M'5Bm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/myfriendOOmaso j$lj> jfrtenti My friends have come to me unsought. The great God gave them to me. — Emerson. This little book on Friendship is compiled by James Frederick Mason, decorated by Amelia de Wolffers, and published in New York by Dodge Publishing Company, 23 East Twentieth Street. Copyright, 1904, by pubtt^frino Compang (TO b \ \ri “ affections! sDoulD not fitno tfie soul, Dut enfrancpise it. CDrougD tpem it sDoulD knoto larger, Deeper, Digger life. CDep sDou ID 6e to it tomgs Dp topicD to mount, a frienD comes as an amDassaDor from tDe Deanens.” “ TBIest be tbe tongue that speaks no til, ©Hbose toorDs ace albtaps true, Cbat keeps ‘tbe lato of ktnDness’ still (KHbateber others Do. iBlest be tbe banDs that toll to ato Cbe great tuorlD’s ceaseless neeO— Cbe banDs that neper are afralD, Co Do a ktnDlp DeeD.” 0o often to tfce fjou0e of tbp frienD, fot toeeDs cbofee up tfce unuseo patjb ■Scandinavian Edda, • •• • i • v/ S>o rnanp little faults toe find; Wit see tbem, for not blind 3s lobe; toe see tbem, but if pou anb 1 perhaps remember tbem some bp anb bp Cbep toill not be jfaults then— grabe faults —to pou anb me, 05ut iust obb toaps, mis* tabes, or eben less, Remembrances to bless. a OF ILL LIB . mt essence of ftienbsf&ip is entirenesfgi, a total niagnan* intit? anb trust. Jit must not surmise or probibe for infirm* it?. It treats itgs object as a (Bob, t^at it ma? beif? botl). — Emerson . •• 31 think that goob must come of goob, ftnb ill of ebtl — surelp unto all 3ln eberp place oc time, seeing stoeet fruit (Brotocth from toholesomc roots, or bitter things jfrom poison stocks : pea, see* ing, too, hob) spite Breebs hate— anb kinbness frienbS— or patience $eace. — Edwin Arnbld. %et me to?bap bo bometf)ing tfjat isf^all tafte Si little palmed from tf>e toortb’b babt btore, &ttb map S r &* £o faboreb ab to matte <&( jop’b too beatttp bum, a tittle niOrC* — Ella Wheeler Wilcox . jFnenos&tp— tfcat 0elect anD 0acteD relation totnei) 10 a kino of afj0olute, ano tofcicf) leafce0 tlie language of loDe 0u0pictou0 anD common, 00 muc& 10 $10 purer, anD nothing 10 00 muck Ditrine. — Emerson . flfllc ought to acquaint ourselbes toith the beautiful; toe ought to contemplate it toith rapture, anb attempt to raise ourselbes up to its height. &nb in order to gain Strength for that, toe must Keep ourselhes thoroughly unselfish — toe must not make it our oton, hut rather seek to communicate it; in» deed, to make a sacrifice of it to those toho are bear anb precious to US. — Goethe. “^ttence* or neglect t>te$olPe$ manp ftienD$tylp&” "iffttenDjgptp jsupplteg t\)t place of ePerptlpng to tijoeic topo fenoto l)o\t to ma&? tf)t rigi)t u$e of It; It mafic# pout prossperitp mote Ijappp, and it mallei pout afifiet# ftp mote eaesp,” i^appp t0 tfie fiouse tfiat 0 fielter$ a friend ! it misfit toell fie fiuilt like a festal fiotoer or arcfi, to entertain fiim a single Dap. happier, if fie knoto tfie solemnity of tfiat relation anD fionor its; lain. Emerson / ■Emerson, flDur frtenDsPtps purrp to sport ano poor cottclu* Stotts, because toe ftatoe ma&e tpem a terture of totne attD Breams insteaD of tpe tougp fibre of tpe pumatt peart. ^eefe not to pour tbe toorlb into tbp little moulb, €acb as its nature is, its being must unfold ; Cbou art but as a string in life’s bast sounbing boarb, anb otber strings as stoeet twill not toitb tbine ac* corb. — W. W. Story. Let us approach our friend .toith an audacious trust in th truth of his heart, in the breadth, impossible to he oner* turneD, of his founhations. — Emerson . SDo not loofe fortoarb to to&at migDt happen to*morroto; t&e game eberlas*t= mg Jfatfier tofjo cates* fot pou to=bap, toil! tafte cate of pou to=morroto, anb eberp bap. (Eit&er i?e toill s*f)telb pou front suffering;, ot 3£e toill gibe pou unfailing; 0ttmg;tf) to bear it. Be at peace t&en, anb put as*ibe all anrtous* thoughts* anb imaginations*. — St. Francis de Sales, j!3oto is tfte time; aft, menO, no longer toait Co scatter lotting smiles anD toortis of cfteer Co tftose arountt foftose Uttes are noto so Dear, Cftep map not meet pou in tfte coming pear, jftoftj is tfte time. j atoafee tW momma: tottf) bebout tbanftssa;ibmff tot mg tttmbsf, tf )t olb anb tfje neto. —Emerson, TBroto map tonnfele, bait turn gtep, jfrienDsbip neper otons Decap; JFot ’mid oID frienDs fernD anD true Wit once more out pout!) renefo. TBut, alas, oID frienDs must Die; Jl3etu frienDs must tbeir place supplp. Cben cbettsb frienDsbip in pour breast; jfteto is gooD, but oID is best 90a be netu frienDs, but beep tbe oID; Cbose are stlDer tbese are golD. - {[Dafee time to gpeafe a lobtng toocti ambtrelobingtoorbis aw geltiom beard; Stnti it bull linger in tbe mini, and gather other* of tt-s ftinb, ’Hill lotimg toord* toill echo tobere (fr*ttobile the heart toa* poor and bare; anti jSometobere on tb? btabentoarti tracft 'Ebrir mu0ic toil! come echoing bacft. “aBootte&p!” § ea, “ 4B0& bt tditfj pou ! ’ ’ praping anO blearing S r n aimplcst pfjraac. &lifee our nceti anD l^ia Hear care confeasing Sn all our toapa. JJNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 062295834 %