,” with his MS. memoranda on separate slip, blue morocco super extra, joints, g.e. 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1852-54 3506 Gcethe (W. von) Werke, mit Inhalts-und Namen-Verzeichnisse verfertigt von C. T. Musculus und Dr. Riemer 56 vol. half calf 1 6mo. Stuttgart , 1827-35 3506 # Goethe (W. von) Werke, Band 55 & 56, 2 vol. containing Nacht.rage zur Farbenlehre, zur Pflanzenlehre, Osteolo- gie” & “ Verzeichniss e," half calf gilt 1 6mo. ib. 1833-35 3507 Goethe’s Denkschrift zusammengetragen von C. Wenig. Sup- plement zu alien Ausgaben Goethe’s Werke vellum paper square 16 mo. Weimar, 1849 3508 (Gothe) Der Mensch und die elementarische Natur. Erster Beitrag small Ato. Jena , 1844 3509 Gcethe (W. von) Reineke Fuchs mit Zeichnungen von W. von Kaulbach gestochen von R. Rahn und A. Schleich vellum paper, with india proof impressions of the beautiful engravings , half red morocco extra , g. e. royal 4 to. Munchen, 1846 256 3510 G(ethe (W. von) Faust, eine Tragodie, 2 vol. in 1, magnifi- cently ILLUSTRATED WITH ENGRAVINGS BY A. SCHLEICH AND M. STORZ AFTER THE ENQUISITE DRAWINGS OF E. SEIBERTZ tellum paper, splendidly bound in red morocco super extra , joints, g. e. the sides richly and very tastefully ornamented with gold tooling from designs by E. Seibertz, forming a magnificent specimen of binding, in case fol. Stuttgart , 1854 3511 Goethe (W. von) Briefe und Aufsatze (1766-86) zum ersten- mal herausgegeben von A. Scholl, eine paper, with editor's autograph inscription crown 8 vo. Weimar, 1846 3512 Goethe (W. von) Kunstsaramlungen beschrieben von C. Schuchardt, 3 vol. 12mo. Jena, 1848-49 3513 Goethe und Zelter, Briefwechsel, herausgegeben von Dr. F. W. Riemer 6 vol. eine paper , half calf extra 8yo. Berlin, 1833-34 Read and marked with slips of paper by Baron Humboldt, who has written on the fly-leaf of Vol. V. at end “ ich p. 307 ,” in reference to Goethe’s hit at himself without naming him. Zelter’s letters contain many references to the acts of both the brothers Humboldt. 3514 Goethe (W. von) und Staatsrath C. L. F. Schultz, Briefwechsel herausgegeben von H. Diintzer, mit Untersuchung iiber das Zeitalter des Vitruvius von C. L. F. Schultz portrait of Schultz and plate 8vo. Leipzig, 1856 3515 Gottingen. Sacular-Feier der Georg- August-Universitat 17, 18, 19 Sept. 1837 Program of the Pageant folio . Gottingen, 1837 3516 Gottingen. Die Sacular-Feier der Georgia Augusta im Sep- tember, 1837, thick paper, rare, 4 to. Gottingen , 1838 Humboldt has written on cover “ Gottingen Saecular-Feyer.” In pencil is also written “ Gauss,” apparently in the handwriting of “ Hofrath Gauss,” who probably was the author of this Account of the Pageant, and presented it to Humboldt. 3517 Gottingen. Die Sacular-Feier der Georgia Augusta im Sep- tember 1837. eine paper, Humboldt's writing on cover including reference to his own speech, u meine Rede, p. 12” 4 to. Gottingen, 1838 Presentation copy from the celebrated Gauss, with his autograph inscription and signature. 3518 Gottingen. Erste Saecularfeier der K. Gesellschaft der Wis- senschaften 4 to. Gottingen, 1852 Containing “ R. Wagner’s Festrede zur Erinnerung an A. von Haller und zur Geschichte der Societaten der Wissenschaften ” and “ J. F. L. Hausmann’s Blick auf die aussere Geschichte der K. Gesellschaft.” 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 257 Gottingischen Bibel-Gesellschaft’s XVIII Bericht 8 vo. Gottingen , 1837 Goettling (Dr. C.) Allgemeine Lehre vom Accent der Griech- ischen Sprache, eine paper 8w. Jena , 1835 Goettling (C. W.) Thusnelda, Arminius’ Gemahlin und ihr Sohn Thumelicus, plates vellttm: paper oblong royal folio. Jena , 1843 Gcettlingii (C.) Vita Jo. Stigelii velltjm paper 4to. Jence , 1858 Gold. Ueber das Sinken des Werthes des Goldes 12mo. Leipzig, 1839 Goldberg (Berl) Chronologische Tafeln zur immerwahrenden Berechnung des jiidisehen und des christlichen Kalenders, 2 Parts, Konigsberg , 1842 — Mysod Chachemim oder chro- nologische Berechnungen, Hebiaish, ib. 1844 in 1 vol. 8 vo. Goldberg (O. F. F. P.) Helminthum Dispositio systematica, plate , yelltjm paper 4 to. Berolini , 1855 Goldenberg (F.) Die fossilen Insecten der Kohlenformation von Saarbriicken, plates 4to. Gassel , 1854 Goldenberg (Fr.) Flora Saraepontana Fossilis : Die Pflanzen- versteinerungen des Steinkohlengebirges von Saarbriicker, 2 Parts of text and atlas of plates in 2 Parts royal 4 to. 4 to. SaarbriccJcen, 1855-57 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. Goldenthal (Dr. J.) Grundzuge und Beitrage zu einem sprach- vergleichendem rabbinisch-philosophischen Worterbuche imperial 4 to. Wien , 1849 Goldenthal (Prof. Dr.) Rieti und Marini oder Dante und Ovid in Ilebraischer Umkleidung Privately printed 8 vo. Wien, 1851 Goldfuss (Dr. A.) Petrefacta Musei Universitatis Bonnensis necnon Hoeninghusiani Crefeldensis Iconibus et Descrip- tionibus Lat. et Germ, illustrata, 25 plates royal folio. Dusseldorf 1826 Goldfuss (Dr. A.) Beitrage zur vorweltlichen Fauna des Stein- kohlengebirges, plates 4 to. Bonn, 1847 Goldschmidt (E.) liber Differenzial-Zolle Privately printed u a\s Manuscript gedruckt” 8vo. Berlin, 1848 Golovine (Ivan) des Economistes et des Socialistes author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris. 1845 Golowin (Iwan) Lekzin o Phrenologin (Lectures on Phreno- logy in Russian), spirited cuts crown 8 vo. Leipzig, 1858 Golovin (Ivan) History of Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, portrait , author's autograph inscription , cloth , g. e. crown 8vo. London, 1858 L L 258 3536 Goltz (B.) Deutsche Entartung in der lichtfreundlichen und modernen Lebensart yellum paper, with the author's autograph note respecting the attack of the Berliner Litt. Zeitung accusing him of Infidelity 8vo. Frankfurt, 1847 3537 Goltz (B.) Deutsche Entartung in der lichtfreundlichen und modernen Lebensart, many passages marked in pencil post 8 vo. Frankfurt , 1847 3538 Goltz (B.) Bucli der Kindheit yellum paper 8vo. Frankfurt , 1847 3539 Goltz (C. von der) Westphalische Idyllen, plates eihe paper 12 wo. Herford, s. a . 3540 Goltz (11. Graf von der) uber die Reorganisation des Deutschen Bundes, yellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1848 3541 Gondret (L. F.) De la Flamme k petites Dimensions contre la Douleur, &c. 8vo. Paris , 1843 3542 Gorini (P.) sull’ Origine delle Montagne e dei Vulcani “ M. Humboldt” in author's autograph 8vo. Lodi , 1851 3543 Gorski (C.) fiber das Becken der Saurier, india proof plates elne paper 4/o. Dorpat , 1852 3544 Gosche (R.) de Ariana Linguae Gentisque Armeniacae Indole Prolegomena thick yellum paper 8vo. Berolini , 1847 3545 Gosche (R.) S. Frank als Geograph yellum paper, privately printed 8 vo. Berlin , 1853 Very important for the early history of America. 3546 Goschkebitch (J.) & Faciban-no-Koocai, Japonsko-Russkie Slo- barb (Japanese and Russian Dictionary) rare , half morocco royal 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1857 3547 Gothicse Linguae veteris Literae ’Ektvttov depromptum de Papyro, quae nunc in Pinacotheca Neapolitana conservatur per Josephum Comitem Sierkowski Private plate folio. 1810 3548 Gottschick de Apollinis Cultu, eine paper 4/o. Berlin , 1839 3549 Gould (B. A.) fiber die gegenseitige Lage der Bahnen der zwischen Mars und Jupiter sich bewegenden PJaneten, plate Humboldt's writing on title 4to. Gottingen , 1848 3550 [Gould (B. A.)] Review of Herschel’s Outlines of Astronomy Humboldt has marked several passages, and written on cover — “Peter’s Naples, p. 17” 8vo. Cambridge, U. S. 1849 Presentation copy with following note in author’s autograph: “ With profound respect and gratitude of B. A. Gould.” 3551 Gould (B. A.) Report on the History of the Discovery of (the Planet) Neptune, Humboldt's autograph notes royal 8vo. Washington , 1850 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 3552 Gould, Another Copy royal 8vo. ib. 1850 259 3553 Gould (B. A.) on the Velocity of the Galvanic Current in Telegraph Wires, plate , authors autograph inscription , and Humboldt's writing on cover royal 8 vo. New Haven, 1851 3554 Gould (B. A.) Address in Commemoration of S. C. Walker author's autograph inscription 8vo. Cambridge , U. S. 1854 3555 Gould (B. A.) Connecticut Beta Oration 8vo. Hartford, 1856 3556 Gould (J.) Monographic der Ramphastiden oder Tukanariigen Vcegel iibersetzt und vermehrt von J. H. C. F. Sturm und J .W. Sturm, Part 4, coloured plates roy. 4do. Nurnber'g, 184:7 3557 Gould (J.) Introduction to the Birds of Australia privately printed 8 vo. London, 1848 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph : — “ His Excellency the Baron Humboldt, with the kind regards of the author. Berlin, Jan. 9th, 1850.” 3558 Goutt (M.) Moyens d’eviter les Accidents et les Incendies des Chemins de Fer ; contre Locomotion atmospherique ; sur les Explosions, &c. 8 vo. Paris, 1843 3559 Goyer-Linguet, Le Genie de la Langue Franchise ou Diction- naire du Langage choisi author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1846 3560 Grabowski (W. von) Territorialgeschichte des Preussischen Staates, map and pedigrees 8 vo. Berlin, 1845 3561 Grabowski (W. von) Uber constante und schwimmende Inseln vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1854 3562 Gradus ad Parnassum 8 vo. Rothomagi, 1779 3563 Graefe (Dr. C. F. von) Jahresbericht uber das clinische chirurgisch-augenartztliche Institut zu Berlin (fur 1833) plate 4 to. Berlin, 1834 3564 Graefe (C. von) und Dr. M. Kalisch, Jahrb'ucher fiir Deutsch- land’s Heilquellen und Seebader. Erster Jahrgang 8vo. Berlin , 1836 3565 Graefe (Dr. C. F. von) uber die Wirksamkeit des Soolb.ades und Salzbrunnens Wittekind bei Giebichenstein und Halle a. S. map and views ( several additional) 8 vo. Halle , 1849 3566 Graeve (C. von) Entwurf zur Erwerbung von Colonieen fiir Preussen, map of the Mexican Province Sonora VELLUM PAPER royal 8vo. Merseburg, 1856 Printed for private distribution only (als Manuscript gedruckt). 3567 Graevell (F.) uber Licht und Farben mit besonderer Bezie- hung auf die Farbenlehren Newton’s und Goethe’s, plates presentation copy , with author'' s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin, 1859 3568 Graff (Dr. E. G.) Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz oder Worterbuch der Althochdeutschen Sprache, 6 vol. 4 to. Berlin, 1834-43 3569 Graff (Dr. E. G.) uber den Buchstaben Q FINE PAPER 4to. Berlin, 1839 260 3570 Graff (Dr. E. G.) Theorie der schwachen Deklination author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1836 With Humboldt’s writing on cover of this work, which is most valuable to the student of the early German dialects. 3571 Graffunder (A.) Einleitende Grundziige zu einer geschicht- lichen Betrachtung des Aberglaubens 8vo. Erfurt , 1850 3572 Graffunder (A.) uber Kunst 8vo. Berlin , 1854 3573 Graham (Cyril E.) Inscriptions copied in the Syrian Desert east of Jebel Hauran, 4 private plates , with Mr. Graham's autograph inscription 8vo. 1857 3574 Graham (J. D.) Report on the Harbours of Lake Michigan author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Washington , 1857 3575 Grammaire de la Langue Arabe vulgaire et litterale; Ouvrage posthume de M. Savary, en Latin et en Francis, augmente de quelques Contes Arabes par l’Editeur (L. Langles) uncut 4 to. Paris , 1813 3576 Granier de Cassagnac (A.) Histoire des Classes Ouvrieres et des Classes Bourgeoises, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1838 3577 Grassmann (J. G.) Zur physischen Krystal lonomie und geometrischen Combinationslehre Erstes Heft ( all published ) plates , vellum paper 8vo. Stettin , 1829 3578 Grassmann (J. G.) Combinatorische Entwicklung der Krys- tallgestalten, plate , with author's autograph corrections and additional diagrams 8 vo. 1833 3579 Gratz und Bremen. Programm zur 21 und 22 Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und iErzte mit Tageblatt 4 to. Gratz, 1843, und Bremen , 1844 3580 Graves (Rev. C.) Abstract of a Paper on Algebraic Triplets and their Geometric Interpretation author s autograph inscription 8vo. Dublin , 1845 3581 Graves (Capt. T.) Santorin Island (Ancient Thera) ( see No. 3421) royal folio. London , 1851 3582 Gravi (W.) Tod und Leben, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Leipzig , 1850 3583 Greenhow (R.) History of Oregon and California, and the other Territories on the North-West Coast of North America, map , Boston , U. S. 1845 — Answer to T. Fal- coner’s Strictures, Washington, 1845 — Mr. Falconer’s Reply, with Mr. Greenhow’s Rejoinder, ib. 1845 8 vo. (3) 3584 Greenough (G. B.) Geological Map of England, on 6 sheets , coloured , with 8vo. “ Memoir” and “Index of Colours” London , 1839-40 With autograph note of Baron Humboldt, pronouncing it “ sehr wichtig ” (very important). 261 ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE. LOT 3585 Greenough (G. B.) Memoir of a Geological Map of England author's autograph inscription 8vo. London , 1840 3586 Greenough (G. B.) General Sketch of the Physical and Geological Features of British India, on 9 sheets , coloured atlas folio. London , n. d. 3587 Greenough (G. B.) Address to the Geological Society * large paper , author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. London , 1834 3588 Greenough (G. B.) Addresses to the Geographical Society, 2 vol. Humboldt's autograph notes Svo. London , 1840-41 3589 Greg (R. P.) Essay on Meteorites, “ From the author with his autograph corrections 8vo. Manchester , 1855 Humboldt has written on cover “ Aerolithen neuestes von Greg (Manchester) 1859.” 3590 Gregoriani Institutio aus der Pithouschen jetzt Berliner Hand- schrift zum erstenmale herausgegeben von C. A. C. Klenze YELLUM PAPER 8 vo. Berlin , 1838 3591 Gregorii Barhebra?i Carmina Syriaca inedita, Part 2, 3, and 4 4fo. Regiomonti , 1837-38 3592 Grenzmer (A. B. W.) Keine Armuth mehr, with curious autograph note from the author on the cover crown 8vo. Berlin , 1857 3593 Gressier (C. L.) Carte hydrographique des Parties connues de la Terre dressee sur la Projection de Mercator atlas folio. Paris , 1835 3594 Gretsch (N.) Grund-Regeln der Russischen Grammatik iiber- setzt von A. Oldekop, presentation copy , with autograph inscription , “ Hommage respectueux de V Auteur" calf extra royal 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1828 3595 Gretsch (N.) Mes Reminiscences Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Paris , 1837 3596 Gretsch (N.) Putewij Pestwma esz Anglie, Germanie e Franzie (Letters during Travels through England, Germany, and France, with Appendix, in Russian) 3 vol. in 1, plates large paper, rare, half russia extra royal 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1839 Printed for private distribution only. 3597 Gretsch (N.) H. Konigs literarische Bilder aus Russland in ihrem wahren Lichte dargestellt post 8vo. Berlin, 1840 For an account of this attack on Konig, see Humboldt’s Letters to Varnhagen, p. 48. 262 3598 Gretsch (N.) H. Koenig und seine Liigen 12 mo. Hamburg , 1840 3599 Gretsch (N.) iiber Marquis de Custine’s Russie en 1839 iiber- setzt von W. von Kotzebue 8vo. Heidelberg , 1844 3600 Gretsch (N. J. de) Solemnia Semi- Ssecul aria privately printed 8 vo. Petropoli, 1855 Containing a Latin congratulatory Poem by Dr. C. F. Walther, with a German translation by Youry von Arnold. 3601 Grey (G.) Journals of two Expeditions of Discovery in N.W. and W. Australia, 2 vol. plates , author's autograph inscription 8 vo. London , 1841 3602 Grey (Sir George) Library. Philology : Yol. I, Part 1, South Africa; Vol. I, Part 2, Africa; Vol. II, Part 1, Australia; Vol. IT, Part 2, Papuan Languages; and Vol. II, Part 3, Fiji Islands and Rotuma scarce 8vo. Cape-Town , 1858-59 Presentation copy from his Excellency Sir George Grey, with his autograph inscription. 3603 Griepenkerl (R.) Die Girondisten, Trauerspiel vellum paper crown 8 vo. Bremen , 1852 3604 Gries (J. D.) Aus seinem Leben nach seinen eigenen und den Briefen seiner Zeitgenossen (Wieland, Goethe, Tieck, &c.) fine paper 8 vo. (Leipzig), 1855 Privately printed (als Manuscript gedruckt). 3605 Griese (J.) Vergissmeinnicht (Novellen, Gedichte, &c.) 12 mo. Berlin , 1846 3606 Griffith (W.) Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Affghanistan and the neigbouring Countries, portrait and plates , 8vo. Calcutta , 1847 — Itinerary Notes of Plants, map and plate , ib. 1848 — Notulae ad Plantas Asiaticas, 2 vol. 8vo xb. 1847-49 — leones Plantarum Asiaticarum 2 vol. royal 4 to. coloured plates, ib. 1847-49 (6) 3607 Grille de Beuzelin (E.) Essai historique et archeologique sur l’Eglise et le Couvent de Saint- Jacques des Ecossois a Ratisbonne,^Jates, author's autograph inscription vellum paper royal folio. Paris , 1835 3608 Grille de Beuzelin (E.) Statistique Monumentale, Atlas, Arrondissements de Toul et de Nancy, 3 parts, map and 37 architectural plates royal folio. Paris, s. d. 3609 Grimm (Jacob) Deutsche Grammatik. Erster Theil, dritte Ausgabe 8 vo. Gottingen , 1840 3610 Grimm (Jacob) fiber das Finnisch Epos 8yo. 3611 Grimm (Jacob) Deutsche Mythologie, 2 vol. in 1, with an autograph note of the author respecting the signification of Surtarbrand fine paper, half calf extra 8 vo. Gottingen, 1844 3612 Grimm (J.) iiber Diphthonge nach weggefallnen Consonanten large paper, author's autograph inscription Ato. Berlin , 1845 263 3613 Grimm (Jacob) iiber Jornandes und die Geten large paper, Humboldt's autograph notes 4 to. Berlin , 1846 3614 Grimm (Jacob) Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache, 2 vol. vellum paper, Humboldt' s autograph notes 8vo. Leipzig , 1848 3615 Grimm (Jacob) iiber das Yerbrennen der Leichen large paper 4 to. Berlin , 1850 3616 Grimm (Jacob) iiber Schule Universitat Academie large paper Ato. Berlin , 1850 3617 Grimm (Jacob und Wilhelm) Deutsches Worterbuch. Erster Band, fine portrait of the authors fine paper, half green morocco extra, imp . 8vo. Leipzig , 1854 3618 Grimm (Jacob) und A. Pictet, iiber die Marcellischen Formeln fine paper, with Grimm's autograph inscription Ato* Berlin , 1855 3619 Grimm (Herman) Rotrudis, Manuscript scarce , only a small number of copies having been printed for private distribution square 1 6mo. Berlin, 1854 With Humboldt’s writing on cover. The author is the son of the famous Wilhelm Grimm. 3620 Grimm (J. L.) Karte des Hohen Himalaja, See. imperial 4 to. Berlin , 1832 3621 Grimm (J. L.) Allgemeine Weltkarte nach Mercator, Berlin , 2827 — Deutschland, in three states , ib. 1831 — Portugal and Spanien, ib. s. a. — Italien, ib. 1832 (6) 3622 Grimm (J. L.) Hohen-Verhaltnisse vom ostlichen Hochasien oblong folio 3623 Grimm (J. L.) Palaestina und Arabia Petraea coloured map folio. Berlin , 1830 3624 Grimm (W.) Die Sage vom Ursprung der Christusbilder, coloured plate , curious and interesting 4 to. Berlin , 1813 3625 Grimm (Wilhelm) Graf Rudolf (mit Einleitung) large paper royal Ato. Gottingen , 1844 With the text of the Poem, which was written in the Xllth Century. 3626 Grisebach (Dr. A.) Reise durch Rumelien und nach Brussa in 1839, Zweiter Band 8 vo. Gottingen , 1841 3627 Grisebach (A.) Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et Bithynicse, 2 vol. vellum paper, rare, half green morocco extra 8vo. Brunsvigce , 1843-44 3628 Grisebach (Dr. A.) liber die Bildung des Torfs in den Ems- mooren aus deren unveranderter Pflanzendecke Humboldt' s autograph notes 8vo. Gottingen, 1846 3629 Grisebach. Another Copy 8 vo. ib. 1846 3630 Grisebach (Dr. A.) iiber die Leistungen in der Pflanzengeo- graphie und systematischen Botanik wahrend 1845, 1846, 1850, 1851, and 1852, 5 vol. with passages marked by Hum- boldt and references to 8vo. Berlin , 1847-55 Most valuable for the History of Botany. 264 3631 Grisebach (A.) iiber die Vegetationslinien des N. W. Deutsch- lands, Humboldt' s autograph notes 8vo. Gottingen, 1847 3632 Grisebach (A.) uber die Vegetationslinien des N. W. Deutsch- lands 8vo. Gottingen , 1847 3633 Grisebach (A.) Revisio Specierum Hieracii in Europa Sponte nascentium, vellum paper, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Gottingce , 1852 3634 Grisebach (A.) Grundrissder systematischen Botanik vellum paper 8 vo. Gottingen , 1854 3635 Grisebach (Dr. A.) liber die beiden ersten Pflanzensammlungen Philippi’s und Lechler’s im siidlichen Chile und an der Maghellans-Strasse, plate vellum paper 4 to. Gottingen , 1854 3636 Groddeck (G. E.) Initia Historiae Graecorum litterariae, 2 vol. in 1, fine paper, Humboldt's autograph notes on slips 8vo. Vilrnc, 1821-23 3637 Gronberg (B. C.) Tydsk-Dansk og Dansk-Tydsk Haand- Ordbog, 2 vol. in 1 half calf gilt post 8 vo. Kgobenhavn , 1824-26 3638 [Gross (Fr. Aug.)] Der Landbau in Preussen und was ihm fehlt, thick vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1853 On fly-leaf in Humboldt’s autograph is written : “ Verf. Fr. Aug. Gross, einst Gutsbesitzer auf Antorten bei Danzig jetzt in Hamburg.” 3639 Gross (R.) Syrien und Mesopotamien 4 to. 3640 Gross-Hoffinger (Dr. A. J.) Die neuesten Gefahren fur den Staat author's autograph inscription post 8vo. Leipzig , 1846 3641 Grotefend (Dr. J. F.) on Inscriptions found in Lycia and Phrygia, Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. London , 1832 3642 Grotefend (Dr. G. F.) Rudimenta Linguae Umbricae ex Inscrip- tionibus antiquis enodata, 8 parts, plate of alphabet 4 to. Hannoverce , 1835-39 3643 Grotefend (Dr. C. L.) Die Sanchuniathonische Streitfrage nach ungedruckten Briefen gewiirdigt 8 vo. Hannover , 1836 3644 Grotefend (C. L.) Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz, Arnauld und dem Landgrafen Ernest von Hessen-Rheinfels vellum paper, red morocco extra , g. e. 8vo. Hannover , 1846 3645 Grotefend (Dr. G. F.) Neue Beitrage zur Erlaiiterung der Persepolitanischen Keilschrift, plates large paper royal 4 to. Hannover , 1837 3646 Grotefend (Dr. G. F.) Rudimenta Linguae Oscae ex Inscrip- tionibus antiquis enodata, plates , Hannoverce , 1839 — Finelius (J. C. F.) de Lingua Osca, vellum paper, Gryphis- waldice , 1840 4 to. (2) 3647 Grotefend (Dr. G. F.) Zur Geographie und Geschichte von Alt-Italien, 2 parts, maps author's autograph inscription 4 to. Hannover , 1840 3648 Grotefend (Dr. G. F.) Neue Beitrage zur Erlauterung der Babylonischen Keilschrift, plate author's autograph inscription 4 to. Hannover , 1840 3649 Grotefend (G. F.) Bemerkungen zur Inschrift eines Thonge- fasses mit Babylonischer Keilschrift, plates fine paper, with the author's autograph corrections and additions 4 to. Gottingen, 1848 3650 Grotefend (Dr. G. F.) Schriftstellerische Laufbahn des Horatius vellum paper 8vo. Hannover , 1849 3651 Grotefend (G. F.) Anlage und Zerstorung der Gebaude zu Nimrud, plate , with Humboldt' s autograph note fine paper Ato. Gottingen , 1851 3652 Grotefend (Dr. G. F.) Schriftstellerische Laufbahn des Horatius vellum paper &vo. Hannover, 1849 3653 Grotefend (G. F.) Nachtrage zu den Bemerkungen fiber ein Ninivitisches Thongefass 4 to. Gottingen, 1850 3654 Grotefend (Dr. G. F.) Erlauterung der Keilinschriften Baby- lonischer Backsteine, plates Ato. Hannover, 1852 A most important treatise on the arrow-headed characters. 3655 Grotefend (Dr. G. F.) Erlauterung einer Innschrift des letzen Assyrisch-Babylonischen Konigs aus Nimrud, plate thick vellum papee, red cloth, g. e. Ato. Hannover, 1853 3656 Groth (Klaus) Quickborn. Volksleben in plattdeutschen Ge- dichten Dithmarscher Mundart nebst Glossar fine paper, post 8 vo. Hamburg , 1853 3657 Groth (Klaus) Quickborn. Volksleben in plattdeutschen Gedichten Ditmarscher Mundart, mit Glossar von Prof. K. Mullenhoff green morocco extra, g. e. in case 12mo. Hamburg, 1856 3658 Groth (K.) Quickborn, Plattdeutsch mit einer wortgetreuen Uebersetzung autograph of “ A . Humboldt" post 8vo. Hamburg, 1856 3659 Groth (K.) Trina (a Tale in the Ditmarsh Plattdeutsch or Patois) foolscap 8vo. Kiel , 1859 3660 Grove (W. R.) Correlation des Forces Physiques. Ouvrage traduit par l’Abbe Moigno, avec des Notes par M. Seguin Aine 8vo. Paris , 1856 With the following autograph inscription : f< Offert a Monsieur de Humboldt comme hommage d’estime, d’admiration, et de respectueuse amitie de son collegue a l’institut “ Seguin aine.” 3661 Grover (Rev. H. M.) on the Magnetic Orbit, plates 8 vo. London, 1850 3662 Grovestins (Baron C. F. Sirtema de) Notice et Souvenirs biographiques du Comte Van der Duyn et du Baron de Capellen 8 vo. Saint-Germain-en-Laye , 1852 M M 266 3663 Grovestins (Baron C. F. Sirtema de) Guillaume III et Louis XIV, Histoire des Luttes et Rivalites politiques entre les Puissances maritime® et la France dans la derniere Moitie du XVII e Siecle, 8 vol. 8vo. Paris , 1855 3664 [Grovestins (Baron C. F. Sirtema de)J La Confederation Italique 8vo. Paris , 1859 With the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ De la part de l’Auteur Grovestins.” 3665 Grube (A. E.) de Pleione carunculata, plate vellum paper 4 to. Regiomontii, 1837 3666 Grube (Dr. A. E.) Zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Kiemen- wiirmer, plates yellum paper 4 to. Konigsberg , 1838 3667 Grube (Dr s A. E.) Actinien, Echinodermen und Wiirmer des Adriatischen-und Mittelmeers, colovred plate large paper, scarce 4to. Konigsberg , 1840 3668 Grube (Dr. A. E.) Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung der Clepsinen, plates, fine paper 4to. Konigsberg, 1844 3669 Grube (A. W.) Biographieen aus der Naturkunde eine paper, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Stuttgart, 1851 3670 Grube (Dr. E.) iiber die Lebensweise der Wasserspinnen 8vo. Konigsberg, 1842 3671 Gruber (J. de) Nova Latini Lexici instituendi Ratio addito Specimine, thick paper 4 to. Sundice, 1843 3672 Griinewaldt (M. von) Notizen iiber die Versteinerungfiihrenden Gebergsformationen des Ural author’s autograph inscription 4 to. St. Petersburg , 1857 3673 Gruithuisen (Dr. Franz von Paula) Anthropologie 8 vo. Munchen , 1810 3674 Gruithuisen (Dr. Franz von Paula) Organozoonomie, ivith a long and interesting letter to Humboldt (13 quarto pages), dated 5 Feb. 1846, having Gruithuisen' s autograph signa- ture , inserted , half calf 8 vo. Munchen , 1811 3675 Gruithuisen (Franz von Paula) Beytrage zur Physiognomie und Eautognosi o, plates, half calf 8 vo. Munchen, 1812 3676 Gruithuisen (F. von P.) Astronomisches Jahrbuch (1839-49), 10 vol. plates, half calf 8 vo. Munchen , 1838-47 With a letter from the author, having his autograph signature. 3677 Gruithuisen (F. von P.) Nouvelle Methode trigonometrique pour mesurer la Hauteur des Montagnes sans les gravir, Munich, 1842 — The same in German, ib. 1842 8vo. (2) 3678 Gruithuisen (F. von P.) Beweis von der Grosse der Urmeere, plates , eine paper, half calf 8vo. Munchen, 1844 3679 Gruithuisen (F. von P.) Verstandesblicke in das Weltall und in das Organische des Weltalls privately printed, half calf \ 8vo. Munchen, 1845 267 3680 Gruithuisen (F. von P.) Der Mond und seine Natur. Die vorgeschichtlichen Fluthen und ihre cosmologische Cau- salitat, plates privately printed, half calf 8vo. Munchen, 1848 With an autograph note from Gruithuisen, accompanying proof- sheets respecting ‘ Centralsonne, Biela’s Komet, &c.’ prefixed. 3G81 Grumbkow und Graurock Karte von Klein- Asien und Syrien, &c. folio. 1840 3682 Grund (Ingenieur Premierlieutenant) Graphische Darstel- lungen mittlerer Barometerstande mit Riicksicht auf die Stellung des Mondes zur Erde und Sonne, 81 drawings , with the author s observations Important Autograph Manuscript, with a long letter from the author (12 pages ) respecting his labowt'S , enriched with Humboldt's autograph notes and marks Ato. Coin , 18 April , 1856 3683 Grundstucke. Gutachten der Justiz-Abtheilung des Staats- raths betreffend den Entwurf einer Yerordnung iiber die Berichtigung des Besitztitels bei den im Hypothekenbuche bereits eingetragenen Grundstiicken 4 to. ( Berlin , 1843) Very scarce, only a few copies having been circulated, with the following printed notice : — “ Nur zum eigenen Gebrauch fur die Mitglieder des Konigl. Staatsrath abgedruckt.” 3684 Grunert (J. A.) Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, Yol. I to VIII Part 4, in 32 Parts, plates pine paper 8 vo. Greifswald , 1841-46 3685 Grunert (J. A.) Yersuch einer neuen Methode zur Bestim- mung der Polhohe oder geographischen Breite bei geo- datischen Messungen vellum PAPER 8 vo. Leipzig , 1844 3686 Grunert (J. A.) Lehrbuch der Physik. Erster Theil, plates PINE PAPER 8vo. Leipzig , 1845 3687 Grunert (J. A.) Optische Untersuchungen, 2 vol. plates , royal 8vo. Leipzig , 1846-47 — Beitrage zur Meteorologischen Optik, Yol. I Part 4 (containing “ Lichterscheinungen der Atmosphare, von R. Claudius) 8vo. ib. 1850 (3) 3688 Gruppe (0. F.) Die Romische Elegie. Erster Band 8vo. Leipzig , 1838 3689 Gruppe (Dr. O. F.) iiber die Fragmente des Archytas und der alteren Pythagoreer 8 vo. Berlin , 1840 3690 Gruppe (O. F.) Die Kosmischen Systeme der Griechen vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1851 The Dedication copy — “ Dem Verfasser des Kosmos mit inniger Yerehrung zugeeignet.’ J Humboldt has carefully studied the volume, and filled an entire page of the fly-leaf at end with scientific notes. For a new edition of Cosmos these notes are most valuable. 268 3691 Gruppe (O. F.) C. F. Schinkel und der neue Berliner Dom portrait and plan , with Humboldt's autograph reference to p . 127 8 vo. Berlin , 1843 3692 Gruson (Dr. J. P.) Neu erfundene kleine Rechenmaschine 8vo. Berlin , 1847 3693 Guadalajara y sus Contornos oblong folio 3694 Guarini (G.) L. Palmieri ed A. Scacchi, Memoria sullo Incendio Yesuviano del Mese di Maggio, 1855, preceduta dalla Relazione dell’ altro Incendio del 1850 fatta da A. Scacchi, plates royal 4 to. Napoli , 1855 Presentation copy from A. Scacchi, with his autograph inscription. 3695 Guarini (G.), L. Palmieri ed A. Scacchi, Memoria sullo Incendio Yesuviano del 1850 e 1855, plates royal 4fo. Napoli , 1855 3696 Guatemala. Periodico de la Sociedad Economica de Gua- temala, 24 Nos. in 1 vol. scarce , vellum 12mo. Guatemala , 1815-16 A MS. note on fly-leaf informs us that the Prospectus and Nos. 1 to 6 were written by D. Jose Cecilio Valle, No. 7 by Canon D. Jose Maria Castilla, and the remainder by Father M. A. Rayon. 3697 Guayana. Preliminary Report to the Promoters of a Company for working the auriferous Grounds (by P. de Koster) Humboldt's autograph note 8vo. New York , 1855 Printed only . (2) 4270 Herrig(L.) Archiv fiir das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, vol. VIII, part 3 and 4 Svo. Braunschweig, 1851 Containing Voigtmann’s Studien zu Shakspeare’s Macbeth — Fliigel iiber Englishe Lexikographie in Deutschland — Lip- pesche Sprichworter von Dr. Greverus — Clement iiber die Sprache der Piemontesischen Deutschen am Monte Rosa, &c. 4271 Herschel (Sir W.) iiber den Bau des Himmels (mit Biographie von I. W. Pfaff), with oblong 4to. atlas of plates Humboldt's autograph notes 8i 'O. Dresden , 1826 4272 Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy foolscap 8 vo. London , 1833 4273 Herschel (Sir John F. W.) Traite d’Astronomie traduit suivi d’une Addition sur la Distribution des Orbites com^taires dans P Espace, par A. Cournot, cuts, with Humboldt's auto- graph notes , half calf extra 1 2mo. Paris , 1834 4274 Herschel (Sir John F. W.) on the Chemical Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum on Preparations of Silver, &c. plates , author' s autograph inscription 4 to. London , 1840 4275 Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) on the Advantages of a Revision and Re-arrangement of the Constellations, plate , with author's portrait by Croll added , author's autograph inscription and Humboldt' s writing on cover 4 to. London, 1841 4276 Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) on the Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum on Vegetable Colours on some new Pho- tographic Processes, and on Improvements in Photographic Processes, &c. 2 parts author's autograph inscriptions 4 to. London, 1842-43 4277 Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Memoir of Francis Baily Humboldt's autograph notes on cover 4 to. London, 1845 4278 Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Brief Notice of F. W. Bessel 8 vo. London , 1847 Most carefully read and marked by Baron Humboldt, who at pages 13 and 14 has appended his ! 4279 Herschel (Sir John F. W.) Instructions for Making and Re- gistering Meteorological Observations in S. Africa, &c. privately printed , author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Lond. n.d. 4280 Herschel (Sir John F. W.) Results of Astronomical Observa- tions made during the Years 1834-38 at the Cape of Good Hope, plates, with a few pencil notes in the autograph of Baron A. von Humboldt 4 to. London, 1847 Printed at the expense of the Duke of Northumberland, and pre- sented by him to Humboldt through the eminent and world- known author, who has written the following inscription on the fly-leaf: “Presented by Algernon Duke of Northum- berland, to Baron A. von Humboldt, by the hands and with the sincere regards of the author.” 302 4281 Herschel (Sir John F. W.) Review of Humboldt’s Cosmos with Baron Humboldt's autograph notes , in one of which a statement of Herschel' s is pronounced lt falsch ” 8vo. Edinb. 1848 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscriptions. 4282 Herschel (Sir John F. W.) Admiralty Manual of Scientific Enquiry, cuts * royal \%no. London , 1849 4283 Herschel (Sir John F. W.) Outlines of Astronomy, plates with Humboldt' s autograph signature Sf notes 8 vo. Lond. 1849 4284 Hertz (M.) and A. H. Baier, Bericht liber die vierte Sacular- feier der Universitat Greifswald vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1847 This work includes the invitation to Humboldt, with his reply. 4285 Hertz (M.) Karl Lachmann, eine Biographie vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1851 4286 Hertz (M.) Schriftsteller und Publikum in Rom vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1853 4287 Herwegh (G.) Einundzwanzig Bogen aus der Schweiz. Erster Theil royal 8 vo. Zurich , 1843 4288 Hesiode. Guignaut (J. D.) de la Theogonie d’Hesiode 8 vo. Paris , 1835 4289 Hess (G. H.) sur les Travaux de J. B. Richter author's autograph inscription Ato. St. Petersbourg , 1840 4290 Hesse (L.) Sanssouci in seinen Architecturen, 3 parts, proof plates, in a portfolio , vellum paper folio Berlin , 1854-55 4291 Hesse. Terrainkarte des S. Theils von Rheinhessen — Geog- nostische Karte von Rheinhessen, two maps on one sheets coloured , Humboldt's writing on slip 4292 Hesse (O.) iiber Determinanten und ihre Anwendung in der Geometrie, &c. 4 to. 1853 4293 Hesychii Glossographi Discipulus et E//,yA«crcri coloured broadside, author’s autograph inscription folio. London, 1842 4524 Howard (L.) Papers on Meteorology, plates privately printed Ato. London, 1850 Presentation copy with the following inscription in Mr. Howard’s autograph : “ To accompany the Barometrographia, from the author, June, 1850.” V 318 4525 Huber (V. A.) The English Universities. An abridged Trans* Jation, edited by F. W. Newman, with Appendix by James Hey wood, 2 vol. in 3, portraits and plates 8vo. London ( Manchester ) 1843 Presentation copy from James Heywood, with his autograph in- scription. 4526 Huberdt (A.) Principien der Wahrscheinlichkeits-Rechnung fine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1845 A valuable Paper on the Doctrine of Chances. 4527 Hudson (J.) Hourly Observations on the Barometer, plates author's autograph inscription , and Humboldt's writing on cover Ato. London , 1832 4528 Hudson (J.) Report on the Adjudication of the Copley, Rum- ford and Royal Medals ; and Appointment of the Bakerian, Croonian and Fairchild Lectures privately printed Ato London, , 1834 4529 Hue de Caligny (L. R.) Traite de la Defense des Places fortes avec Application a la Place de Landau redige en 1723, portrait and plan 8vo. Paris, 1846 With the author’s autograph inscription “a Son Excellence Mon- sieur le Baron de Humboldt hommage du Marquis Hue de Caligny de PAcademie de Turin.” 4530 Hiiesker (B. W.) de Vitiis Syngeneticis adjecta Monstri Sire- niformis Descriptione 8vo. Gryphiire, 1841 4531 Hiigel (C. de) Enumeratio Plantarum quas in Novse Hollandiae Ora Austro- Occidentali ad Fluvium Cygnorum et in Sinu Regis Georgii collegit 8vo. Vindobonce , 1837 4532 Hiigel (C. von) Kaschmir und das Reich der Siek, 4 vol. unlettered proof portrait and plates , large vellum paper Vol. I and II morocco extra , g. e. and Vol. Ill and IV sewed royal 8vo. Stuttgart ( Wien), 1840-42 Presentation copy with the author’s autograph inscription. 4533 Hiinefeld (Dr. F. L.) Chemie und Medicin in ihrem engeren Zusammenwirken, 2 vol. eine paper 8 vo. Berlin, 1841 4534 Hiinefeld (Dr. F. L.) liber das academische Studium der Naturwissenschaften vorziiglich das der Chemie (mit Be- zugnahme auf die Schrift des Prof. Liebig) vellum paper 8vo. Greifswald , 1843 4535 Hufeland (Dr. C. W.) Atmospharische Krankheiten und An- steckung crown 8 vo. Berlin , 1823 4536 Hughes (G. W.) on Inter-Marine Communications author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Washington, 1850 4537 Hughes (G. W.) Memoir of the March of United States Army in Texas and Mexico map and plates royal 8vo. Washington, 1850 4538 Hugo (Victor) Les Feuilles d’Automne. Les Chants du Cre- puscule, vellum paper 12mo. Paris, 1841 319 4539 Hugo (Victor) Discours dans l’Academie Fran^aise, Parisj 184 L — Reponse au Discours de M. Saint-Marc Girardin, with the autograph inscription “ Offert a Monsieur le B on de Humboldt, Victor Hugo,” ib. 1845 Ato. (2) 4540 Hugo Victor) Reponse au Discours de M. Sainte-Beuve 4 to. Paris , 1845 With the following inscription in the autograph of the distin- guished Author : “A Monsieur le B on Alex, de Humboldt, son admirateur et son confrere le V te Victor Hugo.” 4541 Hull (E.) Geology of the Country round Cheltenham, plates royal 8vo. London , 1857 4542 Humboldt (W. von) An die Sonne royal 4 to. Paris , F. Didot , 1820 Of this Poem only a few copies were printed privately as “ Manu- script fur Freunde.” Written on the Cover is “ imprime a Paris a l’inscu de l’auteur ; ” and “ beim ersten Einheizen zu Berlin im Monat Julius 1820.” 4543 Humboldt (W. von) Another copy, not written on royal Ato. ib. 1820 4544 Humboldt (W. von) Priifung der Untersuchungen fiber die Urbewohner Hispaniens vermittelst der Vaskischen Sprache scarce, half calf gilt 4 to . Berlin, 1821 4545 Humboldt (W. von) iiber vier iEgyptische lbwenkopfige Bild- saulen, plate, fine paper, A. von Humboldt's writing on cover Ato. Berlin , 1827 4546 Humboldt (W. von) iiber den Dualis, eine paper A. von Humboldt' 1 s writing on cover 4 to. Berlin, 1828 4547 Humboldt (W. von) iiber die Verwandtschaft der Ortsadver- bien mit dem Pronomen in einigen Sprachen, pine paper A. von Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Berlin, 1830 4548 Humboldt (Wilhelm von) dber die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java, nebst einer Einleitung iiber die Verschieden- heit des menschlichen Sprachbaues und ihren Einfluss auf die geistige Entwickelung des Menschengeschlechts, 3 vol. plates, large paper, very rare, with autograph of <{ Alexander Humboldt” (a scarce signature ) Ato. Berlin, 1836-39 4549 Humboldt. Another copy on the usual Paper, 3 vol. plates scarce, uncut 4 to. ib. 1836-39 4550 Humboldt (W. von) Gesammelte Werke, 7 vol .portrait and plates, pine paper, autograph signature of “ A1 Hum- boldt” andhisMS. notes, half calf extra 8 vo. Berlin, 1841-52 4551 Humboldt (W. von) Gesammelte Werke (herausgegeben von A. von Humboldt) vol. I & II, autograph signature af “ Alexander Humboldt , Paris 1841,” in vol . I 8vo. Berlin , 1841 4552 Humboldt (W. von) Gesammelte Werke, 7 vol. portrait, uncut 8 vo. ib. 1841-52 320 4553 Humboldt (Wilhelm von) Gesammelte Werke Fiinfter Band, portrait, vellum Reaper, A. von Humboldt's autograph note at end 8 vo. Berlin , 1846 4554 Humboldt (G. de) Vocabulaire in^dit de la Langue Taitienne, avec l’Aper^u de la Langue des lies Marquises et de la Langue Taitienne, precede d’une Introduction sur l’Histoire et a Geographie de l’Archipel des Marquises par J. C. E. Buschmann pine paper, morocco, super extra, g.e. 8 vo, Berlin, 1843 Presentation copy from Professor Buschmann, with his autograph inscription. 4555 Humboldt (W. von) Hieroglyphica, engraved on copper 4to. 4556 Humboldt (Wilhelm von) Briefe an eine Freundin (Charlotte Diede), 2 vol. in 1, facsimile, half morocco 8 vo. Leipzig. 1848 Baron A. von Humboldt in sending the originals to Vamhagen writes, “ I have scarcely found anything to alter, and on the whole have suppressed at the outside as much as would fill three or four pages There is in them much that is beautiful both as regards language and thought — a life picture of the very rarest kind — & c.” 4557 Humboldt (W. von.) Briefe an eine Freundin. Sechste Auflage, 2 vol. facsimile pine paper, cloth, <7. e. post 8vo. Leipzig, 1856 4558 Humboldt (W. von) Sphere and Duties of Government, trans- lated by J. Coulthard autograph of u A1 Humboldt” crown 8vo. London, 1854 4559 Humboldt (W. von) Sprachwissenschaft und die Hegel’ sche Philosophic von Dr. H. Steinthal 8 vo. Berlin, 1848 4560 Humboldt (W. von). Erinnerungen an Wilhelm von Humboldt von Gustav Schlesier, 2 vol. pine paper, morocco, g, e. in case 8vo. Stuttgart, 1843 4561 Humboldt (Wilhelm von). Lebensbild und Charakteristik von R. Haym, autograph o/“Al Humboldt” pine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1856 4562 Humboldt (W. von) Diploma from the “ Bataviaasch Genoot- schap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen,” constituting His Excellency W. Baron de Humboldt an Honorary Member With the seal of the Society and the autograph signatures of P. MerJcul, President , and JD. Lensing, Secretary Dated Batavia , 16 Maarz, 1834 This is accompanied by an autograph letter (in French) from the Secretary, D. Lensing, announcing to Baron Humboldt his election. 4563 Humboldt (F. H. Alexander von) Mineralogische Beobach- / TUNGEN UBER EINIGE BASALTE AM RHEIN with the author's autograph notes and corrections , extremely rare, in a green morocco case fcap 8vo. Braunschweig, 1790 %/ A most interesting copy of this rare work as it was presented to Professor Gmelin in 1790 and returned to Humboldt on his 85th birthday in 1854. On the inside cover will be found the following inscriptions in Humboldt’s autograph : “ Herrn Hof- rath Gmelinvon seinem Schuler A. von Humboldt.” Below this is written “ Dieses Exemplar ist mir zu meinem 85sten Geburtstag von Herrn Theodor Wagener (Heidelberg Natter- gasse N° 255) gesandt worden in einer zarte Aufmerksamkeit. A1 Humboldt d. 14 Sept. 1854.” On the outside cover he has written " Alexander v Humboldt Basalte am Rhein 1790 sehr selten.” The work was published anonymously, but in this copy the author’s autograph signature is to the Dedication. 4564 Humboldt (F. A. de) Florae Fribergensis Specimen Plantas cryptogamicas prassertim subterraneas exhibens. Accedunt Aphorismi ex Doctrina Physiologic chemicae Plantarum, plates , fine papee, half morocco 4to. Berolini, 1793 4564*Humboldt (F. A. de) Florae Fribergensis Specimen, plates half calf extra Berolini , 1793 4565 Humboldt (Friedr. Alexander von) Yersuche liber die gereizte Muskel-und Nervenfaser nebst Vermuthungen fiber den chemischen Process des Lebens in der Thier-und Pflanzen- welt, 2 vol. in 1 , plates , fine papee half calf extra , in olive morocco case 8vo. Posen , 1797 With the author’s autograph signature and with his manuscript additions for a new Edition. -4566 Humboldt (A. von) Yersuche liber die chemishe Zerlegung des Luftkreises und iiber einige andere Gegenstiinde der Naturlehre, plates, half morocco 8 vo. Braunschweig, 1799 4567 Humboldt (Friedrich Alexander von) fiber die unterirdischen Gasarten und die Mittel ihren Nachtheil zu vermindern Humboldt's autograph notes , half morocco , extra, rare post 8vo. Braunschweig , 1799 4568 Humboldt (A.) et J. L. Gay-Lussac, sur l’Analyse de l’Air Atmospherique, half calf gilt 4 to. Paris, an 13 (1805) Read and marked by Humboldt, who in this Work seems to have dropped his nobility and become a citizen. 4569 Humboldt (A. de) et A. Bonpland, Geographie des Plantes Equinoxiales. Tableau physique des Andes et Pays voisins, the large plate, rare Paris , 1805 4570 Humboldt (A. de) Essai sur la Geographie des Plantes accompagne d’un Tableau physique des Regions Equi- noxiales, plate, half red morocco extra peinted on azeee papee 4 to. Paris, 1807 4571 Humboldt. Another Copy, on white vellum papee, plate, half green morocco extra 4 to. Paris, 1807 4572 Humboldt (A. von) Ideen zu einer Geographie der Pflanzen nebst einemNaturgemalde der Tropenlander, with the large plate and the engraved dedication to Gothe half green morocco extra royal Ho. Tubingen, 1807 4573 Humboldt (A. von) Yersuch die mittlere Hohe der Continente zu bestimmen, fine papee 8 vo. Berlin , s. a. T T 322 4574 Humboldt (A, de) Versuch die mittlere Hohe der Continente zu bestimmen 8vo. Berlin , s. a. 4575 Humboldt (A. de) Nouvelles Recliercbes sur les Lois que Ton observe dans la Distribution des Formes vegetales 8 vo. Paris , s. d. 4576 Humboldt (A. von) on Laws observed in the Distribution of Vegetable Forms, Humboldt’s writing on cover 8 vo. n. d. 4577 Humboldt (A. von) on the Laws observed in the Distribution of Vegetable Forms 8vo. Edinb. n. d. 4578 Humboldt (A. de) Limite inferieure des Neiges perpetuelles a differentes Latitudes Paris , s. d. 4579 Humboldt (A. de) sur le Goitre dans les Andes 8 vo. Paris, s. d. 4580 Humboldt (A. de) sur le Goitre des Andes 8 vo. Paris , s. d. 4581 Humboldt (A. de) sur le Goitre 8vo. Paris , s. d. 4582 Humboldt (A. de) Pittoresker Atlas zu den Ansichten der Cordilleren und Monumente Americanischer Volker, 23 plates ( several coloured ) royal folio 4583 Humboldt (A. de) Chaines de Montagnes et Volcans de l’Asie- Centrale oblong Mo. Paris , s. d. 4584 Humboldt (A. von) uber zwei Versuche den Chimborazo zu besteigen 8vo. 4585 Humboldt (A, de) Analyse raisonnee de la Carte de l’lle de Cuba 8 vo. 4586 Humboldt (A. de) Tableau geologique du Volcan de Torullo, the large plate Paris , s. d. 4587 Humboldt (A.) Plan du Volcan de Jorullo Paris , s. d. 4588 Humboldt (A. de) Exemple de Bifurcations et de Deltas d’Affluens Pam, s. d. 4589 Humboldt (A. de) Histoire de la Geographic de l’Orenoque, Lac Parime, Dorado, Bifurcation Paris, s. d. 4590 Humboldt (A. de) Carte du Cours de l’Orenoque Paris , 1813 4591 Humboldt (A. de) Observations sur quelques Phenomenes peu connus qu’offre le Goitre sous les Tropiques, dans les Plaines et sur les Plateaux des Andes privately printed 8vo. Paris, s. d. ,4592 Humboldt et Bonpland Voyage, Sixieme Partie: Botanique. Plantes Equinoxiales recueillies au Mexique, dans Pile de Cuba, dans les Provinces de Caraccas, de Cumana et de Barcelone, aux Andes de la Nouvelle Granade, de Quito, et de Perou, et sur les Bordes du Rio Negro, de l’Orenoque et de la Riviere des Amazones, par A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland, 2 vol. plates royal folio. Paris, 1808-9 4593 Humboldt (F. A. von) Versuch fiber den politischen Zustand des Konigreichs Neu-Spanien, 5 vol. in 4 half morocco extra 8vo. Tubingen, 1809-14 4594 Humboldt (A. de) et A. Bonpland, Voyage, Quatrieme Partie: Astronomie. Recueil d ’ Observations Astronomiques, d’ Operations Trigonometriques et de Mesures Barometriques / / / 323 faites par A. de Humboldt, redig^es et calculees par J. Oltmanns, 2 vol. plates, with important additions in Hum- boldt's autograph, half green morocco roy 4to. Paris, 1810 4595 Humboldt (A. von) Untersuchungen iiber die Geographie des neuen Continents berechnet von Jabbo Oltmanns, 2 vol. plates , Humboldt's autograph signature and notes, half morocco extra 8vo. Paris, 1810 Extremely rare, nearly the whole edition having been destroyed at sea, as appears from the following autograph note of Baron Humboldt on fly-leaf : “ Dieses Exemplar ist sehr selten, da in einer Speculation (unter K. Napoleon) Engl. Waaren in Frankreich fur gleichen Werth Franz. Bucher durch besondere Begiinstigung einfiihren zu diirfen um der Biicherbesteurung in Dover zu entgehen der ganze Vorrath dieser Deutscher Ausgabe meiner astron. Beobachtungen auf Veranstaltung der Buch- handlung ins Meer geworfen wurde. Wenige Exempl. sind gerettet worden, Potsd. 4 Dez. 1850 , Al. Humboldt. Ein Denk- mal buchhandlerischer Barbarei ! ” 4596 Humboldt (A. von) Pittoreske Ansichten der Cordilleren und Monumente Americanischer Volker pine paper 8 vo. Tubingen, 1810 Humboldt (A. de) Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne, 2 vol. royal 4to. half green morocco , Paris , 1811 — Atlas geographique et physique du Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne, maps and views, atlas folio, ib. 1811 together 3 vol. Humboldt (A. de) et A. Bonpland, Recueil d’ Observations de Zoologie et dAnatomie comparee faites dans l’Ocean Atlantique, dans l’lnterieur du Nouveau Continent et dans la Mer du Sud pendant les Annees 1799-1803, 2 vol. coloured plates, half red morocco , uncut, top edges gilt royal 4 to. Paris, 1811-33 /T» 4599 Humboldt (A. de) et A. Bonpland, Voyage aux Regions Equi- ty y noxiales du Nouveau Continent faites en 1799-1804, r6dige par A. de Humboldt, 3 vol. royal 4to. avec deux Atlas qui renferment, l’un les Vues des Cordilleres et les Monumens des Peuples indigenes de l’Amerique et l’autre des Cartes geographiques et physiques, 2 vol. atlas folio of maps and plates, several finely coloured half morocco 5 vol. Paris, 1813-34 This desirable copy has a few notes in the author’s autograph. 4600 Humboldt (A. de) Carte du Cours du Rio Apure et d’une Partie de la Chaine des Montagnes de la Nouvelle Grenade with Humboldt'-s autograph note and signature Paris, 1813 4601 Humboldt (A. de) Carte du Cours de Rio Meta et d’une Partie de la Chaine Orientale des Montagnes de la Nouvelle Grenade Paris, 1813 Humboldt’s autograph note states of this impression : “ c’est la premiere edition non corrigee.” 32 4 4602 Humboldt (A. de) Carte de Rio Meta, &c. Humboldt's autograph signature Paris , 1817 /4603 Humboldt (A. de) Atlas Geographique et Physique des Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent (Examen critique de l'Histoire et de la Geographie du Nouveau Continent aux XV e et XVI e Siecles, half red morocco , uncut vellum paper royal folio. Paris , 1814-34 4604 Humboldt et Bonpland, Voyage, Sixieme Partie: Botanique. Nova Genera et Species Plantarum quas in Peregrinatione ad Plagam ^Equinoctialem Orbis Novi collegerunt, descrip- serunt, partim adumbraverunt A. Bonpland et A. de Hum- boldt in Ordinem digessit C. S. Kunth, 7 vol. in parts, with the numerous plates exquisitely coloured vellum paper royal folio. Paris , 1815-25 Complete copies of the Nova Genera are now very scarce. 4605 Humboldt (A. von) und A. Bondplandt, Reise in die JEqui- noctial-Gegenden des Neuen Continents in den Jahren 1799-1804, 6 vol. half morocco extra 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1815-29 4606 Humboldt et Bonpland, Voyage. Sixieme Partie: Botanique. Monographie des Melastomacees (Melastomes et Rhexies) comprenant toutes les Plantes de cet Ordre recueillies jusqu’ a ce Jour et notamment au Mexique, dans Pile de Cuba, &c. par A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland, mise en Ordre par A. Bonpland, 2 vol. the plates exquisitely coloured royal folio. Puris, 1816-23 4607 Humboldt (A. de) et A. Bonpland, Voyage aux Regions Equi- noxiales du Nouveau Continent fait en 1799-1804, redige par A. de Humboldt, 12 vol. Humboldt's autograph notes , red morocco, uncut * 8 vo. Paris , 1816-26 4608 Humboldt (A. de) Vues de Cordilleres et Monumens des Peuples indigenes de l’Amerique, 2 vol. plates ( several coloured ), half purple morocco extra 8 vo. Paris , 1816 With the author’s autograph additions. 4609 Humboldt (A. de) Carte du Rio Caura Paris , 1816 4610 Humboldt (A. de) Carte geologique du Nevado de Antisana Paris , s. d. 4611 Humboldt (A. de) Carte speciale de la Partie du Rio Apure et Cours du RioGuaviare Paris , 1814 ^4612 Humboldt (A. de) sur les Lois que l’on observe dans la Dis- tribution des Formes vegetales; Nouvelles Recherches, 2 parts, Humboldt’s autograph notes 8vo. Paris, 1816 4613 Humboldt (A. de) de Distributione geographica, wants plate WITH THE AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE AND NOTES OF THE AUTHOR 8 vo. Lut. Paris. 1817 4614 Humboldt (A. de) Geographie des Plantes du Pic de Teneriffe Paris, 1817 325 4615 4616 4617 4618 & Humboldt (A. de) Chemin de la Guayra & Caraccas par la Cumbre Paris , 1817 Humboldt (A. de) Esquisse geologique des Environs de Guanaxuato Paris , 1817 Humboldt (A. de) Carte des Environs de Honda, de Mariquita et des Mines de Santana, tracee par F. Roulin Paris, 1834 Humboldt (A. de) Plan de Tampico proof before insertion of date ( Paris , 1833) 461 8 # Humboldt. Tampico, (finished), with date Paris , 1833 4619 Humboldt et Bonpland Voyage. Sixieme Partie; Botanique. Mimoses et autres Plantes legumineuses du Nouveau Continent recueillies par MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland, decrites et publiees par C. S. Kunth, the plates exquisitely coloured royal folio . Paris , 1819 Humboldt (A. de) Carte de l’Isle de Cuba, first edition, 2 copies , with Humboldt’s autograph corrections Paris , 1820 Humboldt (A. de) Profil du Chemin de Carthagene des Indes 4620 4621 4622 au Plateau de Santa Fe de Bogota Paris, 1820 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 Humboldt (A. de) sur l’Accroissement nocturne de lTntensite du Son 8vo. Paris , 1820 Humboldt et Bonpland Voyage. Sixieme Partie : Botanique. Synopsis Plantarum iEquinoctialium Orbis Novi (auctore C. S. Kunth), 4 vol. autograph signature of “ Al. Hum- boldt,” half red morocco , uncut 8 vo. Paris ( Strasbourg ), 1822-25 Humboldt (A. von) iiber den Bau und die Wirkungsart der Vulcane in verschiedenen Erdstrichen Humboldt’s autograph on cover 4 to. Berlin, 1823 Humboldt (A. von) iiber Vulcane in verschiedenen Erdstrichen 4 to. Berlin, 1823 Humboldt (A. von) iiber den Bau und die Wirkungsart der Vulcane in verschiedenen Erdstrichen eine paper , privately printed 8vo. Berlin, 1823 Humboldt (A. von) iiber den Bau und die Wirkungsart der Vulcane in verschiedenen Erdstrichen eine paper 4 to. Berlin, 1823 Humboldt (A. de) Profils de la Peninsule Espagnole Paris, 1823 Humboldt (A. de) Essai geognostique sur le Gisement des Roches dans les deux Hemispheres, the margins filled with numerous very important MS. additions for a new edition in the autograph of L. von Buch and Baron Humboldt 8vo. Paris et Strasbourg , 1823 This invaluable volume ought to be secured in some public library. Humboldt (A. de) Geognostical Essay on the Superposition of Rocks, presentation copy from the publishers with Hum- boldt’s writing at end 8 vo. London, 1 823 ✓ / 326 4631 Humboldt (A. von) iiber den Bau und die Wirkungsart der Yulcane in verschiedenen Erdstrichen, thick paper, Humboldt's own writing on cover 8vo. Berlin , 1823 4632 Humboldt. Another Copy, wanting title page, Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. ib. 1823 4633 Humboldt (A. de) Voyage vers la Cime du Chimborazo, the large plate Paris, 1824 4634 Humboldt (A. de) Rapport sur 1’ Atlas g^ographique de M. Brue royal folio. Paris , 1824 4635 Humboldt (A. de) De quelques Phenomenes physiques et g^ologiques qu’ offrent les Cordilleres des Andes de Quito et la Partie occidentale de l’Himalaya, coloured plate 8 vo. Paris, 1825 4636 Humboldt (A. de) Carte itin^raire de la Route de Zacatecas a Bolanos Paris, 1825 4637 Humboldt (A. de) Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne, 4 vol. map and plate half calf extra , in green morocco cases 8vo. Paris, 1825-27 With valuable additions and corrections, in the author’s autograph. These would be most important for a new edition. 4638 Humboldt. (A. von) Bericht iiber die Naturhistorischen Reisen von Ehrenberg und Hemprich 4fo. Berlin, 1826 4639 Humboldt (A. von) von der in verschiedenen Theilen der heissen Zone am Spiegel des Meeres stattfindenden Tempe- ratur, privately printed , Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. 1826 4640 Humboldt (A. de) Carte de l’lsle de Cuba large paper Paris, 1826 4641 Humboldt, Another copy, on small paper ib. 1826 4642 Humboldt (A. de) Mapa de la Isla de Cuba ib. 1827 4643 Humboldt (A. de) Ensayo politico sobre la Isla de Cuba. Obra traducida por D. J. B. de Y. y M. map calf 8 vo. Paris , 1827 4644 Humboldt (A. de) Carte hydrographique de la Province du Choco Paris, 1827 4645 Humboldt (A. von) Hertha fur April 1827 8vo. Stuttgart , 1827 Containing “ A. von Humboldt iiber Gallatin's Indierstamme von Nord Amerika” and “W. von Humboldt’s Fortschritte in der Kultur unter den Indiern Nordamerika’s.” 4646 Humboldt (A. de) Tableaux de la Nature, traduits par J. B. B. Eyries, 2 vol. half calf gilt 8 vo. Paris , 1828 4647 Humboldt (A. von) iiber Pentland’s Arbeiten im S. Peru 8vo. Stuttgart , 1829 4648 Humboldt (A. de) Discours prononce a la Seance extraordi- naire de l’Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Peters- bourg 4fo. St, Petersbourg , 1829 327 4649 Humboldt et Bonpland Voyage. Sixieme Partie: Botanique Revision des Graminees publiees dans les Nova Genera et Species Plantarum de Humboldt et Bonpland; precedee d’un Travail general sur la Famille des Graminees, par C. S. Kunth, 220 plates royal folio. Paris , 1829 4650 Humboldt (A. von) und H. Lichtenstein, Amtlicher Bericht iiber die Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und iErzte zu Berlin, fac-similes of the autograph signatures of the Associates , including the most celebrated names of Germany yelltjm paper 4 to. Berlin , 1829 4651 Humboldt (A. de) sur les Chaines des Montagnes et sur les Volcans de l’Asie Interieure et sur une nouvelle Eruption Volcaniquedans la Chaine des Andes, map 8 vo. Paris , 1830 4652 Humboldt (A. von). Dove (H. W.) Correspondirende Beobach- tungen iiber die regelmassigen stiindlichen Veranderungen und iiber die Perturbationen der magnetisehen Abweichung im mittleren und ostlichen Europa; mit einen Vorworte von A. von Humboldt Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Berlin , 1830 4653 Humboldt (A. de) Tableau Statistique de Pile de Cuba with the large map unfolded 8vo. Paris , 1831 Published as a Supplement to the “ Essai Politique” of 1826. 4654 Humboldt (A. de) Tableau Statistique de Flsle de Cuba 8 vo. Paris , 1831 4655 Humboldt (A. de) Astronomische und Hypsometrische Grund- lagen der Erdbeschreibung oder Untersuchung und Samm- lung von Orts-Bestimmungen nach von A. von Humboldt gelieferten Materialien berechnet von J. Oltmanns, Vol. I ( all published ), rare vellum paper, half calf g. e. 8vo. Stuttgart , 1831 4656 Humboldt (A. de) Fragmens de Geologie et de Climatologie Asiatiques, 2 vol. map, half calf gilt 8vo. Paris , 1831 4657 Humboldt (A. de) Esquisse d’une Carte de la Province d’ Avila Berlin , 1833 4658 Humboldt (A. de) Ex amen critique de l’Histoire de la Geographie du Nouveau Continent et des Progres de l’Astronomie Nautique au quinzieme et seizieme Siecles, 5 vol. facsimiles of the maps made by Juan de la Cosa in 1500, half calf extra , in green morocco cases 8vo. Paris , 1836-39 An invaluable copy of this extremely important work, having numerous manuscript additions in the autograph of the author, who evidently contemplated a supplementary volume. For a new edition, these autograph corrections and additions are of the highest value. In one of the notes, Humboldt points out the shortness of the Galway route. 328 4659 Humboldt (A. von) Kritische Untersuchungen iiber die his* torische Entwickelung der geographischen Kenntnisse von der neuen Welt und die Fortschritte der nautischen Astronornie in dem 15ten und 16ten Jahrhundert, iiber- setzt von Dr. J. L. Ideler, 3 vol. Humboldt 1 s autograph notes fine paper, half calf extra 8 vo. Berlin , 1836-52 This translation contains valuable additions and corrections. 4660 Humboldt (A. von) on two Attempts to ascend Chimborazo, translated by Dr. M. Barry 8 vo. Edinburgh, 1837 4661 Humboldt (A. de) Notice de deux Tentatives d’ Ascension du Chimborazo 8 vo. Paris, 1838 4662 Humboldt (A. de) Histoire de la Geographie du Nouveau Continent, Yol. Ill and IV, Humboldt' s autograph inscrip- tion to Admiral Lutke and note 8vo. Paris , 1837 4663 Humboldt (A. von), G. Ehrenberg und G. Rose, Reise nach dem Ural, dem Altai und dem Kaspischen Meere (Bericht von G. Rose), 2 vol. maps , plates , and woodcuts fine paper, Humboldt's autograph notes, half calf gilt 8vo. Berlin , 1837-42 4664 Humboldt (A. von) iiber zwei Versuche den Chimborazo zu besteigen, s. 1. § a. — The same, in English, by Dr. Barry, Edinb. 1837 — The same, in French, Pam, 1838 8vo. (3) 4665 Humboldt (A. de) Notice de deux Tentatives d’Ascension du Chimborazo, privately printed 8 vo. Paris, 1838 4666 Humboldt (A. von) iiber die Hochebene von Bogota, Berlin , 1838 — Versuch die mittlere Hohe der Continente zu bestimmen, ib. s. a. — Humboldt’sche Versammlung des Apotheker-Vereins, Hannover , 1840 — Grundsatze des Apotheker-Vereins, ib. 1840 8vo. (4) 4667 Humboldt (A. de) Observations geognostiques et physiques sur les Yolcans du Plateau de Quito. Traduit par L. Lalanne 8vo. Paris, 1839 4668 Humboldt, Another copy 8vo. ib. 1839 4669 Humboldt (A. de) et C. Degenhardt, Petrifications recueillies en Amerique, decrites par L. de Buch, plates vellum paper royal folio. Berlin , 1839 Dedicated to A. de Humboldt. 4670 Humboldt (A. de) Asie Centrale. Recherches sur les Chaines de Montagnes et la Climatologie comparee, 3 vol. half calf in olive morocco cases 8vo. Paris , 1843 With the author’s signature, and numerous highly valuable addi- tions and corrections in his autograph. For the sake of science, it is most desirable that these should be edited, and the volumes secured in some public library. 329 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4679 J^y4680 'a^-4681 4683 Humboldt ( Chaines de Montagnes etVolcans de l’Asie- Centrale, Paris , s. d . — The same on a larger scale, ib. 1843 (2) Humboldt (A. de) Chaines de Montagnes etVolcans de l’Asie- Centrale, thick paper Paris , 1843 Humboldt (A. von) Central- Asien, iibersetzt und durch Zusatze vermehrt herausgegeben von Dr. W. Mahlmann, 3 vol. map and 14 tables , autograph signature of u Al. Hum- boldt ” in each volume , and his MS. notes at end of Vol. K II 8vo. Berlin , 1844 Humboldt (A. de) Lettre a F. Lacroix, Berlin , 1844 — Sur les Temperatures de Diverses Mines d’Amerique, s. 1. d . — Die Von Humboldt’sche Versammlung des Apotheker- Vereins, Hannover , 1840 8vo. (3) Humboldt (A. de) par un Homme de Rien 12 mo. Paris , 1842 Humboldt (A. von) Interpres Naturae Auditoribus suis propo- suit C. Pruys van der Hoeven 8 vo. Lugd. Bat. 1845 Humboldt (A. yon) Kosmos. Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung, 4 vol. half green morocco , in blue morocco cases 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1845-58 An invaluable copy of this imperishable work, having numerous manuscript additions and corrections in the author’s auto- graph, intended for a new edition. As addenda to existing translations, even the copyright would be worth a large sum of money. Humboldt (A. von) Kosmos. Atlas zu Humboldt’s Kosmos in 42 Tafeln, mit erlauterndem Texte herausgegeben von Traugott Bromme, coloured maps and plates yellum paper, half green morocco extra oblong royal 4do. Stuttgart , 1851 Humboldt (A. von.) Kosmos, IV Band, the proof sheets , with the MS. corrections and autograph remarks of the author 8vo. Humboldt (A. von) Kosmos. Amerikanische Stereotyp- Ausgabe, green morocco extra , g. e. ornamented sides royal 8vo. Philadelphia , 1855 Humboldt (A. von) Kosmos. Gemeinfasslicher Abriss von Dr. K. G. Reuschle. Erster Theil. Der Himmel half morocco 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1848 Humboldt (A. von) Kosmos naar het Hoogduitsch door E. M. Beima, Vol. I and II, half morocco extra t and Vol. Ill and IV, in 4 Parts, unbound 8 vo. Leiden , 1846-48-51-52-58 Humboldt (A. von) Cosmos, in English, Nos. 1 to 5, “ with the Publishers Respects ” cr. 8 vo London, H. Balliere, 1845-47 U U 33 0 ft / ^4685 U- fy ^ ^ 4G88 4690 4684 Humboldt (A. von) Cosmos, translated under the superinten- dence of Lieut. -Col. E. Sabine (by Mrs. Sabine), with additional Notes by the Editor, 3 vol. in 4, and Vol. IV Part 1 , Humboldt's autograph notes in Vol. I crown 8 vo. London , 1846-58 Presentation copy, Vol. I to III, “from the Publishers,” and Vol. IV “from his affectionate friend the translator and the editor.” Humboldt (A. von) Cosmos, translated by E. C. Otte and W. S. Dallas, Vol. I, II, and V, portrait , presented by the Publisher , who , it seems , never sent Vol. Ill and 1 V, as Humboldt , in his own autography has written on a separate slip , “ es fehlt der 3 u 4ter Band ” 1 2mo. London , II. Bohn , 1848-49-58 . 4686 Humboldt (A. di) Cosmos.- Prima Versione Italiana di Giulio Vallini e V. Lazzari, Vol. I and II half morocco , Vol. Ill sewed 8vo. Venezia, 1846-50-54 Presentation copy, with autograph inscription of V. Lazzeri, who dedicates his portion of the translation to Humboldt himself. Humboldt (A. de) Cosmos. Parte seconda di V. Lazzari translator's autograph inscription 8 vo. ivi , 1850 Humboldt (A. von) Kosmos oversat af C. A. Schumacher, 2 vol. fine papee, calf super extra, g. e. the sides richly orna- mented 8 vo. Kjobenhavn, 1847-48 Presentation copy from the translator, with the following inscrip- tion in his autograph : — “ Dem hohen Verfasser am 14ten September, 1847, in tiefster Ehrerbietung von dem Ueber- setzer. C. A. Schumacher.” 4689 Humboldt (A. von) Kosmos, perevod N. Frolova i M. Gooseva. Translation of the Cosmos into Russian by N. Frololf and M. Gussew ( see Humboldt's autograph note), 3 vol. in 4 royal 8vo. Moscow, 1848-51-53-57 In Vol. Ill, Part II, is an autograph inscription of the translator, M. Gussew. 4687 4691 Humboldt, Kosmos, in Russian, Vol. Ill Part I morocco extra, g. e. royal 8vo. ib. 1853 Humboldt (A.) Kosmos, przetozyli J. Baranowski, L. Zejszner i H. Skrzynski (in Polish), 3 vol. portrait pine papee 8vo. Warszawa, 1849-51-52 Presentation copy from J. Baranowski, with his autograph inscription. 4692 Humboldta (A.) Kosmos (in Polish), Second Edition, Vol. I half red morocco 8vo. ib. 1852 Humboldta (A.) Kosmos (in Polish, by J. Baranowski and L. Zejszner), Tom I, with autograph letter and inscription of Von Glasl 8vo. Warszawa , 1849 4693 331 4694 Humboldt (A. de) Cosmos vertido al Castellano por Francisco Diaz Quintero Tomo I 8 vo. Madrid , 1851 4695 Humboldt (A. von) Kosmos ofversatt af G. Thomee, 2 Parts, portrait 8vo. Stockholm , 1852 4696 Humboldt (A. de) Cosmos, traduit par H. Faye, C. Galusky, Tome III et IV, in 3 Parts, with autograph letter from Gide , the publisher , and having Humboldt's writing on covers 8 vo. Paris , 1851-52-59 4697 Humboldt (A. von) Ansichten der Natur, mit wissenschaft- lichen Erlauterungen, 2 vol. the author’s own copy, with his autograph notes and additions for a new edition very important post 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1849 Amongst the additions is an e ‘ Extract from a letter written by an American Lady descriptive of the ‘ Mammoth Trees’ of California.” 4698 Humboldt (A. von) Natuur-Beschouwingen met wetenschap- pelijke Ophelderingen naar het Hoogduitsch door E. M. Beima, 2 parts, complete 8vo. Leiden , 1856 4699 Humboldt (A. de) Tableaux de la Nature, traduits par F. Hoefer, 2 vol. maps and plates half morocco extra 8 vo. Paris , 1850-51 4700 Humboldt (A. de) Tableaux de la Nature. Edition nouvelle traduite par C. Galusky, 2 vol. 12mo. Paris , 1851 4701 Humboldt (Alexander von), ein biographisches Denkmal von Prof. Dr. H. Klencke, portrait aud map of the Orinoco VELLUM paper, blue velvet, the sides richly ornamented with gold , having on obverse the name 11 A. v Humboldt ” within a gilt wreath , g. e. 8 vo. Leipzig , 1851 4702 Humboldt (A. von) Rede bei der Aufstellung Dr. Lichten- stein’s Biiste, velltjm paper 4 to. Berlin , 1852 Printed for private distribution only. 4703 Humboldt (A. von) Rede bei der Aufstellung der Biiste der Prof. Lichtenstein 4 to. Berlin , 1852 4704 Humboldt (A. de) Temperatur-Tabellen, with 8 folio pages of MS. Additions and a few notes in Humboldt's autograph folio . Berlin , 1853 4705 Humboldt (A. von) Geognostischer Durchschnitt der Kiisten- kette von Venezuela, plate Humboldt's writing on first leaf 8vo. Berlin , 1853 4706 Humboldt (A. de) Introduction aux CEuvres de M. Arago 8 vo. Potsdam , 1853 4707 Humboldt (A. von) Kleinere Schriften. Erster Band. Geog- nostische und physikalische Erinnerungen with the author’s autograph additions and corrections, half green morocco extra and oblong 4to. atlas of plates 8vo. Stuttgart , 1853 332 4708 Humboldt (A. von) Kleine Geschriften naar het Hoogduitsch door E. M. Beima met een Atlas bevattende Schetsen van Quito en Mexiko , with the atlas of views and sections , in oblong Ato. 8vo. Leiden , 1855 4709 Humboldt (A. von) Vorwort zu den Erinnerungen der Reise nach Indien von S. K. H. dem Prinzen Waldemar von Preussen vellum paper, privately printed roy. 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 4710 Humboldt (A. de) Melanges de Geologie et de Physique gene- rale traduits par Ch. Galusky — Tome premier {all published) 8vo. Paris , 1854 4711 Humboldt. Another copy 8 vo. ib. 1854 4712 Humboldt (A. von) Vorwort zu Mollhausen’s Reisen vellum paper, privately printed 8vo. Berlin, 1856 4713 Humboldt (A. von) Vorwort zu Mollhausen vellum paper 8vo. Potsdam , 1856 4714 Humboldt (A. von) in his Library; Description of a Water- colour Drawing in the possession of J. Seifert, in German, English and French 4 to. Berlin , 1857 4715 Humboldt (Alexander von), eine biographische Skizze (in Hebraisch) von v. Slonimski, in cloth , g. e. having on sides in letters of gold within a wreath “ Alexander v. Humboldt.” 8vo. Berlin , 1858 Dedicated to Humboldt, “ Dem Nestor des Wissens gewidmet zu seinem acht und achtzigsten Geburtstage.” Slonimski has printed at commencement a letter from Humboldt to himself. 4716 Humboldtiana. Actes de la Stance publique de la Societe des Nationalistes de Moscou (26 Oct. 1829) en l’Honneur de M. le Baron A. de Humboldt 8vo. Moscou , 1829 4717 Humboldtiana. Arago (M.) Lettre a M. Alexandre de Hum- boldt (attack on M. de Pontecoulant) marked by Humboldt 8vo . Paris , 1840 4718 Humboldtiana. Arago, another copy 8vo. ib. 1840 4719 Humboldtiana. Athenaeum (The) No. 1604 with Humboldt's autograph note 4 to. London , 1858 Containing Humboldt’s Letter respecting the death of Bonpland. 4720 Humboldtiana. August (Dr. E. E.) iiber die Fortschritte der Hygrometrie in der- neuesten Zeit nebst erlauternden Zusat- zen und der Berechnung einiger hygrometrischen Beobach- tungen welche bei Gelegenheit der Reise A. von Humboldt im N. Asien und an den Ufern des Caspischen Meeres angestellt worden sind, plate 4 to. Berlin, 1830 4721 Humboldtiana. Bloch (K. E.) Der Kosraos von A. von Hum- boldt (in No. 5 of Dr. Kobitz’s Jahrbiicher) 8vo. Berlin, 1845 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription, stating the pleasure he derived from perusal of Kosmos. powerful hands with their now. The iron was scre^HPHBH^F"TIiat it pressed through the skin into tne flesh, letting out the blood. Yes, under that despised blaok skin were blood, nerves ana sinews like those of other men. The blood trickling down his hands, did not differ iu its color from the blood of the white. And no Caucasian could suffer more intensely than this negro, from whose eyes were rolling slow tears of despair, as, on hi- Knees, holding to the wagon’s side he peered through those iron wires, and saw the roofs of the town pass into the distance. Per- haps in that swoon he had missed one l st glimpse of his Julie 1 Was she deadV Oh! if he could but know ! After hours and hours of stifling heat and dust, the wagon stopped. Horses were changed. A new driver on the box, joked with the one on the ground about his “ precious freight.” He was “ clean tuckered out ” ;ifter his long drive, he de- clared, and went in w ter take a smile, an’ suthin’ ter eat.” Did neither of those men remember that other man, to whose cracked lips a drop of water would have been a boon ? After a little the door of the wagon was opened and a miserable group pushed in — a woman, a boy, and a man. Three more castaways ! The woman was weeping bitterly. She was not like his Julie, for her face, though young, was without delicacy. But she was a woman, and unhappy, and O’Neal moved aside to give her his place near the door wnere an occasional breath of air came through 1 he iron screen, in slight relief to the stifling heat. The woman was too miserable to thank him just then, for the guard, was at the wagon, and she gave a last cry of “ Oh, sah, doan’ sen’ me ter do camp,” as he slammed the door and laughed a brutal laugh. The boy was a mulatto, and his face, drawn in a heavy frown, was lost m stolid misery. The man who had followed him into the wagon made the hot air heavy with his friglitfuL oaths. All were handcuffed, and all were black. His people! O’Neal’s heart had been bursting with his own woe, but he felt it grow heavier with the added misery of these others. With tears and groans, and longing for sympathy, the woman told her story. She was a mother, and could get no work, while her cliildren cried for food. From door to door she went beseeching help. At last aespairing, with those little ones waiting for her at home, sue had passed a baker’s shop, and seeing a loaf of bread near the door, had seized it. Wnile her children, yet ravenously tore at it. the witness of her guilt, she was arrested. Then came her trial, and then conviction.” “ Oh. sah, what will my clii lien do ? What will my chillen do ?” She wrung her iron-bound hands, she cried aloud and prayed until the man sitting op- posite cursed her for a howling fool “ oer pray when de only answer am a cuss.” O’Neal’s misery increased,, Here was a case as worlds. ed for money, the Baron’s nephew entered into a speculation with his “ uncle,” and, failing to pay either principal or interest, the “ uncle” foreclosed the mortgage anil put the diplomas up at pub- lic sale. General Fremont happened to be in Germany at the time, and fortunately heard of the proposed sale. He attended it, and bought the diplomas. In the course of time General Fremont found it necessary to dispose of them, and they were purchased by one of the trustees of the -American Museum of Natural History, in this city. There they are to be found'to-day, e ‘and few persons aware of their presence leave the library of the museum with- out having, had at least a peep at them. They are over a hundred in number and are wonder' ully well pre- served. Each diploma is given a page of a huge scrap- book. There are three of these books, and they are in- closed in wooden boxes, which resemble immense tomes. Nearly every Nation of importance is represented among them. One was conferred by the Geological Society of Pennsylvania in 1833. It is signed by Andrew del Rio as president, and Richard Harlan as corresponding sec- retary. TDe other signatures are intended more for or- nament than use and are therefore illegible. Another granted in 1838 is from the Rhode Island Historical Society, of which John Howland was president and Thomas H. Webb secretary. To a Russian diploma are attached two immense seals, inclosed in round brass boxes, which are attached to the parchment by parti- colored silken cord. The boxes containing the diplomas are kept locked and are placed in a case which is also locked, the key being carefully retained by A. Wood- ward, the librarian. It is proposed to enlarge the museum from time to time until it equals in size and importance the British Museum. Wheu this point is reached the building will be seventeen times as large as it is at pres- ent. It now contains twenty thousand books. Seven thousand of these belong to the Academy of Sciences, and five thousand to the museum. Among them are many rare and valuable volumes. The oldest book in the library is quoted in Quaritch’s Catalogue as very rare. It is “ L’Histoire Naturelle des Etranger Poissons Marin avec la vrai peincture.” The little page is stamped with the seal of Cardinal Richelieu, without whose consent nothing was published at that time. Another old book, published in 1558, is devoted to nat- ural history, It is of immense size when compared with works of a kiudred nature published at the preseut day and is bound in vellum. An exceedingly quaint-lookmg tome is devoted to “ Bible animals. ” The cuts are curios- ities and some of the people who have had the privilege of examining it have evidently thought so, as a number of cuts have been stolen. The book was published in 1595. Both editions of Say’s Entomology are not to be fouud outside of tbe library. It also contains a set of Fabricius, on the same subject, from F780 to 1798. This set is highly prized. Another rare book is Alexander Wilson’s American Ornithology. The library contains three thousand pamphlets on fishes. The other sciences represented are entomology, geology, couchology. eth- nology, paleontology and zoology. The library is open to scientific people and students. The general public seldom troubles it. This is not the ease, however, with the museum. This contains hundreds of thousands of specimens of beasts, birds and fishes, as well as shells and fossils. The animals are handsomely mounted and are arranged in glass cases. - of tlic former ar&i B Alt ON gues low i i wm V WTTWBOr.D'T’S thirLQMAS. j HOW THE ,1 'j Tout am I Baron 'A j orated traw Am 4 t , . ,Cilfch 1,iH Ue(3ts fLl1 in to the possess i<"> 4 74 | Anions these were , — / NATURAU HrS l " ' !>> V ‘* 1 2 3 4 5 ' ^ Ha aiiilec von Humboldt, the cele- aud scientist, had no son-,. and upon !lis <>f a neniieiv. OF THE stifle aiii^s DIPLOMAS FEOM UNIVERSITIES ANl) LEARNED SOCIETIES, either conferring on Baron Alexander ton Humboldt various Degrees, or constituting him, on account oe his Fame, one of their Members, and exhibiting the Autograph Signatures of the most Learned and CELEBRATED MeN OF THE AGE, EAGER TO DO HOMAGE to the MASTER, OF SCIENCES, with the Corporate Seals affixed. This Collection also em- braces a few Passports , Grants of Citizenship , and Orders of Knighthood , tvith the Imperial , Regal , and Princely Autographs of the Monarchs from whom they emanated. This Extraordinary Collection of Honours conferred ON ONE MAN EXHIBITS THE CURIOUS FACT OF UPWARDS OF 180 LEARNED SOCIETIES AND SOVEREIGNS DOING VOLUNTARY AND UNSOLICITED HOMAGE TO ONE OF THE MOST GIFTED men the World has ever produced. Amongst the Autograph Signatures attached will be found that OF NEARLY EVERY AUTHOR DISTINGUISHED FOR SCIENTIFIC Pursuits. To the mere Collector of Autographs this Series is most valuable ; but to a Biographer of Humboldt, or to a Public Library, it would prove a PRICELESS ACQUISITION. The FOLLOWING IS A LlST OF THE Documents arranged in chronological order: — 1 Madrid. Passport granted by the Portuguese Ambassador Diogo de Carvalho e Sampayo to Baron Humboldt and M. Bonplan With the autograph signatures of Diogo de Carvalho e Sampayo , and of his Secretary Miguel Vieyra de Abreu Dated Madrid , 5 Mayo , 1799 2 Beklin Academy’s Diploma to A. de Humboldt, constituting him an Academician printed on vellum, with autograph signatures of Merian , Achard , Bernoulli , and Borgstede Dated Berolini , 3 Aug. 1800 3 Paris. Extrait des Registres des Deliberations de la Societe de l’Ecole de Medicine de Paris. Official Document declaring A. von Humboldt elected one of its Members, signed by the celebrated Chemist FOURCROY, as President, and by Le Clerc as Secretary Dated quatre Ventose An X (1802) 4 Gottingen. Sealed Diploma from the “ Societas Regia Scientiarum Gottingensis,” constituting Humboldt a Member of the Physical Class, with autograph signatures of the celebrated C. Meiners and C. G. Heyne Dated Gottingce , 19 Nov. 1803 5 Mexico. Passport granted by D. Joseph de Yturrigaray, the Vice- Roy, to Baron Humboldt and his Secretary Alexandro Bonpland With the autograph signatures of the Vice- Roy, “ Yturrigaray ,” and of “ Jose Ximenez ” Dated Mexico , 17 de Enero , 1804 N 334 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722— Continued. 6 Cuba. Passport granted by Don S. J. de Muro y Salazar Marques de Soraeruelos, in his capacity of Captain-General of Cuba, to Baron Humboldt and liis Secretary A. Bonpland, enabling them to proceed to the United States of America, signed 11 Someruelos ” and u Juan Ybanez ” Dated Havana , 12 de Abl. 1804 7 American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia. Diploma constituting A. de Humboldt a Member With the Society's seal and the autograph signatures of the following distinguished Americans : — Th. Jefferson, President (afterwards President of the United States) ; R. Patterson, C. Wistur jun. and Benjamin Smith Barton, Vice-Presidents ; and Adam Seybert, John Redman Coxe, Tho. C. James, and Tho. T. Hewson, Secretaries Dated 20 July , 1804 8 Paris. Sealed Diploma from the “Institut National, Classe des Sciences Physiques et Mathematiques,” constituting Humboldt one of its Corresponding Members, with the autograph signatures of the eminent Bertiiollet, as President , and of the celebrated G. Cuvier, as V. P. Dated 16 Pluviose an 12, accompanied by a Letter from Gr. Cuvier, dated Paris , le 18 Pluviose an 12 de la Republique Franqaise , announcing his election , Paris , 1804 — Official Letter from Baron Gr. Cuvier, announcing to Humboldt that he had been elected Foreign Associate to till the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Cavendish, 14 Mai, 1810, and that his Election had been approved by the Emperor on 11 Juin, 1810 9 Geneva. Diploma from “ La Societe de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle de Geneve,” appointing Humboldt one of its Honorary Members, sealed and signed “ M. A. Pictet , President ,” and 11 L. A. Gosse, M.D. Secretaire ” Dated Janv. 1805 10 Arcadi. Diploma from the famous Society of “ Pastori Arcadi,” creating Al. Barone de Humboldt a Member “ col Nome di Megastene ” With the seal of the Society , having attached the autograph signatures of 11 Cimante Micenio Custode Generate ” and of Celiso Enipeo Sotto-Custode, Dated 11 Dato in piena Ragunanza d’ Arcadia nella Campana del Serbatojo dentro il Bosco Parrasio alia Neomenia di Targelione Olimpiade DC XL VI Anno III ab A. I Olimpiade XXX Anno III Giorno lieto per General chiamata (1805) 11 Arcadi. A Second Diploma from “ il Saggio Collegio d’Arcadia,” granting to “ Megastene ” (Humboldt) the vacant Lands “ Efesie ” from whence in future he is to be called “ Megastene Efesio " With the seal of the Custode , and signed by 11 Cimante Micenio Custode Generate d' Arcadia f and by “ Celiso Enipeo Sotto-Custode ” Dated 28 Maggio , 1805 In the original Envelope, sealed with the Seal of the Arcadi. 12 Frankfurt-on-the-Weser University. Diploma granting the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, &c. to H. F. Alexander von Humboldt, “ Viro generosissimo Eruditione Mentis ac Inventis illustri et per totum Orbem Terrarum celeberrimo” printed on vellum, with the University Seal Dated 4 August , 1805 13 Stockholm. Diploma from the Royal Academy of Sciences, con- stituting A. ab Humboldt an Academician With the Academy's Seal, and the autograph signatures of Lenngren , Pres, and Svanberg, Secretary Dated Holmice , 23 Aprilis , 1807 335 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722 — Continued. 14 Munich. Diploma constituting Humboldt Foreign Member of the 11 Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Miinchen” Sealed and signed by Jacobi , President , Schlichtegroll, General Secre- tary, and Moll , Secretary of the Mathematical Class Dated Munchen , 5 April , 1808 15 Erlangen. Diploma from the “ Societas Physico-Medica Erlan- gensis,” constituting A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member Sealed and signed by Dr. C. F. Harles ( Director ), and Drs. E. F. C. Hohnbaum and C. H. T. Schreger (Secretaries) Dated Erlang ce, 25 Aug. 1808 16 Venice. Diploma granted by the “ Publica Societas Medica Veneta,” constituting A. von Humboldt Foreign Associate Sealed and signed by lg. Lotti (President) and by Dr. F. Aglietti (Secretary) Dated Venetiis, 1 Sept. 1808 17 Wetter auische Gesellschaft fur die gesammte Naturkunde. Diploma constituting A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member With the Society's seal and the autograph signatures of the Directors , G. Gaertner and Bernhard Meyer , and of the Secretaries , C. C. Leonhard and Dr. J. H. Kopp Dated Hanau , 5 Dezember , 1808 18 Gorenkensis Societas Phytographic a. Diploma from the “ So- cietas Phytographica Gorenkensis/’ constituting Al. de Humboldt a Member Sealed and signed by Comes Alexius PazumowsJcy, President ; G. F. Hoffman , Director ; and F. E. L. Fischer , Secretary Dated Ex Horto Gorenkensi, 8 Januarii , 1810 19 Madrid. Diploma from the Koyal Academy of Madrid, consti- tuting Humboldt a Member Sealed and signed by the Vice-President , Josephus Mozinnus ; the Secretaries , R. Lopez Mateos and C. Ortega ; and by the Censors , A . Lavedan , G. Bdhares , and S. Ximenez Dated Matriti , 7 Feb. 1811 20 Societe des Amis des Arts. Letter from the Committee of Artists requesting Humboldt to be a Member of the Committee Signed by Swebach , Watelet, H. Lecomte , Menjaud, Valois, Rathieres , Gaulle , Gautherot , Mores , Chatillon , Lafond , Aubry , &c. &c. Dated Paris , 24 Janvier , 1815 21 Paris. Letter of Thanks from the Professors of the “Museum d’Histoire Naturelle” to Baron de Humboldt for his services with the King of Holland, signed by Geoffroy St. Hilaire , Thouin , and De Jussieu Dated Paris , 26 Octobre , 1815 22 Antiquarian Society of Scotland. Diploma constituting Hum- boldt an Honorary Member printed on yellum, and signed by S. S. Mackenzie , V. P. and by J. Jamieson and A. Smellie, Secretaires Dated Edinburgh , 9 Dec. 1815 23 London. Diploma, under seal, from the President, Council, and Fellows, constituting A. von Humboldt “ Fellow of the Koyal Society of London” printed on yellum, sealed and signed by the celebrated Sir Joseph Banks, as President , and by C. Blagden , Taylor Combe , Samuel Dysons , Lord Morton , J. Pond , and TV. II. Wollaston Dated London , 6 April , 1816 24 American Antiquarian Society’s Diploma to A. von Humboldt, appointing him a Member With Society's seal and the autograph signatures of Isaiah Thomas , President , and Rejoice Newton, Rec. Secretary Dated 23 Oct. 1816 r\ 336 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722 — Continued. 25 Prussia. Letters Patent from H.M. the King of Prussia, granting to Baron von Humboldt “Unsern rothen Adler-Orden zweiter Classe mit Eichenlaub ” (Order of the Red Eagle) Sealed with the Royal Seal , and signed , with His Majesty's own hand , £< Friedrich Wilhelm” Dated Berlin , 17 Januar, 1817 26 London Geological Society. Printed Letter informing Humboldt that he had been elected a Foreign Member With seal and signature of A. B. Granville , Foreign Secretary Dated 31 May , 1817 27 Marburg. Diploma constituting Humboldt a Member of “ Die Gesellscliaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften in Marburg” Sealed and signed by J. C. TJUmann (Director ), L. von Wildungen, Wurzer, J. D. Busch (the Council), and Merrem (Secretary) Dated Marburg, 13 Sept. 1817 28 Zurich. Diploma of the “ Societas Naturae Scrutatorum Helve- torum,” appointing A. de Humboldt a Member Sealed and signed by P. Usteri , President ; Prof. C. Horner, V. P. ; and H. R. Schinz , Secretary Dated Turici, 7 Oct. 1817 29 Havana. Diploma from the “ Real Sociedad Patriotica de la Havana,” creating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member With autograph signatures of A. Ramirez and M. Pehalva Dated 15 de Dice, de 1817 30 St. Petersburg. Diploma of the Imperial Academy of St. Peters- burg, constituting A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member With the Academy's seal and the autograph signatures of Count Ouvarojf and N. Fuss, as President and Secretary Dated Petropoli , 11 Feb. 1818 31 Dresden. Die Gesellschaft fur Mineralogie zu Dresden urkundet durch gegenwartiges Diplom dass Sie A. von_Humboldt Z \i Ihrem wirklichen Mitgliede ernannt hat Sealed and signed by K. A. Blode (Director), and Dr. H. Ficinus ( Secretary ) Dated Dresden, 30 Juny 1818 32 Lucca. Diploma from 11 La Reale Accademia Lucchese,” consti- tuting Humboldt a Corresponding Member Signed by A. Mansi, V. P . ; and by the Secretaries, G. Grimaldi and T. Trenta Dated Lucca, 25 Agosto, 1818 33 Saint - Petersburg. Diploma appointing Humboldt an Honorary Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of St. Petersburg Sealed and signed by A. N. Scherer (Director), and G. W. Grassmann ( Secretary ) Dated St. Petersburg, 29 March, 1819 34 Edinburgh. Diploma, with seal, from the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, making A. Baron de Humboldt an Honorary Fellow With the autograph signatures of the following eminent Physicians in their capacities of Presidents and Council : — J. R. Scott, E. Turner, G. Cullen, C. Coindet, J. Gregory , A. Tweedie, J. Thomson , J. Gillies, A. Duncan Jun ., J. E. Dehay , J. Russell, J. Aitkin, J. Home, W. Turner, R. Jameson, G. B. Waddell, J. Thatcher , P. B. Fergusson, H. Dewar , T. Ffilkin, W. Beilby , W. Foster, T. Williams , F. Duesbury, W. Stroud, T. Morris, A. Fyfe, W. Thomson, D. Craigie, and Sir W. Jar dine \ Dated Edinb. 15 April, 1819 337 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722 — Continued. 35 Bonn. Sealed Diploma from “Die Nieder-Rheinische Gesellschaft fur Natur-und Heilkunde zu Bonn,” constituting A. von Hum- boldt an Honorary Member With autograph signatures of Dr. Harles , Dr. Noggerath , Dr. E. Bischoff, \ and Dr. C. D. von Munchow Dated Bonn, 30 Dec. 1819 36 New York Historical Society. Printed Letter, with autograph signature of Dr. L. Spalding, announcing to Humboldt that he had been elected an Honorary Member Dated New York, 9 May , 1820 37 Harlem. Sealed Diploma from “ La Societe Hollandoise” consti- tuting Humboldt one of its Honorary Members Signed “ Van Winckwoort Crommelin, Pres, and M. V. Marum , Secretaire ” Dated Harlem , Juin, 1820 38 Verein fur Befcerderung des Gewerbfleisses in Preussen. Diploma constituting Humboldt a Member Signed hy the President Beuth Dated Berlin, 5 April , 1821 39 Paris. Diploma from “ La Societe de Geographie,” constituting A. von Humboldt a Member, signed hy M. Delaplace, Rossel, and, Malte Brun Dated Paris, 15 Decemhre , 1821 40 New York Literary and Philosophical Society’s Diploma constituting A. de Humboldt an Honorary Member Sealed and signed hy De Witt Clinton , President ; D. Hosack and S. L. Mitchell , Vice-Presidents ; and J. W. Francis, J. Renwick , and J. Dyckman , Secretaries Dated New York, 10 January, 1822 41 American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Diploma constituting Humboldt a Fellow of the Society With seal of the Society, and the autograph signatures of John Quincy Adams, President ; John T. Kirkland, V.P.; and John Farrar and Josiah Quincy, Secretaries Dated 30 January, 1822 42 Paris. Diploma from the “ Societe d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris,” creating M. de Humboldt one of its Honorary Members With Society’s seal, and signed hy the celebrated A. Brongniart, as President, and hy Richard and Audouin, as Secretaries Dated 11 Avril , 1822 43 Rome. Diploma from the “Academia Romana di Archeologia,” appointing A. Humboldt one of its Corresponding Members This Document has the seal of the Academy, and the autograph signa- tures of the Honorary President, C. Miellee ; of the ordinary President, Antonio Canova (the famous sculptor ) ; and of the Secretary , G. A. Guattani, so well known hy his literary labours Dated Roma, 22 Xhre, 1822 44 Naples. Diploma from the “Societa Reale Borbonica Accademia delle Scienze,” constituting Baron Humboldt a Foreign Corre- sponding Member in the Class of Natural Sciences Sealed and signed hy Rossi as “ II Presidente della Societa Reale,” hy Lionardo Santoro as “ II Presidente dell ’ Accademia delle Scienze ,” and hy its Secretary Teodor o Monticelli Dated 23 Dec. 1822 45 Verein zur Befcerderung des Gartenbaues in Preussen. Diploma granting Humboldt the title of Honorary Member Sealed and signed by Ludoljf (Director) and Otto ( General Secretary) Dated Berlin, 1 January , 1823 X X 338 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722— Continued. 46 Naples. Decree of Ferdinand I, nominating “ il Barone de Humboldt Socio Corrispondente Estero del Reale Istituto dTn- coraggiamento ” An official certified copy, with the autograph signature of the Marchese Amati (Secretary of State for the Home Department) Dated Vienna, 6 Gennajo, 1823 47 Caen. Diploma from the Societe Linneenne da Calvados, consti- tuting Baron de Humboldt a Corresponding Member Signed by Roberge , Pres. ; De Caumont, Sec. ; Ch. Thouinedesmains , Archiviste ; and Liegard, Treasurer Dated Caen , 8 Oct. 1823 48 London. Diploma from the Royal Society of Literature, consti- tuting Humboldt an Honorary Member With autograph signatures of T. St. David's ( Bishop Burgess), Pres. ; R. Naves, V. P. ; A. E. Impey , Tr. ; Prince Hoare, James Cum- ming, Wm. Toolce, and W. Empson Dated London , 24 June, 1824 49 London. Diploma from the Royal Asiatic Society, constituting Humboldt one of its Foreign Members With Society's seal , and the autograph signatures of C. W. Williams Wynn, H. T. Colebrooke, and G. H. Noehden Dated Londini, 4 Dec. 1824 50 Paris. Autograph Letter from E. Pariset, Secretary to the “Acade- mie Royale de Medicine,” requesting the permission of Baron A. von Humboldt to honour the Academy by permitting his name to be registered as one of the Academicians Dated Paris, 30 Fev. 1825 51 Frankfurt-am-Main. Sealed Diploma from “ Die Senkenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft,” constituting A. von Humboldt a Corresponding Member With autograph signatures of the Directors, Drs. J. H. Neuberg and F. J. Cretzschmar ; and of the Secretaries, E. H. G. von Heyden and Dr. J. M. Mappes Dated FranJcfurt-am-Main, 27 Dec. 1825 52 Mexico. Diploma from “ La Junta Nacional de Caridad y Sociedad Patriotica para la buena Educacion dela Juventud en esta Ciudad de la Puebla de los Angeles,” constituting (16 Feb. 1826) A. Humboldt one of its Honorary Members Sealed and signed by Jose M a ■ Calderon (President), Pedro de Maria Campo (Secretary), and Jose Antonio Ximenez ( Director ) Dated 1 Junio, 1826 53 Tuscany. Diploma from 11 La Societa Toscana di Geografia, Statistica e Storia Naturale Patria,” constituting Humboldt Cor- responding Associate from 31 Dec. 1826, with seal and autograph signatures of the Secretaries, G. Frullain and V. Antinori, dated Firenze, 3 Gen. 1827 — With a Printed Letter, dated 3 Jan. 1827, having autograph signature of V. Antinori, announcing to Humboldt his election in the Class of Natural History, Section Geology. 54 Naples. Diploma from the “Accademia Pontaniana,” appointing Humboldt an Honorary Member, in the autograph of the Secretary, F. M. Avellino Dated Napoli, 28 Marzo, 1827 55 Paris. Letter from the Presidents and Secretaries of the “ Societe de Geographic,” announcing to Humboldt that they had decreed to him the title of Honorary President of the Society With the autograph signatures of Jomard, Girard , Rossel, and De Larenaudiere Dated Paris , 1 April, 1827 339 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722 — Continued. 56 London. Sealed Diploma from the Medico -Botanical Society, con- stituting Humboldt an Honorary Member, signed by J. Me Griger, John Frost, and R. Morris Dated Urbe Londiniensi, 1 1 Mail , 1827 57 London. Diploma from the Horticultural Society, constituting Humboldt a Fellow Beautifully written on vellum , with the Society’s seal and the autograph signatures of T. A. Knight , Pres, and J. Sabine , Secretary Dated Londini , 15 Maii , 1827 58 Potsdam. Diploma from the “ Markisclie okonomische Gesellschaft zu Potsdam,” creating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member, with Society's seal , and the autograph signatures of Horwath , v. Seydlitz , Schulze , John, v. Marquard , A. v. Sellentin, Lucke , Bod- mann , Lehwe and Hitzig Dated Potsdam , 30 Mai , 1827 59 KHARKOv(Charkow) Diploma “ Universitatis CsesareseCharcoviensis,” constituting A. de Humboldt an Honorary Member printed on vellum, with academical seal , and autograph signatures of the rector J. Croneberg , and of the secretary Prof J. Suchomlinow Dated Charcovice , 10 Junii , 1827 60 New York. Sealed Diploma from the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, constituting Humboldt an Honorary Member, with the autograph signatures of Jos. Delafield , Pres.; Abrm. Halsey , V.P.; J. E.DeJcay, V.P.;J. Van Rensselaer, M.D. Cor. Sec., and J. J. Graves, M.D. , Rec. Secretary Dated New York , 12 Sept. 1827 61 Mexico. Printed Decree of the Congress of State constituting A. Humboldt and A. Bompalnt {sic pro Bonpland) Mexican Citizens with seal Dated Tlalpam , 29 Set. 1827 62 Mexico. Letters Patent from Lorenzo de Zavala Governor of the Republic of Mexico, granting to Alex. Humboldt the Citizenship of the State, with the autograph signatures of the Governor Lorenzo de Zavala , and of his Secretary Jose R. Malo Dated Tlalpam , 10 de Octubre , 1827 63 Breslau. Diplom der Schlesischen Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Cultur fiir A. von Humboldt als Ehren-Mitglied, with the Society's seal and the autograph signatures of the Presidium , consisting of Stein Pres., Jungnitz V.P., Wendt Gen. Sec. countersigned by Stejfeni as Director of the Section of Natural History, and its Secre- tary Muller Dated Breslau, 20 October, 1827 64 Amsterdam. Autograph Letter from G. Yrolik, Secretary to the “ Institut Royal des Pays-Bas,” announcing that Humboldt had been created one of the Members Dated Amsterdam, 13 Novembre, 1827 65 Dorpat. Diploma of the University of Dorpat, conferring upon A. von Humboldt the Degree of Doctor of Medicine beautifully printed on the prepared skin of an ass, having the Univer- sity seal impressed, and the autograph signature of Dr. J . C. Moier as Dean Dated Dorpati , 12 Dec. 1827 66 Leipzig. Diploma from 11 Die Deutsche Gesellschaft zu Erforschung vaterlandischer Sprache und Alterthiimer,” constituting A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member, sealed and signedby Dr. J. A. H Tittmann and Prof K. F. A. Nobbe Dated Leipzig , 23 Dec. 1827 67 Regensburg. Die K. Botanische Gesellschaft in Regensburg ernennt A. von Humboldt Ehrenmitglied sealed and signed by Prof. Dr. Hoppe {Director), and D. Oppermann {Secretary) Dated Regensburg , 16 Jenner, 1828 34 0 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722 — Continued. 68 Prague. Diploma appointing Humboldt Honorary Member of the “ Gesellscliaft des Vaterlandischen Museums in Bohmen” sealed and signed by Kaspar Graf Sternberg {President), and by Dr. Max Millauer {Director) Dated Prag, 26 March, 1828 69 Salzuflen.. Ehren-Diplom des Apotheker-Vereins im nordlichen Teutscliland fur A. von Humboldt, sealed and signed by Dr. Kramer , Pres, and T. Holzermann Dated Salzuflen, 26 April, 1828 70 Freiburg. Diploma of “Die Gesellschaft fur Beforderung der Naturwissenschaften,” appointing Humboldt Honorary Member sealed and signed by the Secretary, Dr. C. A. S. Schultze Dated Freiburg , 25 August, 1828 71 Altenburg. Diploma from “ Die Naturforschende Gesellschaft des Osterlandes,” appointing A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member with seal, and signed by J. F. Kuhn, C. F. Waitz, F. W. Gleitsmann and G. F. Winkler Dated Altenburg , 2 Sept. 1828 72 Bonn. Diploma from the University of Bonn, creating A. Baron von Humboldt a Doctor of Medicine with the seal, and having the autograph signatures of Dr. C. F. Harless, Dr. C H. E. Bischoff, Dr. Mayer, Dr. Ennemoser, Ph. Fr. a Saltherdn, C. J. H. Windischmann, M. E. Naumann and F. Nasp Dated Bounce , 7 Sept. 1828 73 Halle. Diploma from “Der Thuringisch-Sachsische Yerein fur Erforschung des vaterlandischen Alterthumes und Erhaltung seiner Denkmaale,” creating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member, with the seal of the Society, ciud the autograph signatures of Von Veltheim, Pres., Dr. J. N. Weber, V.P. and Dr. F. Lorentz, Secretary Dated Halle, 18 Octobr. 1828 74 Warsaw. Diploma (in Polish and Latin) from the “ Societas Begia Philomathica Varsaviensis,’* constituting A. de Humboldt a Member, with the Society's seal , and the autograph signatures of Julianus Ursinus de Niemcewieg, Pres, and Lucas Golebiowski Dated Varsavice, 4 Januarii, 1829 75 Berlin. Diploma from the “ K. Preussische Academie der Klinste,” conferring on Humboldt the title of Honorary Member and Assessor with the Academy's seal, and the autograph signatures of Staats- minister von Altenstein, G. Schadow, Schinkel, F. Tieck, Babe, Hampe, Ddhling, Kretschmar, Begas, E. H. Tcelken , &c. &c. Dated Berlin , 22 April, 1829 76 Saint Petersburg. Diploma from the Mineralogical Society (Societas Mineralogica Petropolitana) constituting A. de Humboldt a Member, with Society's seal, and having the autograph signatures of the famous Count Alexander Strogonoff, as President, of J. Sembnizky as Director, and of F. de Wcerih as Secretary Dated Petropoli, 24 Aprilis, 1829 77 Altenstein (Staatsminister Freiherr von) Signed Letter to A. von Humboldt, enclosing him copy of the King’s Cabinet-Order of 13 April, 1829, dissolving the Commission respecting assistance to young Artists, and transferring its duties to the Academy of Arts Dated Berlin, 27 April, 1829 78 St. Petersburg. Diploma in Kussian creating Baron A. von Hum- boldt a Fellow of the Free Economical Society, with Society's seal, and autograph signatures of N. Mordvinojf, Pres, and of Paul Fuss and N. Stshegloff, Secretaries Dated St. Petersburg, 27 April, 1829 341 „ Hum boldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722— Continued. 79 St. Petersburg Diploma of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences brnow^iV VOnHumb01 ^ P his abfence^ SS but now present, unanimously amidst universal acclamations an Academician printed on vellum, with seal, in gilt box, hewing SecrdaZ aP ^ °f H ' S ‘° rcA ’ V -P ■ ™dP. 11. Fuse, the 80 , , , Dated PetropoK, 29 Aprilis, 1829 Cas'an Sfe* ™ i ^ f eat seal - from th e University of Desre’o of mT f - the h Jf hest terms of honour ‘he Honorary */7 % 16e °* Membership on Baron von Humboldt ^ with the autograph signatures of Prof . N. Lobatshewsky as Rector of the University, and of Prof Dr. Jeroclww as Secretory * Dated Casani III ante Nonas Maii, 1 829 81 Moscow. Diploma in Russian from the University of Moscow con- pn ^5 0n A von Humboldt the Degree of Honorary Member turef of Mor^C Wlth * ea } °f the University, and autograph signa- r>ZL& j J ® eneral Alexander Pisareff as Curatorf of John Dvigoobsky, as Rector, and of Paul Stshepkin, as Secretary qo t Dated Moscow, 14 May, 1829 82 Moscow. Novum Diploma Societatis Cassarese Nature Curiosorum Mosquensis A. de Humboldt ex Montibus Ura"ensibu“ fe S .tccxx,x e n UtUm in n Co ~ pubUco Mo squts mdcccxaix Die XXVI Octobris (.Humboldt was already elected a with the Seal of the Order , and the Autograph Signature of H M u Dated St. Petersburg , 1 Nov. 1829 BA V * Accom P amed by a German translation of the document. 84 Russia. Diploma, in Russian, from the learned Society instituted at printed on “V ellum, with the seal and autograph signatures of Omf 85 bonbon Roval Geographical Society. Letter f^m the wfr! had befnX^’bC^^.^Xmbe? 0 ^ h * 8fi IIfrt tat T 44 R n0t d0 ^ dj hut P rmted on paper with the date of 1829 lbth^lS X°G l/ H r b0ldt n- 0mpany 111 the Senate on ’ ^ Secretary % 8tAad ° W aS Dlr ^ <™d E. H. Tcelken as 87 Padua. Diploma from the “T r a D^d Be rlin ^ Januar, 1830 AiH di Padova,” cons^tuting ^ ^ m “l ’ 61 ' si !mtures ’of G. Melandri- ’ M ' Prancheschmi and L. Menin, Secretaries Dated Padova, UFel. 1830 342 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722 — Continued. 88 Paris. Sealed Diploma from the “ Socidte Frangaise de Statistique Universelle,” constituting Humboldt a Member with the autograph signatures of Cesar Moreau , Baron de Martemort- Boisse , H. de Moniveran and J. Leivsey Dated Paris , 10 Mai, 1830 89 Russia. Diploma, in Russian, creating A. von Humboldt a Knight of the Order of the Cross of St. Ylademir WITH THE AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE OF THE EMPEROR NICHOLAS, and Seal of the Order , countersigned by Prince Alexander Galitzin Dated Warsaw , 20 May , 1830 90 Westphalische Gesellschaft zur Befcerderung Yaeterland- ischer Cultur urkundet durch gegenwartiges Diplom die Ernen- nung des Freiherrn A. von Humboldt zu ihrem Ehren-Mitgliede autograph signatures of the Directors Richter , Schiitz, Dr. N. Meyer , &c. Dated Minden , 21 August , 1830 91 London. Diploma from the Zoological Society of London, nomina- ting A. de Humboldt a Foreign Member, having been elected 1 Sept. 1831, with the Society’s seal, and the autograph signatures of Lord Stanley {the present Earl of Derby), and of N. A. Vigors, as President and Secretary Dated Londini, Anno 1832 92 Preussen. Der Verein fur Heilkunde in Preussen hat A. von Hum • boldt zu seinem Ehren-Mitgliede erwahlt finely executed in lithography by Hosemann , after drawing by W. Wach, with the autograph signatures of President Rust, and of Dr. Alberti, the Secretary Dated Berlin, 19 Mai, 1832 93 Braunschweig (Brunswick). Sealed Diploma from “DerYerein zur Forderung des Gartenbaues im Herzogthum Braunschweig,” nominating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member with the autograph signatures of the Directors T. Schulz, Westfeld, Du Pre, Lachmann , and H. Meyer Braunschweig, 1 October, 1832 94 ITpsal. Diploma from the “ Regia Scientiarum Societas Upsalensis,” constituting A. von Humboldt a Member, with the autograph sig- nature of the Secretary, Jens Svanberg Dated 15 Oct. 1832 95 Upsal. Autograph Letter (in French) from Svanberg, the Secretary of the Royal Society at Upsal, announcing that Humboldt had been elected a Foreign Member, and thanking him for having favorably noticed one of his writings without date or place 96 Bologna. Diploma Academise Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis, constituting A. von Humboldt one of its Members sealed and signed by A. Alessandrini ( President ), and J. B. Magistrini {Secretary) Dated Bononice, 3 Jan. 1833 97 Torino. Diploma from the Regia Taurinensis Academia (Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino), constituting A. Humboldt an Academician, with the Society's seal, and signed by the President , “ Prosper Balbus {the celebrated Minister of State, Count Prospero Balbo di Vinadro ), and the Secretary, “ Hyacinthus C arena ” Dated Augustce Taurinorum, 20 Jan. 1833 98 Copenhagen. Diploma of “ Det Kongelige Nordiska Oldscrift Selskab,” constituting H. F. A. von Humboldt a Member of the Society, sealed and signed by Schlegel, President, Magnusen, V.P. and Rafn, Secretary Dated Kjdbenhavn, 29 Oct. 1833 99 Copenhagen. Letter to H. F. A. von Humboldt from “ Die Konig- liche Gesellschaft fur Nordische Alterthum skun de, ’ ’ forwarding Diploma, signed Sehlegel , Pres., F. Magnusen, V.P. and Rafn, Sec. Dated Kopenhagen, 29 October , 1833 343 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722— Continued. 100 Prague. Diploma constituting Humboldt Honorary Member of the “ K. Bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften” sealed and signed by Dr. Prof. Max. Millauer , V.P. and M. K. von Jathenstein, Secretary Dated Prag , 3 Nov. 1833 101 Geological Society of Pensylvania. Diploma, with Seal, con- stituting Baron A. Humboldt “a Corresponding Member of the said Society,” with the autograph signatures of Andres del Rio, President , Henry S. Terrence , V.P. , Jno. McBrewer , Rec. Sec. and Richard Harlan, Cor. Sec. Dated Philadelphia , 26 Feb. 1834 102 Moldavia. Sealed Diploma from the “ Societas Medicinalis et Naturae Curiosorum in Moldavia,” constituting A. von Humboldt a Corresponding Member, autograph signatures of M. a Stourdza , Pres. ; J. C. a Ozihack , V.P. and of F. Bell and C. Kerning er, Secretaries Dated Jassiis, 20 Martii, 1834 103 Palermo. Diploma from the Palermo Academy of Sciences and Letters, by which Baron de Humboldt is constituted “ Academiae Scientiarum et Literarum Panhormitanae Sodalis Onorarius inter exteros,” with seal of the Academy , and the autograph signatures of 11 Joseph Lanza Branciforti Trabice Princeps,” Pres, and “ Eqs. Nicolaus Cacciatore,” Sec. Dated Panormi , 20 Feb. 1835 104 Frankfurt-am-Main. Diploma from “ Der Physikalische Verein zu Frankfurt,” creating Humboldt an Honorary Member with the Society’s seal , and the autograph signature of its President , Dr. Nees Dated Frankfurt ajM. 2 December , 1835 105 London. Diploma of the Royal College of Surgeons, constituting Humboldt “ Honorary Member ” printed on vellum, signed by H. Earle , President, and J. Clendin- ning and R. Partridge, Secretaries, with the seal Dated Lond. 16 August, 1836 106 Edinburgh Botanical Society’s Diploma, conferring on Baron Hum- boldt the Degree of an Honorary Member, with the seal and the autograph signatures of Robert Kaye Greville, Pres, and W. H. Campbell, Sec. Dated Edinb. 9 Feb. 1837 107 Batavia. Sealed Diploma from the “ Bataviasche Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen,” creating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member, signed by H. van Levenhoven and Dr. E. A. Fietz Dated Batavia, 27 Aug. 1837 108 London. Diploma from the Statistical Society of London, consti- tuting A. de Humboldt a Foreign Member with the Society’s seal , and the autograph signatures of Sir Charles Lemon, Pres, and Woronzow Greig, Charles Hope Maclean, and Rawson W. Rawson, Hon. Secretaries Dated London, 9 March, 1838 109 Athens. Diploma from the Archaeological Society, named “ 'H ei/ ’ AOrjvcus ApxaioAoyLKh E raipia,” nominating A. de Humboldt a Member, sealed and bearing the autograph signatures of J. Rizos, the President , and of A. R. Rangabe, the Secretary Dated ’Ey AQrjvais er 3 2e7r Teyfipiov, 1838 *** Accompanied by the Appeals, Rules, List of Members, &c. printed in two parts, 12mo. at Athens in 1837 and 1838, and a letter signed by A. R. Rangabe, dated Athenes le 3 Septembre, 1838, requesting Humboldt to be one of the Honorary Members. 344 Humboldt’s Diplomas, -Lot 4722— Continued. 110 Erode Island Historical Society’s Sealed Diploma, constituting Humboldt an Honorary Member printed on vellum, and signed John Howland , Pres*, and Thomas H. Webb , SecP. Dated 7 Sept. 1838 111 Bruxelles. Diploma from “ La Societe des Sciences Medicales et Naturelles de Bruxelles,” nominating Humboldt a Foreign Cor- responding Member, with the Society's seal and the signatures of its Secretaries Dr. Meisser and J. R. Marinu Dated Bruxelles , 2 Octobre, 1838 112 London. Diploma from the British and Foreign Aborigines Pro- tection Society constituting Baron Humboldt an Honorary Member with autograph signatures of T. F. Buxton, Pres, and J. J. Freeman andJ. H. Tredgold , Secretaries London, 23 Jan. 1839 113 Bonaparte Prince de Musignano (Charles L.) Autograph Letter to Humboldt requesting him to join a Meeting of Italian Savants, expressly telling him u Accor dez nous Vhonneur de votre presence et vous aurez plus fait pour nous que bien des Rois ne pourraient faire ” Dcded Rome , 9 Avril, 1839 114 Stockholm. Diploma from the “ Suenska Tradgards Foreningen,” constituting A. von Humboldt a Member, with the autograph signatures of A. Lujonhuforid , M. A. Pontin, P. A. Granberg , G. Silfverstrdhle , and J. Rosenblad Dated Stockholm, 18 April, 1839 115 Brasil. Diploma from the 11 Instituto Historico e Geographico do Brasil,” nominating Humboldt one of its Honorary Members with the Society's seal, and the autograph signatures of the Pres. Visconde de S. Leopoldo, and of the Secretary, Cong 0 . J. da C. Barboxa Dated Rio de Janeiro, 24 de Outubro, 1839 116 Baden. Sealed Diploma from “Der Landwirthscliaftliche Verein des Grossherzogthums Baden,” constituting A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member, with the autograph signatures of “ Wilhelm Markgraf von Baden,” as President, of Freiherr von Ellwichs- haussen as Director, and of Seegemeier as Secretary Dated Carlsruhe, 31 Dezember , 1839 117 Modena. Diploma from u La Societa Italiana delle Scienze residente in Modena,” constituting Humboldt one of its Foreign Members with seal , and signed by L. Rangoni, Pres, and Antonio Lombardi, Sec. Dated Modena, 23 Luglio, 1840 118 Modena. Letter from Antoine Lombardi, “ Membre et Secretaire de la Societe Italienne des Sciences residentes a Modene,” reitera- ting that Humboldt had been elected a Foreign Member in place of the Astronomer Olbers, deceased, with his autograph signature Dated Modene , 31 Decembre, 1840 119 Pommern. Die Gesellschaft fur Pommersche Gesehichte und Alterthumskunde ernennet A. von Humboldt zu ihrem Ehren- Mitgliede, sealed and signed by Bonin, the President of Pomerania Dated Stetin, 1 Sept. 1840 120 Danzig. Diploma from 11 Die Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Danzig” creating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member with the Society's seal and the autograph signatures of its President and Secretary , Drs. G. C. Berendt and E. F. Klinsmann Dated, Danzig , 14 September, 1840 345 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722 — Continued . 120 Kaiserslautern. Sealed Diploma from “ Die Pharmaceutische Gesellschaft Rheinbayerns,” constituting A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member Signed by Dullerberger , Euler , C. Hoffmann , J. H. Hoesez, A. Weigand and Dr. Bernheim Dated Kaiserslautern , 6 October , 1840 121 St. Petersburg. Diploma from the University of St. Petersburg conferring on Humboldt the Degree of Honorary Fellow printed in letters of gold ON vellum, with the autograph signa- tures of P. Pletnew , the Rector of the University , and of A. Bruty , the Secretary , having the seal attached by silk tassels in gilt box Dated Petropoli, 25 Martii, 1841 122 Paris. Sealed Diploma from the “ Societe Ethnologique de Paris,” nominating Humboldt an Honorary Member, with the autograph signatures of W. F. Edwards , Pres. ; Le Vicomte de Santarem and D'Avezac, Vice-Pres. ; and C. Imbert des Mottelettes and Filon, Se- cretaries Dated Paris , 26 Mars , 1841 123 Brussels. Sealed Diploma from the “Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles,” nominating Baron Humboldt, approved by the King, 20 April 1830, as an Academician with autograph signatures of Baron de Stossart and Quetelet Dated Bruxelles , 3 Avril, 1841 124 Harz. Diploma from u Der Naturwissenschaftliche Yerein des Iiarzes,” conferring on Humboldt the Degree of Honorary Member signed by K. F. Fincken, Pres. ; E. G. Harming, Hon. Pres, and Dr. P. Phoebus , Secretary Dated Blankenbury, 11 August, 1841 125 Philadelphia. Sealed Diploma of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia constituting Humboldt a Correspondent of their Association printed ON vellum, with the autograph signatures of William Hernbel , Pres.', John Price Wether ill and Samuel George Morton, M.D. Vice- Presidents ; Walter R. Johnson , Cor. Sec. and Wm. S. Zantzinger M.D. Recording Secretary Dated 31 Dec. 1 842 126 Leyden. Sealed Diploma from the “ K. Nederlandsche Maatschap- pij tot Aanmoediging von den Tuinbauw,” constituting Humboldt an Honorary Member, signed by Von Siebold, Pres, and J. Hoffmann, Sec. Dated Leyden, 10 Jan. 1843 127 Manchester. Sealed Diploma from the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester constituting Humboldt an Honorary Member printed on vellum and signed by the President, Vice-Presidents and Secretaries, Edward Holme, John Dalton, Peter Clare, Geo. Wm. Wood, Joseph A. Ransome, John Jas. Tayler and John Moore Dated 18 th of April, 1843 128 American Ethnological Society’s Diploma to Humboldt constituting him an honorary Member with seal and the autograph signatures of Albert Gallatin, President ; Edward Robinson and Henry R. Schoolcraft, Vice Pres’ts. and J. R. Bartlett and C. Welford , Secretaries dated New York, 10 June , 1843 129 Wien. Diploma from “ Die (Esterreichisch Kaiserliche Akademie der vereinigten bildenden Kunste” creating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member printed on vellum and sealed with the seal of the Academy, having the autograph signatures of Ludwig von Remy, V. P. and Secretary, and of the Curator Von Templarius Dated Wien, 2QJuny, 1843 Y Y 346 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722— Continued. 130 Pf^elzische Gesellschaft fur Pharmacie und Technik und deren Grundwissenschaften beurkundet A. yon Humboldt dessen Aufnahme als Ehren-Mitglied, arms, &c. emblazoned, with seal of the Society and the autograph signatures of Dr s. Herberger, Wahl and Bernheim Dated Kaiserslautern, 18 Aug. 1843 131 Antwerp. Diploma from tbe “Academie d’Archeologie de Bel- gique, ” constituting Humboldt an Honorary Member, sealed and having the autograph signatures of the Vicomte de Keukhove , Pres. ; F. Bogaerts, Sec. and A. De Key ser Dated Anvers, 16 Octobre 1843 132 Stettin. Der Entomologische Yerein zu Stettin ernennt durch dieses Diplom den Herrn Freiherrn Alexander von Humboldt Excellenz zu seinem Ehren-Mitgliede an exquisite drawing in water-colours by the celebrated Louise Kugler, who has displayed the greatest taste in the formation of an admirable entomological picture, combining numerous insects and flowers painted to the life. This beautiful diploma bears the autograph signatures of C. A. Dohrn Prases; of the Directors Hering, Schmidt, Dieckhoff and Kruger, and of the artist Louise Kugler Dated Stettin, den 4 ten Maerz 1844 133 Lombardy. Diploma from the “I. B. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti,” stating that on 8 August 1844 A. von Humboldt had been admitted one^ of its Corresponding Members. Seal of the Institute, and autograph signatures of Piola, President, and G. Labus, Secretary Dated Milano, 20 Settembre, 1844 134 Sweden. Letters Patent under seal creating Alex, von Humboldt Knight- Commander of the Order of the North Star (“ Commendeur af Nordstjerne Orden med stora Korset”) With the autograph signature of His Majesty King “ Oscar,” counter- signed 11 Du Schulzenheim ” Dated Stockholm, 14 October, 1844 135 Antwerp. Sealed Diploma from the “ Societe Boyale de Zoologie d’Anvers,” admitting Baron A. de Humboldt as an Honorary Member. Signed by De Calus, President, and the Secretary Dated 16 Avril , 1845 136 Bonn. Diploma from “ Der Naturhistorische Yerein fur die Preussischen Kheinlande,” constituting A. von Humboldt an Ho- norary Member, with the autograph signatures of the President and Vice-President F. E. Graf von Furstenberg-Stamheim and Dr. Clamor Marquart Dated Bonn, 3 Oct. 1845 137 Tubingen. Diploma from the University of Tubingen creating A. von Humboldt Honorary Doctor of Philosophy printed on vellum, University seal and autograph signature of J. T. C. de Norrenberg, with 4 duplicates of the same printed on paper Dated Tubingce, 31 Oct. 1845 138 Deutsche Morgenl^endische Gesellschaft. Sealed Diploma nominating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member of the Society, with autograph signatures of Dr. E. Roediger in Halle , Dr. A. F. Pott in Halle, Dr. H. L. Fleischer in Leipzig, and Dr. H. Brock- haus in Leipzig Dated Halle und Leipzig, 1 Juni, 1846 139 Gotheborg. Diploma from the “ Tradgards Foreningen i Gothe- borg,” constituting A von Humboldt an Associate With autograph signatures of the President A. G. Franck and of the Directors Chr. Arvidson, J. E. Areschau'g, L. M. C. Orid, B. von Kofsten , Normann, J. A. Awall, S. A. Svaiander, &c. Dated Gotheborg, 1 Dec. 1846 347 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722— Continued. 140 Russia. Diploma in Russian, from the Geographical Society of St. Petersburg, nominating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member With Society's seal and the autograph signature of the Grand Duke Constantine as President , countersigned by F. Lutka , V. P. and A. Golovnin Dated St. Petersburg , 22 December , 1846 141 Prague. Diploma from the Rector and Academical Senate of the University of Prague conferring on A. von Humboldt the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy printed on vellum, with the great seal of the University , in a box , and the autograph signatures of the Lord Abbot of Strahov Dr. H. J. Zeidler its Rector , and of the Members of the Senate Dr. F. G. Tippmann ( Episcopus Santalensis) , D. Ignat. Egues de Nadherny , Dr. A. Smitan and Dr. J. E. Witak. “ Ornavit et scripsit T. Zimerman" Dated Pragce , 28 Aug. 1848 142 Prague. A similar Diploma from the University of Prague confer- ring on A. von Humboldt the Degree of Doctor of Medicine. printed ON vellum, with the University seal in box , and having the autograph signatures of the Lord Abbot H. J. Zeidler the Rector , Bishop F. G. Tippmann as Archiepiscopal Prceses and Stud. Theol. Director; Dr. Ig. Egues de Nadherny Stud. Med. Director; Dr. J. E. Kyb Dec. Fac. Med. and Dr. J. E. Witak Synd. & Not. The writing and ornamentation of the document by T. Zimerman Pedellus Univ. Dated Pragce, 28 Augusti , 1848 143 Munich. Diploma of “ Der Miinchener Yerein fur Naturkunde,” granting to Humboldt the Title of Honorary Member Sealed and signed by Prof. J. Hiere , President , and Dr. G. Tilesius, Perpetual Secretary Dated Munchen , 1 May, 1849 144 Berlin. An elegant Congratulatory Epistle (5 pages in MS.) to A. von Humboldt, from the Geographical Society of Berlin, wishing him health and happiness on completing his eightieth year With the autograph signatures of the following distinguished scholars: Zeune, Poggendorf W. Tuch , Zelle, Molcke, Dr. Pisclion , Richter, Schmidt, Mannkopff, Baruch Auerbach, Meiger, Burg, Zeune, Burt , Trendelenburg, A. Erman, Lehmann, Gee ring, Wittich, Wolfers, Galle, Bremiker , Engelhardt, Ziegler, Olfers, Alexander Mendelssohn, Kloden , Koehler, Bonnell , Kramer , Ulrich, Odebrecht, L. Kuhne, Gumprecht , v. Weyner , Albers, Kalte , Ohm , Dieterici, Beer , &c. &c. Dated Berlin , 14 September, 1849 145 Dublin. Diploma from the Royal Irish Academy appointing A. von Humboldt one of its Honorary Members With academical seal and the autograph signatures of H. Lloyd, Pres.; James H. Todd, Sec. ; Charles Graves , Sec. of Council; Robert Bull, Treasurer; and Samuel Butcher, Foreign Secretary Dated Dublin, 30 Nov. 1849 146 Madrid. Diploma from “ La Real Academia de Ciencias,” consti- tuting Humboldt one of its Foreign Corresponding Members Sealed and signed by A. R. Larco del Scille, Pres, and M. Lorente, Sec. Dated Madrid, 1 Enero, 1850 147 Sardinia. Patenti di Cavaliere Gran Croce decorato del Gran Cor- done dell’ Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro a Favore del Conte Alessandro di Humboldt Written on vellum and having the great seal attached , with the auto- / 348 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722 — Continued. GRAPH SIGNATURE OF H. M. “VlTTORIO EMANUELE ” KlNG OF Sardinia, &c. and countersigned by D. Giuseppe de Fornari , D. Francesco Jano , D. Maurizio di Rabilandia, Lucca and Cortina Dated Torino , 12 di Luglio , 1850 148 St. Petersburg. Sealed Diploma in Russian, from the Imperial Archaeological Society, creating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member, printed in gold and colours within an elegantly illuminated border , having the autograph signatures of Duke Maximilian of Leuchtenberg as President, J. Reichel, V.P. and P. Savelyeff and T.Kcehne , Secretaries Dated St. Petersburg, 13 November, 1850 149 Wien. Diploma from the “ K. K. Gesellschaft der -ZErzte in Wien,” creating F. H. A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member of their Association, signed and sealed by C. Dwkitasky, Pres. ; L. Schroff, V. P. ; 11. Herrferd and J. N. Lakner Secretaries Dated Wien, 24 Marz, 1851 150 Wien. Circular from the u K. K. Gesellschaft der iErzte in Wien,” forwarding to Humboldt his Diploma as Honorary Member With the autograph signatures of the Secretaries Dr. H. Herrferd and J. Lakner Dated Wien, 24 Marz, 1851 151 Cambridge Philosophical Society Diploma constituting A. de Hum- boldt one of its Honorary Members With seal, and having signatures of W. Hopkins, President, and W. H. Miller, Secretary Dated Cambridge , 24 May, 1852 152 Lyon. Sealed Diploma from the “ Academie Royale des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Arts de Lyon,” nominating Baron A. de Hum- boldt one of its Associates, signed by Guimet as President and by Ch. Fraisse as Secretary Dated Lyon, 17 Juin, 1852 153 Wien. Diploma from “ Die Xaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften,” creating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member of “ der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe ” Sealed with the seal of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and bearing the autograph signatures of A. Baumgartner as President, and of Dr. A. Schrotter as General Secretary Dated Wien, 31 Dec. 1852 154 Saint- Andrew’s University. Diploma conferring on Humboldt the Degree of Doctor of Laws, written on vellum, with the Univer- sity seal and the autograph signatures of the Rector and Professors W. Brown, Sir D. Brewster , R. Haldane, W. L. F. Fischer , G. Buist, A. Alexander , T. Duncan, A. Connell, W.Pyper, W. Spald- ing, J. F. Ferrier, A. F. Mitchell, G. E. Day and W. Macdonald Dated' Andreapoli, VII Kal. Aprilis, 1853 155 Lincei. Diploma appointing Humboldt Corresponding Member of the “ Academia Romana Pontificia de’ Nuovi Lincei,” signed by \ I Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722 — Continued. 157 Gorlitz. Diploma from “ Die Privilegirte Oberlausitzische Gesell- schaft der Wissenschaften,” conferring the Degree of Honorary- Member on A. von Humboldt, with the Society's seal and the auto- graph signatures of the President and of Dr. C. G. Th. Neumann , Secretary Dated Gorlitz, 15 August, 1854 158 Berlin. Seiner Excellenz Herrn Alexander von Humboldt zur frohen Feier seines 85ten Geburtstages am XIY September MDCCCLIY ( Poem by H. Brugsch) finely 'printed on cardboard Berlin, 1854 159 Nuremberg. Diploma (with illuminated Border) from “Das German- ische Museum,” announcing that it has elected A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member “des Gelehrtenauschusses ” Sealed and signed by Dr. Anfaess, Dr. J. Zeeg and Dr. Muller Dated Number g, 1 Marz, 1855 160 Breslau. Csesarese Leopoldino-Carolinse Academise Naturae Curio - sorum Praeses (C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck) Yiro perillustri, celeber- rimo, experientissimo F. H. A. de Humboldt Academiae Leopoldino- Carolinae Caesareae Naturae Curiosorum ante hos sexaginta duos Annos inscripto maximeque semper de ea merito hoc Diplomate Academico, Diplomatis Facultatis Philosophicae Francofurtanae ad Viadrum olim Yestigia, insolito turn More, et felicissimo Augurio duodecim Annis praevertente, jam vero inter novi Doctoratus So- lemnia semisaecularia repetito, Vitae Curriculum humano Generi gratum Meritisque felicem Honoribusque plenum eongratulatur printed ON vellum, with the seal of the Academy and a duplicate on cardboard, printed in letters of gold, dated Vratislavice, 20 Jun. 1855 *** This u Jubel-Diplom" is accompanied by an autograph Letter from Dr. Nees von Esenbeck, dated 22 August 1855, and a Con- gratulation dated Breslau, 5 August 1855, signed by Dr. Nees von Esenbeck, Gravenhorst, F. Cohn, J. Paul, A. Burchard, Dr. H. Scholz, F. Wimmer, Dr. M. Eisner, Dr. H. R. Goeppert, Neige- bauer, Dr. Sadebeck, &c. &c. 161 Breslau. Congratulatory Letter from the Philosophical Faculty of the Royal University of Breslau, presenting A. von Humboldt on the Fiftieth Anniversary of his having been created a Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Frankfurt on the Oder, with a new Diploma and wishing him every happiness With the autograph signatures of Bernstein, Gravenhorst, Schneider , Elvenich, Lowig, Braniss, Ambrosch , Goppert, Rummer , Stenzler , Haase, Tellkampf FranTcenheim, Roepell, Roemer und Junkmann, and 13 duplicates of the same Letter, but without signatures, elegantly printed in letters of gold, in metallic colours and various inks, with seal Dated Breslau, 4 August, 1855 162 Buenos Ayres. Sealed Diploma from the 1 Associacion de Amigos de la Historia Natural del Plata,” nominating A. de Humboldt an Honorary Member, with autograph signatures of Jose Barros Pazos and Man 1 Ric do Frelles the President and Secretary Dated Buenos Ayres , 22 Agosto, 1855 163 Besan^on. Diploma from the “ Academie des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Arts de Besanijon,” nominating Humboldt one of its Foreign Associates, sealed and signed by the President, Le Clerc ; and by J. B. Perenner as Secretary Dated Besangon , 24 Aout, 1855 350 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722— Continued. 164 Wien. Diploma from “ Die K. K. Gartenbaugesellschaft in Wien,” nominating A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member Sealed and signed by “ Franz Graf von Beroldingenf Pres, and Dr. Fr. Franz Ley dolt, Secretary Dated Wien , 12 April, 1856 165 Paris. Sealed Diploma from the “ Society Zoologique d’Acclima- tation,” constituting Humboldt an Honorary Member printed on vellum, with autograph signatures of J. Geoff oy Saint - Hilaire, Pres., Prince M. de Beauvay, V. P. &c. Dated Paris, 9 Mai, 1856 166 Giessen. Diploma of the “Verein fur Mikroskopie in Giessen,” nominating Humboldt Honorary Member, with autograph signatures of Dr. R. Leuckart and Dr. H. Welcker Dated Giessen, 2 Juli , 1856 167 Russia. Diploma in Russian to A. von Humboldt, creating him a Knight of the Star of St. Alexander Nevsky WITH AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE OF THE EMPEROR ALEXANDER I and seal of the Order , countersigned by Count Adlerberg Dated 4 August , 1856 168 Paris. Diploma from the “ Societe Imperiale et Centrale d’Agricul- ture,” constituting Baron Humboldt a Foreign Associate printed ON vellum, with seal, and signed by E. Chevreul Pres. ; E. Darblay Aine, V.P.; Payen, Sec.; Huzard, Tres. and A. Brong- niart, Vice-Sec. Dated Paris, 20 A out, 1856 169 American Geographical and Statistical Society’s Diploma, constituting A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member With seal of Society and the autograph signatures of F. L. HawTcs, Pres, and Wm. Coventry H. Waddell , Rec. Sec. Dated New York, 6 Nov. 1856 170 Indische Genootschap onder de Zinspreuk Ondeszoek Leidt tot Waarheid. Diploma voor Eere-Leden aan F. H. A. von Humboldt with autograph Signatures of Emile de Geest van Kraayunburg, Pres, and of his Secretary Dated 's Gravenhage , 27 Dec. 1856 171 Laibach. Sealed Diploma from “ Der historische Verein fur Krain,” constituting Humboldt an Honorary Member With autograph signatures of Ant. Freih. v. Codelli, Director ; Dr. E. H. Costa , Sec. ; and of the Council E. Rebitsch, J. Foklukar, and Dr. E. Ritt. v. Stochl Dated Laibach, 5 Mcerz, 1857 172 Berlin. Die Berlinische Gesellschaft fur deutsche Sprache bekundet hiermit dass sie den Herrn Freiherrn Alexander v. Humboldt in Berlin zum Ehrengliede ihres Vereines aufgenommen hat Beautifully written on vellum and sealed, having the autograph signa- tures of A. Kuhn, H. F. Maszmann, Dr. Pischon , A. Kuhn, Ode- breise, Kloden and E. Rosselet ( the caligrapher) Dated Berlin den 19 ten Lenzmonds, 1857 173 Naples. Diploma from the “ Reale Istituto d’Incoraggiamento alle Scienze Natural!, ” constituting Humboldt an Honorary Member With seal and the autograph signatures of the equally celebrated Cav. G. Gussone and Prof. S. delle Chiaie as President and Secretary Dated Napoli, 28 Agosto, 1857 174 Vienna. Diploma of the Geographical Society of Vienna consti- tuting Humboldt an Honorary Member With seal and autograph signatures of W. Haidinger Pres., and Fr. Dated Wien, 14 October, 1857 351 Humboldt’s Diplomas, Lot 4722— Continued. 175 Bovolenta. Diploma from the “Accademia Scientifico Letteraria dei Concordi in Bovolenta,” constituting A. von Humboldt an Honorary Member Signed by Avocato Dr. Bustandel Vice-President , and by Antonio , __ M aria Dr. Marcolini, Secretary Dated 1 6 Novembre , 1857 176 Venezia. Diploma from the “ I. R. Istituto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, constituting A. von Humboldt a Corresponding Associate Signed by the President , L. Menin , and by the Secretary , Namias 17f7 -p... . Dated Venezia. 21 Dec. 1857 Ui Dusseldorf. a very curious printed Diploma from the “ Allge- memer Verein der Carnevalsfreunde in Dusseldorf,” by which “Das narrische Staats-Ministerium ” appoints A. von Humboldt “ zu unserm Heifer in Hanswurstii et Lcetitice Regno und zum Reichs- Kammerherrn Seiner schalkhaftigen Majestdt ” 1 ™ ^ated Dusseldorf am Page der hh. Dreikonige, Jahres XXIXaliasl858 178 Dusseldorf. Diplom fiir den Herrn Alexander von Humboldt in Berlin als Ehrenmitglied des Allgemeinen Vereins der Carnevals- treunde zu Dusseldorf Executed m lithography with highly humorous border and seal, havinq the autograph signatures of the President, J. Schmitz, and of “ Das Mmisterium,” consisting of W. Eisenbarth , 0. van Baerle, W. Kaulen F- Xebe, Dr.Naegerle, J. M. de Farina, E. Windscheid, Carl. Hilqer TV. Betterborg, TV. H. Schmitz, J. Tausch, J. J. Scherer, Dr. Rei- nartz and H. E. Huot Dated Dusseldorf am Dreikoniqstaqe 1858 179 Edinburgh. Medico-Chirurgical Society’s Diploma constituting Humboldt an Honorary Member Signed by J. Miller , J. W. Begbie and J. D. Gillespie, as President 1 0 A TT and Secretones Dated 21 Mensis Aprilis, 1858 180 Hermannstadt. Diploma from the “ Siebenbiirgischer Verein fur Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt,” appointing F. H. A. von Humboldt “ den Altvater und Begrunder der Naturwissenschaften ” Honorary Member, with the Association's seal and the autoqrayh signatures of J. L. Neugeboren, V. P. and E. A. Bielz, Sec. Dated Hermannstadt, 10 August, 1858 181 Bavaria. Congratulatory Diploma from the “ K. Bayrische Aka- demie der Wissenschaften (. Academia Literarum et Scientiarum Regia Boica ”) presented to its oldest Member u Alexandro ab Humboldt per Orbem Terrarum Laude, Gloria Vitceque Fortuna florentissimo Collegce suoplus L Annos conjunctissimo ” Printed in letters of gold, with the Academy’s seal and the auto- graph signatures of the celebrated F. Thiersch and C. F. P. Mar- * !F iu a s . , , , . Dated Monachii, 28 Martii, 1859 * Accompanied by a highly complimentary autograph Letter from the eminent Botanist Dr. Martius who signs himself “ Euer Excellenz dankbarsten Verehrer und Schuler.” 4723 Humboldtiana. Boussingault (J. B.) Brief an A. von Hum- boldt (iiber Ersteigung des Chimborazo) Humboldt's writing on cover Svo. 1831 4724 Humboldtiana. Brandes (Dr. R.) Rede in der Von Humboldt- schen Versammlung des Apotheker- Vereins with the author's autograph inscription 8vo. Hannover , 1841 Respecting Humboldt and his Works. 4725 Humboldtiana. Brewster (Sir D.) Review of Humboldt’s Aspects of Nature, translated by Mrs. Sabine with Sir D. Brewster's autograph inscription , and 11 von Sir Sir David Brewster ” in Humboldt's handwriting 8vo. 4726 Humboldtiana. Brewster (Sir D.) Review of Kosmos in North British Review, with Humboldt's autograph note stating it to be by Sir D. Brewster 8vo. Edinb. 1845 4727 Humboldtiana. Brugsch (H.) Gedicht S.E.H. Alexander von Humboldt zur frohen Feier seines 85ten Geburtstages finely printed on card-board royal folio. Berlin, 1854 4728 Humboldtiana. Bulletin de la Soci^te Imperiale des Natural- istes de Moscou, N° X 8vo. Moscou , 1820 Containing the public Reception given to Baron Humboldt on 26 October 1829 - 4729 Humboldtiana. Christie (S. S.) and G. B. Airy, Report on Baron de Humboldt’s Letter to the President of the Royal Society 8 vo. London , 1836 4730 Humboldtiana. Circourt (A. de) Analyse des Recherches sur les Chaines de Montagnes et la Climatologie comparee par A. de Humboldt 8w. (Paris, 1844) 4731 Humboldtiana. Circourt (Comte A. de) Compte rendu sur les Aspects de la Nature par A. de Humboldt author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1856 4732 Humboldtiana. Circourt (Comte A. de) Compte rendu (Re- view of Aspects de la Nature) 8vo. Paris, 1856 4733 Humboldtiana. Cosmos, Revue Encyclopedique, 4 Nos. con- taining “ Lettre de M. de Humboldt au Sujet d’ E. Vogel,” the naming of the Planet “ Alexandra ” in Honour of Humboldt, &c. Paris, 1856-58 4734 Humboldtiana. Cotta (Prof. B.) und Prof. Julius Schaller, Briefe iiber A. von Humboldt’s Kosmos, 5 vol. maps and plates, half morocco extra, the dedication copy on fine paper 8 vo. Leipzig , 1850-52 Dedicated to A. von Humboldt. 4735 Humboldtiana. Echevarria (Ramon de) sobre el Cosmos cutting from a newspaper 4736 Humboldtiana. Ehrenberg (C. G.) Obs. sur le Tigre et la Panthere du Nord recueillies dans le Voyage de Siberie fait par A. de Humboldt. 8 vo. Paris, 1830 4737 Humboldtiana. Festgabe zur Sacular-Feier der Universitat Gottingen (Gedichte von T. Creizenach, M. Carriere und K. Bolsche), THE DEDICATION COPY ON THICK PAPER 1 2mo. Gottingen , 1837 Dedicated to “ Alexander von Humboldt, dem hochsten Gaste, &c.” Amongst the Sonnets is one addressed to W. and A. von Humboldt. 353 4738 Humboldtiana, Fischer, (E.) und F. Zelle Reden bei der Bestallung des Prof. E. G. Fischer 4 to. Berlin , 1834 Prof. F. G. Fischer was in 1783 and for many years private Tutor to W. and A. von Humboldt. 4739 Humboldtiana. Haidinger (Dr.) liber Cosmos royal 8vo. Wien, 1858 4740 Humboldtiana. Humboldtsche Versammlung des Apotheker- Vereins zu Leipzig 1840 autograph inscription of Dr. R. Brandes 8vo. Hannover , 1840 4741 Humboldtiana. Humboldtsche Versammlung des Apotheker- Vereins in Norddeutschland gehalten zu Leipzig am 8 und 9 Sept. 1840 8vo. Hannover , 1840 4742 Humboldtiana. Humboldtii Staurocystis in Diem XIV Mens. Septembr. 1858 consecravit Autor, coloured drawing With the following autograph inscription : “ Viro in dies juvenescenti, sideris instar per ssecula fulgenti Alexandro ab Humboldt libero baroni, regis Borussiae consiliario intimo etc. ad celebrandam diem natalem anui aetatis Lxxxix-ni Algee genus speciemque nuper detectarn gratulabundus dedicat In diem 14 mens. Septembris Arminius Neodamensis.” aiii Salutis 1858 4743 Humboldtiana. Isis von Oken Heft VI und VII fiir 1834 plate 4 to. Zurich , 1834 Containing a Report on the Breslau Conference of Naturalists, at which Humboldt was present and spoke. 4744 Humboldtiana. Journal historique et litteraire, Tome XXIV Liv. 10, Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Paris , 1858 Contains the article : “ L’ Auteur du Kosmos ne parle-t-il jamais de Dieu ? ” 4745 Humboldtiana. Koch (Dr. C. F.) Andeutungen zu einer Bear- beitung der Physik nach der Idee des Kosmos, autograph notes and signature of lt A1 Humboldt” large PAPER 4 to. Erfurt , 1850 4746 Humboldtiana. Koszmosz a Vilag egyetemes termeszeti leirasa. Ill Konyv. 8vo. Bound in red silk, gilt edges, with the following inscription in letters of gold on sides : Koszmosz a Vilag egyetemes termes- zeti leirasa irta Humboldt Sandor Magyarul Miksits Imre 3 Konyv 1. Fuzet.” 4747 Humboldtiana. Kuranda (J.) Die Grenzboten N° 26 & 30 containing notices of Humboldt royal 8 vo. Leipzig , 1845 4748 Humboldtiana. Lacroix (F.) Revue de Cosmos (dans la Politique Nouvelle) Humboldt's writing on cover royal 8vo. Paris, 1851 Z Z 354 4749 Humboldtiana. Meyer (Dr. Leo) uber Kosmos Humboldt’s autograph notes 8vo. Gottingen , 1856 4750 Humboldtiana. Meyer. Another copy Humboldt's marks 8vo. ib. 1856 4751 Humboldtiana. Nouvelle Revue encyclop^dique, No. 1 8vo. Paris , 1846 Containing a Review of the French Version of Cosmos by Faye. 4752 Humboldtiana. GEhl (Prof. A.') Traduzione di G. Rota del Cosmos riveduta 12mo. Lodi, 1846 4753 Humboldtiana. Oltmanns (J.) Darstellung der Resultate A. von Humboldt’s Barometer-Messungen am Vesuv. Humboldt's writing on cover 4ito. Berlin, s. a. 4754 Humboldtiana. Oltmanns (J.) Darstellung der Resultate von A. von Humboldt’s Barometer-Messungen am Vesuv fine paper 4 to. Berlin , s . a. 4755 Humboldtiana. Platt (A.) Karte vom Ural Gebirge gegriindet auf die astronomischen Beobachtungen von A. von Hum- boldt, Wischnewsky, Schubert, Erman, &c. coloured atlas folio. Gotha , 1837 4756 Humboldtiana. Quarterly Review, No. 153, containing Re- view of Cosmos, with Humboldt's autograph signature and satirical notes 8 vo. London, 1855 4757 Humboldtiana. Quatrefages (A. de) Alexandre de Humboldt, Cosmos, Humboldt's autograph notes roy. 8 vo. Paris , 1846 4758 Humboldtiana. Quatrefages (A. de) Alexandre de Humboldt (Cosmos) royal 8 vo. Paris , 1846 4759 Humboldtiana. Ramirez (Jose F.) Una Visita al Baron de Humboldt y Biografia del Baron de Humboldt, portrait on india paper, privately printed royal 8vo. Mexico, 1857 Presentation copy with author’s autograph inscription and long letter dated “ Mexico, Mayo 30 de 1857.” 4760 Humboldtiana. Reichenbach (O.) Einige Gedenken eines Nichtgelehrten bei Lesung des Kosmos Humboldt's autograph notes 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1857 4761 Humboldtiana. Revue des deux Mondes, Tome IV, Liv. 3, containing M. Babinet, Voyage dans le Ciel, le Cosmos de M. de Humboldt royal 8t?o. Paris, 1853 4762 Humboldtiana. Review of the “ Voyage aux Regions Equi- noxiales,” reprinted from the “ Bulletin de Ferussac.” 8 vo. Paris, 1825 4763 Humboldtiana. Rey de Moraude (A. J.) Examen critique du Cosmos de Humboldt Humboldt's writing on cover royal 8vo. Paris, 1846 47 64 Humboldtiana. Rollandia Humboldti, engraved by Annedouche after Himely folio 4765 Humboldtiana. Salix Humboldti, engraving folio 355 4766 Humboldtiana. Schmitz (J. W.) Der kleine Kosmos 8vo. Koln , 1852 4767 Humboldtiana. Schomburgh (Sir R.) Utricularia Humboldtii eine neue Pflanzenspecies, coloured plate 4 to. s. 1. fy 4768 Humboldtiana. Scopoli (F.) Revista bibliografica di Cosmos royal 8 vo. Padova , 1848 4769 Humboldtiana. Seance extraordinaire tenue par 1’Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg en l’Honneur de M. le Baron A. de Humboldt du 16 Nov. 1829, with Humboldt's autograph notes 4 to. St. Petersbourg , 1829 Besides the President’s speech to Humboldt on the occasion, this volume contains “ Hess Aper^u geognostique des Con- trees au-dela du Lac Baikal;” “ Kupffer sur quelques Phe- nomenes magnetiques ;”and the “Discours de M. Humboldt.” 4769*Humboldtiana. Seance. Another Copy 4 to. ib. 1829 4770 Humboldtiana. Tagblatt der 34 Yersammlung Deutscher Naturforscher in Carlsruhe 4 to. Garlsruhe , 1858 Containing Humboldt’s reply to the Society’s invitation. 4771 Humboldtiana. Westminster Review Critique on Cosmos presentation copy , with the writer's MS. corrections and Hum- boldt's autograph notes 8vo. London , 1845 4772 HUMBOLDT (A. von). A MAGNIFICENT COLOSSAL BUST, IN THE FINEST STATUARY MARBLE, OF THE AUTHOR OF COSMOS, EXECUTED IN HIS BEST STYLE BY THE CELEBRATED SCULPTOR DAVID (d’Angier), OF WHOM IT IS CONSIDERED THE CHEF-D CEUVRE This magnificent bust is an admirable likeness of Humboldt, and being the only one ever chiselled by the most eminent sculptor of France, is perfectly unique, no copy or cast from it having ever been taken. To scientific men plaster-casts would be a most acceptable boon, and the selling them would, no doubt, prove a most profitable speculation to any spirited modeller. 4773 Hundeshagen (Dr. B.) Stadt und Universitat Bonn am Rhein, plates , with view and architectural details of the Templar Chapel at Cobern , and of the Emperor Barbarossa' s Palace at Gelnhausen ( the latter with an autograph note of Hundes- hagen , stating it to be the best copy he had) inserted , and author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Bonn , 1832 4774 Hunt’s Merchant’s Magazine and Commercial Review for February, 1844 8vo. New York , 1844 Containing Brantz Meyer’s Commerce and Resources of Mexico, &c. &c. 356 4775 Hunt (R.) Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for 1855 royal 8vo. London , 1856 Presentation copy from Sir R. I. Murchison, with his autograph inscription. 4776 Hunt (R.) Descriptive Guide to the Museum of Practical Geology crown 8vo. London , 1857 4777 Hussenot (Docteur) Chardons Nanceiens ou Prodrome d’un Catalogue des Plantes de la Lorraine et Traductions, 2 vol. in 1, very scarce 8vo. Nancy , 1835-44 Dr. Hussenot after his name, as a satire on the folly of adding a string of honorary distinctions, having appended nine lines commencing “ Q,ui n’ est rien Pas Meme medecin ; membre d’Aucune acad., corresp. d’Aucune Soc. savante; qui N’est Ni de la Soc. royale, &c,” Humboldt in his quiet sarcasm, has written with his own hand on the cover , tl Le Docteur qui n’est rien.” 4778 Hybridity in Animals and Plants, by Dr. S. G. Morton royal 8vo. New Haven , 1847 4779 Hygrometrie. August (Dr. E. F.) iiber die Fortschritte der Ilygrometrie in der neuesten Zeit mit Berechnung A. von Humboldt’s Beobachtungen im N. Asien, &c. plate 4:to , Berlin , 1 30 4780 Hygrometrie. August (Dr. E. F.) iiber die Fortschritte der Hygrometrie und A. von Humboldt’s Beobachtungen in N. Asien, &c. plate 4 to. Berlin^ 1830 4781 Ibn ‘Akils Commentar zur Alfijja aus dem Arabischen iiber- setzt von F. Dieterici vellum paper, half morocco 8 vo. Berlin , 1852 4782 Ibn Batuta, Travels, translated from the Arabic, with notes by Rev. S. Lee, half calf extra 4to. London , 1829 4783 Ibn Malik, Alfijjah Carmen didacticum grammaticum et in Alfijjam Commentarius quern conscripsit Ibn ‘Akil Arabice, edidit F. Dieterici, vellum paper, cloth 4 to. Lipsia, 1851 4784 Ichthyologie. Verslag der Werkzaamheden van de Vereenig- ing tot Bevordering der Inlandsche Ichthyologie, 3 vol. pine PAPER 8 vo. Arnhem , 1847-50 Presentation copy with an autograph letter from the secretary, W. P. Vanden Ende. 4785 Ideleri (C. L.) Bibliothecae Catalogus (auctore Friedlander) 8 vo. Berolini , 1847 4786 Ideler (Dr. C. Vv r .) Die allgemeine Diatetik fur Gebildete pine paper, half morocco 8vo. Halle , 1846 4787 Ideler (Dr. K. W.) Der religiose Wahnsinn vellum paper, half bound 8vo. Halle y 1847 4788 Ideler (Dr. K. W.) Versuch einer Theorie des religiosen Wahnsinns. Erster Theil, autograph of (i Al. Humboldt ” vellum paper, half morocco , g. e. 8vo. Halle , 1848 357 4789 Ideler (Dr. K. W.) Der Wahnsinn in seiner psychologischen und socialen Bedeutung erlautert durch Krankengeschich- ten. Erster Band ( all published) vellum paper, half morocco , g. e. 8vo. Bremen , 1848 4790 Ideler (Dr. J.) Handbuch der neuern Franzosischen Sprache und Literatur. Dritter Theil fine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1833 4791 Ideler (Dr. L.) Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie, 2 vol. author's autograph inscription fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1825-26 4792 Ideler (L.) iiberdie Gradmessungen und Wegemasse der Alten fine paper, author's autograph inscription and Humboldt' s writing on cover 4to. Berlin , 1827 4793 Ideler (Dr. L.) Lehrbuch der Chronologie fine paper, half morocco 8 vo. Berlin, 1831 4794 Ideler (L.) liber das Alter der Runenkalender fine paper, author's autograph inscription and Humboldt' s writing on cover 8vo. Berlin , 1831 4795 Ideler (L.) liber Eudoxus fine paper, author's autograph inscription , and MS. notes in Humboldt's handwriting 4 to. Berlin , 1831 4796 Ideler (L.) liber die Zeitrechnung von Chata und Igur fine paper, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin , 1833 4797 Ideler (L.) iiber die Reduction iEgyptischer Data aus den Zeiten der Ptolemaer, fine paper 4 to, Berlin , 1834 4798 Ideler (L.) iiber die Zeitrechnung der Chinesen, fine paper, Humboldt's autograph votes , half calf 4 to. Berlin , 1839 4799 Ideler (Dr. J. L.) liber den Hagel und die elektrischen Erscheinungen in unserer Atmosphare, plate fine paper, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Leipzig , 1833 4800 Ideler (J. L.) iiber den Hagel, &c. 8vo. With author’s autograph quotation from Horace, and long inscrip- tion stating it to be an offering of gratitude for the many lessons drawn from Humboldt’s writings. 4801 Ideler (J. L.) Meteorologia veterum Grsecorum et Romanorum the dedication copy (“ Alexandro ab Humboldt Germanorum Decori , Sfc.") on fine paper, with autograph signature of 11 Al. Humboldt," half russia 8vo. Berolini, 1832 4802 Ideler (Dr. J. L.) iiber den Ursprnng der Feuerkugeln und des Nordlichts author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1832 4803 Ideler (Dr. J. L.) liber die angeblichen Veranderungen des Klima, fine paper, author's autograph inscription and Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. 1832 4804 Ideler (Dr. J. L.) Die Sage von dem Schuss des Tell author's autograph inscription square post 8 vo. Berlin , 1836 4805 Ideler (J. L.) Sage und Geschichte 8 vo. Berlin , 1839 358 4806 Ideler (J. L.) Hermapion, sive Rudimenta Hieroglyphic® Veterum iEgyptiorum Literature, 2 vol. in 1, numerous plates , THE DEDICATION COPY TO HUMBOLDT, ON FINE PAPER, ( with a few of his autograph notes), half calf extra royal Ato. Lipsice , 1841 The printed dedication commences : “ Alexandro ab Humboldt Germanorum quotquot fuere sunt eruntque Decori sacrum.” In the appendix will be found the long letter in French addressed by Baron W. von Humboldt to Champollion, with his answer. 4807 Ilgenii (E. C.) Oratio de Religione public® Civitatum Felici- tatis Auctore, fine paper, 4 to. Berlin , 1838 4808 Ilgen (Dr. E.) Das Seh-Organ durch Abbildungen erlautert, Part I, plates ( several coloured ) royal ito. Wiesbaden , 1850 4809 Ilgner (C. F.) Kurze allgemeine Theorie, Wissenschaft oder Aesthetik der Musik 8vo. Danzig , 1840 4810 Illustrirte Zeitung. Zweiter Band: Januar bis Juni, 1844, numerous illustrations folio. Leipzig , 1844 4811 Use (Dr. L. F.) fiber die Nothwendigkeit den Sitz der Reichs- gewalt in die Mitte Deutschlands zu verlegen 8vo. Bonn , 1848 4812 Index Lectionum in Universitate Frederica Guilelma, 9 parts 4 to. Berolini , 1834-43 Each contains an Oration on a classical subject by Prof. Boeckh. 4813 India. Koenig (T.) Karte vom Kriegsschauplatz in Ostindien, royal 4do. Berlin , s. a . — Karte von Yorder Indien, 4fo. 1828 (2) 4814 India. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Yol. I, Part I, large coloured map and plates imperial 8 vo. Calcutta , 1856 Presentation copy from the Super! ntendant, T. Oldham, with his autograph inscription. 4815 Indian Country E. and W. of Mississippi, map by G. W. F\_rancis~\ f proof double atlas folio 4816 Indians. Report on the Indians of Upper Canada 8ro. London , 1839 4817 Indians. Report of the Commissioners (F. W. Bird, W. Gris- wold and C. Weekes) relating to the Condition of the Indians in Massachusetts royal 8 vo. Washington , 1849 Presentation copy from F. W. Bird through Mr. Fay, with an autograph inscription of each. 4818 Indiana State Board of Agriculture Transactions for 1852, frontispiece , 8vo. Indianapolis , 1853 — Indiana State Board of Agriculture Transactions for 1854-55, half morocco , 8 vo. ib. 1856 (2) 359 FOURTEENTH DAY’S SALE. LOT 4819 Indisch Genootschap te’s Gravenhage, Handelingen en Ge- schriften, 3 vol. half morocco 8 vo. Zal-Bommel , 1854-55, en s' Gravenhage, 1856 4820 Ingenieros. Resumen historico del Arraa de Ingenieros en general y de su Organizacion en Espaiia con Apendice, plates privately printed, half morocco royal 8vo. Madrid, 1846-47 4821 Ingenieros. Resumen historico del Arma de Ingenieros en general y de su Organizacion en Espaiia, plates royal 8vo. Madrid, 1846 4822 Ingenieros. Estado del Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejercito, fine portrait of Queen Isabella II green morocco extra , g. e. 4 to. Madrid, 1848 4823 Ingerslev (C. F.) Epistola critica ad C. F. S. Alschefski (de Titi Livii Libris) 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1845 4824 Inglis (Sir R. H.) Address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, privately printed, author's auto- graph inscription royal 8vo. London , 1847 4825 Ingres ( J. A.) CEuvres gravees au Trait sur Acier par A le Reveil 1800-1851, yelltjm paper, with the beautiful 102 etchings taken off in bistre, autograph of “ Al. Hum- boldt, Dec. 1851 ” royal 4to. Paris, 1851 4826 Ingunza i Basualdo (Dr. Don F. E. de) Viajes por el Oriente, Tomo I ( all published ), portrait and plates vellum paper, presentation copy, with the author's autograph inscription, cloth, g. e. imperial 8vo. Paris, 1852 4827 Inkermann (J. D. G.) Die heilige Leier, Gedicht, lithographed in imitation of the original ornamental penmanship imperial folio broadside. Berlin , s. a. 4828 Inondations, Note relative aux, par M. Dausse, Paris, 1856 — August (Dr. E. F.) iiber die Fortschritte der Hygro- metrie in der neuesten Zeit nebst erlauternden Zusatzen und der Berechnung einiger hygrometrischen Beobach- tungen welche bei Gelegenheit der Reise S. E. Fr. A. von Humboldt in N. Asien, &c. angestellt worden sind, plate , Berlin, 1830 4 to. (2) 4829 Inscription Greco-Latine d’une Urne trouv^e k Bourges restitute et expliqu^e par Eloi Johanneau author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1850 360 4830 Inscriptiones antique in Turcico Itinere collect® a Comite C. Vidua, tine paper 8vo. Lutetice Paris. 1826 Presentation copy, with Count Vidua’s autograph inscription : — “Pour Monsieur le Comte d’Humbold, avec les Compliments du Comte Vidua.” 4831 Inscriptiones Attic® nuper repert® duodecim,edidit E. Curtius yellijm paper, half morocco 8 vo. Berolini, 1843 4832 Inscriptions Puniques et Libiques trouv4es en 1840 dans le Province de Constantine par le Dr. Guyon, plates folio. Alger , 1854 4833 Institut de France (Calendrier, Liste des Membres, &c.) pour les Annees 1835-58 (wanting 1837, 1839, 1840, 1843, 1844, 1846, 1854) 17 vol. 12 mo. Paris , 1835-58 4834 Institut Royal de France (Calendrier, &c. pour 1838, 1841, 1842, 1845, 1847 et 1858) 6 vol. 12 mo. Paris , 1838-58 4835 Institut (Calendrier pour 1842 et 1845, Listes des Membres, &c.) 2 vol. 12 mo. Paris, 1842-45 4836 Institut de France. Stance publique annuelle des cinq Academies 4 to. Paris , 1847 Containing Discours par M. de Tocqueville; A. Brongniart sur les Changements du Regne vegetal aux diverses Epoques geolo- giques ; A. Thierry sur la Politique Chretienne de Constantin ; V. Le Clerc de quelques Lettres ecrites en Frangais au XlII e Siecle ; Raoul- Rochette sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. Tardieu ; and Fables inedites par M. Viennet. 4837 Institut. Stance publique de l’Academie des Beaux- Arts 4 to. Paris , 1850 Containing Emma et Eginard, Cantate par M. Bignan; Vie de M. Gamier par M. Raoul- Rochette ; &c. 4838 Institut. Seance publique de l’Academie Fra^aise 4 to. Paris , 1850 Containing Eloge de Madame de Stael; M. de Salvandy, Discours sur les Prix de Vertu ; &c. 4839 Institut. Stance de l’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres 4 to. Paris , 1850 Containing Walckenaer Vie de Letronne; F. Ravaisson sur la Morale des Stoiciens ; Guigniaut sur les Religions de l’Antiquite ; &c. &c. 4840 Institut. Seance des cinq Academies 4 to. Paris , 1850 Containing Paulin-Paris sur le Voyage de Marc-Pol; Gatteaux sur la Gravure ; A. Thierry, Stilicon ; Ancelot, Souvenirs et Visions; Duperrey sur un Passage de 1’ Ocean- Atlantique dans le Grand Ocean ; &c. &c. 4841 Institut. Seance publique de l’Acad^mie des Beaux- Arts 4 to. Paris , 1851 Containing Raoui-Rochette sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. Granet; &c. &c. 361 4842 Institut. Seance publique de l’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 4fo. Paris, 1851 Containing Walckenaer sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. Ray- nouard; De Saulcy, Memoire sur la Mer Morte; &c. &c. 4843 Institut. Stance publique de 1’ Academie Fran^aise 4 to. Paris, 1851 Containing Rapport du Secretaire; Venise, par M. Ancelot ; and Discours de M. de Noailles. 4844 Institut. Seance publique de 1’ Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques 4 to. Paris , 1 852 Containing Mignet Vie de Droz ; &c. 4845 Institut. Seance publique de l’Academie des Beaux- Arts Ho. Paris, 1857 Containing Vie de P. J. David (d’Angers) par F. Halevy ; &c. 4846 Institut. Seance publique de 1’ Academie des Sciences 4 to. Paris , 1858 Containing Proclamation des Prix, and Eloge de M. Magendie par M. Flourens. 4847 Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica, Annali, Vol. VII Part 2 8 vo. Roma , 1835 4848 Instruction sur la Geographic Physique, plate 8vo. Paris, 1825 4849 Ireland. Census for 1851, Report on. Tables of Deaths, Vol. I folio. Dublin , 1856 Presentation copy from the Commissioner, W. R. Wilde, with his autograph inscription. 4850 Irish Academy’s Proceedings, Vol. I Part 3, Vol. V 3 Parts, and Vol. VI Parts 1 and 3 8 vo. Dublin , 1839-56 4851 Irish Academy’s Transactions, Vol. XXII 2 Parts, plates , Humboldt's autograph reference to a Paper of Rev. H. Lloyd 4:to. Dublin, 1849-50 4852 Irminger (Capt. C.) Skizze der Meeresstromungen in N. Theile des Atlantischen Oceans oblong 4 to. Berlin , s. a. 4853 Irving (Washington) Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey post 8 vo. London , 1825 4854 Isaac Israelis (R.) Liber Jesod Olam seu Fundamentum Mundi, Opus astronomicum celeberrimum Hebraice cum Notis et Versione epitomariaGermanica ediderunt B. Gold- berg et L. Rosenkrantz, 2 vol. in 1 , plates large PAPER Ho. Berolini, 1846-48 4854*Isaac Israelis (R.) Another Copy, on small paper Ho. ib. 1846-48 4855 Isabelle (Arsene) Voyage a Buenos-Ayres et a Porto- Alegre, map and plates, large paper ' royal 8 vo, Havre , 1835 4856 Isenberg (Rev. C. W.) and Rev. J. L. Krapf, Journals of their Proceedings in Shoa and other Parts of Abyssinia, maps 12 mo. London, 1843 4857 Isensee (E.) Neues System zur Uebersicht der inneren Krank- heiten des Menschen, author's autograph inscription fine paper royal folio broadside in 4 to. case. Berlin , 1836 3 A 362 4858 Isensee (E.) Reisen in Schottland, England, Frankreich und Deutschland, thick yellum paper, scarce 8vo. Berlin, 1837 4859 Isensee (E.) Humoristische Reiseskizzen aus dem nordwest- lichen Europa (including England and Scotland) author s autograph inscription post 8vo. Berlin , 1839 4860 Isensee (Emil) Geschichte der Medicin und ihrer Hulfswissen- schaften, 2 vol. in 5 eihe paper, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin, 1840-45 The most important History of the Science yet published. 4861 Isensee (E.) Neues practisches System der Haut-Krankheiten thick paper atlas folio broadside in 8vo. case. Berlin, 1843 4862 Islenzkir Annalar sive Annales Islandici ab A. d. 803 ad 1430, Islandice et Latine 4 to. Hafnice, 1847 4863 Israelis (R. Isaac) Liber Jesod Olam seu Fundamentum Mundi, Opus astronomicum celeberrimum, Hebraice cum Notis et Versione epitomaria Germanica, edentibus B. Goldberg et L. Rosenkranz, 2 vol. in 1 , plates Ato. Berolini, 1846-48 4864 Italia. Carta amministrativa del Regno d’ltalia co’ suoi Stabilimenti, 6 sheets mounted on green silk in red morocco case 1811 4865 Italia, mit Beitragen von A. Hagen, A. Kopisch, H. Leo, C. Fr. von Rumohr, K. Wittwee und anderen heraus- gegeben von A. Reumont, frontispiece half morocco post 8vo. Berlin, 1838 4866 Itzigsohn (Dr. H.) Verzeichniss Brandenburg’s Laubmoose crown 8vo. Berlin, 1847 4867 Itzigsohn (Dr. H.) Skizzen zu einer Lebensgeschichte des Hapalosiphon Braunii, 5 coloured plates yellum paper 4 to. Breslau , 1853 4868 Itzigsohn (Dr. H.) iiber den mannlichen Geschlechtsapparat bei Spirogyra und einigen anderen Conferven, plate 8vo. Berlin , 1853 4869 Itzigsohn (Dr. H.) Phykologische Studien, coloured plates yellum paper 4 to. Breslau, s. a. 4870 Itzigsohn (Dr. H.) iiber Hustenbraune yellum PAPER royal 8vo. Frankfurt- am- Oder, 1857 4871 Ivernois (Sir F. d’) sur la Mortalite proportionelle des Peuples, 2 Parts, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Geneve, 1832-34 4872 Ives (J. C.) Report on Colorado exploring Expedition, royal 8vo. Washington^ 1858 — Humboldt (A. von) iiber Pent- land’s Arbeiten im S. Peru, 8vo. Stuttgart, 1829 — Humboldt (A. von) on two Attempts to ascend Chimborazo, translated by Dr. M. Barry, 8vo. Edinb. 1837 (3) 4873 Jaarboek van het Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten voor 1847-1851, 5 vol. Amst. 1847-52 — Jaarboek van de K. Akademie van Wetenschappen gevestigd te Amsterdam vqn April, 1857 — April, 1858, ib. 1858 royal 8 vo. (6) 363 4874 Jaarboek van de K. Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Aan moediging van den Tuinbouw, coloured plate of Polygonum cuspidatum royal 8 vo. Leyden , 1849 4875 Jaarboek van de Tuinbouw Maatschappij, plates royal 8 vo. ib. 1854 4876 Jackson (Dr. C. T.) and the Ether Discovery. Report of Hon. Ed. Stanly and Hon. Alex. Evans, vindicating the Rights of Dr. Jackson, with Humboldt' s autograph references, Washington , 1852 — Minority Report in favour of Dr. Jackson, ib. 1849 royal 8 vo. (2) 4877 Jackson (C. T.) Congressional Report of Hon. E. Stanly and Hon. A. Evans, vindicating the Rights of C. T. Jackson to the Ether Discovery royal 8vo. Washington , 1852 See also Morton. 4878 [Jackson (J. R.)] The Royal Geographical Society and its Labours, privately printed , with author's autograph inscrip- tion 8 vo. London , 1846 4879 Jackson (W. A.) Coloured Map of the Mining District, with Description, the map folded 12 mo. New York , 1851 4880 Jacob (Dr. Th.) Letzte Griinde und Folgerungen daraus yellum paper, author's autograph inscription , half morocco 8vo. Berlin , 1854 4881 Jacob (W.) Historical Inquiry into the Production and Con- sumption of the Precious Metals, 2 vol. half morocco 8vo. London , 1831 4882 Jacobi (G. A.) Beschreibung der Europaischen Feld- Artillerien, 10 Parts, plates 8vo. Mainz , 1835-43 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscriptions. 4883 Jacobi (H.) sur la Theorie des Machines Electromagnetiques author's autograph inscription 8vo. St. Petersbourg , 1851 4884 Jacobi (M. H.) sur 1’ Application de l’Electro-Magnetisme au Mouvements des Machines, plate author' s autograph inscription 8vo. Potsdam, 1835 4885 Jacobi (Dr. M. H.) Die Galvanoplastik, plate yellum paper, author's autograph inscription , half morocco, 9* v- royal 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1840 4886 Jacobi (Dr.) iiber Cajus und seine Institutionen post 8vo. Berlin, 1842 4887 Jacobi (V. F. L.) de Veteris Germanise Solo atque Ccelo, Animalibus Domesticis et Frumentis author's autograph inscription 8vo . Lipsice , 1833 4888 Jacobi (Dr. Y.) uber das Agrarwesen des Altenburgischen Osterlandes, cuts, privately printed 4 to. Leipzig, 1845 4889 Jacobi (V.) Bedeutung der Bohmischen Dorfnamen yellum paper 8vo. Leipzig, 1856 364 4890 Jacobi (V.) Slawen-und Teutschthum in cultur-und agrar- historischen Studien zur Anschauung gebracht besonders aus Liineburg und Altenburg, plates privately printed 8vo. Hannover , 1856 4891 Jacobson (H.) Priifet alles, &c. (Sermon on 1 Thess. V. 21) vellum PAPER crown 8w?. Berlin , 1853 4892 Jacobson (Rabbiner Dr. J. H.) Wir haben alle einen Gott und die Liebe vereinigt uns alle eine paper 8 vo. Graudenz , 1858 4893 Jacquemin (E.) La Nature et ses Productions, plates 12 mo. Paris , 1841 4894 Jacquemin (E.) sur le Develloppement des Etres organises, india proof plates , Humboldt's writing on cover Ato. Breslau , 1836 4895 Jacquemont (V.) Correspondence (en Mission aux Indes Orientales) 4 to. Paris , 1831 Presentation copy “par Mr. Cordier au nom de 1’ Auteur.” 4896 Jacquemont (Victor) Voyage dans l’Inde, 6 vol. numerous plates {those of Zoology exquisitely coloured), vol I and II half morocco , and the rest in parts roy. 4 to. Paris , 1841-44 4897 Jacquet (E.) sur les Alphabets des Philippines, plate 8 vo. Paris , 1831 4898 Jacquet (E.) et A. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, Notice desLivres provenant de leurs Bibliotheques pine paper, Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. Paris , 184] 4899 Jacubowitsch (Dr. N.) iiber die feinere Structur des Gehirns und Riickenmarks 4 to. Breslau , 1857 4900 Jaeger (Dr. E.) Beitrage zur Pathologie des Auges, 3 parts, finely coloured plates , vellum paper, imperial 4 to. Wien , 1855-56 — Jager (Dr. E.) Ergebnisse der Untersuchung des menschlichen Auges mit dem Augenspiegel, no plates , royal 8 vo, Wien , 1855 (4) 4901 Jseger (Dr. G. F.) iiber die Pflanzenversteinerungen welche in dem Bausandstein von Stuttgart vorkommen, 8 plates Humboldt' s writing’ on cover royal Ato. Stuttgart, 1827 4902 Ja?ger (Dr. G. F.) iiber die fossile Reptilien welche in Wiir- temberg aufgefunden worden sind, plates royal A to. Stuttgart , 1828 4903 Jaeger (Dr. G. F.) Beitrage zur vergleichenden Natur- geschichte der Thiere und des Menschen author's autograph inscription 8vo. Stuttgart , 1830 4904 Jager (Prof. Dr. G.) Amtlicher Bericht iiber die Versamm- lung Deutscher Naturforscher und iErzte in Stuttgart, plate with author's autograph inscription A to. Stuttgart , 1835 4905 Jager (Dr. G. F.) Die fossilen Saugethiere Wiirtembergs, two parts, plates author's autograph inscription folio. Stuttgart , 1835-39 365 4906 Jager (Prof. G.) Andeutungen iiber den Einfluss der Umdreh- ung der Erde auf die Bildung und Veranderung ihrer Oberflache, Humboldt' s autograph notes 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1839 Presentation copy with the author’s autograph inscription, and with a long letter in his handwriting. 4907 Jager (G.) iiber den Einfluss der Umdrehung der Erde 8vo. Stuttgart , 1839 4908 Jager (Dr. G. F.) Beobachtungen und Untersuchungen iiber die regelmassigen Formen der Gebirgsarten, plates with author's autograph inscription roy. 4 to. Stuttgart , 1846 4909 Jseger (Dr. G.) Leben des Staatsraths von Kielmeyer author's autograph inscription 4 to. On p. 76, Humboldt has underlined “ Umkleidung,” and written satirically on the margin : “ un petit pantalon gazeux ? ” 4910 Jseger (H. J.) de Atmosphaera et Aere atmosphaerico necnon de variis Gazis Yaporibus Effluviisque, tine paper, 8vo. Colonice Agrip. 1816 — Hallstrom (G. G.) iiber die durch den Barometerstand zu bemerkenden Veranderungen der Erdatmosphare, 8 vo. 1826 (2) 4911 Jager (Dr. H.) iiber Reform des Medicinal- Wesens 8 vo. Neuss , 1842 4912 Jahnichen (Dr.) Reponse h la Lettre sur l’Etablissement des Eaux minerales factices de Moscou (avec la Lettre) 8vo. Moscou, 1829 4913 Jahn (O.) Vasenbilder, vellum paper 4 to. Hamburg, 1839 4914 Jahn (O.) Pentheus und die Mainaden,p£ates 4 to. Kiel , 1841 4915 Jahn (O.) iiber Goethe’s Iphigenia auf Tauris, fine paper, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Greifswald , 1843 4916 Jahn (O.) Winckelmann 8 vo. Greifswald, 1844 4917 Jahrbucher der Gefangnisskunde, vol. II, part I, plate 8 vo. Frankfurt , 1843 With Humboldt’s autograph note referring to Prof. Tellkampf ’s article on the Health of Prisoners. A cutting from a newspaper “ Remarks on Prison Discipline, by Tellkampf,” is added. 4918 Jahrbiicher fiir Wissenschaft und Kunst herausgegeben von O. Wigand, vol. I to Y, part 2, in 14 parts 8 vo. Leipzig, 1854-56 Humboldt’s autograph note states that, vol. IV. part 2, is wanting, but as such is not the case, he probably obtained it subse- quently. In vol. V. part I, will be found Humboldt’s Review of Arago’s Werke. 4919 Jahresbericht der Handels-und Gewerbekammer in Budweis fiir 1853 — Jahresbericht von Dr. Eilers Erziehungsanstalt, Halle , 1853 8vo. (2) 4920 Jahresbericht des Botanischen Yereines am Mittel-und Nieder- Rheine mit botanischen Abhandlungen der Mitglieder A. Henry, C. Marquart, und P. Wirtgen 8ro. Bonn, 1837 366 4921 Jahresbericht des Vereins der Wasserfreunde fur 1846 8vo. Berlin , 1847 4922 Jal (A.) Archeologie Navale, 2 vol. numerous woodcuts large yellum paper royal 8 vo. Paris , 1840 A very curious and important work. 4923 Jamblichi de Mysteriis Liber, Gr. et Lat. Ad Fidem Codicum MSS. recognovit G. Parthey, editor s autograph inscription yellum paper 8vo. Berolini, 1857 4924 Jami. Der Friihlingsgarten von Mewlana Abdurrhaman Dschami aus dem Persischen iibertragen von O. M. von Schlecbta-Wissebrd yellum paper, green morocco , super extra , silk linings , gilt edges , the sides and hack ornamented with gold and silver tooling in the Persian style , the binding being in facsimile of an Oriental MS. royal 8vo. Wien, 1846 Accompanied by the Persian text, which is beautifully printed within gold borders, having the title and Anwan illuminated in gold and colours. 4925 Japan. Nipon O Dai Itsi Ran ou Annales des Empereurs de Japon, traduites par Isaac Titsingh, avec de Notes et un Aper 9 U de l’Histoire My thologique du Japon par J. Klaproth half calf extra 4 to. Paris , 1834 4926 Jarnsida edr Hakonarbok. Codex Juris Islandorum antiquus qui nominatur Jarnsida seu Liber Haconis Islandice et Latine, prsemisso historico in hujus Juris Origines et Fata Tentamine a T. Sveinbjornsson conscripto, facsimile of the manuscript , yellum paper 4 to. Havnice, 1847 4927 Jastrzebowski (A.) Carte climatologique de Varsovie, coloured atlas folio broadside. Varsovie , 1846 4928 Java. Kaart van het Eiland Java door Dr. F. Junghuhn the very large map in 4 sheets and a duplicate of the same , unfinished proof double elephant folio . Breda , 1855 4929 Jayadevse Poetae Indici Drama Lyricum Gita Govinda, Sans- critice et Latine, cum Annotatione critica, edidit C. Lassen editor's autograph inscription 4fo. Bounce , 1836 4930 Jean. Rapport sur le Memoire de M. A. Jean, relatif a 1’ Amelioration des Races des Vers a Soie par Dumas yellum paper, with autograph inscription of Dumas 4 to. Paris , 1857 4931 Jean VI. (Le Patriarche, dit Jean Catholicos ) Histoire d’Ar- menie, traduite par J. Saint-Martin autograph of “Al. Humboldt ” 8vo. Paris, 1841 4932 Jena. Zu den Gedenktafeln, royal 8vo. Jena, 1858 — Jencke (J. F.) Freie Gaben fiir Geist und Gemiith, No. I. fiir 1853 Dresden, 1853 8vo. (2) 4933 Jenner (E. von) Carte des Cantons Bern, coloured royal folio. Bern, s. a. 367 4934 Jenzsch (Dr. G.) uber Lithion in Silicatanalyse, 8w?. — Jenzsch (Dr. G.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger Phonolithe des Bohmischen Mittelgebirges, 8 vo. Berlin , 1856 (2) 4935 Jenzsch (Dr. G.) Considerations relatives a la Partie minera- logique des Instructions pour l’Expedition scientifique Bresilienne, yellttm paper 8vo. Dresde , 1857 Privately printed* “ imprime comme Manuscrit.” 4936 Jenzsch (Dr. G.) Die krystallisirte Kieselsaure ist dimorph yellitm paper 8vo. Berlin, 1858 4937 Jenzsch (Dr. G.) Lithologie, die Basis der rationellen Geologie, Gotha, s. a. — Die Verbreitung des Melaphyrund Sanidin- Quarzporphyr in dem in Abbau stehenden Theile des Steinkohlenbassins von Zwickau, map and section, yelltjm paper, with autograph letter of the author , Berlin, 1858 8 vo. (2) 4938 Jervis (T. B.) Expediency and Facility of establishing the Metrological and Monetary Systems throughout India on a Scientific and Permanent Basis, &c. scarce , with Major T. B. Jervis's autograph inscription 4 to. Bombay, 1836 Apparently read by Baron Humboldt, whose estimation of the work may be gathered from the following notes in his auto- graph : “ Puranas recent fabrication ! !’ ? “ Werth von n alles von Libri und Chasles widerlegt” “ Toute Astronomie Grecque et Arabe ! Alles leichtsinnig ohne alien Beweis!” 4939 Jervis (Major T. B.) Address to the Geographical Section of the British Association, Newcastle-on-Tyne,/acs2?m7es author's autograph inscription Torquay, printed for private circulation , 1838 4940 Jesod Olam seu Fundamentum Mundi, Hebraice, Opus astro- nomicum celeberrimum, Auctore R. Isaac Israeli, ediderunt cum Versione epitomarja Germanica B. Goldberg et L. Rosenkranz, 2 vol. in 1 , plates 4to. Berolini, 1846-48 Dedicated to Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore. 4941 Jessen (C. F. G.) Prasiolae Generis Algarum Monographia fine paper, two coloured plates 4 to. Kilice, 1848 4942 Jesuites. Conference secrete tenue par le General et d’autres Superieurs de l’Ordre des Jesuites dans la Maison de Noviciat de Chieri en Piemont en Septembre 1824 extremely rare, most of the copies having been secretly bought up and destroyed crown 8 vo. Berne, 1847 With the following autograph inscription of the editor : “ M. Alexandre de Humbold, hommage du Dr. Roessinger.” 4943 Joachimsthal (Dr. F.) iiber die Bedingung der Integrabilitat 4 to. Berlin , 1844 4944 Joachimsthal (F.) Memoire sur les Surfaces courbes; et Etude sur les (Euvres philosophiques de Frederic le Grand, par Ch. de La Harpe, fine paper 4 to. Berlin, 1848 4945 Jobard ( J. B. A. M.) Bulletin du Musee de l’lndustrie : Specimen author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Bruxelles, 1841 368 4946 Jobard (J. B. A. M.) Industrie Fran^aise : Rapport sur T Ex- position de 1839, 2 vol. large paper, author's autograph inscription with signature , half calf extra royal 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1841 4947 Jobard (J. B. A. M.) Bulletin du Musee de l’lndustrie: Speci- men, plate , author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. Bruxelles , 1841 4948 Jobard. Another Copy royal 8 vo. ib. 1841 4949 Jobard (M.) Creation de la Propriete Intellectuelle author s autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1843 On the cover is the following printed notice : “ Tiree a 100 Ex- emplaires. — Prix : 20 fr.” 4950 Jobard (J. B. A. M.) Nouvelle Economie Sociale author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1844 4951 Jobard (J. B. A. M.) Le Monautopole author's autograph inscription post 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1845 4952 Jobard. Another Copy post 8 vo. ib. 1845 4953 Jobard (M.) sur le Projet de Loi des Modeles, Dessins et Tissus de Fabrique, &c. author' s autograph inscription 8vo. Bruxelles, 1845 4954 Jobard. Another Copy 8 vo. ib. 1845 4955 Jobard (M.) Comment la Belgique peut devenir industrielle 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1846 4956 Jobard (M.) Projet de Loi sur les Brevets d’Invention printed for private circulation only royal 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1848 4957 Jobard (J. B. A. M.) Organon de la Propriete intellectuelle royal 12 mo. Paris , 1851 With the following inscription in the author’s autograph : " Au plus illustre feudataire de la propriete intellectuelle en Europe, a l’auteur du Cosmos, l’auteur de 1’organon Jobard.” 4958 Jobard (M.) Appareil Gazogene de Beaufume, plate imperial 8 vo. Paris , 1857 4959 Jobard (M.) Histoire d’une Bulle de Gaz yellem paper \Zmo. Bruxelles , 1857 4960 Jobard (J. B. A. M.) Les nouvelles Inventions aux Expositions Universelles, 4 parts in 3 yellem paper royal 8vo. Bruxelles , 1857-58 4961 Jobard (J. B. A. M.) sur le Commerce et l’lndustrie Russes yellem paper, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1858 4962 Jochmann (Dr.) Beitrage zur Theorie der Gase yellem paper 4 to. Berlin , 1859 4963 Jorg (E.) Darstellung des nachtheiligen Einflusses des Tro- penklima’s auf Bewohner gemassigter Zonen und des Ver- laufes und der Behandlung der Tropenkrankheiten: des gelben Fiebers und der Asiatischen Cholera gilt cloth 8 vo. Leipzig , 1851 4964 Jorg (E.) Darstellung. Another Copy 8vo. ib. 1851 369 4965 John (L. A.) Kolostogade ein Heldengedicht aus den Sagen der Cechischen Vorzeit, 2 vo3. 8 vo. Prag, 1832 4966 Johnes (A. J.) Philological Proofs of the Original Unity and Recent Origin of the Human Race derived from a Com- parison of the Languages of Asia, Europe, Africa, and America 8 vo. London , 1843 4967 Johnson (E. F.) Railroad to the Pacific, Northern Route, maps and views author's autograph inscription 8 vo. New York , 1854 4968 Johnson (E. F.) Railroad to Pacific, Northern Route, maps and plates royal 8vo. New York , 1854 Presentation copy from E. C. Angelroth, with his autograph inscription. 4969 Johnson (E. F.) Map of the proposed Northern Route for a Railroad to the Pacific scarce Atlas folio . Hartford , Connecticut , 1854 4970 Johnson (Jac.) Grundsatze der Yeranschlagung landwirth- schaftlicher Grundstiicke, with 120 coloured delineations of plants found in meadows 8 vo. Mitau , 1839 4971 Johnson (M. J.) on the Application of the Helioineter to the Photometry of Stars, plate author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. Oxford , 1853 4972 Johnston (A. K.) Scotland, coloured thick paper royal folio. Edinburgh, 1820 4973 Johnston (A. Keith) Physical Atlas, a Series of Maps and Notes illustrating the Geographical Distribution of Natural Phenomena, 2 vol. coloured maps and plates the dedication copy to Baron Humboldt, at whose suggestion the work was undertaken , and on whose researches a large portion of the contents is founded , thick paper, half green morocco royal folio. Edinburgh , 1848 4974 Johnston (Alex. Keith) Dictionary of Geography author's autograph inscription 8vo. London , 1851 4975 Johnston (A. K.) School Atlas of Classical Geography, with complete Index of Places, coloured maps author s autograph inscription , half morocco Ato. Edinb. 1853 4976 Johnston (J. F. VV.) Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology author's autograph inscription foolscap 8 vo. Edinb. 1852 4977 Johnston (J. F. W.) Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, numerous woodcuts author's autograph inscription post 8 vo. Edinb. 1853 4978 Joly (Y.) Chemin de Fer Belge-Rhenan Vallee de la Yesdre, numerous illustrations \2mo. Bruxelles , 1843 4979 Joinard (M.) sur la Lithographie appliquee aux Cartes et Prix pour son Perfectionnement, map , read and marked by Hum- boldt 4 to. Paris , 1826-28 3 B 370 4980 Jomard (M.) Considerations sur l’Objet et les Avantages d’une Collection speciale consacree aux Cartes geographiques et aux diverses Branches de la Geographic 8 vo. Paris , 1831 Distribue a un petit nombre d’exemplaires.” — MS. note on cover. 4981 Jomard (M.) sur un Pied Romain trouve dans la Foret de Maulevrier, plate 4 to. Paris , 1835 4982 Jomard. Another copy, plate 4 to. ib. 1835 4983 Jomard (M.) sur l’Etat present de l’Egypte author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1836 4984 Jomard (M.) Etudes geographies et historiques sur l’Arabie, suivies de la Relation du Voyage de Mohammed-Aly dans le Fasoql, &c. maps, “ offert par l' Auteur,” Paris, 1839 — Jomard, Remarques au Sujet du Voyage du Dr. Barth dans l’Adamawa, ib. s. d. 8 vo. (2) 4985 Jomard (M.) sur les Gallas de Limmou, map 8 vo. Paris, 1839 4986 Jomard (M.) sur le Nombre de Jours de Pluie observes au Caire 4 to. Paris, 1839 4987 Jomard (M.) Premier Voyage a la Recherche des Sources du Bahr-el-Abiad ou Nil-Blanc par Selim Bimbachi Jomard’ s autograph inscription with signature 8 vo. Paris, 1842 4988 Jomard (M.) sur la Vie et les Travaux de G. L. B. Wilhem, portrait and music with facsimiles of his compositions 8 vo. Paris, 1842 4989 Jomard (M.) sur la Vie et les Travaux du Baron de Gerando, portrait 8vo. Paris, 1843 4990 Jomard (M.) Notice biographique sur Venture de Paradis 4Zo. Paris, 1843 4991 Jomard (M.) Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de C. L. Ber- tollet, author’s autograph inscription 8vo. Aimed, 1844 At the back of title-page is a long note stating that the work was printed in 1825, but suppressed by order of tbe Government of Charles X. 4992 Jomard (M.) Another copy, with author’s autograph note respecting its suppression by the Government of Charles X 8vo. Anneci, 1844 4993 Jomard. Lettre a P. F. de Siebold sur les Collections Ethno- graphiques 8vo. Paris, 1845 4994 Jomard (M.) sur Cartes en Relief, 8vo. Paris, 1845 — Jomard (M.) Cartes geographiques et Geographic, author s auto- graph corrections, royal 8vo. ib. s. d. (2) 4995 Jomard (M.) Rapport sur la Decouverte la plus importante en Geographic en 1841, Paris, 1844 — Rapport sur le Concours au Prix Annuel de la Societe de Geographie, ib. 1845 — Neuvieme Rapport sur la Collection Geographique de la Bibliotheque Koyale, ib. 1847 8vo. (3) 4996 Jomard (M.) Seconde Note sur une Pierre gravee trouvee en Amerique et sur l’Idiome Libyen, plate author’s autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Paris , 1845 371 4997 Jomard (M.) Fragments sur l’Umformite k introduire dans les Notations g^ographiques, sur les Antiquites Americaines, et sur divers Points de Geographie author’s autograph inscription with signature 8vo. Paris , 1847 4998 Jomard (M.) sur la Publication des Monumens de la Geographie 8vo . Paris , 1847 4999 Jomard (M.) Les Antiquites Americaines au point de vue des Progres de la Geographie 8vo. Paris , 1847 5000 Jomard (M.)de la Collection Geographique cr^eealaBibliotheque Royale, author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1848 5001 Jomard (M.) Discours a la Societe de Geographie, 2 tracts, Paris, 1849 — Jomard (M.) des Cartes en Belief, ih. s.d. 8vo. (3) 5002 Jomard (M.) sur la Vie et les Travaux de C. de Lasteyrie, portrait 8vo. Paris , 1850 5003 Jomard (M.) Discours a Inauguration de la Statue de Larrey, Paris , 1850 — Jomard (M.) Discours k la Societe de Geo- graphie, ih. 1849 8vo. (2) 5004 Jomard (M.) Conte (Aeronaute), large paper, author’s auto- graph inscription royal 8vo. Paris , 1849 5005 Jomard (M.) Preface au Voyage au Ouaday par le Cheykh Mohammed Ibn-Omar el-Tounsy, author’s autograph in- scription , royal 8 vo. Paris , 1851 — (Jomard) Conte, author’s autograph inscription , crown 8 vo. ih. 1852 (2) 5006 Jomard (M.) Rapport sur le Concours pour le Prix Annuel (Voyages de 1849) &c. Paris, 1852— Rapport de 1851, ih. 1851 — [Jomard] Reunion Egyptienne 28 Mars 1853, ih. 1853 — Jomard sur la Pente du Nil, &c. ih. s. d. 8vo. (4) 5007 [Jomard (M.)] Souvenirs sur Gaspard Monge et ses Rapports avec Napoleon, yelltjm papee crown 8 vo, Paris, 1853 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph: “ Au B n de Humboldt! Iiommage d’un de ses plus anciens admirateurs et amis J d ” 5008 Jomard (M.) Monument a Christophe Colomb, son Portrait, author's autograph inscription to Carl Ritter, who has care- fully read and added MS. notes, Paris , s. d. — Portraits de Colomb, par F. Feuillet de Conches, author’s autograph inscription and corrections , with Humboldt’s writing on cover, ih. 1856 8vo. (2) 5009 Jomini (General) Carte gen^rale de la Chaine des Alpes, the large map mounted on canvas 5010 Jonas (Dr. L.) Worte am Sarge P. C. W. Beuth’s yelltjm papee 8 vo. Berlin , 1853 Privately printed as “ Manuscript fur Beuth’s Freunde.” 5011 Jones (G.) History of ancient America anterior to Columbus. The Tyrian ASra, portrait , large paper, with author’s autograph inscription royal 8vo. London , 1843 372 5012 Jones (G.) on the Zodiacal Light, plates 8 vo. New YorJc, 1857 5013 Jones (Sir Wm.) Grammar of the Persian Language 4 to. London , 1809 5014 Josst (F.) Beschreibung und Cultur einer grossen Anzahl tropischer Orchideen, plates 8vo. Prag. 1851 5015 Jost (Dr. J. M.) Legislative Fragen betreffend die Juden im Preussischen Staate, mit Nachtrage, 2 Parts author's autograph inscriptions 8vo. Berlin , 1842 5016 Joukowsky (W. A.) Yues de la Suisse et de Zarskoye Selo, a series of 32 views on 13 plates etched by His Excellency Wasili Andreewitch de Joukowsky, having an india proof portrait of him by N. OutJciz, after Reiter in, prefixed extremely rare, presentation copy from N. OutJciz, with his autograph inscription Ato. Sf folio (14) 5017 Jourdain (M.) Recherches critiques sur l’Age et l’Origine des Traductions Latines d’Aristote et sur Commentaires Grecs ou Arabes employes par les Docteurs scholastiques half calf gilt, scarce 8 vo. Paris, 1819 5018 Journal Asiatique de Constantinople, No. 1, 8vo. Constanti- nople, 1852 — Journal de la Society des bonnes GEuvres, No. 3, Ato. Geneve, 1857 — Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, No. II, 8 vo. London, 1834 (3) 5019 Journal fiir die Baukunst herausgegeben von Dr. A. L. Crelle, Yol. I, Part I and II, and Yol. IY Part I, plates Ato. Berlin, 1829-31 5020 Journal fiir die Baukunst, Yol. I Part 2, plates 4 to. ib. 1829 5021 Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia, 7 Nos. for 1847 and 3 Nos. for 1848 and 1849, presentation copy , u with the Editor's compliments" 8vo. Singapore , 1847-49 Various passages are marked by Humboldt. 5022 Journal des Voies de Communication, 12 Parts royal 8 vo. St. Petersbourg, 1826-28 5023 Journal de l’Ecole Poly technique 22 e Cahier (containing Articles by Lionville, Duhamel, Olivier and Lame) 4 to. Paris, 1833 5024 Journal de l’Ecole Poly technique, Cahiers 33 & 34, 2 vol .plates Ato. Paris, 1850-51 Containing Articles by Bravais, Boileau, Resal & De LaGournerie. 5025 Journal de l’Institut historique, Tome II, No. 7 & 8 royal 8 vo. Paris, 1835 Presentation copy, with autograph inscriptions of Baron d’Eck- stein, who wrote the Articles contained therein “ Sur les Rapports entre 1’Inde et l’Europe.” 5026 Juden. Gutachten der Abtheilungen des K. Staatsraths fiir die innern und Justiz-Angelegenheiten betreffend die Re- gulirung des Juden wesens privately printed for the Privy Council only Ato. Berlin, 1839 Printed “ nur zum eigenen Gebrauch fiir die Mitglieder des K. Staatraths.” 5027 Jiidische Reform 8vo. Berlin , 18 46 373 5028 Jiingken (J. C.) iiber die Augenkrankheit in der Belgischen Armee, tine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1834 5029 Jiingken (Dr. J. C.) Chloroform bei Augenoperationen telltjm paper, Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. Berlin, 1850 5030 Jiirgensen (L. U.) iiber eine Seeuhr neuer Construction (Chronometer) 8i;o. Kopenhagen , 1844 5031 Jugler (Oberbergrath) Ueberblick der geognostischen Verhalt- nisse des Konigreichs Hannover, plate of heights and map eine paper, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Hannover , 1855 5032 Julien (S.) Lettre a M. le Redacteur du Journal Asiatique (against Pauthier), with Chinese text , author’s autograph inscription , and Humboldt’s writing on cover , Paris , 1836 — [Jacquet] Observations sur la Traduction dun Frag- ment Chinois, author's autograph inscription , Paris , 1838 — Julien (S.) Reponse, with Chinese text,ib, 1838 8vo. (3) 5033 Julien (S.) Resume des Principaux Traites Chinois sur la Culture des Muriers et 1’ Education des Vers a Soie, plates 8vo. Paris , 1837 With autograph inscription : — “ Hommage du Traducteur, Stanislas Julien.” 5034 Julien (S.) Examen critique de quelques Pages de Chinois relatives k l’lnde, traduites par M. G. Pauthier, &c. author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1841 5035 Julien (S.) Exercises pratiques d’Analyse de Syntaxe et de Lexigraphie Chinoise (in Reply to Pauthier) 8vo. Paris , 1842 5036 Julien (S.) Simple Expose d’un Fait honorable odieusement denature dans un Libelle recent de M. Pauthier, suivi de la Refutation de sa derniere Reponse 8vo. Paris , 1842 5037 Julien (S.) Substance anesthetique employee en Chine (Sasc. Ill) pour paralyser momentanement la Sensibilite 4fo. Paris , 1849 5038 Julien (S.) Recherches sur l’Origine et la Formation de l’Ecriture Chinoise, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris , s. d. 5039 Julien fS.) sur la Cire vegetale de la Chine 8 vo. Paris , 1857 5040 Julius (F.), H. Berghaus, und H. Brose, Charte von dem Harz Gebirge, coloured , oblong royal folio. Braunschweig, s. a. 5041 Jullien (A.) Application de la Navigation Trans-Atlantique & la Vapeur a l’Exploration des Contrees du Fleuve des Amazones, &c. author's autograph inscription, Anger, 1844 — Compte-rendu du Congres scientifique (X et XI), author's autograph inscription , Strasbourg, 1842, et Angers , 1843 8 vo. (2) 5042 Jullien (M. A.) Projet d’une Societe centrale d’Edilite author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Versailles, s. d . 374 5043 Jullien (B.) de quelques Points des Sciences de l’Antiquite (Physique, Metrique, Musique) vellum paper 8vo. Paris , 1854 5044 Jung (K. G.) iiber das Gewolbe in dem menschlichen Gehirne, yellijm paper, india proof 'plates 4 to. Basel , 1845 Presentation copy, with a curious and characteristic autograph note from Professor Jung, stating how, when lately visited by Professor Siebold, the glasses had rung late in the night to the health of the highly honoured and dearly beloved Humboldt. 5045 Jung (K. G.) iiber die seitliche Erhabenheit in dem Lateral- Ventrikel des menschlichen Gehirnes, plate 4 to. Basel, s. a. 5046 Junghuhn (F.) Java, seine Gestalt, Pflanzendecke und innere Bauart ins Deutsche iibertragen von J. K. Hasskarl, 3 vol. royal 8 vo. plates , and oblong royal folio atlas of coloured views , yellijm paper, half morocco extra Leipzig , 1852-54 5047 Junghuhn (F.) Java, seine Gestalt, Pflanzendecke und innere Bauart iibersetzt von J. K. Hasskarl, 12 parts in 9, 8vo. maps and plates , autograph of 11 Alex. v. Humboldt,” Leipzig , 1852-53 — Landschaften-Atlas zu Java, &c. oblong royal folio, containing 10 coloured views , ib. 1853 (10) 5048 Junghuhn (Dr. F.) Topographischer und wissenschaftlicher Atlas zur Reise durch Java, bevorwortet durch Dr. C. G. Nees von Esenbeck, 38 lithographic plates , and 2 “ Hohen- Karten,” half red calf j g. e. oblong folio. Magdeburg , 1845 5049 Junghuhn (Dr. F.) Kaart van het Eiland Java, the very large map on 4 sheets , coloured large paper double elephant folio. Breda , 1855 5050 Junghuhn, Another copy, uncoloured , large paper ib. 1855 5051 Junghuhn (F.) Die Battalander auf Sumatra, 2 vol. and imperial Ato. atlas of maps and plates 8vo. Berlin , 1847 5052 Junghuhn (F.) Karte des Gebirges Di-Eng auf Java folio 5053 Jungk (Dr.) iiber die philosophische Popadeutik als Unter- richtgegenstand auf Schulen, und Memoire sur la Proba- bility du Jeu de Rencontre Presentation copy , with inscription Ato. Berlin , 1846 5054 Jungk (C. G.) iiber die Meeresstromungen, Humboldt's auto- graph notes Ato. Berlin , 1849 5055 Jussieu (A. L. de) Genera Plantarum secundum Ordines naturales disposita, MS. additions very scarce 8 vo. Paris, 1789 This copy is a great curiosity, as appears from two notes in the autograph of Baron Humboldt : — I. “ Dieses Buch war mit mir in den Waldern des Orinoco und auf den Cordilleren. A1 Humboldt.” II. “ Dieses Buch, die Genera von Jussieu, hat Bonpland und mich in die Walder des Orinoco, auf die Cordilleras nach Quito und Popayan und nach Mexico begleitet. A. Hum- boldt, Juni 1858.” 375 5056 Jussieu (Adrien de) Memoire sur le Groupe des Meliacees, plates , author s autograph inscription 4 to. Paris , 1830 5057 Jussieu (Ad. de) sur les Embryons monocotyledones et sur les Tiges des Lianes, 2 Parts royal 8vo. Paris , 1839-41 5058 Jussieu (A. de) Botanique: Organes et Fonctions de la Vege- tation, numerous woodcuts , Humboldt's autograph notes half calf extra 12 mo. Paris ( 1841) 5059 Just und Gollmick, Repertorium des Konigstadtischen Theaters in Berlin (1833-34), portrait of M. Scholz, the actor ( with life ) and plan of the House square 1 6mo. Berlin , 1835 5060 Jacubowitsch (Dr. N.) iiber die feinere Structur des Gehirns und Riickenmarks 4. ib. 1 838 — Map to illustrate Reports of the Edinburgh Missionary Society, 4 to, 1817 — Klaproth (J.) Carte du Lac Baikal, Humboldt's autograph note 8 vo. (7) 5270 Klaproth, Carte de l’Asie Centrale, with Humboldt's auto- graph corrections 5271 Klaproth (M.) Notice de l’Encyclop^die litt^raire de Ma Touan Lin intitulee Wen Hian Thoung K’hao, Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. Paris , 1832 5272 Klausen (R. H.) Welttafel nach iEschylus, a curious map Bonn , s. a . 5273 Klee (F.) Der Urzustand der Erde und die Hypothese von einer stattgehabten AEnderung der Pole erklart nach der Danischen Handschrift des Yerfassers von Major G. F. Jenssen-Tusch, fine paper, cloth, g. e. 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1843 5274 Kleefeld (Regierungsrath Dr.) Meteorologische Beobachtungen zu Danzig von 1807 bis 1838, 3 vol. in 1 , plates scarce kto. Halle, 1826-31 und Danzig, 1840 5275 Klein (K. A. von) Die Chorographimetrie, plates, 8 vo. Mainz, 1837 — Die wichtigsten Gebirge, Anhohen und Geb'aude am Rhein chorographimetrisch gemessen, plate, square 16mo. Bingen, 1854 (2) 5276 Klein (J. L.) Maria von Medici, Trauerspiel vellum paper, half morocco, gilt edges 8vo. Berlin, 1841 5277 Kleinschrod (C. T.) Geologische Uebersicht eines Theiles der Auvergne insbesondere der Umgebungen von Clermont- Ferrand, views, fine paper 8 vo 390 5278 Kleist (F. W.) iiber Gift-Farben 8vo. Berlin , 1854 5279 Klemm (G.) Allgemeine Cultur-Geschichte der Menschheit, 10 vol. plates, fine paper 8vo. Leipzig, 1843-52 5280 Klemm (Dr. G.) Porzellan-und Gefasse-Sammlung nebstdem Specksteincabinetunddem Buddha-Tempel im Japanischen Palais zu Dresden 12 mo. Dresden, 1841 Important for the History of Pottery. 5281 Klemm (Dr. G.) Verbreitung der activen Menschenrasse iiber den Erdball 8vo. Dresden, 1845 5282 Klencke (H.) Naturbilder aus dem Leben der Menschheit in Briefen an A. von Humboldt the dedication copy post 8vo. Leipzig, 1850 5283 Klenze (C. A. C.) Kritische Phantasieen eines practischen Staatsmannes (iiber Schultz’s Staatswissenschaft der Romer) 8vo. Berlin, 1834 5284 Klenze (Dr. C. A. C.) Lehrbuch der Geschichte des Romischen Rechts, lettering in Humboldt's autograph 8 vo. Berlin, 1835 5285 Klenze (C. A. C.) Lehrbuch des Strafverfahrens, Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Berlin , 1836 5286 Klenze (Leo von) Walhalla in artistischer und technischer Beziehung, fine impressions of the plates ( the views india proofs ), vellum paper atlas folio. Munchen, 1842 Presentation copy from the artist with his autograph inscription. 5287 Kliewer (F. W.) Geognostische Karte des Landes zwischen Magdeburg und Kassel, coloured roy. 4fo. Berlin, 1835 5288 Klinsmann (E. F.) Clavis Breyniana privately printed 4 to. Danzig, 1855 5289 Klipstein (A.) Geognostische Karte des Vogelgebirges und der Wetterau royal folio. 1826 With Humboldt’s autograph note stating it to be scarce, “ selten.” 5290 Klipstein (A.) Geognostische Karte von dem Odenwald und Gegenden, presentation copy royal folio. 1827 5291 Klipstein (A. von) Geognostische Karte von G. H. Hessen und Wetzlar (Gladenbach), coloured royal folio 5292 Klipstein (Dr. A. von) Ergebnisse einer geognostischen Erfor- schung des Odenwaldes, with the leaf entitled “ Nachricht fiir die Mineralogen,” author's autograph inscription 4 to. Heidelberg, 1829 5293 Klipstein (Dr. A.) Geognostische Bemerkungen auf einer Reise durch Sachsen und Bohmen, coloured plates fine paper 8vo. Darmstadt, 1 830 5294 Klipstein (Dr. A.) Versuch einer geognostischen Darstellung des Kupferschiefergebirges der Wetterau und des Spessarts, map and view, pine paper 8 vo. Darmstadt, 1830 391 5295 Klipstein (Dr. A. von) und Dr. J. J. Kaup, Beschreibung und Abbildungen des Dinotherii gigantei, with imperial 4 to. atlas of plates Ato. Darmstadt , 1836 5296 Klipstein (Dr. A. von) Beitrage zur geologischen Kenntniss der ostlichen Alpen, 2 parts, plates , author's autograph inscription royal Ato. Giessen , 1843-44 5297 Klipstein (Dr. A. von) Topographische Geologie und Miner- alogie der Gegenden zwischen der Dill und der Salzboden oder des siidlichen Hinterlander Gebirges, plates vellum paper, authors autograph inscription Ato. Frankfurt ( Giessen ), 1852 5298 Kloden (G. A. von) Abriss der Geographie, with author's autograph inscription , half morocco 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 5299 Kloden (G. A. von) Das Stromsystem des Oberen Nil, maps mounted on canvas 8vo. Berlin , 1856 5300 Kloden (K. F.) Beitrage zur mineralogischen und geognos- tischen Kenntniss der Mark Brandenburg, part I, V, VI, IX and X 8vo. Berlin , 1828-37 5300*Kloden. Part I 8vo. ib. 1828 5301 Kloden (K. F.) Das oolithische Kalklager in der Nahe von Fritzowbei Caro min inPommern — Das altesteNaturdenkmal Pommerns 8 vo. (2) 5302 Kloden (K. F.) Erlauterung einiger Abschnitte des alien Berlinischen Stadtbuches, 3 parts pine paper 8w>. Berlin , 1838-40 5303 Kloden (K. F.) iiber die Stellung des Kaufmanns wahrend des Mittelalters besonders im nordostlichen Deutschlands, 3 parts, pine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1841-43 5304 Kloden (K. F.) Beitrage zur Geschichte des Oderhandels, 5 parts, pine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1845-49 5305 Klotzsch (J. F.) Beitrage zu einer Flora der iEquinoctial- Gegenden der neuen Welt, 2 parts 8vo. 5306 Klotzsch iiber Bicornes Linne 8vo, Berlin , s. a. 5307 Klotzsch (J. F.) Studien iiber die naturliche Klasse Bicornes Linn4, pine paper 8vo. 1851 5308 Klotzsch (Dr. F.) Recension des Berichtes iiber die Kar- toffelpflanze und deren Krankheiten von Dr. H. Schacht, author s autograph corrections crown 8vo. Berlin , 1856 5309 Klotzsch (J. F.) iiber Pistia, plates thick vellum paper Ato. Berlin , 1853 5310 Klotzsch (J. F.) Pflanzen-Bastarde und Mischlinge, Humboldt's autograph notes , vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 5311 Klotzsch (J. F.) Begoniaceen-Gattungen und Arten, plates VELLUM PAPER, cloth , g. e. royal Ato. Berlin , 1855 5312 Klotzsch (F.) Philipp Schonlein’s botanischer Nachlass auf Cap Palmas, plates, vellum paper , cloth Ato. Berlin, 1857 5313 Klotzsch (Dr. F.) Die Kartoffel, passages marked by Humboldt 8vo. 1858 392 5314 Klotzsch (F.) iiber die Abstammung der im Handel vorkom- menden rothen Chinarinde, 2 plates , author's autograph inscription , vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1858 5315 Klotzsch (F.) Die Vegetation, author's autograph inscription and corrections royal 8vo. 5316 Knapp (A.) Hohenstaufen, ein Cyclus von Liedern und Gedichten, plates , wants title-sheet , hut Poems perfect 8vo. Stuttgart , 1839 5317 Knapp (G. C.) Anleitung zu einem Gottseligen Leben 12mo. Paris , 1834 5318 Knebel (K. L. von) Briefwechsel mit seiner Schwester Hen- riette. Herausgegeben von H. Diintzer eike paper 8t>o. Jena , 1858 5319 Knebel (K. L. von) Zur Deutschen Literatur und Geschichte. Ungedruckte Briefe aus Knebels Nachlass herausgegeben von H. Diintzer, 2 vol. in 1 post 8vo. Nurnberg , 1858 Containing 215 Letters written to Knebel by D ’Alton, Batch, Blum, Bottiger, Biilow, Gerning, Caroline von Herder, Riemer, Charlotte von Stein, Wolf, &c. &c. 5320 Kneip (A. A. C.) de Ossificatione pathologica, plate 8 vo. Gripesvaldice, 1841 5321 Knight (Henry Gaily) iiber die Entwickelung der Architektur vom zehnten bis vierzehnten Jahrhundert unter den Normannen in Frankreich, England, Unteritalien und Sicilien. Mit einer Einleitung von Dr. C. R. Lepsius, India proof plates larqe paper, half morocco royal 8vo* Leipzig, 1841 5322 Knighthood. Der Elephanten-Orden und seine Ritter von J. H. F. Berlien, portrait of Christian VIII in the Rohes of the Order , and plates of the Collar , Jewels , Costume , Seal , fyc. 8vo. Kopenhagen, 1846 5323 Knobel (A.) Die Volkertafel der Genesis vellum paper, Humboldt's autograph notes in pencil 8 vo. Giessen , 1850 5324 Knoblauch (C. H.) de Calore radiante yelltjm paper 4fo. Berolini , 1846 5325 Knoblauch (Dr. H.) iiber die Abhangigkeit des Durchgangs der strahlenden Warme durch Krystalle von ihrer Richtung in denselben 8vo. Leipzig , s. a. 5326 Knochenhauer (K. W.) iiber die grossern Hofe um die Sonne und den Mond, plate 4 to. Meiningen , 1840 5327 Knochenhauer (K. W.) iiber gebundene Elektricitat, 2 parts, plate , Leipzig , 1842-43 — Ueber den Nebenstrom und iiber die elektrischen Strome im getheilten Schliessungsdrahte der Batterie, 4 parts, ih. 1843 8 vo. (6) 393 5328 Knoclienhauer (K. W.) iiber die inducirte Ladung der Neben- batterie in ihrem Maximum fine papee royal 8 vo. Wien , 1853 5329 Knochenhauer (K. W.) Beitrage zur Elektricitatslehre, plate 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 5330 Knochenhauer (K. W.) iiber die gemeinsame Wirkung zweier elektrischer Strome, plate royal 8vo. Wien, 1855 5331 Knochenhauer (K. W.) Beobachtungen iiber zwei sich gleich- zeitig entladende Batterien ; und Yersuche mit einer getheilten Batterie, 2 parts royal 8vo. Wien, 1857-58 5332 Knop (Dr. A.) Der Chloritschiefer von Harthau und die Bedeutung der Pseudomorphosen von Glimmer nach anderen Mineralien fur Bodenkunde, Humboldt'’ s autograph note 4 to. s. 1. a. 5333 Knop (Dr. W.) iiber das Verhalten einiger Wasserpflanzen zu Gasen, plate 8vo. Leipzig , 1 853 5334 Knorr (E.) Meteorologische Beobachtungen aus dem Lehr- bezirk der K. Russischen Universitat Kasan. Heft I, 1835-1836 royal 4to. Kasan, 1841 Containing as an Appendix, “ N. Lobatschewsky iiber die Con- verges der unendlichen Reihen,” and “ E. Knorr iiber den Yortrag der Physik auf Gymnasien.” 5335 Koch (Dr. A. C.) Beschreibung des Hydrarchos Harlani und dessen Entdeckung in Alabama 8vo. Dresden, s. a. 5336 Koch (C.) Hortus Dendrologicus royal 8vo. Berolini, 1853 5337 Koch (Dr. K.) Lauf des Tschorok Flusses zum Schwarzen Meere royal 4 to. 1843 5338 Koch (Dr. Karl) Reise durch Russland nach dem Kauka- sischen Isthmus, 2 vol. Stuttgart , 1842-43 — Wanderungen im Oriente, vol. II — Reise im Pontischen Gebirge und Tiirkischen Armenien, vellum papee, Weimar, 1846, 2 vol. in 1, half green morocco extra, and vol. 3 sewed — Wanderungen im Oriente, vol. I — Reise nach Konstanti- nopel und nach Trebisond, vellum papee, Weimar, 1846 — Wanderungen im Oriente, vol. Ill — Reise in Grusien, am Kaspischen Meere und im Kaukasus, vellum papee 8 vo. 5 vol. in 4 5339 Koch (Dr. K.) Karte von dem Kaukasischen Isthmus und von Armenien, on 4 sheets, coloured and marTced “ Ethnogra- phische Karte f vellum papee royal folio. Berlin, 1850 5340 Koch. Another copy, coloured and marked “ Geognostische Karte,” 4 sheets, vellum papee, royal folio ib. 1850 5341 Koch. Another copy, coloured and marked “ Botanische Karte,” on 4 sheets, vellum papee, royal folio ib. 1850 5342 Koch. Erlseuterungen zu Koch’s Karte des Kaukasischen Isthmus und Armeniens 4 to. Berlin, s. a. 3 E 394 5343 Koch (Dr. K.) Beitrage zu einer Flora des Orients, 3 parts, plates , pine paper 8vo. Halle , 1848-49 5344 Koch (Dr. K.) Die Krim und Odessa crown 8 vo. Leipzig , 1854 5345 Koch (Dr. K.) Die Weissdorn-und Mispel-Arten royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 5346 Koch (Dr. K.) Bildende Gartenkunst und Pflanzen-Physiog- nomik post 8 vo. Berlin , 1859 5347 Koeber (G.) Plan von Sans-Souci und Charlottenhof atlas folio. Berlin , 1836 5348 Koeber (G.) Plan von Charlottenhof oder Siam mounted on cloth oblong royal folio. Berlin , 1839 5349 Koeber (G.) Der Thiergarten bei Berlin in 1840, india proof atlas folio . Berlin , 1840 5350 Kocker (C.) liber Rutschbahnen 8vo. Gottingen , 1834 5351 Koehne (B. W.) Izsledovaniya ob Istorii i Drevnostiakh goroda Khersonesa Tavriclieskago (Researches on the History and Antiquities of the Town of Tauric Chersones. In Russian) plates , red morocco , g. e. 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1848 5352 Koester (II.) de Greecse ComcediEe Parabasi Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Sundice , 1835 5353 Kohler (F. J.) uber die Yertheilung der Farben und Geruchs- verhliltnisse in den wichtigern Familien des Pflanzenreichs plate , eine paper 8vo. Tubingen , 1831 5354 [Koehler (H.)] Memoire sur les lies et la Course consacrees a Achille dans le Pont-Euxin avec des Eclaircissemens sur les Antiquites du Littoral de la Sarmatie et des Recherches sur les Honneurs que les Grecs ont accord^s a Achille et aux autres Heros de la Guerre de Troie, 2 maps and plate large paper, half red morocco , uncut royal 4 to. St. Petersburg , 1827 Very scarce. This was probably a presentation copy from the Author in person, as Baron Humboldt has written “ Mr. Koehler ” with his own hand in pencil on cover. 5355 Kohne (B.) Die auf die Geschichte der Deutschen und Sar- maten beziiglichen Romischen Miinzen, plates of coins yellum: paper 8vo. Berlin , 1844 5356 Kohne (Dr. B. von) liber die im Russischen Reiche gefunde- nen Abendlandischen Miinzen des X, XI, XII Jahrhun- derts , plates, cloth, g. e. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1850 5357 Koehne (B. de) Description du Musee de feu le Prince Basile Kotschoubey d’apres son Catalogue Manuscrit et Re- cherches sur l’Histoire et la Numismatique des Colonies Grecques en Russie ainsi que des Royaumes du Pont et du Bosphore Cimmerien, 2 vol. vignettes and plates of Greek coins and antiquities , large paper, autograph of “ A1 Hnmboldt’’ in each volume royal 4 to. St. Petersburg, 1857 Very scarce, having been printed for presents only. 395 5358 Koehnk (F. G.) de Ectopiis in universum et de Hernia crurali in Specie, adjecto hujus Hernise Casu rarissimo, plate 8vo. Gh'yphice , 1842 5359 Koelle (Eev. S. W.) African Native Literature or Proverbs, Tales, Fables and Historical Fragments in the Kanuri or Bornu Language, with Translation, and a Kanuri-English Vocabulary, tine paper 8 vo. London , 1854 5360 Koelle (Rev. S. W.) Polyglotta Africana, or a comparative Vocabulary of nearly 300 Words and Phrases in more than one hundred distinct African Languages, with the map royal folio. London , 1854 5361 Koelle (Rev. S. W.) Grammar of the Bornu or Kanuri Lan- guage, plate 8 vo, London , 1854 5362 Koelle (S. W.) Grammar of the Vei Language with Vei- English Vocabulary 8vo. London , 1854 5363 Kolliker (A.) iiber die Wirkung einiger Gifte, privately printed author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1856 5364 Kolliker (A.) iiber die Wirkung einiger Gifte privately printed 8 vo. Berlin , 1856 5365 Konig (Dr.) Der Kreislauf des Blutes und die Planetenbahnen, plate Weissensee , 1845 5366 Konig, Staat und Volk den heut’gen Wiihlern und Dema- gogen gegeniiber, ein Gedicht, privately printed 8vo. 1 848 5367 Koenig (T.) Uebersichts Karte von der Ost-See, &c. imperial 4 to. Berlin , 1854 5368 Konigsberg. Ueber das Kriegschulden-Wesen der Stadt Konigsberg royal 8 vo. Konigsberg , 1840 A printed notice informs us that the edition was limited to 50 copies, te Zur Vertheilung unter specieller Controlle, &c.” 5369 Konigskrone (Die) Unserm Landesvater ein Hosiana (a col- lection of loyal hymns edited by K. Reinthaler , with music) square royal 12 mo. Erfurt , 1853 5370 Kopke (G. G. S.) Einladung zur Feier des Wohlthaterfestes im Berlinischen Gymnasium zum grauen Kloster 4 to. Berlin , 1834 Containing “ F. Fischer’s Rede bei der Bestattung des Prof. E. G. Fischer” and “F. Zelle’s Gedachtnissrede auf E. G. Fischer.” 5371 Koeppen (C. F.) Literarische Einleitung in die Nordische Mythologie, etne paper 8vo. Berlin , 1837 5372 Koppen (P. von) iiber Pflanzen-Acclimatisirung in Russland royal 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1856 5373 Koppen (P.) Map of Crimea in Russian royal folio . St. Petersburg , 1836 5374 Koppen (P.) Etnograficheskaya Karta Yevropeyskoy Rossii. Ethnographical Map of European Russia, 4 sheets atlas folio. St. Petersburg , 1851 396 5375 Koeppen (P. von) fiber die Anfertigung der Ethnographischen Karte des Europaischen Russlands 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1852 5376 Korber (Dr. G. W.) Grundriss der Kryptogamen-Kunde pine papee, Humboldt's autograph notes , cloth , g. e. 8 vo. Breslau , 1848 5377 Korber (Dr. G. W.) Grundziige einer allgemeinen Natur- geschichte, laege papee royal 8 vo. Breslau , 1851 5378 Kohl (J. G.) Der Yerkehr und die Ansiedelungen der Men- schen in ihrer Abhangigkeit von der Gestaltung der Erd- oberflache, with atlas of plates, 2 vol. 8vo. Dresden, 1841 5379 Kohl (J. G.) Hundert Tage auf Reisen in den (Esterreich- ischen Staaten (Bohmen ; von Linz nach Wien ; Ungarn ; in Steiermark und in Baierischen Hochlande) 5 vol. in 3, map and plates , the dedication copy on fine paper half calf gilt post 8vo. Dresden, 1842 Dedicated to Alexander von Humboldt. 5380 Kohl (J. G.) Reisen in Irland, 2 vol. post 8vo. Dresden, 1843 5381 Kohl (J. G.) Land und Leute der Britischen Inseln. Beitrage zur Charakteristik Englands und die Englander, 3 vol. pine papee, autograph o/“Al Humboldt” 8 vo. Dresden, 1844 5382 Kohl (J. G.) Reisen in England und Wales, 3 vol. post 8 vo. Dresden, 1844 Kohl seems to have gone to Wakefield with the idea of finding amongst the old people “ noch einige Traditionen ” of Gold- smith’s Vicar " von dem guten alten Prediger und seinen schonen Tochtern ! 1 ! ” 5383 Kohl (J. G.) Reisen in Schottland, 2 vol. 8vo. Dresden, 1844 5384 Kohl (J. G.) on a Chartographical Depot for the History and Geography of America Humboldt' s autograph notes 8 vo. ( Washington , n. d.) 5385 Kohl (J. G.) Descriptive Catalogue of Maps relating to Ame- rica, mentioned in Hakluyt, laege papee, author's auto- graph inscription 8 vo. Washington , 1857 5386 Kokscharow (N. von) fiber eine neue Combination des Scapo- liths und des Krystallsystem des Uralorthits, plates, St. Pe- tersburg, 1848 — Ueber Brookis-Krystalle vom Ural , plate, author's autograph inscription, ib. 1849 royal 8vo. (2) 5387 Kokscharow (N. von) Zur Krystallographie des Pyrochlors, Granats und Kammerits, plates author' s autograph inscription royal 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1850 5388 Kokscharoff (N. von) fiber das Krystallsystem des Chioliths, plate , author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1851 5389 Kokscharow (N. von) fiber eine neue Combination des Scapo- liths und das Krystallsystem des Uralorthits, plates, St. Pe- tersburg, 1848 — Ueber Brookit-Krystalle vom Ural, plate, 397 ib. 1849 — Zur Krystallographie des Pyrochlors, Granats und Kammerits, plates , ib. 1850 — Ueber Krystalle des Chlorits von Achmatowsk im Ural, plate , ib. 1851 — Ueber des Krystallsystem des Chioliths^fatfe, ib. 1851 roy. 8 vo. (5) All presentation copies, each having the author’s autograph in- scription. 5390 Kokscharow (N. von) Materialien zur Mineralogie Russlands, 33 Parts of Text in royal 8vo. and 33 Parts of Atlas of Plates in royal 4to. St. Petersburg , 1853-58 5391 Kolderup-Rosenvinge (Dr. J.L. A.) Sendschreiben an Schlos- ser ( Answer to his History ) 8vo. Kopenhagen , 1843 5392 Kolenati (F. A.) Genera et Species Trichop terorum. Pars prior. Heteropalpoidea, plates yelltjm paper 4 to. Pragce , 1848 5393 Kolenati (F. A.) Die Mineralien Mahrens und CEsterreichisch Schlesiens EiisrE paper, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Brunn, 1854 5394 Komet vom Jahre, 1832, large woodcut broadside royal folio 5395 Koninck (L. de) Description des Animaux Fossiles qui se trouvent dans le Terrain Carbonifere de Belgique, Texte et Planches, 2 vol. fine impressions of the plates Ato. Liege , 1842-44 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 5396 Koninck (L. de) Recherches sur les Animaux Fossiles. Premiere Partie, Monographic des Genres Productus et 'Chonetes, plates , author's autograph inscription larg-e paper royal 4 to. Liege, 1847 5397 Koninck (L. de) et H. Le Hon, Recherches sur les Crinoides du Terrain Carbonifere de la Belgique; suivies d’une Notice sur le Genre Woodocrinus par L. de Koninck, plates 4 to. Bruxelles , 1854 Presentation copy, with L. de Koninck’s autograph inscription. 5398 Konrads vonWiirzburg Silvester, herausgegeben vonW.Grimm, facsimile of the MS. vellum paper 8vo. Gottingen , 1841 5399 Koosen (J. H.) Der Streit des Naturgesetzes mit dem Zweckbegriffe in den physischen und historischen Wissen- schaften, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Konigsberg , 1845 5400 Kopisch (A.) Ode auf Friedrich Wilhelm IV, privately printed {Berlin), 1840 — Ode auf Friedrich Wilhelm III, ib. 1841 4 to. (2) 5401 Kopitar (B.) Glagolita Clozianus (a Collection of Glagolitic Remains, with a Glossary) facsimiles of the MS. very scarce and valuable royal 4 to. Vindobonce , 1836 5402 Kopitar (B.) Glagolita Clozianus, facsimiles of the MS royal &to. ib. 1836 Valuable for the Glagolitic Specimens, Grammar, and Vocabulary contained in the work. 398 5403 Kopp (Dr. H.) Geschichte der Chemie, 4 vol. portraits ( including that of Sir H. Davy) fine paper, Humboldt's autograph note in vol. Ill , half morocco extra 8vo. Braunschweig , 1843-47 Very important for the History and Bibliography of Alchemy and Chemistry. 5404 Koppe (K.) Arithmetik und Algebra, Essen, 1849 — Plani- metrie und Stereometrie, plates , ib. 1846 half morocco in 1 vol. 8vo. 5405 Koran, in Arabic. The Qoran; with the Commentary of the Imam Aboo Al-Qasim Mahmood Bin ’Omar Al-Zamakh- shari, entitled “ The Kashshaf’an Haqaiq al-Tanzil,” edited by W. N. Lees and Mawlawis Khadim Hosain and \Abd al-Hayi, vol. I Presentation copy , rare royal 4do. Calcutta , 1856 Humboldt has written on cover “ sehr selten.” 5406 Koristka (C.) Studien iiber die Methoden und die Benutzung Hypsometrischer Arbeiten nachgewiesen an den Niveau- verhaltnissen der Umgebungen von Prag. coloured maps and woodcuts , vellum paper 4 to. Gotha , 1858 5407 Korner (F.) Illustrirte geographische Bilder aus Preussen, 2 vol. in 1, numerous plates 8 vo. Leipzig , 1856-57 5408 Korner (F.) Illustrirte Geographische Bilder aus (Esterreich, 3 vol. in 2, numerous illustrations 8 vo. Leipzig , 1856-58 5409 Kortiim (Dr. A.) Studien der Heilkunst 8vo. Waren , 1846 5410 Kortiim (Dr. A.) von der Cholera VELLUM PAPER 8 VO . Rostoch, 1849 5411 Kortiim (Dr. A.) Die Lebenskraft, fine paper 8vo. Berlin, 1856 5412 Kosch (Dr.) Bessel’s letzte Krankheit 8vo. Konigsberg, 1846 5413 Kosch, Another copy 8 vo. ib. 1846 5414 Kosegarten (J. G. L.) Geschichte der Universitat Greifswald mit urkundlichen Beilagen, 2 vol.* portrait of H. Rubenow {the founder), and facsimile of autograph signatures FINE PAPER 4 to. Greifswald , 1856-57 5415 Koszarski (J.) Wallfahrt in Palastina (Sacred Poems) post 8vo. Berlin, 1847 5416 Kotschy (T.) Ueberblick der Vegetation Mexico’s FINE PAPER royal 8 vo. Wien , 1852 5417 Kotschy (T.) Der Steinbock im Siidwestlichen Asien 8vo. ib. 1854 5418 Kotschy (T.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Alpenlandes in Sie- benbiirgen, privately printed , Wien , 1853 — Aus dem Bulghar Dagh des Cilicischen Taurus, Berlin, 1856 8vo.( 2) 5419 Kotschy (T.) Umrisse aus den Uferlandern des Weissen Nil, map, author's autograph inscription imp. 8vo. Wien, 1858 399 5420 Kotschy (Dr. T.) Reise in den Cilicischen Taurus iiber Tarsus. Mit Vorwort von Prof. Dr. C. Ritter, view, map, and plan of heights THE DEDICATION COPT, ON VELLUM PAPER, with Humboldt's autograph notes at end, half morocco 8 vo. Gotha, 1858 5421 Kotschy (Dr. T.) Die Eichen Europa’s und des Orients, 15 finely coloured plates atlas folio. Wien und Olmuz, 1858 Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscription. 5422 Kotschy (T.) iEdemone mirabilis, plate 8vo. Wien, 1858 5423 Kotschy (T.) Die Vegetation und der Canal auf dem Isthmus von Suez, author's autograph inscription vellum paper 4 to. Wien, 1858 5424 Kotschy, Another copy, eine paper 4 to. ib. 1858 5425 Kotschy (T.) Hohentableau des Cilicischen Taurus entworfen und gezeichnet von Prof. F. Simony, india proof, with list of plants on margins royal folio, ib. s. a. 5426 Kotschy (T.) Der obere Nil, mit botanischen Namen author's autograph inscription folio, ib. s. a. 5427 Kotschy (T.) Allgemeiner Ueberblick der Nilliinder und ihrer Pflanzenbekleidung, eine paper imperial 8vo. 5428 Kovalevsky (E.) Puteshestviye vo vnutrenniiyos Afriku. Voyage to Inner Africa, in Russian, 2 vol. woodcuts and maps, blue morocco , g. e. 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1849 5429 Kovalevsky (E.) Gheognosticheskoye Obozzeniye Donetzkago gornago kziazha. Geognostical Survey of the chain of Donetz mountains, in Russian, maps red morocco, g. e. 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1829 5430 Kovats (J. von) Erster Bericht der Geologischen Gesellschaft fur Ungarn, vellum paper 8vo. Pest , 1852 5431 Krahner (H.) Erklarung des Epitaphios bei Thucydides II, c. 35-46, nebst Uebersetzung und Gr. Text 8vo. Leipzig, s. a. 5432 Krahner (Dr. L.) Grundlinien zur Geschichte des Verfalls der Romischen Staatsreligion bis auf die Zeit des August 4 to. Halle, 1837 5433 Kramer (G.) iiber den Styl und die Herkunft der bemahlten Griechischen Thongefasse vellum paper, half morocco, scarce 8 vo. Berlin , 1837 Important for the History of Pottery and Painting. 5434 Kramer (Dr. G.) Der Fuciner See, maps vellum paper, half morocco 5435 Kramer (Dr. G.) Der Fuciner See 5436 Kramer (G.) de Codicibus Strabonis VELLUM PAPER 5437 Kramer (F.) iiber Kriminalrecht 8vo. 5438 Kranichfeld (Dr. F. W. G.) Das Hygiocomium. ( all published ), plates 8 vo. Ato. ib. 1839 4 to. ib. 1839 4 to. ib. 1840 Dresden, 1852 Erster Theil Berlin, 1839 400 5439 Kranichfeld (F. G. G.) Conspectus publicus Morborum ophthalmicorum in Instituto vellum PAPER 4 to. Berolini , 1842 5440 Kraus (L. A.) Freihefte fiir wissenschaftliche Natur- und Heilkunde. Erstes Heft, author's autograph inscription and corrections 4 to. Gottingen , 1836-37 5441 Kraus (Dr. L. A.) Das Sterben im Grabe und Mittel dagegen, pine paper, author s autograph inscription , 8vo. Helmstadt, 1837 — Idee das Lebendigbegrabenwerden zu verhiiten, post 8vo. Wiesbaden , 1836 (2) 5442 Krause (K. C. F.) Die absolute Religionsphilosophie in ihrern Verhaltnisse zu dem gefuhlglaubigen Theismus. Erster Band 8vo. Dresden , 1834 5443 Krause (Dr. C. F. T.) Handbuch der menschlichen Anatomie. Erster Band {all published) pine paper, calf extra , g. e. 8vo. Hannover , 1838 5444 Krause (Dr. C. E. T.) Handbuch der menschlichen Anatomie. Erster Band ( all published ), vellum paper, blue morocco , super extra, joints, g. e. 8vo. Hannover , 1843 5445 Krause (C. F. T.) Physiologie der Haut vellum paper royal 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1844 5446 Krause (C.) Anatomisch-Physiologische Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen, plates, 1837 — Ueber die Gestalt, &c. des Auges 8vo. (2) 5447 Krause (J. H.) Olympia oder Darstellung der grossen Olymp- ischen Spiele und der damit verbundenen Festlichkeiten vellum paper, with author' s autograph inscription 8vo. Wien, 1838 At the end will be found the Fragments of Phlegon of Tralles, irep\ tuu ’OAv/jnriuj/, in Greek 5448 Krause (Dr. J. H.)Die Gymnastikund Agonistik der Hellenen, 2 vol. plates, with author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8vo. Leipzig , 1841 5449 Krausnick (Marie) Begriissungsworte an I. K. H. die Frau Prinzessin Friederich Wilhelm von Preussen (Daughter of Her Majesty), &c. privately printed royal Ato. Berlin 5450 Krech (A.) Erinnerungen an Winckelmann pine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1835 5451 Kreibich (F. J. H.) Charte vom Leitmeritzer Kreise des K. Boheim, Prag. 1834-^-Umgebungen der Badestadt Teplitz entworfen vonK. Kreybich, Leitmeritz, 1834 atlas 4 to. (2) 5452 Kreil (C.) Osservazioni sui Fenomeni del Magnetismo eseguite all’ Osservatorio di Milano, with 8 pages of calcu- lations and notes in the autograph of Baron A. von Hum- boldt 8 vo. Milano , 1839 401 5451 Kreil (C.) iiber den Einfluss der Alpen anf die iEusserungen der magnetischen Erdkraft, charts , Humboldt's autograph notes , large paper imperial Ato. Wien , 1849 Presentation copy with author’s autograph inscription. 5452 Kreil (C.) Einfluss des Mondes auf die magnetische Declination large paper, Humboldt' s autograph notes imp. 4 to. Wien, 1852 5453 Kreil (K.) Magnetische und geographische Ortsbestimmungen in Bohmen in 1843-45, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Prag. 1846 5454 Kreil (K.) Entwurf eines meteorologischen Beobachtungs- Systems fiir die CEsterreichische Monarchic, plates large paper royal 8vo. Wien, 1850 5455 Kreil (K.) Einfluss des Mondes auf die horizentale Com- ponente der magnetischen Erdkraft, vellum paper, autograph note of Humboldt on cover roy. Ato. Wien, 1853 5456 Kreil (K.) Resultate aus den magnetischen Beobachtungen zu Prag, plates, eike paper 4 to. Wien, 1855 5457 Kreil (K.) Magnetische und Geographische Ortsbestimmungen an den Kiistendes Adriatischen Golfes in 1854, plate eine paper, author's autograph inscription Ato. Wien, 1855 5458 Kreil (K.) Erste Ergebnisse der magnetischen Beobachtungen in Wien, author s autograph inscription eine paper Ato. Wien, 1856 5459 Kretzschmer (A.) Ideen zu einer Theorie derMusik, with the music , Humboldt's writing on cover eine paper 4 to. Stralsund, 1833 5460 Kreuter (F.) Die Verbindung der Untern Donau mit dem Adriatischen Meere durch eine Eisenbahn, large map with gradients, author's autograph inscription A to. Wien, 1848 5461 Kreuter (F.) Die Verbindung der Untern Donau mit dem Adriatischen Meere durch eine Eisenbahn von Semlin nach Fiume, with the large map A to. Wien, 1848 5462 Kreuter (F.) Praktisches Handbuch der Drainage, plates, and woodcuts, vellum paper, cloth, g. e. 8vo. Wien, 1851 5463 Kreuter (F.) Praktisches Handbuch der Drainage, plates pine paper, cloth, g. e. 8vo. Wien , 1854 5464 Kreybich (F. J. H.) Charte von Bohm. Kamnitz, coloured royal folio. Prag. 1826 5465 Krieger (J.) Die Entrath’selung der sogenannten Platonischen Zahl, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Tirnau , 1847 5466 Kriegk (Dr. G. L.) Schriften zur allgemeinen Erdkunde, Humboldt's autograph references and marks 8vo. Leipzig , 1840 Containing his very curious work on Geographical Nicknames, Proverbs, Calembourgs, Witticisms, &c. 3 F 402 54G7 Krishnachandra ( Baja of Navadvipa , Bengal) Chronicle of his Family, in Sanscrit and English, edited and translated by W. Pertsch, yellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1852 5468 Krishna-M^ra, Prabodha-Chandrodaya oder die Geburt des Begriffs (iibersetzt von Dr. Goldstiicker) mit Vorwort von K. Rosenkranz, with Humboldt's autograph notes concluding with “ Frage Goldst .” eine paper 8vo. Konigsberg, 1842 5469 Kritischer Wegweiser im Gebiete der Landkarten-Kunde, vol. Ill part 1, to vol. YII part 7 ( wanting VI part 1, and VII part 1-3) 8 vo. Berlin , 1831-35 5470 Krosnowski (Comte A. T.) L’Exemple, Revue universelle des Traits de Courage, &c. Tome I, plates , vellijm paper, author's autograph inscription roy. 8vo. Paris , 1856 5471 Kruger (Dr. M. S.) Handbuch der botanischen Literatur in systematischer Ordnung, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1841 5472 Kruger (Dr. M. S.) Naturhistorische Darstellungen aus den Schriften Agardh, Arago, von Buch, Carus, Cuvier, Goethe, Alex, von Humboldt, Link, &c .frontispiece con- taining 7 portraits of naturalists ( Humboldt's forming the centre ) , and plate of Cacti eine paper, cloth, g. e. \^mo. Berlin , 1843 5473 Kruger (Dr. M. S.) Die Botanik in drei Lehrstufen methodisch bearbeitet, 2 vol. plate , cloth , g. e . 8vo. Berlin , 1844 5474 Kruger- Hansen in Giistrow, Practische Fragmente thick yellum paper 8vo. Coblenz , 1845 5475 Kruger (J.) Die Eroberung von Vorderasien, Egypten und Griechenland durch die Indogermanen eine paper 8vo. Bonn , 1855 5476 Krug (Prof.) uber Errichtung einer katholisch-theologischen Fakultat in der Universitat Leipzig 8vo. Leipzig , 1834 5477 Kruse (A. T.) Aufklariing und Bemerkungen uber die Stralsunder-Burger-Vertriige von 1595 und 1616, mit urkundliche Beitrage als Anhang von Dr. E. Zober, 2 parts in 1 4 to. Stralsund , 1846 Presentation copy with an inscription in the autograph of Ernst Zober (the editor), signed by A. T. Kruse and E. Zober, whose “Urkundliche Beitrage,” (1588, 1595 and 1618) are in the Low German Dialect (Plattdeutsch). 5478 Kruse (Dr. E.) Necrolivonica oder Alterthiimer Liv-, Esth- und Curlands bis zur Einfiihrung der Christlichen Religion in den K. Russischen Ostsee-Gouvernements, coloured plates of antiquities , coins , costume, Sfc. with map morocco , g. e, imperial 4 to. Dorpat , 1842 m 5479 Kruse (Dr. F. C. H.) Chrouicon Nortmannorum, Wariago- Russorum necnon Danorum, Sueonum, Norwegorum inde ab Anno DCCLXXVII usque ad Annum DCCCLXXIX, ad Verbum ex Francicis, Anglosaxonicis, Hibernicis, Scandinavicis, Slavicis, Serbicis, Bulgaricis, Arabicis et Byzantinis Annalibus repetitum Notisque illustratum vellum paper, with the cancelled leaf and cancel , author's autograph note, red morocco, super extra, g. e. in a case Ho. Hamburgi, 1851 5480 (Krusenstern) Carte de I’Empire du Japon, name of author in Humboldt's autograph atlas folio. Weymar, 1827 5481 (Krusenstern) Carte generate de l’Ocean Pacifique, Hemis- phere Boreal, Humboldt' s writing on outside , atlas fol. 1827 5482 Krusenstern (A. J. von) Allgemeine Weltcharte nach Merca- tor’s Projection, on 2 sheets royal folio. London, 1825 5483 Krusenstern (P. von) Special Karte der Fliisse Petschora, Ishma, Wytschegda, Ilytsch und Mylwa royal folio. St. Petersburg , 1 843 5484 Krusenstern (P. von) Karte vom N. O. Theil des Europaischen Russland royal folio. St. Petersburg , 1845 5485 Krusenstern (Amiral de) Recueil de Memoires hydrogra- phiques pour servir d’Analyse et d’Explication a l’Atlas de 1’ Ocean Pacifique, avec Supplemens, 3 vol. royal 4ito. St. Petersbourg, 1824-27-35 5486 Krusenstern (A. de) Precis du Syst&me, des Progr&s et de l’Etat de l’lnstruction publique en Russie large paper royal 8vo. Varsovie, 1837 5487 Krystalle-System von M. L. Frankenheim 4 to. Breslau , 1842 5488 Kubinyi (A. von) Szekszarder Alterthiimer, plates thick vellum paper, scarce, green silk, g. e. 4 to. Pest, 1857 5489 Kubyss (Dr. F. M.) Die Cholera pike paper, blue morocco, g. e. 8 vo. Berlin, 1835 5490 Kiichenmeister (Dr. F.) fiber Cestoden, plates author's autograph inscription imperial 8vo. Zittau , 1853 5491 Kiichenmeister (Dr. F.) fiber die Taenia ex Cysticerco tenui- colli, coloured plates , author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8vo. Frankfurt , 1856 5492 Kfichler (J. G. K. E.) fiber Reorganisation des gesammten Schulwesens und Grfindung einer Deutschen Nationalaka- demie ffir Wissenschaft und Kunst vellum PAPER 8 vo. Darmstadt, 1848 5493 Kfihn (J.) sobre el Estado de la Instruccion primaria y secun- daria en Prusia, cloth, g. e. 8 vo. Madrid, 1850 5494 Kfihn (Dr. Julius) Die Krankheiten der Kulturgewachse, ihre Ursachen und ihre Verhfitung, plates pike paper, morocco 8vo. Berlin, 1858 5195 Kfilb (Dr. P. II.) Geschichte der Entdeckungsreisen. Africa. Erster Band, portrait of the Infante D. Henrique, and maps 8vo. Mainz , 1841 404 5496 Kfilb (Dr. P. H.) Lander-und Volkerkunde in Biographien, 4 vol. fine paper, Vol. I to III half calf extra, and Vol. IV seived 8vo. Berlin , 1846-52 A most valuable work, in which will be found Lives of Columbus, Ojeda, Pinzon, Vespucci, Cabot, Cortez, B. de las Casas, Hernando de Soto, Sir F. Drake, Tasman, &c. & c. 5497 Kuers (Dr. F. A.) liber Einrichtung und Leitung der Thierarz- neischulen 8 vo. Berlin, 1841 5498 Kuester (II. A. F.) de Spina bifida, plate, Ato. Gryphice , 1842 5499 Kfirschner fiber Aufsaugung royal 8vo. 5500 Kfister (K. Baron) Katalog rasteniyam Botanicheskago Sada. Catalogue of the Living Plants which were till the year 1856 in the Imperial Botanical Garden, in Russian 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1857 5501 Kfistner (K. T. von) Vierunddreissig Jahre meiner Theater- leitung in Leipzig, Darmstadt, Mfinchen und Berlin vellum paper royal 8 vo. Leipzig, 1853 5502 Kfistner (K. T. von) Taschen-und Handbuch ffir Theater- Statistik, fine paper square 1 6mo. Berlin, 1855 5503 Kfistner (K. Th. von) Theater-Statistik, plate of Lessing's monument , vellum paper square \ 8mo. Leipzig, 1857 5504 Kfitzing (F. T.) Synopsis Diatomearum, 7 plates fine paper 8 vo. Halle, 1834 5505 Kfitzing (F.) fiber Hefe und Essigmutter Humboldt' s writing on cover 8 vo. 1837 5506 Kfitzing (Dr. F. T.) fiber die Polypieres calciferes de La- mouroux, vellum paper 4 to. Nordhausen , 1841 5507 Kfitzing (F. T.) Phycologia generalis oder Anatomie, Physio- logie und Systemkunde der Tange, 80 plates, engraved by the author himself and printed in tints vellum paper, rare, half calf extra 4 to. Leipzig, 1843 Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscription and signature. 5508 Kfitzing (Dr. F. T.) Die Kieselschaligen Bacillarien oder Dia- tomeen, 30 plates, engraved by the author himself the dedication copy ( to Humboldt) on vellum paper 4 to. Nordhausen , 1844 5509 Kfitzing (F. T.) Die Naturwissenschaften in den Schulen als Beforderer des Christlichen Humanismus vellum paper 8 vo. Nordhausen, 1850 5510 Kugler (Dr. F.) fiber die Systeme des Kirchenbaues, plate (i containing 7 representations of church architecture ) fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1843 5511 Kugler (F.) Das Romische Denkmal zu Igel, large folded plate Ato. Igel, 1845 5512 Kugler (Dr. F. fiber Kunst-Anstalten in Frankreich, Belgien, Italien uud England 8 vo. Berlin, 1846 405 SIXTEENTH DATS SALE. LOT 5513 [Kugler (Fr.] Ueber die ICunst als Gegenstand der Staatsver- waltung 8 vo. Berlin , 1847 5514 Kugler (F.) liber P. Heyse’s Francesca von Rimini und friihere Bearbeitungen des StofFs author's autograph corrections 4 to. Leipzig , 1851 5515 Kugler (F.) liber Angelegenheiten der Biihne 8vo. Berlin , 1851 5516 Kugler (F.) History of Frederick the Great, translated from the German by E. A, Moriarty, portrait and 500 original designs hy A. Menzel large paper, splendidly hound in morocco super extra, g. e. the sides covered with gold tooling, from original designs hy A. Menzel, executed hy C. W. Vogt, bookbinder to the Prus- sian Court , in a case imperial 8vo. London, n. d. 5517 Kuhn (A.) Zur altesten Geschichte der Indogermanischen Volker 4 to. Berlin , 1845 5518 Kuhn (A.) Die Mythen von der Herabholung des Feuers bei den Indogermanen, vellum paper 4 to. Berlin, 1858 5519 Kunstanstalten. Gutachten iiber ihrer Organisation, &c. privately printed 4 to. Berlin , 1849 5520 Kunth (C. S.) Synopsis Plantarum quas in Itinere ad Plagam iEquinoctialem Orbis Novi collegerunt A. de Humboldt et A. Bonplaqd. 4 vol. uncut 8vo. Paris, 1822-23*24-25 5521 Kunth (C. S.) iiber Thymelaeen und Penaeaceen 8 vo. 5522 Kunth (C. S.) Yier botanische Abhandlungen eine paper, with an autograph inscription of the distinguished author 4 to. Berlin , 1832 5523 Kunth (C. S.) Enumerate) Plantarum omnium hucusque cognitarum secundum Familias naturales disposita adjectis Characteribus, Differentiis et Synonymis, 5 vol. in 6 and Supplement, plates, the dedication copy on vellum paper half calf gilt 8 vo. Stuttgardice, 1833-50 5524 Kunth (C. S.) Flora Berolinensis, 2 vol. thick vellum paper, rare, uncut 12mo. Berolini, 1838 5525 Kunth (C. S.) Eichhornia Genus Novum e Familia Pontede- riacearum, privately printed, Berolini, 1842 — Ueber die Natur des schlauchartigen Organs (Utriculus) in der Gat- tung Carex, plates, author's autograph inscription, s. 1. fy a. — Ueber die Fruchtbildung der Cyperaceen, plate — Ueber die Thymelaeen und Penaeaceen — Ueber die Blattstellung der Dicotyledonen, Berlin, 1843 8 vo. (5) 406 5526 Kunth (K. S.) Ilandbuch der Botanik fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1831 5527 Kunth (K. S.) Lehrbuch der Botauik: Erster Theil : Allge- meine Botanik, Humboldt'' s autograph notes thick vellum paper, half morocco Berlin , 1847 5528 Kunth (K.) iiber die Farailie der Piperaceen author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Halle , 1840 5529 Kupfer (J. C. H.) iiber das System der Handels-Balance, &c. {on Sugar Duties') 8vo. Berlin , 1841 5530 Kupfer (J. C. H.) Referat iiber die Frage wegen der Differ- ential-Zolle, privately printed , “ als Manuscript gedruckt” 8 vo. Berlin, 1847 5531 Kupffer (A.) Mittlere Temperaturen in Russland 4to. 5532 Kupffer (A. T.) Voyage dans l’Oural, coloured maps author s autograph inscription , morocco , super extra , joints , g. e. the sides richly ornamented , 8vo. Paris , 1833 — Atlas of Views, royal folio, India proofs, ib. 1833 (2) 5533 Kupffer. Another copy, in similar binding , without atlas 8 vo. ib. 1833 5534 Kupffer (A. T,) Instructions pour faire des Observations meteorologiques et magn^tiques, plates 8 vo. St. Petersbourg , 1836 5535 Kupffer (A. T.) sur la Valeur du Kilogramme Fran9ais et des Livres de Prusse et d’Angleterre en Poids Russes 8vo. St. Petersbourg , 1840 5536 Kupffer (A. T.) Observations meteorologiques et mag- NETIQUES FAITES DANS l’ EMPIRE DE RuSSIE AUX FrAIS DU Gouvernement, ou Annuaire magnetique et meteorologique du Corps des Ingenieurs des Mines de Russie (1837-46), 16 vol. numerous plates , St. Petersbourg , 1837-49 — Annales et Correspondance de l’Observatoire physique centrale de Russie publiees par A. T. Kupffer Annees 1847-1855, (wanting Annales 1851), 19 vol. plates , ib. 1850-58 together 35 vol. royal 4 to. 5537 Kupffer (A. T.) sur les Observatoires magn&iques fondes par les Gouvernement d’Angleterre et de Russie 4 to. St. Petersbourg , 1840 5538 Kupffer (A. T.) Resumes des Observations Meteorologiques. Premier Cahier, author's autograph inscription royal 4 to. St. Petersbourg , 1846 5539 Kupffer (A. T.) sur 1’ Elasticity des Metaux 8vo. St. Petersbourg , 1848 5540 Kupffer (A. T.) Rapport sur les Observations faites a l’Obser- vatoire de Helsingfors 8vo. St. Petersbourg , 1848 5541 Kupffer (A. T.) Compte-Rendu Annuel du Directeur de l’Ob- servatoire pour les Annees 1850-1856, 7 parts, author's autograph inscriptions royal 4 to. St. Petersbourg , 1851-57 407 5542 Kupffer (A. T.) Compte-rendu pour 1850 et 1851, 2 parts, St. Petersbourg, 1851-52 — Observations meteorologiques faites & Sitka sur la Cote N. O. de l’Amerique (1833-42), ib. 1846 — Resumes des Observations Meteorologiques, part I, ib. 1846 royal Mo. (4) 5543 Kupffer (A. T. von) Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Elasti- city der festen Korper, author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. St. Petersburg , 1856 5544 Kupffer (A. T.) iiber die Bemerkungen von Biot und Meteorol. Observatorien in Algerien 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1856 5545 Kupffer (A. T.) Note relative a la Temperature du Sol et de l’Air aux Limites de la Culture des Cereales, plate 4 to. St. Petersbourg , s. d. 5546 Kupffer (A. T.) Rapport sur un Voyage dans les Environs du Mont Elbrouz dans le Caucase, plate Humboldt's autograph notes 4 to. (St. Petersbourg , s. d .) Printed for private distribution only. This was presented to Baron Humboldt, and has an inscription in the author’s handwriting. 5547 Kuranda (J.) Belgien seit seiner Revolution yelltjm paper, author’s autograph inscription crown 8 vo. Leipzig , 1846 5548 Kurts (Major) Uebersichts-Karte der Dampfschiffart, coloured proof, \ mounted on white satin , in red morocco case , with “ Statistischer Begleiter,” in post 8vo. by L. von Zedlitz- NeuTcirch Berlin , 1837 5549 Kutscheit (J. V.) Vollstandiger historisch-geographischer Atlas des Deutschen Landes und Volkes, part I containing five coloured maps and Mo. descriptions , thick paper, Humboldt's autograph note oblong atlas fol. Berlin , 1842 5550 Kutscheit (J. V.) Hand-Atlas der Geographie und Geschichte des Mittelalters, part l, four coloured maps of the Roman Empire , East Roman and Germanic Empire , Middle- Europe, and Asia under the Mongol Dynasty Humboldt's writing on cover oblong royal folio. Berlin , 1844 5551 Kutscheit (J. V.) Commercial Map of Central Europe (the part containing Great-Britain), coloured , roy. fol. Berlin, 1 844 5552 Kutscheit (J. V.) Kirchenkarte von Deutschland Humboldt's writing on slip royal folio. Berlin , 1845 5553 Kutscheit (J. V.) Karte der Kirchlichen Verhaltnisse der Schweiz 4 to. 1845 5554 Kutscheit (J. V.) Commercial Map of Central Europe, on 6 sheets , mounted on canvas Berlin , 1846 5555 Kutscheit (J. V.) Palaestina, coloured folio. Berlin , s. a. 5556 Kutscheit (J. V.) Karte von Ungarn, Siebenbiirgen, Moldau und Walachei, coloured oblong folio. Berlin, s. a. 5557 Kutscheit (J. V.) Orbis Terrarum ex Cornelio Nepote descrip- tus, thick paper oblong folio. Berlin , s. a. 5558 Kutscheit ( J. V.) Volker-und Sprachen- Uebersicht von Mittel- Europa, coloured oblong folio 408 5559 Kutscheit (J. V.) Lepsius und der Sinai, map vellum PAPER 8vo. Berlin , 1846 5560 Kutscheit (J. Y.) Atlas der neuesten Erdbeschreibung in 31 Karten, coloured maps oblong Ato. Berlin , 1 848 5561 Kutscheit (Dr. J. Y.) Hand- Atlas der Geographie und Ge- schichte des Mittelalters in 14 Karten und 7 Kartons, coloured maps , vellum paper folio. Berlin , 1847 Presentation copy from the eminent Geographer, with his auto- graph inscription signed “ Dr. J. V. Kutscheit.” 5562 Kutscheit (J. Y.) Atlas der alten Welt, 2 parts, coloured maps oblong royal folio. Berlin , 1843-44 5563 Kutscheit (J. V.) Herr A. Heising fur Tilly und gegen Gustav Adolph 8vo. Magdeburg , 1847 5564 Kutscheit (J. V.) Tabula geographica Italise antiquae, a fine coloured map , dedicated to Humboldt, mounted on canvas with mahogany rollers Berolini , 1848 5565 Kutscheit (Dr. J. B.) Sechs bisher unbekannte Profezeiungen, those relating to Prussia marked by Humboldt , scarce \2mo. Bonn , 1848 5566 Kux (J. P.) Organismus und vollstandige Statistik des Preussischen Staats pine paper, half morocco 8vo. Berlin , 1840 5567 L. (W.) Tempus omnia revelat privately printed royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1851 A speech on Free-Trade, which the author commenced, but was prevented from proceeding with by the President of the Berlin Association for Free-Trade. 5568 La Beaumelle. Observations sur un Ecrit de M. Ch. Nisard contre L. Angliviel de La Beaumelle suivies d’une Notice biographique (par M. Angliviel) et une Lettre de M. de la Beaumelle a MM. Philibert et Chirol 8 vo. Paris , 1853 5569 Labecki (H.) Gornictwo w Polsce, opis Koralnictwa i Hut- nictwa Polkiego, 2 vol. plates author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Warszawa , 1841 The second volume contains the Polish Mining Laws, most of which are in Latin. 5570 Labillardiere, Yoyage, map of 11 Mer des Indes et du Sud ” by J. D. Barbie du Bocage royal folio. Paris, 1800 5571 [Labis (Eugen)] Jubilaumsklange aus Jena ein Festgrusz an alte und junge Jenenser von P. O. Eta pirst edition, with autograph letter from the Poet crown 8 vo. Jena, 1858 5572 [Labis] Jubilaumsklange die 300jahrige Jubelfeier der Uni- versitat Jena in Lied und Bild von P. O. Eta second edition, on vellum paper fcap. 8vo.Weimar, 1858 5573 Laborde (L. de) Carte de l’Arabie Petree, with Humboldt's autograph note, in which it is termed “ wichtig” ( important ) atlas folio. Paris , 1834 409 5574 Laborde (Comte de) de l’Union des Arts et de l’lndustrie, 2 vol. laege papee, rare imperial 8vo. Paris , 1856 5575 Laboulaye (E.) de l’Enseignement du Droit en France author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1839 5576 Lachenmeyer (J. C.) liber die Farbenveranderungen der Bliithen, plate, eine papee 8t*o. Tubingen, 1833 5577 Lachmann (Prof. Dr. W.) Dritter und vierter Jahresbericht iiber das Blinden-Institut zu Braunschweig von 1838 bis 1853, 2 voL in 1, author's autograph inscription vellum papee, red morocco , g. e. 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1845-53 5578 Lachmann (C. H.) de Pace Cimonica eine papee 8 vo. Vratislavice , 1835 5579 Lachmann (Dr. K. H.) Die Spartanische Staatsverfassung in ihrer Entwickelung und ihrem Verfalle vellum papee, red morocco , g. e. 8 vo. Breslau , 1836 5580 Lachmann (Dr. K. H.) Geschichte Griechenlands vora Ende des Peloponnesischen Krieges. Erster Theil eune papee 8 vo. Leipzig , 1839 5581 Lachmann (K.) Ausgaben classischer Werke darf jeder nach- drucken, privately printed 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 5582 Lachmann (K. H.) iiber die Unsterblichkeit der menschlichen Seele nach Platon und Paulos 6vo. Landeshut , 1848 5583 Lachmann (K. H.) iiber Platon’s Vorstellungen von Recht und Erziehung 8vo. Hirschberg , 1849 5584 Lachmann (Prof. D. W.) Entwickelung der Vegetation durch die Warme, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Braunschweig , 1855 5585 Lachmann (Prof. W.) Nivellement des Harz-Gebirges, with the large plate of sections , author s autograph inscription vellum papee, morocco 8vo. Braunschweig , 1851 5586 Lachmann (Prof. W.) Physiographic (Nivellement und Geog- nosie) des Herzogthumes Braunschweig und des Harz- Gebirges, 2 vol. plates , with the large coloured geognostic map ( pronounced by Humboldt in his autograph note “ die schone neue Karte”) mounted on gilt rollers vellum papee, green morocco extra , g. e. 8vo. Braunschweig , 1851-52 With the following inscriptions in the author’s autograph “ S* Excellenz dem Freihern Al. v. Humboldt Koniglich Preussischen wirklichen Geheimenrathe, Commandeur, Ritter, u. s. w. u. s. w. dem tiefen Kenner der Natur dem erhabenen Beschiitzer der Freunde der Natur als Zeichen der innigsten Verehrung des Verf.” The second, in similar language, con- cluding with 1842 420 5729 Lebert (H.) Physiologie Pathologique, 2 vol. and imperial 8vo . atlas of 22 plates , morocco super extra, g. e. 8vo. Paris , 1845 5730 Lebert (Prof. Dr. H.) iiber die Pilzkrankheit der Fliegen, &c. plates , author s autograph inscription yelltjm paper 4fo. Zurich, 1856 5731 Lebert (Dr. H.) Skizzen aus dem Leben der Seidenraupe und der Geschichte ihrer Verbreitung author's autograph inscription 8vo. Zurich , 1857 5732 Lebert (H.) iiber die Krankheit des Insekts der Seide, plates yelltjm paper, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berl. 1858 5733 Leblanc et Y. Raulin, Coupes geologiques et topographiques des Environs de Paris, coloured, “ hommage des Auteurs ” oblong royal folio. Paris, s. d. 5734 Le Canu (L. R.) Etudes cbimiques sur le Sang Humain author's autograph inscription kto. Paris, 1837 5735 Le Canu (L. R.) Nouvelles Etudes chimiques sur le Sang author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. Paris, 1852 5736 Le Canu (L. R.) Elements de Geologie 8vo. Paris, 1856 5737 Le Canu (L. R.) Souvenirs de M. Thenard with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1857 5738 Lechevalier (Jules) Rapport sur les Questions Coloniales a la Suite d’un Voyage fait aux Antilles et aux Guyanes pendant les Annees 1838-39. Documents et Pieces justi- ficatives, 2 vol. yelltjm paper folio. Paris, 1843-44 Presentation copy of this very important work on the West Indies from the Author, with the following inscription in his auto- graph : “A S. Ex. Le Baron de Humboldt hommage de mon respect et de ma profonde reconnaissance pour les lumieres puisees dans ses immortels travaux sur les questions traitees dans le present Rapport. “ Berlin, 1 er Mars, 1846. Jules Lechevalier St. Andre." 5739 Lechevalier (J.) de 1’ Avenir de la Monachie-representative en France, yelltjm paper, with author s autograph inscrip- tion, signed “Jules Lechevalier St. Andre” 8vo. Paris, 1845 5740 Lechler (G. Y.) Geschichte des Englischen Deismus 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1841 The best Account of English Deists. 5741 Le Clerc (J. Y.) des Journaux chez les Romains half calf extra 8vo. Paris, 1838 5742 Le Clerc (V.) Examen de la Geographie des Gaules de M. le Baron Walckenaer 8 vo. Paris, s. d. 5743 Le Cointe de Laveau (G.) Guide du Voyageur a Moscou, plates , with author's autograph inscription half morocco 8vo. Moscou , 1824 Valuable for the description of Paintings and Manuscripts. 421 5744 Le Cointe de Laveau (G.) Nouveau Plan de Moscou, avec Texte explicatif, with coloured plan in case 8 vo. Moscou , 1825-26 5745 Le Cointe de Laveau (G.) Description de Moscou, 2 \o\. plates, author's autograph inscription large paper royal 8vo. Moscou, 1835 5746 Le Conte (Dr. J. L.) on Platygonus Compressus, a new fossil Pachyderm, plates 4 to. Philadelphia, 1848 5747 Lecoq (A.) des Glaciers et des Climats ou des Causes atmo- sph^riques en Geologie 8 vo. Paris , 1847 5748 Lecoq (H.) Scenes du Monde anime, 2 Parts, author's autograph inscription , large paper royal 8vo. Paris , s. d. 5749 Ledebour (C. F. von) Reise durch das Altai-Gebirge und die Soongorische Kirgisen-Steppe, 2 vol. and atlas of maps and plates Humboldt’s autograph notes ' 8 vo. Berlin , 1829-30 5750 Ledebur (L. von) Das K. Museum vaterlandischer Alterthumer im Schlosse Monbijou zu Berlin, 6 plates eine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1838 5751 Ledebur (L. von) iiber die in den Baltischen Landern in der Erde gefundenen Zeugnisse eines Handels- Verkehrs mit dem Orient zur Zeit der Arabischen Weltherrschaft, map very important 8vo. Berlin , 1840 5752 Ledebur (L. von) Uebersicht seiner Schriften, Abhandlungen und Aufsatze square 12 mo. Berlin , 1853 5753 Le Docte (H.) Memoire sur la Chimie et la Physiologie V4ge- tales et sur l’Agriculture, author's autograph inscription eine paper 8m Bruxelles , 1849 5754 Le Docte (H.) Expose general de 1’ Agriculture Luxembour- geoise, author's autograph inscription eine paper 8vo. Bruxelles, 1849 5755 Ledoux (M.) Nuage orageux observe sur l’Edough royal 8 vo. Lyon, 1853 5756 Lee (S. P.) Report and Charts of the Cruise of the U. S. Brig Dolphin, 2 vol. charts ( the large chart of the Track being folded in a separate case) autograph signature of “ A1 Humboldt” royal 8 vo. Washington , 1854 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 5757 Lee (S. P.) Track of the surveying Brig Dolphin from Sept. 1851 to July 1852, the large chart 5758 Leemans (C.) over Metalen Beeldjes uit Java, plates eine paper, author's autograph inscription, 8 vo. Leiden , 1857 5759 Lees (W. N.) Instruction in the Oriental Languages considered author s autograph inscription 8vo. London, 1857 57 60 Leeuwen (J. van) Lycidas Ecloga et Musse Invocatio, Carmina thick paper royal 8vo. Amst. 1856 5761 Leeuwen (J. van) Octavise Querela, Carmen large paper royal 8m Amst . 1857 422 5762 Lefroy (Capt. J. H.) Magnetical and Meteorological Observa- tions at Lake Athabasca and Fort Simpson, and Observa- tions at Fort Confidence in Great Bear Lake by Sir J. Richardson royal 8 vo. London , 1855 Presentation copy “ From the British Government.” 5763 Legeler [(W.)] Trost im Glauben privately printed poem 4 to. Sanssouci, 1857 5764 Legeler (W.) Unlersuchung der Bodens, plate 8vo. Berlin , s. a. 5765 Legeler (W.) und E. Nietner, Die Treiberei, eine practische Anleitung zur Cultur von Gemiise und Obst fine paper, author's autograph inscription , half morocco \2mo. Berlin , 1842 5766 Legeler (W.) Wetter-Beobachtungen fur 1858 zu Sanssouci folio broadside. Potsdam , 1858 5767 Legentil (A. F.) sur les Modifications proposees a la Loi du 5 Juillet, 1844, relative aux Brevets d’Invention 8vo. Paris , 1856 5768 Leguminosen. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Blii- thentheile von Dr. N. J. Schleiden und Dr. T. Vogel, coloured plates , presentation copy with inscription 4 to. Bonn , 1838 5769 Lelewel (J.) Geographic du Moyen Age, Epilogue, maps author’s autograph inscription 8vo. Bruxelles, 1857 5770 Legoarant Aine (B.) Nouveau Dictionnaire Critique de la Langue FranQaise imperial 8vo. Paris , 1858 5771 Legrand (A.) France. Carte g^ologique, coloured fol. Par.s.d. 5772 Le Grand (D.) Appel dans le But de provoquer des Lois destinies a proteger la Classe Ouvriere contre le Travail precoce et excessif, royal 8vo. Paris , 1848 — Appel Respec- tueux et Projet d’une Loi, lithographed , 4 to. ib. 1853 (2) 5773 Leguest (Abb4) Essai sur la Formation et la Decomposition des Racines Arabes, vellum paper, “ Hommage de PEditeur B. Duprat ” 8vo. Paris , 1856 5774 Leguest (Abbe) sur la Formation et la Decomposition des Racines Arabes, “ Mr. de Humboldt ” in the author's auto- graph 8vo. Paris , 1856 5775 Lehmann (A.) Reise nach Buchara und Samarkand, mit Anmerkungen von G. von Helmersen, nebst einem Zoolo- gischen Anhange von J. F. Brandt, map and plates fine paper 8vo. St. Petersburg , 1852 5776 Lehmann (A.) Reise nach Buchara und Samarkand, map and plates 8 vo. St, Petersburg , 1852 5777 Lehmann (Prof. Dr. C. G.) Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie, 3 vol. in 4 8 vo. Leipzig , 1850-52 Presentation copy with author’s autograph inscription. 423 5778 Lehmann (C.) Novarum et minus cognitarum Stirpium Pugillus nonus, addita nova Recensione, &c. Potentillarum fine papee, scarce 4 to. Hamburgi , 1851 5779 Lehmann (J.) Rede als Vorsteher der Gesellschaft der Freunde (Jewish Lodge) fine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1840 5780 Lehmann (Dr. J. H. W.) Die Sonnenfinsterniss am 8 Juli, 1842, map , thick velltjm papee, with author's auto- graph inscription post 8vo. Brandenburg , 1842 5781 Lehmann (J. H. W.) Die Sonnenfinsterniss am 8 Juli, 1842, chart of its course through Europe post 8vo. ib. 1842 5782 Lehmann (Dr. J. W. H.) fiber die sehr grossen und totalen Sonnen-Verfinsterungen, map 4to. Hamburg , 1842 5783 Lehmann (Dr. W.) Formeln zur Bestimmung des Maximums und Minimums durch Interpolation author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. 5784 Lehmann (Dr. K.) Gerichtliche Anklage und Vertheidigung des M. Johannes Hus in Prag ehe er nach Constanz ging 8 vo. Berlin , s. a. 5785 Lehne. Sind die ehemaligen Corveyschen Lehne Vitingambt und Ehringhausen Mannlehre oder Weiberlehne ? (von Oberst Garrelt & Dr. Wigand) privately printed 11 als Handschrift gedruckt,” Wetzlar,s.a. (1856) — Gemassigter Nachtrag, privately printed , ib. s. a. (1856) — VollgrafF (Dr. K.) fiber den eigentlichen Geist des Lehninstituts, ib. 1857 in 1 vol. 8vo. 5786 Lehnin. Grfindung des Cisterzienser-Klosters und Beschrei- bung der daselbst befindlichen Merkwfirdigkeiten fine paper square 16mo. Lehnin {Brandenburg) s. a. 5787 Le Hon (H.) Periodicite des grands Deluges resultant du Mouvement graduel de la Ligne des Apsides de la Terre, map of Europe before the Mosaic Flood with author's autograph letter royal 8vo. Bruxelles , 1858 5788 Leibnitii (G. G.) Historia et Origo Calculi Differentialis. Herausgegeben von Dr. C. J. Gerhardt. Als Anhang sind zwei noch ungedruckte mathematische Abhandlungen Leibnizens hinzugeffigt, yellhm papee, with editor s auto- graph inscription 8 vo. Hannover , 1846 A very important Work. 5789 Leibnitii (G. G.) Historia et Origo Calculi Differentialis heraus- gegeben von Dr. C. J. Gerhardt, mit zwei noch ungedruckte mathematische Abhandlungen Leibnizens fine paper, red morocco , g. e. 8vo. Hannover , 1846 5790 Leibnitz (G. W.) eine Biographie von Dr. G. E. Guhrauer mit Nachtrage, 3 vol. india proof portrait and facsimiles fine paper foolscap 8 vo. Breslau, 1842-46 5791 Leibnitz (G. W.) fiber die Bildung der Erdoberflache YELLHM PAPER 8v0. 424 5792 Leibnitz (G. W.) de Principio Individui herausgegeben und kritisch eingeleitet von Dr. G. E. Guhrauer 8vo. Berlin , 1837 5793 Leibnitz (G. W.) Deutsche Schriften herausgegeben von Dr. G. E. Guhrauer, 2 vol. pine paper, half morocco 8 vo. Berlin , 1838-40 Vol. I is dedicated to Varnhagen von Ense, and Vol. II to A. von Humboldt. 5794 Leibnitz (G. W.) Nouvelles Lettres et Opuscules inedits, pre- cedes d’une Introduction par A. Foucher de Careil, with editor's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1857 5795 Leibniz (G. W.) Gesammelte Werke herausgegeben von G. H. Pertz. Erste Folge: Geschichte, 4 vol .facsimiles pine paper, half morocco 8vo Hannoverce , 1843-47 Containing Leibnitii Annales Imperii Occidentis Brunsvicenses, and Leibnizen’s Geschichtliche Aufsatze und Gedichte. 5796 Leibniz (G. W.) Gesammelte Werke. Zweite Folge, Philoso- phic Erster Band (Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz, Arnauld und Ernst von Hessen-Rheinfels) pine paper 8t*o. Hannover , 1846 5797 Leibniz (G. W.) Gesammelte Werke. Dritte Folge. Mathe- matik herausgegeben von C. J. Gerhardt, 3 vol. pine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1849-50, und Halle, 1855 Containing Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz und Oldenburg, Collins, Newton, Galloys, Vitale Giordano, Hugens van Zulichem, Marquis de F Hospital, und die Bernoullis. 5798 Leibniz und Landgraf Ernst von Hessen-Rheinfels. Ein ungedruckter Briefwechsel iiber religiose und politische Gegenstande, mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen heraus- gegeben von C. von Rommel, 2 vol. post 8vo. Frank. 1847 The correspondence itself is in French. 5799 Leibniz- Album aus den Handschriften der K. Bibliothek zu Hannover herausgegeben von Dr. C. L. Grotefend, portrait , views of his dwelling and monument , with facsimiles of his autograph and arms, vellum paper fol. Hannover, 1846 Only a very small number of copies printed. 5800 Leichhardt (Dr. L.) Tagebuch einer Landreise in Australien von Moreton Bay nach Port Essington, iibersetzt von E. A. Zuchold, autograph of “ A1 Humboldt,” vellum paper, splendidly hound in blue morocco, super extra , g. e. the sides ornamented with gold tooling , having the arms of Baron Humboldt on obverse cover 8vo. Halle, 1851 5801 Leidenfrost (Dr. K. F.) Historisch-biographisches Handwor- terbuch, 5 vol. post 8 vo. Ilmenau, 1824-27 5802 Leidy (Dr. J.) on Articular Cartilages, plates royal 8vo. Philadelphia , 1849 425 5803 Leidy (J.) Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, plates author s autograph inscription royal Ato. Philadelphia , 1855 5804 Leidy (Dr. J.) Descriptions of Remains of Fishes and extinct Mammalia, plates , author's autograph inscription royal 4 to. Philadelphia , 1856 5805 Leidy (Dr. J.) Synopsis of Entozoa, author's autograph inscrip- tion , Philadelphia , 1856 — On Poebrotherium Wilsoni, ib. 1847 — On Merycoidodon Culbertsonii, ib. 1848 royal 8 vo. (3) 5806 Leipzig-Eisenbahn-Comite. Sieben Berichte, map, Humboldt's writing on cover, Leipzig , 1834-35 — Leipzig-Dresdner Eisenbahn-Compagnie. Zehnte General- Versammlung, ib. 1844 4/o. (2) 5807 Leipzig-Dresdner Eisenbahn-Compagnie Directorium’s Ge- schaftsberichte fiir- 1839, 1840, 1843 Ato. 1839-43 5808 Lengerke (Dr. A. von) Amtlicher Bericht iiber die Versamm- lung Deutscher Land-und Forstwirthe zu Potsdam im September, 1839 royal 8vo. Berlin, 1840 5809 Lengerke (Dr. A. von) Annalen der Landwirthschaft in Preussen, Vol. VIII, Part 2 8vo. Berlin , 1846 5810 Lengerke (Dr. A. von) Beobachtungen auf landwirthschaft- lichen Reisen in Sachsen und Schlesien, frontispiece and 2 maps , vellum paper post 8vo. Berlin , 1846 5811 Lengerke (Prof. Dr. A. von) Landwirthschaftsliehe Jahres- schrift 8vo. Berlin , 1852 5812 Lenormant (F.) Catalogue d’une Collection d'Antiquites Egyp- tiennes rassemblee par M. d’Anastasi eine paper, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1857 5813 Lentze (Oberbaurath) Die im Bau begriffenen Briicken iiber die Weichsel bei Dirschau und iiber die Nogat bei Marien- burg, 19 fine plates obi. imp. double atlas folio. Bert. 1855 5814 Lenz (Dr. H. O.) Gemeinniitzige Naturgeschichte. Erster Band, Saugethiere, plates , Gotha, 1851 — Zweiter Band, Vogel, plates , ib. 1851 — DritterBand, Amphibien, Fische, Kerbthiere, Wiirmer,p/a/es, ib. 1852 — Vierter Band Erste Abtheilung: die Phanerogamen, plates, ib. 1838 half green morocco extra 4 vol. 8vo. 5815 Leonhard, Geologische Erscheinungen in der Gegend uni Meissen, plates 8 vo. 1834 5816 Leonhard, Gange Kornigen Kalkes im Steinkohlen-Gebirge unfern Wolfstein 8 vo 5817 Leonhard (G.) Beitrage zur mineralogischen und geognos- tischen Kenntniss des Grossherzogthums Baden, 2 Parts, plates 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1853 5818 Leonhard (K. G.) Charakteristik der Felsarten, 3 vol. in 1 vellum paper, with Humboldt's numerous autograph notes (in pencil) on margins 8 vo. Heidelberg , 1823-24 3 I 426 5819 Leonhard (C. C. von) Handbuch der Oryktognosie, plates vellum PAPER 8t>o. Heidelberg , 1826 5820 Leonhard (K. C. von) Die Basalt-Gebilde, 2 vol. in 1, royal 8 vo. half calf extra , and 4 to. atlas of views and coloured sections , eine paper Stuttgart , 1832 5821 Leonhard (Dr. K. C. von) und Dr. H. G. Bronn, Neues Jahr- buch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie, und Petrefak- tenkunde, part I, plate Humboldt' s writing on cover 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1836 With MS. additions by Dr. B. Cotta. 5822 Leonhard (K. C. von) Geologie oder Naturgeschichte der Erde, 30 parts, plates and vignettes cr. 8 vo. ib. 1836-44 5823 Leonhard (K. C. Ritter von) Grundziige der Geologie und Geognosie, plates pine paper, half calf extra 8 vo. Heidelberg , 1839 5824 Leonhard (K. C. von) Hiitten-Erzeugnisse als Stiitzpuncte geologischer Hypothesen, plates 8vo. Stuttgart , 1852 5825 Leonhard (K. C. von) Aus unserer Zeit in meinem Leben. Erster Band, vellum paper 8vo. Stuttgart , 1854 5826 Leonhardi (H. von) iiber Dr. C. F. Schimper und das Schicksal eines Deutschen Naturforschers (Schimper) von Dr. O. Sendtner mit Anmerkungen von Dr. Leonhardi, 2 tracts 8vo . Prag. 1855-56 5827 Leopardi (G.) Opere, 2 vol. in 1, portrait and monument 12 mo. Firenze , 1849 Presentation copy from the editor, A. Ranieri, with his autograph inscription. 5828 Leopold Grossherzog von Baden Verordnung fiir erneuerten Haus-Orden der Treue, plate privately printed folio. Carlsruhe , 1840 5829 Lepanto. Coleccion de Documentos ineditos relativos a la celebre Batalla de Lepanto sacados del Archivo general de Simancas por D. Josd Aparici, facsimiles and plan half morocco royal 8vo. Madrid , 1847 5830 Lepel (Bernhard von) Die Zauberin Kirke. Heitre Reime autograph of “ Al. Humboldt ” post 8vo. Berlin , 1850 Presentation copy, with the following lines in the author’s auto- graph : — o. Paris , 1855 6309 Marcou (J.) Cours de Geologie Paleontologique 8vo. Zurich, 1856 6310 Marcou (J.) Lettres sur les Roches de Jura. Premiere Livrai- son comprenant les Monts Jura et l’Angleterre, coloured map and tables , author s autograph inscription yellum paper 8vo. Paris, 1857 6311 Marcou (J.) Geological Map of New Mexico, coloured, author’s autograph inscription oblong folio. Winterthur, 1 857 6312 Marcou (J.) Geology of North America, 3 geological maps and 7 plates of fossils royal 4 to. Zurich , 1858 With the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ a Monsieur A. de Humboldt hommage du profond respect d’un voyageur dans les Rocky Mountains. Jules Marcou.” At the end is bound up the Rapport of Elie de Beaumont, Dufrenoy and E. de Verneuil on Marcou’s “ Esquisse d’une Classification des Chaines de Montagne de l’Amerique du Nord.” 6313 Marcou (J.) Description geologique des Montagnes Rocheuses 8vo. Geneve, 1858 459 6314 Marcou (J.) Sur le Neocomien dans le Jura, plate fine paper, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Geneve, 1858 6315 Marcus (Louis) Histoire des Wandales 8 vo. Paris , 1836 6316 Mareska (J.) et J. Heyman, Enquete sur le Travail et la Condition physique et morale des Ouvriers employes dans les Manufactures de Coton a Gand fine paper 8vo. Gand, 1845 Presentation copy, with inscription in the autograph of both authors, each writing a portion. 6317 Marfels (F.) zur Durchschneidung des Nerv. Trigeminus royal 8vo. Frankfurt, 1857 6318 Marggraff (E.) Observationes criticae in O. Jahnii Editionem Bruti Ciceroniani 4 to. Berolini, 1855 6319 Marheineke (Dr. P.) Einleitung in die Yorlesungen fiber die Bedeutung der Hegelschen Philosophic in der Christlichen Theologie, vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin, 1842 6320 Marheineke (Dr. P.) Predigt zur Feier der tausendjahrigen Selbststandigkeit Deutsch lands 12 mo. Leipzig, 1843 6321 Marheineke (Dr. P.) Zur Kritik der Schellingschen Offen- barungsphilosophie thick vellum paper 8vo. Berlin, 1843 6322 Marheineke (Dr. P.) Die Reform der Kirche durch den Staat crown 8 vo. Leipzig, 1844 6323 Marheineke (Dr. P.) Theologische Yorlesungen (System der Theologischen Moral ; System der Christlichen Dogmatik ; Christliche Symbolik; und Christliche Dogmengeschichte) herausgegeben von S. Matthies und W. Vatke, 4 vol. fine paper, Humboldt's autograph notes royal 8 vo. Berlin, 1847-49 6324 Mariage (Aime) Nouveau Systeme d’Astronomie base sur l’Optique, plates 8vo. Paris, 1849 6325 Marianini (P. D.) sopra l’Equivalenza di alcuni Spazii e Solidi infinitamente estesi a Spazii e Solidi terminati, plates author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Modena , 1845 6326 Marianini (P. D.) sopra il Fenomeno che si osserva nelle Calamite temporarie di non cessar totalmente, &c. plate author s autograph inscription 4 to. Modena, 1851 6327 Marianini (P. D.) sopra l’Aumento di Forza assorbente in un’ Elica elettrodinamica author's autograph inscription 8vo. Modena, 1852 6328 Marianini (P. D.) Memoria relativa ai Yalori delle Funzioni di una variabile, &c. author's autograph inscription Ato. Modena , 1855 6329 Marianini (S.) Storia di una Sensazione che provava una Paralitica quando veniva elettrizzata durante il Corso Mensile, author's autograph inscription Ato. Modena, 1845 460 6330 Marianini (Prof. S.) di alcune Paralisi curate colP Elettricita Yoltaica, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Modena , 1846 6331 Marianini (Cav. Prof. S.) sull’ Azione magnetizzante delle Correnti elettriche momentanee, 3 parts author's autograph inscriptions Ato. Modena , 1846-47 6332 Marini (Monsignor Marino) Galileo e l’lnquisizione fine paper, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Roma , 1850 A very important work. 6333 Maritime Conference at Brussels for devising an uniform System of meteorological Observations at Sea (in English and French), presentation copy 4 to. Brussels , 1853 6334 Marmier (X.) Lettres sur le Nord, 2 vol. frontispieces author's autograph inscription 12 mo. Paris , 1841 6335 Marmora (Chev. A. de la) Observations geologiques sur les deux lies Baleares Majorque et Minorque author's autograph inscription 4 to, Turin , 1834 6336 Marmora (Cav. A. della) sopra alcune Monete Fenicie delle Isole Baleari, plates , rare author s autograph inscription 4 to. Torino , 1834 6337 Marmora (A. de la) sur le Temple de l’lle de Gozo dit la Tour des Geants author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1836 6338 Marmora (Col. A. de la) Notice sur ses Operations geodesiques faites en Sardaigne pour la Construction de la Charte de cette He, with the author's autograph inscription large paper royal 8 vo. Paris , 1839 6339 Marmora (Chev. A. de la) Memoire Geologique sur l’Isle de Sardaigne, coloured map 4 to. Paris , s. d. 6340 Marmora (Col. A. de la) Notices sur les Operations Geodd- siques faites en Sardaigne pour la Construction de la Carte de cette lie, map, large paper imp. 8vo. Paris , 1839 6341 Marmora (Conte A. F. della) Carta dell’ Isola e Regno di Sardegna, the large map , on 2 sheets elephant folio. Torino , 1845 With Humboldt’s autograph note, pronouncing it “ sehr wichtig ” (very important). 6342 Marmora, Another copy, the one presented to Von Buck , with author's autograph inscription ib. 1845 6343 Marquart (K.) Die Grundsteinlegung zum Kopernikus- Denkmal 8vo. Thorn , 1853 6344 Marquart (Dr. L. C.) Die Farben der Bluthen YELLTJM PAPER 8 vo. Bonn , 1835 6345 Marques d’Origine obligatoires et Marques de Qualite faculta- tives 8vo. Bruxelles , 1845 6346 Marquez (Pietro) Due antichi Monumenti di Architettura Messicana, plates , several passages marked by Humboldt 8vo. Roma , 1804 461 6347 Martens (M.) et H. Galeotti sur les Fougeres du Mexique et sur la G^ographie Botanique de cette Contree, 23 plates , with autograph inscription of Martens 4 to. Bruxelles , s. d. 6348 Martianus Capella de Nuptiis Mercurii et Philologise Latine mit Althochdeutsche Uebersetzung und Erlauterung (Ssec. XI) zum ersten Male herausgegeben von E. G. Graff fine paper, scarce , with editor's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1837 6349 Martin (Ministre des Travaux Publics, &c.) Statistique de la France. Territoire et Population privately printed royal 4 to. Paris , 1837 Presentation copy from A. Moreau de Jonnes, with his autograph inscription. 6350 Martin (L.) iiber zweckmassiges Sammeln und Aufstellen von Thieren 8 vo. Berlin , 3856 6351 Martin (T. H.) Etudes sur le Tim4e de Platon (avec le Texte de Platon en Grec et en Fran^ais), 2 vol. with the autograph notes and signature of “ A1 Humboldt” 8vo. Paris, 1841 6352 Martin (T. H.) Philosophic Spiritualiste de la Nature, 2 vol. author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1849 6353 Martin (T. II.) Memoire ou se trouve restitue pour la premiere Fois le Calendrier Lunisolaire Chaldeo-Mace- donien, author's autograph inscription roy.8vo. Paris, 1853 6354 Martin (T. H.) Recherches sur la Vie et les Ouvrages d’Heron Alexandrie et sur tous les Ouvrages Mathematiques Grecs attribues a un Auteur nomme Heron 4 to. Paris , 1854 Containing various fragments in Greek and French. 6355 Martin (T. H.) Histoire de l’Arithmetique, author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo, Paris, 1857 Very important for the History of Arithmetic. 6356 Martin (T. H.) La Vie Future, author's autograph inscription 12 mo. Paris , 1855 6357 Martin (T. H.) La Vie Future suivant la Foi et suivant la Raison, avec l’Appendice, 2 vol. author's autograph in- scriptions 12 mo. Paris, 1858 6358 Martin (T. H.) sur quatre Personnages appelles Thrasylle author's autograph inscription 8vo. Rome, 1858 6359 Martini (Dr.) Was ist Cholera? 8 vo. Augsburg , 1850 6360 Martins (C.) Voyage Botanique le long des Cotes Septen- trionales de la Norvege depuis Drontheim jusqu’ au Cap Nord royal 8 vo. Paris, s. d. With the following inscription in the author’s autograph: “Mr. Alex, de Humboldt a Berlin hommage de l’un de ses eleves Cb. M.” 6361 Martins, Another copy royal 8vo. Paris , s. d. 4 62 6362 Martins (C.) sur la M4t6orologie et la G^ographie Botanique de la France, cuts yelltjm papee, author's autograph inscription , and Hum- boldt's reference to “p. 414” 12mo. Paris, s. d. 6363 Martins (C.) des Especes exotiques naturalisees spontanement dans le Jardin des Plantes de Montpellier 8vo. Montpellier , s. a. 6364 Martins (C.) sur la Temperature du Fond de la Mer dans le Yoisinage des Glaciers de Spitzberg, author's autograph in- scription 4 to. Paris , 1838 6365 Martins (C.) du Microscope et de son Application a l’Etude des Etres organises, &c. Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Paris , 1839 6366 Martins (C,) sur les Migrations et les Mceurs des Lemmings 8vo. Paris , 1840 6367 Martins (C.) sur les Glaciers du Spitzberg 8vo. Geneve , 1840 6368 Martins (C.) un Hiverage Scientifique en Laponie royal 8vo. Paris , 1843 6369 Martins (C.) Reponse aux Objections de M. Durocher contre Tancienne Extension des Glaciers de la Scandinavie, Paris , 1845 — Observations sur la R4plique de M. Durocher, plate, ib. 1846 — Remarques sur le Memoire de M. Durocher sur les Phenomenes erratiques de la Scandinavie, ib. 1846 8 vo. (3) 6370 Martins (C.) R4ponse aux Objections de M. Durocher contre l’ancienne Extension des Glaciers de la Scandinavie, Paris , 1845 — Observations sur la Replique de M. Durocher, plate , ib. 1846 8 vo. (2) 6371 Martins (C.) sur les Glaciers sans Nev4 de la Chaine du Faul- horn, plate, Paris, 1842 — De l’ancienne Extensions des Glaciers de Chamonix, ib. 1847 — On the Marks of Glacial Action on the Rocks in the Environs of Edinburgh, Humboldt' s autograph notes, Edinb. 1851 8vo. (3) 6372 Martins (C.) sur la Nature et l’Origine des Brouillards secs imperial 8vo . Paris, 1850 6373 Martins (C.) La G4ographie botanique et ses Progres royal 8 vo. Paris , 1856 6374 Martins (Ch.) et B. Gastaldi, Essai sur les Terrains super- ficiels de la Vall6e du Po aux Environs de Turin compares a ceux du Bassin Helvetique, map and cuts 4 to. Versailles , s. d. 6375 Martius (Dr. K. F. Ph. von) Das Naturell, die Krankheiten, das Arzthum und die Heilmittel der Urbewohner Brasiliens yelltjm papee, printed for private distribution only square 1 6 mo. Munchen, s. a. 6376 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. de) Historia Naturalis Palmarum, 3 voh in 1, maps , but no plates roy. folio. Monachii, 1823-50 463 6377 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) Die Physiognomie des Pflanzen- reiches in Brasilien 4 to. Miinchen , 1824 6378 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) Von dem Rechtszustande unter den Ureinwohnern Brasiliens, map 4to. Miinchen , 1832 6379 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis secundum Characteres Morphologicos praesertim Carpicos eine paper 8vo. Number g , 1835 6380 Martius (Dr. K. F. P. von) Reden und Vortrage iiber Gegen- stande aus dem Gebiete der Naturforschung yellum paper, lettered at lack , in Humboldt's autograph , “ Martius Bot.” 8vo. Stuttgart, 1838 Containing his Linnsean Orations, Songs in Praise of Linnaeus, the Linnaean Litany, On the Metamorphosis of Plants, &c. &c. 6381 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) Die Kartoffel-Epidemie der letzten Jahre, coloured plates 4 to. Miinchen , 1842 6382 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. de) Systema materiae medicae vegetabilis Brasiliensis 8vo. Lipsice , 1843 6383 Martius (Dr. K. F. P. von) Denkrede auf K. F. von Keil- meyer, author's autograph inscription 4 to. ( Miinchen ) 1845 6385 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) Denkrede auf LI. F. Link yellum paper, privately printed 4i to. Miinchen, 1851 6386 Martius, Another copy, on common paper ito. ib. 1851 6387 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) Wegweiser fur-die Besucher des K. Botanischen Gartens in Miinchen 12mo. Miinchen, 1852 6388 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) Versuch eines Commentarj iiber die Pflanzen in den Werken von Marcgrav und Piso iiber Brasilien nebst weiteren Erorterungen iiber die Flora dieses Reiches. I Kryptogamen 4 to. Miinchen, 1853 6389 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) Druckschriften von 1814-1854 12 mo. Miinchen , 1855 6390 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) Denkrede auf C. S. Weisz 4 to. Miinchen , 1856 Read and marked by Humboldt, who at p. 11 has underlined sittsame Natur, and added ! on margin. 6391 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) iiber die Pflanzen-Namen in der Tupi-Sprache With two pages of an autograph letter of the author, to which, in Humboldt’s writing, is appended “ Martius, Miinchen, 14 May, 1858.” 6392 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) Denkrede auf J. S. C. Schweigger 4 to. Miinchen , 1858 6393 Martius (Dr. C. F. P. von) Erinnerung an Mitglieder der Mathematisch-Physikalischen Classe der K. Bayr. Aka- demie der Wissenschaften YELLUM PAPER 4 to. Miinchen , 1859 464 6394 Martius (C. P. de) et C. G. Neesii ab Esenbeck Fridericia et Zollernia nova Plantarum Genera, 4 finely coloured plates royal 4 to. Bounce , 1827 6395 Martius (Dr. von) iiber die Krankheit der Kartoffeln 8vo. Munchen , 1845 6396 Martius (Hofrath Dr. von) iiber die wissenschaftliche Bestim- mung und die Leistungen unserer Gewachshauser 8 vo. Regensberg , 1853 6397 Martius (Dr. von) Robert Brown, Denkrede 8vo. 1859 6398 Martynov i Jneghireff, Oospenskiy Sobor v* Moskve. The Cathedral of the Assumption in Moscow. In Russian, fine engravings of ornamented architecture , several in colours folio. Moscow , 1856 Presentation copy, with an autograph letter from Counsellor Bornkoet. 6399 Marx (K. F. H.) Zum Andenken an J. F. Blumenbach yelltjm paper 4 to. Gottingen , 1840 6400 Marx (A. B.) Mose, ein Oratorium yellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1845 Printed for private distribution only. 6401 Mary Barton, a Tale of Manchester Life, 2 vol. post 8 vo. London , 1849 6402 Mary-Lafon (M.) Tableau de la Langue Romano-Prove^ale (avec Appendice bibliographique) yelltjm paper, scarce 12 mo. Paris , 1842 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 6403 Mary-Lafon, Rome Ancienne et Rome Moderne, 2 vol. plan and view , with author's autograph inscription yelltjm paper 8 vo. Paris , 1853 6404 Masch (G. M. C.) Die G. H. Alterthiimer-und Miinz-Samm- lung in Neustrelitz, privately printed 8 vo. ( Neustrel .) 1842 6405 Maskenfest. Das Hoffest zu Ferrara, privately printed , with the two leaves of verses , sung at the entrance of the court and at the conclusion , inserted 4 to. 6406 Maskenfeier des 17 Feb. 1843 in der Gesellschaft Concordia. El Dia de Toros, Andalusische Festscenen privately printed post 8vo. Leipzig, 1848 6407 Maskenzug zur Feyer des 2 Februars in Weimar yelltjm paper, privately printed 4 to. Weimar, 1843 6408 Masselin (Jehan) Journal des Etats Generaux de France tenus a Tours en 1484 sous le Regne de Charles VIII en Latin. Public et traduit pour la premiere fois par A. Bernier 4 to. Paris, 1835 6409 Mastalier (Dr. A. E.) Ischel (written in English) yelltjm paper, red morocco, g. e. 8 vo. Leipzig, 1851 Containing “ Flora of the Salzkammergut.” 465 6410 Mastalier (E.) Ischl’s Heilapparat 8i?o. Wien , 1859 6411 Mastalier (E.) Aper^u physique chimique et Therapeutique des Eaux d’lschel, Vienne, 1858— Memoire sur le Petit-Lait Alpestre et sur les Bains d’Ischel, Paris, 1854 yelltjm paper, morocco, g. e. 8vo. in 1 vol. 6412 Maszmann (H. F.) Deutsch und Welsch oder der Weltkampf der Germanen und Romanen 4 to. Munchen , 1843 6413 Maszmann (H. F.) Ernstes und Heitres zum Pestalozzi-Feste privately printed 8vo. Berlin , 1846 In verse, and including the Latin Parody of “ Dies irse, dies ilia Adest : flet mihi pupilla,” &c. 6414 Maszmann (H. F.) Der Egsterstein in Westfalen, plates by E. von Bandel, yelltjm paper 4 to. Weimar, 1846 6415 Maszmann (H. F.) Altes und Neues vom Turnen, 2 Parts 8vo. Berlin , 1849 6416 Maszmann (H. F.) Kaiser Friederich im Kiffhaiiser 8vo. Quedlinburg, 1850 6417 Maszmann (H. F.) Die hohe Schule, ein Traum yelltjm paper foolscap 8vo. Berlin, 1858 6418 Maszmann (H. F.) Die Volker des Mittelmeeres und der Ostsee, Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Berlin, 1859 6419 Matter (M.) Yie et Travaux de C. Bartholomess, yelltjm paper, Paris, 1856 — Discours prononces aux Funerailles de 0. Bartholomess par Heintz, Matter et Janet, yelltjm paper, Strasbourg, 1856 8vo. (2) 6420 Matter (M.) sur la Vie et les Travaux de M. Philippe de Golbery 8 vo. Paris , 1858 6421 Matteucci (C.) Mesure de la Force nerveuse developpee par le Courant electrique, plate author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , s. d. 6422 Matteucci (C.) Mesure de la Force nerveuse, &c. plate 8 vo. Paris, s. d. 6423 Matteucci (C.) sur la Propagation du Courant Electrique dans les Liquides, with author s autograph inscription, 11 Au celebre Voyageur Alexandre de Humboldt homage de haute veneration de 1’ Auteur,” Paris, 1837 — Essai sur les Phenomenes electriques des Animaux, dedicated to Hum- boldt, ib. 1840 — Sur 1’ Action chimique du Courant Vol- taique, Geneve, 1840 8vo. (3) 6424 Matteucci (C.) Essai sur les Phenomenes Electriques des Animaux, plate the dedication copy to Humboldt, corrected throughout by the author himself, with autograph signature of “ Humboldt" 8 vo. Paris, 1840 6425 Matteucci (C.) Essai. Another copy, plate, with the author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1840 6426 Matteucci (C.) Essai. Another copy, plate 8 vo. ib. 1840 3 O 466 6427 Matteucci (C.) Lezioni di Fisica 3 vol. plates royal 8 vo. Paris , 1841-42 Presentation copy, with the learned author’s autograph inscription. 6428 Matteucci (0.) Traite des Phenomenes electro- physiologiques des Animaux ; suivi d’Etudes anatomiques sur le Systeme nerveux et sur TOrgane electrique de la Torpille, par P. Savi, plates author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1844 6429 Matteucci (C.) Lemons sur les Phenomenes physiques des Corps vivants, cuts author' s autograph inscription 12 mo. Paris, 1847 6430 Matteucci (C.) Considerations addresses a l’Assemblee Na- > tionale de Francfort au sujet des Negociations sur l’ltalie, Francfort , 1848 — Sur les Phenomenes electriques des Ani- maux, Paris , 1840 8 vo. (2) 6431 Matteucci (Ch.) Cours special sur l’lnduction, le Magnetisme de Rotation, le Diamagnetisme et sur les Relations entre la Force magnetique et les Actions moleculaires, plates author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1854 6432 Matteucci (Prof. C.) Lezioni di Elettro-Fisiologia author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Torino , 1856 6433 Matteucci (Ch.) Cours d’Electro-Physiologie, plates dedicated to Humboldt with printed dedication and author s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1858 6434 Matthiae (A.) Grammaire raisonnee de la Langue Grecque, traduite par J. F. Gail et E. P. M. Longueville half calf extra 8vo. Paris, 1831 6435 Matthiae (A.) Grundriss der Geschichte der Griechischen und Romischen Litteratur Humboldt's autograph notes post 8 vo. Jena , 1834 6436 Matthiessen (Dr. L.) uber die Gleichgewichts-Figuren homo- gener freier rotirender Fliissigkeiten, plate author s autograph inscription 8vo. Kiel, 1857 6437 Mauch (Dr. W. J. T.) Das Wissenwiirdigste fiber Kartoffeln large paper royal 8vo. Rendsburg, 1 847 6438 Mauduit (A. F.) Decouvertes dans la Troade avec Reponses aux Observations critiques de M. Raoul Rochette, maps author's autograph inscription, half morocco 4 to. Paris, 1840 6439 Mauduit (A. F.) Erreurs tres-graves dans toutes les Traduc- tions d’Homere 4 to. Paris, 1841 6440 Mauduit (M.) Notice et Observations interessant les Peintres d’Histoire et les Archeologues et Defense de Lechevalier et du Comte de Choiseul Gouffier centre P. Barker Webb 4 to. Paris, 1844 6441 Mauer (A.) und C. Roland, Henriette Louise Gemahlin Fried- richs des Grossen als Landesmutter, &c. 8vo. Neustadt-Ebw. 1850 467 6442 Maupertuis (M. de) La Figure de la Terre d^termin^e, cuts 8 vo. Paris , 1839 6443 Maury (M. F.) Currents, in a double atlas portfolio 6444 Maury (M. F.) Abstract Log for American Navigators 4 to. Washington , 1848 6445 Maury (M. F.) Notice to Mariners 4 to. Washington , 1850 6446 Maury (M. F.) Explanations and Sailing Directions to accom- pany the Wind and Current Charts, third edition , plates and charts , Humboldt's autograph notes {satirical) 4to. Washington, 1851 6447 Maury (M. F.) Investigations of the Winds and Currents of the Sea 4 to. Washington , 1851 6448 Maury (M. F.) Soundings between America and Europe and Africa, with the soundings recently taken by Lieut . Perryman , written in red ink , presentation copy with Mr. Maury's autograph inscription Ato. 1853 6449 Maury (M. F.) The Amazon and the Atlantic Slopes of S. America, map royal 8vo. Washington /, 1853 6450 Maury (M. F.) Storm and Rain Chart of the North Atlantic author's autograph inscription and Humboldt' s writing atlas folio. Washington , 1853 6451 Maury. Another copy ib. 1853 6452 Maury (M. F.) Explanations and Sailing Directions to accom- pany the Wind and Current Charts, fifth edition , charts aathors autograph inscription 4 to. Washington , 1853 6453 Maury (M. F.) Sailing Directions, sixth edition , enlarged and improved , charts autograph of 11 A1 Humboldt” 4 to. Philadelphia , 1854 6454 Maury (M. F.) Letter concerning Lanes for the Steamers crossing the Atlantic, New York , 1855 — Abstract Log, Washington , 1848 — Notice to Mariners, ib. 1850 4 to. (3) 6455 Maury (M. F.) Explanations and Sailing Directions to accom- pany Wind and Current Charts, seventh edition , enlarged and improved , plates and charts blue morocco super extra , g. e. royal 4 to. Philadelphia , 1855 Presentation copy from Superintendent Maury, with his autograph inscription. 6456 Maury (M. F.) Storms and Rains in South Atlantic, with author's autograph inscription folio. Washington , 1856 6457 Maury (M. F.) Another copy ib. 1856 6458 Maury (F.) Die physische Geographie des Meeres Dentsch bearbeitet von Dr. C. Boettger, maps and woodcuts royal 8 vo. Leipzig , 1856 6459 Maury (M. F.) Physical Geography of the Sea, maps , plates and woodcuts , autograph notes and signature of 11 A1 Hum- boldt” royal 8vo. New York , 1855 Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscription. 468 6460 Maury (M. F.) Astronomical Observations at the U. S. N. Observatory, Washington, during 1848 author's autograph inscription Ato. Washington , 1856 6461 Maury (M. F.) Wind and Current Charts : Gales in the Atlantic, coloured charts 4 to. Washington, 1857 6462 Maury (M. F.) Explanations and Sailing Directions to accom- pany the Wind and Current Charts, eighth edition , Vol. I, charts and plates ( several of natural history coloured') labge papeb, author s autograph inscription Ato. Washington , 1858 6463 Maury. Another copy, Vol. I, plates and charts uncoloured 4 to. ib. 1858 6464 Mauvais (M.) Eclipse totale de Soleil observee a Dantzig le 28 Juillet, 1851 4 to. Paris , 1851 6465 Maximilian Prinz zu Wied, Reise in das Innere Nord- America von 1832 bis 1834, 2 vol. royal Ato. labge papeb, with proof impressions of the 48 engravings on copper , 33 vignettes , numerous woodcuts and charts , Coblenz , 1839-41 — Atlas containing Eeise- Carte and 48 large engravings of views , costume , Sfc. imp. folio ib. 1841 half green morocco extra , very scarce 3 vol. Most important for the Indian languages. 6466 Max Prinz zu Wied, Nachtrage, Berichtigungen und Zusatze zu der Beschreibung meiner Reise im ostlichen Brasilien scarce 8vo. Frankfurt , 1850 6467 Maximilian de Wied (Prince) Liste des Fautes d’Impression et de Traduction de TEdition Fran^aise de son Voyage dans 1’ Amerique, privately printed 8vo. Francfort , s. a. 6468 Maximilian Konig von Bayern, An meine verewigte Schwieger- mutter die Prinzessin Wilhelm von Preuszen. Der Koni- ginn von Preuszen a privately printed Poem , very scarce , only a few copies having been distributed as presents Ato. Berlin, s. a. 6469 Mayenburg (A.) Die Volksage vom Coiner Dom poetisch bearbeitet mit Vorbemerkungen herausgegeben von Dr. Th. Heinsius, vellum papeb, with editor's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1842 6470 Mayer (Dr. A. F. I. C.) Supplemente zur Lehre vom Kreis- laufe: II Heft, fine papeb 4 to. Bonn , 1836 6471 Mayer (Dr. A. F. I. C.) Analecten fiir vergleichende Anatomie. Zweite Sammlung, plate author s autograph inscription 4to. Bonn , 1839 6472 Mayer (A. F. I. C.) de Organo electrico in Raiis anelectricis et de Haematozois, plates , vellum papeb, author's auto- graph inscription Ato. Bounce, 1843 6473 Mayer (A. F. I. C.) de Organo electrico in Raiis anelectricis et de Haematozois, plates, vellum papeb 4 to. Bounce, 1843 469 6474 Mayer (Dr. T. F. J. C.) Beitrage zur Anatomie der Entozoen, plates , eine paper 4/o. Bonn , 1841 6475 Mayer (F. J. C.) Neue Untersuchungen aus dem Gebiete der Anatomie und Physiologie, plate 4 to. Bonn , 1842 6476 Mayer (Dr. F. J. C.) System des Thier-Reiches, plate eine paper , author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Bonn, 1849 Printed for private distribution only. 6477 Mayer (Dr. F. J. C.) System des Thier-Reiches, plates 8vo. Bonn, 1849 6478 Mayer (B.) on Mexican History and Archaeology, with a p ecial Notice of Zapotec Remains, plates royal 4 to. Washington, 1856 6479 Mayne (A. de) General Chart of the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, on 4 sheets London, 1824 6480 Mayr (Prof. Dr.) uber die Sternschnuppen Ho. Wurzb. 1846 6481 Mayr (Dr. A.) liber die tangirenden Flachen erster und zweiter Ordnung, yelltjm paper 4 to. Wurzburg, 1845 6482 Mayr (J. G.) Atlas der Alpenlander, Part I, Titel und Uber- sichtsblatt, Section I und IV oblong atlas fol. Gotha, 1858 6483 Mechel (C. de) Carte de la Rhetie (Grisons) scarce royal folio. Basle, 1802 6484 Meckel (J. F.) System der vergleichenden Anatomie, 6 vol. 8vo. Halle, 1821-33 6485 Meckel ab Hemsbach (J. H.) de Genesi Adipis in Animalibus eine paper, author’ s autograph inscription 8 vo. Halis, 1845 6486 Meckelius (J. F.) S. T. Soemmerringio Die VII Aprilis decern Lustra, &c. pia Mente gratulatur, 6 fine plates of anatomy elephant folio. Halce , 1828 6487 Mecklenburg. Die meterologischen Beobachtungen in 1852 & 1853 imperial 8vo. 6488 Mecklenburg Meteorologischen Beobachtungen in 1855, Hum- boldt’s autograph notes, eine paper 4/o. Schwerin, 1856 6489 Medine (Pierre de) L’Art de Naviguer, traduit et augment^ par N. de Nicolai, with the rare map ( including America) and numerous woodcut diagrams , Humboldt’s autograph notes, very scarce 4/o. Lyon, 1576 6490 Meding (Dr. H.) Paris Medical, 2 vol. in 1, author’s autograph inscription, half calf gilt 12 mo. Paris, 1852-53 6491 Meding (H.) et A. Martin Recueil de Travaux lus a la Societe Medicale Allemande de Paris. Premiere Annee 8 t; 0 . Paris, 1856 Presented by the Society, with Dr. Pfeiffer’s autograph signature. 6492 Meding (H. L.) Notice historique sur l’Acad^mie Imperiale Leopoldino-Carolina des Naturalistes roy. 8vo. Par. 1854 Presentation copy, with Dr. Meding’s autograph inscription, signed. 470 6493 Meding (Dr. H. L.) Fest-Bericht der zehnjahrigen Stiftungs- feier des Vereins Deutscher iErzte in Paris 4 to. Breslau , 1854 6494 Meech (L. W) on the relative Intensity of the Heat and Light of the Sun upon different Latitudes of the Earth, plates royal 4 to. Washington , 1856 6495 Meek (F. B.) and F. Y. Hayden, Description of new organic Remains collected in Nebraska Territory during the Ex- ploring Expedition under Lieut. G. K. Warren 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1858 Presentation copy with “Compliments of Lieut. Warren.” 649 6 "Meek and Hayden. Another copy, with F. B. Meek’s auto- graph inscription 8vo. ib. 1858 6497 Meenen (M. van) et M. Yerhaegen, Discours royal 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1844 6498 Megasthenis Indica. Fragments Grseca collegit, Commenta- tionem et Indices addidit E. A. Schwanbeck, Humboldt has written on cover “ was Vi Iso, p. 73 ” 8 vo. Bounce , 1846 6499 Meier (Dr. E.) Die Poetischen Bucher des alten Testaments libersetzt und erlautert, 2 Parts in 1 cloth , g. e, Svo. Stuttgart , 1850 6500 Meier (Dr. H. E.) de Aristophanis Ranis 4 to. Halve , 1837 6501 Meier (J. A.) Apparat zur Entdeckung des Scheintodes im Grabe, plates, yelltjm paper Svo. Berlin, 1843 6502 Meigs (Dr. C. D.) on the Reproduction of the Opussum, cuts 4 to. 1847 6503 Meinel (H.) Ein Wort fiber Agenturen zur Beforderung Deutscher Aus wanderer nach Nordamerika, Paris , 1847 — Letztes Wort gegen den Special- Agenten der Postschiffe zwischen Havre und New York Herrn W. Finlay in Mainz, Paris , 1847 Svo. (2) 6504 Meiners (C.) Betrachtungen liber die Fruchtbarkeit oder Unfruchtbarkeit, iiber den vormahligen und gegenwartigen Zustand der vornehmsten Lander in Asien, 2 vol. Humboldt’ s autograph notes , scarce Svo. Lubeck, 1795-96 6505 Meiners (C.) Untersuchungen iiber die Verschiedenheiten der Menschennaturen, 3 vol. in 1, read and various passages marked by Humboldt calf gilt crown Svo. Tubingen, 1811-15 6506 Meinhold (W.) Mary Schweidler the Amber Witch, translated by Lady Duff Gordon square post Svo. London, 1844 6507 Meinicke (C. E.) Das Festland Australien, 2 vol. pine paper, the lettering in Humboldt’s autograph Svo. Prenzlau, 1837 6508 Meinicke (C. E.) Lehrbuch der Geographie pine paper 8 vo. Prenzlau, 1839 471 6509 Meinicke (C. E.) Die Siidseevolker und das Christeuthum fine paper, half morocco 8vo. Prenzlau, 1844 6510 Meinicke (C. E.) iiber den Gebirgsbau der Insel Java Humboldt's autograph notes 4 to. Prenzlau , 1844 6511 Meinicke (Prof. C.) Der Vulkan Smeru in Ostjava vellum paper 4 to. Prenzlau , 1851 6512 Melber (Dr.) Graphische Darstellung des taglichen mittleren Barometer-und Thermometerstandes zu Frankfurt a. M. in ]851 imperial 4to. broadside. 1851 6513 Melcher (W.) iiber die Yerwerflichkeit der Fremdworter in der Deutschen Sprache 8vo. Berlin , 1858 6514 Melish (J.) Map of the United States of America with the contiguous British and Spanish Possessions, coloured and mounted on canvas in 4 to case. Philadelphia , 1816 6515 Meller (P.) des Aerostats, 8vo. with 4 to. atlas of plates fine paper Bordeaux , 1851 6516 Meller (P.) Projet de Navigation Aerienne 4 to. Paris, 1852 6517 Meller (P.) sur les Courants atmospheriques, woodcut of aerial locomotive 4 to. Paris, 1853 6518 Meller (P.) Phare a^rostatique, Loch-Compteur, Va-et-Vient Nautique, Courants Atmospheriques et Flotteur-locomotif- insubmersible, cuts 8vo. Paris, 1854 6519 Melloni (M.) sur la Polarisation de la Chaleur. Seconde Partie author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1837 6520 Melloni (M.) sull’ Abassamento di Temperatura durante le Notti placide e serene Humboldt' s autograph notes 8vo. Napoli , 1847 6521 Melloni (M.) sulle Iradiazioni de’ Corpi roventi, &c. 4 to. 1847 6522 Melloni (M.) La Thermoclirbse ou la Coloration Calorifique, Premiere Partie ( all published) plates autograph of 11 Hum- boldt” 8 vo. Naples, 1850 Dedicated to Humboldt and Arago. 6523 Melloni (M.) Necrologia (di E. Capocci) portrait royal 8 vo. ( Napoli , 1853) 6524 Melsens (M.) sur l’Emploi de l’lodure de Potassum author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1849 6525 Melsens (M.) Nouveau Procede pour l’Extraction du Sucre de la Canne et de la Betterave author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1849 6526 Memoires couronn43 et Memoires des Savants Etrangers publies par l’Academie Royale Belgique, Tome Y, VI et VII, in 5 vol. plates 8vo. Bruxelles, 1852-58 6527 Memoires d’ Agriculture, d’Economie rurale et domestique, publies par la Societe Royale et Centrale d’Agriculture, 2 vol. 8 vo. Paris, 1846 6528 Memoires de l’Academie de Caen 8 vo. Caen, 1851 Apparently sent by M. A, Charma as containing his Memoire “ Du Sommeil.” 472 6529 Memoires de la Society d’Arch^ologie et de Numismatique de St. Petersbourg, publics par son Secretaire B. de Koehne, 6 vol. numerous plates, rare Svo. St. Petersbourg , 1847-52 6530 Memoires de la Soci^te Royale et Centrale d’ Agriculture. Premiere Partie 8 vo. Paris ^ 1847 6531 Memorial de Ingenieros (1850-1853) vol. 5 to 8, plates half morocco royal Svo. Madrid, 1850 Each of the Articles has distinct title and pagination. Amongst the most interesting are Munoz sobre el sistema defensivo de los Estados Unidos de America ; Lombera Modelo de un Bote de Goma elastica adquirido en New York ; Brochero sobre el Ejercito Ruso; O’Ryan de la Defensa Nacional en Inglaterra; Campuzano y Warnes de la Torre-fanal Colon en Cuba; Santos Viage a Manila; Sanchez Nunez Memoria descriptiva de la Isla dinamarquesa de Santa Cruz de Barlovento en las An- tillas ; &c. &c. 6532 Memorial de Ingenieros 4° Aho N° 6, 7, 8 y 9 y 5° Aho N° 1, 2, 3, 4, y 6, 9 Nos. plates royal Svo. Madrid , 1850 6533 Memorial de l’Officier du Genie ou Recueil de Memoires, &c. propres a perfectionner la Fortification et les Constructions Militaires, N° 6 a 15, avec Tables des Matieres par M. Augoyat, 11 vol. numerous plates , autograph signature of “ Al Humboldt" to 8 of the volumes Svo. Paris, 1823-48 Containing valuable Articles by Ardant, Aude, Audoy, Baillemont, Belmas, Bur el, Coignet, Daulle, Frossard, Garidel, Leblanc, Michaud, Niel, Petitot, Poncelet, Rolland, Villeneuve, &c. &c. 6634 Memorias del Instituto de Ciencias, Literatura y Artes, Tomo I Svo. ( Mexico ) 1826 Presentation copy from M. Alaman, with his autograph inscription. 6535 Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias de Madrid, Tomo I; Tercera Serie Ciencias Naturales, Tomo I, Parte 2, maps and plates ( those of insects coloured ) 4 to. Madrid , 1851 Containing Estudios y Observaciones geologicas de Badajos, Sevilla, Toledo y Ciudad- Real por F. de Lujan ; Estructura Geologica del Terreno de Espaha por J. Ezquerra del Bayo; Insectos nuevos de Espaha por M. de la Paz Graells ; and Aves de la Albufera por J. Vidal. 6536 Mendelssohn (Dr. A.) Der Mechanismus der Respiration und Circulation Svo. Berlin , 1845 6537 Mendelssohn (C. T. N.) und A. F. Neukrantz Werkzeichnung- en, Part I, 6 plates of steam-engine (20 horse-power ) with letter-press descriptions in Svo. oblong roy. fol. Berlin, 1840 6538 Mendelssohn (G. B.) Die standische Institution im monarchi- schen Staate, yellttm paper 8 wo. Bonn, 1846 6539 Mendelssohn (J.) iiber Zettelbanken eine paper, author's autograph inscription Svo. Berlin, 1846 6540 [Mendelssohn (Joseph)] Bericht iiber Rossetti’s Ideen zu einer neuen Erlauterung des Dante und der Dichter seiner Zeit yelltjm paper royal Svo. Berlin , 1840 473 NINETEENTH DAY’S SALE, LOT 6541 Mendelssohn (Moses) Gesammelte Schriften herausgegeben von Dr. G. B. Mendelssohn, 7 vol. in 8, portrait thick yellum paper, very scarce, half blue morocco extra 12mo. Leipzig , 1843-45 The Phadon of this eminent Jewish Philosopher obtained for him a great fame throughout the World. His Translation of the Pen- tateuch, Psalms, Canticles, &c. deserve as much the attention of all Biblical Scholars, as his Philosophical Writings and Correspondence with Lessing and others have attracted that of general readers. 6542 Menge (A.) Lebenszeichen vorweltlicher im Bernstein ein- geschlossener Thiere 4 to. Danzig , s. a. 6543 Menge (A.) iiber die Scheerenspinnen Chernetidse, 5 plates 4:to. ( Danzig , s. a.) 6544 Menge (A.) iiber die Lebensweise der Arachniden. Auch J. C. Ay eke iiber das Hochland von Hinter-Pommern und Pommerellen; und E.F. Klinsmann Novitia atque Defectus Florae Gedanensis, plates 4 to. Danzig, 1843 6545 Menge (A.) Geognostische Bemerkungen iiber die Umgegend Danzigs 4 to. Danzig , 1850 6546 Menge (A.) Beitrage zur Naturkunde Preussens, plates 4 to. Danzig , 1850 6547 Menk (Victor Mekarski Edler von) iiber willkiirliche Ortsver- anderungen pine paper , privately printed 8 vo. Leipzig, 1836 6548 Menke (Dr. K. T.) Drei Anforderungen an die Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und iErzte yellum paper royal 8 vo. Hannover , 1854 6549 Menn (G. F. C.) Meletematum historicorum Praemiis regiis ornatorum Specimen duplex: I de Alexandri Expeditioni- bus Oxanis ; II Propontiaca, maps fine paper , half morocco, g. e. 8vo . Bonnce, 1839 6550 Menn (C.) Commentariorum Ponticorum Specimen alterum 4 to. Neuss, 1854 6551 Mensing (Dr. J. A. G) Die Gymnasien im Kampfe mit den Forder ungen der Gegenwart, with specimen of his transla- tion of Lafontaine’s Fables added royal 8 vo. Erfurt, 1846 6552 Mensing (Dr. J. G. W.) Dr. J. B. Trommsdorffs Lebensbe- schreibung, plate 8 vo. Erfurt, 1839 6553 Mentor (Der Kleine) fiir junge Offiziere von einem Preuss- ischen Offizier 12mo. Stolp , 1841 ^P 474 6554 Menzel (A.) Kurzer Abriss einer Naturgeschichte der Spinnen, coloured plate. 4to. Zurich , 1849 6555 Menzel (A.) Methodiscber Handatlas zum griindlichen Unter- richte in der Naturgeschichte: Zoologisclier Theil, 132 plates 8vo. Zurich, 1851 Presentation copy with the following inscription in the author’s auto- graph : Dem um Wissenschaft & Menschheit hochverdienten Begriinder einer hohern Naturanschauung Herrn Alexander von Humboldt als schwache Huldigung innigster Verehrung & Hochachtung. — August Menzel.” 6556 Menzzer (Dr.) Berechnung und Beobachtung der Sonnenfins- terniss vom 15 Miirz, 1858 , plates 4to. Halherstadt , 1858 6557 Merat (F. V.) Elements de Botanique 12 mo. Paris, 1829 6558 Mercer (Hon. C. F.) Address to the American Colonization Society, author's autograph inscription and corrections 8vo. Geneva, 1854 6559 Mercurius. Guigniant (J. D.) de *E ppov seu Mercurii Mytho- logia 8 vo. Lut. Paris. 1835 6560 Meredith (W. M.) Report on Transfer of Coast Survey to Navy department royal 8vo. Washington, 1851 6561 Merian (P.) Mittel und Hauptresultate aus den Meteorolo- gischen Beobachtungen in Basel von 1826 bis 1836 author's autograph inscription 4 to. {Basel, 1837) 6562 Merigarto, Bruchstiick eines bisher unbekannten Deutschen Gedichtes (Ssec. XI) herausgegeben von Hoffman von Fal- lersleben, facsimile of the MS. very scarce, half morocco 8 vo. Prag. 1834 This copy has Hoffman’s autograph corrections. 6563 Merimee (P.) Notes d’un Voyage en Auvergne et dans le Limousin, plate 8 vo. Paris, 1838 6564 Merimee (P.) Essai sur la Guerre Sociale, plates of coins vellum paper 8 vo. Paris , 1841 Presentation copy from the distinguished author, with his autograph inscription. 6565 Merimee (Paul) Essai sur la Guerre Sociale, plate of coins vellum paper 8vo. Paris, 1841 Presentation copy from the celebrated author, with his autograph inscription. 6566 Merimee (P.) Monuments Historiques, Rapport au Ministre de l’lnterieur author s autograph inscription ito. Paris, 1843 6567 Merleker (Dr. K. F.) Darstellung des Landes und der Be- wohner von Epeiros Theil I, passages marked hy Humboldt , Konigsberg , 1841 — Another Edition, 3 parts in 1, ib. 1852 4 to. (2) 6568 Merleker (Dr. K. F.) Lehrbuch der historisch-comparativen Geographie, 4 vol. in 5, author s autograph inscription fine paper 8vo. Darmstadt , 1839-43 475 6569 Merry weather (Dr. G.) Essay explanatory of the Tempest Prognosticator in the Great Exhibition Building, plate author's autograph inscription , blue silk , gilt edges 8vo. London , 1851 6570 Mertens (F.) uber die Baugeschichte 8vo. Dusseldorff , 1841 6571 Mertens (F.) fiber das System der Weltgeschichte yellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1847 6572 Mertens (F.) Die Baukunst des Mittelalters royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1850 6573 Mertens (F.) Die Baukunst in Deutschland von 900 bis 1600, text small Ato. and plates in royal folio Berlin , 1851 6574 Mertens (F.) Todesfalle und Ereignisse in der Christlichen Archaologie, author's autograph inscription privately printed imperial 8vo. Berlin , 1858 6575 Messerschmidt (Dr. H.) Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlung enthaltend : die Aufstellung des hochsten Zweckes acht phi- losophischer Naturforschung, &c. plates , Leipzig , 1833 — Ueber die Falschheit von gleichnamigen Elektricitaten, plate , ZeitZy 1837 — Die hochwichtige Lebensfrage, ib. 1837 — Sieg der Wahrheit, ib. 1837 eine paper, half calf gilt 4 vol. 8 vo. 6576 Messina. A Series of Proof Plates of the Architecture of Messina, 25 plates {wanting Plate XVI ) engraved by Boys , Ollivier , Peronard , §c. folio 6577 Meteorologies Observationes per Annos 1829-34 et 1838-42 in Guinea facts a J. J. Trentepohl, R. Chenon et F. Sannom presentation copy Ato. Haunice , 1845 Published by the Danish Society as a Continuation of their Col- lectanea Meteorologica. See ante. No. 1874. 6578 Meteorologie. Apparate zur Anfertigung, &c. des astro- meteorologischen Kalenders royal folio 6579 Meteorologie. Bericht fiber die in 1848-49 auf den Stationen des Meteorologischen Instituts im Preussischen Staate an- gestellten Beobachtungen von H. W. Dove folio. Berlin , 1851 6580 Meteorologische Beobachtungen angestellt zu Danzig (1807- 1830) von Dr. Kleefeld fine paper, Humboldt's writing on cover A to. Halle , 1831 6581 Meteorologische Beobachtungen auf den Stationen des Preus- sischen Staats in 1855 oblong Ato. Berlin , 1855 6582 Meteorologische Waarnemingen in Nederland en Afwijkingen van Temperatuur en Barometerstand opandere Plaatsen in Europa uitgegeven door het K. Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut, 1854 presentation copy from the Society oblong Ato. Utrecht , 1855 476 6583 Meteorologischen (Die) Beobachtungen in Mecklenburg in 1854 fine paper 4 to. Schwerin , 1841 6584 Meteorologischen Tnstituts zu Berlin Uebersicht der Witterung im nordlichen Deutschland Jahrgang 1856 and 1857 4 to. Berlin , 1856-57 6585 Meteorology. An Article cut from a Review of Works by Howard, Daniell, Moigno, Glaisher, &c. entitled “ The Weather and its Prognostics” with Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. 1856 6586 Metzenthin (F.) Denkschrift des Veteranen-Jager-Corps yelltjm paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1853 6587 Metzenthin. Another copy, on the usual paper 8vo. ib. 1853 6588 Metzger (J.) Der Rheinische Weinbau, plates very important for wine-merchants and consumers , but very scarce 8 vo. Heidelberg , 1827 6589 Metzig (Dr. J.) Suum cuique : die rechte Antwort auf die Polen und die grosse Zeitfrage eine paper, Humboldt's writing on fly-leaves post 8 vo. Hamburg , 1856 Dedicated to the Memory of Lord Dudley Stuart. 6590 Mewlana Dschelal-ed-din-Rumi (Sheieh) Mesnewi oder Dop- pelverse, aus dem Persischen iibertragen von G. Rosen velltjm paper 8vo. Leipzig , 1849 6591 Mexican War and its Heroes, with an Account of the Conquest of California and New Mexico, plates and woodcut portraits of Generals Taylor , Scott, Fremont, and other officers 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1850 6592 Mexico. Descripcion del Modo con que se conduxo, elevo y coloco sobre su Base la Real Estatua del Rey D. Carlos I N , a rare pageant Ato. {Mexico, 1803) 6593 Mexico. El Congreso del Estado de Mexico concede a A. Humboldt a A. Bompalnt {sic pro Bonpland) Cartas de Cuidadanos des Estado, &c. a very rare printed broadside, sealed , fyc. having the Signs Manual of L. de Zavala, the Governor, and of J. R. Malo, Secretary folio. Tlalpam , 29 Set. 1827 6593*Mexico. Letters Patent (in Spanish), granting to A. Hum- boldt all the Rights, &c. of a Citizen of Mexico Official Document in Manuscript, with the autograph signa- ture of Lorenzo de Zavala , Governor of the Republic of Mexico Dated Tlalpam, 10 Oct. 1827 6594 Mexico. Revista Mexicana, Periodico cientifico y literario, 4 Nos. scarce 8vo. Mexico, 1 835 Containing, besides “ Carta del Baron Al. de Humboldt a M r . A. Coquerel,” many valuable contributions by Don Jose Gomez de Cortina, D. Martin Fernandez de Navarrete, D. Pedro Orive y Vargas, &c. &c. 477 6595 Mexico. Memoria de la Secretaria de Estado y del Despacho de Relaciones Interiores y Exteriores (Don Lucas Alaman) presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription folio. Mexico , 1832 6596 Mexico. Memoria del Secretario del Despacho de Hacienda (por R. Mangino), scarce folio. Mexico , 1832 Presentation copy, with autograph of Lucas Alaman. 6597 Mexico. Memoria sobre el Estado de la Agricultura e Indus- tria de la Republica, que la Direccion General de estos Ramos presenta al Gobierno Supremo scarce folio. Mexico , 1843 6598 Mexico. Vertrag mit Protokoll zwischen Preussen, Sachsen, und Mexico in Deutscher und Spanischer Sprache privately printed , two copies , one with MS. corrections folio. ( Berlin , 1855) 6599 Mexico Valley. Report on the Map from Surveys by Smith and Hardcastle, map royal 8vo. Washington , 1850 6600 Mexico and United States Boundary. Map by Herbst Washington, 1857 6601 Mexico, Texas, und Californien bearbeitet und gezeichnet von H. Kiepert atlas folio. Weimar , 1851 6602 Meyen (J.) Karte zu Reisen in Chile und Peru folio 6603 Meyen (J.) Beitrage zur Bildungsgeschichte verschiedener Pflanzentheile, plates 8vo. 6604 Meyen (Dr. F. J. F.) uber einige niedere Algenformen, coloured plate Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Bonn , s. a. 6605 Meyen (F. J. F.) liber den Inhalt der Pflanzen-Zellen vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1828 6606 Meyen (F. J. F.) Phytotomie. Text in 8vo. and atlas of proof plates, not folded , in 4 to. THE DEDICATION COPY TO AlEX. VON HUMBOLDT ON thick paper, supposed to be unique, green morocco extra , g. e. • 8 vo. Berlin , 1830 6607 Meyen (Dr. F. J. F.) iiber die Bewegung der Safte in den Pflanzen 8 vo. Berlin , 1834 6608 Meyen (Dr. F. J. F.) Reise urn die Erde: Historischer Bericht, 2 vol. maps and plates , large paper, rare , calf g. e. Berlin , 1834-35 — Dritter Theil. Zoologischer Bericht, 7 parts, large paper, coloured plates , ib. 1834, presenta- tion copy from the author , with his autograph inscription royal ito. (3) 6609 Meyen (F. J. F.) Beitrage zur Zoologie gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde, und W. Erichson’s und H. Burmeister’s Beschreibungen und Abhandlungen der von H. Meyen auf dieser Reise gesammelten Insekten, 41 plates of birds , insects, Sfc. \.to. Breslau, 1834 478 6610 Meyen (Prof. Dr.) uber die Erhebung der Chileniscben Kiiste durch das Erdbeben von 1822 8 vo. Berlin , 1834 6611 Meyen (F. J. F.) fiber die Kiimatischen Verhaltnisse des S. China’s large paper, Humboldt's writing on cover royal ito. Vratislavice , 1835 6612 Meyen (F. J. F.) Grundriss der Pflanzengeographie, plate pine paper, half calf extra 8 vo. Berlin , 1836 6613 Meyen (F. J. F.) fiber die Secretions-Organe der Pflanzen, 9 plates , author’s autograph inscription pine paper Ho. Berlin, 1837 6614 Meyen (F. J. F.) Neues System der Pflanzen-Physiologie, 3 vol. plates pine paper, half calf extra 8vo. Berlin , 1837-39 6615 Meyen (J.) Bericht fiber die Resultate der Arbeiten ini Gebiete der physiologischen Botanik in 1836, 1837, 1838 und 1839, 4 vol. author’s autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin, 1837-38-39-40 6617 Meyen (F. J. F.) liber den Befruchtungsakt und die Polyem- bryonie bei den hoheren Pflanzen, plates 8 vo. Berlin, 1840 6618 MeyendorfF (Baron de) Boukhara et une Partie des Steppes de Kirghiz, Paris , s. d. — Carte du Pays occup£ par les Kirchiz-Kassaks et du Turkestan (2) 6619 MeyendorfF (Baron G. de) Voyage d’Orenbourg a Boukhara, coloured plates pine paper, half calf extra 8vo. Paris , 1826 6620 Meyer (E.) Albertus Magnus, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Botanik im XIII Jahrhundert, 2 parts read and marked by Humboldt 8vo. Very important for the History of Botany. 6621 Meyer (E.) Vergleichende Erklarung einer bisher noch unge- druckten Pflanzen-Glossars Humboldt 1 s writing on cover 4 to. Konigsberg , 1837 6622 Meyer (E. H. F.) Comraentariorum de Plantis Africse Austra- lioris quas per octo Annos collegit Observationibusque MSS. illustravit J. F. Drege, Fasc. I et II 8vo. Lipsice , 1835-37 6623 Meyer (Dr. E. II. F.) Botanische Erlauterungen zu Strabons Geographie und einem Fragment des Dikaarchos Humboldt's autograph notes post 8vo. Konigsberg, 1852 Presentation copy, with inscription in the author’s handwriting,, 6624 Meyer (E. H. F.) Geschichte der Botanik, 4 vol. pine paper 8 vo. Konigsberg , 1854-56-57 479 6625 Meyer (Dr. E. J. J.) Versuch einer medicinischen Topographie und Statistik von Dresden, map and plates vellum paper, author's autograph inscription , half morocco , g. e. 4 to. Stolberg , 1840 6626 Meyer (F.) Bemerkungen auf einer Reise durch Thiiringen, Franken, die Schweitz, Italien, Tyrol und Bayern im Jahre 1816, plates , eike paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1818 6626*Meyer (F. A.) Characterziige aus dem Leben des Grafen Carl Ilahn-Neuhaus thick vellum paper, printed for presents only post 8 vo. Hamburg , 1858 Containing curious Theatrical Anecdotes. 6627 Meyer (G.) Potsdam Lustgarten, proof folio. 1845 6628 Meyer (Dr. G. F. W.) Entwickelung, Metamorphose und Fortpdanzung der Flechten, coloured plates 8vo. Gottingen , 1825 6629 Meyer (G. F. W.) Promemoria an die allgemeine Stande- versammlung des K. Hannover (eine Landesflora aus- arbeiten zu lassen) privately printed 4 to. Hannover , 1835 Humboldt has written “ Muster von Darstellungen die den Staat zu kostbaren wissenschaftlichen Unternehm ungen veranlassen sollten ! ” 6630 Meyer (G. H.) de Musculis in Ductibus efferentibus Glandu- larum, vellum paper 8vo. Berolini, 1837 6631 Meyer (H. von) Petrefactenkunde the article from Ersch and Gruber s Encyklopadie 4 to. 6632 Meyer (H. de) Recherches sur les Ossemens fossiles du Gres Bizarre de Soultz-les-Bains(Bas-Rhin) plates 4tto. Strasb.s.d. 6633 Meyer (H. von) Palaeologica zur Geschichte der Erde und ihre Geschopfe read and marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Frankfurt , 1832 6634 Meyer (H. von) Palaeologica zur Geschicte der Erd und ihrer Geschopfe 8 vo. Frankfurt , 1832 6635 Meyer (H. von) iiber fossile Reste von Ochsen, plates 4 to. Breslau , 1832 6636 Meyer (H. von) Tabelle iiber dieGeologie 8vo. Nurnberg, 1833 6637 Meyer (FI. von) Die fossilen Zahne und Knochen und ihre Ablagerung in der Gegend von Georgensmiind in Bayern, 14 plates 4tto. Frankfurt , 1834 6638 Meyer (H. von) Abweichungen von der Fiinfzahl bei Echini- deen, plate 4 to . Breslau, 1835 6639 Meyer (II. von) Isocrinus und Chelocrinus, plate 4 to. 1835 6640 Meyer (H. von) iiber Eryon, plates of the fossil crab 4 to. Breslau , 1835 480 6641 Meyer (H. von) System der fossilen Saurier — tJber Hr. Uhde’s Sammlung von Antiquitaten aus Mexico, 1840 8vo. (2) 6642 Meyer (H. von) Neue Gattungen fossiler Krebse, plates 4:to. Stuttgart , 1840 6643 Meyer (H. von) Uebersicht der fossilen Wirbelthiere des Mainzer Tertiar-Beckens author's autograph corrections 8vo. 1843 6644 Meyer (H. von.) iiber die fossilen Knochen aus dem Tertiar- Gebilde des Cerro de San Isidro bei Madrid 8 vo. 1844 6645 Meyer (H. von) und T. Plieninger, Beitrage zur Palaontologie Wiirttemberg’s, plates imperial 4 to. Stuttgart , 1844 6646 Meyer (H. von) Pterodactylus (Rhamphorhyncbus) Gemmingi aus dem Kalkschiefer von Solenhofen, plate 4 to. 1846 6647 Meyer (H. von) Der Wirbelthier-Gehalt der diluvialen Spalt- und Hohlen-Ausffillungen im untern Lahn-Thal 8 vo. 1846 6648 Meyer (H. von) Homoeosaurus Maximiliani und Rhamphor- hynchus (Pterodactylus) Langicaudus, plates yelltjm paper 4 to. Frankfurt , 1847 6649 Meyer (Dr. J.) Beitrage zur Verbesserung &c. des Schiller’- schen Textes, yelltjm paper royal 8vo. Nurnberg , 1858 6650 Meyer (J. B.) de Principiis Aristotelis in Distributione Ani- malium adhibitis, yelltjm paper, 8 vo. Berolini , 1854 6651 Meyer (J. B.) Aristoteles Thierkunde 8 vo. Berlin, 1855 A valuable work, containing in the first Section “ Geschichtliche Darstellung der Ansichten fiber die Thiersystematik des Aris- toteles von Plinius an bis auf die Neuzeit.” 6652 Meyer (Dr. J. B.) Zum Streit fiber Leib und Seele ylllum paper, Humboldt's autograph notes and marks 8vo. Hamburg , 1856 6653 Meyer (Dr. M.) Die Electricitat in ihrer Anwendung auf practische Medicin, yelltjm paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 6654 Meyer-Ahrens (Dr. C.) Die Bergkrankheit 8i>o. Leipzig, 1854 6655 Meyerberg (A. von) Sammlung von Ansichten, Gebrauchen, Bildnissen, Trachten u. s. w. welche er in Russland (1661- 62) hat entwerfen lassen, herausgegeben und erlautert von F. Adelung oblong royal folio. St. Petersburg, 1827 6656 Meyr (M.) Franz von Sickingen, Historisches Drama privately printed ( als Manuscript gedruckt) eine paper post 8 vo. Berlin, 1851 6657 Meyr (M.) Agnes Bernauerin Trauerspiel post 8vo. Berlin, 1852 Privately printed “ Den Bfihnen gegenfiber Manuscript.” 6658 Micali (G.) Monumenti inediti a Illustrazione della Storia degli antichi Popoli Italiani half morocco royal 8 vo. Firenze , 1844 6659 Michaelis (E. H.) Topographische Charte von Schwaben, two sheets containing “Freiburg” and “ Basel" oblong roy.Alo. 481 6660 Michaelis (E. H.) Skizze von der Verbreitung des Cretinismus im Canton Aargau royal folio. Aargau , 1843 6661 Michaelis (F.) iiber Riibenzuckerfabrication, coloured plate, 8 vo. Leipzig, 1852 — Fortsetzung der Versuche zur Be- griindung des mir patentirten Verfahrens und Beziehun- gen der angestellten Versuche zu der Fabrikation des Riibenzuckers, Magdeburg , 1853-58 in 1 vol. Ato. With the author’s autograph corrections. 6662 Michaelis (Dr. G.) Zeitschrift fur Stenographie, 6 vol. in Nos. plates Berlin, 1853-58 Humboldt has written the author’s name and address on a slip of paper. 6663 Michaelis (Dr. G.) Die Vereinfachungen der Deutschen Rechtschreibung 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 6664 Michaelis (Dr. G.) Worterbuch zur Deutschen Rechtschrei- bung, Berlin , 1856 — Vergleichendes Worterbuch der gebrauchlichsten Taufnamen, ib. 1856 2 vol. in 1, 8 vo. 6665 Michelet (Ch.) Esquisse de Logique author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. Paris, 1856 6666 Michelet (Dr. C. L.) Schelling und Hegel fine papee , author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin, 1839 6667 Michelet (Dr. C. L.) Schelling und Hegel, vellum papee, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1839 Michelet, the Editor of Hegel’s Works, was an intimate Friend of Baron Humboldt, who, when the Pietist Eichorn obtained Michelet’s dismissal from his professorship, by his personal influence with the King induced the Prussian Monarch to order the decree to be suspended and ultimately abrogated. 6668 Michelet (Dr. C. L.) Vorlesungen iiber die Personlichkeit Gottes und Unsterblichkeit der Seele, vellum papee, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1841 6669_ Michelet (Dr. C. L.) Entwickelungsgeschichte der neuesten Deutschen Philosophic, vellum papee, with author s autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1843 Humboldt at end has written “p. 222 , 225 .” 6670 Michelet (Dr. C. L.) Die Epiphanie der ewigen Personlichkeit des Geistes, eine philosophische Trilogie, 3 vol. fine papee, with author s autograph inscriptions 8xo. Nurnberg , 1844, und Darmstadt, 1847-52 6671 Michelet (J.) Du Pretre, de la Femme, de la Famille, with “ Monsieur Arago,” written by the author 8 vo. Paris , 1845 6672 Michelet (M.) Tableaux Synchroniques de l’Histoire moderne, printed on folio broadsides to fold in oblong Ato. Brux. 1835 6673 Michelet iiber die Sixtinische Madonna 4/o. Berlin, 1837 6674 Michelet et Quinet (MM.) des Jesuites 12mo. Pam, 1843 3 Q 482 G675 Michelotti (J.) Specimen Zoophytologim Diluvianse, 'plates 8vo. Aug. Taurin. s. a. Presentation copy with the author’s autograph inscription. 6676 Michels (Dr. L.) Das Bad Kreuznach 8 vo. Berlin , 1859 6677 Mickiewicz (A.) Bruckstiicke aus seinen Dziady von F. A. Marcker 8vo. 6678 Microscopical Society’s Report 8 vo. Bond. 1841 6679 Middeldorpf (Dr. A. T.) die Galvanocaustik, plates large yellxjm paper, morocco extra, g. e. royal 8vo. Breslau, 1854 6680 Middendorff (Dr. A. von) Die Isepiptesen Russlands. Grund- lagen zur Erforschung der Zugzeiten und Zugrichtungen der Vogel Russlands, maps roy. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1855 Presentation copy, with a complimentary letter in the author’s auto- graph. 6681 Middendorff (A. Th. von) Reise in Sibirien 1 2 Reports respect- ing, in 1 vol. 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1843-45 6682 Mignet (A.) Etudes et Portraits politiques (Livingston, Sieyes, Talleyrand, &c.) half morocco \2mo. Bruxelles, 1841 •6683 Mignet (M.) sur la Vie et les Travaux de M. Broussais author s autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Paris, 1840 G684 Mignet (M.) N^gociations relatives a la Succession d’Espagne sous Louis XIV, 2 vol. half calf extra 4 to, Paris , 1835 6685 Mignet (M.) Antonio Perez et Philippe II vellum paper, rare, half morocco, g. e. 8 vo. Paris , 1846 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the distinguished author’s autograph : “a Mr. le Baron Alexandre de Humboldt hommage de son devoue confrere Mignet.” 6686 Mignet (M.) Eloge de M. Ancillon Humboldt's writing on title-page 4to. Paris, 1847 6687 Miklosch (F.) Monumenta Linguse Palaeoslovenicae e Codice Suprasliensi edita, facsimile of the MS. yellum paper 8 vo. Vindobonce , 1851 6688 Milberg (H.) Sonnensystem foolscap 8vo. Berlin , 1847 6689 Milde (Dr. J.) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Equiseten und Rhizokarpen, 3 parts in 1 vol. plates 4to. Breslau, s. a. 6690 Miles (Prof. J. W.) The Student of Philology 8 vo. Charleston , 1853 6691 Miles (Prof. J. W.) Address on 4 July, 1855 privately printed 4 to. Berlin , 1855 6691 # Miller (W. H ) Treatise on Crystallography author's autograph inscription , and Humboldt's writing on cover at end 8vo. Cambridge, 1839 6692 Miller (W. H..) on the Construction of the new imperial standard Pounds, &c. author's autograph inscription 4 to. London, 1857 6693 Millon (E.) J. Reiset et F. Hoefer, Annuaire de Chimie pour 1845 8 vo. Paris , 1845 483 6694 Milne-Edwards sur l’Empoissonnement des Rivieres author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1850 See also Edwards. t 6695 Milnes (R. Monckton) Speech respecting Cracow and Russian- Dutch Loan read by Humboldt and marked 8vo. London , 1847 Presentation copy “ avec les hommages de l’orateur.” 6696 Milo (A.) Christoph Columbus, ein dramatisches Gedicht fine paper, half red morocco 8vo. Schwedt, 1838 6697 Milton (J.) Le Paradis perdu. Traduction nouvelle (en Prose) par De Pongerville, autograph of “ A. Humboldt,” half calf gilt 12 mo. Paris , 1843 6698 Minchin (H.) Contributions to Craniology, cuts 8 vo. Dublin , 1856 6699 Minckwitz (J.) Lehrbuch der Deutschen Verskunst autograph of “ A1 Humboldt,” who refers to pp. 168 and 172 8 vo. Leipzig , 1854 6700 Minckwitz (Dr. J.) iiber die Rhythmische Malerei der Deut- schen Sprache, yellum paper 8 vo. Leipzig , 1855 With following note in Humboldt’s autograph : “ p. 67, 71 ! !” 6701 Minckwitz (J.) Lehrbuch der Rhythmischen Malerei der Deutschen Sprache, yellum paper 8vo. Leipzig , 1856 6702 Minding (Dr. F.) Biegung der Flachen, 2 tracts in 1 4 to. Berlin , s. a. 6703 Minding (J.) iiber die geographische Vertheilung der Sauge- thiere fine paper, author’s autograph inscription kto. Berlin , 1829 6704 Minding (J.) Beleuchtung des litterarischen Treibens des Herrn I. J. Sachs 8vo. Berlin , 1842 6705 Minding (J.) Fiinf Bucher Gedichte, author's autograph inscrip- tion crown 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 6706 Minding (J.) Sixtus Y, ein Drama, privately printed (als Manuscript gedruckt) author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1846 6707 Minding (J.) Liedervom Alten Fritz, numerous plates 12mo. Berlin, 1846 6708 Minding (Dr. J.) Was wollen, was sollen wir? 8 vo. ib. 1848 6709 Minding (J.) Das Ministerium Arnim, der vereinigte Landtag und das Yolk 8vo. Berlin , 1848 6710 Minerva. Neue Folge, Yol. I. Part I, and Yol. II Part III 8 vo. Jena , 1857-58 Containing “A. von Humboldt iiber das Recht der freien Forschung.” 6711 Minervini (G.) dell’ Epilessia 8 vo. Napoli, 1847 6712 Minervini (G.) Monografia della Clorosi, coloured plate large paper royal 8 vo. Napoli, 1853 6713 Minervini (G.) Memorie fisiologiche riguardanti la Mestrua- zione, large paper royal 8vo. Napoli, 1854 484 6714 Minervini (G.) sulle Difformita delle Uova e Descrizione d’un Uovo mostruoso, plates , Napoli , 1850 — Caso di Emauria grave, ivi 1852 — Notizia di due Casi di perniciose inter- mittent], ivi 1852 — Osservazioni meteorologische nel Mese di Luglio 1 851— — Comunicazioni all’ Accademia Pontani- ana, ivi 1855 — Intorno la Collectio Salernitana del Cav. S. de Renzi, ivi 1855, all privately printed in 1 vol. 8vo. 6715 Minnesinger. Deusche Liederdichter des XII, XIII und XIV Jahrhunderts aus alien bekannten Handschriften und friiheren Drucken gesammelt und berichtigt, mit den Lesarten derselben, Geschichte des Lebens der Dichter und ihrer Werke, Sangweisen der Lieder, Reimverzeichniss der Anfange und Abbildungen sammtlicher Handschriften von F. H. von der Hagen, 5 vol. in 3, facsimiles of the MSS. and music , vellum paper , editor's autograph inscription 4 to. Leipzig , 1838 With this copy will be sold “ Bildersaal altdeutscher Dichter,” 2 vol. containing 75 facsimiles of portraits, arms and representations illustrating the Lives and Poetry of the Minnesingers pub- lished at Berlin in 1858 as a Supplement to Von der Hagen’s Collection. 6716 Minnesota. Reconnaissance of the Minnay Sotor Watapah, or St. Peter’s River to its Sources made in 1835 (con- structed 8 miles to an inch) atlas folio 6717 Minus (P.) Ofiener Brief an H. von Biilow-Cummerow die Grundsteuer betreffend royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1849 6718 Minutoli (A. von) Vorbilder fur Handwerker und Fabrik- anten und Album fur Kiinstler, Gewerbetreibende, Kunst- Freunde und Sammler, with photographic delineations of antiquities , thick vellijm paper , cloth , g. e. imperial atlas 4 to. Liegnitz. 1855 This superb work was printed for private distribution only. This copy was presented to Baron Humboldt by the Author whose autograph inscription is on fly-leaf. See also Dr. Sammter on this Vorbildersammlung post. 6719 Minutoli (A. von) Die Lage der Weber und Spinner im Schlessischen Gebirge author s autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1851 6720 Minutoli (Dr. Julius von) Friederich I, Kurfiirst von Branden- burg, und Memorabilia aus dem Leben der Markgrafen von Brandenburg aus den Quellen des Plassenburger Archivs bearbeitet, portrait of Frederick I, horoscope of the Mark - graf George Albert surrounded by portraits, Sfc. and facsimile of autograph signatures , cloth , with impression of seal on side royal 8 vo. Berlin and Bamberg , 1850 6721 Minutoli (Dr. J. von) Spanien und seine fortschreitende Entwickelung, coloured plates royal 8vo. Berlin, 1852 485 6722 Minutoli (Dr. J. von) Spanien und seine fortscheitende En- twickelung mit besonderere Beriicksichtigung des Jahres, 1851, coloured plates vellum paper, cloth , with the portrait and arms of the Queen of Spain , stamped in gold on sides roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1852 6723 Minutoli (J. von) Altes und Neues aus Spanien, 2 vol. in 1, plan of Lepanto and coloured plates of the Hercules Tomb at Tarragona ( very curious) vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 A very important work containing several curious Documents, including Don Juan of Austria’s Report of the Battle of Le- panto, an Account of the Shipwreck of Alvar Nunez Cabe^a de Vaca, and Report of his Journey to Florida, the Will of B. Murillo the Painter, a Mystery in the Valencian Dialect entitled “ Misteri de Adam y Eva,” &c. &c. 6724 Minutoli (J. von) Die Canarischen Inseln ihre Vergangenheit und Zukunft thick vellum paper, red cloth , with the arms of the islands stamped in gold on sides royal 8vo. Berlin , 1854 6725 Minutoli (J. von) Portugal und seine Colonien im Jahre 1854, 2 vol. portrait of Pedro V and map vellum paper, cloth , g. e. with the arms of Portugal embla- zoned, Sfc. stamped on sides 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1855 6726 Minutoli (H. von) Verzeichniss von Wortern der Siwahsprache facsimile , thick paper, rare , Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Berlin , 1827 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 6727 Minutoli (General Lieut, von) Kunst-Producte im hohen Norden , folding plate 8 vo. Magdeburg , 1842 6728 Minzloff (R.) Recensio Populorum Ponticorum quos Ovidius Exul notos habuit vellum paper, privately printed 8vo. Petropoli, 1853 6729 Minzloff (R.) die Altdeutschen Handschriften der K. offent- lichen Bibliothek zu St. Petersburg, facsimile large vellum paper, rare , fine copy in red morocco extra , joints , silk linings , g. e. royal 8vo. St. Petersburg , 1853 6730 Miquel (F. A. G.) de Plantarum Regni Batavi Distributione Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1837 Presentation copy, with a complimentary letter from the author. 6731 Miquel (F. A. G.) de Regno vegetabili in Telluris Superficie mutanda efficaci, thick paper 4to. Amst. 1846 6732 Miquel (F. A. W.) De fossiele Planten van het Krijt in het Hertogdom Limburg, india proof plates , vellum paper, with author's autograph inscription roy. 4 to. Haarlem, 1853 6733 Mirabeau (Comte de) sur Moses Mendelsohn et sur la Reforme politique des Juifs crown 8vo. Leipzig , 1853 486 6734 Mirbel et Spach, sur FEmbryogenie des Pinus Laricio, &c. plates royal 8vo. Paris , 1843 6735 Mirbel (M. de) Nouvelles Notes sur le Cambium, plates large paper royal 4 to. Paris , 1842 Presentation copy with the following inscription in the author’s auto- graph : “a Monsieur le Baron de Humboldt Hommage de respect et d’admiration, Mirbel.” 6736 Mirbel (M. de) sur quelques Vegetaux monocotyles avec Suite, 2 Parts, author' s autograph inscription 4 to. Paris, 1843-44 6737 Mirbel (M. de) Nouvelles Notes sur le Cambium, plates author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris , 1839 6738 Mirbel (M.) sur la Distribution geographique des Coniferes 4 to. {Paris, 1825) Humboldt’s writing on cover including his “ p. 39 ! ” 6739 Mirchondi (Mohammedi Filii Chondschahi vulgo) Historia Gasnevidarum Persice et Latine cum Notis F. Wilken FINE paper, editor s autograph inscription 4 to. Berolini , 1832 6740 Mirchondi Historia Seldschukidarum Persice nunc primum edidit J. A. Vullers 8 vo. Gissce, 1837 6741 Mirchond’s Geschichte der Seldschuken ubersetzt und mit Anmerkungen erlautert von Dr. J. A. Vullers 8 vo. Giessen, 1837 6742 Miruss (A.) Gesetzgebung fur die Hohenzollern’schen Lande tellttm paper 8 vo. Berlin, 1856 6743 Missionaries. Report of the Baptist Missionary Society for 1844 8 vo. London , 1844 6744 Mississippi Valley. Observations on the Aboriginal Monu- ments of the M. V. by E. G. Squier, maps and cuts author's autograph inscription 8 vo. New York, 1847 6745 Mississippi and Pacific Railway. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the most practicable and econo- mical Route for a Railway from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 11 vol. numerous maps, views and other plates ( several , especially those of natural history, finely coloured) royal 4 to. Washington, 1855-59 Presentation copy, with the autograph inscription of Captain A. W. Whipple. These Reports are perhaps the most valuable con- tributions to human knowledge that have yet been given to the public by the American Press, and to the Naturalist are most precious, as the Specimens of Natural History collected during the Expedition are still preserved in the Smithsonian Institute. The names of the various Reporters are Hon. Jef- ferson Davis, Gov. I. I. Stevens, Lieut. E. G. Beckwith, F. W. Lander, Capt. J. Pope, Lieut. J. G. Parke, Lieut. -Col. W. H. Emory, Capt. A. W. Whipple, Lieut. R. S. Williamson, W. P. Blake, Lieut. H. L. Abbot, Prof. Baird, L. Agassiz, Dr. A. L. Heerman, Dr. E. Hallowell, Dr. C. Girard, &c. &c. 487 6746 Missouri. Jahresbericht der K. Preussischen Consuls E. C. Angelrodt zu St. Louis Missouri fur 1857 privately printed folio. Berlin , 1857 A valuable commercial Document, with the author’s autograph cor- rections. 6747 Missouri and Red Rivers, Geological Report of the elevated Country between, by G. W. Featherstonhaugh, with the long folding plan 8vo . Washington, 1835 6748 Mitscherlich ( ) fiber Schneeluft, manuscript in the hand- writing of the author with his signature , having Baron Hum- boldt's autograph notes to various passages Ato. 1858 6749 Mitscherlich (C. G.) de Salivse Indole in nonnullis Morbis vellum paper 800. Berolini, 1 834 6750 Mitscherlich (Dr. C. G.) fiber die Wirkung der diuretischen Mittel 8t?o. Berlin , 1837 6751 Mitscherlich (Dr. C. G.) liber die Wirkung der diuretischen Mittel 8 vo. Berlin , 1837 6752 Mitscherlich (Dr. C. G.) Lehrbuch der Arzneimittellehre, 3 vol. in 7 ( Vol III on large paper) 8vo. Berlin , 1837-54 6753 Mitscherlich (Dr. C. G.) Medicamenta tonica, emollientia et nutrientia, 2 parts 800. Berlin , 1838-40 6754 Mitscherlich (Dr. C. G.) liber die Wirkung der diuretischen Mittel, Berlin , 1837 — Ueber die Einwirkung des Kupfers, &c. ib. 1841 — Ueber die Einwirkung des Ammoniaks, &c. ib. 1841 — Ueber die Wirkung des essigsauern Bleioxyds auf den thierischen Organismus 8 vo. (4) 6755 Mitscherlich (C. G.) de Acidi acetici, oxalici, tartarici, citrici, formici et boracici Effectu in Animalibus observato FINE PAPER Ato. Berolini, 1845 6756 Mitscherlich (Dr. C. G.) Lehrbuch der Arzneimittellehre, 2 vol. fine paper, morocco extra {Vol. I blue , Vol. II green) g. e. 8 vo. Berlin , 1847-49 6757 Mitscherlich (E.) liber die Ausdehnung der krystallisirten Korper durch die Warme, plate 800. 6758 Mitscherlich (E.) Geognostische Karte der Vulkanischen Eifel oblong royal folio 6759 Mitscherlich (E.) Die Gegend bei Gerolstein, plain and coloured atlas Ato. (2) 6760 Mitscherlich (F.) Der Mosenberg und der Gas-Vulkan bei Uelmen, coloured Ato. (2) 6761 Mitscherlich. Another set, coloured, with a duplicate set, plain, proofs, before the name of E. Mitscherlich was inserted, Ato. (4) 6762 Mitscherlich (E.) liber das Benzin und die Verbindungen desselben, fine paper Ato. Berlin , 1834 6763 Mitscherlich (Dr. E.) Feier-Rede thick paper, Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. ib. 1835 488 6764 Mitscherlich (E.) Lehrburch der Chemie Erster Band, wood- cuts by F. L. Unzelmann , first , second and third editions, Berlin, 183 1-34-37 — Zweiter Band, woodcuts , second edition , ib. 1840, fine paper 4 vol. 8 vo. 6765 Mitscherlich (E.)Lehrbuch der Chemie, 4 parts in 2 vol. (Vol. I, fourth edition , Vol. II, second edition) woodcuts fine paper, half calf extra 8 vo. Berlin , 1844 & 1843 6766 Mitscherlich (E.) Lehrbuch der Chemie — Zweiter Band (Me- talle) 2 vol. woodcuts by F. L. Unzelmann vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1835-40 6767 Mitteln (Yon den) den Zustand der Arbeiter zu verbessern vellum paper 8vo. Berlin, 1849 6768 Mittheilungen des historischen Yereins fur Krain redigirt von Dr. Y. F. Klun und E. H. Costa. Zehnter, eilfter und zwolfter Jahrgang, 3 vol. plates 4 to. Laibach, 1855-56-67 6769 Mittheilungen aus der Werkstatte der Natur. Erster Band Zweites Heft, sent to Humboldt by L. Du Rieux, as contain- ing his article on Dr. E. Vogel , with his autograph correc- tions Ato. Frankfurt, 1858 6770 Mixer (A. H.) Catalogues of Rochester Theological Seminary, Officers and Students author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Rochester, U. S. 1851 6771 Mnemotecnia (Della) Dissertazione del C. Prof. Taddeo dei Consoni 8t’o. Firenze, 1848 6772 Modena. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica della Societa Italiana delle Scienze residente in Modena, Tomo XXII Parte Fiscica, XXIII in 2 Parts, XXIY Parte II, and XXV in 2 Parts, 6 vol. Ato. Modena, 1841-55 6773 Mobius (Dr. K.) Die Nester der geselligen Wespen, 19 finely coloured plates , vellum paper with author's autograph inscription Ato. Hamburg , 1856 6774 Mobius (Dr. K.) Die echten Perlen, plate fine paper, author's autograph inscription A to. Hamb. 1857 6775 Moeller (Dr. F. W. von) Das K. Soolbad bei Neusalzwerk ohnweit Preussisch Minden vellum paper 8vo. Berlin, 1847 6776 Moeller. Another copy, on fine paper, with author's autograph corrections 8vo. ib. 1847 6777 Moller (Dr. J. H.) Orientalische Palaographie aus den Her- zoglichen Sammlungen in Gotha, Heft I, plates vellum paper folio. Eifurdt, s. a. 6778 Mollhausen (Balduin) Tagebuch einer Reise vom Mississippi nach den Kusten der Sudsee. Eingefuhrt von Alexander von Humboldt. Mit 13 Illustrationen in Oelfarben-und Tondruck, 10 Holzschnitten und 1 Karte vellum paper royal A to. Leipzig , 1858 15779 Moesta (C.) Informe sobre las Observaciones hechas durante el Eclipse Solar de 30 Nov. 1853, plate, author's autograph inscription and corrections Ato. Santiago de Chile, 1854 489 6780 Moesta (C. G.) Determinacion de la Latitud jeografica del Circulo Meridiano del Observatorio Nacional de Santiago author's autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. Santiago de Chile , 1854 6781 Mohammed Beha-Eddin Ben Alhossain aus Amul Essenz der Rechenkunst, Arabisch und Deutsch herausgegeben von Dr. G. H. F. Nesselmannn vellum paper, 8vo. Berlin , 1843 An important work for the History of Arithmetic. 6782 Mohammed Ben Musa, Algebra in Arabic and English by F. Rosen 8 vo. London , 1831 6783 Mohammed Ebn-Omar el Tounsy (Cheykh) Voyage au Dar- four traduit de l’Arabe par le Dr. Perron et publie par M. Jomard, maps and plates , large paper, autograph of “ A1 Humboldt” royal 8vo. Paris , 1845 Presentation copy, with the following Inscription in the Editor’s autograph : “ A son illustre Confrere et Collegue le Baron Alexandre de Humboldt. — Jomard.” 6784 Mohammed Ibn-Omar el- Tounsy (Cheykh) Voyage au Ouaday traduit de l’Arabe par le Dr. Perron, avec Preface par M. Jomard, 2 vol. Vol. I Texte, Vol. II Atlas of Maps and Plates, large paper, with autograph inscription of M. Jomard royal 8vo. Paris , 1851 6785 Mohl (Hugo von) Grundziige der Anatomie und Physiologie der vegetabilischen Zelle, plate and 52 woodcuts large paper, morocco, g. e. royal 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1851 Very scarce, having been printed for presents only. 6786 Mohl (J.) Rapports annuels faits a la Societe Asiatique, 4 vol. author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Par. 1841-44-47-51 6787 Mohl (J.) Rapport a la Societe Asiatique, 1853 8 vo. Par. 1853 6788 Moigno (Abbe F.) Le 9 ons de Calcul DifFerentiel, plates vellum paper, author's autograph inscription with signature , scarce 8 vo. Paris, 1840 6789 Moigno (Abbe) Repertoire d’Optique moderne, 4 vol. woodcuts, Humboldt's autograph notes half green morocco extra 8 vo. Paris, 1847-50 6790 Moldavie. Relation de la Society de Medecine et d’Histoire Naturelle en Moldavie (par le Vornik Constantin de Stourdza), scarce 8vo. Jassy, 1836 6791 [Moleschott (J.)] Die Nahrungsmittel carefully read and marked by Humboldt, who has written the name of author on cover royal 8 vo. 6792 Moleschott (J.) de Malpighianis Pulmonum Vesiculis, plate royal 8 vo. Heidelbergce , 1845 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph : — “ Viro illustrissimo totius Naturae Investigatori praestantissimo Alexander vonHumboldt ex qua decet vene- ratione ac pietate Auctor.” 3 R 490 6793 Moleschott (J.) de Malpighianis Pulmonum Vesiculis, plate Humboldt's writing on cover royal 8 vo. Heidelbergce , 1 845 6794 Moleschott (J.) Kritische Betrachtung von Liebig’s Theorie der Pflanzenernahrung author's autograph inscription , and Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Harlem , 1845 6795 Moleschott (Dr. J.) Lehre der Nahrungsmittel vellum paper, half morocco 8vo. Erlangen , 1850 6796 Moleschott (Dr. J.) Physiologie der Nahrungsmittel (F. Tiede- mann’s Lehre vollig umgearbeitet) fine paper, half morocco 8vo. Darmstadt , 1850 6797 Moleschott (Dr. J.) Physiologie des Stoffwechsels in Pflanzen und Thieren yellum paper, with numerous MS. notes in the autograph of Baron Humboldt , half morocco extra royal 8 vo. Erlangen , 1851 6798 Moleschott (J.) Kreislauf des Lebens Physiologische Antworten auf Liebig’s Chemische Briefe yellum paper, author's autograph inscription , with signa- ture 8vo. Mainz , 1852 6799 Moleschott (J.) Lehre der Nahrungsmittel yellum paper, authors autograph inscription 8vo. Erlangen , 1853 6800 Moleschott (J.) Licht und Leben yellum paper, autograph of “ A1 Humboldt” crown 8 vo. Frankfurt , 1856 6801 Molina (F.) Bosquejo de la Republica de Costa Rica seguido de Apuntamientos para su Historia, maps , views , and portraits , a few passages marked in pencil by Humboldt royal 8vo. Nueva York t 1851 Presentation copy from Fingeralt, with his autograph inscription. 6802 Molina (F.) Bosquejo de la Republica de Costa Rica, portraits , maps and plans 8vo. New York , 1851 6803 Molkenboer (J. H.) Yerslag van K. Hasskarl’s Warmte- Ontwikkeling bij de Aroidese 8 vo. 1842 6804 Mols (L.) Carte Pittoresque des Chemins de Fer de la Belgique, coloured map , surrounded by neat views , Bruxelles , s. d . — Carte Speciale des Chemins de Fer Beiges, ib. 1843 — Plan du Chemin de Fer entre Liege et Aix-la-Chapelle, ib. s. d. royal folio. (3) 6805 Moltke (Barone di) Carta topografica di Roma e dei suoi Con- form, beautifully engraved and mounted on canvas , in case atlas folio. Berlino , 1852 6806 Moltke (Freiherr von) Plan der Stellung bei Biradschik und der Schlacht von Nisib — Amasia Mossull, Samsun und Urfa, 4 plans on one sheet — Plan des Schlosses Sayd-Bey- Kalessi nebst Umgebung — Marasch und Rum-Kaleh, 2 491 plans — Plan der Ebene von Mesere — Afium-Kara-Hissar, Brussa, Karaman und Umgegend, und Umgegend von Kjutahia, 4 plans on one sheet , by Fischer — Plan der Umgegend von Koniah von Fischer — Karte der Umgegend von Angora vom Freiherrn von Vincke — Karte von den Nordabhangen des Bulgar (Taurus) und Allah-Dagh (Anti-Taurus) (10) 6807 Moltke (Max) Deutscher Sprachwart, No. 7, 8, 9, and 10 royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1855-57 6808 Moltke (Max) Huldigungs-Gruss aus dem Herzen des Yolkes. Gedicht zur Feier des Einzuges der Erlauchten Neuver- mahlten Ihrer Koniglichen Hoheiten des Prinzen und der Frau Prinzessin Friedrich Wilhelm von Preussen in die Haupstadt Berlin am 8 Februar, 1858 yelltjm paper 4 to. Berlin , 1858 Presentation copy of this privately printed Poem in honour of the public Entry of the Prince of Prussia with his Bride (the Princess Royal of England). Prefixed is the following ele- gant Sonnet in the autograph of the Poet : — “An Alexander von Humboldt. “ ‘Wo denn ist Gott ?’ so war ein Kind gefraget. Das kliiger war, als der die Frage stellte, Denn Hugs vom Munde ihm die Antwort sclinellte ‘ Wo nicht er ist, sei mir zuvor gesaget ! ’ Ein Forscher dahingegen, der sonst raget Vor vielen und manch Dunkel selbst erhellte, Sprach: ‘Nirgendwo am hehren Himmelzelte Hab’ er gefunden Gott, so weit es taget.’ Du greiser Konig in dem Reich des Wissens, Doch nicht Dich ruhmend frevlen Gottvermissens Der Du verm'dlt die Wissenschaft dem Glauben : Nimm an von mir dies Lied von einer Ehe, Darin ich eine Fiigung Dessen sehe. Den leugnen nur die Blinden und die Tauben. “Berlin (Schulgartenstr. 4), 19 April, 1858 “ Max Moltke.” TRANSLATION : “ Where then is God ?” once questioned was a child. More knowing far than he who question gave ; For quickly with its lips, “ First may I crave To know where He is not ?” it said, and smiled. But, this against, a Searcher whom Fame styled Supreme, who much once dark with brightness clave. Hath said, “Nowhere through Heaven’s lofty nave Have I found God, as far as light is piled.” Thou hoary king in Wisdom’s wide dominion — Despite thy missing God profane opinion — Who wedded hast Belief to Science high. Receive from me this lay of Marriage-Grace, In which the hand of Him I seem to trace Whom blind or deaf alone could dare deny. 492 6809 Moltke (Freiherr von) Karte des nordlichen befestigten Theils des Bosphorus, mounted on canvas , in case Berlin , 1849 6810 Moltke-Griinholz (Magnus Graf von) 1st Grund zum Kriege da? vellum paper 8vo. Hamburg , 1850 6811 Monatsberichte uber die Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin redigirt von Dr. W. Mahlmann und Dr. T. E. Gumprecht. Neue Folge, vol. 5 to 10 inclusive autograph of Humboldt 8vo. Berlin , 1848-53 With several of the earlier numbers between 1839 and 1843 . 6812 Monatsblatt der K. Preussischen Markischer okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Potsdam, 10 parts crown 8 vo. Potsdam , 1834-41 6813 Monatschrift (Allgemeine) fur Wissenschaft und Literatur fur Januar 1853, facsimile of MS. 8vo. Braunschweig , 1853 With autograph inscription of H. Brugsch, who wrote the article •* “ fiber die medicinischen Kenntnisse der alten Aegypter und fiber ein alt medicinisches MS.” 6814 Mondcharten von W. G. Lohrmann, Cassini, Kohler, Lahire, Schrceter, Madler, &c. 4to. (22) 6815 Mondfinsterniss, 31 Mai 1844, plate , with printed description 4 to. Berlin , 1844 6816 Mondfinsterniss am 31 Mai, 1844, plate , with leaf of printed description 4 to. ib. 1844 6817 Monds -Yeranderungen in 1828 manuscript on 42 sheets , with Humboldt's autograph calcu- lations royal folio On a slip Humboldt has written: “ Meteorologia Nicolorius.” 6818 Monge (G.) Application de 1’ Analyse a la Geom^trie. Cin- quieme Edition, revue, corrigee et annotee par M. Liouville, proof portrait and plates large paper, rare , half morocco 4 to. Paris , 1850 6819 Monheim (Dr. J. P. J.) Die Heilquellen von Aachen, Burt- scheid, Spaa, Malmedy, und Heilstein, map and view THE DEDICATION COPT TO HUMBOLDT ON EINE PAPER, ( probably unique ), red morocco extra , silk linings , g. e. 8vo. Aachen , 1829 6820 Moniteur des Indes-Orientales et Occidentales publie avec la Cooperation de plusieurs Membres de la Society des Sciences et des Arts de Batavia par P. F. de Siebold et Melvill de Carnbee. Redaction Fran^aise par F. E. Fraissinet, 12 Nos. maps and plates 4 to. La Haye, 1846-47 6821 Monnard (C.) Biographie de R. Gloutz-Blozheim (the Soleure Historian), privately printed 8 vo. s. 1. fy d. 6822 Mons. Coupe du Bassin Houiller du Couchant de Mons, avec les Noms des Couches, manuscript royal folio 493 6823 Mons (J. B. van) Notice historique sur, par A. Quetelet l^mo. Bruxelles , 1843 6824 Montagna (C.) Giacitura e Condizioni del Terreno Carbonifero di Agnana e Dintorni, plates author's autograph inscription 4to. Napoli , 1857 6825 Montagne (C.) sur la Coloration des Eaux de la Mer Rouge, plate royal 8vo. Paris , 1844 6826 Montagne (Dr. C.) sur la Maladie de la Yigne royal 8vo. Paris , 1853 6827 Mont Blanc. Une Ascension au Mont Blanc, a passage marked by Humboldt 8vo. s. 1. 1844 6828 Montalembert (Comte de) Discours a l’Academie Fran^aise, avec la Reponse de M. Guizot 4 to. Paris , 1852 6829 Montenegro und die Montenegriner 8vo. Stuttgart , 1837 6830 Monteton (F. von) Anleitung zu den landwirthschaftlichen Veranschlagungen bei den Auseinandersetzungen im Ressort der K. Preuss. General-Kommissionen fife paper folio. Berlin , 1856 6831 Montferrand (A. de) Description des Objets les plus remar- quables de sa Collection de Sculpture antique (par B. de Koehne), 15 engravings on copper large paper, green morocco extra, gilt edges royal 8vo. St. Peter sbourg, 1852 This beautiful work was privately printed for presents only, and the number of copies taken off was very limited. 6832 Montferrand (M. de) Notices sur ses Groupes “Medee”et “ Apollon Citharede,” plates vellum paper, privately printed for presents only 4 to. St. Petersbourg, 1850 6833 Montigny (M.) La Cause de la Scintillation, plate author's autograph inscription A to. Paris , 1856 6834 Montlivault (Comte de) du Magnetisme de Rotation de divers Metaux 8 vo. Tours, 1843 6835 Monumenta Conciliorum generalium Seculi XV, ediderunt Caesarea* Academiae Scientiarum Socii delegati. Concilium Basiliense. Scriptorum Tomus I, facsimile imperial 4to. Vindobonce , 1857 6836 Moorcroft (G.) Carte du Voyage dans l’Oundes Humboldt's autograph correction royal 4to. 6837 Moore (C. C.) Poems THICK PAPER crown 8 vo. New York, 1844 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 6838 Moore (J. H.) New Practical Navigator, with Tables, enlarged by J. Dession, portrait and plates 8vo. London, 1814 6839 Moore (Tyrell) Trabajos geodesicos ejecutados en el Estado de Antioquia, Nueva Granada proof, Humboldt's writing on slip atlas folio. (1857) 494 6840 Mooyer (E. F.) uber die angebliche Abstammung des Nor- mannischen Konigsgeschlechts Siziliens von den Herzogen der Normandie privately printed (“ als Manuscript gedruckt”) 4 to. Minden , 1850 6841 Mora (J. M. L.) Mejico y sus Revoluciones, 4 vol. ( wanting vol. II), author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1836 6842 Mora (J. M. L. Cuidadano Mejicano) Obras sueltas (Revista politica, Credito publico, Semanario politico y literario, y Observador de la Republica Mejicana), 2 vol. author's autograph inscription, calf extra 8vo. Paris, 1837 6843 Moreau de Jonnes (A.) Statistique de l’Espagne, map author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1834 6844 Moreau de Jonnes (A.) Statistique de la Grande Bretagne et d’lrlande, 2 vol. map, several passages marked in pencil by Humboldt 8vo. Paris, 1837-38 6845 Moreau de Jonnes (A.) Elements de Statistique two copies 12 mo. Paris, 1847 6846 Moreau de Jonnes (A.) La Prusse, son Progres politique et social ; suivi d’un Expose economique et statistique, de l’Allemand de M. Dieterici authors autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1848 6847 Moreau de Jonnes (A.) La Prusse, son Progres politique et social ; suivi d’un Expose economique et statistique des Reformes depuis 1806,traduit de l’Allemand de M. Dieterici calf extra, gilt edges 8 vo. Paris, 1848 6848 Morel (Ch.) Culture des Orchid6es yelltjm paper, authors autograph inscription, half red morocco 8vo. Paris, 1855 6849 Morgan (Lewis H.) League of the Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee, or Iroquois large paper, with the map and plates choicely coloured, morocco super extra, g. e. 8 vo. Rochester , U.S. 1851 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 6850 Morgan (L. H.) Report on the Fabrics, Inventions, Imple- ments and Utensils of the Iroquois, plates (several coloured ) L. H. Morgan's autograph inscription 8vo. Albany, 1852 6851 Morgenstern (Dr. K.) Zum Gedachtniss der Kaiserin Mutter Maria Feodorowna author's autograph inscription 4 to. Riga , 1829 6852 Morgensternii (C.) Recensio Numorum Impp. et Probabilia critica, author's autograph inscription folio. DorpUti , 1834 6853 Morgenstern (C.) de Arte Veterum mnemonica author's autograph inscription folio. Dorpati , 1835 495 6854 Morgenstern (K.) H. K. E. Kohler, zur Errinerung an den Yerewigten, portrait Ato. St. Petersburg, 1839 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 6855 Morgenstern (K.) Erklarungsversuch einer noch nicht bekannt gemachten Abraxas-Gemme, woodcut author's autograph inscription Ato. Dorpat, 1843 6856 Morgenstern (K.) Dr. G. B. Jasche, with long inscription in the author's autograph, privately printed 8vo. Dorpat , 1843 6857 Morin (A.) Experiences sur le Tirage des Voitures, plates author's autograph inscription Ato. Metz , 1839 6858 Morin (A.) Notice sur divers Appareils Dynamometriques, plates , author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1841 6859 Morineau (A. de) Essai statistique et politique sur les Etats- Unis d’Amerique, full-length portrait of Washington YELLTJM eaper, author's autograph inscription , half morocco folio. Paris ( Blaye ) 1848 6860 Morlet (C. A.) Carte de l’Equateur Magnetique, coloured 6861 Morlet (C. A.) Recherches sur les Lois du Magnetisme terrestre read and marled by Humboldt , with his autograph references Ato. Paris , 1837 6862 Morley (W. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Historical Manuscripts in Arabic and Persian in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society 8 vo. London , 1854 6863 Morlot (A. von) Geologische Karte Umgebungen von Leoben und Judenburg, mounted on cloth , in case 1848 6864 Moro (C.) Republica Mexicana. Plano de la Parte Austral del Istmo de Tehuantepec, &c. Mexico , 1843 6865 Morocco. Ligera Ojeada o breve Idea del Imperio de Mar- ruecos en 1822 foolscap 8 vo. Barcelona , 1825 6866 Morse (S. E.) New System of Modern Geography, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Boston, U.S. 1822 6867 Morse (S. F. B.) Application for an Extension of Patent for Electro-Magnetic Recording Telegraph 8 vo. Washington, 1854 6868 Morse (Prof. S. F. B.) Defence against Prof. Henry’s Attack (respecting Invention of Telegraph) Presentation copy , Humboldt's autograph reference to “ p. 86 ” royal 8 vo. New York, 1855 6869 Morse (S. F. B.) Telegraph Case autograph inscription of the inventor Morse 8vo. 6870 Morsch (F. O.) de Signis Yitiorum Cordis, &c. 8vo. Berolini, 1837 6871 Mortara (Rabbino Marco) sull* Armonia delle piu recenti Teorie cosmiche colla Narrazione della Genesi scarce 8 vo. Mantova, 1853 496 6872 Morton (Dr. S. G.) Crania Americana ; or, a Comparative View of the Skulls of various Aboriginal Nations of North and South America: to which is prefixed an Essay on the Varieties of the Human Species, coloured map and 78 plates large paper, presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription and corrections folio, Philadelphia , 1839 6873 Morton (Dr. S. G.) Catalogue of Skulls in his Collection 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1840 6874 Morton (Dr. S. G.) Memoir of W. Maclure, portrait PINE paper, author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1841 6875 Morton (Dr. S. G.) Description of some new Species of Organic Remains of the Cretaceous Group of the United States, plates royal 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1842 6876 Morton (Dr. S. G.) Distinctive Characteristics of the Aboriginal Race of America author's autograph inscription 8vo. Boston , 1842 6877 Morton (Dr. S. G.) Crania iEgyptiaca, plates author's autograph inscription Ato. Philadelphia , 1844 6878 Morton (Dr. S. G.) Catalogue of Skulls of Man and the inferior Animals in his Collection scarce , author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1844 6879 Morton (Dr. S. G.) on the ancient Peruvians, Philadelphia , 1842 — On the Ethnography and Archseology of the American Aborigines, New Haven , 1846 8vo. (2) 6880 Morton (Dr. S. G.) on the Ethnography and Archseology of the American Aborigines, woodcuts 8 vo. New Haven, 1846 6881 Morton (Dr. S. G.) Hybridity in Animals and Plants, with Appendix, 2 parts 8 vo. New Haven , 1847-50 6882 Morton (Dr. S. G.) on Hybridity in Animals, 2 parts author's autograph inscription 8vo. Charleston , S.C. 1850 6883 Morton (Dr. S. G.) on the Hippopotamus Liberiensis, plates author's autograph inscription royal 4 to. Philadelphia , 1849 6884 Morton. Another copy, plates royal 4 to. ih. 1849 6885 Morton (Dr. S. G.) Memoir of, by Dr. C. D. Meigs (including Translation of a Letter from Humboldt to Morton), portrait royal 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1851 Presentation copy “from Acad. Nat. Sciences.” 497 TWENTIETH DAWS SALE, LOT 6886 Morton (Dr. W. T. G.) Memoire sur la Ddcouverte du nouvel Emploi de l’Ether Sulfurique, Paris , 1847 — Report of the Select Committee (Majority) recommending 100,000 dollars to be paid Dr. Morton for his Patent, &c. Washington, 1852 — Minority Report in favour of Dr. Jackson, ib. 1849 — Congressional Report of Hon. E. Stanley and Hon. A. Evans on the Ether Discovery, vin- dicating the Rights of C. T. Jackson, with Dr. Jacksons autograph inscription , ib. 1852 — Lord (J. L. and H. C.) Memorial to the Trustees of the Massachusetts General Hospital in behalf of C. T. Jackson, Boston , 1849 — Lord (J. L. and H. C.) Defence of Dr. Jackson’s Claims, ib. 1848 8 vo. (6) 6887 Morton (Dr. W. T. G.) Statements, supported by Evidence, on his Claim to the Discovery of the Anaesthetic Properties of Ether royal 8vo. Washington , 1853 6888 Mor Yaqub. Gedicht iiber des glaubigen Konig Aleksandrhs und iiber das Thor das er machte gegen Ogug und Mogug (iibersetzt von A. Weber) translator's autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin, 1852 6889 Moscow. Jubilaeum semisaecularem Doctoris G. Fischer de Waldheim celebrant Sodales Societatis Ca?s. Naturae Scru- tatorum Mosquensis, portrait and plates ( those of Plants and Insects coloured) laege papee , royal folio. Mosquce , 1847 Containing Discours sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. Fischer, par Prof. Rouillier ; Mannerheim sur l’Etat de l’Entomologie en Russie; Karelin, Voyage en Djoungarie; Eversmann Addi- tamenta ad Fischeri Orthoptera Rossica; Nordmann iiber die Entdeckung reichhaltiger Lager von fossilen Knochen in Siid-Russland ; and Rouillier, Etudes Paleontologiques sur les Environs de Moscou. 6890 Moscou. Bulletin de la Soci^te Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou, Nos. 1, 2, 3, plates privately printed, two copies 8 vo. Moscou , 1829 6891 Moscou. Rapport sur les Travaux de la Society Imperiale d’Economie rurale pendant 1838-39 8vo. Moscou , 1840 6892 Moscou. Seance extraordinaire de la Soci^te Imperiale des Naturalistes du 22 Fevrier, 1847 (Jubilaire de Fischer de Waldheim), plate royal 8vo, Moscou, 1847 Containing Humboldt’s congratulatory letter. 3 S 498 6893 Moscou. Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Imp^riale des Naturalistes de Moscou, Tome X, with 9 coloured plates of Fish , and plate of Shells 4 to. Moscou , 1855 Containing S. Basilewsky Ichthyographia Chinse borealis; E. von Eichwald, Naturgeschichte des Caspischen Meeres ; R. Her- mann Heteromeres Mineral System ; &c. &c. 6894 Moscou. Bulletin de la Societe Imp. des Naturalistes, No. 3 for 1855 and No. 1 for 1857, plates royal 8 vo. Moscou , 1855-57 Containing Eversmann, Les Noctuelites de la Russie; Ballion uber Wolga Wasserk'afer ; KiprijanofF, Fisch-Ueberreste in Kurskschen Sandsteine ; &c. &c. 6895 Moscou. Bulletin de la Society Imperiale des Naturalistes pour 1858, No. 1, 4 coloured plates of Beetles to illustrate “F. A. Kolenati Curculionina Caucasi et Vicinorum” Svo. Moscou , 1858 6896 Moscow. Vestnik Yestestvennykh Naook. The Messenger of Natural Sciences, 1854, 1855, 1856, edited by the Prof. Rouilleres, 3 vol. morocco , g. e. 4 to . 6897 Moser (Prof) iiber eine Methode die Lage und Kraft des veranderlichen magnetischen Pols kennen zu lernen, read and marked by Humboldt 8vo. 6898 Moser (L.) iiber eine Methode die Variationen d. Magnets zu messen, Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. 6899 Moser (L.) und P. Riess, iiber den Einfluss der Warme auf den Magnetismus 8vo. 6900 Moser (L.) Gesetze der Lebensdauer, plates 8 vo. Berlin , 1839 A most valuable work for Actuaries to Insurance Offices. 6901 Moser (L.) iiber das Licht, many passages marked by Humboldt , several with his ? author s autograph inscription , Konigsberg , 1843 — TJeber das Latentwerden des Lichts, ib. 1842 — Ueber das unsichtbare Licht, ib. 1842 8 vo. (3) 6902 Moskau’schen Ackerbau-Gesellschafts Leistungen 8vo. MoskaUj 1836 6903 Moskwa K. Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft, seine Leistungen in 1838-39, 1841-44, und 1846-50, 3 vol. 8vo. Moskwa , 1840-45-51 6904 Mosquera (General T. C. de) sobre la Geografia fisica y politica de la Nueva Granada, with the large map , Humboldt's autograph notes ( several satirical) 8 vo. Nueva York , 1852 Presentation copy, with autograph inscription and signature of General de Mosquera. 6905 Mosquera (Gen. T. C. de) Memoria sobre la Geografia de la Nueva Granada, map presentation copy 8 vo. Nueva York , 1852 499 6906 Motchulsky (Victor) O bolezni groosh i droogikh rasteniy v’ Rosii v* 1854 godoo. On the disease of pears and other plants in Russia in the year 1854, author's autograph inscription 6907 Motchulsky (V.) 0 fizicheskom ooslovii kholernago natchala i sootnoshenii yego s’drooghimi yavleniyanis v’prirode. On the physical reason of the principle of cholera and its relation with the other phenomena in nature author's autograph inscription 8vo. St. Petersburg , 1853 6908 Motchulsky (V.) Ob Amerikanskom sakharnom klene. On the American sugar-maple 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1855 6909 Motchulsky (V.) O potreblenii tchaya i ob opytakh razvedeniya tchaynago rasteniya v’ Severnoy Amerike i v’ drooghikh stranakh. On the consumption of tea, and on the essays for cultivating the tea-plant in North America and other countries 8vo. St. Petersburg , 1855 6910 Mouraviev (N.) Voyage en Turcomanie et a Khiva traduit par G. Lecointe de Laveau revu par J. B. Eyries et J. Klap- roth, map and plate 8 vo. PariSj 1823 6911 Mourcin (M. de) Lexique Grec-Fran 9 ais half calf gilt 12 mo. Paris , 1826 6912 Mousson (A.) Die Gletscher der Jetztzeit fine papee, with Humboldt's autograph references in pencil 8vo. Zurich , 1854 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 6913 Mouvement de la Population en France considere dans chaque Departement par A. D. author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1826 6914 Movers (Dr. F. C.) Die Phonizier, 2 vol. in 3, and vol. Ill part I, with important and valuable MS. notes in the auto- graph of Baron Humboldt 8vo. Bonn und Berlin , 1841-56 6915 Mricchakatika id est Curriculum Figlinum Sudrakae Regis Fabula. Sanskrite edidit A. F. Stenzler laege papee, half calf extra imperial 8 vo. Bonnes , 1847 6916 Miihlenfels (L. von) Introductory Lecture 8vo. London , 1829 6917 Miihlenfels (L. von) Introduction to a Course of German Literature 8vo. London, 1830 6918 Miihler (Justiz-Ministers) General-Bericht iiber die Justiz- Verwaltung 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 6919 Miihler (Justiz-Minister) General-Bericht iiber die Justiz- Verwaltung fiir 1840 und 1841 FINE PAPEE 8vo. Berlin , 1843 Printed for official use only. 6920 Miihry (Dr. A.) iiber die historische Unwandelbarkeit der Natur und der Krankheiten 8 vo. Hannover , 1844 500 6921 Miihry (Dr. A.) Grundziige der Noso-Geographie, 2 vol. dedication copy, the printed dedication to A. von Humboldt , bearing the author's autograph signature half morocco 8vo. Leipzig , 1856 6922 Muller ( ) fiber Echinodermenlarven 8vo. 1851 6923 Muller ( ) Zootomica, Plate I (Apis) and Plate III, IV & V (Halicora Hemprichii) folio 6924 Muller (A.) Leben des Erasmus Von Rotterdam fine paper 8 vo. Hamburg , 1828 6925 Muller (Dr. A.) Geschichte der Reformation in der Mark Brandenburg, fine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1839 6926 Muller (A.) Hengstenberg und die Evangelische Kirchen- zeitung post 8 vo. Berlin , 1856 6927 Muller (Dr. A.) Die Sclilacht bei Prag und die Schlacht bei Leuthen, 2 xo\. plan post 8vo. Berlin , 1857 6928 Muller (A. W.) Blatter der Erinnerung an S. H. Prinzen Georg Albrecht zu Sachsen-Meiningen 8 vo. Meiningen , 1855 6929 Mueller (C.) de Familia Elaeocarpeacearum, plate vellum paper, author's autograph corrections 8 vo. Berolini, 1849 6930 Muller (K.) iiber die Bedeutung der Systematik fur die geo- graphische Verbreitung der Pflanzen, &c. Humboldt's autograph notes 4 to. 1849 6931 Mueller (C. G.) de Sympathia contagiosa 8 vo. Berolini, 1839 6932 Muller (C. Leopold, Maler und Anatomischer Zeichner) Profit Ansicht des vergrosserten menschlichen linken Auges, coloured drawing , showing by moveable diagrams its perfect dissection 6933 Muller (C. O.) Grsecia Superior Tempore Belli Peloponnesiaci ineuntis, coloured , and mounted on cloth * 6934 Muller (C. O.) und C. (Esterley Denkmaler der alten Kunst, vol. II Part I, plates oblong Ato. 6935 Muller (K. O.) Karte des Peloponnes wahrend des Pelopon- nesischen Kriegs, coloured , and mounted on cloth imperial Ato. Breslau , s. a. 6936 Muller (C. O.) Graecia Superior qualis Tempore Belli Pelopon- nesiaci ineuntis fuit, coloured , thick paper 6937 Muller (K. O.) Karte des Peloponnes wahrend des Pelopon- nesischen Kriegs, coloured Breslau , s. a . 6938 Muller (Dr. K. O.) Geschichten der Hellenischer Stammer und Stadte mit Beilage zur Karte des Nordlichen Griechen- lands, 4 vol. in 3, maps , half calf 8 vo. Breslau , 1820-31 6939 Muller (K. O.) Prolegomena zu einer wissenschaftlicheu Mythologie, Humboldt's autograph notes in pencil 8vo. Gottingen , 1 ^ °5 6940 Muller (K. O.) Die Etrusker, 2 vol. plate of characters , Breslau , 1828 — Ruhle von Lilienstern (J. J.) Zur Geschichte der Pelasger und Etrusker, fine paper, Berlin , 1831 3 vol. in 1 8 vo. 501 6941 Muller (K. O.) Geschichte der Griechischen Literatur bis auf das Zeitalter Alexanders, 2 vol. yellum paper 8vo. Breslau , 1841 6942 Muller (D.) Nozioni elementari di Grammatica comparata yelltjm paper 12 mo. Parigi , 1853 Dedicated to Baron A. de Humboldt. 6943 Muller (Dr E. H.) und C. F. Schneider Jahresbericht des statistischen Amtes im K. Polizei-Prasidio zu Berlin fur 1852 8 vo. Leipzig , 1853 6944 Muller (Dr. E. H.) und C. F. Schneider, Jahresbericht des statistischen Amtes im K. Polizei-Prasidio zu Berlin fur 1853, yelltjm paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 6945 Muller (Dr. F.) on the Vegetation of Victoria, with systematic Index of the Plants pine paper, with authors autograph inscription , “ To Sir Alex, de Humboldt, Bart. &c. &c. &c. with the deepest admiration of the author,” half morocco folio . Melbourne , 1853 6946 Muller (F.) Einladungschrift zurEroffnungsfeier d. Johanneum’s zu Chemnitz, plates imperial 8 vo. Chemnitz , 1856 6947 Muller (F. H.) Der Ungrische Volkstamm. Erster oder geo- graphischer Theil, Humboldt's autograph notes yelltjm paper 8vo. Berlin , 1837 6948 Muller (F. X.) liber die Vertheilung der Farbenund Geruchs- verhaltnisse in der Familie der Rubiaceen, plate PINE PAPER 8vo. Tubingen , 1831 6949 Muller (Dr. G.) Gothe’s Fiirstlichkeit zu seinem lOOsten Geburtsjahre, privately printed Ato. Halberstadt , 1849 With a Poem in the author’s autograph on the fly-leaf. 6950 Muller (Jo. von) Vier und zwanzig Bucher allgemeiner Geschichten besonders der Europaischen Menschheit, 3 vol. half calf 8vo. Stuttgart , 1828 6951 Muller (Dr. J.) Monographic der Petrefacten der Aachener Kreideformation, 2 parts, plates PINE PAPER 4 to. Bonn , 1847-51 6952 Muller. Another copy, Part I, plates Ato. Bonn , 1847 6953 Muller (Dr. J.) Die Gasteropoden der Aachener Kreide Fasc. I, plate , fine paper Ato. Aachen , 1849 6954 Muller (Prof. Dr. J.) Catalog seiner hinterlassenen Bibliothek yelltjm paper 8vo. Bonn , 1858 6955 Muller (Dr. Joh.) Archiv fur Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medecin, von 1835 bis 1858, 104 Nos. in 95 (feing not quite consecutive ), plates fine paper 8vo. Berlin, 1835-58 6956 Muller (Dr. J.) Feier-Rede, 2 Aug. 1836 yellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1836 6957 Muller (Johannes) Gedachtnissrede auf C. A. Rudolphi Humboldt’s writing on cover Ato. Berlin , 1837 502 6958 Muller (J.) iiber zwei verschiedene Typen in dem Bau der erectilen mannlichen Geschlechts-Organe bei den strauss- artigen Yogeln und iiber die Entwickelungsformen dieser Organe unter den Wirbelthieren iiberhaupt, proof plates large paper folio. Berlin , 1838 6959 Miiller (Dr. J.) Experimental Untersuchung iiber die Phy- siologic des Gehors large yellem paper , privately printed roy. 8 vo. Berlin , 1838 6960 Miiller (Dr. J.) und Dr. J. Henle, Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen, 2 parts, coloured plates folio. Berlin , 1838-39 6961 Muller und Henle. Another copy, Part I, coloured plates folio, ib. 1838 6962 Muller (J.) iiber den Bau des Pentacrinus Caput Medusae und iiber die Gattungen der Asterien yon J. Miiller und F. H. Trochsel 8vo. Berlin , 1840 6963 Miiller (J.) iiber den glatten Hai des Aristoteles und iiber die Yerschiedenheiten unter den Haifischen und Rochen in der Entwickelung des Eies, india proof plates large paper folio. Berlin , 1842 6964 Miiller (Joh.) iiber den Bau des Pentacrinus Caput Medusae, india proof plates, large paper folio. Berlin , 1843 696J5 Miiller (J.) iiber den Bau und Lebenserscheinungen des Branchiostoma Lubricum Costa, Amphioxus lanceolatus YaweM, plates, large yellem paper roy. 4 to. Berlin , 1844 6966 Miiller (Prof. Dr.) iiber proportionate Kreis-Potenzen 4 to. Berlin , 1844 6967 Miiller, iiber die Larvenzustande und die Metamorphose der Ophiuren und Seeigel 8vo. Berlin , 1846 6968 Miiller (J.) Bericht iiber die von H. Koch in Alabama gesam- melten fossilen Knochenreste seines Hydrarchus und iiber die Wirbelsaule des Zeuglodon Cetoides 8 vo. Berlin , 1847 6969 Miiller (J.) iiber die Larven und die Metamorphose der Ophiuren und Seeigel, india proof plates yellem paper, Humboldt's autograph reference 4to. Berlin , 1848 6970 Miiller (Joh.) iiber die Larven und die Metamorphose der Echinodermen. Zweite Abhandlung, 5 plates, Berlin, 1849 — Yierte Abhandlung, 9 plates, ib. 1852 — Neunte Abhand- lung, 9 plates , ib. 1855 4 to. (3) 6971 Miiller (J.) iiber die Larven und die Metamorphose der Holothurien und Asterien, 7 plates eine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1850 6972 Miiller (J.) die Erzeugung von Schnecken in Holothurien Humboldt'' s autograph notes 8vo. Berlin , 1852 6973 Miiller (Joh.) iiber Synapta Digitata und iiber die Erzeugung von Schnecken in Holothuren, proof plates yellem paper royal bto. Berlin , 1852 503 6974 Muller (Joh.) iiber die Gattungen der Seeigellarven, india proofs of the 9 plates , fine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1855 6975 Muller (Dr. J.) und Dr. J. Henle, Systematische Beschrei- bung der Plagiostomen, 60 coloured plates THE DEDICATION COPY (TO HUMBOLDT) ON FINE PAPER, half morocco folio. Berlin , 1841 6976 Muller (Dr. Joh.) und Dr. F. H. Troschel Horse Ichthyologicae. Drittes Heft, 5 plates royal Ato. Berlin , 1849 6977 Muller (Joh.) Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. Erster Band. Yierte verbesserte Auflage, vellum paper, half morocco , Coblenz , 1844 — Zweiten Bandes drei Ab- theilungen, 3 vol. in 4, vellum paper, half calf ib. 1837-38-39-40 royal 8vo. (5) 6978 Muller (J.) Handbuch. Ersten Bandes erste Abtheilung vellum paper, morocco, g. e. royal 8 vo. Coblenz , 1833 6979 Muller (Dr. Joh.) Pouillet’s Lehrbuch der Physik und Meteo- rologie fur Deutsche Verhaltnisse frei bearbeitet, 2 vol. vellum paper, upwards of 1000 woodcuts and coloured plates , with a few autograph notes of Baron A. Humboldt in pencil, half calf extra 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1842-43 6980 Muller (Dr. Joh.) Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik vellum paper, 281 woodcuts in text , and 27 coloured charts and plates in 4 to. atlas 8vo. Braunschweig , 1856 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph letter, forming a third volume to the preceding work. 6981 Muller (Dr. Johannes) und Dr. F. H. Troschel System der Asteriden, proof impressions of the 12 plates fine paper, author’s autograph inscription 4to. Braunschweig , 1842 6982 Muller (J.) et L. Agassiz, Notice sur les Vertebres de Squales vivans et fossiles, plate royal Ato. Neuchatel , 1843 Presentation copy, with the autograph inscription of the celebrated L. Agassiz : “ a son Excellence Mr. Alex, de Humboldt de la part de son tres-devoue serviteur — L. Agassiz*” 6983 Muller (J. H. T.) Lehrbuch des allgemeinen Arithmetik fine paper, half morocco 8 vo. Halle , 1838 Important also for the History of Arithmetic. 6983*Miiller (J. H. T.) Lehrbuch der Geometrie, 2 vol. plates fine paper 8 vo. ib. 1844 6984 Muller (J. H. T.) Vierstellige Logarithmen der natiirlichen Zahlen und Winkelfunctionen, &c. royal 8vo. Halle , 1844 6985 Muller ( J. W. von) Fliegende Blatter aus meinem Tagebuche, gefuhrt auf einer Reise in Nord-Ost-Afrika in 1847-49, plates ( including the Circus Mulleri , coloured) large vellum paper, the dedication copy to the King of Prussia , with the inscription printed in gold and colour's , cloth , g. e. royal 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1851 Printed for private circulation only, and very scarce. 504 6986 Muller (J. W. von) Das Einhorn vellum paper, half green morocco roy. 8vo. Stuttgart , 1852 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ Seiner Excellenz Herrn Alexander Freyherrn von Humboldt dem unsterblichen Forscher in stummer Vereh- rung der Verfasser.” This very learned work was written to prove the existence of the unicorn, of which the author, on the authority of the Fakir Achmed gives the name “ Anasa,” with a description. 6987 Muller (J. W. von) iiber Hautfarbe und Schadelbildung 8vo. Stuttgart , 1852 6988 Muller (Baron J. W. de) des Causes de la Coloration de la Peau et des Differences dans les Formes du Crane au Point de Yue de 1’ Unite du Genre humain large paper imperial 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1853 6989 Muller (Baron J. W. von) Beitrage zur Ornithologie Afrika ’s, 4 parts, with 16 finely coloured plates royal 4 to. Stuttgart , 1853-54 6990 Muller. Beitrage, Part 2, 4 coloured plates roy. 4 to. ih. 1854 6991 Mueller (L.) de Isomerismo, Metamerismo et Polymerismo, plate , pine paper 8 vo. Vratislavice , 1837 6992 Miiller (Max) Buddhism and Buddhist Pilgrims, with very valuable notes in Humboldt's autograph 8vo. (Hertford), 1857 6993 Muller (Max) on the Veda and Zend-Avesta, autograph of “ Al. Humboldt ” 8 vo. London , n. d. Privately printed. Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 6994 Muller (Moritz) Betrachtungen und Gedanken vellum paper 8vo. Karlsruhe, 1857 Presentation copy, with an autograph letter from the author. 6995 Muller (Th.) Synopsis novorum Generum, Specierum et Varietatum Testaceorum viventium Anno 1834 promul- gatorum, fine paper, scarce 8 vo. Berolini , 1836 6996 Miillensiefen (J.) iiber die Innere Mission 8vo. Berlin, 1855 6997 Miinch (H.) Kalender der Natur 4 to. Worms , 1857 The first article is entitled “Alexander von Humboldt.” 6998 Miinsingen K. Wiirt. Oberamt, map , with plan of the City royal 4 to. 6999 Miinter (A. H. A. J.) Observationes Phytophysiologicae vellum paper 8z>o. Berolini , 1841 7000 Miinter (G. W.) Allgemeine Zoologie fine paper 8 vo. Halle , 1840 7001 Miinter (J.) Die Krankheiten der Kartoffeln, Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. Berlin , 1846 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 7002 Miircker (F. A.) Zur Wiederherstellung der Kunst der Bered- samkeit als philosophische Wissenschaft 8 vo. Berlin , 1843 505 7003 Mutzell (J.) Psedagogische Skizzen die Reform der Deutschen koheren Schulen betreffend, with author’s autograph inscription , thick vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1850 7004 Mulder (G-. J.) Versuch einer allgemeinen physiologischen Chemie iibersetzt von J. Moleschott (pp. 1 — 864) half morocco extra 8 vo. Heidelberg , 1844-48 7005 Mulder (L.) Historisch-kritisch Overzigt van de Bepalingen der iEquivalent-Gewigten van 24 Metallen, plate larhe paper, author’s autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Utrecht , 1853 7006 Mullach (F. G. A.) Qusestionum Democritearum Specimen secundum, eine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1842 7007 Mullachii (F. G. A.) Conjectaneorum Byzantinorum Libri duo 8 vo. Berolini , 1852 Containing Sophronii Hymnus in Christum, Anonymi Carmen Grsecum de Florio et Platziaflora, &c. 7008 Muller (G. F.) and P. S. Pallas, Conquest of Siberia and History of the Wars, &c. between Russia and China, trans- lated by the Chevalier Dillon 8 vo. London , 1843 With autograph inscription of the Chevalier Dillon, the Discoverer of the Fate of La Perouse. 7009 Muller (J. de) Sa Biographie par Ch. Mounard 8 vo. Par. 1839 7010 Mulock (T.) British Lunatic Asylums, with autograph note of Baron Humboldt , who has marked Dr. Peithmann’s case 1 2mo. Stafford, 1858 7011 Mulot, Puits Artesien de 1’ Abattoir Grenelle, coloured plate , with autograph inscription of “ L. C. Bizet, Conservateur des Abattoirs ” atlas folio With autograph note of Humboldt, in which it is stated to be “selten” (rare). 7012 Mulsant (E.) Lettres a Julie sur I’Entomologie suivies d’une Description methodique de la plus grande Partie des Insectes de France, 2 vol. the plates carefully coloured calf extra, g. e. 8 vo. Lyon , 1830 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 7013 Mulsant (E.) Species des Coleopteres Trimeres Securipalpes calf extra , g. e. royal 8vo. Lyon, 1851 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ a Monsieur le B on Alex, de Humboldt hommage de respect et d’admiration de l’auteur — E. Mulsant.” 7014 Mulsant (E.) Opuscules Entomologiques, 4 Parts, portraits of A. J. J. Solier and P. Ormancey imperial 8 vo. Paris {Lyon), 1852-53 Presentation copies, each cahier having the author’s autograph inscription, with his signature. 7015 Muncke (G. W.) Anfangsgriinde der Naturlehre(Experimental- physik und Geographic), 2 vol. plates 8vo. Heidelberg, 1819-20 3 T 506 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 rZ 7024 o K 7026 Muncke (Dr. G. W.) Elemente der gesammten Naturlehre, plates , eine paper post 8 vo. Heidelberg , 1842 Muncke (Dr. G. W.) Populare Warmelehre, woodcuts thick YELLUM paper, with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Leipzig , 1847 Mundt (T.) Thomas Miintzer, ein Deutscher Roman, 3 vol. post 8 vo, Altona , 1841-42 Muiioz del Monte (Don F.) Escuelas de Agricultura yellum paper 8vo. Madrid , 1823 Munzinger (W.) Esquisse de Carte des Pays au Nord de 1’Abyssinie et Itineraires, with F. M. Ziegler s autograph inscription and Baron Humboldt' s note folio. Winterthur , 1857 (2) Murawiew (N. von) Reise durch Turkomanien nach Chiwa in 1819-20, ubersetzt und mit Beilagen und Anmerkungen begleitet von P. Strahl, 2 vol. in 1, map and plates Humboldt's autograph note at end 8 vo. Berlin , 1824 See ante No. 6910. Murchison (Sir R. I.) on the Coal-Field of Brora in Suther- landshire, map and plates author's autograph inscription, London , 1827 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Address to the Geological Society large paper, author's autograph inscription to M. de Buch royal 8 vo. London, 1832 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Silurian System, founded on Geological Researches in the Counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester and Stafford, with Descriptions of the Coal-Fields and overlying Formations, 2 vol. numerous plates ( several coloured ) half green morocco extra , and the large maps not folded royal 4 to. London , 1839 This classical work is now very scarce. Murchison (Sir R. I.) on the Tchorno-Zem, or Black Earth of Russia, author's autograph corrections , London , 1842 — On the Silurian Rocks of Parts of Sweden, plate , author s autograph inscription , ib. 1847 — On the Slaty Rocks of the Sichon and the Mineral Springs of Vichy, cuts, ib. 1851 — On the former Changes of the Alps, with the fol- lowing inscription : “ Perhaps the Baron v. Humboldt will glance over this notice as it contains some broad views ? R. I. M.” ib. 1851 — On the Meaning of the Term “ Silu- rian System,” Humboldt's autograph notes , ib. 1852 — On Lesmahago Silurians, &c. author's autograph inscription , ib. 1856 8vo. (6) Murchison (Sir R. I.) Geology of Russia and the Ural Moun- tains, pp. 41 to 316 4 to. 507 f}¥\ 7028 7029 7030 Sf 7031 7032 ^-J^(70S3 ^7034 JX 7035 £ 7027 Murchison (Sir R. I ) Address to the Geological Society large paper royal 8vo. London , 1842 Presentation copy to the King of Prussia, with the following inscription in Sir R, I. Murchison’s autograph: “To His Majesty the King of Prussia as a humble memento of His Majesty’s visit to England from the author.” Murchison (Sir R. I.) Address. Another copy large paper, with author s autograph inscription to Humboldt royal 8vo. ib. 1842 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Rocks in Germany and Belgium, coloured plan , Humboldt's autograph note oblong atlas folio. London , 1843 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Address to the R. Geographical Society (1844), author's autograph inscription 8vo. London , 1844 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Address to the Royal Geographical Society (1845) large paper, presentation copy “To His Majesty the King of Prussia, with the author’s most respectful duty ” roy. 8 vo. London , 1845 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Address. Another copy large paper royal 8vo. ib. 1845 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Address. Another copy small paper, “ To His Excellency Baron de Humboldt” 8vo. ib. 1845 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Address. Another copy small paper, “ To the Baron Leopold von Buch, with the author’s kind regards ” 8vo. ib. 1845 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Address to the British Association large paper, author's autograph inscription , and several passages marked royal 8vo. London , 1846 7036 Murchison. Another copy royal 8vo. ib. 1846 7037 Murchison (Sir R. I.) on the Geological Structure of the Alps, Apennines and Carpathians, cuts “ From the author" 8vo. London, 1849 Humboldt makes a reference to p. 304, where a passage respecting L. von Buch is marked. 7038 Murchison (Sir R. I.) on the Vents of Hot Vapour in Tuscany Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. London , 1850 7039 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Memoria sulla Struttura geologica delle Alpi, degli Apennini e dei Carpazi. Traduzione ed Appendice sulla Toscana dei Professori Cav. P. Savi e G. Meneghini, plates 8vo. Firenze , 1851 Presentation copy, inscribed “A1 celeberrimo Geologo Baro Ales- sandro de Humboldt omaggio degli autori Savi, e Meneghini Berlino.” 7040 Murchison (Sir R. I.) on the former Changes of the Alps 8vo. London , 1851 508 «// 7042 £r , 7 »“ 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Addresses to the Royal Geographical Society in 1852, 1853, 185F and 1858, 4 vol. privately printed \ ^ 8v&. London , 1852-58 Presentation copies, each having the author’s autograph inscription. Murchison (Sir R. I.) Siluria, maps and plates 8vo. London, 1854 With the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ To His Excellency Baron de Humboldt from Rod. I. Murchison, being a second copy which he may bestow on any good Prussian Geologist when my first offering May 31 shall have arrived. London, 29 July, 1854 .” Murchison (Sir Roderick Impey) Siluria. The History of the oldest known Rocks containing Organic Remains, with a brief Sketch of the Distribution of Gold over the Earth, maps and plates , with Humboldts autograph notes 8 vo. London, 1854 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription, and also with Sir R. I. Murchison’s Report on Kjerulf’s Silurian Rocks and Fossils of Norway, with a whole page of Sir R. I. M.’s autograph additions. Murchison (Sir R. I.) Address to the Geographical Society privately printed, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. London , 1857 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Address to the Royal Geographical Society 8vo. London, 1858 Presentation copy to “ His Excellency Chevalier Bunsen from the author.” Murchison (Sir Roderick Impey) Siluria: the History of the oldest fossiliferous Rocks and their Foundations; with a brief Sketch of the Distribution of Gold over the Earth. Third Edition (including the Silurian System), maps and plates, Humboldt' s autograph notes 8vo. London, 1859 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph: “To His Excellency Baron A. von Humboldt from his sincere admirer — Rod. I. Murchison.” Murchison (Sir R. I.) and J. Arrowsmith, The Uralian Moun- tains, proof royal folio. London, 1845 Murchison (Sir R. I.) and Major E. Sabine, Address as general Secretaries of the British Association, three copies 8 vo. Glasgow, 1 840 Murchison (Sir R. I.) and Major E. Sabine, Address to the British Association, autograph inscription of Sir It. T. Murchison 8 vo. Glasgow, 1840 Murchison (Sir R. I.), E. de Verneuil and Count A. von Key- serling on the Geological Structure of Northern Central and Southern Russia, and of the Ural Mountains, 3 parts, laege papee, presentation copy, with Sir R . I. Murchison' s inscription and Humboldt' s autograph notes royal 8 vo. London, 1841-42 7051 Murchison (Sir R. I.), E. de Verneuil and Count A. von Key- serling, Geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural Moun- tains, 2 vol. (vol. I Geology, vol. II Paleontologie), maps, profiles , and numerous plates 4 to. London andPariSj 1845 Presentation copy from Sir R. I. Murchison, with his autograph inscription. 7052 Marmora (A. de la) Carte de la Sardaigne, India proof folio. Paris , 1839 7053 Murr (C. G. von) Diplomatische Geschichte des Portugiesischen beriihmten Ritters Martin Behaims aus Originalkunden, frontispiece and map , autograph signature of 11 Al. Humboldt ” in German letters , half calf gilt 8 vo. Gotha , 1801 Most important for the History of Geographical discovery. 7054 Murray (Hon. C. A.) Travels in North America, vol. I 8 vo. London , 1841 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ To His Exc y the Baron de Humboldt these volumes are presented as a tribute of respectful admiration for his extraordinary acquirements and unequalled enterprize by his humble servant Windsor Castle, Jan. 30th, 1842. The Author.” 7055 Murray (J.) Handbook for Travellers in Southern Germany, map , “ From the Publishers ” 12mo. London , 1837 7056 Muquardt (C.) de la ContrefaQon et de son Influence pernicieuse, Bruxelles , 1844 — Deuxieme Memoire, ib. 1849 roy. 8 vo. (2) 7057 Muquardt (C.) de la Propriete litteraire internationale, de la Contrefa 9 on et de la Liberte de la Presse post 8vo. Bruxelles , 1851 7058 Musee Royal. Notice des Tableaux, Paris , 1818 — Notice des Dessins, Peintures, Emaux et Terres cuites 6maillees, ib. 1818 — Description des Antiques par le Chev. Visconti, ib. 1817 in one vol. \2mo. 7059 Musee Royal. Notices des Tableaux, Paris , 1835 — Descrip- tion du Musee Royal des Antiques du Louvre par le Comte de Clarac, ib. 1830, half calf gilt 2 vol. in 1, 12 mo. 7060 Musee Royal. Description des Antiques par le Comte de Clarac, Paris , 1830 — Notice des Tableaux, ib. 1830, Humboldt’ s autograph memoranda , half calf gilt 2 vol. in 1, 12rao. 7061 Musee Royal. Explication des Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculp- ture, Architecture, Gravure et Lithographie des Artistes vivants, thick paper, morocco extra \2mo. Paris , 1844 7062 Musee Royal. Explication des Ouvrage de Peinture, Sculp- ture, Architecture, Gravure et Lithographie des Artistes vivants, eihe paper 12 mo. Paris , 1847 7063 Nachricht von der Vollendung der Gradmessung zwischen der Donau und dem Eismeere 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1853 510 7064 Nadault de Buffon (M.) Des Canaux d’Arrosage de l’ltalie Septentrionale dans leurs Rapports avec ceux du Midi de la France. Traits theorique et pratique des Irrigations, 3 vol. 8vo. and royal 4 to. atlas of coloured maps and plates, Paris , 1843-44 — Des Usines sur les Cours d’Eaux, 2 vol. in 1, ib. 1840-41, uniformly bound in morocco extra , g. e. with the Royal Arms of Prussia stamped in gold on sides together (5) 7065 Nadault de Buffon. Another Set, 5 vol. in 4, 8vo. and royal 4 to. atlas of coloured maps and plates half purple morocco extra Paris , 1840-44 7066 Nageli (C.) Systematische Uebersicht der Erscheinungen im Pflanzenreich, Author's autograph inscription 4:to. Freiburg , 1853 Humboldt has written on cover “p. 25!” where a passage is marked. 7067 Nalas und Damajanti eine Indische Dichtung aus dem Sanskrit iibersetzt von F. Bopp (im Urversmasse) vellum paper, Humboldt's autograph notes 12 mo. Berlin , 1838 7068 Napoleon tel qu’il fut. Portrait impartial trace par un Con- temporain crown 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1837 7069 Napoli. Memorie della Reale Accademia della Scienza, 2 vol. in 4, plates, vellum paper roy. 4 to. Napoli , 1856-57 Presentation copy from the Naples Academy, with an autograph inscription of Flauti. 7070 Nasse (F.) Zeitschrift fur die Anthropologie, part IV 8 vo. Leipzig , 1826 7071 Nasse (F.) Verbrennung und Athmen, chemische Thatigkeit und organischen Leben 8 vo. Bonn, 1846 7072 Nasse (Dr. F. and Dr. H.) Untersuchungen zur Physiologie und Pathologie, part 2, eine paper 8i;o. ib. 1835 7073 Nasse (Dr. H.) Das Blut in mehrfacher Beziehung physiolo- gisch und pathologisch untersucht 8 vo. ib. 1836 7074 Natalis de Wailly (M.) Elemens de Paleographie, 2 vol. numerous facsimiles of early writings, seals, fyc. large paper royal kto. Paris, 1838 7075 Natura Artis Magistra Genootschap te Amsterdam, Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 3 parts, plates, several finely coloured royal 4 to. Amst. 1848-51 7076 Naturhistorische Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete derWetterau. Eine Festgabe der Wetterauer Gesellschaft fur die ge- sammte Naturkunde in Hanau 8vo. Presentation copy from the “ Wetterauische Gesellschaft,” with an autograph letter of the Secretary, G. W. Roeder. The prin- cipal contents of this interesting volume are:— “ Geognosie und Geogenie der Wetterau, von R. Ludwig; die Fische der Wetterau, von C. Jager; Uebersicht der Gefasscriptogamen, 511 Laub und Leber-Moose der Wetterau, von G. P. Russ ; die Flechten der Wetterau, van Prof. G. Theobald; and Meteoro- logische Beobachtungen, in 3 Tabellen, vom Dr. von M oiler.” 7077 Naturhistorischer Verein fur die Preussischen Rheinlande, 11 Nos. 8 vo. Bonn , 1843-45 7078 Naturwissenschaften (Die gesammten) populair dargestellt von Dippel, Gottlieb, Koppe, Lottner, Madler, Masius, Moll, Nauck, Noggerath, Quenstedt, Romberg, und von Russ- dorf, 3 vol. frontispiece containing full-length portrait of Humboldt , and numerous illustrations the dedication copt, with autograph letter from G. D. Badeker, the publisher roy. 8vo. Essen, 1857-59 The work is dedicated to “ Dem Grossmeister der Naturwissen- schaften, Herrn Freiherrn Alexander von Humboldt, &c.” 7079 Nauck (Dr. A.) de Tragicorum Graecorum Fragments Obser- vationes criticse, yellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1855 7080 Naudet (M.) Notice historique sur MM. Burnouf, Pere et Fils, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris , 1854 7081 Naumann (C. F.) Geognostischer Atlas large paper, proofs of the 70 plates , half morocco 4 to. Leipzig , s. a. 7082 Naumann (C. F.) uber die Spiralen der Conchylien yellum paper imperial 8vo. 7083 Naumann (Dr. C. F.) Lehrbuch der Mineralogie, no atlas YELLUM PAPER 8vo. Berlin, 1828 7084 Naumann (Dr. C. F.) Elemente der Mineralogie, with 157 woodcuts yellum paper, half morocco royal 8vo. Leipzig , 1840 7085 Naumann (Dr. C. F.) Lehrbuch der Geognosie. Erster Band, mit 306 Figuren in Holzschnitt, Humboldt's autograph notes royal 8 vo. Leipzig, 1850 7086 Naumann (Dr. C. F.) Elemente der theoretischen Krystallo- graphie, woodcuts, authot'’s autograph inscription royal 8vo. Leipzig , 1856 7087 Naumann (Dr. C. F.) Lehrbuch der Geognosie, 2 vol. nearly 400 woodcuts, author s autograph inscription royal 8vo. Leipzig, 1857 and 1854 7088 Naumann (C. F.) und B. Cotta, Geognostische Specielcharte des Konigreichs Sachsens und des angrenzenden Lander- Abtheilungen, a very large and beautiful map, coloured by Hand , and mounted unfolded on canvas, with the sections and measurements mounted separately, in a case Dresden , s. a. 7089 Naumann (Dr. M. E. A.) Die Probleme der Physiologie 8 vo. Bonn, 1835 7090 Naumann (Dr. M. E. A.) Pathogenie mit Fortsetzungen, 3 vol. half morocco 8vo. Berlin , 1840-41-42 Dedicated to A. von Humboldt. 5 12 7091 Naumann (Dr. M. E. A.) Metaphysisches in der Physiologie, author's autograph inscription. 8 vo. Bonn, 1848 7092 Naumann (Dr. M. E. A.) Allgemeine Pathologie und The- rapie, Erster Theil ( all published ) fine paper, half morocco royal 8vo. Berlin , 1851 7093 Naumann (Dr. R.) iiber eine Handschrift des Valerius Maxi- mus; and T. Muller iiber Bibliothekverwaltung 8 vo. Leipzig , 1841 7094 Navarra-Viola (Miguel) El Plata sientifico y literario. Novi- embre, Tomo III folio. Buenos Aires, 1854 Sent by J. T. Guido, who calls Humboldt’s attention to pp. 85 - 88 , containing his article “ El Baron de Humboldt.” 7095 Navarrete (Don M. F.), Don M. Salva, y Don P. Sainz de Barauda, Coleccion de Documentos ineditos para la His- toria de Espana, 3 vol. in 18 parts, facsimiles of the auto- graph signatures of Cortez, Lope de Vega, fyc. small Ato. Madrid, 1842-44 Very important also for the early History of America. 7096 Navarrete (Don M. F.) Disertacion sobre la Historia de la Nautica y de las Ciencias Matematicas que ban contribuido a sus Progresos entre los Espanoles Humboldt's writing on cover Ato. Madrid, 1846 Very important for the History of Navigation. 7097 Naville (E.) du Droit maritime et des Relations commerciales des Peuples consideres dans leur Rapport avec les Affaires d’Orient, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1840 7098 Neander (A.) de G. Vicelio ejusque in Ecclesiam Evangelicam Animo 4 to. Berolini, 1839 7099 Neander (Dr. A.) Das Eine und Mannichfaltige des Christ- lichen Lebens, fine paper 8vo. Berlin, 1840 7100 Neander (Dr. A.) Kritische Beleuchtung des Spiritualismus und Materialismus, yelltjm paper 8vo. Bremen, 1856 7101 Nebel (C.) Voyage Pittoresque et Archeologique dans la Partie la plus interessante du Mexique, 50 plates, those of costume and views finely coloured in imitation of drawings half green morocco royal folio. Paris, 1836 This work contains preliminary observations by A. von Humboldt. 7102 N[ebenius] (F.) iiber die Zolle des D< utschen Zollvereines zum Schiitze der einheimischen Eisenproduction privately printed, “ als Manuscript” 8vo. Karlsruhe, 1842 With MS. notes signed B, apparently in the autograph of Baron Biilow, Son-in-Law of W. von Humboldt. On the cover is the following note in the handwriting of Baron A. von Hum- boldt: “ Vom Staatsrath Nebenius auf Veranlassung des Fiir- sten von Forstenberg (zu Carlsruhe) angefertigt.” 513 7103 Nebolssine (Paul) Ocherki Torgovli Rossii, &c. Relations Comraerciales de la Russie avec l’Asie Centrale, Khiva, Boukhara, et Kokhan (en Russe ; blue velvet , joints , white silk linings , g. e. with French inscrip- tion in letters of gold on obverse of cover royal 8vo. St. Pe'tersbourg , 1856 7104 Nebolsin (Pavel) Ocherki torgovli Rossii s’stranami Sredney Azii, Khivoy, Bookharoy i Kokanom. Sketches of the Russian trade with the countries of Central Asia, Khiva, Bookhara and Kokan. In Russian blue velvet , g . e. 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1856 7105 Necker (L. A.) on the Position of Strata in Stratified Rocks 4 to. Edinb. 1833 7106 Necker (L. A.) Le Regne Mineral ramene aux Methodes de PHistoire Naturelle 2 vol. author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1835 7107 Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. Uitkomsten van We- tenschap en Ervaring aangaande Winden en Zeestroomingen in sommige Gedeelten van den Oceaan 8 vo. Utrecht , 1853 7108 Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. Meteorologische Waar- nemingen in Nederland en sijne Bezittingen (1853, 1855-57), 4 vol. presentation copy from the Society oblong 4 to. Utrecht , 1854-58 7109 Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. Uitkomsten van We- tenschap en Ervaring aangaande Winden en Zeestroomingen in sommige Gedeelten van den Oceaan, 3 vol. charts and plates Ato. Utrecht , 1856-58 7110 Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. Uitkomsten aan- gaande Winden en Zeestroomingen, 2 C omgewerte Druk, charts and plates 4 to. ib. 1856 7111 Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. Universel Extract- Journaal metVerklaring tenGebruike van deNederlandsche Zeelieden 8 vo. Utrecht , 1856 7112 Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. Uitkomsten verkre- gen uit de Journalen der Haring-Schepen 4fo. Utrecht , 1857 7113 Neesii ab Esenbeck (C. G.) et C. P. de Martins, Fridericia et Zollernia, nova Plantar um Genera, 4 finely coloured plates royal 4 to. Bounce , 1827 7114 Nees von Esenbeck (President C. G.) Naturgeschichte der Europaischen Lebermoose, 4 vol. in 2, plates half calf extra crown 8vo. Breslau , 1833-38 7115 Nees ab Esenbeck (C. G.) Systema Laurinarum fine paper, the dedication copy in red morocco extra , g. e. 8vo. Berolini , 1836 The Author dedicates his work to Humboldt, Wallich, Blume, Siebold, Brown, Martius, Poeppig, Meyen, and Schott. 3 U 514 7116 Nees von Esenbeck und C. Marquart, iiber den Milcbsaft der Feigenbaume, Viscin, und Cautschuk 8vo. Bonn, 1835 7117 Nees von Esenbeck (C. G.) T. F. L. Nees von Esenbeck privately printed, “ als Manuscript gedruckt ” 8 vo. Breslau , 1838 7118 Nees ab Esenbeck (C. G.) Lepidagathidis Generis, ex Acan- thacearum Ordine, illustratio monographica vellum paper, scarce 4 to. Vratislavice, 1841 7119 [Nees von Esenbeck (Dr.)] Motive und Grundlinien einer allgemeinen Staats-Religion, und sittlicher Weltgebote f iir das Jahrtausend, author s autograph inscription 8vo. Breslau , 1846 7120 Nees von Esenbeck (Dr.) und Dr. D. G. Kieser, Uebersicht der Berathungen und eventuellen Beschliisse betreffend den Plan einer freien Central- Akademie und Hochschule vellum paper 4 to. Breslau, 1850 7121 Nees von Esenbeck, Vorwort zum vierundzwanzigsten Bande der Verhandlungen der K. Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher (138 pages) 4fo. Breslau, 1853 7122 Nees von Esenbeck (Dr. C. G.) und Dr. J. Noggerath, Giebt Tacitus einen historischen Beweis von vulkanischen Erup- tionen am Niederrhein? 8vo. Bonn, 1854 7123 Nees von Esenbeck (Dr.) Vorwort iiber Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leopold-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum 4fo. Breslau, 1854 7124 Nees von Esenbeck (President) Zur Feier des Geburtsfestes der Kaiserin Alexandra von Russland 4to. Breslau, 1855 7125 Nees ven Esenbeck (President) Zur Feier des Geburtsfestes der Kaiserin Alexandra von Russland vellum paper 4to. Breslau, 1855 Containing the Report by J. Noggerath and W. Haidinger re- specting Prince Demidoff’s Prize for Natural History. 7126 Nees von Esenbeck (Dr. T. F. L.) Das System der Pilze, Erste Abtheilung, coloured plates, Bonn, 1837 — Zweite Abtheil- ung bearbeitet von Dr. T. Bail, coloured plates, ib. 1858 2 vol. 8 vo. 7127 Nees ab Esenbeck (T. F. L.) Genera Plantarum Florae Ger- manics Iconibus et Descriptionibus illustrata, 3 vol. nume- rous plates pine paper, half calf extra, and Fasc. xxvm sewed 8vo. Bounce, 1835-53 7128 Nees von Esenbeck (Dr. T. F. L.) und Dr. C. H. Ebermaier, Handbuch der medicinisch-pharmaceutischen Botanik, 3 vol. in 1, pine paper 8 vo. Dusseldorf, \ 1830-31-32 7129 Negura (N.) de Febre Moldaviensi, with autograph inscription, ic Amicce dilectissimce Agnes Seifert , Auctor ” 8vo. Berolini , 1856 515 7130 Negura (N.) de Febre Moldaviensi 8vo. Berolini , 185G 7131 Neigebauer (Dr.) Handbuch fiir Reisende in England presentation copy, with author's autograph inscription , half morocco 8vo. Leipzig , 1829 7132 Neigebaur (Dr. J. F.) Handbuch fiir Reisende in Frankreich THE DEDICATION COPY ( to Humboldt) square 1 §mo. Leipzig , 1842 7133 Neigebaur (J. F.) und E. A. Moriarty, London und seine Umgebungen foolscap 8 vo. Leipzig , 1843 7134 Nekrolog des Kabinets-Ministers C. G. Grafen von BernstorfF 8 vo. Berlin , 1835 7135 Neptune. Story of the new Planet Neptune, Humboldt'' s autograph notes 8 vo. London , 1847 7136 Nersetis (S. Armeniorum Patriarchce) Preces XXIV Linguis editse a P. P. Aucher, portrait thick paper, calf g. e. Venetiis in Insula S . Lazari , 1837 Presentation copy, with P. P. Aucher’s autograph inscription. 7137 Nesselmann (Dr. G. H. F.) Die Algebra der Griechen 8vo. Berlin , 1842 A most valuable History of the Greek Algebraists. With this copy will be sold a duplicate of pp. 1 to 272, with the Author’s autograph notes, apparently carefully read and marked by Humboldt. 7138 Neuberth (J.) Antwort auf “ Preussens Todtenmesse,” (in verse) author'' s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1848 7139 Neuchatel. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel, 2 vol. coloured map of Neuchatel and nume- rous plates ( several coloured) uncut royal 4to. Neuchatel , 1836-39 Presentation copy, with autograph inscriptions of L. Agassiz. The Articles are by Agassiz, Ladame, Osterwald, Lyell, Prince C. L. Bonaparte, Tchudi, De Candolle, &c. &c. 7140 Neuchatel. Actes de la Societe Helv^tique des Sciences Natu- relles, presentation copy 8vo. Neuchatel , 1837 7141 Neuenburg. Das Verhaltniss Neuenburgs zur Krone Preus- sen, von Dr. F. W. Ghillany yelltjm paper 8vo. Munchen , 1856 7142 Neugebauer (J. G.) Geographische Vorschule, 33 plates, with descriptive text pine paper, Humboldt' s writing on cover 4 to. Mainz , 1847 7143 Neuhof (J.) Die Gesandtschaft der Ost-Indischen Geselschaft in den Vereinigten Niederlandern an den Tartarischen Cham und nunmehr auch Sinischen Keyser, map and numerous plates, Amst. 1669 — Denkwiirdige Gesandtschaff- ten der O. I. Geselschaft an unterschiedliche Keyser von Japan durch A. Montanus, map and numerous plates, ib. 1669 in one vol. folio 516 7144 Neumann (Dr. A. C.) Das Muskelleben des Menschen in Beziehung auf Heilgymnastik und Turnen yeleijm paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1855 7145 Neumann (C. F.) Asiatische Studien. Erster Theil, Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. Leipzig , 1837 7146 Neumann (C. F.) Grundriss zu Yorlesungen iiber Lander-und Volkerkunde und allgemeine Statistik privately printed 8vo. Miinchen, 1840 7147 Neumann (F. E.) de emendanda Formula Caloris eine paper 4 to. Regiomonti, 1834 7148 Neumann (H.) Das letzte Menschenpaar, Gedicht yeleijm paper 8 vo. Torgau , 1844 7149 Neumann (Hauptmann) iiber Messung der Kraft der Pulver- ladung 8 vo, Berlin , 1853 7150 Neumann (Dr. Karl) Die Hellenen im Skythenlande. Erster Band, map , autograph of 11 Al Humboldt " 8vo. Berlin , 1855 7151 Neumann (Dr. K. G.) Die lebendige Natur dedicated to A. von Humboldt , calf gilt 8vo. ib. 1835 7152 Neun (Wilfried von der) Im Freien, eine poetische Gable THE DEDICATION COPY ON THICK YELEIJM PAPER, red morocco, g.e. 16mo. Leipzig, 1850 Dedicated to Alexander von Humboldt. 7153 Neustadt-Eberswalde Forstlehranstalt’s Systematisches Ver- zeichniss ausgestopfter Thiere, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Neustadt-Eberswalde, 1846 7154 Neustadt-Eberswalde. Another copy 8vo. ib. 1846 7155 Neve (F.) Memoire sur la Yie d’Eugene Jacquet et sur ses Travaux relatifs a l’Histoire et aux Langues de l’Orient yeleijm paper, author's autograph inscription 4:to. Bruxelles , 1856 7156 New Orleans Sanitary Commission Report on the epidemic Yellow Fever of 1853, plates roy. 8 vo. New Orleans , 1854 Presentation copy, with the autograph inscription of Dr. E. H. Barton, the Author of the Report. 7157 Newton (Sir Isaac) Correspondence with Professor Cotes and other eminent Men, edited with Notes, synoptical View of his Life and Details by J. Edleston, portrait 8vo. London, 1850 7158 New York. Report of the Union Committee 8vo. New TorTc, 1834 Presentation copy from A. Gallatin, with his autograph inscription. 7159 New York. Reports of the Regents of the University of the State of New York for 1850, 1852, 1853 and 1854, 4 vol. Albany , 1850-54 These Annual Reports are the most important educational Reports published in the United States. 517 7160 New York State Cabinet of Natural History. Third Annual Report of the Regents of the University, numerous plates , those to Mr. L. H. Morgan's Report on the Indian Collection coloured royal 8 vo. Albany , 1850 Presentation copy from the Trustees. 7161 New York. Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Reports of the Regents of the University on the State Cabinet of Natural History and Antiquities, 3 vol. plates {several coloured) 8vo. Albany, 1852-53-54 7162 New York. Annual Report of the Trustees of the State Library, 2 vol. 8 vo. Albany , 1853-54 7163 New York Exhibition, View and Ground-Plan 1853 7164 New York Prison Association’s First and Second Reports 8vo. New YorJc, 1845-46 7165 New York State Agricultural Society’s Transactions for 1855, plates, half morocco 8vo. Albany, 1856 7166 New York State Agricultural Society’s Transactions for 1857, plates, presentation copy from the Society , cloth 8vo. ib. 1858 A valuable Letter from Humboldt dated April 15th, 1859, acknow- ledging the receipt of this volume is preserved at Albany. 7167 Nibelungen. Zwanzig alte Lieder von den Nibelungen heraus- gegeben von Karl Lachmann, trick vellum paper, half morocco, g. e. royal folio . Berlin, R. L. Decker , 1840 A beautiful Specimen of Typography, printed in commemoration of the Festival of the fourth century of the Invention of Printing. 7168 Nibelungen. Einzige Handschrift der altesten Darstellung und drei und zwanzigste Handschrift von T. H. von der Hagen, facsimiles of the MSS. editor's autoqraph inscription 8 vo. Berlin, 1853 Very scarce, the edition having been limited to 100 copies. 7169 Nibelungen Lied in der alten vollendeten Gestalt herausgegeben von F. H. von der Hagen, with woodcuts by F. W. Gubitz , after the beautiful designs of. Holbein vellum paper, scarce 8 vo. Berlin, 1842 Presentation copy from the Editor with his autograph inscription. Von der Hagen has justly pronounced the Nibelungenlied “ das grosste Altdeutsche Helden-und Volks-Gedicht.” 7170 Nibelungen Lied, or Lay of the last Nibelungers, translated into English verse after Professor C. Lachmann’s Text by J. Birch, large vellum paper, splendidly bound in blue velvet, joints, g. e. imperial 8vo. Berlin, 1848 Humboldt was one of the Patrons of the Translation. 7171 Nibelungenlied. Die Klage in der alten vollendeten Gestalt herausgegeben von F. H. von der Hagen, woodcuts by F. W. Gubitz 8 vo. Berlin, 1852 518 7172 7173 7174 7175 7176 7177 7178 7180 /l 7181 7182 Nicaragua. Carte d’Etude dress^e par M. Thom4 de Gamond, &c. coloured oblong atlas folio Nicaragua. Carte d’Etude pour le Trace et le Profit du Canal de Nicaragua par M. Thom6 de Gamond, precedee de Documents publies sur cette Question par M. F41ix Belly, with large map coloured and mounted on canvas large vellum paper, green morocco extra, having stamped on obverse in letters of gold, “ Offert par le Comite Fon- dateur a S. Ex. M. Le Baron A. de Humboldt,” in case Ato. Paris, 1858 Nicaragua. Percement de lTsthme de Panama par le Canal de Nicaragua. Expose de la Question par F. Belly, maps royal Svo. Paris, 1858 Niccolini (Cav. A.) Tavola metrica-cronologica delle varie Altezze tracciate dalla Superficie del Mare fra la Costa di Amalfi ed il Promontorio di Gaeta read and marked by Humboldt 4to. Napoli, 1839 Nichol (Dr. J. P.) Thoughts on some important Points relating to the System of the World, plates author’s autograph inscription crown Svo. Edinburgh, 1846 With Humboldt’s autograph note respecting 250 million of years at p. 105 and 106. Nicolai Damasceni de Plantis Libri duo Aristoteli vulgo adscripti ex Isaaci Ben Honain Versione Arabica Latine vertit Alfredus Anglicus. Ad Codd. MSS. Fidem addito Apparatu critico recensuit E. H. F. Meyer vellum paper Svo. Lipsice, 1841 Nicolas de Damas, Yie de Cesar, en Grec. Nouvelle Edition par N. Piccolos, accompagnee d’une Traduction Fran^aise par A. D[idot] et suivie d’Observations du meme Auteur vellum paper, with the translator’s autograph inscription , half morocco Svo. Paris, 1850 Nicollet (J. N.) sur un nouveau Calcul des Latitudes de Mont- Jouy et de Barcelone author s autograph inscription Svo. Paris, 1828 Nicollet (J. N.) Hydrographical Basin of the Upper Mississippi River, the large map by W. H. Emery Washington , 1843 Nicollet (J. N.) Report to illustrate a Map of the Hydrogra- phical Basin of the Upper Mississippi River royal Svo. Washington, 1845 Presentation copy from J. G. Fliigel, with his autograph inscrip- tion. Nicolucci (Dr. G.) delle Razze Umane, 2 vol. numerous plates, ( several coloured) royal Svo. Napoli , 1857-58 Presentation copy from the Author, with his autograph letter and inscription. 519 7183 Nicomaque de Gerase, Introduction Arithm^tique, Livre II, Chap. 9 et 20, traduits par T. H. Martin avec des Re- marques, translator's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Home , 1858 7184 Niebuhr (B. G.) Kleine historische und philologische Schriften. Erste Sammlung (all published) map and inscription fine papee, half morocco Svo. Bonn , 1828 7185 Niebuhr (B. G.) Lebensnachrichten aus Briefen desselben und aus Erinnerungen einiger seiner nachsten Freunde, 3 vol. fine papee 8 vo. Hamburg , 1838-39 7186 Niebuhr (B. G.) Yortrage iiber alte Geschichte, 3 vol. 8 vo. Berlin , 1847-48-51 7187 Niebuhr (M.) Die Deutsche Seemacht und ein Deutsch-Skan- dinavischer Bund, two copies 8vo. Berlin, 1848 7188 Niebuhr (B. G.) Grundziige fur eine Yerfassung Niederlands 1813 geschrieben, fine papee, with autograph inscription of Marcus Niebuhr the editor 8vo. Berlin , 1852 7189 Niebuhr’s (B. G.) Political Opinions and Character, a Letter from the Chevalier Bunsen to Miss Winkworth privately printed , very many passages marked by Humboldt with ! ? ! ! with references in his writing on cover 8vo. London , 1852 7190 Niebuhr (Marcus von) Geschichte Assur’s und Babel’s seit Phul, nebst Yersuchen liber die vorgeschichtliche Zeit, map arid plans , vellum papee Svo. Berlin , 1857 7191 Niemeyer (Dr. H. A.) Neuere Geschichte der Evangelischen Missions- Anstalten in Ostindien 95 Stuck 4 to. Halle , 1848 Containing “ Briefe des Missionarius B. Schmid,” and “ Berichte des M. Carl Hupe liber Borneo, Java, &c.” 7192 Nieuwenhuis (A. J.) Jesus Christ et sa Doctrine appliquee author's autograph inscription , and Humboldt's writing on title-page 32mo. Amst. 1858 7193 Nigris (J. B. de) La G^ologie liee a l’Astronomie 8 vo. Turin, 1848 7194 Nikolaus Kaisers von Russland Rede an die Munizipalitat von Warschau aufs neu gedruckt (als Handschrift) von J. F. Benzenberg, Humboldt's writing on cover privately printed 8 vo. s. 1. 1836 7195 Nitsch (P. F. A.) Neues mythologisches Worterbuch, 2 vol. 8vo. Leipzig , 1821 7196 Nizze (E.) Rede, 15 Oct. 1840 4 to. Stralsund, 1840 7197 Nizze (Dr. E,) iiber die Verbindung von Realklassen mit dem Gymnasium zu Stralsund FINE PAPEE 4 to. Stralsund , 1846 7198 Noback (C.) Uebersicht der Gewerbs-und Handels-Statistik des Kreises Budweis fur 1851 vellum papee, presentation copy with an autograph letter from the author 8 vo. Budweis , 1 852 520 7199 Noback (C.) Einladungsschrift zur Priifung der Zoglinge der Handels-Lehranstalt zu Berlin vellum paper, morocco , g. e. royal 8vo. Berlin , 1844 Containing Dr. Schweitzer’s Idee der Handelsgeschichte ; Yon Reden iiber Messhandel ; and F. Noback liber die Bedeutung des Unterricbts im Buchhalten. 7200 Noback (C.) Einladungsschrift zur Priifung der Zoglinge der Handels-Lehranstalt zu Berlin royal 8vo. Berlin , 1847 Containing C. Noback liber die Handels-Bilanz ; E. von Sydow liber den Werth der Karte beim geographischen Unterrichte; and C. de La Harpe sur les Lectures a conseiller aux jeunes Gens. 7201 Noback (C. und F.) Yollstandiges Taschenbucb der Mlinz, Maass-und Gewichts-Yerhaltnisse, der Staatspapiere des Wechsels-und Bankwesens und der Usanzen aller Lander und Handelsplatze, Part I, II, & III 8vo. Leipzig , 1841-42 7202 Noback (C. und F.) Einladungsschrift fur Priifung der Zog- linge der offentlichen Handels-Lehranstalt zu Berlin fur 1845, 1846 und 1847, 3 vol. vellum paper, green morocco royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1845-47 Containing Dissertations on mercantile subjects. 7203 Noback (C. A.) Beschreibung des Regierungsbezirk Erfurt 4/o. Erfurt , 1840 7204 Noback (F.) iiber Wechsel und Wechselrecht large vellum paper royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1845 7205 Noback (F.) Einladungsschrift zur Priifung der Schuler der Handels-Lehranstalt zu Chemnitz 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856 und 1858, 6 vol. vellum paper royal 8vo. Chemnitz , 1852 Containing F.' Noback iiber Kaufmannische Literatur: Zur Handels- moral ; Gegenseitige Beziehung zwischen Handel und Wissen- schaft; und Handels-Usanzen ; W. Rohrich Die Stellung des kaufmannischen Agenten und das neue Handelsgewicht in Deutschland ; and V. Benoit sur les Sons, les Lettres et l’Or- thographe. 7206 Noback (F.) iiber Credit- Yersicherung vellum paper, privately printed royal 8vo. Chemnitz , 1857 7207 Noback (K.) Lehrbuch der Waarenkunde, Part I (Waaren aus dem Mineralreiche) eine paper royal 8 vo. Leipzig , 1842 7208 Nobile (A.) su le Maree del Golfo di Napoli, author’s autograph inscription (Napoli, 1842) — Mutamenti del Livello del Mare, ivi 1843 4to. (2.) 7209 Nobile (A.) Elogio storico di Macedonio Melloni, portrait author’s autograph inscription 4 to. Napoli , 1855 7210 Noggerath (Dr.) Die Kunst Gemmen zu farben, zur Erlaute- rung einer Stelle des Plinius 8vo. 7211 Noggerath (Prof.) iiber die natiirlichen Schachte 8vo. 1845 52 1 7212 Noggerath (Dr. J.) Das Erdbeben vora 29 Juli, 1846, im Kheingebiet, &c. map yellum paper, red morocco, g. e. 4to. Bonn , 1847 7213 Noggerath. Another copy, map read and marked by Humboldt 4 to. ib. 1847 7214 Noggerath (Dr. J.) Der Bergschliipf vom 20 December, 1846, an der Unkeler Basaltsteinbruchen bei Oberwinter, map , profiles and views yellum paper, blue morocco, g. e. \to. Bonn, 1847 7215 Noggerath (J,) iiber die Achat-Mandeln in den Melaphyren, 2 Parts, plates royal 4to. Wien, 1849 7716 Noggerath (Dr. J.) Die Gerolle 4 to. 1853 7217 Noggerath (Dr.) Die Erdbeben in Vispthale privately printed post 8vo. Koln, 1855 7218 Nceggerath (Dr. J.) and Dr. J. Burkart, Structure of the Crust of the Earth, represented in a graphical manner according to the present State of Geology, on 5 sheets, coloured oblong atlas folio. Bonn , s. a. 7219 Noggerath (Dr. J.) und Dr. J. Burkart, Der Bau der Erdrinde. Text, in folio , with the 5 large imperial folio coloured plates separately folio. Bonn, 1838 7220 Noggerath (Dr. J. J.) Das Erdbeben vom 23 Februar, 1828 “ Vom Verfasser” 8 vo. Halle , 1828 7221 Nollner (K.) Die Hagelbildung, interleaved , with the author’s autograph additions Svo. Halle, 1853 7222 Noizet (F. J.) Carte des Environs de Coblentz 4 to. 1825 7223 Nolet de Brauwere van Steeland (Dr. J.) Ambiorix Poeme en Flamand, avec une Traduction en Fran9ais par P. Lebroc- quy, woodcuts royal 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1846 7224 Nolet de Brauwere van Steeland (Dr. J.) An die Deutschen im Jahre 1847, yellum paper royal 8 vo. Brussel, 1849 7225 Noorden (C. de) Symbolse ad comparandam Mythologiam Vedicam cum Mythologia Germanica. Accedunt XXI Hymni Dei Indrae dedicati ex Rigveda Sanscritice yellum paper, read and marked by Humboldt , with his autograph references 8 vo. Bounce , 1855 7226 Nord. Annales et Memoires de la Societe Koyale des Anti- quaires du Nord. Premiere Serie, maps and plates , Copenhague, 1837 — Memoires de la Societe Koyale des Antiquaires du Nord pour 1840-43, 1844 et 1848-49, 3 vol. plates, ib. 1844-52 — Jahresversaminlungen, 6 Parts, ib. 1835-52 8 vo. (10) 7227 Nordische-Alterthumskunde-Gesellschafts Lei.tfaden zur Nor- dischen Alterthumskunde, woodcuts 8vo. Kopenhagen, 1837 7228 Nordisk Oldkyndighed’s Annaler 1836-1843, in 4 vol. maps and plates, half vellum 8 vo. Kjdbenhavn, 1836-43 7229 Nordisk. Another copy in 5 vol. maps and plates, uncut 8 vo. ib. 1836-43 3 X 522 7230 Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab, Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, 1843- 1854, 9 vol. plates 8vo. Kjdbenhavn , 1845-54 7231 Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab, Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, 2 vol. plates Kjdbenhavn , 1852-53 7232 Norder (E. i. e. E. Sandner) Janus oder Erinnerungen einer Reise durch Deutschland, Frankreich und Italien, 5 vol. Humboldt's autograph notes dedication copy on riNE paper, green morocco extra , joints , silk linings , g. e. borders of gold foolscap 8 vo. Hamburg , 1836-41 The third volume was dedicated to Humboldt, who, in his autograph has written in Vol. I, “ Verf. jst H 1 E. Sandner in Dessau,” and in Vol. V, “ Der wahre Name E. Sandner in Dessau.” 7233 Nordmann (A. von) Mikrographische Beitrage zur Natur- geschichte der wirbellosen Thiere, 2 vol. coloured plates 4 to. Berlin , 1832 7234 Norman (B. M.) New Orleans and Environs, plan and plates blue morocco super extra , g. e. 12 mo. New Orleans , 1825 7235 Norman (B. M.) Rambles in Yucatan, map and numerous plates royal 8 vo. New York, 1843 This valuable work contains a Maya Vocabulary, and Remarks on the American Languages, 7236 Norman (B. M.j Rambles in Yucatan, numerous illustrations , autograph of u A\ Humboldt, Paris, Janv. 1843 ” 8 vo. New York , 1843 7237 Norman (B. M.) Rambles by Land and Water; or, Travels in Cuba and Mexico, plates 12 mo. New York, 1845 7238 Norman (J. M.) Quelques Observations de Morphologie Vege- tale, india proof plates, fine paper Christiania , 1857 7 239 Normand (C.) Vergleichende Darstellung der Architectonischen Ordnungen der Griechen und Romer und der neueren Baumeister iibersetzt von M. H. Jacobi, 2 vol. 65 plates vellum paper, half calf folio. Potsdam , 1830 7240 Noroff (A. S. von) Die Atlantis nach Griechischen und Arabischen Quellen thick vellum paper, with title-page in metallic letters , morocco royal 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1854 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “a Son Excellence Monsieur le Baron Alexandre de Humboldt hommage d’une profonde veneration pour le premier sgavant du Siecle de la parte de l’auteur. — St. Petersbourg le Mars 1858.” 7241 Noroff (A. S. von) Die Atlantis nach Griechischen und Arabischen Quellen large vellum paper (i the title-page in letters of gold), half morocco royal 8vo. St. Petersburg , 1854 523 TWENTY-FIRST DAY’S SALE. LOT 7242 North of England Institute of Mining Engineers, Transactions, 5 vol. maps and plates (several coloured) , wants vol. I and vol. II, duplicate half calf gilt royal 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne , 1854-57 Presentation copy from P. S. Reid, of Pelton Colliery, Chester-Le- Street, who, according to Humboldt’s autograph note, has sent by error two copies of vol. II and no vol. I., although lettered so. 7243 Northampton (Marquis of) Address to the Royal Society privately printed 8 vo. London, 1842 7244 Norway. Bericht iiber eine Seereise nach Norwegen und Holland im Winter 1849-59 von J. R. 8vo. Berlin , 1850 7245 Norwegen. Wegweiser fur Reisende, map post 8vo. Berlin, 1851 7246 Notice d’un Tableau d’E. de Biefve 8vo. Bruxelles, 1856 7247 Notice historique sur la Bibliotheque Royale de Copenhague 1844, privately printed imp. 8vo. (Copenhague, 1844) 7248 Notice sur l’Expedition terminee par la Prise d’Abd-el-Kader, plan and plate 8vo. Paris, 1843 7249 Notices statistiques sur les Colonies Fran^aises imprim^es par Ordre de M. le Vice-Amiral de Rosamel, 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837-39 A most valuable contribution for the History of Martinique, Guadeloupe, He Bourbon, Guyane, Senegal, and their depen- dencies. 7250 Notices sur les Pays et les Peuples etrangers tirees des Geo- graphies et des Annales Chinoises, 208 pages, without title-page 8vo. 7251 Nott (Dr. J. C.) and G. R. Gliddon, Types of Mankind, numerous illustrations, large paper 4 to. London (Philadelphia), 1854 Presentation copy, with inscription : “ Hommage des Auteurs.” 7252 Nougarede de Fayet (A.) Nouvelles Bases d’une Th^orie physique et chimique, &c. author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1848 7253 Nouveau Traite de Diplomatique par deux Religieux Bene- dictins de la Congregation de S. Maur. Tome premier, plates large paper, Madame de Pompadour s copy , in old calf, with her arms on sides royal 4 to. Paris, 1750 7254 Nouvelle Revue Encyclopedique, 5 Nos. YELLTJM PAPER, “De la Part des Editeurs ” 8 vo. Paris, 1846 The first Article is a Review of Humboldt’s Cosmos. 524 7255 Novara -Instruction fur Kryptogamen von L. Ritter von Heufler royal 8 vo. Wien , 1857 7256 Novara Wissenschaftliche Instructionen (von Reden, Heufler, Mettenius, Muller, Fries, Kiitzing, &c.) royal 8vo. Wien , 1857 7257 Novellenbuch (Das) oder 100 Novellen nach alten Italien- ischen, Spanischen, Franzosischen, Lateinischen, Eng- lischen und Deutschen bearbeitet von E. von Billow, vol. II. and III. autograph of “ Al Humboldt” 8 vo. Leipzig, 1835-36 7258 Nowack (Conducteur) Special Karte von dem Regierungs Bezirke Frankfurt (a. d. Oder), coloured atlas folio. Berlin , 1857 7259 Nowak (J.) Leicht lesbare Geschwindschrift (Tachygraphie, Stenographic), plates, yelltjm paper 8vo. Wien, 1848 7260 Noyes (G. R.) Collection of Theological Essays from various Authors, with Introduction roy. 12 mo. Boston, U.S. 1856 Presentation copy from the American Unitarian Association. 7261 Niirnberg. Denkschrift fur die hohen Deutschen Staats- regierungen das Germanische Museum betreffend 4 to. Nurnberg, 1853 7262 Nurnberg. Organismus des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, plates imperial 8vo. Nurnberg, 1855 7263 Nurnberg. Jahresberichte des Germanischen Nationalmu- seums, 1, 2, 4, and 5 4 to. Nurnberg , 1854-59 7264 Nurnberg. Fiinfter Jahresbericht, larg£ paper, 4to. ib. 1859 7265 Nurnberg Germanische Museum. Denkschrift fur Staats- regier ungen 4 to. Nurnberg , 1853 7266 Nurnberger (Dr. J. E.) Natur-und Gewerbswissenschaftliche Berichte, author's autograph inscription pine paper \2mo. Kempten , 1837 7267 Nurnberger (Dr. J. E.) Astronomische Reiseberichte pine paper, author's autograph inscription 12 mo. Kempten , 1837 7268 Nurnberger (Dr. J. E.) Populares Astronomisches Hand- Worterbuch, vol. I, and vol. II parti (A — Mond), portrait and plates, pine paper 8 vo. Kempten, 1846 7269 Nurnberger. Part I, portrait and plate on common paper 8 vo. ib. 1846 7270 Numerals. Boeckh (A.) de Notis Arithmeticis 4to. Berolini, 1841 7271 Ny Felagskrit gefin ut af Nokkrum Islendingum, portrait of M. Stephensen 8 vo. Kaupmannahofn, 1846 7272 Nyegaard (Capitain) Altona im Jahre 1836 proof on enamelled cardboard atlas folio 525 7273 Ny lander (W.) Synopsis methodica Lichenum omnium hu- cusque cognitorum prsemissa Introductione Lingua Gallica tractata, Fasc. I, coloured plates vellum paper, with autograph letter from author , dated 11 Helsingfors, 12 Nov. 1858” royal 8vo. Paris , 1858 Humboldt has written “ Prof. Helsingfors schreibt aus Finland Nov. 1858.” 7274 Nylander (W.) Expositio synoptica Pyrenocarpeorum 8vo. Andecavis, 1858 7275 Oberleitner (K.) Die Nordischen Runen nach J. G. Liljegren mit Erganzungen bearbeitet fine paper 4:to. Wien, 1848 7276 Observations Astronomiques faites a l’Observatoire Royal de Paris; publiees par le Bureau des Longitudes, 2 vol. folio. Paris , 1825-38 7277 Observations magnetiques faites k Bruxelles, a Munich et sur le Hohen-Peissenberg, plates 8vo. Bruxelles (1841) 7278 Observations Meteorologiques faites & Nijne-Taguilsk (Monts Oural) du 1 Oct. 1839 au 31 Dec. 1856 {wanting for 1855), 16 parts royal 8 vo. Paris , 1842-58 7279 Observations k Nijn^-Taguilsk pour 1842 et 1845, 2 parts royal 8 vo. Paris , 1843-46 7280 Observations Meteorologiques faites a Nijne-Taguilsk (Monts- Oural) Annee 1845 royal 8vo. Paris , 1846 7281 Ockel (E.) Bericht iiber des Versuchsfeld zu Frankenfelde vellum paper, important to agriculturists 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 7282 Ockley (S.) History of the Saracens foolscap 8vo. Bond. 1848 7283 Odillon Barrot (M.) Examen du Traite du Droit Penal de M. Rossi large paper, author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Paris, 1856 7284 Oelsner (C. E.) Politische Denwiirdigkeiten herausgegeben von Dr. G. Oelsner- Monmerque vellum paper 8 vo. Bremen , 1848 With the following autograph inscription : — “ A son Excellence Monsieur le Baron Alexandre de Humboldt, tres respectueux hommage du fils de PAuteur — E. Oelsner Monmerque.” 7285 Oelsner (C. E.) Politische Denkwiirdigkeiten herausgegeben von Dr. G. Oelsner-Monmerque vellum paper 8 vo. Bremen , 1848 Presentation copy from the Editor (the Author’s Son), with his autograph inscription. 7286 CErsted (A. L.) Annulatorum Danicorum Conspectus. Fasc. I, Maricolae, 7 plates vellum paper, author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Hafnice , 1843 526 7287 (Ersted (A. S.) de Regionibus marinis. El ementa Topographic historico-naturalis Freti (Eresund, plates 8 vo. Haunice , 1844 With the Author’s autograph inscription : — “ Illustrissimo Viro Alexandro ab Humboldtio devotissimus Auctor.” 7288 (Ersted (H. C.) Naturlehre des Schonen aus dem Danischen von H. Zeise, Humboldt's autograph notes vellum paper, half morocco 8vo. Hamburgh , 1845 7289 (Ersted (H. C.) Naturlehre des Schonen aus dem Danischen von H. Zeise 8 vo. Hamburg , 1845 7290 Oersted (H. C.) Der Geist in der Natur, 2 vol. fine paper, half morocco extra, post 8vo. Munchen, 1850-51 7291 Oersted’s (H. C.) Leben. Zwei Denkschriften von Hauch und Forchhammer nebst Verzeichniss von Oersted’s Arbeiten. Aus dem Danischen von Dr. H. Sebald 8 vo. Spandau , 1853 7292 Oertling (A.)iiber die Priifung plan-paralleler Glaser, &c. plates vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1843 7293 Oertling (A.) Beschreibung einer Kreis-Theilmaschine, plate 4 to. Berlin , 1850 7294 (Esfeld (C. W. von) Litteratur der besseren Karten der Niederlande, engraved and mounted on cloth folio. Berlin , 1832 7295 Oesfeld (Major C. W. von) Uebersicht aller bekannten gra- phischen Hiilfsmittel zur Bearbeitung einer neuen Ivarte der Schweiz, coloured map , with “ Verzeichniss von Land- karten,” lithographed oblong folio. 1833 7296 Oesfeld (C. W. von) Der Brocken, with portrait of Gerlach, plans , views , Sfc. royal folio. Berlin , 1834 7297 (Esterreichisches Botanisches Wochenblatt mit Original-Bei- tragen von Ambrosi, Balek, Beer, Castelli, Dietl, Koch, Schott, Tommasini, Wirtgen, &c. redigirt, von S. Skofitz, 5 vol. fine paper, a capital work royal 8vo. Wien , 1851-55 7298 Oetker (F.) Helgoland, Sonette vellum paper 8 vo. Leipzig , 1857 7299 (Ettinger (E. M.) Bibliographic bibliographique ou Diction- naire de 26,000 Ouvrages, tant anciens que modernes, relatifs a l’Histoire de la Vie des Hommes celebres the dedication copy imperial 8 vo. Leipzig , 1850 The printed dedication is : — “ Offert au premier Connetable de l’Europe scientifique Alexandre de Humboldt comme Te- moignage du plus profond respect de son tres humble Admi- rateur. Leipzig , ce 14 Sept. 1847- E. M. Oettinger. Jour de Naissance de M. de Humboldt .” With this copy will be sold the clean proof sheets of the first 448 pages, having a title-page in the Author’s autograph. 52 7 7300 O’Etzel (F. A.) Volkerkarte von Europa oblong royal folio. Berlin , 1821 7301 O’Etzel (Dr. F. A.) Terrainlehre, plates pine paper, half calf gilt 12 mo. Berlin , 1834 7302 Oeynhausen (C. von) iiber die geognostische iEhnlichkeit des Steinsalz ffihrenden Gebirges in Lothringen und im S. Deutschland mit einigen Gegenden auf beiden Ufern der Weser, plates , with the author's autograph corrections and additions 8vo. s. 1. et a. Privately printed. This copy has been carefully studied by Baron von Humboldt, who has enriched the margins with his auto- graph notes. 7303 Oeynhausen (C.von) Geognostische Carte von Ober-Schlesien, coloured royal folio. 1821 7304 Oeynhausen (C. von) Erlauterungen zu der geognostisch-geo- graphischen Karte der Umgegend des Laacher-Sees, with the large coloured chart on 8 sheets , mounted on canvas in atlas 4 to portfolio , pine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1847 7305 Oeynshausen (C. von) Denkschrift betreffend die Salzbohr- Arbeiten der K. Saline Neusalzwerk auf dem Kolonate des C. Meyer 8 vo. Berlin , 1848 Privately printed, “ als Manuscript gedruckt.” 7306 Oeynhausen (C. von) und H. von Dechen, Die Insel Arran, map and profile , Humboldt' s writing on cover 8vo. 7307 Oeynhausen (C. von) und H. von Dechen, Bein Nevis am Loch Eil, plates, Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. 7308 Oeynhausen (C.von) und H. Von Dechen, iiber den Steinkoh- lenbergbau in England, 2 vol. plates , read and marked by Humboldt , vol. II in red morocco , g. e. 8vo. 7309 Oeynhausen (C. von), H. von Laroche, und H. von Dechen, Barometr. Nivellement von Lotharingen, Elsass, Baden, und Wiirtemberg, Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. 1825 Corrected throughout with the pen. 7310 Ogienski (Dr. I.) Hegel, Schubarth, und die Idee der Person- lichkeit in ihrem Verhaltniss zur Preussischen Monarchic vellum paper 8vo. Trzemeszno , 1840 7311 O’Gorman (George) Communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, based upon the Surveys and Reports appointed by D. Jose de Garay, map by A. Petermann 8 vo. London , 1846 With autograph inscriptions of G. O’Gorman and A. Petermann. 7312 Ohsson (Baron C. d’) sur la Gravitation universelle, la Pression de l’Air et les Th4oremes d’Hydrodynamique vellum paper royal 8vo. Berlin , 1852 7313 Oken, fiber das Zahlengesetz in den Wirbeln des Menschen 4 to. Munchen , 1828 52 8 7314 0[lberg] (E. von) Geschichtliche Uebersicht der Slavischen Sprache und Literatur Humboldt's writing on the back 8vo. Leipzig , 1837 7315 Olbers (Dr. W.) Abhandlung iiber die Cometenbahn, mit Berichtigung und Fortsetzung von J. F. Encke, portrait and plate, vellum paper 8vo. Weimar, 1847 7316 Olbers (W.) undF. W. Bessel, Briefwechsel herausgegeben von A. Erman, 2 vol. fife paper, Humboldt's note on the cover of vol. II. 8vo. Leipzig , 1852 7317 Oldenburg. Haus-und Yerdienst-Orden des Herzogs Peter Friedrich Ludwig, mit Beschreibung der Ordenszeichen, plates veletjm paper, bound in blue velvet , with red watered silk linings , g. e. in case folio. Oldenburg , 1856 Printed for presents only. 7318 Oldfield (T.) To Daimonion or the Spiritual Medium 12 mo. Boston , U.S. 1852 7319 Olfers (J. F. M. von) fiber ein Grab bei Kumae und die in demselben enthaltenen merkwfirdigen Bildwerke, plates 4 to. Berlin , 1831 7320 Olfers (J. F. M. von) fiber den Mordversuch gegen den K. Joseph von Portugal am 3 September, 1758 4to. Berlin , 1839 7321 Olfers (J. F. M. von) die Ueberreste vorweltlicher Riesenthiere in Beziehung zu Ostasiatischen Sagen und Chinesischen Schriften, woodcuts 4to. Berlin , 1840 7322 Olivet (Abbe d’) Eloge de (par P. Ackermann\ authors autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1839 7323 Ollenroth (Dr. J. C. F.) die Heilbarkeit der Eierstocks-Was- sersucht, plate 8 vo. Berlin , 1843 7324 Olmsted (Dr. Denison) on the recent secular Period of the Aurora Borealis author's autograph inscription royal 4to. Washington , 1856 7325 Olmsted (Dr. Denison) on the recent secular Period of the Aurora Borealis royal 4 to. Washington , 1856 7326 Olmsted (D.) Scientific Life and Labors of W. C. Redfield, portrait 8 vo. New Haven , U.S. 1857 Presentation copy from W. C. R/s executors. 7327 Oloug-Beg, Prol4gom£nes des Tables Astronomiques, publies en Arabe, avec notes et variantes et precedes d’une Intro- duction par L. P. E. A. Sedillot editor's autograph inscription , and Humboldt's writing on cover royal 8 vo. Paris , 1847 529 7328 Olsen (Capitaine O. N.) Atlas pour le Tableau du Climat de lTtalie imperial atlas Ato. Copenhague , 1839 7329 Olsen (O N.) Danmark met Slesvig, on 2 sheets , coloured atlas folio. Copenhagen, 1841 Presentation copy from G. Forchhamfher, who has rendered it a geognostical map, with his autograph inscription and MS. notes respecting the geology. 7330 Olshausen (Dr.J.) Die Pehlewi-Legenden auf den Munzen der letzten Sasaniden, &c. vellum paper, privately printed 8 vo. Kopenhagen, 1843 7331 Olshausen (Dr. J.) Die Pehlewi-Legenden auf den Miinzen der letzten Sasaniden, &c. privately printed 8 vo. Kopenhagen , 1843 7332 Oltmanns (J.) Darstellung der Resultate welche sich aus den, am Yesuv, von A. von Humboldt und anderen Beobach- tern angestellten Hohen-Messungen herleiten lassen eine paper 4 to. Berlin , s. a. 7333 Oltmanns (J.) Darstellung der Resultate A. von Humboldt’s Barometer-Messungen am Vesuv, Humboldt's autograph note on cover 4 to. 7334 Oltmanns (J.) Conspectus Longitudinum et Latitudinum geo- graphicarum per Decursum Annorum 1799 ad 1804 in Plaga sequinoctiali ab A. de Humboldt astronomice obser- vatarum Calcula subjecit Humboldt's autograph calculations roy. 4 to. Lut. Par. 1808 Presentation copy, " a Mr. Gay Lussac, l’auteur.” 7335 Oltmanns (Jabbo) uber die Bildung eines Erd-Katalogs eine paper, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin , 1825 7336 Oltmanns (J.) iiber die Geographie Amerikas Siidwarts vom iEquator eine paper, author's autograph inscription Ato. ib. 1827 7337 Oltmanns (J.) Untersuchungen iiber die Geographie von Brasilien, Buenos-Ayres und Paraguay nach alteren, bisher fur verloren geachteten, Beobachtungen 4 to. Berlin , 1829 Presentation copy, with the Author’s autograph inscription, and his note requesting the Memoir on the Mexican Longitude. 7338 Oltmanns. Another Copy 4 to. ib. 1829 7339 Oltmanns (J.) iiber die Nichtigkeit einiger Verbesserungen, welche mit Mungo Park’s letzten Breitenbestimmungen in Afrfka vorgenommen worden sind eine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1831 7340 Omalius d’Halloy (J. J. d’) Observations sur un Essai de Carte geologique de la France, des Pays-Bas et des Con- trees voisines, coloured map , writing of author and of Hum- boldt on cover 8 vo. Paris, 1823 3 Y 530 7341 Omalius d’Halloy (J. J. d’) de la Classification des Connais- sances humaines 4 to. Bruxelles , 1834 7342 Omar Alkhayy&mi, L’Alg&bre, en Arabe et en Fran£ais, accom- pagne£ d'Extraits de Manuscrits inedits *par F. Woepcke, plates , half morocco - royal 8 vo. Paris , 1851 Very important for the History of Algebra. 7343 Ona (Pedro de) el Arauco Domado compuesto por el licenciado P. de Ona, natural de los Infantes de Engol en Chile ■first edition aid yery rare, but having sheet Mm in an old handwriting 4 to. Impreso en la Ciudad de los Reyes (Lima) por Antonio Ricardo de Turin , primero im- presor en estos Reynos, ano de 159G This remarkable book possesses the chief jequisites to delight the mind and empty the pockets of the bibliomaniac. It is so rare that even Nicolas Antonio never saw it ; is a portly 4to ; was written by the earliest native poet of Chile ; was printed by the first printer in South America, Ricardo j and above all, is of the greatest historical interest. The poem is in octaves, and is divided into 29 cantos. It opens with the de- parture of Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza for Chile, and ends with the grand naval battle off Callao, between De Castro and Sir John Hawkins. In the preface Sir Francis Drake is called the English Pirate. In a literary point of view the work is beneath criticism, but historically it is of the highest importance. This copy was presented to Baron Humboldt by the celebrated bibliographer Henry Ternaux- Com pans, and hears his autograph inscription. 7344 Onomander, Altes und Neues aus den Landern des Ostens (Indien, iEgypten, und Kleinasien), 2 vol. 8 vo. Hamburg , 1859 7345 Opitz (E. A. L.) Die Weihe der Religion, ein Gedicht, with autograph letter from the author 8 vo. Berlin , 1848 7346 Oppert (J.) Les Inscriptions des Acheme'nides con£ues dans l’ldiome des anciens Perses 4dit£es et commentees autograph notes of Humboldt 8 vo. Paris , 1852 Presentation copy, with the Author’s autograph inscription. 7347 Oppert (J.) sur la Philologie comparee des Langues Indo- Europ4ennes, Humboldt's autograph notes 8ro. ib. 1858 7348 Opzoomer (C. W.) Die Methode der Wissenschaft. Ein Hand- buch der Logik iibersetzt von G. Schwindt presentation copy 11 Vom Verfasser ” 8 vo. Utrecht, 1852 7349 Oran. Carte de la Province d’Oran dressee au Depot general de la Guerre, on 2 sheets atlas folio. Paris , 1844 7350 Orbigny (Alcide d’) Notice analytique sur ses Travaux privately printed 4 to. Paris, 1839 531 7351 Orbis Terras Descriptionis Apographon Figuris et Narratiun- culis distinctas Manu Germanica Opere nigelliari discolorio circa Medium Saec. XV Tabulae aeneas Musei Borgiani Velitris consignatas quod Camillus Job. Paulli F. Borgia eruditis spectandum proponit A.c. 1797, with Humboldt's autograph note in which it is termed “ wichtig ’’ ( important ) very rare elephant folio . 1797 7352 Orchideae. Sobralia Elisabethae eine neue Species der Or- chideen von H. Robert Schomburgk, 2 plates ( coloured and plain ) royal 4 to. 7353 Ordens-Kommission. Uebersicht der in 1844, 1847 und 1853 eingetretenen Veranderungen, 3 vol. privately printed 8vo. Berlin , 1845-48-54 7354 Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain and Ire- land, drawn up by Captain A. R. Clarke, R.E. under the Direction of Lieut.-Colonel H. James, R.E. with plates in separate volume royal 4 to. London, 1858 Presentation copy from the Secretary of War. 7355 Orientalische Frage, Einige Worte uber die, eine Stimme der Mahnung aus Athen (recommending a Greek State, with Constantinople for its capital ) crown 8vo. Dresden , 1853 7356 Origenes contra Celsum, Greece edidit C. H. E. Lommatzsch, 3 vol. foolscap 8 vo. Berolini , 1845-46 7357 Orleans Family. Description de la Chapelle de Dreux et des Sepultures qu’elle renferme privately printed royal Ato. Pam, 1847 This Chapel was built in 1815, at the expense of the Duchess Dowager of Orleans as a burial-place for members of the Orleans family. 7358 Orlebear (A. B.) Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Bombay, April — December 1845, plates royal Ato. Bombay , 1846 Scarce, all the copies having been presented by the Hon. East India Company. 7359 Orlich (Leopold von) Friedrich Wilhelm, der Grosse Kurfiirst, nach bisher noch ungekannten Original- Ilandschriften fine paper, portrait and facsimiles , half morocco 8vo. Berlin , 1836 7360 Orlich (L. von) Geschichte des Preussischen Staates im sieb- zehnten Jahrhundert, 3 vol. maps and plans , with map and plans to “Geschichte der Schlesischen Kriege” in a sepa- rate volume , fine paper royal 8vo. Berlin , 1838-39 7361 Orlich (L.von) Friedrich II mit dem silbernen Bein, Landgraf von Hessen-Homburg privately printed , “ als Manuscript gedruckt ” royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1840 532 7362 Orlich (L. von) Die geschichtliche Bedeutung des 1 Dec. 1840 mit Beziehung auf den grossen Kurfiirsten thick paper royal 8vo. Berlin (1840) 7363 Orlich (L. von) Furst Moritz von Anhalt-Dessau vellum paper 8yo. Berlin , 1842 7364 Orlich (Leopold von) Reise in Ostindien, in Briefen an A. von Humboldt und C. Ritter, numerous plates vellum paper, cloth , gilt edges , in case 4 to. Leipzig , 1845 7365 Orlich (L. von) Reise in Ostindien in Briefen an A. von Humboldt und C. Ritter, 2 vol. vellum paper, red cloth , gilt edges post 8 vo. Leipzig , 1845 7366 Orlich (L. von) fiber einige Vereine in England zur Hebung des Wohles des Volkes, plates of designs for cottages vellum paper, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Leipzig , 1849 7367 Orlich (L. von) fiber Yereine in England zur Hebung des Wohles des Volkes, plans and elevations of cottages for the poor royal 8vo. Leipzig, 1849 7368 Ornithologische Notizen von J. Cabanis 8 vo. Berlin , 1847 7369 Ornithology. Accurate Drawings of Acantis Linaria (male and female), Buteo cinereus, Gecinus viridis, Motacilla sulpherea (male and female), Persistera maeulicollis, and Xema ridibundum, exquisitely coloured (6) Presented by the painter. On the back of “ Peristera ” is the name of “ B'adeker.” 7370 Ortolan (M.) Notice biographique sur M. Dupin, portrait eine paper 8 vo. Paris , 1840 7371 Osann (Dr. E.) Physikalisch-medicinische Darstellung der bekannten Heilquellen der vorziiglichsten Lander Europa’s, 3 vol. in 4 8 vo. Berlin , 1839-43 7372 Osann (Dr. F.) Beitrage zur Griechischen und Rbmischen Litteraturgeschichte, 2 vol. in 1 half calf extra 8 vo. Darmstadt , 1835, und Cassel, 1839 7373 Osculati (G.) Esplorazione delle Regioni Equatoriali lungo il Napo ed il Fiume delle Amazzoni, maps and coloured plates of views and costume with author’s autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Milano , 1850 7374 Oskische (Das) und die neuesten Forschungen liber das Os- kische (von G. Curtius) Ato. Berlin , 1847 7375 Osten Sacken (R.) Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America royal 8vo. Washington , 1858 7376 Osterwald (J. F. d’) Carte topographique et routiere de la Suisse et des Contrees limitrophes Paris , s. d. 7377 Ostervald (J. F.) Recueil de Hauteurs des Pays compris dans le Cadre de la Carte generate de la Suisse 8 vo. Neuchatel , 1844-47 533 7378 Ostervald (J. F.) Tableau des Hauteurs de divers Points de la Principaute de Neuchatel 8 vo. Neuchatel , 1847 7379 Otfrid, Krist, das alteste im neunten Jahrhundert verfaszte Hochdeutsche Gedicht kritisch herausgegeben von E. G. Graff, facsimiles of three MSS. yellum paper, very scarce , half red morocco , gilt edges 4 to. Konigsherg , 1831 Presentation copy, with the learned editor’s autograph inscription. 7380 Otto (Dr. A. G.) de rariori quodam plenarise Ossium Pubis Ancylosis Exemplo, india proof plate large paper, author's autograph inscription , and Humboldt's writing on cover imperial Mo. Vratislavice, 1838 7381 Otto (Dr. A. G.) de rarioribus quibusdam Sceleti humani cum Animalium Sceleto Analogiis, india proof plates yellum paper 4 to. Vratislavice , 1839 7382 Otto (A. G.) Museum Anatomico-Pathologicum Vratisla- viense: Monstrorum sexcentorum Descriptio anatomica, plates , author s autograph inscription royal folio. Vratislavice , 1841 7383 Otto (A. W.) iiber Viverra hermaphrodita und Platyschista, 2 plates (one coloured) 4 to. Breslau j 1835 7384 Otto (Dr. A. W.) Verzeichniss der anatomischen Sammlung des Breslau K. Anatomie-Instituts yellum paper, author ' s autograph inscription 8i w. Breslau , 1838 7385 Otto (C.) Leitfaden der Mnemotechnik 8vo. Stuttgart , 1846 7386 Otto (E.) Reiseerinnerungen an Cuba, Nord- und Siidamerica, plates 12 mo. Berlin , 1843 7387 Otto (F.) uber die Behandlung des offentlichen Unterrichts author's autograph corrections post 8vo. Miihlhausen , 1843 7388 Otto (J. C. F.) Neue Ballistische Tafeln, 2 vol. yellum paper, cloth , gilt edges Ato. Berlin , 1857 7389 [Ouvaroff] Bericht an S. M. den Kaiser iiber das Ministerium des offentlichen Unterrichts fiir 1836, 1838, 1840, 1841, 1842, und 1843, 6 vol. Humboldt has written on the cover of the first “ Ouvaroff offentl. Unterricht ” royal 8vo. St. Petersburg , 1837-44 7390 [Ouvaroff] Allgemeiner Bericht an S. K. M. liber das Minis- terium des offentlichen Unterrichts fiir 1838, Humboldt has written the name of the author on cover royal 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1838 7391 Ouvaroff (M.) Etudes de Philologie et de Critique yellum paper, author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. St. Petersbourg, 1843 7392 Ouvaroff (M.) Etudes de Philologie et de Critique large paper, author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. Paris , 1844 534 7393 Ouvaroff (Comte) La Certitude historique est-elle en Progrbs? vellum paper, privately printed 8vo. St. Peter sbourg, 1850 7394 Ouvaroff (Count Alexis) Izsledovaniya o drevnostiakh Yoozh- noy Rosii i beregov Chernago Moria. Researches on the Antiquities of South Russia and the Shores of the Black Sea, 2 vol. folio, of Text, with atlas of maps and plates , those of Antiquities finely coloured and heightened with gold , in 2 vol. imperial folio , morocco super extra , joints , silk linings , gilt edges , with letterings in gold capitals on sides a magnificent work St. Petersburg, 1851-56 7395 Ouvaroff (Comte Alexis) Recherches sur les Antiques de la Russie Meridionale et des Cotes de la Mer Noire vellum paper, splendidly bound in green morocco , watered silk linings , gilt edges , with inscription on obverse side of cover folio. Paris , 1855 Printed for private distribution only. 7396 Oversigt over det K. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs For- handlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbeider (1852-57) af Selskabets Secretair G. Forchhammer, 6 vol. plates fine paper 8 vo. Kjobenhavn , 1852 7397 Owen (David Dale) Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota ; and incidentally of a Portion of Nebraska Territory, with Illustrations, 2 vol. maps , sections, plates of petrifactions , woodcuts , Sfc. fine paper, cloth royal Ato. Philadelphia , 1852 In this Survey Dr. Owen was assisted by Dr. J. G. Norwood, Colonel C. Whittlesey, and Dr. B. F. Shumard. Dr. J. Leidy contributed the Description of the Remains of extinct Mam- malia and Chelonia from Nebraska Territory. 7398 Owen (Dr. D. D.) Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of the Chippewa Land District of Wisconsin and the Northern part of Iowa, numerous maps and plates ( several coloured) half morocco royal 8vo. Washington , 1848 7399 Owen (Prof. Richard) Description of some Mammalian Fossils from the Red Crag of Suffolk, plates, London, 1856 — Description of a Fossil Cranium of the Musk Buffalo, cuts, author's autograph inscription , ib. 1856 8vo. (2) 7400 Owen (Prof. Richard) Description of the Skeleton of an extinct gigantic Sloth (Mylodon robustus Owen), plates large paper royal Ato. London , 1842 Published at the expense of the College of Surgeons, and presented to Baron Humboldt “ From the Council of the College.” 7401 Owen (Prof. Richard) on the extinct Mammals of Australia, plates , authors autograph inscription large paper royal 8vo. London , 1845 535 7401 Owen (Prof. Richard) History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds, 237 woodcuts , author's autograph inscription 8vo. London , 1846 7402 Owen (Prof. Richard) on the Archetype and Homologies of the vertebrate Skeleton, plates and woodcuts 8vo. London , 1848 7403 Owen (Prof. Richard) on the Megatherium, plates Ato. London , 1851 7404 Owen (Prof. Richard) on the Osteology of the Chimpanzees and Orangs, plates , author's autograph inscription Ato. 1851 7405 Owen (Prof. Richard) on the Genus Dinornis, Part V and VI, plates , author s autograph inscription Ato. London , 1852 7406 Owen (Prof. Richard) Anatomy of the Indian Rhinoceros, plates Ato. London , 1852 7407 Owen (Prof. Richard) Description of some Species of the extinct Genus Nesodon, &.c. plates Ato. 1853 7408 Owen (Prof. Richard) on the Anatomy of the Great Anteater, plates , with fine large photographic portrait of the author inserted Ato. London , 1854 Presentation copy, (t with the Author’s respects.” 7409 Owen (Prof. Richard) on Gastornis Parisiensis 8vo. London, 1856 7410 Owen (Dr. Richard) Key to the Geology of the Globe, maps and diagrams royal 8 vo. New York , 1857 Presentation copy “ Baron Alex' Von Humboldt, with the compli- ments of the Author and Publishers.” 7411 Owen (Dr. R.) Key. Another copy, with variation in title- page, maps and diagrams royal 8vo. Nashville , Tenn. 1857 7412 Owen (Robert) Report of his Proceedings in Dublin, &c. views of New Lanark, fyc. 8 vo. Dublin, 1823 7413 Owen (Robert) Book of the New Moral World, author's auto- graph inscription 8vo. London, 1836 7414 Owen (Robert) Six Lectures in Manchester, author's autograph inscription foolscap 8vo. Manchester, 1837 7415 Owen (Robert) Developement of the Principles and Plans on which to establish self-supporting Home Colonies, plates, author's autograph inscription “ To His Majesty the King of Prussia, with the respects of the author” Ato. London , 1841 7416 Owen (Robert) Developement, plates, presentation copy “ To Baron Humboldt, with the kindest regards and highest respects of the author ” Ato. ib. 1841 7417 Owen (Robert) Developement of the Principles and Plans on which to establish self-supporting Home Colonies, plates author's autograph inscription Ato. London, 1841 7418 Owen (Robert) The Revolution in the Mind and Practice of the Human Race, cloth, g. e. 8 vo. London , 1849 536 7419 Owen (Robert) The Future of the Human Race 8 vo. London , 1853 7420 Owen (R.) Millenial Gazette, Parts 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 and 15, with author's autograph inscription and note , 8 vo. London , 1856-58’ — Rational Quarterly Review, No. 1 and 4, 8 vo. ih. 1853 (8) 7421 Owen (R.) New Existence of Man upon the Earth, and Address to the Human Race, 6 parts, Humboldt's note on Part I 8 vo. London , 1854 7422 Owen (R.) Report of the Meetings of the Congress of the advanced Minds of World 8 vo. London, 1857 7423 Owen (Robert) Life, written by himself, with Selections from his Writings and Correspondence, and with Supplementary Appendix, 2 vol. 8 vo. London , 1857-58 With the following inscription in the author’s autograph: — “To His Excellency Baron Alexander von Humboldt, with the highest regards & affectionate remembrances from his old friend Robert Owen. — Sevenoaks Park, Sevenoaks, England, 6 November, 1867.” Owen in his Autobiography gives a character of Humboldt. 7424 Owen (Robert) Life, written by himself, vol. I 8 vo. London , 1857 7425 Owen (Robert) Past, Present and Future explained v 8 vo. London , 1858 7426 Oxford Essays, contributed by Members of the University, 1856 8vo. London , 1856 7427 Pabst (Dr. H. W.) Lehrbuch der Landwirthschaft, 2 vol. in 3 8 vo. Darmstadt , 1841-42-43 7428 Pacific Railway. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical Route for a Railway from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 11 vol. numerous maps , views and other plates ( several , especially those of Natural History , finely coloured) vol. I to VIII splendidly bound in brown morocco , joints , g. e. the sides richly ornamented with gold tooling , and having stamped in centre of obverse “ Baron Alexander von Hum- boldt,” vol. IX to XI unbound royal 4 to. Washington , 1855-59 The Specimens of Natural History collected during the Expedition are preserved in the Smithsonian Institute, and these Reports by Hon. Jefferson Davis, Gov. Stevens, Beckwith, Lander, Pope, Parke, Emory, Whipple, Baird, Agassiz, Heerman, Hallowell, Girard, & c. &c. are most valuable contributions to the Stores of Science. 7429 Pacific Railway. Profiles of Routes, on 2 sheets atlas folio. Washington , 1855 7430 Pacific Railway. Map of Routes royal folio, ih. 1855 537 7431 Pacific Railway. Map of the Territory of the United States from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean, ordered by Hon. Jeff. Davis to accompany Reports of the Explorations for a Railway Route, on 2 sheets, coloured atlas folio. Washington (1858) 7432 Pacific Railway. Another copy, uncoloured ib. 1858 7432*Pacific Railway. Another copy, unfinished -proof on thick paper ib. 1858 7433 Paganol (C.) Histoire de Joseph II, Empereur d’Allemagne half calf extra 8 vo. Paris , 1843 Presentation copy from the Author, with his autograph inscription. 7434 Pagani (D.) Carta delle Provincie Illiriche con una Parte degli Stati limitrofi, fine impression of the large map, mounted on cloth, in case royal Ato. 1813 7435 Page (T. J.) The large Coloured Map of the Basin of La Plata, folded in cloth case New York, 1857 7436 Page (T. J.) Report of the Exploration and Survey of the River “ La Plata” and Tributaries, royal 8vo. Washington, 1856 — Page ( T. J.) Map of the Basin of La Plata, coloured, in case , double atlas folio , New York , 1857 (2) Presentation copy, “with the compliments of Th. J. Page.” 7437 Page (T. J.) Survey of the Tributaries of Rio de la Plata, the Reference Chart unfolded New York, 1855 7438 Page (T. J.) Track Survey of the River Uruguay with Portions of the Rio Negro and Gualeguaychu and of the Rivers Parana and Paraguay, on 15 sheets atlas folio. New York, 1855 7439 Pahud (C. F.) Illustrations d’Orchidees des Indes Orientales Neerlandaises, avec Texte explicatif et scientifique par W. H. de Yriese, 3 parts vellum paper, with exquisitely coloured plates, in a portfolio atlas folio. La Haye, 1854-55 7440 Paine (Dr. M.) on the Philosophy of Vitality, author's auto- graph inscription royal 8 vo. New York, 1842 7441 Paix de Paris (La) est-elle une Paix solide ? par un ancien Diplomate, large paper royal 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1856 7442 Palacky (F.) Geschichte von Bohmen. Erster Band: die Urgeschichte und die Zeit der Herzoge bis 1197 8 vo. Prag, 1836 7443 Paleario (Aonio) von der Wohlthat Christi, mit Einleitung eene paper foolscap 8vo. Leipzig , 1856 7444 Palermo. Statuti dell’ Accademia delle Scienze e Belle Lettere 12 mo. Palermo, 1832 7445 Palestine, Carte de, avec Plan de Jerusalem 4 to. Paris, 1821 7446 Pallas. Opisanic rasteniy Rossiyskago gosudarstva. Flora Rossica, translated into Russian by Zuev, coloured plates royal folio. St. Petersburg , 1786 3 Z 538 7447 Pallas (P. S.) Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Rus- sischen Reichs in einem ausfiihrlichen Auszuge, 3 vol. numerous plates, calf 8 vo. Frankfurt , 1776-78 7448 Pallas (P. S.) Flora Rossica, Russice, 2 vol. finely coloured plates , vol. I {text) in russia extra , and vol. II ( the plates ) half russia royal folio. Petropoli , 1786 7449 Palmer (A. H.) on the Productions, Trade, Commerce, &c. of the Comoro Islands, Abyssinia, Persia, Burmah, Cochin China, the Indian Archipelago and Japan Svo. New York , 1846 7450 Palmer (A. H.) on the present State, productive Resources and Capabilities for Commerce of Siberia, Manchuria and the Asiatic Islands of the Northern Pacific Ocean, and on the Importance of opening commercial Intercourse with those Countries, &c. with the large map royal 8 vo. Washington , 1848 7451 Palmieri(L.) ed A. Scacchi della Regione Vulcanica del Monte Vulture e del Tremuoto (14 Agosto 1851), proof plates and maps , large paper folio. Napoli , 1852 Presentation copy from A. Scacchi, with his autograph inscription : “ A1 celebre A. de Humboldt omaggio di A. Scacchi.” 7452 Palo de Vaca. Memoire sur le Lait de l’Arbre de la Vache par J. B. Boussingault et Mariano de Rivero, 8vo . — Account of the Cow Tree, with 2 coloured plates , 4 to. (2) 7453 Palsson (0.) Heimbod fra Frans til Frons til Pals Gaimard, &c. imperial 8vo. Berlin , 1839 Presentation copy from P. Gaimard, with his autograph inscription. 7454 Pambour (Chev. F. M. G. de) Practische Abhandlung fiber Dampfwagen auf Eisenbahnen, plates Ato. Berlin , 1837 7455 Panama. Report on the Canal from Atlantic to Pacific (pre- sented by C. F. Mercer), maps , autograph of “ Al. Hum- boldt” 8vo. Philadelphia , 1839 Presentation copy, “ with the respects of the Author.” 7456 Panama. Ueber die Strassenverbindung der beiden Meere bei Panama (Bericht fiber Garella’s Entwurf ), map Ato. Berlin , 1849 7457 Panama. The Practicability and Importance of a Ship Canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, map and plans royal 8vo. New York , 1855 Containing the Reports of W. Kennish, Chief Engineer, and of E. W. Serrell, consulting Engineer. 7458 Panama. Percement de lTsthme de Panama par le Canal de Nicaragua. Expos6 de la Question. Par Felix Belly, maps royal 8vo. Paris , 1858 7459 Pancritius (A.) Hagringar. Reise durch Schweden, Lappland, Norwegen und Danemark in 1850 8 vo. Konigsherg, 1852 In this amusing work will be found Translations of two original Lapland Tales. 539 7460 Pander (Dr. C. H.) Monographie der fossilen Fische des Silu- rischen Systems der Russisch-Baltischen Gouvernements large paper royal 4 to. St. Petersburg , 1856 7461 Pander (Dr. C. H.) Monographie der fossilen Fische des Silu- rischen Systems der Russisch-Baltischen Gouvernements royal 4 to. St. Petersburg , 1856 7462 Pander (Dr. C. H.) iiber die Placodermen des Devonischen Systems, plate large paper royal 4to. St. Petersburg , 1857 7463 Pander. Another copy, on small paper 4to. ib. 1857 7464 Panofka (T.) Yasi di Premio illustrati. Fascicolo I, plates atlas folio. Firenze , 1826 7465 Panofka (T.) Zeus und Aegina vellum paper, 2 plates 4. ib. 1842 7497 Pappenheim (M.) Nouvelles Recherches concernant le Mode de Terminaison des Nerfs dans les Corpuscules de Pacini author's autograph inscription Ato. Paris , 1846 7498 Pappenheim (M.) sur l’Anatomie du Sarigne femelle (Didelphis Virginiana) author's autograph inscription 4to. ib. 1847 7499 Papst (Der) 8 vo. Berlin , 1839 7500 Paradis. Jomard (M.) Notice biographique sur Venture de Paradis 4 to. Paris , 1843 7501 Paraguay. Facts relating to Dr. Thomas Francia 8vo. London , 1826 With the following autograph inscription : “ El Autor a S. E. el Baron de Humboldt Vicente Paros Kanthy.” 7502 Paravey (M. de) sur l’Origine Japonaise, Arabe et Basque de la Civilisation des Peuples du Plateau de Bogota d’apres les Travaux recens de MM. de Humboldt et Siebold,y>Zute Humboldt's writing on cover royal 8vo. Paris, 1835 7503 Paravey (Chev. de) Nouvelles Preuves que le Pays du Fou- Sang mentionne dans les Livres Chinois est l’Amerique, plate , with curious autograph note of the author royal 8 vo. Paris, 1847 This important Pamphlet has passages marked by Humboldt, and has references in his autograph, apparently for a new Edition of his Kosmos. 7504 Pardow (E. L.) Der Transport und die Aufstellung der Reiter- Statue Friedrich des Grossen in Berlin, plate rrNE paper folio. Berlin , 1852 7505 Paredes (Don J. G.) Almanaque Peruano y Guia de Fores- teros para 1818 (with “Dissertation sobre el Estramonio”) scarce 1 6mo. Lima , 1817 7506 Paredes (Dr. J. G.) Almanaque Peruano y Guia de Foras- teros para 1821 12wio. ib. 1820 7507 Paris. Rapport sur la Marche et les EfFets du Choltia-Morbus dans Paris et le Departement de la Seine 4 to. Paris, 1834 Presentation copy from the Commissioners, with the autograph inscription of Villerme. 7508 Paris sous Philippe-le-Bel, d’apres des Documents originaux et notamment d’apres un Manuscrit contenant le Role de la Taille imposee sur les Habitants de Paris en 1292; publie pour la premiere fois par H. Geraud, plans , auto- graph of “ A1 Humboldt” 4 to. Paris , 1837 A Document of great importance to Genealogists and Antiquarians, furnished with most valuable topographical notes, and a Glos- 542 sary of the names of Trades, amongst which may be mentioned as curiosities, “ 24 Ymagiers,” Painters or Sculptors, and “ 13 eneumineeurs,” “ 8 vendeeurs et 17 lieurs de livres” at that period all that devoted themselves to the selling or binding of books (MSS.), and probably more than sufficient, as we find there were only 24 “ Escrivains,” or Transcribers of Manuscripts. In the Appendix will be found an ancient Poem, entitled “ Les Rues de Paris en Vers,” and the very curious “ Magistri Joannis de Garlandea Dictionarius.” To a Chancellor of the Exchequer this ancient Tax-Roll must prove highly interesting, as the Income-Tax appears to have been levied even on chambermaids, valets, and apprentices. 7509 Paris. Carte statistique de la Distribution des Eaux de l’Ourcq et Carte des Egouts dans la Ville de Paris, par M. Emmery, both large maps , mounted on cloth , in case atlas folio . Paris , 1839 Valuable copies of these maps, as each bears the autograph note of Mary, the Engineer in Chief, stating that it is completed to 31 Dec. 1840. 7510 Paris. Coupes g^ologiques et topographiques des Environs de Paris montrant le Sol des Fortifications, par Le Blanc et V. Raulin, coloured plate, “ Hommage des Auteurs ” oblong royal folio. Paris , 1840 7511 Paris. Sur les Fortifications de Paris, par M. Arago 8vo. Paris , 1841 7512 Paris. Notice des Tableaux du Musee Royal, Humboldt's writing on cover , 12 mo. Paris , 1838 — Catalogue du Musee Royale de Belgique : Peinture et Sculpture, 12mo. Bruxelles, 1844 (2) 7513 Paris. Salon de 1845 12 mo. Paris, 1845 7514 Paris Peace Congress. Report of the Proceedings of the second general Peace Congress held in Paris in August, 1849 8vo. London, 1849 7515 Paris. Annuaire general du Commerce, de l’lndustrie, de la Magistrature et de |1’ Administration ou Almanach des 500,000 Addresses de Paris, des Departemens et des Pays etrangers classees pour Paris, publie par Firmin Didot Freres, map imperial 8vo. Paris, 1853 7516 Paris. Denkschrift zur Feier des zehnjahrigen Stiftungsfestes des Vereins Deutscher iErzte in Paris vellum paper, presentation copy , with inscription 4 to. Paj'is, 1854 Containing : C. H. Schultz Biga Observationum Laryngis Poly- phorum: Broca sur la Necrose des Cartilages articulaires ; R. Faber fiber die Xerosis des Auges; S. L. Pisani on the Cholera at Malta: J. Seegen das Karlsbader Mineral wasser ; C. Mazzoni Risecazione delle Ossa mascellari; and H. Meding von Retroflexion des Uterus. 543 7517 Paris. La Paix de Paris est-elle une Paix solide? par un ancien Diplomate, yellum paper 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1856 7518 Paris. Rapport sur l’Exposition universelle de 1855, pr^sente a l’Empereur par S. A. I. le Prince Napoleon President de la Commission, plans yellem paper, half green morocco extra , gilt edges imperial 8 vo. Paris , 1857 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in letters of gold on obverse of cover: “Don de S. A. I. le Prince Napoleon President de la Commission Imperiale.” 7519 Paris. Coupes geologiques et topographiques des Environs de Paris, par MM. Le Blanc et V, Raulin, coloured , “ Hom- mage des Auteurs” oblong royal folio. Paris , s. d. 7520 Paris. Coupes geologiques et topographiques des Environs de Paris montrant le Sol des Fortifications, par Leblanc et V. Raulin, coloured oblong royal folio. Paris , s. d. 7521 Pariset (M.) sur les Causes de la Peste 12 mo. ib. 1837 7522 Parish (H. H ) Diplomatic History of the Monarchy of Greece from 1830, presentation copy 8 vo. London , 1838 7523 Parish (Sir Woodbine) Buenos Ayres and the Provinces of the Rio de la Plata, portrait of Cabot, map , plates and woodcuts , morocco extra , gilt edges 8vo. London , 1852 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 7524 Park (Prof. Roswell) Pantology, or a Systematic Survey of Human Knowledge, with a select Catalogue of Books on all Subjects, plates royal 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841 Presentation copy from the author, with bis autograph inscription. 7525 Parker (T.) Discourse on the Death of Daniel Webster author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Boston , U. S. 1853 7526 Parker (T.) Sermon of Old Age royal 8vo. ib. 1854 7527 Parlatore (Filippo) sulla Botanica in Italia e sulla Necessitadi formare un Erbario generale in Firenze 8 vo. Parigi , 1841 7528 Parlatore (F.) Plante novas vel minus note 8 vo. Parisiis, 1842 7529 Parlatore (F.) Come possa considerarsi la Botanica &c. author's autograph inscription 8vo. Firenze , 1842 7530 Parlatore. Another copy 8 vo. ivi. 1842 7531 Parlatore (F.) Lezioni di Botanica comparata large paper, autograph of “ Al. Humboldt,” morocco extra, g. e . the sides covered with gold tooling roy. 8vo< Firenze, 1843 7532 Parlatore (Filippo) Monografia delle Fumariee, india proof plate, autograph of “ Al. Humboldt ” fine paper, morocco super extra, g. e. sides covered with gold tooling roy. 8 vo. Firenze , 1844 7533 Parlatore (F.) Maria Antonia novello Genere della Famiglia delle Leguminose, plate roy . 4 to. Firenze, 1844 544 7534 Parlatore (F.) Giornale Botanico Italiano, vol. I, part I to VI, vol. II, part IX to XII 8vo. Firenze , 1844-52 7535 Parlatore (F.) Giornale Botanico, vol. I, part I to IV, and vol. II, part IX to XII 8vo. ib. 1844-52 7536 Parlatore (F.) Flora Palerraitana, vol. I 8 vo. ib. 1845 7537 Parlatore (F.) Viaggio alia Catena del Monte Bianco e al Gran San Bernardo, plate, author s autograph inscription 8vo. ib. 1850 7538 Parlatore (Prof. F.) Flora Italiana, ossia Descrizione delle Piante che crescono spontanee o vegetano come tali in Italia e nelle Isole ad essa aggiacenti, 2 vol. in 3 8vo. ib. 1850-52-57 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscriptions. 7539 Parlatore (F.) Flora Italiana, vol. II, part I 8 vo. ib. 1852 7540 Parlatore (F.) Nuovi Generi e nuove Specie di Piante Mono- cotiledoni 8 vo. ib. 1854 Presentation copy from the eminent author, with his autograph inscription. 7541 Parlatore (Filippo) sur le Papyrus des Anciens et sur le Pa- pyrus de Sicile, plates , autograph of 11 Al. Humboldt, 1854” 4 to. Paris, 1853 7542 Parlatore (F.) Viaggio per le Parti Settentrionali di Europa, Parte prima: Narrazione del Viaggio, map fine paper, autograph of “ Al. Humboldt,” blue morocco extra 8vo. Firenze, 1854 7543 Parlatore (F.) Elogio di Filippo Barker Webb, India proof portrait inserted , author s autograph inscription , half morocco 4to. ib. 1856 Privately printed. This volume contains also the interesting English and Foreign Correspondence of Mr. Webb. 7544 Parow (C. G.) de Docimasia Pulmonum, 8vo. Grypliice, 1839 7545 Parpart (A. von) Bericht iiber die auf der Sternwarte zu Storlus wahrend der Sonnenfinsterniss vom 28 Juli 1851 angestellten astronomischen und meteorologischen Beo- bachtungen nebst Resultaten, coloured plates of u Rand - gegenden des Mondes ” at commencement and end of eclipse. yelltjm paper, morocco extra, g. e. roy. 8 vo. Culm , 1851 Presentation copy, with the following inscription stamped in letters of gold on obverse of cover : — “ Dem Genialen Verfasser des Kosmos von seinem ergebensten Verehrer.” 7546 Parrot (Dr. F.) Reise zum Ararat, 2 vol. in 1, map and plates Humboldt's autograph notes roy. 8vo. Berlin , 1834 With the “Nachtrag” containing the Observations of Baron Humboldt. 7547 Parrot (M.) sur l’Expedition pour determiner le Niveau de la Mer Caspienne, plate 4 to. St. Peter sbourg, 1836 545 7548 Parrot (M.) sur Pile Julia et les Crateres de Soulevement, plate 8 vo. St. Petersbourg , 1837 7549 Parthenon. On the Lost Group of the Eastern Pediment (by E. Falkener), plates, author's autograph inscription roy. 8vo. London , 1851 7550 Parthey (G.) Siciliae antiquee Tabula emendata, with the royal folio map unfolded 8vo. Berolini, 1834 7551 Parthey (G.) Wanderungen durch Sicilien und die Levante, 2 vol. 12mo. fine paper, half calf with folio atlas of 10 plates, including 3 views finely coloured by the author himself and mounted on tinted cardboard to imitate water-colour drawings Berlin , 1834-40 7552 Parthey (Dr. G.) Das Alexandrinische Museum, plan of Alex- andria 8 vo. ib. 1838 Humboldt has written on cover, “Libri, p. 111." 7553 Parthey (G.) Wanderungen durch das Nilthal 1 2mo. ib. 1840 7554 Parthey (G.) Vocabularium Coptico-Latinum et Latino-Cop- ticum, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berolini , 1844 7555 Parthey (G.) Wenzel Hollar. Beschreibendes Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche, fine paper, rare , 8vo. Berlin , 1853 7556 Partsch (P.) und W. Haidinger Bericht uber die Unterneh- mung einer geologischen Karte der CEsterreichischen Monarchic roy. 8 vo. Wien, 1847 7557 Pascal (Blaise) Pensees, Fragments et Lettres publies pour la premiere Fois conformement aux MSS. originaux en grande Partie inedits par P. Faugere, 2 vol. 8 vo. Paris , 1844 Presentation copy, with the editor’s autograph inscription. 7558 Pasquier (Baron) Eloge de M. Frayssinous, Paris , 1842 — Mignet (M.) Reponse au Discours de M. le Baron Pasquier, ib. 1842, im 8 vo. (2) 7559 Pasquier (Baron, Chancelier de France ) Discours prononces dans les Chambres Legislatives, 4 vol. half calf gilt 8vo. Paris , 1842 With the following autograph inscription : “ Offert par 1’ Auteur a Monsieur le Baron de Humboldt en souvenir d’une ancienne et bien precieuse connoissance. — L. E. Pasquier.” 7560 Pasquier (E.) L’lnterpretation des Institutes de Justinian avec la Conference de chasque Paragraphe aux Ordonnances Royaux, Arrestz de Parlement et Coustumes generates de la France. Ouvrage inedit publie par M. le Due Pasquier, Chancelier de France, avec une Introduction e* des Notes de Ch. Giraud 4do. Paris, 1847 Presentation copy from the ducal editor, with the following in- scription in his autograph : “ Le Chancelier de France a Monsieur le Baron de Humbold.” 4 A 546 7561 Passalacqua (Giuseppe) Cenni sulla Tendenza dell’Arte figu- rativa dell’Antico Egitto, plate A to. Berlino , 1839 Autograph Manuscript, with the following inscription: “A Sua Eccellenza il Signor barone Alessandro de Humboldt in segno di profondo rispetto, Pautore.” 7562 Passalacqua (J.) Brief an Gen. von Minutoli uber Denkmaler- kunde, 4 to. plate, Berlin , 1836 — Neue Bereicherung des K. Museums der JEgyptischen Alterthiimer, Ato. Berlin , 1838 — Neue Vermehrung der Denkmale, Ato. ib. 1840 — Ueber das hiesige Museum, fol. ib. 1840 (4) 7563 Passalacqua (J.) Entwurfe zu einem neuen Gebaude fur das K. Preussische Museum iEgyptischer Alterthiimer, 9 plates fine paper, author’s autograph inscription oblong royal folio Berlin , 1843 7564 Passalacqua (J.) Grundriss des neuen Gebaudes, Humboldt has written on it, “ Passalacqua Bau-Project,” Berlin, 1844 ~-and 6 plates of elevations , Sfc. of the proposed Museum roy.fol. (7) 7565 Passalacqua (J.) Berichtigung des Aufsatzes iiber Brugsch’s Demotische Schrift der Aegypter 8vo. Berlin , 1848 7566 Passavant (J. D.) Yerzeichniss der lCunstgegenstande des Stadel’schen Kunst-Instituts 8 vo. Frankfurt, 1844 7567 Passow (F.) Grundziige der Griechischen und Romischen Litteratur-und Kunst-Geschichte Ato. Berlin , 1829 7568 Passow (F.) Ilandworterbuch der Griechischen Sprache, 2 vol. in 4 roy. 8vo. Leipzig , 1831 7569 Passow (Prof. Dr. C.) Beitrag zur Geschichte der Deutschen Universitaten im XIV Jahrhundert fine paper of an important work Ato. Berlin , 1836 7570 Passow (Dr. C.) Beitrag zur Geschichte der Deutschen Uni- versitaten in XIV Jahrhundert, Humboldt's writing on cover A to. ib. 1836 7571 Pathologise Sermonis Grseci Elementa Ato. Begiomonti, 1844 7572 Patia (M.) Discours a sa Reception dans PAcademie avec la Reponse du Baron de Barante Ato. Paris , 1843 7573 P. triota Americano. Obra periodica. Tomo secundo, many passages marked by Humboldt 12 mo. Habana, 1812 Containing, besides Humboldt’s own “Noticia mineralogica del Cerro de Guanabacoa, 5 ’ much valuable information respecting the island of Cuba. 7574 Patrioten (Die). Nationales Drama in drei Abtheilungen,/?fate privately printed (“ Als Manuscript gedruckt ”) cloth, g.e. roy.8vo. Berlin, 1850 7575 Pattu (M.) Developpement des Bases d’un Projet de Barrage- Deversoir Maritime, thick paper Ato. Caen , 1825 7576 Paul (C. A.) Die Preussen vor Paris ! Militarisch dramatisches Gedicht in 1 Akt, privately printed 8vo. Berlin, s. a. 7577 Pauli (Dr. A.) iiber Cholera 8vo. ib. 1854 547 7578 Paulin. Application de l’Appareil Paulin aux Arts Indus- triels, plates and text executed in lithography 8vo. 7579 Paulin (Chev.) sur l’lncendie de Hambourg 8 vo. Par . 1843 7580 Paulin (Chev. G.) Manuel complet du Sapeur-Pompier, with oblong 4 to. atlas of proof plates fine paper 18mo. Paris , 1845 7581 Paulus (Dr. H. E. G.) Die endlich offenbar gewordene positive Philosophic der Offenbarung (gegen Schelling) Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. Darmstadt , 1843 "With (on a separate slip) a curious characteristic note to Encke in Humboldt’s autograph (signed “ A1 Humboldt”), in which “Ich empfehle der Sanftheit des todten Hliades.” 7582 Paulus Silentiarius Beschreibung der H. Sophia und des Ambon, Metrische Uebersetzung mit Anmerkungen von Dr. C. W. Kortum yellum paper Ato. Berlin , 1854 7583 Pauthier (G.) de l’Origine et de la Formation des differens Systemes d’Ecritures Orientales et Occidentales royal Ato. Paris , 1838 7584 Pauthier (G.) Documents statistiques officiels sur l’Empire de la Chine, traduits du Chinois (du Ta'i-thsing-lioei-tien) large paper, author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. Paris , 1841 7585 Pauthier (G.) Vindicite-Sinicre. Derniere Reponse a, M. Stanislas Julien, suivie d’un Parallele de sa nouvelle Traduction de Lao-Tseu, avec une Traduction precedente, author's auto- graph inscription with signature royal 8vo. Paris , 1842 Printed for private distribution only. 7586 Pauthier (G.) Supplement au Vindiciee Sinicaa royal 8vo. Paris, 1843 7587 Pauthier (G.) Reponse a l’Examen critique de M. Stanislas Julien, author's autograph inscription and Humboldt's re- ference to a-pp, p. 76 royal 8vo. Paris, 1842 7588 Pauthier. Julien (S.) Simple Expose d’un Fait honorable odieusement denature dans un Libelle recent de M. Pau- thier 8 vo. Paris, 1842 7589 Pauthier (G.) Esquisse d’une Histoire de la Philosophic Chi- noise, author's autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. Par. 1844 7590 Pawlowski, Karte der Diozese von Culm, on 4 sheets coloured , Humboldt's writing on slip folio. Elbing, 1848 7591 Payen (M.) Memoire sur l’Amidon, plates, author s autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1839 7592 Payen (M.) Bulletin des Seances de la Societe Royale et Cen- trale d’Agriculture, Deuxieme Serie, vol. I No. 2 to vol. V No. 5, in 35 parts 8vo. Paris , 1845-50 548 7593 Payen (M.) Bulletin des Seances de la Society Royale et Cen- t.rale d’ Agriculture. Deuxieme S6rie vol. I, No. 2-8, vol. Ill, 2, 4, and 5, vol. IV, 2, 4, and 6 8vo. Paris , 1846-48 7594 Payen, vol. Ill, No. 5, two copies 8vo. ib. 1847 7594*Payen (M.) Compte rendu des Travaux de la Society d’Agri- culture 8vo. Paris , 1846 7595 Payen (M.) Compte rendu des Travaux de la Society d’ Agri- culture, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1847 7596 Payne’s Panorama des Wissens und der Gewerbe, part IV, plates and woodcuts 4 to. Leipzig, 1859 7597 Payot (N.) Observations meteorologiques h, Chamounix en 1855-57, &c. royal 8 vo. Lyon , 1857 7598 Pays-Bas, Carte de in case. Paris , 1828 7599 Pearce (Hon. J. A.) Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution on the Distribution of the Funds, &c. with a letter from a tax payer to the Washington Star prefixed royal 8vo. Washington , 1854 7600 Pechlin (F. von.) Gedichte vellum paper, author s autograph inscription crown 8 vo. Kopenhagen , 1852 7601 Peclet (E.) Traite elementaire de Physique, 3 vol. ( plates bound separately) half calf extra 8vo. Paris, 1838 With Humboldt’s autograph notes on fly-leaf at end of vol. I. 7602 Peclet (E.) Traite elementaire de Physique, 2 vol. and oblong 4 to. atlas of plates, half morocco 8 vo. Paris , 1847 With Humboldt’s autograph references. 7603 Pedro V von Portugal. Feierlichkeiten bei Seiner Vermah- lung durch Prokuration mifc Stephanie Prinzessin zu Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen folio. Berlin, 1858 7604 Pegado (G. J. A. D.) Observa 9 des no Observatorio meteoro- logico da Escola Polytechnica, 16 broadsides folio. Lisboa, 1855-56 7605 Peip (Dr. A.) Beweis des Christenthums 8 vo. Berlin, 1856 7606 Peip (Dr. A.) Die Wissenschaft und das geschichtliche Christenthum VELLUM PAPER crown 8vo. Berlin, 1853 7607 Peking. Facsimile of the Chinese Plan of the Tatar, or inner City Nuyching and the Imperial Palace of Peking, by T. B. Jervis, coloured and mounted on canvas on roller London , 1843 Humboldt on a slip has written : “ Das sehr schone achte Chine- sische Plan von Peking.” 7608 Pelchrzim (T. von) Der electro-magnetische Telegraph, with plate containing 21 coloured figures post 8 vo. Berlin , 1848 549 TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE. LOT 7609 Pelet (General) Atlas des M^moires militaires relatifs a la Succession d’Espagne sous Louis XIV, maps and plans half calf gilt atlas folio. Paris, 1836 7610 Peligot (E.) et J. Decaisne sur la Betterave a Sucre, plate 8vo. Paris , 1839 Presentation copy from E. Peligot, with his autograph inscription. 7611 Peligot (E.) sur la Composition chimique de la Canne a Sucre de la Martinique Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Paris , 1840 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 7612 Peligot (E.) Rapport sur 1’ Exposition des Produits de l’ln- dustrie Autrichienne a Vienne, 1845, authors autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1846 7613 Peligot (E.) sur la Nature et les Proprietes chimiques des Sucres, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , s. d. 7614 Pelikan (E.) sur le Curare 8 vo. St. Petersbourg, 1857 7615 Pelikan (E.) Beitrage zur gerichtlichen Medizin, Toxikologie und Pharmakodynamik thick paper, presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Wurzburg , 1858 7616 Pelikan (E.) und A. Saweljeff, Wie soil man die Leitung ver- schiedener Arzneistoffe in der Organismus vermittelst des galvanischen Stromes verstehen? 8 vo. 7617 Pelletier (E. F, C. H.) Principes de la Langue Latine 12 mo. Paris , 1822 7618 Pelli-Fabbroni (L.) sopra di una pregiabile Qualita di Grano introdott.o da pochi Anni in Toscana, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Firenze , 1837 7619 Pellissier (M.) Cours elementaire de Logique, author's auto- graph inscription 12i uo. Paris , 1855 7620 Peltier (A.) Met^orologie, plates , with author's autograph in- scription 8vo. Paris , 1840 7621 Peltier (A.) sur la Cause des Phenomenes electriques de 1’ Atmo- sphere, &c. plates 8 vo. Paris, 1842 7622 Peltier (M.) Notices sur les Fluides, les Forces, et la Foudre, carefully read by Humboldt , with his autograph notes and marks royal 8 vo. Paris, 1845 550 7623 Penrose (F. C.) Two Letters from Athens, cuts 4to. Lond. 1846 Presentation copy from the Dilettanti Society, with inscription in the autograph of W. R. Hamilton. 7624 Penrose (F. C.) Two Letters on certain Anomalies in the Con- struction of the Parthenon, &c. cuts Ato. London , 1848 Presented by the Dilettanti Society, with an inscription in the autograph of W. R. Hamilton, their Secretary. 7625 Pentini (F.) sulla Direzione delli Glohi aerostatici, sulla Teoria dell’ Atmosfera e sue Correnti, non che sulla Causa produttiva la Direzione dell’ Aco magnetico in Linea par- allel alii Poli, plate of balloons Ato. Roma, 1847 7626 Pentland (J. B.) — Humboldt (A.|von) iiberPentland’s Arbeiten in Peru, 8rc. Stuttgart , 1829 — Map of the Island of St. Paul, with J. B. Pentland 1 s autograph inscription, 4 to. London, 1849 (2) 7627 Pentland (J. B.) La Laguna de Titicaca, &c. in Peru and Bolivia author's autograph inscription royal folio. London, 1848 7628 Percier (C.) et P. F. L. Fontaine, Residences de Souverains, text in royal Ato. and Atlas of plans in royal folio half green morocco, uncut Paris, 1833 7629 Percival (J. G.) Report on the Geology of the State of Connecticut, map, with author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. New Haven, 1842 7630 Pereira da Silva (J. M.) Os Varoes illustres do Brazil durante os Tempos Coloniaes, 2 vol. author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Pariz , 1858 At the end of vol. II will be found a very interesting article entitled, “ Notas para uma Bibliographia Brazileira.” 7631 Perez-Rosales (V.) Essai sur le Chili, coloured map and chart of heights yellum paper, scarce 8ro. Hambourg, 1857 7632 Pergameni (F.) Atlas de G^ographie comparee, coloured Maps of the World, Europe , France , and Belgium oblong royal folio. Bruxelles , 1853 7633 Perkins Institution and Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind. Annual Report for 1845, with the autograph of Laura Bridgman 8 vo. Boston, U. S. 1845 Containing also, Dr. S. G. Howe’s Accounts of Laura Bridgman, O. Caswell, &c. 7634 Perronius, Theologus Romanus, vapulans. Scripsit Lucius Sincerus 8 vo. Colonics, 1840 7635 Perrot (A. M.) Carte et Statistique de lTIe de St. Domingue ou d’Ha'iti royal folio. Paris , 1825 7636 Perrot (A. M ) Route du Simplon, India proof, ivith author's autograph inscription oblong royal folio. Paris, 1824 551 7637 Perry (Commodore M. C.) Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, in 1852, 1853 and 1854, under the Command of Commodore Perry, compiled from the original Notes and Journals of the Officers by F.L. Hawker, D.D. 3 vol .maps and numerous illustrations ( several in colours and tints) 4to. Washington , 1856 The third volume is entirely occupied by “ Observations on the Zodiacal Light/’ by Rev. G. Jones. 7638 Perry (W. C.) The Franks, from their first appearance in History to the Death of King Pepin author's autograph inscription 8 vo. London , 1857 7639 Persee et Andromede d’apres un Hautrelief antique de Marbre blanc chez A. Klein, dessine par A. Weber, private plate royal folio. Anshach , s. a. 7640 Persia, Correspondence relating to folio. London , 1841 7641 Persius (Baurath) Architektonische Entwfirfe ffir den Umbau vorhandener Gebaude, 2 parts yellum papee, proof plates of the alterations at Sanssouci royal folio. Potsdam , 1843 7642 Persius (Baurath) Die Baulichkeiten im K. Wildpark bei Pots- dam, laege yellum papee, proof plates after drawings by J. Egle royal folio. Wien, 1844 7643 Perthes (Col. de) Carte hydrographique de la Pologne publiee par M. de Komerzewsky atlas folio. Paris , 1809 7644 Perty (M.) Observationes in Coleoptera Indiae Orientalis, plate 4to. Monachii , 1831 7645 Perty (M.) de Insectorum in America Meridionali habitantium Vitae Genere, Moribus ac Distributione geographica laege papee royal 4 to. Monachii , 1833 7 646 Perty (M.) fiber die hohere Bedeutung der Naturwissenschaften fine papee 8ro. Bern , 1835 7647 Perty (Dr. M.) Feier-Rede, 15 Nov. 1837 8 vo. Bern , 1837 7648 Perty (Prof. Dr. M.) Allgemeine Naturgeschichte als philo- sophische und Humanitatswissenschaft bearbeitet, 4 vol. fine papee 8 vo. Bern , 1843-46 7649 Perty (Dr. M.) fiber den BegrifF des Thieres, with table marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Bern , 1846 7650 Pertz (G. H.) Leben des Ministers Freiherrn vom Stein, 6 vol. in 7, portrait and facsimiles of autograph letters fine papee, autograph notes and signature of “ Al. Humboldt ” 8 vo. Berlin , 1849-55 In this important work are Letters written to Stein by both the Humboldts. The letter of Field-Marshal Count von Gneisenau (vol. v. p. 262) gave great offence to Humboldt, who, in a note to Varnhagen, is very severe upon it. 7651 Pertz (G. H.) Archiv der Gesellschaft ffir altere Deutsche Geschichtskunde. Siebenter Band fine papee 8vo. Hanover , 1839 Containing Dr. Pertz’s Travels in Search of Historical Manuscripts, including Catalogues of those at the British Museum, Lambeth, Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, Stowe, Middle Hill, Dublin, &c. 552 7G52 Pertz (G. H.) Archiv der Gesellschaft fur altere Deutsche Geschichtskunde, vol. VIII and IX pi^e paper 8 vo. Hanover , 1843-47 Containing valuable Accounts of Manuscripts in various countries, including those in the libraries of the British Museum, and of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. 7653 Pertz (G. H.) fiber eine Frankische Kosmographie des siebenten Jahrhunderts 4*o. Wien , 1845 7654 Pertz (G. H.) iiber ein Bruchstiick des 98sten Buchs des Livius, facsimiles riisrE paper, Humboldt'' s writing on cover 4 to. Berlin , 1848 7655 Pertz (Dr. G. H.) Der alteste Versuch zur Entdeckung des Seeweges nach Ostindien im Jahre 1291 yellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1859 7656 Pertz (K. A. F.) de Cosmographia Ethici, plate of alphabets yellttm paper, half morocco, g. e. 8 vo. Berolini , 1853 Containing a bibliographical Account of all the printed Editions and known Manuscripts. 7657 Peru. Carte physique et politique du Haut et du Bas Perou oblong royal folio 7658 Peru. Carta esferica de una Parte de la Costa (7-21.45 Lat.) Humboldt's MS. corrections atlas folio. Madrid , 1798 7659 Peru. Mapa fisico y politico del Alto y Bajo Peru, with Hum- boldt's autograph notes royal folio. Paris , 1826 7660 Petermann (A.) Die Erzeugnisse des Deutschen Gewerbfleisses in ihrer national Austellungzu Berlin, 1844, coloured map thick paper atlas folio. Potsdam , 1844 7661 Petermann (A.) Map of Southern Europe, unfinished proof on india paper , and 4 other Maps by A. Petermann , with his autograph inscriptions (5) 7662 Petermann (A.) on the Fall of the Jordan, and of the principal Rivers in the United Kingdom, plate 8 vo. 1848 7663 Petermann (A.) Atlas of physical Geography, with Descriptive Letterpress by Rev. T. Milner, 130 vignettes on wood , and coloured maps, half russia,g. e. imperial 4 to. London , 1850 Presentation copy from A. Petermann, with his autograph inscription. 7664 Petermann (A.) Physical Map of the British Isles, London , 1851 — illustrations of the Meteorology of the British Islands, ib. 1851 — Meteorology (Isothermal Lines, &c.) 8 maps on one sheet, ib. 1851, author's autograph inscription on each (3) 7665 Petermann (A.) Map of the Population of the British Isles, unfinished proof, with authors autograph inscription, and the same completed, both thick paper royal ito. Lond. 1849 (2) 7666 Petermann (A.) Hydrographical Map of the British Isles, un- finished proof, with title , Sfc. in manuscript, having author's autograph inscription , and the same completed royal folio. London , 1849 (2) 553 7667 Petermann (A.) Hydrographical Chart of the British Isles, coloured elephant folio. London , 1849 7668 Petermann (A.) Population Map of the British Isles thick paper elephayit folio. London , 1849 7669 Petermann (A.) Map of Lower Egypt, Sinai and Arabia Petraea, proof, with author's autograph inscription , London t 1848 — Population (1851) of England and Wales and of Scotland, 2 maps , with author s autograph inscriptions , ib. 1853 — Cholera Map of the British Isles, coloured , author's autograph inscription , ib. 1848 — Geological Map of the Earth’s Surface, unfinished proof with author's autograph additions and inscription , ib. 1848 — Hydro- graphical Map of the World, coloured , author's autograph inscription , ib. 1848 — Karte vom Russisch-Chinesischen Grenzgebiet am Balkhasch-See und Issyk-Kul, coloured , Gotha , 1858 — Illustrations of the Statistics of the British Islands (Occupations and Population) author's autograph inscription , London , 1851 — Map of Sikhim, author's auto- graph inscription , ib. 1850 (9) 7670 Petermann (A.) Map to illustrate Fortune’s Visits to the Tea Districts of China and India, author's autopraph inscription 4 to. London , 1852 7671 Petermann (A.) Plan of Arthur’s Seat, author's autograph note 8 vo. 7672 Petermann (A.) Rio de la Plata and adjacent Countries, chiefly from the map of Sir W. Parish folio. London , n. d. 7673 Petermann (A.) Royal Geographical Kalendar for 1854, coloured oh cardboard, Humboldt' s writing on slip royal folio. London , 1853 7674 Petermann (A.) Two Charts of Novaya Zemlya and the surrounding Seas 4 to. (2) 7675 Petermann (Dr. A.) Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes’ Geographischer Anstalt uber wichtige neue Erforschun- GEN AUF DEM GESAMMTGEBIETE DER GeOGRAPHIE FUR 1855-58, 4 vol. maps , half morocco , and 4 parts for 1859 unbound Ato. Gotha , 1855-59 Containing contributions from the first geographers of the age. 7676 Petermann (Prof. Dr. A.) Beitrage zur Geschichte der neuesten Reformen des Osmanischen Reichs entlialtend den Hattis- cherif von Guelhane, den Ferman vom 21 Nov. 1839, und das neueste Strafgesetzbuch Turkisch und Deutsch in Verbindung mit Ramis Efendi herausgegeben 8 vo. Berlin , 1842 7677 Petermann (H.) Grammatica Linguae Armeniacae fine paper, red morocco , g. e. 8vo. Berolini , 1837 7678 Peters (C. A. F.) iiber die eigene Bewegung des Sirius, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Konigsberg , 1851 4 B 554 7679 Peters (Dr. C. A. F.) Resultate aus Beobaclitungen des Polar- sterns am Ertelschen Yertikalkreise der Pulkowaer Stern- warte, author s autograph inscription Ato. St. Petersburg, 1844- 7 680 Peters (Prof. Dr. C. A. F.J Uebersicht der Leistnngen Bessel’s in der Stellar- Astronomie und in der Theorie der astrono- mische Instrumente 8 vo. Konigsberg, 1849 7681 Peters (Prof. Dr. C. A. F.) Bestimmung der Abweichungen des Greenwicher Passagen-Instruments vom Meridiane vom 2 September, 1750, bis zum 16 Juli, 1762 yellum papee, author s autograph inscription 4 to. Danzig , 1855 7682 Peters (Prof. Dr. C. A. F.) Bestimmung der Lange des einfachen Secunden-Pendels auf dem Schlosse Giildenstein yellijm papee, cloth, g. e. \to. Altoiia, 1855 Privately printed. Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 7683 Peters (Dr. A.) iiber die Nothwendigkeit der Einrichtung zweckmassiger mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlicher Leh- rerbildungs-Anstalten in Deutschen Universitaten 4to. Dresden , 1854 Humboldt has written on cover “ Heussi, p. 24.” 7684 Peters (Dr. W.) iiber die Gebissformel der Spitzmause; iiber einige neue Saugethiere und Flussfische aus Mossambique; iiber Conchodytes, &c. plate 8vo. 1848 7685 Peters (W.) iiber die an der Kiiste von Mossambique beo- bachteten Seeigel und insbesondere iiber die Gruppe der Diademen, coloured plate , author's autograph inscription , and Humboldt's writing on cover laege yellum papee folio. Berlin, 1855 7686 Peters (W.) Uebersicht der in Mossambique beobachteten Seefische 8vo. Berlin , 1855 7686 # Peters (W.) Der Muata Cazembe und die Volkerstamme der Maravis, Chevas, Muizas, Muembas, Lundas und andere von Siid-Afrika, map 8vo. Berlin, 1856 7687 Peters, Another copy, map 8vo. ib. 1856 7688 Peters (W.) iiber die Chiropterengattungen Mormops und Phyllostoma laege papee, with the plates coloured , cloth royal 4 to. Berlin , 1857 7689 Peters (W. C. H.) Naturwissenschaftliche Reise nach Mossambique. Zoologie. I Saugethiere, with 46 plates ( of which 35 are finely coloured) yellum papee, half red morocco, g. e. folio. Berlin , 1852 Presentation copy of this magnificent work, with the author’s autograph inscription. 555 7690 Petersen (C.) Die Feste der Pallas Athene in Athen und der Fries des Parthenon fine paper Ato. Hamburg , 1855 7691 Petersen (C.) Die Feste des Pallas Athene in Athen und der Fries des Parthenon Ato. Hamburg , 1855 7692 Petit (M.) Methcde pour determiner la Parallaxe et le Mouvement des Bolides 8vo. Toulouse , s. d. 7693 Petit (M.) Notice biographique sur M. Arago 8vo. Toulouse , 1854 7694 Petit-Radel (L. C. E.) Examen analytique et Tableau Com- paratif des Synchronismes de l’Histoire des Temps heroiques de la Grece, autograph of u A1 Humboldt” 4 to. Par. 1827 7695 Petit-Radel (L. C. F.) Another copy 4 to. Par. 1827 7696 Petit-Radel (L. C. F.) Recherches sur les Monuments Cyclo- peens et Description de la Collection des Modeles en Relief composant la Galerie Pelasgique de la Bibliotheque Maza- rine, plates, autograph of “A. Humboldt” 8 vo. Par. 1841 7697 Petit-Thouars (Abel du) Voj'age autour du Monde sur la Fregate La Venus pendant 1836-39. Relation, 2 vol. autograph of u Humboldt” on the cover of each volume royal 8vo. Paris , 1840-41 7698 Petropolitani Horti Botanici Plantarum Catalogus, Auctore C. Barone a Ivuester Horti Prsefecto. Accedunt Index Seminum quse Hortus pro mutua Commutatione offert et Animadversiones botanicse nonnullge, 2 parts 8vo. Petropoli , 1857 7699 Petschora-Land. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer Reise in das Petschora-Land im Jahre 1843 (von P. von Krusenstern und Alexander Graf Keyserling) plates Ato. St. Petersburg , 1846 Presentation copy from Count Keyserling, with his autograph inscription. 7700 Pettrich (F.) American Indians, on 5 plates , in tints roy. folio. Baltimore , 1842 7701 Petzholdt (Dr. A.) Die sogenannte Kartoffelfaule vellum paper 8vo. Dresden , 1846 7702 Petzholdt (Dr. A.) Die sogenannte Kartoffelf aule 8vo. Dresden , 1846 7703 Petzholdt (A.) Die Agrikulturchemie, woodcuts thick vellum paper 8vo. Leipzig, 1846 Humboldt has placed a paper between pp. 160 and 16 1, with the word “ nicht” in his autograph. 7704 Petzold (E.) Beitrage zur Landschafts-Gartnerei, 17 vignettes 4 to. Weimar , 1849 7705 Petzval (Dr. J.) Integration der linearen DifFerential- gleichungen mit constanten und veriinderlichen Coeffi- cienten, Part V 4 to. Wien, 1858 556 7706 Peschel (Oscar) Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen vellum paper 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1858 7707 Pfaff (Dr. C.) Geschichte des Pfalzgrafen-Amtes 8vo. Halle , 1847 7708 Pfeiffer (Ida) Meine zweite Weltreise, 4 vol. in 2, plates eine paper, autograph of “A1 Humboldt,” morocco extra , g. e. post 8 vo. Wien, 1856 7709 Pfeil (L. Graf von) Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte unserer Erde, plan ( Kustenbildung aus einer cometischen Stromung berechnet) vellum paper roy. 8 vo. Berlin , 1853 Dedicated to A. von Humboldt. 7710 Pfeil (L. Graf von) Cometenund Meteore die Haupt-Ursachen der Erd-Revolutionen, plate vellum paper, with the Addenda , cancels and cancelled pages 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 7711 Pfeil (L. Graf von) Mein politisches Treiben im Sommer, 1848 8 vo. Berlin , 1856 7712 Pfeil (L. Graf) Der Einflussder Kometen und Meteore auf die Entstehung und Entwickelung unserer Erde 8 vo. Berlin , 1857 Pfeil was the discoverer of the Law of Coast Formations. Humboldt has marked a passage respecting this discovery, and written on cover, as the reference to it, “p. 21.” 7713 Pfeil (Dr. W.) Kritische Blatter fur Forst-und Jagdwissen- schaft, Yol. XVII, Part 2, eine paper 8vo. Leipzig , 1842 7714 Pferdezucht-und Pferdedressur-Vereins Jahresberichte fur 1835, 1836, 1844, 1846, 1847 und 1849, 6 Parts 4 to. Berlin , 1835-49 7715 Pfizer (G.) Martin Luther’s Leben, plates , Humboldt's auto- graph notes crown 8vo. Stuttgart, 1836 7716 Pfizer (P. A.) Briefwechsel zweier Deutschen (und Gedichte) 8vo. Stuttgart , 1831 7717 Pfizmaier (Dr. A.) Kritische Durchsicht der von Dawidow verfassten Wortersammlung aus der Sprache der Aino’s eiis’e paper 8vo. Wien, 1851 7718 Pfliiger (E.) Die sensorischen Functionen des Riickeninarks der Wirbelthiere nebst einer neuen Lehre fiber die Leitungsgesetze der Reflexionen vellum paper, author's autograph inscription , cloth , g. e. 8vo. Berlin, 1853 7719 Pfliiger (Dr. E.) fiber das Hemmungs-Nervensystem ffir die peristaltischen Bewegungen der Gedarme vellum paper, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin, 1857 7720 Pfliiger (Dr. E.) liber die Veranderuug der Erregbarkeit des Nerven durch einen constanten elektrischen Strom 8vo. Berlin, 1858 557 7721 Phaedri Fabulse ex Codice olim Pithoeano cum Prolegomenis, Annotations, Indice edidit J. Berger de Xivrey 8vo. Paris , 1830 On the back of cover there are notices of M. Berger de Xivrey ’s other publications in his autograph. He has also written on fly-leaf “No. 125, J. B. X.” 7722 Philippi (B.) y E. Frick Vistas en las Provincias de Chiloe y Valdivia (4) 7723 Philippi (B. E.) Nachrichten, neue und neueste Naclirichten liber die Provinz Valdivia (S. Chile) 3 vol. in 1, map, with the large map of 1846, unfolded , added fine papee, with author’s autograph inscription 12 mo. Cassel , 1851-52 7724 Philippi (R. A.) Fauna Molluscorum viventium et in Tellure tertiaria fossilium Regni utriusque Sicilise, coloured plates yellem papee, imitation green morocco, g. e. 4 to. Halis , 1844 7725 Philippi (Dr. R. A.) liber die Vegetation am iEtna, coloured plate , with author’s autograph corrections 8vo. 7726 Philips (A. J. P.) Electro-Dynamisme vital fine papee, author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1855 7727 Phillimore (J. G.) Lectures on Jurisprudence and Canon Law, author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. London , 1851 7728 Phillips (C.) La Chirurgie de M. DiefFenbach, Premiere Partie (all published ) plates dedicated to Humboldt 8 vo. Berlin , 1840 7729 Phillips (Prof. J.) Treatise on Geology, plates crown 8 vo. Edinburgh , 1837 7730 Phillips (John) on antient Mettallurgy and Mining in Brigantia, and other parts of Britain royal 8vo. 1848 7731 Philosophical Teansactions of the Royal Society of London from 1832 Part 2 to 1857 Part 3 (wanting 1839 Part 2, 1840, 1841 and 1842 Part 1) 48 Parts, numerous plates and index from 1820 to 1830 inclusive Ato. London , 1832-58 Presentation copy from the Society. 7732 Philosophische Vergleichung der Romischen, Preussischen und Franzosischen Civilgesetzgebung, FINE PAPEE 8 vo. Gottingen , 1844 7733 Phipson (Dr. T. L.) La Force Catalytique, 4 to. Harlem , 1858 7734 Phipson (T. L.) de la Phosphorescence et des Insectes phos- phoriques roy. 8 vo. Bruxelles, 1858 7735 Phoebus (Dr. P.) iiber den Leichenbefund bei der Orientali- schen Cholera 8vo. Berlin , 1833 7736 Phoebus (Dr. P.) Handbuch der Arzneiverordnungslehre, 2 vol. 8 vo. Berlin , 1842 558 7737 Phoebus (Prof. P.) iiber die Naturwissenschaft als Gegenstand des Studiuras, des Unterrichts und der Priifung angehender JErzte, thick paper, half morocco, 8vo. Nordliausen , 1849 7738 Physici et Medici Graeci minores curante J. L. Ideler, 2 vol. 8 vo. Berolini, 1841-42 7739 Physikalischer Atlas von Dr. H. Berghaus, Part XII-XVI. {containing Geographic der Tliiere und Ethnographic ), coloured maps and plates, oblong imp. Ato. Gotha , 1845-47 7740 Physikalischer Atlas, No. XIV, coloured maps, oblong imp. 4 to. ib. 1847 7741 Physikalischer Atlas von Dr. H. Berghaus. Zweite Abtheilung: Hydrologie und Hydrographie in 16 Blattern telltjm paper, coloured maps and plates, fol. Gotha, 1850 This portion, complete of itself, has also a separate title-page, “ Allge- meiner Hydrographischer Atlas.” 7742 Physiophile (Jean, i. e ., Baron Ig. de Born) Monacologie en Latin et en Fran^ais, woodcuts of monastic dress 12mo. Paris , 1844 A clever satirical work, in which monks are arranged according to the Linnaean system. 7743 Piadischeff (Colonel) Carte du Gouvernement d’Irkoutsk oblong folio. St. Petersburg , 1806 7744 Picard (J.) de la Presence de FUree dans le Sang, &c. Author's autograph inscription Ato. Strasbourg , 1856 7745 Pichler (A.) Beitrage zur Geognosie Tirols, coloured map and 30 “ Profit enf 8vo. Innsbruck, 1859 7746 Pichler (Adolf) Hymnen eine paper foolscap 8 vo. Innsbruck, 1855 7747 Pichler (A.) Hymnen. Zweite vermehrte Auflage square 16mo. Nurnberg, 1858 7748 Pichler (V.) Die Umgebung von Turrach, in No. 2 for 1858, of 11 Jahrbuch der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt,” royal 8t?o. Wien, 1858 Containing also other geological papers by Hauer, Guggenberger, Polak, Lipoid, Hochstetter, &c. 7749 Picquet(P. C.) Carte routiere, physique et politique de ITtalie, de la Suisse et de Parties des Etats voisins, on 2 sheets, oblong roy.fol. Paris , 1824 7750 Picquet (P. C.) Carte du Mont-Cenis roy.fol. Paris, 1821. 2 copies 7751 Pictet (A.) De FAffinite des Langues Celtiques avec le San- scrit, author's autograph inscription, roy. 8 vo. Paris, 1837 7752 Pictet (F. J.) et F. Troyon sur les Ossements et Antiquites du Lac de Moosseedorf dans le Canton de Berne 8vo. Geneve , 1857 559 7753 Piderit (Dr.) und Dr. Brandes iiber die Gasquellen in Mein- berg 8vo. Hannover , 1839 7754 Pieschel (C.) Die Yulkane der Republik Mexico, in Skizzen, fine impressions telltjm papee, oblong roy . 4 to. Berlin , 1856 7755 Pietraszewski (Ig.) Numi Mobaramedani Fasc. I, 15 plates of coins, half morocco 4to. Berolini, 1843 7756 Pietraszewski. Another copy, plates, cloth, 4to. ib. 1843 7757 Pielago (Coronel D. Celestino del) Relacion del Viaje a Francia, el Rhin, la Bdlgica e Inglateeea, folding plan of Metz , calf gilt roy. 8 vo. Madrid , 1847 Privately printed for presents only. 7758 Pierre de Corbiac, Le Tresor de, en Yers Provengaux, publie en entier avec une Introduction et des Extraits du Bre- viaire d’ Amour de Malfre Ermengau de Beziers, de l’lmage du Monde de Gautier de Metz et du Tresor de Brunetto Latini par Dr. Sachs 4 to. Brandebourg , 1859 7759 Pignant (Dr. T.) sur les Eaux minerales iodurees de Saxon 8 vo. Lausanne, 1853 7760 Pihan de la Forest (A.) Essai sur la Yie et les Ouvrages de S. F. Schcell the dedication copy to Humboldt. 8 vo. Paris , 1835 This copy has a duplicate of the following dedication, printed on tinted paper : — “ A Pimmortel Alex, de Humboldt dont chaque nouvel Ouvrage, comme un Flambeau lumineux, place aux dernieres Limites de la Science, jette sa brillante Clarte sur les Regions inconnues. Hommage de son Imprimeur, A. Pihan de la Forest.” 7761 Pilla (L.) e Dissertatione N. Stenonis de Solido intra Solidum naturaliter contento Excerpta in quibus Doetrinas Geolo- gicas quae hodie sunt in Honore facile est reperire, plate , Humboldt" s writing on cover 8vo. Florentine, 1842 Presentation copy — “A1 Sig. A. de Humboldt omaggio di L. Pilla,” — of a work most important for the history of Geology. 7762 Pilla (Prof. L.) sopra la Produzione dellc Fiamme ne’ Yul- cani e sopra le Conseguenze che se ne possono tirare, 2 views of Vesuvius in eruption ; carefully read and marked by Humboldt 4 to. Lucca, 1844 7763 Pilla (L.) Saggio comparative dei Terreni che compongono il Suolo d’ltalia roy. 8vo. Pisa, 1845 7764 Pilla (L.) Descrizione dei Caratteri del Terreno Etrurio , plates, roy.8vo. Pisa, 1846 7765 Pilla (L.) Distinzione del Terreno Etrurio tra’ Piani Secondari del Mezzogiorno di Europa , plates 4to. Pisa , 1846 7766 Pirn (B.) Notes on Cherbourg, coloured plan , author's auto- graph inscription 8 vo. London , 1858 560 7767 Pim (B.) Notes on Cherbourg, map 8vo. London, 1858 7768 Pindarus. Emendationes quinque Carminum Olympiorum Pindari (Auctore G. Hermann) fine paper 4fo. Lipsice , 1847 7769 Pinder (D.) und D. Brandes, Historisclie Literatur von Pom- mern, vellem paper 8vo. Berlin , 1847 A privately printed specimen of an intended Catalogue of Works relative to Prussian History. 7770 Pinder (M.) Konigliche Museen. Die antiken Miinzen, plates , Berlin , 1851 — Leitfaden fur die Sammlung der antiken Miinzen, ib. 1852 — Verzeichniss der antiken Bildhauer- werke, ib. 1855 12 mo. (3) 7771 Pinder (M.) de Adamante, thick vellem paper, autograph of 11 A1 Humboldt,” 8 vo. Berolini , 1829 7772 Pinto d’Almeida (A. J.) Principios de Geologia, author's auto- graph inscription imp. 8 vo. Coimbra , 1838 7773 Piper (F.) von der Harmonie der Spharen, read and marked by Humboldt 8vo. Berlin , 1850 7774 Piper. Another copy 8vo. ib. 1850 7775 Piper (F.) Mythologie der Christlichen Kunst. Zweite Ab- theilung, fine paper, half calf gilt 8vo. Weimar , 1851 7776 Piper (F.) Das St. Elmsfeuer, plate , fine paper, privately printed 8 vo. Berlin , 1851 7777 Piper (Dr. F.) iiber die Griindung der christlich-archaolo- gischen Kunstsammlung bei der Universitat zu Berlin fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1851 7778 Piper (F.) Evangelischer Kalender fur 1852, plates , fine paper post 8vo. Berlin , 1852 7779 Piper (Prof. Dr. F.) iiber den Christlichen Bilderkreis VELLEM PAPER 8vo. Berlin, 1852 7780 Piper (F.) Evangelischer Kalender Jahrbuch fur 1854, 1855, und 1856, 3 vol. plates and portraits (including those of W. Wilberforce and Lady Jane Grey) post 8vo. Berlin, 1854-56 7781 Piper (Dr. G. O.) iiber Seelenstorungen und Zurechnung- fahigkeit vellem paper, silk, gilt edges 8vo. Leipzig , 1843 7782 Piper (Dr. G. O.) Der Pfarrer G. A. Wislicenus, &c. 8vo. Halle, 1846 7783 Piper (Dr. G. O.) Bezeichnungen des Welt-und Lebensan- fanges in der Chinesischen Bilderschrift, plate, VELLEM paper, silk, gilt edges 8 vo. Berlin , 1846 7784 Pischon (F. A.) Die liohe Wichtigkeit der Uebersetzung der Heiligen Schriftdurch Dr. M. Luther 4fo. Berlin, 1834 7785 Pischon (F. A.) Die hohe Wichtigkeit Luther’s Uebersetzung der H, Schrift, fine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1844 561 7786 Plana (J.) sur F Attraction d’un Ellipsoide homog&ne Ato. Berlin , 1840 7787 Plana (J.) Memoire sur la Decouverte de la Loi du Choc direct des Corps durs et sur les Formules generates du Choc eccentrique, &c. plate, author's autograph inscription Ato. Turin, 1843 7788 Planchon (J. E.) Eloge historique de M. F. Dunal 8vo. Montpellier, 1856 7789 Planer (Dr. H.) de Tyrannione Grammatico yelltjm papee Ato. Berolini, 1852 7790 Plantaginees. Monographic de la Famille des Plantaginees par F. Marius Barneoud, author's autograph inscription A to, Paris , 1845 7791 Plantamour (E.) Observations Astronomiques faites a F Ob- servatoire de Geneve dans l’Annee 1841, Premiere Serie author’s autograph inscription 4 to. Geneve, 1842 7792 Plantamour (E.) Observations Astronomiques faites a FOb- servatoire de Geneve dans les Annees 1851 et 1852 author's autograph inscription Ato. Geneve , 1858 7793 Plantamour (E.) Resultatsdes Observations magnetiques faites a Gen&ve dans 1842 et 1843, plates, laege papee, author's autograph inscription roy. Ato. Geneve , 1844 7794 Plantamour (E.) sur la Comete Mauvais de FAnnee 1844 author s autograph inscription Ato. Geneve , 1847 7795 Plantamour (E.) Resume des Observations Thermometriques et Barometriques faites a l’Observatoire de Geneve et au Grand St. Bernard pendant les dix Annees 1841 a 1850, suivi de Tables Hypsontetriques, author's autograph in- scription Ato. Geneve , 1851 7796 Plantamour (E.) Resume nteteorologique des Annees 1851, 1852 et 1853, pour Geneve et le Grand St. Bernard, 3 vol. author s autograph inscription 8vo. Geneve, 1852-54 7797 Plantamour (E.) Resume meteorologique des Annies 1854, 1855 et 1866, pour Geneve et le Grand St. Bernard, 3 vol. 8vo. Geneve, 1855-56-57 7798 Plantamour (E.) De la Temperature a Geneve d’apres vingt Annees d’Observations (1836 a 1855), author's autograph inscription Ato. Geneve, 1857 7799 Platner (Dr. E. A.) Grundziige einer allgemeiner Physiologie 8vo. Jena , 1844 7800 Platon’s Gesetze Griechisch und Deutsch mit Anmerkungen (von F. W. Wagner), 2 vol. 12mo. Leipzig , 1854-55 7801 Platon’s Philebos Griechisch und Deutsch mit Anmerkungen von Dr. F. W. Wagner 12 mo. Leipzig, 1857 7802 Platon’s Sammtliche Werke iibersetzt von H. Muller mit Einleitungen begleitet von K. Steinhart, vol. V (Der Staat) yelltjm papee 8 vo. Leipzig , 1855 4 C 562 7803 Platon’s Timaos und Kritias Griechisch und Deutsch mit Anmerkungen 12 mo. Leipzig , 1853 7804 Platz (Dr. P.) Geognostische Beschreibung des Unteren Breis- gaus von Hochburg bis Lahr, coloured map and profile 4 to. Carlsruhe , 1858 7805 Plauti Trinummus cum Apparatu critico F. Ritschelii. Acce- dunt Prolegomena, half calf gilt 8 vo. Bounce, 1848 7806 Plauti Stichus, Pseudulus, Menaechmi et Mostellaria, ex Re- censione et cum Apparatu critico F. Ritschelii, 4 vol. in 1 half calf extra 8 vo. Bounce, 1850-52 7807 Plauti Stichus, Pseudulus et Menaechmi cum Notis F. Rits- chelii, 3 vol. 8 vo. Bounce, 1850-51 7808 Plauti Persa et Mercator ex Recensione et cum Apparatu critico F. Ritschelii, 2 vol. 8 vo. Elberfeldce , 1853-54 7809 Plauti Curculio Lateinisch und Deutsch herausgegeben von Dr. C. E. Geppert, yelltjm paper 8 vo. Berlin, 1845 7810 Plauti Trinummus Lateinisch und Deutsch von C. E. Geppert, mit Anmerkungen, translator's autograph additions to notes, cloth, g. e. roy. 8vo. Leipzig , 1854 < 7811 Plauti Trinummus Lateinisch und Deutsch von Dr. C, E. Geppert roy. 8 vo. Berlin, 1844 7812 Plehwe (A. von) Entwurf iiber die Bildung der Erde, thick yellum paper, morocco, g. e. rare 8 vo. Freienwalde , 1851 7813 Pleischl (A. M.) Beobachtungen wahrend der totalen Sonnen- finsterniss am 8 Juli 1842 8vo. Wien , 1842 7814 Plinii Epistolse et Panegyricus, Humboldt's autograph notes, half calf extra square 1 Qmo. Lipsice , Tauchnitz, s. a. 7815 Plinii Naturalis Historic Praefatio et Liber XXXV recensuit Commentario critico instruxit Julius Sillig Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Dresdce, 1849 7816 Plinii Naturalis Historia cum Commentariis J. Sillig, vol. Ill, IV et VI 8 vo. Hamb. 1853, et Gothce, 1855 7817 Plinii Naturalis Historic Lieri xxxvii, recensuit et Commentariis criticis Indicibusque instruxit Julius Sillig, 8 vol. autograph of tl Al. Humboldt,” half green morocco 8vo. Hamburgi et Gothce, 1851-58 On the fly-leaf prefixed to vol. I is printed : “ Viri excellentissimi Alexandri ab Humboldt, qui Nomine subscripto hujus Opens in Germania edendi consilium adjuvit, Exemplum.” 7818 Plinii Naturgeschichte, Erster Band, p. 1-328, no title-page, having in Humboldt' s autograph on cover, “ Vom Herrn Oberlehrer Strack Fr. Wilh. Gymn. I Berlin Ob ich Vor- rede machen will ?” 7819 Plinii Secundi (C.) Naturalis IJistorise Libri XXXVII, Recog- novit et Varietatem Lectionis adjecit J. Sillig, 5 vol. half calf gilt 12 mo. Lipsice, 1831-36 7820 Plinii Secundi (Gai) Naturalis Histories Praefatio et Liber XXXV. Recensuit Commentario critico instruxit J. Sillig eine paper 8vo. Dresdce, 1848 563 7821 Plinii Secundi Historic Mundi Libri XXXVII, cum Annota- tionibus J. Dalecampii et S. Gelenii, wants a sheet in list of contents , autograph of Humboldt, who has marked several passages folio. Lugduni , 1587 7822 PJinius Secundus (C.) Naturgeschichte iibersetzt von Prof. Dr. C. F. L. Strack, iiberarbeitet und herausgegeben von Dr. M. E. D. L. Strack, 3 vol. autograph of“ Al. Humboldt ” half morocco extra 8vo. Bremen , 1853-55 7823 Ploetz (C.) Quel peut etre le But d’un College Fran 9 ais en Allemagne ? yelldm paper, privately printed 4 to. 7824 Ploetz (C.) Quel peut etre le But d’un College Fran 9 ais en Allemagne? eine paper, privately printed 4fo. s. 1 . <2. 7825 Pliicker (Dr. J.) System der analytischen Geometrie, plates eine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1835 726 Pliicker Dr. J.) Theorie der algebraischen Curven, plate author's autograph inscription Ato. Bonn , 1839 7827 Pliicker (Dr. J.) System der Geometrie des Raumes, plates 4 to. Diisseldorf 1846 7828 Pliicker (J.) Enumeratio novorum Phaenomenorum recentis- sime a se in Doctrina deMagnetismo inventorum,£>Zate 4 to. Bounce , 1849 7829 Plutarch iiber Isis und Osiris Griechisch und Deutsch mit Erlauterungen von G. Parthey yellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1850 7830 Plutarque, Vies des Hommes illustres traduites par J. Amyot, avec Supplement et un Choix de Notes par M. Coray, 12 vol. in 6, half calf extra 8 vo. Paris , 1826 7831 Plutarque, Vie de Demosthene. Texte Grec avec Sommaires et Notes en Fran^ais par Ch. Galuski, 12 mo. Paris , 1847 7832 Poe (E. A.) Eureka, a Prose Poem, roy. 12mo. Hew York , 1848 7833 Poeppig (E.) Reise in Chile, Peru und auf dem Amazonen- strome wahrend der Jahre 1827-1832, 2 vol. eine paper, with oblong folio Atlas of prooe plates 4fo Leipzig , 1835-36 7834 Poppig (E.) Illustrirte Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs, 4 vol. in 2, with 4100 woodcuts , eine paper imp. \to. ib. 1851 7835 Poey (A.) Appel aux Meteorologistes, author's autograph in- scription, Paris , 1858 — Repartition g^ographique de l’Universalite des Meteores, author's autograph inscription , ib. 1858 — Des Eclairs en Boules, ib. 1855 8vo. (3) 7836 Poey (A.) M4teorologie (des Eclairs en Boules) author's auto- graph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1855 7837 Poey (A ) sur la Frequence des Chutes de Greles a l’lsle de Cuba, des Cas de 1784 a 1854, et des Temperatures Minima, de la Glace et de la Gelee blanche observees dans cette lie author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1855 Humboldt has written on cover, “ Membre de la Societe meteoro- logique de France.” 7838 Poey (A.) Couleur des Etoiles et Globes filants observes en Angleterre de 1841 a 1855 4fo. Paris, 1856 7839 Poey (A.) Tableau chronologique des Tremblements de Terre ressentis a l’llede Cuba de 1551 a 1855, avec Supplement, 2 parts, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1855 7840 Poey (A.) sur les Tempetes electriques et la Quantite des Vic- times que la Foudre fait annuellement aux Etats-Unis d’Am^rique et a l’lle de Cuba author's autograph inscription imperial 8vo. Versailles , 1855 7841 Poey (A.) Couleursdes Etoiles etdes Globes filants observes en Chine, pendant XXIV Siecles 4 to. Paris , 1856 7842 Poey (A. of Hav anna) Chronological Table of Cyclonic Hurri- canes in the West Indies, and in the North Atlantic, from 1493 to 1855, with bibliographical list of authorities privately printed 8vo. London , 1856 7843 Poey (A.) Analyse des Hypotheses, anciennes et modernes, sur les Tonnerres sans Eclairs, &c. author's autograph inscrip- tion, Versailles , 1857 — Projet d’lnstallation d’un Observa- toire meteorologique a la Havane, ib. 1855 royal 8vo. (2) 7844 Poey (A.) Considerations philosophiques sur un Essai de Sys- tematisation subjective des Phenomenes meteorologiques author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1857 7845 Poey (A.) Couleurs des Globes filants observes a Paris de 1841 a 1853, &c. 4 to. Paris , 1857 7846 Poey (A.) sur un Essai de Systematisation subjective des Phenomenes meteorologiques author' s autograph inscription imperial 8vo. Lyon, 1857 7847 Poey (A.) Catalogue chronologique des Tremblements de Terre ressentis dans les Indes Occidentals de 1530 a 1858, suivi d’une Bibliographie S6ismique concernant les Travaux relatifs aux Tremblements de Terre des Antilles important imperial 8vo. Versailles , 1858 7848 Poey (A.) sur le Nombre de Personnes tuees par la Foudre dans la Grande-Bretagne de 1852 k 1856, compare aux Deces par Fulguration en France, &c. 4 to. Paris , 1858 7849 Poggendorff (J. C.) Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 1829, No. 3 8 vo. Leipzig, 1829 Containing an Article by A. von Humboldt, “ fiber die Mittel die Ergrfindung einiger Phanomene des tellurischen Magnetismus zu erleichtern.” 7850 Poggendorff (J. C.) Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 1830, No. 2, plates , Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. ib. 1830 Containing “ A. von Humboldt fiber die Goldausbeute im Russischen Reiche.” 7851 Poggendorff ( J. C.) fiber einige Magnetisirungs-Erscheinungen, Humboldt's writing on cover, 1838 — Hydro-elektrische Ketten— Elektromotorische Kraft — Galvanische Ketten — Voltameter 8 vo. (5) 565 7852 Poggendorff (J. C.) Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Nos. 4, 8 and 10 for 1829; No. 7 for 1831; Nos. 10, 11 and 12 for 1832; Erganzungsband, part II, for 1836; (Index), and No. 10 for 1846, together 9 Nos. MS. notes and passages marked by Baron Humboldt 8vo. Leipzig , 1829-46 7853 Poggendorff (J. C.) Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften, part I and II presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription imperial 8vo. Leipzig , 1858-59 7854 Pohl (G. F.) Erwiederung auf J. W. Pfaff’s Anmerkungen zu Pohl’s Prozess der galvanischen Kette und Bekampfung meiner Theorie des Galvanismus 8vo. With author’s autograph inscription. 7855 Pohl (G. F.) fiber Magnetismus, Elektricitat und Chemisraus fine paper, with author's autograph inscription , and Hum- boldt's writing on cover post 8 vo. Berlin , 1829 7856 Pohl (Prof. G. F.) Commentatio Principiorum Physices, plate , pine paper, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Vratislavice, 1837 7857 Pohl (Prof. G. F.) Grundlegung der drei Keppler’schen Gesetze yelltjm; paper, with an autograph letter from the author 8vo. Breslau , 1845 7858 Pohl (Dr. G. F.) Grundlegung der drei Keppler’schen Gesetze thick paper, carefully read and marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Breslau , 1845 7859 Pohl (J. J.) und J. Schabus, Tafeln zur Vergleichung und Reduction der Barometerstande und Tafeln zur Reduction der in Millimetern abgelesenen Barometerstande, 2 parts royal 8vo. Wien , 1852 7860 Pohl (L.) Das Licht als materieller Urgrund aller Dinge 8vo. Breslau, 1858 7861 Poirel (M‘.) Les Lois organiques du Gouvernement et de 1’ Administration de la France ou Manuel du Citoyen 8 vo. Paris, 1845 7862 Poirel (M.) de la R^forme des Prisons et de la Deportation author s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1846 7863 Poirel (M.) de la Reforme des Prisons et de la Deportation 8 vo. Paris, 1846 7864 Poisson (S. D.) Theorie mathematique de la Chaleur, plates half calf extra 4 to. Paris, 1835 Presentation copy, with the eminent author’s autograph inscription. 7865 Poisson (S. D.) Theorie mathematique de la Chaleur 4 to. Paris, 1837 7866 Poisson (S. D.) Recherches sur la Probability des Jugements en Matiere criminelle et en Matiere civile, prycedees des Regies generates du Calcul des Probabilitys autograph inscription of, the eminent author 4to. Paris , 1837 566 7867 Poisson(S. D.) sur la Probability desJugements Ato. Parises. d. 7868 Poisson (S. D.) Recherches sur le Mouvement des Projectiles dansl’Air Ato. Paris, 1839 7869 Pokorny (Alois) Die Vegetations verhaltnisse vonlglau, map fine paper royal 8 vo. Wien, 1852 7870 Pokorny (Dr. A.) iiber die Darstellung einiger mikroskopischer botanischer Objecte durch Naturselbstdruck, 2 plates (. Nature-painted ) royal 8vo. Wien, 1856 7871 Pokorsky-Juravko (A.) iiber die Bienenzucht in Russland aus dera Russischen iibersetzt (von Alex. Sabloukoff) plate translator* s autograph inscription 8vo. Leipzig, 1841 7872 Polar Charts. Map of the Countries round the North Pole, by J. Arrowsmith,cofowra£, London , 1850 — Polar Sea Chart of the South, Humboldt's autograph notes, ib. 1839 — Ingle- field (E. A.) Chart of the N.W. Passage discovered by H.M. Ship Investigator, and of the Coast explored in search of Sir J. Franklin, ib. 1853 — Discoveries in the Arctic Sea, coloured, ib. 1851 — Russian Chart of the Parry Archipelago, 1855 — Carte des'Decouvertes du Capt. Parry et du Capfc. Franklin, Paris, s. d. — Rafn (C. C.) General Chart of Scandinavian Discoveries, Copenhagen , 1837 — Rafn (C. C.) Map of Vinland, ib. n. d. — Rafn (C. C.) Kort over Gron- land, ib. 1845 various sizes. (9) 7873 Polemon, le Voyageur Archeologue (par E. Egger) royal 8vo. Paris, 1846 7874 Politique Nouvelle 25 e Livraison royal 8 vo. Paris, 1851 Containing “ Du Mouvement intellectuel dans PItalie contempo- raine, par E. Renan/’ 7875 Politische Parteien der Gegenwart fine paper 8i>o. Lubeclc, 1848 7876 Polk (President I. K) Message royal 8 vo. Washington, 1846 7877 Polk (President I. K.) Message to the two Houses of Congress, with accompanying Documents respecting Mexican War, &c. maps and plans 8 vo. Washington, 1848 7878 Polsberw (Dr. H. L.) de Rebus Chersonesitarum et Callatia- norum Ato. Berlin, 1838 7879 Polsberw (Dr. H. L.) de Rebus Chersonesitarum et Callatia- norum 4 to. Berlin , 1848 7880 Polynesien (Ost und West) von PI. Berghaus, on two sheets, coloured oblong folio. Gotha, 1849 7881 Polypes. Extrait d’une Monographic de la Famile de Gorgonidees par A. Valenciennes Ato. Paris, 1855 7882 Polytechnisches Archiv, No. 1 and 2, plates, 8 vo. Berlin , 1837 Containing communications respecting Railroads ; Partly on metallic Pens : and other useful articles. 7883 Polytechnisches Journal fur Mai, 1840, plate royal 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1840 567 7884 Polytechnic Society of Cornwall. Fifth Annual Report, plates 8 w. Falmouth , 1837 Presented by the Committee, with inscription signed by Lovell Squire, the Secretary. 7885 Pombo (Prior Don J. I. de) Informe del Real Consulado de Cartagena de Indias a la Suprema Junta Provincial de la misma, small 4to. Cartagena en la Imprenta del Real Consulado por D. Diego Espinosa de los Monteros , 1810 This rare and important work has been most carefully read and marked by Humboldt, who has also added his autograph notes. One passage is most important for the history of printing in America, namely that in which is recommended the establishment of a good Press. Dr. Cotton states that he had been unable to ascertain the introduction of the art of printing, but that two newspapers were published in 1824 . 7886 Pombo O’Donnel (D. Lino de) Discurso dedicando varias Teses de Geografia astronomica y descriptiva al Marques de Selva-Alegre, rare , 800 . En la Imprenta Patriotica de Santafe de Bogota Capital de Cundimarca , 1811 7887 Pombo (Don J. I.) Noticias varias sobre las Quinas oficinales, with Humboldt's autograph notes ( one at p. 68, with his signature) rare 4 to. Cartagena de Indias , 1814 7888 Pommern. Jahresberichte der Gesellschaft fur Pommersche Geschichte und Alterthumskunde, 30 parts in 24 fine paper (excepting for the years 1826-28, 1840, 1842 and 1848) 8 vo. Stettin, 1827-57 7889 Pommern. Baltische Studien herausgegeben von der Gesell- schaft fur Pommersche Geschichte und Alterthumskunde, Yol. I to XVII, Part I (wanting vol. II, part I) maps and plates , eine paper 8vo. Stettin , 1832-58 7890 Pompei, Nouveau Plan de, d’apres W. Clarke, avec toutes les Decouvertes de 1825 a 1851 par St. d’Aloe, with autograph of S. d’Aloe roy. 4 to. in 12mo. case. Naples , 1851 7891 Pomponius Mela de Situ Orbis cum notis variorum et C. H. Tzschuckii, 3 vol. in 7 , front. 8vo. Lipsice , 1806-7 7892 Poncelet (General) Rapport sur les Machines et Outils employes dans les Manufactures fait a la Commission Fran^aise du Jury International de l’Exposition universelle de Londres, 2 vol. eine paper 8vo. Paris, 1857 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 7893 Poncelet (M.) Memoire sur la Stabilite des Revetements et de leurs Fondations, plates , author’s autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1840 7894 Poncelet (M.) Memoire sur la Stabilite des Revetements et de leurs Fondations, plates 8vo. Paris, 1840 568 7895 Pons (E. de) Carte de la Capitainerie generale de Caracas dressee par J. B. Poirson folio. Paris , 1805 7896 Pons (Dr.) Cercle d’Or, Almanach pour 1855, author's auto- graph inscription 12mo. Alais (1855) 7897 P[oninski] (A. Graf] Grundziige eines Systemes fur Regene- ration der unteren Yolksklassen YELLTJM paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1850 Humboldt, with his own hand, has written on title-page “ Graf Poninski.” 7898 Ponzi (Prof. G.) sulla Eruzione solforosa 28-30 Ottobre sotto il Paese di Leprignano, map, Roma , 1857 — Sui Terremoti in Frascati, 1855, author's autogi'aph inscription 4 to. (2) 7899 Ponzi (Prof. G.) sull’ Opera del Sig. Flourens sulla Longevita’ umana, &c. author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Roma , 1857 7900 Pope (Captain John) Report of an Exploration of the Territory of Minnesota, half morocco , with the large map mounted on cloth in 4to. case royal 8 vo. Washington , 1849-50 7901 Porrentruy. Reunion extraordinaire de la Societe G4ologique de France a Porrentruy, plate 8vo. 1838 7902 Portlock (Col. J. E.) Address to the Geological Society, “ With the sincere regards of the author ” 8 vo. London , 1857 Read and marked by Humboldt. 7903 Poselger (Dr. F. T.) Ortsentfernung auf der Oberflache des Erdspharoids, pine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1834 7904 Posharsky (Fiirst Dmitri Michailowitsch) Schreiben an den Rom. Kaiser Mathias (1612) privately printed 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1840 Presentation copy from the Editor (F. Adelung) with his auto- graph inscription. 7905 Possart (Prof. Dr. P. A. F. K.) Geographic von Kurland, half morocco, Stuttgart, 1843 — Geographie von Esthland, ib. 1846 — Das Kaiserthum Russland. Zweiter Theil: Topo- graphic, ib. 1841 8 vo. (3) 7906 Possart (Dr. P. A. F. K.) Wegweiser fur Fremde in St. Petersburg, plan and views 8vo. Heidelberg, 1842 7907 Possart (Prof. Dr. P. A. F. K.) Die Schweitz geographisch- statistisch dargestellt presentation copy , with inscription 8 vo. Potsdam, 1850 7908 Possart (Prof. Dr. F.) Nachrichten aus dem Schwedischen Lappland 8 vo. Magdeburg, 1842 7909 Possart (Prof. Dr.) Grammatik der Portugiesischen Sprache half calf extra 8 vo. Leipzig, 1851 7910 Possart (F.) Geographie und Statistik des Herzogthums Anhalt-Bernburg 8 vo. Bernburg, 1858 569 7911 Potato-Disease. Schacht (Dr. H.) Bericht an das K. Landes- Oekonomie-Collegium iiber die KartofFelpflanze und deren Krankheiten, mit 32 kolorirten und 80 schwarzen nach der Natur gezeichneten Abbildungen auf 10 Tcifeln very important royal 4to. Berlin , 1856 7912 Potenti (G.) Carte des Chemins de Fer de l’Europe centrale atlas folio. Bruxelles , 1846 7913 Potocki (Comte J.) Voyage dans les Steps d’ Astrakhan et du Caucase, avec de Notes par M. Klaproth, 2 vol. maps and coloured plates, half calf gilt 8vo. Paris, 1829 7914 Potsdam. Verzeichniss der Bibliothek der K. Markischen CEkonomischen Gesellschaft, a very useful catalogue , scien- tifically arranged . 8vo. Potsdam, 1836 7915 Potsdam. Monatsblatt der K. Preuss. Markischen CEkono- mischen Gesellschaft fiir 1839 8 vo. Potsdam, 1839 7916 Potsdam. Monatsblatt der K. Preuss. Markischen CEkono- mischen Gesellschaft von Juli bis December, 1840, plate of Meteorological Observations 8 vo. Potsdam , 1840 7917 Potsdam. Die Baulichkeiten im K. Wildpark entworfen und ausgefiihrt von Persius K. Baurath nach Zeichnungen des Architekten J. Egle large vellum paper, proof plates roy.folio. Wien, 1844 7918 Potsdam. Verzeichniss der Baume, Straucher und Halb- straiicher in der Baumschule kultivirt 8vo. Potsdam, 1851 7919 Potsdam. Plan der Gegend von Potsdam herausgegeben von der Topographischen Abtheilung des grossen Generalstabes lithographirt von C. Birk, coloured on 4 sheets vellum paper atlas folio. Berlin, 1855 7920 Potsdam. Coloured Plan, engraved by E. Reyher, after Drawing by A, Petermann thick paper royal folio. Potsdam, s. a. 7921 Potsdam. Plan der Gegend um Potsdam herausgegeben von der topographischen Abtheilung des grossen Generalstabes, on 4 sheets, coloured THICK PAPER royal folio. Berlin, s. a. 7922 Pott (A. F.) Indogermanischer Sprachstamm pike paper, printed for private distribution 4 to. s. 1. fy a. 7923 Pott (Dr. A. F.) Etymologische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Indo-Germanischen Sprachen, 2 vol. in 1 pike paper, half calf extra 8vo. Lemgo, 1833-36 The second volume is “ Den Manen Wilhelm von Humboldt’s in tiefer Ehrfurcht geweiht.” 7924 Pott (A. F.) de Lithuano-Borussicae in Slavicis Letticisque Linguis Principatu, Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Halis, 1837 4 D 570 7925 Pott (A. F.) de Borusso-Lithuanicse tam in Slavicis quam Letticis Linguis Principatu Commentatio II (de Linguis Letticis) 4 to. Halis , 1841 7926 Pott, Another copy 4 to. ib. 1841 7926*Pott (Dr. A. F.) Die Malbergische Glosse Keltisch oder Ger- manisch ? Ato. Halle , 1844-45 7927 Pott (Dr. A. F.) Die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien, 2 vol. vellum paper , rare, Humboldt's autograph notes , half morocco Svo. Halle , 1844-45 A most valuable work on the Gipsies, including Grammar, Dic- tionary and Specimens of their Language. 7928 Pott (Dr. A. F.) Die quinare und vigesimale Zahlmethode bei Volkern aller Welttheile. Nebst ausfiihrlicheren Bemerkungen iiber Zahlworter Indogermanischen Stammes und einem Anhange iiber Fingernamen the dedication COPT on eine paper, half green morocco , g. e. 8 vo. Halle , 1847 Dedicated to A. von Humboldt, “ dem unblutigen Eroberer dreier Welttheile und der Dreiwelt.” 7929 Pott (A. F.) Die Personennamen insbesondere die Familien- namen und ihre Enstehungsarten; auch unter Beriick- sichtigung der Ortsnamen eine paper royal 8vo. Leipzig , 1853 The most complete and best work on the subject. 7930 Pott (A. F.) Die Ungleichheit menschlicher Rassen, mit einem Ueberblicke iiber die Sprachverhaltnisse der Volker, read and marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Lemgo , 1856 7931 Pott (A. F.) Die keltischen Sprachen, Halle , 1854 — Ueber Max Miiller und die Kennzeichen der Sprachverwandtschaft, ib. 1854, Humboldt 1 s autograph notes 8 vo. 7932 Pott (Prof. Dr.) Die Japanische Sprache in ihren Verhaltnissen zu anderen Asiatinnen 8i?o. Halle , 1858 7933 Pouillet (C. S. M. M. R.) Elemens de Physique experimentale et de M4teorologie, 2 vol. plates , Humboldt's autograph notes, half morocco 8 vo. Paris , 1827-29 7934 Pouillet (M.) sur la Chaleur Solaire, sur les Pouvoirs rayon- nan ts et absorbants de PAir atmospherique et sur la Tem- perature de l’Espace, author's autograph inscription 4:to. Paris , 1838 7935 Pouillet (M.) Rapport h l’Acad^mie des Sciences sur les Appareils T&egraphiques de M. Siemens 8 vo. Par. 1850 7936 Pouillet (M.) Elements de Physique experimentale et de Meteorologie, 2 vol. with small Ato. atlas of plates half green morocco extra 8vo. Paris , 1853 At the end of vol I. are MS. references in Humboldt’s autograph. 571 TWENTY-THIRD DAY’S SALE. LOT 7937 Powell (Rev. Baden) Essays on the Spirit of the inductive Philosophy, the Unity of Worlds, and the Philosophy of Creation, cuts, author's autograph inscription crown 8vo. London , 1855 With Humboldt’s autograph referenees, that to p. 291 being marked with his satirical ! . 7938 Pozzo (E. del) II Magnetismo Animale considerato secondo le Leggi della Natura Idee teoriche fcap. 8vo. Livorno , 1852 7939 Poznanski (F. X.) de la Nature, du Traitement et des Prd- servatifs du Cholera, plate fine paper, several passages underlined by the author for Humboldt's inspection royal 8vo. Saint Petersbourg , 1856 7940 Pozzuoli. Nuove Ricerche sul noto Fenomeno delle Colonne perforate dalle Foladi nel Tempio de Serapide (dal E. Capocci) author's autograph inscription 8vo. 7941 Prag. Dresdner Panorama fur Touristen India proofs, with the printed explanatory text royal 8vo. Prag , 1858 7942 Prag Magnetische und Meteorologische Beobachtungen (1839-1857) in Verbindung mit mehreren Mitarbeitern ausgefiihrt und auf offentliche Kosten herausgegeben von K. Kreil, 18 vol. fine paper, presentation copy 4 to. Prag , 1841-58 7943 Prag Beobachtungen (1840-41) fine paper 4 to. ib. 1842 7944 Prazmovski (A.) sur l’Expedition de Bessarabie pour terminer la Mesure de l’Arc du Meridien 8vo. Poulkova , 1853 7945 Precht (Dr. V.) Grammatik der Spanischen Sprache, 2 vol. in 1 vellum paper 8 vo. Bremen , 1852 7946 Prechtl (J. J.) iiber den Flug der Vogel, plates 8 vo. Wien , 1846 7947 Preis (F. B.) Observatio Fungi durae Matris 8 vo Gryphice , 1843 7948 Preisfrage der K. Leopold. Carolinischen Akademie der Natur- forscher ausgesetzt von dem Ffirsten A. von Demidoff iiber eine Classification der Gebirgsarten 4 to. 1855 7949 Preiss (Dr. E.) Physiologische Untersuchungen fiber die Wirkungen des kalten Wassers im Bereiche des Nerven- systems und fiber die Gesetze der Leitung in der peripher- ischen sensitiven Nervensphare 8 vo. Berlin , 1858 7950 Premare (P.) Notitia Linguae Sinic printed on Chinese paper, autograph of 11 A 1 Humboldt” 4 to. Malaccce , 1831 512 7951 Prescott (YVm. H.) Works, viz.: I. Ferdinand and Isabella, fifth, edition, 3 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1839, the first volume only cut open by the great Philosopher . II. Conquest of Mexico, 3 vol. New York, 1843, presentation copy , with a note in the autograph of Prescott, “ a, son Excellence Le Baron Alexandre de Humboldt, Membre de VInstitut de France , Sfc. Sfc. hommage de V Auteur. Boston, Dec. 24, 1843.” III. Conquest of Peru, 2 vol. New York, 1847 , presentation copy, “ A son Excellence Baron Alex. Von Humboldt. Hommage de V Auteur ." Many MS. notes by Humboldt on THE INSIDE OF THE CASE AT THE END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. IV. Philip the Second, ninth thousand, 3 vol. Boston , 1856, “ From the author .” together 11 vol. 8 vo. cloth Although the MS. notes are of no great importance, yet they are Humboldt’s, and are enough to render these eleven volumes a most desirable souvenir of these two great men. Inserted in one of the volumes is a MS. note apparently in the hand- writing of Lady Lyell, as follows, on which Humboldt has written “ Mr. Prescott.” “ Copy of Extract from letter of Mr. Prescott to Lady Lyell. — I envy you your Continental tour, especially your visit to Berlin. It is a capital I should like well to see, if it were only to meet Humboldt, one of the very few men in the world, whom one would take the trouble to walk a mile to see. Now that the iron Duke is dead, I hardly know another I would go half that distance to have a look at. I have had some very kind letters from Humboldt, who has always taken a friendly interest in my historical career, and as it has lain in his path it has enabled me to appreciate the immense services he has done to science and letters by his curious researches, and his beautiful manner of exhibiting the results of them to the reader.” 7952 Prescott. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society in Respect to the Memory of W. H. Prescott royal 8 vo. Boston, U.S. 1859 Presentation copy from the President (Hon. R. C. Winthropj with his autograph inscription. 7953 Prechtler (Otto) Ein Jahr in Liedern, privately printed, with note in author's autograph royal 8 vo. Wien, 1849 7954 Presl (C. B.) fiber den Bau der Blumen der Balsamineen, plate, author's autograph inscription, and Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Prag, 1836 7955 Presl (Prof. Dr. K. B.) Beschreibung zweier neuen Bohmischen Arten der Gattung Asplenium , plate, Humboldt' s writing on cover 8 vo. Prag, 1836 7956 Prestel (A. F.) Die Gewitter des Jahres 1855, map vellum paper 8 vo. Emden, 1856 7957 Prestel (M. A. F.) Die ein-zwei-und dreifachen vollzaligen Kombinationen des isometrischen Systems, plate atlas folio. Emden, 1842 Humboldt has written on a slip, pasted on cover, “ Das grosse Treibhaus in London.” 57$ 7958 Prestel (Dr. M. A. F.) Die geographische Verbreitung der Gewitter in Mittel-Europa im Jahre 1856, map and plates royal Svo. Wien , 1858 7959 Preuss (E. W.) Astronomische Beobachtungen auf Kotzebue’s zweiter Reise um die Welt angestellt, herausgegeben von W. Struve, author s autograph inscription \to. Dorpat , 1830 7960 Preuss (J. D. E.) Worte der Erinnerung am Sarge des Staats- ministers Dr. von Bey me 8 vo. Berlin , 1838 7961 Preuss (Dr. J. D. E.) Des Motifs et du Mode d’Execution de la nouvelle Edition des CEuvres de Frederic le Grand, autograph inscription of Paul Acker mann, the translator royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1844 Only 20 copies printed, “ Imprime a vingt Exemplaires pour Usage officiel.” 7962 Preuss. Another Edition, privately printed roy. Svo. $.1846 7963 Preuss (J. D. E.) Avertissement au XXVII e Volume des CEuvres de Frederic le Grand only 12 copies printed royal 4 to. 7964 Preuss (J. D. E.) Advertisement de l’Editeur (des Poesies ^parses de Frederic le Grand) “ Imprime a 10 Exemplaires pour usage officiel,” rare, Berlin , 1848 — Des Motifs et du Mode d’Execution de la nouvelle Edition des CEuvres de Frederic le Grand, ib. 1846 royal Svo. (2) 7965 Preuss (J. D. E.) Avertissement sur la Correspondance de Frederic le Grand avec ses Parents Svo. Berlin , 1850 One of the 10 copies privately printed for official use. At the commencement is the notice “ Imprime a dix Emplaires pour usage officiel.” 7966 Preussen’s Gewaesser-Karte imperial 4fo. Berlin , 1827 7967 Preussen, Der Verein der Kunstfreunde in Preussen seinen Mitgliedern. A collection of 58 Etchings of Paintings, Statues, Cameos, Bronzes, &c. with title-page royal folio. Berlin, 1829-35 7968 Preussens Verein der Kunstfreunde, 9 etchings of paintings India proofs royal folio, ib. 1829 7968*Preussen von einem Englander Svo. Berlin, 1834 7969 Preussen’s See- Atlas Geschichte, Uebersichtskarte, Leucht- thiirme, Kiistenansieliten, plates oblong folio. Berlin, 1841 7970 Preussen’s See-Atlas (von Beuth) on 22 sheets atlas folio. Berlin, 1841 With Humboldt’s autograph note on separate slip, pronouncing it “ sehr wichtig” (very important), 7971 Preussen. Entwurf einer Verordnung fiber Ehescheidung ; and 8 others on Divorce in Prussia 4 to. Berlin, 1842-44 Privately printed <£ nur zum eigenen Gebrauch fur die Mitglieder des Konigl. Staatsraths abgedruckt.” 574 7972 Preussen. Die Statistischen Tabellen des Preussischen Staats nach der amtlichen Aufnahme des Jahres 1843, heraus- gegeben von W. Dieterici, editor's autograph inscription Ato. Berlin , 1845 7973 Preussen. Uebersicht der Production des Bergwerks-, Steinbruchs-, Hiitten-und Salinen-Betriebes in der Preus- sischen Monarchic fur 1845, 1846, und 1850, 3 parts folio. Berlin , 1845-50 7974 Preussen. Protokolle uber die Revision des Bergrechts in Folge der gutachtlichen Bemerkungen der Provinzialst'ande von Mai, 1845, bis Dezember, 1846 privately printed (764 pages) half red morocco 4 to. ( Berlin , 1846) These conferences took place between Saatsminister von Savigny, Graf von Beust, Dr. Karsten, Justizrath Voswinckel, Dr. Skalley, Bergrath von Oeynhausen, Sr.aatsminster Flottwell and Justizrath Zettwach, Ober-Bergrath von Ellerts acting as “ Referent.” 7975 Preussen und Deutschland. Politik und Abstraction Svo. Coblenz , 1848 Humboldt has written the name of the author “Auscultator Eichmann ” on cover. 7976 Preussen. Post-Karte von dem Preussischen Staate und den angrenzenden Landern in IX Blattern bearbeitet im Cours- Bureau des K. General-Post-Amtes, mit XJebersichtsblatt, 10 maps, coloured eine paper oblong atlas folio. Berlin , 1849 7977 Preussen. Uebersicht der Production des Bergwerks — , Hiitten-und Salinen-Betriebes in dem Preussischen Staate fUr 1850 folio. Berlin , 1850 7978 Preussen. Uebersicht der Productionen des Bergbaues und des Hiitten-Betriebes fur 1838-44 und 1850 folio. (8) 7979 Preussen. Liste der Ritter des K. Preussischen bohen Ordens vom schwarzen Adler, privately printed 4 to. Berlin , 1851 Both the Barons Humbolt were Knights of this Order. 7980 Preussen. Tabellen und amtliche Nachrichten iiber den Preussischen Staat fiir das Jahr 1849, herausgegeben von dem statistischen Bureau zu Berlin, 6 vol. in 7 eine paper, cloth, g. e. folio. Berlin, 1851-55 This most important statistical document is thus divided : I. Nachrichten iiber die Gebaude, die Einwohner, den Viehstand und die Wohnplatze. II. Bevolkerungsliste ; Kirchen und Schul-Tabelle ; und Sanitats-Anstalten. III. Beobachtungen des Meteorologischen Instituts. IV. Resultate der Verwaltung. V. Gewerbe-Tabelle. VI. A. Tabelle der Fabrikations- Anstalten und Fabrik-Unternehm ungen aller Art. VI. B. Erlauterungen zur Tabelle der Fabrikations-Anstalten und Fabrik-Unternehmungen aller Art nach den Aufnahmen fiir 1849 und 1852. 575 7981 Preussen. Uebersicht von der Production der Bergwerke, Hiitten und Salinen in 1852 4 to. Berlin , 1853 7982 Preussen. Brix (Dr. P. W.) Untersuchungen iiber die Heizkraft der wichtigeren Brennstoffe des Preussischen Staates, plates 4 to. Berlin , 1853 7983 Preussen und Russland, yelltjm paper 8ro. Leipzig , 1854 7984 Preussen. Tabellen und amtliche Nachrichten iiber den Preussischen Staat fiir das Jahr 1852, enthaltend die statistische Tabelle; die Uebersicht der verschiedenen Wohnplatze; die Bevolkerungs-Listen; die Kirchen-und Schul-Tabelle; und die Sanitats-Tabelle fine paper, cloth , g. e. folio. Berlin , 1855 7985 Preussen. Ordens-Liste der Ritter und Inhaber K. Preus- sischer Orden und Ehrenzeichen im Jahre 1855 yelltjm paper, MS. notes of Baron Humboldt on separate slip 8 vo. Berlin , 1855 7986 Preussen. Der Preussische Staat in 10 colorirten Karten in Kupferstich. Maasstab im Verhaltniss von 1 : 900,000 entworfen von Dr. H. Berghaus, T. Schilling, F. von Stiilpnagel und C. Vogel, 3 parts, coloured maps oblong royal folio. Gotha , 1855-56-57 7987 Preussen. Aus Konig Friedrichs Zeit Kriegs-und Friedens- Helden gezeichnet von Adolf Menzel, in Holz geschnitten von Eduard Kretzschmar,und herausgegeben mit biograph - ischen Notizen von Alexander Duncker yelltjm paper, india proof impressions of the 12 large and beautiful portraits , cloth , g. e. atlas folio. Berlin , 1856 7988 Preussen. Bericht iiber den Antrag des Grafen von Donhoff betreffend eine Verminderung der Amortisation der Staats- schulden folio. Berlin , 1856 7989 Preussen. Ordnung der Feierlichkeiten bei der Vermahlung Luise Marie Elisabeth Prinzessin von Preussen mit F. W. L. Grossherzog zu Baden folio. Berlin , 1856 7990 Preussen. Dove (H. W.) iiber die klimatischen Verhaltnisse des Preussischen Staates, 4 parts 8 vo. Berlin , 1853-57 7991 Preussen. Regenmenge (1848-53) von H. W. Dove 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 7992 Preussen. Witterungs verhaltnisse von H. W. Dove 8 vo. Berlin , 1857 7993 Preussen. Statistische Nachrichten von den Preussischen Eisenbahnen, 5 vol. maps , plates , and tables royal 4 to. Berlin , 1855-58 7994 Preussen. Tabellen und amtliche Nachrichten iiber den Preussischen Staat herausgegeben von dem statistischen Bureau zu Berlin large yelltjm paper, scarce, cloth,g.e. folio. Berlin , 1858 Containing : “ Ergebnisse der in den Jahren 1848 bis 185/ ange- stellten Beobachtungen des meteorologischen Instituts, von Prof. H. W. Dove.” 576 7995 Preussrn. Tabellen und amtliche Nachrichten iiber den Preussischen Staat fur das Jahr 1855, enthaltend: die Nachrichten von den Gebauden, der Yolkszahl und dem Yiehstande; die Uebersicht der Wohnplatze; die Ueber- sicht der Juden; die Bevolkerungs-Listen, 1853-55; die Kirchen-und Schul-Tabelle; die Sanitats-Tabelle ; die Gewerbe-Tabelle; und die Gewerbe-Tabelle der Fabrika- tions-Anstalten und Fabrik-Unternehmungen aller Art pine paper,, cloth , g. e. folio. Berlin , 1858 7996 Preussen. Tabellen und amtliche Nachrichten iiber den Preussischen Staat herausgegeben von dem statistischen Bureau zu Berlin folio. Berlin , 1858 Containing the observations made by the Meteorological Institute from 1848 to 1857 inclusive, by Professor H. W. Dove. 7996^Preussen. Tabellen. Another copy folio, ib. 1858 7997 Preussen. Zusammenstellung der Langen, Anlagekosten und Transportmittelln der Eisenbahnen in 1857 elephant folio broadside . Berlin, 1858 7998 Preussen. Uebersicht der \ r on der Preussischen Stabe gemessenen Haupt-Dreiecke im Maastabe 20 ooooo » tw0 states — Uebersicht der Preussischen Haupt Dreiecke — Koenigsberg Dreiecke — Uebersicht von der Operation zur Einfuhrung der Basis in die Kette der Haupt Dreiecke, a drawing — Uebersicht der Dreieckskette von Wildenhof bis Liibec und Berlin,* mit Hohen des Erdbodens uber d. Ostsee in Paris. Fuss , neatly written in red ink various sizes. (6) 7999 Preussen. Hohen Karte des Preussischen Staates — Section Wittenberg und Section Berlin mit Farben-Erklarung, coloured and mounted on cloth (3) 8000 Preussen. Yerwaltungsbericht iiber die Dennewitz-Stiftung zu Jiiterbog, Jilterbog, 1853 — Rindfleisch (W.) Ansprache auf dem Schlachtfelde bei Dennevvitz, ib. 1853 — Doye (E.) Fest-Rede der Schlacht, ib. 1853 8 vo. (3) 8001 Preussens Dioskuren (a Poem, signed L. R.) 4 to. 8003 Preussisches Verein der Kunstfreunde, Yerhandlung der Versammlung, 1 May, 1832. Containing W. von Hum- boldt's Speech as President, Berlin , 1832 — Statut des Yereins, ib. 1840 — Namenverzeichniss der Mitglieder fiir 1835, 1837 and 1838, ib. 1835-38 4 to. (5) 8004 Preussisches Bergrecht. Revidirter Entwurf und Instruktion zur Verwaltung des Berg-Regals — Motiven — Entwurf einer Ausfiihrungs-Yerordnung zu dem Berggesetze — Materielle Abweichungen, 4 parts ito. Berlin , 1835 Privately printed, “als Manuscript fiir die Berathungen gedruckt.” 577 8005 Preussisches Bergrecht. Entwurf und Instruktion zur Ver- waltung des Berg-Regals, mit Motiven, 2 parts 4 to. Berlin , 1841 Privately printed. “ Nur zum eigenen Gebrauch der Landtags- Mitglieder bestimmt.” 8006 Preussisches Bergrecht. Another copy, 2 parts 4 to. ib. 1841 8007 Preussische Yaterlandskunde post 8 vo. ib. 1844 8008 [Preussische] Ordens-Liste, eine paper 8 vo. ib. 1845 Printed for private distribution only. 8009 Preussische Bank. Kabinets-Ordre die Betheiligung von Privatpersonen bei den Bank betreffend 4 to. Berlin , 1846 Privately printed. 8010 Preussisches Bergrecht. Kabinetsordre 14 Juni, 1847 — Yorlage zur Berathung, 31 Dec. 1848; 2 parts 4 to. 8011 Preussischen Staats-Anzeiger, Sach-und Personen-Register zum, fur 1848, yelltjm paper folio. Berlin , 1850 8012 Preussischen Bank’s Verwaltungs-Bericht fiir 1854 4 to. Berlin , 1855 8013 Preussischen Bank’s Verwaltungs-Bericht fiir 1856, 1857 and 1858, 3 vol. 4 to. Berlin , 1857-58-59 Privately printed. 8014 Preussischer Staats-Kalender fiir 1852-1858, 7 vol. yellum paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1852-58 8015 Preusz (J. D. E.) Urkundenbuch zu der Lebensgeschichte Friedrichs des Groszen. Erster Theil eine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1832 8016 Preusz (J. D. E.) Friedrich der Grosze als Schriftsteller mit Erganzungsheft, 2 vol. read and passages marked by Hum- boldt, with his writing on cover 12 mo. Berlin , 1837-38 8017 Preusz (Dr. J. D. E.) Friedrich der Grosze mit seinen Verwand- ten und Freunden, eine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1838 Humboldt considered Preusz “ a much loftier and nobler nature than Ranke/’ 8018 Preusz (J. D. E.) Friedrich der Grosze als Schriftsteller eine PAPER 1 2mo. Berlin, 1838 8019 Preusz (J. D. E.) Bedeutung des 1 Juni, 1840 yelltjm PAPER 8 vo. Berlin , 1840 8020 Preusz (Dr. J. D. E.) Friedrichs des Groszen Jugend und Thronbesteigung 8vo. Berlin, 1840 8021 Preusz (J.D. E.) Der grosse Kurfiirst und Kurfiirst Friedrich Eisenzahn 8vo. Berlin , 1840 8022 Preusz (J. D. E.) Erinnerungen an Friedrich den Groszen in Bezug auf seine Armee, yelltjm paper 8vo. Berlin, 1854 Very scarce, only a few copies, “ gedruckt als Manuscript,” having been circulated amongst the author’s friends 4 E 578 8023 Preusz (Dr. J. D. E.) Die neun ersten Regierungsjahre K. Friedrich Wilhelms des Dritten; Humboldt has written on title-page , “ p. 10-29.” and marked passages on those pages 8 vo. Berlin, 1856 8024 Preuszens Dioskuren (ein Gedicht von L. R.) 4 to. s. 1. fy a. Privately printed. 8025 Prevost (A. P.) Essai sur la Theorie de la Vision binoculaire, plate , author s autograph inscription A to. Geneve, 1843 8026 Prevost (Constant) sur les Gres Coquillers de Beau-Champ author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris, 1822 8027 Prevost (Constant) Documents pour l’Histoire des Terrains Tertiaires 8 vo. Paris, 1827 8028 Prevost (C.) sur les Submersions iteratives des Continents actuels, author's autograph inscription , with signature \to. Paris, 1827 8029 Prevost (C.) Candidature pour la Section de G^ologie et de Mineralogie dans l’Academie des Sciences, author's auto- graph inscription 8vo. Paris, 1835 Containing his Work, “ sur les Submersions iteratives des Conti- nents actuels;” his “Essai sur la Formation des Terrains des Environs de Paris,” with plate; and “ Voyage a l’lle Julia.” 8030 Provost (C.) Notice sur ses Travaux, 1809 a 1840 4fo. Paris, 1840 8031 Prevost (C.) Notice sur ses Travaux, 1809 k 1847, Paris, 1847 — De la Chronologie des Terrains et du Synchronisme des Formations, ib. 1845 Privately printed for presents only. 8032 Prevost et Lebert, sur la Formation des Organes de la Circu- lation et du Sang dans l’Embryon du Poulet, 3 parts, plates royal 8vo. Paris, 1844 8033 Provost (C.) de la Chronologie des Terrains et du Sychronisme des Formations 4 to. Paris , 1845 8034 Provost (C.) Formation, Fossile, Paris, 1845 — Geologie, ib. 1845 — Sur le Terrain Nummulitique de la Sicile, plate, ib. s. d. 8 vo. (3) 8035 Prichard (J. C.) Naturgeschichte des Menschengeschlechts, mit Anmerkungen und Zusatzen von Dr. R. Wagner, 4 vol. in 3, fine paper, a few MS. notes in the autograph of Baron Humboldt, half calf extra 8 vo. Leipzig, 1840-48 8036 Prichard (Dr. J. C.) Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, 5 vol. plates ( several coloured') 8 vo. London, 1841-37-41-44-47 At p. 285 of vol. IV, Humboldt has written “ o nein,” and on fly- leaf at end, “ hore was zugeschriben, p. 285 ! ! ” 8037 Prichard (Dr. J. C.) Six ethnographical Maps (coloured), with a sheet of letterpress, author s autograph inscription royal folio. London , 1843 579 8038 Priest (J.) American Antiquities and Discoveries in the West, plates 8 vo. Albany, 1828 Fifth Edition, 22,000 copies of this work having been published for subscribers only. 8039 Prill, Kreistheilmaschine von (Ertling, 10 plates, engraved by A. Knoblauch , velltjm paper atlas 4 to. Berlin, 1850 8040 Prill. Another copy, largest paper imp. folio, ib. 1850 For a Description of these Plates, see ante No. 7293. 8041 Prince-Smith (John) iiber den politischen FortschrittPreussens, large vellum paper, “ with the most respectful compli- ments of the author” 8vo. Zurich , 1844 Humboldt has prefixed the author’s autograph letter (in English) which accompanied the work. 8042 Pringsheim (Dr. N.) Grundlinien einer Theorie der Pflanzen- zelle, coloured plates, author's autograph inscription ito. Berlin , 1854 8043 Pringsheim (N.) fiber die Befruchtung, Keimung und Genera- tionswechsel der Algen, 2 parts, coloured plates privately printed 8vo. Berlin, 1855-56 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscriptions. 8044 Prisons. Reports on the Discipline of the Convict Prisons for 1851, 1856 and 1857, by Col. Jebb, 2 vol. plates royal 8 vo. London, 1852-58 8045 Pritchett (G. J.) Report of his Mission to Ecuador, map privately printed 8vo. London, 1858 8046 Prittwitz (M. von) Die schwebende Eisenbahn bei Posen und Project zu einer allgemeinen Eisenbahn durch den Preus- sischen, Staat, plate 8vo. Posen, 1834 8047 Pritwitz (M. von) Andeutungen fiber die Grenzen der Civilisa- tion, eine paper 8vo. Manheim, 1838 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 8048 Prittwitz (M. von) Die Schanzer in Ulm roy.8vo. £77m,1850 8049 Prittwitz (M. von) Andeutungen fiber die kfinftigen Fortschritte und die Grenzen der Civilisation the dedication copy on large vellum paper, half red morocco, gilt edges 8 vo. Berlin, 1853 The author, in his Dedication to Humboldt, hints that this second edition appears at his recommendation. 8050 Pritzell (G A.) Thesaurus Literaturae Botanicae eine paper, author's autograph inscription, green morocco extra 4 to. Lipsice, 1851 8051 Pritzel (Dr.G. A.) Iconum Botanicarum Index locupletissimus, thick paper, half morocco extra kto. Berolini, 1855 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. In- valuable to the botanical Student, as it is an alphabetical Index to works where the Plant is to be found figured. 580 8052 Proceedings of the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society, “ with Sir Alex. Johnstone's compliments ” 8vo. London , 1837 8053 Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society at Boston and Worcester, in 1856 and 1857, 2 vol. autograph in- scription of S. Salisbury, President 8vo. Boston , 1856-57 8054 Program zur XIV Versammlung der Gesellschaft der Natur- forscher und iErzte Deutschlands zu Jena 4 to. Jena , 1836 8055 Programm der XIX Versammlung der Deutschen Natur- forscher und iErzte 4 to. Braunschweig , 1841 8056 Pronay (G. von) Skizzen aus dem Volksleben in Ungarn, the coloured ptates for this copy retouched by hand yellum paper, with autograph of “ Al. Humboldt,” red ornamented cloth , g. e. folio. Pesth, 1854 8057 Prony (Baron de) Examen relatif aux Projets de Barrage de la Seine dans le Voisinage du Havre, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1831 8058 Prouhet (J. A.) E. Jamin, et L. E. Bouet, Plan de la Rade de Mogador, thick paper royal folio. Paris , 1842 8059 Prouhet (E.) sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de C. Sturm, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1856 8060 Provencal (Dr. Cesar) Topographie medicale du Comte de Nice, 2 vol 8vo. Nice , 1845-46 8061 Proverbes M4teorologiques et Agronomiques des C4vennois suivis des Pronostics des Paysans Languedociens sur les Changemens de Temps, scarce 8 vo. 8062 Prowe (Dr. L.) Mittheilungen aus Schwedischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, facsimiles of autographs yellum paper, imitation morocco, g. e. 4 to. Berlin, 1853 Containing important letters of Copernicus, and documents re- specting the Thirty Years’ War. 8063 Prowe (Dr. L.) Zur Biographie von N. Copernicus yellum paper 4 to. Thorn , 1853 8064 Prunelle (M.) de 1* Action de la Medecine sur la Population des Etats, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , s. d. 8065 Pruner (Dr. F.) Die Ueberbleibsel der altiigyptischen Men- schenrace, plates author's autograph inscription 4 to. Munchen, 1846 8066 Prussia. Poems written in Honour of the Coronation of Frederick William IV, entitled: Frederico Guilielmo IV Regi optimo maximo, D. D. D. Gymnasium Cceslinense, A. MDCCCXL, and Ihro Majestat der Konigin Elisabeth von Preussen vom Gymnasium zu Coslin, 1840 privately printed royal A to. Coslin, 1840 8067 Prutz (R.) und W. Wolfsohn, Deutches Museum, No. 1 royal 8 vo. Leipzig, 1851 581 8068 Prutz (R. E.) Geschichte des Deutschen Journalismus. Erster Theil 8 vo. Hannover , 1845 Prutz belonged to the Democratic-constitutional Party, and on ac- count of what were considered highly dangerous opinions, was strongly persecuted. He was hunted from Prussia in 1840, and from Jena in 1843. He was only finally saved by the bold interference of Baron Humboldt. 8069 Prutz (R. E.) Erich XIV, Trauerspiel 8vo. 1845 Privately printed and issued r< als Manuscript.” 8070 Psychorama eines Scheintodten (Poems) vellum paper, half morocco 8vo. Leipzig , 1847 One of the poems is entitled “ Humboldt.” 8071 Ptolemsei (Cl.) Geographia, Gr. et Lat. ex Recognitione Petri Montani-, cum Tabulis geographicis ad Mentem Auctoris restitutis per Gerardum Mercatorem, maps and portrait of Mercator folio. Francofurti , 1605 Humboldt has written on fly-leaf, “ Achete a Paris, 35fr. Juin, 1832.” 8072 Ptolemee (C.) Etats des Etoiles fixes au second Siecle compard a la Position des memes Etoiles en 1786, avec le Texte Grec et la Traduction Franchise par 1’Abbe Montignot autograph of “ Humboldt” 4 to. Strasbourg, 1787 8073 Ptolemee (Claude) Composition Math^matique (Almageste) ou Astronomie ancienne, en Grec et en Fran^ais par M. l’Abbe Halma. Suivie des Notes de M. Delambre, 2 vol. in 1, French calf gilt royal £to. Paris , 1813-16 8074 Ptolemaei (Cl.) Geographias Lib. I- VI, Gr. et Lat. edidit Dr. F. G. Wilberg Socio adjuncto C. H. F. Grashofio, 6 parts in 4 royal 4 to. Essendice , 1838-45 8075 Pfickler-Muskau (Fiirst von) Andeutungen fiber Landschafts- gartnerei, verbunden mit der Beschreibung ihrer prak- tischen Anwendung in Muskau, with folio atlas of views and plans 8vo. Stuttgart , 1834 8076 Pfickler-Muskau (Ffirst von) Aus Mehemed Ali’s Reich (Unter- und Oben-Aegypten, Nubien, und Sudan), 3 vol. with autograph of “ Al. Humboldt ” red velvet, g. e. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1844 Presentation copy with the author’s autograph inscription. 8077 [Pfickler-Muskau (Prinz von)] Die Rfickkehr (iEgypten, Syrien, und Kleinasien), 3 vol. map and plates red velvet, joints, silk linings, g. e. 8vo. Berlin, 1846-47-48 Presentation copy, with autograph inscriptions of the celebrated author on the fly-leaves of vol. I and II. 8078 Puillon-Boblaye (M.) Rapport sur les Travaux de la Societe Geologique de la France pendant 1832-33 author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1835 582 8079 Puillon Boblaye (E.) Recherches g&jgraphiques sur les Ruines de la Moree, map laege papee, half calf extra royal 4 to. Paris , 1836 8080 Puissant (L.) Nouvelle Description geometrique de la France. Premiere Partie, large map and plate 4 to. Paris , 1832 Presentation copy from the celebrated author, with his autograph inscription. 8081 Pulkowa. Resultate aus Beobachtungen des Polarsterns am Ertelschen Vertikalkreise der Pulkowaer Stern warte von C. A. F. Peters 4 to. St. Petersburg , 1844 8082 Pulte (Dr. J. H.) Organon der Weltgeschichte, author s auto - graph inscription royal 8 vo. Cincinnati , 1846 8083 Punic Inscriptions. Inscriptions Puniques et Libyques trou- vees en 1840, dans la Province de Constantine par M. le Docteur Guy on folio. Alger , 1854 8084 Purdy (J.) Chart of the World, on 4 sheets , coloured double atlas folio. London , 1832-33 8085 Pusch (G. G.) Polens Palaontologie, plates laege papee, half blue morocco extra royal ito. Stuttgart , 1837 8086 Pusey. Abeken (Rev. H.) Letter to Dr. Pusey in Reference to certain Charges against the German Church author' s autograph inscription 8vo. London , 1842 8087 Putter (Dr. K. Th.) Der Inbegriff der Rechtswissenschaft half red morocco extra 8 vo. Berlin , 1846 8088 Piitz (W.) Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Erdbeschreibung 8 vo. Freiburg , 1854 8089 Piitz (W.) Leitfaden bei dem Unterricht in der vergleichenden Erdbeschreibung 8 vo. Freiburg , 1855 8090 Pyl (Dr. K. T.) Heinrich Rubenow oder die Stiftung der Hochschule zu Greifswald, vaterlandisches Schauspiel in fiinf Aufziigen author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Greifswald , 1853 8091 Pyl (Dr. K. T.) Mythologische Beitrage. Erster Theil ( all published ), Das Polytheistische System der Griechischen Religion YELLTJM papee, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Greifswald j 1856 8092 Pyl (Dr. K. T.) Der Zwolfgotterkreis im Louvre vellum papee, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Greifswald , 1857 8093 Pyramiden. R. Lepsius fiber den Bau der Pyramiden, plates 8 vo. Berlin , 1843 8094 Pyrker (J. L.) Sammtliche Werke in einem Bande, portrait half calf extra imperial 8vo. Stuttgart, 1839 583 8095 Pythien, Nemeen und Isthmien aus den Schrift-und Bild- werken des Alterthums dargestellt von Dr. J. H. Krause, plates , fine paper 8 vo. Leipzig , 1841 Presentation copy, with Dr. Krause’s autograph inscription. 8096 Quadri (Prof. G. B.j Lezioni di Oftalmiatria redatte ed anno- tate per A. Quadri, plates author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Napoli , 1846 8097 Quadri (Prof. G. B.) Lezioni di Oftalmiatria redatte ed anno- tate per A. Quadri, plates cloth , gilt edges imperial 8vo. Napoli , 1846 8098 Quadri (A.) Memoires ophthalmologiques, cuts, Bruxelles, s. d. — Intorno all’ Ernia dell’ Iride, plate, s. 1. et a . — Oftalmi- atria, 3 parts, s. 1. et a. — Clinica Oftalmiatrica Napolitana, 2 papers, s. 1. et a. ; cloth, g . e. in one vol. 8 vo. 8099 Quadri (A.) Memoires ophthalmologiques (sur les Tubes Cor- neens), cuts , Bruxelles, s.d. — Intorno all’ Ernia dell’ Iride, plate, s. 1. et. a. ; and 5 other Italian Tracts on “ Oftal- miatria,” by Quadri in one vol. 8 vo. 8100 Quadri (Dr. A.) Relation d’un Voyage scientifique 8vo. Bruxelles , 1857 8101 Quarantine Report 8 vo. London, 1849 8102 Quarterly Review, No. Ill 8vo. London , 1836 8103 Quatrefages (A. de) sur la Synapte de Duvernoy, plates royal 8 vo. 1841 8104 Quatrefages (A. de) sur l’Eleutherie, plate, author's autograph inscription , and Humboldt's writing on cover royal 8 vo. 8105 Quatrefages (A. de) sur l’Eolidine, author's autograph inscrip- tion royal 8 vo. 8106 Quatrefages (A. de) sur les Pierres fulminantes de Dourgnes, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris, s. d. 8107 Quatrefages (A. de) sur les Embryons des Syngnathes, plates royal 8vo. 1842 8108 Quatrefages (A. de) Phosphorescences des Annelides et Ophyures royal 8vo. 8109 Quatrefages (A. de) sur les Edwardsies, plates, roy. 8vo. 1842 8110 Quatrefages (A. de) Souvenirs d’un Naturaliste: l’Ue de Brehat-le Phare des Hehaux, author's autograph inscription, royal 8vo. Paris, 1844 8111 Quatrefages. Rapport a l’Institut sur une Serie de Memoires de A. de Quatrefages relatifs a 1’ Organisation de divers Animaux sans Vertebres des C6tes de la Manche (par Milne Edwards) 4 to. Paris, 1844 8112 Quatrefages (A. de) Notice sur ses Travaux Zoologiques et Anatomiques, author's autograph inscription, 4 to. Paris, 1850 Very scarce, only a few copies having been printed as presents to Members of the Academie when soliciting their votes. 584 8118 Quatrefages (A. de) Souvenirs d’un Naturaliste, 2 vol. pre- sentation copy , with author's autograph inscription 12 mo. Paris , 1854 Carefully read and marked by Baron Humboldt. 8114 Quatrefages (A. de) sur le Genre Taret ( Teredo Lin.) et sur l’Embryogenie des Tarets, 2 parts, plates , Humboldt's au- tograph notes royal 8vo. 8115 Quatrefages (A de) sur l’Embryogenie des Annelides, plates , royal 8 vo. 8116 Quatrefages (A. de) sur les Types inferieurs de l’Embranche- ment des Anneles (Polyophthalmiens et Hermelliens), 2 parts, plates royal 8 vo. 8117 Quatremere (M.) M^moire sur les Nabateens, Humboldt's auto- graph notes 8vo. Paris , 1835 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 8118 Quednow (A.) Die Schlacht an der Konzer Briicke, plan 8 vo. Berlin , 1848 8119 Quehl (G.) Was die Zeit bewegt in drei Predigten vellum paper 8vo. Danzig , 1847 8120 Quehl (Dr. Rhuo) Die Schule der OefFentlichkeit, author's autograph inscription , pine paper, 8vo. Berlin , 1845 8121 Quehl (Ryno) Nordische Badereise: Skizzen, Erzahlungen und Gedichte crown 8vo. Berlin , 1846 8122 Quenstedt (F. A.) de Notis Nautilearum Primariis vellum paper 8vo. Berolini , 1836 8123 Quenstedt (F. A.) Das Flozgebirge Wiirtembergs mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf den Jura pine paper , half calf extra 8vo. Tubingen, 1843 8124 Quenstedt (Prof. F. A.) uber Pterodactylus Suevicus im Litho- graphischen Schiefer Wiirtembergs, with the large plate , 4fo. Tubingen , 1855 With an interesting introduction respecting Geology and early Geo- logists. 8125 Quesneville (Dr.) Revue Scientifique et Industrielle pour Avril, 1840; Dr. Quesneville' s autograph inscription , 8vo. Paris , 1840 Containing a Review, by J. J. Arnoux, of Humboldt’s “ Geographie du Nouveau Continent.” 8126 Quetelet (A.) Notes extraites d’un Voyage en Angleterre, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1833 8127 Quetelet (A.) Annales de L’Observatoire de Bruxelles, 12 vol. in 14. Humboldt's autograph notes Ato. Bruxelles , 1834-57 Presentation copy (apparently on finer paper than usual) from A. Que- telet, with his autograph inscriptions. 585 8128 Quetelet (A.) sur la Latitude de L’Observatoire de Bruxelles 4 to. Bruxelles, 1836 8129 Quetelet (A.) Annuaire de l’Observatoire de Bruxelles pour les Annees 1837-58, 22 vol. autograph of 11 A1 Humboldt,” 12 mo. Bruxelles, 1836-57 Presentation copies from the Author, with his autograph inscriptions. 8130 Quetelet (A.) sur les Variatious diurne et annuelle de la Tem- perature, &c ,, plates, Humboldt's writing on cover 4to. Bruxelles, 1837 8131 Quetelet (A.) Correspondance Math6matique et Physique. Tome I Part 2 to Tome 111 Part 2, in 4 vol. Hum- boldt's autograph notes 8vo. Bruxelles , 1837-39 Presentation copies from the Author, with his autograph inscriptions. 8132 Quetelet (A.) Tableaux Met6orologiques pour l’Annee 1838, plate, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Bruxelles , 1838 8133 Quetelet (A.) sur la Longitude de l’Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles, author's autograph inscription, 4 to. Bruxelles , 1839 8134 Quetelet (A.) Catalogue des principales Apparitions d’Etoiles filantes 4 to. Bruxelles, 1839 8135 Quetelet (A.) sur l’Etat du Magnetisme Terrestre & Bruxelles pendant les douze Anne4s de 1827 a 1839 4 to. Bruxelles, 1839 8136 Quetelet (A.) Second Memoire sur le Magnetisme Terrestre en Italie, author s autograph inscription, 4 to. Bruxelles, 1840 8137 Quetelet. Another copy. 4 to. ib. 1840 8138 Quetelet (A.) Deuxieme Memoire sur les Variations annuelles de la Temperature de la Terre a differentes Profondeurs 4 to. Bruxelles, 1840 8139 Quetelet (A.) Resume des Observations Meteorologiques faites en 1839 et 1840 a l’Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles, 2 parts, author's autograph inscription, 4 to. Bruxelles, 1840-41 8140 Quetelet (A.) Nouveau Catalogue des principales Apparitions d’Etoiles filantes, author's autograph inscription 4ito. Bruxelles, 1841 8141 Quetelet (A.) Mdteorologie, 2 parts, author's autograph in- scription 8vo. Bruxelles, 1840-41 8142 Quetelet (A.) Magnetisme Terrestre, 2 parts, plates 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1840-41 8143 Quetelet (A.) Physique du Globe, 3 parts, plates, author's au- tograph inscriptions 8 vo. Bruxelles, 1840-41 8144 Quetelet (A.) Instructions pour l’Observation des Phenomenes p4riodiques, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Bruxelles, 1842 4 F 586 8145 Quetelet (A.) Compte rendu des Travaux de la Commission Centrale de Statistique, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Bruxelles , 1842 8146 Quetelet (A.) Rapport sur l’Etat de l’Acad^mie en 1842 .8 vo. Bruxelles , 1842 8147 Quetelet (A.) Instructions pour 1* Observation des Phenomenes periodiques 4 to. Bruxelles , 1842 8148 Quetelet (A.) sur l’Emploi de la Boussole dans les Mines, Humboldt's autograph note on title-page 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1843 8149 Quetelet (A.) Observations des Phenomenes periodiques (1841-56) avec les Instructions pour l’Observation, 20 parts 4 to. Bruxelles , 1842-57 Presentation copies, with Author’s autograph inscriptions. 8150 Quetelet (A.) Rapport sur l’Etat et les Travaux de l’Observa- toire Royal pendant 1842 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1843 8151 Quetelet (A.) Instructions pour les Observations des Pheno- menes periodiques et Tableau des Plantes h, observer pour la Feuillaison et Defeuillaison 4 to. Bruxelles , 1843 8152 Quetelet (A.) Rapport sur l’Observatoire pendant 1842-1845, 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1843-45 8153 Quetelet (A.) Recherches Statistiques (sur le Recensement de la Population de Bruxelles en 1842) map , author's auto- graph inscription 4 to . Bruxelles , 1844 8154 Quetelet (A.) sur la Theorie des Probability, appliquee aux Sciences morales et politiques, author's autograph in- scription, lakge papee, imp. 8vo. Bruxelles , 1846 8155 Quetelet (A.) Rapport sur l’Observatoire Royal 8vo. Bruxelles , 1848 8156 Quetelet (A.) Nouvelles Tables de Mortalite pour la Belgique, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Bruxelles , 1849 8157 Quetelet (A.) Nouvelles Tables de Population pour la Belgique, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Bruxelles , 1850 8158 Quetelet (A.) Another copy 4 to. ib. 1850 8158*Quetelet (A.) sur l’Etat de l’Electricite statique et de l’Elec- tricite dynamique 8vo. Bruxelles , 1852 8159 Quetelet (A.) sur l’Electricite de l’Air 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1852 8160 Quetelet (A,) Variations annuelles et horaires des Instruments meteorologiques a Bruxelles 8 vo. Bruxelles , 1853 8161 Quetelet (A.) sur les Variations periodiques et non periodiques de la Temperature, author s autograph inscription 4 to. Bruxelles , 1853 8162 Quetelet (A.) Instructions pour TObservation des Phenomenes periodiques 4 to. Bruxelles , 1853 8163 Quetelet (A.) Notice sur E. Smits, author's autograph inscrip- tion kto. ( Bruxelles , 1853) 587 8164 Quetelet (A.) Meteorologie, Magnetisme terrestre et Pheno- menes periodiques naturels 12 mo. Bruxelles , 1853 8165 Quetelet (A.) Almanach seculaire de l’Observatoire Royal da Bruxelles 12mo. Bruxelles , 1854 8166 Quetelet (A.) Annuaire de l’Observatoire de Bruxelles pour 1839, author's autograph inscription, Bruxelles , 1839 — Annuaire de l’Academie Royale de Belgique, ib. 1850 — Annuaire pour l’An 1840, par le Bureau des Longitudes, Paris , 1840 — Institut Royal de France, 1837, 1839, 1840, 1843, 1844 et 1854, 6 vol. ib. 1837-54 12mo. (9) 8167 Quetelet (A.) Notice sur D. F. J. Arago, autograph of “ A1 Humboldt,” 12 mo. Bruxelles, 1855 Printed for private distribution only. 8168 Quetelet (A.) Rapports sur l’Etat et les Travaux de 1’Obser- vatoire Royal de Bruxelles pour 1841, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1849, 1852, 1853, 1856 8 vo. (8) Presentation copies, with Author’s autograph inscriptions. 8169 Quetelet (A.) Difference des Longitudes de Bruxelles et Green- wich par la Telegraphic electrique. Etoiles filantes 8 vo, 8170 Quetelet (A.) sur les Proportions de la Race noire 8 vo. 8171 Quetelet (A.) Notice sur les Etoiles filantes du 10 Aout 1842 8 vo, 8172 Quetelet (A.) Instructions pour 1’ Observation des Phenom&nes periodiques 8 vo. 8173 Quetelet (A.) Observations des Passages de la Lune et des Etoiles de meme Culmination 8 vo, 8174 Quetelet (A.) sur la Difference des Longitudes de Bruxelles et de Greenwich determine par la Telegraphie electrique 8 vo. 8175 Quetelet (A. de) sur 1’Electricite des Nuages orageux, cuts, 8 vo. 8176 Quetelet (A.) sur la Repartition du Contingent des Communes dans les Levees de la Milice, author's autograph inscription 4to. Bruxelles, s. d. 8177 Quetelet (A.) sur les anciens Recensements de la Population Beige, author's autograph inscription 4to. Bruxelles , s. d. 8178 Quetelet (A.) Statistique Generale 8vo. Bruxelles , 1846 8179 Quetelet (Ernest) Recherches sur les Medianes 4 to. Bruxelles , 1852 8180 Quetelet (E.) sur les Foyers, plate author's autograph inscription A to. Bruxelles, 1854 8181 Quetelet (E.) Des Observatoires du Nord de l’Allemagne et de la Hollande et du Magnetisme terrestre dans ces deux Contrees, plates, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. 8182 Quinti et Marci Minuciorum Sententia inter Genuates et Vitu- rios dicta. Edidit et illustravit A. A. F. Rudorff vellum paper, privately printed 4 to. Berolini, 1842 8183 Quintus Icilius (Dr. G. von) Experimental-Physik, woodcuts royal 8 vo. Hannover, 1855 588 8184 Quintus von Smyrna, iibersetzt von C. F. Platz, 3 vol. 16mo. Stuttgart , 1857-58 8185 Quito. Humboldt (A. de) Observations g4ognostiques et physiques sur les Volcans du Plateau de Quito traduites par L. Lalanne 8vo. Paris , 1839 8186 Quito. Humboldt (A. de) sur les Volcans du Plateau de Quito traduit par L. Lalanne 8 vo. Paris , 1839 8187 Quoy et Gaimard sur l’Accroissement des Polypes lithophytes 8 vo. Paris, 1825 8187*11. (J.) Bericht iiber eine Seereise nach Norwegen und Hol- land 8vo. Berlin , 1850 8188 R. (J.). Another copy 8i;o. ib. 1850 8189 R. (L.) Preuszens Dioskuren (in Verse) privately printed 4fo. s. 1. Sf a. 8190 R. (L.) Theodor Wolf gestorben den 28 August, 1848, eine Gabe des Andenkens post 8 vo. Berlin , 1849 8191 R. (M. J.) Die Heilung durch Eisenfeilspane crown 8 vo. Coslin, 1853 Humboldt has written on cover : “ Betty Behrent zu Coslin, 23 Aug. 1853.” 8192 Rabbinowicz (Israel Michel) Hebraische Grammatik half morocco 8vo. Grunberg , 1851 8193 Rabbinowicz (Israel Michel) Hebraische Schulgrammatik fine paper 8vo. Breslau , 1853 8194 Rabenhorst (L.) Flora Lusatica oder Verzeichniss und Beschrei- bung der in der Ober-und Niederlausitz wildwachsenden und haufig cultivirten Pflanzen, 2 vol. fine paper, cloth, g. e. 8vo. Leipzig , 1839-40 8195 Rabenhorst (Dr. L.) Deutschlands Kryptogamen-Flora, vol. I and Vol. II Part I (Pilze und Lichenen) ftne paper, green morocco, g. e. 8vo. Leipzig , 1844-45 8196 Rabenhorst (Dr. L.) Die Algen Leber-, Laubmoose und Farm Deutschlands, 2 vol. 8vo. Leipzig , 1847-48 8197 Rabusson (A.) sur l’Origine de la Race Fra^aise 8vo. Paris, 1845 From the Author, with his autograph inscription. 8198 Rabusson (A.) Carte du Golfe Arabique des Petits Geographes Grecs royal folio. Paris, s. d. 8199 Rabusson (A.) Carte de la Mer Egee dress^e pour le Voyage d’ Hannon, coloured, thick paper royal folio. Paris , s. d. 8200 Raccolta dei Trattati e delle principali Convenzioni concernenti il Commercio e la Navigazione dei Sudditi Austriaci negli Stati della Porta Ottomana (in Turkish, German, Italian, French and English) yelltjm paper, elegantly bound in circuit green morocco , joints, watered silk linings, g. e. the sides richly gilt in the Oriental style royal 8 vo. Vienna, 1 844 Printed for private distribution only. 589 8201 Racine (J.) Athalie, Tragedie 36mo. Berlin , 1843 8202 Racine (J.) Bajazet, Tragedie 8 vo. Berlin , 1844 8203 Racine, Phedre, Tragedie, full length portrait of Madlle. Rachel 12 mo. Paris , 1850 8204 Raczynski (Comte A.) Dictionnaire d’ Artistes pour servir & l’Histoire de l’Art moderne en Allemagne large paper, author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1842 8205 Raczynki (Comte A.) Les Arts en Portugal et Dictionnaire historico-artistique du Portugal, 2 vol. plates 8 vo. Paris , 1846-47 Very important for the History of Engraving, Painting and Sculpture. 8206 Radetzky. Feierklange bei Enthiillung des Radetzky-Denk- males am 19 Marz 1852 in Innsbruck, (containing Poems in German, the local Dialects, Italian, Bohemian, &c.) plate of Monument and Music, Innsbruck , 1852 — Das Tirolische Radetzky-Denkmal, ib. 1854 8 vo. (2) 8207 Rademacher (J. G.) Rechtfertigung der von den Gelehrten misskanten, verstandesrechten Erfahrungsheillehre der alten scheidekiinstigen Geheimarzte und treue Mittheilung des Ergebnisses einer 25 jahrigen Erprobung dieser Lehre am Krankenbette, 2 vol. royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1848 8208 Radicke (F. W. G.) Handbuch der Optik, 2 vol. eine paper, half morocco 8 vo. Berlin , 1839 8209 Radicke (F. W. G.) Handbuch der Optik, 2 vol .plates eine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1839 8210 Radicke (Dr. G.) Lehrbuch der Arithmetik und niederen Analysis 8 vo. Coblenz , 1847 8211 Radlkofer (Dr. L.) iiber wahre Parthenogenesis bei Pflanzen 8vo. Munchen, 1857 8212 Radlkofer (Dr. L.) Die Befruchtung der Phanerogamen, plates, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Leipzig , 1856 8213 Radlkofer (Dr. L.) Der Befruchtungsprocess im Pflanzen- reiche, &c. author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Leipzig, 1857 8214 Radowitz (J. von) Theorie des Rikoschetts, plate , Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. Berlin, 1835 8215 Radowitz (J. von) Gesammelte Schriften, 5 vol. vellum paper, “ Vom Verfasser ” crown 8vo. Berlin, 1852-53 8216 Raedell (Dr. C.) Vollstandige Anweisung die Lebensfahigkeit von Versicherungs-Anstalten in Bezug auf das menschliche Leben und Sterben zu untersuchen royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1857 An important work for Actuaries and Assurance-Offices. 8217 Rafn (C. C.) Memoire sur la Decouverte de l’Amerique au X e Siecle traduit par X. Marmier 8 vo. Paris , 1838 With Baron Humboldt’s autograph notes on fly-leaf at end. 590 8218 Rafn (C. C.) Memoire sur la Decouverte de l’Am^rique aa X e Siecle, plates , Copenhague , 1843 — M6moires de la Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord 1840-1844, plates , ib. (1845) fine paper, half red morocco , g. e. in one vol. 8 vo. 8219 Rafn (C. C.) Americas arctiske Landes gamle Geographie efter de Nordiske Oldskrifter, maps and plates large paper, red morocco , g. e. royal 8vo. Kjobenhavn , 1845 8220 Rafn (C. C.) Aper^u de l’ancienne Geographie des Regions Arctiques de l’Amerique selon les Rapports contenus dans les Sagas du Nord, Copenhague , 1847 — Americas arctiske Landes gamle Geographie efter de Nordiske Oldskrifter (Gronlands gamle Geographie) Kjobenhavn , 1845 large yelltjm paper, maps and plates , half red morocco in one vol. royal 8 vo. 8221 Rafn (C. C.) Nordboernes Fordbindelser med CEsten. Rapports des Normands avec l’Orient. Verkehr der Normannen mit dem Osten. Entdeckung America’s durch die Nor- mannen. Decouvert de l’Amerique par les Normands thick yelltjm paper royal 8vo. Kjtibenhavn , 1854 8222 Rafn (C. C.) Nordboernes Forbindelser med Osten i det niende og neermest folgende Aarhundreder thick paper, author s autograph inscription and note royal 8 vo. Kjobenhavn , 1854 8223 Rafn (C. C.) Inscription Runique du Piree et autres Inscrip- tions analogues sur des Monuments dans les Pays Scan- dinaves, plates , large yelltjm paper, half red morocco royal 8 vo. Copenhague , 1856 With MS. additions in the autograph of Rafn. 8224 Rafn (C. C.) Antiquites de l’Orient, Monuments Runo- graphiques interprets large paper royal 8vo. Copenhague , 1856 8225 Rafn (C. C.) Runeinskrift i Piraeus. Inscription Runique du Pite, plates , large yelltjm paper, half red morocco royal 8vo. Copenhague , 1856 Containing also an Account of other Runic inscriptions in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Greenland, &c. &c. 8226 Rafn (K.) Ertekezes Amerika felfodoztet^serdl a Tizedik Szazadban yelltjm paper, red morocco , g. e. 8vo. Pesten , 1842 8227 Ragona Scina (Prof. D.) Relazione sull’ Ecclissi totale del Sole del 28 Luglio 1851, osservata in Rixthoft, plate large paper royal 8vo. Berlino , 1851 8228 Ragona-Scina (D.) Neue Versuche iiber das Licht 8 vo. Berlin , 1 852 591 8229 Ragona (Prof. Domenico) Giornale astronomico e meteorologico del Reale Osservatorio di Palermo, 2 vol. author's autograph inscription Mo. Palermo , 1855-57 8230 Ragona (Prof. D.) Lezioni, Memorie ed Articoli intorno a varii Argomenti di Astronomia sferica e teorica, vol. I 8vo. Palermo , 1857 8231 Ragona (Prof. D.) Rivista meteorologica del 1857 8 vo. ( Palermo , 1858) 8232 Raguse (Marechal Due de) Voyage en Hongrie, en Transyl- vanie, dans la Russie meridionale, en Crimee, et sur les Bords de la Mer d’Azoff, a Constantinople, dans quelques Parties de l’Asie-Mineure, en Syrie, en Palestine et en Egypte, 4 vol. half red morocco 8vo. Paris , 1837 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the autograph of the illustrious traveller : “ a S. E. M. le baron de Humbold souvenir d’amitie de l’auteur.” 8233 Railroad Map of United States and Canadas, by Z. Colburn, coloured royal folio. New York , Bien and Sterner , 1855 “ Hommage de W. M. Gillespie.” 8234 Rainbow. Thoughts on the first Rainbow in Connection with certain geological Facts (having appended in Author’s autograph : “ by W. Bateman Byng, F.R.AS. & A s at Ipswich, Suffolk ”) 8vo. London , 1852 With the following inscription : “ Seiner Exellenz Herrn Alexander von Humboldt in Berlin von F. A. Fokkes Loots-Capitain a. D. zu Hamburg.” This is the work, playfully sent to Varn- hagen for the conversion of himself and Miss Ludmilla, and described by Humboldt as ei some fancies on the Cosmic Drought of Berlin before the Deluge, &c.” 8235 Raleigh (Sir W.) Discovery of Guiana, with unpublished Documents, copious Notes and a biographical Memoir by Sir R. H. Schomburgk, map 8vo. London , 1848 8236 Ramayana id est Carmen epicum de Ram® Rebus gestis Poetae antiquissimi Valmicis Opus Sermone Latino expressit A. G. a Schlegel, vol. I Pars II, containing the Latin Ver- sion, vellum paper royal 8vo. Bonnes , 1838 8237 Rambuteau (Comte de) Rapport presente au Conseil Municipal de la Ville de Paris le 27 Dec. 1834 4 to. Paris , 1834 8238 Ramdohr (A.) Predigt fiber 1 Korinth. iv. 1-5 8 vo. Potsdam , 1846 8239 Ramirez (Don J. F.) Descripcion de algunos objetos del Museo Nacional de Antiguedades de Mexico, plate only 50 copies printed , presentation copy , with author's auto- graph inscription folio. Mexico , 1857 With the following note in Baron Humboldt’s autograph : “ Anti- guedades Mexicanas des ehmaligen Finanz-Min. Ramirez ein schones Kupfer 1858 .” 592 8240 Rammelsberg (C.) Chemische Untersuchung des Meteorsteins von Klein- Wenden 8i?o. Leipzig , 1844 Praised and quoted in his Cosmos by Humboldt, who pronounces Professor Rammelsberg “ an acute chemist, who has recently occupied himself uninterruptedly, with equal activity and success, with the analysis of aerolites, and with their com- position.” 8241 Rammelsberg (C.) iiber Phosphorsaure 8vo. Berlin , 1845 8242 Rammelsberg (C.) Bericht iiber Sainte-Claire Deville’s Vulkane der Canarischen und Capverdischen Inseln und Antillen 8vo. 1853 8243 Rammelsberg (C.) iiber Augit und Hornblende, plate 8vo. 8244 Rammelsberg (C.) Meteorstein von Juvenas und Humboldt, &c. 8 vo. 8245 Rammelsberg (C.) iiber Turmalin 8vo. 8246 Rammelsberg (C.) iiber das Terpentinolhydrat 8 vo. 8247 Rammelsberg (C.) iiber Oxalsaure, plates 8vo. 8248 Rammelsberg (C.) iiber Eudialyt 8yo. 8249 Rammelsberg (C.) iiber Lithionsalz 8 vo. 8250 Rammelsberg (C. F.) Lehrbuch der Stochiometrie under der allgemeinen theoretischen Chemie tine paper 8vo. Berlin, 1842 8251 Rammelsberg (C. F.) Handworterbuch des chemischen Theils der Mineralogie, 2 vol. in 1 , autograph of “ A1 Humboldt” vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1841 8252 Rammelsberg (C. F.) Yier Supplemente zu dem Handworter- buch des chemischen Theils der Mineralogie, 4 vol. vellum paper 8m Berlin, 1843-45-47-49 8253 Rammelsberg (Dr. C. F.) Lehrbuch der chemische Metallurgie 8vo. Berlin, 1850 8254 Rammelsberg (C. F.) Handbuch der Krystallographischen Chemie, with 401 woodcuts 8vo. Berlin , 1855 8255 Rammelsberg (C. F.) Die neuesten Forschungen in der krystallographischen Chemie, 207 woodcuts vellum paper 8 vo. Leipzig , 1857 8256 Ramond (L.) Voyage au Sommet du Mont-Perdu, with the author's autograph corrections throughout, 8vo. Paris, 1803 Humboldt has written on cover “ Ramond Mont Perdu.” 8257 Ramond (L.) sur l’Etat de la Vegetation au Sommet du Pic du Midi de Bagneres, &c. Humboldt's writing on cover 4to. Paris, 1826 8258 Rangabe (Prof. A. Rizo) Ausgrabung beim Tempel der Hera unweit Argos : ein Brief an Prof. Ross, plan 8 vo. Halle, 1855 8259 Rangona (Prof.) Effemeridi Astronomiche di Palermo per l’Anno 1855 con Appendice author's autograph inscription 8vo. Palermo , 1854 593 8260 Rangona (Prof. D.) sulla terza Corueta del 1854 4fo. Palermo , 1858 8261 Rangona (Prof. D.) su taluni nuovi Fenomeni di Colorazione soggettiva 4to. Palermo , 1858 8262 Rangona (Prof. D.) sulle Yicende meteorologiche di Dec. 1857 e Gen. 1858 in Palermo roy. fol. broadside, Palermo, 1858 8263 Ranieri (A.) Ginevra o l’Orfana della Nunziata, Manoscritto pubblicato, 2 vol. in 1, with 2 inscriptions in the author's autograph , the latter being respecting the impossibility of finding another copy post 8 vo. Capolago , 1839 Carefully read and passages marked. 8264 Ranieri (A.) Della Storia d’ltalia dal quinto al nono Secolo ovvero da Teodosio a Carlomagno Libri due; preceduti da un Ragionamento del Modo di considerare le Azioni umane rispetto alia Coscienza ed alia Storia, with MS . title and corrections throughout in the author's autograph 8vo. Brusselle, 1841 Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscription. 8265 [Ranieri (Antonio)] Frate Rocco ovvero piccoli Frammenti morali, with the suppressed pages and cancels, author's autograph inscription and corrections 1 2mo. Napoli, 1842 8266 Ranieri (A.) Prolegomeni di una Introduzione alio Studio della Scienza Storica 8vo. Firenze , 1844 Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscription and corrections. 8267 Ranieri (A.) Prolegomeni di una Introduzione alio Studio della Scienza Storica 8 vo. Firenze , 1844 8268 Ranke (L.) Die Romischen Papste, ihre Kirche und ihr Staat im XVI und XVII Jahrh under t, 3 vol. fine paper, half calf extra 8vo. Berlin , 1834-36 8269 Ranke (L.) Historisch-politische Zeitschrift, vol. II, part 3 and 4 8vo. Berlin , 1835-36 8270 Ranke (L.) Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation, 6 vol. yellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1839-47 8271 Ranke (L.) Die Serbische Revolution thick yellum paper 8vo. Berlin, 1844 8272 Ranke (L.) Neun Bucher Preussischer Geschichte, vol. Ill (Book VII-IX) 8vo. Berlin , 1848 8273 Ranke (L.) Franzosische Geschichte vornehmlich im sech- zehnten und siebzehnten Jahrh undert, 4 vol. fine paper, half morocco extra 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1852*56 8274 Ranke (Direktor) uber die Realschule zu Berlin 4 to. Berlin , 1843 8275 Ranke (Director) de Nubibus Aristophanis fine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1844 4 G 594 8276 Ranke (Director) Jahresbericht iiber die Realschule, Vorschule und Elizabethschule zu Berlin, plan A to. Berlin , 1859 8277 Rankii (C.F.) de Cornelii Nepotis Vita et Scriptis Commentatio fine paper Ato. Quedlinburgi , 1827 8278 Rankius (C. F.) de Cornelii Nepotis Vita et Scriptis fine paper Ato. Quedlinburgi , 1827 8279 Ranking (J.) Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the Mongols and Romans, in which Elephants and Wild Beasts were employed or slain, map and plates, author's autograph inscription A to. London , 1826 8280 Ranking (J.) Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez and Talomeco in the thirteenth century by the Mongols, accompanied with Elephants, 2 maps , and portraits of all the Incas and Montezuma , scarce 8 vo. London , 1827 8281 Rantzau (Graf zu) Vorlaufige Berichtung und Widerlegung einiger friiher und kiirzlich erneut verbreiteter falschen Nachrichten die Grafschaft Rantzau, deren Besitz und Rechtszustand betreffend fine paper, privately printed, rare 8vo. Heidelberg, 18 40 8282 Raoul-Rochette (M.) Memoire sur les Representations figurees du Personnage d’ Atlas, plate 8vo. Paris, 1835 8283 Raoul-Rochette (M.) sur quelques Medailles de Rois des Odryses et des Thraces, plate 8 vo. Paris, 1836 8284 Raoul Rochette (M.) Deuxieme Supplement a la Notice sur quelques Medailles Grecques inedites de Rois de la Bactriane et de l’lnde large paper, plates 4 to. Paris , 1836 8285 Raoul-Rochette (M.) des Tribunaux vert et rouge d’Athenes Ato. Paris , 1837 8286 Raoul-Rochette (M.) sur l’lnauguration de la Walhalla,aw^or’s autograph inscription royal 8vo. Paris , 1842 8287 Raoul-Rochette (M.) L’Acropolis d’Athenes, author's auto- graph inscription Ato. Paris , 1845 8288 Raoul- Rochette (M.) sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. Spontini Ato. Paris , 1852 8289 Raphael’s Schatten aus den Papieren eines grossen Malers geboren 1802, gestorben 1890 (von Mich. Beer) crown 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1827 8290 Rapp (W.) and H. F. Jager Anatomische TJntersuchung des Orycteropus Capensis fine paper, coloured plates Ato. Stuttgart, 1837 8291 Rapp (Prof. W. von) Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber die Edentaten, 10 plates (3 of them coloured) fine paper 4 to. Tubingen, 1852 595 TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE. LOT 8292 Rask (R. K.) Samlede Afhandlinger udgivne af H. K. Rask, 3 vol. crown 8vo. Kobenhavn, 1834-36-38 Very important to the Student of Northern Languages and Litera- ture. 8293 Rassow (Prof.) Observationes critic® in Aristotelem 4 to. Berlin , 1858 8294 Rath (Dr. G. vom) Geonostische Bemerkungen liber das Berninagebirge in Graubiindten, cuts , privately printed 8 vo. Berlin , 1857 8295 Rathke (Dr. H.) zur Fauna der Krym ein Beitrag, plates eine paper, with list of Errata (3 pages in MS. signed “ Rathke”) 4 to. St. Petersburg, 1836 8296 Rathke (Dr. H.) Zur Morphologie Reisebemerk ungen aus Taurien, coloured plates, thick paper 4 to. Riga , 1837 8297 Rathke (Dr. H.) de Bopyro et Nereide, proof plates yellum paper 4 to. Rigce, 1837 8298 Rathke (Dr. H.) Entwickelungsgeschichte der Natter (Coluber Natrix) plates , yellum paper 4 to. Koenigsberg, 1839 8299 Rathke (H.) liber die Entwicklung des Schadels der Wirbel- thiere 4fo. Konigsberg, 1839 8300 Rathke (H.) liber den Bau des Amphioxus lanceolatus, plate eihe paper 4 to. Konigsberg, 1841 8301 Rathke (Dr. H.) Reisebemerkungen aus Skandinavien nebst einem Anhange liber die riickschreitende Metamorphose der Thiere, plates, eike paper 4 to. Danzig, 1842 8302 Ratzeburg (J. T. C.) Die Forst-Insecten, mit Nachtrag, 4 vol. numerous finely coloured plates and woodcuts yellum paper, red morocco super extra , g. e. 4 to. Berlin , 1837-44 Presentation copy, with autograph signature of Staatsminister von Ladenberg, to whom the work is dedicated. Prefixed is a long autograph letter (4 pages) from the author. 8303 Ratzeburg (J. T. C.) Die Forst-Insecten, mit Nachtrag zu Band I, 4 vol. plates {several finely coloured) eine paper ( with exception of Vol. T) 4 to. Berlin , 1837-39-40-44 8304 Ratzeburg (Prof. J. T. C.) liber den Bau und die Lebensweise zweier an der Kiefer lebenden Gallmiicken-Larven, plate 8 vo. 1841 8305 Ratzeburg (J. T. C.) Les Hylophthires et leurs Ennemis. Traduit de I’Allemand par le Comte de Corberon, coloured plates of insects 8 vo. Nordhausen f 1842 596 8306 Ratzeburg (J. T. C.) Les Hylophthires et leurs Ennemis. Manuel a 1’ Usage des Forestiers, &c. traduit par le Comte de Corberon large yellijm paper, with the plates coloured in a superior style , cloth , g, e. royal 8 vo. Nordhausen, 1842 8307 Ratzeburg (J. T. C.) Les Hylophthires et leurs Ennemis. Manuel a l’Usage des Forestiers, &c. traduit par le Comte de Corberon, coloured plates of insects 8 vo. Nordhausen , 1842 8308 Ratzeburg (J. T. C.) Meyen’s Lebenslauf 4 to. Breslau , 1842 8309 Ratzeburg (Prof. J. T. C.) Nachtrag zu Walverderbern 8 vo. Berlin, 1842 8310 Ratzeburg (Dr. J. Th. C.) Die Ichneumonen der Forstinsecten eiile paper, woodcuts and plates ( several coloured) Vol. I half green morocco , g. e. Vol. II and III in hoards 4to. Berlin , 1844-48-52 8311 Ratzeburg (J. T. C.) iiber Entomologische Krankheiten post 8vo. 1846 8312 [Ratzeburg (Prof. J. T. C.)] Wir leben in der Natur und miissen sie kennen, 2 vol. 12 mo. Berlin , 1847 The name of the author is attached in Humboldt’s autograph. 8313 Ratzeburg (Dr. J. T. C.) Die Naturwissenchaften als Gegen- stand des Unterriehts, des Studiums und der Priifung, mit Beitragen von Hampe, F. Kohler, Legeler, &c. woodcuts half morocco extra 8 vo. Berlin , 1849 The Preface is dated “ Neustadt-Eberswalde am Tage der achtzigsten Geburtsfeier A. von Humboldt’s.” 8314 Ratzeburg (Dr. J. T. C.) Die Wald verderber und ihre Feinde, coloured plates of insects 8 vo. Berlin, 1850 8315 Ratzeburg (Dr. J. T. C.) Die Waldverderber und ihre Feinde coloured plates and woodcuts 8 vo. Berlin, 1856 8316 Ratzeburg (Dr. J. T. C.) Die Waldverderber und ihre Feinde oder Beschreibung and Abbildung der schadlichsten Forstinsecten und der iibrigen schadlichen Waldthiere, plates ( those of insects coloured) roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1856 8317 Ratzeburg (Dr. J. T. C.) Die Standortsgewachse und Unkrauter Deutschlands und der- Schweiz, plates roy. 8 vo. Berlin, 1859 8318 Ratzeburg (J. T. C.) Zur Charakteristik der friihern Zustande und der Verwandlung der Lepidoptern besonders der Mikrolepidoptern, plate ' 4 to. Bonn, s. a. 8319 Ratzeburg (J. T. C.) Preussens Jagdwild, &c. author's auto- graph note on fly-leaf royal 8 vo. 8320 Ratzeburg (Prof. J. T. C.) iiber Cimbex Humboldtii eine neue Blattwespe post 8vo. 8321 Rauch (Dr. C.) Neuester Beweis fur die Umdrehung unserer Erde um ihre Achse thick vellum paper 8 vo. Berlin, 1852 597 8322 Raucourt (Col.) Physique philosophique de l’Homme 8 vo. Paris , 1834 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 8323 Raudot (M.) Der Verfall Frankreichs uebersetzt von Dr. C. von Dalen, cloth, g. e. 8 vo. Erfurth , 1850 8324 Raumer (F. von) Geschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Zeit, 6 vol. maps, plans and plates fine paper, half hound 8 vo. Leipzig , 1823-25 8325 Raumer (F. von) Briefe aus Paris sur Erlauterung der Ge- schichte des XVI und XVII Jahrhunderts, 2 vol .facsimiles of autographs ( including several English') 12 mo. Leipz. 1831 The second volume is chiefly devoted to Great Britain. 8326 Raumer (F. von) Geschichte Europas seit dem Ende des funfzehnten Jahrhunderts, 8 vol. fine paper , half calf gilt 8 vo. Leipzig, 1832-50 8327 Raumer (F. von) K. Friedrich II und seine Zeit (1740-1769) half calf extra 12mo. Leipzig , 1836- 8328 Raumer (F. von) England im Jahre 1835, 3 vol. fine paper, half calf extra \2mo . Leipzig, 1836-42 This edition (vol. II, pp. 337-8) contains the extraordinary blunder of Raumer, respecting the “ gooseberry wine” of the “ Vicar of Wakefield,” still maintaining its reputation, he naively recom- mending that, in a new edition of that work, “ the excellent beer and beefsteaks of the obliging family” ought also to be commemorated. 8329 Raumer. Kritiken des Werkes von F. von Raumer: England im Jahre 1835, aus der Morning Chronicle, den Times, dem Dublin Review, Foreign Quarterly Review, and Edinburgh Review, Humboldt'' s writing on cover 8vo. Leipzig , 1837 8330 Raumer (F. von)Europa vom Ende des siebenjahrigen bis zum Ende des Amerikanischen Krieges (1763-1783) 3 vol. Humboldt's autograph references 12mo. Leipzig , 1839 8331 Raumer (F. von) Italien, 2 vol. 12 mo. ib. 1840 8332 Raumer (F. von) Geschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihre Zeit, 6 vol. fine paper 8 vo. Leipzig , 1840-42 8333 Raumer (F. von) Historisches Taschenbuch Neue Folge, Erster und Funfter Jahrgang, 2 vol. Leipzig, 1840-44 Each of the Articles in these volumes is complete of itself. The contributions are by Voigt, Reumont, Jacob, Bockh, Gervais, Keszler, Barthold, Munch, Kolloff, Schubert, and Raumer. 8334 Raumer (F.von) Vortrag zur Gedachtnissfeier Konigs Friedrich Wilhelms III 12 mo. Leipzig, 1843 8335 Raumer (F. von) Feier-Rede, 26 Jan. 1843 12mo. ib. 1843 8336 Raumer (F. von) Die vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, 2 vol. map, large vellum paper, with the author's auto- graph corrections 12 mo. Leipzig , 1845 598 8337 Raumer (F. von) Gedachtnissrede, 28 Jan. 1847 fine paper 12 mo. Leipzig , 1847 8338 Raumer (F. von) Briefe aus Frankfurt und Paris, 2 vol. 12mo. Leipzig , 1849 8339 Raumer (F. von) Vermischte Schriften, 3 vol. 8 vo. ib. 1852-54 8340 Raumer (F. von) Zur neuern Geschichte Spaniens (1806-40) 12mo. 8341 Raumer (F. von) Historisch-politische Gesprache wie man sie hort und fiihrt 12 mo. 8342 Raumer (F. von) Die Kirchenversammlungen von Pisa, Kostnitz und Basel Ylmo. 8343 Raumer (K. von) Kreuzziige, Erster Theil 8 vo. The Articles on Goethe and Geology have been carefully read and marked by Humboldt, who has appended his ironical ! ! to two passages. 8344 Raumer (K. von) Der tertiare Kalkstein bei Paris und der Kalkstein des W. Palsestina author's autograph inscription 8 vo. 8345 RauwenhofF (N. W. P.) Onderzoek naar de Betrekking der groene Plantendeelen tot de Zuurstof en het Koolzuur des Dampkrings onder den Invloed van het Zonnelicht, plate large paper royal 8vo. Amsterdam, 1853 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 8346 Ravensberg (Otto von) Konig Hiarne, Trauerspiel 8 vo. Berlin , 1835 8347 Ravensberg (Otto von) Der Bohmische Krieg, Tragodie yellem paper, half calf , g. e. crown 8 vo. Berlin , 1836 8348 Ravensberg (O. von) Mansfield und Tilly, Tragodie, Berlin , 1840 — Gustav Adolph und Wallenstein, Tragodie, $. 1840 half morocco, g. e. post 8 vo. in 1 vol. 8349 Ravenstein (A.) Uebersichts-Blatt zur Relief-Karte von Hessen, Nassau, &c. coloured folio. Darmstadt, 1847 8350 Rawlinson (Col.) Outlines of Assyrian History, from the Inscriptions of Nineveh, with Remarks by A. H. Layard 8w>. London, 1852 8350*Raymond (J. B.) Carte physique et mineralogique du Mont- Blanc et des Montagnes et Vallees qui l’avoisinent,y?rae impression , mounted on cloth royal folio ( Paris , 1800) 8351 Raynouard (M.) Notice d’un Poeme Provencal MS. de la Biblio- theque de Carcassone, No. 681 4 to. Baris , 1835 8352 Raynouard (M.) Nouveau Choix des Poesies originales des Troubadours, Tome II royal 8vo. Paris, 1836 Humboldt has written on cover, “ Le prem. vol. n’a pas encore paru.” 8353 Recensement general de la Population, &c. 4 to. Brux. 1846 8354 Recupero (G.) Carta oryctografica di Mongibello royal folio 599 8355 Rede das Leben des Erdballs betrefFend von No. 357 privately printed, “ als Manuscript ” foolsc. 8 vo. Berlin , 1828 8356 Reden (F. von) Das Konigreich Hannover statistisch be- schrieben, 2 vol. eiite paper 8 vo. Hannover , 1839 8357 Reden (Dr. F. W. von) Russland 8 vo. Berlin , 1843 8358 Reden (F. W. von) Allegemeine vergleichende Handels-und Gewerbs-Geographie und Statistik 8 vo. Berlin , 1844 8359 Reden (F. W. von) Die Eisenbahnen Deutschlands, 2 parts 8 vo. Berlin , 1844 8360 Reden (F. W. von) Deutsches Eisenbahn-Buch, map crown 8 vo. Berlin , 1845 8361 Reden (F. W. von) Eisenbahn-Jahrbuch 8 vo. ib. 1846 8362 Reden (F. W. von) Vergleichende Kultur-Statistik der Gross- raachte Europa’s, 3 parts in 2 8m Berlin , 1846 8363 Reden (Freiherr von) Denkschrift iiber die CEsterreichische Gewerbe-Ausstellung in Wien, 1845 8 vo. Berlin , 1846 8364 Reden (F. W. von) Zeitschrift des Vereins fur Deutsche Sta- tistik, No. 1 to 7, and No 12 royal 8 vo. Berlin, 1847 8365 Reden (Freiherr von) iiber die Staaten im Stromgebiet des La Plata 8 vo. Darmstadt , 1852 8366 Reden (F. W. von) Erwerbs-und Verkehrs- Statistik des Konigstaats Preuszen in vergleichender Darstellung, 3 vol. yelltjm paper 8 vo. Darmstadt , 1853-54 8367 Reden (Freiherr von) Die jetzige Aufgabe der Statistique in Beziehung zur Staatsverwaltung Humboldt'' s autograph note royal 8 vo. Frankfurt , 1853 Privately printed, “ als Manuskript gedruckt.” 8368 Reden. Another Edition (Zweite Auflage) royal 8 vo. Wien , 1857 Privately printed, with an autograph letter of the author. 8369 Reden (F. W. von) Russland’s Kraft-Elemente und Einfluss- Mittel 8m Frankfurt , 1854 8370 Reden (F. W. von) Der Boden und seine Benutzung im Kaiserstaate CEsterreich fine paper, author's autograph inscription 8m Wien, 1857 8371 Reden (Freiherr von) iiber die Uruguay und Parana Junction Company, coloured map author s autograph inscription royal 8m Privately printed, “ als Manuscript gedruckt.” 8372 Redfield (W. C.) Remarks on the prevailing Storms of the Atlantic Coast of the N. American States, Chart of the Atlantic Ocean 8m New York, 1831 8373 Redfield (W. C.) on the Drift Ice and Currents of the North Atlantic, chart author s autograph inscription royal 8m New Haven, 1845 8374 Redfield (W. C.) on the Cyclones or Typhoons of the North Pacific Ocean, chart 8 vo. New York , 1857 8375 Redfield (W. C.) on the Cyclones of the Western Pacific, map and plates, “ from the executors and family of W. C.R.” 4 to. 600 8376 Redes (F.) iiber Krankheit der Kartoffeln author’ s autograph additions 12mo. Greifenberg, 1855 8377 Redslob (G. M.) Tartessus, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Phonicisch-Spanischen Handels sowie zur alten Geographic iiberhaupt 4 to. Hamburg , 1849 8378 Ree (Dr. A.) iiber Gewissensfreiheit crown 8vo. ib. 1859 8379 Ref&ah (Schaykh) Relation du Voyage en France, Preface traduite de l’Arabe par F. Fresnel 8vo. (Pam, 1834) 8380 Reflexiones de un Habanero sobre la Independencia de esta Isla (Cuba) author’s autograph inscription , and Humboldt’s MS. notes 4 to. Habana , 1823 8381 Reflexoes geraes acerca do Infante D. Henrique e dos Desco- brimentos de que elle foi Autor no Seculo XV privately printed small Ato. Lisboa, 1840 With the following note in the autograph of Baron Humboldt, “ L’auteur de cet Ecrit est l’ancien Eveque de Coimbre St. Louis — maintenant Patriarche de Lisbonne, et Vice President de PAcademie, et en Senat.” 8282 Regenverhaltnisse-Karte von Europa von Berghaus proof, marked “ Probeabdruck, unkorigirt.” 8383 Registrar General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Sixth Report 8 vo. London, 1845 8384 Regnault sur l’Emploi du Procede de Marsh dans les Recherches de Medecine legale 4 to. Haris , 1841 8385 Regnault (V.) Etudes sur l’Hygrometrie, plate authors autograph inscription 8i?o. ib. 1845 8386 Regnault (V.) Relation des Experiences pour determiner les principals Lois etles Donnees numeriques qui entrent dans le Calcul des Machines a Vapeur autograph of u Al. Humboldt ” 4 to. Paris, 1847 8387 Regnault (V.) Cours elementaire de Chimie. Premiere Partie : Metallo'ides, numerous cuts, author’s autograph inscription vellum paper 12 mo. Paris (1847) 8388 Regnault (V.) Relation des Experiences enterprises par Ordre de M. le Ministre des Travaux publics, et sur la Proposi- tion de la Commission Centrale des Machines a Vapeur, pour determiner lesprincipales Lois physiques etles Donnees numeriques qui entrent dans le Calcul des Machines a Vapeur (768 pages) author’s autograph inscription, 4 to. Paris, 1847 — Atlas de Planches, with autograph of 11 Al Humboldt,” royal folio , ib. 1847 (2) 8389 [Rehfiiss] Die neue Medea, Roman von dem Verfasser des Scipio Cicala, 3 vol. author’s autograph inscription 12 mo. Stuttgart , 1836 8390 Rehlen (Dr. C. G.) Geschichte der Entdeckungen und Erfindungen, vellum paper 8 vo. Leipzig, 1853 839 1 Rehlen (Dr. C. G.) Geschichte der Gewerbe, plates 8vo. ib. 1855 601 8392 Rehlen (Dr. C. G.) Geschichte der Gewerbe, woodcuts vellum paper 8 vo. Leipzig , 1855 8393 Reich (F.) Fallversuche liber die Umdrehung der Erde in dera Drei Briiderschachte bei Freiberg, 5 plates royal 8 vo. Freiberg , 1832 8394 Reich (F.) Versuche iiber die mittlere Dichtigkeit der Erde mittelst der Drehwage, plates fine paper royal 8 vo. Freiberg , 1838 8395 Reich (Dr. G. C.) Das Leben und Athmen des Menschen 8 vo. Berlin , 1843 8396 Reich (F.) Neue Versuche mit der Drehwaage imperial 8 vo. Leipzig, 1852 8397 Reichardi (C. T.) Orbis Terrarum antiquus cum Thesauro topo- graphico continente Indices Tabularum geographicarum topographicos eosdemque criticos printed on azure paper, scarce folio. Norimbergce , 1824 8398 Reichardi (C. T.) Orbis Terrarum antiquus a D. Campio editus, maps , with their names on vellum slips in Humboldt's autograph royal folio. Norimbergce , 1822-27 8399 Reichardi (C. T.) Orbis Terrarum Veteribus cognitus, maps oblong imperial \to. Norimbergce , 1830 8400 [Reichardt (Carl)] Das Preussische Biirgerthum, author's name in Humboldt' s autograph 8vo. Charlottenburg , 1844 8401 Reichardt (J. F.) Lieder geselliger Freude. Zweite und letzte Abtheilung, with the music crown 8 vo. Leipzig, 1797 8402 Reichardt (Dr. E.) Die Theorie der Warme cloth, g. e. 8vo. Jena, 1857 8403 Reichel (C. F.) Die Basalte und saulenformigen Sandsteine der Zittauer Gegend in Sachsen und Bohmen, 8vo. with oblong folio atlas of coloured views vellum paper Leipzig, 1852 8404 Reichel (C. F.) iiber China-Rinden und deren chemische Be- standtheile, vellum paper 8 vo. Leipzig , 1856 Presentation copy, with the following inscription stamped in letters of gold on obverse of cover : “ Seiner Excellenz des Freiherrn Fr. H. Alexand. von Humboldt, rc. rc. re.” 8405 Reichenbach (Oskar Graf) Das Weltgebaude, Humboldt's writing on cover square 1 6mo. Charlottenburg, 1846 8406 Reichenbach (L.) Flora Germanica excursoria cum Clavi syno- nymica, 3 vol. in 1, maps fine paper, half calf gilt 12 mo. Lipsice, 1830-33 8407 Reichenbach (Prof. Dr. L.) und Prof. Dr. H. E. Richter, Der naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht auf Gymnasien. Nebst Aphorismen von Reichenbach und mehren auf den Gegen- stand Bezug habenden Beilagen vellum paper roy. 8vo. Dresden , 1847 Presentation copy from Professor Richter, with his autograph in- scription. See at pp. 71-72 the praise of A. von Humboldt “ der erste Ymd einzige Physiker, &c.” 4 H 602 8408 Reichenbach (Dr. H. G. L.) Das Gymnasium und die Natur- kunde (praises A. von Humboldt) roy. 8 vo. ( Dresden , 1846) 8409 Reichenbach (Dr. H. G. L.) Blicke in das Leben der Gegen- wart und in die Hoffnung der Zukunft aus dem Verhaltniss der Naturwissenschaft zur Religion und Erziehung vellum paper 8w>. Dresden , 1856 8410 Reichensperger (P. F.) Die PreussischeNational-Versammlung und die Verfassung vom 5 Dezember author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1849 8411 Reichert (Dr. C.) iiber die Visceralbogen der Wirbelthiere im Allgemeinen und deren Metamorphose bei den Saugethieren und Vogeln, plates 8vo. Berlin , 1837 8412 Reichert (Prof. C. B.) Bemerkungen zur vergleichenden Na- turforschung im Allgemeinen und vergleichende Beobach- tungen iiber das Bindegewebe und die verwandten Gebilde vellum paper 8vo. Dorpat , 1845 8413 Reichert (C. B.) iiber die Fortschritte in der mikroskopischen Anatomie in 1854 8 vo. 1855 8414 Reichert (Dr. K. B.) Das Entwickelungsleben im Wirbelthier- Reich, plates , vellum paper, autograph of “ Al. Hum- boldt,” imitation morocco extra , g. e. 4 to. Berlin , 1840 8415 Reichert (Dr. K. B.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Zustandes der heutigen Entwickelungs-Geschichte 8vo. Berlin , 1843 8416 Reid (Lieut.-Col. W.) Progress of the Development of the Law of Storms and of the variable Winds, with the Application to Navigation, charts and woodcuts u with the author's compts roy. 8vo. London , 1849 8417 Reid (Dr. D. B.) Brief Outlines illustrative of the Alterations in the House of Commons in Reference to the Acoustic and Ventilating Arrangements, plates Humboldt' s writing on cover 4 to. Edinburgh , 1837 8418 Reid (Dr. D. B.) Another Copy author's autograph inscription 4 to. ib. 1837 8419 Reid (Hugo) Paper on a Universal Language folio broadside. Montreal , 1857 8419*Reimarus (C.) Handbuch zum 11 April 1847 (Mitglieder des vereinigten Landtages), plans of “ Der weisse Saal" and of Berlin square 12 mo. Berlin , 1847 8420 Reimer (R.) Siid-Australien, pine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1851 8421 Reinaud et Fave (MM.) Du Feu Gregeois, des Feux de Guerre et des Origines de la Poudre a Canon, with 4 to. atlas of coloured plates , autograph notes and signature of “ Al. Humboldt ” 8vo. Paris , 1845 Presentation copy, with inscription : (l A Monsieur Le B on de Humboldt de la part des deux Auteurs. 5 ’ 8422 Reinaud (M.) Notice historique et litt^raire sur M. Ie Baron Silvestre de Sacy 8vo. Paris , 1838 603 8423 Reinaud (M.) Fragments Arabes et Persans inedits relatifs & l’lnde anterieurement au XI e Siecle de l’Ere Chretienne author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1845 8424 Reinaud (M.) Extrait d’un Memoire historique sur l’lnde an- terieurement au XI e Siecle de l’Ere Chretienne d’apr&s les Ecrivains Arabes et Persans Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. Paris , 1845 8425 Reinaud (M.) Analyse d’un Memoire g4ographique, historique et scientifique sur l’lnde anterieurement au Milieu du XI e Siecle 8vo. Paris , 1846 8426 Reinaud (M.) sur les Antiquit&s Chr&iennes 8vo. Paris, 1846 8427 Reinaud (M.) Extrait d’un Memoire sur l’lnde (XI Siecle) 4 to. Paris , 1846 8428 Reinaud (M.) Memoire g^ographique, historique et scienti- fique sur l’lnde anterieurement au Milieu du XI e Siecle, map by D'Avezac author's autograph inscription 4 to. Paris , 1849 8429 Reinaud (M.) sur la Gazette Arabe de Bey rout 8vo. Paris , 1858 8429*Reinaud (M.) Question scientifique et personnelle soulevee au Sein de l’lnstitut au Sujet des dernieres Decouvertes sur la Geographic et l’Histoire de l’lnde avec des Explications 8 vo. Paris , 1859 8430 Reinhard (K. von) Stammbaum des K. Hauses der Hohenzol- lern, coloured , with arms emblazoned , on 4 sheets thick paper atlas folio. Berlin , 1827 8431 Reinthaler (K.) Die Konigskrone cuts and music small 4 to. Erfurt , 1852 8432 Reinwardt (C. G. C.) de Geologie Ortu et Progressu author's autograph inscription 4 to. Lugd. Bat. 1833 8433 Reinwardt (C. G. C.) Plantae Indise Batave Orientalis, quas in Itinere per Insulas Archipelagi Indici Javam, Amboinam, Celebem, Ternatam, aliasque Annis 1815-1821 exploravit, digeste et illustrate a G. H. De Vriese, 2 parts eihe paper, plates kto. Lugd. Bat. 1856-57 Presentation copy from the Dutch Colonial Minister, with his autograph. 8434 Reisen des Konigs Otto und der Konigin Amalia in Griechen- land aufgezeichnet und gesammelt von Ludwig Ross, 2 vol. vellum paper, map 8 vo. Halle , 1848 8435 Reissek (S.) Festkranz zur zweiten Jahresfeier des zoologisch- botanischen Yereines in Wien (. Poetical Descriptions of Flowers ), vellum paper 8vo. Wien , 1853 8436 Reissner (E.) de Auris interne Formation e, plate (plain and coloured ) 4 to. Dorpati, 1851 8437 Reitlinger (Dr. E.) fiber flfissige Isolatoren der Elektricitat author's autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. Wien, 1859 604 8438 Relation de la Soeiete Fran£aise pour la Distribution de Bois de Chauffage aux Pauvres honteux FINE PAPER 12mo. Berlin , 1856 8439 Relations des Ambassadeurs Venitiens sur les Affaires de France au XVI e Siecle recueillies et traduites par N. Tom- maseo, 2 vol. 4 to. Paris, 1838 Containing most valuable State Papers, in Italian and French, by A. Navagero, M. Giustiniano, M. Ardinghello, F. Giustiniano, N. Tiepolo, M. Cavalli, J. Cappello, J. Michiel, M. Suriano, M. A. Barbaro, J. Correro, J. Michel, J. Lippomano, &c. 8440 Rellstab (L.) Paris im Friihjahr 1843, Briefe, Berichte und Schilderungen, 3 vol. foolscap 8 vo. Leipzig, 1844 8441 Rellstab (L.) Drei Jahre von Dreissigen, ein Roman, 10 vol. in 5 12mo. Leipzig , 1858 8442 Remak (R.) O Budowie Nerwow, plate with author ’-s autograph inscription 8 vo. Prag. 1838 8443 Remak (Dr. R.) Bericht iiber die Leistungen im Gebiete der Physiologie im Jahre 1841 author s autograph inscription imp . 8 vo. 1841 8444 Remak (Dr. R.) Diagnostische und pathogenetische Unter- suchungen in der Klinik des H. Geh. Raths Dr. Schonlein vellum paper, plate 8 vo. Berlin, 1845 8445 Remak (Dr. R.) iiber ein selbstandiges Darmnervensystem, the dedication copt on LARGE paper, plates, cloth, g. e . folio. Berlin , 1847 Dedicated to A. von Humboldt and Prof. J. Muller. 8446 Remak (R.) Untersuchung iiber die Entwickelung der Wir- belthiere, 3 parts in 2 portfolios , 12 plates THE DEDICATION COPT ON VELLUM PAPER, with author's autograph inscription royal folio. Berlin , 1851-53 The Work is dedicated to A. von Humboldt. 8447 Remak (Dr. R.) iiber methodische Electrisirung gelahmter Muskeln, author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8vo. Berlin, 1855* 8448 Remak (Dr. R.) iiber contractile Klappensacke an den Yenen des Menschen; iiber Lahmungen und Contracturen ; &c. with author s autograph corrections 8vo. Berlin , 1856 8449 Remak (Dr. R.) Galvanotherapie der Nerven-und Muskel- krankheiten THE DEDICATION COPT ON VELLUM PAPER 8 VO. Berlin , 1858 Dedicated “ Zum neunundachtzigsten Geburtstage Alexander von Humboldt’s.” 8450 Remak (R.) iiber die Enden der Nerven im elektrischen Organ der Zitterrochen , plate 8 vo. 1858 8451 Remarques sur la stricte Signification du Terme Jour et sur l’Epoque plausible du Rehaussement des hautes Montagues, &c. &c. carefully read and marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Paris , 1856 605 8452 Reminiscenzen der Versammlung Deutscher Philologen von einem NichtPhilQAogzia, privately printed as o. Paris , 1852 Containing Dr. Bamberg’s Review of Humboldt’s Cosmos. 8520 Revue du Monde Paien, No. 1 8w. Paris , 1857 8521 R^vue du Monde Paien, No. 6 8 vo. Avignon , 1858 8522 Rey (C.) de l’lnfluence du Vent sur la Forme des Nuages royal 8 vo. Lyon , 1856 8523 Reybaud (C.) Brasilien. Aus dem Franzosischen mit An- merkungen und Zusatzen laegke vellum papee royal 8 vo. Hamburg , 1857 8524 Reynaud (J.) sur la Condition Physique de la Terre, auto- graph notes and signature of “ A1 Humboldt ” 8 vo. Paris, 1840 8525 Reynoso (Alvaro) sur le Curare Poison des Fleches des Sau- vages Americains, with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1855 Humboldt has added the 4to. “ Rapport a l’Acad&nie,” on Reynoso’s work, written by Flourens and Sir R. H. Schomburgk’s “ Remarks on the Urari, or Arrow Poison, of the Indians of Guiana,” 1857. in 8vo. 8526 Rgya Tch’er Rol Pa ou Developpement des Jeux contenant l’Histoire du Bouddha Qakya-Mouni publiee par P. E. Foucaux. Premiere Partie. Texte Tibetain et Traduction Fran 9 aise, 2 vol., with editor's autograph inscriptions 4 to. Paris , 1847-48 8527 Rhein-und-Weser Eisenbahn-Anlage. 4 to. Minden, 1836 8528 Rhein. Ueber die Romerstrassen am rechten Ufer des Nieder- Rheins von E. von W. map 8 vo. Berlin, 1834 41 610 8529 Rhein. Physikalisch-geographische Karte vom Durchbruch des Rhein-Stroms durch das Schiefer und vulkanische Gebirge zwischen Mainz und Bonn, in 2 sheets oblong 4 to. Munchen , s. a. 8530 Rheinisehes Museum fur Philologie, Geschichte und Griech- ische Philosophie herausgegeben von A. Bceckh, B. G. Niebuhr, und C. A. Brandis, 3 vol. half red morocco , Bonn , 1827-28-29 — Rheinisehes Museum fur Philologie herausgegeben von F. G. Welcker und A. F. Nake, Vol. I, half red morocco , and Yol. IY, V, and YI, in 3 parts, un- bound, ib. 1833-39, fine paper 8 vo. (9) 8531 Rhone. Essai sur les Glaciers et sur le Terrain erratique du Bassin du Rhone, par J. de Charpentier, map and plates, with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Lausanne, 1841 8532 Ribbeck (Dr. A. F.) Zur Feier des Wohlthaterfestes auf dem Berlinischen Gymnasium zum grauen Kloster, 21 Dec. 1842 4fo. Berlin, 1842 8533 Ribeiro dos Santos (Jose) et J. F. de Castilho Barreto, Traite du Consulat, 2 vol. vellum paper, uncut, scarce 8vo. Hambourg , 1839 8534 Ricard de Montferrand (A.) Description de la grande Cloche de Moscou vellum paper, beautifully printed within borders ( those to Dedication and Preface illuminated in gold and colours ), india proof plates, half morocco royal folio. Paris, 1840 8535 Ricard de Montferrand (A.) Eglise Cathedrale de Saint-Isaac. Description architecturale, pittoresque et historique de ce Monument, plates, with the portrait of the Saint and the border round the dedication beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, magnificently bound in russia super extra , joints , watered silk linings , broad dentelle borders of gold , gilt edges , in case imperial folio. St. Petersbourg, 1845 This truly splendid work was printed at the expense of H. M. the Emperor of Russia for presents only. 8530 Richard (A.) Histoire des differentes Especes dTpecacuanha, author's autograph inscription 4to. Paris, 1820 8537 Richard (M.) sur les Tables de Mendoza 8vo. ib. 1844 8538 Richardson (J.) Dictionary, Persian, Arabic and English, and English, Persian and Arabic, with numerous additions by C. Wilkins, 2 vol. calf gilt 4 to. London , 1806-10 8539 Richardson (J.) The Cruisers authors autograph inscription 8vo. London , 1849 8540 Richardson (J.) Decline, of Geographical Discovery author'" 1 s autograph inscription 8 vo. London, 1849 8541 Richarz (Dr. F.) iiber offentliche Irrenpflege und die Noth- wendigkeit ihrer Yerbesserung, cloth, g. e. 8 vo. Bonn, 1844 611 8542 Richard (L.) (Edipe*Roi, Tragedie de Sophocle traduite en Yers Fran£ais crown 8 vo. Avignon , 1851 8543 Richelot (F.) de Integralibus Abelianis primi Ordinis, Berolini, 1834 — Richelot (F. J.) de Transformatione atque Compu- tatione Integralium Abelianorum primi Ordinis, ib. 1837 4 to. (2) 8544 Richelot (F.) de Integralibus quibusdam definitis, quorum summa ad quadraturam divisionemque circuli revocatur author's autograph inscription 4 to. Regiomonti , 1839 8545 Richelot (F.) De Integralibus Abelianis primi Ordinis, Bero- lini , 1834 — Richelot (F.) de Transformatione atque Com- putatione Integralium Abelianorum primi Ordinis, ib. 1837, eine paper in one vol. 4 to. 8546 Richelot (F.) Nota ad Theoriam Eliminationis author’s autograph inscription 4 to. Regiomonti , 1840 8547 Richter (Dr.) Zur Wiirdigung der Aristophanischen Komodie 4 to. Berlin , 1845 8548 Richter (J.) Recension des Aeschylos Oresteia, von J. Franz, &c. 8vo. Berlin , 1846 8549 Richter (R.) und F. Unger, Beitrag zur Palaontologie des Thuringer Waldes und Schiefer-und Sandsteinflora, plates , yellum paper 4to. Wien , 1856 8550 Richthoven (E. K. H. von) Die ausseren und inneren poli- tischen Zustande der Republik Mexico privately printed , “ als Manuscript gedruckt,” half morocco royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 Humboldt has an autograph note on fly-leaf respecting “ Flachenin- halt von Mexico ” to be compared with his own in his “ Essai politique.” 8551 Richthofen (E. K. H. von) Die ausseren und inneren poli- tischen Zustande der Republik Mexico, with a very long and important autograph note of Baron Humboldt respecting some Admeasurements in Mexico half green morocco, gilt edges royal 8vo. Berlin, 1854 Printed for private circulation only (“als Manuscript gedruckt,”) and now very scarce. 8552 Rico y Sinobas (Don M.) sobre las Causas meteorologico- fisicas que producen las constantes Sequias de Murcia y Almeria, &c. plates Humboldts autograph notes royal 8 vo. Madrid, 1851 8553 Rico y Sinobas (D. Manuel) Resumen de los Trabajos meteoro" logicos correspondientes al Aho 1854 verificados en el Real Observatorio de Madrid, plate A to. Madrid , 1$57 8554 Rico y Sinobas (Prof. Don. M. ) Estudios meteorologicofc y topografico-medicos en Espana en el Siglo XVIII author’s autograph inscription 4 to. Madrid, 1858 6 12 8555 Riddell (Lieut. C. J. B.) Magnetical Instructions for the Use of portable Instruments author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. London , 1844 8556 Riecke (J. F.) Alterthiimer und Sehenswiirdigkeiten des Stifts Quedlinburg, Part I "vellum paper, proof plates royal folio. Quedlinburg, 1852 8557 Ried (Dr. A.) Deutsche Auswanderung nach Chile 8 vo. 1848 8558 Riedel (Dr. A. F.) Nationaloconomie oder Volks wirthschaft. Erster Band THICK VELLUM paper, rare 8 vo. Berlin , 1838 8559 Riedl-Leuenstern (J.) Zur Mondkugel royal 8ro. Wien, 1849 8560 Riedl von Leuenstern (J.) iiber Raute, Prisma und Kegel, plates royal 4:to. Wien , 1850 8561 Riedl von Leuenstern (J.) Bahnen hoherer Gleichungen und neue Arten der Losung und Naherung, 1 1 plates folio. Wien , 1852 8562 Riedwald (Max. von) Allgemeine politische Geographic und Statistik mit besonderer Riicksicht fiir GEsterreichische Militars, 13 parts in 8, forming 3 vol. maps and table vellum paper royal 8 vo. Wien, 1853-55 8563 Riemer (Dr. F. W.) Mittheilungen iiber Goethe, 2 vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1841 8564 Riemer (F. W.) Festspiel zum 24 October, 1842, gedichtet. Ouverture und Gesange cornponirt von C. Eberwein privately printed Pageant, rare 4 to. 1842 8565 Ries (J.) Das merkantilische Gleichgewicht fine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 8566 Ries (P.) iiber die Verzogerung der elektrischen Entladung durch Leiter, &c. — Ueber die Seitenentladung der elek- trischen Batterie — Ueber die Erwarmung im Schliessungs- bogen der elektrischen Batterie 8vo. (3) 8567 Riese (M. F. von) Kann Man den Durchschnitt der kiinftigen Ernten mit Sicherheit voraus bestimmen ? curious 4:to. 1840 8568 Riess (P.) und G.Rose, iiber die Pyroelektricitat der Mineralien 8 vo. Leipzig , 1843 8569 Riess (P.) iiber die elektrischen Eigenschaften brennender Korper, plate 8vo. Leipzig, 1844 8570 Riess (Dr. P. T.) Die Lehre von der Reibungselektricitat, 2 vol .plates 8 vo. Berlin, 1853 8571 Riess (P.) Magnetisirung und Warmeerregung, plate 8 vo. 8572 Rieszer (G.) Besorgnisse und Hoffnungen fiir die kiinftige Stellung der Juden in Preuszen 8 vo. Hamburg, 1842 8573 Rifaud (J. J.) Tableau de l’Egypte, de la Nubie et des Lieux circonvoisins author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1830 At the end are “ Vocabulaires des Dialectes vulgaires.” 613 8574 Rig- Veda- Sanhita, the Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, together with the Commentary of Sayanacharya in Sanscrit, edited by Dr. Max Muller, 3 vol. uncut Ho. London , 1849-56 Presentation copy from the Hon. East India Company. 8575 Rig-Veda-Sanhita. Another copy, vol. I, with the original Prospectus in German and in English purple morocco, gilt edges 4 to. London, 1849 8576 Riga. Sr. Exc. Dr. G. Fischer von Waldheim zur Feier seines 50 jahrigen Doctor-Jubilaums (including B. G. Gimmer- thal’s Zwolf neue Dipteren) vellum paper, 4 to. Riga , 1847 — SodofFsky (Dr. W,) Rundgesang (for the same Fete), 8vo. ib. 1847 (2) 8577 Rigler (Dr.) Meletemata Nonniana, 2 parts eine paper 4 to. Potsdam , 1850-51 8578 Rilliet et Barthez (MM.) Traite clinique et pratique des Mala- dies des Enfants, 3 vol. 8 vo. Paris , 1843 Presentation copy from M. Rilliet, with his autograph inscription. 8579 Ringier (V. A.) de Distributione geographica Plantarum Helvetia, Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. Tubingce , 1823 8580 Ringold (C.) Series of Charts, with Sailing Directions, em- bracing Surveys of the Farralones, Bays of San Francisco and San Pablo, Rivers of Sacramento and San Joaquin, &c., State of California, maps , charts and views author's autograph inscription imp. 8 vo. Washington , 1852 This copy has prefixed the privately printed “ Correspondence to accompany Maps and Charts of California.” 8581 Rio de la Plata. De la Conducta de los Agentes de la Francia durante el Bloqueo del Rio de la Plata, por un Observador Imparcial 8vo. Buenos-Aires , 1839 8582 Ritgen (F. A.) fiber die Aufeinanderfolge des ersten Auftretens der verschiedenen organischen Gestalten 8vo. Marburg , 1828 Carefully read and marked by Humboldt, who has also written on cover. 8583 Ritgen (Dr. H. von) Einige Worte fiber die Geschichte der Kapelle auf der Wartburg vellum paper 8 vo. Darmstadt , 1855 8584 Ritgen (Prof.) fiber das erste Auftreten der Sepien; Eintheilung der Fische und Landthiere in naturliche Familien Humboldt' s writing on cover 8vo. Giessen , s. a. 8585 Ritschelii (F.) Titulus Mummianus ad Fidem Lapidis Vaticani, facsimile vellum paper, privately printed 4 to. Bonnes, 1852 614 8586 Ritscher (Dr. E. H. B.) Allgemeine Pathologie und Therapie post 8 vo. Hamburg , 1857 Presentation copy, with a long inscription in the author’s autograph. 8587 Ritter-Akademie zu Brandenburg. Verfassung herausgegeben von Dr. W. H. Blume pine paper 4to. Brandenburg , 1844 8588 Ritter (Carl) Die Erdkunde oder allgemeine vergleichende Geographie: Afrika und West Asien, 2 vol. 8 vo. Berlin , 1822 und 1818 — Die Erdkunde von Asien, 9 vol. in 19, pike paper, Svo. ib. 1832-58 — Nanaen und Sachregister zu Ritter’s Ost Asien bearbeitet von J. L. Ideler, 8 vo.ib. 1841 — Zimmermann (C.) Geographische Analyse der Karte von Vorder-Asien, Part I, 4 to. ib. 1841 — Portfolio, containing 98 various Maps illustrating Ritter’s Asien, royal folio (24) 8589 Ritter (C.) iiber Ficus Indica, Humboldt's writing on cover Svo. 8590 [Ritter (Carl)] liber das Zuckerrohr Humboldt's writing on cover Svo. 8591 Ritter (C.) Die Tyrische Purpurmuschel und die Purpurfar- berei der Alten und im Mittelalter Svo. 8592 Ritter (C.) iiber die Asiatische Heimat und die Asiatische Verbreitungssphare der Platane, des Olivenbaums, desFei- genbaums, der Granate, Pistacie, und Cypresse privately printed Svo. On the title-page Humboldt has written. “ Als MScr. v. C. R.” 8593 Ritter (C.) iiber W. Lambton’s Indische Gradmessung, &c. Svo. 8594 Ritter (C.) Verbreitung der Thee-Cultur, des Thee-Verkehrs und Thee-Verbrauchs, Humboldt's writing on cover Svo. 8595 Ritter (C.) iiber die dreimal wiederholte Expedition Mehmed All’s zur Entdeckung der Nilquellen PINE PAPER SVO. 8596 Ritter (C.) Verbreitungs-Sphare des Zuckerrohrs in der alten Welt oblong royal folio 8597 Ritter (C.) Geographische Verbreitung einiger characterist- ischen Arabischen Producte (der Kaffebaum, das Kameel und die Daltelpalme), Humboldt's writing on cover Svo. 8598 Ritter (C.) Die Nigerexpedition und ihre Bestimmung yelltjm paper, privately printed royal Svo. s. 1. et a. 8599 Ritter (C.) iiber eine geographische Productenkunde author's autograph inscription , but damaged by a nail 4 to. Berlin , 1836 8600 Ritter (C.) Asien, author's autograph inscription pine paper Svo. 1831 8601 Ritter (C.) Karte von Hoch-Asien royal folio. Berlin , 1833 8602 Ritter (C.) iiber das historische Element in der geograph- ischen Wissenschaft, pine paper 4fo. Bei'lin , 1834 8603 Ritter (C.) iiber eine geographische Productenkunde 4 to. Berlin , 1836 615 8604 Ritter (C.) iiber die geographische Verbreitung des Zucker- rohrs, map , yellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1840 8605 Ritter C.) Asien. Geographische Analyse der Karte von Inner- Asien von C. Ziramermann. Erstes Heft 4 to. Berlin , 1841 8606 Ritter (C.) Erdkunde von Asien. Namen-und Sach-Verzeich- niss bearbeitet von J. L. Ideler. Erster Band: Ost- Asien 8vo. Berlin , 1841 8607 Ritter (C.) Die Colonisation von Neu-Seeland, map cloth, g. e. 8vo. Berlin , 1842 8608 Ritter (C.) iiber Dr. J. L. Krapf’s Reise in Abyssinien 8 vo. Berlin , 1842 8609 Ritter (C.) Ein Blick in das Nil-Quelland, map royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1844 8610 Ritter (C.) Der Jordan und die Beschiffung des Todten Meeres, map , eife paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1850 8611 Ritter (C.) iiber raumliche Anordnungen auf der Aussenseite des Erdballs, und ihre Functionen im Entwicklungsgange der Geschichten, yelltjm paper 4 to. Berlin , 1850 8612 Ritter (C.) iiber die geographische Verbreitung der Baum- wolle. Erste Abschnitt: Antiquarischer Theil 4 to. Berlin , 1858 8613 Ritter (C.) iiber die Reise der drei Gebriider Schlagintweit in Indien 8 vo. 1855 8614 Ritter (C,) iiber einige verschiedenartige characteristische Denkmale des nordlichen Syriens,/?/an of Seleucia JPieria by Capt. W. Allen , and sketch of aqueduct at Palmyra eife paper 4 to. Berlin, 18 55 8615 Ritter (C.) iiber zwei Entdeckungsreisen in die Ostjordan- ische Stadtewiiste durch Consul Wetzstein und C. Graham Humboldt' 1 s writing on cover 8vo. Berlin , 1858 8616 Ritter (C.) Verzeichniss seiner Bibliothek 8vo. Leipzig, 1861 8617 Ritter (Dr. H.) Geschichte der Philosophic, mit Zusatze und Verbesser ungen, 5 vol. eife paper, half calf extra 8 vo. Hamburg , 1829-38 8618 Ritter (Dr. H.) Geschichte der Christlichen Philosophie, 8 vol. eife paper, with Humboldt's autograph notes to his binder , one having his signature , “ A. Humboldt 8 vo. Hamburg, 1841-53 8619 Rivero (M. de) y N. de Pierola, Memorial de Ciencias Natu- rales y de Industria, No. 2 4 to. Lima, 1828 Containing Rivero’s “ Memoria sobre el rico mineral de Pasco/’ with coloured plan. 8620 Rivero (M. de) y N. de Pierola, Memorial de Ciencias Natu- rales y de Industria Nacional y Extranjera, Num. IV. 4 to. Lima, 1828 8621 Rivero (M. E. de) Memoria sobre el rico Mineral de Azoque de Huancavelica, scarce folio. Lima, 1848 616 8622 Rivero (M. E. de) y J. D. de Tchudi Antiguedades Peruanas. Texto, frontispiece and cuts , yellum paper, 4 to. Viena, 1851 — Atlas, fine plates ( several coloured), oblonq royal folio , ib. 1851 (2) 8628 Riviere (A.) G6ologie de la Vendee (Groupe Cretacique),p/a^$, Humboldt's autograph reference to a passage marked 8 vo. Paris , 1842 8624 Rivi&re (A.) Annales des Sciences g^ologiques, 11 parts, plates 8vo. Paris , 1842 8625 Riviere (A.) sur les Roches dioritiques de la France Occi- dentale 8vo. Paris , 1844 8626 Riviere (A.) Memoire sur les Felspaths, carefully read and marked by Humboldt , with his autograph references , “ + p. 12-21 ” 8 vo. Paris , 1845 8627 Riviere (A.) Etudes g4ologiques et mineralogiques. Premiere Partie {all published) Humboldt's autograph note on cover 8 vo. Paris , 1847 8628 Robert (E.) Resume des Observations geologiques faites en Scandinavie et au Spitzberg, communique par M. de Struve, with Struve’s autograph corrections 8vo. St. Peter sbourg, 1839 Carefully read and marked by Humboldt, who has appended his ? ? and ! to some passages. 8629 Robert (H.) Etudes sur diverses Questions d’Horlogerie author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1852 8630 Robert (H.) Description et Usage des Appareils Cosmogra- phiques inventes et construits par H. Robert 8vo. Paris , 1856 8631 Robert (H.) Recherches sur les Perfectionnements a introduire dans les Pendules de Cheminees, plates author's autograph inscription imp. 8 vo. Paris , 1857 8632 Robert (H. L. F.) de Ligamentis Ventriculi et liberis Peri- tonsei Plicis per Animalium vertebratorum Classes con- siderate, plates, author s autograph inscription THICK PAPER 4 to. Marburgi, 1837 8633 Robert (H. L. F.) de Statu morboso Omenti thick paper , author s autograph inscription ito. Marburgi i 1840 8634 Robert (N.), A. Bosse, et L. de Chastillon, Recueil de Plantes, dessinees et gravies par Ordre du Roi (Louis XIV), 3 vol. containing 319 exquisitely engraved plates of plants atlas folio. Paris , s. d. 617 TWENTY- FIFTH DAY’S SALE. LOT 8635 Roccamonfma. Topographisches geologisches Bild des Erhe- bungskraters von H. Abich imp. 4 to. 1839 8636 Rochester University Trustees’ Report on Instruction presentation copy , with 11 Respects of A. H. Mixen ” royal 8vo. Rochester , U. S. 1850 8637 Rochet d’Hericourt (M.) Second Voyage sur les deux Rives de la Mer Rouge, dans le Pays des Adels et le Royaume de Choa large paper, maps and plates , half green morocco extra royal 8 vo. Paris , 1846 8638 Rochelle. Annales de la Societe d’ Agriculture de la Rochelle pour 1848, 1852, 1855, et 1856, 4 parts 8vo. La Rochelle , 1849-57 8639 Rochholz (E. L.) Alemanisches Kinderlied und Kinderspie! aus der Schweiz vellum paper, cloth, g. e. 8vo. Leipzig , 1857 A valuable contribution to the History of the Manners, Customs, and Dialects of Switzerland. 8640 Rochholz (E. L.) Schweizersagen aus dem Aargau, 2 vol. 8vo. Aarau, 1856-57 8641 Rockwell (J. A.) Report on the Canal or Railroad between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with the autograph notes of Baron Humboldt , who has carefully read it and marked various passages, half morocco extra, 8 vo. Washington, 1849 Presentation copy, with J. A. Rockwell’s autograph inscription. At p. 653 Humboldt has written “ eheu ! ! ” This volume contains also. Memoirs of J. H. Alexander and R. Mills on Routes to the Pacific; Extracts from Humboldt and other Writers; Letters from Col. Abert, Maury, &c. &c. 8642 Rodgers J.) and J. Schonborn on the Avoidance of Cyclones royal 8vo. Albany, 1856 8643 Rodowicz-Oswiecimsky (T.) Die Colonie Dona Francisca in Siid-Brasilien, plates, eine paper 8 vo. Hamburg , 1853 8644 Rodriguez (Dr. D. Hubert) Clinique medicale de Montpellier 8 vo. Montpellier , 1855 8645 Robling (E. W.) Neu erfundener Sparkoch-Apparat mit Nach- trag, &c. plates 8 vo. Muhlhausen, 1839-40 8646 Rodiger (E.) fiber die Phonikische Inschrift des bei Sidon gefundenen Konigs-Sarkophags, plate of the inscription 8 vo. Halle, 1855 4 K 618 8647 Roelleri (G. G.) Disciplina commendatrix sive Remedia Pi- gritiae (Carmen) 4 to. Glogau , 1836 8648 Roemer (C. F.) Das Rheinische Uebergangsgebirg'e, plates yellum papee royal 4 to. Hannover , 1844 8649 Roemer (Dr. F.) Texas, mit einem naturwissenschaftliche Anhange, large coloured map 8 vo. Bonn , 1849 8650 Roemer (Dr. F.) Die Kreidebildungen von Texas und ihre organischen Einschliisse, plates royal Ho. Bonn, 1852 8651 Roemer (F. A.) Die Yersteinerungen des Nord-Deutschen Oolithen-Gebirges, plates royal Ho. Hannover, 1839 8652 Romische Briefe von einem Florentiner, 2 vol. 12 mo. Leipzig , 1840 8653 Ronyi (Sandor) Nepserii Levelek Tudomany-Reformot illetoleg (Popular Letters on the Reform of Science, in Hungarian) THE DEDICATION COPY (to Humboldt ), on LAEGE YELLUM papee, with a long autograph letter (4 pages) from the author, cloth, g. e. royal 8 vo. Pesten, 1857 Prefixed is a Manuscript in German, entitled “ Specimens aus dem Ungarischen,” containing a Translation of the Dedication, and of such passages as Ronyi thought worthy of Humboldt’s special attention. 8654 Ronyi (Sandor) Nepszerii Levelek Tudomdny-Reformot illetoleg THE DEDICATION COPY ( to Humboldt) on LAEGE YELLUM papee, cloth royal 8vo. Pesten, 1857 8655 Roeper (J.) de Organis Plantarum author's autograph inscription Ho. Basilece, 1828 8656 Roeper (J.) de Floribus et Affinitatibus Balsaminearum EINE PAPEE 8 vo. Basilece, 1830 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in Dr. Roeper’s autograph : — “ Alexandra de Humboldt, Germaniae decori, Scientiarum pro- motori tironum fautori tenue hocce opusculum pia grataque mente obfert auctor. 8657 Roeper (Dr. J.) Zur Flora Mecklenburgs Erster Theil author's autograph inscription 8vo. Rostock, 1843 8658 Rose (Dr. F.) Die Ideen von den gottlichen Dingen und unsere Zeit 8 vo. Berlin (Basel), 1847 8659 Roessinger (F.) Fragment sur l’Electricite universelle, ou Attraction mutuelle, with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1839 8660 Roessinger (Dr. F.) Manuel du Rhumatisme et des Maladies nerveuses, author's autograph inscription 12 mo. Geneve, 1853 8661 Roessinger (F.) La Science se rallie a la Foi, avec une Explication psycologique du Symbole des Apotres 1 2mo. Geneve, 1850 Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscription. 619 8662 Rcessinger (Dr.) Journal de l’Ame depuis Juillet 1856 jusqu’ a Mars 1859 (wanting Dec. 1857, Dec. 1858, and Feb. 1859) 30 Nos. read and marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Geneve , 1856-59 8663 Roessinger, No. 1 to 4 only 8 vo. ib. 1856 8664 Roeth (Dr. E.) Geschichte unserer Abendlandischen Philoso- phic, 2 vol. in 3 yelltjm paper royal 8 vo. Mannheim , 1846-58 The second volume, containing “ Griechische Philosophic ; die altesten Ionischen Denker und Pythagoras ” is dedicated to Humboldt. Vol. I is entitled “ Die .ZEgyptische und die Zoroastrische Glaubenslenre als die altesten Quell en unserer spekulativen Ideen.” 8665 Roth (E.) Die altesten Ionischen Denker und Pythagoras (Recension von C.) 8vo. 1858 8666 Rotscher (Dr. H. T.) Abhandlungen zur Philosophic der Kunst. Vierte Abtheilung; Romeo und Julia; und der Kaufmann von Yenedig eine paper, half calf gilt 8 vo. Berlin , 1842 8666*Rotscher (Dr. H. T.) Die Kunst der dramatischen Darstellung in ihrem organischen Zusammenhange wissenschaftlich entwickelt, 3 vol. dedication copy, half calf extra 8 vo. Berlin , 1841-44-46 The second volume is dedicated to A. von Humboldt. The work includes Remarks on the Characters in Shakespeare’s Plays. 8667 Roger (A.) Carta geografica del Estado Oriental del Uruguay &c. atlas folio. Baris , 1841 8667*Rogers (H. D.) Report on the geological Survey of the State of New Jersey, coloured sections , author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Bhiladelphia , 1836 8668 Rogers (H. D.) Address on the recent Progress of Geological Research in the United States 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1844 8668 # Rogers (H. D.) and A. D. Bache, Analysis of Pennsylvania Coal 8 vo. Philadelphia , 1834 8669 Rogers (W. B. and H. D.) Contributions to the Geology of the United States, plates royal 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843 8669 # Rohlfs (A.) Oro-hydrographische Wandkarte von Europa, the large map coloured and varnished , mounted on canvas with rollers Berlin , s. a. 8670 Rohlfs (Dr. H.) Quem Fructum Medicinal Historise Studium Medico afferat ? author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Bremce , 1857 8670*Rohr (Dr. L. von) Sammlung lyrischer Gedichte, vol. V crown 8 vo. Berlin, 1843 8671 R[ohrbach] (Carl) Die Sonne bewegt sich ! Folgerungen aus dieser Lehre auf Fixsterne und Planeten eine copy, plate of author’s theory. Humboldt has written name and address of author on title-page, 8 vo. Berlin, 1851 62 0 8672 Roland (C.) Hohenzollern ! Dir und meinen Vaterlande! Gedichte yelltjm paper square 1 6mo. Oranienburg, 1858 Containing his poem “ Zwei Alexander ” respecting Humboldt. 8673 Roland et ses Ouvrages par David (d’ Angers) portrait 8 vo. Paris , 1847 8674 Rom. Beschreibung der Stadt Rom von E. Platner, C. Bunsen, E. Gerhard und W. Rostell. Zweiter Band Erste Abthei- lung; Das Yaticanische Gebiet und die Yaticanischen Sammlungen, 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1832 — Dritter Band Erste Abtheilung; Capitol, Forum, Palatin, Aventin und Cselius nebst Umgebungen, 8 vo. ib. 1837 — Bilder-Heft, 13 plans and plates , imperial 4fo. ib. 1833 — Bilder-Heft, Zweite Abtheilung, 12 plans and plates, royal folio, ib. 1837 (4) 8675 Roma. Agri Romani Tabula cum veterum Yiarum Desig- natione accuratissima per J. H. Westphal, Berolini , 1829 — Westphal (J. H.) Contorni di Roma, ib. 1829 oblong royal folio (2) 8675*Roma. Anonymus Magliabecchianus de Rebus mirabilibus Romse a L. Mercklinio nunc primum editus red morocco extra 4 to. Dorpati , 1852 8676 Romancero. Rosa de Romances 6 Romances sacados de las “ Rosas ” de Juan Timoneda que pueden servir de Suple- mento a todos los Romanceros, escogidos, ordenados y anotados por Don F. J. Wolf 12 mo. Leipsique , 1846 8676*Romberg (Dr.) uber die Cholera-Epidemie des Jahres 1837 eine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1838 Privately printed. Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 8677 Romberg (Dr.) Anaesthesie im Gebiete des Quintus eine paper, privately printed, with author's autograph inscrip- tion 8vo. Berlin, 1838 8677*Romberg (M. H.) Neuralgiae Nervi quinti Specimen, coloured plate 4 to. Berolini , 1840 8678 Romberg (M. H.) Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten des Mens'chen, vol. 1, in 3 parts, each in a different binding thick paper, with the author s autograph inscription as well as the printed dedication to Baron A. von Humboldt royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1840-43-46 8678*Romberg (M. H.j Lehrbuch der Nerven-Krankheiten des Menschen. Erster Band, half morocco DEDICATION COPY ON ETNE PAPER 8 VO. Berlin , 1851 Dedicated to A. von Humboldt, “Zur funfzigjahrigen Jubelfeier seiner Versuche iiber die gereizte Muskel-und Nervenfaser, &c.” 8678 Romershausen (Dr. E.) Der Antagonismus der Electrizitat und des Magnetismus, plate yellijm paper 12 mo. Halle, 1846 621 8679 Romieu (A.) Fragments scientifiques vellum paper , “ Hommage respectueux de V Auteur ” 12mo. Paris , 1847 The 6th article is a review of Humboldt’s Cosmos. 8679*Rommel (C. von) Neuere Geschichte von Hessen, vol. IV (1627-50) 8 vo. Cassel, 1843 8681 Rommel (C. von) Geschichte von Hessen seit dem Westpha- lischen Frieden bis jetzt, vol. I (1650-77) vellum paper 8 vo. Cassel , 1853 8682 Roon (A. von) Grundziige der Erd-Volker-und Staatenkunde, mit einem Vorwort von C. Ritter, 2 vol. in 1 pine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1832 8683 Roon (A. von) Sechs und zwanzig Tabellen zu Grundziige der Erd-Volker-und Staatenkunde mit einer Vorrede von C. Ritter folio. Berlin , 1832 8684 Roon (A. von) Grundziige der Erd-Volker-und Staatenkunde; mit einem Vorwort von C. Ritter, 3 vol. in 4 pine paper , half morocco extra 8 vo. Berlin , 1837-45 8685 Roosmalen (A. de) La Parole, No. 7 royal 8 vo. Paris , 1843 8686 Roosmalen (A. de) Les derniers Momens de la Duchesse d’Abrantes 8 vo. Paris , 1838 8687 Roosmalen (Prof. A. de) L’Orateur ou Cours de Debit et d’ Action oratoires, numerous explanatory cuts calf extra, g. e. imperial 8 vo. Paris , 1842 8688 Roosmalen (A. de) Coup-d’CEil sur 1’Enseignement Universi- taire et sur le Regime des Prisons royal 8vo. Paris , 1844 8689 Roquette (M. de la) Notice annuelle des Progres des Sciences g^ographiques et des Travaux de la Societe de Geographie pendant 1842, authors autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1842 8690 Rosales (V. P.) Cuadro cronologico de la Historia antigua y Cuadro cronologico de la Historia moderna de Chile y Peru, on 2 broadsides , coloured with arms emblazoned atlas folio. Hamburg , 1847 8691 Roscher (A.) Ptolemseus und die Handelsstrassen in Central- Afrika, maps, vellum paper 8 vo. Gotha, 1857 8692 Rose (G.) iiber die chemische Zusammensetzung der Apatite 8 vo. 1827 8693 Rose (G.) Elemente der Krystallographie, plates pine paper , half calf 8vo. Berlin, 1833 8694 Rose (G.) uber die Gebirgsarten Grunstein und Grunstein- porphyr, with a few additions in the handwriting of the author , and numerous valuable MS. notes in the auto- graph of Baron Humboldt ’ 8w. Leipzig , 1835 8695 Rose (G.) iiber Kalkspath und Arragonit 8 vo. Leipzig, 1837 622 8696 Rose (G.) iiber Turmalin, plates ito. Berlin , 1838 8697 Rose (G.) Elemente der Krystallographie fine paper, plates , autograph of “ A1 Humboldt,” half morocco , g . e. 8 vo. Berlin , 1838 8698 Rose (G.) de novis quibusdam Fossilibus quse in Montibus Uraliis inveniuntur 4 to. Berolini , 1839 8699 Rose (G.) iiber das Krystallisationssystem des Quarzes, plates eine paper, author's autograph inscription , half morocco 4to. Berlin , 1846 8700 Rose (G.) iiber Fehler in der Bestimmung des specifischen Gewichtes der Korper 8 vo. Leipzig , 1848 8701 Rose (G.) iiber die zur Granitgruppe gehorenden Gebirgsarten, Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. {Berlin, 1849) 8702 Rose (G.) iiber die Krystalform der rhomboedrischen Metalle, namentlich des Wismuths, plates fine paper, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Berlin , 1850 8703 Rose (G.) Das krystallo-chemische Mineralsystem, woodcuts square 8 vo. ( small 4 toi) Leipzig , 1852 8704 Rose (G.) iiber die heteromorphen Zustande der kohlensauren Kalkerde, 2 vol. plates YELLiiM paper, authors autograph inscription in each volume 4to. Berlin , 1856-59 8705 Rose (G.) iiber Schaumkalk, plate 8vo. Leipzig , 1856 8706 Rose (G.) iiber die Verbindung des Schwefelsaurehydrats mit Stick stoffoxyd 8 vo. 8707 Rose (G.) Mineralien des Urals 8 vo. 8708 Rose (G.) iiber die Yerminderung des specifischen Gewichts, welche die Porcellanmasse beim Brennen ungeachtet des Schwindens erleidet, passages marked by Humboldt, 8vo. 8709 Rose (H.) sur la Separation de l’Acide titanique de l’Oxide de Fer 8vo , 8710 Rose (H.) Handbuch der analytischen Chernie 8i>o. Berlin , 1829 8711 Rose (H.) Handbuch der analytischen Chemie, 2 vol. cuts eiise paper, half calf extra 8 vo. Berlin, 1833-34 8712 Rose (Heinrich) Handbuch der analytischen Chemie, 2 vol. 8 vo. Berlin, 1838 8713 Rose (Y.) de Aristotelis Librorum Ordine et Auctoritate half morocco 8 vo. Berolini, 1854 8714 Rosen (G.) Elementa Persica id est Narrationes Persicse cum Glossario et Grammatica square post 8vo. Berolini, 1843 8715 Rosen (Dr. G.) iiber die Sprache der Lazen YELLUM paper 4 to. Lemgo, 1844 8716 Rosen (Dr. G.) iiber die Sprache der Lazen (a critique by Bopp), Humboldt's writing on cover ito. 1844 8716*Rosen (Dr. G.) Ossetische Sprachlehre nebst einer Abhand- lung iiber das Mingrelische, Suanische und Abchasische vellum paper, scarce ito. Lemgo und Detmold {Berlin), 1846 8717 Rosenbaum (Dr. J.) de sexuali Organismorum Fabrica 8 vo. Hales , 1832 8718 Rosenbaum (Dr. J.) Die Lustseuche im Alterthume fine paper 8 vo. Halle, 1839 8719 Rosenbaum (Dr. J.) Additamenta ad L. Cboulanti Biblio- thecam Medico-historicam, 2 vol. fine paper 8vo. Halis, 1842-47 8720 Rosenbaum (Dr. J.) Zur Geschichte und Kritik der Lehre von den Hautkrankheiten, fine paper 8 vo. Halle, 1844 8721 Rosenbaum (Dr. J.) Neun Jabre aus dem Leben eines Privat- docenten 8 vo. Leipzig, 1847 8722 Rosenberg (Prof. K.) Klopstock iiber die Alten fine paper 4fo. Berlin, 1856 8723 Rosenfeld (K.) Steuerbares Luft-Schiff, plates of Balloons 8vo. Berlin , 1851 8724 Rosenkranz (Dr. K.) Handbuch einer allgemeinen Gescbicbte der Poesie, 3 vol. half calf gilt 8vo. Halle, 1832-33 8725 Rosenkranz (K.) Kritische Erlauterungen des Hegel’scben Systems, fine paper, half calf 8 vo. Konigsberg, 1840 8726 Rosenkranz (K.) Das Centrum der Speculation, eine Komodie 12 mo. Konigsberg, 1840 8727 Rosenkranz (K.) Encyklopadie der tbeologiscben Wissen- sehaften, vellum paper, half morocco 8 vo. Halle , 1845 With the autograph notes and signature of “ A1 Humboldt,” and having also on fly-leaf the following reference in his hand- writing, “ Pagin. 38-41.” Prefixed are S pages in the author’s autograph, containing the Contents of the Work, and the various Errata with Corrections. 8728 Rosenkranz (K.) Rede zur Gedachtnissfeier Bessels fine paper 8 vo. Konigsberg, 1846 8729 Rosenkranz (K.) Rede zur Gedachtnissfeier Bessels 8 vo. Konigsberg , 1846 8730 Rosenkranz (K.) Gothe und seine Werke 8 vo. Konigsberg, 1847 8731 Rosenkranz (K.) Pestalozzi. Rede zur Festfeier seines 100 Geburtstages 8 vo. Konigsberg , 1846 8732 Rosenkranz (K.) Die Topographie des heutigen Paris und Berlin 8 vo. Konigsberg, 1850 8733 Rosenkranz (K.) ^Esthetik des Hasslichen vellum paper 8 vo. Konigsberg , 1853 8734 Rosenthal (H. F.) de Hydrocephalo chronico adjecta Descrip- tione Cerebri hydrocephalici, plates 4 to. Gryphice, 1842 8735 Roser (Dr. F. M.) Anwendung und Erfolge des Wassers als Heilsmittel thick vellum paper, silk, g. e. 8 vo. Prag. 1858 624 8736 Rosini (G.) Luisa Strozzi, Storia del Secolo XVI, 4 vol. portraits 8 vo. Pisa , 1832-33 8737 Ross (Graf) Verzeichniss der seinem Museum angehorenden Gegenstande 8 vo. Berlin , 1850 8738 Ross (Sir J. C.) Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Regions during the Years 1839-43, 2 vol. plates , maps and woodcuts , Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. London, 1847 Presentation copy from John Murray the Publisher, with his auto- graph inscription. 8739 Ross (Sir John) Zweite Entdeckungsreise nach den Gegenden des Nordpols, iibersetzt von Julius Graf von der Groben, 2 vol .portrait, maps, plans and plates 8 vo. Berlin, 1835 8740 Ross (L.) Le Monument d’Eubulides dans le Ceramique in- t^rieur, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Athenes, 1837 8740 # Ross (L.) Hellenika, vol. I Part 1 and 2 {all published), plate fine paper 4fo. Halle , 1846 8741 Ross. Another copy, 2 parts 4*0. ib. 1846 8742 Ross (L.) Reisen auf den Griechischen Inseln des ASgseischen Meeres, 3 vol. in 1 the dedication copy on fine paper, maps, plates and woodcuts, half green morocco 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1840-45 The third volume is dedicated to A. von Humboldt. 8743 Ross (L.) Reisen auf den Griechischen Inseln des iEgseischen Meeres, vol. II, map and plate 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1843 8744 Ross (L.) Griechische Konigs-Reisen, 2 vol. yellhm paper, map 8 vo. Halle, 1848 8745 Ross (L.) Kleinasien und Deutschland, plates 8 vo. Halle, 1850 8746 Ross (L.) Das Theseion und der Tempel des Ares in Athen, vellum paper, plan, scarce 8 vo. Halle , 1852 8747 Ross (L.) Reisen nach Kos, Halikarnassos, Rhodos und Cypern, fine paper , plates, half morocco 8 vo. Halle, 1852 Intended as a fourth volume to his “ Reisen auf den Griechischen Inseln.” 8748 Rosse (Earl) Address to the Royal Society 8 vo. London, 1853 8749 Rosseeuw Saint-Hilaire (E.) Histoire d’Espagne, 3 vol. half calf extra 8 vo. Paris, 1837-38 8750 Rosseeuw Saint-Hilaire (E.) Etudes sur l’Origine de la Langue et des Romances Espagnoles, author's autograph inscription, Paris, 1838 — Ejusdem Quid sit in Artibus Pulchritudo ? ib. 1838, Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. 8751 Rossi (Prof. L. M.) Nuovi Principi mineralogici Ato. Venezia, 1857 8752 Rossmassler (Prof. E. A.) Iconographie der Land-und Siiss- wasser-Mollusken fine paper, the plates coloured by hand, with 10 uncoloured plates of Shells from another work by Prof. Rossmassler {see his autograph note on wrapper ) roy. 8 vo. Dresden , 1844 625 - 8753 Rossmassler (E. A.) Die Versteinerungen, plates dedication copt, yeeDum papee, red morocco super extra , silk linings , g. e. the sides richly ornamented with gold tooling crown 8vo. Leipzig , 1853 Dedicated to the Author of Cosmos. 8754 Rossmassler (E. A.) Die vier Jahreszeiten yellijm paper, characteristic landscapes in tints from draw- ings by F. H. von Kittlitz , with woodcut illustrations and coloured leaves of plants {Nature- printed) by E. Kretzsch- mar , cloth, g. e. royal 8 vo. Gotha , 1855 8755 Rossmassler (W. H.) Preussen in landschaftlichen Darstel- lungen nach eigenen Zeichnungen in Stahl gestochen. Erster Band (Riigen, Pommern und Schlesien) 2 parts in 1 thick paper, india proof plates , half red morocco, and No, XIV sewed 4 to. Berlin, 1834-43 8756 Rost (A.) Einladung zur vorlaufigen Actien-Unterzeichnung auf Bohrversuche zu Auffindung von Steinsalz bei Erfurt, plan, with author's autograph additions 12 mo. Erfurt, 1842 8757 Rost (A.) Die Weichsel Saline Friedrichsborn rait deni Soolbade Elisenbad, lithographed as a letter, with engraved plan 4 to. Berlin , 1843 8758 Rost (A.) Plan fiir Schlesischer Bergbau-Verein 8 vo. Juterbog, 1854 8759 Rost (H. G. A.) liber den Bohrversuch zu Cessingen bei Lux- emburg 8 vo. Erfurt, 1839 8760 Rost (G. H. A.) Beitrag zur Geognosie von Siid-Polen, plates 8 vo. Berlin, 1840 8761 Rost (G. H. A.) Bohrhauser der Saline Ciechocinek in Polen fine paper 8 vo. Thorn, 1843 8762 Rost (Dr. V. C. F.) Deutsch-Griechisches Worterbuch, 2 vol. in 1 royal 8 vo. Gottingen , 1829 8763 Roth (J.) Der Yesuv und Umgebung von Neapel, eine Mono- graphic, plates and woodcuts 8 vo. Berlin, 1857 The fly-leaf at end has numerous scientific notices in the autograph of Baron Humboldt. 8764 Roth (R.) Zur Literatur und Geschichte des Weda, on cover Humboldt has written “ p. 47 !” 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1847 8765 Rothe (Ober-Baurath) Beitrage zur Machinen-Baukunde, Part I, with imperial 4to. atlas of plates 4to. Berlin , 1827 8766 Rother (Minister C. von) Sein Nekrolog privately printed 8 vo. Berlin, 1849 8767 Rother (Staats-Minister) Die Verhaltnisse des K. Seehand- lungs-Instituts und dessen Geschaftsffihrung und indus- trielle Unternehmungen 4 to. Berlin, 1845 8768 Rother (Staats-Minister) Verhaltnisse des K. Seehandlungs- Instituts, &c. privately printed \to . Berlin, 1845 4 L 626 8769 Rothkirch (H. von) iibei' TJrsprung und Sprache der Zigeuner Ato. 1855 8770 Rothstein (H.) Die Heilgymnastik Svo. BwJm. 1847 8771 Rouge (E. de) sur une Stele Egyptienne, author's autograph inscription royal Svo. Paris, 1849 8772 Rouge (E. de) Memoire sur l’lnscription du Tombeau d’Ahmes, Chef des Nautoniers, coloured plates , with author's auto- graph inscription , and having Humboldt' s handwriting on cover Ato. Paris , 1851 8773 Rouge (E. de) sur la Statuette Naophore duMusee Gregorien au Vatican royal Svo. Paris , 1851 8774 Rouge (Vicomte E. de) sur quelques Phenomenes celestes rapportes sur les Monuments Egyptiens, author's autograph inscription royal Svo. Paris , 1852 8775 Rouge (E. de) sur un Manuscrit Egyptien en Ecriture Hiera- tique 4crit sous le Regne de Merienphthah, author's auto- graph inscription royal Svo. Paris , 1852 8776 Roug4 (Vicomte E. de) Notice sommaire des Monuments Egyptiens du Musee du Louvre large paper, with author's autograph inscription royal Svo. Paris , 1855 8777 Rouge (Vicomte de) Notice de quelques Textes Hieroglyphiques r^cemment publics par M. Greene, plate large paper, author's autograph inscription Svo. Par. 1855 8778 Roug4 (Vicomte de) sur le Poeme de Pen-Ta-Our vellum paper, author s autograph inscription imperial Svo. Paris , 1856 8779 Roulin (M. ) Memoire pour servir a 1 ’Histoir e du Tapir et Descrip- tion d’uneEspece nouvelle (le Tapir Pinchaque) appartenant aux Hautes Regions de la Cordill^re des Andes, plates Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Paris , 1835 8780 Roulin (M.) sur le Tapir, plates 4to. Paris , 1835 8781 Roulli&res (Professor) Vestnik Yestestvennyhh Nasok (Mes- senger of Natural Sciences in Russian) 2 vol. morocco , g. e 4 to. Moscow , 1855-1856 8782 Roumanie (La) apres le Trait4 de Paris du 30 Mars 1856, precede d’une Introduction par M. Royer-Collard Humboldt's writing on cover Svo. Paris , 1856 8783 Rousse (A.) Botanique sans Professeur suivie de la Propriete et de l’Emploi des Vegetaux royal Svo. Alger , 1856 8784 Rousseau (J. B.) Gesammelte Dichtungen. Erster Band 12mo. Berlin , 1845 One of the poems is entitled “ Alexander von Humboldt.” 8785 Rousseau (J. B.) Gesammelte kritische Schriften, Erster Band post Svo. Berlin , 1846 8786 Rousseau (L.) et A. Deveria, Photographie Zoologique, Speci- men, 10 photographic plates , presentation copy imperial 4to. Paris , 1853 627 8787 Roux de Rochelle (M.) Villes Ans4atiques, map and plates 8vo. Paris , 1844 8788 Roux de Rochelle, Poemes et Melanges litteraires, author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1845 8789 Royal Institution. Notices of the Meetings, part 2, 3, 6, 7, & 8, London , 1852-58 — List of Members, with Reports for 1850, 1851, 1852, 1856, and 1857 8m (10) 8790 Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. Details of Service to be Performed, map of West Indies, the Isthmus of America, Sfc. privately printed 4 to. London , 1841 8791 Royal Society. Report of the Committee of Physics and Meteorology relative to the observations to be made in the Antarctic Expeditions and in Magnetic Observatories, autograph notes of Baron Humboldt, including a memoran- dum that it contains a long letter by himself, London , 1840 — Supplement, ib. n. d. 8 vo. (2) 8792 Royal Society. Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philo- sophical Transactions from 1800 to 1830 inclusive, 2 vol. 8m London , 1832-33 Presentation copy from the Royal Society. 8793 Royal Society. Lists of the Fellows, 1832-1857 4 to. (19) 8794 Royal Society’s Proceedings from Nov. 1832 to 1846 (not quite consecutive) No. 11-34, 36, 47, 51, 55-58, 62-66, and from April, 1854 to Nov. 1858, No. 3 to 33 (wanting No. 8) with Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. London , 1832-58 8795 Royal Society’s Report on the Instructions to be prepared for the Scientific Expedition to the Antarctic Regions 8 vo. London , 1839 8796 Royer (C. E.) Notes economiques sur l'Administration des Richesses et la Statistique Agricole de la France, author's autograph inscription, royal 8 vo. and atlas in royal folio Paris, 1843 8797 Royle (J. F.) on the Cultivation of Tea in the Northern Provinces of India privately printed royal Mo. London, 1834 8798 Royle (Dr. J. F.) on the Antiquity of Hindoo Medicine, &c. Humboldt's autograph notes 8m London, 1837 Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscription. 8799 Royle (Dr. J. Forbes) Fibrous Plants of India 8 vo. London, 1855 8800 Rozet (Capitaine) Memoire sur quelques unes des Irregularity que presente la Structure du Globe terrestre, plate author's autogi'aph inscription royal Mo. Paris, 1843 8801 Rozet (M.) Memoire sur les Yolcans de 1’ Auvergne author's autograph inscription royal Mo. Paris, 1843 628 8802 Rubio (Excm 0 - Sr. D. Pedro Maria) Tratado completo de las Fuentes Minerales de Espaha fine paper 8 vo. Madrid , 1853 8803 Rubrise Legis Pars superstes. Ad Fidem AEris Parmensis Exemplo lithographo exprimendam curavit F. Ritschelius thick paper, facsimiles royal 4 to. Bounce, 1851 8804 Rudberg (F.) sur la Refraction des Rayons differemment colores dans des Cristaux a un efc a deux Axes optiques 8vo. Paris , 1832 8805 Rudolph (L.) Atlas der Pflanzengeographie, coloured maps and plates THE DEDICATION COPY ON VELLUM PAPER, cloth , o. London, 1839 8888 Sabine (Major E.) Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism, 9 parts ( wanting part III), maps Humboldt’s autograph notes Ato. London, 1840-49 Presentation copies from the author, with his autograph inscription. 8889 Sabine (Major E.) and R. I. Murchison, Address as Secreta- ries of British Association 8 vo. Glasgow, 1840 8890 Sabine (Col. E.) Terrestrial Magnetism, coloured on card- hoard, presentation copy from Col. Sabine, with his autograph royal folio. Edinh (1840) 8891 Sabine (E.) and Sir R. I. Murchison, Address to the British Association 8 vo. Glasgow, 1840 8892 Sabine (Col. E.) Observations made at the Magnetic Observa- tories of Toronto, Trevandrum and St. Helena during a remarkable Magnetic Disturbance, 25th and 26th Sept. 1841 8 vo. London , 1841 8893 Sabine (Col. E.) Observations on Days of unusual Magnetic Disturbance, made at the British Colonial Magnetic Ob- servatories (1840-44) 2 parts roy. Ato. London, 1843-51 8894 Sabine (Col. E.) Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Toronto in Canada (1840- 1848)3 vol .marked by Humboldt roy. Ato. London, 1845-57 8895 Sabine (Col. E.) on the Meteorology of Bombay, plate 8 vo. London, 1846 8896 Sabine (Col. E.) on the Diurnal Variation of the Magnetic Declination at St. Helena, with Humboldt's MS. notes Ato. London , 1847 Carefully read and marked by Baron Humboldt. 8897 Sabine (Col. E.) on the Lunar Atmospheric Tide at St. Helena authors autograph inscription Ato. London, 1847 8898 Sabine (Col. E.) Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at St. Helena (1840-43), with Abstracts of Observations from 1840 to 1845 inclusive royal 4 to. London, 1847 8899 Sabine (Col. E.) Directions for the Use of a small Apparatus foi ascertaining Deviation of Compass author s autograph inscription roy. 8 vo. London, 1849 685 8900 Sabine (Col. E.) on the Means adopted in the British Colonial Magnetic Observatories for determining the absolute Values, secular Change, and annual Variation of the Ter- restrial Magnetic Force, with valuable autograph notes of Baron Humboldt 4to. London , 1850 8901 Sabine (Col. E.) on the Annual Variation of the Magnetic Declination at different Periods of the Day Humboldts autograph notes 4 to. London , 1851 8902 Sabine (Col. E.) Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Hobarton in Van Diemen Island, and by the Antarctic Naval Expedition (1 841-50) 3 vol. with Humboldt's marks roy. ito. London , 1850-53 Presented by the British Government. 8903 Sabine (Col. E.) on periodical Laws discoverable in the mean Effects of the larger magnetic Disturbances, 3 parts, plates , very carefully read and marked by Baron Humboldt , with his autograph notes 4 to. Lond,on, 1851-52-56 8904 Sabine (Col. E.) Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope (1841-46) with Abstracts of the Observations from 1841 to 1850 inclusive royal 4to. London , 1851 8905 Sabine (Col. E.) Address to the British Association Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. London , 1852 8906 Sabine (Col. E.) on the Influence of the Moon on the Magnetic Declination at Toronto, St. Helena and Hobarton 4 to. London , 1853 8907 Sabine (Major-Gen. E.) on the Lunar-Diurnal Magnetic Vari- ation at Toronto, plate 4 to. London, 1856 8908 Sabine (Major-Gen. E.) on the Results of hourly Observations of the Magnetic Declination at Point-Barrow Humboldt' s autograph notes 4 to. London, 1857 8909 Sabine (Major-Gen. E.) on the Evidence of the Existence of Decennial Inequality in the Solar- diurnal Magnetic Varia- tions, and its Non-existence in the Lunar-diurnal Variations of the Declination at Hobarton marked by Humboldt 4 to. London , 1857 8910 Sabler (G.) fiber die irdische Strahlenbiechung und fiber die Gesetze der Veranderung derselben 4 to. Horpat, 1839 8911 Sacc (Dr. F.) Precis &6mentaire de Chimie Agricole 12mo. Haris, 1849 8912 Sacc (Dr. F.) Precis 41ementaire de Chimie Agricole blue morocco, joints, g. e. 12 mo. Paris, ( 1855) 8913 Sachs (C.) Beitrage zur Provenzalischen Poesie, with speci- mens 8vo. 8914 Sachs (C.) In welchem Zusammenhange steht die lyrische Kunstpoesie der Provenzalen mit der mittelalterlichen Kunstpoesie? 8vo. Berlin, 1864 636 8915 Sachs (L.W.) Handbuch des natiirlichen Systems der prak- tischen Medicin, Yol. I, in 2 parts fine paper 8vo. Leipzig , 1828-29 8916 Sachs (Dr. M.) Die religiose Poesie der Judenin Spanien YELLTJM PAPER 8vo. Berlin , 1845 With the original Hebrew of the specimens translated at end. 8917 Sachse (C. T.) Allgemeine Deutsche Naturhistorische Zeitung. Zweiter Jahrgang, plates and woodcuts 8vo. Dresden , 1847 8918 Sachse (C. T.) Beobachtungen iiber die Witterungs-und Vege- tation sverhaltnisse des DresdnerElbthales wahrend 1847-52, coloured plate, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Dresden , 1853 8919 Sachse (C. T.) Zur Pllanzengeographie des Erzgebirges 8vo. Dresden , 1855 8920 Sachse (J. D. W.) iiber die Wirkungen und den Gebrauch der Bader, besonders der Seebader zu Doberan pine paper, half calf extra 8vo. Berlin, 1835 8921 Sachsen. Einige Nachrichten von dem gegenwartigen Zustande der Landwirthschaft und insbesondere der landwirthschaft- lich-technischen Gewerbe in der K. Preuss. Provinz Sachsen, map and plates, privately printed (“ als Manuscript ge- druclct") 8 vo. Magdeburg, 1850 On the titlepage is stamped the name of F. Ed. Stolle, probably that of the author. 8922 Sachsen. Allerhochste Kabinetsordre vom 3 Januar, 1845, wegen Aufhebung des § 2 der Ablosungs-Ordnung vom 7 Juni, 1841, &c.fiir die Provinz Sachsen 4fo. Berlin, 1845 Only a few copies printed, “ Nur zum eigenen Gebrauch fur die Mitglieder des K. Staatsraths.” 8923 Sachsen. Entwurf zu einem Berggesetze fur das Konigreich Sachsen, privately printed kto. Dresden , s. a. 8924 Sacy (Silvestre de) Notice sur la Lettre de G. de Humboldt a M. Abel-Remusat, sur les Formes grammaticales 8vo. Paris, 1828 8925 Sacy (Baron Silvestre de) Sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. de Chezy, author's autograph inscription, privately printed 8 vo. Paris , 1835 8926 Sacy. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de M. le Baron Silvestre de Sacy, autograph inscription of B. Merlin 8vo. Paris, 1842 8927 Sadebeck (Dr. M.) Der Zobtenberg und seine Umgebung, maps and plates 4 to. Breslau , 1855 8928 Sgefstrom (N. G.) Karta ofver Sodra Delen af Sverige folio. 1836 8929 Saegert (C. W.) iiber die Heilung des Blodsinns auf intellectu- ellem Wege, 2 vol. 8vo. Berlin , 1845-46 637 8930 Saffray (Marquise Blanche de) Epitre (en Vers) k M. Et. Quatremere, read and marked by Humboldt, privately printed royal 8 vo. Montmartre , s. a. 8931 Sagra (D. Ramon de la) Historia economico-politica y estadistica de la Isla de Cuba, half calf extra 4 to. Habana , 1831 8932 Sagra (D. Ramon de la) Tablas necrologicas del Colera-Morbus en la Ciudad de la Habana y sus Arrabales oblong 4 to. Habana, 1833 8933 Sagra (D. Ramon de la) Memorias de la Institucion Agronoma de la Habana. Torno primero, plates author s autograph inscription small 4 to. Habana, 1834 8934 Sagra (D. Ramon de la) Voyage en Hollande et en Belgique, 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 8935 Sagra (D. Ramon de la) sur le Mouvement de la Population de la Havane dans les Annees 1825-1830, plates author's autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Paris , 1841 8936 Sagra (D. Ramon de la) Plano geografico de la Isla de Cuba, with Humboldt's autograph note, stating it to be 11 sehr selten" ( very scarce) royal folio. Paris , 1841 8937 Sagra (D. R. de la) sobre el Establecimiento de Educacion para os Ninos de las Operarias de la Fabrica de Cigarros de Madrid 8vo. Madrid, 18 42 8938 Sagra (D. Ramon de la) La Industria Algodonera y los Obreros en Cataluna 8vo. Madrid, 1842 8939 Sagra (D. R. de la) sur l’lndustrie en Belgique 8 vo. Par. 1842 8940 *Sagra (D. R. de la) Discurso 2 Enero 1842 12 mo. Madrid, 1842 8941 Sagra (D. Ramon de la) Historia fisica, politica y natural de la Isla de Cuba, No. 1 to 53 ( wanting No. 11 and 35, and having No. 10 duplicate) plates ( many finely coloured by hand) vellum paper folio. Paris, 1842-58 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 8942 Sagra (D. Ramon de la) Population des Etats-Unis in 1840 oblong royal folio broadside. Paris, 1843 8943 Sagra (D. Ramon de la) Relacion de los Trabajos fisicos y meteorologicos hechos por Don A. Poey, tanto en la Habana como en Europa 8 vo. Paris , 1858 8944 Sagra (D. Ramon de la) Conclusion de l’Histoire de l’lle de Cuba. Exposition a S. M. la Reine avec un Appendice royal 8 vo. Paris, 1858 8945 Saggi di naturali Esperienze fatte dell’ Accademia del Cimento (descritti dal Segretario Conte L. Magalotti). Terza Edi- zione Fiorentina preceduta da Notizie storiche dell’ Acca- demia stessa e seguitata da alcune Aggiunte (da V. Antinori) 2 vol. in 1, large paper, plates,with autograph inscription of V. Antinori royal Ato. Firenze, 1841 Printed at the expense of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, for private distribution only. 63 8 8946 Sai an Sinsin, sive Liber Metempsychosis veterum iEgypti- orum e duabus Papyris funebribus hieraticis Signis exaratis nunc primum edidit, Latine vertit, Notas adjecit H. Brugsch, large folding facsimile VELLUM PAPER, THE DEDICATION COPY TO THE KlNG OF PRUSSIA, in purple morocco , g. e. sides ornam.ented with gold tooling , the Prussian Eagle with Royal Cypher forming the centre ornament on obverse of cover 4 to. Berolini , 1851 8947 Saigey (M.) de 1’ Atmosphere, half calf gilt 12mo. Paris , 1832 8948 Saigey (M.) Traite de Metrologie, ancienne et moderne; suivi d’un Precis de Chronologie et des Signes Numeriques, plates 12 mo. Paris , 1834 8949 Sainte-Claire Deville (C.) Voyage geologique aux Antilles et aux lies de Teneriffe et de Fogo. Tome premier en deux Parties, 2 vol. and 5 parts of Atlas of maps and plates 4to. Paris , 1847-49 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 8950 Sainte-Claire Deville (C.) sur les Phenomenes eruptifs de ITtalie Meridionale 4 to. Paris , 1856 8951 Sainte-Claire Deville (C.) sur les Emanations volcaniques 4to. Paris , 1856 8952 Sainte-Claire Deville (H.) und F. Wohler iiber das Bor 4 to. Gottingen , 1857 With the following inscription in F. Wohler’s autograph, “ Herrn A. von Humboldt dem Senior der Naturforscher ehrerbietigst die Verf.” 8953 Sainte-Claire Deville und F. Wohler iiber das Bor presentation copy , with inscription 4 to. Gottingen , 1857 8954 Sainte-Claire Deville (H.) und F. Wohler iiber die AfBnitat zwischen Stickstoff und Titan post 8 vo. Gottingen , 1857 8955 Sainte-Croix (M.) Examen critique des anciens Historiens d’Alexandre-le-Grand, map , plans and plates half calf gilt 4 to. Paris , 1810 8956 Saint-Hilaire (A. de) Le 9 ons de Botanique comprenant princi- palement la Morphologie vegetale, la Terminologie, &c. 24 plates, half calf extra 8 vo. Pam, 1840 8957 Saint-Hilaire (Auguste de) Voyage aux Sources du Rio de S. Francisco et dans la Province de Goyaz, 2 vol. half bound 8 vo. Pam, 1847 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 8958 Saint-Hilaire (M. Barthelemy) Notice sur M. Etienne Quatre- mere 4 to. Paris , 1858 8959 Saint-Julien (C. de) sur l’Ode de C. F. Walther sur le Cou- ronnement de l’Empereur Alexandre II et de l’lmperatrice Marie Alexandrovna royal 8 vo. St. Petersbourg , 1856 639 8960 Saint-Louis. Annual Review of the Commerce of St. Louis, with a List of Steamboat Disasters for 1857 (by E. C. Angelrodt, Consul General) royal 8 vo. St. Louis , 1858 Baron Humboldt has made a cross before the notice of the sinking of the steamer Humboldt, and with his own hand has written, “ Zusammen iiber 200 Ungliicksfalle im Jahre.” 8961 [Saint-Paul] Ein Standpunkt von St. P. name of author in Humboldts autograph 8 vo. Berlin , 1847 8962 Saint Petersbourg. Explication du Plan de la Yille de St. Petersbourg en Fran^ais et en Russe 8 vo. S. Petersb. 1821 8963 Saint Petersbourg. Recueil des Actes des Seances publiques de l’Academie lmperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg pour 1827, 1832, 1834, 1835,1836,1837,1840,1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845 et 1847, 12 vol. plates , Hum- boldts autograph notes 4to. St. Petersbourg , 1828-47 Containing Papers by Parrot, Trinius, Fuss, Struve, Bongard, Stroi'eff, Brandt,, Baer, Graefe, Brosset, Collins, OustrialofF, Hess, Pletneff, Ouvaroff, Hamel, &c., &c. 8964 Saint Petersbourg. Recueil des Actes de la Seance publique de l’Academie lmperiale des Sciences tenue le 29 Decern- bre, 1828, plates 4 to. St. Petersbourg, 1829 Containing, “ Struve sur la Comete d’Enke,” and “ Parrot sur la Nature physique des Cometes.” 8965 Saint Petersbourg. Memoires de l’Academie lmperiale des Sciences. Sixieme S4rie. Sciences Naturelles, Tome VII, plates royal 4 to. St. Petersbourg , 1855 Containing, J. F. Brandt iiber die Saiigethiere Russlands und iiber den Biber der Arabern ; Meyer’s Flora Russlands ; Ruprecht iiber Rhodophycese ; &c. 8966 Saint Petersbourg. Memoires de l’Academie lmperiale des Sciences, vi e Serie. Sciences Mathematiques et physiques, Tome III, Part I , plates 4 to. St. Petersbourg , 1835 8967 Saint Petersbourg. Memoires de l’Academie lmperiale des Sciences. Sixieme S6rie. Sciences Mathematiques et Phy- siques, Tome VI, plates royal 4 to. St. Petersbourg , 1857 Containing contributions by O. Struve, P. Tchebychef, Ostrogradsky, Kokscharoff, Kupffer, &c., &c. 8968 Saint Petersbourg. Memoires de l’Academie lmperiale des Sciences. Sixieme Serie. Sciences Politiques, Histoire, Phi- lologie, Tome I, Part IV to VI 4 to. St. Petersbourg , 1832 Containing Sjoegren iiber die altere Wohnsitze der Jemen; und wan und wie wurden Sawolotschje und die Sawolskschen Tschuden Russisch ? — Fraehn iiber die Wolga-Bulgharen — and Koehler’s Tarichos. 8969 Saint Petersbourg. Memoires de l’Academie lmperiale des Sciences. Sixieme Serie. Sciences Politiques, Histoire, Phi- lologie, Tome VIII, plates, royal 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1855 Containing Dorn’s Tabaristan nach Chondemir ; Stephani iiber Stein- schneider des Alterthums ; und Der ausruhende Herakles. 640 8970 Saint Petersbourg. Bulletin de la Classe Physico-Math^ma- tique de l’Acad&nie Imperiale des Sciences, Nos. 169-189, 192-201, 213-218, 223-236, 246-256 and 262-405 royal 4 to. St. Petersbourg , 1848-58 8971 Saint Petersbourg. Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences Iiisto- riques, Philologiques et Politiqnes de F Academie Imperiale, Nos. 313-328 and 332-365 royal ito. St. Petersbourg , 1856-58 8972 Saint Petersbourg. Bulletin Scientifique publie pari’ Academie Imperiale des Sciences, Tome I St. Petersbourg , 1835-36 8973 Saint Petersbourg. Memoires des Savants etrangers pre- sents a FAcademie Imperiale des Sciences, Tome VII, plates royal 4 to. St. Petersbourg , 1854 Containing valuable Papers by Fischer, Tchebychef, Lowe, Bunge, Grunewaldt and Merklin. 8974 Saint Petersbourg. Compte rendu de l’Academie Imperiale des Sciences pour l’Annee 1852, par P. H. Fuss, author's autograph inscription , royal 8 vo. St. Petersbourg , 1853 See also Petersburg. 8975 Saint Petersbourg. Comptes rendus de F Academie Imperiale des Sciences pour les Annees 1852-57, par P. H. Fuss, A de Middendorff et C. Vesselovsky, 5 vol. royal 8 vo. St. Petersbourg , 1853-58 8976 St. Petersburg. Jahresbericht der pharmaceutischen Gesell- schaft fur 1836 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1837 Containing Papers by Doepp, Van der Ley, E. Siller, G. Grassmann, Dr. A. Neljubin, A. Strauch, Dr. Lichtenstadt, & c., &c. 8977 St. Petersburg. Katalog knigami rookopisiam na Kitayskom, Mandzhoorskom, Mongolskom, Tibetskom; Sanskritskom yazykakh v’ Biblioteke Aziatskago Departamenta. Cata- logue of Chinese, Mandshoo, Mongolian, Thibetian, and Sanscrit Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the Asiatic Department of the Foreign Ministry of Russia royal 8yo. St. Petersburg , 1844 8978 St. Petersburg Geographical Society’s Periodical — Gheogra- ficheskiya Tzvestiya (Geographical Intelligence, in Russian ), 17 parts 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1848, 1849, 1850 8979 St. Petersburg Geographical Society. Karmannaya knizhka dlia liibiteley Zemlevedeniya (or Pocket Book for the Friends of Geography) royal 1 6mo. St. Petersburg, 1849 8980 St. Petersburg Geographical Society’s Periodical, Zapiski, (Memoirs in Russian), 12 parts 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1846-1857 8981 St. Petersburg Geographical Society’s Periodical, Vestnik, (The Messenger, in Russian) 34 parts 8 vo. St. Petersburg t 1851-1857 641 8982 St. Petersburg Geographical Society’s Periodical — Sbornik Statisticheskikh Svedeniy o Rossii (Collection of the Sta- tistical Information respecting Russia, in Russian) 2 parts Svo. St. Petersburg , 1851 and 1854 8983 St. Petersburg Geographical Society’s Periodical, Etnografi- cheskiy Sbornik (Ethnographical Miscellany, in Russian) 2 parts 8 vo. St. Petersburg, 1853-54 8984 St. Petersburg Geographical Society’s Publication. Svod Instruktziy dlia Kamtchatskoff Ekspeditzii (Code of Instructions for the Expedition to Kamtchatka in Russian) 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1852 8985 St. Petersburg Geographical Society’s Publication. Selskaya Letopis (Rural Annals in Russian) 4 to. St. Petersburg, 1854 8986 St. Petersburg und Moskau Chaussee-Eisenbahn-und Kanal- linie entworfen von J. Altmann. folio. Berlin , 1844 8987 St. Petersburg. Verhandlungen der Mineralogischen Gesell- schaft. Jahr 1842, plates, royal 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1842 Containing contributions from Dr. S. Kutorga, F. F. Wangenheim von Quaalen, Dr. A.Woskressensky, A. Komonen, A. Osersky, &c. 8988 St. Petersburg. Verhandlungen der Russisch K. Mineralo- gischen Gesellschaft fur 1845-46, map and plates 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1846 Containing valuable Memoirs by G. von Blode, Dr. S. Kutorga, Count Keyserling, Dr. A. von Volborth, Dr. J. Auerbach, &c. 8989 Saint Petersburg. Programme pour l'Examen des Eleves de l’lnstitut du Corps des Ingenieurs des Voies de Commu- nication, en Russe et en Fran 9 ais, 4fo. St. Petersburg , 1829 8990 Saint- Priest (Comte A. de) Histoire de la Royaute consideree dans ses Origines, &c. 2 vol. cloth , g.e. 8 vo. Paris , 1842 Presentation copy from the Author, with his autograph inscription. 8991 Saladini. Mie Meditazioni per onorare la Memoria di G. Saladini, author's autograph corrections 8 vo, Tipografia Salvator Rosa, s. a. 8992 Salles (Comte E. de) Histoire generale des Races Humaines 12mo. Paris, 1848 8993 Salm-Dyck (Principis J. de) Cacteae in Horto Dyckensi cultse anno 1844, author s autograph inscription royal 8vo. Paris. 1845 % Very scarce, only a very few copies having been printed for distribution amongst the private friends of the Prince von Salm-Dyck. 8994 Salm-Dyck (Principis Jos. de) Cactese in Horto Dyckensi cultae anno 1849 secundum Tribus et Genera digestae, &c. vellum PAPER royal 8 r 0 . Bounce, 1850 Presentation copy from Prince Salm-Dyck, with his autograph in- scription. The work is very scarce, only a limited number of copies having been struck off for the Author’s private friends. 4 N 642 8995 Salm-Horstmar (Fiirst zu) iiber Ernahrung der Haferpflanze author's autograph corrections 8 vo. 8996 Salm-Horstmar (Fiirst zu) Versuche und Resultate iiber die Nahruug der Pflanzen large paper royal 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1856 8997 Salm-Horstmar (Fiirst zu) Geognostischer Reise-Bericht iiber eineu Theil des Herzogthums Westphalen, coloured map and profiles , manuscript notes and autograph of “ Humboldt,” who has carefully read and marked various passages 8 vo. 8998 Salm (Princesse Constance de) Pensees. Nouvelle Edition aug- mentee d’une troisieme Partie inedite et prec^dee d’un Avant-Propos par De Pongerville, portrait large vellum paper, ( printed for presents only), half blue morocco royal 8 vo. Paris , 1846 8999 Salm (Princesse Constance de) Pensees, with autograph inscrip- tion of the Princess post 8vo. Aix-la-Chapelle, 1835 9000 Salm (Princesse Constance de) Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. Edme. Mentelle 8vo. Paris , 1839 9001 Salomon (E. A.) de Platonis Epistolis 4 to. Berlin , 1835 9002 Salvandy (N. A. de) Yingt Mois ou la Revolution et le Parti revolutionnaire, authors autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1849 9003 Salvandy (M. de) Discours sur les Prix de Yertu, author's autograph inscription 4to. Paris, 1850 9004 Salvandy (M. de) Son Eloge par E. Augier 4 to. Paris , 1858 9005 Salvolini (F.) 'Notice sur le Manuscrit Hi4ratique Egyptien appartenant a M. Sallier sur la Campagne de Rhamses-le- Grand (Sesostris) contre les Scheta et leurs Allies, facsimiles 8vo. Paris , 1835 9006 Salvolini (F.) Analyse grammaticale raisonnee de differens Textes anciens Egyptiens. Yolume premier, Texte Hiero- glyphique et Demotique de la Pierre de Rosette, avec un Volume de Planches, 2 vol. plates 4to. Paris, 1836 9007 Salzburg. Das Verbriiderungs-Buch des Stiftes S. Peter zu Salzburg aus dem VIII bis XIII Jahrhundert mit Erlauterungen von T. G. von Karajan, portion of the second plate of facsimiles torn off fine paper royal folio , Wien, 1852 9008 Salzenberg (W.) Alt-Christliche Baudenkmale von Constan- tinopel vom Y bis XII Jahrhundert. Im Anhange des Silentiarius Paulus Beschreibung der Heiligen Sophia und des Ambon metrisch iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Dr. C. W. Kortiim, plates {several beautifully illuminated in gold and colours ) atlas folio. Berlin, 1854 A magnificent publication, executed at the expense of the Prussian Government. 643 TWENTY-SIXTH DAY’S SALE, LOT 9009 S&ma-Veda, Hymnen, Sanskritisch herausgegeben, ubersetzt und mit Glossar versehen von Theodor Benfey small 4 to. Leipzig, 1848 9010 Sammter (Dr. A.) Die Unsterblichkeit unserer Person fine paper 8vo. Liegnitz, 1843 9011 Sammter (Dr. A.) Das Minutolische Institut der Vorbilder- satnmlung, fine paper 8 vo. Liegnitz , 1851 9012 Sanchuniathon’s Urgeschichte der Phonizier in einen Auszuge aus der wieder-aufgefundenen Handschrift von Philo’s vollstandiger Uebersetzung nebst Bemerkungen von F. Wagenfeld und mit einem Vorworte von Dr. G. F. Grotefend, facsimile of the Manuscript 8vo. Hannover, 1836 Humboldt has inserted in the volume Grotefend’s Critique on Sanchuniatho cut from a newspaper. 9013 Sandberger (Dr. F.) Untersuchungen iiber das Mainzer Tertiarbecken und dessen Stellung im geologischen Systeme royal 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1853 9014 Sandberger (G.) de Zadriade Armenise Minoris Rege primo ejusque de Stirpe, cut of his coin 8 vo. Francofurti, 1840 9015 Sandberger (Dr. G.) Wesen und Bedeutung der Palaontologie, author s autograph inscription 1 2mo. Wiesbaden, 1852 9016 Sandberger (Dr. G.) iiber Goniatiten, plates, author' s auto- graph inscription 8 vo. 9017 Sandberger (Dr. G.) iiber Goniatiten, plates 8 vo. 9018 Sandberger (Dr. G.) iiber Clymenien, india proof plates, Humboldt' s autograph notes 8 vo. {Wiesbaden, 1853) Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 9019 Sandberger (Dr. G.) Uebersicht der naturhistorischen Beschaffenheit des Iierzogthums Nassau, plates Presentation copy “ Vom Verfasser ” 8 vo. Wiesbaden, 1857 9020 Sandberger (Dr. G.) iiber Clymenia subnautilina n. sp. von Weilburg, india proof plate 8vo. 155 9021 Sandberger (Drs. G. und F.) Systematische Beschreibung und Abbildung der Versteinerungen des Rheinischen Schichtensystems in Nassau, 9 parts, india proof plates VELLUM PAPER roy. 4 to. Wiesbaden, 1850-56 Presentation copy from the authors, with their autograph inscrip- tions. 644 9022 Sandelin (A.) Repertoire general d’Economie politique ancienne etmoderne, 3 vol. imperial 8 vo. La Haye, 1846-47 9025 [Sanders (F.) Salad for the Solitary by an Epicure, woodcuts , royal 12 mo. New York , 1853 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 9026 Sander (G. C. H.) Aphorismen iiber die Natur der Dinge, read and marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1841 Presentation copy, on fine paper, with author’s autograph inscription. 9027 Sandwich Islands. Chart of the Hawaii Archipelago by H. Berghaus atlas folio. Potsdam , 1839 9028 Sanejouand (A.) Les Principautes Roumaines devant l’Europe 8 vo. Paris , 1856 9029 San Francisco Railroad. Petition of P. P. F. Degrand and others royal 8 vo. Washington , 1850 9030 Santarein (Vicomte de) de l’lntroduction des Proc^des relatifs a la Fabrication des *Etoffes de Soie dans la Peninsule Hispanique sous la Domination des Arabes 8vo. Paris , 1838 9031 Santarem (Vicomte de) Recherches sur la Priorite de la Decouverte des Pays situes sur la C6te Occidentale d’Afrique, au-dela du Cap Bojador et sur les Progres de la Science geographique, apres les Navigations des Portugais au XV e Siecle, with the imperial folio atlas , containing facsimiles , “ de Mappemondes et de Cartes inedites ” ( several illuminated in gold and colours ) 8 vo. Paris, 1842 9032 Santarem (Vicomte de) Essai sur l’Histoire de la Cosmographie et de la Cartography pendant le Moyen-Age et sur les Progres de la G^ographie apres les grandes Decouvertes du XV e Siecle, 2 vol. presentation copy from the author , with his autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1849-50 Intended to serve as an introduction to, and as an explanation of, the author’s splendid “ Atlas de Mappemondes,” published in 1842 . It forms, therefore, a necessary companion to the preceding lot. 9033 Santarem (Visconde de) Quadro elementar das Redoes politicas e diplomaticas de Portugal com as diversas Potencias do Mundo, vol. I to IV part I vellum paper, 8 vo. Pariz, 1842-43 9034 Santarem (Vicomte de) sur les Connaissances scientifiques de Jean de Castro, Auteur de ritinerarium Maris Rubri, author’s autograph inscription , with signature 8 vo. Paris , s. d. 9035 Santen (H. L. von) Chemische Analysen antiker Metallen aus heidnischen Grabern Meklenburgs mit antiquarischen Einleitungen und Forschungen begleitet von G. C. F. Lisch, woodcuts , eine paper 8t’o. Schwerin, 1844 645 9036 Santillana (Don Inigo Lopez de Mendoza Marques de) Obras, ahora por Yez primera compiladas de los Codices originales e ilustradas con la Vida del Autor, Notas, Comentarios y Glosario por Don Jose Amador de los Rios, portrait and facsimiles , richly and elegantly hound in green morocco , super extra, joints, ivatered satin linings, g. e. in a case royal 8vo. Madrid, 1852 Best edition of this celebrated poet. 9037 Sanssouci. Ein Morgen in Sanssouci (Gedichte) privately printed Ato. Berlin, 1837 9038 Sanz (Don E. F.) Achaques de la Vejez, Drama Original en tres Actos thick paper, author s autograph 8 vo. Madrid, 1854 9039 Sars (M.) Middelhavets Littoral-Fauna, plates 8vo. 9040 Sartorius (C.) Mexico als Ziel fur Deutsche Auswanderung, map 8 vo. Darmstadt , 1850 9041 Sartorius (Dr. E.) Die Lehre von der heiligen Liebe. Erste Abtheilung, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1840 9042 Sartorius von Waltershausen (W.) Profile dell’ Etna, coloured royal folio 9043 Sartorius von Waltershausen (W.) liber die submarinen vulkanischen Ausbriiche in der Tertiar-Formation des Yal di Noto im Yergleich mit verwandten Erscheinungen am Aetna, carefully read and marked by Humboldt, and having his autograph references on title-page 8vo. Gottingen, 1846 9044 Sartorius von Waltershausen (W.) Physisch-geographische Skizze von Island mit besonderer Riicksicht auf vulkanische Erscheinungen vellum paper, with Humboldt's autograph notes on fly-leaf at end 8 vo. Gottingen, 1847 Cited by Baron Humboldt in his Cosmos as an authority. 9045 Sartorius von Waltershausen (W.) fiber die Vulkanischen Gesteine in Sicilien und Island und ihre submarine Umbildung YELLTJM PAPER, HUMBOLDT’S AUTOGRAPH NOTES 8 vo. Gottingen, 1853 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 9046 Sartorius von Waltershausen (W.) Geologischer Atlas von Island, prooe plates ON cardboard, author's autograph inscription oblong royal Ato. Gottingen , 1853 9047 Sartorius von Waltershausen (W.) Erlauterungen zum geologischen Atlas von Island vellum paper 4 to. Gottingen , 1853 646 9048 Sartorius von Waltershausen (W.) Gauss zum Gedachtniss fine paper imperial 8 vo. Leipzig , 1856 9049 Sartorius von Waltershausen (W.) iiber den AStna und seine Ausbriiche 8vo. Leipzig , 1857 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 9050 Saulcy (F. de) Voyage autour de la Mer Morte et daus les Terres Bibliques, 2 vol. and 4 to. atlas of maps royal 8vo. Paris , 1852-53 9051 Saussure (H. de) sur un nouveau Genre de Gu$pes, plate author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1851 9052 Saussure (H. de) Description de quelques Crustaces nouveaux de la Cote occidentale du Mexique, plates ( one coloured ) 8 vo. Paris , 1853 9053 Saussure (H. de) Voyage au Mexique. Decouverte d’un ancien Volcan, Humboldt's autograph notes 8vo. Paris , 1857 9054 Saussure (H. de) sur les Polistes Americains et Description de quelques Vespides nouveaux, author's autograph inscrip- tion 8 vo. Paris , 1857 9055 Saussure (H. de) Nouveaux Vespides de Mexique et de l’Amerique Septentrionale 8 ^ 0 . Paris, 1857 9056 Saussure (H. de) Description de diverses Especes nouvelles ou peu connues du Genre Scolia, coloured plate author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris, 1858 9057 Saussure (H. de) Memoire sur divers Crustaces nouveaux de Mexique et des Antilles, plates 4 to. Geneve, 1858 Presentation copy, with the Author’s autograph inscription. 9058 Sausze (Dr.) Beschreibung der grossen Ueberschwemmung der Kreisstadt Guben, pine paper 8vo. Guben , 1845 9059 Sauvages de la Croix (F.) Dissertatio medica atque ludicra de Amore 8vo. ( Alais , 1854) Privately printed by the Baron d’Hombres-Firmas. 9060 Sauzet (P.) La Chambre des Deputes et la Revolution de F^vrier, author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Lyon , 1851 9061 Savage (Dr. T. S.) Description of the Characters and Habits of Troglodytes Gorilla and of the Osteology of the same by Dr. J. Wyman, plates large paper, several passages marked by Humboldt, and one with a ? 4 to. Boston , TJ.S. 1847 9062 Savary (F.) sur l’Aimantation author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1826 9063 Savary. Another copy 8 vo. ib. 1826 9064 Savary (M.) Grammaire de la Langue Arabe vulgaire et litte- rale (en Latin et en Fran 9 ais). Augment^ de quelques Contes Arabes (Voyage de Sinbad, &c.) par l’Editeur (L. Langles), uncut 4 to. Paris, 1813 647 9065 Savi (Prof. P.) sul Mischio di Serravezza Roccia dei Trabocca- menti Dolomitici della Toscana 8 vo. Pisa, 1830 9066 Savi (Dr. P.) Catalogo delle Rocce del Macigno della Toscana, coloured plate 8 vo. Pisa, 1830 9067 Savi (P.) sulla Chara o Putera onde conoscere se questa Pianta possa aver Parte nelF Origine della cattiv’ Aria author's autograph inscription and Humboldt' s writing on cover 8 vo. Pisa , 1831 9068 Savi (Prof. P.) Relazione de’ Fenomeni presentati dai Terre- moti di Toscana dell’ Agosto, 1846 author's autograph inscription 8vo. Pisa, 1846 9069 Savi (Prof. Cav. Paolo) sulla Costituzione geologica dei Monti Pisani 8 vo. Pisa, 1846 9070 Savi (Prof. Cav. P.) sulle Miniere delle Vicinanze di Massa marittima 8 vo. Pisa, 1847 9071 Savoye (J.) Panorama de l’AHemagne, 8 Parts, portraits and views 4 to. Paris, 1838 9072 Savoye (Prof. J.) Cours de Langue Allemande author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris , 1842 9073 Savoyen (Dr. L.) Nouvelles Etudes philosophiques sur la Degeneration physique et morale de l’Homme large paper, with author s autograph inscription Ato. Paris , 1854 9074 Sawitsch (A.) fiber die Hohe des Caspischen Meeres und der Hauptspitzen der Caucasischen Gebirge Humboldt' s writing on cover 4 to. Horpat, 1839 9075 Sawitsch (A.) iiber die Hohe des Caspischen Meeres und der Hauptspitzen der Caucasischen Gebirge 4 to. Horpat, 1839 9076 Scalamandre (G.) Istoria del pubblico Insegnamento nel Reame di Napoli, with “ Humboldt” written by the author 8vo. Napoli, 1849 9077 Scalamandre (G.) Saggio di una nuova Scienza della Scienze large paper, name of “ Humboldt” written by Scalamandre on cover imperial 8 vo. Napoli, 1850 9078 Scalamandre (G.) Saggio di una nuova Scienza delle Scienze imperial 8vo. Napoli, 1850 9079 Scandinavia. Naturhistorisk Undersokning om Skandinaviska Gull-och Silfver-Munsteklar(deCrabronibus Scandinavicis) af G. Dahlbom, with folding Table and coloured plates by J. Ahlgren 4 to. Lund , 1839-40 9080 Schaar (M.) sur la Theorie des Residus quadratiques 4cto. Bruxelles , 1850 9081 Schacht (Theodor) Lehrbuch der Geographie, maps and plates LARGE PAPER royal 8vo. Mainz , 1846 648 9082 Schacht (Theodor) Lehrbuch der Geographie alter und neuer Zeit, portrait, maps and plates fine paper, half morocco extra royal 8vo. Mainz, 1851 9083 Schacht (Dr. H.) liber Traubenkorper im Blatte vieler Urti- ceen und Acanthaceen, plate , author's autograph inscription 4 to. Frankfurt, s. a. 9084 Schacht (Dr. H.) liber die gestielten Traubenkorper im Blatte vieler Urticeen, &c. plate, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Frankfurt, s. a. 9085 Schacht (Dr. H.) liber Pflanzen-BefrucKtung, plates royal 8 vo. 1836 9086 Schacht (Dr. H.) Entwickelungs-Geschichte des Pflanzen- Embryon, 26 coloured plates fine paper, autograph of 11 A1 Humboldt,” half green morocco , g. e. 4 to. Amsterdam, 1850 9087 Schacht (Dr. H.) Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung insbesondere fur Pflanzen-Anatomie und Physiologie, plates, half morocco, g. e. 8 vo. Berlin, 1851 Presentation copy from the Author, with his autograph inscription. 9088 Schacht (Dr. H.) Physiologische Botanik. Die Pflanzenzelle, der innere Bau und das Leben der Gewachse, 20 plates (9 of which are coloured) the dedication copy ( [with the printed inscription “ Alex- ander von Humboldt gewidmet,” and the Preface staling reasons for doing so), autograph of “ A1 Humboldt,” half green morocco extra imperial 8vo. Berlin, 1852 9089 Schacht (Dr. H.) iiber die Keimung einiger Waldbaume, Berlin, 1852 — Schacht (Dr. H.) Beitrag zur Entwickelungs- geschichte der Farnkrauter, plate 8vo. (2) 9090 Schacht (H.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Ophrys arachnites Reich , coloured plate 4 to. Berlin, 1852 9091 Schacht (Dr. H.) Der Baum, plates ( several coloured ), and woodcuts vellum paper, autograph of “ A1 Humboldt,” splendidly hound in green morocco , joints, g. e. the sides richly tooled, and having on obverse of cover , in high relief a beautiful medallion of Frederic William IV, King of Prussia 8 vo. Berlin , 1853 As a specimen of his library probably one of the most desirable of the books belonging to Baron Humboldt. 9092 Schacht (Dr. H.) Der Baum, woodcuts, and 8 lithographic plates vellum paper, half morocco extra 8vo. Berlin, 1853 649 9093 Schacht (Dr. H.) Die Priifung der im Handel vorkommenden Gewebe durch das Mikroskop und durch chemische Reagentien velliim paper, proof plates , authors autograph inscription royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1853 9094 Schacht (Dr. H.) Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Gewachse, plates and woodcuts , autograph of “ A1 Hum- boldt” 8 vo. Berlin , 1854 Presentation copy, with Author’s autograph inscription. 9095 Schacht (Dr. H.) iiber Pflanzenkeim, plate 8 vo. 1855 9096 Schacht (Dr. H.) Das Mikroskop. Zweite stark vermehrte Auflage, plates and woodcuts , with autograph of 11 A1 Hum- boldt” Berlin , 1855 9097 Schacht (Dr. H.) iiber Milchsaftgefasse der Carica Papya, plates 8vo. Berlin , 1856 9098 Schacht (Dr. H.) Bericht an das K. Landes-CEkonomie-Colle* gium iiber die KartofFelpflanze und deren Krankheiten, coloured and plain plates royal 4to. Berlin, 1856 9099 Schacht (Dr. H.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie und Physiologie der Gewachse, 2 vol. 11 lithograph plates (partly coloured ), and numerous wood engravings , vol. 1 red morocco extra , g. e. and vol. II cloth , g. e. 8 vo. Berlin , 1856-59 9100 Schacht (Dr. H.) iiber den Yorgang des Befruchtung bei Gladiolus Segetum, eine paper 8 vo. Berlin , 1856 9101 Schacht (Dr. H.) Bericht iiber die KartofFelpflanze und deren Krankheiten, 10 plates {containing 32 coloured and 80 plain delineations ), vellum paper 4 to. Berlin , 1856 9102 Schacht (Dr. H.) iiber den Vorgang der Befruchtung bei Gladiolus Segetum vellum paper, plates 8 vo. Berlin , 1856 9103 Schacht (Dr. H.) iiber die Befruchtungs-Erscheinungen bei Phormium tenax, plate 8 vo. Beilin , 1857 9104 Schacht (Dr. H.) iiber Funchal auf Madeira, 8 vo. — Zur Befruchtung von Crocus vernus, plate , 8vo. 1858 — Mikros- kopisch-chemische Untersuchung des Mantels einiger Ascidien, coloured plates , author's autograph inscription , 8 vo. 1851 (3) 9105 Schacht (H.) Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Befruchtung von Gladiolus Segetum, 2 plates 4 to. Leipzig , 1858 Humboldt’s autograph note states this to be “ Das wichtigste ” (the most important). 9106 Schacht (Dr. H.) Madeira und TenerifFe mit ihrer Vegetation, plates and woodcuts , cloth , g. e. 8vo. Berlin , 1859 9107 Schack (A. F. von) Geschichte der dramatischen Literatur und Kunst in Spanien, 3 vol. large vellum paper, half bound {not uniformly') 8 vo. Berlin , 1845-46 4 O 650 9108 Schack (A. F. von) Spanisches Theater, 2 vol. half calf extra 12 mo. Frankfurt am Main , 1845 Containing Translations of Dramatic Pieces by Juan Ruiz de Alarcon, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Lope de Vega Carpio and Pedro Calderon de la Barca. 9109 Schadow (W. von) Zu seinen Bildern Vision eines Malers irn Jahre 1848 (Gedicht) 4 to. Dusseldorf { 1848) 9110 Schaffgotsch (Graf F.) iiber die Isomorpbie zwischen manchen kohlensauren und salpetersauren Salzen, carefully read and passages marked by Humboldt 8 vo. 9111 Schaffgotsch (F. G.) Akustische Beobachtungen morocco extra , g. e. 8vo. Presentation copy, with Author’s autograph inscription. 9112 Schafhautl (Conservator Dr.) Geognostische Untersuchungen des Siidbayerischen Alpengebirges, map and plates presentation copy from the Munich Academy royal 8vo. Munchen, 1851 9114 Schasler (Dr. M.) de Origine et Formatione Pronominum personalium et priorum Numerorum aliarumque, quse hue pertinent, Notionum 8 vo. Berolini , 1846 9115 Scharpf (Hofrath) Rede bei Loreye’s Todesfeier author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Rastatt , 1845 9116 Schaub (F.) Beobachtungen der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss am 7 July, 1842, in der (Esterreichischen Monarchic und Turin zusammengestellt, plates Ato. (Wien, 1842) 9117 Schaub (Dr. F.) Magnetische Beobachtungen im ostlichen Theile des Mittelmeeres Ato. Triest, 1858 Presentation copy, “ Von der K. K. Marine Sternwarte in Triest.” 9118 Schaubach (A.) Die Deutschen Alpen. Erster Theil 8vo. Jena , 1845 9119 Schauenburg (Dr. E.) Die Reisen in Central- Afrika von Mungo Park auf Dr. Barth und Dr. Vogel, Part I vellum paper 8 vo. Lalir , 1858 9120 Schauer (Dr. J. C.) de Regelia, Beaufortia et Calothamno, plate , large paper royal Ato. Vratislavice , 1843 9121 Schayer (A.) Notizen zur Kenntniss der Australischen Kolonien 8 vo. Stettin , 1845 9122 Scheerer (Dr. T.) Lehrbuch der Metallurgie, 9 parts in 4, numerous woodcuts ' vellum paper 8vo. Braunschweig , 1846-53 9 1 23 Scheerer (Dr. T.) iiber den Norit und die auf der Insel Hitteroe Granitgange, cuts folio 9124 Scheerer (Prof. T.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Sefstrom’schen Frictions-Phanomens (Zweiter Theil) plates 8vo. 1849 651 9125 Scheerer (Th.) Isomorphismus und Polymerer Isomorphismus laege vellum papee royal 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1850 9126 Scheerer (Dr. T.) Der Paramorphismus und seine Bedeutung in der Chemie, Mineralogie und Geologie, with author's autograph inscription 8vo. Braunschweig , 1854 9127 Scheibe (F. L.) Luther und die Aufriihrer vom Jahr 1525 laege vellum papee, cloth , g. e. 8 vo. Erfurt , 1848 9128 Scheibler (H.) Der physikalische und musikalische Tonmesser, plates 8 vo. Essen , 1834 9129 Scheidler (Dr. C. H.) Propadeutik und Grundriss der Psycho- logic, half calf extra 8vo. Darmstadt, 1833 9130 Scheidler (Dr. K. H.) Grundlinien der Hodegetik oder Methodik des akademischen Studiums und Lebens eine papee 8vo. Jena , 1839 9131 Scheidler (Dr. K. H.) Die Lebensfrage der Europaischen Civilisation und die Bedeutung der Fellenbergischen Bildungsanstalten zu Hofwyl fur ihre befriedigendste Losung, fine papee post 8vo. Jena , 1838 9132 Scheidler (Dr. K. Ii.) Paranesen fur Studirende 8 vo. Jena , 1840 Containing Essays by Sachs, Tittmann, Fichte, Herschel, Steffens, Drobisch, Von Martius, Fries, und Goluchowski. 9133 Schefer (L.) Der Weltpriester 8 vo. Nurnberg , 1846 9134 Schiedtmann (G.) Offener Brief an Assessor Wagner LAEGE PAPEE 8vo. Berlin , 1849 9135 Scheidtmann (G.) Retrospective Studien iiber das Junkerthum in Preussen 8vo. Berlin , 1850 9136 Schelling (F. W. J. de) Bruno ou du Principe divin et naturel des Choses traduit par C. Husson 8 vo. Paris , 1845 9137 Schelling (F. W. J. von) Sammtliche Werke, 2 parts in 8 vol. vellum papee 8vo. Stuttgart , 1856-58 Read and marked by Humboldt, with his autograph notes on the cover of part II vol. 1 and vol. II. 9138 Schelling’s erste Vorlesung in Berlin 15 Nov. 1841 thick papee 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1841 9139 Schenk (P.) Carte von Ertzgebiirgischen Creysse in Chur- fiirstenthum Sachsen, brilliant impressions, mounted on canvas Amst. s. a. 9140 Schenk (P.) Delineation von Lobenstein, Ebersdorf und Hirschberg, mounted on canvas Amst. 1757 9141 Scherber (J. H.) Umsichten auf dem Ochsenkopf am Fichtel- berge post 8vo Kulmbach, 1811 9142 Schernhorst (Dr. A.) iiber die balsamischen Bader des H. Joseph Weiss Waldwollfabrikanten in Zuckmantel 8i;o. Troppau, 1849 652 9143 Scherr (Dr. J.) Geschichte der Deutschen Literatur, 50 portraits ( including those of W. and A. von Humboldt) fine PAPER 8 vo. Leipzig , 1854 9144 Scherr (Dr. J.) Geschichte Deutscher Cultur und Sitte 8 vo. Leipzig, 1854 9145 Scherzer (Dr. K.) Bericht uber eine Reise nach Amerika in 1852-55 yellum paper, morocco extra royal 8 vo. Wien , 1856 9146 Scherzer (Dr. K.) Besuch bei den Ruinen von Quirigua in Guatemala royal 8 vo. Wien 9147 Scherzer (Dr. C.) Besuch der beiden Inseln St. Paul und Amsterdam im Indischen Ocean imp. 8 vo. Wien, 1858 9148 Scherzer (Dr. K.) Die Eingebornen der Nikobaren imperial 8vo. Wien, 1858 9149 Scherzer (Dr. K.) und Dr. E. Schwarz iiber Korpermessungen als Behelf zur Diagnostik der Menschracen imperial 8 vo. Wien, 1859 9150 Scheutz (G. and E.) Specimens of Tables, calculated, stereo- moulded and printed by Machinery royal 8vo. London, 1857 Presentation copy from Edward Scheutz, with his autograph inscription. 9151 Scheutz (G. et E.) Specimen de Tables calculees stereotypies et imprimees au Moyen d’une Machine, plate Humboldt'' s autograph notes royal 8vo. Paris, 1858 Presentation copy from E. Scheutz, with his autograph inscription. 9152 Scheve (G.) Phrenologische Bilder, portrait of Gall, woodcuts and lithographic engraving by M. Rugendas read and marked by Humboldt 8vo. Leipzig, 1851 9153 Schiller (F. von) Sammtliche Werke, 12 vol. portrait and plates eife paper, Humboldt's autograph notes on fly deaf at end of vol. 1, half calf gilt 8vo. Stuttgart, 1835 9154 Schiller (F. von) Sammtliche Werke, 18 vol. 1 6mo. Stuttgart, 1822-26 9155 Schiller (F.) Briefwechsel mit Korner, 4 vol. post8vo. Berlin, 1847 With Humboldt’s autograph references to passages chiefly respect- ing himself or his brother Wilhelm. 9156 Schiller (F. von) Wilhelm Tell, ein Schauspiel vellum paper, blue morocco , super extra, gilt, gilt edges 1 Qmo. Stuttgart , 1840 9157 Schiller und Goethe’s Briefwechsel in den Jahren von 1794 bis 1805. Zweite Ausgabe, 2 vol. vellum paper 8t?o. Stuttgart, 1856 Containing much that is interesting respecting both the Humboldts. 653 9158 Schiller and Goethe, Briefwechsel, 6 vol. in 3 half calf extra post 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1828-29 9159 Schiltberger (J.) Reisen aus Miinchen in Europa, Asia und Afrika von 1394 bis 1427 herausgegeben und erlautert von K. F. Neumann, mit Zusatzen von Fallmerayer und Hammer-Purgstall privately printed, scarce 8 vo. Munchen, 1859 Valuable not only for its geographical details, but also as a monument of the German then spoken at Munich. 9160 Schindler (J.) und L. von der Decken, Graefenberger Mit- theilungen, part I and II 4 to. OlmiXz , 1858-59 9161 Schinkel (Dr. C. F.) Werke der hoheren Baukunst, India proof plates {view of the Acropolis and the Reception-room in the Palace finely coloured ) oblong atlas folio. Potsdam, 1840-43 9162 Schirges (G.) Die zweite Welt-Ausstellung, Briefe aus Paris 8 vo. Frankfurt , 1855 9163 Schirren (C.) Die Wandersagen der Neuseelander und der Mauimythos royal 8 vo. Riga , 1856 9164 Schinz (Dr. E.) Wiirdigung des Tychonischen Weltsystems aus dem Standpunkte des XVI Jahrhunderts 8 vo. Halle 9165 Schlagintweit (A. und H.) Neue Untersuchungen fiber die physicalische Geographie und die Geologie der Alpen Humboldt's autograph note kto. 9166 Schlagintweit (A. und H.) Hypsometrische Bestimmungen in den Westlichen Alpen 4 to. 9167 Schlagintweit (A. und H.) fiber Hohenbestimmungen der Zugspitze 4 to. Read and marked by Humboldt, who has written “ Zugspitze ” on title. 9168 Schlagintweit (A. und H.) Lage und Hohenverhaltnisse des Monte-Rosa, Humboldt's writing on blank page 4 to. 9168*Schlagintweit (A. und H.) fiber den Gang des Barometers, with autograph inscription of A. Schlagintweit 4to. 9169 Schlagintweit (A. und H.) Vertheilung der mittleren Tem- peratur 4 to. 9169*Schlagintweit (A. und H.) Verbreitung und Ausdehnung der Gletscher 4fo. 9170 Schlagintweit (A. und H.) Vegetationsverhaltnisse oberhalb der Schneelinie 4 to. 9171 Schlagintweit (A. und H.) Beobachtungen fiber die Neigungs- verhaltnisse der Thaler, der Bergabhange und der Gipfel der Alpen 4to. 9172 Schlagintweit. Inhalts- Verzeichniss der Schlagintweit’schen Beobachtungs-Manuscripte aus Indien und Hoch-Asien in 43 Bande, privately printed folio. Berlin , s. a. 654 9173 Schlaginweit (A.) Geologische Karte der Gruppe des Monte- Rosa — Darstellung des Gipfel des Monte-Rosa — Profil — Ansicht, coloured (4) 9174 Schlagintweit (Dr. A.) iiber die Isogeothermen der Alpen, plate , with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1849 Very carefully read and marked by Baron Humboldt, who on p. 351 has written “ wo dort Schneegranze ?” 9175 Schlagintweit (Dr. Adolph) Untersuchungen iiber die Thal- bildung und die Formen der Gebirgsziige in den Alpen imperial 8 vo. Munchen , 1850 9176 Schlagintweit (A. und H.) Meteorologie 8 vo. 1850 „ “ Gletscher (Schlagintweit) wichtig !” Autograph note of Humboldt. 9177 Schlagintweit (A. und H.) Besteigung und Hohenmessnng des Monte-Rosa, plate 8 vo. Berlin , 1851 9178 Schlagintweit (A.) iiber den geologischen Bau der Alpen, coloured plate , with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1852 Humboldt has written on the cover with his own hand : “ Was krystall Schiefer ?” 9179 Schlagintweit (A. und H.) Boden und Quellen Temperatur der Alpen Humboldt's writing on title imperial 8 vo. Leipzig , 1853 9179*Schlagintweit (Dr. Adolph) iiber die geographische und geo- logische Structur der Gruppe des Monte-Rosa, coloured map and profiles imperial 8vo. Leipzig, 1853 9180 Schlagintweit (A. et H.) Observations sur la Hauteur du Monte-Rose et des Points principaux de ses Environs, plates , and the large map by H. Lange not folded 4 to. Turin , 1853 9180* Schlagintweit (A. und H.) Neue Untersuchungen iiber die physicalische Geographic und die Geologie der Alpen vellum paper, with royal folio atlas of plates ( several in colours') 4 to. Leipzig , 1854 Presentation copy, “ von den Verfassern.” 9181 Schlagintweit. Another copy of the Text without the Atlas vellum paper, half red morocco, gilt edges Ato. ib. 1854 9182 Schlagintweit (A. et H.) Epreuves de Cartes g^ographiques produites par la Photographie d’apres les Reliefs du Mont- Rose et de la Zugspitze, photographic views vellum paper, presentation copy , with author's autograph inscription 4 to. Leipzig , 1854 9183 Schlagintweit (A.) Vegetationsverhaltnisse oberhalb der Schneelinie " 8 vo. 1854 655 9184 Schlagintweit (A. und R.) Reise in Indien Bericht an den Konig 8 vo. 1855 9185 Schlagintweit (A. H. and R.) Ten Reports on the Progress of the Magnetic Survey of India rare in 1 vol. royal 8 vo. Madras , Calcutta , Lahore , Agra, and Paris , 1855-57 Presentation copies from the Authors. 9186 Schlagintweit (A.) Schreiben an A. von Humboldt iiber Reise im Himalaya und in Thibet 8 vo. 1855 9187 Schlagintweit (A.) Geologische-Karte der Umgebungen der Zugspitze und des Wettersteines in den Bayerischen Alpen, coloured , 1853 — Vergleichende Darstellung der physik- alischen Verhaltnisse der Alpen, coloured — Karte der Alpen — and 10 Views by H. Schlagintweit (13) 9188 Schlagentweit (Emil) Bemerkungen iiber die physicalische Geographie des Kaisergebirges, 2 views 4 to. Berlin , 1853 9189 Schlagintweit (H. und A.) Beobachtungen auf einer botanischen Excursion in die Bayerischen Voralpen Humboldt's autograph note 8 vo. 1848 9190 Schlagintweit (Dr. H.) iiber die physicalischen Eigenschaften des Eises, cuts, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Leipzig , 1850 9191 Schlagintweit (Dr. H.) iiber die Vertheilung der mittleren Jahres-Temperatur in den Alpen Humboldt's autograph note 4 to. Munchen, 1850 9192 Schlagintweit (Dr. H.) Untersuchungen iiber die Vertheilung der mittleren Jahres-Temperatur in den Alpen Humboldt's autograph note 4 to. Munchen, 1850 9193 Schlagintweit (H. und A.) Untersuchungen iiber die physi- calische Geographie der Alpen, coloured maps and plates, and numerous cuts the dedication copy {to Humboldt) on large paper, splendidly bound in russia super extra , gilt edges , the sides richly orna- mented with gold and blank tooling , in case imperial 8vo. Leipzig, 1850 Read and several passages marked with pencil by Baron Humboldt. 9194 Schlagintweit (H. A. and R.) Reports, V-VII and IX, on the Magnetic Survey of India royal 8 vo. Lahore, 1856 9195 Schlagintweit. Another copy royal 8vo. ib. 1856 9196 Schlagintweit (R.) Report X, on the Magnetic Survey of India royal 8 vo. Calcutta , 1857 9197 Schlagintweit (H. A. and R.) Catalogue of Aquarells, Draw- ings and Photographs of Panoramas and Views from India and High Asia, privately printed folio. Berlin, 1859 656 9198 Schlager (F. G. F.) G. W. Miiller in einigen Umrissen gezeichnet post 8vo. Hannover , 1844 9199 Schlechtendal (D. F. L. de) Flora Berolinensis, 2 vol. in 1 half calf Berolini, 1823-24 9200 Schlechtendal (D. F. L. von) Linnaea, vol. Ill part 4, and vol. XII part 2, 2 parts, plates Berlin , 1 828, und Halle , 1 838 9201 Schlegel (A. W. von) iiber die Sternbilder des Thierkreises im alten Indien, read and marked by Humboldt 8w. 9202 Schlegel (A. G. a) Oratio Natalitia Friderici Guilelmi III 4 to. Bounce , 1824 9203 Schlegel (A. W. von) Indische Bibliothek, vol. II, part 4 8i;o. Bonn , 1827 9204 Schlegel (A. W. de) Reflexions sur l’Etude des Langues Asiatiques, large paper royal 8 vo. Bonn , 1832 9205 Schlegel (Dr. A. G. a) de Zodiaci Antiquitate et Origine large paper, rare 4 to. Bounce , 1839 9206 Schlegel (A. G. a) de Zodiaci Antiquitate et Origine 4 to. Bounce , 1839 9207 Schlegel (A. W. von) Verzeichniss einer von E. D’Alton hinterlassenen Gemalde-Sammlung thick paper 8vo. Bonn, 1840 9208 Schlegel (A. W. von) Verzeichniss einer von E. d’Alton hinterlassenen Gemalde-Sammlung nebst einer Vorerin- nerung, &c. royal 8 vo. Bonn , 1840 9209 Schlegel (A. W. von) Verzeichniss einer von Eduard d’Alton hinterlassenen Gemalde-Sammlung thick paper, Humboldt's writing on cover 8vo. Bonn, 1840 9210 Schlegel. Another copy, eine paper 8vo. ib. 1840 9211 Schlegel (A. W. de) Essais litteraires et historiques vellum paper, rare 8 vo. Bonn , 1 842 Presentation copy from the eminent author, with his autograph inscription. This Collection contains his “ Observations sur la Langue et la Litterature Prove^ales ; de l’Origine des Romans de Chevalerie ; Le Dante, Petrarque et Boccace justifies de lTmputation d’Heresie; &c. &c.” 9212 Schlegel (F.) Sammtliche Werke, 10 vol. in 5 half calf extra crown 8 vo. Wien , 1822-25 9213 Schleicher (Dr. A.) Die Formenlehre der Kirchenslawischen p ike paper, half calf extra 8 vo. Bonn , 1 852 9214 Schleiden (Dr. J.) Beitrage zur Anatomie der Cacteen, coloured plates author's autograph inscription 4 to. St. Petersburg , 1839 9215 Schleiden (Dr. M. J.) und Dr. T. Vogel, Beitrage zur Ent- wickelungsgeschichte der Bliithentheile bei den Legumi- nosen, coloured plates presentation copy , with inscription 4 to. Bonn, 1838 657 9216 Schleiden (Dr. M. J.) Grundziige der wissenschaftlichen Botanik nebst einer methodologischen Einleitung als An- leitung zum Studium der Pflanze, 2 vol. in 1 THE DEDICATION COPY, ON FINE PAPER, half Calf extra 8vo. Leipzig , 1842-43 The work is dedicated to A. von Humboldt, who has added, uniformly half bound, a third enlarged edition of vol. II, printed at Leipzig in 1850. 9217 Schleiden (Dr M. J.) iiber die Bliithe der Loranthaceen, plate 8vo. 1839 9218 Schleiden (Dr. M. J.) iiber Spiralbildungen in der Pflanzenzelle, plate post 8 vo. Regensburg, 1839 9219 Schleiden (Dr. M. J.) Blicke auf die Entwicklungsgeschichte des vegetabilischen Organismus bei den Phanerogamen, plate, author's autograph inscription 8vo. 1837 9220 Schleiden (Dr. M. J.) iiber Bodenstetigkeit der Pflanzen, plate 8vo. 1837 9221 Schleiden (Dr. M. J.) iiber die Bildung des Eichens und Entstehung des Embryo’s bei den Phanerogamen, coloured plates, with author's autograph inscription 4to. Bonn, 1837 9222 Schleiden (Dr. M. J.) und Dr. J. R. T. Yogel, iiber das Albu- men insbesondere der Leguminosen, coloured plates presentation copy , with inscription 4 to. Bonn, s. a. 9223 Schleiden (Prof. Dr. M. J.) Die Pflanze und ihre Leben, 5 coloured plates and 1 3 woodcuts eine paper, Humboldt's autograph notes on separate slip , half morocco 8vo. Leipzig , 1848 9224 Schleiden (Dr. M. J.) und Dr. E. E. Schmid Encyclopadie der gesammten theorischen Naturwissenschaften in ihren An- wendung auf die Landwirthschaft, 3 vol. in 7 parts, with 500 woodcuts, eine paper 8vo. Braunschweig , 1850 9225 Schleiden (Prof. Dr. M. J.) und Dr. E. Schmid, Ankiindigung des physiologischen Practicums 8 vo. Jena, 1843 9226 Schleiden (M. J.) Schelling’s und Hegel’s Verhaltniss zur Naturwissenschaft Humboldt's autograph notes 8 vo. Leipzig, 1844 9227 Schleiden (M. J.) Die neueren Einwiirfe gegen meine Lehre von der Befruchtung (Antwort auf Dr. T. Hartig) 8vo. Leipzig, 1844 9228 Schleiden (Prof. Dr. M. J.) Grundzuge der wissenschaftlichen Botanik, 2 vol. in 1 THE DEDICATION COPY, ON FINE PAPER, plates and WOOdcutS , with Humboldt's autograph notes , half morocco extra 8 vo. Leipzig, 1845-46 The work is dedicated to Humboldt. 4 P 658 9229 Schleiden (Dr. M. J.) iiber Ceratophylleen, plate author s autograph inscription 8vo. 9230 Schleiden (Dr. M. J.) iiber Bastarderzeugung und Sexualitat, plate 8 vo 9231 Schleierraacher als Lehrer, Erinnerungsrede von E. Bonnell 4 to. Berlin , 1838 9232 Schlemm (F.) Arteriarum Capitis superficialium Icon nova fine paper, plates royal folio. Berolini , 1830 9233 Schlesien. Ueber die Flora der Braunkohlenformation Schle- siens von Prof. Goppert; und iiber Vegetation in Schlesien von F. Cohn, Humboldt’s autograph note 4 to. 1851 9234 Schlesien. Geognostische Uebersichts-Karte von Oberschle- sien und den angrenzenden Gegenden, coloured drawing by R. von Carnall, the celebrated Geologist 4to. 9235 Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Kultur fur die Jahren von 1836 bis 1857, 23 vol. plates , Breslau , 1837-58 — Sudetenkunde, 6 parts, ib. 1845-48 4 to. (29) 9236 Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Kultur. Denk- shrift zur Feier ihres 50 jahrigen Bestehens, plates 4 to. Breslau , 1853 Containing, besides the History of the Society by Dr. A. Kahlert valuable contributions respecting the Botany, Entomology, and Geology of Silesia, by Henschel, Wimmer, Milder, Letzner, Beinert, Korber, Hensel, Goppert, &c. &c. 9237 Schlesischen Kunst-Vereins Jahresbericht fiir 1842 und 1843, und fiir 1846-47, fine paper 4 to. Breslau, 1843-47 9238 Schlesischer Bergbau-Verein 8vo. Juterbog, 1854 9239 Schleswig. Plan des Schlachtfeldes, mit Ansicht von Schleswig, coloured proof, Humboldt’s autograph note imperial folio. Berlin , 1850 9240 Schlichting (H.) Trachten der Schweden an den Kiisten Ehst- Jands und auf Runo, 10 plates of costumes , beautifully coloured and heightened with gold 4 to. Leipzig , 1854 9241 Schlieffen (W. Graf von) Lungenseuche und Voigtlander, coloured plate , with the author s autograph corrections morocco, gilt edges 4 to. Dresden, 1857 A very valuable privately printed Memoir on the Epidemic Disease attacking the Lungs of Cattle. 9242 Schlomilch (Dr. O.) Handbuch der Differenzial-Rechnung thick vellum paper, plates 8 vo. Greifswald, 1847 9243 Schloezer (Dr. Kurd de) Les premiers Habitants de la Russie: Finncis, Slaves, Scythes et Grecs 8 vo. Paris, 1846 9244 Schlozer (Dr. K. von) Russlands alteste Beziehungen zu Scandinavien und Constantinopel author’s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin, 1847 659 9245 Schlozer (K. von) Die Hansa und der Deutsche Ritter-Orden, fine paper, author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1851 9246 Schlozer (Kurd von) Livland und die Anfange Deutschen Lebens im Baltischen Norden, Berlin , 1850 — Die Hansa und der Deutsche Ritter-Orden in den Ostseelandern, ib. 1851 — Verfall und Untergang der Hansa und des Deutschen Ordens in den Ostseelandern, ib. 1853 fine paper, half morocco extra in one vol. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscription. 9247 Schlossenbildung von C. J. Car us, plate 8vo . 9248 Schmaler (J. E.) Jahrbiicher fur Slawische Literatur, Kunst und Wissenschaft, No. 1, 2 & 3, fur 1853, und No. 6 & 7 fur 1855; in 3 parts *8 vo. Bautzen , 1853-55 Containing Articles on the Proverbs of Bulgaria and Russia, by Dr. J. Altmann, and on the Popular Songs and Legends of the Slavic Races, by L. Stur. 9249 Schmalz (E.) Descriptio Fistulinse Hepaticse et Agarici Volemi, coloured plates 4 to. Lipsice, 1829 9250 Schmalz (E.) Geschichte und Statistik der Taubstummenan- stalten und des Taubstummenunterrichtes post 8 vo. Dresden , 1830 9251 Schmalz (E.) de Entozoorum Systemate nervoso, privately printed 8 vo. Lipsice , 1831 9252 Schmalz (Dr. E0 iiber die Taubstummen und ihre Bildung papier colle 8 vo. Dresden , 1838 9253 Sehmalz (E.) Traite de la Conservation de l’Oui'e, plate 8 vo. Baris ( Dresde ) 1839 9254 Schmalz (Dr. E.) iiber Taubstummheit crown 8 vo. Dresden , 1840 9255 Schmalz (F.) Theorie des Pflanzenbaues yelltjm paper, morocco , g. e. sides richly ornamented 8vo. Konigsberg , 1840 9256 Schmalz (F.) Theorie des Pflanzenbaues half calf extra 8 vo. Konigsberg , 1840 9257 Schmarda (L. K.) Naturgeschichte der Adria, coloured plates large paper folio. Wien, 1852 9258 Schmarda (L. K.) Geographische Verbreitung der Thiere, 3 vol. map vellum paper, with author s autograph inscriptions 8vo. Wien, 1853 9259 Schmarda (Dr. L. K.) zur Naturgeschichte iEgpytens, coloured plates, vellum paper 4 to. Wien, 1854 9260 Schmerling (Dr. P. C.) Recherches sur les Ossemens fossiles d^couverts dans les Cavernes de la Province de Liege, Vol. II, in 2 parts, and folio atlas of plates \to. Liege , 1834-36 660 9261 Schmid (Dr. E. E.) und Dr. M. J. Schleiden Geognostische Verhaltnisse des Saalthales bei Jena, with oblong folio atlas of map and plates , author's autograph inscription yellum paper folio. Leipzig, 1846 9262 Schmidl (Dr. A.) iiberden unterirdischen Lauf der Recca, map fine paper 8 vo, Wien, 1851 9263 Schmidl (Dr. A.) iiber die Abfassung einer Chronik der Erdbeden in der CEsterreichischen Monarchie, Wien, 1852 — Schmidl (Dr. A.) iiber Benennung und Eintheilung der Alpen in ihrem Zuge durch die CEsterreichischen Lander, Wien. 1849 8vo. (2) 9264 Schmidl (Dr. A.) Die Grotten und Hohlen von Adelsberg, Lueg, Planina und Laas, with oblong folio atlas of plates 8 vo. Wien, 1854 9265 Schmidt (Adolf) Die kritischen Gruppen der Europaischen Clausilien. Erste Abtheilung, 1 1 plates imperial 8 vo. Leipzig , 1857 9266 Schmidt (Dr. C.) Zur vergleichenden Physiologie der wirbello- sen Thiere, yellum paper 8vo. Braunschweig , 1845 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 9267 Schmidt (C.) Entwurf einer allgemeinen Untersuchungs- methode der Safte und Excrete des thierischen Organismus, plate , with author's autograph inscription yellum paper 8vo. Mitau, 1846 9268 Schmidt (Dr. C.) de Microcrystallometria, plate, with author's very long autograph letter (4 closely written pages in 4 to.) 8vo. Dorpati , 1846 9269 Schmidt (Dr. C.) iiber Pflanzenschleim und Bassorin fine paper 8 vo. 9270 Schmidt (C. F.) Sobralia Elisabethse Schomb. 2 plates (i coloured and plain) with description in German by Sir JR. Schomburglc royal 4 to. 9271 Schmidt (C. W.) Kirchenmobel und Utensilien aus dem Mittelalter und der Renaissance in den Diocesen Coin, Trier und Munster, No. 1, 2, and 3, containing 17 fine plates ( one illuminated in gold and colours) yellum paper royal folio. Trier, 1854 9272 Schmidt (Dr. E. E.) und Dr. M, J. Schleiden iiber die Natur der Kieselholzer, coloured plates, presentation copy from the authors , with inscription folio. Jena , 1855 9273 Schmidt (F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Silurische Formation von Ehstland, Nord-Livland und CEsel, author's autograph inscription royal 8vo. Dorpat , 1858 9274 Schmidt (F. W.)Die Ober-Donau-Strasze der Peutingerschen Tafel von Brigobanne bis Abusena,/acsw??7e of the Peutin- gerian Tablet from Vindonissa to Reg i no fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1844 661 9275 Schmidt (Dr. Hermann) fiber des Europaische Sommerfieber (des Kreises Paderborn), map and plates 4 to. Paderborn , 1830 9276 Schmidt (Dr. J. C. E.) Theorie der astronomischen Strahlen- brechung Humboldt' s writing on cover 4 to. Gottingen, 1828 9277 Schmidt (Dr. J. C. E.) Lehrbuch der matliematischen und physischen Geographie, 2 vol. plates, autograph of “ Al Humboldt ,” half calf gilt 8vo. Gottingen, 1829-30 9278 Schmidt (J. C. L.) Beitrage zu der Lehre von den Gangen, plate, author' s autograph inscription 8vo. Siegen, 1827 9279 Schmidt (J. F. J.) Resultate aus zehnjahrigen Beobachtungen iiber Sternschnuppen. Ein Sendschreiben an A. von Humboldt THE DEDICATION COPY ON LARGE PAPER ( probably UNIQUE) with the author's autograph inscription, morocco royal 8 vo. Berlin , 1852 9280 Schmidt (J. F. J.) Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss vom 28 Juli, 1851, zu Rastenburg in Ostpreussen, proof plates ( one additional inserted) large yellum paper, autograph of “ A. Humboldt ** royal 4 to. Bonn , 1852 Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscription. 9281 Schmidt (J. F. J.) Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss vom 28 Juli, 1851, zu Rastenburg, plates 4 to. Bonn , 1852 Presentation copy to Dr. Briinnow, with author’s autograph inscription. 9282 Schmidt (J. F. J.) Die Eruption des Vesuv im Mai 1855, nebst Beitragen zur Topographie des Yesuv, der phlegra- ischen Crater, Roccamonfina’s und der alten Yulkane im Kirchenstaate yellum paper, numerous scientific notes in the autograph of Baron Humboldt, purple morocco extra , g. e. royal 8vo. Wien und Olmuz, 1856 — Atlas zu Schmidt’s Yesuv Eruption, tinted plates, atlas folio , ib. 1856 (2) 9283 Schmidt. Another copy of the Text without the Atlas, numerous autograph notes by Baron Humboldt blue morocco royal 8vo. ib. 1856 9284 Schmidt (J. F. J.) Der Mond, 2 coloured plates and woodcuts half morocco royal 8 vo. Leipzig , 1856 With scientific notes on the fly-leaf at end in the autograph of Baron Humboldt. 9285 Schmidt (J. F. J.) Das Zodiacallicht, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1856 662 9286 Schmidt (J. F. J.) Neue Hohen-Bestimmungen am Vesuv, in den phlegraischen Feldern, zu Roccamonfina und im Albaner-Gebirge, &c. autograph notes and signature of “ A1 Humboldt ” 4 to. Wien und Olmutz, 1856 Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph inscription. 9287 Schmidt (J. F. J.) Resultate aus elfjahrigen Beobachtungen der Sonnenflecken, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Wien, 1857 9288 Schmidt (J. F. J.) iiber die Leistungen der Bourdon’schen Metallbarometer, plates Ato. Wien, 1858 9289 Schmidt (J. F. J.) Untersuchungen iiber das Erdbeben am 15 Janner, 1858, maps author' s autograph inscription imp. 8 vo. Wien, 1858 9290 Schmidt (J. F. J.) iiber die erloschenen Vulcane Mahrens, plate, author's autograph inscription, roy. 8 vo. Wien, 1858 9291 Schmidt (J. F. J.) Beitrage zu physikalisch-topographischen Studien iiber Graefenberg 4*o. Olmuz, 1859 9292 Schmidt (Dr. J. H.) Tausend Aphorismen iiber die Geburt des Menschen thick yellum papee, morocco , g. e. 8vo. Berlin, 1845 9293 Schmidt (Prof. Dr. K. E. A.) Die alten Mundarten der Deutschen-Sprache in den Gymnasien und de Timaeo Platonis ex Procli Commentariis restituendo fine paper 4 to. Stettin, 1842 9294 Schmidt (Dr. R.) de Plutarchea Homeri Vita Porphyrio vindicanda, yellum paper 4fo. Berlin, 1850 9295 Schmidt (Dr. W. A.) Die Griechischen Papyrusurkunden der K. Bibliothek zu Berlin entziffert und erlautert 2 facsimiles and plan 8vo. Berlin, 1842 9296 Schmidt (Dr. W. A.) Geschichte der Denk-und Glau- bensfreiheit im ersten Jahrhundert der Kaiserherrschaft und des Christenthums half morocco extra 8 vo. Berlin, 1847 9297 Schmidt (Dr. W. A.) Preussens Deutsche Politik yellum paper 8vo. Berlin, 1850 9298 Schmidt (Dr. J. H.) Zwolf Biicher iiber Morphologie uberhaupt und vergleichende Noso-Morphologie insbesondere, 2 vol. and folio atlas of plates 8vo. Berlin , 1831 9299 Schmitfeld (G.) Karte von Bohmen, coloured royal folio. Wien, 1831 9300 Schmitz (J. W.) Geheimniss der Farben imperial 4to. broadside. Berlin, s. a. 9301 Schmitz (J. W.) de l’Etat stationaire de la Philosophic naturelle 8 vo. Paris (Cologne) i, 1837 9302 Schmitz (J. W.) Gemeinniitzige Andeutungen im Gebiete der Gewerbthatigkeit und der Wissenschaften 8 vo. Koln, 1835 663 9303 Schmitz- Aurbach (K. A. Fr. von) Zwei Deutsche Inschriften alter als 600 vor Christus aus dem Hetrurischen ins Neudeutsche ilbersetzt und erlautert fine paper, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Heidelb. 1848 Schmitz-Aurbach, on the titlepage, describes himself as the Discoverer of the Etrurian Language being the original German. 9304 Schmolders (A.) Essai sur les Ecoles philosophiques chez les Arabes et notament sur la Doctrine d’Algazzali (avec le Texte Arabe du Trait6 de Gazzali) half calf 8 vo. Paris, 1842 9305 Schmutz (Carl) Historisch-topographiches Lexicon von Steyermark, 4 vol. frontispiece half morocco extra 8 vo. Gratz, 1822-23 With the following note in Humboldt’s autograph : “ Ein Geschenk S r D. des Fiirsten zu Sayn u. Witgenstein Sept. 1847 A1 Humboldt.” 9306 Schnaase (C.) Geschichte der bildenden Kunste, vol. I to IV part I, half calf extra 8 vo. Dusseldorf, 1843-50 Vol. I contains Volker des Orients, vol. II Griechen und Romer, vol. Ill Altchristliche und muhamedanische Kunst im Mittel- alter, vol. IV Das eigentliche Mittelalter. 9307 Schnabel (Dr. C.) Chemische Analysen von ausgezeichneten Mineralien und technischen Producten 4 to. Siegen, 1847 9308 Schnatter (J.) de Cyro Persarum Rege vellum paper 4 to. Berlin, 1857 9309 Schneemann (Dr. C.) Die sichere Heilung der Scharlachkrank- heit durch eine neue vollig gefahrlose Heilmethode fine paper 8vo. Hannover, 1848 9310 Schneider (Dr. C. F.) Wetter-Beobachtungen zu Berlin vom 1 Dec. 1853 bis 30 Nov. 1854 Autograph Manuscript royal folio 9311 Schneider (Dr. C. F.) Wetterbeobachtungen zu Berlin vom 1 Dec- 1856 bis 30 Nov. 1857, with a printed form filled up with Autograph Manuscript, having Humboldt's writing at corner royal folio 9312 Schneider (Dr. E.) Zur Ergeschichte Geologische Studien fine paper 4 to. Bamberg, 1856 9313 Sehneider (F. A.) Versuch den Miteinfluss des Mondes auf den Stand des Barometers nachzuweisen, 13 plates and 7 printed tables fine paper, green morocco extra oblong 4 to. Berlin , 1835 9314 Schneider (F. A.) Probe- Arbeit des Astro-meteorologischen Instituts zu Berlin, thick paper 4 to. Berlin, 1844 9315 Schneider (F. A.) Beitrage zur Astro-Meteorologie. Des Mercurs erste Periode. Erstes Heft vellum paper, with 5 pages of MS. additions in the author's autograph 4 to. Leipzig, 1840 664 9316 Schneider (F. A.) Beitrage zur Astro-Meteorologie, with the royal folio tables , having additions in the author's auto- graph 4ito. Berlin , 1841 9317 Schneider (Dr. K. F. R.) Vertheilung und Verbreitung der Schlesischen Pflanzen, coloured botanico-geognostic map of Bunzlau, Humboldt's writing on back 12 mo. Breslau, 1838 9318 Schneider (Dr. K. F. R.) Handbuch der Erdbeschreibung. Erster Theil: die physikalische Geographie pike paper, half morocco 8 vo. Glogau , 1847 9319 Schneider (L.) Die Grossen Potsdammer; und Geschichte der ehemaligen 6 pfundigen Fuss-Batterie N r 11 von Coster, coloured plate of uniforms 8vo. Berlin, 1849 9320 Schneitler (C.) Eine Schande der Deutschen Presse nachge- wiesen in der Literatur der Yolkschriften royal 8vo. Stolberg , 1846 9321 Schnitzler (J. H.) Essai d’une Statistique generale de Russie half calf extra 12mo. Paris, 1829 9322 Schnitzler (J. H.) Aper^u general de Russie, author's auto- graph inscription royal 8 vo. Paris , 1844 9323 Schnitzler (H. J.) de Oniscineis Agri Bonnensis vellum paper 8 vo. Colonice, 1853 9324 Schnurrer (Dr. F.) Chronik der Seuchen, 2 vol. eine paper 8 vo. Tubingen , 1823-25 A most important contribution to the History of Epidemics, Earthquakes, Comets, Meteors, Meteoric Stones, Volcanoes, Floods, Dearths, Storms, Frosts, &c. &c. It is quoted by Baron Humboldt, in his Cosmos, as one of his authorities. 9325 Schnurrer (Dr. F.) Chronik des Seuchen, 2 vol. eine paper 8 vo. Tubingen , 1823-25 9326 Schober (Dr. H.) Die Akademie Eldena vellum paper 8vo. Greifswald , 1843 9327 Schober (Dr. C. F.) Mittheilungen uber das K. Bad Oeynhau- sen bei Rehme-Neusalzwerk 8vo. Berlin, 1849 9328 Schoedler (Dr. F.) Das Buch der Natur, numerous (350) fine woodcuts , author's autograph inscription vellum paper 8 vo. Braunschweig , 1848 9329 Schoedler (Dr. F.) Das Buch der Natur die Lehren der Physik, Astronomie, Chemie, Mineralogie, Geologie, Physiologie, Botanik, und Zoologie umfassend, numerous woodcuts and maps of the stars half green morocco extra , 8 vo. Braunschweig, 1852 9330 Schoelcher (Y.) des Colonies Fran 9 aises. Abolition immediate de l’Esclavage author's autograph inscription 8vo. Paris (Senlis), 1842 665 TWENTY-SEVENTH DAWS SALE, LOT 9331 Schcelclier (Victor) Colonies Etrangers et Haiti Resultats de 1’ Emancipation Anglaise, 2 vol. map 8 vo. Paris , 1843 9332 Schceler (II.) de Oculi Evolutione in Embryonibus Gallinaceis, plate 4 to. Dorpati , 1848 9333 Schoell (A.) Sopbokles sein Leben nnd Wirken pine paper, imitation morocco , g. e. 8 vo. Frankfurt , 1842 9334 Scholl (F.) Histoire abregee de la Litterature Romaine, 4 vol. in 2, half calf gilt 8 vo. Paris , 1815 9335 Schoell (M.) Histoire de la Litterature Grecque profane, 8 vol. in 4, Humboldt's autograph notes , including 11 falsclie Olymp. p. 214-218//” with “ eheuf written on these pages half calf extra 8vo. Paris , 1823-25 9336 Scholler (Dr. T.) Embryologische Geologie. Erste Lieferung, coloured plates 4 to. Leipzig , 1854 9337 Schomann (G. F.) iiber die Schonheit in den plastischen Kunstwerken der Griechen 8vo. Greifswald , 1843 9338 Schoemann (G. F.) de Titanibus Hesiodeis 4 to. Gryphiswaldice, 1844 9339 Schomann (G. F.) Winekelmann und die Archiiologie 8vo. Greifswald, 1845 9340 Schomann (G. F.) Das Ideal der Hera pine paper 8 vo. Greifswald , 1847 9341 Schoemann (G. F.) de Apolline Custode Athenarum 4 to, Gryphiswaldice , 1856 9342 Schon (Rev. J. F.) Vocabulary and Grammar of the Haussa Language royal \2mo. London , 1843 9343 Schon (Rev. J. F.) and S. Crowther, Journals of the Niger Expedition in 1841, map royal 12 mo. London , 1842 9344 Schonbein (C. F.) iiber die electrischen Wirkungen des Zitter- aales, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Basel , 1841 9345 Schonbein (C. F.) iiber den Einfluss des Sonnenlichtes auf die chemische Thatigkeit des Sauerstoffes und den Ursprung der Wolkenelectricitat und des Gewitters, with various specimens of the action of the sun , complimentary to Hum- boldt , added 4 to. Basel , 1850 9346 Schonbein (C. F.) iiber den Zusammenhang der katalytischen Erscheinungen mit der Allotropie author's autograph inscription 4 to. Basel, 1856 4Q 666 9347 Schonborn (Dr. C.) Bibliographische Untersuchungen uber die Reise-Beschreibung des Sir John Maundevile riNE paper, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Breslau, 1840 A very interesting work to the English collector. 9348 Schoenborn (Prof.) Beitrage zur Geographie Kleinasiens ( illus- trating the Marches of Alexander the Great) ito. Posen, 1 849 9349 Schoenfeld (E.) Nova Elementa Thetidis deducta ex Observa- tionibus Annorum 1852 et 1853 4 to. Bounce , 1854 9350 Schoning (K. W. von) Des General-Feldmarschalls II. A. von Schoning Leben und Kriegsthaten gegen die Tiirken , portrait of the Field- Marshal, and 55 facsimiles of the autograph signatures of celebrated contemporaries , “ Yom Verfasser” 8 vo. Berlin , 1837 9351 Schoning (K. W. von) Des General-Feldmarschalls Dubislav Gneomar von Natzmer auf Gannewitz Leben und Krieges- thaten, portrait and 57 facsimiles of autograph signatures 8 vo/ Berlin, 1838 9352 Schoning (K. W. von) Die Generale der Chur-Brandenburgi- schen und K. Preussischen Arrnee von 1640 bis 1840 thick paper, half morocco, g. e. 8vo. Berlin , 1840 9353 Schoning (K. W. von) Geschichte des K. Preussischen Regi- ments Garde du Corps zu seinem hundertjahrigen Jubel- feste, with portrait of Frederic William III, and plates of costume finely coloured, large paper, privately printed for presents only 4 to. Berlin, 1840 9354 Schoning (K. W. von) Historisch-biographische Nachrichten zur Geschichte der Brandenburgisch-Preussischen Artil- lerie, 3 vol. portraits of Princes August and Adalbert of Prussia, and of Margraf Philip von Brandenburg- Schwedt vellum paper, presentation copy, “ von dem Verfasser hcdf morocco 8vo. Berlin, 1844-45 9355 Schoning (K. W. von) Der siebenjahrige Krieg nach der Original-Correspondenz Friedrich des Grossen mit dem Prinzen Heinrich und seinen Generalen aus den Staats- Archiven bearbeitet, 3 vol .frontispieces vellum paper, half green morocco 8vo. Potsdam , 1851-52 9356 Schoning (K. W. von) Der Bayersche Erbfolgekrieg nach der Original-Correspondenz Friedrich des Grossen mit dem Prinzen Heinrich und seinen Generalen vellum paper 8vo. Berlin , 1854 9357 Schoning (K. von) Winterfeldts Beisetzung auf dem Kirch- hofe des K. Invalidenhauses, &c. 8vo. Berlin, 1857 9358 Schoning (K. W, von) Die fiinf ersten Jahre der Regierung Friedrich des Grossen pine paper square 1 6mo. Berlin, (1857) 667 9359 Schoning (Hans und Kurd) Geschichtliche Nachrichten von dem Geschlechte von Schoning und dessen Giitern, por- traits, coats of arms , and folding pedigrees royal 4to. Berlin, 1830 Very rare, only a few copies having been printed for private dis- tribution. 9360 Scholtz (E. J.) de Superficiebus in quibus Plana tangentia constantem ubique habent Inclinationem ad Planum quod- dam fixum, plate 4 to. Vratislavice, 1827 9361 Scholtz (S. F.) Einfache Methode fur geographische Ortsbe- stimmungen in den Tropenlandern, author's autograph in- scription, eine paper 8 vo. Breslau, 1845 9362 Scholz (Dr. J. M. A.) Die Apokalypse iibersetzt und erklart eine paper, roy.Svo. Frankfurt , 1828 9363 Scholz (Dr. J. M. A.) Die vier Evangelien iibersetzt, erklart und in einer historisch-kritischen Einleitung erliiutert morocco , g. e. roy. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1829 9364 Scholz (Dr. J. M. A.) Ilandbuch der biblischen Archaologie eine paper 8vo. Bonn, 1834 9365 Scholz (Dr. J. M. A.) de Hierosolymse Situ et Ambitu, plan, Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. Bounce , 1835 9366 Scholz (Dr. J. M. A.) Einleitung in die Heiligen Schriften, 2 vol. eine paper, morocco extra , g. e. 8 vo. Koln, 1845 9367 Schomburgk (Sir R.) Beschreibung dreier neuen Pflanzen aus dem Flussgebiete des Carimani — Description of some Grasses and Sedges from the East Coast of Demerara • 8vo. (2) 9368 Schomburgk (R.) Sobralia Elisabethse, eine neue Species der Orchideen, plate 4 to. 9369 Schomburgk (Sir R.) Utricularia Humboldtii, eine neue Pflan- zenspecies, finely coloiwed plate roy. 4 to. 9370 Schomburgk (Sir R.) Specimen Sheet of his Work on the Geography and Natural History of Barbados roy. 8vo. 9371 Schomburgk (Sir R.) Sobralia Elisabethse, eine neue Species der Orchideen, plates, coloured and plain roy. 4 to 9372 Schomburgk (R. H.) Anegada Island and Reef, coloured atlas 4 to. London , 1834 9373 Schomburgk (Sir R. H.) on two new Species of Laurinese from Guiana, author's autograph inscription 4 to. Bond. n. d. 9374 Schomburgk (Sir R. H.) Description of British Guiana, map, author' s autograph inscription 8 vo. London, 1840 9375 Schomburgk (Sir R. II.) Geographisch-statistische Beschrei- bung von Britisch Guiana, iibersetzt von 0. A. Schom- burgk, map 8 vo. Magdeburg , 1841 668 9376 Schomburgk (Sir Robert H.) Twelve Views in the Interior of Guiana from Drawings by C. Bentley, with descriptive Letterpress large paper, prooe copt, with the plates finely coloured in a very superior style, map , and woodcut vignettes , splendidly hound in morocco super extra , g. e. the sides richly tooled in gold royal folio. London , 1841 Presentation copy, with Sir R. H. Schomburgk’ s autograph in- scription. 9377 Schomburgk (Sir R. H.) Twelve Views in Guiana, Another copy, map, woodcuts , and finely coloured plates half red morocco roy. folio. London, 1841 9378 Schomburgk (Sir R. H.) Fishes of Guiana, with Memoirs of Schomburgk and Burckhardt by Sir W. Jardine, 2 vol. portraits and 66 coloured plates fcp.Svo. Edinh. 1841-43 Presentation copy, with the following autograph inscription : — “ To Baron de Humboldt, a token of the sincerest gratitude and respect from R. H. Schomburgk.” 9379 Schomburgk (Sir Robert Hermann) Reisen in Guiana und am Orinoko in 1835-39, herausgegeben von O. A. Schom- burgk mit einem Vorwort von Al. von Humboldt und des- sen Abhandlung liber einige wichtige astronomische Positionen Guiana’s large yelltjm paper, map and finely coloured plates, autograph notes of Baron Humboldt on fly-leaf at end imp. 8 vo. Leipzig, 1841 9380 Schomburgk (Sir R. H.) Description of Calycophyllum Stanleyanum, plate 11 printed for private distribution" Ato. London, 1844 9381 Schomburgk (Sir R. H.) Journal of an Expedition from Pirara to the Upper Corentyne and from thence to Demerara 8vo. London , 1845 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 9382 Schomburgk. Another copy, map 8 vo. ib. 1845 9383 Schomburgk (Sir R. H.) Lake Parima (the 11 El Dorado ” of Sir Walter Raleigh) and the Geography of Guiana author's autograph inscription 8 vo. London , 1845 9384 Schomburgk (Sir R. H.) Description of the Murichi, or the Ita Palm of Guiana, woodcut author's autograph inscription 8vo. London, 1845 9385 Schomburgk (Sir R. H.) Die Rapatea Friderici Augusti und Saxo-Fridericia Regalis entdeckt und beschrieben, plates yelltjm paper 4/o. Braunschweig, 1845 9386 Schomburgk (Sir R. H.) Die Barbacenia Alexandrinse und Alexandra Imperatricis entdeckt und beschrieben, plate yelltjm paper roy. Ato. Braunschweig , 1845 669 9387 9388 9389 9390 9391 9392 C 9393 9394 9395 9396 9397 9398 Schoraburgk (SirR. H.) Karte von Britisch- Guyana, coloured Berlin , 1846 Schomburgk (Sir R. H.) Topographical Map of Barbadoes, coloured on 2 sheets , with Humboldt's autograph note respect- ing its being presented to him by Sir Robert in 1848 atlas folio. London , 1846 Schomburgk (Sir R. II.) History of Barbados, plates roy. 8 vo. London , 1848 Schomburgk (Sir R. II.) on the Urari, or Arrow Poison of the Indians of Guiana 8 vo. 1857 Schomburgk (Richard) Reisen in Britisch-Guiana in 1840-44, nebst einer Fauna und Flora Guiana’s, mit Abbildungen und einer Karte von British-Guiana aufgenommen von Sir Robert Schomburgk, 3 vol. maps and plates large velltjm paper, splendidly bound in purple morocco super extra , g. e. with the arms of the British Admiralty worked in gold, on sides imp. 8 vo. Leipzig , 1847-48 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. Schomburgk (Richard) Reisen in Britisch Guiana in den Jahren 1840-1844. Nebst einer Fauna und Flora Guianas ; mit Abbildungen und einer Karte von Britisch-Guiana aufgenommen von Sir Robert Schomburgk, 3 vol. map and plates large vellum paper, uncut imp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1847-48 Schoolcraft (H. R.) Historical and Statistical Informa- tion RESPECTING THE IilSTORY, CONDITION, AND PROSPECTS of the Indian Tribes of the United States, 6 vol. numerous illustrations by Capt. S. Eastman and eminent artists , many of the plates finely coloured royal Ato. Philadelphia ) 1851-57 Presentation copy, with the following autograph inscriptions : — “ Alexander Humboldt, Esq. with the respects of H. R. School- craft, Esq.” and “ Alex. Humboldt, Potsdam, Prussia, with respects of Geo. W. Monypenny, U.S. Com. Ind. Affrs.” Schoolcraft (II. R.) Specimen of a Cyclopaedia Indianensi? author's autograph inscription imp. 8vo. New York, 1842 Schorn (Dr. W.) Geschichte Griechenlands von der Entstehung des iEtolischen und Achaischen Bundes bis auf die Zersto- rung Korinths pine paper, half red morocco 8 vo. Bonn , 1833 Schott (A.) Die Deutschen am Monte-Rosa mit ihren Stamm- genossen im Wallis und Uechtland privately printed Ato. Zurich , 1840 Schott (H.) Genera Aroidearum, plates the dedication copy (“ Humboldtio Sacrum ”) half morocco extra folio. Vindobonce , 1858 Schott (Dr. W.) Versuch iiber die Tatarischen Sprachen 4 to. Berlin , 1836 670 9899 Schott (Dr. W.) Verzeichniss der Chinesischen und Mandschu- Tungusischen Bucher und Handschriften der K. Bibliothek z u Berlin Svo. Berlin , 1840 9400 Schott (W.) iiber den Buddhaismus in Hochasien und in China fine paper, Humboldt's autograph notes 4to. Berlin , 1846 Presentation copy, with the Author’s autograph inscription. 9401 Schouw (Prof. J. F.) iiber die vermeintliche Veranderung der klimatischen Verhaltnisse Danemarks, &c. Svo. 9402 Schouw (J. F.) de Sedibus Plantar um originariis author's autograph inscription post Svo. Havnice , 1816 9403 Schouw (Prof. J. F.) Skizze til en sammenlignende Naturskil- dring af det N. og S. Europa fine paper, author's autograph inscription post Svo. Kjobenhavn , 1822 9404 Schouw (Dr. J. F.) Grundziige einer allgetneinen Pflanzen- geographie, plates fine paper, Humboldt's autograph notes Svo. Berlin , 1823 9405 Schouw (Dr. J. F.) Beitrage zur vergleichenden Klimatologie. Erster Heft Svo. Copenhagen , 1827 9406 Schouw (Dr. J. F.) Beitrage zur vergleichenden Klimatologie, part I Svo. Copenhagen , 1827 9407 Schouw (Dr. J. F.) Specimen Geographiae physicse comparative fine paper, plates 4to. Haunice, 1828 9408 Schouw (J. F.) Europa en letfattelig Naturskildring, with oblong royal 4 to. atlas of maps and plates post Svo. Kjobenhavn , 1832 9410 Schouw (J. F.) Europa, with oblong royal 4 to. atlas of maps and plates ■Humboldt's autograph notes post 8 vo. Kopenhagen, 1833 9411 Schouw (J. F.) Erindrings-Ord til en Foreloesning over de plantegeographiske Riger 8iw. 1833 Humboldt has written on cover : — “ Schouw, Geographie des Plantes.” 9412 Schouw (J. F.) Natur-Skildringer, plates author's autograph inscription Svo. Kiobenhavn , 1837 9413 Schouw (J. F.) Tableau du Climat et de la Vegetation de ITtalie, no maps half russia imperial Svo. Copenhague , 1839 On the cover at end are several’ notes in the autograph of Baron Humboldt. They commence “ Gegen Libri, p. 100.” 9414 Schouw (J. F.) Die Erde, die Pflanzen und der Mensch, port. and map, yellttm paper Svo. Leipzig , 1851 9415 Schrader (A.) Germanische Mythologie und Deutsche Alter- thiimer iiberhaupt, fine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1840 9416 Schramke (T.) Wasserwerk fur Berlin mitgetheilt von H. J. Steffen, plan royal Svo, Berlin, 1845 671 9417 Schramke (T.) Description of the New York Croton Aque- duct, in English, German, and French, 20 plates New York {Berlin), 1846 9418 Schrank (F. de Paula von) uber die Urkunden der Vorwelt 4 to. Munchen , 1827 9419 Schreber (Dr. D. G. M.) iErztlicher Blick in das Schulwesen, plates royal 8 vo. Leipzig , 1858 9420 Schrenk (A.) Bericht iiber eine in 1840 in die ostliche Dsun- garische Kirgisensteppe unternommene Reise aus deni Russischen MS. ubersetzt von C. A. Meyer 8 vo. St. Petersburg , 1842 9421 Schrenk (A. G.) Debersicht der Land-und Siisswasser-Mollus- ken Livlands nebst Grundriss fur eine Geschichte der Malakozoographie von Dr. A. T. von Middendorff 8 vo. Moscau , 1848 9422 Schrenk (A. G.) Reise nacli dem Nordosten des Europaischen Russlands durch die Tundren der Samojeden zura Arkti- schen Uralgebirge. Erster Theil {all published) Ilistori - seller Bericht, plates vellum paper, author's autograph inscription , half morocco extra royal 8vo. Dorpat , 1848 9423 Schrenk (G.) de Formatione Pennae, plate A to. Dorpati , 1848 9424 Schroder (Dr. A.) Die Augsburgische Confession ein Bekennt- niss und kein Formel 8vo. Potsdam , 1845 9425 Schroder (Dr. A.) Geschichte des Bisthums Brandenburg VELLUM PAPER Atto. Berlin , 1849 Humboldt has inserted in the volume the liturgical service at the Re-opening of the Cathedral Church, also on vellum paper. 9426 Schroder (J. H.) Histoire de la Societe Royale des Sciences d’Upsal, author s autograph inscription Ato. Upsal, 1846 9427 Schroeder (K.) La Rotation souterraine de la Masse ignee, ses Causes et ses Consequences 8 vo. Paris , 1856 9428 Schubarth (E. L.) Lehrbuch der tlieoretischen Chemie eine paper , half calf 8vo. Berlin, 1827 9429 Schubarth (Dr. K. E.) Gesammelte Schriften eine paper, half morocco 8vo. Hirschberg , 1835 9430 Schubarth (Dr. K. E.) iiber Geschichtliche Analysis und Synthesis 8vo. Hirschberg, 1837 9431 Schubarth (Dr. K. E.) Repertorium der technischen Literatur, a valuable bibliography arranged under subjects royal 8vo. Berlin , 1856 9432 Schubert (F. T.) Populare Astronomie, 3 vol. plates eine paper, Humboldt'’ s autograph notes, half calf extra 8vo. Hamburg, 1834 9433 Schubert (Prof. Dr. G. H.) Allgemeine Naturgeschichte (up- wards of 1,300 pages), half calf extra 8 vo, Erlangen , 1826 672 9434 Schubert (T. F.) Opisaniye Russkikh Monet; Medaley Sobra- niya Shuberta. Description of Russian Coins and Medals in the Schubert Collection, in Russian, numerous plates Ato. St. Petersburg, 1843 9435 Schubert (Lieutenant-General) Spetzialnaya Karta Zapadnoy Chasti Rossiyskoy Imperii. Special Map of the Western Part of the Russian Empire oblong atlas folio. St. Petersburg 9436 Schubert (General T. F. de) Expose des Travaux Astrono- miques et Geodesiques executes en Russie dans un But geographique jusqu’ a l’Ann^e 1855, avec un Atlas et un Supplement, 3 vol. the large map mounted on cloth half morocco Ato. St. Petersbourg, 1858 9437 Schubert (General) Trigonometrischeskaya Syomka Gooberniy S. Peterburgsko}q Pskovskoy, Yitebskoy u tchasti Nov- gorodskoy. Trigonometrical Survey of St. Petersburg, Pskov, Vitebsk, and a part of Novgorod Governments, made by His Majesty’s Order, from the year 1820 to 1832, 3 vol. 4/o. St. Petersburg , 1842 9438 Schucliardt (Dr. T.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Radix Ratan- hige, plate Ato. Berlin , 1855 9439 Schuchardt (T.) Synopis Stackhousiacearum 8vo. 9440 Schuchardt (T.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Deutschen Nym- phaeen, Halle, 1853 — Ueber Tetratheca Smith, ib. 1854 — Ueber Sagedia, ib. 1855 — Irmisch (T.) iiber Pyrola-Arten, 2 parts, ib. 1856 4/o. (5) 9441 Schuchardt (T.) Synopsis Tremandrearum fine paper 8t>o. Gottingce , 1853 9442 Schuchardt (Dr. T.) iiber die landwirthschaftlichen Verhalt- nisse Norwegens und Norwegische Yiehzucht, 2 parts in 1 8 vo. Regenwalde , 1858 9443 Schiibler (Prof.) iiber die Hohlen der Wiirtembergischen Alp, plates, Humboldt's writing on cover 12 mo. Stuttgart , 1824 9444 Schiibler (Prof.) Vergleichende Zusammenstellung der Hohen Wiutembergs,folding chart, autograph of “Humboldt” 1 2mo. 9445 Schiibler (Prof.) iiber die Zeit der Bliithenentwicklung mehrerer Pflanzen der Flora Deutschlands Humboldt's autograph notes fscap. 8 vo. Regensburg, 1830 9446 Schiibler (Prof.) iiber die Verhaltnisse des Weinbaues in Wiirtemberg von 1236 bis 1830 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1831 9447 Schiibler (Dr. G.) Grundsatze der Meteorologie, plates half calf gilt 8vo. Leipzig, 1831 Humboldt has written at end “ Regenwasser, p. 141.” 9448 Schiibler (G.) iiber die Lagerungs-Verhaltnisse des Steinsalzes zu Wilhelmsgliick 8vo. Autograph of “ Humboldt,” who has also written on cover and doubly marked a passage at p. 7» 673 9449 Schiibler (Dr. G.) und C. Lingg Beitrage zur Naturkunde Oberschwabens 8uo. Tubingen , 1832 On the cover in Humboldt’s autograph stands : “ Schiibler Flore Alpine de la Haute Souabe.” 9450 Schiibler (G.) und H. Vogel iiber die geognostischen Verhalt- nisse der Umgebungen von Tiibingen, plate eine papee, Humboldt's writing on cover 8 vo. Tubingen , 1832 9451 Schiibler (Dr. G.) und P. L. Wernle iiber die Farbenverhalt- nisse in den Bliithen der Flora Deutschlands 8 vo. Tubingen , 1833 9452 Schiibler (Dr. G.) und A. Wiest iiber die pfianzengeogra- phischen Verhaltnisse Deutschlands autograph of u Humboldt" 8 vo. Tubingen, 1827 9453 Schiibler (G.) und E. A. Zeller, Untersuchungen iiber die Einwirkung verschiedener Stoffe auf das Leben der Pflanzen 8ro. Tubingen , 1826 With autograph signature of “ Humboldt ” who has also written on cover “ Schiibler Wirkung der Gifte auf Pflanzen.” 9454 Schiibler (V.) Metall und Papier, cloth , g. e. 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1854 9455 Schiibler (V.) Gold and Getreide, cloth 8 vo. Stuttgart , 1855 Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription. 9456 Schiicking (Levin) Geneanomische Briefe 12 mo. Frankfurt , 1855 Presentation copy to the King of Prussia, with the following inscription in the author’s autograph : “ Sr. Majestat dem Konig allerunterthanigst Lewin Schiicking Gutsbesitzer zu Sacsenberg bei Munster (Westphalen).” 9457 Schiitz (Dr. C.) Kritische und erklarende Anmerkungen zu der von Herrn Prof, von Bohlen besorgten Ausgabe des Chaurapanchasika und Bhartriharis 8 vo. Bielefeld , 1835 9458 Schiitz (F.) Propagation des Sciences Europeennes dans l’extreme Orient. Nouveau Syllabaire et Alphabet Chinois Phonetique. Transcription Chinoise de tous les Noms etrangerset Correction des Traductions de la Bible 8vo. Nancy , 1856-7 9459 Schiitz (F.) Simplification de l’Etude des Langues par la Philosophie du Langage et des Signes graphiques de la Pensee 8 vo. Nancy , 1855 9460 Schulte (Dr. F.) Vorschlag iiber Beschaffung der Mittel zum Ausbau des Kolner Doms 8 vo. Koln , 1841 9461 Schultz (A. W. F.) Die Heilquellen bei Neapel, &c. author's autograph inscription Svo. Berlin , 1837 9462 Schultz (Dr. A. W. F.) iiber die Warmeerzeugung bei der Athmung 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 4 R 674 9463 Schultz (Dr. A. W. F.) Beobachtungen liber den taglichen Gang der meteorologischen Instrumente in Berlin vom Sept. 1840 bis Nov. 1845, mit Tabellen, plates folio. Berlin , 1845 9464 Schultz (A. F. W.) liber dan taglichen Gang der meteorolo- gischen Instrumente zu Berlin vom September, 1840, bis November, 1845, mit Tabellen, plates, folio. Berlin , 1845 9465 Schultz (Dr. A. W. F.) Medicinisch-Klimatologischer Monatsbericht fur Berlin von Dec. 1846 bis Juni 1847, 7 vol. fine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1847 9466 Schultz (Dr. C. H.) liber Blutbildung und Blutbewegung, plate , author's autograph inscription 8vo. Berlin , 1826 9467 Schultz (C. H.) sur la Physiologie Yeg^tale 8 vo. Berlin , 1827 9468 Schultz (Prof. Dr. C. II.) Natiirliches System des Pflanzen- reichs nach seiner inneren Organisation, &c. plate THE DEDICATION COPY ON FINE PAPER 8 VO . Berlin , 1832 Dedicated to Flumboldt, “ dem Begriinder der wissenschaftlichen Pflanzengeographie .” 9469 Schultz (Dr. C. II.) Grundriss der Physiologie half calf 8 vo. Berlin, \ 833 With Humboldt’s autograph references on fly-leaf at end. 9470 Schultz (Dr. C. H.) sur la Circulation et sur les Yaisseaux laticiferes dans les Plantes, 23 plates Ato. Paris , 1839 9471 Schultz (Dr. C. II.) Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Krankheitslehre. Erster Theil, fine paper 8ro. Berlin , 1844 9472 Schultz (E. G.) Yarise Lectiones ad Abulfaragii Babbaghse Carmina a P. Wolflio edita fine paper 8 vo. Begiomonti, 1838 9473 Schultz (Dr. E. G. Jerusalem mit einem Plane gezeichnet von H. Kiepert, morocco 8vo. Berlin , 1845 The large Plan in Atlas folio is unfolded. 9474 Schultz (J. C.) Danzig und seine Bauvverke, india proof plates royal folio. Danzig , 1846-55 9475 Schultz (J. C.) Danzig und seine Bauwerke, 3 parts in 2 India proofs oblong royal folio. Danzig , 1848-52 9476 Schultz (J. II. S.) Die deutsche Ansiedelung in Texas vellum paper 8 vo. Bonn , 1845 9477 Schultze (Dr. B.) iiber anomale Duplicitat der Axenorgane, plate 8 vo. Berlin, 1855 9478 Schultze (Dr. B.) iiber die Entstelmng der Doppel-Monstra, vellum paper, plates 8vo. Berlin, 1856 9479 Schultze (B. S.) de Adipis Genesi pathologica author s autograph note respecting reviews of the work 8 vo. Gryphice, 1851 9480 Schultze (Dr. C. A. S.) Prodromus Descriptionis Formarum Partium elementariarum in Animalibus Humboldt's writing on cover Ato. Berolini , 1828 675 9481 Schultze (C. A. S.) Macrobiotus Hufelandii descriptus, plate vellum paper 4 to. JBerolini , 1834 9482 Schultze (Dr. C. A. S.) Echiniscus Bellermanm Animal crustaceum, Macrobioto Hufelandii affine, plate pine paper 4 to. Berolini , 1840 9483 Schultze (Dr. C. A. S.) fiber das Intestinum coecum und die Appendicula vermiformis, &c. large vellum paper , plate roy. 8vo. Greifswald, 1849 9484 Schultze (M. J. S.) de Arteriarum Notione, Structura, Con- stitutione chemica et Vita, p/ates 8vo. Gryphice, 1849 9485 Schultze (Dr. Max) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Landplanarien nach Mittheilungen des Dr. F. Muller in Brasilien und nach eigenen Untersuchungen Aio. Halle , 1857 9486 Schultze (Max) zur Kenntniss der electrischen Organe der Fische. Erste Abtheilung : Malapterurus und Gymnotus, plates 4 to. Halle , 1858 Presentation copy from the author, with his MS. corrections, and having a long autograph letter from him prefixed. 9487 Schultze (Dr. M. S.) Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Turbellarien, 7 plates, partly coloured Ato. Greifswald, 1851 9488 Schultze (M. S.) fiber den Organismus der Polythalamien (Foraminiferen) nebst Bemerkungen uber die Rhizopoden im allgemeinen, coloured plates roy. 4 to. Leipzig , 1854 9489 Schultze (Dr. M. S.) Die Entwickelungs-Geschichte von Petromyzon Planeri, 8 plates , partly coloured pine paper, author's autograph corrections Ato. Haarlem , 1856 9490 Schulz (J. H.) fiber den Unterricht in der Naturgeschichte 4 to. Berlin , 1834 9491 Schulz (J.) de Motu Cordis Ranse temporaries vellum paper, author’s autograph inscription and Corri- genda 8 vo. Berolini , 1849 9492 Schulze (Prof.) fiber echte Wissenschaftliclikeit in der Deutschen Landwirthschaft, authors autograph corrections , with passages marked by Humboldt royal 8 vo. 9493 Schulze (Dr. F.) Lehrbuch der Chemie fur Landwirthe I Band: Unorganische Chemie vellum paper 8vo. Leipzig , 1846 9494 Schulze (F.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Lignins, &c. pine paper 8i>o. Rostock , 1856 9495 Schulze (F. G.) fiber Wesen und Studium der Wirthschafts- oder Cameral-Wissenschaften 8vo. Jena , 1826 9496 Schulze (F. G.) Thaer oder Liebig ? Versuch einer wissen- schaftlichen Prfifung der Ackerbautheorie des Freiherrn von Liebig, pine paper 8 vo. Jena, 1846 The third section of this work is entitled, “ Die walire und die falsche Naturwissenschaft, mit besonderer Beziehung auf Bacon’s, Kant’s, und Humboldt’s Methods.” 676 9497 Schulze (Dr. H. J. F.) Nationaloconomische Bilder aus Eng- lands Volksleben, tine paper 8vo . Jena , 1853 9498 Schumacher (A.) Geschichte der Thronentsetzung und des Todes Peter des Dritten. Herausgegeben von J. Schumacher large vellum paper, Humboldt has written “ Tod,p. 56,” on fly-leaf \ morocco extra , gilt edges , rare • royal 8vo. Hamburg, 1858 A most important account of the murder of Peter III by a trust- worthy author, who, from 1 757 to 1764, filled the important situation of Secretary of the Embassy in Russia. 9499 Schumacher (H. C.) Astronomisches Jahrbuch fur 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, und 1841, mit Beitragen von Bessel, Hansen, A. von Plumboldt, Moser, Olbers, Paucker, L. von Buch, Kasmtz, CErsted, Schoow, Erman, Lehmann, Madler, Stein- heil, und Quetelet, 5 vol. with valuable scientific notes IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF A. VON PIUMBOLDT post 8vo. Stuttgart, 1837-41 Presentation copy, with the autograph inscription of the celebrated astronomer H. C. Schumacher. 9500 Schumacher (H. C.) Saminlung von Hiilfstafeln neu heraus- gegeben und vermehrt von G. II . L. WarnstorfF eine paper 8 vo. Altona , 1845 9501 Schumann (A.) Versuch einer Theorie des Erdvulkanismus eine paper 4 to. Quedlinburg , 1842 9502 Schwab (C. T.) Arkadien, carefully read and marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1852 9503 Schwann (Dr. T.) fiber Weingahrung und Faulniss, read and marked by Humboldt ( two passages with a ?) and having his writing on cover 8vo. 9504 Schwann (Dr. T.) fiber das Wesen des Verdauungsprocesses 8vo. Berlin, 1836 9505 Schwann (Dr. T.) Mikroskopische Untersuchungen fiber die Uebereinstimmung in der Struktur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen, 2 parts, plates 8 vo. Berlin, 1838 9506 Schwann (Dr. T.) Mikroskopische Untersuchungen fiber die Uebereinstimmung in der Struktur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen, plates 8vo. Berlin , 1839 9507 Schwann (M.) Instructions pour V Observation des Phenomenes periodiques de 1’ Homme 8 vo. Bruxelles, s. d. 9508 Schwartz (Dr. W.) Der heutige Volksglaube und das alte Heidenthum, carefully read and marked by Humboldt 4 to. Berlin , 1850 9509 Schwartz (Dr. W.) Die Alt-Griechischen Schlangengottheiten 4 to. Berlin , 1858 9510 Schwartze (Dr. G. W.) Kurort Elster im Sachsischen Voigt- lande 8 vo, Leipzig, 1854 677 9511 Schwartze (Dr. M. G.) Das alte 2Egypten: Darstellung und Beurtheilung der vornehmsten Entzifferungs-Systeme der drei altagyptischen Schrift-Arten. Nebst 2 Anhangen : I. Champollion’s Grammaire Egyptienne ; II. Palao- graphisches Alphabet der Koptischen Schrift, 2 vol. Ato. Leipzig , 1843 Indispensable to the Egyptian student. 9512 Schwartze (Prof. Dr. M.) Preussens Yerhaltniss zu Deutsch- land 8 vo. Berlin , 1848 9513 Schwarz (Dr. H.) iiber die Maassanalysen, woodcuts fine paper, author's autograph card prefixed 8vo. Braunschweig , 1850 9514 Schwarz (Dr. Ii.) Praktische Anleitung zu Maaszanalysen, woodcuts , fine paper 8vo. Braunschweig , 1853 9515 Schwarz (Dr. W.) System der Gesangkunst nach physiolo- gischen Gesetzen, fine paper 8vo. Hannover , 1857 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph letter and inscription. 9516 Schwarzenberg (A.) Petrographische Karte vom Kreise Cassel, coloured oblong folio. Cassel , 1825 9517 Schwarzenberg (A.) Petrographische Karte des Kreises Wolf- hagen, coloured folio. Cassel , 1827 9518 Schwarzenberg (A.) und H. Reusse Geognostische Karte von Kurhessen, the large coloured map , with 4 pages of printed “ Begleitworte,” vellum paper royal folio. Gotha , 1854 9519 Schwarzenberg (A.) und H. Reusse Geognostische Karte von Kurhessen, coloured , with printed “ Begleitworte” in folio atlas folio. Gotha ( Cassel ) 1854 9520 Schwarzlose (J.) Mein Leben auf der Akademie zu Eldena 8 vo. Magdeburg , 1843 9521 Schweigger (Dr. A. F.) Bruchstiicke aus seinem Leben fine paper 8 vo. Halle, 1830 9522 Schweigger (Dr. J. S. C.) iiber die alteste Physik und den Ursprung des Heidenthums aus einer misverstandenen Naturweisheit 8 vo. Number g , 1823 Humboldt has written on cover “ Schweigger Samothracien.” 9523 Schweigger (Dr. J. S. C.) iiber den Verein zur Verbreitung von Naturkenntniss und hoherer Wahrheit 8 vo. 1826 9524 Schweigger (J. S. C.) Oratio Academica (de ^Rebus Indicis, &c.) Ato. Halis , 1834 9525 Schweinitz (L. von) iiber die Armeen der westlichen Europa, lithographed in imitation of a manuscript Ato. Potsdam , 1853 9526 Schweinitz (Lothar von) Der Orden vom goldenen Yliess, lithographed in imitation of a manuscript , for private cir- culation only Ato. Potsdam , 1854 678 9527 Schweinitz (Major von) Die Expedition gegen die Alands- Inseln im Jahre 1854, coloured plan yelltjm paper 8vo. Berlin , 1855 “ Als Manuscript gedruckt,” and scarce, only a few copies having been distributed as presents. 9528 Schweitzer (Dr.) Les Ordres militaires et religieux du Moyen Age, eine paper 4 to. Berlin , 1849 9529 Schweitzer (Dr.) Jahresbericht liber die Handelsschule vellum paper royal 8vo. Berlin , 1858 Containing also “ Dr. Bischoff iiber den Parallelismus der offent- lichen und der hauslichen Erziehung,” 9530 Schweitzer (Dr. G.) Zeugnisse von Christo eikk paper 8yo. Hamburg, 1855 9531 Schweitzer (G.) Der Christen Glaube au Jesum vertheidigt (against Dr. D. Strauss) thick vellum paper, author s autograph inscription 8 vo. Berlin , 1842 9532 Schweiz. Canton Glarus, geological map in 3 states ( coloured and plain ) imperial 4 to. St. Gallen, s. a . 9533 Schweizer (G.) liber das Sternschwanken, author's autograph inscription , Moskau , 1858 — Ueber die Sonnenfinsterniss- Expedition nach Machnowa , plates, ib. 1851 8vo. (2) 9534 Schwerin-Putzar (Graf von) an seine Wahler privately printed 8vo. Berlin , 1858 9535 Schwerin (Otto von) Briefe aus England liber die Zeit von 1674 bis 1678 in Gesandtschafts-Berichten an den Grossen Kurfiirsten Friedrich Wilhelm herausgegeben von L. von Orlich, mit einem Vorworte von F. von Kaumer pine paper 8vo. Berlin , 1837 9536 Schwinck (G.) Mappa coelestis, on 5 sheets , with letterpress on 3 sheets vellum paper oblong atlas folio. Lipsice (Berolini) 1843 9537 Scott (Gen. W.) Battles of Mexico, two large plans by Major W. Turnbull royal folio. Washington , 1847 With autograph note of Humboldt, concluding with “von General Scott, geschenkt an Al. v. Humboldt.” 9538 Scoutetten (Dr.) Une Yisite a l’Abendberg, portrait of Dr. Guggenbuhl 8vo. Berne , 1856 9539 Scoutetten (Dr.) Une Yisite a l’Abendberg, portrait of Dr. Guggenbuhl 8 vo. Berne , 1856 9540 Scoutetten (H.) L’Ozone, Tables presentation copy from C. F. Schonbein (to whom the work is dedicated) with his autograph inscription 12 mo. Paris, 1856 - 9541 Scrope (G. Poullett) Considerations on Yolcanos, map and plates , presentation copy 11 From the Author,” with Humboldt' s autograph notes Svo. London , 1825 679 9542 Secchi (P. Angelo) Memorie dell’ Osservatorio dell* Univer- sita Gregoriana del Collegio Romano diretto dai PP. della Compagnia di Gesu Anno 1851, plate author's autograph inscription 4to. Roma , 1852 9543 Secchi (P. A.) et E. Fabri-Scarpellini, Pontificia Corrispon- denza meteorologica telegrafica in Roma royal 4 to. Roma , 1856 9544 Seckendorff (F. B. von) iiber Personlichkeits-Darstellung der Volksgesammtheit 8 vo. Berlin , 1841 9545 Sedeno (Don D. J. de) Dos Preguntas del Capitan General de Cuba y su Respuesta sobre Decadencia del Ramo de Azucar en la misma Isla, read and marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Londres , 1812 9546 [Sederholm (Dr. Karl)] Die Weltansicht, read and marked by Humboldt 8 vo. Leipzig , 1836 The author’s name in his own autograph is placed on the cover. 9547 Sederholm (Dr. K.) Die ewigen Thatsachen 8 vo. Leipzig , 1845 Presentation copy, with the Author’s printed letter prefixed. 9548 Sedgwick (Rev. A.) on the geological Relations and internal Structure of the Magnesian Limestone, plates , “ From the Author ” 4 to. London, 1828 9549 Sedgwick (Rev. A.) on the general Structure of the Cumbrian Mountains, coloured plates , “ From the Author ” 4 to. London , 1831 On the cover Humboldt has written “ Sedgwick Struct, des Roches, 1831 .” 9550 Sedgwick (Prof. A.) on the Carboniferous Chain from Penigent to Kirby Stephen, coloured plate , author s autograph inscrip - tion , and Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. London , 1831 9551 Sedgwick (Rev. A.) on the Structure of large mineral Masses, plate , with Humboldt's writing on cover 4 to. London , 1835 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph inscription. 9552 Sedgwick (Rev. A.) and Sir R. I. Murchison on the Structure and Relations of the Deposits contained between the Pri- mary Rocks and the Oolitic Series in the North of Scotland, plates, “ From the Author ” 4 to. Lo?idon , 1828 9553 Sedgwick (Rev. A.) and Sir R. I. Murchison on the Distribu- tion and Classification of the Older or Palaeozoic Deposits of the North of Germany and Belgium, and on their Com- parison with Formations of the same Age in the British Isles, followed by a Description of the Fossil Mollusca, by E. de Verneuil and Viscount d’Archiac, with atlas of plates, 2 vol. 4 to. London , 1842 Presentation copy, with Sir R. I. Murchison’s autograph in- scription. 680 9554 Sedillot (A.) Note sur la Decouverte de la Variation par Aboul-Wefa Astronome du 10 e Si£cle, avec Reponse aux nouvelles Objections 4fo. Paris , 1836 9555 Sedillot (L. A.) Nouvelles Recherches pour servir a l’Histoire de P Astronomic chez les Arabes 8vo. Paris , 1836 Humboldt has written on cover “ Sedillot Variation de la d 9556 Sedillot (L. A.) Notice de plusieurs Opuscules mathematiques qui composent le Manuscrit Arabe No. 1104 de la Biblio- theque du Roi, plates 4 to. Paris , 1837 9557 Sedillot (L. A.) Memoire sur les Instruments Astronomiques des Arabes, plates, Humboldt's autograph notes Paris , 1841 9558 Sedillot (L. Am.) Memoire sur les Instruments Astronomiques des Arabes, plates 4 to. Pam, 1841 Carefully read and marked by Humboldt, whose autograph references are on the cover. He has also prefixed the “ Rapport” to the “Academie des Sciences,” by Arago and Mathieu. 9559 Sedillot (L. A.) sur les Systemes geographiques des Grecs et des Arabes, maps Ato. Paris , 1842 9560 Sedillot (L. A.) Reponses a quelques Observations sur la Decouverte de la Variation Lunaire par les Astronomes Arabes du X e Siecle 4 to. Paris , 1845 9561 Sedillot (L. A.) Materiaux pour servir a l’Histoire comparee des Sciences Mathematiques chez les Grecs et les Orientaux, 2 vo\. plates, with author's autograph inscription 8 vo. Paris , 1845-49 9562 Sedillot (M.) Lettre a M. de Humboldt sur les Travaux de l’Ecole Arabe, vellum paper royal 8 vo. Paris , 1853 9563 Sedillot (L. A.) Deuxieme Lettre a M. de Humboldt sur quel- ques Points de l’Histoire de PAstronomie et des Mathe- matiques chez les Orientaux vellum paper 8vo. Paris , 1859 9564 Sedillot (L. P. E. A.) Prolegomenes des Tables Astronomiques d’Oloug-Beg, Traduction et Commentaire, autograph sig- nature of li Al. Humboldt,” who has also written on cover, 11 Mr. Wopcke et ses Travaux, p. xxv. und 244” royal 8vo. Paris, 1853 Presentation copy, “ Hommage de PAuteur.” 9565 Seebeck (Dr. A.) fiber Harteprufung an Krystallen 4 to. s. l.fya. 9566 Seebeck (A.) fiber die Erregung von Tonen mittelst der Warrne, plate 8 vo. Leipzig, 1840 9567 Seebeck (Prof. Dr. A.) fiber Zurfickwerfung und Beugung des Schalles 8 vo. Dresden, 1843 9568 Seebeck (Dr. A.) Gedachtnissrede auf A. Volta 8vo. Dresden, 1846 681 9569 Seebeck (Prof. A.) iiber Sclrwingungen thick paper 8vo. Dresden , 1846 9570 Seebeck (L. F. G. A.) Observationes circa Nexum interce- dentein inter Corporum Lucem simpliciter refringentium Yim refringentem et Angulos Incidentiae sub quibus Luminis ab illorum Superficiebus reflexi Polarisatio fit perfectissima, plates , author's autograph inscription thick vellum paper 4 to. Berolini, 1830 9571 Seebeck (L. F. G. A.) de Corporum Lucem simpliciter refrin- gentium Angulis Polarisationis eine paper Ato. Berolini , 1830 9572 Seeberger (G.) Das Fichtelgebirg in 12 malerischen Ansichten vellum paper, India proof plates oblong Ato. Wunsiedel, s. a. 9573 Seegen (Dr. J.) Compendium der Heilquellenlehre. Erste Abtheilung, half morocco extra 8vo. Wien , 1857 9574 Seeman (Dr. B.) Popular History of Palms, coloured plates , author's autograph inscription square 1 6mo. London , 1856 9575 Seemann (B.) Keise um die Welt (in Search of Sir John Franklin), 2 vol. in 1 , plates THE DEDICATION COPY ON VELLUM PAPER, with author S autograph inscription , and MS. Notes by Baron Hum- boldt, half morocco 8 vo. Hannover , 1853 Dedicated to “Alexander von Humboldt dem Stolze der Natur- forschung der Zierde des deutschen Volkes.” 9576 Seemann (B.) und Dr. C. Bolle, Die Palmen, coloured frontis- piece and 6 plates THE DEDICATION COPY (to A.VOU Humboldt ) ON PINE PAPER 8vo. Leipzig , 1857 Besides the printed dedication this copy has an inscription in the autograph of Dr. Carl Bolle. 9577 Seftstrom (N. G.) Karta ofver Trakten omkring Fahlun, with Humboldt's autograph note stating it to be “ selten" {scarce) royal folio. 1836 9578 Sefstrora (N. G.) Undersokning af de rafflor, hvaraf Skandi- naviens berg aro med bestamd riktning farade, samt om deras sannolika uppkomst, author's autograph inscription , scarce , Stockholm , 1837 — Untersuchung der auf den Felsen Skandinaviens in bestimmter Iiichtung vorhandenen Furchen und deren wahrscheinliche Entstehung, map and plates, Leipzig , s. a. 8vo. (2) 9579 Seguier (Baron) sur une Modification apportee a l’Echappe- ment a Ancre pour les Pendules, &c. par M. Winnerl, plates Ato. Paris , 1844 9580 Seguin Aine (M.) sur un nouveau Systeme de Moteur fonc- tionnant toujours avec la meme Vapeur, &c. cuts Ado. Paris , 1857 4 S 9581 Seguin Aine (M.) M6moire stir TOrigine et la Propagation de la Force, plate 4 to. Paris , 1 857 Presentation copy, with the following inscription in the Author’s autograph: “ Horamage de la plus profonde admiration de l’Auteur a Monsieur le Baron A. de Humboldt le Savant par excellence du Monde entier.” 9582 Segur (Comte de) Histoire de Russie et de Pierre-le-Grand, map and proof portrait of Peter the Great fine papee, author's autograph inscription , half russia 8vo. Paris, 1829 9583 Seidel (Carl) Das Kreuz in der Mark (Poems) 1 2mo. Berlin , 1838 9584 Seidel (L.) Untersuchungen iiber die gegenseitigen Helligkeiten der Fixsterne erster Grosse und uber die Extinction des Lichtes in der Atmosphare, &c. eabge papee, author's autograph inscription , half morocco 4 to. Munchen, 1852 9585 Seine. Carte du Departement de la Seine executee sous la Direction du General Pelet, on 10 sheets, fine impressions on thick papee royal folio. Paris, s. d. 9586 Seine. Compte-Rendu des Annees 1848-50 de la Societd pour le Patronage des jeunes Detenus et des jeunes Liberes du Departement de la Seine (par M. Berenger) 8 vo. Paris, 1851 9587 Selberg (Dr. E.) iiber die vergangene und gcgenwiirtige Eage der Insel Java, red morocco, g. e. 8 vo. Binteln , 1840 9588 Selberg (Dr. E.) iiber die Anlage eines Colonialhandels- Etablissements ini Ostindischen Archipel 8vo. Jena, 1846 9589 Seligmann (Dr. F. R.) Die Ileilsysteme und die Volkskrank- heiten, yellum papee 8 vo. Wien, 1850 9590 Selim Bimbachi, Voyages a. la Recherche des Sources du Bahr-el-Abiad ou Nil-Blanc (par Jomard et Perron) 8 vo. Paris, 1842 9591 Seling (Dr. C. A.) Geschichte des Adels cloth, g. e. square 1 6mo. Wien , 1857 9592 Selwich (S.) Briefe an die Volksschullehrer fine papee, half calf extra 8 vo. Konigsberg , 1838 9593 Selwich. Etwas iiber das Sonnensystem und Jupiter und seine vier Monde crown 8vo. Angerburg, 1843 9594 Selwich iiber das Sonnensystem und Jupiter und seine vier Monde crown 8 vo. Angerburg, 1843 9595 Selys-Longchamps (M. de) sur T Histoire Naturelle du Brabant 4 to. Bruxelles, 1850 9596 Semenow (P. von) iiber die Fossilien des Schlesischen Ivohlen- kalkes. Erste Abhandlung, Brachiopoden, plates 8vo. Berlin , 1854 9597 Semenow (P. von) Forschungen im Alatau und Thian Schan 8vo. 1857 9598 Semida der Selbstdenker yellum pa pe u crown 8vo. Berlin , 1843 9599 ^e/xLTeXov [ApperpLov) H7T£tpa)rtKC0U J8ij3\o)v irpoirov yellum paper 8vo. Berolini, 1854 Presentation copy from the learned author (Dem. Ch. Semitelos Epirota) with the following autograph inscription : — tl T(f evyeueffTaTOj ical cropuraTca’ AXz^avSpq 05/u.^6\5cp b (Tvyyp