foL ' » of 111. Library * ,§ '■ * ' -f *»• ■ ?■ * THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY % t • l*r£ W', %Y. ‘ v ' ' >3?. ' • ,* ' it? s * •; ^ * v,r.:# %* . t t ; 1890. CODE OP THE) CONSTITUTIONS AND LAWS, WITH NOTES OF DECISIONS, OP THE ROYAL ARCANUM, AS ADOPTED BY _ THE SUPREME COUNCIL AT ITS THIRTEENTH ANNEAL SESSION, IN MILWAUKEE, WIS., JUNE 4TH-11TH, 1890, WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING THE STATUTES OE MASSACHUSETTS, BUSINESS EORMS, POLICY, ETC. First Edition. PUBLISHED BY THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 55 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. EXTRA HAZARDOUS RISKS 1 Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, In Twelfth Annual Session, Atlantic City, N.J., June 8, 1889. Resolved, That there be printed upon the first page inside of cover of the Constitutions and Laws the following extract from Special Official ^ Circular, No. 67 : — Extra Hazardous Risks, which must be referred to the Medical Examiner-in-chief. Vi t- ) c \ x Applicants employed — 1. In the manufacture or sale of gunpowder or other explosives. 2. In the sale of alcoholic liquors at retail. 3. In putting up, repairing, or caring for telegraph or telephone wires or poles. 4. In grinding steel. 5. In railroading, if employed on freight-trains, coal-trains, and driller, shifting, or yard engines. 6. As common miners. 7. As ordinary seamen. 8. In fishing on the Banks. 9. As members of life-saving stations on the coasts. Adopted. C7^ > Attest Supreme Secretary. (hi) 962383 \ The Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, In Thirteenth Annual Session, Milwaukee, Wis., June 10, 1890. 1. Resolved, That the text of the Constitutions and Laws as codified and reported by the Committee on Laws, except where amended, modified, or repealed at this session of the Supreme Council, with such amendments to the Constitutions and Laws as may be or have been adopted at this session of the Supreme Council, be, and they hereby are adopted and enacted as the Constitutions and Laws of the Order, and as a substitute for and in lieu of all previously existing Constitutions and Laws. 2. Resolved, That all Constitutions and Laws and parts thereof incon- sistent with said enactment and such codification as amended at this session, and with such amendments to the Constitutions and Laws as have been adopted at this session of the Supreme Council, be and are ‘hereby repealed. 8. Resolved, That said Constitutions and Laws as codified with said amendments be in full force and take effect immediately. 4. Resolved, That the Committee on Laws is hereby authorized and di- rected to embody and place in said codification, as amended at this session, the said amendments to the Constitutions and Laws enacted at this session of the Supreme Council, so as to accord with the plan of arrangement adopted by the Committee on Laws in said codification, and to renumber the sections, if necessary, to conform with such amendments. o. Resolved, That an index be prepared to said Constitutions and Laws, with the said amendments incorporated therein, by or under the direction of the Chairman of the Committee on Laws. 6. Resolved, That the Committee on Laws prepare an Appendix to said Constitutions and Laws containing all decisions not already annotated, and forms of procedure, the same to be fully indexed. 7. Resolved, That after the preparation of said index to said Consti- tutions and Laws, and of said appendix, the entire work be promulgated to the Order by furnishing one copy thereof to each Council, each officer of the Grand Councils, and each officer and member of the Supreme Council. 8. Resolved, That the Supreme Regent and Finance Committee are hereby vested with full power to determine the amount of and pay a reasonable compensation for the time occupied in such work as is herein provided for, and to pay other necessary costs of preparing such completed codification and Constitutions. 9. Resolved, That the Charter of the Supreme Council and the several acts of the Legislature of Massachusetts, under which the Supreme Council is incorporated, be included in said appendix. 10. Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Laws of an Anno- tated Codification of the Constitutions, Laws, and Decisions of the Royal Arcanum, as amended in Committee of the Whole, and referred to the Com- mittee on Laws for further action, be and the same hereby is adopted, to- gether with said amendments. _ ... 11. Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Laws on the cod- ification of Constitutions and Laws, made at this session, be not published in the proceedings of this session. Adopted unanimously, 49 in favor. Attest: Supreme Secretary. (iv) CONTENTS PART I. SUPREME COUNCIL CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. THE SUPREME COUNCIL. CHAPTER I. — NAME AND POWERS. Sec. Page I Sec. 1. — Name and Powers I I 2.— Appeals to . . . CHAPTER II - OBJECTS OF THE ORDER. 3. — Objects CHAPTER III. — MEETINGS. 4. — Annual Meetings 2 j 6. — Notice 5. — Special Meetings 2 | 7. — Quorum Page 1 2 CHAPTER IV. — MEMBERSHIP. 8. — Who Compose • • • 3 9. — Representatives and Credentials . . 3 10. — Additional Representatives .... 3 11. — Representative from Delinquent Grand Council 4 12. — Resignation of Representative ... 4 13. — Alternate and Representative not Admitted 14. — If Representative can Attend, Alter- nate cannot 15. — Credentials of Alternate ARTICLE II. SUPREME COUNCIL OFFICERS. CHAPTER I. — TITLES, ELIGIBILITY, ELECTION, INSTALLATION. 16. — Titles 17 . — Eligibility 18. — Past Supreme Regents . . 3,9, — Nomination and Election 20. — No other Business in Order 21. — M ore than One Candidate . 22. — More than Two Candidates 23. — Installation 6 6 C4 CO '1* VI CONTENTS CHAPTER II. — DUTIES OF SUPREME COUNCIL OFFICERS. Sec. Page Op the Supreme Regent: 24. — Preside 6 25. — Superintend Order and Enforce 26. — Grant Dispensations 7 27. — Institute Pass-words 7 28. — Fill Vacancies 7 29. — To Sign Orders 7 30. — Appoint Special Committees . ... 7 31. — Special Deputies 7 32. — I )eputies to Institute 8 33. — Ilis Correspondence 8 34. — Official Decisions Final 8 35. — Decisions have Effect of Laws . . 8 36. — Annual Report 8 37. — Other Duties 8 Op the Supreme Vice-Regent : 38. — Preside and Investigate Deaths . . 8 39. — Discharge Duties of Supreme Re- gent 8 Op the Supreme Orator: 40. — Deliver Lectures 9 41. — Visit Councils 9 Op the Supreme Secretary: 42. —To Report Proceedings 9 43. — Annual Report 9 44. — Custody of Seal 9 45. — Compile Amendments 9 46. — Furnish Pass-words 9 / Sec. Page 47. — Duties to Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund 9 48. — Draw Orders 9 49. — Statement for Papers 10 50. — Conduct Correspondence 10 51. —Keep Record of Councils 10 52. — Have Charge of Supplies, Books, etc 10 53. — Issue Benefit Certificates 10 54. — Keep Accounts . . . 10 55. — Receive Money Due 10 56. — Issue Quarterly Circulars 10 57. —Assistants 10 58. — Other Duties 11 Op the Supreme Treasurer: 59. — Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund 11 60. — Deposit Funds — Interest on . ... 11 61. — Semi-Monthly Report 11 62. — Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund Accounts H 63. — General Fund Accounts 11 64. — Examination of Accounts 11 65. — Annual Report 11 Op other Supreme Officers : 66. — Supreme Chaplain 12 67. — Supreme Guide, Supreme Warden, Supreme Sentry, and Sitting Past Supreme Regent 12 CHAPTER III.— DUTIES OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES. Of the Committee on Finance : 68. — Examine Bills 12 69. — Examine Books and Accounts . . . 12 70. — Special Examinations ....... 12 71. — Annual Report 12 72. — Record of Bills 12 73. — Submit Estimates 12 Op the Committee on Laws : 74. — Examine Constitutions, Laws, and By-Laws 12 75. — Examine Amendments 13 76. — Annual Report 13 Of the Committee on Appeals : 77. — Examine Appeals 13 78. — Their Decisions 13 79. — Annual Report 13 Op the Supreme Trustees : 80. — Have Charge of Property 13 81. — Investments 13 82. — Report to Supreme Secretary ... 14 83. — Annual Report 14 Op the Committee on Supplies : 84. — Who Constitute . j.\ 14 85. — Make Contracts 14 86. — Fix Price of Supplies 14 87. — Annual Report 14 Qp the Committee on State op the Order: 88. — Who Constitute 14 89. — Duties 14 Op the Committee on Deposi- tories : 90. — Who Constitute 14 91. — Duties 14 Op Records and Reports : 92. — Formal Action in Writing 15 93. — Chairman Keep Records 15 CHAPTER IV. — GIVING OF BONDS BY, AND OTHER DUTIES OF SUPREME OFFICERS. 64. — Who Give Bonds 15 ■95. — Approval of Sundry Bonds .... 15 66. — Bonds of Supreme Trustees . ... 15 97. — Bonds may be Increased 15 98. — Delivery of Property ....... 15 ARTICLE III. CHARTERS. CHAPTER I. — DISPENSATIONS FOR CHARTERS. 09. — Supreme Regent may Grant ... 16 | 100. — In Grand Jurisdictions 16 CONSENTS. Yll CHAPTER II. — THE ISSUING OF CHARTERS. Sec. Page I Sec * 101 . — Reported to Supreme Council . . . 16 103. — Who Signs Charter 102. — Charters under Grand Councils . . 16 1 ARTICLE IV. REVENUE, MILEAGE, PER DIEM, COMPENSATION. CHAPTER 1.— REVENUE. 104. — Shall be as Prescribed 105. — Charters 106. — Supplies 107. — Other Supplies . . . . 17 17 17 17 108. — Per Capita Tax in Supreme Juris diction 109. — Per Capita Tax in Grand Jurisdic tions 110. — Other Sources CHAPTER II. -MILEAGE, PER DIEM, COMPENSATION. 111. — Mileage 18 I H3. - Compensation 112. — Per Diem 18 I ARTICLE V. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTIONS AND LAWS. CHAPTER I. 114. — Supreme Council Constitution, Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, Benefit Certificates and Medical Examinations 19 115. — Subordinate Council Constitution and Laws 116. —How Presented 117 . — How Adopted 118. — Take Effect CONTENTS, viii PAET II. LAWS GOVERNING GRAND COUNCILS. ARTICLE I. INSTITUTION, POWERS, REVENUE, MEETINGS, AND OFFICERS OF GRAND COUNCILS. CHAPTER I. — INSTITUTION, POWERS, AND REVENUE. Sec. Page 125. — Institution 20 126. — The Application 20 127. — Powers 20 Sec. Page 128. — No Control over Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund 21 129. — Sources of Revenue 21 130. — Grand Council Laws take Effect . 22 CHAPTER II. — MEETINGS AND OFFICERS. 131. — Meetings and Elections 22 1 133. — Elections 22 ]32. Officers 22 | 134. — Installations 22 # ARTICLE II. REPRESENTATION IN THE SUPREME AND GRAND COUNCILS. CHAPTER I. — REPRESENTATION IN THE SUPREME COUNCIL. 135 . — Entitled to One Representative . . 23 | 137. — Alternate 28 136. — Additional Representatives . ... 23 | 138. — Vacancies 23 CHAPTER n. — COUNCIL REPRESENTATION IN GRAND COUNCILS. 139. — Representatives from Councils ARTICLE III. GRAND COUNCIL REPORTS TO THE SUPREME COUNCIL. CHAPTER I. 140. — Semi-annual Reports . . 141. — Annual Reports .... 142. — Reports of New Councils 143. — Delinquent Councils . . 24 24 24 24 144. — Bi-Monthly Report of Grand Re- gent 24 145. — Publications 24 CONTENTS IX ARTICLE IV. SUSPENDED AND DISSOLVED GRAND COUNCILS. Sec. - 146. — Effect of Order 147. — Proceedings on Dissolution . . 148. — Surrender of Property . . . . CHAPTER I. Page . 25 . 25 . 25 Sec. Page 149. — Reinstatement by Supreme Re- gent 25 150. — Restoration on Reinstatement . . 25 PART III. CONSTITUTION OF SUBORDINATE COUNCILS. ARTICLE I. COMPOSITION, POWERS, MEETINGS, SEAL, STAMP. CHAPTER I. — COMPOSITION AND POWERS. Sec. Page I Sec. Page 175.— Composition . . . . 176. — Powers CHAPTER II. — MEETINGS. 177.— Stated Meetings . . 180. — Opening and Quorum 178.— Special Meetings . . 181. — If Regent Absent, who Presides . 27 179. — Notice of Special Meetings .... 27 CHAPTER III. — OFFICIAL SEAL AND STAMP. 182. Seal 27 | 183. — Collector’s Stamp 28 ARTICLE II. OFFICERS OF COUNCILS AND ELECTIONS. CHAPTER I. — OFFICERS. 184. — Titles and Term 28 187. — Sitting Past Regent 29 185. — Past Regent 28 188. — Acting Sitting Past Regent . ... 29 186. — Resignation of Past Regent .... 29 CHAPTER II. — REPRESENTATIVE TO GRAND COUNCIL. 189 . — Election of Representative and Al- I 191. — Additional Representative .... 30 ternate 29 192. — Special Election of Representa- 190. — Qualification of Representative and tive 30 Alternate 29 | X CONTENTS CHAPTER ni. _ qualification, nomination, election, and RESIGNATION OF COUNCIL OFFICERS. Sec. 193. — Qualification of all Officers . . . 194. — Qualification for Regent .... 195. — Promotions 196. — Chosen by Ballot 197. — Majority to Elect . .•••••* 198. — Candidate must be Nominated . 199. — Order of Procedure Page . 30 . 30 . 30 . 31 . 31 . 31 . 31 SEC. PA6B 200. — Judge and Tellers 31 201. — Duties of Tellers 31 202. — Illegal Ballots 31 203. — Installation . ..... • • • • • • 204. — Failure to Present for Installation . 31 205. — When Vacancies Filled 32 206. — How Vacancies Filled 32 CHAPTER IV. -REMOVALS OF OFFICERS BY THE COUNCIL. 207. — Cause for Removal 32 I 208. - Officer, under Charges . . . ARTICLE III. DUTIES OF OFFICERS OF SUBORDINATE COUNCILS. CHAPTER I. — DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Of the Regent: 209. — As Presiding Officer 210. — Appoint Committees 211. — Sign Orders 212. — W'hen He may Vote 213. — Call Special Meetings 214. — Appoint Standing Committees . . 215. — Hold Bonds 216. — Other Duties Op the Vice-Regent : 217. — Duties Or the Orator: 218. — Conduct Entertainment Of the Sitting Past Regent : 219. — Duties Of the Secretary : 220. — Records and Correspondence . . . 221. — Draw Orders 222. — Make out Reports * • • 223. — Send Notices 224. — Other Duties • Of the Collector : 225. — Keep Accounts 33 33 33 33 33 33 3 * 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 226. — Receive Money and Pay to Treasurer - ■ • • 227. — Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund Accounts 228. — Give Notice of Arrears 229. —List of Delinquent Members . . . 230. — Other Duties Of the Treasurer: 231. — Receipts and Payments 232. — Accounts 233. — Annual Report 234. — Other Duties Of the Chaplain : 235. — Duties Of the Guide : 236. — Duties Of the Warden and Sentry: 237. — Duties Of the Trustees: 238. — Custody of Property and Invest- ments Of the Representative to the Grand Council : 239. — Duties 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 CHAPTER II. — BONDS OF 240. — Who Give Bonds 241. — Security on Bonds COUNCIL OFFICERS — OTHER DUTIES. 37 I 242. — Regent to Hold Bonds .... ' 37 I 243. — Delivery to Successor 37 37 ARTICLE IV. STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCILS. CHAPTER I. — RELIEF , FINANCE, Of the Relief Committee : 244. — Who Compose — Duties . • • Of the Finance Committee : 245. — Duties AND AUDITING COMMITTEES. Of the Auditing Committee : 246. — Duties 247. — Powers CONTENTS XI ARTICLE V. BY-LAWS AND ALTERATIONS THEREOF. Sec. 248. — Two-thirds Vote Necessary . 249. — How Proposed 250. — Amended Amendments . . . 251. — Restrictions on By-Laws . . CHAPTER I. Page . 39 . 39 . 39 . 39 Sec. Page 252. — Approval of 39 253. — If Relate to Widows and Orphans' Benefit Fund 40 PART IV. GENERAL LAWS OF THE ROYAL ARCANUM. TITLE I. APPLICATION FOR, ELECTION AND INITIATION TO MEMBERSHIP. CHAPTER I.— QUALIFICATION, DUTY, AND ELECTION OF APPLICANTS. Sec. Page 270. — Age 41 271. — Other Qualifications ....... 42 272. — Proscribed Occupations 42 273. — Sign Application 42 274. — Fees with Application 42 275. — Read in Council 42 Sec. Page 276. — Investigating Committee 42 277. — Medical Examination 42 278. — Reports Read in Council and Ballot 43 279. — Election 43 CHAPTER II. — REJECTED AND INELIGIBLE APPLICANTS. 280. — Rejected by Ballot 43 281. — Rejected on Report of Investigating Committee 44 282. — Declared Ineligible 44 283. — Applicant may Cause Rejection . . 44 284. — Cannot Withdraw Application . . 44 285. — Record of Rejection and Ineligi- bility 44 CHAPTER III. — PROCEDURE UPON 286. — Notice of Election 44 287. — Medical Examination Void after Sixty Days 44 APPLICATIONS AFTER ELECTION. 288. — Applicant Fails to Present Himself, 45 289. — Council Order New Ballot and Medical Examination 45 CHAPTER IV.— CONFERRING THE DEGREE AND SUSPENSION THEREOF DURING EPIDEMIC. 290. — Fees to be Paid 45 I 293. — Rights after Degree Conferred . . 46 291. — When Degree Conferred 45 294. — Suspended during Epidemic ... 46 292. — Only Degree Entitles to Benefits . 46 j CHAPTER V. —DISPOSITION OF FEES ACCOMPANYING APPLICATIONS. 295. — How Fees are Disposed of 46 Xll CONTENTS CHAPTER VI. — JURISDICTION OF COUNCILS IN REGARD TO APPLICANTS. Sec. Page I Sec. Page 296. — What Constitutes Jurisdiction . . 47 I 297. — Places where no Councils 47 CHAPTER VII. - APPLICATIONS IN PLACES WHERE THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE COUNCIL. 298. — Notice of Applications 47 299. — Cities may be Divided 48 300. — Lay over Three Weeks 48 301. — Failure to Give Notice 48 302. — If a Council Objects 48 303. — Ballot after Objection 49 CHAPTER VIII. — APPLICATIONS FROM THE JURISDICTION OF OTHER COUNCILS. 304. — Applicants from Other Jurisdic- tions 49 305. — When no Reply Received 49 306. — Violation of Jurisdiction 307. — Objections may be Overruled . . . 308. — When Fees Returned ....... 49 49 49 TITLE II. BENEFIT CERTIFICATES AND BENEFICIARIES. CHAPTER I. — PROCURING AND ACCEPTANCE OF BENEFIT CERTIFICATES. 320. — Applications Sent to Supreme I 321. — Member to Sign and Accept Bene- Secretary 50 fit Certificate 50 I 322. — If Member Absent 51 CHAPTER II. -DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARIES. 323. — Applicant must Designate .... 51 324. — Who may be Designated 51 325. — Cannot Designate by Will .... 52 326. — Cannot Secure Creditors 52 327. — Assignment of Benefit Certificate Void 52 328. — Foreign Beneficiaries 52 CHAPTER III. — FAILURE OF DESIGNATION, AND THE DEATH OF BENEFICIARIES. 329. — Dependency must Exist at Death . 52 I 331. — Death of One or More Beneficiaries, 53 330. — If Designation Fails 53 | 332. — Death of All Beneficiaries .... 53 CHAPTER IV.— CHANGE OF BENEFICIARY. 333. — How Changed 53 334. — Surrender Forwarded ...... 53 335. — Parol Evidence Disregarded ... 54 336. — If Benefit Certificate Lost or Be- yond Control 337. — When Change Takes Effect ... 54 338. — Old Benefit Certificate Cancelled by New 54 54 CONTENTS. xiii TITLE III. MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND SUPERVISION. CHAPTER I.— SUPERVISING MEDICAL EXAMINERS AND THEIR DUTIES. Sec. Page 350. — Appointment of 54 351. — Medical Examiner-in-Chief, Duties, 55 352. — To Make Annual Report 55 353. — State Medical Examiners, Duties . 55 354. — Member of Grand Council .... 55 Sec. Page 355. — To Advise, and Report to Supreme Regent 56 356. — Term of Office and Removal ... 56 357. — Return of Medical Examinations for New Council 56 CHAPTER II. — MEDICAL EXAMINERS AND THEIR DUTIES. 358. — Appointment of 56 I 361. — Duties of 359. — Qualifications of 56 362. — Medical Examiner for New 360. — Removal of 57 | Council CHAPTER III. — MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS OF APPLICANTS, SUPERVISION AND FEES. 363. — Legal Examination 364. — Must be Approved 57 365. — Supervising Medical Examiner may- 58 Reverse Decision ....... 58 366. —Fees for 58 TITLE IV. MEMBERS - THEIR DUTIES, RIGHTS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES - QUARTERLY DUES, FINES, SICK BENEFITS, REINSTATEMENT - MEMBERS OF DISSOLVED COUNCILS. C HA PTER I. — QUARTERLY DUES. 370. — When Dues Paid 59 I 372. — How Suspended 60 371. — When in Arrears for Dues .... 59 | CHAPTER II. — FINES. 373. — Arrears for 60 | 374. — Suspension for 60 CHAPTER III. — OF SUNDRY RIGHTS OF MEMBERS. 375. — May Correct Mistake in Age ... 60 I 376. — In Proscribed Territory and Foreign Countries 61 CHAPTER IV. — RELIEF OF SICK AND DISABLED MEMBERS. 377. — Compulsory Sick Benefit ..... 61 378. — Additional Sick Benefit 62 379. — How Paid 62 380. — If Member in Arrears 62 381. — If Under Charges 62 382. — If Member Absent, Furnish Proof . 62 383. — Must Attend Sick Members ... 62 CHAPTER V. — OF REINSTATEMENT OF SUSPENDED MEMBERS. 384. — Application for 62 385. — Conditions Required ....... 63 386. — New Medical Examination .... 63 387. — Rate of Assessment after Reinstate- ment 63 388. — When Cannot Reinstate 63 389. — Ballot on Reinstatement 64 390. — If Rejected 64 391. — After Punishment by Suspension . 64 392. — Suspension by Mistake or Neglect, 64 393. — Notices to Supreme Secretary . . . 64 394. — Same 64 395. — Old Benefit Certificate in Force . . 64 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. — MEMBERS OF DISSOLVED COUNCILS. Sec. Page 396. — May Protect Themselves 64 397. — How Admitted as New Members . 6o 398. — May Become Members at Large . . 65 Sec. Page 399. _ Suspended Member of Dissolved Council 65 TITLE V. WITHDRAWAL, FINAL WITHDRAWAL, AND TRAVELLING CARDS. CHAPTER I. WITHDRAWAL FROM ONE COUNCIL TO JOIN ANOTHER. 410. — Application for Card 411. — How Granted; Restrictions on 412. — If Refused 413. — Duration of 66 414. — If not Deposited 67 415. — May be Returned to Council ... 67 CHAPTER II. -DEPOSIT OF WITHDRAWAL CARDS. : : : % I 417. — Investigating Committee on 418. — Ballot and Election 67 CHAPTER III. —FINAL WITHDRAWAL. 421. -Procedure on • • • 68 | 422,-MayUe Readmitted CHAPTER IV. — TRAVELLING CARDS. 423. — How Granted 68 | 424. - If Refused ...... TITLE VI. WIDOWS AND ORPHANS’ BENEFIT FUND. CHAPTER I. -RATE OF ASSESSMENT OF MEMBERS AND PAYMENTS TO THE FUND. 69 | 431. — Record of Payments 70 430. — What Members Pay CHAPTER II. -CHANGES OF RATE. 432. -Full to Half ™ 1 433. -Half to Full CHAPTER III. -PAYMENTS FROM THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS’ BENEFIT FUND. 434. Amounts to be Paid 71 J 435— When Less than Full Amount . . CHAPTER IV— PROOF OF DEATH AND PAYMENT OF DEATH BENEFIT. 436. — Proceedings in Council 71 437. — Notice of Death 438. — Further Proof .••••••••• I* 439. - Supreme Secretary to Draw Order, .2 440— Supreme Regent to Sign Order . . 7 ^ 441 — Supreme Treasurer to Accept Order 73 442. — Order Forwarded to Council 443— Delivery of Order ...... 444— Surrendered Benefit Certificate 445— If Beneficiary Dies 446. — Payments in Special Cases . . 447— Limitation of Actions 71 CONTENTS XV CHAPTER V. — LAYING AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FROM COUNCILS. Sec. Page 448. — When Assessment Laid 73 449. — Form of Notice 74 450. — Double Assessment 74 451. — Grand Secretaries Notified .... 74 452. — Secretary Notify Collector .... 74 453. — Collector Notify Treasurer and Supreme Secretary 74 454. — Treasurer Forward and Notify Secretary 74 Sec. Page 455. — Secretary Notify Supreme Secre- tary and Council 74 456. — Supreme Treasurer Receive Widows and Orphans* Benefit Fund 74 457. — Supreme Treasurer Reports to Su- preme Secretary . 75 458. — If Amount is Correct 75 459. — If Amount Insufficient 75 460. — If Amount too Large 75 CHAPTER VI. — COUNCILS SUSPENDED AND DISSOLVED FOR NON- PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENT. 461. — Supreme Treasurer Report Delin- I 464. — Reinstatement of Council .... 75 queut Councils 75 465. — Disposition of Fine 76 462. — Delinquent Council Suspended . . 75 466. — Suspended Council Dissolved . . . 76 463. — Suspended Council not Recognized, 75 | CHAPTER VII. — MEMBERS OF COUNCILS SUSPENDED AND DISSOLVED FOR NON-PAYMENT OF AN ASSESSMENT. 467. — Protection of Members in Good I 468. — How Member may Protect Himself, 76 Standing 76 | 469. —Members of Dissolved Council . . 76 CHAPTER VIII. — LAYING AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FROM MEMBERS AND SUSPENSION FOR NON-PAYMENT. 470. — Notice to Members 77 471. — Form of Notice 77 472. — How Notice Given 77 473. — Suspension for Non-Payment . . . 77 474. — Suspension Recorded 78 475. — Councils may Pay for Members . 78 476. — When Last Day is Sunday or Holi- day 79 TITLE VII. SUBORDINATE COUNCILS. CHAPTER I. — INSTITUTION OF NEW COUNCILS. 500. — Fee and Membership 79 501. — Charter Applicants 79 502. — Charter Closed 80 503. — Charter Applicants to Ballot ... 80 504. — Name of Council 80 505. — In Places where Councils Exist . . 80 506. — Objections by Existing Council . 507. — In Cities where Twenty Councils 508. — Proscribed Territory 509. — In Foreign Countries 510. — Duties of Instituting Officer . . 511. — New Councils Visited 81 81 81 81 81 82 CHAPTER II. — C HA RTER APPLICANTS NOT PRESENT AT INSTITUTION. 512. — If Unavoidably Absent 82 I 513. — If Medical Examination not Ap- proved 82 CHAPTER III. — CONSOLIDATION OF COUNCILS IN THE SAME PLACE. 514. — Preliminary Action by Councils . 82 515. — Preliminary Reports to Supreme Secretary 83 516. — Mode of Consolidation 83 517. — Roll of Consolidated Council . . . 83 518. — Liabilities of Both Councils . ... 83 519. — If Member does not Desire Con- solidation 83 520. — Reinstatement of Suspended Mem- bers 83 XVI CONTENTS CHAPTER IV. — EXISTING COUNCILS, Sec. Page 521. — Councils in the Proscribed Terri- tory 84 522. —No Application from Proscribed Territory 84 523. — Monetary Consideration for Appli- cations 84 SPECIAL PROVISION RELATING TO. Sec. Page 524. — Degree Fee 84 525. — Suspended Council not Recog- nized 84 526. — Fee for Dispensation 84 527. —May Fine Officers 84 CHAPTER V. — REPORTS AND REMITTANCES TO THE SUPREME AND GRAND COUNCILS. 528. — Councils under Supreme Council . 85 530. — Reports in Duplicate ....... 85 529. Councils under Grand Council • . 85 531. — Special Reports to Supreme Secre- tary 85 CHAPTER VI.— DISSOLVED COUNCILS. 532. — Demand for Charter and Effects . 85 533. — How Delivered 85 534. — When Restored 86 535. — Supreme Regent may Rescind Order 86 536. — Mode of Reinstatement 86 TITLE VIII. DEPUTY SUPREME REGENTS. CHAPTER I. —DUTIES OF DEPUTY SUPREME REGENTS. 550. — Represent Supreme Regent . ... 86 551. — Work to be Uniform 86 552. — Official Visits 87 553. — Install Officers 554. — Other Duties . 87 87 TITLE IX. SUPPLIES FOR THE ORDER. CHAPTER I. — SUPPLIES FOR EXISTING COUNCILS. 560. — Must be Uniform - • 561. — Forms Prepared by Supreme bec- retary 87 1 562. — When Blanks Obsolete 563. — Price of Supplies at Retail .... 87 I 564. — Printed by Supreme Council . . . 87 CHAPTER II. — SUPPLIES FOR NEW COUNCILS. 565. - Sets of Supplies • • • • I 566. - Paid for on Delivery TITLE X. REGALIA, JEWELS, AND UNIFORM. CHAPTER I.— REGALIA. 570. — Members must Wear 571. — Of Members .... 572. — Of Officers 573. — Color of . CONTENTS XVII CHAPTER II. —JEWELS. Sec. Page 574. _ Must be as Prescribed 90 575. — For Supreme Officers 90 576. — For Grand Council Officers . ... 90 577. — For Council Officers 90 578. — For Medical Officers 90 Sec. 579. — For Deputies . . . . 580. — For Members .... 581. — Circles 582. — Jewels to be of Gold Page . 90 . 91 . 91 . 91 CHAPTER III . — UNIFORM. 583. — Must be as Prescribed 91 j 585. — For Members of Grand Council 584. — Members of Supreme Council and | and Past Regents 91 Past Grand Regents 91 i 586. — For Members 91 ' 587. — Uniform not Obligatory 91 TITLE Xr. THE BOOK OF DUTIES AND PARLIAMENTARY LAW. CHAPTER I. — THE BOOK OF DUTIES. 600. — Guide in Council Business .... 92 | 601. —Must be Adhered to 92 CHAPTER II. — CUSHING’S MANUAL — OTHER RULES. 602. — Cushing’s Manual the Guide ... 92 | 603. — Other Rules 92 TITLE XII. OFFENCES, PENALTIES, AND JUDICATURE. CHAPTER I. — MISCONDUCT AND NON-FEASANCE OF GRAND AND SUBORDINATE COUNCILS, AND PENALTIES. 610. — Of Grand Councils 611. — Of Subordinate Councils 612. — Prohibited Circulars 613. — How Suspension, etc., Ordered . . 93 94 94 94 614. — Summary Action by Supreme Re- gent 615. — Summary Action by Supreme Re- gent or Grand Regent 95 95 CHAPTER II. — MISCONDUCT AND NON-FEASANCE OF OFFICERS. Of all Officers : 616. — Offences and Penalties 95 Of Supreme Officers : 617. — How Suspension of Supreme Offi cers Ordered 95 618. — The Citation 96 619. — Copy of Accusation 96 620. — Citation may Precede Suspension . 96 621. — The Hearing 96 622. — The Decision 96 623. — Action Reported to Supreme Council 96 624. — Loss of Salary, etc 96 625. — Violation of Law 626. — Revealing Secret work 627. — Conduct Unbecoming a Member . 628. — Divulging Opposition to Applicant, 97 ■629. — Admission by Misrepresentation . 97 630. — Improper Use of Funds . .... 97 631. — Improperly Obtain Sick Benefits . 98 632. — Failing to Attend Sick Members . 98 633. — Preferring False Charges 98 634. — improper Use of Name of the Order 98 CHAPTER III.— OFFENCES OF MEMBERS. 97 97 97 XV111 CONTENTS; CHAPTER IV. — SUMMARY SUSPENSION AND REMOVAL OF GRAND AND SUBORDINATE OFFICERS. Sec. Page 635. — By the Supreme or Grand Regent . 98 5. — Chargee Referred Sec. 637.- Page Removal of Council Officers with- out Citation CHAPTER V. — COMPLAINTS AND CHARGES. Against Grand or Subordi- nate Councils : - How Charges Preferred . . . . 99 Against Grand or Subordi- nate Officers : , — Any Member may Accuse • • CHAPTER VI. 640. -JURISDICTION OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL IN THE MISCONDUCT OF MEMBERS. -Original Jurisdiction 99 | 641. - When Jurisdiction Exercised . . . 99 100 CHAPTER VII. — PREFERRING CHARGES AGAINST MEMBERS IN COUNCILS. 642. — Regent to Make Complaints ... 100 643. — Complaints — How Made 100 644. — Complaint against Member of An- other Council 1°° 645. — The Inquiry Committee .101 646. — Investigation of Complaint .... 101 647. — Accused to be Heard 648. — Charges Read in Council . ... . 649. — The Charges 650. — Notice to Accused 651. — When Complaint cannot be Dis- missed CHAPTER VIII. — TRIALS ORDERED BY THE SUPREME OR A GRAND REGENT. 652. — Trial Committee 102 653. — Ineligibility for Trial Committee. 102 654. — The Citation 1°2 655. — Service of Citation 102 656. — If Accused Fails to Appear . ... 102 657. — Taking Testimony 102 658. — Committee’s Decision 659. — Enforcement of Decision 660. — The Penalty 661. — Filling Vacancy in Office 662. — Turn Over Property 101 101 101 101 101 102 103 103 103 103- CHAPTER IX. — TRIALS BY COUNCILS AND MODE OF PROCEDURE. 663. — Time for Trial 103 664. — Notice to Witnesses 103 665. — If Witnesses not Members .... 103 666. — The Trial 667. — No Ex-parte Statement 104 668. — Testimony on Every Specification, 104 669. — If Charge Sustained 104 670. — Fixing the Penalty • 104 671. — If Guilty, Penalty must be Affixed, 104 672. — If Suspension the Punishment . . 104 673. — If Fine the Punishment 104 ,674. — Decision Communicated to Ac- cused 105 675. — Votes by Ball Ballot 105 676. — Members who do not Vote .... 105 677. — If Accused Pleads Guilty 105 678. — If Guilty of Felony 105 679. — Second Charge for Same Offence . 105 680. — Expulsion for Contempt . . . • 105 681. — Supreme Secretary to be Notified . 105 CHAPTER X. — REMOVAL OF PROCEEDINGS AFTER COMPLAINT. 682. — How Removal Ordered 683. — Transfer of Papers . . 106 I 684. —Further Proceedings 106 | 685. — Referred to a Trial Committee . . 106 106 TITLE XIII. APPEALS AND THE PROCEDURE THEREOF. CHAPTER I. — THE RIGHT OF APPEAL. 700. — Appeals by Members ....... 701. — Relating to W. & O. B. Fund . . . 106 107 702. — Appeals by Grand and Subordi- nate Councils 101 CHAPTER II. -PROCEDURE ON APPEALS AND DECISIONS. 703. — Must be in Writing 107 704. — Appellant to Perfect Appeal . . . lffi 705. — Records Furnished to Appellant . 108 706. — Decision in Sixty Days 108 707. — Decision of Supreme Regent Final, 108 CONTENTS. XIX APPENDICES. APPENDIX A. Page Original Agreement for Incorporation of Supreme Council 109 Charter and Acts relating to Annual Meetings of the Supreme Council . . . 110 Page Laws of Massachusetts governing Frater- nal Beneficiary Organizations . . . 110-118 Laws of Massachusetts governing Invest- ments 118 APPENDIX B. Blank Form of Application for Member- ship 120-123 Blank Form of Benefit Certificate .... 124 Copy of G-rand Council Charter 125 Copy of Subordinate Council Charter . . 125 Investigating Committee’s Notice and Re- port 126 Form of Petition for Charter 127 Form of Withdrawal Card 127 Application for Deposit of Card 127 Application for Certificate of Withdrawal, 128 Certificate of Final Withdrawal 129 Form of Travelling Card 129 Notice of Election 129 Notice of Change of Benefit Certificate . . 129 Certificate of Loss of Benefit Certificate . 130 Notice of Change of Rate 130 Form of Initiation Receipt 130 Form of Notice to Members 131 Notice of Suspension for Non-Payment of Assessment 132 Constitution. PART I Supreme Council ARTICLE I. THE SUPREME COUNCIL. Chapter I. “ II. “ III. “ IV. Name and Powers. Objects of the Order. Meetings. Membership. CHAPTER I. Name and Powers. Name and Powers. Section 1 . This body shall be known as the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, with power to make and amend its own Consti- tution, Rules of Disclipine, and Laws for the government of the whole Order. Notes. 1. The source of all authority in the Royal Arcanum must emanate from the Supreme Council. The claim of any Society or Order to be connected with or to have sprung from the Royal Arcanum is without foundation. — [Resolution, Pro. 1880, p. 111. 2. For Statutes of Massachusetts constituting Charter of Supreme Council, Royal Arcanum, see Appendix. Appeals to. Sec. 2. It is the body whose decision on all appeals taken to it from Grand and Subordinate Councils, and from members of the Order, shall be final. 3-6.] SUPREME CONSTITUTION. [Part I., Article I., Ch. II., III. CHAPTER II. Objects of the Order. Section 3. The Objects of the Order are : — Frat lT al To 1 unite fraternally all white men of sound bodily health ^and D-ood moral character, who are socially acceptable and between twen y one and fifty-five years of age. “ a TS5 .« >« •« «• — and those dependent upon them. TfWatp Members, Assist Widows and Orphans. . a „ 3d To educate the members socially, morally, and mtellectua y, and to assist the widows and orphans of deceased members. "RpIipvp Sick and Distressed Members. Believe b ^ establish a fund for the relief of distressed and sick membeis. Wd ^ S “o iS]fl“s F aml d Orphans’ Benefit Fund, from which, on°the sadsf^tory erddence of the death of a member of the Order, who i omulied with all its lawful requirements, a sum not exceeding thiee , c I i ii. 1V c chall be naid to the wife, children, relatives of, oi pei- £1 ance with said Laws. CHAPTER III. Meetings. Ann l^o e N et 4 SS he Supreme Council shall meet annually on the first Wednesday in June, at two o’clock P.M., at such place as may have been selected by a majority of its members present at the previous ^ ses- sion • provided^hat such meeting shailbeheldin some State, Pro vine , or Territory wherein a Grand Council of the Order is established. Notes. . 1 The a circular promulgated at kasi tm y y m ^ giving notice of annual meetings. The"tteC'em C cjci, at meetings held outside «a ». &*> *• **• H ^principal office of the Supreme Council of the Koyal Arcanum 1. at the office of the S f^^»She^r ta advance of fhe annua, session. _ iCir„ Pro. 1882, pp. 10, 160. SpeC H, meetino-s shall be called by the Supreme Regent upon the 'written requrat'of a majority of the Representatives to the Supreme Council representing seven or more Grand Councils. NOt SEC. 6. The Supreme Secretary shall notify, by circular, each Grand THE SUPREME COUNCIL. 3 [§§ 7 - 10 . Part I., Article L, Ch. III., IV.] Council entitled to representation in the Supreme Council, the Councils ot the Order, and every member of the Supreme Council of the time, place, and object of the meeting. Quorum. Sec. 7 . Six members shall constitute a quorum ; but less than that number may adjourn to meet at a future specified time. CHAPTER IY. Membership. Who Compose. Section 8. The Supreme Council shall be composed of its officers, the Representatives from Grand Councils, and all Past Supreme Regents. No other member of this Order shall be admitted under any circum- stances, except that the incorporators of the Supreme Council, named .in the original certificate of incorporation issued by the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, November 5, 1877, shall be life mem- bers, provided they remain in good standing in their Councils. Notes. 1. The original members of Supreme Council were created Past Regents by vote. — [Vote, Pro. 1877, p. 7. 2. Any action which shall affect the membership in the Supreme Council of those whose names appear in the original certificate of incorporation, would be of doubtful legality. — [Adopted report, Pro. 1880, p. 144. 3. The membership of the Supreme Council, except the incorporators, may be changed by the Supreme Council by amending its Constitution — [Report and amendment, Pro. 1881, p. 131. 4. A special committee appointed at one session, having made a partial report to the succeeding ses>ion,and being instructed to report to the next session, holds over if the Supreme Council takes no further action. But such holding over does not carry any authority to serve on that committee after a member’s term of service as an elective officer or Representative shall have expired. — [Decision, Pro. 1881, p. 129; also Res., 1881, p. 130. 5. Ex-members of the Supreme Council are not permitted to occupy complimentary seats dur- ing the session thereof. — [Ruling in session, Pro. 1884, p. 169. Representatives and Credentials. Sec. 9 . Each Grand Council shall be entitled to one Representative in the Supreme Council. Representatives shall present their credentials, and upon the acceptance thereof, by the Supreme Council, shall be ini- tiated therein. Notes. 1. In case of loss of credentials, the printed proceedings under seal of a Grand Council, show- ing the election of a Representative, may be accepted as proper credentials. — [Henry (Pa.) Case, Pro. 1883, pp. 132, 133. I 2. A Representative who has left his credentials may be admitted by special vote, if vouched for by members of the Supreme Council. — [Vote, Pro. 1879, p. 3. 3. The Supreme Secretary is instructed to enter on the roll of Representatives from Grand Councils the names of those who have been elected, and to mark them absent if not in attendance at the opening of the session. — [Vote, Pro. 1889, p 265. Additional Representatives. Sec. 10. Whenever a Grand Council includes within its jurisdiction a membership of thirty-five hundred, it shall be entitled to one additional Representative And each Grand Council shall be entitled to one addi- tional Representative for each six thousand members above the first thirty-five hundred members. Note. 1. An additional Representative to the Supreme Council cannot be legally elected unless it appears that the Grand Council had, at the time of the election, the requisite membership under its jurisdiction to entitle it to the additional Representative. — [Pennsylvania Case, Pro 1880, p. 86; adopted report, p. 95. 4 §§ 11-15.1 SUPREME CONSTITUTION. [Part L, Article I., Oh. IV. “council that is in arre« ' Smireme Council for supplies to the amount of more than two hundred dollars, cannot be admitted to the Supreme Council, except by a tlnee- fourths vote of the members present. Eesignation who shall vacate or resign his office of Representative sLll "be deemed by so doing to have 1 Vioirl hr him in the Supreme Council ; but the expnation oi not* vacate any elective office held by him in the Supreme Council. Alternate and Representative not Admitted. , Sec 13 A Representative and his Alternate shall not both be a - .mitted duringlny o P ne annual or special meeting of the Supreme Council. Notes. 1. on account of necea.ary absence lionavin Case (Md.), Pro. 1883, p. 157. Tf "R enresentative can Attend, Alternate cannot. . . It B |P^ eSe A tatl X® Alternate present at the tirst annual meeting m his term shall not thereby be entitled to represent his Grand C ?uncil atan) subsequent meeting of the Supreme Council during his term if the Rep sentative is able to attend. Credentials Of Alternate before bei admitted t0 the Supreme Coun- cil shall nrestnt together with his certificate of election, written evi- dence from the Grand Secretary of his S sentative for whom he is elected Alternate, that the Representative unable to attend the meeting of the Supreme Council. SUPREME COUNCIL OFFICERS. 5 [§§ 16 , 17 . Part I., Article II., Oh. I.] ARTICLE II. SUPREME COUNCIL OFFICERS. Chapter I. “ II. “ III. “ IV. Titles, Eligibility, Election, Installa- tion. Duties of Supreme Council Officers. Duties of the Standing Committees. Giving of Bonds by, and other Duties of. Supreme Officers. CHAPTER I. Titles, Eligibility, Election, Installation. Titles, Section 16. The elective officers of the Supreme Council shall be : a Supreme Regent, Supreme Vice-Regent, Supreme Orator, Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasurer, Supreme Chaplain, Supreme Guide, Supreme Warden, Supreme Sentry, and the following standing commit- tees of three members each : Committee on Finance, Committee on Laws, Committee on Appeals, and Supreme Trustees. Notes. 1. The Medical Examiner-in-Chief is not an appointed officer of the Supreme Council. — [De- cision in session, Pro. 1880, p. 148. 2. The respective officers should be officially communicated with at the addresses given in the circular promulgated after election. — [Circ., Pro. 1880, p. 28. 3. Officers are credited to the jurisdiction where their membership is, and not to the jurisdiction where their residence is, if there be a difference. — [Vote, Pro. 1880, p. 265. 4. Additional members of a Standing Committee, to serve during a session, may be appointed by special vote of the Supreme Council. — [Res., Pro. 1884, p. 170. 5. Officers of the Supreme Council in all business transactions in Grand Council Jurisdictions should invariably pay that deference to the official positions of the Grand Council officers so clearly provided for by the laws of the Order, and so necessary to preserve harmonious relations throughout the Order. — [Adopted Report, Pro. 1882, p. 132. Eligibility. Sec. 17. Any person who has been or shall hereafter be a member of the Supreme Council shall be eligible to any elective office therein. But no person shall be eligible to the office of Supreme Regent, Supreme Secretary, or Supreme Treasurer, who has not been a member of the Supreme Council one year preceding his election. 6 §§ 18 - 24 .] SUPKEM E CONSTITUTION . [Part I., Article II., Ch. I., II. Past Supreme Regent. Sec. 18. All Supreme Regents who have served one lull, or the balance of an unexpired term, shall be Past Supreme Regents by virtue of service, and a Past Supreme Regent shall be created m no other way The retiring Supreme Regent shall occupy the chair of Sitting last Supreme Re'gent until his successor is installed. Nomination and Election. .. . _ ' Sec. 19. The nomination and election of officers shall take place at such time during each annual meeting as the Supreme Council may by resolution provide. Note. 1 The three Trustees mav be voted for on one ballot, if so ordered by the Supreme Council, and t^e three receiving^ he* 1 most ballots be declared elected in the order of the number of votes, provided they have a majority. — Vote, Pro. 1880, p. 116. No other Business in Order. _ Sec. 20. During the nomination and election of officers, no motion, except to take a recess, shall be entertained. Note. 1. This does not exclude a motion relating to procedure during the nomination and election. — [Vote, Pro. 1880. p. 116. More than One Candidate. - Sec. 21. When there is more than one candidate for the same office, it shall require a majority of all the votes cast to elect. Note. 1 When there is only one nominee for an office, the Supreme Guide or some other nnthnrized to cast one ballot for the nominee as the unanimous choice of the Supreme Oouncu7or tha? office - [Proceedings at elections, Pro. 1879, pp 107, 108, and elections in subsequent years. More than Two Candidates. Sec. 22. When there are more than two candidates lor the same office, the one receiving the least number of votes on each ballot shall be dropped, until an election is had. Installation Sec. 23. The installation of officers shall take place on the hist day of each annual meeting, unless otherwise ordered by the Supreme Council. Provided, however, that officers installed before the close of a session shall not be authorized to assume their respective duties until its tei mi- nation, but their predecessors are continued in the full authority of then- respective offices until said session is duly closed. The retiring Supreme Regent shall appoint a Past Supreme Regent to perform the ceremony of installation. Note. 1. Supreme Council officers may be suspended or removed for cause. See Secs. 616-624. CHAPTER II. Duties of Supreme Council Officers. THE SUPREME REGEIT. Preside. Section 24. The Supreme Regent shall preside at all meetings of the Supreme Council. SUPREME COUNCIL OFFICERS. 7 [§§ 25-31. Part I., Article II., Ch. II.] Superintend Order and Enforce Laws. Sec. 25. He shall represent and protect the interests of the Supreme Council, shall have the general superintendence of the Order, and shall enforce the laws thereof. Note. 1 The Supreme Regent and Supreme Secretary are authorized to execute, in the name of the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, any and all bonds necessary to perfect appeals from Courts of inferior jurisdiction, or to secure supersedeas when writs of error are sued out, in all cases in which judgments have been rendered against the Supreme Council, and on appeal or the suing out of a writ of error advised by the Supreme Regent or the Supreme Council. — [Res., Pro. 1887, p. 267. See Note 2, Sec. 298. Grant Dispensations. . Sec. 26. He shall have power to grant dispensations, when the good of the Order may require it, except for the admission of unqualified persons to membership, or tc authorize a violation of a law of this Order, or to legalize a wilful violation of such law. Notes. 1. As to power to authorize institution of Councils in Grand Jurisdictions, see Notes, Sec. 440. 2 Dispensations by the Supreme Regent are granted only to legalize unintentional or inadver- tent violations or breaches of laws. The power is solely of a healing nature, to be applied to the class of cases above indicated. All Dispensations authorizing the violation ot any law, and legalizing wilful violations of law, are utterly null and void. — [Accepted report, Pro. 1883, pp. 159, 169. See Giles Council case, Notes, Secs. 293, 501. Also Note 2, Sec. 280 Notes, Secs. 297, 505. Institute Passwords. ■ Sec. 27. He shall institute annual and semi-annual passwords, and. with the assistance of the Supreme Secretary and Deputy Supreme Regents, he shall furnish the same to each Grand and Subordinate Council in good standing. Fill Vacancies. , . . ' ' Sec. 28. He shall fill all vacancies occasioned by resignation, death or otherwise, until an election shall be held. To Sign Orders. ^ _ Sec. 29. He shall sign all orders on the Supreme Treasurer, drawn in accordance with the laws of the Order. Appoint Special Committees. Sec. 30. At the close of each annual meeting he shall make such appointments of Special Committees as have been provided for ; and he shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring therein during the recess. Notes. . 1. A special committee may be appointed at the close of the session, to serve during the re- cess. — [Vote, Pro. 1878, p. 53. 2 Appointed committees are not officers of the Supreme Council. A Standing (now Special) Committee must be appointed from the Representatives whose terms do not expire, or Irom the officers. — | Decision in session, Pro. 1880, p. 148. 3. As to members of special committees holding over, see Note 4, Sec. 8. Special Deputies. , . Sec. 31. He may appoint Deputy Supreme Regents whenever and wherever he thinks the good of the Order requires, and he may require them to give such bonds for the faithful performance of their duties, and conform to such rules, as he may prescribe • such bonds to be deposited with the Supreme Secretary. Note. 1 For duties of Deputies, see Secs. 550-554. 8 §§ 32-39.] SUPREME CONSTITUTION. [Part I., Article II.* Ch. II. Deputies to Institute. ^ , . . Sec. 32. He may appoint Deputy Supreme Regents with power to institute new Councils in places not under the jurisdiction of a Grand Council, and may require them to give such bonds for the laithtul per- formance of their duties, and conform to such regulations, as he may prescribe ; such bonds to be deposited with the Supreme Secretary. Note. 1 The Sunreme Recent has power to employ organizing deputies in Supreme Council juris. dl [h“ for ShTSkSSkS of the Order in new loealitiee, nnder such restrictions os he may deem expedient. — [Res., Pro. 1887, p. 241. His Correspondence. . ^ 0 ~ ., Sec 33 His correspondence with Grand and Subordinate Councils shall, when practicable, be conducted through the Supreme Secretary, with the seal of the Supreme Council attached. Note. 1. As to transactions within Grand Jurisdictions, see Note 5, Sec. 16. Official Decisions Final. . , Sec 34. His decisions upon all questions submitted to him shall be promulgated by the Supreme Secretary, and shall be final during the recess of the Supreme Council. He shall, report all such decisions to the Supreme Council for approval or rejection. Note. 1. The supposed spirit of a law should not, in the rendering of a decision, control over its plain reading. — [Adopted report, Pro. 1880, pp. 122, 123. Decisions have Effect of Laws. Sec. 35. His decisions upon questions of law, when approved or as revised by the Supreme Council, shall have the force and effect of general laws of the Order. Notes. in the Constitutions and Laws. — [Res., Pro. 1881, p. 120. AnD SEC R 36? rt He shall submit, at the annual meeting ot the Supreme Council, a written report oi all his official acts during his term ol office. See note 1, Sec. 360. ^ Sec. 37. He shall perform such other duties as the laws, rules, and usages of the Order require. THE SUPREME VICE-REGENT. Preside and Investigate Deaths. Sec 38 The Supreme Vice-Regent shall preside at meetings of the Supreme Council in the absence of the Supreme Regent He shall in- vestigate all proofs of deaths and the orders drawn for the payment of deatf claims, and report thereon to the Supreme Secretary. Discharge Duties of Supreme Regent. SEC 39. In ease of the death, resignation, disqualification, refusal, or neglect of the Supreme Regent to discharge the duties ot his office, the Supreme Vice-Regent shall then perform all duties incumbent upon the Supreme Regent until an election can be held. SUPREME COUNCIL OFFICERS. 9 [§§ 40-48. Part I., Article II., Ch. II.] THE SUPREME ORATOR. Deliver Lectures. Sec. 40. The Supreme Orator shall be prepared to deliver lectures upon the work of the Order whenever and wherever the Supreme Regent shall direct. Visit Councils. Sec. 41. He shall be prepared to visit Councils not under the juris- diction of Grand Councils, whenever directed to do so by the Supreme Regent, and instruct them in the secret work and in the laws and usages of the Order. THE SUPREME SECRETARY. To Report Proceedings. Sec. 42. The Supreme Secretary shall keep a correct report of the proceedings of the Supreme Council. He shall read all communications, reports, petitions, etc. He shall prepare for publication a copy of the proceedings of the Supreme Council within one month after the close of each meeting. Note. 1. Matters relating to the secret work may be omitted in the printed proceedings. — [Pro. 1880, pp. 98, 99, 104. Annual Report. Sec. 43. He shall make to the Supreme Council, on the first day of each annual meeting, a complete statement of the condition of the Order, and of the receipts and disbursements for the preceding fiscal year. Custody of Seal. Sec. 44. He shall have custody of the seal of the Supreme Council, and shall cause an impression thereof to be affixed to all official docu- ments issued under its authority. Note. 1. The Supreme Secretary is authorized to affix the corporate seal of the Supreme Council to and sign in its behalf all papers or instruments executed by the Supreme Trustees whenever, in the judgment of the Supreme Trustees, it may be necessary’ or proper so to do. — IRes., Pro. 1881, p. 114. Compile Amendments. Sec. 45. He shall compile and arrange for publication, subject to the approval of the Committee on Laws, all amendments to the Constitu- tions and Laws adopted by the Supreme Council. Furnish Passwords. Sec. 46. In the months of June and December of each year he shall furnish the semi-annual password, as prepared by the Supreme Regent, to the Grand Regent of each Grand Council, and to all Deputy Supreme Regents. Duties to Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund. Sec. 47. He shall promptly perform all duties relating to the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, as directed by the laws of the Order. Draw Orders. Sec. 48. Fie shall draw and attest all orders on the Supreme Treasurer for money in payment of bills that have been approved by the Finance Committee. Notes. 1. When a payment is made to comply with a State law, no bill is required, and the money can be drawn from the General Fund for that purpose. — [Report, S. S., Pro. 1882, p. 76. 2. Payment of interest and costs awarded by courts on death claims is made from the General Fund.— Res., Pro. 1890, p. 299. 10 49 - 57 .] SUPREME CONSTITUTION. [Part I., Article II., Ch. II. Statement for Papers. . . Sec. 49. He shall furnish to the papers published in the interest o± the Order, on the first day of each month, a statement of the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, the amount collected and disbursed, the pai- ticulars relating to each member who has deceased since the last state- ment, and the name and number of each delinquent Council. Note. is authorized to sary for keeping the records of the Supreme Council properly. — [Res., Pro. 1879, p. . Conduct Correspondence. Sec. 50. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Supreme Coun- cil. Keep Record of Councils. Sec. 51. He shall keep a record of the name, number, date o± insti- tution, and location of all Grand and Subordinate Councils. Note. 1 When a Council has become defunct, and there is no ho P r e R °/ n ^ t su | C | ati Sf {) il may heaven to a new Council in another State or Province. - [Report, S. S., Pro. 1879, p. 49. Have Charge of Supplies, Books, etc. Sec. 52. He shall have charge of the supplies, records, books, papeis, and all private work belonging to the Supreme Council. Note. 1. The Supreme Secretary may charge a fee for furnishing copies, of papers in his office. - [Vote, Pro. 1882, p. 144. Issue Benefit Certificates. _ . Sec 53 He shall have charge of the issuing of Benefit Certificates to members of the Order, and shall keep a record thereof. Keep Accounts. Sec 54 He shall keep a true and correct account between Supreme Council and all Grand and Subordinate Councils. the Issue Quarterly Circulars. . . , Sec. 50. He shall issue quarterly circulars .giving the receipts and expenditures of the General Fund in detail, and a statement of the W ulow and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, as appears by the books in his ofhce. Assistants. from time to time, appoint such assistants^ hJofficeas may be provided for by the Supreme Council, or by its authority ; and he shall be responsible for the acts of such assist- ants in the transaction of the business of his office. SUPREME COUNCIL OFFICERS. 11 [§§ 58 - 65 . Part I., Article II., Ch. II.] Other Duties. Sec. 58. He shall perform such other duties as the laws, rules, and usages of the Order require. Notes. 1. The Supreme Secretary is authorized to furnish such statistics, in regard to the Order, to public officials, with competent authority to ask therefor, as he shall deem lawful and proper. — [Res., Pro. 1881, p. 122. 2. The Supreme Secretary compiles the necessary statistics to comply with the laws of the several States, and for the good of the Order. — [Res., Pro. 1883, p. 157. 3. The Supreme Secretary is directed to number consecutively all circulars, dispensations, deci- sions, and appeal cases promulgated since the organization of the Supreme Council, and to con- tinue such system of numbering. — [Res., Pro. 1883, p. 179. 4. The Supreme Secretary is to design a form of report to Secretary to be used by Chairman of Investigating Committee. — [Res. Pro. 1890, p. 348. See Note 2, Sec. 276. THE SUPREME TREASURER. Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund. Sec. 59. The Supreme Treasurer shall perform all duties relating to the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund, as prescribed in the General Laws of the Order. Deposit Funds — Interest on. Sec. 60, He shall daily deposit, in the name of the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, all money received by him, in depositories desig- nated by the Committee on Depositories, and approved by the Supreme Regent. Interest received on such deposits shall be paid to the Supreme Secretary, and credited to the General Fund. Semi-Monthly Report. Sec. 61. He shall transmit to the Supreme Regent, Chairman of Trustees, and Chairman of Committee on Finance, on the 1st and 16th day of each month, a statement comprising the following items : General Fund — Balance on hand at last report, Total Receipts and Payments, and Balance on hand. Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund — Balance on hand at last report, Total received for each assessment, Total Disburse- ments, Balance on hand, and the amount on deposit in each depository. Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund Accounts. Sec. 62. He shall keep a correct and separate account of all money received and paid by him for the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund, and only pay out the same on orders drawn on him to pay death benefits. General Fund Accounts. Sec. 63. He shall keep a correct and separate account of all moneys received and paid out belonging to the General Fund, which shall not be used to pay death benefits. Note. 1. Interest and costs awarded by Courts on death claims are paid from the G-eneral Fund. — [Res. Pro. 1890, p. 299. Examination of Accounts. Sec. 64. He shall have his accounts correctly posted and ready for examination by the Committee on Finance immediately after the close of each fiscal year, or whenever they may require. Annual Report. Sec. 65. He shall make to the Supreme Council, on the first day of its annual meeting, a full and correct report of the condition of the Supreme Treasury, with a statement of his receipts and disbursements for the preceding fiscal year. 12 66-74.] SUPREME CONSTITUTION. [Part I., Article II., Ch. II., IIL OTHER SUPREME OFFICERS. Sec. 66. The Supreme Chaplain shall offer invocations to, and ask blessings of, the Deity, and perform such other duties as are required by the laws, rules, and usages of the Order. Sec. 67. The Supreme Guide, Supreme Warden, Supreme Sentry, and Sitting Past Supreme Regent, shall perform the duties required of them at their several stations. CHAPTER III. Duties of the Standing Committees. THE COMMITTEE OUT FINANCE. Examine Bills. , Section 68. The Committee on Finance shall examine all bills, and approve the same if correct in every particular ; and return all disap- proved bills, with the reasons for disapproval, to the Supreme Secretary, who shall refer the same to the Supreme Regent. Examine Books and Accounts. Sec. 69. They shall examine the Supreme Secretary’s and Supreme Treasurer’s books, accounts, and vouchers in connection with the reports from all Grand and Subordinate Councils, together with the abstract reports of the Supreme Secretary, as presented at each annual meeting. Special Examinations. . _ , Sec 70. They shall make special examinations of the books and accounts of the Supreme Treasurer and Supreme Secretary when directed by the Supreme Regent. Annual Report. . , ... Sec. 71. They shall, at each annual meeting, submit a written ie- port of the condition of the finances of the Supreme Council and Order, and of the correctness of said books, accounts, returns, and reports ex- amined by them. Note. 1. The Finance Committee examine the investments by the Trustees and hands of Supreme Secretary, and. report thereon to the Supreme Council.- [Adopted report, Fro. 1880, pp. 84, 85. ^ eC °SEc° 72. They shall keep a record in a book, to be furnished by the Supreme Secretary, of the date, payee, object, amount, and date of ap- proval of each account approved by them. Submit Estimates. _ „ A , ol Sec 73 They shall submit to the Supreme Council, at each annual meeting estimates in detail of the receipts and expenses for the twelve months commencing on the first day of the month in which the annual meeting is held. THE COMMITTEE ON LAWS. Examine Constitutions, Laws, and By-Laws. Sec. 74. The Committee on Laws shall examine the Constitutions and Laws of all Grand Councils and the By-Laws of all Councils not under the jurisdiction of a Grand Council, and all subsequent amend- SUPREME COUNCIL OFFICERS. Part I., Article II., Ch. Ill] 13 [§§ 75 - 81 . merits or alterations made thereto, and approve the same. Provided they do not repeat or conflict with the Constitutions or Laws of the Older. Note. 1 The conferring of the rank of Past Regent upon Secretaries and Collectors of Councils, by- virtue of service, is disapproved, and the Committee on Lawsis instructed to disapprove provisions for that purpose in Grand Council Constitutions or Laws. — [Res., I ro. 188A, p. i&y. Examine Amendments. , , Sec. 75. They shall examine and report upon all amendments to tne Constitutions and Laws proposed in the Supreme Council. Note. 1 The Committee on Laws are authorized and instructed to correct all errors, typographical and clerical, and renumber all sections requiring the same, filling all blanks with proper be? of the sections in the Constitution and Laws of the Supreme Council and the Constitution of Subordinate Councils, when published for the use of members of the Older. [Res., Pro. 1879, p. 106. Annual Report. . _ ~ Sec. 76. They shall present a written report to the Supreme Council, at each annual meeting, of their official acts during the preceding year. THE COMMITTEE ON APPEALS. Examine Appeals. Sec. 77. The Committee on Appeals shall examine all appeals and grievances" that may arise in the Supreme Council, together with all appeals and grievances that may be taken from a Grand or a Subordinate Council to the Supreme Council, or between individual members thereof, that may be referred to them, in accordance with the laws of the Order. Their Decisions. . . . ... Sec. 78. They shall not receive new' testimony, but shall base their decision upon the evidence furnished, and report to the Supreme Council or to the Supreme Regent during a recess, for approval or rejection. Annual Report. _ _ „ , , Sec. 79. They shall make a report to the Supreme Council, at each annuai meeting, of their official acts during the preceding year. Notes. 1 An anneal based simply upon the statement of the case by the appellant though accom- panied by? very complete and logical brief thereon, is not a proper paper on which, the Supreme Council should base a ruling on an important matter. — [Adopted report, Pro. 1880, pp.L-i, 1-8. 2 An appeal upon a question of procedure, regulated by standing resolutions of a Council should be taken from the Council to the Grand Regent, and not to the Supreme Regent, when no rights in the W. and O. B. Fund are affected. — [Appeal, Riggs vs. Carrollton Council, No. 257, Pro. 1883, pp. 55, 183. THE SUPREME TRUSTEES. Have Charge of Property. Sec. 80. The Supreme Trustees shall have charge of the property of the Supreme Council. Investments. , . . , , . ,, Sec. 81. They shall invest any funds placed m their hands by the Supreme Council, in readily convertible Government, State, or Municipal securities that have a stated or well-known market value, and which shall be registered in the name of the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum. They'shall not at any time loan money on personal security or real estate mortgages. They shall deposit with the Supreme Secretary, for safe 14 §§ 82-91.] SUPREME CONSTITUTION. [Part L, Article II., Ch. III. keeping, all deeds or securities belonging to the Supreme Council. They shall collect and pay to the Supreme Secretary all money derived from investments. Notes. 1. The Trustees make an annual examination of the securities deposited with the Supreme Secretary. — [Adopted report, Pro. 1880, p. 84. 2. The Trustees may, by power of attorney, authorize the Supreme Secretary to receive and indorse checks issued for the interest upon investments. — Ibid. Report to Supreme Secretary. Sec. 82. They shall immediately report to the Supreme Secretary all their financial transactions on behalf of the Supreme Council. Annual Report. Sec. 83. They shall make to the Supreme Council, at each annual meeting, a report of all their transactions during the preceding fiscal year. THE COMMITTEE OIV SUPPLIES. Who Constitute. Sec. 84. The Supreme Regent, Supreme Vice-Regent, and Supreme Secretary shall constitute the Standing Committee on Supplies. Make Contracts. Sec. 85. They shall contract for all necessary supplies in accordance with such resolutions and regulations as may be adopted by the Supreme Council. Fix Price of Supplies. Sec. 86. They shall fix the price of all supplies to Grand and Sub- ordinate Councils, except in cases where the prices have been fixed by the Supreme Council. Note. 1. See Note 2, Sec. 129, as to retailing of supplies by Grand Councils. Annual Report. Sec. 87. They shall present a written report to the Supreme Council, at each annual meeting, of their official acts during the preceding year. THE COMMITTEE ON STATE OF THE ORDER. Who Constitute. Sec. 88. The Sitting Past Supreme Regent, Supreme Vice-Regent, and Supreme Orator shall constitute the Standing Committee on the State of the Order. Duties. Sec. 89. They shall report to the Supreme Regent their recommen- dations on all matters referred to them by him during the recess of the Supreme Council, and to the Supreme Council on all matters referred to them at each meeting. THE COMMITTEE ON DEPOSITORIES. Who Constitute. Sec. 90. The Supreme Trustees and the Committee on Finance shall constitute the Standing Committee on Depositories. Duties. Sec. 91. They shall designate, subject to the approval of the Supreme Regent, depositories in which the Supreme Treasurer shall deposit all funds received by him, limit the balances in each, and prescribe the SUPREME COUNCIL OFFICERS. 15 [§§ 92 - 98 . Part I., Article II., Ch. Ill, IV.] methods by which transfers, from one depository to another, and pay- ments shall be made. RECORDS AND REPORTS. Formal Action in Writing. o Sec. 92. All formal action by the Standing Committees, during the recess of the Supreme Council, shall be in writing, signed by a majority, and a certificate thereof shall be forwarded to the Supreme Secretary, to be filed in his office. Chairman Keep Records. Sec. 93. The Chairman of each Standing Committee shall keep a record of the official acts of the committee during the recess of the Supreme Council. » CHAPTER IV. Giving of Bonds by, and other Duties of, Supreme Officers. Who Give Bonds. - , Section 94. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, each of the following-named officers shall give a bond with sureties, in the penal sums hereinafter specified, for the faithful performance of his duties, viz.: Supreme Regent, five thousand dollars; Supreme Vice- Reo'ent, upon assuming the duties of Supreme Regent, five thousand dollars ; Supreme Secretary, ten thousand dollars ; Supreme Treasurer, one hundred thousand dollars ; Supreme Trustees, one thousand dollars each. Approval of Sundry Bonds. , . Sec. 95. The bonds of the Supreme Regent, Supreme Secretary, and Supreme Treasurer shall be approved by and deposited with the Supreme Trustees. Note. 1 When a Supreme Officer files a new bond the Supreme Trustees are authorized to release the' sureties on the previous bond from any liability arising on accountofdefaultwhich may occur after the approval and acceptance of such new bond. — [Res., Pro. 1885, pp. 197, -10. Bonds of Supreme Trustees. Sec. 96. The bonds of the Supreme Trustees shall be approved by and deposited with the Committee on Finance. Bonds may be Increased. Sec. 97. The Supreme Regent may require the penal sum ot the bond of any Supreme Officer to be increased at any time during, the recess of the Supreme Council, or he may require such, officer to file a new bond when in his opinion the sureties are not sufficient. Delivery of Property. „ , , . A Sec. 98. All Supreme Council Officers shall, at the end of the term for which they are elected, or upon any earlier termination thereof, ac- count for and deliver to their successors in office, or to such officers or Committee appointed for that purpose by the Supreme Council, or the Supreme Recent, during the recess thereof, all moneys, bqoks, papers, securities and other property of the Supreme Council that may have come into their hands or possession, except such as may have been law- fully disposed of . J Note. 1 1 retiring Supreme Treasurer turns over the funds of the Supreme Council in his possession under the supervision of a Committee, representing the Finance Committee and l rustees^ when the bond of the incoming treasurer is approved by the Trustees. — [Vote, Pro. 1880, p. 148. 16 §§ 99 - 102 .] SUPREME CONSTITUTION. [Part L, Article III., Ch., I. II. ARTICLE III. CHARTERS. Chapter I. Dispensations for Charters. II. The Issuing of Charters. CHAPTER I. Dispensations for Charters. Supreme Regent may Grant. Section 99. The Supreme Regent shall have power to grant Dispen- sations for Charters for Grand and Subordinate Councils during the recess of the Supreme Council, and to take such measures as may be necessary to institute Councils where no Grand Council has jurisdiction. Notes. 1. The Dispensation for instituting a Council protects the members of such Council until the charter is issued. — [Circular, Pro. 1880, p. 30. 2. See Note under Sec. 32, as to power to employ Deputies. In Grand Jurisdictions. Sec. lOO. The Dispensations for Charters for Councils in Grand Juris- dictions shall be issued by the Supreme Council and countersigned and sealed by the G~and Regent and Grand Secretary. CHAPTER II. The Issuing- of Charters. Reported to Supreme Council. Section lOl. All Grand and Subordinate Councils working under Dispensations granted during a recess of the Supreme Council, shall be reported at each annual meeting by the Supreme Secretary, and if no valid objection appears, Charters shall be issued to them. Notes. 1. The charter may be withheld if the Council does not comply with the regulations of the Supreme Regent, relating to forwarding the same. — [Adopted report, Pro. 1881, p. 103. 2. In case the Supreme Council refuses to grant a charter, the Council continues to work under Dispensation, unless otherwise ordered; and the Supreme Council may revoke the Dispensation. Upon the revocation of the Dispensation the Council is declared dissolved. — [Ruling of S.R. and Resolution, Swainsboro Council 685, Pro. 1883, p. 181; Cir. 1884, pp. 19, 200. Charters under Grand Councils. Sec. 102. Charters for Councils within the jurisdiction of a Grand REVENUE, MILEAGE, PER DIEM, COMPENSATION. 17 Part L, Articles III, IV., Ch. II., L] [§§ 103-108. Council shall be countersigned and sealed by the Grand Regent and Grand Secretary. Who Signs Charter. Sec. 103 . The retiring Supreme Regent and Supreme Secretary shall sign all charters for Grand and Subordinate Councils instituted during their term of office. ARTICLE IV. REVENUE, MILEAGE, PER DIEM, COMPEN- SATION. Chapter I. Revenue. “ II. Mileage, Per Diem, Compensation. CHAPTER I. Revenue. Shall be as Prescribed. Section 104 . The Revenue of the Supreme Council shall be as pro- vided in this Chapter. Charters Sec. 105 . Grand Council Charters, each .... $50.00 Dispensations and sets of Supplies for each Council instituted under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Council . 100.00 Supplies. Sec. 106 . Benefit Certificates, each 2.00 Withdrawal cards, each .25 Travelling cards, each . . . . . . . . .25 General Fund, Benefit, and Dues Account Book, each . . 2.00 Book of Duties, each . 3.00 Applications for Membership and Medical Examiners 1 Blanks, per hundred 1-00 Notes. 1. The B. C. fee is not only for the certificate, but also for keeping the record of each brother’s membership during his connection with the Order. — [Res., Pro. 1890, pp. 308, 309. 2. The price of the Book of Duties was not fixed with a view of securing a revenue from its sale, but as a most effective means to secure its preservation by the Council. — [Accepted report, Pro. 1890, p. 314. Other Supplies. Sec. 107 . The sale of such further supplies as may be required for the Order, and by regulation of the Committee on Supplies, under au- thority of the Supreme Council. Per Capita Tax in Supreme Jurisdiction. Sec. 108 . A per capita tax of one dollar per annum, payable semi- annually, and chargeable on the 30th day of June and on the 31st day of 18 §§ 109 - 113 .] SUPREME CONSTITUTION. [Part I., Article IV., Ch. I., II. December, for each member of the Order then in good standing, not under the jurisdiction of a Grand Council. Notes. 1. As to duty of Regent to draw order for tax without vote, see Note under Sect. 211. 2. A Council admitting a member by card at the last meeting in the term, and reporting him as a member in good standing at the close of a term, must pay the tax on that member. — [ Decision Pro. 1885, pp. 253, 257. 3. If a Council has not received notice of the deposit of a card granted tct a member, and reports him as one of its members at the close of the term, it must pay the tax on that member. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 253, 257. 4. Council dues are governed by the same rule that a member’s dues are. A new Council pays tax for the quarter in which it wai instituted. If a new Council holds only one meeting and does not elect officers for the ensuing term, it does not have to pay tax for the term in which it was instituted. But if new officers are elected, it must pay tax for the quarter in which it was instituted. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 249, 257. Per Capita Tax in Grand Jurisdictions* Sec. 109 . A per capita tax of thirty cents per annum, payable semi- annually, and chargeable on the 30th day of June and on the^Slst day of December, and payable on or before the 10th day of February and the 10th day of August, from every Grand Council for each member in good standing in such Grand Council jurisdiction. Note. 1. See Notes, Sec. 108, for sundry rules governing payment of tax. Other Sources. Sec. 110 . And such other sources as are in accordance with the objects and business of the Order. CHAPTER II. Mileage, Per Diem, Compensation. Mileage. Section 111 . The Supreme Council shall pay mileage to its members and Representatives from Grand Councils, who may be in attendance at its session, at the rate of five cents per mile each way, from the place of their residence. Note. 1. A member of the Supreme Council may by vote thereof be allowed mileage from the place where he was working for the Supreme Council to the place of the annual session. — [Vote, Pro. 1881, p. 115. Per Diem. Sec. 112 . Per diem shall be paid to each member as the Supreme Council, while in session, may direct. Notes. 1. Members compelled to leave may be allowed per diem to date of leaving. — [Vote, Pro. 1880, p. 147. 2. The number of days attendance to be allowed members is fixed by vote of the Supreme Council at the session. — [Vote, Pro. 1878, p. 63. 3. A Representative granted leave of absence may have his per diem and mileage allowed by vote of the Supreme Council. — [Vote, Pro. 1880, p. 129. Compensation. Sec. 113 . The several Officers and Standing Committees shall be allowed such salaries and compensation for their services as the Supreme Council may determine. Note. 1. The Finance Committee, when engaged in the work of examining the books of the Supreme Secretary, were allowed compensation for time actually speut in their work, and for actual dis- tance travelled, and at the rates fixed for members of the Supreme Council in session. — [Vote, Pro. 1882, pp. 118, 154. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTIONS AND LAWS. 19 Part I., Article V., Ch. I.] [§§ 114 - 118 . ARTICLE V. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTIONS AND LAWS. CHAPTER I. Supreme Council Constitution^ Widows and Orphans* Benefit Fund, Benefit Certificates, and Medical Examinations. Section 114 . The Constitution of the Supreme Council and the Laws Governing Grand Councils, the Widows and Orphans Benefit fund. Benefit Certificates and Medical Examinations, may be altered or amended by a three-fourths vote of the entire membership of the Supreme CounciL at an annual meeting, or at a special meeting called for the purpose. Note. 1. A three- fourths vote is not necessary to amend any section, under Title III., Part IV., which does not relate directly to medical examinations. — [ Decision, Pro. 1890, pp. 366, 367. Subordinate Council Constitution and Laws. Sec. 115 . The Constitution of Subordinate Councils and the General Laws of the Order mav be altered or amended at any regular meeting of the Supreme Council, or at a special meeting called for the purpose, by a two-thirds vote of the members present. How Presented. Sec. 116 . All proposed amendments must be presented in writing, and in duplicate (unless reported by a committee), signed by three or more members, and be leferred to and reported upon by the Committee on Laws before being adopted. Notes. 1. Amendments may be proposed in the form of recommendations by a committee who have considered the merits, and the Committee on Laws instructed to draft and present amendments carrying out such recommendations. — | Approved report, Pro. 1889, pp. 108, 109; also sundry adopted reports and resolutions in subsequent years. 2. The adoption of an amendment not proposed in writing and signed by three members would' not be legal. — [ Adopted report, Pro. 1881, p. 135. How Adopted. . . Sec. 117 . Upon the adoption of any amendment to the Constitutions and Laws, if there appears to be more than one vote in the negative, a rising vote shall be taken. Notes. 1. Amendments may, by special vote, be adopted subject to such correction of clerical and other errors as may be found necessarj r by a committee appointed for that purpose. — [Vote, Pro. 1879, p. 112. 2. The adoption of a resolution in favor of a measure not amending a law is only an expression of the opinion of the Supreme Council, aud do ‘S not change a law in conflict with the resolu- tion. - [Ruling of S. li. in session, Pro. 1882, p. 166. Take Effect. Sec. 118 . All amendments to the Constitutions and Laws shall, unless otherwise ordered, take effect on the first day of August following the annual meeting at which they are adopted. Note. 1. An amendment will not affect a case arising under circumstances, which occurred prior to its adoption, vesting rights in any person. — [Ruling of S. R. in session, Pro. 1882, p. 164. PART II. Laws Governing Grand Councils. ARTICLE I. INSTITUTION, POWERS, REVENUE, MEETINGS, AND OFFICERS OF GRAND COUNCILS. Chapter I. Institution, Powers, and Revenue. II. Meetings and Officers. CHAPTER I. Institution, Powers, and Revenue. Institution. Section 125. A Grand Council may be instituted in any State, Terri- tory, or in any Province of the Dominion of Canada, or in the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island united, whenever there exist therein ten or more Councils in good standing, with a total membership of not less than one thousand, upon proper applica- tion being made to the Supreme Council, or to the Supreme Regent dur- ing a recess of the Supreme Council. Note. 1. All Past Regents in a State are entitled to take part in the organization of the Grand Coun- cil. After the Grand Council is instituted it will decide who shall constitute its membership. — [Circular, Pro. 1879, pp. 15, 17, and approved circulars in subsequent years. The Application. Sec. 126. The application for the institution of a Grand Council must be signed by not less than ten Past Regents and Regents in good standing, who represent ten or more different Councils within the terri- tory in which the Grand Council is to be instituted. Powers. Sec. 127. The powers of Grand Councils shall be : To enact laws for their own government. To establish Councils within their respective jurisdictions. •( 20 ) INSTITUTION, POWERS, REVENUE, MEETINGS, ETC. 21 Part II., Article I., Ch. I.] [§§ 128, 129. To enact laws for the government of Councils within their respective jurisdictions, in conformity with the Constitution of the Supreme Council and the Constitution for Subordinate Councils provided by the Supreme Council, and the laws, regulations, and usages adopted by the Supreme Council. To have general supervision of the Order in their respective jurisdictions. Notes. 1. Upon a question of Parliamentary rule for the government of a Grand Council, an appeal cannot be taken from the decision of the Grand Council to the Supreme Council. — [Res. in Starkweather’s (Mich.) appeal, Pro. 1883, p. 168. 2. Grand Councils have power to order trial, and, in case of conviction, to impose penalties for the violation of any or all laws and usages of the Order, excepting those controlling the W. and O. B. Fund. The same power may be exercised by a Grand Regent during the recess of his Grand Council. Contemptuous treatment of a Grand Regent, by refusing to accept and be governed by an official letter addressed to the Council, is cause for exercising the above-named power. — [Adopted report, Case of Uniqu^pouncil v. G. R. N. J., Pro. 1889, p. 330. 3. Grand Councils may require that before bills are approved they shall be certified as correct by the committee incurring the debt. — [Form Gr. Cl. Const., Pro. 1880, p. 142. 4. Grand Councils may provide for compensation of Deputies when visiting Councils on offi- cial business. — [Form Gr. Cl. Const., Pro. 1880, p. 141. 5. A Grand Council may require its Grand Secretary to attend, when notified, the meeting of any committee of the Grand Council, and furnish such books, papers, documents, or vouchers, in his possession, as may be required. — [Form Gr. Cl. Const., Pro. 1880, p. 141. 6. In the adoption of a Constitution Grand Councils are requested to follow the form approved by the Supreme Council, so far as the same commends itself to the judgment of the members of each Grand Council. — [Adopted report, Pro. 1880, p. 139. 7 Installation of officers and collection of per capita tax, approval of by-laws not relating to the W. and O. B. Fund, etc., are included in the work of general supervision by Grand Councils. Questions relating to medical examinations, benefit certificates and the W. and O. B. Fund must be referred to the Supreme Officers. — [Circular, Pro. 1879, pp. 16, 17, 20. 8. Grand Councils have power to create Past Regents in their jurisdictions, when otherwise a Council could not be represented in the Grand Council.— [Accepted report, Pro. 1884, p. 188. See Note 1, Sec. 74. 9. A Grand Regent has power to grant Dispensations and in cases arising under laws enacted by his Grand Council when so empowered by Grand Council Constitution, and in cases arising under laws enacted by the Supreme Council only when such laws specially provide therefor. — [Res., Pro. 1889, p. 290. 10. Grand Regents may authorize the Sitting Past Regent to install an officer elected to fill a vacancy. — [Adopted Report Pro. 1890, p. .41. See Notes, Secs. 296, 297, 298. No Control over Widows and Orphans' Benefit Fund. Sec. 128. Grand Councils shall have no control over the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund. Note. 1. See Note 1, Sect. 298, and Note 1, Sect. 701, as to notice of application to sister Councils not affecting W. and O. B. Fund. Sources of Revenue. Sec. 129. The revenue of Grand Councils shall be : For Subordinate Council Dispensation for Charter and set of Supplies, one hundred dollars. A per capita tax, not less than one dollar per annum, for every member of the Order within their respective jurisdictions to be fixed by each Grand Council. Provided, that when the membership in any Grand Council jurisdiction shall reach fifteen thousand, the per capita tax shall not be less than eighty cents for each and every member ; and when such membership shall reach eighteen thousand, the per capita tax shall not be less than seventy-five cents per annum for each member. From the sales of supplies for Councils within their respective juris- dictions. Notes. 1. While a Grand Council may, in its discretion, dispose of its revenue derived from all sources except the per capita tax, the minimum of which is fixed by the Supreme Council Con- stitution, a Grand Council has no power to rebate, donate, or distribute any portion of its funds derived from said per capita tax, or by any circumvention defeat the intent of the law provid- ing for said tax. — [Res., Pro. 1889, p. 309. 22 §§ 130-134.] GRAND COUNCIL LAWS. [Part II., Article L, Ch. I., II. ■z. Grand Councils are encouraged to retail supplies to Councils in their respective jurisdic- tions, not only for the revenue, but for the sake of bringing the Grand Officers into closer rela- tions with the Councils under their charge. — [Report of Comm, on Supplies, Pro. 1880, p. 9i> 3. The Committee on Supplies of the Supreme Council shall not furnish supplies to Councils in the jurisdiction of a Grand Couucil which has undertaken to furnish, and properly meets the demand for, such supplies. — [Resolution, Pro. 1880, p. 143. Grand Council Laws take Effect. Sec. 130. The Constitutions and Laws, and all amendments thereto, adopted by Grand Councils, must be submitted to the Committee on Laws of the Supreme Council, and shall not take effect until approved by said Committee. Note. 1. As to conferring rank of Past Regent on Secretary and Collector, see Note 1, Sec. 74. CHAPTER II. Meetings and Officers. Meetings and Elections. Section 131. Grand Councils may provide for holding annual or biennial meetings and elections of officers. Officers. Sec. 132. The officers of a Grand Council shall be the same as those of the Supreme Council, except that their titles shall be changed by substituting the word Grand in lieu of Supreme. Notes. 1. A Grand Council cannot create a Grand Council office not provided for by the Supreme Council Constitution. — [Decision, Appeal Case, G. R. New Jersey v. Supreme Council Commit- tee on Laws, Pro. 1889, pp. 29, 266. 2. Grand Regents, in States under their jurisdiction, exercise all the powers of instituting offi- cers vested in the Supreme Regent in his jurisdiction. — [Giles Council Case, 1881, Report, S. R. p. 8; adopted report of approval, p. 137. 3. A retiring Grand Regent becomes a Past Grand Regent without installation; but to occupy the' chair of Sitting Past Grand Regent, and perform the duties of that officer, he must be installed, as must all officers. — [Resolution on appeal of Hatton v. Wright (VaO,Pro. 1883, pp. 153, 167, 198. 4. Upon the petition of a Grand Council the Supreme Council may confer the rank of Past Grand Regent upon a Grand Regent who was compelled to resign before his term expired. — [Henry (Pa.) Case, Pro. 1883, pp. 148, 164. 5. A Grand Regent has no authority to render an official decision upon a question relating to medical examinations. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp.254, 257. Elections. Sec. 133. In electing officers and transacting business, the officers and other members of Grand Councils shall each be entitled to only one vote. Installations. Sec. 134. The officers of Grand Councils shall be installed bv the Supreme Regent, or his Deputy, who shall communicate the annual pass- word to the Grand Regent and make report of the installation to the Supreme Secretary. Notes. 1. Grand Councils may authorize the installation of their financial officers before they file their bonds. — [Form Of. Cl. Const., Pro. 1880, p. 143. 2. The Installing Officer is to communicate the annual password to the Grand Regent; receive the annual report to the Supreme Council and transmit it to the Supreme Secretary immediate- ly perform such other duties as the Supreme Regent may require from time to time; and make report of the state of the Order in the jurisdiction to the Supreme Recent in time for him to consider the same prior to the meeting of the Supreme Council. — [Form of Commission, Pro. 1881, pp. 11, 13. REPRESENTATION IN SUPREME AND GRAND COUNCILS. 23 Part II., Article II., Ch. t, II.] tS§ 135-139. ARTICLE II. REPRESENTATION IN THE SUPREME AND GRAND COUNCILS. Chapter I. Representation in the Supreme Council. “ II. Council Representation in Grand Council. CHAPTER I. Representation in the Supreme Council. Entitled to One Representative. Section 135. Each Grand Council, at its organization, shall elect one Representative to the Supreme Council, to serve for two years from the date of his election, and his successor shall be elected at the meeting at which his term of service expires. Additional Representatives. Sec. 136. Additional Representatives to the Supreme Council may be elected by Grand Councils when they are entitled thereto, as prescribed by the Supreme Council Constitution. The terms of additional Repre- sentatives shall be for two years from the date of their election. Note. 1. As to requisite membership at time of election, see Note 1, Sec. 10. Alternate. Sec. 137. At the regular election of a Representative, each Grand Council shall also elect an Alternate for such Representative for two years, who shall be recognized as the Representative in the event of the inability of the Representative to attend the meeting of the Supreme Council, or of the death or resignation of the Representative, unless the vacancy by death or resignation shall have been filled by such Grand Council. Vacancies. Sec. 138. Any vacancy in the office of Representative or Alternate may be filled by the Grand Council. Any vacancy in the office of Alter- nate may be filled by the Grand Regent during the recess of the Grand Council. CHAPTER II. Council Representation in Grand Councils. Representatives from Councils. Section 139. Each Council shall be entitled to one Representative in the Grand Council having jurisdiction over it, and such additional Repre- sentatives as the Constitution of Subordinate Councils may authorize. 24 §§ 140 - 145 .] GRAND COUNCIL LAWS. [Part II., Article III., Ch. I. ARTICLE III. GRAND COUNCIL REPORTS TO THE SUPREME COUNCIL. CHAPTER I. Semi-Annual Reports. Section 140 . Grand Councils shall make reports to the Supreme Council on or before the tenth day of February and August in each year, giving the name, number, location, and membership of all Councils in good standing within their respective jurisdictions, on the 30th of June and 31st of December preceding the date of such report, together with a statement of the per capita tax accounts with the Supreme Council, in accordance with a form furnished by the Supreme Secretary. Note. 1. As to tax see Notes under Sec. 108. Annual Reports. Sec. 141 . Grand Councils shall make reports to the Supreme Coun- cil of their membership, finances, receipts, and disbursements for the year ending December 31, and file the same with the Supreme Secretary on or before the 1st of March ensuing. Reports of New Councils. Sec. 142 . Grand Councils shall report immediately to the Supreme Council all new Councils instituted within their respective jurisdictions. Delinquent Councils. Sec. 143 . Grand Councils shall notify the Supreme Council of all suspensions and dissolutions of Councils within their respective jurisdic- tions, giving the date and cause thereof; and they shall also report the date and manner of all reinstatements of Councils. Bi-Monthly Report of Grand Regent. Sec. 144 . Each Grand Regent shall transmit to the Supreme Regent bi-monthly reports showing the growth and condition of the Order in his Grand Council jurisdiction. Publications. Sec. 145 . Grand Councils shall forward to the Supreme Regent one copy, to every other Grand Council one copy, and to the Supreme Sec- retary two copies, of all circulars, pamphlets, or publications of any kind issued by them. SUSPENDED AND Part II., Article IV., Ch. I.] DISSOLVED GRAND COUNCILS. 25 [§§ 146 - 150 . ARTICLE IV. SUSPENDED AND DISSOLVED GRAND COUNCILS. CHAPTER I. Effect of Order. Section 146. When a Grand Council is declared suspended, if it shall fail to comply with the Law within sixty days thereafter, or when a Grand Council is declared dissolved and its Charter forfeited, the Coun- cils under its jurisdiction shall immediately come under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Council. Note. 1. For cause of dissolution or suspension, see Secs. 610, 614, et seq. Proceedings on Dissolution. Sec. 147. Upon the dissolution of a Grand Council, the Supreme Regent shall, in person or through his Deputy, demand the surrender of the°charter, property, and effects of such dissolved Grand Council. Surrender of Property. Sec. 148. When a Grand Council is dissolved, it shall be the duty ot the last Grand Regent, or it there is none, of its senior officer, to deliver up the charter, books, funds, emblems, uniforms, and other property and effects to the Supreme Regent or his Deputy. Any officer or member having the custody of any of the property of a dissolved Grand Council, refusing to surrender the same, may be forever excluded from member- ship in the Order. Reinstatement by Supreme Regent. Sec. 149. A Grand Council, suspended by order of the Supreme Regent, may be reinstated by him upon the removal of the cause of sus* pension ; or the Supreme Regent may, for satisfactory reasons, rescind his order of suspension. Restoration on Reinstatement. Sec. 150. All funds and effects received by the Supreme Council from a dissolved Grand Council shall be restored in the event of its being reinstated, which reinstatement may be done by a majority vote of the Supreme Council, at a regular or special meeting, or by the Supreme Regent during the recess of the Supreme Council. PART III. Constitution of Subordinate Councils. ARTICLE I. COMPOSITION, POWERS, MEETINGS, SEAL, STAMP. Chapter I. " II. “ III. Composition and Powers. Meetings. Official Seal and Stamp. CHAPTER I. Composition and Powers. Composition. . Section 175. A Council of the Royal Arcanum shall consist of not less than eleven members having the requisite qualifications for its elective officers. Powers. , , . Sec. 176. While acting in conformity to the laws, rules, and regu- lations of the Supreme Council, and of the Grand Council having juris- diction over it, the Council shall possess all the powers and privileges conferred by virtue of a Dispensation or Charter duly granted. Notes. 1. A Council may prescribe by by-law that a fine may be imposed upon a member for violat- 5na a by-law or standing resolution of the Council. — 1 Decision 1 ro. 188/, pp. 29, 221, 22-. 2. How by laws enacted and what may contain, see Secs. 248-252. 3 Councils are bodies ot limited jurisdiction, having no powers except those conferred upon them by the laws of the Order, and such as are implied as necessary to the exeicise of powers expressly granted. — [Decision approved, Pro. 1887, p. 222. ( 26 ) COMPOSITION, POWERS, MEETINGS, ETC. 27 Part III., Article L, Ch. II., IIL] 177-182. CHAPTER II. Meetings, Stat SEC^ON t vfT. The stated meetings of the Council shall be held weekly or semimonthly, on the day and hour, and at the place fixed in its By-Laws ; and if changed, the Secretary shall forthwith notify the Supreme and Grand Secretary of the change. Notes. i A rnnncil must hold its meetings in the place for which it was granted a Dispensation or Cha rter^u n less Xrw^se permitted by Dispensation of the Supreme or Grand Regent, or by votoof’the Supreme or Grand Council having jurisdiction over it. — [Dispensation, 1 ro. T884, PP 2 ^e^dine approval of an amendment to by-laws a Council may, by Dispensation of the Su- • nri'mp m- a Graml Retrent be authorized to meet at the times stated in the amendment, it unable future the h3l at 1 tie time ied in the original by-laws. - [Dispensation, Pro. 1881, pp. 18, 132. Special Meetings, ^ ~ Sec 178 Meetings may be called by the Regent, as the Council may direct, 'and shall°be called by the Regent upon the written request of seven members. No business, other than that named in the call, shall be transacted at a special meeting. Notes. 1 A Council may authorize the Regent to call special meetings, without the request of seven mem4rs? as h “ judgment may dictate, or it may withhold that privilege.- [Decision, Fro. 18 ?’ Availed meeting, illegally held, cannot be declared legal by a vote of the Council at a subse- quent meeting. — | Decision, Pro. 1887, pp. 29, 221, 222. . 3 Members verballv expressing to the Secretary a wish for a special meeting is not sufficient to m«hon 7 ^ S P U ^ such a called meeting are illegal, null, and void. — [Appeal case, Fro. 1879, p. 14. See Note 2, Secs. 277, 278; also Sec. 213. Notice of Special Meetings. M , ... , , ' c Sec. 179 . All members of the Council shall be notified by the Secre- tary personally, or by notice duly mailed to each member, at least one day preceding each meeting, unless otherwise prescribed by the Council in its by-laws’, of the time, place, and object of a special meeting. Opening and Quorum. . . .. , . .. Sec 180 . The Council shall be opened at the time prescribed in its By-Laws if six of its members who are in good standing are present. Not less ’than that number shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the general business of the Council. If Regent Absent, who Presides. . , ^ . .. Sec. 181 . In the absence of the Regent, \ ice-Regent, and Orator, the senior Fast Regent present shall take the chair. If no Past Regent is present, any member who is in good standing may be chosen to preside by a majority of the members present. CHAPTER III. Seal. Official Seal and Stamp. Section 182 . The Council shall within thirty days from the date of its institution, procure and adopt an official seal, which shall not be of a design closely imitating the Supreme or any Grand seal. An impression of the seal shall be deposited with the Supreme and Grand Secretary. 28 §§ 183-185.] SUBORDINATE CONSTITUTION. [Part III., Articles L, II., Ch. III., I. After the Council has been instituted thirty clays, no document or paper issued by its authority shall be official unless an impression of its seal is affixed thereto. Collector’s Stamp. Sec. 183. The Collector may have an official stamp which may be affixed to all papers issued by him, instead of the seal. Note, 1 The Collector is positively required to have an official stamp or use the seal on all his paper. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 249, 257. ARTICLE II. OFFICERS OF COUNCILS AND ELECTIONS. Chapter I. IV. Officers. Representative to Grand Council. Qualification, Nomination, Elec- tion, and Resignation of Council Officers, and Filling Vacancies. Removals of Officers by the Council. CHAPTER I. Officers. Titles and Term. Section 184. The officers of a Council shall be a Regent, Vice- Regent, Orator, Secretary, Collector, Treasurer, Chaplain, Guide, War- den, Sentry, and three Trustees, and an Organist (if the Council so elect), who shall be elected annually on the first stated meeting in December ; or, if the Council so elect, one Trustee may be elected for one year, one for two years, and one for three years, and each year thereafter one Trustee shall be elected for three years. Notes. 1. An election of officers at a meeting held in accordance with an approved by-law, which is in conflict with the law governing such election, is not void; provided the Council is acting in good faith. — [Appeal case, Thurlow vs. Long Island Council, No. 173, Pro. 1885, pp. 50, 210. 2. A member cannot legally hold the offices of Secretary and Collector at the same time. — [Decision, Pro. 1886, pp. 25, 193. 3. As to making Secretaries and Collectors Past Regents, see Note 3, Sec. 185, and Note 1, Sec. 74. Past Regent. Sec. 185. At the institution of the Council there shall be elected one Past Regent, who shall occupy the station of Sitting Past Regent for the remainder of the term, or until his successor is installed, and shall have all the honors of Past Regent. Notes. 1. A Past Regent, who becomes suspended, retains the honors of his rank when reinstated. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 255, 257. 2. As to loss of rank by failure to deposit card, see Note 2, Sec. 190. 3. Secretaries and Collectors cannot be made Past Regents by virtue of service. See Note 1, Sec. 74. OFFICERS OF COUNCILS AND ELECTIONS. 29 Part III, Article II., Ch. I., II.] [§§ 186-190. Resignation of Past Regent. Sec. 186 . If the Past Regent elected at the institution of the Coun- cil shall, during the term in which said Council was instituted, vacate his chair and resign all honors connected with the office, either by letter, or personally in open Council, the Regent shall forthwith declare the office vacant and order a new election for Past Regent, to take place at the next stated meeting, provided said meeting would occur in the same term in which the Council was instituted. Under no other circumstances shall a Past Regent be elected after the institution of the Council. Sitting Past Regent. Sec. 187 . The retiring Regent shall be installed into the office of Sitting Past Regent, and the honors of Past Regent shall be conferred upon him. Notes. 1. A Regent re-elected and serving his second term is a Past Regent by virtue of service.. — [Circular, Pro. 1879, pp. 15, 17. 2. A retiring Regent is entitled to the honors of Past Regent, but may take the office of Secre- tary, in which case the Sitting Past Regent’s Chair will be filled by his predecessor. — [Decision, Pro. 1886, pp. 25, 193. 3. If the Regent is re-elected, the Sitting Past Regent retains his chair. If the Regent retires, the previous Past Regent retires to the floor with the honors and a star as a jewel. — [Decision, Pro. 1885. pp. 248, 249, 257. 4. When the by-laws of a Council impose a fine upon officers for absence from stated meetings, the Sitting Past Regent, who is such not by election but by virtue of service, is not liable for fine for such non-attendance. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 253, 257. 5. A Regent elected at institution is entitled to the honors of Past Regent if he serves to the end of his term, even if it be only a few weeks, and he is re-elected Regent. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 248, 257. Acting Sitting Past Regent. Sec. 188 . If the retiring Regent is elected to and installed in a sub- ordinate office, he shall be entitled to the honors of Past Regent, and the Council may elect one of its Past Regents to act as Sitting Past Regent during the term. CHAPTER II. Representative to Grand Council. Election of Representative and Alternate. Section 189 . The Council, if under the jurisdiction of a Grand Council, shall, at institution, and at the annual election of officers next preceding the regular meeting of the Grand Council, elect one Represen- tative to the Grand Council, and one Alternate, who shall perform the duties of Representative in case of the death or resignation of the Rep- resentative, or of his inability to attend the Grand Council. They shall hold office until their successors are elected. Note. 1. A member eligible for Representative may be elected Representative and Collector, or Sec- tary. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 255, 257. Qualification of Representative and Alternate. Sec. 190 . No member shall be eligible to either of the offices of Representative or Alternate, except the Regent or a Past Regent. The Regent shall be ex officio Representative (and he may appoint a Past 30 §§ 191-195.] SUBORDINATE CONSTITUTION. [Part III., Article II., Oh. II., IH. Regent of the Council as Representative) to the Grand Council, when neither the Representative nor his Alternate is able to attend. Notes. 1 . Residence outside of the limits of a State does not render a member ineligible as Represen- tative from a Council in that State. — [Resolution on Appeal of Lovenstein vs. G. C. of Va., Pro. 1883, pp. 153, 156. 2 A Past Regent who becomes suspended by failure to deposit a card within the prescribed time and afterwards joins a Council as a new member, is not thereby restored to the rank of Past Recent and rendered eligible for Representative to a G-rand Council. — [Morris Case, in Gr. Cl. 111., Pro. 1884, pp. 167, 190. Additional Representative. Sec. 191. After the Council has a membership of two hundred, it shall be entitled to an additional Representative for each additional two hundred members or fraction thereof greater than one hundred. Special Election of Representative. Sec. 192. If the Council shall so increase its membership that, on the first day of the month in which the Grand Council is held, it is enti- titled to an additional Representative, it may, at any regular meeting, or special meeting called for that purpose, elect such additional Represen- tative ; and it shall certify, under seal, such election, and the number of its members in good standing at the date of such election, to the Grand Secretary, at least five days before the meeting of the Grand Council. CHAPTER III. Qualification, domination, Election, ancl Resignation of Council Officers, and Filling Vacancies. Qualification of all Officers. Section 193. All officers of the Council shall be members in good standing. No member shall be installed into office who is indebted to his Council, nor shall any officer who has been installed retain his seat if he shall become in arrears to the amount of three months 1 dues, or in arrears to the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund. Notes. 1. A member eligible for Representative may be elected Representative and Collector, or Sec- retary at the same time. — [Decision, Pro. 1»85, pp. 255, 257. 2. If it is discovered that a member elected to an office was ineligible, the ballot must be de- clared null and void, and a new election held. — [Decision, Pro- 1885. pp. 253, 257. 3. When an officer is suspended, his office becomes vacant at the date of his suspension. When this occurs the presiding officer shall declare the office vacant, and the Council shall then fill the vacancy by election. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 251, 257. Qualification for Regent. Sec. 194. To be qualified for the office of Regent, a member must have been elected to and fulfilled the duties of some subordinate office, except at elections during the first two terms of the Council. Notes. 1. A Trustee who has served to the close of a term, is eligible to the office of Regent. — [Deci- sion, Pro. 1885, pp. 255, 257. 2 A member who was elected to and has served in a subordinate office until the annual elec- tiofl, is at that meeting eligible for election as Regent. — [ Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 253, 2o7. 3 A memter who resigned a subordinate office before the end of the first term for which he was elected, is not eligible for Regent. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 251, 2o7. Promotions. Sec. 195. A member holding a office at an election to fill a vacancy. office may be elected to a higher OFFICERS OF COUNCILS AND ELECTIONS. 31 Part III., Article II., Oh. III.] [§§ 196-204. Chosen by Ballot. Sec. 196. All officers of the Council shall be chosen by ballot* except in cases where there is but one candidate nominated for an office* when the Regent may declare the candidate elected by consent. Majority to Elect. Sec. 197. A majority of the valid votes cast shall be required to elect. In case no candidate receives a majority of the ballots cast, the balloting shall continue till one of them receives a majority. The can- didate receiving the least number of votes shall be withdrawn at each unsuccessful ballot. Candidate must be Nominated. Sec. 198. No vote shall be regarded as a part of the poll unless it be for a previously nominated candidate. Order of Procedure. Sec 199. The nomination of officers shall be opened first for Regent, closed, and the Regent elected ; next for the Vice-Regent? and so on in the same manner until all are nominated and elected. Judge and Tellers. Sec. 200. When an election is held to fill an office or offices of the Council, the presiding officer shall act as judge, and he shall appoint two members to act as tellers. Duties of Tellers. Sec. 201. The tellers shall assist in conducting the election in a just and impartial manner. They shall keep a register of all the votes polled, and announce the number cast for each candidate. Illegal Ballots. Sec. 202. Should it appear that there have been more votes polled than there are legally qualified voters present, the presiding officer shall declare the ballot illegal and void, and direct another ballot to be taken immediately. Each member voting shall then hand his ballot to the tellers, giving his name, and the tellers shall deposit it in the poll. Installation. Sec. 203. The officers of the Council, legally elected (if qualified), shall be installed at the first stated meeting in the ensuing term (if pos- sible). No officer shall enter upon the duties of his office until he has been duly installed. Notes. 1. The officers may be installed in public if the proper precautions are taken not to impart the secret work. — [Decision, L’ro. 1885, pp. 250, 257. 2. Objections to the installation of officers-elect should be made to each specifically, and should be considered and decided by the Council before installation. If the charge is not sustained, the candidate should be installed; otherwise not. A candidate objected to should not vote in his own case. — [Decision, Pro. 1887, pp.29, 221, 222. 3. The installing officer should, unless objection is made in open Council, instpll all officers who are presented to him as legally elected and have given the required bond. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 251, 257. 4. The installing officer, when presiding in the Council, is authorized, under certain circum- stances, to declare a vacancy and to order a new election. At any other time, it is the duly of the Regent, or of the officer filling his chair, to make such declaration. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 250, 257. Failure to Present for Installation. Sec. 204. If a member, who has been duly elected to an office, fails to present himself for installation (unless prevented by sickness or some unavoidable occurrence), the office to which he was elected may be 32 SUBORDINATE CONSTITUTION. §§ 205-208.] [Part III., Article II., Ch. III., IV. declared vacant by the installing officer, and another election shall be ordered forthwith to till the vacancy. When Vacancies Filled. , . , » . ,. Sec. 205. When a vacancy is to be filled, the nomination, election, and installation may occur at the same meeting. See Note 10, Sec. 127. How Vacancies Filled. . ^ Sec. 206. Vacancies occurring in the offices by reason o± death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled in the manner of the oiigina selection for the remainder of the term. The officer elected to fill the unexpired term, and serving until the end of the term, shall be entitled to the full honors of the term. Notes. 1. A resignation must be accepted by the Council before an office becomes vacant. — [Decision , appeal case, Empire City Council vs. C. R. of N. Y., Pro. 1889, pp. 30, 266. 2. As to filling vacancies resulting from suspension of officers, see Note 3, Sec. 193. 3. As to vacancies not filled by election immediately after removal or suspension of an officer, see Sec. 661. CHAPTER IV. Removals of Officers by the Council. Cause for Removal. . ^ .. , Section 207. Any officer may be removed for m attention to the duties of his station by vote of the Council, without trial, provided he shall have been notified in writing, by the secretary, ot his proposed le- moval, at least five days previous thereto, and the cause thereof. Note. 1. For other provisions for removal, see Sec. 527, and Sec. 616, et seq. Officers under Charges. . . , oll Sec. 208. Every officer against whom charges are preferred shall have a fair and impartial trial, in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations of the Order, but he shall officiate until the charges have been settled, unless otherwise ordered by the Council. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. 33 [§§ 209 - 214 . Part HI., Article III., Ch. I.] ARTICLE III. DUTIES OF OFFICERS OF SUBORDINATE COUNCILS. Chapter I. Duties of Officers. “ II. Bonds of Council Officers. —Other Duties. CHAPTER I. Duties of Officers, THE REGENT. As Presiding Officer. Section 209. The Regent shall preside at all meetings and enforce the laws, rules and usages of the Council, and of the Supreme and Grand Councils ; shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council ; shall act as judge in all elections and declare the result. Appoint Committees. Sec. 210. He shall appoint all Committees unless otherwise ordered by the Council. Sign Orders. Sec. 211. He shall sign orders on the Treasurer for all money or- dered to be paid by the Council. Note. 1, Should a Council vote not to pay the per capita tax, or fail to order its payment, it would still be the duty of the Regent to draw, and of the Secretary to attest, a draft for its payment. The payment of the tax being a constitutional obligation, authority of the Council to draw an order to pay it is not necessary. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 250, 257. When He may Vote. Sec. 212. He shall not be entitled to vote, except when electing officers, balloting for candidates, and when the members are equally divided on other questions. Call Special Meetings. Sec. 213. He may call a special meeting of his Council upon the death of a member, and shall call a special meeting upon the written re- quest of seven members. Note. 1. A Council may authorize a call without request of seven members, see Note 1, Sec. 178. Appoint Standing Committees. Sec. 214. Immediately after his installation he shall appoint a Fi- nance Committee of three, and an Auditing Committee of three. SUBORDINATE CONSTITUTION. 34 §§ 215-223.] [Part III., Article III., Ch. I. Hold Bonds. Sec. 215. He shall receive and hold the bonds of the officers and all securities therefor, and at the expiration of his term of office, or on earlier demand therefor by the Council, deliver the same to his successor, or as the Council shall direct. Other Duties. Sec. 216. He shall perform such other duties devolving on his office as the laws, rules, and usages of the Order enjoin. THE VICE-REGENT. Duties. Sec. 217. The Vice-Regent shall assist and aid the Regent in con- ducting the ceremonies, have charge of the inner door, and, in the absence or disability of the Regent, he shall preside and perform the duties of Regent. He shall perform such other duties as the laws, rules, and usages of the Order enjoin. THE ORATOR. Conduct Entertainment. Sec ; 218. The Orator shall endeavor to entertain the members of the f Council by delivering a lecture, reading a paper, or presenting some- thing of a moral, social, or interesting nature at each meeting of the Council. THE SITTING PAST REGENT. Duties. Sec. 219. The Sitting Past Regent shall assist in conducting the ceremonies, act as attorney for the Council in case of trials, and perform such other duties as the laws, rules, and usages of the Order enjoin. THE SECRETARY. Records and Correspondence. Sec. 220. The Secretary shall keep accurate reports of the proceed- ings of the Council, which he shall record in a book kept for that purpose ; shall conduct the general correspondence, and have charge of the seal and records. Draw Orders. Sec. 221. He shall draw and attest all orders on the Treasurer and keep a record thereof. Make out Reports. Sec. 222. He shall make out the semi-annual and annual reports of the work and business of the Council to the Supreme and Grand Council, and see that they are properly signed and attested. Note. 1. As to including fees for change of B. C. and fines, see Note, Sec. 226, Send Notices. Sec. 223. He shall notify all applicants who have been elected to membership, within five days thereafter. He shall notify the Collector at once upon the receipt of notice of an assessment from the Supreme Secretary ; he shall notify the Supreme Secretary at once of all with- DUTIES OF OFFICERS. 35 [§§ 224 - 231 . Part III., Article III, Ch. I.] drawals, suspensions, expulsions, or reinstatements in the Council, giving the name, and number of the Benefit Certificate, in each case. Other Duties. . _ . . Sec 224. He shall perform such other duties as the laws, rules, and. usages of the Order enjoin, or as the Council may prescribe, consistent therewith. THE COELECTOR. Keep Accounts. , , / , , Sec. 225. The Collector shall keep a full and correct account be- tween the Council and its members. Receive Money and Pay to Treasurer. Sec. 226. He shall receive all money due the Council, and pay the same to the Treasurer before the close of each meeting, and at such other times as the Treasurer may require, taking his receipt therefor. Note. 1 The fees for changes of Benefit Certificates, and the fines paid by individual members, should be entered on books of the Council and reported among their ^ same as other receipts and expenditures are reported. — [Res., Pro. 1886, p. 223, Cir., Pio. 1887, p. 21. Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund Accounts. Sec. 227. He shall notify all members of assessments, immediately on receipt of notice of assessment, and shall conduct the correspondence with the Supreme Secretary, especially relating to the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund and the individual assessment accounts of mem- bers. He shall receive all money for the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, and keep separate accounts of the same in books provided for that purpose. Notes. 1. As to receipt of assessments, see Notes, Sec. 473. 2. For case of illegal suspension, see Note 14, Sec. 473. Give Notice of Arrears. Sec. 228. He shall notify members when they are in arrears to the amount of three months’ dues. When a member is in arrears to the amount of six months’ dues, or in arrears for assessments, he shall no- tify the Regent of Jhe fact. See Note 14, Sec. 473. List of Delinquent Members. Sec. 229. He shall at the time of election of officers furnish the Regent with a list of members not in good standing, and not entitled to vote. Other Duties. , Sec. 230. He shall make out a report of the semiannual dues to the Supreme or Grand Council ; and shall perform such other duties as the laws, rules, and usages of the Order enjoin, or as the Council may pre- scribe, consistent therewith. See Notes, Sec. 108 and 109. THE TREASURER. Receipts and Payments. Sec. 231. The Treasurer shall receive from the Collector all money received by him for the Council, and give his receipt therefor. All funds so received he shall deposit in his name as Treasurer of the Coun- cil, in such bank or other depository as the Council may by resolution designate, to be drawn out only on checks signed by him as such Treas- 36 §§ 232 - 238 .] SUBORDINATE CONSTITUTION. [Part HI., Article III., Ch. I. urer, and attested by the Regent. He shall pay all orders on him signed by the Regent and attested by the Secretary. Notes. 1. The Treasurer is not obliged to deposit Council moneys in any bank or other depository, until the Council by resolution designates such bank or depository. Until such a resolution is adopted by the Council, the Treasurer may keep the Council funds where he chooses, he and his sureties on his official bond being responsible therefor — [Decision, Pro, 1889, pp. 28, 260. 2. A Treasurer has no right to lend Council funds, or use them in any business, or for any purpose except such as our laws designate; nor to pay out Council funds except on the order of the Regent, duly attested by the Secretary. — [Decision, Pro. 1889, pp. 28, 260. Accounts. Sec. 232. He shall keep a regular and correct account of all money received and paid by him ; shall keep a separate account of the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, and not allow this fund to be used for any other purpose ; and shall have his accounts ready for settlement on the last day of June and December, respectively. Annual Report. Sec. 233. He shall make out the annual report of the finances of the Council. Other Duties. Sec. 234. He shall perform such other duties as the laws, rules, and usages of the Order enjoin, or as the Council may require, consistent therewith. THE CHAPDAIN. Duties. Sec. 235. The Chaplain shall offer up invocations to, and ask bless- ings from, the Deity, and perform such other duties as the laws, rules, and usages of the Order enjoin. THE GUIDE. Duties. Sec. 236. The Guide shall have charge of the jewels, paraphernalia, and other property of the Council intrusted to his care, and perform such other duties as pertain to his office. Duties. THE WARDEiV A1VD SEjVTRY. Sec. 237. The Warden and Sentry shall perform such duties as the laws, rules, and usages of the Order require of them. THE TRUSTEES. Custody of Property and Investments. Sec. 238. The Trustees shall have the general supervision of all the property of the Council. They shall invest, in such secuiities as the Council may direct, such sums as it orders to be drawn from the Treas- ury for that purpose. They shall have the custody of all securities of the Council for money loaned or invested ; they shall collect or realize all such sums wh*en so directed by the Council. They shall collect all inter- ests, rents, or other moneys arising from investments belonging to the Council, and pay the money collected by them to the Collector. They shall, at the close of each term of six months, report their transactions to . the Council, and make an inventory of all property. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. 37 [§§ 239-243. Part III., Article III, Ch. I., II.] REPRESENTATIVE TO GRAND COUNCIL. Duties. Sec. 239. The Representative to the Grand Council shall receive the instructions of his Council and faithfully represent its interests. When a Representative is elected who has not previously been admitted to mem- bership in the Grand Council, he must procure and present his certificate of Past Regent or Regent, together with that of Representative, before applying for admission to the Grand Council. CHAPTER II. Bonds of Council Officers. — Other Duties. Who Give Bonds. Section 240. Before his installation each of the following-named officers shall give a bond for such an amount as the Council shall deter- mine, not less than the sum hereinafter specified, with security ap- proved by the Council, for the faithful performance of his duties : — Secretary, for a sum not less than one hundred dollars. Collector, for a sum not less than three hundred dollars. Treasurer, for a sum not less than five hundred dollars. Trustees, a separate or a joint and several bond, for such an amount as the Council may require. Note. 1. It is inexpedient to absolutely require the use of any (common) form of bond ; but the Councils are recommended to use the forms for Trustees and other officers furnished by the Supreme Council. New bonds must be given each term, even if the officers are re-elected. — [Report and Res., Pro. 1882, pp. 146, 147. Security on Bonds. Sec. 241. The Council may approve and accept as security for the bonds, or either of them, the guarantee of any reputable Fidelity or Guarantee Company, or Fraternal Societies’ Cooperative Indemnity Union, and may adopt the proper and necessary measures to provide for its officers such security, and for such purpose is authorized to become a member of said Union. Notes. 1. The bonds of the officers of a Council are binding on the sureties. — [Decision, Pro. 1887, pp. 29, 221, 222. 2. A Council is not required to protect itself from losses on account of its officers except by the bonds or contract of indemnity prescribed by the Supreme Council. — [Decision, Pro. 1887, pp. 29, 221, 222. Regent to Hold Bonds. Sec. 242. All bonds shall be made in favor of the Regent, in trust for the Council, and the Regent shall have the custody thereof. Delivery to Successor. Sec. 243. All Council officers shall, at the end of the term for which they are elected, or upon any earlier termination thereof, deliver to the Council, or to their successors in office, all moneys, books, papers, secu- rities, and other property of the Council that have come into their hands or possession, except such as may have been lawfully disposed of, and render proper account thereof. 38 §§ 244 - 247 .] SUBORDINATE CONSTITUTION. [Part III., Article IV., Ch. I ARTICLE IV. STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCILS. CHAPTER I. Relief, Finance, and Auditing Committees. THE REEIEF COMMITTEE. Who Compose —Duties. Section 244. The Regent, Vice-Regent, and Past Regent, shall con- stitute the Relief Committee, of which the Regent shall be Chairman. Their duties shall be to visit the sick or disabled brothers, and to report at each stated meeting, and in all cases of application for relief, whether from members, or others who are recommended by a member, they may suggest to the Council such pecuniary assistance as they believe is needed. Note. 1. The Relief Committee is a Constitutional Committee, and is not responsible to the Council in the same degree as a mere Standing Committee. — [Adopted Report, Pro. 1878, pp. 56, 57. THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Duties. Sec. 245. The Finance Committee shall examine and report on all bills against the Council before the payment thereof. THE AUDITING COMMITTEE. Duties. Sec. 246. The Auditing Committee shall examine and audit the books arid accounts of the Secretary, Collector, Treasurer, and Trustees at least twice in each year, and make written report to the next stated meeting of the Council. Powers. Sec. 247. The Auditing Committee shall liaye power to require the production of all books, papers, vouchers, and documents relating to the j accounts they examine, which may be necessary to determine their cor- rectness or the actual cash at any time in the hands of either officer. BY-LAWS AND ALTERATIONS THEREOF. 39 Part III., Article V., Ch. I.] C§§ 248-252. ARTICLE V. BY-LAWS AND ALTERATIONS THEREOF. CHAPTER I. Two-Thirds Vote Necessary. Section 248. By-Laws may be made, and from time to time altered or amended, by the Council, by a two-thirds vote of the members present. Note. 1. As to imposing fines by by-law, see Note 4, Secs. 187 and 373. How Proposed. Sec. 249. All By-Laws and alterations thereof must be proposed in writing, signed by two members of the Council, read at a stated meeting, entered on the record, laid over and read at another stated meeting, be- fore being finally acted upon. Note. 1. A bylaw of a Council cannot be temporarily suspended. — [Adopted report, Pro. 1878, pp. 56, 57. Amended Amendments. Sec. 250. If an amendment is made by the Council to a proposed amendment, the amendment as amended must be laid over until the next stated meeting before adoption. Notes. 1. The provision that an amendment to an amendment must lay over does not apply to verbal amendments not changing the legal effect or substance of an amendment. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 253, 257. See Note 3, Sec. 252. Restrictions on By-Laws. Sec. 251. A By-Law or alteration thereof must not contravene or conflict with the Constitutions of the Supreme, Grand, or Subordinate Councils, nor the General Laws and principles of the Order, nor repeat any portion of the said Constitutions and Laws. Notes. 1. As to power to fine members under a by-law, see Note 1 under Sec. 176. 2. As to requiring white gloves, see Note 2, Sec. 573. 3. As to fixing dues by by-law, see Note 1, Sec, 370. 4. A Council cannot insert in its by-laws a clause allowing the suspension of any by-law for the meeting. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 249, 257. 5. As to by-law on sick benefits, see Note 12, Sect. 377, also Secs. 378, 382. 6. As to by-laws fixing the degree fee upon a scale graded according to age of applicant, legal, see Note 1, Sec. 274. 7. As to by-laws imposing fine upon officers for absence, see Sec. 527, and Note 4, Sec. 187. 8. Council may enact Rules of Order, see Sec. 603. 9. As to grading degree fee according to age of applicant, see Note 1, Sec. 274. Approval of. Sec. 252. All By-Laws and alterations thereof must, after adoption by the Council, be submitted to the Committee on Laws of the Supreme 40 § 253 .] SUBORDINATE CONSTITUTION. [Part III., Article V., Ch. L or Grand Council, and shall take effect from the date of approval by such Committee. Notes. 1. Business illegally transacted by a Council, through inadvertence, under by-laws not ap- proved by Committee on Laws, may be legalized by dispensation. — [Dispensation 5, Pro. 1880, 146. 2. When by-laws are approved by the Committee on Laws of a Grand Council, they should be sent to the Grand Secretary, who should attest and sign the same, affix the Grand Council seal thereto, and forward them to the Council. — [Decision, Appeal, Bowen vs. Grand Regent of Ohio, Pro. 1887, pp. 31, 223. 3. A code of rules is in effect a code of by-laws, and, unless approved by the Cdmmittee on Laws, is of no validity or force to guide or control a Council’s action. — [Appeal, Bannon v vs. Ringgold, No. 385, Pro. 1886, pp. 42, 196. 4. A council adopted a by-law that, “No assessment shall be levied except for the W. 8c O. B. Fund.” The Committee on Laws of the Grand Council approved the same with the following addition : “ Unless called by the Supreme Council or Grand Council.” Upon appeal, it was held that without the addenda the by-law might array the Council against the Supreme or Grand Council, should it be necessary for either of these bodies to levy ap assessment for any ex- igency, or to establish a relief fund, and would contravene the laws and principles of the Order. — [Appeal of Asbury Council No. 662 vs. G. R. of Md., Pro. 1890, pp. 33, 297. If Relate to Widows and Orphans' Benefit Fund. Sec. 253. All By-Laws relating to the Widows and Orphans’ Bene- fit Fund must be submitted to the Committee on Laws of the Supreme Council for approval before taking effect. PART IY. General Laws of the Royal Arcanum. TITLE I. APPLICATION FOR, ELECTION AND INITIA- TION TO, MEMBERSHIP. Chapter I, “ II. “ III. “ IV. “ V. “ VI. “ VII. “ VIII. Qualification, Duty, and Election of Applicants. Rejected and Ineligible Applicants. Procedure upon Applications after Election. Conferring the Degree, and Sus- pension thereof during Epidemic. Disposition of Fees accompanying Applications. Jurisdiction of Councils in Regard to Applicants. Applications in Places where there are more than One Council. Applications from the Jurisdiction of Other Councils. CHAPTER I. Qualification, Duty, and Election of Applicants, Section 270 . No person shall be admitted to membership in the Royal Arcanum, except he is between the ages of twenty-one and fifty- five years. Notes. 1 If it appears an applicant was ineligible because over age, bis admission is illegal ; and be mav be permitted to surrender bis Benefit Certificate and retire from tbe Order. — [Walter case in Allen; No. 49, Pro. 1885, pp. 71, 211, 220, 234. 2. Initiation of a candidate not 21 years of age was declared void, and assessments ordered returned to him. By dispensation he was allowed a seat in tbe Council without benefits, voice, vote, or honor, until bis majority. — [Disp. Pro. 1878, p. 13. ( 41 ) 42 §§ 271 - 277.1 GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title I., Ch. I. Other Qualifications. Sec. 271. Each applicant must be a man of sound health, of * good moral character, a believer in a Supreme Being, and competent to earn a livelihood for himself and family. Notes. 1. As to suspended member, ineligible as new member, see Notes 1 and 3, Sec. 384. 2. If an applicant, who has erased from the application the clause declaring belief in a Supreme Being, is accepted by a Council with the form of initiation, he is not legally admitted, and he cannot be recognized as a member of the Order. — [Decision, Pro. 1887, pp. 29/ 221, 222 Proscribed Occupations. Sec. 272. Applications shall not be received from the following class of persons, to wit: Barkeepers; hotel proprietors or restaurant-keepers who attend their own bars; saloon-keepers, where intoxicating liquors are sold ; keepers of billiard parlors, where liquor is sold ; or any individual who may be personally engaged in the manufacture or retailing of alco- holic liquor to be drank on the premises. Sign Application. Sec. 273. Each applicant for membership in the Order must sign the application prescribed by the Supreme Council ; state his age, occu- pation, residence, and proposed beneficiary ; and be recommended by two members in good standing in the Council to which he makes application. Notes. 1. If, after an application has been received in Council, a change of form of application and * medical examination takes effect before the applicant is examined, the applicant must sign and be examined upon the new form. — [Circular, Pro. 1881, pp. 24, 117. 2. As to correction of mistake in age, see Sec. 375. 3. Statements in application, part of member’s contract, Note 1, Sec. 321. Fees with Application. Sec. 274. The application must be accompanied by a sum not less than four dollars for the Degree, not less than two dollars. for the Medical Examiner, and fifty cents for the Supervising Medical Examiner. Note. 1. The degree fee may be fixed by by-law on a scale graded according to the age of the appli- cant, but at not less than the minimum prescribed above — [Res. Pro. 1890, p. 377. Bead in Council. Sec. 275. The application shall be read in open Council at a stated meeting thereof, entered on the record, and the accompanying fees placed in the hands of the Secretary. Investigating Committee. Sec. 276. A committee of three members of the Council shall then be appointed to investigate the character and the physical and other qualifications of the applicant (provided, that no more than two appli- cations shall be referred to one committee at the same meeting), and their report shall be filed with the Secretary as soon as possible. Notes. 1. The members of the Investigating Committee may, when it is impossible for them to sign the form of report on the application blank, sign a report in the same form as that on the appli cation and add thereto authority to the Secretary to sign their names for them on the applica tion; and the Secretary should append thereto a certificate to that effect. — [Cir., Pro. 1884, pp. 15, 200. 2. The Chairman of the Investigating Committee is obliged to use the form of report to Secretary, as designed by Supreme Secretary, to determine whether applicant should be notified to present himself to Medical Examiner. — TRes. Pro. 1890, p. 348. See Form 2, Sept. 1, 1890. Medical Examination. Sec. 277. If the report of the committee is favorable, the Secretary shall send the application, and notify the applicant to present himself, to APPLICATION FOR ELECTION AND INITIATION. 43 Part IV., Title L, Ch. L, II.] M 278-280. the Medical Examiner, who, after making an examination on the form prescribed by the Supreme Council, shall refer the same to the proper Supervising Medical Examiner, who shall report his decision to the Secretary. Notes. 1 A member who has inadvertently omitted to mention a fact in his family history which would have caused his rejection, must surrender his Benefit Certificate and retire from the Order. — [Richards case in Talbot, No. 727, Pro. 1885, pp. 71, 211. 2. A medical examination made before the application is presented to and read at a regular meeting of the Council is illegal. — [Cir., Pro. 1884, pp. 14, 200. 3. As to report of Chairman of Investigating Committee to Secretary, see Note 2, Sec. 276. Reports Read in Council and Ballot. Sec. 278. The reports of the Investigating Committee and the Super- vising Medical Examiner shall be presented together at the next stated meeting of the Council, if possible, by the Secretary, and if all are favor- able a ballot may then be had. When more than five candidates are to be balloted for at one meeting, a ballot may be had on all of them col- lectively : and if the ballot be clear all of them shall be declared elected ; if one black ball appear, a ballot shall then be had on each name separ- ately, as provided in this section. J Notes. 1. Receiving reports of Investigating Committees and balloting for applicants at called meet- ings is illegal. — [Dispensation, Pro. 1880, pp. 19, 146. 2. No candidate can be legally balloted for till his medical examination has been returned from the proper Supervising Medical Examiner, bearing his oflicial approval. — [Circular, Pio. 1880, p. 28. 3 Le^al action cannot be taken upon an application for membership or reinstatement unless the papfr is ac^afiy before the Council. A^legram from the Buperriring Examiner, stating that an examination has been approved, is not sufiicient. — [Decision, 1 10 . 1887, pp. 29, 221, 222. 3 . 4. Balloting upon applications collectively is illegal, - (except as allowed in above section, amended since this decision.) — [Dispensation, Pro. 1881, pp. 14, lo2. 5. It is sufficient if the Secretary reports to the Council that the application has been approved by the Supervising Medical Examiner, unless the reading ot the entiic medical lepoit, oi anj part thereof, is called for by a member. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 2o4, -o < • 6. It is illegal to take a ballot before both the reports of Investigating Committee and Super- vising Examiner have been received. — [Cir., Pro. 1884, pp. 14, 200. 7. No application can be received or candidate ballotted for at a called meeting. [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 252, 257. Election. „ . _ • , Sec 279. If six members vote and the ballot is clear, or not more than one black ball appears, the applicant shall be declared elected. Note. 1. After an applicant is elected, if it is discovered that he does not possess the qualifications for membership, he must not be initiated. Such an initiation is void. — [Decision, Pio. 188 d, pp. 249, 257. CHAPTER II. Rejected and Ineligible Applicants. Rejected by Ballot. Section 280. If two or more black balls are cast, the applicant shall be declared rejected, and shall not again be proposed or ballotted for within six months thereafter. Notes. 1. A ballot taken with less than two black balls in the box is illegal. The box should be sup- plied with black balls sufficient to give the members an opportunity to express an opinion ad- verse to the candidate, if they so desire. — [Decision, Pro. 1886, pp. -4, 193. 2. After the declaration of rejection, a second ballot cannot, even by dispensation of the Su- preme Regent, be taken within the six months upon an applicant rejected by mistake. [Dis approved Dispensation, Pro. 1883, pp. 41, 42 , 43, 159, 169, 171. 3. A ballot whereby a candidate was rejected cannot be reopened at the next meeting. Mem- bers who cast black balls cannot afterwards withdraw their act. — [Decision, Pro. 188b, pp. 25, 193. 44 §§ 281-287.] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV. ? Title L, Ch. II., IIL Rejected on Report of Investigating Committee. Sec. 281. If the report of the Investigating Committee is unfavor- able, the Secretary shall read the report at the next stated meeting, and the Regent shall declare the applicant rejected ; and an applieant & so re- jected cannot be proposed or admitted to any Council within six months thereafter. Note. 1. The six months of ineligibility not applicable to cases arising under Sec. 283. See Note 8, Sgc. 283. Declared Ineligible. Sec ; 282. If the applicant is rejected by the Supervising Medical Examiner, the Regent shall declare him ineligible, and an applicant so declared ineligible shall not be proposed or admitted to any Council within six months thereafter ; but he may be admitted to the same Council on a new application within six months, if the Supervising Medical Ex- aminer shall reverse his decision. Note. 1. As to how new application used, in case of reversal of decision, see Note 1, Sec. 365. Applicant may Cause Rejection. Sec. 283. If an applicant refuses or neglects to undergo an exami- nation within six weeks from the date of the Secretary’s notice to him to present himself to the Medical Examiner, he shall be declared rejected and his Degree fee forfeited. Notes. 1. An applicant rejected because he did not undergo an examination within six weeks of Secretary’s notice, or because sixty days have elapsed from the date of his examination, may be again proposed for membership at any time. — [Decision, Pro. 1887, pp, 33, 240, 241. 2. An applicant rejected by the Supervising Examiner solely because he failed to present him- self for examination within the six weeks, can make a new application at once, and the Council may credit him with the amount paid upon his previous application. — [Decision, Pro. 1886 dd 24, 193; aud 1887, pp. 29, 221, 222. L ’ Cannot Withdraw Application. Sec. 284. After an application is received and read in a Council, it cannot be withdrawn under any circumstances. Record of Rejection and Ineligibility. Sec. 285. Whenever an applicant is rejected or declared ineligible, the Secretary shall make a record of his name, residence, occupation, and cause of rejection or ineligibility, and immediately communicate the same to the Supreme Secretary, who shall keep a record thereof. CHAPTER III. Procedure upon Applications after Election. Notice of Election. Sec. 286. The Secretary shall notify each applicant of his election within five days thereafter, and of the place where, and the period in which, he must present himself to receive the Degree. The applicant may waive such notice, and receive the Degree at the meeting at which he was elected. Medical Examination Void after Sixty Days. Sec. 287. If sixty days elapse from the date of the approval of the applicant’s medical examination, before the Degree is conferred, such APPLICATION FOR ELECTION AND INITIATION. 45 Part IV., Title I., Ch. III., IV.] [§§ 288-291. examination shall be void, and a new medical examination shall be had, and approved by the Supervising Medical Examiner, before he can re- ceive the Degree. Note. 1. Initiation of an applicant after the lapse of sixty days from date of approval of his examina- tion (without a new examination and supervision) is illegal, and absolutely void. Applicants so initiated must be declared not members of the Order. — [Res., Pro. 1887, p. 247. Applicant Fails to Present Himself. Sec. 288. If the applicant fails to present himself to receive the De- gree within the sixty days next succeeding the approval of his medical examination, his Degree fee shall be forfeited to the Council unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the Council. Notes. 1. No appeal to the Council for voluntary contributions on behalf of the family of a qualified applicant, who had not received the degree, should be authorized in any case where .the failure of said candidate to receive his Degree was owing in whole or in part to his own negligence. — [Resolution, Pro. 1883* pp. 174, 181. 2. As to appeal circulars, see Sec. 612. Council Order New Ballot and Medical Examination. Sec. 289. The Council may, by a majority vote, at any stated meet- ing before initiating any elected applicant, order a new ballot on his election to membership, or require him to pass a new examination by the Medical Examiner, subject, in case of variance from his first examina- tion, to supervision by the Supervising Medical Examiner ; such exam- ination and supervision to be at the expense of the Council. CHAPTER IV. Conferring the Degree, and Suspension thereof during Epidemic. Fees to be Paid. Section 290. Each applicant, on presenting himself to receive the Degree, shall sign the Obligation of the Order, pay two dollars to the General Fund for his Benefit Certificate, one advance assessment to the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, to be fixed by the age he has at- tained at said date, and dues for the current quarter or fraction of a quarter (not less than seventy-five cents). Notes. 1. An applicant who knows the year of his birth, but not the day and month, should be rated as born January 1st. — [Decision, Pro. 1886, pp. 25, 193. 2. An applicant who presents himself for the Degree as required, but does not receive it from the Council, and passes a birthday before receiving it, may, by Dispensation of the Supreme Regent, be assessed at his age when he first presented himself for the Degree. — [Disp., Pro. 1883, pp. 42, 159, 169, 171. 3. There is nothing secret about the obligation. — [Decision during session, Pro. 1878, p. 49. 4. The obligation includes compliance in the future with the laws, rules, and regulations in force at the time of admission, and that may thereafter be enacted by the Supreme Council to govern said Council and the W. and O. B. Fund. — [Benefit Certificate, Pro. 1879, p. 99. 5. A member born Nov. 9, 1844, and admitted Nov. 9, 1877, should be assessed as between 33 and 34. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 248, 257. 6. The B.C. fee is not only for the certificate, but for keeping the brother’s record of member- ship during his connection with the Order. — [Res., Pro. 1890, p. 308, 309. See Note, Sec. 273. When Degree Conferred. Sec. 291. The Degree may be conferred at a stated or special meet- ing upon any applicant who has been legally elected at a stated meeting. Note. 1. A Council under suspension cannot initiate applicants. — [Decision, Pro. 1887, pp. 29, 221, 222 . 46 §§ 292 - 895 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title L, Ch. IV., V. Only Degree Entitles to Benefits. Sec. 2 92. No applicant shall be entitled to any of the benefits pro- vided by the Laws of the Order, or to any privileges of membership, under any application or any election had thereon, until he has received the Degree prescribed or authorized by the Supreme Council. Note. 1. See Note, Secs. 279 and 287, as to void initiation. Rights after Degree Conferred. Sec. 293. Every member who has been legally admitted to a Council shall be entitled, so long as he remains in good standing, to all the benefits and privileges of membership in the Order from the moment he received the Degree, as prescribed or authorized by the Supreme Council. Notes. 1. An applicant who has complied with all the prescribed conditions, and has been duly in- itiated, becomes a member in good standing, and, if he dies before a benefit certificate is issued to him, the benefit is payable to the beneficiary named in the application, if properly desig- nated according to the laws of the Order. — [Giles’ Council case, Pro. 1881, Report S. R. p. 6; adopted report of approval, p. 137. 2. A member suspended for any cause is debarred from the enjoyment of all privileges of the Order until reinstated. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 252, 257. (See Sub. C. C., Art. vii, Sect. 2.) 3. There is no power vested in the Supreme Regant to expel a legally admitted member with- out due trial in accordance with the law. — [Giles’ Council Case, Pro. 1881, Report S. R., p. 8, adopted report of approval, p. 137. Reaffirmed in 1887. 4. Irregularities in the admission of members may be legalized by vote of the Supreme Council, in consideration of the circumstances. — f Adopted report, French Creek Council case, Pro. 1880, pp. 104, 124, 125. 5. A member without the password cannot be vouched for by the Regent or a member of another Council. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 250, 257. But see next note. 6. A visiting Brother who presents for inspection vouchers showing all dues and assessments paid in full, and who is positively identified by one or more members of the Council as the pei son named therein, and a brother in good standing, may after proper examination be admitted to a Council in session, though not at the time in possession of the semi-annual password. — [Res., Pro. 1890, p. 369. See Notes, Secs. 270 and 277. Suspended during Epidemic. Sec. 294. Whenever any pestilence or epidemic disease shall prevail or shall be threatened in any district where a Council of the Order is es- tablished, the Supreme Regent shall, immediately upon being notified thereof, or in any manner acquiring knowledge of the same, suspend the initiation of new members into said Council during the continuance of said pestilence or epidemic ; the territory to be proscribed, and the period of the suspension aforesaid, to be defined by the Supreme Regent, upon the advice of the Medical Examiner-in-Chief. CHAPTER V. Disposition of Fees accompanying Applications. How Fees are Disposed of. Section 295. The fees accompanying each application shall be dis- posed of as follows : — (1.) The fee for the Degree shall be paid to the Collector as soon # as the applicant is elected. (2.) If ihe applicant is declared ineligible or is rejected by ballot, the fee for the Degree shall be returned to the member who proposed him. (3.) If the Applicant is declared rejected upon the unfavorable report of the report of the committee without a medical examination, all the fees accompanying the application shall be returned. (4.) The fees for medical examination and supervision shall be paid to the Medical Examiner by the Secretary. APPLICATION FOR ELECTION AND INITIATION. 47 Part IV., Title I., Ch. VI., VII.] [§§ 296-298. CHAPTER YI. Jurisdiction of Councils in Regard to Applicants. What Constitutes Jurisdiction. Section 296. Every Council shall have jurisdiction, in initiating ap- plicants for membership, over the place (city or district thereof, town, village, or other municipal division) in which it is instituted or legally located. Two or more Councils may have concurrent jurisdiction over the same place. Note. 1. An applicant residing within the jurisdiction of a Grand Council cannot be admitted to a Council in another Grand jurisdiction without permission from the Grand Regent of the juris- diction in which he resides. — [Disapproved Dispensation, No. 64, Pro. 1883, pp. 64, 159, 160, 169, 171. Places where no Councils. Sec. 297. Any Council in a State Province, District or Territory may initiate applicants from any place in the same State, Province, District or Territory in which no Council is located. Notes. 1. An officer of the U.S. Navy, who had no official residence, was admitted to a Council under a Grand Council by dispensation of the Supreme Regent, on the usual conditions, and further, that no objection should be made by the Councils in the same district. — [ Dispensation, Pro. 1882, pp. 15, 161. 2. If a resident of one State applies to a Council in another State, the consent of the Supreme or Grand Regent having jurisdiction over the State where he resides must be obtained before he can be initiated, in addition to the consent of the nearest Council. If his residence is distant from a Council, consent is required only from the Supreme or Grand Regent. Consent from the Supreme Regent is not required if both States are under Supreme Council jurisdiction.— [Circular, Pro. 1884, pp. 15, 200; Dispensation, Pro. 1184, pp. 30, 31, 33, 34, 169. 3. A resident of one State under Supreme Council jurisdiction cannot, while on a visit to a city under a Grand jurisdiction, be admitted to a Council in such city without consent of the Council having jurisdiction over the place of his permanent residence. — [Decision, Shaver case, Pro. 1885, pp. 256, 257. CHAPTER VII. Applications in Places where there are more than One Council. Notice of Applications. Sec. 298. Councils located in places where there are more than one Council, or over which more than one Council has jurisdiction, shall notify each other whenever they receive an application for membership, in accordance with the following form : — Council No. , of It. A., — — , 18 — . To the Regent , Officers , and Members of — Council No. — : — Brothers, — At a regular meeting of this Council held this evening, Mr. tiled a petition for membership, by initiation. His age is years, occupation , residence . The same was referred to Brothers Investigating Committee. 48 §§ 299 - 302 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title L, Ch. VII. Please inform this Council or the Investigating Committee of any ob- jections to his initiation. If none are made within three weeks, he will be balloted for. Notes. Secretary. 1. A qualified applicant was initiated without the notice to sister Councils, as required by law, and the initiation was attempted to be legalized by Dispensation of the Grand Regent, under the belief that he had jurisdiction in the matter. An appeal was taken upon the ground that by such action the Grand Regent assumed to control the W. & O. JB. Fund. Held : that such action of the Grand Regent did not affect said fund; that the only injury to the Order would be such confusion as. might be created in the same place ; that dispensation in such a case could be granted only by the Supreme Regent, the act of the Council being a violation of a law of the Supreme Council. — [Appeal case Langford vs. Eureka Cl. 308, Pro. 1883, pp. 48, 49, 183. 2. The election and initiation of an applicant, without notice to Councils in the same jurisdiction, are illegal, and the Supreme Regent should direct his retirement from the Order. — [Schaffer case in Bedford, No. 655, Pro. 1885, pp. 208, 238, also Decision in Shaver case, Pro. 1885, pp. 256, 257. 3. For definition of “ place,” see Sec. 296. Cities may be Divided. Sec. 299. In cities of over twenty thousand inhabitants, that are within the jurisdiction of a Grand Council, the Grand Regent, Grand Vice-Regent, and Grand Secretary may sub-divide such city into districts, and assign a separate district to each Council. If desirable, two or more Councils may be given concurrent jurisdiction over the same district. When an application for membership is received by Councils situated in a city so sub-divided, they shall notify only the Council or Councils situated within their jurisdiction, unless the applicant resides in another district, and then they shall notify the Council or Councils only in the district where the applicant resides. Lay over Three Weeks. Sec. 300. All applications to Councils in places where there are more than one Council, or over which more than one Council has juris- diction, shall lay over three weeks from the date the application was read in the Council before any ballot shall be had thereon ; but the Supreme or Grand Regent may authorize the initiation of a candidate before the expiration of that time, if good and sufficient reasons exist therefor, and if the Councils entitled to notice have sent notice that they have no objections. Failure to Give Notice. Sec. 301. Any Council failing to give the required notice to a Council having jurisdiction over the same place, may be fined by the Grand Regent or Supreme Regent the sum of five dollars for each offence, and such fine, when imposed, shall be immediately paid to the Grand Secretary or the Supreme Secretary, according as the offending Council is within the jurisdiction of a Grand or the Supreme Council. Any Council failing to pay such fine may be suspended or dissolved by the Supreme Regent. If a Council Objects. Sec. 302. When a Council objects to an applicant for membership in another Council in the same jurisdiction, it shall be the duty of the Council objecting to immediately send a notice of such objection, and appoint a committee to present its objections to the Council in which the petition was filed. The name or names of the committee so appointed shall accompany the notice of objection. Upon receipt of this notice of objection and appointment of Committee, the Council receiving it shall appoint a like committee to hear the objections. APPLICATION FOR ELECTION AND INITIATION. 49 Part IV., Title I., Ch. VII., VIII.] C§§ 303-308. Ballot after Objection. Sec. 303. An applicant to whom objection is made, in compliance with the preceding section, shall not be initiated until the committee appointed to receive objections have reported the facts to its Council, and not then till a favorable ballot has been taken after the report of this committee. Any applicant rejected by such ballot shall be declared re- jected, even though he may have received a favorable ballot before the objection was presented. CHAPTER VIII. Applications from the Jurisdiction of Other Councils. Applicants from other Jurisdictions. Section 304. No applicant shall be admitted to any Council but the one having jurisdiction over the place of his residence, without the con- sent of such Council, signed by the Regent and Secretary under seal, except where two or more Councils have concurrent jurisdiction. Note. 1. For definition of “place,” see Sec. 296. When no Reply Received. Sec. 305. When no reply is received from a Council within thirty days, in answer to a request to initiate an applicant, the Council making such request may proceed as if consent had been duly given. Violation of Jurisdiction. Sec. 306. Any Council initiating applicants residing in the juris- diction of another Council, without giving the notice required by Law, shall be liable to the Council injured in double the amount of fees chargeable for the Degree, or to the forfeiture of its charter, at the dis- cretion of the Supreme or Grand Regent during a recess of the Supreme or Grand Council. Objections may be Overruled. Sec. 307. Every Council making objections to the admission of an applicant, by a Council in another jurisdiction, shall state its objection in writing, under seal ; and if it shall appear that the objection is for reasons other than physical disability or immoral character, the Supreme Regent or the Grand Regent may, after an examination of the case, authorize the initiation of the applicant in the Council of his choice. When Fees Returned. Sec. 308. In case the consent of the Supreme or Grand Regent is refused or not requested, the fees accompanying the application shall be returned. Note. 1. As to disposition of fees, see See. 294, (2.) 50 §§ 320 - 321 .] GENERAL LAWS, [Part IV., Title II., Oh. I. TITLE II. BENEFIT CERTIFICATES AND BENEFICIARIES. Chapter I. Procuring and Acceptance of Benefit Certificates. fit II. Designation of Beneficiaries. III. Failure of Designation, and the Death of Beneficiaries. “ IV. Change of Beneficiary. CHAPTER I. Procuring* and Acceptance of Benefit Certificates. Applications Sent to Supreme Secretary. Section 320. Every Council, by its Secretary, shall forward to the Supreme Secretary, the applications of all applicants, duly admitted to membership, immediately after initiation, and with each application two dollars to pay for a Benefit Certificate. Notes. 1. Sending applications through the mails in unsealed envelopes is forbidden. — [Circular, Pro. 1881, pp. 27 - } 117. 2. A Council failingto forward the applications and Benefit Certificate fees within the required time, may, after notice of delinquency by order of the Supreme Regent, be declared suspended and all its members suspended from all benefits fx-om this Order. — [Order of Sup. Reg., Pro. 1879, p. 4. 3. As to B. C. fee, see Note 6, Sec. 290. 4. The issuing of B. C. not essential to conferring beneficial rights upon members, see Giles Council case, Note 1, Secs. 501 and 293. • Member to Sign and Accept Benefit Certificate. Sec. 321. When a Benefit Certificate is returned to the Council, the member must sign and accept the Certificate in the presence of either the Regent or the Secretary of his Council. Notes. 1. The statements made in the application and certified to the Medical Examiner, by the appli- cant, are part of the contract between the Supreme Council and the member. — [Ben. Cer., Pro. 1879, p. 99. 2. Members are recommended to retain their Benefit Certificates in their own possession, inas- much as the custody of the certificate by the beneficiary is not essential to his or her rights thereunder. — [Accepted repoi't, Pro. 1884, p. 173. BENEFIT CERTIFICATES AND BENEFICIARIES. Ol Part IV., Title II., Ch. I., II.] C§§ 322-324. If Member Absent. . . . ... - Sec. 3 22. If a member is absent from the jurisdiction of his Council, the Secretary shall forward his Benefit Certificate to him by mail or otherwise, with instructions that the member acknowledge receiving and sio-nino’ the same, and return such acknowledgment without delay to the Secretary of his Council. Such acknowledgment shall then be entered upon the records of the Council. CHAPTER II. Designation of Beneficiaries. Applicant must Designate. Section 323. Each applicant shall enter upon his application the name or names, residence, and relationship or dependence of the person or per- sons of the classes in the next section embraced, to whom he desires his benefit paid, and the same shall be entered in the Benefit Certificate according to said direction. Note. 1. The power to designate his beneficiary cannot be delegated by a member to his wife. Until the designation is made in accordance with the laws and requirements of the Order, no person can be recognized as a beneficiary, and no certificate can issue. — [Adopted Report, Spooner Case, Pro. 1886, p. 249. Who may be Designated. Sec. 324. A benefit may be made payable to any one or more per- sons of any of the following classes only : — Class First . Grade 1st. Member’s wife. 2d. Member’s children, and children of deceased children. 3d. Member’s grand-children. 4th. Member’s parents. 5th. Member’s brothers and sisters of the whole blood. 6th. Member’s brothers and sisters of the half-blood. 7th. Member’s grand- parents. 8th. Member’s nieces and nephews. 9th. Member’s cousins in the first degree. 10th Member’s aunts. 11th. Member’s uncles. 12th. Member’s next of kin who would be distributees of the personal estate of such member upon his death intestate. In either of which cases no proof of dependency of the beneficiary designated shall be required. Class Second. To any person who is dependent upon the member for maintenance (food, clothing, lodging, or education) ; in which case written evidence of the dependency, within the requirement of the Laws of the Order, must be furnished to the satisfaction of the Supreme Secretary before the Benefit Certificate can be isssued. Notes. 1. The law governing the designation of beneficiaries was adapted to the Statute of Massachu- setts under which the Supreme Council was incorporated. Strict compliance with it is ( njoined upon every member, to prevent misunderstanding and litigation. — [Letter S. R. and Decis., Pro- 1879, p. 7. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 52 §§ 325 - 329 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title II., Ch., II. III. 2. A benefit may be made payable to a bank or other corporation, in trust for the beneficiaries. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 254, 257. 3. A benefit may be made payable to “A. B., wife, and in case of her death to my surviving children.” — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 255, 257. 4. A Benefit Certificate must not be issued to one who certifies that he has neither family, heirs, nor dependents. — [Decision, 1885, pp. 250, 257. 5. A benefit may be made payable to a person, not a relative or dependent, who, as guardian, trustee, or in any other capacity, may receipt for the benefit to be paid to one or more benefi- ciaries, within the classes designated by the laws of the Order, specifying the names of the beneficiaries. For instance: “Charles Thompson, in trust, for the benefit of my surviving children.” — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 249, 257. Pro. 1886, p. 248. Cannot Designate by Will. Sec. 325. No entry shall be made in any application or Benefit Certificate, or otherwise, permitting the designation by, or ascertainment by reference to, any will, of the person or persons, trustee or benefi- ciaries to whom any benefit shall be payable, or the amount or share of any beneficiary. No will shall be permitted to control the appoint- ment or distribution of, or rights of any person to, any benefits payable by the Order. Note. 1. Under the charter of the R. A., a member cannot provide for his creditors by a Benefit Certificate in the Royal Arcanum, or dispose of the fund by testamentary bequest. — [De- cision, Supreme Court of Mass., Robinson Case, Pro. 1887, p. 57. Cannot Secure Creditors. Sec. 326. A Benefit Certificate capnot be made payable to a creditor, nor be held in whole or in part, nor assigned, to secure or pay any debt which may be owing by the member. Note. 1. Part of a member’s benefit was payable to his wife. After his death creditors of his wife served a trustee process upon the Supreme Council. The Supreme Court of Massachusetts held that the fund due on the certificate was not subject to attachment by the wife’s creditors while it remains in the hands of the corporation. — [Robinson case, Death 1288, Pro. 1887, pp. 55, 57, 58. Assignment of Benefit Certificate Void. Sec. 327. Any assignment of a Benefit Certificate by a member or beneficiary shall be void. Note. 1. In the settlement of a death claim the Supreme Council will not defray the expenses of litigation caused by the illegal acts of the beneficiary. — [Adopted Report and Res. Newman Claim, Pro. 1889, pp. 331, 332. Foreign Beneficiaries. Sec. 328. No benefit shall be made payable to any person or persons permanently residing outside the limits of the United States or Dominion of Canada. CHAPTER III. Failure of Designation, and the Death of Beneficiaries. Dependency must Exist at Death. Section 329. No benefit shall be payable to a person or £>ersons of Class Second, mentioned in Sec. No. 324, unless the dependency therein re- quired to be shown exists at the time of the member’s death ; in which case proof of such dependency at the member’s death shall be furnished in writing to the satisfaction of the Supreme Regent, whose decision thereon shall be final and conclusive upon all parties in interest, before payment of the benefit shall be made. BENEFIT CERTIFICATES AND BENEFICIARIES. 53 Part IV., Title II., Ch. III., IV.] [§§ 330 - 334 . If Designation Fails. , , , , , , , Sec. 330. If at the time of the death of a member, who has designated as beneficiary a person of Class Second, the dependency required by the Laws of the Order shall have ceased, or shall be found not to have existed, or if any designation shall fail, for illegality or otherwise, then the benefit shall be payable to the person or persons mentioned in Class First, Sec. No. 324, if living, in the shares and order of precedence by grades as therein enumerated, the persons living . ot each precedent grade taking, in equal shares per capita, to the exclusion of all persons living of subsequently enumerated grades ; except that in the distribution among persons of grade second the children of deceased children shall take by representation the share the parent would have received if livinc. If no one of said Class First shall be living at the death of the member, the benefit shall revert to the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund. Notes. 1. No settlement can be made in which the money shall go outsideof the sphere of beneftciariee prescribed by the laws of the Order. — [McDonald case (Death 694), Fro. 1885, pp. 72, 211. 2. As to action of Supreme Council in disputed cases, see Note 4, Sec. 440. Death of One or More Beneficiaries. Sec. 331. In the event of the death, before the decease of a member, of one or more of the beneficiaries, designated by him in accordance with the Laws of the Order, if he shall have made no other or further disposition thereof, as provided in the Laws of the Ordei\ upon his death such benefit shall be paid in full to the surviving beneficiary or benefi- ciaries, each sharing pro rata as provided in the Benefit Certificate. Death of All Beneficiaries. . Sec. 332. In the event of the death of all the beneficiaries, designated by the member in accordance with the Laws of the Order, before the decease of such member, if he shall have made no other or further dis- position thereof, as provided in the Laws of the Order, the benefit shall be disposed of as provided in Section No. 330. CHAPTER IV. Change of Beneficiary. How Changed. . , . , , ,. Section 333. A member may, at any time, when m good standing, pay a fee of fifty cents, make a written surrender of his Benefit Certificate, and direction that a new certificate be issued to him, payable to such beneficiary or beneficiaries as such member may designate, in accordance with the Laws of the Order. Note. 1 The right of a member to change his beneficiary, in the manner limited and described in the laws, is fundamental, being reserved in the application signed by the member and plainly written in the certificate by the Supreme Council. — [Ben. Cer. and Application, Pro. 1879, pp. 99, 100; also judicial decisions. Surrender Forwarded. Sec. 334. The written surrender and direction for change of bene- ficiary must be forwarded, under seal of the Council, with the Benefit Certificate and fee of fifty cents, to the Supreme Secretary, who shall issue a new certificate in accordance with the direction of the member, if the direction is in accordance with the Laws of the Order. 54 §§ 335-350.] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title II., III., Ch. IV., I. Parol Evidence Disregarded. Sec. 335. Parol evidence of a member’s intention or desire to change his beneficiary must be disregarded. If Benefit Certificate Lost or Beyond Control. Sec. 336. In ease a Benefit Certificate is lost or beyond a member’s control, the member may, in writing, surrender all claiin thereto and direct that a new Certificate be issued to him, payable to the same or a new beneficiary or beneficiaries, in accordance with the Laws of the Order, upon making affidavit of the facts in the case satisfactory to the Supreme Secretary, and paying a fee of fifty cents. When Change Takes Effect. Sec. 337. The change of beneficiary shall take effect upon the de- livery of the Benefit Certificate, the written surrender and direction for change, as provided in the Laws of the Order, the proof of loss, if required, and the fee of fifty cents, to the Regent, Secretary, Collector or Treasurer of the Council to which the member belongs. Old Benefit Certificate Cancelled by New. Sec. 338. The issuing of a new Benefit Certificate, in accordance with the Laws of the Order, shall cancel and render null and void any and all previous Certificates issued to a member. MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND SUPERVISION. Chapter I. Supervising Medical Examiners and their Duties. 11. Medical Examiners and their Duties. III. Medical Examination of Applicants, Supervision, and Fees. Supervising Medical Examiners and tlieir Duties. Appointment of. Section 350. As soon as practicable, after his installation, the Su- preme Regent shall appoint a Medical Examiner- in-Chief, and a State Medical Examiner for each Grand Council jurisdiction. He may, also, TITLE CHAPTER I. MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND SUPERVISION. 55 Part IV., Title III., Ch. I.] [§§ 351-354 from time to time, appoint a State Medical Examiner for any State or Province having no Grand Council, in which there are at least ten Councils. Notes. 1. A State Medical Examiner may be appointed after a Grand Council is organized. [Circular, Pro. 1880, pp . 40, 41 , 42. 2. More than one Supervising Examiner for a Grand jurisdiction cannot be appointed. [Res- olution, Pro. 1889, p. 287. 3. The appointment of Medical Examiner-in-Chief was provided for by law April 26, 1878.— [Pro. 1878, p. 63. Medical Examiner-in-Chief; Duties. Sec. 351. The Medical Examiner-in-Chief shall promptly supervise all medical examinations, and such accompanying statements or certifi- cates as may be referred to him from any State Medical Examiner, or any Medical Examiner not under the jurisdiction of a State Medical Examiner. All examinations from Medical Examiners, approved by him, shall be returned without delay to the Secretary of the Council, with his approval endorsed thereon. All rejected examinations shall be filed in his office, and the Secretary of the Council promptly notified of the rejection. All examinations received from State Medical Examiners shall be returned to them with his decision endorsed thereon, to be by them forwarded to the Secretary of the Council. Notes. 1. During the sickness or temporary absence of a State Medical Examiner, his duties may be performed by the Medical Examiner-in-Chief . — [Circular, Pro. 1883, pp. 28, 29, 162; Dispensa- tion, Pro. 1882, pp. 15, 161. 2. As to sending applications in unsealed envelopes, see Note 1, Sec. 320. 3. In the investigation of deaths the Medical Examiner-in-Chief assists the Supreme Regent.— [Report S. R., Pro. 1881, p. 36. 4. Supervising Examiners are not required to communicate to the Council the cause of rejec- tion.— [Accepted Report, Pro. 1882, p. 139. 5. The Medical Examiner -in. Chief is required to make thorough investigation in all cases of deaths occurring from disease which would indicate probable carelessness or incompetency on the part of the Medical Examiners, and "hould it appear that such deaths were due to discover- able causes at the time of examination, it is the duty of the Supreme Regent to remove the examiners making such examinations. — [Resolution, Pro. 1884, p. 182. 6. The decision of the Medical Examiner-in-Chief, in matters within his province, is final. — [Appeal, Cartaret Council, No. 884, vs. Medical Examiner-in-Chief, Pro. 1886, pp. 41, 196. 7. See Note 1, Sec. 501, as to effect of approval. To Make Annual Report. Sec. 352. The Medical Examiner-in-Chief shall make an annual report to the Supreme Council for the preceding fiscal year. State Medical Examiners; Duties. Sec. 353. Each State Medical Examiner shall promptly supervise all medical examinations, and such accompanying statements or certifi- cates as may be referred to him from any Medical Examiner in his juris- diction, and return, without delay, to the Secretary, the examinations of all whom he considers acceptable, with his approval endorsed thereon. All doubtful cases he shall refer to the Medical Examiner-in-Chief for decision. All rejected examinations shall be retained on file in his office, and the Secretary of the Council promptly notified of each rejection. The Secretary, on receiving notice of rejection, shall promptly notify the Medical Examiner, who made the examination of such rejection. Note. 1 See Note, Sec. 351, as to sundry matters relating to duties of Supervising Examiners. Member of Grand Council. Sec. 354. The State Medical Examiner shall be ex-officio a member of the Grand Council of the jurisdiction for which he is appointed, but 56 §§ 355-359.] GENERAL LAWS. Part IV., Title III., Ch. I., II. shall not be entitled to vote. He shall make annually a report in writing to his Grand Council. To Advise, and Report to Supreme Regent. ; Sec. 355. The Medical Examiner-in-Chief and State Medical Ex- aminers shall keep themselves apprised of the professional standing and qualifications of all Medical Examiners in their respective jurisdictions, and advise the Supreme Regent in regard to removals of Medical Ex- aminers, and such other matters as may be brought to their attention. They shall make monthly reports to the Supreme Regent. Term of Office and Removal. _ _ ' Sec 356. The Medical Examiner-in-Chief and all State Medical Examiners shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are appointed; provided that the Supreme Regent may at any time, for cause satisfactory to him, remove the Medical Examiner-in-Chief, or any State Medical Examiner, and appoint another in his stead. Note. 1. Bee Note 5, Sec. 351, for cause of removal. Return of Medical Examinations for New Council. Sec. 357. The Supervising Examiner shall return to the Medical Examiner the approved examinations of the petitioners for a charter. CHAPTER II. Medical Examiners and their Duties. Appointment of. , „ „ .... Section 358. The Supreme Regent shall, from time to time, com- mission suitable persons to be Medical Examiners. Notes. 1. Each examiner in a place examines applicants for any Council therein. The commissions hold good until revoked by the Supreme Regent. — [Report S. R., Pro. 1885, p. 78, Res. 222. 2. Medical Examiners are commissioned for localities and not for Councils. [Decision, Pro. 1886, pp. 25, 193. 3 Medical Examiners, if so authorized by the Supreme Regent, may examine applicants irre- spective of the location of the Council to which application is made. — [Accepted Report, Pro. 1887, p. 216. 4. A Commissioned Medical Examiner, who becomes suspended, cannot make legal examina- tions while under suspension. — [Decision, Pro. 1886, pp. 24, 193. Qualifications of. Sec. 359. Medical Examiners shall be members of the Order, grad- uates of respectable medical colleges, and practising physicians in good standing. Notes. 1 4 nhvsician mav devote a portion of his time to dental surgery, and still be a qualified Examiner^ vet if hJbusiness is principally practice in dentistry, or dental surgery, and only mjcasionaliy^ or casually that of a physician he is not a “ practising physician within the intent of our law. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 255, 2o6, 257. 9 A nhvsiciau who does not practise his profession for the purpose of making a livelihood but who is in regular standing in the profession, and does practise it among a large circle of relatives and* friends^ ineligible to be an examiner of the Order. - [Dispensation No. 60, Pro. 1883, pp. 46, 159, 160, 169, 171. . , . 3. A physician physically disqualified for membership may be specially authorized to make examinations. — [Dispensation, Pro. 1883, pp. 37, lo9, 169, 171. 4 Where there is no physician qualified by membership to be an examiner, the employment of a physicSn, to make a limited number of examinations, or for a limited time, may be authorized by the Supreme Regent. — [Dispensation, Pro. 1881, pp. 16, 17, 18, 132. MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND SUPERVISION. 57 Part IV., Title III, Ch. II., Ill] [§§ 360-363. Removal of. Sec. 300. Any Medical Examiner may be removed by the Supreme Regent for cause satisfactory to him. Notes. 1. The power of removal is one of exclusive discretion, not reviewable by the Supreme Council, and no reasons can be required to be furnished for such action by the Supreme Regent.— [Adopted report, Schweig case, Pro. 1890, p. 319. 2. As to cause for removal, see Note 5, Sec. 351. Duties of. Sec. 361. The Medical Examiner shall carefully examine all appli- cants for membership, in accordance with the form prescribed by the Supreme Council. He shall comply strictly with the instructions to Med- ical Examiners, answer fully each and every question on the prescribed form, and forward all examinations made by him, with his decision en- dorsed thereon, together with the required fees, to the proper Supervis- ing Medical Examiner. Notes. 1. The intelligence and firmness of Medical Examiners is relied upon as a conservative element to ensure permanency. Their advice and opinions are desirable as a guide to action by the Supreme Council. — [Circular, Pro. 1880, p. 32. 2. As to sending applications in unsealed envelopes, see Note, Sec. 320. Medical Examiner for New Council. Sec. 362. In the institution of New Councils, in places where there is no Medical Examiner, the Instituting Officer may select a physician, cause him to be examined by a practicing physician in good standing, and forward his examination and application for Commission to the proper Supervising Medical Examiner for approval. Upon being commissioned by the Supreme Regent, such physician may examine the petitioners for charter, and shall forward the examinations, with the required fees, to the proper Supervising Medical Examiner for approval before the Coun- cil is instituted. Note. 1 See Notes, Sec. 359, as to qualifications of Examiners. CHAPTER III. Medical Examinations of Applicants, Supervision, and Fees. Legal Examination. Section 363. No examination for admission to membership or rein- statement in the Order shall be legal unless made by a Medical Ex- aminer commissioned by the Supreme Regent, except by the special permission of the Supreme Regent, for cause satisfactory to him, or as otherwise provided by Law. Notes. 1. The Medical Examiner-in-Chief should in no case examine au applicant. No examination should be made by a State Medical Examiner, except in an emergency, and any such exami- nations should be supervised by the Medical Examiner-in-Chief. — [Decision in Session, Pro. 1880, p. 145. 2. An examination irregularly made by inadvertence, may be legalized and confirmed by dis- pensation. — [Dispensation, Pro. 1880, pp. 19, 20, 146. 3. A Medical Examiner who becomes suspended and desires reinstatement may, by dispensa- tion of Supreme Regent, be examined by a physician not a regular examiner. — [Dispensa- tion, Pro. 1879, p. 5. 58 §§ 364 - 366 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title III, Ch. III. Must be Approved. Sec. 364. No person shall become a member of, be reinstated in, or be entitled to any rights and privileges in the Order until his medical examination shall have been submitted to the proper Supervising Medi- cal Examiner, and his approval endorsed thereon. Notes. 1. See Notes, Sec. 277, as to illegal examinations. 2. An examination for reinstatement must be approved by the Supervising Examiner for the State in which the Council is located. — [Dispensation, Pro. 1881, pp. 15, 18, 19, 132. 3. The approval or disapproval of a Supervising Examiner must be made in the handwriting of the officer supervising the examination. The use of a stamp is not allowed. — [Circular, Pro. 1887, pp. 28, 211. 4. It is preeminently the duty of Medical Examiners to approve none for charter members except first-class risks. — [Resolution, Pro. 1882, p. 136. Supervising Medical Examiner may Reverse Decision. Sec. 365. After the rejection of an examination, if such information shall be furnished to the Supervising Medical Examiner as shall cause him to reverse his decision and approve the examination, the Council which received the application may admit the candidate to membership within six months from the declaration of the rejection. Notes. 1. In the event of the reversal of his decision by the Supervising Examiner, he shall endorse the same upon the original application, whereupon a new application shall be made out, pre- sented to the Council, referred to the Investigating Committee, Medical Examiner, etc., the same as if the party had never made application for membership. The papers relating to both applica- tions shall be forwarded to the Supreme Secretary, if the applicant be afterwards duly admitted to the Order. — [Decision, Pro. 1887, pp. 29, 221, 222. 2. See Part IV, Title I., Chapter II., Sect. 282, as to new application after rejection. Fees for. Sec. 366. The fee of the Medical Examiner shall be at least two dollars, and for the Supervising Medical Examiner fifty cents, for each examination, which fees must accompany the application, and be paid to the Medical Examiner by the Secretary. Notes. 1. Allowance for postage and stationery for Supervising Examiners may be made by vote of the Supreme Council. — [Adopted Report, Pro. 1880, p. 129. 2. The fee of the Medical Examiner can be increased at the option of the Council for which he makes examinations. — [Circular, Pro. 1881, pp. 25, 117. ?9 [§§ 370 , 371 . MEMBERS, THEIR DUTIES, ETC. Part IV., Title IV., Ch. L] TITLE IV. MEMBERS — THEIR DUTIES, 'RIGHTS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES — QUARTERLY DUES, FINES, SICK BENEFITS, REINSTATEMENT — MEMBERS OF DISSOLVED COUNCILS. Chapter I« “ II. “ III. “ IV. fifi V. fifi VI. Quarterly Dues. Fines. Sundry Rights of Members. Relief of Sick and Disabled Mem- bers. Reinstatement of Suspended Mem- bers. Members of Dissolved Councils. CHAPTER I. Quarterly Dues. When Dues Paid. Section 370. Each member of the Order shall pay to his Council, as dues, at least seventy-five cents per quarter, and such additional sums as shall be prescribed in the By-Laws, which shall be due and payable quarterly, in advance, on the last days of March, June, September and December, respectively. Notes. 1. If dues are fixed by by-law, they must be changed by amending the by-laws. If no by-laws have been adopted, the dues can be changed at the option of the Council. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 251, 257. 2. A member taking a card at the last regular meeting in one quarter and paying dues in advance for the ensuing quarter, and joining another Council in the next quarter, cannot be required to pay dues to his new Council for the same quarter; nor can his old Council be required to pay his new Council a proportionate part of the dues for that quarter. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 253, 257. 3. If a Council grants a card on the last meeting in a quarter, receiving dues for that quarter, and the card saying nothing in regard to dues for the next quarter, it is a waiver on the part of the Council of the right to receive the dues for the next quarter. If the card is deposited in and the dues are paid to another Council in the next quarter, the member is relieved from lia- bility for dues for the next quarter to the Council which granted the card. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 256, 257. 4. Dues in advance can only be paid, so as to bind the Council, for six months, by taking a travelling card. See Note 1, Sec. 423. When in Arrears for Dues. Sec. 371. Any member who shall not have paid his dues to his Council on or before the first regular meeting of the quarter, shall be deemed in arrears, and shall not be entitled to vote, hold office, or receive - sick benefits. 60 §§ 372 - 375 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title IV., Ch. L, II., III. How Suspended. Sec. 372 . If a member’s dues for a quarter are not paid on or before the last stated meeting of a quarter, the fact that such member is in arrears shall be announced by the Collector in open Council ; and if his dues are not paid on or before the next stated meeting, such member shall be declared suspended from all benefits and privileges of the Order. Notes. 1. Tho declaration of suspension for non-payment of dues should be under the order of new business. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 253, 257. 2. If a member died before being declared suspended for non-payment of dues, his death benefit would be paid. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 250, 257. 3. A member in arrears for dues is not suspended without action by his Council. If the Col- lector neglects to announce on the last meeting night of the quarter, that a member is in arrears for dues, it may be announced at any stated meeting thereafter, but no action to suspend can be taken until the regular meeting following the announcement. The order of suspension for dues takes effect at its date. No retroactive order of suspension can be made. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 255, 257. CHAPTER II. Pines. Arrears for. Section 373 . Any member who shall not have paid, at or before the next stated meeting of his Council, any fine legally charged against him by his Council, or by authority thereof, shall be deemed in arrears for fines, and shall not be entitled to vote, hold office, or receive sick bene- fits. Note. 1. For neglect of a duty imposed by a by law of a Council, a fine prescribed in such by-law may be enforced by the Council without formal charges and trial. — [Decision, Pro. 1888, pp. 33, 240,241. Suspension for. Sec. 374 . When a member is in arrears for a fine legally charged against him, except as provided in Section 527, the Collector shall an- nounce the fact in open Council, and such member may, by vote of the Council, after written notice to him of his being in arrears for fines, be suspended from all benefits *from the Order. CHAPTER III. Sundry Rights of Members. May Correct Mistake in Age. Section 375 . If it shall appear that a member has made a mistake in giving his age at the time of admission, he shall make a written statement of the facts in his case to his Council. The Council shall make proper inquiries, and, if satisfied that no fraud was intended, it may recommend that the age and assessment of the member be. corrected. The written statement of the member, and copy of the records of the Council relat- ing to the case, shall be transmitted, under seal, to the Supreme Sec- retary, who shall make the correction in accordance with the facts. If the member reported his age at admission younger than he was, he shall pay to the Collector the difference between what he has paid and the amount due for his correct age on all assessments called subsequent to his admission. Said sums must be immediately forwarded to the Supreme Treasurer as additional on said assessments, and notice thereof sent to the Supreme Secretary. If he reported his age older than he was at the 61 [§§ 376 , 377 . MEMBERS, THEIR DUTIES, ETC. Part IV., Title IV., Oh. III., IV.] time of admission, he shall not be entitled to have anything refunded from the Widows and Orphan’s Benefit Fund for the over-payment, but shall be assessed at his correct age from and after the date of the receipt by the Council of his notice of error, provided that the member shall not have been ineligible on account of age at the time of admission. In Proscribed Territory and Foreign Countries. Sec. 376. A member in good standing may move to and become a permanent resident in the proscribed territory or a foreign country without forfeiture of his rights ; and if he becomes suspended while in the proscribed territory he is eligible for reinstatement, as provided by the laws of the Order, if otherwise qualified. CHAPTER IY. Relief of Sick and Disabled Members. Compulsory Sick Benefit. Section 377. A member in good standing, who is not in arrears for dues or fines, and has received the Degree six months previously, who may become totally disabled, by sickness or other disability, from following his usual business or some other occupation, if such sickness or dis- ability continues for more than one week, shall have his dues and assess- ments paid by his Subordinate Council, from and after the receipt by the Council, its Secretary, Collector or Regent, of written notice from the member, or some one in his behalf, of his sickness or disability; the payment of his dues and assessments to begin with the dues and assess- ments maturing and becoming due on and after the date of the receipt of such written notice, and continue so long as such total disability con- tinues ; provided, that such sickness or disability has not originated from intemperance, vicious or immoral conduct. Notes. 1. The compulsory feature applies only to cases where written notice of the sickness or disa- bility is received, and there is no obligation to pay either dues or assessments, or other sick benefits for a period thereof prior to the receipt of such notice. No Council should ever deviate from literal compliance with the requirements. — [Adopted Report, Pro. 1889, p. 314. 2. A member was sick, gave notice to his Council, which paid two assessments and one quar- ter’s dues for him, refused to pay them further, and suspended him for non-payment thereof, although he had not recovered his health. Held : That the suspension was illegal, and it was ordered that the member be reinstated upon payment of his dues and assessments, during his sickness, by his Council, which it was directed to pay; and, if he had recovered, by or for him since his recovery. — [Rept. and Res., Goding case, Pro. 1889, p. 277. 3. (1) A failure to give written notice of sickness or disability may be regarded as a waiver of all claims against the Council. (2) A member able to oversee his business is not entitled to sick benefits. (3) Whether a member is totally disabled must be determined by the Council after a fair investigation and an appeal can be taken from the decision, otherwise it is final. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 255, 257. 4. A Council having received notice of a brother’s sickness cannot be reqriired to pay him sick benefits during the time he was able to attend to his usual business. — [Res., McGeary case, Pro. 1887, p. 268. 5. The written notice of sickness need not contain a request to pay sick benefits. — [Decision, Pro. 1888, pp. 33, 240, 241. 6. A Council can properly consider the continuance of a member’s salary as evidence, not proof, that he is still rendering services for his employer. If the disability is total, the fact that he receives his salary cannot deprive him of his sick benefits; if the disability is partial, his loss of salary thereby would not entitle him to such benefits. — [Appeal in Weddell case, in Union No. 51, Pro. 1884, pp. 44, 45. 7. The fact that an agent carries on the business of a brother who is totally disabled, does not relieve the Council of the liability to the brother for sick benefits. — [Decision, Pro. pp. 1888, 33, 240, 241. 62 §§ 378 - 384 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title IV., Ch. IV., V. 8. A member could not follow his usual occupation by reason of an injury to his arm, but su- perintended the building of his new h )use. If such superintendence was so extensive that it amounted to “ some other occupation,” the Council was not bound to pay his sick benefits. If the superintendence did not amount to “ some other occupation*” the Council was bound to pay. — [Decision, Pro. 1888, pp. 33, 240, 241. 9. The fact that a member, while totally disabled, continues to draw his salary from his em- ployer, does not relieve the Council of the obligation to pay him sick benefits. — [Decision, Pro. 1888, pp. 33, 240, 241. 10. Any plan for the accumulation of a sick benefit fund and paying sick benefits, which does not conform to the requirements of the Subordinate Council Constitution, must be an individual enterprise, and must stand upon the obligations of those who voluntarily associate under such plan, distinct from their obligation as members of the Royal Arcanum. — [Decision, Pro. 1889, pp. 28, 260. 11. A member in good standing at the commencement of more than one week’s sickness or dis- ability, and within six months from the date he received the degree, who remains in good standing, becomes beneficial at the expiration of the six months, and from that date is entitled to sick benefits. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 250, 257. 12. A by-law providing that no brother shall receive sick benefits unless he is reported to the Relief Committee at the time of his sickness, is not illegal. — [Appeal case, Bloomberg vs. Shockoe Council, No. 895, Pro. 1885, pp. 218, 219. Additional Sick Benefit. Sec. 378. A Council may pay such sick benefits, in addition to the dues and assessments, as it may prescribe, and under such restrictions as it may impose, in its by-laws. How Paid. Sec. 379. The Regent is authorized to draw, from the General Fund of his Council, the amounts due a member for dues, assessments, or other sick benefits, in order to prevent his suspension. If Member in Arrears. Sec. 380. Any member who may be taken sick or become totally disabled while in arrears to his Council for dues or fines, cannot, by pay- ing the same, become beneficial, nor receive benefits during such sickness or disability. If Under Charges. Sec. 381. A member shall not be entitled to sick benefits if he becomes sick or disabled while under charges, under the penal provisions of the laws. If Member Absent, Furnish Proof. Sec. 382. A member may be required by by-law to furnish proof of sickness or disability in case of absence from the immediate jurisdic- tion of his Council, and in default of such proof may be deprived of the right to all sick benefits during such sickness or disability. Must Attend Sick Members. Sec. 383. Each member shall be subject to the orders of the Regent of his Council, in attending to its sick or disabled members. CHAPTER V. Reinstatement of Suspended Members, Application for. Section 384. A member of the Order who has been suspended for non-payment of an assessment, dues or fine, wishing to be reinstated, must make written application to the Council from which he was sus- pended, in the following form : 63 [§§ 385 - 388 . MEMBERS, THEIR DUTIES, ETC. Part IV., Title IV., Ch. V.] Royal Arcanum. 18 — . To the Officers and Members of Council , No . — , R. A. The undersigned, formerly a member of this Council, now under sus- pension for non-payment of , hereby makes application for rein- statement in accordance with the Laws of the Order. I hereby bind myself, my family, my relatives, and those dependent upon me, to the terms of the agreement made in my original application and obligation. Recommended by Applicant's Signature in full. Notes. 1. There is no authority for a Council to admit as a new member one who has been suspended from such Council. — [James’ case, Pro. 1881, Report S. R., p. 38; adopted report, pp. 135, 136. 2. A member suspended without- any fault on his part may, by vote of the Supreme Council, under special circumstances justifying it, be reinstated without going through the prescribed forms. — [Amelung case, Pro. 1888, p. 259. 3. - A Council cannot restore a suspended member to membership without his complying. with the law governing reinstatement. — [Decision in Eliott case, Court of Common Pleas of N. Y., Pro. 1882, p. 86. 4. As to reinstatement of member of Council consolidating with another Council, see Sec. 520. Conditions Required. Sec. 385. An applicant for reinstatement must be recommended by two members in good standing. He must pay the full amount he was in arrears for dues, lines, all assessments called before date of sus- pension, all dues which would have been charged against him during the period of his suspension, and one advance assessment as upon origi- nal application for membership, which amounts shall accompany his application for reinstatement. New Medical Examination. Sec. 386. An applicant for reinstatement shall, at his own expense, l furnish his Council with a certificate, of the form prescribed for persons on original application for membership, from a Medical Examiner of the Order, or a qualified physician authorized by the Supreme Regent, as to his health and fitness, and that he is a proper person for member- ship, which certificate must be approved by the Supervising Medical Examiner, the same as upon original application. Rate of Assessment after Reinstatement. Sec. 387. If a member has been suspended for more than three con- secutive months, he shall pay assessments after his reinstatement at the rate fixed for the age he has attained at the date of his reinstatement. If he is reinstated within three mouths from the date of his .suspension, he shall pay assessments at the rate he was paying at the time of his sus- pension. When Cannot Reinstate. Sec. 388. If an applicant for reinstatement has passed the age of fifty-five years, and has been suspended for more than three consecu- tive months for non-payment of fine, dues or assessment, he cannot be reinstated. Note. 1. A suspended member making informal application for reinstatement, and the delay thereby causing the three months from date of his suspension to elapse without his reinstatement, can- not thereafter, if ineligible, be reinstated. A reinstatement under such circumstance is void. — [Decision, OrrCase, Pro. 1885, pp. 256, 257. 64 389 - 396 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title IV., Ch. V., VI. Ballot on Reinstatement. Sec. 389. The foregoing conditions for reinstatement being complied with, a ballot shall be ordered by the Regent, the same as upon original application. If a majority of the ballots cast are favorable, the appli- cant shall be declared reinstated, and the money accompanying his ap- plication shall be paid to the Collector. If Rejected. „ Sec. 390. If less than the majority of the ballots cast upon an appli- cation for reinstatement are favorable, the applicant shall be declared rejected, and the money accompanying his application shall be returned to him by the Secretary. Note. 1 The refusal of a Council to reinstate a member, even if for reason which was mistaken, is final unless appealed from, and cannot be reviewed on the petition of the applicant for reinstate- ment if, at the time of his petition for review, he has become ineligible for reinstatement. [Re- port and Res., Mclndoe case, Pro. 1889, p. 277. After Punishment by Suspension. • Sec. 391. A member punished by suspension for a definite period, becomes in good standing when the period of suspension ceases, upon payment by him of the full amount he was in arrears for dues or hue at all assessments called before the date of, and ail dues which have accrued during the period of, his suspension. No application, medical examination, or ballot is required. Notes. 1. A suspended member, on being restored to good standing under this section, is not required to pay nor should there be received from him, assessments accruing during his suspension.— [Res., Aiken case, Pro. 1890, p. 308. 2. As to reinstatement of a member of a Council consolidated with another Council, see bee. 520*. Suspension hy Mistake or Neglect. Sec 392. A member suspended by reason of the neglect oi mistake of a Collector, may be ordered reinstated by the Supreme Regent after proof, satisfactory to him, of such neglect or mistake. Note. 1 . For case of illegal suspension, see Note 14, Sec. 473. Notices to Supreme Secretary. Sec 393. The Secretary shall forward the application and medical examination of each reinstated member to the Supreme Secretary, cer- tifying under seal the date of reinstatement, age and amount of one new Sec. 394. The Secretary shall notify the Supreme Secretary of all rejected applications for reinstatement, giving the date and the manner of such rejection. Old Benefit Certificate in Force. , Sec 395 The Benefit Certificate of a member in force at the date of suspension shall again become valid at the time, of his reinstatement. CHAPTER VI. Members of Dissolved Councils. May Protect Themselves. . . . , Section 396. Members of any dissolved Council, who were in good standing at the time of dissolution, may be admitted into any other Coun- cil, after having applied to and received from the Supreme Secretary a Part IV., Title IV., Ch. VI.] MEMBERS, THEIR DUTIES, ETC. 65 [§§ 397-399. card signed by him, under the seal of the Supreme Council. But such member shall not be considered in good standing unless all his assess- ments are paid within the required time to the Supreme Secretary, in- cluding any deficiency arising from neglect or failure of the officers of such dTssolved Council to forward the assessments paid by such member, and unless he shall continue to .pay his assessments, as if connected with a Council, to the Supreme Secretary, upon proper notice from said officer; and such member shall apply for such card within forty days from the date of the dissolution of the Council. The application for such card must be accompanied by the fee of one dollar. The card shall hold good for four months ; at the expiration of which time, if the holder thereof has not made application for admission to some Council, his membership in the Order shall cease, and proper entry thereof shall be made upon the records of the Supreme Council by the Supreme Secretary! How Admitted as New Member. Sec. 397. Any member of a dissolved Council, who shall neglect or fail to make application for a card within forty days from t^ie date of dissolution, may be admitted to another Council as a new member, in accordance with the laws governing application for membership, without the ceremony of initiation ; and a statement of the facts, relating, to his former membership in the dissolved Council, shall be submitted with and made a part of his application for such new membership. May Become Member at Large. Sec. 398. In the case of any Council becoming dissolved, any member of such Council who may be refused or rejected as a mem- ber from depositing his card in other Councils, shall be preserved as a member at large, receiving no sick benefits, but continuing to pay his assessments, as if regularly connected with a Council, to the Supreme Secretary, upon the proper notice from the said officer; and in the case of death, his beneficiary shall be entitled to the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund. Such member shall pay, as dues, to the Supreme Council, three dollars per year (in advance), and he shall receive from the Supreme Secretary a certificate or receipt authorizing the Regent of any Council to give him the password in force during the time for which his dues are paid. The Supreme Secretary shall keep a roll of all members at large and their standing in the Order. Suspended Member of Dissolved Council. Sec. 399. A suspended member, whose Council becomes dissolved after his suspension, may apply to and be reinstated in any Council, upon the conditions prescribed in the laws governing reinstatement, or he may be admitted to a new Council in the place where he resides, on the usual conditions for charter members. 66 §§ 410-413.] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title V., Oh. L TITLE V. ► WITHDRAWAL, FINAL WITHDRAWAL, AND TRAVELLING CARDS. Chapter I. “ II. “ .III. fiS IV. Withdrawal from One Council to Join Another. Deposit of Withdrawal Cards. Final Withdrawal. Travelling- Cards. CHAPTER I. Withdrawal from One Council to Join Another. Application for Card. Section 410. Any member in good standing wishing to withdraw from his Council, for the purpose of joining another Council, shall make appli- cation in writing for a withdrawal card. The application must be accom- panied by the amount of all dues, assessments, and fines that may be lawfully charged against him on that date, and a fee of one dollar for the card. Notes. 1. A special assessment to defray current expense of a Council must be paid by an applicant for a withdrawal card, with other assessments lawfully charged, before he is entitled to such card. — [Appeal, Ryan vs. G. R. of Mo., Pro. 1888, pp. 34, 35, 290. 2. A member not clear on the books cannot be granted a withdrawal card. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 250, 257. How Granted ; Restrictions on. Sec. 411. A withdrawal card for the purpose of joining another Council must be granted by a majority vote of the Council. It is ex- pressly provided, however, that a Council shall not grant withdrawal cards to its members to such an extent as will reduce its membership to less than eleven, without notice to and the written consent of the Grand or the Supreme Regent. If Refused. Sec. 412. Should the majority of those voting refuse to grant the card, the objection shall be stated in writing, and the member shall be entitled to a trial in the same manner and form as upon other charges. Duration of. Sec. 413. The Council shall fix the time for which a card shall be good, which shall not be less than three nor more than six months. WITHDRAWAL AND TRAVELLING CARDS. Part IV., Title V., Ch. I., II.] 67 [§§ 414-418. During this time, or until it is deposited in another Council, the Council which” ^ranted the card shall retain the member’s name on its books, and shall send him the usual notices to members; and he must keep his dues and assessments paid as though he had not received a withdrawal card. Notes. 1. Notices of dues and assessments must be sent to a semi sulh the f<.rd is deposited. A declaration ot suspension caused by neglect of collector to senu sm noUcfs mw K oXr of Supreme Regent, be declared null and void, and the member declared in good standing. — [Dispensation, Rio. 1881, pp. 17, 132. 2 See Notes as to dues, Sec. 370. If not Deposited. , ,, , . . Sfc 414. If at the end of the time for which a withdrawal card was granted, the holder thereof has not deposited it in some other council, his name shall be stricken from the books of his Council, and his mem- bership in the Order shall cease, subject to the provisions ot Section No. 420, and notice shall be sent to the Supreme Secretary immediately. Note. 1 At the expiration of the card, a Council did not strike the name of the member from its bonks and notitV ^the Supreme Secretary that his membership had ceased, but continued to forward bis assessments fir some months thereafter, as if it had extend, d tne Um e was originally granted. Held that the Council has no just claim agamet the Supreme Council for the amount so paid. - [Adopted Report, Meyer’s case in North Star, No. 18, 188a, p. 229. May ba Returned to Council. x Sec. 415. A member holding a withdrawal card may, at any time within the period for which it was granted, return it to the Council which granted the card, and his membership therein shall continue without iur- ther action by the Council. CHAPTER II. Deposit of Withdrawal Cards. Application for Deposit. Section 410. A member of the Order holding a withdrawal card, wishing to become a member of another Council, shall make written application to deposit his card therein, and present his card, accom- panied by a fee ot not less than one dollar for deposit of card, unless such card was granted by a Council having concurrent jurisdiction with the Council to which the application is made, in which case the fee shall be not less than two dollars. Investigating' Committee on. . i . . . . Sec. 417. If the Council to which application for deposit is made is satisfied of the correctness of the card, the application shall be referred to a committee of three members, whose duty it shall be to inquire and report to the Council as to the character and fitness of the applicant for membership, and whether all charges against him in his former Council have been paid up to date of application for deposit of card. Ballot and Election. . . , . .. Sec 418. If the report of the Investigating Committee be favorable, the applicant shall be balloted for. If only two black balls appear ao-ainst him, he shall be declared elected fo membership, and the Secre- tary shall send immediate notice of the date of his election to the Secre- tary of his former Council and to the Supreme Secretary. Note. 1. See Notes, Sec. 108, as to tax on members admitted by card. 68 §§ 419 - 424 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV. ? Title V., Ch. IL, III., IV. If Rejected. Sec. 419. If more than two black balls appear against him, he shall be declared rejected, in which case the fee shall be returned with the card to the member. Note. 1. As to loss of rank of P. R. by failure to deposit card, see Note 2, Sec. 190. After Expiration of Card. Sec. 420. At any time within twelve months after the expiration of the time for which a withdrawal card was granted, the one to whom it was issued, not having deposited it with any other Council, may deposit the same with, the Council which granted the card, upon furnishing it with an approved medical examination on the form prescribed for new members, and paying all dues, fines, and assessments accruing during the time, up to the date of deposit of the same, if he is accepted by the Council as provided in the Laws governing the deposit of withdrawal cards. Otherwise, his connection with the Order shall be deemed to have ceased from the date of the expiration of the card ; but he may be read- mitted as a new member, in accordance with the provisions of Section No. 422. The Supreme Secretary must be notified of the result in either case, and the application and Medical Examination papers filed in his office. CHAPTER III. Final Withdrawal. Procedure on. Section 421. Any member wishing to withdraw permanently from the Order, may pay all dues, fines, and assessments chargeable against him, surrender his Benefit Certificate in writing, and release all claims thereto, and receive from his Council a Certificate of Final Withdrawal. Said release and Benefit Certificate shall be forwarded to the Supreme Secretary, with a certificate of the granting of the card and the date thereof. May be Readmitted. Sec. 422. Any member taking a Certificate of Final Withdrawal can be readmitted only as a new member, except that he may be obligated and instructed, and the other parts of the ceremony of initiation may be dispensed with. CHAPTER IV. Travelling Cards. How Granted. Section 423. Any member in good standing may make application to his Council, in person or by letter, at a regular meeting, for a travel- ling card. The card shall be granted only by a majority vote of the Council, upon the payment of the dues in advance for a period not exceeding six months, such number of assessments in advance as the Council may determine, and a fee of fifty cents for the card. Note. 1. Frovision for advance payments of dues and assessments can be made only on a travelling card, but cannot be made so as to bind the Council for a period longer than six months. — [De cision, Pro. 1885, pp. 255, 257. If Refused. Sec. 424. If a majority of those voting shall refuse to grant a travel- ling card, the objection shall be stated in writing, and the member en- titled to a trial in the same manner and form as upon other charges. 69 [§ 430 . WIDOWS AND ORPHANS* BENEFIT FUND. Part IV., Title VI., Ch. I.] TITLE VI. WIDOWS AND ORPHANS’ BENEFIT FUND. Chapter I. “ II. " III. “ IV. “ V. “ VI. “ VII. fi£ VIII. Rate of Assessment of Members, and Payments to the Fund. Changes of Rate. Payments from the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund. Proof of Death and Payment of Death Benefit. Laying and Collection of Assess- ments from Councils. Councils Suspended and Dis- solved for Non-Payment of Assessment. Members of Councils Suspended and Dissolved for Non-Payment of an Assessment. Laying and Collection of Assess- ments from Members, and Sus- pension for Non-Payment. CHAPTER I. Rate of Assessment of Members, and Payments to the Fund. What Members Pay. Section 430. Every applicant,. upon presenting himself to receive the Decree, shall pay to the Collector the following-named amounts for the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund, according to the age attained on said date, for full-rate membership, and half of said amounts for halt- rate membership, and the same amount on each assessment thereafter, whilst he is a member of the Order, unless he shall have changed his rate, viz. ; — 70 §§ 431 , 432 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title VI., Ch. I., II Between the ages of 21 and 22 $1.00 4 4 22 44 23 1.04 44 66 23 4 4 24 1.08 6 4 44 24 4 4 25 1.12 4 4 44 25 44 26 1.16 46 6 6 26 44 27 1.20 46 4 6 27 44 28 1.24 46 66 28 44 29 1 28 4 6 44 29 44 30 1.32 46 6 6 30 44 31 . 1.38 46 6 6 31 4 4 32 1.44 46 44 32 44 33 1.50 46 4 4 33 4 4 34 1.56 46 6 4 34 44 35 1.62 4 6 35 44 36 1.68 4 6 44 36 4 4 37 1.74 46 4 6 37 44 38 1.80 46 44 44 39 1.86 46 4 4 39 44 40 1.96 44 40 4 4 41 2.06 4 6 4 4 41 44 42 2.16 46 4 4 42 44 43 2.26 4 44 43 4 4 44 2.36 4 4 4 44 44 45 2.46 4 6 4 4 45 4 4 46 2.58 66 44 46 4 4 47 2.70 66 4 4 47 4 4 48 2.82 6 6 44 48 4 4 49 2.96 4 6 44 49 4 4 50 3.10 46 44 50 4 4 51 3.26 4< 4 4 51 44 52 3.42 4< 44 52 4 4 53 3.60 ’ 6 6 44 53 44 54 3.80 6 6 4 4 54 55 Notes. 4.00 1. The Supreme Council controls the W. andO. B. Fund in the hands of Councils.— TDecision Pro. 1885, pp. 249, 257. 2. See Note, Sec. 290, as to passing a birthday. 3. See See. 375, Chap. III., Title IV., for correcting mistake in age at admission. Kecord of Payments. Sec. 431. The date of each payment to the. Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund shall be kept by the Collector, and the member credited with the same. CHAPTER II. Changes of Rate. Pull to Half. Section 432. A full-rate member, who has no assessment charged against him, may give written notice to his Council at any time to change and pay only half rates from and after a date named by him in said notice; provided that such member shall pay full rates on all assess- ments called to the Supreme Treasury before the date of such change. He shall surrender to his Council his Blnefit Certificate, which, with a certificate of the change, the member’s notice thereof, and a fee of fifty WIDOWS AND ORPHANS’ Part IV., Title VI., Ch. II., III., IV.] BENEFIT FUND. 71 [§§ 433-436. cents, shall be forwarded by the Secretary to the Supreme Secretary, who shall issue a half-rate Benefit Certificate to such member. 433. A half-rate member, under fifty-five years of age, may chano-e to a full -rate member by making written application to and receiving the consent of his Council, after being examined and recom- mended in the manner prescribed for new members. He shall pay as an assessment thereafter, in addition to his previous assessment, one-half ot a full-rate assessment for his age at the time he changes. Said /PP““ cation must be accompanied by the additional amount required to new assessment. The member so changing shall pureender his Benefit Certificate, and pay fifty cents to the Secretary of his Council, who shall forward the application (certifying thereon the date the old 1 ate ot assessment ends and the new one begins), the medical e ^ mi p na ^ n Pa- pers, Benefit Certificate, and fifty cents to the Supreme Secietaiy, who shall issue a new Benefit Certificate to said member. CHAPTER III. Payments from the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, ^ m °SECTiON 434. * There shall be paid out of the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, on the death of every member who is in good standing, and not under suspension for any cause at the time of his decease, the following aifiounts : — For a full-rate member . . . three thousand dollars. For a half-rate member . . • one thousand five hundred dollais. Notes. assessment be made. - [Adopted report. Pro. 1879, pp. 98, 99. 2 . Interest and costs awarded by Courts on death claims are paid out of the General Fund. [Res., Pro. 189U, p. 299. When Less than Full Amount. Sec. 435. Should a death oecurVvhen one full assessment on each member would not amount to three thousand dollars, then the sum paid shall be the amount of one full or one-half of a full assessment on each member in good standing in the Order at the date of death, and such amount shall be all that can be claimed by any one. CHAPTER IV. Proof of Death and Payment of Death Benefit. Proceedings in Council. . _ 4 T> Section 436. On the death of a Brother m good standing, the Regent of the Council of which deceased was a member shall appoint a com- mittee to ascertain the cause of, and the circumstances attending the death. The report of said committee and proof of the death shall be presented to the Council ; and, if approved, shall be forwarded to the 72 §§ 437-440.] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title VI., Ch. IV. Supreme Secretary by the Regent and Secretary, under seal of the Council, together with an official notice of such death, in accordance with a form furnished by the Supreme Secretary. Notes. 1. The Council has a right to require proof of death before making any claim for payment of the benefit. — [Ford case, in Raisin Valley, No. 618, Pro. 1885, pp. 72, 211. 2. A Council was suspended December 30, for non-payment of an assessment. A member died February 28, the next ensuing. The Council was reinstated March 8 by paying the assessments and fine, but made no mention of the death until after the reinstatement. The deceased had taken none of the steps provided by law for protecting himself, by paying assessments to the Supreme Secretary. Payment of the death claim was refused. — [Josephus Camp case, in Swains- boro’ Council, No. 685, Ga., Pro. 1883, Report S. R., pp. 13, 14; res., pp. 195, 2u7. Notice of Death. Sec. 437. The notice of death must state the name of deceased, age at the date he was initiated, the number of his Benefit Certificate, the date and cause of his death, the amount he has paid into the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, that he was in good standing, and whether a full or half-rate member. Further Proof. Sec. 438. Further proof of such death may be required, if deemed necessary, by the Supreme Secretary or Supreme Regent. Notes. 1. Payment may be withheld until proof of identification or remains is satisfactory to the Supreme Regent. — [Gench case, Pro. 1881, Report S. R., pp. 9, 10. 2. The circumstances attending the deaths of members, whose diseases or brief membership indicated the possibility of improper medical examinations, should be investigated. — [Report S. R., Pro, 1880 p. 51. Supreme Secretary to Draw Order, Sec. 439. On the receipt of such official notice of the death of a member, the Supreme Secretary, when satisfied of the validity of the claim of the beneficiary, under the Laws of the Order, shall draw an order on the Supreme Treasurer in favor of the person or persons named in the Benefit Certificate, or entitled to the benefit, for the amount due on said death, and forward it, with all the papers relating to the case, to the Supreme Vice-Regent. Note. 1. When the amount due is, by the terms of the Benefit Certificate, payable to more than one beneficiary, and the amount payable to each beneficiary is therein designated, the Supreme Secretary may issue separate orders upon the Supreme Treasurer to the several beneficiaries named in such certificate, for the respective amounts due them. — [Resolution, Pro. 1881, p. 119. Supreme Regent to Sign 0rder„ Sec. 440. The Supreme Regent, when satisfied, either upon the report of the Supreme Vice-Regent, or upon his own investigation, with the proofs of death and validity of the claim, shall sign the order on the Supreme Treasurer and return the papers to the Supreme Secretary. Notes. 1. In the settlement of a death claim, if the case is such that controverted facts may determine the rights of the conflicting claimants, such a controversy can only be determined by the courts. [Report on Weston case (Death 991), Pro. 1884, pp. 169, 186. 2. When the Supreme Council admits its liability to pay amount of benefit certificate, and there are different claimants, the money should be paid into court if no satisfactory settle- ment can be made. — [Report S. R., Ballou case, Pro. 1880, pp. 50, 446; Hunt case. Pro. 1881 p. 100. 3. As to interests and costs awarded by courts paid from General Fund, see Note 2, Sec. 434. 4. Whenever a question may arise in a disputed case which involves the integrity of our laws, it is not the policy of the Supreme Council to file a bill of interpleader, but the Supreme Council should intervene in such manner that a true interpretation of our laws may be had, so that the Oraer and its laws may not be left to the defence of parties who are only interested in the pecuniary results of the cause. — [Res., Pro. 1890, p. 299. WIDOWS AND ORPHANS’ BENEFIT FUND. 73 Part IV., Title VI., Ch. IV., V.] [§§ 441-448. Supreme Treasurer to Accept Order. Sec. 441. The Supreme Secretary shall sign the order and forward it to the Supreme Treasurer, who shall accept it, designate thereon the depository at which it shall be paid, and return it to the Supreme Sec- retary. Order Forwarded to Council. Sec. 442. The Supreme Secretary shall transmit the order to the Treasurer of the Council of which the deceased was a member, and notify the Secretary thereof of such transmission. Delivery of Order. Sec. 443. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the Council, on the receipt of the order from the Supreme Secretary, to immediately deliver it to the person or persons in whose favor it is drawn, and receive in return the Benefit Certificate properly endorsed. Said delivery shall be certified to by the Regent and Secretary, attested with the seal of the Council, and spread upon the records thereof. Surrendered Benefit Certificate. Sec. 444. Immediately upon the surrender of the Benefit Certificate, the Treasurer shall forward it to the Supreme Treasurer, who shall make a record thereof and forward it to the Supreme Secretary to be filed in his office. If Beneficiary Dies. Sec. 445. In case of the death of the person or persons named in the order before delivery is made, the order shall be returned to the Supreme Secretary with a statement of the facts, signed by the Regent, Treasurer, and Secretary, under seal, and a new order shall be drawn, payable to the person or persons entitled to the benefit. Payments in Special Cases. Sec. 446. When the beneficiary cannot be conveniently reached by the officers of the Council, of which the deceased was a member, the order may be sent to the Council where the beneficiary resides ; or the settlement made through such channels as may be agreed upon by the Supreme Treasurer and Supreme Secretary. Notice of such settlement must be sent to the Council of which the deceased was a member. Limitation of Actions. Sec. 447. No action at law or in equity in any court shall be brought or maintained on any cause or claim arising out of any membership or Benefit Certificate, unless such action is brought within three years from the time when such right of action accrues. CHAPTER V. Laying and Collection of Assessments from Councils. When Assessment Laid. Section 448. Whenever, in the opinion of the Supreme Secretary, the condition of the Supreme Treasury shall make it necessary to lay an assessment for the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund, the Supreme Secretary shall at once notify every Council to forward immediately to the Supreme Treasurer the amount of one assessment from every mem- ber upon whom the Degree was conferred before the date of such notice. 74 §§ 449 - 456 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title VI., Ch. V. Form of Notice. Sec. 449. Such notice shall be in accordance with a form approved by the Supreme Council, and shall include a list of all deaths that have been officially reported to the Supreme Secretary subsequent to the last call, and shall direct the collection of an assessment from all members in advance of the next call. Double Assessment. Sec. 450. Whenever it is necessary to lay two assessments in one month, the two may be incorporated in one call, with the assessments maturing at different dates. Note. 1. The Supreme Secretary is instructed, when the necessity exists for issuing double calls maturing at different dates, to print them on separate sheets of paper, and mail them under one envelope. — [Adopted Report, Pro. 1890, p. 322. Grand Secretaries Notified. Sec. 451. The Grand Secretaries shall be notified by the Supreme Secretary of each call for an assessment, and shall keep a record thereof. Secretary Notify Collector. Sec. 452. Upon the receipt of a call for an assessment, the Secretary shall immediately acknowledge the same to the Supreme Secretary, and notify the Collector of the facts set forth in the call. Collector Notify Treasurer and Supreme Secretary. Sec. 453. The Collector shall certify to the Treasurer the amount due the Supreme Treasury on account of the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund, by the terms of the call of the Supreme Secretary, and at the same time forward to the Supreme Secretary a statement of the changes in the membership of the Council since the date of the last call. Treasurer Forward and Notify Secretary. Sec. 454. The Treasurer shall thereupon immediately forward to the Supreme Treasurer the amount so certified by the Collector, and at once notify, in writing, the Secretary of the amount so forwarded, the date it was sent, and the method by which it was transmitted. Secretary Notify Supreme Secretary and Council. Sec. 455. The Secretary shall thereupon immediately notify the Supreme Secretary of the amount forwarded, the date it was sent, and the method by which it was transmitted, and report the facts to the Council at the next stated meeting. Supreme Treasurer Receive Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund. Sec. 456. The Supreme Treasurer shall receive all money for the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund, and acknowledge the same to the Treasurer according to the following form : — Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, ) [seal.] Office of the Supreme Treasurer. $ , , 18 —. Received this day from Council, No. — , of the Royal Arcanum, dollars, on account of assessment No — . The amount has been reported to the Supreme Secretary, who will compare it with the records in his office, and certify to the Council whether or not it is correct. , Supreme Treasurer. Notes. 1 . The Supreme Treasurer is authorized to receive “ private contributions ” to the W. and O. B. Fund. — [Report S. T., Pro. 1886, p. 129; Report on p. 222. 2. Remittances by Councils to the Supreme Secretary on W. and O. B. Fund account will be returned to the party sending them, with instructions to send to the Supreme Treasurer. — [Cir- 75 [§§• 457 - 464 . WIDOWS AND ORPHANS’ BENEFIT FUND. Part IV., Title VI., Ch. V., VI.] Supreme Treasurer Reports to Supreme Secretary. Sec. 457. The Supreme Treasurer shall report to the Supreme Secre- tary daily his receipts for the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, giving the name and number of the Council, the amount received, and the num- ber of the assessment in each case. If Amount is Correct. Sec. 458. The Supreme Secretary shall notify the Council if its remittance for an assessment is correct according to the records in his office ; and for this purpose the Supreme Secretary shall keep a full and complete record of the membership of each Council. Note. . 1. As to error on account of Council forwarding assessments for members whose card had expired, see Note, Sec. 414. If Amount Insufficient, Sec. 459. If the amount forwarded to the Supreme Treasurer for an assessment is insufficient, the Supreme Secretary shall at once notify the Council of the error. If the error is not corrected within sixty days after such notice, it shall be the duty of the Supreme Secretary to notify the Supreme Regent, who shall at once declare such Council suspended. If Amount too Large. Sec. 460. If the amount forwarded by the Council for an assessment to the Supreme Treasurer is too large, the Supreme Secretary shall notify the Council, and place the amount to its credit on the next assessment. CHAPTER VI. Councils Suspended and Dissolved for ^on-Payment of Assessment. Supreme Treasurer Report Delinquent Councils. Section 461. The Supreme Treasurer shall report to the Supreme Secretary all Councils from which remittances for an assessment had not been received at the close of business on the day of the expiration of the call. Delinquent Council Suspended. Sec. 462. In case the amount due from a Council is not received by the Supreme Treasurer within fifteen days from the date of the Supreme Secretary’s call, the Supreme Secretary shall record the suspension of such delinquent Council, and notice of such suspension, and the cause and date thereof, shall be mailed to the Regent, Secretary, Collector, and Treasurer of each suspended Council, to the Grand Council having juris- diction of the same, and to the Supreme Regent. Suspended Council not Recognized. Sec. 463. During the suspension of a Council for non-payment of an assessment, it shall not be officially recognized, except on business pertaining to its reinstatement. Note. 1. A Council under suspension cannot initiate applicants. — [Decision, Pro. 1887, pp. 29, 221, 222. Reinstatement of Council. Sec. 464. Any Council suspended for non-payment of an assess- ment shall stand reinstated on the receipt by the Supreme Treasurer of the amount due, together with a fine equal in amount to ten cents for 76 §§ 465 - 469 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title VI., Ch. VI., VII. each member of the Council in good standing at the date of its suspen- sion, and its reinstatement shall be certified by the Supreme Secretary to the suspended Council, to the Grand Council having jurisdiction over it, and to the Supreme Regent. A Council so reinstated shall be required to pay all assessments called during the thirty days next after the date of its suspension. Disposition of Fine. Sec. 465. The fine received from a Council suspended for non- payment of an assessment shall be paid into the General Fund of the Supreme Council. Suspended Council Dissolved. Sec. 466. Any Council suspended for non-payment of an assessment, failing to reinstate itself by the payment of such assessment and fine within the period of two months, shall become dissolved, if so ordered by the Supreme Regent. Note. 1. As to disposition of effects of a dissolved Council, see Secs. 146 to 150. CHAPTER VII. Members of Councils Suspended and Dissolved for Non- Payment of an Assessment. Protection of Members in Good Standing. Section 467. Members of a Council suspended for non-payment of an assessment, who were in good standing at the date of its suspension, shall be 'entitled to the benefit of the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund for a period of thirty days irom and after the date its suspension is re- corded, if they shall comply with all the Laws of the Order. Note. 1. See Note 2, Sec. 436, for case of failure to protect member of suspended Council. How Member may Protect Himself. Sec. 468. A member of a Council suspended for non-payment of an assessment, who was in good standing at the date of its suspension, may, at any time within the first thirty days after its suspension, con- tinue himself in good standing during any further period of suspen- sion of his Council, only by paying to the Supreme Secretary all assessments for the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund within the required time, and any assessment paid by him to the Collector of such Council and not received by the Supreme Treasurer; and all assessments shall thereafter be paid bv such member to the Supreme Secretary during such suspension of his Council. Proper notices of such assessments shall be forwarded by mail to such member by the Supreme Secretary, upon application in writing being made to him therefor ; pro- vided, that in all such cases such member shall pay to the Supreme Council three dollars in advance, and he shall receive from the Supreme Secretary a certificate authorizing the Regent of any Council to give him the password in force during the time for which his assessments are paid; during which time he shall have the rights and privileges of a member at large. Members of Dissolved Council. Sec. 469. Upon the dissolution of any Council, suspended for non- payment of an assessment, all members of such Council, in good stand- WIDOWS AND ORPHANS’ BENEFIT FUND. 77 Part IV., Title VI., Ch. VII., VIII.] [§§ 470-473. ing at the date of its suspension, including such as may have since be- come members at large, shall have the rights and privileges of members of dissolved Councils, as provided in Laws relating to members of dis- solved Councils, and shall make application for a card within forty days from the date of the order of the Supreme Regent declaring such Council dissolved, as provided in said Laws, and such card shall have like force and effect as in said Laws provided. CHAPTER VIII. Laying and Collection of Assessments from Members, and Suspension for Non-Payment. Notice to Members. Section 470. The Council having been notified by the Supreme Secretary that an assessment has been laid, it shall be the duty of the Collector to at once notify every member liable to an assessment. Form of Notice. Sec. 471. The assessment notice to a member shall bear the official stamp of the Collector, or the seal of the Council, and shall be in accord- ance with a form prescribed by the Supreme Council, and its date shall be the same as that of the notice received from the Supreme Secretary. Note. 1. Uniformity in the notice of assessments to members is necessary, to avoid inconvenience and possible legal complications. — [Report S. R., Pro. 1880, p. 43. 2. The notice may be printed and issued upon a postal card or otherwise, as each Subordinate Council may determine, but must be on plates furnished by Supreme Secretary. — [Resolution. Pro. 1887, p. 122. How Notice Given. Sec. 472. The assessment notice may be mailed to or left at the last known post-office address or residence of a member, or handed to him in person. Each member shall notify the Collector of any change of the address to which such notice shall be forwarded. If the notice is left at or mailed to the last given address of a member, it shall be sufficient notice to him. Note. 1. The fact that a member never received a notice of an assessment would not invalidate his suspension, if it was otherwise legal, and if the notice had been sent. If the notice of assess- ment fails to reach a member by reason of some fault in its direction, or delay in its usual course of transmission, where the officers of the Council have acted in good faith, a suspension for its non payment would be legal. It is the duty of a member to attend meetings of the Council, where he may procure all information as to the time when assessments are due. — [Report in Wood’s case, in Denver 593, Pro. 1883, p. 185. Suspension for Non-Payment, Sec. 473. Each member shqjl pay the amount due on the notice of the Collector within thirty days from the date of such notice, and any member failing to pay such assessment within said thirty days, shall stand, suspended from the Order and all benefits therefrom. Notes. 1. Payments of assessments in advance of call can be made only on a travelling card. See Note 1, Sec 423. 2. A Council cannot prohibit the Collector from receiving assessments from members outside of stated meetings.— [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 254, 257. 3. A Collector’s refusal to receive an assessment, tendered within the legal time at the Collec- tor’s place of business, outside the Council chamber, will not cause suspension. A Collector refusing to receive an assessment so tendered neglects his duty aud should be removed from office. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 254, 257. 78 §§ 474 , 475 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title VI., Ch. VH 4. It is not legal for a Collector to receive an assessment at the next meeting after the time for payment thereof has expired. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 249, 257. 5. A Council cannot prohibit a Collector from receiving an assessment tendered by a brother for a member owing an assessment. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 254, 257. 6. Entrusting a sum of money to a Collector to meet future dues and assessments not yet called, is not a payment to him within the scope of his official duties as Collector of the Council, hut to him as agent of the member paying upon the agreement between them The Council is not responsible for such payment. — [Decision, Pro. f»87, pp. 29, 221, 222. 7. Every member is liable for an assessment laid after the date of. his initiation. A neglect to pay until just before the expiration of the prescribed time for payment does not impair a member’s good standing. A member, who is otherwise in good standing, dying before the expiration of the time for payment of an assessment, would not be liable for that assessment; neither would his Council be required to pay it for him after his death. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 252, 253, 257. 8. A member cannot be declared suspended for non-payment of an assessment which had been forwarded to the Supreme Treasurer before the time for payment expires, if the amount due from such member was included in the remittance, the Council having the right to pay assess- ments of members to prevent their suspension. — [Report & Res., D. S. Wood’s case, in Denver 593, Pro. f883, p. 185. 9. A Council or a brother can prevent the suspension only by paying the assessment before the expiration of the time for payment. A Council may refund to a member from its general fund the assessment he may have paid for a brother. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 251, 257. 10. A member cannot be declared suspended before the time for payment expires, even if he says he does not intend to pay it. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 249, 257. 11. It is the duty of the Collector to receive and receipt for assessments and dues outside the Council room, at any appropriate time and place. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 251, 257. 12. The mailing of an assessment, in a letter addressed to the Collector, in a sealed envelope, with postage prepaid, at the post-office of the Collector, on the date of expiration of call, does not constitute a payment within the time prescribed in the call. — [Appeal case, Gibson vs. Harvard Council, No. 330, Pro. 1883, pp. 53, 183. 13. As to illegal expulsion of a member entitled to sick benefits, see Note 1, Sec. 377. 14. Members failed to pay an assessment within the prescribed time, but subsequently, before the Collector reported their failure to pay to the Regent, they paid the same to the Collector, who gave receipts therefor, and entered the amounts upon his books. At the next meeting of the Council the Collector reported the above facts to the Regent, who then declared the members suspended. On appeal, held : that the declaration of suspension was illegal, and the members were in good standing. — [Langford vs. Eureka Council, No. 308, Appeal sustained, Pro. 1883, pp. 50, 183. Suspension Recorded. Sec. 474. The Collector shall immediately notify the Regent of every suspension of a member for non-payment of an assessment, and the date thereof. The Regent shall announce the suspension and date thereof at the next meeting of the Council. The Secretary shall immediately notify the Supreme Secretary, giving the member’s name, date and cause of suspension, number of his Benefit Certificate, and the date the suspension was announced in Council. 1. The suspension of a member for non-payment of an assessment at the expiration of the time for payments results by operation of the law. The announcement in Council is for the purpose of recording the suspension. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 251, 257. 2. The Collector may, but it is not his duty to, notify a member of his suspension. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 251, 257. 3. As to annulling declaration of suspension caused by want of notice, see Note, Sec 413. 4. A member while under suspension for non-payment of an assessment, cannot be expelled, even if guilty of an offence for which expulsion is the penalty. He can be rejected by ballot on application for reinstatement. — [Decision, Pro. 1886, p. 257. 5. The date of suspension for non-payment of an assessment to be entered on the record is the day of expiration of the time for payment of such assessment as prescribed in the call. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 251, 257. 6. See Note 14, Sec. 473, for case of illegal suspension. 7. For provisions governing reinstatement of suspended members, see Sec. 384, et seq., Part IV ., Title IV., Chap. V. Councils May Pay for Members. Sec. 475. A Council may authorize the payment of a member’s as- Notes. SUBORDINATE COUNCILS. 79 [§§ 476-501. Part IV., Titles VI., VII., Ch. VIII., L] sessment as a loan or gift from its general fund ; but such payment must be made to the Collector within the thirty days prescribed in the call. Notes. 1. When a by-law reads that the “Council shall provide for members in case they fail to pay an assessment before the expiration of the call,” a special vote of the Council is necessary on each call. — [Appeal, Fearn vs. Loug Island, No. 173, Pro. 1886, pp. 41, 196. 2. A resolution of a Council, whereby it agrees to pay an assessment for a member, is not obligatory upon the Council if it be not complied with. It is purely voluntary, with, out consideration, and no claim can be set up by any member in case the payment should not be made. A member must see to the payment of his own assessment in accordance with the requirements of the laws. — [Decision, Fro. 1887, pp. 29, 221, 222. When Last Day is Sunday or Holiday. Sec. 476. When the last day for the payment of an assessment falls on a Sunday or holiday, the assessment must be paid by a member on the day previous. TITLE VII. SUBORDINATE COUNCILS. Chapter I. “ II. “ III. “ IV. “ V. “ VI. Institution of New Councils. Charter Applicants not Present at Institution. Consolidation of Councils in the Same Place. Existing Councils — Special Pro- visions Relating to. Reports and Remittances to the Supreme and Grand Councils. Dissolved Councils. CHAPTER I. Institution of New Councils. Fee and Membership. Section 500. A Council shall not be instituted for less than one hun- dred dollars for charter fee, nor with more than forty nor less than lifteen charter members. Note. 1. The institution of non-English. speaking Councils is not permitted. Members must be able to understand and repeat the obligation as printed. — [Report of S. It., Pro. 1879. d. 23 • accented report, 1879, p. 78. * * Charter Applicants. Sec. 501. Each charter applicant shall sign an application for mem- bership, undergo a medical examination, and pay not less than the mini- 80 §§ 502-505.] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title VII., Ch. I. mum fees required of applicants to existing Councils ; must be present at the institution of the Council, and be obligated and instructed in the secret work, before he is entitled to the privileges and benefits of membershq^ . Notes. 1. When the supervising Medical Examiner has certified his approval of the medical exami- nation of an applicant duly examined, who has made full and truthful statements in his applica- tion and medical examination, and in good faith complied with all requirements of the law and precedent conditions on his part, and has been accepted as a charter member by a duly consti- tuted Instituting Officer, and seasonably elected and initiated into a Council, he becomes a mem- ber of the order in such Council, invested with all the rights and privileges, and subject to all the obligations and duties of members in good standing, before a Benefit Certificate is issued to him; and no power is vested in the Supreme Council or the Supreme Regent to deny him his Benefit Certificate, or any rights as such member without his consent, because of any error of judgment, neglect, or misapprehension of duty on the part of the Medical or Instituting Officer in respect to the physical qualifications of the applicant resulting in his admission, though he was an improper risk. — [Giles Cl. Case, S. Reg. liep., Pro. 1881, pp. 5-8, 137; re-affirmed, Pro. 1887, p. 236. 2. Signing a petition for charter and paying dues and assessments, without having signed the obligation or been instructed in the Order, do not constitute membership, nor entitle any one to the death benefit. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 250, 257. 3. An Instituting Officer has no power to initiate an applicant whose medical examination hasnot been approved by the Supervising Medical Examiner. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 253, 257. Charter Closed. Sec. 502. The charter shall be closed at the time of instituting a Council, and no person, whose name was not on the petition for charter, can be received as a charter member after that time. Note. 1. Members having withdrawal cards wishing to join a new Council as Charter Members must have their cards deposited at time of institution. — [Dispensation, 1885, pp. 35, 229. Charter Applicants to Ballot. Sec. 503. At the time of the institution of a Council, the signers of the petition for Charter shall ballot among themselves to see whether or not they will associate with, as members of the Order, all the signers of said petition. Name of Council. Sec. 504. Each new Council shall, at the time of institution, adopt a name, which shall not be that of a living person or of an existing Council. A Council having been organized thirty days, and adopted a legal name, cannot change it without consent of the Supreme Council, upon recommendation of the Supreme Regent, or of the Grand Council having jurisdiction over it; and the proposed new name must accompany the recommendation for change. In Places where Councils Exist. Sec. 505. A new Council shall not be instituted within the same town or city where a Council or Councils already exist, without the consent, by a majority vote of the members present, of the Council or Councils already existing in such town or city. Such vote shall not be taken until the names of the proposed charter members of such new Council have been furnished to the Regent or Secretary of, and read in, the Council or Councils thus required to consent. Such proposed new Council shall not be instituted until the Instituting Officer shall have received from every Council thus required to consent a certificate in writing of such consent, under the Council seal, which consent shall be promptly forwarded by the Instituting Officer with his report of institution. Failure to make objections to the institution of a Council or to any of the proposed charter members, may be deemed as consent. Notes. 1. The institution of a Council near a city where Councils are already established, with a view to the removal of such new Council into said city, is a palpable violation of the letter and spirit of our laws, and the Supreme Regent has no power to grant a Dispensation authorizing such a removal. — [Resolution, Pro. 1883, pp. 163, 170. SUBORDINATE COUNCILS. 81 [§§ 506-510. Part IV., Title VII., Ch. I.] 2. In cases arising under Grand Councils, the Grand Regent is delegated with full power to overrule objections from an existing Council, and in his discretion institute anew Council. An appeal from such a decision will not lie. — [Appeal, Salem Cl., No. 14, vs. G. R. of Mass., Pro. 1880, pp. 23, 24, 147. 3. A Council instituted in one place may, by dispensation of the Supreme or Grand Regent, change its headquarters to another place where most of its members reside, if the Councils in the other place have no objection. — [Dispensation, Pro. 1884, pp. 40, 169. 4. The Supreme Regent cannot authorize the institution of new Councils in a Grand Council jurisdiction, without the consent or request ot the Grand Regent thereof. — [Disapproved Dis- pensation, Pro. 1883, No. 44, pp. 43, 44, 45, 159, 160, 16.i, 171. 5. The Supreme Regent cannot legalize the establishment of a Council in a place within a Grand Council jurisdiction without the consent of the other Councils having jurisdiction over that place. — [Disapproved Dispensation No. 48, Pro. 1883, pp. 44, 159, 160, 169, 171. See Notes under Sec. 514. Objections by Existing Council. Sec. 506. When a Council objects to the formation of a new Council for any cause, the Supreme or Grand Regent may, if the grounds of objection are found by him not to exist, or if the objections are for reasons other than the physical disability or moral character of the pro- posed charter members, if in his opinion the good of the Order requires it, overrule the objection of the Council or Councils, and grant a Dispensa- tion for a new Council. If objections to the moral character or physical condition of one or more of the petitioners are sustained, the Council may be instituted if sufficient acceptable persons remain to constitute a Council. Note. 1. A Council in one place has no right to object to the formation of a Council in another place, even if the Charter Members are largely composed of residents of the place where the objecting Council is located. — [Appeal case, Salem Cl., No. 14, vs. G. C. of Mass., Pro. 1879, pp. 64, 84. In Cities where Twenty Councils. Sec. 507. A new Council shall not be instituted in a city where twenty Councils already exist, until a special dispensation has been granted therefor by the Grand Regent, and been approved by the Supreme Regent. See Notes under Sec. 514. Proscribed Territory. Sec. 508. A Council shall not be instituted in the territory described as follows : States of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina; that portion of the States of Tennessee and Kentucky lying west of the Tennessee River; that portion of south- eastern Georgia bordering on the Atlantic, included in the counties of Chatham, Bryan, Liberty, McIntosh, Glynn, and Camden. Note. 1. The introduction of the Order into any specified territory may be restricted or prohibited for the time being, by special vote of the Supreme Council. — [Resolution, Pro. 1879, p. 90. In Foreign Countries. Sec. 509. A Council shall not be instituted in any country outside of the limits of the United States and Dominion of Canada, without the Consent of the Supreme Council by a two-thirds vote. Duties of Instituting Officer. Sec. 510. It shall be the duty of the Instituting Officer to see that the .Medical Examiner is legally qualified, and to certify the fact; to inform the Medical Examiner of the instructions of the Supreme Council to Med- ical Examiners, and place in his hands a copy of the same; to inspect the applications and medical examinations of all the petitioners, and refer the same to the proper Supervising Medical Examiner for decision; to see that the papers are correct in form, and that the laws are complied 82 §§511-514.] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title VII., Ch. I., II., III. with before permitting the applicants to ballot ; to explain to the peti- tioners the duties of each officer of a Council before an election is had ; to instruct the officers in their respective duties ; to exemplify the secret work ; and to sign the Investigating Committee’s report on e^ch applica- tion. Notes. 1. Deputies should impress upon the officers that the instructions in the various books must be accurately observed, and upon all members that the General and W. and O. B. Funds must be kept separate. - [Instructions to Instituting Deputies, Pro. 1879, p. 22. 2 The Instituting Officer should scrutinize the medical examinations of all applicants and see that not only the letter, but the spirit of all laws and requirements are complied with before instituting a Council. - [Resolution, Pro. 1882, pp. 133, 134. ^ . _ _ , , 3. Instituting officers are strictly prohibited from receiving any part of the W. and O. B. fund for any purpose. — [Instructions to Instituting Deputies, 1879, p. 21. See Notes, Sec. 475. New Councils Visited. Sec. 511. Each new Council, within thirty days after its institution, shall be visited by a Deputy Supreme or Deputy Grand Regent, ap- pointed for the purpose, who shall see that they are properly instructed, examine the records, roll of; membership, and account books, and report in writing to the Supreme or Grand Secretary within ten days there- after. Note. 1. It is the duty of the Supreme and Grand Regent respectively to see that this duty is performed, and have it paid for. — [Decision in Session, Pro. 1880, p. 124. CHAPTER II. Charter Applicants not Present at Institution. If Unavoidably Absent. . _ . . Section 512. If a signer of a petition for Charter is unavoidably absent at the institution of the Council, and his fees and a written explanation of his absence have been received, satisfactory to the Instituting Officer and a majority of the applicants present, he may, if qualified, after being obli- gated and instructed in the secret work, be recorded as a, charter member of the Council upon a ballot at any stated meeting within four weeks after the institution of such Council. If Medical Examination not Approved. Sfc. 513 A signer of a petition for Charter, who has undergone a medical examination which is not approved at the time of institution may if qualified, be elected by ballot, obligated, instructed m the secret work, and recorded as a charter member at any time within sixty da>s from the date of institution. CHAPTER III. Consolidation of Councils in the Same Place. Preliminary Action by Councils. . ' Section 514. If two or more Councils in the same city or town wish to (*onsolidate thev may appoint a committee of three members from each ^ouncilto armnge the terms therefor. The report of the committee, if favorable to consolidation, shall recommend the adoption of the name SUBORDINATE COUNCILS. 83 [§§515-520. Part IV., Title VII., Ch. Ill] and number of one of said Councils, and the date on which the consolida- tion shall take effect. Notes. 1. A Council in one place cannot make formal transfer of its membership and effects to a Council in another place. — [Disapproved Dispensation, No. 40, Pro. 1883, pp. 42, 159, 160, 169, 171. 2. There is no authority for the consolidation of Councils located in different towns or cities. — [Resolution, Pro. 1884 p. 175. Preliminary Reports to Supreme Secretary. Sec. 515. Before said consolidation shall be effected, a complete copy of the roll of membership of each Council, together with a state- ment of the last assessment paid, and the total amount paid to the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund by each member, signed by the Secretary and Collector, under seal, shall be forwarded to the Supreme Secretary. Mode of Consolidation. Sec. 516. 11 both Councils adopt the report of the Committee, the consolidation shall take place under the supervision of the Supreme or Grand Regent, or a deputy appointed for the purpose, who shall install the officers and make report to the Supreme and Grand Secretary. Roll of Consolidated Council. Sec. 517. The Secretary and Collector of the consolidated Council shall, within ten days after the consolidation, forward to the Supreme Secretary, under seal, a list of the members in the order of record on the roll and benefit account books of the new Council. Liabilities of Both Councils. Sec. 518. The consolidated Council shall assume and discharge all the liabilities of the Councils consolidated. If Member does not Desire Consolidation. Sect. 519. A member of either of the Councils proposing to con- solidate, not wishing to join the consolidated Council, may pay all assess- ments called on or before the date of consolidation, and one additional assessment in advance, and shall receive a withdrawal card, free of charge, prior to the consolidation, which card shall be good for thirty days, if he neglects to deposit his card in some other Council within said thirty days, his membership in the Order shall cease on the date when the assessment paid by him in advance shall have been called to the Supreme Treasury. If his application for admission to another Council is rejected, he shall be entitled to the privileges of a member at large, as provided in the Laws of the Order. Reinstatement of Suspended Members. Sec. 520. A member of either of the consolidated Councils, who was under suspension at the time of consolidation, may apply to the consoli- dated Council for reinstatement, and his application shall be received subject to the provisions of the Laws of the Order. 84 §§ 521 - 527 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title VII., Ch. IV. CHAPTER IV. Existing Councils — Special Provisions Relating to. Councils in the Proscribed Territory. Section 521. All Councils in the State of Arkansas, in that portion of 'Tennessee lying west of the Tennessee river, and in south-eastern Georgia, bordering on the Atlantic, included in the counties of Chatham, Bryan, Liberty, McIntosh, Glynn, and Camden, are each limited and re- stricted to a membership of one hundred, except Pulaski Council, No. 153, which is limited and restricted to a membership of three hundred ; and all other Councils of the Order are prohibited from receiving the application of any person residing in the aforesaid territory. Notes. 1. Applicants residing within the proscribed territory should not be admitted except to a Council therein witii less than the maximum number of members. — [Resolution, Tro. 1886, pp. - 254, 280, 281. 2. Applicants admitted after a Council in the proscribed territory has reached its maximum membership may be compelled to retire from the Order by order of the Supreme Regent, and have all fees returned to them by the Council. — [Tennessee Council, No. 9u, case, Pro. 1880, p. 46. 3. When a Council located within the proscribed territory reaches the maximum limit of mem- bership allowed by law, a person residing in a place where such council is located, cannot be admitted to membership in another council located in another part of the proscribed territory.— [Dec., Pro. 1890, pp. 147, 299, 300. No Application from Proscribed Territory. Sec. 522. Councils shall not receive applications for membership from persons residing in the States of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina. Monetary Consideration for Applications. Sec. 523. A Council shall not allow any monetary consideration to members for securing applications for membership. Note. 1. Offering a prize of some article of value, other than money, for the purpose of inciting mem- bers to exert themselves in obtaining members is not prohibited; but it is unlawful to allow mem- bers to choose between the prizes offered aud the money value thereof. — [Adopted Report, 1890, pp. 343, 344. Degree Pee. Sec. 524. The fee for the Degree shall be not less than four dollars. There shall be no repayment or rebate of the Degree, fee, or any part thereof. Note. 1 . As to grading the Degree fee according to age of applicant, see Note 1, Sec. 274. Suspended Council not Recognized. Sec. 525. A Council suspended by the Supreme Regent, or by authority of a Grand Council, shall in no way be recognized as in good standing in the Order until reinstated. Pee for Dispensation. Sec. 526. Every application by a Council to the Supreme Regent for a dispensation shall be accompanied by a fee of one dollar, to be paid into the General Fund of the Supreme Council. May Pine Officers. Sec. 527. Councils may, by by-law, impose fines upon officers for wilful non-attendance at stated meetings. Officers refusing or neglect- subordinatp: councils. 85 [§§ 528-533. Part IV., Title VII., Ch. IV., V., VI.] ino- to pay, within the time prescribed, such fines, may, by vote of the Council, after notice to the delinquent, be punished as prescribed in Sections 373 and 374. Notes. 1. As to exemption of Sitting Past Regent from fine, see Note 4, Sec. 85. 2. As to member taking a card paying special assessments, see Note 1, Sec. 410. 3. For further provision for removals and suspension, see Sec. 616, et seq., and Sec. 207. CHAPTER V. Reports and Remittances to the Supreme and Grand Councils. Councils under Supreme Council. Section 528. All Councils, under the immediate jurisdiction of the. Supreme Council, shall pay the per capita tax and make semi-annual reports to the Supreme Secretary in accordance with a blank furnished, which report and tax must be in his office on or before the second meeting in July and prior to installation in January, and the Council shall produce a receipt for such tax and report, to entitle it to receive from the Deputy the semi-annual password. Note. 1. As to tax on members admitted by card, see Note, Sec. 108. Councils under Grand Council. Sec. 529. Councils working under Grand Councils shall make semi- annual reports to the Supreme Council, as provided in the preceding section, and, in addition thereto, shall make such reports as the Grand Council of their respective jurisdictions may require. Reports in Duplicate. Sec. 530. All semi-annual reports of Councils, except the roll of membership, shall be made in duplicate, and a copy kept on file by the Secretary. .Special Reports to Supreme Secretary. Sec. 531. Each Council shall forward to the Supreme Secretary a copy of its roll of membership, and statement of its accounts of the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit Fund, or portions thereof, whenever re- quired by him. CHAPTER VI. Dissolved Councils. Demand for Charter and Effects. Section 532. Upon being notified of the dissolution of a Council, the Supreme or Grand Regent shall, in person, or through his Deputy, de- mand the surrender of the Charter, property, and effects of such dissolved Council. How Delivered. „ . Sec. 533. When a Council is dissolved, it shall be the duty of its last Regent, or if there is none, of its senior officer, to deliver up the charter, books, funds, emblems, uniforms, and other property and effects to the 86 §§ 534-551.] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Titles VII., VIII., Ch. VI., I. Supreme or Grand Regent, or his Deputy. Any officer or member, having the custody of any part of said property or effects, refusing to surrender the same, may be forever excluded from membership in the Order, even if his Council is reinstated. When Restored. Sec. 534. All funds and effects received by the Supreme or Grand Council from a dissolved Council shall be restored in the event of its beino- reinstated by order of the Supreme or Grand Council, or, as provi- ded by Law, by the Supreme or Grand Regent. Supreme Regent may Rescind Order. Sec. 535. Any Council suspended or dissolved by the Supreme Regent may be reinstated by him upon the removal of the cause thereof, * or *he may, for satisfactory reasons, rescind the order of suspension or dissolution. Mode of Reinstatement. Sec. 536. In case a Council has been suspended by order of the Supreme Regent for more than three consecutive months, it shall not be reinstated, or the order for its suspension rescinded, until the members desiring to be reinstated have passed a medical examination, as required from original applicants for membership, and paid all assessments to the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund, in accordance with the rule govern- ing individual suspended members who apply for reinstatement. The members of a Council reinstated, after it has been in a state of suspension for three consecutive months, shall be thereafter assessed at the ages they have severally attained at the time of the Council’s reinstatement. TITLE VIII. DEPUTY SUPREME REGENTS. CHAPTER I. Duties of Deputy Supreme Regents. Represent Supreme Regent. Section 550. The Deputy Supreme Regent shall represent the Su- preme Regent in the territory not under the jurisdiction of a Grand Council. Work to be Uniform. Sec. 551. He shall see that the work of the Councils is uniform in the territory embraced in his Commission and instructions. Note. 1. The Deputy is to report immediately to the Supreme Regent any violation of the laws, rules, aud usages of the Order by the Council under his charge, and to offer suggestions as to the state of the Order in his district. All cases are to be thoroughly investigated and his de- cision reported to the Supreme Regent within live days after rendering them. — [Commission, Pro. 1880, p. 15. SUPPLIES FOR THE ORDER. 87 [§§ 552 - 562 . Part IV., Titles VIII., IX., Ch. I.] Official Visits. .. Sec. 552. He shall officially visit all Councils placed under his charge, within thirty days of the receipt of his Commission, see that they are properly instructed, examine their records, roll of membership and account books, and make a written report of all such visits to the Supreme Secretary within ten days thereafter. Install Officers. Sec. 553. He shall install, or cause to be installed, all officers of Councils under his charge. He shall communicate the semi-annual pass- word to the Regent of a Council under his charge only upon the produc- tion of a receipt from the Supreme Secretary for the semi-annual report and per capita tax due the Supreme Council. Other Duties. Sec. 554. He shall perform such other duties as the Supreme Recent may, from time to time, direct. He shall make a full report of allTiis official acts to the Supreme Regent in time for him to present it to the Supreme Council at its annual meeting. TITLE IX. SUPPLIES FOR THE ORDER. Chapter I, Supplies for Existing Councils. “ II. Supplies for New Councils. CHAPTER I. Supplies for Existing Councils. Must be Uniform. Section 560. All books, blanks, badges, jewels, regalia, uniforms, and emblems, used by Grand and Subordinate . Councils, shall be of the same quality, size, pattern, and material, and in all respects like those prescribed and furnished by the Supreme Council. Forms Prepared by Supreme Secretary. Sec. 561. All forms of blanks other than bonds shall be prepared by the Supreme Secretary, and, including those now in use, shall be num- bered in regular order. When Blanks Obsolete. Sec. 562. When a blank becomes obsolete, the Supreme Secretary shall notify each Grand Secretary and each officer required to use the same, of the fact, and furnish him with a form of the blank to be used instead. 88 §§ 563 - 5 . 66 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title IX., Ch. L, II. Price of Supplies at Retail. Sec. 563. The price of all supplies sold at retail by the Supreme Coun- cil to Grand Councils shall be twenty per cent, less than the price fixed to Subordinate Councils ; and the Committee on Supplies of the Supreme Council may fix a less rate to Grand Councils when purchases are made in large quantities. Printed by Supreme Council. Sec. 564. All withdrawal and travelling cards ; roll-books and appli- cation records; General Fund, dues and benefit account books; applica- tions for membership; and assessment notices to members, shall be printed by the Supreme Council, and must be procured from the Supreme or Grand Secretaries ; except that assessment notices to members may be printed from plates procured from the Supreme Secretary. CHAPTER II. Supplies for New Councils. Sets of Supplies. Section 565. The supplies to be furnished to a Council at the time of institution, with the Dispensation for Charter, for one hundred dollars, shall be: — Six rituals. One hundred applications for membership. One roll-book of membership, application record, and record of bene- ficiaries. One general fund, dues and benefit account book. Two withdrawal cards. One Treasurer’s receipt book to Collector. One order book on Treasurer. One Collector’s cash book. One record book, with form for record of attendance of officers. One Treasurer’s cash book for General Fund and for Widows and Orphan’s Benefit Fund. One hundred assessment notices. One sample Benefit Certificate. Fifty Constitutions. One hundred Investigating Committee notices. One hundred receipts for dues . Twenty-five blank bonds. One ballot-box. Two gavels. Four dozen white balls, and one dozen black eubes. One trunk for paraphernalia. Note. 1. As to price of Book of Duties, see Sec. 106, Note 1. Paid for on Delivery. Sec. 566. Every set of supplies for a new Council, furnished by the Supreme Council, must be paid for on or before delivery to the Council. REGALIA, JEWELS, AND UNIFORM. Part IV., Title X., Ch. L] 89 [§§ 570 - 573 . TITLE X. REGALIA, JEWELS, AND UNIFORM. Chapter I. “ II. " III. Regalia. Jewels. Uniform. CHAPTER I. Regalia. Members Must Wear. Section 570. No member shall be allowed to enter or remain in a Council unless he is clothed in regalia, provided that this shall not apply to new Councils which have not been organized sixty days. Of Members. Sec. 571. The regalia to be worn by members in the Council shall be a badge, consisting of a metal plate two inches in diameter, bearing on its centre the letters V.M C. in monogram. This plate, in shape a ten-pointed star, with a Malta Cross at each of the ten points, shall be suspended by a blue ribbon one inch wide and one and one-quarter inches long, from a crown-shaped metal plate having a five-pointed star in the centre. This badge is to be worn upon the left breast. Notes. 1. Badges may be worn at funerals and other public demonstrations. — [Resolution, Pro. 1885, p. 221. 2. Councils may, by by-law, require members to wear white gloves in Council meetings. — [Vote, Pro. 1878, p. 63. 3. The badge of membership consists of a ten-pointed star, with circle enclosing a crown. — [Resolution, Pro. 1879, p. 110. Of Officers. Sec. 572. Each officer and past officer in the Supreme, Grand, and Subordinate Councils, shall wear, as regalia, the appropriate jewel of his office or rank. Notes. 1. Blue, red, and purple are the distinguishing colors of the Subordinate, Grand, and Supreme Councils, respectively. — [Accepted Report, Pro. 1887, p. 227. 2. It is an approved usage of the Order to attach a badge of mourning to the officers’ jewels, and the same, or a sprig of green, to the member’s badge, when attending a brother’s funeral. — [Accepted Report, Pro. 1887, p. 214. Color of. Sec. 573. All metal, lace, or embroidery shall be gold or gold color. 90 §§ 574-579.] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title X., Ch. II. CHAPTER II. Jewels. Must be as Prescribed. Section 574. The jewels of the Order shall be as prescribed in this Chapter. For Supreme Officers. Sec. 575. For all Past Supreme Regents, a five-pointed star laid on a circle. For Supreme Regent, two truncheons laid parallel on a circle. For Supreme Vice-Regent, one truncheon laid on a circle. For Supreme Chaplain, open book laid on a circle. For Supreme Orator, open scroll laid on a circle. For Supreme Treasurer, crossed keys laid on a circle. For Supreme Secretary, crossed pens laid on a circle. For Supreme Guide, crossed staffs laid on a circle. For Supreme Warden, crossed swords laid on a circle. For Supreme Sentry, single sword laid on a circle. ^ Note. 1. Members of the Supreme Council are allowed to take their jewels to their homes, to be re- turned to the next session. — [Vote, Pro. 1879, p. 106. For Grand Council Officers. Sec. 576. For all Past Grand Regents, a five-pointed star laid on a half-circle. For all other officers of a Grand Council, jewels shall be the same as prescribed for Supreme Officers, but laid on a half-circle, and suspended by a scarlet ribbon from a crown-shaped escutcheon. For Council Officers. Sec. 577. For all Past Regents, a five-pointed star suspended from a crown-shaped escutcheon by a blue ribbon. The Collector shall wear, as a jewel, a closed book with a pen laid across it, suspended in the same manner as other Council officers. For all other Council officers, the jewels shall be the same as prescribed for Supreme Council officers, but shall hang from a crown-shaped es- cutcheon by a blue ribbon, without circle or any other base, except that the truncheons shall be laid on a section of a circle. Note. 1. The officers’ jewels are to be purchased by, and remain the property of, the Council. — [De- cision, Pro. 1885, pp. 279, 257. For Medical Officers. Sec. 578. For Medical Examiner-in-Chief, a caduceus laid parallel on a circle. For all State Medical Examiners, the jewel shall be the same as pre- scribed for the Medical Examiner-in-Chief, but laid on a half-circle. For Medical Examiners, the jewel shall be a caduceus, the same as prescribed for the Medical Examiner-in-Chief, but suspended in same manner as that of Council officers. For Deputies. Sec. 579. For Deputy Supreme Regent, same as for Supreme Regent, with letter “ D” on the ribbon. For Deputy Grand Regent, same as for Grand Regent, with letter “D” on the ribbon. 91 [§§ 580-587. REGALIA, JEWELS, AND UNIFORM. Part IV., Title X., Oh. II., III.] For Members. Sec. 580. Except the Sitting Past Regent, all Past Regents’ jewels worn by members, who have been initiated in the Grand Council, shall be suspended by a red ribbon. All such jewels, when worn by members who have been initiated in the Supreme Council, shall be suspended by a purple ribbon. In Grand Councils, except the regular corps of officers, all members who have been initiated in the Supreme Council shall wear the appro- priate jewel of their rank suspended by a purple ribbon. Circles. Sec. 581. Each circle shall be three inches in diameter, outside the rim, except that of the Medical Examiner-in-Chief, which shall be two and one-half inches in diameter ; the rim to be one-half inch wide ; the jewels to be of sufficient size to lay on the circle. Each circle shall be suspended from a crown-sliaped escutcheon by a strip of appropriate colored ribbon or velvet. Jewels to be of Gold. Sec. 582. All jewels, or other metal devices of whatever rank, shall be of gold, or metal, gold-plated. CHAPTER III. Uniform. Must be as Prescribed. Section 583. The uniform of the Order shall be worn with black or dark clothes, and shall be as prescribed in this Chapter. Members of Supreme Council and Past Grand Regents. Sec. 584. For members of the Supreme Council and all Past Grand Regents, black silk plush chapeau, trimmed with two black and one purple plumes, black rosette with purple centre, and gold or gilt orna- ment on the left side ; sword, gold-plated cross hilt, crown-shaped head and metal scabbard, with appropriate devices and lettering, to be sus- pended from belt with gold-plated chain ; belt, one and three-quarter inches wide, with clasp of appropriate design, gilt chains to suspend sword, cross-belt three-quarters of an inch wide, to connect with belt by swivel or other suitable fastening. Belt and cross-belt to be made of purple leather, or of purple velvet trimmed on each edge with gold- plated lace and lined with leather. Bulf military gauntlet. For Members of Grand Council and Past Regents. Sec. 585. For members of the Grand Council and all Past Regents, the uniform shall be the same as for Supreme Council, except where purple is used the material shall be scarlet. For Members. „ , „ _ Sec. 586. For all other members of the Order, the uniform shall be the same as for Supreme Council, except where purple is used the material shall be blue. Uniform not Obligatory. Sec. 587. The procurement of uniforms by either the Supreme, Grand, or Subordinate Councils, shall be optional with each body ; but if any is procured or worn, it must be as prescribed by the Supreme Council. 92 §§ 600-603.] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title XI., Ch. I., IL TITLE XI. THE BOOK OF DUTIES AND PARLIAMENTARY LAW. CHAPTER I. The Book of Duties. Guide in Council Business. Section 600. The Book of Duties is the sole rule and guide for the transaction of the business of Councils, and for conferring the Degree of the Royal Arcanum. Notes. 1. New business cannot be transacted in a Council under the head “ Good of the Order.” — [Decision, appeal case, Haddock vs. Louisville Council 242, Pro. 1889, pp. 29, 30, 266. 2. Viva voce is the recognized usage of the Order in regard to voting in Grand aud Subordinate Councils. — [Resolution, Pro. 1885, p. 246, Promulgated in Cir., Pro. 1886, pp. 13, 193. 3. A motion to adjourn is never strictly in order in a Council. It should be a motion to “ pro- ceed to close.” This should ne ver be entertained by a Regent until after the prescribed “ Order of Business ” has been called through. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 251, 257 4. As to price of Book of Duties and reasons for, see Sec. 106, Note 1. Must be Adhered to. Sec. 601. The Book of Duties must be adhered to in all respects, unless special authority to use substitutes for portions thereof is granted by the Supreme Council or the Supreme Regent. Note. 1. All applications for permission to use substitutes must be accompanied by a copy and full description of the work proposed to be used, together with a pledge on the part of the Council and its officers that the Degree will be conferred from memory, and without the use of the Ritual. — LCir., Pro. 1890, p. 20, Res. approving, p. 300. CHAPTER II. Cushing’s Manual — Other Rules. Cushing's Manual the Guide. Section 602. Cushing’s Manual shall govern the parliamentary prac- tice in all departments of the Order, when it does not conflict with any established Law or Rule of the Order. Notes. 1. Anything adopted informally by the Supreme Council is made legal and formal by the subsequent approval of the minutes of such action by legal vote necessary for its adoption. — [Decision, Pro. 1878, p. 52. 2. The acceptance of a report will adopt so much of the report .as it recommends for adoption. — [Ruling of S. R. in Session, Pro. 1883, p. 135. Other Rules. Sec. 603. Any Council may, subject to approval by the Committee on Laws of the Supreme or Grand Council, adopt Rules of Order other than those laid down in Cushing’s Manual. Notes. 1. A Council may enact a rule of order prescribing the time within which a motion to recon- sider may be made. — [Accepted Report, Pro. 1883, pp. 146, 147, 151, 161. 2. As to code of Rules having effect of by-laws, see Note 3, Sec. 252. 93 [§ 610 . OFFENCES, PENALTIES, AND JUDICATURE. Part IV., Title XII., Ch. I.] TITLE XII. OFFENCES, PENALTIES, AND JUDICATURE. Chapter I. Misconduct and Non-feasance of Grand and Subordinate Councils, and Penalties. “ II. Misconduct and Non-feasance of Officers. “ in. Offences of Members, and Pen- alties. “ IV. Summary Suspension and Re- moval of Grand and Subordinate Council Officers. “ V. Complaints and Charges. « VI. Jurisdiction of the Supreme Council in the Misconduct of Members. “ VII. Preferring Charges Against Mem- bers in Councils. “ VIII. Trials Ordered by the Supreme or a Grand Regent. “ IX. Trials by Councils and Mode of Procedure. “ X. Removal of Proceedings after Complaint. CH AFTER I. Misconduct and Non-feasance of Grand and Subordinate Councils, and Penalties. Of Grand Councils. , , , Section 610. Any Grand Council may be suspended or dissolved and its Charter forfeited for any of the following causes : — (1) For neglecting to hold regular meetings, unless prevented from doino- so by some unavoidable circumstance. (2) When its membership diminishes to less than six in number. 94 §§ 611 - 613 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title XII., Ch. I. (3) For neglecting or refusing to make its returns or pay its dues to the Supreme Council. (4) For neglecting or refusing to conform to the Constitutions, Laws, or Regulations of the Order. Of Subordinate Councils. Sec. 611 . Any Council may be suspended or dissolved and its Charter forfeited for any of the following causes : — (1) For neglecting to hold regular meetings, unless prevented from doing so by some unavoidable circumstance. (2) When, after having been organized one year or longer, its mem- bership in good standing is less than eleven. (3) For non-payment of its dues to its Grand or the Supreme Council. (4) For failing to prefer charges against an officer or member, amen- able thereto under Chapters II. and Ilf. of this Title, within thirty days after the commission of an offence, or for failing to duly try an officer or member when charges are preferred against him, or for failing to en- force sentence against an officer or member convicted by it under said Chapters, within ten days of his conviction. (5) For neglecting or refusing to conform to the Constitutions, Laws, or Regulations of the Order, or for violation of the provisions of this Chapter. (6) For any act of wilful insubordination or contempt of any superior authority in the Order. Notes. 1. Grand Councils have power to order trial, and, in case of conviction, to impose penalties for the violation of any or all laws and usages of the Order, excepting those controlling the W. and O. B. Fund. The same power may be exercised by a Grand Regent during the recess of his Grand Council. Contemptuous treatment of a Grand Regent, by refusing to accept and be governed by an official letter addressed to the Council, is cause for exercising the above-named power. — [Adopted report, case of Unique Council v. G. R. N. J., Pro. 1889, p. 330. 2. A Council failing to forward the applications and Benefit Certificate fees within the required time, may, after notice of delinquency, by order of the Supreme Regent, be declared suspended and all its members suspended from all benefits from this Order. — [Order of Sun. Reg., Pro. 1879, p. 4. Prohibited Circulars. Sec. 612 . No circular, resolution, or document relating to the ritual, laws, or general management of the Order, or abusive of any officer in the Order, or making an appeal to any Council for relief, shall be pub- lished, issued, or circulated by a Council or member of the Order, or be read in or acted upon by any Council, unless the same shall bear the approval of the Grand Regent of the jurisdiction in which it is pub- lished, issued, or circulated, or of the Supreme Regent, if published, issued, or circulated under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Council. Note. 1. For case where appeal to Councils for relief should not be authorized, see Note 1, Sec. 288. How Suspension, etc., Ordered. Sec. 613 . The suspension, dissolution, or forfeiture of Charter of a Grand or Subordinate Council may be ordered by a majority vote of the Supreme Council at a regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for the purpose, or by the Supreme Regent during the recess of the Supreme Council, in the manner set forth in this Title. But nothing contained in this Title shall prevent the suspension or dissolution of any Grand or Subordinate Council for failure to pay any tax, assessment, or other dues, or for failure to make returns, or the suspension of members for OFFENCES, PENALTIES, AND JUDICATURE. 95 Part IV., Title XII., Ch. I., II.] t§§ 614-617. non-payment of assessments to the Widows and Orphans 1 Benefit I und, dues or fines, without charges or trial, as otherwise provided by the Laws of the Order. Summary Action by Supreme Regent or Grand Regent. Sec. 014 . The power to suspend or dissolve a Grand Council may be exercised by the Supreme Regent, summarily, without trial, for the first, second, and third causes enumerated in section 610. Note. 1. For effect of suspension and dissolution, and proceedings thereon, see Secs. 146-150. Summary Action by Supreme Regent or Grand Regent. Sec. 015 . The power to suspend or dissolve a Council may be exercised by the Supreme Regent, summarily, without trial, lor the first, second, third, and sixth causes enumerated in section 611. A Grand Regent may summarily suspend a Council for the same causes. Note. 1. For proceedings after suspension or dissolution, see Secs. 532-536. CHAPTER II. Misconduct and Non-feasance of Officers. OF A L Li OFFICERS. Offences and Penalties. Section 616 . Any officer of the Supreme or a Grand Council, or of any Council, may be removed or suspended from his office, and a successor to such officer may be appointed in the manner provided in this Title, for misconduct in office, for incompetence or persistent neglect of the duties of his office, or any wilful insubordination or contempt of any lawful higher authority in the Order, or for any offence against the provisions of Chapter 111. of this Title. Note. 1. For provision for Councils punishing officers under by-laws imposing fines, see Sec. 527. % OF SUPREME OFFICERS. How Suspension of Supreme Officers Ordered. Sec. 617 . The Supreme Regent, Supreme Vice-Regent, the Sitting Past Supreme Regent, Supreme Orator, the Chairmen of the Com- mittees on Laws, Finance, and Appeals of the Supreme Council, any five of them concurring, shall have power, on written accusation presented to either of them against any officer of the Supreme Coun- cil of any cause for suspension or removal from office mentioned in Section 616 of this chapter, with evidence by affidavit or otherwise in their judgment justifying action, order the suspension from office of such officer and appoint a successor ad interim to such suspended officer, which orders shall be binding and take effect as to all parties in interest immediately upon the delivery thereof to the suspended officer, or the leaving at his last usual place of residence or business. In case the accusation shall be presented against any of the officers named in this section, such officer shall be disqualified to act, and the remaining officers herein named shall designate some other officer or member of the Supreme Council to act in the place of such accused officer. GENERAL LAWS. 96 §§ 618-624.] [Part IV., Title XII., Ch. II. The Citation. Sec. 618. When an order for the suspension of any officer of the Supreme Council is issued under Section 617, such order shall be accom- panied with a citation to the officer suspended, requiring him to appear before the officers issuing the citation, at a place and at a time desig- nated therein, not less than twenty nor more than thirty days from the date of such citation, and to show cause why such order of suspension Council n0t lemain m * orce unt il the next session of the Supreme Copy of Accusation. Sec 619. A certified copy of the accusation, and all evidence reduced to writing, on which such order was granted, shall accompany the citation. Citation may Precede Suspension. Sec. 620. Upon written accusation filed with any of the officers men- tioned in Section 617, any five of said officers may, before ordering suspension issue a citation accompanied with a copy of the accusation” which shall be served in the manner provided in Section 618, requiring the accused officer to appear at a place and time therein designated, as pro- removed ^ eCtl ° n 618 ’ t0 show cause why he should not be suspended or The Hearing. Sec. 621. On the day and' at the place designated in the citation is- sued under this Chapter, the officers authorized to issue the same, or any five of their number, shall, unless good cause shall appear to their iud«”- mentfor adjournment of the hearing, proceed to hear the evidence offered by the accused and the accuser, witli power to adjourn from time to time and from place to place. They shall permit counsel to be heard on both sides. The Decision. Sec. 622. Upon all the evidence and arguments adduced they may continue or revoke any order of suspension and appointment before granted, or if such, orders have not been issued, may grant the same to continue until action thereon at the next session of the Supreme Council. Such orders shall be binding upon all persons and Councils until annulled by the Supreme Council in session. Action Reported to Supreme Council. Sec. 623. At the first annual or special meeting of the Supreme Council, following any suspension ordered under the provisions of Sec- tion 617, the officers ordering the same shall, on the first day of the ses- sion, submit a report of all the evidence and findings, and action thereon, to the Supreme Council, who shall review the same, if requested by the suspended officer or accuser, and approve or disapprove such findings and action as the justice of the case may require ; and may order that such suspension shall take effect as a final removal of such officer from the date of the order granted upon the hearing by the removing officers under Section 617, or from a date fixed by the Supreme Council The action of the Supreme Council on such report shall finally conclude all persons and Councils interested. Loss of Salary, etc. Sec. 624. Any officer whose suspension, ordered or continued after a hearing as provided in Section 621, is approved by the Supreme Council, shall not be entitled to any salary or other compensation or rights as such officer from the date of the first order of suspension. OFFENCES, PENALTIES, AND JUDICATURE. 97 Part IV., Title XII., Ch. III. J [§§ 625-630. CHAPTER III. Offences of Members, and Penalties. Violation of Law. Section 625. Any member of the Order who shall be found guilty of violating any provision of the Constitutions or General Laws of the Order, shall be lined, suspended, or expelled, as the Laws of the Order may pi*escribe. Revealing Secret Work. # Sec. 626. A member who shall improperly reveal any of the private words, tokens, signs, grips, passwords (past or present), mode of pro- cedure to gain admission into a Council, Degree ceremony, or any pri- vate business transacted in a Council, — all of which are secrets to be kept inviolate, — shall, upon conviction thereof, be expelled. Conduct Unbecoming a Member. Sec. 627. A member who shall be guilty of any immoral practice or improper conduct, violative of his duties, or of the obligation, and unbe- coming his profession as a member of the Order, or of the excessive use of intoxicating liquors, or who shall enter his Council in a state of intox- ication, shall, upon conviction thereof, be suspended or expelled. Note. 1. The suppression or concealment of important or essential facts in relation to a business transaction by a member, by which other members are induced to engage in such business en- terprise, may amount to conduct unbecoming the profession of a member of the Order, and a violation of the obligation taken by members, for which the offending member may be tried. — [Report adopted, in case of Chandler et al., Missouri case, Pro. 1890, pp. 350, 351. Divulging Opposition to Applicant. Sec. 628. A member who shall divulge to an applicant for mem- bership the name of a member who reported unfavorably upon his application, or otherwise opposed said applicant becoming a member of the Order, shall, upon conviction thereof, for the first offence, be fined a sum not exceeding five dollars, and for the second he shall be suspended. Admission by Misrepresentation. Sec. 629. If any member shall have obtained admission into the Order by false statement, concealment, deception, or evasion of facts, either in his application, in his answers to the questions in his medical examina- tion, or in his representations to the Investigating Committee, regarding his personal or family history, or present condition of health, age, habits, or character, he shall be liable to expulsion therefor. On the receipt of satisfactory information, the Supreme Regent, the Grand Regent, or the Regent of his Council, shall institute inquiries touching the manner by which such member obtained his admission into the Order. If it appears that the case demands investigation, the member shall be brought to trial in the form provided in the Laws of the Order ; and if the charge of falsehood, evasion, deception, or concealment of facts be sustained, the member so charged shall be expelled from the Order. Improper Use of Funds. Sec. 630. Should a member appropriate any of the funds or the effects of the Order, or any department thereof, to his own use, contrary to the Constitutions, Laws, and Regulations, he shall, upon conviction thereof, be expelled. 98 §§ 631-637.] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title XII., Ch. in., IV. Improperly Obtain Sick Benefits. Sec. 631. A member making use of any improper means to obtain sick benefits, shall, upon conviction thereof, be suspended or exj)elled. Failing to Attend Sick Members. Sec. 632. Should any member fail or neglect to perform the duty assigned him, to attend sick or disabled members of his Council, he may be fined in any sum not less than one dollar for such neglect or failure, by vote of his Council without formal trial. Preferring False Charges. Sec. 633. If a member of the Order shall make to his Council, or to its Regent, a complaint against a member of his or any other Council, that shall prove to be unfounded, or false and malicious, the Regent shall disclose the name of the informant to the Council, on a demand of a majority of the members present, that he may be fined, suspended, or expelled, after trial. Improper Use of Name of the Order. Sec. 634. A member who shall use the name Royal Arcanum, either alone or in connection with any other word or words, figure, device, or design, as a name of any other benefit society or other enterprise for paying sick or death benefits, not authorized by the Supreme Council, shall be suspended or expelled on conviction thereof after trial. CHAPTER IV. Summary Suspension and Removal of Grand and Subordi- nate Council Officers. By the Supreme or Grand Regent. Section 635. The Supreme or Grand Regent shall have original power to suspend any Grand Council officer subject to suspension or removal from office under Section 616, which power may be exercised summarily, without citation or notice, and shall conclude all persons and Councils until such suspension is annulled, as provided in this Title. Charges Referred. Sec. 636. When any suspension is ordered, under the provisions of the preceding section, the officer ordering the suspension shall, within five days thereafter, cause a charge or charges against the officer sus- pended to be preferred, and referred to a Trial Committee for trial, as provided in Section 652. Removal of Council Officers Without Citation. Sec. 637. The Supreme or Grand Regent may suspend or remove any officer of a Council from office for any cause mentioned in Section 616, and in case of suspension shall cause charges to be preferred, and re- ferred to a Trial Committee for proceedings thereon, as provided in Section 652. OFFENCES, PENALTIES, AND JUDICATURE. 99 Part IV., Title XII., Ch. V., VI.] [§§ 638-640. CHAPTER Y. Complaints and Charges. AGAINST GRAND OR SUBORDINATE COUNCILS. How Charges Preferred. Section 638 . The Supreme Regent, when , in his opinion, any Grand or Subordinate Council, or a Grand Regent, when, in his opinion, any Coun- cil within his jurisdiction, shall be amenable to a charge or charges for a violation of the provisions of Chapter 1. of this Title, shall cause such charge or charges to be preferred in the name of the Supreme or Grand Council, and refer the same to a Trial Committee, to be consti- tuted as provided in Section 652 ; provided, that when any complaint or charge against a Council in a Grand Jurisdiction is filed with the Supreme Regent, he may, in his discretion, refer the same to the Grand Regent for° investigation and trial. Nothing in this section contained shall be construed to limit the summary powers to suspend or dissolve Grand or Subordinate Councils conferred upon the Supreme and Grand Regent in Sections 614 and 615. AGAINST GRAND OR SUBORDINATE OFFICERS. Any Member may Accuse. Sec. 639 . Any member of the Order may cause a charge or charges to be filed with the Grand or Supreme Regent against any officer of a Grand or Subordinate Council. If the Grand or Supreme Regent shall deem the charge or charges sufficiently specific and to charge a violation of duty or of law mentioned in Section 616, he shall refer the same to a Trial Committee, as provided in Section 652. CHAPTER YI. Jurisdiction of the Supreme Council in the Misconduct of Members. Original Jurisdiction. Section 640 . If it shall appear to the Supreme Council, or during the recess thereof to the Supreme Regent, upon a charge or complaint made in writing, or otherwise, or ii it shall in any other manner appear probable, that any member of the Order is amenable to a charge or charges of a violation of any provision of the Constitutions or Laws of the Order, or of any obligation or duty as a member or officer, the Supreme Council, or, during the recess thereof, the Supreme Regent, may cause any proper charge or charges, if filed, to be preferred, or if not filed, may cause the same to be preferred in the name of the Supreme Council, against the member complained of, and referred to a Trial Committee, appointed as provided in Section 652, for trial, or the said complaint may be referred to the Grand or Subordinate Council having jurisdiction over the member complained of, for investigation or trial. The jurisdiction of the Su- preme Council and the Supreme Regent, in the trial of cases arising under this section, is original and in addition to the appellate jurisdiction exer- cised in cases of trials by Grand and Subordinate Councils. 100 §§ 641 - 644 .] GENERAL LAWS. [Part IV., Title XII., Ch. VI., VII. When Jurisdiction Exercised. Sec. 041 . When Grand Councils have jurisdiction over their officers and members and Councils under their jurisdiction, when Councils have jurisdiction over their officers and members, in like cases to those set forth in the preceding section, the Supreme Council or the Supreme Regent shall not exercise original jurisdiction, except by removal of trial in cases provided for in Section 682 , unless said Grand or Subordinate Council, its officers, or Inquiry or Investigating Committee, shall fail to prefer a charge or charges or bring to trial the offending officer or mem- ber wthin thirty days from the commission of the alleged offence ; or, if he be tried and found guilty, shall not inflict the penalty therefor within ten days after said finding. But the Supreme Council shall have original jurisdiction in all cases of its own officers and members. Note. 1. A complaint was referred to and considered by the Inquiry Committee, who reported to the Regent that there were no grounds for charges. Held : That the Council had failed to bring the member to trial and the Supreme Council could legally exercise original jurisdiction.— [Decision on appeal in session, Pro. 1889, p. 230; re-affirmed after trial and conviction. Missouri case. Pro. 1890, pp. 350, 351. See Note 1, Sec. 627. CHAPTER VII. Preferring Charges against Members in Councils. Regent to Make Complaints. Section 042 . It shall be the duty of the Regent, by virtue of his office, and in the name of his Council, to make complaint against any member amenable to the penal provisions of the Constitutions and Laws ; but this section shall not excuse any other officer or member of the Order, cognizant of the facts, from making such complaint. Notes. 1. Charges may be preferred against a member in good standing for violation of the laws of the Order while he was under suspension by sentence of the Council. — [Decision, Pro. 1885, pp. 254, 257. 2. A member while under suspension for non-payment of an assessment cannot be expelled, oven if guilty of an offence for which expulsion is the penalty. He can be rejected by ballot on application for reinstatement. — [Decision, Pro. 1886, p. 257. 3. For neglect of a duty imposed by a by-law of a Council, a fine prescribed in such by-law ,may be enforced by the Council without formal charges and trial. — [Decision, Pro. 1888, pp. 33, 240,241. 4. An insane member cannot be tried or suspended by a Council. — [Decision, Pro. 1887, pp. 30, 221, 222. 5. As to complaint for violating a by-law or standing resolution, see Note 1, Sec. 176. Complaints — How Made. Sec. 643 . If an officer or member shall violate any of the provisions of the Constitutions, Laws, Regulations, or usages of the Order, it shall be the duty of any member, who may come to the knowledge of the same, to immediately give a written notice of such violation or trangression to the Regent of the Council to which the complainant belongs. (A member may make written complaint in open Council.) The Regent shall forthwith refer a copy of such communication (concealing he name of the informant) to the Inquiry Committee. Note. 1. A Council cannot impose a fine upon an officer for neglect of official duty, without a trial had upon charges preferred. — [Appeal case, Wassman vs. Chattanooga Council, No. 137, Pro. 1883, pp. 56, 183. Complaint against Member of Another Council. Sec. 644 . A member in good standing may make a written com- plaint to the Regent of his Council against a member of another Council. OFFENCES, PENALTIES, AND JUDICATURE. 101 Part IV., Title XII., Ch. VII.] [§§ 645-651. The Regent shall forward a certified copy of the complaint, attested by the Secretary, undtfr seal of his Council, to the Regent of the Council of which the accused is a member. Such complaint shall be referred to the Inquiry Committee by the Regent, in like manner as if presented by a member of his own Council. The Inquiry Committee. Sec. 645. The Vice-Regent, Orator, and Sitting Past Regent, shall be the Inquiry Committee, but if either of said officers is a relative of the accuser or the accused, or is his business partner or employer, or employee, or is in the employment of his employer, then such officer shall be thereby disqualified from serving on the committee in a. case in which such accuser or accused is involved, and the officer highest in rank below the rank of Treasurer, if he is not already a member of said committee, nor subject to any of said objections, must serve in the place of the officer so disqualified. Investigation of Complaint. Sec. 646. The Inquiry Committee shall proceed, without delay, to investigate the matters stated in a complaint referred to them by the Re- gent, and if, in their opinion, there are just grounds therefor, they shall, as early as practicable, prefer a charge or charges against the accused, specifying therein the particular matter of offence with which he is charged. Accused to be Heard. Sec. 647. When the Inquiry Committee shall have obtained evidence which, in their opinion, will justify the presentation of a charge or charges, they shall, before presenting the same, notify the accused of | their finding, and give him an opportunity to present rebutting evi- dence, and upon the whole hearing they Shall make their report to the Council. Charges Read in Council. Sec. 648. When a charge is preferred against an officer or member, it shall be read in open Council at a stated meeting, and entered upon the records. The Charges. Sec. 649. The charges shall be sufficient if they state clearly the accusation, although not in technical terms. Notice to Accused. Sec. 650. The Secretary shall immediately furnish a copy of the charge or charges, under the seal of the Council, to the accused, and cite him to appear at the second stated meeting thereafter to answer thereto ; and if his residence be in a distant town or place, the citation must be sent by mail to hisTast-known residence with a notice to appear person- ally, or by attorney, to answer at such reasonable time as will enable him to receive the notice and comply therewith. When Complaint cannot be Dismissed. Sec. 651. A complaint cannot be dismissed or indefinitely postponed after the Inquiry Committee has reported a charge or charges to the Council, or after charges preferred in open Council by a member have been found to be sufficient in form, or referred to a committee or mem- ber to take testimony thereon ; but a trial must be had. 102 §§ 652 - 658 .] GENERAL LAAVS. [Part IV., Title XII., Ch. VIII. CHAPTER VIII. Trials Ordered by tlie Supreme or a Grand Regent. Trial Committee. Section 652. When any charge is referred for trial by the Supreme or Grand Regent, a Trial Committee shall be appointed by the officer so referring, to consist of not less than three and not more than five members of the Order, who shall, if practicable, be members of the Supreme or Grand Council presided over by the officer referring the charge. Ineligibility for Trial Committee. Sec. 653. The following described persons shall be disqualified to act as members of a Trial Committee appointed by the Supreme or a Grand Regent, viz. : — On charges against a Grand Council, members subject to its jurisdiction. On charges against a Council, or officer or member thereof, members of the same Council. The Citation. Sec. 654. The Trial Committee shall transmit a copy of the charge or charges to the Grand Secretary of the accused Grand Council, or to the Secretary of the accused Council, or to the officer or member, to- gether with a citation to the party so charged, to appear before said committee to answer and stand trial upon said charge or charges at the place and time in said citation mentioned, which time shall not be more than thirty days from the date of the mailing of said citation. Service of Citation. Sec. 655. It shall be deemed a sufficient service of the copy of the charges and of the citation, if they are mailed by the Chairman of the Trial Committee in registered letter to the last known post-office ad- dress of the Secretary of the accused Grand or Subordinate Council, or of the officer or member. If Accused Fails to Appear. Sec* 656. If the accused fails to appear in obedience to the citation, after due service thereof, or upon a plea of guilty, the Trial Committee issuing the citation may make an order of suspension, or continue one granted, or order the removal of the accused from office. Taking Testimony. Sec. 657. The Trial Committee, or a majority of them, shall meet at the time and place named in the citation, and then and there hear, and reduce to writing, all testimony offered by the accuser and accused. They may take testimony ex parte to determine the facts, nature and de- gree of the offense, if the accused pleads guilty, or fails to appear after due service of citation. Testimony shall be signed by the witnesses so testifying. Committee’s Decision. Sec. 658. The Trial Committee, or a majority thereof, shall sub- mit to the Supreme Regent or Grand Regent, appointing it, a written report and opinion ; in which, if the party tried be found guilty, they shall declare the penalty that, in their judgment, should be enforced against the offender. OFFENCES, PENALTIES, Part IV., Title XII., Ch. VIII., IX.] AND JUDICATURE. 103 [§§ 659 - 665 . Enforcement of Decision. Sec 659. The Supreme or Grand Regent, by whom the committee is appointed, is hereby fully authorized and empowered to enforce the penalty recommended in the report and opinion of the trial Committee, if it meets his approval. The Supreme Regent shall report the same and his action thereon at the next annual meeting of the Supreme Council, and the Grand Regent shall, in cases referred by him make like report to his Grand Council ; but his decision and action shall be in lull force and effect until reversed by the Supreme Council, or the Grand Council to which such report is made. The Penalty. . , Sec. 660. The judgment of the Committee may, in cases where the penalty is not otherwise” limited, be that of expulsion from the Order, removal or suspension from office, suspension from membership, or both, or pecuniary fine, or a reprimand. Pilling Vacancy in Office. . . « . „,, Tr Sec 661. In cases of the removal or suspension from office of any officer under the provisions of this Title, unless the vacancy thereby created is immediately filled by election by the Grand or Subordinate Council of which the person removed was an officer, the authority order- in Have any of your near relatives been afflicted with consumption, raising of blood, rheumatism, insanity, or with pulmonary, scrofulous, cancerous, or any hereditary dis- ease ? . If so, state particulars. Which parent do you most resemble ? Have you ever had any severe illness or injury, or undergone any surgical operation ? . How long since ? . State when, give particulars, and name of your attending physician. Have you fully recovered ? Have you ever been subject to or had any of the following disorders or diseases ? (Answer “ yes ” or “ no ” to each.) Asthma, ; bronchitis, ; bilious, renal, hepatic, or lead colic, ; catarrh, ; chronic diarrhoea, ; cancer or any tumor, ; dizziness ; ; delirium tremens, ; chronic discharge from the ear, ; difficulty of vision or hearing, ; diffi- culty in swallowing, ; dyspepsia, ; dysentery, ; dropsy, ; difficulty in urinating, ; excessive or scanty secretion of urine, ; eruptions of the skin, ; erysipelas, ; fits or convul sions, ; fistula, ; gravel, ; gout, ; habitual cough, ; persistent headache, _ ; habitual constipation, ; hemor- rhoids, ; insanity, ; jaundice, ; loss of consciousness, ; neuralgia, ; open sores, ' ; pleurisy, ; pneumonia or inflam- mation of the lungs, ; palpitation of the heart, ; paralysis, ; persistent pain in back, ; rheumatism, ; sunstroke, ; spit- ting or raising of blood, ; small-pox, ; swelling of feet, hands, or eye- lids, ; enlarged or suppurating glands, ; varicose veins, ; yellow fever, ; any disease of the genital or urinary organs, . Give full particulars as to character, date, duration, etc. Have you ever had inflammatory rheumatism ? ; how many attacks ? ; what year ? ; duration ? ; how severe ? ; was it accompanied bv ^ough, short- ness of breath ? ; pain in the chest ? ; palpitation of the heart ? Are you ruptured ? ; what form, single or double ? is it reducible ? . Do you habitually wear a suitable truss ? . If admitted to this Order, do you agree to wear a truss ? Have you been successfully vaccinated ? Are you deaf, dumb, or blind, or in any way crippled or deformed ? 122 APPENDIX B. [Page 3.] Do you use alcoholic or other stimulants ? . If so, to what extent ? What has been your habit in this respect through life ? Are you engaged in the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors, and if so, in what way ? Do you use morphine or opium in any form ? . Tobacco ? Has your weight recently increased or diminished ? .If so, state particulars. Are your habits active or sedentary ? Have you ever applied for or received a pension ? . If so, for what cause ? Is there anything, to your knowledge or belief, in your physical condition, family or personal history, or habits, tending to shorten your life, which is not distinctly set forth above ? Have you ever applied for life insurance ? . Have you ever before applied for mem- bership in the Royal Arcanum, , or any other beneficial society or insurance company ? . Have you ever been rejected ? . If so, by which, and why ? I hereby warrant the truthfulness of all the answers given to the above questions. Name of Applicant in full. PHYSICIAN’S CERTIFICATE. Have you carefully read the Instructions to Medical Examiners ? State the rate of pulse sitting, ; standing, ; does it intermit, become irregular or unsteady at this examination ? ; number of respirations per minute, standing. State circumference of chest ; forced expiration, inches ; forced inspiration, inches ; measurement of abdomen, inches. Is the character of the respiration full, easy, and regular, and the murmur clear and distinct over both lungs ? Is there entire absence of indication of disease of the organs of respiration or their ap- pendages ? Is the character of the heart’s action uniform, free, and steady ? . Are the valvular sounds healthy ? . Is there entire freedom from indications of disease of this organ, or of the blood-vessels ? Have you made careful auscultation and percussion of the thorax ? Do you consider the applicant to be habitually free from tendency to cough, difficulty of breathing, palpitation of the heart, disease of the spine, irregularity of urine, and pain in the back ? Is there now freedom from swelling of face, abdomen, and lower extremities ? In your opinion is the applicant temperate ? Have you made the required examination of the urine ? . Is it free from albumen ? . From sugar ? . What is its specific gravity ? . Is it acid or alkaline ? From your examination, do you believe each of the applicant’s answers to be true and full ? State anything discovered by you which influences the character of the risk, and which is not set forth in the answers. What, in your judgment, is the character of the risk ? Will the applicant probably live out the estimated expectancy ? Do you recommend him for membership in the Order ? I certify that the answers to the questions above are in my own handwriting, and that I have made, in private, a physical examination of the person "proposed for membership, and that he subscribed his name to the above statements in my presence. Examined at . Date, , 18 Address, . Number of Commission, Signed, , M.D. The foregoing having been referred to me for decision, I do hereby approve the same. Date of approval, ,18 Signed, State Medical Examiner for the State of , M.D., BLANK FORM OF APPLICATION. 123 [Page 4.] REPORT OF INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. {The Members of the Committee may authorize the Secretary to sign their names to this report.') Council, No. It. A . 18 The Committee appointed to investigate the character and standing of the within named applicant respectfully report that we have attended to that duty, and find him worthy of membership. Investigating Committee. OBLIGATION. In the presence of Almighty God and these witnesses, I do, of my own free will and accord, most solemnly promise that I will strictly comply with all laws, rules, and usages of this fraternity established by the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum. I will hold allegiance to said Supreme Council and be loyal thereto, as the supreme authority of the entire Order. I will obey all orders emanating from the Supreme or Grand Councils, or from the Sub- ordinate Council of which I am a member, so long as they do not conflict with my civil or religious liberty. I will not defraud or wrong any department of this Order, or any member thereof, or suffer it to be done by others if in my power to prevent. I will never introduce anything of a political or sectarian character at any meeting of, or in any way bring reproach upon, this Order. I will keep forever secret all that may transpire during my initiation, and will never im- properly communicate to any person any of the words, signs, or tokens, and should I be expelled or leave the Order, I will consider this obligation as binding out of it a3 it is in it. I will assist a distressed brother or his family when in distress, as far as in my power, without material injury to myself or family. I will answer all proper signs of the fraternity, and use all proper means to protect a brother from defamation. And should I violate this my solemn promise, I hereby consent to be expelled from this fraternity ; and may God aid me to keep and perform all of these obligations. Witnesses, Signed, Applicant's Name in Full. Dated at , this day of , 18 Date Pay ^ 1 k a. vi h 93 b z * P 0 3 M ►a v 9 » 9 g S 7t 2 9» 2 * 8* m- s4- 9 0 <2 5* ^ 9 B 3 . Qi 0* VI B *d 1 3 ® x o < > r > x o > z c 2 124 APPENDIX B. Council, No. (S.C.R.A., Form 18, Aug. 1, 1890.) ROYAL ARCANUM BENEFIT CERTIFICATE. This Certificate is issued to , a member of Royal Arcanum, located at , upon evidence received from said Council that he is a contributor to the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund of this Order; and upon condition that the statements made by him in his application for membership in said Council, and the statements certified by him to the Medical Examiner, both of which are filed in the Supreme Secretary’s office, be made a part of this contract; and upon condi- tion that the said member complies, in the future, with the laws, rules and regulations now governing the said Council and Fund, or that may hereafter be enacted by the Supreme Council to govern said Council and Fund ; and upon condition that the said member for himself and for any person or persons accepting or acquiring any interest in this Benefit Certificate, agrees that no action at law or in equity shall be brought or maintained on any cause or claim arising out of any membership in the Royal Arcanum or on any Benefit Certificate, unless such action is brought within three years from the time when the right of action accrues. These conditions being complied with, the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum hereby promises and binds itself to pay out of its Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund to a sum not exceeding Three Thousand Dollars, in accordance with and under the provisions of the laws governing said Fund, upon satisfactory evidence of the death of said member, and upon the surrender of this Certificate ; provided that said member is in good standing in this Order at the time of his death, and provided also that this Certificate shall not have been surrendered by said member, and another Certificate issued at his l'equest, in accordance with the laws of this Order. In Witness whereof the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum has hereunto affixed its Seal and caused this Certificate to be signed by its Supreme Regent, and attested and recorded by its Supreme Secretary at Boston, Mass., this day of . A.D. 18 . Attest: Supreme Secretary. Supreme Regent. I accept this Certificate on the conditions named herein. {Signature of Member . ) Witnessed and delivered in the presence of either Regent , 1 Of Council , or Secretary , j No. , R.A. FORM FOR CHANGE OF BENEFICIARY. Council, No. , R.A., 18 . To , Sup. Sec., S.C.R.A. : I herewith surrender and return to the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, the within Benefit Certificate No. , and direct that a new one be issued to me, payable to , residing at , related to me as ( Member's Signature .) CSeal of Attest: Sub. Council.] Secretary. RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF DEATH CLAIM. 18 . Received of , Treasurer of Council, No. , R.A., the amount of the within Benefit Certificate in full settlement of all claims against the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, on account of the Death of the within-named member of said Order. Witness : We Hereby Certify, That the order for the payment of the benefit due on T-Seal of; account of the Death of the within-named member has been delivered Sub. Council.] to the proper person. Secretary. BLANK FORM OF CHARTERS. 12.3 ROYAL ARCANUM. [Copy.] # Grand Council Charter. To ALL WHOM IT mat concern: Know ye that the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, by virtue of its incorporation under the laws of the Commonwealth ol Massa- chusetts, and reposing especial trust and confidence in Past Regents . . t hath o-ranted to them and their successors this Grand Council charter organizing and constituting them a Grand Council of the Royal Arcanum having lunsdictioii jithin the limits of the State of , and invested with all the powers and privileges of a Gi and Council of the Order. And the said Grand Council is hereby empowered to enact laws for its own government, to establish Subordinate Councils within its jurisdiction, to enact laws for^the government of Subordinate Councils within its jurisdiction m con- formity with the constitution and laws of the Supreme Council and the constitution ioi Subordinate Councils established by the Supreme Council; prodded, however, it shall have no control of the Widows and Orphans’ Benefit Fund. And the officeis and mem- bers of said Grand Council, by the acceptance of this charter, thereby pledge themselves and their successors to abide 'by and act in conformity with the laws, rules, and tions now or hereafter established by the Supreme Council for the government of the Order and to obey all lawful commands of the Supreme Regent or his representative , in default thereof this charter may be suspended or revoked at the pleasure of the Supreme Council or the Supreme Regent during a recess of the same. ., . In witness whereof, the Supreme Regent and Supreme Secretary have subscribed their names and affixed the seal of the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum this day of , one thousand eight hundred and , Supreme Regent. , Supreme Secretary. ROYAL ARCANUM. [Copy.] Subordinate Council Charter. Know te that the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, by virtue of its incorporation under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, reposing ^espe- ■ i t,, n«t and confidence in , hath granted this Charter unto them and Arcanum at 301 '*' A Council, No. , invested with all the powers and privileges of a Subordinate Council Avithin the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council, and that of the Grand Council of the Royal Arcanum under which the said Subordinate Council may now or hereafter be held by virtue of whose authority it exists while acting in conformity with the laws, rules and regulations of the Order. And the said Subordinate Council being duly and lawfully established, is authorized to confer the degree of the Royal Arcanum m accord- ance with the established form and usages, upon all persons duly and lawfully qualified and elected to receive the same, to administer to its members the privileges, benefits and penalties of the Order, and generally to promote, inculcate, and practise the gi eat pnn- cioles of Virtue Mercy, and Charity. And the said Subordinate Council is also empow- ered to mike b^lWn accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations of- the Supreme Council and those of the said Grand Council. The officers and members of said Subordinate Council’ by the acceptance of this charter, pledge themselves to act at all times in con- formity with and obedience to the commands and enactments of the Supreme Council,, and those of the Grand Council, and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Order now in ^force, or that may hereafter be established ; in default of which, this charter may be Evoked, suspended, or taken away by the Supreme or Grand Council, or by the and Supreme Secretary have sub- scribed our names and affixed the seal of the Supreme Council, this day of , IS • Countersigned, Grand Regent. Grand Secretary. -, Supreme Regent. -, Supreme Secretary. 126 APPENDIX B. [S.C.R.A. — Form 2. Sept. 1, 1890.] INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE’S NOTICE AND REPORT. ROYAL ARCANUM. [Seal.] Council, No. . , State of , , 18 . Brother : At a meeting of this Council, held on the above date, you were appointed a member of the Investigating Committee upon the application for membership of Mr. ; age, years; occupation, ; residence, ; place of business, ; recommended by Bros. Investigating Committee : , Chairman. Please investigate at once, and be prepared at next stated meeting to sign your name to the report on the application blank. The chairman, or some member of the Committee designated by him,’ will personally call upon the applicant, make known to him the rules governing medical examinations, have him answer the questions, and report to the Secre- tary as provided on the back hereof. The Investigating Committee will strictly observe the instructions on this blank. Yours in V.M.C., , Secretary. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. You are to inquire : — 1. As to the character of the applicant. 2. As to the physical qualifications of the applicant. 3. As to all other qualifications or disqualifications for membership. Upon examination by the Medical Examiner, it is to be presumed that the applicant will give as favorable an account of himself as possible. It is your duty : — 1. To subject his character to a rigid scrutiny, and more especially^ to inquire into his habits, (a) In this connection, the degree to which he indulges in intoxicating drinks should elicit your full and free inquiry. Prove whether the “ moderation,” which is the stereotyped answer to this inquiry, be moderation in fact. ( h ) Inquire as to his personal habits in other respects ; and (c) As to his standing in the community. 2. As to his physical qualifications, (a) You should see the candidate personally. (h) You should inquire diligently as to his previous or present habits, and whether his health is, or is likely to be, affectecl thereby, (c) Does he belong to a healthy family ? 3. All bther qualifications or disqualifications for membership. Under this head you will pursue every inquiry or follow every clue that will enable you to give a full and accu- rate report of the physical and moral qualifications of the applicant. In no event should'the Investigating Committee rely solely upon the statements of the brothers recommending the applicant. Their approval is to be presumed from the fact of their recommendation. Our laws do not regard this recommendation as sufficient, inas- much as they require the investigation and report of an Investigating Committee in addi- tion thereto. Our Order has as few questionable risks as any other. Yet this list might be almost entirely obliterated if the Investigating Committees were diligent and strict in the performance of their duties. To accomplish this much-desired end, your coopera- tion in faithfully carrying out these instructions is invited. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CHAIRMAN. The Chairman, or some other member of the Investigating Committee designated by him, must personally call upon the applicant, and read to him, or have him read, the following extracts from the rules governing medical examinations : — If consumption is found to have occurred, or to be at present existing in the family, the applicant is to be regarded as not eligible, and must be rejected under the following circumstances : If in both parents, not eligible until 40 years of age; if in one parent, not eligible until 30 years of age; if in any two members of the family, among the parents, brothers, or sisters, not eligible until 35 years of age. An applicant who has had syphilis, or has raised blood, is not at all eligible until after ten years , nor until 35 years of age, and then only in the most favorable cases. An applicant is not eligible who has had asthma within three years, except when produced by external causes similar to those of Hay or Rose Asthma, or by certain employments which has been permanently relinquished. An applicant is not eligible under the following conditions : — If he has had gravel or calculus within three years or been subject to such attacks within five years. If he has had undoubted attacks of hepatic or nephritic colic within five years. If he now has or has had fistula, and healed within three years. If he has had apoplexy, dropsy, insanity, habitual cough, chronic ulcer, fits of any description, or organic disease of liver or kidneys, within seven years; or if he has ever been grossly intemperate. QUESTIONS TO BE ASKED THE APPLICANT. 1. Has there been a case of consumption among your parents, brothers, or sisters? If yes, give particulars. Ans. 2. What are the specific duties of your occupation? Ans. 3. Do you use alcoholic stimulants? If yes, state the average quantity daily. Ans. 4. What was the date of your birth? Ans. 5. Having read the foregoing extract from the rules governing medical examinations, do you still desire to undergo a medical examination? Ans. {Signature of applicant in full.) Witness : ( Chairman or other member of Investigating Committee.) INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE’S REPORT. $ To t Secretary : If t am not present at the next stated meeting of the Council, I authorize you to sign my name to the report on the application blank a^ favorable to the ad- mission of the within-named applicant. , Member of Investigating Committee. Dated, , 18 . BLANK FORM OF WITHDRAWAL CARD. 127 Form of Petition for Charter. [S.C.R.A. — Form 11. Oct. 1, 1890.] [When not less than fifteen and not more than forty signers are obtained, forward to at .] ROYAL ARCANUM. To the Supreme Regent , Officers , and Members of the Supreme Council of the Royal Ar- canum: — The undersigned being of sound health and between twenty-one and fifty- five years of age, respectfully petition your Honorable Body to grant them a Dispensation to establish a Council of the Royal Arcanum, to be located at , County of , State of , under your jurisdiction, to be known as Council, No. , R.A., and if this petition is granted, we bind ourselves to be governed by the laws and regulations of the Order, now in force or that may hereafter be adopted. [Each Charter member must pay riot less than four dollars for the degree, two dollars for Benefit Certificate, two dollars for Medical Examination, fifty cents for Supervising Medical Officer’s fee, seventy-five cents dues for the current quarter ($9.2o), and one assessment for his age (last birthday) at the date of the institution of the Council. I he Charter Fee ($100) includes only the Dispensation and supplies mentioned in Title IX., Sec. 565, General Laws. A Council must not be instituted with less than fifteen or more than forty members, and must not be named after a living person, or take the name of an existing Council.] Name. Age, Last Occupation. Birthday. Residence, — give Street No., if in a City. and [S.C.R.A. — Form 74-1. March 20, 1889.] ROYAL ARCANUM. V.M.C. [Seal of Supreme Council.] Hall of Withdrawal Card. 1105. State of ,18 Council, No. , R.A. This is to certify that Bro. has received the Degree of this Order, and is a rate member in good standing in this Council, and that this Card of Withdrawal, for the purpose of joining another Council, has been granted him, to expire on the day of , 18 . Date of Initiation, . Age at which Assessed, Years. Amount of one Assessment, $ . First Assessment paid, No. • Last Assessment paid in this Council, at Date of granting this Card, No. . Total amount paid to W. & O. B. Fund, to date, $ . Number of Benefit Certificate, . Dues paid to, , 18 Benefit payable to .. . . „ . r> ia Witness our hands and the seal of this Council, this day of , A.D. 18 [Seal of Subordinate Council.] » Regent. Attest : > Secretary. fr£f = The facts stated in this Card should be entered in full on the record by the Secre- tary of the Council in which Card is deposited. (Jgf 3 ’ N.B. — The Legal Date of Withdrawal, governing the payment of the members assessments, is the date of election in another Council. . , . . A member taking a Withdrawal Card must keep his assessments paid in the Council from which he withdraws until an assessment is called subsequent to the date of his becoming a member of another Council, else he is liable to suspension the same as any ° t f^ m A 1 Card cannot be granted for less than three nor more than six months. It may be renewed by vote of the Council during the time for which it was granted, but not to exceed six months in all. It may be deposited in the Council which granted it, and a new one taken for another period of six months. APPLICATION FOR DEPOSIT OF CARD. State of j q To the Officers and Members of Council, No. ,R.A. : — Brothers- — I hereby make application to deposit the within card in, and become a member of your Council. I agree to conform to all By-Laws, rules, and regulations of vour Council, which are in conformity with the Constitutions, laws, and usages of the ‘Order (• Member's Signature.) The above was received in this Council on the day of > 18 , and was re- ferred to Bros. • Attest: , Secretary. 128 APPENDIX B. REPORT OF INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. We, the undersigned, the Committee to whom was referred the above application, respectfully report that we have examined the receipts of Brother from the Coun- cil which granted the card, and find that his dues are paid to ,18 -that the last assessment paid by him in said Council at date of granting Card was No. ’ ; assessments paid to his former Council since this card was granted, Nos. and it appears that all charges against him in said Council to date of this application have been paid. We respectfully report favorably upon his application. Dated this day of 18 , . Committee. [S.C.R.A.— Form 74-3. March 20, 1889.] [This Blank is to be filled, detached, and sent to Subordinate Council which "ranted the Card.] [Seal.] j ROYAL ARCANUM. Hall of Council, No. ,18 .To , Secretary of Council, No. , Located at , State of Dear Sir and Bro. : — This is to Certify that Bro. , late a member of vour Council, deposited his Withdrawal Card with, and was duly elected a member of" this Council, on the day of ,18 . Assessments paid in vour Council since Card was granted, as appears by the Brother’s Receipts, Nos. . First Assessment to be paid in this Council, No. . Yours in V. M. C., Secretary of Council, No. . Address, [S.C.R.A. — Form 74-2. March 20, 1889.] [This Blank to be filled, detached, and sent to Supreme Secretary when the Card is granted.] [Seal.] 6 J ROYAL ARCANUM. Hall of Council, No. , 18 . To , Supreme Secretary, S.C.B.A. Dear Sir and Bro. : — This is to Certify that Bro. , a member of this Council in good standing, was on the day of ,18 , granted a Withdrawal Card t0 exp l re 0n , 18 . Age at which assessed, . Amount of one assess- ment, $ . Last assessment paid in this Council, No. . No. of Benefit Cer- tificate, . Total amount paid by him to W. & O. B. Fund, to date, $ Yours in Y. M. C., , Secretary of Council, No. [Seal.] [This Blank is to be filled and the Card sent to Supreme Secretary when it is deposited.] Hall of Council, No. , State of ,18 . To , Supreme Secretary, S.C.R.A. Dear Sir and Bro. : — This is to Certify that Bro. , late a member of Council, No. , of , State of , deposited his Withdrawal Card with, and was duly elected a member of this Council on the day of , 18 . Assessments paid in former Council since Card was granted, as appears by the Brother’s Receipts, No. . Total amount paid by him to W. & O. B. Fund, to date, $ . Roll No. . First Assessment to be paid in this Council, No. . Residence, .Occupation . Yours in Y. M. C., , Secretary of Council, No. Application for Certificate of Final Withdrawal. [S.C.R.A. — Form 75-1 Aug. 1, 1888.] To the Officers and Members of Council, No. , R.A. : — Brethren : — Wishing t withdraw permanently from the order of Royal Arcanum I hereby apply for a Certificate of Final Withdrawal. I herewith surrender and return to yon my Benefit Certificate, No. , and release all claim thereto on behalf of mvself, my family, my relatives, and those dependent upon me. Given under my hand at , State of , this day of , 18 . \\ itness : ( Member's signature .) [Subordinate Seal.] Council No. , R.A., of , State of To , Supreme Secretary : Dear Sir and Bro. : — A Certificate of Final Withdrawal has this day been granted to B ro - > a i’ a te member of this Council, in good standing, in accordance with the Subordinate Council Constitution. D ies paid to , 18 . Last Assessment paid by him, No. . Total paid to W. & 0. B. Fund, 8 . The Benefit Certificate and application for Certificate of Final Withdrawal are transmitted herewith. Witness our hands and the seal of this Council, this day of , 18 . , Secretary. ' , Regent. BLANK FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF FINAL WITHDRAWAL. 129 [S.C.R.A. — Form No. 75-2. Aug. 1, 1888.] ROYAL ARCANUM. CERTIFICATE OF FINAL WITHDRAWAL. ,18 , Council No. , R.A., of , State of [Supreme Council Seal.] This is to certify that Bro. , a rate member of this Council, in good standing', having paid all dues, fines, and assessments charged against him, surrendered his Benefit Certificate, No. , and released all claim thereto on behalf of himself, his family, his relatives, and those dependent upon him, and paid the required fee of fifty cents, this certificate of final withdrawal has been granted him. Given under our hands and the seal of this Council, this da} T of ,18 [Subordinate Seal.] - ’ ^ e ^ en ^' ROYAL ARCANUM. -TRAVELLING CARD. [Supreme Council Seal ] Council, No. , R.A. To all Members of the Royal Arcanum, Greeting : — Bro. , whose signature appeai-s on the margin of this card, is a member of this Council, in good standing, and has paid his dues in advance to , 18 , and assessments Nos. , in advance. He is recommended to the favorable notice of all members of our Order. Upon the presentation of this card at a meeting of any Council, and passing a satisfactory examination, he is entitled to receive the semi- annual password from the Regent,' during the period covered by said advance payments of dues and assessments. Witness the seal of this day of [Subordinate Seal.] 18 Council, No. , located at State of Secretary. , Regent. Notice of Election. [S.C.R.A. — Form 4. Aug. 1, 1888.] ROYAL ARCANUM. Council, No. , , 18 . Mr. Dear Sir : — At a meeting of this Council, on the above date, you were duly elected to become a member thereof. You are required to present yourself to receive the Degree within sixty days from the date of the approval of your medical examination ( , 18 ) , cr your medical examination shall be void. If sixty days elapse from the date of the ap- proval of your medical examination before the Degree is conferred, such examination shall be Void, and a new medical examination shall be had and approved by the Super- vising Examiner before vou can receive the Degree. If you fail to present yourself to receive the Degree within the sixty days next suc- ceeding the approval of your medical examination, your proposition fee shall be for- feited to the Council unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the Council. The Council meets at , on , at o’clock, P.M. [Seal.] Respectfully yours, , Secretary. Notice of Change of Benefit Certificate. [S.C.R.A. — Form 20. May 1, 1889.] Title IT. ROYAL ARCANUM. Council, No. , 18 . To , Supreme Secretary , S.C.R.A. : — I herewith surrender and return to you my Benefit Certificate, No. , and direct that a new one be issued to me, payable to , residing at , related to me as Fee of fifty cents enclosed. Yours in Y. M. C., [Subordinate Seal.] _ {Member's Signature.) Attest : , Secretary of Council , No. (jpjp The Benefit Certificate must show that the money is to be paid to the relatives or dependents of a member, and the relationship or dependence must be clearly stated in the application or notice of change. (See Class 1st and 2d of Title II., General Laws. If the beneficiary is of Class 2d, proof of dependency is required.) 130 APPENDIX B. Loss of Benefit Certificate. [S.C.R.A. — Form 21. Aug. 1,1888.] [The ’member must state how the Benefit Certifi- [Seal of Subordinate Council.] cate was lost or passed beyond his control, and fur- nish satisfactory proof of loss.] ROYAL ARCANUM. Council, No. To the Supreme Secretary , S.C.R.A. : — Dear Sir and Bro. : — I hereby cei’tify that my Benefit Certificate, No. , has been . I hereby surrender and renounce all claim thereto, on behalf of myself, my family, and those dependent upon me, and request that a Benefit Certificate be issued to me by the Supreme Council, payable to , related to me as Given under my hand this day of , 18 , at , State of Attest: , Secretary. ’ (Member’s Signature.) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 18 . Change of Rate. Title VI., Chap. II., Sections 6 and 7. [S.C.R.A. —Form No. 107. Oct. 1, 1890.] [If from “half” to “full,” erase the parts not applicable.] ROYAL ARCANUM. ,18 . To the Officers and Members of Council, No. R.A. : — I hereby give notice of my intention, and make application for permission to change from * rate membership to rate, from and after , 18 . Benefit Certificate No. , and fee of fifty cents for new certificate, and new Medical Examination and additional Assessment, enclosed. (Signature of Member.) Recommended by Council, No. , R.A. Located at , State of We hereby certify that at a meeting of this Council on the day of , 18 , per- mission was given Bro. to change from rate membership to rate mem • bership, in accordance with law. Amount of one old assessment, $ . Last assessment paid at old rate, No. Total paid W. & O. B. Fund, at old rate, $ ; amount of one new assessment, $ Benefit Certificate No. and new Medical Examination forwarded herewith. [Subordinate Seal.] , Regent. , Secretary. N.B. — The new Medical Examination must be approved by the supervising officer, the same as on original application, before permission to change is given. A member changing his rate pays all assessments at the old rate called before date of change. Initiation Receipt. [S.C.R.A. — Form 26. Sept. 1, 1889.] Council, No. , Royal Arcanum, Received of For Initiation Fee [Seal or For First Assessment to W. & O. B. Fund Collector’s Stamp.] For Quarterly Dues to ... For Benefit Certificate , Collector. Received the above Assessment S. C. R. A., Form 25, May 15, 1S89, 132 APPENDIX B [S.C.R.A. — Form 14. Oct. 1, 1890.] NOTICE OF SUSPENSION FOR NON-PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENT. ROYAL ARCANUM. Council, No. Located at » State of 18 To The Regent : You are hereby notified that Bro. a member of this Council, failed to pay Assessment No. on the day of , 18 (thirty days from the date of the call), and stood suspended, by law, from all the benefits of the order. [Seal or Stamp.] Collector. At a meeting of the above-named Council on the day of , 18 , the suspension of Bro. , Benefit Certificate No. , for non-payment of Assessment No. , was announced by the Regent, and proper entry thereof was made on the records of the Council. Notice of said suspension is hereby given to the Supreme Secretaiy to make proper entiy thereof on the records of the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum. [Seal.] Secretary. INDEX PAGE Accounts : Of Supreme Council : Sup. Sec’y to keep, with Gr. and Sub. C.. . 10 Sup. Treas. keep separate of W. and < 5 . B.F 11 Sup. Treas. keep separate of Gen. Fund 11 Examination of 11-12 Of Councils : Collector to keep, with members . . 35 Treasurer to keep separate of Gen. and W. and O. B. Fund 36 Examination of, by Auditing Com- mittee 38 Accused ! (See Charges, Citation, Trial.) Acting Sitting Past Regent : When elected 29 Additional Representative : (See Rep. from G. C. and Cl.) Age: Of applicant for membership .... 41 Applicant must state his 42 Member may correct mistake in giving his 60 Penalty for admission by misrepre- senting 97 Agreement: Copy of, for incorporation 109 Aid : (See Objects of the Order, Relief of Members.) Alcoholic Liquors: (See Intoxicating Liquors.) Alternate : From Grand Council : Not admitted to same meeting with Rep. . 4 If Rep. can attend, Alt. cannot ... 4 Credentials of 4 When elected 23 Vacancy in, how filled 23 From a Council : When elected ; duties 29 Amendments : By Supreme Council: How proposed and adopted 19 How compiled and published .... 9 When take effect 19 To Council By-Laws : How proposed, made, and approved, 39-40 Annual Meetings : Of the Supreme Council 2 Of Grand Councils 22 Of Councils 28 Annual Reports : Of Supreme Officers: Of Sup. Reg 8 Of Sup. Secy. . . • • 9 Of Sup. Treas 11 PAGE Annual Reports, continued. Of Committee on Finance 12 Of Committee on Laws 13 Of Committee on Appeals 13 Of Supreme Trustees 14 Of Committee on Supplies 14 Of Grand Councils : G. C. make to S. C 24 Of Councils : Sec’y to make to S. C 34 Treasurer make to Cl 36 Blanks for, furnished by S. S 85 Appeals : Decision of S. C. on, final 1 Appeal cases numbered consecutively, 11 Duties of Committee on 13 Examined and reported on by Com- mittee 13 What not proper for basis of action on, 13 By members 106 By Grand and Sub. Cls 107 If relate to W. and O. B. Fund . . . . 107 Procedure on 107-8 Decision of S. R. final during recess . 108 Application for Membership : Revenue of S. C. from blanks .... 17 General law governing 41 Age and other qualifications 41-2 Applicant must sign form prescribed by S. C 42 Fees accompanying 42 Disposition of fees 46 Read in Council 42 Investigating committee on 42 Medical examination for 42 Reports on, read in Council 43 Ballot on 43 Rejected and ineligible applicants . . 43-4 Cannot be withdrawn 44 Procedure upon applications after elec- tion 44 Conferring the degree 45 Jurisdiction of Councils in regard to . 47 In places where more than one Coun- cil 47 From the jurisdiction of other Coun- cils 49 Applicant notified of election .... 44 Form of notice 129 Paper sent to S. S. for B. C. ..... 50 Form for, printed by S. C 88 Copy of form for 121 Application Record: Form for, printed by Sup. Cl 88 Arrears : For quarterly dues, penalty for ... 59 For fines, penalty for 60 Member in arrears cannot be installed into office 29 Rep. from G. C. in arrears not admitted to S. C 4 134 INDEX PAGE Assessment Notices: Form for, printed by S. C 88 How sent to members 77 How sent to Councils 73 Assessment of Councils : Councils suspended and dissolved for non-payment of 75 Same, rights of members of 76 Assessment of Members : One advance paid at initiation .... 45 Member totally disabled entitled to have paid by Council 61 Reinstatement of member suspended for non-payment of 62 Rate of, after reinstatement 63 Member not required to pay those ac- • cruing during suspension by punish- ment 64 Paid to Sup. Sec’y by member-at-large 65 After expiration of withdrawal card 68 All chargeable must be paid on taking certif. of final withdrawal 68 May be paid in advance on taking travelling card 68 Rate of, for W. and O. B. Fund for each age 69-70 Changes of rate 70-1 When less than full amount on whole Order realized 71 Total amount paid, stated in notice of death 72 Rights of members of Councils dis- solved for non-payment of 76 Members entitled to notice 77 Form of notice 77, 131 How notice given 77 Suspension for non-payment .... 77 Suspension for non-payment, record . 78 Councils may pay from gen. fund . . 78 When last day for payment is Sunday or holiday 79 Charter applicants pay same as to ex- isting Cls. . 79 Form of notice printed by Sup. Cl. . . 88 Appeals relating to, taken to Sup. Reg. 107 Assignment : Of B. C. void 52 Assist : (See Relief of Members and Objects of the Order.) Auditing Committee: Appointed by Regent 33 Duties and powers of 38 Bank Deposits: Of Supreme Council : How regulated ; interest on 11 Of a Council: Council may regulate 35 When treasurer not obliged to make . 36 Bar Keepers : (See Intoxicating Liquors.) Beneficiary : Laws limit designation of 2 Applicant must state in application . 42 Facts relating to, to be stated .... 51 Member’s wife cannot designate his beneficiary 51 Who may be designated 51 When proof of dependency required, 51 Cannot be designated by will .... 52 Creditor cannot be a 52 Cannot assign certificate 52 Benefit cannot be made payable to foreign 52 If dependency of, has ceased at death of member 52 PAGE Beneficiary, continued. If designation of fails 53 Death of one or more 53 Death of all 53 Change of beneficiary 53 Parol evidence of intention to change disregarded 54 How changed, if B. C. lost or beyond control 54 When change of, takes effect .... 54 Beneficiary Corporations: Laws of Mass, relating to Ill Benefit Certificates (See Beneficia- ries) : Laws relating to, limit designation of beneficiaries 2 Sup. Sec’y to have charge of issuing . 10 Fee for keeping record of 17 How laws governing amended .... 19 When fee for, paid by applicant ... 45 Fee sent to S. S. with application . . 50 Member must sign and accept .... 50 Members recommended to keep ... 50 Forwarded to member, if absent ... 51 Designated beneficiary entered in . . 51 When proof of dependency required before issue of 51 No will can control 52 Assignment of, void 52 How B. C. surrendered and benefi- ciary changed 53 Form for change of beneficiary . . . 124 Form for change of rate 130 If B. C. lost or beyond control ... 54, 130 When change of, takes effect . . .54 Issuing of a new, cancels all previ- ous 54 Old B. C. in force after reinstatement of member 64 Copy of 124 Benefits (See Deaths and Relief of Members) : Only degree entitles to 46 When member entitled to 46 Billiards : (See Intoxicating Liquors.) Bills : Against Sup. Cl.: Com. on Finance approve 12 Com. on Finance keep record of . . . 12 Against a Council: Finance Committee to report on . . . 38 Bi-monthly Reports : G. R. make to S. R 24 Black Balls: Two or more reject applicant .... 43 Bonds : Of Supreme Officers : Who give : how approved and held . 15 How increased 15 Of Council Officers : Received and held by Regent .... 34 Who give 37 Security on 37 Regent to hold 37 Book of Duties: Revenue of S. C. from 17 Guide in Council business 92 Must be adhered to 92 Reasons for fixing price of 17 (See Secret Work.) By-Laws of Councils : Examined by Com. on Laws .... 12 How proposed, amended, and adopt- ed 39 Restrictions on 39 How approved 39 If relate to W. and O. B. Fund ... 40 INDEX 135 Card : (See Withdrawal Card. Final Withdrawal, Travelling Card, and Member at Large.) Certificate of Incorporation : Copy of ... 110 Change of Beneficiary : (See Beneliciary and Benefit Certificate.) Change of Rate : Procedure on "0 Chaplain : Duties of 36 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . . 89-91 Charges : Council officers under, may officiate . 32 Member not entitled to sick benefits while under 62 Member entitled to trial on, if refused withdrawal card 66 Same, if refused travelling card ... 68 How preferred against officers, and acted on 95-6 Offences for which Grand Councils liable to 93-4 Offences for which Councils liable to, 94 Offences for which members liable to, 97 Penalty for preferring false 98 How preferred against Grand or Sub- ordinate Councils or officers .... 99 When Supreme Regent shall prefer, 99-100 Trials on, ordered by S. R. or G. R. . 102 Mode of procedure on, against mem- bers 109-1 Trial of members on 103-5 • Removal of proceedings on 106 Charity: Councils to inculcate and practise . . 12o Charters: , , „ „ Dispensations for, granted by S. R. . 16 How charters issued 16 Who signs 11 Revenue of S. C., from 17 Revenue of G. C., from . 21 Powers of Council while acting under, 28 Fee for, of Council 79 Surrender of, by dissolved Council . 85 When restored 86 Supplies to accompany Dispensation for 88 Forms of - Offences for which Charter may be for- feited : By Grand Councils 93 By Councils 93 How forfeiture ordered 94 Supreme Council charter 109 Circulars: Sup. Secy, to issue quarterly .... -10 To be numbered consecutively .... 11 Of Grand Council, copies furnished . 24 Penalty for issuing unauthorized . . 94 Citation : On suspension of Supreme Officers . 96 On trial ordered by S. R. or G. R. . . 102 To a member, on charges in Council . 101 Cities: , . . . When may be divided into jurisdic- tions 48 New Councils in, where 20 Cls. ... 81 Collector: Duties of 35 To receive De gree fee when applicant elected 4(5 Keep record of payments to W. and O. B. Fund by members 70 Notified of assessments by Secy. . . 74 Notify Treas. to forward assessments, 74 Notify Sup. Secy, of amount sent . . 74 PAGE Collector, continued. Notify members of assessments ... j7 Notif y Regent of suspensions .... 73 Duties on consolidation of Councils . 8 > Official stamp of 23 Committee on Appeals : Elected by Supreme Council .... » Duties of 13 Committee on Depositories: Who constitute, duties 14 Committee on Finance : Elected by Sup. Cl <> Duties of 1- Members of Com. on Depositories . . 11 Approve and hold bonds of Sup. Trustees 15 Compensation of, for examination of accounts i8 Committee on Laws : Elected by Sup. Cl 5 Duties of I 2 Amendments must be referred to . . 1J To approve G. C. Constn. and laws ^ 22 To approve by-laws of Cls 39-40 Committee on State of the Order : Who constitute ; duties of 14 Committee on Supplies: Who constitute; duties of 14 Fix price of supplies When not furnist Complaints : (See Charges.) Compulsory Sick Benefit : Law governing payment of Consolidation of Councils : Law relating to, in same place .... No authority for, in different towns or cities Contempt: Penalty for act of, by Councils . . . Penalty for act of, by officers .... Expulsion of member for ...... Correspondence : Of Sup. Reg., how conducted .... Of Sup. Cl., Sup. Secy, to conduct . . Of a Council, Secy, to conduct . . . Of a Council, relating to W.and O.B. F., Coll, to conduct 35 Councils: Sup. Secy, to keep record of 19 Those working under Dispn. reported to S. 16 Charters for, how issued 16 Ten required in State, to institute G. C. 20 May be established by G. Cls 20 Each entitled to one Rep. in G. C. - 23 G. C. report to S. C., all new .... 24 G. C. report to S. C., all delinquent . 24 G. C. report to S. C., all reinstate- ments of 24 Composition and powers of .... . 26 Meetings of 27 Seal and Stamp 2< Officers of, and elections 28 Rep. of, to G. 29 Qualification of officers 29 Election of officers - • 31 Installation of officers ........ 31 How vacancies in offices filled .... 32 Removal of officers 32 Duties of officers of 33 Bonds of officers of 37 Duties of Standing Committees ... 38 By-laws of 39 Proceedings by, on death of a mem- ber . 71-2 Laying and collection of assessments from 73-4 22 61 82 94 95 105 8 10 34 136 INDEX Councils, continued. (Suspended for non-payment of assess- ment 75 Not recognized during suspension . 75, 84 Reinstatement of 75-6 Suspended Council dissolved .... 76 Members of suspended Council, how may protect themselves 76 Institution of new 79-SI New Council visited 82 Consolidation of 82 In proscribed territory 84 No application from proscribed terri- tory 84 Degree fee charged by 84 Fee paid for Dispensation 84 May line officers 84 Reports to . Supreme and Grand Coun- cils 85 Dissolved Cls., proceedings against . 85-6 Work of, must be uniform ..... 86 Supplies for existing 87 Supplies for new 88 Regalia worn in 89 Misconduct and non feasance of . . . 94 Summary suspension of . 95 Complaints and charges against ... 99 Jurisdiction of Supreme Council in offences of 99 Preferring charges against members in 102 Trials of members by, and mode of procedure 103 Removal of proceedings frcm, on complaint 106 Right of appeal by 107 Procedure on appeals by 107 Form of charter of 125 Form of petition for charter 127 Credentials : (See Representative and Alternate.) Creditors : Cannot be secured by B. C 52 Cushing’s Manual: (See Parliamentary Law.) Deaths : Of Members : S. V. R. to investigate proofs of . . Proof of, and payment of death bene fit 7 Amounts paid on Form of receipt for payment on . . Of Beneficiary : Before death of member Before payment of benefit Decisions : (See Official Decisions.) Degree : Fee for, to accompany application . . Elected applicant notified to present himself to receive Fees to be paid by applicant on pre- senting himself to receive When Degree conferred Only Degree entitles to benefits . . . Rights after Degree conferred .... Conferring may be suspended during epidemic Disposition of fee accompanying . 46, Minimum fee for Penalty for improperly revealing cer- emony Deity : Sup. Chaplain offer invocations to, in S. C. . Chaplain offer invocations to, in a Cl. 2, 3 71 124 53 73 _ PAGE Dependency : Proof of, required be.ore B. C. issued, 51 In case, does not exist at death of member 52 If designation fails because depen- dency does not exist 53 Deposit of Card: (See Withdrawal Card.) Depositories : How designated for Sup. Cl 14 How designated by Council 35 Deposits : (See Bank Deposits.) Deputy Grand Regent: As instituting officer, duties ..... 82 To visit new Councils 82 (See Deputy Supreme Regent.) Deputy Supreme Regent: How appointed 7, 8 As instituting officer, duties 81-2 To visit new Councils 82 General duties of 86 Disability : (See Relief of Members.) Dispensation for Charters : How granted 16 Supplies to accompany 88 How granted, in cities where 20 Cls. . 81 Dispensations : When Sup. Reg. may grant 7 When Grand Regents may grant ... 21 S. S. to number consecutively .... 11 Fee paid for by Council ....... 84 District of Columbia : Sup. Cl. may meet in 110 Dominion of Canada : G. C. may be instituted in 20 Sup. Cl. may meet in 110 Dues : Of Grand and Subordinate Councils : How fixed for new 18 Suspension for non-payment of . . .93-4 Of Members : (See Quarterly Dues.) Education : Third object of the order 2 Elections of Officers : Of the Supreme Council 6 Of Grand Councils 22 Of Councils 31 Delinquent members not entitled to vote at 35 Epidemic : Initiation of applicants suspended dur- Estimates : Com. on Finance submit annual ... 12 Extra Hazardous Risks : (See first page under cover.) Failure of Designation : (See Benefit Certificates and Benefi- ciaries.) es: To accompany application 42 Raid by applicant at initiation .... 45 Same, disposition of 46 B. C. fee sent to Sup. Secy 50 For change of B. C 53-4 For medical examiners 58 For withdrawal card 66 For deposit of card 67 For certificate of final withdrawal . . 68 For travelling card 68 For change of rate 70 -1 For charter of new Council ..... 79 For charter members 79, 80 INDEX 137 PAGE continued. Members not allowed, for securing ap- plications 84 Minimum Degree fee 84 For dispensation 84 Final Withdrawal: Procedure on 68 Member taking, how readmitted ... 68 Form of card 128-9 Finance Committee : Appointed by Regent 33 Duties of 38 Fines : Of Councils : On suspension for non-payment of assessment 75-6 For violation of laws, after trial . . . 103 Of Officers : Councils may impose 84 Of Members : When in arrears for 60 Suspension for non-payment of . . . 60 For offences against laws, after trial, 97-8, 103, 104 Foreign Beneficiaries : Cannot be designated by a member . . 52 Foreign Countries: Member may reside in 61 Fraternal Beneficiary Corporations: Laws of Mass, governing 110-19 Fraternal Union : First object, to unite members in . . 2 General Fund : Of the Supreme Council : Sup. Secy, receive and pay Sup.Treas., Sup. Secy, draw orders on Sup. Reg. sign orders on . . . . . . Interest and costs on death claims paid from Quarterly circulars in regard to . . . Not used to pay death benefits .... Revenue of, from sundry objects . . . Fines on susp. of Cls. paid into . . . Deposits of, an^ interest on Sup. Treas., report on Separate acct. of, not used to pay death benefits Bills against, approval of, etc Investment of, by Sup. Trustees . . . Of Councils : Regent sign orders on Secy, draw orders on Collector receive and pay Treas. . . . Treas. receive and deposit Treas. keep separate account of . . . Sick benefits paid from Payments to, by applicant General Fund, Dues and Benefit Account Books : Revenue of S. C. from Printed by S. C General Laws: How amended Grand Councils : When Rep. from delinquent, not ad- mitted Sup. Secy, to keep record of How charter for, issued How laws governing, amended . . . Institution and powers of No control over W. and O. B. Fund . Revenue of Laws of, when take effect Meetings and officers of Installation of officers Representation of, in Sup. Cl Council representation in Gi. C. . . . 10 9 71 10 11 17 76 11 11 11 12 13 33 34 35 35 36 61 45 17 88 19 4 10 16 19 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 PAGE Grand Councils, continued. Reports to S. C. 24 Publications of 24 Suspended and dissolved G. C. ... 25 Election of Council Representative to . 29 Bv-laws of Councils under, approval of 39 Division of cities within jurisdiction of, 48 State Medical Examiner for each juris- diction 54 Reports from Councils under .... 85 Price of supplies sold to, how fixed . 88 Regalia for officers of 89 Jewels for officers of . . 90 Uniform for members and officers of . 91 Rules of order for Councils under . . 92 Misconduct and non-feasance of, and penalties 93 Summary suspension of, by Sup. Reg. 95 Misconduct and non-feasance of offi- cers of 95 Summary suspension and removal of officers of • • • 98 Complaints and charges against, and against officers of 99 Removal of proceedings on complaint against officer of . . 106 Right of appeal from decision of . . . 11)6 Have same right of appeal as mem- bers 10 J Charter for, form of 125 Supreme Council must meet in States where G. C. established 110 Form of charter for 125 Grand Regent : May try Council for contempt .... 21 When may grant dispensations ... 21 May appoint Sitting P. R. to install . . 21 Exercise powers of instituting officers, 22, 80 A retiring, becomes P.G.R. without installation 22 When S.C. confer rank P.G.R. upon . 22 Not render decisions upon med. ex- amination 22 Receive annual password from deputy, 22 Receive semi-annual password from Sup. Secy. 9 May fill vacancy in office of Alt. ... 23 Make bi-monthly report to S. R. . . 24 Deliver effects of dissolved G. C. . • 25 May overrule objections to new Cl. . 81 Grant special dispensation for new Cl. in cities .... 81 Demand effects of dissolved Council 86 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . . 88-91 Power of summary suspension of Cls., 95 Same, removal of officers 98 Duty on complaints and charges ... 99 Trials ordered by 102 Appeals from decision of 106-7 Grand Secretary : May be required to attend committee meetings 21 Notified of each call for assessment . (4 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . . 89-91 Grips : Penalty for improperly revealing . . 97 Guide : Duties of 36 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . . 89-91 Hazardous Risks : (See first page under cover.) Hotel Proprietors : (See Intoxicating Liquors.) Incorporation : Certificate of, of Sup. Cl. ..... HO 138 INDEX PAGE Incorporators of Supreme Council : Are life members 3 List of .......... 110 Ineligible Applicants: How declared in Council 44 Sup. Secy, to be notified of 44 Initiation (See Degree) : Of members of Sup. Cl 3 Of applicants for membership; when degree conferred, fees paid at . . . 45 Same, fee paid to W. and O. B. Fund, 69 Same, suspended during epidemic . . 66 Jurisdiction of Councils in regard to initiation of applicants ...... 47-49 Suspended member cannot be initiated as new member . 63 Member of dissolved Council admitted without ceremony of 65 Member readmitted without, after ex- piration of withdrawal card .... 68 Ceremony may be omitted on readmis- sion of member who has perma- nently withdrawn 68 How charter applicants initiated . 79-80, 82 No rebate or repayment of Degree fee 84 Penalty for improperly revealing pro- cedure on 97 Inquiry Committee: Complaints referred to by Regent . . 100 Who constitute ; duties . 101 Installation of Officers : Supreme Councii 6 Grand Council 22 Council 31 New Council . 87 Consolidated Council 83 Instituting Officers : How appointed by Sup. Reg 8 Duties of 81 Insurance Companies : Law of Mass, governing investments of 118 Interest: On bank deposits of Supreme Council, how disposed of H On same, of Council 36 Intoxicating Liquors: Applications not received from dealers in 42 Penalty for excessive use of 97 Investigating Committee: S. S. to design form for use of Chair- man 11 Appointed on application 42 Report of, read in Cl 43 Reading report of, at called meeting illegal 43 Form of notice and report 126 On Deposit of Card : How appointed 66 Form of report 127 Investments : Of the Supreme Council: Examined by Com. on Finance ... 12 Rule governing Sup. Trustees in mak- ing 13 Laws of Mass., governing, of Sup. Cl., 118 Of a Council: Trustees to make and have charge of . 36 Jewels: Guide to have charge of, in Cl. .... 36 Must be as prescribed; description of, 90 Judicature : Law relating to 93 (See Charges, Trials.) PAGE Jurisdiction : When exercised by Supreme, Grand, and Sub. Cls. in misconduct of offi- cers and members 99, 100 Jurisdiction of Councils : What constitutes, in regard to initia- tion 47 Over places where no Council . . . 47 In places where more than one Coun- cil 298 In cities 48 Application to Council in the same . 47-8 Applications from jurisdiction of an- other Council 49 Penalty for violation of 49 Lectures : Supreme Orator to deliver 9 Orator to deliver 34 Life Members: Incorporators of Sup. Cl. are .... 3 List of HO Liquor : (See Intoxicating Liquors.) Loss of Benefit Certificate : Procedure in case of 54 Blank form for 130 Massachusetts : Laws of, under which Sup. Cl. incor- porated 110-19 Medical Examination : How laws relating to, amended ... 19 General law relating to 54 What constitutes legal 57 Must be approved before admission of applicant 58 Fees for, must accompany application, 42 Fees for 58 Required for reinstatement 63 Copy of form for 121 (See Medical Examiners, Supervis- ing Medical Examiners.) Medical Examiner-in-Chief: Appointed by Sup. Reg 54 Duties of 55-6 Make annual report to S. C 55 Term of office and removal 56 Medical Examiners: Commissioned by Sup. Reg 56 Qualifications of 56 Removal of 57 Duties of 57 For new Council 57 No examination legal unless made by a commissioned 57 Fee for, must accompany application, 42 Minimum fee for 58 Medical Examiners’ Blanks : Revenue of S. C. from 17 Form for, prescribed by S. C 57 Copy of form for 121 Meetings : Of Supreme Council : Annual and special 2 Outside of Massachusetts 110 Of Grand Councils 22 Of Councils 27 Member at Large : Member of dissolved Council may become 65 Same 76-7 How member of suspended Council secure rights of 76 Membership : Age and other qualifications for . . . 41-2 INDEX 139 PAGE Members of the Order : Object to aid and educate 2 Object to pay benefit on death of . . 2 A Council to consist of not less than eleven • 26 Seven may call special meeting of a Council 27 Six constitute a quorum 27 When a, may be chosen to preside . . 27 Must be in good standing to be eligible for office 30 Collector keeps account with .... 35 Collector to notify Regent of those delinquent and not entitled to vote . 35 Relief Committee to visit sick .... 38 Only Degree entitles to benefits ... 46 Rights of, after Degree conferred . . 46 Initiation of, suspended during epi- demic 46 Fees paid at initiation 45 Disposition of fees 46 Applications of, sent to S. S. for B. C., 50 Must sign and accept B. C 50 If member absent, how B. C. ac- cepted 51 Who may be beneficiaries of • • • • 51 Cannot designate beneficiary by will . 52 Cannot secure creditors by B. C. . . 52 Cannot assign B. C • • • 52 Cannot designate foreign beneficiary . 52 How beneficiary of, may be changed, 53-4 Issue of new B.C. cancels all pre- vious B. Cs. issued to 54 When dues paid 59 When in arrears for dues 59 How suspended for non-payment of . 60 Arrears for fine 60 Suspension for fine 60 May correct mistake in age 60 May live in proscribed territory and foreign countries 61 Compulsory sick benefit 61 Additional sick benefit 62 How paid 62 If member in arrears 62 If under charges 62 If member absent, furnish proof ... 62 Must attend sick members 62 Application for . 62 Conditions required ; new med. exam. 63 When cannot be reinstated 63 Ballot on 64 Rate of assessment after reinstate- ment 63 If application rejected 64 After punishment by suspension . . 64 Suspension by mistake or neglect . . 64 Notices of, to S. S 64 Old B. C. in force at reinstatement . 64 Of Dissolved Councils: How may protect themselves 64 When admitted as new 65 May become member at large 65 A suspended member of dissolved Council 65 Withdrawal of, to join another Cl. . . 66 Deposit of withdrawal card by .... 68 Final withdrawal of 68 Travelling card for 68 Rate of assessment of, for each age . . 69 Record of payments to W. and O. B. Fund „ 70 Change of rate of Amounts paid on death of .... - . 71 Proof of death and payment of death benefit 71-3 Fine for each on suspension of Coun- cil 76 PAGE Members of the Order, continued. Entitled to benefits for thirty days after suspension 76 Of Councils suspended and dissolved for non-payment of assessment ... 76 Laying and collection of assessments from, and suspension for non-pay- ment • 77 Number of, required for new Council . 79 Of consolidated Councils 82-3 Not allowed monetary consideration for securing applications ...... 84 Reinstatement of, when Council sus- pended three months 86 Regalia of 89 Jewels of 90-1 Uniform of 91 Circulation of unauthorized circulars by, prohibited 94 Offences of, and penalties 97 Complaints and charges against .... 100 Jurisdiction of Sup. Cl. in misconduct of 99, 100 Trials of, ordered by S. R. or G. R. . . 102 Trials of, by Councils 103 Appeals by 106 Same, procedure on 107 Same, decision of Sup. Cl. final .... 1 Mercy : Councils to inculcate and practise . . 125 Mileage : To whom paid 18 Misconduct : (See Non-feasance, Charges, Trials.) Misrepresentation : (See Offences, Penalties, Charges.) Mistake : In age by member, how corrected . . 60 If suspension caused by, how mem- ber reinstated 64 Monetary Consideration : Not allowed members for securing ap- plications 84 Neglect: Reinstatement of member whose sus- pension was caused by 64 New Councils: Institution of ; law governing . . . 79-82 Supplies for, with charter 88 How dues for, fixed 18 (See Councils and Instituting Officers.) New Medical Examination: Upon reversal of decision by Super- vising Med. Exr 58 Of members of councils suspended three months 86 Of applicants r "ter sixty days .... 44 Of applicant, if ordered by a Council, 45 For reinstatement of suspended mem- ber 63 Not required for reinstatement after punishment 64 Nomination of Officers : (See Elections of Officers.) Non-feasance : Of Grand Councils 93 Of Councils 94 Of Officers 95 Objections to Applicants: Procedure on, in same jurisdiction . . 48-9 Procedure on, from another jurisdic- tion • 49 For charter, in places where Councils exist 81-2 Objects of the Order Statement of 2 140 INDEX PAGE Obligation of the Order: Applicant must sign 45 Penalty for violation of .97 Charter applicants obligated .... 79-80 Copy of 123 Occupations : List of proscribed .......... 42 Applicant must state his ... . • 42 Offences, Penalties, and Judica- ture: Law governing 9° (See Non-feasance, Charges, Trials.) Officers : Of the Supreme Council: Titles 5 Eligibility 5 Nomination and Election 6 Installation 6 Duties of 6 Bonds of 13 Delivery of property to successor . . 15 Misconduct and non-feasance of . . . 95 Suspension and removal of, how ordered 95 Of Grand Councils: Same as those of S. C. ....... 22 Election and installation 22 Misconduct and non-feasance of . . . 95 Suspension and removal of, how ordered summarily 98 Complaints and charges against ... 99 Trials of, ordered by S.,R. or G. R. . 102 Removal of proceedings against . . . 106 Appeals from decision of 106-8 Of Councils: Titles and term 28 Qualification of 30 Promotions 30 Election of 31 Installation of 31 Vacanies in, how filled 32 Removals by the Council ...... 32 If under charges 32 May be fined for wilful non-attend- ance 84 Misconduct and non-feasance of . . . 95 Suspension and removal of, how ordered summarily 98 Complaints and charges against ... 99 Trials of, ordered by S. R. or Gr. R. . 102 Removal of, proceedings against . . . 106 Appeals from decision of 106-8 Official Decisions: How promulgated; final daring re- cess 8 Have effect of laws 8 Sup. Secy, to number consecutively . 11 Of Sup. Reg. on appeals, final during recess 198 Opposition to Applicant: Penalty for divulging 97 Orator : Duties of 34 Regalia, jewel, uniform for .... 89-91 Member of Inquiry Committee . . . . 101 Orders on Sup. Treas. : Signed by S. R 7 Drawn by S. S. 9 Original Jurisdiction : (See Jurisdiction.) Papers, R. A. : S. S. prepare statements for 10 Paraphernalia : Guide has charge of, in Cfl 36 Trunk for, with supplies for new Council 88 PAGE Parliamentary Law: Cushing’s Manual the Guide .... 92 Other rules, how adopted and ap- proved 92 Passwords: How instituted ... . 7 How promulgated 9 Communicated to Gr. Cls. . ..... 22 Are secrets to be kept inviolate; penalty for improperly revealing . . 97 Past Regent: May sign application for institution of G.C 20 Elected at institution of Cl 28 Resignation of 29 Eligible for Rep. and Alt 29 When elected Acting Sitting P.R. . . 29 When presides in Cl 27 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . . 89-91 Past Supreme Regent: How created 6 i Penalties : Law governing 95 (See Charges, Non-feasance, Trials.) Per Capita Tax : Revenue of S. C. from 17-18 Rule governing, for new Councils . . 18 Revenue of G. C. from 21 Duty of Regent to draw order for . . 33 Collector to make out report of . . . 35 On member admitted by card .... 18 When paid by Grand Councils . . .18, 24 When paid by Councils ....... 85 Receipt for, produced before installa- tion 87 Penalty for non-payment of : By a Grand Council 93-4 By a Council 94 Per Diein: To whom paid; fixed by S. C 18 Pestilence : Initiation of applicants suspended during 46 Place ; Definition of, in regard to jurisdic- tion of Cl 47 Private Business: Penalty for improperly revealing, of a Council 97 Proscribed Occupations : List of, of applicants 42 (See Intoxicating Liquors.) Proscribed Territory: Territory proscribed 81, 84 Member* may reside in 61 Existing Councils in 84 New Councils not instituted in ... . 81 ; Punishment : Reinstatement after suspension by . . 64 Council must fix order of, after con- viction 104 Penalty that may be inflicted by a Trial Committee 103 (See Offences, Penalties, Judicature.) Quarterly Dues: When paid . 59 When member in arrears for .... 59 Suspension for non-payment of . . . 60 Quorum : ! Of the Supreme Council 3 Of a Council 27 R. A. Papers : 8. S. prepare statement for Rate : (See W. & O. B. Fond, Application, Members.) 10 INDEX. 141 Records : Of Supreme Council . Sup. Secy, to report proceedings .. » Sup. Secy, to have charge of 40 Of a Council: Secretary to keep ^ e ^dust he worn in Council ...... 89 Of members Of officers Color of ^May sign application for institution of O. Qualification for ..... • • • • • Retiring, to occupy chair of Sitting P. R Duties of Member of Relief Committee . . . . Draw order for tax, even if Council refuse to pay May order members to attend sick . . Authorized to draw sick benefit . . . May call special meeting on deaths . Appoint Committee on deaths .... Certify delivery of order ...... 73 Announce suspension of member lor 89 20 non-payment of assessment . . ■ • Deliver effects of dissolved Council . 75 Regalia of ™ Jewel of *:lr Uniform of • • Duty of, to make complaints ... JW Complaints made to, by members . . 100 Appeal from decision of 107 Reinstatement : Of Grand Councils , „ . By S. R., upon removal of cause ol suspension 25 Of Councils : Qc . After suspension for three months . 86 After suspension for non-payment of assessment • • • • • While under suspension, Council not recognized except on business per- taining to • • ; • , 75 ’ 84 Effects of dissolved Council restored ^ Mode of reinstatement of dissolved Cl 86 Of Members : , , If suspended in proscribed territory or foreign country General law governing . . - • • • • Of suspended member of dissolved Council • • • • * 65 Of Council suspended more than three months 8b Rejected Applicants: If rejected by ballot If rejected by Inves. Com 44 Applicant may cause rejection .... 44 Reported to Sup. Secy 44 Relief Committee : . Who compose; duties of Relief of Members : Second object to establish fund for . . 2 Relief Committee ; duties 38 Compulsory sick benefit • bl Additional sick benefit b2 Member not entitled to, if in arrears . 62 Member not entitled to, if under charges • • • • • • • * i b " If member absent, furnish proof of disability ...-•••• Sick members to be attended • • • • Written notice necessary to compel payment of dues and assessments . 61 PAGE Removal : Of Supreme officers • Of Grand officers 9o, 98 Of Council Officers : i By a Council 32 By the Supreme or a Grand Regent . 98 Of Proceedings after Complaint : How ordered ; further proceedings . . 106 Representative : From Grand Council: n How initiated in S. C £ When additional, elected 3 From delinquent G. C * Resignation of 4 Rep. and Alt. not admitted same meet- ing ... \ Credentials of . . . ” When elected by G. C "3 When additional, elected by G. C. . 2 3 Vacancy in, how filled 23 From a Council : Each Cl. entitled to one in G. C. . . . 23 When elected 29 Qualification for 2" Election of additional Rep 30 Duties of ... Restaurant Keepers : (See Intoxicating Liquors.) Revenue : Of Supreme Council : What constitutes 17 Of Grand Councils: ' What constitutes • • • • • 21 Roll-Book and Application Record : Form for, printed by Sup. Cl 3 Salaries: Who receive, fixed by S. C 18 Sea Of Sup. Cl. Sup. Secy, has charge of, 9 Of a Council, design and use of ... 27 Of a Council, Secy, to have charge of, 34 Secretary : . Duties of, general 34 Duties of, in Regard to Applications: Receive fees accompanying 42 How dispose of fees • 46 Sign Inves. Com. report when author- ized Notify to go to Med. Ex r 4 2 Present reports to Cl. . . ... • • 4 3, 44 Record rejection and notify S. S. . . 44 Notify applicant of election ..... 44 Sign consent for applicant to join in another jurisdiction 49 Notify Sup. Secy, of rejections ... 44 Same, in Regard to Benefit Certificates : Forward appn. and fee to S. S. ... 60 Witness acceptance of B. C 50 Forward B. C. to absent member . 51 Forward surrendered B. C. for change, 53 Change of beneficiary takes effect when B. C. delivered to 54 Same, in Regard to Medical Examina- tions: _ „ , Med. Exr. in Chief and State Med. Exrs. return papers to 55 Notify Med. Exr. of rejections . ... 5o Pay fees for, to Med. Exr 58 Same, in Regard to Members: Receive notice of total disability . . . Forward to S. S. papers relating to re- instatement 64 Forward papers relating to change of rate Sign report of death . . . . . . • • • 1 1-2 Notified of transmission of order to . •*•••• ••• T3 61 Treas. 142 INDEX PAGE Secretary, continued. Certify delivery of order to bene- ficiary 73 Sign statement in regard to death of beneficiary 73 Furnish copy of charges to 101 Read charges on trial, etc 104-105 Same , in Regard to Assessments : Acknowledge call and notify Coll. . . 74 Notified by Treas. of forwarding . . 74 Notify Sup. Secy, of forwarding . . . 74 Notified of suspension of Council . . 75 Record and notify Sup. Secy, of sus- pension of member 78 Receive notice of new Council in same place 80 1 Make report on consolidation of Coun- cils 83 | Regalia of 89 j Jewel of .... 90 Uniform of 91 Secret Work : (See Book of Duties). Sup. Secy, to have charge of 10 Penalty for improperly revealing . . 97 Semi-Annual Reports : G. C. make to S. C 24 Secy, to make, for Cl 34 Collector to make, of Council dues . . 35 By Councils to Supreme and Grand Councils 85 Penalty for not making rfeports by Cl. 94 Semi-Monthly Report: Sup. Treas. to make 11 1 Sentry : Duties of 36 ! Regalia, jewel, uniform of 89-91 1 Sets of Supplies : Revenue of S. C. from 17 Revenue of G. C. from 21 What furnished in 88 Must be paid for on delivery 88 Sick Benefits: When member entitled to; how paid, 61-2 (See Relief of Members.) Sick Members : (See Relief of Members.) Signs : Penalty for improperly revealing . . 97 Sitting Past Regent: Retiring Regent occupy station of . . 28 Same, have honors of P.R 29 Duties of 34 Member of Inquiry Committee . . . 101 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . 89-81 ting Past Supreme Regent : Duties of • . . . . 12 Member of Com. on 8. of 0 14 Sixty Days : Medical examination void after ... 44 Social Entertainments : Orator to present to Council 34 Special Committees : How appointed in Supreme Council . 7 Special Deputies : How appointed by S. R 8 Special Meetings: Of the Supreme Council 2 Of Councils : How called 27 Notice of 27 Stamp : (See Collector’s Stamp.) Standing Committees : Of the Supreme Council: List of Elective 5 Duties of 12 Standing Committees, continued. Records and reports of 45 Compensation of j is Of Councils: List of, appointed by Regent .... 33 Duties of Relief Committee 38 Finance Committee .... 38 Auditing Committee ... 38 State Medical Examiners : Appointed by Sup. Reg 5t Duties of ... 55-6 Term of office and removal 56 (See Supervising Medical Examiners.) Stated Meetings : Of Councils ; how fixed 27 Statistics : Sup. Secy, to compile and furnish . . 11 Summary Suspension : Of Grand and Subordinate Councils . 95 Of Grand and Subordinate Officers . 98 Supervising Medical Examiners : Appointment of, by S. R 54 Duties of 55_6 Members of Grand Councils 55 Term of office and removal 56 Fee for, must accompany application, 42 Fee for, paid to Med. Exr. by Secy. . 58 Forwarded to, by Med. Exr 57 When may reverse decision 58 (See Medical Examiner-in-Chief, State Medical Examiners, and Medical Ex- aminers.) Supplies : Sup. Sec. to have charge of, of S. C. - 10 Duties of committee in relation to . . 14 How price of, fixed 14 Revenue of S. C. from 17 Revenue of G. C. from 21 For existing Councils, law relating to, 87 For new Councils, law governing . . 88 When not furnished by S. C. to Cls. under G. C 22 Supreme Chaplain: Duties of 12 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . . 89-91 Supreme Council: Name and powers 1 Objects of the Order 2 Meetings 2 Membership 3 Officers of 5 Compensation of officers 18 Duties of officers 6 Duties of standing committees .... 12 Bonds of officers ; delivery of property, 15 Dispensations for charters 16 Issuing of charters 16 Revenue of 17 Mileage, per diem 18 How amendments to const, and laws adopted 19 Reports to, from Gr. Cls 24 Councils come under, when G. C. dis- solved 25 Prescribe form of application .... 42 Prescribe form of medical examina- tion 43 Prescribe or authorize Degree cere- mony 46 Approve form of call for assessment . 74 Reports of Councils to 85 When shall restore effects of dissolved Council 86 Forms printed by 88 Supplies purchased from, paid for on delivery 88 Regalia, jewels, and uniform for mem- bers of 89-91 INDEX. 143 PAGE | Supreme Council, continued. May order suspension or dissolution ot G. C. or a Cl • • • • • ,• 94 Suspension and removal of otncers of 95 Jurisdiction of, in misconduct of mem- bers 99 Fame, when exercised • When may order removal of proceed- ings after complaint •■•••••• Appeal to, from decision of S. R. • • io< During recess of, decision of Sup. Reg. final Charter of • • • • • 109 Laws of Mass, under which incorpo- rated 111 Supreme Guide: Duties of ....... Regalia, jewels, and uniform of . . 89-91 Supreme Orator: Duties of • • • • ■ • • * -7 Member of Com. on State of Order . 14 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . 89-91 Supreme Regent : General duties of Member of Com. on Supplies . . • . 14 Approve designation of depositories . 14 Bond of Install G. C. officers • • • ■ ZA Grand Regents make bi-monthly re- ports to 24 G. C. forward publications to ... . 24 Grant dispensations for charters ... 16 Retiring S. R. sign charter ..... 17 Authorize institution of G. C. . . . . 20 Demand effects of dissolved G. C. . . 25 May suspend initiations during epi- demic ••••■; 46 May authorize initiation within 30 days May fine Council for failure to give notice to Council in same place . . May fine Council for violation of juris- diction • •••••.•.*• 49 May overrule objections to admission of applicant • • 49 Decision on proof of dependency final 62 Appoint and remove Supervising Med. Exrs 64-5 Commission and remove Med. Exrs. . 56-7 May give special permits for examina- tion * 67 May authorize physician to examine for reinstatement 63 May reinstate member suspended by mistake • • • • • • 94 May require further proof of death . 72 Sign order to pay death benefit ... 72 Notified of suspension of Council . . 75 Notified of reinstatement of Council, 75-6 May declare Council dissolved after two months 76 When cannot authorize removal of Council .... • 80 May overrule objections of existing Council • • • • • 61 Appoint Deputy to visit new C’l. . . 82 May appoint Deputy to supervise consolidation of Councils 83 Fee for dispensation requested of . . 84 Duty of. as to dissolved Councils . . 85-6 Deputy represents in S. C. jurisdic- tion 86 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . . 89-91 May order forfeiture of charter by G. C. or 94 , summary action by 9o 48 Supreme Regent, continued. Duty of, in regard to suspension and removal of Supreme officers . . . 95-6 Same, in case of admission by mis- representation ®7 May summarily remove Grand or Sub- ordinate officers 98 Duty of, on Complaints : Against Grand or Subordinate Coun- cils * 99 Against Grand or Subordinate offi- cers •*.••• 99 Jurisdiction of, in regard of miscon- duct of members 99 Same, when exercised 106 Trials ordered by ; procedure on . . 102 Power to enforce decision of Trial Committee • • 498 May remove proceedings after com- plaint 106 Appeals from decision of 106-7 Same, procedure on 107 Supreme Secretary: General duties of 6 Member of Com. on Supplies .... 14 Bond of ... 16 Lay assessments for W. and O. B. F., 73-4 Councils make reports to ..... . 85 Prepare forms for blanks 87 Blanks procured from 88 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . 89-91 Keep record of rejected applicants . 44 Duties in regard to benefit certifi- cates 50 ~ 54 Notified of reinstatements and rejec- tions • 64 Issue card to member of dissolved Council 64 Keep record of members at large . . 65 Issue new B. C. on change on rate . . 70-1 Duties in payment of death benefits, 72-3 Duties in laying assessments . . . 73-4-5 Duties on suspension of Councils . . 75-6 Issue card to member of suspended Cl 76-7 Notified of suspension of member . . (8 Reports to, on consolidation of Coun- cils 88 Councils make reports to 8o D. S. R. make report to, of official visits 8 7 Supreme Sentry: Duties of ...•••• Jewel, regalia, and uniform of . . . 89-91 Supreme Treasurer: General duties of H Bond of 16 Retiring, how turn over funds .... lo Duties of, in payment of death benefit, 43 Receives money for W . and O. B. F., 74 Reports receipts daily to S. S 75 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . . 89-91 Supreme Trustees : Standing Committee of Sup. Cl. ... 5 Duties of • • • 13 Members of Com. on Depositories . . 14 To approve and hold sundry bonds . 15 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . ... 95 Supreme Vice-Regent: Duties of • • • • 8 Member of Com. on State of Order . 14 Member of Com. on Supplies .... 14 Member of Com. on Removal of Offi- cers • • • • • 9 f When discharges duties of S. R. . • 8 Supreme Warden: Duties of ^ • • • 72 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . 89-91 144 INDEX Suspensions: Of Grand Councils : For misconduct and non-feasance . . 9°, Summary suspension by S. R 95 On decision of Trial Committee . . . 103 Of Councils : By Grand Councilor G.R. for con- tempt 21 For non-payment of assessment . . .75-6 For misconduct and non-feasance . . 76 Summary suspension by S. R. or G. R. 95 On decision of Trial Committee ... 103 Of Officers : For misconduct and non-feasance . . 95-6 Summary suspension of Grand and Subordinate officers by S. R. or G. R. 98 . On decision of Trial Committee ... 103 Of Members : For non-payment of dues 59 For non-payment of fines 59 For non-payment of assessments . 77-80 In proscribed territory or foreign country 61 By punishment; how reinstated . . . 61 For misconduct and offences against the laws 97_g By judgmeut of Trial Committee . . 103 (See Reinstatement of Members.) (See Per Capita Tax.) Tellers : Duties of . Total Disability : (See Relief of Members.) Travelling Cards : Revenue of S. C. from 17 How granted ; if refused 68 Form for, printed by S.C 88 Copy of form for 129 Treasurer : General duties of 35 Duties of, in forwarding assessments . 74 Duties of, in payment of death benefit, 73 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . . S9-91 Trial Committee : (See Trials.) Trials : Ordered by S. R. or G. R 102 By Councils Removal of proceedings after comi m Plaint 106 Trustees : Duties of ....... 36 Regalia, jewel, uniform of 89-91 Uniform : Must be as prescribed ; description of, 91 Vacancies : In Supreme Council Officers : When filled by Supreme Reg 7 Vacancies , continued. When caused by removal; how filled. 95 In Grand Council Officers : When caused by removal; how - ^ lled • • 95,98, 103 In Council Officers : How filled by Council 32 When caused by removal by S. R.’or GK R qc Vice-Regent: Duties of 34 Member of Relief Committee . . . . 38 Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . 89-91 Member of Inquiry Committee ... 101 Virtue: Vis^lf UnC ^ S to inculcate and practise . . 125 Supreme Orator to make 9 Deputy make, to new Council .... 82 Warden: Duties of 36 . , Regalia, jewel, and uniform of . . 89-91 W. and O. B. Fund: Fifth object to establish 2 Duties of S. T. relating to . . . . ! n Sup. Treas. to keep separate accounts of i! How laws governing, amended ... 19 Gr. Cls. no control over 21 Approval of, by laws relating to . . . 40 One advance assessment for, paid at initiation 6 Rate and record of payment by mem- bers to 69, 70 Changes of rate of payment to, by members . . . 79-1 Payments from the fund . 71 Proceedings on claim for death benefit from 7j_3 Laying and collection of assessments for, from Councils 73-4-5 Councils suspended and dissolved for non-payment of assessments for . . 75-6 Same, rights of members of 76-7 Laying and collection of assessments for, from members, and suspension for non-payment Councils forward statements of, to Sup. Secy 85 Appeals relating to, taken direct to wmf up ' *** 107 Beneficiary cannot be designated by . 52 Withdrawal Cards: Revenue of S. C. from • . 17 From one Cl. to join another . . . . ! 66 Deposit of 67 Form for, printed by S. C ! ! ' 88 Copy of forms for 127-8 (See Final Withdrawal.)