LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN WO.N CIRCULATING CHECK FOR UNBOUND CIRCULATING CORY ; UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN No. 332 ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM BY E. W. LEHMANN AND F. C. KINGSLEY URBANA, ILLINOIS, JUNE, 1929 CONTENTS PAGE FOREWORD 375 THE TEST FARMS 378 CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXPERIMENTAL LINE 385 ENERGY CONSUMPTION ON EACH FARM 389 SCOPE OF EQUIPMENT STUDIES 400 HOUSEHOLD USES OF ELECTRICITY 401 USES OF ELECTRICITY IN FARM PRODUCTION 429 BIGGEST PROBLEM IS TO DEVELOP A "PAY" LOAD 466 ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF FARM RATES 469 APPENDIX 471 SUMMARY.. . 478 FOREWORD Farmers will be slow to install electrical equipment and pay for electric energy unless it can be demonstrated that by so doing they can actually save money or that the conveniences and comforts made possible by electricity fully justify the necessary expenditures. The power companies and even the manufacturers of electrical appliances and equipment may be obliged to market their products at prices which for a time may mean a loss, in order to develop a sufficient volume of business to bring them a reasonable return. It would be of mutual advantage to all concerned if such rates and policies for supplying electric service were formulated that, in a reasonably short time, an increase in the use of energy and electrical equipment would lower the prices so that farmers could afford to buy and power companies afford to sell. The Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station recognizing these facts undertook this study and, in line with the policy of the Station, an advisory committee was selected to assist in the investigation. Thru the work of this committee the project on the use of electricity in agri- culture was outlined. Funds for carrying out the project were pro- vided by the Illinois State Electric Association. The members of the committee were as follows: H. W- Mumford, Dean of the College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, (chairman) E. W. Lehmann, Professor of Farm Mechanics, University of Illi- nois, (secretary) H. C. M. Case, Professor of Farm Organization and Management, University of Illinois J. Paul Clayton, Vice-President, Central Illinois Public Service Company, Springfield, Illinois Lloyd Yost, Fairbanks-Morse & Company, Beloit, Wisconsin Bert H. Peck, Illinois Power & Light Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri H. E. Worden, Central Illinois Light Company, Peoria, Illinois Mrs. H. M. Dunlap, farm homemaker, Savoy, Illinois J. P. Stout, farmer, Chatham, Illinois H. H. Parke, farmer, Genoa, Illinois E. A. Eckert, farmer, Mascoutah, Illinois 375 ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION LINES SUPPLYING CURRENT TO FARMS AND TOWNS, 1928 There are over 9,000 miles of interconnected high voltage lines now built in Illinois. About 4,000 miles of these transmission lines are of sufficiently low voltage so that farmers can obtain current, and the mileage of such lines ia being increased rapidly. The above map shows how these lines are dis- tributed over the state. The heavy lines are those from which farmers can get service by the use of a transformer. The light lines are those with volt- ages from which it is not practical for farmers to get service. 376 ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM BY E. W. LBHMANN AND F. C. KINGSLEY* High voltage distribution lines now extend to practically every section of the state of Illinois. It has approximately 9,200 miles of interconnected lines serving over 1,200 towns and cities. About 4,000 miles of line are of low enough voltage so that farmers may secure service from them, and many of the high-voltage lines are so designed that a lower voltage may be strung on the same towers or poles at a great saving in cost. There are also approximately 1,200 miles of lines built especially for farm service. Thus a net- work of electric lines offers great possibilities for supplying elec- tricity to Illinois farms and farm homes. Another source of electricity for the farm is the unit electric plant. Such a plant fills a real need where electricity cannot be se- cured from a power line/ It furnishes adequate energy for lighting, for household appliances, and for minor power up to one horsepower, but it is not adequate for larger power operations or for cooking. The central station plants are much more economical producers of power where large quantities are involved. It holds true in the country as well as in the city that the individual who uses sufficient power so that he can secure service at a reasonable rate from a high-volt- age line cannot afford to operate a plant of his own. The results of a study of five unit plants are given in the Appendix on pages 471 to 473. The problem of supplying power from the central station to the farm is largely one of delivery costs and of getting the customer to make sufficient use of the service to pay both him and the com- pany. Electricity used on farms in the past has been largely for lighting the home. An electric load of this type does not return a direct income to the farmer to offset the expense incurred, nor does it give sufficient return to the utility company to pay for the service. From surveys made by the University it is apparent that many farmers who have electric power service are failing to use it for the numerous operations to which it is easily adapted. The average energy consumption per farm over the state is very low; on some lines it was found to be less than 30 kilowatt hours a month. At the rates charged, this does not bring in sufficient income to the utility companies to justify them in extending lines to farms and providing transformers and other equipment needed to make satisfactory service possible. J E. W. LBHMANN, Chief in Farm Mechanics; and F. C. KINGSLBT, formerly Assistant in Farm Mechanics. J. C. BOTTUM, formerly Assistant in Farm Mechanics, assisted with the study during a part of the period and gave special assistance in the preparation of the farm manage- ment phase of the manuscript. 377 378 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, The first study (1923) was based on 93 farm homes in Bureau county having electric service. While all 93 homes were lighted with electricity, only 50 percent used electric motors for limited power operations, including pumping, grain grinding, grain elevating, and household operations. Gasoline engines were still being used for power by 27.9 percent and windmills for pumping were used by 53.6 percent. Service from power lines had been available for one to ten years. A later survey (1926) covered several thousand Illinois farms. While all used electricity for lighting, only 75 percent had electric irons, 49 percent electric washers, 28 percent electric vacuum cleaners, 22 per- cent electrically operated pumps, 12.8 percent toasters, 6.7 percent fans, 6.4 percent power-driven separators, 5.7 percent electric ranges, 3.0 percent motor-driven milkers, and 1.4 percent electric refriger- ators. A number of small appliances were being used but they con- stituted a very small part of the total. Several factors, therefore, led to the study reported in this bulle- tin, namely: 1. The desirability of adequate electric service for convenience and comfort in the farm home. 2. The growing demand for electric service on the part of farm- ers and the consequent need for reliable information concerning the practicability of its use on farms. 3. The availability of electric current to Illinois farms. 4. The desire of the utilities companies to find practicable ways of supplying electric service to farmers. Character and Organization Recognizing the principle that the cost per unit of electricity is dependent upon the number of units used, the first step in this investigation was to determine whether sufficient use of electricity could be made on farms to develop a load that would be economical to the farmer and practicable from the standpoint of the utility company. An experimental line was built and electric service rendered to ten farms. In addition to using electricity for household appliances, steps were taken to electrify all belt-power operations on these ten farms and to develop new economic uses, so far as possible. All ten farms were occupied by owners, except one, and the oper- ator of this farm rented from his father. Farm 9 was occupied by a retired farmer who rented practically all his land to other farmers in the community, and No. 6 was occupied by a widow whose land was rented. Thus in the group of ten there were eight active farmers. The discussion and data in the tables dealing with the production side of the farms is based on the eight active farms. 19S9] ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 379 The area farmed by the eight active farmers was from 160 to 515 acres. The four smaller farms, Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 8, averaged 190 acres. The four larger farms, Nos. 1, 5, 7, and 10, averaged 400 acres. While all were essentially grain farms, Nos. 2 and 8, con- Mined Livestock (2) Beef and hogs General Farming (Wheat Corn FIG. 1. FARMING-TYPE AREAS OF ILLINOIS AND NUMBER OF FARMS PER SQUARE MILE IN COUNTIES In east-central Illinois, where the tests reported in this bulletin were made, there are fewer farms per square mile than in any other section of the state. Corn and oats are the major craps. sisting of 160 acres each, produced considerable poultry. The other two of the smaller farms, No. 3 with 240 acres and No. 4 with 203 acres, each had a sufficient number of cows to justify the use of an electric milking machine. Of the group of larger farms, No. 1, consisting of 280 acres, was devoted strictly to grain production. No. 5, 320 acres, differed from 380 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, No. 1 in that there was a small income from livestock. No. 7, 480 acres, had a small amount of livestock and specialized in soybeans and seed corn. No. 10, 515 acres, was a representative grain farm with only enough livestock to consume roughages. The average amount of land farmed by the ten cooperators, in- cluding both owned and rented land, was 295 acres, and the average value of each farm was $65,444. These test farms are located in Champaign county, in the level, fertile, grain-growing section of east-central Illinois, where corn and oats are the major crops and where the larger portion of these crops is marketed directly. It is believed, however, that there were as many representative types of farms on the test line as it would be possible to find in most localities in Illinois. TABLE 1. FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR EIGHT FARMS ON EXPERIMENTAL LINE IN 1926 Items Average of 4 livestock farms Average of 4 grain farms Average of 8 farms Total capital investment $52 452 $100 988 $76 720 Land valuation 42 919 87 969 65 444 Total receipts (net increase) 5 712 9 121 7 417 Receipts from feed and grain 3 180 8 282 5 731 Total expense (net decrease) 1 886 3 397 2 641 Receipts less expense 3 826 5 725 4 775 Labor of operator and unpaid family Net return on investment 894 2 932 1 306 4 418 1 100 3 675 Rate earned 5.6% 4.4% 4.8% Except for investment in land, the eight active farms had a total average investment that was representative of farms in this section of the state (Table 1). The greater land valuation was due to the larger acreage of the farms and to their higher value per acre. The total investment per farm, including land, varied from $42,526 to $134,282. The land in these eight farms is practically all tillable. With a total average area per farm of 295 acres, 249 acres were in crops (Table 2). The area in corn ranged from 61 acres on the smallest farm to 226 acres on the largest, averaging 130 acres, or more than 40 percent of the farmed area. Oats, wheat, soybeans, clover, and hay followed corn in order of importance from the standpoint of acreage. Soybeans have been replacing oats to some extent in this locality and have proved a more profitable crop for these fanners than oats because they have been produced and sold as seed. 1999} ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 381 TABLE 2. ACREAGES OF CROPS GROWN ON EIGHT COOPERATING FARMS, 1926 Cooperator 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 Average of all farms Corn 148 80 93 84 170 175 61 226 130 Oats 72 14 20 8 35 21 136 38 Wheat . 30 20 30 12 30 50 10 74 32 Timothy. 3 10 2 Clover 3 45 18 8 Alfalfa .. 4 10 2 Soybean grain . 17 37 35 28 85 33 29 Soybean hay 3 12 35 7 6 8 Total crop acres . . . Tillable pasture 250 20 138 16 180 50 152 45 278 30 390 70 150 3 452 36 249 34 Non-tillable pasture. . . . 23 3 Farmstead, etc 10 6 10 6 12 20 7 4 9 Total acres in farm . 280 160 240 203 320 480 160 515 295 Both dairy and beef cattle were kept on these farms. The num- ber of cows varied from 2 to 12 per farm (Table 3). During the three years covered by the study the average number of cows per farm increased. The only representative livestock farm in the group, TABLE 3. KIND AND NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON EIGHT COOPERATING FARMS, 1926 1 Cooperator 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 Average per farm Work horses 9 8 12 11 14 11 9 15 11 Other horses . 1 7 1 3 15 3 Cows 6 2 7 12 4 8 4 8 6 Other cattle 5 17 15 13 10 7 7 9 Sheep 21 3 Hogs 2 4 3 30 5 9 12 12 10 Poultry 105 239 12 150 163 120 169 137 137 inventory taken April 1, 1926. in th.e sense that a large proportion of the crops grown on it were fed, was No. 4. Individual farms may be selected from the group that are fairly representative of farming in many other sections of the state. On one the receipts from hogs made up a large share of the income; on the other seven they ranged from $100 to $500 a farm. The number of poultry kept per farm varied from 12 to 239. An increased interest in this enterprise was shown during the period of the study. On two farms it supplied a considerable part of the income. 382 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, o o O S > Bj a d - S, j "Sac "p a w3 p 1 *^* CH j ^ (^ l2C} "^^ CH -^ 43 ^ O- ^ ^ F " H O *^ S ^ OH ^ ,0 S ^^ ' S ^ N ' S ^^ ^ So fi.S -^ OH a a a g> g| 4) 45 45 4) 45 03 4) d d d^ d _o d^'-'d o Q} 03 03 CO *"-j ^g ^ F i **' ais feafea 458 a - > 45a4>s ^H d 2

it5f-t< t-|COfrHCOt,-ii tnOn Q~ ^N^^vP /^,4)^\O/~\3 /-\ d d jS d 'bb 'So * 'So 'So ^ 'So d d d d d 45 45 *T3 M 45 45 "t^ ^ 45 45 45 45 'So 'So 'So d d d 45 4) 05 O. |> CO CO d ^ CO CO d ^ CO CO CO CO ^ 03 c3 o345 o3 c3 o3S c3 O O W"c3 O O W^ O o o d IH "^"3 "3 "3 SH --^ 45 C3 o ^ 45 -* "K w llf f^ f B ? ^g-^ M ^g' t OC3>'o> t o> -^SS *O > Sd o "c aT-g ts o H-d CO CO *d O CO O CO O O SH ^^ CO O .JH ^ GO O O SH O O f-l i (i icoC^coi-Hco HHn_iP-( CMco PHU-I 1+3 ffi -^ fe ffi ^ 4) 4) 3 Pn.2 CO CO CO >% CO r^ OO QOoO oOoO'CO oO^ CO^t COJn CO. CO.^, CO. ]^ !l CO . ^ 1 1 1 O 1 ^T 1 1 CO W> 1 O C CM rH CN 1-1 CM i-l I-H CO CM I-H o3 co' CQ ^ to "^ K*ld >ido3 t>)d53 il ii' is^ "CO tH "CO ^^ ~n tn'g CMOO CNOSCiCMOioS H * 4) \ 1 1 "cS B a O r^ v C^ CO ^^ *O CO 1 s " 00 OS O 1 1 PH 19S91 ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 383 The average return on the total investment for these eight farms was 4.8 percent in 1926 (Table 1), and for the other two years of the study a similar return was realized. This rate agrees closely with that of a much larger group of farms of the same general area and is nearly 2 percent more than the average farm in this section earned that year. 1 Preliminary Survey of Equipment and Operation A complete inventory of all equipment and an analysis of farming operations were made for each cooperating farm before the electric TABLE 5. ENERGY USED FOR BELT WORK ON EIGHT COOPERATING FARMS AND PERCENTAGE OF ENERGY SUPPLIED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES, 1926 1 Operations requiring belt work Average energy per operation Part of total energy Energy provided by various sources Threshing hp. hrs. 425 70 117 276 168 34 359 217 44 82 84 579 perct. 17 .4 2.9 4.8 11.2 6.9 1.4 14.6 8.8 1.8 3.3 3.3 23.6 perct, i Steam engine.. . 20 .8 [Gas tractor 22.8 Gas engine, 10 hp 1.4 Shredding Filling silo Shelling corn Grinding feed Baling straw Pumping water Windmills 14.6 Grinding feed and miscellaneous . . Pumping water [Electricity 40.8 Cream separating Washing Operating water system 100.0 Milking Operating refrigerator. .... Total 2 455 100.0 1 AU units of energy were converted into horsepower hours and averaged for the eight cooperating farms in order to obtain a total of the energy requirements for this type of work on a representative farm. power line was built. The finished survey gave a complete picture of each farm, showing living conditions, how the farm and house- hold work was done, and the economic status of the farm (Tables 1, 4 and 6). Each job and the equipment available for it were listed, together with the methods used and the time required to do it. is shown by studies made by the Department of Farm Organization and Management. The rate earned is calculated after deducting from the total net income wages for the operator and his family equivalent to th^ose 9f hjred 384 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, a 00 rH "^ * 10 co t> co co o 10 * ^ C^ l"H rH rH rH CN rH CD D S 2 03 CD O (H 1926-27 as ^ OO CO b- OS CJ5 CO CD IN OO 5< rH rH rH C^ CO rH a , o 3 GO > l-T O V 1925-26 2 < fe I> rtl IO CO CO 00 OO OS 1> OOCOrH rH-^ (N 00 rH IN "^ C^l rH rH ^* ^^ C^ ^O CO tppliances sformer wa CO flj GO M Q ffl 03 g K PH o'^ 00 o o oo co co 01 co g a> I-H as co o oo co os CM "0,2 1^ O> i 1 "^ IO CO t> 00 I> IO IO (M I-H rH rH rH rH i 1 | C o So gi Tti CO O CO 00 O CO b- 00 . (N CO * CN IO CO CO IO O g OO (N CO OOCOrH CO rH if 03 C3 OS rH "** IO Tt< l> l> CO 00 CO TH O rH I 1 rH rH s * . CO I 00 CO (N (M 00 (N CO b- IO . C5COt^-COCOCO< 1 TH OS g Oi (N O5 00 l> CO * CO CO 03 -4^ ?l (N OS rH ^ IO * rH OO O O Tj< OO H3 I 1 rH rH (N OCOrHOSCJ3CO CN1 ^ rH ^^ CO ^O rH CO s ! (JQ Q} Q^ bJO M > f-t 02 _fl O "? OO OO CO Tt< O3 O rH Tt< 1> 53 oo o co * oo oi co 02 r> '3 " 3 g_. SH a a, 3 S OOOOCOOOOOIM O5 S~ IO CO 00 O !> Oi IO >O rfl y "* rH CO rH lo'5 03 -^ log (H O i 0)T3" B, 2 ^ CO ti 'oo ^ o H CD rH *2 o 19X9} ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 385 Stationary gas engines and tractors were quite generally used in the operations listed in Table 5. Three of the farms had small unit electric plants before the electric service was obtained from the power line, the power from these unit plants being used mainly for lights and for very small motors. On the basis of this preliminary survey the possibilities of sub- stituting electric for other types of power in use on the farms were studied and plans made to use it wherever it seemed practicable. CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXPERIMENTAL LINE Since good electric service was essential to the conduct of the in- vestigation, the extension line carrying the power to these test farms was itself in no way an experiment. No expense was spared in its building to insure first-class service. High-class standard construction Fid. 2. THE EXPERIMENTAL LINE, SHOWING CONSTRUCTION AT A CORNER A well-built line, of standard construction, free from tree inter- ference and carefully maintained is essential for continuous service. was used. Thirty-foot Western red cedar poles, with 7-inch top and %-inch Pentrex treated, were used and were spaced at a maximum of 175 feet. The line was 6600-volt, 3-phase, 3-wire, 60-cycle, and built of No. 4 bare hard-drawn copper, and the minimum spacing between wires was 14% inches. It was no doubt better than most rural lines. The question of character of line has been involved only to a limited extent in the problem of furnishing electric service to farmers. It is physically possible to build almost any type or voltage of line. The cheaper constructions, however, are not necessarily the cheap- est for the farmers in the long run, for depreciation and mainte- nance may more than offset the advantage gained with a better stand- ard of line, 386 BULLJOTN No. 332 [June, The construction used for the experimental line was of consider- ably higher standard than necessary. In fact the standards that have been generally used for rural service have been higher than neces- sary. This fact has been recognized by the Illinois Commerce Com- mission, which in its general order No. 115 reduced the standards it had previously set for rural lines. One public service company serving a large number of farmers in Illinois has filed with the Com- mission specifications which take full advantage of the new order. With the lower height of pole that is permitted and a longer span construction, the cost of extend- ing rural lines that have fair right-of-way conditions is in the neighborhood of a thousand dol- lars a mile exclusive of trans- formers. With an average of three customers to a mile, trans- former installation costs would bring the average mile cost up to $1,350. Location and Size of Transformer The location of the transform- er is of importance in relation to the distribution of power about the farm. On the experimental line each transformer was placed reasonably close to the house and the outbuildings in order to have it as near the center of load distri- bution as possible. A master meter and a switch box were located on the transformer pole. This posi- tion is of decided advantage when service is rendered thru one meter. The meter should be readily accessible from the ground and yet high enough so that children cannot reach it. From 3- to 10-K.V.A. transformers were originally installed on the experimental line. Three- and 5-K.V.A. transformers were later substituted for the larger ones. The best size to use depends upon the total connected load and upon the maximum amount of current required at any one time. The smallest size which will meet the requirements of the customer results in the greatest economy in opera- tion, for the smaller the transformer, the smaller is the core loss. Table 6 shows the total connected load and the sizes of the transformers that were ultimately used on the cooperating farms, FIG. 3. TOTALIZING METER AND SWITCHBOX IN BOX ON TRANS- FORMER POLE It is desirable to place the master switch and totalizing meter on the transformer pole for convenience, economy, and safety in providing ade- quate service leads to the different buildings. 1929} ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 387 Wiring the Farmstead and Buildings An adequate and convenient wiring system, with plenty of out- lets properly placed for connecting electrical devices, is the first step toward the satisfactory use of electricity on the farm. Too much emphasis cannot be placed on the importance of this point. To get switches and outlets most conveniently placed for service in the outbuildings as well as in the house require careful thought. Wiring for both 110- and 220-volt service was provided at each farm. Power outlets for 220 volts, for connecting a portable 5-horse- power motor and other smaller motors by plugging in, were pro- vided at a number of convenient points about each farmstead. One or more yard lights controlled from at least two points were in- stalled. In each house floor and wall outlets were provided for con- necting special lamps, vacuum sweepers, and other appliances. The wiring plans for the ten farms were developed from floor plans of the residences and ground plans of the farmstead. Adequate provision for future connections was made. Too often consideration of future needs is neglected and when a range or a motor of several horsepower capacity is purchased, it is found that the en- trance wires or service drops and the wires leading to the meter are too small and larger ones must be put in at considerable expense before the new equipment can be used. The total expense of wiring a house may be greatly reduced by making the original wiring complete and of adequate size to take care of future needs. The saving made by using smaller than No. 6 wire for entrance wires is hardly justified. Care should also be observed to see that the method of wiring is standard practice and that it meets the requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Cost of Wiring The cost of wiring a farmstead depends largely upon local con- ditions since labor is a big item. To economize by using inexperi- enced wiremen may prove costly in the end. On the experimental line an experienced wireman was obtained who allowed the farmers to help in their spare time in doing certain phases of the work. The cost of wiring these test farms, including the cost of hired labor, ranged from $94.66 for a seven-room house, corncrib, poultry house, and one other small building, to $198.74 for a fourteen-room house, barn, corncrib, garage, milk house, and one or two other small buildings. The fixtures cost $79.10 and $191.56 respectively for these same houses. The average cost per farm for wiring was $130 and for fixtures $134, a total of $264 per farm with the houses averaging nine rooms. The cost per outlet, including wall sockets, outlets for fixtures, etc., ranged from $2.90 to $4.60 and averaged $3.50. A lighting cluster was considered as one outlet. The total number of outlets per farm 388 BULLETIN No. 332 1929] ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 389 ranged from 21 to 49, averaging 37. For outbuildings the average number was 10. The wiring cost of power outlets was not included in the above, since the experimental work required more outlets than would ordi- narily be employed and a record of their cost would therefore be of little practical value. ENERGY CONSUMPTION ON EACH FARM The energy consumption on each farm for a period of 32 consecu- tive months is shown in Figs. 5 and 6, and the total for the ten test farms for 48 months is shown in Fig. 7. During the first twelve months all energy except that used on the lighting circuit was furnished the cooperators without charge. The equipment was installed on a loan basis. The installation of some of the equipment used during the first year was purely for experimental purposes, it being recognized that it was likely to be impractical. Naturally the use of it during these twelve months made energy con- sumption high. With the beginning of the second twelve-month period the farmers were charged the regular rate for all energy used, and all the equip- ment that had been installed on the loan basis was either removed or purchased. A decrease in energy consumption resulted, but the decrease was due more largely to the removal of equipment than to a reduction in the use of the equipment that was kept. From the time the above adjustment was made to the end of the test, the energy consumption increased on nearly all farms. The in- crease was especially marked during the spring months of 1928, when a number of incubators and brooders were bought by the fann- ers. In every case this equipment was purchased on the initiative of the cooperators, no effort or inducement being offered by those in charge of the investigation to lead them to increase their electrical equipment. The number of persons in the families of the various coopera- tors, the size of the farm, the crop acres, the source of income, the connected load, and the average monthly energy consumption for each of the cooperating farms are indicated hi Table 6. The effect of the increase in the connected load in 1927-28 on Farms 2, 4, and 7 is reflected in the increased energy consumption during that year. The summary of data in Table 6 does not show any relation between the size or type of farm or the principal source of income and the amount of electric energy used. Cooperator 2, farming 160 acres, with 40 percent of his income from livestock, used an average of 251 kilowatt hours each month in 1927-28 and Cooperator 8, also farming 160 acres, with 39 percent of his income from livestock, used an average of 58 kilowatt hours a month in 1927-28. 390 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, 1929] ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 391 II Q OQ -^ II O O a .9 < d fl H O s 392 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, o *> < S -S s * o 3 d fc > - . o P. b to i; ^ 01 ^ a J H *> ft 2 fl-^ w .3 a ' 0) a 03 >-. ~o3 a xi o 73 oo "H S fl *' I! 0) 19991 ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 393 It will be noted that the four smaller farms received 35 to 56 per- cent of their income from livestock, while the four larger farms re- ceived 6 to 11 percent of their income from livestock. Kinds and Amounts for Different Types of Work The energy used for all operations on the cooperating farms was derived from horses, gasoline, steam power, windmills, and electricity (Table 7) . All the farms used horses, 7 used steam power and wind- mills, and 4 used gasoline engines, tractors, or trucks. Horses and tractors were complementary sources of energy for the drawbar work. TABLE 7. ENERGY SUPPLIED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES FOR DRAWBAR AND BELT WORK ON EIGHT COOPERATING FARMS, 1925-26 Source of energy Average time used per farm Conversion unit Total converted units Percentage of total units Horse hrs. 8 799 1 hp. hrs. 8 799 perct. 67.3 Motor truck (8 hp.) 90.5 8 724 5.5 Tractor, drawbar 1 184.5 6 53 1 204 9.2 Tractor, belt (30 hp.) 17.3 30 519 4.0 Gas engine (10 hp.) 3.4 10 34 .3 Steam engine (25 hp.) Windmill (1 hp ) 19.8 359 25 1 495 359 3.8 2.7 Electricity 701.4 s 1.34 940 7.2 Total.. 13 074 100.0 Conversion unit used for drawbar work was determined on the basis of accom- plishment. 2 Electricity expressed in kilowatt hours. On these farms, as on all farms, two types of power were needed that for drawbar and that for belt work. The drawbar work made up by far the larger energy requirement, averaging 82 percent of the total energy used (Table 8). TABLE 8. ENERGY USED IN DRAWBAR AND BELT WORK ON EIGHT COOPERATING FARMS AND ON A GRAIN AND LIVESTOCK FARM, 1925-26 Type of power Horsepower hours 1 Percentage of total Average of 8 farms Grain farm 280 acres Live- stock farm 203 acres Average of 8 farms Grain farm 280 acres Live- stock farm 203 acres Drawbar 10 729 2 343 8 530 1 562 7 845 2 285 82 18 85 15 100 77 23 Belt Total 13 072 10 092 10 130 100 100 x The various units of power consumed in both types of work were converted into horsepower hours in order to obtain comparable totals for them. 394 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, I N N D Energy required Average per month E -" O51OO O!O5 TtiTjiO(M (N -C t^ O CO t^ O iO iO O rt< O5 (M CO IM CO * CO CO i-l CO (M CO CO -< CO 00 ^ i 1 i-H C^ 49 '3 3 1 fe ^ .IOOCOO5O5 <3 -* CO O2 i> I> I-H IO (N CO Present uses Lights and household equipment "Rpfriorprn.t,nr . c 1 '1 !ii 5 horsepower portable motor Tnfnl . ."g d^. ! I IslfUl 1 < f2Sn X2"O M A^fe H ~ Sf ^ Orr-l ^3 5 0> Si |2^cJ^ ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 395 iverage sr month i ..,.. B 1 pi 3 o (2 ID t ^< lO ^D '^ CO ^ OO W CO^O O5 1 T-i s E 1 1 i i * iiijl 8.9 if fa p, .:* qj Q) 2^S^? BLE 9. (Concluded) i | g cr> oo ^^ -O fl fl t- :i o o _^2S ^ p3 %t !d 6C '3^-2 .S .9-9 < H i .2 1 a 'O 3 d fl S O o> l-> O O O o co 10 >o fe > u 42.^ > ^3 ** -2 "c "c 1 ~2 g >^ I ^| o +5-S E- 3 3 2 i O <5 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, a H E a Q O H H CM <) O C5 H W W 1 H" i S 5 h -u 1 i fl 03 K 43 n s c ^ O w 3 3 3 3 jj Jj -Jj ^i- - t- t- g I.sSS fcn &i fl^ S.'-i (M ^ CO CO a CO O 1-1 (N t* o S-* r-<(M IM "* i-H ICO! T3 ' g^ a 1 4^4^ Sbl'c bO (3 d o o > bd 73-2^ 13 e i i 111 i : hi tn n 42.2 i . . ; . -^ g >> ti C (3 l - t i 'i i i i Si, * i all farm household f rookine-. rs-s T3-2 O M 65 T3 73 e S * i '. ' ~g43 ^> : c g : o ^ S $ H Q) O ' *O *O *O O t/3 CQ 73 SO ^-H g 1 Mtt | 11 1 1 i u u c 00+; c 3*1 bfl a 1 2t3 IJ 11 ow gj'o IH 3 3 3 3 i 11 5 fe 1 1 T- 49 (3 5 s tn a 1 '3 cr a> a V 42 (U ^ 43 -2 1 * ^ 43 S C : resent uses Lights and hou Ran ere. . . 5-horsepower p Deeo-well oum 1 3 o ,fr ^ -2 O 03 * 2 .2 fc o 11 hill 11 fl!* 3 ! s,h lil'sll ? ^ i (_ 35 O43 W HMUH P4 bb S " 5 -88 " fe *" 59 ** o ~- >'*- 1 " o ^ ^- la ll -i- ^ > 3 a c O OH b a. 19291 ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM Steam power, windmills, and electricity were used for the belt work, which represented only 18 percent of the total work done on the farm. In its present stage of application, electricity may be seriously considered only for stationary or belt work in addition to its lighting and heating uses, which are not considered under this heading. There is more belt work to be done on a livestock or dairy farm than on a grain farm. On a representative livestock farm belt work made up 23 percent of the total power demand, as compared to 15 K.W. I I Pofonffaf Load "E13 D*pw*rrpump E 3 front Bolar t^ Lnsilaij* Cutter Threshing Aver Nov. Dec. Jan. Fb Mar- Apr. Ma<{ Juna Julu Aua Sept'- Oct. J9Z6I I9Z7 FIG. 8. PRESENT, UNDEVELOPED, AND POTENTIAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION ON A 203-AcRE DAIRY FARM This farm, owned by Cooperator 4, is typical of the grain and dairy farms in this section. Several items of equipment listed under "undevel- oped," including a range, incubator, and brooder, were purchased and put into use in 1928. percent on a representative grain farm. However, on the eight farms studied, the belt-power requirements on the four large farms were considerably higher than those of the livestock farms of smaller acre- age. This was due to the total power requirements on these farms being greater. Studies were made to learn what operations required belt power and how many horsepower hours of energy were used for each opera- tion (Table 5). The largest amounts of energy were used for re- frigeration, threshing, pumping water, grinding feed, and shelling corn. BULLETIN No. 332 [June, Other belt operations, such as milking, washing, and cream separat- ing, while consuming small amounts of energy, require it regularly thruout the year; hence a convenient source of energy is of particular advantage for them. Just because electricity is a very convenient source of power on livestock, dairy, and poultry farms, where a large share of the labor of the farm is absorbed about the farmstead, it is not to be expected CU Potantfa/ /ooef Kw. Hrs. Nov. Dc. Jon. fab. Mar Apr. Mau June Julu Auq. ,3pt. Oct. Av. I9Z6 I9Z7 FIG. 9. ESTIMATED POSSIBLE ENERGY CONSUMPTION ON A 320-AcRE GRAIN FARM This farm, owned by Cooperator 5, was typical of the grain farms of the area. Eighty-nine percent of the income was from grain. The total possible use of electric power is not quite so great as on the smaller dairy farm. that every farmer who gets electric service should change to those types of farming. On the contrary, it is essential that where elec- tricity is available its use be adapted to the system of farming prac- ticed in the section, and to the needs of the particular farm. Potential Electrical Load for Two Representative Farms As stated previously, the unit cost of supplying the farm with electricity depends upon the amount of use that is made of it. In Tables 9 and 10 and Figs. 8 and 9 an attempt is therefore made to show what maximum use could be made of electric energy on the farm of Cooperator 4, a representative dairy farm in the grain-pro- ducing area of Illinois, and on the farm of Cooperator 5, a repre- sentative grain farm, if used for all the operations for which it has proved practical. 1929} ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 399 The power requirements are divided into three groups; first, the load for which electricity was being used and for which the farmer was paying; second, the undeveloped load, or the amount of energy that would be required for those operations that were being performed by some other source of energy; and third, the potential load, or the re- quirement for those operations and practices not performed on the farm but which might profitably be performed and for which electricity has proved practical. A record of all the operations performed over a period of one year was used as the basis for calculating the total amount of electricity that would be required for the different uses described. The energy requirements for the different operations were calculated by using data obtained at this and other experiment stations. Besides showing that both types of farms were using considerable electric power, these charts indicate, contrary to the usual belief, that there is practically as large a potential use for electricity on Illinois grain farms as on dairy farms. The load per mile of line, however, would be larger in a dairy area in Illinois than in a grain area because the average dairy farm is smaller than the average grain farm and there would be more of them to a given area. Power and Labor Saved on Test Farms To adopt electricity successfully as a source of power for farm operations, either the labor used should be made more productive or the new power must cost less than the power formerly used. The fact that labor and power make up from 50 to 70 percent of the total operating cost involved in crop production suggests the im- portance of any plan for their more effective use. Thru the cooperation of the Department of Farm Organization and Management detailed labor and financial records were kept on eight of the ten cooperating farms from the beginning to the end of the study. These records were compared with those of another group of six farms which did not have service from a central power station. These six farms were chosen because they were the only farms in the area on which records similar to those on the cooperating farms were kept during the entire three years. It is interesting to note that approximately 50 percent of the farm labor (Table 11) was performed on or about the farmstead in caring for livestock, repairing machinery, improving buildings, and grinding and hauling feeds for stock. A much smaller share of the total labor on a farm is used in the field in the production of crops and in hauling them to market than is often supposed. With farms having more livestock to the acre, the percentage of labor spent around the farmstead would be even larger. While the records of the eight cooperating farms indicate a de- crease each year in the proportion of time spent in performing tasks 400 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, about the farmstead, the larger part of the reduction seems to have been due to such general conditions as failure to make any major repairs on buildings during this period, for a similar decrease oc- curred on the six farms not having central power service. It seems probable, however, that part of the decrease between the first and second years resulted from the use of electricity in farm operations the second year. In the case of certain individual operations it is clear that electricity would materially lessen the man labor required. This is particularly true of the milking operation, and also of feed grinding when an electric motor replaces a tractor. TABLE 11. PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL FARM LABOR THAT WAS PERFORMED ON OR ABOUT THE FARMSTEAD ON EIGHT COOPERATING FARMS AND AVERAGE FOR Six OTHER FARMS Cooperator 1925 1926 1927 1. . perct. 51 perct. 47 perct. 49 2 52 50 53 3 61 53 51 4 66 60 60 5 53 51 49 7 53 45 46 8 58 56 45 10 52 43 36 Average of 8 cooperating farms. . . . Average of 6 other farms 56 49 50 47 48 45 While electricity thus tended to reduce the labor required about the farmstead, in some instances it caused an increase by adding to the number of activities undertaken. Seed-corn germinators were operated where formerly this type of testing was not done on the farm. Poultry production was increased, and feed was ground where formerly it was bought. Because of these two counteracting influences, the effect of the use of electricity is not fully indicated by the changes in the percentage figures. The fact that 50 percent of the labor of the farm is spent about the farmstead is perhaps of more significance, for it suggests the possibility of using electricity for light and power to make the labor of the farm worker more effective. The actual application of electric power is discussed under the .various uses which were studied. SCOPE OF EQUIPMENT STUDIES All facts concerning energy consumption by equipment, with the exception of a few tests made in the University laboratories and on the University farm, were obtained under actual farm operating 19S9] ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 401 conditions on the ten cooperating farms. A number of pieces of equipment were installed on each farm and the use, value, and en- ergy requirement of each piece determined in comparison with other equipment. Under this plan it was possible to build up a reasonably large load on each farm, resulting in a lower charge per unit of energy used. Thru the cooperation of manufacturers, the following electrically operated equipment was used on the ten farms served by the test line: 10 refrigerators 6 ironers 10 vacuum cleaners 6 water heaters 10 cream separators 2 milkers 9 portable utility 5-hp. motors 2 dishwashers 9 washers 1 kitchen aid mixer 8 grain elevators 1 paint spray machine 8 ranges 1 buttermaker 8 feed grinders 1 15-hp. motor and substation 7 water systems Other miscellaneous equipment The distribution of this equipment by farms is shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Tests were made also of poultry house lighting, seed germinating, silo filling, and other miscellaneous uses. In many cases changing to electricity for the performance of various operations did not require much additional expense for equip- ment. To several washing machines and cream separators already in use, small electric motors were attached. The equipment cost of electrically operated water systems, incubators, brooders, and the seed-corn germinator were no more than the cost of similar equip- ment operated by other sources of energy. An electric range costs little, if any, more than a good coal range. In the following pages, in two groups, are given the results of these equipment studies. The first group covers household uses of electricity and the second the uses of electricity in farm production. In addition to securing data on the energy requirements of indi- vidual operations, a primary object in testing out various uses of electricity under practical conditions on a group of farms was to determine as accurately as possible the total practical use that could be made of electricity during each month of the year. The results obtained were largely due to the interest and cooperation of the in- dividual farmers on the line. HOUSEHOLD USES OF ELECTRICITY Improved living conditions on the farm are generally recognized as one of the essentials of modern agricultural advancement. In making better living nossible, electricity is playing an important part. The problem of modernizing the farm home and reducing the irksome- 402 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, ness of many chores becomes much easier of solution with electric power available. Two groups of equipment are considered in this study of the adaptability of electric power to the farm home. In the first group is the larger equipment the water supply system, including plumbing and sewage disposal, and the lighting equipment. 1 In the second 10 DAISY GARDEN AND POULTRV Before lectrifj'cation HH After -Electrification FIG. 10. A COMPARISON OF TOTAL TIME SPENT BY FIVE HOME- MAKERS ON SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES BEFORE AND AFTER ELECTRIFICATION The time saved in doing the work of the household with electrical equipment was devoted to productive work in the dairy and garden. group are the movable labor-saving devices and conveniences such as washing machines, ironers, vacuum cleaners, ranges, food mixers, refrigerators, and other appliances of this kind. The principal part of this study on household uses of electricity was directed to the equipment in this second group. 'Altho electricity has been tried out for house heating, it has not proved satisfactory for this purpose under Illinois conditions, and was not included in this study. 1929} ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 403 Effect of Electrification on Housewife's Time The first step in studying the use of electrical equipment in the farm home was to determine just how the women on these test farms used their time and the effect which the installation of electrical equipment had upon their expenditure of time. A week's record of the time devoted to household tasks, to recreation, and to sleep- ing by the women on five of the test farms was therefore taken before electrification and another week's record a year later. A sum- mary of the data collected is given in Table 12. While no definite conclusions can be drawn from results cover- ing so brief a period and kept by so few women, certain tendencies may be noted. These are shown in graphical form in Fig. 10. The vacuum cleaner saved from 1 to 5 hours weekly in caring for the house. Better laundry equipment saved from 1 to 4 hours a week. There was a tendency for less time to be spent in recrea- tion, but this may have been due to the fact that the women were not so tired and therefore did not feel the need of so much rest as formerly. More time was spent on the personal toilet after electrification than before. This difference may have been due to the investigational work, which brought increased personal contact, but as few visits as possible were made by the investigators during the time this in- formation was collected. Less time was spent in sleeping. This may have been due to the fact that better lights made it possible to read and do other things in the evenings that require a good light. It is possible that the women were less fatigued and so did not feel the need of the ad- ditional sleep. The time spent on dairying and in the garden was 1 to 10 hours more a week after electrification than before. This would indicate that a large part of the time saved by using electrical appliances in the home was used in income-producing work. Pumping Water for Household Use A water system in the farm home not only is a convenience for the housewife but renders service to every member of the family. It ranks high among the items of equipment essential to a modern home. The first cost, however, rather than the operating cost has been found in tests to be the deciding factor when the farmer con- siders the purchase of a water system. Data on energy consumption for the pumping of water for house- hold use were obtained at four homes where water was being pumped from shallow wells by automatically operated, hydropneumatic sys- tems. Water meters and electrical kilowatt-hour meters were installed 404 BULLETIN No. 332 00 CD CN O T< CO Ol O O IM O 1-1 -iCi-H -1C Q 1 05 co i i I ! tc i o CN 1C -OO 1C ICO OiO OC OiC -O i-H T)H -J< (M * O (M (M CO * CO n CO H e wen s. o o 1C O 1C 1C O O O O 1C O -OO 1C 1C CO i I CO ^ CO CO C '. O5 IrfKM '. '. CO CO . CO . . 1 g w 1 co O -iCOiC -O>CC -OO -1C -1C EP Ss . 00 00 -5 3 o "03 IM O5 i 1 IN: : : 1-1 : :ic i"" 1 : & 1*5 1 o >o -*CO ICNGO IiC '. '. '. (M . CO .1C . . . 1 'i D O 1C c '. ' '. 1O fc _ i-H 1- 02 W .2 +3 9 S g H 3 4. 1 | I CN g f > g..oo. 3 c 1 s 1 f- 1 u t-t 1929} ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 405 o 5 O a p o (_, [*^8^ g CM CO O T}< IO ^H (- ^ CJi CO ^* *O I-H CM OrH 8 CM 1*8 2* a g -i CM CO CM t-H <-H < 1 rH CO >-H 3 * bC >> 92 43 * rH CM CO t^CM fe8 CM j-H | ||| g CM CM -. ^Tt< ^HCM 1 1 CO 1 S-| 5^ CM ^ O CO CO lO QOO CO CM o CO o "5 aj rr3 o> i. _ _ IO IO i< CM CM CM CM CM CM 8? S CO 2 to >O CM o IO CM g . co co co CO co co OQ o 1 1 1 i CO *O CO ^O CM o o CO o 1 I "S OH c I" 8 3 fl 00 O rH CM CM i-H CM 83 O. o O c bO - .S "^ "H* " ^ ^K i>x ijx ix ^5x its. M S s >> CO " 00 CM <* H CM > & J bO i .s y- .s M bO bO a W '^ o o 03 ^ 5 03 8,8 1 f i f I >> Q, 3 -S 3 3 i-2 3 H 3 bO 3 3 b 3 O G O O _G P S P p p U B JO, bfi bfl 03 o3 hi r-l > a " 2 -S - A ~ OH _ n> ^ cu 3 - O S t< O . t- S." 1.2 11 a, 03 C coo Jo.S III tc be M ^.S.G ^ A'E 406 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, and readings of all meters were recorded each month during the test, which lasted for two years. The results are shown in Table 13. Three double-acting water pumps operated under farm condi- tions required an average of 1.42 kilowatt hours to 1,000 gallons of water pumped (Cooperators 3, 9, and 10). The greater energy con- sumption of the single-acting pump (Cooperator 6) during the first year was due largely to a slight air leak in the suction pipe. The average lift was about 10 feet. The range in pressure was from TABLE 14. WATER CONSUMPTION AT NINE FARM HOMES EQUIPPED WITH MODERN PLUMBING Farms Period during which measurements were taken Number of people Volume per person per day A 6- 5-25 gals. B 9- 4-25 6-11-25 3 47.5 C 7-10-25 5- 4-26 3 17.0 D 8- 3-26 3- 1-26 4 21.1 E 3- 1-27 6-15-25 4 30.4 F 12-21-25 8- 1-25 7 15.0 G 1 6- 4-26 6-19-25 8 10.0 H 1 6-19-26 6-19-25 5 38.0 Ji 6-19-26 6-19-25 5 45.8 4- 3-26 4 29.0 , H, were not charged and I were supplied with University water pressure and the tenants for water used. 10 to 35 pounds. The monthly energy consumption for pumping water for household use ranged from .5 to 7.0 kilowatt hours, aver- aging 2.4. kilowatt hours for all pumps under test. Considerable water was used in the cooperating farm homes from sources other than the water systems under test, and this made it impossible to secure a record of the total amount used in the home. The data from another study of nine farm homes equipped with such plumbing fixtures as kitchen sink, bathtub, lavatory, toilet, and laundry facilities (Table 14) show wide differences in the amounts 19291 ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 407 of water used per person per day. The lowest amount was 10 gallons and the highest 47.5 gallons. Part of this difference is to be accounted for by differences in equipment and part to habits of the individual families. Laboratory tests were made on electrically driven, single-acting reciprocating, double-acting reciprocating, and rotary pumps under various pressures. The data secured indicate that the actual effi- ciency of such plants is low. However, the cost of operating them is slight, and they are so convenient that the question of efficiency is not to be given very much consideration when compared with other methods of pumping. From the study of such plants, however, it is evident that many could be operated with greater economy than at present. Fifteen to 25 percent more power is required when the range of working pressures is set for 20 to 50 pounds than when set for 10 to 20 pounds, which under practically all conditions is satisfactory. The efficiency of the particular rotary pump tested was higher than the reciprocating pumps at low pressures but was practically zero at 50 pounds pressure. The laboratory tests showed two double- acting reciprocating pumps more efficient and one less efficient at low pressures than the single-acting reciprocating pump. The tests under farm conditions showed that the double-acting reciprocating pumps were more efficient. Some of the advantages of an electrically driven water system and complete plumbing that were recognized by the users were the following: 1. Labor and time are saved by having water where it is needed. 2. Complete bathroom fixtures are possible. 3. A constant supply of water for livestock and poultry is as- sured. 4. The protection to farm buildings from fire is increased. The water pressure and the water supply may not be adequate for ex- tinguishing a well-established fire, but if the fire is discovered in time, the pressure system certainly would have an advantage over the bucket method. 5. The health of the family is protected by the better disposal of sewage. Water Heating Tests were made to determine the efficiency of two types of heaters the inexpensive open type connected to an ordinary hot- water tank, and the more expensive thermos-bottle type. Five water heaters of the open, or exposed, type, with a capacity of 3,960 watts each, were connected to uninsulated hot- water tanks in five farm homes. No charge was made for the energy and the water was used more freely on some farms than others, but no record 408 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, of the amount or the temperature of the water was kept. The only value of the data is to show the monthly energy consumption. During the month of August on one farm where there was a family of eleven, one of these heaters used 475 kilowatt hours of energy. During the month of July, at another farm home, where there were eight persons in the family, a similar water heater used 171 kilowatt hours. This type of heater was very wasteful in the use of electricity. A 15-gallon thermos-bottle type of water heater was used in one farm home. This heater was equipped with a 2-hour time switch, automatic temperature switch, and a 3000-watt element in the base of the tank which was well insulated. The energy consumed by this heater was 293.6 kilowatt hours per 1,000 gallons heated. The water was generally heated for two hours in the morning, reaching 150 Fahrenheit. It remained warm enough for most purposes thruout the day. On wash days, when considerably more water was used, the heater was turned on again at noon. TABLE 15. ESTIMATE OF AMOUNTS OF HOT WATER USED BY DIFFERENT-SIZED FAMILIES WITH AND WITHOUT WATER UNDER PRESSURE No pressure system (based on 69 reports) Pressure system (based on 39 reports) Number in family Gallons per person daily Number in family Gallons per person daily 2 6.62 3.95 2.5 to 3. 10 4.28 2 4 7 or over 4.46 8.80 6.37 3.75 to 4. 28 5.92 4 7 or over Average 4.1. . . . Information on the amount of hot water used in farm homes was secured from a group of home advisers. This data is shown in Table 15. It is evident that the actual amount of hot water needed will depend somewhat on the habits of the individual family as well as on the convenience of the equipment. On the basis of the data in this table a family of four persons, with a pressure water system in use, would need 764.4 gallons of hot water during thirty days. From the results of experiments with the insulated thermos-bottle type of tank it is calculated that 225 kilowatt hours would be re- quired to heat this amount of water sufficiently for household use. Because of the convenience of a hot water supply, a low energy charge would make water heating by electricity practical in reason- ably small quantities. While the number of heating units available per kilowatt hour limits the use of electricity for water heating, there are possibilities for practical use of electricity for heating water 1929] ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 409 in a well-insulated tank when the current is connected with a time switch so that the heater will be in operation after midnight, when the electrical load is very slight and the energy used may be purchased at a lower rate. Tests of Washing Machines In washing and ironing, as in many other household operations, the matter of equipment is only one of a number of important factors. The water supply, the method of heating the water, and the facilities for drying the clothes all affect the ease with which launder- ing is done. FIG. 11. WASHING AND IRONING MACHINES IN HOME OF COOPERATOR 10 Electric power was applied to the double-tub washer by means of a motor attachment. By the use of these machines the time required to do the jobs of washing and ironing was cut about in half. Only a limited number of tests were made to determine the effort expended in doing the household washing before electricity was avail- able. Eight of the ten farms used gas engines, one used a hand- operated machine, and one washed without a machine. To wash 100 pounds of clothes without a machine required 11.2 hours; with a hand-operated machine 10 hours were used; and with the gas engine for power 7.5 hours were used. The distance walked when using hand methods was 10.2 miles ; with the hand-operated machine, it was 7.1 miles; and with the machine operated by a gas engine, it was (3.4 miles, all per 100 pounds of clothes, 410 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, After electricity was available, records were kept on 6 washers of the oscillating type and 1 of the double-tub dolly type. Table 16 gives a summary of one year's washing records secured on the farms. To wash 100 pounds of clothes required an average of 1.52 kilowatt hours of electric energy and 8.7 hours of labor. The distance walked by the farm women was 4.47 miles to 100 pounds of clothes. A total of 275 weekly washings were included in the test and the number of pounds of clothes washed was 10,211, or an average of 37 pounds a week. There was considerable difference in the time required, the distance walked, and the amount of electricity used by the different women. The operator completing the washing in the least time required only 5.9 hours of labor, walked 3.37 miles, and used 1.11 kilowatt hours of electricity to wash 100 pounds of clothes ; the one taking the most time required 11.6 hours of labor, walked 5.12 miles, and used 2.22 kilowatt' hours of electric energy. The factors having most influence on the efficiency of the operation were the type of washer and the location and arrangement of the equipment. While detailed records such as the above were kept for only one year, a record of the energy consumed by the washing machines was continued thruout the experiment. In 1927 the amount of energy consumed monthly ranged from 1.25 kilowatt hours in a family of two to 3.16 kilowatt hours in a family of seven, averaging 2.37 kilo- watt hours a month for the eight cooperators. The energy consump- tion per person per month varied from .23 kilowatt hour in a family of eleven to .62 kilowatt hour in a family of two, averaging .36 kilo- watt hour for all eight families. Some idea of the value of the time spent by these farm women in doing their washing can be determined by comparing their costs with what the service of a city laundry would have cost them. In one farm family where a total of 1,858 pounds of clothes (dry weight) were washed on 50 wash days over a period of a year, 28.1 kilowatt hours of energy were used and 136.4 hours of labor were required. Twenty gallons of hot water and 1% bars of soap were used each week to do the washing. The expenses were: Cost of energy, 281 kw. hrs. at 10 cents $ 2.81 87% bars of soap at 6% cents 5.47 16% gals, of kerosene for heating water, at 12 cents 2.00 15 percent on $175 for interest and depreciation on equipment 26.25 Depreciation and interest on investment in wash tubs, boilers, buckets, and washboard (assumed) 3.00 Bluing, starch, washing powder (assumed) 12.00 Total $51.53 The charge by the city laundry for 1,858 pounds of washing re- turned rough dry, at 10 cents a pound, would be $185.80. Laundry 1929} ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 411 that is finished rough dry has the flat pieces ironed. The differ- ence between the cost of doing the laundry at the farm and that at the city laundry, $134.27, may be considered the value of the 136.4 hours of labor used in doing the work at home. This is only a little less than $1.00 an hour. The saving in time required to take the laundry to town and have it returned would approximate the time required to iron the flat pieces. If we assume the city laundry would call for and deliver a wet wash ready to be ironed at a cost 'of 5 cents a pound, then the com- parison would show a saving of $41.38. In this case the housewife would earn only 31 cents an hour for her labor in doing the job of washing; however, there are relatively few farms located so they can get free delivery service. Where a gas engine was used as a source of power for washing, a little less labor time was required than where an electric motor was used. This was probably due to three different factors; first, the types of washing machine used most of the farm women, in chang- ing from the dolly to the oscillator type of machine, thought the latter was slower; second, a man usually started the gas engine and saw that it ran properly, but his time was not counted; and third, there was greater haste, in order to get thru with the job before the engine stopped. The electric motor for driving a washing machine is practical, economical, and entirely satisfactory. The energy used is very slight and the cost per week is a very small item. The cleanliness, ease of control, and the ever-ready power of an electric motor are charac- teristics which make it an important factor in the solution of this difficult household problem. Tests of Electric Ironers Farm Tests. Studies of electric ironers were made both in the homes of the cooperating farmers and in the laboratory. The value of the 26-inch ironer as a time saver, on the basis of actual farm tests, is suggested by the records summarized in Table 17. The num- ber of hours of labor required to iron 100 pounds of clothes with the old-fashioned sad irons was 14.89; the number of hours required with an electric iron, 10.27, and with the 26-inch ironer, 7.58. Three of the six ironing machines that were used experimentally the first year were purchased by three of the farmers. The average energy used each month by these ironers was practically the same as the average for all six the previous year. The ironers proved of special value in homes where there were large families. In some instances, where most of the ironing consisted of flat pieces, the time saved over hand ironing was about one-half. 412 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, ISSSSSSg 8 J rt(NtN ^^^^ ,H z 1 J| . OO CN O5 CO t^ 00 OJ "* gCOt>COOOcDOOCO CN o < fc-< T3 b> *= a <& -1 ' COCOC35O>>-i t> M Z O ^ a.5 Jsor^r^r^a oo hH O 3 a o . aj s'S 05 Ot>CNl>t^ --i IO5CO '"-H ^ SB F-t 8 p ^COCOC"5CO * Tt< i i u 8 d blUH ^O^^^COOO OS g o g o 5|p,J f2 t- CO U3 CO CO CO CO CD W o O SB I rg a;

O^H<00* g 8 O CD CO gCNl-HCOCNr-li ICO 1 i b CNOCNO3OOOS g .CHINE ^M * g COt>O500OOOO "* i 1 i I i 1 i 1 H u P 9 2 o a> OS rH 1> * CO CN CN H i |1 3'J ^ 1-1 T}< co co t^ oo i> CN i-H i 1 i 1 K H QD II -2 oo COCN CN -CO CO"5 id CN O -CO H u 1 co i-H 11*1 g iH rH i-H CN CN -^-1 M H U H W M J 4? W) 11 00 CO O5 O CN CN 00 ^ CN * O CN CO -^ 3 H 1 1 s a ^ I s ! t^. CN 00 1C I> * i-l i I "co H 5 1 ^ I " H GO C5 % i-H ^S IH O , jj -co 00 ^3 -M JD || "s -50 s co w ' 3 ^ 1-1 G a oo o o a5 . OO CN CO U3 V CL, 3' a) . !l ^ i ^ bO 3 H G ? & 1 810 -, .* i-H rH o CN "i ^ i f| iO I co' CM O -SJ O t^ CN i-H 00 00 CO ^ ^1 j co 3 2 IO "3CN CN Q '' if'S'S J w O S CO 00 S3 COCO CO CO bo i 3 >, 1! | J J CN l> E 'o d g 1 ? machine, j-inch roll 4 ^ 2 1929} ELECTRIC POWER FOR THB FARM 413 Some objections were made to the short-roll machines because of the necessity of folding tablecloths and other wide pieces. How- ever, the short-roll machine wastes less heat than the long-roll. Some difficulty was experienced at first in operating the ironing machines, but the longer they were used the more proficient the women became. One machine broke a large number of buttons on the clothes owing to light padding on the roll. The results of this study indicates that where a large quan- tity of clothes and household linen is ironed each week, sufficient time and labor are saved to justify the use of an ironing machine. While more electric energy is required to iron the same quantity of clothes with the ironing machine than with the electric hand iron, the value of the time and effort saved is in favor of the ironing machine. Laboratory Tests. Thru the cooperation of the Home Economics Department, tests were made in the laboratory to determine the effect of moisture content upon the time required for ironing certain articles of clothing and to study the efficiency of different lengths of roll from the standpoint of time and electrical energy consumed. A machine with a 32-inch roll, preheated 20 minutes, was used in the tests to determine the effect of amount of moisture on rate of ironing. Two centrifugal driers were used. One of these was part of a washing machine. It was noted that the special centrifugal drier having a high cylinder speed reduced the moisture content more in a given period of time than the drier which is an attachment of a washer. The time required for ironing involves two factors the time for manipulation and the time required to remove the water. The results of these tests indicate that in ironing flat pieces, where the time needed for manipulation is reduced to a minimum, the ironing time is proportional to the percentage of moisture present. Three ironing machines of two different makes having different lengths of roll were used in making the efficiency tests. All three machines differed in the design of the open end, wattage per square inch of shoe surface, metal in shoe, speed of roll, and the control switch or lever that operated the roll. These variable factors made it impossible to make an exact determination of the effect of the length of the roll on its efficiency. The procedure was as follows: the clothes were dried to approximately the same moisture content by means of a centrifugal drier and were weighed just before being ironed and immediately after they were ironed. The dry weight of the clothes was determined by drying them in an oven. The machines were preheated to approximately the same temperature before the tests were made, and the same pieces of clothes were run thru each machine, making it necessary to operate one ironer at a time. The number of grams of water driven off per watt hour by each machine for the different kinds of clothes ironed is shown in Fig. 414 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, 12. The long-roll machine removed less water per watt hour than either of the two short-roll machines. This was due to the fact that the operator could not keep the long-roll machine full from Fia. 12. EFFICIENCY OF DIFFERENT LENGTHS OF IRONERS IN REMOVING WATER FROM ARTICLES OF CLOTHING The bars indicate the number of grams of water removed for each watt hour of energy used. The results of the tests show that except for large, flat pieces, the short-roll machines are more efficient users of electricity than the long-roll machines. end to end. The average of the four tests showed little difference between the long-roll machine and the short-roll machine in re- moving water where large flat pieces such as sheets and tablecloths were ironed. The machine with the shortest roll consumed less energy 1929] ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 415 per unit of work done than the other machines. As compared with ironing by hand, the long-roll machine saved about 35 percent more time than the short-roll machine on large flat pieces, but it did not save any time over the short-roll machine where small or difficult pieces were ironed. Further tests, where all the mechanical features of the machines are kept as nearly constant as possible, should be made before defi- nite conclusions are drawn relative to the effect of the length of the roll on energy consumption and rate of ironing. From results ob- tained, however, it is evident that for the average operator the short- roll machine is more efficient than the long-roll machine in conserv- ing energy. The quality of work done was about the same except in the case of the large flat pieces, with which the long roll did the better job. Cooking by Electricity Farm Tests. One year's record of the energy consumed in the operation of electric ranges in farm homes is given in Table 18. In a few of these homes coal ranges were used part of the time during the winter months, and in all of them ranges were given limited use for heating water for such purposes as dish washing. From May to September the electric ranges were used to do all the cooking. The most striking difference in the energy consumption during the summer months will be noticed in the record of Cooperator 2. During June, July, and August this cooperator did not heat any water on her electric range. The results show that over 50 percent of the energy used previously was used to heat water. Cooperator 8 did not heat much water on her electric range, which also shows a low energy consumption for a family of four. Considerable fruit can- ning was done in the summer on practically all the electric ranges. The average energy consumption per person per month for eight cooperators using electric ranges during the year 1925-26 was 32.5 kilowatt hours. The energy consumption per person per month ranged from 23.7 kilowatt hours in a family of 11 to 66.8 kilowatt hours in a family of 2, and the average monthly energy consumption ranged from 117 kilowatt hours in a family of 2 to 319 kilowatt hours in a family having an average of 7.5 persons. The maximum average energy consumption occurred during Sep- tember and the minimum during March. The average amount of energy used monthly by each range during the different seasons was: summer months, 215 kilowatt hours; fall months, 212 kilowatt hours; spring months, 168 kilowatt hours; and winter months, 168 kilowatt hours. It is interesting to note that monthly energy consumption was practically the same during the summer and fall months and the same during the winter and spring months. 416 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, I o o O b M O w o O W 3 & CO 5 N O H Z W 00 i-H s 5 1 o fc ^ ^ !2! ^ 1O 00 (N 00 * O * |> rfS g T}H CO (N IO (N CO CO IM CO cp 1C CO CO CO l> O5 rH 00 Tf< CO 1-1 i>oot>cot~ s *!f ^; oo os I-H 10 3 r^ - COO U5 (N <9Q W o> >H i-l (M iH -t-2 (Ml^OOO c: ro O (N i-H i i 1 oo i^os co t>ocoo IM (N CO I 1 M cOlO OT)H ^ 3 t^" ^H t^ f"*> f-^. COCOO01> 00 CO OOO 1 ^ (N^HIN T 1 a 2 t^OlNrH ^1 . y co * 05 o 3 - Tt< CO 1-1 CO * 11 'O -Q M 0) I^OO >n oo' 00 O O O 05 ^j ^5 fl g . . . . 18 2 CO h ^ % 14 i-si WI> IN i-H 10 3 a3 55 " be 1 Q, a fcx O O I 1 t. 19291 ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 417 The energy consumption of the range owned by Cooperator 2 continued to be low in 1926-27 (Table 19) ; the average energy con- sumption per person per month for all four cooperators during this year was only 20 kilowatt hours as compared with 32.5 kilowatt hours the previous year. A coal range was used part of the time by each of these four cooperators during late fall, winter, and early spring. The use of a pressure cooker to prepare an entire meal at one time was an important factor in reducing the energy consumption of the electric ranges. Records kept on cooking such combinations as mashed potatoes, cabbage, and chile con came; or custard, scalloped FIG. 13. ELECTRIC RANGE IN HOME OF COOPERATOR 5 The average energy consumption per person per month for four cooperators was 32.5 kilowatt hours in 1925-26 and 20 kilowatt hours in 1926-27. Pressure cookers were an important factor in reducing the energy consumption of these ranges. potatoes, baked beans, and Swiss steak, show that from 50 to 60 percent of the energy is saved over the ordinary method of cooking on the grids. Two of the cooperators had economy cookers, which saved energy as well as time. Energy is saved also by an orderly and well-planned menu, cook- ing breakfast foods in the oven on the evening's stored heat, and by turning the switch to either medium or low in cooking when the water has started to boil. The placing of pans of water in the oven, or on top of the hot grids after the meal has been cooked aids in solving the hot water problem for washing dishes. The cost of cooking meals on an electric range as compared with other methods is somewhat higher, but such advantages as tempera- 418 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, ture control, automatic control, cleanliness, etc., will make the differ- ence in cost seem worth while to many. It should be remembered that electricity was furnished free during the first year's tests and that the cooperators lacked experience in operating electric ranges. This no doubt accounts partly for the difference between the amounts of energy used during the two years. Laboratory Tests. A test to determine the most economical method of cooking certain meals on the electric range, from the stand- point of energy consumption, was made in the Home Economics laboratory of the University of Illinois. Some preliminary studies were made in farm homes to deter- mine typical farm menus and to try out different combinations. Two menus were chosen as being representative. The selection was guided by cooking records kept by the farm women cooperating on this project, and the amounts of food prepared were determined on the advice of a nutrition specialist. The first menu selected was beef, potatoes, corn, cabbage, and custard. This menu was chosen as one which lent itself well to several methods of cooking. The second menu selected was pork, navy beans, potatoes, tomatoes, apple pie, and biscuits. This was chosen because it did not lend itself well to different methods of cooking. When the meal is cooked in the oven, the biscuits must be baked at the end of the cooking period and re- quire a very high temperature, which makes it impossible to do much of the cooking on stored heat; and when the meal is cooked on top of the stove, it is necessary to heat the oven in addition in order to bake the pie and biscuits. The quantities of food chosen were based on the needs of a farm family of six and were as follows: Menu No. 1 3 pounds of beef 1 No. 2 can of corn 2^2 pounds of potatoes (after paring) 1% pounds of cabbage 1 quart of milk for custard Menu No. 2 3 pounds of pork 1 No. 2 can of tomatoes 2% pounds of potatoes (after paring) 2% pounds of apples for pie (unpared) 3 cups of flour for biscuits 1 pound of dry navy beans Three series of tests were made. In one the meals were cooked in the oven ; in another, the meals were cooked on the platform heat- ers; in a third, the meals were cooked in a pressure cooker. Two different ranges were used and as nearly as possible the same utensils were used on both ranges. The beef dinners consistently required 1989] ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 419 less energy to cook than the pork dinners. This raises the question as to what food combinations prove the most economical when the cost of cooking is considered. With one range there was more energy consumed when the pork dinner was cooked on the surface heaters than when it was cooked in the oven. When the beans were parboiled in the oven, the amount of energy used was less than when the whole dinner was cooked on the oven top. With the other range less energy was used when the pork dinner was cooked on the surface heaters than when cooked in the oyen. This was true also of the beef dinners on both ranges. The amount of energy required to cook the beef dinner with the pressure cooker was only slightly less than with platform heaters, but it was considerably less than with the oven. The pressure cooker did not seem to affect greatly the amount of energy used to cook the pork dinner. Food Mixing Records were kept to determine the energy used in mixing food in a machine known as the kitchen aid. This piece of equipment is operated by a %o~h rse P wer motor and has the following attach- ments: wire loop whip, beater, pastry knife, bread hook, mixing bowl, food chopper set, special triple action three-quart ice cream freezer, oil dropper for mayonnaise, ice or hot water jacket, pouring chute, slicer and ice chipper, colander and sieve set, and roller for colander and sieve. The energy consumed by the kitchen aid was very slight. In a family of 11 only 1.2 kilowatt hours per month were used, and in a family of 8 only about .5 kilowatt hour. The machine was found to be very helpful during canning season. Cooked fruits to be made into butters or jams could be put thru the colander when hot, thus saving time. During threshing, corn husking, and silo filling seasons it was very useful for such operations as slicing or mashing potatoes, mixing or beating eggs, whipping cream, grinding meats, etc. Making Coffee With Percolator A test was made by the Home Economics department to determine the amount of electricity used in making coffee with the electric perco- lator and the ordinary percolator when heated on an electric range. Six cups of coffee were made in an electric percolator using 57 grams (about 8 level tablespoonfuls) of coffee and heating it to the boiling point. One hundred sixty-five watt hours of current were used. The same amount of coffee was made in an ordinary aluminum percolator set on the large platform heater of an electric range. The switch was turned to low position so that only the heating coil in the center was hot. The energy consumption with the ordinary perco- lator was 415 watt hours. 420 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, The ordinary percolator used was not the most efficient type and the data, therefore, cannot be considered conclusive, but they indicate that it may be economy to use an individual electric unit for some purposes rather than to cook on the platform heaters on the range. Electric Refrigeration Some means of keeping food cool in order to keep it palatable and prevent waste is an important consideration in every home. An electric refrigerator was installed in the home of each of the ten cooperating farmers in order to study its use and determine its energy consumption and the effect of different conditions on energy FIG. 14. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR IN DINING ROOM OF COOPERATOR 4 From April to September inclusive the 10 refrigerators on test required an average of 56.1 kilowatt hours a month. The dining room is not an ideal location for an electric refrigerator; an unheated pantry is better. consumption. Five of the refrigerators were better insulated than the others. Some were located in cool rooms and some in warm rooms. All the boxes had a capacity of about 6 cubic feet, with the exception of one and its capacity was 12 cubic feet. Under farm con- ditions the refrigerator would not be used to a great extent during the winter months. The average monthly energy consumption of these refrigerators over a period of a year ranged from 22.6 kilowatt hours in Decem- ber to 80.3 kilowatt hours in August, a monthly average of 41.9 ELECTRIC POTTBR FOR THE FARM 421 TABLE 20. ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS ON TEN COOPERATING FARMS, 1925-26 1 (Expressed in kilowatt hours) 1 00CiCCO -* 1C 05 CO 'N -H CO ^he high energy consumption of the refrigerators in the homes of cooperators 2, 5, and 8 during July and August may be accounted for by the fact that considerable ice, sherbet, etc., was frozen. No. 1 disconnected his machine in December. Switch on No. 2 was stuck during February and March, but that was not the fault of the machine. During November, December, and January his machine stayed cool, but the energy record seems to show that the room must have been about the same temperature as the box. Service was needed once on No. 2, 4, 5, 8, and 10. The capacity of each of the boxes was about 6 cubic feet, except that of No. 4, which had a ca- pacity of 12 cubic feet. 2 W = warm room, C = cool room. 33&S 8S35?g * ^ <^H rt< lO CO CO CO CO GO ^ CO I s - (N O O 2SJSS 88899*88 00 00 O ^H i 1 CD - C^ C 1 ^ C^ C*^ C^ OJ CO ^H CO CO *O iO O oo CO CO * SSS& 8S3SSSKS 1C c i 1 14 CO SS5SS SSSSS38KK >c CO C^ C"^ ^"4 fH ^^ ^H T-H i-H ^^ "^ t^ t^ CO co CO ^ C^ ?* n J2 fc-i !L^ {-t ^ bfl S> fc. > - 5 fe O g [inimum e consumpt one mon l-H i-H (N ^ : H f^t O J3 flja H .2 ~S >i >i t^> t*. P O O if! IP S 3333 1 1 1 - i-KNCO^H CO CO t^ O a 03 ^ H H W >j fl S be, o j_. fe H tf c ^ coco oo ^ >, ^ ^ - a "S 2 a.a s 1 1 o S | "- D 00 ^ J5 O o O -d a) fc as ^_J 1 T "S . t-t o 1 1 O S H OJ 2JJ " O, H o U 3" i-H o 19291 ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 423 kilowatt hours for the year, which is determined by dividing the total yearly consumption by 120, the number of customer months (Table 20). The average energy consumption during the summer months was 69.8 kilowatt hours, during the spring months, 38.5 kilo- watt hours; fall months, 33.2 kilowatt hours; and winter months, 26.0 kilowatt hours. From April to September inclusive the ten refrigerators required an average of 56.1 kilowatt hours per month. The highest monthly energy consumption recorded on any one refrigerator under test was 131 kilowatt hours. In practically every case where the energy per month was above 90 kilowatt hours, it was due either to expansion or to discharge valve trouble. Four of the ten refrigerators were purchased in November, 1926, by the farmers on the test line. The energy consumption of these refrigerators from that time to November, 1927, is shown in Table 21. One of the refrigerators was operated for six months, another for six and one-half months, and the other two for the full year. The energy used monthly averaged 33 kilowatt hours the second year as compared to 41.9 kilowatt hours the first year. The lower monthly consumption the second year is due to the fact that two of the co- operators made use of their refrigerators during summer months only and the average was determined on the basis of the total customer months (48), as in the first case. The maximum . kilowatt hours of energy used occurred in July the second year and in August the first year. Effect of Location of Refrigerator on Energy Used. The location of the refrigerator is a big factor in determining the energy consumed. That less energy is used by a refrigerator in a cool room than one in a warm room is indicated by tests made during the winter months on several similar boxes of the same make, some located in warm rooms and the others in cool rooms. The difference in the energy consumption of two similar boxes during the warm months is in a large measure due to the difference in the individual users. Some users make a larger quantity of frozen desserts and ice than others, and some users are more careful than others in not putting in hot or warm foods and in covering liquid foods. Undoubtedly these factors determine the energy required to maintain the box at a certain temperature. That the inside box temperature varied directly with the room temperature was shown by temperature readings on the inside of two refrigerators. One type of refrigerator showed a greater inside tem- perature variation corresponding with the room temperature varia- tions than the other type. This is illustrated in Fig. 15. No doubt this variation was partly due to poorer insulation, to type of door lining, and to type of door. 424 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, The variation in the energy consumption per week could not be traced to any one factor. The number of times the doors were opened did not seem to bear any relation to the energy consump- tion of the box. The relation of outside humidity, inside humidity, and defrosting to energy consumption could not be determined under the uncontrolled conditions existing on the farms. Advantages of Electric Refrigerators. The outstanding advant- ages of electric refrigerators in the farm home are that they save the time ordinarily required in going after ice for an ice box and they make the preparation of frozen desserts, ices, and cool drinks Fia. 15. CHART SHOWING INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TEMPERATURES OP A REFRIGERATOR A well-insulated refrigerator box is essential for economy in operation and for the maintenance of a uniform inside temperature. an easy matter. They also eliminate many of the inconveniences con- nected with the use of the ordinary ice box. A disadvantage that might be mentioned is that mechanical attention is needed at in- tervals just as with any other machine, and parts wear out which call for repairs. Most of the refrigerator dealers, however, realize this and provide a service man to take care of these problems. The domestic refrigerators under test did not fully meet the re- quirements of the farm homes in the matter of storage space. On the general farm from which cream is sold, only a little cream is produced each day. Over a period of a week, however, these small amounts make as much as 5 or 10 gallons. Under these conditions most farmers would like to have storage space for this amount in 1929} ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 425 the refrigerator. Sweet cream sells for more than sour cream, thus an added income may be obtained by the use of a refrigerator large enough to store the cream as it accumulates. Dish Washing Records were kept on both hand and mechanical dish washing in four farm homes. The time was recorded for collecting the dishes and stacking them away, and a record was made of the number of dishes washed, number of persons served, number of meals served, number of gallons of water used, and the kilowatt hours of energy used. Two different types of dishwashers were used. One machine forced the water up thru the dishes by means of a paddle at the bottom of the tub. In the other a rotary pump was used that forced the water thru a movable pipe pivoted in the center of the tub. The dishes were washed with about two gallons of warm or hot water. Soap placed in the water proved less effective in washing the dishes than water containing washing powder. The water was drawn off after the dishes were washed, and about two gallons of hot or boiling water was then used to rinse them. A two-minute period was sufficient for rinsing. Some operators dried the dishes after they were rinsed, but this is not necessary except to polish the glassware. A summary of the results secured on four farms with these two types of dishwashers is given in Table 22. The time reported as used is in all cases the total time for the entire operation including the washing of the dishes that could not be put into the machine. In washing dishes by hand the average time used daily varied from 2.7 to 1.53 hours. With the paddle type of machine the average time saved was 22 percent, and with the pump type nearly 28 per- cent. Where none of the dishes were dried except the glassware (Co- operators 1, 8, and 10), the saving in the operator's time ranged from 22.4 percent with the paddle machine to 41.6 percent with the pump machine. Where the dishes were hand-dried (Cooperator 5), 7.2 percent of the operator's time was saved. It is evident that the larger part of the time reported as saved by the machines is to be credited to the fact that when the dishes were washed by machine, they were not dried by hand. An average of 34 percent to 51 percent more water was used by the mechanical washer than when the dishes were washed by hand. The energy consumption ranged from 1 to 1.4 kilowatt hours per month for the pump type, averaging 1.2 kilowatt hours. For the paddle type it ranged from 1.6 to 4.8. kilowatt hours, averaging 3.2 kilowatt hours. The two dishwashers used did not give entire satisfaction because the dishes were not always washed clean and about 20 percent of the 426 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, z M 5 fe O SE S o o o B o fe !B O O ^ Q p W N o fa a X O I P a m H 5 C S 03 *_jrl " s^.s Q^ 03 OT > 03 -s a^ o O IN n co . O rH O IN <; oo t> ic o S COlM (NCO OIO , t^oooot^ N i-l O CO CO ^-1 ^3 O> fl, (N CO<-H 1C CO IN (Ni-H --I CD'S - H 3 W H & O p^ H O K z a E s o o O H O M | _z 3 C off ! O OO 't* Oi -e oo as IN os W | o 3 J-H |3 o * co "8 rO r* oo ^7^ " OOO3(N _bfi 'S 1 O TjH O '55 (N M JH -S O M -- ^IJ g - o o o co 'S co oo i> oo ft COIN IN CO i cr 43 a M N 'a S H-3 3 o J3 H S >o CQ 05 IN -4-3 oq T3 bO C g llo ^ a^S O3 l-i f-i tH (-4 *" bO bD bC 2 8 8 S > > > 19S9] ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 427 total dishes could not be washed in the machines due to the size of the machine or its shape. Stacking the dishes in the pump type of ma- chine was not as easily done as in the paddle type. The need for about 40 percent more hot water in mechanical dish- washing than in hand washing is an objection from the standpoint of many farm women. Butter Making A butter maker similar to a barrel churn, with the exception that it had working rolls, was used by one farmer. The churn had a ca- pacity of 12 gallons and was operated by a % -horsepower motor. For a period of one year a record was taken of the amount of cream churned, the cream temperature, the weight of butter, time required to churn the cream, time required to work and wash the butter, and the energy used. The results are shown in Table 23. The average weight of cream per churning was 49.93 pounds, from which 24.73 pounds of butter was obtained. The energy con- sumption averaged .99 kilowatt hour per 100 pounds of butter churned. An average of 7 minutes was required to work the butter and about 10 minutes to wash it. The temperature of the cream varied from 54 to 62 F., averaging 57.4 F. per churning. The ripening of the cream and the temperature were the two main factors that influenced the time required to do the churning. The cream was kept in a refrigerator until a sufficient quantity was col- lected to churn. According to expert butter makers, the ideal churn- ing temperature is that at which, when all other conditions are normal, the churning process is completed in about 45 minutes. The average time required per churning with the machine was 52.4 minutes. In this test cream of a higher temperature was churned in less time than cream of lower temperature. The butter churned from higher temperature cream was softer than that churned from lower cream temperatures. The best was between 58 and 60 F. The salt water that dripped or was thrown on the exposed metal parts of the machine caused considerable rusting. The metal parts should be covered with suitable paint to prevent this corrosion. The energy requirement and the cost of operating a butter maker is very slight, and labor is saved over hand methods. With a com- bination of refrigerator and churn, high-grade butter can be made by the small producer and delivered in reasonably large quantities. The main objection to a butter maker of the type tested was the first cost. Electricity for Lights and for Minor Household Appliances Records were kept of the energy consumption for lighting and for minor appliances on each of the ten farms during the three years 428 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, d (N r-KNCO '-HK 03 aij ^ I I o o U 1929} ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 429 of the test. The energy consumption by months, during one year, for each of the farms, is given in Table 24. Approximately the same amount of energy was used each year during the test period. The energy consumption of the minor household appliances was practically constant thruout the year; and the seasonal variations shown in Table 24 were due to the increased use of lights during the winter months. The household appliances consisted of such equipment as vacuum sweepers, hand irons, curling irons, fans, bat- tery chargers, heating pads, percolators, grills, table stoves, and dish- washers. While all ten of the cooperators had vacuum sweepers and hand irons, no one cooperator had all of the above equipment. As a source of energy for lights and for the operation of minor household appliances, electricity is valued by the majority of farm- ers more than for any other use to which it is put. Since approxi- mately 50 percent of a farmers' time is devoted to work about the farmstead, a large part of which is doing chores in the early morning and in the evening after dark, electric lights save time and reduce the possibility of accidents and fire. They thus fill a very definite need in improving living and working conditions both inside and outside the home. USES OF ELECTRICITY IN FARM PRODUCTION This study of the use of electricity for farm operations has been directed exclusively to the application of electricity to the various belt operations employed in farm work and to the furnishing of heat and light. As previously stated, no attempt has been made to adapt electric power to field work. While a hundred or more uses of electricity on the farm have been mentioned by various investigators, only those of most concern to Illinois farmers were included in this study. A number of other uses investigated at other state experiment stations are listed on pages 474 to 478. Electricity as a source of power for the productive work of the farm is even less commonly used than in the work of the farm home. Use of Portable Motor A problem which faces every farmer who expects to use elec- tricity as a source of power is the proper selection of motor equip- ment. There are two methods of power drive in general use the line shaft driving several machines and the direct-connected indi- vidual motor. There is little question of the superior merit of the individual drive so far as efficiency and convenience are concerned. In industries it has largely superseded the line shaft. The same is true to a certain extent on the farm. Certain equipment including 430 BULLETIN No. 332 [June, pumps, cream separators, milkers, washers, and ironers, that are used many times during the year, are being equipped with direct-con- nected individual motors. There are other machines, however, used less often and in some instances used only once each season, that are most satisfactorily operated with direct-connected individual motors, but first cost and limited use makes the purchase of individual motors for such machines prohibitive. The portable motor that can be easily moved about and attached is the solution. Nine portable 5-horsepower motors, equipped with counter shaft having three different-sized pulleys for varying speeds were in use on the experimental line during the three years of this study. When first obtained, only three of the units were equipped with a silent chain to drive the counter shaft, and the other units were equipped with leather belts; however, these were later equipped with chain drives. Each unit was provided with a push-button control switch on the end of a 20-foot cable, an overload temperature relay, and 50 feet of extension cable. A jack was also provided for use in tight- ening the belt between the portable outfit and the machine driven. A small house was made to protect the motor from rain and snow when it was used outside. The portable motors were used to advantage in grinding feed, elevating grain, pumping water, sawing wood, mixing concrete, and on one farm a portable unit was used for elevating dirt out of a basement that was being enlarged. Most of the farmers were sur- prised when they learned how little energy the motors used in doing the various operations mentioned. The chain drive gave better satis- faction than the belt drive. It was possible to obtain four different speeds from the counter shaft with the chain drive, while only three speeds were possible with the belt drive. The portable motor was one piece of equipment that after the loan period expired was kept by each of the active farmers, altho there were a few objections to it. Under certain conditions it was hard to move around, the leather belt gave some trouble, the push- button control switch grounded rather easily, and the flat extension cable that was used kinked more easily than round cable does when being unrolled for use. Improvements have been made on the units since they have been in use and some of the objections have been eliminated. The results secured indicate that a portable motor is very use- ful and the operating expense is very slight when the amount of work done is considered. Such a unit will no doubt play a large part in the future use of electrical power on most farms. It met the needs of the farmstead operations under the methods employed by the ten cooperating farmers. However, a 3-horsepower motor was substituted for one of the 5-horsepower motors on one of the outfits 1929} ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 431 and it is now being used on one farm, supplying sufficient power for elevating grain, pumping water, mixing concrete, sawing wood, and operating a 4-inch burr mill. Elevating Ear Corn With Portable Motor * The most efficient results obtained with a drag elevator operated by a 5-horsepower portable motor was on Farm 1. Three thousand two hundred and forty-one bushels of ear corn (243,100 pounds) were elevated 24 feet into a crib with an energy consumption of 21.5 kilo- watt hours. The energy required to lift 1,000 bushels 1 foot on the seven outside portable drag elevators ranged from .276 to .588 kilo- watt hour. The elevator using the greatest amount of energy re- quired 49 kilowatt hours to elevate 2,929 bushels (219,665 pounds) 28 l /2 feet. The average energy used by the seven elevators to lift FIG. 16. ELEVATING CORN WITH OUTSIDE ELEVATOR ON FARM OF COOPERATOR 3 About six minutes were required to elevate a 50-bushel load of ear corn into this 25-foot crib with the use of a clutch-type jack and 5-horsepower portable motor. 1,000 bushels of corn 1 foot was .423 kilowatt hour. The variation in energy consumption was due primarily to the condition of the ele- vators and the rate of unloading. The range in total lift was from 17.75 feet to 29 feet. The vertical inside elevator with a 56- foot lift owned by Cooper- ator X, required .130 kilowatt hour to elevate 1,000 bushels 1 foot, or 19 kilowatt hours to elevate 2,661 bushels (199,560 pounds) 56 feet. The motor was located at the bottom of the elevator but operated the buckets by a separate chain connecting both the top and bottom shafts. The time required to unload 35-bushel loads from the seven port- able elevators was 4 to 10 minutes. Some of the elevators were not 432 BULLETIN No. 332 is-si (N 00 CO ^C CO CO t^ CO ^ 00 00 t~ CO (N 00 bcoS CO 1C (N O 00 c CO SM *_r^ ^? -c r- OO c (M CO ' i *^ sj C^ ^ CO >C (N C S ^ &T3 "3 00 O O OO O 00 o & *? ^| O5 CD O CO 05 O5 CK> 9 (N ^H CD (N co co o co oo I-H CO (N (N O CO O5 OO (N (N 1C CO s J> bD 13 HI! .^ CO s CO i-l O ^ CO 00 1C (N 1C O I-H i-H CO 3 || 00 i-H (N O5 CO i-H Tf CO O 1C (M CO 00 CO o 1C o s 0-55 > |Q EH S ca CO CO 05 I-H T-H CO 1C O5 1C ^H i O5 OS (M 1 t d (N (M - *-i 5 bjO<4-H OS " CO 00 O O (M Tj< 00 CO C > * T ~^> ^^ ^* T^ CO 1C C M U 5 1 ^ X & hO o3 ^4 O^ 4 O C 1 <*< 00 N CD '53 => > ii, - 1^- t~- -t-i Q 45 1 1 amount round oooooo g 73 C 03 M . |l .S c^ oooo-*-* g l> O5I> CO 00 00 i ! is pi a J3 O M ~1 S OJ cu H s So cS .:.::: 2 "* ^-t W CO -^ 1C CO p o I J OQ g H ag > o ^S (H 1 ^ 5 o g K 5 bs W O a; * H M S ^o ^ a o (HW 16 H n S QQ O 2 S w o Ij |oo co I -"" ^ II l^t. t. H S, g ^_ >> 2 ooio O O) to ^ iot-."oo : Hg^ - s CO 'o eoi>t^ co to OOOOt~ 00 51, T-t f-l i-H i-l Amount chaffed per hour COO(M (M ^MW ra flj ill |11 _fl CD" (N O5 i 1 d s I 1.1 S rtcic o>o O OP GO iJfi ' i-H r-( 3 . ooooooooo (N CD .2 CO i-H O O O> O5 rH r-l O o Amount ground per hour S OOOOCD^OOOOCO CS CO Oi CO 00 OS 00 00 i> OO 1 111 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 r-( i-H i t i 1 H 11 3 1 * 3 H SOO ^O O^ t^ CO t^ b 00 t* +a JS H gL oS 1 oo g, 1929] ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE FARM 441 o S gS 3 _o g CO CO O5 CM 1* g o os Oi a II |c^oco a> CO ^ '' " " j ft ^ "~ >< PQ Q CO 4i i S3 g' CO ^ t> O H ^ fl "^ *"* l^ ?**> ro pf* 'M coS &-"-"-"* a 41 H bO O S M O ^tl g M H 4> ^J Oi O5 N Ct '3 i O CO (M CO CO Q "S s ll g C 00 CO i-l ^ t^ lOCOCN W o *| O Q A t- :d 4) j 1C COOOO '5* Hg = ^ IOCOTJ< fe _a S ^> ^^ ^^ CO O5 S g ^ a 3 4) i i ^ % "S _jL i <-S | ^ << o rS 4> g O tN O5 CO W OH b& E 'o g GOOO CO S (N O O5 O Ji, i-H i 1 i 1 12 Q a| ^ a fe OO g -*(N (M 3 ft. S M < ^ W O Qj ^ | ~ > a a 3 | Q W ^^3

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